WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY SEPT EMBE R 5, 1923 Mrs, J. H . Colema n wal on the lick list, Ilist week ;--- - Mi!8 Ruth Stan~berry. of Dayton . 'pent Illat week here with rela~
~ ,
One Qf the Present Day Wonders
Labor Day. waa uBhered In with a damp. drizzlin g rain. and for a time the weathe r conditio ns were BUC~ that it seemed the celebr<1tlon at Phillips park would have to be post· poned. About noon the sun was trylnll to ahine. and the afterno on proved to be rather pleasan t. A fairly good crowd Qlsembled at the park • .and the enterta inment given was very good. and every. one went away feelinlr that they were well repaid for going. The prlzea given were all worth while, and were contellted for with a vim. Following are the contests and wlnnen :
There are lots of attracti ons at th e Wm. Robert. on, of Dayton . apent Warre, County fair this year, Sept. SUDday here vial tin. frlendl. . ember 11. 12. IS and 14.
Winter is Upon Us .Are your buildings in prop er repa ir? Hav e you .mad e you r stock com-, fortable in wint er quar ters? Hav eyo u built that chicken h ou se you pro mi sed you r wife? Hav e you put dow n that feeding floor for the pigs? Hav e you laid the cem ent walk arou nd the house and yard ? .. You may need a few shingles, a few boards, a little plaster,
A little of this, And a little of . that
La~::I~~et~~ ~~t~O~~:~~::
Sh oe s fo r th e W ho le Fa m ily In any Style, Wid th and Size
c'o~ ._'
Bu th~ LaIIIber ....ti BuUdiDI ' Material for BftI'1 Parpoae aDd PIaee that 10U may Deed it.
Wa)'Deaville. Ohio
Th, clau of '21 held tbeir annual reunion .' last Friday livening. at S ' '1\ T f h .penclr 9 saw mi. en out 0 t e elghte: n were present . and al\ had a good tlmll. Welne~8 furnbbe d the menu for the occasion.
MR. Julia Donovan had al her gueata for Bupper Monda yevenln i. ~rll. Chas. Wrllllht and dau,hte r. Elizabe th. Mr. and Mn. Jeaae Wright . Dr. and Mrs. A . T. Wrlaht . Mrs. Llna Devitt. Mra. J. B. ChapThe ballaam e between the Clerkl man and lion, Robert. and the Comme rcial club waa ·a hotl, conteste d one. the Bcore up to the Mr. and F. H. Miitenberiller bad eighth innina belnlt 4 to 1. but tbe as their guests Sunday for dinner. Clerks went up in the air In the ninth Mrs. Mary E. Louil. Mr . and Mri. and the Club tied the score. but in H, E. Legler. Mr. and Mra. J. C. the tenth the Clerks put over the Whyte and daughte r, Mary lAmore. winning run. Tberew ullagoo ddeal of Dayton , and Mr. and MrI.J. H. of scrappln ll, especIally Billainat the Smith, of Waynesville. most honest umpire that Will ever on the field . Tbe Clerks got a good Mr. and Mrs. E. S. B.i1y enterbox of cigars from C. C. Cook, for tained at dinner, Monday, Mn.Ch u. winning the Ilame. Wright and dallght er, ot Duquel ne. There were no contest ants for the - - - ~-------church and Sunday · school havlnlll tbe Pa. Mr. and Mrll. J eSBe Wright , of 1 Springb oro', Dr. and Mrs. A. T. p 8 ent Wright , Mra. Julia Donova n, Mr. in and Mn. J. B. Chapma n and M_rl. one vehicle Will given to Chal. BradM'I88 Ruth Newlan d, of Chicago, It i Mert Baird, Alfred and Elliott the gueat of W. H Allen and familV ' 1 bury, of Oregon ia, he baving seven In hill machin e. He received 52 in Wright and Charlea and Robert 1" Chapma n. trade at D. R. Smith'lI Itore. . Have ,our Tubes vulcani led at the --. . Mother with I.he Waynesville Auto and Machin ery Co. I Jargelt tamlJ, of (Contin ued from laat week) The WayneavJlle Comme rcial club daulrht erl, no cont.ta llta. On Friday evening . Geol'8e and . enterta ined the Rotarv club, of Leb' l t I t I We are proud of Mr. Katblee HardlD n Henden oD enterta ined a g 811 d f I t Wed d t Pbllr W. N. Sears an. ami yepen III '! bein a Christia n ruler. How The larlrellt I.mlly prnent wu well anon, as nee ay a 1111 won by Thomu Hardin, who re- merr, compan y of their yoanlr week with relative s In Greenvilld, h g I'fi d th d f the ~ark. The late afterno on wu spent ceived one gallon of Ohl ice cream trom friend. at a lawn party at their ! e eXf:'mp I e OHe wor s o . 10 • Irame of indoor bue bail aDd o. . psalmis t, "The God of Israel said. after five innings the home. The lawn wu Ilgbted with g.m~ wu W. C. Phl1llps . Russell Hale, of Springf ield, spent I the Rock of Israel spake to me-:-He electric IIllhtB and taeteful l,. decora· called on account of darknll ll, end • . Fatber with tbe larlCest lamlly of th week-end with Dan and Forrest Ithat ruleth over men must ted with Japanes e lantern l and dowbe Just,. i t' 80nl went to Jllle Burton. who raBr:wn. ruling in the fear of ~od." It II ~ lD~h: ~o~: wu 22 22. and hadlcel voo a S2 roast from Jeff Smith, ers. Dancing , muaic and out·doo r , Imatter of congrat ulation s to Amerl· the Commercial club toended games were enjoyed throulrb out the the pme tbe butcher . Mrs. Klipper t,. of Blanche ster, lcans that no infidel or atheist evening . DaiDtv rtfreabm enta were ~n be with tllelr orllrlna llina-up , the 1IC0r. The oldeet man on the ~roundl IIpent last week With her elater. Mri. elected to the higlilest o~ce eervOO. In our mi ht have been differen t. There were aixty ll'Ueeta The WBI OWln Burnet, who received $1 Llda Smith . Klft Eight of our presuJe nts have Il th present . b t _ _ worth . of b.rberl . n, . from . Lee Hawke game roug uu wq a ee. . . been Episcop alians. elgbt ed be J Tbe ba.viea t man prov SpeCial -PrIZes for Farm Boreau ' l Presbyt erians. four Method ists were Old ball la e" were In evidenc e on to • Mill8ee Luella William80n and Ellie and both id P Yb i d b er. B, Pence, who received Grange . Boys' and Girls' work. Get ' foUf Unitarl an8 two Dutch a $1.26 dlllh Bawke entertai ned at the home of O fteform . ta a es, w b tDb l1iljfon e y,W . r for a prize IIlrbt from the Wa,nee vllle Motor the former, a number layen, U UI n. . carea b ave S b I r p of their III me . I Ied while of the. ' enti~e num . er, only made them forget tbe pme, and a el qaDCY· friendll on Mondl1 . Septem ber'S; in Mr. and Mn. John Smltb epent two were not Identifi ed With lOme with ltiff knees and IIUff arm. it WBI The :prettie tlt girl proved to be honor of Harold Wllllam80n. Sunday with Frank Miltenb erger . cburch. and even lbt:y were The Chriat· comical in the extrem e to Me tbem Evelyn Johnl, who aot a $160 Jon· evening was spent In pl.ylng carda ian believe rs. an d f am II 'i, 0 f Rou te 6. to. t t ta f I teel Double Compac t from the Olde,- and varloua other games, after wbich II un 0 ong ago. We are proud of him beeauee of • "",mp During the progrellB of the g.me P .ce Drng 1". vw. LOST DOG-S hepher d and hound his courtes y and dignity . delicloua refresh ments were served Anyone Marlba l Bentley arrested J. A. KiI: .Man and wife from the longllt by theh0 8t_. Thelnv ltedgue sta cr088ed ; yellow and whih'; tail half of humble position who approac hed patrick who w.s the umpire for dlutanc e were Prof. and Mrs. Wm. were the MiSBt!8 Luelle St. John, length . Call Ralph Weller. I' him would be r . eceived wilh as much parkln~ wrong while in Wayn~ville M~chene r, of ~ittsburg: Pa., wbo r~ Esther Hender80n, Kathlee n Bender · . courtes y as though he were one of receDtly, but throulrh the good ce!ved a year a aubacrl ption to the lon, Doris Hender son, Amy Our store will be closell all day , the chief llIen of th(~ natIOn . Tholle HopkinB of ces of several membel '8 of the Com. Miami Gazette , Mary Margar et Unglesb y, J.net Tuesday. Septem ber ll. on account II us wh~ saw h!m in A~ril, 1922 when mercial club, theump irew....llowed Mother of tbe prettiea t bab, , of Cartwr ight. Mildred Hole, of Jewish holiday . Myer Hyman . he viSited Clllclnnatl felt Gladya that he to 110 on hill way and judging from wbich it .w.. hard to jurige, wal Kllbon, Elizabe tb and Frances Henkle . worthil y represe nted the dignity of hi' work 81 umpire he ought to have 11: 75 worth of coffee from the Kro- Francell Watkin s, Mr. und Mrs, ~ohn Ro.blDson and I the nation and was every incb Doris Bawke. a man been arr~ated any way. for rank de. Irer Co ., .Dd "u won by Mr•. Paul Kathry n Turner , Margar et Marlatt , daughte r, of Cmclnn atl. ar~ the of the nobll/st charact er. cllions. Aside from this one Inter- Brown. , guests of Bowell Peirce and Wife. Ola Hllrt80ck, the Meaars, Burnet t To see ~hat. he .reully 'was let UII ruptlon the lun w8llallowed to go OD. Girls' 60 yard dlllh, 12 to 16 yeara. Butterw orth, Howard Cook, Raymon Mr. Hannah Antram returne d compar e him w~th I!ome contem por' Alter the game, waterm elon wall wa. won by Ada Shaner, a '1.25 and Walker Batfleld , Levi Coatea. home from Springb oro. Saturda y, a~v rulers. It III almost an insulth1to lened In abunda nce to the lrUelta beGr~hal ~o60lIar frodmd.~ ~er8Hym1 . k b . 2an. Adelbe rt McMiilan, Kennet h St.John h b tt hiS memory even to compar e m and the club Che"ln " .... ,m quite SIC. ut IS very mue ci .... n Ir I e er Wit ,ar ..... to ,Will Melvyn Banta, Ro'bert Vander voort, . h t h at ' •• ~ arrogan t, d omI , • b neer hg, i and cigaret tes allO were puaed. won y 14ary Lo· I Ne IsonaL W !D8 Jr' Ulse Zi mmerm an, J 0 hn P au I B Ref. D. P. Holt hili been assigne d cruel William of Prussia , II man 0 ton. who There Will a good •• lzOO crowd from and Ihe receive d a 11.26 Fluh Llaht John Gons, William Thomas , Carl to New Paris, OhiO, and Rev L.A. e~r8 upon .. S a oulders ~ greater Lebano n, .nd the bOYI were loud In from the Wayneaviile Auto and Ma· NobIll, Kennet h Retalllo k, Charles Waahbu rn will come to Waynesville weight of grief. sonow, mIsery and their praise of the good time shown chinery Co. , Chapma n, Forrest Hough. George devasta tion cBused by him than any them by the Comme rcial elub. In In the 100 yard duh, Seth Tbomu Hender80D, Carlton Cook and Mn, Chas. Wright and d.u,hte r. 1other human beinlt who ever Orville trod all probabi lity a return game will be WOD Hnt, a '1 .60 cake from Roy Pbillips . Elilabe th. of DuqueBne, Pa, are this green earth. Look at . Nicholas, played at Lebano n. MacBeth. aDd Ethan Crane, second, vlalting relative a here and at SDrlng· of Russia, the ruler of one • - • hundred • _ • got In trade from · the Gray" boro. Our atore wl\l be closed all day and eighty million people; a man eo Bogan barber .hop. TUlIPday, Septem ber 11, on account indicisive and vacillatiDg that he Subscri be for the MiamI Gazette (Contin ued on palre 4) C. B. lIett, wife and. two da~lI:h. would accede to almost uny of Jewish holiday . Myer Hyman . requeet ter~CharloUelb. andMaM~oflndla~ madeofhlmbyoneofh~ m~~terl ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ _ __ ~~~ ___ ~~~ ___ ~~~ ___ ~~~ ___ ~~~ ___ ~~~ _ _ •_ ___ ___ ___ __ ~ with relative s. request of another .. Take King The Warren C.. unty Fair thIs year \ ~eorge, of England . better than will be a big event. nood prices ~Ithberil.of thhe otberald~ Ybet a medJiocl re . .d f lng and the 10 a Ity w 0 wou e utter y n· are bemg pal or TIlC. capa ble of filling the exalted posi. entriell guaran tee a fine program . t ion w hi c h was so III d orn ed byour Mr. and Mra . Harley Wilkers on. lamente d preside nt. Mrs Let!\:t:r Gordon and Miss Martha Mr. Hardin g was a statesm .n of We have our Fall line of O'Neall werll Sunday afterno on viR- high rank. By this we mean that itors at the Garner reunion . near he had a keen insight into Footw ear in stock for Men, the tuOregon ia . ture obtaine d by a Bltudy of lhe pas~ Women and Children. - an adaptab ility to c hanges occurHaving bought the paper route of I ring in our nati.lOa l life and envirWe have a complete line Murray Hopkin s. commencing Se p -; onment ; un ability ' to judge and a tember 1. I will try to give you the , grasp of politica l sCience which of ladies' ARCH REST pe· be.t service poII8lble. und will ask all culiarly fitted him to be the head of Shoes. in good makes. patrons for settlem ent every Mon- ; this great nation. dIAY. Glenn Frye. I That he w8lalo ver of peace wu . Every pair is guaranteed ,lIhown by what will probabl F. M. Cole and wife. Fran k Elb on known a8 the IIlreatest event y be to give iatisfa ction or a of hil and wife. Mrs. M.ry Calkey. Mrs. adminis tration the Walhin gton Con new pair FREE . Bertie Earnh~rt, Ray Mills, . Gordon ference . Thill' agreem ent by wbieb Joy, W. E. 0 Neall and family ~ere England , the mletre. ! of the .... We absolutely warra nt you :a savings on any F90t~ear purcha among: thOle who attende d tbe State announ ced heraelf as willinK sed here, to re'falr last week. duce her naval armam ant to aD 'Bring in the Children for their school Shoes, • •
Mr. Parry and MiS! Mary Cook entertai ned at dinner. Sunday . Mr . and Mrs . ~ldLamband Mr. and Mrs. Charleu John •. of Lvtle.
A score of items that go to make yourself and you r stock com forta ble and make the place . look neat and tasty. To let your buildings go ramshackle is to lose mon ey. Keeping them in good cO.nQition is always a profitable investment.
w. B. MADDEN -&
= =.
Don't fall to see lhe Waynesvill e Golnlr to the Warren County falrT Commercial di ~ play at tie Warren Abe Dallln, of Dayton , epent ~un· Counly fllir. day here. The MI_ Falrae and Ruth Snook of Middlet own, have been vl81tinlf John Fromm lpent Sunday with relative . bere. relaUvea In Dayton .
Mrs . C. M. Brown and son. Carrol\ Mr . and Mra. Will St . John and were In Dayton . lust Thursd ay daught er. Rosema ry. of Norwood. Davlll Furnall and family apent apent Sunday bere with relatlve u. ~unday with friend. near Dayton . Quite a few of our people went to Meet your friends at the Warren Dayton . Monday. to visit the fllir. COllnty rair and have a good time. end also to take in the airplane demona tration . Ray Hawke and fallllly, of Dayton Mr. and Mrs. G L. Klnk.id , of epeot Sunday wIth Mr. and Mrs . J. S.rdinl a. and MI88 Leah CrosB. of C. Ba.lle. New Orlean~. La., spent Friday with MIlS Mary lind Mr. Frank Kllpper t the CroBs brother s. of BI.nche ater, spent Sl-Inday with Mri. Llda Smith. Save your Old Carpets and Rugs . and Ket "Wearw ell" Rugs made . Mr. Job Fox and famll,. of MI· Send for Drice IiBt. j<'canklin Itug amillburlll, Ipent Sund.y wIth Mr. cn ., Frankli n, Ohio. and Mra. Harry Murray . Mra. W. A. Beneck e and lon, Del· IIIa1 Charlot te Antram , of Waah· mar. of Ridgevi lle Corners , Ohio. Inaton, D. C., i. the lIluelt of Mr. have been the gue8ta of Mr. and Mrs. and Mri . Geor,e Bartaoo ll. Geo Hartaoc k for the palt few days Our store will be closed all day Mrs . E. M. Oxley a'n d family reo Tueada y. Septem ber 11, on aecoun t turned to Troy, Monday evenina-. of Jewish holida'·. Myer Hyman. after apendln g a couple of months F . B. Henden en, Lee HenderllOn hert'. Mr. Oxley accomp anied them ,and IOn, Boyd. and D. L . Grarie were borne. In Miamiaburll', Sunday afterno on. The regular meetlnlll of St. Mary's Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White lpent Guild will be held at the borne of lIII't'eral days with reI aU •• In Colum. Mrs. Harrll and Mfi. Me Ib.er on bIt k Bnd visIted tbe Slate Thursd ay, Septem btlr 6. at 2 0 clock. U1 • u wee , A full attenda nce II desired . f a1 r. .
Whole Numb er 5558
equality wlth that aDY one nation came III aflflJurprll 8 to tb • . world. . Ooa of bIll best quiaUUee W&I that Earl Wallace . of Klnp MIIIII, went indilpen aable attribu.t e of ~ Ia throa.b town, Sundll1 evenln ., at a ·publlc life, namely , tact· reckleM rate of apeed. He wpl thlB III belt d.-rlbe d b, what , brou.h t bere, Toeedl1 . before; one said of BeDjam alll"ran kJla. Ma,or Boaen . wbo ' pve him tba lnever apoke a "ord too 100ft, , _UBI ,11.10. . Speeda ten' mUlt be never apoke • word too late,
L----./ ~--~~----~--~~--~~~.,
and be insured for fit and wear• . ; .
(CoDtbnled 0111 lJajIe ')
M ¥ E R H ·V M'A N Sboea for M.... Women,80y. and Girl., the.Bab , . _&)'IleftIIIe. .'
" ~.d
II \\'u ~ n ttur~', n IttTt'T IH'~e. ,."\I:U", IUlIl II/win hl'r luln ,i '\\'t'1I1 II IHlllt t ill' IIllhruk,'\\ 1'1 1'('11' ; Ill .. "hnl n hlnlll ll g hl'r WII" 1''''"1'1011' : Ahe, ('r)uld t um n o, ,,;ht ... 1' r Ir hl 'lll; -hI' \\,1\8 ohsolnl'\'ly /I prl. (\III'r, TI \ ~ " ' I't>l\' er hladl'lI nWIlY Ilc'~ ,
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Ill!' Int erl" r ' 'W'Ny vl~llJle, th('rt' v.. ('rp r.o ,t(' l" UJ IJlllt ..::
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VIlDC(',1 j(lng~rI)', ~nt l .ll"l tI ,,, t If "n." oecupunl h nll I"fl his 1)(' 11 h<' 1II 1Ir\ It wouhl ho fou nd In onl' M till' hllnk., She had
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A ~ .. tl r t \ tI tll a t tilt' war W HS d ('n. r , J)ehpI'li h 1111\11. , u Cl uh' k l111 ~t:n ,L!'C rH'rn ~~ thp Ill" .'n l"1"W.', R di m . ~ hp !'l l1y f\J,:'u rt' flepllU: t llrt'uJ{h t h.~ n lJo::ht , Bnti ~1J(" ct'PcIt'i l In oht n lnlnJ.! ,'n l ra l1('P a t t he sltlc d('lor w llil out h() l ng ulisl' r \"PI I. 1"' 11'''- 1 o f n il !-o h,. t1I tI ~ t fl Hh"l.\' enn ('('n l t1 1t, Wt'U ppll ~h(l It nc1 stut!'n , wh ic h ,,"us tel" 1:Il'j.!:t1 unl' l" Ull l h ~ l' S l IOl"" to he ('u r · fled llJl{11J tH'r " ..' !":on n , Allr nw n rOolll
T III ' r e
brin e back railroad prollperity once morc . Thot nleone the restoration
o( .. ailroarling to the plano of a profi t- e~ rnin g incfultry, in order tho t it may e gain attract adequate
capital (or the proper expnn alon of linea nnd facilitie s .
For the preaent
a res t politically i. the mo.t ur,ent requirement in that direction,
Sanchez Laughed Grimly.
lu. . r."
''''I'Il< !l8 YO\l r ,t ust.e runs, "ennr; but h(lw cume sh e to love Will fi e n d of IU\ Aruer!OIn o ?" h Im I" \ ' nnr h ~ roCketl, with la u 'ht r . " H - II , h.. has but @poke to ber. th .. 911 ~ to m, knQwlIlUge. J doUbt It he knows yet tb'; h li DPlllel!8 ,Ill toroa, ~ r II r . ' 'TIe- w/Ult I li ke allout bllIl: b (I uot 88k, lIt' tu kes. r 1MI. A Ihe other il\1 ; she hMec1 ,.. It ' lIIII -11 dId' 'rotlc('. He W11. P,-'Ilro. I.et', stop
*'U'. ant! wtII a"-
bit Ilf Bleep
Proupcroul railroadA, efficien tly operated. are a public n cce •• ity and
the railroad. need only the oppor_ tunitle. that are (.reely accorded to
~ ~
forma of e nterprise to resume
II Pennsylvania
their old poaition of learlerohip in the progreso and advancement of
the c ountry.
I " ~.
Railroad System " The Standard Railroad th. World
fou ry ."
I'£L..LOW \1110
"tI FJ).NIIN TO 'TAl-I(.
• • •
1 ~'nr
h OIl ~ f?,
lentil'. "00' DO work tom orrow. Th. boSll be ma rry." "Marry I the g ri ngo ? B ow Ihu t be ugnln, scn or?" Bnd P edro &o t tip, da n· ~lIng Ills feet o ver Ihe edge of tbe bunk. Sa nc!lcz Innghed gr imly, "Ah. P ed ro, I t orgl't you " 'ere t here. !t "'811 a great night, Wlla It not; ye t. Santa Anna; II counts tor n ot bln lt lhle side the Une, 'TIs no senorltn or Me:!· ! 0 this tim e, b ut one of hlB own rueI', ",hleh 18 dl rror l'Dt; now he lu a r r y for IODg while," "ge w nrry of hIs own rltce- here ?" "Bure; you hnve seen her ; ..he "n reS ror the old sen ora ." "The girl In white r' "'Th Bbi!; nnd Mndre de ()If)~, 1 ","auld It wus I who had he r, P l, lro I Dld e ve r YOU see Bu ch eyc8? Sl1erl\ I I would ri de th rough h- I t o llIu ke he r s mile on we." "1'1111 I" lndJlrer Emtly, "s he l~ t no Ilul e for my t nst e." "Pole I wi th tho,1' ch pekij Hnd IIPR I Uy 111410<1 bo lls at d rclIllI or hllr k iMes, I'd g ive e ve ry ma Id In Mexico (or
"' I'h to I.. nll l,, 'I" ~ l lII p l y "II)' I hl ~. "ThIlll k ~ II \I . '1,\11 I 11 0 11,,1 1I1 111k rll d lltwe t hle n lllll her, I f ed II hi t 11"1"1." 'f ila l lij ull tllUl Is IIl'\: l'S' A . I Rd n :-
" 1,' lIn t IR Ih,' co rred way to " " .
,' xi 'j'p l t h u t I\ f till' I'o nl, In ti lt' ' lC'tndIPc1 ldt.-[ II'Jl . Thp f" '!!IIW'!'i f'f' j..!IJ!n r \\ !Irk wfl lll,l II n \'(' Il('PIl t'Of tl l'!Ii!P4! It mJ! n l.!o: nn d (1 u li l hi' \\ n~ 11I1 .. l1 y prt'pllf'in Jt C::O Il H' ~" rt (I f fl':11"1 w ill , w h le h 10 ,', I!f'I'rnl'" th e \\ 1' . J(1ln~ , Til l" \\' .... "d i n ~ ~ lI f'r \\' p·tl d ln ;.:: TI,,-n' W II!' 11If' lUlr~h II Jl 1C'k, ,' r\' IIf lu\)cllh-"r in h ll r \' (Ike UN !o=he r{'ljll'nf(",t 11\ pr ,, 11.1 111 t h l' IrHnl e' ", ordJl', fl pr Wl,tld l nc : I :l r l , l l k t1 ~ hp h u d \\' n n ~ dpl't'rl I)ft l' n w h ll t It wot11t1 1I 1~ IIk f'" , Alld n \, \\ I t wo~ h"rt· : ~ h(1 WtlN lIt'tu lll ly \\'n l i n c thl' Ilour. til ,' mflmr n t. An" th ,' h ll ~h:1nt t : th p m n n WllOll1 l;"'n t p nr
J ud ge,
tUN ' U 11 111 11 a ll n lU10 w h ell yuu hn" not yet till' n e.'« ( [Ilken Qtl ll d () Itut
('OIU(I ;
s id e, 8.nd IIl U V~lt iU ' I"\lS9 t o th~ o tll Pr til l' dp\' 11 IIn ll l,rO\lj!hl III h pr ? li e brfMe ~ he flluml " hU I 611(' ~ o ll !lhl. IH'r hCllrl leaping eX ll l tll nl ly liS . he I'l' r- lit Ih'" (' 11(\ II f thp hli li. " "\111 1. hIl I \\ itS wultl n,!.!', t llf) , no dou h t . II t on,' In ee" 'd Uw glenm of a s l pel !Jlu'rpl In ) Wlltl ,\ ' turnl !"ht·{l , ~ H \' e t )lP ~ rfl'lI t P8 t ,lip (rlln t r('lo(UIl ~' ltn d o r. llrl n k lng h l lUl h!! d im light. It IllY rll ily ('lIllO"eli 0 11 I\r'ltIl l ~e or . '·I'III·lt,I·, IIml s he r~1t II nc o :-.,t'lr Intll n ft-'C'klcSN ('lI ur uJr~. ttCcomln2 top of tl di r ty hlonkel, 8 wi<'ked-I""k· dd"d ."n,,, "r rl'll .. f wh en .h" tinn il y n I!fl' lIt(or d"mon wi t h ~\' t· ry moment Ing .44 In a w!)U-worn h olst e r. wit h 11 th M I~ ' I lit · \\'(I u pn:l unth'r \"o r lo u s nr- of (\,'ltI.I'. It WJl~ 10" much , too LIIurh, bpI! l'onl nlnl ng n h lllf·d<rleo ~tl rtrld /:('_, tl clt's n t t ll (· bottom or It hurf.' nn Th\' v(\ry hf'H rf ~£It'rn('( 1 tn go nut nl he grn ~ ped Ihl's\! In Iler hll nd!!, COO- dr uw p r , II \\'1I!04 t) IPnl • r~n d~' flt lutll tl. 11P r, tII lrl .h p h url" 11 he r fAN' In lI('r 111'1114 "II Ihp Rill. her h OII)' s h tlk! n ~ 8r l o ll~. enm ft . ",I ..; IIld SO. of th!' If un e lll ~I'1!'~ H I ' " nl'd~ p , whJ I f" Sill' tt'lt .01lnd of VOl l,('S " 1I 1 ~ l de. Th e II WII f ull )" p n 'I' UI'I'1i io tIlllkC' " ' l' of II. T h" with Ihp ~ nll~ w h ich ('o ul d DO t ong-er hp r p ... trll lrllllL ,"'e re nlren dy ret llrnl n~; s(,!lrc ~l y II ('o n n'rSHII"n JU ~ I u,'('rhl'urt.1 IlIte\ ~llI ld" n l)' II pr ellr~ rnllllh l th e rll. · m omen t r elunlned Ilc!uru 8Un1{1 or t ht-1I1 ~ lre ' lI ~ ll!p tl l 'II III' r rl?soh 'o til df'f, ' n ll tn nl ..... Iulld nf l lt1 r~t·~· tl Pllfs lh rP tl J.:' h wo uld " Dle r th e u ppe r rloor. Th e mo· h ~" e t( 01 nil h llznrrl", Ih(' ~ I!(· n ro . Anti Rill' <III lip. 1!1\ • pl n~ ment wns l utllclen t to p e rm II Ih e CNtnin tllll l lI o l" ln~ fli rt h e r wOllld fo r hrl'"th, on N' ",, 'rf' rl ut ch~<I t..y fpu r_ frig htened girl to d us h OUt of th e 04'cur II nr ll II tt " r rh .. n r rl\'ll l fi r t l", lowe r entrn nce loto th e d nrkn (,AR he· filcpp,· t en KII(Jl<lA from Nu/:nl('5. she " CO". Ihe), I\'prl' ut' llI nll )' cll lllin /!, Ih e ('nd II'IIS olrl'nrly li t hnn rl ; he hnc1 110t 10nd, 811d crouch th ere the pr ize 511! 1 s t ole Inl O Ihe ronm Ol't·III'I,·,1 IJr 11I'r li ed 1.. h rr. n ot IrIflrel,\' rhren 1l"JlPfi sec urely In he r bli nds, 'ulLing oDpor- pltti (>ot. r rll e\' <l t o nlill ~ It· " , ~h 'II g " r liP wus rpll l1 ~' h r n t-" en(lllJ,!1I tu t'o rry tunlty t o steal II\\"a y towa rd Ih e p r c>- s l eepln~ ""u nlll.r, " n!'ldnl:!' t h,· ,IOIOr. ou t the 1111111 SH' h ..,111 P , She \V 8!'Z upon tecilon of Ih e ronchh ouse. None of she SIl l dO"'n wcnrlly lit th" wl n,l"w, the fpllo\\'8 chose th a t entrunce, but whic h \VaH ~ Il /! h l l y "lien. l Jl'e r l ll ~ IIIIX· liN feN. 81I1ndl ll /:. motlllnl e"R " nil rl.:I(1. hnrk he), ollrl 1'11'1\', wh('11 the su rged In through the olli e r with out lous ly Ollt tnfU th ' II I;: ht. Ill(' ('001 e\'lL Ih tlt! i'n rt~- roclp li P to I h~ mnln Iloo r a care In the world. ,n lu!! n lr "r I he 1I,'s .,I·1 cllres ~ llIg he r of Ih e r Anr h hOIl"e. wh ich opel1l', 1 nt Th e two who hlld ente red t1rill hot <'h .. e k. , t ht' lr II pprnnch , II s tllrtlln /! bl!I1 111 of stre t ched thelllllelves out 10 hunks opAn oth er tloJ'? Whnt would It br ln!! lI"hl Ilu . hln ~ wllhln , posite each other, puffing vIgorous ly t o h pr ' M a r r l c~ to B"b M en~er 7 T here wl' re but t.hree In th e com. on t heIr cigarettes, and com- ereed In d~l\ II I ? or wOlll tl sill' he n , tll gitlv~. Jlnn y. 1111 mel1 , T wo of Ih e fn crs she English, evIdently proud of Ul e UC· wltl, th e stnln of lUurl lw on he r 80ul 7 rnu ld n ut dl RtJ nl!ul sh nt nil, " ne n compllshme nt. One she r~ognJ zed 81 S he shud<l erc, l, Ih " hluml !<OOm ln l( to rll ther tri m f11fltre, s itting hla Rud rlle .Tuan Sanchez, who had accompnnled 8t op cl rculatlng In he r veins, as th ,'~e 0 eo nllr)' m il D; , h e other a hllmp. Bob Mellger 00 his return, and had Questi ons broullhl home 80 n nk edly liLnke l!. dpclrlerll ,v un ~n lnly fe llow, Inp pei! since been made t oremnn. 8 e wnrthy, the s ltU lltlOD, It trlll s t bl' one of Ih e I\' ith II hmnd M('xl con Bomhre ro which e"l1~yed half.hreed, with a long mus· Ihret'; th c r41 was no n ll'1!r nnl h -p._ 'r he rompl('t ('ly . 11IIr\&!l his f l'IIture8, Th osp tache and a li vId 8cnr on o ne cheek. fellow WIIS f ll il y cllpnb le of Ihl s In two remil ined mOllllted, hut th" thlrll The o ther wa s an lndl8n, I'l ml're hoy, famy . H I' Wtl S hut rClwll lln g nn old IIIn n s IVtlnl: In Rt nntl y cl own froUl the but with crnel mouth, aod face hid- olTellse, ~ n m e\\' h er... Iluwn helo w Iho_o lR1lt ldle, IIl1l s ll ~' .:rertlng Meager as he eous from pockmarks, Sanchez cn lled mOllnl nl ns Ih llt Inn rk ed the bonntl n ry s tol'pell Into the llren doo rwny , ITe blm ~Pedro, yet tnlke<! to hIm -U8 be line. a gir l of nn uth e r ru ce hud met wos n he nvll y hlilit AlI1 e rlrun, with m.l&bt to a dog. It W08 the boy who II lls AnInI' tn t e nl)W confron ting he r, COli""", hl ont l' rl fnee, nnd wore a que8t:loned eagerly: and wns pnyln g t he pl'l cc_ Bcr llggl)' hefl rd, Wh en he Rpoke he "Vat he say, s enor-the man? I \Vpll. s he wlluid ne" e r po y It, or If cr on k,,11 II kg II f roj!. hear eet not oil, the fools tbey make sh e Inu st , tllen 8he \\'oulll choose he r· "l-Iulll), n ub I" he t;all cd O\lt, wad. 80 mucha noIse. We hove flesla r' ""If \Vhll t l h ul prl cp .s hould be, She IlIln l: fo rll'lIt(1- "Well , I got here nil Sanchez blew ~ cloucl of IImok e Into fe lt lit thll t llI OIll!'nt th a t sh c cOllld ri ght ." tbe polluted al~, flIpping the ns h of his I, ' l! th .. ' bru t,e ns shp wuuld 0 mil d ... ~ - , - - " udth no sDe('I ul cordlnH.ty dprette onto the floor. 4 "PIMltJ drink, Pedro,N he saId Indo-
J:fln ~
II "" ",,' r,
h~ ~lIlI tl on . hu t wi til 111'11 rt I'\'n 11 11l! n ' I1t1 I,\', ~hp ~lIltPNl ,.; IIt"llt I." ,,1111.n. J .. ·t enJ:cr PyP ~ ~\\'t ftll' ~1 '. ln ' hlt\1o: l ilt, va-
I shn tl dC\'u to
Int crcsltl, a.nd lut(!r s( ut h e r s ul so,
l \"lIr A . 1",,1,, : " Wlln l Is 011' I'rnp!'r wuy 10 re·
nn~thl t l': W/1!" I"' tlt" , t h nn Iht ~ u n l'pr· l Jt ·11lIrnh , !'oWllrt'(11y " P l1l llrl nlo: I tl Ildnl,\', lt d~ hnrrn r of \\ ,dt l n /!. bn\url,,' . tHo r tWa rt 11 I1t[f\ ~ n,J: with t ,'r=""' \\pl1 d"ft·d \\ Illlr" I ttl h ~l t l l'!! (lr ror, iJu t I ..'r hllu aa eiJlsJ,lof! t l~ h l ly t~,, :
Itln tprn ~\\"I IIH!' (rum 8 r· ... n ll' r I,p:lln . Th e ,.: 1n ~~ tit t h t~ Wfl H hlndd 'IlI'd w il b tH'n " ~ r (,\"phf'r, ~rnlf' !l mllk ~. litH 1 on l y rl dIm nulllln, '" IIlUd S ] lhrnU I-: !1 Uw dltrl-ir w '-tlj.
11, ,1' \'I'I~1 \\ :11 (' h Il lIti !-: t r'P )l£'i1. n n (1 .. lit, 1111:--......... 1.(1 lin k llo\\ Ipd c l' p( 1114' tl IlH? \1 ' 1 -..111" ,1\ II 11I1l~ ' l ip lilt ' . Tlu' r Cf:pltc nnw ",o u ltt IIr :-{h n rt : t h o :-;I' wit .. w ,lr p t' Ol! III' tto j' UI'l'Y "I II 111110: 1I1 u('I-if'ry i'ollill tlP I lw IIt · I !I~ .. d tIlllt 'h I nn Ul' r .
tloor" nl~ ~_ KII1" ;_ th p \,I'~y ~(ltIl\ll !It It 8 ('n" '<1 to c hill he r hlooc1. n\ltlnw, dl'''lll'rn!l(l, "poken "r In whl ~ p"rN II lnng Lbe hor. de r ; tol 11'0( him hnd rene/loll h !!r Ctll'l! ever, slnr !' her f\r~t orr(l'l\l. Til r w ns n o hope for h rr In h i" p resen ce. SOllleone rup petl grntly on t h e , II,'or, nnd 81 1 ~ll r "n~ t o h er fee t li n d sloo d motlonl!'9R. st»rln~ through the dark. n ess. T bo r npplng l'llIlfe ugn lo.
In I hul IHU'Vlllt .)!":\ w(lr nlll~ e promi see} p ru t l 'c+tlt1t l , 'l'IH' f f'" W I'~ t ffi r l'l In h (' r "n'" tlll( nnr fI':In1 or W'\ilkn~N~ or n'r plt\·, II"r lip" wl'r(' tlrI\tI~' !;t' t , unc1 hpr IlIlnd~ l ' I :l'l pln~ tl, <, w l ndnw s ill \\ pr(' ~tl'!1I I," wi th d c·t £'r mtn u t lun , ~ he t .l lfl
tl \rluill a YOtl ll).( m ill! wh t'lI h e IIIH kt.'s l'ull 1" Tld~ HII dt'lH' l ltl t4 (III I ll e u illl lt.\' of t hl' h Ot04 t ~s , \' 0 11 huYe Ut't t!11 tu'urd th ~· I lhrn!'ll', "o \'or t Ilt' t('n ~('up~." \V ell I llH t 1114,, 'U II :4 Ih' o . ), "l' ft'" t t'l \. ' \'11"11 I lIn t lltttl r nl'l'I n's, Il li IIfft ' rl ltHlIl
yo u r rT'i1'1tt1 with
NI'n' c
lI~ ht
SH lll e
Our Page bas this to say........ We find th a t the Classified Ad. columns in the Miami
Gazette are "sure pullers."
The M a rrl ag ... Deho rn h " tl'l'l''',1 fo r,,-" r(\ s llpntly, lor II pl' Jl r~"s eol lI..:hl. " pl' nell t h!' hn. reno draw pr , Sf nl l ~llt l'nlng up on co more II'l th th(' h""\' ~' .-1-1 )!rlp[1cd III h!!r
Try it, you will find it so.
qiJkl<l r
hnn tl , Th l' tI nH\ h ll t! ('0111(\ nn d sh e su dl lt·nl y ft' lt I'Hlm IIn(1 rol d "
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I"urw " rti u t \VII rrtl u "uti .. djuIlJiuK " Don'l l r," t(l r!'mnln. ~Irs. Menger." "U U\I!I O ~ !lI1l }' u bl,ntu W UII (' Y on 10 llg Idl!' ~!ll d q ult'1 ly, "nn lt ul 'k t o your I,j 'U ti I U ~II~, IH &Y. "0 10 It'' tl ~' , Coli II r ~ c uriU !! IlJ ~ 'U III ~ j8 very r oa.oll. room. J c nn IlIke ct\ r e or myself_" " But-lout, t!~lI r le , whll t 1& It th ey IIbl e, tbr out:1I Th o F Ol d u r,,1 Lllod Bli nk , ~'o r fllr Lli (,r Infu rmllUon oa\l wnnt to dn will. yo u 1" l lt 'bo m h luuj!h NI Iolllt' rly, ' 0 de. .. u o r tl ll<lroMM M. C DRAKE, Treas· ur ll r, pltUll tl ~ It\- X, Ltlbun o D, Ohio. p enile by t hcn liS t o 11<' reckless. " Murry nl e to t his drunk('n hrllle." s he t!'l,l:l1n"tl, "I hls tl lIj!hrtul stCll~ , 'n of yonrR, 'rh e r .. Is Il(\tllln~ )'0 \1 ('u n ,10 to h ell' llI e: 110 1:" IO n l.lllcic to your r oom-f\ h't\ ~e ..:n I" Sn n('hrz. ~ r ln nh ll! ~ I I II . 1\8 Ih oll ~h he e nju),p, l th e 111"1. , fnrc!'I I th e h ol)lll'S9 womnn do wn th e 111111. li e . h,..-ell he r rO\l~h l y Inr o her I'OlI m. (''' 's'r\ ODd lo('ked th e doo r. f) "horn h hell rc\ Ihe Wihuillglon, 0 ., phone 301. full on t he tl "" r wit ili n. h \ll he r eyes "' .. re upon the tllI'e nt eIl ln g rllce of n,,\) O N ~Y L ll UIl " t1 c,o li ve BlOOk', i\l en~t 'r, olw l,t e l_, I\ISII .eoonl1 LIl o r~galle8, "\\, .. II?" ~ ho Gn lll sh nrpl _r. "you .ecm N .J L,,~ uUllj!ht, ,J L'IIO Har blolf, A 11,, 0 to h u \-e won th e fl rs l r""1ll1 1" 6· ~ - ~~ Uoi lillug, X ., u lll O hIo. "Y,," b('t I hll \'e, T h t're wt\sn ' t no nl'PlI h r~l\k ln l! In. whil e th ere WII' nn ("ISle r Wl\)' _ !'io yo u IIln't ""IIlI( t" nUJ .1..:Q n Q "0,.,.,,,
Money to Loan on Farms at St per cent for fi.ve years.
I Contin ued on DR (fC B Directly In th e ,'(lice, whlen wns nonrse !rom drInk. "And )IOU didn 't co me nlont', Gurrlty ; wh o t he h-I IR wIth you?" "Alone I" He sputte red nut a laugh. "Did ),ou thin Ii I'd rIde across thnt d-d deaert It nl,ht alone' Not tot nn t h e money you got. Dob Meager, An'o ll cnm e along with me, nn' out h e re at Sliver Sprlogs we run Into Rn\flh e r Did pard 0' yours, nn' [lOJ'o suoded him to ride on along with us. Ain't thnt nil r-liht,,, "It dep e llc1s I D-n )'ou, Gnrrlty. ( told you thIs wos to be 8 prlvnte nf. flllr, dldo't n Who llf the feilD,\, YOIl broughl nlong fl~OID Sli ver Springs'" " F risco-don't thnt bent 11-11" "Fris co I Why, by G--c1, I oever supposed he dur ed show up this side th e 1I0e." He stepped out engorly, reeling n little trom the liquor he cnJ'o rled, ye t h endlng 8trRI,ht townrd the tnller fI~'\Jre In the dim light. The lat. ter sW\lng dow~ from tlte ~tlc1tlle lind met him. Me nger. I;IIrrul ou8 with drink, greetlol: him elTuslvely. "Soy, I'm /!In,1 tn sel! you, Kill," he hu rst fortll. "hu t how Ihe h-I do you dllro co me h ~ re ? , Th ere IB n lot 0' guys who'd kill th eir own mother t e r th o rewnrd Ar lwnll's got on you. Tryln' to commit Sili cIde?" "No, n ot as desperate 88 that, Bob ." nnRwe re tl the o t her, hla .,olce rather low Rnd muslcn\" "I knew whllt I Wtlll doing nil rIght, and thello fellow8 , didn't cntch me nsl eep out at Silve r Springs. I knew who they were Iterore I joIned up with them. Fnet 18. Bob, I \Vus headed tills WilY and will In' to bove compllny ot the right IIOrt," "Hl!lHled this w ny, Buntin' me, yoa melln? What's I1P'" "Nothlllg to \Vo rry nhout tonIght. Whnt r cam e for will wnlt. Sofe for me here. Isn't It r' " S ure." and llf"llge r burst Into R drunken lough, "I've cl ean ed out Ule old ontOt compl e te, Come on In, nil of you, on' le t's hove a drink . Hey there, Snnl'hez," and hIs voice roared out the order to the bunkhouse. "'rake rore of th ese horses ." Debornh" her h enrt bentlng wildly, snnk dClWlI Upotl n chnlr.- wIth foce hnrlpd In her hond8. They hnd come, oml there wos no hope In them. The ju,lge, the hulf·b r eed, were mer. pup11I't8. rlnnc lng to the voice ot their nUlijte r; the very tone In whIch be grot'ted tltem spo ke hl8 contempt ot th e f ellows, Any Appenl for mercy to ~n(')1 OR they wnulel be but waIted hrcntlL And the thlrt! mnn I Tbe girl hll,l sIolllllholl'. lit first vIew, hope ot him. Ill s IrllIl nlr'llc nrnnce In the 111m light . Ih o pt.'" ""nt. fir-III 60tlDd (If his \'ol cp, IlI'r knnwl nrlj,"e Ihnt he wo8 not l1urt of. th e ot·I .:llInl ~oll.plrncy, hall gil-e n he r n 0\111"11'11 tlirlll of expecln. 1.1 on lIlIl 1I11 ~ ox l" t ei! no lonl(e,r ,s Ince
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1"11' I',q l ll IIl1d hll~' 1t . , ,\\ '· 1 I ql ' I,\.'n~ ,
" I I, • •
Yfo r;'
d UIII')"," ur \\'nrrts t o t hll t dl'cd Is 8I1t ll.l ~ nL It !tIP..' 18 110 mo l(I, t llke you r pnrtl y f nllk,1 IIIlpl<l n. IllY 8('r ORS
II dsltnlh · ....
1,l o ... ~d llj~
P l!lIr A. IA!<lu :"If you nrc n Il tl ~ t At d i llnt' r nl Hl Rl'lll ), ollr g ln..<;R or WlIl l' r. wh ll t ~ h n lll,1 II" ,1",", or 81\ 1d ,(' .\11 upo l o ~ y Iu WI" hosle!ll! Is nil tl~ llIltI'd . "J UIII \'('I r y
11; , '
Farn1ers, Attention!
She 10L,I;('(\ him coldly, cont e lllpt \!· I n rh (\ fuc ,·. ("lIns<'l nu8 o f th e s t J'IIr:J:'Il! to r t'IlI II \' e t l lc n ld e r WOlllun,
Aftcrw lI l·,I. 11r lng hl lll III 10 h"I"o " 111111' 1<'iI." A \'e r~' 1'1""""111 hf· I ~r~oo n lil a)' 100 IIIL'lIil'1 1l\la WbY .
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"~l1ll t
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1' ~lIr A. 1-t-'<1 Il : "~ II OII I (I one II nrnl.l
fIo t:', lIlt 1" , \
I lJud e
~I \" '" Il 111111 J(,·t
wIt h Ihl' nrlllk , Thi s ,II'llllh t flll Chllllt'" 10 I nl k
1( 1l! me If 1
H,'r (')"1'" ,' n ught " n!' glllllJl"" n f . 11I,II\'t,
ho r pH Il" ut's fu('P . Jl'h n~ t1 .Y ",h I I P, hut
lIP~" r oa l'('!" ~1 (';I :": I ' r 11111!T tl ,\' , " H ll n t lr l' 1\111 f01t 1 hll(' I, 111111 lit '!" "011111, ,11l1ln , Il u d :..:lIllt ti lt ' cl II U" n i l lip,', (;0 on : I'l l tal~e ('llr~ o f tl h' g-Irl. itulhl 'r
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r. 11,1
d rn s: 1 1l .\'~l' l r t hl.04 fur: pnl." I fllid (ii , " Tlw rf'u r' tl l1 f1 It~rt t hl" :-: l n rlll ' L! ;:I r l t r t' llIh !l 111:, hut -.: 11(1 IllI d n o tl lI,, ). t n~ t o th (\ Uf' $;!l ' nC'), IIr ttll ' ('1111 . Til I'l l "" In s.: 111 e r evoh ',·r hU I'1e Intn h ~ hl d l rl1! phll'I ' , u n.
wllli n;: th ll!
n,,,tIZ"d~:; sill'
Int o II !>:I\ I 1 r ap, H(' filr~ ~ hc ('o n\f1 11,11 1 1/1 l'\'. ' n ~ pr i llg h:u'lnnl l'd, n hu r ty f OI rU ~ l l1n lll ll ~ ''1"0\\ .It,d )lJls t l lpr In t I.) th (' upt' nI H;.z: , ~ l il'l 'l :": I' r ( 'tH II II II · r.' ,,\' t. l r ' (· l~In/.! It , w l tll. , ,lI rPI '11 1 l'd I ,11110 1 ' fr l \l1l l n i! ht' !', J:rt nn ing Jtlu l l(' l pl1 ~ly , )4h)l! d .'1If1 11 ~lI rH'h,'z, :-"'11(' I, n,'w, wllh11\1 ~ " t' 1J1 :': . w h o \\'n~ " chlnd Il f','- l t' lb !\f ~'l\g~'I\ d II Jl'I\ IIIIg' I n rl"lII t l\t'Il ~ Jl lI~ fl!l" !( tlll . It \ \:t t-l III,,, !'i h r lll kJ II J,:, frlJ.:'hll'lI l 'd
d rllik 8 1)('11 H ~ h 'll o r 1" "1111111 11 .·, A MIIlU ll PH kl,..'H ur l' rll ck t1r g ~holiit l
Fronting Her Sanchez.
- - --
wIth !pr rn r rnther t hlln ool n_ ond
.. - - - ---
Test Your Diamonds, Dl nllloml s ree l mil ch cJ ,III ' r 10 the longue IIlan do POSle or dllSS,
1, r
E of H 0 U:; " ru "u u
:l r OOIll8 , p"rLI_1' mod.
10 &;o'ld llnllul~lu,,: IIIu'H8 " IIl1d \'I" dn O IIl(bl H (Dqulrt. lI t W eti l" y Btll!!I!, \;olrwID. Oblo. 81~
The Dempsey of Today
room ~ ; ~ 1 ~ oLrlo IIghl. In !l OtIO oondl'l o n .
.E or G H OUWLll.er, tt.11
luquiru o f bllMILn Wright, W..YDed812 vII ... , Uhlo.
1'0 BUY-Abou' 3000 W AwrEO 1'ohaooo loqulre of ~'ioh.
0 , A 1!l'~,JOhD, R 0 , 6, Wayuei?llle. Oblo.
D 'l'RUUKINU or all kind" FORdune at relttloDable priON. Call ' Ve rn Hough, phone 73-4, WaYDel .. ville, Uh\o,
LOST-Around or Dear WaYDe8vlll o, AU/tUBt 7, an auto Llcenle 1'I\g N o. 799.7~5, INnder pleneleave at thIs office. , 8G OST-a Pair of Gold.Rlmmed GI1l88e8 10 LeMoD'ra oale. 1I'loder pleaBe leave a' 'h18 omoe. 16
rorSale\~ of Trumble Seed SJ , BU~BII:L8 Wheat; recleaned and growD from oertified leed, Lawrenoe I:!urfaoe, R. vUle,Ohto.
Inquire of
D. 4. WaYDe .. 112
Dilling Table. · 1 Kltohen Table, 1 Kltoheo Cabinet and 1 Oatl Sprouser. Inqulrll of Peter Demal,
112 ·CllOInplon .Jnrl; Dempsey: a's ' Dhotographl'(rtnsf Tiniisdriy at his Saioa. t~8 Sprlogs. :>I, y , ttlllning CIImp, where he Is Drepar\ng for bettie In f\ew lork. SCPI, H . III defense of hIs title n~aln8t Lui, FIrpo, SoaU. Amerlcau ehnlll'u!;cr, So me critics opIne tbnt DempfICY 'has -PU8111!<1 lila' wnllh or grentll e.!s nllil foC('s the danger of loslog hil eroWD to tblt 'bIC rUl:g<-'I1 mllulcr trow the South. -
;:' -w - WH"f eR. il'OTMING ,!
WEI.I. TAKe MIND OPF ~QC;SI." "OQ A I"I11II\11'1i AND AA<;;W~ 'nM
W.WEI.L! "'OW OF yoU Art&. THERE, _
/'1\ AN"i
'"'U....." .... ·I
f=A"" ........ ?
r '
F 2
ARM of 43 acrel, this offioe .
Inquire a'
GOOD FARMS-One; 85 aorel; One, 96 BorN , AddreBII P,O, ~ox 298, Way belville, OhIo, Ib
r -
GAZEtTE.••• ~~~~~~
IIllllred a' 'he Po.l<lftlce at W.,neovllle, Ohio.... Secood
O IIUl.~AI •• 1 "alLe".
D. L. CN ,A NE, Editor and Publisher. Waync:;viJIe, Ohio
Subscrintion Price, $1.60 per year
Good Goods Always Please "l
~1 1
,i I
1 I
~riah. by A. C. Mc<J .... I> Co..
ave oowe to ~ t~ best way to .cultinte tho good will of ~ publill and to Is to rogressive
lerican raihoa
insurance ~ni1'lllt millUDderstandiug of ~ probl~ of talk direotly to tho public through ilie advert.ialni 00 umnahioh the press and espcoially throug~ ilie weekly D8W8~pen, ~ directly reach travoilers and lIIuppera along the railroadm!!fe .. 'tho), have come to aeDIIO ilie feet that Itat,emenUi e
authoritatively tU!Jned advertising ~ust tru.th~ =:::ing. public can 110 easily check up anything t may Railroad this ' l<'oUowing ibe progrCllllive lead of the ~ !~road 1J'8~ ill polioy has now been nd0t~ by tho ....geII the lOUth, the Souiliern . way hSr.~':'A wW}-knoWD 11101811 of .. The Southern aeI'VtlI the BOut 11 ...., , ' . thia t ' l d with 8 800 miles of tiDe» uiaDding wto ev~y !.out::: ,:~roaThe Southern reoogni- that ita own Pl'?Bpenty is inseparably bound up with that o~ the lOUth, and Its pu~ liJshed announeementa in ilie advertW08 eo1WIUl11 of the news-
•~pen, it ill upected, will bring the Southern and the OOD1lIlUlllties it Henes e101K1ly together. . ral Ian
Un utBtionably, other 1iY1it.eJnB ibould follow thia gene p ~IJ frankly to the public, thoutfh tWn are ev:l~OIlees that IIOme ltill cling to the lope ot putting 5~' mh~ 8Cl'OII8 by IIl8&DIJ of free publicity. Aa a fact, there 18 not ID~ 110 beneficial, nothillg 80 honest, 88 .fr~y aiped. paid sdvertlaillg, I 'Wh\l1l the good wUl of the public 18 BOQ8I\t. '1118 LOllg Ia}alld IUld the Southern ...e &0 be oongratulated for their fOI'ward vision.
"1 hnve nllt Nilin 1'o:!I Il t..lmenn -lo (lO:' " "An' r -i\IIiJ'Cjii\;e II d- n." ~o ugilly . "Only I'd li ke t o know whether y"u're I:olnl: IIl nng' hy ro)lIr~l'l f, or whelh er we got to Ilrng you? It·s one or Ule Ofllf'r of Ih"111 twn thlnss."
"Alonl: wh ere'!" "'ro Iho living-r oom. or COl1r~e. Tbat's whcr~ I nlm to hnve the cor&mony pulled orr." The Jrlrl thought quickly. neslstnnce there n n~ then wos IIbsolutely USeIClll'l. Doth m('n were nrmecl, nnd ono of t hem, ot lenst. ""liS crnzy drunk. It would be bettpr to appear to yi eld. to seem reconcil ed to th e Inevllnble. ~he W8S w('nnonl eNs. unohl o t o P,1It up nit,}' oetense : pernRpl3 '" ...... __
Hike and Learn
baI Who droft a tow-mlile &10111 the Em Canal kllew New York all 110 bqJt ean who rtdM from AlbaD,r to Butralo OIl the Empire Slite ~ hMUao. recIIooed tilDe b7 D\a!ltI (u we do b7 da;YII) , a place "as
., many lIl,hbt a"'.,. The IIlIbt meuureG.wr march. , Walk from IIlCht to lIl,hC IPeI'06l the p~ alld I., yoar day II uperleuce upon the map of Atliea and ;you wW juat bectn to I18I111C the lonel7 "UHtn_ of the Sahara'll _nds. We'l golconda I, found b, tire<! teet. Get lIut to earth if )'0'11 would koow It. The 70uth wbo ~ carried nltlcbw manhood handlcapped. lie hal to learn how to mardi wbile the battle ot Ute Ie OD. Ru.lrln IIIIld thet the chUdren of the rich otten get the worst educatillO of protectJOD, wbereu the poor otten get the best edUClltlOU tor hothlDl. bec:ao.. the;J get into the cOIIJlnon 8Cbool of hard knocks. A tired I.,. ma.kee the whole world reel. [t wUl make a BUnaet ~orioa& It ~ a Il1nd IIChooI that IIOti a 110, down In the middle of a 1rU4 wood aDd lelia hIm to "ali. oat. . Prlvatal7 _ onmmood the Bo7 Scoutl and tbe Camp Fire GIrls. HIlJl;Y p8l'6Dh who approt'e ot the ''hike'' woold be the IIrst to prI)o t.t IIIflllDit Itl adoptJon 811 part ot the lICbool curriculum. Privata, conducted thll7 c.ll the "blko" wholeeome and a belpful ntere8t1on. Publlel1 I'OIIdDded tbey would csll It imposition and unwarranted bard.blp. Our prhale Impul_ are pnerallJ right. Our creatMt dl1Dcult,y III that we hue not 1et IllIlmed to do our ~t thtnp topther. , The csmpllre cementl the hean. and enricbee the IIl8IIlOIiIIII ot com~d. . . . 110 w.u-NtrUiated llteam radIator wW eTer do. •
141..... ~'" b, IUcIIard Uo7<Il-
Some folka m., IhlIIk ~ bride In ;June II .wtewr'lI all7 other brUSe-while olhel'1l clailDl the hanelt IIIOOIl bold ?lrtues not to be denIed . • . . 8t1ll others. tluIt become eopged from conrtlhlp In the reK'lllr way. would like to hllge their weddln' staged alolll about ThanIlllJinu' D., I It nuptlAl8 on an April morn elldow. the bride with amllee an' tears, Deoamber'. brIde IDI&ht dwell fodonr-wlth rro.ted heart, ter f1ftJ )'ears. _ • . And IQ='III1th every 'm onth-we hear lOme hoodoo In Itl call or threat_nd that'e the N8IIOIl now-I tear-that toIDe ot UI ain't married ;yet I Fael. la. there ain't no eertaln law tbllt gO"eroa Cupid In h~ ,arne; moat marrIed folk. that [ b8\'e saw, were Hed up, l1rett7 mum the Bame w.,. • . . And. wbile tbo 8(!\entlfle mind explores the matrimonIal pulse, we mJght.J ncarl7 aiw.,. lind tbat datee dOD't I\glOr In r!!lultl!, . . . If felle ... tall to grab tbelr pellch 1'OIIY Juno bll& dltted b7, I'd IlIck around In 8&117 reach, an' tr7 to land her In Jul7. . • • There'a blla enough In marrIed lit. fer lal\l aDd laMlIIII, ooe and all-.Jd. a plain or common wlfo Is better'n ba rin' none at an.
• "Save by buying in Waynesville." "
We will take pleasure in SupplYIng your needs ' ' ~ '\
• Whero Is the mun who betimes " ," r(.' In tbo COllfttitlltlon than he beIIc" "'" In un.Hhlug elBe' Wberll IB I h., tn a n who will figbt and Ill e to l'.IIul hllHh thl> principle of l'e11l'U!CDta.
Give us a call
l~\' l' )((IV~rtlIJlt.mti
Tbe ~ llIlte Is tnle wl t b the aver~ (·hur'('\.I, Mell ougbt to be wlUlog In Ught for th eil' creed, tight fo r Iltl'lr l"'lier, lent'b and I'l'Ucli,'{! their oU"" 'IIII'S or or thO<loxy and of person ll I rlghtl'Ol'"" E'tJCl. Th e S!lUle rlclt,cL Is u'lllllr""LPlI In tltt· lu<iI\·!cI"Hl. Why IIr" "0 runny YOUhg u.en "rlrl . lo): ? lI uc>ln~c IIIe)" nrc not Hnchureol 10 n oollef. /'(0 Ulu n btu e \' cr rillel l to loO\.rr aud rvsltl(ltl who htHed dO;: lIIo . wh" !<Jlllrnl~1 d"Nr lne. or wlin cJl sl'"Ji~ "etI, Th e r e 1M nil (Jer . lHun 'n ey
n or
) "')\\'p r
unbnllcr ;
there Is "0 ~""'U l! IP,," , or "r(!lltlil'). r Il!fllI!'n (~' III clls l,, ' lIcr,
o(·l·d~ tHen who IJ£.*oil e\"o h ili g. w bo win nt~ \,p.r y1ehl I .. "" I"'cli,' ,,!,~,. who w ill n"" er - "urn'lI!lP T 10 t'O mp rHJllttl!u. finn wbo win I''' ,',·r rh ll n \'11'1 111.1 to th e hhllldillh-
" .\ IlI c'rica
i ll
" " "1Il Ih.,. of Mr. ..\ d JlI ~trllellt_ 1
il u.:~ ure ·rl~ht
0 ..
w r ow;.
The fellow lau ghed. but there wo. a 1:.' ", toe ooth. No olle wlU el'cr on,u'l In his Inn e. oJ t 10 the . ""p of 1\ 1In"" r IIl1tll "All rl Jiht; 80 th e cat hRA still got .. I 111"" I. l'(lIl! r<.lIud hy a great ClllW8, h"" she ? II"PI1.' J:ue ~s I con "~,. , '1'1,,' ~ r""I,· s t or 011 Is bewnlt pultlng honds on yOll; It won't '.,,, III (;ocl, h"I1,,( 111 Christ. belll'f " III I' I 11'1\' C; lIo"t. hellef In tllo be for long. Go on 8h('011, then, Come " ,':11111 ,1" lilhle. Let these four olong. Snnche&," '· .. ·111 l·j·II,·rs /'01I.t lt ule your creed. In spite of her trembling limbs tbe \ .. u wlU UL'(.'OlUO Impreg:u&b1e. Jrlrl w/llked flrmly. lIe" er so milch QI turnIng her helld to glo n re 01 the two hehlnd her. . hp mus t net her pnrt, ploy her chnrol'ler. permit Ulem to "Thot Is JIISt the point. Tllst license think her In <lItrerent t o res ults. yet In waB procu red without my con8ent or no WILY nfrllle\. Wit hOllt ft qu estion knowl erh:e. 1 repuellnte It; I refuse . he ClJ1('ned the door h{'raelt nt the end t o n8., .. nt to It In CIllY wny. I hll ve nr Ul e I1l1rrnw h nll. nnll sh'pped Int o never RW"!'d tn mnrr~' Doh :o.feRger. 1 Ihp rno lll hryo nc\' Th ere were two am h,'re n"", un der t hr cn t. and I a~ !l 1f-' " In t h e rnom, th e Jii lwr t . thiCk" J.1 C'x penl to you tor protectluo." Icnn rlill ecl An·nn. "prn\\"lInl( on 8 "My dear youn l( wllronn." he begnn "!'t t el'. IIn<1 IIII' j."ll(c'. Hllnk Into Ih e h08r8 e l~·. "[ was told hefore co ming I'll",\' dll"r. wlll!!'e Old Tom Meu\:er ha<1 here Ihnt YOU were somewhat tl'mHil t f or 1.;0 rn any ~· pn rs . cnlmly 8 III ok .. pel·Rrnentnl . nnd might therefore d&Ing II pipe. At th e ir entrull c'\' th e f el- ei re not to proceeel with the ceremony, Ic'\\' gnt "rn" hIs feet nnd howed, the I 3huIJ nol he 8Wlll'eeI In nn y way by Jllre s tili In hlR hondo Deborab such tnntrum~. My "wn duty Is plain; looked IInx loll Ir nbout for tb e oth e r- the pllpers are In correcl form; Mr, t he "Frisco I\lil"-hUl be was not In Menger assures me that be had your Ih e rOOItl, 1'1I('n. Ignoring the hond consent, and ho s Rctetl In accordance alinity held out, her eyes fns tened wltb ;your own wlshen In the molter. upon th e flll'l' hetnre her. Site oever It Is tnn IRte at this hour to chanllll he(ore had seen 0 roonten nnce 1lI0rc your mInd. I tnlRt yOU will 8ee Ule repulsl'-e or RO .1e,' .. ly ".rkecl hy dis. jusllcl' of I.hls nnd make no further .IIJH tlon, Anti her hen rt Reemed to objections." ~ h oke he r hv(ure th e sudden stare or "Oh. cut out the hot IIlr, Oarrlty." Ihose pll! eyes and tbe bestlnl grIn of broke In Meager, 8l1rl/'lng forward, un. th e thi ck lips. ahle to control hims elf Rny longer. "Yotl-yoU nr.. Ih o 'usllce from No. "Lei hpr rav e If ,s he wnnte to; It don't !mIt.. ?" Bhe /lsked doubtfUlly. hurt none of UB. I rl'ckon. Yon CAme "Thnt's whllt T alii ; Judlle Comellus out he re 10 rlo up this job tor me. Bnd Garrity, ma'n m. At your service." tbe 800n('r It's ove r with the better. "Anel you wero nsked to come out The low of Arl zonn clon't !Ill' any thIn, he re , to morry me to nob Meager?" about whpthar th e tCllIole co nsentl or "~fnybe 80. If you are the gurl.~ not, does It?" '" 11m Dehorob Me red ith. 1 \Vnnt "Well. not dlrectl;y, nob ; that'. 1m. t .. oppeal to you, Judge Garrity, oS nn plied. Nt tlrer_" oftlecr of th e Inw, to reCuse to perform -Tmplle<l. h-l I T011 go on IIna Imt hl. 1I18rr1age--", "Refuse I I retoRe Bob? Why. It·s ply It th ell. pronlo. I oln't or ganlzlna al\ Itrnlght enou!!b; I've got th e no deb"ting society, you d-n potlicense here nil Illude out regulBr Wltb b III cd Idiot. I'm here to mllrry tbls __ ._ ••.-••• '* tt Deborah Meredith ; that's wbat I'm poyltlg you (or ; on' ofter that ['11 attend to her tAntrums myselt." "You meon 10 force rue to moM'7 -S'i\YS" SA M: you?" 8he Asked. her own temper ' rIsIng tocomhlll hla, Fill your mIni:! eaoh day wltb new "Sure," he rCl,lI ed brutally, " I never things, awful to 8row up Int o '''rpo. ecl you'd 110 an~· t1llng else but an old m~n wltb notblng to 'blnk kick. But thut's nou e ot Oarrlty'. "bont . business." "nut Stich a mRrTIAR" will not be leg"l; no co urt would ever sus tuln It.· BLONDE BESS OPINES: lie loughed cOllrs t!ly, bls eyes Ila1'Bobby '8 weantng bls 8port model Ing Instlltlngl), Into her own. now. HA only huys one gKJ\ on of "Lel,"ll i l Co urts I You mnke me latt a' a time. tired. This IIln't ('.111<'111:0 I We'rll out here In fln Arlzonn (lesl!rt, nncl I don't --r eml' m"cr e,'c r curing 0 d-n whAt the Feared for the EllI-th. low so ys. sillce [ \Vus a kl(1. Uere'. It wos In the mlll"1 ,.r n nosl! <Ih'e my low. wh e n It cOUles to thot." and and Regi nald. Who was IlInkl ull hIs he 8uggt.'stlvely BIIIPI",lI the g'IIn bolfirst fll~ht. tUl!'l/ccl (rllnlll'lIl'" III the ster on his hlp, "nn' there oln't nobod, pilot's slpeve_ "We hetlur ;rt RWOY t ells me whnt [ sholl do or what J trolll here." he Hhrlel"'c1. "the cnrlll's IIho'n·t. You hettcr get thot first ot 8wcllln!! up lik e n hnlloon OIH] It·s all, Legltl I 'Well. [ reckon YOU bea r<l IInble to hll"t nn,· mllltlcp," what It wns the judge SOld. dldn't you? He's got tbe license there, and the nuthorlty. Uere's Iwo witnesses, Nothing Else butaccording to low. Now what the h-I 'An npllrllll€'nt hot el on W"octwlt,,1 you going to do' Suppose An7 court avenue udvertlsc's sull es tor hl gh-ch.s" Is go ing to take your .. ord, unsupport· hO l'helors, An unmorrl ed mun nr ed, agnlnBt the four ot liS? Bes ldcs," thll·ty -elgh t snMteti wh en he r~"d th e 1I0d he grinned BuggeMlvoly. with a slgll. "Whllt nlll"r klntl of bnchelor Is drunken leer. "litter t ~.nI K bt, I don't t here , I'll III,e to know I" be exclaimed: reckon yuu'lI be hunting the court -Detroit NI!\\,s. onywny; ;vou'll he d-n glad you've got a hushund , Co me on u:Jl closer, boys, 110 YOU cnn llee tbe wh ole show-Gl!.1'rlty Ie going to spllce UII now, wltbout 110 more words about It." The judge c1enred hIli tbroot, taldn, a printed 811p of pnper from hi. pocket ~t;~r MWA'4S- at:Tf TO m! A In bls Itubby fiugera. However be 05:1""IN Ajo.\()IJfIT OF may hAn regretted tbls Job, hll perlIonnl teor of Meager overcame IlII ob'¥II'IE/II " WOMAN'.. 'I"\AI'IN6 Jections 10 performing It. A. FOOL OUT OF "Bob's' quIte right, milS," be 11814, -..-.;;.._"-._ M., !>o- _ _~ wlttl an etrort at dlgnlty. "He'l IU1'9 got tile law wtih ' him, an' the wIt~
Always carry the best Lumber, Shingles. Sash, Doors and Mill Work, Roofing, j,in fact. everything in the Building. Material hhe!\!It
" llllt~."
RICHARD LLOYD SA YS .....~!!!!I-. No mall CllII KNOW the Nrth who hu DOt walkod UPOII It.
ronm Anme hrtter oppnrtun lty for acti on might pres nt Itself, Ir she lull e,l tlt .. lr 8uH\,lcl ons. led them to hellevEI thnt she WU8 con'llIer('d. ahe Illi gh t be nhl' to IInntch n rev ol\'er tr olll some holsl or. or e,'cn evade them nnd ru sh back to tbe sufety of her own room . H wa" 1\ Ilrlm. Ilhns tly cbollce, but sho , could think of non e bett er. "I prefer goIng th er e hy myeelf." ehe 8nld. wonderin g ot the s t ead loes. ot her Voice. watchful or th e expres. slon on Menger's leering foce. "]1,"0 I doo't tou ch me; don't dore to touch
l:ou are cou.t...ntly IlODfroDaId wiUI the queetlon, 'What la the ID&tler wUI.1 political JI)fU't:Ieo&. chorch88 and ' IrxIlvldoa1a? It mutters IIttlo bow many an8'yel1l you Iorl ve to tlIe q~tlon. 10n will be ('Qntpclled t.o recognlw.e thh tunduntc·ntnl answe.r, namely : 'nle .orlouR defect today Is the lack of " deei'. widing. conll'oUlng. dyna.. mlc bell"f. "U8 a mall thlJ1lls, us a WIIU IJellevulI. 80 la hll." \' ou buveu't llJIy polltlcal partiEt! l otl ll), . lJocntlllO the only poUtial ..e h" VI> In A.merica III Ule po1lt1cs of Ihe "IllS" IUld the poUdcs ot the
l:Ieveral from hera attended fair, 1"8' week.
0'Catarrh Cat&J'rb .
II.ta of an Olntm.nt wblcb
ICmma and M att Cline, or Oay&on, e(len' 'he week-end bere. 'l'beo . Lo.wrence, of Middletown, ol:.lJed on ~everal haro, Salnrday.
.:Ito -.
'l'be 1IIIlVeraaI ~ III aplod ldIh
...una hl&h
CZ7 ' Clbonld
tua., but apIDlt the
• "
DR. E. M.:;kvoOLPH The Eye
At Cary's Jewela1&op Lebanon, Ohio
Every Tuesday 8:00 •• m. to • p. m;
X-Ray ::'::. ·Work OFFICE; HAINES BUILDING. . Telephone 114,
- -
NU~K~O~ , L8~--,
CHIROPRAC~OR At the Chiles Hikel Waynesville. Ohio.
Mondaya and Thurada111 irom 7 to 9
o'clock p, m, :
Forelt T. Martin L.M.HENDERsON Auctioneer
----- ..
Get my terms for your Public Sale. I satisfy and save you money or no charges.
------ --
Box 91. Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, CentervllleE.,
Waynesville, 'Ohio National Bank
Dr. W. E. 1:Fro.t Veterinary
1Phone 44 , \
Harveysbur~~ '.
---_0 _ ...____
, Flliry Plilace&. Do ;YOIl know wbnt fol." p'la~ JOIl may build ot beautifUl tbought .. proof &gnlnst olt adversity? nrlght tancle.. slltlslled , memories. noble blstorlea, faithful laylnp, treasure houles of precIous tnd reettul thought., whIch care cannot dllturb, nqr pain mllke nesses!' _ ''But I refuse to marl'7 him: 1 do ,Io~m;y; hOllies built wIthout haDdll'or not consent," ehe In8lste4, wIth trem· our lO.ul8 to live In.-Ru.kln. bllng :voIce. "I ba ve n,ner told him I would." ,. croqu.t OnQ8 "Pal.1 M.II,"I ain't gilt notbln, to. do ' wlth 70Uf (Jroquet III the dC8t'eJldant ot the old pel'lOnal quarrel.. The, are tor Joa and Bob, to lettle. I reckOl1 "'8'17 , rame or ' "Pall Uall." popular III lIIatrled (!Oupte hu tlIem. 'fOil jUll land up to 1800, after wbk:h time it dIed completel, out ot lmowledlO. _ etall4 then ~. t..ce me. .. eept III a remote «:om.. of INland,
. -.
trom wbaCt! it emlfllll u eroq.- .. . . IDIdcIle II die "........ ~.
'mul ' I
_T'npt _ at tu_ The QUeIIttoQ of hlgb or low tu::ea fa to !lOme eX'Lawreooe lI'ealy, of NorWOOd, II tat governed by the valuatfon &fill ependlng lit few liaVI wUh hi. pa- QOD property from the pabUc u renti, Mr. and Ml'a, John Fealy. 1D7. Crush the eoclaIfBt1c. paternal Mr. and Mr8 Atronlo Maller and ""Irlt ,rowlni up In thIs couDtrF. Eul Cline, of foledo, are 81)endlag w11ether 10 tbe tono of the pOrk a rew daYB with W , A. Merrl" and barrel or go"ernment ownersblp ot famUy, pubUo utllfties. All lueb uoconstl8.. tl . Tuoker and famtly, aooom. tutlonal doctrlues Bnd pract\('llll are panled by hie brother, Roberl Tuok- \ncretlalng the tnxes to tho breakinl er, or t!prlnllfiell1, IIpen' sever". point. days In Keotuoky, The contloued execS81va hili: buI't d_ can be raced to certata B'nok Barvev aud family and .~: Uha8. Brasil, or &n B'ral1ollOO, Cftl , F1nrt,: Ennlv8p.nt, eMDl'l!cste4 spen' Monda) of thl8 week wUh \IOvemmentIL The ollie., _ke.... otMre. Charity Harvey . b holden, and tall .bore haye Mr. and Mrl. V , 0 , Tolle len, Bal , multiplied goyornment mllebln9l')' ~ perpetuate thellllMllv8l!l In otIlee. 1t urdav , 'or 'heir new home In JOIl would redoco the m.cltlner;y and ijprlngboro, where Mr. Tolle wUl tb,row out of o1Hco the Inelftclent. 'eaoh the Blah .ohool. ra~bole bunt1ng oftl('8 para-Ites yoo Mrs. Amanda Chamber. and woald reduce the COIIt of lDunla\pa), daugbler. Mildred, of Colnmbul, are OOIlnt{l .tate and nlitlOllal goyOfDo 00'- IIQ per cent. Today. YOU bave ependlnlJ their v_tloa wl'h Mrl , .bout .bt, cent. of eno <lollAr of Anna SII080n, thle wee •. tu mouey Inveetod tu government, Mr . and Mr •• R. W. Kaylor, IIr •. and the other forty cent.B Is rep .... _tad by wute, frIDd, tn.emcleAC:1 Ida Bowe and lon, Barry, .pent aDd gratt. Snnday afternoon wl$b MIll Adah 'l'tte ooreaueraq of thl' OOIIntr, Br68ton, or Farmer8 8t.tloa S8 a rune to ,oad JOvernment 8.Il1l a cI1mlnal ezpenll6 apon thP tI1x-rldBamllton Bogan and famliy, Fred BarlaD and wife, Alva Kennedy, dllll public. 8lmpllf7 govermnefltBI Jubn Kenaedy and Harry Howe madblnery and put comllct.cllt, tl'lllned, patrlot1c men In ofllca. lind s pent Monday aUerooon ID Dayton , taxee will be reduced 80 ~r CI!~It. Little Barry Tuoter, Ion or Chat. wlthlll a abort Ume. Tnolter, wal rUlhed so KeJly Hale'. Second.' Oetttroy th~ spoils lIYe!cm. bospital, /:Iaturday morninll, Where, Elect M appoint men to ofllce tolel1 be underwent Ii .erloal operaslon. on the rround of merit. Th on ) ' (J11 will ret on booellt day's worl: for Be i8 geUlng alODg DI08ly. trlle lOVe ot country and 0 juat conThe annnal Jordan reunlOD w •• IIldprallon of the trait IrUl""l8(\oj. beld at the Wellman ~oboolhoule, 'rhlrd : T ' ach tIlt' [leO"l" tJwy mllst la.t Sunday. 0118 hundred aDd teD BU PPOI't the I:QVernUH' lIt UI)(I nOl os· registered , All 'pen' a plealant '>eeL sUI'port. clay and did j08t\oe io a boun'eona dlnuer.
---_. - ..----
~'~"o':chllo~: .....tI... r.. re IIorBold by dntnlata trw 0.11' to T ...... F. J. Chono, .. CO,. ~Oll4o, O.
M18. Llda Kennedy 18 vleUlnjf ID Wllmlngtoo aud aUaudlog 'he Day. ton fair .
Rev. A, K . !:Jargeat, of 8l Peterabnrg, Fla . • apenl leveral da¥a here, la~l week, vlsl \lolJ old rrlenda.
Relieve. the c&~rrhaJ inftammation, and th e Int.rnal "edJclo.. " Tonia. wllicb ncta throu~ the ,Blood tg th:\oKuQOu.
We are 80rry tCJ report Ih'" Iltsle Ray Freeilln la ItIll very bad a t ,bl. writing.
Gail Gordon, who bal' beea very with qalnBY, 18 mnoh Improved al lllie wrltlnlJ,
do what ... claim 'or 1t-n4 ,our .,.tom
a I
...... ..__..__......----~------~~--~--......~~~~~~--......~~~~-~-lnl~~e~~~.,~~~
" ~~~(i--I&~.~~~\..~~l~·tI~~~/~;tD~-~;~..~'~t(ll;~~..~~~-~:~-~~~~.••~S~b~Q~TWg~. .----~~~_~I~.--~• . ~t~f~I....~~~W.I .I$~t~"~C~-~-~~!£§~~"~?·~1~d!!t~~~ GJRL' SG Jl AGTIV lrIES'! Fitting Tribute to President LOCAL GRANGE SGHOOLS SIARIED Labor Day Well Celebrated MASONIC NOTICE BEAUTifUL PEACHES (Contin ued f rom page 1) (Co ntinued from page }l Off All RIGHT On, t he ' eninll 'of Augu 20th, nev er 8Poke a word too mu.:h . he HELD A PICNIC !ioys ' 50 yard dBY, B to 12. was Reg ular communication of Way· C. M , Robitze r, of the Roae Hilt th e co\ll/; entertal neti It rQllp t. ' f II d k lh . ht d W(.' . '.
their frielld~
r ll.;n k·!e's lawn ,which nevohr ~lle ? spea taken by Morris Oxley, wh o won a nesville Lod~e No . 163, F . & A. M., Fruit f arm, had a daten pellchea on a t t e rll< It lim Tho! Wayn~ Townsh ip ~ch o o l owe rIg muc hwoth e The H Way nesville grange hel d a '1 .75 E Vl!raharp pencil, from F. M. Tuesd ay e\·l.ming , 'e pl embe r 11th . exhihiti on. Saturd ay , at the OxleyWIlS Illlilt !''' \\"lth In!1nnese lan terns. f Ih ' . . t e d picnic at Phiilips park, Friday. opened. MondRY, with lin enrotlrn elll I I' . po sse~elo n 0 There will be tlVO candida tes f or the Pace drug store, that would be IS qua 1'I\ y 8SSlS Proj:tr':Sl'I\'" )l'8me3 81Ul \ c lCIOUS Cole, hardwa re and impl ements prite reo I 1.1 , I ' t Throua of about 500 in the three seho I . . h a mi sunders tandin lT the M. M. degree. The craft is especi- winners in any exhi bition. They we may no I say, bU " fr CNhmelll ,. we rt' the Ch l ~ f f eatures ~I r . h• urutnll' The .. boys' are 100 yard race. 12 to 16, I' . . I ' h d All th o d rawing f ur the divis hln of of the occasion Com mercial club was suppose d to a lly request ed to be present . So- of the Hal. freeston e variety. t Hi t e l Id p()~se:!s It In a 1Ig was won e· by Mr· Harvey . Surface . , and . he . . : ){l.: e is a \Vell. knuwn fllc t " rad es wa! don by the Sup rintendtake their dmner ~ and JOI.n them, r eceived journer s are welcom ed. Robitzt1r has taken them to his ice 811.25 Boy Scout ax, given 1 t 30 • Few of u rell lizl' tho heavy car e but faIled t o get there, commg en t. but it was nec e~ sllry t o rt ra w O n tlC ('venl. ng" f A Ken neth Hough, W. M. v later lant . and will keep them t~ere for ugu s by J . W. l Whit l. , e' ~ grocery ' , " . .: . but it WIIS a feast of fun as well as a agai n 01\ Tu sd ay, for I1lor chi ldr ' n t w I\'e '~u u ts and th ree llrOi' pect lve a nd Ihe ~1").().('''IIl~ L . A. Zimmer man . Sec'y . the Warren county fair nvt week rtl:!~uns lbllltles The potato race . was . won . ' by Ada . came in on the second day. . ~ " " 1 hl",,/I wilh lh Ir Cllptfl 11l t n r," '''')! Ul I' n tl Ie ~'lH) U Id era f f east of g oo d rhlllgA to the Granp;e Mr , Hobitze r brough t us a basket 0 our . . " . , ' Shaner, who received $1.60 in ca9h,' Tbere was un en rollmenL of 10-; in Kdscy .S \\'o () d~ w h e n~ a weine t I' k th f or several fanl1hes to ok theIr dlnr and p re I(I .WI ~ I Ie. mil). n(). o f the ~ ame varie ty, and we can l e e fr om ' tb e W. H. . Madden & Co's . th e High school , anel Revera l more marshmllll uw roast wa ~ enj oyed , R" lIlan cen t UTl" t . and we all kno w what that ons say <> th'IS man. te~ tify t :J th eir f1t1v o r . lumber yard. will probabl J en ter d u ring the weE'k aro und a huge camp fi re. After "(;u flIHI he goeth .. to this . " Come meant. Girls' ball throwin g contest ,,"'as The progra m of ~t l1 dieR w a~ wnrken slime P;R 111 I!N . t he troo p \VO~ <ln ler· lind he C')ll1eth. " After the dinne r, horse shoe pilch· and t o hill se rvant, won by Ada Sbnn er. w ho gOI $2 worth In){ and other games passed away out in lid vance, and it wa~ lIot neces- tllill t'd by ~li~s E,' Iy n Cnr t wri~hl. /l , I ' ll u this IIIHI he due th it." With sary to make any c hange. th er eby ve ry Ilrace tul ~o lo dance r. Captai n the noblest inte ntio th", time until 3 o'cl ock , when the of finishin g a t the Ri rlge Studio. ns of foll owing Th t! sack ra ce WI\S won bv Herbe rt keepinll; up the r ecord of la~t year. J{el~ey \\',,~ th n uss i ~ tfd by Mrs. a policy cl<!lIllincl ed by the best inter · Cu mmerci al club appeare d on the Edward s , who gut a pocket knife I gr ounds and played five innings of Mr, Alfred Watk ins . ou r mUlIie .J ohn Cartwr ight anei Mrs . Sa m ' ests o f th e country . he finds himse lf of J , C. Hawktl, hardwa r e ,. The The fun eral of Mrs . Kenrlall Tay· Instruct or, was here , T uesday. and Hen kl e, m embe rs ot the Girl SCOllt ' su rrounde d by b use ball, the score being 1\ lie lit the The WeAttlrn Star, of Lebano n, has men of Ilsrrow views second pri ze was won by Kenne th lor t" ok plae" in Dayton on 'fhurearrange d his work for vocal and in- Council, In the p resenta t ion o f tb e anl~ ~elfis h ambitio n s who demand a fifth inning . Some reall y good plays Stu bbs , 100 pound ~ of ice at til al(ain changed hands. The 881e was du)' afte rn oon , Mrs . Taylor e was the strumen tal m usic. were made during th e game. He is highly merit badges won dur ing the sum· pollilca l pri Ce for th eir support cl osed last week. and thf' n(' w owner , by Wayn esv ill, Ice Plant. dllught er of Solomon and Elizabe th pleased with the Hi gh School orc h e~· me r , After gam e differen t s tunts were demago gues who fawn upon him one 'fh e tu g of war was won by Fred is the Brown Publish inl( Co.. with CreW All ei!. She passed he r girl· tra, and ou r mUlic rlepartm ent Will pulled off, Ilnd those who attende d The honors wo n nre ns follows; Iday and c:~, "crucif y The hoorl nellr Harv eysburg , wh ere him." the Cole's team, and tb ey got $2 worth headqu arters at Blanchellt er she be conside rably advan c~ d by Ihe em · IlheuJan et Cnr twrigbl HumoN urst/; I next; sa le was made to ClarE'nc e J Brown, by politica l ?pp ~ n e nts who are were really glad they were there. of ice cream wllnt to schuo\' She is ~urvived by atthe3 urt on re~ t a tl rant cient instruct ion of Mr . Watkin s . Pioneer Do ris Hawk e , Ph ot og ra- r eady t o thwllrt hiS w,shes and emFat man's rllce wns won by Bryon form e r lieu lllnant -l(o\'I'r nnr. who Is her hushand , t\\'o daul!"ht ertland sev· The new hachs make a fi ne nppea r· pher : Scri be; Henlt h Winnor , Do ris bllrass hi ed itor of the R l a nch('~t('r Slar. s policies at allY time, if Prender gast, who rece ived a snck of ral grandch ildren . anee, and s re highly we lcomed hy Hend e rson. Gard ener ; Pioneer . lhe~ eby, they may gain Bome party flour from the Wllynes vitle Mitis; both children and dr ivers, Eliza beth Henkle, Garden er; Pioneer : advanta ge; by conditi uns "-- --, in the old second prize wal tak en by Fred Cole he Warren County Normal a l80 Health Gu ardian; Needlew oman; world where thrones are totterin g a Gi lletle razor,by Sea rs&Car twright made a good start , there being Commu n ity Group BEdge, Frances and The annual Jordan- McGuin n reun· people, unused to selt-r ule, are The flln of the afternoo A was the about fifteen pupils present . Henk le. Ganlen e r; Pio neer; Health trying t o organiz e new governm io n was hel d Sunday , Septem be r 2, ents; water melon cont est. About four· Gunrdia n ; Needlew oman; Dress- whertlt rade is paralyz ed. agricul ture on the Wellma n school ground , It teen boys entered th e contest. and it maker ; Commu nitv G roup Badge. a t s 'standsl illllnd finances WIIS a very pleasan t day and a larl!"e exhaust ed was comical to see the boys ItO for n umber of relative s were presen t MiHY Margar et Ungles by. Pionee r; white all the tim e they are looking the melons. Wendel l MacBet h won Child Nurse . fr um near and fnr . Lou e lla William son, t o Americ a f or help feeling that she the prize, $1.50 pair of Keds from Phot.og rapre r. A fine dinner was se rved to about can not illOlate h!lrsel f from th ~ great the Funkey dry g oods store. 125 Jluests. a nd in th e afte rnoon. ice noris Hawke and Gtl rtrud e Chand. family of nations and live to herself Good mU Ric was furnishe d by the J. Milton Thom pson , who has' been ler we re promot ed from 'l'enrlerf oot alone, Besides cream was passed nround to alt pres· these, there are un· Pr emi er band, and the affair ne tted workl.ng in Mason for th e past year, r an k t o :5econd Class. Whii e the childnn played settl ed Industri al conditio ne in our ent. St. Mary' s A:tlilri a neat little sum , has come 'back to his old love. I he ha ppily around . so me of the older land : the perenni al strife betw een Home Bakery . He will have cha rge Mrs . Ke nneth HoulZh Is new Lieu· capital and labor with its injuriou people recall ed days spent in the old s of all the baking her e. and Mr . Mac- t enant of the Girl SCOULS. H er ap- re action upon th e general public school house many years before. Beth will look after his outside in· point ment iE gladly welcom ed by the D ifferent classes of these are "What do you think of this buncb. deman· terests. Mr. Thomps on is one of t he entire local organiz ation . ding what they call justice, failing of Irish?" a l~ked a lady present . "I best bakers in the sta te, and the -----.... ..-- - to renlite the word as they use it is think there is hope for our cuuntry Home Bakery will take the lea'.1 a mi snom er as it m eans an injustic e yet," replied her frleI'd . """''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''.'~' altaln in Waynes ville. to Borne other party or clalil. All "It takes a drop of Irish blood FOR SALE these are difficult or impossi ble to To make the skin more white, r econcile nnd prove an onerous The merry wit more quick and gay, The danci ng filet more ligh t." aore tnrm. 8 rou m good bonse burden upon the time and s trength nnd r> ntboild in gs ; 9 h Ulid o f - --of any .me holding th e position of onttl e. milk ruut,e, bottl"a IIOU cnll~ f.)r snl e Two find ono bilif miles below Wllyn e8 vi!le 00 the River Hardin g's life wauho rt· The Garnllr reunion wal held Ilt . Mr~. Mary J. ~ard~ 202 East P.alm rORd. ~ee uw oer, E- J. Lindam ood. ened by his arduou s labors, no one the home of Almon Ferris, near ave~ue, is su~ermg from Our Line is Complete, including the a serIOus s 12 will ~eny . That he wall .(!o"8Ci~n'Oregon ia. Sunday , Septem ber 2nd, accld~nt, havmg fall~n Tbe 15th Sunday after Trinity, and hroken or I:!lIl e-Rlln ge only n~ed two with fifty.on e present . The old of. her blP. Mrs. Gard IS winters . small Besting stove. 81.. A short tloUS.1n1 the ~ulfilment of hl~ d~tle8" Septem ber 9: Church School at 9:30 all wII admIt. But such a hfe IS not a m " servico and sermon flcers'w ere re-elect ed for the ensuinll ' time previou s to the aCCIden at 10:45, larKe exteDsl on ttl bl e, sewing obalr, t, she ,ear.' The place of meeting for was the victim Of. a slight par81~tic wasted: . He ~el.ong8 to tha.t C!~88 of Rev. John J Schaeff er ofliciati ng. wtlornrobe. ohtiYl' robe nearly new, lliU. Ft. Ancien t, stroke .-Mon rovla (Cal.) Evening whom It IS saId 10 Holy Writ, They E verybod y is invited to these ser. fulll eng,h mirror Rud 1111 elee~rio 8WtlepOr SRme ~s new Can be seen rest from their labors and their vices. Pos t, Augu# 24, 1923. 8t ' Mn. ClllreDoe Alleps Write works do follow them ." HiB death -------Mrs W. U, l;t J ohn, Le"mio gtnu : Also a full line of Smaller Article s for your Fall needs : has made a deep impres9 10n upon us Apt! , Barris lind Poplar t5ts. Nor· all. How many of those who are wood,O blo , s l2 In the fO.r mative years of their lives, seeing the respect and honor paid to I. LOST Hardw are, The Athleti c ball team went to hlB memory will emuiate and imitate The ~nuaJ Burnet t reunion ' was Harne ss Regula r Bible achool and preach· hiB virtues we may not say, for the Yellow Sprinl's , Sunday , and took a LOST- A new tl, re . bele! at the hospita ble home of Mr. ing sf'rvices . E.,ening service, somew b ere b e7:80. though ts of lhe young are at times game from that SWift team, the tweoo Wllyoes vllle Rod AIl;but ta Way nesv ille, Ohio and Mrs. Ernest Butterw orth, Sun· The County convent ion, conduct ed long, long thou\Chts . Hill memory score being 4 to 2 The boys ,Iayed farm . Finder pleas leave at tbo day. There were ninetY-Beven rela· by the Ohio Christia n Mission ary SD- will brighte n a& we look at itJn per· good ball . Waynes ville Mills. s12 tlv. present , and tbe day was well . t ~ ill be held at lhe Ferry Rpective . George Washin gton and -sPent In the family gatheri ng. :~eu:~h.wall day and evening , Thure- Abraha m Lincoln were defllme d and .~ ~ • day, Septem ber 20. Rev. C. O. villified while they were living but Hawley and Mrs. Ellis, of Dayton , their lives as seen now were bright , The Clanlc Butcher : • will be among the speaker s. Dinner and gloriou s , Mr. Harding , though "Merely n 11l1'S US Iingune I" said the ·11 b d t the church. All harshly criticize d escaped vilificament mon liS he plcl<ed till the IOngtle wI e serve . a . that hnd stlpJ'll'd from his hnllds.-Ne\~ are invited to the meeting tion but the full splendo r of his s. Ha~en Evening neglster. achieve ments will not ·be known to Edward D. Goller, Ministe r. .• ~ 'S this generat ion. As Christia ns we believe that God rules over the destinie s of nations. Especia lly has he watched over and protect ed us. Only B woman 's tear kept Georjle Washin gton from b. coming an officer in Englan d', navy and thus being lost to us forever . Were not thost' tears inspired ? No ~ '. I power on earth could prevent me ~from believin g that Lincoln wal devlnely chosen for the work he had to do. The waY8 of Provide nce are " past finding Ollt. Oneof the greates t though ts that can come to the human mind is that in the infinite hereaft er we shalt know those thin lls that ~re hidden from us here. Why our beloved preside nt was taken frpm UII in the mids t of his useful· nesl1. why our own loved ones are remove d by the hands of death, all these and many other mysteri es of life will be mad. pillin to us over, th&re, over there. It speaks well for some of Mr. Hardin g's politica l opponen ts that B. ARCHDEACON, Manager. 2:16 Trot . they recoltni ze the greatne ss of his 2:30 Trot Purse $350 Purse $350 2:11 Pace Purse' $350 life and actiol). Our own for2:15 Pace 2:24 Trot $350 2:2·; Pilce $350 $350 mer Govern or, James M. Co~ was 2:19 Trot 2;15 Trot $350 among ' those who sent beautif ul $350 3- Year-Old and Under Trot, Mule Race, ~-mile, wor,d~ of condole nce and sympat hy 2:13 Trot ' 8350 2 in 3 $350 2 in 3 . . . • to Mrs. Harding and he was only $350 Mule Race M-mile Dash ".' 850 one of many. Truly death ena"bles us to see existing virtues to which we may have been blind before His sucesso r is untried . Let us transfe r the loyalty whick we f el t tuward Mr . Harding to th.e new man, the twenty- ninth preside nt of the 30x3~, $13.50 United States and wish him a suc· cessful adminls t ration to the end j 111" •. that Americ a may retain :md uphold the higb position she' occupie s 11m ling . " 30x3% , $13.50 . the nations of the earth . ' ELECTIQN OF DIRECTORS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th • .FROM .3 TO 4· And to her who so worthil y . , t' .. . adorned th" place l8 firAt lady of the and who no,w mourns the IOB8 of him . ' ·11 ' .• 3Ox3M, $12.50 with whom she 80 happily trod the path whicb, from ita lowly bellinni pg led:up to the highest pOBlion In tbe whole world, let u!I .extend our heart 30x3~" $1.75 . felt sympat hy as we commen d her to We ~~~ to .VulaInize your Tubfs with the the Source of all comfor t and Bolac•• (It,
I '
i I
--- -----
--~--- -
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
IThe Things You
Need No w
We Ha ve Th em
The Late ClaSSified Ads I.:
---.. - ..- - -
·: i
_ . . . _ __ _ _ _ •
Phone 150
. •
Wednesday. Sept. 12
13 an d 14
Thu rsda y. Sep t. 13
Frid ay, Sep tem ber 14
Special Prizes for Farm Bureau, Grange, ~oys' & Girls'
Amp le Accommodations for 'Auto~obiles and .othe~ 'V
Phillips Building
"IIIII___._.__••• •II!'I.lIii
b Work
Wed nesd ay will be Old Sold ier', Day, whe n .Fre e Adm ission ,·will ;be furnished the vete r · .of. ,all war s.
Co op er Co rds .Fin ley Co rds
f')• • •__IIi[I!!III.~• •
i : •
4 'Da ys of Fu n, En ter tai me nt an d Ins tru cti on , W arr en Co un ty' s An nu al Ex po sit ion
Waynesville Auto &MachineryCo.
' laIt$llIJPe-ot Ekdrl c
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...
SE PT EM BE R 11 ,
.Fin ley
! : .! :
W a rr e n Cou~ty F a ir
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....
New Home Stoves and Ran ges
- ..
. Qe~
: •
I· Famous Heatrola Parlor Pipeless Furnace i i
.- -,-
Superior Drills Nisco Man ure' Spre ader s
--- -- ..
ADMISSION~ingle ,Tickets, SOc
ED S. ~ONKLIN, -Secretary
Opportunity a Sycophant. Opportullity Is like e\'erytblDg else.
Vehicles,. 25,c
' meady always reudy luceesst toul."-LoD call on adoll AlI.w~ man who II I•
II!I• •~
'. I.,
~event y-Fifth
W'r} Ie ' Numb er 5559
Sub8cri be for t h t! Miami Gazette Miss El iz~ b..t h Ch'm cll f' r is quite ill lit her horn e on Th i rd s treet .
Mrll. Ellith HlIrri~ i ~ vi ~ iting r e laHerm a n Conner wa~ a Dayton vis- tivea in Cnrci iP IlL1J1l li nd Mt. Gileat! Itor Monday . Roy Mncl:! e lh nnu familv moved N ote o ur special 9al e this wcek into tlie Susan Wril{ht IHol;~ rty last and next. John A. Funkey . week
OC le. ..' :
!'Ilr . ,md Mr~ . Hoy Hatha way en The gmt),> IJllllol illo!' t (" I ~ h er" hav e te rlain etl tf) dinne r Saturda y. Rev_ ["ur 1"':llIt; ful pic1U res : f.,r t he ""h"ol ,\ ud il u riU lll Tl li~ iH II F \l uily lind wife . of Indiana po. Infl'atll rf' lll'l t h",he"t I badly tI t·ded. lis . J B ,[h Oi mas anti wife. of CenIT h,' t( ·,wl,,-ra ,, \toilid Ite ('ung flilulll- tervill", Ea rl Thomas , wife 8l1d Bon. IteJ UP Otl Lh elr 'elf"rt ' ill p ur c hll ~ in l! Wa rr en, of Soc ial How. th ('"" pl r tl1 rl'", "" ",,,II .... Illh,-r necdUn ~lo n day evening a t 7:30 o'clock I 'd pllrrhll >'e,· . a" t I", IIHtlII 'Y haH !t ee tl C'arJl ed 11\ a I' :- ( H l i ~ i {)u'" ,1I 11U Ul1l o f II grollp or,f lIhll llt twenty- five young I wllrk Il u tsid .. uf " ('\II " tI h'Ju r:t . a llY i.Jy people gill hl:' rerl at th o home of Ilivi llll' Re v!'r!! 1 "I" borate en te lta in - M i~s Beryl Cook for a surpris e party in honor o f her birthda y . Games l11"nts we r e 1)layed on t he lawn followe d by T he ir 11 PXI. eO'nrt wi ll he I,) rai"e lIlo ney til I'urrh~ s~ pi('t Hr s to l' ll- II Ht eak roast uver an open fi re. !tallel" t he Will i:, of a ll lhe se ll ,01 Itf.'fresh men ls of steak ~ andw iche8, pic kl e. , corn on th e cob. wate rmelon • r<HllIIR in th e huild inl{ If ~o me of nu r (J rganizll t i,ll I1". or so me of our and r oasted marshmeJlows were ci ti zt! nH W O li Id e_p ouse the cause by ller ved . ~i v in g money or pictures t o eith r r o f th e b u ild in ~' . t hp. pU\Jil s nnd t('ach r ~ would app reciate th e intere~l ~ h uw n in hel ping' t o beautif y the ir schuol ro om". ' Ilurdll.~ .· d
Hllve your Tuue~ vulcaniz ed at the Lintil~y Mili a lind flimily . of Urba· Waynes v ille Auto and Mlichin ery Co. nil. III .. nre vi~iLin!{ Mr . al\d Mrs . Geo rg e Mill s Mr . Hnd Mrs J . C Hawk e ~ pent Mr ~. Hoy Andrew , and sun, of Sunday with re latives at Pl easant Clt iculClI nre th l:! gu ,·s ls of Mr . amI Plain . Mrs J olin A. F un ke v. Mr . and Mrs . How t' ll P ierce a ttenMr and M r ~ . Ii oll inl:'s wll r t h, of ded their family re union lit Selma. Ludl ow I"nll s ~ pent 'unuay wil h Mr . Monday . and Mrs . Will Norton Mr . and Mrs . Walter McC.lure and MrH. Ja8. McClur e were Dayt on visMr . and Mrs. L. I". I' l'rkins , of itors Monday . Pasaden a, near Day to n. wer~ vi ~iting relatives he re IUMt Friday. Several of our resid ents attend ed Save your (lId cor plll8 anti rUIlS the big Ku Klux Klan meetinl l lit and get "W ea r we ll " Hug s mllde . Sprinll field. Saturda y. Send for price list . Frankli n Rug Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawk e Mrs . J Co. , Frankli n. Ohio . C. Hawke and John It'romn were Frank Hamilto n, and ' family, of Daylon visitors Monday . Ne wport. Kv .• came here Wednes Mr and Mrs Roht. Crew, Mrp. day evening and took Mr. and Mr~ . Rache l Crew and Mr. Frank Crew (ieorge Hamilto n to their home for were Cincinm .tr visitors Saturda y. 8 visit. Dr. Farr, or'Soul .h Charles ton . Mrs. W . W. Smith, of Davton . hu been spendin K 8 couDle of day s who ha9 been sDendinlC a wellk or with he r s i~t e r. Mrs . Hannah Rosr- two bere lit tbe Friends Home. return ed to his home in South Charles ers. ton, Monday . Mr. and Mrs . ~ y'e r Hyman attend ed service s at th e Jewish synsgo gue Miss Mabel Smith, who has been at Cincinn ati. Tuesday . The Hyman spendin g tbe Bumme r in the Adiron etore was closed all day . dacks. stopped on the way home. to spend a few days wit h her father Philip HopUn s Jr ., of Dayton . Mr J H . Smitb and wife . ' epent Sunday an1 MOl.day here with trlf.'nds . He reports his father to Prot. Lester Ivins. of t he Kent be feeHn" all we ll as ullual Normal achool . was the gUl'st of J . O. Cllrtwri Kht and fllmily. Mo nday . Earl Ornd orf and H Ilfold Osborn He has been spelldin g severa l day s have secured position s with the with hiB m,)ther . Mrs. A H. Ivins Bullock Electric Co ., at Norwoo d. of Ilear Uidsrev i lie. and we nt to work Illst week . Mr . George J. Waterh ou lle spent Mr. Charles F . Mpsher.. _ M and Monday and TueRday in Springf ield Mn. B. C . .Poole. Mra. S J . Burgan attendi ng II convent ion of the Ohio .and Mr. Aile!, Burgan . of Cincinn ati. Americ an Legion. H e was one of were Sunday callers on Mrs Edith the delegat l s ' from the Ralph D Harris and family, Isnook post of Warren County _ •
I~ . ,~
La~t F riday afterno on and evening the Waynes ville Shrine Club he ld its second ann llal picnic a l • the Robitze r camp on th e Miami river. A la rge de legation of Shriner s and th eir families were present from Leba non and Potenta te Paul P. 0' Brian. with a number of the omcia l divan of antioch Temple , to!teth er with sever e l other nobles. came down from Dayton . The occasio n was llay with much feasting and me rrim ent. Preside nt Robltze r and Sec'y Zimmer mau were in cbarge of the de t ails .
ERSEXAMINA1ION Sa~. f ort eaching George IlETTER fROM A .
Alfre.d Wri ght left SchoOl In Pa ., when' he
The 8I'hool9 will be closed T hurs- I day and Friday of this week because otthe Warren County Fair .
An l'xt ru ('x[lnl inaliull f o r teache rs will b" h "l cI SRturrJay, Se ptember 11)th . at the lI H l l &i hour and place. '[' h i ~ is tu e na blA lellch 'rs empl o,; ed lat e or comin g' from a di s tanl:e, to obtain ce rtificat es. No tempor ary or emerge ncy certifi ca t e~ will be a llo wed or need ed und e r this arra ngement. except fo r teachen empl oyed afte r t hi ~ exam in .. ' inn . T each ers --who have not al rl' ad .v taken s teps to ~ ecure th e n eced. llry ce rtifica te mu st tio so on this date. A reepnt law pro"irle s that t eache rs· eX 'lminati on arc to be held 011 th. firs t Sat urd " y of April , May, There was a meetina ' of the To~nd June. !lnd I he last Jo'rid ay in bacco Gro wers Associa tion at DayAugu st I t also I'mpow e rs th e State ton hidsy afterno on and evening . Virecl or of Educati ou to authori ze and several from this localit), were a special examin at ion in IIny or all in ~ ttendance. The a880cia tion I. countie s . hortly afte r the schoole working in - conjunc tion with the \wgin . The one held on Septem be r banks for a better mode of market 15th is g ene ra l ove r the state. ing their tobacco . ThOBe who at· _0 '_ __ • _ _ ___ tended the meeting trom here wpre: W. H . Allen. J W. Whitfl. Lee Henderson. Elias Oglesbe e. Wilbur Clark and W. E . O'Neal .
Miss Elizabe th W. Chandl er has I Editor Miami Gaulle During the Chau tauqua ~eason of - As our this year. there were on th e Miami been sick for the past week Bnd un- time is out the .first of Septem ber able to return t o her school work at and I will send you a check Vllll ey Chuutau q ua llr ouuds dail y , f Cir a r enewal as we have been a reader of betwee n three and f our thou!!f1nd Scio. the papclr so lo ng we can'not do people . . Arnonll so many pl.lrsons . !te v. B. F. Dail y and wife . of Indi- withou t it . We look for ward for sicknesR 1111(1 acciden ts are inevitaanapo li~, spent th e week-en d with every copy. as time gOl'~ very fa st . ble . Anticip at.ing t he need, the the sister of th e latter, M ra . Roy It will be a yeaT' the 24th since we Warren 'ounty Chap ter, Am riclln left for the Valley. It do esn't >eem Red Cross, in conjun ction wiLh th e Hathow ay . po"sibl e that it coul d be thll t long. F' runklin Chapte r condu't ed a F' i, sl J ohn A. Funk c' Y can and will save I will jot dow n a f ew word Aid Station . T he se rvi ces of Mrs . s abo ut you money this week and next. l the Ri o Grande vBlIey . We I;ave Ri chard Merrill. Red Cro~s Nurse Come and ~e('. to get the be nefit of no t had it as he.' t .here as in many from Hs milton. we re secur ed ant! in these barg al'n 8 . \Places . Every day about noon (he e lev 'n days over thr ee hunt.lreo pathermo meter run s fr om 100 to 104 • ti en ts were g iven most emcien t Mrs. Lyda Ann Jenniso n. nee Mills ' but by getting in the shade we can treat ment Amonll i hese were 125 and MI . and Mrs Otto Jenniso n. of feel comfor table. Oh my , how cases of infec tion, 20 of pojson , 4 of Chi~go, and ~ rs. Emma Caylor, of thingB grow he re! With soil . cli- Rore throat , 3 sprains . 5 burns.45 inDajton. spent Thursd ay with Edwin male. water and cultivat Ernellt Harlan and George Waterion as th e teslinal infec ti on. 5 heart trouble, During Fair week I will m k Chandl bouae were . , I Ii er and familv. life of a plant Jr 10 ~pr ~g eld Saturda y .peeial tripa to the tree. we are among and 47 dr es8ings. a se fair ground Mr Sh owe rs , th e Chautau q uA. the first to get into market . as we attendi ng the reunion of tbe 143th leavln!t Waynes ville at 7:30, 2:30 and Prof. Watkin s, the new music ship cantalo upl's in May. Sent '75 Manage r, was very en thus iastic in Infantry . Mr. Waterh ouse was elect- 6;15 an I leaving the fair ground s at "Save by buying in Waynea ville.ed. to the ~ffic.e of an executi ve ot 8;00, 3:00 and 6;45. Dayton - Way- tearher in our schools, met wi ~h the cars from Pha rr. There will be his prai se !Inti commen rlalion of the A most en j oyah le picnic was held on S u!lll orchest a' . Se ra p t (' Tuesda m hundred be serv r 9th y ice mornin g, and . at . th e ~~~~!!!!~~~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'~ rend ered by the Red Cross s of ac res planted ne xt tbls orgamz atlon. nesville Bua line. highly complim ented them u pon sp ring The fir~t sent out brough t in this way. These Chupt e rs are bea utifu l home of Mr . and Mrs .. their organiz ation. and lIays that it 500 each We had ro as ting ea rs t he plannin g t o do a similar worll a t the ,l a mes Frazier . near WayneRv ill e . Ther e- we re' abou t forty present 14th of May, had them f or 8 wee ks . Warren Coullty Fai t'. is splendi d: Had waterm elons for seven week s , Rn d all were nea r rela tiveR of the Jnhn A. Funkey has cut prices on Had fried turk'·y and chi cken !lood host nnd h oste~ s . ThlOre are a lon g hIs large stock for this and next time ago. Ice sell s fo r no ti cs lik e ramily ties and 11 0 gath60c a hunweek. No one can sfford to miss dred. and suger at e ring li k' one at whi ch parents . lOc o Cotrtin • this rare chance to 88ve Big Money. harvest is about over around brothers and sis t e r ~ . un cles. l1unts. he re'l HII can only mention a few of his We have a gin t Pharr, cousins , nieces a nd nephew s are m et and they many bargain s- note for instancl'. will gin around a6000 Cotton is sel PU.Tsuant to lhe a~peals from the in an infor1ll a l good tim ,'. Such wus best calico at lOco a large lot of 25c Iillg around 2f>c p er pound and Will i PreSIde nt of the U~lted States and th e picni c at M r [<'ra?ie r' s.a bOUnti- \ dresR gill"h~m. plain and "laids. Il t go high er . We will get abouL twe n· ~he G?vern or of OhIO. th~ Red Cross ful r1i tlll cl' RprellJ 1I\J1J[I t he grussy 20c. the one-yar d Percales at 20c. ty-one off of our place. I am send_ l iS asking for funds aid th e ~~ f lawn , happy rompin ){ child m n :.md Women 's Hose atlOc 15c 20c 81H1 in g you a picture o f our melOilS. We ferer!' from the direful calamll y grow nu p ~ thal love ('Itch ()ther. 25c; Men 's halt-ho se.'16c. ~wo pair::! gathf.'re d 133 t he m orning Thu~1) prl:'sen l were MI' . a nd · M r ~ . I the Pi C_ Il lhat has, be fall en t he Empi re uf for 25c, men'ds hoes . form erly $4 .00. ture wus take n. Citru s t reeR are J llpan. Chalr m,lIn Waggon e r , of Wm. J . Sllerwo od. Mr. lind Mr s . l 3 !)O an d 3.50. now selling st $2 75 . de ing fine. There is a gr ea t deal Of ,' the Wa rren C(. unty Ch~p.t e r has He rman Co nner (lnd Mr. Ha" ry _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ lallel se lling to Nonhll rn people; the asked me to !lSSlst In r !lls lllg t he 'he rw'lod. o r \Vuyn c.w il lu . Mr. and climate and rich !!oil brinlt th em county quota . Mrs. C. 1\ She rwood a ll I Mr . Ed win Land sells from ' 300 to t 600 per acre l' T he ~l1lount ask.ed fr om Wayn e ::ihe rwood . of Lebano n. Mrs . Suslln I O:1e 20 acre place with 7 acr es bear _ ow ns hl p IS only $300 ~h e rwood . Mi M~ Ma ry Sherwo od . illl{ tre.,~ Bo ld for $30,000 . We are Jus t now I hav e not th time t.O Mr . lind M r ~. J . 10' . S hel'wood nntl going to have lo ts of grspe fruit ma ke!l canvas b~t lun tRklng. t hl!! chi ldrt>n. Mr and Mr s Omar HoI- lI method of appe!llm g to ou r clt ly.e n s lingswll l'th an d slln. M rand Mr!l. I • th IS year. _ ___ . Our fri end down her e has 25 acr es' t.11 g .Iv e t Ilear' s upport t o thiS 1lI0VIl- Lllciu~ l.' raz iEl r, Mr . aJd Mrs C . E . \ . and hitS refused $S5.000 for it. He n len t a nd leave the ir contr ibuti ons Hra lbury and children, of Orego nia, Tho.ma~ ,PIe rce. an e m.ploye e .of has a nursery and bearing trees on a t. the Wa yne!!v ille Nati onal liank. Mr. and Mrs F . C. Guve and Miss l the Mlllmll iazette. was stncken With it-and aold $25.000 off of it last year pr:or to Septem ber 18th Dorot.hy Gove. of Mi rldletow n, Mr· 1 . sudden loss of m e mory, last Wed - ' This man came he re eight years ago. .Inasmu ch U8 ye h ove done it and Mrs. Herbe r t Doster and childnesday e~enlng about 7 o.clock . . He l Our lace looks IIlke we hav e been unto the lea~ t. of the~e My br ethren ren, of H !lrveysbu~g . and Mrs. Iola l was o~ hiS way to counCIl meetlllg , he ro! ~hree years. Bmd if you do not ye have done It unto Me." S mith. of of whIch he ~as been clf.'rk for sev- believe it (lome and Bee _ - -for youreel f' l J . 0 Cllrlw ri gh l. eral but all at once when near W h B tyean, ' ' bb e ave crt e d our corn an eI h ave Stil Mr ' \.,-, ~ r ,~ ( l'''s' V icti ms. ur on 8 cor:n er, a8 he told ~t ne_xt planted corn. beans, waterm elons, l Fll r:,:'n: : 1 " :" I~ :: I :':t' s lalll l' ~ for day, someth mg sp.emed to strike hIm It took seVl!ll judgetl two boul'8 to d antalou pes !Bnd will get the ("ollt " 1 !!' .. ·1.lplt Mls8 Katherine Fl oyd os the ' It'h ( 1' · ... ;-;: 1) 1' l:lr~t! on the head and for ' several hours an Cd d f th f II m o~ t hetluUrul woman In West Flor: ' 111, '11'1\· p r ol'!I1"',·, . ~ Id r;ala ,d mind was a blank. When he l groun rea y id... Then she WAS entered as "MIu ' .1., " , 811111 p~ I:' I' I hI' Illnr lw t fatled to appear at council meeting Pensacola" In the NatlOllal lleaut'l . _ _ __ .~_ ___ CYC!I',\ ,\, 1' .• ,· . , ' 111l'!t1 I tl': l lg l)ll ug-lit I Show at Allantlc City, N. J . and a8 he did not return home at by n ; I\\ ;l! \' ,I 11 ,' .... . the i18~al time, a sea.rch WIIS institu- I ted w.hlch lasted until after 2 o'clock I Ann iline , younge st daugbt er uf n th~ mornin g. when It was decided : Mrs. Maud emil«. wa H badl y burned to give up until dayligh t. Early ~ Gover nors in Horse shoe Pitchi ng Tourn.~ Friday at her hom e ill Belhe l, Oh io. the ~ext mornin g as Earl Evans wae The Alexand er reunion was held She. in so me wav. pulled a l(e Ll le of e9Jlll~g to town ~"met Thomas I lit Camp Linger Longer on SundllY . of jelly off the st,we on to he r bOQy walking up the Xenia pike. He was There was a large number of the and was badly burne.d . patchee of soop overlak en ' and brough t back. relative s present . I!nd the day was skin come off where the j elly touched h~me and aft~r Beveral hours of rest , well spent. The usual big dinner at her. She was teken to a h Ol!lpital in hIS memo y returne d to a Certllin \ noon was a featurll of the day. ' Clncilla ti, and from las~ account s is extent. He ha(i no idea of how he • ... • 1 getting along ail well as could be ' ' rellei>nIIdet . .. 't he ltdlltnllll .. mer CIIII Pt'OPJe to belli ~ad spent th!' night. b~t he bad tbere. Sept.,.1-2,' WIll expecte d . liD carthqua ke an4 belpfull \8l. The u. S. probabl y wander ed tbrough the j • , of S)'mpathy . Mre. Crane expecte d to move into ?elds and woods all ni!tht In a drlv- l' wttb the "'aHObal Red c:ro.. r::;:: ~ tweh' . cooperat .~ her prop'crt y recently purchas ed , ina a~ ~v.l.able IIDppll~ to tbe _ _ ot d1:.ter ~th~ur:~~"!..!!!e8ed mil' rain.. . , . .\ br' . of C W, Younce , but the terrible 8Il1o qulekl1 ltartvil relief aetlYitlel: ,. . . . '-'- . It I. t~~¥ght bls breakdo wn result . , 'lbe .......dent req08llta lbat aU _trlbllt lqnl be -. a~nt has delayed the movfnll' for i!lreetto tbe' ed from a nervou l complic ation. '.I'be Dew M. E. p,reacbe r. Rev. L, 80me time. ~= '1~~e=1:r~rJ~\r1t=n~~. tor transmll8lol1 . Presum ably.th ere ·w. notblnK tO l A. \Vashbu rn officil.ted at , ... saD Pl'8ft~ 'at tbe 'tlma 01 t..... _ ......._... ,000 the cburch ~ the people _ _ ...........e and are to ~-.-""re. . worry bim all biB books were found SUDday. A lar.e congreg ation Vpper picture lIjowj leUe of tatror IIIId ccmfuidoa In TokIo Wall in I9In ~Iu a quake IIDt _ _til u .vore to be all r1ibt.. .. tllat .bleb II etlll ve" pnatlnt . aDd the choir reodered 10 'The only lIu~b:::=I:;; ute are . till pI'NIDt cIbater , l.-w: TIll . . qa at Yotobam&. _bleb ,IC, .weak aad I1Ilfers a ....t deal with apecia1 millie for IIlorDin , and even· WltJI tbt have alread,; UI~........ . .
----- -
'Wh ere President Wan ts Your Hel pl
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- The Miapd Cbette,.WaJeMldle. 0Y0., ,-
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t ...11; 1\\ u ,t"I' \,\,wnrtl h,lt. hi, t"III' IIIIl" OUI ('1I!:l'f\Y. hIs .ta~e lliru I (,'1'\' :11'(1. ' :h"n h~ ~IIIII Ii~t\ sudd,'n l,'. II 11ft "w rlll',1 "~('~ ~tllrl ng Inl o Ib" h" " 1 II f1I1 ' ~tle ur Ihl.' .4-1. hla III'S 1111 II\ ! ('j. '1 1':~t"1 Utll' l li ll \ to . 8\\'l fl p Jft 1111I11In. •... 11 I, .. ,1- ~" " I'llt )0011 . Il>I nel< n , Hnh ~1;'II~"rl" rlU' \\ "h l..: .\ "n' try " tlllJ. " C'p, 1 sa y t !l"I1' t fl,, ·1 \. '1: lilP lloiW. Tllrn :l r" nnd
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wllrlp tile olher two .en- l tered wIth Hett lrll r. Nor hnd he returne d Int .. r: 'tIot lit 1.... 81' whlll "It.. wall lit th" 'VID~OW, nnd h e wnll not ID nttend~nre Bt the wedding. Thp.n th truth 8 u rt ~pnl y oC('1lrrrd to bel'-the mon \V1\9 hldln jr (llll. n" dare not rIsk drlnktng, or bl'lng s hut up In n hou!!!. He wn s II IllInt ert rreature, wAt~h 'ul o r tr.,ochery In every bumnn bPlns. U e cou ld tl'llst
fi nd ~II 11',( 111U l d j·"r, 1 '''11 Hc' t p l;ty· l tj ..' 11 .. hlf' ~, .. \P llrllf"H T 11Iln., 1 ;0 ' "
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line was prel5ed hn(' ~ nl-':i!n'l Ih,' tablt', help l M.~ to mo,' e, t ,,., 1I ",r " II~ II I.' hewl1df'red nn d dnzeod ( ll r t.IH" Il1nl1h'!H to atlplnpl any actloll. :"" ncll .. , 11:1 " rtnerted Ih .. door h" WII' j;1 1 ~ ro llnJ! . I a nd 8tood JU81 b ~hlnd he r , ~ rln n l n~ ch .... rfully . .' ryan ,""s 01'1'0 Itp . hi. tlllrk, h~lf- bre<>d Indlnn fl\ ('" ~~ I" h l l l n2 no OOI"tlon. ",hll .. ~f ellj1pr hn d plllnl...,1 hl m!l(>l f 8t her rlghl. h i. hlo" II"h I "yes sco"'lIng Into h .. r "wn. r,Hrrlly I'egan 10 rea d. but Ilt l' only hClInl Itlm tlumhly. her mIn d InM·tlve. C'ompreIlI'ndlng n ot 1\ lingle word . Th ..n su ddenty. contICloumoss clime hack as thoui" somethIng had .mapped In the nll mbed braIn. Ih e words SClItnrtlnll dear. dl.tl n ct: '" pronounce YOII hu . hond nnd 1~lfE'. and whom God hn th Joined t ogether, lei no man Pllt .. der." WIth a single 8h811> cry, site "Pmn!! "-lIdly ha ckward. jerked hersel f free from BDCbe,,' hasty grip, and dsshed headlong tor tbe dOOr len dlng Into th~ baU. The "tartled Mexl~D IUld Mea-
hp \1'",11 ,1 """ 1" too duifll h,·r
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",," ' f' J\ 1nil 10: , Inn ~ tl m£' : rUt! n p f t llk(' hf'r p .n ' ~ (,,111ll tllp rl""~f· 11 rlollr, (l r rPl (I:I""t' hf'r J.!'r l p nn
M.xlcan CollIe/ed,
rer, Iprlnctnr forward to Int'!rcept her ftICht, collided. C!tIrsln, and strlkIIII' at each other In tbnt InstRnt of CODfulll.on, wblle site flung open tbp door aDd .-wept out, untouched, Into the ball. Her mind contBlned bitt ODe thDupt al Ibe raD-ber own room, the W_POD In the boreBu drawer. She coald defend herself tbere; kill herMlt, ldJl 111m. It n ecessary I He sJlould nrnr touch bel'-llever I She wal t .... now, and would be helpless In hIs hUldi Dever' ap1JL She waul<! die 1I1'1t, 41. Iladl,. but Bob Menger would DlftI' poaesa her all"'e. Tbe c\runken oeth. beb1Dd epurred' ber on, strengthened her reMlive. 'Sbe ran. never alandIII' back. atralabt to the eDtrance IOUebt. IIl1.11& It open lind sprang within. slammlDg the 400r shut behind ber and teellD.c desperately for the ter. It ..... DDt In the lock, nor could she l1li4 It I~ au the dark floor beDeath. Dnmk u Yeager was, he bod thoq.b t of tIIa.t; bad aeen t o It tbnt the ......1 tD her apr.rtment would be lett ~ The girl t urned. ber taeart beatill&' rapidly, aDd crossed to ftli burN.. ~ God I be bad not dl.covlNd the CUD. and 'be aWUBII defiantly a ho1ll. th e weapoD gripped 1D II. bllll1 CHAPTER V
, t
.... __
tlt1 t
j?er ," she !<lA id ('oldl y , th l !!!! r oom ."
"Kill nll'! ( 0(11.
Why .
tlllDlro, !;
you l env@
.1' 011
h lnm e IIIt1e
1 ('n uid rruMh thfl' tl f \ Ollt o· ~' Ol1
wltlt ooe h'lII el -s ~ e. JuM Ilk .. Ih nt . And hy ('~". 1 1!'1I 1 the rll{h l If yo u get III', ~II .'·. .,·(\lIr hll""" nd, IIln 't n 1'hllt" what t hl' la\\' su ~·". nnr! I'm ,,(lJln ~ lo t II!' .'·our hu shll nrt . .,·nu eRn Itet IOll r lire nn th ut. Tllin k yo u'" sPlire Ol e.• 111 y",,1" h e hllr~ t Inl o nn n cly
tv btm wile b. was
1Mr. : W'bat tltrw.Pce
I nll ~h
I'?\ ,){
ti lls thllt!, :'OU
\\' 1Ii I I. I
I l~
tu rn ed nnll cl""cli till' II"o r: tli" n ~ li ll I' I ·, I C0 d II t r M~t! lt! r OOlll oWU 'u IP r , . ~C ,.;
~~:nre:; I Y. 1;~1:1 S~I~~: ~hl:h~:'n,'t": r:.~t';,II~ f!'t1t\l re~ ,·I.lb le.
lI 'r m" liunleSM sl -
l euc:e cnu f:,-'d h im
f 'l l HI l lM' ,
"Pretty U- II 8t III. 11 111 '1 Y"iI T' h(' rl(,.~ h t
Iflie d,
}J(' 'r l n~
hl'T oc u ... " i l'\uu,I ,\' :
" wIlY dun' l Yil il IIIl k '! \\' h(' n I "I,cak to a \V CJIll un I V' unt he r t o ..:u y !"tJ llIeI tr lnl/." to "TI,,' re Is nothlnl: !W ~' .' •
"( )n l y tl lnr YIJu ' r,,, f.!'lI l nJ! til 1;1 11 me If r t oou"h ,1'1111. Iii ')'? .... 11 rl~h t . th!>ll ;
Terry Gilkieon
~o l'ernmrnl ,
lirlr " r tI,,· " tCll·k. It I"." t h,' rp ~II le r· In" III Iltl' stlltll"h\. lin d d.' -p .. ril t~. nu, d,h·II,·. 1 h .'· th .. t1 . I!I~ ~ r. ool"· .' l n~ Ih., II r-t 1\ lid In,lln"1 " f t ill' , n-Ill nt. " II.. . nll l,llt'd II liP 10) lli p l",rn·1 "n" struc'k willi 011 hN ("r" I' ot th.' 1I 111n ' , IWllel. TI", (,·li n l\' )!IIV " IIlt"ru nc(' I.. noo Il I00An. Ids lilnhs Iwlld ..." . nn ri tlw n li l' III.' llifOl lronl ,·,". hi' rl lO " II~II l n' l Ih., finoor . P"l oI,ruh plow l.. IIrt.-,1 hpr h,\el),. "h,.ink lnn...~ I'a"k (r oo ll l II I- (1.'lrkly .'ul II ' " ,1 rl"·III. ""~Infl l n~ til '''llIl1 rehe nd 11' 11 h h"rror \\ hu t ,I,,' 1111,1 d.' np. ~h~ -t ill held t l;:t11 In IIII' w('np.)n wllh ",ld"11 . h~ hUl l ,ll'olt the hlrrn'. nitholll!h r"nllz ln" tlillt 'hp II" l u nl:~ r reQul rl',1 li s l,roO,, "· tloOn . TIll" ,l lenn' was t<' rrtt yln.c : IlI'r n(,fI'('I\ Ilfl l( le.1 p ol nfully. 'he f"llnd ell ltkll ll )' In hr<;n th lnl! . \\' 81 the I'IIlI n II"lId1 lI uli s h" ac tl f1llly klll ~ tI hl lli with th nl on,· 1","1), hl"w? ~h..
She Hurried to Carry Out Her Plana. It WIIS I"'r II ct : s/I e hod Ilon e It-wltnt flO W? Sh(' hU ll 1I~"l!r rn c ~d this s ltu III1"n Iwfnr('. the nrte\'!llilth. Wh ether ~!(.n~ l\r wus (1(turl or nlh'~. BIle must
l '
the gTE'Dt "pen doo(lt ot Ih e s tllhl e. IIn'\ begsn gTnllln~ hl'r WRY f. ' r,,·nr.I 8earchlng tlte orn ll.. 1'h .. first wn .' empt y. and , a~ ~t nrt rct 10 1I00 \·a n .. ~ town r" Ih e . pc onel . • he ClIlI lC In n su 'lden pIlu se. wit h hen rt l ellp ln ~ Int " h,' r thrOllt- l here ha d hern a 8lJUnn li t her left. a nl s lll n g or Sl raw. as tho ll~h som eUl lnjr hn ct mnde ft qUi ck '" 'Wo>ment . She 1I. ' el1<' <1 100entl)·.• lmw" l)!' a brea th ot rl'lIet at th~ ' II r " ',,,llnc alienee. ~ o <!ollb l It \Vas R. I, ors'e s'llrriD'. Or po slhly 8 rnt. T II!'n 11 voll'e apokp s lPrnl y nOI thr~" fe N uwny . "Pllt liP y.'ur hnnds! Wh (t Rre YOIl' What ftr(, ~'O ll rloln~ In here?" Sh.. obc,'''" Instl nctl vpll'. Ino f rl.chteoed to ev.'n <peo k. ,'rnpp lng Ih .. I'n )!, to th e fl oor. ror);~ 1IIn" cO l!lpl~lely th e revol v.. r bu r'k lp" nbou t her 11'01.1. A h ll nel r('nrhNI forwllrd (tilt or th e darkness nnd .,.rlpllI'{l her u l'm l..,,,
it'S gr Hl r!':t
A m el
"""mMI t ll
'Armt Ser"Ic:. i n F r"nce . A .-It 17. n II I Frnnt' p I ... ~ll h J trt to ",n " Co..flrIHtJ on u f XO )'t ' lI r'" In I ~ IP n rmy. Th e prlH 181n n f or S@t \' 1, ,' I": .\ I 'lh'. ar m y Sl' r vlcc 18 uHlnttl oi : 1:1 1"4I~ (ln' l", l' )' ~K r> "1111 (l monl lls: lari t orl lli Ice. 10 ,,'ara_
- -- -"
- ..----
E ~ . i er
Makes It
to Forgive.
!ltt l .. IlI H-' to Pllrh olh ,'r: li n l' \ Tt '1:I ' 111 n rT~ n :':C lllf'nt f or lil t! " " II~ ! l r 111: loI :l!l ir ,\' , w ld('11 t\1Ic.1 ~ In It \\'n :111
,":4" ' 111
O~ J<:Y
or pr"If'ct her . .not n white nlan to wh om "he ro nld nPl'enl. mnrkrcl Ih!' fltl l'. ht oru\<' d IInp. or th e . Til . gi rl th rus t tht! revolver bock nnlllllli . ttlf' tnr Iw ll (, l' r nlll lltion In In to Its holster " t lI er WAist. nn d nWnhll.,~ 'hl'II:~ Inlllll nlllll·.~It·n"nl In Ihille.. If sll e could I h I!'l n o ~~rl out rhrllllflh th e wlnt.lo\\' Into .' . ' th e qu lpl n igh t . <)f t wo ev" ., t he des. , "Frl ~c " ',Ill!" Wh nt hnd e ,'pr he· prt. or thl'''' IHlI' leR" men. sit e chose ('o lli e " f th " (1'1I11\\,? ~ h p wI,nllered I
tllp h'fiI~ ('rtlPl , the clpsert , It Ihe was
ns sil o 'R lll wl~' nUlfh· h el' wny down the
Hud I( sO, ii i" fol l owers w()u/ll be glo w
(, U
StfC8el1l3IlI1 B('comes
, German Chane ·U()r
lbl'1\ent FOJll.
KI!:NT - A guml Kllra!!a. ~ee U. CI\I ~ IlII1I1. Wll y u ll. '·l lI e . ~26
DhI O.
o f :J r OU 1118. p~rtly mod tHn flUa In Kood ouu<1lt1un : I< ,HHKtlliUd ,,1"0 1rio lI .,; htll 10'1[1lr8 u r W,,~IIlY BIKI!:S, CllrwlD . IJhl o. s 10
O U ~g .. r 5 r oo ms; e l60\rtO IIgbtl! Will e r. IIll Itl t!uud uOlldlLh.ID . " ' qOlr" u r ::lU 81iO Wrlgbt. W .. ynellVillu. OhiO. d\!
BElIT.IN - Dr. Gust.. '8~ Innn, leader or the Germau l'oople·. ,lrty ullOn whOII(' abouldel'8 feU too· I." at formlug new eon lltloo cabl-
PU RHE. oOUtKllllug !lOOltl monllY .. t th ll ~nSllu W rtltb' Bil le. Any an a finding SlIlDe ph,,,se Ie" VII "l thll "tRell. ~2~
-- I! L ~ weeD W"yuesvlllo£lDCI Alt!huUa o ~'r-A
r----------------, Pinchot's Stand • Against Strike
II tl W t iro I< il wewlle re be.
farm 1!'IIHlor pl eas WIIYDos vilie MIIIIl .
leAve Itt \be 1112
lED W Hi:A'r- l CER'1'H' hll lunll ed qUltn,,,y ot Fol. VII ..
hlo Whell\ for ""I e. I·bt" I.. a HQloolb whellt with 8ttH dlmw .. I!loh 8tand. np well, \lug" ",rllt n . 111 ,,1 lit .. good Yi e lder. ~.Ul I' . lI enk le, WllyoellVIlle, Oblo, ph oDe ~~ 6. 826 RIiDK e Cook Stove, 1 BOMB 1 Jewell Unp lllx Heatlu g Stove , both ClO l~1
lind wood i also Uflue Mill, wHh eqoipment . Tim dllr\ o tl, R. D 1. W lIy tl e~v llle , Chlo . 826
Type Poland Cblna elJring 8 tl$Glll\8. t:levllrlll ,Ire g rllDddliugb. ler8 of Bli ster Arbltrli'Or (Grand ChaUlplon of OhIo !:Itate I!',,\r l\l ~ I) . Alllmmnned , Also ~'ord Roadftter. John H. Slioket,. R . D . 3. pho ne H-4 y' . Waynes ville. Ohio. 826 of 'f rnmble tleed 5 J BUtlBIl:L8 Whellt reoh'flned lind grown i
GO\'. Plnebu[ at PeuIIs.y!v8U!& told mhll'rs alltl operlltors : "I rccognbA! tb~ right>! of mine worKerS to Or!lllllb .., • • • 1 r .....·og lll~ the rlgbts of mlm! Ol~rntor" 10 Jui t relurus a ll IUI'{!8IU1l'uts • • • 1 IIIl1 bere to tell .'·ou t uot Lbo Ilub llc rights are to I.Jtl 1·('('ognl7.~d aud Iltoterll'(l "Iso. • • • The peop le or th., l' nlt~rl ~tllt~s nre lOSing; Illitlencc • " • Thl ~ ~ ntr"'l ' ·er.:y Is uot a 1'1'1"811' qUllnel • • • Thcl'e llill~t I ~ IIlI RtrllH' ... .
from certified 8eed. In quire or Lawre noe t:!urrape, R. D. 4, Wayne,. ville, Ohio. 812
Htr'nn gl {r
illl p n'~~t'd hpr
~lIrf'I .I'
hI' WIIS nil ,1t·lI nk!'n. rn }' s l e rln~ b"11 I.... II ~ I", d nol (> ,'I'n gu ne Into the h flt l ~(' : :-; hl ' \\'11~ ~llrt· IIf t ha t now, IIlp ll l I f l !'! n~
"HE"" !
1': " :ll' ly,
Coolidge .Boys First Children in White House Since Y Roosevelts
t:lee owner, E. J . LlndllwOlld, 1112 n ~ed
:-\ltle-R"ng., ouly FoJ rwtnllln •• nlHII Be-tiCK
two 8toVII. hlrg" exto n~lon tuhlll . 8evnnlo! chair, "'"rtl r ol'e, ohtff. robn 'H'urly Inll IIlUK,h mirror lind nn a la N rio
'''' W.
~"9 "e'I.f' r
Ut\l) be
" I, Mrs. Ct... e Gotl Al1HII" Write Mr8 \V . U. Ht .I .,!ttl. L"ltf)J IDJ(, elU A I)~~, ti n rrh IlOd Puplar "'h, Nor w \) o d. Oblo HI2
t ll~
,'n ll'(' n nd IlInnnpr hnc1 fl!l! clltI'el'ent; he did n f·t 1,,·IIIII;.!' \\'II Ii thut rrpw. OntIn'\\'. «I(l ..; p(~ rlll io. Iol hp k. IIt '\" Idlll t o he. R fII n n w l l II II Pl'14 'P un ht ~ b end. yet Sm llt,wn y
t o ,II H('(O,"' r II hilI hud hnplll'ned, no.1 would pll ~."SS no lel1dershlp. 'I'hls. In" vit a l,ly, would men n delay. While. 81'1'n If the fellow sh ould live. hours l aUI· .. ly III II SI ~IIID.e "efore he cou ill tuke til . t":llI. With. I!'uod hor se
l.. ulltlu<1
:-; ,I t ,,, b UIlj.!l1t .1. '11fI11 nr l>IIIII, Alluu 131111,11111'. X " UI .. OhIO . ij . ~ . ~ ·1
tn 0111'. It 11'" ,,111 he. nl leoAt. In lion or. , "lopC'. k"~I'III" n. fflr rrom the hunk· On "C' .It'l'I d ~d . h<-r mlnr! wo rked r"phuuse ns 1'''''Rlhle. ~h~ hud II plther · I( llr. In n it prob nblllt l' lIot H rnun;eJlllt' rl n n r h eur d or hi m ~ 1 1)('e thnt flrs t ' IIl1tln p'1 .uhpr IIlonllt the Il ollle roneh: nl PNirl1: wlUI ~"'II!!pr. Pl'rllflpS he was If nn.'· II m'seR hurt IIN'tl lerl III !lIe oml)n!!, Ih n . .. rirunkpn r! n~s In Ihe IIvi('nlJ l~. KIH' thfrp{o r e (l ught to get 8e\' . In J,! r lll')m , t-:l p{' ptIlJr off th pl r cnrnusul: I ero l hourR th e Itart ot n pursulni )'f'1 ,nliIPIIOlw .10 " <11,1 nn l Iwlll','e It. I Sl : ~ h ~II(,\'Nf ~f .. ":;er Will! ~ es ".
M c llut.I" I_ , 111 811 "f'OODd LllUnl(UIl O~ '
on "i l "' ~ ' 11, 1 . I ' Io! f ol l'l.!: h "tH":-;~, - EtII £'r· aore farm. 8 room good bouse Snll , lind on,buildings; Il hoad of shIp. It was thl'n Ahe rc me mbered ""!!!~_ _ _ _ _""!'~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o"tlle, milk ronte. bottl611 And 01100. th(' hOl·R,· tlu,1 4o F'rl!o:('n Kid" h nrl he en = -- -- -f;:l r sille Two tIono on~ b ... lr mnee rlclln/X. E\'po hi the .TilrknesR she hnd lielo... W"YDe~vllle on foh" River
Journey, They we r e wiry bron cos. able to endure nny "mount of hard,
Uetter to fo ee uny danger Ilr th p )(rl'ltt desert [h ~1D r~f11 l1ln where sh e wn~, w Ith n ot n friend to ('ounsel
r nrl)·.
Wilmillgtoll, 0 ., phone ;,01.
88" '
ann: sh e wus
relaln ed ne> pOWE'r nf 1Il0\·em('nt. "W h y d"n 't you s \,enk'" SlI hl Ihe some voice. Impot lentl.,·. e,-Id e ntl .v nn· IrIlred at her sllcnce. "\\,hnt ore ,-o u sneak ln l( IIbliUt In here ror7 Well: I'll be d-d !" hili lone changing. "If, don't belt"l'e It's R womn D." ~lt Is A WO lll un." s be mllonA'e" to reply f nlt ,·rlngly. " nut- but does thnt mllke ony dlrre rl'nt'e?" H e laughed, n ertnl n relle! evldenced In the s ound. n!though he d ltl not In an)' way relax hi s vlglln nce. '·W ell. 1 ~nfe6 s It might." be ndmltted, "10r you 8re n m ost unu8ullI dl~very In thI s section. I Wll8 lookIn, for aTmnllt ftnytblng elee. fou b~ 10Dg with this ouUlt7" "To the Meager runch. you men n? Ye_thnt II, 1 bave .been employed bere. YOII-Y OU are nOI a Mexlclln, are IOU?" "I sho uld lay not. I h ~ln ng north of the Un e, If tltnt ', Hny " ' lief to you. And Wh Ut' R more, It you want to b. aQullre with me. I'll pIny !nlr on m, IIde. Yo u bellel'e thn t?" " J 'lJh BtI have to; It "' ouldn't do m. any hOod to lie." "I r ecleon nol: eo let', iet It O\'er wltb; wbo are )'ou?" "Deborah Meredith." ehe l'xpl al ned. rather eAp:e rly. "1-1 Am a pmtelslonal n Unlt!; my home Ie In Chlcugo_ Tom Men ger emploYl'd me t o come out h ere und tllk~ cll re "I hl 8 wIfe. Are yon a fri en d of Bob lIea(;cr'17 The man chuckled. nnd she knew he hnd put away the weapoD b. hBd held In hI s hand. "Well. he's gil t an Idea thnt 1 am . We've ru n ohnu t togelh er a bIt. 1 Bd· mit : which c"nress lon moybe Is DO reeomm en,l"t lnn to ;·ou." "1\0. It Is nnt." '" II lolIl(h l IIk ~ly It wouldn't be. So YOIl IInll Hoh Are nnt goo d trtenda7" "I ,1~"I, I"e nnd hute him; he I. a drunl(~ n hl,n"." "Gronled rreely ; btlt It you teel thllt wn y. why did y oU remnla here on tlte rOI\l'h"" ICoollnued on II.~O
• -w - 1,1/104.,'! 'VI
WELl. T/II.". 'oOUIt
,..INO Oi"P ~1l"i'L" •
/II. I'o\IIIIU'1'- ".NC1 M<;V'lal. '1W~ 00 YOU THINK. 'to\} CP\,N oSUPPOIlT A
W-WEL.1. t . ~ow
OF yOu
"THI..... I<.ING 0": ~
Truth In Two I""ra_ · A ",ltty !"ren chwoman lulrt: "It ,outh -only lent!"': II' IIlre oDly COQId." and a dnlfnatl e crItic hu written <If lullet: "Thl, II Il role no metre.. e&II muter uDtll ahl' Ie too old to loot the
,hllf l lerl
~"'''''I &.....
f'nJl~("t.{lUS or th p. c l ti s C' presenc~ of am lin. Yl't t or Ihe Ins t unt
is a
party Ilind e IlP of h t'Uin~ ufI. l r hnrllctcr and s t atrs lIllIll,hip 1111 .1 courage: mnde up of 11I, ' n who ~ li cv c in the roost itll! iO Il . who n r c ('o ntrolicd bv fUll,]:tml'n t a l p rillriJllf's. '~'ho will n ('vcr h<' mo\'ctl h." ('xp<'l li cn l'Y , who will neve r yiel r\ to Ihl' ~O\VIl r ,\Iy ,lort rine of ('onl pro nli sp.. · who \, ill live to p~tll hl i sh IIHl . h \ r ' !? t, ur Ilie to defend princi-
ulmer lter. sh. woula be neyono S'gn l out on tbe dese rt, ridIng strnlgb t t or th o~e two lIen k8 old Tom Meftger had poln led Ollt to her 8S murkl ng the Nogal es trnll . With !ucb a 8tart In Ihe ro ce th ere " ' I\JI lurely a chance t o wi n. Her IIlIlses tbrobbe d ellultl\ntly at this auddel. a wnkenlng ot hop., and.. with out SO milch as anot her IIlnnce at tlte hody prostrntt' on the fl oor. Rbe hurried to rarry out her plans. An unrecognIzed Mer.lcan lay In drunken ,luuubcr. curled ti P Ilke a dop:, on the floor ot the passage, but she fOllnd n o dIfficulty In passin, the fellow. ~he neither heard nor saw nny of the olh t'rll, II~ she mftde her wn~ throu )/h the r""r <loor and across the f ew f loet of open space divIding the mnln house trom the 'deta che rt kltch.. n. There WOR a Iftmp burning In th e lot ter, lin d the r emRln~ or flre In the 8tove. but n o occupont. Dl'lt orn h kn ew the pillee well. and los t n o time In J(oth erl nl!' l ogethpr \Vlmt t ooil she - requlrf'<! . tnrtunllte "no ugh to "Iscover II small 80ck In whIch It cou ld be conven leoti.\· tr't'nsported. The errort hn d prnn'll efts)' nnd so re so fnr. and lIer henrt belli h Cl\lcfully as she emerged from the kit ch en. thue I equlppprl . Now If sit e could only procure a hor.c. e~l'ope II ctunl1y appenred p 08slhle. Doub tl ess tbe rlln ch horses hnd all heen turned 1008e In tb e Inrge corrnl. Sh-e had no menns of cstchlng th eRe half-hroken nnltnnls. bllt It mlKht be thllt the horses ridden by tb e party arr-Ivlng durIng the even ln" hl\d been put up In the stable. ready tor Irnmedlntl! use. Theile were wenry enough from their dese rt trip when they arrlyed~.hu.Lthnt wns houI:I...ago: they mlls t have been ted uDd watered sInce. nnd. with the res t. would be faIrl y Ot hy tltlo tim e tor anoth er
Money to Loan on fa rms at 5 ~ per cent for five years,
A b it rE'rkl,:;O $~ nnw , h4'CHU!e of thl~ k no wledsre. t h~ ~I fl v enttlrE'rt throul:h
pa.lrl o t ISllI, 1)1111'(' ~Olll ei. In ctU~(' n ~hip. un w orthy of lead ership. who are ()flPortuui~ t s. p oIi ie a l \'a,~h'lnds and h~lll!nr!l in t o a pa.rty whirh s h ot1l d ho ('a l1etl dlC IInti -f ed er al party. , Th ey nrc oppoSC(\ t o thi R g ovemm ent . Let us forc o tllcm t o ~ny so in n p nliti cnl orgu n izll. d r ' 1d I tlOn an • I n a po Ittrn arrLtio n and by p o litical m fich inf b' h c ry, or II' IC we ca n h o ld thl'tIl I'll!lpons ih l(' As o ur parlir , rxi s t t l"h.v thpy h nve in th eir mn k a nd filo men who a r C' gllilt~- o f tren-n n , wh o a r un wo rl hy of r r ~ p I't, . wh o I' r~ cowardly. wh o ar ~ nnnrch j. ' ,n(' in l ists nnd t ra il ors 10 Ih , l ilu t ion nnd t h l' n :U{.
('I)u ld l'f'n"l' ~ly r l'allzp tll(~ Jin~!oIlhI11l.r, nll il .I· .. t , Ill' hR. I "'rIWk wltll ull her
f nr<"t', .Irl'· ~n til It h.l· I<'rrllr nn '· ontrlll· 1(( llIr'. ~he Kh rll nl, nnw rrlll ll 1" ' ('11 In lld " n ~ him: nurs ~ II> sl,,' \1"11". IIIH· In!! 11'11 n('~"!'d .h'nth In ('I' e ry f" nll or I.. 'nor. and I1l l nl,'P I· .I In \l'lIl1nd, nr PI'I'I'y el ellr('''. she 1I 01lid n nt plu,'" IlI lfI.1 on thlo III l1n. wh .. th er h" II,·.·" ror <lII'e\. li e r \ltt'"(' nl e" In hpr IlI ln ,l nil thnt 11'11. hn. ,· fl n.1 evil : s lIP WUS ~ I II.I s hp hod ~ trll rk him ,lo\\'n . Bill whu t now ? Th is q u·~ tl on on r. h ndflwe. 1 1111 el~e. T he tJlllIg .he had heen 1I11111!'1nln/l tor RO lonl( hu.1 nt InRI ~Ol!le In pIlS~. III! h nd "o lne to her . cOlli e ('llIlfIIln2 h... r with tns u lt nnd OlltrO I(I'. IIn, 1 ~h .. hnd 1\~luf\lly d('nlt the hl ow or whltb she lind dreum ed. lIer "nlll~I "~ hll d not fllllpd her. Uln.! h e WIIS Iyln!: Ihl'rp now In the dnrkn pss 8t her re" l. sM,· I.'· wllllnded. perhll,,' dead.
W Aluk o or Llurt:t..t o r Cl r
uf Wllrren aud .. djolDiog CU UU&ll'K UlH Y v bt.ltin ru o ll e y OD long t lule IOIlUd . Il\ Ii,Y.Vu Iu l ero~ ~ . Cou v I ,, ~o ortU!\ th e .BIll " 1M very r Ollso n. .. hlu. thr o u~h Tho 1?\'e16 f1.t Lllud Hllok . b' or tnrt.1.lUr Infu rUl 8\!OU 01111 r. u or ndrlre~ 8 M e DH.A KE. '1'reat<. n re ... VU OI IIO 3H.- X, l..eb,ltlou. ()[, I· I.
tl(Cllrf' Iy lm: In I h .. t r nll ,
sonn el of Ih p ru n ~ h w "r~ stupdlc.1 with liquor , I n dl fT~r .. nt t o uny oeeu rren('e goin g nn nhol1 r tllt'm ,
forec t he riff-mil' f t ht' l 'n i ll'u S tntes who bel iel' o Ul ev ery jsnl, who ar unhinblo ,
ride rs. nnrl f!t nt outlAW hl t1lng in " Hu e thl k et nr ('hnpllrl'!l l, the wh n l ~ prr-
o f o rw,lnizntion . ~hll'ult1
(10 ,
O~CAQ, '1)41:: 'l"OUN6 f'f:L.lOW WHO 'fO ,,11<,..,..'1 WAN~
Farmers, Attention! J.!t ' llllll1 t· :': ll ur liotAed h 0 !041p r y f q r rnt' n . W OU160 lind o bl hlrn lJ ElIt.DII "' t " ~ II.fll lIl),; r;n l".
too lin,"" enn tn r ..n~h thp hun k. h OUR4>. btl! RS shr r rl'l't l )O~t Ihr nl"'n door ah e- 9 ftw n.' SIj::115 of UIlV' (l{'o cornnt! with in . EX'''I' pt for the re';' IIno>-
J.t~t UWU)".
Th. Blow In the Oark. Deborah, the nvoh'er h"leI tlgl,tly III ber lincei'll. moved ,1Iently back u,to the darkest COrDer of the room . /lod croucbed there lIatenllll. It !lloBe Ifl cn entered that d oor ahe meant to ah,tOt. and Ihoot to kill Thl, onc dco j ly purpo •• wall .11 ah. wa. conscious of. or t'llrod for. PerbspalD lome \'artie wny, Mea ler ma y bue realized her delpera tl nn . n e tne .... nothIng of her "'~Ing arme(\, ,el ; even tn bl, drunkenn""", had l(>nr::Jcd lometblllll ot her temper. and h~ ! I· tated to fa ce IIer Imm ed iatel y. W', ~' should he run the risk? He IIlr ~ndy had IIttallled hi. prln clpnl object : Ih ey ...re married. and he could wllit until lIer aneer sub,lded lomewbat hefore lI.ertI~ bIll legBI rlghtl. lIfennwhlle the b011 were waltlns tor tbelr dri nks. and be telt more In cli ned to celcbru te tbe .tctory olong wIth th em nnll let tomorro.... lake care at lIse.1t. SOIllI tlliot conception at thi s Sltll'" tlOIl occurred to he r. 01 she crour lwd there In thl! dark watchfully wflltln~, yet remained und Isturbed. The U' n11011 reJued. and she felt agnln he r ""OfDanly WenIlDCS". he r questl onl"" and IklIptllr. She IlIld the re\'olver be· ald. her on the l'loor .nd bu ckl(HI Ille belt With ItS load of t artrldl:CfO nhnlll her _,I~t; then pleked the wefll)nn up «lee apln lI.n d relIed It on h er kn . ~. wn. no 1000ger crn zed. but able to tIIlnll' e1 rl,. and d4!dde w bot to IItt.oJpt next.. ___•__ .M~ctJOII':rotIlci-.mHD but on . lb~ ult~ coDftd.nct' thnt IIhe ... ~-d1 IMUreJ1 ' ID bill PO\Ver. c:ouI• • DClt eect\pe, • • " 'ould be J
tn t il€' wlnfluw nn d IO likro ..1
Into lit!' cool m l.t s of t hl' n ll(lI 1. 1'0 ~unrd 111\,1 h"en l'L1st rrl hl' r" " llh<' r. Bl"ldl'ntl .1' "h p hu'l hl'l'll Iprt per(l'e'll)' free to 1(0 nr ('(Jm!' II~ oh.· 1111'0'1'11. n t sh e flllt.l· IInll r. tlOn rt how Itmhl'<l Ihnl tr""rlnrn wn.. ~I!I' III I!:ht Ol'e fl'Oll11 the hilliSI'. hur th ll l \\'0 " oil : th ,· hord e.,. or tl lP rnn t h w~rp. st il i II(' r prIson wn ll R. th!' " Oklpn t ""!l rd tI,,,, .. . llnd d escrts .Irelrh lne In Her), . lIre~ tl nn. truckle.. nn" Ir nplI~" nhlp on fno t. vnst. wntl'rJl's P I rnl!'tlP~. whe rr ~hp wo uld perl ~h ml. prahl y. A li ght ~ tlll hurnpd In th e h il n k h oll~{'. hilt Ihe hllllill ng 8eemf'd ele.e rt l'd. On er t wo men pA8serl d nw n t he hilI. lennl n J!' hem' ll)' upnn en('h oth pr. otIl1!2('rln" nnel ~IngInjr, dlonppr nrln j! tln ll lly Ihrllllll'h Ihe open dnor. !4h l' \\'11 . "ti ll ~ Inrln~ nfl er t h em. wllPn R ""un.1 (rnm Io~hlnl l "11" rlpnl ;' rOIl-p(1 Iw r tn flJ(' ~ ol, nllt. A rum l,ll ng '1\In,1 '''A' IIft ln!! tho Iron Intdl: t he door wn s hl'l lI!!' 1lf'f'_·~ "(1 ()p~n wit h on ,,"o rt llt ~ 1I ~ n r~ . ~I n. tlO III (>"A h r ~o t hl ""~ wll h n l' prph"n~'nn . lite j!'l rl woldl l',l I" ~ r nlr rl n l!' hrnrn nf IIghl hron,ten until Rl,h ) I('n!:rr ~ t(l"d !<Waylng In thp t1 n ot'\\'n~, rilltr hln ,:: ot the knoh tn Rt!'lldy hltu"!'It. 11 (' d id not ~ep hpr nt first . his hlooclKh nt p.,. ~ bllnllly sCll rrhln" the npnrtm ellt : t.hl'D he mnot hll\'p r~rr' ('I I'P " hl' r (llIllIne 1l~l n st th e \\'Ind ow. for he tur(:hed ror \\'nrd. Illvlnf{ ven t to nn exr lnm"Unn nt relief. "R- I. sn ynll nrp here. "' lI lllng for me' D-<'I If J rtl ,l n 't thtnk mn ylte you 'd loki," a chRn 'e nu t slr lp. 'rn o hlome 8en ·Ihle. IIl n' t .1·01l? 1 th ollght li kely YOII'" r om!' In your 8l'n.ps If I left rou here nlone owhll e. Oolng to he ~O(\(\ tn me n OI< . ynu littl e cnn ~fl )' I whnt ynll got to ~ II Y ror ynur8elt. RnyltnwT' "(lnl), Ihl ~ : do n't you ClltilC 'nnnlhe r s l!'p townr~ flI e." R Il hUI' Ht Intn B !!rutr IR Ugh. s lnppl nc bl's knep. '''fhe h- I ~'OU .oy 1 Who (\ 0 yoU Ihlnk f nm. nnyhow? Some kl" nfrnld of A \\,Ollilln? :-ill)" li s ten, thnt's n o . wo y for n 1I'lre tn welcom e h" r hll shunl" I g,'t a rlJ;ht here. ond you het r'm ~oln" t o "tO~I. n ot lin lden )'011 C'n n hlllrr me. 1 rockon . W('I! , I nln 't thnt kind , nn' you mll/ht ns well lell m It n nw n" Intp.r. This IA ollr w('dd lng nlghl . H (' r~ '~ wn e re I ou!'ht to be. IIln't 11 7 Sit)'. why d un't yOIl sn)' SOIU~ tiling? \vh~t YOII going t o do l" "I nm " nlnp: 10 kill )'011. Bob ?I NI-
8 he pO R~pd
c ipl c is exha u stl'n th e pllr l y dies. Orgllni u l tioll mac hin e ry cannot nHlk o a politjcal pnrty. Tnpl'(' isn't anything bind i ng Jl or inspirin g in 1hc nle re framo
Ilt, Z'
the pursuit s t a rled .. Thpoe th nllj! hl S r,v '; 5 ,. \\' t!t' l { fu ! 1 f l U 1H I t ;)U nO /lashl'd!l'l' iftl y t hrfl lll( h h er mln' l. 81 · h o ur ~\I"r .. thn ll . t \ " l un-. h Olt t hl!fP . mORt unr Hn~rln l1~ ly , n9 sh e !dole f or - ., Ik _ Inl l' rlHl tl onll l ;-; I nl' kll l~ Milltl ,,-Iltd slh'ntl y through thp oho.low s. N l rl' l !'O t n wn, P n nl-J
AI, pnrti()8 Ilre th e volutinll I) f princ iples.
'\,h" n tlli' J.voamie of the pr in -
~ nf"""f: HJ,:H i n IIt~f or,' hi ' ,'ou lrl T l w rf:\ 01 , I' r wn,. llPr nnly W ~a p " I1 , hllt In till ' (nil ~iI (' h:I(1 101. 1
,' 11
th l' n·,·"h·pr. Sh" r,.1t roll il. tl rplr... R('\ Ullt"d nnl~' hy II r,' ll' lltl p," hllln 'II . h .. wl . hp!1 til' " " 11111 ,'''mt' >00 1IIIIt It ml llh t hI' n "~r wllh . II lI t nnl hlllg 1111,,, p ~n NI . ond. III tl(' hy 1I111!' . h(!r 111 1101\ chHn~ ..I . 1'h .. >I rlll n hr O:ll n tn t ,·II. ' be""lJ tn hrellk <\ "w n hpr r(', .. llItl" n. Iptt 1I,'r Ilnllh ttlt l Dd "r rlli ri . :;;h,· ,·en · t ll rec\ 10 nl",n tl l~ rloo r n 8111:h t ITOC'\; unll p('!'!> ranllnll . I;' 011 1 Int o tl'" hllll: It wa H ,II'~"I-t" d . nll l t' Il'1I " Illlflr.1 hn .1 I ..IKe _ n Bta t iolll'U t hf>re. hl1t t ll~ d oor ut , t hp Ifl rth~r end. 1('".lI nll Into thp III', In" rMm. h011 b~n le tt nl'(·n. nnil s l,,' cnllld henr Ih .. uwn In tl II're IlIR kln!! I ml'rty. It WII P n 1,"1)('1 or v n l rl ' ~ 01 fl.-t : tilt'n 'nnw"n" 101'~lIn tro .In~ " ' rl hul.1 SimI!' In ":nI:II ~II. Ii n(1 ut Ih l' Ii r~ 1 'I Iinp sh!' 'Ire\\' hol'l, . , llu1lI n.c Ollt ti l" hnt!'ful spun" . wllh a feellnl!' or "111''''",1' dl s):u"t. T reml>ltnl! from h en d tf) rOM. sh~ t" I'OJ:lMt."( t
.. nl)·.
Ih" n - II>! '" loll'. u lI" ""·I·I,},Il)·. r! \I Tl t-: 111 1.( I." d,' d . n ·dl.\ II I 1" ' 1", ,' rlli: !I In~ ! "1 I a"k II~ . , "-I Ihl' W illi . h.,t h
slight. s mmrl. Pprh nps he w ou hl he the one Rh e oN'Ic1ed t o f e Rr th,. moftt, when e~t
~' lLrUh" ' H
dema 0 a live. He wouM h" o ut yondl'r <'i n 'the dl\rk sont(>whl're. nl on l'. hp
.. III . tl~ f:'1I111 ri ll ' I l , ,!,p o: .. IIY {If \I ,; . " lip \\ ,, 111 01 'iI" lIa lly I' u ll II .. · (I' .C ,· I oo nl ., " •• 11I'1 rl ·"l r!. II ~ fpuk flit , rha nt '(" • I .. " ·1... ·... I,.. IlIlIt" '-" " "~' ooll )! to l the (I r l )I' un d I 11:1\ f'. :--:11 I ll nl! . h f.u ,·y ." II, ' I,a lf 111 1'1" '" ,,\\., )'. n" ' lln:! drunk·
to 13 0 ;' ~. no t eY~n hl 1 rnmpo n loDCil In (9Tlmtt'; 1hpr"(t wn" a rE'wnr(1 for him .
\' H , 111 ',t.> I' '''' "" < ' 11 1'11,1 In ti lt, I.; lr i' e 11 " 1; .. 11 1 "111" I,, ' .1"l1 '" I,pd IIt I' t ruth
I hOt'!l~ awa~.
,,1 R. !'
• tub! '''''l
. ?• It
t '
I A 0/-
22 _ __ 1
iT '
ltnltlrAd a t tho l'I1Ht.onl ce atr'\' ayneewll itt. Uhlo,.1 !:Iecoud (" ln HK' AlflIIMu lter • •
D . l. CR AN E, Editor ILnd Publish er . W aynesv ille, O hio
WEDN 8SDAY . SEPrE MBER 12. 1923
by RANDALL PARRISH 'Ibc: Commu nity tbat Hold. Fut w Ubeolete
Ide,,", SurTeod e.. Suprema cy.
Each day it be..'Omc¥ more ev ident that capital and labor musl gain more en liHhtene d knowled ge of the effect of thei r oper aUons before th" m"ss of the peopl(' in th is COtu)lry arrive at !I st"t e of 'ndustri lll pt',,(·c tUld rel...,n" h:c (·omfOl·t . C.:tLAln ly the present rela' tionship does not work oul "nd thc.re art awooan t evidenc es of abuses 011 bulb sides. The high .w age for the honest dsy of w~rk Is th e goal to b.:: Bought. The high cost of I.. bo r bee .. u!e of mefficICl.l<·Y UJ I." anu g'·' mcnt or plain loafin!{ nn th" job nev"r ",ill IIccomp lJ sh. \\ hen t he railroad s were ta k, ':' ', 'r ,1" hor wus sharply claas int'!l. Pi c,,, w .. rk . 176M IIbolished. F.' In was fiUcc enetly into hi s nkhe. Th" I csult was bell I')' II. "" in laoor cost for minimum proclu<'lillil. 1'0 ope n the door u f II Itll'umotiVt! rcqai reU the se rvi,·,·. of two m' ·II. remove a blowe r pipe two olhers were cmployo:d while to r emove ' DC lip It machi nist and his helper were used . Supe rfi cial thinldni g labor leade rs we re quic k to gra sp this 0ppor· t mity to fix II still firme r grip on th e control of mllnufu cl urillg 4 pcralion s. Living eoslg natumll y ad"ance with labor cosllI. Cupitnl would like 10 sec the IIlcftn8 of product ion further slllnd· ard.' 1,cd me('han ic" ll y, bill it ba lks when standar d i"ation is applied " ) l &bor. Seeming ly 1"1,, .. ,Iways must rcmain 8ellible. An hones t ~I"g wo rk mu st Ix: gh" Id nt the Slime time an end mus t come " he lheoret;",,1 vap<lfI. ,«, of men who figur e th e eost of bare .t.s,ilie" of Ii fe a living wllge. ,'e muel come to ace lhe dilfe re nce between living lind ex i stin~ .
The Exodus from Ame ncan farm s
a change.
regular ity, and increas ing activity th~ farms to the cities continu es unabate d. thal !!hould be lIQuarely faced and that beIIt of legislat ive though t to bring aboul
]wpol1B from 92 out of 154 countie s in Georgia , !!how that 41,383 negroes have left thooe countie s this year and tllat 15,760 white people a110 have left the farms. Inoludi ng tho year 1920 and to date 228,938 n egroes have left the state of Georgia . Other Southe rn statl>s have met like expeneI :ces. The mO'llement of eonr&e is in roIIpoJl8e to the Mll for labor in the north an u to the rookleas nesa which the compet iti ve n orthenl er is willing to spend his money to obtain and hold workers . There are !!pOradic iJl8tallce8 in the state of Jersey for eumpl e where builder s being compell ed to finish con8tru ction 011 time unuer cotltrac t have been oompel led to pay lUI high &1\ $30 a day for bricklal 'ers. S hort sighted mercen aries who are thus b iddinll for th e man on the farms lleem to do 90 in the very teeth of (cu nomie law. Strippi ng the farmll is hound to 8]>ell heavy increa.~e in the co.~t of city living, 90 in the long ru n both e mploye r all d workma n are bound to feel the evil effoct of diRttlrb ing t.h~ econom ic equilibr ium. -For the workma n, the anljwer /lw/l i ts only the passing of time, when the compet ition for city jobs . will be k eener and the uncerta inty of employ ment more marked .
I.$1,000,000 A
Wee k for Chew ing Gum
The people of the United States spend upward s of onc . million dollara a week for their chewin g gum, and the habit
is ltill growing .
The value of the prodwt t turned out of the factorie s of Americ a is a little more than double that of th.e pre·wa r year 1914, which was the first year tile Govern ment condesc ended to notice the chewing gum industr y. The girls of this and other towns, when they sat in the movies and chewed their gum while their favorite . star made love in alluring twiligh t, litUe dreame d the efrect they were having on the prosper ity of their couutry . Dignifi ed Englan d laughed at her, an~ her ~ 'deplor:ablo chewin g habit," but : while the aedate Briton was cOll8Clously in the of d e· I riaion he was uncon& eiously falling by the waysidemood . The year 1920 saw the British flapper, really the origina l cjf the apeoies, aonsnm ing Americ an gum to the tunc of $1,120,000 wholeaa le "Value. And 10 the story runl. France in the same year took ~,OOO worth, and other EUl'Ope&n Muntri es ClOnsum ed proportion ate quantit ies. Only the consnm ption of Gennan y was IIIIlall, the total figure being $260. The amount of the capital investe d shows beyond doubt that the habit has come to 8tay. Perhap s no industr y haa IIhown a more remark able growth . Certain ly no industr y present s a more poteDP a1'g1lm ent to prove the telling effect of advertiB iDa, . .
Now We'r e in the Trilli ons
A few years 8f!'O the Americ an people were shocked when they bad to think in terms of billions . Now we seem to be out ot date. The trillion nations are with us. Indeed. unless there is a check to currenc y inflatio n it will not be long until we conside r finance in the quadril lioDi. Rullria, German y, Austria and Poland are now measnr ing their currenc y far up in the tril1lona , and the printin g presse.~ IIr!' still working . The ' enormo us totals have been rescherl mainly in the last year. RUllsia ' F; currenc y stood at 450 trillion mblet at the end of 1922. having increase d forty times in on e year. German currenc y at 57'2 trillion; an increa.s e 01 forty timp.!!. AUBtria Increase d her currenc y to • trillion crowns, onll Poland , quadru pling her currenc y, II in excess of one trillion maro. Nationa l currene y i8 puzzlin g to the overage mInd, but the -,Wect of inflatio n may be judged by conside ring the prices of commo dities in Ruasia. Accord inR to thp Departm ent of Commprce t.hc article wblch in pre-wa r days sold for $1, now selh for $lfi .O()O.OOO . 1'0 ItO to the movies there, one must be in the rnilliona il'(l clau at leaat. •
Now .. t
e mercha nt's opportu nity to gain goodwil l that ,!ill last • lifetime , to feel the wannth of human kindnes s, the JOY of bringing happine ss into the Uves of others. The me~llOd? Simple I Form a thirty day partner ship with Master Cupid and let him be the ncral manage r of every store that deal. in the neL'es.it lel of our frides of June. Let Cupid fix the .prices a.n d make them 10 attractive that 'the young couple alartmg out lR life may feel they " ve behind them the friendsh Ip of the _called cold busine88 world ~: well .as the affection of their immedi ate, ~j~llol's and relatlv~8. All tbe world' love. a )ovel'. The June Bl'lde Is the apotheo sis of all that II ...~t In romance and 10 Jlfe • . To exploit for pl'Ofit, her entry Into the bl'Oadel' life of uaefulne.., I• . as unwise ~ it 18 tbought leSl and unki.nd. To· add aDOth~r dl'Op. to ber cup of ove~ flowing happiDe t. wiD bl"" reward 10 great, 10 luting, .that eaDDOt be conceiv ed, 10 maU1011r pri,," right fo, ..tbe June Bride. It There im't a Itorelr.eeper III toW'Il who would clip. a .day of the hcmeym onn to gain an ema dollar of pl'Oit. He couldn t look loto the face of that Iweel 10UDI wlfe-,D-IOOR-to-be aud do 80. He wDa)do' t wat to do 10 If be could. 'All he aceda .. tAt be r::mlDde d tULpu Di fo1It ItartiDI llvl1D life need the help ~I
p,"" .~_nmembe.r the Jae
"nPI 'II USI' I hll" " I," ,t no ,'I,"n.. n
sl n('f~
( 111
hl' r di ed.
Alw ays curr y the best Lum ber, Shin gles, Sash, Doo rs and Mill \ \lor k, Roo fing , In fact, ever ythi ng in th e Buil ding Mat erial line
1'l1ul Nola n, of Ge rman tow o ,sIle n' S un ll ay to N n180 . wlt.h 11111 mot ber Mrs 1£1111 t
rOl/1 1! n o f 1I1'~l'r' m.\' p ;l t l ... nt , n n (I het: Jd r' \,(. hlH1 1111 rfttUlII n t u SUPI)(1lIW B fl h \\' '' lI lrt t'IIlilP hurlt And tnke p "!'i" eS!1li t(ln , II" \\'11"" It rllj.: l th' p (rom jU1;lI re: hll
B nru oe ~t um p a nd famil y ~ p e ot HundllY witb Mrs. Emma Cli ne of I)aytoo
We will take plea sure in supp lying your need s Give us a call
WttI Cll1rJ[ Bnd t amilv, of La bll. ' 11I 1,,' r 1'0 (1 I,, "t 1111 fnllh tn 111m I1nol r h ut! rell~on to heJl e \'e he hn d n on. Wllfe SUU dflY c811ers un J e"se I,, "' " ,, 11111 (l ilt fmIU nil rig ht 10 thts Clnrlt and wife . p rupc n:r ," Mrs. l:ladie R easo n speot tbe wee k. " \' 01 1 11IIfl rfl'lll;;nn ttl h ellevp ? \ \ 011 At pnd wi ~b Puroy Reasoo a nd , .. mlly. t'f' nC:lI lI? I 11111 not Hsklng m ('r(!ly from of Dtlllr W!l y o e8'~tlIe . f ' tll'llI ~ II Y; t w!tnt to tllH1l'rst u n(f th ~ IItr . nnd Mrs. Wal!.e r .l ord an we r e t' ntll'.. ~ ltuallon. 1 nlr endy hft\'e fttl IdpJI \\ hn ' Ihl N m cun~: YOU are en· clllltng on TlJoH . McGuin n Bnd f llwlIv , S UtHll1v IIfterno ou . 1i " H\' o rl rag to (' S4 ·Hpt.. n lnn p ,?" ;a ·'h ~N'IU(l cl rill' CJnly ('hnn ('t!," Ahe !\Ir lIu d Mrs Ch It. t)oro~gy. of Notice of Appo intme nt t ' Ollfe~~l:.d, " nut I u rn l lllktn,l{ with a Xeoia, is "pIlud, ug his vaoa tiou wab If " • ~ II"Hlllo!'p r: pPrtlftpa I trll Ht ~'nu t(oO l:Iarry Hou g h und family IIlll"'l. Y UII II rt' no t empl oY 'HI he-I'e?" Hovl>r a l fl1mili e~ o r tbe Huogr y R"trLte or Jamoa Oflnhll1tl , deceaSN I. " ;\",: I JII~I lol,'w In 1 1t~1 nl" ht." ce til h ere by Kh'eu t llM. Lilla Benham H,'nnd c lu h m otor ed to Lukesi de ht.HN oti heen du ly a lJI.JOluled ami qlll.lUh~' 1 IlJf "\\'hllt tM ~'o llr name?" :;unday for a pioni o s upper. l\d rn lulll,.rD.t.rh, of " 0 Estal o of J llftH)!I UCII Veter inary S\Jrg eon "1'181111'1 f( ~lIe.. n." FUNm w; CD. ... ba.m, l"-to of ' Varron Count)', O hio , doceue..LLittle Burry Tuoker 18 getti o g JiIlL(>d Lh lll Oth dl\)' of 'ie J)t emlJcr' l Ujl3. "Y OII IIr(' not n ,·ow·pun che r eur('lyl W . ... . HO Ll •. "I oog nl oely at It b e H8le bo!pitl1 l. Y " lI - ~' fllI hR\'fl Pf1U f'lIt lnn:' ~ Phonc 44 J utlHC o r tho Proba.Ls Court. 11 (' Inuglled ~ oo el· hlll" o re(lIy . tt.Ud wi ll ""0 0 r et nrn b orne. 'Yu.rrc u COllnt.y , Ohio ,....I . r'l "I\'pv"rth e l~"s . I nm qultp ."cu~, ..~ . Mr . lIu d Mrs Ev erott Vlllan , of c· tOJt)f\t! t it ('ow-llIIn l'htn J,:, PprhU I}9 r\' f! FUDy' . ' '. Dayl·on, were v iBiLlDg Mrs. Vlll e r~' hfill n trllt l' lIi ore seh"nll n" thlln some m othe r . Ml's L"urn 8h1 dak er. t) UI • of t h() t. II,n~, 1\\ 1\\' let 1II{o1 IInve thfl lIay. . ,, ~ , an "l rlll .:ht nr Ih ls nrrnl r. nnd tllpn "'1" 11 SIIcIly ny Paper Mr und MrH. Haary Tuoker en~er. . \ get 10" ..... 1'~ 1I It to me fro m the flr"I.·' . M o .t dfrctive and aanltary fly d estroyer known . C o ll ect. ODd I ••·II Hl'n ll ~tfln-'" flt tit " mnn'. rllm 1... 11",o Mr. W ll lte r Toollllr "nd fllw · TIUI'B omI ',~~ ... ,~. holds RiC'lo, Easily dj ll~ 0'. onll l n (; IlirOlllO(l1 Ihp dllr kn p, s. It . 1... ii.\', of Utl rru lloto wn Ky, a few r , N o dead or paralyzed fliet (011. . ....,. ....., •. tiold by V'I"OWn aDd drQ&1rillta. rOlil" onl)' "N' Ih .. expl·PH.lon of ht , lIdYS last wetlk. n n...... en. OLtoNn Jl....tr.. W Il..t{ fnre. Anti ther.. wu n .. "',n lce tl'ft T b e M. E, Aid 80Cletv boo been her- sIll' must II'u!t hIm hll ndly. ub, p08t pOOed 00 ROOOU Ot· of t he Lebllo eol" ,,·I.\'; hI' ('''!l ld d~ r~ n d or hctray her n oo hlr . Will Oleet Septem ber ~ O. Auct ionee r a t hl~ own w ilL ~(I d~n r WU8 till. ut tbe n su sl pluoe" Opportu nIty a Sycopha n t. HII I1 11 tloD 's he 9~flrccl.\' h('sltli lett . Mr. aDd Mrs. Walter Jordan 60 . OPflon IIl1lty Is like cvery tlilng etse, Get my terms for your "Y,'s. 1 wil l t ~ 1l you. Olllllel Kel. tertilioe d A Z l::Iart800k aod f(lm. a.w uys n'u dy to j'ul! on a mtln wh o is )(len ," ~ h e Bnld g r'll\'e l,'" The Eye Sight SpecllU lt tllust trust Public Sale. alrendy Ily and SlIcl'f'ssf Beleo BenoeU i88' Wednes . ul. "-LoIlU OD Allswers. ~ Oll lf'f)l] f', and you 8('l}11I t o he the Otl 9 day eveoin g tor Hnpper. I satisfy and saVf~ yuu Sl'nl. A ll I knnw o f you I. thnt you nr.. on Amprl con. I aIn nn Amprtca n Evans 8war' and family . and sev. money or no charges. nl,,,. lin d R ", nmnn. Ir Iho t ~o e8 nOI erol frleods from Cinoino ati. were Lebanon. Ohio HOW 'S THIS ? Hnl ' ~ 1I1 10 .vo u. tI" 'I\ n" ,h ln): plMe will. calling 00 Mr . and Mrs W. A. HALL'S CATARR H M ED IC INIi: will Box 91, Centerville, Ohio I hll "" told yo u Afrend ~' "'ho I nm ftnd H8ioes, !:!uod"y evening . do what we cla im t or it-rid ,.our sys t e m or CalArr h or D ... f'nc88 c(lulOd by Home Phone 2, Ceoterv llleEx. how J ('nme h el" ·, T h e r flflln lndE'r ot Mrs. Amand ClllA rrh. a C hamber ~od h6' 8:00 a, m. to 4 p. m. t II(' ' lor)' Is hrlef. I hD "1' hll rI nol h Ing daugbte 19 HALL'S CATARR H MEDI'C' lNE co,,· r, Mildred , return ed to their 8ists o r an Ointm e n t whi ch Qulcltly I .. ,t .. ", Ith n"" M p"~er st nre he rehome in Cojumb ns . T uesdllY, lifter Re lle v e8 th e catarrha. l lnn n mm u ti on, ~nd tllr l1 !',I. 1IIIII1P,II Atf'l.v nfl er h t. rAthpr', th e Internlll Modlclne. Il Tontc. ", t,leh " week '8 visit wi t h friend8 bere. Slll hlt'n denl h. Th l're ,,"u s 11 0 op por· /lct!! through tho B lood on the Mucous Mrl'. Frank Bevan , 80D, Carlton, Surtacc8 l thu • •asl.Uog ,t o r elton. nor· IlIn l l ., · fnt· m e to 1,,1\,'1' th e rn n r h . 10 mal conalt tone , DR. HAT HAW AY I r('fIIl1 lnf'eI tn ('nre of Mrs. MeRRer. aod danghte r, ~hil ", Of Clarktlv ille. 801<1 by drulfKllts for over 40 TIt ..r .. F. J . Cheney .. Co., Toledo, ~ t 'n lll In.t e",'ntnj{ 1 never !,,'en en. Mr. and Mrs. Fmnk Brande o bn rg coun tercd H ..h hil i on re. Then he .. nd dauKht er, Betty , MI' Ch1l8. DENT IST JAS. A. NUCKOLS ('III11P un ~x l lI·c t P' lIy Into hI. . rep' Allen and family" of W"yo es villf). IlIOI h"r', room. He wno brutnl onll ID. were S unda y af!ern oon olillers of "liltIng to u> hoth . After thot I kepI Mn Idll Howe OUI or hIs W HY. and be np!>o rently Ig. Mr . and Mr8. Walter .rordnu . Mr . n orr~ t my prcsen re elltl t'ely. 1 dId n()o and Mrs. Jes8e Clark aod soo, Roy, Waynesville, Ohio, lirl'. howev.. r. thftt hI' wall gettin g rltt Mr. and Mrll. Ed ~ McFarll m, Mr. and J OI~ FICE : HAINE S BUILDING, Monday s and Thursda ys from 7 THE ORI.-:-r UT .. r nil th .. nltl emplo.veee 0 0 th e mn ch, Mrs. W. L. Harvey to 9 , Mr. Qed Mrs. unt! replnrtn g them wltb lII ext('R olI. Fred Barlllo I1re Telepho ne 114, o'clock p . m. E,·lo potl .\' he wnnted DO Ame rican. In (l fow weeks plllonntng t o leav e fOI' a trip to Florida IN TH'. i WOItLD Waynes ville, nh nll t hIm ." Ohio. lO IIpend ~he wlotl!r. roBLISHE D WW'J.Y . ": UII"') r~ tllDd ; not hi! kind." $MO I'ER YEA:! . " So I thollght, but ,,'tlh n o concl'p.' Word ba8 b een I'e.oeive. "OTELe Dltv,oCi STs, 8PEOIAL I8T8, lio n thot th lll chnnge hod allY N!ter. the mMrlag e of MarJori t here of COSTU, ME'''8. e, daugbt er TltAN8 FI!R, OA'pnep to me" of Mr. anll Mrs Fr'llnk Bowe, fo rm. AND . . ua SERVIO I OAN PROFIDR.~~J. W. MILL ER . "It dId h~ l'e th enT' NOTAR Y PUBUO erl y of tbl ~ plaoll, to Mr . Ullberl 8V U81NO rTS ADVERT ISINO COI.UM .. a "!lo " .~e m~ now. He corne Uf1 O~ WII~ on, on AnguIBt 2i1. ... DENT SA' .... TbAY PLE IST (lfe ••• COPY FREF IiiI' !Ilddelll r alon e tast e'-enlng. There now tr8velin g tbr o ugh Wayn esvill e, Ohlol A tbe Yosem - - ~IlW VORK OLIPPER \\,n. no chn nce tor me lo ~et own }' tte V~lIey, Lake .Taboe Wayn Hvl,le, U J 111."" Weu+- . . . Y o aod \:lao Nationa l Bank arlll I hod 10 tlsten to whnt he sald:-: Fra~oleoo Mr. Wlleon Is 110 b8rltoo e ~h(' ,troPflc<I her fnce Int tl her hands, 801018t, aud 18 expectl og hu l Inst"nll y tltted It lign In. ond wen t oer~ work along tbe ooust do oon· tbe com on. her .. olee .t r(lngt h ~ nlnK with 10. In~ 8e"son . dI gna tton. K ('II een mad e no rn 0 1' e :::::::::: _.::.::::::~::..::..::..::....::::-=--=-..::-=.=::::::::::::~ ment. "F1o-h.. \\'OR nnt eveo de cent about no Ch R n ~e to I!!nve the rnliCh. " -'1 \\'hat he hnd to IIUY. I WOR merely I chottel he hod to deel with, • Ila'l1l t. WII S hardly an ne, hut-bu t litter "while use UII he pleoged. It doe.n·t sound Iwnwent back to th~ houee ; whr,t el88 s lhere I could do?" true, but It Is trll e. every word." "Nnlhlng. I r eckon. onl_ YOU IIl11ed "00 on." sutd tbe otber dl,passlo n. th e r UIIR. Wl1nt dId Jon do't' Btrl .V. "I know nob Meager." "1- 1 IlInde 'J p mlr mtnd "He I,o ld he W88 lolng to marry me; th ot," s lle con"'s·~!d. "1 to d. "ett he dllin tusk me about It It nil; jll ' l " ol "cr t"om the bUlDkhoV Itole a re.le whUe the ~ t8t ed It De 0 toct. When I tried to ml'n \\'@ro At millIS. anfl then locked ohje<'t. the hnlle jllst IUUih"d , ond m~'~ I'lt In my own rOil", n.kl'd how J wna lIolol!' to help mYKp.lt. IIhn11 1 IIlne o 'e1 ~k tYle to walt. Alcmll outfit rode In HI' lIIode Ille reatlze the IIlt uutJon 1 frolll Nogn les. Th eJ~ W88 nothing tOi " ' II S In . wlthl'U! un AlII ll rl cRn tett on II If' to ,10 but wl'tlt despe ralely. I t11 ~ ronl·h. lind thos.. 1lI11~~ ot dl'" ~ 11 mennt to stllY t"flrl~ AnO detend t!l7. ~lrp l r h l nA' owny 0 11 en ry sIde. 'ft"," ~\'I r, behind t hat t,~c l<ed d(lol'. Bnt he t"td me e\'e rythlng II'ON nrr"n,.:,'" Ihnt del' ll trl ck-"d me. He got At ..... ror thIs "ery nI ght. A-a ilion \\' n~ MplI/:er to ca ll too me tl'om the hall. say· ( 'olllln~ out from Nnl!nl eR t o rnnrr~' tI~, In~ "he II<' sn l,t 1 hl'lte r !{o Into th e hot"l'. I "pellet!111111 une of h.er hael turns, Bml th e door to help her. I-r II n,I A'1't rell,Ir. Thl'n he IRUIlI"',1 IlIlrdly n:'::lI I1, nlld went oll'oy. Be---he \\' OSII't I tried kn ow wh ll t hllllPe ned a tter th at. t~ exploln to th e Ulan wbo nf rAld III II' RVp lII e th ere Rl one. ror ('nlne to m Rn y us. but he wouldn 't 'hl" 'I' 11'11 ' no nlnce whe"e J co uld bhle. 1I'll'n. He \\'flS just a creature Bob ~I' · II J.: ' · r hod "Irked liP to Serve him." " Sure I I kuow hlm---Ga rrlly; he'd 1I1111'rtcr his 11101 her tor a elrlnk ot S"Y~ SAM: and
Dr. W. E. Frost
yval.... ·: ~.1
. _8J1'....... 5"'!:i
Harveysburg, o.
. ,. ' .
. ... ,
• .. ·
1 0-
Forest T. Martin
At Cary's Jewelry Shop
PUP'p' m -X-Ra' y ~~:t;~l Work CH~~?e~~~£!,OR JEW 10BK Q
hoo? f' ,"
M:o ! h ow well yon get to kn ow VO\lr uelgb borll on r party.ll n e t el. epbuo n • - -.... - - -
.. -
.1Presi4ent'J~3ecretary I
The re is 110 doub t in our mind s but that Clas sifie d Adv erisi ng is !the real "hum p" for brin ging in the "sim oleo ns."
"nut Is he ren tly a judge r'
"li p'. 11 Just l., ot the peace down Ilt Nogolt's, "
"Tt ... 1l I wos renlly .rna rrled ? It- It tl'gll l?" "nUrD If I know nb oul thnt. I think 111(p ly th e whole ollt fit wOllld swellr YOU eOl1scnt1!d. Who were In the 11'11"
J.;n n g?'·
"JuRn Snnchez, a ranch foremnn, onll a hlnck·fn ced t ell ow who came
. Let Cupi d Run Your Store
..~~J!IJ ~
Go od Go od s Al wa ys Ple ase
Miss Velda Lllm on Is 8pendioK t be week. end wU h Miss Lld~ Ken. nedy.
Bridg ing the Gap of Wast e
With uDcllalli ng movemout from the 'I'his i8 a situatio n ahould eOUlllllwd the
),Jr• . RU8~ e l1 J el'J'erl es i~ sul'J'erln g with quloay . Or. R 8ndall nod family are drlv. Ing Q new Ford eedao . Little Ray Freelao d III Improv in g slowly lit thi8 w l'l t l0l:. Joe DlJ.viBllnd Cha! . Gorden spent t be week.eo d with their famlllee. Mr ~. Frl\nk blal' ris 18 Ilpeodl n g n week io Coluwb us, vlsitlog relu\lve s Mr. 8l1d Mrs. Brl1ce Cllrr ba va m O\, tlu to tbeA lll OR V .. nlionm farw. li. W . K"yl o r i8 prepHr iog 10 leElve fo r the l:loul,h ag81n tbls wlo. ter .
Subscri ntion Price, $1.50 per YEar
___ _ I
out trnm NOlnl@8."
"Annn; they'd swear any thIn, Bob t olcJ them to. They'd make It oot 100 were morrled all right." "n llt-hut I'm not ; not DOW I" "Not now ' Wllat do you mean!' "l'v~l've klll~ him t"
. -.
(To.be ooatlalad )
Croquet, One;e "Pall Mall."
Croquet Is Ihe dll5C1lDdnnt of the old rume ot "Pnll ~tfltl ," !>opullir In EoII' land op l'O 1000. IIfU!l' whldl tIme It died com pI ' Iely out of knowledge. ex· eIl!>t In n relliote corner of Ireland, trom whcnre It emer~ed al eroqoet ID the middle of the NIDet~th ~ 8Dtul7. -------.~
Tilt Your D'_mo'ldI.
DIa_rJ I till
....... .!...
Ask the really
Satisfi ed Custom!l1'
......------~--~-------------. _~ ___________~--~--------~~I.·------1nb~~e~.NU~~-~..a~7~.~'1~~~_~~;e~ge~;t~_~~~.,JbII~=;_;¥ID~_;_;~;~Clh;~~;:~~~~~~~~--~~~~.Xp..~~..~?~~~S~·~. .~~. ., W1~±aL~~~~~_~(~.~:_~)~~~~
s . M ~lr . ~ (' ulld, of the EJpisc9Plli I wi h t o t hbmt th ose' persons who Mr . J ohn Zell i8 visili nll hid l'o n Chul'{'h w I·he~ ubl iciy thank t he so. kindly a8s i~tcd ill lhe 's earcb and ,"nd family at CharleRt on . W II . '111 m r einl ('Iu b Ilnd a ll othe rs who r ecove ry of my brother. Thomas so kinrl )\' ll Cld · nc rojl·\lva"sisled in Pil'rce Mra. F. F Bilker left Saturday for : th ei r 1.1I1)(I'r !Jay CI:Il'11 T1lti(J n . The I\1r!:! Frank H Farr. her home in D nver . Colo . a ft er a Guild lip).! ecillte!l vers mubh the l fri endly and willing spi r it with which I vialt w ith r elative b ere. this assistance was !:riven . A goodly Mr. Rnd Mrs W . J . Bake r and sum WIIS fIl~lted for church repllirl!. , Mr. and Mrs C. J. Edward att e n· ded th e Gurton reuni on a t. KinA'S Mr ~. Anna I. "lU ll"U 18 n'·,l ~ 110 0 r . M one y Not Everyth ing. . , ' t·~ Mills Sunday. Wh en I ,,,·:tr " mil" sllylll~ Ihllr he ly lit thi ~ tIm
Is I n " "~ I II""' ,' nly for III " III ney he The eclipse of lhe sun wa ~ obsl' r- cnn III "~" ""d n" l for III .. rll\'or~ II" veil here Monday afternoon. the !lu n clln r~ndcr. I Ihlnk nf wllnl SOllie wIse beiDIl about one·third hid . Th e II Uln ."I d ""I' II"" " "If u I'I ~ c"u ld prllr II .. \\ " ,,1+1 ,h,",lt" PlI ~ E'nllr~ eelillle came off at schedul ed l ime. prll )'l'r I" (" .. I'll ,,, ,,I .,,11 1. hU I men anti attracted a g reat deal of atten· sl ,,,II 111 ,. r,,)· r.,r IIlh,'r SMIS o f thl n:;s." tion through Imoked glasses. -'1" '111 IJ l'vi,"· In i-'flrl,,'..
:-\e,,(\r ll l froUl her o IIU eud ed ~iJe [)nyl.Ou flli r lu~1 wilek.
Lyt le Mo llOn l 0pBol>d last wee k will.! ~II.~ lie r Oioe Pe nnlogtoo aOd , CUlll mluM J OU"" 10 I: h"T!lB. , l';eHlu \.;lrniJ a ru .. li d hrnily 81lent I 'li e w ee k ,,: n rl I n luuIl\ur~, Ii& a fl e!d ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' IIItll't uf r lll iroud cmploycBd. Mr . IUld Mr. 1:1 . M. Ulurk enter. ~"llJ ed on 'fhu r~d o y . Mr. and Mrs. "Save by buyi ng in 'Vnyncsville." U ... n RUlldu ok nod t wo Ohlldre n of ClDoionsl.I, lind MrK Vioh~ Hur'lsn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ! lind 80n , Ernedl., of ·orwlo . · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ; T ouch ers fr o", h Ar e loft for 'heir r O~(J eoli " tl tlotlouls lo st week Misses K II'l.!ryn lind Margaret Cla'ra and L !'o o .• !)l cGl unl . will t c~o h· ln WIlY. n ll~vill e. R. C. Huu t tbe Buokeye eoh oul. III~ . Mil ch I'd Clark Ilt Ce o . ttlrvllt". Mi ss EI.hel , Rp ede r at R ed LIOn . I1nd MI~M Eva Roeder al Hlrt g Bville.
Winter is Upon Us
.\Jr~ .
Clarenoe Smith speot ooe
S· S d t .. Ixteenth un ay a ter TrInity, Septembe r 16. Churcft School at 9;30 a . m .• sprvice and sermon at 10:45 a . m . You are cordially invited to attend theae Rervices
. ·0
, ~ pread
the house and yard? ~y au may need a few shingles, a few boards, a little plaster,
A little of this, And a little of that A score of items that go to make yourself and your stock comfortable and make the place look neat and tasty. To let your buildings go ramshackle is to· lose money. Keeping them in good condition is always a profit.'a ble investment.
I .. at< enj oyed by RII, atl aleo waB the
' 8001a1 time of the I!ofternoon. TboBe Elizabeth Zellers SOD, Cbu. SmUb Smltb aod fam .lIy. Curl Smith and fllmlly, Ralph I" ObDS and fumlly . Those froUl II !dls tanoe wer ~ : W. W . 8mlth aod : "'mily, Elsworth Smith and f"mlly, I Will Hommond Bnd fawlly, Mu. I Roy MoKlrby and danll:hter, aDd , Bllber timUh . of Dayloo; EIIlI ISmlth 1I0d wife. of Ulnolnnatl; Ben ,Smith and family and Roy Buhr. mlln and family, of Osborn; Mre. : Ii'rank Becathorn Rod famll .· . of Mlaml8bnrg; Wm . t3miLh 1I0d I ~m lIy. of W~8t CtforrolUoo; After noon oallers were Mr . Llgbton.p aod '.\llfe and Ben Champion bod wife, Dayiton. and A. L . ~1~M:nd fRmily.
Ipreseut were Mrs Frlmk I:l mltb and iIlnd Wife. Georl(e
Public Sales Hllvlnll: deolded
leave the farm
) I will offer Ilt publlo Bale. my ohus
tels, looatlld on Strlng'own road. 3 milgR lIouthellst of Center. ville lIod IX miles from Ferry ohuroh. on B bout
Saturday, September 22, 192,1 Beglonlng at 12: 30. the followlDg : 1 horse, 2 OOWS, 4. hOll:s, 75 oblokens, farm Implements, harnees and 80me household goods . Mrs Stforab A. Wilson F. 'I'. Martin , Auot
w. B. MADDEN &
CO. The Late ClaSSified Ads
Has the Lumber and Building Material for Every Purpose and Place that you may need i,t.
Waynesville, Ohio
lot of Window FORSRllhHALE-A 10 good condition . InquIre
1_______________________________________________, of Jeff D MlirlaH, Wllynesvt1le.O s26
)[ l[)()( Jt)()()()[)()()()[
and place The flood may bear me far, I hope to mee t my Pilot face t o face When I have crost the bar. Card of Tbaalla
I take I his opportunity and mean~ t o thank my relatives. neighbors and frien ds who so kindly assisted me d uring the illness and death of my beloved father . Words cannut expr ess the deep gratitude lowe them for their mini8trlltions and con90ling words in· thi ~ t ime of my grea t sorrow . Lilla Benham.
. ..
_ _ t.s.,ooo,ooo 00
. . . . . $800,000.00
. . . . . . . . . A• •
~===:=========D=a=J=to::;n:_~.:O:::bio::;·:.·==:========~~;mBke ifit insectivorous neceSllry to keep down hie bird. are to REMEDIES OF ALL KINDS
MEN-Saye the Difference -- NEW SUIT from
be allow.~d to flourish and help out in their useful wor-k . .
Prefzinger'. ,Quality
If you wish the birds to breed and
........ ~
thrive in Jour orchard. and Irovea, kill evel'J' red squlrrel'that lnf.ta
CUT RATE DRUG STOIUI I I r- '""'" - - .
- - ..! _._---,
\\'I'r 111IU\l\ to Illlld
l~ n )!'
Need Now
i i i
: :
the place.
• i
We Have Them Superior Drills Nisco Manure Spreaders New Home Stoves and Ranges Our Lme is Complete, including the
! I
Famous Heatrola Parlor Pipeless Furnace Also a full line of Smaller A rtides for. your Fall needs
Hardware, Harness
And Farm Machinery
FRED M. COLE Waynesville, Ohio
:..................••....•.. ......................... ~
.• f
hy~yjlle Auto
&Machinery Co.
Spot Li,ghts Motormeters Rear Curtain Lights Sb'ot Gun Shells Tires and Tubes Storage Batteries F~Il line ot Accessories Tiolene Oils and Greases Electric Vulcanizer Phone 17
PhiUips Building (
. Butter Fat 10e pcr pound higher than last year
Tri State· Price Sept. 10, 1923.......
- - ---_.- --
Cnhinet. to h is rhld as Premier, B.lltl· win recentl y visi· leel thr "l'n It "I Stutes and hns II III H S t thoro,, !!h IIntle rstnudinJr CHI r views 011 OU r <I\(·~ctd
Wllrren Counly ~ar Associatio n 80 kindly with cake and flowers at meet upon I he call of the President. the CorneU reunion. A letter fr um lhe Ohio State Bar Association was rear! calling al.tention to th e plan .of the American Bar Association fOT a nation wide obser· vation of .. Constitution Week" September IGth- ·22nd. 1923 . The genWhereas . in the workings of Provo eral purpose being to r eestablish the idence the ,c hain of tht! Harveysburg Constilu tion of the United Statt!s Mwnicipal Council has been severed and the principles and ideals of our and our rellPected member. J . Har. Govl'rnment in the minds and hearts ter Sbidaker haa been called from (If the peo ple And r equ l'~ ting that a prOllram be our midst t.o join the Celestial Coun. cil, tnert! to await the coming of a~ ranged by all Rotary ~KiwA1li those who soon must follow, and Cl ubs, and other orllanizations. and whereas, we. the officers and memo put on a suitable program at their bers of our Municipal council, deep. weekly meeting durinll the week in ly leel our :109s, and sincerely regret q ueQtion. And that the minister 5 that the ties which have bound us of the Gospel preach a . sermon on are broken, we bear witness to his Sunday . September 16th, . 1923 on manliness and will keep fresh i~ our this important subject with special reference to the first Amendment to memory his many virtues. Therefore be it rellOlved, that we the Coo~titution. and using thl! apdeplore the loss to ou rael ves, ou r propriate text .. Remove not the Ceuncil and the family bv the death ancient landmark which thy fatherd of our brother, whose life has been have Bet." Proverbs 22-28. The Association unflnimously apcut short, .depriving the community of a useful and upright citizen and proved of the program aa planned his family one whose efforts were and directed Ihe President and Secdevoted to tbeir welfare and happi- retary to communicate the request and 8uggestion of the American Bar ness. Be it lUI·ther resolved, that we Aesociation to the different organi· deeply sympat.hize with the hereaved zations and various Ministers of the tamily, who.s e circle has been broken Go~pel in Warren County. and that and t~at a page of the municipal notices of this mseting and the pro· records be devoted to the memory gral1l as proposed be published in the of him whose loss we are called to papers of the County as a matter of new ~. mourn. The War!en County Bar AaaociaBe it further Rosolved that a copy of this memorial signed by the eoun. tion requests and urges the vari(lus cil be presented to the family of our org8nizRtion~. and Ministers of the Gospel. in the Counly to observe and departed brother. carry out thtl program aa indicated Mrs. Emma Ellis Alt.on F Brown, President. Mrs. Anna Stetson W. Chester Maple, Sec . Mrs. Ida B. Howe Mr . W. B. Silvers Mr. Cliff Hough.
111 5 . Malo Sir
Off For thv' fr om out our bourne of time • •
It is hard to believe that the handeome, agile, graceful red squirrel READ THESE ADVERTISEMENTS CAREFULLY which adds suc h a picturesque note to our lawns and parks ia an invet s Th... bu.ln••• hou ••• are leader. in their line., and a •• ure you value .nd ..rvice. , erate destroyer of the eglls and young of useful birds Bnd spends When in Dayton Visit Thent--They Want Your Trade mucb of hi~ lim e in searching out nests among the trees. Such. hows ',( )()( Jl )( J( 11)()()( )()()()()( c)()()()( J()()()( _ - - - - - - - -....~-_, ever, are his habits, and naturEDICINES WATCHES DIAMONDS alists and sportsmen class bim as one . Rella•• ·70U,.." .f Neurftl.ia, E.rache. CO Z of the most vicious of all game deFine Watch and Clock Tootbacbo. Lumbalo RheumaUun. NobodIF ID Da710D Sella Cold •• Etc. Repairin. G Beet. Dnap stroying animliis. USE SOUDERS' ASPIRIN T ABUTS Odd Shaped Cry.tata :) I :II In DaytOn In many places war haa been deBoE . of J2 for JOe Fitted While You Walt A. SCH}\fIDT C _ IIOU1'II UJOLOW lIntBBT clared .on him by sportsmen who are The Ro,.1 Remed, & htrad Co, W. E. PURCELL 50th Anniversary a co particularly intE'rested in ridding .518 Keith Th~atre BI.... DAYTON. OHIO CHEMICALS SA.LE their neighborhood of "vermin," U • MEN'S and YOU~G JI:IEN'S All Cood Houaewiye. U.. SOUDERS' EXTRACTS the birds and animals are called M. .•. . .n.-G'CCNPU .... Made To Order Suite at f'untla.'.... A Pure Extrac.I for flavors, Ice Cream, Puddinrs. Cakes and Candie.. . whh!h pr~y on useful species. A $30 Make the Food More Delicious-Use SqUDERS" great maBS of evidence hu'.hean 001-.. a.AVE MONEY . Oth_ PIacee Aak e40 And Mar - BUY: HERE THE ROYAL REMEDY &: EXTRA,CT COMPANY !~cted again~t the red ~Quirrel showDaUSWELL TAILORING CO, mg that his depredations Bre lUe~ as . III ....'. . . , , _ - . . -
aoe ........ Jtr.p Blel..
Stllnley IIl1 lclwln. ('hllncclior of th e I'; x c II c q II e r ill
Twilight lind eve ning bell, And ufte r that the dark! And may th e re be no sadness far ewell, Wh en I embark.
BOil I r Ln"", due l" ('liys ;"1\1 h.-.:"k · .Iown • •'esult cf.J ill tilt: $d~tloll . of
Lytle. An Ideal Fall dllY marked I tbe 000"8ion. fhe sumptuon8 me,,1 Have you laid the cement walk around on 'he lawo at the noon hou.l
•-'--~ or
deepening twilight, just aB th e dllY ubba lh S hool , 9:151\. Ill.; preach· was dawing th e d eb th Angel c, m e ing at 10:30 II. m Epwort h L eague lind James Ben ham s:mk inlo th e 7:00 p IU . Everbl>d v is co r dia lly ins leep thllt ro·unds out 1111 our lives . vited to th ese serv ices. ;,t.ri cken without warning. hi s !luf. Re v. W. A . Wash burn . Pas tor. fe l illg fi t times was intense . but it was borne brave ly and when the FERRY CHURCH 0)1)11 clune it was very peaceful. All tha t loving hands, m edi cal ReA'ular ~('rv ices morning and evening.. Th e evening ser"i ce at skill and clireful nurlling was done , 7:30 The Ohio Ch ristian Mi~s ionary but being in hi s 79th year. the body Society will hold the Greene County WB!:! f.rail and from the beg inning C t F· I h Th onve n Ion li t erry c lurc. ura· there WIIS no hopA. d 20'" f H e wad a membe r of the Crown ay. e pt . . "essPOns: ·orenoon Ilt 10.00. at't ernoon. 1:30, and evening. Lodl{e K . of P, in Waynesville lind 7:30 C 0 Hllwl tly. uf Dayton lind was alsu a me mbe r I)f the B. P . 0 Mrs J . D. Ellis. Cincinnati, will be E at Lebanoll . A kind and indulamong t he speakers: All are invit- !Celll fath er , II true fri end . ed t Dinne r and supper will be Surlset a nd evening star, served a t th e church . Ant! one clear call for me! .. And mav there be no monning Edwa rd D. Goller. Ml!llster . th e bur. When I put out t o s~a .
Y I "s~ w ee k in D.ytoo wl~b Mrs. Are your buildings rill J ., ne Hurdy, who is very Ill. Tbe Llld i '8 Aid held:thelr ragolar in proper repair? b UMlneN8 .w ent.ing 11\ 'he h ome of ~ Wal ter Frymood 00 Wed oesThe Oxley-Pace Drug Co. has on display in thei r window, several of Have you made day . " oJ Mr~ Al bert titaoy aod the new Hnrdi?g two-cent stamps. your stock com- r dh Mr og h ler, Miss Uleo. Iltteuded the the firs t to arrIve here . The stamps oll r aunlo o Kt tiobanlz park , are unusually pretty, being printed fortable in winter aCoru t Dlly'on , (I n tirHord8Y · . in black with an excellent bust picMr . flnd Mrs Harry McGlonls reo ture of our lamented president. quarters? t orn ed h orn e Thursd .. y aUAr tlpend- l l'he first s tamps issued were to the log ~ w eek 10 BellbrOOk v.ith the I . .. 's slsttl r . Mrs. Ne llie Howard, postoffice m Marlon . hIS old home Haveyou built that ' !tHler who hilS beeu quite Ill. town. chicken h 0 us e Mrs. Mary E Carmony is on ..--m a te r trip t.o l:ll ln"/t) with E. J. you promi sed rruouy lIod r8mlly, of Springfield vl~I~lo", tile latter brolh. CAHD Of THANKS your wife? ,,1'hoy er. l!:lmuH \.;larreU ood family. The anuo,,1 reunion of ttle Smith Have you put down that feeding floor II family b eld 1"85 1::l,lnday, Sep. Mrs. W. B. Squires wishes to I temher 9, ,,' tbe oountry home of thllnk thoB<l who remembered her for the pigs? . I Mr. and Mra Samuel 1::lmltb near IlrO
In the after noon o f lite. wa tc hing t he lengtheninjl '8hadows and the
England's New Premier Knows Out War Debt V1~ws
590 Ktlnyon Ave
We guarantee cream and can. againlt lou.
Reference-Ask anyone
at our 70.000 Cream Patrons.
r····..·..··············......········ I
ae~ - --------'.-
I• ·Weekly Purcha~e PJan .
Will enable you to own a FORD C~R. · 15.00 ,,!i11 . enroll you. For'furthe~ inform~tion call
'Phone 150'
Seventy· Fifth Year
Mrs. Ada Courtne y was thEI cent guest of rlliative s in Cinl:inn atl.
Wanted -PI~n sew ing an d hand beading . Mr~. Chll8 Cook . Waynes
--~ __
ville, Ohio.
~~~~~-~-~.~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I§
Steve Phillipa . of Lebano n, was In town Monday .
Mn. Asa Eghe rt. nr Kansas Cit y . Mo. , is visitinK her siater. Mr ~. Mre. Lucie EvaDII is viaitina her Alice McKinHey . niece, Mrs . Ida Stoke•. Mr _ and Mrs . Ch1l8, Tobhen . of Howell Pierce and Dr. Farr were Columb u8. are the Kuests of G. J . Sprin"b oro vieitorB Sunday . Hainee and family. Have your Tubes vulcani led at the Mr. and Mrs. B. 1'. Vice. of DIlYWayneSVille Auto aDd MachiDery Co . ton, were week· end guests of W . K Stroud and family . Mr. arid Mr~. D. L. Cr.ne attend Lee Hawke and family and J ohn ed the Holland reunion at Sprin" Fromm and fumily spent Sundar at Valley.S unday. the Cincinn ati Zoo. Dr. L. F. Hallipe nt leveral daYI lut week with hll family at WetJt Mr•. W. E. Crane and daught e rs, Lafayet te. Ohio. of Bethel. moved to their prollert y on Third street. Saturda y. Mr. and lira. Karl H.wke, of D.J· toA lpent thll week.en d here with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hawke and Mr. and Mra, J . C. Hawke. Mrll. J C. Hawke visited re latives at Pleasan t Plain Saterda y. IIrll, W. 0 , Raper Wall called to Sardini a, Ohio lalt week on account LOD Heckett and family speat Sun_ of the iIInellll of h.r rather. day wl'.h Dick Beckett a.,d tamily I of Miami, near Hamilto n . Mr. and Mrs. Cbllll. Evane and childre n . of Dayton were Sunday Mr' and Mrs. G. D . Mills attend ed &,u_La of Wilbur Foulke and Iamily . the funeral of a rel ative. Samuel Mr, andlMrl l. Chad E, Itldenou r, Compto n. at Wilmin Kton Sunday .
Wn,)le 'Number 5560
LOEW'S THEmR: :~ u"<'11 I
SU,?E ,I''''' INTI!R~tlrI!P IN FORIE6 N Af;FAI~"! ~ell~ ~A~~L" ..l.NtI AID FO~ JAPAN . ALWA'lC; A FRII!:ND NEED '
with Mr. anr! Mrs. Israel Satterth . 24,%- ·131.65. 24% at $3165 perton waite. i8 at the rate of per unit of availabl e phospho ric acit! or eq ulvlIMr. and Mr8. Chas. Chambe rs and lent to $21.12 f.>r 16% . on whi ch the Mr. and Mra. J . homm , of retail price is ::;ave th e differton, spent the week-en d here witb ence by using high Krad e y .C relative s, tilizer. Give us your urd er. Everett Early, Lytle. Obio .
YOC1S?1 UI~d
~p~m ber. Allbrou~tw ~lfi"~
For the autoists th ere are n umcr- baskets . The lIinrrer was spread on ous parking spaces within a block or a table in the yard and all did full so of the th eatre wh e re attenda nts jus tice to th e good things, Water· a re in charge to look after th e safety melnn was alsu enj oyed. I All went of th e cars Any )Jstron fro m oul home wishi ng Mr . and - -- -Mrs . Beach of tow n is request ed to info rm t he many ha ppy returns of the day. CLUB PARAD ED THEIR WARES manage r and he will take espeda l The sq uirrel season opened SaturOne Who Was There. AT COUNTY FAIR care to arrunge for Ilay and hunt.erl l from all over the ir co mfo'r t _ ___ - The frost Wednes day evenini ' and every co nveni enceththeut Save your old carpets and rUi'iI the theatownshi p were out trying to get a played havoc with tbe tobacco kill- tre has to offer . and get ' " Wearwe ll" Rugs made. meal, and only five a day is the limit . Send for price 118t. Frankli n Rug ing thouaan ds of dollars ' wo;th in For the grand openi Open lis t for duck, geese fllld simiiar this commu nity. This is the earliest will be offe red fo r oneng l' ill which Co,. Frankli n. OhiO . en tire week . varieties open the 161 h. Ph eMant. ____ frost recorde d for years. starting Mond ay nooll. ::iepte mbe r I-trou se and partrid ge are le~u l game Nothing Like It Was Ever Made in Tobacco and other fields were laId 25th'. Thomas Meigha n's newes Milllel Edna Kelsey. EdIth Georare, The reunion hpld in honor of Mre. Novem ber 15. t IJiclow around here. In Bomein stances ture. "Home ward Velma McClur e. Ann Bachml&D, Emma Egbert at the beautifu Bound. " will b. e e Ohi o fi sh and S!'ame' division This County --Waa Oreate. l home t h h owever t ere was no frost in many screene d. Th Hell~i~ta Ml'Kineey About 65 doctors . interne s, and visited the of Mr. and Mrs . A . S. Colle tt on us se own ru es which th e wise Altractl on on Oround s field 8 . A VIS h ' It aroun d t he neighbo rt d I Ben Tur pi n, he of the misplac ed durses of the Homeop athic Xerua Schools , Friday . hunter will heed Th ese rules :lunday afterno on, Septem ber 16th . Med ical ---hood showad a heavy killing frost eyes, is to ap pear in his how ling suc · soci ety of Dayton . came here Friday hack ed by fines for violatio ns , follow; was 8 very enj.oJob le affair, Waynes ville wa!lt written all over in one field.an d in the fleld Dr. M.ry Cook .lId Mrl, -'8l!111ie E~ery hunter must have a license .the Warren County fair grounde the tobacco was not hurt adjoinin g cess. " Where is my Wan lle ring Boy evenin g at t he invitAtion of Dr. and ThOBe present were: MIS . Emma White are ependin a lOme time with Ev,bert at all It Thi s Evenin g." The vaudev ille of Mr3 . J . 1'. Ell and Mias Lillie Nedrv. of cost ing SI. obtaina bl e fr om the lart week. Not oilly did her resi- seeme~ is and had a feast of to be a freak ~f nature, m .e which there will · be six big acts. "latl, .ln Detroit , Mich., Dr. Coo~ Kan888 county clerk good things. 'l'lleJ'ar .ty went to the of courts . These are dents attend the fair liberally b t tbe City, Mr. lind Mrs Israel rains we have receive d all during promise s to be the best ever will be at bome about the 26th. presen- woods where a roaring brush pile Harris and daughte r. Mill!l Helen. citizens of the United they took the exhibrits a8 well. • the summe r. ted on th e Dayt on theat re stage. was burning . and tbere they ::,tated reSiding in Ohio. Mr_ and Mrs. Will Grether and people. the Grange and Comme rcial The corn als', was badly touched Th e Bille Gerber Rev ue. The Woman 'lI Auxilia ry of St. dlu&,ht er . Joan, of Dayton " Silks, weiners and corn on the cobl Bunll Sunday is a closed time on all club helped make the fair , Mrs. a SUCCeall and many fields looked like late Styles and Satins" game. Mary'l church will meet with IItn. Aile. McKins ey and daughte will be th e head- and hot coffee added much to the this year. Novem r. Miss ber, the stalks drying up and line act with a bevy of prelty gir ls lunch. Waterm elons and muskHarr!a' and !tara. Moaber on frida, Henriet ta. Mrs It Is unlawfu l to buy or sell any The Comme rcial club decided the corn in full ripenin g. Mary Adams, Mr. and syncopa ted music. afterno on Septem ber 21 at 20'eloc k. and Mrs. l11e lons disappe ared by the score, and or squirre Frank ElbOn. Mr!. Esther ls whethe r after s(.me debate. to take space at • - • Alice Lu Monte and Compan y will the way that grub disappe Stout, John Pence, of Waynes ville. killed In Oblo or elswher e . the fair and after consult ini' the ared was open the show with her thrilling marve lous. Chronic trouble Mr. and ~rll. C. II. Brown had &II Mr. and Mrs. H . E . Collett Only the owne rs of young fruit secreta ry, it was found that s were ' and almost balanci ng and wire offerinS!'. "Slep- forgott en for an hour and their ,UOIIU Sund&)" Mr. and Mra daullht er. Dorothy . Nolin digeativ e ,,' Haines ?rchard.s are pe rmitted to use ferrets all of the art hall could be obtaine d. pers of '23. whil e Clark and Crosby organs were a nalyzed. Ha~ry Conner , Mr. ·.nd Mn. Geo. and wife, of Sabina, Those who Ed Collett and In huntmg ra bbi ts. It is unlawfu l They immedi ately cl oeed the conwill foll ow witb a most laughab le 'enjoyed th e occasion declare d Stem and Mr. Ralpb Riaas, of Day· dlu"hte r. Norm •• Miss to enter a game preserv e with g un tract for that departm ent, and seyIt to Bertha ColI' comedy sk it. "Who and Wh y? Fur· be th e time of thei r lives, fon. Hunter s a re req uired to e ral days before t he fair started Howard C.ollett and two child- tJ r dog. and were man and Furman ure duo that offer loud ill their praise of the ren. Henriet ta and Walla\:e . Mrs 'lbtain the writ ten perm i~sion of membe rs of the club host and went down to\: the harmon y songs th aI we all lik e ho~te~s. :X- D. C. Ridge and wife, of Colum. rlbbaJlI and daui'ht er. Fl ora . of land owner or t enant befure tres. t he ground s ~o lix the art hall '18 Elliott Wright. who le'f t for An'n in a new aud diffure nt fa shion bus. Mrs. J . C. Tuilill and three son. Wilmin gton. Mr. Frulige r and wife. passing on any far m . . T he - - -they wllnted It , Arbor last Monday mornin g to re- melod'i es are delight ful and ente rof Fletche r, Miami connty. m"torl!d Mr. Patton and family, olCinci nn llli • _ , The decorati nll' ia charge of sume his studies at Michiga n Univer. taining and a more pl easing team is down and Iptlnt Sunday with Mr Frank Wilson and wife, Herber t M Hllrry Pace. Bnd the whol e art hal sity. has been made basket ball not to he found McNall y, Ke llY and Mr•• 6il1Jblon RldMe. "'it and wif~, W. W. Welch and was a dream Long Slreaml lrs of manage r for the coming season. and DeWolf e, a trio of funmak ers. wire, Ed Dakin and wife. "'rllnk Shiyellow and black wl~re tllken from This position is of conside rable im- feature comedy . sonllS, danc~s. t umMin Allee Gon8 and Ruth Ro..11 dllker and wife, B. Y . Collett and Let not the call go unheed ed. the top of t ile building and fes tooned porlanc e. as all the home games will bling 8?d acrobat ic dancin g . left Monday for Oxfor,l , where MIll! slIter, Nan. A S. Collt'tt lind famil y. Wayne Townsh ip has given lese than al Hhort interval s all around the be played in tne recently complet ed Jennmg s and Mack . . t~o boys of one third of he r quota to the GODt. .. i11 reeume her work at Oxford Mr •. Ida B. Howe, George Denny JapanhaIL At each booth electric Jlghts l"ield House. the largellt athletic char~oa l hues, are brlTl~lllg a n nct -esB relief. We shoutrl not break our - - Collq. f~r women and MIBII R< sell and family. and Helen Grahsm , of incaspd iri bl ac k and ye llow gave a structu re of its kind in -- the world, that I.S b~bhltng ov .. r With laughte r Hpl endid reco rd of to enter Miami Unlvere lty. HarveYlbur&,. the past . Give! The Ku Klux Klan had a hig meet- glow to the surroun dings, and pre- where the questio n of seating the and slngmg . The~e da~k eOl upl ec ted Give prempt ly! l ;ive libe rally! The menu was prepare d by the la- ing at Spring Yalley Sunday 'Ift"r- a warm l o~k that appeale d to the thouaan ds of people who will boys All kindll of Feed. Seed Oatil; Tile diee above named, who bear the noon . The Kllln are gloom chasers of wid e r e- Leave yuur contrIb ution uow prE'.sent etl the cruwdli whlc~ thronge d it from the attend t~ese at the gamps is still in a slalre ~town .athnd shh~uldh cause. much hilarF.nce Poatl, Coal and Fertiliz er. W. Ilame of being drllt cl888 In t!rat line, school board bank . J . O . Cartwr ight . witn a handsom e fiag fi.rst dllY until the v,e ry last. Beau. of experim entation . and one of the IY WI d.liver the 1I"0od. Everett Early. the men acting IS judgel and in rent elr umo rl ous Aurpr iHe. and three bibles . After paradin g tllul black and yellow signs classi- pr~bl.emll confrontin&, the manage r. "In Our Auto ." Lrtle, Ohio. Tel.pho nee: Waynel - dering their verdict the decilon was. the streets they gathere d around the fied each booth. and it was not hard Mlcillga n boasts one of the leading ville, '76-8: Centerv ille, B2'7. Watch this paper each week fo r nothing wae lert undone . ft'lg pole at the school ground s. and to find the exhibito rll. contend ers in basket ball for Wesl- the announ cement of the It WBII unanim oully adopted to after singing and pray er a neat lit. The coming atstory woulrl be long if we at- ern. Confere nce honors, and Elihu Underw ood walin Wllmlnl l- meer_g aln in one year. The Mr. traction s at Loe w's Dayto n. Big usual tie speech was made in present in)! temllted to (Ies~ribe each individu al Wrlghl is to be congrat ulated. ton Saturda y &,reetlna many frlend~ good-by greetin gs things are being plann ed and altracwere nffereci and the flag. the fiaS!' was raiscn, taps booth. P er haps the most extensiv e he had not .ef'n for a number of lht! crowd disperse d for their • - - --tions of great merit are being homes sounded . the crowd di sband ed . boOl h in the exhibit was that of W. vesre, Mr. Und.rw ood whOle home booked. The adm~ssion price isvery About 100 Klansm en W. H. Madden Co, who present ed I. near H.rveYl lburw, loet hi. lIabt low and the shows tremend ou 81y hig in their robes. faces uncover ed and a minatu re farm. wi t h house. barn. 80me time a,o. Althou ab he I. put 80 that eve!y day is bargain day at <l crowd of about 1000 to SO ,ea"" of aile he Wall convlnt ed sheds • and fields of grew· Loew·8 . witness the ceremo ny . 109 crops. ThiS was . indeed, a very that a surgIca l operJlti on would reThe "Yl,lIow " side of the Guod.tore hie .ight The operati on waf ' - - -- pretty ex~ibit. perform ed In April and hili prover Will conteet will Rive a market at L. A. Zlmmer msn. Dr. and MrB. he towlish ip house Satu d -- '" Banllh Fear. luccl!8l ful, inuch to hi' delhrht an I' H. E Hathaw ay, Myer Hyman Jack Dempse y nearly Inst h'IS crown ray. Llep Good work cu n nn ly be done by Th H B k m ~rlJ 9 !mber e S 22 beginni ng de that of hIS many friendll and rell· ,peopl e who have (r'l\r; sub. 4. m . a eCrY't, I C akn 0 rlew. Fridav evening whenY Luis F' . 11m" Ihoughts come onlv os we pUI J • E . °F raZler, tiVt'll. -Wllm inalon News·J ournal. . v _ 00. X ey- the Argenti ne. had him , rPour behlnd.- Elhert Hul·,hunl. Pace Drug Co" Walter McClur e and first round. and if he used hi. :lon, Sears and Cartwr ight' Waynes- head, there would havehad· b th -- - -ville Nationa l Bank, ~'r~ M. Cole. champi on. but the bell sa e::; ~~o I er The Warren Coun ty fair board <.irace 1.:. Smith. Waynes ville Mills, In the second roun;. De~~:::; departed from th e ir re l(lllar custom Hawke Motor Sales. W. H. Madden came up and battled hard, knockin " of having a Midway on the ground s, & Co , and the Waynes ville Motor bis man down seven times before hit and favorab le comme nts were heard Sales were membe rs reprell. nted at finally got in the blow that knocked on ever, side r egardin g lhis change . the art hall. Several membtl ra we~e him Clompletely out. The fight last- The various departm ents were well unable to be present much til their ed th ..ee minutes and 51 seconds filled, especia lly the stock depa rtregret. The several radio fans caught the ment, End strange rs on tbe ground The whole affair wu comment~ returns here, eome from the rinKl!ide claimed that shows took aw~y the upon very favorab ly by strange n ond others from Scbenec ady, N . .Y. crowds from the exhibits . Only II attendi ng the fair. One lady reo • ft:w concession!! were granted . Hall marked that she had aeen fairs all throwin g, cheap John a li ll'irs and over the State, but never had Hh' candy and drinks were about all . seen such a plealing diaplay with 1t ,Ie believed that by keepinll the such a charmin g backgro und .. wu ___• MidWay out of the g'~o ul)ds there reeent~ It this exhlbtti on. .. _ . l I Henry Oyler: died at hi. ,h ome in will be mor'e ex h I' b'It e nex t yenr. d an . _-An.d.rl to,Okl • . , Wednee da Se th.~ co~nt~y p~ople will ta ke more ' Ancient W ..hlulMl of Q..-e. ember 12th HIII80n F y. pt- pride ID.brlng mg In their wares to . . . .Plll of tIaa U..... 8~_ ban _ D• • I!Id OIJ8llH to tbelll Owln, to the le,a rellJ of wooI1 aDd brou&'ht th~ body back to~h~ IbOllid th.,. ...-e to .0 to Aluka., O,ler IIhow ill the differ~nt departm ents. 'MIl ~ metllis In Greece, watlbtubB an .... " n _ ,.(ad.. aII4 lor _rile'" Th. wonderful iiouibU tiea are ·alread)" . held t ' 0, .nd The Grange from all over the ~ .. o. reeaat . . . . . .,.~rda . . .t tlaat 'oar larae PMIdIlI pUla are, to be built dom leeD. tn the Uttl. YlUap ~ " '__ I :.!~te S ·d the_.wr ave In county w.. then for tb. :pu~ er refrtllla U. ., ItOI'hII aM ...,pIq ..... d_ mea' to till 11. 8. . well represe nted, lind _rlletl . Kb8sla, A ntDdeer near henS pure , _ ' dIe tbe be.,. ~ .......... ' I 1Dl., . . terDoon t"AlIa utilized stoneAthenll, ,..... . . , to NUeY. rallJl.. amona tb. Alukaa IDdlaDI au!D . larcoPb allWOIIIIII ... fi tllat an Be bad mild. blahom e In . ~ . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . ....... • ' " ' I maue a ne ex b'Ibit. Wa,ne . . . ....., .. .,., ........ .. ftIa . . . .IIN _ _ .. "",'~ OM toWlllh lp. cif couree came off .wlth more thaD ;000 , bora r~ ....., ,ean, :.,'i.* ..... ~- be ..... 1UIIIlber of premillllllt
- --------
rr~ ~oM
An nouncem ent mud.., Ilnnl1l'ing- M r . Mr:t. Clarenc e that L()ew' s () .t '['I I I l it:,,, .. Mr . untl ~l rA . Itov Earnha rt R~ on H'II rl·. I I" I J " most elauo rill e I h • " I lal a f IIm l'1 .v (:1 Inner . . p uy " ll ~e In t 1e home nn ri flh st reetSunday at their mlddle- weMt, Will r.,op,, 11 it ~ d(,prR . on Mon day S~pt. 24th With n ''''c r The 1 'rl!rnier band was enterta ined lind b igge r prt' ,; e ntat ion ~ I hUll (' \'c r lit I he home of J . T . Flack and fambefore. Th e th eat re has U rtde r ~llIl l' ily, Monday eveni ng. Deliciou s ice a comlJlet e renovat ion and i" ~pIl'k l'fCnm and cake was served durinlr and span from th e cellar to :h" t OI, ( ; Nothing ha>l bee n ~ p ared 1(1 malu ' Ile evcni nR' thi~ playhou se th e 11I 0,l · ill' flUll fll l A birthda y surprise was tend ered and comfort abl e to be fnunll. New furnitu r e. new dr ap ~ ri eti. new ligh t- M r8. RU BHeli Benll ey last Sun day. ing e!Tecta. elaboru te deco ra tioni' , Th " gu es ts w r p: Raymon d Co~n er improved ventilut ion and atill ed ~l' r and fa mily . Yic to r Butris and family, of () uy ton, Mr . a nd Mrs Hervice for their patrons . IIIUII Conne r. Earl Connor and famThe re are apacio u9 loungin g roo rns ft iso writinl{ desks and pri va te par- ily , I-la rry Conner and C. J . Mu rray. lors f or the ludi es anrl HmukinJ.[ roo ms r\ SIJm ptuOIJ 8 dinnpr was served on for the ge ntlem",n . During the win- lhe lawn ant! t he ~ u r prise waR a com· ter months afterno on tea is se rv er! ple te on e. on the balcony flonr . entirely fr ee nf charge . On Sun day, the 9th. fri ends from If the weathe r is cold anr! we t.. a Oayton, P rank lin, Cen terville and large check r oom i ~ at th " comma nd Waynes vi lle, numbe rin g twentyof t he patronR whe re wearing Ill!' (our , uut uetl to t he home of Mr . and p .. rel. hnskeL~ and umbrel las ma y be Mrs. J ohn l:l each of Route 2. to rechecked en ti rely fl ee of charge. mi nd them of their sevente enth wedIce cold spring water i~ to he found dl!1J.[ annive rsa ry whiih occ urred on on nach floor whi ch goes throu i:h a th e 6lh and a lso of Mr . Beach'a special filtering process a mi cool in),[ birthda y which was on the 8th of
~Sprl~fi~d. II~~ ~e w~~ood H~hGH~~~~M~de, y,c' I:~~::~::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;::::;::: ::::~:::~~ Qs~m. SijUIRREL SEASON --.132 CO MMERCIAl FROSr PLAYED OPENED SATURDAY J. Da~$23. HAVOC WITH TOBACCO l~er-
1~5~ed olll~ ~o
a~y g~me b~rds
----- ..--WARREN COUNTY goinginl~:: FAIR WELL AllENDEO
"""'1 OIl'
.0.,....' ....
., 4< _.,,----'
.- ~
_ __~~____~__~________~__~~~e~JW~ir!~l,u~~G~~~~t~t~~~~~~~.~!!~·~e~.~ym~.~~~Oh~~~~_;~~~__~~..~&~~__~~~~~(~_--~~~--~s. ~~--~~~~~~~~~
L"' )o.
"""'Ilrl'llt"d t
t',~ \h~'ll ~nnt'\H"'8 .
11111, 1,1' , hut his IlI'P aroll"d In sRtlllrllrtl"n. , "!t'" nll rljllot," hI) whl.·p0r cd conll,"' nil), " ' -Oil r id ''. ,Ion ' t ynu?" ,In
AnI! Qli6JIllmlJl on e t4qwfle will be Olo<1IV a~Dertid '" ' h.U 001....", If addru.ed to
\'"b n t
10 th:
j:"/lr A mn l1H 1 nt }{pl1t~" 11 11 1.1 IH' t I1I (W ~; 1111P lllt,th·\·I,\' hf' a:ropP, l (I.r lH"r
t hrn
m u \!u
1...11".1', It thot Is true, whnt takCli Its lllace:, T bll nk you. A. R&ADIUl. S. V_ P. nre Fren ch \Vords ~: tf V()U.8 pIa4.!, w hi ch
··u~ l!
y ou p l ellBe ." 1'our rl1ul.1<1 1V8B cor met In 6Il¥!.nil t t I!l nlT e!)' UIK'" on Inntall onK n ow, T ile t{'WiOlI LR.
" ,1'
h nllll In Ih(' ·1llrk n p " . "\, .. 11 klll,'cI hhn? Ynu ,11,17 ~n~', I Il k p I'OU," he exrl lllll'NI ~:l rll". 'I)·. tl Ynu ~rf' !'llrp somE' gI rl. ~' nu !l r r. Hu t ft r p " ou rt'r,nln Y"u ~ 1I1(' " him '" I'T~ r t h ink coO---YPJl," sh~ ~l llI'lll 1H'I'(\rt . rot nlly ~ l1rl , r !~ p d b,. tlip \\,~I" In \\ Ilkh
he ,cr,'<'I,,,1 h,' r ot''''', "lIut I-I nm nol f'xnr, ly 'Ilre. Ali I kn, ' w I~ hI' Is Iyln!! ' I,prp nn 1Il1' n il",. (I( 111 .1' ron m. I nd- nnd be neV4'r 1110\'('(1 nf lPr he "'a s ~,ruck." " ~ I ruck 1 i au did n ot shoo:. thpn?" ":'\0; I hstl no "hnn ~ p, I gnt R\\"n ~' from th e m, nDd rnn to my ronm. whe re 1 n,PJll1i 10 lock myselt In . hnt . oll1pnne hl\d tnken t h e key. I shUI Ih.. ,llIn r behin d me on d tornt t he rPI·" h e r II lI t or II drnwer. de,4'rmln NI t o "e(pnr' myRelr, The m en rollowr ,l. hut RI"I ' I·cd ollt ~ld .. In th .. hn ll. 1 cnnld hpnr th em lough nn rl t nlll; th nth,'.\' \\,pnt back to t he frqn t ronm flgllln , n oh W8! 80 lure t coul dn't get awny, he "'-llsn't IItm ld to len \' e me there. n e plan ned to get d run k firs t . nn<l tl ll'n COIm) back." "Sure: t b M would he h is style; and Jon waltf!d? Yon dl <l n· t try to ge l aw ay?" "Opt a wayl Wh e r e coule! 1 !!o? O nl y out loto the d esert, And th osp me n woul d hllve mlled me If I t ried thnt , Yes. I waited In th e do rk, deApNn t (', determined to kill him wh e n hI' came. And h e came flnnll y. 10 drunk h e could hardly stand, hut u lll y wit h th e IIqo or. 1 do not fte e m to rememher exactly what did hB ppen ; he 1 8 u ~h 1)fl and jee red at me, anll got hold of th " weapOD before I bad courage t o fi re, TheD we Itruggl ed. a nrl t h e grip of hili han!!1 ,drove mo mnrl. T he r evol~r fell to the lloor, but I got It . 8JId stnIc11: at him with all my ml!l'ht. That Willi aU ; he 'us t lo y the r('. nnd n e ve r moved ; J could see h l~ t oce In the atnrll·g ht. but-but T coul d n't mnke myeelt touch hIm. I-I belle" ed he "1'111 dead, OJllt r bad killed hi 111." "Never mind, little g irl ," Inter n lpted ltell~ IInnly, "mnybe he wn s, but 1 doubt It; KDYs like that nre not croaked 10 e8lY, Theo, 1 tnke It, yoo ran .way." "Yes; I-I COUldn't IItay there. Rnd I thought perhaps there might be 1\ chan ce, It 1 could only find n horse 8Omewhere. I !mew tbe ot hers were all drunk, and I would oot be miss ed before morning. I had to try, aod that wu how I came to be he re. You -7lIU uoderstand nowr' "Tel, 1 nnderstoo d, aod I am golog to 8taJ with you. Dut llrat, let's get thlll Itralght The main questloo 19, are you rea4T to tru.t me 118 a white
IBlDr ''Y_I am." "That mean. a lot more tboo you think ~ht now," he went on, hut mdently eOCOUrBled by ber t one. "Bec.Ulli It ain't goin g to be so eall.!' I9tttog away. I don't tRke nn)' s tock III Bob'. being dead ; he's J;tot n knockout, that's 1111, and when he comes to hlmntt agaIn he'l goin g to b e rllvlnl. He'll baft eyer)' rid e r ou thi s rn Dcb 011 our trail. and the beRt we can reelroo on 18 maybe three hours' s tart. You lOt to .tq wUh mo, Dod do ju8t
tJlI. t peopl," are dUPl >Oll<ld t() hnyo tI.e I'ollte" """ to UrLOW..,. tnl'lt nlilHu;; Vlr1tltou t IUHi nl! to be
II I' anHll wl'. 1111 1 It ~' \111 ~l oll l
( ." " ! I I ~H ~" " \':In C,I It ll' 11111 11. th l'n ttl! ' 1'1 '::.1 t hlrll: ( pr ~ u tJ III d " , lt1n~·h' · . J .. rll .. 111." 1I"rI' , II ntl !'lrrHp It 0 111 wlrh n,," lh\J\.I:\' r . ~1.\' 11 1111011 (!'it t hl~ nm ·
uskp!d to . H owever. one wou l d drop n hInt ; It 'nileht 00 p ut
t hlK WRY : " Kindly lend ",spon"" til ,. , . .. ... . • , " and tban gl\-e we a<lllr"lIti.
nin~ :twn)' \\'lrh hl s \\ Iff" lIi ll ' l J.!olnJ,: (0 I til I ' ~' nn . sn :I JI " \" ' Il rur TlH', lind da m f'rl \ I f' 1'1 11 ).:' 1l11\~ (0 t!lrkl .. rlH' jol! '~ l( "-! p t I
y n u'n' of
IlI ln ,1
X" d t'ar thr l)l1 lr h
wit h n11': ' "y "" , hlnk I n111 hlR "Ire. u, pntl'"1 h(' I" r .. "II." ,,1 \1' (''(' "I
hu n 'lJ' t
R ill ~oln~
~f t:'II .I.{t'r 1'!oI1 ':If W
d nll ht I\f It.
In rr''''I',,<1 IOn the
I( li t:'
( r llll];
I hut
Itn \' ,'
rt'~ 'lI\'t'rs
• •
l(,H ~ t
~I, p
bo w w nny . MI16. E, L.
(2) Y ell. If It Is ImII] put In an np,"" UU.IINl
nl till' .1r" l r , n ,· IRII IIII.( ('fl rd ,,) unllt! IH' Jlut tn UII (-In ' d ope 111111 Re D' til we hosl,,",,- Try nllil ilA " e It II nt" E' whil e t11i' li'1' I In "rogreMs, T his m ny bo d()u,' Ill' 011' Me r l' I('C!l or 1\ meSo61'1I~ .. r or' h )' post. PI) A II usbI,nd lln<l w ire It n nnhl!' t o II P-
full ... cnn-
In" 'IIOI on he r . houlder. "You sort I nre gol n ~ t n hit It 011' nne . 011,
fl O W;
l>J:: .\ Ie
NlIhrHlr "" " pr t ru :oill· d n an h:r!feen y et
. . . "
• •
A. LIr.11A:
Kllltt'd '1 ~~r"nn t
nlle, \\' her
Lt'r I .. II Ic k It UI " til l Il'r wl-e , If u , I .• tiler' Is II !'4 1l YH11 rS'I' ' 1 I I t·~ I 1'1 I' n p'lIrl l ' IUHII tCM C t! ) ''011. 11 W 1 t' , CM~f'lltl \\"1 11 ((I' i t. Arl " I' 11 w ord
or Hj ,olu:.ry
t tl
l ilt' h Clsl~~ ("(')u.
tIL,"!! n" It' I "' lhlll~ h"" hIlI' P"n"<I. (:!) P ili ,, 1111, ' <: ,1, 1111 til(' (',I):e or ,hp h ll ll l'r :.1 111". tll"" Ulke t he ", 1111, (l r , ~I!'r.', t ou~h l nJ! 11 110 e nd Ih:hlly In tI ,e snit a mi to ile It oIl. •
pntln'''' nllln p. 11111\ .he d" ne r lICh( to r"' I ,~se t rust In him? Wh o wu t he nlH n ? \\' h y wa~ he li t t be mnch It he l,u(1 nf) ~onnl'etl on with Bob ~r('nh ~"r? Wh nt woul <l hi s pno .~n('e t e re IIII I,I)' ? 1'111' rllnch wns on no co m-
~;:,':r);p~n ~~:;'~~~;, 71~':r o;~~ ,;~~Or"l;:~
A. \" H.
Ilnn l,)11 hurt dlsnpl)(?n.red, D ebo rah t p.It
nnet (o!.lnrl him II pl k ~ r. We' re pnrdnPrs now ; 1<'1'. j(o. " H e pirkpol lip a . ",1 ,11 " rr<>1II tllP hell or hit \' nn whld, hp hnd h~"n re~ t Ill S: : tou n,l h nlll hN hllngi li o 011 R "tnkf' rt r l\'en In lf' a hen "' ,' IInol with hOlh
I r I hf'r(l If' n
"win gin g a Dou. houses fro ,lI ,' Iftl" . (ound ('(lm. l::
tI,,· ""'''Iliion t"'u cu rd»
8holl lt l c.,,·It.'Jr)'
Sl,u wll l te<l Al tlw bnrs oC the co rral while h r ll cen " o n l8hl'<l 10 th e rlnr\[-
n p , ~ nf the Ol)<'n . li ghtly r oll l',l lu r ln t In h l8 hn nd, ,I" 'r.' (,.," " II. "re 111,1-1" n nn el. no \\' t ll a t her newty
C' ul'h se n d It ('0 rd . uurt U tin ll~ ht ~1' ti r e
( I I Wll" t ~ h llll "l he <l one If one dr" I'" h is fnrk II I III 11 " "!' ./ 11 0 «
t he
f' hnrl('lw. "
"I 111('11 11 ) ' ''H. I ,ril~t ~'Oil filliy. nh~ol utl'ly. I will eto rXnC II)' n' .\','n 5I1Y." "It Is h01lnd tn lw ~(III1I' t1'~t. ~' nl1 ng IlI d.I'." he retllrn,'" ~ru \,e ly, 1·"lens lng ~ hp r hnnll, Hnd rl ·d n~ to his f ,.. t, "bu t I n '(' l-ioll I WHIl'f " If ~'n ll rrJ,!!'Pt It.
hO~1 ,~~
en eh
r " ~ t 1111
t ' lI m(\
wnul .l
lr u
"D-n! But I Liko Your Style l"
~ -r-~';-I;~;~
1l1<m ly used troll; vlllt ora ne ve r came "h-n-.d--,-"-o-n-II-" -r"'r-n-I-t l-'-''''l"r-" -'-,I-"-' .........._.. the ~ I n r llj!ht. P rhnrllh rnll nl\'p,1 ,'I o~e- ",llt" ll t n I'nrro~e. T o r('nr u t h(lr e " .: , " _. _ ~, ,_ Iy, u n1'W t ,' pllnl:" of rpll ef gl d n g li ght- lit 1111 fl' '1 l1lr O''' IIIlIes ot de,ert trn\'l~I. tl o n Llh .. ('xpt'r lpnced fro ll1 Iwln g be lp. neB t o her ~te ll . );he no lunll r 1\'111 , 110 litt le hnrrls ltlp, T he re III l1 s t less ly al one cn used h r now to rest 810ne, u n j!uld"d; sOIlH"hlnJ! .. hout t h.. nl wl1)" I", li n ohj1!cl In 8\1 ch 8 Journey. nil h,'pe on thi s s trollJ!('t who had a" "' Mil ' Itl l<l 1I('f l ori~ nr Ih,' ," li n hroul.(ht "'h il t ('ou ld It be In t his cnse ? \\' a ll mysle rl " II Hly ('(lme to I II~ r rl'sru e; sh e ca red n()t .... h o lie ml):h! he. or f rom confl ,lence, The situlllinn \\, fiR p l lll nl ~' t hl' f\'11 11 '" R ,IIerp d rlner. seek In!: a no nlll'i'lly to h im ; hp hnol hen n t ug!- j "Io ? A (1I ):ItI" e (rom j ustice, hitti ng wh('oce he came. Eno ul!h tha t h ~ wns '"' e li r r"re n url hnrl IrnrnNI every frnll' II", III I\' ? or II t·tl l1l l1 y In Men- th ere. Rt rong-Ul r me d, ca!,li bl e. r,,"rless, Ir l" k In Ihe hnrd "(·"" .. 1 <,( cX I"' r lcnce. gu,"s se",·le.·? !';urely he must be one wil li ng to her rlpnn her. I" I lI lil e he r \\'h nl l'l'\'t 111111 11IJIIl'pn" ,1 to Bob of Ihe th'·',·; ,w lhl n!: clse woul d ne- 5I1r,'ly. It wa s In till s spi rit of ul most Me't):er, It 11'118 rlPil rl.,' pv l,!<·n t t he t el · co un t r.. ,· his " rcs1!llce un d~r s uch ell' blind confid ellce thllt t he /(11'1 11'1'1lo\\' Im el n.1( ";or recfll' (' rrol ""osrlOl1s, CUtnSllln ' ·('~. cOlll erl hi s r e turn wh pn he nDnlly n e~s, nn<l It ":,,. hn r,lIy IIkel)' hl~ telYe , " he liked, li nd t ru s , ed hi m ; !'elt em t' rge ll rroln out th e b la ck Shlldo WlI, low!'! \\'011111 bl"'OI1l!' 1J)"nllserl until h. no tpll r fit the n, o n. So ro r 06 hIs r e- le ndlnll two ho rses tra lllnl: Quietly besouneled tlt p nlllrm. Th o WilY or es- latl .. ns w ith he r " 'e re concern ed n o t hln(l. t hrough t he cor rul gote. cop e stili re mnlol'd open . hu t no o o~ 11 ,Iullil t II r his nh~n l u t e 8l1 ti llr~ o es9 He sll<ldled !lnd brl.ll ed the two rnp. could t ell tor holV Innl!. Ruccess 81l 1l,' <1 hpr. She b ell el ed h is p romise_ Idly , el'hlently a ccustomed to worklnl m he Ii t 1111D U tI Do n m 0 ; n fl U tR K (' Ileen' s U(lh~1!J 11.!JuC):"S'J C1Utll:!!lUlll'!:J'Ll!..·...llhjJo'!:rllde.ec. r .Jrllll!;)5:;,!t''u!lr"' rlf ''Jlrll!lo....J1e.-t-I~ttrk. HAre YOU n !ndyl"
"Yes." ""lit yo ur t oot In InY h nnd . ThIs Ie
Upholding ADlerican Ideals T
o.rtr ries of commerce h na enabled Am e rica to maintain its COOlm e rcial eupremacy .
The railroads of America are perfann ing o:nc h day and n illht a vllal ser'\'ice-clolte to the Ji 'VeA of th8
Am e ri ca n people-for whother it be t h r 0 u I: h th e t rn n aportlltion of o r frei g h t the people are o n th at Eerv i.cc (o r th eir
it.: 1
I if.
" e l') c x iut e n ce,
p r o :\ pt: ri l y of t he r ni lro ;uift th(' n r cr,pt'r ity t h e' rcople
nl'"f! n S
and t he contin u anco o f llle p ro" i a i ~n a of t he Trn nepo rt atio n Ac t
I ~Z() - u n c' cT
wh ic h t h e m ilroadl
n r e r ec u pc- r n t inlo; f rom the (' (f~c t 8 of w.ar - time o pern t ion- i.t' t he refo re of u r ~ cnt i mJlOrt ance to t h e peo p le
w e ll a s to t h e r nil rond A,
Ame ric a' " r Dilro nd & a r c the fine.t n n e mos t cfTici~ n t l y o pe ratl!n in the
world and in ftuppo r t ing the m the people o ( t l l is cou n try n r e up holding ,\lne ric Au ic' c .:l lv. The ful u r e o f our y' JCI~t r h i\;-on d e.y,te rn .l i:: linlu~d rl o ".!I)' w ith the r u tu re of An.,e ri cQ.
81111111 1o, n ..1"
rf'll ci ·~I;.!'n '-~l'I"'?" I rIo noL" ISh p "l'll t nrl'd
11 01
SIII'"r Hp rln,s I.
It' s ennug-h
~0\V for m<' t o ~n y thnt It hl'R I'tll£hl
mll"h nhou, th is de'Pet n. II ny Inl'lll\n "" er kn pw, I' ve ro(\(' II Rl ml P.
Ill\' 8 "
t?tun , W P RI. north , nntl ~ n ut h , I1 n. \ OIW
of t h p ", r " D ~(, plllc,,' I stU llIhlprl Int,
p l8 ~e r'
"Bu re. S() 11It'OUI' cioes, btlt n ot I hl ~ ou tfi t. I <l oull1 It 1'101 '1'001 )I elll!"r e" er kne,,' or It , bu t I hllve Inllle rCII"" n to bellel'P H,'h 'M y. It I II'~ hf''''' 8 lI" P\"l~' den In Its !lny. no llnu bt, It the story wos known:'
"A th IHeR' ,I~.n 1" "LIkely-yes. You do not kn " w thla countr ), \' l!I') w pII. H iss D eborah. h ilt It h us II p!'1I th l! 1II',.. I' luar tl'r s t or ('li lli e r u~th.'l'~ lind ~lIl ll ~u!l t'rH t o r yeu r s, ce ll· for ul! I "nu w. JI ~
t' Pt.'(,1!" Il is
In so,"e r e-
h lld touny 1\!oO It
en~ r
Mcxl('() Is )1I"t oyer YOllile r," Ull ,\
l~x i'l'l.'ssl\'e
he lUnd,· all
one bllllrl, "11 11 01
g ~s l uJ'e w tth
et pse rt
s t" el~hes
n l ong Iloth ~ Id 's t he line: lin t:'\'t;.'r y
~ I<l e IJIlIun tH iu b II n ci
wild (.'n llnl ry , :J' be nili cli Is ll\(I unl,)' ou st s In a hu n tJ)' ~ll mill'$. I t! III\' t kn uw hnw lite plu re wuS: I.',·pr r Cll1111 1. but I'll bt·t It ~t eug e r
wus h l'h l lIy ,he r il le." , "1 1
\\'/1 :0: ,"
14 1,
!'o il ",
Torn I t) hl " '"
~ 1 I1 ry.
ti t' ('U lt\(' In Jlt~n.! , 11 ~· IIt!1l1.! 111 ,111 , l)l·fI~ lJ l·l.:tln~. 1I1l1l d I.Sc"fJ' ·l' l'\ 'd t llt· ... 1.: J,tHltl l't' ilo; of Ul:relS,
W II I l' I'.
CU II" IM"" hl",
):1 'l l~S,
l ' \ l.· l')
111" ...11
t ldo,:,
t!" .. n
ot w ill i ('!11th!.
'L' lt e l' t~
\\ a s n il ,llIe ill lhe co unt ry tlum. nod t ill: l'IlI l l' ,,"pr e n llt ~vc n WHI'l I! stt' ulllq;. I I e II ",'" h ,'rt' H l on ~ fo r
yeu r r:,
( o UI U.l
gult l
~u l1lew h el'~,
':-\ l(
ell ou,," t o ,1.,,',·1,111 Ihls "n' per l ),. The I n tJ hllll'O n ,·,·vr tI'OU}'ll'd h i m m ll c')~bu t
rusti erG d ill. h" th Yonk un<l 'r l H~Y
~"'xl c u n ,
luul a I'I'!..:Ulll l' trail t!lrlluJ,:'lr t huse
hill s t o the
l' U"' t.
It Is
lI fl l'tl
ye t
.. ". ,Iu rl "d, ulld I
Farmers' Attention! f~ rU' H r ti o t \Vl.lrren
n.o d u(tj o'nlng
C IHl llt \lJt4 tU ~y IJ b(.l\i u nl O U f'Y 0 0 Ulli n I Ua. Dd , R t fj ;"~lIu lut t:Jre8t,
1 ~lIg
L:u~ t r an ~o n.
t.r li r :;uourtu t( t·Un .. lUll ~ i~ ve r y Cllilr"" , I k""w II(' Is .. (,I TuIU'S "" " . "hill thruu«h Th e Ifud und Llinti 111,,1 ,I", ,,",,"·,,1 IlI' lr. tHll I mel t h~ I:l llUk . F or turth e r infllrmRllo? oll il f'III",,· 1111" [' >If t l\'It','. II lId cnn nut h~ , u ll u r IIlhl rOMfl M . t; IJ llAKE, lr (jll~ · tl l.'\' 11 ht~ t'n "r P Ul 111(> J'H ll eh Un rf'Sl" n ' · UI' Hr; phon e 31 {)-X , Lobt)lJ o u,Oll1 'J , .. ,lIy 1111< ' 11,.\1" 1,," , I1K, I:II'lng his "I.~' \\' n,I1l1ll1g, I'd III' ~ t o "~P Iba l will. rll r I' ll het nil 1'111 w .. rt h
It·. Money to Loan on Farms at S! per ur-I,,cent for five years.
pll o ny , (;III'r lty drt' w it , llR I un d(lr stlllHt , und s t ili holds It. The Imuru · "WIll
Is ,III I.\' re"ul'ded , b ut I he
0 (" ('11 -
t h.' jllill:l'," "I s tl lIl1 r r~lI l l1 r7" " l 'llr llll{l~
:-In: nllt " pI n g' n Inwyer,
""I)' .u,'"" ul t he rt'!:u lll rlly . o r
I t "'i ll
hU\' L' to IJ l' pnllh H 'eu
TERRELL &. TERRELL. \vihuin glon, 0" phone 3U1.
ONEY L uuuuti o n hve I!!,UOIt, ' p.lt lrt rM IInn l ""II1o' II11'llt or th e " s lule ; c lJ"t t6 I ~ , ,,18U ~ eo ood rnortgBljes. hilt I <l,,,, '1 , hlul, they II lI tld l'lI ll' II ny :-/ ,)\U8 bU UKht . •1,,110 I:lllrlJinl), AileD "" ' I,," s 1i1 "'~ II " "I I ~ uS to the m lldl ty Bull lltllg, Xe nl~ 0 1110. 1I . ~ . 2'
t l h~ (1,)(' \11 111-'111 ."
1"('n uj r1 lr lle (" , ) l\t£4~ [ C4 11" IJ.I·J'lIe wIdow coul d clulll1 hl! r do wer
r lG'hl s." "H ut ~I r~ . ~1o '1I~" " wOll ld nnt ,Inr c. S hp I, nil 1''''nll,1. nUll 111 ,It'lld ly (O'ur ot h (' r s H'p~' n . " " And Y" " 11I'1't. I,e nr<l o f 110 other will?" ~ ' !\l1t
n word ,
,'('n' ~\ld rlf:n , ,; " "
M t'llJ.:t"' r'8 (!,",u th WA S l!(,,'I t1en t.' 1
WII~ rOllnil deud on the t rll ll , I
h f'll.J'd?"
WANT I!:D - Wanle u '0 FnARM8 e ll r COOl ow n llr of t .. rm or good f
lIDllUJlrov lld Ioond f o r Hal ll,tlli. vlOln. " Yos. his hMSP cnllI e hOllle wlthont ' ty . L. J OUUH, Bux lH , 010eY,1I\. him , 1' ,e r~ W )l S lin In" lI ('s t. th€' el'l · 03 ,11:'1)('1' gol n ~ s ho w th nl his horsp ANTE D -Me a o r WOOleD to "t,"nhll'(1 IIlI d thre w him . 1' 111' ~k ll ll lillie 1Irtieu tor ~ tJODIU C gaar. WII S rr ll slwrl In. n jllll'~ed " 011 11(1 whkh 111 1:.:111 I,n\'(' t"', 'n " ""Il' hy n sha rp rock . uuteod b o",ury f or w " u . womeD uud Y StJ "'I", 'c'le(l 1I111h lll&; ttl!i\(! Il t t ht' tl lU lJ ," u hlldren EltmlD,uo~ d.rning &1 .. r y " 71) a IV.,,, ,, fall t'llIe , '1 .60 .lQ " Nlllllrnll), 110 1. II lul s ln('e tlwn?" "~ l ifhtl\J: r (,li n pu t In w ont s, " she hoar tlVOLr ,' time . Gotton8, u"utbera. Int" ro •• t lu u .. 1 ti too lllnl! !ltlll_ , ('onr~, ~p ,1 hp. I1 :, tluj:ly "wllll{) ut n more .tlkd u14 N o rris t o wn. P H, cnrcorll l t' x :llnin !ltltlt\ ."
" Y "u t " ~ l ln('l1\ 11 1 ~h (l lnq'H~sl '"
":-Ill; I wns not "l\lI e,1. A d octor hr t1\1~ht (l ilt
~ogu l e!J. 1t
f rom
"T('t'li prohn bl Y ),011 ne"er enw tb~
mon who ron I1uett'. t t h nt Jntl t1M; t."
";-'-0, I rPIJ, n ln e<l with ~Ir s, Me uger In Ill'r roml1, Shl' \I' ll. VE'ry mu ch hrokell d.A.w..t~ .... ~-I,
t Co nttnu od.
.... ?L
o n pIKe 3
--- --
fry our Job Printing I)bt~:
Ilial r.'m lll ll~ ~uft'I:!o' In P U9Sl'Ssl(.D ut
b,. goo rl luek, n ot 11I 0 r~ th 'ln ,wo ,Ill Y" ngo-w"8 ,his n e,·II '. !llll!'l. I' m h pn oIng t or nnw , I r ...-,' !let there h ~' <IllY ' hl()l'kerl." IIll'ht we'll ha ve Ihls "You hell(,l'e no onp else IIn ll w8 th p
tur l~ ~,
~ .. ,
1I11. ; lIt liS WI ' II I1I11::.h u p. I n ',' kO II ., · jl ll lill" ,,· fll,· fl'1 1II \\ . rllirl~ \\'t\1I ) 111I1':--I , l r . I lot 1'1 1 1l~1 1 ( r llll i Hl ll)lh\'r lIt q".:I\., . II 11'\ U t l( l'h-.I J' hi III)' mi lld ,' f' t ":lllt'lly Ill'\\' Ire /.:: 11\ f1fl~...:t'8!o"I" n ( If t h is 111· ~ ' IH' ny .
hl'rl' (or my IH' IIltl,. <lI d YOII 7 \" ' P ~nt a trn ole. nil rl J;th t . nn,\ perh l1l' ~ \,11 1('11 t1me-.
nrrl.rd t o flo t1tn t.
"( I h. 11 \1: I (' UIIll"l
kn,'w?" shp qul's-
him '!, '
IrH f ~
but .' ''" 11 11 ""
)·o u WIIS
t hr roun t r~' l' m w (lrkl n g Ill ." " Yo ur t rndta?" "Su rtl : )'t l\1 nrvpr ~t1pl'0~e t1 T w nf'
uh ont It
II" 11I\lJ!I,,·J 1I" lI tl y,
Iion eol , 511 .p lr l n Il SI ~', "Oh. 11'& pU rl or 111." trlld .. to 1(,1I m
" ,,1,1.
'l'twn' WlIP; li hlth ' rn t ' ~~ to I\.el. \ tlh' ~ wlil eh s t lll' th ',,1 l hl' ~lr1.
hid nW IlY." ),011
Tilt' W l lOI~ t lu rd .. r IJrl )t.t1 ~' tll lt:JJ It~ w pr:4c limn !lou ~t ~uJ,:'t' r, lIl'
It1t' n' b
t nltp It !"ll h~ tr ip , t ht" ~ n r t not Ulo n \' kno\\' nh f\ l1t, Two h()I1~' rid e tro,'11 t ll ere flIp wh n lC' t ! Uhl1d
"How d id
1111 111
" ::;'l\-e by buying' in Wuyn esville."
h j ll ~
It. "
11I,ly !" Ihe
Is 1"\\" .d,,w II 1111'11 ", li nd hu. he"11 a lil l\'I'. ,",01 IIIl " ,".' (' I"I~ \If, IhlC\' r~, ul l Id, 11(,', I t ,I u,',,,' , IllUke OilY .lIIr.'rell ce h,,1\' I kn,)1V nil t hlll-- l ,10 kIll" "
nnd 8 hnlt, o r mll~' hp th rl ~f' h n ttr ~ (l1 "l\rkn E'~8 YPL All hOHr wil l hrln ~ us
\\'h r f'
1~l llll
111 11 11 ,
1:41 11 .
rlnubtrull)·. ..1t Sf'~ ' "S t n "'" w,' nre I (Iuln ll exuctl .l· I\'hnt I ,cy f'Xne~ t \) ~ t o 010." "Surp; 1'111 i'(l\lntill/t Oil ,W O h<ll,r8 10 SU"f' r " p rl lll!' ~,
p r ,' uy d,'ur
"' "):
rUII~h, fll r hl~ rl~hls t1k~ 1'; 'l' ryl".dy "h,u ' the h" ... I"r k,It'''' 11 ," ,. IInoi "" 'I",,' t e,1 th ~ ul[1 1111'11 , 1\ 111 I hl~ I' uh ur hI., Is nn"t h"r "r"I",ol .
Hrnl :;ht n
" t op t o
"But-hil l
h ll rdl~r.
h"'g" ly,"
Tt l 111 ~11'11a.:t-' r 1": 111 tlrls I"IIIH' II
'lull- r l,\'.
, he t<lInd, rloI lu): ,his II'll II . thlllk ln): I"o u'r(' jt" ln ~ II bll ll 'l. lind Ih"t 11 11 ; hey'\,(' ... 1 '0 do In nrd e r ,0 rn,d, ynu (s to rl dl' hllnl p n"lI~h, TI ,('n th~.\' won ' t
t he
11(1 " NY
my hors!' : h e''ll cnrr)' you fln e. No w. ~lcil ;n Jl \": I I"l lde nu l I lu' n ' w ith T ' lIH ul' you go. 'I'hIR your w uter bottl e ? I'll s tra p It t o th e pom mel wh e re It wtll be hnn<ly ." , He swung Into the 8addle himself. r estraini ng th e hnlt·broken ani mal wi t h nn ' IToo hAnd. "You kn ow th e WilY down the mefi8 7" he a sl<ed, " the N ogales trnll r "Of course." ''Th en ride nhe nd, sDd 111 tollow. I may huve trouhle with this brute betor~ he leaMls wbo Is toaster . Juet go straight on out Into th e desert. I'll . not be tnr oWIlY." She rode rorward . never questlonlog hlB right to command. The horse under her mO"ed steadl\y at a swltt wlIIII, alert bllt well t rained, obedient to tJ,e s llgbtest pres8ure of ber IIngel'll lin tbe rein . Her courage wos hi gh: sho WOl no lODger alone; the dread at th e desert had le ft bel'o.----------tD ebornh found IIo8Hage down tho 8teep hills ide and h ad advanced eome dl s tnnce 8cr 08,8 th e le yel, before Kelleen l,'lned hE,r. No words ' were ex"hu nged bot Wf'Rn the m as he reined In 1118 hor pc beAlde h er own. Evidently th e' m Il n \\'IIS "" tl s O,'c\ with her kuowledge or thp t r,, 11 a s well a 8 th e progrf.ss III ,,<I e. If ... turn ed tn the 811ddle, go zing sC'Lrc hlngl y bu ck a t the ,11m outlln .... r t he mesa, now bnrely vis ible throll l.(h th e .gl oom. Slie glunced Rslde une ll Pll y. "T he re Is some thing wr(lng?" fthe nSk <'d. trouhl cd by his silence. " No, nnthlng s tirring, r circled the bunkhnu se before leuvlng; the whol e outfit I. s tili "8I oep. I WQS Just ge tting d lreet lo08 fi xed 10 my mimI. We a r e gu lng ft route I blll' en't tmveled lately." " flur the Nogales troll Is not dll!lcult to follow .ft ThIs ncwspnper witt! others In big cttJea and tbe oountry, prlllt1'l1 "Thut Is exnctly ,... hnt Is wrong with 11 11rn g rn phR about' the two 000lIdge boy. that ",ere to play 00 'the it," he erplnl ned, his tace now turned White House luwn, Well, h_ they are, a 8Urpriae tor oew8p ft \JC r t orwllrrl. "It Is so easily f ollowed, W8 \ ' corrlJ8pomlclltH. us both of thelia are taller thall the PreIIldent and tbel r could u ever gE,t ftlr e nough ah e ad of ' noth f'r 011 the le rt Is CulYin, 31:., who WIlJj worldn\t \n II tobD~CO tluld ;,,'l1r N;'rthnlll11t on, Muss .. when hIs "'ther WitS "worn In 811 pt('~i" ellt . pur suit II> be slife, Th ey will jump to I~ I I n hi s ,brothe r wus III 1\ ~lllltllry 'l'n,lnlllll camp. They IIrl'I\·.. ,1 lit the conclu sloo thnt you ha \'e gone thl8 1 ;I':,.' i"l oItc lJow;e' \nil. wl!i!k. ;:,e IlnIt time I1Dce ·their father OC'CUlJIC wa)'. ot eDllrSl', I om hoping th ey will l're. llleuL, b@lI e vp yon 11:1 V P ..:nne alone."
kI., II.
" You hu \,"
,II,'" to" ,Ill PtS II m ng' uO- J.!'
plltr41 1... ,1
\Vhen The Coolidge Boys Arrived
HE railroad tran.portation ay.te m a of thll country ha ... been an important e lement in lTlakin~ America the greateAt nation in t he world_ The country-wide aorvice provided by ihcae great
prt!" .e n & ('r~ d (' p<'"n rl (~ nt
PXJ\{'t ,\', W lilt
H Oi.!
bri,k" t h,' (r,"II!
Idell ' W I III I ,"" I'Ip, 'n""''' I I
8 11
(1) ~o, J)()~ !!."hll'
. . rlol1 ~. \ 'f" s(,rrl1-' WHY t h l!4 d ic1 n o t frl J:;llt('n " )u. 'r. 'I' ll " nll~ \'1::1, ," of B()b ~t tlu ..wr, dr'lInk lind ,l.!'l'u""p l nl.! ·Iu... r In hi 8 rt r l1l~. dOlll ln llt " i\ nil ,·j'l'. untt l ~tt her rn r('i(·.,;;s or 1111 .\' Jl':--H' 1' Ciltl lJ,:C r . 1m · pul !'h-.'Ir ~ lw t hrll .... t nut h(~ 1' hllnd In ~ lI pnt
50 ,
« 11)0'-
T I IN'f' \\'IIS un' ,,-'Ul!('r t'n('III ':-. 'n" ~N
h i. n,le .. o( whl"h
tit' fWut ':
1I 1!'hi rrnrll , hil t r ,, 1' )'111' ~II I' ~ hllll . lip IN c il ing tn I, ':.d II~ H 1I\~rry ('h D~;(I , E\' !'ry m lnllh" o( R f.:ln rt Wf' J;f' t, til l' hpJ !,"lr . H UT J \\ nnt ~' O\l tn J,tut I t st ru ig-ll t-will ynu J:I) w ith
to Bend Il
l '$ lIIP
n hottt-
t he l!'hof' t o r nn r ""' t l
!'l tlltes ,'nu ld n' t find
att e n lO<>D I"" i.r "", Ilf>nI<>" Ctl rd ? (2) I r oue 'I\U II IItt ,'",1 obouJd CRllln/( cll r ds nro" ptuIlCO tnr
",rit tl'll
I II (\or,\', hy
D F:.o\ II A . LtWA: ( 1 ) I " "' "' P.xpe<'tf'd
l;n~w an)'th l ll~
Notice of Appointment
M"" f;er once, nnd It 1ft li ke a ronll-" "Y~8, I' ve tR'eD it ," Ketlee n lntt.'r-rllp' e.l. "rnnnl n!: tlirough mClrl~1I11 cflnyon. Til.·,· .'s ,ano t her Irnll II lso 11<>\\''0 Unr cl'l'~k ." "'I'I"'"RI1'IlI~ 111"1 11 t llnu~lI n,l. of ",,,Irn l'ntt lp Were drll'PII " Io nlo; Ihere n •• rl h IIn(\ s,' Ulh, IIlId uftcnU",c~ they , rh' d ,0 1' 10'1< up , ,,,,,.' "r III ~ .\I"II I','r , t.II ' k It~ Jlu~~I II );. Fllr Yl'lirs t lll'Y w,.,'e rl~" t . 'J' I I Ii '1'. 11>/4' 11 111'"" ' nil th.· t1111~. I(' n SU ' ,
"Y"s. unfortllllnt~l y; but my ,118111'not I\'p hl1l'e 'lIslll'l'~'II'ptl l og.· I' c r," It e Inul!he!1. "I lIuvl'n' t D r e\lulrltI"n ror rllllllllDlnl: I'er)' 1')(I1t In "lIy "lie pl"~'·' 80 my I'" lnK will rl'l~nh' no I'u r tlr llur " 1I~ ,,"'lo li. Then l'vE' c,wcrcol ,hlnl(" the I,o.t I cOllld. Tli"~" 11 bl:' ~ \lr~
th~y \\',"\n'tt hRve hit
tlle wordA that R. S. V .
In "Ill'
erp llt tne
on I,. Imll y,nl
I dllA :
U iJA eXllt"(t.d8tun WIUI no
"nQ (I".y nlD(~b 1"
,. ~'(lUIl'fI .':"IlP I hl ~ \\'f\y-h"('nu s~ II's the
P . s,ulld (or ? .0\ trlend ttol cd me t _I\t .,.
A III~nc e.
of UI4I -
pa per.
D un A,
A N ew
A. L6tC4,
a .. 11 ,- 1.: -"1''' hl~ ( (' d. " " ll lI t ll f J l ' l l'·, I! r..:\h,: "he ."Iet pn III, -I n-I ,. .II.' , 1"1 11 11 ): hi " hnnrl "I
-111 1 ," ".
~~d~~ lIellrftnc durlll~ Ihe nlj:bt will :y ~''-A: '''' ''''. t _ n~r{,S1."rlly make th em ro nelt"),,
" Y"~,"
", ;.'o, l ! It ~,rl1rk me llull'be rou (11,1 ,, '1 , II,'ln~ II nll r',' fr oll' Ihp I"n ~t. , I,· Iii' ''' '' 1- 11 11 '·I~ h" bill I'll hn l'e to ".,l'~ 1111,' f .. r ~' '''I. lind I IlI Il!h , pli'k R ,1 ·1'. 1 ".·.·11 In ,h~ ,I""k , (',," ld .I·OU
t· ~1l'ette
RENT-A g o o d i n rage. ijee tl_ Uo lern.m, W I\y otlHVllle,
of 3 room B, par'tly molt. H OUSE ero .. nel 10 good oundltlon: IIllruBe and ellIOt rio IIguts . loqolre uf We.ley 81ggll, Vorwlo , Oblo, ftl~
oootaloing Bome mone,. A PUI1t RSi:, tbe tlnaan lIale, Ao,. Wrl~bt
on8 fiodlog 88me pleulle le.. ve a' ~ht. offioe, . 1!26
10 ' of Window FORS llsbSALE--A In good oooditton . Inqatre o t Jeff D
!ltlulaU. W~YD(j8VIII~. O.
ellG tlEED WBEAT-l CERTlb'IED hlHe .. IImUed quanU'y of 11'01blo W beat for lIale. "l'bl8 III a amoo'h wbeat With 8&lfi straw whioh lltanda up well, large grain, .. nel III a Rood yielder, S.m V , EIen II:le, W~yne8' ville, Oblo, phooe 6\l 6, 826
Runge VoolI: Sto ve, 1 80111 1 Jewell Dnph'x Beating Stove, both ooal lind wuod; al80 (Jaoe Mill, wUh equipment. Tim darton, R, D , 1, Waynesville, Cblo .
B Gel.ta. I~
Poltl.nd Chtoa Sprtnl tleveral ~re 8t:!lnddllllghterB of Buster Arbltra,o (Grand Vblltnplon of Ohio State I'.lr 111~1), AlIlmmDned. Also Ford Rn.dater, .Ioba B. Sao 118", R. 0, 3, phone 7",4,Y., WayneftVi~le, Oblo. 825
'41 whllt , lIa y- nnd, glrl . thllt SlIre mpn ns you must tru st me plu mb to t he 1I",1 t, 00 you ube (1m!? Th is nl o' t goi ng to be no <'u o t r b el weell hl're nn d l\ ople~; t he on ly ('hnnce we" 'e go t Is to bide out, fi rst In t he deser t. un d th n In tb e h llls. I'm tellin g It to Y"II roUJb ; but you berter know It tl IIW
Ulln later." v!'ou utr an we Ihal1 hn ,_e to be alolle to~t h r for-fO r 80me t llll('?" "Thll.!'s Ihe . tull'. We a in't "olng to hi," a n AllY KaUop In t o lawn, You dqll" .kIIow me f11Jm A da.m, Ilnd If you 41<1, , reckon. )'I1 U wouldn' t go' a m il e th me. r ai n't " ery h l, hl )' thought (JIa'OIIf m l, hor\l(' r. I'U fIII Y,!:hat: t bere aIa't DIan ,.. uld cboose me fer Il P1IIU4ir, thllt'a a IMt. W o ~, I alo't I'Ol .~qdO ..y to 100 es:.~ept that to pIa ' ~oar.. U JOG e:ru.t . . 1M dnuII·..,. ......
o.car Maket • "Bare"
Terry Gilkison AUT OC A'1'la
COME RIGHT IN GIQ.Lt; _ , TO ~"'VW ~U O ..1t HOUliE .'
, 'HI'" ,i THa LIV,..,G Ii!OOM" NOW ,'I.I. Ii~Ow
YOu THe:
"TA'IEO UN[)I!t!
GA ZE TT E ...•
., 'h.
D. L.
l'ooWllllcu ., Waynll.. llle. Uhlo, al Second
ANE, Edi tor and . Publish er.
('I ••• &10,1 alatter.
Wa Y 11f~sville, Ohio
Mus , Mary Copsey 18 viliting her brotb er and family, at Belmon t WjJl!lim Long attende d the fun. e c,al of bls brother at Miamis burg, :,)ohool here was dismiss ed 'fhurs. day and Friday o n " coount of t b e fa i r,
S ubscri otion Price, $1.50 per Yl'ar
lllldl'rly illl:( ""'Iur
Lelt('1' ullul, ,·.:tnu,i illg of lloL' """1101Ilil' Il'all 'l'lJl'ta l i,," ill C\l' r~' l' al'l .'. 1' thl'
.lnfU f08.
f[,,,:,.; WIII'!d ,
llle lil'st I UII' I'"at il,"al ~''' I'"' TrlllI sl'ul'l t ·" ' ~ "" '~ 1' 1'1.1 I I' th,' l ' lIi t,'d :--t:d" s will I. , l'iI' " 'e:Il'd ill )11< ", I ~I:.!I, ill th. , l' il .l· p ,' J )l,t"uit . Th" l'"11 J.{n 's.'i wi l l iII' 1\lIJpl' tl :l ' ; I \ : ~ I ' ;I ' I~ 1) 1' t ill ' :\ ati ll' nd Allilllllo b :IL' CI,a l "I ... .. of ( "11 111 111 ' 1'1' '. !),. : • .·,.:." . ..... ill atl"II' ! 1' ,"'\ nil qll:tr\l'l'~ ,J!" Ii,,· ": " il iz.'d ~Iol "Thl' ,U " ( L·I,· I .... · i" III ,·" l · )', ' : ·
days. Th (' ;tn11J1l1Ul i ':e i lldu L' lI'y i ~ dr' fir:,t ,'( llll ()I1\:1 ill q.," \ all l' " J 1 this ':I lu n t l'v, ,,1!il il' \t' l' it Il\a ~ b H al.Jt'tI:ld. al1d \1 " Ill lw II I! fil l' tll ust, ".'Io u Ilil" " thp i l' m illiun,; iUl'e:,l l!d ill il : ,' 11;1\1' hro ll ~ : " IJI)III~ I II t 1"'111 I h(, h('1 t Imt till' ~: r\Jut }\lII cl' i(':J11 :1\11 d,,' I. f o l' II. ,· IIutlllll o l,il •. is tile ,\ IIIl' t'i"fllI slII"li 1('Wl! 1111 .1 Ih,.' .\II, . ' ri~';\ 1I 1'. 11 ,,,. '1'111' t l'I'll1illll; IlIi llilillS ill I h l' ~ 1'clIl ci l il':' .llIi~hl 1"11.1 III., tlll i lli lll,i lli{ t o illllq!illl ' Il.at 1\11 the t llll!1I 1' "al" : III Ihe 11 (1 1'101 " .." \'II l wht Il l' th l' !'i,·11 ,· ity t' " ll-, ' ':It 1\1'111 :, : , ., I h ,' c ilY " OIl SlI lI lpl ll il l is s~1I11 11 'IIS '~I"" PII"('d w ilh th .d vI' tile '·" l lllll'~·. ~ 1.(J rl' IIltl'! Y ~," " ' lIt\. t l,lI11 fifty P"" e " lIl of 'tlll oi l' til '. I'," " 1ll:IIIlIfl ll'lll "':" In
WI' lin' 1( '~' 1. 1, 1', · \. " " l:hl III 11I\\,11 ~ . 11)) t .. lI()l'lllf1 lil' II . · T h.· S'"'I. .· .. lhe III [II III I'fl "llIrL'I':, I," l'" l lll~ fa.'! tlt' I\ " 1 hOl1l \: t v t h(,!t1 tht' :"i'ltll\el "il l :It" ... ''''t 'e lb, · tl t· "l". ; ~ d: .. , 11 L! 1\' I: :r ~' 1.(I'en ler lIid In Ih l' 'IIIn ll tOWII ... ·;11 .k,,!'·t"; :I: an." nl, wil,," . ',. , ~U r. ll \' ('0111 1111 \\'(Ir!( itt lit p ~t i tl\lIh , ti l1n and ('lTH'tn : ~ ,It a lila ! I." I COl' t h',-, 1 IIIIIl \l I';II ·t ll l'l·1"~ th ey l 'l'P· · , ·~ .-: I~ ~(l " ., 1Il;~))\1tl, , · t\l !" I ' !·'" '~l : f ' ~(),.\\'''rd visillll fllily " !lpn·cia1.- w h :t l l ~' " ,,,,·,, 1 d,',,!, I IS d . III1 " . Iml nthl'l's f ili i III S(' lI se hi s illl pllrt:lll ( ': :Id J[l lIut tlP PIT ,·I .. :"
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Mf'llto1(' Ilr h1lmor. It !'_" 'OI1\I1\,\l.1t l s t i l t t t ~It l n' t ' .. n~ ' ,J ·" ! " l~(lOOfl""/~lltrul Hi lpotlltllW!l Mt:; 1t· fJl ~ \'" fn 1l't '1 ' ,',\ " ,'!' . , ,',
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Bunkam "..
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: 1:" ·
to me
0; I lie tMigedy Ure IB B-ioCtln' to be. . . •
[Je tlIlnks we are nothln' bat ,over'me nt sln" ea, and wW nllyer!xl ~ till we're laid In onr ,rs.es . . . that tho nmt genera. Uoo wW Witll6ll1 our groana wbile pelltl· cal bw;zardll are pia kiD' our honea I He'. Are we are beaded tor Iqualor and chalna, "hUe the plut()(!l'at travels on ,old·pla ted tra/li.. Tbere w88 lIloom 00 ilia mind, and dHI.. Jr In ble word . . . th.re 'I1Il'ru't Ul:r doubt that Bill B~kem was u.eel'lld I , But-I'd been 10 b~ .pattw· up b.y, tbat I'd mIMed all the le.recrcn vl BiU mentloni!d toda1. . . • WIth a earload of .teen, and a 1*I.tn! of bop I blldn't 0bserved we Will 1010' to the dop. . . . I recleon I've paNed up a boat·loe d of «Ime -ronldn 't .ttldy It none. wben 1 oln't ball tbe tlme. . . . There'l kIt8 of nh!e tbinp that a feller oould leuo-aD Ii, mol'll Intorwatton tb.t atn't woth 8 daru._. III ~te of BtU Bunkem . I'm boulld to Inv_ my mldCle nnd braIDS wbare It pa,. me tba !xlat!
---_. - ..--------.. ..----~
Wb&t III btl'mfl wUhon ' apple bu'
·ter? ·
---- _ ..----
, ED PURDY SAYS: Be who hIlS a 'biDI , ... lell
Ignore Supp.t r Law.
Alld 10M .Dd wbilipe rs ID a w.Il, Doe of thp rldlrlilm ll actll of parlla' II Dol apl 10 lie' tbe doltarl, Allie who ollmbe a lree aDd hoI. ment atlll In exlateor e In EqlaDd II th.t pl."I'd In the I'I!IKtl of IIldward m. 1erl; . replatltl
n,oulht fOf' the~~. Gald....... ... uelelll ItDIeIa IH!ed-
il the meall of the peopl .. whlrb torhltl!l ltI"re thlln two COUI'MII bellli "1"1'11 lit dIner or IUpper. D t'ellt OD t'\O.I't.ln holltlQa . Needl_ to
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th lnJ! In hlA IIffl'. My nor llll1 10.: 1111~. l hll t (:n rrlt .\' !lXI'1! tht~ wh l .]'" "Hlllt ' r u p ( .. r II rurp il~.'. :'\1 nybe clrl ' \lI II "'I )\1l1"'~ 11 "11 '"'' It n l oll!.!. anf!
0 1ll .' hp tlt, · ~· rt l dll't. I Hhl 'r ~f) SII!" . ' my. sC'lf Ihllt Ifill T !!l 1l ~rl ' II~L'I' dIp" It nnt·
Rev , ,J. t.:. tltltzel, the new past·o r , pr ellc hed "t Lytle ob'.lroh Suo day "HArn ooo . ~JJ~A Leooa MoUion le apen t tile latter part of 'be week with rei". tives In Be llbroolr . J 08, R,\wke. of Sabina. was a w eek .end gnes l of hi s sao. Ben Hawke nod family . Mrs. Mury Carmon y retnrne d t o h e r h on .(\ Tbur lldl\yev enlog tr a m 1\ vi . lt with rlll"tlve s lu Chloll llO. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Chas. E J ohos speol ::!undllY in Dayton with Mr . Ilod MrA U leo n J o hn s aod SOil, Paul Turner.
Lant ern ..
t)f Jlla l1:
At hnn,1 to tnhll PI)R ('sRIO\l alm ost beforll hi s rntl ... r'. hn'l.I' WOR 1'0101 . B)' th e time th ... r"npra l wR8 Over he hnr! <ll sr hnrKPd hnlf thp IIld mpn on the ran ch RII,I hro\l~ht In Mexi cIID8 to t'tke th ... lr pln ce8. !'\III c th"n all the old hallds have gon_w hnt do"" thut " 10m sure I do not know ." "'VPI1. r rnn J.:UesR, trom my
Quaintan ce wllh Roh nnd Garrlt~' , ami Ihl'lI' """orioles. 'J'hpso fellows 1m· ported are no Mrxl,' nn c owbo ~·". That JU lin Sllnphe~ haa n .. rke on hf s hend : the IndI an, Pedro, Is known RS a cOltle thIef, Rnd I doubt If there Is n ,;reftser In the hunch who hll sn't R rpcord 80m. where brIo\\' thp lin e. T toll yuu . th ose blrdR ho\'e ROlllrt1,lnl( up th eir el e~~ besIdes cnltle · rlll~ID)(; th ill'S only n blurt. It III either gun ·runnlng, or 1Vht. ky, 01' bolh. T h~'Hd wh l"per" In NoI:nles- " "That wns whnt broug ht you op here'" "Well. no; only Incl<lpnl a lty But, I;ood Lonl, I nev er talk ed so muc h In my life betore. What Is th nt ahead? A !Jlle ot aton es ? 'I'hen we ar~ lit Sli ver spri ngs, IllId business Is "bou~ t o b&rlu"
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II"t,flll can YOll make your
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/lu,."lIt g 111"/""1 Ilnd h,.JI '·0;11 II"'pp,d 0 11 flu lumJ.J j r vm (hI" o,u ill ( hr rs )! lH, I v
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Sll.- t l IJfl/olllll/.~ ttlll' r tl l 'h ltl d. ,fill U lJ A I fl.·IJJ
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d l l'tr.i It! jt'IJlIJ11z<,bJ,
Mrs. Albert :,)taoy speD\ la8t week with her dllught er, Mrs . Del.lrt h 8heeh.m , oear Ceoterv lIll'I. who bas been q nUe III.
Conte st o pens Sept. 15th, 1923 Conte st c loses Ocr. 6 th, 1<.)23 Make unly paper lantern s
/1It11 (tiP tl.us tJ lW thtJ
10 nctl Of I /um .
Fra rnc:s mOl )' lJe n Hlll e or :'111)' Olater ial
Mr . nnd Mrs. Gillon Brook aod daul(hte r. Betty J .. oe. of 10d11101lpo. I\~, fue spend log t hi s week with Dr. ~od Mrs . L li. Brook, Ueorge Reeder !Iond hmlly, Mr . Ilod Mrs, b'rllok :,)mith aod Ja ke Reeder Iltteolle d tbe fuoeral of Mrs. t:larah Reeder, nEiar Ceoterv i lie . 0 0 Wed~esday , Mrs. Reeder was 85 yeart! 01 .. ge . Clydo Wbluto n Is slowly Improv . Ing from 110 fal\ lost week, WbU" booglog ~obaflCo in lbe sbed faT Rob. erL Friend, B rl\i\ s \tpped !Iond he rell several feet Rod landed on Il oorn bloder. N o bones were brokeo but IIgllmen ts were pulled loose Iln,1 he wos t>adly brnl~ed . Mre, !:lamuel 8lllines oillebrll ted her !j~ D d blrthd!loY anniver sary Frl day al the home of her dOllgbt er. Mr8. Wql ter Kenrlok . The gue Hls were Mr8. Jo~e ph Ora8ele and dallKh ter. Norma, Mis8 Aona B. Fox, of lIaytoo , Mrs. W . G Baines lind ohildre n, Robert, ~4tldred and J llUa L., of Belmoo t, !IoDd Mr. and Mrs . Guy Roul:t:llh an 'lind dllugbt er. Gen. e va. May
Jlrtr / J
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A hoo' (10 I'" r oeot of tbe toba coo
cept the dlml)' "1 811110 heu p ot stones whll'h Kette en polnled 0111. All nround str(l lclH!(1 the hfu ck void ot the desert, sfll'nt anr! full ot myslery . The girl Little Ray Freel!lol! 18 Improvi Dg hull remnln co! nlm llst un consciou s ot this tnl euse hnrrenne ss as Ih ey had slowly. talked to!:ether , but DOW .udduol , Frank Oyler. of OklRhom!lo. ia Ipeodll lg Il few day. bere . HarveY 8bllril WIlo8 wel1 represo nt. ed at the Lebllno n fair la8\ week. The fro~t did great damoge to tbA meloo pRtohes aod tobaoco crop la8t week . . Clem Anson, . of the Ohio State bospita l, Wbll oo.lhog on friends bere last week. Mr . aod Mrs. Og<ien were weel!:. end vlsttors of rt,lat!ve e In WII. mlngto o . Misses Bird!lo and Lola Felily spent the week .eod with their sl8ler, of Dayton . Little Hal ry Tuoker has returoe d h ome fr om th 1 hospita l and Is 1m proving nloely. The Kn Klux Klan held a verv 10. t.er estlog IDeotlog !Io.t the Town hall 81l1.urda y olght, Mr . Rod Mrp. Wm. Bell and son. at Somerv ille, 8pent the week. eod with H. 8. 'fuoker aod fdIDlly . M ra Emma ,U lloe, ()f Day too, I ~ ~ p e odij)t; thiH w"e k vdth h er pllr. 8ntH, Mr . (uld Mrs, W. A. Merritt Hove r,,1 fr om her" attende d the fOllerRI of I::lenr y U.vler beld 8nn . dll Y nfte rDo oo at MIIIIllI oemete ry . W(~rrell Clellv or. or Detroit, Mioh. I~ ~ptmdlOl{ this weok with blR 818. ter. Mrs lieo. DItoviEl, of Flat Fork. " What la That Ahead?" Mr. aod Mrs. Ellis Bishop and two nwnl,elU'rl In u senf:C or th e d f'~ o lnte ohHdre o . 8t W ..s hlngtan U. B., sllrrill1l11 l1l1gs. Rh{' WitS nl on e with thl !'i ~peD' 1::!und .. y with Ira Byford ROa 1I1:ln , r\loein;,{ for her lire Intu uukn ow n tllotlly. (hl ll f,re r . Boweve r lilts rell lizat lon C. E. L ev foy, Mr nnd Mrs . J oe !'ilUe\{Cf' lU'r, fi lch' nrrh'nl nl th (\ ~ pof 0 " vi_ "nli th ree ob IIdreo, Dorthll , RI/ u;.:ht for only se r\' oc1 to Ut'ml $ f' hfor Vlrgioi a flUd Riohard , 8penl Sundll) mule colllpnnl 0l1 tu more ellP rgt.>Uc u e- with Geor~e DaVIt! a od wife. ·tlon. As the hOl's e~ cnlOe to n stoop, hp • turned In the Hlldllle, peerin g hll\'11 cover evcry· (rure Rrtet 1 once !ltnKe through the veil of darkn ess towllrd out Into Ihe d!'sert." the !\I('ager rnllch. She wntched hIm ride 8WII1 vanl. b· "En,rylh IDIt H...,ms nil rlj!bt "0 rur," Ing quh'kly Into the gloom, bl. hOl'\! e's hp commen ted quietly. "They are hoofs milkIng no .ound 10 the Batt ~tllI drunk lIod nsl(!('p back there, I reckull. Now we've got to throw U";III IlInd. IDstnntly Ihe hega D urging her own mount aloD(1: tile uarrow rock <1fT the trnll." ridge, wlltchtlll U.at 11. did not stray He grllsped her brldte rein, the t\~o horscs mllylng forwa rd at a walk, <:Ire· from the IIRrrow path of rock , Where ling to the lett ot the ~tone marker. this very plolnly end.i!d .he drew the A hundred feet beyoud. the fulnt Rnlrunl to a holt and 81\t upright In the ~otlnd of horscs' hoofs gftye evidence ' .od(lte. ~tarlng wonderi ngly al)out Into thM they POlll5ed ulong R nllrrOlV ridge the ali enI dosolatlon. Her mind trav· or rock. Suddenl y Relleen cnme to a efell baek over aU tbnt had happene d paust', leaning forward In the snddle Ihat ntoght. She bad no tim!! betore tor thought; she hfU1 been conllnu· to Rce more clenrly. "You h'a ve no memory of bow o\l8ly forced oD\\'nrd by circums tances beyond control, driven blindly. But thll111:9 sre here?" he asked. "No: only thot the sprlugs are over now everythi ng wblch bad occurred 80 twlttJ)' during thOle put tew houra to th o lett yon'ler." .. swept o,'er her In memory like a Rood. '''J'heD listeD: ther,e Is 8n outer opening of rock which swen'e8 here What wae the end ' DIOW before her ' It all .cerned more a borrlble dreum to Ih c right, and ruos allOOI!t dlrl!(!tly eust for I wo htllHlred yard8. Follow thun liny reality of tlte. It wall be. tllat earcfull y; go Just a& far aa po&- yond b Itet, beyond (lXI1erlenec; that slhle. Rntl then walt there tor me. lucb tblngs worc even pos@lble .eemi!d ,'here Is no dlUlger; 10 you keep dote utterll' beyoDd rellHOD. to the rockL Keep to the ~ter .0 (To be ooDUnll14' the borse will leave no imprlllt. " -------.~~~-----"And wliat are yOIl ,oLnll to do'" "RIde .tral,bt ahead down th. trail: then drde bacl! throo,b • 111111. and M.gnify lng GI .... NMdecL meet ,ou out 'ond.... DcIG't b. afraid: Tbe "Mite" Rlhle. IIIIaIll!llt Blbl, jOlt walt, ru ~me., althoql l It . . , bo,.-o. ball 0 nlllKIIltr \III! Itasa IJI th. require bait aa )aoar tit DION tor _ ~ver with wblrb to It the prlDt· liD maD tile trip ...,., #lLllt -tp
11. 1\
t he.: Olos t :l r t h t !\ 1.11 f er n (-, r girl, UI' t il t l~ ~l · . l r ... (If
Or"I' ill tbl s ~ectlo o Was badly dam n!led by tho lla rly freoze on Frldav wnfJ OI u rolog.
anti lif'all l. l\n .r h ~I\\'. H\· I·r~· th l n J.! ren,iy - t hp nnl~' kut)wn \\' HI hwked In Gnr r l ty 'H HI,l tt', nn(! Hob cios p ('nough
in t l' rt,.. t 1
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t I t r un :! ' !. 1 1 1~ 'C.'rr c" l at I' i~ tu Tt ' ... :I fld '-tnril'ttl' " of I:Ultcrn..; li t I' h l 'll \. \\'l' ;tn: tltr . .:r in L! I' ril.l" fu r
Free Lesso ns in Lante rn Maki ng In Me27.anint' D :lI lr
D CIIJlI ~(l1l CIa,,:loCS
I}: ] O
to II ;JO :\ . M . and '1 to S
A !
19 Prize s Awar de d
',! ;.
First Prize $25 Second Pr;u $15 7'lu'rri Priu $10 Fourtll Prize $7.5 0 I5 At!'opltJll t! R irie! to the: ownct1 of rhc next 15 bu t lantern. entered-w hen winner h;I\'c
p arl'llts'
cn nsent.
Z4e ·'RI KE -KU ML ER CO Day ton, Ohio
_ Make . It E",l er to Fo rglv •. "' ..~ all
":"1' 11 1 11
II I I It'"
I II Pilch tor th e bull, of It IIlII lInlr y. wllit'll nnd ~ In It nn en~~' IIII Hh' e \If for~l\' t! n css. -E m c r.
other ;
t 'x l 'L'I! Plll
H IT:III;.!t'tIH..'l1t
HOW 'S THIS ? HALL'S CA TARRH MEDICINEl ",HI do what w e claim for it-rid your system
HALL'S CATARR H MElDIC'lNE con· 81ata of &n Ointment whiCh . QUi Ckly Relieves the catarr hal inflamma tion, and
the Intern81 acto tlIroUt\.h
Dr. W. E. Fros t 'Vete rlnar y
IPho ne 44
Har veys burg , O.
Auct ionee r
X-Ray :~:l Work OFFICE: BAINES BUILDING, Telepho ne 11..;
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight SpeCialist
Fore st T. Mar tin
DR. H.E. HA.~HA. W A. Y
Modlcl ne, " Tonic, which th o B lo od on the MUCOU8
~'::lf~~e:dlt\o~:. a.slBUng to r estore norSold by druKgl.t.o for over .0 Year .. F. J , Chen ey It Co., Toledo, O.
Is.c". PL[~ ./.J.J ~IT flTl" !r"! dae •... D .. ?'eN you "~,J._t____
iHr rllY , WflO r:n o.
Covering the Tr. 11 J) ehornh cnuld !J .... ce!ve nothIng, ·ex·
II tl l1L'I!lIIUL l"f', ,)\'m
m ullag: ' ·... III l .. ~,·HIII " I h~ (' ~ntrn l n ~ure In I hi"' "h nl r' tn l~ "d ., . TiltH Intl"'rfl s led fIlf · fr lll ll Ih., fl l·",' . :lI ld Ili O n,.' I h llll eyer
\V" su w u ~oldler tJw nth \!r 1 1 : 1~ ' - 111:l t t!<. h(' h : '<lI ,t.~· I, 01 ~' . IZfrnt Wllr . ~f 'W ht ' is :'l· Hhu.! Ilt'C'lll " ,.: (r,.n l 111111 "( ' It. :1" I, lII adt' JlI ' :\"1'1110 11)" Snrl'ly thl' 1"'HI "'t·~'· lr .. r\lJd l'i h C'I'''-JIl r ~ ~ I' I ~.' }o:"lih'llt ly th (' IIll thllllll ~'i dl fo P ' tit'"
,l o uo Hav e n s. of Cen terv!l1e , 8p eot ', !:londuv with Mr . ood Mu, Ben
Step on the Inf'Jr rnatio n Gas /I
I/o'" is
A number from here aHend ed tbe W urreo Co uu,y fai r Ilt I.ebllu c u Ills~ I we ek . !
Tu I l'I) I' ide
Rap and Girl!
At Cary's Jewelry Shop
Wayn esvill e, Ohloj " Nationa l
Lebanon, Ohio
Get my terms for your Public Sale. I satisfy and save yuu money or no charges.
Eve ry Tue sday 8:00
m, to -& p. m .
CHI ROP RAC TOR At the Chiles Holel '. Waynesville, Ohio. Monday s and Thursd ays from 7 to 9 o'clock p . m .
N.lloDal Baak Bide.
••• DENTIST~ •• omce
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, Centerv ille Ex.
' Wal_~ ·FllNEItALn U,*-
rllBlJS!m )
WEEKI.Y. $4.00 PER YEA1t
SAMPLE COpy FREf' ___ "!tw 'l(OIU( OLIPPEI I u ..... v"' ....
, ;-',.;:,.' '1,:"": ~' :.oL. :..,. ~-:: ..
I' T.......on T')t'~ '1:i1~ " ,.,
Go od Go od s Alw ay & Ple ase .;
Alw ays . carr y the best Lumqer, Shingles, Sash, Doo rs and Mill Work, Roofing, in fact, ever ythi ng in the Building Material ' l~ne We will take pleasure in supplying you r needs , ' Giv e us a call
I. .
~ ,..
New Source 01 Rnd lum.
:zsc _
Story of
11I1 nt 1 r:1 1 li t till A nt" "l'p h tho ,·n f ury. '
Wa lter 'lark ran a nuil in hi s " and une day las t week, but he co nlinueu
Cl'(, II Hl l"l n,l.
whi ch Ix guhllng
fur a
cut lin" IObac,:o
dllY s. bu t it iil
f' !.'
IheinjLl rywili soun hea l. The nui l jUSL hr ul" , t hr olllC h the Rki n, lJ\ll t h' .,.. ["hacco l' uig"rH!u i l" '1'1 .. ' I', ::;. Nary's ~ 11I1It dlrll(lhlc. 7.tt . t, "" " ~I'''' I",1 to ti l' from t>:., w )" drl, I n ~ t. LUlIts ulld n ' turn thi s m Ol1th. The,Jwt l 'H\ '!'4 hlg~ " !'i t u lr enlft, I 'lI l 11 I~J,.!: l'Hplll · " ht·rtl 011 ills t Tn il tllJ.! ht over !\ cw · Y clt r lt lu ~ t wl-~lk, ."il~m.::i fl) 1>,' !'.'rf•..:l III n il 11 ,,11111. l11"~ rl Is ot COLU UlIto<l"r 1,'. H. M ~C rury,
, 1
The Conf€fe nce e f the Ohio Puh lic Hea lt h AR:io ci ati on wa!! held at DHyton Friday, Sept em. ber ; 4 I{l"p resentlltiv('~ fr om the principlIl t owns of ~ev en counti es he ing present , The sa le o f sea ls was planned for lind th e r ,' presentati ves t old of W 8)18 in which I he Ch ri stm as seal money fr om last year's sales was used. War r e n County was well represen. tcd from t he Mother's Club at Wayncsy. ille III RO th e Woman's Civic League at Harv cYRbu l g . - - ___ - -
K.G'I~"".d.Q ~'""''-'~~
See the display no\v In our lobby
Butter Fat 10e per pound higher than last year
.S . T n tate Pnce
Sept. 17, 1923.......
.. '.
(I'·' ""'\.'
We guarautee cream and cans againlt loss,
590 Kenyon Ave
ST. \ ARY 'S CHURCH Seve nteenth Sunday a ft e r Trini ty, September ~!3 , Church School at 9: 30 a . m" serv ice and sermon lit 10:4{j. You are cordially invited t o attend these ser viclls,
Miss Ste lla Daugh erty will att end • t o my Huildill~ and Luan bU Rlne~s • durin g my IIbHf' n<'e, so pl.-aRe take:
We Have Them Superior Drills Nisco Manure Spreaders New Home Stoves an
.lIi:II:.!: :'. ,
" .-,"" .... .,..._ _ _
"IN OUR -.=--=m AUTO "____ _____ .~
SONGS AS YOU LIKl! _ ___ -:a..,......"'.
xz_ _ _ _ _ft1 ..
'?H'T ·- ~~~ ...
' I ' ~'~
..._ - -....- -,. AND
' . .....
Public Sales
Wa.ynesville Auto &Machinery Co •. Spot Lights Motormeters Rear Curtain Lights Shot Gun Shells Tires and Tubes Storage Batteries Full line 01 Accessorie.s Tiolene Oils and Greases ElectrlCV ulcanizer
Phillips Building
Phone 17
?b 8EST'IN
=><'....-: , =-::0_ _ _ _ __
i i
Famous HIP eatro a ar' Ior p.IpeI ess F urnace:i ..
.i •••
!§JUAb,a t 2 &
I ___.___.
Watch for the Commercial Club's Seventh Monthly Sale.for Saturday, Sep!emher 29th.
Need N'o w
: A Plain Talk on Saving! : ' . Your money work fo r you: JII ~t 118 yO U work f or yo ur mon ey! Our Lme ;s Complete, including the The. firs t st ep in this direction is the. • deCISion to sav e SOMETHING out. ~f \'o,ur inc?rn~ , and m?ke that! :iOM8TH ING h rlng vou an Increllsed : Inc ome. . : j<'urthe r, you lay aSide tal a "rainy. • J ay" or " 1111 independent old age," : • or that very co mfortable thing, " a : Also Q (ul/line of Smaller Articles (or your Fall needs fi nancial bar k g round," The decis · • i~n, howe.v~r, to be systematic is the: first requIsIte. : Th e lime Lha,t the average nan: Hardware, And Farm and ~.man sh ould save and accumu.: Harness • Machinery : la Le I ~ between t he years of 12 and • 50. Some are born with the s pirit: Waynesville, Ohio of thrift and start to save early in : • life. Very few realize the impor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. tance of saving a nd IT eking money earn m oney be fu re the age of 35. It is howt!ver, neve r too late to start, DON 'T FOR GET that $1.00 de. posited in a Bu ild ing and Loan ass('· ciation each wee k atfi ')'; compllunded serni·annually amounts to $70744 in ten years. J. E JANNEY ,
Hllv1n\t deoldod to leave th" form We the following farm owners I will oll'll t at. pnhllo 1I"le my ohat , positivelv forbid any bunting or tels, looli tad on Strin gtown' r o"d . trapping on our farms. Any viola , "llout a rntlg~ sO llthellst II! Center. lion of the same will be prosecuted ville lind IX mUes If OW Ferry accord ing to law and to thll fullest The WaynEisvili1l Juniors went to ohuroh, on extent. Lebanon Sunday afternoon. and Saturday, September 22, 192,1 came back home defeated by the Beginning nt 12: 30. t!le followin g: Ed Furnas , score of 5 to 4. twelve innings, The 1 horso, 2 oows, • hOK8, 75 ohlok enll, ~ame was ho t ly contested .through- tl1rm 11ll\Jlements , ho.fn oes and 80Dle , f household gOOds , Su.n'.s...Ra.Y' Genor.ate-Power. ~t. and by thewresult ?II an error Mrs Sllf"h A, WIIlI on h Th e stln's rn~' s nre IIsed to ,::enPI'ate in the 12th by avnesvi e, t egame F. r , Muttn. Auot , tile powpr In n miniature engln<' reo might have continued for some I cently rl emonsl rul cll sut'Cessfully In time, Lewis and Pope were the New York. A parabOlic copper mirror battery tor Waynesville, ThoU li h! for the Day. rocused I.he rays on n test tuhe full ot Th e 11IIIn wlill si lifts responsibility wDl er, mllkln!! slltnclcnt steolU to work loon finds luut rcs poDslb1l1ty swamps the engi ne. Try our Classified Ad, column I blm.
. .
, !.
~ve.nil1g, Thur~da:,
Wiil Lippincott waR struck by an auto Monday evenin g near Water There will be services here n ext Slree!. Hnd was consid erabl e shake n SunrJay, September 23 rd, bo th for e· I up, a lth ou.,h no bones we re broken. noon and arter~oon. Bas ket dinner . On acco un t o f his d ef!'c tive hearin\{ Everybody welcome. it is s upposed that he dil1 not hear th e m ac hine , and was on the wrong METHODIST CHURCH side of t he road , It is hoped that Sabbath School, 9; 15 Ii. m . preach· h e will soon b e ar ound a ll ain . ing at 10:30 Il' m . Epworth Lt:ague ....- - G:45jp. m.; preaching at 7:00 p. m. Everybody is cord b lly invited to these service , Rev. W, A , Washburn, Pastor.
Reference-Ask anyone of our 70,000 Cream Patrons,
- /
Gret!ne County Convenlion Di sci' pi eR of Chri Rl at Fe rry 1111 Jay lind ,Se pl. . All Invll ed. S pcake r~, C 0 , lIawl e~of ( C D,ayto ~ an.d lY"1 r3 J DEli . ' I ~, 0 .111' cmnatl. :-;errnon subj ect, Sept,. 23, morn.illg, ."The ~ rowned CIIrI~t" Evemng 7.30 lI,n Illus tra~ed revi ew of the Quarler s Sunday School les· sons. Edward D. Goller, Min iste r.
Yo u Ii
t eres t cr edlled) to her, ~ he 18 very , . t!flic ient anel wi ll render you good :
~OUNC~ ~~~~eci;~~S~~"t1~::Je:!S~o~.~~:.t~:~~~ i · cironeu , , "
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
~1~t~~~I~~~~:e~~I~ : ~:r~~~·~li:~~R~;~ !:;-y····h····e······y··· hi- ngs' ~wollell , lIei~ not
I"nrsonhl!. u lit'\\, mill nlll·h,'nrlng ' Before the Ohrlsllnll rn cremntion mlneru l rllun'll hI thy lI l'I~ I'1II L'onl:J), ","li nre",lient !lnh!l1~ neu rly lilt nil' \\'O~ d c~cr l h (lfl I" lin 'l\I""" ~M ill' (he plnlls. l.nl l'I·, bUI'lul III till! ',"'ouo, 1 b611.-11:1 .. 11 I',or. '.<ur RI " ... r, I\' hll lulel ur i"IIll1e l 'O \IIl\IOU. r I U I ~ YI',Irs su nltu· ~Ul'l'l'"" III I'X lr llctl n ~ ", .. 1111'" fr""1 II,e , 11011 t. 1" '~ II\' n~I\)lo fill' lilt! re",lvul or
HOTOPLAV THOMAS - - - - ' N - ----
, "
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 1923 ;:....:--====-=~. = . -=- - ~ . ,
Fred Snyder was a Dayton vhlitor Sunday .
=-. =-
.. ~
Mrs. Rachel Crew entertained at The tirst meetinll of the Woman'8 dinn er Sunday. Dr. Eli Crew and Auxiliary of St, Mary'l Church. efter family, ef Dayton, and Mr. and Mra, the Bummer vacation, wha held with Robert Crew . Mra, Harris and Mrs. Mosher. on Friday afternoon, Septembllr 21. The moletini opened by mllsic on Mr. and Mrs . N. P. :alatt and the the player piano. "La Caprlcho88." teacher. at the new bl,li'1\l n i ent. r Mrs, Cadwallader read Psalm 46 and tained the teachere of thd"oJd buildconducted the devotional service. ini at a very delightful dinner party Scriptural quotations were ilven Fridayeveninll. in response to roll call, then follow· ed the buainelll for the day . Mr. and Mrs, Fredrick Starke and The prollram was In the torm ot a flmily entertained for Sundoy dinmemorial service for Biehop Tuttle ner and lupper. Wr, and Mrs. emphaslzini the Woman', Auxiliary Special ot 1928-25, which Ie a fund Oacar Irill and dauihter Clara, !lr, and Mra. Charley BallmaD, Mr. and for trainini women workers In the Mrs. Fred Atklnaon and daughter. churcrh, both white and colored, and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. EUiene Melkewhich i8 to be eiven in lovinll memo houee, Mrs. Lenl Weaaloeky. ory of the great miulonary bishop, EUiene and Robert Thoma, all ot who was for many ,ears prealdinll Dayton also Mr. and Mri, Richard bishop of the church. Starke and children, Albert and The proiram wa as follows: "In Freda Starke, of near Rldlrevllle. lovini Memory of the Rt, Rev . Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, who died
1 Mr. and Mrs. JS8 . McClure and . VISI . 'tl ni reMn . Laura Mos har IS alivea in Milford. Mra . Walter McClure were Dayton vl8itors Mondllv. Ed Lukenll, of HarveYllburg, wu In town Monday ,
Thoa Pierce' who recently lost his memory, is grad ually rellllining it, Clifford Buzick. of Sidney, i9 viI- and his ieneral health js much be t· ting rola ti ves here ter. Mert Baird was a busineee visitor Mrs. Chryatie McKinsey and her in Lebanon Monday . dauKhter. MiM Laura. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn, Will Harvey, of Uordon Joy waa a business vi,itor Harveysburg. In Lebanon, Monday. Chu, Madden, of Harveysburg, was summoned thia week to appear Mr. and Mra. W, H. Maddaupent a couple of daya laat week .in Blan. as a petit juror for the October lerm of the U d , court, in Cincinnati. chester.
Dr. and 34rs. S. S. Stahl and MI. McCollum, of Franklin. apent SUDdsy with W. H. Allen and family .
.- .
April 17. 1923," Mrs. Cadwallader, "The Womln'. Auxiliary Special." Mrs. Kilbon. "National Tralnlni
W e saw som e corn cut in Missouri
and Kansas, but the corll In ColoralErrE'n FROM do wae poor. One place It had and cut the corn and weeds WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOY tohailed pieces. and even cut the leaves
lOEW'S DAYTON Denvl'r, Col., September, 1923. Dear MotherSeveral from here attended the NEXT WEEK II II I Th ' I Klan meetlni at Dayton Frldll1.
Thousands of people attended lbl. meetini. Miu Elizabeth Cbandler, wbo hu been quite Ill. ill much Improted aud ho" to return to ber achool iD a .bort time. '
lire, Asa Eibert. "ho bu vflitlni her eilter. Mn. Allee MOo KlnNy. returnld Sunday to home In Kanau City, MD.
rhe second week af the season at Loew's Dayton promises to be of . . IDter.t to theatre ioere. The PICture PfOlrl'8 m will Include "The "'te I St M t f t '" rna rUiiI" e a e r o es ure with a brill! nt Star cat includin a . . II' Barbara La Marr, Earl,e Williams, Ren.. Adoree. Pat.O Malley and Wallace Berry al~ artIsts ~hat have reeently appeared In promment BUCB.ld. the feature there ia a n.ew
lin. Studebaker and little dauab- co~;t~fsolJr ?an~ th~unn~ kId:
ter, of Cblcqo, are yieitlnlr their a talle a ox uea ona. Ant. ·MIaa Carol,n Smith, wbo Ie .. MYlterlee of Yucatan." anll tbe quit- UI at the Friend'l Home. lateat Pathe NewI, . The vaudeville bi." of six headlme IIr. and Mrs. Wm, G. Grether and . Incl~deB the Klrk~ood Trio, 'In little dauihter, and Mia Helen a vaudevIlle round·up, Lillian Mor· H.rrls. ef Dayton. lpent Thunday ton, the pocket edition comedi.enRe; witb their arandmotber. Mn. Alice Gat. and Fin~~ In an orliin.~~ McKinleY, Iketch called ~~e Instructor ,: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!I;!!!'!!! Skelly and Helt, In Revue of 1924. and the Novelle Brothers, acromu81cal clown.. o . PerformanclI are contmuous from noon to eleveD' P. M. dall, .
off of same of the tr'e es. Denver is a nicEt. level city-It looks more like a Iblg town than a city . The mountahlsare west of us. Lo :a .e sves u~.aeda9fwe as uaku.a . We could see them an hour or two th ul:e IS ;er: t Ir a tterdunhPac I~g before we got here-it looked like h fi e foun, t u kS e dB :Obo t e trIp we would Ifllt to thorn in tive or ten ne. ur run an ox came a s ' f b ' th t mmutes a ter we tir8t saw them,but all'gage WI ou any cost t.o u.s. . Mr. Ross ssid would take almost I We had to change at CincinnatI. day to drl've t f th S L . . 0 some 0 em we t. ouls an~ Kaness CltY-:-lt 8urely could see. wae a long rIde. We went throulrh two tunnels in Indiana. one at St. The children enjoyed the trip very LouiR and one in Missouri. The one much and today I to.o k tbem out to a at St. !Louis was loni and hoi; it p~l'k wh.ere they bad seve~al kinds of Beemed a. thoug h the heat and sui- WIld ammals. ThEIY enNyed that, phur fumes would smother a person. alao. We pasaed by tbe foothills of the We got off the Itrain and took a Ozark mountainll, in Missouri. it taxi for Mr R~ss' .boIJ8e. They was at night 80 we could not see treated us very mce, Jusl like home them. OutBide of that we did not folks; he is in tbe real estate bual· pass throui h any larger hills tban ness and found us two fumished we baye in Ohio . Some places are room8 before night. He 81i1 he level. and in Colorado a far as we ' would do . all he could to find me a went, the land lies in long slopes ' job. as he is well known all over Den and hardly any trees except aloni I ver. He was certain he could iet me tbe streams. The housas are IIcarce a. job on tbe road as, Pullman porter and you can see for miles; almost all rlllht Iway, as they are begging for of the roads are dirt. and in Kansas men but he advised me· to get 80methe iround is black and the roads thinll else this win tier and IrO on In are of the 88me color. I don't see the 8pring. as that would be the beet see how they can use aut08 in wet job I could iet. weather. The time Is one hour later here
School Colored Worken," AllIIn . for MUlle, "Robinhood." Open Door to Woman's Service," Mrs. Sert HartBOCk. "Bishop Tuttle and tbe Woman's Auxiliary." tnan It Is in Ohio. In Mlnourl It Min Leah Smith. "Bishop Tuttle. does not Iret dayliibt until after 7. Our Leader." Mra. Cukey. After adjournment a tlleaaant Thilll all at this time. lOCial hour was lpent durina which Your lo,lnlr IOn, dainty refr.mmenta were served. Lemley Curti•. Th. followlnlr !ru..ta were preeent: Meedam.. Devitt. Adami. A. T. Wrliht, G, J. Smith, Walter McClure Ind the lIttl. folks, Betty Hert80ck and Frank Hawke.
STOOPS PLANT The Stoopa Packlni Co. Is eniaifbi I ed in ~ne 0 the u. eet MUOnl n the b18tory of tbe plant. at Van Wert, Ohio. The plant Is belnlr operated both day and nliht and all machines are belna run to capacity in the plckini of sweet com and ripe tomatoes. ';I'he ....on·s pack of sweet corn will be completed witbin the comlnlr two weeki and will Ie!rregate 2,000,000 canl. The tomato pack will continue for leV· eral weeks or until the comlnlr of heavy frosta. The present output of the plant is I carload of canl a d~. One of the many Intereatini al"hta at the plant II a ltack contalnlD&' '150,000 CanB of corn. which 18 awaitlnlt' lables.
'Yet m.mol'J ""OWO DOt G'I or De dec.lnd. l~ wu tru~aU ot It W.I tru.. Th. death of 014 Tom Mealer; tile rstVII of the NDlllade IOn; bl_ brutal UlumptiOD of control: the Ilow ot· hilt In bll ey.. It tlielr tlrst meetID,; alld then-tben the bappenIDlJs ot ~"1iI lut nl&,ht. AD4 n,o,,-now she Wli tbere walttnl, emld .11 thle desoI.U.... fOC' tile retUI'll of I ~nge mIlD, wbose faee Ibe neYer bad .eeD. The wbol. IIItu.Uon laemed ' ImpelSlbl.. Ibe c:01lld Dot doUbt Itl actual realllJ. 8be WU , not elreamlng; Ibe wa ....de awate. . Yet u lb. re"....d all the ..entl I..dlq ap to We IlltuittOD the Iirt _. ' C!Owd ·not ~'" where Ib, mllht II.... doll, oth8rwtee.. TIl. Impoulbll-
:,,-::,~':ow..sa:.'==c!t=~.!!~ ~e 'fWee4 ...m.p: ti)e 4JouQ1ID"
Malt: Ita. blIal dolt at IIeQ8, ~ lleYlq lit. iliad ld1Ied th. man bI nlf· 4et1l!"; ~ the 'UII~~ ' meetllli wttb .:....D'-eII til. . l1li.. . . attOl" b' ""..a ... attar thlt ~ a dIolee ....... I . ber. TIle mea Ila4 :-. be ~ a. a frI..a. .... 11ft ........ .... Be .... ia .................. or 4Nert. . . . . DOWr bltf1l1 - . as 1Ie..,... ....
eGG"'" ....
llIa* . . .... .. .-l1iIIIi.
IIfrald; It'. level as Il 1I00r." The ,Irl rode 10wID the IId41.. lI.r hend bent torward t~, protect hili' 17M from tbe sbower at grIt hurled aplnat her bl tlte ceasele.I' wln4. 8b. wal conscious now ot bElr extreme _arl· ness; she could 001:, cllnl ptml, to her seot, Ilchlnl Ln ..~ mUlcl.. bllodly following bl. lead. Sh.!mew the horle under her W.I pantla, to~ brellth, hll IldeJI 'lNt w/th - t , but Ke1leen ne"er once drew rtin, or, to her knowledge. I!'t'eao' III.need b.e)l t. alaur, hlmRelf ot her Jlr..eDce. TtI_ were momenta .... hen Ihe fell Ih. mutt actually cry out. bin ne"H faUlllJ ber, but Ih' cntlb.~1 tbe dMlre bad!. Bnd rode on, dulle!! 'wltb t.ttcu.. Her ,eyetl and thouabt etIIc.rM .. the llgure ot the mlUl rldlnc ...dll, In tl'Ollt. She ~uld obtalD. no IlImpee ot bill face, not ''Fe!n Itl cODt\)ur, ylt how atr.ICht II...t ID the ..d41, IJIe shoul4ers thrown bact, IIIJJ 111ft lJaIIa lraaplDC tb. rela ltgbtly, BIB _t W811 that of the tr.lned, dIaeIpUned cav.lry mall. ratker th.n tbe eo.... boy, 1lD4 lb. t'Ould but m.rk lIow lIy hll body foUow'ed tb. lI11it... moveml!llt of the . :nlmlll ader b1Ja. Suddenly, but WIthout ,lancing b.. he pointed Into the grim, tn, ~ ahtlll4. "00 10U lee IIll7tllt1q oyer 70DCl1r'l" he BIked. "IDlt abea4 th ......... b_ dred yards,.. 8he It.rect where' b, polate4, botJI . haltllll their bon.., but -W "'" reI~e Dotbln, el~apt th. 1UD8...... CPIIUlI at und. "No; lfbat II It!" "OIl, ot a.ture'l DIan.... the Ill... r.m beedlq fOC'. yO\! elll b....dIIa tea 1ards an4 n....r bow 1& II th_· He turned and fl~ h.. IIIl1llJlllJ'. '''ac1e It straI.ht throa... 'til, ,...... too. WbJ'. wh.rl tile matMrr ' BII. was narlqat IItIIII ~ .... ' dlm lltbt, bll' IIP,I It8rted. ....... ~. 01 faar. ~ u.e...-at ahe dl4 not lpeat. ud lite ...........
pbDIJ; .... . . ~=
at leven·thlrt, P. m. spt/clal mulie II belnll prepared for th~ occ:uIon. Buy your tickets early, price 21 CInti. Pltrenlze the Japan. . T_ room In the church cllnlnlr. hall after the "eddlni.
6:30, Bervad by the Iidies of the Eutera Star. will be ODe of the f ..• tur. of the evenlni. Put Grind Muter Andrewi. Bro. Harr, of Hamilton and Bro. Gilmore of D81ton, will be pr __nt and make addl'8llle •.
Mn. Veo Adam and IOn Robert. Mr. F. B. HendeNOn and family of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mrs. and Mnl. D. L. Crane w.re In Xenll Lulu Davis. Saturdl1 aftemoon.
111. 1larrtt7.
I ha4 I IOOCI ' ~ . .
.. Ctie mt.t rlMI,
,.Our fa.. from ID7 wIA"-w, BIId IMu.I 'eat'from til•• with a J'8CI4 1814 Bqb
""l'8r eall ,00
bJ' II81II...
"No donbt tb.t·1 au true _ _ but wb.t ot It? EYer beard at _ .... forsT' She hetJtatet1, but ooy ~ u III&tallt. her .. tare .. . , . . tl'IIth. "YH, I bave.- lib, IUWII'84 at .... fl1. 1001t!,Dc Itralgltt .. MDI, ret .. &ome mJ.twlou "., DOC th. ..... dnald. ~I hu. b_ 184 to bellIY. yOO a moet dNperate dIanader, all ontI••, a C!rlmlna1, wltIl • priee _ yoar b..d. I be.,. " - told ..., ., YOllr 8Iq)loIt-.n4, U4, bllt . . , _ pel m. to "IIMt aU Wtr "BeC!a•• It II ~""'el7 lilt• • ' ... tor on, thIDa; ,vlle t.acterIq til' ena
a htt..
It w...........
4!Onttuue belq frllBdII-uo4 I .... that _ _ _ _ IIba1I ba" to _ .. a mutual an48l'1tandlDC. Wbat am I 'lD. ..umaUont 4 robber BIId thlef, IlUppoIet Who tol4 ,00 all tb1I rot-Bob Maprt" , "011. u; I he&1'\! au about yOU I»·fors b. eY.r came baet. Tbat w.. montl\a 1,0; there w_ IOldlers thnlqb lIere IaJ'CbIng tOC' ,ou, a mao lOr an4 tw_ty ca'l'lllTm.... "What major'" "IIt8 Dam....... 1leJ1Io14a." . lteUel!ll dluck1ed 1114 leaned IU~ deal;t tClrwar4, plac:lDl bl. blD4 equarel, en blll'l wh_ It l'Hted th. ..dell. pommel. Bomehow lb. ma"- De to w/thdraw her bprI :f , . til. c:outlet, 1114 thtJr 87M met. " ,'Pop' 8e)1Iol4l, t" lite IaII '11"117. -.rile J . . sare IIItI . . ,
' . ." , .... a good....
.. ..
w.'U ba,.. 10 lind a • • pIue .. talk .. thaD thIa. II.... I'U .... th. 110_; It'l oal, e lIap tit die rtIa; tb _ _'U both 1Ja" .. mate the 4.
;. - atoot.: 'I'll., \liMed forward 1IowI7, ltIte :WNt ...,..,... .. be tile 11ItWm1Da.le 4~ .
dI. man pa.WIaJ IItII . . , tbreqb 8BII4, dlt tIN4 aatme1e bi-
low/DC wlUl 4reop1DC , . _ 8u4d_17 •• 1tQppe4, ,npplq til. NIu ¥tl7 an4 poIAtIIlg wltb IIl1 otlMr lII.nd. Deborala ,. .eded DO CUlclaJlC!e, f.r ber . , . were alread, r1nte4 on the , ...Dlne gub .. thl lorfaee of the deeert, Itar1ne de_ .-IdJ a Itlrtled fMllnl of .... Into the apparently bot· tomleel eIlallll not b . ~ardit .w.,. 4 moment .he guet1, llard17 eomp ... "eodIDI, too thol'OlJlh17 4aH4 \I' lilli phenollleDOD of nature to C!Ompletely IlIIIP Itl 81pl11eanee. Th.n.... felt E.UtI!II 11ft ber bodll, from the ..dill. and 1.. 4 bar forwlrd to til • ...,. edg.. Balow 1&7 Iq)OR4 III tb. eold tn, ot. the 11&_ the ftJU ma"ll__ 41.., IOrae. u thouatl ecoope4 nt b, a rtaDt \IpOOII, elIt dlreetl, aUOl8 the b _ 181141 pi..... with ao mdellee .",wIleN .bo.. ", Ita mat. ..,., Te thl .,. It _ed 10m. thrw bu4re4 feet wl4e, ".1 m.th d"""" el. llde waUl roeQ B114 IlftIIller. til. crwIeee .n4 rsm.. elolled with 1&114, wbU. tar below .ppeared dI. IIIift INC nptattDD. Ind ...... the bue ~ th. wall. SHeil iliON pft. elpltous thaD tIM · 1114. OD "illdl they ltoo4, til. tdlftr1 IP&rtl. 01, a . . ., ItreaID. o.bonIIt drew a Q1Ilct breath, r1111e1.DC usa. IDt. tIae faN at tile .... at liter ..4e. "Yea ha;" belli 40_ tlere'" "Tee; til. 4eaee1 .. IIIDt parUeuo \uIJ' 4UIn1t alOllf til. . rsYlille; til.
. ... .t.... .....,..
I fPlr
lilt to . . ......... . . . , .
',. . . . . . . . . ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . WI ...
llvl4 7011 I ~ I ..sahtr lid 1IIIUl1 ,WeD. MW ,....,. DIll III" ... ,ea l»..... Ilftl ' pvdI. . . . . . . the ..O~ :,~Ift hr. ' " .'" : ~-J doa" bow. ......,..... wOI plell tIllir ".,."
4111011*t'" 'Jpa IHt . . . . Me ~- drat ............ ,..... 1'-
IIae.--. ....... l, ,..,..: .. ... . .. .... ... '$, •
0 _-.-_
doabdll1~... "'1-1 .............. • • ..aea at· the . . . . . .U. . . . tbbdt tbat,; . , . ' _~ II a 1\opjifIIl..... w.a. '''WIIat II It'" . . .a. . . .ed ;-. "flU , aD1~. ' . '. ,. . . . tr7 aet .. ~ • fw .... Mat ·at tile ......... at ~ orr-. 1D4'",. "WlIat II Itt Are ,." . . . . elf . . . ,blf.IIear. I De ..... ~ allda . . . .111 ~I now now wIIo 7ft ...," . . :~ .... ,.. . , ..... ,elf .... - . . '-"led ........ _ . ._ elf ........... ID8IIaIed OOY.....,.. aN . . . ,'1"IieR II . . tbDe ...,. tar -"'t ..... . . elf ' - eIIeeb.
TrIIeo 104,·..
S. D. Henkle w .. eleated pr.ldent ot the county cbmmllllon.n at a recent meeting of that body In Lebanon. The law provid. the board reorranile every ,ear on the third of September, and that the short term member b. m~. prelldent. Mr. Stok. should bave beaD .I«ted, but he declined that bonln. ___
Invitations have b..n I.ued to members of the Wl1nuvllle Lodge No. 163 F. 4: A. M•• their wives and Iidy friends to attend the 75th annl. venary 01 the lodie, on Frldayeve, September 21th. A fln. pro!rram bu heen arraDlrecJ. A dinner at
e _
.11&'h~ l -::~h~~-we'lJ' rl~. 't,~'~: .n~-~:n't"~
IIo'ew, nor did the hue the eat conception .tIll who the m.n.etu.Uy was. Hli evIdent dIallke or Mearer and Gtlrrlty meant DOthlng. ucept pel'hoPli 18 thus explalnlog hll wtUlnlflless to befriend ber agnlnst thlllU. Sbe hod seen blm 8 S onh a dark. lII·deflned shllPe In the nIght. She bnd gulned no hlUmpse of his features, but she liked blR voice tlUt &,enlnl yet re~pecttul wny 'n whl ~h he addressed her. the cool ussuronce WIth which he hnd take.n comlll ete control; _atenr the tell ow's p8~t might have been. she telt contldenl'e In him. IJ&o lIeve!! flnnly thar he "'U8 rcully endeavorln&' honestly to serve her In tblJJ emergency. It seemed R long whllf'. 80 long al to almost frighten her, before she b&came aware ot his ftPllrooch. Indeed, he was actllolly heslde her on foot before she recognIzed his prlPsence, approacblng IU cntly from the oppo.Ite direction from tbtl! anticIpated. Her stnrlled ga1.C! had ICtircely dlstlnIOJlshctl hl~ dim ol/tllne when h. IDoke. hi. hnnd .Irelldy ~raBPlnlr her lIol'""'s ,.('Ill '''l'here, that III over Wltb," he snto "enlaUy. "Now I'll lead you for the oext Ove hundred yards. After th.t ,,"'II do Rome real rIdIng." Where tbelr course led sbe coull1 Dot c1ellrly' !Ietennlne from the BoddIe but the, moved forward 810wly. Afte; ,lOme hurulre4 yard. had been tr....• ereed, the path led upward once. ftpln, the borse', hoof, DOW SIDkIDI Into deep land. Then a horae whinnied Ju.t III front of them, and the next Innant ahe could make out the darker shlldow. Kelleeo releaseel bll .ll'Ip, with . ' little laugh ot'rellef. "Lonely, old fellow' Wen I WOll't leave 70U apln. Now we'~e &'Ot a stralghta".y rIde tor It, :t.lI1I~ Mer. dlth. I'll' ~ead ott" a.n4 , JOO follow, You'll have tl' teeillip pretlJ dose to lee me In tb. 4aJ;t, Ina .thet:e will be no nolJJe to CUlde 10U III thlJJ ..n4." "Bot-If I mould 10.. ,olf"', ah. .ated, ltulDC about, half ftllht_ed II, the tboqbt. "No danrer; til. JJonIa yOIl.... . oa wOll't pt 10lt. ht It ,011 IIdIti m. eall oat i t!lere'a ., 011. . . .etr III w.
MASONS TO CELEBRATE The marri. .e of Amah SUl and N eo will be IOlem'nl~ at the Waynesville Methodllt ,Bplacos-I SEVENTY-fIRH YEAR Senr cbureh. Frlday8venln.. 5th.
= ;= :
Mrs. Cynthia Evans is vii ltinll' in , Rue Dinwiuuit! . or l)ayton wa!l ill c.incinnati. town Sunday afternoon
- - --_.---
' to
Mrs, J . W. White was a visitor in Dayton Monday.
M:-. and Mrs , jeff Smith, Mr. and Mr. Byron Hartsock, of Cillcinnatl attende.i the Mount Holly reunion Mrs Lawrence Evans, Mrs. IrvinII' I'ence and Edgar Smith wore Sunday Sunday . vlstora at the Cincinnati Zl o. They Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton, of were joined there by W. C. St. Johl. Dayton, spent Sunday hare wltel and family, of Norwood . their parents. Wilter Kilbon Ie in Toledo, Ohio, Morri8 Graham and Dick Camp. at the Willys-Knhrht automobile bell are worklni In Coviullton. Ind .. ,lant. He ha~ taken a position painthi brid"es. with till, firm at Atlanta, Ga., and will leave for lhat place after get. E. M. Oxley wu in Dayton Mon· rinll hilinatruction from the comclay attending the Renll convention piny. al tbe Hotel Gibbona.
I . . . . . . . . .-
lira. Doo WII. tIf • ..ent ot tbe 0r1IMaI ..... .t YotolllUua, pabbet . . . . . .. ter YYOOJJe from the . . . . . y ....' .llam. H lb. ~ Cl~ / ", . . ",d 4ed to the h. ,.. 'I~ I • . f t ' - ID the bert.. ~ .......
a' ........ ·~. ' . -
Mye ,
~ I
Will Hold Their-Sm
Did you see our
Cypress Display
At the Warren County Fair? EXTRA' SPECIAL
Boy's A 11- Wool , Slipover SW(Jaters, all the latest shades,
We handle the kind of Cypress'i;Lo~ber that wars $hown in oor d.isplay. COQle and see, at·
$2.98 MYER- HYM.AN, Waynesville, Ohio
--z I M MER MAN' S - -
M,a4dw' s . Lumber Yard 1 i
.1 , \
+"8 0
Star Light Patent flour
The Best Flour for all Kinds of Ba,k ing
Waynesville, Ohio
1 ' ,' "
When you spend your Dollal That helps you. It helps WI! Co-operation and Progress ~ Co-operate by buying in W Grow.
Clothing, Shoes and Dry Coods "Save by buyi ng in Waynesville!'
10 Bars P and G Soap, ' . .aod 1 bar of Ivory Soap ............. ,. , .. ,. , Makes P and G cost you only 4c a bar. Only one lot to a customer.
$2.25 ,~~I~~~.~.I~~,
.. ... Lunch Kits with Pint Vacuum Bottle for hot and cold drinks. Bottle alone worth more than we! ask for complete outfit.
Ask your Grocer if he keeps the Star Ligh t Patent Flour.
5c size Milk or Almond Bars .. , . ..... . .. . .. .. 3 for lOc size Milk or Almond Bars . ... .... , . . ...... 3 for This is less than wholesale,but we want you . to t ~y these wonderful Chocolate .Bars.
10c 25c
Don't forget we buy all kinds of POULTRY. Call us when you want to sell-we will call and get tbem. Highest prices paid cash for Poultry and EGGS all the time. ,
-----7 DC,
r ••
Don't forget that sack of
ZIMMERlv.I:AN, The Grocer
Self Rising Pancake Flour
"Save by buying in Wa ynesville." , i ,
l .
Anyone can make ~,!le ,pan cakes with
O. U. Pan Cake. Flour .
When necessity requires the 'services of a funeral dir.ector. bear il1 mind that experierrce counts. For ~ean we bay\! made an intelligent study of ' the probJ~m~, pf fune~a( Aire,cting: ,,' '
Sold by all leading merchants. Sole Distributors -' for this Pancake Flour.
Th~s, ex~e~ience
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 7 ..' J'
Jamt:s McClu're
:'" Walter McClure
"Save by buying in Waynesville."
" ,
.. I
"Save by buying in, Waynesville."
7Ae :TOIl~rlttalrton
Settle an Estate :
A very loW' pIjice on a w;eU improved 40-acre farm. Have good level farm of ~O acre!; to trade for larg~r farm. Don't forget t!he Public ,Sale of Harmon Moore, ne'a r Flatfork, Thursday, September 27th. ,
I '
Waynesville, Ohio
I!!!O $2 . .u
W. N. SearS, ::Auction' e er & 'R eal Estate , .···.1 Established 1912' ..d ,'.
~ Weare
is a~ , your' disposal. It gives .a ssurance that all funeral ' arrat;)gements will be carried out' with an ease of manner that only , years . of ' experience and conscient,ious service make possible.
lOc can Baking Powder FREE with every sack
See the di~play now in 'o ur lobby
The WaynE~sville National Bank
Mills & ,Cre~,
"Save by buying in Waynesville." I
Bring the Kiddie5 fo I
Special for Saturday
.C Lee 'H awke
The Bamer Who Does IDaddY'S Work "
Special Attention Given to C;hildr~n's Work ~nd Hair Bobbing hSave by quying In Wayneaville."
All Cookies and Rolls, regular " price l5c, for tbis day,
12 -
Watcn for (\ur Truck
.Pool Room . ,
. . ·Pully
rtl'FV'!l (it":. '
$ " )
nth Monthly Sale On
$1.00 Gillette Safety Razor
Sc Tiona Cigars 4 tor
Remaining Stock of Wall Paper
in Waynesville you save Money. , hand in hand. esville and watch Waynesville
"Kiddie Klawn" RUBBER DOLLS )Ia"'. tho ~Iddl •• laug h and p lay
on.. ...,
Ford eara are npw ready foe your m.pecdon. lDtrodnclna chaop that improve ~appMr8Dce of the varloUI body typel and . . . . . cbeU oomIort and utility.
TlWr . . you DOt only~omical and depend·
~ price
.hI. UIIJYPOI1Ildco. but~ a more IIttractive ..,1. -S a ~.hare of motorlna amvenieDce
_ a.lbiDatkm that make. the out&tandinc nl_ 01 Foal CIIrI IDOI'e im~ve than ever. S. the new Pard model. DOW on diaplay In CIUI'~
Store open Evenings
Telephone 103
"Save by buyioK in 'Waynesville!'
SALE PRICE 4·Burner Florence . . • . $30.00 $24.00 $23.'0 0 4.Bul'n~r New Perfection. • $28.00 4-Burner Puritan • • • • $28.00 $23.00 3-Burner New Perfection. • $22.00 $18.00 2-8urner Florence . • • .. • $18.50 $15.00 3 .. Burner Superfe-x with Cabinet $58.50 $50.00 5-Burner Detroit Vapor. Oven $64.00 , $58.00 4 .. Burner Detroit Vapor • • $42.00 $38.00 2-Burner Detroit Vapor . . $27.00 $24.00 ,
. $6.65 and $7.40 Carload Prices 130x3~ . $7.50 and $8.85 on Single Tires 130x3~ Cord • •• $9.90 13Ox3~ Ex. Size Cord $12.90 130x3 ~
"San by buying in Wayneeville,"
"San by buying in Waynesvill•."
Clermont Heaters and Ranges -ALSO-
WayDesville, ,0 '1110 '.
H. E Hathaway ,. ;'M:::S~:~" Dentist and X .. O-Graphist
R-epair Work-Quick and EffiCient. ' Transient Work- Come ill the Forenoon. , Teeth can ae Extracted without Pain. Wayne3ville, Ohio Phone No. 114 "Save by buym. in Waynellville."
which supply a perfectly balan<;ed ration for making bload. nerves. bones. feathers and flesh. Per pound of gain Purina Chows are cheapest.
SoIJin CAecke=rd
The 5c-IOc-25c-$i.OO Store • , w ..
Ev.erything tor Y Ol1r ,Auto ,
lO'c Envelope of Oil Paper, for
Speclala for
, . 30x3 Tire. .",' 30x3 i ·Tires
,. ' ''Sa"... ttl"'" • '
, Phillip. Building
Waynelville, Ohio ,
Speeial for Saturday:
7 ,cents , 24 cents '
'FRANI. H. FAIR, WIJDesviIi~ O. "The Store (,f Better Valaea"
"Sav. by burin&' in Waynesville,"
••••Sears & Cartwright••••
M' H' E HaUlil*ay &1:.,;;.,. rl.. e
Aman Block
Waynesville, Ohio
"Save by buying in Wayne ville."
pari ' :
Fire, Tornado, Life, Livestock, Automobile, Hall Greatest Protection at Lowest Cost
Smith's Gro~er~
Domestic 'Science ,Taught '
,, lOe Box butch Cleeser. 3 for ' J?ither special work ~r CC;»~rSe" at m)) ~lDe.:
e ,'
" $10.00 s.pot;. Lilhts'· .' $6.50 P"one 17
thla Sale:
Wayne~vill~ Auto' -& Ma~hinery Co_pany ' "
Purina Hen Chow ,and Purina Chicken Chowder
"Sav. by buying in Waynesville,"
Williamson maces ~
LUMP. tender. juicy broilers and vigorous, well developed pullets are pfOfit earners. Thin. poo~ly feathered birds are not. Profitable development cannot be made with improper feed, Put your pullets and ,cockrels in the profit column by' using
Pred ,M. Cole and
.,-- -. -.-~
Harness, Hardware
Kilpatrick·french Motor Car Company
I am offering the above Oil Stoves at these extremely low prices in order to make room for my Fall Stock of Heating Stoves and Ranges. Our line of ""Home" Heaters and Ranges is very complete. These were bought at a 'l8vmg of 10% to 15%. This saving is passed on to you. You will find real bargains ,here on any stove you are interested in. ,
One 1915 Ford Touring One 1917 Ford Touring One 1917 Ford Touring One 1917 Ford Sedan One 1917 Ford Roadster One 1919 Ford Touring One 1919 Ford Touring, S .. & D. One 1920 Ford Touring, Starter One 1922 Ford Touring, Starter.
Saturday, Septelllber 2!J
We also have the following used cars which we are offering at unusual values.
The Miam i
- -_~DUI:OO
REA D THE SE ADV ERTI SEM ENT S CAR EFU LLY assur e you valu8 1.nd .ervic e. These busin ess hous es ~re leade rs in their lines, and
Try our Job Printing
e Whe n in DaY ton Visit Ther n---T hey Wan t You r Trad (J'{I)'J lIOOJ) II tIl ROII . ..
yau... 11 of ·~eur~;.i.. [,r.ca..'J"
Toot" .che.
In Dayto n
LUl n~>Agn .
Mad.., To O rd er S u it. 61
Cold ... f. tc.
Other Pine","
ll Rt: ~~ W ELL T "'LORING ~09 Lowe, Kr.s" f! Bid " .
13 So J.tf.,,..o n St......,
All Good Houiewivol U•., SOU UER S' EXTRA CTS . A Pur e:: E xtraci for Ilal·ors. Ie .. <": r~.lI n, I'lldJill~s . C a\:. e::s and Candies DERS' SOU USE 'SMAKE THE FOOD MORE 1) J-.Ll CI Ol ASK YOU R GROC ER The Royal Remedy and [xtrac t Company Dayton, Ohio
MEN- save the Differ ence
Say your NEW SUIT from
Tlte Largest In Dayton
••n', Sufts·-O ·Coats and Jl'um"I I'ng. SAVE MONE Y
Resou rces
... rc .....'T.llor
Com.r Main ."d Sec ond Streo t .
WIo_l. 01 All K1.d. RebuUt, tlthtened and trued up aloo on rim. and parh THE MEEKE R MVG. CO.
c:.n., u..d.... Haff-.an Ay...
W ...... WI...
818 K.,lthT h ... tre BI4
$800 ,000. 00
Nobody in Dnylon SeUI Bette. I.; rulll
109 50lTl""
Dayton. Ohio
~ Tll eliT
ROTH'S FULTON MARKET 36 Eut Fourth Street
Fridaya fternoo n Waynes ville Hi played the Springb oro nine. anrl defeated them 10 to 1. Murray HopkinR was spiked at tnird bue and Mr. and Mra. W.ller Jordan spe~ had to retire from the game. The Bada}, wiah A. Z. Bartsoo k and boys played a good brand of ball. family. Sunday afterno on the Lebano n G, II. Edward s 18 spendin g 'hie came here to play the WayJuniors week·ln Toledo. a"endi ng K. of P . .The game was one· Juniors nesville . IIftIIld lodie. her And ey eighth. and there MoKlo8 e .he 1 to Chr:vs." Itrs. sided up IIr. aud lira. Ir. BlgODY, of Leba- daulb' er. ytllll Laura, of Wayne s . was. a great deal of ' fu·s sing. The Don. were oalUng on old friend I "ilIe. spen' Sunday with W . L game was callell once by a Lebano n biN Bnnlay . Barvey and wife. umpire. but the boys though t better MtII8I Emma and Bue Whe&le l e. the proposi tion. and went back to of MoGlad s Thoma Mr. and Ml'II. AlI08 Thomps on. of Lebano n. aDd CharUy play. By Ihe ninth inning. WayMrs '1lI1d g'on. Wllmin of d. Rlobar 10D, and Dam lid. Joe wl'h Barlan nelville was gettinll on to the LebalpeD' Toeeda y wilb Dus. Under· Barvey llpen' Snnday . Barvev and family . .o~ and family. non pitcher . and with threeon . LebIftlon kicked again and feft the field. !!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~ At the time tbat play was dlscon.
Ad . column
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Home Phohe 2. Cenlerv iJIeEx.
We th e followin g furm owners _ _ _~ positive lv foruid any hunting or : - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ trappin g ,m our farm~ . Any viola . tion of th e ~ame will lie prosecu ted accordi ng t o law ami to thlt fullest The EYe Sight Speclal lsl extent.
At Cary's Jewelry Shop
Ed Furnus. C. E. Michene r
Lebanon, Ohio
Every Tue sday
No. 2220
8:00 a. m. 104 p. m.
dJlCountl , lnc1udln~
Of conditio n of the Harvey sburg Nationa l Bank a t Harvey sburg. in IIr. aDd 141'8. W. A. Merd" enterthe State of Ohio. at the close of tained Mrs. Kerrl" 's brothel ' and busines s. on Sept. 14, 1923. wife. Mr. and Mrs . Val KraU, ot ·rlpton. Ind .. over Suuday . RESOUR ces Lolllllud DllcolllllA . .. 69. 770.a 5 I6 Y. jl 0 15 Mr .• nd Mrs . R . .JV Kavlor . Fred '4 8. 88 O.-.rdra &. ....... . .. . ... . . . . . H ~r1an. C . E wned ~rl(IOIo am on B0lllaat8ec evI oy . Hilt .I.Goyert1 V .L DaDClll&ed to oecureclrculalloo ( U. were In en MolJarr Will and ian none •. boodoRar 1'alue' ... ... b ' Dayton. Mond .nt Se· . s. Gonrom o&lw- . ......... AllcurtlMo ay. on uSlOe8S. · . .. . <.111.0 <.a n .n Olber bOIIdl .•tocl<a ..ec U.Itl....lc. 21.<70.00 F\J.'lIl$ure and btu..... ....... 2. <e1.15 Mr. and Mrs. ~'raull: Bevan, of Real _ t r owot<l olbor Lllan 100.00 _S pring HilI, enterta ined to a SundllY ft&. Fe4olai' Wlib· . .=I~:- ..... .. .. . ... .. .. . Balik 6.000.00 dlnnllr, the followi ng gUII~IS : Mr . _ ~ In' nult aDd &mOUIIS due II.nl.l Mrs. J eese Webb Bnd doloulI:hter boII 'na"ollal banb .. . .... . . . D.5 U.5S Pbyllts Anna, Mr and Mrs . Ray '10.... 011_ •• 10.11. II and 11 2 •.• 7 Harriso n. John Bevan. of Dayton , ~.~:h ........ ....... 6 U.1I v yt.oet.De oU8C!Ub 1 _ ... . 34.67 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brllonse llbnrg To"':.:':... :..: .... .... .. .. iIiO':Oe9.01 and daught er, HeUle LUII.Ie., of Wil. • t ,LIA~LITIES mlnRto n. Mr. and Mrs . Bayel Kee ~bree obtldfofln. Mildred . ~"ht.ock pal4p! ... .. ... .... us.ooo.oo ver andand Orval. Mrs l1ary' Allen. .':UOo.OO Walter 8Ui1Il1III rued .... ..... ....... .... of Lebano n. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wm. •. OIo.e5, ..... In~' . »roGtai <I l1ad1Y11\t ~. r- ' CIImIIIt ~ 1•• 12.20 Doogbe rty and daulfbte r. M.II.l[ine . 611.611' leton !lDd Nlda lIal djpGaIM . nbleel co 80.SU.81 of K lnll:I' Mills. (J~r BeVin. M.rs. fda B01'8. Mr aDd Mrs. .. O(.~, due' hi' 6. 0.• 0 Christia n ~arha'l't and daoilite r, ..... II ....,. (oilier lUll' I'Ilr Ka~hleen. ·io ·I.: H: ~~~~· 81.•••:., _ _-'--•• _ ..._--'-_ 01 ...... ..11 .
...... ..
·_.1'/......... ".
Supp. L w Ig. . r a. np re ODe of the rldl culoup lIete of parlla. mllJll stlf( In exl len"e in England 18 UW PIIl!Sl'() In. till' ( 'Iga' ot JDdward III: repJ,unc thl' " 1"ILIe of the people. ....19 forbid • •.•.••., UlQI two COUI'IIeI IUppjlr. IIJ· bemc len' " " dinner 01' ... , '0'11,... IloIldap . NeedI_ tG • , tilt III .. I b- . with 1m1l1Ullr,.
ot W~rreD aud ad jolulull wily obtain mouey '.In lODe alme loan8 . a~ GYo X IDtorlte' . OOMS of 860urlu g tbe jam" II very reaaOD· .. ble, lhrough The Ftlder. I' L.nd 8auk. For farther Informllll Ion oal.l uu or addre88 M. 0 Dll.AK J'. Treas· urer, phone II16-X. LtlbanCJII. Ohio.
.\I'l\rw~ n couuUe~
Mon ey to Loa n on Farms at Sl per cent for five years. TERR ELL « TERR ELL, Wilmi ngton. 0., phoDe 301. Loaned on llve I&ook. M ONEY oh"ttel•• aleo 1I800nd IUGr"a "e•. Barbdn e • .AileD No'et! booght. John Buildin g, Xenia Ohlo.
S. , .lIt
High Grad. Acid Phosph ate. V. C. 24% - ·t31.66. 24X at $31.65 per ton I is at the rate of 11 82 per unit of (o.Iayed .) I availab le phols phoric acid or equivalent to $21.12 for 16%. on which the retail price III $28. Save the differ. of home the A. V. Foland II 1\1 at ence by ~Blnlir hllrh grade V. C FerM,r , .and Mrs Ray Carr . Everett Ed Tro~ell, of Tiffin. was 'bs tUf.er. Give us your order, Oblo. Lytle, Early. n Relnma A. A. guest laBt week or The Ourry reuulon was hltld at the home of Elmer Curry Sunday . M. G. Phillip! . of ClnolDn aU . spent the weell:.lInd wUh hla par. ente here.
ARMS W'ANT II:D-W anlecl 10 Fhear ftom owner of 'arm or ioad
nnlmpr oved IlaDd for ..Ie. thll vlolnIty. L. Jon'lII. Box 818. Olney. 111. 03 -MeD or women to W ANTED 'all:e or dera lor genulD e guar.
aD\e6d hosle' ry for men. womeD aDd Obtldre n . 11:1 Imlna'e . darn1nl l . 8ala. ry 175 a w eet fall 'Ime. 11.110 aD honr IIpare 'Ime. 00&&0011. bea$he rl, 811k11 ID te lDAalon al tSlookln g Mill •. nl" Norrtlt ow D, P..
Rev. 011r1l18 alid lamlly, 'he new Pa8tor or the M B. 'churoh have 'ak. en np th,,1r r.e~idenee here. The band and familie s e~joyed a .' Fifty. plonle a' ClittoD Sunday were. prlll8n ' . nanon. fl .... , ve . Mr. O. H. Sima and wife. Robert Sims Bnd family. ·o fCfncln n,tl. were) S ' I S cI H goests of Mrs. oP,8 tl.S UIIl M1u LaDlla Compto n. or \111 . mlDItoD , .,..., ...~ da. . . . . . weai lit ill. bem. 01 h. brother , J. O. OomploD aIl4~,
W. MILL BR. ...DE NTlS T•••
Ollloein N.UOnl BUlk B~.
garage aDd eleotrlo
l \V k X•RuY'. lDenta Ge~~.l or A OFFICE :
HAINE S JlUlLD lNG. Telepho ne 114,
PURSI: , oOD$al Diq IOIDem on.y -a' 'he Muao Wriab* Iale, AD,. thll ODe flodin, ,allie pleuel ea 118 omoe.
'fOr-Sale\' :
- - ~\+!~
-- .
Bbrope htr. BOROU CiBBRI I:D Buot Lam". Inqnlre of Da,,11 F.-mH . R . ,0, 4. pbone 37..Yo. Way. 010 08l"lIIe. O~IO. Wood Beatin g eton, A GOO!) OwenB ma.e ,Inqnlr lof J'r.nk
Pe-n ns yf Va'n ia ' Rai lroa d Sys tem ' • r~s~...~.~.,.~~~~ ·w.~~~~ ,
Yaraha U. Bellbrook. Ohio
01 3 roGlDI, parUy m04HOU8& ern .nel tn 800d oooditl on: Ughtl. Inqulrl
plant,. 01 money. ' ~ . ~' -" h~.... --. 01 happlne U and .-,. ;arm la ~m. rlC~.
I:'OR RII:NT -.A load •• rale. 8M C J. fi. Colema D. WaYD enille. 1.8 . Ohio.
. Obio. III . WaYOen';", 0 of WeaJey 81l1gl. Corwin
Change ·m'Time Tables Rail road Syat em
the &an" ...... drew' Ida ....... acrou the ...... the ,..,... whieb the . ~t . touId ...,.... P. awar~ ~l,. Jumpec lin ~ to · &It)' 'or a hundred dollan an .cr.. bacaUM ·the rallroad e had au~l~ them with the ..._no 01 de..Jop. . tlon and .distribu tion. lriant: prcocluc . a aN · maIdna rallroad the When
Pen.n l,lva nia -
Nationa l Bank
".dlnctJ,. ..,.
...Waynesville, Ohio ..
ow.-I' by Nuro.d bulll by the morcb. nta and , _ of the United Stat., aDd tMy .... .n .the now QWIMCI peopho 01 the Unltad Stataa. Tho whole ..,&endld ~ 01 rallroad e .. It alata toda,. _ built with capital. enot'8J' aDd n buM......... furnlahe d by America __ men and Americ an , _ _ with the hlP pUI'JICIM 01 ....... ... the _met'C lal . and qricull unJ Inta...ta 01 the countr) '. .. 1m....,. that .. _ E...,. _
M'n. Correct Meuur. The dear" .f vleloD tbat dwell. III • IIUUI II the correet meaaure of the DaL~I..
built bp,. RalboMla I P ralboad _ . and tMy .... DOt
.. ..-----0'
Built by the Am eri can Peo ple rr;m:
REVISED ReCIPE Mr . A . B . Harlan and fllmlrt Silent part of laBt week iu .1)ay*on Tale one damfoo l. witb relative ., 1JIo..; ill IlDoonshine for a few Rev . Balltng er Bud family leU houri. Plaoe In aDY kind of an automo . Saturda y for their new " hoine near bile. . Madiso nville. Ohio. RI!o08 'rain '0 orolsin g. t:!nn8blne 8001e'y held ' a farewei J ge, plaoe in party for Elaine and :A.lthea Bailin-I Remove fro~ wreaka blaot••• &In ·lIned box and garnllh ger Thursd ay evening . . wUh flowen . . . Mlssee MOle MoKaY. Emmll .Bazud I !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Lell .. Lemar have 'entered'Cedar_ !!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ville College for the year.
":~~':.e ~~ tl: ~: ~=~~ Treuurer .. .. . .. ..... . .. . ..
THOMAS MEIGHAN, in "Homeward B.oimd"
Mr -and Mra . Jesse Clark and Mr . and Mr8. Ed MoFarl and epent t:!un. day aUerno on with Will Ule.rk and family. of LeblioDon.
Farmers, Attention!
_ woe
CHART ER NO . 11617
Lo&o8 and rediscoUIIUl ... . . .. 1S1.169.8B Lewi!) Is represe nting Crown A~cep\aoceo 01 olhor bauko C. sa dUCouo&ed... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 281. T8I. . 87.20 Lodge, K. of P , at Tolrdo, thi. week. Overtlralta. unsecured . . , . . . . . . · U. 8. Uovernm ent Securities ow nod: circulation O.\IO.I&ed 10 l. pu value)OO. OOO.OO Wante d-Plain sewing and hand All(U.8.bom otber Unlt<ld Sta, .. \lo,·crn· 51.116. 00 ment Bee"rILI .. . . ... !. U6.00•. beading . Mrs. Chas. Cook, Waynes Other \)(.nd•. st.oeks. oecurillo 97.117.51 Ohio. ville, etc . . . .. .... .. .... . . . . . . .. . 8an klnr Douse . .. . . . . 18.000.00 '.028.00 1.019.00. res. lxLu ' 1 Ind J'umlluro rwerve "Ith Federal n.· 10. an. U .. . Mr. Alvin ' Earnha rt ' and family La"lul l181'V e BUk.. . .. . .. . . . . . . due In vault a nd amount ~d Mr. Madiso n Earnha rt and MiBS Cub 31.502.81 rrom Datlonal bank... . ..... ot Item. 9. 10. II. 12 an d Anna Thomas I"ent Sunday at the TOlal 11 . ......... ..... UI.~ 0 2 .8 a 10.00 . MI..,.,UalMOu.cuh 1t4JllO . • "0.00 Reservo ir.
HAVE YOU8 EYES EXAMINED Mrs. Lula Davia was in Cincinn ati Of the Conditio n of t he Waynes _ _..: Monday . vi lle Nati onul Bank. at Waynes - ' ' - - - - - - - - -_ _ the at Ohio. of State ville in t he W. H . Allen was in Cincinn ati close of busines s . Sept I~. 1923, l\SEOU BeES. Friday on businl!88.
Dayton, Ohio
Get my terms for your Public Sale. I satisfy and savp. yuu money or no charge s.
2.'0000 Save your old carpets and tOO .OO Olh.r ...."'. If an y ........ . . . . and llet .. Wearw ell" Rugs made . 0$.41 .... .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!' . .. '!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!! Total. !!!!!!!!!!''!!!!! !!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!! !'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! '!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! n Rug LIADILITIES tinued. the score was 15 to '7 In favor Send for p.rlce list. Frankli 00 Co ... Frankli n; Ohio. Oapltal llock pilid In . . ..... .• . 1100,000. of Lebano n. .........78 60.000.00 8urpiUl twld.... . .. .. . 1t.981. Undlvldt<l proOta . . . 10"'...S. r Mrs . Nixon and Mi88 I!'lrea. of Leb· r - current UpeuM. and tax. paId . .... . ~ (II1. 2I 11."9.11 of to.OOO.OO Bnon, James Fires, wife and 80n, OlrculatlD. 1I0tel outallUlalDr. . N.tlonal Ne' amoUII'" duo 10 10.000.00 Middlet own, were recent guesta of bul.. . ... .... . .. ... . .. . ... .. 888.U OeralJled chock. ouUltandin.l... . .. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires. 785.00 .. Cubl ••·1 cbocka oUUllalld 22. 23. 2& 21. Item. 01 Tot.1 Street d Secon Near . 1I.eu.aa ... .. Street . . . and 25 .. .. North Main mbl"'" to Mies SUBBD Wright returne d home IndivIdual dAlpoaIUI ~50.a87.U cbeck . •..... . • ... . •. • . ..• • a g venUleatel ot depooll due In 1_ Sunday eve ninli. after spendin ..... . .. .. l.2u.oa ... •.. Y, day tban SUNDA INO ALL THIS WEEK INCl.UD H . OO delight ful week with Mr. and Mra. Dividendo unpajd ... . .... . .. . . (oLh.r dopalllA demanu 01 Total . 'blUl baak deIlO81U1) lubJect CO C. M. Brown. of Corwin . traded N . H . Heywoodl. of Dayton a-rve. 110m. l 6. 37. 28. n. his machin e. some time ago . for a 10 and 31. . .. . • • . • ~ 5 1 . BG'.16 12. Sl1.SS MI'II, , BaJlard time deIlDIU. . . . . . . . . . . . Ed Olber Mrs. and Mr. of .. Co s better one of the Wiggin 01 11111. a'llOlIta lublect to Tosal AND SIX' ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE Matt Mr8. ......v •• It.ml n. II . H. and Lebano n. Friday evening he went Leiitia Dean and Mr. and .~ ... .... .. .. .. .. U~ . a 17 . 18 Wood, of Xenia. were recent cailerll L1ablllllfl l other lblUl ~b_ 1\.11· get to went he when and . Dayton to 1st. r Ul.tI abo ... . . ... ... .... . .. . Sed Entire Week. Startin lr Monday , Octobe and wife. his car. he was' told to rt!port to on their uocle. Eli Pean ... . . . lua. eo~.u ........ . . . . . . TOlal When th~ police headqu arters . wamlll, U : All kinds of Feed, Seed O~tB. Tile. 8tate of Obto. County or arrived there he found that 'he he aboveI. 10. M. Hend.non. Cuhler o. U.e W. er. Fertlhz and C~al A Thrfllin lr and Senallti onal Photop lay Damed bank. do "'Iem~ Iwear lba, u.. UlQn was drivinl{ a stolen car. He came Fence Poets, ~ lI"DW my o. OIl Lbe Early, :~"ilte~~tl'lru.1o home and went to Lebano n, where deliver the goods. Everett Ollllhiew l\80N. HENDE M. : L ' 1924 Waynes OFHEIT REVUE SKELLEV Suoacrfbe d 0",1 aworn 10 batON _ 11l1I the COqlpany there gave him a clean L.ytle, Ohio. Telepho nee: 2111 d.y or 1I,"tembar. 1921. Ville. 76·3: Cen,terv iJle, 827. Georgeo u8 GoWDS and Girlies. hill of sale . HabloD Rid". . No'UT 1'1Ibl.c. ComIC' A Ltell" heen has who . Harner Belle Miss was It . Dayton in still W. H . ALLICN. The ce.r is LILLIAN MORTO N OATBS &: FINLEV WHITE W. n J. vacatio mmer mld.Bu ber g ~ro~ neal' spendin C. T. HAWKII -----...::::.:::::.;~~:.:::.:.:.=!1tBBito:otlem~ over Ii yeartheagoWigginS D_n. Co .. at home. has resume d her old posiKIRKWOOD TRIO THE BURKES Hamilt~n~ and stoae ry Millene l~inney the 'wlth tion Who car. . another on tr~ded It In l THE FAMOUS NOVELLE BROS. "The Love Birds." Will su ffer from the various trades I X • Ohio • ema. tbe by ned will have to be determi l Our greates t aim is to plea"i e our out·of·t own patrons . 'ight and family and Cartwll O. J. n The Lebano police authorit l\-s Mrs. Hannah Rogen. visited W. W. SPACIOUS LOlJNGING AND REST ROOMS. Co .. also had a clean bill of sale . Perform ance is Contln uoua- Noon to 11. Smith and family . of payton . Sun- - -- -day . The Smith. are prepari ng to g [ _C, 8_0d_50 move to Indlana"olis~ Ind. I _s,_30c_ n_lI_Sc_and_2_5c_ _ _E_ven_ln
·~Oo~'s- l'a.Ytori·-
---_ _--------
'Auct lonee r
(' o-Oper ative Adjust ment Co. . 4 0 6 Keilh Building
Fore st T. Mar tin
--- ---- --
Unio n Cloth ing Shop
Mrs . Mary Alle n, or Lebano n. i~ IIPondln g a wee II: wlSb her daugbt er, Mr8. Id", R owe. Mr. and Mra . Evert Vlll er8, of Dav'on . apen' t:!unday wi t h her mother . Mrs. Lanra Shldall: er. Several from here at'ende d t be Ku Klux Klan meeting and pand e at Dayton 11'rloiay of laet week. Mr and Mre . Rober' Carr afe spendin g It few weeks wl&h Henry Murphy and lamlly. of Frankli n. Mr . Buotle y and eon. Neal, and Mil!. Lindsey , of New Rlohmo nd. 'were the week.eD d It!Jee'e of W. A. HAioes and wife.
Try our C l 1I.9~ ili e d
at Lowea t Prlcea 123 S. J.,ffer.o n Sireel
Mornin g 8frlllon . " The Cost of Glory," Evt!ning. 7:80. "Tht! Man· line&:! of Christ ." All membe rs of the church are urge,1 to be present . Edward O. lJoll e r. Minidte r.
" 'n 'h. Co"....... S••01d.,. Paat Due Accoun t.
S."eral oales or soarlee lever ID 'own. KIM Llc1a Kllnned y Is ependln g Ii fe. ween in DaT,on . IIr. aDd Mrs. R. y BarrisoD SpeD' tbe week.en d wlU1 Ida and Barry . ' Bowe.
Fine Walch and Clock Repair lnll Odd Shape d Cry.ta la Fitted Wh:lle You W.it
Fre.h FISH and Quality OYSTERS
5t.. 1 Diac W h ••I.
No Colleclion too Small or too La,.e
FUrnIa hInp
Surplu s
$15,0 00,00 0.00
Over 30,1)00 Accoun ts
Cor. X.nla A ••• • "d St •• I.
CUT RATE D RUG STORE 33 Eut Third SU •• I.
121 5 M.in Stree t
Sabba th ~c h ool . 0; I :; II . ·m . preach· ing at 10:3U s' m . F.lJwort h Leag ue At the Chiles Hotel 6:45 p. m .; p reachin g Bt 7:00 p . ~Waynesvil/e, Ohio, Everyb ody is ~o rd b lly invited t o Monday s a nd Thu rsdaY8 from 7 to 9 these serv ice. o'c lock p. m. Rev . W. A. Wushbu rn, PllStor .
Quali ty
!Uk 5140 A n d Mo....
USE SOUDERS' ASPIRIN TABLETS B01 or 12 for 10c The Royal Remedy &: Ext ra c t Co. DAYTON . 01110 .
50th Anni versa ry
1\1£N'S n:uJ YOU NG M E N 'S
Mb euo .. h an l.
do wbat wo clllim tor It- rill your IYltem JLo~a l" 0 1 Jam .. nenblm; dect'Me<I . of CMarrh or Deatn.. . c&u•• d by Lilia .Dauham NOLlee II heroby Klven ~lIal Catarrh. ~ duly apllOluled and 'luellA.., .. has con. NE MEPI'Cl RRH .... CAT HALL'S JamN.BaD · 01 EI.'a'. tbo 01 ratrlx Atlmlnln QuIckly Iiala ot an Ointment ....blch tlon. Oounly. Ohto. 41 _ _ • and I,"m. lato 01 Warren catarrhal Innamma the llellove. 182 • • plel11ber' '3e ot day b~" u tb. H n.&ed CHURC S ST. MARV' wblch lhe Inlorn&1 MediCine. a Tonic. W. Z. ROLL . throUl\.h tho Bl oD ~ on Ih. lIIuco u. 0 1 'II. Probate 00)1" Jud/le E ightet!n th Sunday afte r Trinity. net. Warren OountJ'. Oblb ::'':ir~c;,en'hltlo~:. UllaUng to r estore nor . .2G Septem ber 30. Church School at 9: Sold by drunlll. l for over 40 y. a.... s. m., servi ce Bnd se rmon at 10:45 . ~'.. J . Ch. neY " Co.• Toledo. O. Yo u are co rdi a lly invit ed to attend thest! He r vice~.
W H ER E TO BU Y IN . D .A )1 T 0N )( l( ]( H 1( )( J( Jl )( U)()() ( )(
Notice Gf Appo intme nt
.Chlna· SoWI. WIJl far. 5 Poland.oop,; had .ood nUlDtMIw 11,., R. D. '. ~ow
Ut&er, John W. Be~oh. Wa)ne nUle. Oblo.
I:"ORD Roadlf' cr. Uta m-qdel. liar'. C er and demoan 'able rim. : II•• Dew. Bee Kenne'J 1 RUbon . a' By010 man·II 'ore. RYID for lale, gO(l per baeb. SII:ED el. Inqalr. of R, 'B. Uhoem •••r. 03
BaneY lbur" Oblo.
~R BALK- Good 'l'J'a:mb nll IMiecl Wbea'. B. V. BmtUl, pbOD. 3'1 3. 010 ' I Waynel 'fll1e.o bJo. •
f<!R SA['E- -A I 10' of Wladow ~~ in · go~J OODdl~~n. , li1qlllN of .... D. Mar.... . "'."aM lIlI. O. • ~ .,.1 , \ )0 .eta \" CERTI trIBlD tlUD :WDA T-l . hue a 'lIlDl'ecl' QIl......I.,I0!l ,.I. ala . Whea'I'ew ..... !l......... I hto
wheat WI'b l'iIl
W'~ ...ada
up well, (...,.... ....... add·'" .,004 yielder . al. D. a_~. ~Ill., Obto,~~., .t.,~.•I· ,; ... .,:',
'!t,.•. . •
;, 11I1!""~'" 1 ..... 1 J.w" 1110~ . . . qaplq Beam..-
iii. WIlla " TIm Iado!o. . . D. 1,
aDel woOd, . . ~ eqQlp~8D" .
~.~Die1UI~' 9b10·.
Seventy-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6562
Mi ~ ~ Clara Lii<· M I'!'nt Sundllv wit h relatives ir. Wa!hing ton . H.
G e or ~e
lIurn ilton . p f X('nill. i ~ the gueHl of Cp" lI amilton anu wife W. d. Allen ~'rlday.
W I' -
Born- ·To Mr , Ilild MrA C 'J i'l Cincilillati HiHey. Fl'lda.y ,",,' pll'fIllJe r 28. 1923. 1 R
Mrs Rnth Dllllll herly is visiting Telalive ~ in Detroi l
Mr. blld M r ~ A I( (;pv rg <'. of Asheville. N C . ~ fJ III II rouJl le of John Fromm and fumily .. pent Sun- dllYs h ere lhi ~ week vi Hitin)( wi lh rellltiveH . Jay with r e l l1 livt'~ in Dayl nn. Mrs . Chas. Ord. of Delroil. Mich. Karl Hllwk tl and wife, of n a~ LOn. accompanied Dr Ma ry Coo k 011 her spent Sunday here wi th r t! lu tivt!~ . retu rn trip. and will rem aiD for a Miss J l's~ie Clll rk, of Cincinna1i, few we!'kR' visit. is the guest of Miss Emma Heigh· it' rank Baumallter. wife and daugh way . ter. MiP8 Ethel. and P erry Shaffe r MiSt! Emily Ja~o bs. of Middle- of near Wilmington spent Sunday town. spent Sunday with Mias Emma witb Chas. Brew8ter and family . . HeighwllY. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gorman . of Sharonville. and Mr . and Mrs. Gus Mrs James Mitchell. of Waahington C. H .• Is spending a f ew days Engle and 80n Howard. of Cleves. wit)l he r sipter. Mrs. Roy MacBeth . spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Joy. Ed Cooper and family, of Colum· Mr. 8IId Mrs. Wolter Harbllugh bus stopped off here Saturday en· route to Cincinnati. and shook hand s and son. of Dayton. spent the weekend with Roy MacBeth and family with relatives. and attended the Klan meeting at The guild of St. Mary's church Lebanon . will meet with Mrs. W, H. Allen on Mr, and Mrs. B. H Hays. of Cin· Tbursday afternoon at 2 o·olock. A cinnati. Mr. and Mra. Amos DeHavfull attendance is deaired. en and MrR. Mary LaMar. of New Jeue Thoma8, Frank Thomas. Burlington were calling on Way· Wm. Ormlorf and Harry Prater left neaville frienris Sunday . Sunday for Ihe Redervoir. where Edwin S. Furnu and family. they will spend thia week fiBhing . Curtis TomllDllOn and hmily were All kinds of Feed. Seed Oats. Tile. recent vl.itor8 at the Zoo in Cincir.· Fence Posts, COil and FertUizer. We natl. Eli and Lawrence Furnas saw deliver the goods Everett Early. the ball game in the afternoon . Lytle. OhIo, Telepbonell: Waynes· ville. 76·8: Centerville. 827. Jas. Sale. Mrs. Mary Waterhouse. Geo. Waterhouee and Ethan Crane t! pent the week-end with relatives in Covington. Ky , and Norwood . Mr. Sale remained to IpentI the week with Mra. Chas. Lefferson in Coving ton.
,fine dinner. and about 100. member8 anrl. iuesls 8at down to I his well apPOlnt~ meal. It was one of tha . best dmner ever lIerved by the Star • I After dinner the member8 and ' guellta adjourned to the lodge room : where an intereatinll program was ! rendered Worshipful Mas t e r I ' Hough had chlrlle of thv program land after a few rem'lrks asked Sec: Iretary Zimmerman to r~ad the roll ' of living putmaaters. Fourteen Ipas t ters are II vlDg . maa an d e Ig ht ,an8wered the roll C!all. Worshipful
Mr. LepterSurfaee and famU,bad h . iuellt 8 SUIIIda. y Mr. .ftd a8 tell' Mr8. Earl Omdorf, and daughter. . D th ,. oro y, M W ~';' AII te Mr . !lnd rs . • n,' en en .rtained at dinner Sunday. Mi. J . .I. Cia r k • 0 f CI'n~lnnati Mia EmIlJ ~ • Jacobs. of Middletown. Mr. and lira E. V. Barn'1art and lira. Elama Barnett. of Cincinnati. and II" Emma Helghway • ------
For tho tWrd cOIl&el'utlve year Miller HUCKIWI bas pllotoo tbe N . Y • ..t.:MrtI!aDI W • ,....... all4 the· nlbl to pill, 10 tbo Wor. 14 Serl~'tI. Tb18 La a oew picture 01 tbe 1923 pta)' . ....~.. - - - - - -, J. T. jt'IHck, been in Nprlh ' Dakota th O . for k so me lime. aTrived home 18 wee .
wh~ ha~
Mrs . Sarah Ingersoll and Miss Guaaie ingersoll of Blanchester' Bre visiting Mrs. Mary Edwards and daughte~, Mi st! TrilJinll ,
- - --
AT CEMETERY M~terHoullhthen
The new season demands an attractive change and and the old reason-the same top qu~lity-invites you to this store. Never have we had a finer stock of Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats, and that's why we have made special preparations offering the newest styles, latest fabrics and finest workmanship at low prices
Men's and Young Men's Suits and Overcoats
to hold the bill, Severa] ridera did
Boys' Suits with 2 pair fants
Men 's and Young Men's Pants
S3.! $4.! land
Men's and Young'Men's !lals
a!:~~ro::.:~~~=~~.t= .
last Thursday evenlril. but owbw to bad weather. wu held at the heal. of Mrs. Lemmon. where of
the girl8 room . A leoci tim. . . . enjoyed by an. The .pread CObelated of wllnera. buna. pullllkin pie and picklee. - - - - " : -'- At their home 1UIIt. Sunday afternoon. and lira. Howard Archdaaconeelebratldthelr twenty·fiftb wedd'n~ amdvellU')'. Forty Kueata were p1'll8l1t from Dayton, Franklin. LebaDon. Sprint boro and Wa11lenllll. Mr. and lira. Arcbdeacon were thl reelpienCil ef many beautiful and ¥ul allta.
';~:t'b'rd ·iir.
A very enJoyable MId at the hOlpltabl1 boxne of )lr" UId Mrs. J. Milton lCeys In W8JMBYllIe. I.. t Sunday. Thl followiq ...... were present: Albert Terrell and famll,. of New Vienna, Ohio. Mr ..... lin. lIont· romery Howard and .p~. Robett, of Germantown. MI. atl. E. Hawk. ins. of Rlchmond.lnd'i IIr. and lin StaDle, M. Sallera and uu,bter Mill Llna, of Lebanon, Amoe CHIt · and family. 141_ Addle ~ II., Wrirbt. Clara lCey. and Horace
Tbe marriage of Amah san and SenK Neo will be IIOlemnlzed at the Waynesville Methodist Eplaeopal church. Friday evening. October 5th. at seven-thirty p, m: Special mualc is belnll prepared for the occulon. Buy your tickets early; price :m cent.. PatraDlze the Japanese Tea room In the church dining hall after the weddinl. --_. ------
e7S .
•- •
MOTHER'S ;ClUB TheMother's Cl.b will beld tba openlne meellna' of the JIU at U. ,rade bulldlnl nut Frida, after· noon. The ladl. wbo' att.odld a meetinll It Dayton ~iltlJ u rep- . reeentativell of our club will rI1IOtC,
There will be mlDJ tblnpto could-.
er and it i8 ureent th at aU memben DlpplDl IleJ' to oU occo81onaUy wUI be preaent. . , keep locll. ID order. Ait hinges mUlt •• be toucbed with ao oiled feather DO'II' • - • an 4 th en t 0 lBye t h e anllo),lIJlce 01 SubJCribe for the lII.ml Guett • rreaklD, 4001'1. . 01
In 011.
T~rclereewuG~ . S~d~ the starter .w as Ju. Odell. The ~dl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ re-1r--:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
----... -.....----
Reeular meetlrur of Eutern Star not get to the steep part. mostly on account of nnachlne trouble. One Lodlt'8 Monday evenini. October 8. A full attendance I. dellred. rider had a p()werful machine. and La M K' CUlley. Up =~At when about 20 yards from the Sueura Hawke. Sec'y. W. ». starter.
cord over lut year was beaten by 3-5 seconda. Maldwyn Jones making it last year over the 8ame course in 8 and 3·(; seconds .
asked the Maquartet. composed of Br08. L. N. Printz. F. B. Henderson. E. C. Crane and D. L. Crane for a selec. B J 0 " . h tlon . . roo . . ~artwrlg . t wu neXt mtroduced. gave an InterestIng review of the looRe in Wayne8III f . I v e rom Its nceptlon . Bro. OllCar P. Gilmore. of Dayton, wal present and made a fine talk. interspersing hi8. rpmarks with lie veral funny .tories. Grand Past Master W: ,:. Andrews. of Hamilton wu next Introduced. and spoke at ~enath hili remuka being greatly enjoyed . Bros. McConnaullhey. of Dayton, and Judge McCray al80 IIBve excellent talkll, Bro . Herl-ert Harr. of Hamilton. made an excellent talk along Muon· Ic linea. All a repreeen~tlve of the Grand LodIO. he hu endeared hlmaelfto tbe Masons in tbe whole Second District, particularly ot the WaJnesville Lodre. Those from out-of-town were: Put Grand Muter Allen Andrewa and wife, Di.trict Lecturer Herbert Harr, wife and molher. of Hamilton O@ car P . Gilmour and wife. Judre Alfred McCray and wife. W. S. McConnaughey and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Georae Marks. of Dayton and Ed Murrell. of Clarkevllli.
The Miami Valley Motorcycle club Jennie Doughman. of Midheld lheir rail hill climb on C. J. dlltown. was killed Friday afterThe foll owing Eastern Star mem- Hisey's farm, south of town lalt noon wblle attendinlr the funeral bers attended a convention of the Sunday. Tht~re was a record -break- of Mra Hallett Dakin • on the ceme21st di8trict. held at Blanchester on ing crowd prment. The road8 lead- terJ hiM. The funeral prot_Ion Wedne8dayaftern oon and ,evening . ing t o the me .. ! were crowded with wu about h.1f way UI' :tbe hill. Mr. and Mrs Chas . Robitzer, Mr . machines. and e x. perts reckoned the when a car abead of the one in which 8he was riding stopped and and Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman . Mr. and crowd at mor,e t han 2500 . The first ral:e was the 37 cubic Inch the brakes fallini to work, the ear Mrs. Cliff Himes. Mr . and Mrs . Myer Hyman. Mr. and Mrs . Walter race, and C, M. Cook. of Richmond . star tine back down tbe hill.. Mrs. Campl-ell. Mr. and Mrs . Fred M. Ind .. t ook first place. time 13 see- Doulrbman and her 1aullhter-in-law Cole. Mesdame8 Sue Hawke. Minni e onda flat . HE' r od e an Inrlian. Sev. jumped. It II thoulrht1tbat the aged lady .truck the curb at the side of Fromm, Ada Courtney . MaryCaaky. en entries The 61 cubi,c inch race was won by tbe road. Sbe wu broulrht to WayMiSil Laura McK insey and George Tom Underh'ill. of Muncie. Ind .• nellVllIe. but died in a very tew minWaterhouse who rode a Harley-Davidson; time utee. No one elee wu burt in the Mrs. Eve Miller returned Sunday II 1·5 seconds. Five entrle8. accIdent except tbe other lady who evening after an extended trip to The four·cylinder event bad aix jumped alit. abe lIuatainlng a alirht. Denver and Colorudo Springs. Mrs entries. The winner was C. Robin- Iy Iprained ankle. Miller accompanied her daughter. ette, of Dayton. time 10 '-5 BecOnda. • _ • Mrs. Lealie McCune. on a visit to ' ridinga Hende rson, MaldwynJonee Hiah Grad. Acid Phosphate. V. C. Mrs. Avery Needles and daugh- the crack rider of Lebanon. wu In ~ 2496 - ·t31.65. 24)16 at $3 1 65 per Ion ter. Guilda . She l eporte them very this event. and on the second trial pleasantly situated and enjoying was thrown when nearly at the top is at the rate of $1.32 PH unit of available phOlphorlc aciJ or l'q uivt\· lire in that beautiful city. While of the course. and rfl,ceived a badly lent to $21.12 C"r J6%. on w h i~ h lhe there they were entertained by wrenched ankle . retail price i8 $23. Save th e differ- Earnest and Fred Barnhart and ,The event ()f the aflernoon wu Due ball fanuhould look forward ence by uaing high grade V·C Fer- Herbert Edwards . All of these the 80 cubic inch event, open for all people wish to be remembered to comerll and seven entries were made. with interest to the Alumnl-Hbtb tilizer. Give us your order. Everett former friends Tom Underhill. of Muncie. wu the IChooI pme to be played on the new Early. Lytle. Obio. winner or this event. time a aec:onds HIKh acbool diamond next Friday flat; second. F.ddie Brink, of Dayton afternoon. The HII,b eehool boYII time 8 4 5 second8; third. Fred lDBiotaln that they have one of ~he Scott. Marion. Ind .• time 10 aec· beat teama the lCbool ever 8upported onds. while on tha otherband. such venerTom UDd~rbill. of Muncie. Ind •• able atbletea u "Red" Jonel. "Ed" . i b f has come \Oto 'prom nence eeauae 0 Burton. "Wet" WaterhouM. "SI" his track ridinll, having won over Thomu aDd "Buck" Craue hold twenty events this year. Be i8 a tbatJ"D 'with ~he ImD8tllment of young fellow. about 18 yean old, .tlfteneel joint. and weakened eyeand has a 8et: of Iron nerves. Be m,ht. they aresUII able to demongave a "retty exhibitioll of hili emte how the eame should be climb ridinR' . played. Game called at 3 o·clock. The hill on the Hisey farm start. • _ • off with a 45 negree incline. for 75 yards, and then jumps into a 60 degree incline. which shows up the temper of the rider and his ability
'a nd
Waynesville Lodie No. 163 F. & A. M. celebrated their 75 anniVer-\ ,aary at ,their temple Frida.y evening. , At 6 30 the Eastern Star served a
Men'. and Young Men'.
Mr. Thomas Millar. of Sprlna- , horo. was the iueat of Mr8 . Hannah Antram and Mrs. Mary CukeJ at dinner Sunday. _ __ _ __
.. ..--..
The second annual home comlnK ofthe Mt , Holly M. E , cburch wu wa~ held Sunday. September 23rd lit Mt Holly. Ohio. it'riends numbering two or three hundred paid homage to the home and church of their chilrlhood. and by noon the old town wltn e8sed the lat,ut pthering ever aasembled there. Ser· vices were held In the momlng by the Rev. Scarff and at noon dlnne!' was served at the old Bt\lorlatt bome and there wu everythlnll. the Inner man could wish. After dinner a picture was tslken of all present. Loving aervice wu beld at. 2:80, after wbich all departed votlna the l!I8Cond home cOJllini a aorand n~ cesa. In cloaln,l wlab' to 'quote a re~ lines appropriate ~ the' ~~ alon. ; Back alaln to old Mt. Bolly, That 1'8 where I lon, to roam; Back amonr tlbe billa.and ~all.,. TQ tbe pl~ wbere,l wu borD.. .
But tonight aad and 10D~ In IDJ far oft cit)' bome. AntS.m1 U!ou, keep :dritlina bIeIr· ward. To that dear lit. BoUy bome,
0 _ _W)lo Wu 'rime.
"Sa... bJ
AT COST Sl\I.[ Our Large and Complete .stock to Go in Thia Sal.-.t COlt and Some of Them Below Co.t. WS are not going out of businel' YET, but you know when this firm says AT COST, it means that. You will find many things -among our stock that you will have to have; some of them for this winter, better buy them NOW and save money. 1\ I
'I '
Here Are a Few Articles That Will Show You How Much Yoa Wif Sa" Old Duteh CIanser, 2 .cans . . 0.... 15e 15c La dOIe!'5toe ' k'~ ....~... ......' ~l" 'I •. ~ .12' Coflee or Tea Canisters. ' . . . . . . . .. 1e 15c Children's 'S *ktngl.: . .. '. -,' , ', • 20 25c Flour Sifters .....•......•... 18e 20c Children'S Stockinp. ~ .• ~ 'f ; •• 15. 50c China Tea Cups and Saucers . . 28c 25c Children's Stockings ..... ; .· .• 11. 13.00 Chocolate Sets . .......... 11.18 35c Boys' Stockillgs, extra beav)' • • White ·P lates ................... 18e 1 lot fine 35c C~~aren'9 s~kiDP.25. ' White Cups and Sa~cers .. . ; ..... 18c, 1 lot fi~e 25c Cbi1dren's, S~it:2Ot 20c White Cream Pltchers •.. . .... 14c 35c Underve~ts for Women •.. : ... 2'De ADd many other things that .pace forbida ull to mention.
2i. ,
. , EY.• rythlnc Qoe. In 1"hl. 8ale. except Masuln... Cqme early and get your barg81as before they .are goDe. (Tbis 'store Will be clOled Priday aftem90D to pt ready for the:" ,)./ ~
::r=, .FraDk B.
,. 6 :Wife
~w~....~· ~--______--~--------M.------~~~--------~~~~
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lltll<'rll1 fi n tl on t il
~lI~illc 'u us . Du yu u i-luu? '.rhe
rUI1 ;·h. II n.1 Ihls h ol~. WI! thN . mllke nn 1", ·,, 1 "mil l r"r rllunlnl( !th, r l'n tt le or 11111 'jlllnll " IIcrosS Ih(l hM,le r. 11011
J \
r.."C't rontrn l of
Ih.· 11\UI'h 01 hlR tflthl'r 'fO .M n th. the f 1I.\\\"s hc lin~ hroU!1li t thl'ro (roUl II N~R Ih(' 1)lw. Ilnrl \: Ilrrltyl!< d (>~\.l Inter".t In Ihl' nrrllir. a ll COlll hlue to l;laIH'
A"V ClIUl«liotw 0" et4qIUlt'1l ""II lJe gladlr (l"IWcrea CIt 1M, oolu"... if adcfre,~'o
Wi llI
A. Lecta. oare 01' 1'OHr'.
" YoH
"1 did not beUeve
WOI1Il1 !'e. for at nil. T he truth r eoll y hl1ven't ~o molter or roco~ know quite II bIt
you Ire not tllat lort II, 70U~ I IId3' , you much on llIe ' Ln th~ nltiolL 1 hllppen to about 7ft." "About me' Tou' What. may I nlllr ".JIlIt·. bit, '1111 , 8111'. a mere picture uot ...., tCIIJ'lOtten. 1 811W you once. her_ ner 10U came to Mens r'a raMII.~' I ~IV~ remembered It ever alDee. '1>0 TOU remember .. morning In AuiUat. 1918, wben the Thirty-thIrd dlwhd.en went oftr the top, wllded a rh·... u. eleaned out the he1,bts bf>y'o nd' It w.. a sharp fight, and IDu of the'bo~ never clime baclt:. You NtmemtlW;' dOll't ),OU'" .
lOt m1D~ mUlt bave be. for they haulell me bllcll to ' dri 'ftnt-lIDe iaoapltal aud bad Boml
''WII,I,. 0{ wa • .there, lind abo~ , etp~ ~'~~. , .MLne
," i
I.' "
, \'~t 4
~'lI-Y.u ~~
tI,\e Frieco Kldl"
" ~h ~o~~ b~o",
;t.-:n"1Jfi.,,1 I ",... up. ''The mllil nen to me dIed, :~ ~ tile Ilnrtle wbo wall wIth blm-tlbe . halr-" wu h_nJ.T built with very Ugbt . , "18II1e 8MT~" " \\ • ( . "I 1I0D't ~, ab :"91 me • ddDJI; of JPlltet, nt!· then they put nnoth.. w~lIed illY lDto the place , wbwe ~e dead /lOd>, had , been. He , ~ .... JUI£- 'ldd, uot ' mor, thlln BOVeD. tea, J:net., ~II Wli& crytJig LOie II \ bab,. , hIa.. "~.all abot to plec'el!. ~,N4 nu~e, an.d , I IllY there \ ull . )low ,oil , ~ed ~Im up, l It'. Dot 11lfely you've toJ'l{o~, thatn t "'l'foJ.·!foIP 8119 b4!nt he 'head. "Be , :) . . . trom DilJ to_; b~e lIIed thllt
drill :l1 n nl! onl'1' lthll ."
1'iJ,..." mil It I'1I>w ly: plrk In /! tll r lr pnlh n l f'n~ II ... tmll I"ft hy II", tw n IInh nn l ~. findln):, 1\111,,'1111"" In IIII' "u nol , o eclI :"lpn n l1y I<' t l':ul iI'Il h y nil tl1I(I TOp pin ).!' r()("k (U' th e Xlh \~ NI r (,u-.t of ~ 1l 11l f'
dln Jrlllf!' .hrllh.
In~ ;(
r (lnJ l7, d
n tul\'C'. nnct the ~liUf1 1 l"r1 h~r tlrcnthh"'!-=s, frmlt
de~cf'nt TIo" slI n cl
,1I"' PP""rPrI :IS 110"... rearhNt tllp lo \\'(,T l e \, p l~ , tlaC" \\' n ll ~ lip ("'om1n ~ fo> hNl r r n(' ~\ , hu t l: 1 11~ I I1\d with gllll1 po.:: . Ulul On n ll," 111+''''(1 W('rt> mol!'l l o r h'~ 1'C dlilliCt I with \ I't!l,tll h l. - ;.:ru" \ t t .... t t hp b nt tnm , \, ll1'rt' t h i' I WII h n !':'- l""
\"h]~ o pt'\n PYf' 5I, unnhle tn n '~ l rH ln h t'r
amazeme nt. ·.'W h)· tlr ls II' ~IIIII' I !" IIIn'·\·,·ln" .... s ire (lX('l nhu('rI. "I IIld nOI rrpP I"I!dllIP whll t It llIl'nnl rmnr "I' 11J ,lr". 1"00 ho\'(' h ('n down hpt·.. hrr01'(I, Y'lII ~ nlcl? YOU-YOll do n ot b~llc,"" ~' Oll ar .. the onl y olle who hn,s mnd" tlll~ tll scovery?" "No: thnt Is hnrclly prnhnh l('. TllP r were ren sons why It \VaS ImpMAlhle tor me to dl'ter mlne thp Intlh \l"h .. n 1 WR8 here before. ~' et ] tOllnd e" I!lI!tlces Omt oth ers 11/111 bct)n b"f,'re m~~thp remnlns of a camp Ore. nn expl odell cnrtrldge .hell. II nli C\'cn Ihe Imprint of cottl e. I 11II\'e no w lsll t o frlght{>n you. MI ss Dchorah. but my Id cn Is thnt probnbly this pln ce has been. lind per:hnps stili Is. a hiding "I nce tor thle\' es." "Cnttle sten lers. you melln T' "Yes. nnd munitIon nmne rs. Thb whole bord4!r Is bon eycombed with thnt sort ot thing. lind tbls hole l! certaInly nn Idea l hid eout. Come, let'f alt down her e a rid ent whn! we have. tor I Am not going to ri sk a tire. nn(1 I'll tell l' on II tH eor y I've worked out_" "PleAse do." . The bnJ: of tood tho gIrl hnd tileClIrcc1 frOID the rnn ch kit hen was cllretull y 8trnpptl(\ to th e su ddle ot Sultnn. Kelleen procu red thIs .. nil s prend the co ntent~ on n strip of grnS9. They " 'ere both eatin g when he re!lnmed speech. '" 11m Inclin ed to think." he s aid grllvely, "tho t this hns hecn II rClldeJ;VOU8 for tbat 'sort ot trnfllc tOT" year$. I don't bell'll\'e Itlnn)'\ hnve ! kJlQw~ ,bout It. or else 80IilC whI spers would hllie renched ine. but thi s particular section ot th e border hOB heen n sore IIllOt tor yellrs. Someone stumbled OIl this plnce 'nst exactly 8S I hllveperbllPs several lomebodles-but my pre8en~ .notion Is that the dIscoverer was either Bob )lepger, . or one ot the pilrepntoble gang he has with him.
. ~ I never ' 111\'1' , you ognln. I . ,.outd ban llkild to' mighty well. null ,I dldll't eYeD know ),our nllme thenJUit a merDor;. of Jour face:' u'e reatbed QUt bll hand .nddeol),. "I-I \ wtah ·TOIl'. shllke hands w1th be. IIIld. __ «!It heel tilting nt bls boldDeIII, "adi!~O pretend to torthat 'FrlII • buslneS.!!." , "I hat. fo' . . It," she IIns\\-erOO Iteadll)'. thetr e7" ~d- handl ', Dleet-I "You "If-ete' a BolMer lJi m:r dlv1. ell; ~ . belIeve ., lD:, 70U,' an~ 11m ),our
· tme."
. ' , ...
CHAPTER VIII . .... au", f1I kFrleco Kid," • 'To Deborah, Kelleen wa. no longer i blllldlt, I aHlng fugitive from 'ustlce, bu,t & IOldler who hlld been wollJ1l1~ III blttle, who had played ti.e ~art of a lIIa11; wh1le t. hIm the girl i?'U no i 1011", a ItnlY rDnlIwa)' In hit telt Uttle Interest., but II line whoee race had hllunted hll 0f'1 lalnce be, had 1In!t watched . er 1Il me ~ ' bt f~! Frebell I Bun. \j'!!"" IItood there on the rim of thnt .~ tater. thl I1'lm, 11'87 du~rt : ~relm. ~e 'Iiout. neither IIble . til' \hIU of., & wC!.~d to 817. Debornh's . , . feU, UId :abe wttlldrew her hliJld. tiarmn, .., ~re Into the depths below. The Illlbt lmovement lIen-ed to &roUlII x:.Jleetl tl\ ~e IltuotJon. . "W 4111, ~thll 'wID never do." he exClIIJmed, ..", ~aerfulJl_ lD hla tone. 1rU1 hav.t a ,1a18. trained. on tIIa~ 'b..el~ we get to cover. th~ ,hQ.I'let1 do~ first; 8IId til, \est 't>oute lind we can I
"'I'Y rrh 'ndl~'
e xrd l ~ nt
t f"l'lIl~ , tt l It' ~1II 11 ('(1 J:I\("III·nnturr.llly. "Yo ll nrtl quito n CT 0 88,t' Xfi mlner,
"" 11 1 lill \'ur o r thp r nrn l~ lo.'it by (,11t· I III~ It fI!T. A ~ ru('('rlll WilY tberor()~ I " "III It. I. to hMllk tbo our l ... lr Io.. fun' tOUlm"" cIJlS 10 eat
M I!N ~ I f-rt'tllth , S n Tl)rtimcs. you l,,'llI'l W, It hf'i'UllIt '$ ri~cc:-="Jtry t o pi n )' n part In Ilr,·. \I ha l I ~ Ih .. r 'lU sc r"r ull 11011 :illn· \,d ql1l ·.... l ln nln ~'?· t ") Iwrdly kOfl\\' 1I1 ,\'~e lt. Inn It Is a ll J;(\ ~ t f'a ll J:f", nn .l h:t:o t!npllcIH·t1 ~o s ud· d enl,\', I 11 111 Just lU'g ln n JlIg t o thluk d t'ul'ly , I ill w .tfd Y(I U Im t'll('n to
"I rll rl no t ""l' so." he 8mll" 1\ back; ··'In.! now thlll yo" drh'e me tD a conf,,".lnn. r nrl)!I 't "s ,,-ell mnke II tu ll brcnst pC It. 1 \\"n~ trnn s't l! rred t o toke ("o""'Uln.1 ot n cOIII[lnny." "A cnlltllin 1" "Y es." "Why!" She drew In her breath abnrply. leaning forword with new
no\v 'what J
outlaw. ft renegad e? You are not renlly th&-the 'FrIsco KJd'," "Oh. yes. I run . At lens t I nm a\l the '~"rlsco Kid' there C\'er W IIS. to Ole besl of my knowledge. nll.hl\ugh ] tnll to line up entirely wltlr the reputntlon 110 kindly glvt!n me by '['0 \.1' Reynolda. Tbe 'Frtsco Kit!' 18 on entirely monufactured .:hurncter. U1u(le for d prac·tlcnl pnrpose. Do you grn sp the Id"Il117" She ahooll her head. hut her eager ~e» belled the IIctlon .. "You bllve a gllmml'r, neverthelese. nl explaIn. Tbl.s portion ot the border bal been a hotbed of outhlwry for ye.re. It b .. bntUed e very cODlmll.lldIna officer uslgol'd Ito tills district. \Ve had no Intonl1utlon to work on; suspects were numerous. but proof laeklnl/. FInally a plun of nction wus evolvel1, but to co rry It Ollt slIccesstuUy. R desJlerado with lin estubllshed reputation liS a bod man WDI nrst of Sh, Drew In Hor Breath Sharply. nil most essent"ll. With this end In nlll!'~rnes.~. ¥Then Rurely you are n~t view til e 'Frisco ]{ttl· was cllretully put on the stuge. Newspapers aloog th'll coost. lind neo r the border begnn to note hili exploits; dispatches regardin, him were sent east: reward8 for hi! capture, deod or 11\1,·1.'. were posted. It WIIS Intnmoted. nnlllly, 'when hla n llme hnd become 8ufllclontly 1'nmllln r. thot he hnd esCIIPed Into Mexi co. lind then thllt he had been aeim agnln 10 tills nelghborbood, Troops were dl8poteh'l!d to run h!m down and word to thnt ef'fect Icattered' broadcast on both .1 dea the line. You see the purpose lit It 1111 r' "To wIn the aonfid,mce ot the real gong?" "Exactly ; nnd It worked. Tho end II "Irendy In slgl1t." "nut who. th en. lire YOII?" "Dllnlel Kelleen, Just: ns I told yon. a captoln In the -rd cnvn lry." "YOU-you volunteered tor this servIce?" "Yes: you see It was Impossible tor the depurtrnent to u se nny officer who bad heen statlonell IDtely along tl,ll border. Suell a onu might be humedlolely recognlHd. and the whole IIcheme ruIned at once. At the same time, whoever WBa chosen to pIny tbe chara cter llluM hll\'e Intimate knowledge Of the border_ I met the requirements fu 1\1, as I had nerved here ten
- -.----
:reaM! 1";0 ~8 a m~e Ibo1', lind !mew the country talrly well. So here 1 am. tbe ·Frls.:o Kid.''' Dehornh held out he:re hnnd hnpulIh·ely. "I'm glad :rou told me," she sold lD al\ frankness_
be,'o illt!
A New Viewpoint. SIll.' hod been sleeping for nearl, two hours, wIth beud s Ullported on. a snddle, .tbe steep WD II or the canyon on Qne side of her nn,1 th e \'lIl1ey Itself
"Guns ?" "\I'ln\lll'llt lo n Rn" boor.c ror "lIIn ; , • U 801ll~ cOInhlnnt\on lhuL It Is t o go O\, l'r th e . hor der t nnl" I'I. nn ... 11 nl" a wa'" ot mon 'y coru,," Luck . 'l'hllt will be the ' Kld's' Jail. llC rhul' • . It Melll(e r
th e
sl ld~,
d oesn 't s how up by dUI·k ; w e IlIlV,\ u'l IIny ordcl'H hC)'ond II ·rll."
MRgn l f yl n ~ GI ... Needed . Till' .. Mil ... · !:II,I,·. smulles t Dible "Y oll Ihlnl< Sl'no r H"b '"0 ) he would kn uWI •. h"" " ' ":O .lIlr~· lnl: !:ln s8 In the a nd him 10 brlnl( hllck tlr ' ,""n r )" ?" "Su rl'; it's Ilft~' · 'HIY wllh "II :wlte,'r. CO\' l'r ,, 1111 \\ 1110'/1 I I) rend th e I,rint .. 1111" ' I'rls"u ' Is ull l·ll.llt. He'" "'Iullre lng,
118 the)' IItuke "Ill. I' vH nlwlIYs Ih'lIr,t _ _ _""!!!'""!!~""!!!!!!""'!!!""!!!""!!!~""!!!~~~ Huhit's h- I, of COUrHl\ nil\\' un' IlIt' I_I. hut he
sent l ong.
hy U,e
t r e6
K c ll e~ n?
n l?\'t~r
d ouhl (' , t'J·o~st " 11
:lI l.rl)ody,
spe hetter till til\-) nnrl',,\\' \'u th-y .
tUU!'l t n lt"f'IHly he n oo n
S liD. lind.
nr tuDtl'tl hy
,I"esl ,·c
to do SOln t'lh ln l{, she tinnllr h f' gn u t o nrrnn.:e II lI1~nl t OT' hls f t:!:ll1rn, StH'
I he
or pru\·lsh'11 8.
wh,'n 8111ltll' nl1' l,.:~ r (I,\"'~ ("Il u,.:ht sight or !'IO II\(-t 11111,1;: ttl ovln).!' rnr hehlw. UUlt to III' r rI ght. OhJ ....'Ls lit Ii "'I Iollrol tu
(,l:." rtJl~d
"'0 'ltl,1
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h ,l .l dCf'lth·tI th e f'III1~' lIn Ilr n hHhl~',
81(,1I(1I\y un. Il ro\\" lnJ:
rll n.
T h.·y
II I1 J ri '
, ' lstiu r t elld, Irllnuto. yet sul l t oo ,
II '
l(1 w t! r
FllrUl"r" uf Wnrrllu "nd "djolnluK co uuthlll Illtly u b tutll woney 011 louli: tim e lo"u" . "' fi .x~ In,.,re~' . l)ud 01 dtjCU rin K t.be "Ill" i8 very reaROD. ubI... throul(ll The Fdderal Land Billl k. F or furth Ar Informa!I?~ 0,,\1 on or urltl rO~d 1\1 . t,; DRA K E. !rea! · urer , ph une :ll r.- X. Lebllnou,Ohto.
ny tor rt·coJ:lll llnn.
Fanners, Attention!
1'IIIf'rC"l II K
fr"lII I he '''''ry l"if'tt In th e r<l<'I;s wlo,' re 1
<,·,"','1 . lind wnlted hrelllhiessly. Two. wl !:I ' <:0 111<1 tl. nt tI1 ~ll n 7 It st>\!lI .ed
Money to Loan on Farms at 5t per cent for five years.
for h"nlt'l' ("fl nlt'. II \\"IIS ha r,lIy 1'011' s lhl e hI' IIH!I met wi Ih lin)" ('nlllrrllle here. if-If he ""liS rl'n lly \\ hilt he hnd cluh" t!tI tu hI!. T he tholl /: 1o1 of Ilt nl "It" st l"tl~k ht'r Il k . II hl ow. nut WfllI he? "' liS ' 1 1(~?
Ucl' l'.n:~
e \-~ rr
w as n tl t
tine nl
Wilmillgton, 0., phone 301.
Htfal ul'd to
mO\'PllI l'ut of 1I, l'SC 01>proli c h fu J{ l~nrN "IIH·n . She cnul rt p p r· el>'c ell oll):h II lrl·II11.\· I" hc r(' rtll ill Ihnt K elleen
L oa ned on \lVtl elook, M ONEY otl .. tl.ula, f\ ls o sooond mor'VIV.. ·
t h o ~ro llp;
th ey \\~rr l'Ol h ~lt 'xlt ' nn R. Ill' lit lens t so IIttlr,,\I. I1 nll tl, dr IIIl1unl s "(Ore :l1l·xIcon trtll'l.lnl(s. LIllI e os Ihe girl knl'\\- of the frontier. sh p lit nn ce r!'nllzed th e thlll!\" r or bein g .1Isco vered by s lI r:h IlI l'n. Tho Approaching Horleman Wal In Dehorllh WIIS consdou8 of lremhllng Plain Vlew_ In f'\' U"y II III b. " " 'ht! l'roudwrl there. appronchlng hnrs,' ulIlI1 wns In, plain beh ind Ih l' lell \·es. Ins lln clh'ely )!rlls p- vlcw. nnd, e"eu tit thut dlstlln('e, the Inl( th e onl .\· wCll pnu In hur (J"'''~ ·s~I"n.! girl hn.1 no tlouht nB to hi s Identlty_ Th en s h e 8ulltl ll nly re~o'."T1lze, 1 one of Her ,'un' hunr! ~ ceulI!rJ to cellse belll(htl rid ers os .!tUII1 :'>II 'Whl'7.. Ing OS ~ he kn utt. unxlou s ly ",,,tehlng The)" h",1 t~lIo\\""ll her t h,' n. nnd his npprollch. t l'l! hors e lopIn g s teA.... were "t'eklnl; her n,n\". '1''','1'(, rould Ill'. Ihe mlln ~ wn)"lng gently to the be no """s lille tlt1 l1 l, t ns tl) ~lIn t.' h (:'z ' mo\'ement of til(! u lti mul. '''ho, 10mi ss ion . lI " w 1111' (t'!lo\\' h", 1 rCllchetl d ecd. was lr ~ thl 8 Dan ie l K clleen7 there 8" '1 11 it-1( 1)·. ,,".1 \I" h)' It ~\"t'n 111111 thl. "Frisco KId"? WlIS Ire " r{'ul been s U ~\l ede' l sh ~ hull so ul':ht this IJIlln In wholJl ~ lle could tru s t nnd beremOle Sl'l't IIr re( u):'e. W,'I'~ ullsfth"e ll lI eve? In whose hono r Hhe could conQuesti ons. )It'[ It WII ~ hll(hl)" prohnhle Ode ? thut Bearcldn): pnrrltfs huel bel!o dlsOr \\"ns he whllt Ihese ruffians 80 llatched In (,II dh·t'ctl uns. IIntl the confidently proclnlmell-nn outll\w. a J\1exl clln hnll been th e on" whol1l Fute desperado of, thl:' trnnl le r. Iln ..scnped bqd henel"" thnt WilY. A n.\"how she {t-Ion . hIding trull! JlI sti ce. and e,'en cOllld nOl "It('clllnte rr s to how or wby. now en gog"lld In-. 1:i1e comnilttal - of She ruU St Unll hiding plnce so me- rrlllle? Thes l' fellows took It tor whl're among the rocks. grnnted thnt he wu s present ron the Hcr e~'C9 trll~ ell th e rllg)!1>{1 hluft ~a ll1 e crlmlnfll mi ssIon RS them e lv es: hOl lel e~sly; to nttf'II'pt ~cn lin~ Ihut he had dellberntely lett her. nnd rode would only bring 11I!r Into fu ll "Iew, aWRy seeking ' traces ot lse\Jt'er's yet tilere wo s U frlngtl ot thick gnng In the ,'olley-seemingly th ere bu~hes below Into which she might wile no esenpe from the one conclllplunge. 'i'hls s (!e lll~1I tho ouly hhllnl( ilion. thot he \Vus purt of the conplace IIvullnble Itntl she cre(Jt throW, h 6plracy. He had lied to her. deceived the thick fringe ot !Jnls h Into the h e r. told her II flliry tllle. la~hlng at sltudow. Tbe two horselll en carne her credulity, whllo coldly going ferslow ly. cuutlously. "I> Ihe ~lIght slope. 'Ward with his own plans. stnrlng nhout them s uspi cious ly. yet Deborah graspeil nil th .. almost 10Onllln;! nnthlll !! 111 Ilrt! "nlmlliit !Jut II 9tnntly, unable to perceive nny passlbit ot trullllll c ll grnss to t ...11 thllt the blJlty of escape trom the net. Her spu t hllll u~cn occu(llt,i1 p"I.!\"lou~ly. limbs trembled. yet she cou1<l only Dehornh. secure In 0 detl ot tbe kneel there In silence. watcltlng the rock be hlo(1 a Il\"\.~root 8C"e~n ot ItPllroocb ot t,h e rider. A wtld bop. chnporrlli. crouchcd IIl otl olnl ess, with thrilled Into bl!r \Jourt, tltat perhl1ps ' ellM! strllined to rll!tl!ct Ihe slightest this mnn wos not oil blld; that 'Wbatsoun(\. Sho wns una lrl" to l ee, but eve r his relll life might be, he may coul,1 henr plnlnl y. flll~ ' til ere wus no' have meant to be IIqullre with her. dUllclilty In re cogn lzln ~ the voIce of unll would yet protect her. Surely he Sunchez. . never hnd revenlcd her presence to "WhlltHer do you S U l1 po ~e hns be- these others; I>erhllps that waB why COIll!' of thl' nl. J ose ?" he IIslwd COIII- he hod not r eturnoo with them. boplng plalnl n;:ly. "l.'h~y were lO hnve come she might aee the strangers. and hide. yestertlay. you tell 115. lIod yet they His Orst worda sent Il thrill through nrc not here." her heurt-he was 1110ylng II port tor "nul xO IlWolle Is. senor-see. there Iter protection. hns b<'cn <1111111 Illude." He reined In his mount sharply. "Thllt wus th e guard: the rnnch glnnclng ~eenly nbvut. but with fnce ornllcl Is nn tire pony grnzlng you,ler; el."prcsslonleRs as his eyes ftnnlly enI t"" k nOle " 8 \\"e roile by. I wonder countered the two awaiting him. " 'hol'e In h- I th e fellow ha s gone~ "Whose horse III that?" b. osked But he hilS nOIl!!ht to do With Cnse- Inquiringly. Indlcntlng the grnzlng beer's outllt. Th" guleh Is empty, ex- IInlmal. . C~IJt for the Ind we Im!t below." "1 know not ti1nt , senor: 'tis Men"And whnl does he do In here, ger's brand." senor? Who WAS It )'ou cRll blm?" "I can lee thllt for myself. but It Sonchez Inu ghed mirthlessly. wos not here when I came by. WIIS "Hiding Ollt, Jose: lhere III no 1'"!l8. anyone besides you two sent In here lion to fenr thnt ",Y. He', the 'Kid.''' on this bualneu?" "The 'Frl8cO KJd l' " Sure. I hellr "No. senor," there WIIS ft touch o. ot hIm. They say he held up tile Lo. deterence In Sllllc hez' voICE! most un· Colos I tllge." usunl, Deborah wns quIck to note and Sunchez lau ghed. appreclote. "On IS the two of us. Yet " 'Tis not nil the:r say. He Is thf It might be. for we knew not C'nlD devil'. own, It holt tile tnles be true- til at you were to come nlso." , "That wall lin after· thought. Ind a smrroth-spoken boy enough. but nol the 80rt to make sport of. Mellge!' why I rode 10 hard nnd strn lght. I knowl 111m-aye I" lind he alnpped hll knew abo~t YOU. dldn't U" knee rOllghl, at the hllPPY tbeught, (Coe,leueel on Da,e 8
"lInll fhnt I" wh7 tl1e 104 Is here. no Thought. for the Day, doubt. T hRve It now; Boh could not The ma n whtl .hlfts re"IIODs lhlllty come hImself. Jose, 80 he lent thlll follow. But why the b-l dldn't be loon nnd~ Ihllt r""l'o n~llJlIlt)' sWlImpI hIm. t'Q)1 t:tlQ 1 wnnrtA"7"
N .:l 'otl OOOl(l1t . .Juhn HI\rbh'lI, A 1111. BUlldlllK, Xenta ObIO.
I Want> . WANTED '1'0 BUY-Lllmbl, Del!llne preterred . J. A. Sar'ml\D. R 2 146, Burltngton, Ohio. 017 ARMtJ WAN'l'ED-Wan$etl 'a' Fuear fcom owuer ot f!lrm or lood uoLUlproved Illod for sale. 'btl vloID-· Ity, L. Joues, Box 81 , 01ae1,111. 03 ANTED-Men or womeD &0. W ",ae ordera for genuine lua,L\uteed hO~lery for men. wameD aDd, oblldren H:llmlD"'88 darulng Salary '75 a week filII ttme . '1.60 aDo honr ~p"re time. Ut)Hllu~. b",,'herl. IIlIb . Inte rn"tl o llli/IS'OOll.lulI' MUll. 01-4 N o rristown. PI~ .
of 3 room8, partly moderD H OU8E aod In good o(JudWon. ,arage and Bleo~rlo lIgbt~: rent '8.00 • month. Inqalre of WlIslev Blgge. CorWin, Ohio. 017
_~!J Rod Pige-Two large BoWl SOW8 and 20 Pigs for 8a\e. R. B . e:;trouee, R. D. 5. WII.YDesvl\le, Ohio, '\. 017 8hropthlre T BOROU<:tBBRED Buolt: Laml>a . Inquire of Davll FnrDIUI, R D.', pboue B7-iYa. Way. nelVllle, Ohio. 010
Wobd Beanng 8$01'8, A GOOl> Owenl makB_ loqulrll\of Frank .Marshan, Bellbrook, Ohio
.':.. "'" Pow,. AliI) l<"PLAtN IT ,"AIN .1049 \lllOULD tl"lIe BEeN. COIooVI("fl!P A" THe TlZ.! AI. 8vT THEM. WM ," MAIUll~" COVP\.e 01" TWa .,u~'{ AND
llUer, John W. Belioh, ·K, D. I, Wa)neevllle, Ohio, 010 roRD Roadlt~r, 11183 model •• tar' er and demount"ble rima, !Ike :new. See Keoneth KllboD, a' HymaO'1l Itore, 010
RYE for lale, 900 per bUlh. S EED el. IDqulre of· R. F. Shoemaker, .Baney. burg, Ohio.
SALE-Good Trumbull 1:!ee4 FORWheat. 8 V. Smltb, phoDe 51 3, WayoelVllle, OhIo
• • DOH'" KNOW; BUT THE~~~
80WI. Will 'ar. 5 Poland.Chlna roVl' lOon; hl\d good nnmber firll&
010 I
ur the
O Ul'
I d boy" gllirle. lire gllm lit Ih.! f'O II I1n drnws It turth whllo tire 1'''51 of lhe ' I crill clzw -Exgong couches lItll •. Chl1n ge. _____ _ _- - - -
Aln't Ihlll 111 m roun dill' lll llt lllll!! whl ' h s hc hnrt lIecn cltll.·t'lIl crl O,'IIIJI"I.h . yollder? Sur.. It 1"- rl,lIn ' thl. Wl1Y . 1"11' 1':,,1,,' tt> II sk hl1l1 ~l nrl ghl wI .... I,~ St"urct1l'd t he full h'll gth ur lhe chu s llt wltt ll n rrn('h or her '· I ~ l on . hut di s· g('t!oi hrre:· l .('hol'nh. rl'lgh l (,lI l'tl hy what IJl le cO " er~d nn h.ce ur h is pr p!'O I'rH'p. It wns not 1111. ' th e 11I"n \\" \' ul.1 1)1' lib· 1lt'1I 1"l1. 1If1" d 1"·I". l'it s ll" lo ll ,l" SII nR 10 the
B,..,aclo- Oluten or brown brend Is " " "'lIt llenl moro hr'nlLhy tlud bill! - (I f I' HoU'r lshmcnt Ull.lU white.
WW:'1UO. ·t'o!nUll. IV " _ ..... ".11 ..:
Thr ou~h
h i,=-l iI> hll ll rt.ltnhlf> th llt K .l llt~ cl1 l't}ult1 hu\'e 4,.l n fou ntI 1 r ",tI It frl elld In tl.ls 8PIII- 1\ m"l1 III whol11 hp I. nt l fli llh whn wus n~ t.ul'lil n/r.: \\'lth h i lll , It this wn ~, II~ l lf~ ~l) e " (()I 'nll y IIPll e \' ed, f\ hlttUl' ll IHir nr ulltlHWFt. 11 rcm l cz\' ous
Burn. CA,dd) -An Delli burn l,e flushed Ilbotlrall y with cold ", gtl'r Rlltl then \\~l s hcll \\-Ith a . t rOil I solution ot Iio~dn.
"Who t eU yon-Ill!! -l\..,u , IngenuIty. "Either ooe ot 'em ' r IIk l! to know One ot tbe Ul ost exciting oeeutlllwhat till beln' 8ttl Cl<~(\ U\l llJ:ul nst un tl ons Is Ihllt In wh ich 1"JII' SI~OY8 en· a job like thi s lIsuhe r'l! lucky. bU I snge ",h{'11 a colu ,Irol' I h"'US~I: bls outfit' tlrl ~ ~rlp wOIIIll be ",,,l\lhty grilling In til l' ~l l le\\J\lk. 1)0 I['n g sed ri ch IUlUI It ile IIlIould hlll'(J en tu tall I Is tOIlIr t! liI·H I. S"IIIl',)lIt~ 1" '0\ Ilit!!! II CUI . of chewln)! J:ll lIl. wll lr ll Is Blll Ck orr tIe
e.x:pedlHltly to her f uet.
Tr ~our !!hower Is to be small !lO.1 I" torinol. tho InYltl1UonB m8$ bo llI<'r(>ly verhul. If. l!<>wt'\'or, It Is t" lit' a In rf!'er u!Tuu·. "end ca rtlg by po- t. word",! ~omf'thln )( like IbIs: "11[1"" :lJ a rlflll Htew.lrl will buve a .bll wur ut b ~r holUp. t or M I." Chontl lt·r . ou Wcdn ~9Clny. Augu"t l Otb, lit (o nr o·clock. (~!) A ~how (!r Is nRIIII ll1" fln Illrorllllli aft'nl r, lUuklng thp Ilftp. rnoon IlTf' t erRbl e. hut. H yon ....· I~ h to Inclnde n1('n. th.. c\"elling I. tho WOlit lIO\lul1lr time.
~lrllll lcl
L1 _
shut :om(1let~ly off by .. thick gf'1wtll nf MII Mlh. She hRrI not r elll\7. (\ how tln'd she WIIS. o.nd, In ta ct, res te,l tl",r ' 80DlC Hme In thls nook Kcllo~ n lind tounrl, ~t6rlng wllh wi de-oven c~'es Ull at the Slrll) ot blue SKr. b,'r mlnrl I!tJl l nctlve. 'rbo kllo \V ledf!'~ ot wI", th is man rMlly wus hill! UI'uUl;h t '11l'r Ins llInt reli ct. lind Il II ~ W . e ll 8e of surety In hl R Ilrc8I'nct'. :;0 h ' r 11l'n vy eyes , losed. nnd 81... ~ I('pt . Somelhlng urUH 0\' " u", "kened the I:"lrl slItld,·uly. fur " Io~ Sli t Iw lt u(Jrl j(ht. with ..,y s wIde O(J"II In trl ght. K elIet'u ho il L1lsnI'I'Pllrrrl. hut heyunLi till s no ChllTlgC 01 an )l kl ll,l was 1I 1'I'Ilrenl. Th e en tire 8 C Pf1~ wns ~ o (':11 111 nntl l.lt·lIef'f ul Hurt J)eb!'rIlI1's 1t~ lIrI (" .. "1',,,1 lis first . 11I1I' nt thl"u l1 l1lnl;. :1I1t1 ~lte e\"en smiled ot her I!nrllpr fell r. lind
dl ~ tll1"ul"".
f) t'Rr Aledll : A girl friend lit ".IIIIl la to be lII arrled abortly. 11 111 1 I woUld U\.tu to g1vo her a s hower. Will yon pleaBe tell 010 I,n w 10 won! the! 1D\'ltlltlOUH? (2 ) AIHO. should It be glveo In the nfternooll or evenlua? With mlUlY thll.llks. MAIIOA!IIar V. ~II,
you were ~1Jrp l y fin t~ nll s tt.:!d mnn?"
These I>lIotogro vh" amongst ' tho first trom J aliI! n. Ilru.W. more . plnlnly thao \Yor~s tM destructlou wrought /)T tho grent eart.liqna1le t1iere; fol· lowed by ftre and tidal wave. Upper picture Ihon the ruins or tbe town ot Ito, 8. typical scene ot .devlllltatloll.· In tbe lower wcture, cr:vtnr refugeu lire walking alOtDg thl.' YokdhanJa-Tokyo roaa. WAnderers, not
,YO U sl'j ' lIl p d
Here Once 'Vere Happy Homes
Uor 'another bour betore the IItretchers
wt'rt' l.'"n ll'nll'.lI)" 1l111111"1.lnl! tht' ,I, prt "('I' W In Ille Thlrt)·- .hlrrl .Ihls longTII B". ti lt' \'tllI,·y 1",,1 1111 Ihl' " i'l'l'lir t h!'y wei nil Jl llnoJls trOQI's"/" " Xo yo" en," n Ull ~ l'd th ut.. I wua anl.'e ot n nf' \\' In n.l. run!!.' rr(' ~h nn,1 verclnnt bs Ih e mu!\'lc lIIud. or Wllt er trun ~ (errorl." Debornh nl the ((lot ot Ih l' IIInl! 11('"Fn11il whnt l'o ll Hllnnllr' scent. dlln); 10 Ih e I'roj ('('ll n" rllllt of "TIl<' r ·1:"1I111rs." o t rr l! lind ~l n rl't1 nhnlll 1!I' r wl tl , "\\' ''9 that nul \'pry IIOII SII OI? Tou-
"I d111u't know, for they took me ." Jaw..,., but I 111), th~e lUI\) wll~hed :rou
, eoct
wn ~
",orr ertenslvf' th nn n 4,. h nrflh llrev lulIsly han
~ m.~t.~ t;
T hp. drop
B read should he broken Into a smull ploc'6 ond held at tho cdgl! oC thu lJult~r plnte. Then, Ifl kh'j( Ibe bUller·knlte, put on the butter . It Is very rlOOr form to hold th e \J r,·url In th ' air wblle hutterlng It rur we 8e~ Nil 1Il 0!l~' POOII\(' do. AlwllYs loud. It to the butter ploto. (2) Y'·H. ( :I) No. 'I'h ere I. no rens,," why rorn should Dot be enten ou ti ll" " 0 10. Pe rso nnlly I" think n lot of th"
" A nd .J lItJ~(I Gn rrlt ~· '?" "I ll' Is unl'rl y d ll!- plt'nh lp."
hl l1l " Illy lost nigh t.
,llsll k", R"II :\t":q:(* r \~ ery Wo s thnt why you w'Il re so
",lI llm: In h plp me?" "S.'I II lI o::elh t'r ; It mny hll\'1' hlld wf"~h t . I ('('lIrl'SS. ~(I\v. llo" 'c , uf, t ha t 1l1" li " iJ r 1111 " ~o np en ll r.' ly. "
Inr i.\" . mil d, '!
~ MID..
])ear AlL>da: A trlt'lnd and I h ..d- au 'Irtiumout M to !.be L'OI'root WIlJ' to buttUJr bread. Will you Idndly te.ll us which Is Lbo l:orrecl wuy? (2) AllIO. n no mullins IlllO toa»t .10lle tho J w a,y? (8 ) Aud Is Il poor tablo l IDUlI.ner s 10 cnt ('Ol"n on tbe cob? ThIIllk you. f Two FJUElC1)a.
"1\"(':1 11 """ 1 r Ifln' · l' r!lw l"Nl ~('rn rU)' t ,lr r Id, ,\IH' 11 11 ). 'I' I "~ lt l \ \L"' !I ~ll o n. Itlli \n' "0111<1 nut tru\'\" u('nt~S the <l es,-'r t i n lIa\ lI :.: h t w l tb d ll! h ' ItlJr.:' ~\\ t · n. u Il l' I' l'.\ :l~ Wl' re OJl hls ffl\:e Inqulr-
f ' 111\\\,s o\'(,r tlwl"~ tlftV'fl IH',-n Ilt thut jllu tdr yC'uI'S." "Then how du ~ uu 11Hr.:- cum e hc-re
~rlllH' of ( h\, C:: \l
i Oi
......THE MIAMI .GAZ E TTE ••••
th ..
P Oltonloe
at WaynMvlllo. 01110. A. S.,·ond
&1.,1 Alnue,.
D. L. CFANE. Editor and Publisher. Wny nesyille. Ollio
Subscriotion Price. $1.50 per year
When lapan'B eerthqaake CARbo gloonl 0'f'8r tboot1ftDC21 at e1tJ aa!>' pen beetluee It epelled a jump I.n the price of IIfIk atoeklnp. It \II euy to II!llIJe the tntrlcacy at our bnslul!IM Dlac:blnery. At.o W'O _ bow Providence t1InIII eveD our Mn1tietl Into lDlllltDOll &.bat' 'III'Oft; tor 1*001 and the lneeeapable ~vlllOOment of mIlnk* .~. . . ,.. A New York bollder the otb~r dllY nld be wu Jaa9bc I bard time with Ishor. He could not leI al¥' kInd of labor nDder II dollar an bOlU, but he could Ret all tho coUl!j(e enlrwlMIfI be wanted ear ~ • week. One ot tbHe daYI we may bear ot tbtl protllllSonaJ man \IOIIIg 011 Itrlke, In4 tben whaU
Don't be Imptltieot, ROOd people. It wW DOt be Ie.- befoIoe yon are told tor wbGm roU ma,y yote tor ~t ' at tile t1Dtt.4 Sta_ Rave patleuCl&-4Ul4 wait. .
Onee upon a time all the coal dealel'l tried to aet1 cod
Measure Your Greatness Hore tamtly never made a great mao. Thouaht alld deed, courage Ind CODylctloll, and not pecllJrW, arc the ,*"ports to- eudurlng tawe.. Great men Ire not supernatural; tb.J are the nutural, Ule 'true meD iD whom nature hu .ucceecled. They who r,lI IIhort or greatnen are the lJapertect. ~. . . The great men are they wbo botb _ tbe rtgbt aDd choose It; and :b.n1ll1 oholen, put.UII It with lovloclble rClOlutioo. rellating tbe tempta~,. of ~et patbi. It 111 theJ 111'00 polDt out til. WII¥ lLUd by their ~ple thow others. ~__ t men are unique oDI, 10 that tbey are IIDCOlDlDon aDd ~ o:IDIPIobi..0U8 b7 their contrll8t to the common. tu tD\' plIIorama of time the great meD loom up like sno\\'-capped PlAU abo~ • range ot hUl.. Each In Us RoUtude rc\,lreaellts a llreat IIPlrltual ~. • thDl' than" materIal tOl'C'e. 'l'be grellt prophetll BlId II&1ntelll, ~(!jel'\ll and pactl. mulllcians aud llllLrlots, aU .tood tor, toucbt tor, tor' ..nd died tor, !deall. .. . . AU pe.t potedttal ilDwere have come to us unlioralded ancl uDkuo'!'ll, for there 111 ootlllog J1l1W1l simple than greatnc18, The IIre8tOllt men llIre tbe sreete&t trutllB, are tbe Unlpletlt. Tbe I!reat wan II what ho lJt trow Wlture lind lie rIMlI to bill belght ot talUo wltbout remindIng us at otIlerL k lJt oDl)' fue p)'eterl4\lr wbo callII tor contraat.. However tl1' above QI the t~11}' peat JDAli l[Iay be, they IlwllJ'a WILke us teel that the)' an! our brotbers. . No reaUy great man evor thDllCbt hltrilj!~ .. great .. be reJlUy WII& No DIIUI over v..came ICreat by ",,!tatlon, A great WAll ulDat Kive DI IOwethlnll lie'" 10 thotl«llt or tnet. ,Great IDeO never low thelr 'chlldllke They glYe t.q tile world a grellt all'ectJon anel it iii ttl.... ' when they at'(e JOIIe, whIch tho worl!1 Ircepe aod holda fDr theut. · JIeell- areat m~u ~ thIs \111811100 to IOTVe rather thall to he ~ed, I.e jtYI l'IIther th~ til SlJt. to lIo MOnll)thing f(Jr tho world. we IJn4 sreaI: ~ ucI ,reat e~~ Illost COlDmonly golug hund In hand. . .., • , .Tlle road to I!reatnellll 18 throullb __ III lIett au llIe tb,pugi,¢ I't 1111, GoPyrllht. l028-B), Il,Ichard Llwd JonH.
i 0_
BJl Damel mll7 be.marter·than . ;J!!!!~~.rzliJ!i[ die :1 DIed to be, but I reckon that die 0 ,Dtill88 lIbuuded mlsht;y sood \ to me. , • , 1 ('an't fIlrIet 8~, Dar' ~ tbe oid-Ume liar'! Anll,-Jahoaaphat, ,:.)' JOIIar.-evao BA..beba an' Dan. • • • "~;,The putte Both.......pt boyhood d&1l,-1 reckolleet her ow~ A11ce' .1an~ I '..6 /,. ptirty 1l0wer-ldrig4idJ pt Iaabelle I A to' .J:... monnlclter lite Jalles tine tbat would 1tIek. aad I'm cwtaln th,a t !!lUho didn't IlpltJ DO Irlclt I 0, I Uti m1 bat to Cbllrlotte. thongb ' ..he'iI 4rlfted fUr aWIl1-and I pay reapecIrI to bI-.oms lIlte JoJv,angelkle aD' x.", . . -' AM. whUe Reuben waRo't coWIe lJl the aacred "a&YB of yore. tbey _ to tIIJP; be's conn..., thftn what 'h e wu ber_f ,ftere'& poetrr In 8I1m-u-e\' aDd Peter. '~1 JIAd IIDII.--:I Dever could coD.,lnce .,-': that Helel,l III prQtine. • • • .• ..,..'t . . . . .I.n at OwendolYJI: or modem' lIa,...;r..tr-becauae a ro!M! with an7 name, II1II$' ~ .mall 09 ~eet!.
"** •
Mr. Amo8 Bough and daulhter Cora , speOl l:>unlillY wIth Barry B ongb Bnd (amlly.
THE MIAMI GAZETTE, Waynesville, Ohio.
Several from bere aUended the Ka Klux Klan meetlnlr at Lebanon I!ls t t:lEHurdAY nlgM.
Every now anu then some panic-stricken per llv'fi sbri~ka to bigh Hcaven that the Jews arc rapidly gett ing co r,trol of the United Stares. When Henry Ford openeu his attuck 00 the Jews every wisea cre whoso pro'vinee is tu settle th e affair!:! of !luliolls ou the s treet co rner, su id that settled lI enry . II he e" e r huu political nmbitiooll he might lUI well abandon th em . Then (.'1ll110 the cry of the' Ku Klux KluII- a lurge, inOuenti ul ond secret organization was needed to keep tb e Jews ill cb e~k . An oxumination of the fact&. howe ver, s how th e !l.bsurdit:o' of ull this ringing of the alarm. Of more thaL firt.·en lIr.tl /I hlLlf million Jews in the world only 3,602,150 ~ re in tile Ut.itcd States. Of th8f!e, 1,643,012, I'Ill1r09f.ntiug 29 per cent at the total population, live in th!' City of Now York. The heart of the big town, Manhattan, c.:m~ t1ji',1{l1. SJ'<'...,klyn hus 604,380. The strongest percentage, S8 'Pt.~ btot of tM J'!oIridentll, is shown in the Bronx, where 27a,l fI~ J offll live and have their being. The majority of the Jows in America are quartered in the lorge cities, including Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Cleveland, St.. Louis, Pittsburg and, lot Wi not forget, Detroit. More than 67 per cent of the world's JeWi live in Europe, 8~·ding to the ~r book for 1923-24, compilOO by Harry ~clmt!i.dennan. Poland contairu; 3,600,000, Rtl.I8ia 3,113,066, tho BrltWh .Empire 795,466, Gcnnony has 615,000, Hungary 498,000, Franee ~nd its poseessions 411,500, the Irish Free State 5,161, the relit being found in Czecho-Slovakia and Aulltria. It is b1teresting to note that in Palcstme there are only • 83,794 Jews, ,80 that so far as America is ooncerned, New York may truly be sai~ to he the new Jerusalem.
Mn. Carrie Myers of Columbu. 18 visiting with her ~uut, Mrs. U.o ~ Blirrill. tbltl week.
He Who Would Hide the Fault. of HI. To"''' R •. ha Than Correct Them h a Falte Friend to the Cl'r· ...!anity
Jewish Control ·Only a
We are! For that Classified Ad you are ~eglecting to phone ~r send to us. I t is your loss, .
l,ta Bo'we and Osee Harlan 8peDt last TusBday and Wednesday in ,Dayton. Mra. Frank Mhldaker III apendlD, several days "lsUlnif friends In Andereon,Ind,
~~~ 'dJi:~t" ~;.:1t.i l ~ J>~ ..:i. l/fq~l{,j,#
.Mr. Clltf HOUlh IpeD& SUDdaT with John Fealy aDd tamily. Mr. and Mn. Ed BrowD oa\lell on Mr. Aerou Freelan l~undlY aUerDoon .
"sr: ""Dar ; no QOUlJt: · About twenty relathrel and friend 1, !'!I N'1l SWUIl K "ne leg rnreleRsly """ r Ih,· pommel of hi s Bnddle, and were visiting lit tbe hOlDe of Mr. and ,lelll'l' rol(ol.l' r olled nntl lit a cI J!8 rette. MrK. ORden. Hunday . J 1I!oO I lI f l ! t' XrWt 'Hl'lefl no emotion, DC Mr ana Mra . Paul REIIlBon. of Oay_ )\lI rl l"ll lnr I nt e re~ t. yet Dehoroh WII ~ t.OIl, ~ \J e nt HundllY with bis parente "prlnl n th,' k".n, " ~lI rc h l nll: e~' e8 hn d Mr !lnd nrs. Ed Re rsnn. ' S\\'('p t ~w lftl ,\' O\'(lr h e r cov er t , an rt 111) Mr. nnd Mrs R. W . Kaylor viIU . Ih l' "t,·,·p front or thl' o\, crt owerlllK r ll n'. II I' 8uspef't ed where 81le wn. ralrltivesln Belfountlline find RlohIJ loIden. lind wus l-ndcB,' orlng to p~ m o nd . Ind . purt of hlllt week. Mra . R H Tooker and family ' ''ct Ttl'r 'ronl 11I,,'overy; but wh o "'ns Mr . t:lubln MoDonald anj family h.. 1',·,,1 1." pi nyi n" fnlr wltl, I W IIS he tr.,' lnl: to (Ieech'e both " or fIl erply mot o r ed to Springfield Sandal'. Mr. linn Mra. Bal ry Wel~on, of pl"),I" ,, n rlc"perll t .. Ku me In whld, Il "Inl: lo Hllp would nll'lIn ,!lsuster? "'us Dayton ~peut t:!nudllY viS\l.lng his he outlnw or h on~t Ifllln ? N,'>! hlng pRnmts, Mr . and Mrs. "'fllnk WII. In Ihe Hltll(\tl" n. or In th e converSlI llon Bon Ihu8 rur O\'e rh cnrd, gave her cert ain ty. MrR , Lizzie Borl811 is expecting Slu") (t a r e not mo\'e. fo/('arcely v ent u r e t o m ove to the near fasure lO 'he to hrClllhe, lIa sl,e wlltched the tllrl~ houtle koowu 118 the Dr . Romine W{ln IH. ·l o w , hom e. «When Is this Onseheer gnug exMrs. Amllnda Gunl8r. of Flat P ~(' II ·t1?" K e\l c~ n q uos tl oned. "Tun lght. senor; II ",us to be enr- 8'ork. p188eJ away SHttlrday morn_ lI er, but they not come. Now not Inll, rhe fnneral Will held Tuesday a \ 10 o. w. UlIIII tonight; they De,'er cross the d e ~e rt hy day." Mr. and Mrs. Jest! Ch,rlt and .on "No. I r ~k on not: It would be too Roy . of Columbus, were !:londa; rlsllY. Any trouhle here totely?" gueRts of Mr aod &!Irt! Warren "N on. Don, eenor: not at Illl e trou- Reed . at Midland Cily. hI !'. Jt \Vus 1111 fixed. The Seuor Mrs Lbora Reed an,d dllnlrhter Meager li e kn ow wtlO best to Hce. Fl orbmood, and 1\1Is11 Auna MaddeX: 'J'J l e~' co me--ye8 ; lust w ettk II. maD 8p~nt Sonday wab Mrs Lno\lle COl ne. an' Question, but be ride awuy. Uarter. of Yellow Sprlni s , . aD' know lIothlog. A troop come, 1101dl ers troUI the tort, an' 8ta y two. Mr and Mn. Cbas. Edward. are three dfty. I tnlk with omeer' he redeooratlng 'he In terlor of 'h.lr drink with Bob: tileD they 10 ba~k to houle VIIoa&ed by V . .0 . Tolle and NOjtnlell. It be all right lure then- are ezpeotl0K to move Boon. see? We know tlley Dot be buck Boon Mr. and Mr •. V . 0, ' Tolle w.re li S Ihls week. So we send word for oailer8 here laB$ Saturdl.y and I4r Cnsebeer." "Yel, I IC!e: but It III not 80 aure Tolle and several of hI. 'boYI vlll'ed ofter all. Perhapa they do come &heBtghland oouuty oaves , linck."
Mr and Mrs. B . M. Clark leU laa' week for a mOSor 'rip to Chl06g0 and Elgin. Ill, Mrs. Soe Slooteenberger. of Bellbrook, II a gusst at lhe home of Mr . lind Mra. C . 8, Lamb. Mre. Rath Weir, of Chioago, Will a recenl IUlllt of Nale Sm"b and Mr. and Mrl. William Bergdall. Mr, ann Mrs. (luy Routzabn abd daaghler epenl Bun day with Mr. find Mr!!. BeD Boylno&, near Troy. James BainM raluned Sunday after an extended .tay wlih hi. brother, W . G. BalDea and tamlly, at Belmoul. Mr . aad Mfl. S"mual lIatDIII. Mr, lind Mn. Wal&er Kenrick wel'lI dlo_ ner gUlllt. . .. Mr. and Mrll. Joeepla (;iralll, ai Day&oD. Stanley Lamb vl.ltet Mr, and Mrll. C. S, Lamb Munday. Mr . Lamb left Monda,. for Pbtladelpbla, where be will be lSa&toned for a while,
Mis. Mary GreBham, of Bedford, The Mexican shook hi. head poslTralnll on thll O. N, tllroUlth lod., will return home on Wedaes. tl\'(>ly. day ot this week, aft'Br a thfee Lylle haYe ohanRed ,h.lr IOhedole "No. senor, we know. We hnve wflells vlllit with Mrs. S"dle Realon and are now runntng anI! hour Ja&e~ walch alwaYII. Senor Meager vel'1 and otber frlendl ·here. New &Ime tablM Dan be leoam at &lIck bird when not drunk .. You at the 'he depo' mnch IRst nIght 1" The Bome Mlulonary lIocle'1 w\l1 Mr. and IIrll. Joha Tarner. of "Certainly; you 110'" me there. hold a provlBlon sale at; the *owoWhy?' . • hip houee on W~dneBday before n .... Bellbrook, and Mr. and Yra • "YOll not there alon9, .enor. The ThaD)[sglvlng. Come atld buy lOW. Ulllnn Johnl aDd lon, Paul, of Day. judge callie also trolll NOilOles. He good thIng' for vonr ThanteghlnR 10n, .tatHd Sonday wtab Mr, and Mrs. (,,'hu. Jobu, hrollght Ih e wonl. 'Twna tor that he dloner, Clime, not to marry Meager. That all Recen' 101l.l. of III', and 141'11. Mr•. Cuhlght pUled away Friday came luter, loy whnt you call luck." Georee Boo.. alld family wire: Ur . of la8t week after a )lnll.rlng IlID_ "Where. does tllll northern gaog for over two years lI'I&h ollnoer and 14,. Byroll ROlb and daughlllr Ctlm from ?" Mt.. Lena, III'. aDd Hrl. Wtllard • "Out of Calnbusl., senor, bJ way ot Fan81'lll was held al her late home Roah and Ion. Blohard, of S,rinlf. tlnnday at 1 P. M. Jo· ' ermeDS a' tile rh'er." field, Mr. and Mrs. J:dward PaUon Chlliloothe. '''rl' eD th ey will enler dewn below, and Ion, "tlllam, Mr, and 1011'1. through the gorge. Thill la DO place Mr . and Mrll. CI1ft' Bawke very Var! Blebe"'. of Middletown. tor us, Suppose they were deloyed pleasantly elltertalned lo dinner III'. and lire. Barry MoGtnnl. lo st nIght, lind took II ('hance to come Sanday Mr. and Mn . W . O. Barlan on lbls morolng by doyllght-nod ~J Mr, and Mr8 . Ed Mcfarlan, Mr and and danlh&er, IIt.1 LltoDa, anter. nnt? 'l'he)"d be under rock co.,er nil Mrs. Clint OietHer and daulhter SatD" to Suoday dlnDar the follow. Inl IOlIIt., Mr. aud 141'1 !'raak thl' last part ot the way. It's be,ond Ruth. Thoma., Mr. and M,.. CIUford Max. here that they'd have the open de!Oert -------.~.-----well and grandohlldrea, Vlrglata to crOll. Let'. ride down there anll and, Bobert Laokey, 141'1. Nellie wnlt. Snddle up, both ot you: tl1\, ro Soward, Elwood Thoma. an. Oliver I. just U8 good campl.ng grouDd down Wahou, of Bellbrook, h ~ loU! " \\,llhln live mlnules the three were trotting soberly down the valley, Not one ot tllem glanced bnck. and Debo'mh IItling het head hllher and hlgber 10 poor nfter thelll tllrnugh the brush I creeo. watched until they dlsnppeared eutlrely about the sharp protuberance at rock, which murked tbe end ot tile vIsta. Ke\leMl hftd doni tills pOrposely; hi. conversation wltb tllese mcn hud been largely curried on tor h ~ r benetlt Rnd guidance. He Itnew wlle re ahe wus: that ahe ('ould ~o s lly ovcrhear. 'l'hrough these meaDS' endenvored to ('onvey to her nn8us; pee-tet! th e complete IIltuntion In which he \\,flS Involved. nnd then inls n"colllpllstll'cI, he hnd Inveigled th~ 'two uDsuspecting MeXII'ans Qway, thus gl\" Inl1 her opportunity to @scope unseen. fl cboruh W8S not yet wholly con· vInei'd ot the man'8 Inoocence. In ~ p ll e ot his evident Intention ot sbleld· IIl K her from discovery, hll Inthnllte u ~snc lBtlou with Bob Menger, the IIfI· der!tlmdlng between him and Snn(,/,0>;, was aeemlnRly proof paaUil'e thnt h.e was an Important link In thIs con~plrnCf , ThB mUll was clIdenvorlng til mnke her Ullnk otherwlsll, but IhA douht of him lingered 10 ber mlod. 111 th~ night she had beglln to truRt, to belIove; the fellow's verJ recklell8flell. unll good humor hlld been attractive; hl'l' \'!Igue susplcloll leemed to vanish In hl~ presence. But now tbla doubt rOo tnrned with redoubled .,Igor, and, for the moment, sbe artual11 teared him liS much al the man .ba had trIed to kill . More. perboll'l. for Mealer wlla only a rough, pa8lllonftte brutt, wblll the very Dature ot K.lleen rendered hIm B far more dBoweroul adv.,....,.. It he alllO '11'11 Interelted In he~nd the girl telt that be wat-ehe In greater danler now tbaD on tb. ranch trOll' which ahe bad lied. She shrank trom the thoutiht, Jet It blunted her, and \IIIould not ba drlY'811 Iwal. Where could ' IIhe go? What could Ihe do to eSl!llpe the returD' Bn1ddal, Impo.Nlhle .. It appearl!d. lb. muat lind lIOme meaDa of leftvtDI tbat tatal nlley be'ore bl ('ama bac!c laaln Illone !leCklnll' her. "I
Mra. Ella Bear8. of Morrow. pall. ad throu&,h here, t:lunday. Mr. John Zell, of Corw'ln, aUended ohuroh at Flat Fork, Bunday. Mrll. Bannah Bogan and Bert visited relallvea '" Midland City. 8qnday. Mrs. Ida Howe haB pal~ oh.aed 'he store, of Fred £i"rlan anti will lak8 pO@8ellllon tn a few day •. Mrs. Amanda Garner died at her borne tla&orday morning. funer&1 Tne.dny at the ohurBh at; 10 :ao.
DR. E. M. RUPOLPH The Eye Sight SpoclltUst
Mrs. Emma Looy WIl8 a VII non vlBltor Wednesday , Ralph ,Iohns lost a valuable horae laat week. Mr. and MrB . Chas. Johns epen' Wed~esday In 'he (;iem Cily. Soveral from he'!'e .HondAd the hill ollmb Dear Waynesville !:!unday A number from her. aUended lhe Klan meeting a& Lebaoon Saturday evening
----. ..---~
ou~ 9ANI(£:Q.<; ~LOG""" t4; ... N0900"{ "O~II.
M"H ~
At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. Ohio
EXTRAVAGANCE Ext- '''" '''l.'H'e
a proline lIOD1'C8 ExtraVBpDCe mllJ: be d~ .lu",l 118 a foo\lsh expense, o~ S -1!""4 ,1l:!proportioDllte to ODe'I 111
ot ~!A iH,·""' : Y.
j'J ~ Waynesville, Ohio j • :::f.'.! .~: Natlonal a.nk
;;p~a [oS.
Such extravatrnnce mny be tound :~ In all gradea ot aoelety. ~ut It la chIefly apparent amoug tho rich, •, ~ alPlrl0tr to wealth, 0011 t1l~ wliihlng to be tbought alluent. In other words, it Is the overreochill$ of eoc\al ambItIon. ImaglDatioo and competition. In order to lDake a lIOCIal demonstratloo tbe ,0uuII man spend... borrows, steJ.t.ls In oroer that be may keap up apI'ellrtlDC8II, WIlen the young milD gDea be,oo<1 bJ8 HA.TH.W.A. Y legitimate Income to purchllse theftlllr boxH, and Qnance a lltomobUe DENTIST IJllrtleft, frequent golt links and other places whl're the Idle aud IndJl'fercnt COnllT6«8te, be Ia both meutally llDd morally dJ.hoDeeL .. The mao _'bo trIes to aplltlnr to General he sometblng which he Is uot II a social thief. In order to keep tbat OFFICE: HAINES., BUILDING, lllllltlO l'OlDOO tJcfore the public be bM to a«tl.ldly lltaal 10 fact, extra vaTelephone 114, , 11'011",\ whlch Ia the expenditure or ' m'lney unneoouarlq. aDa the ex-I Waynesville, 0M0. • • llt'Mlture ot money beyond the r r ~ !u18 and bouodnrlea at legitim ute 'ncornel, lJt but IlOother wora tor llrceny; trrtng to steal public opinIon and therefore BtealloW th e lDOnllY JAS. A. NUCKOLS of other8 10 oroer to perpetuat.e tbe sbow. • .~ Rome al'f' amblUoUl! of fn.hl onnhlo society. and will Krattty tilelr VRO- • At the ChIla Hotft Ity nt any eJI'fICD86. The vlethu I. strult eoed Por moner, without It he WagnesvUle, muRt abandoo hl. rank; tor frull}IODabie lIOClet,y remorselefl81y rojl'<!tB Mondays aDd Thurada;,a 'frem' te i o'clock p. m, nU ' buttertlle8 which hn ve lost tbelr brllllsnt rotor. Thereforo, the yount{ man wbo Is extrnvaM'nnt nUll nmbl- , tloua must choo.e betWl'ell honcsty,~ an" morllfJ'lng 0" cI1lslon. or gaiety purchRsed by dlsbonesty. The crtrll vlI b'Rnt per~ lJt dishOlles L •
DB. H.E.
X-Ray .... Work IDental
do what w. claim for It-rid your a)'stem or De&tneu cau.ed b), HALL'S CATARRH M.EDIClNIil llOn. "eta ot an Ointment whlcb Qulckl)' Rellevea tho CAtarrhal InllammaUon, and the Internat MedicIne, • Tonlo, .. bloh acta throul\l' the Blood on tb. Kucoua ::.':.'i";,';,e:dItIO~:. • 1I,.UDe U! re.tor. nar1I0ld by~ drunleta for over 40 Yean. F. J. Chene), • Co., 'rolodo. O. ~ta~~~rrh
Forest T. Martin Auctioneer
Get my terms for your Public Sale. I satisfy and save YllU money or no charges,
Mrs Ell!!. Wy.ong. who hall beeD viSiting her 8js'er. Mrs. BOlan. hall relarned to her home In 'O lnolnaaU. Mr and Mra. Roy Ellie and Mre, Je~8le Ellie and Velta a&tsnded &he funeral of Mrs, Cutrlghl. !:londay "flernoon. M r . and Mrs Lowr,' and .on, Johu, weill to Lebaooo S,turday to attend the K. K. K . meettn-i on the fair groundl.
8:00 B. m, to 4 p. m,
lOUSI!D WI!IlT. SUO,. 1UI ltOTaLe. DRUOCii'ii. .....IA....~ coaTu ... Ite. TltA • • .".", 0 • •
.ND .ua a.RVlC. OAM ......~
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio
.W USINO I,.. AD".R"la ....
Home Phone 2, CentervllleEx, u
-...- .... yo••
Good Goods Always
Ple~ ..:
---.. -...
(To .bI ·~DII.e4)
. atr.)' 81te of Wledelll, It thoa bal rear Of thOl8 who C!OIDo JII.ed thee, jpn~ tbose wbo obeJ lb_ -a.•bbl Reo . AItRI. ','
CLI ......
Mis. 'i:llda Gray Is quaranllnad
a~ her howe on aoooun' of loarle'
fever . MillS lijllaabetb Ularke, of Oregenl&, j. 'eachlnl Bohool for her.
Always carry the best Lumbet, ,Shingles, Sash, Doors and Mil~ ' Work,. Roofil1g, in fact, everything in- the Building Material line We~iUtakepleasure in supplyingyo~rne~d8' Give U8 a call
Pershing Faces Firing Squad With · Smile ,-
Or. H all 11 f pw day~ .
I(o n e to lh e city for
'abbath ' ch on!, !):l r: u. In . IJrenc hinl( at 10:3U a. Ill . W etllle ~duy e venMr. lind M r ~ , L ' ar l wright ing lIprvk e. 7:00 p , m . Epw o rth Lf' ague H; 15 p . m . ; promr hinK at 7;30 lI r t:! \·isil i nt.!' ill C inci nnati p , m Ev e ryb ..H I) i ~ co nliully invited Wan!ecl - 1' llI i '1 RE' wing lind h'lTd to th ese lIe rv icl' . Hev . W. A WnshlourII, I'astllr. 1"':1<1 I nR' ;\1 1'" t ' illlg Cook. Wa ~ '11'.,' ·10I C'. Uili" FERRY CHUWCH
Mi .~ ll ' i,' (' Allen att e nded It Illeet- , l{e g ular se r \'icc~ m o rninj.! anrll'v io: l.!' II f Ih .. r"IIf'lo!e W nm('n'~ Club , Ilf leninl/' , Mr~ J I) Ell i, . Olf Ci n t'in G n. Joh n J. Pershing. bl-url of I b~ l. S. army. cc l ~urn tpd bls 63d Ina l i. will !l pC'uk I II IiI' women of Ih e [l uy tl,n, ,, " M" lld ny n ftt'rl1 (O tln 1,Irt b(\n~.. Xelltember 13. being "lIhot"' by Ulovleluen. T he IIlw wUI be cnllgrel(al ioL! in Ihe uf lernoo n , Th e • 611.od lit the war d~partl1lent for IlO terlty. H a rr y Mur m y und (' .1. Murray I He rean m eet ing. a Sunday- ch llol are vi ~ i t ing r e lllliv ei! in New Yu rk o r l{8nizalio n including buth l11 en Hu d a nd 01 he r pl aces in the l-:llst. : w(tm en. wi lt hold I hei r lot- x l ~t'~s i oll . For .... . O llc'ot h. \ a t the Fe rry dlllr ch on SulurdllY Olldotb Iboulll bl' I I\~h cd with Ha s a S " "k l,o"" " 'J. Th e p e r ~ on who ca m e anc't t ook my ev c ning. Octo\lpr 6 wi rm wat!'!". '10 whI ch 1\ IIttll' , tftrC'h ,I n,.r \\"tlrld l1~ 1 1 10,·" ", " ": ' ~' . 10 \\'Irp (malle . with boilin g wlItt' r , h:1~ lU:!PD 1" 1':1.' lH' t')'I' H~~.' d ril l" • , ,, qll t ~ H 111 11:: laolol e r will ple !l ~ O) return t he S8 mE' Edward I) . (i"lIc r , Ministe r. added. Soap should un no Hc\'o unt be 1,,·It.-n l u·r 1IlJ ...~ J: 1I 11 1 !'-I ' " .. H; ·'gi r ll q.! ill o nc e, as I urn in need of it. Jeff Ulled. !u.1r IU'ltH:'y .- 8[' .\ U;.::U .. 11r (' It l'.'O." 1. Smith ST, i\\ A~Y ' S CIiUIlCH
Used Cars ,.
'~jB FordIon
1·920f.ord Ton Truck , 1921 Ford Ton Truck 19117 Hupmobile Touring Car l~l~. Ford Touring 1~17 f.':lrcJ Toqring 19'2~) Ford TOllring Starter 1916 Ford .Touring
N ine t eenth Sunday aft er Trinity. Mrs. 't C lair Fife and Ro n, of Wilmi ngto n . a re spending th e week October 7. Churc h Sc hool al 9;30 wilh h ~ r pa r ent~, Mr. and Mrs. H . a . Ill .. servi ce and qe rmon at 10;45 . You are co rdi ully " Ivited to attend Wilkers o n , theae se rvices. Save yo ur old ca rpets and rugs and get .. Wearwell" Ru gs made. Send f or price list , I"ranklin Rug Co" Frankli n. Ohio
Mrs, Garrison. of Norfolk , Va .. Mrs . Nellie Hicks . of Louis ville. Ky. Reg ular communication of W8 ." Mrs . Mary Brewst e r and' 80n. Ber- nes ville Lodge No . 163 F , & A. M ., nard , s pe n t Friday even ing at Le ba- Tuesda} even ing, Oc to ber 9. A f ull non . attenrlancu is d esire d. Kenn e th Hough, W. M . . Mrs. Rache l McCann and daugh· L. A, Zimme rman. Sec'y. te r, of Sp rin ll fi e ld, spent several -~~ - days here last wee k, Mrs. McCann' waR a daughter of th e late Aden Haines , and she was looking over the sce nes o f h er childhood .
fry our Job Printing
Mr. and Mrs , Hermnn Clark and Mr. Willard Clark , of Los Angeles. Cal., pleasantly !lurprised their aunt, Mrs. Mahlon Ridge . when the v walked in on he r so un expectedly last Thursday.
'l918 Ford Coupe
erms to Suit
l ; (" ] '
_ II
Motor Sales WaYTIe5ville, Ohio
tbisNews. . pap.-- It Will bri.g goa btujen
Mrs . Raymond O~born , who lives west of town , was taken to the McClelland hospital in X(nia. Sunday eve ning. where she was operllted on f or appendicit is . The disease devel oped aud:l en ly,
- - --- ...---
Meaau re of Man •
The degree ot VisIon that
• DIan I~ the correct measure
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cliuability and
'exquisitedesign . .~ • , , -the hiahest ideals 'in plated ware-are assured in , '1pOOBI. ' forks, and fancy ~ ~ . pieces bearing the ftDowned trade nJrk
01 aitv,erpJated tableware "just u go,Od.... bu~ like .all , ~UD' alid' weari qtla~ idII.~witlbth~.orillPaJ "~.M~uine 1100R08'1.SBROS. I :tNftJlM1P-1J known.. ·'S;w;,.l'lati'iliat Wears.·· i[,;1.• -.jIe
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T h" ~" "' :o Il" lI 1'''lIetl nJl \olllllls IIrat cnn ll' I.) \' ·,, 1.·,· from S~nlll, wh ere til ('.1 II ," ', · roo ll "11 "jea lousies." The jelJ l"."" "' 1" , ,,i ~1o \ollJit'lI lId kCI)l hIs wIfe In "'(·I II ~I" " . SIo" \\'Il ~ nnt nllowctl to drull' u" l' l' r hl l"u ti. hut slo e mlghl Jleop out thl',," ~ 1t Ih e sI lts betwet!D tile laths,
For White Furnltul·•. Whll", r"rn~"'n' . 11111)' I" , C l en n e~1 b, dl ~HO"' III~ "ookln;: .otloo In " orm II nler flntl appl .I·I,,!! th~ ""III I I"n ((0 Ih e r"rultllre wllh 1\ ~"rt ch'tlo. rubhl"l; wllh a Ilr~' nue lIfl e,·wlIO'lt. Jo'llI l:~r ""Irks li nd di rt lire 1'lIslly " '11"" ell In II" . slUl pi& 11'11)'. A lellRIl\.lo n to u " lilt or wllter.
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nil th e Inlo"hllllnt s "n ,·,,,·t lo. " IO ch nne of U9 wvult.! I:et tone " 10" (uur-Utths Dount.!s.
Mr. Amanda Garner died Satur· day afternoon at her home in Flat Fork , The funeral was held Tilesday at 2 o'clock from the Flat Fo . k church. Interment in Miami ceme· tery.
t ill' {'hllh \\ III h.' l'O\' er ~t1 with mi nu t e
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World's Wool P roJuctl on_
Mrs. Hall ett Dokin. of Middle· town, commited suicide last Wednesday evening at her home in Middle· town. She hail become despondent on account of he r health, a,d usinll a razor cut her throa t and both wrists Whelt fou nd , she was J u~ h ed to the hospi ta l. but death Chme a few m oments after arriving there. The funeral was held from her late home F'riday afternoon. and inter· m e nt was made in Miami cemetery .
". Kll. PA'RMEll
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111~' It l d ll F:flll h' l h l n~,
C': I !II P "I"
Jf th e w o rl d'!/. t OI:1I 1111111 1'11 wool produ ct io n wu ~ dlrltl pd t ·tJu ", i~· lImong
owners positiv elv fo rb id any hunting or trapping 0 11 our fa rm s. Any viola . tion o f the ,a me will be prosecuted Bccorrling t o law Bnd tu thl! fullest ext ent.
"\\'h l'lI y OIl w: I II I
---_.- ..- - -
W ~ th e followi ng f urm
relieved ot th <!1.0 I' rio' II11 white clot h over tlo el r 1',,1'" III 1I 1!!1o!. III th e " ,nrnlne
TOIIl·t !~ I ~·
Ed F u rnas. C. E, Michene r
To Reliev e Canaries of VermIn.
On S a nt.l Fe ~'r « il. " nh' (\ n it' tli :, filII 'llf tu pe.
See m e before buying yo ur Motor Oil e. Gcod p ri ces a nd good oil s. 13. J. iHiEWST E R. Waynesvi lle, Ohio.
Mrs , Maude Crane was ~ccompan ied to Cincinnati Sunday by Mr. and Mrs . L . F, Perkins and returned in the evening bringing her little daughter home from the hoapital, who is r ecoverillg from serioUB burns.
1923 Ford,Coupe /. ft orr Fora. C~upe ~9 8 Maxwell 'Touring Car ," 'I,,:t 8 ' h. 'p. Gasoline Engine 1 6 h. p ' Gasoline Engine ,. {-4h. p. Gasoline Engine \~
• New Protector
Hlgll over our natlollul capitol at Washington the t l . ll. 1"11 I'Y'S new glnnt dIrigible, Zn-l, ,,1111('(\, turned " nd dlppt.'Cl a salut e to fl o\'_ emlllcot heade 111 at week. The great aIrcraft ealled around Wa ~ h Ington IMonument. over tbe White 1I0Ul!!!, and the Lincoln Memorial and at Arlington Ceml'tery Ilr0l'pl,<1 a huge wreath on tbe grare ot the UnkDo~m Soldier.
1-.; Io'I:I('ness' ot llurllO"C 18 the foulIllution ot all success. It Ie the man w ilt, \(IOO W8 eXActly wbat be WillitS amI Luslsts 00 gettLDg It wbo U8UJll1y IiIII . it. , \\' ' are too prone to look npon money ruthel' than wind as our goal. ?-I<)",.y h U I'ILI ~ on ly the man wbo b0 8 not leoroed to help bll!l!K!lt. It I ~ the u,Ln,1 L1 ,~t U11l\t~ mOlley. !doney never IlIUkl<8 mllld_ To bo !.OrB with a slh-er SP')OIl In your mouth III oot a bliudtcall uole.'III y OU let tl'" "jloon gag Y"u. !'urc rty 18 Dot U ,"Irtue. It L~ lIothlllg to brag aooot. The poetsJlm lsc II fftl se phlloHOI)by when LIleY sIn" ot tb,! glory ot poveny. Tho wl,nl' .stl'uggle of tho world Is to sc ramble awa y trow It. It I ~ 11 hlu cotiA' thIng. 1 Yr)ut ~' s problem La not what nre yoo startlng with t ut wllere lU'e·you HtllrLlII;; to r, Y,,"r (onunc (\ cp~ Il(I R Dot Upon wbat you have In your hand but 11'1 '/1[ ,1'011 hO I'c In your bead, lIaol ' nubility Is- tile fruIt ot heart culture no leea (JUUl bead culture u ud .1 "UI' h el!rt grolv" bIg ooly 8 S yoU torce It Illto Ihe atr'e«lon or otllllr b "ai· t~. ' , . " . ))"l.·I"lIluurlOIl 18 u rlchor ..-t than dol1a:rs. '\t Is the ooe Inlli. HI' 1I ~1l"le )001 thllt IN Iltocded tor ~ 'lh!~~6 (u1 complet:ion of ' en.ry j Qb )ftJ tlI:l ~' <ie~lre or tire COWI)el~\ 'to' t;l ld«. ' Dt![ twlll/iUOn fo rces you on';r t~ rol\11 y( cotl!l!!nt,l'atiool Coneen. trlltlon III the forC e!!' Ilr Itltellh.>t: tho "n like tlle R.rehl~pon Ju:. ulle ' Mllg '/lflll bela tbore. . Cout'fmh'O.lioll III tlJe control ot tl,,· t:IJItJ" 1I1 Ii Jhlt\d. XOlJOI\Y MJ;CjI ' yh \-her Lin""", ·, 1' F;')I ; u. 11:'1i·:;-'~)L. JicCol'll.lic!k or AJZII sh! hUt) II lI11,1lk Q~unt beca~ -,,, \" \' '-''!')' .(:(1 :. 11.:1'." " ell!)1 bltd 11 brul:nl·VUIIIlI . They culth'lll I 11110.1 ~'O" ~cl . I'i' ..) I h"'7 >:.fd/~19 nllOn a l!1'<!rrl' ololl'rlllhllltJOII to 110 ' II' '1I1·thln" 10 ,, ~ a \~'J....r_ ':i'blie that tb6!1 r.~"d alo'J\'c Ule l'O\~rl1. , " ' II nl'lIle fortaDtl UI!.O tht ~1:1e . . .iIl Qt be wurld, • .
James Harte r Shidaker, Ron of Mitchell W . a nd Elizabeth Dukin ' Shidaker, was born almost 72 years ago. SeptpOiber 17, 1851. and died August 26, 1923, aged 71 years, 11 months and 9 days. His birth p lace was the Ed Williams farm , in Chester township. and the house in which he was horn stands there today . This farm was ente r. ed by his mate rnal grandfather and was given b y hi m to his daughter, Elizabeth Dak in Shidaker, mother of the deceased . To, 'this mother were born nine children, four of whom died in infancy. 'fhe remain. ing five were Warren Shidaker, aged 17, who wss killed at Atlanta. Ga, in July 1864; Mrs B, y , Collett and the lllte A. R. Shidaker . who bave preceeded their brother in death and the one s urviving member of the family, Mrs J, V. Collett, of Pilt9' burg, Jam es Harter Shidaker attended lhe common schools of Chester township wh ere his father was his teach er . In 1881 due to the inHuence of Franki e Pier, h u united with the Friends Church in Harveyt,burg, On November 14. 1872 he was united in ma~riage to Mary Elizabeth Oglesbee. who died January 10, 1913 To this union were born six children. three sons and three daugh tllrs. Two of these, Mrs , Rose Cleaver Rno Mrs Emma Smith have gone b e fore and th e four children. Mrs, Anna Stover, of Sabina, Wilbur , of Wilmington, William and Edwin' of Cheste r Town ship. together with his wife. e igh t grandchildren and one greut grandd a uloChter are left to ., mourn his los9 On March al. 191R. he married LauraGraham Harlan and this union lasted until the li m e or his death on August 26, 1923. Mr. Shidaker was a good citize n and a man who neve" grew old; he was active: independent and alwavs vitally inte rested in every ne w undertaking'. He di'tl ·. all that he could for his family and friends anrl had their interest at heart. He s pent the mORt ' of his life in Cbester Township on his home farm, which he loved so well, and he will be sad ly mis8ed in that : com~unity as well as in the one In 'which he lived at the time of 'bh de!l~.
The following change in price on Ford cars, takes p1ace today, October 3rd: $295.00 Touring Clincher $380.00 Touring S. & D. . $265.00 Roadster Clincher $350.00 Roadster S. & D. $230.00 Chassis Clincher $525.00 Coupe -$685.00 Four-door Sedan • $370.00 • Ton Truck • • • • $420.00 • Tractpr • f. o. b. Detroit
- --
~.:- '~rd of Thanks
.we wish t<> thank all of Ollr neighborS and friend8 for their kindp fIe Iho"n'Ul prompted by Ute death of our loved one. ,
Tbe Wife and 0t-lldren,
6 Big Acta of
--and~! REAL BIG ' ACTS
V '.It. U D E'
. " " '
l 'L L E
AfteraooDl • Ik~l5c
Ev~nlDp . 30c:~O.: Show Continuous frOm Nooll till II
.Ir chief aim If tj pie &-Ie Ulir Ollt:O: ·C"",.l pat"rool Won't yOd be one of ~,
.. -,
Whole Number 5563
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~ )- ~~-~ -~~-~~~~~~~
Dr. J . W. Mille r ill in Cinrinnatl.l today . ' . Mrs Laura Moshel' re turn c,1 homo from Milford Sunday morning Harris M09hdr wua Dayton villlMrs Rny Anl\ r .. "'~ fln ll ,'on, IIf ' tor Friday ChiCAgo. "fe vi Hil iO j( ,I. A. I"u 11 11 ey .
Harry arrived home the East Sunday morning.
T hose whn w ilnp~~e d th e Hig h choo l· Alumn i g'H m(' l a~t f'ri rl av . i n ~i~ t thi'lr it Wfl ~ agreal ~HlJl ' :1Ot· wirilstall tii nK the mli ny "~i\!~t:\s " t ha t i Jl l .'rnlJlt~ · 1. Frello "W" PPI}' in g inn!1l1{ t 11(' cl lri Jl I{ ul} uu lh ides W Il ~ ra pid Illl d profuse unli l the ninth . when th,· Sl'<lfe r fll und that hoth had nn t'quulll llmher of r unsR and R TllL' n CAm" 1111' ri~e w o rk 8 . lin d a ftler t he Al urn ni li t a d~ had cleared it \\' fI~ [ourl tl th a t lhe High school h ad t he run that WIiS necpssa· ry for vi tory . Donahoo pitching for til(' Hi gh 8choo l was a li t tl e un· ~ t e ad y al LJ me8 un d hy th e s u berb fi eld inJ.! of the Hil{h school was able t n hol d ti ll' old e r hoys in ch eck. Satte r th wai te cut 'hi ng his first game for the II iJ.! h Hc hoo l, work ed in a ext remely cred itahl e Jrl anner b ehind t he bat nl l hou g h he t hr ows left h and (~c l. The wurk of Gun~ an d T. Bu r ton <'n the in fi eld was a conside ra bl e fa clor in th e d t:fe nse of th e Hi g h sc hoo l Th is makes the se ries an ev e n brea k HO fal the Alumni havin g won t he fi rst ga me last spring.
.~ .
~l al'Q'Ir')
MisseR Kathryn fw d Clark were ~ Iw p\) in~ in lJ-ty IrlJl , I SaturdliY.
The Seni ors of the High Bchool held B picnic at Ft . Ancient Sunday afte rnoon . There was qui t e • cr owd present .
1\1 r _ and Mrs. Evan Bogan. of tttp . Several froni here attended the f? Rou te I, e n lertained tq Sunday dinButler County fair at Hamilton, last Mr. aod Mrs R. G C rnsM ~ pen t ne r Mr, and Mrs. Paul Peterson aud 0; ~ week . last woe l! in Bro wl! cllunt)' lilt rI Ll ·: child ren. Pauline and Harold of the Ing the fair. \: 'V/<¥ Eleanor neighborhood. Kendall Taylor. of Dayton, spent a few days here with relatives and Mr . and Mrs. Myc r Hyman nr e friends Beeing .. Blosso m Tim e " a t lh e Vic· Miss Emma Heighway entertained lory, loday . at su pper Sunday evening. Mr • •nd Mrs . Wm . Sear9. of Morrow, was Mrs . W. H. Allen. Mr. and MfS. It haM bel'n rum ored lh ~ t there the week·end guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mi8les Leah Smith are a couple of oaseH of ~C Il rl E: t Elvin Fires. Hnd OliveAllenaod Mr. Phl\1lpZQpf, fever in town ',:--. tlf Cincinnati. Ernest Earnhart and family spent Saturday and Sunday with relative. Mr . and Mrs. Frank Taft of Col· at Milton, Ind. umbus. are "isiting Mr. and Mr s . . Mrs. Annie Sheehan entertained J. W. White. at dinner Sunday. Mr . •nd Mra. E. John A. Funkey ill confined to his V. Barnhart and Mra. Emma DarMrB. Stella Williamson i~ spending home on North Main street, on ne lt of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. II couple of days wirh Mr ' anel Mrs. account of illne8l. Cliff' Himes, of Centerville, and Mr. Winston Ricks. Alvin Earnhart and family. Will St. John and family. of Nor· Miss Lillie L. Ned';)' is spending wood. spent the week·end here with this week with Mr. and Mrs Lewi~ Jeff Smith and family". Honoring their guesb,. Mr. D. Morris. near Lebanon Muchmore and family, of Westch ... Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Joy are ter. Mr . and Mrs. Frank enterMr. and Mrs. H . C. Col " mall. of spending a couple of week. with reitain ~d at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Norwood. are spending today with ,atiVI!8 in Brown county . Mrs . Walter McClure, Mr .•nd Mrs. ~~ ~ ~~~-~~~~~~~~~ ~~~":'.~~~~~~~=:,~:::...:::...~::::-:: -~~:-::~~~~::::~~~~~~~~~~~:::---::= Mr. and Mn J H . Cp lt!man . C. M. Hough. Dr. and lira. J. W. Albert Ricks. of EaRt Chicall'o, Ha bi t of the .. t ";".I~r R a t ." Ward and Mr . Rnd MI'II. Kenneth Dr. Chas . Ellis. of SI. Louis. Mo, Ind .. Iii the guest of hi ~ pllrents. Mr. T l lt~ l l'll l h ' " rill Is I h. , 1' 1111111111 11 wOOll Hough. is spending several day s with hie °n l. t h e h U!oO iI .\ "Ia i ll'd r :l l lit \\,," I L'rn and Mu . Winston Ricks. brother. Dr. J . T Ellis, and other I n c! Illtrth r n A III P!'II':I. ' I' hl ... ru t d (~!-l Il uk .. II p rnc' t h'c .. r \I ' a \ if!.' ~ntll\'l h i n J! Mr. Bnd ~irl. W . H . Allen and relalives . rrank U Le May purchased DiaThe teachers of tbe grade buUding n r d ll( "~ or f il l fl. ,-t c·,. I lI nl It m uy MiN Olive Allen spent Sunday with mond Hill farm of W. T. Frame and entertained the teachers of the Dew Mr. and Mrll. Jas. Zell a'ld daugh. IlI rc' ~r" I '·n . 'l'h l~ I- n"r JI ll 11l "'I I I ~enl Dr. S. S. Stohl and family. of Frankt he transfe r was mad e last week. building and the LytIeteaehera • 1(0' nil th e p u rl or til(' " III. ht,\\'(l ve r , Roy Viln TI.ess, who has be\ln liv· Mr . Le May , who ha~ been in busi· 6 o' clock dinner Thumav ..enina'. ter. of Yellow Springs. wer e guests iu t Is tin e tn lite fnr r lh;1f lh,' I'nl sees lin. ODe of the prettiest entertain- ing at his Bummer home Bouth of ness in Hllmil t9 n for the past tWOI At this dinner, much to the eurof Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daugh· ·lte f..,,, 1 wlt en II I. ,·:tI ....'·I"" loll s o f Mr8. Mary Caakey returned home ter, Sunday. l lkk , Ol f pupe,' In I r ~ " ,,," th. \\' ltl It t1 ments given in a long time was town, for 8everal months. is very ears has sol d his interests t here ' prise(?)of the teachers _present the , • f ••. Irt r ....ret Monday lifter a pleasant vi81t of ~(> r ll.' ra l1~· IlrollH wlt,'n 'I /l d ; n '~ rI... food. that of the Japanes,e weddinl{ given much gratified over the decision of Y and after the fi rs t of Murch ;will enR'agement 0 1D18S a • leyeral days in Spriugtield and DayM ra. F, H . Farr is attending lhe - -- - - - --at the Methodist church on Friday the U.S. CircuitCourt of Appeals ex· move his family t o lh e t arm, Clark and Mr . C. W. Younce " .. ton . (uneral of her mother at Lebanon. ' evening. The church pulpit wu onerating him and 15 a980ciates from 'rho ll Oht fo r t h e D ay . This farm is 'noted f or itR fine announced. Ind ., today. She will r e turn home T he fIlan \\ li n l: ...'f ~ II uJ.!' r~· w hen you beautifully decorated i,n gay co lors the Chbfge of having misused th e frui t. 8 S thl're are Revl'ral acres set ~' lI nt to Inwsrlg"ll' hi s t:relltl usulllll' Mr . and Mrs. J . C. Hawke and this ev ening. with screens. ferns and flowers mails to defraud. in I!onnecti on with out in a pples, peaches, cherrit'~ and basn't mu (,h I'rll dit I CJ I n ves [l ~a l e. Mr John ,,'(omm and family spen~ galore. M iss Edna Howland gave a Real E~tate operations in Oklahprn a. a lot of small fruit, Bnd the reputaMr8 C. It. Funst on, of Yell ow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ readin g explaining ,lapane8ecustoll'l8 They had been f ound guilty by a .surrday with rp.latives at Plea8ant ta tion of the farm has gone out all Springs, spent Sund llY at the hom e and their marriage eeremoniea. The jury in the U. S. District court in J>lain over th e country , of Mi~s"s Emma Ca rtwrig h t. a nd [ '''B~win ~ Before A. bridal party , which consisted of March 1919. but this verdict was reo Nr. snd Mrs Georae Cast, of Martha Burnett H C'r t ",11 God fourteen, poople welre dressed in true versed and set aside by the higher Sl)rinitield. spant Saturday "nd Japanese styl e alld! when all were court lut week . The printed opinSunday with Mr, and Mrs. Frank seated ready for th13 ceremonv they ion of the higher court showed that The youna Friends of the Friends' A "good· will" contest waa put on and their surroundir.g 8 presented a the verdict wu not reversed oh a ADJlon. churcbes will hll.ve a market, SuI, at the M, E cburch. three wMIla 11&0 beautiful picture which will be hard ' technicality, but on the ground that Oct.lber 27. Everything Mood to and the purpose of the contest ".a · t o forget by the large audience pres- no scheme to defraud ",as' proved . Mrs. Stanley Sellars. and dlmllh- eat. Come. have a bile to raise money. Two captaina we re ent, The ceremony wu given in The opinion says in part: ter, . Millll Lina, of Lebanon, were elected, Mi81 Helen Hawke, captaIn pantomime with many salaams and "The motions fo~ a directed verKueBts of Mr. and Mrs J. M. Keys Mrs . Laura Innis and Miss Sarah Wm . Frazer is back a t his post on of the Blues. and Mr. C. W. Younee, a great deal of tea drinking. dict were based u,",on the claim th a t Wright. ot Lebanon, were guest..! of ' Jut week. The male qnartette, vocal solo by there wu no substantial evidence to the Weste rn Sta r . ro r several captain of the Yellow,: During thla Mr8. Mary Edward8 and daugh ter, Save your old carpets and rup MiN Trillena lut Thu reday . Mrs. Frank U LeMay and readinll support the theory of guilt charged month s he has been in the inaur· time. Beveral entertainment. were business. bu t the Brown Pub- given and ~ifferent. WayB for eetby little Miss Hathawuy. from Leba- in the indictment and maintaineLi .nd ~et "Wearwell" RUlls made. non adder! much to the e ntertain~ during the taia!. .. .. .. UDon such li~hing company. wh 0 h a8 lately ting money were tried, and the IeSend for price lilt. Fr.nklin Rug Mr. and Mrs. I~ R McCallum. Mr. ment . 1'hl' JapaDe!le Tea Room was a record it was prejudicial error not bought the Sta r . brough t him back[sult was very satlsr.ctqr,. to both and Mra .. Walter Stephens. of DayCo, . Franklin. Ohio. enjoyed by many an.d helped to ~ake\to grant the motion s for. a dir~ ct ed and he is now handling the ariver· sides . About $800 were r81sed durton, and Mr. and Mrs. Milo Andercomplete a mogt enJloyable evenmg, verdict. .. .. .. All the j ll d g m e nt ~ tisin g depar t ment . ing the contest. Ilrw Cora Baker, MI'tI. Wilford aon, of Xer.ia, spent Sunday with -------~, _ _ _•__ , . and sentences are vacated. and the Crltea Bnd Mi88 Nellie Ferrla. of Mr. and Mrs . Eli Dean case is remanded for such new trial Wi .rainl(ton, were the Sunday guestl Sub Icri be fOI' t he Miam i Gazette l "Save by buying in W.yneevD1.. : All kinds of Feed. Seed Oa[s, Tile . of lirs Ada Courtney .nd Mrs. Id. Fence Posts, Coal and Fertilizer . ~e C . Hollis· St!Jkea. deliver the goods Everett Ea rly, . ter presided during the tri al and refused to grant tbe directed moC. M. Robiller wife .nd daughter, Lytie, Ohio. Telephones: Wayn es• tion for acquittal, which the Court and Mrlt. L . A. Zimmermsn and ville. 76·3: Centerville. 827 . . of Appeals holds should have be"n d.Ullhter attendetl a Shrine concert Mr . • nd Mra. F : D. Hawke and - - -~ranted . The reveraal of the lower at Memorial hall. Dayton, Thursday IOn, Hubert. amt-Mr.-alld Mrs. Jas . The vaudeville bill at I oew's Day- court was a great legal victory for ~v~nlns . E. McClure left this morning for ton l'h eatre this week includes the Attorney 'C. C. Benedict, counsel for IIr.•nd Mr•• Cory Hare. of Lena, Toledo. They will be gone a couple Duponts , juggle n l. the Criterion the defendants. ....-- .. Miami connty, Mr, and Mrs. Proc- of daY8, and will probably bring rour. u ctl lebrut ed quartet, Newback a new car. ~ irk and Moyer sis tt!rs, in sonllS and tor and family, of Sidney, and Mr. and lira. Cbllrley Hare, of Conover, dances, Robey a nd Gould, and "A Mrs. Edith Harris, Mrs. Anna day at the Races, " a clever collect· visited their cousins, Mr, and Mre, Cadwallader, Mrs Sarah Zimmerion 01 train!'.! mo nk eys . The pic- • Mahlon Ridse,laat Sunday. man and Mrlf D. L. Crane attend ed t ure is " Strange rs of the Night" C G. Williamson was found de ad the Woman's Institute for th e Nuilollor e being the fi lm version nf the famous in bed at the Phillips hotel in Day , High Grade Acid Phollpb.te. V. C. tlon-Wide C.mpalgn at Chriat Ue~towed upon Pnpy ru9. I · A I' ... 24!1d-.t31.65. 24% at ,81.65 per ton Church ,Dayton, FridllY . Del'by .wlnncl', whcu the i'!-. 1'; • •\ llun, s tage \lav . •, C a p·.aln pp e~ack." ton last Fri'lay afte rnoon . H e h nd tnnla docked at !\c w York ri ll:; \\'l'('l~ . togeth er wi th the latest neW9 week· been in ill health for some time. and . la at tbe rate of 11.82 per unit of - - -... ~ - -lya Stan Laurel comedy Rnd Folt had j~st left the hoapital. The tu· From R sulto De Luxe on th(, UI' PN' l.v.lIable phosphoriC .cld or equivadook, while hllll.ll'c.<:l s or hllllians scenic. neral ' wu held Monday afternoon lent to $21.12 tt.,r 16%, on .whl~h the Jud Tunkln.. huddled 011 lowel' dt'<:I, s. thl! .tl'(·,1 ..etal1 price (8 $23. Save the dlfferJud Tunkllli ~DYI • man who think. was lead down a sp e<!1 11 I clIl'Ill'£('d For the week of Octorer 15th a from St . M8ry's church. Rev. to 8 w8l t!nl; mntorca r. Bplendid bill is offered. six well Schaffer officiating . The Waynes· .Dee by uBing high grade V·C Fer- life RID't wllr'th IivtD g t8 ~neDernll .v eD. . pnll·plank Now be reste and 'nwlll!_" hl ~ IIlnl ch known acts which include the Fly- ville Masons. of which he was a memo tilizer, Give UII your order, Everett p,ed In nlnklng It seem thnt way for Nee Bllolnllt tho 11l2.'1 Am~rjCI1 11 r.bamplcn, October 2'(). ror 11\'0 !!,old inlC Henrys, a big circutl act .. Cale- ber, had charge of th~ funeral. other peoph·.-Wn8htDgton Star. Early. Lytle. Oblo.
.- .
------- ---
aB~~YI:t:~~~~e:'~oward LOEW 'S DAYTON THEATER BILL
Used Cars
----.- -
•••r------------------------, ........
heather. Em.mett and Lind music to his eldest son, by OHcar P . Gil-
and ventriloquism, Maxton and Brown, and Larld Morgan and Com· pany. in a musicRI d&nce review together with Violla Dana in her latest picture BUCCless "Rouged Lips" and a Bull Montana comedy., Performances arecontinuouB from noon to eleven p, M.
SHOOT BOMBS ·W .ynesvllle peopl~ were aw~eD. ed lut Thursday, evening 1;11 "b.t provi!d to be lOme KI.n mem))era ahooting ott.Ii.e or alx. bombs and · I . Thl d b urn n. a CrGIa. s emonetn.tlon occurred .t 11 o'clock, thereb)o rouain. tile c1tb1ena Qf the ; t.o...~
"'IIf!!!!I!~~---~~-III!!!II.I---~~-.~~ were• ~ at tlaa.
.\bell' ....,
more. of Dayton. Miami cemetery.
Interment in
Worn wu received here early Monday morning announcinlr the death ot Mrs . Margaret Pierce, at LsbanoJl, Ind . Although Rhe had been III for the past few yeRrs. her dellth came as \l shock to this community, where:she was well known. having Bpent her chil~hood here. She waa the mother of Mrs. .... H. Farr and Mr. 1'hos, Pierce. The runeralls being held today at her late-home in Lebanon ,
----+-- •.----
Marble In Walhlng~Qn Monument. . All. lbe mllrhle' In 1\le r[lcln.: or the "lII or th~. WIIRhlngton IpODument ~e ' from ll_~ flo m Q l1 Rr l'1. 8nl· !tmore COUDtJl, Marylnnd. The sllgbt UftereuC8 to the ('olor Ie du to the tad that work wall Interrupted for ner twllDty )'ean nod -espOIlU'B to ,the
.ttl_eata 1IIIIdIJ.
alfeC!led tile
1918 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Ton Truck 1920 Ford Ton Truck 1921 Ford Ton Truck 1917 Hupmobile Touring Car 1918 Ford Touring 1917 Ford Touring 1920 Ford Touring Starter 1916 Ford Touring 1918 Ford Runabout 191 7 Ford Speedster 1918 Maxwell Touring Car 1 8 h. p. Gasoline Engine 1 6 h. p . GasoJine' Engine 1 4 h. p , Gasoline Enline,..... . Terms to Suit
Hawke Motor Telepbo~ 47
marblll\._-------~ ...~~-~~...~. n
• D~S~J1t '
Gift of -th£ By RA N DALL
~.~..WaYMa.m_e, OhIo. _~ _~~~~-"'l!_!"!'"W:_'!""'!!!!!!!!!-~!!!!""'-~L~'""!'"'-"'l!!!'!!!!'!""''''l!_!_~)mll!!l!'''!!!!!!~~"''!!'!~!!!",,!!,, !' _ !!!!!!,!,~~n!'!!!!~!!!! Itb ~tone on whf<' h III' Sill.. I e must nil' hI'!' t hrom; the wil d • of' tfl elr nl gh" s rid e IOg'tllar rll Says Tobacco Must Go . 1I:mll'.h,·,·IwrII":"", tI"hll!II<>t1 remorselts"IJ. bn ve rol\lIIlnud In thllt position tllr nn h(llIc'l.. tlltll!l~t pillftsnnt re IlH.' lu· c ntl lng In now PI"" 'r r~~I~Il\n'C \\,111100. 1 hour. '1I~IOnIlIl Y sb nklug 1113 h eu(\ . The Miami
'.~. ~I'
nuna reactH"t our. ~W i ~P t 1ne! t'IIU\' C'1I , .. buck 1hl'llilc h ,1 ", 1I, 0"11(·nl n· ::!hudIlWS, hU rl H. d(" '1\ slellp . Ing "I nps Mlrlp. ,""I !:rlpl'l.'d h.'r. If iii I Cllst il il lill n .. n Ihe "lon.· 1101M. : J)phClrrtlr sllr" ",1 811"htl)' III Ih~ bl ock '1'111 ' IU,II1 ~I .. o d i ltllHP ti le lltHhth'd 1'~' 1 C'o rnl'r w her ' sit., hu d b\·,It\ thn)\\"t), urt· or lilt, ,a,:. lrl 1I :II'.\ly dl,nn, 'lI . ~ 1I:\1w- nncl slll", lv. pllinrull )' Il(l\'nt!d het· CHAPTER X It·~., 111 lilt., f! I IIHIlI. :1111\ IUllgl1l'iI r-:. Il" lt t .r t'~· t.'s . Il l-.' r t;oc1r, \Y(IH k l"Ol'd h.r SlrUJ;)(l(', I~ , I h' 111'111 11 . 1\\11 :I UoI I lIlwlu,tI lu." " to\!"lllt~t ht'l p lf"ssly lu<.' rt. whil e- III f\nn W i th in th " Tunn el. Dll lmrn h slrUl1l.:'ll'l l t o h"~:lk "WItY, Oldy III ~ll': I I ;.:.ltl l lj "I' "n \', ' IIIlil' .. " (·n n· I If'r mind t'uned tf'l rUll c'tlun. 1'\0 tl ilsh t?mllt ll1g nne :-. tul' th' t! c'r~ Co r 11 ~1J1. hI" " III,'\'ct s lw " , I '" n .. t ,h'all. .\ riltC' lit 111"'11111'\' r"curn.>c l III "Id hC'r. F ull ' (l re t he tlllJ,!t!'I'S tlf tI, ,1' H "1I1I1l11{ ,' !tl""1 1 1" :lfi\' d u g lll!) .. , 11.. , II:wh w ldl, 'lnt! h~ \ ''Un~d''l1 ' I;\:ISII 1'11 1111 ~Inwly , rl'Hwnk "n .
\" 1 ('like on t,,-I' Ihrl1:It.1 ~hl\ \\ U ~ i n 'h o g'rnsl' o f tl g-llln t , IIlt~rdl l '''':-; h i til!' 1' ,,(' prC'lfCf' 01 hi s l lt'lwPI'. lIt1 d r ~1t lH' ro;. 'l f drnC'c r-c1 h f'llllt· ss!y thr1 111l.::I1 tI l.' ' :lII:.!I~ or \' In\'s lilt,) hlllrl.; n \· ~~ IW,\'"wl I , \\ I~ n muu : !'Ilitl h.t\pw Ihap. \\t l ll llll :':1. .... hl' h nr1 n il J:llmJl~e or t llp ftll ' l', :1111 1 1lI,ld t! df'~r('rntt' I' (t'o rt nt '·.... " .11 ...... !Zh 1' 1\ 111 1' mmul s1n'nl.!'Ih h~' tf'rrnr : 1' 111 III.' Kri p
plt'l",:d it'll '. tl ·" II·t! I t s tlH'c h:an l:ooi IU , Ull t! mOH 'd !'4ih ' llIl )' rnrwurt l to t il" {'n· t ntl1f'C, t lh' \\\',11,, +11 r e", t l nJ.: In th e crook fIr hl ~ n r lll, (';1 11 111111:001." h., p u r t l'f} th .... 1t'lIve .. IInc1 \ If)tl l~ l' d II IIT . !<Ot' ; l rdd n~ ,IH' f,lIlI It\1\J.!1 h ! (.f the d .. .... ~r ti'd \'1111.','" :'\nlldnj.! uf ,'" n"" " l lIt' lln' 1III ' t l il l" 1:1I7.~, r o r lip rt'~-n· 1 I'd h,... h. 11 11 II , " I" l ' n H' nt hnu ltl f' l', allc1
UIIlII ,KIW ~1I11t1"1\1~' 1" Ht Cl\,,~cloll~n"ij~ I Ilnl]. mutt rlnlt In~ohfN'lIlly Iii II/Il' I)lf. I " ntl ' 0 11 S"II'l' nl hl'r s ur'·"unoJl llI!'B. lJer I Then. Bntld enly . nnrl wllholt' 19.0 rnln I!. '),"1," III~' 1IU1 1' In lit,· r '1I 1'1I"~ ur1\\., "mi.. 'Ih fdlo\\' "1'1""11·,,<1 tu n 'llI x. his hUHI with " ~'·"II I ilr ~".lISfl"·I I')1l. hll hure I ~llIkl n g r"rwnnl on Ihe nr,,, ri·~tl n j; til '111111"111 ·llIln..:ly \If"' .. hotly I IIho,'\! tht' Kiln l1Iuzv.le. nn ll he
' ·IIH1 I nll"!!
h i ...
\ 1!!1I.
· \lrI·... '
s~ strl1ltgl ~,
~------------------------------Tho glfl fll"OW 'JlW K P(I "\\ IJ , h II If f'Jf" 8M I' hlng the 01'1'11 l·slit'S . InlC'tl l tlr.t of nil 011. r II hlnll th hor e IlrllZ' , IIII' b8Iow. The (tnl~' Pll881bll! I\'ft~· \\'M tbe 0 1141 8he hilt! lokl'n In (' ll nthln~ u.re, alonR 1\ ll'dge of iliOnI' ~Ii'll'! In , .plns t tht r OCk 11'1111. The whlll .. fll ~C I of Ih cliff 11'08 II 'mllSII of trlllll "~ \'In '. clinglnS In SOllie m~' slt'rl n "8 wily to lmpercepllble \!I'{jl'il'e In tUQ ro ck. ('omilletely v('lllnil lis front tur u p ' .bo,·e ber r ellch. lle horah presse.1 th eso bftck til gain pl\s,<uge. ftn Li hurl advllnced & dOZ1!n Rl e(ls nr !llllr(!, \l'lwn Ibe ~ Ioppod . parRlyzed wllh feur. Rtll'" 1111 Into two t e rri fyl ns ey"s. • .... could not mo"() a IIn,b. or s~re"m In tbat first Ins tllllt r>f horro r. TII"n 8
i'I'llt"fI 011
' ID
I1l t!l lInlc'~!'I
l1ulc kl ~'
Way Of Saloon
hmnre. Or llll ln lll, OUIlAW be mll,ir he. hUI hu I\'It ho b,·utl-. no ben t t he J UJl~I\!: rnth pr hI' hllil shOlvn hll1l~i;lr o IUlln . ') I· .~ n u J.:,·nll cmllu. YN whll! h e \[I "nuld he c"llel'f (rotu hIm ? If gcl ne? WII ~ tl ... lhln~ IllUn or b ~ M t? b e II'II R I,,),n l lind wurthy. how rolllri The QIII'RtI, ' n ' we rt· Ilnnlls\I·.. rrthle ; ijhe hI! tJu "r lin), 1I111? coul d hI' II~SIIrt · t1 or bllt (lne Ihlll!:-sile De.,'ullLl 11 11 oJunht th' mRn lI'ou ld r'" WM. stilI ntll'l" 111m In "~urc h or her. iiI" hl141 :)Iowly. sll.'nl l), l ilt' ~I rl ~II 'l'l" 'ill,<1 shrewdly I{u"~ijllt l w h.. re sh p Ill Y III III 1, ltll~~ IIt' ,'>,'l f PII "lin II)· rrolll o fT 1!le conceu lru ent. 11 1\11 hll d l ~iI thf\8e oLl, e r.
,It\'· kn()~s .
"onhl NeA r,·pl y
t ml n
a Jlf'r alii •• tl.lrrOr, ,\I t·t 1ht-" " C' ry ~l~n 'e of hi'r . 1111011 011 held he" 91tl'nt, I\(~r w~lOl c hod)' lr .. ",hllng "Io lenlly. W II ·,·e wn s .~I)(' ? Wlwrl' hll,1 h er lIs811 l1n m
hn r d r~ un \\ hh'h ~I II' Iny, l1i4l o ,c lire r,'u g h I)til,'rv l 'ltln,,;:-. of tlu· wnll liS loIlI p -
norl lu II."
11 ...· hrlils.' tl ttlllbs
InJ,:' 111':-:t ttt lb ' "I'II I"'I'd ht~dy untl tll\' ndletl. ul j ~ 1 11\.' /' Itl 'ud t h r'lIllht!t! \\ it It th,'ullt IlIn'rutl 'd It\· tlll':oI I\ ,'I'u d laa 11 llzol, JH! n n .\· It..; s hf' (:h u lI L:I ' d Ih'" ptls tm'p t'\, e r SIJ~ ('fluid !'Ot'"I-l'l" I~' sWlllltlW, III' I1 w \'e SO sll~llil y, ,n·t l fit-' I1IUHHlIl'ol 8~r "etJ h~ r ll ll1 h !i wl tlltlut JUlin.. T llt'll . h e r til c11'lIr hel' mint! lind br ing bu(·I; a l1('-r UI Oll::hl oye~ :\('(' \I .I;: ' olllln", tll c m gel"'-'~ t n I1It' IIII'H~ur p of (.'(llIl·ul~t! . :tWt'l't ) ,uC"l< t o 1\:pllf'tt.II , nnl ) th e 1Ht'11ln en 'r\ I.Jltur .r:l fl llill. till' g ll'l h"..:un dllli l y tn p O fl ·t-'ht' "lI j" l'ts "h out h e !', lI n l) t hl1:; nT'." of tht' I1In11 \\ u~ no I nn;.:(·r whl 'l1y 1 grHt-.11 !,;OII1I'lll 'n~ or th e )111 11 1111,111 , 1 f~~r !If hi,.. )Jrl it.:r' ll ·!I. In fo: l)\le of h('r ,Inuhf,s. 11 "" 1' rt l.:.tl'\I"':1, tilt:' r('('ollel·tl nn J "tth~ 1)\' I H l ll' 111(' tlf'fll l1 ~ ,'Ull1t' 111 11, 1\ j
taW il,\'
lea,'1) he r IlI c('(' "p.·ul'ely hldill'''. AR "nun li S hl' ('(llii d l'lfl 11 1111 "It' tll!!lr nb~""\'lI ti n n hp. wou ld slIr<·I\· I,, ' huC'k (1IH'\' IIlol'P. BU l e\'(\ l l I t he ~ llIlH:t hntl !"1I1' I"rt un\ trllil lI P ('IJuhl (\.\l o\\,1 Dcr 1 1II~"lIl:" hll'c k frol1l til l! "dl:l! nf th l'
coven hlld hei"u IIll lllr- (I\'pr slIIuu th rtl('k, otl whh'h h pl' r"I't l'onl<1 hu\' e Ii' f l '''' , 1I"hll'"1 11':"" I I' ~ hc h".1 fl own 1l\\'1I~' l Ul u f lit' II II' fh e fI n u l 111),1-1 h'r~' or lr~r d l~ I\Jlfl ~ UI 'H nf't ' (' oI1Jd nut
hn" e
))(\I'n )!' r ~lIl f "' .
1 .l'H~\lt " t Ih' 11:-:.' t ' arll\' '':t.
or g'uI "hlpl l hlln.lI)' I,., ,, ,I,,' ''''' 11111 lit
the t.u nn pl lwh fntl ,tip 1':lltol ' ,\ ' or v!J H' ~ - whnl th "11 1 ~h(o I'lIuhl 1'!l nn·jq. hut on\' · Ino\"ltnltl\' 1"f' ~1I 1t ld:-e lit-nUl. Stu.-' W fl s s lI l' J, rl!'Ot' tl . ~li l){'kl"d 111 how thflt npw ,ll lIuJ!l1t s l d, fln pt! HIl,1 111~. h eul'i l'np d IIlII'. In ~OI ' I I ' \\ a~' Ill s p el" SUlIllltty ha d hHJdH't! Jl l'!' .... (l'll n :.:I\·. unll th(' til' rL'ftl~hl 10 S lI n ll rl 'l d plI th t' PT'.
,. I:
(J, l ·t'u sl', JH"('g ltl \' ll t :'\P.I · :-';lHuk~'rs· Pl'o t P'-'I h 'e
U\' l! tl
aJ)prl) lIeill'tI tlltl fru nt IIr tilt· pn' l' hlk~.
:-: u.,· ... th a i uf'
Will' ng:llillst fo,; IInW nil ill 'v f' urp g ,)t lJ ~~
1IIl '
tn l'"l " 'il
11.' I'-Hr ~ :
10 dtl Co t ol !n,'(' o) jl131 \\' f lit ti lt · . \111 1, !"al"uJI I.t'a;':lI~ dill (tt ua'h lli,"
Slal UflWIIL o r I I I oWliershlv b.1I11 l1Iilllige · tHln l~' ~liJu.1 )!rhnl ,r lH' twp~,t' ,bp I" n l) \\' . m ont of tll\1 :'\ l ia l II 1 ;,11.1'110. lJuhll.hcd at It thl . Irull rrt lnn or Ihp hidde n tunn r l W l\y ne.s \·lIh l. ("li o , ,~ n " plirt..>U hy Lllo .\ct o f "outtl Ir('nt Iwr ns h .. hllrt- nr tnut ed <AU1~dl~I~1:.I · I : 9 I l:rullo . \Vn Ylw8"lll o, 011 10-
terter. or II'lI nte'·p,· (·un .. ' hou led ~\lll~!~~~rd~:.l d PullllshfJ r , D. L . CrUDe, \vnyn~ to hi s ~ c t lo n- I. e would slll'cly prove UW II~"" , Allnlu nud lh.mo Drow n , D . L .
.f, ' 1·' I.
Starts Saturday, Oct . 13th. 104 items the First Day. Record Breaking Savin gs Prepared to Surpass.
· '::'. ~.
.. ,
Orane, t .etl-O U0I1Cl 1111!tJert ntortgag6l, nud o thor aocun LY
The annual opening of Fall an d \\'i ll tl'r busincss is celebratcd yearl y with a FESTIVAL of \ ·;li uc-givin g. These remarkably low pr:ices a rc a proof to you of this store's ability to secure the utmost in values!
h oh ltlr'6, uuno
thu )ru to Rutl 8ubsrrlbod hu.f\"lro 0\0 lobi. 9th llay o f lktohcr 1 9~J L. ~l. lI ondursol1 . Nutary Pubic. ":2
• ' I .\
. 1. ~
Each a coat of di ~ tin cti\'l! . tyling )f th e 11l0Sl ueautiful deep-pile fabrics- ri ch in new Fall colorings Wilh fu r trimmings of squirrel, beave r, wolf, fox. mink and mon key. Sizes 14 to 48. Ri4e· hum/er's-Third H oor
'. f \
f l
;.. J
40 Fur Coats at $255 Thirty different sty les-of beige, 1,Iack and platinum caracul , mo l l~ and Iludsoll seal. 46 to 50 inch 1t:! llgt hs. Rilu-1f.umJer·s--:.Third Fioo,
. Remarkably Low Prices in Ready-to-Wear
1200 1000 200 500
Matrons' Hats, $7.95 \~
In Hraight line styles, ti ered skirr s, side drapes, cape barks. 'Frocks for all occasions. Navy , black. brown, cocoa. Sizes 14 to 44.
Sheets, $1.10 Bleac hed a nd sea mless, t or n berore being hemmed. The e xtra large siZl' 8 1 x 90
Damask, $2.10 yard
[III port~-d
a II lin en t" ble dlunask. 69 inches wide. With napkin. to mat ch at $5.49 dozen.
Rik.· Kum/tr' s-Second Floor
yards satinettc, fine qualtty, 39c ya rds dr ss gingham , checks, plaids, lie yards wool crepe laine, Fall colors, S1.17 yards crepe de chinc, 14 colors, S1.59 Rik.· Kllmlor's-Second Floor
'W omen's Pumps, $5.85
Of black bncbkin. with dull leather. style. Welt BOIes, Cuban heels.
1800 Aluminum Utensils Priced for Festival, 79c
One strap
Sports ~uits, $48 (. Of English homespun, English Reece, tweed I
,cnccb anfistripca. Fur coUared. .'
Costume Blouses, $8..79 ~ Of crepe de chine and val vette. many cmbroid· , .ery. fUld bead trimmed. New Fall colors.
Chappie Coats, $4.59 . Brusbed wool, solid colors or two toned effects. , Browne, greys and copen.
Skirts, $5.00, $8.50 Camela hair, plaids, veiours nnd flan nel, some combination alloR. 26 to 34 waist. \
Of silks and twills-splendid in qu alil y. right in Fashion .
Silks, Woolens, Wash Goods
Many of black velvet- unusual in quality and style. Dignified though youthful in effect.
New Fall Frocks, $28
Fur Trimmed Coats, $55
Linene Dresses, $1.50 DoJlble service dresses for nurses, waitresses, home ,weal'. Flnt collars, th~-quarler slL'Cve•. 'Breakfast Coats, $5.45 or Atin and taffeta, cut generously rull and long. Dark and light colors.
Modart Corsets, $3.75
5-qt. T~:\ Kettlc 6-q t. Covered Ket tle 3-pie<;e Saucepan Set I. 1J.<l l\1ld 2 ql. 81...
6-cup Calk", Pcrcolntor 12-qt. Preser vi ng Kettle Colander 2-qt. Water Pitcher
10-qt. Preserving Kettle Round DOllble Roaster 2-qt. Double Boiler IO-qt. Round Dish Pan. 12.qt. Ova l Dish Pan 4.q t . Covered Saucepan J.qt. T ea Ke ttl e Ova l Double Roaster Rike- K""der's- Basemc"l
Iridescent Glassware, 9600 Pieces, 29c apiece
Chippend ale design. Full sprin g SC3 t constru e· tion. Arm Cha ir 10 match, $56, Wing Chair, $6l.50.
$92 Royal Wilton Rug, $69 9 x 12 .i7.c, n il linen Iringed. All new shnlles of taupe, rose, mulberry and blue.
Beloojistan Oriental Rugs, $16.50 Rich colorings or t a n. ma hogany, carnel~ hair blue and dl.'Cp r ed predo minate. Average size 4.9 x 2,1).
111'(1" 011("\"
An unusually low price for this hi gh grade sewing mnchine. Featured ror first day.
Magnetic Dancers, 60c Attach them to your phonograph . They Fox Trot. Waltz, and One Step on your Record .
Reading Lamps $12.75 Lamp of mctal and crystal prisms. shade of pilrC~nrl·nt .
First Floor Festivities
Real Filet Laces 39c yard. Fresh home made peanut brittle 18e a, pound. Men's linen handkerchiefs, colored borders 23c 2400 Spools of thread 54c dozen Household rubber aprons 29c Silk covered dress shields 25c pair. Sew on cor3et hose 3upporters 10c pair. Children's pin on silk supporters tOe pair. Kleinert's rubber double covered sheetin~ 60c yard. Rainshine silk umbrellas $3.50. New real kid gauntlets $3.50. Ravelstone pound paper. 86 sheets 39c 25 envelope~ in a package, 2 packages for 39c Zarifa double compacts 98c 100 yards Irish Laces 49c yard. Another lot Irish LaCl's 59c yard. Wider Irish Laces 69c yard. Finer thread Irish Laces 89c yard. Venise lace round neck trimming 45c Collars for round neck dresses- sets 69c Net coltar and cuff sets 89c Full size ivory combs 39c each. 96 powder puffs with handles 39c Women's Fancy Phoenix Vests SI.OO Long ,c hain glass beads $1.25 Silver pnlted baskets in pierced design $3.50 Textl1e leather bibles 89c Textile leather testament 59c I' ull Fashioned Silk 1·lose $1.19 75c lip sticks 39c 55 sachet baits 39c Irish pleot lace 9c yard. 57 vanity bags 39c ~cru Val laces 5c yard. 50 corsage b,o uquets 39c . Lace.panel collan 62c . Imported bead bags S3.00 100 lmgerie sets 39c AllleatJter bibles $1.50 Testaments 35c 80 pair of garters 39c
New Hats' for Fall $3.25 Smart, shapeable felt hats. incluoing "Dawn ."
All new rail shades
Calf Oxfords $4.95
Red toney russian calf. leather, welt sewed.
Square toe last.
Broadcloth Shirts $2.95 Nelson's En glish Broadcloth. ing ror ,perfect fit.
Domestic t«:lnr·
Wool Suits $39.75 Lined in silk throughou t a nd in the Newtst Model~. 't'
sl ~eves .
TM Slo,ejor Men.
For Children Girls'. Frocks $8.50 Of velvet ill three' new styles. bright trimmin gs. Sizcs 7 to 14.
Bloomer Frocks $1.49
.' '
Da rk colors,
Junior Lamp 522.75 Metal [ami> with crystal prisms 22-inch georgette shade.
Three Panel Mirror $12.00 Beautirul rrames of antique gold I ta lian colored effects .
Table Scarfs and Pillows $2.25 Stamped Pillow Cases 59c
Gladstone Bag $12.95
or gingham in green , marigold and blu c. traet color trim. Sizes 2 to 6:
Boys' Shoes, $4.35
• 1
Of brolVD calI, brogue last, lace style.
Child's Shoes $2.85 Tan Lotus calfwi'th smoked elk • . Blucher s tyle.
Boys' Corduroy Suits $8.50 COIIt box· pleated in back; .Berge lined. pain or lined pan la.
Toy Ford
" ,~ eDGu,h'i , I"~tirea.
Au~o, . $5.95
no 8 yeaii."
\ Two
Ch~ red
die Leather over sc\l'ed rrame. ket.
- 1--'
- - Rilit!-:1fuml"!s=-SffU/~Floor .
Frcsh, Fall stylcs in Canton crepe, Spanish lace, satin back crepe, poiret twill. trico"ham, twill and velvet. All colors.
250 Sports Coats, $11 .50 and $23.50 For s ports or dress. Polaire, overplaid and double faced potaire in new Fall colorings.
75 Large Size Dresses, 57.50 Specially designed a nd selected ror women who wear larger sizes. Tricosham and Knits.
500 Women's Outing Gowns, $1 Hea vy outing gowns or Tro y and Scotch flannel in white or fancy stripes. All sizes.
155 Oxfords and Pumps, $2.85 and $4.75 Tan calf walking oxrords and strap pumps or brown suede.
200 Wool Army Blankets, $2.85 100% wool English Army blankets.
'5000 Pair Children's Wunderhose t8c
Plain and
Little Girls' Coats, $7.00
Wool polaire coats in new, charming stylet!. Sizes ' 6 to 14,
500 Men's Broadcloth Shitts, $1.89 Imported English broadcloth shirts: Pure white Neckband styles. All sizes.
tOO New F~\I1 Sports Skirts, $2.95
. or.fine camnlure and'overplaid.
Well tailored.
300 Brushed Wool Sw.eatets, $2.95 Fall's new and 'favored colorings.
S~ 36 to 46.
,100 Smart, F;tH-Dres8 Hats, $3.10 In those becoming !IlY1_fl'1l favont.
he un
IIl rr~l fu l
Will ell ,
tn him.
\\'Olll d
m :cl'k
He would 1\. ~ 1l ~t!n ·8
Money to Loan on Farms at Si per cent for five years. TER~ELL « TERRELL, Wilmingtoll, 0., phone 301. •I
1"II\1I tl d G D ltv" 8lO0~, o h 'HI,e l ~ , "I~o o!(lOlJod DlIJHI!0j(I;III . I l:l~ Qu nl/ht. J nlw a li rblU ", Alltln
N tJu .. " 11 . 1', X Ullia O hio.
6 4 :H
Farmers, Attention!
Id s en" '." f"o l ~ t .. tJ. 'k ulk- If'U(Ulf''' r .. ur Wtlrrttu .... II I I llb Ing h~h l n'l IhHt ~l' r,' ('n or ICllves. UII · ouuut lt," uU' Y .. b ' -1111t '0 ' l WY I "' ~ 8ltKI'CtWII, Iw ('qul d kIlt slIr!!I),. Ullrl In tlln l' I .. ~I". il L 6 y'% In l.-It,.'. l II •• thut 1I'1I.1 hlnll lh" \'t'l'" rt IIr th " tI"rtlh I ~ ,IJ u r ll ' lC I·IJ(I ·.0111.' I ~ v"r y r .. &.OD_ shllt WIIlIltJ hl'lnj! 0(1 II'I1I ~·l' r. .hl... tlt' "ttl( II Till! ~\·tJ" '4.1 l,~ nd ()cl'..lrrt lt ·~ s"n rchll lj! ey ·S . now IIbl~ [lIlIl k It' •• r rurr,tH"''' Ihf • • "n 'tll uu Olt ll to dl s tlnlw lsh uhj"" ls with gO UlI! el'"nr· ' 0 ~tl .. (jllrt1ltf'l M U tilt \ ' t£. l·rt~n" . u, \\r,
ph o oM ;·H f,-X
L..... I
. ..
d U. Uh 10 ,
ollSI·url'll ')11 11'1 1111'(>. A I fiNOt s he c.\uld nOl he s u ... ·. hilt tinnily til e "'lime out' j - = = = = = == IIne~ .. r Ilk' 111:1 II se.lt t'il .m th e ru~ k he· ert"lI' vl.lll le. fll' "'II ~ hudtll l'l l for· ward In s urh I!ril lcsQII' puSturf' ns 8('111'<: 'Il' iii III1PCUI' hlltll:tn. hut ;''1'nrlu· nlt~· ,h .. !:,Irl re:lll r. "d whilt I he uncouth shll(l\! UlU 8t he. c(l ull! eveo tl etect the Ion:.:, ~1' I'nllll ly hcor;l. Ih e IIr!!ul hrlllllltit of s houllll" '!!. nnd tile rill" . on which he 1I'II II ,·r/. \\,Ith Ih l. r1\8" ''''(>ry clime ,IN'f'I!)[) TO BUY - I • . mb ~. Oe. tt'l! Inslll nt """"rn(1('O nl so th nt thp I"ltll' Il rtH.. " btl .1 A l:illrt_ rcllow sl" l1l SOIlU( lIy. A thrill of hope W,Ull , 1, :.I ·H!I. Hurllu!;,.,,, ,. 01110 "I'oll!:,ht cOIII·n :;e. lind new strell!!th to ..17, her 11mb.. allj!ht It nrot he (lus~lhle ,\N l'EO-M8U Or IVOlueu to rror hpr In stvn l rnr\\'lIr, l Silently. nnd Lake ordtl cil tor !lCIlOU(/ll' "UIUthen. w ith n ~II'hi An sprInt::. clrar the "hstrllcti un or "Inra, nnll goln the free liU'''<let h O~le r y t ur m un , WUWtlO IlIlt! dn y wlflwllt, hpfrore the sl umbering ohlltlrllu 1£llolln'H O~ d .. rnlll~ Hal ... f ull ~ltn tJ ' 1.50 .. u gunrd '\1111,1 e,'cn ~"rnprehe n'l whul hod ry '7 5 It occurr etJ? Th b OI'se Wll R 1101 n hun· hOllr "P "ft' 'lUi ll. (Jot\on Iltl .. Loerl ,lre,1 YIt"(IH ti\\'ny. li nd ·hen If she ho(1 to , ~Ilk.. (llle rlllll,IOO iil .s\Ollktug Mltl.· DU leoll bnlt!I~' from olT l ir e slrelr of rock, Norristow n . P,. she would willingly <lnre nit for a choll<'e 01 l'itC1lpe. ) 'et she hurl nnt lid· -=~=============="nn cell tJlrce ~tell !l unUI ~ h e ren lt ...·d the ' 1IJ 'I",~~l hllll~' or the "ff,' r t- Ih e . Ie,'pln!: ho. ly utt erly bl ol'IIed tbe pns- . snile. She ('onlt! Ilf·,·r ph·p thp fell 01" ··now wIth s mTI\' 'lI 'tl nl'IIl"'~' u g iant ot n mnn, with Inn/(, npellke arms. hare li nd hnlry. nn 4ld, tt y fo rmell hellll. 011I10st 11i" 1r· ~110ll c ,1. Inll/: hulr Rhn.lIng HOUSE of 3 roomR, partly modern llod 10 1500d OODdlllou l.(arRg8 t he fuce. IIn.1 R hlnell Iward 9wI!Oping tn hI s Iw e(·s. Slowl~·. ~ltently. without lind eltlotrlo I'ght!': r ~ n t '8 ,00 a m On th . InqUIre of Wtllliev HlgglI. n(·tull lt~· ImOll'lnl!' \\'h~'. the girL drew u17 bnck Inlo the deeper durkne8s hehlnd Gorwln. Ohw . her, 1'1I1dlnl; Irp,"plf wIth nne han ,l nguln~t Ihe rough 11'011. Into her mlnil hnd COl ue the rnln\. hupe of nnolher egress sOlllewhere. the very pnrlty ot t he ulr NUl:g,·Rtlnj! such n possibilIty, ehe even Imottlnlng 8he rflt n <lrRfl "pon her dll.>e k. Yet the I'e was no glimmer of II/:ht. Once her gropIng foot slruck ogllinst f.rugments of r . •~ .J.e~~nlJ-wheM) ·tJIPY ·tell. She - - t ' - - - ... - ... - , ~ -:: _ ~BOA 1'8, wllr we' gh 1>0 pound. down better to R"RlI re hersel r tlr the Clb~tructl on, nnd her explorlllg IIngel'l e!Loll .108. I\l"rqp'fl.rd • . ueaf tonched a pick. It W8S a mine, tJl(m: Bookeye School honae, R D '. this secret excuI'ntlon hotl been mlln's Wayullltvll1e, OhiO.:. oll~ work: Nliture mny hu\"O pOinted the ~R dALE-Kelfef pellfll. " 8~ .J. wuy, bllt thIs tunn el Itselt originated ~ Wllaon Edward., phone 81l.S, throll!(h lusl ot weulth. Her C1JptOI'f! c , 02' ' were not outlaws but men cruzed by . Wayoeavlllo, Ubln. rear of los ing whnt they hnd 'uncov· Pol .. Ud.Cbtna Sow.. . Will far. ered In 'these rocky hills. Yet this rlJ\\ "oon j b"d gnot1 numbef fir •• knowledge rendered · her sltuatloQ no litter: ,,180 g,'od mii:le bUI! I :VS'" old. wblt leu tlnngerous. lohn W. Bellob. tt, O . ~, WR')ns" • Deborah crept forll'nrd over the pile ville, Ohio. .010 of debriS. discoverIng thnt t his full stone did nnt 'tlenut\. Ih e ending ot tbe SO \VH Hnd Plge-'l:w,) · arHA Howe llllssngp.. \I,ljtlenly her groplnj( huntls "nd 20 PI(l~ fur ."Ie. R. a reveal ed II SIIlII'lJ curvnlure In the tlln· 8t. ro\l~E', R.'·O. 5, WIlYI&ell.,llIe,Oblo. nel. ,jnrl sit e work ed her wliv nbout . '. . en? tile corner with utmost en u·uOIi Then ' . Ite SWI11)lJd. ''OotlHI to the spot. her THOROUUB OfUCO 8\Jr9JWhlre hell rt · nlm ollt . Ceuslng 't n heat. , ook L"Ulh~ 'lnqulrH 0' D"vl. IIhovl' •. UJI II'I",t IIppeR.r ecl ' to be n FarnllP. ~ 0.4. phoi'Je 81 tX' '"Wa'!. sharply Ili cllnerl ' chute thruu,h ' the oenltle, U~lo .. , ' 010 ,", ~olhl r' ck. Clmle treumlnJ! down.·o . GOO , Wood .~e.'log Rt,nye, Single roy of. dAylight. Itt tUltlt reneetlOD retlUng di rectly UI)OIl th1: ulItUmed ' Owenll mH lie blqQlr: ot I'rank fuee or n t1elld mun, stre(rhed on the ,Manh_JI, Bellbrooll,Oblo 010 WilDAI Itnor . ~' a t> ROttdlter, ltll. model ••tart .!.Contlnned on DllIII! • er and dftlDOUDhbl" rbull. II..
-- -
600 New Canton Dresses t $14.50
' Very low priced for the first great day. Derby rib. All sizes. 5 to 10.
mO I'l'
oel'Os, 8l'Ullllt.·d tlw rod, walls 10 the
Her Bruised Limb, Ached.
$35.00 Sewing Machine, S21. 75
Gowns, Chemise, $1.89
Arown or Black Shirt rol'" and ex
Flounced or
-----. --:. ~~~
1200 yard plain and figured net, 36 · inches wille. High grade cotton yarn, open mesh.
Stamped in lovel y patterns to embroider en fine firm Cabot case tubing.
Whiskey Glosses 29c Cocktail Glosses 29c Wine Glosses 29c Hlah Ball GIB8tles 29c Icc Teas 21)c ParfaIt GIa8tlCs 29c Rikt· K ,m,lu's- Fourlh Floor
- ----/'
BungalowNet Curtaining, 25c yd.
Goblets 29c Tumblers 29c . Sherbets19c
f>hilippine ha nd made, exquisitely embroidered. ·Made over American patterns.
Mohair Upholstered Davenport t $97
Petticoats, $3.95 or silk jersey, Milanese or Trecot. embroidered. Fall colors.
.--. - -- - - - - - -
Pillows a nd scarrs to match of tapestry and velvet. Scarfs 22 inch es. Each $2.25.
Btassier~s, 65c Modishform, model 643, of pink batiste with satin stripes. Sizes 32 to f4.
. '\
Festival Savings For The Home
Iridescent glass tableware of flint gla..s from one of our highest class glass factories. A complete tablc service may b~ cho5en.
Model 837-Rike'e. m06t popular corset number. Sizes 23 to 30.
Rike- K IIItI/rr's- 1'II1 ird Noor
Dayton, Ohin
fOr Sale \
• -
OV'r)noklnll the Pun. It'" lU I I • ~R!hlp that lb • ... 11), ,.nIH" "" -" IIII' ~ II II1\r4 ,tel' tb.feltd II b\lC:8.1III ......,.....
Oft •• ' See B..oaetb Ktlboa,.' 8J. man.. :&ont. 010
--... iI .., '
...... f
.... TH E- MIA M.I
GA Z'E TTE •••.
... tbo
P ""IIOIIlC8 ••
W"ynoov lllb.
_ 5 __ _
~ &~-----,
U IiII., ... Set Ou.! ( ' ,... &1 .. 1 Mhlt e,
Mra . EupheDlIJ~ WUaon Is poorly at this wrl ting . Mr and M,rs .. Bomer B 'lIne8 were dlnner g nes's Cit J!:veratL Balnee, 00 !:lundIloY . Mr. Bnd Mra Weldon Willian and Man, Gerald , olllled on Zlmrl SalnllB !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!"'" itt 1'1nm!d ay even:10 ". Mrs Carl Jan/'s, M.ra. Ralelgb Bogliu !l od d!lUI~bter, Dorothy , were by In W l1yntls vllle 11 while Frlduy af. tern oo n I r /IOU Mn~ J ohu WIi IOU, IIlr PARRISH aud l'> lr •. \V.lter Wilson, E noll WII 8 0 1J . Albe rt ,\l I d Robert Wilson took dinn e r ",Itll Fr", nJt Braddo ck's, S un·
D, L. ell AN E, Editor alld P u b l i ~ lter. 'WnYlle!o\,i lle, . hio
Go od Go ods Alw ay s Ple ase
Subsc riDtion Price, $ 1.5U per year
" if~fJ) ,~
Remind Men of Their De'fecta on the Theory That TIlelr StroDIl Polntl WI\l Take Care of Them.r1veA
John T. Pratt, promin ent New Y-o rk bankor and stron~ backer of the budget system, says that when the businllB S men of Amerie a make up t heir mindll to mix in, r oll up thei r sleeves and get down to a workin g basis with tho p eople, w ith whom the p oliticilWB and the I1gitato rs work, thel'e will not only be 1_ discont ent, b ecause thero will be more underst anuing amon~ the farmors and miners n.nd mill hands, but also thoro will b e, and for the same r ell8OD, fewer ra.lied r e lJLed ies for such ills lUl the ro are, Mr. Pratt is right providi ng his definiti on of the blllrinC68 man e mbrl1Ces the Wall Street ftnancie r. The manufa cturer's cont.nct with the workin g man h8B been cioee for yeal'S. The greatest misund orstand ing, lies between tho financi e r, whose opcrntions t;polJ high prices for what the farmer hBB to buy, and thu low prices I1t which tho farmer is compol led to sell. All dis· oonten t s prings from that. Try as we will to put t.he truth behind our hacks; the prosper ity, the peaee, the content of tho .Americ an people can be gauged always by the barome ter on the Americ an farm. When the farmer enjoys the benefitB of the square d enl disoont cnt disinteg rates all down the lin&. ( ' Mr. Pratt n eed feel no alarm nbout the busines s man not .. mixing in. " The day of aloofne ss has about p88lJ(Jd, Big busiuCS!l h8B come to see that it must mix in, that it must get off its perch, that the man in the mill and the man behind the spade will be taken into conside ration whethe r or- no. Indeed, the best minds today, for selfish reasons if for no otb er, feel the stern necessi ty of finding aome real aolution of o ur econom ic mnelstr om. Up to date they have dealt only with cffeclB. They have tempori zed, but they have not cured. .As soon as they get do,wn to causes a more perman ent relief will be in sight. l Perhnp s it ·might be well for big businea a, when it does roll up it alcoves, as Mr. Pratt auggest s, to begin its physica l excr· d!le by squeezi ng the water out of the railroad s and p eTITlitti ng ; 'II!iII!IDger and transpo rtation rntes to simmer down to an h on est
PI' h n rull , " "~ I II1~ 1
t'eroy Rensuu and fllDl ll y , 'N arren llr".ld oc k "u,i f Dwlly lind Mr. and M rH FrAIl Brllud oo k we re dinner ~ U «'f'tB o f R .. .vrn und Wilson ' • . ti ua
,\ " It"r' " ,
.-.- r--- ---- ---- -....--- --- --------- --e
', t, '
Scatterl n' preeepl:ll day by dllJ', .. we flounder alolll' our way; eYeJ'7 lmpul.le, or thougbt, or deed, mHM a pace fer 10m&bod)' to read. , , • Can't be too keerful 10 ,,,ery d/l7, , A • 8catter1n' ~pta, 4/17 by da1, 8carterl n' pncepl:ll tez young and old; lOme at rubb1ah,_ _e, maiD gold. . , • Mattera DOt wbat Y. ItaDt may be,aomebody, IOme'\Vbere laJ eertata to - . • , • Better he mindful to watdl an' Pr&3', u we '~atter preeeptl , day b1 dlQ'. , • • GOd I Ef II feller could onlT know bow fur a thourht or a (lee(! 'njfgbt 101 ot a emile, or a beartew D' hand beann' their truits In the Beulab Land, . . . BeAt to be eerlaln or wbat we say, as we sCRtter life-thro bs. tiny by da)'.
II " ,, ~ till' f",·c of " y"ung
, 'ut s l1l \1'1, fil ltl o~ t goo ll · j uo l,lng I·" ,' n In lit -lit h , w ith I'I IPt"ks rre·d ll y S h:t\' N l. "r'h ls III !'I t W IlS "'lint IlrlHlK" 11 Ilu' Jdr 1. hrollJ-rh l In)1' h nd\ ql1 lC' k l ~' to
il tl!.: t il t, ~llIlIhl , ' /lr hlR hflo r d wllS n ot ("'(\n \' 1 ~lh h' . ' rlwTl she n ntt·d t w o olll l 'J' (n ~ · t:-;- hl !-i I' p vll h l'r WfiB In thfl' h o lslPr Ht lil R ",,, ho t. lind tht' IInnrt. tw irl HJt· l'I J,t" 1 H~n ll1" I ht' Side willi . "I'U"P" "
r"IIled pU)'ll'r. Hl' IUlil Just
1/"" 0
1. llI ed, nOI IJ lU r ~ tlmn tw o hourw lIi.·fnrt? 0.: 1I 1'4'l y , litH] In nil du £>I - I'tl rllil IH" h e· IHlII Fnllun tn wher" 100; lA Y whllp c1lll1hlol(
th u, norro\\' I lU ssn~e ahove. B llt Ib e wou n,l? T here WII S none vl" lhle-no l p , ' ('1\ II hrul s" on the f" ce. As 1\ W OlD '
li n.
n ·horuh
Rhrunk f r.nn
tOll c bln~ tll p
hne ll'. bllt Iopr trnlnlo/: us 0 nurse In· " tllll tl ~' I·on'luer cd. She mU SI lellrn th e t 1'1I 11t, Ilis/I/:reeoble 118 ,I", tOHk mll(lol he. 00 her kJlce8, exprtlnK 1111 her <,renlt tll. ~ Io c pllrtilllly turned the bn'I~' - tlo p IIInn hlld hec lI Rhnt In th e buck , She secml'l11 O (!l\nt J)rehen('f It all 10 n ·tllI"h . \'ISI(1ulo g the sce ne 11 8 she rose qui ckly to her fect. lh' musl hnve . done the need-th at older mllll wllh tloe b(,R rd- shoot Inl: trellcloe rously (rom behind . It hnd been dellherllte munler. But th e purpose was not so r lNI r. To nil R)'l(lell rnnces th e 8SMS~ lo hn d ncver p \ ' en np)'lronched his victim nf ter he tell. OontlLlen t of th e deadly IH'('UTlley of his aim, he hnd le( t the Inpr\ body lying where It strllck, un· t OUched . not e\' en the dead mnn's glln hpln g remll'.,'!) from It9 hols ter, or the (<,Id ell hll of pape r rel enllecl rrom tbllse I;rl pplng fingers. Th" lInspeak ahlp, trench.. mu" horror of th., nct n)'l)'lIlIl"II n ehornh. There musl he so mll ren ~on hehlnll It all. l! \\' 1\" Ino ,·nhl. ('rlll'l, dellh .. rnth·e nOI t" hll ve (l ~ lInll c ':" U ~". ~ "" p,'c ulntlon no w coulel sol\'e th ~ mrsto'l·r. Lillt th e "' lIrole' r(>r stili 11 1' ..(1: hp \\'II S bnck y"nllcr In rh co II" rl;nI'"~ sl,,' lI uII JU Rt left.
Mose BOKao and Mias Lutle VaD . derv oort were Uaytoo visitors las~ HOW'S mlS? Thursd ay. HALL'6 CATARR H JoII!lDICINJI will 110 whal wo claim rc.r It-rill ,.our .,..t.m Mllrril. tille r wood lM puurly &\ lhl. Mise l.tda Kenned y retnrne d to of Cata rrh or DearDe. . cauMd "1 writing . Cat a rrh. Daylon , tlund .. y, where she has 00· Dr, Rllndlill , of Harvey sb urg, Is HALL'S CATARR H loIJIIDiC lNIl ~. Mra Emma C li ne Is s pending this oep'ed a posltlo o at the !3tllte B 08 drlvlD8 a new IJlevellm d . alata or an Olnlment .. hleh Qulclllr Rellev ... tho <t.t&rrh&l Inftamma week with hor p Ireuts bere • pU .. \. tion, 1U1l1 Mrs. Iren e 1:3ird, of Waynes vil le, the InlernlLl Medicine, a Tonic. wlllch Wl lbnr t:!hldakA r lind family llpant aell throu~ tho Blood OIl tb. " ' - Mr. . Joe OavlB returne d home taughi our !O boo) last week. ~r';,c;,":~ ltIo~:. aul.Un,. t.o r.at.ore a.· Sundli,V with P. 13 , CIlla vor Bnd wife. Sun day ateer Ileveral davs' visi t Mr , and Mra Kay lor, of Harvey s· Bold by dmgc1 l ta for over 40 T w"h ber Ilister, Mn. Ira Bart@oolr , Born-Til Mr . Rnd Mr~ . Amoll De- of Dayton burg, left on Tuesda y for Florida . F. J. Chene,. • Co., Toledo, O. _ , bOBrd, .. dau i! h,ter, nBDl ed Edah Bo raoe Burgee8 , wUe nnd father. M"y . Mr. and Mra , S'rank Wilson . Mr. aod Mre Berber ' FUeepe nt S nnday returne d t o tbelr bome lallt week . Mr, ond MrH E:iar:J ld Barris were with Mr. and Mn. S . BlIorry AI! Whetv.a land wife wilt oooopy Wilson l:Iuolisy lif~orn oo o oallen on F . L . or D .. ytoo . tbe LtB Wbe tsel hODse 10 Wellma n, Barrl. an\! wif e , frillt Atken and tamlly wIll move Mr. and Mr•. Roy Ellis and Misl Mr: li nd Mrs. hunk Mon$go mel'Y Mabel Auct ionee r Mr•• Ueorge .. nd 110 01, R.lpll, of If rliuklln , were VeetB' aUendl ld the EIIII and Mlsll \0 tbe Al Talmag e farm In tbe Bamllto n ' f .. lr sprIng . od lll D~ o u Mr~ fJ ulJeo ter , Sunday . on Friday of las$ week. Get my terms for your Mr . Colema n J "okaon and family Lewlll !:low e aud family and Mrs. Sobonl .t.rted Monday mornin g, spaus tbe week. ond wlth t betr ,ar. Public Sale. NuhQ !:lOWtl. of WllmlD goon, spent after being ololled for two wellka on ente. Mr and Mrs . Tom Rloh, ~nnday ttfte rnooo w\t.1l Mre. Ida aoooun ' of 1000det I satisfy and save you fever. No new Mr . and Mn. Tllos MoGul on and B owe. onee bave been I'lIpor&ed . money or DO eharges. Boward , wer e oallel8 00 Ed Gray . Mr. and Mrs. (;Ieorle Barril en Mt. a~d Mr•• R W. Kaylor 8pent and wife, Sonday aHerooo D, lartal ned MISSile !:lue lind Ann .. and ~uuday .t Bellefo ntaine, and b le Box 91, Centervillll, Ohio Mr . and MrB . U1enn Dllvla and Jose pb Wben.e l to dtnner, Thurl. mother re'nrne d bome with them, ohlldre n aod Mrs Home Phone 2, Centen U"Bx. ·jay , ID booor or Mra. Carrie Myars, expeo"O Iir wlltart TUllllda Bogan nailed on y mornio g Glara Dunn Suno"y afterno on . Of Colnmb us, for Delaod, rIa, for t he wtoter. Mrs. JlI8e le Ellis Ded Mre, Mr . and Mre, Oltot Cleaver enter. I:'telill Whet.e l aDd eliterlal grandlo n, Bow. e&loed to dtnner Sunday , Mr. and IIrd, "nd Mhs Rbe' Wbetze l, on Ml'S. Jes.e O)ark aDd IlOD, R oy, Mr. 1'/ edoe8da y. K. HAT HAW AT .. nti Mrs, Ed MoFarl an, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Lowry, Mr~ . Janie Mrl. Warren Osborn and J P . O s. Ellle liod Vosta, Mr DENT IST and Mrs, Roy born Ellid lind MIRe Ml1bel atteode d the The membe rs o! tbe Py'hlan 81s. Hamilto n fllir on \c'rlday. .114 'er loolte ItBVe tl 1I"le extra on To es , M d M Ed Bog .. n 01 8prlnlr General TueBda r to aUeoa Alta MoFarl an and Mrs . IC ln rua" 'h e funeral of Mre . Garo e r, and Cltne before leaving for F1orldll . ~pent the remllin der of the day OFFICE: HA.INES BUILDING, Telepho ne 114, with their mot~e~~rs Bog&n, To Remove PlIrafiD -1f paraJin Waynesville. sticka to a vessel iD which it haa Ohio. been melted 611 the vessel with boiling water. When eool the paralin will be floating 011 top aDd ~ ' 1.est r u l' ll(ln ot t1,t;\ L(' r ll t'll n h Yll l'U : CRt} then be poured off. I ~~ I. \nore of lhe EI'Ylllll ll llo l,, " bO:II'; ~tll)o • • • '""W~~ , See me before buyinlt your Motor :\l r" of Ille Gel')'ut'in n ~l" ~;. tlI'SI rucllon Rap-K any ex~ troable Oil, . Geod prices lind Rood oils. . )( th e Sl ymplillll"l1 I> ln l_ ; f'I 'IInlng of NOTAR Y PUBLIC with thelr I'U8's eurli~ at the c0rB. J. BREWSTER, AUJ! I'Il11 Rl llhl..s ; CH pt ,,,·C CIt the Cretan ner. To remedy thU, Iirat wet the Wayn esvill e, Ohio Waynesvi' 11 e, Ohi 1\,,11 . n ell \'~r y uf 110 · hurses of \ O. f>l on; ~ clps; deill'ery nl' Ihe !.1rdle of corners thoroul(hly. Next place Hlp)'l()l yte: shipp ing nr th e Nlltle of Nationa l Bank boards OD them. Then leave to ;; c l'ydoll ; pr,){'ur lng the uppl es or the dry. Whea the boarda are .... Magnlfvin~ Qla.. Needed. mO\' ed the edJl'eI will be ~ , The "illite" P.lble, IIll\BJIe!lt Bible Uesperld es; dcll\'llry or Ce"UCrtJS ID -, known. hllil d mUb'1llfylni glOS8 In tbe ~he upper world. Wet SJwe.-W hen ahoea are wet " eover wIth which to rend tbe print· OR.~~J. W. MILLBR. let them dry by themael v... AnI- IDg. I Sub3cri be for the Miami Gazette ... DENT IST••• ticial methoda '&re iQjuriou eo ,the leather.
Forest T. Mar tin
.- .
C'I Il'I'It"
fl lle Il.. "IlIUIlSlllp, hut
.. \' C~ w el"C' · un Hhle tu
• • •
Kitchen WaD.-- Kitchea ,..alll( AIl\lIl I'~ntly 11 11 ~; h ollld be painted -not papered . betw!!,'" '(h is wny Ihey are much more sanlli n -~~+--_h~;;,;~rr.s:T,=;;~:;;;._;'~ 1 t:"I;1;''-j~~~~" "'r a /ld will " " d. while \\' Itlll enotl!:h "I the It)\\,,,,, C:>ffce- A pinch of ..It in the l'", re llli(y to lw rml r U IC · eutl'n n f'C or 8 .•,IYle adds greally to ita Ilavor, fu ll ' gl'ow n lIIun. !"t'('! UH.,d it. l' II UII'H t' l Il t •
,1I t.· · Ui l lll~ r npl 'nlll ;,! s o ft ~ t o lIIu l{c Ir
lIf1 ulotfll l If lin I"·lIln,,r), . ho (I~' "ollid SIllI e('?l' t ltrnUl(1t Inttl tltl' op.·Jl
---_ . - ..----
y(lt Pr'!)m 'nli fplt U,at s hl\
hood o~ Uh"Jto,' loUI tLl IIcr:ep L till s alll )! II ' c·lll1 nce t)f d ell \, e nuU'L'. She ('uu l() nu f "'''OI l1l n th ere with thl" delHI m an. uur
• ••
rN,·:t e.) Iwr ~r('11 9 1o""',,,,,,r,1 teo whl'I'I' li e" hel t
\\' ,, ~ stili ,,"nut \\'u i !'lt , hut .lt~ hol stf' j' w uS tHllpl)"
n q.,
fv .. e 1o~~I'l1nlll ~ 10 ellrlllt. she cll'''w thlcI ,'"el IlIlI n's ~lIn frum I t~ scnlJhllrtl, IIn .1 SlllCk It Illto hl'r "wn. As she '1It1 811 thc li ght fl'ol1l "h.,\,e j(lImlllen 'rl on' n PPIl'·I·~tlltlrl e'l hll n,l\c, unll II IJll rrul or. hllle "'1" ~1.
Companlon .hlp. Oh. It Is pl easo nt, ns It Is rare, to Ond th e some arm lInl,etl In yours at forI y whIch nt thirteen Ilel)'led It turn )ver the Cicero do Ami ril ili. or 80me $ U'Ol y to of Wlldom. 11 flUlU hl1~ b 'H r uf UII HJe who com· !n le or IIntlQue rrlenrl.h lp. which the lDanri th l>". till" :'" I ""M wlill obey tbee vn llng hport ('ve n the'" \\·us burning to Itlti ulpll le. - Chnrip. 1.00n ih l. -Rabb i· fI~JI .\ 1. 11 1
---- _ ..----
A Mop-If an oil. mop is brushed a whisk-b room. after beit!." used, it will not become matted, U
(To be OOQ~IDU.dl
To Revive a FiI-e-D ried orange or ICIT",n peel thrown 00 a dying fire wi ll SOlin revin it. A bit of SUl;a r sprinklc d O~I will have the s~ TI1 e effect.
n' r~'
i s jt !
• • • G13!1I Wear-T o make glass ware Rlislt' n follow Ihese direelio nl: W ash th e picce carefully, and then ri nse in hO I wat~r. A!ter thi~, place ill cold water In whIch a liandflll of ~I arch has beell dissolved.' Then <l ry thoroughly and polish with a dry cloth.
Whippe d Cream- -A teaspoon ful dr aine d honey will s ....eelen whippe t! cream and make it rem~in . ;;iT for n whole day, th~ same lil11e Givi ng it a d,elightful flavor, , .
"I f
. ..
P eeIr .... Onto_ If an eloctrio fJ n ill ke pt Boi~J onion. maybe ., ·r ·'Med for tJ.e table without
;., ;o'~ T.:·
. -.
I1Joi1 h.>t>1'
---- 0 - .
I u long whil e, and t he n ! "'us
1'l! lIut hu:!c1
~ h ' l wl n ~
murt!PI'l' "
FARMERS' NOTICE I T;::~~~~~111~ ~~~~~' ~I:" ~~,~~:~:,~;'~on:
ul'd plll'r n ~ln).!l e· word In thut dim II!!II!. She tlol'us t It Inre) th e lJosuliJ of her blou ae, her eyns nnxlously "'lll'I'hlJlf,r tlto only )'l ossl hl e WilY ou t. It SCllrcely prtllli Isl'<1 m'en lhu t, r(,,'elll ('11 hy 110111 81 11 1'( Ie rflY UlI l'cly 111
?:t::~ ~I;fr'~~a~~,,'::·1~!I:nl.U~~~, : vall~::ere ~~re
,·k lllll. If lIe ~'I II ""'pt s lle must tnk e IHl l'll nlll l(l' of til e IIl l1ml'nt for esc np~ 111(' 0 11(' I'ltoIlIl' {' ti P tlln t Ion I( P8ssng!! t OWIlT(\ the )!ll'uITI of light lit the top. I Slol' ~t eJlJl ..,1 n c r,,"~ the rt ad bocly. i (! rnspln)! IIel' Rk lrr ~ tightl y In onp . 1111 nil : th('n hl'sl lll t('el for Itn Inslnnt, I '"hsP"sed hy Ii nil \\' Ihou jlht. Perhllps I 110 "1 rll p~ r on l/: llt 'xplultl oil, might pr,,,,,, tlo e ,·pr.'· k c~' tn a ll this mystery . I ' 10 (> bel!t, Rnll wreste,1 It from out the \9tllTcnCII Illllo"llrs, hnstll y cndell\,o rlui : t n Ipnrn II'h" t It (·Ol\:::' nl'el. It WU8 •
WI'It Il!~ 111 "1<1 ". In ~fI Im ll s tluc t h l"' r
Give us a call
D H.E.
11 0 IIW n.:.' ~ lIn re her ~ hu wfl merey to this oth er
(J~tll t bllt ·o ry ,,11 tbe \Ime doo 't , cntoh maoy mice,
M r~ .
( I r~n .
H ... w,.uhl
l hnn It\! lliltl
t uu~ 1t
BLOND E BESS OPI'li ES: W h'IJ n ~ plnmbe r mKke~ " m l~h\ ~1' Ite ohorgl's for It t .... lce 'Vh~n "law or D1llk l'H It rn i.,·"kp -hfl ge~8 ~ 01l1lnOfl to try " CIl~ O "I I OVfl,. "qAln . When" preAohl lr m ~k l-l " .. m ls ,"I"•. no 0 ..... knnw!.' toll .. <i·if" ,." Whpn 8 judae makl'A " ,,,' ~t,, k e hp.onmAR 1\ Isw. WhAII" t1oot'.r m .. ku ~ wllt hk eIt'(I bU · Uld .
We will take plea sure in supp lying you r need s
E'lJlh I:Jo. lu". And two oh ll. Oonu ll IIlId Phylli s Ilene, re o t urn ed hOUl II S undIn' a ftern oon from Ilf" II nll tt l-ti llll . II ~ luI(1 fh ~ nppro nr- CII WIl e D. OhIO, w here UJs y ...,e re tbe a llf' l' !If ha\' ln l! ~ l u,,~pd fh n l n~ I'Y m o rn· GU Bt S (If M r IlJld Mrs, Cb118. Lfltrd.
Jl l!' hp\' Olld,
.• .•
Alw ays carr y the best Lum ber, Shingles, Sash , Doo rs and Mill Wor k, Roo fing , in fact, ever ythi ng in the Buil ding Mat erial line
dtty .
' t l\ rln ~
, .. !al·t·t, t ltt.' 141 111 ... I Y't hit-k II" ... IInll ..HrLY us ' " ""~ " It htHI hce n
On ('k
hHI J'
time Wet!tche ster Oou ty, r-:ew York, bas nt leaet gone through j h ~ illations of trying young Ward. Wbo said reapect (or the Inl\' Is ):rowlng ,smaller and benutlfu lly h-se?
8\\' n .\ l'lI
Nr Illl tl Mrs H~r . ey Bawkln R 811I ort"lul, J t il l:5u udny dlunet·, Mrlf .. . J) A ut m w, IIh H~ Mllr y An tram IIIIIH, JdH d ll l'k . wlftt .... tllll' ll "Y l'N s tarin g fl,,,1 hr o th ~ r !Iu d Mr . and hlr~ , ::;"m 1111 1l 11t." up Int o \'III' un ",r, 1I1 J01 b r ow n \le i WilsIlo.
l" 'IIt't"
tll (, \\'loll (or
" r li l('i, t.
From LOaDY blnt, In. tbe PNlIIII, RIIJ'8 Punch, we gather that America hRS most or tbo world', IJOld, but no baU81111&
Tb,. :travelle r borrOWed 1\ match trom blR l'l~o lcb on . Xcrt ile tnmbled III bl ~ )'l<lcketB lind relflllrked thM It .. hadcompani lefl to""c(!<) ,."lIeh a t home. "Thllll )'e'll not he nl.'edlll· till) match," P \l l!101~' "le'll IllC ~'Ol, laking It IlI... k IIlroln. We wondl! r If ,1111'nn will lIe " lll ' ~e! " ,' t!lO
tltlI l'tll'ci ,
dU\\' 1l I l1ti! fltn t w hit,., llpt IInH' d fnr 'c, d~ lIr! y n' \" (\ lt ! p t! wlt il i n the II lt le flHol
r,~, l
dtt y.
Pitch In--B ut at the Righ t Place
1.,a lf,I," 81u'--"e sh€! b us been J\ ulc to ...'Co t lw
Pause' and Play a Bit Lile 11l a IIOrloU8 bualoell8, but It ceases to be a Deed bu~ l · oeea unle.. It 18 lllhteue d and brlghteued, lIWeetenedwe\I·bf.)a Bud purlQed by a wb.olefto we Ie88Qulng or mirth Bnd merrime nt. There 1.1 a wagon·load or trutb 10 Ule old adage tlutt a II wor k and no pin,. makes Jack a dn11 boy . It ~ just as true tbllt &l1 plllY and no work mak_ Jack not only dull but wortbwS8. WIlle men work and plll7. PlaT 1a a 4uI;7, It 11 the filter through which ebara~r II re tl ed D . I. Play III roverne d by tbe IRwe law8 Ibet iovern work . Pls;yil! reIAX~' dOll trom the · concentrat1on of wllrk. Hence It IHlts wen to tbe teet In t e lite ot lBrser l1berl;7, I Pla7 11 the temper test, It Ie tun to win a game. It II an art , that only tbe cultivat ed know, to 10l.!B a gllme and laugh at the 1081, rejoleln , IIPOrtllmaollke that the Ilest mOil W OII . He who C8.nuot 10119 'wltbout illuming ev~ryltody on bls tellt!;-.th O:' wbo plllJ'ed 00 "bl••Ide" ta the game-h 8s much to learn ore e an, JIOldler.like, ataDd ahoulder to Sboulder til will M 1000e together tor a common lood and a commoo "auae. ltlndnee a and generoAltJ lu,,'e tbelr plac:ell on the )'llaygrolln d. Th re may be • tboul'bt tuln..- tor Olle whO ~ wenker IhuD the r..~\,:: eh ..., : Sa • DIWcomer or whom for loY Tl'tllOn, other. moy nCMlect. an oPPOft1Ullty to .taDd 'up for th080 who are Ill·used. There Is ere II geo.roU•• m th for thotle wbo In any way a re ha\'lu ~ a bard time, a~ opportunl1;7 tor bonesty ! nd nl ahOuesty 011 the One 111 'cheat In a game no le88 thRn III huslneH8, lIodplaycua ·h~ m 1_ Indeed the term "(IIlr plIlY" Is u8ed regard ~etx;::,.!.~OUl ~tralrB ot'llfe. In )'lolltk~ or 10 ,bllslneeIn8 ?~, klDd, we bear it _Id, "Such 8. IleT'llon did li nt !lh"1l talr play. any Th I ,reat 'o pportunf t7 for ent>rgy or la?lDl!t<lI. presence of m\.... ,: • a to abow Iteelf on tbe playground. 111 trnloln g tho . ~' :r : : : :Fe JIbo\aJd be equally anxious about tbelr cou()uct youth ID P~ 1a7. .. III wOC'k. I '
rna.:. _ft'" f:
r -:<lP\"
CO\I7r1pt . 923 bJ Richard U""d Ion..
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Speclall.t
At Cilry's Jewelry Sbo p Lebanon, Ohio ,
Eve ry Tue sday 8:00 a, m. to " p. m.
Walter 1kCIar. I ~UNBIJ'i MIt. . . . \
Wa, n.m..
., ,. ,_
\ I,
HeL.LO, O'iCAR .. ~I'"
SNI'F • WI41<":S A.LL 'II!LL , MSIU''f
JEW lal GLDPtl .....
TN. OIlU'n ft
,,'\ ._' WDlLT. SUD .r, "a 'l1li
•. 111 •.""-
k§mmcLk OUNCIl' . ;
Th e student;! and t nchers of the Wayne Towns hip choo l g a va ove r $ 1 for th e J pall estl R l:! li d Fund.
ST, .\ \ARY ·S c,t~URCI-t Twe nlie h ' u mlay lifl r Trinity .
--.- -
'hurch Schoo l III 0: 30 Oct o ber 14 Our B S bu~ e hllll tellm ha~ won " Ill .. ",'rvil'p lIml ~(' r mol\ at 10:45. 1 he las t twu fol'U Il H 'S . one a j! lIius t r "li urI! ClI l d lil lly in vit,·d t u atle nd S pringbor o 1 ~·2 , al lll th e ot h r fr om t h {:' '''e ~C' r\· l l'l·b. . l hl' Alumni , 9·8 T he b l)y ~ li r e im· I p rol'in lo[ wOlld (' r f ully fin d ar e llis· liE ( 1101 )1: I ClllJ.RCH playin g- ~om e helldword liS w e ll liS Subhat h );ch .. ,d . ~I;I :'I ;,. m . pre nch· t Koc,rl t eamwork . Th e next gume is 1111< al IO ::JII " , II I. ~ eli nl'srluyev e n· with Ki nllR Mi lls ut the II . S. din· Ill)! st' l'vi.- P. 7:00 p m. Epworth mond on v'riLlay nr :l: 15 1'. i\l Eve ry· I. t· n~\Ie f> : 15 p 111 .; IJrellehil1g' at 7:30 body welcome . No ulimi:lsio n churge p 111 f:verYUl'ldy is co rdi!.!\y invited I'hro ulSh till! dfort.s o f t il e supe r· to Ihe ~t! "e n ' ice inte ndent and th e H . uoys. ou r H ~v W . A Wus h bur n, Pust OT. uuseball di umond haS lwell pli t in - - - - - - ----:!pl e ndld c' ndition . A ~c rnlJer WII S borrowed from the town ~h ilJ uml Ihe infi e ld was scruped and leveled utf until it presen ts th e app caranc e of a big league diamond . Lll t e r in the Dr . A. Ca~ w e l l Elli s, of th e Uni· fall we are planlli ng nn tilling in ve r s ity of Texafl . at th' reQueHt of centt'r field ulltil it i~ on II level with Ih e U S. lI u rean of Erlu ca ti o n. made th e r es t of lh l! diamo nd li nd then we lUI in\' t'~ li~nti o n 1I"d repo rt ed upon shall hllve a fi rld EQ 'IIlIto allY in the counly . We wi sh 0 expreSij ou r th e value of schooling n~ fo\lows: Eve ry lill Y ~ p e nt in ~ch o ol pays the thanks to Mr . Ben ay for helping chihl $9 II e re is the proof. based us work the SCrRpe . md to Me1l8 r~ Plack nnd Mich enor lor the use of on the wa ~e scale of 1913. thei r teams . Uned ucaled lauo re rs earn o n th e
We are! For that Classified Ad you are neglecting to phone or send to us. It is your loss.
ALL 1'111" WI£EK IN U ,UD INt; -;U. n AY
Or "CAPTA I APPLEJ.\CK" - lInd -· 6-R IC r\ CT:3 6
"l'O ~E I{
151 h
I SHOW CONTI NUOUS NOON TO I i p .~m, /. Afternoons • ISc-2Sc Evenings . JOc - 5(h~ ,
Date Your Publit·Sales -WITH-
F• .T. MARTIN, .Auctioneer Yo~ c~n
find me October 17th at Merit Smith's public sale, on Springboro road, just one-half mile off Dixie Highway, 1 mile north at Alexandersville
av e rllj{€ of $500 pe r year for forty ye a!s. II total of $20 .000 . High school graduates earn on t he av e rag e ot fl.OOO per year for forty Y"'H 9, a total of $(0. 000. ' Thi s ed ucation required twe lve years of schoo l of 180 days each, a total of 2.160 days in school. If 2.160 d"ys at school add 120.000 to the income for life, th en elicit day at Bcho Jl finds ~925. The child that stays out of sc hool to ~arn less than 19.00 a day is los ing m oney- not making money,
40 .eres, good buildings and spJendid ft'nc~s, g'ood soil and moStly Jevel. \ 19.aeres, near Waynesville, a bargain, ' .. 87 Berea, near Lytle; a good buy.
the r'adesweek. we r e weighed lin d. measEighth ured glast The (, rad Building h08 a fine new set of scale~ secured with m oney raised through the sale of Xmas ~ell i s last Decem· her .
C;, I! S ee m Pecul iar. "S"y." "tid Ih,' , 1I <l'il'l" ,, " ~Irs. !I ny· ·Ix . ".1 1111 1'\' " 1,, .. 1)'. "II~ h"',' "f I I I~ ua nk. ,\'11" 1. ,, 1,' )' 1111 11 h, , "~ hl D rnl'''" r:rH \\"I "~ r:1~f t"ol l f u r $ I OU," " 1I11h !O.
IIII,u ):lI r Ihlll
·,,· Inlrll,·,j l.'nt'll "·1' II 11Y I'lX, "l lIn r's Just I,,· 'IIIII II IIIl! I Pill In his ":II'IIN1 old 'link ~· ISIItI"" y. li's 1II1;:lIl y .,,,,·ull:lrIlllgilt y so." e •
E ~ ypt.
Papyrus E xt inct
1" ' ")' 1'''"
tile J=~j!,\"fll hll !'l Illorp thU D {I H*' B. ", Th IIhll l1 is Il l l W extinct tn ,1\\,\' 1' E l!) pl. hUl Is >1111 f\J uucI In UJe 11 111 1 ' 1' ~ ~ h' • i tl •• "' I.
Here are several worth seeing :
l :.)
Bell innlng of Y. M. C. A.
Tile Y (\II Il ~ ~r "ll ·. (·it rls llnn o~.ndn· 'Ion "'". (''' 'Uolell In 1-:lIl:l nn,1 by
------..--_ ..------
\\ 'llI l al l1 ~,
, PO r t:I'
nel'd!!lIl l. In
a Ln llltltn dry
IH·I .
(In 111(> (lCrnRlnn
t~ juh lll'P(I I I ~ Hl'il!lnn tlir wuS I( n l ~ht(lli.
Still Horseshoe Pitching Queen
rhe Y.
C.. \ . "'1\~ fnlln ,II '" III IS;,(;,
pI; H'f '~ :-;1f11t1 l1 aI1l't' u~ ly.
t wo
In 1877
he two hl'an t 1I~'f' II I If I'l l.
For Farms or Sales, all or write
F. T. Martin, Auction£er. Box 91
Centerville, Ohio
Home Phone 2
19244-door FORD SEDAN Run less than 100
The Pd l llln StJ t ion.
,Get.Together Spirit.
T o o mUll.\" I",t 'lde lI~ l' l 'I CI,' h OIl1PS ns A' good WilY to muke people 10\'e nne another and to tenr.h th em' to tntnhln e . 6111n:l srlllll>", " I"'re th"y 1111 UP. pay r genernl. Improvement Is to give Ull unll 1'11." " " 11 tbem n chnnce to get IN:el her tor illlrmless tun lIIat will refres h their lodles nnd BOolhe their minds, nnil It T .c (;.cntu ry PJ ;.znt. these Bre not the princlpul purposes The n', "" I IhOlI n .Century pln nt " the c)lllt¢h tJley are at .l eost among IIoom8 I,nl.\·. 0",·,. In [I hllndred yenrs It, obJ~Bl'Ookl jrn Stnndnrd·Unlon. 8 proIJ8hl ~' ,III,' 10 Ihe Iml""'CIlCIl or ----~ ~ lome or Ir ~ , ,,I IIII' ·l·I·~. II, 8 0111" purts If S(Iuth ( filc'I' i4-JI Whl\r e It g ru ws wild S aying Illuat... ted. ..liard IIneill" murmured the student t bl "tl m~ " nl 't;' In I~i~ h t y(~nl·8 . hut w hen when be COllhln't trllDslate a plUisnge l 11I\ ~ h\wn I rn!':~pri1 nll!d Inlo green. . In Domer.-Nell' Bnven Evening Reg· H) U ~t!:;O: lil ith- nt'UIi "ill l rnntllflons ita JJuolU Jnl! d a r. I~ 1I1iU'h pnllunged. liter. "
- - -...
- ..---
Mrs. J. F. Francisco. Columbus,
M.D. Baird
lJ" Is sUlI tbe womell's hOl'ses hoe I'itchlng cholul1loo or the (nlte" Htatc8. Sbe retai ned ber title In dctenting Mrs. C. A. LllnhAm or RloomingtoD. Ill, In the fillnls Ilt n e\'elDolt.
Waynesville; O.
1-1 (; R~ TO O(;AL
N ot the U s ,, ' 1 . · oy. A
-" r. \\"
11 ltt pd
\' o f" l\
~ ll!(' lllj \
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IIIII! . 1 " \ '1 1111 ,\
h, '(':\Il}:t' IH'
("'o tn prl'l lI ' lId
"ttnl ll(lh lll',
\\: 1":
Central Petroleum Co.
ri ll' III." !1:ltl l sm fir a ll 1'1'1 \1I 1Il r . Al l Itw " '" 11 "1 . IltI, r:lI llllj!
~ I II : I
Cleveland, Ohio
Come 8 m ess8ICe from the Master )Ih~ ,., WI' I'\' " r ·ept. 29. 1923 sa yi llg to Amanda I~IIIII'~ " ,J $ 1 an 11""1' r", '1 .. ·' , " " """". C;arner her wurk 011 ea rth was done, IlIrI II,, '" 1I 1'\' l' r IlItr rl,'" " ' 1, .. ] .. 1. "r Bnd at th e first faint ICleam o f day. llnk ll l" n I,all "':IIII' r " .. her spirit slipped lik e II Ailver s tar • ~ - -over the sunset bars of life into the Correct Mealure 0' Man . dawn l'( Life everlasti ng. The degree or \'181011 IhOI <lI\'"lIs In 1\1II 11. lda Laura Wa rwick, sixth I mUll lij [he correl'! l1Ieasure or Ole (' ili lt.i , : James lind Marie . Wa rwi'ck unn.-CBrlyle.
Oils and Greases Exclusive Marketers Columbia PcUnts& Varnishes
All the children from the First I" I wus lJ, j rn Jun e 14, 1842
THE MIAMI GAZETTE, Waynesville, Ohio.
V IOLA DA A and MAT'!' r.IOOKE , Also 6 Big Ac IS.
IC<lUllr~. Al henear ageHamilton. of three
Butl e r !!!!'~~~!'!!!!~~~~~~~~.!!''''''!!.!!!'!!! _
The Late Classl"fied Ads I B[RNARD BREWSTER
I years, she wllh Iler parents. brothers and one ~i ster came to Warren co unlv ar.d ........." .........., ........,',................,",......." ........................, ......, se ttled in th e fo r est on the fllrq! FOR SALE known afterwllrds as the Isaac (;arner hom estead . Her. en tire life pE A R" f Of 8,. I e- 1Dq., Ire 0 f 0 . L , ' " wilh the exce ption of a few years Rloh . phone 37.2y'. Wayoe8, spent in Butl er cour. ty during lbe' vill e. Ohio . 0:t4 Civil war. " as ueen he·re within th e s ig ht of Ihe farm on which she bas lived for a lmost forty·eigl·,t years . !!III
Waynesville, Ohio
Try our Job Printing
Feb 12. 1867 soe w 1a united in marriag!! to J ohn D. Ua rn er, !o'or thirty.nine years they' traveled the road tog ether. two daughters com· ing to brin g happiness to t he ir h.lme which remained unbroken until J an. 1006 th e husba nd and fatb e r was called home· To btl a good wom ~ n, having faith co urage. chllri ty , loyalty. forgiveness for 1111 and all, is \valking alllh e WIly with Go I. ::lhe so wed gllodnes." and kindne~s and glllhered love. In her quiet. u n lls ~ uming way, s he was a wum~ n Uod Il:lnt to a com· munity. s aying or thillking 110 evil. meeting th e duties. e rnerlClmcies and trials of life with a brave front and a kindly s mil e . A wllrm hos pitality and a n op n door a lwliYs . After the rleath lIf her husllllnd seventeen years ago. she and her daughter J es~ie have mnd e a home together except in \! a short interval. To be a good mo the r is one of Lhe hig hest del ights of life. 10 be a good daug hte r is II noble and worthy undertaking . In loving kindness, unre· mitting, tireless care, Jessie never] wavered, finding nothing too arduous to do to add to the comfort and alleviate th e su ffe rin gs of h e r moth· er . In December last it was tho't best on account of the mother's increas. ing fr ailty. Ihat her daughter, Adah Talmage and fa mily IIhould come to live with them and he lp in the care. No burden was too great for this daughter. 80n and grandson to make grandmetlwr's remaining day 8 happy. The olle g rand chil d , John Lee was the delight o f he r e ld erly years, and her lo ve and de,otion WIlS r e turned by him in kind and thoughtfl1i min· istration~ and devoted love. Eillhty·one years. three months and fif teen day!! she lived-·a good woman , C. A. T.
Railroad Dividends -and L AST ~ the P
, ...... Ratd-
pMd _ _ . .
than Ia di......... Oat., daI1ar ...--t 4.l8 CWJta _ paid in ~ .n.a....q 4..M...a _ paid in din' ..... • _
In the
J'U the
.-.1 '
.....,..ud ... niIroed III ......... _ _ about two....t • h.If ~ tbetDtai r.s.-d t a - . ill the , . . UID the _ paid _ _ II .-- .,.n . . . . . .
tI.aD the anrepto diu .........
c:aah dr.ideocIa ...... In lftJ ~ $m,300," ~ the e $I%7,7%5,J1J5. Dit! , , In UZZ t.obdecI • s:zn~ aDd e $301.ool.Z27. In ' tM _ ~ .,..tod• .,13 to JS22. tAwa ...... _
\~ "
iDeo d . . . . . - 13$ ......... wWIe c1i.. ~. cIecn...t .boat M .--
The me.- bo ' - Ia clue in part to an ~ 01 , , adiiiiit8lY''''' biIhan doII.n ' in the po op. t:t a~ 01 the ni1r d bet-.. 1tlJ and I!ID. But. ...... the tetaI
b. _ _ _t
01 ....a.-I
~ to pooWie ~.,.
durinc thi. pMiod .... ...." I . . . . . about 53 per
and _
the property JlS .-- cent. the -.t compeneadon to raltway trtoc:khold ..... h . . dec:reued 18 par ....t. 'I
Pennsylvania " Railroad System t1 Til. Standtrrd Railroad 01 'M W ...ltl
- - - - --
TaB UNIV • • IIA.L 0.1.11
. In Dayton
Optical Dept. 3rd Floor
'50th Anniversary
. ,..,IIIa11I"..
N, L,
Coldo, Etc.
USE SOUDERS' ASPIRIN TABLETS Bo" of 12 fo .. IOc Th. Royal Remedy A Extract Co.
c:...- Uad. . . . H _ AT_ W .... WI...
OtherPlac_ A~ .40 And More DRESSWELL TAILORING CO. 209 Lower Kr . ... Btd.. 127 S. Majo Slr ••1
.Repalrinll Odd Shaped Crytdala Fitted While You Walt
: I
IS. IS KeIth Theatre BI4
noRa " '.~ » '-- 'now a-..
0 :;,
The Royal
Remedy and Extract Comp.D1 Dayton. Ohio
M.sources $15,000,000.00
Leadini . Futtien
Fine Watch and Clock
A Pure Extract for flavors, lee Cream, Puddinl!s, Cakes and Candies.
All Good Hou.ewi..... U... SOUDERS' EXTRACTS -I
5 •••I· DIoc Wb ....
WHOI.ESALE AND RETAIL 115 South J.ff....on St.
Made To Order 8ulta at
• I
For Ch:i na and Glassware
Toolbcbe. LumbaQ'o, Rheum.bam.
R.built, ti.hteDecl and trued up aloo OD rim. and p.rt.
~========~?)7-=~~~~==~,I~ R.lin. ,ounelf of Neural.t., · [,or••b., MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S II WATCHI;;.5
M ......ultll-G'Coata altd
vli-.C:7 AI,
We desire to ex press our heartfelt
or the Iln_ 9.uaJlt7 will be Iltted to eye. with LeMontr ..... d_p cu...,ect ......... Compl .. te fo ..
Co ... r Meln and S.cond It..ete
Men's , S uit. - Overcoats and Furniahln811 , • t Lowe.t Pri~ •
and Qwdity OYSTERS
Darton,Oll'e ' .
rW. "_"'b.......
Co........ .of ~"!at Due Ac:counto
No Colleclion t~ Small or too Lerie
ROTH'S FULTON MARKET 36 Eut Fourth Streel '.
Men'. AlfWool Hud Tailored Suib &Onrcoab .$20 . ,
Union Clothing Shop
' Co-Operative Adjultment Co.
123.5. :Jeffer_. S~t
Save $10 _ d Come to tho
406 . ~dth Builclin.
Rheumatism Sufferers Ii. . .,.' .
C._I at oar at" ,.., a.d pt oar "IE C Af~ HELP YOU PRE t~NGEII'S
....... Ctd;late . . . . . . . . .
_"'t, ~"
to those who s o kindly mIn' istered to us during the illness and death of our beloved Mother Gar· ner, . Especially do we wish to thank Or . C. G . Randall. the ministers, undertake rs, s i ngers and pall bearers for their kindly ministrations, also all others who contributed in any way . Mr .and Mrs . A. B. Talmage Jessie Garner Kenn on J, LeeTalmBge
J Fre.h FISH
Surplus $800,OOO~OO
Ov.r 30,000 Accounts
No,body in Dayton Sella Ber.er DI'UIII
.. - - ----
?ItJtJ arJIIRAfI · I6ar Lookln, It the ""'" lOuring Clar &0111 the .de. you am at oDCe favorably Impreooed with the clTect of 10D&el'. more aracelul huea lII!Cured by ""~ the cow I aDd niIinc the rocIiator
SWuins ",'lDdahleld and ODr'lDln top lead malllrial ald'1D c!VlDI the ""rite car t 10.....". IDOIe etyU.h appalUlCe. , .
We the following farm owners poaitivelv foruid any huntln~ or trapping on our farms. Any viola. tion of the same will be prosecuted according .to law and to thl! fulleat extent,
Ed· Furna~.
C. E,
The Van Tress .Farms
Bird s In the Billie. TI,\' Srocl(!~ or fOlt t hl'l'!'d crenturetl G LOB. E ·.. .J-.If.ftl.cIn...~L1 11p.ntltlned In the Rlhl" III' OlHlrey. 0&0 ~==:::===:::======~· I !lfruge. ostrlt'h, r",)'lrl(l~I!, pencuck, QIICl\n. Ill,!1l!on, Qllill! . Ml\' e n, sparrow. LARGEST ARMY ~OODS Itor", sl\·nllilw. SWllil. s\\'lft. turtlellove. _ ••••_...... lulturj!, I]lttem. CIl(' k , OI'III1lrllnt, crnne. STORE In The l!;'OW. cuckllo. tlove, (,:lgill. J:ler. fowl, , tL - - . : . . _ flede, bowk. nljlh1 h ll\\,~ , heron, hon. AftD7 Good. aDd M ~D" FurniahlDp 10 to 20 ..,.. _ . _ . {HIe. Ddtb. lapwIng, 0\\'1. gren t ow,. FIftIa ~ lie awl, owl of lbe deatlJ't and III!I'eedI . ARMY STORE 17
An apron c:ormecdnc the radiator with the fmiler atwt. Ie aJ.o • decided improwment.
It. ~ l.ture lIIuch .ppred~ by 0WiIftS, Ie the ocIdidcmal ... 100m provided by the enIar&emenc of the cowl .'
Allow ua to ahow you the enrite IiDe of ""'" Fard can _ dllplay In our tbow rOom.
T"- un CGIf H
0614"," tIIr".." 1M Pord Full'" PMrc/..". Pr.i&
... T
1 1111 Seventy-Fifth Year
Missl'rill ella' Edwarcl ~ wus a Dayton vlaitor last week .
Miss Lucy Eml ey WIlS a Dayton visitor Saturday afternoon .
Mrs. Mary Brittain Kpent Sunday C. M. Brown was in Lebanon on bUBlneas Saturday. with Wm. Lippellcult alld family . J. O. Cartwright and In Dayton Saturday .
j The county Board of E lectic,ns Ihave an no unced th e follow ing e/Ul rjidates fi ling ['I r ofiices il' 1he cou nty. subj ec t to th e Nuvemh" r C'l ~ rl iOIl. lo~ or Wayne townwhip : 'fr ll ~ tt·I'~. W. E Curn ell, Charles T. Elii '! . W. S. Graham, J . A. Shutt il , Ha rry E. Stokes and E L 'l'hom !l~ ; for clerk. George A. Zell: f or treasurer. W. N. Sears; for constabl e. C. P. J oy. Waynesville corporat ion- Mayo r. T. E. Rogers; clerk. L A. Zimm erman; treasurer.J. H. Cole man. mar· shall. E. R. Bentley; co uncil . Raymonu Conner. Fred M. Cole. George Hartsock. H. W Pace. W. O. Raper. H . M. Sht!rwood. W. B. Squires , J . O. Whitaker . Schuol board. S. S. Ellis and R. G. Miller.
Mra. Lester Gord on spellt Wednesday and Thursrlay of lu st lVeek in Columbus.
Whole Number 5564
PIe. f
Mrs . J . O. Whitaker was shopplnlf In Dayton Saturday.
Kenneth Hough is attendinsc MalIonlc graud lodge at Springfield t oW. B. AII~n and family spent Siln- day and tomorrow. day at Miami Univerelty . Mr . and Mrs . J O. Cartwright Merle 'Kern~. of Cl lumbus. spent are visiting Springfield and Culumthe week-end here with friends. bus friends this week. ' Mr. and Mre. Harry Pace epent Mrs . Maud Earthe r. of Mt . Oreh. Sunday with relatives iu Norwood . Ohio. Is spending thiH week with I.<'red 14 Cole and family . J . M. Cook and Lester Gordon were Mr. and Mrs. F B. Henderson and buaineltB visitor. in Daylon Friday . Mr. and Mrs. J . H Coleman were Miss Opal Davids spent the week· Lebanon visitors Monday end with friends In Wuhington C. Mrs. J . R GaUlt. of Washbgton 8. C. H • is spendin(l a few days with Mrs . Mary Pine. of the Friend'. Roy MacBeth and family . Home. is the guest of relatives in Mra Emma Barnett was the guest Cincinnati. of Mrs. Mary Edwards and daugb. Mrs. S. M . Sellara and daughter. ter. MIIIlI 'frillena. Tues1ay. of Lebanon. visited relatives here Mr. and Mrs. E V. Barnhart and l:lunday afternoon. Mrs. Emma Barnett. of ClOcinnati
IIl r and Mrs . Oma r Lewis enter1!1ined to a ch icken dinner last Fri· d dY th e follow ing g uesta: Mrs Susat! Arnold . of Day ton. Mrs Lida Smith a .. d Miss Clara Keys
Honorinlf their guests. Mr. and Mrs ~' rank Taft . of Col umbus. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. J . W. White entertained Mr . lind Mrs. Howell Pi erce. of the Friend s' Home to dinner Friday. M. and Mrs . Ernest Butterworth entertained the Senior and Normal classes and the fac ulty las t Thursday evenin g at their hospitable home west of town . 'l'he evening was pleasantly spent and delicious refr eshments were served. A surprise was tendered Mrs. A.
B. Shaner. October 14. it being her birt hday . Those present were Mr. HAPPY HOUR GLUB and MrB . Charl es Martin. of Amelia. Mr and Mrs. William Koppen and son. Gene. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. MONTHLY MEEIING L. D. Flemmings and daughter. Vera. Mr and Mrs . Arthur Davis Mrs. Joe Davis was hostess to the and daughters. Ruth and Janieta. of Kingman. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Fields. Happy Hour Club at it's October of I umberton. and Mr. and Mrs. James Kerrick. of Waynesville. tertaining by Mrs. Loyd Davis and Mrs. Henry Sattertbwaite. om. year were elect· cers for the. enauing M'ISS VeIrna CorneII en te r taine d ed and an IOt~reS~lOg program ~ar- the Kappa Delta Club at her home ried out which :ncluded Saturday ev ening in honor of Mias from Longfellow s pop.mll •. musIc by Virginia Mink. a bride of the near Mrs. .• Harry Satterthwaite . . and a fut ule. F'Ive H und red ~n d Ha··ts .....
Sprlnlf Valley. ' spent Sunday w i t h ' Virgil Rt!tallick. athletic director Myer Hyman and family. • of North Norwood Juni~r Hiab Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Cole and School. spent Columbus day visiting eon. spent Sunday with relatives at frl.endsat the W. C. N . Mt Oreb. Brown county. Mrs EdIth M. Harris and Mr.
~t'l:JI lito"!, ..
of tbt jfttt!,
Mi "" Belen Marlatt. of Cincinnati. Harris Mosber are in Cincinnati toseries . d aft er wh'ICh a d e I'ICIOUS . u. H II . OL , contests reminiscent of were enJoye Fifty ye!lr. ago. October 16. 1873. ou vl.ited her parenti. Mr. and Mr•• J . day. Mrs. Barris willetop off and rr71ich is called the Disciples a owe en. I h d Mi M' k D. Marlatt. over thil week-end. lpend. few days in Millord before sball Mr. Joe Evans and Miss where Lettie Mar l:' OL Delillhtful U?C serve of . beautiful 8S. In and rewent to Dayton' they· 0,4' C'Lrlst " • at rerry, d' th direfreshments . b' hwere celved awas number return ng orne. BerYE Ind f e nmg room. w IC was f I t 9. ThOBe W b0 en· were married . They came home '~ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d t h . use u presen I h and started housekeeping at Cross'. BOora e . or t e occasion and. lit joyed the happy occMion were: the by candles In crystal holders. Nme- Misst!s Irene FI·sher. Mary Southern. Mr. alld Mrs . J . C. Bawke and Mill Marie Simpson. of Bll rds· ........... • R If B R If M dM IIr: John Fromm aud famll9 spent wicks. They moved in about two t eell cI u b mem bera were present Z I town. Ky .• after a visit with her years afterwards t c. what was k n o w•••••• n" •• ••••••••••••••••• besl'd es many guests. Mrs. DaVIS, . rna V" 0 s. Iee M' 0 s, Deyne k r.d anH rs, Id . Sunday with relatlvea in Sabina, aister in Omaha. Neb .• is now put- 81 tlJe toll-gate house on the Xenia About the year 1840. the doctrinee especially AultUst and September. in a clever original poem announced F . Ir.1O a 10 an aro Obio. . ting on "WomanleBB Wedding .' in pike where they lived until twenty advocated by Alexander Cambpe\l These meetings alway. drew very theIr intention to move shortly to arrar. - - - -,....._ . -- Save your old carpets and rUIf Cheyenne.. Wyo. with Governor years al(o when they moved to their and hill fatber. Thomas C.mp~lI. large crowds. as many who lived the Sheehan farm just below Way· we~e first preached In Green county. far away never heard preachlnR' ex- nesville. and Ket "Wearwell" Rup made Rou. of that state as the bride. present home. Send for price lilt. Franklin Ru&, Misa Marie'a many Waynesville Three cbildren were born to this OhiO. It first found lodgement in cept on occasion. of thla kind. for - - -.., - ...- - friends will be pleased to hear of couple. all of them still living . Mrs. the southwest corner' of the count1 they often had the most talented Co •. Franklin. Ohio. her continued success. N \». Smith. Earl Evans. and Wi I- through the effort. a.u<f'lnfluence of preacbers of the Brotherhood at Mr. and Mrs. Walur Elzev. Miaa bur. who is still at home. a small nucleu. not ~mough to make those time. who preached for Mary Corwin and Mr. Marshall "Save by buyin" in Waynesville. . Tuesday. several relatives and church There welre several who them. ..--Haines spent Sunday wi\h Rev. and ~riends were in~ited to their home. f~vored thla doctrine of taking the This house stood at the edge of The Loveland Herald in it·s lut lin. P D . Holt, at New ParIs. In commemoratIOn of the event. At Bible alone for their faith and prae- the large woods. wbich afforded amGrover C. Knapp WM married to issue. has an account of Stephen noon they ~at down .to a bill dinner tice Bnd no otber creed but tbe BI- pie shade for all. And not infre- Mias Edna Rand. , Monday evening. Casey. a former citizen of WayneaMill' Mary WillfUl. of Xenia ••pent of everything that IS good to eat ..ble, Bnd bound tliemselves togetbt'lr quantly were the Beata of the church October 8. at the Presbyterian parville. It says that he was drivln&, a Saturday "lIth her relatives, Mr•. Mr. and Mra . Evans were presented ID a congregation. A subscription carried out Into the shad f tb aonage at Lebanon. Mr. Knapp truck when he was hit by a paaaenAlice McKinsey and daughter . .&filll with a fine rockinlf cbair. the gift 'iVas taken up and a fre'1D~ house w.. wood. and a temporary er~lru~ was, for several years. operator at ger train last Thursday. Casey wu Mrs. Roy Irons. who has been in Henrietta. Mig WU,UI will leave oUhe guests. built on the grounrls which wu do- erected for the preacher. and addi- the local railroad station. and made hurled from the truck. which wu Spring Valley several weeks helping November 2. for a tour .round the May b~th be ~reserv~ for sears nate,j by D. W. Brown-now owned tional seats were provided by laying many friends while here as an obligdemolished . He was taken to a world to be ,one two years. While to take care of her mother. Mrs. to come...s the smcere wlllh of their by M.r. R. B~lton . pianka froD) one log to another. Ing official. Last fall he was sent doctor. where an X-rav examination jn India. ehe wl\l be tbe ,ueat of WYllOng. was takcm to Lebanon many friends. , _ ThiS me~tl~lr-hoUEle was built in which had been placed in proper 110- to Lebanon. as operator. Mrs. WM held. anci it was found that he Koglllh friendl. who arl! amoll&' the Monday where she was operated on 1842. While It was I:,eing built they slUon. These meetings lasted all Knapp. who was fo!merly of Cin- snstuined a slight fracture of 'the • blata ' officials In the British Leg.- for appendicitis at Dr. Dill's bospital met in. the ho~e of the members for day and a b~ket dinner and social cinnati. h~8 been .emploved as a nurse skull and a broken collar bone. It Tue8doAY morning. tloa. . worship. ThiS chur(:h soon became chat after dlOtier was almost the at the Blair hospital. and has made is stated that hia injuries are not . a noted gathering pIJllce for the "Re- only means of gettin&' acquainted many friends in that town. expected to prove fatal. formers," as they called themselvee with their nei&'hbore, Tbese bMket Mr. and Mrs. Knapp left immed· . - - -... The vaudeville bill for the balnnce at that day. and the church waa meetings were u.ually during a pro- iateiyafter the wedding ceremony of this week at Loew's includes six named New Salem. The church tracted meeting when all the neigh- for the East. where they enjoyed ovement WM called "Current Ret- borhood laid aside .their , work u the World's Series. aH Mr. Knapp is . well-known acts. Ladd. Morgan and Company in fantastique dances orm~tion," and was always deaigna- much 'u possible and attended the a true baseball fan. May good luck • . We have opened an Auto Repair Shop at and th .. Caledonian quartette. head ted In that way when spoken of by meetlnp. day and night. attend them . Under this caption the Convoy, . the Power ~ouse Building, and are pre· --u~h~ ?ther.wise inter~sting and enter- themselves . (Continued on page 3) Ohio Silfnal·News has a splendid tammg bilL The picture "Roughed The term "Campbl~lIite" was very • pared to do all kip.ds of write·up of this factory. and says Lips" with Viola Dana. 8 Stan Lau- dlst8ltefut to them and used bv their that the proll ucts of this company are reI comeliy and the News Weekly enemies in terms of derision. J known from coast to coast. This fac~ complete a fine program. Souven- One of the ealliest preachers was tory belongs to Jas. Stoops who iers are given Aacb woman patron D. W. Winder. who made his home . in the form of face powders and for awhile at Xenia, Ohio. and began October 27th. at Lytle hall. given formerly. spent the greater part of by the "Li\'e Wire Class" of Lytle hia life in and around Waynesville. perfume. publishing a small psper there In .... Next week the show includes Kit- the interest of this new movement Stanley M. Sellars, of the Lin,o Sunday-School. Admission free. We solicit your patronage. amura Japs.gymnasts, jugglers and called the "Reformers" Hardware Co., of Lebanon, is In Five prizes awarded- Best masked This paper h ' Chlcalro this w~k Laat year he pereon. fattest woman. tallest man. acrobatics from the i~le of Nippon; Bertie and Beth Stanley. in Slings 'removed fro~ Xe~f.~vO:;io,Wt': ~~ waa named as president of the prettiest baby and best harvest bas!.-_ _...;p;.,o;.,w_e_r_H .....ou..;.R __B_l_d.:;:g:.;,.___W...,.a.,;y:.,n_e_s_v_i_ll_e,;"_O_h_io___J and dances: Morgan and Gray in a terville. Ind •• and blended with. National Federation of Implement ket. ~~~~~~~====~~~~~========~~==~~~==~= comedy sketch called .. Bungalow paper called the "Gospel Proclama- Dealera. and I. Dteeiding over that .Lunch served ofsandwlches. coffee Love"; Van Brothers. comedlanl, tion." edited by BlBnjamin Frank- body this week. The federation Is doughnuts and pie. Everyone please The Dorclls ladies will be frying the six jolly pi~ates and otberg . The lin. They started a new paper and composed of eighteen a88ociationl come mMked . Plenty of fun for all. doughnuts in the church kitcben feature il the flew Buster Keaton called it "The Proclamation and Re. and covers twenty-one statel!. Mt . • - - - -Saturday afternoons, and will fill Sellars w.. formerly a Wayneaville all orders received. Phone Mrs. scream "Three Ages" followed by former." Snub Pollard in "The MYlt~rr MaD. In those early da,s much dilleu.. boy. SublCribe for the Miami Gazette Sallie Murray your order.
. i
- ._---
A __to Repair Shop
- - -_.-..---
Auto 'Repair Work Tractor' Repair Work Batte.r y Charging
--___.-- -
to our readers. PatronIze your home lhea~re often. but when y.0u come to Dayton come and see us for Il chan&,e " .
V /t... U D .E V .1 'L I.J E , ENTIRE
S . - ,KeatOD in ·'The'.Three ~ Agee"
Wenzell Berre9. · who lives on Caesar'8 creek. while on his way to Dayton r~ently. ran ·into a telephone pole. after lOlling ' control of the machine, and ~as severely cut. also a broken collar bone. . .'
/( Complete Sbt Beitl Co~y with .:IlIllion lAu,hs .-:-Ud:....· ,
- ...... _ Mr. John Zell. of Corwin. wu dt. penalq lOme very fine pears amoDK bia frind.lut week, and left a. a Irneroal lilare. for whicb ...... ,~tbiDkfal~
used 111 aelectin&, a Buitable name ... for this new movement. Many heated discussions were held am onll their own people, Some wanted the name "Christian" and decided that. the disciplee were first called Christian at Antioch. The oPPoling Bide' objected to tbia on tbe grounds that ' this namb ' W" too common and broad in ita meanIng. Beeides there wu already ' a church known u the Christian church in thil·eounty. This question hu 8nan, been ae'ttIed by mutual aglreement and we are now known u DI.clplee of Cbriai. .T hls church call1e4 · New that wenow call 'Ferry Cburch, • .visited by preaCh.ftl from a dlaw.e. mostly from Day torI, Ohio. ind ·C ln. clnnati. Ohio. Theae iD~ preached Saturda,evenln., Sand.,. IDCIlmliIur allel ~,.~. but at. fa"table tbeIe pieIdlera wOIlld prea .,enln. (Iuin. the week. there were buli:et ......... qUG .. _1.....11 ·
HEATROLA Come and see this sensational heater which ."loo~ .like a· PhongUph and works· . just ·. ' ' . /·lie. . a Furoac:e~" .
1IInIwar~ ~. • .
Faria '. ._
'WapeaVill~ _
Tlie Miaml "'I'h\~
Inlol'l'ltnnce Glln·lt y n~ I, .1 1111 H" n lc:el~' for YOII. . lI, r Io h ,· ~ri' t nil t h~ dOI\('- n,'t yel· But 1' nl l .)11 mi \\,.II~· I" I ~. ti ll rl~ ht: thl' rlt \\' Rt I lIt'll l J 1' ••••,. hellrf! llhQut, IIml It will i lJ III \\, np Ilk ... II Jlun lurQd hl1lloo n jus t I Il~ ~u o n n )·.. ur St'CIl Ulot hm' ge t8 nervl' , I'll nugh til "Pt. 11 gl.oll 10.\\') ~ r. T hat'R 11'111'. 1I1 11 't 11 . 'R oh?" ' "'I'h III 11111 11 I" ' t it 10 1111'." " \'.,~ . Io ~ " " I- l1 nl. I WIIS d.)wn In " hi ~t e ~ \\ he' ll I ti l'st 1,1'1I1'lI whllt W/IS
.' '. \
At nrSl th e ('llInl1ln/: 11'11" nOI ,11 111 cull. t il" slope grllllll,, 1 II'll h Ihl' Willi s lIuffi clcnLly \\'1<1 0 npn rt til ulTll rl1 "0111· pn m(1 " ply PIIRY pnssn"e. "rll win/: h(\l'8olt forwll rd hy he r h fl n d ~, II'll h feet grol}lng In th e cl" rk n p~, ]",Iow tor OilY projedlon aga Inst wh it'h Ih,'y couhl re~ t, she won her W ilY lI!J wllr,i. nlruost Incb by In('h, Mon rt' "pln!! over a narrow shel t , II ble, Onnll y, to sit upri ght wltWn 8 shnllow nlrtH' a t one side. wb ere the s[On(' hn,l hf" 'n hollowed out t or 8 fe w Inc-hea. She W8B breathl e"1I trom th e hard cl1 mh. her henrt beating rBpldl.y. She cOllld 500 nothing, benr nothing. yet II E' r ml nll pIctured IIl;llln the delld ta ee ot tha t boy IIlftring up at her-she cOllld IIOt go hack to tha t I l'\or to tlt'l t other I1vlng horror beyond I She mllst /:0 on; batter to die th ere. ca ught hell" 'Ieuly lD t1iat rock y Iwlp. th un e,'cr to tall again Inlo tlt e power o r thnt beallt. She listened Inrentl y. henrlnu nothIng; then lifted her hnn ds t o feel UP"'Rrd. SIH? IItl ed onc toot, S "c k ltl ~ a fra gment of rock to rest u pon. Then a flare ot red lit the Intern o. a dull, rnumerl r I)ort eC'boed nlnn g th p 1111prlsonlng wnlls. "nd n hullei brushed ber haIr, flatt elllnJ: It elf on th e rock beyond. She shrank back Into th e littl e ulehe. tlcareell' certaIn or ber escn pe, nntl reAted there on her knees. not ven tur· Ing to rno,·e. The shot had com e trom below; ot that there could be no doubt, but th ere was no otber rellnrl, no movement to reveRI any presence. Debora h hud no qu stl on as to wh o had /Ired- It mus t be th e man she had fled from In the outer cn \'e. He must have SeeD her oulllnj,(] a golD t that round opening above. It " ;U8 n mIracle she had escaped: but t o ho\'e aeeD her tile fellow must hnve stooll dlreetly benea th, besldo the body o f the dead man. P erhaps he would be there stili, peerIng ~ p to lea rn th result ot hili shot, wond ering wh ere Ihe hod dIsappeared AD quickly. Sbe 'wa. . .'te enou&h wh ere she W II8, behind that barrIer ot rock, a nd sbe drew the revolver out ef Its holster,
• i
8h, Lllt.ned EaQtrly for Any Sound From Below.
and l1stlllled eagerly for any sound of gnldance trom below. It he mO Il., any elrort to climb up, she meant to ShOOT to kW. She dare not \"Onture t o nd\'lIn ce her tace around the rork edge. tor tear tile movement might brIng her Into vJe\II' agaJnlt thot vlstn ot 1I1:l1t. The fellow was evidently wnltlns nntl watching Just 01 she Wll8, dlsconeerled hy ber strange di sappearance. No doubt he half believed his hullet hnll found Ita mark, thnt she hod tnllen, either wounded or delld, Into some crevIce, but WII8 atrnld 88 yet to \'cn· Iure up thllt narrow tunnel. Rh e .'ould not remaIn there Indeflnltely ,voltlng tor him to pIn COllrage to attempt th e aacent. Her hond. wIth tha ",.enpon In It. reat'hpcl n o (ji ele~81~' out beyond the edge of the rock. Rnd poInted downward. A alon e rllltied Ioelow and her linger pulled th ~ Irlg~ r . The mumed report ecboed hR ck from the rocks. the red nash of th e ,lis· chllJ'gII taded Into darkne8s. and the pllJlgent smoke bl ew hac); Into I)('r taft; but tbft'8 was nothing else. No f!r7, . no cruncb ot • talllng body, DO thud et leoa. She JI~tencll h elpl e~ ~I ~, hlllt craie(( to e!llilty e\'ery IUIIll frulll her pol.ed wellpon Into that lI"nc" below. What coul d It all Olenn ? Whut had happened beblnd that blllck \' ell ? An hour pasled. nn hour of IlrClHlf ul ..... tchlq, 01 ten.s ~lCpectutl on . It 8 ru d ·to her. til" blue Ugbt str eamlug througb that openIng WIIS alrell dy loslar Ita power, 011 t hough th e 8110 WII S going down. If !lne would escl\pe ~h e moat 1IO w1llie she could yet see the way. De llera.te os the chan ce WII . It mus t be a ccepted. he dId not look . doWll, or p 'lrpilt b !'Selt to thlDk or . th ~b1e dtUlg r It"rkln~ . below •. ~th Cio.gely · presS~ together, nnd IwiIIn ' rallhU,.. ahe drew' b.e ,b)' In.rh, bracing her
n t' llIlrllli
N':ll' fl" fJ
I h •• loud
nl lwh
Determine Y'o ur Worth. , !tver), tu/Ul w 'lgh ' h l tn !l~IC Ull ll Iletl'l'lIIl ncs bill own worth. Wo earn wbut 've de"en'c. All wages a re not puld In co.1u.. The mell " 'ho wor k ouly for llluU 'Y seli1oll1 ,bave anytb lnj; tmt wouC)'. And whether . th ey hn" p Dl uch or Ilttle or thllt they Il r!' IIllO n f Or)l;Oltcn by 0 worhl eag~r to r 'wurd 1II1s,,)Ush dw llK. It I ~ a ('Ommon practiee to blume tbe worl d for our own tnult& Wb ('n yo"r ""tlmllt .. or your worlh Iwd Ih" ",orlll·. <-'S UBlate do not Ul\Tel'. sur\' ey YOU1'sl'lt lletn rc you t' ursc Ih" wor hl. . \ (,urelt Is on "".cntlnl element to ","cry 8 U ' C\lNl. Oxygen Is essenlI nl 10 It... lIC~ nf li lt 1i8h. Ilut DO !Is h CUt1 lir e ou OXYK(,II Ullttery Is th o IIrchllll r IUI(J the lI url!l!t S I\O "~ O r Cor fullu r... Dlscotl tent Is eotu t1leodnllle, lml ,lt IIL"'Ollli!8 )J r(llltl1 lJiu ooly wbcn It stiltlUllltes d ~ t c rmlulltloll. It Is ImposHihlc 1.0 keep a ny Dl au below the level uf his utluln n'IPnllJ. It Is as Itll p"tlS l~l e to h'lltl hi m aho,'o the",. TH iem 18 the ''''8ult of uPIIJICtllllltJ. J::lllc l l!II ~' I ~ the rownrd Cor ltrUctll'C.
~p l n lo!' " n ti l' I" .. n '. Y" U I1 Il Chdr ~ o t i( CI1 N 'H m flln r l l nn gu nrd. h il id or on, ~ (llI t! nt t h.-. ~ ' t l r ." s;olllf'h o w , ' " The re I ~ no tJ tiP pltly ln g the h o ~ . II n(( toll.1 II \ (1 lil t:. You rel1H'1I1 111'T \loh ." the If1'l t ~ r weDt on coolly. "I" 'e ( 'I" lr "" ~" I Ih,' cnr,ls . 111111 I'm no !,Irl you <-~I n " lI p wll r l\ ,'.1 h ,'I'1· 11 11 1111' rll n ,' h," plu .\' t h e h rlHe w ith , li ke yo u did I list " " I's : I II II L'~ I' h:l l lI1 /1de 10 1111 l" tI.. 11 1"101. \\' hut 11 1II1l ,lut:8 thla au tilt II , " ~ squ ll rn. tl llll I.ltl. 11 1111 .\'1'\1 II n 'l I COII IP. In ?" h lt ll , n u d ,-' \l £1 rr ot h .. r .\ fUf' I' It..'II t1 t In tll fl "Jj ~ tW t'(\ n n o w IUH.I ml lln lght." I'h tt'e : thl 'll put ~'I\ ~ h ' x kH II ~ . 1'hHt I ""·hll l ur f' I h!'r r Ul\t1l n g?' 11 1:14 1£' h lu l ~ o n\. \r h,\ 11 lu' t uld Ill(' U\\" ur S h i fT. o r ·co urse: TI•. 1f I ~lll ll ,' IlI·l·It y tH' ...· k lHl wln J( whut " AIIII yo u li n,' Ihe WRY c1eftrellw ,,~ LIp." , Onr rll), hrllu!: hl you Ihnt InConnatl on. " You hey! \\' ''n l ~d R hun.1 In no rl .. "h l. Blls li t' !'one hack to }\'oII H' .~ n ow 7"
M{l rc knowledgo Ule8s ures wo rt h no lW)ro Ou),u mc .. ~ lIlu ~l~. The sk illed II1 pehu lI lc Is lI\ (1.t1t cr ot lll s UlU 8cl l's. L' lldtn.:cted l1lul1ch's , n~ und(-
lH' r
C'l h llh hl't·u l hh',!.::\, h t'l' l illlh ~ II d iln ~ frOtl! e x.-> ,'tl .. n. I l t' I' til' flr. ~ l lI k l l1g- w lt ll u l s m ll~'. It I l l ' n ' r I'un ld l it' H I ' ('illll ' J111~hNI. I h ,. P I1 ~ jo:!lC'l\ u f I lIl r h n dy
rcct ~d
n(, rt'\~ I ~'
wlt l l
n n'::l' r~
lI't.m n!! 111
bml lls. prOlhll'" Iltlle l1ud
11 1'1l
w.'l' lh Ilt tl €:.
Wit 11 111)11 d to one tbl llg de\'elops wl", ll.IllI. WI. dom ur,'cr nl' l1tHo9 whell It ww hl.ll·.. ('ulI"luut t!olll klllg un t! w o r kJlI l:~u u coD g l ~t e llt lines l 1r ullue c rl"t!u I ts.
" Why .. "h,ml.ln·t T. 11,,11 1 I hl'lll ""U
OI»)10rtu lllt.,)· tl e,'er eCllrches t or bim wloo du
"" .
.'< trell l:th of will I. Ihe fOUlllllltlOU or woe:lo . " " I'k I.
pilot to put
0 11
IUftUt' llCl' 11\ 1.1. ,"
~· U \l (11 11
{,t l h~ h urbor
Or ,' (lIlr II lr t h but It will lea d )'on h lt e " ,~ I W l ' h :' 1.'0 w it h out r lH tu Lr ttr IInli or Cl ll ch or . 'J'h t"tio you lu ust t o k e ..: i ;...:~ Yl' U v r tI ("(-C})t r h~\ ~It ! ·.: u: t iH'
tetll ill'st·to.r . Hewnr" o( Im llllll l'tl.
No copy !r ', ',\Ce Ir."
t er fe it you n rc us wor thless 10 the
CopyrIght, 1925--By
OI'I" IoI\' !.
W Ol' h ' ti t) ~ u .· ~ 1t !i' l ll l'v u
Rlt'h ~ t , 1
'\s n co un('01u .
I.I(',U jo"t:6.
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flt"'. s it , · Illllnlt ),t'tld
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t o.
wt'H r /lwn y ~ \' erJ
~E'l f
ull wll1'd. r,'" rftl l ('\' (' r~' In, ll1l1t of 11'1·"trlenllo ly ,." !Ill 10 I, ),P t ri nd· itlg pn r!'lIU"" I, low fnr Io er f"et u tll· r l"n t 10 tllru. I Ii!'r sll'ndp l' h o d~' 81"11 <1 · 11 .1' (flrw" rd. At 101 ~ 1 Iopr "l,ouldf'l'"
11\'l n~
e lllerJ,! t"d I.. , .. l ht" u utf}r d uy. nn e! ~ hf' II'II R l'n"hll'lI ]u ,lfII ):, th e res t or ht·r body o"er t h" rI m or rork. Utt erl y ex h u lI stt.'I I, Oph ll ruh 11l ~' 011 t h~ ~II IHI , ~a Sl l inJ.! f n r h rC'Ht h . (' ''IIl.;rlo u ~ on l.v t hnt ~ h ~ hll.1 fou od refuJ,:/! In n s hallow
ru v l n e. f-\ 1It.- lu;\' tlw r'C OlU ~ tr e l d l c ri In t h\. s lll, d ow fi r II SII' f' P ll nnk. wllh·
IIU t s tr!'n):th eVI'o to 11 ft her hen d.
More Compl icat ion •.
(' rt)Jl t
(nr wu n)
"'Of cours e s urly
y ou ' rt~
res Jl()n ~p.
. 1]
Jn clt.
In now ,l. wuR r el-k nn
th o t WI1 M
whnl cllu sed ynu to show up In Ihpsc parts. aln't It1 I wondured whnl wn~ being (lull ed otT wh eo you ro, le In IMt nl~ht. • "y. 'Kld: wh o r ~ lI lly piped It to lou-Cusebeer or GnrrJty 1" "Ttl! l es~ you ltn nw IIhollt tllnt th~ 101lirer Yfl u'lI II.·e . ll o h . ~ Kt'll een reo plied cu lncly. " It I ~ nough thlOt I 110 know, not only wh l1 t YIIU n r~ up to ou~ here, but tJl llt It WIl S 111. 0 your gllJ)le .to' double-crilss me. YO II tried th e slun!! glOme once before, 13olJ.- The scheme hit n yer' worked " cry woll. ha\'en't got 'lhe brai ns to dQ It tblDg ; nor Ol\ rrlty. AU r Iloocled wns to knOIV you and y~l ur kIn d. You were never' honest lD '·.,I!r ittI'. IIbd when 1 in!arcJ a bout ,,;1 ', 'lcol it was e3JQ1 enouab to ft jnll't' \l lIot was up." "Wllnt ' dt!lI l, 'Kld" What do 'you
l1I u rn l n ~."·
e\,erythln j(
~ !l rn ~ h o d~'
to R ~
hel'n att ended
wllh h r nln s I§ en g: lnper ·
cov('red, ~1 f)tI
Th e ~
D e hc)fah rc lt rJull s ll· n e \'(lo r wo uld r("J,!u l n pll\\, ~ " · t Cl rI ..."C. ye t till s to tol exlluus l illn II II f' s t.~ d a \\' u ~' . ItS ~h e he~n n 10 hrllthe mIlT!' f'1I ~ 1I~'. a nd fl nnlly s hf'
Sh f!
~n pllkl n g' rur.
,I"n ·t !Uk /' nny I'to UII CllS with your klod . :\\)\\' nr t! you r eudy to elllll e elclln ?"
"rouch ln j! low "eh lnd til e 8a,,~ until she N uld "I'e tile tl l( ur es of two t11 P Il . ~ e lth cr on" fU l' pd her : MeCOIll'r Rllt (m tI .... Ide of tl1l' hll nk, his II ,," " ); rll zl n): JUSI. h e~· oQ[l . wi llI. ' thO' " FrIsco I"d" rNnnlnel1 In th .1 "'II ! rile. hl~ mount sllIl hr eutlling Io,ollyll)'. ,, ~ IhouJ,:h he hn.1 only just II r,.h·e•.! nft er n 10"1'11 rId e. "Well. whlll (1IIl'r rencI' does It IUHk e?" he n ~I",t1 (Iule ll y. "Am I In .m ttlls or nnt 7"
grow In ,be wlntt'r ? tllke yonr oh8n oo t o rO~ 11 ~l1d ~ tudy . and tbink thinK_ Ibro ll Kh .
Second Saturday October 2()th Brings Forth Specials and Super Specials
WH 8
i lllltlf1'(lI ute
lind Kelll'en SCll lpli hnr k Inl\' h l1< 81\1ldl e. hut s tili fill'l' .1 tlo ~ oth e r. wh o hnd rl s~n to hIs reel. "T "ome up here hnl t Inl'lhl Pd to kill you," th e YOlln b'1'r man sl\ l<I Roherl y. "lout now I '11 11 ~" I n g to 11 " 'e you n showdown If pHI pl" y fnlr. I know you would t1()uhl e-I'I'U1<S Imyhod.,' Ir ~' o u hllfl 1\ chance. I dOIl·t n"'l1 n to give you uny. You stoy h<' rn unlll I cono e ho ck; It you tall. I'll rlln YOII 1I 0wn. no mut· ter wbere you go. And YOl1 knuw whllt thnt m elln~ 7" MeRger's lingers I'lin ched Ilnd unclinched, Ws tonll11e wetting hl8 dry III'S.
0 81l
o" n If
V O ll
--Bird ,
.. - ..
the Bible.
T h, ' ~ ' ,, ' P\I':OO .,t (t ' 1I 1111'1'f' 4I rr£l Jlturf' '' 111' 111 1,1111'.1 In tilt · Iti h ll:: 1l 1' t' o ~ t , r (' y . o~
p-: l r h'lI . p u r, ,.ld ).!,·, p.· tH ' ltf'l t . Il' lk: III. I lh! !'!'n . '1 11 111 1, I · U \' t~II . ", pu rro\\'.
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,' orl l1tJrIl Of . c-rnn e. 'ro \\'. t' ud, lin. d "v·, p:q.: h'. J.: 1~r . fu\\'l, : I ,·rl .. , 11:1 wk , Hi g h f hu \' 1(. III·I ron . ho~ 1'111 · 1-; .
11..1 111 , InIH\ In ;! , I. ow l lit I h,~
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III/: tl: ls. Yon und Snn c h ~z d o th e ru ngl , work whll l' Ih~ juc1gl' \'I ('lI rs th p Ir:t II. All Hght : I'\'e I:0t It moppe., ·,11 1 n,,'.,·. You lire really not s1tpp"se <1 1<1 I,. · In tlds delll nt 1111. The Mex wh', lh ~ st utT acro•• th e line. ge ls "our shu re of th e boulli e. onll brIngs It horK. All you neell tlo Ie hid e out here And wnl l. p,.el ty s oft. I'll sII Y." " I ~ II ? Well. whnt 8rt: you golog to li n?" "Plu.,· s~ullr... n oh. r ' tIl (\- d It you dese r,'p It , hil t r'lI .. nly tnk e my shnre. I'll 1:0 Illong wlLh III!' il llttlt, th ough. to mUke Rure I get II. 'L'h pll we'lI spilt right h,·re. " <'Ill' thnt hnnrl IIWI1 Y. You htlv I' h ~ .'n "11J,:ln l( In townrll thnt /:un fo r Ih p l'tI~ t 111 ~ 1II 11I1I te8. I' ve got
frll !,"III"n l IIIH'k I" Iht' ",,1111 rllll o f I'iIt k. • 101' unh"ltNI the I'{" 'olw' r IlIh l II lI u ~ It I hl'(ul:,: h lit(' 1I11I'nl n ):: l llt't1 tl n ·w h p r~
so t upon the "nn d, I;(l zl ng ubout her st m nge 8urTl' UIHll tl /:". enj.!er to dl ~ co n~I' whul Bh ('uu ld nttt-m pt neXI. he hnd es r unN] f rll l1l Ihut hell under· groun d, yet Wfl S hu t li l LI e hette r otT than b efo n~. She wos upon the e.lge of the desert s tretchIng outward lowa rd tile Meage r runch. It would be ImpossIbl e to cross t hIs on tOOT, wIth nei th er food nor water t o .sus· tnln' her; nor could she f or It moment con templute seek Ing refuge the re. even It It wero possible. Her only bope WAS to ci rcle that hi dden chasm, lind then endeavor to fin d her way nort.h until Rhe renchI'd saDIe humntl hl\bl to· liun. Tllo hO[le of accomplishIng this \I'a ll the mereHt mlrn f;(c : the attempt . prohnllly mennt deuth. She hod no horse. 00 fOOd, .,'ct s omehow. In the exhtlarotlon -ot thnt fir st moment of !"Cl ense, she could not wholl y despnlr. Ood had been good; she would go 00 courageously. 11011 tru st Him . She nrose to her knees, onll looked about. It WM II.. lonely, conl ro cted scene, omld whI ch sh e wos coo cealed. Some rIft. In tht> rocks led down to thnt opeolng t1lrnugh whIch s he hnrt Just crept. Perhurls It hud tormed 11 watercourse tn other ngeR. hut now til e su nd or the Ilesert hnd drifted 10, Hnrl covered ul) with u yellow mltntle or licsolII tl on. '1'he sIdes were tou steep to scnle even on foot. the laos!! ~ILDd (011111(( every IItterup t, so ~he wos compelled to follow the course of the ,len Ie In eeklng R WOY out. l<' or the first few Yll rds ot advance the J:lrl hud no ~ u plellm Nit I' W US · not nlone. A putch ot sn j(ehru eh limited her "Iew, nnll slo e wus threndlng her way through thes e, when the sound of It vol"e spenlllng caused hllr to crou ch sud· denly down In th e ml.lst of the thI cket IlIlt! li e motlooless, MCllrcely dllrlng to Ilreutlle. It wus the "olce It selt whlcll IlIlrnl yze.1 her 'l\' er~' "olltlnn, a voi ce In-lllntl y l·ecognlz CI1. uever to be tor· gott l'fl- th c \' olce of Bob M ~lIgcr. li e WII S not .I end, then; the blow struck hll cl no more thnn stllllned the mll n. nnd- nnd she "' DS hi s +"'fe. n eh .. r nh·s IInl:crs dill: HI Ihe !IIlnd In sIHI ,I"n II Kn n), . liS th e hid eo us thought cu me h""1I' /l IW ' I' to he r mind. In S1)1I1 1' rnYR ]erlnll s W II )' he lu u~ t have dl ~"o " e r (' 11 "' hnt hU ll o('curr",I, 8U8· ppct l'<I Ihll l . lI p HO" Kell l'l'II hllll rI el· lIell II"'U)' t "~ (·lh er . und then follow ed IIk ~ li n In<l lll n nn Ihe Irnll . Slop IIft~'1 1 her head ~ \IIld l' nl)': nn.lIh rr vo leI' spoke qui etly. 10<1 itTpl'pntl)'. . ur ul~' Ih ~ \, oll'e wu . fllm lllnr: iT OlUSI hll~ been I(ellel'n hlm"l'lf who spoke.
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""n .1 ,,"" I'l ng nft,·!,. Lilli I' Io.\' ll ilip Il1n dl), 1t'1I1'lng nt 110 .. ~ I d ,·, or 110 .· .. ,.1
Wednesday, October 24, I 92.l, Co mme nolng . at 10 o'olook &. m .. th e followlnK: 1 .borRIl. 1 0011'. 53 h O ~ 8 , 9 IIbeep, feed, tarmlllj( Implem " n's-al1d-houallhold-g~odll.- - - -_ _ __ _ R&ymond Osborne. MoN ell & I::!e .. r~, Ao ot .
. tl t' .
t il e !lh·
proJI·l'tl no: 1'01111
n t ro c k . wh k h s l Hhl l'lll ,' ,yl illd.·" III t il l' r U\- i l'ill!i H tl l ",' k,
S .. vlnj( dl'olded to quit farmlug , I Will offer Qt pllblto santloo OU .Sbe r .. t m ktl o wn M tbe old J .. oob Cor. lIe ll farm, 17,; IIIlIes ea8l of RIdge ville "mile.. wad' of Waynesville. :1 miles 8.,ntb L1 f Lytle, on the lOWer Bprlngboro r OQd, on
!lOt. scorch (or OPPOl'-
tnn l!~· .
r h rrlu ~ h t hut Ba r f'l l W np. 'n fm: t n tl h ' wo r ld w i t h u ut. li n\\' S \\· I~·t tIH." r rt '~ h air ( ,' I t : IIlIw hc-H utlrn l 11h' lIhw I1 r l'lI ot ~ k y . Yl' t It w n!-l h U )l l ' l t' !';:o' " f a t t nl n · men l. T Ill' \'\l r y nHuhli ':ori li o f t hf' tl llH JJ,!h t PI'O\' C"!1 IlI' r sa l,' u t lfl n , Crll zl' d ror th e Wll llwnt . ~ Iw hl'J.:'lI ll t o tJ lJ.: ~ tl1l(' I I " o,
Public Sales
1111 ",n en YilU '\'I\S Ihll. didn't n 'Jln re III ri o r ..asnn wh y you ahbuld torget ml' f, OW. o-n you I I lDeIIn to see t!lIlt you don 't. '[)Jilt's \Vhut rm here {qr. NolV 1\ ten- rID on to wbat Is I{oln)r to be pull ed olf tonllllt- tIlle CuSChPl'r bus llll!ss. You .ent Sanchpz lind his h 'Iner ,w~r her to tllke <-11 re I} r Ihe Ce s(,i1c!'r outOt- thot's ri gh t, Isn't It 7" aI ('nger ~ r .. wINl 8o m e th.ln~ Ind llY] Int: t.IY. Ills (!~. ,," nngrlly watchful, hut
11 \\,1. },! rl'lI t ill' S t'! -'
u\\'l . IIt-
Iit'r L~'l' b
t d cllnn·..:-l' Jlo)(U1 n n : tnt"' l4l1 trnt eM t tun ·
mlICh t menn be tru ynl . She shrank even "' os('r In th e Hhntiow wnltlnll. WOIIIII M ~lI l{e r "til), th ~ re. or go IIWIIY' In I rUlh, o f th e twu men aloe dreoded him th ~ leu"t. d. 's pl slul,! the tell ow 80 Ihorouj!hl y us tn hll "!, lorgely loel her f eur- hltt K c.> II ,·Ptl ' She WIl8 a ctually nfrt\lrI of him. rr s he hod s tlll relulned IIOY 1111 ):' 'rlnl{ doubt liB to whit he was, tbn l doulJt Im ll ,mllrely vnnls hed durIn!, th Is r onn·rsu ll un. The 011111 h8 (1 wurn no lOI u sk tnl klng wIth Bolo lIfeuger ; mild,, ' tin nt h'mllt to dIsguise hltT1selt. Sht' ret'o/:n lzcd hIm now ns thlpf nml border .le8(1erndo, no hetter. prnl·nhly. th oll thnse he 8ssoclated wlth- l1ml fur more ,Inngerous. It ."eme" to D('horl1h I\S though thnt dimly fJutllt,Pd flgure fitRndlng Itt Ih e ell!'1l o f th e honk would ne"er mo\' c. His octl .. o•. und ('el·tllin UlUt· tel'l'll wortls. RNllISpd he r Interest, nod hpld he r In cnnceulmcnt wlltchlng bls e" pry tH o,·ement. The fgll o w purposi'd somethln):,- hut whnt? ThDAe s ur"ly wprO' nl j(ht l:ill B><cs through wh ic h he sl'u rchetl th e horI zon, crOSB· Ing from s ld ~ to HIde ot tlte ravine. nud 1~' lnlt flnt on th e sund while sweepIng th p rlrele heture hIm Inch by Inch. E,' ld ently oothlng .was discovered to nwak en sURplcion. f or he come boc.k to his horse fi nd loosened 0 long rope coiled ubout th e snlldle pommel. and. \\'lIh this un his ftnn, tramped doWl! thl' gully. wIthin II yard of where ~he Iny. hIli figure tadlog almost 111Btontly Into ti, e darker shodowl below. At thot moment the Ilrl learee)y conceived whllt hlB mlslloll !D1.bt be. H er wbole mind seemed to coocentratl on the opportunlty tor escape whIch h is nbsence oft'ered. She arose croucll11011
Money to Loan on Farms at St per cent for five years, TERRELL « TERRELL, Wilmington. 0 ., phone 30l. LURDed live M ONEY chanels. 1\110 secoud 00
wor"a~ ...
N.,'es booJ(M. Jobn tJ.ublny, AileD BnlldlnK, Xenll. OhIo. ,.,.116
Farmers, Attention! Farmer" ut W.rren and adjulllllli oouuCloa WilY ob;t\ln money 00 lunl ume 10.118 . as 5y'~ 101 .. ,e,S. 1,;0" 01 sooarlug the .am .. ta gery re..aoD.. ble, ~broaKh 'fhe Fede,al Land Bllnll . For 'arthur IDformatlon call un or addret18 M. ~ DRAK.E, '1'1. .· nrer, phono S1G-X, 1.ebsnun.Oblo.
"You needn't make nny promIse, Bob. Your wo1'f1 means nllthlnll to me. You stoy here until I come bacTt. If a real adventure in economy you don't. you are liS g00l1 ua dendtIllt:S 1111. Thllt'e my pled~e: IIDd1you Gold Line Optic Glassware, 19c, 39c know whether It Is 1I00d or not. AnyModishform and Boyishform Brassieresl, $1.85 thIng more you want to 8I1Y!" Women's Autumn brown Russia calf oxfords , $6.85 He bocked his horse slowly down Cha ppie coats of brushed mohair, self bound , $7.75 Into th e hottom of the gnlly. turolng Ove rbl o u ses, crepe de c h ine, various styles, $3.95 t.he nnlmnI's heud toward th e oppo. lte Skirts of velours and ca mels hair. $7.501 bnnk. but stili Iwlsted In the saddle ANTII:D TO BUY-Lllmbt, De. Cha ngea ble Silk jersey ltloomers. $3.95 80 01 to contront Ml'ager. He had lalne pretecred. J. A. HarC_ Bla ck sateen dress aprons, cretonne trim!; $1,50 tlrawn his revolve r. lind held It careman, R 2 UB, Burlln.'on, Ohio. .,,. 95 le!IIIly In hIs hanll. 017 Girls ' hats. 7 to 14 years, many styles • ..,.., "You are 8u(' h R dIrty. low-down Gil Is' polaire and astrakhan coats, 8 to 14. Ill. 50 hrute." he sn ld coldly, "It would r eolly ANTED-Men 0'1' women to Girls ' velour hats , sizes 2 to 6, colors, $3.95 he a plensure to pitt yOIl out ot the . Sake orden for gennlne gaarDresses. velvet- silks , new trif)1ming treatments, $41.00 world. r sometlmes wonder why I an\eed boslery tor men, women .nd oblld1'ea . IeUmlnsso. danlull &Ia. Gowns--chemiS&with real filet lace, $1 .. 45 don't. The Mex tells me you &,ot mllrry 175 a week full Slm8 . 11.60 an rled last nlsht. \Villi It the renl thing N a vy twill tailored suits , s ilk lined, $38,.00 hoar epare tIme. Co"Olll, bea'ber., Longcloth, 36 inches wide, lO-yard bolts" $1.60 Ihl~ lime?" sllll:lI. lo'ernll lonal thoo&IOI Mill •. 75 Women's fur trimmed sport coats, $lI5.00 "Thu!'. none ot your (I- d busIness." NorrllltowD, P". n1. Imported fine beaded bags, $4.00 "Perhnps not, but let's be lIaclal while we ore together. PartneTII ought B ea utiful French and Engl.isb Val Lace, lOe yd. . • h filin • d 45 not to qUArrel. SurprIses trie you Oak Recipe Cabrnet Wit g In ex. . C .hould d sert th e talr brIde so .oon. Rike 's own tas ty cocoanut taffy. 23c l b. y,u seem to hllve your head wrapped Bla ck dressing comb-<. use or fine teet h. 35c up-couldn't be a loye toP. could Itf' Women's whi te linen-cord block kerchiefs. 16c Meager's temper obtaIned full conSmart Tuxedo colla r and cuff sets, 89c trol at thl. unplellssotry. Ind e struct ible p earl necklaces. earrings, $2.50 "H-I, r wns drunk '" he growled viciously. "But she'lI pay for It, the D e ckle edged, color lined stationery $1.00 box Mirror, comb a nd brus h- Ivory White !let, $5.50 next time I get bnnlls on tile \vench." roome, parely m04erD Fra med pic tures of reproductions. 50e "So. she got awt1y, then ? Lord, and tn "ood ooadillon , Isra,e Doll head Pin cushions , dressed, $1,29 Bob. J always th ought you was a and eleo&rlo lI,bttl; rena '8.00 .. Taffe ta Silk Pillo ws , $2.95 . . womnn tamer. Th'" one Is of fln oth.er montb . lnqntre of Wealev BI,8" sort. then. thnn those YOIl nre accue· M e n's English broa dcloth shirts. $1.00 I,;orwln, OhIO. 017 tOOled to hundllng ; lIoesn't tnke klnll· M e n's brus hed woo l sports sweaters, $5.00 "You Are Such a Dirty, Low-Down Men's Russia C alf oxfords. '$4.95 Iy to the cne-mun stulfT' Bruta," He 811d Coldly. . $5 90 "She'll take It, till rIght, the d-n M e n's a ll-wool trousers, striped, plam, ' . little vixen . She hit rue when I W88 M en's one piece caps, medium weight, $t.55 drunk. and then got IOwny; hId In the lUI upon ' tier teer, yet nesltoted liD In· \"om en's Gauntlet Chamoisette Gloves, $2.19 old Illd»'. rOalD, I reckon, tor I couldn'l atant, feeling a auddeh curlCflltr , to lellrn what Meager mlllht b. Beare.".. Women's s ilk and fibre hose, bla ck, colo'r s. 79c I Women's fall knee length Union Suits, 69c nnd Iler nowllere. But I'll brIng the tor. He could not go for, tor tJi~'.;ia~ If Rea l Kid short cuff Gauntlet Gloves, $4.95 gIrl out 0 ' there tonI ght. by G-d. an' vine ended abruptly against a" ~ Silk Umbrellas for rain and sun, $10.00' she \\ion't have no drunk mlln to deal wR11. She hnd a mental pIcture Of tile ~~ . seeoe. Oood o-d I could tbe man be Women's Glove Silk Vests, $1.69, Bloomers, $2.95 wi til neIther." aeeklng after that narrow openlDR MllIeJ' Raop, tD lol'd 'order, a'" Boys' sheep lined coats, sizes 8 to 18, ,,7.95 Kelleen laughed. evldeotly well SRtbargaIn it lold in Sbe nez' SO lalled with whut he hnd learned, nnd through which sbe bad JUlt escllped1 75c Mignonette Face powder, 29c hnlng 110 further desIre to add to Could It be posllble he knew or Itl dl\ye. lnqnlre ot 141'11. W, B. Allen. $1.00 Vivaudou As tringent cream, $1.001, compact, $1.00 Meager's dIscomfiture. HIs restIve' preseDce there? where It led' the ae- WalneulUe, Ohio, 081 horse lIuddenly spranl( tonvard under cret that mysterioul tunnel III the D a v e nport, Ove rstuffed - Striped Mohair, $122.50 IIlngle b .. rrel 8boSlua. u,ed one Dave n port Table, Combination Mahogany, $29.00 the quick thrust ot the man', heel, clift? ..... on. Inquire a' 'hie olBee. Galvanized Window Refrige ra tors, $1.95, $2.95, $4.95 crushing throu~h ti,e tllngle of snge, The opportunity to eleape was now odl $35.00 Nonvo o d S ewing Machine, Special. $21.75 and up Ihe IIteep bunk to the level of . open; MeRger hlld entirely dlsapPl!lIred the deHert above. Deboruh hud bllrely In the darkness; ,be could no I~er roB obotae Keifer Pear., ....J. C. H a t Box, I S- inch, bla ck enameled, $3.75 Stea m e r Trunk, Spring lock, with tray, $10.00 time to sink her body lower Into tile e,'en dlstlngul.h tile lound ot til, r HaWke, WtI1:rneaylIle, Ohio. 081 Five $ 160 Simplex Electric Ironers, special. $99.00 IBIld beblnd her covert, when the man'lI moyementa, while bt, bone, luddled and jlrldled, ,tood ulIParded IU Type Pol"pd Ohlna Plg',re,. Downs tairs -1OOO N ew Fall Dresses, $9'.00, $18.00 startled IInlmal swept past, one noot not a dozen yards aWIlY. ~et the elrl .i .tered. .' Iuqolr. ot ,Em men Downstairs-6DO Coats and Wraps, $1-4.95, $34.95 iCllrcely mlllslng her. Meager, with lingered, wnltlng to IIssure ben,lt .. an oath, swung a band btll'k to bl, pls- to the renl nllture of tbe fellow', mla· Beltz, B. D 8. Wayaen111e, Oblo D o wns tairs-350 Sport'S Dress skirtS, $~!.95, $7.95 . 081 Downstairs- 75 Fur Coats and Capes, $95.00 tol butt, yet WII8 already too Itlte- slon. D 0W11sta irs- 35 Boys' Mackinaws, wool, $6,95 Kelleen had gone oyer the cre.t, tbe Forth trom tbe darkneSll to he, 'reab Jertle:r CoWl, 70 8uff .....Downsta irs-2DO Men's Broadcloth Shirts, $1.69 taint echo of a lougb 1l00Un~ beblnd atralned ears came the loond ot II low born Benl and lOme full bloCdecl hIm tanlalolngly. D o wnstairs-600 Men's Linen Handkerchiefs. 17c whIstle, a peculiar note raembllnll Br.rrlKl Plymouth Boo. Pallet. aDd Downstairs- 2 to 6 year smart coats, $4.95 All the elrl could do. WBII to remaIn the call of 0 wild bird, qulte evldeBtI; Coolrerele ~,. S. Bill.. R . .D 8, Downstairs-500 Juvenile wool suits, $3.85 IIl1ently where !lhe lay .behlnd that 8 signal, all It wa. repeated three WaYDonllle. Ohio. 081 Downs taits- 75 Smart Fall Hats, $2.45 cluster of snge. It waa alrendy growtllt1'!". To Deborab'. Ima&'!nIlUoD the roRD Ro,!,dBter, lU8 model. .a,a"'Downs tairs-100 Advance Fall Dress Hats, $6.50 log dusk, anti shadows hung over the 1t2 85 gully. becoming ' deeper with ,very whistler must be bendln~ ahove tlli .r er , aDd demaunSable rim., !lae Downstairs- 250 Pair \oVelt Sports Oxford S, " • passIng moruent. If ahe llad eAcaped orifice In tbe rock. There Will , new. Bee' Ken~e'b Kllbon, a' By. observatIon 110 far she would soon be pause, the desert sllellce profound, maD', .'ore. " .• 081 ,' D OIV'lt; tairs-400 P a ir Strap Pumps. $4.75 . \ D OlVns t ai rs-IOO Pair Boys' Welt Shoes, $2.95 perfectly sa.t e. And she wn&-slte was I and then. ngllln the same IIlgl1al Imlla· pEARI:t for IIle-lIl1i<1lre ' of O. L, Downstairs-250 Pair Misses' Hi~h Shoes, $2.25 The eerlillnty was like a giasl of tlently glvtln. Apparently thure Downs tairs-200 Brushed Chapple Coats, $6.95' wine, the blood coming Illlck to hClr no response ot any' nature trom. be- ... Rloke. pbone 117-11", W~10etl. .'. '. . oIj .... , Downstairs-150 Beautif~L Corduroy Robes;, $2.95 . hear:t, ber plIl.e stendylng. K'eUteD low, aDd ' Meager lost control of hli yUle, Oblo. 1 A' ~BOA'.tis;wiil ·HIIl.opoa"'• . Downstairs--QOO Pair I'Wunderhose" aU ribs l l3e ·had 'ridden on, never paulmg; ahe cntitlon, for he buntt tortl~ In a , . ~b ' Joe. ~"rqD8rd, Dear 35c ~ould bellr the dull tIlud of hi' hone'. ot · oath~. enllln~ till, tirade by D 6wr..s t.'1.irs-900 Pair Boys' Triple Knee Downstairs-720 Men's Fine Wool boof. In the.lBnd. untll the 10Und died down Into the liole, 11111 Yolce _ ......... ' 1Biloteye 8ohool boo..: ., B : D. .. u \i1ouKIi III' had Inserted bls head WaYDen1lle,0l;llo. . ' ,oN Downsr0.ire-400 Dimity OverbJouses, '1',9.~~::-:::---;;--I~i~::£:~~ln~~tIle dl8tanCe. And H.,er •• far ai ' possIble wltllin the nQUOW D • 120 W 'fi el' '1 69 l'evoh"l!r III band, euntn, See I. OWllSt:aiJ'9-i- . omen 8 aDD paJ~ • trnpotentll : IInaU.,. leapllll forward ~n~ng. · The wor.da elm. baclUndJa. £'OR I5ALID-S:elfer tinct, OCCDslonan, lost: ' . . -WII.OD , Sd~ pIa~. " ~A_~DI·VD.K · RD . ._ ,.""" aeros. tbe gnll), to wbere be eonfd 1'JIo be_IIaaed,' W.,uetl9I11e, Ublo,_ . . oN -1N#fj'...., &~ . ..,~ ~~ lltare out over the edge et the bUlk toward Where h" enetQ bad d1lap•- • SOWS .D4 .,....Two taqe lo_ pared. NlltIlll' IlIAD, tblll, bad MID ':nd aac1 10 . . . r...... . B, ber:_"'dare IIOt ~ tII!' . . . 0 t' hat make a special
store on that
fOrSa/e \
UM ', "L'
Dayton, Ohio
. a. Try'our J bPnn..-.., .1l1lO~"LO.'" w""'~:r-
• .__ ..TH ~ M I A M l
G A. Z I~ T T E....
. .-.-
lI.tared .s ,be POI"'III011 •• W.YD ..... UIO. ObIO : .. 8econd l lla .. Ala"
D. L. CF AN'E, Editor and Publish er. Waynes ville. Ohio Subecri otion Price. $1.50 per year
TIie M
History of Ferry Cburch
Go od Go od s Al wa ys
I Nearing the Presidential Starting Post With twe.n~ ltatee operati ng Preside ntial primari es it will not be !,;ng-- u Il fact not.. :noro than IU: months -before the Il4tion~ e&lt.CJdat. will become !mown 8lld the dfU'k horsffi mlokeci lIllo th& paddock . The first priDu1.ry iB that of New Hawplh lre wlWlk will be held M.arclI 11. North Dakota follows
week latu &lid eta. the whola system gets into rapid operatio n. Hue ;. a 111& ot the states having prend& ntial p1'i.mary laWII with the d6_ tm thl primary election s of all parties. a
OaUtom l.. ~,
1'lA."idIo. Geo~
KaT &. .time 8. to IA ..... br &tate
New JerBItY. Tueadyy. Aurl1 22. . New BamUab11'e. March 11. North Carollna , JUDO 7. North Dakota, Mareb 1B. Obio. TIleadal. April 29. 0NII0fI, B'rI4a1. Ma7 18. nI ._,. A rll a . ..... p . eoutII Dakota, M.,. lIT.
Dll.n.o!I, ~, ~ ..
1D4lao.. ~ ~ .. • 1I."laD d, . . . . ., . IIa7 15. v ....aIIQMUa, A,.n 28. Mlah\pD , ltiIGD4IJ, A.prll 7.
lIoataJ) l,
Ma7 '¥T.
l'iebruk a, ~&f. AprU
Welt Vlri\nia , Mo~ 21. Wl8cooli.n, Tueeday. Aprll1.
In Florida the Republ ican party ill elimina ted, the law of the at&te not applyin l to a party not polling 85 per cent of the total .ote in t.ba prececl1Ds pneral election . Republioana of Florida , therefo re, will hold a eonve.n tion to piU candida tes. ~ The epreed of the primar y yYltem IPvea C8W1e tor mllCh uneuinel l &m01l8' a Dumber of state bcaes who m yean have domInated the political situation. By oombin atioDl, dickers , con.ention UDit rul. and other speciOUll practice s they have turned the wiah of the people into a voice 10 still aDd small that it l10t heard eYen in & wbisper . The threate ned ending of such power natural ly is not too pleasing. In brief the preside ntial primar y talt.. the orooked bole out of authori ty and restol'6t! l the right of franchiIe to the people. If the primary system ex~nde to any appreci able extent the oountry Dew&pa per& alone, YOlcing the wish of more than 60,000,000 of the Americ an pe0ple will render it impoMi ble to et'UIh popula r demand in the machin ery of P&.rt7 chicane ry ",hen It happen s to exist.
uamlu.t lGD of tile _tWin ~ J• ...n. de11DqneDe1 In the Ih-. .tbe antma1 II "err PratdcaU y fl'rtIry one 1II.:u PO"I to . . . . . ._!!l!oo4 and the ~ IDto aplendld men,
., ea~ _plte .11
n.e tentlll7 IIIoek1JIc totiaenCM we an told conttnnoualy YOW\l
• u~ tile jaJllleDw .
fInI'J !aDd.
8eem1DCly tbe lDttueoce. clon't
Wbc:r. the edttor lau a nal opinion IID4 dareI npl'llH It be III len· _It_I . "beD hi bu DO 14_ or ttilla to ap.... &111 be t. nuUld .n.! • \IlL 014 V.l'I.'UI A.llttlU. AlltoDlOWl. wbo tound hll j01 to consider ing all tbt tblllll be toaId do without. would blVo 0 ~rtectly gra n,l tIm"
h'olll. leavo tbe eltlea 10 Ib, 10 the oountl'J aDd Immedlatoly put .1111 _ ~1Ii to pt ellil
Poetic sentDi cIra..... IJ8I'UI)I, tile bIep t load-ot ban41c&p11 • -. . She lea InspIration ~ to bauot8\t !Mba "" tuneful Ibare. . . . 8lMo retela ....b... the aldea II biDe, ao4 pa44Me lOme In ~.'. cauoe. . . . 8bl _kI AmbroR a·. hou1ecl bowcra, aDd tutM tile wID.. and . .thin &owon. . . . Ske fllto wbere hou-mlD t IOIOts tbe dell-fu r oft ttolD IOrdtd bIwlne... bell-Bu t. ber IhlDln' llcbt powe mlgbty dim. wben a wood·tlc k blu. her 011 tbe IlID b I PoetlAl ItQo1D1 - . . . aloft. In ilardi at IOmetblo' .....1It an' lOti. . . . She aeldom co04Ctf('end. to ~ -mona the humhl.r. meek or low. . . . She co.,ea wtld Imbi· tlon's orown. ~IIe .roden MlI..t bold. her do'lfll.•.. She ftndilOme tawdl'J l pi&bl.n tbln, tblt Ib.tten ber ancellc ....fng. • • . It'. ml,hty la.rd to court tba mUll!. wbeo Molly WIDte lOme better ahoo. • • • or. monko1 with I nreet romance . wben Bobby· needJI a pl,lr of paote I
'r1!~ ~1t2~e,
a.;a n~
T ..
lit. ~ oP
Ju"'PI~ti Io.T CO/Ol"I.U4I~
A.IUI GIJT-rIN4i 40"'. A"""UI . .
"'Twll" Labo" of Hercules." The d~.. tructl"n "r I hI! N "UIL'Il n 1100 . 1Btrtruellnn of Ule Lel'''''Iln 1t~" Io' Il; CliP' tore uf Ihe Erytllfluthlll" 1I(olIr; col'i\lre of the Ceryn elun st ll!!; ,1<' SI I'II CI Io n Jr Iht' !)Iymphn llnn hlrd ~ ; l'Iennl\oi: of AltgeDII stllbles; rlilltlll'e 01 Lh" CI'l'UlD Rull; delh'ery I)f t It" horses of Diomede.; delh'ery uf lil t> iii nil e ot [HPI.ol),I"; sllll'ping or th ~ "ulile of ;je r~'dnn; pru('urin;.r tlw IIllpl ,·s or the ( '<,r!;"ru ~ 10
IIt'splll'h lo's: de:t",,,·y 01 ' he upper lI·urld.
...- - -
FIr. Lo.. Vlluallzetl.
It hR~
~ rl ip h"'"Il.v ('II'IClll ll led
:bol Ihll l\t" hur ,Ieslroyed onnuully In Ibe United :>IU11l9 11,;- tlrc\'enluhle lire8 Is the !!q1l1.lllenl of enough lumher to bUild nVC-rOrlll1 bllnJ:lIloll'8 r,o teet K(lllrt ·Ull "nllt silies of II Slreet rencb· Ing frolll :'\PII' York 10 Chlrago.
Terq QIl'h •
81K'" MIH'T
~ t\WI ... Vlllt't. Q-'!V." L'f
YQuie !
~16.n·\ , ,-.t1Y
, "PI"~ING ,
Alw ays carr y the best Lum ber, Shingles, Sash, Doo rs and Mill Wor k, Roofing, in fact, ever ythi ng in the Building Mat erial line
We will take pleasure in supp lying your need s \ .'
Giv e us a call
mo,ed : rom 11:! 'orIRlna lloo,,'I< Jn'0 wbtore U now Illande a"Ferry . .1 . B . 0 :::Im·lSh. Ill. W . Oar8$ and (Contin ued from page 1) J . ~ .' Lllud were amon, 'be I.., wbo preaobe d In 'hI' New Salem· ohurob . June!! ·M 1.:Ieury , who lived a$ 'rhe remova l to Clio was In 1882, and Daytou, Ohio . lIod preaohe d for 'he was dedicat ed by C. M. Roblnlo n, ahur a he~ Iobere, WaH very well liked slDoe wbloh ,1Doo H bas been mlnlaand popuillr . autl preuobe d .h ert! tered 'to by Carroll Gben', who wa. quha a good detl.l of the time. From tbe fir.t preaohe r. From thil ilm. lJ(lVIDRloD. Ky"Daw e Altbur Critab- among ,bose w.b o preaobe d hore np fi .. ll1, who t!lhted tbe "UHhod oll to 1~90. were: George Bml'b. A. Prel< uher . " Judge tl. C. Perloo allu L . Jooes, N. T . Blms. Cbarlel [,oull Ilrol1Cbud for (lo c sldern.b le time at Laos. of Dilytoo . Ohio, aod durlog Itllervuh l. Buujl1w m Frankll u 11180 his pL,uora ge B . L. WllleU beld a robao\e d melalloll', Edgar A1\en ofteu 1 011 . aod B. F . Datley. preuch . About 1890 oame T. B. Ball aod . '1'h eu o.uuo D. ::;. Burnott IlUd Iauaa C . B. Ba"", wll .) were 8\odeo 's at ~~r' OL I . '.be Illt" editor of the Uhrls 'lao tit undtud. the wuSt widely olr.. Irvingt on Uolvers lty. oellr Iodlao. uuluted ohuruh p"1l6r 10 Amerlu ... apolis. lod 10 lI93 Na'ban J oh0800 Brot·h er V unl.1U; \lerk. Noal tibaw In held two pro'ra.o ted meetlog s while 181l\) . wllo was a writer !lud oomp08 Nethau Traum was tbe r eg ult,r mlo . " " of n number o f hymns, and one ister for two yeal'll. Tboo A. P of tllO fiutl s L HIll!< e r~ or that Ilmu Fr ost,. 'vb(t~e wire was tbe daught er tie wuul .1 .Clm 6 11lue~ lI.. y. whll .. of V. U \Vasklu~. who prea·.•hed at pre l101l11l1-( . "N ow 1 a .. " tell llll " be'. New tllliem between 1850 and 1860 Ler In Ii Hung, " lb a n 11 u wunld BIOI./, Tuen Wilham Monday . J . M Mo una ppl'opn "tu HOOg. 1:I1~ b"allUl ul Ii.. y . t; J . t; ~ bI\ 8tlt&D. G. W . B&II. voice .. nd hi . fio" "ppllllru ncu mude L O . 'rbMUPSOIl, wb om we all know 80 well. Bnd a greut Blblo ~t udenC him \'ery t1 t tr "c l,1VIl . ti. U . \V bt klll!:! W lt ll " tin e lIreek It Ie @flid I,bat It anyon e would reo eob ol 6r.llucl oll e at tho bE'~~ tt dnaa· p ~ l\t fi verso In I,be Bible be wonld luro a t hilt I.iul tl . 1:111:1 ]Jortrbi t was tell tbe bo ok Bnd alifipter an·\ otten unnK In . Ib a pUILrt1ll g ullery at lbe tb t! Dumb.lr of the verMB. 'fh en ht. Wori Ll 's ~ulr In l;hw"KU "It (llle o f l>rother , 1:'. B. Thomps on .•md D. B.. th e n oled pf(lllah er8 0 1 tlle world . Pll irue r. wbo WBS \he ministe r for Ue nl"da trequ en t \' i~ItH u oLl h eld four year8. Du:rlng tbls 'tm£' the "wel lng. for I·bl " aLu roh iro I,b., 50'. presenl buildin g WitS ereoted lIod lind 608. J U. Irvin lInd Jusophu 8 rtfld loa tec\ hy W. 8. Bncban 6n, De. Then Stanley I:llalr fJ um Uw \' iolulty of J"UlltH. aembe r 12. 191~. town ; Oh iu .· Wer n tl "U vl"ltor s uf Jobn son. J. A Pine and the preBent t hi li ]Jtll U". Th uy w e I''' wall kn own pa"tor. ~d WMd D. Goller. The Ferry Ch urcb III koown liUlOnl': tll >! BruIIJ .. rh""d In tb o~ e tbrouKb nut tbe United I:) tat e 8 daY8 . \V u l. Pltlk erton CH me nnt fr om ~hrou~h (btl laborll of tbe above hi. b ome lu Duy t "n . Oul". fr "ID n ')t e.1 U1eu. wbo have pre~ched bere tiuH, 1,0 tlm u dUrin g MI t! -lO·H . .' ,,~ hua "nd Ibo 1\ ved of IDaoy of lis mem Swallow orton OUUlR from bill h ome bllTs ue Inte rwoven In the saoreel Dr . and Mrs L. G. Brook vl8lted In Mlllml oonnl,y. 011" ), thron gh It wrl&lnll8 of theBe m e~ . Mra. SURan Casto. In Day taD, SaCor. We "1'111 now IIlenClQn aODle of the day. period 01 wl1uy ya"r~ ano WPI greatly appreol .. t ed by .. ll. Prof J . men In the tl"lem FerryC burab who MI'I . Morrll Miller and oblldre n U . Dodd •• princip al of tbe publlo !la ve bee ~ amocg tbe gre"tal ' aoCor8 • ' f h.st week wltb ber tn \be cburoh work. All ~a h "o I8 111 Wa'l'neBvlll~, Ohio lJ. Wb 08u efforts Ind 8elf.den through 8pen. par a ials the 818ter tu Dayton . W. Moor ll, who pronob fl d r egnltlrl y for sevorlll yenrs. alI<I \1ved tor \'1\'0 fiol<naes 6nd tb~ 'work of the ohoroh Mr. and Mrs frank SmUh ",,,8 kep\ up. Among the moe' lIOn, Ben, were tlnnday gue8teand .vellf8 In thto nRlghbo rhood r . D promIn ot ent uf tbe8e men were John- Mr. and Mrl. Henry I:!mllh, of lIhrvtn. founder anti lirst preside nt UayIan O"vtP, wbo waH adwlUe d 'he ton. of Wllmln gtoo oo lla ~A. preaohe d muoh at 'b18 pl"OA for ye6rs aboul· l!llider In erectlo! r tile first honse In ·Mrl. John Linnem an and oblldre n tho tim" when t his chur Jh wuij New !:Salem. and an elder for tweaty . of Oa.,lon . were week.en d gueatH of five ye ..re. Be wa. ably leoonde d b Mr and Mrl Benry r eDts , In bl8 eff urtli by William Brelsfo rd. Fer · . D. W. Brown. John aod William au 8, G.. rman . Jaoob Daret, Peter Din. Misl BerDloe l'euoloR 'on. she pr! . ~Iddio ••le88e Crooll:8. Biram and mary teaoher , WAI .SUFFERED MANY YEARS qul\e Oavld Daniell . R U CrlsUn. W . S day and ber pl&08 Willi Ilok Thurafilled by MI81 WITH FEMALE TROUBLE MorriS. Benry Reel, E . N SmUh Louella Lonl~ller. .. ud o\berll equally &8 good. Wlthlu 8e~eral from here aUende d Lbe "banI six yeare aliter the new ohuroh Thimbl e Bee of the Bome Mle810n. was uullt two of ' be 8tronge st memo Iry loole'y a' tbe II:' ohurob In LIKE A GIFT FROM HEAVEN bere were oalled &0 their reward , In Sprlo,b oro Thundt4. ay . ~he pertloo of B W. Brown aDd ' WllU"m Brelsfo rd. II'rlends here are lIorry hear of Bu' otber good men and womeD 'he lerloUli 1I1nell of were rllady '0 move Ul) and take Caito a' 'he b:>me of herMrl. BOllan Lhelr plaoel. And so It baa beeu In Mn. J . R lI'eDs_ maker daught er. In O"y'<lo . the yeare that bave followe d. when Mr. and Mrll. William the raolt8 were broken they were tended the RoldeD weddin Long a~ g filled by othere 'w~o were wIUI01I' ... ry of the former 's brolherannlver ,Georg e to \akethe yolk ofChrl~l upon lhem. LoD' and ",Ife, a& Weal CarrolU on. And It leem!! tb.a t thle oommu nltT SODday . la oonlten lal tor develop lDR 1I'00d oharaot er8. aod this ohurob has lIeDt Mr. an4 111'1. WlIllam Colema n out many noted men to labor ID eu~r"'lnlld &0 dlDner. otber fi e I d.. .J O. Smith did a' Roy Gatee aDd daugh&Mr. and Mrll. 8r.ot Clnoln· great w ork at Valpral lo. Ind .• aDd n8&l ..... Mr. aDd Mrl Barold Ga'el be .nd Edward Dant did a Rreat of DayWD. work In Chloago . Be 'beo moved lire Mary S. carmOD Y further W88' aDd 80uth we.t and hal her Sunda. , dinner ruelte. bad for Mr.. K.tle Sch.lle! , led 'hon8an ds to Christ. Be preaoh_ Mrl. YV lIbur Clark, MII.ee Ilr. and Kathry o, ed In Oklaho ma where at one mee'. MI14red and Margar e' R. F. D. No. S. Lo••U, Ohio lllark aDd Inll tbllre were 1200 oonfe8110n8. Be Evere" Clark. "I have been s~ffering for yeln with fem:lle trouble. Was operated ~Bb!et ~~oet~!::0:tronJI~8t ::~~h:/ Mr. and Mrl &. J . Smith, of WIl. on fiv e ;! ~ur s allo. It relieved me George gave pr,;mI80 of belDr ~ mlog'OD , Mill Mary Coolt and Par some b < ' : did not rep in my zealouR preaohe r. but WI8 oal1ed Iry Uook. of Waynel VllIe, eojoyed strength . Two YNi rs 1.IO:r vn.1 early 111 life to oome up higher BUDday dinner wi\h Mr. and IIrl. laken sick .nd l>a<!last several EdWard Uant. wbo did" great uhu. 11:. Johnl. monlhs. I trea:ed ~ long while work In the wed. died 10 Uallfor nla Mr. and Mre. Mre. Barry MoUln. without much ~3tiu(' 1 was dlscouraged. my m j ,, -j affecled, 80 at tuberou lo.ls Josepb Pine, whom DI. aDd IIIN Leona. eO\erta lned on whom we all koow .0 well. after ~UDday. Mr. and Mn. nervous I could ndther eat or leaving Drllk" Unl vor@lty ot Iowa. 80n and three ohlldre Barry W.~ Bleep and umble to do anything. n. at Lima. We Iried severa! doclors but weot to theNor tb we,,' where he hili Mrl. Nellie Moward and Oliver Wat . I dooe great work: In Wa8hln RtoD. one a fter another gave up ely case Ion, of Bellbro ok . as hopeless. Finaily a good fric!ld Orllgon and Idaho, II now _t Ureat Mllsel llary Morrll and Margar el advised me to try Pe-ru-na . I dId .. Fall8, MODtana. Collard . of Argent ine, South Amer It relieved me almost immediately. •- • loa. aDd )tIrl. Beleu Taylor, of Cln. Your medical dcpartm c:ot said 1 olnnatl , were week.e nd Koe.'" of was suflering from chronic catarrh Mr. and lin. William Colema n aDd of Ihe system. 1 began t::.;,.in& your MIN Zola Colla,d . medicine in March. 1914. and co tinued until August. I tock t lin. C. 8 . Lamb "'a8 oalled to Co. bOltlcs of Pc·ru-oa and three botlumbu. lrrlday mornlnl tles of Man-a-lln and felt like a Grant Pbllllps , of Clllolno a'I, Will of 'he .erloull U1n818 l' on &aooun t of her lao. new person. Yaur medicine seemed tho goe~t of ull! parent8 over tbe 8'.oy Lamb Be ball the "flu." bul liJre.-&-~·#-4f;~-J.I[.e&Yet"'·--lft-wa-hnJ · IJlt .end, wu Improv ed at thB time of her re like coming from darkness into Geo A. Phillipp . wbo hl\s . been brn, I:!ooda,. mornin g. lighl. .We have used your medicine oonfine d to ,hill home several week8 Tbelma Kearnl . tbe 1I"le orlpple since for cOughs. colds and grip with neurItis . ' Ie able to be on' Itlrl who hal been oared for by Mrs. wilh good results. We will alwllYs again WIlUam Oolema o (or tbe past three keep it on hand. I 4veigh twenlYMrs R.yw(l nd Wilson aDd daugh. monthe . wu \aken a Clnolnn atl five pounds morc than I ever did. ter were gue8~ or relative s here hOlplta l MODday tor treatme nt Ber ~at and sleep well and can do a IlIiIt week . motber aDd Mrl. Colo man aooom· good day's work. Everybo dy says panled a.er 'bere . I look fiae. Even the doclors 'are Mr aDd &irs. Hlel al guelu surprised. 1 cannot thank you last week. Mra Biel'lIhad There will be a meellog of tobaooo parente . Mr. enough and will always recommend and Mrs. King. of Akron ,rowera , and all IntereeE ed, at LyMo . . Pe·ru--n a to sufferer s hall DBlt' Friday evening . Octobe r from Friends of M18s Alloe Carr ten. 111. a. 7: SO . Mr . Cuonln catarrh." ll'ham, the de-ad ri her a 8nrIP Se on 1'oelda y 1140atgomery County agent. and C. MRS. KATIE SCHEF FEL. evenlDg . It being her birthda y. R. F. D. No. S. Lowell. O. B CI .... the Warren Couuy "gent, Bowurd t;hamba ugh, of O. ~ U ., .. nd olher lpeake n ",111 be Mrs. Scheffel is only one of 'here. many thousand women in the Grllae und Ella tlhBmb angb, of Day. Real 0I&e\e In and around Lytle world. who owe their present health &OD. were home for the week.eD d. hal beeo oh&nglnll' haode. Mr. to Pe-ru·na . Tbe record of this William MIllI aod lion Frank, tlmltb. on 'he Dylle farm medicine is a proud ooe as Pe·ruealt of were the IIn8"ts o:r hooor at a faa:. &oWD, hal lold out t.o na hal held the confidence of both lIy dinner Suoday , a' She home or aD4 IODII, of Belmoo UeOlge (Jray sexes for fifty yeara or more. t. Mr. Gray 'pe fatber. ..kee poH8II Ion Immedi ately . Mr. If your trouble is dne to a _ _ _... _ • Bml'h hal purobe led theama ll place catarrha l inflammation in any orof . Mn. L.oII Nutt. on the Dfty'on gan or part of the body. do like pika and baa moved there. U. I:!. Mrs. Scheffel. Try Pe-ru·oa . Insist Overlookl.,!! the Pun. upon havln~ the original and relt'S jusl possible that tbe reasoo lAIDb ba. laid bl. grooery and liable remedy for catarrha l condiwhy some m"n have II bard job to but- preml _ '0 Keeler Grah~m. to give lionl. You won't be lorry. 1I01l\O."on Maroh 1. 11181 Sarab O. ter their hreod Is because tb_·. burn, of Day too haa ' parobal led tbe Aall Y_r Dealer , " - t ThIt mnch lonf. Urablm propert y . OId.TI... Tried R• ......, .
HARVEYSBURG Mr. Emma Cline Rpent tbe week. end wltb W . A. Merritt Llod 'amlly. MIs8 Mable I3tnrr. of Xenia. epeD$ tbe week.en d with ber mother here. Mr . and Mrs. Chas . Gorden have joined the orowd for a trip to Flor. Ida. Mr and Mrs. Wal\er .lordan were Sunday vlRltor8 of A . Z Bartsoo k and family. M08e Bogan and Natban Gray llpen' leveral dlYs las' week at thll Lanoal 'er fair. Mrl. Fred Barlan spent sIlVl....I daYI la8t week In Dayton , vl.ltln , her slBler. Mra Emma Cline. MIIR Nellie Campbe ll. of Wbeel log, W . Va .• Is home, visiting her parenti aod frlendl for a few weeki. Mrs . Ida tlowe and B.OO have purobase<! the oews ataDd of ~rod BarlaD, and are DOW open tbe pobllo. Ida Howe spent Wednel day anti 'l' hul'8d~y of las$ week In J efferlon vIlle vlsltlDg Mr !lnd Mrs. Orland o Reid. LIly'on Bale and Mill Emm .. BrIDdie. of WllmlD gtoo, were !:luoday Vl81t0rs of Mr. and Mrs. J . F • Stump. John Kenned y. Barry Howe aDd Roy Clark were 10 Day too. t!uud.y , caillo, on Min Llda Howe, a' 'be Sta\e bOlpUa l. Mra. Lou MoOrel ght and two dauRbt el'l and father, Mr. 130mne r. of Wllmln ,tou. were SUDday aner. noon oallen of JeBse Ulark and wife Mr . and Mrl. II'rank Harril. Mr. and Mra. Barold Harrll, of LeanoD wero In Columb us several day. I..' week aUendl ng ,he Knight Tem. plan aooolav e. QuUe a surprise o\mo &0 the relailv811 and frleods of Frank KleiD aDrt MIDnle Bogan. when tha an oounoe meot of their marriAR e came here . '1'hey are houleke eplng 10 Oay'on . Mr. lind Mrl .. HoraOll Stump eD. tertalne d 10 honor nf W. A. Merrl"'. birthda y. Mr. aDd Mrl. II'red Barlln, Mrt!. Emma Clloe aDd 10UI, James lind Mo". and the ~Ullel Vivian aod Vlrglol a Tuoker.
- - -...
Illtil or an Olnlm"" t wbleb QIIIUb' Rellev ... tb • •atan-bal IJlllalDm atios, ..a thl Internal Hedlclne, a ToDa., "lIloil acu Ihl"Ou~ tb:..tIOocJ =~
t: , .
Sot4 by 4runlltl l for onr • 1'.... F . J. Cbeq.y .. Co., Toll4o, O.
., ..
Forest T. M.~tin Auct ionee r j ; .'
Get my terms for
Public Sale. I satisfy and Rve y«»u money or no marie s.
Box 91, Cerat,n/llk, Ohio
Pbone 1, Ceatervl ......
General '
•..• ,. ,',11
Telephone 11',
..- -"' 0IaI0.
Wayn e.vlll e, ObIO] ~
Natloilal BaDk
W. MIu..BR.
••• DBNT IST••• lflllO":~8W..
.W _ _ 0
'a .... ,b.' •
Notice t. herebY ,Iven I)ropollUOD HHI#IJ t......... to levy addllloDa l tor ""hool' I ) u r _ for. and d6r11ll1 tbe period of tI.. , ...... • ralAl no& t.o exceed (3) 'h ...... IDlIIIID ue_~of The Bye 'b. maximum ra\e alltborlle d bJ law. will be rubmlU"" t.o I,he e1ecto ... of tbe )I ..... TOWD' 11111) 8obool P"~rlc~ a\ tbe "lUlar .lec"oD he ld oD
Tuesday, Nowamber the 61h, 1923.
". tb. ~Iar votlOi pi..,." Itl the .ald dietrlc'. 00 .aJd d.\e, betwND ~he hou ... 01 0:10
,. m. and 0 : 30 p. m. • BJ ordor ot ~b. ~, ...Io Town.obtp Board of E4uc ••loD.
Notice of Appointment · Ea, .... 01 Oh.rlil G. WIIlI ....lOn. d"'-. liotlce II h"",by ,I ••n 111.\ 8&0111 WIIII.meon " ... heeD duly .ppolnled aDd qUIWleoI . . lXecu~rI.J: 01 'be K.t.t. Cbarl.. G. WII· U.mllO • . 1.&0 or Warren of Oounty. 0Il0l0. " •• ~~ ~bll 111011 dlY 01 oc",t>er· 1811. W Z. ROLL. Judr;e of tbe PrOba&e Oourt WamtD OoUD'y, Oblo Jl'rank O. Aod.raou . AU, . 011
---.. - ...---
Papyrul Extinct In Egypt. I. though! tllllI plIlI)'rus was <I,"WII to Ih e El'ypli:tn s IllUre than WOO C. The phl nl Is IlII'" erllnel In
11'1,0 'r :-Illc.
".,.' LI'iTI'" TO
1ULL'8 C.t.TAIt. RH ImDlc m. WIll 40 "lI&t " . claim tor 1t.-n4 J9U1' ' " ' at C&tarrb <w Deatn.a · ...UM4 ~,
a ...... ON !
, 01""'''''' ""WA.N
WA'i '
fuunt! In tb.
SI,bt Spe&:laUd
At Cary's Jewelry .S"p Lebanon, Ohio
Every 8 :00 ••
m. to • p. m.
-- --
,lf t ~-
Mts . Rac hel Crew and RO Il, Frank, 'ermo n S un dav mornin g, Oc ober ~ I: "COmilll-: o f Ch ri ~ l .oo 'unday IIrrived home Monday alle r a lwo e veni nl< " !'he :lecond Mile" Greal week@vis il in I ndillna . plHllf Bre Iil'ill j{ rnllcie f or II Hllllow · Mr, lind Mrs . ChIIS. Ashcraft, of e 'e n ~IlCilll' on the 1 8~l l'venin\{ of De tr oit Mich ., s pent Friday with O~LObl' r . Roy MacBe th snd family. F:ci wur( 1 D. Go ll e r , Mi nister.
,. I
0' of vision thnt dwell s In
Correct M••• ure The
• nlilO ~. tbe correct mC8sure ot the 1WI.-oarl,.le.
Matt Denve r and famil y hav/! do· : nated $25,000 to Wilminglon college We the'l follolmng farm owners to erect a m emorial dormilory in porsitlvelv forbid any hunting or hon o r of th eir daughte r, who was ~pplnll on our farms . Any ' 1Ii6Ia. ~iII e,1 by the car.s 8. few yea rs ago . tion of the same will be l)rolleeuted Another memorls l IS to be ereeted liccordinlf to law and to tbe t ullest In m emory of T hos McMillan , and extent. - I donati ons have been received in sume of $25.000 down to $5. In lhe list I Ed Fumas. appears the name of Mrs Mary L. o Michener. Adams, of the Friend'8 Home , who The Van I'r881 Farms donated $3000 to the college . l
---_.- ..- --
- . fublic Sales
" !~~
aaviD, 801d !&zm,} will sell a'I mil. publlo auo\ion on the p re ml8es, orah.elt of W ar n e .,tlle
' . Have opened a \Carage at the l1ee eallt of Ly$le,oll.tb Ralph Miller blacks mi t h s hop. where .JD~Jle &,0 Lytle pike, on they are ready to do all kinds of Th~ay N~;ember I auto work . They will be glad to ~...._L l DR• '.... ..... -_ 10 a. m.,."b' e f 0 II'o w_ see I their friend s at any time at this IDI property. : '. 3 bOIl8ll, 2oowe, 15 ~ ace . hOi" farm tmplements, oorD In 'he fie14 r.ud boaeehold .80otill. II i "J .d Frank.Jones. OUr •• lII'..8eaN, Aool. !.l. Eo
aD ..
Job Printin
ff'ry ,.
in Senate Office ',.
M a II' ft u s Johnson, newly.elected Farmer· ·Labor. Senator from Minnesota, came East to visit WashIn gton. call on the President. and look over his new "field" of action at the . Capitol. H.e . promises
Miss S tell a Daughe rty will atte nd t o my Buildi ng and Loan bu slne~ during my absence, 80 please take your de posits (and a lso your books at the end of th e year to have the in· ter es t credited) to h er. She is very eflicient a nd will r ender you good st:rvice A Plain Talk on Savi ngl Your money should work for you just 8S you work for your money! The firllt s tep in this directio is the decision to save SO METH ING out of "ou r income, Bnd make that SOMETHING bring vou an increased income. f 'u rther, you lay aside fOl a "rainy day" or "all independent old age," or that ve ry comfortable thing, "a fina ncial bark g round, " The decis. ion. however, to be systematic fs the firs t r equi site. The time tbat tbe ave rage man and woman 8hould liave and accumulate is·b etween the years of 12 and 50. Some are born with the spirit of thrift a nd start t(J savl! early in life. Ve ry f e w realize the Impor. tance of savhg and IT aking money earn money befo r e the age of 35. It is howe ver, ntlve r too . late · to start. DON ' T FORtiEr ~hat $1.00 deposited In a BUilding Bnd Loan 8880' ciation each week at fi% compounded semi·annuallY'1lmounts to $107 44 in ten years, ' J . E JANNEY.
. -.
DEATHS Mrs. Sarah Lewis died at the home 'O f her daughter. Mrs. Orrie Gu ~tin. at Dodds. Wednesday morn. ing. after a long illnl'sB. The funer. al was held at her late home Satur. day morning at 10 o'clock, at the Genn town church, Interment was made in Sprinll Grove cemetery, Cincinnati,
.- .
Burns MemorIzed Sefere Writing,
BurnR rO lnllllttt'II hl ~ r '",nls to m illtl' ory us h ~ cOlllpo~cd l lH'fU, nnd when he snt down to WI'It e he hod hclore him no Inbor of COIllPO It lOll , but only tbe Insk or writing down wh ot he had Illrently Hnl hed.
t ..
.K!)i1lADEAT .nOJ\IIE!
Lon Brannon and Wife Robert L 'I wlp, wife aod daughter', qpal .. nd Bero8dll, W. B. Terry I\Dd K. E. Thompson wIne In Wayne8ville !:IlAtord"y evenlrlg.
It 18 tlwe for tholle wbo buve In Oo't ober, November, or December \0 gei their beads toge. ther and plan f~lr the entertaiument 'hey Ilre Bupposed to gIve to tbe members olllle Sunday Sohool.
A 6-room House, 2 Poultry Houses, large Lot, Well and Cistern, in Corwin. A bargain if sold in next few days.
Prof. Farr. (JIf 'Wi)mlngt~n: will preaoh at tb ~ ohoroh here neltt Son. ilay morlilng and give Ol! Il ,,,It ar tlie oonventlon In the afternoon. IJoosty S . 8. SuperlntendeDt Big. ony, of Lebanon, will !lleo 'be prel. eot.
O· acre Farm, a 6-room House, Barn and a Tobacco Sbed, near Spring Valley; $70 per acre.
Mr. and Pilra. E. Mannon en. tertalned at dinner !:Ion day at their beautiful borne at Churohville, EI vin Fires and t'a mllv. Lewlll Flrll ~ and f .. mlly. of Wayne8vllle. Mra Ella F!ear~. of Morrow. Glen DavIe and family, of Wellman, and Gee, W . Davl~ lind ~lI'lfe.
Butter Fat 10e per pound highe~ than lost Yfar
Tri State Price 'O ct. i3, 14, 15......
'j ~
, ~
590-KeDlon .Ave
We guarantee cream and cans against loss.
t Reference-Aak any (Jne of our 70.000 Cream Pat r ons
·yowaSate i1)
tbiaNews~~.J.--J.D!'ir. . It .
gou butjen • J
WELLMAN Walter Tibbals is Improving IIlowlv. t.'bas Col\ll.'r oalled on Ed (Jra, Sund~,.. Lis Whet!el 18 re.modellnB bill bome here . MIs8 Elida Gray II able t.o be baok at httr lohool bere. Mr. IIDd Mrs Robert Lewis enter hlned reldlveB on Sonday. MI. und !'du. Lowry are enter. talnlng r ulative8 tblB wbek Mr8. ElI~ Sears, of Morrow, visit. ed relatlvell h e re laat week, . Mr. and and Mrll. Jolbn Vander . vo ort pUM~.ed tbroURb hllre !:lunday, The Ladlel Aid met wltb Mrs. Hllunah Bogll.D Wedn~!day aHer. n ,on Mrs Mary Mtl.unon Bnd Edith Davi~ wer" tlb l)pplng in L6bllnon Saturday ~' rlendll of Mill. 'V eda' Sams will ,be po~ry to hear 6f ber se rIous Ill. ueal at $be hom~ of Mr. Cha. . VIlllirs. . . Mr.. Marlbllo-Dn!1I and ,loIrs . tiea1'8 oalled 'OD air, . EdUh Davi~ aDd Mra. Millte Manln OD Th,nrl.
P'r ices
Runabout Touring Car Coupe Four-Door Sedun Chassis Truck Chassis
John William " and "'roily of Miamisburg, w"r, lIero on 8ilnda v. Mrll. Vad& Lewlll Itl entertalnl " l! her HI8ter and hU8band, of Clnc', ' 1. Dd\. R . J. Mnrray .lnd wife aUend,·rl 'be all.d .. y mee\lDg at Olive BraD dl on !:Innd"y. J Lee Talmage oame down from Dayton to spend Snnday with his homll folks. K. E. '!'homps,:n and wife entor. talned three maohlno load8 fr om !Jayton 8nnday IIIftornJon GIIO. W. Davis and wife were 80n. day evening guestl of tbe Gray family, nellr 8prlng Bill. Lon and Gul' Orannon IIpent Sun. day with their Ilok 8111ter in WII. mlngton, Misl Lnla Brannon. Don't forget Rally Day here 8un. day aUarnoon. Ootober 28. all mlA ohlnes IIhonld be headed 'h18 'Way . Wiley Knoohty, wife, 80n and dllUgbtl'r, of Wilmington, 8pent Sunday with Halrry Cline and fam· lIy. MI8S Pearl Moo're, our eobool teach er, llpant !:!aturdlAY and !:Iundav with her home folks near Harveys. burg . Almon Ferrill and wife. Sherman rerrls. wife and dllou~hter, lJuolle, were tlunday 8n,e st8 of Ed Wilson and wife. Mary Manno'n and daughtersl Ruth aud GlenD .., and Mabel 'l'erry wore Ihopplug III Lebanon S .. turday aUernoon Glenn and Imolene KneoMy, of Wilmington and Winston Cllne at tended ohurob alt Olive Branob, 8un. day aHernoon 'rbere will be & 8 ..UoweeDBox soola) Ilt tbe 80bool bon<e hare ' on 'he eveDlng of tile 30th for ~he beD · efit of ,he lohoo:!. lire. Rose Fhell and daugMj!r l F108111e,. of Waynesvll1e. Mrs Ella !:iean. of Morrow, were WedD811day luests of Mrs. Martha Davill.
1-. ' ,,
Effective O ctober 2, the Ford Motor Company announces the fo llowing reduced prices on aD Ford Cars an d T rucks:
l~ ew
Mr. and Mrll Chos Hartsock , of ST. \l <\RY 'S CIiU~CH Roule 2, atte nd ed the Knight Tem· Twenty. first u nuay a ft e r Trinity , plar conclave at Columbus last week. October 21. Church School !It 9:30 - - - • .- - - -11 m .. service Bnd sermon at 10:45. You I1 re co rdillil y invil"t\ to a tt end t he8e ser ices , G~ocge, Engla nd's War Premier and the · trong ma n that great conA ict, s~i led into New York Harbol' on his firs t trip ,,,'Ie to be accorded a welcome which left the little Scotchman breath· less. WitP, his wife and daught er he IS nOW In Canada prior to a tour 01 the United Statu, when great del1lon~\ra tion s will be fea tu red a t vel'J alop. Shown ~ith him here is his daughter, Megan , his "pal" d constllnt com palilon.
_, __ s
Mr. an1 Mrs . Lesler Gordon were ft\EltIODIST CHURCH Sllbbllth :cbl1nl. 9;15 fl. m . preach· Harveysburlt visitor. l'ueSdllY . in$( nt 10:3U !I. m. ~ eu nesullyeven. M!~. Walte r Brittai n allu ch ildr ~n ing Bl: rv icl!, 7:00 P Ill. Epwo r t h returned to l hei r h ome in Dayton, Lt' RlI:l'le 6: 15 P III . ; preachin g at 7:30 Monday . p m Everyh"d y i~ coruil1lly invi led t o these s'rv ic!.' Cl ar ence Menuern hall an u fa mi Iy , I{ev \ V A Ww.ld,u rIl, Paslll r of Dayton ,.are s pend ing a few' day s he rp ,with r elat ives .
All Pric(':9 F.
$265.00 295.00 525.00 685.00 230.00 370.00
0, B. Detroit
These are' the lowest prices in all Ford history. With the recent changes and refinements that have been made in every body type, Ford Cars now offer new values in motor transportation. Especially is this true of the new Four-door Sedan with its streamline body and ' many added conveniences.
The Fordson Tractor The price of the Fordson Tra~tor has been increased $25.00, making the present price $420.00 F. O. B. Detroit You can 'a~l' advantage oj these new /'rica through thl' Ford WeelrJ, PurcllDSe ~l4III
Waynesville Motor Company
The Dark AO'" The pt'rl ro d 111111111: [ 1' ''111 Ih(' Im 'n810n I t Frlln ~1) hy e lo\·!~ . In ·I ', ~. 1(1 tht' jescent on 1I111y . In 14;,Q. h~' l'hnrl es Vln of France Is cmnlllonly .. nll ed the Dnrk oges. Lenrnln g allli nl't. w ~ re leglected. The n ellul~su nr e toll owed
w. N. Sears Wayne8'rille, Ohio
1 . . . . . .. . . ..
. . . . 1 . .
Building -for the Future Approximatdy Two Billione of Dollars have been invested by American citizens in the property of the Pennaylvania Rail. road System.
Four Angles . of. Growth Territory SerPed Thirteen Statu and the Di.trier -
'of CoIumbi.-49% of the country'. _tire population
Highe.t Type Train SerJ1lee cm.mator of the "UmitCd Train," and the all ,teet eOlleh-a leader in dinin, ear equipment
Tbe Late Classified Ads
A Perfeel Roa.dway The pioneer r.Uro.d ill die _ . of .tone bal.... t, . . .~ . . . nile and ".lI>matic .w1let. and . . . .
EHicieney at AU Tim .. Over two hundnd die ..... employe. trained .. _ ~ travelniqui,-t edeq...
The Elements of Suc:c:eaa TIN 'Ood-VliIJ oj IIu #><01>'-41 I~ mull oj IfMlly-M ~, oj .Jficum publu. Uf'tIiu oj IIu ,",lrut I,p, '
A,. 'IUr«Ui1t, fllllllUIl ,oo4.II!1Jl, 1rU,UJ, Jed_, I11III
41irm bUw_ "..,. aM IIIIJllra~ iJwoM" • "",,I of EfII~ lUtwu~
Underwood Apples for Sale.
llwo busbell of band.ploked and maohil16 graded Rome Beautlell. ot tbe very bill'bee' quality . prlOlld ~t 7110 to 11 60 per ' basbel, IX mile. ea.t of Harveysbnrg. U
<...,. ~~
Pennsylvania •
&u option on anotber bUll. I huve Dell and will prlnte bOlb 1911
Railroad System,' • TIN "_"d.,d 1t_1IroaII 01 'IN ......
dwellin g hoosel. garage and bllrn; II .oree of Rrouud 10 the .o orporatloD of Waynesville W O. GUltlu 031
,- c-'
•• 3eventy-Fifth Year
~. ~
Sub.!cr ibe_l.ot:...-Lhc-.\l ia mi
Fred Ha wk!' E . M. Oxley spent Su~day in Troy. with sicklies!!.
M,CI " " " " " " " ,,, i ~ ('f) ldi" ",j
Ernest Harlall wall in Columbus. Mr . Ind Mr8. W. N Monday. Dayton ouTul'sday .
were in
ebas Aman. of Richmond. Ind.. Mi88 Susan Wright has wa. bere this we~k on bUHinels. in Rike's Rtore~ Dayton
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke visited The Grange willi serve dinner and relativea in Pleasant Plain Sunday . supper lit their hall electi on day . Mrs. Walter McClure and Mila Misses Trillena allrl Margaret Ed· Lilla Benham were shopping in Day' wards "pent Saturday with relativ eH ton Saturday. in Lockland .
Mrs. Etta Printz and son, Joe, of Mrs M~t!r Hyman ill attending Dayton. were SundllY visitora of Mr. the Grand Chapter of the Easter" and Mra. J. M, Taylor. Star lodie in Cincinnati thi s week, Mr. and Mrs R. R. Benson and Mra. Alice McKinlJeY and ' daua h • Mis!! Hazel Salisbury, of Delaware ter, Mis8 Henrietta, an.s Mr. J. B. spent the week·end with Mr . and Pence spent Saturday in Dayton. Mrs Harvey Rye. The atore will be cloled all day Save your old carpets and ru g Friday to arranie for the Great Wearwell" Rugs made . Clearanae Sale. Frank H. Farr &; and Iret Send for price list. Franklin Rug Wife. Co" Franklin. Ohio Un. Dave Adams, of Kanau City. Group meetings lo demof:strste On Sunday. Mr. and Mra. E. L. who brouiht ber husband's body back to be burled here. i8 apendinll Sherwood entertained Maj or and the advantage of th ~ Fi rel ess cooker a few days witb her lIIater. Mn. Mr • . W. A. Crede and Lieu tenant and to show how to make thi ~ inex· pensiv e eq uipment for the Farm Mar)' Adams. at tbe Frienda Home. Paul Walker, all of Gleveland. Kitchen are being held throughout Mrt'I. L A. Barnes. of Piqua was the County this month . Wh en th e The Woman's Auxiliary of St. her mother, Mrs. George Mill s various Township Farm Uureau with Mary'. Church will meet at the home of Mn. L. A. Zimmerman on a tew days last w.rek. Mrs . Mill s Organizations made out their pro· grams last Spring, the fir clesR cook· Thursday afternoon, October 25 has been quite III wi! h neuritis. er project was adopted in pracli· Pleue note the change in the day, Mrs Louella Miller and Mrs. Su e cally 'every case. A Lead er in eHch Thumay instead of Friday. Hawke are in Cincinnati liS dele. Township was Dvpo inled. wh o in turn gatea to the Grllnd Chapter of the Re l ects~si8tants from the vllriouB Eastern Star now in session there. communi ties or school districts in tho Township. The two appointed fo r Lou Hyman and family and Mr. Wayne townsh ip are Mrs . J . L. Schwalb)" of Xenia. Abe Kauffman Mendenhall and Mrs. Carl Hock ett. and family. of Lebanon. weTl~ guests of Myer Hyman and family. Sund ay .
Sears& Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace, Mrs. Mary Caskey, Mrs. Bertie Earnhart and daugbten and Mr Ray Mills apent Sunda~ in Tr" v. I:uedts of Mr. and Mra 'K M, Oxlll1·. Mrs. Ann Archdea~D) ' John John McCullouh ano lami ' . of Sprlniboro, and Mrs. HbllDab Aniram were Sunday guests ot lVl r. and Mra. Howard Archdeacon. "Save by buying in Waynosvilla. .
NOTICE To the Lot owners and Board of
J. 0. U, A. M,
WILL DEATHS Car ey Sams died at his bome in HAVE 81G MEETING Turtlecreek town8hlp. Saturday
, -evening. The funeral waB held at his late home Monday afternoon at 20 ·clock. Interment in Miami cem· etery . Ail memberR o[ the MiAmi Valley . . . Council. No 103, J 0 U. A, M.. DaVId ~d 8ms died at his home in are cortliall y invited to be pr esent Kanaas City. Tues.da y • October ]6. Frid a v eV(,lIing. Octobe r 26th , at 1923. after a long Illness . The body th eir ha ll I'he'l' will be a lot of was brought to Waynesville, Satur· music be rl.re tilE! openi nll, And spec. d~y morning at 1030 A short eer· ial music ut the cllI~P nf th e meet- vice was held at the llrAve in Miami ing.:A one-h undred pl"r cen t allen d. c~metery. Mr. Adame left WaY nee-, ance is desired. There will also bEl v~lIe whe~ yet a boy,.~nd has made r efreshm ent e ~e lrv ed . hiS home III ~an888 CIty ever sln~e. He was the second Bon of the late Dr. I lid Mrs. Thos. Adams,
~:~~~~~s of
Miami C'emetery AIIOo
Having EttaineU the th.., eae of fourscore years, with the Inftrmltl.. that old age Is incident to impairlDI( A DIODIter ........ will be held:1a one's capacity for the aetivitl.. W oamn ........t .'!'beN will be life. it is only fair and just to h ~ 9llltoJ~ . . . . aocl die Belf and the aaaociation th.t I Q tl wiD a.hIIcI _ . . an withdraw, leavln, the place to ::-001":..114110.. It ..~ that filled by a younKer mao fully com· Inltl t:IoD wUI alIo _ beI4 . a •• ' . • rpe tent of ll8Iumlni the respoDlibili. an • ties devolvlni upon tbe poIlton truatee, In 'r etiring from tbe work I back to valuable experleDc..: and sacred memorl .. that I .111 bave Th. JUunK Fri. . . oltha rrs..tI' enjoy 'the balance of IDJ dec:llnl,nal will bold. marat. s.tuyears. It Is with profound .tllflae.IICh..,'Ill.rCIQc:h_ tober 27th, to froDt d tlon. after a service of U.lrtJ "-un Side', reeldaace aD IbID to retire from the labor, leaylnl( --.I A88OCiation In a mOlt:pl'OIIperoue Ev.rytbIDa ....... to eat. dition and in the banda of worthy and capable men to the affairs of the orllanlsaUoll that will Iluarantee the perpetual I(OOd preservation of the bel~utlfuil(l'I~UIIldIl where "our sainted dead ara ing ." Respectfully. S. L. CARTWRIGHT.
or .... at.
Foneral services for Berenice Ellis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Anderson Ellis ---will be held at the Chapel at Miami The Hallowe'en part y to be g iven jCemetery . Thursday morning at 11 by I,he "Livt: Wil'e Cl u8 ~ ." of Lyt le o' clock, Sunday school . bu ~ been postponed indei1nitely, Fune;al services for Mrs . Mary J. Gard. who died at her home in Mon· Give. Cleu PolI.h. rovia. Cal. will be held at Miami ')'0 clea n wIndows pillee two tabl. \ Cemetery Chapel, Monday October 'pollntuls ot ammonIa III two quam ., The Seniors of '24 wish to an· 29 at 2 o·clock. "'uler Bnd Ule wIthout soap. nt. wUJ nounce that the first number of this IWhat p ve tbe wIll40". a clear. brllht po'IIIb, year'~ Lyceum Co urse will be given Couldlbe on Wednesday. Nvoember 7th at the More auditorium in the old school bJi lll· Approprtate ing. The talent is lhe' Allpress All America's Star Co .. a very entertaining trio, . AI_lift The Seniors hav e purchased the most Judge of Po.gs To JOUI' expen~ive course that hilS t ver been Child secu red at Waynesvi lle bY,any other A large party of young folks were class. -rfowever the price ot Llcltenr entertllined to a weiner roast given is just the same as last year Every· Thaa_ a~ the home of the Miss.es Lois and, body remember the date Novembe r Saviap Hazel Dakin. Friday evening Octo7th and come . A.ccouat ber 19. After the fun of roasting the weincrs W88 over the crowd ad· Aadooe journed to the house where the Ofthele remainder of the evening was pleas· Daub. IIntly spent in party games and mu · sic. Those present were the Mis1Ies Come ill Miss Kathryn Henderson unll Mr. Emma CummingR, Ethel Long. AadWk Harry Turner apr ung a Hurprise on Thelma Graham. Emma McCray. It over their relatives and friends last 'at· Cleda and Opal Oakin, Helen Shaw, urdav wben they went to Richmond. Sharma Freeman. Ruth Cook. Ruth Ind, and were married The bride. Kellis. Anna and Gladys Roland and a talented musician. Is the eillest Lois aud Hszel Dakin. the Messrs. 0 , Ergeobrlpt, or Lat.,.ue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, F. B. I nd .. I, tbe eIl.roploo Jud" .fJI bop Edward Gilliland. William 'Conner. ~..l fu ADlerlca. In tbe .Natlollal Be.. Himderson She was a member of Howard and Kenne th Pence, Paul Sbow aod competition at P-Ia. 1~ the Senior clas90f Waynesville High Shaw, 'Rarrv Dakin'. Ennis Cum. be IC'Ored 808.1l out oi a poIIlble BIt. School and of the H . S. orchestra. mings. Ernest Freeman. Russell and Mr. Turner is the eldestson of Mre. Harold Dakin, Melvin snd Glenn Harvey Sackett and was a W. C. Dakin. Ernl!st McCray. Herbert McNormal student. Cray. William Lonll. Gayle Evans, May good fortune attend them. Eddie Collins, JIarold Kellis. George _-'--_0 _ ...-Cook, Donald Simpkins and Carl SHIP YOUR CREAM-<let every penn, younelf. Dakin. Mr .. and Mrs. Will Allen. You can ship your cream just- as eay as you C&Q ..... . . Mr . and Mrs. Edward Cook, Mrs. agents. William Cummings, Mrs. Ed Hart· Bock and son, Billy. THE TRI STATE l1laraateel your ~ ~
- -_0--'- --
Insurance and Auction Sales
On His Birthday October 27
We h(lCH! just received a new line 01 goods especially attractive for the Tharlksgivlng season. Electric Heaters, Pads, Toasters and Irons. Coleman Lamps and .Lanterns. Alumi9um Roasters
Pyrex Cookinl Ware with very be'iutiful Holders. Any of these make very cappropriate Xmas presents and if you care to make your selections now we witl be glad to set a~y artict~ aside for· you. We also have our Xmas-line ~f Coaster , Wagons, ltxpress W~DI .an~ Sl~s in. now, \.
' .
, ,"
And rem mber we~ve • . fu.l line of Ranges and 'HeaterS' at v~ '_ . low prices. ' ~
...... -..
Cut Out the Middlem... ·
Hunting Jackets, CJlPS and Vests.
, " '
Mu I W. Miller and son, Robert Le,ter CoUll on and {umily, of spent a few days last week with W Xenia. were !Sunday !luellts (I f Mr. N . Seara and family. and Mrs . GeD, D. M1I18.
. .:
Mr. and Mr•. E . W. 'Ricb w... The Co mmercial Clnb held il'e entertained Tueedaf at th, borDe of mee ting in the M.~. church dlnlnK YI!S Lutiel Vande"oot1, 01 Barroom. Monday evenmg. A delecta· veYBburj'. ble dmner was served by the Dorca!! society . at 7:00 o·clock. and al· M A I K Th ~ entenDad m~st all of the mem bers were prell- at. :~.o~~~k ~unl~tr Mood., ..ea. I en ; . , InK at her home on it.. )Xenia plk., . I re 31dent Clole , whho h~ the out· hOQorlna Mr. and ItIn. Ildwia L. I lIle 0 f seve nl . suc meetmgll arrani Rlckl, wbo were married Xeol., Octobe 22 ed for the wmte r, introduced Mr, M ad r. J . F. Bovd. of the Geyer.Oa,ton 0 .f, Ad vertising Co .. formerly of the N. N. J 0 Whitaker entutalDed C R. who told the memberB about M' .~.;. Bowland ad th. Normal advertising in all its phaseB-ita value cl: of '22, at bet home. Sat~rdaJ to the small -town merchant and how eveninK. Twelve of tb. cia. wer;. to create succe88ful advertilini. t A liD. event.,. . . . IP8Dt • He ~II!I pl~ased to learn of the mao- ~~~IIc100B refreabmtDtf ".,.. ner III which the club has alread, ed been adv ertising , Mr. Boyd lnalsted IMIrY • . that continuity was an eMential taeA surpr. dlDDer . . . ttGd-,d tor in an advertiaing campaiin, and Mrs. Wm. RoblMOO lut Tbllr.ta., that weekly ads. would be more wben IIIVeni rel.tly. CMH bI ,ntb effective than monthly. well laden bukate aocl beutI flaU After the talk. Mr . Boyd wu eIIeer thOle pneeot .eN Mr. aDd questioned alon&, lines for local ad· Mn • Tonenca KIrkpatrick. .t vertising and his anawers were belp. Bridwmn., P ••• WlUlam FWda. ~ ful to thOle present. Mt. Oreb, Brown COUIltJ. Thoa. 0 __ - Gatea UIcl famnJ, Tbeodore O~ and famUy. ami Ely In Ga_ of Moro
Mra. J W. Edwards was a guest Ross Hartsock and fllmil y spent of Dayton relatives Friday. Friday in Cincinnati, Harry Barbeau. of Cbclnnati. Mrs . Annie Sheelinn visited friends heve last week. natl visitor lust week.
tv hi ~ hum...
Mi88 Ch,ra Lilewa8 a Wilmington W. H. Allen and fa mil y we re iluy· visitor Friday evening. ton visitors Monday .
Phone 61-2
Whole Number 556i
Mr. anil Mrll. C. M. Rob,itzer and Beatrice. Mr: and Mn. J , D. Marlatt, and Mr, and Mrs. Owen Burnett -aut-nded the Harvetit Hom~ tlervices a~ the 'M. ,E cburch at Cen· tervill~. Sunday. --~~-
. -.
' ~ny one molesting. defacing or • detltroylna property in any .WaY., or , bloekinl"the streaUl or public hiahw.,,'wlll be prosecuted to the full ext8~t'O' the law. " , t. E . ROGERS, Mayor. '
-_ .
against loss.
THE TRI STATE " '.paid . Oet. ,lJdl·_IIId · .
THS TRI ,STATS .......
thaD any ~..., ill
We refer ~ to "
, The Manu
y e.ville, OhIo.
.. . ,
. , . <." . ~
~ ~~
":",F~~~~ H~' I,'
Farr & Wife, Waynesville, Ohio 5c, 1Oc a 25c 5to e~~=======~
"r.liees ·that. are unmetin the history olf this or any other town. The stock mast
hand when. the sale opens altd every day, for eight days, will be new .aD4' sta'r ·t ling. Every dollar's worth of gloo s must be sold so as to make room for . 0 .J . " ristmas goods that will arrive b y 1. ovember lOth
"Igi&/, 'B el; on
.. 4~u~jpg~. :Goodi. ~t One-Half Price
~, /)'$I,l)tY·Ya.1u-es·'Welded s,pHut'Cofi'ee Pots, 9 cup size, best Qlil1Din~¥"il('yeh ~pecial' price of . '. . . . . . . . . . . .- ·"'1:50 value ~uble': boiler ~r Rice Cooker, can be used for six iie~, best. e~tra , good~. at .. .. .... .. . ·12:00· value :Tur"eY:~oasters in pure aluminum, . •b.as~ing ki~d, . ~t ! ,"....r •• •• " •• •.• •• . • •• • • • •• f ~50 v~itittin~r~k~ble aluminum Water Pitchers, 3 quarts ·of . wat~r,. old pl'ke$2.00, at. . . . . . . . . 1,.50 Eresetv.iDN·t'cif . ciiling Kettles, . ~"~11"6 " .. - ou t a t .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . ,:wti1 CI': ooe $1.50 .i,>reserving :Kettle wi~h cover. wtple thev, la;'~, ~p.t :): .'; . .':." .... I • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • l
15c Men 's extra good fu ll size Cambric HandkcrChiefS20 all you want as long as they last at 7c. each, . .. 3 for
93 e 93c 93c '
" ' ' : IUI " LUd
, "
93c 93
~ D~:.,.v!~Good~ ~t' 1910"frices . . .' .
20c and 2Sc B'ltie Check and Pink Ginghams. 1 chc.ice of liIl;9in stock .. ,.". : . , ..... . ...........
15c 25c to 40c 'Creionn~s, 12 patte~~s,f.ull with near · one-half its cost. ·WIll close OUt)lt ~ . . ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Curtain Scriml{ 36 inches wide, 15 your chdice i ' .. ... . ..... ... . .. ,. .
a $1 39 $2.50 value -In ·blue and whit.e, wonderful value at the old Prt~~ , Wi se ~t, eac h . • tOe pack of "25 ·Best White Enlvelopes often sold 'l1 t ~ a t 15c pack , .WI", go a .... ... :,: : .. ..... ... '. . ..., ... .
t5c Bg?t PaPler Con~llinling 18 ~ebts
an d
l'~ .e "
of!yap~r and . .... . .... .
WI C ose out;. a , l}x,
silk embroiders, sold while they last at IDc ea . . 3 for 15c The Sisco Men's Handkerchiefs, one in 1 Glassine Package . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .... . . . ...
1913 prices , ya rd ..... . . ..... . . . ' ..... , ...... ". 20~ Brand of the G;!nuine Tltrift Toweling, will . se ll at the old price, yard . ... .. ........ .. ....... . 14c 25c Embroi ,lered Pillow Tops, twelve kinds ' lo close Oll t, your choice . . . ..... . . .... ..... .. , . .. . .. .... . 10c
0C 2C
5c Lead Pencils. all the popul:ar brands, choice of any. No.1 , 2 and 3 at .. . . . .. . .......... . .. .. .. . 40c .yard values in Pink and Blue Striped or White Outing Flannel. the Puritan brand, sold often at 50c yard, very special a t. yard . . . . . .. ... . .... . .. 15c 50c. 75c and $1.00 values in Knit Toques for men, women and children, your choice of a.ny' in stock at 25c the ridiculous price of . . .. . ... . ..... . ........... .
Notions at Half Cost 50c p'lckage ge nuine Electric Soot Destroyer. will cut your cOill bi lis in half. and cle"an ' yaur fiues. '. . 25 It's a wonder .at .................... , . . ..... :...
5c Mouse trap. the "Victor" 2 for ... , . . .... '. ... .... . .. , ................ ... , .. , 5 e· . ,,' 5c Nickel-plate rea Spoops, 2 for ..... , , , .................... . .......•...... , 5 e: lOc Nickel-plate Table Spoons,' at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . , . ... .. .... , ....• , .. 5 c
$1.00 ;valne of Men's Best BlueWork Shirts, 3 69c kinJs, your choice while they last ... ...... ... ... .
50c yaid ,.a:'ble. -€Ioifi.,;.~\ ' f ' .. ' 2ge . atonly .. I.I: ••. : .... .. :~ ..~, . •••.......... . .... ~...... ,. 15c to 20c' ya~a' ~uslinsi ~~ashington and Hope 14'c an.d laU the I...";'pular branqs·,..... . ......... .. . . . .. , pu
at. ._..... .. ..
15c' ]ap Silk Initial Handkerclhiefs·. -al1 InITials ill
25c All Linen Brown Crash Towling, cut to .
7!5c value Boys Blue Work 'Shirts. the good old Hickory Brand .... . . . . "...... . ........ . .... e $1.50 and $2.00 values Overalls, your choice 97e tock 0f an ' y In s , all s'I'zes .... .... ..... . ....' ..... .. , 35c Men's Walkover Hose. th'e brand advertised 23 the worlJ over in Black, Brovvn and White, pair...
5c bar FairbanJcs best Mascot Laundry Soap, 2 for . . . . . .... '.. , .. ,.. ', .. ' ....... . . , .. . .. , . ,., .. '.. - 5c Albex' Spectacles I , . all sizes ... ... . .• , ... '. . .. , ...... , , ..•.... .. , •. . .
40c Women's Walkover Hose, Double Heel and 23e . I . toes, with re-enforced top, sp,ecJa 'at paIr, . .. . . . .. 50c;Ladies Burson Hose, too 'Well known to say anything,
~~li s~:C~a\h;~fc~s o~~ :~~~r. ~~~~ ~,l~~~,.. . '... , ......
~c;~;~.o.o~ .~~~l,e.t~,. ~~~~~~ . ..... . ... , .. : .. , ',.
. ...... 5.
$1.50 Boys' wool Mixed Knicker Pants, in blue 8ge and brown. hand made. very :special . .. ...... .. .. ,
50c colored Goggles, . 25e at .. : ...... , .... , , ......... , .... , ........ ~ . , . . :
9fOcmC~i1tdorel~·sy~~!in!iKl~I~~:10~!g~~ GOWQS, sizes ro f ', ' . , ... , .. , .. , ...
~g~i~~,dd~~~:~~~~. ~~~r~ ~~~~~~~~, ...................
5c .
~~~i~~ ,2.5.e. ~.a,d:i~~·:~~~~~~~ ~~I~~,. ~ ..... ' ...... , ... '. ,
3Sc valu~. in ~jglhd' Gradhe Box ~~.E~It,_c~ntaininhg all t 17c t he new 'tm t 4'~o at t e one pr'IC.:r. o.~ everyw . ere, a 7c to Wc Ladies -plain hemmed hari4 kercbiefs, full 3c · size and good ,q.u ality, each ... .. . '~i . : ".., ....... . . . .
97c values in Table Runners llmd Scarfs and center 47c ' pieces, full lenghth, hand emlbroidered will sell at. .
35c Oil .Lan,ternS', . 25. " only, ..................... . ............ : . ... .'. "
· 100e Blue .and ~}~k Bh'?lrdehred.lsotld,.,e~er'yhw.~ere at · f 1 c, sp~,qa..• l prt~e " w.., !CH ey as • .Ie ~~c ..... . 3 or ·
9 7C T~ble Rounds to match the above 47c a t ... .. ... .. ........................... . ..... , .
i2t.~~~I~~~~:~. ~o.~t~. ~~~~~~~'. '. ...... .. ' . ............
71.n5. cas\s~oOrmteednS·Strel·XptersaahnedavcoyloOrsuting Flannel Bloomers. . . .. . , .... , , . . . . . . . . . .
These ' ar~ only a few .,6£ t,h e thousands of items. we will sell: rrinware, Graniteware, Kit~henware and all woill be ~acrificed: Th. goods must ·be sold. Sale 'Opet:ls Saturday at 9 a. m. We WIll hav~ a~ple help. We Will not try to ellum..,rate one-twentieth of ~he ; goods, but thtfy ~iIl ~e sold. . 1.
,' .
!: --7-~--
a' tho POltofllce ., "'aTDu,lII. Ohkr. .. SlICOnCl Clue lIaU Matter
Good Goods Always
Subecl\iption Prlet', '1.50 per Year
D. L. Crane
o r·TOBER 2~, 1928
AN" UMElIlELL" I~ ONe OF 1Ne TKIN6~ il-I~T Cio WITtiQUT ~A'{INCi l
Always carr y th e hest Lum ber. Shingles. Sash, Doors and Mill \V( )rk, Roofing, in fact, everything jn th . Buildi ng M;)terial line
W e \vill take pleas ure in supr lyingyour needs , I"
Give us a cal l
certnln , (' ht! ('Jn nJ! til e :-;\11 1lit' 11
SAYS ~ AM: W h" t'~ b.-o(\nHI (If nil Ih p boy ~ A~A r.r
""ho ","P .. 1I'';1I1l t il ohnllile ,"101( whArl 'h p" ,HI'''' Dp?
Saturday, Oct. 27Last Great Day!
HARVEYSBURG Misli Mable tltlirr, 01 Xen • . apen'
'be weell .end wi\h ber motber. Mr . and Mrll. Harvey and family t!penc SundbY v,·ltb Mrl . (iJlarUy tlarvoy . Mr. aDd Mrs Karl tlhldaller vleit. e4 Mr •. Bbldbker'. parentlf on Bun da,. near Uodde Chal. G 8~ ner, of Columbue. I. ebeodlng tblft wilek with hi" mother Mu. Ma Ule Flnoh. Mr . Chst!. ana Rober, Garner ena mo,her "pen I tluotla1 with A. B Talmage " nd family . . Mr. Ne wlon c Uler Jelebra\ed hi. blr,bdbY by h .. vtDg "II hi" oblldrlln with him III ulll I, ome 1M' 8uod .. y Mr, and' Mrs Fred tillrlao, MrR. Emma UII De, Mr. Alvlo l:Ierve, will B~rt B'lorldll about Noyem ber 1. llr and Mre Harry Humphr, ', aDd IIQD, of Mldd totown, w"rloalliog {)D Mr and Mrll Vi a.. tiMID",Sun . day ""Irnoon. . , The Clvlo League. of a hrll. luleted by ,bl sohool will 81Ye a malked carDlval OD H~lJowf' . ,eD. Oo\obor Sf Yon are klodl, iD.hed IIr. aDd 1"1. W. A M<trrUr aod _raDdloD, .J amel '()lIoe. Mrl Llul\! Lte&er aad Mra. IIimma EIIII ,peo.' BUDda, wUh Mr. aod . Mrl . .... L . Beadrlelie. of Davton.· IIr. Bamual ·Klbler came to hll daaRMlr. Ifr. JOllie Updarwood. "'l Frld., eyeDlog aUer • load ot applee, BeioK I,ue. lbe, Ro,hlm \0 , .., all Dlgb' eDd 'be ues' morolas 'bey called blm. bul DO .niwo... The, 10\'el'IIa'ed an fOllbd him de&d tn bed . Dea'h .al dDO SO Illut 'roubll. booob or '~~lve lsirle4, 0" nl1n4~. morolng for Florida &0 lpend .~. wi o'er : Mr, "Dd Ii,.: ~ . ' lIof.rlao, ~r. and 84n .J ... Cla~1I I and 100,' Boy, IIr. and MII. " W.lIer Jord.... Mr. aod loin ()hn; GO,dlD and 100, Roben, ~r . Ind lira. Wm. , Bar.oy, 'AlI are equ,lppecl for camp. tOIr; We are wllblbl ,beID a J01ful .rlp. • IIr, Ind lira. BoborlO.4iD. MH. Sarry Tooker IInel danRbter. Vir. ...ola. Mrl. Anpa Barrie, Mi'II Id. Bow •• Mr. C .1:. Levlon MH. 'J,oe , ' Dnle y. and Mrll W. W: ' Welcb' and Un. Ed 01111111 .'tended ,bl! 8Qod.. Bobof)1 oO~'r8DlloD. a& ..'bll I'la' ror. ohurcb SDnelay ."lrDoon. Mr, "arr, !' W\lmloR'<ln, .1l4 . ~r • • Ira BI/lOlDY. of LebaDOD, wf!'. 'bl .peake~e :
ii, :r
BEECH GROVt . , . J.., Sarmon Monre .nd,-tamllx bay" moved.o '1i~lruew home tn RtdKI!· .lIIe. · ' . ·R"lI,. 'Day wl\l h i' beld Dex' 8all . .. daj mornt'ull',. Ootober 28,b ••• 10 _o'olook, : . ,. . " . :"; Lou Br~tinpD, ~~."iie and Mabel . Terry' "'I", In Lebaaon tlaUlrday . d&erDOoD. '" 1 ' , ; 't .&1\' Hb'awbftD eM 'amlly lpeot .od", Maloeyille. tbl Ineatl of II,. Shawb"n.·. parente,' · ~oh~ . . Koupp all :1 wHe . ..
' ). ,4
'., .,,".
',' .".
Afzd to Mak.e it The Greatest Day of All Festival Has Chosen Her Choicest Values!
~ PI'IO~
"Y ou
her hoI'S". TI ,e!! ~ hl' Itn, ·\\, . It II I '0" IlIle ' til!' lt bH' k , hllnder" nll rll ~lH'rI upur; llel:, J-I ud U lI ull1. I~'unlllg rrtllll his sudd le, hilt! !'ill:; .. etl h" r 11 1'111 , l' l'l'll as h.~ Ju,·I« ('cj hi ' own ,"o unt nlll, o~r 'II'
n l llj·:-' t ' ~
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I II h a lln r hes. "No shoo' tn g, please! " n Vilire sHl d II bit s' ern ly. ,·It I ~ you, ti wn T
Sloe s uppresser'
1">1'1 .. 111 It \\11'" 1. t!1i'1l: ,",cH" IH! ' 11'1"1' 111 , · '!"
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seren 'lJ ",lIklo 01·
NOT,I CE O(lo rao f leW(lY
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unkllown . Ib IIOr"I,\' A"t ll iod thll t. Afil lic LA)
180 AJIlII)u. ,In
~ h , I &~J.
Ilor !'WI
l.lell] lu;n ln hiL 111111 ro,. dlvol'("o. a l hnuoV' IU
Money to Loan on F anns at 51 pe'r cent for five yean.
~~I~~II~~l o~r Ir~I~;: 1 11~ ':lI~~e ~~~~Ull~'I~O ~Jt orrt~1
Plpur. f '('\I1J'1 o f Wnrr(\1\ Co unt.)' (Hllo . ulld I llut ~1l 1 d... I·a ..~ will lHi tor h tm rill ~ I1n or lifter JJf, ,'f!Ul hl" lldll 1 ~ 2 ~. C'OJllIll I1I1
H oubigan t 's S1.00 Toilet Powders, Saturday, 90c ~~~~ HOllbigant's $1.50 Bath Dusting Powders, $1.35 H oubigant's 81.50 Face Powders, $1.35 H oubigant's $2.00 Q uelques Fleur Powders, $1.80 by Brushed Wool Coif a nd Sport Sweaters, $3.95 RANDALll, Stamped Muslin Bed Spreads with Bolster, $1.35 Engraved Goblets a nd Sherbet Glasswa re, 22c each PARRISlrf Velvet a nd T apestry .L ibrary Table Scarfs, $2,25 Medium Weight Union Su its for the miss, 69c Men's Si lk a nd Wool /l;cckwear at 75e Women's Silk and Mcrceri7.cd Ribbed Sports Hose, 79c ' Crepe dc· C hine Gowns L1.cc Trimmed, $5,45. . A Fine Selection of New Fall Ca ps for M en , $1.55 Art ificia l ilk Net 'llrtaining, 79c yd. "D'elow tT, crc! you MnllUel! Answer Madras urtains, Festival Priced , $1.85 pr. me. YOIl d-n d og ! Th lK Is Hob ; do D o tted Swiss C urtaining, Special. 21e yd. you henr By O-d. the tool mllst be Uti lity Rugs, Spe<;ial Sizes 6x9, $16.50 IIsleep. I'll ski n you alive It you fnll Linoleum Rugs, Patterned, Size 6x9, $6.45 me now. Whnt tbe h-I dues tbls Finest Royal W iltons, Size !Jx 12, $93 menn 1" Vel vet Rugs in cw Colorings, nx 12, $33.25 He npporcnlly stood \l'P, or at lenst K azak Ori nta l Rugs, Average size 6x8, $95 lifted his benll trom out the aperture. Mou s.wlIl Oriental Rugs , Average, 3.~~xS . S, $49:50 for the voice sounded c\!!nrer to DehoMoh air Occasional Cha ir, Special, $39.75 ra h. The chunge startlled her So sbl! Silk Hosiery, Granite and Ot her Brands, $1.95 sprang 10 her teet, ready t or "Benpe before he could returD, If'1!t \'.'olled aDWomen' Black Calf Oxford s, $6.85 other Instunt. breathleso, (l0151:'d tur I IIlght. 50c Assort<.-d Box Chocola tes, 3ge Sh" Hesitated; Th e n Courage Re· Men's Ov~rcoats, T an, Brown, Grey, Speciai $21.50 "D-n the luck I'· growled Men ~er turned . Boys' ordufoy Pants, S izes 7 to I S' years, $1.89 to blmself, uncODsclously alond, "wilen \" .. , '~·".ll'I ' ,i hel' IIp-s, but her answer Decorated Candles, hand·di pped, a ll colors, 39c pro I waDt the fool be tolls Ine. By o-d! Swagger Bags, patent leathH and cowhide. $4,50 somethlDg must be wrc,ng, but whllt the b-I cUn I do? I I ,ot to Ond 011t Ba r Pins, Rhinestone mounted , filigree effect, 75e Sateen petticoats, three s tyles, a ll colors, $1.00 whllt·. up-that's IIUrEI: on' there l\Jad~ira Luncheon Set , la pieces, Special $5.50 . ' ain't bot ODe way 0' doln' It: I gnt Madeira Luncheon Cloths, $6.95 to $ 15. 95 . . to glt down below. lin' d- n Quick, , . Me"eira G,uest Towels, Fest iva l Price, $1,69 each . too. before CBRebeer ,UiI. here:' Auctioneer Deborab (laused no IOllger. He was . Linen -Table C loth. 55 x 70 inches, 6 Nap,kins, $6.00 set 25c Idemstitched absorbent Towels, 19c . . . coming back; there 'Was DO other WIY • It be Intended going dJown the ell1f. Get my terms for your Full sized sheets, Seamless and Bleached, $1.10 She ran Iwlttly tbl'Onlllb tlto dllrk, New Nomoa Crepe Blouse, S izes 34 to 44, $5.95 rf!Ccles. of tbe Bcraegy BII,e, dMPerate Public Sa.le. Women's Dress Coats with fu r collars, $45 to atlelll tbe borse. The mo.n must I' \ satisfy and saye yuu WQmen's and Misses' I1a nn I a.nd jersey dresse", $17.50 bllve heard ' her. had sOlme Intlmlltlon money or no charges , Dress Hats and' Sports Hats, great vanety, $10 ot movement In tbe blliCk nl&,ht, tor "Women's Sun-Rain Umbrellas, silk, $5.95 he gave utteraDce to D Itartled 'oath, lind bll feet crunl'bed In the Band. , Elght:button.Kid G loves, gray or black. $4.!m 91, Centerville, Ohio Twelve-button Suede Gloves, three s ha d es. $5.95 But he was alrelldy too, hlte, too tllr Home Phone 2, CeDlervilleEx. Wom~'s ,Kid Glove wi tl1 wide. cuff, black and gray.'2.?5 behind. In n moment mJ~re the frlgbtn ,!9 Two-clasp Kid Glove,· contrast,. ng band, $3 _ __ _ _....-l_..;;t!;.:. ne:..:dT"':.::..;7 blld gripped tlte bridle rein. back over the animal's bead, Organdie round Collar with net pleatjng. $1.29 lind. In Bplte ot his bllcklng away, Romper Cloth. S2-inch width, plain and fancy, 19c yd. st ortl ed by her Budden np\lCaraDCe, Heavy Black Sateen. 3G-i nch wid th, 29c yd . hlld, In , sheer flesperatllon of terror, BATRA W A Soft Hill Blea:ched Muslin, SU·inch width, 18e yd, scramhled ' inio the snddlle. The hone Soft, fine. even Lonsdale Muslin, 18e yd, wheeled shllrply about, maddeDed by DENTIST Indian Heaa Mu.slin:, 1M-inch width, r egular 3Sc, 33c yd. the Ilnp of her skirt, Bnd leaped torOblong Double R.oaster of Mirro Aluminum, $3.95 ward. strai ght BeroSJI thE! gully and up (Dental , Downstai('ii-;-200 Women's Corduroy R obes, $2.95 tbo shnrp Incline opposllte. Her eyes Downstdirs-2QO Engli h Broadcloth Blouses, $1.75 caught ont! gli mpse at th,e man'. figure, Gei::ral ' Downstairs-300 Sateen Slripe Slips, $1.3S dim. Indistinct. ' grotesque, rn.elng r,. . W h 2 toward them : then he fired twIce, the uownlltatrs-1200 Pair Boy's under ose, .5c pro red glare IIgbtlng up tlile nlgbt. Tbe OFFICE: RAIN ES BUILDI NG, Downstairs-Double Bed Size Spreads, $1.95 next,.lnstant the.., were over tbl top, . Telephone ] 14, Downs~rs-200 Pair T an and Black Ox~ords, $2.85 speedln~ trantlclIlI.., trllto the Inky Ohio. Downstairs-250 Strap pumps a nd Oxfords, $3.85 blac~De8ll of. the desert II lght, no Bound Wayne8VlII~. Downstairs-I50 Children's Shoes, $2.25 but tbe slugging of tbe unlmnl'e hoofs _SLS._ DOwnStairs-350 Smart Fall Skirts, $4.75 III flu! 80rt SRDd. Downstairs-SOO N ew Wint.er Co.1.ts, $14, $34.95 She had esenped ; I be was tree I Dciwnstairs-600 SmIDt Dlcsses, $9.50, $24.50 NOUIIDIf else Dluttered. Menger'l ballty Downstatrs- 7t> Goodlooking Chokers. $(,95 Sltotl hnd tailed; nelthe'r sI\e nor the NOTARY PUBLIC Downstalrs-HiO Juvenile Boy's Suits. $3.95 hone Itnd been touched. Now be wae • ri , C . 2 It" 95 bllck there beipleS8 on toot, while Bbe DO.Ml.!lwrs-;cOO Children s pats. SIZes ·to 6 yrs. ~. was tree and tn SlIildle!. But wbere Waynesville. Ohio D ownstairs-250 Smart New Girl 's Coats. '7.95 . shoold Ihe ride? In wbleh dlrectlel/.l National Bank DOwnStairs-250 Clever. Trimmed Hats, $4.80 where was eately to . be found before daylight? She drew, th'e horae dOWD ,Downstainr.-1OO New Pattern Hats. $7.95 V to II walk, alld Itudled the .tar. over:
Forest T. Martin
LO UH A MAl.lIl'T.
FrlHII.: C . ..\udcr~l l.l , AUorney ro r I ' /alu t ll',
tl 6
Wilm ington, 0., plloae 301.
Not ico If! h erelJ)' JClvon .. h il t 1\ propCJK ltlon 10 hn'y IlritliLf clIlIll lrl\:M (fir .oohool Pu rDQ8fJtJ r Jr . Bn rl d,urlll ~ tho 111r-lori of Ilve yoa r • . at. •
nU"l nnt IS) e\.coUi J (31 Lllrefl mlllR in ttxceSH o t r 110 m!, \ IlIIum mtn IlulllOrl ... ftu II )' Iu ,.. will b e M l hl11JtLod to I h" .. I :el tltIJ ur t he MII&slo Towl\,., ·,I V 81'11001 JJistril:: l M loho regu lar electio n
". Id
RI~ - KU,... ~E~. CO . . " .D ay ton . , OhIO
:::dp!~n~: ::~::v::~:e.~,:~ermlne I'en ' Wa. that a aoulld":'·there to ber left 1 She atared, Half COD8c101U1 or • llellQer Il)JIdow loon~ lnlt. ',.et un·
DR. 'J. W. Ml LLE~ . ... DENTIST•••
om"" 'n lIt.lIOI'.' 8~" k 81-1 • .
NJ tes bought. John Barbtlle. AUe. Bilildlug, Xenia Oblo. 6·',U
F armers, Attent'1~1. \ ••
Tuesday, November the 6th, 1923, ~'n rmtl re of Warren aDd .dJOlot I~ I ."llllg • '.'·0" ' u the •• Id d '. · (Jo untles may obtain money OD IODI orlcl. Illl .ald rI.,. lJo~ .0" 110. hou ... 01 5 : 10 '.ione lau DS. at 5y''' lo'ere ~ t eo.. li'y :\~,(I.:,~~od:;, ,~.~ .Tnw nlblll Doo.r(\ 01 at securin g tbe ~a me ie .ery Nucna. 1 I:du call,m . ..bIll, t bro ugh The Fedlral IA•• I .\ tho ..egu' ",
Bank. Jor .farther inform"loli"ll on or addrflss M. C DRAK.&. '.l'nu. ur er , pbone 31~X, LebanOD. ~hfo.
--- - - - ---
Notice of Appointment
KBtM'(' 01 Oharl • G . Williamson, rlee.ued . NuLlt'C ,. horeby ~ivoll rhaL t!~c". WIUJam·
:,o~~'t':I~o~ i~,' Y ~~,r~~I~Jl<;,i 'll1~~~·~.!1<~~
Ha msoo . I~to of W Brren VO llnL)" , Ohio. de·
coued .
~aLud ~h.l.
III.h tillY 0 1 Oe""".,r· 1928.
W. Z. nOLI" Court
JUl l /Zo of t,he I'robat.e
Warren OatrnLl',
Fr&lIk O. A nd, ,"Oil. A n y.
' or wOlllea W ANTED-Mell tRke order. for !reDlllnl lur-
anteed hOl!lery for meD, womeD anCl ' - -- --'-- olllidreu. BlIImlD&lel darnln., Bala0. weell full 'Ime. 'l,ld an hllor 's pllrll lime. PoUonl, hea'hlre. 811. I nte rol\tlODaJ I:hootlD!r 11111,. Nor ri stown, Pa. . DU
ry '75
HALL'S Ct, 'rAnnll
do whDt w(' clai m ( or It-rjd your syetem of CnlArr h o r lJUa.Jr,OSH caused by Cata r rh ,
HALL'S C A'rAR Il[l ~lED1C'I NE con. sl.,. of an O,nlIJ1QIl' which QU'ck ly ReUe\'eN lh(! rnll:t mmaUon, and Ul ' In' roal M ,'d' ,~ IL Tonlo. which
fOr Sale \
~~~a~~~u5~~19t1~c!818 In~ ~~1 ;~eto~U~oo~~
:unl condltlons. 8'110 by
<lrug~ l~ c B
t or over 40 Yous.
F. J . Cheney &. Co ..
OR. H.E.
EY Lo~nod on ,hit 1*«IOk. M ON obo.ttel8, 0.180 SBOond mer......
J'4 , ~ ,
Whtte Rook ' Pullet.. 1.1:00 BIlOh, Ioquhe of Mrl, ICd Dakin, Lt. D. I, W"yneevllle, Ohio.
Poland. Chlna PllJs, 8 18 Spotted weeks old, eltgt)e '<l relle_.
rlte l:ye : ight Spociali t
~~ 00 Jl he .. d, K . E, Tilomplon. Or. ego uio., Olllo,R, D. 1. phoae HarveYIl burg 19. 1y' D7
At Cary's Jewelry Shop Leballon, Ohio
Underwood Apples for Sale.
Every Tuesday 1l :!IO a.
lit .
10 "
HlllO b u~ hel!l or nllu(}-ploked aDd 1D1IOili ne g rllded Rome Beaall!'ll. of tho very hlghoBt qOo.U,y. prloecJ sl 7G~ to '1 50 por bushel, 1~ mile. ullS' of Harveysburg.
111 .
yva lter
(,jf cClure
,,~ J
bargain It , !laid In the Did SO dnye. Inqajre of Mrll, W, B, AUen. Waynesilile. Ohio. / 081
Ringle barrel Sho,gu~. ulld one A le"lIon. Inquire •• lhtl offtoa.
.Fully Equ ipped for \itOOC1 . Sen ice. • targe Displa.y R.Oorll' .
<)R oholoe Keifer Pea~....e J, C• Hawke. WaYDeIl1'IlLe, Ohio. pll
F Type POlaDd 8 1Histered. .Inquire
i Tl!:LF.PUON lS '1 OAT" NICIrt _ ._ - _._ _ _......l
Pig., ree. of Kmlile" . HOltz. R . D S. WaYDen1lle, Ohio; Cbl~a
well '(eo:; ,(OU O:;EI:: T..,e MuLe k lC'J(. et" HIM THE; OPPo'i!TIi PllleC TION fROM 1141? OFFice AN' ~~ ,. C;l oW WAl\(.!R.. IT TOOl(. 1'(1'" ,,1..1.. , . TO~e"" 9AC~ .
I A Miller Raoge, hf good order. a' a
()~==~ '"
t ".l
blwe ..n op\lon on anotber buelnees aud will eall prl vale both dwelling house! , garage and barD; Ii tloree of j:t rouud 10 'be oorporaSlon of Wtlynesville, W. O. GuetlD . . oB1
. ~ .:
Iresh Je'u ey Cows. ~o Bd~~1 ; horn Heoe aDd eome fullb~ . Borr6d Plymouth . ~~it .. PQU~"'.4 0 00\er018 . I:!. ,8, IIlIU!. B~'i,~ . ~ . • . Vi llyneBvUle. -oblo. .' : t .'~i" '
2 ,
-r ,
.~IIUIl~, '.•, WITH THE
TO D~AL YTO 1Itl;;;J~:d l B F K · h' DELICATESSEN EfCATERING CO. 11. W_ Foul'th St.
E VE 0'
' I n~.t
",,111 be fit ted
N. L. LeMootree 10 .Charle.
The Roy,,1 Remedy and Exlracl Compan,. Dayl" n. Ohio
A Md
lnllan in
Al "Raga" Anderson
hom. a
d.lern - Only $195 F. O. B. Factory.
Wh eel. Df
DAYTON'S Leading
Ce .... r U.d.n ,. H"fhD""
S? Eo and 8L
Wood. W I...
I. ,..... Thin,"
MEDICINES CI) r---:-:-:--:--:-~--;;--;;---;
U ':1 -I
5, •• 1 Di.. Whul.
Neuralgia. Earac.he. Toothach •• Lu~ba. o. RhoumoU,,,,,
..... for ........ taIa........ 11-
DA V TO ~.
...... .Sult8-0-rc0aU and . f'Urn1ahinp at Lowed Price.
Union Clothing Shop lIS S. JJfanon Street
WRITE DR. H. H. CROTH Th. Spo.ialbt. 220 W...I 4th SL. DO"OD. HI. ~ect to Remod., Medicine Tn.ttD.au • hl. auc.c... b,. malL Writ. pr.ia. m"ntioQ how FOU auHM' .ad whore YO" are w •• k. EnclOHl $5.00 for' oao lRoath treatment. W. will .. ncI . . . .lft 30 Dale for .J"•• L.b Uyer. eoa. lip.don and indfa e.tioD.
Ord_ 8ulb at
Call at ,our sto r. a"d cet o.r ,..med".
Heating and Plumbln8 Rear of 221 We.t 4th St. G.2389W. Home 4744
,Arm., Goods aDd Men'. Furnilhinal At 10 to 20 0/0 S&Yi~g!\ ARM Y S TOR E 17 Weal Fifth Street
Tapioca F rem Pollon Root. pe9Jlle wllo e/Uo)' tapioca pod· Un, realize thut they a~e eutlng .a )I'OdUCt ot 11011 poisono us C1Issn vO: root. In 1\8 1l81U r,,1 \nte this root Is e.~. MilS Agnes Longuore 18 on t he :remely b1r1er llDd hn,rmful becnuse of Blok 118&. :he bydrorYll nfc ocld !ltot It conlllln8, Mr •. Floyd l:lavlol{e Rod ohlldre n )tlt whe.. . lwlIlC<l It becoml!s pilla table lod It ~ /ll)lsnnuus qllolltles ure readll), were Dayton viSitors Monday . Uulpare<l.-I·ull1ll nr Science Montbly. Clyde Wharton m~d ~ ln e8B trip to RlohmoDd, Indiana lli8t Fri -. -----dry. Women DenIed Sotace of Prayer. Mr. and Mrs . Wilbnr Clark aDd To 'some purts of the world th e worn. danghters were calling on X~nla ~n ore not even ull owed to pm)'. eerfriends t;unday. :aID Hindu con;.:res:a tlon deny their Mr . \!'r ... nk Kurfos and Mr and women this prl\'lI ege. Rnd 011l0ng the Mra Benry foulks were Middle. A.InUB of .l upnn wO lllen cun prny unly town visitor. one day 1f18t week. In very rnre ca seS os th e dc puti ps of Mr. ADd Mrs. Goy Routz"hn and theIr huBf)lI flfl s. daugbter. Gen e va, epent tinndny wi~h relatlves In 'I'lllpeoau oe City . . . Famous Kluea. Or. Rnd Mrs. L. G . Brock Visited The Jlrs t k l~s. M olo.Sl!es ki ss es. A ktss In Ihe dork. The kiss ot th e pool Mrs S .tsan Oa8t.o ip Day taD SaDd .. y billa. A kiss on lh e beeze r. Stol en morniag Rnd fonna her Improved. flnd a ble t o alt up 80me. Jean. the little so o of Mr . aDd klBses. Mrs . Rn~a elJ Suruet, wh o was buru ed nome ten d8ya 111(0, is ImprOVing oicely . Both arm~ wilre badly bnm Ad wh e n bA pulled 8 bot cup of no ffee f r om tbe ta ble a Ml'. tlu rl Mrs Beras .J n u e~ . Mr I u nel ~ r ~ I A !leu Emrl ok and dauMb. I t e r a u.euded the stook sa Ie at Otter. hein B orne Thol'sdllY . Mrs Jones lind Mrp. Emrl ok v'I~lted the Old F u lks Borne, Bohooland Ohildren's n OlUe th e re
t, II I
Cut R.ta Orua StON 33 E. .t Third St.
Wedding Bells
Mr. I1tHi Mrs Cln.rence King anto. l0rl t o CtD Jlunatl Sunday and . bro ught their dn.u~1Jter. lillzel. v; hI! I hilS beAU in the ohlldren '8 hospital Il he re. borne with thew . Mrs. WII. lIam Coleman nooomptlnled them nnel while there vlsltod 'rhtllma Kea rnll .
AfY'l. HOIUM!. : T hu ",wsi'a;" 1 _.. blill) UHtlpf .. ' Hi",," in thy 1M '" IV.. s"91. S' ~U, I tDI ..".. o"rI put, if ),qt.1r "ca:t# ~ ..
'''or . ,." rvols.
Rheumatism ' Sufferers
, ow.
G' ,
A fl e rnuotls- 15c Ilnd 25c Eveninll.8- 30c to 50c
• ••
White Leather.-To clean wh il leaihcr bags. belts, etc .• use oxi , of zinc. 0
We have opl!ned an Auto Repair 'Shop at the Power House Building, and are prepared to do aU kinds of
Birda.-lf your canary refuses I, take his bath just sprinkle a fe' s ~~ds on top of the waler, and h will be drawn 10 his tub.
Auto Repair Work . Tractor Repair Work Battery Charging .
• ••
Trouble S."ers.- A pile of new ' papers kept in one corner of t1. kitchen will save mueh trouble . used to set .o~l~ p~ts on.
We solicit your patronage.
Mllk.- It is said that if milk :. I
heat~d until it is lukewarm a d then audd~ l1 ly cooled there will be
much more cream.
• ••
Peach Stalna.- A peach stain is very difficult to remove. II may be done, however, if these dirc~tions are followed. Firs t wet the stain thoroughly, then spread cream of tartar on it. After this wash in the ordinary way. 11 will probabty be necessary to repeat Ihe process if the stain i. very old:
Power HO)lse Bldg.
• ••
Fr,mg Egp..-Pllt a spoonful of flour in the pan in which eggs are to be fried. This will not only . ke~p them from sticking, but from MIs8 Lielen Bll.lno~ waH bosteRs lo breaking as well. Il par~y of friends Wednesday even. • • a Ing In hou o r pI her tenth blrtbday . Stuffed Eggs.-When eggs are to flU n I verslll'y . 'be stuffed they should be Pllt in Mr. And Mr8. T. O. Ba.ydook enter. cold water u soon as they are talcen from the stove. This will keep the taloed t;nudllY wi~b B tamily dinner .whltea in better shape. . 10 hooor Ilf tbelr dllughter Myra '8 twelfth bh·thdllY anulveraary. \ Sandwiches.-Sandwiches may be kept as fre.h u. when first made If The ladiels of the Dependable Clan they are W r? 'pr' d in a napkin were entertained by MrR. Lewis "Wrung out in " t water and then Bolland Wednesday In honor or put in a cool .ace. Mrs . Rn88<~ 11 Holland, who Is SOOD • •• to movo nway. .. Toilet Water.- A simple toilet water may be made by putting two """"'--ounce. of elrlerwater and distilledwater together.
· ..
--_ ..
• • •
. PlLIblic Sales
Baving Isold the f"rlD. I will 8e\1 at publio f~uotlon' on the Dremlsee, 2 milee nort.h west or W o\ynellvllle a ud 2 miles eRst of Lytl3, on the Wtlynesville and l.ytle pIke, on . ~
Porcelain. - Porcelain·lined tuba and sinks ctn be e ~sily cleaned if a cloth (preferabl y .Rannel) wet witb kerosene and used.
Beginning at 10 a. rn. ~ the follow. Offioers of L~'Ue ~uDday 'S ohool Ing prope lrty: S horseM, 2 cowe. 15 . wer e cleated Wednead l\ y evening as hogs. tllrm Implemen~8. corn In lhe I follow. : Sept [... f\n DR M n GtnDI~, field and Iloueehold goorl s . . . Frank ·Jonea . Al!st Sup t. Mildnsd t.:11l.rk, Sec'y Cl ll r l\ bfl llo 8un~. A8H~ 8 ao ' y. Lou. . W. !'I'. 8ear8. ' ~uct. Alia l.onp;llore, "Creas. NetUe Emrlok. ...,----. Org!lQl~ t, Helen Doke, AB8t. Orgao. lilt . EthAI Bisbop. Llbr ... rlllns Therle Jooel! and Molv 'n Bauta. 1:1,· m:es of l.ongovit y, Or .I·:·",,~ u I.~.II\ II'I to'l k, dln!:llo"U. lUll aJIII ',II I hOI'. ~n::H. '''.. h- \1\ \!etOile' I1CI'i;un dll,·I, nl,i tlInri Ihe ut;ist clulDce
------._ ..-----
J. G. Haines
MARSHAL I. •- • Try our Job Printing I ' l.
li vl n~
l.m ~, ,,
'l~ he
milD or ' woman
:!U or :III )1er C~llt heto,\" tlo ~ II\\(!tUJ~ . IIIIA tll1l. best cblloce tor long m<'. '" ~lIff' \0 .811), t118 &nrage ""II r" :wh('~ tllll Idl.llli build 01 tllll·t)'. he " 11 0 k(,1l1l near that build for ~lIe or hi lit';: hit IDCrfR"" ht.. e!tn,.I'NJ wh o
w el~I.~
Auto R~pair Shop
• • •
L. C. Morrh and tflmily have mo ved Into the L oyd property . Onr tell.ob e rs doHended teaohers meeting at ~pring Valley Friday. MisR Uro~ of Wilmington College Faoul~y WI"II the Sund ... y guesS at Mis. t;arab SaiD ea. Member!! of the Spring Valley B . 8. sorpllsiEld Jame8 Beam, ...t his b orne Wednesday eveulng . MIss AUlroltto Pet~r ~on hu given ailion aSChrlsJ Bospltll.l, ~l1e work belog too hard for b~. Tha rela'llna of 'l'homu Conklin tenderea him A surprise 8unda.v. U being bls birthday anDlverAllry. Mra. H . 1'. Comp'oD returned l'hurllda.,. from a sanitarium In Xenia. wbl~ re sbe bat! been reOel'911l1 treatment
McCLELLA N, Xenia, O. I
. Com.-An e~ sy way to rem ove Silk form corn is by using a vegcI· ~ble brush .
Auctioneers-Col. Igleheart aud Col. Weikert.
Vines.-A glass receptacle is I best thing that call be IIsed to g r< vines a nd slips in, as Ihis aillJ ·. the . lIn to get at Iheir roots.
, Thursday, November I, '1923,
Sh ow Runs Noon to ! 1 p
A useful lot of stuff for breeders and farmers. Sale will be helel in the bani, three milJs west of Xenia on Upper Bellbrook pike. All hogs are imrnuned. Sale starts promptly at 1 p. m. LULlch at 11: 30 •
1518 Keith 1 heatre BIela.
Alfred aDd Robert Salnes, of Day. t o n vi~Ue a th e form llr 's parente. Mr. an d Mrs . S B. Baines on Wedn8e. d llv . 'R!t1!1y Day Willi observed at Lytle obu roll ~undlOy IIDd Rev. Stllz ~1 h tl ld oommunio n service aUhe prelloblui bour. Mu. Elizabeth BetEler and daugh. ter. MI8S Millicent . of Piqua. Mbs Irene Slade, of Sidney WBJ:e Suodav dinner gueMt8 tU tbe home of Mr. Rnd Mrs. Walter K E'l uriok. Mr. !lnd Mrs Allen Emrlok, Mra Be rne JODes And Miss 'I'belm" 8mlth a. ttoDded the home comlug at Oen. t.e rville oburoh 8undu ... nd heArd Rev Phtllip Tr·ont . of Springfield, prefab Sohool Ol08 jd Wednesday evening 0 0 "oouunt of soarlet fever 110 ne ... r the llohool.honM . Gertlldlne Boyco i. th e viotim. She 1M get-tlog \llong ni oely under tbe oare ot Dr. L G . I:Irook At Couferenoe Re v. A. J . StHzel was a 8 ~igued Lo the oha.rges of 8orJn/fboro, Red 1... lon llnd Ly'le Bat diffe rent arr nogeDlen'R have bee n made aDd htl WIll just huve I:Jprlngboro Ilnd Lytle. .
lu ~ k.
Fine Watch and Clock Repairina Odd Shaped C.."atala Fitted WhUeYou Wait
gloomy ; hOIl"I'S hull I w1l1lO1l 1 hll nds for our 8u ul ~ t il lin' In.- Il uskill.
G LOB E I5l~':-~"::'!>D
209 La.er Kr ••• • Bid... 127 S. Mala Stl'o.t
dl!" (II I'II, nll r
"The Eagle's Feather"
15 Fall Yearlinga 30 Spring Gilts 1 Spring Yearling Sow 16 Select Spring 'B()ars
~Jl y lnl!:~ . I n ' H!-l Ur4,' IIUUI'1{·S of r ·~ .tr ll l Ihll l\·' hls. wlilch
rare C'tl n nHt
OCUlber 29th ·
I will sell 62 choice registered Jersey hogs, consisting of
prel'lous li nd
Suib & Overcoats $20 Save $10 and Come to the
Other Plac_ A.k $40 And Mo ....
Mea'. All Wool Hand Tailored
USE SOUDERS AS PIRIN T A.8LETS Bo" -of 12 for IOc The Royal Remedy &: Exlract Co.
Nobo dy in Dayton SeU. Better Orur.
W ~ ek
against nil II d" crsll y? t:rl;;hl rllu"'es, ~ntt ~ " ell 1 1I 1!lr10\· h' ~ . 1I1ll' Ie 111 ~t u r'es,
406 Keith Buildinr
ICa L.C...;A;..;.....R.;;.L;;..;...;....;..A..;;...=S~C_H_M~I.....;.D_T.... ;
R.n •••• ou ....lf of
....... _ ......".tt ..n.
C. E. Mi chene r The Va n TreMs Farm ~ Rob ert Patten;o n Fllrm
F airy Pal aces. n o yo u klltl w W Ill i ! ral r~' ,;:11:I(,(,S you ma y bullrl or h CIiII Ilflll L1 r " "~I H S. proof
, Co-Opereltive Adjuatment Co.
Dal/ton. Ohla
Ki nd.
b:n lirtl
Bonnie Brae Duroc Day
Ed Furnas.
No Collection too Small or too
Over 30.000 Account.•
Rebuilt, ti&'htened and Irued up 0.1.0 on rim. and part.
\\' 0; l he f ollowing farm owne rs positiv elv forbid an y hunting or tra~ping on our fllrm~ Any viola. tion of th e ~ atll ~ w ill be prosecul ed 'lccordilltl tu law 1111I.l t o thll full est extent.
we Sp"cI..Jlze In the 01 P ;. .t Due Account.
Surplus $800,000.00
Comar Ma'n and S."cond Slr.ate
Th. Larg •• t In Dayton
36 Eillat Fourth SlI'eet L -____________~~~~============~
Resources $15,000,000.00
Fre.h FISH and Quulity OYSTERS
have aoh water enry day. The cod i. much Ie •• thaD
tba II .qUoIt CO. ........... .",., Iq _ ...... ",-...
Pilon. Ma'n J sa W.
.w... ,.,NtI..,
. i
Mon d Cl )'
Loew's Dayton
The celebrated GreYlltone Orchestra Marion McKay, Director
Phone Eaot 463
~ STtTSO .
E"e r p Ni .. h t E see p' S ur'td.,
. 'c"+ .....
Sabba th Schoo l. D; 15 H. m . preach· THE Bue .... . o JTWEIN SHOE CO in g at 10 :3U II· til. Wednesdayeven· Miss Buchm ll n, 1\ 1,'IH:he r in the I 28 Soulh L dlo " Oaylon. Ohio in g servi ce. 7:00 P m . ~pworth High schu ol has kindl v c n l\ ~I 'nt l!d t o Lt'a gu e fi: 15 p. m . ; preaching at,7:00 be our Athle tic direct or' f'Jl' lhe en · p. m Eve ry budy is co rel ially in~ ited suing yellr . . to th(' ~ e service. MEN- Buy l:our Winter H,·v. I . A. Wus hhu r n. Pllstor. The week comm e ncing October 2 1 Suit or Overcoat at is proclaimed by Headquarte r s to be devoted t o the promot.ion of scouling During th a t week tltLch g irl is Dsked 1 to elf'an u p her unifo r m and wear it - at least olace during the week.
All Good Hou.cw ivel Ul e SOUDER S' EXTRACTS
For Men
A Pu re Ext racr for fb "ors, In' Crea m, Puddin g"" Cakes and Cand ies. t. I A K E T H E FOOD :\I ORI': D ELI C I OL'S-US E SO U DERS'
tlSt lI,i'.'lt AYe. and I. & O. R. R.
¥ O Ur'
Optical Dept. 3rd Floor
Last Frid a v ni g ht th e Gi rl Scu u ts of Little Miami Troo p No. I. IIfI S· wered lhe summons t o he III the old school building' at 7:30. Th e re we all piled on a truclt. th e bed of whi ch was s trewn with a generous s Ul-lp l.v of hay. Afte r ul! had a s~e mbl ed. THEATER. the mo to r s larte Li and we we re 011'. NORTH MAIN STREET Through the 10wl1 ~ of Hurv cy" hurl{ . lIenpec k, Oregoni a and LtlllU :Jon, we wo und our way, lind whe n we All This Wee k final y s t opped at II farm fu ur m i l ,,~ BUSTER 'K F.ATON wes t of Lebun on, e ve ryo ne Wli ~ surprised . Thenl Ii hot lunch ulld In a Six Ht'el Comedy Picture, pl enty to"e at:we re Illudly we lcomed on our part At a healthy hour we departed and we nded our WilY home· and ward happy in the thl'lI~ h l Ihlll our l S IX HP.AL BIG ACTS uedtJ wou ld be Ro ft e r t!;un th e lIu Y '1 VAUDEVILLE
T wenty·tlrst Su ndllY afte r Trinity, Octo be r 21. Church S('hool lit 9:30 ll . Ill" s e rvi ce nnd se rmon at 10:45. You Ilr tl cor d ia ll y invit ed to attend these se r v i ce~ .
WHOLESALE AND RETAIL liS S,~uth JeHerson 5t.
. with LeMont1"ee'. d eep c urved L o n.e. COnlpJete t or
Lower'priees than ever before oa all kiDda of buildin, material. Lumber auitable for all kind. of building work $30 per tbouaalld aquare feet. . 2-I.cb plankin. v a rio u • widtha and lengtb.. $15 per thouaaad aquare feet. New R.eclwood Lap Siding, 6inch width, at $55 per thou.. and Iquare feeL New Creoaoted Fence POllt.. 7 '11114 8 feet, 25c each. New Fence Picketa, any IflD8lb up to 5 feet, 2c each. Brm. your liata. Get our pricM, deliyered to your door.
(\Ill/ree ot "l sllJII lilal dwell . . . I nllUI Is tbe corr~t measure of tlJa 1Io n.- 8rlyle.
FERRY CHURCH Th e clos ing dBY of the ministry of E. D. Goller at FerrY church will be Oct(lbe r 28 Morninl{ se rmon. "The ' Ded icated Life ." A t 7:1 5 Mr. Gal· ler will g i"ll 1111 illu" lrated lecture. " The Boy . " A ~ p cc i lll fellture will be a n unus ually tin e lot of iIIustrat· eli so ngs . 8010s. e l c. Ed wllrd D. Go ll e r , Mini s ter.
For China and Glassware
Continuou. Performance•• 20c a nd 30c, Ev ening 30c and. SOc
B~. V'Ud~~I! Ad.~nd tu':!h~t::::.,
Tbe Show Place
Correct M... ure of Man.' ' rll ~
5; .
.Seventy-Fifth Year
whoi; Nwpber 6566
~ :J OC~.
- ~tnnm,.~ '. ~ :~~~.'-
Sub.lcl'ibe tortrrn-Mlami Gazelle '
'take.n Ed ' Wi/soli. of nenr Or!'l1:olli R. wlI~ 1 to,lhll McC le ll ',.nd l-/ o8pi lal. at
XeDia. S und!l~' P.V('!1 1nl-". wh..-re he l wu operllteo \ "" 'or IIPpcl1r1i"il 's Mrs. Sarah Zimmerman hu been Monday murnilllC. II " iK J{t'llinK 'on t"e sick list. Iiong nicely. .
J. B Pence Will In Cincinnati on Mr. Oliver P. Walt er~ , of Ca lifor· bUBlfVIII8' TUet'!day. nia. a former citizen of ~prin~boro. who brulIght the body of hi s s ister, TheGrane-wllllaervedlnner. and Mrs. Mary J Gard to he burieoi in Bupper at their hall election -j8Y. Miami cemetery. Cllllf)rI on s.wera! 'old friend s here t be first of the Mrs. MlPv Adams Is apendlnll thlB week. w~k with friends at Wilmington coJlei'e. Mr . and Mrs. Harrv Turn er h ~ve taken an IIpallment ill I>byton. Mrs . Mr. and Mr8. C. M. Robttzer and Turner will be grtmtly llIisHl'fl in Mrs. J,. D. Marlatt were Dayton via· achool and 80cial Ilctivi ti S J,n ac. ltOl'll, Tuesday. count of her mu sical atJility but will 8till retllin her posil Ion as orga nist Mr. and Mrs. Earl Swain, of near of St. Mary's church • Rldlrevllle, 8pent tJunday with Mr.. Chri,t1e McKinaey. Several from hera attended the lTHIEVES ATTEMPT
~!~~~~;::!::/ootb.Jl , game
Millet Edna fJ,pwland ' and Opal David. epent Friday rilllht and Sat· urday in Clndnnati. Mr, and Mrs. Byron aartBOCk. of Cinclqnat.l, artl visitors at the homs of Mr• . Matilda HOllier thla week, Loet-Somewhere In Wayneeville. a packqe contalniDg a chIld', . blup. dl'ell~ Finder pltlue leave .t tbls office.
St. Mary'8 Guild will meet with Mn. D..... Cl'aIJlI on ThurlJdayaftel' noon at i o'cloc:k. A full attendance ia d_red.
Thieves broke int o the Wayneij. lo' riday nljfht and 8tole mate rials by the whoiel!ale. Twenty tires and as many tubes and a lot of accesso ries were taken. besidt-s a new Ford car Several hoxes of ac·ceSllo ries were lett behind. because. it is though t, they bad no room to plu:k them away In the machines . ~turday the Ford was located l t Mt. Healthy. near Cincinnati. when' It bad been abandoned . Every ef· fort bIB been put fortb to locate the loot, but as yet nothing has bt!en heard from it. - -____ 0- - vIIII!' Motor Co.'s garage
Saye your ~d carpets and rUIr Bnd cet .. Wearwell" RUllI madl!. Send for price 1\8t. Franklin Rua CURIOUS GROWING ' Co,. Franklin. Ohio.
JkmisiiCQ Dtty,."
RIVER RE-STOGKED YOU LIKE BARGAINS? MOTHER'S CLUB TO EXP 1Ir,. I N Huri., Mn Wm. ~reth GORN STALKS AT CITIZEN _. _ _ ENSE tu?:n MEET THURSDAY er aDci littll dauahter, Joan, aDd Mr . .Fruk Barrl. were week·ebd iueeta Gorden ' Joy brought in Monday Between 40,000 and 60,000 crap· We c~n. ~he p~ice of an adult,.~. "'he Motber's Club wI'11 hold th~'lr o~ Aljc,-Jl!lKlnaeJ'. -,......,,,,..,..,~"" ' ' son ~nd of a child. November & c ,..omlnc tw 0 cunoull com sta Ik s .ies , catfish an d I.u88S were p I ace d III t! k ticket t 7- IS 11.25 Y eet' ' Th sd f _ ,, ~ _. V d t h i . ral.ed by a farmer In Srown county . the river last week from I he State I c .e . :>..c· ·2~ DfU catn eee thatbeby tern N m ~II OInt tU 2r ~YI a k' 1 ~ an enooor , w 0 • a.. Both would make good can es. but hatcheries at Newtown. Ve r n paYing ~ , iJ ~Ir our num ra at t::;~ad~v:~~;I:i'~ a 0 c oc :-~ 'W.I,:,co~~a~w~re e.eh were shaped differently . Fine Hough went after the fi~h. brought Imak~8 each on.e.cost O;ly SOC;, ~me An unusuall" Interesting program IlDOwamem ro e , e ears of corn, were on each stal k. themh·efe.wher~they were placed peo pegotocltles~n pay 1.... or .I n pi.,. lit tenor~lUapbone, . at JIiferent illtervalt in the river $1510 for only one ticket to a concert hFI8 dbeeb arranlred ' Miss Nellie t Those who helped defrAY the expene~ or el!ture no better than ours. Pat· un er urlr. our county health 1I1i1 KaU!I'JD Clark aUended a h M tt Phil ronize your home town and aave Nurae,will be welcomed by all and mohev . will bring with her Varda "·aine. SIJIIU Kappa Sororit)' luncheon at lUk..Kumlera' Saturday, pnc:edlna Miss Crew , D R. Smith, Wilbu'r Stans. Buht there is anothe! 8ide to the· nutr!ti°fn wHorklehr freoom tbbe the Illamt-DennIIOD pme. berry, Roy MacBeth. Walter Me. pu~c _ase of lecture course ticketa. mltn? ea t. lum us, OhIO. Clure. Jas McClure. Russell Bentlev It IS not entirely ·financlal; think of MUBlcal numbers by Mrs Fra~k and L, A. Zimmerman, all enthu8- the ~ultural advantaget'! o Suppoee LeMay and MIllS ~elen Duke WIll : Our acbooll will '"' clOMd Friday la8ts in the pi8catorial pastime you hved In a community ~here no· aIIO ad~ to the qnJ~yment of the u our teacben are PllUlflbiS.i:!· _ _ __• _ • bodY..88red enough for SOCIal enter- meetln~. Ever~one IS urjfed to be tend the Central Teacbera' , • pril~ to have any -good concerts or preeent. Make It a booster meeting tlOD, wblch meetaln Dajtob. N .eQIl~cture8? The Senior cla9!l is procur· tor the good work of our club for her 2 and 8. . ing the Lyceum Course not entirely the year . MEN Of WAYNESVILLE ' to make m~ney b~t also aa a mean. • Mr. and Mra. Karl a""ke, Mr, of be~efittlDg WaynesVille. Tbl. THE OLD AGE Bawk. and 'amlly. of Dllton, class ~lVes everyone an InvltatioD to Dr. and Mra Ralph Vance, of ....... TO HAVE buy tickets and hEllp them.. At Plain. we~ SUJlday lU~te of - -R~member, the talent lB. The All· PENSION LAW IIr. and lira. J. C. Baw~.. . The firat meeting of the year will press All Star Co , ~oveDlber 7: Ned . carloO nlS~, December 5; ". be held on Friday evening Novem· Woodman. land Mrs, E. ··W. Baueoateln ber 2 The men have invited their The Col.onial ~Trio, 25, Fand Tb e f ollowlng " actIOn was takp.n at and C, ::I. DUDham, of Cincinnati, h January I b wives and sweetheaJts and a pro· An d rew S . Des ore, ecturer, e· . . and Mr. and Mra. Will Seal. of " . 7 a recent meeting of the Farmers. gram whIch WIll be of especlalmter- ruary . Granae No 13 It Will move d • sec· IIlamlibur6\'. " 'pent Sunday with •• • .. • . Mn. Ida Stokes and MN .da est to th~m. has been arranged . onded 'a nd carried that this Grange Courtney Tbe High School orchestra, under Mrl! , Mary Edwards and MiBllM &,0 on record as being opposer! tothe the lead.ership o.f Prof. Alfre~ Wa t· Trillena and Margaret Edwarda Old Age Pension ~ aw. which Is to kina, WIll furn!sh the mUSIC, and apt'nt Saturday in Blanchester. come before the voters of our state Paul Duke. of Route 4, left lion. Congressman Fitzgerald, of ~ayto~. • _ • on November 6th. and that we ask dU mornin&, for the . Soutb. wblre "U7 ·8bare In MakIng HlghwnYIf will sp~ak. The.Do.rcas SocIety WIll our local paper topubl\sh this action. beQ. . poeltlon In a frain_king Sate" wa. the easy wblch won flut eerve dmner begmnmg at 7 P M (!xc rCIS08 by SUDs<o tUto. 1aquM. 'Jle .eD~ direct tb WubIDR- IIrl8e • • 1, .I lt llp"on hh" '~ II III UII to take Ethel Mendenhall. Sec·y. tor 'l'beodor'a Poole, la. or Lau· • • • " ... Hr 11 1M ynrd so he \\' 111 hove time ___- -c.oa D. C" .a nd will .1~lt B&ltlmore aIDr, Michl 400,000 U. a. !!Cbool cbl\. She receh'f!8 8 Kalil .' ::"., OUl IIlI d tak e Itls exercl se.-MIl· _II ....ral other noted EUl.m cit· , dreo~. watt!b' and· trip to Wuhlngton. Try our Cl8IIaifi'ed Ad. column . ulll'ee .1 ournlll. "Save by buying in Waynesville. I. Wore he • • to Deland, Fla,
Mr and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and
l(lon met in C n ll1 ;:e Hall at Lebanon Marlatt . .and celebrated th e paHRin l! of anoth· • I r yea r of its f·xiste1lce. A sumptu. . . ous dinn er WIIH ~e rv ed by the ladi es M~. ,and Mrs . E. RICk8. ~ra. ,of the CranKe. aft(; r v.-hich officers Annie Thorpe and MI'. L. Rtcks owere select ed for the ~()min " vear . were ,dehghtfull y enter.~~ned at din· The foll owillj{ i~ the lin eup of ~er. Saturday. at t?e bome of Mrs. those wh o will con duct the adminis- S . W. Wa lk er. Xama. , tration of th e pos t for the enduing --1 0' Iyp.ar: - Commande r. Dr. Fran k Dila· Mr . and Mrs. Clayton Huffman. of tush; Vi ce·cummand er. George Wa' Dayton, entertained at dinner lallt I terh ouHe: Treasurer, Ken neth Horn; Thu rsday eveni ng In honor ot Mr. Adjutant. Trum an Griswold ; Pub- and Mrs. 8 . W , Ricke. Ml'II . Annie licity Ollice r. Robert W Brow n; Sar· Th orpe anll Mr. 0 L. Ricks . geant at Arm ~ . Wal te r Watson. In· ' ht en t er tal n ed stallati.on .followed th e election and Mrs. J . 0 . C ar t wrlg It he new 0 m le ers assumed chara-e I h F 'd unc eon, rl ay, Mre. S . D. Lef• PI ans were rna d e t 0 occupy th e at f . . h C erson, Mrs. L . E . M arsha II , .ILlr•. IogpaCIOUS 1Iew quarters In t e ounty Cl H kl d d ht d • I Ha i d . ara en e an aug er, an 11\1 ap~:~:;:d to :)~~h=R;Ot~;;~~:~t:~ Miss Mary Letferson, of Middletown and take charge of the f urnishin/l of I' the permanent home of the post. Honoring their gueet, Mi. Mary The Ralph P. Snook post will receive Letferson, ot Midd'e~wn, Mr. and $300 ,from the !14th divi sion .fund Mrs. J . O. Cartwrlght ~eDtertained which will be used for this purpose. at a 6 o'clock dinner Monday eveD' The legi')n plans to conduct an in· ing. Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceRye,lIr. door circus and carnival before long and Mrs. Bert Ha,taock and daullh' to compl ete the equipment and fur· ter, Betty. niahing of Memorial Hall which i8 the property and for the use of the A surprise party waa alVeD for citizen~ of the county A legion Mr. Kenneth KUbon. who wUl eater auxiliary will also be organized and Miaml·Jacob's BUBineae Coli..,. IlUt A pat,rioti.c celeb rat ion will be held in the Grade School Auditorium on all th e wives. mothers and sweet· week. by Mre. Walter J. Kllban. o~ Monday eVeUlD&, November 12. A splendid program is being arranged and hearts of legionnaires will be asked on Monday evenin~. Twelve of wI~1 be. announced lD next week's issue. The ex·service men of Wayne. Townto join . "Keck's" friends enjoyed an eYell' have charge of the program and )' u u can be assured a fine evening's ship It wa~ announcdd that the Men ot ing of cardll, after whlcb nhetaDentertalOment. Lebanon will entertain all the for· tial refreshment& were ..rved. mer service men of the countv of =============~===~=========~==~==========all~~~adinnu~~emh~
. , ..
- -_. .
L~S. t 1 hu.rSdtl Y eVt!nl lIl/: t.he Ral[lh ' daughter. Beatrice. were Sunday P: Snook post of the Alll erlcan Le· dinner guests of Mr . and Mrs . J. D.
~.e~e: ~o~k. r~ amHOP~ins . Ii~r:nk
~:~~:~~!~~~:!;!~i:::~h!~::::~ !~~:i~!~ t~2~;:!te::~~-r
Ly for patriotic purposes.
Paul Neal and
dau~hter, Ruth
D!~~~e t~~se ~!t~~~ie~~i~~a~:~~ ~t~~ill~~a:!:' ~:d.an~e~~t, J;: a lin,
was the recipient of standinlt voh of thanks fO.r the. efficient and faith· fu Lmanner m ,wh IC h h e h us can dIlc::, t ed the affairs of Lhe post the PlBt year. • _..
K. K. K.
~4 Jean. of DaytoD, Mr. and
:prua~ea Johnll. of Lytle. IIr.
Parr)' k U_r. IIIIU --.I II ary E . Coo. n. Will am Dinwiddie. Olive Dlnwidd~ell and' Paul Savage, of .WIJDDIIo Vi e.
Notwithstanding the downpour ot rain almost all !lay last Wednesday The regular meetiDir of the the Klan held their meeting. 88 an. Woman'a Auxiliary wu · held on nounr-ed . Word was sent to Dayton Thurllday afternoon, October~. at Xenia and se\'eral other large Klan the home of Mrs. L. A. Zimmercenters that the meeting had been man. wit h the Me. dam e. P08tpo~ed . but nevertheless a large Sarah Zimmermau and ~. "A. Zimcrowd was in town . merman acting 88 j.lnt bOitealea. The meeting waa opened with At 7:30 about 70 hooded knight!'. hearled by a county bbnd of sixteen devotional service, thOle' preieDt pieces. paraded the town. after joining in rep-eatini' the; ~rd Palm which a meeting was held at the I. followed by prl&yer. Scriptural O. O. F. hall . It could not be ascer. quotations were given In reaponie to' tained how many new members were roll·call . l' ta "ell the nalTll1!"rtotft-ttlthe-e1tll:petmrrt--l.\flet'-tbtt-blIHtlIJelHOf"the-d •• bid- ~all, lit • .., The meeting was a disappoint· been transacted, the a(tet.,·ooll WU to ment not only to the Klan. but to spent In sewlD~ for a 00. • pltal III everybody, as the display of fire· Sewanee. Tenn, The IUDOUDt of the works to be used was considered to United Thank OfterlD&', pl.OO, wu be very good . announced. On Saturday evenir.g, quita a few At a aeasonable hour ctellcloua reo of the Klan went to Xenia . where a freshmente were eerved, Mra. A. large orowd was present. A parade T. Wrlgbt aDd Mary Loulae and ' th Ii rewor kB a t th e coun t yaIr t· PeuIZimmermanl8llstlD WI .• , •.. ln ..nl..... ... grounds was held before an immense Mesdames Devitt, A. ·T. WrI,bt crowd . A class of about sixty was and Fred M. Cole were PreuDt u initiated. visitors.
. ~~
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\\' t'IU :U\~' 1'111 }.ttlttl J:! (" k eep It .
IlIn l'" 11111. If ~' O \l wllnl 10 If" 10: ... 1, I" 1I11h M"nl! ~ r . 1111 r lglil. I'll 1 J1~t ~ yO Il 10 hllll, Hud w 'r~ done Rut "IIPIl " UII fIIl\, of 11I ~' turning you 1(>0 e In Ilib d.'..-:_'rt. to Ilt kl' your f h nn cclIII oill t here ul"n l'. I nm Ih .. 'H"." I! ki n" • 'tl\\'.
Anll qlil" ' 1on3 on e t l'l l'-tltl tl utili be vlorllv OMWf!r,:I j" till. oolllm" " 44dre •• ,;J! 10 4. [,eda., core 01 1M. II C'I('I'
In.llrr.. fl'nC\' ,
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811.111. Wlt hll\l{ Ii \\'ord or urgln l! hr' "\l'llI llll llo n. 1\ "TI"~ 1l 11'(1 her tllrll'lI rll to Ihe ve~' edge oj. t he ourt. whcr!'lin t.'~110S II rOl'k, s \\'epl bllre, by thl' Wl llll, g ll,'e t hc l\I a N III . Directl y be· 11('nl ll IIIv th e n nrrow vllll ey. d Iml y 1I1:h If'li h ;' th ut .l n~l e nrc, uholl! whi ch h l lH'k (h ils .'I)n Rlf1 1\1 1 ~· 1110\' d , I,.u tn r n w ny t t' II d ~" rI Y \·I Rl h h.~. It Wil li l11u'
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CYl'r, Incorrec t. f ollows:
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(ln r~
"1 do not
A t' k n o ~dt 'I I ,;f'
nrh respons ibili ty . I pro· r,·r nuw I" ... m1 own wn y ol onp. n o you u n,jpr· lItand 1" "Yon
tho- e wu rdl( Just os th ey
y ou k n o w wh ~' 1*' "I j 'lI ll lIIuk t-1 n J!lIfh ;;!" .
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rein. '"I'Ile word. t"ert ll inly pxp rp<s lDJ meftllln, eXR c t1~ , !.fr. f{ ellee n. ,,'h, do you raIsin hold of Ih"l rl'in?" "To pre''t!nt any 11 11" 111).1 " n your pnrt to ride awny ," he ur knm\l e, lj;ed. a SlIf ltt colcJn e~8 In hl ~ Innr , "" I lenst unUl re unders tnnd f'u('h other hl'tt er. I hod up to thIs mlnul e .uJlpo~ "d you were endeavoring to e~cnJlP frolll Ihnt fellow ba ck 10n<1er; now I len rn you were runnln6( II\YII ' f rom "". al so. 11 that tbe trulh ?" She hesl lllt d ; tllP D COllrul!P re-
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nn " ,·dd,'n !. Ynu Itre J)(' 1'rllc tl y jll'l ltI .. tI In ~ .. nlh ·llIn lng me. U8 th e fn (' l" s lnnd In your IIIlnd. 1 n m nOI e \'en !::oln!:: Iu nlt Cfllllt de fendl nl: my· s (·lr. I t,' nr It would he uNeless. I um II l('r\'I ~' goi n g 10 eervp you. whether yo u wls ll to he s6l'ved or Dot . BlIt lis ten n minut e before you cns t me orr uttHly. Will 10U do that'"
Tho St a rtl ed An im a l Spra ng Fo rwud,
o( nlllll rur IIny hUl l'
5 11l' \I
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~o u
Thank Jon , MAIUO!!
D. P I !!".
ThIs Ie a "ery technical point. Morino, and l'orll!!8 In dlrter l'nl pltrl 8 of the Unlled Statea. lu certllin fiIOctl on8 a \1.01Oan tnkcs to herself the rll!bt to luvlte geu tl l'lnl'1I t o cull ulKln ber. while III otller localities It i s the CtlutOIll for the mlln to liSle permissIon Bull lhe woman 10 grRnt It. There II. however. an unwritten IIIW In tbe C<J>cI .. Al/lIlllst a youn ~ In,ly a sking n mllln t il clIlI ou ' tlw Orst ml'ellng. Far hl'ttl' r to \\'Illt till II s econd , or ('\, CII Ihlr<1 . tll ee tln!( ullll thell ~ny som('\hln~ li ke thi s : "I sh ould t.e "pry !(I nd III -co' )' 0 11; Mr , Hrnwll. we lire uSl1ally ot bUlllii ill the e venJ~."
wlth lll the rI~l ld ls ll ~llI re (I[ III" lire. which lIIumlrl ed Ihnt IIIt1 e s l'~ lIun o( the gulch at thclr fe e!. II ~ fnlnt refl er tllHl cI'e n ennhl ed he r 10 II1 n r~ th l' st em outline!! IIf hi s fo "" olln ln. 1 Ihl' tur'Qwoy rad.llln ce. III' r h,," t ll ll ), to th e 111118 !oCo n ll'h o w 8 ' ·I'lIIt ·d Mllp l)tn ~ . nwn~·. She ('lIlI leI nlll IIn ,ll'r~ l n nd wh nt It wno wl lli'h hel,l hl'l' 111I!rI' '111 11'1 . 811('111. wn t ctl lo~ 111 m. "I 111 "1 R F; ullil e n I1nc nntrttllubl e It ll (1u bw l'I\\l ~ e<l
DellOrllh 10 Btretch UIII h ~ r hn n,1 lin d
IfI'Il SP hl~ H1<>eve. " Who lire you'" . h .. nsk ed "Ir~~tly. "YOII mu sl te!1I me." The mon turncll h,ls Cn ce townrd h(' r oukklv, III11lllll (' nl"·. Ih .. lr IQ"cl",1
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Terry Cilkiron
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d1n'l!reIlC e lto,,' 1 hnlllll'nPCI tn hl' th url!. It .. o~ " o llr~ Inl('r : f 1... ,1 ~n n,~ time In \\, hl, ·1t t o thl l1 l~, II n cl h " ~ UII to \\,nn· der Ir m" d, ·tI~l llf. tl1 l1l "" ('n rll' lIt. Thl' n. In 'Ihe !(1I1 1o " rl n c d " r \; , I cn 'pt thmu!: h Ihllt Pll id l or SIl ~ l' hrll " h hn,l foulld you III )lrt '·nt,· ~ Ull f l'r<' n('@ \\' Ith Bob ~1o 'II "e l', \' un \\ t'l'P ~ lI rcb' not plR y tn~ 11
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knowi cda.;e yll \l we r e h l~ i n )! o \',·rl l1... u rll. Atl 'e r thllt Iw \\' I'ould I s llIl rplll in fullh In "u u or tr ll . 1 lII ys elr with Y"U 1" KCll e(:n d id not 1I I1 s\\',' r ellr 'I·II.\·. his ,n ze lell \' 11I1: he r fn ce nnll IIIrnln g In· Qulrl ngly to Ihl' s lrnll ~ e ~(, .' ne r&-' ,'enl ed helow. III' ~Inr d III Ihls n mo· ment In 1II 0"ll~' . lI enre. Th en he swung Ilo\l'n (rlJ III th e ~ n (hll e . ,lrol'l"d the r ein o\' er tl, c horsu's he lld, uml 810ud besIde Iwr. "r Bill I(oln g 10 I{'II you ," he "illd calmly. "Ir ),0)11 (·"nS(·lIt 1(> II s l"a. \Y1l1 you truSI m e ell llu;!11 10 , 1I ~ fII U IIIIJ 1" 'i' here Wfl S s" "Il'lldn\: nhu lil tlt e mall . hi s ClII IN "" nlhll' lI ce, Ids low. even \'olce, hl ~ ent lrf' persll lln llty. whi ch Dehol'a h C" " I1.1 IlIIl'us. llIl e to res l I. H es ll llti l1!( li n Ins lnn l . e"P Il ,~hr l n k lllg bn el, f rlllll lin." pers on lll con· la ct. her li ps r" fu sl n~ a (1lreCI uns \\' 'r, she )·et pe l'll ti tt ('" h Lq hll l\(l to cl Cl ~c firmly over h'r own nl}t1 r1rnw her down rrom Ih e ~ 1'!! lIr l t)' I.f the .,, \I,lIe to the COII II II ()n \(, ,'('1 or Ihe drserl
Preeminent P1L1blic Service ,j
1~l6.1923 Tl-JE
Pennaylvania Railroad Company wa. chartered in 1846. For ' aeventy-aeven years It h .. been performing a tranaportatlon aemce of vital importance to the American people. In the year 1922 the Pennaylvanla Railroad Sy.tern compriaed 11,684 mil.. of Une. It owned 7,617 locomotive., 260,4%9 frel~ht can and 8,248 pa..en,.r car.. The average number of it. employ.. w.. 219,~63, while It. payroll for the entire year averaged more than a mlJlion dol. lars a day. It. revenue ton mile. for the year amounted to 40,648,788,841, while it. pauenger mil.. amounted to 6,181,386,211~ulvalent approximately to twelve per cent of the total frel(fht traffic and aeventeen per cent of the total pauen(fer traffic of the country .
pted to . .1 J I'MIaIA tbfn: It WOUld eft'II .. dl. UII the ilfMrt Bot-
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D u a A. lADA ; If a woman moot. n w a n Ilt II tell or dance. mar s ll<' 111 · ~lI e him to cnll at her borne or sho\lld sbe vralt for b1m to su ggcst Who8e place la It to s peak
~rf .
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rule 00 E tJqu £'tl c , Lk e II UI U Y u l h tars. w e d o Dot k now. II , prubulJl y U w as
I H~ l ph ''''; S
10 1" "I'lIP" ,
one. two or th rt· \' 1" ' r~ul l:-4 , Ih iM r ul o b8 ~ 110 elcep llu ll . 'I' lli' ' . rl~1 1I "I' (his
YOII ('un
HI I YI JII p l ~a ~,l , but we ~ tl ~ k
li e hll <I "p" kpn qu ickly . ai rpos t 'fh,' Irlrl h (,Rltft fe d, hlllnl! her 1I 1 J~ hurshl" . 111111 Ih e IOUI' or ,'olllm und hRd an.l:<,rcol I'y his Insls t"nr e. "J tear 10U more e vpn Ih nn ·1 do !lob "I conllnt " e ry well lI elp lis ten in g ; 1 IIro us" tI n .. t" ,rn h's res I'nt nll·n!. Th e t wo wl ll ~ ('11101... ,1. li nd ne ith er woul<l Meager." she ans wen'd hOll eslly. " und Ilonltt It I b~lI e "e. " j:lve \\'11)' •• r " "uk r nmprmnl se. Deep delJllse JOu more." " Rell~ ,· c or not, as you d- n p lr n ~ e." down In he r Me(' rPI henrt 9 bit of ffllth "That III a pl ea Stl nt sill te ment. 1 be b.'oke rorth Impnll .. nlly. "Thi s Is In Ihl s Du n lel Kell een r e t lin ge red 1>'Cp\lef' If I renlly des!'r\'e II? You no lilli e or plll cl! In which 10 pi ny. but ~ hl' WII S In no l11uo.1 Ihen to IIC~ IIID" r desert ed you 1 Il'H you ullnect The trulh Is I hav e been wh ile wl lh cS81lrilyl Firs t IIRt en to my elC plllna· YOIl- squa re. kn owl d ~" IL H e \\·us lhreatenln' j I Clllll e here seek ing her; tryin g to fright en her; en~e8VOl' tlon-yes, you must; I sholl not let refuge jus t elClI cll y as I eI l' loined 10 you go uDtll you do. Will YOIl listen you IR s t nl ghl. 1 kn e w (\ 11 ~ \l' Il S a In l! to fOl'rc ht'r lotn hl~ power. fin" to me'" thl e" es' hole. ot CO llr ~e , bUI hnel DO ahp r~"r n tp d It h""ll'lI s urah ly. . "I know of no WilY to avoid doing Busp ldo n Ih nt we we re l;'(Jin J; 10 I'un "1\0. I w ill not," s he sn ld . ha rpI1. 110; but I prefer thnl you relell se my Into th ei r outlll n t I hls l im p. Hut "'l'oke your hUDd on' my hr ld le rein I" horse." wh'n we di d, I IIfIIl to net u Ions with S he s lru ck her mOU D! s udll enl y. Bnd - Hit ftnJ:ertl relaxed their hold on till' m. Th cl'I! wn B nQ othe r wny . I h nd t he s tortled li n!",n l SPI'UIlt; (orwnrd, ~he rein. lind he Itrall:htened up fRc!you to cO ll ~ lde r. snd I hnd sOIlH!th t nl: whlrlln!; si dewise from the blow. ca· Ing her. else 10 consi ller. I lied to Ih elll . nut "t trull you," be IIRld wlmply. "You to YI1I1- t o hoth ,lI nchez Dn d Bob M"II- r eenlng ag'nlns l Ihe fl a nk ot Ke ll ee n's are beller mounted tban 1. lind ftrmed. ger. Th ey lire gnlng to gel the s ur· Gorse 8S It s wept swiftl y I)ost. 'j'lie but I UI not belle,e YOU look upon pl'lS1! of the ir lives tonight. I'u\\' li s· n ex t In s tllDt the wild m ce WRI on throug h the blu ek nl gbt. She rode me altogetller 81 a villain. You bnd len. J clime back Ihe re for you; I confidence In me laat night-did you tried to Im ce you nil th e nt t em oon. reck lessly. deSlIl!rnt ely. loshlng ber mount wltb til e flnpplng end of her not 1;" , I kn ew yoU couldn't be rur n wny. he"YI!!I:;-Iaet night. 1 WIIS des llerllte, cnURe you hll ,l not lul,en th e horse. reins. yet, leap by leo p. Kellecn drew closer, r Iding us he orten h od beror~ '.fll11l1. ' Hld-aoll I accepted nil YOll Flo li lly 1 d\!cl ded ynu mu s t hll " p In heulllnll' . rr a wllll stampelle of told ine." . cllmhetl Ihe clln' 00 root, nml I CII III Il CHIIlA I ' r~ ~ I n a IPf hor p:e more . nDI "I am' tb • •ame man now." he ~ nld up nnll run Int o Meo,;t!r . N 'lI he r ot lII ore to the ri" ht Into a ha lf.clrcle as e11I'1U!1!Jtly. MI am Danlel Kel1een, j lis t ti S wn ' \'('r~' h" I'I'), nlrollt It, bu t I he drew n ea r. In,.}J by Inch th ey drew AI ready to prove my friendship now hud sO lli e know l ~dg" or wh nt wus on closer togeth er, the glrl's s kirt !lupplng tben. You do not believe thnt '" foot rrom Sli nchc?. Onl y Bob wn sn'l "No. I do not; 1 cannot. Las t nlj!ht ugil lns t his leg; II lpn h is Iron " rip th ere ror t hn t pur l1o ~ el he p reteDiled cl us·t! on the bit or he r lI orse. lind the I ' .~ep~ Jour IBslstance from neto he, hil i he hll,l sum ethlng el ~ p III' t wo anlmols Cll lll C t o a st op. pll wlllg re.1t7. I had to escape that rllnch his 8Iee"e . Vou ,I ou't kllow whot he file air. Dehol'llh wa s brellthl ess. ,bef«e dayll,bt. and yoa oll'ered tile wn s r enlly up 10, do >'Oll?" trll:htened. angry: but th e mnn was \lnll cbance. I-I did nol tnow who you "1'\0." she snld (jlli ck ly. not willing co n~u e ror IIn;1 III no mood tor COlli' were then-only~nly In a 9IIgue way. I ratlrer accepted- YOU as an A merlcnn yet to t ell her- tal c. "wh y 'lllrollid I'" pro1UI ~e. Nellcen "~Dt on. und lscourn l:ed. cowboy. and-and you mnde me trust "You rool l do yl1\l kno w wh ere you "I didn't know hll'" long you were wer e goln g1" h .. c. ~llI l mpd slt'rnly.1 you'" I , "Durm. 0.ur1 nlght rIde. you 1IleOn '" hiding tb e re. Hut thnt Is why' I cnme "s trulght 10 th l! .. elg~ ot thut 1",1,.: a doze n s trides more und yu u wOllld 11I11'e you' tolll me a lillie ubOUl bock." "Becnus e you 8aW me'" beeD over. By G- d I I gOI you In Y~1! ~elf; perhaps It Will! not true. but "Yes; and becnus e I bell eV\!d Bob 111IIt!, but thul Is th e lo s t trI ck you'lI de ' me thInk It · was, und J , , . contlilence In JOu In spll_ln 11'01 up 10 80me trick. r even hnd reo· ploy on lIIe." lion to sus pect, dId 1 not thnt you "You-you dure spenk to 01(' lII'e lIP fe 'or ' Jour-'-your reputation." ... _ _ tbe 'Frisco Kid' bU8Ine88. two might be tI OTe togeth er?" that- you ?" She toced him Indlgnnntly. 1'he mlln lougll ed grimly. tbe n p. rvThat W81 a little 011' color, wusn·t It? If' 1 Nmem\ler right JOu got · my h18' "rou thought I would secretl y meet OU B rellctlon thus linellng IlIl CUll scl"us tor,. prlnl:lP1llly from 'Pop' Reynolds, hIm?" ex pl'I·~s lo u. "Dure ? I'll say dure. Whllt c iSI' wltb .11 embelllallment. thrown In. "Why n ot? You evidently believe Yet, neverth,lIle8ll, Jon manngell to every e vil of me. Ho'" did I know cO lild I cull YOII? You (lI<1n't 1'\'l'n I.' you hnd told th e truth' \'on are hl8 lenn\\' wh ol tllrecllon yOIl we re goin g. Uke me' · 11 thnt Itf' "I bid to trust you then. '1 tried to wire,' by your own s tut emelll. Why and hellilell -s trui ght for a Ih'o hundrcll beUeTe all ')'ou told me. and-nM you shouldn't I sus pect. Hndln g yOIl there rU1l1 ill·~p. Now. lIat"n ; rrom now OD logether? An~' how r went bnck to I Dill mn ster, rind I'll bej!!n ri ght hc rt!," were nice:" "Good \!Dougb;. and then whoU" He Jerk ed the revol"e r t rolll out tile dIscover the trmh. 'i'hnt Is why I 11m 1I 0181er at be r wai s t, ri,,!1 Ihrus t Il Into · "It was DQt becauae YOU left me. 1 here with you 1I0W." hi s own bel t. Th e sl ll nlO co ncc ot the th,ou,ht I , underlltood that: you were "Beli evIng whnt of me ?" .eeldng ,to save me trom discovery. "I bardl y know-except n ot thnt. uellon robbed the g irl or nil Il ellnllC<l; , Yet" e'ven Iben I W88 not sure, not os You wore · not with him , ye t thnt Is s he s Udllenly t'1!l t wellk. hclpl ps• . "YCJU-You m enn I must do w1l 1l 1 'ver confident In you aa when we we re hIs horse you nre ridin g. H e fired ~' Oll slIy7" alone togeth~r. Sanchez was too II t you. did he not'" "~XII (· tly thnt. You Cll lII e to ru e at frl~~'y, too 11'1111111; to acknowledge "Y es ; he wcnt past me (Iown the )'onr leadership. and obey your or- gully ofter you lett. It Wll 8 d>irk then, i flrSI ""llInl n rll y ; ~' ou ns k(',1 III)' ltd)). denl--and-and you knew too much nnd 1 wns not seen. I Btole hi s horse J hrnll J!ht ~' Oll h ere. HOC! I 1\1 11 J.:oinl-! about •what ' w .. going on here. You lind rode awny. I eloubt If he even tn tllk e you (I \lt ~uf e l~· . Y')II are ~t lI11 erl.' to Ioute mc I'r lik e 11 11'. aR ~' nu told me a "er, Interesting story. Mr. kn ew It wus " woman he- sh ot at." Daniel Kelleen, which J now know to The listl essness Bu!ldcoly left her pl "''' (~. I D ill not a s lcln ~ IInyth lng but Ob"III ,·II N'. 1 trl eoJ bel n j! 11 lIlan wllh be talle." voi ce. K~leen made no movement, and for "But I am not going with you ," sh e I yu u. lind It fullell to w"r~ ; IIU'" I'll the moment no answer. we nt on coldly. "It you are a mOil Iry Iw lng 0 brut e nnd " 'e whnt h,up· "YoD bave lied to me, haven·t you'" yoO will not try to urge DI e. I trusted pens." II H ijtrulght en ell liP In hI, Rn .lelle. "1 pret'1!r learnlnl!' first why you you last ni ght. but not now. Will you evlohmtl y " tnrtl e<1 by "olll l' thing III Ihe reach thl8 rDncluslon." he rt'plled let me 11;01" l-alml);. "I)OIlS It cOlne from my con· "Wl.ere'" \ III ·llIlI ee. S he coul,1 hare ly ,1I"tln i! lIl sh Yel'88t1on with .Juon Sunrhez?" "I'll find my wny; I hove a borse. hi s f1~lIr e In the cl llll ill. yet I; Il l'\\' tlmt "It begAn there. I could ~e o reely nnd the stnra. By morn In/! I'll be In hi s lInfl ccllp le,1 IHl no1 WIl S p nlntlnl: to · help SUSPl!('tlng )'011 0 ner IIRt pnlng to Sight ot Rome point of guidance. Any· rl lu .. I ~ ht. un n ~'O \l S N I thllt 7" Ill' "" ked. hlR what you bad to 811Y to that Mexlcall bow It the choice IN hetwel'n ihe cruel "ontlaw. You are out here not 80 much desert and you. 1 take the de~e rt. Am "olel: 1" lI sP nil el eOl-:c'r, "Do wn h 'Iow t her,·- t hlll dull l'e ,1 lI,hl ? It · ~ CUHeIn Ill)' protl!ctlon. but 88 the rerlre- I free to gor • 18entatlve ot !lob Ml'lIger. I 8m lII~r ely Kl'lIeen Inughed. your 1IIIyllllnl{ eu route." "You. I"flve It to me. th en? Well, I CHAPTER XII "You nre Indeed I'ompllmenlary. 181 you nre not going. I am not Ihe J Did I lerve Meager. yO\l Ihlnk. bl I'UD' sort of cur who would let you com· : Alone on the Desert. ' nlDg air wllb ·hl. wire'" mit sulcld p jus l hecnuse you IlHve : Sh e "t"retl down at tl,,· red g-lImlller '"There IR no law or derency on this loken II d l ~lI~e to roe. You woul<1 be border' where IIny wOlllun Ie can· lo.t In tl'n mlnlllcs; you don't know \ IIn r"fll\lr<' h c n (l l n~, ber ullnll s tili 1Ij:(1· Cfll'lled." she burst Ollt hlt terly, "I have thI s country- It·s trell(:h erous ns h-1. i tfll f' d II~' 1{;' I1 I',' n's "",l llen rorc(!fulll c"8. at least Icorned thnl. 1 tin n(Ot know 1\nw 1151 en: yuu 11 re I:olnj! tot rust me He 111111 s('cllllnJ;'ly Cor~ott('n II ~ r " ~ ry ., ),ollr real obJ~c t; ullly Ihnt you are whet her you wi sh to or not. You presence. R(I 11"~,,ly Inler"tite.1 WAI< he ,. one ·or tbl. dlereputuble gnn~; that thut "uts 00 Ice In In wllnt wn" trfl"."lrln)l heluw, lellnlnll ner ,ln't ilkI'", Yllu come bere to sI!rve Its purpos~s ; Ihl s "n'nlr- hut ~'Oll nr,· goin g to learn J enl!('rl y forw:ml . \\'11 h e.ves lIeVIlr de· thab- I was thereture onl1 8n Incl· n "' 1 whl'n I d \'(' 111\' "'1' ..1 to ('Ith ~ r , " p.rllnl! IIII' <:1'01111 now sl",w lul: v6J:uely · deot...,(o be ' lled to. ood 10llghed 01." "Y.u ,rea('hod 0.18 coocluslon from " what JOU onrheard ot the tulk between SallebeJI and rnY8elf? Of ('ollrse HE~E,~EQ~ Be CA~EFUL I Im.w you were there." O~LIE. '!t1u'o se-r-reR. 1.I!T "Nxae~lJ. aud did ~ot even care. ME ~I-\OW 'I'OU HOW TO Your ftry Inlolence wal an Insult. t'-\OU'SE You believed me then entIrely In y our power. You cuutl! sit ('O.lIoly th e re \21(;'I-(-r ! on your hori e. laugh ond sn~r. ItDd I dare 110 nothln, 'to protect mys elf. 'rbea ,au ,rode ort. 8ull left l)1e-yollr , t.lt gl a nce one of ID80lent triumph. lite Tra, r' It WII tI.cn 1 full;l' reollzed Ulllt r WUF n..ptT., · . 0111, J <lur' .. Idlm. t was afraid 01 yOIl. ant\ [ hated ,ou then." . . . \>l~ 1I\'a. "er'J low. nrl' quiet , ~" ;'--T':'--'-;;-'-~-=--'-''''INI-,"", .all tItllllf You aHemptflll ...r IIIde ~.me befo" .
111;1 (1
th A 1>08"",I1I1: ), of " burse's 110 "(' nr aut o ll1ol.l lle b umping thosl! nt'IlI'l'"1 tll p cnrb !bllt ruled lhn t 111.111. ti ll! protector. U8 well BS prO" lder, ebou Id lake lha l piaN!.
~ 1I 1 1 .' · .
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of her arm . yet n nl~' low... rl n" hi. h und
he fis k"'!. r"I .. " .m" hi ' I!'rns p
T hO llgb It seem ... Ih ls a.;s'"IIIIII II n m i:clll 00 (.'V,rrce t. it is lin t.
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" H ('I'n llSl" I had u j.!ll mp ~ p n( y o u n ~ nt~· 1l'lrsp 1n ppt-l ct 111~ h l1 nk. I hUI ' sOIIl.:llt s on P \' ('r ~' whf 'I'(' nn.·t' I fl n :!11.v
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Contr ast ing En ; i1 l h Countlel. 1.1111 P \ II .~ l ll'" \..t Il lt, 11!lt ll' :o: t a nd '''('st· lJ) u II'I : I!ltlll ~ . \·I H.. t h ill y t'!lI l-:lI Kh ('(Iunl ,·
lit IlI s l. '" hI' 1,,'101 , 11 "111. ,, ) 110 I II ~ t '" lit· ~ llI nt'(l(j u !ih l c 81 lwr . t h,'
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vise tbrouch Ihl s \l ull l'r \lIC l'Clrr.. ct .\ I" lI 1.w r or 1\ I'tUI I"1.!t' o f hu\' lm! \i 11 11',1 " 'j 'I I4."I'(' I!I. sUllwllllm.; l;nlll/o: o n hrfl' " Iii .. " qll ll~ I " '~' ''nl l 1111'. I IlIlIt s upp n, cll 1I 11~ posillou uf II ~ " Il ll~mll ll wlllk lllll wi U, a Inlly ,',; r<'Kur ds bel ll g' IIlL " l :,1 4111." 111,' "ai d s .. \", r l )" a s ~ he wa s u Ill a ln e n"!' of s lllu ~l: lIl\ g WII!' 11l UlIll lll lI "'l 0 \"(' 1' fh ~ lIn ~ t ltl n :\l ex !f'1I " (II IIT H'(1 h rp:t , hlc ''''''. "l , N '~ 111J \' e I hl~ tween ber 11 11 t t h e C"'J ru n !11 1 ill'" H U I I f i!t\n ·t. ('lI s P'I I1 ' l' r' ~ o u l fll Ilttl ~ 1 twcell hcr 11 11,1 othe rs nl l ki " ~ ,'U • III tl1 "I' " l~ 1\0 hl.. £t t- r I IIJIl· ... ,.j rlP\'t l " kill' \\' 11n l ll m Ul'n l ni: : uu tll I IU \ ' l' 1' (1111 (' I n I hI'O\ I ).: 11 Ihnt lowe r 1'1l ~~ th e wall.. J coulond Ill!' s hulI l" J ond t'r -- th 'Ytl l1t1 til t' d Ulnll of tr (l ('~ , " r nn lll l\' I't , t" t1j.! I IIf.l' d ~' \I U . 1'11\'\1) ~' o ll be 0 11 the WOlllft.U·S left. t hU R 1"'c!'clI g t' x h ' ndln J; hl ~ h unt) , " nn d 1114' o lll ~' (('I\S' tol d 1114" Ill li t :-.111 '".\' - £1 1111 \[ !>oo I n 11111):OO ' h ltDsclt botw e!ell h er and th ~ "u sserl1hl l' W II~r In th f' h \l !'ti t-r li t'!" Il l' Ih.· "1'h (t lt " \' "d It !I' ll ,', 11111 111:: 1 I I' II JoO.I (l11 y n ll . by. tl()~l t (. ' rll\'l n t', t! lr('t'lI ~' ht' l diu l Ilw (( ('lull\' I Illl d 10 Iwlll'n', o r ,I r ,·,,' nd 111 l [oms n r y t r uly. (,Rhl n . A ll tlw y \\"0\1 111 rl'(p llre 11"I'{l t!" hell l" :.' , fil l' I \\ II" I lI t ' rt' 1I1 tln t'\ wit h A n ' .II'Y-U. ",nl<' r (" r til .. ijln<'l, IIl\d II ~ II I" (' . '1'1,11 1
~h ,.
A .C.~UJ RG & CO
T !J1l ,,, ti er r cads as
D Ull A. L t:'''' : W Ill rou kl nllly li d·
n'II I """,~r il ,I' I h l nj!~ I h:,,·." or Ihp dl "IUnl II r lne h " nll~' IIIU Ill IJl n tln~ " , hl ,,10111 1' ; 1111 "I ... UI thp 'Ir rl~· his ( 0 .. " . Rhe t ,)ultl n(l t help but IUllr~
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P 'ennsylvania •
Rail~oad System "
Il e \\' U ~ t 4\ 11i (" WlI Y 1111.' a d WIl !il: 01 1("' 11 , UI1 ;.! lI:t I'fl pll , n lH I 1\ ':1-1 11 11' 11 1 lI n " ti lt' ~ Hrt' I r u ll . T l w~' 11 4't ' " :111 lil t' I'PSI of 110 .. II k iol to 11,,, 1;,· It I,, " " Hll l - I m i Iltt, ~ /l rt ' 1lId " ; 1I I i n ~ till'
"'U S to I II' S lI lll'! w Z' J III I.
j.!u in ),!
Money to Loan on Farols at St per cent for five years.
\\' II~'
II I LJ l f'~.' ·
" T h a t 1:-1 p xa r th' wll n t lh py nrf' cln
In t:- 11 11 ,.( Ihl'llI: ' " " ,1 11I1; lm! Ih e SIIiIT lilt I) lilt, culti n. Tlu ' y H I'l' nbl 11 11 H I u ll; I t IP," lilY' f.! lI l ll t! hu l'lt tl n' ~'lI ' h '( 1. :":nW. w l1 11 1 t lo p~ II II H ' l1n ~
11 1111
,11 11 :<lIn. ·III' 1. lit· I" nolt
~16H'T '(OU .
nll" ut II?
~11 ' II C t' I'~"
" \\' 11." !o' hllllltl1\ ' t ~ he 0 ;.1;('(\ '111" · ~1 ." ,
"If )''''' nr ..
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whn t ~'O ll I II'~ H~ n tl f o h t' t n 1I1r-7" "nel'll t1~(' I l1t' \' ha n ' no ~u i pi l' l " n th e\' 1'111\ 1 1I1"~ - ~n lw. :--;nl 11 Ihln l= hR,. o(,(,~Jr rl'cI to nnHHW ~ 11('h fl o uht. T111~
mm e hll~ 1" 'I'n IIhl)'('(1 t "" f'lIn'full~' 1t'8 n fl l Ih ll t. ~ll'a j!c r Ilns nlll thp (uint e !ot l
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th liC I n11\ n o t
on (' nr Ill s kilid Th e ft' II"w. 101! C lh ~ r wllh' Glln'II ),. I, 1)III\ IIIg "rr "omellllll!:: here 0111 lIt 11t(' orollllllry. whi ch tll e~' ",nnt I n kN'P m P 11111 nr- fllnl '~ nl\ ."
Ill' Stlll II' P,1 ""dlll'lIly; 1I1l' n turned, 111111 pll,,·,·" Ill s hllll ,1 IInlll y I'" her own wh"n' It l'('sll',1 "n thp rllc k RIII·fllrl'. h is VU "' f' , ' 1 " ," ~ ln ~. "r.II "~ r>"hlll''' II . Ih ere Is no mn squ er n d t" 11 ,' 1\\' l't' n 11 ~.
:1 I
Wilmington, 0 .', p1. l lle 301 .
f) l.' hfl rl1 h Sl1 l lip si r n tg'hi.
L il i vp ~f' lJ ~. ... t'ou n I m U I"~I Ut ~ '" N J Hl ~ b Olluhr. ,I •• hu H II ' 11 _11". A I ~ l' ll BUlldIO!!. X.,ni" Oh IO . 6 ~ ~4
1..' 11 ' 11""
uhutI OIl't.
"l~ , !
II'llrm,Ul< li t W .. rrll o ,,110 t'lljul n l ~ OOQul. It'l.t4 tuttV o bf., I1D WIJUI ' Y uo lo·, . . I.lfue ",,"". 'II~ c.Yo% Inl " ' Ij~ 1. G, @I. or 8Pourlllil t hft ' hUl " l~ v ll r .\, r"I\~ ,II. .bl ',. t:h, n l!llh 'I'h .. F "'(1I'·,, 1 l...nO Blink . F ro r furtl,, ·, Infor[llull o n c " I on or Itd,l rt~" M I,: D It A K~. '('rl'l'"' ' urar. 111I' "", 3t!\:,X . I..IIbllllO O, Obi .. .
' d(l not know wily
I Inlkl'd 10 ),ou n fre l'ly os ( . dlll, llIMI 11 1': 1.1 1 n",,1 I"" ..., IIk cd you ,'e ry IIIlI C' h ,
li n t!
Irl1" Ii,d
~· Oll .
An .\ 'how 1
t'11.1 .' ·ou Ih., ('~I I( ' I truth, lind Ihere ,l_ no o(, I' II ~I" n nil\\' til IIt'n y It. I ADI nllnl"1 1\('11 1'1'11. rt rnptnln In the reg· lIlnr ur n1\'. wl ,n 1111. " " llInt ccrc.1 ror . 11" ,,1 11 1 ';'fl II II II I! dN n l1 10 stoJl !III. b onlcr work. Thl' l'hurnl'I"r ot thp ' Frlscn I-\lIl ' hli R hec n millie to order, to pprmlt of 111 ), tllII ~ ~alnlnl! Ihe con· flll l'n pe " r Illl'se "" !I uws. 'l' loe \\,hll' pE"r r f'u f' il P(l I11 P u w ppk ugo thllt mu,
nltlons \\' 'r e hel Dj:( run through hered lill 110" ~1t" ' l!e r 's Olli ll t w0 8 doing It ; thllt Ihl ~ ",os the leak we had heen ull nhle In s lop., 1 came . up to NO j!II I ~~ : hun l( uronnll Ihere In Ihl' In\\,l's t q u orl e r. oC Ihl' town. pl('I(l ng np Mtrn~' hit . of rumor, Flnully I hen r(1 ohonl G"rrlty, leRmed he WAS J:olnj! 0111 to the Menger rom·h. HIs h,'nchmlln Sill It n lit tie. lellvlol: me to h~lI e ve Ih(' rl' WOR gOing- to be n run malle a t·...'.' Ihe line thIs weplt-IhlA CII RChp('t' olllll!. Thll1'8 wby I cnllll' out; thlll '~ how Ourrlly picked me op It SlIv(' r Rprlngs. aud 1 rode on wUh him In Menger's ." She WIIS deeply Interested now. I'. pressed hy his earnestness. "I bad ent word to our people from NoglIll'8. There Is a narrow pais t1lrough the hills on the trnll . belo..... which this oUlfit mUBt Uft Just belore they cromO Inlo Mexico. ' There 18 Oilier wny south lending from here. Early this evening a squad of c..!'volry got there · from tbe north. Dnd art' woltlng," "And If the outfit tb~y are wltchlDg tot" do not show·up tonl,bt. or early tomnrrow. whut will the soldlertl do.' " "Hard ~o tel.. Tbls bait here has knocked out my plana rori1~lereIY; .myguess at the gome hilI gone wrong. AI It Is 1 h~vo the c.b olft:or t~o thlng8- elther remBln, ~~ all~ tearn ,what these blrdll are ~'lIy ' P to, or else ride sOllth. brlll*'~1hO"'~:1 roop-' era bllck. Illul round .PIII ' tbl. ) entire outHt on gl!ncrol prlllclp.. l'd like Dlost of 811 t6 dIscover wheN Men· ~r I.... "Perhups I can help you. 1 ,have a 8torl' to tell 'you ,et." Deborah spoke rapldlJ. elear!y. d. 1llctlng lIer experIences I. .the CODcealed tunnel, her escape up the nar:row passage lendIng to the desert level how she clime to be bIdden hi' tbe ~III1Y. lind what had'o~corred there after I{ellpen hnd ridden ' away. The coptntn listened ellgerly to her recital of 8d~llntllre. Interrupting the narl'l1tlve with numerOll8 QUf,st1ona. 'rbls fresb kncwled&e brought a lIew element Into the nlTnlr, eompllcl1t1nt' tb. wbole roo Iter, . " . (Continued 00 uq. I>' ________.r ___••~'_~ ~_
f:ranc. the Planeer, The IIrst governm ental ernployment burenu origInated In 1i'mn~f!, 'to 1848 one Bueh burenu wns estll hll~hed In .eacb of the nJuh'lcs of PIII·IR. The Orst . nltency of the kln!1 In l~lIl(llInll wtlll opene,l In !Sru'•. IIn(t th~ ftr"t In ,th,ls
LOT OF TJo414 _ OI.I.Ie.!
n "'~\l f' p 1IIt'II1 t li :11
hi ()hlu
flV fl ,'('nrli'
p,.nr ... IIpl'claliz io" A TIIII hthl'I< :-;"1118 """",, "'ll Fo.d OI"~. ~- rnnk
(\ 1
W, Ure"",
'" n ell ville, Ohio . nl4
Hu W \N," k"rEf)-M unl"fll fOI I nft-·~ fI
hU!'4 ',..,r v t llr
lU .. ".
II flu nr ttlhfl ' tUn "" , ';'l t ~ ' 1Ik ~ In t~ rll " tlll l"d "
N .r
",limen to l(0IUtN 'l mftn ttnd
~ . II UIIl ..
I:!1 l l1:~l1" " I ;' '' '1 , ~ hll( !"\ala. w "~ k lO ll ,. ' tI ' 'l.60 "n
'I"h'r"'u r \'
~t ll\V "
I ll ".
lIOklnl' Mill. n t4
. l.:hlokeu duo ... 8x6 h ,et : nlMO
He~ of U~IlV i:SHrn· lI. \.Jo" •• WaYDt.avllle. Oblo;
P .rr)' dU
18 eHob, White Rook ' Pollel!!. 11 .00 lnquhe 01 Mrll. II:d Oook ~.
D. 1, W u.yn6llv llle. Obi.,. ..
SpoU,ed Pol" nd Ohio" Plg8. 8 . weeks old . e1 11111 .. \0 reRllter, 00 .. be .. d. K E, Thomp80n. Or"I.!ouia. Ohlo.R . 0 1. nbo 'le Harve,. burg 19 lX n7
,Ii ·
Underwood Apples for Sale. "11\110 bU8beill 61 b .. o(l.pl clled and j
mOObll\e graded ROme Bell utlu, of lbe ' very bll/:be •• quality. priced s' 76u to 60 per bashel, IX mIle. lea~l cr HarveY8barg. , d . " have an op~loo 00 another bu.l. C,-_ _ ......,._ • nel8 and wllJ 11811 prl v"le- bo,h It welling bOD8e•• rrarllRe and baro; 5 acreR o'f J(roaDd In She oorpora'ion dr WayneevlllB, W . O Gusllo
081 Rallge. III gOf'd order, .& " A MUler bargain if (laId 10 tbe next 30 d"ye. InquIre of Mrll. W. B. Allen. Wa1Denlllo, Ohio. 03J barrel Sholilun. used oDe A IIlngle se;'80D. Inqalre.l tbl. omclI.
1:'0& oholoe Kelrer Peerl'. He .J . C, I" B~w"e, W.,~,88VI\~~J Olllo. ,031 ~ype rol"nd..qbjn,~. PilEI', Tag. Bl~ ist~red, Inqalre of 'E mmeU
Benz B ·D S. Waynesville, Ohio. • .• ' . 03 Jerl'lI), O\IWII. 70 IIolr Lnl 2 rresh horn !:lens !lad BOlDe filII blocd ..rt 8arrud Plymouth',RoOII Pollel! and t:I. S EI!III. R . D 3, W&YDe8vl11e, Oh~o '. 031
I:'ORO ROllds'efi 1923 tnocle1.lItar\ I" er !lod deIDouD.cabl., rim •• IItlf1
uew. Hell KanoeUr' KUboo,.l 101lO'e "I ore. ~ -. 081
CD~"'.<I a' 'he Pql""lIIce a~ ""'a,n ... III&. Ohio . a~ ""(lad ('I••• MOil
D. L, CP AN E, Editor and
V. U) nl'' ' die, .
When 'lev Started "Going A, w.ay" ,
Ev~rt shmn~:-:: II; l 'inC'IUIl II II I A lIOH" PIll~IU-hl\ Ifrlday . . I{."
M OP e!
HOW'S THIS? HALL'S CAi'ARR"'itl!lDlCJN. w1II do whl\ t we claim (or t IO,our qltem or n1arrh or 0... • • cau"" o.tnrrh. -., I
ht'.ol1 pnrOlo l\80d
I IOU .1'\1'10)1.
Relieve R thu calarrhn l Inna mmaUOn. a.nJ th e I nt(lrnnl Medlcl ntJ. Q. Tonic. wtlk:h I ~ ~I 11"r! ng f r u m :I ,·to through tho SIOOI! on th. 11_. IJ r rh( ' uw td' l ~ n, .. ~UI· rnc~8. tllU8 &l81.tl n ...~ to r ..tore ..... :na.t Co ntlllions. Sold by drugg l.te tor over to T ...... tPu l JI"" rJ.v I ~I:'~ r';:" on"r U,,~·tlll(' k "P l'llt th e P . .T. Cheney It Co .• Toledo. O. ":'('1'1' "1 ' \ III 1" II('Illllll t l
A fow m o r n OlltiElij o f ~('nrloL flw,.. 1 ~In< It '~rt1, r ep u rt (I. nu H rll('k
Ii] .I .. np.
Su bscri olion Price. $ L 50 pt'r y r- a
Little WIU . B," jo!ao II I. thlH wr lltng.
C \v .. nct liern Rhi.l "kl1r SuudrlV e vonill K·
)lr ...\
Wtjrl' 101 I
EV ' ''l1~
enr pr t ,tfu l\(l DlIytnll !-o1nndt.l.y
(' I
"l\' ('~
~\CI '"y
I' I' tIl "
nn ' l
t'lI ,1
of (-le r. L!tlf'H tt'
,.1 .1 I. \ ",111 1\1'1 1
.\ 11--. 1.1 \ III 1'>~'I1 I~ ,.. , Ir. Tf' " un , t I .tt ·1; , : 1II I r fl \l~dll ~ r1l l v lIl~ llt. Mrs . Allte Ouar t" )a n'" g OU l,' t 1.1 h. .~" h/' , .. " 111 ' '\' I d Ir n p r u , ' I 1~l n w . ~ Knon. wlo e re ~ h {' WIIl _IWIH.I ti l Wi ll . I _ _ ter I' +I" ,tll! !til " . 1t I I'J1 v l ~l. t. l
'So many pel'lOllI keep themselves 80 busy looking for somethina -to improve, IOmetbing to criticize, something in our system of government with which to find fault that they fail to note the tendency of the country towards growth and irnprovoaUlnt. During the war our iron and steel industries were suddenly reared to take core of the stupendous production nee8I8&17 and incident to that gigantic undertaking. When the WBr ended it wu thought the industries would be left high and dry, or at leut find th6lJlselve8 in a position to take care of tho • eountry's demands for several ~ecades. The fact is, however, that iron and steel production for this year have been practically at capacity, and thia has been so in ~any other industries which have been aurpuaing war time production. It has woll been laid that any Olle who is a bear on America will soon be bohind in the procOllllion. Our industriea have becomo so diversified that they support eaeh other and eoem jointly to hoist themMi.... even by their own bootstraP8. No longer does .America depend on the outside world for BGOnomio support and capital. The tables have been turned. Capital it supplied, not borrowed by us, thus opening up foreign market.. that for years have been a closed book. The only seeming problem now to restore a genuine prosperity is the adjust. ment of farm prioes whioh have been woefully low and made doubly valueless becauae of the increased prices of commodities. This is a situation to ",hlch the beet of our eeonomists may with profit addrOlll aeriolU attention. Actually the economio law will take care of the situation, it it be permitted to operate. Industrial growth means the growth of industrial population if this is not prohibited, and increased population spells increased consumption. The demand for labor in the mills and faotories will soon cease to drain the farms once farm pricea begin to pick up. Bankers al'9 disposed to the belief that special legislation will not help 'the farmer. We are inclined to agree with this theory. At best it will prove a palliative. Special legislation, 88 8 fnct, hM I1b place in America. Unfortunately it i8 from special logislation that the' farmer is sufrering--a created condition that insures the wellare of many well-watered railroads against all industries, not to speak of the people. The farmer can well dord to let economio law work itself out if the politicians will permit it to operate. As it is, however, 'there i8 clear discrimination against the man who feeds the nation.
Mrto"l, Frn,ult
\"\' l' t' kr\
\~ (jft non t:b
'1 1f" ~ ,,,
I ll ': ""I
11\ ( t, 1(\ fl1t l~ . 1.,,\" r""11' 111\ 1 III I I . I " ., •.
~ ~' t l l1
d Ull n
r EJ l lltI\"I" ~
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nl '" I u I fit f I I
\ V t11llin g t'll fI
lil t 1111:"1 1 til
II l1d
bn h,) , o f
ruches ore not an e"11 wlUlln thorusel '·es. Tbere' 18 no Inherent wlckedness In monoy. It 18 the 101'0 or moncy t ho t Is lbe rool at ull c-n.ht A. C. M.Owa &0 Co. I' ldndll or ." il. When oue sets bLs beart on Dlouey, be tbeu becomes a "You Sill' llois was 1\ tunne l 7" he menuce to hlmse lt lind to tbe wor Id. asked tlnlllly. "Dug out. YOII melln?" When he determioes that h is whole "The l1 ghl wn .~ tau puor ror Ille 10 I mind shall be lI~sor bed In tho tell very IIlIiCb. I tholl ght lit the IJllle thougbt ot be ing ricl~ tben he be· II ml!:ht be on onclenl wIII Creour"c. t comes dIJ.·llo0e8t. When 100 trusts In hut work hat! eerhllnl)' been dune on It. riches. theo I t becomes ImpoMs lble I tound R pick 0111\ shovel (.n H hen p tor him to cnter tlle ga lea or heu l'en. Jesus Cllrlst never condemned I .. rlcloes. _ 1=Ie COu d{,Jlllned the worslJ lp or rich 8. 1"10 condemned co" !!IOu", noss; H e coodeHIDE!d t he mls ns" of , riches. He denoul1l~1 the IUs hull ost m·an. the uufolth ru l stewurd. lhe man who exploited his own lnTCll ls to ' rob God. It Is jl1st os true lo<lny as It WIIB whell Christ ultered It. "It Is IlIlBler tor u ~ulllel to 110 Ihro n~h the eye or II needle thau for urich moo to enter the kingdom or h con v· en." Tbot roCllns . It 18 cusler ror the Impossible to tllite pIlH.'C tholl It Is for ' n II1nn wbo trusts III rl c h~ . wbo mok es riches his kin gdom. who makes wellith his f:r~ l . to eoler tho kingdom of h eu l'ell. Christ renll~' taught thnt hpltl'en W8S It condlUon lit. which n I1hrl,.. U8n mIght find Illtnself. un" In which he Dllght fnll:bruUy s~ r \'ll God and attnin the hlgbl!st ronk In ChriStian cbarncter. CJlrlRt r egarded rlcbe8 88 a atewnrcJshlp . . A mlln's wealth must toe nll ru IDIRt.ere<1, nut tor his owu NISe nncl ploosure, nor for nny sclflAh en!!. but for the glory of Ood and the benefit of' bumnnlty. In the teachings of Chrl~t. C\'e ry tIllent Is to he IlRctl In tbe MAs ter's service. When (,hrl st sohl. "Lny Dot up tor your!lCh '('S tnl/lRllreS on eortb." fi e p ut the eJnphoal s on ''youfl\Cl''':!#I.'' Lay not up for lIfmraelll6ll. hut In y tip ns on honest. Indomloll 8 RtewnrcJ I'rensures for Gnd ond f(lr (lOd 'R C(l u w . Rlchllfl Cfl n hI' go tten rl~hlenllsl ~T She W •• Deepl)' Inte resteel Now. No one CIUJ ' renlly ~:ct rlcb ouy oUler , of loosened rock. Qnlte a pile or brf)- wq. ken s lone ' IO Y at the , farth e r end. a~ th"II j;1o It might hn"'t! heen hln s te d from the \\'011 . ) hlld lO climb over II: ' fOllnl1. Ills nlllOl e 1\ H~ Alvoro. lUlU K \l ecn dr~w n long breath. hi s hoonl' (!,' {'r s in ce ",,,,i liill' been bllntln& smlllnlr hI kn e In sudden conviction. I ntt er 'Al nlrn's Ln, 1 Mille: " "ny G-d ' " he snhl slowly. "I be- I "A n(1 11 W1\5 ooO'{nnlly h ere ?" lIeve It lIlus t be the 'Lost ~lIue.' .Me1\· 1 "It rrnl ~l 1111" " lo"cn: Ih e 01<1 Me n· goer may loo\'e f('lulUl It, nnd Is trying enn CllmJl wn 8 sllulh Ihrre In thot en n·
- - -I
t-Itl rV1VO
at th e
.n Roo t . \
C ill Olll l lU(I,
til l'
" lin
I ~
l i 'I,! •
'f' III
1 ,\
I t>, 't
II ,'l! lI ! lIi n s,
pilhlla lJle
Lu ~u r l olJ9 ' ; T u~blng, 1O
.\ n f· j' ·!d l'atil! ti ll .. fl l Li ll_"!-- 11:111 one JlIIII" lit' '[ ' \1"; f .. , lit,' l· tl\l':~ 10 Il lti unt 1111\ 1"1,' j. J'l 11 :111 11 1 III . J' t ill ' tlt h II IHI !-It " " I' ,d " I llull / ' r It " rr ... 111 ~ll1l r ~ at l'ud, I'ntl fill 1It!"llIlaJlt ~ t o curry u1>
~l rtl Frank t-I llld okel' " 1;l11 ~I r_ , Howard Grllh"l0 ~ lJ " ut N tW"fl II 11" .\'~ I,,~t w .. e k in O"y\" n Vi Hilillg Mr. I': vbrt Villers aud I\l rs . .J llR~ W " b l •.
w uulLi M,. !lnd Mrll I~ mma Ulln e IlfId AlvlD H " f" "" I 11 "n lhfl s .. rlv tr ll lo. Mo nd ".I' IlIlJl'n I lO t-: for Ue Laud. LtI,) riull, wLt lJ r~ IhO'\' wi ll speod tlJe I"in te r.
I'f Rt'I'H(l· t! f llt' O\\ ' 1111
W llt l'!'
w lq c h they
Ohlu. lwd thot Hald ·,, ~o will IJ& tor hou rln ~ Oil o t'llftc r IJecc m lw r 10 th . 192 :1. ":'I.~ I II LUU lojA MA LOTT.
e . l\uderMJ n ,
A tlo rlltl)'
rLlr l'IntlltHr.
NOTICE OF ELECTION Mrs. Lena. H a rts nck Oil S bee n on I,be Blok h st thi s week .
]l:o tlro I. herohy gh'oll
M r~. Burt , ol1n_
Mrs. ljeo Ii:lIi s Ilnd Mi ~iI V (l~ 16 nnd Mrs Allof' Gmy were In I,e h " . n ,)o . ~ · ridtly .
Tuesday I November the 6th, 1923,
at I,ho r egul nr voLl uK \ Inces In loho Bal d d18~ M i~H V n~ 11l l r lct, Oil r4llhl dn e o bot ee ll tho h OUMi of 15 : 30
n , U~: ~~(16rO~~Od~o IM ~ J rownshlp Uoard of EJut;o.t.lun . HAL II llIIOOKS. Clork.
---- .. -.---
OolemBn Jl10kRflU ao(1 r" llIlly I,he woek .end wit,1\ I h" lr I'" I' · Buttr, Mr. II. nd Mrs Torn Rl nll .
Notice of Appointment r '
~p OD'
===========::---::--cn u ~e.o ' ner
DENTIST ~ental
HAINES BUILDING, Telephone 114, WayoesvIIle,
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Spedaliit
At Cary's Jewelry SM, Lebanon. Ohio
l rlFaH nrl Y
" .1 eclllrl'( of Irh Jiil.1I1 ~On , 10100 0 '
J'Oll l C'UMUtI.
bock from ott th e Alon e Int,, ' I he Alh:h l j' In Ihf' "In"~ dorknl.'ss or Ihls s holl ow h (ol~ RIle 1"1 .. moti on) '88, Bcare'ely 1"e1l 1\l rl ll/o: U• I
breathe. [n ber rrlgh l nn (1 dn1. ~ ~h f' yet cornpreJlcnd ed nil tlo nl li nd 01" curred; tlo e sloOI hlt d CU'IOI' n OI rr"" 11
~ WaynesvHle,
National Bank -
DR. J. W. MILLeR. ..• DENTlST••• omce In NaCI'mal BOUlt BkIC.
.Waraenla., 0
I 'ran)( 0 ,
f\lld ~
rr«ut , r\ u y.
___ ____ ___
0 ,11
PUbl"Ie Sa I es
---.--.t--n~~~3N~~~lilllh - - .. _ H llv iu", sn ldtho rllrm. I will .poll I I\I. l' tthlt ( 1I\l(ltlU lI o n 1.1.., lll' ''U II ~''R, ~ 11ll ·". uorlh 'A·03" t. " r W " ·u".,,, llle j nl; II 2 mll il (I n.' of t...v t l >. Ion tb e 1.\ lIy I'll'S VI 11 (' OUfl l.ytl H pIke. o n I
Th rsdn v Nuwmbcr I I92J u . , "
I I1pL!f tt1\ln C! til. 10 I~ . Ill ., thn r .' ll o w_ l i n t!! rr npM I\': :J Io nr~eA . 20(\WA. 15 h "I!~. l 'Ifno ill\p le on e ut" , oo rn in Ib o I fil"'l ,, 111 1 I II I\1 ~( 'h o ld w )l lIl_ I ~"' r t.l n J:c .J nnsp w . X . :"(JII "~ , Auc t..
IDr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honaw Fol' CoughS and Colds.
Iways Please
Ttl. Osrk !-Ow. . fte perlod ) lntlna tml1l th,. h,,,,,lIon
.r ....1It'\!
_ _ CIII
ft" 01 ~ ,..
In 41\8. tfl the
iii" ". \II 14118. lIy
"""""?""" \'I1IfC1 ullet
Always carry the ' best Lumber, Shingles. 8ash, Doors and Mill' Work, Roofirg, it:l f.act, everything' in th~. Building M~teriat: lifle .' . WewUl take pleasure in Slipplyin~yourneeds ',
A ~hnr" Rlllt 0[ ' fire leop'e d ' out · of t\le n l~bt It -y(lD(\ tlo\! hOl'ses, aCCI)U1' ponied by n till;! rl"l'ort . . The' ltartled onlJIID.ls whl rl ed unO dlsn)lpeared In the, tlArkn ss. but Deborab .'" Kell4!en. pols.,(l- ~bere on tile the cbOl!m-flllw him \!lnr up hands, c\atchlu, at the air, then ~ollple IDto ~ ~ __ iii. bat ,."D1D, depth.
Give us a call
~, !i.~!!'Il!Ii.~~!!-II!II!i--"'~--"'----~-""-~~~"~"'~!!'-~1
Irreelltlble : She l'OIJld BOt 1 ....
Ohloti -
11. . ",1 ,101. 111 10 01.)' "r OCkJl"or' 19n. W. 7. . nU L L. JII I"" tho I'rolla,o (Jollr, \1'",rOll OOllui1. OhiO.
• Ilt)OX rn n>lon-why ?'; dl "'ti M \\'flJ1Clcl'ln g- "
h s tnte o f lha r e. O . 'VII · Wflrruu Uount.r , Uhlo, (Ie ·
Good Goods
.. - ..----
'! • .:
Every ' Tuesda,.
F-.tD l c or Ch&rl e1lA n . \r11 II UDson, doc.G.i'loo. · oU"O hi ho re lJY ~ I\' ell that. MLolla Wliliam, 8(111 !tao.; hooll d ill y 1~I,pol u t.od (\~1t1 c!ue.1UIod lUI
d eJlrf'a~ l o n III Its bu se.
- ---
Mr. and \tr~. L~· r .l9nd 8tJ ll . •I ob u went. to Xeuin on ~n tl1rdllY t o "1 _ tend the K. K . K , meol.ing.
D u. H.E. BATHA. W A. Y
a t)mposltloD
h~IJ ('0
Ellis n tte ndllu " s llllw at W ilm lntl. tOll,
tsO luvy a d tlltlolll.l l t. tu., u~ t rlr Kohoo l plirp0d88 fll r . nile! Ilurlll ~ t. ho " "rim. or (lV(I yenra, at. .. ral" nnto \(J .-'xcoet l (3) throp mllll'C lu eXC8U o f 1.1Iu m"1o.1n1l10i rat e lJ uLltol'l 7.e f! h y l aw , will b e lIul)ll1ittOO to I hc t l ll lC lonrs I) r t he MalIfd o '~ o"n ~ .101 1/ Sch,wl n l.~rJcI' n l tho r.~u l.r elec&lon
o.. II I' d o n
8:00 a. m, to 4 p. m.
Miss Lldn Ke uro ed'r
11I :I~l l·r.
Annouucpmenl wu~ !'f1r"j",,,1 "f HNJfl10 Jl f''''~l' ~ 11l1 n tt. whol"{l r oeldoDce :' till' TJlarrl"o:e uf MI ~" Pnolin fl V I I\ ,- ' ~ 11,,11 np wn, I~ h uro by nollllf)4 1 loh l", ADlIle Loll ' O)f S prl n"Vl1l1ey . t tl Mr . 1>1" ... r U n li h.,. lhl r.lt. on M o.y r'lh . I S'.II, tHnd her pel I ! i III nI.:UI"!.L him (or .lI vnrctJ. ullmon ,. 111 1 01 O,\yton 0 ·toh r 27. A f t ,¥· I hl ~ \lC' e~k I·be b ilpP." nl'lpl e w i ll UI' ilL ~11~~\~~;~{ ~~t ,r~ltl~: lll~ l~:ll~~~ :f.~: "I'~\II() ~)r oFth ( ',\lI Ull i, 1I I't OIi.... ( 'o urt. o f \V urren Oounty tbolr h llm e 10 lJlI .V tnu Frallk
If'; ex· or
" .... II "" n':nJlly "', ": .... . l looll lhl y.
l\I r~. Mo r.v .JIIU" el ',r<I. III i\1 ,'" "111 W :lM IJIl1'1 I·!.I lit ~ II .. I J6 IUeltlrv on Mn ,"· IIi " "r ," 1- W . k. rtll' cl e!\t·b (loourt·d tltl\lt.tl ul lJ"r I :'
HO D ,
l ' I · . 'all~ (\
II ' , 111'1· ....
e .. \IfOfnln
Rh od lls Bunuell l:! 'U1DIlh Bog tin anc\ d Oly.
~:ynHVltle, ''' ,~ AttIU5-=
,;'II IIIt!
"FUNEJt\L DlRS • • ' .'
." 1\.1 p ' ~II ,
w. ttl,
DI' \.'. I'; 1{llIld,, 1I
,Walter MiQuro I
FUDY -Ega~ ..~ ~:~:.~ ~~, f~
- - --
~\ r
beneath, "'{· rt. SI Kl'I· CR yul.rytuen leon ,hud 11m bellll0111 1<111 uf ('01 . thtiele ""1o (1I'~"K IlIII WCI'C \\,u lil ng t nni l!lo l. I om hegtnnlna lle dlld; she WftS IIntllll·l. hil l III"ne. to unll r r ~ I "nll w lolll Is II I>-o r. lit h'nst. It was ,,11 ov e r s o 111\1 ' Idy LlIl' "IIUOO· s U'pel' l .,·hlll lOll l lol s mu y mean. lion bHrely flol Rhel1 II ,ruII/!h hr'r 10 I'll In. SOUlt'Olltl hnl" IlI'dl\,'n tully st umbled belo1"e l o \'ol c ~ sp ul•.." 8 veke ralllllfnr onlo lItl . nltl no llll'. t linn' I bellel'e tbe and hllted . dlsrovcl'l'r roul" hp pUh,' r Rob or Gnr"By O-d, Ul nl gol h llll t I lJ(1 )'t'" rlty. Dill In "''"(' wily th ey lot wind see how he tOI pI d plu mb ol'l'r U,e of It an(1 h" ...• 1,, 1( 1'11 1'08se ~s lon . This cIUT? Thnt settles hi s 8Jl yl n~ Oll U:<. munltilln to·lIln. SIIPl'll.e(1 to be headetl I reckon." for Mexl l·o. ~t""A llr rc. Onsebeet "Si. SllnOI'; lo ut 1 would swell r the re clnn't kn ow wlo a l' < uP. ftnd don't core. \\'08 two ot the m Ihco'C." He gels )II~ moon ey jl1.'\ 1 Ihe s ome. with .,)r on Raw t wo ?" In ( ol'III1i1lun , lind tlw nH!n h e took hll t k leAS tl'UI'(' llnlt olHI <l oll ger . Uoybe be n'o be cout.l o ued) wllh him Of' hel per" worp neycr pe r11.1(" no <1 111' "1 lun. : 1I111 )'ll e ho knows mltleu 10 1: " IWY"lI fl 110" cdg ' at thll \1'hll l 'S "1' lind Is In un the dr nl. Any· (I"ser!. 11 (' 1\'1'111<1 llwn 1:0 In III"U \l' I' \\'nl' lIntl!'r Mllrrs . '101' dllllJl1S the stutt linlt hrlng "lit t 'le o .. e. 0 111 IIII'I on 0.1 lit - r;l:wller. (lyn9111 1IP. whotel'cr II I.&a lll1w, No (lnfl C\"f'r tflu'!i:tHI 111m : tlu! ! nnll lou sll eR It , Ollt of sl::ht Into that only U1W wh o lIl :td~ fitl y ~urton~ nt- I ""hln. n"ror" duy llght comeR hb lelllpt to do ~ t1 , \\'II~ fou nd d elHI. Then mule trnln Is ho ck ognln all the de .. one do)' Ih ~ <Ii~."nl·C IK' I· rnlled tu I'e- ert empty. travelin g north." turn tu cu mp. li e n e\','1' .1hl ('u ll lt"' "And lhere Is nOlhiog you can do. Is lll ere?" she nsked . "It I, DO crime to (llsco ver nnd work amiDe?" "No-only, perhapl. that dead maa you tell !Ile about: murder Ill "It III a SAYS SAM: crime. enl!ll oU thl!J border. There II lin", to live. not how tn make a snrnelhlng Rhout this 1lttRlr wblcb ISD't, Itvlnll. 1ft the bhl'~flPt prllhlom most ~trn l gbt: olberwlM Garrity and Bob 'If na faoo todlloy. Menger wOllldn't be In It. ,Those CUys ~nre plnylng dirt ~o mehow':"lt II up to me tn find out how.tt Ke ll een s toorl up , odvRnchlg to the I "er~' NI)!!) <If I he IIat rack. where he . coni" In"k 'IrAI ~10 1 dow n loto the deep : tI~llI'(',"lon It'lf'w. I· UTII~I'f' Is n il InC)\'elllcnt down there. Cn~ehee ..·s !)ntflt III no~ onto 8('\1~1I1P: "r",.. .th ey go t1iil t ~t lllf Will nil be " 'tlrr!!'(1 Into th' tvnn!'\. Meng er wi ll n I'rr 11111'(' len .. \! JI. ollt Yllnder." uWIo!\ l' s 110 IIllICI' called wliet'e tbe "01;\1(" * II"~'"' ' .
eop'rl1bt, 11121-B1 Wellard LlOyd ;ronell.
" t H 11"\' 1"",1 tu " t hftr
oi, ... .. '.11"', "; "r" III ' It! '-'Ilurdll .\ ntrr-. rll lJlI II
1] ... ,'
Home Phone 2, CentervllleEx.
t h o \'\"'" iu o Vto·
"!}l l ll u,c! ~~ vO Jul
froUl hool' ll " rlflnd" ,l 110 0 K. l{ . K . Ulee tll,l ~ o r. X l' lIIIO "" I u r d"V llt~hl . A\1 rl' 1,ort 11 li ll', lil li, lI uII U lur ll;fl ore " d
"The 'I,ust ~Iln (" ?" "'\:(,8: It Is n Ir" Ilitlon of this COlin· try. un oltl 81)lI nl ~h legend. I brll el·c. ' but Imllllcllly u':llt'I·e<1 for n hun,II'NI I )'ears. Men by "cro res hnl'e lost tholl' l Ih' 8 hunlln g rOI' It froon ono end of thi s de crt 10 ti le othe... The Rtory 1;'01'8 Ihl\l It ""n s fnlJnlon sly rI ch , dl scoYcred hl' 0 Spanl" h ex ploorer. who cnrrl e'f) slImpl(lFt IIf nr(- c1pnr to ~I('x.· It·o C It~·. lit· 1'1\11\1' th ere j'wlce with Ioulen 111111<'" . hilI refl;~(" 1 nil dcfinlte
tii ptillt· Dlg ht,
I ....
r;"V(HA 1
o..:.la~"! W/I'I
II I •. Iu ng
J I I t1r~d~y
"' \" 11"' ,
LlOl n. K ,' unllll.v . 01 1) 1O~· I lI n. tll-i t 'Tl t tlu'" \'vP I"' k t lfltl WIth h" r l ' ~ r "Df pot l Mr , '1' 111 Mr~, A L l{ on n - d \' ,
fu w ilv
II I ....
' ,/ IlrJ1UIlIf\',
~II .. ~
l:!!lll l: \l o~ l li u l
YOu...c:aDDOt test your mnllCle 8lttln~ Bt1ll You caunol tint! ollt wh" t Your braIn Cln do by golnc to Bleep, Repose 18 not a IJrOthl" r t o Jlr"J;r., ,~ . 111 proper pllce 'I litter work. not before work. Worl( Is r r Ihe til" lUll; reet tor tbe dead. Be a llve 0110. Work II tbe noble yardstick bJ which we determine tl:<l ,,0r. 1. .. ( ,,11 • thln,•.1 It I. a bl_lnl. not a curae.' . The min wbo never dQe. auytblnl Dever knows aoytbluf' .. 'I'h (' .• 01111 wbo never works ne\'er lets IDYthIUI. Be mlJ bG given th ing" I ,ll h' can ouly 1IIIIn Ii I'e. He knows DO buUdlllll aame. The trayrled rail and the drlvlnl piston rod arc' polished by u sc ';'hl' , l4lot piece at steel is red with rUit. Iletter to wear out thnu to ru ~1 JlJItol'1 II the &tory of work, the r~rd of .chtevelllell t 8. III II< ludex 'OU Clonot lind the Dam.- of Idlun. Cootrlbute ~Olllctlo lll!- 101 JIIe hIoiWry of IOmethlnr. To know work II a trlend II the ballmlrk or wisdom. I I is I I' jouru.;rlnl thrDuab the !dIidoWI of W. that we learn tbe SOIM'1l o( tlally Tbe tenderDSI tbat denies efl'ort I, cruell,J. It makes charnl'l e rll'"~ tbat wbleb wa.e endowed witb Itr"nlJlb. Work l1! exprelslon. it you can't e:rpreRS 3'oU1'IIelf ono \l'lly Ir~' III " otbcJ'-bat trJ, If yoa CAa't build a calbetlral, dig 8 tlltch. )1,, ( 01 " IOwethlnl· ' Only worker. win the world'. r<'t!l'N't. God does not holll 11 ~ tl'<llo l:O albic tor result.; ouly tor t.ltbrulllc",. Work Is the grelllti.t educat(1r. T .."kle 0 job Ibllt Is 0 \l II 10' ~'. " )'ou· grow to It anti JOu enraKe,~ 'l\'or". T4I c;kle 8 joll thll I "" 1,'1 ,,' 10U '80.1 )'ou engage In drudgerJ. 'Put YUllr Iollort into work IlUiI , .• II' Jabor ' becomes the llrht ot Ute. Work 11 the hllhway to hamln wetrare.
'11.." 1
t"-ullf1 "" V Hffu rlUIIJlt.
To Be Happy Keep Busy
" · ll 11~'
\" '11 1)00
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio
Ii It I lI i M h ump
! t .. /, v
1'. 1
Get my terms for your Public Sille. 1 satisfy and save you money or no charges.
In dl HIJI\
I, I" rI tdlill
\II [
( ' U 1! I ),
1\ " , 1'-J.. t '11111'" ' \' ..J u l
80 JU f'
herb unil .
q;!".! ""~ '.. , uTI.!
DI'. CharlM ]1'. Pabet, of Brooklyn, bas brou/lflt forward the most potent amment yet heard to create 1fn!II' ~ r re8pC!'Ct for the cnfof('~ snellt ot prohibItion. He IMtI~ n. that tmot.lel: whl ~ky I. one of the poeatelt tieton In deltroylng tlie oomplexloll8 ot American girl.. Let belIef take root aDd COOd·by to the demoD rum.
TtH'~ I ' "
' 1 t .. ,
MaJ _ IUgellt that the Unit.. .,tatee Reclamation Servli!e de,.ote • It. tbou,bt to reclatm~ tor VI a little of tho Uberty lett to u. by the fatben'
Mrf.l. Chi~!'I,
f(l nnn ~ of to t UII
I :\ \
Mr. Ilnli Mr ~ ,... II II or I· 1111,1 <,1111 : rl·". o f ClOulDoat l. ~\lt' "1 :-011 li d .. I \0\ 1'1 , \\' ( t"'lilt 'llt III 1 '1" h~r f ll" , d, 11t'I' , A. n .. iu eM ,.nrl w1l,'
Dollar wheat aDd tweoty·ftve dollal'll a daJ pllllterere ftnd separate plleM 10 the IlIlWR. Th~ luclte 0 little more thougbt, however, when theJ Ire Hoked tOf(ether.
H~re 18 show n !'.Al" on d f'allyrUSlJlklu!; Ihe I tI~llllru u"o.! , 11'OO lgl,hll hlj; oul for th o Htr e ll'lo. ' untle u tJ all Zc'·. the ..\nll'l'icll lI 100'''''''. let ulll " lIutah uno.! f'upyrus (on the oul~lde) 1000t by 11"11 I ' ll ~ lll " 01 tloe wi, ,'.
orest T. Martin Auctioneer
( '''''''''- ·ltll l r"ml ly we rfl r ,' ,t ' ; ·" I", PI (lI It" " ll1 c inn!t 1,1
!l HIIlI " '.'.Il , \\t' l t'
MrR . L ' Ul" ": , .1 ~";,., ,, I R wllh Io"r daughter in N " r ·.·,'(I· ,ll t hl .. Wln l "I',
Give Natural Law A Chance
1,.1 ' 1.11' 111 - 1;1 II ' I .~ I 11\ 1"r"n l; llu lind
\j .
il I, ·
R onllo6 ~hnru H kt'r :.;;p I)t ' l 'h llJ'''1.I.J U ~. day o f tu ~ t w nek 111 Ciu C tUlltlt. . lll!-l \.... ,
Sever" l fr om hd l' 1I11' lIldll11 tlo, ,1 tlf L ou ~u rn ~ lusr M t illdll v
~· t1l'~ t o t
II . lfol.111 1l f" ,1111 t .. IO , I )h",
\It~ ,,,'11';
I,.", ,,,, '.j\' I ':1 I I; ,.
I UDerrll
I'll \ ", 11\ 1)r I
lIIr . E UIt" r l-it ~ n "" " .. pe nt II,,· , weuk.r>ud li t bi t' h Ol' tll h orn Mflrl v
II ALL'S CAT AlUm l\oDilDIC'lNm _ olst" o f an Olnlmellt which QulClkI)'
, ••
Pruden Bidg" S . E . Cor . Fifth and Ma in Streets 22 23 a nd 240-0 ver T ra utman & K eve's Drug " S tore T wenty yea r 5 of car fill work a nd exper Icn ce, al ' o cou r teO li S and hon st bllsilI e ss method s enab les us to pint ,·i th pride I 0 0 11 r jlrtlfC!',ional s tanding ill Day to n a nd Mo n tgomery nunt." . O H' r twen t y year~ in thi, locatio n . Gold Cro wn , P rrela in ro\\'n ~ . Briugc \\'o rk , PLate W rk, Go ld Fillin g~ . Enamel Filling~ . Si lver F illings. P R ICE S REASONAB L E Examination F ree-Lady Att en da ntInst r um ents Ste ri lized- Gas Admini s ter ed Running W a t er at Each Chair.
· . I'I ~ I!l 1J 1 1' ( ' hUH, J II~ lind
, ,
... •
1urshall H,IF-I' II B"I I " 'Y r,'(' 'i v rI wo rd III.t e W 1'!I n t·~ " II . r 1111 1 II mtln hall pu ~s ed I h rt " J, t!h 1.\ !' I ' ru ifll!"; r ue t R fl rl h id " 'I,j ·.e ll"\, ,', I ' Th,.> \I i ll', rnt-II' j i . '-', ',d· ,,,J( .. '10' <!il lIllht Ih· I' "II' " \' ''' \ I" It, \V ; " ' Ill lit' n 1,, 1 ' t "t " 1f~1 \ Jill. 'hI Ii, ... uUlh u llli~s ' ti t l'rI\lll ll
' t'
E. W Ril'I,-
nlarr ied t o Mi~s Rt' va Wtl lk,' r . of X.'ni ,l. at t hp. l" ir ~t r,1, 1';. church pa r>!OIl8I,(e. Mou day. O" toll er ;! ~ , lhe Hev G. A ~eo t l, o f· fkialilJl! M r . J{i("k. is II·p st>n II f M~ . and Mrs W N. Ric ks, of thi d place. The briu e is lht! dau Khl er of Mr l:! . F . W. WRlk e r , and ' iE we ll known in Xe ni a so cie tv . T hey will proba ul y ma lle th eir hom e in Xt' nia.
----.-~ ---
c ••
1" 1
..--wUh whom the runabout hOI always been y~ popuIar-.... "",11 pleuod with the <-hanges embodied in thu. mocIeI. , AI...,. ruaod, the a t h.. t-n made decidedly trim mer . nd _ COIIIlcx1abIe. ' ~
'IhiI .-all Ie obcaWd by niIin& lhe radiolor a~d enlAr~g the cow\; ~ , a cIeddcd Improvemenl in looks and providing
_letJroom. .
A well ~
dean' c,ut appeuant.e . the other new mod.to aJ.o
catarr hal wasles, help the fu nctional organs. restore digestion and Il ring back the perfect b ; 1 ,nec:.
Aatls l\ pd IHt'I Il I . rk" n ·· !d , ' 11 1..,1 II 1'1l:,I8, faith ful Jo: : I.' 111~" . r n ' ;I · 1I1 t' l! u ll"' ('R ot [lr("\'lotls un r1 I', ' >; i fu l 1I 1I1U:.:.1 11 ~. \\ h kh rnr e eOllnnt l1b lllrt., II I!," I' d n flI~ke
• yl
-- ~
We have just received a new line of goods especially attractive for the Thanksgiving season, Electric Heaters, Pads, Toasters and Irons. Coleman Lamps and Lanterns.
Hunting Jackets, Caps and Vests. Pyrex Cooking Ware with very be'l.utiful Holders,
Any ,
of these make very appropriate Xmas presents and if you care to make your selections now we wiJl be glad to set any article aside for you .
We also have our Xmas-line of Coaster Wagons, Express Wagons and Sleds in now,
.And'rememijer .w .e "have ,
~ .ft,lJ1
Hea~ers at very low pr~ceS.
line ', of Ranges _~nd a
Wreck i!er
'1he Eagle's Feather".,
Elinor . Fair ComeciY.·
and lin. .011111'" Ta,lor WWIam, Acl a,.se.
70,000 Cream Producers , Largest Creamery jn this Half the United State.
Candidate for
Word has been received here announcing the d eath of Mrs . Ella Furnas. widow of the late John Furnas l t th e home of her da.ughler. Mr... Marie DirnalJ . of WolIsston, Mass .. Saturd ay, October 13th,
----- ..
and Mn. Krull8811 Baroel' ~ . ., lon, Jeao'ib. aDd lIr8. Fol'I'~ ~ ' T'lylnr aDd daugble... Cia .." Btchtjl. III'.
Chas. E. Edwards
Loew's Dayton
Aluminum Roasters
D. L. Crane
MrS. Amos Satterthwaite died at the Friends home, Bucks county. Pa. Tuesday October L6 . Mrs ::.atterthwaite was a .Fr it'nd. a nd will be reM.. lind 1>Ir ~ Wi 11 Null, of SprlDg membered by many of tha t Sociely boro were Sunrll1v !:uests of Mr I1nd Mrll, Al hert ~tuo.v he re . A nUUlbor fr om fhl .. vlolnlty nt. tended ~bt'\ Ulun m eeting Ilt Xenia Sa$urday even iu g. li'red .Qnllady, or Kentooky, a for. mer l"ylle r osldeni , Wllo8 vl~i~lnK frl endR here BUDdIlY , We tho following fa rm owne rs Mr. and Mrs ChA! , E. Jobnl! wer e positivelv forbid any hunting or guests 8l .. dLnner P1r'y at the h ome trapping on our farm R, Any viola . of Mr. and Mrs Walter Jll l1 uey tion of the same will be prosecut ed Sand",. . according to law and to lh a full e ~1 The lAdies of Lytle ohuroh \VIII 86rV6 the lunoh at ~be ~Rle of Mr extent. FfIlnk Jon6i , east of ~own, Thors. Ed Furnas , day. C. E, Michener Mr. 8n.1 Mrs · J . R. Jobns enter The Van Tress Farms ned Sunday dinner, Mr and RoblJ rt Patterson ' Farm Mrs, J B ThoUlas and Mrs, Cathar. ~-ine .Iobns , of Centerv1l1e. Mr, Rnd Mra. Benry ~oolkt!. Mrs . Ann l:!rulth, Mr and Mrs , C. S, Smith, Ed Longaore Rnd family , Ranro ~J5 ArriY·r~d. Mr and Mrs. Dave Pope and Joe Bu:;iness Smith aUended the foneral of Web liter Foolks at Rprlngboro I:!onday Mr. and Mrs. Ch(nles Olark had for ~belr I:!unday dinner gqes's, Mr and Mra Mmon Sbeeban, of Cen. tervlJle aDd Mr 'a nd Mrs . Elmer ROllers !lnd Marguet Roltcrs, of W"YDes vllle. On aoooent of Rev. 8~ilzel belDI7 on the prOKr!ltll Il't Sund I1Y ~oho ' 1 Uoo ve otlon at t:lprlngboro SundBY P . ~ • S'lnd ny :';Ob " 01 hfl re will bl' 'It 9: :.1 0 anrl the pr'l',ohinll' servi oe will be 10 the evenin g I1t 1 0 ·olook. DIIY Ion shoppers from h ere ~lIf. ordfiY wore : Mrs amrry MoHlnlllS Misses Margllret Kllthryn and Mil . dr ~ d Clark !lnd Loonll Mo(,1IDOI8. Mrs. C. E. ,IohulI, MrB, Kesler Grab"m aDd Mr /lnd Mrs. Wllllilm Brown M18~ Ht,len Schultz. 24, at Moeon City, Ja., 18 slngh>·bnnded ftlrbtlng Webster Foulks ... former Ly"e f our powerful rnllroods whlcb op.. ollisen, died Thund"y eve~lng Iat. pose n renew" I or ber permit to 0pthe borne of bls nleoe, Mn. (,1 erate ButI' uuses out ot ber town, Sheets, Dear I:!prlngboro . Funeral sflrvlce wa" held at tbe reslnPDoe at ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 o'olook tiUQdBY. oonduoted by the Rllv . E KnBI~ley, of TlppeOllDoe City Interment In Springboro oemetery , , Mr, and MrB. I:! , B BniueA "nd son. Jllmes, Mr, lind Mrs . Kesler UrahalJl and dBu!Jhter. Bernice and Mr. and Mn. WIIIr.er Kenrlok, In oompany wLth Mr. and MrB , Ber man Albright, of Dayton, Mra , THEATER Alloe RnblnRon and Min Mary Lao. any, of Rpringboro were dellgbt. NORTH MAIN STREET fnlly entertllined on Snnday at the oonntrv home t>f Mr n'Dd Mrs. Ollri Albright near I:!prlnl1:boro WEEK STARTJNG A nUlIlbar of rAlat!' e~ of Mr, and MONDAY,. OCTOBER 29 Mrs. 'ullos 'fliyLllr tendered 'hem qultfl l1.surprlse t:!unday wheD tbev "7-Real Big Acts-7 gatbpr( d at tbelr eoontry home on I,he Dayton pike wltb well 11 lied boskets This p~rty WIIS a family gfl,thlUlng Jlt the old borneete"d e'er th Ild ep8r~ur o of the 'Il"ylor family. Also. whe bave oooupled It for 33 year@. Mr. Taylor hl18 sold tbe f!lrm- and wLll hoate iu the eprlng. Those who enjoyed tb!s pleasant 0008810n .\ with ' were: Mr , A·nd IIlrs. ·Jj',r eplt. Bn~nett, Mr. and Mr~, () S. Lamb, Mr. "tid • , ,'. l MfS. Barold Taylor 'rllylor 'aDd Jas. Kirkwood . and IdreD. Leslie. Mildred "Dd GeDe vie V", Mr. aon ~rs. Barry Brow,n and danghter. Marie. Mr. lind Mre, Joeeph Champion, Mr. A1Ai,on Ta.y. 'or. at, ·and Mrll, Olloar \\',,4e, Mr.
1l.l tllls f'or
Too \' ,te for th ' followin g peo nl e wh H ' names fail ~j t o g et on thl' printed "allots. You will have to wrile th e name on Itll' hallot . and don·t rail tn mak e the ,X be for e th l' written name .
illH , rll
Our SPil l s t o l i n' In . - 1: 1I ... ld ll ,
It is just ' as easy to send your cream direct to the TRI STATE as it is to -sell to agent. However, selling t9 the TRI :STATE will put a lot more money in your pocketbook.
J. G. Haines Candidate for
Waynesville Motor Company
It)oomy : h OlI Sl':; 110 111
Pe-ru-n. m ' .5 the neet! which we all .eel at thi. SClllon c,f the year.
dJoplAy In
'. ,oouehow_
h" ,t ntlr" j rJ oll : III ~. proot ~u l n 'n,ll \ ': I: 'j:..1 11 rlt ll (·If.,1t
m ny hu lld IlJ.!Hln s t ull
-----_.- - -
IOWIId ~ a IiDlahecl,
. Mau It a poiDt 10 _
0 0 y01I I\ l h l\\' ",11 :1( I'nll .\' p: II ! II'~ y ou
Ju st I he remedy to aid th e sysI 1'l1l in t hrowing 01T
The South Wayne Precinct will call their votes at the Grange build· ing. while the North Wayne precinct will be at the uRual place. Mahlon Ridge'!' room. The polls will open at the usual hour.
and ,lanlinl wlnd.hleld do their , bore
Waynesville, Ohio
Candidate for
Phone 25
F ;ury Pill .lCes .
Waynesville Farmers Exch~nge ,CO.
-- -------
Mrs , Nanni e Coo per died at her horne in Harvey sburg las t Thurs· day, The funeral was held from the Baptillt church In Harveysburg . Monday morning at 11 o'clock , Mrs Coope r was 8 ij i ~t e r of the late Mra, Gus Willi a ms
It Builds Strength
Solei Everywhere
~JllJbnth School . !);I :i f:, II I pr>lI· h· inK IIl 10:3U R· m. Wedll e:, d ll~1 even· ing Nl'r viee, 7:U\I p 01, Epwort h Ll'llg ue (i: 15 p Ill.; preachillg III 7:00 p m Everybody is c' l r di ~ lIy il1\'iLed 10 l hese ~e rvi co Kev . I . A Wllshburn , Pasto r.
Ih ,f ifi r d
P urin a Chows make la y ers o ut o f hens . Purinfl • C how s cos t lillie or no mor~ tha n ordi n arrfeed·~!I-:-,-------=a nd they produce more e ggs th :ln o the~ feeds on the m rke t. Tha t' s w !ly we pic k e d Purma, as the c h ows to sell. ure, clea n, hones tl y made, they are sold under the iron- bound g u a rantee of more ~ggs or money back, when fed accordill g to the s im~le d irec lions, If you want m o re eggs ri g ht now, drop 10. - ~
..... U Nt V • • ~U.L.
T wenty· t hird SunullY afte r 'rrlni ly No've mbe r <I Ch urc h Schon I a t 9:30 n. m .. 8Nvi ' l' Am i HN nJ UI1 III 10:45. Yo u ur cord iully inl' it"d II) a ltl' nu th ese Re r vicp~.
Oct. 13 to 29
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate
Higber if market advances.
In put'8u&nco ot fLn nr dflr nr th o Prl) bat o Oourt. of Warron CoUll' y . ()h ht, d u ly madu all~ eotered lllth. C""" 01 L. M. fl e nd .... oll u admlnl.trator nr t be ,.IaW 01 Wal ter L. Baw,.er. deceased . )311lJn1 1tT \'8 .~ JlD E. Sa\\,· yer, et III d ef.u d~ nto nnd bel "g num bered ou tho QJvU Ilockot 0 1 ••111 Co urt tI3 Cuo No. UU, 1 will olTer IQr •• Ie at public auc,lon OD
the prernlMo on tbe
'R ,E AL ESTATE . ..
.30th Day of November, 1923, 0' 10 o'clock ... m .• 'ho lollowlug dtltlc rl bed ",&1 ..tate. to·wlt : Situate 10 tho Coun ty 01 Warren. 10 tbe ~tate of Ohio. olld lu l·ho \,llI llj/o of W"r nea' ville. &lid bo uudod a.DU doscr ibod as fo llows: Being. r.art 01 lots Ou e (1/ and Three ( a,
47 Acres
Farm of 47 acres, good land, buildings in fine shape, barn ' hlli cement floor, silo, tobacco shed, garage, and a good ' six.room frame house. dose to small town. Can be bought for 16,000.00.
10 Frank In IIq uDre In g(lld Village and comm encing at a 8tB.ke In Lho lin e or Mulu 8'l'8Pt. tblrty·llve ( 33) leet, Irom A. AmOn8. lat.
N&lh"n LInton., oUlh·eaot .comer; tho.c~ "Itb sald 'stroot liIouthweBtwo", ly thlrty·Dve aD) rerell to a . t. a.lce. nort h·eaat. corner of tobert Moun ' Jo,'s, lato A. D. Cadw&lIader'. ;
~~C:n'at ~~'t~~I~ f;~r~~[~o ~1~go~°'R:
63 A
Farm of 63 acres, 50 acres farmable, 13 acres in blue grass pasture with ever. running water, good ' bri~k house with new ealoric furnace, barn, tobacco ' shed, garage, corn cribs and new brooder house. Can be bought for $5,500.00. (Cab ar· range for good loan.)
McComu'llno: tbeilCO No r t h ..... etttwardly th1~
tr..nve feet eU) leet to 6 stake ; thonco at r rht angl.. two hundred autl rour_n and one ball ( 2 U J.i ) loel III the place 01 beglD' olng. SaI<l premlso. belllg tIle \111m. reol oat.to convoyed t-o .. uld Wa lte r I. SI\ Wy t' f by Eillo H. Kerr and , . I( VerI<UI, th e delon~· aO~1 herein. by d...,1 ·I.ted 8ept.ernber 24. 1920,&n<l recoidecllll VOl. 101 pallio a64 '01 tbe noed recortl8 01 Wr.rrell \loullty. Ohio. The bulldlDH oq."Id reel estate IJ "" D O . Itret Dumber aDd 8ald real es t- atu b ug no s treet number;· .. Id real estate located ~ o tha NOr&hweeUlde 01 lialD Stree~ In lald vlll.ge
Also, .
~~!~~~b~I'#o~~t~~~.o~':,';;'j~ ~f":~~ ~~~
the Itree~ ne&reSt to . ald real eetate "0 tha :Iouthwest Ia Miami atrott. . Said real ea~ate hu boon dul, apprailld at the IUIfI 01 'I'hree Thoulaod ($ 3. 00 0. 00) Dol Ian. aDd wltl 1I0~ be sold lor Ie.. tbao two. tldnl. of tb. appraloed Vl1lu". .'1.110, In pursuance or •• I ~ ordor or tho Pro· bato Court aIOl'e"Id. I .. III, on . 01,1 30th da)' of Noyember. ID~a . ot I I o'clock A. M., otTer tor .. Ie at. public auc tion on the prem. !Me tho 10Uowlntr described renl 08tatc: Situate In tho Ooullty 01 Worren aot! In tho Vlltare 01 WaYIIOIlvItle and 1),lulIi anll belntr lu Bee. 0, T . • n , 4. bot ween tno Miami /IIvera aDd bounded 10<1 d ... crlhed n.lollow. : lIoglonlng at the northeast cornor 01 J •• II6
- -,
All improved, in splendid locations, close to -school aDd church.
Having just completed the largest Furuiture sale I WI.'11 cond Uc t D r . George B • ever held in Germantown, f H oua dS, 1 G, ,rman Pouce I' Col yes' public sale 0 Coon • 40 d • 11 I I ted }; Dog and several Terners, ogs m a, s cea on ' , h a If'l . C't Springboro road (meml e nort h 0 f Moralne 1 y. on - I. b ' 3 A' -goo··d·-h ., '" t I.'. r.; '( ' b'~ 'Saturday, Novem e r . c ance 0 uuy ,a uu,ing dog. • I , b 1)9 h h ld li.llJe I a\.I. GerOn Saturday, Novem er 4 1 , ouse 0 mantown. • ," ,/ "I . . ~, f •. _ _ _ _ _ _ _~:poo..
~~~IO~.·~~:.ry5N·o:9,~~ ~ne'!cs""=':' ~~ Warren OOuntr' 'I'ho bullillor 00 8ald ...lId _ ..'" h.. no • reel number; oald real 81t.\e .. OD tbe lOulb·w..t 81de or Hllh Btreel. tho I I _ I '~l'OOt IOUlh thoreof In .. Id Village 01 WaYIl_vllle I, i'ourtlfStroet aud the noa....,1 olreel oorth·eut of ."Id real eatate whlcb ID'-La aald High Street. "' - - Street. 8a1d l'aCt" real ..hu tatebeen boroln deocrtbed na "Secduly and legalty apIn tbe .urn 01 Six Hundred ('6~0 00) lIan IlIld will Dot be sold for 1_ tblll Iwo-
If Y9U
tbm' k'ng .. 'v ' l'ng ,a,,,,, . '' (, \ ' . 01:l' .'1. "!"': sale, see me tfo~ Terms and Dates. _ .. I " . . . . .. • ,
J:;O J:;O '.r9T .ranns
",.! Sale'" write o'r ....... "''''l' or lur... ,, l-t
,.' .
F,. T. M,ARTIN, A\·ctio ' ne'~.,. ~ ,U
IhI=! ~f~:'d 01blllld real _tate &fo:r'~",~rr.:,= .... ld will be 80Id lor tracts cub In Ad~'ln~tr~,!~,?r\~~&'?:OI
19 ~f!res ~,OOO.OO.
Uillh , Street In oald town ; theDco with tho IIlle 01 IIIl1h Slroot S. 64" ~ O I·:. G 08 pol. . to a .take corner t.o Jt' rleurt. " e m ot1!ry lot; tboDcnt rlgbo allgltlll nil \l'lth tho Cemetery line S U ' 10' W . 11 ,68 POles to • .toke In '1' . Zimmenun'. 1100 : thoo ce with Zimmerman'.coroeno Itoe N . GI' ~O' W . 6 G8 poles to a .take Lewl.·lot ; thence with Lowf. ' ItDe N, 83' 30' E. 13.as pol •• to the boilll nlnll.contalnlng 8UDH .q. pol ... But be· Ing tile .ame llreml.ea conveyed by tile lIlaml Monthl,. ..",lOll 01 tbe Reilitloul Society of Friend. by Ita Truo"'",. D . li . Hockell. A . O. Tomlinson and EdwIn Ohandler. b,. <feed
87 Acres
104 Acres
:~ ~~~:'-t;~gl~I~:~JO~I!~ ~~~r.~:;1Io;'I~~a~i
We guarantee your cream and cans against loss,
Box 91' ~ Centerville, Ohio Phodei 2 ________________ ~_____'~~ ' __'___ ' ___'_ _Both ~~- ~~--t ' ~--
We are! Eor that Classifies Ad .you .ate neglecting.: to'phone ,9r send ·to u~. It is .your los~,; . ~
Seventy-Fifth Year
Whole Number 6567
\1- - - ---- - - - - POLLED MEN'S GlUB HAD Minnesotan to Court of St. JameS , AGREAT MEETING ~--~~=-----------~~~~' I OUT AT ELECTION
The first meeting for several montha of the Men of Wayneaville. took place Friday evening at the M. l!:. church. The meeting was for men and women and there were ]85 present. After a fine supper served by the Dorcas lIoclety in the banquet room . the entire assemblege went to the church proper, where an in · tereatinll program was held. The High School orchestra made their first appearance for this year. SCor NOor 8WPNWP BP and under the direction of Prot. School Board Watklna Kave a highly entertaining S . S. Elli s .. ...78 140 105 158 lOS concert. It must be said that the it C. Miller .. 61 107 100 125 81 orchestra hall vastly improved over Tru Btees 46 last year. both in their class of music Cu rnell ...... .. 59 ~J 3 53 104 ChUM/o: l l i ~ ... ..47 97 55 98 81 and in their playing. Preaident EIIi. next introduced Graham .. ..... ~9 82 64 49 50 Shu tts .. .. ..... 24 '76 34 72 66 Thurman "Dulty" Miller. editor of Stokes ..... .... 40 65 51 90 63 the Newe-Joul nal. of Wilmington. Thomas .. ... ... 63 (i9 72 136 45 who , for thirty mlnuteli held hi. Constable audience wblle be told the elub C. P Joy ...... S9 41 '9 66 65 what wu required of them to keep C. Edwards .. 18 63 32 - 51 133 the ol1fanlzatlon alive and efficient. Justice of Peace "Dult," Miller II an irr8ltible speak• Hathaway ...67 HZ 70 151 97 er. HI. rich fund of IItorlea and S. G. Joy .. .... 38 71 71 89 55 illuatretloDl kept hi. heaTers czonGeorge Zell was ,elected Clerk and vuleed with lau,bter, and tbrouahWm . ninwi-idie asse88or. all there wu a pathOl that was very .triklnl. 0 .. "count of iIIneae. Hon. FibThe village result 9188 as follow8: ,erald, of Dayton, wu unable to be SCor NCor preaent, but he sent In his etead. Mayor Mr. DOUllu. an attorney. of DayRogers .. .. ..... ..... ............ 8' 111 ton who lave a very lnetructlve talk Lee Hendurson ......... ... ... 9 9 on the conditione of the world at the ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I. Clerk 49 pretent time. \ . & Crane .. ... · .. .. ..... .. .. .... .. -... 45 90 Hta talk ft. thoroulhly enjoyed. Zimmerloan ........... .... ..... 45 and takln, the a! a whole, • Mar.ahal 9S It wu one of the beet the Men of ' n i t ' .. . _ Bentley ... .... .................. 59 62 WaJ1l.ville bu ever had . _ _ , Ar~istice Haines ........ .... ... .. ........ .. 48 - - - . -....- -METHODIST CHURCH -Council F?lIowiDg is the program ~or ~Io nday e~ening, November 12th, whieh will Sabbath School . 9;15 a. m. preachMr. and Mrs, J . D. Mulatt IIDCI 80 Conner ......................... 79 be held 10 the Grade ~chool Audltonum. The meeting will begin promptly at 8 98 Ha. tsock ... ... .. ...... . ......... 88 ing at 10:30 a. m . Wednesday even- Mr. L N. Printz werfSandaJ diDo p. m., and everybody 15 urged to be present. Everything free. 80 ~ac~ ............... .... ........... 76 ing service. 7:00 p. m. Epworth ner KUests of Mr,C. M. Robltaer. log ~ U\r es ........ ....... .......... 68 League 6:15 p. m.; preaching at 7:00 tamily. . 81 Sherwood .. ..................... 82 Song-GJee Club Music-H. S. Orchestra p. m. Everybody i8 cordially invited '" 111 Whitaker ........ ............... 73 101 to these service. On Friday evenlnl, 'November 2, Cole ............... ... ....... ...... 68 Reading ................. Edna Mullin Song-"Americ"-Glee Club and the 66 Raper ........... .. ..... ......... - M Rev . I . A. Washburn, Pastor. Mr . and Mrs. Kyer H,man tave • .. audience Music-H. S. Orchestra ''The (lleaaer" the Qftlclal High dinner In honor o.f Kenneth KUboo• Reading. '.' _.. _......... Helen Randall Addres~ ............ C. Donald Dilatush 8eboo1 paper, 1N8ia111ed on Monday ST. MARY'S CHURCH who left lut Monda, tol' Dlrtoa, . Song--H. S, Glee Club of thll ~eek. The paper Is full of Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity and who had been employed bj 1Ir'. Song-"Star-Spangled BanDer" -Glee Intereetlnl matten pertalninK to November 11. Churcl\ School at 9:30 Hyman for eeveral ,e&l'I!-, A thne' Club and Audience Oration ........ . .... John Paul Bolton blahachool ••ail'l, and Ie welcomed a. moo aervlce and sermon at 10:46. coune dinner wu .rv~ aUlle CODMeh month u It appeal'll. The per- You are cordla\ly invited t tt d cluslon of which toutI and . . . . . 100_1 of the oftlcere for the year these servlcee 0 a en were delivered. volclnl the ' repel are: &lIth McKlbban, editor. Kath•• _ • with which the ru-ta held IIr. rJD Fromm, UIOClate editor. Loll KUbon'1 leavlnl town. The '1111"8 b b r The Mosque carnival given Hai· ave ,Y uying in Waynesvilla Wanted-A aoad trunk. J e It lowe'en under the aUlpleee of St. Dlldn, exchanp editor. Mi. Kathof horror reciprocated to the.. IItU. Smith. I'1n r Clark. faculty advleer. Levi tok8111 of frl",ndahlp b, maIdnIr • J . W• .White · wns in Cincinnati MarY'lIcongregation wae a deelded coat. I. buelnea manaler and speech ofthankl. Mr.lbmau tbID it'rlday on budne88. Mother', Club Market at Grange gucc~. The la"ge barn wu decor- MUI'I'a1 Hopkloa, uaiatant manager. ---. . preeented him with a beautiful. ated In keepln8 with the featlvaland .101m Paul Bolton ta at pretenl aet. The regular meeting of ' lhe East- watch chlin and fountain pen ua ... Rell. Saturday. November 10. grotesque figures In all Ihapel and Star Lodge No. 168 F. & A. M. ward for faithful eervice NDdered, J. o. Carwright r.na femily were sizes flitted back and forth exchanl- IDe .. edItor In the abHnce ot Mill ern Monday evening. November lZ. at while In hIs emplo),. The Hmalnder Miss Henri~ ta McKinsey spent ing greetings and havlnl a 800d McKlbban. BArril MOiber WIA a Cincinnati Oaylon viaitors Fri(III~· • _ • their hall. Annud election and pay- of the evenlnl ... apeot at "&00." several days with her lister in Day- time generally. 'fhe d i tt ere n t .wtor Mond.,. ment of dues. It III requested that There were twelve of Mr. Kllbon'. Mr. and Mrl. Herm ; "1 : onner ton last week. booths were well ~.atronlzed. 81peethere be a full attendance at thia intimate friends preeent• . ially that of the fortune teller. who ..t .... Edith HarrlnruaClDClhnatJ were Dayton visitors MOUlI . . . __ . ' .' communication. wlaltor IUl Frida,;. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis,of Day- cleverly read the destiny of thoH Laura McKinsev, W. M. Walter McClure and son. James. ton. were Sunday gUOsts of Mr. and who BOu8ht to look Into tbe' futllre. Sue Hawke, Sec'y. The tuning up of the ftddl81 was 'Mother'. Club Market at Ol'a".- were .bnainell vilitors in Dayton, Mrs W. S Graham : the sllln81 for the dancing and .tt laatweet". . ' . ,Han. Batu~a,. November 10. Reaalar communication of W.y. Mrs. Ch8s. LelterllOn, of Latonia, were made up and old-time Il<luare \ neevllle Lod,e No. 168 F . & A, M., Fairy Palacea. J. B. a..pman , and famll, are Mill EdIth David., of Bowersville. spent last week with her mother, dances were goOl! througb with a TuerJay evenlna. November IS. At vialted ber elater at the Friend's Mrs. Mary Waterhouse. The dwellln, of John IiDwr)' I DD you know what fairy palal'e!l you vim that has not been seen in ,eare. thl. me~tlnl th" regular annual rna,. IPencUn, ttae winter In Cincinnati. build of he8ullful Illougbta. proot The maskers were asked to march up election wtll take place. allo payment agnlnst all adversity? Bright fanclel, Wellman was butned Frld., morn' Home Thursday. MI'I.L A.ZlmmermananddaullhMr. and Mrs. H. W. Beedle, of and down the long room to be viewed of dU8I. It II requested that there satlsHed memories. noble histories, ing. Tile fire ""as dlscoveredabout I tll1", Mal'1 Loul... wIre In Dayton Mn Mary Cuke" left last Tbur8 Troy. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. by the judges. Mayor &WIers and be a full attend~ce at this eommu. faithful sayIngs. treasure houses of o'clock. but wu too fa" aion, to Saturd.,. . day for a three weeks 'vislt with rei. L. CartwrIght and other relativea. pret'IOUA and restful t1lOughta. whlcb check. The hOllee wu a total 1011, Mrs. Lina Devitt were judg... aDd nlcation. Kenneth Houah W M rare cannot disturb. nor pain mnke but all the other buUdhli' wer. atlv<8 in Waehlnllt~n . . ... , .. . «loom,. ; hOuses btjllt \vlthoul hands tor Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Grether and the prize. a pie. Wall awarded to saved from damare. Mr. and Mrl. carl McClure, of Tillman Barton, o·r Lytle, who Imour ~ul s to live In.-Husklo. L, A. ~immerman, Sec'y. Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Coleman snrl little daughter and Mi. Helen Har· personated Uncle Sam. Dayton, apent Sunday . hete with . Mra. Huldab Surnett were guests of ris. of Dayton, spent Sunday with 'thelr parenti. The mllsicland woere And, D. L. Crane and filmlly. Tuesday. relatives here. of Clarksville. Wesley Benham. of l.ytle. Perry Pence. Sid Ellie and Prof. Blatt will move into J . . B. ....... . CtiapiDan'. realdenee on Third ilreet . 91, ranC!e Rye bas purchased the .The Guild of st. Mary's Cburrh Geo Pratt. The altair netted about property on Third 8trel!t from J. B I Will hold a market aud apron 8ale at and Fruklln road. . sixty dollars. Cbapman occupied by Prof Blatt. \ the Township houre on Sat.urday, ~rnber 15th. Dr. Farr. of the Friend'. Home MaTion Gorden and Mr , H nd Mrs 8nJo)'. a ¥bIt frOm hli 80n and GaUGorden,'ot Har.veyeburg. were Willis Anson. of Boulder, Colo. wife from Sprlnafteld last SIIturday Sun~ay guesls of Mr and Mrs. Les_l· and Ferner Anion. of ValillCla, Iowa. The voting was Jlarticularly heavy yestt:rday. and several surprises were sprung. The interest in the township centers on the trustees find in vill age on t he <louncH Th; Klan vo~e waR shattered in several instances. A grent deal of ·work was done by candidates at the last minute and thei r efforts were crown"d w.ith s ucce~, . The to wnship. by preCincts is a8 follows:
Day .Prog(am
~CllU1ltill ' -.
. : ~ ~ . .-" ~.J 2~
Hel~e, :::::::::::::::::::::=~~~~==========~~~~=~====~====::::~~~~~~
.. ------
Our Shrine Club was enter~lned at a banquet bJ tbe Lebanon Shrine Club at their balliut Monda, nhrht The ShriD8l'1. who .. enjoyed \ the . ~lIet .e~: C" II. Robit.ler. (J, 0 eut.i!t,ht J. B Pence J W Ed.'rclfi .~ Renkle, Ed' Th~ma;
ter Gorden
were week end guests of Mr . and
J . Clint Grubb died at hi. bome In Dayton, Friday af.ternoon. The fu' Lost~Somewhere in Waynesville. a package containing a child's blue Myer ~ym.n and fa~I\Y IIpe~t neral was held at hla late r ..ldence dress. Finder pleaee leave al this Sun~ay WIth relativelln Cincinnati- Monday &fternoon at 1 o'elock. Inoffice. Whtlethere. Mrl. Hyman attended terment In Miami cemetef)'. an announcement part)'.
I Mrs . W. S Graham.
Onl ' Surface, Rad Cornell. L A Save your old carpets and rug Mr ... J . H. Smith and MrR. F. H. Zlmm~rmaD aDd qao. Waterboule. and re~ ooWear'well" Rugs. mllde, MI'tenbe~ger went tq Day b'n today James Dakin died at hi. home on . '," Send for price list. Frsnklln Rug to spend the remainder of the weEk Third street, Friday, at 12:80, .after , with Mrs. Mary Louis. a l'elative. a 1o~g I·\1 nl!llB· Tt.Ie. ·f unera wu e Id SU~IU,U'8 to,• t~ Miami. Guette Co •. Frimklhi. Ohio . ib at bIll late home. fueeday afternoon .
. ,
Fri~nds of
Miss Emml\ 80gan will at 2 O'ClOck, Rev. Waabburn otJlcia·
...th.·r's. Club Market.~. besu~prised toknolRl1~rman.
........ . '. . ..' , __
~. .. , .',
. . '_.. ' • . ,
_ ..'"
, ..
. ~e ~Qther s Club WiI.1 b.ol~ ~ ,U-dar Market at. ~ Gra~gt N(,vember _ ' .,liall , on . Saturday.·. .. , 0. Dtelled ChicltenS. Butter ' Eggs ' . Pies , 1 . • .' ' . . • ... . ' Cakt*. ~ e~thiDg that coea to, make a good SuDda, dumer. "
of Wa~le and '~lJ wDi' .....cl.. to. the _other'. Club ap_llot ~. ..,.~... T.-'- belP to make th. the r-" III... ..,....... . IIekL . ..... W" trust
that tht'~ple
that I\he walt. tlnl. mal rle!1 to Ralph of O.y- . .-;..-. . .' . . ton, and IMn&' at 671. W. Third St.. ' Quincy .Kina died at the State bO.. 1 D.ay~o~ ..,'" ;' . ·pilal. Dayton, ISatllrdlQ ' ..~inl· .
. Our . teacbere attended . the Centra I OhiO Te.acbel1! AlIIloclatlon in D.vton Feiday and s.~urda7. The, ~n report that a very illteteallnl meet.' in, w.. held . , t
after lonahelIIIn ... The f\lDera. funerala was J at the "Dalpe.,£1 d ' In t 10 ' 't 1--" a1 m~rn , a . '. o. c.,.... mant In Miami cemetef)'. - .-
• _. B.auty Reel.,.. .lnelJll Ino I'CiJI~PIlt are .....t
'I'~ anti Uf" fHl!l<l"~ lIret1e1'....
,. .',fnl I~ . l.tA:~1I1l
llpoa ......
I ..BaIi.....
to 111'"\,, , hl' r I.J~' ully tn !Ibn lJ)' llCUOr:.
orTnrt lWlce " OH, r
lnTl~ .. r IIt' r.
:\t· ... tt~
lUn .h
'd IIH"! "' r'y or 111m.
hl ~ \\ or k:
She would
· U('r l0t.'Ul.'O 10
t ou ch ed
I RIrU t
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she nlll:'t ot whut- the on 1.\' s t u t !'th .. I, ' ' w; I I' il l 'r 11\1 111 1 H ilt h,,,,· ? '.1'1 1(' cunllry- I It St!l.'UI.'tI uu,-rl ., "t'u ll e I n 11:-1 pu~ l " n lf' n sl n t lolw d Itt H il S (,ol1 ~' nn ! 1" u.~· tl on . ~'t" slit' \\ 11 "- f :llll1 f ll l I n 11. ll ulf \\ p n ' \\'HI 'il l ~ fl'll ' tlu' :l ppl'OIH' h u f " rr llhJ , .\'(~ t n n , da" 11 1 ~ til \' I' n t llrt' nth.-rt -a:~ L'lIt\PI'· f. filiI Ii! . nt' 1,1",e ~()llIe word wi St!. :-.. [)t:' d r ew ti lt' " fir . 1\ "h u llt un,1 o r l 'ullll11:11hl f r om l\:plI<'"t.'l l. 'rl u'., rodp so ulh . " " L, lll n o t hi ' rU'" uw a." In' t' r th ena-t u Th e tl i~l l t H" ' I11 " . l t'n d l.'s..:, t !le hlH C' I, rl lt:' ~"nlh 11 4' <; n ifl. fllld hI' hilt] rnlnl(~d tI('~t' rt t." lt"lI , d '1'1 11" "' " \,I ' l"t' t lll lt..' ''' In Ih ll l d i l'I"~1 1H n . TIH~ ~tllr!J wuuld wla'n Ih l" );:11' 1 11',,1 1..'\ 111:'0' , ' 11.11"':1 ,", 11,\11) I Ll' r t tl k ('('p 1h'c pn i ut:oo uf tll(" l\r.\ tldn:.:. . ~' \II 'p l f l l !1I ... Ili n i n),! ~ .. I't h
" ' !I·ry ,n pH' ,·
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(, r t.,.
-No; onl y th e on p
srnH, I I Il '!
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tbe Ug bl , Lbp S~lIur ' 1, 111 ' I kn,' W him; but I t"uught he sl'" ke . IIn ,l aure, lien or. til re 'H~ I' {, lWu h ()r ~ .. .;:· 1\
"Of eourst>, he , I 'le mlnc. I 111111 s hot at him tllcn : I,"t th"t... Is nn
he re.
YllU ,
yourself, SUnehel! 1' 1 1i~ r,wk Is (' I!'tln al a . bllll ord tnhle, IIn<l I h(' r ~'s Uu place to hid". Whpre th .. h- I <10 you suppose th ose broncs wrnt;" ~W e lind 'em when t ill' fill)' comes; they net go fnr In thl' c l e~ crt, senor , Where the 'RId ' fll ll - hel',,?" Deborah rea lized tllO l t he ~l exl(,8n had clambered onto th e Oat top ot the rock, and wu peerIng down m'e r the edle, whDe Menge r remolned on the undo Impatiently mo ving ahout. "WeU, .. bat do you see?" be burked tiDally. ' ''Not O1Ie d-n tblng, senor: bl ac lI,te b-l down tbern-he no live orter that." . Veal'lr laughed cl1uckllngly. "rJl Al' he couldn't: not e~en If he wa. a There ain' t no use our h ..nc\ng round here. That guy Is out ot tbe 'll'a:l', and we'll flick him up an' puint h1m; lifter these ot'le rs clenr out. Caeebeerl outftt Inus t be throuJ;h by thl. time. Go on down and Slnrt hack. YOll paid ' blm'" 'lSI, lenor: be never unl OAd tlll I do: be wbat you call 'htlrd·holl : " "He's hard'bolled, 0\1 rig ht. bllt by G-d, be's got to hold his d-n lon gue . o.e.r 'bl~ deal I I'll go on down with ~ '700 ' and bave a IIn81 word wlUI him. I'll tell that guy sometblng he' lI not loraet. Conl1! on; there's nolhlng .JIIore for us to do up here." ~e , trI1htened (Irl. ~ tbe blillo..... hole. IInl'
' .11 111 1" ' .. ... 11111 11 d ny ll;.: ht (' :lUll". nnl1 th{'n !-l un ·I,· ~ h l' I'oultl dl ... .·(lrn ~ollll' lh l ng 'he IU II !'; t ,-I:-o:p 111 -.: I· l · ' r Iwr " 011 I' !,," h y . :::0 ( I n f ou t, ~ t n l i J.:lit ollt llito th e cJt'A('rt : l!a prl ' Illi g-il l H il t Ite o n ... chnn Cl' In n l ll llH ln' ti Ilf I le r J.: tl ln;;: r h:ltl-Yt't ttle · ' Oll ( 'lI: ln (' (' WU f; hN{('r 111IIn r~lIInln l tl,.:: th('I',\ f r'lr B nb .\h' n ;':'· I' Iii Ii IHI h er. She I w ou l d I't tfll , ~ r tti~ 1 III :o.: t~ l' ; tld." l it thf'Sl1.flCt 1 "' n ~q " t h a n (pt.'1 Ih lll ",[pI PIl t o u ch hl'r I a ~ l1l n : (; \H1. y (l~. tl l P 1{ l ss of Dt' nt h I wOIlld h(' S\\l'pl. ('''II1 I ,n r Ctl to the tou<:h n f "I~ tips. Silt, !'IIIIHhl () r(' d llt the tlllll ll..:lI t. Ill s wJC,, : t il l' ~lIbj (> ('t or hts \ (oul C ':lrl '~>=' I~ : h p l p lc'~ !l 10 l'('Il )t~1 his 111 ~ t, h i..; IIr1l 1nl l l t':;: IJIlIIt~· . ~ he wnuld mn kp 11 1("' tra i l : HtH:' would ),:0 BOlith . TI1 IH WJl~ 1111 thAt Iwr IIIlnd grasped
:"~, :, I
s II:lO .. " ttl ;: r. ,rl<, aUl'l' n" l $tl r fut.' Ih".·. Th,' IIlell 11I1!!ht ele"' d.. 10 ",. l" rn : !o{H Il~ dim susplt'lon I1II,:ht f" ntt. l · t hl'i r 01 " H.1,.;, t,.'ulI!'4lng lil PlH tu rt'tl'lt('e th"l r ~ U ' JI ~ . :-.i l w l'uult1 SLIt!' n o thing.
her !"rt II d.
f",,· li n"
I l r" ~'e cl
tI~uln S I thr tl1P sound 01 til ... t \\'u ti lt '.,
aw u~'
(I 1I l<-); Iy. At Insl. un uh le 10) r.,. 1II 111n In 111"1 (lllsIUl'e 101l1(1'r, KII,' "'"1 , tl oll~ly IIflNI liN heod 1I 11U 1(11 ' .1'01 nhollt Inl o thp dBrkn o",. Th~rf'
nOlh lng to be se.'f1
Il nally ~t rugglNI 10 h .. r r .. ,,1, rllnl! l tl ~ 10 Ih e r OI'k Clll(e fo r SIIPP" ,·t . It WII " a ll p lllin e nough . ~' N .. he ,'Ilu lel 11 11 : 8('<'111 to Ihlnk c1e" rl~' , IIml h pr IIn d'N wer(' so W lIk they \\'ould 8cnr('l'ly KUP port he r ho(ly. Keller n h oll IIN'II kill ed, murdere.!. MNigE'r h url .' rE'pl up In Ihe !lurk. lin d s hot the .n un ,10wlI : In cold blood ft8 he ~tood sllho ur'u e,1 I aCAlns t Ibo l glea m of tire, The victIm I hu rl IlIppl ed over the cll rr, lin d. If not alread)' ' dend from th e bll II et, l1\u.t hav heell crushed 11110 pulp on tllf' rocks below. Thp8e fft~t8 came home more nnd more vis ibly to Ul e girl's mimI. She had esrn ped dlRcol'ery R8 by a mira cle. and yet to wbat end ? S ill' WII S II l0n e. lost, wltholtt ('Ither hor.e or wellpull to tllel he r Ih ~ca(l e. nolh u nlllIul s bad d lsnppen r d In the Ilesert nl!Cht, h er rev oll'er btlel Jrbn e down wllh K el· IQl'n. Rut one BI""tl ~r hit of fortune rem ulned-her pr~ "'n ce Ih 're wus '11\1 un s us pecl ed, The m un wbos e dlsco,' c'r~· sh Ilnrl tI10~t rr oson to
DR. H.E. HATRA W A" , DENTIST .' , · IDen~ .
H~INES ' Telephone
W~aeav!IIe, Debqrah Gazed Frightened Into Th .... Dizzy Depths aelow.
t fj SWaynesville; Ohio' .
National Bank
'( n l' ~\' l' r HI Ilt~ r h ll c'k I I \ \ 11'" hl' !' '1 11 1' 1{1IId ,~ nntl 'I !" " ' : Ih" '\ I I~ " it ~ h t ' rt" tnirH'1 1 ~anil\- alld (u llll I II li1H l "'uS IHY B"x 1' ; ;JI~\l 1 1 :L(\ d t lt .. .. e w llll l n~ Irm'pPl's . ;"; 11 . d .L "'· Il , t l rid " f:l s t ' kllowln~ nlll ,\ h il t I' l t(:l l1 .:; Wtlr p n ltplll l , (lit' ('ourSt' Irl'l';':lI lnr, UP lIlIIl tlu\\ ll . Till' hn"~ t' pk k ('d 11 1:4 WU) I nt 'lI i l;t' ,,1I y , th t' reins I., fil l.! 10 ....'\.· . f' Xt ·, 'pt ItS HII{' o l ' ('n~llInlllly 1\\'1 1) 111111 IIIPxnrnltl.'· to the SHlt tli wlIl' II. ~IHI ~ \"iI.\·t ' d \\" ' llrl1 y In tht'\ surllll.,. (' IJn:.:lnJ: t o th e II11.:'h l)nm1fl~ 1 ( II I' "ul' l, ur t. IInu hle to !H't' . ),pt uwnrl' Ihnl II " ,,\' ,'r n""",d ~11H ll ow I'll l' ln~' .. Wil d (" I' n' l lI:l";"':IL! f' Ot' l'I1.l0 1.l-
c h 'Jl rl'\'- I ht' ~nl('It ' r)o; WPrfl ("El1l1 11ecJ at nil s I ' U" ,\' III\ , lind n o x c nnyon wa s Hn l lll'\\· t,, ' n ' Htll I hf' r t' to the Ro u t h · \\' · r.1 To r f'hd l t hem wns he r only
. L
Tbe Eye Sl&bt Spe<:ialist
At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio
'~"Every Tuesday '8:00 ft. m. to 4 p. m.
the di rectio n he hnd eoJJwldcd eX llctly with
~:~U\~~~~n~III~; t;II,~' k~~~ c~:~~ n~~r~~
::~;. \~~:~ ~~,~o~~~nl tl~:r;nR:~: :~~t~~I~~
fO B tl))
I by
Tcny Gilli,r,a
~..,I; IT -1f.B!.P ON
'Tt-te L.",,<;T
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wt;DO'''~ I'LL ·EIIER. 60 TO WIT H . ,<ou, ,
NOTIt'e I ~ A Hli
.... IT~ " '...
"ioPHC"'_ A N'
010 ."ou N(r!'lCE ... ow ""'1 'IOI(,E FILLeP THE
Del, nntl cll "II . t ruJ:~ll~ 1 UI' "'l\rll tllrnll t:II 111111 1111'1'11 1 h" l~ Illt o th~ 1I~11I of 'J'II"n " I Ih lll fulll/wl'''. fol · lnw,'t l' ~ (I Jol \\ 1t'l1~' . \\I1 ~ hil i U J1I11l11 1l'
~\' l'lI l "', ." ,·t t' lU'" tll :.; tlnt't. \1o fuq;: f'r · U\ \l lp, 1t1l1'lH'd on her ~ Olll. True! it "'Hull! IHlt ht~ u'u e ! It lUust be IIp!l ·
I..l f
11 11'
Y~t ~hl'
hruln tlr
h n~:-ml1(l
[Don't Be a
lI lI C'UII tl'u:t lhe .th nu):hll cAA to "knoc' k" th e lboughtful. 1'0 ):"uII "'uri; is ~n t'e fro ltl ml "c(Otl ~ t rllctloD . t;~ery saillt hll8 bad his detIH·ler. 'l'hlll wh k!, nlUde him u "nlnt \\'88 lbc power to rlwe IIbo"e the untmll,s bll l'I1' <I nt him I,y thosc' who eou ld nlll th clIIsr l,·us crea~e t ruthM. Till' !l1:~tltl "e forces In Ihl s world alwtlYH o PPONt· tbe pos ltl" e fOrL'es; 10111 ill tlu' wllirl of lIew event. aDd lbe trcs b toltlorrow s. till' wol'i(l. In il s ".' ~ Ir .. lei hcotio. th o~e who Ilusb gooel torward. 18 giRl! to for~et Ihose who l lltli hn cl; w:1r.t, 'l'hu':'t~ who f .. I1,,\\' lh,) lilie s of least resl.8tnnce. w·lto glide t1woy trom 1.1... dllll('u lti es "r life. who sl'Ck ollly persollDI ense Rnd comfort, ore III\1'u) ' ~ (J1I1"k t l> eOllll.·ltln Ihose who labor tor II. COUllllon good and for I hi' ('II lIIrOl't line! till' IIhe rt les of t he many. Ti ,l' 1I1I11t \\'ho IlIel(8 1111 II ccurate ('ye Dud a stelldy 111m c'nll mnke n 1"11,1 'IIol'l' with blank curtrldl:cs but be runketl 8 poor soluler. Those \\,h .. p rotillCl' nol hlug IIttelllpt 10 Justify their OWIl InertIa by criticising th w.;p wllo tin JlI'otiutC foInllleth lug.
Whcli crItJcI,," Is o"s~r\'Otlo\l, It 18 con8trllctlvc; wben It Is jell lous),. 'L'lll' on~ Keck~ to correct; the otber to ('olltemlltllollsly d" s l t'lI)'. Ct·ltlclsm 1 1I~comes L10ble wben It seeks not to untngoulzc but to 108 tc'r n goorl work. T r uth 01 nil times Is service. Wben criticism Rttempts to re('ttry elTo r. il'l Ipruvc judgment nnd rcfine pulille tostc. It hccoll1C1j " pullllc IIf'tle flll'tl on. Criticism Iiecomes st.roogest wit en It exh ibits the weok· II N$ of n th lnll only to suggl!!!t ~olDetblng hetter. . 'rh(' crl ll c l~1Il Ibnt COUllts Ie the criticism thut hull,,. ancl "'''<:011l'Ug''8 gil" r! pIYor\. 'I'he criticism of those who CAn (10 thl' I'hln" c r lticl>t·<! wcll or 1101 lit 1111 I1ns IIt.U e weight nnd Is SOOIl fllt·l!ntl clI . 'l' I,I' cl'l ll,' ~uggC"t~ something better : It Is nil! "I.ll oc ke r· · wlln (,n ll' d !'n, II ~ alld urrerx tlotblnf( In return. I·: ", ·,.:: .'onljlteror 1U1ISt. slImc time meet hla Dlu ster. Thilt I" thu Ill w or " ,.()~ r"BS. !lnrl hiMfIIA Hter will be II!!! critic who ~1I11 clo l,cUe,'. Copyright. 1923. by Rlohar4 Lloyd Jones It iK deslruct"·!!.
'VB'; ,}'\Oo;T oP
TH~ l . l I '••"...,;,
lt d. \\'11" th l! d ~"e rt - I he cl esert I 11ft pII her t' ~' p s t n look . guzhll.';· nul
th ,' .11111 gru)' c'xl'lIn""
U,' ('r
was it U" pr Yflndr r? u Irl'c7 It rlclJ:e of tlpllrll'd I'uck ? ~ "I 1I 11H'h . s un'I ,\' . IIntl ~' PI t" \!r.\ ' 111111.; I ii f111el~t or' thut soll 'tlllt~ . lI er 1l l,tll·t Itt' UI s u d· " 'h ul
.1('11 11'
1· .... lIu".
hope .
th e
r lld : ': Il'r!laps
tl llll
\\'h r r!! I hc' Irull ru ll - Ih,' frll il til (' nll .n~ n .
~&n ,
w;t "l
lillIl w u!"
I!lhlll ~
T h., tired hur.,· IIrl.' d hi. ""1101. utld wh lnnlt'.1, br~liklDI: lil t .. Q <IIIII' Iro t, (lIe ~lI f l(1 (.'ron t'hf nK o n 1 1' 1' h1, 1 1Onr~. Df'hpruh wuS' wltle 1\ \ \ ~ I : ~ t l I hl'\ ' , nlt"rt li nd rI'llel),. \' t·t It ul'lllllily Wfl S 0 u·ee.
uf l ltht;tn; h\.~;':lt n t o s huw
ti le [ ('Iu,
be.n ..md: t heir p" Pl'O (ln l '(' pr o ll1l~t·tl WH o le r. 1: 1'1I ~8, IIr~ : th lll hnrl'ld tI 'ser l Id t hehlnd. \"'1 It "'"R II Ion:;, Lirr'lIrl' rltl e of 011 hour ht!tv'·e th e." r end lCd th t'I~t!. ('('tilling tu u. Sll Ull ow \- lllf~y lhrulIl;h whll'h Ir JcoI; I ~IJ U lit eI'll rill. rOl'k s t rew n u ncI Ul l1l08 t 8S df'SHln te HS hnd hl"'11 chI! d ~ s ... rl It Sf'lt, hUI with he~ IInll Ih el'e u Illli r h of gmsK ,·Is· s~\lll orl:c\. wlnel· rll eked U "~c ne scarce lY leu
Ibl e. nnd Il few trees . It WK S
THe BRIDE AN' (iROOM .... ISI1 "HAT THe" Wlfl2J ~w"''i OR' FRO'"' 'THE
T&L.. PHONE 900TH!
L .... u .. c1 C.ll IV " "'.no lc, II ls,1 ~eC' Jllct m nr l!!"I(".' N " le" bu nllht .J " hn I·INI hl~lI. AIIIIIJ Hl1 d .ltlll(, X •• ol .. Obio . 6. ' .:l4 ob!I~V' I ".
Farmers, Atteniion! i<", rll "rri
W"frl'll ,,"cl ".lj""J I g
t.}ll lllltll'l't tUI1~ -, l11IH Inu l u"
" bt ,.to
HI tJYt~
m (l IIt~ Y o n
Itll r(
Inft.·rtljol f. .
II ~ 1l ('1l ... 1IlU Ih tt ·tUII " ' 14 vnr )' rt'O~ t ll l _ t,I ,· f ' lf , , '! ~ h 'I'lli ' It" 'd " ' f,1 Ltll,rl
P· ,. !' I o r l h l..: r l"t .lr fllltth'O cull " ., ,,"" , ... ... \' . : IIHAI{E;. l'r(,II~. t'r , ill ' 1 :~ l f\-X. . I.l' lloIl1l1l1 , Obi· •.
\ \ 1\1:
Money to Loan on Farms al S! per cent for ti ve years.
\V ilmiugloll, 0., pl,,:>De 301.
What Was .h· (,\11 1'~·
It Ower Yonder? lII ) 'H~r
plu tn. y t.'t to OQhot'll h allli hl'l' h"rs!! wos 111". 1 weI· rhu ll ( hI'
(·OWl' .
'1'1,,' 111 11 o! r
down Ih e slontl ng
I' 'I " , , 'l1m" Plti OA. RpHoll\\lzlng " 1", H"i'" t ritlll' of ' " rd DArs.
rilUk W.
t.:f(' W, \V .. yn .. " vllia. Obio. n1;\
n-Men or womeu to W \NTE 10\ orll"r8 for g ell ulntl gu"rkH
hmn ... rll f.tr Ql~(1 , w" men and (I~ I wnte l' ho lc'. Ill c girl sllpplnJ( " u l llI r,'" j£tllDlu 'tt.eH d.rnlng t3a1 •• ry f71i " w tl~ k futl 'nn e 1l.1I0 . 0 qll lc'I;I~' f r(l'" th e s ncldle n nu seNtlng to <lu<' n" h Ii c l' Ih l~ 1 f.trlher IIps trClltrl . hOllr 8pu.' limA. Cot'on~, bea,uerl,' T he WIIIl'r, s ll ~ IIllr brucklsh. bill s tili .tllt ~ lo \e ro"tlonal tHootlD8 Mill". N o rrIst o wn, 'pQ. n 1-& rulrl~' cI"lI r lind Illt n!. hrulIght ncw lire, I It\! unlnlt" wAnderlnj: nboul In 'l is fl'r s h ctl l·lrunlllrnt . nll1bllnf.( .:on· I C II"'rll~' III ' tile ",'uttered tllft s ot g ru s s. while Dt·boru h s tudied her s ur· ro und lngs with oWllkcned Int e rest. Old Tom Mt':Ij.,'tlr. In their rides togetlJ r r . itnd tllug hl her Borne ot the fundumenlnls ot plalnscrnft, how 'to ohserl'c this lhlng anel thut. wben a lolle In Ih e wlhls. Now she nlllliled g ood Sewing lI1acbiue. Ilrloe, th ese I e.~~n ns engel·ly. se nrchlng for Inqu i r_e of Mr.!. !G. tl. Bally, some evid ence of thnt trlll1 which ~be W .. ynllMViile, Ohio. , nln i('lt ('on v I1I('ccl tIIust run liP this lonely arred Plymouth .Rook aoosteJl, volley. foiolhlng cou ld be better Flel1el eVal n . Inqllire of Mh, adapted to the lJUrpose ot tliese out· laws than the cou rs e ot Hils tleso late F Ef. Miltenberger, ·R. D. Ii. Wit,. "'dll strelllD. u mere thread extending nes vllle, Ohio through Icngues ot sand, lying suftl· -BURNER SSoye with oven, clently bel ow the level to conceal Florenoe wlokle.. See Barold their movements. and yet furnishing Etlrnhart, lit tbe Co.ope ... tlvlI Cr8llm wuler for their stock. SurelY tbey I:Itatlon, Wllyneevlllll Ohio ' 02l mltst hnve lett SUlne tra.l\ behind. NII: Uprlghll'lano In good oon· ITo be con\lnued) dltlon. Prloe, liiO. Term •• lnqnlre of F. D. Qawke. WaID ••• villI, Oblo a21 Jap loc3 F rom Polson Root. DODble barrelled Steven. Sho' Few I" '''i d,' 11'1", " "Joy tapioca pod· Inn . A good .hontlng gtI6 and lin g r'lI l1z. Ihlll Ih e~' ore eating a )roduci <If II" , (I,,1 50nOu5 cnssavlI rool. In good oondltloD. Will Bell tis a [0 Its 111111.11,,, 1 ,I:lte Ihls root Is ex· bargain If lIold rliM away. ' 0 Il. D»1 xeme l)' hili .... II n.1 hormful bectruse ot Standiford, :be h"d"" ",1'1I II I,· !If'lel Ihflt It cODlalns, Chicken Bouee 8x5 fee' i ' alllO .. jUt wi,en 111"""11 It becumes Iiolatuble let of RUgill' Barnolll. o'P arrJ' Ind 11M ""1.""",,,,, qllllilti es arc reodll1 Goat. Wayneeville, Ohio. Ill' Ilsslplll ecl ... - I·"I'"I "r Science Monthly. BpoUed Poland.ChlDa Pig., 8 weeki old, el1glle $a regl.ur, f6 00 a he..d. K. E. ThomPlion. Oregonl., Oblo,B., 0 1. phone aarvey. burg 19.1,Y. n7 Oeol'110 Dewey Malon, "hoae realdeDce I' uoknoWD. It! hereby no~lOed tbat A.DDlo Lo,,· lIa MaIoU. on Mar 5th, lU •• filed ber pet : tloa acatoat him for dlvol"Ctl. aUmOD? a" y of cbUd. 00 tbe. ground of 1rfI!' cUlto<fr nl8lec of duty In <JaM 1'10. 11001 of th llillO bQ~b1l18 or naDO-plotred 'a nd OommoD PIe.. Oo~ of WarreD Oountr maohlne graded Rome Beautlee, of Ohio aDd tba' Aid cue "til be for boarlq tbe Vlry blj!heli qu.I.~'y. prloOd ,,' OD or an. Decemher lo,h. 1923. ANNIS LOOBA MALOTT. 76\1 to '1 50 per buehel, l~ ·mU.,. Frank O. .llldenoon, eSII\ of Alu:vey. burg , , . " A"om", ror PlalDlJl!. dB hunk gl o;"::I:\ I'I,r li nt! mutle for th ~ n en r·
' "t~ ... ..t
fOrSflle \
~; ,Ii· A
----.. - ...--....,...-
Underwood Apples for Sale.
ANt' fItO'"'
wtt"" I
01' IHAT QRIPe6ItO""", MI!R.. ~A"HeR., FIl.O}'\ 1040W 0'" WIL.L. BE. ~UPpOR:t:I"'G
O 1
wl!N" OUT TO "" .... "E ROOM FO~ IT. I HEARD
rll ~ l n g
rllI lII " II'lIcl ll ellc lll of ronllllll'I'
:\1 PH U(,I', the lIlU 4'[ I1ntrl).:
."lJI ul ne ·d . lit' 1'-1\\\ ' H).!' ltin ttWI lI"lI ti IUIlO In (hl' Ctt" ": " '(I'(' rll'lU'f'cl lilt! .l:::rl p of (lH~:$(~ Mn "ll I.! t.-. ur 111:-1 , :tntJ u llt'e OI Or\!, In IIII,-d· le.s l~rr (J r, tl r,'d cl(lwl1 the hll"'k 11111'
memory of h"r~or II rl, ll1!: fro lO Ih('~p swltt·o c·cml' llIJ: I,,·.. nl~ whic h h011 lecl to Ih l" Il'lIg,·d)·. lI er r" ... ·lId ..
terms for YOl!f
-lit t l h ' 1'1 (' 111 1\ .' unl'l.)lIcd It('fllrt · hl ' l' II ,,!, ,It ·\\' J.:'rlidulilly ~ll reut.J out 111 " JII"I' IIlld w {th'r drt:l~. b ut \\'1 [11 11 0 n ·lle!' lo II~ rtn" l1r !'\1I1l1 ('ncss 4lr IIwno louy . Suull , II'U~uc ' 8 lIP (ID h' II,l: U. ,OI, of ~nnt1 , !=il rt'Ii'lI\'d \\'hr rc \'l~r I Ill'r "l'lIrle !.l en'!4 t urllPe t lc,'el etl b)' li Lt' " ti d. or c~,st lIi'wllrd In round ed l ·UIII' U).: l ' I I U'II t.
Pubhc &LIe•.
I , : : . tmd savey\)U .. 01' no cbarges.
f '\('I' lI~Hl n f pl' ~e t iL '! ~'l l c IIll il y lall' \\ III 111':-.t ", it ' ll 11 \\'II ~. H i d ing llr, 'u r ll.' " i l ll Ip w "r,'tI 1\< 'lId , Khe u~ ('11111t' (lil1 dy )tWill', · qr Il ,· llIIn~,... It li ghll'nl ll ); fi t til t · d l l l'l LI lI hllll t , U d11 1l Cr ll'·111 ·... ..; lll1J.t ... i u~ r:tl lll :Y Ilu' h ltH '\{ Wlt ll o r l h ~ ~ urrllundl" L! nl}.;l1l. ."hllu st li S ~JII' " unti ,'red l lip cl a~l q! ht 111111". \\' II !I :In u ~ pe c Lril l Ht fi rs ! . wldt"n l nJ: I,.·,· " I ~ rJt nn n ,:rrllY pl n ' lt' 11'" tlll~ sturs ~IJ \' Iy ' (1111" ,1 f rutH ilut U Imillit 'ol "rli d \ :"IIi.' '1' .. I f l l" Ic'ft II h " h! Il Il'll i ll ~ wilite 11!.: liI ... hllt III' III l i1 n ~ :-: trl-'n llh' r~ . {('\J c hIn ,.: w i l li IIHlr(' ~l!lIlly IltlL!: I '~ t h l' t ' d ,l!t1S , tI Ih' I'c'y 1.' l o w l",. \\ II l h' tn tltt' II th t,J' dl. II'l" 'I ,"11 a 1'lIl' p l l' 1c: IiW 1I1£>IH llll l \\'Jtll lit e dl~ "llt' r !'o h lldp \\:; u ll in)! lhe hOl'i:r.ll u . It ' ' l IS f i ll' "IHu ln L: II f lIu' s un. 1'i ~ lnt: 11111J,•..;tTt-IIII~' HI ' t"l\ " til l' fur .nrr r illl fit' the flnH' l.t. II li d :..; 1141 \\ a~ stU l lIIu\'ln)r{ "'"ulf " \lI n l : t lll'l l lIL: 1I tlh' 1011 :': ni ght IWlIl'!oO !'Oll t' h ad kl'J11 111(' ftdlll Y\'[ t l lt'n' WlI :L Ihllt\ IIf IlI' IH', .. r ~Jl -
his tClll ch hu .1 urnu"'ti , his drunk!!n. , ' harl otle ThotllJlROII. AIlIe'r lt-nn lustful e)·l'., the hloll' ~h(' 8tl'U(,); 111111 , ~Ir l. Ilorn Rnd t·tllsL~1 III I hI' I!rl'nt with murcl"r In h"r hClI rt, the flce ln ~ Sh pllln g('d on r eckl e.sly, desper· , 111 18nd "1I ·~tch l'S (1( Alu RI; tt. "IIII' h('r like a hunt t!el crltnlnlli. .1 "I'''l'lIlely utl'ly. hope IIyln" wltJlln ber AS sh e I, I"t rtrst sf 1',"'" CD I' \\'1\£,1I Iwr l lna t set!ktuJ: (>~,'n l l·, 'l'lwn lh ll coming ot nel'·anced. NoUl.lng could guide' her 1\ ,1",,); ..,1 a l I"," .\1\1: ·Icli Ihc olhel' Kellce n Into her lif e, Hrlln~el~', till'S' n oll'. o r sene h er, but God's me r cy, ,18),- (Ils« Iwl' Il ... t " ,;1.(' 11;," AI "1011 1(, t,' rlousl), \\'(,II"l ng IIhnll t he r u weh Th e Sollln(lIeSB void throu g h whlcb s he b~r At ...·~ 1 "8r IR II fll st dOj( lCIIUl H ilt! ' nr rll ~CIIl "tlun. 1" ' 1'11 "" Ih p), rode to· 1II00·ed . Ihe hn penetTn bl f) hlllek curtain I "Ctl-whle h she her self drll·ca. ... .. _ .~_ . .. _.. . ..., " .. " "r"'~ .. , Sbe envelopin g h er olmosl drove h er mllel. i She could n ot tlght the dep r ession or I ~~~~~!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~-.!!!2!! _~._ ~..!!!..!!'~~~-_ !!..~_ ~..!!'~~~~_~_~~~~ ~..~_ ~~ kee p her mind el enr . The Bund s hifted untlor he r feet and twi ce she tell h,,1t vll y. trip pee! by .uDle protruding rock. nnd le ft hrul ~ecl on d breathl e8s. lI e r advu nce WILl hllnd . uncertnln. und Khe 8cn reely ,l:Ire<l t urn lIer fnce tor· lVard for f ell.r 0 ' I.. Ing the · guidance ot thltt one "'tllr t,), which she endea\,· ored to s teer . l; he was lost utterl y. hu t for thnt. '"1(1. when tor a moment her eyes struyt'd e"crythlng hecll m~ eon!used. her (lVery Silnse ot directio n I've 10000ed a dime, tun many a time, I{one. How Io n); s he to ll e d on. how nnd I've frequenUy bad 'em .tolen . . . fnst her rate or progl·esB. the g irl but I've nc ,' er qttll. and I'll do my bit, to n e ,'c r knew-tbe wny w os un even. kcel~ the bill! o·rolllo', . . , I sbo.e the \\'lth un (lxpet·t CfI depressi ons here nnd rolu In the smllln' morn, and I tblnk It'. t he re. nnel rldge~ of roc k proJe<'t lng th e proper ca per. T couldn't retuee to t hl'ough the s!Lllcl. nnd occasloll ll il y I read the De ws, 110 I buy tho morolD' paper. ",onnuM she hnel to go a round. c Ince 8he encounte red n shollow ro d ne. T he durndest bent that I ever meetstepping (If\' Int ... II unconsciously, ond It l'CAlly does Burprl.8e one-the PIlPllr'8 then cra wllog pai n fully ' up tbe OIIPO· late-right np to date. but tliliI bird never si ll' s id e. Cllt by s harp 8pllnlers of buys one. . . . He anoops the sheet trom MOllleoody'8 feet. or .pongel! It trom bl.II 8tone. before oltnlnlng the le vel nga ln. nelghhor--I'd kick hl~ pnota. It I bad the "' or tlte mome nt she 10Sl her s (nr. bUI ehn nce--bnt I bnte to WRIte the labor I finAlly locnted It once more. ond The moral Ill. Jet down to hlz. don·t plul1geu eles perately on. be 1\ tight-wad slacker ; It'e bad enougb 'rhcn she 88W something just ohead to 8tnli ant a blllff and beg a cbaw of of her--A dim. IndcHnnble shn.lo w, tohl~cker I I like to lend B book to a I whl 'h ijee rned' to move. It woa eo trlc!Ud-lt'" a cordial an' fdendly caperI hltl(!IlU9. so g rotes que ane.! shnpe le .•• but I terven!ls hate the one-.}'ed lkate. I h e r I' c ry be nrt stoorP s tili wllh terror. thnt·s too stine to htl}' a paper! ' Th e gi rl sank to ber kn ees. trembling. I with no eyes for anytldng er~ept thot mYRterlous movln): object. Misshapen, • huge. looming oddly through the gloom. It wns ad\'lln~lng steadily toward her-a forml eas something I \\,hlch resembled ne ltber man nor beaflt. ' ~~~ CHAPTER XIII s lI'ollowe<l up In the blo ck desen .
drelld yet beli e ved h er back at lh' ranch, hidIng from him behind locked doors. but belple~s to esctlpe hi s return. How slle had el'er evaded his recognition I\'u 8 a my8tery, yet. thank God I sbe had; nnd this fnct alone pve ber a slender chunce. AS8ured at last tbat the men had really departed, a measure ot strength returnIng ns she moved her limbs aDd faced the reall tiel. Deborah crept back npon the Hat 8urfa ..e ot the rock. lind gazed frightened Into those dizzy ,. The Border Patrol. deptbs belo\\'. It WAS like a night· mare. the horrid memory Which hlluntI lcburah t'ose timidly to her feet, ed ber of Kelleen's body whirling her heart begin ning to beal once more, ' down through, that glare of red light. ' hut not with fell r. Forth from the Bnt by thell tbe 1I&lIt had faded. the dnrkness came the low whlnney of a ' ho rs e In s udden re~ognilion. while lIS ' cl~ ~tnnt flre havlnr e!l ee! IInwn 10 ree! In s lnntly thot hOM'ld shadow took ; 8sh. nnd he r eyes were unable to , bot h s hupe tlnd form . It wos a horse, pen elrate the gloom ben ea th . She "n ddl ed, brlrlled. the rein traltln~ ! stnred loto a blo c k void. ~eelng lIO nl ong Ihe sond, one of the two anlmale I movement, henrlng no Hount!. Tbe , slllmlledeu hy the shot which hOd 'l awful s llell ce and lonellll ess crusbed killed Kelleen. lie h8d sens~ d h er i ber Bplrlt. Coml Dg In tlle desert night. ond was Whot cOll ld 8he dol Wbere could even iI.en dumbly welcoming her. The Ihe go? Not to those men Ulere In , c\rl went torward Ilowly. dOUhtfUIlY' 1 . the I'alley surely; not to Bob Meuger,' j asking for me rcy and rel ease. De fenrftll or 1I!:" ln 8tuI'lIl n:: lh.; anlm.1 wal Impossible: he r hitter hot.red of Into III ):hl. 1"lIt hp. relltnl nerl Quiet. him 1II0re Intens e thon ever. '1'0 all snlfllll).: III 1",1' liS s he clre w nellr, Dnd tbe wrong done her In the past watl she fi nn Ill' JI"I hll ltcl nn the clungllng added now this brutal murde r of Dan- : r e in , It WOs ti ,e Ilor~e K uli ePII hlld lei Kelleen-nnd .uddenly. unelrpect- rl(!c]pn, 1I11c1 Det.... rah 111,1 h e r rll~e In edly the girl rellll zed whot tbls Inst his l1I 11 nl' untl cried softly . while he meant to her. She refused to ac· IUI'n ed nncl ruht,ed hl ~ muzzle ngllinst ltnowledJ;e the trutll; fought It buck , he r , holll.lrr In ~ lI enl grecllnj(, It there al one In the ·darkn ess. yet It secllIed to" grooel to be lI'ue; u's thOllgl, would It ot be oltflget he r Ignored. Dan· I God had led he r eve ry s tep ot Ihe lei Kell een was deud-gone from out wu y, Tile Buclden reaction lert her her life forever-and bhere came 11IJO weal, us a child. her heart II desire for re,·enge. a mnd Yel s he mllst go on; there was more Impul se to fitly puni s h lhe murderer . • COllse now thun ever hefore to go on'he lon ~! ed 10 hN'Ollle Ih e Ins trlunent I tllIII'e hOl'e of success. l;he .nlfl.le lhe
' Get
she n
the sod dl e. cI"~ln,, her c)'es to lh e IIp"olatlo n. Th .. )' I'III.ld('d "n drl'orlly. her mlnel a r hll us. IUlll nlecl II), c"'"r)'
" ' milt!
h", 1 II .. ' "'' .'"l (j''''~ tll rl'\" o tlltll Il lI. IU P ode! ~ r~1I or his J1re~el1 l ' . hlH cool. enll ' lId III w o r(IS-RlI n felt s he n,," r WOUld . I!:V ' II \\'h('o sh l! Qlt9st lonl'cl hl ll1 t hto 11 11' 1'1. ~h e ~ 1I1i 5 1' r~ tI )' 1H'lIc"c((: li nd nlll\' t hlll h I' wu. aCluully cH'nd . IIOt . " IIt Ilt'h II " Ih" (li cli to r lIf II Clolllhi
~!!~~KtI~~t~I~;r~~::~~'~I; d~I,: ~'I::'~~;r::~P~;
Stll r III her bn('k- slle woul d be glling 80uth, A moment ~ ll e IlU used, h elil · 1 tll llnlt to t nk" l he IIlun):e. a prayer on 11 1' 1' lips. How lon ely. desolate. bluck the nl ltht WII H ; the very . lI ence seettl!!d 10 hem he r In, Isolate her trom 0 11 Ih e world. Then , with IIrrn.set I
Forest,T. Martin
('H IIl ~.
led tl8Irl1 ),. nn.1 tilliS wllntll'rcd b lludl ~' 'lUt Illto Ihe " e r ), 1"'l1rt lO r lilt' d esert( Cou ld s he, cuu l" Ih" horse IIv(I t hrou gh s uc h II d"~' ur tol'l II 1'1' H ~ Ihul
,..!. 111111
over Ih .. clpslgnlllf'd
hou r .... 1111' I! u w n
t o th e ful' drdc or tile o\'~r..1" .. 1.. ng "'Th of sky. It 1I'1I S All III' :" . . tlO l ne n II s lI gl'lorllsh ur SIOIl n. I, ,, I n . "n et vi ·Ih le. ll" ubt8 a~slliled ' .•' r I .eel ~ Ie(l tllk ~n Ih e rlJ:ht eo urAe l Old ({ l' lI p .. n 11111'1 ," Ih ll I I\"x ' cu nyon Iny dire ct ly RO llth IIn (1 Iwd sh" I",en
Ou. ,... .. '., .... l' .... - .·••• ·f" ..
I, lit! ·
SI'" RI"" d III' nnc l HIIICIl c. 1 the Hky. Kle .. kn ,' \\' ~O 1I1t1~ uf tleose Rl.ll r~ they rrl ~ " I , 'n".1 lind <" ".fll ' " '' her III thl'lr 11""'1'1 l,rllll""I·Y. IInu )'et she re mem· 1e" I'f'd l'Il nul:h ttl III "PI he r IIl1medlnte 11 1'1"1. . TIll' HII: Dipp e r WtlS ells lly f"4lnd, nn.1 lllt," Ih(' 1'\onh St ltr. She mllsi he rl~h l . for Krllt'cn hnd polnled
hl : I.·,·;.··. hu t ever ~ruy, (l ppre ~Hdul;. II. ~ t· ; . · " ·NI'Jll1tio n. 'h'IIII, UllIllo\'ub l e. ex ·
1111, _
lilly u10IlA nngt'8
1I1 1e! tl\l''' " e!v"t1<'~c1 IIlnre etl~lIy tor lo,,~ s r I" " '" c" 'cr ' Will ,' ~.""I1 S CM ut 5I1 n(l. II" I~ IC'~~ I.'· [18 u ~ p c 'I~r, rt WtlS no uljPlI\pt' III I "'f'''~ U" ")·. c)l ll''' 1110'1'1' h,n'd 10 kl" '" IIl\'u ltl'. 10 C'IOtt C~ntr" l e. th e ~""I'ti SIl'NI ~ 1 1I 1'11 111 (' I""'k, 11 " ,1 W f!' II.I'III )1,.,.- . lre IlIId 10 R l rllj!~ I" to wlrh It hN CIc·I'·I·m ln.1I 11111 All W" K rf'nI 17.tl Ih l ~ \\'II S nut nil u eh" -lu ll . ~;l 1l1. lI('o tlll y to-t lll : n o t n hn'II f1 , u f n lr ' 1'Ih ' lI. n ft1" r :-:rt'l u lnJ,:'l y l'Hdl (,f: H
:-ilie "l ~ rc' ll II 11110 'sly nhout Into the t1c n o r h ""· ~ tll'~" of Ihe dc'se rt. ond 111' at I li~ tI""'I'1 ~ l lI rs overhend, her mind oll!'~~I'i ,~d w i th tll p,",,! q11e, nons. It WU8 n"
dr.I Il)!lng he rs d J' u,,' 10 10 til e · ~II 1i. 1t I, bil l til h'lrs~ sl lIucl Pll tlt' lI l1 y, 1I111 I;\nl{
r't h\I\"7 W1Ull II'US 1\ Ilo,S9lble t or 11111' to cl n ?
nmbtr a'b... tt win be eleotlon day ao fll eo' o:l!I.oorll for the oowtog :rear. tio 100 ar• . u:peo$ed to be ther.,
Davia al1d Wife, &. 0, Mal1Doa aDd famUy. Lou BruDoD and Wlfl, . t{. i: Tbompeon and wife, Bet' Bo,ao lSSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY aDd moaher, Bowarel. Barold and lIoKay illnM Vera T1bba 111 , Itll~.relt ., Lite POlto mee ., W"YDMylllu . Uhlo , ,u llec~>Dd (' .... AI. ,I MU LLer l:I b ll owe' en WIAI very quiet at Millet< Bola John.on aDd Effie lid". La&. Lewla aDd Jaok Campbell. Lytltl GraoeCoul.,., of SprlnR Valley, al. D. L. CF AN E, Editor and Publisher. V. a)' n e~v ill e. O hio ... 'ended c huroh here on !:luuda,.. aDd 'l' iJre~ O\} I'n s bredd.u 8 lOre bu sy in 'oak di n ner wt&h R . J. Murray and Subscriotion Price, $1.50 per y ea r I hill u" \" llboriJ uud. wUe, w he re apllD' th e Ilternoon Mj8~ Mll r s I::i nn t "" U ~ 8. wee k.end Utlot IH ,111:1' L uul . e Wou lley , ill Tbe Terry tawlly had as their 1" Il . dinner g oel" 00 Rooday, Ww. ========================-==---=c---T~~~--.-~-:--:---~:-:-:~~rol~ iltrd- wrre---Bod Mrs Lilly M, . ~UU ;:;I" UL.""buf!;Hr. Clf Boll. Co"ell . of O.,nver . Colo .• Ralph Ed,ar Stinson 18 very III a' hll WEDNESDAY, NOVE \.1 RE R 7. IH23 b I'''" I. "1" .. 111 11 I! .. u Ul, l~ u f wetl k. Te rrv lI ud wlf., muther aDd Mn. home here, with pOlnmonla. WILLI .Il r. "uLl ~l r • . G. D L .. mu ROIIII. of uavton. L un Brannon . wHe I'ranll 8hldaker and Mr. Evanl M~811 ullI Ot; Elslli H'l\vke hnd Eva and K . E . Thompson Ilud wife of were 10 Hillsboro. Sa'urda,., (jr ~ lll"ll "pr1O t h' rhl t>y ",ltiJ Mrll . thll pllltcH, Mr and Mrl . W A. Hal Del were Ubr l Al bri l!:h L. ll tlu r op rl ngboro . tlome of the nelghb tl rs eproog 10 Le ' blUloo Satnrday 00 boeIDe.e , M , . lIud Mrt!. Ltl vl Gre"Lho nse quit. 80 Murprl8e 00 Harmon Moore MoUe Cline. of Dl1y&on, epeot Sun u f UII Vlo n, we ru S uoll .. y gU08L M of lIod family on Thorsday e veDlog 80' achieY ..... Dl Mr . uu,l Mrs Clytie Who r toD nud the born.· of Mrs . John Edwarde, da,. wUb W. A . Merritt and family . tllwi l.V. BefOre t!lf;Y left tor their oew home Qolnoy ][Iog died at the Srllte 10 Ridgeville '00 Maturday , Thoee Air "ud Mrs Chules UI.uk speot prl'lIent were Llle Roblolon, wlte hOlpltal at OliytOD 8atorday eveD_ Friday In Lila (j am e ll S . '1'ue IlItter and datl ~h'er " of Sliver Grove. iD,. Tbe foneral wae held a~ t he Senator Arthur Capp~. than whom the farmer has no visl. ",1 Iier .. I ~tl! r, Mr~ . Ly d lu Me n . MlltOD l!:aklD aDd family, Geo. Chapel Tlleedllty morning at 10 o'olook . uU lJlt nll . better friend, has hope that in the coming session of Con-
----_ - - -
Let Wheat Growers Get Together
areu at least one or two practical steps wjll be taken to
bring about a better situation for agriculture. More than Ukely the senator's line of reasoning will prove correct. Some of the big industries have been hard hit by the check in agricultural buying power. For instance the makers of farm machinery have seen their business decline. and when the Interests of big business are affected one may reasonably expect inquiry into the cause and definite effort to brinl{ some measure of relief. Legislation, of course, never can overcome economic law, nor can Congress cure all the iUs of the farmer, but it can aid in wiping out the differential between 80 cents wheat and ten cents" loaf for bread, Even the lIlost callous of capitalists realfze8 that this lIituation cannot continue. Fundamentally, of course, the cure of this ill will come when the grain growers realize the necessity of wiping out the hundred and one middlemen who gobble up three-fourths of the pie, Eventually they must get down to real commodity marketing through some non-profit government agency, • "Perhaps," lIaY8 Senator Capper, "this will be a revival of the U, S. Grain Corporation, or an extension of the work Of the Bureau of Markets, or it may mean the bullding of a new federal marketing agency," 'fhis is i'9tting down to bed rtft. If somethinlf of this sort be undp.rtaken by the 8'Overnment, plus a drastic revision of the transportation act, including repeal of the so-called guarantee and recapture clause, the International Harvester Company may find its business improving, and this will mlUe a stronger B.lJpeal in some quarters of Washington than the thought that Much legislative changes will aid the men who feed the nation. It must be remembered, however, if any move is to be made in the way of co-operative marketing it will have to come from the large wheat growers themselves. No one more than the members of the farm bloc realizes this to be the fact. There is danger in the belief that Congress can be a cure-all. Perhaps the best cure wiU be the education of the east, If the eaat once realizes how crippling the farmer affects life of the Harlem flat dweller our agricultural population, which means a seventy billion dollar industry employing one-third of American man power, would nceive more consideration. ilTer)' large merehant 10 Ne'" Yorl! made 1 l,h orouth te.t of hla ac1vertllllng durlog the pressmeo's strike. They got out clrClllan by
the mll1lon, they Ilroduced their own advertiaemllllu aDd obtained wide~read dlatrlbnt.\on, Wheo the strike was broken they _armed lJec\[ Into the ne,,'spalJer columns wllh larltcr s pace tllIIO they ever hnd used. TlIa Itrlke was more heneflelal to the new8paper proprietors thRn they f'allr.e4. It dcmon"trated the eelIIog power of uewellilper advertlslng. Local taxea a re the best of ull Invetltmeot8. Every dollar spent odels more than II dollar to the valne or the bome-wben It 18 apeDt.,thoUSlhttally.
'SAYS SAM: fnllrA d··I.\', IIppreolate bow IrelU&me .. 1 small towOI are A fellow loan alway8 ,It, baok and watoh the Oelllhborll trliOltlot most of hl a bosl, nell ~or him.
-----.--- --
'.Im..,· ·
Mr , .. nd Mi ll . Ben liu w k o 110 ubtld l'eo, 1100 ~IJ ~ . Mar v CapliBY lUot o red t u V e nltll1 ,,~ ouodllY ,lIud ~ \J " u t t,he ll ay wi th Mr n 0 0 Mrs. W,I Ii IHJJ Ware, 111(1 lutte r blllol( lit . it!to r of Mrs Cop.uy Mr. lind Mr8 . C ::I. f..amb eO 'llr. tamed a D tlnnd"y Mr. "od Mrs AI. leo Erneit'll .. ud dun g bter , Gltid y". &ir aDd Mn . J. B J o n e~ . M.·s. 1\1,,r y Uarmony. Mr~ . 'Hu t> titou Lllenbe r_ gil' Bod Therle J oll es. Mr . .. od Mre. 1f", .. I, RaKe rs h a ve ~oltl tuelr groce ry in Ctl OI rVllle f,u Elul Deo ke r , lI f Hlll~ A Ylli e . aud ar · Ulo violl thi ~ we ek to tll"lr prope rt y be re, reo ~ nt J v vllo"ted by Mr , IIlld Mr8. BOll J H rue!>. T h e PUlj il ~ uf L}' tie pell onl WE' rfl de lt t; lltl ull y 8 0rJ.lrl ~eE.l M 0 u d "y lD uroing wh e n tbey tl ul e red tIll' bn llll lll g uod SliW II Jl \[~ n , wbl ob hti n ulle n pll10ed there by Wllynl' 'l'owo~hlp IIc h ool bOllld . Mr 1100 Mr!l Wli liur Ulark, Mr . li nd Mrll. W it Her Kenri ck, MI K~ell Kathryn Clark, L ~ oo" Mo(jlools 8nd Mlltrglire t Ulark attended 'hI' bRUdu fl ' M. m Church, Waynell. Ville, ;!'rlday eveniog. Mr, aud Mrs, Ben James have porohfl8ed 'he 1franll 8t,oke8 tarm. lI oolh of tnwo , or lir R ozell, "nd will ~u keJl OSS e~8 Ion Jltooary 1 io 'he w e u ,, 1im ~ tUll Y arA "taylng wltb Mr Arth ur 'l'hom"8 and alster.
r.:~ ~
"ire 183'1l1li OIl a pa'tleot IDIll' be removed With "'~)' it ftlpped olr "Ith a drl,' boariJ or Itlt;llS', ~ lure the' board' Ie d'fT, Otbe~wt.e, ;011. wiD HiI8lvI' tIM\ .awe a!aoek.' "
~ SIIo.It.~A u,..
- - -•• -
• ..
M1 8~ (;Ortl
T wo Rolnm oblle8 oollided HUDday evelllog 00 'he Ol1yton pike at rOl\d oro!Rlnlf Dour Allie TIlY lor 'e. Both oar8 were badly dllmllKed aud acou P8D'8 were hurt " :lme . Mr Herbst 'Ind fllmlly,ot the Day too pike wore In ooe at 'he autol. . Mr aud Mrs. Chas . E. John8 eDt.\f. 'alned to c ,nmptuous dlnne~ lSun. day the following 1I0ee's: Mr, Belle Uooo, M18868 BeUlah, Bertha aDd !lnd RIlSh Cooo, Mr.lIoud Mre Glenn Jobne. of Ol,y'on, Mr, ' and Mr8 tlarVov BurDett- aDd dllo ghter, Mle! Cstharlne, of Centerville, "nd Mr. ~ud Mr~ . Walter Keorluk " nd MIIR Glady! Bergdllll .
The Jobu Lowry bailIe 10 Well· a"Llty, .. th J h As with the man who Inquired mao, formerly .nOWD a. e a D Wolf hOGle bornt!d down Friday "hether he hRd :reI artnln l'll wiSdOm, )0 with 81lrh.ty nbnul ~n.l"~d n ~ 1"'lIuly, mJrolng, :he flnswer mUMt ever he. "11 mlg-ht K, Ill, '£bomplloo and Gall Gordeo ~Rve he~n, If ynu hRfl ti n, th ou)(ht' mov6d I::i.llrmon Muore .. od fliwily lbout It." Bpnuiy hus In " Il Il 'P hy Ihe Ridg e Ville 00 Tnoud.y, wbure UleWIll maile 'uulr fulure bome. wuy.-W. R. Lelhnh~ J
There were 117 a"endod ,11e lial. lowe'en olasked. box 8001 ..1 a' tbtl ::!ohuol Hlloee bore 'oo 'roeeday e,eD 109 Tnu ol,leaL aD!' prelen' WII~ 81 yean otd '''Dd &he . youole.. ' oDe . 3 ' mon,tul! old Tha hou• ., Will llrl~htly tl'llOurtu"d to tho ,.b .. ·coo",. ,,' Ou .. A1a" li "ral".. ts (loll.he hldob.. r .!/I. II ~ ,.vr~ 'UIlI &be !JUilll. whu 10 ttltl(l()j"S1I1ully plauned tbe ·8Dler"ln. 'I'bij B'ortuoeue Booth. 'he ' I h &-Ilb Pond Booth' .a · wed ai ,' e Klllb lSuutb wtire well JIIl'roDIII8cl The b It II \\Iere aIlOUoDaere4 · off, ael1hlll ~o 1"8b~bel' bldd~r. '..drln•. till 1r<liI! 21\0 ao 11 00 a boa, Boward M I1 ~ a . wu av.otlo.neel', J[. &0 Thoml,.,un . alerk aDd IUM ~oore.
\lit,' ....oll .. r, OdbleJl.
Dwl1ha BRIOIl aDcl .. lloore aa""'" ale
'lie preldlet aaaa.'l .t he1itlllld IIIM.lld.
Dayton, Ohio
Toyland Is Now
Open .
Up Through the House Tops, Click, Click, Click; Down Through the Chimney, Good Saint Nick.
Cal Was Tnklng MUlle Lesson. oO!! IIIU''11 1111{ while down In lhe bllsen4.'nl I he,"'tJ SOin enoo Il ill ying Ihe .Inno. Knuwlhli Ill Y doughi er had lett 'or SChUIII, I dltl nol Imow whal to Wm. S'ronp aud wife and Mrs. hlnk of It II ""lOrloo like SOllleonl Lilly Cowell, of , Dtmver, Col., are "a8 tryln<e IU I)IIIY that dId nut know tbe gUella of K, .E. ThOmPIOD, 'hie lOW, , 1I" ~111 III,s tnl/'1l 10 In\'estlgllte. week. Inri Oil arl'I\, III;< , '"ulld Ille ell! JUIllP' Oan Lewis, wife and daugbter. np II rll 11001 Ull the kcys,-ChlcIIgo Rober' Lewla and family were 8011. fOUI'DRI. day In8l" of relaUvel a5 Jamee - - -... _ ••- - 'O"D.
OrigIn of Cretta. The enrlnns ore en,ulled liS hcloa the or\glbllIors of Cl'CSt8. l1Ichnrd I of Eng' ;lI\rl ·\\'ore !' cre:1 00 hi s helmet like 1\ plulliP or fenllil' rs. rn lhe Flf· leeDt~ ~nl llr)' tI 'e (',·"ar \\'us de8crlh~ all a flgu r p nn H ",jrnnet. . . • _.
I!' .. rd Hb", w . uf Ri ol.J,n und. Ind .• w .. s Ibl! Il U tlll L 0' Mr . "n d Mr ~. Wil Hum Brown . 'l' uur ~dIt Y . Th oy Dha " o~ tl rtlli u tl'l V ·... o .. ti UtHV, of v l\y t ll n I ~ti t wee k, .
Ed Wlleon Ie geUlng beUer . J W.li:dward.lle vlsltlog relatives 10 V1rl!llnla. , Geo, W Davis aDd wife were Sunday of lI', 8 . Hartsuok aDd wife, Chlls I\n,t Ceoll Beuoo, of Oay'00. apeDt 8nDday wllh 'holr home folkl here . E. U. Mannon aDd famny IIpe~' bund .. y whb Mra. Ida MaDoon and dau,bter, mahel. Theodore Smith and Ile\er, Flora. were tluDday evening ,oeett! of Lon Brannon and wife. Ell ShoWh'lU aDd family 8pen' tluDda, with Ell DowDey and fam. Ily, of Dayton.
---eo. - •._--
. ['J~l :.
" . . a,ouq.u uke allrlit b, IU7 c:all OD a -aID ,vealq and . . . 11_ DOt. .......... _, 8hould eht ......... tIIooIItJDUII , tIIttr trteodeblpl ' A MoO.TAlK GJaL. 1'... TIII'J dteldedlJ. It Ie a . very rude thIDc to 40 aDd uoJ_ there Ie I wd«en or verbal apolOSl w1thlu mnq,fonr hOlll'l 'afterward., erOIl tIIIa min oIr fl'QCD 100rI Ult of aeQUIIIDiancee. B)' ·that . meaD, do aot ntCPIDJIlIe him IUl1 more thaD It , 'liD hta not met him. An ,Intel' . ' "lilng dl.tlJlCl! ·or alcltn_ Iboul~ really be th,~ oDl$' .• • •
-- -.
M r. lIo d Mc ~. H.uS Willt nUl S, 01 \'u uu gBlo wu, rt'Oil ll t lY VI.I L"d Mr , "nd Mr ~ , U A. 'J'h ,lrup,un, a nr ou te IJy uUlu :u Ih,," n u w \J um e 10 Oal",. ho UJ",
Ill. .
• I
r-a.; Wbat aboal4 he dOIll
.. .
DIu.a .L
M .·, "11(\ Mr ~ .I::i , Ill. Clt,rk . ~ turn cd I'hnr HlI .. y o v eull)~ .. r tllr nn tl l(~ " l\d. ed V,~ \I, I\'lth Lll " lll tlt.r'~ einldre n ~ o d IIi'll l lt ,,~ U L l; u u"llu Itlld EI ~ lo
Mra. ,loreDae Clark, of Dayton. Mn• . JIl, I. vlllUlIl ber lilaer, abl, Beal, ,bl, tnneriliof week . plo'ooU, a' Mr. aDd Mn Morrll Sberwood Mr. and entertalaed ~belr lon, Carl, IIDd ton . were famlly.tiuDday . . Mildred E~,)e Onr leo'ore Mn. ADaa VaoDor.n ••seUllllled her ohlldreD aDd allo rela'h .. fr om flrst mnslcal eOIa.·...~.~. day eV.DlUlr. The . Blaaohe.ter. Snoda,. meD' wlll be as oa ICleno elylt! Le",ne ladles at . Wednesday nighS allel )[tngmall aa CeDded 'he MO'ber'.-eII~;':"'':';'';rt.m,ri·"Il''Frtt.idt.ia:.iy:'::,=~~'-'-'-'-:"""':--=-------t----:;; at Wa,Deavllle Ialt Thunday. Mr. and Mr• . Geo. De...t r~... r, A, L Kennedy and lon, JObD, Bod tal ned at a II o'oleolt ell~Der .... Harry Bowe were oallIog on 11188 ~'rlday evenln,. Dr. a. S, ~ BM( ,- ., Llda KeoDedy at 'he Da,aoD State Bod wife . Mr A. 15, CoUets. wt,. h08PUal, Baaday a"orDooD. ,.nd 800, Bober&. Mrl, W. A , BaI...l' B Y C 11 , "Ia'" ell" .a The atreet oarDlnl Wal qolte a . . a e' ,DI • • ,..au 0 I aD Mlee La"e Vanderv~, ,, _. , tt ; 8UO.'le. A"bonKh Ie Wall very oold ,.. "e had" lIood orowd of nloe lonklog people. The ladles at 'he booth RIJ .Id well floaDolally . Berbera Exercl". by 8ubftltvte. Can woo the prize for the largen ~ Ir .JllIlpSOD hlr~ lit. maD to ..-. womao aDd Mrs Herbert Carr for ." ,'" .. r hIs yard 10 he ,,1\1 have 'he ugllelt w oman, and I.oolle Ben .. :.:,'1 ,·ut lind hl • . ue;elae.~ ./ nett for the sm,,1l18& ohlld. ,'II!: f'P JOUrDa1~\~, .
Oh, Ho, Ho, Who IPouldn't Go, Oh, Ho, Ho, Who Wouldn't Go," .. To Rike's Toyland Palace Of Crystal and Snow. •
,' .
• ~
~~i, ' ~,I ~ ~.
r'f.'; .. ',
E'S here! Good St. Nick has established his headquarters in the Basement of RikeKumler's and opened Crystal Toyland Palace. He wants every girl and boy in Miami Valley to come and see .the greatest display of toys ever shown in this store. Toys from far-off lands, from the most remote villages and mountain hamlets. There are Jumping Jacks from Thuringia, Pierrot and , Pierette Dolls from France, Animals natural skins from the Black Forest of Germany, Musical Instruments from Italy and Switzerland, Decoratf!d Dishes from Czecko-Slovakia, Game~ from England, S~intillating Tree Ornaments from Austria, besides many ingenious mechanical toys of American make.
• t·
1\t~ .,
.: i
Punch and Judy Will act out their amusing love affair daily 3 to 5 and Saturday )0 to I20'clock and 2 to 5, until Novem
Santa's Crystal Palace Santa invites every boy and girl to his Crystal Paljlce, formed of crystal snowflakes, with pillars of icicles. It reproduction of Santa's own palace In Far North.
Shows For The Kiddies Santa Claus will be-in Toyland daily to greet his little friends. And he has arranged for their special entertainment a series of shows: PUNCH AND JUDY SHOWS which are tremely f~nny.
visit and is a the
.,. " "
rhe Magic
Will entertain with a whole bag full of baffling tricks. Every day 3 to 5, Saturday )0 to )2 o'clock and .2 to 5, until November 17 th.
THE MAGIC MAN, who will present a program .o{ marvelous modern magic and mysticism, "MERRY BELLS," THE CLOWN, will delight the children with his amusing capers. These shows will take place daily from 3 o'clock to 5 and on 'Saturday from 10 to 12 o'clock and from . 2 to 5 o'c1ock,untiJ Novem~er 17th.
Bring The Kiddies In Often . ~
"Merry Bells" The Clown Wi.ll delight childreh with his amusing ca·p- . ers, daily at 3 to :5 ., o'clock, Sa~urday frOm. .. 10 to i 2.. 'afld l ' t:o S,. · until Novem~ '17t h".'
' ,.- - - ---
--.-- ~-
Carey .l.ee am~ . :;0 11 of Georg and ~dgin~ton HH m ~. WII~ born in Mont~om('ry c" unty . Ohio. March 13 . 1901 Hi8 fi rsl8chool ci ll "S we re passed . born. Ohi,) ' . H ' ,"as n t'" .,p rlllg . _ nln~ rriel! t o Veda Pau lil") Ellis on April h,. II "r~ . fl. 1921. The young people begun 1-1 •• W~~ Il ·:t· ·· .· k .'; .1 <111 .1 int.·!,,- i th eir house keep ing in 1.)(1)1 ton. Ohio . v .,,1. .. llI :d Wllh a l"v llIg rlISPI);Hl1 ('1l To their happy llnioll was born a lillrl WOII th .. ",llllir., ' i'ln o f h,is t "ach- dea r dau bler " VIlma Calherine , f"l' IIl1ci ~chnf) l rlllJl ~M g . now I ·f t fa t her leR~ 111 her babyhood . HI' WII S of " nwchallical lln Lure Besicies his loving wife and child HlHi rl c" ot P,) mucl, of hi s tinw to Mr. ~ams leaveHhi:; sorrowing fath. hand ('H,-v inl( "lid 1111ule Illltny beaulif ul pi('r't'" which his Jjltrpnt R will er a ncl m other . Ihree l'i !iLf' r~, Mrs. Josie Burton. Mr!! Milry Dogllctt <: h l' r i ~ h I hI' rp~t of their li ves. At t ' ... n~ .. o f !1ixlt'en yea rs he he- a nd Mrs . \:<:I iz ll br lh Sweeny . Also . ,'alOe Hffi icl cd with cpil 1151. li e t wo brothers. William s nd Jospf>r ' Wil ~ a t)lItient ~u ff,~ r (' r Howl;vl'r he One sisLer Viol I. preced ed him to the ·-JOIl.ll~un ot Snll I~ the new :-Ill Beyond _ !dt'rived l11u ch pl easure fr nm rf'nt.!ing Gr"at tJl tM ~II Lcgioo. h ls rcw,ud ror tul;\ lIl; the Wor14 Wllr vet.-r1Ul8 PrevioU!' to the sickness that came to WI GokWl Gate tot t l,~j r l!r-'S C<l n'· ~ntlon . Last YL'1lf a t New iliA Hibl e and spent much of his tim e upon h~m 1 8~t Apr il . Lee WIlS the ()o'" _ be ~vR\led upon the rn lo go VI' e»1 ~ year. With biro nrl! t hus until nb'>ut tw o years DIZO hi s picture of health a nr! strength. He . < I ~ aM maUler. mind bl'came affected and his parwas always me rry an d 1'!0oc1-hearled '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!~~!!'!'!!~!!"!!:~~~~~~~ en ts nfte r havin~ done all in their· ever con side rin g others hefnre himpower had to submit alld send him to self. He won a ho ' ot friends and the Ohi o Hospital for Epileptic ~ at will be sad:ly m is~ e · . and mournecJ by Gallipoli s. Ohio. where his young all. life ended Oetobe, 22. 1923. aged His fatal illness. n after effect of twenty six years. the flu. was du !' La a .erious cond· He leaves to m ourn hilla-oinK, hi s father. mothe r, and two sisterE. tion of his heart So very gre'" Thelma and Lela Ellis. an aged g rand- was Lee's 'vltality and love of aclh. · fathe r and grandmother and a hos t lite that hll found Rreat difficulty i, "beying the urgent edvice at h i, of relatives and friends . physician to remain pertectly quft t and thereby enable his heart to reCars are stolen, smashed--and burned bv the dozcover, { ;"dr1 r.t!' (" I Lo n gevity, On Sunday. October, 7, he came ens every day. Yours may be next. For a few I'r. I':' . "n·· L ) ;,U III I" isl" d ht ...rn n ~tl . ,.t , : 11 I, " ,', .. ,1,\-':, "'r h" 'I\ Vfll'n::c ' for a short visit to the home of his Dollars you can get protection, so why take a chance, I I(. j" II ' ., 11", IJo l ,-1:. 0 11 th e lI l'~t ..' h a ne" brother-in-law Charlel! V i I I a r 8. 'You may be a very careful dri ver) but how. about the {J ( 11\ l l~ J !" :. 'l' h., l\I' l ~1 or WU lll:UI Here he bt!came so teeble that bis .other fellow. . : \\hll \\ I·!" I.... ~I I :~., J.H~ r Ct'lIt 11('1 ,,\\ I t lil' 1' \ ' . , .-t ' :Hl~ 11ttl Utl' s t dlU tH.~~ (o r , doctor said he must give up and take lOll:': li ll' It 1"'1 '-l ll. ' ttl ~a\' 11)(' tlVeNI'::, ' his bed . 'Jrhis was on October 9. and h l dh Hit: !!! r'!;Il'! u ':' rill" Ideal lll1HcI n t on Thursdlay' October 17 he exI h ll ~ .\ I ' " j: 1I11 :a PI' nc ar LIIlH buil d pre!J!!ed g lreat. desire to go home. r We offer you SERVICE backed by experience, f l" 11>-· r: _•.• . I ••~ :I r". he Increu se& hi . He WIlS rf'moved with tender care . that will bring you the best results in cash on sale and wa~ pleased to take the trip. day, at very reasonble rates~ .. ; " and be withhiRparents onre mure. But his Buffering soon became iuten · M I.t.ken Identity. • Waynesvjlle, Ohio A Y!lunu n,lIl1onlllre showed Il black se and he passed out of the body at Phone 61·2 eyE' In Il 1"';lI ull'ul fil m stnr. nnd MId . 9 o'clock Saturday evening Octor"pruul'l,(ull)' : .. ,,·tty .lIrl YOIl knock ID P ber. 20. dowu Wh C'1l I 1;lss('d YOll In the dark To tho>'c who loved him. (j od grant (nnf&(\n' lItltl' ~' ~" H }t~o rgh'e Ol e, den r ~ tr e ngth to enrlure. courage to tru st '~~~~~'i oop," til t.· 1lt'lI lullu) slur el..'lltu.lned. 't) a nd faith to bel ieve . He ha~ but • , " tltUl1 I! II I If \\':1 ';- JII." huf-thllnd." T • gone ah ell.d in Le. the Be Uer Land. Love is til d i vine cable tha t bin.:s hearts to~eth e r a cross cnn t i llell l ~ lind ocellm! on lhe .earth. and iL i even s tl',m ger t o anchnr Lhl! m 10 t he df'ar ones in that othe r unsee-II world , Specials . for Saturday towardlw~ich we all steadily jou r ne~ ,
" .. i)
i3ereliir - IWis-. ROn of Anderson anti Mary Mills EIIi:!. Willi born nellr w Burlili llt n. Ohi n. 0 lober 22. 1897. lI i ~ pllrl'II(~ moved to Duyeon Ohi". when he W:l~ qui te small where ,11l~ p nt m o~1 o f his Iif,' IlIId P«~~'o Il lro llllh Ih ,· Alh' lI ~ ('hu(ll wit h high
. •
. ~
o-~ Iouy!
1/J.u all u.. AD ~• .I~ 1J~ yens :6UYJ~ t/.e -Wok
Sears &
, I
.. "
Public Sales
• ".
Good value, does not Oil Cloth stick like a good many all dark grades. Spec: ial Saturrlay, per yard ..... , . , . .
We have just received a new line of goods.especially attract{ve (or the Thanksgiving season.
Gingham The very best your choi~e of manycol-
I~~~; ;~:~~a.I.~~~~~~~~'12e
CoJeman Lamps ,and Lanterns, ~
Aluminum RoasterS
Boys' Good for school; Knickers well made; sizes 8 to 12; Special Saturday, each. . . .
. Hunt~g Jackets, Caps and Vests. ;
~I Pyrex Cooking Ware with very be1utiful Holders.
Rugs In blue and white fring~~
.. j
A good 5c bar ·Mascat Soop but we will put
,We also bave ollr ·Xolas-line · of Coaster .Wagons, Express Wagons and Sleds in now.
2 for .. ....
S1 39
ed Rugs, a ,wonderful at $2.50. will go f.or Special, Saturday', ..... -. I
~~ I value
Any of these make very appropriate Xmas pr~sents and if you care to make your selections now we will be glad to set any article aside for you .
Electric Heaters, Pads, Toasters and Irons. , ,
f ir
i\Ii"The Store of BeHer Values"
And remember we have a full line of Ranges and Heaters at-very low prices.
~~ ~~~~i.~l.
0;1 Lanterns A good 3!)c Lanspecial for
S::~~d~y ~
Fred M. Cole
Waynesville, Ohio
Waynesville, Ohio "The Store of Better Values"
Vaudeville Entin.: Wet· k h~ltlllinSl Mnm!>,,·. N"vt'I11!.t-r 12th ALl. :"l'AH itt
Alway~ carry .the ' b.e'l~ ~ Lumb~r, ·~Shingl~s. $ash,- .Door~ and Mifl · Work, Roofing,· In' fact, everyt,liing' in the ~tli1ding Mat~ria1 li~e We WiILtake p easure.in,sdpptying your needs Give 'us a call ,
/1 . '
1; (l\ 1ED Y
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate
30th Day of Novamber, 1923, at 10 o 'clock a. m ., tho follo\\' iog tlcs' r UHtd reat estal.e. l.u .. w(l. ;
fir Warren . In t he
~tate or Ohi o , aud in IIJI' \ ' lI lnJeo o r \ Va!' IlU;vUle, and t>ount lcu aflu dt.l~·rlht..,d as to I O,,-g :
FId .. """'4 hody "pt• .tool 'Of p4<~" pI • ..w...•• "" ..ha. &.!) f'1PU
CD tftC'tI C\'Cry
A dividett~lJin, bwiD'" uillity- . tido tIj,. Fo}d One·Ton Truck has o.uned_ ' j th!OU,b rurs oJ ~ liabl.,'fifY. in diversified lin...
I, carri.. iCl load day ill lad cIaJ _ withaminimumolatuDlIoII,. bt_ 01 handlin, ad;aptJ it lor _ ia die limited ......al>outloadittadocb._
..icl}J{ the WnoUi Fotd Model
bouoa and construction Iocotlo ....
- ..- - -
bawu.. .....
T ...gin.~ugh the Fotd planmry GIvins,.pi<!. dependable rranuni"";on and .podol Fotd worm vice II low inilial COle, ODd It ~ SNI, it brin ~ to the butJness man for lowClit pouible expellee fa., o~oa ~ i. ddivery service rhe .bund.nr and upk..". it po," the hi",", divid' power. reliabl. operatio", .nareal .nd. OD tlI. Inveot_, 01 an, econ oruy fOf wbkh motor tnnlpol1ltioll the Ford Pfoducc I. ?::",.~.:~.~';:'..~ eQaiomenl .... \loblo
:1 ) \ ... ~ .:\!
\, ' .·r ·... .: re.
Miss Ooro'11y BagliO very plaall. eo ·~ertaloed the tionllhlne tloolety Saotorday eveotpi, Prof . ~tep1l811!1 and hmll, were gues's of relatlvea i.n ClIntoo BDd UI~hiaod cooottes durlDgthe week end: Mu. Nslhe Lllokey bas lI:ooe to Indianapollll, • !od ., to spaod 'be wiotAr with her I\unt, Mise JAura SmlSh, . . Mr and Mr!! . .J . A U"r'mao eocertatoed mewberi at tbe .Depend. I Ille 01a88,l:Iond8,. in h~Dor of tbe form8r~ birthday aDnlverll&ry. Tbe P . '£-, A, Bolt Boolal tn tbe sohool boildlnllt BaUowe~en wl48 · .an eojoYlt.ble IIffalr . The re,nlar bnal. ' neSl ntee&ioj wall held II'rlday.e9'eb-
to La u.,Ii,U11'!:SI we :!..!.
Waynesville Mot~r Comp~y
CARS· T-RUCKS • TRACTORS 4-.,r......,...~
:t!1:~':.~b~I'fiotr~t".'~~~.n~~7:.~ ~~r:~~ ~';I
tho Itreet nOlrelit &0 . .id real OItate on "18 Soutb..eat I. Miami .treet. Said real eotate hili been dul,. &ppralHd at 'he .urn ot Tltr.., Tlloullod (l3.ouo. OO) Dol I.....nd .. III not beold lor t ... ebau t ...othird. 01 tb~ appr"l~ va'uG. AUo. 10 pu ... uanca 01 aald ord.r at tbe Prob.te Court .tor..a1d. 1 .. iii. on eald 30th day ot NovoDlber. 19a at II o'clock A . M .. olT.r Inr aalo at public auellan un t he p ... 01tb. 10110 .. 1011 d_rlbed reol e.ta .... : W~ ttlEl following farm owners t...Situ a ... In tho Oounty 01 Warron and In VlIIlllIo 01 W.ynC8viilo I nd iylog and positivelv forbid any hunting or til. belo, In Sec. G. T. t . R . 4. l>o ~w.en tUe Mllml trapping on our farms Any viola. Rlv.,... aod bouoded o.o~ d ••c rlbod ... follow. : B..-Inning at lho Donhanat cor ncr 01 Jeal8 tion of the same will be prosecuted W. Lewi. oDd b.t...· lo~ 10 Waynesville. Warroo CouDty . Ohio . 00 tho 1I0 1I~hw ... t .Id.ot accnrding: to law and to thll fullesl B teb Street In .ald town ; .honce .. lth the lIoe at Hllh S,roet S. ~~ . ao ~:. 6.68 polce extent. to • ltake corner &0 Friend. l1emote..,. lot; tbooce .t rlgho 8"g100 aDd with tbo Oemeter y line S 35· 30' W. U . 68 poles to " .takc III Ed Furnas. ,~ , Ztmmennao'JIiI line; thence wiLh ZimmerC, E, Mlichener man ', Une N . 01' 30' W . ij 68 poleo &0 a stako earner to Lewl,'lot: tbollce with Lew's' 'fhe Van Tress Farms 1100 N ao· 30· E . 1~ .• 8 poles to tho begin nlo,. cootalolng 84. 7076 poles. But beRobert Patterson Farm Illg tbe auneprtlmleelcon veyed by the lliaml Alontbl,. """tiD, 01 the Roligioul Society ot Mrs. Cmroline Rogers .FrleDdl by Ita Trtllt_. D. H : Hockelt. A. O. TomUDiOo .od Ed"in OhlLDdler. b,. deo<! Geo . Gi.llllllnd d.'ed February 26. la~u. aDd rocoroed 10 Vol. lOG. _ . 5t3 ot the deed recordl of Martin Gons Wuroo County. 'rhe bulldln, ull laid real ..tat. haa DO .tlMt number: said ,.11 eotat. 110 on tb. lOutb-w•• t .Ide at Hi,h Street. th .. • _ t .t..... t lOulh Ihoreot 10 .. Id VIII ... of W.YDMllIII.. I. Pourtb St... , .Dd th. oearen oortl>-....' ot laid real IIItat41 .. hleb 10terMc:ta laid Hll(h Street. I. - - Atreet. Sald real "I&te beroln d_rlbed u "SecODd Tract" bu been dub and 1...lIy ap. Ilta1Md In the lum of Six Hundred (rSro 00) Doll..... IUId .. III DOt be 101d lor 1_ tban t ...nMrll. Ella Oedrlok aod daojlhlerll tb~~! ~~a,~r;l= ;rl:'d tractl 01 real tue gllllst·11of -relaSives Dear Xenia. eatate .to_ald will be IOld for cuh 10 habel oa d.y of .a1e • L . &I. IlItNDERSON. The Ladlel Aid held a very enierAdmlnlotrator or Ihtate 01 niDi 800lalln the Alinek Toelday Walter L. Sawyer. deee .. ed.
loa""'' ' "'"' -.-!le.
AnI ""I t'fq\Itn"""' ("." .., ""pp4cd..
"-,,, .. - . . . ,
'Or ren r.,. ef~_: .
70,000 Cresm Producers. Largesl Creamery in
CUT OUr THE MIDDLEMAN It is just as easy to send your cream d,ittct tQ the TRI STATS as it is to sell to an agent, However" selling to the TRI STATE will put a lot more money in. your pocketbook. '.
Higher if mar~t ad"ance..
THE TRI ST ATE BUTTER CO. CINCINNATI, . OHIO We guarantee your cream and cans agains~ loss, ,, .1
':\~ T
·W. B. MADDEN &CO. ••
~l l l l l
----_ ...---
Waynesville. Ohio
6- AlWAYS 6 BI6 ACTS- 6
f!e~~~nakr:~l' ~ll~fltr!;Y~ ~~JI~ \!:II~~~ ~:~~re~n\~~ We wi sh t o express our sineere rueoclug at (l dluku in 111(: Ilut., o r . 1"l u 8trc~t. ~lve (a~ ) (oot rrom A, AIII 0 1l 8, la.le thanks to friend s, relatives and t.hlrty: Nat. han Llnto u,8 SOUl,.h~CU8t c o rU6r; thCT,Ct\ wi th 8a.hl s treet. SOll r :ly (hlrl y· tl vo neighbors f o'r their Hympathy and ( 30) foea. to a st, la",lh ....11ftstrlwll h-cu-It. Carller o r kindness shown us in our Rad be- Robert Mountjoy' • . illto 1\ . O. ·"dwallatlor·. ; "hence all right, all rch.'fl t.wo huntlr tl " nd (our reavement in th e loss of our dear teeu and one halt ('2 1 . ~) foot t.o Tho8 H, ) (cComas' 1Ius; t.heD cu Nu rl, tl w~ t",.rdJy thlr-husband and father, Carey Lee er.,!lYO teet (36) teet to II .lOke : thonco li t r ,~e Bngles two hundr.d and tourl.eu nnd Sarna. .. ono halt ( U H , ) toe t to !.IIO pl.cG ot heglnnlng. Said I>reml... boln" the same real We alsol desire to thank the minis- .... t .. te convoyed to u id Walter L Sawyer b y ter and the singers ror their kind BUll B. K err and S. It I!~urgll'. Lho dotendanWl horoln. by d "",\ ".,.d So,,'.mOOr H . con.alalion, also Mr . McClure and 19~O. and recorded til Vol. 107 page aa4 ot tho deed rocords of W.rreo I)ount,.. Ohio. for the manner in which they Tho buildlD~ au .ald re.1 GIItato bill DO ot""'t number aDd oald real eltote b~ nO .treet conducted the funeral • . number; .aId real eot-&te I. loca~ on til. Nor.h .... Hid.ot Malo Sere.t 10 ...Id vlliago The Wi ; e and Daughter ..
Phone 25
t be Civil Uod, ' J n f hup l , ' u1I rl, ns Cn~" ~", I 6GB, 1 will olror ru r bu h: li t i ,ulJllc IHlcl!uD 0, 11 tbo premlaca uU tlw
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.
Slt uue tn ttlc
Car' of Thub
Ordinary "chickeu feed" will make good hen lay t .... o eggs a week. Purina will- make the same hen lay four eggs a week , So don't ask for "chicken feed. " Demand Purina Chick~n Chowder and Purina Hen Chow ill checkerboard bags. Please do no not feed Chowder without Hen Chow or Hen Chow withoul Chowder- to do so upsets the scie.ntifil: balance and loses you eXlra eggs . Feed as dirt'cled on the instructions with each bag and get more eggs.
Court. o f W~rl'o n ( '"U II ' y _ , 1111" . duly DlA UO Bod en "Clred lu t.h o t:a,.u of I. )t. Jt t!nder ' n as whnhlhllt ul.O r or I " r ,- l l t t· o r \\ ul1, w L S ....·J'or. u '·'~'''8Iu d . l ' tuiu l lIT " !Ii 1'.lIn ~ . ~ l\\\ . yor. at. at detlUllliIn lll nu(1 lld,,'t IIUtnh~rNI 'I n
Goods Always Please
In purs uBnce Of UII IHdl'r o r tllo PmlJa [H
Betler 1.0 love alit.! sufTer . Than never t o fully kn ow . Thc 8tr e n~Lh of II holy pa~s i o n. That thrills hearts here belo w. BI!Wir to Ilove and suffer, Than never to understand. The j oy of' a sweet reunion In the Spirits Summer-Land .
Loew's Dayton
Automobile Insurance Fire, Theft, Accident, Liability
:II ~ UTIL! 'Z:E.
I •
Mr. and U 1', Compton were oall, ed &0 'he ,tde oUbeluon.tn law &vu Snn4"y. Be II In ..
froID alo.n.
AR~ Wf .LISTENING? We are!'" For that Cfassified Ad you .are neg,teeting to'··ph00e.o(· . ~ s,end to us. It is your"loss. '",': '. ~
- ) ';.
f '"
2 I
Seventy-Fifth Year
WAYNESVILLE, 'OHIO, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 14, 1923 Mil<MEnllllll II vil(h v. :i l i. ' 11" 1, I: !l a fe" d llYs in CillCilll lllli.
a visitor here Ilist week. F . M. Cole and fumil y were Mid . M. O. Baird 18 In Cincinnati to· dletown visitors Su IIday . I
T 0' Ra.·se Gymna:slum Fund Begins
'I' h . 1 f ' . . e tenta~lve p ans ~r the c onVerSl?n of the large barn on the HJgh School campus ay . Kenneth Kilboll : of OilY t Oil , bpenl mto a gy mnas~um IS wo r k tng- o ut s plendidly. Those in charge assure us that when com . Wanted-A 800d trunk. Jeff Sunday with home folks. pleted there WIll be a b asketball court that will be 60x30 in dimensions, with ample room Smith. Mr. and Mra. W. S Graha m spen t, overhead and adequate seating capacity for spectators These seats will be on the west Mrs. Harvey Rye wBllhopplng In Sunday with their daughter and s ide of the building running the full le ngth of the barn . Dayton Tuesday, f.mily in Dayton. • Will Be.communlty Affair r - - _ ... - - Dr. and Mra. A. T. Wright were Miss May Wright has closed her Dayton visitors Thursday. home and will spend thc winter with While it is a community affair. the MIs8 Emma Heighway . cnnt rol is to be pllaced in the hands Mver Hyman and RUll8ellSalisbury . nf the sch ool boa rd. and all regu ili' were Cincinnati visito!s Monday. Mrs. Alice McKinsey spent the lions pertaining to the building.to be week·end with her 80n. J 08. McKi n. in th e hands of the same orjtaniza. Mrll. Howell Pierce spent thl sey and family of fdorrow week·end with relatives at Selma. ' - -lioll. This dues nol mean however. . Mrs C. M. C'artwright. of The School auditori um was well that the building will not be a com· In a column written by "Dusty" Ethan Colem,an. of Toledo, epent Evanstun. III • is the guest of Mr. filled MondaY' even ing to hea r the munity affair . Provision will be Miller in the Wilmin~ton News. Armistice day prugra m. which had made that the various organizations Journal. be narratp.!! his trip to Way. Sunday with". B. Henderson and and Mrs S. L. Cartwright. family . been carefully arranged as t ollows: in town will have the use of the gym nesville last week. We are prone to Mrll Edith Harris and Mrs . Ron· Mrs. J<'rank Cl1rman. of Dsyton, Music- H. S Orchestra for their hthlelic pursu its . For in· a"ree with every thin'" "Dusty" savs • . spent several days here last week lB · . . . . aid Hawke were Dayton Visitors on I ' r I t" d f' d • Reading ..... ......... ..... . Helen Handall stance, t il' usmess Men's Club may about our town being the Abou Ben Tuesdsy. v Sl mg re a !fes an rlen s. Song-" Over Tlwre"-Glee Clu b and continu e their indoor ballebldl. from Adam. of villagl!!!. and about it 's Mi~s Henrietta McKinsey and Mr . ..... Audience. whic Mr and Mrs F B Henderson and . Invocation ... ...... Rev. Washburn d ' h they h derivE!J so much pleasure h bein" .. composed of well.informed. . . . J 8. Pence spent Sunday with I!:m- Song. "America"-G lee Club and urlng t e past summer. all throug thinking and educated ptlople. We Mra . n 1•• Crane were in Dayton B'1 d ( '1 f L b A d' th,. winter me nlhs W Th d ft mar AI y an ami y. 0 nellr e· u lence v I admit It. e do. however . vigor. anon. Oration . .. ............. J olln Paul Bolton The details of building are minor ously disagree with Mr . Miller's ura aya ernoon. U d M R be t Walton of Song, "Just a Baby's Praye r. st at present in comparison with a mat· article, wbere he aaY8 that he never rs. 0 r • Several members of Waynesville Twilight" Gl ee Club & A d' IIIr. In ler of more . ......... . - ..... ....... Edna uMullon lence. Th DBY t on. were Sun d ay 8U.ta 0 f Mr . S tt' h R'te M . tt dReading f .. imme I liate importance ex""""ts I"~~ to be Invl'ted back here for a and Mrl. J . L, Harteoc:k. a~~e ~St th~ Falt::i~~a~i:en ~~ ~aye~~ Son~ 'Star Spangl ed Banner ,,_ at 0 raIsing tie money . We are speech. and speaking' otrivers- it is 'Glee Club and Audience. ' aMs ured by an able orgauizlltion. the aometiml!!! btltter to go clirectly Mr. and Mrl. Howard Hopkins. of this week. AddreSR .... : .. .. ... C •. Donald Dilatush. ~chuol boa rd. and ot~ers of judge- acrose. than to go miles and miles up . MUSIc- H. S Orches~r~ . m(;nt. that the plan 18 feaaible and the b.nk In quest of 8Omethinggood Dayton. lpent Sunday with Mn. Lt· Save your old carpet8 and rug K ReadlDll ..... ... ... Harnld WllliamSUIl .. hould be carried out With tbis . ' d S Ith d MI CI a m an III ara eys. and get .. Wearwell" Rugs mad e. Sling , "Keep t he Horne Fires BUrn ' . . . . Here II Duaty's tale. m part: Friend Wile had extended her Mra. J . W, Ed"ards and daugh. Send tor price list. Franklin Rug illl{" "Ti ll we llI ecl Again"- G'ee a~surance. WayneSVIlle and . commu· ters have cloBed their Bummer home Co,. Franklin. Ohio. ' Clu b and AlJoIience. n.lty ~hou.ld c~me throu"h With finan· mallagerlal dutl811 over me to the here and gone to Dayton lor the Every nllm ber nn the prop: rn m lelal b~cklr'K III order t~ ,relilize the point of accepting an invitation to winter. Mr. H . C. Coleman. of Norwood. wa~ w('11 cll r ri ed out. The good school 8 and ~om~uQlt s Ire&test lloeak In the village before a Men's was in town Thursday, He took Mr . music furn i~h~d by the orch estra need-a n lIudllorlum and "ymna· organization. and I had gone with. out knowing whether it wu a busi. The qulld of St. Mary'l Churcb and Mrs . J . H. Colem8 ~1 . homt! With lind the Glee Clu b \\IllS wel l received sl~m . will hold a market and apron lale at him for 11 few weeks' VI~lt. II.S well UM 1111 the numbers on the f be campaign to raise 11500 bel(&D nelll men'l c1~b. a church brother. the Township boure on Salurday, Mill 0 ive Allen spent MOlld llY and prngram Th is was the first appear· y~at e~dIlY and b over one half hu hoed, a brfnll·your-folks community December 16th. Tueaday in Dayton and atteuded a ance of the Glee club. and it's num· a r.ea y ~n su slCribed. ThIJ cam· meetln~ or what. It proved to be a meeting of t he Coli elSe Women 's hers were ,lU lI ll' v<ry sweetly. palgn ~I!l end n,e xt Tuesday. The wbat and 811 the way home I kept By 800d natural ability and 10nK Club, of which she is 8 llI ember.. J ohn Pllull:lolt.on delivered an ora· Wayn~ lownshlp School Board baa laying' to myself. "You never can • experience. beeldeB uBlnl' a epeelal . ... . Ilion th at w as Hceed in){lv li ne. givin).( set aSide $500 ~nd~. the teacbera and tell!" prlntlni' out p,per that lew other 141118 Helen Marlatt. (o f l,;1Il 'IIIOIILI' M r ~ (lll.n n a ch ance to dis play hl ~ studen t orgaDlzal.lohB ~ave pled~ed Two hundred or more peollie-no photolTraphers /ulle. Do"nlng'a Stu· came borne 18til wetlk " lill Ilf" ",,· ,~ n nratori al p'lWtl rR $.170 more. The followmg ol'88nlza· flnl\r In the world- a whole church dlo at X,:nla., Ohio. ~al attained a con~n~d to the huu llti w; tlo 11 '1111 \. , P ro~ecu ting Al tofnl'Y D.il lltuah. o f ~Ion hlAs bee.n secured to raise the auditorium full. with fine orchest.ra reputation lor SpecUl\ high cllll'l!I She hi much better /l UW, L~b~II "Il. was the speaker o[ th,. lOQO. Let. g~ over the top. music. one of the most remal kable work 1le5 0nd to nonl! in the state. The Woman'll AUXiliary lI f ti l. vening In hlR t alk he minutely ~analler-Supt. JII. P. Blatt dinners anybody ever enjoyed. and Hav«!. .. :...fine Photo or miniature Mary's church will mee LIlt t he home I~ie cribed the first Armistice day 88 ~ reB8 . -M~ Ld M. Henderson an audience taking rank with any ~lntlOg ';'lade and preeent Jour of Mra F B. Hende rson on ~'ridav It happened at t he front on that Team A __ , re M.. Cole, Capt. of a hundred or more whose time I frlende wnb a prl!!!enl money will afternoon, November 16. A full a t . memora ble day. NoveJllber 1 L. 1917. l' eam B .. ~'lS, EllIS. Capt. have wasted in the year 1923 bot buy. tendaDce is d.ired . . . His description of th e front 010 be follOWing 188 been IUbielbed: "Sold." that day was ver.v j!raphic. and hi:; Wayne Tp. School Board .. .... I600 00 ThUll I summarized my apprecla. Mrs. W. H Eckl. Mrs. Jam es D. talk was thoroughly enjoyed by all B.o y·s H. S. Abtl~l tic AIISD.... 20 00 tlon of WaynesVille lind her fine folk l Lonnz and the Misses Mildred Ecki Supt. N. P. Blatt was master of Uirl:8 H. S A~hl,:tic AIl9Il .... 160 00 When I happened to mention toTot . tL ~. Dramatic Club........... hId land ~illrgaret Lorenz. of Dayton. ceremoruea . Senior Class}..... ................. 10 00 t at • met !lOme kind of a cOllsln of were Ilueeta of Mrs. W. H. All en Juni or CIMs ..... ................. 6 00 bls down at Waynl!!!vllJe the night and Mi88 Olive, on Saturday. jpphulllore CI888............... 10 00 before, and in explaining how and l-'''l'~hma n Cla88 ......... ......... ~:18 wby and wbere I nad been talking The GUild of St. Mary's church Urllde Scbool Teachera...... to bim Bundy cut In with100 acres, good house, fair willlerve a lupper Saturday evening M ISS Howland ........ ...... ...... 10 00 Y • bam, some tim~r, on pike, November 17th, commencing' at 5 Mi88 Davids ......... ......... ..... 10 00 .. ou find a mighty fine buncb of Mill9 McUinnia .......... ......... 10 00 people, didn't you?" 17.000, good terms. o'cleck In the reeidence on Main St. Mia Clark ......... ........ ..... 10 00 Enthusiastically I assured him bolonaillll to Mrs. Sue Hainee. be· Mi88 ', eorge·........ .. ............ 5 00 th t I L-d tween Burton's r.taurant and F'red c 600 a 20 acres. new buildinp! sui· aawk.oa garaa-e. Uuc:t whpat cakes. Mr. E. P. Corbett .. head of the Mia Me lure .................... 10 00 "No~. finer tolk In the world-edu. MIII8Burton Bachman ......... ........... •• peonle," he contl· n. . table for ' a poultry larm. "uaaae, eo!fe\l, etc I'. ie ... ,;,j cents. Sales Letter Division of the National Ed ......... ......... ...... 10 .00' cated. bjob.cla • "" .. $3,500, part cash. Company, will speak Chas, Moore ....................... Ii 00 ued. Cash Register EverYbody come, .. - to the Wa)'ne8ville Commercial pub Cummings Jonesl...... ......... 11.00 00 And BUDdy, Tot and I agreed with 00 empbasia and almoat excitement at the Grange hall on Monday even· N. P. Blatt...... .................. "'~o l d M " ' n ~ ..... !and ir ·· ing. November 19. at 6:30. Mr. • - • that tor a fJlenulnely .... ood little Do nnl .. II ,, \\" " Irlrlnl ...lslInclel' • .. •• .tollllln:: III \\ 111' l'r II l ~ hln"sum" of Corbett ia a nationally known @ales wn" Wayn8llville il a regular Abou Ben Adam among villagel. . . eprlnj!. whl,'11 fl r.... 1 JlU t forth nnd blight· letter expert. and has written arU· A~oneer o"t!.Real &tole ed cnn.not h,' rpn~wcd.-Dlcken8. cles for many mllgazinetl. trade pa· Heyl • d
Whole Number 5568
Leon Sali ~ bury. of Ciev"land. was
ENTERTAINS 80YS The Cli mmerci!11 cluu enter tained th e baseball b (Jy~ () f the High sch'ool to a supper at Ih e M . 1::. Church banqu et rn r'iU Fri ol oy <lvenin).( . There weI'.. ,ix tcen 11O~ s prescnt. and after II linl' chi ckpn "lJ lJper. an hour WIIH "pent ve ry pl e8~ a ntl y with them. A Hllli rt prllj(rlll11 had heen arranl(ctlll,',d Hcveral j(ond tul ks were given. For HO lli e lime rn emueTH of the Alumni hove .j 'I!II tRlking ubo ut the ways and m 11118 1It' ;1 8inilll{ to basketball till the ~.·hoo l, IIn tl Ethon Crane WIlS Cit II ·d 1) 1\ to e ~pllli n how the old bllrn on lht! IIc hoo l g rounds coulrl be ut ilized for 11 lJa~ker bal l courl. ::Iu pt Hiatt went into delail on th e same q ueRtion and said that an archit ect har! vi ewed the barn. and f or a ~ m n ll IImo llnt of muney it could be converted int o a fin e place for such sport. Coach Ed Hurton was called on. and in a vf'r.v neal mannl:!r presented the boys of the baseball learn . He elaborl1led on the propositi on of mor e athletics. and was strongly in favor of the barn proposition . His talk was well r eceived . "Peck" Satterthw.a ite and J ohn and manager Cook. · captain respectively of th e team. made Bhort talks. Several members of the club were also called on for talks. Altogether the meetinfl was of much profi t. bolh to the boys and the club mem bt'rs.
.' ,~
Mr. und Mrs. S. D. Henkle enter· tained t he J olly Matrons and · their husbands Satu rday eveni ng .
-----MisH Sabina li owland and niece. Mis8 Ed na Howland, entertained wi th a dinner party in honor of their g uests. Virgil Retallic\< and Edward Burton, last Saturd a~~vening. The dining room and table ' were beauti· fully uecoruted with cut flowers and hl1nd·mado favors and place cardl. Besides the honor guests those present we re. Misses Mamie and Marie Howland , of Manchester, Alice Rich· mond and Erlith Sco tt, F'red Rich· mond. of West Union, and ErnllRt Hafer, of Seaman .- The People's Defender, West Union, O.
Satu rday night. at the pleasant home of Mrs . L Zimmer man. a mls· cellaneou8 shower was given for Mrs. Harry Turner. nep. KathrYII Elen. derso n. organist of St. Mary's church. by the women of the pariah and a tew intimate friends. About thi rty·five were present.. Those who were u 'lable to be lh~ ,Iltmt their offerings. making a large collection of beautiful and useful giftll. Vocal 8010a by Mi88 Gladys Harlan, a plano Bolo by Mrs. Turner and several player selections by Mi. ' MalT Louise Zimmerman added to the evening's enjoyment. At a 88&100able hour Bubstantial retreahmentl were served . ,. _ Mrs. Zimmerman as hoateaa w.. assisted by Mrs. F. B. Henderson T hou g h l (or the D a y. 80ID!' "r 110 •• ""nleSI kn (1Cks we get Miss GladY8 Harlan snd Mrs. D. L. are d IlIw I' d II)' uur SUPllOSed frIends. Ctane.
.W IV Sears'''' . ,.
'WAY ABOVE THE AVERAGE The average hen in the United States lays~72 eggs a year . The average Peruna fen hen lays 148 eggs a year
PURINA MAKES THE Dlf::FERENCE and Purina aen Chow years' work in perfecting an egg
Pl1l'ina Chicken Chowder are the result of makin g ration .
Waynesville Farmers Exchange ' Co.
Phone 25 ' Waynesville, (Jhlo Don't get this. all wrong. I didn't tblnk that it wasn't before 1 had IlOne. I went openomind ed - -- . . . but came back open·hearted. Chowder and Hen Chow • Jerry Roland. who Iivea near Fifteen men were standing at a are sold ' under ,8 guarantee Middle Run Bilptistchurch suffered rallroadstation,all in line in front of of "More eggs or Money a painful injury ' Tuesday momlnar. the ticket window when in came a Back." when his hand was caulCht. ln a corn IWeet,wrist-watched thing, who shot To IetUe louea promptly IImn"J111lr. He was brought to Dr. around lb. entire line and planting The unofficial vote given in the Mary Cook, who found that one fin- bimaelf.ln front of the tiCket window : To not auel8 you later Gazette last week was mixed in reo ger would have to be amputated . laid down 50 cente and said: "Pitts· .To live louithe aerv,iee Ilard to the vote for Tru~tee . Thl:' ae was ther. ~ken to McClelland', bora pl. . .I" ofticl,al count. however. is B8 follows: hOBpiLaI at Xema. "You can't aro to Pittaburll for 50 'To 'OOIt you no more than others --~ .. - • cantal" growled the agent. Tp. Tp . Tp . Cor . Cor Peevllhly thellsterly youth looked NW SW"£ N S up and inquired: "Well. where can ~~~~~!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~~!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~..!!!..!!!~_: Cornell ..... 104 69 46 63 53-326 I IrO then! C. Ellia .. ... 98 47 81 97 55-878 • • I Graham ..... 89 89 50 82 64-324 ___ Wltb one voice the 16 meo told Shut.t!l . .... 72 24 &6 76 34-272 • him . . ~man . Bldg. Phone 61·2 W~.\'itle, p6~o' ·8tok" ...... 69 40 63 65 51-288 Mra. Martha A. Hili entertalDed It I am ever told where to go. I Tbomu.. ... 136 63 45 69 69-382 at her home in Wayneeville Rveral hope they make it Waynesville. but ~i=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~========:=-~======== ember of her friends and relativee on Nov· I bave a notion If I get to go I'll 10th in honor of her 68th have to be told to go. for I suspect ----!IlI~i!-------_: birthday anniversary. Amonar thOle I'll never ebe invited to come to present were her Kranddllu8hter, Waynesville. because there was a Mrs. Alma Sur(ac:o. Mrll. Lon Beck- honeet-tO-loodneea orator-a genu· ett and two dauH:hters. · Vashti and iOIl ,peaker-there from Dayton. . Om ogene, 81so ~ 'rll Emma Beckett and after thl' when WayneaAille The table groaned under ItII load of wanta a Ipeecb made they'll go on !lood things to eat. All depllrted at up the river not acr088 it. • __ a very late hour wishlnar MI'I, Hlil many more bappy birthdays.
~_......_ _ _ _ _....;,...:.'. loooo ' _ _ _ _....:._ _ _ _ _....''-_ _••
pers and other pnblications. subjectfor lhe meeting will be " Uuele Sam ,can help you build your buaiile8ll. " • - •
Sears. fA . Cartwrlgbt It
- .
Come and see this.se~lional 'liealer 'which , "looks like ~ 'Phonograph 'lIJd worb,· . .lik'e,a'Furnace. . .'. , Just 1
Figure. Show CountrY'. Growth• . , A 8l ngh~ New· York city 1.1nnk 01 to~Rrrles deposits . equnltllg more twenty-une tlme8 lh.e total d& posits III 'n\l the cJty'l\: banka. In 18&1. The depOsits In ,New. ·\";or.k bankl 10
the yeli r 1841. total d $28;000.000. n ... batiks ~8rr\cid ·$U,OOO.OOO otl ~alld II
noont ,r.900,bOQ.
0 _ __
The - Miami Gazette...Waynenille.- Ohio. J
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Money to Loan on l~ Clnns at St per cent for fi ve years.
!'irn (' kI Tl ~ MlIl~ n I~
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lI'arUH1Tri uf Warrlln
" o tlilufol. h,,,dhpr~ .
l" r,·rn ·. t l,\n ul
30th Day of Novembe r. 1923.
J c,hll i:!artllllll, Allen 11. 4."
Xeul" Ohio.
(, 1I '1lI1, 1 ~ " IIIIIY " brnin Itnr!' III U"" (I I Gy' '%
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Farnlers, Attention!
"It'\", \V "S U C~ flvl J l e , () Jl1 o.
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------------::----- !W Administrator's Sale of Rea)I
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t'utlw alhldcr '",, :
• 1.. ' l io·' · . rlghL a ugl,"" two Ii uu drod !Iud tour · t h h ,. It , one half \ 2 1·H 'J) foot lO TIt" N B.
\ ,. I , III ... Uno : ,"hence ~o r tt l ", c,; t.wortll)' thl ..... • \ • ', ' ! oJ t (36 , f eet \to a slak(l ; fh ence li t. .' . 1 ., ' It !t t "0 hundred aud tf't urWl'n ",ud '<1, \ I ttl! 114 ;" ) teet "0 the phu"e o t b~f(ln II l n/tC !'o ld l,Jnlm lsOi IJ"IU~ llt t} barn" rami
'~\,~'~ "11" ,~\~ei;~.n~' s~h:( \V:(,;:~I~: t.~~*:r~r~, ~:J. I ~ lt h hcl' lu . by d~t I ~I .!O Ifl' I recorded. ID.
' '' led SelJtcmlJer ~~ . Vol. 101 p .. gu ~ G t o f dtMkJ ret:ordg ot Warren ~ ~ II II)I.}·. Uhto. ' -ho bulidloK uo 8al u 1'1 ... 1 . ,... 1u.to h u.s no str"'f1t uumber and laid rdal fI tl\! U hU!4 Ill) h LI"PCt. Hu mber ; said real elJtaLO lit IOt:al ed IO U t.he ~ l)r'h"Mt sill" or l\lI\ln S tree t In r4Uhl \' iII "~e ot WayoCil \'i1Ic ; (..ho tU root..m'a.resL t.o t&oltl rl'a l
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lit oJ' 1",,,It,,r A UI O l(uuo I,I"t • . " IHoe lu ' (lWII Hu tllr Rny nt l( hl K., wurd . f' iD!!.: r It' IIV'' lit. Ib l ~,m c.. . 1J 21:!
or Cf\tnrrh . HA I. l:S -A'I'A IUUI MED ICINE (·on · :;h019 or :\" Ot !HIli C':lt whh'h Qul('k ly
n.C J1~ \·(, 9
lJ y 101'11 1 Il Ppll c-ot io n . n.rl d th' ll1te r nn l M cdh-In c . n Tonic. wh ic h a t'U th rough l ilt' J1l no~ t o n th o ~t u ru U ~ Sur· fnel'R. th u fl rC'!\ h'ln:: t h l' intlnm m ntlo n . Sol d by a ll .l rlt/-:'a.;I:H s . F . J . C h e " o y & ('0 .. Tol edo. Oh io.
I). H . E. H .\
'1'11 :\ W -\ ,
e,.'Ilate Oil the Nor&.h -Da.s l I~ :O;urth !'I trti(lt . uu tl t
he street. UHa.r"e2it t. o
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:;O U'hW68t hi Miam i !&lrCI L
:J 1el ro t\' oata.te hu ho(tln tlul, appraised at t ho l UlU o r .. hroe ' r' h fmM lultJ ( I 3 UII O tIl,), n ol lI\rI. an cJ will Dot b e solll for 1~6H lhu.H t. wo c. hl rtla or 8vpralsod ,,[llu e.
Also . In puraUIlnC6 of "aid order of th i} I'rn uaLe Oourt. a toruatd . 1 will. 011 8alt.l JO,"h "tty o f November, 1 923 . a t. 11 u't.-hwk r\ _ l 1. . olrer t or .ale at 1mblle !l lleti nn 0 11 l he f1rewidC.S the tollowloa ticscrl uotl r Ol\l c sUH tl.
Situal e In t.he <: OUlL l y o f W a.rr('11 Illl t! In t ltd V III 111116 0' W U,)' l1u,,,, i lle I\nd Iy illj: ." ml l:H)i nK in 8 Ot~. ti . T • • It _ I '-'t.' ( wt'iP U ti lt" ~111t111' It t v ~ rB aDd huund r d u lI ,1 tl t'~· r l ll [.·,.1 t\lt ful l- . w .. : H<'glu ol ug at t.ho u Ul"lhcu..~L ' ·tH" m ' r o f J l's~e W. Lowl!l .. uJ Ilelrtt ' 101
\\'u y ...t ... \
I li d
Ohio. Pi ~~ f or sn la,
Tell' phone 114.
rXI·r .. ni08 14 qUlr" o f L'ouy
01"1"It: 8: HAfHAWAY BLDG. ON MA IN "rRi~El'
W Ilyu,,"vlll e. OblU.
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F ourth " rl ' ('l Itli l l 1114' Ilt'I, f"t't<o l
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p, m.
L. _ ' 1. lI ,,- :-:J)F I\~IIX . ,\ l1m llll:,trnt .. r u f E"'UL1,,f \\ !til er L. :iltwycr . d '~t:l" , ,,d .
=-== t,J~ . Fully Equipped for-~d :... &rv lee. • Large Display Room"
al ln!llu v n
f7i t
'pnnlnrd worklllg tl, e "e nlune It, the ' ' ",ldl' I1I )' 111:< fO(l\ 'JI ~ I"'l !lnIJ II p chh l!). C"Immon Ploa..o; ( :o u rt. o t Wu.rrC' n (; l Ul ll \ t Uhlo Bnd that Maid cn-so will ho for 111111rlu I Illng ~' Cllrs ngo. COUIII It he posRlhl ' 7 whi c h I(r lllr'(1 ~ 1" "·,, I.v III th e Inl ~ lIs e ou u raf t-ef U eCf'm hl"'r 1l1 th _ t 9'13 _ AN N I~; I.OUIH ~IAL"TT . ,\fl"r nil lhls time hlld he IIcl 1111 11. \ ' 1'1'_ S lll1n l'g~. h, . ,,, ",I. , · the lu nnl'1 Il n,"ed I O. Amlersun _ i discovered Ihllt un cle n l stnrcho llsc or a ga in: he fl'l' I( st ing In his . hrl\l lder. Fral1l£ At.Luru ey fur PIu.Ju tllr. Uu I rnbulous weulth, tb ot golde n tr easu ry the I'"PII ':I ,h'I "l nl: hi lll fl il t :ll(lIln8t the ot which a ll n orthern ~( el(lco hod s id ' Willi - hil t h e ~n\\' hi s mnn. Rnd drcom e t!? And what ot AI~arll? H e K.II •• n Began to Undel'ltand, had dlsnppeared. lIle n sll ld ; d ied blll ty nen-Old him. to actl(ln. 10 t orget- I tlt p hCllrt of the deRe rt; went ror t h tulness of hie bruises. He had 5 ell n Cl'er to returll , HIl(1 h e llIet Ihnt tblll In the depths of he r eyes he II IYSlcrJo,u R den th here In this b lllck would ne'er forget; he would live to bole, ~urro ull(Jed , h y hi s golden trpuNrend tbat mess"ge ago In. The me m- lise ? Old he li e [here In 1 0",~ lIn\!S 8 1 ory WRS InSlllruti on RIlJI hope. But t h!'ollgh the lung years sl-,?ce ? ond w as whe re could b e t urn ? Where cou ld he the!'e sti li on guard over' h18 \ he g01 He WII S one IOlIn p iti ed trf' I\ :'\III-e? a gulnst t wenty nt leo8t. h is only udKell,,!'n ~to p p ed . holding bl. breath. vantage being Meager'S belief t hat he roo 'CIOUR or th e persplrntlon bend ln. I wns dead. Rnd surely ou of the WBY. his rllce. Wus the pill ce nccurse,l? I lIc must rema in unsecn; 'undiscov e red u ntil he le n''D ed th e truth . Hie mind Did Dellth lur k titere Ulockln!;ly. enger fo r unoilier vletlltl? 1:111 ell st uij ilic Ihe I:rn sped ll1e sltllntlon s wiftly, 88 he pl onn ed his ol\'n course of action. th ojlght with B gesture of hitter seo ru . 'l'h e re \Va s no rPll s on why Cnseheer', All IlIlugc of th e s UJlehlutural Ipft him. outllt shou ld 1' ~lIlUl n In tbe va lley: and In Its plnce cume Ilwn. Whllt \l'fl S ~I enger 'tlud h ie ou tfit d oing hel'e? th ~y hnd olreo(l.r unlonded Mild Bloret! IIway out or ,1J{hl wh ut ",,('r th ey hud Thill WIIS whll t h e llIus t fllee nnd leRrn - not huw AIVllrn , lI e,l. He \\,pnt to, trnn'port . T h eir wh ole Interes t on , cau ti o us ly. u llmll y. the ,11I1'1""' S9 IlJU ~t be to get Btl fely a WilY on the bll ck trnll before duylll;ht, Already Ihe fire dosing hehilltl. Go(l! ho\\' s[11I It wus ! had Illctl down Inlo n.cre elllher., lind. WRS thnt 8 s~elllth)' mO"pllIi'1l! ofT Illere 10 III!~ le ft? 'I' h" III1\U wh(,.. It-,1 he bellev-ed, M pllrt at ICllst or the pack tru ln had depa rl ed. After they about. r e \i o l n~ r swung li p. fi nd ~ lil lH I all hnd gone only Menger. IIlId his pul seli :lnt! hn)lI \JJI('s~. ~ Irillg lll 11110 smnll pnrty 1I'0ul" he left behind . hie rye. 1' lIl1e.1 II \)lIlI lI llI;; hU"sl of H(lw mony there 1I1 1 ~ltt be of t1W!'>l nllllle. ({('II t.·~ D stu,L!~ c r el1 h:j('l\wHI'fI. ye t In· Keifeen had no menll" of knowi ng, ~' et It was' s Cllrccl y pruhllhle muoy were Httnc tl\'t! l y fir'cu lit t l '" !t lll l'l.;, nllllii s t Mllal,cJe~s ShHUOW re\'(~al L'( 1 a rl III!';tllllt 10 the secret ur what \\'fiR going onU enger hltlls(·H. !>nn(: hez and one or In the tl ume_ 'rhe SIH'cd ln g uull e t JlU d two oth ers pcrhnps: nol enough to IUlssed him R hu lr's br(,:lflth, yet In tile prove purtleulurl.\' tlulIllerous. If they seco nd of stRrtll'ri SUfllr!.·C he I'elllin eli Fi ring On l:e, H. LoapDCI Forward. did not even SII , ppct hi e h elll g alive. no pO\\" ~ r o f bclIon. Ue hnd secn the I 1 mnn c r ouched ngllins t the fnrlh e r W(lil. \\'os ren dy. l"lrln, once. he leaped for1 olllorr"w surel.,- 1IIIlt Sql1Ht1 or l·Il,' · nll·y nt c n mllst "ppen r rrum Bux un· u Iltllre bluck 111" t. ull1i08t \lnrecog· \\'111'11. I(nlJl\l llnl( for the dim shadow yll n: Ihpy wfl lI llI ~('lIlI l up Ilr ls WHY If nizullie. 1'h ~ n thnt IIwful dnrk ' lcs s : fifo: t Ill' t! Jlrlol t ''"s clnsed t hem In IUlulo. I "!!IIII1. an rl ij lh·D,'t!. " '1111 hl ~ tll'~ 1 1'''' n l ltl li n(.! O{ ·(· II I'I·j ·r! 10 d i ·tain t! : ~ IU . (To b. oont lpued)
...:. .
GeorlZ6 U e w(lY ) t l\lnfL . whose rC3ld(JlI CO !, nnk n ltwu . l!ii huroh )- nfl ll " " ,1 thar \U IlIt' J., I d h'oIrt'{~,
DiR ~ ,
Waynesville. ObI. ..
hm M a loLL. nn ~I u)' ,\' )1 I ~.! J 11111.1 l ull" ~f'
l io n 6)tlllo J: 1 him ((J r
uu .. llt.iltl-
II f II fl lIl \ ..,.IO" .. d lind g r"de d Rome 88.nl.18... of th u vtlfy bI., be8& 'lQllmy. prl0e4 lI& ! 75.1 III " fi O p e r bushl'l, IX mUe. IIUH l nl Hll rveys burg U
.Walter tt':ieCiure ; FUNE P. AL
~~~tl~l ort rr.~I~~ 1 iI:"tlL~~ !.!~ "II~~~O
~tl F of RUlCliV t:lorD>'811 .
111110111 11 ...
the n.
th,' l ".. . v
Underwood Apples for Sale.
SIi ItJ _
\'J It .'
I,;IIlu"el' aoo~e 8x5 f ~ e'; .. leo a P.rry \ ; i.\ ,,~. W$yn 8vllIe. Obio. n14
,bl rds u r lIa ll! AI'I, r., ll'Icti \ , ~ 11II ' 1' L1 rm ~ o f :-\".1.., - ·:,,("'11 u f ~ .. Id (r'Wl'" nf r l! n l "'~L ... to nfllf('h ll id \\ ill !SultJ for t.:Ub.h 11.. h u ut! 00 lIuy
with oven . toI"e A .. rold I" 'r"tlvl' ' .!rlllm tlbl" nlll
L l!bJI1 'Jn. Ohio
e_·HIl.IO h M IIt I brn~ t ' l II I IIlIlI'r . ~ I , , ! I n'u l t ·.. t ll.l ,· l.. f1 U tlie SOtllll w,~1 ~I il ll tIt I I I;! h .<oJ'rl t' 1 11111 n l' Are5 l !i'ref' 1 gu ulh Ihll r l" l f hi ,.a ld \ JlI, utn 1)1
b':~III~~;! ~:H'I tl\~I~I'.\l~ t~l~1 I~II~: ';,I)I;II~~:,~ l'r~I U I; ~: I~~
ll ' ,OV,' 3 .BURNE F ,,, r,' lIop '''10 k
At Cuy's Jewelry Shop
\\'a)'n~ \' llI o 1:1
~tr~ln .
It. MI1',,,"h e 'i~ ' lf. K. D. ~. W",. nes 'IlII ,', UIJl u dlll ~'
Th e :yc 'i )! h t Sp clllii st
col l; .·..
n ll l
Pl ym rm lh Rllok Rou8&e l", S ·.rred FI-hill !"qalr" lit Mrd .
1I1I1t:; hI lh i.l 11t.' I{ 11I p " It,~ . 1\ " \ IJP-
strc('t Itorlh- l'hs t o f truid r"al l'.:UU'" \\ iiII' ll h i I ~r" l · l· l .N :said II h:h .'i I rt '\' l i", - - ..:! l't~\.l\ . :.4 ,l h l rOlll Clill,t ,· 1lt' 1"l'1II 11"l'Iol-rl b,',1 a" St'.· · 1111(1 1'r nC I.. .. lIu .. IItl..'11 " u l~ Ililtl 1'"1-: I I! ~ :Q l '
\'''"y 1I,,~vllil'. O bi?
Hll e S 3!i" l u \V l 'l "' J NJlo~ III h " 1.1k.~ t il l' :l.lmmur m an·,.. fiUI I _ l l lt'Ut·tl \\Ilh Z l l1l1lwr· u) BI)':4 IInu N. D I 3 11 \\" Ii i ;" p t.h·& ( f ' a :I t lLh" c urn e r Lo LtJ", 'ti ' \" , • 1",'11/ '(.' \\"'1 t h lA.' ~ j ... '
nlUIl . co n ta luJu.,: ';'& j lj') ,1 " IJ 111/0; Lhl! 1'v.IIIO ,'rl1mlM·lOtnHl~I '\
III D",VI8. R . D. a,
8 .. wllll( .1'I80h llle. Ilrlo e. A RIJOd Itlqutrfl li t Mrll . E . tl. Blllly .
\\ fU·
n ' " l'ounty . O h i o. n n Iho NQu t ll wll ..t t ~i d u I,t IJ lgh ~t r('cc. Iu 5ulll h l \\' lI . LhclH.:t! With t l1l' Hno o f H igh ' Ir c t S. !d ' :,u "" uti '" p .li{'fI to n stoke cnrn er t il Frj\'II' I ~ " Cl11 r tt'r y l o t.
IIn. \
I I T!a..a>uONIl
To Relieve Canarlu or Vlrt'I'IlR. Cnnnry h lrtl~ .re often ('overed with ventl ln. Th ...v ntHy he relieved of tbem by plu('l ng a eleno wblte cloth over their ('Ol:e 01 nIgh t. In the morDIol tile clUI It will he ~uvered wltb minute reel SPOIS so sma ll th!!1 they can .bardIy be seen with lit e n llker! eye, Thea. are th e Illirus l, cs. u 801lrt'e creal annoyo n,'e 10 I h.. hlr<1 ...
h~". 1:1. /
~n. himself. 'Be at M whq bad allot J
i"I" ...........
'11 1I1'l\ l tI~
Good G·o o.d s Always ;Please =
"egaD to under to nd. nnd 10 t\l'II tJllft . He wii, not ·
• 1I!.1~~!tII• .
Hit"' Iti::11 1111 11111 ,\ IJf I \It' 1·1t · ... ' lI~ll llht t hr 11:.:11( 1' 1' ....~., ahll\l ', 1111 ' IIl1 'I,," r .\ IIf Illu t n" f, 1I Idu n ;.:1' o"'~r I " llr~"'t · .
C'I ' \
!""'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ....' ' ' '..,_...______..._ ....
,.., mtiDner III 40-. oat of lb•
• • •
(I f
Beating ~R ug&. - A n'l: m~ y be heate n twic' ~ :to; r ..lsil y a lld th u r· o lll;h ly if plan'd 011 :I pA ir of ,, 1,1 spr ings fac e do \\, n _ T lt l' Jl turtl (I\' C' r and SW (! tp_
1,1 \\
n l'"'
'"I1 ..
"Alvara'. Lolt Mine." Jteileen lay b"cathl es8 u!l hi . h ~rk , .tarln, up uncomprehend ing I.,' 1111·.. ",,11 the tangled bran ches of II t~ '. I ~ 1I'OS brulst'd. duell, 8cllrccl.I' (·,'rt II "' ltI~the r he Wll ~ tlend or ulln·. ~. , ., dimly aware oC whlll l,ml ur tuully oCl:urred. He remelllhc red the SI'll of I1nme ou t of th e durkne,s. lite rep"rl. the bullet s trtklng him. 8ml the It "n'"'' ot that IIwfu l tall. as he grnsjled IIIIHII.I· at Ihe aIr. And whllt thenl Di,l he lOSe conse lou 8ne~s 7 01<1 the s lllll'k He mu s t I' ''''e nurub his bralri? ernshed hefldlong through IhoMe I rt'e limbs. hIs. Ilrl)grl!l.l8 ~toIIIlP' 1 IIIl1I rli· "erted' until. by 80me f ule. hla h!'ul ~NI lin d battered body hud been flun l( he!'l'. like a bIt of drtftwood on the ["·III:h. He extended his artus, Alid (pit ullout io be aurp.--yea. he lay I It~!'e lin Q shelt of eanh. out of which Il lftt t ree irew; lhe ,nurled trllllk \\'IIS within rench of his hfl nd. And Ht\(lthe r tree. a amnller one, was at the left.. It "'U 80 dark th ere he coulll sc,· little. yet t h nl 6re \-'ll~ stil i helow, all (\. It be tabould roll o IT, he w<)lIld h" "" "Dother sh eer drOll. Ood knpw hoI\' tar. He dare make n o errorl to turn over. ' How badly was he hurl ? li e dreaded to learn ll) e 'ruth, yet foro ·",1 himself partially to sll up nml "X , IDILne. There W88 II h ole In tit " (' 0 11 1. but nODI! In Ihe shi rt hpn e nl h; Ihp tle.h waa un torn. IlIIt pa inful to I he touch and tleclde,lIy swoll en . 1'1", hllilet blld strurk him, hilt fll II !:(I In Ilt!netrate; hnil been ,J fi ec trd by . 111111" Hllnlr-bls wlltch I t;u!'c ly: he ~H'" r,11Id It th ere 10 his upper cout poc k,,!.. ,,18 /luge!'. drew I bfl wreck fonh. 1111,1 th bull4lt ilrOI'l'etl Intn IIIH Inp; hi' ['I1(ked. It u \)--;:nllb e r ..H- wrth· 0 (Ju N'r teeu~ of horror, unfl IJl('n l,lo tell It 1n • J)O<,k't. 'rlt !'ul ns of the Wlll eh. 'ljel'e,lIl'l relilulr, be ftung I\II'II Y. '1\'01' '~e. IIIQJII Ill , b lI'aH dllzed, whllt · It &II inNnt remain d "Il!;Ue und ('11\1-
\\:1 ..;
• • •
t&l1DOll 111111"'111011&1)' .a~ed;
~vslle 1U Oil to t" ~ H elll; he nn' the reel ot 'em are bllck th e re." "Yea. JeI, I knolv," s he exc lll lllled e.t:cltedly. "You ."re Itere to Intl! I'ccllt I- I hll ve CUD-nuplera across the line. been hunting for you all night. H_ be 11 dead-kill ed." " Dead I WhO '8 dead T' "Captllin Kelleen." She reeJed In the saddle. ever~·thlng black betore her. The t row ' I' Sind ui: and cau,ht Iler 8.8 she fell.
.-. .1 ".0 ...-lolJtl,)·
beiorc p Ull ing jn ~ lh=. oven .
It·, •
Custard Pie.- If o lle wi!h~~ 10 ha \'c c usta r d p l ~ :t t1it..~ (' ~ \' (n bro wn , sp rinkle a li t lie su~ ar Ol'r r the top
n ll'~'
1' 1 II
nr not easily r emoved unless done so Wi t h Ih l' fpllp", " " ;'e , ar(>ly III tlt e \\' I,,' rl' 111'1II' rlllI lIIus t It n" e Itttptnilt e ci a lon e.... B'o iling water will remove hU Il t! s If t hl" lu\\' s he would "llI nl ll r f'- h!'r r Pl rl'lI t. liS II skirted tit " fn re of Ihem if the coffee has n ot had lime I(,U80. ntH I th e (l p pl\r tllnlt~· or ,."(."pp , lie I'I ltT. whkh hulged OU I 1111,1\'" hlfll . to become thoroughly absorbed . If 'h" so tll"s lred. And h" r.. 1t nil '1'111' frnnt WHS ,Iru l,ed \I IIh r llllgln~ I But if il is an o ld ~taln , me el) I:l1 doubt ns 10 he!r , 1 ,·~ lrl'. Th e lIlon hud ,·In, 'S. ",hilt· hplow h r(lund u tunj!le part s of yolk ... of egg and I'Ylce ri l1e. tnkett Il1'r by rllrCf': hI!/' ('urli r r d islik e "r hll ~ h"". nltn ns t Itnllen e truble. 1\('1· I Th i, applied to the gpo t IS aimos l Il'l'n rr('IH ,dong t hese, \' nln ly H!'eklll); I Ihe only n",thod of removin g them. hlld h£'l'n ch' tn!;ed Into hll'r l", I-II " I'Iand - sin ce Ih pn lI n llfh p r I 111 (I (lllin a; ~nntP op(!nlnt{, II nil, tln olly, In d e~pllir. ; Oil Cloth ,-Oit cloth ma y be kept force ml ~hl hlt \'I ' r OIllt' Inl o her IIrP. p r ss ,I Ih ~ 1II IIs lde. c\'I!wllng nul se· I f rom brraking at Ihe rorners over a I"'RI .I· In to th e tln rk ro ,·ert. "I'e ktllll i ' Ke ll ee n S'IlIl .. (I. 8111111 1( ttll In lhe ,Inrk· lablc if YOtl paste heavy mu slin or ' h" l nppnlng In the ror k whi ch lllU 8t pieces of adh esive clolh on lite lIe~s , hlR mind dw,' lI ln:; O\'er I he tn~m· hr' hldd ell somewhere hey ond. lu: wrong side where the corne r ~ ( i . he ory nr th n~e honrs f hpy li nd pU l'l!(pd t O!! .. l I,,·/,. II I' "'1\117.<,11 .tt,ltll'nl), how <lI sP(lvpry e lud"'d him. ond It wu n ol I table come. h hI.' IIlrcud.l· ('lIred ror II l'r. how (f nll! he velllured to stand erect. f et'I- , E,.broW'll. - Petrolenm j .. lIy Is d l" ' I,I), her womnnllness hH1 1 1111· lilt{ nbo,'e Ih e Inwe r bllrrler of ro ck, l good for mnklng t h p c~' ohro ws grow. Ih nt I", renlly co n"lnced himself of Ittl l P"'''Pu hint : \\'hlll It would 1II!!lIn II When a ppl ying let the nnll('r rollo,,, sh e s hollid lurn ullcle to Boh M 1I1!er ,·xl.ten(·",. Ae stood heslrat1ngly , hl!'l l the llne ot th e growth of balr. rt tltlllllJllng froll1 eXciteroent. h('n Thl' very thought or s uc h fl po"s l· Tiler I' W il l' no Mou n d at movement 1 ~ wlthln-<lnly profound sllen e lind IIn pe,wlrn hl e dRrkness. Yet I'u rel,!' this ' nlto or str e ngth n e 8t")lI)e (( SW lrtly (111 1" nn s tornJ;c ho use, no mere to one Bide, s l(jopl ng low, u"t1 lis ten· r ('elltllhl(' for st ole n j!ontls B~ he prt'- In g ror the sll ghll!Sl 1II0'·elll (·nl. llis 1·1!'(fRI." l,n(1 Imnglned. ThAre \VII" no henrt IIlmosl c(',,"cd t o hcnl. h""l ell lrall lelldlng t o It; no clelld. H e \\'lIlt~d 1\ ,," nUl(' twu mlnutesII'IlIlI pl e(1 v ln" ~. no pa thway openln!: It .""l1Ied li n !lI( L~ I (,lI llln.c (ur wllrd. Ihroll l(h the !.h" lh~. Th e ser ret of Ihe : e "ery n ' rve t,lIse, h l~ ,·. 'ry 1"'/'11111 <us· I p l llr~ rpm nl n" ,l hl"" ... n. Its ~hleld pcn ded . nervuus 1111;" 'r (1 0 t h' I rl::~"· r. (lI stllrlwl J. \\' llnevcr cnm l' here mu ~ t U--d! t h e 1 ..·lIm,- f' lI ult l 11 111 tun )..; 1'& 11I1\'e weflvC!l th eit' way AS en r ol'lIlI,\' I' IOnln 11I 0tlon l,"~ wl~l're hI' wa s: he ItS he bn,I, co n c ~lIl1n; all !'VIdence of would nuvel' dare, ' u l,'~s Ill nl clll lDr e p"~511"e, le n"lng no . troll h ehilld. I Rll ot hlld gOne It nfll~? '1'h,. Ill er" " "~, III spite or th e s hrlnl(llIg of hi s tleRh, "cs fl" n 1 "~I' III ~ In l" tlt e 111'11 111 It" ' ''' j!hl Kf'lI e n ll.egn n to udvun ce , reeling wlLh [., Ih e hUII , .. rl 1111111 II 111\811 of ell ll r";.:e. his (e(Ot. n::d keeping on e hnnd n!(nln st II ml):11I he. ,lilll 'I~ h is I,tn ,'k had hl" 'II. th e rOll);" si de ", .. II. [I wu s 1\ IlInne l hurl'l,.,t1 ly n~: he hll ,l II I·cll. tllC ~hlll1 ~ e ltl'yonrl all doub l. lelldlng nt ftrst s hll t lul;.:ht I,n,'c tlll Ll , 1" "" lng Ih e fels ll'ulg ht IntO the clll!. the " llh~" 1 .III \\' c1 en ll on 'h" rllck tl nnr. li p h ll u chipped und Irrcg uillr, I uvl ng t" the h enrd n o 501ln", !l.o gro lln , n, ) mlllll l'll lOlli'll or hi s Dllgc rs th e rld);e tII a rks filII , yet lIIen ~ u lt tl'\l ln es (1I1'U ~11 ,"" l y , of n pl ('k. Me n lind lfllll'd he re . 1I0t III Btuntly-1I "" 'e \\'IIS n hO!,I!. ·n p(/~'s l· nUIII ,·t'. nnd hud Illolllly lert lh elr hll It,\' . II I' """!tll cNI nil III ·J) III n hundlwork. Wh e n? 1I0w lung oJ{o1 II lilt!. r .. 'lilll: r,' r\\"/{',I willI 1'( 1'''lIlnl: Whut Itlld h@collle of lhem? "A lvllr u '~ fl1ot , srlll 010 '<'"'011 1<)' [he 1,lcn Ihllt [,ost ~lInel" Th,' wOf'ds sce med to Ihll ~ he mldl l c n "follnl ' r nn 0111hurn t h elll lre l ve~ o n hi s mlntl. lind he-I s tl'e td'f< (] horly (In t it£' lIo or. H e ha,1
".f \
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II II 'I li:'l U
1_. '
:t ll-
Ill.' hlr q I ll II! :I n .) tll llllltlll l (1. 111101 tH' 111 1.111 ., 1', Itl IIt'd It\l> l inn t lll'f 1,1'-
I :, p '~
fo r a
IUIlIS while.
• •
SI"" 1,\ , hH I'I, III
Houd a s n ~ \\' all d
• • •
",hnd hon-:e 'l" I HJo f l
open shenth ~nlf,' . Ih~ "lillI e not Yf'1 rusted from pxpM llr .., nnll n Iltllf. do~en em pll l'1 I Cftl'lrl,ll:e sh e ll ~. LRtt>r, upstr~m a tew roll s. rOlllld where u 1I0ren hors... 111111 h,'pn Il od to I picket rope. siomp lnl( Ih('lr h oor~ Into. I' Ibe 80tt sod. But he~' o lltJ I hi s pu lnt the soil ceAsed , Bntl. whllt P" e r trull Iber. wu 'nnls hed on 1\ s urrll (' of . hard rock wh ic h left no trtl ('e. 1'\ ' ,'(,,'. Ll!e1es8 Ille mount ed on ce mo re. nnd rode on. stili with her course to til" ' south. Bow terribly exhau s led she wn ~. reeling In the soddle from ra lntn('s8. She nebe,l from he nd to foot. null she (elt strtlngely dl7.zy. Twi ce ~ h e dl ~ · fUounted to bathe her fuC'c 10 lltl' rllo, nlng water. but had found It ~() dim · cult to cllmh up In to th e 'II ,J,II .. ugnln s be dare not venl ure n 1l11t',1 lltlle. She could on ly cling tight to th ~ pO' " ' mel. with eyes c losed. alltl Id th e horse pick hl l own W8)' nlon l! th .. ont · law trall . Box CJInyon i '" uld thl ~ be Box canyon? She opened he r 'Yl'" to look up, tbe &Tent cllrrs t /Jwerlnj! 8 0 btgb abo"e she could scorce ly gnln gllmpae or • ri bbon or blu e "ky. It , wa. like t"!'lIIl1ht \Vhere she rode. [h e wan. purplish blue. n othing lenrl)' ,~, j vlalhle a dozen yards aheu<1 . She , ~ shuddered at t he dreary loneli ness. the awiul slience. U Ihls was Box c:&IIJon. then tabu hnd colne too Intethel'e were n o loldl ers th e re. 8be .closed ber eyes IIgaln. stru!:gllnl: for coatrol. for courage. clult'hl nll at Ille ~mmel to hold hersl'lf upright. Then the horBtl stopped as though IIl'ipped hJ a hand. and a voice snld I hortlr: ' 1 . " Geel bat womnn . Soy. Wilke uP. !f!IIter. and tell U8 what yer dol n' ben.,. Sbe !ItlU'ed at him dumbly. a boy In khaltl, , bls hand grasping her bridle reID, a'1!rhort rUle tn the hollow ot his other ann. bll . face felltu rlng 11810n· ' 1,lnneBt. ..;:o,.~--'-..L.-----""'eep; was Jer' H-I of a plnce ter "~p. " "Are IJOU a lIoldlerr' she nsked, lItrurrtlnw with her d l zzltle8~. "a cn,,IIllTman r "Su~U. S. You're Yank too, aln't yer? That'. ",h.t bolher'll me; now It, ,er w.. Ilu, 1'4 lU10w wb4t to do." '"WbaU"
Shoes.-vVh r n pll ' ll llg . hoe; a\\'ay h(' Ill'l l",' I ll " for next s lim mer. lil t! t h, ff\ [Ill! o [ q l ll" r~ \\ u..:: IIt;l htlruh . '1'111 ' 1'1 ' \\ ' I~ 11 (' i ,' ,·, ·· .III'I ' l i lln (I' tlll \ h l ill " I t ll n !tllt l 'r t i5sUC paper or CO :t OIl ballin g. u t ll l l !, s:\1i~fll('f \ lry e xpll1 nllt ittll . Hll h! III ll;': h . \\' 11111 od .I .,: It .. \, H~ 1\1l\'\~; III' hu ,J not p r e \'l u u:-; ly kllu\\ ' 11 tilt., "UI IIIIII \\o\lld )In.' Tlif' dr-tiL IJ ~ ('Pilitl n l " Oil StO'l1e_- lf :1 0 ni l s t,,,"c ; 111<115 . IIIIlJ I~ f l I h.· n lllt' h ; lie 1,,~Ilt!\ l' tI Ih~ 1' :4 1UI\,1 'h "f'I ~ II k(' n rl'l J,:ht "llI-d dlll. 1 In d ro p a smn ll 11irl. c oi gu m cJ.l1q.h o r ttl(' d:l r~ . Il l' 1111" " ,.1 on In Illp dt' 11t h into th e t ~ n~ , ' t ill Ih en". ""IIl" n In hl ~ "(0'111111'111,'1'" roo m , hi s II l'lpl l's..~ vil't l", nil 1118 l't"lllrn . t\ t Ill(' !'I i rt ... hud, ·, ,,, wi t h . 'r t"!« !"t'ardtl lJ)! I h ...~ ~lr l fl lli uno pa rM II su ·n lng f ,)r ~ n l' \' (" so me l aq{(' O tll ('rwl se til t' II llIn IU-III fllll ttl l:':; Beads.- I f " 0:1 I heavy bead s th a , ,u s t h · Str ul1S , U~lIin S I K c ll e,' n, lIud !lft sU!'>.i' ! dllll~ d C ... 1I \1I11 1 I n fl lHr i larklu'!'!'( ,h p .1§'· ItI'I ' ("I .r r ('n l · try v io!in strin ~ 5, .I cy siand a lot hlllJ . eX{'t'I" pos~ lhl ~ n d t!~l l't' t i lul Ie ke" I' nUl (.f th is pll rtll 'lIl"r II !Til II'. T ": t izprl wlll'n" Iii ' \\ ti~ . yPt. wllt' n 11(' of st rain . s urely WII S IInl " ullkh-nt til J II 'tlf." li n ,'II IIIf' Tn II . ra XIH"' rlpnl'f'll n o 111111("111 ~' Repairing Wall Paper. - W 'l len attempt nt C'o lt1 - h l (lud l~II I1lU n ll"'L N il. 111 n·"II;:nl zi n J.! t il,· 111 11 1111(1 nn "' h ii' ll I ne xt you wOlIlJ rep a ir wall papers. hI' u m) l ,dU ll'll" tlnd fllk t'll 'H*t.'IlLc:rll ~ t It mu s t lh(· );I /'I. I in , tead o f CUll ing ;\ s quare piece An ,1 \\'I ttl t hud h ~c(lme of II,'I"! 1'1'1- " I e l'llt\'r, 11 (' ,·IIIIIIt, ·.t Illp :oo illping ~ Idp jult to fit the place. ttar an Irregulnr )('Io('l n IlIld no t'e(,CJ II ~" lI lm of II :"it' I'ullt! ' ·III1 I ! I )w.I .\ · Ofl IJllnd~ lin d k ntl ''' ~, h is n '· piece and p,ut it o n th e wali. beillg sh,)t, 80 It WB K nIt O~t·th ,:o r t lrnhn !til' !'Oil ." \uh ,' r rlrnw n lind f"!PII (·h et.1 In h t~ careful to mat ch all lines ann lig1' 1 f':-:~ r llll! p r ~ . T he m n n W88 {'oLi I ures. The Irregularil y of th e line hlltl ItN_\U s l,urt:'u. lI ud WH .!oo HJ.!lIt n tI !,rl"' "ler In lh l' h"OIl s or he r 1t ,'lItlll flll" , und r ,'ndy. nil yullclng steltd ily forms 3 ca moufla ge which Ih e eye hu bll n(l . [f 80. no t{N' Jl tl'r S r",,"u thrtl ll l-:"h thf" mnzl" o f roc ks sl re\\' ln~ can .carcdy d~le~t . • ("ould II .. .. 'ntl,·r NI lit .. ):Irl 'hn ll lin , h .. ""rfu" ... 1111111 11(' f " 11 Out lit e Coftee St.inl .-CAlIee slains are t:\xp ul'f ure Huh ~l eug:('r'f!O l'IH'h'HII t.y. . l1~ht ('\' hh'n r " of n 1rull. lI C'r co WII H
t· j
Powtler F'uffa.- A Aoded Ilowder p IIIT ,Ioes not need to he Ih rowlI :1\' ". , a ~ m any b eli e,,~ . l llst ea , jlls t :t li t tle so.~p w il h luk e warlll "'" lor an d "f"'r fin ing Ihorou ;th ly han ~ lip 10 d ry. T he plllf will be
L:I \
,Jrd \\ II" 11 ,,\' \' ,' utel 1t1..: "UI 'lIlh's ( a ", l " rUt'C'. \ l' t \\ IIY s hou ld I l le 1' .. 11 41\ \ lIn\',' II t'ltl hli.;ll as lin ~nl ' I IIY ? T !l t, 'I nl .\ UH S WI''' !-\t'II" (' 11 \'0 11111 Oui! Itl 1' 1 ..
round-t he S<.'II l terrd <I(,lId ,,, I1\'. " r n U
;\1 .. :tI.! l.'1'
fn ... hI111l. It i ~ sl yh': tlir- w n~"
little ..... <1,,11>1 ... Mod , lie" "11111 h:l\"r overlooked f',~en 1114-""... .,: l;: ns hilI fo r E\' ldt' lIn"'
. ,r ... ,,11
11T1 '~ \ll.l r i I Y .
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1I01U,wi/,: Tltu fW ll''-rjJr '~ w.1I b_b,... h "Hltp/tl l Hi." n in OtL' f " GI " '~ ' .. lor ,"""·ill" . IV. I"tIQ,nl , " etl/! ,,,-,,, t ofN"''' ""d /'411. " i .. TUV" , .. .. , ,., b.x1" .
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\ 11 til' " " t' llt'rt tfl Itc.' III l tip III " UII \"I dlt' " II '!o1 10 ' d i:~" ,)\" t' r pl. llI"tly whllt this J!:IIU: WHYI " 11 t q. lilt! tlll' n \\ Hl t. ) II ~"" ' I"' I -~'
• u1
Terry Lilk:ison
WIU.L I -n-I'Nf(.
G~TLe"'A~. HE IKE4
GOOD Gil. ... i'\ ME;R..
WH~T'? HE Tt-I'N\(,$
CHIP40 AilE.. ';OME KINP OF KINPLING I' LIWNl1k t u:;[:<; ,
HE. ~,.,~~- L ,, '
Always carry the hest Lumber, Shingles. Slsh, DJors and Mill Work, Roofing, in fact, everything in the Building Material line We will take pleasure in supplying yourneeds Gi ve us a call
!;N G 1.1<; ~ • W"'I EVER't T 'I ME I '; (:Eo HI""
HO - HUI"\' "W,GO
, ... ...
at a
G A Z E T T E.... I· G Vt "~Jtod Cold EVERY WEDNE~D'AY 11' 81' I"JI Sunday Wa,.D".. Ublo. ~1 1I "c,
b ltrt,f •• 'be POIGO!llee a'
t '
oeond 111/1 •.\ lull
Cor reot ""eaau •• or r!l a.,. 1'1,,· d '~I'ce \It vl ¥lnQ Ih I ,Iwelll .. I 1111111 IH IhQ corre~dJ!leii~ur41 of m. JUII , - (1,trlyle. , J
• t
Mr. ",oha aDd ...."noe I'eal" of Mrs. ROl8ell Jeffry. lpent SaaUT NOlrwood, are • .,..Illo/f a tl. day, Bnerll OD io WllmtQI' OQ. I . ",Uti ..nib their pareual, Mr . aDd I 'kvcbped Into Systemic Cahln-II Mr. ll nd U n . Karl Shldalrer eDt.r- IIr., JOb I~, Recomm e n ds PE.RU. NA tlllne,1 \b e la Ue r', p a rOD' •. of Dodd. 8 und h.V. .
D. L. CRANE, Editor and P ublishe r. \\ n)' n("~ \ illr . 1 ,llI l.
Subaeriotlon Price, $l.50 pe r y ea r rFo rei~ n AdverUalnlC Rep r;~r.ntlt'J\'~ '_. 1:.'~EA M E RI CA NP R ESSA 5 $n CI /l ·I I "
IIr. all4 1Ir., W. A, lIerr.~, aDd IftUIct.oa, Jamee CUae, wer. 800da:r oalllJt oa Bor.... I!"ump aod .
Mis" Emma Ellis, of OaY'OD, 'pe n L !.llo wellk.eml wl\h her fatber, Mr . <': II R8. Ellis. Mr ~ l.,.1r;71le Lister ill 8pondlo . . . f ew " .. ok~ wit h ' r ienlj a In Clnoln_
--- I --
OBo ~i.
. -.
Forest T. Martin Au ctioneer
Get my ter ms for your Pu l,I IC Sale.
sa ti sfy and savp you
Mr. aod Mrs. CIlIr Harme l are t he I*r80', of. lIUI. 'aD .
Idu ' Io wf' recll i ved a box of dell l oloua II uh fr olli Rlall;o, I ~BI , this. Barry Nlohenean II enjoYing a week . . bUDtlng 'rip III IlIlools. Mr •. W . A. M,,, r ett tl n d Jamel Mr•. Mary Lin ton I, 10 v ery poor <': 11n6 "pent Hll turd"y In O.yton healtb ber home 00 Buek Ron, ~ b o PI ' In!-: Berbe l BaaelbBker , of La mll h ~ , 18 Mr ~l otte Cline. of Da yton, s pent the IIU0 8' of Mr. and Mre. j . B . t h e w " "k .e ud wllb W . A Merrett )4ann . lind t .. fuil y I(lllml Quarlerly Meeting was M r ~. <.:ora lSu m mer iiI very 810k at held In the I'rleodl ohurch b e rt on tbl & wr ltl nl(' WI' hope for her B "rlday. &\urday add SnudaT . speed\' IIIOO ve r y Thom .... Btewart and family ha ve Mr liod MrA Lt nki n 8 endrlo k of moved trom .he Blat farm to she lJoo yt" n. HPtJll t t be w eek.eod w'ISh tenanS booee belonlrlng so Pete Mr s, [ lOrna I!, II 11'. Shaw . Mr . EdgA r i:ill n80 LJ is ve ry lo w at TheyounlJ married peopl e's 0la81 hIli h " me ber tl. Tbey e l tl expect . of she M.E. Churob very plllBsanUy In" Itl~ riOll at an y I,ime . aorprlled Mr . and Mrs . Loyd Davlll tlooday. &f'r. uod M rs V . U Toll e speot tlond ...v iii te ro oon with .Mr. and Arml.&loe Da,. Isrvl06a were held Mrs E E , ReuBon 80nllay " 'sning In 'be M. E . ohur ch . llr <': hfl~ . Ed .. a rd s I" remodel\ni Mutllo wag relldered by the Junior hi s b llu. " IIl I·ply V'loal;ud by V. O . orehel'ra anll the M. E . oholr , MrA. '1'011 11 uod "x llects to move there Bill ,,01 .. 1010 Rev. Co,l ..s de. 800n Itvered .. mod 10lplrlolr dlloonr"e. Mr . And Mr H Roy El lis .. nd MI'I ... Mab!A we re !l ood ,.y .. hernooo call_ '\IUu UI .. 1...U\ Ulj--U " ' III"JII,I .. !JUI erR fi t JobDatblin Coo In. .. 1IO"J oiI.II"jJ ll,l~ II.uoilIK U U'If JoI)f;1 I' Mr ~od Mrs. J . A . 81lrtaook, of lloiIWIl oiI ~ JlI\ UH f" " JUW pU U J,HjI,'::": OilY Inn. w ere week .eod vll"or. and .. PlUilV ..·II. II:1lL\ pall ...,(a ....'lIu .. PUI wltb .J oe D" via aud family . ~PUIlU .. 8.Jil Il W\:J >< u ljuol W" "I II lilA "UOld 1YUpj j.l u '''11 J " ll !.!l Udl ittll J ill J Ul ll Mr ~. Itll rll8rt D o~t6 r Bod Mra. Will t or t:a8 t, . "'e r e hll An til Bale', u .(Inll " I II .. 'liU3oi1nb 3I J .. II.:I .. ".Jil l ·OddS III IIJ O.l.l.l at> Uloilod l:iillj uol <l1lJ. b o~ pi 1111 I:'\l\Iu rd .. y 10 . be ope r"'ed on tt d O Q , 'w~od 'III~Ik.t., .,PIJOM Th,· Al lpres< ll ol elrt'lIlomeot Illllt I'lIor - oI " y nl"lIl W II M" .noc e ~ 8 . The " '·XI· · 11 16rt"ilJlI\,'n l wi ll be 10 Oeo-
money or no charges.
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio 110me Phone 2, Cenlerv llleEx,
l __H_o._w_·..:..~..:..o_B..:..uil.:.;,,·;,.;;,;d~U~p..:..Ou..;;;,..::;r:......:.T...:o_'\!Ln~~ Building a community is every~'8 job. The h ome own r r, the laudlord, the merchant, the hOUiewife, the ndnis tcr, t ho doetor, the school principal, the governing board, the civic: IIOcietiea, the policemen, the firemen- in fact, eve r yone wit h Il distinet home inte rest musl play his part. The 100111 n ewspaper ill the point of coutaot through whieh these various ele ment'J mUlt function and expreaa themselves. The home t own publication il a mirror of the life of the community, ins piring , suggest ing, helping, and usually sacrificing a great d eal to the gen er fll work of upbuildmg. It is the concentrated reflect ion of the home town interest, as oppoBed to a ctivities in its mids t, whose tlQle aim i. to take the home town dollar out of town and attac h it to the bank account of Bome foreign corporation. The appeal of the foreign corporation for the home town . dollar is usually an appeal to cupidity camouflaged lUI safe and economical buying. Eor the most part it is made in Iccretdirect by mail-the cireular, the booklet, the disguised mimeographed letter systematically prepared by expert mail salesmen, • with the UJUal .. follow ups" destined to extract and carry away to the distant bank account the money of the unthink.ing. Tho very IeCrec1 of the appeal d. its own condemnation. • It il amazing to note how slow is the average news pape r reader to appreciate the nlue of frank and open news pa pcl" advertising. Not only in this way is the hOU8ewife enabled t.o learn what the market hu to olrer, but in the frank open a d ve r tisement )jet an absolute aecurity from exploitation. Newspape r advertising i. the h01l88wife's weekly insurance. The d ay h n~ passed when the advertiser dare be di8honest. The sta t e m ~III' in an advertisement are shouted from the housetops. 'Phcr nl',~ too easily .checked up. They become the guaran te e of sen-iell and of honelt d ealing. The direct -by-mail app ea l is lik e t lie secre t whisper pall.~cd fr om ear to ea r but w ithout all Y ~rn""al publicity that ellllures comple te honesty of s ta tem nt. .As II rlll o, ita unde rlyin g principle is sinis t er . To supplement unJ lJ l" '''1110 a part of any well-organized campaign it has ita value, but sta lllliJlg alone it should arouse II1lIIpieion rather than con fidcn ce.
I ~Ob
I 1' lr~
,1" ,1"" OIf Ih e
\ ',0111 ,' of P(" rtt -lla in the Irl'allllcnt of cat arrha l diseases. Ir r ra ds as f o ll o\V~ :-"While att en ding IJi ll y Sunday 's grea t revi val at 1'lIo:.."ilk. '1'(,1111 .. la,1 Februa ry I Co n Iracled a col<1 wh ich weakened my en' ire ' ySI ,·rn. ) have laken only three oottl 's I)f l'e-ru·na a nd fee l like a new fIlan . II is a great system builder as wd l as a great catarrh remedy." 1 1'0 nt'cm J'lt 10 even estimale the , thousand s who. in the las t half cellI lu ry. ha\'e come 10 know and appreci ~ !·~ Ih e llIe ri ts of Pe- ru· na wo uld be \\'l'l! r Ihan " , ,,less . The number i.
as t '~
ni! IUll lt :111" iJl crcasin g dail y. " o ur n~~ITCD t cleH I42 r P e. l"U -,ul
in b o l h Inbl.1 a nd liquid f orm. h a vi n g Pe ~t"u .n.J trCf.tmen t f o r catarr h, u pon
\\ h , II"
" "
, I "
II ! '"i f
lit "
A New York 11r! wu recently fined JII.OO tor smoklng a c1l>u rel to .n a ferryboat. She .hould have gono to the Rit%;.
, I
, ,"
H 1111_
t h II
j 11 J{ :
I 11' (1 i I
Thoughts·Sculpture Your Face
I .. , 'I
1 11
war~ IUD. ,
toword Ill.
1•" I
I, I :
I I I \ \ I !.: U tl.ll 11n~ ehull l H'( h~tt' l\ll. II l u tl, . .. ~ ~,.. ttl ,ll'i, 1',11 ' O,\"'P, h ,tl 'l :,! :-1 1,\"' , fin d c.. r h l· r h ', Ii " h I\ l i ~o "' I..:, r·· i l l l ...... , it t I' I '" ·dlll \' t, q '
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' fl I I \\ I I , 1\" I "" ,u l h ' I It I III 01 •• 1111 I U ,' 11 1t· /111 I ~.l ,II., l d tt- II
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Frill fly, "''' I,(, lIIl1e r JO. 11123 B t'!.! il tllOL! 'd.
i?, \ ,I
, \\,lIH!:
1,'oilleR , t,h n f oJ,
hor~h~ .
OfJ Wl't,
f'ltllli nl( IWDle. hur neSH. See b ig bill. fll r pur ti ou lEl r s MRt; ,J AMER A L L ~~ N J W. ALLEN W N Sears. Ano t. 110:':-. I:,
,IIH lI"y .
tlh'n l~ 1\lld
- - -...
JH4fIt' '"til I
NUUNIINGI We the following farm owners positivelv forbid any hunting or trapping on our farme · Any viola. tion of the II&me will be prosecuted accordinAr to law and to thlt fullest extent,
Winter Tourist Tickets At ...tuc:ed far ... and with attrect.i •• retunt I!mJta 8Dd • • ~ prtrihcwa oaw on ala.
Pennsylvania "
Railroad System _
Waynesville, Ohio National Bank
Worth . of S,1ks and f/e/vctJ
Since the season is, above all, one ' of ahimmering fabrics. this sale is particularly timely, featuring just those materials you are wanting now, , Velvet is a " prim~. favorite; silks are as satiny.as may be. ...
Prices Are Materiany R~duced Rike-Kumler quali~ies-all of them-ilpecially re. l'duced for this iemi-annual event. A lovely rna,t erial with a hllbly ~ linished satiny surrace. 400 yarda \ 'of it in many b~aut!ful colors eo on . sale at this rcdua;d price, Thursday.
Taffeta $1.79
A large assortment or Ihimmerlni combina tiona-800 yards of itfor &own., draperies and pillowL
Na,'Y, black, brown-400 yarda at greatly red uced price,
~hine $1.69 An unusual v'lllue. Thirty differ. ent shades; 1,0100 yardl of it.
Crepe de
Canton Crepe $2.69 Six hundred yards of thi. belMltiluI canron crepe to &ell Thursday at a reduced price. Fl,IlI' ranie of colora from' which to chooee.
, "Il I· I · ' . , \ .1(1 :-'t
., f akt ·
lime .,'
,•. '"llI·nu l.
Satin Canton $2.95 ",' 1· IH1 l Id, , > '
and lake tmod
ina in ocea n and otreum- awf bD lhinc aDd mo tor boa tinlt-.olfih¥ and mctnrinl a.t rbeir ~n d oJw~y. the deep blue a1ty aDd balm,. air of Florida.
In Shimmering Array
'Satin Charmeuse $1.95
I". A . li nd I A II Elr txo ck Sl o) k (.' ~ I);,; r)' Fllr m .
1f'. _en! -
The blgeet Job OIl ..rth, I 111-' Ia. ~ around the prlntin· prell. . . • Ii. lJ'\.\..~JI.:rv'_ fe~e~.. mOlt Importllnt needl ta ..ted by the thIDa he f'IOdt-unl.... perel\ao81 he tln4a It bad..:.aDd tile, be'U ohilage. or -:;. Wish he Iiadl ,fte.,_ IDIIlt rJee, or ~ tr. · ~r tIiaD, b7 what it ,.... to our leadlD' . &nOD • • , . " '' • Bread, wllIl7 011 lbl ",atera cut, 18 -;.. eertalD to ( raturn at lut. ~ " . " A liberal tuDd of COIllDlOli IIDII8, will re~ a liberal ': reoom~ , , , It we WOO , paM tbe ..... ~l1preme '..It, it 'l>al' to do our evel ; best, ': -ab,I, thOUlh our .lot "- II.IIb or low-It'll ': , '& the k4In'< '1tI1I1' ·that ~, die 'lIJio~' . :e, !:;;;:":;.,"_ ' _ _ _ _ _.... _, ... .:: _
08 . . a
pkaae every bta~
N.ovember Sale of Silks
Satin Oanton $3.95
otlld. . , , - V ~_",cY
Dayton, Ohio
', ll t'I \OIl ' IrJ
haft - - tolled to
ae'l'el' IeeDl to UN at heapln' coal ou :;; W.-IIl" ftN. , , , Tb_ alD't no rMlm lD Un, that Ibeta it door on tbe
wi th hote"
I ~~~~~ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~
,.1, I' - .
Uli n M orlo( l n
Oar .......
UnrivaUed """,rtll river.
The Van Tress Farms' Robert Patterson Farm Mrs. Caroline Rogers Ge o . Gilliland Martin Ga ns Lou is ~'i rs~
keep tile wMIlI · ~ ~
T h e lan d of pe r petua l suns hine where the winte r va cation is a delight
Plo' f \d , ) \ h 11\' , t.: - I'
"'k ,
C, E, Michener
Ed Furnas,
1923-By Blebard LIard Janel.
1 h tl
n·,jl \\ 11
17, i lJ1J ,
\ I II !... t.' \'
\\ '
Iltl\' ; n ~
I .
Ii, 1'1
h i
'. 1'
~ t· t1
llIrtb ,"..1 liS rile nnmarked outline of I fllce wblch It Is Ihe 1)1 "",,,II of ure 10 1111 In tor u.. The facilIty that raIses us os IIIIIU I\II .'.' l·I"~~ I~ th~ tAl'lllt)' ut choice. It II by U,.· wa, we "choose to choose rhllt IIlalle or Dlllr Ollf taC:M and our lOula, '1'hl! Il001 I. the eXllcUD, tYraDt of the face, She makes It to li lt hl!r~clt aud to reftcct ber 8Ulhteet whllll. Should the SOLI I he " "110' 11 Ihe at ooce moulds tbe features to teU her mood. 'rhe lIOul wrIte. UPOD tbe tace whllt Ibe choq84l8. WbclI wen1' ) or 11('11Ii{ boused III tbe b001 the lOul takes IIlght bllt leavl'll her Imlt·\lill!) l'tlI.'Orll on the fllce. II Y I I i~ It Is CO llllllUU IlrDcllC'&! to yearu for ollr dellRrtcd YOllt . nil ' · lillt 1)t... omlllJ; cnldlty. Honored 18 tile S01l1 thnt early "choos'·' . cho(,.i!" We Drt of conduct that leavell tbe least regret aDd 1It11e \\' no I' IIlI! that "It I\II ~ht have bi!eo." . III the IIneel sense the uobl8lt 018 of life Is. 08 Rusllin would sn~ , to 1,Ictore "'l'he good, the t~1l aod Ibe boautHul" on your I.ce.
Mi , - VI·l ri " L III 00 , w h o ia at (JLrI. I ~ b". plt" , i n CWOI o o lltl k t. IUI\ 1w, ·1I 1m " UI . i$ im provioll nloely .1It! b nblll t·" lu lte lon g ... 11111 and he lp Wllh ~ h e wurk the re .
' . rill
tr. r
1" lul~
II I IJ I' l h ~
' IV " ,,,-, . 1) I . SaturJa J , . ol .:m J~r
li iILl' t·t, ,h "t il-t
Wh.l1I RlebaTd 'Hanladd . . . ODce a.kqd to Dam p. th~ ~ rc!\I,'< t '. t ry In lit" ~Id bta Inter~tDr expected tbe cllstomll ry II:, , w ,' 1' " ,\00 1: ltie eminent actor promptly replied, ''The human r oce-~' . " f" ,'" . aUlI )'011 taD flnd it amonl nlUliona. It III the door·pl nh· .. r <111 , 01 .. , it,. " , , "rlle face II tbe mirror of IlIoadL It 1I tbe echo at UiI! . IIrU.t can paint It. chaDlln, countODIDce-no IIClcncl' 1", " " " .l<'ullltllrAi I,ower CIt the mlIId to mould It. I. "-IIC~'" are a. legible u bookl. Beblnd each Is II I tory ot .. , IIUI'I'ntMwd or IRteut power and romance. In evel'1 human L"'"'" '' " 1111. II blll(,ll'1 or II vruphecr. . 'I'b tace \I the pte tbroUlh which eblldt'C!n IInrl d Ol!~ tlurl "=,,,'011<' 11,,1 ,,:o.rOIlIl lOuta. 8ad ' heartll wUl drltt to II serene fH ee n ' II Ilo\\<'r
h ·"
.I ,
. .
l' lIlb .. '
I .'.1 I -', 11, 1 ' rr': , ".1"",
In li ,1
o r ig inal
lorida ..,' ---------,
·Public Sales
th e
, If ltalt D ,4W "'O t l) ' r 1' 11 '"1" P ' L.!·
You ('In buy a wonderful apple· 1D a New York Filth A.,enue sbop for twellty·C", cent&.
Dee117, ..14 tbe Brtton, thlll Amer ican 1<11'11 or lI(hf'l't blll~ Ih,' r,,,,1 at a .benaJIIIlhort... I. meMt extraordinary. Why nnt \\,:111. IIl1 tl l II 1\,'\\' erop COlnel la? AIao, tb. . dOUD'! s eem to btl Ul udl rc:uson ill I,ll) IIOS a l[1li. . . tlIeN 11011"
/\ . R. W ib on of LaFollette,
T l"· I.. , hrill~JS SOll1e m ore direct cvi-
Oo"ernor Pinchot explaLDed that the new wage to millers mu.t be curled by' tbe operator. and that coal prl C\l8 to tbe Illlhl l ~ IUU.t not be rallied. What were ;you pa.J'lni tor coal tlm!e mOllllJS a..., and what ta tb. price today?
Don't pt d~ If lOme one thLDkll you lire too Inslgnlnennt to be DOUeecI. BallkeM!, bulllnellll Inen aud cotton growers ore Iry lll", 10 arotde tbe whole DlttoD to COIIt' wltb tbe little lIoJlwe \'lI . ~~~ (·tr a ll IA8IICt ~III mate aD Impreu on the wo rlll It It d oes itA hit .01(' 1l'II 11 y.
telle r writt e1l a short tim e a go
~, i r.
' I'
" aWAr el
M r. A. R. Willon, LaFollette, TenD.
Three ' hundl-ed shimmering and lustrous yards of it. An exoellent value at th is reduced price: All the wanted anod _nable .hade..
lona Crepe, $2.89 This crepe, similar to Roehanara, Three hundred yarde in all the wanted colors; width 38 inchea,
i. ve ry popular' this aea800.
In beautiful colon; 200 )'U'da of lovely 34-inch material.
Plain Corduroy 89c Two hundred yardllClling Thu .. day 'at tbil low price. All coloMl.
Silk Duvetyne $2.19 Twenty colora from which to chooee; 200 yardl of it.
Silk broadclotb, plain a nd In Dew etripea; 500 yard. at reduced price.
Japanese Pongee 89c In natural color, standard quality; .500 y&rill at reduced price.
Costume Velvet $2,79 Widftl, 36 inches. Full range of colora; 400 yards of it.
ChUlon Velvet $4,69 A prime favorite and a wonderful value. All colora; width 40 in c h ~.
Black' ChUlon Velvet $l.95 Width 38 inches; other chi/ToQ welweu at ".95, '6.49, '7.19.
Brocade Crepe $2,95 A very popular fabric; beautiful patterIUI IIIId 1000 range of colora.
lUI.lC. . . .r-S«»ttd Flo",
AT lUt;1" 1llf: OI'PO~~t. '
Of' TURl(e..... WILL I'&OT BE UP . '1l)
Paisley Corduroy $1.69
Beginning Thursday .15 th
Ul "Com tlia" R i k t ' s P(I'SOlJo/ Shopp", shop fo,. you. 8M will send
you samples if y ou c.nllol ,om~ in,
The .' Be;lut ) il _ ::. \Jln ~).;. HIH' I
-- -
\'nl 1\llp ~ r(\ " t
I·... JlJlf1 UI '\.
1 '" I":~
IH~tI ·
, f' d h UJk _
" ,;: ',11
('t" 'c rs
Rebecca Jane Hunte r W!IS born near Ad elph ia. Ross Co untv. Ohio. Twellt~· ·fHlh ~umlny after Trin ity July 2. 1855. and died tit he r home ov m b(>r 1 l'h u rrb chooillt 9 :30 in Wayn esville on Su nday . N cl ve rn· Ii. moo q rvic t' II ml ~ .. rmol1 at 10:45. b r 4. aged 68 yetlr~ . a mo n~h s Sli d 2 YOII II r" con iolly in\'ltt'll 10 Illi end Mico- ' - - Use F e l L a round win- days . I h,eBe serv i_c ~. • ~he \'olliS lIttilcd in Illa rri age to ~ St,.ips d ows and doors ; keep Allen Kible r at I nndu II, Oh IO. F.. b- . ~FlH OO I s r CIIURCH th e c o ld a ir o ut and ruary II . 18dl. 1'" t h .. m Wtlre born I . - . I thewa rmairi n . Pr ice six childrl!n, ~1 r" l'rt'd I·: She r woud . 55 : "1I1Il>lI tl, :-,·1> ",01 !I.I., :'. 111 prell.:h · 1 ~,t fl ') f . of Co lum bus, Ohio, M1'8 . Rul ph Hous- ~~ ' i'jl! aLIII :1l1l 1l . 111 W"II 'lO."dllYtlVell . pe r a~ono - t.. .in )! ""n i,'" ",II I' Ill. I·: pwor.lh . Comb Goou hug ones; with lon. of Spring " a lley. Oh io . !'vi rs. Cha rles A. Taylor . of Lou is. Mo ., , L, alo{ II .· ti: 1:1 Pill: prearb itl/,; a t 7:\10 mir ror, I wo malch ~1 rs . J ohn Segule, ~ f LOI'elllnd _Ollio, P' 111 I':v er} body ig co rdi :.: II, in vi l ed Cases s afes and p lace for Mrs. Cillrence E,jward!l . of Wuyne~ , I" I h ..iif· ~t'rI' in' ville, and Guy Ki bl e r. of LJaYLoll Ohio c omb and bru - Il. I{ y I A \V1l ~ hbu rtl. l'aslilr. Price.. . . . ... . . . . . all of wh om. with lhe hu ~b" nd remain to mourll th eir I "s~. Match Pocket Match Safe ; She is III AO ~url'ived by ten I Safes t he first we h av e grundchildren. two sis lers anti two brothers - - h a d s ince ;. Mrs. Kibler moved with he r famIII InSl wpell' d issue nothinj:t' was . Ihe war . P ri ce. . .. . ily to Warren Co un ty in J tt nuttry, :sai d abo lll lhu ~ ilY tr~asure r'~ vote \ .1 ~96, thtl earl y part of he r life Ilav · IJ 11 Col eman. who Will! lhl:! on l}: I Bloomers ~"or't h e yo u n g a nd ing been spent in Madi~o ll allLl I·fo~s ' ~u lldidate , rl!ce ivt'u th e ful l suppor t I I(.r th e o lde r ones tounlies . She acc clJled J esu ~ at 1111 Of t he tick!'l, Hlld was I'u- e lected for tOO . Ca.nton fla nn e l ea rly age atILl ut lhe lilli e of he r and O utUl g Cia ' it . . . \ t h ", I.. v nIh time , dellth wall a Ill tl mlJ" r of til e WUYJlesI - - - -- - - - ville M. E. Ch urch . ::ihe was a devoted wife. II loving mothe r. and a t rue f1 nJ IUYIII II'iend III a ll" hose privil ege it wus 10 knuw lI .. r I Juring her liltWti:! uf scvl!ru l I $ 1.25 to ~n . [jo . Ill ul,lh · she bor e "l1t! r :! u If e r i n g I Of Cleveland . Ohio . Our goods a re Our price . ... . . ... . g llfln.ntee,i IIr mnnt'y lJ8ck . · - - -- - - - 1",11,,1 . 'y lind wh en as ked ho lV she I (;ive u ~ YOll r order now for future Special for Saturday frl l -I" .vould in variably reply, "all lri-li \, e ry on oil~ and greases We Chocolate 'Pu re and good. d;; ll l .
'1be Store of Better Values"
, I
handles p!'ril'C[ the d';;I\;. 1 01 the body
inside and out. the new Ford Four - door ~ dan shows improvements o! far more than usual im· portanre
hood. radiator and ~pron add size and finish to the front S un visor , an d wide. well-finished alum· inum doo r9 with bar
Silk ·window clIrt al 15 dee p b rOi,d cloth uphnl s tery : dome li ght 1001 lock win dow rev. ' " .",,,~ .•nd handles. "II Ia .. ,~ : ,, ·d
It IS lower and st UrdlN in appearance. N ew cowl,
n i c k 1 L o m r'\
.! i '
Waynesville-Mo~or Company
CAltS . TltUCKS . TRACTO R.,S.= :j1
Tlt e first o f which was ccle brated by the Pilgrims o ver :)llU ycars ago , is an Amc :" " ''\ institution that will e ndu re .
THE PILGRIMS \ Ve re a fruga l as well as a pious peopl~. As they gave thanks and feasted they saved and prospered. While w e em ulate th e Pilgrims i-t celebrating Thanksg iving, let us al~o follow their example of
THRIFT And not spend all in feasting but save a goodly porI ion that next year's harvest m ay b e b igger. In o rd e r to enco urage such habits of T hrift
The Waynesville National Bank Wi ll furnish free of c h a rge, to all who open a savin gs account with initial d eposil of $1.00 or more, a
Ku llra ntee to protec t you again'( Drops from the largest \'III IJU " h all pai n ul times >!he'd : In il e \ advance or decline of our oils or Ca ndy K itchen ill A ~1l.l lc of Heav enly birt h; g rea I:! prices , on orde rs tuke n now America. The pr ice And when the ang ds cal ,ed her hom e for shi l)ment between J an unry 1st ,a S lu r d ay . ... . ... . . She sm iled fllr ewe ll to ellrlh , an d A pril I , 1924. We al so have a Card ut Thub line of Sui l'ding Pairots 30 to 90 day We desire to expreSH lOu r heart felt )Jayment s; no money in adva nce . We thanks to all whu 80 kindly assisted ure represented by Bernar.d J . BrewWa~rnesvil1e, Ohio us in our recent bereavt:m ~ tlt. ster, Waynesville, Ohio, P. O. Bolt Allen Ki bler all I io'lImiiy . "The Store of Be tter Va lues" 387.
ICENTRAlPETROlEUM CO. ~~:, -~-:Jd~-::~~~~r~1h~%p;E, g8e
refineme nt you "" 'll ,d :" peCI only at a fal tllgh r price.
T'u, c,,~ c. .. H Obtdl".,4 ,hroNlh .... FIt~tI ",_.,., p."datl PIon
; 't,
. A replica of tha t t:'ock on which the Pilgrims landed \0 1620, a Souvenir of he '
The first number of th ... lect ure course, t he A l lprc~~ AII·SI It'· c om pllny surd y ulJ hcrd the I " put lioll the prom ote rs of Ihe c" L1rse hlld g iven thelll . Th i~ C(lrn~ lIn y \\'.5 fill' ahove Ihe al'er alol~ . a till utl',·rcol un evening of II1u 3ir th a t "I'en the most severe critic lII i)lh l appro v e of Their proj:t'ram II'/l ~ ~" rn,,\\' l, nt varied bu t the gn'Hc r JlII I' L of it lI'al\ composer. lIf till' w" I'l, ;; of I he g reat ma ~ t crt; This )J 1'IlJ:';ru rn provt' ~ Iha t a I'lll'ni :tu.1ieJlt'· ('un upp rt'ci a tl: ~ood mush! L'lC,d pl",pl e ~ I,()uld look forward" il ll iIlI Pr"9! t (, fu.~;r numbers jf Ih i,; "('lIlpafl V i.. TI' pr' sl'lItative of th t! (!!lUre ~ours.~
I ~N D.: A Y TON i
.'1It~ l r B. F. Keith's The.:~yt=:":'
5.0_ .' -
Tho' Royal .
Com., Mala and laco.d Stre.to
Eyer,. Nl.ht
AI "Rags': Anderson
37 Eo and St.
Wh o.l. o f All Kind.
....Ie.UIt, II TN Thin," ........ It .....
by the
~ Ill'• ." .... SO ,..,. COllI "'_COU"t
Steel Oiac
Ano to 20% Savinga, 17 ..W.e at Fifth . Street '
.. Utility.
"'0 Jlut-~ i~ (11'" 1l1li:," - SI: ' · \1" blnls tlull L that are" .' . ~. ._JJ·lleeonl,
u ...
KollIa Tb• • 1nI Bid,.
36 Ealt Fourth Street
USE SOUDERS' ASPIRIN TABLETS ... Bo,,; of 12 for 1~c , . The ~oyul Remedy . &: Extnclo Co. ' . DAYTON. OHIO " .
Rheumatism Suff.r....
Call .t our ato ... a"tI ••t
Central Petroleum Co.
. WE . CAN HilL.. YOU
Cleveland, Ohio
PRET%INGER'S .a ..at 'iII1rd at.
QuaUQ Ca. Rat. Druc Sto..
G_ 2380 W. Earac.:::-' T oe.hacbe. l..u nl l,e lrO, . H.huUTn.n.m. l .. Coldl. Etc. . •
Heating and Plumbln. Rear of 221 Weot 4th St.
Everybody'. Book aDd Art Sbo,
W." Fiftla Stroet . LAIlClUT- .... o:=;:.-:..t. ·STATION. lilY .... eHlM.oIr ..... '- c:..eNI 21 ; 23.
.... SaottIoeno ou..
. Oils'and Greases , Exclusive Marketers'· Columba P8nts&Vamishes
We guarantee your
To Flit Crack In Linoleum •
Flnroly 'h OJ1~tl c,)rk mixed with ·"npt tlatlsfy\rbnn Sage. "The Iqultl ~11l ' (s ~s('plt ebl ,, ~ " ll tler tor .I\ ~e not tbe onee 'he crut'k In IInoleulII. Wilen " ~H'. tlet lll r\!, rub dOIl'D wit), mn('ry ( "Iwr "ad t ."-PbtladeJpbll
_ ·IU<lllI.\llIlI"
'l(aaJO lIulIIIIII
l'f!llfU:'1 "(lj)~, "", \\ 11"1'1.\\
~II olUI PI!'; -9..".11 'lloIOM UIl1I1IIJ II I 'UOBt1Il1.\I~~'l~1 "1I.U UDUJ'l.\ lUU"" pall'~
aUllln \II!1J2I.10 iJlIJ.
HUO uolUeA
and Cans.
~gain9( loss.
WILLYB COUp ~ .~..
~14.5~) /'• .' .?I.d.
The -'
T":E .famo~" WiIly".-KI11g!1t C6ur.~'-~edah. ~ ~ . aVaila.h le ID two Ii rtlo h ~'ti: De Lu:;,c •.1n m;&i.b1ue. nIckel tnmme'd, wit h h ad o;up··: r ,;tructure. and .r';1JIDing gear, at newly r<."\iu<:ed j"o rtL:e; anif Stan.' dard., by request, entlTely 11) blwck, Wlthwashable S~n,jsh .long grain u phoJ:,tery, ' al' a still gr~ter pnce 8avmg. ' Doors from a nd re:: r - no sent' Climb~ .demons~ran9n · wiJJ rl::'v .... ,, ! · the r~D tor
. thii fiDe car's
great. popularIty
Hawke Moto..·.Sale.\ ": Wagnesville;·· ''1110 " f , l
Home 387..
CUfield. I""
,, _~ s:s
Jlllnt to ma&eb with lIuoltl1Jll . .
ju~t 8S
S 18 11C.. lth Th.aue BleI-.
J,.argest Creamery in th is Half the United Statea
A Plain Talk on Saving!
.Your m oney should work f or ' You you work tor your money ! The ti'nt step in litia di rec tion is the MEN-.8 ", your Winter decision to sa ve SOMb:TH ING out of vour income, atlu make that Suit: or Overcoat at SOMETHING bring vo u an increased income. ~.·urther, you lay aside fOI a "rainy 13 S. JefferlOn St. SAVE AT LEAST•• TEN DOLLARS day" or "/In indepenclenL o ld Ilge." or that verv comfo rtable thing "8 , financial b'll'k ground.' The d~cis • .Nn- IDEAL ion . howev e r. to be sysle m ~ t ic is the Meata, Groceriea, Tea., first requisite Coffee., Dried Fruita The time that the average n an 11 1 South J.ff.rIOD St. and woman should save and accumu ; Dayton, 0_ late is between the years of 12 and B_ A. 8.rlo. Chari•• Lelle;.... 50. SomB are born with the s pirit thrift and l'turt to savil early in Men', Alii Wool H.lld T.i1ored of life. Very. few realize the imporSuits & Overcoats $20 tance of saving and "sking money earn money before the agtl of 35 . It Save $10 ·and Corne to the is howeve.r. neve r 1"0 late to start . G LOB E Bt~·.t f:,r.:~n DON'T ,"' ORGEl' that $\.00 deposited in a Buildi ll g and Loan assoWATCHES DIAMONDS ciation each week at fl :.I;I comp'lunded Fine Watch and Clock semi-annually amount~ to $707 44 in Repairina ten ytlar8. J . E JANNEY , Odd ' Shaped. Cryatala '. Fltteel While You Walt Sl.\bacrlbe for the Miami Gazette
It is just a s easy to send your cr~am' ' direct to the TRI STA TE a,s it, is to. se ll to an agent. Howeverl selling Mias Stell n Daugherty will attend to the TR I ::, fAfE WIll put a lot more money in your to my Building and Lilan businl!!IlI pocketbook. . during my Ilb~l'n('e. so 1)lellJ!e take yo ur depr,sits . ( and 1I 1 ~ 0 you r bo oh THE TRI' STATE PRICE at the end " f t he .~ (-ar ( 0 have the in- FOR HUTTER FAT IS terest cred ited) 10 h" r She is very Nov. 10 to 12 e Ricient and will rend!!r ) 'O U g ood Higher if market advances. sI:<rvice
Fresh FISH
neue". ~oufW" f at N~ ur:\.tuiA~
~ .:
Pricel r or Country Butter, E:.gge, Poultry,
c.oaatipatiolland in dit( e.lio n.
~ O UTt1
:r 111
We Pay Highe't
When in Dayton Pay
Th. SpeciAlist. 220 We.t 4th St.. Dayton. Hi. ael.d to Remed,. Meclicio. Tr •• tmenta • bi. lucce .. b, mall. Writ. plaia, m .. olio. bow ,ou luH... aad whe,. ,OU .... wealt . ED. . . 15.00 for on. month tr •• tlDent. We will M~ . . . . ift 30 pills (or a!u •• iab Ji,.er.
NEW CENTRAL MARKET 34 S. Jefferson Dayton,O.
f... f ... caulocu.. • •• how
Button Co.
Nobody in Dayton Sell. Better Drull'
Carner U.dIlD A. Huffmao A.es.. Wuod. W ire ,
Factory. Phon. M.ln 13aW_
" CARL :-
hom. a
F. O.
have .oft ",ate, ....0". day. Th .. co.t i. much I ... tho a cl.t.rn- Only $195
ReflDite Water
In.tall in
Marion McKay. Dire ctor
2 ... SOUTH
Mood ay
The celebrated GreYltone Orchee.tra
DaytDn, 01110
~ ..-
bc-st Sund.y
Rebuilt, tiahten ed and trued up allo on riui. and parte
- t
..".', flent l1li .... " ..fiR, ... .... ,.II,n •.
• .a
J and
Surplus $800,000.00
Over 30,000 AcCoun..
DAYTON'S Leading
Resources $15,000,000.00
us S. JefferlOll Street
'. - -•• Sult.- Overcoat. and , Funilahlnp at Lo~_t PrIcea
ll.-t.s 127'-"
Dayton, Ohio
The L."es f In
CUT RATE DRUG STORE 31 Eut Tblrcl . S"..I.
. U~on
Remedy an d Extract Company
Prefzinger'. Quality
"(NUn, ..
Dayton, 0 ...•
Phone Ea.t 463
All Good Houaewlvu. U.. SOUD'E RS' EXTRACTS
East Mlnamlnt be. lid B. & O. R. R·
........ .. _
See Ludlow
----- - ~.-
70,000 Cream Prod ucers
. A Pure Extract for Savors, l et! C ream, Puddings, Cakes and Candies. M AKE THE FOOD MORE DELl ~ (O US - USE' SOUDERS' ASK YOUR GROCER
~OR.~ . .
!4 J: N
N, L. LeMoalree la Ch.....
Dept. 3rd Floor
pricN, deliyered to you r door_
be fltted , ' to 'our eyea with LeMontree'io d_p cu.......d I.e..... Compl..t. ' all.
all IUacla of bailcliD mAterial If Lumber luitable for all kiDcla of buildin. work ' S30 per thouaaud aquare feet. Z-Iac:h . planki~ "a rio U I widthl and leaathl, SIS per thou...d Iquare feet. New Redwood Lap Siding, 6inch width. at ·, &5 per thou. and aquare feel. ~ New CreolOted Fence Po.u, 7 and 8 feet. ZSC each, New Fence Pickets, an y length up to 5 feet, 2c each_ Bna. your liltl. Get our
115 !!louth J.tter.on St.
ot th .. fln_ Quality ,..111
Lowerpric:ea than ever before
0' -\. (.
THE CHINA SHOP For China and Glassware
6 Bi, Vaudeville Actl and Feature .Photoplay" . - - ' T ~2!!!!~oul Performancel, 20c and 30c; EvaDing 30c aDd SOc
" avo by buyin:r in Wll ynesville."
Eighth Commercial ~Club's Specia l.Edition - t
8eventy-Fifth Year
CHQt~ 'MAo'"
0101, SO'l', IT'l.L
';001<4 8Ii HeRE {
Tile flll allciu l Jriv l' for lite
The regular meeting of ti l(' Wom. an's Au xi liary of St. Mllr~" R Church was held nn Friday a f ter noon, Nov. . e mber 16. at:: the home of 1". B. HenderRon. Mrs Hend er~tJ n IIncl .--Mr8. D ,L . Crane ucting a~ joint Sends Two of Their Best Men to hostesses . Address thl~ Club-Cash ApScriptural quutalions wt-re Idv"" proves Club 's Campa'· ... n l'n reaponse to rol l·call . Th ere was .. no prOllram and lh t1 uUR .ln P'9~ ~e "~ l.fllI WBB soon di Rposed of. t he time beinl{ A lurge maj ority of the Com mer. cia l Cl ub members were present at given to sew inl(' for th e Em eralrl tilt> deC()nrl banquet II I whic h an exec- Hodgson Memoriul H Oti~)i[al. s-=· ' utive uf the N. C R. was the prin wanee TenneslIee , LAte in t he Hfter noon deli ciou s cipal ~ Il ellker. Mr. I"rederi ck Nichols were Merv pcl, Th e I Il~ad of the Mefchants Service Dept. rpfreshm ents of thllt on.ptnization. haa taken an nt'xt meeting wil l he held Oil Frid ay IIOUSUIII inte "es t In Waynesville, th e afternoon. DecemlJer ~1 . elect ion of Commercial Clu b anrt the problem s officers and payment of du es . - - -- - - - -confronting a !'lInal\: town merchant, a nd when call ed upon by Presid en t Cole to say a f e w words told of the the Inlerl!3t tha.t his department was ta ki ng in the local Club . He also tendered lin invitation to the busi· 1. N. Smith died at his home in neas men 'of this tow n. put.ting at Greenvilie. Ohio. Tuesday eve ning . their d isposal the entire wealth of Novembe r 6. 1923. He had been dat a which resulted from expensive the superintendent of th e Green· resea rch work on the part of the N. ville cemet ery for nearly 40yea r ~ He C. R. concerning business methods was born in Spring Vall ey. May 4. and problem,. (JIf the retail merchant. 1846. and was educated al lhut place. Mr E, Po' Corbett, the principal From 1872 to 1884 he was the super· :4pelt\r.tir and head of the Sail'll Letter intendent of the Miami cemetery . div isio n of the Sales Prllmotion, WBB and from that date went to Green. then introd uced and gave his exper- \'ll1e, where he has since resided . iences and knowledge in one of the Mr, Smith is a Civil War veteran, best speeches ever delivered before and was a member of the First P resby t he Club. Hi s text. in the main. terian Church. of Greenvill e; also all pertaint'd to adverti8ing with direct honored member of Wyoming Lodge mail as the medium, but his knowl- No. 192, of tbis plsce. Se rvi ces were edlCe of :telling prinrlples and human held Friday afternoon and internature and bis informal and bomey ment was made In the Greenvil le manner added t.o impress his bearers. cemetery. After delivering his speech, . Mr. Corbett consented to answer qUilL tions and diSl~uss his methods BB appli:!ablelto 10lcal bU8inesa men. President Cole. 'i n a rather spirited manner drove bome the fact that Waynesville Lodlle No. 163 F. & thetle milO from the N. C. R . are A. M. elected the followin g officers nationally I. nown in tbeir lines and at their regular communicut ion, to have created their intereet in our Tueiday evenlnlr, November 13: , town may mean more than is realKenneth Hough. W. M. ized. ~. Waterbouse, S, W. The riinnner WBB served by the Jeaae Prendergast, J. W. ladies of the Girange in their hall. ChBB. Burnett. S. D. and therll were a number of ladles, Cbl8,Bradbury. J . D. wives of Club n1embera present . L. A . Zimmerman. Sec. Fred Henderson. Treas. Frank Farr. Tyler. D. L, Crane, trustee for 3 yearR.
- - - ------- .
Save your old carpets and rUIl and get .. Welrwell" Rugs marie. Send tor price list. !"ranklin RUIl Co •. Franklin. Ohio Mr." and Mrs. Gorden Joy spent several'da),a with relatives in SharonM(. Leah Smith 18 91altilliliu Cir.- ville. While they were gone they I villtinll the tomb of William Henry elllllaU. Harrison , at North Bend Mr. aDd Mrs f . H. Fa,r were Da,tan vl.ltora Monday. Saml Butterworth and v;ife and Milton Keys and wife. ot ,thi s place, 'II. N. Mears WII In Harv"yaburg aDd Frank 9urnet and wife. of CenMOGlIa" on bUlllnm . tervlJle 8pent Sunday wi th Mr and Mrs. Raymond BUrnett. of Dayton, IIr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden were . ,. .J.tnia visltora Monday. By ,ood- natural abl~lty and 10~1l elq)erience, besides uSing a speCial . ..;.. L. A Zimmerman and IOn. printinll out paper that ~e",: other Paul, ere viaitlnlr relatives in Cleve- p~otoi'rapb.er8 us~. Downing ~ Stu· IlDd~
'l1lelloc:al 'odlr~ of~M..ons bad two e&ndldatelln the Scottish !rut, clUII . In D.ayton lut week. . l'hel:Sbrine clpb of. Waynesville w" entertained by the MlamlBbura Slniu club Tu88CIQ e~""dir.
The c~ hoi, . . . . . I
dlo at Xenia. OhIO. ~1B8 a.ttallJed a reputation fo ~ speCllll. htgh claBS work aecond to none In th.e state. H~ve a fine Photo or miniature Pamttni' made and preHent yo~r triende with a present money ~I)II not buy . - - •
., f '.old a market:a. OOLLINGC'IJ.. ' STOCKt
. The N. W.RieklProPfl'tl on North A DolllnllStockhold ,"p t:"'n lOittee ' '. -reet, wu INld IIOI)~ to. E. F, of Oblo, hu been forn",J w ' i(. h has
ToG:.I~. J,",~ P~dl'nt, ClnciQ~tl" ~ "' ~oat~D. nd . ~ ~t ~' " ~II '~.I',~
Harv.....ur., wbo wlll the 'approval of O. C C, " .I "J . At· . . . PQIIeNion lOOn. . J 0 1 BrJetilne, of Bowhng Green. OhiO Ih. •':tAra, T, G. Somermeler ia the President of this Committee, and IOD. Mr. A.njlraw Jer- E E. Eubanka, Jackson. Ohio. V!ce . . . Sr. aad Mr. Andrew Jr C. J . Bowen •.Col umbus. aad wife. or .Mr. . Treuurer. and MISS Martba BI'1C41 KiDCaid; Ohio;, Beltefon,aine. Oho. Secreweek.. Mt. JIn. R. G. Crr... 0.1 For tbe .protectl~n of all stock, hol4era, committee desires tbe fl. N. S..ra and .. , form,tlo. ' ot' nolllnila Stockholdera dar attMnoon In n.,tpn. AaIoclatioDII '1., ' euk County' ott.he ' . State. ,Th18 County Co~mitte\! IIr •. and IIr•• .J. H, ban to re,PreMnt all stockbeen apendlnlr aeveral deJa In holdere of the Count" and i8 to codnnad. in with tbe? State -_Lorea Woolley. wile and IOn. Nor- Committee above mentioned. Sa rd 'n!e.Attorney,-General of the State JUD. of lpent ,tu , a:t of,Oblo p rlle8 the of Buch wltb,C bu. Frye Bnd·'amll" order that Mn Ha".,Ib; t.ndRII~1J $all;~ the, may co·operate With the State burr :~e Ipcftidln. · a ' fe • . ~.,.' In <?rlr~hiEation ann th'e Attorney G~n. CI eland witb their ·~ta. IIr. eral'. omce for the ' full proteCtion W. 8. SalLtblll'J· ,' , .. . . ". . ' I h....e been :...ured that thiS ,.be Ferr1. Bibl. II an' o,l ,profit'. lind by • .uaiCai P8a_nt ~t .: · , I, . • Ir.tu~ of Ifmee, ~ave been reJIiII8' .UUed , The '. 'F.riend· q\lea~ to.call a met!tmg ut all Dol· U....;.. Ever1body InvltJd. . lin.p , of the .County. • . . • uld meetln. to be held at .HarmoD .~ lira. "If! A. Culley, .\ drOut. Hali! Lebanon, ehio,~ on ~'rlday aftfrom Lou18YJIl., Kf • ~,ber h~~ emoon, ;.No,e!pI)'!r 28.19,23, at . \ )VubID'fto!'O. C , lltoppet oirtor . M. ~t, w-.'ch time M~. L H Brl· .Drt yll1t'wldi Mra. Hannah Antram ~ of: ",I !!DI~II~qn;! 'ph~o. a. m~mber . , ,., 't- oftb,.s~ &litml.t tee. and a form*"lilev U,. er . ... &fpUt.-tloDed at Qu.nUe, N; Y pollcy ,an·d ·plan ottbls . II erJoyjq . - tj?D-" d91' ne 'Slate aDd .. rWUD.' blil
torney.G.e~eral. or ~hio. (. '~!la ~.
·tb~ Dollln~ o"~te eve~.way
lot~ation ~~nty orlranIE!lt!~ns. ~u
~~.I~ toc:khold,!~8,
~\ , ~~.r ~ot orlran~za~6!l
Pe~ce, ~f tb~ S;"M~riDe
Puce; . , ,/
OBITUARY Quincy. eldest child of William and Sarah Sabin Kin l!', was born on October 6, 1854. near Harveys burll lind Pll88ed away November 3, 1923, aged 69 years and 27 days. He grew up ~n a farm and early took up the work and duties of an active life. He wa'J a brigbt pupil in IIchool. standing high in his classes He inherited many charac eristics of bi8 gifted mother and was always a prominent figu re in U·. e li terary exercises and debates of hi s scbool d 8
a~a'rlY in his promising manhood his health bellcme seriously impaired and until the end of bis life he was handicapped by Ii frail and often suffering body. But in 8pite of this misfortune after the removal of biB family to HarveY8burg he became a very suc,cessful business man of the viJlall't!, managing a well known gen eral dry goods store for many years . th t I H ev r mar
~7td abu~ ~C:;e h~ :~:I~
ttme and 3trength to the betterment ot his
- - -...
- ..---
Il0l.''........-HOtOlRS NOTICE :::::'!;.::'::';:';;::~~:!',,~::; WHO OWNS THE 00G7 CORN .O~MONSIRATION j ..
Dq~li~~ ial~an.'Will· ou~line
G&&MtM'r A-L,
Whole Number 5569
found bis moet congenial companion ship wi'th his devoted mother. H e - - _ _ __ leaves to mourn him lhree sieterl, ' Two vears alrO a Mr . Bottom, of IJ'here will be a corn demonstra. Mrs. Charles Madden . Mrs. John Battlecreek, Mich .• a dog to tion . ahowing the differ ent varieties ! Vandervoort. and Mrs, GeorKI! Ham Earl Conner to \keep him . In the of corn. at the home of A. B. Tal. ilton: also two brothers, A. L. Kinll' mea!ltime Earl has paid taxes on mage near FIHt Fork. Tuesday af. l and Charlee E Klnlr, beeides other the dog and h8!l kept blm Last ternoon. of tbis week . On !"riday relatives and many friend8. It may week Mr . Alvoord came from aftertloon . the demonstration wi ll well be said that his life WBB a battle ton and took the dog for a day B beheld at' the hortl e of Earl Hocket f, wbere the primitive forces ot earth hunting. Instead o! the jUlt " eBilt of Waynesville . These met in conflict 8Kainat, the idealities dog to Mr . Conner. It 19 allelred the days are subJect to change, however. of the s pirit and of tbe trutb . He doR' was IIhipped to Michillan . Mr. owing to weather condition s. felt witb almoet ·palnful' Intensity Conner. got out a warrant for tbe ,_ ' • __ - - the harmon, of muaic anIJ the mY8' arrest of Alvo~lrd and h~ ca~e down tary of beauty. The solemn maj esty Saturday biB trlill To Fltl Crack In L:noleum. of the nlgbt, the daizling glory uf The whole aitlAlr IS rather a comFlnety t'h oPIPCU ('''''h ' 1) 1 ~"d with the day, tbe whisper of the leav2l. plica ted one. Mr. was Iqllid Itl\le Is ext" l1 enl II ~ /I Ililpr for tbe tall of rain, the flutter of wings bound oyer to the grand Jury ~n :h t! crack In IInol euOl. \\'1 ,,' 1, II hil S sel and all the deor. sweet intimacies the Bum of $300, and that body WIll- lard. rub down \VII h "uw l'y 1''' per n nd of natu ..e were known to him and have to thrash out who ie the owner ~alilt to mat~b with II nllilm m. Q loved, In the busy round of every of the dog. day life he recogniz~d the true VI". _ _ _.... _ • uea and In til. Inner cirCle of his heart. found'imple pear-e. HII friends were dear to him and he knew the bidden worth of even tbe humblest man and comrade. He loved larllely and gave his life uny. Of a deflply na. he wae the un) ieldmg captain Laat Friday the tear-hera of t~e H. , , WHAT HA'4E! I his own soul but went down In S. building entertained the Hrgh 60T TO 8E the shipwreck or his trail body. No Schoo\' with a ahort pI..,. entitled. man ever put up a braver light nor "flow the S,ory Grew." Tbe per -ntAHKFUL formance made quite a hit, and noon ABOUT? U;ve and icadcie are eternal, and request the tca(lbel'lI have decided to Quln.c)' King, p&88ed on. will be give it Bgaie Sit 'the 'Gr~d~ School r«ompen .. for the JearB of Auditorium on iDext Friday. Novem. her,e on earth Arne!) . her 23 at 8 P. MI. ' Mr Watkhis. the mU8ic teacher. will al~ appear on, the program and play a 1019:,. The ftillh Sctiool orcbestra wUI play . and 'a nllmber ohpeclalvocal ~d I~trumental numbers baYe beeD added . orchard. n8!lr Tbe admi88ion wI1\' be 15" . and tbe wll) be ueed ,to , . to tbe f.Mm~ of equlpmen~ f~r the Dew " ,IIiorj~","r~. , It 18 ;f n. i!a~ _ Everybc!dy Come! , . J • .fI"~ of a hel, . olthe )pi."
gav~ f~r th~
Da~. ~eturDlni
evenll~~ f~r
~nd ~2OC
are'.. .
'ol1ow.: , J, ~",. : • :-- ' -: , •• .' . \. • '.~ ","",,_lOI _ ........ Mra. ·8 nnnr.... •·• ....... ~.............. lira, Green·,:- .. ··- .............. lira. Bean ..••.• ~..... ;.....11... Bowland T..,lol' :.............. II.... IrcC1ure
~::;e: blIU:"':'1a1:
cIapaaIb hi tfeW 'york baDD Ie r.l'llf Iliff t"taled $2&000.000. 'J'btii
1118 1118: Rice ......>: ...........8. p,
11181 DOQlIttl" ........- ...' .. II.. ~.... IIi. Snow ......... ,; .......... Bfe6m8~ ~. \Vb". ..~ .. . . ~I.
n ew gYlIlllas llI III
bee n
SOllltlwh al d e'la\' c d o will f,; lo th " fad I ha t ff1-rntcr~ a r c I ' lI ~y sllreddi n g alld f )lInd it i11l' .
p ossih le t o de vote 111:ICI , tim e to t he call1 pa ig n Capt. E llis th e n'fort> il~kl'd lo r UII t>Xlc li . .
f t'
d. .
d I\lr ulld Mn. Wlllter Elzcv an ~" n Kenneth p.nte~ tllined the follow" illg I{U P~t~ til a t hree cou rse dinner .'u mlay : MrR Mary E White. of Mr uMlld MRrB ' v Ill e. r . an d rs . \I IPI1 and rJuuj('ht er Hetty Mari e. Mr . and .\ lr~. lI il lYard White. son and dau . V iii"!', It''[lcrt lill tl Gwendolyn. all of lJa vl lIlI. Mill.q Alveta Neather ton. of , -. , X'. 'IIIl! . IIlIti M rH Sa ra h L"IPPlnCllt t .
1\~~'l lnil>nMt,
' alii .IL wa:-. 1:(' 1· deli t o cnd t be Lln\'c t h e lasl o f thi s II ec k . The' (o w 11 t ea Ill ' A f E' W nf the ml ny frienrls or Lev I is n cari11 g' the $500 111 ,lr k al Jd C"lltcs 1{1Il hcred athi~hom e TL:esday I , I ~')OO tl 't-v ·!Ii nl{. Nuvembe r 13 to help him t 1(' COlill tr } lH '. - . 0 I ('eleb rate hi s eighteenth birl hrtay. t C:l.1lJ <;apla in s a rc certain that (iarn t's anrl d'lncing were the pleas'. Lhe y will go oyc r the ir q u o ta. l'lr t •s " r th .. eVU1!ng. Refceshmo)nta an nllnOtlnCClll c nl r e b - w"n'~e l \cJ at a late hour to the . 1 '1 I ' I '11 1 I fulluw in l-( : Misses Helen Duke, Kath. b ve Lo )III (I ll g [I:1t1 S WI Je c rifle Fromm. Mildred Hole, Beryl made afLer a dc<:is io ll is rC II- lc ouk . E~lh r Henderson. Gladys dered by th e State h u iidi ng \(i lboll . Elsie Hawke. Mary Margaret . . I Ung lesby . Kathl een Henderson. Sara IDspecLor, wllo meels Willa IV' I 'I S~ I' Id'lIle. [a r.{ th a ryn T urner, Luell 0 Committ ce at 1 :30 t oday. ! Wi ll illm~on. Either Corwin and the Messrs John Pau l Bolton. George Hprllierson. Burnett Butterworth. (:Iement atte rthwaite W i I I i a m Th omas. Ha rold Williamson. Melvin IBantu. Herbert Edwards. Clift'llrd Turne r, Howard Missildine and Levi Hlln terg were Ol1 t in forc., last 'outes Jr . 5 1011 0
1I1l C'
week. the rnblJit law CHme in Kubbits were kill r d hy Ihp ~co re. but th ey art' becumin j{ ~o ~cll rce it i~ hard to find them now, as Lhey lire keep' . un d' er CIlVl:!r ' Ing . Coon. poslIu m li nd ~ kullk hunte rs are ul ~o bu s}'. !I S the open season began last week . I
BE AGOOD SCOUl And come t o Hawkp's sales roo m. Salurd ,IY. Novemb er 24lh. between 2 and 9 P. M.. whl.'re the ;irl ::ico uts will serve ,Vou to doughnu ts . sa nd . wiches and corree.
- ----_.---
( .la f III C on",: ' m i ' o n, Ctll' lHIn I ... t II ~ ' 1" '"l'u II t lln n~ pIeJUl' nl nr (' lilli, lind III II!"", I' I " hu r l). o n e pou n d tlf PH I'" ('il1l " II f 1,"1 p I... "{'qulrer}
It.G IJUWlf l~ IIr /llI fl' .Ii, I I"agf n~ n of :tll 1'111' In"" "'q l, a'cf!-uwuiI. fn r ·10 " lil t s lilt., Iltll ~ Ii ' IIrld \' ''11 \\'1 11 hun~ u :.rOod 111 1"' :1 " I" lit ,,' 1IU11t ,,;!! . (lr nlr ('01 11 11111
jlvund urun f'lI " ft!<!I
. I
Mary Waterhouse and daugbter. Mrli. . h Cha. rlesII Lefferson h entertained f M Wi t a mlsce aneouss. ower or r•. ClarencM e ,Rye · The",IDVi ted gUMests R we W re I Mrs.CI oy M c.arn Chharrt . R l'1I. a te r. c ure, rs . ar es ye, Mrs. VIOla Carey, Mrs. J . Q. Gons, Mrs. F'red Gons, Mrs. Roi Risinger, Mrs. Bert Hartsock, Mrs. Lee Eam. eart, Mrs. Viola Carey. Mrs. Allen Hole. Mrs. Robert Cro88. Mi88 Lillie Nerlry. Mrs. W. H. Madden. Mrs. Herlie Earnhart , Mrs . Charles Ellis, Mrd. S. S. Ellis, Mrs. C. K. Himes. Reba Heitz. Mrs, Clarepce Rye. M,., Ralph Smith. Mrs. R089 Hartaock, Mrs, Irene Bird. Mrs. L. S. Gordon., Mrs. Raymolld Con nor, Mrs. James McClure. Miss Laura McKinsey apd-MisR Helen Hawke .
Wanen J. son of Goo. H. and Prudence Hainee. was born near Waynesville. October 27. 1875, and hl)rll. . di ed November 2,.1923. hiving 8p~nt his enti re lile in this vicinity. , J ihny. as he was familiarly known, so called by bimselfinchildhood, was of a kind and genial disposition . evell in th" day:; of his greatest suft'eriDJC; A. FOOD o;PECULATOR.. always g'1 eeting his friends with a Ie; A, ""/!o"N WHO chee rful emile and a kindly welcome. 'eAT~ TUR.KE "" ." He will be sadly missed in the hQme HAC; Io-\'! circle. and by his many friends ' and relutiYE!8. But with tbe thought that there will be no m ore long daye and weary nights of pain, we CliO Ilive him back to ~he One w"iiog'avil- hlm, knowing that he is a just \;od !Uld 1I .....>8- +-o - e-lh a ll things W(lll . He WBB marl'led to Carri e Oli ve Price, May 14. 1914. To thi s uni On one t!on was born, ~'or re8t J . both of whom are left to mourn the los9 of a kind hUBband and loving father. Olle who knew and loved him .
I" e(JUh'Pf l t il hllt'I)
On :'fh-u-r-Sd-a-y- a-f t-e-rn-oon
.1.. : ' 11 p,.qlll i or l'on l.
,)r '·... ~I
\\ Oldll /I f (' III'.\' II clJI. i'lll , "q" ; I I' ,tntl Hll h · three
a~eav, 'crop
---- ' ~~~~I----·--------~
ea Y to ',Go!
A RACE FR.O:'l1 NO\v
n y
CHRISTMASGifTS Thej Waynes \' ill e me rchant s are early in the fi eld this ye ~ r wit 11 their] 923 exposit ion of fine gifts for Christmas .
27· iu,ch
O lltin g~F l a llll e l s , da r k alld li ght colo rs,.
,_pC'clal , per yar d, ... .. . , .. .. . . . " " ,.". " '\ "
d ·.H.\ ·
69 sl~~ ~, I : ~ol1~rs.' . $1.49
~,\~'~~ ters '. w itl,'
$10 95 98c
:'I1 (,I1's ' Ilion S ilits, wi de r weight Spec ial fur Sa turoay oniy .. , ... ... , , . , . . . . . . . .
$1 25 •
MYER HYMAN, ': Waynesville, Ohio
True patriotic citizens always try to deal with' homf satisfied or the costs are unreasonably or' inexi
Clothing, Shoes and Dry Oood s "Save by buying in Waynes
d .' .
Parents and Teachers
Our "Wonder Land" (11 volumes) is coming to town. You will want it in your homes and in your schools.
Birds Eye, or Safe H ome ROYAL BAKING POWDER MATCHES, 6 big large cans, boxes for ... . _... _ , . 33 C . only . . ... . ... , _. . _.. 37 c
"The Covered Wagon," and other new books . may be had for the asking.
Good RIO COFFEE ; worth
Good BROOMS, worth 75c
MANILA CIGARS, regular 5c goods, 2 for 5c, a box . ...........
BULK MACARONI-2 pounds for ......... .. ......
F~~:.~ :~.u.~~~ . . .. . . , SOC ~~~ .~~r.g.a.i~~ . , .. ... .. 47 c
Children "The Mouse Story" is just one of the new stories for you.
.. .. . . HTGHEST PRllCES PAID FOR POULTRY . . , _.. _
A Home of Your O,iwn Wha.t mor~ lasti.ng investment, what more genuIne satIsfaction, what better safeguat:d tor your money than to invest in a, home.
Leave your order for Milk Fed Dressed Chickens and Oyster for Thanksgiving. .
A t the Lib,rary
ZIMMER]dAN The Grocer
"Save by buying in Waynesville."
"Suve by buying in Waynes\'iJle."
We Want Information and Are Willing
T01 Pay for It. Fill out th e fo llowing, present at our bank, Satu:rday, November 24th, and receIve a souvenir.
When necessity requires the services of a funeral director j bear in mind that experience CO'JDts. For years we have made an intelligent study of the problems of funeral directing. 'j h :s experience is at your disposal. It gives assurance that all funeral arrangements will be carried out with an ease of rltanner that only years of t'xperitnce and conscientious service make. possible.
Jamt:s McClure Waynesville, Ohio
'W. H. MADDEN &cn., Waynesville, Ohio ,
I /lave
have not
t rent a safety deposit box. I ddo o no Signed Name ,, _ _..._ ... -... .-.. ....----- .........- -..-- '--.. ......-.. -................... ..
••••American Red Cross••••
Campaign Ends November 24
Safety 'D eposit Boxea, $2~OO the year. . 4 % ~n Saving. .
I ·
Xmas ~ovelti~s and Table Dec?r~tioD~~ ':Bead.,· Flowers, etc. Fur work wIll receive ~rompt Attention.. ' ' .\ · . " I
to some .a:bs~·n t. relatlve or f:i end. Contains 811 tbe ne\fS
You know you've got to do it,
. .
Mrs . .Mabel .. Hat~a'Yay, Rhon'e·Il4 Teacher ~f Dome,stIe'Sclence and A:rtil. I,. ,', ' "Save by buyinlf in Wayne8vil1e." .
to.. .;;
"Save by buy'j,nj: ill Wayuea'rille.,i' ·'
"Save by buying in Waynesville!'
"Save by buying in Wa ynesville, "
-Ro~(iDir.:> t
Address ._....................._ _. ._..._.._. ....._. . . _. ..............,.......... _. __...... __................ ...,.-.. No matter where you live, where you have your account .or your safety box, sign the ~bove and present at our counter.
"So,.ve by 'buying in Waynesville."
Seventh Annual Roll Call
a sav;1Igs acconnt.
'I ',
Can furnish you with all of tpe Material t~, eort~ struct a 'Modern -Home , . ,.... ' . . , Lath ", Brick-· Doors Sash Lr':,CelQ~nt Jj" ., . ~:, Shingles ~, P:1~'te~r: '. '~, ", . >" { Mouldings -.P a·i rit " ',.' - 'I." , Builders Hardware
"Save by buying in Waynesville,"
And a large Balloon FREE ~ with each sale ,
General Reader
Har'r , W. Pace
:-3 A V E BY
"The Library of Entertainment" has been :n our midst a year.
Phone 7
DAY, ' N~
A Redlliction of 15%
in Wllynes\·ille."
Walter McClure
. ,.
Ladies' Union Suits, wil1te ~ weight , high or low neck , Spec iaL " , . . . .. . , . . . .. . .. ... . .... . . .
.- - -. - ---- - - by
L lIr ge . ize 11,l'U\'~' B~al1ke ts (}iJx 0, assort ed ~'$2 patterns , Spel'la l tor a turdu .. . . .. . .. . . .. I, I' •
111 n 's she('p· litl ed Coats, 3G inch , Extra Spcc ia l ........ . . . .. . .. . . . . . , . . . .. ,
\Ve are al1xious to show them to you a nd you should be willi" g to see them. Your friends are wa iting for Christ· mas. They will expect gifts a nd you are expecting to give as well as to receive. So sat · isfy everybody, ever y desire . and demand and come to Waynesvill e and see th ese gift goods now and pi k yours out a t once. "~uvc
On S,.tu rday , November 24th , you can' getj two Xmas gifts fot the pric e of one
SPECIAL SAT URD AY SAL E Comb inat ion Inside po\
Li~ht and 'frouble Ligh t-
Reg uhlr Pric e, $6.50 Spe cial $5.5 0 Stude bake r-Wulff ;30x 3,V:i Cord Tires -
R egular Price, $11.15
Spe cial $9.7 5
With every purchase of a Xmas gift amounting to $1 or over
Spec ial $10 .00
Anyo ne of these flash li ghts wi ll 1I1akC' a \, er y a ttractive Xmas presen t . They ran1-:c ill pr ice from scv~ l1t y- five cents to one dollar. ~[ost of them are l1iekel plated and a few ha ve fi ber cases. A ll arc service able a mI completely equipp ed wiLh bul b and baLtery , reauyto ligi l l. T il is ofTer inc! L1des a 11 v ar t ide in tile "lore tll a t is purchased for a Xmas gift , auu Sl' t a::. id for X 1l1as. Wl' simply wrap up a flash light with yO llr purcbase a ncl take care of it until yo u call for it. Only oue fl ash light to a customer.
Ko komo 30x3H Coru Tires
R egul ar Price, $12.00 Snap py Had iator Caps-
. Reg ular Pric e, $1.00 Spe cia'
Reg ular Pric e, $5.00
··.' /I \·C
20 years, Cln be purcha sedJrQ m us at moder ate prices . The list below showi ng price~ indivi dually and by dozens, of . fers many excell ent girt sugges tions for weddi ngs, birthJ ays, annive rsaries , and holida ys. For such occasi ons. PURI T AN PLAT E is tbe ideal gift -perso nal. useful. and lasti~g.
Teasp oons . ..... , . . .. SO.30 $3.50 Tables poons , . , ...... , ,60 7,00 Mediu m Forks . . . . . . . . .60 7.00 Medium Knive s ... ': . .. .65 7.50 " Desse rt Forks .... ... , .55 6:50 Desse rt Knive s. , , . . . . .65 7.30 Desse rt Spoon s., ,,' .. • . . 55 6,50 . Soup Spoon s ...... -;. . .60 7.00 . Bouill on Spoon s. . . . .. '60 7.00 Coffee Spoo ns,... .... .30 3.50 Orang e Spoon s., .. ·,.. .55 6.50
Iced Teasp oons . .. . ... SO.55 . $6.50 Butte r Spread ers ..... .70 8 ,25 Salad Forks (Ind.) . . . . .80 9.50 Oyste r Forks . . . . .. . . , .55 6.50 Sugar Spoon ... .. . .. . .75 Butte r Knife ..... '.. " .75 Berry Spoon ...... . . . 2.00 Cold Meat Fork. ; .. . . 1. 25 Gravy Ladle .. : ... . . . 1.50 Cream Ladle . . . ... .. , 1.00 26-Piece Chest. .. .. .. . 12.75
FRANK H. FARR &WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio "The Store of Better Value
Wn Y l1 c~ ,' il1 c"
Com mun ity to Hav e Gym nasi um The idea of conve rting the barn O il tbe High School campu s into a gymna "ium is not especiall y new . The School Board ~consi de'red the matter last year, a nd went so far as to send for a man to make ~e!ltimates. It was found, however. that this would be financ ially impossible at this time. ' In the presen t campa ign not only the Schoo l Board but Wayn esville and comm unity are workin g that this may be accom plishe d. It is truly a comm unity affair, Not only will the school have a basket ball team, but the young men of the Towns hip as well. Tae variou s business Jmen's organization s will use the huildin g for indoor b'1seball, volley ball and other sports . While the direct orship of the buildi ng is to be in the hands of the School Board , this body has given the assura nce that a schedu le will be arranged giving every- ' one the use of the gymna sium. The comm uni ty subscr ibed libera lly to this fund and it in only a ma ter of a few weeks until the gymna sium will be compl eted.
Tbis epace donated by the Waynesville Commercial Club .
with Cou pons With ever y 'Z5c Qurcbase in our store we will ~ive you 'a coupon. .The se coupons possess a premIum value of 2 cents each when redeeme d at our store for Silverware. A little 11 ' rr . ',' d Our Tha nksg ivin g To meet YO l l - ,' d T.o . You , Buy "'C hris tma s ,Gift s : In this season of Thank sgivin g we Earl y want to extend our thanks to you, .
ALL the above are SPEC IAL PRIC ES FOR SATU RDAY . you will have to come in and see the thousa nds of article s and all priced as low as they can be bough t for anywh ere:
S li ve rv va re
" 8 u\"8 by buy ing in
$2.50 value in bl ve an I white fringe d Rugs -a wonde rful value at that price. We will sell them Sa turday at the low price of ...... . ... .. .... .... .. . .. .. .. S I .39 25c Curtai n Scrim , 36 inches wide,yo~r ehoice , ...... , lISe 50c yard Tab le Oil Cloth. a t only . . . . ..... ..... ..... . 2ge $1.50 Boys' wool mixed Knick er Pants in blue and brown hand made, very specia l . .. ,. . .. ~ . .... .. . . _.. .. . 8ge .90c Childr en's outing flannel N ight Gowns, sizes from 4 to 12 years, will close out at. .... ... , .. .. ..... ,. 44c 75c Wome n's extra heavy outing flannel Bloom ers in assorted stripes and colors. at ... .. . . , . , ...... ', .... 47e 5c Mouse Traps , the "Victo r," at specia l. ..... . . ,.2 for Se 5c China Nest Eggs, at. , . , . , ...... .. . ~ . . , .. . ... 2 for Se 5c bar Fairba nks best Mascot Laund ry Soap. . . . .. 2 for Se 50c colored Goggles, at .... , ..... . . , .. , . . , .. .. , , .. . 21Se 35e Oil Lante rn, only .. , . . ... .. .... . . , . , ... , . . , .... 21Se Candy for the childr en and the older folks, too; will sell Saturd ay at the ridicu lous price 'o f. per pound .... 23e
[iO,QNI!IDA COMMUNITY ' PURITAN PLATE. while gu""u ("d rot
lIy Ilil yi ng in \Vayn esvill e,"'
FR ED M. CO LE Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery
Qu al ity Si lv er wa re at Un us ua l Pr ice s
Spe cial $4.0 0
Steeri n g Whee l Covcrs -
~merchaDts first, and then if thei r taste s cann ot be : bly high , he is justi fied in buyi ng else whe re. ,
Moto ll1etr r and Cap-
"San by buying in Waynesville:" .
by buying
in Waynesville,"
This space r ese rved for t.he
our custom ers. fot 't he friend ship and suppo rt of the past year which Alcohol hal me.de Qur big busine ss ,~ssible. , • We, are ,thin~ful when we hav~ served you with the : 6n~t ' gu"Ut y The best o(a11 anti-fr eeze solutio ns. and' live ,you ~e servic e which is
' pl~iD'g.
'WA Y ABOVE THE AVE RAG E The a~erage hen in the Ullite.d States lays 72 eggs a yea r. fhe averag e Perun a fen hen lays 148 eggs a year
75c per gallo n =
OD·iEY.PACE· DR UG CO. Storeopeft Evenlnl(8
~. :~U Storti
PURI NA MAKE S THE DIFF EREN CE Purin a Chicken Chowder and Purin a Hen Chow are t.h e res~lt of 30 years' work in perfec ting an egg makm g ratlOn.
Tetepho ne lO~{
Waynesville Farmers"Exchange Co. Phone 25 . ' . Waflne s,uille. Ohio
j-t 'E: Hc;ilkaway '" ":'M::::.:::~m : .
" , (,
...... ...... ...... .
'Trans ient Work -Com e tn the~Forenoon. ' . . .,.. • Teeth can ~e Extrac tedlwl thout Pam. P.hone "N~. 114 ' Wayne iville, Ohio ,
" S.. ,
The wonderful work of the Amerieail Red Cross since the World War should justify the liberal contri bution of every' man, woma n and child in Warren Count y. Drive ends Novem ber 24
Har ry W. Pace
. "B,ave by .buYing 'ill Waynellville."
. •'
"Suve by buying in Waynesville.. "
~iIlLPATRltl~FRENCH.,~· iOTO.8CAR C~MP,ANY....Don.t fag~t:t~!I~~~!et~Oby a~d ... At t"e S~e ,Place . :' . ' . ~,-" " . ~ ," $2.0 0', Cabin Home,'Minstrel J.
, .~;
. , ~4.50 .' 'At .th~ .Sch~ol Hall. o~ . ' • . $2.20 i ."esda E' • ··N L'~ :~28 ~ ";. '~ ; \$1 75 & ' ovemuer .. _ " .~ 00 By ~h'e -M.YE; ...Je@IIl Choir for- the benefi t .• • . I
"Save by buy iDA' in Waynes vill e:"
Chowder and Hen Chow. are sold under,a guarantee of "More Eggs or MODey Back."
Den tist and X-O -Gr,a phis t ·
&R~pair Work- Qui<; k and Effic ient..
Waynesville Auto &Machinery Co.
. ' of the Choir and ,H. S. Orche stra.
75c up
Admission, 25c' and'35c'
'Sa•• by barm. in W:ayne89me."
. Cha irma n
L '~
-L""". 1
~ l:il!rber t Dosttll' uad rw 01, ', n ,p ' mN Ou til '8 u10\1 bO~IlI"'1 ' 11 •
11 < . . lU I!
hi ~!H \l ug
Ilhm ·.v
- - -- ------ - - NO HUNTINGI '
·.Young J;Ilen wanted
Irt' , l 'l~(j .. IIwl: II! uoL I1b\" to r6 w ~ rhe fo llowing ( a rm o wne r s yu ru f rllll~ 1\10 ' 1",11I'u 8 h "pHIIoI t\a p sitivelv forb id a ny hunU ug o r u r i l l O " It' ; I """ I " " , \( 01' 1'('1 . H ill' 1lIt! n y fthHl\ls wlH h b ll r tl t r appi llg on o u r fa rms An y vi ola. " . It r,' :t ' III I , r t° I)I'f t \ r" t-: nl u . ~P t ·....1 v r P,·\) \' r y. lioll of the !lam' will be ll ro~ec ut e d ' I' " ,,,n "11 :, .;" , , 011.· v r1I IIJ r(. 'lr<. 1 rh,lI .. '"rpunt"r r t,nrlll'd ~M t I,· I '''. ... t n," I' , . " Ut'" t, H~\, . fJ" n· ~ H{l t t'" \f afte r n. t ,\o\ ll ~' ~ukfl ' cu rding to luw nnd t o t h~ f ulle!!t VI ·I I .· I!U " '''·~' 1f.It!I\.'lJo t tlrVI Il R.lIlHl ext " lit. e ~l p i~r.t"H'.h." . •u"t "",~h ""llnJ! r tlh t \..~::\ u. 1 L. lIlul Uu U. .1 \V 1\1 I,"'. o r 1· \V·w,, "ltl ugIO·O I~, I I"u rnas . Ml)t~ Dt ;'t-liVt< ' II! dH.·~ h llf ., J"!'It w eek {~ 'l , n cy I :.. rr l' ll, ,, ! ~J,lry""IIIo ' ., C. E. 1\1 ich ne r Iml .. II "flO \0'01 !IH' (IIn fl r HI lOt h i> ' bll'i" ~· ' . -:'; l\1r', "lid j\l r:- . }f~ \' lIlt V t llf'rt-l, " nf Hr .III" 'f· 11I 1 , \.0\'. E. u fO 'f l U~ t.I '~HU " ert Pa tt e r~o n Farm I '" y l,," w,,,',, "" " ' k . " , ,,1 " ,.iI.",o lit .. ~ , " - I 11 - \ I ll~ r l "tl VI'H 1111.1 Mr:l. Ca rofi ll e Il\ll!'t:r~ • :\!r~, IJHtllrtl lh.luli"' f tr h~ I Jd ~ WIl\ll' hrlrt\ . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - : \ ,Ll D !\\' !0i4 ' fllH I \\,1 I r ', I,f ('"1r~ /" n "r· 11-_ ~ . \ll!l B,."U II ·, II. "r Wlillting : Ueu. Gi lli lli nn "' n,.rr\~ , \ I' ir " I· II \\'., ~ hnl · ,' ,11\) ~1 ; tllI"e " llI p 'llIy . Ma r lin C:on~ II \' 1 .. \.\' tJfH (, ,\ II In &! Ilil \ " I n lll " 'k ' l I ); . r1 1,\ l lI '"lnv III 111I-I w I· .. k MI •• Ln lll LOlli,. Firs~ • F rnn:-; 111 II 1" . " lI ll II". \VII~ ., ~!~I'" I .. Ar.oIin"" IIlIeI GilI' Dll r, Morg n I\ir "nil ~ir~. WI11 . LII\\,~') II nu ,l l' Ur" " " fl l1 , of I'IIH ~ o rk . I". A, and I A II art Hock Cleveland, Ohio nhll'lrpn .. ,.P U I ;-In,,dH II r l l'rn O'l1l h: I " I . with A I. K " 'IIlPrly Dli.l f" 1\\I .,, ' !l llr ,lIn."n 1'/1 "M f'"1 ""1\ .1' n l. . • hl ,. h I1 I1 H " " r II N l' \' U I U h (\ r I StokeR Dairy Fllr m , ~ D. Ht nkle ~1'\"r"1 fr ro lH h ero ' ,or" heHr!nK I IG . ~rrln /III IIILlI'M" 0 1 .. uoo t I h l (\u 'r,'UI Ill .,j,· Florl ,l " frlpnd • . 1'h.\ V won k " 'I'llI' rn ne rll l \\'II~ lipId M( n .1. . Vandervoo r t rl'lIor t \' I' r , t' 'hi ull ,l f, o~ lr niL!hl !l. (I "~' "I. I,itt Fnl'lId. {'h'lroh . MI@" 1.I I" I'HllDl'd y o f Dn y t ll n . t Mr noel \Ir~ . ,'1\"" Tu nlwr ollll'r. HJhHlt. 1111' \\'(4Pk ·t1 1111 wlth l H'r 1)nr. t I ltl llt' •• u,t ~nllduv dl r1ll(l r IUr. Itllll PllI~. Mr II nrl Mr" . A I, . "'~ tH11I(I.I' . .\l r ~ Will lCorsey " ,,,I tlHu ilv. Mr .
O verland T Car, ju t overhd u led. . Ch 1 for caS1.
1I1r. IIn l\
" l-
[,'rll n '
Ihr,! .p n'
J • 0 . Cartwright (,"
CentraIPetr0Ieum C0
J -Re presenled
.. . . . . . . . . . . . .... ~~
,BERNARD J. BREWSTER Dr. John W. Miller Waynesville, Ohio
Oenti. t
" n t Mr ~.
l'(\X I ' ~.
ClII I!!',1 IIt·Tf Oil u COll l1Ut 01
.",,1 .1
1\i "o-
O f Cloveland . Ohio . Our goods a re gU ll r Lnte<!d ,' r 111 01 " v tmck . Give u s y o u r or o " no\l\' fo r futur e delive ry on oi l ~ , . rI g r ea~e9 . We g l\ lIra~lee 1:0 pro'. c t yuu lIg'ailis l adva nce o r dec lin e of o ur oils or g rease p ri ces. on o rd e rs take n no\\' fo r shipme nt be tween January h i I a nd Ap r il 1,, 1924. We IIlso have line of Buildin g PaiMs 30 to 90 d'l:' , pa ym en ts; no money ill advance. VI , a r e r ep r esell t ed by Bernard J . Bre" ' s t " r. WnY IH!s vili e. Ohio, P . O . Bo .• 387. _ _ ___ _ _
tlltl "1Uk-
nl~ wi ' ~ ' wu~ (" ,.. II Nt at. rh tl !o4lt nlt-ll ti lDt\ t o
'n lh lit hi" ffl l h"r.
Ll O I"hl1r m o lh Ar . w h n h nel bren r UD ov or by Ill . /loto " li d Wilt! badl y In . ·,, ·aynesv ille Nationa l Ba nk I3Id ~, j n rl'!\'
----_ ...--LYTLE
I i
.· ,wer,,1 1301111' tel"l'lwnlll• . lo LIllI' \'imllity we r a tHk ell ou t las' week Mr~ . \Villinlll C" lllmnn Hlllln t R co upll' of ,l lIy~ I,'st weAk in t; IDoin Sll , "ill~- ~()h(to! wi ll bo h 91rl lltlx l ~nllcl .. I. G: :iO n. tn , f1nll pr t'Huh·
.v ..
III, 7: 30 II nt
Mr . " tl Mrs loav Ro ul l'.II bu Hntl (l ll u ~ h IO I' wl' r a l:! imJ IlY g ueste of rllh.~tves in Tipp oenD on City.
"PLEAUSRE MAD" A splendid and Thrilling Sto ry Always
Jackie Coogan In his Funniest and Greates t Production
'''LONG LIVE THE KINO" Continuous Noon to 11 daily Afternoolll. 15e and 25c (ex . Sun) . Ens. 30c-5Oc
. makes '
~lUI.ubile ·History
lila Ioadi1l(l 'pace by reInovilla rear lea c and uphol l le,y.
have n ever seen VV the p ublic flo~k to a car the way they are flocking to th e new Overland Champi on! It's a revelation -how m uch they wanted such a ..:ar ! Study these pictures - yo u'll Llnd e rstand. Then realize that the low price also secures regular . -;liciing gear transmission, all standard accessories, bigger new engine, Triplex sp ri n ' s, cord tires, and all Overland superiorities. Come iu.
Hawke Motor Sales. Waynesville, O· PRODUCER TO TRI STATE
Ml~e KRt bry o CIRrk waH br o u g bt bow e III Friday. bot wat< f1bl e to r eo 8umo bor Bobool work Mood ilY . RAV. ItDd M r ~. J . ,:. 8t ll y.ei we r e ~ Ix o'olook dloDlr gUB8 ts o f Mr liod Mr s Alle n t!:m r lok 1'0 e1!d"y even· Ing . AIr . nnd Mrs.' Ke, II' r ,G r ,;b a m a nd do ogbte r W.,rA week .end g ueflt ul Mr . lIod Mn Ar t hnr Whl w. in Ouy to n ., R pv . •J. A. W IlBlthurn, of Wavn e,_ <ill l', fill d th e pulpit a t l he churoh :rl1ur~ du y ev en l og . In t h o a bsenoe of the ll l\8'or. Mr . " lid Mrt1. Alien Ba rdy, of Oavr. rm . !! peD~ T b u rsdllY wlrh Mr. and Mrll . Cl8 :uIlce I:)ml&b and Mi'll. Ano L. I-; m l~ b . A seri es nf Iueoti ng!! Is now In p rogress at I~:v tl e oburoh, oonduo1.ed by Re v .1 U 1:)$lIlIel. the pRator. Everyone Invited. Mr s. 1I'loyd Bllvage epent I:!Rtor. d a v nnd I:IUD'1R Y In WayoesvllIe with be r tatbe r.- Wm . Dlnw fclal e . w 6 Is ve ry til at 'his. time.; MI88 Z ola Collard-. -wbo bll8 I.een Atay lng,lIt the bome of Mr. aod :o.l n. WIlHam Coll!man for t,he p.8t two ye urs . returned lasl week to her bOUle wltbtb e r !!hrter In Clnolnnatl . Mr . Il nd Mrs Bero ll .1 0nOlI f,od 8 0 11, Th eri a, ijpe nt !:iundfl Y with rei. atlv os in Mt. Holly and upon th olr r e t·orn w e re aooompanied by Mn. Re beoon Dill aod MI SS Clara vaugb. til l'S wh o will m ake nn ex teuded visit here Mr and Mrs. C. E Jobos ha" for t heir Buodl1Y dion e r guests. Mr. aud Mr~ .1. B. Tbomas. Miss Minnie AI , I n a nd Mrs C"tltlHlne Johns, of Cen\e rville. Mr. Dud Mrs. Gleoo J ohns IIUeI 800 , PAul ·t'nro·er, of U"y. too , 'Mr. "nd Mrs . Allen Emrlok Rnd dll u ght er Gl9dys. flo d Mrs. Mary Cllrmo nv ·
Sabbath S chool. 9;15 n. m . preach· ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednesdayeven· ing servi ce. 7:00 p . m . Epwortq League 6: 15 p . m .; preaching at 7:00 p . m . Everybody is cordb.lly invited to these ~ervice . Rev . I . A. WaBhburn. Pastor.
ST. MARY'S CHURCH The Sunday nezt before Advent. N ovember 25 . Church School at 9:30 a. m .. ae rvic:e and sermon at 10:45. You are cordially invited to atte nd th ese serViCI!R.
----_ ..
Notiee of
Eolo&l.e 01 WIlrreD J. Daldn. d~ • No'ice Ia hereby sl ... D t.b a~ Floren.UopIrlnl h .. been duly appointed and qualU1ed .. Adminll\ratrlx 01 the &4,ate 01 Warren J . Dakin. latoe 01 Warm Oount,.. Oblo. dece.-d . Dat.ed t Wa 15'h da)' 01 November. !AU. W. Z. ROLL. Jud,. 01 Probate Court WUND OoUn~. Ohio AI'oD F. Onl"" , AHy. d6
Only a limited num ber of good men can be acco mmodated eac h year. If you think you qu a li fy- if YO ll a re looking fo r interesting o u t doo r work with. a reRI chance for adv ance me nt - it w ill be to your benefit to act promptly. M3il the coupon tous with your nam e and address and we will send you full info rmatio n togethe r with a qualification blank.
r--------------,I -
I THE DAV EYCOUPON '1 TREE EXPERT CO., IIIC. 58 City Bank Building .
Kem,Ohio I run interested in your offer. Please lenel_ by return Rl ail full information coneernit\g the work o f Davey Tree SW'1!eons and also a Quali. fieation Bl ank.
N am e .... ...... .. . ..... ... .. . ....... .. ..
Address .. ..... . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I ,
~':'~~t n= and :!::.=J~=::~~.J
Subscribe fo r th e Mi a mi Gazett p. \
Money to Loan on Farms at 5;- qler . fi cent Cor ve years
The eye Sight SpeCialist
NEY Louned · on :l ve 8,ook, Administrator's Sale of Real .At Cary's Jewelry Shop MOOIlIH&eI8. ElIIiU S800nil wor't!IKetI. N o') l " .. bUQ~ht. J oho HlLrbllltl. Aliso Lebanon, Ohio Estale 8uII' il ol(, Xeol. Ohio. 6. ' .1I11 II • Every Tuesday A . ' , TERRELL 4 TERRE~. order Farmers, ttentlon. Wilmington, 0., plidne 301. 8:00 m. to 'I p. m.
I D pUl'llu&n ce of an Court ot IVa ...... n County .
:'!.rc\',~~~r~:)~h~, c.'h':
-WI)' mad.
:!t:" olw":\C:::-t~
Ba",er, decollMld. I'latntilf ..... Ella E . 8a,,yer. et al delendante and belq nUIDbIrecI On the CIYII Dock,,~ 01 sald Court . . 0... No. l u a. I will off.lJ' tor .ate at public auctJon OD the pnomlaea 01. tbe
Fa,rm ert! ot WllrreD .od "dj olo lt g 1l0 ll ut ltll:! tntAy o btain mObey 00 101111 PAIRof le ••ber' Au'o lI.qll ...... tilDe loa08. ac 6Ya% InlerelU. CoU IOID8 plaoe la" SOWa of I!t!ou ri og tbe ~IUQ" Ie very reallOIl. olgh'. ae".r4. 'J'IDC!\tr IMft',... .. birr. &.btoogh The Federlll Land lbilioffioo. DIS Ban k . 'li'or fDrLhel'lnformUlon oall ;' on or addre!8 M . C. DRAKE, Tr888. ( " ure r. ph ono S16-X. Lebanon. Ohio.
30th Dar of November, 1923,
'W alter li'1cCJurc;
Waynesville. Qhlo .- i
•r \ /
"\. ..~''r f"I ~~" PUJJy Equipped for"GOod If ·
books. All(e\?rn. Llltln and Ooon. 3 pntlon. Finl,er pleaae leave with
~ .•
Serv.lce.. . • . 'ftarge Dis}>1ay Room"
Mr. B.latt. at HI/fb Sohool building. d5
D.ll . . NiGll1 .~
....- - -
HALL'S CATARRI{ ME'DICINE b&i been used 8uccealfu\ly In tbe trea~
Public Sales
of Catllrrh.
HALL'S CATARRH fdEDIC1NB coneloU! ' of nn Ointment which Qulckl,. Rellevco b y locnl application: and the Internal Uediclne. a 'remle. which acta I will lell at publlo I\uotl oo lit my through the Blood on the Mucoul Surfaces. us reducl~ Ihe Inllammat:1on. re81dbnoe on Main IItree t. Wnynee. Sold til by 1111 dru, .t• . Title, Oblo. on F . J. Oheney. 0., ToledO. Ohio.
Saturday, December I, 1923, BeglDnlng at 1 o·oloak . B lot of household "nd kUohen furniture, e'o. Bee bllle. 'l'erm8 o,,~b o J Edwardl. W. N. Seare. AU '1 t.
of the Probate
(O elnyed )
A d 'J lto;:lHf lll tlrn " WII8 enjoy ed Hi ld Y "f t.e rn ' IOu, wh eu t ile 1" ,(II <'S AIr! HII I.erta in e rl .Ill l.yl,le ohurOh •• nll mho r of It!d les tro Ui ;lI'l'I' ,.11" "'~ " 'e ve r,, 1 of the lUll!91 0n. 'tr v II nrl ,\ j.1 to (llnb f\ r ~ fr om ·priq g. 11 rv M i!;. llll ul'oh . Alt.l1 r. thft reg. ·, h, r tlU, lneH mYetin\{ t.he Ulflrnbe rl\ gil V ) " dh ,lf t phy Il u tit illd .• Se rving ft'l r I,b e FJontb( o .· ' U,alntv retr elh 'IWIl Ii\ ,wEil'a 8e.,.~ rl lit t h e 9001,,1 1)(1\ r.
Mail coupon for details
,0~I~f8-rI:'::Ui.o~le;;;s~;;:k;i~~~~~.~~::'. ~~
W ~ d"
O nl y the fine st types of clean, red ~bl ooded young Americans are employed by the Davey organizati on, a nd onl y youn~ men of this kind need.apply. A hlgh ~oQl eduqt ion or its equivalent is ..desired. We also require fully satisfactory reference'S as to honesty, dependability and willingness to work.
tb A e itDumber OIDA of if. W lJd D e~ d fl Y aftern oon to leurn the "rt of n , a~ l n g 11 fir ele88 oook e r, DU. d" r t.he (lireo ti on of Mr~ .1. L.. Men , denhn\J, o f Wlly nes vil le . A pl altp.. "ut "He rnoon was spe n t.
1\01 1'8 MIll'Y Mars h all ent a rl. ~ lned th e MI Bsl ,mllry 140c!et·.v of t be F flr ry ohl1roh Wedn e~ da v afternoon. Mr. and Mr ~ . W .. lta r Ken ri ck ~ pe lJt I" und u.v w l ~h Mr und Mrs. U, It Bi oeg!lr . flt Jamestown. MrR. Go y R .. ulzb ll n tlnd daoghtAr Hen ll vlI . spoot We dn tl~ day with Mr . 'Illd Mr.. Ko-r R oui zu hn ~n.l fam . Ily. I) f Cen terville Seve rn l Ir om h.,re attended ~he Klnn meeting nt Centerville Thor~. Ih'f uvft nlog, th e IIIIell ker belog Rs,. R. C Moo n . of Springfield . Mr IIDd Mn C, ~ . l.amb took ~ uncl u y d loner witb Mr tlnd Mrs. E. It ['I. Illd olplJ 10 Oll yt,on, and ..t. Il' n I" d Ihe Armistice n"V ~arvl08 .t ~1 ... u tO r itd h till . ' .
John Da vey's o rgani za ti o n, Th eD avey T ree Exper t Company, Inc. , has a limi ted numberul opening s fo r am bi ti ous y o un g me n betwee n 20 a mi 30 yea rs of age. Single men are p re t~ rred . These posi tions a re perm anen t and offer a lifetime opp'orrunit,Y to men wh u make good . fh e hu s l': ness of the Da ve y Com pan y approxim ates one milli on d oll ars pel' yearnn d isli111 i ted onl y by the number .of capable me n who can be train ed for responsi hk l os itions. No ex pe ri ence in Tree Su rgery is required. We f\lrni sh the necessary trai ning to t he right ki nd of youn g men. Thi s t rai ning is very thorough, embrac ing intensi ve wo rk both in the fi eld and later in the class room. T ree SllI'gery is in tensely interesting. It is profe ssion al wor k of hi gh st and ing and dign it)f, and d eve lops a fin e scientifi c knowledge that is in va lu able. It offers robust health -outdoor work in t he fres h nir a nd sun shine, wi th prope rl y balanced exercise. It is the ideal p rofession for t he young m an wh o wa n ts' to ge t away from the grin d and munotony of indoor work . I t is a won de rful physical d eveloper. • The pay is good at the s tal·t and the opportunit y for advancement is unusual. T/1ere is. plenty of room at the top for good men. Work with the Davey Company offers an 'unusual ch a nce to travel and see many parts of this coun try, wi th carfare paid by the company from one place to another. .
~;d 1:'lI rk IIn<l I"III!lv. of
Oft .!!,,,,,,•. )Ir ,,"[1 Mr ~. Oonlll,ll\lIll ftHuill' .
. r/
Permanent positions for good men
Oils and Greases Exclusive Marketers Columbia Paints&Varnishes
for the fascinating prokssion of Davey Tree Surge,ry
t'" .
- -;t---
1 wtlleell,,' lilY l'ellldeo oe on t.he oorner of F oart,b " 'ld .Cbtlpman 8t8., Waynesville, • • Waynesville, Ohio. nn Telephone 114. Saturday, November 17, i92a, 8 3glDDlnil at 1 o'lliook, the follow. OFFIOE: Ht-THAWAY BLUG', loa : Bor@e BlId bnggy. btly, flU ON MAIN STREET 48D '0011, hoo! eh ... ld good~, eto. '"!!!~!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l'OI:JlJI! o"~h , A~LR:N KJ BLI!:B. :: , W N. !;Jeard. Auot . the '''Ole time flnd pla08 I will oirer f.,r nIB lhe t(')lowl ng: One bDiret, dhilDi t~bl f). 6 dlniDj{ 'olla1 r~. bedstead, ma.,rrtltl.. 2 lltl> ndl!. book ._e, ~tlog _tove, wnd ol her hOUije. my bold go~s. 1'flrm\l M9me 1111 111101'0, " OI1A~ E ~IIWARD S. Public Sale: .• ,
... ·Bavill. rflnted ·th 4i t'lrni '. we will • & pul,tho aqOllqn ·ou what 18 ',be , AUeJl farm. a .Do~'b,'o' Ille. Ilmllel ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~~~!!!!!!!~, 1·"~!tl1 ;~;: IllAlI brioolr. on W" ynell· ~l pUre. on"< ,
':.FditaY, Novem~r 30. I9:U
te~s " fbr }·our ·
l.~"'$ atisfy. and savp. you ~oney or no cb'aJlgeS . .
fIIIIIl~I"-I'-;jf-.:- :B l liJlDn· lD~ 'I4t 1; o'olook. ~8 tcil. ,'.... '. ,... ~~h~t·.~==~~~~"~~i: 1 !I'Ik§ii.~~).·~~~i~\ii~~iil~1i!~..:·~ bo,lIe.. « oow" 1 « ; U bay. "Dole. i bog,;. tOUI tarml~1 ID.~ ud h.rn.... ~ btl
JIU'lODlara ~.
".,B, .... Aa;ot.
Whole Numb er
Mrll. Walter McClure spent Tuue~s.:.. - ~-i=====:--------------------------:-~---:;--"""'-----l day Wit re atlvee iD Bellbro ok .
Ben Hawke and family, of Route 5, llpent Sunday with relatives in Sabinll.
Myer H,,,,at! and lamily weN Daytlln vl8itor~Jiqnday.
Mrs , H. Earnba rt and Miss Grace Pattun were In Lebanon Tuesday af Mr, and lin. Fred Gona, of Rttalil ternoon . 2. were In Dayton .aaturd .,.. G. \'al Simmll and wife, of Sprini Mr ..nd Mra. J . (!lha~, of Valiey visited their aunt. Mrs . Hope Clnelnn atl. lpent r.Jday bere. Stilea: Monday . ,
Som e time ago the Faculty of the High school ente~tained tbe pupils at general exercises on Friday mornin~. The playlet prllsent ed was 80 entertaining, ~hey were called on to give th e public 8 chance to see it So on (i'riday evening it was give~ at the School auditor ium to a ~ood sbed crowd. ' and a neat little 8um wae raised for equipm ent for the new gymns8ium .
Mre_ Babt. Bolel. of'C!nciDilati, III Grace Itatton, who has. been in the ¥ueilt lIf Chili. AnderlOn and R,oaebud, !J'exas the last six months lfamlly . 11 returne d bOQl~ .
lin. Amanda M.mu iahom~ after Mr. and Mr!. Jesse Sea s !lnd Jos. a two weeks vialt with relative s In Hawke. of Sabl • apenl Sill urdoy Dayton , bere with rel.tl~eB·.
"How the Story Grew:. W89 the playlet present ed and it proved to be a human- natu;e atory to the ut. mOdt. As each woman told her neia-hbor. the story grew flom a small beginni ng until it had enlarae d 110 t1iat the wbole neighbo rhood wall involved . The entire play wu very amusing and was fully enjoyed those Ilrellent. The orchest ra turni.be d lome ver, good music for the eccaeion. and a trio eompo8eti of the MissM Anne Bachman, Margal et Clark and Mr. E. C. Crane, with Min Kathry n Clark, accompaniBt, rendere d vocal aelectionl whicb were well raceived. Prof. Alfred Watkin s pve two exqui@ite violin number s. add· ing mueh to the enterta inment ,
C. M..:Brown and famll, . of Cor. ebas Gray ia moving into hi ~ newwin, entertai ned company frOm Day. Iy purcbas ed properl y, the Dan Su rton SUoday lace farm, this k. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman. of F . C. Scbwar ts and family, of ColNorwOod. were Wayneaville vlaltOl'll umbu~. spent 0 . . ~IIY 11l8t week with liut Wedneaday. C. M. Robltte r 8IId family.
Mlu. Mary ThoCDae left Tuesday Mr . and lin Stokea and MI'I. A. Mendenhall were Dayton lor a ten days .Iii~ with relatives in Cambri dge and SteUbenville, Ohio villto.... Frld.., . and Whet'lin~. W_ Va . MI. &tber Renden On wu taken . ver,lIlc k In .chool lut Friday but la The finest RiI{h Test and Brite aboot all rllrht ....In. Llaht Coal Oil t J . C. Ba ..... ke's Hardwa re atore., rry them once, I
~l[~ -=~ .'
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conne untertaine d at dinner Sond., . IIr . Chas. E Edward s and famllv and Mr. C. H. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs, Saml Butterw orth entertai ned et d!nner Bund., . Frank Burnet and WIfe. ot Centen lllfl. Owen Burnet and wlte, MI!ton Keyll and wife Ern8llt Butterw ortb and wife and Burnet t Butterw orth. Mr. and Mn. Chu. Andeno n en· tertaine d at a fainily dln~er S~nd: Ml'II . Robt. 901811. of CinCinnati. II • Edith Bowman. of Centerv ille, IIr_ and Ml'II, Geo . Brenne r. of Daytob. Ed . Wrigbt and famll,. Ed Hopkln a a.nd ~amilY. J. C. Murray and lira. EddIe Smith. --~---
Mr, and M.rs . Ed Thom.. entartal ned at a 6-o'clock dlnner lut Wedneaday eveninlr. Tha Invited peatl were Mr. and Mn. R. G. Croll. Mr. and Ml'II. W. E. Comell , Mr. and Ml'II. F. B. Hender ean. :Mr. ud lin. Walter McClure IDd II.... and IDa, H. H. WllIlamllOn.
At a beautlf ull, appoint ed dinner Ihe followlnll' pear.. ualated W. F. Clark to celebra te hll IUtieth blrtb· day on-Sund..,. Ne~ember •• an4 Ml'II, Milton Sh..han. IIr, aad' Mr•. Chu. Clark, IIr. and Ill'll. Horace Clark, IIr_ and II,., WalW'r at vi"t with Cincln. .tUrlend l. 1 .' l. .taUoned . . Walter Clark and tamll,... r. uad lire. • Elmer Roten aDd 1I'randaQb., ' . , Convalescent after a protrac ted I "ChriMtmas Cal::;; ' is a term ter, lIarpr et Roell'll, . . ilia. ueed The paat week being AmerlWork haa beaun on the nmnaillness. Dr. W. 0 Thompson, presi· to describe a large ariety of Mary CarmoDJ· BODIf1I can Edocatl on Week tbe pupil. of the aium, and th~ foundation will be dent of Ohio Stat.e. UniversitY,who ill which are to be used during the Grade buildlnR' ,.,ith tbeir respective finilbed by no-m tomon o" mornlnlr_ Ileneral chairma n of the 1.923 Christ- : Christm as seliBon , ~bey are mas seal sale for Ohio has writlen main types- the r1ligious of two teaeht'l'II and the mother s who re- Mr. Chaa. Lewl.11I ebarlre 01 that and the &ponded to the Invitati on given out, pa~t of the work .0;.' and the proar. .. the following appeal to all men a-, d canvivial; tbe olle cEift'bratell tbebirt lUI h Paembl ed in the Auditor ium of the that he haa made, toiethe r with the women in Ohio engaged in promot . lof Jesus. the otbe, exalting mirth Grade ' b'ulldinlr Friday mornin g to help of tlie Hiih School ing the 16th ,.Bnnual dale of Christ- and feasting . DU,ring the eigbtee SUC~SS nth hear a prOllram whicb bad been donated labor II remarka boYI and ble. The maa seals . UI; centu ry, carol liter~tllre was of the prepare d 'or tbe purpose olatr ... lng barn Is dllmanye<! and read, to "This year brings the si xteenth humble st kind Sucb materilll u wall Americ anizatio n an!l. a true patrioti e move to the poe\tion decided upon annual sale of Christm u! seals in the available WIlS handed on by.trali itloni epirlt_ ' . by the commit tee. It lito be placed ~e 'wo teama In tbe..,~ w"r upon t~be:eulosi!? Ther~ ponse Many of the older !1 .' have been Mter tbe readinl ' of .i,.,;.....;W;~..I!'.~_ .... o......iIir,;-Cl~ ,lo-"'l~~~~. .~. .~~~~~~""::· dlRctl, '~hind '_ tht!.. @.lIb ~OQI ~n rw~~~: _~_~~llw..pubbc-l n...pa8t-. year-l--l8 ,= · ; f ' ~ .. , ... eolHkti r'; 'COOlldife'iProelamatfon. iiet t' I Ii II' , ,~, • .~ Mr.' .Oxle, sPent the week-fm . A Middletown firm, III ce of a welcome in this cam- IIbly modernized.. Only lately ; tbet hu fortb the nec.-It y of our obse"i na charge of the movinl' W~t.; .Kii~ and·da~rh_, ~t~ bhtfam il, ,In . Troy. He i9 reod llIISuran , ill on the job trJ ~ ba'fe, or "'1110 Oftr . . t paign. II~ ~11. !~~' ,K~~hl~ Q.II" tqraln~ Wed!letlday ~vellin,g taking "The decrt!8se in the death ra~e in much attention been given to tbll loeb a week, a prol'l'am wu reno and haa everytb lng In readine.. ~ quota.- Th. countr" a ·lltd. ~tt"" materia l in an attemp t to fix tbese de~Rt 8""t ~.JI~~.)' ,!lth 'relaU ,. ~tb hlmRoy and IrWin E~h8 T~ey Ohio from 150 per eonillti ng of pat~lotic IlOna' move u BOOn as tbe cement founda . atartln a,lboft a to~ of.c tlUt hundred thousan d vanishi ng memori es of the Pl&st. near: ~banon. '. and recitati on. and a dlaloau~ en. 'tion hislit.T b8iemo vera announ .. . ,,' . .,1 WIll witness tbe Troy.Pi qua Hlab people to 85 per ce oyer $8OO~bot their aptaba. .a, 8. hUlldre d thou~8n d "SILEN T NIGHT " ; . • ' titled. "The maldna. of our Flac", that the bana will be on I ! foOtball aame, and hear the Troy lut year. is the highest juatifica tion Ita new E11i •• II confide nt that tbeJ will '1 0 by BetllY RoIIII. ~eHi ' I.~I · Sbrink s ' attende d S, ban". ot which Morris Oxley IIH.:a of foundat ion before Saturda y nlll'bt. oyer t5OO. If )'ou ba"' _~' tbe work al~eady done. To con· ~ Pr(>bab ly no carol i. The need for a special week being }4'our donated teams die fall' ceremo nial a~. Dayton I..t membe r. bauled I'r&vel IIOliciteci .lnd wlIh to eoDUlbGW., tlnue this work is the cheape st form so univera llr known, F11da.Y. There we~, two candld attl apart for Edueatl on week il all dav Tueaday and Wednee of combat ting this most dreaded dislo~ed. and 8Unll' aa readily IIIIIn when we are appalled The work on the Interior day, hand yoor IUblerlpUon tID OM of .... from~~ pl.~... , " , The fin~t Hlab Test and Brite ease (If civiJIZlltion. of tbe captaln a. It II not ·too late tID 1IeIp. thlll Simple. beaotl.ful b, atati8ticd which tell 01 that 18 building U,bt :co.l 011 at J. C. Hawke' s will bealn "The A89ociation recogni zes with next lIonday the ea~. SO:I":. For years't II times more 18 now being apt-nt morning Save your old carpeta and · ru( Hardwa re store. Try them once. appreci ation the volunta ry . ....... --._- _.--ahd unorllrlD waa unknow n, for luxurie s tban for educati onal .ad I'et II Wearw ell" ~ made. and you w\ll not USI' nI'y oth er. .- selfieh service re'1dered in years past M.rble In W....llIgteli ........ ... but it is suppose d to porpoaea. It II a ltartlln i fact that IlIl. Fl'JDldln Rail' by individuale, clubs and other com· All Ille merble ID tile fWcIaC' of . . date back centurl•. Ohio ranks 12th hi U S. In illlteraey. r-f.iJlkllin, Ohio. One or the Rh':~::;:~DglI to uDd.... II'.II~ of the W.lblJ llt_ . . .11 Coal I~ CDrlS" r · · · · ~·, munlty orgllnizations. Ilnd now l1f1 A few years ago Lud. A1tbo Obio may take pride in the etand Ie how the feUow wbo "I Cnr'tlOn 1:1 Ihe' g" '1" II" '" Uled to ~e from HellYer Da.." ~ .. '. ele- makes ita appeal to oil such peoplfl wig Erk investig ated fact that Ibe and Montan a have the ride to work on R It teet car-tUld rot ~1,;;~ ~ left ~turd~ ' ;::,e=do~rC~~I~en~'~rl~,~n";':::~,,'ll'~ '. ' ,: ,l :'I~~: to contiriue the good work ~;:u~~)'~I1~~':;' of form· .and found. that It waa beat compolllOry edueatl on law8 in there '11-'· . t Qra,lllv..-th' . on tlme-Q( )w seems to thInk bl tad t"II1 ' "Ilfll ' er years with u s .. ~~ lth ber U.6 an enthusi asm correpountlR ' tDttlnp qil. fM ·t of ptr,· _ produce "Ir, I d nll,j!lne ID 1818. a Th,e countr h , 'd and that her public hal to drive Ililst .11 tbe street riI'I )ver ",eat" in' Toledo. ' lin. Pleree~1 co\unlU or nlr on~ I'nt ll g." ,urp 'xlund· spondin poem tt b J h Mh "eot. 100 - " ' " .., . . .' g tot" nee In . tOWD to get lloWD to work at tIfe· w~s wrl en ! osep . J. 0 r, III. . .ara....t Warner. of ID~ 4Q mllcs Inlo .th e ~ky '/IHI )'011 will -..-..~ system I. excelle nt our peo. . . me hour. , tlements hid 1Iff~ :(._'~'_ W. O. Thomp son. at the time the a88latan t prl8lt In will take charp .at the have a good Ideo or ,lh e Il IllO ll nl ole abould not Ihirk the respana i. Cl f air - --.- - . - - -. rlJ,bti,. Obernd orf in South German y: the bllity of wlpln ... out IlIiterae • l'4!I)ulred to hllm slnlll e PfllI lII/ of co.l. y whieb Filtllft,[fa' ~om,!, dorlnl' b~r abaeB~. ~ pou~~ or conin Wi,"1I1 melody was composed by F .. nrl'npl' co\f __ .. b • in W ......m.. IUDn one Inch IIqllllre IInel only Athree , ranz exilti amoni both ' native whites Gruber. a scbool maste.r. The poet, and -o.'fII,, Jl \lfdll forelan born. ayoen...e.. reet bl&b. _ _ _ - --1p -- - -who had a tenor vOice. s.lOg the Wben we think that " millions . of ~ melcldy. the compo,aer , ~ baas. ~nll' illiterat es were eligible to vote in a second part and 18 haslily recruite d 1922 I b h Aft er a long il lness Mrs, GeOfl!e h ' f h t e oovea us as a nation to Hawke died lasl W ed~esd8Y, Novem- c °1.lr 0 Ayoun~twom 8 J f en ~abngd ttbe reo agitate and arouse publie opinion f rlt n . gUl IIr urDiS e ac- d ber 21 at the home I)f he r daughte r, ' d . . t tl b . t an reeomm en IDstructionl an d Mrs. J'. W. Edward s. Th e f ~I\eral ~~~~:~;~e;~enlt~ ;~!;:or ~:l'la::r proper financinlr of educational proservice was htlld at the reSIdence a family of strollin g slngen WHE N Xmas h~s c:ome aDd gone what from • _ ..._ __ Saturda~ ~fternoon at 2 o'cloc~, Tyrollld ded it to their reperto .:-:::.::~ is more pleasaDt than to see that the lr and Rey. John ~c~a~ff e r, or st Mary.a in 1840 it was printed in Leipllc' the gifts your friendl have' church offiCiating Interm ent ID Now it is known whsrtlv er Chrlltla tll you are all servi~abte aod to realMiami eemete ry. . and certainl y notbinl ' can more ize that th~ ~gifts you have liveD hfPlS ' don"t lay. .. B.efore give tbe spiritUa Huse Bone dien ot hi a home ID phere of the manaElr birth l atmOlo Whereall, our Heavenly, F'atherh as .you blame the b~D. uk have y~tirse all been ·uteful gifts. lf the~, e · q~t..io ~s.; , , Paragou ld. Ark. on Saturda y l a l l t . . Bet!n fit to remove from our rpidat . ' ~. . 1 Am 1 f~lDg a proPer egg.making ration? f r0'!l the effect of a stroke of apop- Sllert nrghtl Holy lIIiht! brothel . Charlell G. Williamson, "GIFT S OF UTILITY" is the ' '. 2 ,· 11 it manufa eturea by l4;ieotinc autlioii ties l' . AlliS calm. 01\ i. bl'laht, lexy. "her... the membe rs and oft!· He W811 aged 70 years and SIX Rolin'l yon viriin motber and Cblld! slogan of the Hardw are Trade . ~rouKhout the world. • Am I aure t~ feed II always uniform ? . .month8 , ,Mr Bone was. well known Holy lnfllnt. so tender and ml of Miami Chapte r 107. 0 , E S , .. Ha. it been proyed ~1. o~•.~ in practic al tt;,t.ta'l.. ;d. It is our slogal t When you enter our store you are in Warren county, havlna been coun· Sleep in heavenly peace. will eyer cherish his memory; . ty comll IS810ner for some 'years. Sleep in heav.enly ~ace. surrounded by a host of usef~l articles tha( am be . ~t(he ~~ay' to ~sw~ '~;y'es" to _1;l1l ,four questions is And tbo' we grieve as p;rleve we He left·the count, somEt sevente en Silent night! H!)ly night! PiU'ina C"iekeD . Chow 4er ~~ld furlD a Ben used the year aroun d and tbe~ make the fi~t ~incl mll·t, . years ago Bill remains W\lre Shephe rds quake at the ·slabt. ' . Cbow"':"::made 'rmd guaran teed 6y feeding authorities, of gifts. ~d ,long,for the claap of his hand. . . ,. - .... non on Tuesday lIst Glories stream f~om Heav'!n ·ata.., b ro ught to'r We can bot feel !prov ed by m.illiQns ,~f pOultry ra,isets. . Sold in checkthat he must be . ' ....... Heav'nl y hoeta SIDA: Alleluia, where hl~ funeral was conduc~~d Christ. the Savior i,s born! ~, erbOaz~ bags. by Our line of suggested Xmas Gifts haS never ~ '. ~ . . . ' .. _ . ' . but Bltep twlxl there and from tbe Cumber land Presbyt erian Christ. the Savior. t:s born! more complete. Wheth er itl church. Burial wesin Leb,anon Silent Night! . Holy Nlah~! And God liu tbe chum apanned etery . . ". PIuine :2~ ~ Son of God, loves pure Iigbt. ., . WaltP.ies~llIe, Ohio Reeolved tbat we extend our ' . I Radian t beamll from Thy holJ faee, Georle ·Jullit'n waa fo.u!ld ~ead..ciJl With the dawn of ledeeml ol' arece heartfe lt , I,mpat hy to SlAter WII· bed :at hie l!lte h,ome In Kentue ky lAst JellU"; Lord at Tbyblr tb. , . ' , I!am.on and family. Be It furthur week: 'nIe tuneral Wl\8 held et the Je,aU8' ~rd at Thy bl~tIi_ ·, .~ . out of teepect for our brof A. M: ,E. churc~ in H~rveysb~rp; 'Prepar ad to~ Cominllnltv ' B!~Ylce our ehar~er be draped for a Toada , aftemo ofl at ·2 0 clock. In· Profess or Peter W Dykem a of periOd or·thlrt v and a copy of ter~e!l,t' In Jt1)~li!i cemet,ery. , Unlvel'llity of, ViriacoDldn. . \ ~ei8 NIOluti onl ti~ entered upon our JulllOn,wa8- a nephew of Mn_ a cop, ~nt to the bereave d Wlllia~ II. a~ f9rm~r re!lldent of .' ~d one to ou, local paper. oavllle . ' .. . . J. .le Roblue r . . . jeille Ryiilan, .
hO:~·~!!=ay ~~~r :r;:~ :::~..t~Q~~Co. ~O:'~M~~~~: r~;
--_0----- 1
.. Gi fts of Ut ili ty..
".' DQN'T' "LAME "
~:Wn* fa~lt ·is f.t·y~ur
, WayDe.vi~le·.'F'rm~'~ .Ext~ange CO.
For Mother, Or Father. ·
Or Siiter, ,.
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Or Brother;,
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.... n,( I ! "'iii I lul'\.. ?" • "I d l ,t n" ~ , I I 1111)" .-III1IH..' (' t o 11:1; 1 ~· Otl . It w n ... urt .'r ron Il' lt llist n ll:h l lh lt l I I.:. I.r IIp' dpl l\', Th :\ t':-; why I lIud I Q rid, ' 11 111 lIt ' !"I' 111), .. ,-lf , h y n - tl , un IllY Wl'l ldllll.! 111..:11 1." Il l! l nughp I nu t 101111 " :-':uY. :-; 't ll d l ~ ·1.. 11H'rp'.; SO il '" n Oll l ~l r l. It,t Ill,' h'lI yllll ,
Tllillk ~ Sh<,l '~ klw ~ ht'd
Ilac\< unll run'l. Irlp· J.! l1 Hr<1 ,1t ,0J'.,. 111 11 hl' "otll(1 n u t f ll"" 1111' . 111(: 1:I1'l" ' ,1 IIl(~ ,,1 111 H g'1l11 wlwil plq OTer " pile o( dehrl., crnshlllll I tl1P. t \ II tl lf'r t Wt' Ult llHo. nm} Ih .. ,· wonhl I n ! I FI "I' lllIle , unl' L!UI H\\:I-" . fI- d If qalnst tbe wall. exerUng c"cry "u n ~c I ~\Jrel.\ hf' 111t'rl' h~ 11n\\,11 Itt 1~' ~JOt. Ilf' ,..h , ' d i do ' 1. II", lillll' \ ' i!l:('Il , I'\' f' ).:HI or Itren,th, breathing In ~lI~P' , hUI nrfl!;ol' to II I..: f,,{, t. s ti li tJ ,l7."·ct lind ,'tln III /-:11 1'lId~ lIUt! ... liu\\ IJlI I' \\ lin t ki n d or apaechleu. K"l\ eell luwere\1 JII s h(' ud, tll~('Id . hnrdl.' tl hlt:a t o ttll\ t1 1t'edtnll~ , II 114' I IiUIl I JllI l \\ 111' 11 1'111 ~tdH'I· . " fhrulting It under hlB oPllnnc lI l's u p hili drf"c' n h~' .. \\,11 ,1 ImJ)1I1!<."(' to (-'1'o1~'HP I' , "~IIi' /.!u l 111 :11 1 li t .\·Oll'!" lifted chIn, and ' wI th one (rpc h"n,1 to JlI't s.nrt·l .r OUt of I h:H :-: lIf l nt hln t"li:' 1(:lll1 el' fl ll ll , 1 I hulI,L!llt ~11t: slruck with 1111 tbe power he PUSSl'.-. pu: nt'.~. I hnl ern' ". In whI ch he fplt ( lip ~on KI' r t, hUT ~ Iu"~ n \\ 1IIIc'n i A8 be dId 80 Iron nrms crlls hed 111111!'lIlOrllerc(t and ImltrlsHIIt'l1. Il ls j::rl ll'· 11 11' ,III' 111':-.1 ,, " i l " '. h ilt ~11i " 1I IH' \' f'r such ~a as be hnd 1II,,'er f£' It. li ke I n ~ nnJ..:{lr~ t1t ... f·n\·fO r l'd 11 rrp \'f<' ~ In thp hllil IIIP so tll ':,, 1 I'n ... y Ihe I lI'xt I, ill i t'. Iolln ot _Ieel-and the lun ging b.'lly of f:.ln n l', flS th01H!'h fli p ::011'1 rl.(' !' IIIH1 I' ll Ij'lwh Iwr \\ IIII!'O hu loO»: \\, l lr'n t J.:I·[ the man seemed to f orce hllll Irresl.t · h('(~ n '·Pltt n.!"unlll ·r. II d i"'t 'p. Ir r " ,C"1I 111 1' tttl ~ J " II o n t IIf 1I1 f' \, n y, '''lilit WH ~ It l Ibl, bllckw.rd. Inch hy Inch he hUll J~ II!iOh ~· U\\ nlng Ih~ ' Ifln !.! t) 1 II f hi'" HI·III . ~ ' O t1 /I,k l',I'" to rtn, ftgbtlng d esQerately, b opeless' fie \.\ \' (l'n Hf1\'II IlI'l' d a l'I l.-!, I nt " flit' "\\ ' h .\ ~!l1I ,. t flprl~ ' ('II~ 'h""r?" I" to retain hla teet : th en 8ull,lenl), ~ trn n c t.· n "Cu rf'. wOIH1 "I'l ng lit Its f'xlst· " ·I'll lt t ·..: whut ( :Ilrrltr C'UIH" to ' PH creahed ()'f er In tn the darkn QSS, th e .-.n('(o. t pnlpl~(l t n l 'xp illre It III ,F:('Cfl' t , 11I t'. 11("11 k!O[ lin I tl !-lllllH't hln,&! TIl f"t',,·'R other taltlng full IIPOU hIm. 1101\' grip· wlmn th t'~, PliO\(> , li e h('H r,1 Ihem 11 I('ak ,... 1111 ( ·\\ hf·n'. ('Illl idn' t /-:'\'t pine with one ho nd lit his e:cpo~ed nn' Hsl n", I\ s l((p till' vines n nol f'inmhe r- tlo,· <llIrr l il r,lIIuh lonl"h l-n hunch of throat, the oth er tumblln~ AI hi. In g to Ihe top of tile r()"k wh",h he lped ~I"' nl ry I1 r~ up III 110x cnnyon ." wallt The knife' the knIfe I It 1I111s1 eonre ullh ~nll·lIn re. Th('.\' (lhllhl~ RI" " 11 - 1: \\,h " l I, roll!! ht 'elll t~ pre ?" .,. the IJllIte the tello\\' 8ouJ: ht. Whnl non ' llt l \, wlth (\11 1 r"nr. \\'lIh nn IIIIIlP nd· "Th ~ ju. I!;., .ll<ln'[ kn ll\v. 11 (>" I It callie oest Ke11een never knew. fie ln g .: 'n ~t\ or (11l11J,.! f'r. anI ' Ow n Ilrnpp£'o frnOi '-:tl I1WhfH1.\' lit fl l(' I.osl. rl'lu" o ut · tOll&bt In II ell rlllm, In un con sclo u sl1 c~8. to Ihe fl on r uf th ~ tunD~I . TI1C're werp fi t !'ifll l·tt·d ~(I tlth . but t h ult~ w h ('ri' --,-----tJII~.,., breath cru ~hed out or hIm . two or t ht'nt : he rOIlI(l lell th'lt by Ihe t1 , .~ \' Wl.· rl' hound ." un.bl. to b~lIk that 6tra n ~le hql(1. or 80unc)-Mca"er nnd 11111'111'7.. Bllt '·Yut! d (ln 't ~u p po:::~ ll1e~' I<now?" t1fllt lala, bod7 from undernenlh. He where. th e ~. wn s () (>honlh ~I e redlth! "SlIrr IInt - unl.\' ~lI!'tpC" t Chllr stuff kae", II, touched fIl e , knIfe hftllft le: I~ lU 'lnJ,!' rli ll th rough 1I J.rll ln u l(lnc: I hl .. th4t be reached It ·\lrst. struggling to trltll. All we I:IIr to (10 Is Ill' 101\' CHAPTER XV ntalll 1111 intsp IbebeRth th e fi erce 11\\ hll ,' " .. 'Il II ,nreta1ll'e of lbo other'8 vLllJlln, fin ' tile??" Tho I:.lght Goes Out. '~1'L tn 1OrD1! Iva)!. II~ mtl~1' nnve "11 ~ !In , n t PUI rt! ..; 1I, 'nu Ollt ~'r l"'~ Kcll een wnlt ed In on nllun~' rtf SUBta,1'Ile.1 p~;rl SQuirmIng on n':le BIde, ho If' . Y OII hl\\,CII'1 ~("' II hflll YOllrsl'lf. neuse. 1I1~ thoug ht with III' tnl si ng .fllnn . C'omv nn : lip mll~t h(l hn r k In . 10 ,.. . to ,J.m the fellow's hnnd I be. '!firl, r Rth er tll nn on h Is '0\\' 11 p er il, or twMobl1 IiJp 8lId the hard stone floor. tl a1rf> JI~llIP Jl '01I1I1('\\'IIl'I'I' IIn\v II k ('h' . In ~h.t In-tant be blld j erked he Ih e nen rn p", of Ihn _e lI1~ n j!roplng Kr e'p (Ill!' 10 :111<1 li n Irll' \\'1111." ··~IIH II J l"l lfl.:t' It (1Illt ch, spn n r ?" hlade free,', Uld aJlIllIed vldDnsly · ot hll ndl\' Inwll rrl 111m In lill' ,1urkn ess. the bl!Je bnlk ~boye hIm. A.gwo · Qnd 1'hnl '111<';1' were RllrprIRr,1. lartleel 01 ":"1.'0, nlll h"n': "'lilt 1111 we turn Ih l' $PSII he dro'1'8 In the alee!, knowIng not helng J;ree ler! by Omnp7. "'nH plnln· ",' nrl: Ihl'o 11 wIll II Ot ~ h ow oUl sl<l('. evidenced fl'ont Ih nrHI :: rul1' ulf l!r· Cnn 'l h r· Ion:: n nw till ,II1.1'III:ht cOlli es," Iy where be ItlitCIr. hnt feeling • WUit BlIltBtiC?D al the limbe 'grlpplng nnce renchln g his r llrs. l\ e'l1~t' n , sl1 ntly Jl r~~,.. '<1 InfO th e r lf! '''\,here th e h- I 18 fil e ("l1n\\'?" uf til e rnck. th(> tlend 111 0 11 nt hi s fccl. .11l1li, relaxed' .nd b bt bl90d 8T!urted on Men ger e:.: r lolni(,1 1 II nlrrll y, "1 lolel you could mnr/; Ihp pns!<Illr(' of th e twn ,,"I~~d. :TlJ.,,-e no mOl\n, no Ollt· I called hIm (rom up IIbo"e and (101 r l(!lIrl~' by Ihe scrllpln g of ','et n5 [he~' . , ~, _~t. at till," th e man rolied ",' I' no nns wer, Now, by G-d' he Is o't j,,'l'Opcel th eil' wo)' nlung the s tone flnor. a1i!",,_ anG I., etllI. Followl n!! t~e opposite wnll they would ! .lWlth the Inltant 1111 ~Irength left even down tlere." "Oh. be's here nil rl(!hl. There was m!. q nny co ntn ct wllh Gomez' bOll y. . K~HII. '!'be kalte dropped from hl8 lI"-erII .nd he resled motionless, no chonce for his gtlttlng 8way wIth· nnd Ihere wns nothIng he coul d ilo bUI out our knqwl{lg It. We hAd oor meD stnnel nnd let the m pR~S. ~~, brea~Ii!a', h!1 :e),es, stn~ lnlf The fW O men hod turned the shRrl' liP Into the da'lil I Be' had "'01\: h ~ IIbollt bere 011 tIle time." .... not sertonslt l'lDrt. yef tor tlte mo- < '"rour men '" Melll'er 101lJ!hea scorn, com c r, th e slll'!ht sOllnd or lbelr moveqpuld even realize bls \'Ir! , tully. "Those ' ",reusers: they wOllld ments cen In g t I'PlIch hi s ellrs. Then . , . .y~ I DlltI' l be knew : Ih e'" o~)y be plnythl nl!s for Monu el. B-1. th e faI nt glow nf n motch reflec led IiIIIIit I Idi ..illlledl-tbe knlte-be lIIan I you lind )' our ~'1ln/l . couldn't e,'en nlnll l! th e I'Ock wnll. Ih e ~ lI en ce hrokcn hy !\1p. nJ;er·s ,'vl re. lI.d tDled thl milD.. , W1lOever he ' _n,, ' _I!~ep your eyes on ' Frisco,''' "'I.'here's til e lantern . .Tunn-In thol .1It., bad ILIlied him; he lay lh r r e n m~ "He anre l old me one C\-n s trol,?hl IMiIIde hIm In the- dnrk-dend Tlte story. Be seemed to know nbollt nil nldle. see. U erc, IUI'I\ nn the wlek." "'~ 110rrOl' ot It It.rted ao~w Ihll 1fS' goIng nn. I'd h eord n lot aholll The flnm e brightened 811(1(\enll', htll blOO(l In hll \·e!na. ,tl)lIl '/Ieu/! mtlh ~Yln~' bllII, k~e~ h e ~aB Il frlent)" or yours. th e onte r tu nn I ~'et remo lned blllek, I motlonjetl, ..hec<!mlog CQld. with , llneHrupposed him lilt rIght . On ly In th e tllstonce th e li ght fllcl,ere6 nDel) vee - tarjnlr UD at the tunn el '. ~ ADd BP\1led 011 you lwcw-d-o a nlon g Ih e 1\' 0118, cRstln~ wei rd shAd· I~ , . M' h" Oil'S. , One ot the lIlen evidently held roof. AD 'tIaet IImeil D1m-KIII"U ex, IIny ow. the Inn tern up, peering nbout cu rl · "_~ him WitH me knlte. Y"t ':It lind blllln t' "Well. ~'t be'" .... _ .,-:..-..;..:.....:.'--"-- _ -.....fllIIp!..ftrllt.-IIIlfin-t(~-rnaln; and one or "AIn't be ..hntT B e oln't nothlug oll sly. "He' nnt here. senor: where'e t he the~ to dIe. Be coul/! breatbe ,JIIHI Dow. I did I'jln wIth him a bit, be!'., ,DOW~ and he Sll,t UIII tremhllng of course, dOWD below the line. Bat old d 8vll. Il nyhowT' Th l'~' moved ~orword wIth the lI;:ht. .o/! IIhrlDklng bllck ' from ctmtJ\ct wllh b e wos n't Invited Into th " gOllle, ond .•,: 1J ~1,Ctead ~Ody. . He coul/!' not lee It.' bls beIng w ith GarrIty WOII j Ust I\n ae- nnd Kelleen, 011 f enr 8w lrtl~ 10SI In ' but 'be ' knew It wae there. dden!. At lenst I took It tbn t woy at his Intp.Me Interest. ~ 1'p.,,1 on to .th e , ' l(e1l1l8D . truck • . mitch, which gove' • !lrst. Now I sorter reckon It mnybe ('urve III thl' I unnel , from whlcb point : .roilb at !lrat a tUm. I peetrol llg~t be- was ~II II put-up job. I Qln't exnctly he cou ld lIee their clIl11 sh llllows. Ilehilld : . tween ', his tl'emblln,. tlngers. then made up my mlll d whot the guy \vas hIm . but unnoticed, doylll:ht began to b. ,_ glowed Into • ludden' name. Be up to-ju st suspected somethIng \VUH. visI bl e Iloro tl Sh th e mnnt h! or vlncs ron· tbrut It fomard over tile bod)' or the. !rolng on. a nd decided to butt In, I e8llllno; tJI\! eutrnnce. The dllrk Ilgure un 4ead' man•• nd atllred d owo ~t tbe up· Ml'kon. Dot. otter he I!ot out her e Ut e fluor usuumcd \'ague ou tlin e. 'fhe tUl'1led ta~ li'or, a moment not R anooplnll' /Afound, there. wusn I npu llu g t\\'o ",,,n In the Innteru glow curne 10 lIIulICle reIned" hIli form thnt of a to do but !Jut him , out 0' Ule woy- • hult, thrll s11ng the lI::ht forwu rd, -etatue. ·. ... btl eyes senrcbed tholle apeelnlly n!tet" he stole my horse." peel'l lI g ot t he object whl d ! hlld nt· «baltl, fea tures. .Wllere hn d he SllI'n "J oln'l so sure he stole your hors e." trueted tllem. The Mexlcall Iclclltlllccl the , man I before? th8t hairy foce? "Whot do ';9.u .menn 1" It Ilrst In n s uddl!n cry, !tll9se Iq, mlsshapeo nrms? n ead I . "Jilst wllnl ~told yO ll beft,re. You're "U 's a bocJy. it d~il d \linn," li e ex· "\~C eou~ he ,,,'a e dend-hllt who wos 10 bullhelld ~!l nobod y cnn . lell )'ou chli llled. "He bas be ' 11 klUed tte" ', Snmewbere In his mell1"r~·. dIm. MJlnuIlIP' IndlJ!tlnl:t. ~llIn l! a r eeoll ecll"n ",hle-h lI1 e uger held bnck, Um cowur(1 grip"woUld not liee",n!' whoUl' 1'11' :11' 'rhcn pin g IdlU, bU I SUOcllCZ !Jure til e IlI n· tlle- i'IBfon "Dille. hIli lips, uU CI'lng • te rn (ur \\'l tI'Il. des pcl'u tc to I ~ ClI' 1l the startled exclamation. t rulh . Hi s stn rtled voIce cnmc down "By O-d I I know now : 1I '~ 1\Inn· the lJlI.sltge: nel,.PqJ,llez! It's the Rl\e-ml,ll!" " 'TIs n<H Gomez," he crl ' d, "nnd DO face 1 ,,\'(:r saw be[a,·c. I'er hnlls YOll ·liIllD.oel GomflZ-::the murlh'r r. IIle olltlow, til! drend sconrge or nn,.Ih , I'n kuow · lhu Il lun '/ " liIexll'o, thnt hlnodthl rs t v wrer('h. "N o; bUI th ere hA S be n II fl" lI l. or " 'hose crimes hn d mllde ' hl~ on oh.locl ft IUUI·fl4.-! I'-t;Cl!. tlt:~ h u,~ hCt'u shot; nnd " of dele~tAUon on bot h sldel of the line In t he hack. !J.\' G -u ! (;<IIII"Z UI\l SI f or, years, Monnel Go mez, the killer hlll'e dUlle IlIls jIJh. [lUI wll:" hll g o( women and children. the destroyer beCtl llle ur Ill e uld dCI'll 'I And wllo of t owM, rn1der, t hief: bilndlt nn~ In· w u.s Ih ls I<i Ll 'l \Vlla t WI(S he doill~ s UlYeCto-Ibe ape-mon! Kelleen hnd hel'e? Seu If tll ere Is nuyt hlll:: In lois never seen him before. but he kn ('w; 1 ) " C l;t~ l , JUlin . Gh' e tile the 1n nt er n.'· there could be no other IIke ' thA t , nnd He hold It up, ''" th e .\ I exlcnn every story be prcv lo,u sly 1\11(1 h en rd dl'op" ed to his l(I\ et·s. und begu n to . of tb e fell ow come t ronpln, bn ck til r UJ1lJU:lJ;e tllroll J; h tlt e dt"lad I IIUII'~ hI s intnd In \'Ivld memory~rueJ. r~· clutll "s. Tir e Incr .. u~l n:: da yll::hl III rnor"eleslI. wllhout mercy, hu ntpll Ilk p Ihe des ' rl found enl l'llnce fnr IIho\,l'. o wild lJeRRt. ~'e t eve r oscllilln", the nllu :;1010 cl n wn th e DtlJ I'OW JlIl Ss u ;.:e In 10US. be hnd left II trail of blood o,'er , II fHlll t, g h H~ t l y gli lll : lU.! l·, \\h lch o nl y all thnt Innft Well. he WM deftft now I , Hlltl"d 10 IlI e ::ha sllill es" IIf Ih e St'vn·. Ye~ , bnw come he 10 be th e rc,~ WAS '1'110 S lI':II D wil t; too wu ch f or :\( e a ;,;cl" g t his his !lld ln/: pln ce? or wos nil' nlJln I1cr\'I.· ~, llud lu~ SWO I'l' I!l'ulll y. , Ihei'e for 80me n e ,,· crlme? ' lI' so"Cntuc 011,1' he Hll h i Ii 'feely : "'H'I ng~ w ~ nt' An d Bob ~I ~ nll'e r? .JJ!;llD Snll· ; the II l:ht. Wc' lI Beurcll el'e r)' Inch or 1 ('hel ' Were they 0160 shnr",rs In hl~ lio ls d-tl hili e." • t vllllllny' Cou ld they be u1emhel'l" of l\ t'l1 o(,11 tumed, his firs l Ilnl)ulsc " I hl ~ .ftend' e C'nlllf? WAR It 'rnm h(>r p hl'ln:.: 10 eSen l' . to rt, " h t own rd Ihat ; De' leG hll helinoun de ove r iile aesi!rl I dll" .gl llll l" '·\' IIf li ght now pllllll ly ., /lnd pl.ln? Kelleeo Wa ited In ~ n Agony of Su. 1I1I1I'I"n:: lllU , 'U I ' e (,11I 1'lIn e '. Ye l lilt' 'Ilte N!eo.rren ce ot these nAmes In· pen.e. ' fUl lllty uf s lIdl lin en'ort ca ll ,e to hllll ItaDU, brougbt hA Ck t o Kell ee.n a il1:-o tantiy. There \\'hS A hetter way reaJlutlon of hi s o wn p~r ll . GOIIICZ n01h lo;:. J 1I ...... r ,liel t lo lnk that fe llow , Ihall tlollt , nn" 10 .. \\'hl\' I .' ~1 I'" ck 10 fll ce) • wal dead, klll e<l h~' his hll n,1. Ul1wlt· \ '011 ~ ot \\,:1 '" !l l n Il P . li e Wl aS tnllt lng 1! ' I'II1. li S th (' t wn 1' :l Ill(' " dltrl" il~ I~'" for • i:Inlll:v. unknowlnlll y, there In the dll,rk. ,\ III deaperate eombat. he hnd ClI'eI'Ille(1 ,.:. II bnlldNd murdel'8 by the tb nl s t of II ;~lte. Bllt these others- Ih ey werl' WHAT ? ~C:T r HI\T WEL ~ , He. DIJ,6N ,,1!t1U alive; they would surely come. DUMBE LL 60 \'(11 11 "W l. IKE HE I(.NO~~ WHAT IT'" " ':PII_ eolllcJ b e no doubt of th'a t. All DAU(,H1l:C? NEVE~I ALL ABOUT. SUT '\ t hat Deborall had told ftn shed a cross i' onr9Ul1ter wi t h till . 601101' 1/11 AND Be ::~~:~ ruffia n-why. s he hoft cl the' tell ow' 101l1C: opebut he nel'er once hnel Gom6-'-of her creeping .on, !lmnel; the slid den Oscar, You Don't tOI): nncl1ter sturn· Tne), 8\\'8)'eo
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~mnrt Pllou~h to lI e oul h f" Itntll 1\ u. ,til. [J .ft '1' II .ft, hlt!\\' ell' r:-'" Mn.I' b ,W n 'l'er wou ld no L.. 1n., ~ ~\ ~ J IIIIVf' :.:,,1 nn tn hIm If SnnChe. )lndn't Ullhuddl' ."Our b~·lt. (I (In; I kl>.IV Wh lll ,l'llIn '101111(, ills: Ill"" II' un. t sl l'll k hl3 trntl one dllY by aeddent DeNTIST I','\"' JIlit ~~Ull ltt)ys l'o " er~ tl ; muke ' the' ,I\' cr hp)' ('M Sliver spflnge. Thllt I ~ And X-O- GRAPHIST tal ~w lII l'H,' , tlnd "(lU'U ~ure t 11!'& 1(' h ti d. I h ltH Inll1 1111$ vlIll ey. nnd tllon h e got , ' ow Ih r,'''' Ihllt '1I!!lt 11 0111 II '" ~ I , " I· II InR I, 1I~l\l n. Aftl'f thnt we kept n CUIt-~ lIrt.! 1 kil l )'" \\' 110 y o u Ihln, I~ '~; ; "'lI l ch II II ldn'l do no Ilood tor 80m Waynesville, Ohio. 1 , ';\lHC' hl· I·~ ' g'ull n Il ~ f or yml I \\' t) Ilm c. Ih\' nlrl fOle WIIS tn n RIY· So I T h 1111111 1)' r;n rl'I!)' pu t up n meetlnj: with I elep one 114, gU.Y '-' - lIrP li nti ht ~ u,'Il1Ii - UilW, (j - 11 \ 11 \1, drtl\\' It t lghl! Y,' s- t h ll l'~ c \. :1 \ly 0,1111 - I'" " hnrl Rome Rec ret sll;nRI Ol"l"lCE: HATH.AWAY BLDG. willi ( I UIl\lI n - h ll'np t hell1 t il ul~ "IJl J!~\1 1,,' t\\'~(> 1\ '","l-and In thAt WRY "'1' I' .... ,'d Ollt t hiS clive nnd got him ON MAIN STREET
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MONEY LOANED EY L oan e d o u ,Ive M ON ·Ohlltr.ols, ,,18U .moonel
8'UOl< ,
N v l68 hunl(bt . J ollo I:llublllu, AII ~ 1l Bnl/dlDK. XeDI~ OhIO. 6· '.24
Farmers, Attention!
tb" f 'HOl . we will "t puh llc " u " Iton o n whnt te S'armllrij or W/Arrsn ClUQ ' IldjOIDl ' b kn n 0 0 I' t ho .fllt U ~. AlI (l o fu rm . 2 CODDtlS8 UlIlY I) bl~\lo mOllllY Qn Joo!!> 111 .1 1< O, )rIoII IIf \V" y n e"~l lI e . 0 wllell alUls lolloII , /At fi~ % lul .. rtld." IJ ulI ~ ~ .. ulh ,) 1 1:i~ l lbl'l)Ok , 011 ~ b B W/A y uee'1018eourlull tba ,IO W Il I, very r l1 a.O Il vIII .. .. oct Hllllbro o k pik e . o n .. ble, thrOUKb ' j' he FtI(lilrClI Llilld Frid ay November lO. 1923 BlInk . For t oUhll > In for matlQn 0011 • on or IIddr"~8 M. (J DRAKE, T reas. H u ~ i u Ulug .. t 10 o'ol oOk , She rot· arer , pllOUlI lUtl-X, l.t!baDoo. Ohio. \\'n ru, tTl;) g low nI til .. Inlll (trll ~lIn nher· IOWlJlf! ; Five h or ses. " OOWI!, U Ing lik e n red "Iur. Th~ hUll d wIth b og·, l r, l OllS h oy, t .. rminll Imple. t h" \\, ~lI pon In It fr l\ to It len·1. an d he " Now, Up With Your Hand s' " 1lI .. o l ~ n ut! h " rD B ~ . See IJIII bills fll·(!,I. Ih e g llt"s 11 1c~<' I'ln ~ Int o :t th ou· '-- 1 ~ •• ••oO _''''''' fu r p" rllcul", .. SIIIIU p let'es, til e II glll IlIs llInlly (!x tln· the s mall!!r mnn. tnken COm pl <'ll'ly by MHtl .1 AMEFl ALLEN, gtl l~hc, 1. BlIrprlse. struJ;J!le,1 helpl p..ly to escnpe .J W. ALLEN K"lIeen's plnn 'tlf II clll'n tl n.1 fo nued the s lrun,c:leholcl o( thuse "In tr h lng fin· \V , ) ~e lirH, A UOI,. swlttly In his II l1ntl. Ill) hull n gllm· g ra. T h e re\'ol\'e r dl'Ol'l lc'{l fr olU hi" merl ng of whut th is con"l'lrurr mcant. but mu s t lea rn lJJ(lr u . nl v lin e b nnd, nnd he w nft f(llTe<! re s l.tle"sly tlOtlkll , A lite bra. Latin and Ooca· methud \\'os pHs~lblC n contcs,'lon b nckwn rd, stra ngled. unnble tIl te/IT 1 wi I pell !l\ pul?lIc Il n otion II.t m:v p"'ion . Flndt!r pl88~e lellve whl1 from Bob Menge r. TI'I! renl ~ecre l Clf loos e thnt "lseUke grip. A8 til two r Asld Dce 011 MUll! ~ tre ,, ', W"YDe8 t 11, howe ver. M nger'8 bend Hrr llck vi III', O hio, o n Mr. SI"n lit lit~h tlobuol bolld lng. .~ thl ~ tun n el wus In h is po sURslon, now th e rock. the sll arp blow so d Azing .elll thllt Mnllue l GOlllez \\'IIS ((clld, H e . ~aturd I1Y, D.ecember I. 1923, hIm Il S to pe r mit KeJleen nn Ins lflllf lJIus t he 11111(1., to tolk. I of lea' ber A nlo lZ .. on\IIl~8 1.' hc ndnlntuges in Ih ls \JI1(!Qn nte l' of rcllet. n long. fresh brenth. t he reo B e'~ l unl n ~ aI, 1 o 'clook . ... IQt, of Bllme pl/Aoe 10 ' OW II Hlllar".' lell"p. ot on e urlJl. Und erneal h him. were nll nglHilcr 1) 11 Ill s ~ Icle, He knell' b ou. I~old ll rul 11~lohl'o . fllrpl'are; Dtj(h" Rew/Ard. Flncer le ave pre8 Ing n/lnl ns t his hlp . Iny til t' ::u n th em, w il t- tOe tlley \\flrc; Ihe,' possesse d r t c. l't'e bille!, I <'l W8 OBifh lhll' offioe. 028 he hu,1 becn' fo rced to drop. WIth til'S' , 0. J, Edwllrds, ' .. DO kn(lIl'le ,ljI!'e or hi s exu"1 posi tion, p(' I'fIte erro rt he gll in ed pnssl'.s lnn of " ' .N. 'tu r>l. Au !t, \l' ho he \I'll!!. or wh crhrr I h(>y fuced Ihe I\' 'nnnn , IIIrUBl ing lh e lIIu r.~, I ~ ~o v· on c olJ!lonetlt or n dozen. 'l'h ey hnd 6 _ _ _o J;f'l~' Into MCII!!,er's sIde. Iwen IlI ken C0Il1I)1 't~ l y hy ~lIr flrlse. "O- n YOII I" he ch oked. "F(", I Ihn t I VI , ' lUg ijn ld m y far m . J will lIel1 slll l'lI cd bS Ih\! ~t1dtl~ tI ntlllck. con· Get ul', or I'll blow It hOil' rl 'llf "t Jlu \m C II aotioa 11 t my reelaenJII, [u, cd III th e · dlll'knl)ss. l:I e bnd both through YO II. You dirty brut e. to 1<1 11 L mil .. so otb o f L ytle. ay. milaM west ttl' tI ... m nh.ol llI CI)' lit hIs n ,ercy. you wOll ld h n ' Illcnsure. Get denr of W",V n nille. 1.·he sll em:e WIl S Inten se nCl'0r thnl o n .he U"uer tip ' Do y u knolV me now?" ~Tlrl ng ho ro p i ke, rlt Edgewood Or08!, 11 1·~t ~ tllrl l ·tl secrllul. 'rhero wa s n o Th~ rel1el\\'. thoronghly ('ow(,(1, sh rink· 1I\,)\'Olllent. n ot C, ('n t hc 'sou nd or lu g, (I n the IJ. L . & N. R ., a D Ing bllclt with Ih ~ !,olnt of Ih (> re l' olver C . . WhIle Leghorn Cockerel•• IJrf'lIlhlng Ilu tllbl c. The two sto oll moWednesday. December 5, 1923, stil I prl'"slllg Ionr,l nl'ulnSI h i. rlh . tl l,ln lc!~~, cr(,u rlll'(l I'ad: fI ;;tll ns t lll e • Illq alre ot Mra. B V. 8ml'lt. R. stlltlcrcd. hut mn,le n n rc pl,¥. Th e U\l n l rn f' noln ~ I\ ~ ) 0 o 'olook. ~he fol. D. 4 W~yoe8vl1le, Uhl u. d12 1\'11 11. IlI'el'ln:: Ilito Ih e "I ndm(>~~ from whl'ncc tlml 'tlln l!ue ot t1mne hnrt ' wl (lrnln :: 1'1((\1,," or ,Iny ll;rlot I;I1I'U K I· lo wl u g : '[ wo b Qrlle., 2 00W8, 3 ~ O R I Red Quc'llerllill' tor •• Ir. lel'n thl' (Hlrllnes or hi s bulky t1l:1l r.e. lenllc. 1 111m th e ir \'cr y fll cr·!!. yet reo b Oil", lo t o f obl o kootl li nd feed Bod but fcnl'II1'e~R were InvI sible. • Inquira of Mr8 J o bn J. 'l'hom I' 'a ll n.: noth llt!!', . 'l' lIey cuuld nei Uwr fu nn Ing n t e !l~ II~ , See bIg billA "\Vll nl ' IH)t y t 1 I'm Ul e '1,' \'lsl'o thin k nnr n\:t. Who iratl ' lI rml- Mnollel , "1 A , S, R08J£ LL. ' 800. R . 1) ;t, \\'.ynllllvllle, ,9bIO. d12 KId I' 1"II'i'1 you thought you'd dOllh le0011107.7 s Ollie en 'my Who II l1d trnp pc(\ p' T. Marlin" Anol. ., cro~s 1"1' : th en ~' nn d ecld ell murtlel' th l'I1I7 \\'ere tlo e~' rflCl nl> ono IMII, or (J R. I Bed COOlIl'lrlllB for "ale. wonlrl (1(1 Ihe joh hest. Well , ~f en J,(er, _ . -- - - F4;;;c:z:: II d,)?'cu? Intn whut lI ud tlo y hlln dl y T ·(lr 1\ rll floe' QUeM It. q obe neltller IIll1 n \\,ol'lw(1, I'm on tn your lI'ul ke d7 ConfidplI l ot hIs ow n ~nfcty. . . N~tic~ , of' ~p.P.oititment oJ. C. Sawke. W&yo6s vllle, OhIo renllzl nJ! thllt he hnd Ille \\'h l[l hnn.l . ",lime, nod f' m vl'ry llIu cb nlloe. Now dill K .. ll cen s mil ed grlnl ly. e"l'ry ne rvI! ['I'e got .1'011. Li ke tn mnk p. a gueRs wit)· £ Iloll 'l k ill ),Oll?" ten se. hI re\,oh' er p ol Cd. Th(l s ltun· IC. t&to 01 WarreD J , Daldn;.decea-l. _-+.f-¥~D!lZA...J:IOlIJI.ruWl~...:.:WlDlllJ,Bl...JI.a.sL .... _ _ _ _ uYnu -~'n l1 \\·ttnt m e t o sqn c:i1 fir",,'t," N o~lce I. hereby given thllt Florence Bop· . &1 reI! r od hll stery. io good Bhape tlo n plensed 111 m. IrllIs bas boou <luly apllOluloCId alld <Iualilled.. t t260 H, M , Linder, R D. '. lIJ ('lI ge r h ('~ltnt e cJ. lind Kell (!I'II 'R g un "O"u p your g ll ns, hr/th I" ~'o u I" he Administratrix or the ' Ko'.1oCI 01 Warren ur <let IltI Rhenl hll rtler. ' colllllllln,lerl s ternly, "Q ulck 0 011" I'v e ~ Oci;::;!r' late 01 Wa.,..,n CouDIT. 01110. Waynes vllle . Obiu d13 "Ynn 11<'t t er ~p ll It Ollt. · noh: I'd got YOII agai nst the light ," 1J1l1oet1 I hIB nth day or Novel\lber, 1821. I . Red Cooker"le Addrell. C. so r e lo\'l~ to ~ hno t. ·· " \\'11 0 the 11-1-" • w. Z. HQL.... ' R " Judge 01 tbe Probate Oour' • . ",oraell, ~ D. Ii, Wayaee. "We l1 , II- II ynu. \\'IIIIt's I h' dlffl'r· "~ I O i' lirnt' D l'Op I ht~OI, nr I s hoot Altbo ~'. BrowlI. Atty~Vm.o Oount)', ~F ville, Ohio, c', dli I'n(!('1 Gllr l·II .\' tn ld me tile fNI" w wns ~ "t" e f1lh ll! iJ esld es It 101l1 (,1'1I. It's II hltllll J! In here sOlll l!w ll.. re. ~l nJl u el fl uil' trlg)!e r II'm p l n~'i ng with." KPO~ Breedl.nK IIlweB Iuqll,r. IIsNI to conle to h llll wl, en he 1t,,!'(le(l 11 ~ hl'urd hoth I\" 'npoll s fnll to tll e of ~ rana ~hldltlter, phonll 311. RItIIT, 11m he n"vcr ,,"0 ' nilit' t o trock fi l'o r. ~I enl;er clln;lm: llOpo ll'ntty. bllt S.rvaV8horg, Oblo, dfiNOTICE th ...\h!xl(·u n sil e nt. Kell f'l'o Ill lI J;hell. ! IIlnl- he \1'flS 1<10 c1- n 511101·t for the OLAN D.CHIN A HOllr Pig. 11'1. "Kick tll" lll IIwn ,v fl'UlII you-tllut's ,ludgc. Thill \l'II~ whllt I Cllml' \l p he re ~Goorae Dewoy Maloll. ...h08O TMldance i ' q lire Qr J . t! VandervQort, B . tor. ond 1II(' ~t1 .V I he renRon Wi'), I ""k nown. II hore~y notified Ihat Annie l..on· rl!'hl' ]l;IIt hud f cll",,"s wh e n prooer h ' •• M.alo". on M.y Glb\19H. med her 'pet! R. 2. Wayoeevlll". Ohio dli g rabbed th p. rn ll ch-sl' e. Gfl 1'1'1t \· IIx(ul ILIon nglllnlt him tor d vorce, l UmoD~ au 11II 1Ic1lecJ, I S"*'. No\\' np WIUl your Ihln gR. hocl1l1oe ' he knl'''' MUOliel hn d custc><ly 01 child, On tho ground 01 trrO· BOUT 78 far t o ' P"l\ng lI'eooB or duty In Ca50 No . UOOI or tit 1""1(1" 1\ n.1 IJlu'\( :11:111118t the wnll II - I of n lot 0' s poilS st orNI 11 WilY. 116!<lect ColnmOJJ Pl..... (Jollrl 01 Warren CoUDt,. 10 KQod oundl'IQn. Inquire of Ihe)·c." ' V1l wnlil e el n frt'~ Imnd. \\ h ~n I cro mp 01010 alld tltat ...1<1 c''''' will b. tor hearing Jolin A . ~'l1okpy, W",yutlllvllllI, Ohio 11 e ('ould n ol seu th ~ fe ll ows, Do t so up £ nrerl eve ry Amerlcll n, nl1(1 IrI"I' on or al ••r Decem hcr IOtb:Jun dfi Fr~~k O. An~:";:'l:' LO I3A MA.LOTT. II luch liS IU, ,," ll1 nc of Ih '11\. )'et knew on lI!l'xlrlln~ I Imew. We 1'1 111 JII ~ t A,k)rn6~ to~ ~' Ialn " tr. d5 til e), ohe),f'(1 th e ..... '1,· ... It \\'08 11 hluff cnttle cnou::h so 118 10 get lin I'Xf' US" few Rhode Island Red Pulla'B whli'h \\ ..... I"'~ 1")Clllli''' th o}' Iloit bl~ tor explnrlng the ,Iescn . We I, npw Clod 1 Cookerel. Aprtt' b"'.Jh ed, . lI el'cll Ihf~lII ~ch' c. s llh nue ttl'e l rignins l tbe (I-n s llpflPry (' IISS \I'US 1I1r1 nmll nd $1.OO,lIllob. W. N 8e"ra, Wayo" .. tlrlll ,lI Hl nn l ~ I'n)' hOlT (I f li ght t a r here. but COII I(ln 't I:et ontn hi. holtl." vill e , Ohio. n28 SJtc pln ..... - - 1 '0 nfll .. !I'. i' (,11 i !llt\\' 1 t wi ll CU \l ~l! ••(14.' lQ t,t' .. hlfl lld t·l'cu .
:I hl~ h 1 (l1 111 I t~
pA R
R1 •
(!J (.
1':t ~~ 1t7(',
( :II'J!Ct~
not tn b t:
" \Vel1 , co on ,"
('l1~i ly ' " I '~p<1, '1'10111, ""I. sl ern '·IIlce.
"Seems 'he 1I'1I8n ' l ~l' hlJ! IInylhln:: nn)' IInlll llll llnr In II", .. ",,,,I II)! III1Inel . / more. jtlSt ll ldi ng O~lt: non e or hi. II"·,, nl " ",111(''", "I" p,'r! II I; e >I SIPfl l tll ~ gnng with him. 11 hn (1 I!nt "0 hOI ror nn M" ""'l' " S nCI·'·I'.. Ihe 01(1 iJ evll 'he 1\'11~ nfmld to "how "11 )' (1-(I ! \\'ho 111'1) .1'IlU?" he bls n ClA~ nbo" e ",rou nd: Ofty th Ousa nd '"lIrl r,1 «"."I!()I.\', "WI ,n l Ihe II_ I do for hIm, den(1 or olh·e. you l<n o\\'': (,\1 II IInl ?" Ihnt los t rnld hnd ",nl tll (, 1 . S. nffl'l' "The fln.l is "r no Ill1pol'tu D('C. Mea. 111m RR well n ~ MexIco. nnLl he ",ns
0 ><, <;UC H A. pteA<; ANT . YOu LOOK 'l()UN6 ENOu GH TO l1e' HER "IS <;loP~ I C;E
ME , .MAY ¥OUR AC,1i
H J\ I.US CA TA RRH ME'DICINE haa \)0'11 us.d Aucres"l ull y In tho treatment or Ca.tarrh . HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con· s lota N An Ointmen t whIch Quickly Ru\leve. by local nppl lcatlon. a nd th e Interq"l Medicine. '" Tontc, whlqh acta tIt rough the Blood on the l\JU CO!lll Bur· incest ~thU8 reducin g the Inflamma tion. Sold ' by Ali dr ngglsts, .. F . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
YOu tiEl:, MRS. HAl-I., IT It; INTl:REC;1'1 iei '1'0 " NOW. A.
14 qlJlre pJ:tra oioo Pigs for s8le. to of l'ooy Olivia, R, D S, W"YDenllle, Oblo,
"rred Plvnio~tb Rook Ro(},tell' . FIAhel Ii'raln ' rnqalre nf °Mr .. : F H. MHtenbE1 rger. R, p. Ii, WilY. 1I~8vUle, Obi.. " . d 12
I '
•.•. TH E MIA M I GA ZE T_T E.... tCo".."
ISSUED 'EVERY . p ,u lomoe .~
WED~D~Y .-
' WUOMv llle, Oblo, ... secon .. 011 .. Ala" Maller
.Mr. W . O. Corooli spent Frlday to tbo Gem olty. . :Sundl lY Sohool will be a' 11 p , M,. next Sunday as nlual . Mrs. Charles E . Jobns was a Lebanon vfsUor (l'huredllY,
D . L, CRANE . Editor and P ublishe r. WayneSVille, Ohio Subscri otion Price, $1,60 per :(ear
~tfJ@ @JllIifff1mffJ& $tJ@J?i; BQtI D• •bt.
WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1923 Allen f:imHh. at OaY&OD, SpllD' W, dnllsd .. y with Mr . and Mrs . li. B. Sm ttb . Is a Dirty, MrR. Luoy :riM, of Vinolnn a", Vii' ited l'ullHd.. y with her mo\her . MH. Filthy Disease Erow .. ~·OU lli s . T h at oontluua l il!.Mi~ s <.;Ieo titlioy retnrne d home driPI)i og of CD ' t:)uortllY aHer s pendi ng the week tarrJtal rnucu. {rom witb relative s 11\ Middlet own. the bead down into th e tuonmc.h finally Mrs !Jen J ames 18 makiDg ao AXpahon. the Wh l)l~ ten·Jed vibit w\tll her nnole. Mr. body, D. C()ndit icJIl John B .. ven8,lIt Verl!aill ee. Ohio I kno \4'11 :15 firs te rnie:: catarrh. Mr. and Mrs . Roy MoKirb y alld ohll dren, of 08yt1)U, spen' eevera) P or more thatt fi f ly ' ye ars P e. ru . na ll liY s llt~t week wIth Mr. aod 11r•. ha s hdd a u env ia . Fronk timlth a.nd Mr LI~ rec on t "'" rC' . .. nd Mrl. suh. iu the I~a l . 1:I1IVh .Juhn s .. m ent or 3U Cu . tanh41 cOflditi(ala . ~lr lind Mn . Emeuo n St . Clair Sold on lol lalned a D S und"y the tormer '. £v""Ywhe no pa rents lind sister , Mr. and Mrl. .J ubu ~ I . Cl81r ". Dd MilS Charlo Ue , T or lJquid f~. nonb of Dayton . :: 'l'holm .. . Ke .. ms, tb1 little orlpple pi e /.(trl, r lltnrn&d .rrolD a Clnolo na" .sAYS ~A\\ : hllYVitli 1 til1tu rday to tho hOlDe of . 1.. 1 V A ,,"·IOr" wlld('" I. , t o(l \t ~ ' llell_ Mr . liud Mr8. Wlllillm <';olem lo, when· ~b6 will be eulld for . Dl n ll I, w,) .. rtler~-g e t 01'1' this pili oe ttl Hl !'Ita v n il' ~ William Bllines \aud l: r.mily. of Belm ont. Dr. <.; W. 08bnrn and fam· Ily lIud Mt~ s Sarah Osburo . ot ton visited .:3uoday ~t 'he home of U s ef ul V/ ;-o : '~ l n '" S · I ~I (. Mr llnd Mre. Wlll ter KenriO k . ., j ' lI ! 1U '" I' .. ... , . , I II '- , IIH e (lfln ], " ... pr :-.:, ';11 1, Ir t '. I 111 h l~ Mr •. ,I B. Jones and g uee'., P4rl. [1·tlll",I ... , ,\ ~"U l' ;': IHoI l. ,, 111 1 IOilke ltElbeooll· DIII lind Mis~ Clara OaDRh. \\ 11 11 r ll\ If' 1II HI/ I ., I t ' I ,; 1 " l·lIlIf·,I :I. t aro. of BU . Bolly, wore oalllDg on UIHJ w l ... I Il~!=- { II ~ ; tllI 1. 11 I.y ;.,, 11 ,.,. I! ... "u tl e frlenrl~ lA st week and lpeO' UII' ,1;1 1" I I I ... 1'." I l l!" " FrIday \YU h Mrs. Clareno e 8mlt:n. I , ", , ..1 " t ' d: I \ 'S, at till' ~illI l l' !. il l Jr .. I I I ,· 01, 1\ , '\1 I'h e Mr . Il nd Mr8 . Kealer Gra!ll\m had lust (',dl l !t, I f'J I\.· .. I . ~ n : f l\ It ;: !"Ildc for tbelr tln nday dinner goe ..... Mr. 111111 I f lu ' I!' III \\ . , ' : IJ" il .· ... ! "tI IlI'id e ADd Mr8 Vllrl AlbrlRM : aDd Ralph [Jl l' ('UIII- I~ "un tl " ,j , ,, 101111 \\ I+t ' n he Stowe. of 8prin ~: b oro, Mr. and Mrs. l'o l l s IIl!Jl in r Wblte Rind SOD. Rob81'a, of
Nasal Catarrh
Elect Presi dent By Popu lar Vote
In the belief tJlllt allY polt tical Mystem will eh IIll1i1L'S PIlHllil>le tllO dectioll of a Pl'c~d,mt in defiullcc 01' Ih ~' ex pn'tised will of t he lIIujul'ily uf the people i ~ archaic und ulHh~lJl oCl'll li,' , the SIl~rUlllcut u Bee ill U leurling edjtorili l cuUs ful' the IIbolition of the elt'Ctorli1 eullege "ltd the direct election of t he nalionu l gU\'o:nl llleut ~Al· cutives.
\\'1utt witll the unit rule and thc two·thi rds rule gnvcl'lli lig it! c:on vcn !ions, ulld t he dclegnt ioll of authori ty to c l eetor~ vol:D~ by litates who t\\;ee at lea.~t ha ve chosen Pl'csidc llt:' ]l lIl'l'iIMI OVCI: Clcvela nd and Bays OVCI' Tildrcn - ill udiunce of Ihe \ utes (If the electora te, the people are so far 'remove d from their . right t(l dlOose the head of their nation t hat their ri ght of frullchiS\J has become a meanin gless waste oj' time. U ndol' Ollr prelient politiea 1 system it is impos.'1iblc for n mn n . to split hltj ticket- he can't vole for the candida te ::o r pl'eside nt (JU uno ticket and at the same time vote for the candida t!' f or ' -icc-pi'o sident on Borne other ticket . He must vote for electors CI: ouo ticket or another in block formati on. .Also <l nder tbe present system it is impossi ble' for any indepenrien t candidl lte for the prellide ncy to have his nllm e Jlla~ cd 011 the ballot. In Texas it is useless for a &pubH 'an to go to the PQlIs on a presiden~al proposi tion. The Republ ican voire is IKJ ,mlull and still thllt it is entirely obHtera ted. In Vennon t it is equally futile for s Democr at to make a like att.empL W 01'(' the p(l()ple to vote their choice then men and women of all partits would have equal represe ntation 88 tbey have equal taxation , and tho will of tbe majority' of tbe citi ze ns of tho O<JUlltry would be exprCS8ed in action. . The electora l college of oourse was broug ht into beinR ill a day wbl'n it was tbough t nnsafe to tmet tbe people with what was tlleu regarde d lUI a dangoro us power. From this ground work shrewd pllrty trickste ril have built up the gradua l elimina tion of public particip ation in nationa l a1J'~irs until today the citizen has the r.hoil'c (july of voting for one or two men hand picked by a half dozen politica l despots who, meeting in a parlor, decide who shall and who ahall not have the right to go before tho . people for election . Fortun ately there are signs of the a wakeni ng of our citizens to the impol'ta nce of insistin g on their r ight of utteran ce. With their ears always to the ground the poli-tica l coDlbiDe is even now discl1ssing the possible abolitio n of the two-thi rds rule in the Dcmoel 'atie eonv('n tion. If we can get that reform and next the killing of the nnit rule we will have made at least a start toward a real democr atic rule. This is the year 1923. The United States bas . outgrow n knit!ker lloekers . Its citizens can get along very well without politica l bosses to govern them or electora l eoteges haying the power or not always the temerit y to defy the p ublic will. There arc ~rapeR on 80le In WAshIngton MarketJ New .. Itt $l .~O l",r "rate or 30 pOlluck Lt\ucl ~1 In " Fifth An'"" windowYnrk ther s(·ll tor ~1.n.) !,l'r 1IOII Illl. 'l 'IIr ge ntlelllan who' growH the grapes ge ts wbat? Echo :aud auswers wha t 'l •.
' I"
1 ••
-t ,""'- ~= _
Mr . Rnd ~r8 . Albert I:!tlloy lotertBlnf\d tbe followi ng relaSive a &0 dIn · ner S unday : Mr . aDd Mrs. Oa ..ld ('1 1111 lin d 11 1111 141 1. " ;1 \1-1 , "Th,' · i l\' .. rH~e· Weikel BDd ohildre n . Homer. MarIe pt·t 'St !!) d t ll ' " !lnl !"I d nd (ht · ltv!"" c h a nn! of Ih' IH ..: II" ;:. 'f lip 1I t11f1 0 1' \\"(lIlIan 1!:.1Iuor and Ada May, Mr. and MH. " h " \, pi,,.! ,'" :.:1' PI' :>\) p P t tent h('IIl\\ Williuw (.Iloll:oy. Mabel aod Ralph t he fln.' l'a ; l: I l n~ th e· h(,~1 l'IlUI1l'C fllr Luoke y. of Middlet own, Ilr. aDd Mra WIll Noll, of Springb Oro. Mr. h ' n~ lilt· , 11 I .... :::\1'.. III ,,: ,~' the u \'e ru j!\ 1,, ';1,,11111111 I" ' ; "'h l'~ Ill e 1!I ('1I1 0111111 III and Mrs. Oear&h 8heeha o. 01 Dea, thin)' I r Ill' ''/I n J;,'c P n ~1I 1' Lilllt hu illi Cente~vtJ1e, Mr. aod Mre. BOIIell ((II' tJIt~ r.l' ~I , !l f h b lif,·,· he lnc reuEtes hl ~ Bu~nett. and son. Jean fir.
t l'il\'l·hl,l.
·l\' llb.KtlOtl
nd\"llt:cel< itO fus ler thlln thll)' ven"lt It. yet til,·)'
I lIlIder~hIJl. t h c'Y who ,Jlrcct tile way or .the hI IlI'ell 1I11111'lllll llon. It I~ tbey who depict
ch anu::-:
-----_ .._-- -
! "II ''''''' jI \, "
,1 , I", c:,(t umrch. ']'0 tll l'llI ,," 1.\' 011 the Clll'lulu "r lit,.
'." "1""
; ~\
" . "0 :ii':.~
.. ;
Warm lelt "PUIWI in rlly~ lAd pict.ureA tfie, ~ cuff.. Tkie are delic~t little Iolks.
"Coan fy" Mule .1.16
Felt HI-Jo $1.95
, ••"
Xenill . R oy.J!:t118 and tamily enlerta loed Mr. aud Mr8 Fr.ok BevaD aDd Ion. Carleto n, of 8prlnl~ Bill. at ~oDdaJ dinnl'f . . Rev . Wlllbbo rn, of 'lae M. Il. ohuroh. of W.Jn'o8vlUe, preaohe d bere 11I8t Friday n ight. BI. aermoo wile enjoyed by aU preaeD' . The RoY!! Ilud Girl, Beetetb all tt'aws pl"yed ahe Spriogb oro ....IIl. Il'rldav nlgM . Tbe bove .. me 011' vlotorloU@, .bu' ~he glrll were s::Mrs W. A . a .. loes waa oalled Ulnolull8*J on 8000UO ' of aD r.ool. leDt, to \HrUDd wa 8mart. who Ie'll ,me d .. y 1"8t week aDd brolre b.r blp.
~"hv !>('at·
them rorwftrd. wtlllll!!ly or nllwlllln ):I)·. 0 11 III(! p;rt·" I ... :<01l«lIIIll08 the wholll IUR M. H('elIIS to fnll IIncl" Hut 11\ (' ""'"! r(,lI r. They know tile th;ht of the stur will tend thell\ ull " !ill':."'il. Copyright. 1928-13 y R\cborjl r.lo)·tl JOIlr.• .
Quilted .tin wi&h lew 1_'- &ad silk t*A'PORI . All celona, U ....
Chi ldre n!
r;. ... t'.
, CGI.
Warm "Woo leatk u" $3. • c..,. IDOCCUia 01 w,~
1iG.t "i$h !IIIt.ral ~
Brown Romeo $4 Mea'l brown kid Romeo witla eIutic ' - t at . .Ide, tuned
tbal roll& over tbe . . . ~ War. a.4 ..... ~ltePrired fJ;M to ....
"Woe leathe r" M~cailn. ; "
'I ' "
Felt nt·to $2' ;':1
... _."..b eet.
Spec iany For Boys !
lJ,,,.,. leill Romeos, $3 . .. Woo~" ...u..... s. d",Gbk. SI.51.
..,.. _
( I
Woman Denl_ 801ae. of Prayer. Ia lOme part, ot tbe world the "'_ III are not eyeo allowed to pra,. Ce~ :alp Hlndn coorreglltioDl deo,. their WO.lDtIIJ Ihtl prlYUeae, and .moDl tbe &Inll' of .Japan women elUl pra,. onl,. 111 ftry rllre (,"el al tho deputies or :Jh!lr hllllhq'to11L
AT HOM e .
Dr. John W. Miller
Dentl.t WayDHvllle Natlollli 8aak I
W)lat am I tbllnkfDl tor tod~?
Well, listen-i f 100 must
f.ther bed wu a package draped In Ita trapping s of Itate. • • • If I had a lelton of word. to eUlpl01, I'd u.. 'eu!, lemeatlu ' Ita tate. Wo've baulahed tile ._bal r. 'au' to.ok the pad of eot'Il.aflliek.. · an' Ibnln'e , ao' 1D088• • • • TIll I atll. aftllcted au' gloomy an' lad. at tile tIIattreN the7 Itretcbe d me aero .. t. I't11 WearT In mtI8I!le-dlltraeted In IioDe-4I Id It don·t belp tile ilDy to !!UL • . . It IIIIIbt be more heuthy to bunlt on a _tone, bllt tt'.. equal to II1ckoeu. or . "wuSllI I dl'!tllD ~. tbe feathel'l that cu.btoood 1117' In the IialqOD. nlabtl qf the put. . , . ~ . ,We Weft! born 011 the teathen, all' Ili8d on th.e lame, aDd the rraDdC)lU~ren jot \ '~. at 1aIt. . .. 0 ; UleOld '.ther .1Ied ~ ' a1bull~ of 4ntalU -a CIIU fer 'an ·~• .at wratb -_ 1I1IIk III ltl · ItJUbbel'i an' .' .woNt' In It.·'.eaJ1llt--«D' nobott' Ileeded • bath! ·. • . It JD87 baft., b~tt "robe~ ai" ~\D ~re;. from .\be , eporeII et · ~ II..·,~ . the b~ .It jlad ,'em ftlI .lniIed .. a l ioOd_d. to 1IlOre, ,aud _ bNQ 'out wltb place ~t. It
mowed I
W_ '
\lUre fie Price4
A new cocaIy 81* willa riII»on
trim and bow. .s.ff'.
are 1tl\Ie, ceral : AaM'l«: o,. Io"IaIit:y • aod 111 • •
plain , _ ChKIred. ud with ..tiD eolian. Priced
Il.lI to 11.
k:l l'!l ahcnd. . ~IIl ~ a'r" nr~ ne ,'cr nfrah! . /\ 5 ~OQ n II~ tllI/ lIllty ,·,,"It'll. II",) "'/1 ' " to I C 1II1I"\'CI·8. I t 1$ (lull' tho UlIIU who Is HulJs('r"l ent to I'ht> t\'ulh wll .. '''·:1;··.. '·, nrl' IOI' which nothing can Ilellctrn te. Blick III Ih,' I'IlllkH lire II I, ,.~ to ~'n, )!rllJUhle fS. stul)lble 1't'1. Their Ilrot.l'S\'H nro s ihJII<'tld .l!~' 1\1 ,· I"" 101 . ~\ot.
Comfortab&r brown "Evuett a" wit.b IOlt leather IIOlea nod spring 1MeIa. Priced pair.
or hard lOla. Tum ·do"'l cui,
Rev. Buo~lngtt)n 18 boldID , .... riell of weetlDg s here. .Jllnt Gray aDd family IlDeD' Bau. day Wltb Mr . Ilnd Mn. FRDIl tnat. daker . Mr Ne .. t·on Miller and dao.h" r, Lula. were shoppin g In, Wilmln poD Monday; Mr . lind Mrs: Hred Bagerm y•• ot. gprlDI\ Htll , IIU9uded ohuroh here Sunday ntSbt. Mr. (lnd' Mrs. V. 0 Ton•• 01 /oIpring boro. bttende d meellD g 'here !:5ut.day nlgbt. Mrs. 18"ao Ban:k@ retDrDe d bom• (rOtn MoClelland '., .Ilollpl&al trlda,.. much impr oved . Mrs Louie liar laD aud daulh& 8r. Mtss Gladys, were VllUOrl of lin. Charity HllrlaD. Sooday . Mr. lind Mrs J3llrlan Barvey . LebaDon, were SODday; .f"rDDO n o.. llors of Mrs Chllrity Baney . Mr, and Mrs W. A. Kerrl" IUId J8We l! <';\lDe "peot t:luuday wlah
P lud · " lilY
Wo me'n!
.ollie . .ollie
Miss Glenna Ollboro haa 'he Mar· let fever. Miss T h olma Rober~. I. OD 'he
Men !
. Mea'. (elt Hi,lo slippen in IIOfr
Ihe III':l:t ri ght rno\"Cl for the maSJ!e8 to m.nk!!. IIln.l el·S lire Ihe lDell who dnre march 1l11l'lItl nn,\ 11101lC . He· U",lr COli (\(Ience. the JllocJderB Init oollHu l'lICll tn"1I1 all " IU': lCJw tlle m. AI:C 1I1111tM le:)(lor8hll'. The lell,\('r II111s 1 In ('XII1"'~" 11,,· P .. " . vt' be 8uPII\IIU tcd I,y him wlln repl'cseuts thnt whle!1 Is II" \\'. :'.1<',.... cl" ltll llluu Is HO III ~ ,Iuy confrolll t:d Ill' his lwHer. '(,,"lh I- I "I" :,11.1 ( n \t ,rl!
stock . of ~8e ~d bedroo m sl'~ppers .is co~pl~~e . ~no~gh to fit the en~lre family .. Feet with. a tenden~'Y to chlt~l a~~~ wHI rejoice In these fleoce-Imed Celt shppu s, white the chlldren Will bki~ , tAe warm Celt "Puss in Boots." Colors to match dressin g gOWA or smoki ng jacket .
Char. ce . of Lo ng ev ity. I.) ,,, ,III ~'I"k . <I ill/m M il ·
'I"~I~JI lI.ch· 1)\\"11 , ·t111n!U. 'J'hll), cuntrol only tbe pnee of ttl\' i l' 111:1t·,·" .• 'J'q III1l ftl \\" rol'c ~o lll s of lelll' "Isloll has IIlltllr ... hIll1l1 ..
THE new Holiday gi{~
1':"_" ",,
PCUlilc ,\ huh •. Hti 1.11h..' 01u t!iKhl, Gtltt 6UI'Cly luus l ' ·tt :du~ 41U III Utlt· ti t,) IIUIUY or t h aLl, J ' llollClllr~ lire ""I wIU",n ! llwlr lIl'tU)' ,' Irtlws. They orc :.... I. .'. lIa " It... hltlllSll'lll 1. 'j"II'~' nrc the fO\llldlltion of 8ocl~ly· 'rlo~ ur<! II I t('''''' lhl oll ~ ~I ow bllt coustnnl l y 1110>1111; fnrc.,. . .y "I1rI')' ·,iloUI: 1111 I hu 1:0)0,1 ' ,.'0111 the PlIst uges through wllll'h t hl·.'· " .•. l'
CfJII I Ulull
ru tti ng the Fa mi ly int o Sli pp ers Ga y an d "C om fy "
The Crowd is Lost Without aLeader
, ·iuth lcrb un. ' l o.!t;lOll . It i~ t he lI11uner of ,llCU who Il l •.' •h: rJl ,m ul;c up the ra U ~ uud 1:11.,' b\lU1U.U.lt~· . 'J' hey COUll ,:, ·' , "
,. '
-kdow; Not so mUCh. but I'm here t~
pic-and a
.DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Speclal l,t
At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. Ohio
.!:2'J 8:00 a. ttl. It o' 'p. m.
• til
The Miami Gise
.... -~ ..... _
" Save by buyi ng
- .---r __ .....-_ ..... _ E
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bS I' tr he<.el l r, the
" u . C3 11 arICS of Vermin.
ST. It ARV 'S 1.: 11U I-lCII
MlIr~ h Il Il H<ln l l t, .\ ,I ~u ll "ythi.\\f'l) k
A Dud I. A lway.;! Dud. ' \, ( 111 t'llll luk l' II 1' I' I" n 1II ~-- I"'JI11J1n~lc . Wl' l l l l'f.j notw lll tslll n d JlI ": - Jll fl trh,lI ll ny
did u rI' "flt.-II l'cw,"rt\t) with i 'LI.\ rllay he l'l'!l Clvcd o f lhem
'~' :t
I '
'" " ' tl
I •
' rll n~pwu~
t' \" UIl white clolll over ou n ll'lll ' m ,\' 111 a nb.:!! t. I n th e morn1n g dU ft fr llnw, n ,'nl, .-'. II (':1<1 . or IIn,v ntlt~r l'll\' t' rtJ, 1 with minu t e Ia UII I I lJ1 111 1' 11\\'-11 111 . I lll.!.) II ItIl ~hlln (1 w i,,, , <,,, ,,II I h" l tJ' ey C"11 hurd, will I h,>ro'" f! P I' " "lI11 11 111 111'"'' III:e a \ ,l th 1111' 11rtk (\(1 ese. 'Ph eso UIOI'~ 1'~~H"i\ n 'lbl,' I I1 11n:\l1 1.lt'i uJ!.- F I' , HO
~I',t '.:" " \, 11 1
'J' I I" l c' I 'I 'J L I) ly l> ' Th ,l N,,\'0 11,b,r p ",,' liI ,".. Hr I h II e ' II'S 0Ul11 S Y n." \' <'1 1 , _e· !lrt' li lll' n" ll "k I ,'II Itl l' cen' It' I':l (' huJ'('h S,'I"', ,I III \· ::10 "u n, ~ lh~ch ~ \. hit's 1)11 Main st r ee l L -" ... CP lltu r., l' 11 1> \\,'1" 'IL'I f .. ~hi.ch Il aei becu lllt' ve r y r~\l..:II , II I! h " I11 t' " f ~I:~ I I ~r~ i lind ~I I, .\I,,,h - I '" Ill.. ~ t' r, vi '(: ,llIJU ,~"' r lllll" III ,H) : IS , Ill ftlhnll Ih ~ 'c lilliI." Wllh I{fJ\V el Ilr I,,:<t (' rlday : dl ~ I" " 011 In r e- YOIi alu cI~nh" l ly IIl VIt"" I" ,II I" lId ~ mixed with uil and Over Ihi . u I ny~ r Spfll,." t u II:" n ,lI "iii ,arh n' lll i lli~. I h e~e l'rV I~e~, IIf sand I ~ I ~ Ih ought thtlt thl~ , cell ~"sof \\ Il~ n. ,, \"II' \\'1'" rt'I:.1led , o\I E IHO UIS r C tlU Rlt l met h oci (I f hllillf,! Will ,,".lu re, th1l8 . und un Ill l en>< lill >! p r .. ' C', 11l '\ :1< >tre nl1\' illl p I"IlVinf,! 11, 1' !- l rt't' I~ I lli vt'n I lel i rillil " ,."j r·, - !l1 l~' "t. w " r~ ' SuLUalll S~ IIuul,p; 1 5 " III 1'1" ' ,1 \'1 ,. j " r\'a" fl u 'I' rl II I I IIlg ut 10::lu HIli, W pdll e., rl" eVell '
. .--,--....---
Oil fI ~ I N I~ II fi
and ~
- -.. --~"'!'!!'~-------
·f·I'_l.IN(1II flHUCK HOL S I['MEETI,lfG Of. ' (J "
- -',
A New
,Ir l" ~'
' II
~ nllrc e of
grea t
" ' rhl' tl l' gll I),,· ( lin d I ~.\l'~
I lif' I ·! nl", _
- --- -
"' - I':
Itl U :".
Gives Sixty Million
IIIII' :;" rVI ~ I' . .. UO p
.. '
1'.1'",.01"1 11
Len":lIc,(i:I S l' Ill.; I'rt" ,,'I.i I! f{:<1 ;: o\) l' 111 I!.ve ryL ,Hly Is " ., 1'01 , II \ II ' Ited
i"TheStore of Better Values" \lO~~:~:,' St'\~~\
To Boys' School
Ill ,
u \V Ol ntlD.
.1 11 111' 11 411'.
,) r
lI >hh u :n , :'" ! .. r'
23 Days 'Til Ch ristmas
q .. "I~""" .THEv~1
F.O. 8. DETRorr
I • fro m
The Tudor Sed all is a
Wide doors. folding distinctly new Rorc\. oedy seats. well s p;lCed in teriOT type. admillbly desjgned <fAyk, ' I;..~ ... - 1.._"'- ;.:' ("111 for harmony of Cl(l.:~ i or Up~l\)l . t ry ~, d . ' H l,~ •.,'ti:-e appearance and eX'cll- t rimmi n g~ I! '\'~ it : nJi ,iduali l),. c mion " d CO;)CD CI.' of i nterior comfon vc n ieuc~, .;fU!.d cc;mvenience. At $590, its price is lower See thi ex.c plionally de• dian any sedan ~ve.r put sirable new Ford prod uct on theiAmeriClUl. r::Jarket. ' in Forti 'Showroom '
,I I
,: , ni, 'c:Ilr
cd ' b,ob, i/lt·d 1>1,
M , S, He rshey, "Choco l,tc Ki ll!,; : ' $,l- l C. n new phila n thr opi c reca nl hy f.(i ,·i ng ~ 60.000,OOO to the H ers hey School (or Orph"" 130y> I I I> e n· " lire c~ t " t e rel' ' r l ~ to Ille school thro ugh tru s tees after his deulh,
ford W"dfy PIJu/rrt,e PI,,"
Is coming fi g.h l alo ng a nd , n~
Waynesville Motor Company
_ ____- _ wo rlD" L OII J"c! P ~ l'l,
TIl(' ""!~,,,I IJO" ", ,,"
- - - - -- - --
Special f or S a tu rd ay M iller ClelrJn- IVear \ Vdshuble
! II
'1 1 i. "p ~n' " i< "1 .1)' n
Baby Pants
a lso Stain Pr oo f .
Made in the C, s. Specia l Price Sat urda "
',,"" 1hP f
n n ol
1111'" "
" I ' ,r:" II~"
t 11l 1l' S
,n ,1 "1'," ',,'11'1' 1:1':.':01 ,,01 " :" I,It .·,
Way nesv ille. Ohio
I.IIst" , I.
"The Sto re of Belle r Values "
8 Bi. Vaudeville Ae:ta and
E;XB qlt.-AS'SE;S ,
~ ,,3rd
~ 1
N. L. Le
In Cherae
-, _
Th e
) l!lIr '~
Cu m p a lolol,
o u r lJu il th lll1 o f
Remed:r nnd Extract CompaDJ" I 'pa"ton. ' Ohio .
BUet - ..G I TWE IN
~,' \,..~\ Mr'..# In qayaO'1
Resources $15,000,000.00
Surplus $800,000.0 0
ciY~r 'fO';oou At:t:o iints 5_eta
OIAN,DINGI. ';cT:,,'l,.r~~~,.~
-. Dayton. Oblo
aad MODd.,.
'~ The e:~I;b';~t;d cir;;'t~~e ..... "" Orlffieitra ' " '' Marion McKay, Directo r
home a
b ave l oft "Wa el e1very '" da". The coat i. mlleh Ie .. thaD .. ci,tem- Only $1915
F. O. B. Factory. Phone Meln lSaW.
MeD', All Wool Hand Tailored Suits & Overcoats $20 Save $ 10 and Corne to the
t. '0
36 Eas Fourth Street
GR.HIN BROS. , ), 0 W'
BEN. Eo Corner 6th'" Jeff.. r..on
t We Pay Higheat Price. r or Country J Buiter, L,U " Foultr,..
N,ew IDEAL Meata, Grocerie., Tea., Coffee., Dried Frqita 111 South JefferaoD St. Dayton, O. Charle. LeJ euno B. A. SarI ow
PRESENT THIS COUPON We Will F'ay You&' R a ilroad Fare With.. pUrch ase of 11120 or over.
THE FAIR STORE Ladies·. M e n'a and Children'.
~ ON
'.J Heatit(.
Pew !
~ PI~~~ln. ' ,'.
of £.a ( "W eal 4th St. '" G. 238.0 W. •
It. ,('.
11>0.... i~ a p ...pcnderance of radiant a\.UUhlneand the omilaraline ..at air ia, 6llod with the eleononta that malta for We and "iaor . Tho
(lw n~r
ex l ell t.
I?urn a~,
rUWlat ticket. at rech.ced r.ru . lop.ov.1' pri.ilc:ra an 'now PenlUyJvani. Railraad- the Pul1 m." , ...",arion. or .. y
J, S, Vande rvoort
.PCI with attrac.li..... tura limit ad on ..J~ via De'a .. al'C River arid,. 01 omy .n ~ r.i1 rou le. Rt,qua b 'or t:larouab d.ired in 'Ofmatioa .,.. iavited..
ennsylvania _
HBf'I~ll t: k
S, D, Ht'nk le
Boordwalk~th Ita ~t and 1 0 . . . hotele-and . hopa-and pia... ol am..... rnent- Ia alwa". ,tho center 01 intereet. The... I. nothl,. Ilk.. It in all tho - a d.
On ita broad exp" n.e - ·b)' day and by nlrhtI. on unending proe... lon of ~.. aft .. pl ..aaure and ...f ..... hm..nt who ha"e been fascin &tod by its d ist inctive chlU'a cter and h a" .. learned tha t he ...... nowhere ~.... In Am .. rica i. to b .. found. veritable ........,.eation.
Railroad SysteDl The Standard Railroad of the World
~ ~~~':'r:rl~il"l;fJIDr.iI~~~~~':f:l1~;~~:~1ll!1ll :1Il!r~1 Li3 'f"I~~:ID~ffi , ' f!l.
. .----.
- -~
Suit or Overcoat at
'28 & 3 0 East 3th
, ' 0.,Eo SCHULZ
Winter days at Atlantic City haft a c:hann peculiarly their own. While the air Ie keen and In'riroraUna It ia tempered and dt. ened by the benetioent huluance 01 the Gulf Stream. \
f orbilj any hll()till ~ or tra ppi ng/ on OU I' fa r m~ An y viol a . tion or th e ~n[Jle wi ll be Jl ll1.<I' ' u l ed UCCO l'dill g" (0 I,LW Rlld t o 1.1l t; flillest Ed
Splendid and pre-eminent among the great pleasure resorts of the world
'tokes Dait·,Y [·'a l·m.
Inltl\lI in
p- .;
' Ma rl ill Gons Loui ~ (?ir~~
MEN- Buy' your Winter
( ' J
Mr . ' urolit e Rogers Geo. illi la nd
and Quallity OYSTERS
'. ,- ,, ~, -;,..
~ ,
C. E, M iell !'n .,!"
Dayton, Ohio
DR. R. K. KEMPER .,. Oartteld lm.W
tlantic t City t·
p ositivelv
R ob l!r l P"ttel'son I"arm
, I,
NO HUNTING! We the fo lh1 wing f I'm
r~;;=::====================:;:=~~F-~;:~~;~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~~~-I--,D~hll orl!' 'n resh FISH . A,M!lnU I A ,
l h " 1l 1l1l()1,
tu red :iu gra vilica lly , r ite) h~lp gr~8lly in fi x ing lh e IlIe ll llJry lOr I ll" eVtllltd r e lalell In L1le dlOll l' hi>' .. 1I1:~ . The 52 issues 0 19:!4 wli l ue crov.d ed wi lh seri lll tori c~ , Sh ull ,I ... i.- . editorials . poett'y. fac t:l UI,,1 1 •.In , Subscribe /l O W ann ,ect: i\' ~:
The " ".
.. ~ •
bul,.'Cllpl ' ,," III til ,,>.! b~~ I Il!:.
The Van Tress ~'al'ms
Co ntinuous Noon to 11 p, m.
lu hh\'e
--- _._----
S T E T SON S H -O E 9
BIG ACl':i-6
'u m l' an lu ll~ t:. '\' ~r.
All Co..... Houae.ri..... U... SOUDERS' EXTRACTS'
A Pure Extract for flavors" fce Cream, Puddin gs, Cakes and Cal1die ~, 'MAKE T ' rI H,E ,FOOD M0RE DELICIOUS USEbO UDERS'
THI!; YOUT R' S U MPA N[Q N, Commonwea lth Ave II nel Sl Pll ul l, Boston . Mas, New subscrip liull I'", '"iv, cI
WHOLl:GALE Ar~ D ftETA L 115 S o uth J ctf erso 1 St.
11 11( 1.", '"
" \' ,lIl1d III l h "
Illt " r va ltl o n ['he
THE ~ H ltt~ SHOP
28 South ,I dle:..v
N......... , Earache, HeadA'"--a.;.... . Lwn....o. ,PaiD' of
:r-=r~' .
FJhfW,vt ,
,.~ ,~
~ ~e "rIn~u.lIl:tr wUl be f Itted to Jl'our ."ee n _ e ~mpl ..te 'o~ " LeMon , ~ d~p cu~ed
n... ""V'.~caI Dept
F.ture '~hotoplay..
Buster K eaton
III ,;lu ry, PI:l II ,It!,1 lJy l hl! tJ ",;l hl d\.I) I':~il l illuslru Lu,s ill t h.... CUUl lIl.\' , L111-) u r . ,rep roduc"d ill fu li eUIUf I I f rl'lIu>.!loI
For China an d Glassware
"''.0 f, ormance.. .I: ' ' . 30e: and 50c , F~~',!,~r 2 0 e: an d 30e, Evenina
~ l
~ l r ik ill g
mon thly 811 t ito ri n- u n f<t;'liiIJlls. Huth pub licu tillns on ly ~3 00.
·DEhICATESSEN 'EI CATEftIN& CO.-' I I . w . . rOUl'th
of Dayton
plC:lUl'J n ~
I - T be You I..b 'li CllOl panioll, 5:! l ,i" UI!~ in )924. 2- AII t h e l-e rnai nill~ i ~'IJ " f 1~1 .:!3 , 3- T he Compani on HOllle Lal d " IOlJ" for 1924 All for $2,50 4- Or include McCa ll' ~ ~ l <l1l'1·zi ll('. tl:e
'D' ,
(;1 IJull'lo t.ic cov ,'rs
Itbwur l h
t .lhllllt\ I· O .~
r 11':1 " ,\[ ; 11 ' ''' '"
) '!:.'"
:ie r i~ :I
I _~ _._- -- -" ' lIl l1t' IO I H FARR & WIFE 1'iI'~I1'" " '\ 9111 "" I'l FRANK l t '
\I hm;.: Il:: .lId "II. I.I" "~C,\'" :1 lld
l ": II°tfor l ilt,' IplI/! rh +l r Iltl '1I"i,l!ln:1I rIH D,
rPI If I::
NOW PLAYING Jackit( ~ oogal1
b,e at , eithe r in qlla] >l r , . II , ': - til " I. ,v t' l " e ' lll ol , ,'; II I ily or price. \Vc w ill have i l : 'V, III ' ,! lUll righ t , T"t' \, ,, " th'~ on clispla ~: I tu n lay , Decem I C(' '' ' '' : " ull "Lart ,oJ Lhl' " ', , ' , III 'I l ber 1st, Sf' yuu and your ch i]· ;" ,- ,' . Illig lh~ Ii ,. g "" I LL' ~" " "" I' I idren Ill llsil l'lllU e i ll a nd Sl' f I ~ ,'"J ' . , l t ur lll u'l~t .. d l il e I 'i ed.: ,' " f the d isplay ' 0 c ha rge fl)) , A I., ,,,, . "1,, 11,, , ]<1 " 1<111:<[ " 1'1"" ed l 11onk" I' n '" an d we W I'11 \ rc a t vo u I"'I;'J ,n , prul'llcuily ( "C' J "d .lIul· I· k ]hOIl ~e Itl LII " U Il Il l!d "IJ , '~ lthhM Ju st t 1(' ni ce, l we -no\\' l O W. for Ii lunK lim e 1I0 IV , lJ <:"I' I'U !JIl I I1 I{ 1\
1'," '"
"I,' oIel'l" 1)", -" ",,,
1" 1'"
I'" , , .. i lhe lou . i ll e~~ .. f I he 'f,,1. 1, '_ ,11011 i~ cu l l i v:l lll lg' " 11 1. ' 1'''
:""l i '
Ican'l be
I, ,
usual. ~\e ha ve s l o 'k lil a , "
: ~ ~,HP! '-
Ninth' Commercial Club's . . --. Special Editio~ \
Seventy-Fifth Year
5, 1923
Mr. and M /"8 . J . H. Cll iern all ~pe llt the da.v ""ith (0' H Hf.' nderSI'/1 unll Olhu HenJel'lIon.is un ,the sick list, tamily. Mlea Clara Lile wes a Dayton viejo Dr. L B. HII II spent Thll Jlksg iv ilig tor Fridav. wilh hi ~ children lit Wlls t Lafoy ette 1141'8\ Wallsr Kllbon was ' in Day· Ohio. . ton MondlY. Mi ss Elizabeth Chand ler. of Scio. Hr. ar.d Mrs. Geo . Hartsock werl Obio. spent her vacll tion here with In Lebanon Monday . her pllrelll~.
- .. . [. Mr. and Mrs . Elvin Fires enter A definit e bui ldi ng commiLl ee tllln ed at dinner Sunday, Mr. Harold compol\l!d nt Mr . Ral ph Miller. rep· Tayl or a nd family. of Centerville. resentinl{th e F('hool boarr!. ~~r . N. ' Mr Lewis Fires lind family and Mlaa P. Bl att. a:ld Mr . Walter Kenrick . Flossie Fires toge ther wilh Ih e help' of the entire _ _. _ _ _ __
I..&,r "ko
Mr . and Mrs . J. S ROiera, of Fer. schoo l board. Inembers Of . civic or· "anizaliol\s Dnd oth er mte res!ed ry. entertained at Sunday dinner. parti es arf! busy thi ~ week drll,:"rng IMr. and Mrd. Rov Hathaway, Mr. up plans tor th e new lIymnaslUm land Mrs Perry Thomas Mr. and The building is now on ils (llunda· Mrs. A S. Cornell, M';'. EUlrene ti on ~nd Mr . Kenrick. bl!g~n on t~l e Pennewilt aud daughter, Enos Roll" interior today . It IS bemg whlS' ers , and Misa Lucy Eml ey . pered that a slage is to be built on the east side of the building und er The genial hospitality of Mr . and which there will be located dressinll Mrs. W. S. Graham was erjoyed la8t roums and shower baths. These week by t he following guests: Mr. looms may be u~ed for entertain· and Mrs, Will Cornell. Mr. and Mra. ments as well as basket ball games Ed Thomas and Mr and Mrs. D, L. By putting in this stage, there would Crane. At 6 o'clock a sumptueull be room for approzimately 500 peo · and deliCIOUS dinner was aerved. pie at a basket ball Il'ame, and for an entertainment. more people could Mr • . Julia n onovan bad sa her be comfortably Beated than in the guests on ThlnllagiviDg Mr. and Mrs, auditorium at Ih e g rade building. Wit hin a week's time t he building Warner Devitt, of Cincinoatl, Ilr. committee ho pe to have arranged and Mrs. J . B. Chapman and IOOS, the entire prosrrllm and this will be Charles and Robert. or ClnclDnati, Mr, and Mrs. E. S. Baily, Mr. announ ced in the next isaue . and M r I . Je3S8 Wright. of --Sprinllboro, Mrs. Devitt and IIr. Mert Bctird.
Mr . and Mrs. W. tl · Allen. Mias Olive Aile', spent the dny wi lh rei. Mr •. Maude Crane iH sick at her ativell in Cincinnati. home on Third atreet.
Mrs. Lee Hawke. who ha .. been Mis8 Emily Davis. of Cincinnati was the a ueBI. for th e wl!"k·end of .q ulte sick, i8 improving. Miss Helen Marlatt ldr, and Mre. Winston Ricks mov· ed to Lebanon Tuesday . Mr. anc! Mra. D. L. Crane apen t Mrl . Mar, Burna visited relatives Thllnksj{ivingdllY wilh H V. Walter in Kina. Mills Thursday. ann fllmiJy at LebllrHlIl . Mra. 'Edith Harris 8pent a few daYII tbf. week In Milford .
W. N. 'ears and fam ily sper.t Th!lI1ksgiving dllY with H. M. ~p.a r8 Mrll . E. T. Stroud is spending this and fami lY, at Greenville. week with reilltives in Dayton .
---_.- ..
hCl'e enjoying the sun- 0 LITTLE TOWN LETTER FROM ul ' sunrises and I SI"'lIthe t heulltif I ~~t~il~I :'~b~::ie~:ea~~~::r~hat~: OF BETHLEHEM THE SUNNY SOUTH ):\~;part of ollr life het e. hll\'e ~IJi /l e .
- -Oue of the essentiill charms of OcLulld is its chal'~teri8tic home Dear Gazette and Our Priends of J"f I I 't t ie norwal permanent populaW8ynesville: liOll of Ibis city is made up of C05-
w·, was •
----- ..
The Oxley· Pace Drug Company in preparation for the Xmas holdays h h d bl ave spent mue time an trou e in arranning dec Jrations which have .. gh'en the store an unuBually attractiveappearance. On stepping into the store, one might think it a dif. t erentstore aB they' have arranged tllel' r decoratl'ons I'n Buch a manner that it comnletelv chan"es the ap. ... " pearance (If the place • - --
. -.
::~i w~~: ~:d ~~~8~~~' ~: ~~r~~'I~'
• IN LEADING HOLE· .:~ ~!PhW~!I::~ a~rlra~~~:~~\~~:~ .&.\1 .
OECORAIIONS AHE Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee entertained a company of frleDdl Fri· evening in honor of their daugb· VERY ATTHACIIVE day ter, Mrs Rol Rlslnpr, of Albert,.
One of. the finest Christmas carols of the less trad itional .group is "0. ~itUe Town of Bethlehem" by P.h~lhps Brooks, the beloved Boston dlv10e (1835 1893) 'I'h' . . i IS" wus \\Tlt· ten for Sund- y s h h n c b0.0h singing w en th f . e compo~er wasof ISMnssachusetfJs op 0 tbe EpI.8copal dio cese He first sent it out anon ymously, but 08 the hymn gained favor tbe authorship became k,nown. The words of this carol weU portray t he spirit of !limplicity and tranquility of Bethlehem, aDd its inhabitants who so little suspect that I~ Kj.ng in their midst. Although . , written especiaUy as a Christmas song, it is of such a nature that it is often useel on other occ8 sions. A number of volunteer "orkers Many musical settings of this Imade possible the completion of the beautiful poem ha ve been made bnt Ifoundation for the new gymnasium I,be two .thllt are most used are by !by being on the job Thanklgivlnlr the Enghsh composer Joseph Barn. morning when the work was com. b (h "s t d Lo ". · y W ose ~vee un W IS a.un- pleted at 11 o'clock. This Iversal fav~rlt~) and the Amencan tion WBS put in almost entirely by OUIS H. Redner (1831- volunteer help, with the exception 1908..) 1.,. of the cement and Mr. Chas. Lewis, 0 little town of Bethlehem, whOBe machine waa u~ed for the How slill we see Ihee li e! job. Above II.lY deep Ilnd drellmless --sleep Tbe silent stars go hy; .Yet in thy dark streets .shineth Tbe everLasting Light; The hopes and fea rs of nil the years Helen Lo~iBe. the only daughter Are met in thee to-night. of Mr. Bnd Mrs . C, M. Cartwright, died at her home In Evanaton. III" Tuesday morning. December 4. in Por Christ is born of ' Mary, And gathered all above, her Eixteenth year, the result of While morlals sleep, the angels keep typhoid fever. Helen was well Their wn teb of wondering ·Iove. Known here wherelbe orten visited o mornin~ stars, together her grandparents aad was a favorite Proclaim tbe holy birth, with all her frienlis. And praises sing to God the King, Aud pence 10 men on earth I Word has been received here con' cerning the death of Tanay Furnas, How silently, how silently, who died November 8th at his home The wondrous gift is given I So God imparts to human heurt s in West Milton, Ohio. Mr. Furnas Tbe bles~inA' s of his bea ven . was at one time a resident of Way· No e!!r may hear bis cominl{, nesville. and had a jewelry sbop But in tbis world of sin, here. He was buried later in the Where meek souls will receive him week. at West Milton. still, Tbe dear Christ enters in. Mra. W. C. Welch died suddenlv Friday evening. November 30. The funeral was held at her late home Monday afternoon, Revs. Bennett aDd Cook officiating. Bur I a I in Miami cemetery.
Foud l'ecollections of fr iendships lUopolitu fl el~m?ntlfll, tile gTeat maof long stnuding, huving c.: OUlIlleuceu ,1 0l"l li CS .C ?ID IUA' . b'7e £r?m northern to invode Ihe )l"i"u o,I' of IllV l'fUW · . a ()O.IUIl.lullitaes, bl'wgwg WIth them the "eul sellsc of dill " IlDperl'o'n;lcd 1',11d IIIln. IIVC, enel·gy . and f.orce that J ' II ~LI O mUIII! th. e .crt y an d Its s urrounII longing desil"e to hUI'e 0 s ilNll talk I t, 1t IS t 0d uy, andgive ' ,vitb you nil, pl"omp t.s IIIC to write dm gs. Wla it and tell yon ull. of holl' milch we nrc pl"UWlse. of ~I"e~t gT?wth. A .Iofty enjoying OUI' st.uy in ib c . 'outh, th e uOlluept~u of cIty PM~e, exciting tbe on ly rcg l'ct hOll'ol'er, is tllllt we can hom~ bualtlel." to .(ll[crc18e a pers~ual nol bavll, 1I11 of YOll wiUI us down ~I~:~e ~ ~\eIOpmg t~: . attrach~ehere. ~;.. eve ll tOlllperntlll'O of about .0 e c~~untyll v, permea es 80 des es nnel tbe delightfui nigh ts the .lIfe of ~116 mt:y 1D such an en611'11. Louella Hollillgswortlt, of Mr and Mrs Pre.! Pence. ot Day. are somtl of lhe lJla ny feah;res we ~1l,gl~I~, fashIOn, that the " DeLand Ludlow ' Fallll spent the week·end tOll, Ralpb Pellee . of Athens. Ohio, eujo y tbn mo st. You nover hear or SI.ll"1t bas come to mean t he at11 sUllstroke here and the heat is not tllLlwlcn ~ ~f 110. Idleul, lhat is as laud• ith her slater. Mrs . Wilt Norton. "pent the day with their moLller.M.·s. Ilt nIl depressing' 01' couclucive to id· ~ble a~ It IS uDlq~e. The most materDOR't i.ail to read thl' Chrblmas Luella P~nce at Uodds . leness, iJlueed it i · cqually enjoyable lui ~blllgs es~elltllll to comfort a~d oIferlnlr.ln the Gllzette thill week. to t.hose-who orc industrious nnd the COIl\ e.ulellee 111 the ho~e are availb, tbe members of tbe !t;ummercial IIble I.n. alll!)le pr~Jlorbons, gas and Mr. Bnd Mrs. J. D. Marlatt enle r- reI\' who loaf with inlensity. The ma.ny beal1ti(ul tropical f1ow- ~lcCt:ICl t~ (o r cul.lllary, bea.ting .and club, . tained at dinner Thursday; M rl~ ers wbich a re now hlo~ming, The ~lJllmln:ltwg purpQses are p.roVlded Mr. Vern Armitage and f .. mily Kerns and :li~ ter . Edith , of Colum. charming song birds together with III IIdoquate supply. There 18 no bus, Mr . and Mrs. C. M, Robitze r Ihe ol'iole and mQcking birds, make d~SL li S ull roud s a~c paved with have moved Into the Zimmerman il as bright ami entranCLrI" as fairy. bnck. p'roperty recently vacated by D K. and dauihter. Beat rice. The m0ra I SOCIIl . I lif'e .of .De..... T - nd . ...trees and Innel IlntI th e tall palm .Smith •. WilLer oaks relll' thei r proud ' bend s cmbl)lccs a delightful diverSIty that Mr. and Mrll. W. !1:. iL l" '" I enter. Ur and Mrs . Charles Madd .. n arll con scious that 110 profaning hand has Its own apPIllli I T.he. I churoh~s, tlllDl!d at dinner, Mr I... d .' ' •. Geo. .,eoding thil week in Cincinnati, will ever bring Ulelll low impress iu'" botels, and vnrlOUIS societies furnISh Stroud and Bon. (Jan.· . 1>1 ". Iyton. us with their grand fenrless air. ~ 1\ groUI> o~ centCl:!I . ~rouna which the and wbile there will attend the Mary Mrs . E . 1'. Stro ud. M · <I llude Flol'idu is a big stllte, one can not Ulllny socIli1 nCh\'llles revolve. The Gard~ oopcert at MUllc Hall Crine and daughters. Loui .. , Mary I'enlize it exlen t until you st,art chu rches, nud . Stetso~ College, Will St. John and family left this' and ADnalee. rambling froIII OU& end of it to the (where.l! ranees IS attendlIlA' Bchool) week for G~n Cove Springs. Fla., other, taking time to visit nlJ the lend thewselv~s Lo a leading part in where Mr. st. John will have charie Mr. and Mra, J os. Thompson, .Mr . \'nrioll S poin ts of in te~es t, this trip mnny en tertawm~~ts. ITe.althiul conditlOllS. ha~o muoh tQ of the farlili o",n, d by the former and Mra Chas. Morrison and Mrs ean not be nlucie ju t in one week, it. Dolliop Improvement company. O. S. Elmore. of Cincinnati aud Wil- wiJI take YOll at len. t Iwo mouth s, do With th.e .charm of hfe In DeLand. yo u IlIlly even then miss some of tbe OutUOOI·. h~ll1g u~der floods of sunThe Guild of St. Mar,', Church bur Haiues, of Mason. motored to Ihings wOl't,h seeing. You ' will hmv. 3hlllO, d l ss lp~\te slCkuess as no oth• 111 meet with Mrs Will Graham. on Wayneaville and spent the day with ever see enough to let you know wh y el' U1 o~hod ~l' iJI do..Add to this. ~od Floridn is onu or the ' fa test grow. el"ll city 11 S .slLmtary condItions, 1'1uireday af-.rnoon, Deeembe~ 6. at Mrs J M. l 'hompson. a blllHlan ce of pure water, and ing. states in the 1Inion. ~ o'eloek. A full attendance Ii de· Commencing wilh t.he Cllst cou st plcnty o~ the f resh fruits and vegetired all there will be .Ieetion of Mr. and Mr~ J H Smith enler· St. Augu stine, the oldest city in Ih~ tubles for which this region is faoftlcen uad oaymt!nt of dUt-fl . tained the foiluwln(( guests at dinner U. S. is: unlikc Ilny other city i n Ihe IOOUS Il lld you bllve all the condiSeYeral member.i of the . Wayo_ Thuma,. Mr and Mrs. 1". H Mil country. It hil S Quite a fore i"'n us . tions necessary to a happy normal ville band went to Lebanon Mordav tt>nbl'rll'er and family, MrR. J ane peet, reminding one of Ihe ..Spanish lue. .eYeniq- to hear the concert ~iv811 by Miltenberger. of Middletown, I. W. section of New Orleans, bu t mOl'e ex. Broud streel beautifully shaded tbe Armoo band, of MiddletOwn, Lincoln. of Dayton, Mn. Ruth Icnsive the Ponf'e De Leon Holel With sumptuo us homes, eharminll I'rank Simoila, the director of the Daugherty ~nd dau.llhter. Mil'S Srella bnilt by Jo'lllglm' the grellt rai lrond bungalows, . and ~od e rn apartment king, is n mngnificen( structure. hou es~ eqUipped wrth every oo.nvenband, aave t"o very plea'ainw 110108 Dllujfherty. 1"Iu.gler sent ill'chit ccts nil over the Icuce for tho comfol'( ~nd sel'Vlce of . d.rin, tbe evening, which were very world to get idel.ls be foro the pluns the occupa nts, unci beSIdes these are much enjoyed. _ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Salishury were conrpleted, it is very stately mun y hotels catering- to wide range "ave a family dinner . Thnpe pres- and handsome in all its nppoint. of public tnsle and demand, ofter ments. ample residential provision for the Daylona Beneil is next place of visitors who comEl for an extended . " Mr,.·and Mrl H It. Cornt1I1, Mr. lind interest, it has 8 fine ocean front, stay or a brief holiday. it is about 300 feet wide at lo w' wnt . We like DeLand because it haser tide, is !LS slIIooth as a billillrd Congenial people, s fine college, fine Velma Cornell ar.d Mr. Harry table' and ns hard as cement, and ed schools, fine hotel accomodatjons, here is where the aul:o races take bank resources, mo!!t excellent grad-. I)rater, One of the leading role. ill the ---. ~----place in April. We will s urely go ov. Il fine Municipnl water system, sevdrama, • Tb~ Courtship of Milep cr then. It would, s urel y take a p:en- ernl large packing houses. l'ea80nStandl,h" wlul taken by Mlaa Either jOllS to puint those breakers as they able assessment!! an.. .t~tion, J]nderwoocJ.,when tbeplay pre- . . come rollinl(' in, words even can not good water and rl~i1 shipping.. faoili- ' Mr . H, A. Brown, of the Window ..nted b, the ItudllDts of the De. ' -' , piotnre them. Just before crossing ties, high class amuse!llents, ucel-. Dliplay Dept. of the, ~. C. R, wil~ partment' of Exprll88lon at· Wilmlng~ th e bridge' at OnDotid, one of' the lent inv~stmenl 0l?~rtunities,. a addr~ the. CommerCial Club Mon ton College last week ' ~fo~e a large' pretty ' 811bril~8 of Daytonu, you very active CommerOlal Club, a ··flne day rua:ht . \D the basement of the . .diene. She II t,leing cumplllnen· '.' . see John 0 Ro kefe1ler's home a business college, . mo.-em auto camp, M~thodlst church. Supper will be ted 00 t"" ~phi'lJdlq Interpret~tlon ' - velJ IInprel::mtiol\s ' sli-ncture. 'one recreo.tioh anc:l pll~y grounds, :s ' weU ~rved. at.6:SO by. the Dorc~ Society. Th~' lnlnstrel show given by the WOUld. harill:\, believe ~~ . was.. owned nppOinted modern hospital, free Wlb", af~ whlcb Mr. Brown w,1I deliver liIeg.. " the·tole of "The Dame.. In the. dl'Ull~' ":. ' !" ". . ..'; M. E Choir- tolletbor with the by on of tile richest llien in Amer- ~c Jibmry, large steam laundry, Dne bll"addl'ell ' ''Store Fronts and Win· -"-,.-;..,--... High Seli,?oi 'orchel'tra filled the a~· icfl. ..', .. . . conce~t ba~d, ~ght ,fine large" ehurob- dowl" dltoriuqito <!.ve'rfJowi.n glast Wednes· New . ~~y.rnn,~ol't . Pierce• . and CS, ~/le ',daIIY and twl! "~:r p"aP,tl.~, ' . r· ~~lel1ao, of the N,C . R .·will . day evening . The ente ftalnment PIlI,m J3eacb are llnpo tanf .pJa~~ on Flondl\ ~ firre.st ;~lf ,oo~e, a WlOleVerallOloa durlnll the evening, too~. tbe'iludieoC!e to ~he old' lIoUtbt t,bl) eal!l~: cq.a~"t ~nd a)'e "b.U:lldinlt up, tel" 8chool, of Mi8~Jf)ns, h~d.red of monthly" meetlnflS ,of the land and tlle ' (e~tu~e of the Vibole ~'.l'/lt.I.~a.ml I~ , tla~ .Iast t11ty -Of . !Lny aor~· of orange, ~ve" ~e, uoe),. . Club are provine of I , ~lb" alnk ing _ ~f the' Qld grent rnlPollt~~e!' ~ Ol)e !lnf~rt~ate lellt r.~r~:. *~e h'!,~,W~t tourist '. Every merCbant or ;feature_of. tbl./l · It;)? are the narro.w sort 10 Flonda, ·:tpMI"fiOm . 1'1 i " I I' vOi be~lro IthonPhby ,tlie'A.m~~ gOO~ U . streets / mldcing ,it "'Ve;ry ' . conJt8llted ~he deal' home ·oity. ~. .. ..t of &be tb~ IlltlW.,neav lie I 0\1 ~ D 'c. oru.. eamp ~e~ ng 'fhen all' ·the tQurilltS' !l1:.rive. ' . • weU"bown BtetiiOli UDivril7. The .. mee nc u we as ~D. tn. wblc~ tbe negroes wert', . The ~irit' of DeLanCl (wheniwe best, !agrieultural ' leetiou Ua "Iv. ~ cI., ... dr8ll8Ci l!i .tb~r SuruJa:r ~t, con· are loel\~ ) wann, ..traeions, boapit. State. " . ' \ : • _ ...~_ _ .tuBed . ~_ old , rellslous' lOOp able; elI.oha ~on of our~. _ I must ol~IIe, '1O Wl~ ~ wblab w.e re tamlll.... Aa a "bole, eat appreciation., We who ite gants ·t o aU, I U. ..U .et,' guelt., will keeP ill. 1I1lr. _m~ . aV'll~llll_" ctJ II .......ad(~. aaori.ea of IaappJ ~ we I . . ... ~
1141111 Luc, Emley IIpent Sunday with friendll at Ferry.
Mr. alld Mrs. F rallk Z.. II Were Mrs. John Whitaker lind son, H.rold were na) ton visitors Friday, g uests of Mr . ann Mrs Perry A lex. ander. ot Xenia. Thurllday . F. B. Henderson and family and ,Mrs, Harvey Ryc were In Dayton Messrs . Edward Burton arid 8t ha. Friday . Crane were dinner g uests of Cum Mra. Roi Risinier and 80n, HaroM ming8Jones Thallksgi villlC duy . rehdlves in Waynesville Sat· .urda, . Mr. J . N. McKinsey and flllllily . of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ze\l spent Morrow. spent l8lj t Thur.sduy with Sunday "ith Mr. Irwin alld daugh· his mother, Mi ~8 Alice Mc Ki nsey. tar at Bellbrook _ Mrs It'red Hllrt'lock and two chi l. E.' M. Uxley, Harry Pace, Mrs. dlen, of Milford, Hpenl the holid ays B.rtle Earnhart and Ray Mills were . with Mra Edith M Harris and Cnm. Cincinnati viaitors Monday. ily. , ~rie Stroud and son . of DayDr. and Mrs . A T. Wrighlllttelld. ton, :apent several n "y~ l a~ t wt!ek ed II family di nn "r at 't he home oClJr with W. E . Stroud f'll family . Keever. at Centervill e Thnflk ~gi vi Ill! lI ~j Roy Manioua s po!ut laRt wel!k day. ' at :B~milton. and whil e there lit· teoded the weddina ot a reilitive. GUeslS of Mr and Mrs . W. S. Gra. : Mrs. Chriatle McKinsey and daugh halll Wtlrll R'Ilph Lewis and fumily, tar spent '-sevt!r~1 d~YIl wj th Mr and and Ellery Lewis lind wifE'. 01 -iJayton . EuttltllD.. n4i.t-Riall'4l¥iIIe
Whole ' Number 6671
Mra. Elizabeth Zsllers, who ha been living with her dauihter In Dayton, was found dea~ in bed Sun· day morninll DeCember 2 The fu· neral was held this Wedoesday afternoon at the Chapel iD Miami cemetery, ' • _ •
FINED FOR.. THE' PO'fS'SE'55'101.' .·OF
Canada . The invited flU8Ito. were Mr. and Mrs . Quincy GoDS and 8011. Mr. and M,..J . O. Cartwrlgbt. ·l Ir. and Mrs. Fred Gona and aGn, MI_ HeDrietta McKinsey and MI'. J. B. Pence. The Happy Hour club met at the home of Opal Rauon with lin. Ida Hockett BlBiatlng the h-"--:. ~J After the bualneea part of tbe meall.... _ a fine prOiram wu enjoyed. A paper, "Origin of Thanklglvlng," Monimia Bunnell. A book re9l.w, "The Blue Bird." bJ Bmdee ~ man. Soni by the::.club aa4 ~ talk 'on club wor'k in Canada by lin. ' Roi Risainser, who told u. of A \ht work they .w ere dbinll tbrougb crum and 'what we mliht do, How.,.. • our club ill tryine to do all it caD U we carried a motion to heJp out tb. Mother'lI Club in th.lr .work' Eacb member was aalced to "rite. tele. gram telling what we were mOlt tha'lkful for Elsie H""Lett ...... • ....11 ~~ celved the prize for writiDC the beat telegram. A delictou. luoeb WU then aerved by our bOlo-s. .. _ ••_ __
MERCHANTS ASK ONLY FAIR CHANCE In the Commerelal and BJIiln. . . Men'lI Cluba tbe Ilonn hu been "Trade tat Home." Tbeae two organization. han been··"orklD8-th.,~'thia end might be accomplilbed• thereby creating a better town and a larger volume of bulin... It doos not require much deep thlDkinll to realize tlaat the more mODe1 spent at home means a better tOWD with more Improve mente. Tbe merchants of tbiB town will . . ree tbat one can not find every thing be needa in our atorea but in CIIIIeI wbeM the, have tbe article they can juetl, uk that they at least have a chance to bid against tba foreign competitor. Thill is what the merchant of Way· neaville is askini aDd may JUIU, demand-":a fair chance.
- -- ...
The Mothers' Club .wllt. meet OD Friday afternoon DeC«uber T. at 2 o'cloek at the Br,h SchoOtlMaU4lq, wbere tbe laeult3 b-. UraD.r,d & mOllt a~tive pro,raID. PretI'deot MeCheaney ' ol"j::ea~I" eob.. will be tbe lpeiker . ' . . will be lleveral muakal8umb8n bOtb yocal . ~n~!=um.eD~. A filii. ~aee _ '_' __ : ~~ .. " ..:.:.,t~;:"':;" :. h
" . . J
- --=---
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............ ·u
....... " " ' - - _ ...
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_ _. . ; . . . _ ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;;:..._ _ _ _ _
T h -, -
Be-ter Values
- . - - - - -17 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS,-------
THE C 1' 1 l'i\1 5
rOlW is r!.! l dy or your illspe lion; yo u can find rOYS for th e child ren, GIFT" for the young peoplc a nd the older ones, too , B<!low we: ~i\" a fCI f the urlidcs so yo u Coo see What we ha ve to offer you . '
oys for the ChiIdr en
>... ..,
Gifts for the Older Ones ALUi\IJN U ~[
WARE- p itcher, Dish Pans, Kettles, Wat r Pa ils, Roasters , Caffee Percolaters. price each . . . . " 93c RUGS, blu e and whi te fringed ru g~ , . ... . ...... . . , .. $1.50 GAi\IES, all kinds, all prices. GLASS ASH TRAY" for tbe brother, husband or sweetheart, price ...... . .. . ... . . ; . , . . . . . . . . . .. SOc COMPORTS, for the girls :l nd women, " .. .. SOc, 25c, lOe POCKET MATCH SAFE, all colors .. . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . 15e JEWELRY, we have recei ved a full line of Jewelry; not th e cheap, shoddy kind, but of good wnre . CANDY CANDY CANDY , CANDY C.\NDY ETC ,
This is the season of .Good All Mankind. .The Waynesville Merchant. I Every merchant has a Bargaj your Xmas shopping a real pleasll ~,
WIFE, W la ynesville, Ohio
Waynesville, Ohio
" 'Ile to re of Bette ' Val ues
Chri Saturday, .1
BAL LS, all kinds of R uLlher balls . .... . . . . _ . '." . 10c to SOc JU:\lI'ING, JACKS, 'good ones ... , .. . , . . ... . 5c BLOCKS, both lettered and building blocks . ... IOc to $1.50 prSl-lES, both Chiriq and aluminum .. .. , . . .... 1Oc to $1.25 I N FACT, we have everyth ing that a child could want, but space forbids us mentioning them.
DODDY WA :ER, for Dolls and Teddy Bears , , , : , " 2,5c "OVER AN : , LI NDER ," the toy that makes the Auto jump ar.) In .1, go ;'o\,f' r am! under" , , , , . , , . . . , ,. 5 1,00 FORDSON TRACTOR. or FORD COUPE, price, each. SOc COLORED GLOBE LANTERN, with red, blue , green , 25c RING l'OSS, a great ga 1l1e for the children , . . . . .... . ' 10' WHEEL TOY , assort ,t! .. . ... . ... , ... . . ... . . , . . . . . Ilk DOG HOUSES, pull th t: dog's tail :, nd he barks ... .. " 25c POP GUNS, jU: L the thin :.; for the ~.ma l1er ones.,. 25c 10c DOLLS, small an d larg e :'1Ies--se ,' the ones that ~ay "mama." Prices I :l1Ij.te fro 11 • . •• . .. • • . .. 1Oe to $ 1.50 DOLL B E j •.:. . to pll t yllur dolls I I'> sleep YO ll must have <'. g ( od bed - we have th ~: n . . , ... .. . $1. 98 to 82.7 HAM A?\ J) SA:\I the piano playei' and banjo player .. $1.00 TINKER TOYS , Il l) use to tell about them, everyone knows aboul lie ·'T inkers" . . ' , .. , . .. . . .... . 75c, 50c DRUMS, rat-ta l-I t, see t he drum mer boy. " 50c, 25(', 10c BANKS for the' " ,il dren to save their pennies . .. . lOc, 25c
by buying
ill '"
~ ...... .......,..."v ~ ~~ ~ ~ "' ..... ..--.. ~~~ It
~ ~~
r--------,- ------ - -----
You "W"ant It You have been looking inr it ! You t hought you had itl But YClI found you did not !
"'ere i. Your ,Opportunity ",E HAVE IT WHA1 IS 117
.Thit Good Old Fashioned Satisfaction Coal ~ 'is entirely different from what you have been using,
It I as never been sold here before, and we know it is what you ",we been trying to get. ' .
'Regular R~tail Price : : : ..,Sale Discount •• •• •• •• •• .'
$8 60
Sale Price fQr: one week. · : : . $8' 10
(We have other coal cheape!,.-!>ut try this ~!!~l
Everything Glood to Eat for Christmas
Package Dates Fard Dates Bulk 'Dates Layer Figs Package Figs Stewing Figs ' <
ltng. Walnuts Almonds Bruils Filberts Peanuts Salted Peanuts Cocoanuts
- -_..
Cala-Soft Sh~lI Eng. Walnuts .... ,'.
Assorted ,Chocolates. Underwoods. 4 flavors
Jelly Drope. regular 30c goods . . . . . .... ..
Jonathan Applel!l large;: red,
i~ bX8 .
-Bulk Cocoa 3 pounds for . . .. . . .. 25c -Ryzon Baking Powder-
K~rc hie's Dre~s Shoes
~u Rpenil<? rs
Grapes Raisins Prunes Apricots Evp. Peaches Pure Buckwheat Bulk Kraut Hehlz Pickles
In All Designs
Gift Rli ppers
Knitted silk tit!~ in delil[ h Lfu l p .. l h l rn Dnd color VR' riety, and <'ut silk t ies in 119 beauti ful n ~e l e ction 8~ WBS e ver shown.
-~.Z I M' MERMAN'S-I'Save by buying in Way nesdlle."
and Cartwrigh,t ·
Underwear ' NiJl h l ~ o w a ". . PelticOAtI/ -' Rloome '
It pays to trade at
"Save by buying in Waynesville."
RI Hu k", t!l
: 1Dc
ca n~.
Silk Stockin gs Corllet s
Work Shoes Und erwenr I Lltrll'lI~t 8880rtment Ru bber Bools Dress ~h nell RIJhher8 'We · haYtl ever ' Mown , I:lea uli ful ~ il k coverI~ubh e ts Ruhher Boot s Dr..,,, .f:nods 'fro m . ings in cur vi'! d iv.ory Swelll pra Ru hbl'r!l K.. rchiefB liml fl lDuer handl e ~ . Hat!l & CHPS Swp.lIlers Ores"!:!! , ~~ ele. ~1i ppers CIiPA ~weRt e rR I • : Pijnt:o T OV!l Pn rSPR ' Bp lt~ , " Put IIIl • parately 3, -4 and 6 in box, 25c _to Be ll Buck les ~ I; \t. RRth Robes ~~ -____-L___________________________________ - - - -- -:11.25 ,'
Jonathans Golden Baldwins Belleftowers Rome Beauty
Good Solid Measure . Also, pint and quart
ilk Tips St ocking~ Su penders Gwrters Silk SO'cks Shirts Wool Shirt !! Pan ts
Rest. 45c size . .. . .. . ... 28c Reg. 2!lc size , . .. , .. . . . 18c
Fresh, Oysters : ' a pint ...... '.. . .....
Oranges Grape F ruit Lemons Cranberries Celery Cabbage: Swee t P~tato"3 Perrnuda ODlI"1~ White Onions Yellow Onions
French Creams Stick Candy Cut Mixed Chocolate Drops Honey Comb JeUy D rops AsSorted Fudge Peanut Brittle French Creams Southern Ices Peanut Clusters Barber"Poles Asst Cl1ocolates
, .
I .. "
75c,':! $1.50
Cur evel'y olle - .1 II <I II n rl mO l her. sist.er '
and broti)er.
$1.25 up til
Leather Bags In th e v e r .v
newes t s had e s
:I nlurance and Public Sales
8 ty l e~
~-.r 98c~~ $5.00 \Ve extend to you the Greetings of the Seu!>on. We thank you for your help in making the year 1923 one of our most happy and prosperous, and trust the New Year. 1924, may be one o f even greater service' to each other.
What better Christ mas pr~sent could you give your child thaIll 'a Savings Account and one of these Plymouth Rock Banks?
Wayneaville, Ohio "Suve by buying in Waynesville."
' -J. Ee'
Waynesville, Ohio
' -_ _ __
"Saye by buying in Waynesville."
buying in
Teacher of Dome~tic Science and~Art8. ,' .
"Sa've b,J buyin", in Wayne8v,i lle!' , 5
.,.Orndorf '82' S.~rvis
,:,tfO.'f :~Qe..~1 · Repair ," Wor,k. ' A~to~obile and: . " 1',. ,::-rr...ctorl• • pa~tery Cha'r~ging ,and ,,Painting. 'C ' Jjee Hawke I
·' Cooper&tb"rleafor ••le :attbe Power, HOUle, ,~.JDeaYille, Ohio,' PhOil~-7. I
" ' '8a1'e bi' bl1yill,, " i~. Waynesville."
Walter Mc~Jure
" Waynelvllle, Ohio r, ' .;::====::;::== ., '. . «
; ,1 ..
' Fully ,J~quipped f!>r Goo,d
'. .' " ",' Larg~
Mabel H~thaway, ':~,h 'o.~e{
r '
, I
Xmas Noveltiel 'a nd Ta:ble. l~~coratiobl; Be~di~: Flo~ers, 'etc~ 'Fur work wil~ ,ec;eive ' " Prompt Attention. . ,
_ _ _ _.;.. ' __ "Save by bnying in Wa.ynesville."
Th e Slote fo r Christmas GIft.
Buy your wife a nice, new CLERMONT BEA~ER For a Christmas Gift $5.00 OFF ON
M.y er .Hym,~n
Phone 61 2
Give him that comfortable feeling of having money in bank.
"Mama" Dolls Games Elephants Cars Coon Jiggers PiaDOl Sewing Baskets Bears I)ruliii Cradles Wa>gb n s " Hol'IIS Books . Tea Sets ' BaUs'
~r,vrce, '
Display. Room
·ommelcla I
~10.00 ,
, ... ; _ , j p t!r
Waynesville Auto Machinery Company
- Kodak s . - 'Silverw.a re Cigar!! .. 'Cigar ettes . ":ITobacco . Pocke tbook s · Yaoi.t y Cases
' . .I ,Fount ain
Pens ' ElectrlcCurlinglroDs . .Elect ric Vibrators 'Electr ic'Sto ves . Xmas ' Cards and Folders . Xmas tree Dfcoratiot,ls 'Hair Brushes
Eve ryth ing for the Aut omo bile
Whose £al1lttis 't your . liens don' t lay eggs? Before you blame the ben, as~ yourself these questi ons: .
1 2 I • . 4
Electr ic Percolators Bridge Lamp s Statio nery Hot Water Bottle s Box Candy Hair Brushes Perfum e
Oversize Cord s 30x3~ Cord Tire s . 30x3~ Fabr ic . . 30x3 Fabric . .
Am I feediag a proper egg-ma king ration P Is it manufa c\ured by scientific,: author ities'\ Am I sure tbe feed ia all"aYI uniform ? Has it been proved by olthe~ 10 practic al teats?
.Way nelv ille F arm erl Exc hang e Co• Phone 25 '
· ·
. $13.50 · $9.75
$7M · $6.00 Flash Lights, Batteries and Bulbs
ITbe way to answer "yes" to all four questi ons is to l' feed Purin a Chicken Ch,owder' aad PurlDa Ben Ch~w-ma(Je and ,guara nteed by feeding autho rities, proved bymillioD~ of poultr y raisers. Sold in check erboar d bags by I
.Y", OXUY.~"A£E DB UG CO . .~" ~U;Simw Te'iJshone . "SaTe bJ
"Save by buying in W.ynes ville."
Some unusua lly cle ve r idtlll8 in ro MI" , tl St" l lon· (' rv r h ri·. m ~. Is II FOt'C illl ,,,:,..,, j ri ",.r! t hf'8 .. ore ''''Il,·i.' ·. . i o"~ Jor I h i~ l im!! S tatione r, 1 rom aoc
· ·
Sporting Goo ds, Elec tric Ligh t Bulbs, etc., etc .
Wagnesville, Ohio
Pho ne 17
- .
bUJialm WayaMvme."
W.y oelv ille, Ohio
----~--------------------------"Save by buying in Wayntillville."
=====TAXI"'" ~
Whole Whe at Flour
B. B. & "S••ve by bUJina' in Waynes ville."
• • ••
"Save by buying in WaYlle. ville!·
-- -- 8. R. Sm mT B- ---
A Mer ry Christmas to All
Pho ne 114 . M y office is situated on the East Side of Mai n Street, Way nesv ille, Ohi o. ,
In the Stationery Section .<
We Specialize in good things to Eat and in Goo d Service. We will have a com plete line of Christmas Candies.
When you have no appoi ntmen t. co m!! in the forenoons as much as possible .
.. ... .. .... $1 5U to $3.25 CUlli p acts ... .. flOc to $~ 00 Manicu ring ::;e (,l· .. . . • ... .. .. .... ... . 600 t o $9 CO .D e n n i ~ on CutOll t Dull .. .. . ...... .. .. .. . [iOe l<l75e p .. r fumt'Sets 5f:c t o $7 50 l<ClX Clllld y ..... 3!)c to $5 00
, The Pick of GiM for · Baby
in Way nesv ille."
All hidd,n disease!! and impac ted teeth can be placed by the help of the X-Ra y.
Memo List
............ . 5 00 tl . $14 50 " High 8olJOcln ll Bal ls • " . .... ';~ .. ; ... 25c t o 75c Safety Razors Sge to $5,00 Pocket Books..fjOe tn $6 00 . Kod.ks.....S2 00 10 12500 ' • - FOQnta in Pe l'~ ... " ·" .. .... ...... S2 75 l0.100 0
Sm ith 's G ro ce ry
Teelh ext racted witho ut pain and withou t injury to your system .
Per fume .. . ...25e to $8.25 Vanil y CIlS"" '" .... ...
• ~ ave by
Repair Work --Ql1ick and Efficient.
show ing of our won derf ul Christmas gift stocks and an oppo rtun ity to you to visit and select before othe t' s. have picked out the best. . , .
Foot Billie -5 1 00 to $6 50 Basket B. \lII... ..... ..
Harness, Hardware and Farm Machinery
Den tist and X-O -Gra phil t
Th~ head ing tells the entir e story; just a fine
For the Girls, I most remember them
I)r . H. E. Ha th aw ay
_Inspection and Selection List .nese
" Save by buying in Waynesville! '
!\teaiqt List · wi give to . ,. ie'· Boys
This includes a high-grade collec tion of COPP ER NICK LE · PLAT E D CO :' F EE POT . AND TEA K E ITLE S , CAST ALU MINUM P RESE RVI NG KETT LES AND SA UCE P ANS , WH ITE E NA MAL WATE R PAILS AND COMB IN ETS,COP PE R BOTTOM WASH BOIL ER S. ALUM I NU \f BREA D PANS . GRAN ITE KETT LES . SAUC E PANS AND DrSH P ANS, GA fN ANI ZED WATE R BUCKE TS AND TIN MILK PAILS . Also. a largf assort ment of smaller article s which make excelle nt X mas presen ts for Mothe r
New 'and Used Cars, Trucks &Tractors Genuine ford and fordsoD Parts Accessories, Oils and Greases ARepair Shop Always at Your Service
; .fully stoc ked for your Xma s ueed a. a..' ._ a Wea lth of Goo d Che er for you that will mak e lA ali... mak e you r doll ars brin g real valu es.
A Big ·Pre-Xmas Gift
On a large assort ment of Tin. Galva n ized. Grani te and Aluminum Ware.
Satu rday , Dec emb er 8th
Will, Goo d Fell ows hip, Lov e for you r Neig hbor and
An oth er Xm as
Sale ec em b er 8, 1923
.~ . Scores (If Ititl B for the • baby. Everyhody ha" a baby or' their .lwn or ~ baby frl ena . l!:v llry b,ty , calla tor a gift
. I
The MIami Cue
GOt. d
FOR OVER 40 YEARS HAlL'S CATARRH M.J!)DlCINE hAa Men ~ .uc,*,ltuJly In t.IIa trC>lltmen t 01' Qatarrh, HALL'8 OA.TA.RRH MEDIOINE "l ' aida or a n Olntmerlt whIch Qulcll ' I 'Rellav . b y 10 I a.ppllcallon, Ilnd tl ' IMernal )l'edlelne, a. TonIc, wh,ch ar lhro"'" the Blood on the 1I1t,,' ous Su lhlll reducln ... tho Innllmmlltlon. 8016 by ILII 4rul',llti. F, J. Cheney • Co,. Toledo, Ohio.
1. I'
Gil S to
::6 r oy 1~··~ \a..
POI 'Otll l\ htl ' 11\"!tIl\·,.rll lllC' acid {lIS. wh lf'h hn~ IWII \"l'd • t:j.· i\~n r In rle-
' Irnyln,.: \lj'l'I ~ III Ull lhlln::" h,H' Also I tH)en r,wn, 1 pr1lrU (1 I fn r th t· d""'II'UC' , 111111 of \\(iIl~h-It1H' ks tI "d , 1I1 ! ,, 'r d lIlUIIJ,:' ,,~ r otll'll l ": In tltl 1lr 1""' ,1 :\ ..
"w .111 1 nr
l. r
or ,' " ,": " ' 1 It" 'I~ •.•• "H·'·.. .
1:1<.. 11,"11 '
' kf' n
k§uun~ OUNe .
Save your old carpels and rug lind get .. W carwell" Rugs made. Send fol' price list F'ranklin R UI( h i ' 1t,'II I1 t Co, . I'runklin, Ohio I n tJlI ' F ir·
O dC in of C :'e tts. t.~u rl~ 1 11'" I,r l~ (, ,,',111 .. ,1 UfO "'n~ ~i l1 :IIH;": ut ,' n'''i{S. H kha nl t ,,11111 \\'
~ t'HII" ! f '. ' )) 'I1'\ II~. ' T '''': h as tll'~t' i·;t It\cJ I..;: ' . , ,. , t ., ' I I " ' ! "
ST, ,\\AR\" S CI1l)RCI-t
The !i nest l Hig h Teal and Brite
fa" ...
Forest T. Martin
Fine Jewelry 'an.d Silverware
~i::;ltw;~:l11't~:~ll' el irv- ~il~~la~~:~~ Ii ce'~~leer2n9~ . S~I:I~::h i~C:a~~~:II~' 9~;~
'and you wiU not use a ny otlt t·r . ____ _ _ _ _ __
01., gerV Ice a nd se rm on III 10:45. You fire ('ordially in vited t o IIllend , lhl'h ' se n 'ices,
to dl"ooutluull {II I'ml ng, ilL pu bllo II 11(It·l" u m y IItook. r" d aurl Ilu pl ment ij. l ooat, ~ rI 2Yo Itlll !l. II lIr ,h (jf WnY 'le!w lllp ,,0,1 "Yo 111\1. ,. BUl1 tb IIf 1:1 lIbrno k nu ,the Btlllh" (l" k flort W"YIIA"vlll" rJ.d . on Malcr.lllI BI"pbam ;" farm, lOll
Subbat h School. !l; 15 It. m preach· Get my terms for your ing at 10:30 Il· nI . Wednesd ay even· Public Sale. ~'runk 8h ldl,kor wlIMl n ClIIOI 11 utHI l ing service, 7:00 p . m. Epwo r th OD l.Ju~IDe~ l:5atur ol1Y League 6: 15 p . m.; prellching al 7:00 1 satisfy and saVE> you dtttry 'l'Q'(Jk o r lI nd tuml ly. lind P nI Eve ryb ody iR corcli :e1 ly invited 70,000 Cream Producers . La rgest Creumery in this Ha lf the Un ited ~la les money or no cha rges . Mr. Cbrlil" lrl ~ p o nt. ThllDk~~ivlng lit to these se rvice. :SulUm erv ille with Wtll He ll Ilnd Rev. I . A . Washburn, Pastor. Box 91, Centerville, Ohio tllwlly . i . _ _ - -Home Pbone 2, Ce.nterviJIeEx. It is just as easy to send your 'cream direct to the MrM. ~'rIlDk ~ bid llk8 r /lod ~1' ~'1 - - - - - - - - - - - . : TRI STATE as it is to sell to an agent. However, se lling Cbarlty Ha n'ay ~P""t 'l's IInksl! ivlU 1( I !!!!!!!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'~~~!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'~ to the TR I ~ TATE will pu t a 10 t more money in your with I:lnrry S b hl ~k '" Alld fl\mllv . i Mr, "ud Mrs. 8 'rold I:lnrl ~ . of BATRA W A l' pocketbook. Le!Jan 6D, ~pent So ,IIlV wll·h 'Ilelr . -- - g r Rudnar eDt.8. Mr. :I ud Mrd. Ueorl<" ,J W Bu rton and son a ttended a THE TRI STATE PRICE DENTIST Hnrris . · clans . ,FOR HUTIER FAT IS m,pIII. .g 0 f e t ectn 0 f t he D avo lIlrs B . E Collatt and dau gbl el . tOil Power and Lig ht Ji~trict at IDee. 1 And X-O-ORAPHIST Doro\hy , ItDd Mr . aDd Mrs. Chili' • Higher if market advances Cleaver, at 81t b1DI!., are.vlsl \ inl( wll ; Day t?" Monday e.venin~ whe re the Ohio•. 'belr sl@ter . Mrs B'rnnk B&rrlll, I reVI"lun of the National Elect ri t Waynesville, .I oe OaTI M RDd t~ml\y BpI'" Cod" was discuI'sed as upp1icable t o Telephone 114, ThtlDk sKlvln g wit h Mr 8n,1 Mr ~. th eir indivi<lulll businesses . Th i~ OHIO CINCINNATI, OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG . 1 A. H artSI"JCk. Mr s Dovh. ltD': chullltl! will affec t wirin~ of .j ll kind s We .guar-antee your cream Ilnd CRns against loss . obJlilre D spoot t he ret<t or the wee~ ON 'MAIN STREET lD O" y t OD. On I"ftt Frldll )' eveni n g t he m emo berrl of Ib e a8tVlly ~ but !!' OID b m pt ·,t til e !Joll otlfn l hOUie or W. E Welllh !lod f.I1wlly lind wll re htLpp\ly greeted by Mr... ' Weloh The d io. ne r /lour ILrdv!!d flDd they were !lor tn klo g of a spllmdld dlno r when Mrs . Welob !Jecllme very .Iok. "Dd pll88ed aWIlY before Ul AliiclI1 nld Dr. and Mr~. Waru spent Thanks· oooid be rellohed. We t'xtlm d o or R'iving in Nelsonville wi. Prof. and Rympalby ~he bereaved fllmlly . Mre. D . A . F rree . The Schools of --Nelsonville have m'ade notable im· provement unde r his superinte n. dency ute latest of whi ch is a new high schc>ol building costin g approx· AileD Smll b, ot DaytoD. s pent imately Sl75000. Prof . Ferree Ws!! at one time connected with the WayThursday with hie pal'en~1I here. Mr • . II1mml~ Laov relnrned Frl "loy nesvillc 8chools, after aD exte,oded visit wi tb DtLY tOD ... ... rala" ves .
DR. H.E.
Dayton, Ohio
The slippers on this page-aI'C only a few of our large arId complcte -stock; if .Yo u don'l ~cc wh at yo u wa nl here, wri te Cornelia', and t ell he r your wa n ts, S hl' will ma ke yo urscl ·(,tions caref lilly :
Mr. and Mlrs. W C. R e rgd .. 1\ lind daughter, Glady s, were O"yton ViII' Itors Wedoeiilday. Mis il Leora Wileo D. of DaytoD. wall f\ week IlDd gueet III tho h ome of Mr. "nd Mr, WIIIi"m GoleDlIlD, Mr. aDd Mr. Varl Duke aDd fllw. lIy s peDt Thursday with ~he laUer's tatb er, NtLtbllo' UrIlY, Dear Harvey sbnrg Mr. aod Mr•. Frank 'Woolley aDd I family ; of 104Y' Jn, .pent Thllnks. ' glviDg wlt.h Mr. ~Dd Mrs. William --l-Brown-;~- Tbe revlvlll m eeti ngs olosed ~OU ' day evening aod pre~ohloK lIervice will be 8t 3 ::>'o!\lok, the asall honr. ' next SODday. . .;, Mr. and Mrs. Pel'l\y Keoriok aDd dlogllter , Miss DeL\hll, wllre l'bara· . , day gaeus I\.~ l~~ bome of Mr. and .Mr•. W·I!.her Keorlok.
rirA • ._
Quilted or plain O'Orsay slippe rs. A very pop u I a r g ift ' lip pe r. 'rhes~ come in b lack, rose, blue, lave nder a nd pink colo rs. Priced
Women's F"elt' Breakfast Boots A! rizhi.
Women's Mules ift
Wuls hu m u I e-s, lined wit h so f t, d ow ny wotll. 'Flat ooles. W a rm , and comfo rlable ' f ' 9. r winler wear. Wine, gn::cn and purple.
With all the 1"01111orl th.lt the name SU1'f.!('!l11i a nd 1111 ' c\C . ~ loriou 5 entc rt R.tn !t~ I ~.\ Trim .It' d o f <.Ia rk er calf, ha '11.1'11 'd sHI('~ . All are leathe r lined . , !'/'iced ::1.50
~Ien's Fel t)~\' e retts
Uther s l y ies with co mf y sules. $1.50
to $4.00,
WOIpen's Satin
A very dainlY boudoi r s lipper in pl a in satin with -i lk pom·po m s. C u· ba n cdverccl heels: I n all colors. A
. A slippe r tha t pro mi . es m u c h
gift of comfort a nd of service.
com fo rt and se rv o it:e -·a nd g i v e s bOlh with thc least effort. All ha ve t llrned ooles. An in · "x pensi\'e I u x u r y and a " ift of good tas te . Priced $4.
Pri ced
Women's Sat~n Mules , Quilted or pla in sa tin . ' In pink, blue, rose, ·Iaven de r and ,bl ack, $4. .
, Women's Satin SUppers
A Man's Boot Cavalier Mode)
Quilted satin with low heels , silk pom·pom, a ll colors, S2.50.
1ft lift
A pipe, a book,
Women's Com,ys
a readin~ lamp. lhe fa vo rltl' chair "":a nd s Ii Jl per S . He rt' is luxurious m mfo rt. T.h e s e ~ kctc n ed arc' 0 f "brown mo ro cco with turn down
Plain or ribbon trimmed two·toned, -felt slip~e'r . Soft comfy soles, aJl shades, $1.25 to $3.50. 1 .
.. ,..c!tlldren's. Felt
[n Jloots" Warm" f$boots,wi t h. ~ym~s and
cuff. $7.50 ..
pictures a{ountl t~$ hi t h .9uffs. Certa in to d elig ht the little folks, Priced $1.25 to S~ . .
A Man's PUlent . Pp. ra ' for C~!ll- . . fort . 1
../ ~bi'dren'8 Moccasins, 1
. M qde of' wool 'Ieather 'in all
6f~~ ai:rib5'l wool.
'Cbbdren~ Satin j
si",k in
Priced also at $3. '
. "',.
$2 ,
~. , ,,,I~.t~!e -sJip~t ib ~erican bea.uty and blue. _KId boudoiJ: 'slip. . pers 'lil' kid and black, $1.25.
.,:~!f,~fI~/tr·'7·~np"1, Fl"Dr' Ifll.tI Tilt. '$'.,.t /(11 .Mtlt.
Farmers, Attention!
H~ OC~,
Lc'"nell n ,lve M ONEY oh',tte ls, 1\180 seooDIl mortglll!e...
Oeorc tt llo woy .\ l l'lluLt. , WllOSO rclh.1ouce .' ult kn" wlI , ltol httruhy llutiOed that Annie LullJan ~~u lu t.l, 011 Mu), 6t.h. 1&13, til ed her I>OlI. tlon- nH"tn8r. h im ror dl\'Clrt.:tJ. a.huoDv &11 1. cWllody flf c lIlIlI. on Lllo ~rouDd 01 llro DCf{1 L 01 dut)' In Oa50 Nu . ta~O t or Lb , ()IlDlmOI\ PIOM CourL o t \Vo.rren Ooun,,, Ob i.. ond LilaL ..... <1 c,,"u will bo for boarhl! on or IlI&.er DocolIJoor 10t.h. 1915.
- ---
Mr. and Mr8. R1 Y MoN "ro llr lI~e Ihe pareots of tL httle d a, lio: hter . Prof. Stephens aDd (allllly s peo t. 'rhaDkaglvlog with B lllsboro r ela. tlvea. M. G. Phillips "0(1 fa m il y, of Cln. 010011.'1. spent l'llursdllY with relot. t ivos h ere, ' M18s Elellnnr B ttydoo k , of the Hlghlnnd High sohool , WIlS III b om " tor ·fhank sglvIDg . Mrs . ~ 11. 811r l"11 and farolly eD joyeCltt. ThILnk dRlvlng dinner w nb .lttiamillborg r elatives. Mr. aDd Mrs. Berman SCrogg y were goesI8 ilL ~be home of Mr, and Mrs lra Sor o"gy hau week.
Mr. Rod ~Lrs . B . M, Clark bad al! Sunday ~ue'!ts, Mr. Bnd Mr8. MIUoo 8heebrm, of Ueoterville, Mr . and We the following farm owners MI'8. Wilitel' Clark and family. , positlvelv fO l'bid uny hunting or \h. aod liIr~ 'I:l. 'Baln8S, J"mel trapping on our fa l'm s. Any viol a. BulDolI, Mr . "nd MI'8. Walter Ken. rl ok 8peot· Sunday with 141' aDd tion of the ~am e will be prl)secu ted Mt ~. Alfred BntneR aDd fnmlly tn according to aw Rnd to th u fulie st OllytOD . extent. Miss Leopa MoGlnulalen,Wednea. Ed Furnas. ' dl\y Of 66rDOOn for Lima, wbere abe C. E•. Michener apeD\ tbA 'l'hlLDkliglvloR vacaUoD The Van Tress F'arms with ber uIlole, Ml' . Harry Wat.lon and family , . Rob~rt Patterson Farm Mrs. Caroline Rogers Misse8 Ruth. Ev. and Etb~1 Reed. er. 141'.. aDd Mra. Ernea' Al'ohdeaoon Geo. Gilliland and 80n, Everett, IlpeD' Thaolll.gl.-, • Martin Gons IDg with Mr and Mrl. Warren 1(eaLouis -Firss rlok, at tJenlervllle. Dan ·Morg. n Mr. and Mrl. Alber' 8Yoo)' aDd F : A. and 1. A . Hartsock daughter, Ml8a ·,(Jleo. air ,' and IIrl. Stokes Dairy Farm . Raaaell Borne" and I!O,,' were ~uo_ day gue8Y of Ml' . aud Mu. Will S. D. HE'nkle Noll. of n8lllr Springboro. J. S. Vandervoort Mr. and Mr'' '. Jame! BawlI~ 'and dgo~btoer, ~Isa GleDna and , .on, Philip, of Lim!" "peDS Thuud&y and Friday·· WIth ,be former'l ' bro,her, Beo Bllwke.!nd f,, ,mny.
Menr •• IJ'raok '" pd 8~muel SmUb reoelved word Monday Qf ,he ludden dea'b of thell' el.ler. Mra. Eltz~be.h is the investment that adds to yOUl' Zeller"" atlDe 'bqme of tier d.JlI~ter, wealth of health.. It is more esMI811 Margarel a"mmond. In !la{ton sential to fla!e-~ard and build up alrell8th thflU. It i~ to add to yow Mr •. ~or\ :34re. Frank Rqge1:I, Mr, wealth of 110M. To an tinderIlDl1 Ml's. CI~'l ~Ioker.inl -aDd obild. w~igllt child s· ernie adult ren retarne,d MandlloY ".l)oltllJ aUer apendJog 'rhl!nkBgl.(og aDd tbe _ee lt end \IIr,Uh ·Mr aod II!lre, Mllook Plokerlng, 'Ilieal' Georlleio!f0. '..
": 5(OT1'5 EMfourU.LS' I O· N tim~ ~Iy would ~
F'ILrmers ot WarreD &od .d'olnl ,., , .\dml nls"uL'I' o r thO ¥.tato or Wnrron oouotl et! Ul LlY ob~lu mouey on lol.t" ~eJ:!~~~ ' law 01 \Vnrrcu CoIlIIly. t.hlo. tlmelo.DS. IU liy'% Intered. lJOI\ D utN Ihlo I)th <I.)' 01 Novombor. 1923. 01 seourlug t·be mmu i ll very rea~oD. JUlINe o'til1~' t!~~b~~ ooun uble, Lbrou/th The Federlll LaDd IYIlr.... n Co un t)'. Oh l01 Bilok. For further lufotmlllloD oall _lllo" I,'. Druwn ..\It)·. d5 "II ur uctt1rOMf' M C DRAKE, 1'rell~ . ___ _ urer, ph ou" :JI(\..K, Leba uon, Oblo.
E tltll W 0 1 W alrro n J. Uaklu . UOCOtUiec.I, NUL .... I. I,cl'uloy ,<lvuu ,hUL 1·· I",e" e" DOl" k iDH hu.."1 tJl'Oli tI ul y tll,poluttttl oud tlua lUloo U
A Man's Brown Kid Romeo
Notice of Appointment
Oxford g rey and Ih : t.: um browll. Comfy (> •• \cather ". k·,.. wil h h ·els,
1. 95 \() $3:50.
F T.
Miss Maude B.lr\n.n tIL ll ~ l1 t tb e Rev. and Mrs . J . O. Slltzel were PrllDlu'y grllrl fld (lu ring the ' illuIls8 . six o'olook dlDoer gae8\1 a' 'he of Miss N Du lo ~h~mb . u~h. I)' home of oUr' . and., Mrs. J. Do' Jone. MODdILY of l,a8t week Misses lItd r.v (J 'Il lt.t.. of Auso ui ll . Emily I n<\1oo . lit GrlllHl Ulunp, 111111 Mr. aod Mrs . Harry Grllham eo. Uleo McKIlY. o r ~t Vlo tory, were tertulDed on SnDday. Melsrs. \:lenry lIome fw . b ul"IIl)'t! . aod Rlhiy Saylor, of Sprluk Va1\ey. and WllIiilln Grllham, 8.. B R d v o~ ao d f"roll y . of Rtoh. 0I.0D d, l "d, Mr. I\ Dd Mrs. Frrmk Mr. an rl Mrs OharIe8 Cltlrlr, M•. Reev eI', II f D"y~aD . Mr IL nd Mrs . and Mrs. B. M, Olark were 'rhaoks. Rlt.ymolld a 'lava@ of X ,nla . M"k I!ivlnli: goeBtt! of Mr and Mrs, Mil· ' cUnnar wi t,. .11 1 sa~ .JerJnte "tid ,JOdtOD Sheehllo,, ~, ,~entllrv ! lIe . ephlne R ~e v os r hnrsdo.y. Miss M IHV , 8~0.kel'. of Al'ena, Wh , wbo is no'U. 1' oritlo tllaoher II~ MI. IIml nnlverslty. wa8 a _ee •• eod - H i I - - +t; ::":: 'U6I1t ot MJij'8 Katbryn OIark. -
Satin (l ollar, c'o mfy soles, $3'.
A Man'. Brown Calf Opera
Women's Pretty Satin D'O}'s!lY's 1ft
"Silva by !Juying in Waynesville."
Wedncsday, December 5, 1.923, COIIIlJ\ 'lIlllng lit l O O·(l !U(,~ . II", fto l. 10WIIlj.:': ,[wo bOI·8P8. ~ 0"""9. 3~ hOIlS, Int of o h i r keD ~ 111101 !· N" I ~nd larm ing nl (l D~II ~ . tl ~" " '!( hi ll~
'Slippered Co~fort . First~for Real Fireside Enjoyment. . .
When the family is .gathered a t the firepla ce, eaclr with his books, quiet games, . or favorite evening occupatio!1, it is the , restfulness of cosy slippers tha t make the evening one of real njoyment . . . The gift store of the Miami \ alley is ready tQ ~LI your orders . j r pretty and 'comfortable gift " 11'1lippers of all descriptions . ., Clip out the items you desire Irom this page, send. them to •Cornelia, your personal shopper, with sizes and choice of colors spe'ci fied. She 'will mail them without charge anywhere in' the United States.
Tu csday, December 18, 1923, BI' I/'uuio:!, ,,\ 10 o 'olno l" t.\I A fol. 10WI"IJ; 2 IlI"se!!, :l cows, 9 b og ~ farm I 01{ i IIJpll'lJI l!n til, hllrooMlI "nd feetl . S MUEL BE lR . F. '1', Martin, Auot B .. ,lng Ko\ll my fluill. J will ~ell tL\ l ,ull ll O !looMou "t tlW TMlnIHIJIl, 1 mil .. ~n n t h of I ~ytlp. :I.Y,; !.1Ii1,,~ Wllllt of WI\:Vlltl~vlll " , all .hll Uppe r "prln llllOTo plUP, nt, reo!: ",noil or,llld. iDf,( . nu the C. L . • ' N H. R ., 00
D ~o\dl u~ w ill ~AIl
all': a=~d.::Hr •• ')JIall) .~0ti\"1 •. !J1Ronte 6, eo.&er'"loed a' 'bell' '.1000' try bdm e &0 TlMo:Il'RI.lng dlnoer three or ', he follo ~ing gaade: Mra. C.lh,,- aD inve.tment that ·would yield rloe · Johos. MI'. and Mrl!. J. B! ~endid JelumI in Itrenath and Thomaa; of CoDtemUa, Ilr. aad ."'or. Scott. EmaJ..lon II , . lin. BilTY J \liDa and 1008. of Day. ~~~. SUD, II... and IIr•• .lam. R. Johnl ~ ,."",...u.cl to a and In,deJeqbt.r &9lyn JobDI, ....... UIlIln. ~, S. JiItIuII. """". cIdK 1 IS""Jo . . ............
Prank O. Anderson . ALtom., lor !'huntUr.
. ~
.N'ltes bOD~ht. J oho Barllrtle, AileD BotldlUK, X"ola 01110 . 11 4·24
MA LU'l"l'.
U~T ~ ,
boah. Algebra. LaUD and OOOD · 3 p"tlon. Flodel'pleue leave 1'11.1:1
r .SS
Mr. BlaH, at Hlgb 8obool bolldlog, (\6
RI 10 TS
fOr Sale
Father Joh n's Medicine Is Made Un-
er Watchfl:1 Cal'e of ExpOI'ts. \ t till! Inborlltory wbere Fathu .1'.,IIII'S lolcdlchll' t8 'llIn da, and. tllla building. Ill' tbe ."'P.:7, - 11l11i't" ""'ed ~dll~II·t!l~· to tho mnkLng ot [tJI~ OIlC medicine. very hl,h oitnlld. " I\l ~ UI'~ maLlItnlll<:d III everr d~porl .
1!1"(,11 t
\II nn'-
PolaDd Cbloa PlgI ft>r ale of . SlLm! W1I80D. New dill DarjlOKtoo, Uhlo. I 'Alltomoblletl nnd 'rrootora rep"lr • • ed, till kinde of lPaMDeSoll' reo paired or r echllrgod, all work 600 In b oor,l\t the RlilJ.lh Miller Blaoll"m1\b .bop. Tinoey&ShnUI. dl9 C. Whl'e LegborD I :ookllral •• • Inqllire of Mrl, B V. Sml'b, R. D. ' WaYDesvllle, Ohio. d12 IDqolr~
~'! : o ,"oriou, Ingredients are sub. J.('\ Lod It' il:()~ t cxoctlng tests aud are .Il:l'll prep, l'e,1 ml(ler tbe wiltchful ".>'t' of oXl'erl!l who have had year• "r cl(.p!!rlence lD moklDg what lIa• c'III": toO \J{, recognized Ill! tho "reut. ~l ' ~(!'ly .Illllliler. L'Mller J abu's MedIcine Is Ii adeu· n nc blund!.ng of cod l1ver 011 with ', fl,("t lugredlonts by means ot .poclll ily dCdliined apparatus. •
R. I . ·Red Coo.er.l. 'or laI~ S• O.Inqalre of Mrs . Jol/.n J. 'l'bom son. R . V '. Waynelvllle, 01110• dlll
R. I. Red Coote.rell 'or · ~al., R • UT 'ler are fine nUM IDql!tra of J. U, Bawke, Waynesville, Ob10.
OD(j1!: Roadster, ':.10 model. new 'ires cUd. .baitery•.tD good shape prloe,1260 . B. M. Llodel'. R .D .', Wayoeeville , Ohio . d1l1 I . R9d Cookerel.. Ad_d res. p. • R. Cornell, It. D. 6, Wayne.. ville, Ohio. dG
R n ,e I.a,boratory and EucutiveOflic:ee , 'EllO prBl/arlltlon Is qutaltcbed by ' t'lmltn baDda froID the opening ot ' :11:' ~Dal contaIners until tbe bot!e CllP III ·_Ied in lace by auto)n/ tc mnchlnf!ll. I'run s 'M ·" hlny and research hllve ·r; , eJ. ,·,,01 16 developing the pre>- ( . (lr. 'i """ ndIDg, ~d while tbe ,., .',;1:\ 1'"11,,, 1119 nnchaDged, Ita . ~(.': !t 1 1l fJ f l,r':llR r.tlon hnll beeD 8 0 ;'llirO\·I·(1 tllnt It stands todllJ o. the .ill\ t;lclldln", :of cod Rver. oll aDd r! hl'r lolt'edleotlt obtainable, . It Ie rnaraDteed tree from ,alc:ohol 01' d4nproua drug. ill apy form. , ,
Breeding Ewe8 . Inquire 30 ofgoodtl'raok Shldaker, J.lhone 81 •• B".rveYlIbnrg,Oblo. dG • pOL &~ O.CHIN A qOal' Pig. 'nq 1\1'6 of J. V d.ndervQort, ,.R, ~ .
R. 2. WayneSVille, Ohio dl . 78 teet of Paling ' Faooa 10 Ilood oODdl*IOD. l~qalrl Joho .A. Ironkoy. W.yoeaville, Ohio dIS
8 ured PlymOolb' Boo\: Roo'';'I_:, Fillhel e,&'..lo. Ioqaire of M"tll . F H IIm,eoberD's&'. R , D .. lle•• i1le, Ohio"j ~ . ,
Florida l..
The land of perpetual sun.hine where the winter vacation i. a ·deUabt l. I
UnrivaJJed . raona
ad lab ad tatte-4i__ " ina in ocean tmd .~ bathiq ad motiD' boatias--.o1fma ad IIIOIDriDa . beat-;.and alway. thoo .cI..p bla ~ ad ~ ..... ;.. balmy air of florida. . rivu, with h~w.
6. W~-; _ • dll
CIa _
to .,..... enry
a.t'" _
Winter Tourist
, B"
Whole Number 5572
Twenty teams ILnd twenty mlln are About Art y Alumni anI) w llrren wanted at once to haul gravel for county stlld e nt~ of the U. S. U ., the new gymnasiu m. in order to . gathered at Lebanon Frid ay e vp.nin g complete the building by Christmas i at a banqu et he\(j at HufTo r d' ~ res ' time. ~'armer8 and town people taurant. Dr, Robert Blair acted a~ owning t eams eepecially those who toastmaster . Emmor Bail y Sr .. who have children in Bchool. ought. to was the fir~t stud ent enrolled in the tome forward and donate a day's Engineering college, and Lymbn Ri l· labor, It is not asking much, and ver both mad e tulks . K N , Houllh (or th e sake of the Bchool and the is on the executive committee. good of the community the gravel should be ·~t tbe Bchool building right awa)l. A building thllt will seat 700 peo· pie is 80mething that Waynesville has- never had . A platform 30 x 16 The ' Queen Esther Circle of th e clear, two dresl!IinR' rooms 10 x 16 Methodist Church will hold u Ghrist· Hnd 8 ro om 25 x 16 for futl1re kitch mas bazallr at t he Grange HIIII ()e· en, rest room or any thing that cember 19. bp.ginning at 10 o' clock, miltht be n eed~d; all beneath The Friendship class will have a pl atform It ml!anB banquets with booth demclJlstrating Rf'ad y J ell plenty of room: entertainment8 at Your patronage i'R solicited. which eve ry body can be seattl!). " Wny ne Town ship , this is your buildi ,~ It - r1 .. II IHs and donuted labor will II lI t III Ike iL ~ x(J,?r\'si v e f ' lr Ilny one.
C" "ll! un, boy~ , IH's gu!
Mr. and Mrs W. S. Graham were1--;red Hawke Wli8 in fn Lebanon Monday . . business last week
WayneSVille Lodge No . 163 F. & Mr. and Mrs Fred B HeOller80n Miss' I!:dna Howland was a Lebanon AM, insral ll!d the followimt offir,p.r8 were in Oayton Thursda). visitor Monday afternoon. at their regular communication Mfa, Mary Caskey arrived home W, H. Allen and family spen t Tuesday eveninl{ ; from. Waehina:ton D. C Sunday. Sunday with friends in Franklin, Kenneth Hough, W. M. Geo. Waterhou8e. S. W. Mi8seS Kathryn and Margaret - llill Clara Lileepent the week·end J eSBe Prender'gast. J . W. with ber lIialer at Washington C. H. Clark were Ehopping in Dayton L , A, Zimmel'man. Secretary, ' an d Harrlfl . Saturday . Fred HenderEion. Treasurer. · 1141"1, Ed I"th Harrls Chas. Burnett:. S. D. Motber w~re 8bopping i:I Dayton Smoking Tobacco in pl.\und and Chas, Bradbury, J. D. Fellay. half pound caDS for Christmas. Frank Farr. Tyler . • S. 8. EI1I8 wu in Columbus Tbu rs' Gra), & Bogan ~lIrber Shop and CiJ, O. Cartwri:ght. Chaplain. .. b U81neu . . h t b e gar Store. • d ay o.~ connected wit E L Thomas ( DIlW IYmnasium. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith have M. D. Baird \ Stewarda D, L. Crane, Tr~8tee for S yean. j-- A B h d H ,received notice of the marl iage of nn, ac man aD enn' . I M_ .• '-'" .... . ••_ __ M~'" 'McKinllev 11 "I . MINo.-Mar18..s)lmpaon - t~ ~MI"' 'Ihos: .... 'J ere 8 oP... na: In Jonea Levie. both of Bardstown. Ky Dayton S.turday. Mrs Levie presented the ' ·Woman· Gearlle Funkey, of Chlc:allo 8pent less Wedding" here some time ago • couple of dllYBlast week witb his Tbey will make their future borne in father. J, A, Fr key. Al!lbama.
Oall.. Boa:er aDd family were In Oaoton Saturday. Dr. A, T, Wrhl'ht and M D. Baird weN Dayton .1.itorB FrJday. ' Lew SUbbi. of near Lebanon. wu c:alllna OD friend. bere Saturday. Dr. W. Eo Oal..bte. of Cleveland, wu cal.Ilbii on friend.here,lIomia}'. Several' from bere attended the LeaioD CamI,a1 at 'Lebdon, last
II....· Edith Gearlle and Velma McClure were Mopplna: in Cincinnati Saturda"
Cbrl.tmas Clpn and Chi.reu_ See oor windowa . for your Christ· Save your old carpets and at Gray &: Bo&,an Barber Shop and mas Gifts, Gr.y & Bogan Barber and get .. Wearwell" RUlls made. iJ!prStor •• , The Commercial club had a IUppet Send tor price list, Franklin Rug Sbop and CilrBr Store. Monday eveninlr at the M. E. church lin. WaUer:Kllbon and d.,a:bter Mr, an<1 Mrs. J .. R. Baker. enroute Co. , Franklin. Ohio banquet ball' a'nd the food w8118erved .pea~ 8un4a7, .w lth Mn. Kilbon'lI .- - - - -mother neal' LebaaOD. to .FI~rlda. were &,Ullsts of Mr, and • - • by the Dorcas ",ociety . The feat;ur. of the evening was the addrOll8 01 • , IIrs. Cbas. Gray.laat week. So S. V.lit; of :Smlthfteld; Ohio. 18 Hurry Brown. of the N, C, R. who "lIItine bla 'a1aten lin. Annie SbeaSevera~ from bere attended II 11'11 ve II v e r y interesting talk on II E L Til . . Oounty meetina of tbe Erlworth "'-d \ h ID... n , . , omu. ". ' . Leallue In Franklin Munday evening. Tbe S~.outs wl'.".h to h . "Window Trlmmin!!." He did not lin. Earl Orndorf wu operated c.n .. . ,. . ~ express l elr apply himself to this one feature ~t. "~Ielland·. boIpltal lait TburaJ ,FJleDch and Italian Brillr Pipes for ap~recr8tton to all who helped .in alone bu t spoke of bosinel8 a:ettlnll do,. ' pttlna: alone.." ....11 ' his Chrlatmaa Gift, 50c each . L;ray their market November 24th. Whtle along general lines. HIB diacouraa CIuiIt ct I box ' ' ,. Boa:an Barber Shop anJ Ci,a! the prl'flt was not lal'ge the troop was listened t,o intently. About 60 is' ad ' : . P:: D" . • ,o( 10., Store . feels that they have made many members and their families were 'be •• • at l'I)' Bopn Bar-I . . .~ I friends , On December 1st. we joined out. ' ' Mr. and M.n , W. B , Allen and with the Dayton Scouts and were en· r 8bopud Cj~ Store. ----..Ilin. Walpr'KIljMm,lIl_ al.d,a Mill Olive Allen left Tuesday mom- tIlrtained at the National Cash Reg 1[n~nj Kathleei! Benclenon anef "rJ 'In&, t,O apend leveral months in Cali· ister plant GiJidl's tOI.k ua throuah G...... Bend.ncm were' ]n D·.itoD lomla. Their ' objective point i8 the ac ory showing tbe prollres8 110"", . . Pasadena, from the raw material to the finis'1ed : G-' II,' ~~ left .,Tueeda~ 'fo~· ,. Genalne Bakelite cigar and cigar- reglst'e~s Af,le rward pictures w~r(\ lI.,pbl., ' IiIpt:l.•, be will at- etta boldel"l' In,poUchell make ideal ~hown III the School House depfctmg tend a loal'::-..reonventlon oUbe «Ifte for hlm, ' Grall &. Bogan Bar. tbe hi9~orv. of, the growth of tbie NatioDani;e"~"t"'Nn b Sb d Ci Store great tnlltltutlOn. The afternoon Slibbath, Deoember 16 haa been '~ , . • II' op an gar. was spent at 'Loew's seein" . apart all Go to Church Sunday .~ .. Jackie Bet " " in 'Long LiYe the King " the Methodist ehurt'h at Wllynes: ..,. ,, On Monday afternoon, De.:ember ville, All per80nl. wbo do not at. S, the Girl Scouts had 89 their guest ~elld church elsewhere are In'vit8d Miss Mifton Lacv, local dlst<clor. and urged to latt: nd theae serVij.l88. Dayton. Ohio. Invitation!! we r e There will be ilpeelill music and claaato all mothers of scouts, the es for all ages In the Sabbath School. tmlamtlers of the cotlnoil and tbe The ~pwol~tb f.:eagoe : bid. ,OU Hillh Snhool t.e~cbers MiBS L~c y welcome to tlteir 8el;'~lce ot 6:16. gave an Interest\~g talk lIugaeatll)(I: There will be speeral' IHII:inona both • number Of . t,hlnga fot the loea morning and lBill'b~. ,. Comerthou and t~oop empha9tZln~ community 'worship with UII and we wlll.do 't hee v!ce. " re" and wafers were 8erved good , " to the gU~lIts. " __ I _-: . ' ' "
. _..- - -
The Church School Service Leaa:ue of St: Mary' s church was entertained ut the home of Mrs, Will Graham Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mra. B. F, Us born entertained at din ner Sunday, Mr, and Mr~ F, M. Osborn and daughter. Glenna. Mr , and Mrs, Morris Osborn daughter, Maxine. of Hdfveysburg, Mrand Mr8, Starke and eons, Lowell, Uman and Eugene. and Mr. and Mrs , Howard Surface,
. -.
The Guild of St. Mary's Church will hold a market and apron sale at Mr. anrl Mrd . Harry Contler. of the Township House on Saturday, ()Ilyt.o n, we re guests Sunday of Mr. December -15 beainning at 9:30. and Mrs. Chas . Brown, Sub3cribe for the Miami Gazette
--_.-_.- --
Useful Gifts Please Everybody You Will Find Lots 'of Them Here Dozens of Practical ' Gift Sugg~stions are to be 'found throughout this store; gifts that everyone likes-the kind of things they would buy themselves and from this store.
Cotton and Silk. One never can have too many. Men's and Ladies' Handkerchiefs : .lOc, 15c, 25c, oOc Box of Three ...... . 50c, 75c, $1.25
011 Munduy the Hi llh Schoo l baR· kl't 1,11 11 team organi zed and the followi nl! Offl Ct'rR were elected : Clem. l'nt ~ a tt (·t'thw8 ite, Mgr" Thomas Hurtoll, CHlJt Several of the boys Hn nouTH'ed th eir int ention of going ,JUt f il l' ha~11 'L bull and with th ose wh o huv e already had experience t.h ey PXpt' d 10 organ ize a team that will RI, ly ddend th e Orange Ilnd l3I uck . Mr . Edwa rd Burton will have chHrge of I he team this year and practi ce is t.o beg in ~oon, As B. H wns d iscontinued for a dure· tion of two years. Coach Burton wi ll hav e t o work with green material, but the prospects are good and an inte resting sc hedul e is to be arranged
Men's Brushed Wool or Fiber Silk Muffiers, stripes . aod plain colors, Price. , . : ... . , . . . .'. .' ,9~c to 52.50
Gifts for Everybody Most every one appreciates Slippers as a gift. A large assortment. Prices. , . , . . . . , ...... ,98c to $3.50
Pajamas and Night Shirts . .Alw3ys welcome to the comfort-loving mao-new patterns. Price .. . ..... . .... , . $1.25 to 52.50
Neckwear Hundreds of Ties-so many different kinds and colors and color comhis gift among them, Put up in individual boxes .. , .. .. 5ge to $1.50
Shirts Men's Shirts - Madras and Silk Stripe, English Broadcloth, large assortment .. .... ..... $1.25 to S3,50 \i
Hosiery Makes Gift - - Splendid - - -_._--~~ ~
Ladies' and Men's Hosiery. assorted colors, pure silk or silk and wool, Price ...... '.. , ... , . , .. 5ge to 52.50
Bath'Robes Ladies' and Men's Blanket Bath Robe', assorted colors. $4,95 to $7.50
Toys for the 'Kiddies .
~... ~
... .. r
Large assortment of all ktnds of Tr.ys and ) ·Mama" Dolls.
Writing Paper '/
Writing Papers in all colors, . Special. ., ...•. !, . . . . . . . 25c to 11.00 "
• The Miam
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"Tbilt'i ,,·hat. Wt ha d II ni ce little aurprlae party 1111 mode up for !Ilnnu,,\. only you cooked Ole goose-" .It low, peculiar whlsll e edlo~rI through tbe passagc, !lnLl M{' llg<'1' IlOPped luddenly, AIl1\Ir. t he wh is tle lIOunded, e j!ently trom Ule entra n"e to the tunnel. "I reckon that's hI m," he sold grim-
ou ~ Olut' ·
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but we'll pluy ""fe. ger hero Is
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'hortly. .,. "'Now wbat II It between UI, 'KJd' _ warr • Kelleen thnlIt btl revoher blla
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I!Ia bell : l . "I'll IIla)' th. ,ame," lie anawered lIIortIJ,
TIl. SpoIl.
Crime. 10Dg accu~omcd to the darkD811 th. two !miD could perceive lhadowi obJectl In the outer pBll8age. ,jwllere llttl• • batta ot', dayllght penelrated ~,b dill' ~ncle of conceal....,-.:..l."-~;:.;(.i.>L:.>±:,..::..._ _ ID' tou.... Toe W.lla of tbe tuunel :were ll'Q-tIDIl!d lind ·darker object8OIL. lIVbaPi tile d~d body ot Mllnuel pomes---itb.pele.. and grotelque, lIt\eNCJ the door. Mealer, evJd.ntly f6ellD& rall conftdellce In thIs new .U1aDee, moftd forward, wbll. KelleeJI l'Uowed. .till II1llplcloUl, and alert for an)' . PMcbery It ~rrlty came ·there alOile 11_ woald take the chance; It aot, thfII be would ftCbt the bB ttle eat there In the ' ~unnel, a.klng no and glvla, nnDe, Meager ,atopped,. b.lI bap balk almo.~ b~ott1nc O1It tile U,ht. ' "TIaAt ;~ 70Q, Conr be uked aox·
"WIIo the h-l elle would It be'" exdalmetlan exasperatl!d voice, "Whllt'S .COlnr on beret Nobody on ,,' atch; 1 Wdn'twaat to come patlng In. lll1ble to let pol Where the devil LI Manuel?" '",",'---'-' "Come Inside and ru explftln; jU8t 4rop oyer that ledge; It's ooly a foot or two to the noor, Yon came alone?" The tell ow dJd not answer, but no .ne tollowed as he clambet'ed acros! the ' barrier .t rocl<. Apparently he eould perceIve n~thlng when once ""thill, except the dIm, shapelesl IIglIrea awaiting hIm, "Two of you, ebl : o-n, but It'l dark In berel That you, Manuel7' "}Ianuel I. dead." explained Meage r briefly. "Be'l been killed." "Dead I RlIled I" The judge hl. body bact aplnlt the roeIt. "What do you mean, Bob? 'l'tI1B wbo I, thli other fellow-San·
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(' \'(' r ,\'
" Look Th.re!" He Cried EXCited ly . wnrd. l,olti llH: It nt nr fll 's lengl h. nl ,," ·~ a rl'1I I: h Sl li ne s lnb wh ich h"lf hll l'rell
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!o g ll !n n nnr-. ln l gllmpsI' wlllli n. Me d' gf'r S::U'I~II to climb over, but the jUllc:e stout! 1I1 0\lr'nl 'SS. hrcll t hInt: hllrd, lils hnuII s gTlpped on the Siune. his e~' es glu rlng nbout Ihe oll<lly shup ell rooUl, probably Ol'lglnolly 8 cu ,'ern (MUl ed by wnter, hu t elll n ri!~d by th e efi'ol'ts ot nt~n. The whole o Pil 1'1111'· 11 I might hnve mellsun'.u (If. I('ell fe el b.v ten, burely hl~h cnnll!;h to stund ~ ...'ct In. t he wnlls \· o rleol· o"etJ nnd s purkllng In the rays, of th e upl!ftet.! lan lern. A.t the fnrther ex· t remlty luy Il pile of dl.'l)rl 8, s~ul\ ered roc k nn tl Il!l"'d red stone. as UWu:;" rf'~tlng Jll ~ t as they fell after on ex· pl o~l o o, lhe enLire end nlm08t l" lully cO\'l.! l'cd. Prnlrudlng from this pil e , clellrly rC"<lll led, now thot r.J ea~ c r huu founll footing Ins Ide, nnd held th e bI n zi ng wick hi gh er, was lhl? \\ hitI'. glta s t l~' skeleto n ot n mnn. his " .. n 'S sllli "uver'd with blt R of rnt:l:ed cluth . Cunght IIY u fullinG rnck, II I' ha ol I,een pInn ed th er e helpless uo11! h (\1, .•1. T ho three Ill e ll scn rcely gil \\' 111 1 l h l ~. or /:"ye It n Ulongh t. for th<l l'e, IlllfllPdill te ll' In fr unt. a OIl 1111 nbout t he nl .
cI~ wltII hln!-th~ the bH....,. baad, ·,Yet>
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DA .... QE ROU.
~itynesville, Ohio'
MA'( T Ha PI: \L'il OF
NIitional Bank
Dr. John W. Miller Den'tist Waynesville National -Bank .' ~I~g.
\Suye ' by lfU yiug in W~!ne8ville."
_ i
/1 .
i-v- . '
Grippe! I t is
plague whiGh
Farmers, Attention!
cJ::lim3 thousapds every season.
Farmerll of Wllfren .. nd ...(\joIDh~ couuties Dl"y obtAin mOll('yon 10111( . IIDe 10,.U>l 81 5 Yo % Int .. r e~l , <Joa\ of SPOUrlllJl t·be · hW" h. 1;ery '4I6IOn • • bIll, t,hl OU/l1t T he. F d".,,1 Land BaDk , For torthtlt Infor- m"uOD Clall o n or addrll"@ M C DRAKE, l'rea~. arer, phnUt! SIll-X , Lebanon,Oblo •.
will strengthen )'Ou against Orlppe, and if you have , bad it, Scott'. will re-
store your strength faster than any ocher medicine. '.
Loun ed on live "0011:" oba tte ls, Bleil ~t!oObll m o uH"II", N n'ee bonf( bt, J l. bn BarbUle. AileD, BuildIng, Xenia Oblo, , 1\'. '.14 .
S~~~~~~~~~~~~ FOR OVER 40 Y~ARS HALL'S CATARftH MEDICINE conBl sts or lin Ol nlment whIch QuIckly Rell"vos by IOC.II.1 IlPplkllUun, nnd tli. 1nterll,,1 M'Mlclne. [l Tonlo, which acta t.hrough the Blnod on tho MU~OU8 Surfaces, 01". l'Ilducl ng Ihe Innllmmnrlon. Sola bY nil druggist.. . .P, J . Cheney & Co .. Toledl/, Ohio.
1 dOlllen Le~ho rn Y8:l" ltDI JleDL 3 211lqllire of L Nlob01l!OD, • pbo~
d?y', W .. yntlllVllle, Uhlo.
W. H. MADDEN &CO. ••
0, '
Home Phone 2, CeniervllleEx• .
W AYDeavllle, ublo.
. R. I Red Cocll:et.l. tor lale. S• CInql1lre of Mrs. Joha J. Tbom ..
h C ~:, I. Red COOtl~~_I. ~~ ...., T .ey are flue OUM" b,cUr. D ". H;E. HAT HAW A't a. of J, U, WttyoetlvlU.,·Ub\o. •
. '. , lid '
And X-O-ORAPHIST . Ohio;
Waynesville, Telepnone 114,
O~FICE: ' BAl'HAWt\Y ~[;Dq, ON .MAIN STREET .,' .... ",
.u:.'wiN; . ""~ /II.
60cn> , 0109 ~ "
800. R . U , 4, W.ynenllle. Oblo. " cll~
.I______________ __ _______ ~_~
l' "
Wblte Leghorn Cookerel.. S: • o.InquIre of Mre. B. ·V. Sml'b. a.
Box 91, 'Centerville, OhIo
4111 ,t
m~D.&oe' repaired or reobtUKOd; toll work GOo aD b our.a' 'be Ralpb Miller BI.ok.mUIl sbop. 'flnney & tihu".; d111
" .tl~,
• ...0.- . •
and Trao'or. A utomobile!! ed, all klndll of
Get my terms for your Public Sale . I satisfy and save you mone~ o~ no cha[ge~' :l'
We ~ill take pleasure in supplying your needs
Give us a call
liafJlnlltoD, Uhlo.
Auctio'n eer
Poland China Ptl~ tor ...... BIGlnqalrl' of Suml Wll80D', N,w "
Foreat T. Martin
n" to I"~r n il th on!!111 ot ' \''' r~' I II In::: \ s,' ull ll'ru h"nd ~ nl "' r ..' rl "p. E\' cn K lI een, rC" ol"t>r In II lI nd, nn ll rnll~' nWllke t o lit e ~Inllt:~r or hi' 1 posltl!) ", plI ~ het.! tonl'urd fn r eD" ngh
Good Goods Always Please
I '
lire! I",' ok the" e I" I" , ('r lc,1 ' I,nll r IIlllln I'I)IIIIIO!; t"\\"I\ "(1 Ih e SlIn, x,'I I"'II : II lm oS I drn li n].: Ih e 1I);1i1. t h,' Ih, lnl ,m ti ll ' 1'I1'l'1o ' hll if WII,\' h()o r. ~. III 1 .... ... 11 II", hour IltltHI "",I :X II. will he (l nrrll )· "",,,, ell hl A neel, to ~P" . I,ntl l , .11 ... ...' I\' ~""lh In th e " .. 1'1h"rll hem l.
AlwaY3 carry the hest Lumber. Shingles, SBh, DJc>rs and Mill Work. Roofing, in fact, e verything, in the Building Material line
at Ctttllrr.h.
' 1\" . I 'I ~' , ·1.:oI -H " \1 I lw !. " "': ":11. ' 1\,
. I,
HALL'S ' CATARRH M'EIDICINE hila been us ed 8uccessfuJly tn tl1e treatment
1\'11 11 n wll leh II llt
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ca'1'!!.! rv· I' ve boon nftl!l' yoU mf 01..monUlS.;' "Good G-d I then you're not tbe 'P'rlsco Kid'?" ''I'm 1111 the 'KId' th ere ever wns," R ell een ndm llted carelessly, "11lat party wn s sImply mnnutnctured to c:besr order; here 18 where he ends his detl· )[eileen took th. matter Into hi. perote cnreer. I woultl hnve kept tbe .W1I hand a. . secret awh ile longer It 1 coult!. but PCI'"I'm tbe 'Frisco Kid,' " he annoUllce6 bnps It Is just ns \\'ell. Now we UD'e almly, yet wltb oDe hand restIng Oil derstAnd euch other, Garrity, 00<1 the lila pn. "You know me, and that It very best thing you clIn do \\'11\ be to . II all rllbt. I'm In OD th. deRl, tllat'. an S\Tcr my (l I1Ct- Uoos." .tbe only dltrercnce." Kel! een pau sed. turnln!; Quickly "Now, see here, Garrity," broke In over In h is Illi n~ whnt he hnll better Keairer If\l1IIy. "It don't look to me IIttempt. nt' telt 8 profound con· .. It there Will anytblng else we tempt tor hIli prisoners. lo)enl-ter, while . eoalcl clo. ' 'nIe 'Kid' Ir0t onto thll hlm- B physlcnl gllln!. 'I'nlt men lnll y no ~ w. both !mow he'. all rIght, and more thno R mere cowardly hrute; unci... thue eon"ltiona he ouaht to Garrity mi ght be tnlly dall !;erOI1~ h ... blli .bare. B-I.I It he don't. I Ily, trench eroul vlllaln, but physlcnll, bc!koe 'we won't an.y of UI get any. tIIere'. only the three of III anable to COile with hInt t or n moment'l Iert-llu:uel and Sanches ere both ant.! now' ullc!'ly cowed. Whll" be r e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Anel .ay. ". you know whRt .. ~. ( ...,. he believes thl. d-n less, li e certnln ly hno nothing to fco r. • H!ll nrst In tcullno hnll heen to bold 'tabel .. -J.'!Ib tann.n the cave. you mean r' "1m.; II. It', 'Ahllra'. Lost _ ..--4. b, G-d I man. It It Is, Iit6 I't,AIi er;; '1''' IIWWL .tt.. IIIQH If. worth mlllloni ot C!GIII.~. ~~ oilrdt)- !,Dade no responla. Relleen Atf/D LASi. ~ . Dot . dlacern the expreaalon of but wa. IUIIJllclout! rested threateningl y on revol ~er. 'The f ellow ". 'J.I~I'fo'U" uDlCl'Upuloul, ' mlilerly \ ClPIIIDIe ot any act to . Th'e re wa. aDI:' one
,\ 11
," I
~~tlOO~~kOm o~~h~w~, lips betore he cou ld ~e restralD It. "Deborab Merclllth, the \Volllnn you torced Into mnrrln ge with )'ou. But Garri ty lu;re hns been the e"l\ genlllR ot thl! horder for Ihe last ten yenrs. There Is no crime he bOsn't hn d 1\ finger lD. But no one coul d cntch hIm red-handed. Now rYe got you hoth-got you good and hnrd. I'm golng to brIng you In, dead or olivebut alive If possIble." "Wbo the h-I lire )lOll?" bnrst forUI Garrity, hIs tace bcaded with perspiratIon, "My name II K elleen, a cnptaln ot
: ..
h ood, Gn rrlf),1" he qu estlOIl CO 5 U U' denl y. " Six monlhs ogo. 1 snw him In Nf>o ou~h l r nr tc r\~llrl1. gnl es." "PI'!vOI 1)'1" , " VI'S ; we hnd some dea ls together nhout nTI th Is, 11lI1I!!lne- .,.".. , hefO!' '. " /:o lnf! t .. g(>1 Ito thr ,·ery hott",n of It " Pal(1 ~'n n (nr p!'ntPt't\on. did he ? hef' rp we "t'e t hwu!;h. nut JIISt now Whnt did he \\,nnt this tlme1" J ",unt 10 U ~ (! t he IWO of you . We' ll "Pro"1 Ions. T wos to I!et him out I1ml 1l 1I~ llelWleen U ~ jU8 l whnt Mllnllel grllh ot n ll; hl; I('n,'o It a t ft certain 111,1 It flv e hltlrt" n fI \~'ilY In till s halo. ~ pot. 'rha t ",ns a ll." Line up thcrl~ og~ lo st the woll; tncl! "lfe dl<ln 't t ell yon where be wns fll '''UI Ih ' othe r woy I Now list en : r ye hlcllng out 7" 1;01 hnllt /:uns. rn)' o\\'ti, nno! the one " 1\'0, but Ite hnd pll!oty ot money. (l nr rlt v thre w OW IIY : th ey nre cocked T didn't /,ret ntnr'h Ihformatl tm Ollt of nnll \\:Ilhln three fee t , of ynu r bnckl'. hlrn ':-'h p ever t.!id trus l tlllyhody. The I .'a u 't pn~s l\)oly no l s~ you. ' nnll If YOIl unn rrnn ;:':t'lf. scu tt 'fell In h cn p~. 1 ~' l n J: nmh orllics hall ru n hIm pretty close, mn ke ono mOI·e. px:ce[lt ns I rell YO \l, \\'Ill:ru 111t!l' Illul hCt!D thru wn t'urc-I reel,oll; nn~' how, he W(\8 nil alone. rill lIol n/: 10 le t «(rive. Are you randy," l e, ~I Y OV(lJ' thll t lI ul 'r hurrll'I' of ruck, not one of hi s !!nng left. When T " H <" HI~' ror whll t7" resrell Ih e mISl"f'lInn c(oUS "pvll s o r u cnnliln'I flnrl Ollt nn~' t hln !;; mo re, J got "Tu du us II orll!!r. All rI ght, til eo ; th oltsn nd rtlhberl es. th 'nc k of ~h!llJ;e r to corne up here." II 'ht thnt InDlol'n, Menget". Now chu rl'l ,,'s IIn fl tmv ns; JIII"('I" IUf'lI f rom "Aft r the old er Menser Wilt lhere Is plen!'), (' f IJ /:Ilt tOt· me to see \I'O,"I)o'R hlln,ls, sll \'er mil l !!I'lil. rich kill Col ?" )'ou hl' nl th iS 11I Htn nl!c. Move fo r· b oo t~· of ('I'l me Croln mldnl" ht r" ld ~. " S ure; Ihnt gll "s us n chnnce." wnrll slolwly--Gnrl·!t y. ,VOll k <'rl your nllli the humIn)! or c\1\t'!I-t h e 1,l tltl r fl " I see; lhe l," per s were nil In your hnn,l lin t Ito wall. IInll ~O ll , ~ I CIl /,re r. tre:ls ures ' of old Manuel (l(,tller.. lt t.nk.. 11 0111 f)t' O nr r lty's l(' (I\'c: n ow \\' US unbl!1t ' \'nllh:. , ta ,g~CI~ltl J!, po~s esslon; not nbo ,'o doc toring th'lIl, \\' ll:I t " 'ore YOIl ?" •1,,0'1 r,l!'!!"'; If you tl o Ir's ~ In'e faUlI. S\I/1'(' rlnl!, \I' I'llt II atll. Whll l 1'!·lIpl ll "n.1 "Whut t ho h-I Is t hat to YO Il "" U o .)n hi\\" , n ~t ep ut n t h lle." tOl·tll,·e Il id theso th ln)!s P! CIIII'P I ' An'l "Not 0 grent denl 10 me. p~ rhnps. 'l' l1(~,\' udnll w ed 5(lIne t en nr twelve w eH l t h-w enlf h! \\' )h,' t..'uuld t'\' P I\ l' 111 · hut of Sj)l ne IUlportn nce tn \I couplc ot stl Il~ (It wn n n op'nlnl( sr.nl'~ el)' whip c nll'le I[~ \'lillie ? Biooll st'll fnpcl. f'I'IIlI~' women I know-one or Ih em n friend I'n nul;lI fnr I h e t \VI) to l'IlSR ~I hl·cnst. Il'ptlen. th l' fl' lI its or II fr.l· yrtirR <If I!m-I IIf IlIlnc. Old Tom ~ I eni::cr left I\n Kcll eon's gll:r.e wnmler log f1 'O IU the III wry, hCI'o WtlS gnlh(m~ d, 10 "' tl' \'u ~ t im'lI l1!1 w idow, \\'lIom YOII folloW8 IIl1ve' l h n~ks of til ., prlsonerR' to \III ' !!ruy h ellil . wrll ith to ,"like th e mlnll of mn n I hell e" e, robhed system:.t!cn ll y, lind wnll s on pltll er ~ "I o. 'rhe lI!!ht flIck- hl'l I'IE'SS to g'1·,IMIl Its '·nl ue. then Ihpl" Is th e gi rl Dob f orced Into erN\. ),1'1 re l.'~ o l ed no 0lwnlng, unUI i ltl !'I'II\', "I~dtll! hi s lin ~pr" frllntln,n rrl,,",p. You rltrln't ~ It DnOS p. 1 Imew to tlt e vorl' enfl. nnll ft'Onted
: 1:1:-1 1
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rn:1II ....:IU ,:li tl nut l{'l\n, a W:HU UU !1(!:lll,d nlUlle ill lhe n lltl h ,m '\',
"I 've Been After You Three Months,"
:'Ih 'lIuC"r ' s
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\\"I~h ~ \111 I' \· ,'ry I lIt ;II'1tJ, ~:;a l11:lI'r!t·tI II~" ," lll ~ ll t o lbl'
)(rHlul!'lt· ." 111 It l0~t
"Anti leu\-,) you tree to ntllnler us bOUl- " " Sure, It I rlecld e It's b('s l. Ooly I rlon'l II sIIn ll y <I" hu slli esM tltnl \\ny. You ho ve hea rd ple nty or stories nboul me. hil I , no one ever sold I shol a mon treacheroll s ly, If yOU t\\'o piny square Ihere Is nfl dnnger; hUI th is Is a cose ot two pitted ognlnst onE'; el tll(lr olle of you would cu t n tllrOll 1 tor n O\' e-do ll n r bill. I'll gI,'e YOII a mInute-throw n\\'n)' th ot gun I" Be atood trontlng tlle", both, the two bctwE'cn hIm lind the sl ronge r li gh t. HIs tnce wns emotionless, but the voice s pcnkl ng wus cri Sp onll hnrd. The two knew him ooly 08 n 1I1!S(le r· ado, a I,order r enegade, n milD whose willIngn ess to kill hod been pro"en, There remulned no choice. GarrIty, gro:wllng torth nn outh, flun g hIs r evolver Into the dnrk corne r so vn!;;ely. "FrIsk him. bob; r m tnll ing no chances thiS tJm e-;-a knife, hey I Rather lin ugly tool, Gurrlty-do all judgCll carry t hem? Yes, throw It over there along wltb th e gu n. Are you sure that Is 1I11? Now, Gnrrlty, t urn about II .talr plO-Y: try your hund on Mealrer--strlpped clean, Is be ? Better feel lnalde Ills shJrt ; ImDgi ne be Is R prlllOner In your court. Good I Now, I reckon, we are In fair s hape to disenss busIness toge th er. F irst. gents, let me .ay thill-I haven't the sllgbtest objection In the world to killin g both ot you on general principles. I know your style, nnd I'm goIng t o make the present sltuntlon perfec tl y clear. Both ot YO Il ore <l-n rn senls, capable ~t IIny dlrly deviltry. You'd klll me In a mlnute It you only Il dd II cbance. I don't propose to glv (! YOt, that chnnre, tor I know whnt my li te Ii worth, nnd menn to protect It, I bappen to need you just now nll'·e. and, It you ohey lilY orders, nnd nn· swer my questions, you'll g~ nWI\)' trom here alive. It yo u don't. you'll be burled h er~o you get thnt?" "Vou menn to k ill us nnyhow Ilfte r you flnd the loot." j "No doubt tho t's ~'our hlen. Thnt II whot you would do, ond YOll lln\'c me ticketed In the sume clnss. Well, that doesn 't happen to be my plan at all, In Ole fi rst plnce, you've gOI me Inbeled wrong, rm not r ell il y lifter tbe loot; rill nlter yOIi. Do you gel Ulllt, Gnrrlty? Ueager here Ie j llst . o co mmon thi ef; he's a brute. nnd ther efore dnnl,'erous, but R <1-0 .. sneok lng cowart.!. All T cure pnrtl cu lurly obout him Is to snve II 1I'0mon-" UWhat womlin'?" . l."ne s urprlsed
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over Into th ll t cornl'r,"
-"11 Play the aalM," H. · Anaw.Nd
11 1111
Every Cold is ------- - Dangerous-. ..,:"::.: : ; I Begin Taking Father John's . 1:·:::'1" . • 'M.edicine. at
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IUIII 'he sumo, IIncon8CloUK 01 WJUlt 'II ~ dl\l. his lly' blu2.Jng with Hud'I \'11. Ilhcon l r tllJll blo maliC 'SS. d t a !!11 <I 1,lflI 'It O"\l r t hll hllITlor, f:lu hnd IpSt ull l'<lllll,'n, nil fl i'tr: wIth 1I mUll , Cry he j!'utherl'll up into hI s IIrms nil Iltll t hi' j'j'ulll grn"t>-gnldrn cr ud· Ux. ~J I"II .'d gohl!!l, II /:rl'>It "l iver II nl< Idlt le'I'itl)!, wllh I',," rls, II Je\\,elf'lI 1I0<l k l' hl" '. ln!! In I'hl' 1 1~lt l-I ' 11;.:11<,11 111(1' It
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model. De.!!' baUery.l.n good Iba~ prlU8, '260 B, M . Lla~81. R 0," WayoelVlIle , Ohio , . , , -dlD .'" \ • PD~m Roads'er, ':10
D 'Ire" I.nu
"r'red Plymouth Rook: ·~~I.r.; :' S . FI.bel 8'raln. Incl",lr. , of IIr•• ' MII~uberget. R. n~vllle, ,ohiO ..'
F . Ii.
D. · 6, Wit),... ,
d1* ~
G A Z E '! T E.... ReHeved of C~tarrJn DYe to 'La
lSSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY 8l01fted aC Lh. Pnlloo .ft c. at Wa,ollnUII. Ublo . ". fi!eCond 0 " .. Ma.1 " ,a'Let
D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publisher. Waynesville, Ohio Subacriotlon Price. $1.50' par Yf.r r-j:orellC;; ~~~.rt •• ln.J Repr~at!nt~t·I;. ·--· · ~ Titl;: .\M F:RI CAN PRE55A~ !iOC!,,"IO"
DECEMBER 12. 1923
-=--:::- .
Oeo. W. Da,,11 ohaperoDed Mr,. Women Oenled Solao• of Pray. ,., F j 'J~r06 " ,~w COll.)\~ QrC)\o,t h_ M.rtha na"ta, Mr• . E~a MoDonald 10 SOIllO Il!Irtl< or II, c \vo.'I,t III ' IVO m. A ,~h l d\, ;\1"11' 1" lrk citY hp nk ,., t~ IUIcl ~n. Obr. "'eloh '0 Lebanon OD !n ore nOI ev n ,,1l(\w,.tI to flI'IIY, Weclneecla" w'h ere theladiea aUeDd taln Rlntlu N\l1l1'rOJ1'1I110 nR ,It'll y O ll!'- ",,v "/lrr,,'~ II t'r'''~I'' NllIlIlI(llr mo,. 11'1Jt! r\ ~nlr ·o n c rll"(,8 rhl! tol ll l lieeel" W. O. '1', U. 1D\l8,lng. ",omen thl8 prl"l1 g~. nnd alfl(Ulgt ~t elr he r,". I'" III nil th .. city'S h.inka In 1841. OUf IObool obildren have been' Alous ot Jl1PlI1l \\'0111 n CIIIl pm" ,mh' .,.ry bu., $be lalt fe" daye selhnjf In "cry ro re (·n~,.s ,,~ i he (jeHU; Ie,- n'r 1 hf (ll'fl" liS In 'rw York ' hnnl(k In 1 "~ 11l·li Infnlf',l :!I2R.O(lO.0(lCI " ' '' PIIe Ohrletm.. leal.. Dwight Beaeon tllPlr II " '''·',,1. Io"n l,. ~:Irr l.,~ ~l I.O()O,OOO nf ~" "" ', . nd IOld hll lot of .ixty In 1el8 tban half !!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! h" ' j ,1"" of nhul ,' ..... , aD honr a~ter he reoelved 'hem. Sit 8bawban, wife and 1I0n8, Earl and J ohn, were !:IQnd.y gneata ot Mr•. I:!hawhaD'1I home faItH. Mr. aDd Mra. Ueorge Knapp, 0' Maine. FUNERAL D1R ECTOR 'litle. Winole , The Eye Sight Speclalitlt ----.~-.
Mr. aDd Mrs . Oillrepoe Smith ,pent I'borsday In the Gelll City. Mr. and Mre Ubal . E , John. were Dauon visitor. Wedneaday , MI sse8 Mlldred and Margafet Clark were Dayton shoppers Satur· day . Mra , R obert Bolel, of Cinolnnatl, -+-w-••tI·,~-ji~·l'J~~~'-J\'lr!!. Frall.&-Smlth, TU6sdIlY. Mr. 8nd Mrs. WlIlI.llDl Brown Bpen' Waynesville , Ohio t>unday with Fran ,k Woolley tlnd SAYS SAM: Mr~ . T au ra Bcrhe rick. over 70 family. in Day too , yenrs 0 , n,j'c, 1205 Willow Ave" Destraottvlorlttol8m haa I t~ nl .. oe, FuJly Eq uipped for Good Lebanon, Ohio T be little son ot Mr. and Mrs. lI'or Inllkanoe, hllve I rillM to /I~y Iln H obok cIl, N. J" writ es: "A sc,'orc a tt ack of L a GriPI)C left me with Eme rson tltClalr h .. ~ been qnlte slo& egille rot"n, even It loon ' t lay a Service. a hoarsc no ss and s ime in the head but IS reported better , .... fresh one myself. j and throat. I had chronic cat arrh. Large Display Room Georg e l:looU tell. Monday, wblle 8 : 00 a . m. to " p. In II grew worse, I could not lie down • or sleop at night, I was alway, taking down tobacoo. Inj'lrlog hie TELEPHON E 7 DAY OR NIGHT bothered by the slime, pain in the foot. 1::1 " Ie now 00 crutohe8, HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINE,D "Save by buying in Waynesville ," back a nd a t errible headac hc every Mrs, Chloe tildes 18 qol'e 810& w\$b morning. ltroneblal pneomonla. Mn , Gearing, Finally T hnugh t a bottle of o · Leban oQ. iH employed aa nnrae. ,was of great bonePo·r u· na w fit. It gan , ," hI ,od and st rength. Mr ll . Ch"rles\Andlereon and lion , ~~~~~R~3~~~~~ I ha ve 110 pains in head or back. of W"Ylltl8ville. 8p,e nt Tuesday of nor noises in th e hea d, Th e slime I.. st week with Mrs. Allen .Emrlok , has go ne and I ca n slee p, My C. A 'l'b omploo bas been quite ill weight ha s increa sed. I am cheerrul an d happ y. t h311ks to Pe-ru. na, the pb~t week wUb pnenmooia, bot which J shal! always keep in the 18 eOtIlllwba~ improved at .tllia "me, house and recommend to Illy ltolpb JohnH bill booght 'be fr iends," ~ruok Ilna 8choo l route of Charle8 For every form of catarrh P t ·ru·ha m ec:~ the need, COURh s, Ed warde and bl'gan ,be new job Wedn esd ay morolJ;lg . Colds. Nasa l Catarrh, Indige st ion, Bowel. disord ers a rc all forllls of Mr and Mea, S. EI. BaiDee, James catarrh. Baloe~, Mr lind Mrs. Walter KeD Buy it any whore in tablet or riok were Sunday g:ueatll of Dr ,'and liquid form. Mrs. C, W. 011 born I,D Dayton: '., Mrs. Ben Bawke and Mu Mar, Copss y /I &teoded tb,~ tuneral of their former n e l~hbor Abe. 'VV. C Welob, neul' Barveysburg lal' week. The Ladles Aid ule' Thnreda,. at· t ,rlloon at the horn,e at Mrl . rheo. Mr, C. E, LevlOY spent ~oocl"'V i BishOp, south of town. A ~o04ly <':lnOtnn&t1. Dumbe r W811 prellBnt aDd an InterMr. J , Ill. 8humakl'r ito qome Il~'er 6stillg melltlng resulled. 10IDe months In the Sootb, IIlr, I",d Mrs , Franlr ROlf ere, Mr Mott, ClioI'. of DILY'oo. Rpen~ . '801u,,1 tim tth aocl family, Frank Sunday with W , A. Merr." t and ::lm lt·h anu '/lmil.y lIod Nalhan hOlltb aUend ed 'be, tonerlll ot attn. famll,.. ' IWMbl'th Z" lIerll ilU Miami Chapl, "r8. Ro~e CIlrr h! s pe nding 80 mI' Wednesday . .. . • _ , . ..,.~' time with her Ron Roe lind tamll7 In -, Annie. the little daughter of "lh, Klmsls " Bnd Mrs,. G60rge Apple, la very m MrR . Ann" S,loMon nnd 80n <': arro11 wHb pneumonia and wa. salteD to 8"ent a rew dll71 III It week In C?I· MI"ml VIII ley hOBpl,-I, Monday, by ombus. Dr , 8 1a l( llI. Mrs , Apple ie with her ...l,·tfllJl'1 Mr. lOti Mre . Frank Shidaker and t here ~hi8 weak. Mrs Mary I:lhuwaker were KenlD Mrs , Ohllrles l{e18ey died 8unday vlshor8 Satnrday, m nrnlng Ilt her bome W~lt of Lytlll The W C. 'f, U, m eel at the .fcllr " rew daY8 Illness, No faDer. home of Afre. W. W . Weloh 00 la8' .. I arran6lements will be made nDtU. ,[hurBd,yafternoon . the rrrlv .. 1 ot her 80n Frank and Mesara. F. B. 8hldaker lind Evere' family trom Ft Worlb , Tun. - --Shomaker made a boelne8s trip to . .Wllmlnlhon Illst week ,
\" ''''
Thanks To
Walter Me Clure
• • ',
DR. E. M. RUDOIllL '
At Cary's Jewelry Shop
Every Tuesday
The Farmer Won't Be Fooled
Whateve r may be public opinion in re fe l'ence Iu II solu icI's ' bonus, whether approval spring from the wellin g of Io(ra liluul! in the Ame rican heart, or di!l8pproval cOllie fl'UIII clllin I'XUl llillllt iu ll of the country's finllnces, Senalor Smoot, who opposes I he Lonll ~ , is likely to stub his toe ill bi~ proposition tu meet the CJll crgcn('y by establishing a Halc.'1 t llX. An d he is not likely to foo l I hc farmer by alluding to I.is l> ropo~ed bill llli lin " expenditll t'e ta x, " The people arc IIlrea dy III :-.eo to dellth . The fanner already is suffering severely from hllying to pay exhorbitant prices for the things he has to buy while obtllining very low prices for what he hilS to sell, alld, unqu c!ltiollilbly a ales tax will not · le88en this burde n. The SCDlltor who admittedly is one of the country's forelll ost experts ill tux llti on, tri'$ to eross this bridge and 88Suage the fal'lacr provid ing that all expenditures below $6,000 shall be exemp t from the proposed tax, but it is difficult to sec how this will affect th ~ fllrmer any more than any other class of our citizens, The expenditures of the fanner a fact lire u~ual1y ou a larger IICftle than the expenditures of men persoilally ellgll ged in many other industries. Moreover, Senator Sm ot should J'emember if Ulere is one characteristic that stands ca t ill the Ir. .. n 'With the hoe it i8 the spirit of fair play wh it:h (lj wll,\'s L ~ l)(!llLq opposition to cl8ll8 legislatioD. The fanner's cry j ~ ! ')r a sq '; ;\I'(l deal. He does not IIIk anyone to discriminate in h is f a 'Tor. .'.I t he asks is that the goverml\ent shall not discrim ittllt e II ga; ' , ,, ~ mm. No matter how sincere the senator from Utah may be, 1t: il fanner will not silehtly agree to be placed in 1\ positiop W; J(,l'e he may be pointed ,to 88 accepting benefits \ _ IeI' a system of elaes legislation when he has coruUstently aud persistently pl'Oteated against this sort of thing. He knows, too, tlle ills from which he suffers never can be 1I01ed by any sales tax, and that the propoeed exemption is aimed only at obtaining his apPl'ovlI1 of a measure that will add a still greater burden to the Amel'i t'lI11 people. If Senator Smoot wanta to find a way to meet the soldiers' bonns problem, let him approach the task from a different angl e. The farmer ie opposed to a sal. tax, call it what you will, and .be won 't be misled by the eJI.e mption clause.
, '.
Twenty·flve ct108ftllllr egg!! laId 10.000.000 yeer. a,o have jllst '1'eIIcbed thl! rreat MetroooUtllU MWltum In Nel" York. Hero Is cold I.torage with a veogoooC8.
Advertieements are tl'1lde IInnooocemenls that effect almost eTery Jlbue and hour ot our UVeI. The toln who dOJl't read tbem 10fIe out to • fellow who doell. lie buy. better and coostantly addl to hIe store at ~wledie. wblch 18 education.
?Ae. RIKE-KUMLER,rco. Dayton, O/U·O
.. .......
... ....---
Silken U nderthings Gifts That Never Fail to Please ~
!:lua Whet@el and Mr, Joe Dav.!s who have been qoite ill, are vel.f mooh Improved. llotorcycle policemen sbould wear 1I01forllUl, The .tgbt or a unltorm Tbe lotan$ ohlld of Mr. aod Mrs· lItop8..,eedtng. That Is the aim of the law-not to trap reckless drl" ers Ed Lewis 18 in a very crltio.. 1 oondl , aDd pther In ftnl!ll to eue up local taxes. tlon with a beltVy cold, It alflY !atereat newspaper readere to koow that the book ot Mrl. Maretll& Carpenter 11 very f\'teren ce moat UMed In a . newspaper . 01llce I s tbe BIble. ~IIIIl)n poorly a~ shl8 wrtting. MI8S Amllnda ~In l!!l Eccood, wIth Shaket!ltellfe a clO,l6 tWrd. Once in a wblle we \8 8taylng with her tor a while. OM the COlVl'tl.rioool Record, Mr and Mr8. Evert Villare aod ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~? oouelo.of DaytonepentSnndaywltb Mrs frank tibldaker and molher Hr . and- re. 40-;-1.:- Kennedy '''rt·IlIGed their dllo gbtllr, MI!e Lilla, of she Slate hOHpUal over' the weekend. ' ,. Mr, and Mr8 , EVIlIlII Smarl and obtldrtiD, of Clnoinn .. U . .. peat the werk.eDd with W, A Bllines Ilnd wife. • ,I(criorlty Is the root ot all envy, The atrong oovet the r ·Sjlt.'ct of • , ~ tJ r~ uot tbelr eU\7, For envy Is the rebellion of ~ IOCO IUIK'l l'II L Mr and Mre.I!'ronk Sbldaker SPBOt OnCe envy Is perwltted to take root. it croi\,tla out am bltlon a~ " w''ell Thorsday afternooo with .Mrs . Mo. ;Is .II cultured plant. Envy benumb! and IItuplfte& determlnoli<m, It Klosey Ilnd Miss Lillie Nedrv, of , oonteealon ot deape.lr. It produeee Dothlng. It yields no r~ l l1 rn . Corwin , . ubwlt to It Is to bankrllpt endeavor. I14rs • Eva MoDoDald and Mrs. I.Jotred hoi tbe vlrtull ot tonIC. You can JlatUe wttb realBtaucc But Yar\ha Davli! spell t Jlltlt 'rb orsday " ,..,. lUJ's down all 8rms. trreeoncflable, It caDJIot even be otT" HoIed in Lebano!l attendlDg the W. 11. T . • 10 neOon. 'r l'e)! wbo are unwUlID&' to hear (IOOCl ,tidings ot a neighbor 111111 cnll U Convention. . J bappllleU oDl110 Iet\n« oUten dep~ ' to II le..el wIth tben ' el\'e.~ Mr. an',l Mrs. William Dilugber,y " t'Il tbe moel bopelee81y la.t to the work of the world. Their 0:0 \.' '" II and d~nghter, Maxine. of KIDSII ~ ~~slon 10 tuU ot co"arlUce that even they have not the COIlIi (h~nC(' t o Mills were vlshiog Bowltfd Graham (,cui, own it. '!'be weakplt aN reluctant to POII8 &II foes or clIlIr IlCh· ... Ilnn 'tamily " par~ of I ~8t week . ;': ' I'Y Ie a aecret vtco. l' pon all' 00CIl810ns that ooabt to elve htm pleuure tbe en\' lou ~ IlI nn Mr. aod Mrtl, Clnrence Allen and ,,'a rlllly pute Wmeelt In peJn. He cooY9l'bt wbat Mould be U(I"S rplI ' , son Preaton.tlnd Mrs Lml\e BinillD, 1,( . 1l a,eeret augulsb, ThOle tbln,. w~ give tbe blsbcat /!II ifr "I I " t~ ot Wayne8vllle wero olllllng on rei. ~ " other! give blm tbe Qnlckeet pan,., Tp hIm aU the perrc .10'" ,"I Iltive81lDd friends here Fr I d (.,now CleatulI'CII are odloWl.. Youth, beanty, valor, Inteeril'Y fiLIII WIS' night. 11' 100 are prO"ooatlOJlI for hie dlllJlleuarel; Mra. Clara Conner and Lizzie '1'0 be offended with e:s:eellence. ~ ~~, a man bec3u9Il the "" d d Lister have aooepted posltionll a' .' (, IrOV811 III but th'o' fatnt pralH of • ~tcbed lOul. , ' :':0 tnl ~~ to all good II ebyY that no man ean dC8ll\l,e it mOT(' f.hn". 'he Chlldren '8 Home, at Lebllnon 1lw wbo cuvlel ma.t. AI a to • drua he would rille IIbo\'c If II 6/lrl. Ella N olan bllS .. 180 been at 'be I" " o:ould and enviee no one 10 mach &II be CRll, boa e tor several week. ,i':nl'Y burte only the ~r. . Uke Ib IICOrplon confllled wlthl" a Tbe Ladles' Aid 800iety fornlah ~' '',o\p of lire It Btl nil' lteelt to d_lb'. \ , , /!"~ trDtlllt e?ldClloo of ebaraeter Is to be Without II touch Or en ry , ed lunoh at Mr, Webber'! ule last 00p7rtlht. ~1 JUcbard Lloyd Jooes, Frld .. yand 'Jleared a nioe 8um. Ou Deoemoor 18. 'be ~Ilme !:Iochlt;' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!"'!'!!!!!!'!"'!'!!!!!II!!!!II!~~!'!_!l IIwalllel.rurDl8b lonoh a~ Mra Chllder'. - - - - .-.-.. , Mr, Frllnii Barvey aod dllughter, Mary Loulde. of Lebllnon. Mrs Ulal II Baney, of Dayton . /lUU Charity Barvey, of '~l" pl ..oe speot 80Dd"y wllh BRrry tlhtd~k6r ann family Vhllrlly Harvey ILooompanled then' bome tor a fe'w d1lY8 ,
Envy is the o..or-Plate of Ignorance
Mr", A , f. Molar, Mrs. VllntClea· vf\r, Mrs. Willlon Rennett, Mra Laura tlbldaker &lnd Ida .Howe a' tended t.l16 l'yt hlan Slater Uon ven tton III Carthage 108t FrI,i"y . All repor'" 411e 'imR 1t WI4II tba Illrg , ell' cionve'!tl)n ever beld. The lad DeWII of the de .. th of Mr. ~Bmoe' 'l'oolter, 'of Kenla wal reo oelved . Thursday. Be w~s ruond ~ead In bed oq Thui-Iday mornlnll, hi" death doe '0 he/lr' 'rouble The fGoeral WIll he held Salurday from hll I,,'e h iIlD" :' Intefment 10 ijprlog. Beld 6emeiery · ' , -'--~-.~,---.-----
'Public 'Sales t,'
THESE descriptions represent but a very few of many, many lovely , things to be found in our G ift Stocks of Silken Underthings and Silken Hosiery .
Mrs , F'InDle l,)a,,11I II with her bolii9 folks atPIUllbDr" Pa.
Plain Tailored Vest
Pheonix Silk Ve8t'
A, B , T .. lm~ge .rnoked a load o f hogs to \he olty olle day la •• week.
A glove silk vest in the plain tailored slyle preferred by ruany. Flesh color only, Each U.98.
Phoenix Iilk "Cit with fancy drorstitch, F loah. orchid, nat· ura, peach and white, Priced 11.95 and 11.50. Bloomers to match, priced 13.50 to M.IS.
Oor 8cbool III IleUlnl ready for It II usual Obrlltmlle IlDter'-lnmlnt. Lon BraDnon, K: , E, Tbomplon el traDsac&ed bOllllaa. In WUmlo" ~n MODd .. y.
With Clusters of Tucks A bea uliful glove .ilk VOlt with oval .shaped inscrts of tiny tucks piped with orchid. The vest itself is IIClh color , Each M.9/j. Stepin8 to match. each
Mrs Luoy Logda~oo h .. bad a sllle of ber ohattel8 .nd has mo"ed &0 HllmlllOn, Oblo. , I
Hemstitth~d A tailored chomise of glove silk with double row of hem· etitching fit bottom' and bodice top, Each IS.95.
Ulure008 Allen and wife, of W.,.were Frida,. e"eDIDI,DIII" of 'be Terr, 'amtUee. ne ~ vl1le.
With Lattice Trimminll
Fancy Silk Vest
Rnber' Lewl. allld-family, of 'near Barvtivebul'g. wel'e Suuday IJ1lH&a of Lao BrllnDon imd wife.
Flesh colored vest of' glove silk. The lattice work of !!elf lll a t eri~ 1 and the shoulder straps arc in orchid , Each' S4.95. Stepins to match, each S5.95. Rikr- Kumlrr's- Steond Floor
IA tailoretl boc1ice ·lop V(' , t of lIelh color wilh ro w. ul I'ufft llg In orchid. Siles .lll. o 4 2. Earh, M .'S; . BIOOtlltrs to match, cach
Esq. Frank WIl.on, of Bar"e,8burg, wal here E!a,urday.""eoIDg greeting biB man, ' rlende.
Pretty Glove Chemise A tnilered chemiee that i. not wholly plain, for it is d~r.ted in front with lattice work'of eelf material. Colore. flesh and orchid. Each 16.50. '
Two·Toned Chemise
A very love I,)! glov.: ailk chemiae in flCIIh w.th embrOldei:y and piping in on:hid. Sial ' 38 to 42. Each 18.95. .
A, Dainty Vest A glove silk vest with bodice tnp. daintily edged with narrolV lace. Flesh or orchid, Each U. Stepins to malch, U.50.
J. Lee TalD!alle o.me down from Oavton tlatnrdll, e".nIDg, to 'pend tlonday wl'h hi. f,. $her and .moUler
Mri. Mar'ha Davil, MH. lI.ry i'dsnnon and daalhlefl, Bnlb and mennlO, were In WllmtnpoD Sa'ur. dIY,
Dr . W. E . Froe' .nd V J . Or.... well, o. Harveyabinr •• were, hue 00 bU81nesi lal' FrIda, morDIDI· All right, bOYlI, oome Itg.ln . • We are lorry ~ nport Cecil Vt). IIIr8 qnlte Ilok.t thl. wrllini. We .11 bope by tbe 'tme Ihl. appeara iD print 'haC he wllJ be muoh be'''r, and OU' of dauler . , Wnl Warner aod Wife, Earl Cr.w. ford and wife, III, II. '!:err, aDd wUe, Mn. Alice 1~err" W. B. Ter. ry Ilnd K E Thompaoa ••re iD Wayoe8vllle !M$nJrda,.
Hosiery of Silk or W 001The Always Acceptable Gift N never has too many hose, and our varied stocks offer many A WOMA reasons for adding another pair to the supply, Sheer chiffons, heavy
silks, warm wool ones, together with all kinds of hose for children, are her~ awaiting your approval and selection.
Wayland JordalD aod htl Ph.nD. log bride, of Newport, K'.'1 are llpendtoll ttielr honeymoon wlm ~lJI mother, br~tberB and Ile'er- beret lind of oonree 'he, 101 an old. fa~hloned belllDI.
Clocked Wqol Hose $2
Gra nite hose w'ith lisle hem. heels and toes, fine gauge silk and lovely quality. Black, while li d all shoe colors,
Full faahioned, all ,wool with embroidered clocks of contrut· ing colore. A good hoae for ••
Heavy AU-Silk H08e $3
Pheonlx Pure . Silk Hose $2
Wool H08e'S"
McCallum's ingrain stocking, '{einforced heel and toe, All wanted color•.
Thread silk, full fashioncd: mercerized heels and loes, Black, brown, log cabin and beige.
ShCft: Chiffon Rose $3
McCallum's "You just know . he wears them" kind . All pure silk. fine weave; reinforced. All wanted coloro. ,:';'.
Ephraim Donllp , • I'rleDIl mlnle'er of Loul."lIIe, TeoD, . . . a Sa&. orday eveninlgae.' of 'he MoRa, Broa On Snndalr moralnl Barold MoKay took him to Caba. OlIDtOD oounty. where he, wlU hold ••eriu of meetjo~. A. B. Talmaae., Who .parecJ DO palnR In expe rlme~'la. ,r.ah...,eral different nrletle8 0" cOm .hil aam mer. had them r . .D,l, b, Mr Vilies to aeoe, ..iD ,he bee, " ... rlety for 'b,I I' "011 : IUId·lomll.... AmoRg ~hOl6, pr,t!BeIl' _W4j Wal"r EIlI8, ' Mlltqn' mlrlo. Gear.. Dr."'1 1'.homa8 Rlob. E .-V' MaDDOD 'aDIl K. & , ,~bomp!lo. "
Full-Fashioned Hose $2.50
Pointex All-Silk Hose $3
Silk and Fiber Hose $1
rhe hose with the slender· '1.ing h",,!. . OnYK's fea,ture in heavy ingrain 8.lk, Reinforced heel and toe, Black and 'colOl'Sl
service. \
Plain an" hose , with . em." " broidered clocks. Seam up the back and shaped anltJe. •
Childr~nts Woo1.;,~~
lIose $1
Made to wear; heavy qual it y. llCamed back: shaPed ankle. All wanted colora, " R,;A:t-K~",'".!s-SIrUI Floor ,
l'he BUIY tsi\t' t!1't~a"r, IOtiOQ,I,ollUtll
dt 011 ve Br~I.I!!'!b:':.prtlllll
Sanla's' aid~d~-cainp ' these da)(5i
Se~ ~oee w~o can not, cOnv~iently, cpl!le in , to,' !I~op ;n \~,rcii\;n her !l 'lme telhllS her what you w nt, oell1$ ~very careful c;olol'l. S~e'll find iQpr ~u whet~e, you've seen It In one W~~~l!!. nel'.'• •!'Vices are times Wlt¥ut tharge.
• Mail orden are a'. .)'11 liftn our ~ful attention ~' IUnrthilnlr
m'a y.aend (or will ~ ,
fa you, postage . Mid by UI, 'a'lY"'bere
()n ' d~
Good Watc es fhe. hu rd
"UIl~ of s unrluy ~Clt
~ Co
\,\Iork In on .the rlY ~ r 10 ,m.rh An ex_ 'ST "ARY 'S CHURCH lent thlit It OYI'IIIII vpd liS bank>! __.__ _ • The rain~ Ihi~ winl er h8ye bl.'pn ra' 'J'hp ~"t1 ~un la v in Acl l'l'nt , lJl" '1 I' I I I 1\ "0 tht'r harel, nnrl th prc hils I1l) l h , ' (~n 1\ I '!1"_'I'rlde I) of W"vnt' s ille Council N t' . rem h r 16 t.; 1I1rt: I ~r ,(,(. " .,;" _ of A will have lin open meet0 I" ~ pit of ~n(l\\, ~~ yet a. II I.. ye niee and >ll' l'InUIl " t 1 ;, ,'. ;" f.( anel (,hrl ~ lllIu~:(lroKrllrn Ih,cl'm- YOIl Rrt' "" rdillily invitl'd II) a tt end 1",1' IH Th e Jlub lic is ·"diall.\" invi th t'~l' der vices .
Orm)"r f .
I'olillci i ..
MEl t-IODI S r ell "';a l.lmlh .. 1. !'l; l :, II.
in ~ "I 11) ;:10
m prl·ltch·
W,·clnt' ~cl lI !
u· m
;AN IMPERISHABLE GIfT ~l,~,~~,':'y;\'~ ~; ;:',~).; 1;lr:,',I':.hi,,~I.:~~'~~:,6J 1
- --
~ Yer.YlIlld)' 1" Cllrd..,ll)' 11l\'llcd
to theBe s.'rvict! Wll f' n 'you. makl! a Chri HtlllBA g ift f{ t! v.' 1 . A Was hbllrll. I'"" lor. (If u yt'lIr ~ t< ubSCrtptHIlI to the I _._. I Yll ulh'!1 l' II I1l)1llllilln YO ll tr.illk. of ! rRIENOS C URcti •'0 111';1 ' " of Ihe firs l I!r at ~hrill. lhut j Prof fi'lln. IIf Wiililillf.( IIIIl·. will ~o m e'l wllt'll th ll~e (jr~' holulay I~sues \ be 8lthe Il"riel1d~ chu rch n~xl S 1I1Is rt",pelled Anti r,' ''oI. lI .. l ""1I " re d b e r I"v. Hili j \.V ·,II nr" . . ny.U ecem •. , f.lC'1 I. ~ I Vlr.g l1Iort' .than I hot. YOll lire A co rdial in villltiu1I id extended to I{iving lhe assurance (If lifty. l IVO 1111 to ultl'nd mnre thrill s b,,cure Ih e capaC ltl(:~ of _ .__ __ _ the Kift are exhllusted . You can't !' Io that with U1IY gift that is made for immediate consumption , like candy or fruit Tod'ar it is h ere;
LllIt l
tomo,rrolV il. is I~u~ 1l1l1~ITIC1ry , The annual~':! lhe stockthe <';ompaI1I01. I~ rlllPerl Hhabll': Its hold e rll or the WaYlJe~v i ne Nlilional . hlst tas le,.a yellr frn~l now , \~rll oe B.. nk. for th e pllrpodt"o f electing aa app Pllzlllg It~ the flrSI on tillS corn- officer. f or the ensui n~.y('a r, will lie inj;( hriRtmas day . Y Oll C'In nOllJut hvld ut th eir bllnkillg r(.fomsun 'fUt's, yo ur monf'Y to b pt.ter use or udvan· d " J anua'ry 8. 1924. between the ta lle i r~ "~1ri~tma8 givill~ ,lh~n in II I h~~~~ of lllnd 3 p . m . · L M. Henderso n, Cashie r . s ubscrtptlon LOthe Youth " Compan-
Lower Priced Than Ever Before "'r8E many. desirable qualities inherent in the .1 Fordor Sedan commend this car to the consideradOD 01 fIVf!r'[ diacrimif)ating motorist.
Wbeo. in connection with theee
qualities, the low price of the car is oonaidered, the value of the Fordor Sedan bec:omee unique. In it you obtain. at the lowest . ~ oo.t • car oi.mug comfort. good appearance. and IiJih utility.
J. The Youlh'" in ~l !I:!.J. ,
('t\III"nllinll - fi~ j".
S ll(~'"
2. All Ih,. I'ClllUill illg
loDe We are well known.
The style of its appearance. the attractive comfort of its interior. are exacdy in liDe with the pn!IIeIIt-day demand.
3. The o mpllll ioll H IIllIl' Cnlt'LII!nr fu t· 1924. All fOl' $2.50. 4. Or illdttd r ;\1(· "II'~ i\11I/!,u:iue, tl l(' monthly uulliorily on fn ~hiolls.
""-cia lIN PorJ .,""" PIIrc1wu Plat!
y_ - . .., ... ear
ior. .
. Iu CDDveDient operation. de~dable performance, and
R ot h (lllhlicli t ion ~. ollly
Ol1P":\ I O~.
'rilE YO 'I 'll'"
Ci1tllIllOIlIl"('ttlth An. & Sl. I'lIul SI.
130 , AIng, . I• thiNt: 1I" ~ll ic m"p. tOil,
'l'iplions Received
The Wo rld' .. F'1l1ll0UMKit chen 'au· inet Orchcatrn. p lu}ed uy ~ iHters ~f I Ardll le R43ber cll Lodg\,. D~yll}lI, 0 1110 \,\IiI I play at Bellbrllok 'I'ow n hllll, . Saturday evening . ))ecl'mber 15th. 1===============::;= ' - ----I-
Th e La'teClaSSIle .n dAd s
, ...." ""''''~''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''''...... LOST
---....:...--- --
• - - - --
Bl..A CK IlDd T"o I:J tl und, wltb white ptrt pa
~ _'~ave hy
buying in Wn ynesville. " .
hrllHSt., IImn l\.
j_~'t~~r plea8e o... ttf~ t~:mCtl
The Show .Place of Dayton
B. F.' Keith's ,
"a W"POUI'Ib at.
TIM Nam. SOUDERS ..tabliahecl Ie 187, .!aDd ••• ~... for
Permanent positions f()r good men fohn Davey' s organizatio n, lJ'heDn eyTreeExpertCompttny, Tnc., has a limited number of openi ngs for ambitiolls you ng men between 20 and 30 years of age. Single men are pre ferred . These positions are permanent an d oller a lifetime o pl or tunity to men who make good. The business of the Davey Com pany app roximates one million doll ars per yea r and islimitedon lyby thenumber of capab le men who can be trained for responsible positions. . No experience in Tree Surgery is required. We furnish the necessary training to th e righ t k ind of you ng men. This training is v ery thoroug h, . embracing intensive work both in th e field and later in the class room. ~ Tree Surgerv is intensely interesting. It is profession al work of high standing and digni ty, and develops' a fine scientific knowledge that is in valu able. It offers robu!it hea lth-outdoor work in the frt:sh air and sunshi ne, with properl y Lalanced exercise_ It is the ideal profession for the young man who wants to get away from the grind and monotony of indoor work. I t is a wonderful physical developer. The pay is good at the start and the opportunity for advancement is u nusual. There is plenty of room at the top for good men. Work with the Davey Company offers' an unusual chance to travel and see many parts of this country, wi th carfare paid by the company from one place to anmher.
. For . Men
UaoIute MIIofactIoIa.
. i
Resources $15,000,000.00
$urplus $800,000.00
Over 30,000 Accollnts ,
Dayton. Ohio
. New .IDEAl.
LARGEST ARMY GOOpS STORE In The MIDDLE WEST. Army Good. and Men'. Furni,bials At 10 to 20% S.,.ina-I ARM Y S TOR E 17 Welt Fifth Street
Meate, Groc:eriea, T~ .. Cof:feea, Dried Fruita 111 s..llth Jelfer_ ~t. D.,..oo. 0. Cb.rl... LeJe"ne B. A. Barlow
NEW CENTRAL MARKET 34 S. Jeffer80n Dayton,O.
. We Pay Higheat Pric.s For Country Butter, £ggl, Poultry,
. Leadu.,
fu~er. at.
• ., B. ilDd
DR. H . H. GflOTH .h •• ~ci.lI.t I. P.I.io, N.... oua. Blood, PiI ... UYer. Cocatipallc.. SId....d Pri ••te dlae..... My V . S. , ..... St6ktllr• • Gle.t and W . .Im ... of loDe "Ddl... Coa'1I1tatlon froe from 8:00 III the moraia. uDtll a:oo 10 the • .,caln... iAChulia. "uaday.. 'lffic:e 220 W est FoUl"l..b ' SU....
Co J;:. SCH~LZ POI' ' ~
' ••
and Plunlblnc I Weal' 4th St. '
When In Dayton Pay U ... VIsit.
r-~-------~--~-l COUPON I
THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO., lac. 58 City Bank Building, Kent, Ohio
' om interest..! in your off... Please send me by I"!!Iut"n mail fuJI information concerning the wotk of Davey Tree SWlI""ns and also • Quali. fie.tion Blank. •
N""le .,. . . . .... .. ..... ..... . ..... ..... . .
EY~ry Ni.ht Eacept Sunday .Dd Mon da,.
The celebrated Greystone . Or~heltr!l . Marion McKay, Director FealuriD, ~
AI "Rag," AndertoD ,
We \'Vill P ay Your Railroad F __ 'With Purcl\_ of $20 or ove r.
THE FAIR - , STORE . Ladle~" M';n'. and Children'. ,
I I ,.
II1-..:.(Pleale Address ... .. . . .... .. . . ...... .... ... . ... . : I __ _ and _ add,", _ _plainl, __ _delay} _ ,--1I ....' .. prio'_ t naqa.e to _ !'yoid
"Save by buying' in Waynesville."
Come r M.in a nd Second Stre.ts
'Only a limited number of good men can be accommoda ted ench year. lf you think you qualify- if you are looking for interesting outdoor work with a real chance for advancement- it will be to your. benefit to act p romptly. Mail the coupon to us with your name and address and we will send you fuU information together with a qua\ificiltion blank. . . .
For Sale By All Grocen Ro,aI a_ed1 ucl Extract Co. DAYTON. OHIO
Mail coupon for details
tOe For a Bo~ of U'; DO
Only the . finest types of clean, red . blooded young Americans are employed b}T the Davey organization, and on ly young men of th is kind need apply. A high school education or its equi valent is desired. We also require fully satisfactory references as to honesty, dependability and willingness to work.
Regardless of the make of car you have. if your mlltor needs attenti< n, your batt~ry, your generator, starter or' ignition need!! gojng over bring in ' y·')ur tronbles and let us right t he m for you . With long experience 10 this line of work; we will be able to give you s~tisfaction. We test your batteries and put water in free of charge,
Reiley.. N..ralaia, Earache, H":.<I • • eIl.. RbelllDllti.1II, Lumbqo, P.iD of all Id......
TIM... ia abool"telr
fo r the /ascin.ating profession 0/ Davey Tree Surgery
of the fln_ Quallb' ...t11 be fItted to "OUI' ey.,. with LeM_tI'ee'". d_p cu .....ed ~ Complete folt
' Silv~~rware
Young men wanted
WH OLESALE AND RETAI L iSS South J offerso n st.
l'HE CHINA SHOP For China and Glassware
Coatiauoue Perfo~nc:e" 20c and 30c, EveninB 30e and SOc
8 Bil Vaudeville Act. and Featl~re PhotopIa,. .
Fine Jewelry
~~~,~"~!~,' ~,~,rl~~ R~VER OUIJ J BANK~ O. Of A. TO HAVE
the Eaa~rn Star lodge FridllY even IDIr. December 14t\l. Installution of officers. You are cordially inYit ed .Ant. to be pre.... ' Laura McKinsey. W . M . Soe Hawke. St'c'y
OtJTF.~TfERS . 21:1 &: 3() E ast 5th St.
,.IlE TO
--- _.- ...--NO HUNTING! Wtl the following farm owners ' (JOsitlvelv torb,l d any hunting or trapping' on our farms. Any viola. tion of the same ~i11 be prosecuted accordlDIr to law and to thu fullest extent. . Ed ,Furnas, C. E. M.lchener The 'Van Tress Farms ' Rabut Patterson Farm ' Mrl. Caroline Roaera ., ~eo. Gilliland ' \ M_tUIi Gone
Loutl FiJ'll " Dan PtiOrgl D
F. A. JIld I. A. Rart:aoek ,.,...- _'M.~
Ten th .Commercial Club's .SpecJal Edit ion Seventy-Fifth Year
"DECK THE HALL'" Buy Christm as present s ot Hyman
D. L. Crune was In Lebanon on
business Thursda y .
. Dr, Farr £pent Sunday with rela' tives in South Charles ton. J. R. Coleman wal qui.te siok last well.k but iii very much better, Gordon Joy ie quite sick, having suffered a slight stroke of apoplexy. Mrs, Hannah Antram had a severe heart att~ck last week but is better. Mrs. R. G. CroRs and Miss Lill Benham were Dayton visitors Saturday. Elliott Wright of the Univers ity of Michigan is home tor. the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell 101tended State Grange at Toledo last week, Born- To Mr. alld Mrs. Elswor th f. Biggs ot Cor~in. a son . Robert James, Edward Burton has been out of school a few days with an ulcerate d toot!t.
Whole Number .,6573 ,
.., t
MallY , nati on~ have Christm as songs, but the gay cawl is fOllnrl principally in the British 1 ~ le8 Bffore these island people were Christlanized they had a mid-win ter fe~tival called Yule which was a sellson of. merry milking . Sonas were used which not only called forth lusty rollicking singing bULlIlso stim ulat ed dancing and frolkki ng . When Cbristia nity WI'S I!stablis hed in Eng-I land, the missionaries instead of at · temptin g to suppress t.ne caruls., which were the pupular lIl usic c. f th e dRY, encourol{ed th ei r use with th e new religious iliterprt:1ati nn of Christm ss. Frequen tly the leXlS were slightly chunged ; or even en· tirely rewrl lt en ill order It) preSt' nl the Chri811~n ielea, but orC8siunaliy, on Ihl! theory that "a principal point of charity, it is to be mArr y." I he old 6Bgan eongs were preserved in their original form a ..Deck the Hall" is one :>f this l,lope. It comes trom .Wales that hmd ot hearty singirig . [ t vivid Iy picturell the household prepara tion for the joyflJl feast, The famous Christm as puddillil's mingle t1~ei~ odors with .t~08e of the fresh ever !treens of holly and mistletoe which hallll' in Il'arlands to ;'deck the hall," rhe kitchen and hall rin g \\lith the lIOund of happy vQices At midnigh t of Christm as Eve the Yule log, dec-
k§ lIU ll£ tb ANGEL'S SING
--Charles Wesl ey (l707·GG ). you niter hrolher of John W.esle y , the. fo~nd I'r of (h ~ MethodI st denominatIOn, Ehare.s WIth Isaac Walts. the honor (I f helng the greates t produce r of hymns. Wesley is cred i.ted with the authorsh.'p of. over SIX thou~and hymns. includin g such well-known favorites as .. Love Divine. All Love Ellcellin g" . 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today" . "Jesus, Loyer of My Sou l", and" A Charge to Keep I Have." While hi s hvmns have been useti by many denomi nations the only one printed in the hymn book ac companying the .Church of Enll" land's Book of Common Prayers is "Hark, the Herald Angels SinR." The original hymn was publish ed in 1739 and has undergo ne many chan,,es In the hymn book just mention ed. Thl' music is by that distingu ished Jewish composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809 · 1847) and h( nce was written long after Wesley died. It is an .apt setting for the text and raises to a high point of exultati on the Illorious snng of the heavenly hosl.8
9AR6A 'N'!01
Hark! tile herald angels sing Glory to the new born King; Peace on earth. and mercy mild,
:::~~~h:t:i~~!!:~;r~~n~~:~cr:8u:I~~, PRACTJGAL EXAMPLE 'Of WILL PLAY FIR~T . 1
ODITUARY~ -- ~::f~~~I~i;:~~ti:e::n~i~:~!
h U Join the triumph of the skies;, Born-T o Mr. Jlnd Mrs Harold Burge Dt!cember 12. a daught er. a:d mIddle of the room . l!:ach one pres_ Edna May. In the early mornin g Sunday Oe· ent was expe ted to Bit on it and . camber 2,1923, Mrs. Elizabe th Zdlers Harkl the herald angels' sin". Cbristm as Cigars and Cigaret tes sing a Yule SODII'. Certainly one that Just an I f I f h Th Ii at Gray & Bouan Barber Sh op all d .t hey . tro II d l II slipped away froID' her bod" of suf. Glory to the new b,orn King . • ' influ e ex.amp e ust y w.as t h'IS carol be- ing e 0 M' . t Ie ar rene e lTst ce t th . G Clirar Store. . ba sketball game _ so f th e f ering and entered into a I ho ' loved of old and y<lung. f Christ, by highest; heavim ·adored ; La.t _eer. so laml season WIll be played a " k we hed In the new a snmet mg or h eaven reet. . me 0 Christ, the eVllrla8~.~Lor~; F 'd Mise May Wright Bvent la8t Deck the halls with bough s of holly' other In the paper about the river onT rl ay Dec. 'Ti Eliza eth C. Smith, eldest daugh· Late in time behold Htmi,come. h b . II .overfl owing it's bank' and reluark ed I' d b' in Lebanon. the guest of Mrs . Stallwo games Will be ter of J. G. and Julia A Smilh 8 t e season to e)o y . was Offspring of the Virgin's wOf1lb. a ley &.IlIers. aye el ween W. H Sand Cen. /J . Don we nO~\i our gay apparel , • • thllt as yet a skiff ot snnw waR a pterville . , Veiled in flesh the Godhead see: H S Ad . : '20 d 25 orn near Sprmg Vall\ey, Green Troll the ancient Yuletid e carol, ' wanting quantit y . Thursd ay Hail the Incarna te Deity. morn If the gym 14, ]852. Mrs. Cynthia Evana was operate d Fa la la la la. inle before the old ga s ellgine twd these II'II01e9. annoul) cement Pleased as Man with man to dwell; will be tin V. Zellers Fe::~;ag~to Mar- Jesus, our on at McCJelland's hOBpihl, Xenia. COO.IE1d off. came snow -snow in great made through the school children Emmanuel! T th " h whIte flak ee-a real wimer Ilnow ' Y , 1876. _ _ _ __ • $ee the blazing Yule befNe U8, last Saturda y. '0 <!lr ome came twu sons and :)trik.. the h.up and join th .: chorus, No..... the fact that it snowed on this two daught ers. One son in early Mild He lays Bia glory by. Cbrlltm 81 Claars in boxet' of 10's Follow me in m..,r,.y meapu re, particu lar day mas' be a mystery to Born that man no more may die. manhoo d and one daugbt er Bome but we know. early Born t,) raise the sons 25'a &Dd 00' at Gray &: BOlran Bar; Whll!!! I tell of Yu 'e-tide treasure ' womanhood pa88ed to theh Great of earth. Old Mother Nature is a 'very bu~y ber Sbop and CiJl'ar ~ture. ~'a la la la la . Born to give them eetond birth Beyond . lady, :ihe control s the weathe r in Risen with healing in His winge, In t.heSpr imr of IP13 Mrs . Zellers many ;ones and hemisp heres and Mise FI08Iie Fires was in . Cincin- Fllst away the old year passes , was hereave d of her husband . Mni. Light and life to all He brinRs, also the ' ooeans and lakes. She nati over lbe week-end the gue.t of 118i1 the new, ye lalls and lasses. Zellers, wbile not a membe r of any Hail, the Sun ot Righteousness! SinJl we joyous all togeth er. il! RUill.y of turninll on the rain in M 1118 Mari" Shutts, . cburch, was a true Christia n, quiet Rail, the heaven born Prince of 'HeedleB8 of the wind and weather, some localities and forgett ing to The commu nity meetin g for the a.n d retiring in disposition. She Peace! was (urn it off. cr ·visa veraa. We have opening of the new gymnas . Save your old carvets Ind rug Fa la la la la . . ium has a loving and devoted mother . She deducte d Ihat hhe has overlooked been postponed from Christm ... ...- - and Iret .. Wearwe ll" Ruge made. as Eve ~a8 never happier than when doing Waynesville in thelpre-htlliday rush to New Yp.ars night. Good Send for price list. Frankli n Rua speakill g for others. She otten spoke of the and tailed to send u nice snow to and music has been arralnlted Co,. Frankli n, Ohio. and the loye of her children and of Iier give things a holiday aspect. ' full prollram will be announ ced next brothor s; h .. ~ that she was always Judge: Wrilrht. Sheriff Brant and week - - -_ _ _- W. C. Thompaon were In town Fri things ahe . has fllad the Miami day on official bu~ineas. to her Heavenly home ane might go _ Ga~ette henre her. .attentio n · wall ·quickly . ana not have to linger. Mise Edna HOWland. of the War- called to all olherwlsf,l neglec ted See our windows for your Cbrilt· She was "chll.rt er membe r of the Postma ster Hartsoc k has received mas Gifts. Gray & BOiran Barber ren County Normal Depllrtm en t, duty, her duly to Waynes v ille. J local lodge of WI!! recently awarde d ber stale high the 0, of A, She alShop and Ci!tu Store. notice from the postma . . eral . ways remaine d loyal to its teachings . to lhe effect that the ster'gen ~hoollite certiflc ate from the State Note-r hls ma) be bunk, In rural malle part, . , Sbe leaves to mourn their 1088 a shall not be delivered on Christm as Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Colo. Mra. L, Boar.d of Educati on. Mi88 HowlaDd' s but we must fill ·somehow. . r -- - Ilon. Will Zellers of Cincin nati,a Day, therefo re the boys will A~ Zimmer man anlf dalllrht er were wide experill ce in teachin g, tOlCelher . not ero ~ -- • . Lytl~ is waking up to the re~li~a- daught er, Mrs, Margar et Hammo nd out. The lobby will be open aU day D&3ton vialtors Sa~urday. wIth sp~c Ia I. 1I\'0r.k las and two grandso ns. of Dayton , tour h t he IIllS ta k d th I d' I' I tion oe a relll Christm as and Ie goil11r from ~Ime to time, ellabled her en to an e genera e Ivery to have n commu nity Christm as tree brother s, Frank. Cbarles and ndow ' Mn. Will Myers of Ridaeville. be' th, e"recipient of this certifira te. Samuel will be open from 9 to ten wo'clock . . !It L) tl" hall next Saturda y even in"'. Smith of near Waynesville and Will for all who willh to call Ind .• 'le vlaltlnlr her dauarht~r Mrs. for their • Smith, of Indianapolitl '1 December 22 Christmllll caroIs will Norman Coales weat of town. . -.~ mal . rs Maude Adlim~ Drew died at be sunK with the IE!ader. MIllS Thou ~rt gone to the , grave: but we t he bome . of hel son. Jos. Casey at Margllrt!t Clark in cbal!te. FrilDcb and Italian Briar, Pipes for The ' WIll n~t deplore thee; Oayton, Sunday . The funeral wil speak'!r oflhe evening will he Rev_ Whose G~il wa9 thy ranlom, thy hie Christm as Gitt. Mc each . lJray b h Id h I ' J C ... I e ke alt t e 10m 4ls Bogan Barbet Sbop anJ Clglil I e ~od8.y at 10 0 IR . S~ttlllzel' palltor of l.yt!e church. He guardIa n and guide. gave thee he took thee lind he c IOC, nterme llt II MIamI cemeter y ev. ue coml'3 to us hIghly rt!cStore. will restore thee; ~ hout no ~n . o;nml nded lisa speaker and lecture r And death hilS no sting. for . the SavThe tollowing was received at our of great ability. Everyo ne should Lou Seara:a nd ,.mlly .of Jeffe....n· ior has died and now Iivea. AlIDa, daught office last week, and is intende d for er of Mr~ lind Mrs. avail themsel ves on thl. occuio n to ville, Ohio. and I1.oliilli·irea, 0,' Ro.,!lte A Friend. The Gleanllr, the High Schlol pa- Geor6Ce Apple. of near Lytle, our town. It reads: "The city's latdied h~ar him. ' I. spent Sun!lay with Mr, and Mr'W. per, ... - ••- - will be out with their Christm a.s 31111day lit Miami Valley hospira est mayor extends to you th aea· l The tree will be placed I'n tb'".. ball Elvin .Flres.. Ca t w~. Tak , ng MuSIC Le seon. ., . number J4'ri1ay . Tbis n\Jmber ' Is l'he funllral son's greetin gs and wlsh~ you a wus held at Zion church and regardle se of the ""eathe r. can One IIIOI 'III1 I~ \\·Idl<· ;\u ., n In IIIC \JaB&double tbe 8iz~ of the regular ed;. rueiday afterno on. Interme most happy lind prosPerClus New nt in be enjoyed . A treat fOlr ali cbildren Delli I h,," ,.d S""l eull Smokin g Tobacco In pound ' and lion, .a nd c plnylng Ihe is full of tood thin~s from Zion cemete ry. Year. Freel Kohler, Mayor, Cleveof the commu nity Is b'elD&' prepare d Iinoo. «nowlll\! IllY tlulIl1hler half pound cans for Chri8tm88. . h f tb t d t hnd left did t e penll 0 ea u 8(·h..ol, I uill n(lt Imow what to land . Ohio,: • - '" Gray &: BoRan BRrber Stlop aUd CIan severa i ff trent commlt teea are 'or The .Gleaner will enbe8,'0'0 sale at hI k T ti • k' This was very though tful oflMay or • . t' pr Store. '. cvero. of It. II sULInuec\ like someone ., ' rna IIIg fi na· I arrange menta, .These "as0 tl"'lo" \I) 111 11" Ihal did not koow 110m!! 0 f th Adv.-"JI :"w .'I~";t , e d own s. t ores w Ilere pa t • nl li'Qmcs fot '-(\lIt. comm i tteell extp.nd Kohler. and we 'trust that he will ., ' " to , all a heartr )OW, I lI' e nl u l '~ lItll '~ LO lu,·eSII "lIte, ObJeeltheto no180\II hoys." We'd hnrdly rons 0 t be se h00 I 'Can secure a uum- call rule the city of Cleveland in a little ..rU5eals J tbot.-Bo eton welcome to attend this commu nity " ber. IU<l 011 urI'l"'")! 1 '(01",<1 the CIII jump"'I meetinll. . Dl: ar"llDll '"' tlJe key .. -Cblc~o thought ful manner . ..... D8cr .pt. 'oomlt t.
~:.:~I P;:~:~i~:d 0~18~:~1l~;1 b~~I;1 GAZETTE'S INfLUENCE h~zette.
~hi;~tt~~ :~~:I;~ ~:~~fe~o:!;~m
'OUNC ,. ' ':
~~!ts~~~ r:~~~ fo~ ~~~~~~ ~~::ci ~~Ptemb?r
~\ARY' S ~'UR~~
Sr, The 4th Sunday t ,. Advent . December 23 . Church lchool, at 9:30 a. moo se rvice and seiwon at 10:45. You are cordially in~ted to attend these ae rvices " , The annual 'Christmas festival will be held on this day. during the reg· ular 'Sunday.School bour " ~ METHODIST CHURC H • I Sabbath School, 9;15a. m. preach. ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednesdayevening service, 7:00 p. m. Epwort h League 6:15 p. m.; preac1ling at 7:OC p. m. Everybody is cordiall y· Invited to these service. .:.~ " Rev. I . A. Washbu rn, p,astor.I ,.. ,
. ..
O. W. u.. CLU8~
TO BE' fORMED . 1" , 1
Gardne r Townsley, ;~itor" of the Western Star. has plan., by which an o W. U, Club for Warren County will be formed. There wUI be Ia meelinR for this purP9~ ,~n '; Frld$y eveninlr, Decemb er 28. 'wb" Prof. W. E . Sm~ser, d~n of ,J~e eoll• • and Berman Sblppe". the Alumnl secreta ry. will be at Lebano n to. ,~t. tend this meeting . · Every alumnu s, etudent ~ fdrmer student will be lnyited atUnd this meetinJl , The alumni a,d sth· dents from Wayne toWoabip~ are .. follows: W. H. Allen l '~4-'7., Mra; Kennet h Houlrb '20, Hnten lI (Ha"ke '14-'16, Edna L. Kel.y~ 'lo.:·Ie. Mr\.. Frank LeMay '16, Lewis A ~ W'~ burn .95. G. J. Waterh ou" '~l.~ ace F . White '00. Dr. ~ .a. Wit..... '116, Robert Vander voort '28.
t' .
-----_ ..---
WAS AWARDED m~~ii:t~i~~UI~~~a~~ i~~:C f~~e o~~ LIFE CERTlflCAlE I
:::::~h: w~~~i;ha~o:::~ s~:ew::;
---_. ..
i-..... ... .•, ..........
. ---- -- -~ ----
---- - - - - ----,-
' ~-
. _.
Wllt ·,
HAVE BI·S.SHOO' The WayneSVille Gun Club, will hold a big sboot at their ra~8".t Oakdale park. Monday Deceintfer 24 . Several crack Ihota wlll be.~re;to! take every tbinll In sight. J'here will be lIhoot q for turk8,. , duckl: chickens ant:la y bird~. WI~ ,if' the old gUD d come out &D1I' trl, for BOrne of i tropbie a: · · .
••- - -
ELEVATOn.~A8LE:t~80K£ : t
Mrs, L . .A. Zimme nnan alitida.ullh • • ter Mary Louise came 'near ijetll~ · .'•••,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ._ •••••• •••••• •••••• s victim. of a bad acciden t In DaytOn:, Saturda y. They were · In tbe "t!l!va~ tor at Elder & JC.hD80R~S stom 'wheD .• betw~n the third and:~~ t~n ! the cable broke lettllili' 111. ele"tp rr' . tan to the b8Mm.n.t,. ~ lamp\w;.a , lIhatter ed and ' a poft ~ot it -feU iI.' Mn. Zimme rman's head; .duiDa er, · ·· for a momen t. All t~!. ~m ":'. were badly jarred, ',.Ii' . " ,
. i ...... ...... ... ~ •••••.• ~ .....9 •••••• ••••• ~ •••••• ••
i ,~.~~~.~~..............!~~.~~..~.:~~:.7 ~~~~.~~~~:..~~~-~~ \
- - - ,'o.,: r'/
Tbe pupill of the bplldlq will.alv.e..a.....Ch rl.tm8 l;eqler tailn_t on Thurllday &Dd Frida, .afternoOn.. December 20, and 21. . . ~ .... '.' . On Thurilday at 1 p. m. the 1prlmary gralles 1 and 2 alve a sb~ Christm as program , to wblch _ parents 'a nd friends of t '8l1ttle'fblils ire invited. Followirili 'th~ ~II ~ the last rehe~r981 of the o~rettl!. "The Miser's Dream," 'under Ithiii\. rection of Mr. Alfred Walki.n ,. ':', The operett a will be rendere d' OD Friday at 1:15 p. m. tJyel'1 ~,.~ cordiallv invited . No admilal~•• ·•
. . . . . . . . . . . . ..1
• •_ .
LI e'"
, I
) ' ,~ I~~------~------~~--.--' ---------You Know You've' Got Do t .
Dela I ?
See and Select Today!
Last call fo r Christmas Shoppers, Christ mas is oll ly 5 days away. We zl r ready to serve your needs . We hav e everything for the smallest 'child to those of lUa t ure years.
--------~--------~--------~---. ----WATERMAN'S IDEAL CHRISTMAS C RDS
FOUNTAIN PENS .2.75 to $10.00
Whose clmls are the briKhll!st a nd ca rrv m o ~ l chf'er? Th l' answt::r is "Gibson' ,, " We {'arry thf' m he r p.
An Appreciated Gift
5c to 25c
Sample items to fill an UIIortment, or bill equ ip ' menta in eases if you
, Mc to $9.00 The pIck 01 Good Gifts for
Pleasing Gifts of Perfume
75c to $3.10
25c to $5.00
a b(1x .
CANDY fOR CHHISTMAS That q uality , t hat package YO ll know she
Candy thal can'l be beat, either in price or quali ty.
wants .
_2_5_c_t_O_'_2_.2_6---!:...-2_5_c_t_O_$_6_.00_-=-_3=5=C:;.to $5.00 Bring In your Dr. Hess Coupons. , Is here.
Your Sample
Oxley-Pace Drug Co. Store open Evening!!
Tne ~2?C9.a Store "Sa"e by buying
ne yl a hristmas Sale, Sa
frol11 5c to S15,OO- e\'erytlli ng is wa rraIl tcd . What is the matter with getting HER a "Claxtonola" for Christmas? We have them for you, either for cash or easy terms.
"'(1 uld I!iv c the
m en CIGAI{S , we'l l help you Hele t IIII'm ,
Bill Books Bill Folds
ee our new display of ] , we lry,
~&: WIFE, Waynesville, "The Store of Better Values"
Ton Reduction . --z I MMERMAN'S-Christl10as Candies
On Home Made
Sale commences Satw'day Decem- \ ber 22nd, and lasts till supply is sold or we, have invoiced same. We are getting ready to invoice and this feed has to be moved so we are giving you the benefit of the extra handling charge. This Sale Price Reduction good on any amount.
.~ ,
~------------------------------------------------~' c· jI,
ALL KINDl)'-15C PER POUND UP Sweet Florida Oranges. Large Juicy Grape Fruit. Large LuciQus Grapes Fancy Layer Figs. , Package and Stewing Flus. Large Black Fard Dates. Dromadary Dates Fancy Bot Apples.
Cala No. I Soft Shell Walnuts. Large Brazels Soft Shell Almonds. Pecans-Mixed Nuts. ' Peanuts-Shell and Salted. Fresh Oysters. Large Red Cranberries. Lettuce-Celery.
. N~W
,_. -j
by buying in "Waynesville."
25 and 5O-An Ideal gift to Dad, BrothCIGARS-All kinds In boxes of 25 and 5O-An Ideal glf tto Dad, Brother or Sweet Heart. , Everything good to eat for that , Christmas Dinner-Leave your order now for your Oysters and Dressed Milk Fed Chickens. We wish to thank one and all for their generous patronage during the past year and wish you a , '
Me n
•, , TIES
~IGARS-AII kinds In boxes l)f
We: wish you an ,old-fashioned Christmas with old-fashioned greeting and happiness to go with you through the New "Year.
~~~~........- ..... ~---~~::~~
"Save by buying in Waynesville,"
in'!..:.:W:.:a.:.:;\"n:.::!es~v!!!.ille~._ _ _ _ _ _ __
The stores are chock full of seasonabJe and suitable tak ,! advantage of this wonderful array of mercl
"Save by buYiI!g in .Waynesville."
For Saturday and Monday . December 22. and 24, all Toys reduced to One-Half and OneThird off Regular prices, to close out entire stock
's Suits and· Overcoats
..&.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
istm -
To all of you we extend he~rty Christnlas Greetings' and Best wishes for a prosperous N.ewYear
Our Calendars for 1924 are beauties, and will be ready for distribution on SatlJrd~y, Decem· her 22n'd. We want ' to see you at our place of business on that date and extend to you
J ames McClure
' .
We Wish You All a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Y,'C( \,1
Walter McClure
Meu':; Sllits a nd Overcoats, regular $27.50 .... " .. . " . Special. .... $19.9~ Men' s Suits and Overcoats. regular $32.50 .....•. ', ' .. Special. .. .• $22.95 Men's Suits 'a nd Overcoa ,s, regular $35.00 ........... Special : .. .. $~4.95 Boys' Suits, 2 pair Pants, . regular $ 10.00 . . , .. ..... ~ . Special. .. . . $7.95 · Boys' Suits, 2 pair Pants, f~gulat $13.50 (· ... .... .. . .. Special ..... $9.95
The Store for Christmas <lifts
H·y~: ari? · ,WaynelV:ile, Ohio
" Save by buying in Waynesville!'
Do not forget a Plymouth Rock ,Savings Bank for the Kiddie's Chri.stmas.
' This is my first Anniversary, and I wish to thank all for their patronage during the past year, and extend to you a
AMerry . Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
WAYNESVILLE NATIONAL " BANK "Save by bu'y ing in Wa~nesville."
" Save by buying in Way nesville."
Place Your Orders 'Early for CbrWmas Dressed Poultry Fresh , and Cured Meats, Canned Goods,-E'dwards lias them. ' Ask us 'f or what you ' want, because , we have it.
.LEAV'E The Unusually
Quality II the ' ' Only Kind
of Meat
We Sell Qpen Evp.niogs
Your Order Early for Christmas ' Sweet Rolls. Parker House Rolls; Buns, all klIJds of Cookies and Ca~e. Fresh
·"Breaa. ,
Wi~hJyou all a Merry Chri~tQlas
, and
a ,Ha~py
•• HOME ' ,)*
New Year.
Xmas Novelties ,and Table Decorations, Beads. Flow;ers, etc. Fur work wil recei ve Prompt Attention. . j J
Mrs. lYlabel H~tha~ay', Ph~ne ''114 Te~her of Dom~8tjc Science andJArta.
" ' :
..WAYNESVILLE MOTOR COMPANY.. Lincoln Ford , Ford.on
Sales ~-t--- and
ommercia u urday, .December 22nd
SpotLight Combination Spot Light & Trouble Light Lock Steering Wheel Tool Box Luggage Carrier Wind Breaks for the Pedals Hood and Radiator Covers Hassler Shock Absorbers A New Tire, or, Perhaps a good Overhauling would be Appreciated.
WE extend to you the compliments of the season, and express our sincere wish for your prosperity during the coming year, and an earnest desire for a continuance of the cordial!relations existing betwe~n us. ON good authority abolJt' 75% of the diseases of the human body come . from the teeth. Have the mysteries e."po ~ed by consultinglyour den tent and X-O.Graphist.
We wish YOlfi,alt:,a Merry Christmas , .:.a ~ . ,a.nd ·a
~ ~4
Regardless of the make of car you have. if your motor needs attentic n, your battery, your generator, starter or ignition needs going over, bring in' your tr.onbles and let us righ! them for YO,U . Wltli longexperience in this line of work, we will be able to give you satisfaction.
Waynesville, Ohio
MOTORCAR COMPANy....•.. 'Tires, Gas and Oil , . . 'Denatured Alcohol ' " .".' 'P hone 105 . ..~, ' ,
As the ' Holiday season approaches one thinks'of their friends. But today we-are ' thinking of :all the people and to all we ~isb to extend
j}ctll ~rar
Waynelville and Clarksville
Come in and let us talk it over. The home of better mechanics. When in trouble, call 47.
Adam F. Me_loh Garage
Send the Miami 'Gazette t~ an ~blent member of the tamily for a I
Wayne.ville, Ohio
FOlmerly Fred Hawke's SalesrOOms,
"Save by buyiD&, in W'ayn...
"Save ~y buyinlf in ;Way~e9ville./I
We extend to yOu Greetings, fo~ i. . ,Hap:py'Ne,! v~
ladden Lumber Yards
All work guaranteed,
.. .., "
We alsoewish to thank you ~ for: helping to . make the present ycarIhappy and prospero~~ for us.
'We also have a nice li'ne of ~ccessories prices right.
~rutinlJ~ And Best Wishes for a
Bring in your leaky radiator and let us repair it.
We test your batteries and put water in free of charge, May Christmas' Day at your house , Be jammed full of cheer, , AnJ may you and yours together Spend a glad New Year.
"Save by buying in Waynesville."
y '
.Happy N~ ~'fear ( ....
Valier', EDterpri ... Flour i.lnade aivo the highe.t quality bake iDa to.ulll-aDd ltd"",. It'. an Ideal in 80ul mWqtU1JHI11 malDtaiDed. •
~\' nYDcsvi lle. "
II the place to buy your Christmas
"Save by buying in W.yneBvill • .'~
Waynesville, Ohio
Dentist and X-O-Graphi.t
Valier', Enterprise Flour. 'i"aliry of because the this flour is IUch a big help,
. Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery
Smith's Grocery
It i, 10 easy to make beauti. ful borne-made bread with
I)r. H. E. Hathaway
Phone 114 Office-East Side of Main Street, south of residence.
nne, ,nourishing,- full Savored Iwme-maJe kind.
CHRI STMAS It's more than \ferry Christmas That we are wishin g you, It's Bright and Happy ever/ da y, The coming twelve mo nth s th ro ugh .
"Save by guyilll: in
WHEN you have no ' appointmen t, come in forenoons as much as possible.
When hungry little folks come a runnin' for a "piece of bread and butter"-give them the
Kiddie Kars Flashlights
MY ·'AIM is . to right your mishaps, readily and efficiently. Kxtract your teeth and bad roots painlessly without injury to your system,
Bake at home for their aak~.
Model BUifders Skates ' Jack Knives Tools
"Save by buyinlr in Waynesville."
For .iour Christmas Baking
Coaster Wagons
ifts for each member of the family . Don't fail to Special prices Saturday in every store.
Pies and Puddings, Cakes and Cookies, Doughnuts and Cruner" Perfectly DeHcious when made of Enterprise Flour.
AComplete Line of Dandy fhristmas' Gifts for Boys
The Miami
Di( I.
) I
(j-ood- W(' ches
-.- -
" ' lu. ~1:lLITI' t'l~·>¥. \:.. ,j , , t ··' J rf1 TOZ·!:) : "'Z-t· C) UV\..-l.
Father John's Medioine Helped l Him Gain Weighf'
r~'1~~ Q~G:~~~:1 1
Iv,'1'1:'--" .~~.
T'. ~'I'
Ea rl B o !tott IIcd fU Ul ily "nu Mrs. Ro t R els " KlJr o f 'utl.ld a , we r e o"l lIn g 00 ' rie uds h ere \tud ay.
M j,~e" Ktl t hryo 'I . ric , L I'O IlI1 Mo<1 lUni8 111111 Cle o l:lto~y " pent " .. t . "frhy In O" yt(\o . Mr H. l:ll1e ::I t , lOt~p, [)b erg e r, or He ' t. brou k 18 muklU K f\O ext e nded vltlt wl t b Mr. "nd Mn•. O. ~. Ltlmb-: M,·,. Me lvllllt l:lt"oy, of Dtly t on. spent Q ooople of day s Ih llt w .. e k wltb b e r 8i ~ l e r Mrlt C bloe I:! lde ... WI,IO relllaln ~ qultt! III 'l'be runeral of Mre. Cbnrle. Kel. SIl_V was bl1ld at her late r elildeuoe l'burs dllY at 10 0 ·olook . 'ntermeo' In Bellbrook o eme~ e ry.
Mr . nn t:: M r~ ' B or old B ur rill, of Lob ull on , s pen t i3 ouc\ UY with t heir Mr/!. R,)h rll't B u o t wile " Uayto.n l C COn I( e n ce 0 I p"re nls, Mr. "Dd Mrl!. If. L . Burris. " oP T" r W ... JII6sd tly . IJ m any tho lls a nds is eo n . Lilli e Mll rijlH llt AD n G ord e n is M ott Cli ne . -:J f Day t on. IIJJeu t t b o Mr Illli.l tlr~o u 81 nololt an n f ~ mlly I" I t qu it " !II. L d b Ilre III' I t h hi 8 !!,rt1D (] par. th t h ) ak \VllelL-en ae or . a e ps m e : l\I r d. Mti rl oU n Cnr p c Dte l' Is DO bet eotB, Mr . and Mrs W. A. ·Merrlt .,. h,l vtl 'llovc c1 t.o BVrlo g horo. Mr IIc d !'I1 rt<. F ra nk R ogere were . m ~ I ta r UI t ill !! wrll:lcg. The 80bool will have llD e nler l.lil o . I HIl YIll nri Edw n rd 8 Is h e re vlalt . m ll n\ L:hrlstmus Ev~ tit t h o Town '\\ I h n ll ~bu r l,( v I ~ it ors Friday. MONEY LOANED in\( f tl h.tlveR 'n nM I .. Her tbe boll. hall 'rhey.reexpec tiog to hn vell Mr. ~' r .. o k Kc l ~ ey lel$ SnodllY tor h is h ,IUl, III )t~. Worth T e xa8. - - - -- -- - - -- - - I~ d oy.. . good time the most popular and Mr . fi n d Mrs. I. A Bnrt~ook were Several here have reoelv ed lov lMr. n IIf l M r~ . WllIlaul Brown 'd ) d t' I cn lll llg OU J oe DaVit! and family, tRtloo! to o\t :eod tbe golde D W IH]. · w e rt~ ~tl n d .. v l"Hers in Da ytoD. T be eotert .. lalllllDl of L y Ue il WI e y use d l Dg of Mr . and Mrs. Amol' t:I . A u . ~,lIrtll l1l'H lIf Wllnlln "lid ."l l.ulUtI g I ~ l.':-;J f d' h OnICId ~ l:!n ndhY evenill K. Mr . 1\ 11 <1 ~lr ; ....e ~ o r Bltu t" we re ~oh ool will he Friday mtlrnlng Bt }II 00 In t e wor ' "I ' 1II r l h tI I.0 k I'n8 I II Apl' n dl n8 80n , of RedoDdo Belloh. C .. I, COlt"'''''. 11 111.\' " h l.U l n 'u , ", ~y ll C lOll' . ~.'J .).) ~ I! u. I" llD cl ".v I!;U " , l d o f Le hlio o o reI B•. o ·ol nok. W!lyn es vllie l:Illfb "'obool 1·1l1l0 11II1"N fi t aX,,; I.ctt! rtlfl t . L:081 1 Scott's Emuls ion h ,'r 'h r l"lm ll" h er e , v isiti n g rela The little dan ::hte r of Mr . tl un orob .. ~t ra will I uruleb 'he mUHI O. II I 1!,'c or l" ll . h A <H Ill " I ~ vor)' r e,Ho n. B 'Id St gth ' . t " 'f'tI l\[tIl I r1 ~ ll d l! . Mrs. Ed Le wi ~ pl1 8~od ILW II Y Inl! t MI ~ Ve l .J1 {1 ' Dl1th 8P " Dt. Tlto r... Anna Appl<J. ,ged 2X vellr ... ! hhl t!. I.tlr ouj! h T h tl F" do,,, 1 Lund UI ~ ren • : ..l r . li nd M r~. V. 0 '1'0 1Ie . of 1fl ednesday. Th e fun e ral W!l~ b tdd d a Y .ll nd li'J' ldtl ,Y w ll h I' e l tl f.l vbtl lu dtt'lg hte r ' 01 Mr . .. nd Mr .. U Hurge Bli c k . lI'n r I nr t h e r I li rurm" ~l oc Ofl ll IJ,''' ''' . 1II,,,,,,, fi d t1 . X . ) lO-~ I Hll rlU O' b or, h l.ltlH1U " I HuodaY -80hool Y aftern oun .. t tb e M. I!:. IJ tly t ,\ U 11 I I dJ .. ' ' . b er e l:] ondtiY. , , .. I nn Or II dd I' C.~ M IJ ' D R i \K E , 'I' r6ll/l. Ik I A,)"I!', died 01 pneumoul .. "t Mluwl I1 l1 cl ohurob Ou. ~_ _ _ orar, p lHllltl 3 1 ~- X, Leba clln. O h IO. . • _ _a R el " " " til ,' r I h n I ;O tr1 U\ II 0 I t .\' (: bri ~ !. Vlllle.y hospital ~ullr!ay morlling . l::l o r Dce Ht nrn p and wife Robe r' ' "II I! ' rOj!' tit 1'.1' , 1" dlli l $ ,IL U ,·thy ·t'h e lu ner .. 1 "''' " bBlrt a& 2 P M. lit ONE Y Lonn!'d on live .. took , ' r (\~ " n Tr ue!nr . Oi. l, Plnd P l o w ~ . ZIon oburc J.t . 80u~h O\f D.. yton . In. Stomp ncu f" m ily. were la l:lprlng I' V ~D UI t..;: . ohu r I ft l ~ . II Illn ''''OIl I,,1 m o r,.l(u ge~ .' F .. II In J;: i)n(\ s h ope ; c o ll~O f or V lll10y t)lItu r dll)' on bus iness t,tlrm e nt tit Z IO O oe ine t " r y N,:>IU!' bonj! ht. . .l uhn l::l n rbJ.1la. A Il!'n 811 ' l\fl . ' lnd will s,, 11 t h e ou tfi t fl t. II T It " () h r 'ti ll) l l\~ e u r" rttiinlt,,' nt of ... Mr,. . C h 1l8. Cook , Mrs. Sadie Reftl3 ullclln l(. X All i~ Oh it>. IS 4. 24 hh f !! hIO . .1 . F . (Jrt ~ b 'III ', L Vl iCl, O. I be till l1d ... y be lt " ,,, wil l b ~ ::; u ll dll Y sou. Mr8 A DD l::l !l rrl~ . Mrs . Mar. j:! ro ve n lllK /{tl r et Tco k e r ooel Mrs Uzzle ~hl Notice of Appointm~nt Re g Kh or lh" r n C (l W ~ , with ou l! d u lle r we r e 1111o\.l\.l iD& In Dayton , W e ar e .. o rr y t o re pnr t ~' . ::;. B "r t. ~ll' " M1 M l' ~. Uhlld. L:I .. rk vl RI t e l) lIy ~i d e . ltllioire 0/ J . (;, t:I l ~!' y . Mu nda y. 800k sloll: ttt this writing. ' 1 r . ',1l.1 1 r ~ ~ T b.hl ke ra 10 :,l lJ riog. . E r A 1'111111 d d WII:v m svIII !', OhiO, j2 V ivian Ret ttlJioll: was blue 0 0 ~lIt· lo ll 1'0 ~ll e rl" .v. N~t~~~ 1I <!~~by IIIV~ ~:~ . '0. Phllllpo " (J IH l:lyrop, ' :.! .:l"5 .. g t.d l o c . W. beoln d ul y . ppo lnlOO aud quallllllU • • ur d .. y t II k l III( au I·o oen H o~. Mr tl lI ,l M r~ . G •,Aon .lo hn t4 Dod ,. 11A"••lIIlnl.tralrIX ul 1110 1I:. lalO or Alln 1'1111. M DPr UlUd, R O. 1. Wayo e8. Mrs I:) Rrr" 'Ilne wn~ 11 i::lnnc!n V 'fl n P',lll I' n rll tl r . n t 0 " v t Ill . 'OMe li ps . late 0 1 W.rron Ilouo.y. d ecouod. O h iO. j :.! 3 viI ',,, ..... Dnt.od ,.ul. 11th " a y of Uucomhur. 1913. Iltttl rOO on !.( u e~ t. (I f 1~lr ~ . EIII A F ,' rrl~ ,0 I1 d·. ,Im ,,,, r l.pll' ~I~ u f t,h R fOr.v. z itOI. L. LA C K ond T .. n R ouad , witb , . •• n w r ' ~ p I r " II I,• . Mr /\lId M Is . L: 1l 1l ~ 1 JudIe o f l oti Prob a te Oour ~ J Lbo l,o,vArv no ,l K . I!; 1b nlUlJ- I b W.,renCouulY,Ohlo whl tll ~1.rlp e on brenst. tlmell. 1 dl 'l ' II I. ' !.l lt " ' ~ pa l hog l::l eo tl ~o .. wa re li .. Wil nl ill HIUC ~111, ord IlY 0 US. llobort W. Drown . AU y. )2 ~' IIl(\er pleasD nl'tlty this o ffioe . dill) ~ 1, ql,ll " I L. N il ho l.c" . IJb on p ~--e v enlc g ' -: __ ~~-=~~ ~~~==~~====~~~~~======~~====~ I J 7 X , \ " Yl: ' ~ \' l ll , li b lL'. d2 G B.ut Bogu n lIod moth er, G luoo : , .-.,.______________ ___________________- . AhA
Fine.' Jewelry and Silverware
f' I
! ~
Mrs. Wm Moore is very s lok .
Fa rmers, A ttent l·on! ' m
]j~Q'\.l n
L; . tI."
Idek, pale. 8 1:' 1 doWJL ODe of 1111 De6gbbor. r('C, a.acJed Fa~ John'. Medicine ;. i It to him be bas :, . ' BI<1TY VtI P Oltl n ll Chilla Ul it le L'l ij~ i IDe UIcl . . . . . eoId.8. Be bu 111-, f ur ~ u l f' . h 'IOI r .. uf buw l \\ 11 . \ p1Ded ~ I(8IIDed) - ctnDc It to 1111 cb,IltbwL" Mrs. Roni ,l lUll . N a w DIlrlll~ g £'oD . O hio . 01 9
T ioney &
con1munitv. He has
De PoIIWard, Slairlre1. H.... I ror ebII4ral wbo are pale and Ao to m '1 bi l fl~ a ocl T rll ot or s r epai r .
baD4a' IItnDJth " - - It Is ab op . paie aDd . . . . . . . . DCiarlII~ent.' .
F ree Vegetable
a W ALNTED Ym ii n
liOO h n s h r lR. Un !l p ' lo nce 49.fX . WayollA V\) Ie. O b lo. • ()6 Y ,
Brush for you.
Da VI S It ud
D~LlCATESSEN! £( CATERING co. . 1I.~. . . .oouth 8L
TIle ' ~ SOUDERS ..tabu.bed 187. . . . . . . . . . . - a t.. for
BOlltl u I\cll IUotb ' ·r we re g lJflR I. of t: bOIlIl')/'Y BonDt'1I uo rt ItllIIlIY . llellr Wlly uell. ville . . Bur t
Optical Dept.
3rd Floor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . EancJu., Heacl.
All Good Hou.. wiYe.
..... .u.._i;;....Lambaao, Pain of ir_ •
'BOa of la
C;kes an Candie••
a.."t· I.. IHyton •
Reaources $IS,OOO~O.OO
Surplus $800,000.00
Over 30,000 Aceo ...b C:_or Main .nd ••e .... Stro...
!i ..
o.,.toa. ·o.
01': ALL lUNDa
, ~,
Featuri"ll' .
In.t.U . in
..................r........... ........
,.......",. . I• . T" Tit'..," , ~~.
<;eno~ Ll.doo '" Hufl...... A._
ana at.
,.......... ...~ ·... ........"., 'a .._
Robuilt, tightened a.n d trued up ..1.0 on rim. and part. &
, '8 7 Eo
Wood. Wire. or St ••1 Diae Wh ....
LEAKAS; FURRIERS 202 Commorclal Bld..
Meats, GroC:eriea,Teu,
Phono M.ln 13. W.
111 So.th Jottor_ 8t. D." to ... O• . Chari•• LeJeunlt B. A. "rlaw
F. d. B. F~ctory.
We Pay HiRh~.t I . Prices For Cou,ntry Butter. tlrgs, ~oultry.
We WJ11 Pay Your Railroad Fare With Pun:~ of .20 or over.
THE FAIR STORE ' Ladl_', "'.'. 'and •
Fine Watch and Clock Repaifin* . Odd Shaped CI'y.ta" . Yitted .W.hile.. Y.ou Walt ~ •. ,
W. E. PUR<;:ELL Tho - .
Bl ....
DAnoM.o. ·
,< " Por I ~I I ....tln. 'anCl.plumlhn."
- - of,aa'l
a. 2380 W.
Com.. to tile' .e Lb 8~E-!~~f~
H APPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR We remain, sincetely yours,
li t ""
' II
We the positivelv
I IIl:r~nse~ l. h
-..- - -
following' farm owners for.bid any hunting or
trapp/ngan our farms . Any viola . tlon of the same will be prosecuted accord In&' to law and to thu fullest
Xmas Goodies· \ VI! o re .toCl kec) with the One.' food. tile world aflorda tor .-. GHat.. t' ,,"l ...·t~ UI. l "f 'he YeA-r. 1'on wi" aad e\·• ..,.... ..... fre ..... _re •• d of ••• " UI'UtH."' ~ll (l u aIU y -and ) 'OU ".Ul at.o ••d tbat price. . . . . loft' "",.0•• c OlUl'url llton. Do eume Sat
With all the best wi.hes of this joyou••eu'O~
KR~~~&ANDY PU~:H ,\ COHUl>lU'lo o. o. K~o&er C••d" "It' ".rletlu priced .t IIOe .......d 1 will l'ro n ' u u r line quaUty. Made tbe lIar"t tDpedlea.a 7 •• ~. ear.l,.. J ~ t t h e "k lddlea" ... ve tbelr a... _
Rich, creamy drops thickly coated with Hershey'. ,chocolate, lb ................ .. ASST• CHOCOLATES IUra ..berr'l'. O . . . .e . . . . . . . r• •' ,v ••• • ilia. II-lb. F •• 07 DOl<. lUIS 21c ('O " .h ll . ..... . .. .. . . .. .. . . .....: . ... .. . .. ........ .. . ........' .... .. ... . ... ..~ . .. .. 1 ... ... • •• t •• ;. ... ..
Pea.a. Drlltle-n,. · ..... .... ...... Ife
XM.A'.N,5,""....r ·G.4NQ. . .....
CUT ROCK A.. o • .,..,. .::;~!~:~ ~~~, ~;' 1.& _ AMERICAN MIXED o ;.er · aa.;dl ........lIIed .. .aPN .I..... -' ~t .naJ· of eolun......" .U.... 21c I
p ieO~H:--Jb. .. .......... .... .. ....... ... .0: ....... . ... .... , ...... . ... ........ ......... . <! ... _ . .. ~..... .
r; ,· ,' p n " a l' t h a i k JIIi' Ill'
Chueol a." or V ... III. ~d&_lb. l!le.
dhltm OHtl . ' II crut{c'
---_.----NO HUNTINGI
MeD'. All Wool Haad T~~ed Suitt &: OYer~ , $ .2 0 Save .10 and
The annual meetin~ of the stockholders of th e W'ayn esvill e National Bank. for the purpoae of electing o fficers for the ensuin g y ear. will h e ld at4h eir bankinf{ room s on day, January 8. 1924 , betw een the bours of 1 81)d 3 p. In ·L . M, Hende rso n. Cashier.
•Children', .
.. ,: :1 1'
288. 30 ,E aat 6th St.
IF :1\' ,.
- - -...
u ... VII,it•
L o rO~ l/f ty .
~~::·H~!~~~t ::~' I'. ::l~f~ ~ J~I.,:'.:
Dried Fruita
1.ARG£.sT •• d mOIl' co,upJ-.. STATION. ERY .... Ollie. outfiUia. HOLl•• I.. C."traI ..n .. S_t...... oliiio. Garfield 1874' G ~ rfield 1873
l~ 11r ."1
lI\'h ' ~· 1 ·t· }, T ! \' 0 ;' II " I' , \' 01 11 :111 \\'h u \\ II:;.: ! .... '::0 ••, .:0 I " '" j"'n l tn'h \\ the U\"~I;I __ t-' 1' :1:. ' I H' IW "' I , · lillIH't o I ' l l IlIn ;~ 11 1'1' . t l i ~ " '1' 10 1;.1." fl j(~ II \· ... I'!. - I 11 d 1d4l 1l 1! 1 IT:.,· 1t I I. P 1fI('1I1 h tll ll! ;1,
thl r 1Y
21. 23 We.t Fifth Street
When in Dayton Pay
Fifth4lIta:t.dIow' PIDa.r
D.7toft. O.
home • Softener
NEW CENTRAL . MARKET 34 S. Jefferson . Dayton.O.
"; 1 ,Hl r ~ n
I '~''''' I
Everybody's 800k anci itrt Sl:;,~i= "" :;
- ---.... - - --,- -
+:p"" c,::-·s,-""",,-,,..,. ,:...--. ,..-,,-"I:--:-·t ~ol \ d ' Ii .'
Mome of 'bft neighbors weot· IC and hoeke,t out Ed WIl!lO o '8 O,lr n . Tb ey were: Ed Reea IIIok. Lee N o blo, R ••T. Morray, Lutller F e rrlp•. 1 Edwards . R"y Drommonri . .1.'W . 1 -"rd.. Karl Delltbern J(li . Wm . WaroPT, W. B Te'1'Tv • •Inhn H" I)I" . SOD, A. B. '1'lIlma I(A, It E. · 1 · 1 1<· "I\l . n ~ ' 1 E U MBnoon <1" 0. W JOn v,. " lid 1j8rt Rngnn . M t'srl IIl "S I,' , r' l r lt!. EII 'I ~·prrl ". Aduh 'fll ltll nllll~ . ' Lacind" Ellw,, ~rt Il B l1 ri I\ IHll o 0,·, ' h. etage 8e~l s ted Mri!. W I I ~ on III S" T\'. log dloner.
36.Eut Fourth Street
..... e 80ft. water eye", day. TIi.:co.t i. much I.... than . ' dJtom- Only $1915
Al "Rags" Anderson 11 ••1• •1
Assuring you that we appreciate very much indeed. your continued loyalty and friendship. we are wishing for each of you.
~II · " .
·2U SOUTH Wu.u• • ST.
Refioite Water
The celebrated Greystone OrcHestra Marion McKay, Director
Dll vl R onl e ,-t,l inl'd t·o 8 U brl ~t. m "" pnr of hun wPfl k 'I'h n t rell W .. 9 bea ut.trull .1' tl KO' IfI. te I. Ko nd old Santa mud e bl8 oppearBDoe 10 time to dI8trlbot·e. t he m llny pr E's . entll , and tbe prllp 're d t ll ble k, oa oed whh good eatll, to whi oh li v e ry ulle did jU81lee.
U. I.. C.1l1lUr II...... _ _
F.res.h FISH and Quality. OYSTERS
D."ton, Ohio
GREYSI,ON.E i· •.,.... fl."
........ naw.
For Sa:Je B, All Grocen • .,.. R.e.eclJ aDd Extract Co. , DA.YTON, OHIO
..... P"': oW Cupeto Aioe W ........ LaRu ..
Tho Ro,al Re..,e!i,. aDcI Extract Compan, Da'to.... Oblo
to po,
THE BUCI!'.Q ITWEIN SHOE CO 28 South l cIIow DaJ1o... Ohio
A Pure Extra.ct for flavors, Ice Cream,
... Id.IIe. 100
~h., L"d ie,, ' AId ~y Wedo esd " v
N. L. LeMontree la Cberle
Holiday Greetings 1 '.6 OUf Friends and Patrons
MrA. MlI r t b .,
......... ...wactIo.
A ndre w", We l k er . Anoa F un li' . A W . CH "". E P Jord ,ul, B n lln 'lh V . G nn d K n tb ~ r l u!l Ju rd tlD, E rb" 1 Beu. ~o n , Mubd 'ftl rry, Aliue l'e rr v. E I· w 8 r d~ Wa lk or, Mnry M II "n nn. p~ . (loooe ·l· h " mp~ on. ,I{ E. Tb ornl' on /lod A. d. ·I'.l rt H.SA.
0"'0 .
teod edoboreb l:looduy morolng. I:.;::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;:~;:::::::::= Oor Mhool basy a DOW.. o'des,lam!!s rg all , prp. ::-_ · _ __ ___ __ by MoK" _ _ _ _"!""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t_ _ _ _ _ _ _....2_ _ _ _
For China and Glaaaware 115 Sou.th Jeff.raon
t! b " IJ P! ul(
M\18 N ellie I 'ogg in!', or Kn oxville Tenn. wbu Is atte Ddlog c (t/leg e lu . WUmlog toc. s pent ~b 6 weeer. end wJt.b 'b .. MoB "l' fn ll,lllee a Del II',
. Cootiauoue Performances, ZOc and lOc, Eveninlr lOc and SOc
ThHr ~ d l\Y D1 l\ ht
The Show Place of Dayton 6 Bi. V.\ldevilLt. ~b rand Feature PbotoplaJL
f lllU ! l )'
W il ~ ln l!tLl o ~lIturdliY ufl oru O<l n .
.'"ho · R lc b Iln d fllmlly. Ir'l Rich 1 Ilo rt fUWll y o f Wfly ne~\' II I I', "'or e l:! und ay .. fte Tu Llo n gn ~ t! t . of I!:d (;l rny MI U wif" . Th er e "' Ill 1)(1 II .. 11I1 rt Uh rl. t rntls prog rull tl l l b" lll.u, o ' U"Ttl u u II tlX ~ 1 dOD du ~' ntrJ r ul OI( II t'o r th l' ' Ollll b)' lIohoo l bo or. I ; Rnfb liod U la n n " Mll n 'l nn nl,t RnLl ad "Qlr tbll "y !li nue r ot th e b om e of i Rbea EIlt!:! SIUorda v "Uerno oc . I ~ belDI{ b er 12'b birth·dRY .
Salesma n is in your
.mee ct...,
t21tn• .wbo ..... from repeated colds. , ell, all Inu il 8 0/ m agns 10nre rather John'. Hed1eIDe baa proye n I J)1I1red or reob"rgod , "II work 600 AO ua ntae _--.tlWI88 ,.ears. It h onr.n H b e R 'Il h Mille r BlaoirHtn It.l.t
,. .'
"The fUlller Brush"
"Il7 babT wu
-._- - -
- - -
cre" . n
' " mil II...
m I>< lure o' " .eU. . u.n,. eol.,.... .......,.. 21c
Ib, .. ...... ............ ...... .... ....... . .. .... ..... . ... ... ...... .............
JUlllbo II-I .. "b. thl.k .1I",k_a.e••t ttilil,.
· A N · G E"018"-' It~:ft iO· : . . ' 'C;,' OR I"... 11 , , h
.Slze, Dozen .. ....
(; r.,,~ ' ~rul t,
3 e.e 'Oll e • •. .•28e Cr.nb" (I'i",..;....~.tnlUr. 111 ~ .
.N' (J T 5 I·otatoe.. III Ib.. 'or ..
CeJe.. y. Ja. . . a.alk ......... . ... lea L..., LeU."e. lb..... ., ... .... .. 180 .
, Aln, N~,.&od.. ~- D........ ~ '2~ ' .
. ' 'No. 1 W.ln".. , Ml:tI.ea
.C '.
Jo ... Ch •• appl"...... 11>8 'er.. II\e .
.. ..:no
.~Ube ..
WALNUTS, New· 1923, No.1 Soft Shelled ......2& Ur • • II ~ , large ,~. ,.ed. 11>. .... 2lIe JUooul CD. " S alad Dre.udulIr Ja.. ...... ...,. :.... ...... .... .. ' .. 21c nulk Golden ,,"U.,.I ,n.t.ell
, " nult ' O.lI:e, .Oo_.tr,. ''''~ 'f-
.... .. f.,
Seventy-Fifth Year
~ •
~ .~
oc a .'
The dedicat ion of t he new gym· naaium will take place Ne w Year'~ niaht January 1. The work has been puahed ' forwa rd rapidly, ' and ~ all is in readlneB8 tor the opening . O.:Davls and flt,mily apent Tuesda y! Dr. J 'C. Ellis nd oth ers have In Dayton . prepare d a program fo r this evening tha t is wellwo rth while. The new W, A. Lippinc ott and daughe r, aymnaa lum will be open. free to all, were Dayton visitors Saturda y and the p~ogram, 'a8 arranged will Mr. and Mrs. Alvin "' Ires are be at follows : apenrll ng" tew days In the country . Band Concer t- 7;00 to 7:45 Fred Hartsoc k and fltmily, of Mil· Enterta inment by the ~c hool Child · ford. apent Tueeday here with rela· ren and ot~erB -9: 4 fi t o 8 • . tlvea. Addres s by ~. D'Wif.f~~~¥.. , ·' H . k . t CI k ' 1 1 Georie IIJ' e. 0 Kr SVI e. . Cedarv ille college -8:00 t o 8:8p, . lpentSu nday witb R. M. Hawke and Basket nail Game- H . S VB.. ' .' AhJmtll family . This is a hUlle program and OUIl~~ Walter Kllbon. who la now work· to test tb,e capacity or the gym . InK in the South. Is bome for a week Don't let any other enga&,e ment IDor more. . . terfere with Tuellday even in", for . It~~:the intentio n ofthe commit tee to Alfred Wrlaht . of·GeorKe School. have everybody out to see what Pa .. is IIpendinll hi. vacaUon with lii8 Wayne townsh ip has in the way of a 1>arents. Dew ball. • _ ...._ __
'a 'I1e
,. Whole Number 6574
• I
A NEW YEA,R GRE ETI NG T o 1924-th e year that- is com ing- a health! May the New Yea r hold for you all that you liked in the old' -and more of it. May it bring you much that you would welcome but do not hope for- that it may be inde td a happy New Year.
After t wenty years faithful service as a director in the Waynesvill e Nat· ional Bank . Mr. Cl1arles T Hawke tendere d bis resigna tion to the hoard on Monda, last. The board relu~ t· antiy accepteit his resi&,nat ion . Owi ng to the close proxim ity of the Mr. and Mrs. J . C. H.wtee nterregu lar election the vacancy wi II be tained at a family din"er. Bund., . filled then.
Mrs. Walter Brl~taIn and childre n
JUDGE WRIG HT Mi.. Belen Marlatt , of Cincinnati. Ie elljoyln a the bollday l at ber TO RUN AGAI GYM READY fOR bome beret AaaouUrJed ous 8y.Inleollo n Arter Belol TUESDAY NIGHT Born- To Mr. and "n. R. B . Bar Aasoclatlon Har~k. W~needay: ~mber 19. Of.Dayton , are vlaitlnll relatlvea hllee thIS week. ·
To Comm and 1,Around the W odd,'~ . flight
The Walter Clark's were blWbl, entertai ned Sunda, at the Waverl ; Farm- the Rollo Bolton'••
Mr. and Mn, J . H. Coleman, Mr. and Mn. Harry Tumer ate Cbriet. mas dinner witb F. B. Bend.reos Laat Thu lsday evening the Ralpb and famil,. ' P. Snook post! No . 186. American Legion. held anoLher ro uslnR meet· Mr. and Mrs Owen B.arb.it. Kr. ing at its new home h the memorial J" ..A II re. an d Mn.. .... K ' . Mr. •~ building at Leba non. A large turn· Sam Butterw ortb,en' G1e1U1 Ud Gilbert ouL greeted the commander when Frye were entlrtal ued at tb.,hom . he called for ordE!r. It was ag ree of Mr. and Mn. Emllit Bu'tterw ortb •.
first Tuesd.~y of Ilach month at 7:30 P. M.. bUSiness t.o be followe d by lunch and enterta inment . . Music and cards follow,ed the dID' ner served after the bUll ness, meet· Ina. and thll whole m~mbershlP was enhven ed by tbe. various anecdot es remlnMCen t of the late war. and "ood ciga~ comple ted the feeling of aatisfac tlon manifea1: aa the boys celebra ted anotber Itet to~tber evening .
--_0- -
.'. ' 0 ' Mrs. !IIaud 'Crane eD~l'taIiitit Oil Christmas Day, Mi. GaO. ,Stroud and family. of Dayton . Mr• .nd lin, E. T. Stroud. Mr. and llrel Otbo. HenderaoD. Mr. W, E.: Strou d.- I famil" and Mr. Claude StrOud. . , . . ., ill
Mr. and Mrs. E. S, ~IJ'~., ~"" Lina Devitt. Mre JldJa :l'OIla, ,", . Mr, Matt Baird, M.l'.,aM ,,~. I. ,. Chapman and IOna. ~CIIUI. \ '.... Robert, Mr. and Mra. lJ)eDt XIIIU day .Ith ~r; I ~ III'~. E.1J. Bel.,. Jr. . ' I
1112S,·al On. " . . .~ - II) view or the facL that the gym· The student s and teacher s of , •.. .' " On Monday, Decemb er 17. after {latium muet be ready for the dedi. Ern..t J!:arllhart and 'amll" of the d~ 1 of the buainlfflS at lour sc~ool , includin g the Warren hand cation on Tuesday T1ext. New Years Dayton . IJlllpeQdlna tbls w..k with ud the f,rmal closing of the Connty No nnal, a re certain ly doing dock- night. work has been pushed alonlC Mn. Anna Cadwal ladef 'nd lI,i iI . Mn. MaUlda BOIier. '. their part in raising the f und to et of th,e common ple88 court of lhie and thlnjla are almost ready . Inclu. . Clara Ule had .. their peaf;It £lat., plly fo r our new gym. To date county, William Suemening asked dad in this elevent h hour work W8S ~ Day, Mr,. Ilre . .N,tI,P , ,,q ... Mr. OrvlUe J . ~h.\II1D1I °IDlDt $187.85 has heen paid and more will Judlle Wright 's permiasion to ad. lit and vBr nishing of t he bum, of Wuhlq ton C: H" ..r. _ , d., with Mr, I!!~ lin. ,.. ,•.• ~.,....."v.l:u .... him pe raonally as a- represe lJe given later, if necesslIIY, from h. As a climax lor t.he .. ' dedicat ion Mnt. LaureneaJ:.iI"~ """ of lhe basket bll il . the pl'OQeeds of ilie Dramatio Club ' W. Middletown. taflve c.f the Warren County ceremony of the new A'Ymnasium, a and MI'II. Babl;. ~ ~JW Play ---... and erection of the stOV(8. ,V'aJ~~ ' a'I AlICKllatlon. · In. addition to tIle money given, basket ball game has befon .a rranlled and "1'II.lI ary A.damI. . ~ .. ~one is urged til be present at ebriety Madden , of N·orth lA1"'I.·1 Bar In hla' talk Mr ' Suemen /" " .. lng voiced "''''_I ;.a...o .... t Tu .......v with Mr between the High School an4 the High school boys have done • lbll . i dedicat ion ,l1Wra conwhich ...... program n -...... is to • the .eello41 , II W B uadden siderab_le of the hard work in remod- AIt:mni By that time botb teaola, '. ~ .. of the Bar AlISn . tn.' ....U befoun d elsewhe re In ·thla paper. ' " .~il 1'1. • ..... will Jud4la have' eling tile benefit ·of a weekI ' 1;'be HapPJ Hour club . . . at ~. the building. The more we do • Wri". • b t and stated that "' ~ ~ what a really finll b uil d ing ·Mr. and 111'11. 'q ltl Rl'dK~, of the mot'e '\,e sholl oppreci ate our practice and from that standpo ilit home of "onlml~and 1f~II.·a detllred to a~nounce their full the Wayne Townllhip t!choola and ..;Il' gym when it is compieted, and then the, will be about el/enlv matche d. for the Decemb er umbu •• 'I pent i~ewtMjkoeQd with .air. ciation of the conduc t of tbe m~Di . · eOIiIIII8 : , . ~, .. nity bave. d MI'II. MahioD RJdae. too, we ore putting into practise our There is much friendly rivalry tbe bueln. . a Protr ,. 9.t', ~b.iD "t . tribuna l. In · the county'. Mr, . , • ... -an . motto, ' 'He profits most wbo serveR being worked up overthi s ilame and and mu.le wu .eojo,e\ Suemen lng CIted man, other exam~ l.·" ~,., "1I'or F. L. HartJe will command best." it should be worth wblle seeina, fuhlone d epelllrqr·lCbooIl " Th e U ou a' Except ion. I . I,n Mr. Wri'r b"tie Ieven yean of p EI\labe th ' Chandl er, 9f ..... IIIl!rvlc8 .. J , .... fh e four U. S. planes whIch J d boP-O« f th n A gOM nlnll n I.S. "n o It nnw"-u n· nt putt le April 1 In on attempt • - • There will be no admlsaion cba~ed held . Tltla caued loti or arrived bome SaturdflY 'W, epenel to M '· u 1'8 0 a d. e commo 1-., ot cn nr, ". )'''" hn l'e nothi b ng to do. Ih ' arouud the world. court that were wortby of the .-Bo*t~ Tr"t\~I·r l pt. game. 's ave b, b . . W i l l " for the _ ' ment and fun for eyer.,J ~~:u)'1IIg m ayneav e. __ 0 _. wlnninll aide 911" u.,tItd~ . F Mr•• Mal7 Brewa tu. and the loalnr aida to ,cbeJriM ,cq~ ·In respons e. Judga Wright ' who ber frler-cl, . ""raii'" Nellie Hlcke waa !iee~ly ~uched by tht! words 01 Loul.vl\le. K,.', over the. week.en d. Mr. Sllemenlnlr stat~ that he prized . . . thil token of appr~lation aud eon· standin a tile looa_t . A delle1oa1 Mri. Allee MeKln .., "an'll· ftde~ce beyond · ,word a and that he ~~t(j ! ter and "I.. Lillie Nedrv lpent would be a candida te for re-elect r ~,,, ,p,~NAS ion ChriafI'Daa with relatl".. In DBl'ton. pledlrlnll bls utmost devotion ed for Chmtm u. ; , ,... to the , ., . dlsejlar ae of bia high office. A meet· Bishop r . I. Reese will visit St . .......- .:":", I. HaTbert Edward s, of Denver , Col .. ina. of the Ba~ Alll!o::ia tion Mary's Pariah Sunday . January 6. was o · II bome for a vacatio n of ."er.1 for the arrangement of the and will adminis ter the Hoi Com· weeke to be lpent "Ith bla famib al . ~,.., ::.:....H;';f----f·m umon election to be held J anuarY n tea ternoon he will beret . , • at the COurt Ho,!se. ' ito to Lebanon. where he will dedi" . . . . . It ie n~flI;t lellS to RIlY t cate the Epi~copal church at that the Mr and~~ Howard Ar~bdeaeo:, Gllzette 1111 well ,as ~a~J111"\lle all;d 1>lace: He will be at St. Andrew 'a Mre. Jlannab Ant~m and. Mra. f!4 . vi.,initY 'are plea8l!d to ~t,o(J udge chuch. Dayton. in the evening . 't7 Cukey aPllnt Chrl~tmu with rel- Wrillht '. decitiion and the choice ot aUv.,- at Sprlna, boro • Tb e 'student s of the Wayne Towpo..' , . the Bar Alsoclal.lon , ' , ship scbools want to take 1hia .p.- ' Teache rllin the Wayri" Tn'l I/n,.hl'DI portllui ty of thanking 'the ' IUiIlbere' Schools who do · not :reeltte ln 'Wa~ . of th ~ s(~ hool boord, the .s uperlJl *Delville', bav~ IlUDe to ~bel.1' hO~1l11 · for their Chrlattb at·vacat lon, ' suiluule buildin~ for our 'phyeieat training and a thletio cODte~'" 'W. , Mra. 'Ma'ry Roien ' and; daurbt~~; Ray Millaan d' Mrtf. liertie EarnThere were several out at the gun are. sincerely gra~tul. for" u.. MJ'II. C. C. Qa.vi!r.~and..l ,~r. an~ Mr:-. t,,,rt stole a mllfct\ Qn t.helr ~ frienda M d ft The wili d l you are dOlDg lD our btlillf. R.,C. Kuhlma n . h Cin,clnna'l t·wer.~ , and , went t u Lebanon ~aturday. soot . 0 nay a ernoon . Fur thermore, we think we Clan aatet, visitors h'ereSat\Jl'~.!ID~ ~I,ed shooter.s had .turkeys. ~eese. flucks promise that as Il re8ut~ ~t ~IV Dectlmb er 1 and. were marriild that el_ ,the Guette_famll)'! and chICKens as premium s . Tbare forts, we I llall I b,e betf~r bG,s t.ct belnll m.ke known .Christm al ani were several ~ood scores made, and gi rls and Clonsequ enn, btUer..aa . Elliott Wrlabt: t.ciK.,th,!!r several vlditors were present from alld women. .. : eou'ple of frlllnde frop. n.;.. ln,n:· a distance. , Y01Ha trul,,,: I - - -- - • Wayne T01r1lship 8t;Ua..... · . ket. tended thO M:::~:: ~~;~t:: ~:;: ball lIame at.
I 0
CARTOON REVIEW == O=F==19~2~3=~=;r===;'I~
. ' ~. ~. lI~ i
8lSHOP REESE TO ~!~::~o:~~~tr::I=:a=:: MAKE VISITATION ' ~~:~:u::,:.:a:.~!ti~=~ --- .. ---
GUN CLUB .HOLDS SUCCESSfUL SHOOTI ~;:tb~~p~::ai:h;;~a!!;,I:Q;~~UI:·:
" . D!lh~, f!4lCbiliUi
- --.. --- - -
:~a:e~e;l:f:::~~:o=e9~~;I~n h~~~ Sund~.
., .
Sover.i children . undertt be Care Dr. Elli. and MI. 'Clar Lile, the .mut-lne · yery happy '1'. ••...1 ••el/enlnw•.wben they went to bOUle slnilin.r 'earoll, aDd _bohlll,cPLnn .. eYe't7ofle a ¥lU'fy ,Cb~tlnaa " and
aapp, New. .v.r. ."
... ,'"
--! '111(')' Wf'r .. "Irfllt! ' l' Nol' fhe ~1l11g. dnl's: her 111111<1, I rN nl,II1!.1 liS h" t\ll'o'/'II I·he " 1II'I11Il " "'llilnl: Ute IIl1lc" \.~, fl lI ~t . 11t'llilIrl. '1'11" ;{lI\ r tl ' \I ij,'r · j;C1l II I prl' ~I'<I Ihem furthi'll' hlltlt, ~1I 1.1' In" I,,'wlll,i,'reu 1111'0 Ih "oll!, hI 'rv. Ie I' " 011" 1' thru st rill'\\' fI nl, an ont h hrl':rkHll: (1'011\ h l~ 1111 '. "1I ~' ( (I ! hul till" ha.<i ts h-I. sIr. n II. 10111 1'111 !wln' In !" III' II l'l1t ,we r the I' ll rrl cr t rock In ~
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()Jl p\\"f' d .
Randall i,j tl"\\l1 1"',1 ,1" Ih" ParrJsh "", I
tll J
bh'll t ,'rule: I ttl\" ('I'I""'l ln c . :l n ll f"rf111 r hl' <1
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C:I I' l l 1\ \' .
" I I'~ - II ' ~
le<1 l!'(\. IIIl1lt" 'c·")lIIIII,' r row Wllert-' I fl l'.' s t O(,Hl. lIud d i..:a p{ll·ltri'fl. 1t ~(,t'I1lI'1I II'" tJ wlIgh he \\'nR g lllh) a lonJ! \\ !J1It,
The ,,,,dlng of Gomez. The little IqU'IId ot ca"nlry movert up tbe cre,ek bottom wllh mu~h <'I1 U' tlqll, :rbe I'aJIU ~oung lIeulenunl. 1'". eretalna bill flnt Intlependenl CO lli' mand, wal d&tennlned to Ileglll<'t no Prectlltlon. "-
I l!i."
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D~horu h . 1"111,1 111" " """ on h" r h""r l.l fe 't' lillt' fl ' I'J r \\ ;1\. ~t'arn' I~' n S(lun(\ ne\'i!r rl ·III1\",·" hpr ")',' S rrdll l Ihl' ' 1"' 1. hrl'lIkllH: I I", ... H'· lI n~ . ~IH h b ' nly 1I e or sll rn·d. \\, 1, "1 h",1 II(' rounol "i' E:lt'I'g' l':tt1 1. l-ol lJ.! II1I," I n H \h· U I H'~. stlll'PI'(\. Ih el'c ? S" ... ·I.,· h .. 1111"1 III IV" ,11"·,,,·· f"" IItH;.! ul " i lll lt' t ll1r 11.! 110 ti l t' lI o"r \\h l! en',l S"""'I hll1':':- II I(, oI l'II' 1, III n 111:1 1'01 h i ' ft ' l ' ; I l h ' l l h .: ... tP '~ I "· d O\\' r , bo,ly. nn 'l"tlIoI . 'I'h" " h,· n \11"'11 1',·" "J!,\" (l - d , thin··.. /I tI"utl lII an 1" ngoi ll . III "n('. st " llll ln)' tip li nd I!lI zIli C " .\ "t"1' 1 !lUl t1 ! An~ rOU S lUt ' ? " du w n
Ilt rh p lll .
11 1:00
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!>eDoren' ."egged for hnste. but the t IH'1 11 h ..) I.,\\ , ~ n llnd l'fl r h'lIr. pXllllnn l, !I' oIBcer remained' adamant. II"d. AI IlIst, a 111'\\' rllll! In II ~ 1."' '-'. m d~r, utte~ly wearIed, her mind In a chlOI she rod e on IIstles I), be" 11 (' ,,111 '1 hNI·. 1111". htll. hl' G--. I, ll4e btm. KeUeen millt be deuct : s he sIr. I 1,,·11,' \ P IIt··R " II ...,." , dare . 1I0t , even dream Bnythlng 1),' h,l rlllo """ Id I W I spenk. puu lt! nlll e1JIe. She bad heard the sho t. utl"r n ~"III "1. AIIl'" I Al b '(' ! wh\' _ thl bUret ot flame. CIIught thlll w," 1IIII'nsslll l.·; he r ""n' 111''';1 qbt of hla toppling body pIling. se"'II~'1 II} " lOll III·olln~. XII;, ' coul ,l Inc over thl! edlle ot the cllrr. Th e onl~' SI,II'I' IIJI lit Ih e IIl l1 n ,1117. 'f l and men ",bo , ehot him had no doubt; hel"I0·...., . It II' " thl' li CU:Cll ll nt Whfl bie7 bad llred to kill. belle"ed th ey a nRw"r,'11. hId It:llIed; and gone aWIlY satlsned"You SIl)' hI' Is 1111\'1). CurDl'n" Bob- , »~H-tbe MexJcun. 'he "W cll. III' Ul'e I,' rt I, ere II Ih '". Hl r. Iblvered Ilt the memory ot thl'ln . II pr and on !,is (own I"~s. J C'~UIllI Ih e buband I that murderer her husbund I pIne" wh ru he e'lnl" (]flwn. lin' wllere B. could cLllm her. woold claim her he got 011 his feN 1I~lll n . '1'h f'rll it Ii. lived; leeally Ihe belonged to wa sn't nolJo,lY'l se lien' 11I'1I'ln ' hl lll. btm. Tbe ceremol11 WUII sRcrllege, a nn' he Slnrlud ofT II long thi s I ,'<! ~ ' ~ bldeous m9ckel1, yet It was laglil. Ilmpl,,' II , bit. 1 sho uld S II Y. hilI g"ln' leCai: It lett ber tore"er In Ihe pOIVel' a l"n... \\' hul ever hllllJll'n ed Slll(", . Ir. of that brute. She shuddered at be certainly lert he re Hhl e In 1111 ,·I l;ate. reeollect1olf- ot that 6c~ne In the Maybe I better fullow the trn II T' raDcllboaae, . the leerlnK. drunken "Yes. go on. Serl(ellnt." fa~ the lharp voice ot Judge GorDcbomh 's Ihnhs lI·emhll·tI 80 s hl! . rltJ' the bruW with ' which Bob could s 'flrcely I\'alk ror t ill.' Urst [eW M ...... b~d her, thOle hateful worda steps. Sho dung' gl'f11,,(ully to th e WIIldl bouad ber to such uDllpellkilble lIeu telloDt'~ nrtn. h'r I!UZ' no"er dc· , 6ama. ADd th,8Il the Itrurgle to anve .sertlog the muo mo\'lng cnut10ll 'Iy berwelt; the boUJ'll ot torture waltlng a long lh e nllrrow I ~tlge or rllck high fer, h18 eomlng, the broken doo\,. tbe abov e them. Alive I Dunlel Kell eell dllt~ hI. bud.. tbe bot, drunken WOos olll'l!! Nothing e lse mnttered: 1Ir.~ ,O Il her ,.ace, tbe " blow ,'wlllch Bel' hond s c1t1sped tightly at Ule olll· . . lier ' floee.. 000cI G-d I could tbl. cer's sl r.!C\'e. all · be trali, ' Th. tre.b n1abt air, the "Hnve the serget,nt hurry; please tIll'Ollltl th. bJaell IIlght, the have It 1m hurry I He doesn't Deed to . - t I q Wtlb · ~el KeUeen. ' truce Captoln KelJeen's trulL 1-1 • • ·had be,eII I mID, 8 real man , . am sore.l knew whe re he wos going," he hac1 died (or. her. Unchecked, on· "Where WUII thtlt?" -aoqeea lbe teart welled IJIto ber eyu. "To the cnve 1 hud found, ond told act fell 00 the addle pommel. Sbe hIm ubout; It Is . there Just beyond eoaJd _ nothl.llc bot hi' tace, realize that mound. Good G-d, ' Li eutenant. IIO~ bot tllat th.,. ",ere riding now th,re,-¥: horses grllzlng YOlld el'-th ey to brlJl&~aCk / bl' bodJ. Sbe bad al· llaye:,foUnd him alrendy." _ _ .IalcrinI before that ahe loved ' 'l'.l.;e'r e were t~vo animals In a lI'\lle him,; b:qt o~, In :b\!\'e,vement and de- co\'e, hobbled, und nibbling at tile - ..-tr; .... 'eomprebended th-at all tlle abort groSs. hut botb suddled ond • _..,...tllen abel !lope bad lOne trom bridled. They hnd the Meage r ruoch lIfa. &be U~; must tontlnue to brond on theIr flunks. ond the serlIte-tbe wife of Beb Melger. Jeunt. Joining til e parly helow, enslly ba...· beeo' aearl,. DOll "'hen foUowed the trnll ot two men on foot tile' little' ~"'Itade deboucbed trom tintll they circled the mound ot eUrLh. . of the atieam, Ind Il scend ed the opposite sldc. :t"'r;-~-.::'l~7i;"!~--'fiiiliaf>liMiiii"1rD"Diin1iiiiE'-ura"'·C!ii'm'ij,"I ' Deborah pressed he r WilY rohVllrd. too .. .~ .tbe "'CIerI .could loolt: doWil enger now to' be longer held hnck. yet ~~ P.i' ~-eoll~ed valley beIQ~. ~IlY renllzlng the dnnser controot· ~~ IICouta' a,..~~ed ' them here Ing them . . UlOna t!'e rockt,' to pOfut out !lhe ttaU, "Be cnretul here." she wonted. 'eVnDr ' (lowa"ard throUKh a 1 revlne. "Tbey are certnlnly III ther~two or .",.., btl ~ '110 llgu ot ,re- tbree, at lellst, ond they wU! shoot. • i·~na;mer.lt:lt '., bpOfa; ' nor ~~rl\, . Sergeapt, let me IIhow yOU; I "'1~; W IIJpa jot tau~U! 'lreII- \canw , . ' t,bl! W!LY."
"Ji ,es " " a(1 n il I' I;:h t. $Ir.
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\\'t'lIl1un ,' Hud IluHl ruudlt'll th e motl n D' I, '~"
111"1.,, ,,"f. tl·C!chc<l on th e noor. At 10M It " 'st ed on the upturned (1I (·e. Tille> sel'gcunt stared down us thou g h he sn w a (:1I0"t. "Ry G--<l!" he ejaculated nt III t. "hy G-d I lI's the old devil h ims elf. "\\' hllt's thut. Cllruey I YOI1 knuw hllll'!" "I,now 111m! Why. s ir. Ll l!u[t·nll nt. It's Gomcz, :\' onll~1 f':nm ez-tll<!l'e's
I.t ~
,~I~:I!l. . , be the pla~." he saId, "u~ .~ ,.~"erted. , Do yoo reo~ 1D7.~11IIr~ :'.. lilt' ...,~ Itnlaht III the~....:.... saddle, a . , t .' .. .. J., ~ ~'. _ lIe~, IIIbt1111tier flJee, u she IIOlnted
the ..~OM.
¥.I~ey"e~ tortet Stl'!llght ah~nd downl t.!Jere tIi where they were s tortDe :'.me:~lfI&'t-t ' lire burued ,there that ble roclt:; )'Ou can .ee a wblsp Jt even now., . 'I'hll trail mUI8t-+-"'~ lead dJi..ct.1 .O v.r tbere," abe hid her face for aa Inltant 10 her honds as thouKh to abut ;:OIIt the eight, "Is the cll1r over 'I'b,h."osPtBI9 Kelleen tell, and JIl'C beyond, at WI' "upper end ot the ~~Py ~ the. cave I told you nbout. i-I am :&oIng down whether you and ,.bilt ablliJera come or not. I-I must learn tbe truth." Sbe forced her horse torwo rd. and tbe "otben followed, waIting tor no t'Ommand; tJJe sergeant rltllng 8lt11o~t bea{d! hili In the. nlll'row lral!. They f<!und . tb", atorehou~e. back " 'Ith ln th e abadow ot the . great ro ck. so conce"led b, ti-ee&' lUI to be 10"lsI"le n tell' ynrds awa;:, "It WBI deserted. ungllo rded ; atic1' lsathiHed' BS to this tact, convinced tIJ\ a hllndl-ed Bigns that the entire outftt< had Indeed returned, .J.III! woy Uley 'I came, the lieut enant (scottel'ed hi", fpr~~ to e,Kplore tbe upper valley. HII mood hnd changed tram suspicion of tbls girl to,' faith In her strunge IItor, . • TbltlilS were exactly all Bbe blld de crlbed, D lslDoDnted. th eIr bor!l8' being behlnd, them In rendl· neBlI for any emergency. tbe squad ud· the m~ wIth carblnell In th eir iii " . , Th.e J" .~t ken,t .,~16se In • t the lOutllefn clift uotll h e eam. to where Deborah poInted out . th. IIpOt ot KeUeen'. tall. They found lIe ' bOdy. nO aIa'n. to. lJldI~te any such trapdf, Oarrie, pzed about In 11&1'-
b, amok.
; E
Few,. if ao,.,
remedies can equal : the nlue of Pe-ru·na for ca-
tarrh 1)f ~ch.
At this season it ia estimated that every third persou is mo~e o.r leu troubled with · ·t!iia. form of catarrh .
BE READY Haft the ' Proper Mediciae in 'the ·
~~' m r ~ PIli II the place,
mla8r" be .-Iked doubtfully. . "Yea, 8ergeut; w. were on the toft up there. the on. Jutting out over ,tile . . : there la DO otber llpol ~ D.lt.". · ",.. ' . to all! ,..,.., URO'!Nd. wmyed' the ~ manlql ~.8I'J! detAiu~ • , ,'~_ If. 1I11~ h. IIti:1ick them ...,... IPlII, IUId th~re ilia, be a le'dge ~ tlaat he.' lit OD. 1'IIi Iblnl ·up." •• b1a from rock to
HOME f.-ad nat',
filii." Oicat,w-aW
:, lIT
- T!m,J
"'1 111 '
III' 1" ' 1 liud slIh ..' r l,,'.
I l rJ l h '''';lIlntd ~
ns (Ill')' used
Ill p\~ p~
\\ "HI"
lIowJHl tl)' ~
turl nliln s
Grf'ul tI "ul.
'J'llflll N ," 'II PI! "LI ~
~ m nll
( 'tl
I\ r.~
1'1" Al II. ,vurll
FitlillIC ,-In'l' I" Ih ..
lU'J\l1 :I~ they do t hey ~I) h "Ur r \\ fl h u dr"M r:y nrtP t ',1(" 11 or p \' t'Jl IIiK II ", S:i It
b r !Il I Ull~d
I~ ltll'
' lil t.
cl l'uuI'" nrp \\" lIn 1 V\'Cu~it. \lmlly . hil l lin t "flult . ' · u liU II"t. 'tH,r file n ' u~1I 11 tn r 'his (~ O UII In 1' •.:'1' C.'1 1111 dll '~ w n l1l1!11 u n~ fn rhlc ldf>1I I hf'l r tH,;'Jl(ls ( ~n -:\0 . ~ l\ld(1 1Il w rll hy I hf'
111 \\ . ul d ,
"it'e the Old Devil Hlmeelfl" fitty thousnnd dollors on blm dend or alIve. Well. he',s dead all ri ght." . "Oomez, tile outlnw; but OI'C yon
ere?"· "Sure." the sergennt I'ose to his teet and swung about. "Su re? B-1 I -begglog your pordon. slr--lI'by shouldn't r be 8l1rc? I've chused thut old tox evel' s ilica r ye heell In tJle unny. twenty years. sI r. Twi ce we were ntter hIm dOIYO 10 old Mexico. It·s Monu cl Go mez lying tbel'e. lind It wos 1\ Imlre thnt kill d hIm." Til .. !Joy II 1I1I'II'"lt'S tRce was white In 1110 I'ptl ec t~rl ilght, !Jut hi s lipS lI'ere firmly sr.t. "Well. hc's ''''ml nl)\\'.'· hl! ~11 1(1 !'tem· 1Jt, "lind It Is Ull to IIS ·to find out whnt aU thl IIIl~IIIS : ' l:Ie il fteo! UI ' Ilas h (1'11.111 I,,,. I ho liP' turned fnre, nnd sen t It lIa n" lng fll(' ng tile' gra y wo lls Into th e bla ck chaslII nhentl. "But. Ll ' uten""t, t hi s alll't no cli ve. sir; It's u 1)100111111' mIne." n vulce slooke fl'o Ul behln,1 In t ooe lit ~ ur· prlsc. "Whut II1nl, es you think tlillt. CuI · houn?" .. :lIl Se It's heen bl ll~ I'1l "Il l lIIos t· Iy. si r. or \:I ~e ' picket! . 1,\'" heen 0 tnln 'l' flll·SI·H. IInll ' ougllt 10 klIllW. Mo)' be Ulel'l! il'as If (;,1 ve ~' ere olt'·e. ,lout I tell ~·Ilr. s ir. tl ,ege ~' c rl! wllil! hove bl.'lm bUl\ll'lI'o l·l;eu. or I'm u pil.cr." . ".All r ig-h I, we've got to explore the possllge jilst th e SU llie. l ' OIllC on.
whose th~t.:hdun. 11/(0. \\,Il s IIpl,,·101
Illm05t t h n .' e · Yf':.\rR hy Ih l' hi ll her Nlu rt" j'romlrll 'llt 111 .. 11 (It'f' lnr" It ("flll1 l \ ~.'tc vlol nl iUII t)f Uh' 11r tucipul or I r~e
Cree prCllIl.
'(ov'~E ALWAVt; RUNNlN' I><iWN . t'lY
F~IEf'C)5 - 'ltJU LA.U611~D RI6I1T' ovr WI-tEN HE wA.t; -rELLING ""'SOUT THEM TRYIN" TO 6e,. A. COOK!
~p ll ni:o:lI . H-
Sl'l .. .. II
papPI', 111o l,l ug a ~L' nllllT lit· Ih·l d II ( 0 1' u m llUl l' Ul I II 111", pl'\'I' I ~
I t. llld:-,
Thp~· \\
"" 1,. I
l ~ ft,1t
\\ Il ~ II
d "H th." I(III~ whi le : rhen
hl~ IInnd 11111\'1' 11 u n ll " ' lh.- tlt,!1 1 11i'1'
bUl' il·,I."
Ju slunt
I l l .'
11 . 10 "
Pyl ':-!. w l lkh hud \1 ':1 '11 nil tlt e ,·nl· d l'II \ II','1I \\' ull d. ' rhl J,.: I" lp lil s (,we, '''!' h ~ I. IIn t~ Is It- jusl III Ire
J r .f' IId
s ure?" SlIre; It wns a
"Y ~'. II W~~l1!!t'
rieur. 1 o f 10\' (', "
l1\t ' f
1I 1.)'~ e ' lf :
" 1 \' ~ f' l r"
.1 "
Germ C3r .'I~r. .IeN I I!i-Irms h ! IY (, hroDt.
Its l"' lr.l· I . ·~ . ,,"" hl" IS. It III clllhued,
A C: \'e , !;r ly .tnd Friendship. It l IIIP" I " I,"U I " rh t~ rrlelHbthlfl of , ', ' t'
~ut'h pre,s ller· ITs f,'lent.lH.-Eu.
111, 0;1:
.,1l o1~
Notice of Appointment ~'I" l" No~ lctI
I'r" ur
rnlilld I" 110,· "1. 1 · ,'h~ " '1 11'1 of II ~I n g le IIk h II~ 4,000,000 on
"It Is til e sO llie lUI' . ~ lIl:e ulwa)'8. Olin I!!I li:oll ee n." ~ h e ~ lIld SIIllPI.J, ['J' l-ll>1 JjJ~ 0 .1
In ' lIl'1
p\'l'r li nd
.. 1111 •
It h i!"
th .WW I I.\" . IIlld ""
ll, ,,1 1' (',\"t!!II met QlI ('C l11 o r (l.
1IlI :':
1\·II I ·r. ' III'u)\
" !lI\ ' ,
.. "
th, · e,,, ··J . . I "j ..
glHl"' ~ ,II' tk \ II1:f. 11I.l n l' 1I
Ch' '' ,~, o n
A:; IIIc. h
no Illn/:,' r Inol;!nj! nt him. n ll ~ 01 11 .\ nn,1 . 111, cllu(:h l 111'1' hre"lh. Th en rl" I,"· •.
hu,,:r ilJc!\'lllll l i .. n:-. In
... I HI.! ! J.J " I d l ,'" ,' ll1q"'I'IIt" tI 10 he . '
~h(' \\'IIS
H ave FIrm Be p' ! 111 [, ~\'t1a . Ti ll' 1I:.1I I\'ft~ or F iJ. ~I dh · \t· li nll!v
.. I.
I ..
" \ " ' " Lt\
Fly Is
I wout
111t'1$S UJ,:C;
,iI I
:.:. Lil
fll' r
't .
I '.,
1I1"· ~. ,i~ .H1\ ·...··~h) ~~ ~ d ' "ufllv. " I ':": I ' hHh ll~' kU t,w whal y~u men D." "flnl'1. th fl rp In 111(' t llnn,..'." h e In... SlSIl~d . - "w h,," 1 !l1'~ 1 IIInk.' 1l up Iflto
,' 1
1, / ',;
1; 1'1
" r:If' 1
I' "
"1\ 1ll('F;fo;lI $te-n rf' ),(1\1
I lot ot fr. I - I SHW U, e Jl U ~ II . li nn Jum p,'11 bll"k- Ih uy Kre there yel.
\1 11 ... .\
Cl i!'.1 r . II I 111 111 IIl lhOlIl 1!" ~~ I II I I " ' I I II II Ii I'tl
.. ·.1
oi l' \\
q C' I, 'L1 110 11 ,:-
\\ i lt . , ·'
\\"11 1 Ih.· \,\·" h ntJw?"
",'t' qu h '(
1: /1 '1 .. .. I
III, .II l'I'I$:;(' ru S8
illl p:tl l tJo l1l1~~
"'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!~ 1Y'HI I' p.' I'~ tn l't'lIll It
cry. "I'm ':u'll eYt Serge ullt _Curney, CaJJllll n. We 've cowe " el'e fur yOll, sir." 'rhe thrcntenlng rC\'ol\'er sa nk wenl.ly, nlld urn ey not! the li eu· , t cnnll t. obll"lous to all eI811. rushed fOI'll'urd. cll'clln l;! tllO twe, II 'lid !JOIlles In Ul ul r eng-e w e" to r p-uch till! one li ve mnn lJeyon(]. held he lpl S8 In thtl t full .. r I·ocll. D "OI'lIh, Il'ft In thO clark· n e~ " hehlnd. IP'(Opetl her way forwarcl. d llZcd, s!,ecl'i llcss. only on c fuet ech o· Ing In h\lr mind- he W/IS Il ll~-e. Dunl'el KI' ll een I\'ns ,nl1\'e I She dropped to bel' knees, nnd IlI'cw hI s hCllu lULU th e cu mfort of 11m' III P. I' N hllnd 8111 00t hlnl: bllcl. h is IIlLl r, 'J' he l' lI'"r£' t,;!is lcnlng. unshed ten rK In
of Ann I'~ill ip. titl(....U«I .• I. hMeby ", eu lJJal S. U
l.t':ltl1l~:i':~rn~~t'; o·t"3~~~~.~~ o?U~\~~edpb~ In lips lue or Wurron tAunt)" . Obio . decelNd. Uatod I hi. 11 th .Ia), 01 December. lin. If . oN. Z ItOI.L.
I I,., ,., ,,-,, .. n',siJoIII '
b li n ,c: ( lI(llpr . r'llS , S t'"It' .(t· , ii' al'l~ J,:fllld . th~.r ":: ~I ~I , un l l l'C1 1I.t,· III '" hit\. ~ h1t~ Ult . ll" t\ 1.)llI I ll~ tl ,", 1 IIIf> !I t' \1! ti n hl~ lshilld \\'IIS un , lId I I Jln \\ iIi. 11 wtrlf {! hl·urt..l, II h "rtt llt·,.... .. r g"l1d dt'\·11. who
Ju,lgo 01 the Probate Oourt
' . Robert \\' . Brown .
Warren County. 01110 A.L~)'. J1
IIh!lI l ~ ttl I-!CI phl nt nlll8 I'n _!l uh ly t ile Ul aI " '" k,d "" ", 1 ~ 'HlI~ old :';0 :1 1. h l' II C~ t'" Ilt t· li tun!. ,," P \y York
{'U llIi' nUl ut
Tl'lLli lle
• Feared fo r
Ea rtio. It ",n . In th e I nld:::1 IIr II ntlsr 'live and He rlnull1:-- , Ii " \\'l ~ IlIakl lh! hl~
flr. 1 llI!;ht . 11I{:.Ilt'd r" " IlI io'n ll \' ,It Ihe " ' V.,. l'c\I f( '! ~P I U\\'IIV
pUOl 'H fl lt' p \·....
(tOI II h f' rt\ " h i' ..:h ri pl, .·" .. , ' 1(' PHrl ,.:!'4 R\\'l' 1I1111? Itn 11', 40.1 It t ,~ Ullt! t1n lll ~ tn hl1 ~! 11 11 " n d Hll ' f '
"i·· ..
\\' hl"h "I'ro S (OJ Ollll ht, 111 0)"' 0 willi bell ow •
h~ h!~
----.- - ..- -- -
' li l' I IW P
of f lu'
Farmers, Atteoti on~ lfurnllJrH
Anr .e n t Q ~lG Att.:J cks.
Will I (('lIl h " Ihe SUlOIk,·
Gus Jllllld ~ 11:-- :1 IlIl'uU ~ Itf (w (!r ro m. In,; li n t· IH'1I1).~ un" "" I'f'l 't1!'t1 flS tn!'" ht~ ck us I fJ n. f'" 11'1" '1) J'"'. \\' ~I'e Oiled
rO I' ,
0' WI.rreo .. nd .djolalll nbtilio mouey on Jontr
OO Dtltto~ U1doy
.'10l6Iu .. n~ . do. 5Y.Jl6 (Joe, of S~ODrlfJl{ tue UOld I~ very r8 •• 00, .. ble, tbrol ul(u The Feder.l Land Bunk. For farther Informa'ion call o n or IIddrtl.s M. U OH.AKE, '1'18&8urer, phone :lUI-X, Lebllhon, Ohio,
NEY LOllotld 'on live "0011 M CUIHlels, seoood mor'ga,..,
Ullng Watch as CompasL WIth n wntch Onl In th e hnnrl, tbe bour hund pointing to\\'urd the slln. the po illt aD th p ('Ire l" Ilfllt way between th e hour IIf1tlll IInfl XII. will be Il!rectly 80uth In the uurt hem beml. sphere uo(1 directly aorlll In the Routhcrn hemls nherp.
Notes boul(ut. J o hn Ba.btIle, Allen BniltJilll.(, XtlDi" Ohio. • 6 ..'.2'
• Muscles In Ca t 'R T all, 'I'h rl-t. nrc ,hr(lt 11111t11; '1 , I ' 1I 1) ~' 11\11 ""
des III Ihl) 11111 lit " "lI t
11 .<
thl! hlllll"n hand nl101 wrl'l
10 "1'" )!I'1l
Art-nOd "ecoud.h8nd . rubber. tired Bu!:!!',\,.
114.4U. It D 3, WayneavU)e, Ohio.
WANTED - 1i00 bDshel8. Call L\'lnlln Du.y, phoDe8 48.4" Wl\yne~ vlll tl. Ohio.
-- ========~==~
IfJr !/ille \ r
liN' P~' I I~ , IlTItl he ~u \\' thcllI . ":'0:0, I g ri t nwuy.'· she ux'" lnllled "" >111.", "TII ' ·y tlld not s~e 11141 lit u ll,
un d 11,,," 0"11 I;ulll ' ll IIle to your ",cn." "I 1' "111\' I)UI·t at It-A! 'u!;el' tuld
.\I "lIge r?" h(!r hear t chol,ed h fl ·. " li e WII rea lly hel'l? wi th you, :tl" 'n'/ \\' IIlIt,- \\,hu t hnpI) ned? Cll n llIen." H 'nllshcu lll e wal'uln/; II 1;1II: a hend. Yf)n te ll me ? th ey will lilt va Ih ose flS '1lIey lI ul'llllced. tal.lllg 11 1$ II\\'n pillce l'uel;; 1:; t.ll1g Il\\":-..Jn' n lJlOIl I(mt." ' ··Y es. ,I'es. lie wos ber . he flnll Gllr. besIde Ih" ae r.ll~lfnt, lind emil" llIng Dcl"'I·"jl to "'cllJuln !Jdl!lul wll h Ule rlty-th e .IIUI ~,·. you kn o\\'. 'l'heytwo so ldlm·s. . As the pasMIu;e curved tl,, ')' nrc Lot ll In tllcrll now. hurl ed to til e r!Fht the lellu e rs Cl'ep l forll'Ilrd ullfl r 101l~ 11:( roclt. 1- IIIlrolly ImolV with extl'l!l11 e..cu utlOIl, to guln vlj!w ot Whlll dhl hIlPI ,e n; It 1I 11 Clllne on 118 whut lay . hIdden beyond, Carr rellch· In 1\ n IlSII. Thl' re "'liS n tunnel In Ing out hIs hond to send the fti eller ot hI ere. -h\' 1',,0111. . wllm'e Ulll J\lnl ra had IIgbt dl1nclng down the nnrrow'l1tl t UB' Ic~n dn lng .'·I·'II·S I1l1d ~"""I'S IIgo . . He Del. The flIlshlng ray. brou ght. 110 re:- IIII1 ·t hll"1! rI\~'11 th e l'e nl! nlone. for I spon e, awoke no sound ot movement.' MO W his .k!'l plnn 011 " pil e .of s tone. Rnd Gu rney ventured to protru de hI s 'I1 1CIl th o~e t"'o) w(>nt In- lI,1enger nnd " cud tltr eoough around the pl'Otect· Uurl'ity- wlth 11 IIt'o l"m lun tern.' I .Ing rock ' to gllin . view ' of "'hur. \VUR I thlllk "n,· f>f tllcm fell. lIud-there ' beyontl. 'I'he tlnshll (:\.lt II'I\S no lo nger IIII1 ~ t hll "l' Iw en some I,o\\'der left ,,,,,,,Iud to reven l ' th ~" 'sc I'n e. . At .J.lle thel·t~I "'\l'd~ r ultl Alv"rll hnd • mn"be ~ .
Throclt Troubles
""I1 :.!' III)" tlrllwn, 1 coull!
, j ' I' ,\ '
";\0 : Itll ' (' n il
prcule Court mllst scn'e s ixty days
. "nolJ ~I e lt !:cr Is dend?" "Crus h"tl 10 U pulp." t-;T IJ"I IL '~ t1 Ut!(l'~. Ills 111'" ,,1 so nl, hn ck h elllle~~ I .'· . Im,l hl~ ")'l'S ~Io",·, !. ( 'nrn Y ulld .Tollcs roll .. d th e Inst Slone f rolll off Ih ~ 1m. prls"n" ll III"h". hut he lay Insl' ns lb le. , The th ree . ohll l!r. bnre hllll Ull t Cul •• - l'en 1x ldl' 1:-1 jLrI It'r l'at ,lt' i l l Ihr"ugh I he 1>111('\, P II"SIlIl' to Ih e ell· 10ellne i t U~ t 't l 1' 01" " . I , n It "Hl I trum·e. Itnll. wltll tbe ll ssl !lUll'!' or he lIl.":) a r t erwnn :~ wl[ h a I :1I1I"'.: t'. th ose Ot hNs oUl shle. lIflcrl hi ' hody l"Ut1iU H !'lIHluld 1I ,~vt'r Itt' I it'll lip :11 . .... 1' owr tli e I'ock Jlll rri er. h~twl'e n the 1"'1",,. 1I1I1,til·'1. II i It w il l ,.,, •. ~ U .,.,. ! urn . clln gln~ "In" s Inl o the sunligh t. Deh• ornh I",ver lerl his s ide. ol1d ns they plflced the bOdy on th e short tllrf. his cnd or the pEl S Il g u. uuwu 1IIrUlI.l;" lIlQ I helli l rCRtc(} 1If,tllln lin ' lil'r 1I1·1lI. '.rho s lIght open IIIIl. lending to t he des ' M sers ,'un l 1(1) II, and ("It Ih ~ ' uul· Ilhol·c. AtreOUled thc g lare pf day. streldl~t l I """~. "n Ud ly hl'l l l~c{i, lind flcrhnps crushed while nnd dU7.zlln(: tl1 hl~ e.,·c. nfter til' pitch dlll rimess In. \l'lll"" ,, ~ huu a hll.·· he nld at In st, "hu t I lIollht I)c"n 1,!in,lIs r"cll lll: III H II',, ~. fOI·\\,III·d. If th erp Is ,I IIun e Iwoken. I1e' lI be Ill' or YIl U reI· It I'os led. a ,'nol o( II;.:ht on tile II "I)r. nil rlt;h t 1II'I·SCli l ly. nn rl lit itS ,rer.\" (,,·n ter. (\\'~n' de l'ull l ows ht'l nt: H L'II 11 I (\c n . Nnw. 1111: • a oll tll ned II~ In lin ,·II·hlll g. ,,: 're two little wnter 11'111 ,1 0 I!lf' l'II [ltoln ' 11101'8 ho,lIe •. on e rlll' e d" "'11 \I'll rd. cll rl'll In !lO"fl Ihlll1 IInyth lnf,t el.\!. Whut Is It. Lie utenan t T !(rlHCSIJ"(o ~ hn pc. fh ~ II lhel' ly ing Bt "We CUll Ilnnlly fIIo\'e him lit pr('s· tull Icnglh, featu res uptumed In Ihe H c' ll hn"e to res t Ill'" r""r. n~)'nn tl LIlt·sp 11 11' Ilore of en t. St>rl(('o nt. the f1 nshlll!lot. !o'" plng lIe l'flSS rhl .. nlf l". nl\'l!lIc litltore he cll n ride. l 'erhops row s pRee or dUl'. ex ldb1t ,,1 II jumbled we lIeU .. " se ureh th use hud les bllek mo ss of rol'l, blockl nl! the jllI"Snge there. unll ,lI s po~ e ot Olein III 80me from tnp 10 b"llon!. '1'11!'Y SC~ lIletl to woy." "Vcry well , s ir." ha ve ottllh ll'l'l til" " pry enrl or thln!:s. :rhe 8tnrtI eri sc r~en nt sr" r~ d " pecch· . They IlI Rfl ljpeu re d tog l't1le~, n il hut leSS-first· II I ti,,,,,, IWHII'n!ols> hOllies. t wo tl'Ool'e r left on glto nl; hclow In tleu th plctll rt'll In tlc h lilt Itil de : then the ,'nll ey tll c troo p l'01'S S J:'r:17.ed In I)eyonll III II stru n ~t!. I:hllstl.l·. whi te th e $lIllshlllC. ·Dl'borllll. I,l nth lng tll e fac '. on which th e .""l'l'I oIl ;:ht fu n. white fuce gently. walled wlthwlltlly tll stienl l)' pln)·cd. :·ud,lplfl.l· Rome- ben tllll! hpllrt. iShp wos tree . .tree. nnd Th ere: WIIS thing else rc,tll>(· tetl Into his eyOl>. the Dnnlel l\ellUl'11 Ih'ed. sporkl uf nn uplifted re\'oh'er's pol. n uthlu!: el. 11 In II r , 10 th lok abo ut. B e s lo wl.,' olll'IIe<l hIs eyes, line! IBh ell tuhe. smiled ti p I\t hel·. li S though Ii e r helng ·Who nre y,,,I'" nsk e<1 a ' honrse there W/1 tile mo ~ t naturol . thing In vol ~l' titlll'Dly . . "titop thel'e u"U you tll e 1I'0r10i . anslVer,"
Col d s
(' 1'4 ':1"; '11
In joll (or f'Ollt Clllp t or ('Olirt nn l.·.9 '1IIIhlle oplni,,11 null' ralll'ln ~ to h is Hupp"rt COI'f' CS II purdon. Hl'low I~ Just!('e Jull". MII,rI'r, uC l\'t'w Yr,rk.
fll l l."
flUlp .
h .... lttd .. I .. w l ,\' , ""nd t h,' hO~1 Illul t t"llInd. Ill' r"lIu\\ t id til" I'u i nhow ttl 1111 ' " lId ."
ClIIlrll's troller oC th c th rou!lb II ueds loll of tbe l . S. ::; u·
,t . ·..
th e
h" I,1 It "lit h"f,'I'I' 111m .
"1', ' 1'11:\1'"
ll cf.lURo. ..~I ~('\ ri ll' 1 · I(\r ~ .\ tll'IU :tul! sextull tlfl' pliid It.'" lin' :.:rllfli ll. In n tldtllnn to t h" ~ I' h."" 1Il 1... 1 1ill t he flex t on if 1111 ' ,'hun"1 l .. "II, ., t·1I f or n rt'l!('u r>lJl I. I I.' rH, .... • I",n IlL' t h~ mnrl'lIq,4"t' r i u~, IIIP I,dd ..· .. I n il· QII" r , TI,,' h/ll1lp WrF-i o f lllp I,·!I(",.;. 1IIa1()~, uli l it" I ll' f· tll' ''· ' '~ fll ,,'1 ' i.' 1 Jl lII l
"~Iy G-d. Fl lr I" \VIIS
of 11 11' "
Qlltlee lire "I' r)' 01 1,'101", 1 1111(1 1111')' stnrt with tbe r~l'~ (" r t h~ IIlllrrl,,)!,·
T IL l'lI
11 \ \
,\ 1:;1) . Ir hi ...: I C '~1
l1~II4'I' '': .
/lfllfli pll ', 1 IInw
wl ' ltlt.'11
~I;, .
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h osl · Ill eu uy u qu, ",II "n. ILL' (old his stil i',\' , h is \·,1t..'e :.!1·u \\·I II 1.! ~I rlm gt.! r H~ -h u ~ l hlIH· . Th e J,!' 11:lrd -.;: n l il il It ("( wi, H (hl7. \' n r~e ( :1'.\ n .\· , IlIt·l .. ('UI"l d IH 'S I ll'! \\' t ' ,'n th(' l r kU" PS. t'.\ ('>Jo' (m th e d pse l' l e il \'n ll e\' bu· 1.,\\ '1 Ii,' :;11' 1 tWi ll 11 \ t'" ('ZI~t'I' IY. l'l t ·, ·k inL: 1111 1 l u 1" !oII' It \\'.If:'1. AI tll p "lI d 1\. __': II' ,· n U,..ck l' I o.: lhl dl'IlI~' :
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1'1'."11 .\ . I .EIM : "I"lt~ll ,..tnl" J u s t what pu r t or 1\ w l'fldilJ~ c WIWTll tht-' n ' II'- t il I" , : 1 fm·· d i tlIlH"!Z,·,l T"f'<'eI ,th'lI l fa ll . .: rp t l1ft
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IZl'nUm t o ftnulH't ...•
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h alld('III1 S Ine 1r n·t' t ·!
r ln~(' fll ro k·(' l w HIHI Illrl hl"hlf' (", 1111 tb ,' t'illlr('h . ~1If'1 1 n n' till' l'I'it1u-
\\ a~
~,· t\f; th :ll l·:trrllt:.:' ·~ 1I,'p p ru· I,) t Uk(\ t I II ' lI " hl'l' ~ to) I Uti f r o lll I he et.llu' ,·II. tl l"I 11111 I! hp r f ' 1:·
m l rn ' le," IUII·H e· h-. u ll d 1 Hili nul
IWi' l h tH''' : it .·l' \' fIlS 1I 111H1 Kl U
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1,,·t rl W;(lU\ h lN !-thonl d WPIl r 11\ el ll ' ,. \ I'· 11 111),: In rhe WB~ of ba ~~f ( ~I .\rp
" hl(~ 1
..,~. "~ ~tC r IIfI'Dled '-l:~J...1; ". . the lItt!Ile , . . j-:'i fiDei" iet v D1i;lo.s" at die trkt, :~lted 'IWIth thi .. Ierjelnt,1' add , I\nall'j' applt:e to
A. LY.OA: ( \ 1 \Y II! . ' ,,11 I'l pll"" t.-JI
[l IlA II
l !Utli CUIlIt'N (filiI! ,:00:11 11\1' (Ii ...:! Il lh'I' lin d
li lts I t : .J 'll\(,~, come up h e re.
GII'c 1I1l' Ihc IInsh.'· '1'1 ... 1" '111101 gllll'!' or II l:ht "Irll cl< the In g
R~04rn d,sl"" , """' 0,,01 r,PI.',s PM rlli'UJ of .J,i, lqIUU, 0" bta,., Cl H,l i,., 11t!J.' n"'!1 M i.u A . L,clc., tM'1' 01 , lti.. "'1f'st,,/'I", "",cIN, n6 a: ocM,.""d ond 11G''''trd 'nf'#/ol'_.
ti l t' (\I[H I d;I l'k Ih · ... -: 1'('S(lt h!.
I r " lI lhll ll~
"")" 11 . tllur, !l1! y," Il 'inld, IIIK " trellJ li lll'~. "how h 1I'lIt\(u l \t Is. G-Il! hu t 11 III !lo(ld io gut ""hIt Ulll~ hOIIl' ·1 with dil< l I1ll!U eV'I'l·whlll·C." ' ''Y S,'· s he I' '11 Ilc,d. "!l ut Ilon't Iry to Inlk 1I1l1\'; tllltt I. 1111 lll'er with ." "11111 I "'lint III 11I1k." he loKlillCfI. "It keeps lIIe trnm thi nking; It tn"kus file Imow It Is :II! l'I~ul - thls !ll ue sky. nnrl ""11." ,oJ'hen Ir you JIltl ~ l. te ll IJ1H whnt
Contempt Decision. Stirs Public
f 'j
' ~.__...,
' ..J
3 I dO' l e u Lel(h orn -yearllng ' .Be,:,i I ,.qulre of L NIOholllOO, phone ~
7U, >IV _fO
u .. llltl, UIlIO,
' FJrd~ o n 'rractor, Dillk andliPlowaf all IQ I(ond ah " pe; nO ua. for ~"me, nod will eel! ~he oaUh lJltrgl1ln . J . I' t:irlllb~ . l\, LHln. 0,
com»aJ'atlvely plalo ~~ NlJllbtloOOkN, 'at 'fyoroknto. C.n nnda: ~~I''''''' ew or last w~-ek all4 won over 87 .American beauties from U many dtMe In'. NortJJ
4aMIrIcuI . beaU.l l OODte.t..
2 Reg ~borthorn Cows, w.tth 9&!f by ~ld6. Inquire of J . C, d1se:r, \V IIynellVllle, Oblo,
S,rap, 12,25 a ', .\loa:
M Bpraard. R' D. I, viJIe, Ob to,
_ _ ••_ _ __
"8 . m . , Wayncsvt'11 e, " . ave by buymg \/IIE\.\.. ALL ~ii 'riMe I WA.'ti ,.A,\.kIN6 Me WJto(i o;ITTI,..' "~ER.~
~AW""'t"~ ·t
j2 W.
'jiS au4 .. Tao Bondd; ': w'*h While .trlpe on' bresil' • • mall.
~'Inder pleale o~~tf, 'htlo8ioe
.,4U . '
...•TH E MIA M I .
GA . ---:-ZE TTE ••• ~ C,H £ST.DO W• .
eeO •• r8<l~I'
may mean weak lungs and
.he l·n .... .u.e II Wayne.v llia. Uhlo .... 8ccOlld \lIn •• lIIall
D. L. CRA N E, Editor and Publl~her. Wayn e~ ille, Ohio
,r'de of 46 =======~=~o,~=~====~~
Subscri otion Price, $1.50 ptlr yt' ar
r16 Y~al' Oll B oy \ViAh L-?-~70=======
'Whe re Nine Lost Their Lives in Centu ry Wrec k
nCf!d more thorough treat. me'nt than mere lyrupBt physi cs or stimu lants.
HI ~3
helps chest colds
by glVmg
strengt h to the blood and heat
to the body. It is famous with physicians for hard coughs , and weak lungs, throat end bronchilll troubles. II .
Educatio~ brlna. u. better Babt to .ee better wa,.. and find Ibn liner "Molu ••.
The Billboards Fail
The same princip les apply in selling a cake of soap, phonograph or a sewing machin e as appl~' ill selling thea League of Nation s or any idea calculated to affect foreign or domestic legislaWon. The people mUllt be told about the article, they must be convinced that it is worthy , they mllst be stimulated to interes t and moved to a determ ination to buy or to deman d action, In thelle days the recognized principle factor in selling is adverti sing. It is the only means of rea~hing .the people. All of which brings us to the questio n of the- kind of adver· tising that is most effective. Of course. there always will be some difference in opinion, but it is enlight ening to note · that the strong advoca tes of billboard appeal run to cover \ quickly when they have a desire actuall y to sel1. · Quite apart from the unsigh tly aspect of the billboard, it , seems strang e that when its suppor ters wish to sell the peo, pIe an idea with a view to bringin g about beneficial legisla· tion they see at a glance the billboard is a failure . When th e large corpor ations want to really sell an.-rea they pro! ceed as a rule to engage a press agent, or a "direct Or of public relation s," Then a drive is made to get their story · before the public throug h,the news columns of the newspll- ' pers. This is not always attemp ted bllcaus e the corpor ation likes to get advert ising withou t paying for i ', The policy often is adopted becaus e the corporatlOll renhzes that only newspaper adverti sing has a definite se11ing power. The people to whom the corpor ations wish to seH their ideas are 'the same people to whom the corpor ations wish to BeH their mercha ndise, and the same selling princip les apply. Is it not strang e that thinkin g men should in such circum stances adopt rules of adverti sing so diamet rically opposed as the newspa per and the billboa rd? The more though tfully conduc ted corpor ations tell their stories over their signatu res in paid advert ising appeal, J'ecognizing the force of frank and open statem ent can stand the light of public investi gation. There arethat enough of the others left, however, who still cling to the old time poster idea of adverti sing, just as there are homes today that resent the installa tion of modern plumbi ng and hang on to the old time pump and bucket. The bi1lboard is an economic waste. It is thrust under th e nose of a sufferi ng public with its garish desfgns and half finished message. Instead of being taken into the home !l8 a friend it is resente d as an intrusi on on public privacy and a menace to the public landsca pe, Newsp aper adverti sing will stand the acid test as agains t the billboards any day in the week for any purpose.
I ' .
111t l' ~
~--------~~~--~------------~~tJ.l -;,1~'~~ ...
.1" '"teNI4/fOIl4l BOttO
D~dWolect '10 Preriderl l
," ro Ufe \Jt)j(81l World's hIstory's been wrollght " h well', IIrlllt ,1;Rt: Ie. ott renewod BUll fought: ' I'C'" hn s tau,ht the \,vll or our "'ny,
I (leu(.,() Is dllwlllng with n newer dn), .
, force ot IIII~ht-DOt rlj(ht-h u often rlllet!, . " II the world In armAmen t bec'n 8chooloo; ' 1' . God, DO tllore "ost ~t'ave~'nrd8 'o\;hel'e we kneel. , Jolu I,ur henrts nnd hAUds for COOl won weal. . , •.• , . mInds ItI"e vI ed for better way. to malIC ' 1" lru~lIye forces tor de8Iruct:~II'. ~r,kc; "lit chao. and canfu.lo u there .ltall r 1lle .. lHlnrlug peace ond everilltl ug 1I1.'i1.
OTwr'" ,rr Itray tor peace 011 (!nl·th, IIDOl! " ' 1\1 townr!! all; [ ,tV love Illatend of It"t\! our beart s enthrall, : e' Itroy thll t e"err nfttlon sees tho rIght ; :1111 Imllt nnd Ju sllc~ rlll o In plnc'(l of mlght: '!tllt ormAmen t forc"cr cense IIH reIgn; ml wftJllng war mny ne'er return agilin. .onll 1118~' the world be Inlght 1\'1 til frcc(lom' s boly lI~ht, And oltll; GI'."t Olal our l~h'll!
V" r lety of Summer ..
MrH.I Il II MlIUll llU lind d llugbter , Probate Court Proceed jnta. Eth e l, 01 '1'I ).Ipeo,,,, o e, cumB down 00 In t b " UlIIUfl r of tbll ~el[.l o lJl'lIlt or ·"I.llnlu y . to ~ ptto d tJL rl8tiudB IIml ~t;e est.nt.\! of Edl(lIr St10801l .•1Aoe nK. fl O'; 1.1." bo l u lu vH wltll r e la tives aDd ed . 'he oourt t ouor! tb o nllt v/lloe of I'rh'od ... . • be eHtate 10 be 1303:l :l4 K , E . 'I h .)mpso u Bod fllmity reo W, N, Thomp son, J)(lUJln l ~ troto r oO' V(' li lIlIl""lt.ULIO{l t u IIHond tbe of the elIt,,,te or <:(o>rl< (J Loo .. , o.lll . j;' Id eo w "d,lIn~ of Mr lind Mre A oell8tld. tjieM flr qt aDd flBMI aooonu t'l li AU80/). 'If Itotlund o Belloh, Cal , B. C. Pbilllps 18 DawAd IldOliol • . on CbrlllLlU1I8 duy, 'ra'or of et!tate ot Ilito Ann Pbtllips Ju I4dllil.lon 10 OUI' ep \e ndld Christ Uloar Edward~, Mabloo R'dg e and W"d prugrnm (tt the ohuroh CharieR Bnwke Rre nllro ed app\'lll~ w u rDlo g. w o r e two bellutHu Sunday J duets, ere. Ii Ch, ..,I mil" oll rol, .' !:llleDt Nlgbt," S M Cook seeks Jlppoln lmen. of L.v l\Itlsllum es EdltL nnd Ida MoKay , gUllrdia n 01 Mllry E . 1£11111. au II I IiD d un " Kllug I•.v Mr.. M"rtbll and leged Inonrnp tlte nt , liellrlo~ of the Edllo" U .. vi ~ , "Wbllt Duel! It Mean Oftll" W(l~ lIet Deoam ber J 9 u t 10 0. tu Me. " m, Otir Hoh ,)u \ oloHe d o u ~'rtday for Fred G008 aDd ,Ju8o phlo e G OU8 th e b ui ld •• v 80lt80n .lud will Dot reo exeoatorA of Oltt " e of 1111 0 LIZZie llP ~ U out,'1 ,III u nury 2nd. Tbere ~eull Ilte first aDd fioal 110COUU t, w orll Ub rl 811ullIj eXIltrOltlC8 Iu whiob fill 1,11>, pn pt I. pltr&IOI p .. ted. The dncorut,io ll u t I II soh ool room WIlS lIiarriai e Licenses. bO[(l1l1lul HUrl "rtl.tlo , a ll belog d one GlenD (Jr o ~slt!.V 'f,.vl '. r,lS . Frnllk loy ~ l' .. (J1l \ill;. u.n d teaoher , MItis JlD aDd Altce Midl81ll , 10, Frllukll u . Pen rt M ,," rll. Val Br8.y t,oo, ,10, 8 ,,0111 '\,,11 0 (lod Ou - Lit , ron' con' wlLt eo wet on OJar C. Cffloiul U, 21. Soollilv illll trrlfl uy HVB ltl nv. find ollm ed Frld,IY "V~Olltt.; • •I t\ nl1,,r), 'I, 1924 . fur our tirsl, L, r ll r IU \' 11l 8P. i i ll g ot the 8ell'OO, R eal Estate Transfe rs Ev urv ,,0'" t.h"t. ttl In 'erested our CbarlllH F . Choplrll in. by Il xeoutor g u,)d ' w o rk is r~qucE!ltf'(1 to be in tbere. \0 Wllll alll E Ilud B e~siH ti. tHl\nton btl Wfl wi ll "ISI't, 1.1t6 offioers for the 711 1.2 80r o~ 10 C I ~"r,reek t o \\1o@blp co min !!; Y'lfI r . Our present. offioers 11I07t,4 1. IIro, H o wur<1 MoKay , prepide D"; A" l Bert.hll dell to Pli ul lind Url~ Get,t8 B '1'"lmu j(tl ,,"d Cb88. Brlldba ry" 10 Rorell ill t;leo roreek LOWll~hlp. $l. vt ce pr,," Hl l' otK; l\1ar~' MauDoD , seo. r e tllr .\ '; I:illull ul. trea~urer: O. S B 1L(glns to AmClnd 8 Uibbs K E Th o rn p~ ' tt1 . ,luf'dIiO. Jl: C. Mlluoon Bnd lot 10 Letlnuo n II. ,l obo L "IV r v. St1lU r1I1Ig' on mmitt ~ e KII88 Rod tltelh BAokot to Calvio 0 0 IIrr ll o gfJ l ~)(l11L~; K, E. TboUlp~on. Bod Do rr,hll Baily g4 Dores lu Tnr. publl ctf.y oll nt1l1l1t Ae .
t1eorellle l' ow o~bIP-1. Ge.) rge \V OreLl t o Co l mt1D 'Ilod Ora, MOU lIWll 2 o orll~ ill VVut!llIug. ton townsb~p n .
.. .
F lfurc. .... A ...;'I1, It· tillY
J\C('u l'(.l lll~
~ UJtllllel'
Irutlillul t ,
urrln\s UI Hl llt
~" .ow
1 ·.·,· p nt ~· tllI ' ·
I 1I1P~ r Ill' 1(11/1 1 do.. in JIll I h l\ dt." 's !'a ntis tn l R47. Th(' rll· I " .... j l~ 111 \""\\' Yu r lc h:u,liq to (he ~'I':'" 1 ~· ;7 .I n l al ,l " ~.~ " 1~ )UJ')qn . TIlf' Se ! 1"ln];;:-: I ', I l' i, '.J ~ ll .noO .£ M I(t of ~ I" ' t'h' lind
----_ ....
lutd II / · 11" 1' 1., ,10 11 n f Il hOlit ~"j ItOIl.OttO,
_ --
(CoP)' , I,hl, 1921, by E.
tl f :oolhl ' l t!'ol f o hp t l t! :-- 11I",l1 ud ' ~I \ " ~\\l'(" 011 lUll] wlllllm.:. I II II :; III II Hlll . (,I'''HIIIY rUiFl e. t\III'I ,\ ' \\'llh II Ilaoncl ('llIlh . Allow II , ,\ ,llI"d IIl1 tll ",,~. , P olI"11 II
(11 1: 111 111,\
. f'le ullf·d
Si lve r.
CII:l I1lIlI ~ , tnjI J"--~
1'0 11011 U,lll llei. th e u wllh 'l'h l.Oot lIu'tllud wil l !Jut cUl ur
tllf> !!' 11\·t 'r pilltln:; , -----.~
Gladsto ne'. Recreation •.
t ' ,',
~l l dl l lel'8
:-;""I'll~ lllh{' 1'
HUllltl lt"I' ,
Juc ulJlIlll
St. ~lul·tlll' s vember II.
- - -...
, .....
li nd
11" 11111 1'1'
--- --
I' , ,· , I
W omen Denied S o la oe of P ray er,
SlIlIle IllIrt s or I IIP Wf)r-Id tltl' \\ 1\111. !"n lIrt~ hflt t-'q'lI "11 ' 1\\',,,'(1 t il 111'11 ." . ('I,\r. ' nl n Iri lldll (' !'II J.! Tt· !..' 1I 11on .: d"n \' rl\f>lr IIntl
"","::!, !'.. ',1I1~
h.I' IllI '.!. l·,,, tflllf".'· .IollflPh To olte!', ot South Essex, :I n: '' 'lft;': lI l1Ull IIlId nUllu l mcnt \. h18 boy'. marrIag e. l it!' . Ill," "'., It, ,n': l n, 111(1, ~nYA Ill' w ooed ·uud won and loves bi8 , "'01 I 'j ". 1\'11,) wa , :lf~~. :-lu"nn O. tllmpsQn , wealtl!;, widow aud .. ! " I ' I ;.! 1111\ 1 i n :\~W York. '''I'''' a ll d hi . Iorlde-lIhso vhoto ot brJde'8 AIt""'lcr
~ ','
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~"tlrnpn ttl !~ PI'I\' I I,';.!"\ ',
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11I1I 1'lng
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A " 'I lJ'O I II
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will !
Forea t T. Martin
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l\flrl I,,, .;
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, ~ .. h
Get my terms for your Public Sale. r satisfy and save you money or no charges.
l ' d: JY:1, .\1 I he
. :11,, '1. , l!:,: :-o f 1(' 1\, tn lilt. ",',q r , 'd hrillf)
1' ...
11111101 " , 1 I "
I.'u l l ..
w l lt ' n
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio,
Home Phone 2, CentervllleBx. J •
G~ s.
t o D eBt ro y p~&t8. I lI c l !l~' pq l . . 'otltlU:O: 1i \"! tl'IjI '\lIHI(' n c ld !n~, whldl hu !'i 1'1'1I\.,',J " Hidl'llf In de-
1I1 ' ~ t ~
It tl~
\l lJlI d l l1:.!"s
"'(l (ln fou nrl I l rll ~ 'II(':11 rl" !I I" flt'Htruc· tl on of wfltut.-hu t'\{Ilo; ll1 l i! 1I 1 1!f ' r dUlUag· !n~ r nlh' lIl s in 11 11'1 1' hi 11'1'1'\\' :4.
Tbe bublt, of course, of the tluperflc lal Is to spenk of roro lug o"cr a OCI\' lellr, It Is not 80 lIluch u Dim" lenf ns 1$ 18 n DCW pell, a new ()Itrpose, 8. new policy. n now propLecy the "'orlil nred s. Let us multe resolUtio ns, even It we breillt them . If we fllU let UB try, try ollaJo' Ulltll we 8u~eed. We nre euJolned not to yIeld to tcnllltntl on, for yIeld. Ing Is sIn. Eac h ~Ictory will belp tiS some other to win. It that negative truth Is vlllWlble, the pos lt.I \' e side at 1t II more valullble. _ Try , m'co though you f!l\l. Ea ch effort lIew st rcngth wUl brlu g, Arl sp li nd Iry nj!:tln. f or
th e
llJulIuw lu I walt ~ " 1I tihu ll Be not l'u Jul·Leu r(ml, the
roil~ h .
Be not shortr
De not UI.t1o, tb e ,"orld Is Illi. De not hUlli un only, God 18 YOUr trhmd. Do not look fit the fn ll· u res ot l us t YCllr. Lo ok st tbe mOfe rlfll ot n e~ t YOlJr. out ot wltl ph )'011 cnu constr uct sueCOS". fOl'tlln e nnel tu 1'01'. 1'h" . prophesy of I he fu t ure Is preg· 1Iul\[ wltlt JlI'OsIJerlt.I' . progrellll lind power . J( J ~s u s ChrJst d ocs not retllrn hcflll'e I he "cor cnds there \\'111 Ioc, froll) n hlffiltlll
HAU,'lI C.\ ,],,\HHII ~mD IL'II'E) h OB beon UfHHl MlI Ccc~sru ll)' in th e tren.tmell t or Catarrh , HALI,'S A1'AHnl l ~ I Knl lNK COI\' slsts Il f n n Ol n ll ll~ nt whtt'h QuiCk ly H e ll!'\' N by J04,.'tl l Ii p pltc n.lIon, tlnd lh'! ) nternnl 1\1 ('(1 1dll 0, 1\ 'l 'on le, wht c h n .\3 thr oUHh tJ1e nt nnd On t h e ~lur ' OUH Sur-
Telepho ne
Sold b Y all Ilr tlggI 61~. F , J, Chc ll"Y & Co ,. ,'olcrto.
Wayn esvill e, Ohio
Wayn esvi lle, Ohio :. Nationa l Bank
Fully Equip ped for Good
Service. Large Display
Dr. John W. Miller
DAY <?R NlqBT ,~
Den,ti st WayneSVille National BanI, Bldg' l
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Lebanon, Ohio
Eve ry T uead ay
stOll(lp(l\ UI. till 11m It cd prOll:rc'!lB 111111 pow(·r. Tlle s(\ f\,llIl:s sbould mak e liS I:Ic l'iOtl ~ IIl"cuuse we n('~d JUm'e h1lmility nUll g rAOO in the m(l lJl<'ltt~ of cli sll!'olhn nnd p onee uud J,JrCl:,:r ess t hnn we do 10 tho IDOIII Clits or dl, ns(ci' lIod
8: 00 n. 111. to 4 p.
.arrow, The uew Y~" l' Is Ilctore )'OU, Belze tt. \l 8C It , 1:0 tlJrou.:h It. anti at Its enll YOII shall he II better mnll, worth lIlore to tlto world, nnd the worhl shall h,)' at you r fcot Itti gllrlnol\8 ot ,,'Toll tude. •
~X t.'rci 8e.
I Hll p~ nn
by Substitu te. h11 'P:-;
Ili ittl
101, .l'lI rd kO I't! \1'111 h ave
taar:. t1~
III Idl d tak e It l ~ 1-'~P I·dse, -lIn. ! " "r IlA'.
CIIlf1 st nn ,· who \' I'I '~' " lll'l ' ly Itlst sl erp 11 8 Ihe r p~\l I' of P llllti" 811 \\" II'1'.\', found f'lIlnc'c In JI1t1 ..:~ ( ' HII Iilrll ll ;: h il l~ (':I I't'Or,
thou 1:11 It Is p".-II,l e lh ll .
IIlHn ~hf l )
trn ctln f,!
New Tear melD to
Wbat doe., it bQld-fr om Tour polnt new? Are' you prepared tor whateve r It brlDP-w tietber It comforts , or whither It IUD'" Taldui aoeount ,or th6 oTer-due, wbat doe. ,tbe New Year mean-t o foil' WhIle 100 w!re watebIN the old end. did conclude had, II11t & friend' . DId yoU Indllllti . thit repettu l
Granted tIIat your
II I!'!
lllilld ,
" I~
'l jo;,' fu t 1n ells·
It nrl
Ii IlC k ;':-HIIIIIIOU 80111t.1J 11l1 1·~ "l1q" f~ llf(lt)NI us well ,
Go od Go od s Al wa ys Ple ase
-----_ ...-
'Save by buying ill Wayuesville."
tear at uie demlae of • ~'Pr.clOUi ,ear'
d~u~OIIII '~
'what doee tile New 'l ear meU-=t o '1ou' WelcolIIII It, Brother; with. aU
ml,lbt: •• '. Greet It with ~ .or
eat ·deJJlhL~ . • , Live 'bi It'4her im " laddlD d.~ . ' . • Hale. 1t' ~,Oall tO·1irii.. till
It.: tile hour WI
"~dI ,eal •
rone I J am 4l1t8l'll~jl4! I
8):1AtI; BID.JtiIt ~liat I ' wet to mean to I •
mel ..' ' •
Atway~ . carr y
the hest' LambeX', 'Shingles. · Sash, , Doors and ' Mill W Qrk, Roofing fact, everything in the auil ding .Matetial 'We wil~ take pleasure in supplyi~g.yourneed~ Giv~ us a call '
.. ,
face8. ll1 \1~ re, I III'lnJ:f Ih ~' lnfilllJlmn llon .
sh:ltt.ed, th e hOI·ly.ou la extlludec'!.
r(l~il :"
F{)I,Iuo- -who ",',r r .v .. boot !!etljlt~ oredl, tor wbnt, th ey no never 86em to get ouv i, hiug ("me
I ('tl rre- I
Hnd i'tu,\· ~ t \\.' u or [l l l'l't, till \!-- . The " ther t \\'o burKt &: of ~lIl1ll1lt~ l: dllt: be. ro l'~ wiult"r I'enll.\" ( 'ulfII' S III'~' :-:1. 1.\I~~'5
tUlIIre Is l'o urs.
CI')Urlt,"y' & G r owt h . ""\\ \, '0'1, ,',·tl\, Iljl" l, IIf to'·III't'I,l.!'O rl, . 1II"I" !" ,·qllll".I); ! OIo r e
I lhil fl
.. - ....- - -
, I
St, !\11t'l18el'toi ~\llllllll'r In E II ~h, nd. lW(1 utll t' r " Iiltl " :'lIl1llflf' r~:' sl-!ulld tu ltt ~ AUII..'ri" 14 1l IU'lia n ~Ull lI1lpr,
ole .. r ,
nectors ' dou't advertlJl e, Ethlc:'~ l)rohlhlt. nml Il!lIve the tleltl or~n for tho quo ek. to t111lnn .1 ',," " " • ' . ' "'" on fh " .;ulYcrln: : l ,"hll o. "" 'WoDder the Freo ,
of I ll\" New York Oentrnl'l I 20th Ceorory trllin. whIch WliH "I ruck by th~ "01' 111" of the third lectlon near Erie, Pa. N'lue "'t>r~ klll ...1 and thirty I1.J\I£<,d
Some",h ere we bue read that If po"erty Is tbe mother of ot I!4ln~e Is tbe rather. Whether fhls be true or fulse, certaIncrIme, It Is tbat the oft.prlng 18 UiegiUm ate lind IIncomfo rtnble.
COl\tMO N I'LEAS COURT Uuy <';Olllfl~ W Ud I(r~IILt'd liuo rlle of ul vuroll II lIlU Ell .. C,.III u ~ 10 ,be CII "o .. r L"IJUu o u N"Mou nl Bauk 1I0l! J' r IlSt Cu , \' ~ J ~' I"in o,; \t J. U. ,WII MO "",I(! W IJlIIIIll Z , lI . t b~ Onr II t ll" s ohool ha s Hold o ve r '20 oo urt I)rl.l ~ r ed (Jlblut,tl J fO r" OOv"r \\' u rl,h 01 Ub ridt'lJ" ,8 801l1d . jud ~emllul. in fL e 81lf.1J III .~ltl~ ,.I G Mr .. , ({ulh MUU8Y bu s 1c(0lJe to In t,he lJl"tt" r of !:t••y D BI"ok V8 Lell~lJ urg fll spen d Gbll~~rullt! nnd BeMOl tl ti.lilbolt tlt A purtle" IIro r e ~be Iwlldll YY Wi th ber Olu~hllr. oouolled anu lIod Olloe Wu8 dismi88 ll d A UIiI!PY aud Prosper ou8 New wUb uut r eclIru. y ~ " r t u , lI, t! flll d nil is thll best wleh l'he 01186 0 ' 1;; 1lito of Ubiu V8 li'r tl d o'r y "u r Heecb Uro 'va c orredp oodeotBall llr wu s uollod . M, M, Terry , LOll BrllDno n Bnd 'l'bll caMtl Llf !:It .. te of OLllo "8 K E . I'houtll~ O O WH rll I U Orego nl ... Roy AsklnK WitS uOlled tI~tnrdl1y . o " lltng 0 0 lillny BIddIe· Tbll Ollbf; of ehony Pb o n o \Crupb ooru . S.. le ~ Co , V A. L l:l. K~Dnolh 18 ~ Ilt N ll w I~ n gOllcl flme t o ~ ubs oribe for J~nuur y Ill, 192~ or borl/rll f OJ r'l'lt t! M IUlU t t~ ":r; .. U6, Ilt tIJo be LII'viu ll Llud Hoy 18 g rllute dltlvor uu g'nldn l; 01 d D OW Y'tllit unll ge t 011 Uttl u e\\'~, 1I11 ~bf1 yeur. tr e Sl) 6ud fr .. m ,ra Lin dSAy.
r" (tt :
The ;"aJ Guette. WaytlenUle,
= -.
I n , LD Rlll itb if< Oil the sluk lis'. Mr8. Ma Sowe Ifl oonllne.d at home Mr. " nel Mr a W'rn Cox were OilY, with" heavy oold. · • \LI n vlHltorll Wednosday. W, W. Wlleo.n, of Ken1ooky , t. F , a n It Rogerll WIlS I!lok last week . he re with hlB parents . .Mlllael! Ml\bel aod 11\TgaTet Starr hil t .. i lUp r ov~ d lit t~!1! time. M '>I WI liam (,;oleman . was In are lit hQDle t or tile Yuletldo lIelMlOD 1) ' 1)' ~ un NhO P lJ1t1g , 81~tnruay . 1m Bllr tllook Rnd wife, of D,~y'o n I\1 rll . Ollio "'idNI !6 muoh Improved II[J at Chri8tUlas O"y w i~1.l t he Whet . U r lllf 1\ SIW6te II ttuck of pneum onln . ~6 1 ' ~ . Til ... M oh ool I' nt.e rtnlom eut Frlllnf Mr~ . 1m Byford "ll tl'rt~ l ned twen. mnr nln g \VI\H l':l:ce1\eo t and ell joyed tY.oll e ou Chrl , (UlU8 Uny tu II fnm . Ily ~l\ v e r"l of Ill o 1)!l tr oul! IIY dlonor i \t f A. MaoR Pl ck~ rinK . of Gem ~ e 'hrl tmlls C\u 'u ll! W IJ I' \l sung on ' t o wn !~ Rpe nlling Cbr lpt.IIlH8 with our ~ tree tM ~od ut th e howell of our 111'1' HiMLe r,ln.lllw . Alrs Ida DIlY. IIhut lilli, Ub r ls~1ll1l8 eve, Ilud tb tly Mr. Ilnl Mrs . 'uueoa B~own weD' wer e grelltlv appreciatod by eve ry t o U,ly ton Haturd " y .,Qo nlo" to on9 . ~ !I ,"I tlla h o1id •• y ~ with thei r ob l1. Ellrl B ookett " a d fRDlIl .V nud Pe r cy lls/lHOO Rud fllmlly. or Wllyues. rtr n the r p. ville, Bnd Mr n ad Mr~ P"ol Reu. Mrs Anu I, . foillltt,h went to Day son Bpent (,;hr il.tm I18 Duy with MT. ton Wetln ol'tlllY t o " pend Uh rl stmns .. nIl Mrs. K E. H Oliao ll nnd the hol\d liYtI w ith Mr. ti nll Mrs The '! vlo Lell g tlO wi ll give a ohl oken pie snppe r N ow Y tlar'~ eve All on Bll rtly. .. A barrel of oILnnorl fr nl t and oth In MoC.. rren's Kflru go . l~ood tbings or eatables WArll .. eo' from ber e to n.re In store f or tllllse wbo "U ond. the M. E Ch1ldr e n'~ horne at Worth Ever yone is iuvlt .. d aod the price Is logton , Oh io, lust week. only 3Go .. plnte .
From tbe ,..IIe, of Ober.mmergtlu. In Bavnrla, wh ere lbelr
\l V<'9 1I,'e
tIIolded to tbe ch.racter tblll' aspIre to I)()rlru y ID '"ful' PII ~8 1ou J' lllY " (proclu!led nel'l' 10 YMn) bas come 11 smul\ ~ nnd or wood I:ur ver~ I II . u their W.ft. all returnll 10 belp teed IhNr "t or~l ..g worneD uud chll. dna. It ... ~ lint trip • ..,ay from tbelr v Rtl e~' . Thou gh aW(,-8truck ...d manellioa at the fife aDd jtlttt~r or New York. Ihey refu se 10 Ill! ~..ed from tbelr
Obrl 8~11lD tblnklnlt
Mr . aod MrA. Morris Miller e n'er· tal netl the .MllIerA. of near Franklin "nIl tbe Bookwu ltere, of Mlllml9borll',' to a Cbrl8tmBs dlnner.8on.
..- --
'rbe Cbrilltmas e D tertalnm ~nt of Frflnk Pente is 0 0 tb~ slok l!~~ . Lytle Sunday I!ohool was woll I\l Jllcob Zimme rman had a oommu 'ended. The mnsio by thll oh a ir ni ty Cbrls tw8 s tree at bls grooerv Bnd Mte rolses of Lbe little folks were store Moodoy ni ght.. enj oyed by 1111 A oolleotlon of 120 WIIB take n lor tbe Methodist reo .loho Lev! and fli wily 8pen Cbristm ils wi~h tbelr rl\iu g bter, Mn. Eis. lIef'ln J .. pan . w or th AOIIt;h lind family . o f OilY, ton. O '~es t Known Will. Mr: /lnd Mrs, 'I' lm M"rl.. U are A will In 2MB U. C. IR the spend ing the Uhris bUll18 holidays ollle~1 p""llln i . ,It ts "'I'ltleo 0 0 pnpyrus with tblli r 80n nort fn.m ily. in J01. by un ~:J,! ~' l ltlll n tlI'lIl p.11 UII II. 1JJ It be Dlllhu" , gove IlIN IWIIII' anll other prn ~rty to ~~-.- -his w i fe. to he l.,rt by her tD ony, ot Ulelr ch lltlrPD; Ilrmnged ((If the burin! of 1t11U~ cl r 11 1111 wlre. nnd uppointed a En ",,,el n£; LmHI p , Jctl ced.
null WIIYS o r IIvlog. Head·
lllf tlu! rroup la Anton LaoJl;. who Is the p rc~n t (· h rl. ' 1I8. bavlng IlOt'tJ;U'ed JetUI 10 tbe l ast three prOthlt' tlo ll ~ . his I ' l·oth ~ r Andrea J.ang. p(rttr. 'and GuIdo Mayr, Judas. •
gunrtJlltfl rur II 80n.
In tncr the wU I dltTer~ 1It11t' fr"lIl olle whlcb Ullght be e.r.ecut.~rI 10..1uy. · _ _ ____ .••_ __
More Mou nt~ln8 May Ri se. 'rh o J,(r at c.l lItn ;!(,~ tlu .. the Cll rt h un· (lPI'1! I~~ ntny he JIII Ill'oo ff .lm Ihe fnet rtho ! four Um ~ sln.·o )wu1o!:'I, ·,, 1 hl~lory
bpl(llll new g'l\l' rnll,'n or \Jlounwlns bU"n or i son In l~ lIl·(l fl·. Itll\! th(·re Ii' no r 0'. (In to 8U PIltls th nt 1hcre will not
6e IlDother:
i 'I
I'l ,
j""'('lrl' -
Nulato SOUDERS .....&H·w .. 1878,' ~-,r... • .,..,....;. for
. EVa
Op~ca1 Dept.
3n1 Floor
. All Good Hou..wi.... U.. SOUDERS' EXT.RACTS
n.- .. aIMohitely _
ASK YOUR GROCER Th. Royal R.m.dy and ExtTact Comp~ Dayton, Ohio
- . . to paF
Far Sale B~ All Groc:eri
·RfrII • ...., .... btract c.. DAYTON. OHIO , ,
a: £arpIt a.... Co.
.u.W.._fII .......
Surplus $800,000.00
Ov.r 30,000 Accounts
......... U • • •
... II'!IIJewi.... A_ .
e....-. 0,
GREYSTONE I II,.... 111m •• In! ConIIU, .............
DAN CING.E!:.-:r r.!:~p &ad Moaclar
..Pnc&lnar.• .QuaUty CUT
un DRUO...... STORE
· U · ~TItW
The celebrated ' Grey.tODe Orchestra Marion McKay. Dirac::tor Ander.oD
Dayton, Ohio
S. A. BuI.w
17 West Fifth Street
BIBLES, ' B 0 0 K S And Complete Li..... of SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES , ........~
LARCEST and moot _ _ fete STATION.
~1, 23 w ••t Flftb Street CHARLES W.· BIESER
~~~~~~~~~~~7~·~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::il\~_~_ri__I._ld_l_S_7_4~~~__~____tnJ. . , ,'We ,P!l1
Claarl•• LeJ.un.
Save $10 and Come to the
Dried Fruita
111 Soulth J.-.rD'a ytoe,o.
ISt~':- .fe~~:!'e
Pric.. For .€ouab')' ,. 'BlItter., ~... P~b7. ' ,
.n dSo"Ih ..... Obio. . ' ERY .nd o llie. outfittiDa Houae I. C••
' "
FUNERAL ' pESIGNS At R~~I'; . Pricee
t· .. '
The Community Chrsitmas meet· ing at Lytle Hall Saturday evening was Quite a success. Despite the bad rainy evening th e ha ll was fill ed to ov erfl owing. Rev. J, C. Stitze l. pastor of Lytle church gave a nne address. Th e mus ic by W. H. S. or chestra was much enjoyed. a l ~o the violin music by the lealler Prof . AI, fred Watkins On e hundred ami tift h treals wer e g ive n out to chil· dren of the community. A fin e fat turkey was presented to Rev lit z!!l The Christm6e tree was beau tifu I with the decorations and e lec tri r Iillbts. Thi~" get together" meel· inll was so thoroughly enjoyed by all that we hope to make it an annu· al event at Lytle.
---_.- ..---
.................................................... ...
I :
ii i
:• :
Attention! Those who were proud to serve their country in the World 'War should be proud to know that they are eligible to become members of of the American Legion.
Join Ralph P. Snook Post No. 168, Lebanon, Ohio, and enjoy the privileges of the new club rooms in Memorial ,Hall, dance, play cards, swap yarns and e njoy the comradeship of your forme~ buddies. .' .
MARCH! :....................................... ~ ........•...
D...... 'O'
STORE In The MIDDLE WEST. I Army Good. aad Men'. Furni.binc. At I.Ot9 20*
. Everybody's 8o0k aDQ 'Art S~
, c~;1t'.
_Send , The Miami Gazette to
New IDEAL Meata, Groc:eriea,T...,
, " ... . 1
Waynesville Farmers Exchange Co.
MeD', All Wool BaDd Tailored Suib &: OYereoab ' $ '20
Sabbath School. 9; 15 II. m. preach· ing at 10:3U a· m . Wednesdayeven· ing service, 7:00 p . rn . Epworth League 6: 15 p. tn.; preachi ng at 7:0C p oOm . Eve ryb ody is cordb lly invited to these service . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor .
Save your old carpets and rug and ge.t .. Wearwell" RlI lZR made. Send for' price list fi'rllnklin Rug
Our Prices Are- The Very Lowelat Filth·.. LacIJow CHRISTIAN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATlQ,N DAnON, ',(). ·
Al "Rq~"
WHOLESA'LE AND RETAIL liS South •• tt....on St.
zoa Comm.rellil
7ft La".., In Oayton
Com., Main a nd S.c.nd Stre.t..
. . ..,.Itq
' .
For China ,and Glassware
A Pure Extract for flavors, Ice Cream', Puddinlls, C akes and Candie •. • 00 Ptir • Boa ioI la
'S 00
N. t. LeMolltree III Cb.re'
The M. E . Sunday School Christ· mall entertainment was. held Sunday evening. A good prograin was giv. en. St. Mary 's Chri stmaK prog ram and treat were g iven Ilt the Church School hour Illst Sund ay mtlrninl!. A beautifull y de\!ora w d t ree d ~· Ijghted the child re n .
of Dayton 8 Bil' V."deri1le Act. and Feature Phot~pla,.. CoatiDuou. Perf~ce., ZOe aad 30c, Evellial' 3& and SOc 01 the ;In_ o-lIIIr . wW be fltted Irour .."... wttb LeMon--' d_p '1'*!'9.... a - -~~plete for
Prof. 1!~lI.rr will be with us at the Friends church next «' irst· Uny .
B. F. Keith's
With t.he gun club having a clay Flrel RequI Sites. pigeon shoot and last minute Xmas All ",1" '1 IU1, ·\\, I".I ·,' Is hurtful to shoppers coming in from the coun' him wil li hus onl h ') IJ ~:3 ty noll good 08· try. Wavnesville took on a Saturday ture. -~ l fI'lI t lh[n .. afternoon aspect, on M 0 n day Many of the stores had made exten· sive preparations in decorations and Xmas goods and the season is t hot to have been above the avtlrage, as people were buying liberslly .
The Show Place
Purina Chows make layers out of hens. Purim~ Cllows cost little or no more than ordillar y feeds, and they produce more eggs than other feeds on the market. That's why we picked Purina, as the chows to sell. P ~re. clean, honestly made, they are sQld under t he iron-bound guarantee of more £ggs or money back, when fed according to the simple .directions. If you want m<:>re eggs right now, dr~p in.
- - ...- - -
Sun,lay after Christmas. Decem· ber 30. Chu!.:h School at 9:30. Mornine prayer 'and sermun . Music appropriate to t he Christmas seallon will be rendered . .
In: I' l l tI ~
1:- II \ ' t.lr y on· cl~n l "")'. ' '''I.,. ,·I . tl l "· I1~ II orlJ,!h lll ! !'d With .ht· ~ .'.\ II n.lo"" ,,' III) u r l' ~lIl fl to ' ul\'e (n ul lul't·" It 1~1 1) l'1l ntt. 1·1xtnn t c,'ld ene" ('xl!<11O I ltlll lilt' lI u t!le m lOgy it' t ili ns. r'lt o~lIld '.1I1 S 11 11.1 As...:yrloIlS "wll 1'IIIlI llei ('oull nl( 10 I he ,1"l'o ruli on of ·r'ht·
We the following f arm owners positively forbid, any hunting or trapping-on our farms. Any viol B. tion ot the same will be prosecuted according to law and to t hl:l fullest extent. Ed Furnas, C. E, Michener The Van Tress Farm s Robert Patterson Farm ·Mrs. Carolil1e Rogers Geo. GiJlilllnd Martin Gons Louis Fil'8B Dan Morgf. n " F. A. and 1. A. Hartsock Stokes Dairy Farm. S. D, Henkle . J. S. Vandervoort
The annuat meeting of the stockholders of' the' Waynesville Natioilli l for the PUl'J)08e <If """ ""I1I1"!h .for the e~riuln'g year, their ~an~lnir rooms on J-,~liary 8, 1924, .b"tw.een 0,.,1 aoo';8 P ; ~ol. l I L, ,iii. aendenOn, Cuhler.
---.. ..--.
SeventY-8ixth Year'
fiNED fOR HEING DRUNK Mrs Thos, Lacy, the sick list,
Route 1. is on
Horn-To Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Howard. of Wilmington, Ohio, a Bon .L emley Curlis wa~ calling on rei· atlves at Wilberrorce last Saturday. I
Born-To Mr. and · Mrs. Alvin Earnhart. December 19, 1923. a son. Supt. N. P, Blatt spent the week.
end ~ with relatives near Cincinnati.
MI88 Rutb Miller, of Lima, la the Kueat of her motbur, Mrs. Eva Miller. Robert B~urnett. of Etna Green, Ind . , spent the holidaY8 with bome folks. .
Marshll Bently and Constable J oy went to Dayton Monday with Ii wa r· I rant tor the arret!l of John Ha rsh' ma n charged WiLh being d r unk here Ci)ristmall day. They gOl th t:i r mll n and brought him before May or Roger8 and on Ii plea ot lCuilty wad tined $25 and c08l~, a t(, tal of $38.:J5 The local officers were high in their praise for the services rendered alld co~rte8ies s how n by the 1.>I1Y tun Depa rtmell t .
ju. Zell lind family, of Yello!i Sprinll. were the ~eata of Mr. and Mri. Frank Yell, Sunday. Mi .. Ruth Probaach. of Wilmlnleon la apendln. ' a few daYII thla week'wlth Milljl ~a'ry- Thom...
Mila Esther.Cortia and MI. FnD-
cee ' Pritchard, '01 C)lllllcoth... the hollda,. ·wfth 'Mr. and ' Mia. H, Curti•. ··· ,
Mrs. Looella Penre, of Doddp; 100, aalph. of Atben., Obio. lpent 'Iut 'feek with relaUvea a\ Jackson, Mlcb, . ~ Mellrs, Ed Burton aDd Viral. Retailic~ lpenttbt! week·end attbt; hOlDe of ,, 11118 -Edna HowltDd; at . Welt Union, Oblo.
Save, your oid .carpets ,and aDd ee~ ,i Wearwell" RUII · for.,. prlc!e lilt. Fnnklin ., . . • l ' Co,. Fnnklln, Ohio. , -
,, 'N WAC;HINuTON - I'M 6Ei'TI/'t6 R~A DY FOR. .~ M'f 916 PARTV IN
t:;A"f THA"r IN
I EXPECT TO Be poput.lIo.R. A,t; E\/ER.
Mr. and Mrs . 'David ArmltroDII, MIBII Eliza McComaa, Mr. and lin William Hammond a~d two childRegular communication of Way. ren. of Dayton, Mr. and Mra. Jam•• desville Lodge No . 16:{ F . & A. M. Kerrick ate Christmu dinner "Ith Tuesday even ing , January 8. It i; Mr . and Mrs . John Beaeh, at $eir urged that all members be present countl') home on Route 2. to start off the first meeting of the , The class of '23 tendered Mr, new year with a whirl. Kenneth Hough. W. M. Myron Tbomas, of Route " a lUI'prise Saturday eve The eVeDlDIr L. A, Zimmerman. Sec'y. was ploU8Dtly apent In pmea .ad dancing. All but live of tbe clue were ·present. Ice e~~ end ,calle were served at a ae8IOnabl~ boa!. 1
surrounding country, thus dem,o nstrating the feeling ot the people ior a community house ]a~gt; en<?ugh to accommodate the community in Every w.a y possi~~e.
all gatherings in tbe townsh ip. and that it will be a fipe pillee for all commun tiy gatberings. Tne scbl'lbl wa nt' 1'0 ·thank every one whO" haa had anything to do with the realization of the new build Walter Kenrlcllc and h is men ing . lind it is hoPed that th e people who have ,worked so assiduously or Wayne tow.nship will Bee fit to use on the new gym~!;worked all day , tbe building for the purpose it is in· tended ' Monday in the rain and biting _ __ _.. __- - wind. ia ordu) bnt the lIew'gym
BRINGS RECOR!. CR~WDKENRICK At no time in 'Waynes. ville's hhrtory were there 85 many people housed in a sin· the gle building here as dedication of tile new gymnasium and community house last night. At an early hour the seats placed on the basket ball floor and the permanent seats on the wt'st side W6re 611ed ,- but · people kept <;,oming until I there were se'ven hundred present, it is estimated .
could be properly finished: for tbe dedication. 1l'he work Mon· day was: done principally on tbe platfO{m. Tbe work:was a ra~ against . time-with K en~clt aDd hIS men ";
T he Spring Valley Independents the first foes of· the Miamifl. bave been going strong this year , defeat· ing a }(:enia team with a goodrepu. tation, at Xenia la!t week. A g<!od fas t game is assured a9 the Miaini" and tbe Spring Valley team ue abont evenly m Itt'hed as to weight and both have h~d about the same amount of practice. A preliminary game has bee n arranged between the Freshman and Sophomore clllfl80 es of the High School and ahould prove interesting. The first game will be called at 7:15.
- - -.,....
- ..
.',", ,~
,'; ......
.. "
I'; th e Bible. 7'11 RI'f'ci eR <If f('II III reI) rentures II p. nllnnNI In III· Util i!! Ilre OSIH'ey, os!I1'1·:\~e. u~ l rl{'ll . J)lll· r flll~ . f'lelJC(lck • ~!'l i(onn . 1"1 p.un. Qunll. rUI'erl. "parrow,
. H~ld m TrQst
~ The Royal Otrtl~ cl... ot St, ..,.. ry'. church entertained .~t.:a. ~ lut Wedneaday..8v.mlilll: the ~}~ inl: Mi8881 DO~'I'Bendeno" :"T"" ther lIenderaon. MlJeen B. . . . " son, Elaie anll Do i -B~wke. ~ Janet Ql!rtwrle~t. ~IQ Hop)dnelid qladYIi 'Kitbon: : ~"", '"'AiI.IIte't,t·' McMI·lan. JobD·~GO..., ~l.ll0b ._ ,fdelvyn Ban~ Levi Coatei, Wl\1~ , Thomu, Vernori' ~inU8 aDd CliffOrd Turner. The eV~lDlnl ''''' epen~ Sa games and Janclng, DaInty refrella· menta were HE:Ved. A' flne ttm. ... enjoyed by ,.,very one. • •
Mr, and Mr•. Ern~t Butter"~'~ entertained at. 6 o'clock dinner on Thuraday eveninll.. Mr. a;nd II~. Jt'if 1lbompeon ' lmd dau~bter. IAlcile \ of Lebanon; Mr, &net Mdt. Ern~t Ma.r lb l1ld daulbtel': Ru~ Mr. and Mra, Morrill Cornell, Ruth Cook ,and ~mond Hatfield. ,~
The Mothel'l! CillO will meet on "'riday, Ja " m~ · y II lit ~ o'clock at t he Grade bllild ll. " . f he program com lI or~. \\'lI llr,w .. s wan, ~w trr. IlIrllelloye. mittee l' k.J ;.r ranged for a good lUll III'... hl~\c .. n, clI.~ k , I' fn)fl l·.lInt. erllne. .I b , IH' koo . ,(/11\'1). Clls lr . 1;1 r. fowl meeting . Mr., Wlishburn wll e ""Ie. I""" k. 111:rh l ha l'·k. ~ I'fon . ho~ ( the speaker and Rhea Jeanette Cart· ?/le, tkllh. lapwing. owl gr II I owl. Itt. Miss Leona Mc'Ginne88. in wright will give a piano Bolo. Miss :Ie Owl. owl of th e !I. e~c l'l lind srreectl usual manner, ·llave a splendid read Lilia Benham's roo~ has had the )wl. ... , I • ' TIut..ft!r;miiJrr..l!.ru~1Dl:niB.Il!ldLtlte+m.g....:.; " Ken tuc~lL.' fto~er. box for December. Come to .. ~ • first! hal f Ilour 'fl 'en tertainment wi th this meeting,and help thl! room, IA 'Save by buy /nl: in, Waynesville." band concert. Dr Ellis, the chai r· which you are most in terested, to ..~~~~~~!!!!~~~'!!"!!!!!!!!! man In charge Ilf tl!r a short Introduc enj~y it~ough Janur! y . tory talk. an r. uunced t hat the ~ in g · (nl{ ('f , America by the a udience . 'l'1'~ program being concluded, would int rud ucp. the pr~gr8m I n· speaker of tbe evening Dr , Persistent Bee •• vocation WIlR pronounced by Rev. ney, pr esident of cedarville "UlI~K'~. For 20 years 0 SWUfm of bees hove Washburn, of the Methodist chu rsh was introd uced. and tor f'M ,tu.,th, .. loccupled th e bAck ur th e sclioul dock Mr,. Wal ler Kenrick. wh ose com· minu tell heid the IlUjlution of at 1IllchetdeYor. IJJ nl/lnnd. nnd no nt· tempI ot remm'hl g Ih wo hil S been 8:JCo m~nd8b le "'orle mllil a ' po!l"ible t he a~8emblage , His t.al k was ' largely cessfn l. IIlntlll! n ~oshJ ent (If Ihut [own. realizlltiOn of ·thid buildin~. wa s alon)( educational and religiolls' lines The ' swnmi ' hod lieo:.n thou ghl lieGEORGE KIBBE.TUlNER til (,)rmllliy gi.'ie tlte building Ilnd his definition of ' an American strayed ~ ome ' yimrs ago nnd the en· to.tlla cornmu."i ty afld : schoolH He was made very plldh: ' He had a trance the hees hud mude WAS cement· Auf'" ., present~d a large' .. key to Mr New fund of humor UI"t was contagious, eel \Ip. but eneh Yl!nr thllY lIove retumed, and lbey' ,even bored a new ·A....""~ .,. MIlIIotJ Del,.." ton ,P. Blatt .. sUDe rin tendent ' of the and hi~ hearers were 80rry when he bole tJiroui" the ~omenL' "Wltll. SItottlM." •• ,W ayne Township schools, who ga,ve concludj!d He laid great stress on a ahort outllne of the tr ial~ 8n~ the the phYl'icltl side of the child 's in rai~ing ,tbe Imo'ney and 'catilln, and was glad ·that' Wayne accompliHhi ng the ~ork that h!ls l;ewnsh ip had such a fine place for ma,te the plllee possible The·ta,ka the child t o develop his physical side , f bUlh of thelie men brougbt the ty applau!!1! ,a f t he lludhtnce. . ' the winners ' All -· p~e to him and his men for the work
L H. Whilman : 1\ formE'r citizen Mr: r\lld Mra. C~aa . . Edwllrdll eD' of W8y ne~v il l e , was killed in an Jlertillned at a family dmner Sunday. a uto 8ccidtmt a l his home in Xenia . A very pleasant day wu spent. ~' r iday . December 28. while crossMr, and R. A. Croaa had as their ing till; ~ t r ee t. l:I e was cllrryinll an u m brellll and did nOI. see th e auto. din ner g uests Sunday, Mr. and Mn. dri ve n by Mi ss Ed!th Dav idson. R . G. CroBB. Mrs, Harlan and Milll! whi~h knocked him down, causing a GI dys Harlan. fra rture at the base of the brain. Mr. and MfB J. E , MeClure enMr . Whitel1l8n lived here !leveral vearll an d W aR well liked by all who tertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. l<ne w him , LI t! was prominent in and Mrs. Carl McClure. of Dayton' Masoni c a nd K P. circles. and was II and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure. veleran 0 '( lh e Civil war. and also SII W serv ice in Texas. He . WIlS a William Drake and Everett Killer, n . ws puoar man having owned aev. Ilf Cincinnati. Stephen Burnett and eral in Ohio and India na. family, Oral Surface and ~amUy ate fune ral was held at his late hom e Cbristmas dinner at the Eyer.Sur· hOllle on Monday. December 24 . face home.
'The &!,en of Waynesville will have 1I;I~IIU~lga~1hfj new ~ym building Frllda.Y' E!Venilllll'. • The proa-ram ·has been CJlD8ummated. but PreSId,eiit 'Ellia ISBurea that ' it • "h'ummur I t , One or the f ...,fn .....· I of, the evening wlli be a between the Men of W8~nl8ville ' and the' Commercial .Thia ought to be attraction enoullb tor .ne ~evening'8 entertain. ment. · " ·Supper ,wlll be served at 1 o'clock at s2c a pl!lte. • . i - _,;...'_ _ _ _~..
~~===~::':::::: By an outpouring of the people of W~ypeTownship and the ~~~~~~~
-llfiJciib1 KILLED AT XENIA , ' .
The New GYm Was D~dicated
MEN'S CLUB WILL Mr. Jamel Stoopa apd Holmee MEET-·FRIDAY EVE . of Van Wert, lpent l'hund., and 'Frlday vialung: relatlv!,a and bleacb'
WEl.t. YOU CAN 4iE1 ME DOWN At; EX PEM'IN6 A au,y YEAR AHEAD. OvnilPe,
-- --.- ..- - -
Rt Rev. Theodor e J Reese. bishop Mr, and Mra. Howard Hopkins, ot the Southern Ohi n coadjutor of Dayton, spent Thursday wltb diocese, will be bere Sunday til relativea bere. preach and administer the Holy unlo... . It is :hoped t hat every Born-To Mr. and Mrs. John Stanaberry. Sunday, December 30, member of the cburch will be ' pres. ent to hear him. The public is r or. 19'13, a daugbt.er. dially invited to come and hesr l hiH Mra. Florence Johnson. of Spring. noted divine. Cburch Bervice al field . waa a gueet of Mr. and Mn. 10:45, W, S. Grabam, Sunday. Boward Sbit,l'WoOd.U1d family, of Dayton. were ~unday gu..t, of C. H. Sberwood and family,
Whole Number 61)75
. ',
A.l"ffl" '~llUlti plll,-r. t U~(~t ,I':-"".
"Wtl'lI ltr'r SIIlIH' WilY," no' ~n l(\ , tlilglU" r lltj"uulU l\v. IkrtHl'}tf:. I' el <:ltll(~a hrl\.n)" "wI h out ,doubt. Arid t~ . ,h'~IX'I'Ill<', 101 "'" l",r.>l,,1r; IIf courR", Inorrow In " We' d bettet: ' IIld hI!) conll an itin flT~1 It rhl II\WII ,1'1<, tit II f ~III' had to 11,,1'1<),' ,11)' > II nIl mil " II I~s j( r III hull, ), hlllli' In ',:IH't·HI- h.)r III~k "r jlhys lcnl ~t\,"I~ tt.: hut , In p urt I" ulu r,' toO, Ih e U1 H'H n,,:o l .lh'\, h1tU\ll'r \tll1Ufl'-' \J,..,"
nn -
no ellJpJoy(>/f. Qno OII1't
lI '~lyen
knew-wns worse thnn ~~ t"'orswhcrc thnt ~ ou f'! gp r
1~It~n- nt.pP1·ta IlJ
youn g \Vllr ldn gWf\ In-II, \\ 1111 mhl hl hl' \W'llr,\ It I H Uo
~ lll'h ,~ r ('mH! rp ~n l (l(' or I, "b""IWr II:d;: In ,h,' Ifls t f'(1W ,I t,' H:tll " \1;& 1\' HIHI r f1 11lt' :1':::11 n , ... , : 1\ IH! tlII"UI . I n tilt" ,kl'lIflllwnl
I 'l't
li ll' toril '"t, ~\'ell : In tile cr('u t .l~ I . .. l!q I. 111\01, H n rl l1('rt· llM'lI i n a l · .. In i O! t'lI, 11\ , ' Illi l ', tit" ).;1" ' :11 h l c h·
"Unq , '
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tha t ',\' l1f ' he! HllIst \
1:I ..q 1111., of t he " . IIU f'n WtlS DUW
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l be
18 ~ t 1I 11d III1ISI
:l1, d y for his I'u.r.
F3Ces of young wo men I
Tlicy were befurc lu m now day and nl hr.
1I1i 1'
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If 11 1,11 III II~. SItIl'C!. ;n ,lli i lijt
"",,,hilI(', 1nkt, 111111 ih ~1I
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1"11 olll III IIII' .1111. l 'hlurh t.- .. I l!~ U I n ~ l r e Hn t t..
l'f' \H " 'I
It i,ij \,cry , l fnu"",,, I"U \l1l 1y u few dr r.8 w ny lle US(·" u ~ 1\ ~IIJI ~,
pORes-lhu 11111' of girls trom tbe depll rtll lP nt SllIreR: li nd rnrt her Il own bel olY l item, hurryl nJ: home, th o wellt· est ot lil(' 111 nil, th e titl e or the fa ctory. work 'I·~ . T he rt! below, a ccor ding to thl'lr IIg l'c"lIIent, (he s econtl IIIl1n, Bus hrotl ck Itulherford, the other purty In Interest III th e GorJ:ll m 'l' ru ~ t I"unll, "'nt ched-If Indee d h e wt)ro In condl· tion to, JlIsper HIlII: could nol be sure ot this. BIll he hlm selr, IIlw ay~ r eliable and de\,ot ed to his Immetl lYle purpose, Slit stilt , his eyes Oxed upon FI fth avenue lind the pnsS lng girl s, the girl s In blnck. In the center of the s treet Oowed by t.h e endless, nlm ost terrltyluS' melee at m otors-th e Ont·topped IImou slncs of ti le , re turning bUllness UH!n , the t axle aDd their s barp-nosed, shal'J!ey d young p'l rlltes IIf drivers wlU, the druoplng ci garettes In their dlsUJu· s lon ed li ps, the grellt green bUBses tollln,!!: up the slope trom the south. T he brood stree t wns t or those , 1\'ho r id , tile broa d wnlks for tho~e who wnlk- for pl efis ure or from nCI!C$slty. Snd(lenl y Bo lg stood up. clgn r nshes upon hi s lmma 'ullltl' shlrt·tront. There she \ ent at In t - th e Cloc l t ype at w oman h e mu s t havel You woold hn ve said the very woman h e rself I Almost withIn ce ach of bIs Hn ge r-tlp8 1 The pille nnd de Ucll te (ilee, Il ke ROlle flower sown on ha rren g roun d, th e some deep, hnunted yes thnt Silly un· pLell.8ll.nt vlBlon~ lAnd ns be auw her, be cursed hIm· selt , tor a t ool. nnd ~ tn rted-hls hat fortunntely stili In his p os8cs s lonand bolted ont th e Weat dU (lf or tlt e justly celobrn ted club, opening upon the side-s treet. But when h e WAS \In Flftll avenue agnln, ImtTr lng. p eerin g o\'er women's s houl tlers, he pfl ssed u p through the, cruwll on' th hrontl w ulk - In vain. Qui te n a tu rally I 1\s well go hunt ing on ouk leu f In It w ind· "torm ,in tlte 8ulmnn woods a s one womall In Chut cro wr1 ! Jnsper Bnlg tu r ned b ock On ll ll y, tl)lnklng. , Afte.r 011 , It Wfl8 n j1r(!llt go tn- to know th ot she exl$ted. , Be could tlnd hl!r some wny! B e II lwnys hnd nccompll~h ,d, ' so .fn r, whu t lIe , hnd plnnned. The only greul om.:1 ty now cume In that nU' domlu nU og (I U c~ llon ot time. UltUtrlltilHv "9 SO, eyes down , plnonln g w hot for'ces he could usc In a wide, Ilu lck stl ll·hu nr for her In the m or nin g, h e CIIII'" ogn ln Into , th e h lJ:h cl uh unll'nnc\, li nd ulmost IntI.) collis ion with t lu> I! .. ~" t form of the other trl ll.n, th e ()t h ~ I' fln rty nt llls meager tace nhU Interest. H l\s b roll ~ k }{ulh ""r"I'd, CoarK· cold ey , nnd slightly oblique smile- cn ed, gl'own t nt·wHl p!l. 11, ~e" " ll'd to thnt Jnsper HIlIg, stnnding and then Jns per II nlg, evo;>n Ilurluj( Il le present s itting Inillde th e broad plnte·glllu crisis- th e d e~ pl!r:l t e IlIn!'s s of hl ~ windows with the other celebl'ltlel wlte, lf ul J,l "'>Itched h Im wi th n not In his grenl ly cel"brnted club on Fifth un famili a r feeli ng nf h ostl ll t ~· un d 'c on· a venUI!, WIIS lookin g for /I IvolllllD-a temp t, wontlel'llIl! how nny mnn coultl young womn». Such things hllve been pOSSibly be s uch n rnol li t su r h II time, done before, no douht , fr.om tlUtt B8me wllell e\'ery ounre at bruln·power t hnt hlgl\ , p o~ llion- but n ot, YOIl 1V0uld h e IIl1d "'liS needed. II/lve' snld InstinCtively, by th e owner "Well ," ""Id t he youngpr mnn. turnof that tllce. :Alld yel thul wos the Ing t owllnl him hl 8 j.l r('flr hulk nnd 'the toct. ,losl!cr Halg. IU os t n ~ l ule Ilf law· famll lnr Qtl.o r of liqu or un hIs breotb. yers , mllnnger of lh e grent Oorgnm "Whllt lur k? 'l'he gam e?" Tru Bt Fund - wns dol a g thut, It . "No'," Ruld J usper lial l:. tnlkl ng In , spemed t.1l hIm, forever. monosyll ables. But a smil e, on oblique Fuccs- fllces! Faces at young wom· .mlle almost of pleRsure--n rare ,e n} ,' They were before hIm now da,y "Ialon at ' personaL BOt lsfucUon-came and pnssed from his thin lip". ..aU. Dl l:ilL And not nt nU to hll tnt· "YOll hn"cn't found her I" exc lllimed lng, 'l'hU, was no quest of ·pleasure. the other, his fu ee mottling wllh s ur· It WOIl II mutter of grim l,>uRlness, And prise. 1101 it maUer-more thun thnt-that he "I've seen h er." In"per Halg replied could dl!legnt.e, like most of hl8 buill, succinctly. And h e briefly tol d how ncu, now, to some subordl nllte, In b e bud cn ught Ihe girl's taci!, illHi lost thla, Vital and rea lly dllllllernte _under.. It ounin In the:. r:rowd. tnklng Qt his. onl y hhnselt ond,. !lne
f elsio n
~... tern
, meCToPo U.
up to t.hat time. ' N .... England, the SOuth a nd . tbe Atlanttc 8Oaboa.d
""ere I UP1>o.od to of lucc... tul a U1'1h 0~I, and .. f .... t· .''1 m aD Wbo tried ~o bruk 1n · Jlnd to battle ' hard tor ' recogni tion. -turnleh tho bulk
Georlre KIbbe TUTaer 'Wal an
Table Litu:n.- 'l'u hle lin
II '
It,,\ he rub""ll hll rt l III th 11'0 h. It Is itn l,ll' to ~" ~lIr " t e Iho t h renu. , IInti ht,j;;ltie-s, t hc> Buell ~\Ol,'S- not r t.'l:l 1I)' 1J l"f..,d "'lIl·1I ~e " ' f e' U'CU Lm"n t [f ~ hw.U. I ~ pl1t I " rough 111 Wrill.l:t.'I· t ltl!' \\'rl Jl~C r ~IItJll h l finH IH' }.I,o;o.:('rl t'd, ''\I t'''c r st'Ul'c iJ \'1'11 1 IIl11'n , '{'nk., 110"1 rn'lII Ihe (Ille whcn h ulf Ih"~', T h .. dlllll l" 'r tlH' lI(>!· tl'r, Ffllll I'I' e lll ~' 111101 II',)IJ w ith d h ell \'\' h'Of' . A I\ CtiJ.!hl (If t('n-p(H ! \ \l] Iron . \~l n ~u.\k(~ t 11(' 11 111\11 Jnu!" l nu~ II {'IV . It I) ~df' wP\:'llt " I 'L, ,l'· It , ~h ~u hl II'" falr l)' gll lli. c·, • .!ll Is
llot used. "Jus t li(IW n enrlr \\'Us s he Il kl! he rT' asked H II!'hroll ek HUlh prfot(l. hcenth· In g hurd with I'xc lt ~nl en t t hroug h the tulI, 11101 t lips Abou t hls I(ro'll t r lgnr. J Il per Bnlg d escri bed tlll! I:lrl with th nt cxnctnes8, It not wUClu t h of deta il, with whi ch t hp r lpa r, unhln sed vlNlon ,,( II SlIcc<i)"Rfu l Irgn J III I!)II w(lnLd s e e f.l \\ 'OIi IU O.
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give n ioslIlaU portionsal in tervnl. durinc CLIch ,by, would be .. n importnnt lactor in ol'eTc oming m alnutriljon and atarlinll' Ih em well 011 the road toro","~ ~ nus. E:c ry drop of S outt' 6 i, pu'!'v, ric h noun'.hm c nt, the k ind Ih al b aUd •• t rcnglh and
u lIl
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V Jr lel y of Summers. ~f idIlH' I ':-o Nlll ll llll'I' In En g lllOd, li n d IW II ,H ll l' l' " lit l l,' Ii U ll tl IH~l'ii ," f...·lUT&
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I.LJlI' r I \~" 1I1I1':o t:; of :-. U llltlh "1' du e be( or e ",1111 ('1' 1" ':l lI y l ' OI Ilt!!'t u n ' St. Luke's l'4l1 l1 l lJ h " ', dU e U I..hH It U Ltu l H'I' I b, und tit. ~l lI rl l n 's d Ullluuo r , d u ~ UIJllut No\'c lI1lt t'r 11.
,,'Uti I;l'IIl'l',&ll y ",1 ",lll"ll- ln SVI IC of II\',
a r r h '\'!"
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Notice of Appointment
Ill' lI l'a ,'y .If lIell lth lin d
Jl Ul l I. t.'r.
Sl1.t , \\'a:-o 1I0 t rl lc unly .UlU u lltlt.'r st l'ulu; t!: \ ' 111 I I IP Ul O.:l I ll I H~ l'g ~l lh: I t 'l t II
Ill )\\',
nuli ~ h C)\\' ed
i n li e l' (1\\' 11 i u ·
u ly ld ulIl wny . " 'ull UlU ~ 1 hule nl ooey. Look \\'ho h ' !:'IYl's II 10!" 11'118 lh ~ u '('n('llItlll rl!HIIII' \{ red·hul r ~ 1l 100 S hllrlll ,,~, ort l!lI dlr~~l~ d
u n tl ~rr O UC~t
In keen
t o wl.l r d
thu LJroud lIu ck s or I'etre lltlng l' U8 ' tOUle rii-ln s uch clt ses liS hud be" t ~1I dOWD Mury Mllu ' lI el!lt! I' III 811'cllgt11 or body Ulld tilllrit th ul n tlenlOon. "I Wll ut 10 ,ee tiln t one," t he th ick· hllnd cu womnn hnd toltl tile s ulesgll'I, Inulcll Ung with II pllllllP fllI lIer Ihe dress dls plnyed Ill;e u flll e jllll'l!l Il!:'ulns t Its OIVII plIl'lic ulur rle lt se ll 11111. "l ~ u ' l It wOnucrtuII " SlIid MIII'Y Maneh e t er, iltlshlng. It wo s ou" of thoSt! she woulll hll\'o " h 'e n tho world to IlltSS{l.fjti h c r~t!l f, If ~ he we n' only rlcb- just 10 hlt"e, to touch wllh her Onser· tllls IInli cnll her owu- un cveDi u!: gown. IOllg nud Blender. oC flnm e· ' color . Anu wllh II not u unuturul ges ture, @he tOOk Jt nnrl beld It up ngill nst her s leml er body for Ih e other womun to II tl lulr . It \\ OS Ill deed most becoming 10 h ~ r. B ut Hils d id not 8 om t o In· wrest th e cus tower-or IC ot ull, raliler advers'e ly, "Co uld I weu r WI" Bhe IlIqulred w ll h t h e 1'III IIhll SIs on Ule T, ITo h& con tlnlled I
El lato 01 ADn Phllllpa d......... e<I. ,
NO t.It't1 I" h t1rob )' IlI\'c" till'" S , PhIlJJ.,. h u IWe n .l uI )' np poluf NI 3m l <l\lft IltINl "I Admlnl tfl1lrl ~ or "110 I ,.t ... te o f Ull I' h llil~ law ut " ' Ilr r tlo Co un l )' , n illo. tlc-ct:aseu , DutOO Ihll 11th dk Y ut l ocomber, 1928. W. Z n O t.l.. JudI e 01 th o P mb nlo Ouur&. Wa.r~n County , ( t lll0 Tlo bert IV . Bro wn. A ttl'. J2
MONEY LOANED Luno"d M ONgy ohattehl, "Itlu
.1\/" _fOOk l WUr"8"t!8II, N o wtI bUUllbt. J \,bu I:brbltlll, AllttD BuildlDll, Xllma 01110. 0> ~1l0un \l
Farmers, Attentionl
lfilrWtlU ot WlirrllU &lOU bujuhi l l l Oo ulltle8 mllY o b tAill mOlley 00 10"1( ~Iwe 101Ul8 , al f>}Ig ~ IOh,re!', u l ti.,.,n rlu \oI the ,nw .. Id very r..-ollo " bi ll, tbruUllb Tile F"uur.1 wnel Con t r~.tl n !l En~lIoh Cou ntlee. I I, I'" I ,'i .... I_ (h Ilnites l llnd West. Bank. ~' o r Cur ther Inrorma'luo Oilll mO~l l ';<1 [iI(' 111":<1 l&lIIy li:1I ' II -h county lin or udt.lr bl!8 M . \J IHtAJUi:. '1'1'.... utllr , IlUOll6 3 tr.-X , Leb .. UUD, 'Ohio.
----- ----
uf HlO nores, good A FARM tiee Allen Klb ar,
l"UWtlCl U ~iJ . IO~I~
t h nn .1a: I)Cr
W int.e r -ItI ----,-0
"'Phe blad, drp~ , wo uld prohnhly mca n " n~ or thl' ~ hl'rs-J"lrth II V'nue, 1 shoulcl 811.\' fl'''"' Ihe ~'> Il C rl tJ oui line un rl 1111111'1'1111," \' ''1) 1 ur~(1 .T1I~re r H il i!;. "\Vil li lim... '\';l~' It?" d" tn!Jndet1 Un shrlllH'lt Jl llrhel·r'ltil. wns on hi s 011'11 j!r"unll nCI\\ . IY herll he h lmsel! could "Ilk wlfll' "1)11[' 1.,(· III1 Ulorl ty. F ive IIIlnlll l' ~ hl'yond the c1llslng tlnll!, the !lJ{!I' told h lw , fot wlth.hJ8
Agood second.hand rUbber.Unes Baggy. J oh n ~'tarue. pbODe
t m ean_I n t h is north ~ m country-a period of o "e, caat ak ie. a nd "en .. trn~lng wi n d . --of cold drivl .... .alna , a n d . n ow ond ice--nnd on o ",cu io"al blizzard wilh the boltom d ppin&, out of the thermometer.
3".47,i. R, D . 9,
Yet Glorious Summer
{Icula r, " J' . ,,1111'1' I h ing," proceeded Jasper
From DecembU In M llTCh i. the ~t ddightful ""riod of the year in Florida, The air i. soft and balmy. the ~ine it brilllant aIICI perennial, the 0runse IrIOVC8 IUld the palm n- are fuCiDating and life out-of-<loon ia an unalloyod joy. There are great hotela ond ""all botela and an innumerable number 01 DOtta8CS. bunga low. and boarding bou~ A midwinter v.clltion ;,; IN ch an euviRll1lDellt i. ref.....biDa and .timulatinll and the foun talo Qf n-ath i, jUllt beyoa4 the borimn.
' II
Lvmlin Osy, ptlonoe U-'~ Waynot'ville. OhIo, '
~~ . ...".-.. ..,..A AFEW buabel' of York Impertaj Apples, C, E Mlahener. pboDe 66 11 2J, WaYDOa'vllle, Oblo. ~lO '
1 Ingego a •• OIlDe EOllnll, b p, goad aI , Dew, Ubaap . aDd will reootnmend. Edward Orew, B . 0, 1,
,TH,o.T l'iN'T '
H'I~' ' FII-IN~
~A'W TE~Trt _ THA.T;; HI'; WIFE ",e:A~"UN6 w PLAY
"ldL.11~( ,I
Tit. Standarf/ Railr_d of ~"e World
Lelborn ,8:Ior1l111 Benl,
00"', wish calf 2 BO'gIlde,Shorthorn Inqllire J . O. diM,. ' WayuenllJe. Oqlo. " ,211. 1.I1<\n. W . M Btl Bernard. ,B ,D. 1. W"Yalll. ville,Ob,to: , , jilt
R.a ilroad Systelll' V
. "H~ ' '11:\..1."; I'll? ,TI-\;'T IT " veil'( OIFFICUL.T TO , i.EARN" TO PI.A.'t
'Ple Strup,
o.IFPICVI.T. - Et4'?
a WI1iH ' tT l
U"P,O~~ I BL
'F -lrdaon Tfae,or. mlk and Plowa, all in Rood Ib.po; no UIII · for hille, I\Dd w\n lell th'e on'lh ".' a b ..rgalu, J . 1'. Grlllh.IIl', LY'I4I, 0 , ~t
Pennsyl van ia •
. 21nqllirol ~f L NlobPleon, phoGe 7y', W.yuenalte, Uhlo.' c1t6 '
_ " " " , ''''''~_ . . obl./n.d by .....' ....". lDi'h Gny II~~' . . ., e.I,lt. 1'... ".,y'Mn/. R.,I,ood or 6, .tld,.... W .. W. _leA. r,..lIie ltIa".,cr,Synd/cota Bu/"Ji",~S'. Lou/• •
Waynonllle.Ol1lp, .
31 dozen
I .... • "" .,,10 .",..".. (';lorm."Oft wltlo . . .ee'
WANTED-GOO ' bo. OorD , ,Call
_ •• "'ar.d n.,._r ,.IIIll .... .,. "_ .. I.. fl.,,,I/.,, ,,..,..,----.J '''reu,'' d_"",_ ca,. ,..••,.q."or.. on "'••rlouJ., ~,.,
But- a nd h e.e ia " '1 re tl, o J> r lldox com"" In-In aplte of the eale nd\U' whi ch mar r.egiater January or Feb rua ry, c old midwin t er m on~&- It la
USliul 1.. ,,'1'1 hnl :;:ltt 110 ha d tlmed the J lOLII' 0 IlH! t:il'i's lI"~~ lng. "Th:&l 1\ ,,"Id ~ho w lhe pillce WDS not fllr (,IT," ~"Id ll n, I)""lIck Rut herford, kN!D "1'0 "Ol 'r Oil lho hublts ot wom· en- nn rl ,1' II .. nl;' lYo d .l ll g worn eo In par'1IIi)!" "1 1,,,1 I ~n \r! 'he WU! ns clole 1111" .1'1111 H,U t t'olU ember, almost, al ,\ ' fl il 111'1', ,\ I!ll L nOllced, In thnt secIlIl li , I,n/ ' 11111 .. dl'll fl lll E:nt li be had__ 1I 11 !1' ,ill 1'1' !JII ~ r 'c CI·OS9." .\nol \I "W it lllh"r[orll loughed-tbe j lll'l'l n;: ImlICh (If ; 1 heavy IUnn. "'lOll "11U1I1 ,1 I,eell liP," he saId IroD· Ir nl l.r- nlll un w illin g, 11 0 doubt, to 11%IlIh ll his UIl I\rlll ht 'd superlo~ty to Htll &! (,n nne " uhJcct ut least. ''You shrlul!1 lweI' your eyes open ~o, the det ll ll. or "liP of yOlir IDUin Interestll. r Oil knftw wh nt tlwt wo s, probably, thftt Llltl l:~? It "'liS the White CrOl!8tllnt girl s' we lfl ll'C sol'!ety In tlle GOI'1((1 III B II' IP ~ : wh ere" cr t b ey. may b", Nine dlU n (' c~ out ot ten ," laId hl'l!uck Hu i.he ,·[orll, prou!! ot his own Slll!clll l know ledge, "she Is trom one or our olV n s tore$," Til e In wyer said n oth.!ng Jor a mInut<'-CunSI(lerlng his words and his nl'x t co urs e of II rtl n, n r. do ubt.
. A reml1 rl~nhle nnr-ad o'X of 'd i ma l~ n d cnl rf'nda r i . a pparent a t thi s "Ca'80 11 of the yuar. Accordin g to the enIend~r
nn d lJI oJ"lI 11 0 I/!.
&. 1.kJwuc •
rlll)' ~ -" lrll l1 l1~r
At1elulcl" hl·rllel ;." "Abou t I", ... 1>:\>1" "li er ~ I ?t:. h er l'nlnl'ln~, her fnee, e\'en- Y~n th 1'1 p hl'u ll"r loolc of II ra - l lrl'(1 "ill! nfl',lld, " "But 11"1 ~I, "lek 7' till' " th'r mnn ' a~I''' tl 1111 i..td ~ , " Nul uraJly- TlIII lllll t. No t hog· gur ll, nn,1 ), ulln",,, r. AnI! c lll' r~' I I);: her· Helf e reC I-h~' II ·rr" r! I .hnn hl ~tlY." "'1'11 r II',," 1")lIlI U" n'~tl J Ilislor') lIck Hun "' I'r"I" !. " "",1 /,<,1.11 v (Ill hOI WClI lh- , cr, (111I1t Nih,' \\ I, .111 I lr it. They ~ I ay wltll tI" Ir JI,I, tJlI th ' y \'nhy tllf'ru ollt- I 1\1")"1 ' lin.\' [10<1&1, If ti l')" "!' ;:"1 ,Irt ) I'" III ni l." Hlll ted J{ ulh(·l"rl.rtl \\,11 . liP ' 1" ':Il'lH'd til· Rubjl)cl fl'" ", " ,1!f1'I"·I'1I1. Illort) In lllllflt o
,\ ..
I I,d'
T o ll nrv Mnn chester gol.n{! hallie hom tlln t ' n lghl, lI't'e wus lIot \'sp l'cl nl- . 1y [1I'omls lnj(. I n I ~ed: In th e 8ul11 l1, ll n,lrllW tl tlc ,,,ny or llll' [lll/ lr, f<h e
ol d,
\\' !I"';
.I :U
11 1111 1 .1
rin H!U'jl'r
lI,·tl l all' tI /I II...'}
41,,11:1 1' f illul 1,\ ·1
hi "Ii f:pllt'
~ !I~ ' :I
; , J'
"Nlue IIWtl 0111 ur I ~ n 11'0\11 11 hllve testltled In court," III! I·OI Il'lullpl!. ~ U lll -, m lDg
1I111111 ullin
:0\1" 111:': "
I hlln 11"'lr own nn(' e~ t o r s , t he j lnn f r u m Ihe bOlll es of Ihe tlSil" I'nI!'1I In the Old Arn il illn tnl es. 1'lw )' hn\'!' th(·lr own deep p"rp(l' (,8 ond will" "n d d eH lr N~-yes, ev e n their OWII ufItctlop s. A trnst, for esalllple, you mny lit ftr st gla.n ce, hus no HOUI. Qullo true. It Ls Inhumon, lmpers on tll. cold - anythIng you li ke. But look ing deeper, you mus t aumlt, being In It \\'oy 11 creature croated or r el ensetl by a spell, It U Vetl only by Bome strnn ge speclnl conrtngency; It bas certain ne· cellllltleB or Its lite very s hllrply drawn. And one QuIte obvious n ece • BIt)', especIally In II trust ot this Imrt1cular type, Is some human bein g. or beings, to exist for. So In Its WRY 8 trust ot UJIa klnd. hung upon a sIngle life \;L tbe most devoted ot crent urcs, nat~ rlll or legal. Like the lovpr In t he bullod, w hen the on e d eor obj ect ot Ills altections dies, It esplres at once. It W 88 an Imme.n se thing, this GorgllDl Trust-II mODste r thnt thousnnds knew or felt, often w ithOut r enUy knowing It. But Lt thlll one delicate WUflllUl 'at Its heart, Adelaide Ruth er· ford, were to die without ol'fsprlng, ~8 thert> was every CeJ,tlllnty now she w01lld , ~t mnst Itselt expire at on ce. But whll t would becolDe ot h c ~ unlortun ate huSLtllOd, nnil or th e mun ul:l ng truRlee ot tlta t grell t fund, wll ose 111'1'9 Illso bnd grown 80 Intlmotely con· cem ed ond d!'[len llr nt on It? B e re W 01l 0 s hnrp nntlngenr y whl h old Dllnlel Gnrgnm In hi s prop het ic wl.8dom hnt! nOl properly pr ovi ded for. Quite DuluraU y, then, someone else must do s o.
: I 111('
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,11 1,' )
:I nd mo r e t errl hl e i n t he i r
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li n d l u w Yl" r s 1 1I1 '~1;I h,lf loo&(,t 1I Jlln lhf' l'u r th fr om ll wl r In k , b o ttl e~ l hl'~ e
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.' \f' l
"',. f;'
,,::t af
.::: ttd '
.\01 '"ll1t,·-·
• Everylmdy loves a babyena everybody wno ls 1\ baby I\bund nntly robust There are many , you ng children to whom
l (U' un,J t h p II ' W lIlilIH' y - lhp :1,1 ' »11 or t tw r"t ,wi" l ~ lICI t ,-,p('11 1l ad, uf Ifll' III'\\' f nl -tlnJ,:\' I'('d HI' ,!oI:1. '!'oI tH~ ~,IW 1111 ' m - \\ lIh \
11 ':11 = " , rlll ~ ' /l J I' aln' ti tl tli u ti lIi1..: li f ,, : •..: (1 11)t" anlllllll' Yet t '\ i ' li 11 1\1 1 1I11I1'h ' \1I11111t ' 11 tllrl'~lg'h l . hnd prill,· \ '~I I I I1. d.! 'Itlt' u!'O 1-011., \\; 11.. , !-.IH' l'n l1' d alt l\' . 11--; :\ 111;.1 11, ,), .. r (,'d. U,' \ t r 4'1'11 l ,ltn' I, , I , q UI. ... 1,\, l!t •• u...:h t , If I I lllt d It'II; l' llI L.. d 1111.'\ ,'x.: u ' l ,or lJO:\" III 11.1' II fi' I.r Irll cU .... w l l t'u li p I'o n ,'t' !\", ' d IInci lit" '1'1 f' lI ~r l )'" \\'1 101 \\', 1111\'11 I ~ lit , ,) \ , I ' !'o.lOllIt 'lllllt · " It' r lllt,. 1 by 111'1" ItI'o ll ~hl 1111 0 ,·, I!-' tPIlf'l' tJ UlI tl lllt.:· j'p lp... ~ lo., l~ ' 1' ... " il's;...1 1 ."' - 1 Ii\., \\,1 111 \ V OIII, ' U I Irlltt' d l 'r t'al tlrl ' I h £> IHW, 'lld'Y Hr, ' \\ \I II tb t· I' \\' ~ l u lt l'), n ~ tr n n lo:f ' l r lhl', I l lt' ~,HJ t ru st s. t h(I~ , . rtll'' 1'1 " 1\' hJ'" 1" ','11 :00" 111111'11 o f t llb.. I It'W ' Jl "rUI \~ t h In g!'; , I h e~t" Il"gn l per sn n:ot,
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J( tl ullm1t:
(' I,blu" " J-h IJ /.1 II,,,ts " 'OJ h , I""", li t h ''';' . f, V UIt .. ,....:.1.' U', J U "t.l" 1t " U ! iJ~ "'IS ~(p{ut:1 '" and t aJ" " it, r .. ,.. ; ,. ' ,1
l\h'SI 111 ,' h! ' ll \\ t' l.\..' ' l'
d ' l' ~\ ~lJ t. "\\' 1 v
1·\\\I, )n '!
. Increase Baby's Strengtb
I!i QUrOd,a ., 'ho Poa~l) lll ce a~ Waynenlll • • uhlo . a Second 01• •• AIa,I M.Her
Mre. win Moon 18IItillelow]y 1m. i • \.rrOvlnjf, Alfred Edwards Is a liuie better li t t b la IVrUlng. gve rt Shumaker spellt a few daYI l b ~ l week In . :lnOlunntl M r . li n d Mrs Barry Shldakor w I·,,·ln L banon ~atarday. MCl tt Chue, of D8Y'On, spont Sun . 1iSY wi th W, A . MerrlU and wife. M r Ho Roy Ellis spellt Chr18~mas 1 Dtly w l~h Mr8.1da Bowe and r.w Ily. M isses Dorotby Davll and Rhea MIlCn tren !'pent lall' weell: In Day.
D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publisher . Waynesville. O h io Subscrintion Price, $i.60 per y~~r
I-olel MH ,.\ Uvo r tip in J
R ~SJ (e" 'IlI ":1 •
L.,!:!£ A,,!~~£A N pn E..~A.iSO~!"\
It ,
===========-.~==: -.WEDNES\)AY. J A NU A HY 2. 1 9 ~4
.-- - \.r· '! ..
..=.. -
J 'l'l'J -
Watch Well Your Bank Books
' , •. 1.1' 1... ··lt · l/".\' Wh' TC J'''atll r T .~ \j , II 'II il' I~ Ill. 11/0'. fll1l 1 tl:;l'I
~ \l1 1· ! III~ ,
, ...1, II r
Whether one believes the rich should bear the governmental uurdenp of the poor through the medium of excessive taxation on large fortunes or feels that every mall should contribute II pro rata share 'of his income for tho support of the country, the fact remains that men of g reat wealth have clearly demonstrated their power to block the wheels of industry by removing capital from business en· tel1)rises and placing it In non-taxable securities. Also it now appears that in the Mellon plan of tWCD' " wh ic h spells reullction, there appears to be . a readi llll.:.s on the part of the men of millions to change front, put more money into industry, and aid in restoring a greater prosperity to th e country. These are facts, not opinions. Every illdication for the new year is , bright. There ha!. been an unprecedented spending power displayed during the holiday buying seaRon which reflects confidence in the fULure. Merchants, of course, ar£; ordering with grl'llt ' caution. but this bespeaks rather G sound foundation of the business structure, healthiel that: would be the wholesale ord'.lring of merchandise. Most impressive of the signs of 'b etter times, however. is the universal cheerfulness of the utterances of 'big business men and financiers, the latter unquestionably enthused over the'thought of a possible reduction in their enforced paymonts to the government. Tbey all look for sound improvement, and every Indication is that their bellef will be justified unless the congress by some unfortunate stroke "spills the beans." The Secretary of Agrieul ture, ' fter reviewing the distressing eonditio~s under which the farmers have labored. st.ates that the general agricultural situation is most gratifying. Secretary ,Hoover sees the bright light ahead. Great merchants are optimistie and Wall. Street snUles in hopefulne~s possibly with the thought that the time is growing ' noaTer when eaRter monl'!y will lead the next batch of lambs to the Illaughter. " There has not been· a Wall Street "clean " up" it> ». lo~g time,· and the wolves are getting hungry. With prosperity staring us in the face' it behooves those who have saved a few dollars to beware. Possibly- some fo~unl'.s may be made before long by t he lucky ai1d th e danng, but history tells only one reliable financial st01'Ythat of the tortoise\and the hare. " I A llrlllOII Montellce tor contempt of court seems rather aba urd. since no prliloll ente.nl'e CIIn chnnge II meoml attl tllde. Illolllrh It moy COIll)If!J a mllll to lie IIhout hl ~ enti l1lon ts.
There are ouly [1\'0 ways ' ot Jl~IIl~ a deht-I,'t'cntor ludu8lrY- lUore tI,rUt. . • '.
\\ ' !II .. nl
t Oil .
\\I\,\' . Ui d ~ ~ lllll l,- i o~ IJ( 111 1 Il l'" lU I dil. l np. \'('r y h ig h ~ tUJ1d . iI:d ... !t H ' u::till tHlnc(llu e n!ry d l' p lU' I . ;';11 11
li lt'
t." t o 11ll'
Mls8 Amanda Uray llpen' ChristI tnn s Dt.ly wltb her IIlatElr, Mn. JOhD Felll.v. Cur r oll Htln80n has returDed to T tl XHR . IIft tlr .. fe w weelrl' here wltb ll i. m other. Ceoll Kirt·, of Toledo, la vlsiling bi d eistf'r. Mrs. ROllell Jefferlell, at tu e Blill op Jnn. Mr ~ . Anna 8$ln80a has gone SO ClnOlDnlltl. wbere lIhe hall looepted a pol<\\on A8 teaober, Mrs. Will MaUln, of Dayton. ppa nt s evertll daya 1"1' weelt wtth "I'r sis ter. Mfl. Ira tlyl~erd. G M Edwardl II IpendiDg a tew weekI! wllb hi. 11I'er, Mrl Quln01 Ullrrl1ll. of Mary.vllle, lod . . ' () 8. Tooker and f.mlly and Mill Hllrrle lf. '1'uoker are IIpendlng New Yellr's flay In GermaDlown, ' Ky. Wilbur W118~n, of Kentuoky, II 1Ip8lldi-og it. tew IIays ~1V"h 'hlll par. ent s, .Mr lind Mrs. Frank :WUIOD . Mr . and Mfl. Frllonll:;; Barrll enler tR lnert their ohildren tl~nd Mr, BDd Mrs George Barril. on Cbrlllm81
l UI III .
'1 h·· \':1 1'1(11:", In;..:n' d !(' ,JI :; n rr' ~ I l i l '
j.'ll t·r! III I I H f ~ 1 (!.\ . lc 'lill:..: {l':.:t:i Ill ul n l ', ' Illl'I , pn'pun '" 11I 1t1l ' " tla l ' "'H ! l'llfll l t'.\ ~. tl f I'XI 't' rl." ,.11., h u \'p ha d .YV: I I':II ' " \ 1(' rlt 'ul'l' III 1I 1!ll\ iLJ"'; w lill t IJl It; t'II :"\ !~ , ).\' n "l, ,;': III I'. I'" ti M th,-' ~ n ' jJt .
c ,,1 I " iI .\' 1II1I1,II·r. • I 'at lll' r .11 ,1111 ':-' ~ h" Ji\.'inp L~ a :oi<:ll~II ' 1, 110- 1J1 "" dll1~ or •. "" li nr " II 11'110 . f h l' r l lJ ;( I' ·di p IH..; bS lU E.'iUI ); of tiP~.
c1ldly dcsI!:ncu up!'u r ll t.II S.
The Laborntorv nod Executive Otii; . Thc prcporlltion IH llut o u c h ~ d by hn mnn bond. fro m the oJl~ ni ll!: or the original rOllllllncrs until t b" buttle co p ly Seid ell 11.1 pIlle!! by 11111 0mut Ic machl uL'S. Years or . tlldy nntl rl'Scar('b !l u"c ~u cIe.-otcd to del'e luplu!: the I'm. I)(lSS or (·.. mIIOUDdIIl K. IIlI d wh ll ' tho formul a I'I'UI II I118 un chllnged. lis mlltllod or prepu rallon bns hel'n so Improved tbat It stands tOtlIl), ItS lIl\! !\nCl'lt bl Clldlllg or cOti liver 011 ond other 'Ingn'flll'nl s ohlil lnnille. Jt Is guarAnteed rf'.'C rl'OIU nl('Ohol or danceroU8 druiS in any form. '
BEECH GROVE Our Rohool re.opeo ll d Wedne@ I"y morning, Jllnuary ;lnd, We .ro II nrry to report little Mary wrl t lng. The McK .. y fllmlile!l were t;ond" y II n l!8" of Wilmington frlsnds. 'rho 're try familv tl ute.rlllu tld 00 llhrie'm .... Vay to a lawaly 1I Inn~ r . Roy Ellis aud f" lll lly alla ndtld I hmlJy dlnner.l Hl1Ys K " eve r's,lo Lebnnqn, t!undAv.
Baa.on Htck ... thl.
fa rJ II ('r 8.
Ill s flnil i'hle III 'l1I~' puhUc (!ouI'cy nnce. II mbl lJ cllr. Wll ~ Itt III ,· of hiMfutl ... r. wh o WI\8 kllled wben SII.111ro Wil li. nino. His 11.·.1 metll c.uuo wh n. Il'lg h!JOr8 dOuoted tood to the stficl.clI l'anlll)'. },Is Urat wholu suit .f '1\llh ClllUe wilen his motber placed Alii' .\1 111111 t lir ci I:rolh 'ra \n 1111 tIr~) h l lll lI ~y lum lIud t./ley gave him a ( OltOIl 111 i (1\' 111 • lul,dell .. ' 0. 15 ," For ~Ix y euTs he 1V0lI brutalized nnr1 peol'l)' I' d . , e~ \l\le the ~ llsrhshlp II · gl'nd1lRtcd rrom thp oeph llllll!!" N h ,.II wi th high bOIl!,r At jll xtee~1 he entered nlou "'011 '/1\ 'I' 1'111,'1111111 11. I)'hen be- wor 'ed h18. WilY t.hrough Uastlngs w .w . 11'. It I"rl '-t.\> I Y sawlug wooi\, pre~ii lll g clothes null 'tutoring. ~nchleut.ul1 y. be retu rned to tile Orphonllge 08 Sl1pcrl ll l Cl1l10 111 , 1'(>111', Ildn tl.ell It, ' ~al1e4 Its brutn. kliepers, Ilud IDeae It n mo,h·\ In·Ht ih ltilil . .!\boutU14 be de oloped his 'heme or CQOlll!l'II,tll'O murkll tlll" ' tllitl \JJ!C/lIHO chief C;Ollllle! to the Stn~c Market Commls 100. A.I; n' ,\I '''l' ,. f 'cell il), I!lv('o loy Otto .Ff. Kl1hu. 11I1Ql'batlolllil ·b,, ulke r ; lit 1I'1I1t; h .111 ' ! ~1! j·lt! ~ ,t 11. OllfY. hootl or tIle \Jllllon·dolltlf lilted ·St1lt.cH !;t.1!C1 '01'1/(1\'11. t illn Wil~' 8 guest , be WPR 'flsk ed WilY tbo aa(lt orula grOIl"rll WCI'O r unl tl ... ~ , II",ay with tbe Eas tl'1'll. l1Inl'kul8, ,* •• ' ',1:11 :'11101{ ' to Jli(lllC o.ar)', ,' 111111'0 .snld: ' . " }';'1 ' ern rorlllcrs mllrket t hcl rprodllclll a8 Ind1vldunls. '.rhey III 1I0t HI·;!,uulzcd. Western formers used 10 dunll' their ontpl1t wh (' r ,'b" U '1',,_ ': rOll'n. 1\ 118 t bl!)' created 11 t;lulled locl1l market f rom \\,).1. .) ~ ' '''1 '' ' \It.~ I 1J\IY at tbeh' own l)rlce.' Thllt's IJl\d liuslur . ~ ,''' . I" ' t iliu . 11I· :14)r8. by 1100llng tltelr prodllClll' Bud hUI·lu!! 1\ c<lll· • .•ShlCl!ll o~'\lu u lx8tlou of cxperUi to sell thQUlj ha,'o I1dol,t,,«1 t llJ .,.11':: II\JH ~ B UIO gl'l\8t steel lullusuy . tlll\OJ' uJ BlluII I'I!
Ml. Mtldred Clark wal a Dayton vl.I'or Thupda,. Mrl. B, T. Vloe, of Dly'on, wall 11 week. end gue8t of Lytle relaHv68. Mr. and Mre, Albert S&aoy s nt e r. talned '0 a family dinner Oil Cbrl8t. mall day. ' 70,000 Cream P rod uL'''r~
lIlrH. tl u~'l O li nd so n. S eu , were 80d daugbtere, 618d".~ and Vhlan. g U eI t t! u l i.ll !lrll DUlin Il tJ d la w llv , (I t olive. \1 r, " , Mu. Mary· Bawk:e, mother of W U. l \. r r y "' ''u " .s klo ked 0 0 t ll " Cliff Sawke, bad: &be. mlefortulle of I:l u ti lJ,v II but." . III ~ Hl u g " lun g Il l! hi lli ng and breakin~: her hlp ODe dll Y I tl~t week· Sbe 'was (lolng ou$ w ~ II .. ~ l' ,nld U , ~ xl.J(, C't d .. I·be door .nd 'he knob pulled off. I . J .lul·mv . I LUIl"V I8 1V Stunk Ih l Ill, \\ II I ll"\'1l It IJlI'tllU" y tbl t! Y" lIf hIt ti ng her fall baokwarda. We all wiah her • Il~dy reeov~ry. ,I, hi. IJ1l 11 11" Y CU Il.l"ti un Slle :ilhb ill i. LI .. UIIII u Ilod Wl l o . Dee li6 r: ~~.l Von . ,I" ot c:lprlog fi bld , wilra 011, 10'U'"'' ~uu,'; ul J . W. Ed ,vll rd"
I O lr~
ti tlU L:l'u. ~y.
1£ . I'). 1 h HIUIJ . \1 0 "utl wi fe eutolru~
l·alU l'O
11 01l1 UU1' o u ::)Q n dIlY. M.
wlio. L on Brlinnon Mrd., AIIO(J '.I.'tln·y. Mr~ . ;)' .. IlU1<.1 Oil via re~aruad to her h UUlIl Ucru \,I ll Sundll.Y wOlning, Il t ~Il), "polndl oK 8l'ver,,1 wtleka whb 1I Yhu m u w i ,~ 10 l'e llosyl v"nillo. \' .tl IIIJI I;l tld t o rell o r~ Mrs. Eu \j ,·uy tJ~ uo h IJtl H elr u.~ tbls wflLlng, lI i~ ru CII. !1' IUI·tlll lltl tJul lJer w·uo Willi 110 oll1'IOU,;1 lHIl'ued by the axplo· dlon or 110 I ~ UJlJ , ~'b o q u"s!.llI u f or the debtlttl at ou r Llltl m ;y on ne:1.t. Friday evon. Ing 18... iitl80 1ved, TblLl- the ' fanner would be beHec off finllonolt.l!y So drlvll old Vobbln. " 'l'.l rJY
II U.!
Tbe 'AUen reonlon Will held SUDdllY. \) camber 30, ., tbe home of AllYS Keever, of Lebanon. ThOle present . were, BaYI! Kee'v er ' and fJ1 tntiy. Boward iruntlrth .and f.m. i1v, Ed AlleJl aDd 'aalllly, IIrll. Mary All eo. Elwood .Reay, •• of lAbaDOD • ChRl! Allen .nd ,allally. AllaD and wire, W. H · NOnOD and wIfe, Vernon Armt'a~3 .nd family, ot WaynelVllle, Ray Raullo. a!Del wife, JeBS Webb aDd I.mll" of Dayson, lire. Fralll1: Beian l a.'4 u llllllhser. FrlUllI: Brandenbrg ' '. 'nd ',lIo,1l1y, of OlarklYWI!, lI'rank lIarC)i 1I 0d family of Rou,h Leb.noD. Roy Etlle and family, IIrll. .lei. Bowe aael tiKrry Bowe. A ••plendld dlnDer wst! eerved aacl ..111 bad a loocI time, hoping to lillie' a~lD DR'
.- .
to scnd your cream direct to the T R I STAT E JoS il is Lo ::-.c 11 to a n agent'. However, selling to t he TR I ~ T A n~ will pllL a lot more money in your pockelboo k.
Dec. 29, 30, 31,
Jan. 1
Higher if market advances
THE TRI STATE BUTTER CO. CIN CIN N ATI , O HIO We gua rantee your c re al ll and cans against loss.
". '/l ve by buying in Wal·nesville."
$20,000 Per
HAI,VS CATARR 1>1EDlCINE con· slst. ' nr n n Oln lmenl whloh Qulck~Y n olievoG by locn l I\Pllllcatlon, and the In"'rna l Medic in e, a TonIc, which act. lhrough the Blood on th e Mu eou. ~r· tar os. thull re du ctng- the lnftammatlon, Sold bY nil <lruggll t •. F . J . Cheney 4: Co .• Toledo, OhIo.
: '11' 1' 1-'
Waynesville. Ohlol
F oreat T. Martin Auctioneer
)lIs~ 1\llIa W. Weat of Port Huron. .\111'11. . direct kin of Roge r ('.01111 II l. ' Ir~t Governor ot Ms88ftchulI'!lUt Col· " IIl', hos heen ~oted I salary of ~,OOO per yelr at Supreme 0111' ",gnder ut Ih~ WOUlen'a Benenl As. ..... I.Uou. A
Get my terms for your Public Sale. r satisfy and save yo" money or no charles.
• Useful A
W ~ l ki n G
Box 91. CmleroUlfli,Ohlo
Sl,e l,.
CU I'I" Us "thU U UI ' 1IIIlt i wi
portl n l1 ~
or IlI1l n III r" l!lIrd to betroth ll l ~. A YOlln g mll ll wh o looltl will i f' l\ nr Ul,'m 11 1I "lIllI lrll l senorita, InU \1·,,1' \18 to gu ln lIN 11111111 . caJl s OD th e 1" ",," 01. for ~ll r.'o lIlI el'I'sslI'e dnys, at th ,· ", IIn c hOllr or ti le dill'. At t be lasl l·,, 11 he l e llvt!~ " I ~ wa lk ing Btlck. 8nd If he Is 10 will the Ilc~rrc d hrl de the I'nn~ Is bond(',1 II, 111111 when he
Home Phone 2, Ceaitemll.l!Ir. . \ ~
!-------.. . . . . .--.....,. '.
., ...
Effect of Vln •• on Will.. 8lone and brick bulldlDP are not InJured bl' cHnSing vinet. These mllY keep the building ceol somewhat later In tbe aprlng, but are otberwlle banD' le... On woodeD buildings damage mil, be i1one. sloce mao, Ylne. which ' climb b, twlnlnlr ·fore. their way tllroQib 10, joint wbleh t. uot perfect aDd tben b, continued ,rowth force tbl .oodwort· apart.
To hear lome folka alk, ion'4 think ' f!,fOltDIr wla tbe oDI,. . ~" 'bere ,tl ID wbloh . • mao OIIIllqM money . ' •
.-. 1-. J
T ~ POliSh 81lvor• .It " . qlll.nllry of sllvQ' I" to be I!lennl1d .11'), 11M I:hcl't\ ; Mil '.weet ~II tllli!' 1\'I;'flihu 'In .11 81110..,111,: tram, r>'Uft~. ;)op"l.. I\, t~\ ·o ·t t1unn('I .. c~~h. AII<Ilv· .\' I ...· 8\lI n.1 hAllI ' .d ry Pc!tIMh DrSI whh !lllltlll! . 1I 1~ illl·el: theu - wllb ehnl)IOII. TIl'I~. 1III!I1 ihd will Jtit 11M or InJllre th ell ver plnrJnlr. .~
Oblo. y h',
Telep~oDe ll~,
L'hrlJ'maa D.,. !.
National Bank
• j
t •I
} 1 "
W.lter "McClure' FUNE~,d.' DIRECTOR
Wayneavllle. 'Ohfo
Dr. John W. Miller 'Dentist Waynesville National Bank Bldg. l
Fully Equipped :-(ol" 'Obod Service. Linge Display Room )
======================~ I ~T_E_L_EP_.H_O_N_E_7___D_A_Y__O_&.~N_I_e_BT__~
The Eye Sight. Sped.. llt
At- Cary's
. Lebanon, Ohio
Public Sale.
============= Waynesville.
----... ..- --
.':. ~
Tho followtog g1l8l&l enjoyed tbe eoll· famlly gathering .nd 8umptuool as the ooun'ry home of Mr . and Mr. a8d Mn. Walaor J.nney, Mr, and Mra Charllll Parle'te~"r. and IIrll. EI' ery Len, Mr. anlS lin. Ralph Lewte, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lewl8, Mr. anel Mn. Wlllkir Clark, Mr and lin. .Iobn FiDdlay WIlUamlon. M8IIn. Earl Olark . Rober. Lewttl, J. T. WtlIt.mlou, 111_ LuoUe and Wanda Clark, Williif' LeWII, Oe\lgh\ and Uenta WUII.ml\OD .nd Ora G.dbal~h • •nd lIal"'r Walter A Olark, Jr.
ot Cnt n r rh .
Every T ue.day 8:00 o. m. to
4 p. m
loci.,. .
Goo.- Goods' Always Ple~se
~o~ ·
b een used 8UCOCIIS rUI; [ In t.he treatment
OldMt Known Will. A "III u~.ted iii 21148 a a Ie the oleSest extantJ (I II "rtttllll on PlP,rua b, ID EgypllaD nlmed Cab. In It bll ,.." ble home Ind other prope", to hie wife. to be lett b, ber to allJ of theIr ehlldren: UTIIII&ed for the burial Bavlng IIecld~ tel. qun f ...m ....~ of bllD.H1f. Ind wltl. aDeS appointed I i will Bell at pabllcll a no'ion as my .JUardlln tor a 100. ID fact tbe .tII reC!ldenoe, d mt161! 1010,b of W.,...... cl1lfera lillIe from 00. wbleb ml&bt be ftec:uted ville . 'mUel DorSh elf Orlltl~ata, 1 mile ell" of 'he old 'T elegraph 11111. one.balf mlle ..,wNC of Sbe W.. JII, O'Neali farm, ~It .
Miaun ~Ea'kln and . 8mlly, Mill Lota t..ew l~ , Loo Br.. nuon and wife. Kllrl Oetl tb e r .. ge and wife, Bert Bogan. R J. Murray and wife Ilnd K . E. 'l't,lOmp80n were tn Leb.non tJaturd.y . Mi . and Mrs . aeo. W. Oavlll· en. tert"lned so IL tnrktly dinner on Cbrlst~"8 Day', •.Ioe Davlll aDd fam. Thursday, January 11. 19l4, Ily. or Barveysbnrg, 61enn Dnvls Beginning as .10 o'olook, 'he foUo •• apd fllmli y , of Wellman. E . C . Man. Ing proper'y : no'n lind ,. fflmtly, ... nd Ida and Ethel Tblrteen horl.1 1f. bud o&"le,l' ManDOD______ . . . ._______ bORI, tarmtnl implemenia aDeI los hoal4!bold .oodl. See bll ·bllli . .:.xe'ol •••. D)' Suq. t ,tuto. FlUNK SAlitJ. 1/III\II<OD . hlre ~ " 1111111 10 take .... ' or hl ~ ·y.rd so II" \\'111 have ·tIm.I Searl______ cit Molfilli. .. _ -.0___ A~uO&e .'______ , ~I'I' "ut uDd take his l\xerl:.lle.-I(D.
the United Statea
r l is just as easy
aorn-To Mr. and Mrs. Art b nr Whl&e. of Dayton, Deo,mber 21. a Ion . P.ul Frec1rlok. Mr.lnd Mn. ArShur 6reaShoDul, of D~J'on, Ir. rejololng OTer She anlTIII or a lon, Oeoember 27 . Mr. IIDd Mrs. Uiliun Johne and eon, of DaytoD, "pent Monday of Illlt week wiSh Mr. and MrI. Chas. E. Johnl. Mr. and Mfl. Allen Emrlok and daughter,61.dYI, were Christmas dinner jluee&e 01 Mr. and IIrI . Barry Cornl'lI, Dear Ferry . .
I .H, !!,.,I C r'! ~III "r ) ill thi a Half
Mr . lind Mrs. Robert Boof. we rA week end guest.s of r elAt! veil n t Lewllburjf. Mr. and Mr8 Ueo~ge Reeser, of Route 4. enterta ined to a family dinner Chrlstmall
Uh rlfi lm o oj
I Hero Is U m Ull who hnll Ilve,o· rl 'bt 10 nnd-<l l<1 I1't. !~YC ' h ~" I' 01' .'url l'o. 1)( (I,II,lund, Cullrurnlu. w110 mlll.cs ~1lOO. II ~ ~u r :1'. till' ''llu of tllh·O··eJ;(h t ·! One ot III",,, child ren. horn In n ' t.aule 10ft. hruhlll r.elt III U I1 1)"\111 ,111· a \!c. lItl. 1M to, ".1' 1'''''u;nl1,t>d leader of the cooperative 1U0 lelUent IlIllUUI:
Mr. lind Mn. Clyde Wbarton eu-I ter&l.loed OD CbrllSmu ".y Mr, and Mn. LeTt Gr••SboUla, of Dayton. aDd MIIII Velml 8mUb , I nd Mrl. Ch"rlell CIIITk .nd Mr. and Mrl B. M. Clark were ~Q6I'1 of Mr .nd Mn . Elmer Roger•.•S WAynesville on ChrlU· mal day. Mr .•nd IIIrl. C. S . L.mb aDd guea', Mrl. Sua t:,ISolltllenbarger. llpen' Chrll'ql.1I d • ., wish Mr. aDd Mre. E. R . RaDdolph and IIODI In O.ySon . Mr.• nd Mrll, !:S. B . Balnel and HOIl .J.mee, Mr . aDd Mrll. Walter Kenrlok were Cbrlltmll' Irlles&e of UIlY · Mr. .nd Mrl . W G BatDell .nd M18~ Llda ({!;'nnedy. of 'he Sial" tamUY,.t Belmoll' hOIlI.ital, of OaySOn, Ipent1lbe weell: IIr. aDd 111'1, Glly RouSzabn hId tl ocl wU.b tJ,er pHren\B, Mr.: lind Mrll. III 'belr Cbrll'mae gue8&e MI.I8I A. L Kennedy . Mary Dolmon and Dollie J.a'lon, Mr. and Mrll. E . B. 04kln had for of '£Ippeoanoe .nd Mr. Marvin \h eir Cbrlstmll8 :gneelt8. Mra. Deb- WeUI of Gln,h.mebDr•• Mr. and 11ft. W.Uer Kenrlok en· orah "ud Fred Daktn::ancl,: Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Weloh. ter.toed ao ~aada.,. cUnner, IIr.aDd t Tbe COIlDty Pomon•• Urange ••• ttln. O . B. B1Dep.. aDd all.. MinDle beld bere laBt 8&tol'day. ,. A larp Reoonl. of JellUll,owD, ..n4 Ill.. Lolllee Woolle7. of D.,Son, oro wd wa., present . The dinner " •• IIr, aDd lin. Wtlbllr Clark and at 'be SIlI)op InD. i t.mll, aDd Mn. lIary Carmony Mr. and Mrl. Fr.nk: Bhtdaier eD. te rtalned a& a CbriJt&mu' dinner. moSOred SO SpriDgfield and IpeD' Barry Sbldaker and '1 family, ' Mr•• Chrllllmaed;,y wUh Mr. an4 Mnl. E, J. carmony aDd ohlldren. Chllrl~y Buve,. Mrs . Lou Barl.n
01 ~'.,t,r u .' I Y.
A nl'lJfI
W. B.IADDEN &00. ..
, I
-. . - - -II . The MIa
I!t., 1I1I~ -l.Ong P ••lct illed. '1 'lltt- .rl lOr ,·n.llu<,III)" III II \'f'ry nn h' llI 10"". ,,"It" (' III (lII log It od~~nnl 1 will. Ih ...·.1 hlt.n whl, ar said .' 1I,l\r Illtl'Othlf'/' " II InlO l'IIInt! . ~1. w nt
h". J ~ 11111 I h • IlIH' h' nt ll~gyp I'h''''lIh' hill, 1111,1 A '~Y "hIl1 8 tls!,,1 " lIh llll'l ,''''''UI;! In the ,lc('l,1rtli lun 01 I~\\,· hs. ... \") .t '0" ,1
1' ''' I'~
. un's Ra Y$ Gene rat e Power. . 'I'hl! sun', rflrs li re II Sed to generate lh l' PUll' r In /I I1I ln lntu ro engine n'cenLly '''' 1I11,n" rllt oJ 8ucce-l$rlllly In New York. A "or(.hollc coVper mirror tncus~d ,III' rll.I·~ li n II test tube fu U of Wilie r. n",I,lnl' ~ 1I!lkll'.lIt s teRm to work' tbe en!:ln!! - - -
'IJ01US.le io tblsN~
It witl briGg pAptTO
More Mountai ns Ma y R ise. J:r('nt ('IHlll~" Ih:1I I h,· "!lrl ll nn rlf't';:IOf'S mal' h,· jlltl ~I' d f r,,,,, tho:> rlll'l th at ftl nr tlll1l'~ .In re KIl"ln;:I<'u l hls", r)' Th e
IH"ga n new J,::'C, ('rnl!t \l\S 'It
m out1 t nlll ~
BenJamm an' l Ma ry E lizabeth Crann on, WIIS born n ea r Clar ksville, linton cou nty, Ohio, on ple mber 11, 1887, a nd d ied Nove mber 16. 1923, Rj<ed 36 yesra . 2 1111l1l1ht1 and 10 d ays. llaviJlg been deprived of t ile love ' a nd care uf a mO l he r a t an ea rly a e silo w ith h er !list e r 81!SUm . ad tile "' . (' nre of t h hOlll tl ulltil th e d e a th of E dll il. i n 190.1, al wh ich time th e hom !! tillS w e re sE' verell. T h is W8 S Ii sR d ue reave rnent to Lul a. as she WIlS >ll!pa mted. from her lov d on es 11lId hiend9. She ex hib· iled a b r ight and e hel' rfu l disposi ti on a l al l t imes , anJ while attending m~etin g at HH l'veysburj{ Friends church she was crlnve r tcd a nd u nited
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ureh of th At i ~ , re~ining membership u u t. il her death .
==3.-- -~
. ', eG'==iiI'IilE'===U:JI:'5551U:JI:'==='GJ i -'GJlil==3'1::1 ,. ~ •
~ •
ew Gymnasiulll
I !
Sturday Eve, Ja~uary '0'1
Spring VaHey Independents
• :
- VS.-
hft"p lIrl.",\ I n 1·;nfO/p" . nntl rh .. rp Is nr> with th al churrh. A f te r he r reo • r('lI. nn tn SUI'I" '''I' thn l Ilie re \l'llI not moyal to pringfilll d , 'o hi o , s he behe nnoll1('r. c ame II m em ber of t he Ba ptist
Basket- Ba11
-----" Luln Bran non second daug hte r
t l
has always Lee n a willi nil' w o rker in ~ t he Sa bbath ch oul nnU younR' peo· ple ' s meet ing ami val iu us Hervi ces of
th t:! ch u re b,
Come to Lebanon on .Saturday, January 6th
.., r
he w as II v er y devoted foll owe r Chri t and throug h nil he r ill
I:l [ health
a nd s ufl" ' ritll(
ne ve r los t
he r vis il~ to the Beec h Grove church we w ere "l1ruu r aged to hear her s tron g l ..s l iltlO ny of faith a nd pray p. rs of Thllnk~j(iv i ng f or God's mercy 1111 d gool I llt!>S . an d ex presse d her fai l h in th e hereafter , H e r life wa s a uel.edic lion to l hose of a doub t fu l mi 'd . h e leaves u ( "L1I1~r, two brother!', on e s is ler · in·lll w A JIll II cousin, Mrs. FrHZIE' r . of Wiirllinglon, a nd otbel' relatives .• Lula has b een {llvo red with kind friends t o mi n i ~ter to her in her decli ning health. 1'0 Mrs. Frazier alld husb an d much credit is due 'for the kin dn ess and cure Lhey have so gen· e rou s ly gi ven to vile in need of lov. ing min istra ti on!! Inasmuch as ye have done il u nlo one o r th ese my br et h ren, ye h al/e diJlle i t· un to me.
Beeord SmasbingRedUctions of
"As 8 biro to it,! she lte ring nest When the s to rm s 011 tbe hills is IIbroad. So hi s s pidt hilS fl own f:om tbis world of u nrest , To repose all t he bosom of God.:
B.n d
h er : She :
=:t El
A. M.T.
I i
Sh Op omore
. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
NEVi lOBI bLlfl~trl
uu ' na-
tions. I,a \('r. hl1l' l,,1 111 I It ,· .l!l'tlll nil b&cam e Will mon. o r IlItt' .h ttl·. rm nlta. tlon Is responsllllC rur I h,' rr\'h'nl of crem nt lttn. whl It Is ~,,'I n l n~ SIlI'I 'MIera.
- - _. ... - --
$4.~ 1'E1t T!AJr
Epiph any Sundav. Janu a ry 6th. Moun t Vernon On ce ·'E/I ~. was.o n . " Church school at 9:30 8. m. Holy Th e IIr l~l lI n l OUIIW of lilt, .. stn te Communion ' and sermon b y Bi shop :lIl ecJ ~11I 1Jtll \' el"JW tl WIIS 1:. '.' \\' 11 1:. on. T . I. ReesE'. lit 10:45 a . m . Every. ' I IJl u iHIl \\' 01'11. \\,11 1('11 \\ 'I I,! .. .. '-tl U':l n A' ·I.'d Illt o I I~ En ;rl -' " ·' Ilf ll·"j pnt. body co rdi ully welcom ed .
DIIUcciiSTe. • ... CII:LISn. CO a TUM E R., T II AN."I R, CA . AND . .ua SIRVICE CAN p .ItOF'1 ." UelllO ITS ADVERTIelNO COLUM ...
-- .....
SAMPLE COpy FREF O R" 0\'1"'""" .. --.
METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School. 9;15 It . m . pr(\8.ch· ing at 10:8U a, m. Wedne!!d ayeven. ing s ervice, 7:00 p . m . Epworth League 6:15 p . m.; preaching at 7:OC p. m. Everybody is cor(li~lIy invited to tbese service. Rev . I . A. Washburn, P astor.
_____0- - -
~aph in Dark l
. NOTICE The annual meeting of t he stoc~ holders of th e Waynesville National Bank, for the purpoae o f electlnw officers -for the ensuing year, will be hel4 at their banking rooms on Tues· day. January 8. 1924. between the bours of 1 and 3 p . m . L . M. Henderson. Cashier.
.remain. See.'
. Women's Apparel · I
Ylll'(!l1 ~'(} J.8 \·IO~ll. of lIotlle~ 11 .11\' h, X l'II' 'to."I( W'lih lIew PhotQ~rI1r.tl j e 1\,,11< It!! l"Iij Im'clI(I!lI 11'1111 wbldl .w ell II ~' IWI""ra .. l' III fil e dUl'l, !lull . \l' lttJOllt .",duj I htl ng fur IltUcil. IlII h i ~ ,I""h, olliciul Illtl't'lgl 'UI)lis fO I' t (lt' l u.,:n/t." hll.l :vll·1 rirl£'ll all l·OII(I .
E==:J' •.Il'5.=59' mill===' BIl'=5=
U!JE'EallDl'B e
We the following farm owners posltlvelv fo rbid 811Y b u nting or trapping on our" farm~ Any viola. tion o t t he sam e will b e p rosecuted according La law a nd to thll fullest extent.
----_ ...- -
i,_.\__ .""'_.~•._'.._'_'._.~_"..,_' _'_._?.:...... _._~._-._._.-...._
.• _'i\._'_~~ _'_.~~:::~:~:~~~~~::~j;t'l1lJ~
Dayton, Ohio
at January 2 Begins the Greatest Clearance ill' Our Histor¥ " UR EXTENSIVE 1923 sales program called for the most tre'mendous ;·s tock purchases ' O .... '" we have ever made. Consequently January. finds us' with a larger accumulation of
broken lots, short lengths, and odd sizes. Tb~se odd stocks must b cleared out to make room for spring merchandjse. In 'order to do s6 drastic redu tions haye been made. Only a few are listed · here. Let Cornelia, your' personal shopper, shop for you: Write, telegraph, . 'o r tel~phone her. Hats $21.50. $3.50, $5
S39.75 ann Chiirs reduced to $19.75 S60 'mahOi&1'Y !i~rary table reduced to $49.50 t65 over·stulll!d ~air reduced to $49.50 . ,1417 blind q.';'ed d~venport and c hair, $375 '.. II40. o~er-stlilled, wi~g chair, 4110 . 'Curtaina, 98l ,t o $2.7~. · now 9~c to $2.19 pair
122 RadIant CQQJfoH' eas Heaters,
Redu ced frorll '$ ;.50 to $ 18. All .the winter ,lU\lS 'tit · drustic reduc. tiolls.-vclvets. velours, dress and • suit hats. I •
Drcssi.ng 'Cases' $9. \\ omen's case reduce I fJo m 18
fl30 WOl'ltec;l.WJftQri· ru~, 91'12: $99.50 r '''8:40 hiP Pi1~ aeamle88 rugs $61~50 ' .. , ia6 ,Bokhara·~dle '»ags, a:sk2, '7. $l9.50 •. , ~~ 'M~\IIIOU" ~.fd.8. ·$41.SO' _ ."
Leather n~gs , $ 2.50' to $5 j
hub of' an imme.nse wheel this terl'itoQt. All roads. to RiIee·I. .
Leather and dU,VCl'yne bail ' dam:igcd j reduced frum
~li gbtl y
.J5 fOi tQ. ,
. , 1 . '.
' S!lit Blouses .$3.95 . Formerly IlricCtl . SS .9~ to sa.7S. ~.3ded and CUtbr!lidered .cre~ de .i:bllle.
Fine "Fur Coats Attractively Reduced • j'[u,bon sE:td; ·J a p mink, 'cameul, sea liRe, pr~ces f o rme r! '150 .to $795 ill the January sales at .$119.50
to $550:
Ordinary "chicken fee will . wake a &aoa hen lay two eggs ·a week. ·P urina will wake the same . hen lay four eggs a~ week. S don't ask for "chicken feed." Demand P urina Chicken Chowder and Purina Nen Chow in cJIeckemoard bags. Please do no not feed Chowder without · Hen Chow or Hen Chow ,withOut, Chowder- to do so· upsets the sci~ntifi c balance and loses you extra eggs. Feed as directed on the instructions with each bag and get more Ilggs.
Waynesville Far.ers ExchangeCo. ' I
. ,4S ave by buying in WarneBvUle."
.!~, Jt,:;_...__._. . .
Ed FurnR8.
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Story of Cremation. Berol'p lhe hrls tl u" em cr motlOD Unh1l) ~
AdmisSion 25c and 20c
~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
was pn·\tll l en l
Game Called 7:15
,seventy-Sixth Year
.=0:;"; . See Mothere Club lale ad. 'Save' by buyin, in Waynesville." Mrs Hllrvey RYe has been vialting relative s in Cleveland, Mra Fred Hawke and son apent Sunday with friends at Lebanon, Everyth lnjf lood to eat at the Mother 'l Club market . Seturda y. Dr, H. B
Herman , of Da,ton ,
was a Sunday auelt of Dr. and Mrs. J. T , Fillll.
Mre.' Harry Murrey and Mra, RaYmond Conner were DIY ton shop pen Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rolrera, of Dayton . apent Sunday with Mrs. Hope Stiles,
I .
Mr: and Mra Clift Himes' Of Centerville . lpent Mjlnday with Mra. Anna Sheeha n. Bllbop T.l, Rea... of Columb ul. wu the week-end guoat of Mre Au· na Cadwil lader. MI. Jennie Dlnwi<ldie. of Indianapolis. BlMlnt 8 da, or two IlUIt week with Mi88 May Wriaht . Mrl. L. A. Zimmer man anJ daUlb ter and Mre. ~Iry Cukev were aboPPInir 10 DaytOn Friday.
The Men of Wayn e8ville met Fri· day t'vening at the new I{ym for their Jllnullry ml !!lang, There were about 150 present 118 the meeling was an open on e, lind everybo uy had a good lime. Tbe oyater supper was served by the editoria l force of the Gl eaner, the High Hchool paper, and it WIIBan excllllent replist. The supper was lerved in the hall at the Hiab school building, After the supper a .short program was rendered and Rev. Wa~ hburn gave an inlerest inll talk on Athens, Greere. The High Bchool orchest ra rendere d sevel'al good ~e lection s. after which thl1 company weill into the gym. where an Indoor base ball !tame was pl-Ved blllween the Com· mercial cluband th .. Men of Way. nesville. The CommercIal club won by the Bcore of 25 to 20. Dr, Ellis Willi the Bcore keeper. This lIame proved to be 11 luugh produce r, Dr " Hall WIIS cllptain of, the Men of Wayn8llville and Fred Cole. captain of the Commercial club. Many of the company had never witnessed an indoor game Ind they rather liked it. ' jurilling from the many expressionB heard Ibout the· room . Supt. Blatt won the laurel, for hitting, asht! knol'k ed a home run, Ihe blill goin" i.nto lOme chairs at the end of the court Many errors WAre m't dll, "nd Lhere wu 'iOme kicking. but the gall'll! ended ~ery peacefu lly . -h •
TWO GAMES HER~ tbe Mqther l elob In tbelr THIS WEEK work .ndr." to their .. Ie Set,. "
MI.. Ann Bachma n, of tbe Hlab Scbnql faeult1 apent tbe week.ll ld at Miami \1nlY~lty, Oxford , Ohio. , , Bd,BllrtoD and Ethan Crane weot toSprlo lboro Friday evenin~, where IIr llurton umpire d a lame of baa. kel ball.
Mr~ and .Mrl. Boward Arebd. .con are la Sprlnl~ro today attend Ina tb. fu~ , of Mn., Frank deacoa. , • , Pi., eottap dll" ..Iad~ ~y and other thlnlla t tile lIoth· en Club sale, Saturda y, at the Gradae ·bQlJdlnlr. ,I , II':' Walter KilbOn, lire. Curl Henden on . . . __ 'Glady_., KillIOn and Kathlee n HenderloD ..ere Dayton YJlitora Tueeda ,;' .I
Tbls week .will ofter two evening s of baskltt ball at the new gymnas ium t"e flrlt being tonigbt wl;en the IItamll pl~y a pOlltpo neolam e with the Sprlnl Valley .Indepe ndents. wbieh was to have been 'played laat Slturda y evening Owing to the extrem e cold tbe Spring Val,ey team was not able to get bere .on time last Saturda y, benee the postPDl)ement. The~e ' only be this one trame on tbis evening and play wm ·be called at 1:80, , On Friday evening the High ~bool makes Il'slnitl al bow with a rl....J High School team aa an oppo· nent. Centerv ille bringa two teams here to meet bc.th the firatan d seconcl HI ,teams. Our Blllh achool team. show much improv ement wblch will i1Q doubt be noticed ~y those witnesa ing these games :
Claims Husba nd Tried 'To Sell Her '
The olel ·time wiqler camp to hand Friday night, and it Wll~ Ihe coldest ' weathe r we ha ve had for the papt six yeaTS . Friday a nd Saturda y : ui ghts t ne the rm omet';r ranged from 8 to 14 below, and few people risked the cold 1.0 SI ir around Many pip e~ and rudiato rs were frozen up, und the plumL ers and gil rage men we re bu sy 1111 day Sat· urd ay and Su'nd ay , MOIl'IIlY ,mornin g the thermo · meter was IlLove lhe ze ro mark , about 4 to 10 dellrees, Bnd t he folks begun to IIrel! lhe e"~ i er in Ihe hope that tbe hllckbone WII~ broken. for the time being anywuy Skaling ha!! been good on the ru sb Dond, but (ew skaters have ~vailed themslv es of tbe opportu nity on account of Ihe extrem e cold.
- - -___0- - -
Th . " OllnU:-l1 met'lil .' "I ," ,. ~1"1\. Epl~C() P HI cha rcll wa, h.· I,1 HI 1111-' church Mont hlY (,V e"01 :-, ,,, ,01 H I" .. ~" . numh, r of Lhe p arl,I' " III ''' \\,,' r£ IJrf'sent. , , . At 6;30 o'cl"c'k a Uf'IiCIOll :' d ,ll'icf-1l .:Iinner wa~ , er ved al I h.. il\ ,,,n,,i<' ban q uet rllOI1l by li lt· 1IIIi, ·~ !I f lht' Eastern ~lIl r, ill hf'lnnt' o f t<, ·v .J .1 Schaeff er , will)' wilh I,i , ,\ if,·, "i· · ter, MrR W ed ('I' li nd !\I.~ .I, ~" i .. cbaeffe r, will le av!' 1) ",1 , ,," ~lI l· urday for a tour 11r1 1111\,1 till! W H' :d· Plates were n o!" ' rvll I fool' tii ", ,'m bers and fri end ~ of Lhl' c""~'r"Ka· tion . After Lhe uon qu 't I hl' 'I'flu lur meetilll!; t ook pl ace at I he chu I'ch, The repor ts of th e diffen ·n t ~l1r i e l i(,8 ,f the church were TE':lrl. an d it WII S found th at the condi ti " n of Lh· parish' was ~ati:l factory , The officers eler ted WH e W, H All en. senior warden: J Ii . Cnlema n Juni or Wurd en; Vestrym en 0, J . Edward A,O L Crall e, I':. L. ThomuB, Lester Gord on and W. S Gl'Ilhlllll. The followi ng wpre elect"d to r~p rest'nt lh e padsh l)t lhe allllual Diocesan conv ention t o be held li t Columbus, Jimuary 29 and ~O: Delegates. 0 J EdwlITd , F , B, Hender son and-I!. L 'Phtmrdll. A Iternales. L. A, Zimm erman, J . W. Edward ~ ancl Les ter G ,I'd en. J..'he follow ing women we r alsll elected as delegat es ami alterna tes to the House of ChUl'ch Women , Dele gates- Mrs Edith Ha r riy. Mrs . Anna Cadwallarl er lind Mr:!, F, B. Edna. daugbt er of Mr , and Mrs. Hend erson , AllE'rnn lesMrs Ed John Allen. of Centerv ille. was Thomas , Mrs. D. L, Crane and Mrs , burned so badly 'ast Friday morn· L.ester Gordon . Ing at Dayton. where' she was workina th"t in four hours, death relieved her from her sufferin gs She had arisen and lillhted an open gas IItove, and In some wav her night lown caugbt on fire, anct when as· lIiBtance arrived . she was badly bumsd , She W8S taken to the hos · pital, but nothing cOllld be done for The fi rSt ga meR of h~ sea~un will ber. Tbe ' funeral was- held Monday be play,ed by W . R . S on F riday mornin g from her late home In Cel}- janu a ry 11. The fi rat fLnll see'l,n d tervllIe She was well known to teams will plFJ}, two leamR (r om Cen many of tbe young people about terville Hi g h Bnd tW(j gone! good Waynesville. and her sudden death games are ~xp"c_ted for th!l.. teams are ab out evenly matched , . aboclted her many friends . The giriE are prac tici~g regular ly and will soun be r endy for games for they I1re IJrogreltsing ra pidly und er t he instruction of M i8~ Hochman . , Ea ch team of the H. S, wil l hRve a ~ommittee ready t o meet the visi ting teams Bnd sce thl1l th ey ~r e Properly cared for while here , For mlmy :vear~ the Episconlll The first game will begin at 0:45 , m II lion of L e b Ii non. bu Everybody come oul to give ' the bee.n in existo.'lC P, and by dint Of boys a good ~ena \llf . Admie ion hard work o"d Fticking tOllether. 250 and 20c . the IIttl.. r ll"O of worahipera there bouaht (>' 1(j .,'lAid for the bulloin.,.. and SllnollY .a fternoo n BiBhop ueiated by the rector. Rev. Reese. J. J. Scbaeif er. Archdeaco~.n~n:D;.od;,~a~btg~dn_"tln:ndJ-_ _ _~:--- ~' Canon.Cbas. Reade' ... There will be Ii specllli co mmuni · cb ' ur'cb. There' --- a larle ccnlre.. of 'Wayn esvill e La d ge N o. 168 'pdon' preeent , nothwltbatandi~1 cation F, & A. ~ .• Tuesday evening . J f!.n. the eold weatbe r, and the aervlce aary 16. Work in the E. A. deg l'ee. w.. a"beaut lfu1 one, AJI MaBons are cordi ally invited . . / .... Kennet h Hough, W. .M. ' L. A. Zimmer man. !;lec'y.
Los .... ngelell IIUlmOlrJtll~8 Ugutlng Mrs. HeleD 'Le chur\{e that ' her 'IlJm..dln!etln(ea/lu. bllnl1 uled to sell ber to a wealtb,Y . Mt·. ICIlI1 Degro tOI: a halt mlUloD ,
- - -... ....---
fARM BUREAU ELECTS OffiCERS To mark~t. ~to market. to bUY'Bpmething nice, . "
po, .
MIS Har ry Murray enN 'w Y ar' s Day lit din'1 Chaullcey Bunn. I\ c- r I~ r . anf] ' ''1 IV t' ~. I ' rI f '1 -1 MODI'ml' a Bunn..I "", allll y "I'00 ~ II '1 I' R talll'ck and Mr • e . (\ I~ '.. nln1H e . Bn d ~lr~, R S CO.nn er and family . _ _ _' ___ •_ _ ; \11 11
WARREN COUNTY , REO CROSS Th e Warren Co unty Chapte r of the Rl'd Cross held its annual election on I he afterno o n of !:iunday , J~nuary 6lh, at Lebanon, The following commil ee wal selected for t~e ensuinl( year: Turtlec reek - Chlls. Mounts , Fred Puuley, 'has. Waglloner, Miss Edith Harri" Mrs Harry Rosecra ns. Wayne'-:'Harry Pace. MasQie- Cha8. D 'Cook. Washin gton - Mrs, Ed Murrell , Dee rfi eld - Mrs , Harry Sparks and Frank Stilt. Union- C. C. CollinB. Harlan- Wm. Hause. Hamilton- O, S, Cain, Salem- Mrs, Leonard Mounts and W , F , Eltzroth , This commit tee will mt'et at the Mayor's office at Lebano n Sunday Ilfterno t;)Il , J anuary 1S, to effect ItI organiz ation and make plana for'tbe comin g year .. _____ _~o~~.~ , ~~~
- _ ... -
To Clean. Up ~o~
r" 1
,~ .~
Oen. Smedley Butler, U,;& lb'rl~ , on> , bal , been graDted 'a ' y", rut lauj;h,by PrC8, Coolidge upon the re- " qnCflt ot. Mayor Kendrick of PbllI., J \lCljlblll, to 'act' as l>lri!ctor 'pt ......:,.; lie Sulet;y .aDd de!," the t4~ 01 ~ IlLld groft,
-.,.- - ". -,"'.~.......,~
--. -:- ~
thOle ,
-- - ..---
Mother'S Club will have it at tbe At. a meeting held at Lebano n right price. last Wednesduy evening , the fol\. 'If lowing offirera were elected from Pies ' . Cottag e Cb~se ~~. your old a!ld rUIfI,U'UIII~" Wayne township: Cbairm an, . ' and opt .. W_"!8 W' Rup' macte. Cornell, Vice·Ch airman , J, L. Men- C~Jces ,Salad s ~ for P*.e , Jill. Franklin RUI d~nball. HllcrE'tary ehas. ,Michener, B'read : ~ Candy Franldl n. Oblo. Tre IUrer, ChaB, Ellis; Delegate.' J . Hot Doughnuts " L Mendenhall, alterl\a te. Morril " ...... J. E. "eClu~.and , .. ,'S t. MarY'a- clrureh was honored Cornell . ter Gordon atteade d the eoaiee~- Sunaa)' b, the vtlitali.on of AJ Biahop tlOD ,Mrvicea or . Uie · Grace EPIIeoo T. i. '. ~. who celebra ted the , . . p.t:clJu rcb, ' ~t Lebailoa, Sunday .f· Holy 'Communion anll preache . d a _~n , 8I!rm:on ,, wbo b~ve h'e ard GRAN GE HALL ,.. the', Bishop know, that bil \ 1~rmoIl8 , Or•.ra;''' of Uie Friendl Home, a~.~tonly l'pllftif la but,~ive 'oo,d . ... call8d .to W~eelln~. Weet Va.. for tHo'\J,h or many dlY' .Tlie • • r , .iut ... ·on aCeoilnt of tbelerio ull cho r dld"exc~t lllent , 'r work bv render· , -. lIIn~ ..of hie IOn, Otto Varr, who Intr.epm e dellght ful' muale . . Library patrons having State Li· \, ' I, lin, Fred Su-nton dil!d at her .... ~~~8r .~~':'I', of Wayne e,me A larae eo~Kr:r:t~on wiul present . brary books will please bring tht'm In In Columbu8 lut week, The l. :' , .. • • . ft , , '. funeral "aa held ,Tuesda v afterno on . , al soOn' liS pl.'s~ible. as th" timeof the , ' Stlblcrl be f~~ tWe Miami Gazette t t lb Regular meetin g of Miami Chapat sprip.lb oro, ' interme n a .0 ter O. E, S, M~nday tlveni ng., Jlln· ~ place: Mn. Stanton was a 8)8' ter 'of llri. W: A. Swarlze l, of Rout.e ,~lUy 14. AII m~mpers are req uest· :, ' - - 8: I!lr. StantOn was a former stu- ed to be present ., " ' "'ollowlnlf are tbe names 0.' the dentin tile ' eehool here • . and he Edlth · Hlmes. W; M. grand juron, rer.eJ;1t1y d 'r a W aradua ted in the cl&88 of '97. Sue Hll\vke, Sec y. for tbe January term of court" !!!!!!!!!!~'~' !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!! ~~!!!!'!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!l!~!! !!!~r!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!~ which conve~ed 1II0nday m~lna: ,.~ J. C. WilBOn. Union towlllh ip. . Jack Woodward, Deerftel~" J.JU~" 'Germ an Finances, ship. , . " , : . '. Earl S",aln'. Clear'creek t,o~.hip , Robert MoOnllY .Turtle creek township.. " '. , " , F~ank Squlretl ," MaSsie lownlhl p, FJ:ed McDonald, '.Sllem towljabi.,. John' ButtS; Frankli n. townlb lp, ', 1:> ___ ":" Hla1lll'KI!. Wayne to,.n.~lp. T~rtlecreek ' 0
r -
"ILt' lMr.
'· . omelS CIU larka . Sat: " JaDuary ~' ·12
- ;-;--.-==::-;-t----2.- - . . . .~'.:
_-_0 _..--DEATHS
the faneral of 11111 Edna Allen' Ceoter'rUle, Mond., afterno on.
urda, at lbe Grauae building .
J , ;.0. Cartwr llht· attende d
, ' Hel~
Vhole Numb er 5516
-.~ '. In loving" .mllmory of my' deAr hu": band,.Jaco\>. L: Lacy. who died January 24. 1923: You ar~ g<?)1fl , but not forgotte n, 01: tae(;er sllall you be , I As long a8 life and memory la,at, t shall remember thee• , I think of you in silence, No eyes ~an se,e me weep . ., But mall}' a silent tear t shed. Wbile otbers are,asleep. · '" " ' Noone kn'ows bow much I mi88 'you, Friends mllY think the wound Is _ . healed, I ~ Buttli Ltie do they know the gri"l , That lies within my "b e Ii ,r t ~ concealed. . Sad ly missed by his loving wife; " and ,child re'n Mrs, Emma [;acy. ' : ~ . .':, . ' , , j
•.. .
lu'pl~UU1 "'lIK"a
III.' wilh h('r. "I~l1rlhm III,"
I ,. \Vh at (lRl.t1,1 rllt
1." 11\,'H - IIW 'l1l'1 ,1" , " 'Il ~',
IToll;' " .,11 )(\\1 1111k II "i!r, lIow1 h e n~ltrll, lIull \11' {v CI'01l1 hlg P k 'I ~ 'I~I'," I hll~l. ,,'Uli I~', " [1 "}--" t\ ~ 1lI 1, 1\ l, hutll),(l'lIl'b, "but IB Ib t~ ~'I.lIr ' _ ". '"t u.)\ ," .d d \[~" Y ,I(ll n ·hester. PIII'II'u I L?" relul'\l11 .,\ .; .1, 1'1) 'I a t .he glHlU.ld Au~ l wh t"tI ~ltl' ~(lW it, ~hu'Y ~lnJ\" .)~ 1,(1) • HI;-, :u l ~. j·hl ... ltr Hf'PIW.1 ~h(H'r n~tl lil. E \ \'o "\\Ut'j'l i I ,' l. Ii 1:(-1". \Vl ' h\) u~ ~ III ' ""Ul ll :-:t l-'. II Wit::; U1 1\ lu t tlIH ' aUII,)'. '\U ( t' HI' .... . lilt' Il k ,\nt''''i~ to h ~ I·:..., · lf . " I "I"ld "1 1111'1''' ! I r' t l,HC'll, " to" S u," Silli :":l h.l li ll!\ll ~· . hit Is nut." 'l H)rt, '.. 'lip I " j\!\ I"I~ I·. p,'rhn l1t;," Tlu ' \\'uUHlIi Was vld I'. \\ htm ynu " ", , ' ) , III H "'1',,:1 11:111 or ~ .. , 'I" ,I HIHl Itlt,kcd careruIlY-t,ld"I' 1111. II l ~O \\'t·II. And llr SM'!! as ~ll1r.'" 'Sa Id
).t n u ·11 1· "' l t 'r
Ikl.~ l'
WustratioN b9
I ' c\\j"d HXIWl·t tv
Irwin .Myers
Itl ili.
.. ~ u : '
~ul d
HIl .1
ntu IlaI'Y Manche.titer with JlIst II hrClltb fit Iltaltatlon. "-1l!ter lome sllghl Ill· teratlon •• perh8[1s." F or th e cu s tomer . . . quite tout lodeed, ""t1 the gowo
wal 'Illanned and msde
lI, "
m OSI s l end ~r.
"lcU.oald thlnIr
,, ft".1II«' "Weill. It
lOU mlght." said.
ul:Q_jI1'OinlalDII" ~ b~1II1 to rae-whAt '0 1~. t\llDk'" no" ullled the CUll-
EMlllSI'ON '
J,:;lt l. r01111'Il} Ui; It
to l l.lt.' l'.
i{t." l..o m n u::nc. ·rt ,1'1 t .r I ~ r
1\ 11.
un .. uITI·... :..ot' tll ,
lill Y
t 'l lllIlI
~ nperedallJ ~t .... MaQl l(A'nclleilt... but, ~Iao la IIII' WIlJ.
Yet '"'.... D.a tvaNt .....t' .., Ita . . . . _ ....,. . . . . . . . .r'. tltnDctb aM t ....... wu . . C1ml.bli'ed. It . . .. ~... aDd • • "'..
r:rq c:aa-. boWen:.. _med to un _~... ~"e !ere.. 'I~t tor
... Ia ... emercenq. It "'.. na If
... w.iI beatlq the pi ~
doWn with
-o.nI "'.. at. .,. DI7 «!olol'." •• ~ Ute o1~er' "'1l1DIlf iii the man1,
of ODe' ..at1nJ aD . lndlaputable
faet. "Ye.; madam," aa1d Ha17 Manches-
ter In the docile qteement
from ber trade, "And lrin't It a lovel, «>lor'"
"But not 00 ' me-lou
IJI9Dded the large woman-bet temper appareatl)' more and more affected bl
·the Ileat • "Ob. 00 I WbBI"':"wbat I meant-" ..t4 I(ary llaitcbl\~r a little weakl,~ , tI7IAC to escape ·It potIIIlble the wraqle whleJt the woman teemed to 4~ "waif tbat In a way. thla was not euc:tlr coral. For I tboullbt,U 8he H,ld .pIA, s~nll thBt IlPpare.DUy she
" . .. Dot maklDe matters better. ..that reu .hollld kno)V tbat, betore you beotht ·It-tbat It lell't exactly coraL" "I th.uld kIIow It, huh 1'; Aid the 11'• • • or· Of New Koney. "It aIn't ...... Itah' If It ~'t, wbat Ie It'"
. .~ It-we eaJI Ito" wd Kar,
V I'
,tJ 11 ' 11/'
huVt..· I HIII~ lIl.
f \' ::}Hl
Temple, 21)2. W' .. Central
1t.' till.' ... he
1I ~1\lllJ.:.
"" 111 1
UHl l
Avc., Delaware, Ohio . •or
.d BO l ~e,,· lilt' t :1I1, Jh'IIV), . 1', 1,1-
l ong
ye ar s could pol rat :\ 111ca l w l thout distress. H is tr",,1 Ie was ca tarrh of th e stolllach an,1 ho\\,e" brou/:ht on by CXpO~ \I:"C . t r 'l' cl1lplc sa;s: - "A druggist "'rof1llncll ue d [ e·
1I 0 t
t'ollo ""~' 1
UI~ ' H IH' e
h er
from tJ H'rc H1I 1I 1 .... 11\·
tlll'lll'li 111 10 l tu- <llilgy 111'0\\'11 Plltl'lW\'l' .
'it II lt~ Illlu hlc IIl1 e lit !l". h-""I , q U, a II rjru~s sJlt·:t1dns-t uhc ..·, of ht! r h ' lIllL' . CHAPTER III
look fin' ,I.o!tlc" an d a m ' Vhik lur lll Crll' I cOIII<1 do:t <lay" ". Cl l'k. I no w . n ev e~ 11\;\11.
bC'·.1I fatiffucd. !'c-ru·.":l .'s t he , b es t nlcclicinc and LOllle. In t he world. It is "'I'ccially fine for catarrh and .:ol e\"" The ,"aluc of allY medicine is determined by re s ults . P c.ru -na ha s \t ~r n accumul ating r es ults fo r over filty years.
Tll rn ~a " tw!\ t'(1 fl'ol1l Ih(' wh lt(·· ~u\l l l"'I.I1t1 I\\ I) nlltl l'IrC' lllll s t tlIlC,· "r t il,· l ;),UII ,1 \ " 'II U'O I ' I,, !l oll lIut lll''' ~!I"I'I bh_lI'k tol. lind YUll l' CHll e ut tlll ('c Inl(, HlI (. t l l ..-,. {l Ul l! :trill 'l!l'II e l'u tl o ll- th c 11l! ! ~
Sold Everywhere Tablet. or. Li'lui~ . :I I n.i.! upon bav.ng the pnulMi I • remedy for catarr hal condltioD'.
o r r" (1 hl'l el(s, or . lu/TI't! uu I Hlllify ru mit Il r u. rt \\'u~ h L~ re, i n Ih ls qu iet b lick \\'fl · I 'r of thl' !: r PIII t OWII, thtll M IlI'Y ~llIn· cl",ste l"s lII ulher UflU rtlther. \\'Ilh Ih elr /o' ."· lI ln ;; fClr tUll rS , hull 11 11 II fly lollt;'ctl- ,lrICtiot;' Im.twunl r,.olll more "" 0 peroll s streets, YO nenr In dlstall~e, yet socially so far aW'ly. And wi t h t hem, Il utural!y. CillO !!! the gl d Il ~r~fll r.
li e re\' lewetl It Rg aln-o s on' Ii "{' ~ unp il!lISllIlt lUlI ltcl'a toward the \\, parr end of , duy"':"'whlle she \VIIS "".~1 1I1l enstwartl througb Ihc /t uml\! hC1I1. !-lile SRII' "suLIl her Il\othcr In her gl'lIlhllll tnqlng-seuted dell lite au\! wl stfut·
Young men wanted
tace«. old·ros hlooed 118 II ruse
partitioned uglluess between two bloc k s, n c,'elltu l'e r CO I'cd In D10rp Pl'(}t ected WIlYS, and In capable of sel f·,lp·
<;1"111'1-1" C'OMIN6
ARe:. O.\JEi.R.
IIt ;\I
wil li
11 \ '"
1111-' I
s he atlUljlleU. {r(l m uny angll!. Why she shouhl t mutn In II Ilt ull wss not cle ur to l.er, IIU\\' lhllt a But!uen po sslbl(' jUl' In b e r <lllll,v routine h tlel r e 'u lted In h r 1181;lng ' lIe''' ' 'J[ UI O 'I U"([011. Why !!llou l <l she tOn ight, e:-.hn uSl etl, be ~(JIII:; huUl ~ lo preplI l'e the evelling m ea l Ill ' Ihllt UJu ~,I' 1111 e, f or th n t \\lilli- no rClnt'lI'c of IIcI' ~-lh ut Indolt'nl, !:uod·lo oklng I;Cl1l11\.!, liS oll e "'"\lld SIIY In (he I" n· gun ge of Ihl) el ghl lcs, \\'ho hllel Illlll'SItUItUOll ,
w h \l~r-
tlll'ough t h p. [lnillflli t1(1 WII\\'lIl'ft lu:m 'I'<j; of Indolen'c flU\! s~l r· lIldul j;~'H: 11111\ lell !lcSS, uII lI I(t llr rl .,· 11I\1c1 ~ \\'<,II'"~ , ! whld, hllLl (:o ll"I!" lc,1 Ille d nlllly r. I be e:: I' 11111' limo LO lh e ' ell sltlltl0U uhf tlJ'lml:Cn ruin of n bu ck h'c t of to· (111y7 HOIII ', s ll e ihollghr hll terl)'-w;ts rh rr(' un y th lng t.l be . Illell b ume 11111 lll'a d mcmo rl es In thilt plu"c w hich
Name .. ,.. .. .. .. .. .. . .... . . ... ... . . . . .. .
Addrcss . ..... ... , .. .. , ... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• A r~O
PI. AN '
.1 .
'I .
.,1 1
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I 11 1\ III Ill' lUll I, 1\111. I "i' I , .. iI .' jj· tll1'l,' . \ I ,' ,:111 Ldl~ III :tl \ j "I~ h. 1' 111111' 1.\ III,d 1" 11I1'I ,,·,!." "\ ,. ' \ wI·I!." .. h, · :11." \' " I( 'd h i ,ll. ;11 101 \\' II~ ... ·1. II t 11 , ' 1''' ',:-oll ·tllll.! I II 11 1111 . i ll ~Idl' \ II,, · '1' 1 , I, :-.II·'·:.~ . Ilulfl! I'''''llt ' l1 111'1
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11, ' l'o
I,I IIIH.'':'· I ll" lI-':k \'t1
IIt ' r
IIn W-
r '"
Not Everything.
\\,h l'l! I h. ', 11 II OII1 U tI)'1nt( lhut be Is In 1111 ... 1111 ''':0- II nl)' fur th e IIluUH,Y he ('UI1 (11 11 1.1' 11111 1 1111 1 rur lil t! I'li\'Or~ he
!'I 'lI d,· .. I
1II I Idt
"f "'hUl ~ lI ll1 e wise
" It u lJl~ cuuld \\ ,d,ld d"\' nt e hl~ 'enUre pr ll .' . 'r I .. t' ,I I' " IIllfl ' ~\\' III, !JIll m eo :, 111111111 1'111.' I",. dl h. " ~ ,'r t s 111111":8," -'1'011 1 11 1.'11'1 III F,II' h l'8 .
!li lill
l 't' : I~'
M onc~
til '
World's Woo l Pr J uctlon. U t i ll" wtlr ld ' ~ (1 1I:t! !l nllll ~d \'!ool ,nldudl"n Wfl~ tll\·id.' ,1 ('qll .. ,;.\ "nton ,:: ti l li lt' 1lIlI lI hir :tl1ts \ ,11 . ':I I'I ~ 1 1I!"
wu ulll
":" 1 1111"
"lI f' ll
I u llI·· llrtha
Ih l
, tH In I I ~
Ar Id :1. :-tht:' lol t! 111,11 . ~Ih' 1",,1 u ~nl n 1111\1 ft· .. Jin~ th ll l . lit" was t, ·IIl II~ h !m a 1t. '~1 .! ( hut Ih.' H l rllad~' 1i:IH' W . '" 11 I tllh.: l l t III' \\ IlIlu:,::' lie ~ua.t).!C'~ t· ~ ,I ih' :t with t hllt lIu ·l.l1llna: 5Omllc; "to hUH ' !l H lITl ti r ,'I:-' ,IHfL·rt'ltl IIfl'?" "\\ 11I ~ 1I.a;:" she l'J:h·\1. " '1'0 C : hul lJ,!e 1
I'll tI , Ifll), lh llll: lit 1111 th 'll '~ e h"·~II\ ." I I , <III /I,'tt 111(,,111 • Awl lilt ' ll h £' lluHlp h (l r-wl1h prupe r r llS('I' \' 111 1(1111:1, ntllu ru ll y-hls t.lx trnorMONEY LOANED dlnlll'Y IIrr~r. " I 11 111 II III W)'I'r, MI"s ~IHII\'Ilcst C r. " ON EY Loanell au .lve as ok, he silid \\'flh Ihnt cul ,l, uhllqu e, hu t oh"tt I ~. "hlo tieO\lUI1 mor~IIHKe~ . . l\I WR.I·~ IIlOSt Inl ellfg ' nt smli e lIr his. Notett bool(lIt . Jobo Harbl1"l1, 'A lleo "0111' 'h l ( bll s lll e~ , 111111 we h",·c 19 Bulldiug, Xeni" 0 1110. 6, 4.2" hllll d lll g up III u{)VOIICe 0 thell"), of n \'IISI'. Suppose." he went on to Mllry ~ I :ul\'h ,'st(>r. "1 110 this now, In O\l r tall"'" lIt1o n . It IIIll:h\ be QUO WilY of appro,wh lng Ollr suhJcct whi ch would li'urmllfil ot W,,"tlll .. ud "Oj Ol cll l i ooou.ltlll wlty o b w.l u money 00 101l~ he "e : "I"n lltl l ~(, \0 hnU, of u s. u we loa 011 ,,' 5'xJo lohmn,l, VOlll ('ro Ill! oODlln uedl of lIeOt1rlu~ l he , .. lJJ " , _ v';Iry r81UDII • .blt;. , bl ou.cb 'r h ll f tlo ..... 1 "'''Ild ~=-~~~~~~~~~~=== -Blink. For lur tht:l t lofurDltl\hlu call ..u or I1tldrbll8 M·. tJ DRAKE, '1't81U,'! ar e r . 1IhO[l" lilli-X, Lebll[l u u , UhlO.
F arniers, Attention!
' oJd .,~
" '1 ' 11
:yo (I,."".,.,
fP;P~ · , t"tlori-tl
• '.11
,.,ph,l- '"u Ittl _~"d!.ll"d
, "101101
Etiq H.' II 0 ' '''ON oHolr, M U J A , L,do, ('0 '" oj
r.EnA :
\\, 1\1 )'ou kLndl y tt'll me the ~lnd " , I"'le Ihftt shollld be wr lILen In ,",. , .1' II (IItJlI ~ r and rh clltro party ~ ' a'; 1 ;! In nt pnfu pon ct? If; it het-
ut HI() 1I0reli. A FAtitleLtMA1I8.0 KI.bhtr. Ohio. '
gnoll I,nd . ,
Ho, . ,
• "!
,. 1;
1' 1'·(11 fO Mend n tocss(!oger wlth
I : Il'
'''J h~
pl)~ t
It ?
A HEAOr.a. 1\'1"'1\ "Illl dit lon8 ori s wlliell ore".,,: 111~ 1!1"ln!l Or o ' dlnllf't /I nnto ,10 .. 1101 IUlIll ~d lnl('ly he (\eNpnlrhed ,_ I·)lt· ,. ft~' nH'~!' 'u!;:,"r o r sl'(!Cin l defh .' 1' \ t'l th'r cll h r C'llllJ; or postpon. i ll' III,!, ntfulr. Th e utlt.e lIIay be \\, ,'lllo' n III I.he thIrd nl'rson. Homef hh ' L! t,O Uti l!>! ~ff'N!t: .l l r /Ifill ~I rs. n ol ,crt WlIllnlll B r oltrH i~ ~I'C'l·l ff "~ I.v llln t dUll 10 fire In t\ " llr illllue th!'}' rllllst I)O~'p"oe Ulalr ili UM ' III' rnul:tl'll ror Weel ue li4r. no.' ('~Il1IiI 'T Illp t{Jt, cIJ. to MouI11. )' . nee m·
L0 ' T-Be1.t10 toW" yu"l'vi lln.Vo&t; some· seQ lsk lll
w h e l'e
Flpder .,
wltb .M r~ l.umuion, B:oQ~\1i
Iltre"~ .
!lU ll get rew .. rd.
. j28 iL
h()r 1I','uiytlllnl . un \Vbh'h du t0 rhey h(l{lI' I" hn le Ih e I'l eO.!lllre (It M~. /111 11 ~{ ,-i ,JllfU P.lI Colilc r' S CUlUlJnllY at h,, \t after seven o·clock. ,
r cn('~r IIKk. tbo klutl of l-,....fMml- 89C00t1 IIII Ud rllblHir. lirea t!J ut pllCUill be SCl'l t In the . Rug~.v . J.ub.n ' r'fII ma. pb0lte C\I"1t fIr II SlOp-go II fit p din nor {lnrty. 344 X . R. 0 , :1,' W"YDenlllei Ohto, : " I' IJI" lllell ll S ~ tol . plnll 0 gnp wUII)\J ,. ,,:.' )11 hd~ . h('I'li l'l\ ll setl tty a !ftlest'. S\1tl.
lt nut h ar
'Of' '''l' ;"' '\', " ... '
-6 P ( yr" . ~ j ,. - '. \ ,'
t! ~e.:-,:'{rt-l )/
1(1\\ ;11'11
He; 6E'1'~; I-IE. euv<; ON 'T\-IE IN<;TALL />\ENT
... 1 t'\
tor B w.,. FUuL BI~~~ ~irod ~OOk , Cb~k!r.t~'I' Il ,~!::
Y11rk ', imPeri.i: )i·; ~ :~
~P'::'~i~~ ~ ~~ :,iainl:..::'~ld ~r.::J
' YE~
It I!
.\1 .• 1.,11" .\ ,1,1 .. ~ h., \\ \'111
work of Dave y Tree Surgeons Jind also :t Qu!,". fic3tio n B1mK . '. •.
d·,, ' \
&'0" &: (lawnc . Bloom6dd, N . J.
r------- --- - ---~ l
;lI l ,f
three or four tirnea daily woul.~ be an investment t~at ,would »eld splendid retu,nlS In ~en~h .aI!d vigor. Scott s Emulsion is , concentrated, ton!c.nom:l'~· . ment, ideal!lI lSuded to. ~ ., growing chlrd.
Onl), a li mited number of good mell can be accommodated each year. 1 f you think you qualify- if you nrc' looking for interesting outdoor work wit h a reid c han ce for advancement - it will be to )'Cll,t r benefit to act promptly. Mail the coupon tO l.IS with yogr . !lame a nd addl'ess and We! will S lid YO ll fOJI information together with a quali ticlltion blank.
./I ~ I/1; 1'1'
, 11'; ,\ ;- 1' 1I IIti
!l ,n n
she WII~ uow enLel'ln ;; ut t h ' he~l ulll llg of III\I}Ul or. weul'y nl/:l1t? 1 Ol o ~e, , h ., lh llug ht- antl Ulen II wllrmtll o[ feel · f In g Dud tl I1g ht of nn t lclplltlo n III lIer ' (1 0 11 In uhllity to keep II dinner co· gJi~ I·Hle ul. ~ , eycs cunt.rntll cleli b ur. Th ere stili \\'flS • I· I t Is quite pormlsslhle to cnll U(lOO Ilt len ,t R ogs. I V1 n rrl,'nd to m'l n vR cnn cy occu r ring A dog, ot cOLlrs u, !IOS 011\'0)'8 h~ell al II ,\luller fI" r ry nt the 10,,1 'lIP' lhe poor mall'S , provcrbln l xtro,'u, 1n,' IIL Ho wel'er'. In "t1C~ B CUBe the. , gnn ce. , "~l ~' Hit IIn tloo Rhl'lI ld he frankl." I'lliliolulld S,he pnssed exhouatedl y up lJIe lind .lInt 0 rormnl " nl'd SOli I oul at :~ ~ '" . slalr" of tile 01(1 "walkoup" lIat h onse, Ilw In I milllltc. !i'or example: ,'" 1.. , ~. ._1., s O-I!all ed, to theIr four smull r oolnS In nl~ AU ~IR. ' SIIU;VN: • the r enr, slfPlled In tile k ey anti ALED 8Tft'A'W eale, ' ~DqQtre . \' III J'OI! be tnn~t ohllglng aod pnase d Into the slumn es s of the smnll /1'I·JI' 'li e Ollt cHI Wedocsdlly. Jllnllllr, of ,y' A. Oorn81l ••R l ' D ~; i " place, crowdetl to dlstrucUon with Ihe I l ilt· ' lVulfl.lI? · Th e J:rlllpe bas 8011,(lj1 ueliville. Oblo. ·' . . J~ .. ,;:. lo ng-kepI furolture ot larger I'oom~. · ull!' "I' Iny 1:1InRtl) At Llll' 11I6t mln .,to ~II r II" I I 11m cn~ 1 lI pon t h e 1(111),1 The opposite Of whnt aile hatl hop ed was tl'ue. The mon wa's' th ere: Ule " tIfiLIlh of my Crl ends. We ,vIII llitl!l ele BradleJ "straln ' lliqolre 'bf " '-,,' 0\ " e" " " o·~to\' I(. oUll I ShAll 1I,"k ' d og "118 'llone. . F . A. t!nlder, R , D. ~. W.'D8Ivllle.... (u{'w unl 10 Ih ~ plem41lre of ~' nll r "Where Is he?" she demand ed, wor· ('01111 1:,' 11." . nlln tbunl< ~' OIJ mnH y IJII~ l;S ' Oh~o. \ '; '. j28 . rled os alway8 by the chllD ce of hi s for IIt ~ fa 1'111' )' 0 11 "<)o r,,r IJ) ' '·omlng. escllplng Into city sln'Cts. FH:W bushel. o'f rJ w t ~l n l'~I'I'I)' YOllr • " , "Where-what 7" h e rcturn ~d hllzlly. ' . i\J..!C1t B. DEA ,~. APP IIlS, C!l Mlohener. lJb006 . ', '. ' "Rngs?" she snld, h er face t llin ner 56 11 2J, ~V~YA.q~VIII~. p~IO., ~ ..~l~: \ and wcnrler 1\8 Bhe \\'otchetl him . "I've sold him," b e stlld, strnlg hten' H'I NTS lngegJ~a~~~tne'EiiklneIJ 1~·.b llig up with digni ty- the derby mean8009 "II new. Uheap ab4 will wblle goIng to the 600r. rlloom~end. B:tlward Crew, ·R. 1), Anti ...ptio.- !'olllt nn,l wnt er (\IS' "And now." she saId, Bttllldlng mC)tc n~ pon n to Y$ 11111 •• \V.ftte r I I. "X' , I, W .lYDt'M~~I~e••<;>.I1I~, . ,;c.' - jJ~ callent 118 II t b r!>,,! ~1If~lp . It will ' t1onlee,l betore hllO, ''you or .drlI.tklitg IIrlp lin alrend.l· :'lI re lh \"Jat! Ill' weU np the price ot him." aple 8Yrup." ~; ~t;>a ' IflliloD,'; W:~, I n ~ ft r~ I'e,,' UIlC whIch htUi !lol yct' "Tha's rlgbt," he saId to her, "-I!e .M ·Br.ra.rd. '8 . J>::l ,,; Wa"nee. ,:,,\'I'!{\:. 'd. ' '' . . . dlAfillreeable! Tim's rI/lht-be d is· " ~.. v~l.'e; O~lo, • ,~.lt:, ~
Mail coupon"for details
.I' o \l n ~
wllll/we.1 mal hPI', "un 011 1," PI'Ci;('lIt tie to h Oi'r \l'l\s
rl ('IJ her
THE DAV E Y TRE E EX.PER:f CO" Inc. 58 City Bank Building, Kent, Oh io I am inrercs~ed in your om:r. PI ens. send me by ret urn mnil fu ll inform~ ,i.on co nccrJlil)g th.c
; 11111
1;1 1''': ,· , 1,,\\ 11
.. I .
" I I, ,
liS s he reclIlJed with 111 0 /' lI(!I' I ·e:;.~hlll. , IL 11'88 !lot an esp 1/l lI y hOIIt' f ul
o\·er·reflned wonl/In . Mllrs M.tn,'l",s· ter herselt WAS like h ' r , I t \\'I\S $u ;,I-
On ly the finest trpes of lean red-blooded young Ameri cans are employed. by the D avey organ iza. tion , alld on ly young men of thi's kind ne ,d app ly. A high school edu~ ·cation 01' its equivalent is d~sired. We al so reC] uil'e fully satiJacr lOY references as to honesty, dependability and willingness to work.
I ' 110
" \
h;tll-I ,.m!
IIIl' \\ I't' .
. JlI'
1.1 "
I h .. I
t or nearly a year Dow-atrtlgglln g no more wIth Ihe blologfcu l problem . II~ we mIght co l! It, uttered by ho~lIlu city flrc to a deli ca te And' per haps
good men
lohn Davey's org a;niza tion, l'heDaveyTree ExpertCompany, Inco, has alimit:ed number of openings for ambi tious young men between 20 anH 30 .years of age. Sin~le men are pteferred. ~hese positions are permanent and offer a .lifetime opportuni ty i-; to men who make good. Th e busl- . ness of the Davey Company approximates one million dollars per year and islimi ted only by the num ber of capable men who can be trained for responsible positions. . No exper'ience in Tree Surgery is required. We furnish.the necessary training to the right kind of young men. T~is t~ainin~ is very thoroug~) embracmg in te nSIve work both In the field and later in the class room. Tree Surgery is intensely interesting. I t is professional work of high standing and dignity, and develops a fine scientific knowledge that is invaluable. It offers robust health-outdoor work in the fresh air and sunshine, with properly balanced exercise. It is the ideal professipn for the young man who' wants to get away from the grind and monotony of indoor work. It is a wonderful physical . developer. ' The pay is good at the start a.n d. the opportunity for advancement is unusual. There is plenty of room at the top for good men, Work with the Davey Company offers an unusual chance to travel and see many parts of this coun try, wi th carfare paid by the company from one·place to an other.
111 1\\'
d )11::1
, t elllie ' ag(t1n sL h er CI"CUlll SllIlI\'CIl ,,~ II pI goon In a net. Sbe had been gone-
. of Davey Tree Surgery
Permane~t positions for
wlntlow u f n Iml'l, teuem unl Ilho" e tbe cluttered, so,·c1It1.
n lulU, ut th e 80 UU\
IOf' thq lascinating pro/essitm
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:'-b17 ""tI~ Irr1tat.d ~r , . . . .tell . to ..... te Deceillarlil willi ...... am_Pl!l"l!mall,
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It -..t. be MId .101' ber thaI the .....
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",111. b(', sk liled eUlllIgll."
pll u t p!:l': lplt .t"
"It IU USl Ill' LO nl~1I1," II(' l'l' \I"IIICU sh arp ly. "If lit " II." "Is II," "h~ "sltctl 1\ " " 11y, "ClI"Yno r ,Ii lli cu ll worl;'(' I ··NIIl hln g. I thInk, cou lt! Ill! eaSier." ,
llna ."
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lind ,·u l' iHsfl.\' . IIn Li 11\.' \\11 . thH
"b il-
be "h S Wl!r .. o/ lIrl clly. " I 1I~ I'eo.l, " shl! 'xplulo et!, " bemus\! 1 am nul I" " )' stroug," "Yuu will b e strong ell~ugh for thla !" "N or vcr y sk lfled ~ut sldc my OIVU
rt 'l lIl
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All" II 111 11 (". fIJ " 1 ,' " I~ hl ,,"I., :" IJe IUI, -lill "d, ll'J d l. 'uht , tu IlI.i)(\ 111'1'
Aud s o to Mury l'tluu c beslcr, going I Je\·I1 .. "~ UR If "h,' huu spok'n Ih~ lll. bome In ber ,bhu:k gowu- lIke muny "AI un y t hue." he suld, "nllll \l111l!!1' oLllets or her class, no duuhl. that youI' "wn C,lIalllloIlS." sa me nlght-cumc especfull)' s hnrply "I"'rhllp ~-" the girl VenlUr!!\! tllI"l · 11 not nnlllmlliur dread: " Uow long ollsly. can I stnnll IhIR'/" ~o, us we " ulu , In " Bill w 'w- tonlghL- l r llt nil !" h ' her wt\y- Ln Ule sordId undrlllllfll1c CUIl(·l llIl ed . way of h r class 10 ILf_she might be " nUL wlo \' f('lIh:hl't" Fill! Obl,,·,1 hlln . not
1I11 lit ,\' l'II IIIU ~ \w h II ~ ~ (lH
dlh,· ,'
lit . l l'd
trom II (,lI stomer. H e r IIPR mnt·,·,I, bu t I '1'11\' 1i1,.1 1,,'"'I" t l'(1. It "'''" an '1lIthefe wus IIttl" Ihll t CIIIIIC tlu'I\Ul; h u" u ul 1\1 \' 1111111 ur upilr ouch 10 ~lh'h u them. She WI18 U ~ lllg ull h c r furees tll pl (·. '·~I· I " I "I.\'! 'f'h, · 8t mll!;er, his to s it upright-lind s mil e a \lttlu. I "Y" ~ III'''U Ioc" rile\). "UIIl;hl III' h,,1' vir '
u~:tlll ~tI~I :ldl)ll"',
_\Iltl 1 \\ III {"II
,'H \lU ',
ll\.' ';ialtl , "III .\0\1 1' ""11 httt:r'· ~ I. ( liu l 11\ " , 'I' 111 .\' 11111' life - or lit Ih, ' lit' ,· , II
• .a1Itl7 ne. ret 1Iot ,at1ltJlDC. "Y.' uva ~caIlr-tllreadl,·: ..... w~
jl is all ~lIl ut t.lly ,·.... ~' ·1l1 ::tl 1 \\ill L(·II Y( HI fz -, llIht) 1.l il l
her more ami more. "I Clllue h(' I'C," tliln .( . she !!llld, "to buy 0 l\\'e-hll 'hll't'<I· ,I"lIl1r I "S" t lsli"lI:" she rCIJl'IlI,'d wll h /I gO \\' u- und !:Ilt Illsulted! 1t '1I b e ,",um e 1It11" 1""Pr Inlf~11. time heton! 1 come In 11l'I'e 111;'lln. I "~ I H)' I lulk II> YOIl," iI,· ".k,·d . III~
Don' t t orget tbnt !" • cYl"S, II .!il l!' Ilol t·,1 I !lr'm, llh\a~ ~ !1ll1dyMary Mauche ll.'r WUR ullllhie to fin· ln l( h" I' k""III), "l'rI01l81). ""II"ut a ewer lhat DlOSI drelltled ot nil th"~lIts bu~ ll1c"" ""P""HOI llty r"r ~' ()II~"
l'an." rrptieu the girl ,
" Ht't ':tll~l' \H
...!a ...t
It llnl~ , Sou
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termed del:!veruLe. . •"Partlon 11le," said Ihe "olee of a IIeaMr Itl.atl" feelllll ot the t exture wel~.«rt'saed mutl-a IUno with u k"eo , Wldl tat . . . .r.. flIce nnd alighLly ubllque slUlle. AmI "Wb,-" Aid . IRJ'Y Kanebesle,r, Mary Monell ster, turtllng, SUW I!l Ilt ...ltatlDC &pin ' hQfore ' the eXll el - be "'88 aduresslug her. tUke. .r. IuCU. .e. Tbe wpmllJl \\,U8, Re wus, sht' S 8W, II gentlE'tliun In fD. .....t of r.c:t. 1l I \lulT .to\1~ and mOMer, very lIluch so-well dressed, ...ddt_ced. bllt Of IlJI Inert com· not young: but most of all she pleDa. , ' aa:,IV-'U Bny wOlllon would ut II glllll ce I dOD~t ! think 10. buh r' lhe -tbat be had oot thllt light wh ich lIIII.tred Cllllc:kl7. , b1ll'll8 In Ute eye ot tile \ls ual Slreel' "Ok. .. I" exdalme« Mart Manche&- adventurer with women. Be had ob· t .. Ia ' IIINlefentia. ~f"".lda·t IQ .'O.,.IY-88 ony woman wou ld have 1 tNt.It . . . lltAte.Mt " ... of counle. ..-..,.-tllt'!-·...~:me. other IUIl:lN8e. ~
--.s tile -eUtolDer.
el h~sh·r . in UCI' rhlJtou h lu ... ly II ~I'\ ullM ! h'r. Ih'I' 11l"~ I ' I ~ ~t i,lt)\ h 'd !llli llll\~ tll lll ~ gtllte, us It the womllu \\'t.! .. ~ ~Ullh.~ ' I no \\' , liS 1111 doubt (I H ' l1l:ttl hlld thing unulIlIIrnl, de"IILh, ~rvwlll!; ' l ,hdlll,·,I, t, ~, •• •/0 with I h , ' " "" ... , ,' . " . ~tI· ull~,·r ~'·e ry mOIll CIIl t,! torm en t 11",1. her. " \Vl uu's th e mntt cr II(H\' 7" :-: h" I '. ,\!". yllU H h\hillt'~:- \\ il l tI:llI"! Ltu \\U8 Inquiring. . . HII't Y () U :-i tand Ult-- I YUI1 l ' a l' lt .' ·tlur tI\\ n 1I\' 11iJ,: '( ' "~hl'D you're ",nlllul;; UI\ {·u st ulIlt·r s? "y, . .,," :-:hl· 8t1SWertll1. a~ I'ri~ l "" HO\"t!D'L you tht" m n l1ner~ to :" , ~ 1," kl' lI HS h e . Tho heat wuS evltll'l\ll~' Irrll"ll ng , ".\ 1'., yo u "" II"tl c'll wlUI Yll llr 1",,,1 -
"I'd like 10 see It on som chol lylOme one wi U' 80me nesh on. their boaes," tlIe prolpecilve bu yer then dl· ' rect.ed, lIusblnc viOlentl y. 'lYea, madam," old Mltry MIt'lI'hes, tw, aUlblnC III turn at !>t'r ... l1ul rolt· '. . . . alld bl"ollgbt In the Illump,·.t lriUlllfitul.D then IInll abl e. Hut a,'" n ; lb. ".. not uft\clentl:r SlIblt'Ult!1I1 to , IUlt lb. eu,t.omer', pere<m al ta Rte. . "TlI~ seeml to be 1\ l aw II b'1l Ilist O1Ie btlt .uelelo ,ll s In the~ e Ibapa," 1I11e IIIIl d wllh II IIlluce of !!lgo a1AtIllice t ..ral'd Mary Man cbeRler. "1 wlab IIOmetltllu:' .. ld lhe girl ' paeUlcall,. thou,b h er vo ice s h ook 0 Httl••• the said It, "that I 1I'01'e my · .,PI a Utlla turther from tbe sur~l~ __~~~.~~~~ ~ __ ~
• mllaS'I II, [tl.lllk
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"Thllllk Y'IlI." he sliid In III ~ '· 'lltI . • 0,·1111 II' \u k, ·. ":':U\\I 1 \\ 1111 11 1 li Lt' to C .. nnGIM· M,ri,...... Jll.,,,8f...,.... S a.rvi.c.... I II:ik ~Ull an,,,tll't' 11'1 1 ~,;:IIIUl If I IlJ:l \· H -. .. . ...,..,...................,..---,..,.................- -............,..,.""'-~"""........,..,.."'............,.,•.,.." ........""'".."............"...""" .......... , "1" '1'1 11 111 1), ' 1"'1011<," ~I " I ')' .\{ II" , I ,,·~· ~ ''I''lIy', y
, is i~veslrpel1t that a;dds to Y~UJ wealth of 'health, It 18 more essential to ~afe-~J ard and build up I stre~gth tht", it is to add to yo~. w'ealth of gold. To an underweight child or af1 ~mic adult
J .IMllt,\ r
\AND \'1IH&H I-IE WA..
~Q~~~T~O ~ ~HIHb
A. OOLL1C1tia.I"I ~ ' H~&
HI: WNlTU.-'It) PA'I
l'4 I.AM 1,
.... T HE
.GA·Z E TTE ••.•
ISSUED EVERY -WEDNESDAY .. IIOUt'8dClu ·,be PoUotllce a'
W'''Fo .. ~Ule. Ohio. I ' 8"'1oull
0 1.11
Alall Alaner
Sohool began Wedneeday morDlng after tbe holiday ~ea.o D. Mrs Allen Emrlok and Mre. t..'ha • . Anderson were DaySon lIhoppera, Friday.
b. l. CRA,NE, Edito, and Publisher. Waynesville, Ohio
Subacriotion Price. $l.Iib per year ForwI 9~;;;ti.tn.i~Reprctan lu\lv.
Mr. EOQ8 Rogerl oame dOW'D la.t week to speDd Iho wlntllr wit h bll Hon and wife. 1ki1J'. and Mrs, Frank Roge rH,
Mr. nnd Mf8 WI lbllr Otllrk "Dd Mr. ond Mrs, Watter KeDri·.'k lI', Lauded the welltilllJ,t of the Mea of WI\ YDB8'1' ll.Ie a. ~ t he high pohool b ull ll lll g FI'IdllY eveDIDg.
W" lire DeerIng tbe I!e~son ' tor the publlcatloo ot the pIcture or HOlleRt Ln\KIr with th~ dlttDI r pall and p.iper bal
I 'U lIlIlJ·Y.
strl. ~ U\·e
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The Aqierican people are tho most perfectly protected p eople in the world. Figures ~ade publio in Washington show that in the matter of insurance this copntry per capita is so far ahcad of all other countri es that there is scarcely a second iT} the ruce. though Great Britain bobbles along next to tho United States. The 6~res in themselves are startling. More importunt. howevor. is the lesson they convey-the story they tell. First; Ibey bcspCllk a strong sense of bonor and a willing ~eceptance of responsibility on the part of the American husband nnrl futher. Complaint is of ton beard that despite the \! " curnillg power of Ule average American. it is impossible fOI .!>I II to save sufficient money to ensure the Safety of his family in case of death or permanent disability. Perhaps there may be som~ basis for this assertion. But there is no basis for the assertion that the average man cannot Inotect his family, that he cannot, by reasonable saving, provide an estate' for those he must leave hehind without aetUIlJly setting aside the lump sum which otherwise would be necessary, and which would greatly lower the standard of his living. . Insurance is now well out of the realm of the luxuri es, It h1l8 passed from the stage gf the gamble. It has developed into an integral part of American life, B9 interwoven with our socia! fabl'ie that today any man finds it posaible to protect Ills family, ond all wise mcn do so. Protection o.t ,the family, the certainty that the widow will not want or the child 'be neglected means more to this country than mllre saving to thll state. It meane added production. The mall who looks the worlll in the face unafraid is stimulated to Il'rcnter.decds of daring and accomplishment. Fear of t.he future hilS ke~'i countless thouSlln ds of men in the ruts of mediocrity. With fear r emoved, with confidence established, the mnn eRn stl'etch his wings and gTfUIp wah opportunity 88 presents with reasonable SLlrcty~ Amorica'8 appr.ooiation· 01 insurance ie an evidence of American intelligence. Toda.y only the dulliml and the utterly thoughtless LlI'(l unprotected: '
'J'h l'~ llJnetle proml e little II rOl'l I h At "never the twain
Mildred (.!t,uk aglli n took np work CentervU1e Mon. duy morning "fler lbe holiday Vlcatloo. Mi.1f' CllLrk wilt teaoh Ihe ~"o lllld grude 10 the fiDe new 80hool b ulldlDg just oo:nple ted . Ml ~ "
The World's Most Protected People S U
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Mill Oleo S'.oy .pen. week wlih her 1I1,&er, ' Mr •. Ea'a Nnll, near BprlngbOTO . The oold· wave hi' U8 I'b " ven. geaDce 8atnrdlY morolnll. MaDY tbermometer(! were 13 degree8 be. low zero. Gay Roolzlibn, 'he garage man, is the busiest man 10 'own, now". day •. and espeolally daring ' he zero weather. Ralpb Johns will have 0 sale In February and with his fomlly wlll move In with bill parent~, Mr. lInil Mrs. James R. JohDs. William Vox baa Bold biB farm to o Dayton party. aDd ble lion, Clyde and wife, who are now livin g 00 tile plI\OO, will move In wUb hie pareDte at Lytle. Tbe nuree, Mr. Alloe Ueafltlg, left J~ l't week for her hom. 10 Leb. anOD, leaVing M,I . Chloe Slde8. who \s moob Improved , lD 'he olre of Mn. Nan fatteno D. Mr. aDd Mrll. J . B. JOD. and 800, Therle; were preseDt a family ~therlng at 'he home of Mr. an.! Mrs Joseph Miller. near Sprlog boro, New Year 'a Da,.. MillS Loulae Woolley re'arDed $0 her home In nay&on Naw Year'. Oav, atler ' .pendlng tbe holiday" bere with her graudparents Mr, aDd Mra. WIlJlam Brown, A Dumber of :members of LyHe ohuroh auended the wa'oh par', lit, SprlDgboro lid, E. ohurob New Yea r 'II Eve. I\Dd~aJ8!> Iha boaoklou8 dODa&lon for the pu&or, Rev. J C, Mtlti\8J and wife. A large number of Ly'le tolk halpe(1 IIwell 'he orowd a' t he dedi. oal.\on of tbe Dew i1mnaalom at. Wayueavllle~ New Year', evenlDI, aDd all enjoY6d tbe 'program frOID' 8tar& to tlnlah . Mr. and Mrll. Ch" rles F. Ulark lind Mr. ond Mra. R M.:Olark leh Sonday evenlDg fur tbe ~anny Bouth, their des'IDaU"n belog Flor. Ida, whe.e , they WIll~lpeDd 'he re, tDa'ii'der of 'he winter.
'd :- hi I.. ",,' .;1 to
__ 2
buvs, It \luly 00818 118 W4 II bead ror onr legislative machInery 8 () !loi bllsy nnd tlgbtell UR np a little more. _
Then' I~t'ootblllg caJculate<l to liP lour conOdcnco In mn nklud n ~ cotlvenatlona.l phllOf'O llbcr who preSIICs UB to l cnd blm ' ,
IIlowly. Born-To Mr. and Mr. tltanle,.. a eon, New. lire !loa roe ,hi. week. OWID~ &0 the cold' wea'her. lira Marle"a Carpenter II muoh : be'&er a' Ihla ,rrl&IDI. 141.. Doro,by 0 . . 1. hall beeo real , l!lok. bot I. some better, SkatlDg II the pa.'lme for ,be boy., IIlnoe 'be weather haa been.o ' oold. ,· .
We I'll tho 8tam heaveD8 with our QlJlgic wooden wIng. lIud we warble by macblnery- nny time we want to slug: we _::;.:~__."o:::;.._ __ bave done away wltb bOllSC8. aod dIvorced tbtl mule)' cow. and we cultlvDte onr fodder with 80 automA tic plow. I reckoD tbere'8 no limit to the (,Dergy Of men\\·hy . we sbove aside old Biddy-tor a ."rul, beel. wooden hcp I Here's our patent oo! •• I,.,. cooker that performs w1tbout a I1re- ". I .:;osh. we'ra seodlng DII!S8DIle8 wlt lo ,,, • . , . Ign or wlre!1 We can benr th~ rt· III " yotHer 00 tbe plolns or Tim· bU('I" ,r feost on ja7.z t rolD Nutl'll1n, allJ time we tum the screw.-Slmllly tUDe the rnmll y jlgger- nny time rou bave tbe, chnn" ~mebbl' ketch n Congo nIgger. or - I I "1I1.nho In France I! ,r nln't surprised at nn" thlng In this HnmiloYRnt Ufc.- thE'Y leU lI;e 'hey nre teatln' out ao nutomutlc wlf~! 1 1
Mon Ollne. of Day'on, w.. a SaD. day ,aen of W. A. lIerrIU and fa~tly ." Mr : Kibler, of New WaablD,toD, libere laoklo. afkl' hi. In&8I'OIII hi the FenlUzsr Co. . Bjron Dale qjCden. of ClnolnDa'l. was villning lJ.lb b.u'her. Bober' Ogden aQd wir". ~ unday. Mr . • Du ),Ie" Cha. Edward, have moved t,~wn and Barley Carblok and , tamlly have moved OD 'heir farm. LonDle .Dd Berdeel .00D w •• taileD to 'he LebaDoD Ohildree 'a home OD 1I0Dday to be .. kaD oare of dartDi " heir mother'. lIID .... , Oha •• VUlllr. moved to hi. fa\h. er·. tarm Deal' O)ar....I\I., and Claa•. Radduck.andiam1l7. or Fer..,... bave ~oved'lD where abe VUlera vaoaHd " B!lDr,lIarpbJ anddaa,b&el' were bere la.' Thart4ay. ..r. and tlr•• ~ben o.r reha~ed home wUb • week'a vi." wllb ,them at abetr ~ome In 1)..011110,
The Show Place of Dayton NluftiiUe ACta aad Feature Photoplay•. P.faJliianc.... JOe aad 30c, Evenin.r 30e and 50e
AU ~ HOII"~ ",••" SOUDERS'
Th. N_ SOUDERS ..tllblialled III 1878 ~ .-rant.. fcw ' aIMoI.... Mtlafacdoa, ,
, 100 p., a
'I'IMIfe" ........." .. •
Boa of 18
to pq
THE CHINA SHOP For China and CI...w.... witOLESAL~ AND ..nAIL
115 South Jeftereoll
ASK YOU. ~OC£ R . TIle ' Reyal Re~ .B!I' Ltract Comp.D,
.- . A Pure ~ct.,for )ftayOfl, Ice Cream. Puddings. Cakes and Candies. 'MAKE THE FOOD ,MORE DELfCIOUS- USE SOUDERS'
the complete line of· RID TOPS. Ask especially to see the new RED TOP One Man Line Post Driver and the Handy Fasteners. two great labor savers for fence builderBJ '
w. Alwap Have. Good lItook . 01 . . .. T,..,. _ Baa4
Th',s Mother Knows the Value of Father
llImIClN'II ~
been UMd .UCOHlhlU, In ' tile ~t ot catarrb. ,
H4LL'8 OA'l'AlUU! IRDIOlN'll _ . .1... of an ' Ointment wlllCil QII\eIIb' ~tlevu bY local appllcaUol\, .... tile!' In te1'IIat M'e4lelne, .. TObie. ' wblolt &at.: throu.b the Blood on ' tile lIQ101IiI . fae... thu. redncll tbe lnllanlmaUoa. Sold bY all drq au. r. J. Ohene,. 0" Toledo, ~h~.
-..,10 Bale.· .,..aed awa, a' "'" bome ,6..1' WllmIDI'oD. I'rtdaJ. fte tuner. i waa beld Monday aftern.)()~ a& 1: BO, ..' bl. l.'e hom.. lDl aer~,eD' ID' illainl oemil&el')'. iii.. Eva '8y'erd,- of Lellanl'l, J!'IonDoe B,ferel. lIal'lpD, &8d ,Dr . .'J ! 1:. tllferd, or "am••• ~wo.· i~l' I:!Qndl1 a.d lion_ ela,. with ..... II . 8,ferel an,tl ,amU" .00 Obrl.hDae, 'o.y Mr. ail4 IIr•. Ir. -M.. 81f.reI · ensenalDeel 'be fol. "tlse.... aDd bro&hei; qf lira. 8it.~11 "rUh 'belr famUlaa : ..... aDd .Mn. 1'. L. DUDllon; of Da,lon, cd lira, W, E, Mania, of Mlno_poU•• , MI', aDd IIr.. O. R. .orci •. p( De'rol'. Mr. and , lira, Il V .Btlhopj at ' ,Wa.bIDgtob ,'. 11-., • 04' li,r , aad' ~,I'I. ·tlhD?P, qf Ohloaso
Pretzinger'. Quali tUT RATf. ,p
DR. R. K.
"' ,
'\.' 1,
"JOlt D8 lOOn as Bny or III), tamU,. lIIet a cold, I always 1I\'e thelD lI'atJI.. ' Jobu's Medicine. Ooe ot my bablell I as well as my blllbnnd bad pDav· a...; monla two 'yentll ago. 8JJd I belle... that Fatber Jobn'. Medlcloe helped them to relaiD theIr h911-lth., I at· way_ use Fathtlr Jobn's Medlclne ~ jUlt 8JI SOOll as any or UR get cold," (Slened) Mrs. John I!l. Nlcbolell, 2930 Hatel St., Eric, Pa. For building 1111 trenllth to Haist colds and cougbs liS ' weU 8JI to cct rid or tbem, Farher John's M.cdlclos ba8 I)roved ItII vlline by more th.n 68 Y~II rs or BUCCC8l!. It I~' tbe staud· IIrd f Ullllly medIcIne 10 tbollsonds ot bODIes nil O\'er the couu try. GUill'· anteed tree fro m alcohol aua dllD~ ,erous , . drug s io lID)' torm.
·M• HENDERSON • . _. .
, .
Forest ~.(MartiD
Auctlon ••r
Get my ~rms for your Public Sale. ' I satiafy_ and 1&."le-)t:Ull.....a-:-~'-';, money or DO ' ~~g~.
Box 91. CenNrvIlI~ Ohio ~ome
Pbooe' 1, Ceotetvlhb.
Oaring 'he Yllar 1928, 187 ooapHATH'AWA:Y lea obtained marrlaie Hoeo,es aDd In the •• me perIod 'be oommoa DENT1$T' pi... 000'& dooke' IIbow. 6' aulta tor dlvoroe were flIed, And X~-ORAPHIST , PrQba&8 Cour' omolal. I&Y '1!a' ' ·0Id0. 187 marriage lIoen,aa for ~ year la Waynesville, • lIghtly below 'he a'ferase. The T.'ephone 11'. \ anrage rOD. abo,(" ,ocr. I. I. repor'- OFFICE: JlATHAWAY BLDG, .
ed~ooordlDI to 'be reoorda In 'he ,",!!!!!!!!,!!!!O!!N!!!!!,M!!!!A1!!!!N!!S!!T!!R!!!!!l'!iI! E1'!! "!!!!!!!s 81 4llvoroe prooeedlDII Ins mused b there w's re 49 charge. or negleo& , 11 =-______.... _ _...- ..... ~
oharges of oraelay and Ii for will· fll) ablleu08. In other OIIles vllrlonl oblrgell "'ere flIed and In lome. none at aU. acoordlng 'he dooket
. -.
Public Sale. Tlie uDderalled Will .ell a' publlo aaolioD at 'he realdeDoe 00 , .tree&, , ..va~n8l!vl1l~! ,ollt~.• o~ .
Satur4ay, Jlnulry 12; 1924,
Wayne.vllle. 'Ohlo" . • ,
Wal ter M ' C·:~.·C~··I'ure' fUNERAL
Waynesville, Ohio Ful_y Equipp~d ' for,. Goi>cI .. ~. , Service. I ' " • • .j. Large
D~Spla~1 RoolJl I:
Mr. Alfred Etlwards II hnnpr,v lt",.·1
I\lllrh aif" the a Ofe 811OL
/ .
Cotne in and see
"\.f T.p,cca From Policn Root. Confl:fence " '1 1' 1. Few 1.11'''1'10' wh " ~IIJO" WplOlll pu~ Tbere Is , nnlhlhll' thul I ~ rnOfP efTe~ nng ren l ~ 1... 11,,11 11!('y ure ~allnJl I tlva In prompting ,our ment al ell!Il'Oducl "I I h" 11"IS"0lIU8 1'1I6811VII rool. menu to do betler work lind more III tt~ 0111 11 1',, 1 . tnle Ihls rOllt Is ex· work blaD the .J)Qsttlve convldloD tbat :rempl), 111111'1 li nd hnrlltful bcrnulM! of 10 a I'an, the deep Intenor feeling tha& :l\e h)·dnll·r,Ill l'· '11:111 Ihul .It cont nlna. lOU can.-Lanion. )ut 1\'hell h" ,," .. 1 \I be~OJlJ1!9 pnlntllble --,.-lnd \Is JlIII <lI n''' I. IIl1Jliltlgil ore readllJ \I"IPIII~cJ. Papyrul Extinct " Egypt. , - I'''I'Il IJlr · Snlenee ModtblJ. " 18 thought ' tlllIl rIJ'l'yru8 woe ( nnwn to the I!lgYPll:tu ~ nlOre thaD Contral11nu En"Ush Countl.., UlOO B. C. The plonl Is nuw eXllnct In Llncolnshll't' 19 tbe flltteet IJId West· lower EI."YPt, but fa 'ItllI tOllrtd In the 1IOI'e1lJ1d tbe mOllt hill, En,Ueb colln~, Nile. ; ,
Mr • • Wm. MO'JD t. '1m very Ill. MlIrloD GordoD:la vl'''lng III Day.
'W' ot · Ihee. sweet IlInd of liberty. IJllPS 8 few more rl!_
aod perfonu much. Let us bope It 18 not aball meet."
. l'h o ta l Co'll recommendation ot th" rl'r01'n lllr nrter conf 'rp u CI' w it! . tho hy¥lcn ie nnt Is tllat 8weetbeurts should IrJlI3 QUe nDotll~r good n1lila l ollly tb roll~ " n r-'snlrotor. (
a Real I'o....datloa
F you want the best steel fence line-the' strongest, the most economical and longest lastin~k-'put in a goocl foundation. Use RED TOP Steel Eiid. Gate and Corner Posts, made of heavy, seamless, tubing: . , The foundation posts must take up "any strain applied to the fence. They should be &tron~: rigid. Immovable. Wood foundation posts are likely tD rot out, lean and frost heave, When it comes time to replace them the wire will not stand restretchin~ Properly set, RED TOP Foundation Posts will not budge in the fence line. They'll outlast any feru; ing made . Of course you will want to use RED TOl» Double Strength Studded Tee line Posts. Because of the steel reinforcing rib and absence of any holes or rivets. the RED TOP is the strongest line post on the market. The sturdyJ...,rigid anchor plate means a firmer post when set. 1 ne alumilUUli ~ tallic finish means longer life and neater appearina
Give Your F......
... i'r.,.
DAY ~af.Ni~· ·
8eIInDIDg a' 1 :00 o'oloak, a 10' of ""!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!I!!~II!B bOUlebold gOOdL IlIItobeD f,rDI$uN ,= a.d gardeD '001. , ·It.',. ". ' --~........-~!oPi~~~~..~i!, .' .,' W.AJ,..rJi:R ·ltl.LBON . W. N. &!&ra, ~QOt
" ~I
'''' • .,
of erC !'::;'.
,...,~. '~ 'I ,\to,' 'IH' ,," 1. C -!' .. t,
{'I\,·'f. t\'(j
J oy of U" W Or k.
H~ 't')MUJ,t Hh'luu',} 1
'IV • Tnll in')
(.I1I~ 1
La ,on.
!,Iw\lr h" I iI.,'I'/' no O;ll' ,,101·11 t. lI. ,,1111,· ,''" Li III If,c hO$eI t .· ..;;~~ adllptllll"Il ;' " ur "'III~ll Ilt-"Il 'l'~ nre lit u,' nt .1 h 'lfl l\ ',I/IIl"O Il!· 1,I'lyl,,!: Ihe I' 11; 1\' WI\ \\"II! rI 11 •.,. ..... 1 ",. h1 h'plml't od<.l ll with "" I 1I rt'. \\'1' lI f e I ut r Ir II ,IRIlI1. l' o/l\\'llI:; JlI~' dllU \(lner h nd lett III" II 1, <t","1' , r,·.I1'" r' (ll 1111' 1'If- . go d t11n ~ '1l11(1 1I'" 110 rl' ' J'\nnM(';, '01' ~ \<101. I tlhl n nt I'llIIIY "'bilt to ' .'I ufll j 'l· ntd \ t' t' ,••!,; t \, .ahol (h'r(~rltl~d METHdDIST CH URC" bllr th., 1.,'.I1HI'II .. f 110 " hillhor Ic,' I 18 ' Il lok or It. Tt 801l11(/('11 Jlkp ~61ll"00e ". It ,. \. I "J , . · • • ' ·l lh' · ' , juy- th e jll) • ( I lip It,h\lI'l'r wllIJ hllR "U 9 tl'yllll; 10 phI" thut (lId not Imow . abbath cool. 9;J51t. m , preach- tU llmt ht, 1\',111•• I' f tll(! I" ,' ur who hus' 'ow. 1 1I'~1I1 1I11~1l111i 10 In\'csllr;nlll, in)l li t 10:3(1 a . m. Wednesday even- s ','U hIM,\!,I" '" I , III' Ih,' h ro \\'ho hUH Inll 1m II rrlrl lll! I t.Il," I! I he' enl jll mp' in t ~ ervic . 7:00 p m . Epworth Tt!(','l\' l 'd Il l, .·,llllll,,·.I .. It.- L. I'. Jll ~kti nl: Ilr,)ltnLl o n Ihe kCY8.-ClJleago 00
L· altue 6:1 5 pm .; preachin" Ilt 7:OC p. m. EverYLody is cordi : lly invited I
The Dar k Ages. " tt ll ' fl '., ,, tli" 1,1\'1\810n
Correct N-eaeure of Man.
Jl~r"l\l " fi'l':lnCI' I,,·
T hr
Jf CIt ,,·I• . In I .-,~ If' rhe 1('-';"PI1I lin Lilli\' In 11~'~. 1 1\:..J':.l.ULfJ~
Rev . 1 . A. Washburn. Pastor .
(· 111
I nllln Is the correr!
This year y o u've gOI 10 h lleh R good chick from "cry h3lchabt(l egg lind mise the m 311. Tho country nccds them. You necd them. T he mc~t supply is low 3ud gcttlng lower. Feed is high Dnd O\'cry ounce of it must count. Tho BU9keyo InCubator nnd Stl1Ddard Colony Brooder posi11\'e\y Insure auccessful Chick raising, They're guarnotecd to do it. No gu,'ssworlt
First Su nd ay after Epiphany. Jan, uary 13. Ch u~.:h Sch oo l at 9:30. Morning Prbye r and 8E-rmO n, Mr. Ra lph Lee. officiating Everyllodv COl dially invited to lhese servin's
10 • IDIIrketable size quickly.
A ftvolul}OG fn chick -... ltln,. S(o~ brooder JOlIn. Makes three chich. "row wbero o.e llTew belo,.,. Duma bor~ Dr soft coal. &1(.(ecdlQC', aell,reirulaUu. , impl• • • ..re, MnllllQ', ",,"oln 01 . esuU.. Ib.to.,..11 Ibe c:blcb. Broods 100 to 1000. We Iuae·
BuIU ., to • ttaoclll4-t>ot d_ 10 " exact ~e,.-fo=.
uce pel ~1Il ....ul'*- .t~QdlU'd 11101 . . . . ~tllenyee\llac .
'Backe)'~ ,.
n.~ II _1ee4 alWQ1 to . ....... IIIIJect "teb of tile lartl.,.t ...d
. . . . . . c:IIkJIal 10 OfFIll. . .tW~cIOril)' .. _ _ _ _ t .... do...... eo Freah.r.tore-
Q"'aoartUlclAl-at_udaoa"",UOIl to ................... tile lime tile •• ~ II -til .. II flalJl;ocI. ~ Back,,"
"*""_ CW . . . to_U· .1.........,wUl belAkea 1IIICIt:_....,~Ja, •• 4an.
anlee II JUUl let 70U write
Y our 0
G oaranty WD
Write' cia..... .11 :fOU thlnk .. brood r Iboulll do for you. We·U .~ It. A.d II Ibe\laodard doet not fulllll "ou'-1I\I. .. nl,
_' I ~d )'ou~ -'!I0ney Inck. OYer 30. breeden, bill' and IIItle, 0 tho Slaada,eI aod not ooe failu,e U r~ofd.d.
" ~ '·BuckeyeJacub.lon •• dSl.ndlU'dCOIOnY ~ WI . 'e!" OIl'lhdoe,ii"lii"uiia...,,( Drooden arc eadorsed bl' on ~1:rlcul'u"'l
....... ____ L_' ; .tsbC=,=· laturi.Dl • .,c" ' - ....~ ~ n . . ceeitotbebeaiDl '': W. , ,. the-pro l ot the ~ ~tor.
YO. A.,(~.. wlu."~ ~ 1I'IIiI\ .... 1lnt WIda.
Ex\ICrimeDI9(. Ilo... Sold by Qver6000dealetllwho"",,ltd to sbow Ibe machine to 01'e:rnUO'D. Ourctltalo K' ,,1\lra "roof of Bucke,'c 'UCCleU In the mosr WODiter/ul (",amo.lo,")'Ou eyer rutl. WrilO for IL
---.... -..---
Ed FurnBe.
"c •• or
-WLnesap Wb l. e A PPLE ptn. Rome Beont ? I\ud lJ"vl ~
STUMBLING BLOCKS . We feeble" uu sopbls tlcated Cbr ls· tlnn.
are !'a1llnll
0\' &
bloc ks thllt s hould be removed. '1'ho tlrst III th(' stone ot InRctivlt,.. Inl'rtln. The rcllre more dead pt.'Op le ~ittlnl: IIr JIC'''H unboried tha. at aD,.
perl nll in tile Inst bundred yeou . Oh, (or R good lJ"e uudertaker to
Longev it y.
or !I \' lnJ.! I I I:'.:.!. Tile m an or WUInal 1 II' ho I\' I ;;I. ~ etl o r :10 ncr cent th~ Il\' e. n;: II h UN ti le bes t "' huD l'e for Ion;: IIfl'. Ii h !'O !t f p IU l4HY thC u v(!ra ~
gllng ObrlsUaDs IIro talUllg ovar the Inactive, the dead. The stone or In sincerity. or per-
Ideo l trl1l1ll 0 1
U,II·I.I·. \.t 10 ,· ('"n I,ee l" near thot bullrt fn ;' Ih (' " f III, li fe. he Increase/! III•
.:hUlI l'CS H I
I"n;;~ \· hy."
tunctorlDess. should be reDlOII'ed; people who !~eak In the nJechnnlca). perfunctory. InsIncere wanner. Tbe
yery choice lis mechanical, the whole et'rol'l d lsgtllltlUg.
wbo nu on fire, who believe OD d are sincere, who would (Ile tor tbelr
Ingenu ity.
Ooe ot tbe mosl eJ:ci ti n s occupa· tlons Is thot Ln which newsboys eo· gnge wh en 8 COin drops through 8
atone of selOshntlSl!. . MIlD .. ho care for them elves. sel!-cen,
tered, splr·1n te rl'illc·d.
dn:d - or:1 thous.mll-Ford truck owners wh y t ncy use Ford trucks, ill prefereu ce 10 all ot h ers, t l,,'y would likely say, "Beca use th e Ford stands up."
Thev know that und 'r thE' end l~ grind of daily ser ·
They would" llI p"n,slze the ",,,.. k Ihis truc k d~. not its in it ial co 't.
I Loun" unci dl8couur..a, luc1wlloJiC
I nu.'~~~" :!~u';~',ire;I''''''':'':'':. 17 S, t~~: ~! S. ltuvcmmouc. Socu rt,. owned: DepO.ltOO to JIIlCW'O clrcul otlo ll (O .S.bond. pt.r value I 00. 000. OU AU othor UnltOO BtntOi Oo,·oru. men t Rocurllill8 .... . 1.042 UO
Ot.bor I)CoIHJS. st.ock •• Iec urftlo8.
'D:~i,;i 'ui.iOO: :::: ::iil :ooo 00
.o I
Furniture and FL<lures . 1.029.0 0.
0.U~9. UO
eerye Bauk .... ....... . .... . Oub to vault and IllDOUllt duo
11.9 1S. • .1
La"ful ftlIGrve with i"oooral fto ·
trom uatlona! banko . .. .... . TOlat ut I"" .... 9. 10. II . 12 nod
61 .0 11. 1"1 10 1 . m
r"li""·.unto .• . .... 21g 60J . Ul I A"'-'CIIl II "ceo or other banks
10.23 • . 10
\3 ..... , ...... .. . . 19. 2H .1U
RedemptloD tund .. ltb U, .S. Treaaurer autl duo trom U. S.
T",uurer • .• . . • . .• . . . . .. . . .
I O:borUSOLa,
It 6UY .. ..........
I .•I!Iit~otal . .. .. .. ... ... .......
l.DOO 0 0
~~ $6
LLAB ILITIES noel, p.r.ld In •••..•..• . f 100,000.011 8urplus ruu,l , .. ..• . . . . . ... . oo.oon.l1o UndivIded 01'00 "" • • .•• U . 12l.5' ' D . 12 I ~ .\ Otrcul"tJug DUtes outllaudlulr .. ' 9.100,0 0 Net amollnLl due to NAtional bnno . .. ... . .. . . ... ...... . 1000".ou Oor, lfled cbociur ou t.tandl"1t . J, iHil.1U fn,llyldual d~poal"l .ulllac. t<l Oapl~a l
chock •••.•••. , •• • •• • • .•..•
Our\\Oeatea or depoa(~ due In I_
cI."' ... .......... ..
II1(\D GO Dlvld."ds uopald , .. ' •. . ...... To ....1 01 dumaud dopo.lto (n~h . r ~hRn ballk d81101I1I) 8ubJect to
331. 14 0.99 ;60 .4 9
gratlng In the 8I1fe"'alk. A long Slick Dtetl, curSl>d ",II iJ scl6ahnclIs, m ake 2.0H.II1l Is round Hrst. Someone pro,' Ides 0 cud • gtellt bill stone lD the wr.:..y of chewIn g g um. which Is s tuck on the · 1 lieseI've. lIem. lG. al. 3 8. ~g . struggling hrlsli ans. IWd 3 1 .... ..... 3U•. D36.S end ot the s~lck. Then one ' of the • The stall!! . or worldliness. Two , 01 30 h~r time depolll.. . . . . . . . . .. U . IH.8 ! boys guIdes the' gum t o thl! coin n nd 'I' o t~ 1 of ~Im. dlJlOOIl. lubJect LO men' who I!Inlm to be h'rl s tlnns Rlt rMer~e. U.ema 81, l i( a Dd draws It forth. ",h lle th e I'est or the 35 ..... .... .... , .$ 14 !41. 83 down at Ule LUD ch-coumer /lnci sh oke .cong couches and crltlclzes.-Ex· Note. and 111111 realSOOuuted . I,,· dice wltb two lIDl!U ved men. 'fhe", eluding CICCOptaoCOtl o r 0 1her chanlle. 18mble tor tllelr Innch. tb ey /lAm hI" b~ Ik. nud o.her rOreill1l bill. tor c lg ar8. tb oy lire lllcoflsl~tcflt, uf oxcha"go ordral18 suld with loelorsa mant of til I. ba l1 k . . .. cnrsed with wo rldllflt'S8. 'fil e 1J00r. LlablUtl"" uther ~b.o tb o ... RlaItr.Ul:l;llng brlstlnn wnnts to know ted abon ... . . . .. . .... . .. . Remed y for Curl In Rugs. wby be . haa to tull 0\'& such In T)le ('IU' li l1l! lip or tbe ed;:" or ru ~~ ·rotal. ..... .. ......... . . . U SO. 81 6.6 1 oro r to mlll,e progrl,'S8. • b ....·uuM.. ~d 1." l Lit! " \\Iu)' In whl('h rll C' ~ 'Z' he .tone of unbellet. T here' III 8tn t.e o r Ohio. (lOUD Ly or \\' ~ rro n n: or" W",' l·lI . A n' m ~ dy for litis Is 1/1 too mncb dOUbt , too much qn~8t10n I . 1.. M,. HOIllI""",o . Oubler of tile nbnvena'mod bail!.: . de solemnly .wollr ,ha,,1l Ilbovc tIlI, e 11\'0 ""'ps "I' "cry IIdn Wtl(l\. InIC. too n1llc'h hesll.ll t1 ng. The world "Blemen t ill truo to tbe beet of my know ledgo ench Uhlll" lI!1"'d In e hes Ill n g. lind (!" needs posltI\'e, Ollrlarlulls. vowertul and bollot. men nnd wODlen. n t ouly to tench L l III. HENDERSON. Cuhler th e UI,,10 l'O"IIlh pn rl of, th e ru g II I SU tl5CJ"lbod nJld aWonl to before roo thl. the gospel til the world. but to clear Ihe 1.'1 rh e relUll ln ro, 2l.t doy or Septemller. 192a . tbe road for strugglillg Ohrl8tlnn. . l\Ia.blon RIdge . nlltl1Jl II 1llol lllh. when Ihe 1'lI ~S will wbo are ",eludlng t.l lelr way toword Correct A I lOOt: Notary Publ.c. , flO "S rHn I lrlll~" Itl the flo o rs . Or ruh· the eterllnl elty or hupplllllllS and J. W . WHITE /je r e O!I' nl" 0 ' 1'8 ", u~' be Ilurc h,,; I'l l III U E['lA~ OOLE9DEB rowan:!. RemOY8 1\WIIt m oes at W. B . OLAnl{ tUJ"Ullul' • ~1 ~ If'4:. - - DDI'&- - ' - . DIrac"'... .
vice the Ford ,m,ya on lhe job moOl h ill und mont h c ut, with very Inde 1; le' ch ani cal care , a nd wllh practically no eXp(~1I5e lOT f('pairs or \'E'I'I " C('ments.
U you were to ask a hUI\-
I. L
Of the Comlttion of the Waynesville Nati onal Ban k, at Waynesville in the State of Ohio, al the c lo~e of bu s inc~, nec ::II . 1923.
gathl'r up t he col'Jllll'!! In the pew_ ot the ehurcbes aDd bury thcm-get them' ont or tbe way. Poor, Itrug-
r, ".-!".~
On Performance Records
Pi p. IIf1 D
Mendflnh"ll. vh ' n e ;'4 1I .ild, Waynesvillll, Ohio j :! ~
Ot. 1!:11 : .... 1..\ mUll l'~ ~li . dhlg'llOSt1 Inll nn ll : If It "" , <O;llyS . "The 'U \;~ l'n tte :'en:o l1 f!, ... ~ Ilnl ~ltlt1f 1 th e hest chun c(
1<1(111' /"11 111
Ford Trucks Are Bought
No. 2220
Wtl the following farm owners positivelv forbid any hunting or t rapping on ou r farms· Any viola. tion of the same will be prosecuted according to law and to thtl fullest
. d 10 "'.. ~ I ~nry r~"u"tl''''''. <1Jod'1 "'1'6 con I,. ... pp / It ,
extent. trice. Up to •• laDdard
The Late Classified} ds
·.boutn, GI,en rood eggs n Bu'cke),c will produce the full halch of sirong chleb tho fii-at lime Dnd eyc£y time. Under, Staodard Colony Brooder lhe whole bD.tcb can be matured
~uncbfttr5 i
dwelll ID ot til.
lI' ~ U B ure
pnlll'd the ;",, 1 "ns \\'('1' T h .; H r , ,,'i ''': ''h'~ r oll/owed
J.t'II '· n !"~
Prot. Fa n will be with u ~ at t.he ,,·gl.·,·It'd Friends ch urc h next fo' irst·D ay . - -- - - - - - --
ot vl"lon Ihlll
Th,· d" gre.
, I( " ~r: lI H'(" I ~ {'" nllllll l1.) r
1l1l "le
rou l'tl~ l.
• - - - - -,
to these service.
o,ono Crell m Producers.
Largt'Sl Cr umery in thi s Half the Unhed ~ u.t"
It is just as easy to send your cream direct to the TR I STATE as it is to sell to an agent. However, selling to the TRI STATE will pu t a lot m,ore _ money in your pocketbook. ' .
-------. _..,-----
J an .
1·"'·n.·I'. ..
·6 0c
Higher if market advances
THE TRI STATE BUTTER CO. CINCINNATI, . OHIO We g-uarantee-your-crearn and cans against loss.
ONTINUING the' extensive reduction safes on the Jargest and most varied
Much of ~h!s merchandIse iliows Incomplete r ange of Sizes, st,les and colors, but all .of .'It IS fresh, recent and in every respect desirable. If it is Inconvenient_for you to ret in to DaytO'n. write Cornelia or phone Main 4301 and ask for her. Cornelia wil take care of your needs with her customary promptness and/precision. This territory. la.ving like a wheel. finds as its hub. Rike-I{umlers. where merchandise, meeting the highest standard of quality. dominates .
The ' aVetage~ ben in the United States layS 72 eggs a
s~ock this .store has ~ver carried thru the. month of December.
'~2 Si lk Stra p L; love reduced to $1.29. . 4 H. & W. G irdle redl1 ~ed to $2.95. $2 ,()TI Fl a nnelette Dr('s~s. 52.36.· 35c Pa lm O}ive S ha\-t,ng C ream . 20e, SOc I"lennen's Shaving C ream , 39c. . . $ 1 0 .~·0 Boys' All Wool ,Overcoats. $7.95. ,9 ure Linen Imported . Tablecloths. S7.20. . • G ro up of Bandings and Vestillll"s. 50 percent off.
lOc Enamel Coa t Hangers, 3 for 25e. ·2 ... Plai n White Sheet Blankets, $1.79.
. ue,the result of 30 years' work in p~rfecling an. egg ,
Faimels .~~changeCo. i "
I-Jere, are listed, just a few of the. ex~raordinary specials _awaiting you .
1.year. The ,a"enLge .P eruna fen hen lays 148 eggs a year . , . PORINA ~AKES THB DIFFERENCE ~ :Chlcken (~howder and Purina Hen Chow I'" makiag' r:atiOD.
C-. _
to. Month Full . of
Sui'ts, plai n. fur-trimmed. and 3-piece, are redu ced 20 to 45 percel1t--depending upon the type o f uit. Sports Ski'rts . both silk a nd wool. reduced 20 percent . 98 .'10 Coats , geronas. luceltes, ordaras, with' fur t rimmini,.s of fox. beaver, mole.Viatka sq uirrel, popular straight lines . Now $79,50. 20 percent off on Q UI' ent ire stock of Dresses:.....silk. cloth. a nd jersey. Four specia l groups o f silk s. p la id Aa nnel. th e better jc rsey~, and ·the dressier model s in cloth dre SC5. rctl uced to $18.75. 522,50, $25 a nd $29.50. S10 to $16.50" Hats of imported velour . bea utiful quality. good shapes, mdi v iduahzed trimmings. now $3;95 to $5. Philippine Rnvelope Chemise, '$ 1.95, $ '3 La 1$12 broken Iines 'of Pumps a nd Oxfords. now red uced LO $4_60 and S .85. Specially pri ce " Full Fashioned Silk and Wool Hose, all \\ianted wool colors, $2 . Sa mples of Wool Hose, exceptional values, all sizes in the lot , though rtot in each sty le . $1.50. S3 Pajamas reduced to $2.79. The ,fine. soft do\v ny kind wit'h two frogs and mili tary collar. ". . ,'" wool ~ocks reduced to 89c. Full fashion~d, semin ;cJOed. all wool, ilk a nd wool, cotton and wool. plain I;ed or drop stitch. . ' , ~ 1.25 nne-cia rj Cape Gloves reduced to 1 •.15. , ,..)!, M isses ' oHon . nion ~UiIS red uced to 75c: , 2.25 Brocaded a~in for Linin 5 , 51.98. , recia lly ' pric~d, Ri'ke's Special "Va~ity" B'rassier , 95e. · 1:25 m . ~50 . D ressing sacgu~', ' now t~ $2. , i5 wagger Coat 'Sweaters (educea to $1.98. $10 to 16. (l ui t Blouses. ' repe de chi~e and fitured velv t, reduced to $8.75, . -
, Inquire of floonnen for
M en's Fleece Lined Suede Gloves •. on~ clasp, · It"sizes.an excellentvalue a t$l. 57:50 to S9 M en's OX£Qrds, .5.95. 98c Vail's Shaving Lotion. "'c. . c· 51 Gold Pla teu Auto-S tra p Razor .7JC '59 27-in ch P lain S()orts F.lannel. '1. • . . /' .. , $f 12 f!/, Set. 5 Volumes "Plutarchl Livea,' • or ol' U. , Wh He o 0 r. Amber T Oilet . Pieces. 69c to ,', $2,25. ( , b I I be' £ ' $13.95 Genuine Lam swoo ro 0 IJIled ' f II I' f l ' now ' $10 port sa tme, u me 0 , co ors, ' '.
,Seventy-Sixth Year
Whole Numb er 5577
ARE LOOKING UP I \ROUGH CONTEST . I_lOST BY W, H,· S, Ii I. S. Win ' alld Milll11i. I Defeat Valley
Bernard Brewst er is worklnR in Dayton .
Green Cove Springs . Fis. Gazette and Waynesv ill e li'riend~ Marsha ll Haines Is workin g at the We are finally located here in N . C R. Green Cove SpringH . It is Ii 111111111 town . I think the pODulntion wO I.Jd Millll May Wriiht is visiting friend s not exceed 2500 I t is situaterl on In Lebano n . the St John's river, which is IIhout. tour miles across here. Our roomR Frank Holmes. of Van Wert, was are about one hlilf a sQ ullre from the a visitor· here laat week . river. BO we get a delip;htful breeze . Dr. M. S. West. of Bellbro ok, The very famou~ Sulphu r Sprinp; iH villi ted C. P. Ellis and 'amlly Mon· located here . It is 40 f eet'dee p and BO clear you can easily see the bot· day . tom. The people here clillnol imall' Grover Knapp, of Lebano n, was ine where' the water is coming f rom. in town a short time Monday after- as it flows 4000 gllllllns a minute. It noon. bal been fiowing this WilY for yea rs and yeafN. The water tht:n fl ows Boya and Girls' Athletic Shoes lor into a big buildin g which has bee n basket ban . Special 11 69 at Myer fixed for a swimm ing pool. It is an Hyman a. ideal III ace to bathe both winter and yumme r alike. as the temper ature is Mver Byman and familv apent always theeam e. 72 dt>grees. Sunday In LEbanon the Ilueat of relPeople from all over the Bn 'ted atlvea. Statel! lire here. We go down to the Mra, Amelia William s has return· Springs daily and there ia IIlwa)'s ed to her home after a four month. quite a bunch of tourists there with their glltlon juga lor the water, Yesvisit In the West, terday there were cars parked there Cloelng out all our Ladles Radio from Iowa, New York, Washin gton bootl. '" 00 valuel Special $2.98 at D. C and Marylan d, The etore! here are fifty years be Myer Hyman s. hind ttie stores in Waynes ville. but Ben Smith and famil,. of near they ate onl! hundra d years ahead Day ten, "'ere Saturda y iuelts of of Waynesville on thl'ir streets. for Cbu, Smltb and wife . . bere they are all pavt!d 1I0lI they are fine, Mrs. Cbas. Smitb returne d home I neveraa w ao many beautif ul ros· Saturd.., afteupe ndinlr a couple of III before. Rich and poor alike bllve weeke with relative s near Day toll. roae eardeoa full of bloom . We Installa tion of officers in t he 64th (In ' li' riday night at the gymnaa ium Mr. and Mrs . A. H. Anson elebrahave been having nice new peaa, Supervi sory Dislrict of the I. 0 O. there will b e two ratht> r unusua l ted their golden weddin g the SpecIal Pricee on Men's and onlonll. radlaDe day a and beetl!. F .• for the J anuary installa tion. hns featll res One hilt feature is tbe after Christm aa at their home in Re. Youn·i ' Men'lI Dreaa Pantl. 11,98 . 'l1Iey have beautif ul hotel. here. been complet ed . This district is com tbree basket ball games to be played dondo, Califor nia .. and up,at Hymane . There are at leaat six very large posed of Relief lodge. of Springb oro , the first beginni ng at 7:15 sharp The delight ful occaalon waa usherones and _vera) amaller ones. The Warren lodge. of Frrwldi n, Lebanon VIIO Retallic k brings hi s Junior Bi ed in with a family dinner party The conditio n of Otto Farr. of Crullan at a, wblch opened up New lodge. of Lebano n. Wy umilll(' lodge boys frum Norwoo d. who will meet the Anson home when the children Wheelina . W, Va.• il no better and Year'e Day, would almost fill Main of Waynes ville. the H . S ReserVE!S in the first game and grandch ildren gathere lIIIall bope for hla recove ry" enterd to do street at home. D. D G. M Geo D Mi is . was Next comlls the El. S . team VB Bell- bonor to the beloved celebra nts. talneli. Tbe' climate here is unequal led, ably a88isted by the followinl!' hroth bro<>k Hi in a game t~at Bhould be Gathere d about tbe table were Mr8 . Mrs. C. U. Deathe rage, of Orllia- the Boil Vl'ry fertile produc in" in ers: Roy HAtbaway. DOG ~1 .• interest ing frotD the tJrst to the lut Margar et Faber. of McKitt rick, Cal. nia, epenttll.,e,-lI!l_·~d wiab her ever increas ing q ,anti ties, Tb~ lin· S1 ~ . Strouse . D. D G Woo G. E. whis tle. The Miami·B ellbr.oo k-game arle)' 'A'1Ison, of Sblll'onv l~la:-Ofii eat Oralla" SlJ:ouse . and D. D US. J. C Murray , promise s to be quite a ~u..asle as the grape truit grown daught er, lit., liartaoc :k and Charles B Anson, wife and son, of ali ~artb are grown here, with an D. D. G. T .. 0 R. Uniliesby. D. D. la tter team haa lost . famll,. but one game LOll Angeles , Cal., Mr and Mrs. R. annual product ion of 100,000 ears of G C., Herman Smitb . D D G W. t his season and the Miamis arc prac· , E. Ranous and daughte r, of BerThe friends of Mrs. Cyntbl .. Evans them and winter veaetab les, We wish lhroul,[h the columns of tieing earnest ly this wee.k witb thill \ mosa and Clinton and Osee Anson, We ,went up to Hyberln ia the the Gazettl ' to tbank the differen t game in view . will be iliad to know tbat Ibe i. imof Redond o Beach The bo 'iday provin l at t~e McClelland hospital week before Christm as and picked lodge@ for th eir cou rteous lrt:atme nt Th e other festure of this evening spirit was reftecte d In the table decthree bushels of oranges , grape fruit of -the inst alli ll~ ..ffieers. Cn Xenia. ' wil l be the Fre~bu s running to the oration s of holly and poinset tias. lemons and kumqua ts from the G. D Mill ~. n. D. G M, g ym at 6:50. 7:00 lind 7;10. Gen. Many beautifu l gifts fell to the share Save your old carpetl and rug Orange s cost 2 centl! apiece Hender son with Inis scbool t us will of the h onorees , a number of gold and iet "Wearw eU" Rup made. here and apples are 40 cents ·per lellve the bank c,orner accor lillg to piec:es were prell8nted and the unique Send for price list. Frankli n RUIl dozen. . thi sch edule. Supt. Blat ' . of the present of goldfish in a gla88 bowl. Co" Frankli n, Oblo. We took a trip down to 8t Augus· High School has obtaine d a p :\110 for The next day old time friendEl tire a couple of weekaa go. On our the gym amI the H . S. Orches tra trom Harvey sburg Ohio. who. for Mn. Ju. Stoope, of Van Wert, way hllme we vlsiteJ the alligato will fUUlish music. This wasadv er- 47 years wslked life's path r with tbe who came to attend tbe funeral of farm, which WIS very interest Mr and MrR HIHvey Burnet ing ti~etJ for IWit wenks gllm~ but ttie Ansons in the old hume town. wpre W. B. Dinwid die. b.. tbalrUe el Tbey have about 5000 alligato rs announc e th e mnrriu lle of thei r pi ano was not availab le at that time. guests at a receptio n at the Ranous of Dr: aD.d Mrs. Withlm . datlRht er. tbere from week·ol d ones to several Don 't forget the time-fi rst iame home in Iierm CJ!p.. Cathari ne Alice. hundre d ]lean old. The man in begins at 7:15 . ThOMe presP' ~ t \\ ore: Honor lluestB Mrs. Walter Kilbon tnddau ibler' eharge told ue an alligato r would • - , Mr. Harold ~. Whitak er. Mr. and M r ~ . Amos H Anson, of Re· Mill Gladye, left SlandlY for their live luet aelong as he was fed and on Monrl av th e thirt ... ·fir~t. of DeDIlW home In Atlanta . Ga. Mr. KIIthey had been known to live 1800 cember : ;linetoe n l\~ ent)l . t. hree bon, who travels for tbe Overlan d yaara. . McKee and wife. Mrs. C. B. Kern, Co .• makes Atlanta hie beadq uarle:1l . It tl88D1a to me that Florida with A8 a comple te SlIrpri sll t.o their --MI88 Sara Price. Albert White and mae y fri enrl ~. M 'RS Cat hBrine Bu ro et _ On Monthh aft.erno on at her '4eligb tfu our reg- wife, Elton Hadley and wife. Chaa. The .rqular! lmeet1n lr of the the develop ment. manufa cturing Ifrowtli daught er (,f Mr and Mrs HlIl'vey u la r mt'etipg , tho Girl Scouts bad aa B. AnBOn, Adrian Anson, all of Los Woman 's Auxilia ry will be held at and tranepo rtation f .. cilities are reo Burnet , of Il t'ar ('e nl (, I'villp. 81\1i Mr. visitors . Miss Mifton Lacy, local d!· Angel. , Cal., Wm. Grimell and wife, the boma of Mn, J .. E. McClur e on 1I0Urc:etI with w.hich the Americ an Harold Whit nkpr . ~"n IIf Mr And rt'clul' Clf l)aylolll, and Scouts Jonea of Alhamb ra, Cal, Walter Zeigler Fridav aftemo on, Ja·,uary 18, at 2 people Bhould be made better ac· Mrs John Whilu llt'r ~lIv.e out t.he l ll ,d U',' t es . b01b of Troup 20, Day- and wife, Hunting to~ Beach, Cal.. o'clock. I!;Iec:tlon of oHicer" and quainte d . above annOmlCl'men I. 1 hey were ton fh e y . ,:,,~re here for the pur- LaW1'ence Lamar, RIalto, Cal.. Ed Only five 'per cent of Florida land' married lit Hl chmontl. Inti paymen t of dues. I pos~ of slJ llcllmg our . Ruppor t ani! Jabru, Mi88 Janet JahlUl, Rosa II under cultivat ion Capital ist and Mfa. Wh it •.i(cr. \~ hn h n~ b<'l'n at· \ pr~sence at the Athlell c Meet of ~11 Taylor tnd wife, of Hollyw ood. Cal. Owing to wetlthe r conditio ns, lb. pioneer , prince and pauper alike are tending th e ~" H rrfn ( 'o lln l y Normlll ! ~;oops ~eIOI~ging t? Dayton ~ounclI. L. P. Ranoull. Redondo Beach. Ca!., Study Group play. "The ~ughlnl' attracte d by and to Fiorida . Why ~chnn l, hus rh,co nllr llll·d h.. r r .. uroe · 11 roup IS puttmg on thiS meet Mr., Margar et Aoaon Faber, McKltCure' ., w.. poItpon ed It wlJl be notT' She is the Nationa l fl ower and it is th e p i ll" uf lit" )' Ul l ~Il pen. , whIch Will be held .l It. the Y . W. C. trick, Ca!., Harlie Anson. Sharon liven Thursd ay eve. January 17th arden, vegetab le gardl!n pll!asur e pie to Il) ukll l ilt'" h'I\I1" with th e ! A Jllnu ary 26 It WIll Include raees, ville, Obio, Clinton Anson and . Miaa at 8 P. M. Adml..ion 16 an~ 25c:. ~eaort, health resort. treasur e of bride'8 pllt'e nl H wher t: M~ WllIlak er IsW~ \I1millg conte:9tfl and other ath- Osee Anson, of Rodondo Beach, Cal. benefit of Ellropa an Relief. thll natilln and the envy of others, will aS8 i~t In thc tunnltlg . of the I letlc events. and tbe hoat and bostess, Mr. and frontin g on the ocean and tbe gulf. farm . Th e Gazett e and theIr ~8ny - -- • The followl nl out.of·t own Mrs, R, E. Ranoul and daughte r. elldl_ ln fertility , She is su- friends have olf~ r!'d CClngratullltlOn s. "Save by buying in Wayuuv iUe'" MI • .Betty, almolt ali being Ohio attende d. tne funeral of W. B. •......:.....'.. 0 a pili) ground , both win__ _ _ _ ._ wlddle lut Saturda y: Mr. and Idrs, ter and Bummer . Sbe has people -The Redond o (Cal.) Daily wonder · - -- - - - ' - -- - Breese. Will ~'ugeraon and BOD Alfred, of ful ocean and gulf slloro lines, suJamesto wn, Mrl. Jamee Stoops, Mr. parb rivera and thousan da The Miami Gazette togethe r with of lakes Frank Holmes , of Van Wert, Mr lara lind ~mall a hoat of frienda from ~ere and at e and Mni. Chari.. Hierma n, of Col. Harvey sburg, BeAd gre~trngll to Mr, Mr and Mrs J . E. Janney '4ere and Mrs, Anaon and WIsh for them umbus, Mr. and Mrs. Krunor . of hert! last wetlk flltendi n" \he Walkill Miamia burl. Mra. Dorothy Dinwld Farm BBle a long and hapt'y life . Sincere ly. die and two dauirht ere, Martha and , _ .. - -Mrs Nina St Jobn, .Glenna 'Mr. Charlee Hamea . Mrs eacar St. John, of Xenia. ,
WIlH THE ,GIRL SCOUTS :;dow~~:~~, ~.hasA~~r~m~ndH:~~
Bok Broadcasts Prize Peace Plan
....... AVENUt ".IMPKS~IBLE 'BECAUsE or ---'-
Senior cia.. of W. B S. to annour\C~e · tbat ' the next '''''''',I'le ctu,-. coarse. ,will appear , on ~rl! ' ;.-,---:-;,. In the new IlymnaThe Colonial Trio ia 'llrovid. talent. and we l invi~e the en . t~ enjoY: tbe enter' j '\" .._de l.~ I~P!)!III~ e fo~ I!UI, to "rau of theae three ' mU!llcil aad tti. . .~ ~rr"" So~themllrii. '.' , . - . . ,: bJ Mt Boll, _J.ere JtOUnb>&, • ,ounar . ' . _ _-.,._J . ears ..bkli ....... attempt'!CI to Croel •- • .' '. FrUI.,~· lor a ab"rt , tIIIi. bot ..... . to 11& oat .I~
..... ....
1I&a., ,........
.JII'.... ' OIl . f4uded ud t&IOIIlWU.atiNl.r ..
.... _t.
Fr i<' nrls IIn rl achoolmateB of ~prin ~ Eve r" t t Cfl rnahan. BurpriA ed him with [\ pll r ty Is~ t Satu rds y evening Aft er Ilist Fri day U'ghL'MI('n me at th e occIIsit1 n b. ing ill honor of the the Kymnasium. there CO il be no YllUIlR" man'3 birthdll Y. doubt that the l:Iigh Sch ol d is r ~p· resenttid by two tealm capable of The Mi Ases Katheri ne and Mar· putting up a reBI fi ~ht and tit .. Ilsrpl Clarl<. Leona McGinn is. Ann spirit manifes t was ~oorl ~ P lJ rl ~mu\l ' BReit man ami Ed na Howlan d entershIp. It could not but seem til Ill in ed at dinner Sunday , the Met'srs. the large crowd present II;a t Croll ' r.la ude Rig~s . of Dayton . C. W. ' ~ rvill e clime here with th e aVClwed You ncl'. Dr. L. B. H'all and Ed tntenlio n of winnin g this I{am o by Burton . Bheer force, p rovidinj{ th eir knowl. edge of the science of ba,qket ball Mrand M1' 9. Harvey Burnett , of did not mellsure up to th al of t h" Ce ntel'vill~. enterta ined at dinner local boys Centerv ill e outw eillhetl . uncia ... in hlJno r of Mr, and Mrs. W. H S. at least l en p o un d~ tn th " Hllrold W. Wbitak er, There were man, which conditio n add ed to th" ~evf'r al Dr ~ent includin ll Mr. and roughne ss of the game . I twas Mrs . J. O. Whitak er and Dr. and almost lmpo88ible to pass the ball Mrs , H. E Hatbaway. at Waynes · coneista ntly because at short inter· ville . vale the referee 's ' whistle would announ ce that two men were tan· , Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ellis. of Route gled in 8uch a manner that it would 1 en ter tained lit Sunday dinner the be necessa ry to unwind th em before f~lI owinp; gu ests: John McKnig ht play could ploceed . Notwith stand· Rnd family . Dulaney Carter and faminp:. tbe two forwllrd s of W. H, S " ily. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ecton and Satterth waite·a nd Burton uncorke d Mr. and Mrs . H. C. White and famBOrne pUBw,)rk that was remark able . ily, all of New Burling ton and G. McMillian, who receiver! a bad bump H. Ellis. ... on tht! head at thl! beginni ng of the /tame, fought gamely . but at limes he seemed handica pped because of thi! blow. Noble. CArnahan aDd Hender aon alterna ted at the guard position s and held their men to few Nancy Jane HarrBn died at tbe baskets Hi School passed, followe d Ihome of her nephew . Thos . Harlan , shots, and guarded their men well I at. Miamis burg, laat Thured ay. The but in the laat few minutes of play, I was held'Sa turday aftemo on were not able to ~ain the two Interm ent in Miami cemete ry. tl.at would bave given them the ga!"e. From the specta~ors' yiewMi88 Bertha Stokes, ~aullhter of p~::t th~ ~~~e waa mo~t IDteres~: the late Ruah Stokes. died at her a tOUl , tl Kenera y ICdonce . home in Coving ton. Ohio, laat Frlth a a a8 c III ean llame wou rectllve f ' I a greater ovation , Followi ng' Is the day . The unt r: was th a Id-Mol \d., Ina Miami score: . afternoon. n ermen Ce n lervil' Ie cemeter y . Wayeesvl'11 e , Burton ........ : ...... R F .. .......... Miller Solon Carroll died at hll home In Satterth walte..... .. L F ......... Fletche r S . . 5 and was MEatlllih ..:: .......... C ...... ..... McClure pring \' a 11ey, J anua" . tb Carnah an ............ . G R .... .... Prea ther buried in Miami .cemete, ry on e Butterw orth ...... ... L G ...... ..... Yazel 8th . He was- former-lv from Bar" Substit utions- Noble for Bl!t ter. veysbur g. ' worth: Hend erllon . for Gllrnah sni Carnah an for Hender son. ' Wm~ Zell died at hie hom.Tu eaI joals-B urton ll . "attertl iwailll 1, dav mornin g at 12:30, after a I~nlr Miller 1, Flelche r 3. Preattie r 2. jJJ~es.q . The funeral will be lield Foula- Surton 2. Sattert hwaite ·4, ThurstJ ayafter noon a.t 2 o'clock at Carnah an I, Fletche r 1, Yazel 1. the Chapel. Refere e-Turn er.
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--- _.- --DEATHS
The High School Reserve s won their game by a 2 point margin and this game furni shed the crowd with plenty of action. All the boys showed improv ement but the WOI k of the diminutiv ~ "Chick " Mi88el· dine, who WIl8 there with the fighl, and Hough. whose basket shootin g helped win the game, won tlie appro· val of the crowd. The '1core was 8 to 10. The Mil mis, with the Spring Val. ley Indepen dents as oppone nts, their first game last Wednes day eve by the acore of 22 to 30. Tbis game waa rather listless during the first half, u the offensiv e of the local boys was a wanting quar.tit y. In the aec:ond etanza the Miamis togllthe r and paaaed the ball arou\ltJ the team from Green County . but tailed' on many oc:casion~ to score when they had easy chances . In prepara tion of meeting Bellbro ok here next Friday night, this game uncover ed manv faultll which if correct ed in practic e this week . the Miamis Bhould give th eir oppo· nentl much trouble . -
..-...- - -
Muon' hill. 80uth of town on the lcebanon pike, was in such a r.ondi· tion last Thursd8Y that sev eral local cars' had conside rable troubl~ . It leems that the I watet froin the ~pring8 had. frozen on t~e 'pike, makina' it very hazardo u ,j for · any~ ohe attemp ting ~he hill withou t MI88' Mary N . Baker • . '88Bi)'l tant chains. Machines belongi ng to pro atate library. erganiz er, vielted our Ellie. Alva HartsOck. FranIC Snook, IIbrart on Monday , evening . . She Fr~k Elbon and the -Oil 't ruck of commen ded the ,w'o rk beina' done In the Kilpatrick~French· C<i. fig;,ureq our 'COmmunity. especi\llly 'co~lderl luckily l\~ .,one IV'S, , . tbellmAlI BlDo.unt of lunda .v~lI- IcJlllJlllre<I nor w~~e '~y of the cara ud' 'inad" many helpful 1I~a'- aerlouely d8nia,e d·. .
Mrs. Mary CresswelI died at · ~er home on Route.S . Tueada , mom~Di" The funeral Will be held ·T huniday afterno on at 2 o'clock from tbe home of H. H. Wilkers on, on Third ~treet. Wm. H. Dinwid die died at ble home in Wayneeville lut Thur1!day mornin g' at 6:45. after an illness of severa mont iI. -he funeral was held at his late home Saturda y after. nonn at 2 Rev. Wubbu m . In Miami cemete ry He was a membe r of the K. of P ., Oddfell ow and J. 0 U. A. M. lodges. . Mrs . 'Emma Frazee died at ber home on the WaynesviUe and Leba· : noTl pike, Saturda y at 1 o'clock. The funeral was held Monday af. ternoon llt 2 o'clock from her late home. lnt~rment in Miami cemetery . Mrs. Mary E, Hawke died at ber hn me in Harvey sburg Sunday at 12:30. The funeral was held from the M . E. church at HarveY/Ibufl', Tuesdny afterno on at 1;00 o'clock . Rev Hunting ton officiating. 'Interment in Miami cemece ry.
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The girl coull) not help e:tclnlmill /.!. Rllt I II(> vilo er \",,,iun " 1,,· "hlptl. "110, · ' ''l'hls Is ooe of Ih elll. we will "" ),, " I'f'ul M il ti' ~1 1I1 (· I.... I,. r. 1,.1 II' ""II liN. the lawyor went on wllh h lg Ih"or),- "' ould, Ii s h(' e lll,'r .. 01 1111" ,u"11 an arnot answe.rlng h er . "Sl)W. If't u..: 1l 8· lrnn J.:{'ntCIlI nS W(. sUl'pnS:f· nulll l.ll l\' sume thet onf" of thf'se WO Illt"1l it' lpilt e n o l w l~h t n Llk ., 1111 tillS (11'111 111", P:11l1~. poor-ID clrcum ~h.n es thut make her m ,"n[ or 0 III" ~ '·f. SIll' 1lIt1~t I ,c shu,\ n m08t UDh llPIJ,Y, Il't U8 8113' ," tills I'0sllll<,I.\,- I<\1 !IIl'r~ ('01111,1 lJe 110 " Soy desperate, If yon like '" retnr l· possl"l .. II1ls luke," ed Mary IIfaDch eRter. "H h(l mn ~ 1 he '" th e 1(1 1'1 1'r1~, 1 ,"('heBe smiled, "Put It II yon like," he menl ll' Mid deferentIally. She ,-ould not It cl ll "::;he wil l b('--\,I'rY "Im llh ." I'C I)(,lI t · DotIcllII hla uniform po lltenNl~ "1)"8' eel ,Jllsper 1-10111, ,11111 he " "I,l nlned to pw:ate, let us SIl.Y '" And h e \\ I!OI ,'n h e r ut more l~lI g th till' Olh ~ I' wOOllln'" with hie artful ariumon!, fralil ed wit h Rltuutlon_ that las t art thot coucelile art. "But " I Inus t SCI' al\ Ih ls," said Milry )I" n· the other woman, 00 the oth er band, chester, getU o g UI>, "with my own h.. everythIng In the worhl to Ih'o for eY<'8," _ n Immense ... calth h('ld t or her "Naturnlly," sn ld Jtls per Rnlg_ And aloue, centered on ber, And yet In a - 7 abe III 'lIIore unbappy-m\lch more ,olng out with her, he balled a toxl. nDiortunate than the one ah e 80 mucb
"Bow'" aaked the girl sharply. "8tekDUI," eald the law7er briefly, "..lDj1 DOW dellth I" "lIbe III dead'" IIsked Mary Mau· cb8teJ'••hrlnklnl Involuntarily, "No-dylDl," replied the mnn, hold· ber e:rea with bla, now apparently without resllltaDce 01\ ber parL "WeUr abe ..ked. trl,bte ned In IPlte of benelt alld ber mrroundlnp. "Suppoee," be aald, " In the circum· ItaBcee l lOme o n _ lawyer, let UI .~e to the atrl who WIlS 0 poor and aid: 'Bow would l'OTt like to live lOur lite u a woman Immensel, rtcb, c:a,.s for dal Ind IIIght by llenantt, ,]a dDe jj( the mOlt pala:Ual hoUllel in Amertear, "IIow-liow could .he'" breatbed Man Mlncbesier from dry Upa. , ~ eDouall," 1181(1 th,e lawyer amoothll'. 'b, our the<:ll'J ot the caee. ISbe would 0DlJ' D~d to cb l nle her Dame. ' It ta ' 11o order, properl, al'NDpd,;" II\' '8IId, reprdln. ber, "than • ebaDp .of itre-. "But there are etb@r mattera," be weot 00 SuenUl'. "I wIll be frank I Jlf.tt~ which the poorer woman. would have to faee, ,wblch are n ot 110 ,pleuaat or 110 eai ll Sbe would be· oeOme, b1 n~tl, aD entirely dUrerwom~. She mUlt learn and, .~ an 'eotJrell' new lite. Sbe woo ld be tor a 10lll Urn.. month" p08l1lbly Je!UI, a chronic muUd, secluded fti. ' ~el'1 ooe 1t1 III llealth: But
FIfth nv nue at night, III e lj:ht· thlr ly. ev en, III 80 dltl'or enl n pln ee froln thnt other street, th e Iltlldt'll Sl rl'!'t or th e women- the Flftll l1 \,entte or Ihe dllY. ' Vacant, r e;.oundln g, Its blllCk, ahlnlng floor pa8sed bonen th I he lonely Ugh ts, b@tween the l)n l\ 8u d ~s or. ,l urk· ened bul hllngs lind Hhnduwy 81 re tR on either Ide, free lind opcned unfl IIn(, lllbarraa ed to their hurrying tn_od-drl vcr on bla wal toward the durk elm bonIe r of Oen tral park. The onelent motor· vehicle flll s SIed t he JOI~en honelUen at tbe 1I0uthem gate, weDt northward several streets' that llal'J Manchester did not Ilccoruttely count, turned ea8tward a nd stopped, The two ligures, t he ;il'l IIJld the 'o ld, ' COurteou lI, flnely dressed milD, ollghted IDd went up · the high outsIde s leps to t.lI,. dnor, 1t WitS n nlh .:e ohvlous-
_f,.. "I, -N 11 tl
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CHRISTMAS The birth or J .. WI Clbrtlt Wtll tbe "orlll'a .reat.t eyent It meant exactly wlul t the au let.. said tn their lOne, uJoy to the World," aOlI It o.ered peace to a IIln./,ursed and turbnlent world. The world Will 10 &Ioom, It kDew not the Ulcaninl ot SOl. Be brOulbt COO<l tldlnp. tor De wa. t ba Snler, and 18 tbe Sn yt or or the world. ae elme to I catl er the 11oom, to bred! the IlondJ!, to Ittt the bordelLl, ,a lOOlle tile corda and 8et the the tree. JOY to the world, eTbere ".8n't peace, there . .. 't PU8('1! tedal, and there oerer will be pe.ce until J@IUI ()brlst COtD~ to 10 power. . The IndlvltlUll1 may , ba ..e peace of 8001 It be R~' ceJl~ JNU. CIIrl.t a. ble perlQ!jal S... lor.' There' will come to blln tbe Iweet. calm PMce und .atietletlon "hlcb only J~us can ~ .. I' Ohrlatmlll mornlnl brlDgg to ..... world tbe IIgbt ttle go.~pel, Ibe jOl, the bupplnllSll Rnd tbe IleRCIt tbat oul)' the C br~8tlall I!an expe.rlen('l! lIod caD dl,penee. Let l'yury honle reBoond lo the'D1uslc at Hla birth, Let every Ih'eslde q;low with the U.bt and warmth of the bapilinua He ilefltowlI. Let f"'~ry Itoclling be 1I11ed with' I(Ir1ll, makin, ,lid tb.1l bea r ts of ch ildren , rtlnf)'" IDI tbe YOlltb ot th e aged, aDd brlnainl' the aweutness. tb e mlrtb and t he IOll ghler which h.n ven oft'er~ to aulfcllnll sod (lepra ~\!d bu· manit .. . I J oyOU! C brlstmflS. g lorlo u~ Ch ri st· mas, tbe ileat CIJrlstmns IJlO I u " ,:; In tbe hIstory ('If the wo rl,I , I,ecaose III I ot the b l ~R8IDg~ tbllt the "revlou. Cb r l8 tUlu~R have hro" lIbt lire focu.1!d OpOD t hla one, anel this Christmas wi ll tielld tts ray. or IIl bt. and love, "nil promIse. and Ilrophe ~y HCI'O"S the ~g8!! to come, anti I\,wlo I UE' 6111,:1,1"' son/: s ba ll be henrd arounrl th,' ~Io\)e. "J,,) to the ,,"orld," P<!oce anti gtlud will to 01\ mOil wbo a l!Cojlt 111m, ",11(1 WOS IIOl'D tbls "ay to be tl,,. S",lnr or melL CllI·ls tmas. glo rl" us Cbrl"trnoB, bestow your IJenc<1id lons UI)OIl nlL
(bill, perhD~.s," 'lie snit'!. an d al)e felt
naaln the sen8e t hot 10 Borne WilY he muat know of hor, "might be horue by the oth er poorer WOlllun (or a tlme d leasL Sbe mlllh t e"en welcome for a time the chan re to resL" "But What," she replied, turolug at the IlIIt moment from the qll estloo ahe mOl t deSi red to know, " Is nil tbls tor'" Be' explalDed It to ber-most pInus. Ibly, the bU8incs9 reosons why I he Trust muBt n ot be tl lssolvml- to the disadvantage. among other Ulln j;S, or Ihouaandl! to whom It "ave elll ploYlllent and livin g. 10 lonl III It wa~ Intact. It .eewed <;Clnvlnclng to her, very, 8S b e told It'-tbe more so, DO doubt, because her mlDd waa preocc upied with onother queatJon-the Qu esUon that she dld Dolt yet dare to Ilk, "What III Itr' Juper Balg Inqutred , encouralllnl' ber. "Wbat else do you wlab to know-abollt tbls elise we are 'UPPoCI\a'T' "The other womaD," Ihe ventured, "tbe rich on_"
"y ..... AIId &be ewerved u1d apm.:.-ssk. BtU! anotber question, "I IUPllose, Cir eou,.., that ahe Ie not married r ' slle
aid. "Y~" laid . tbe law1er gravely. "She . Je marrted. . But that would 'Dot b& In ' .. all) "1"80 dUlleult a " matter ' to he~
aabltUafe ali man1 otllen." .... ilJleult f'
.. ti'Mu;eed 'the IlW1er 1I0wll•• .. ... . - _ . . h •• llwed IIlnu.tfttH.... . . h~1a • tWrel'l!Dt
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lu 1\ lilt' \ " il t· o f ~It, ~ I: ut h l'!·"ltnl f'nUII' l illi'" ,.,. ' , t il.' IIltn r - ult ('\lIro ns h ltl \\
h ll rl IU-'Oll pI ·ovide d J En~ry III 'Xul"." lid· t IllJs~ilJ l e, l' very II Iipli.llH'U \\ hit'll It'd t o ; I h ln~ III "'1\- - 11,, · tl",: 1'.l m '" l 1fIfIU ·I\H C'
Il enllh an d pI NIlltlre-f(II' 1111' '''I'I(IIrt1 in :11 I I \t h i 0..:1 ~,IIHI)l l ': Hhll l .sl -.I. lll tlJ!.. 'l'ru!lt WIIS ollvloU>;I_v II h(lve n \I " "'" III' ("n·d IJt~1 ,r ifh nffei rlvll un OI III I' d"nr- I 1 ~l'Inlne ol Ih llt Its Ilil slI .. SM on ~. ' 1II'()" m ,m r,"11 lllll l It .. 1oOh' J" III tnt p rrllr.·- ' Ilu.' I'<lud to hcultll, s hould n ol t, .. n l. un o! "";; 1'~fll" 'I'ell foor s o t111IIl~. For lowed to slip bu,'k lI"nln. '0 whllll of _I I "'I/:' iI' CtI" lIl:h Illl' 1:1011' " 11o( I, ,,,, ,,, , h er~ thllt WI\6 1)"1 IO I~sl !JI of II: runtlnll s ec 1U(·~r },l. , 1~'I 'd h:- I Il l' fl ',;.;'foi l'ml~hllt~8S ",os denIed h ~ r; eonlillupd n Ol'e lly was l "n(1 In~"I,"I , III rlll'l, lInOU I,,., pIn" the I SII[lfl ll"11, of £,v "Y kln,l-eve", It llIay ' "n luud ,,11/0 hel'. 1.I11,'r , Ir. !J ll ll: lin d II be r.. 'r.rll d, 10 1111 I'n( lr" ~' hnn );e of Ih" (lol, ','I' hlw"ell .·.llti II wOIII <l lie 11 11 $el' l'fl nt~ Lh rongh the lioll ~(, I'I J!h l. T hey IVII Lched anti at u.Ile d the WOOl" " wil l nllt d o I,,'r ('"U I' )I·tlc-I I' ot nn of th e 11' lI s t flLl \(l , Ihl~ Il ~W hOll-c, hnl'lIl" I.. , "II"). "\ ,'ry l' u~ < II 'I .I· It w ill hold (orct!, us 5('rVll nt~ wIll th ose hI' ..r ""11(>\11 " more fort \tn atc beIJ )!(s 11'110 live unaer <\1111 III Il wily ~h p !l l<l ~"" 111 Iol'Il"r : the SIIIlHJ I'oof. You woul il 1I0t ha"e 11101'<' .-\" "' 1'1111 IIft.' I· Ihil l. " fI~r th~ ' nOllel'l1 ullyLhillj: tlltunt her, thc~' 011 ~t, (\, l·d"l1 c,"ne. J I c' ,,"II h /o ur Il l. ! u);' ee d, excep t III ,,<'I lUln 11fl), ,~ Sume ":l~ "-: nf)\V~' H ' hllll l()I'n"~H':H't'd dug sold Ihut rOl'm e rl ~' IlI l'r(' ",pre olwll~' s 1l1l \"'I1IIJJ'''U~ dl ~JO v$II ' ,m - ,,"il~ hllJ!e , \ one or t" 0 trnllH'!I nlll'M"" \\ II h Iocr : n nt ,,,I\P II ( ' ~ ,lIotl~', ~''' " \I 1,\1\(1 ~ Ilr, I'tl r , bu t now thut site wos r ~/,(lI· l' l·lt l " M n 1I'\~ I · t-' · du': lie- \\"11 ,., ullo w t:>tI tn ru n tu_~ t tllo nurses II('I'C lilt ~o" "- c!x'· .. pt uft" r II", ,1",,<,<1 IlIlIOl lTloh! lo Ilr ~i ll[e d pel'h l) l)~ \\ lUI one excC'I'tloll, Ihe WO m t hill'S IInot I.ltl\"l'~. an '1'10 0 WIIS l1 er tle",,;o llul 111111,1 Bllt A Jlltl \ll1IlI lllIru l ""Hlr" fll r wh nt of course tbe (lO<'tor called s ti ll-on('e COlll llllll i"n >Jd l' "UH ""tlIIllol" I, ,, ,, n or twice 0 wee k- not , r y serl 'liS cnn -III .. , II 101, IIlIhl<'I I('" 11(1 " 11 .hll' lnlde calls you m Ig ht SIlY, m oslly tu lk IIntl 11111h,'\'f"I',1 H IInn l IIp('lsln n III ('u ll luu gh ler, And of co urse It \\'ns un dernJ!11111 rill' ",,' 1I11 ' -1It111Ilr~ "r Iwr "P ry s toull by Iwr lind by e\'ery one fhll t f lllll"", f11' .I'~lcl" n . 'J'\w r' had b,·, ,) n h!!r con,ll tlon did n ot nllow her to ch ang!' ()Ii III " V" rt Ihe hlHt few wpcks. lelH'" th f! house, except tor thllt dully HIl IIl,,1 IIlrP llrl e d " 'r less t r ('f( llentl l' of I nl Clml nl( rille out Hl vcrRlde drIve nnd "lI ~, Ull ill :! 10 Iltl' nppn r entl.v l:ronti y tJU! 01(1 T,lItRyet te bo ul e,'nrd in iJ er 11111"-,,,,' 01 h",, /l h or h l~ pnlipllt. And Il ruou Mlll e; ond ot course no colle rs In .1 \llI\ litis IIIl l(h l "lIrl lllps 1/" co nsld· "('re permltted-genel'ul ly s penklllg. on',1 II or PI'or" ~Hluno l j llllgmeet This WII H all the In s tructions ther e were, u nless the serlous·faced p er son- 01) lol~ pa l I ,\ f l ~ r n l1- l\~ II n v c()l&01 "omsn ot h ers hnd othere wblcll no bl'utl'd p l. j 'l itj tl lll~ 1" 11I1l'l n~ wUl1wn nnf' ~I~e wouhl kuow ahuut, kn ,l\\ s-u ,II" 1"11" 1- a /tllll):o11 belog, Sh ... seellled ch eerful -she certainly oftell 11 V('I'~ ~(,( 1111,11' <lI le ; Hnll c nses WOS 1I0t lII eluncholy a s he r henlth 1m· 61 ~ nc,l en til'" '' II n'''',I\\ 1I 10 the IIl etH· prov ' l\ col I" of" '<slon II'hO' l(' \\ fllll('lI . nut so !'o:h;' WitS ,'c ry good, thongh, nnd a m ile" de'p('IHld ." III liS IIIlI cly II n'~ de- l 1'''1'.1' nke pe rsun to work fo r. Sbe Ifloll tlen t. h,,,',, brell brollJ;ht u loog \lIs· n , , d ll 111\ rll .... ~ ,,' nil t n . ~ I'e n." of-;-snd IJln ~,' 011 rh~ \\" I 1(, It t'n lth IIn(1 hn l'pl·
rO I
the- U "
StuntOitl l;(ll'~ III In his
I lion wll l- "\I'll 11""I!:h 1'111 of "IXl~' lUll 11,,0).-.
pI' , ...
.1n.\u.\ I'. 0 "11
,, ' nl l ll llwl's
n 1))111001' (,,'"
It WB:; , too, ftl\' from c~ ·, H' i ii I t\l t il e hU l,pl ll ,<" of J HSlwr IJ lI l· '. Ihl! IUltlIlIl;e l' 01' II", 'fru~I, Qr IIr 11" ~' 1 hl'ouel; Hll lll rrfflr(1, tlH' hll ~h,," ' 1 (,r Ad plul(lc <l,lI'!WIII, Ih, ll he s l"'lIlol ~ , ,, I t'C!'cll'e till' I' I'"p~ "I )' , o r In f'l" l ha\'(, 1 l,e ~ lI 1\11111 ('(1 11\ th e f11'Rt pIneO' liS thl' posslhle Irgu l e. rn rI N~( I , (el\' 1\l 11I1:~ I 1I IJ0l1t Stllll rJ()rCIlIll'~ etnlUe ll!ll' \l1l!a~'1 lint life a nd It vlll !; were cS$"Jl\I,, 1 100 the h UP \ll n e"~ of 1:1" bro(1 I, 1:11 : h " I'ford .
E\ en wtf(m Lh ey w ere !w: h in
¥ole- both mcmbers of th e un!\'(I'~I tr football tenm - th elr IIl s regard I'or ou" nllother npPlollclied often II) tl"," 'l' rg~' of phys lclli .\l s flster; In ftl el hll d tlnl'" 60 on ce, the dl Raste r, tlS It lta\lp,' ol 'll o ccorrlnl( to the h env ler. \lnd ~('nll.! !tad thoug ht, t he s tronl:tlr llI un, Jl llsk Ulltberfol'(\-SO w ell tmown 10 his time n ~ tb e IIrent Yu le cent r. Alwuys ofter thnt he hnd 1,111,1, II) b ls bluut, dO\\IlIllIht WilY, tho t I( thel'e were IIny plCUlIllre In the world "~ lllch b e cruved cspeclll ll y, It WIIS Ih ,.. nt· tendRnce upon the f lln cl'lIl of Ston ford Goq;nlO_ T hI s old nnel clll' l'fulll' nursed fire of rese~tment I;cpt p,dl' burning In the he uvy and sllbsU1 ntlnJ temperament of his old nut cb II n" e8' tors. It WRS not tlecrell s ed In the
Ilt,htellt of tor his very for tutlrt te II l1tr ~
rlage with Adel uhle. tbe cou~ln of Id~ enemy; lIud thf'n tho crentlon, lit Ihe deptb of h er gleat flit he r , or Ill' fnm Oils Gorinm 1' ruet, qol te ovltleu llv 80 lDuny pel'sollS were not slnw In SAY' lng- to keep the areat power of hlB tortlln e ulwuYe ont of the llnn<ls ot
" NO TH~'('Re "ALKIN6 Allov'f ~e WPI:'( ' ,(Ou HAN6 'ROUNP ' ,.HAT
M ~K IN6
'l'hro g rc'at , , ",-II tbnt 'rnL,\!!! the s,'c, Lil \\ Ifr) ,.1' Is tllll divorce ,,\' Ii. II I, flC I f",-I ly c\ell r tlt nt the mille d n1t II\Jt pPtllllt o~ dh orcu a nd remo , rllll! ' /)11 any g rOll lld ex pt ,onc, I ! nll t! I ha t wllosol" -er p ull cth aWIlS
l' l
t h is forlllllC s hollid e,V('"l' conH' 10 h .lt1. 'I'h ere ,\ n~ I'lum~ Il'llt. In'lll\' \VI' I I tl I'·" SH I t! l!l(llP tlutU ~"nlt' l ~ HI, ,, 11·".\11 \
th €' r· · n n nll' " It WIIS, 100. rIll' (rolll C8s c'Ill\ ul 1>1 r \l~ It nJ)pht(,!-o ~ Of lh~ snuu ;..:cl' UOII~IPli I It II
w \lll ill h' lIl! 111111,· ,,[ hIm ''' '!" II'I'I,lly;
I : ' ;
I !
I i
PH il, ", hlln ' U II,A HI ,\ ,+ • tl , ,, fl f1 .. r t , 'l 'd" I "1 'lth n l l "hn .... ' · t4 4ttl . k \) 3, 1\ ,HIl ,,· yll il' . ( Ibl , jBn
t o hel' .sur',·" 11I;t olT ~lll· ill~1 til n in I" I S( '
Farmers, Attention!
"use and ('nJ .\"u H" nt" o f tll p. ~r l' llt C'..;# t it l E.'
111'111 1 ttt H II
If In tb e bIrth or n trnst t)Jn II , It 1M d ('\, lIled to lh e ro re tlod pr otecl (\n of olle \lu l'tlrnlnr \O,'rson, ~PJl too. nn ll r the cl'l-tal n limits " hlch 01 \\'11.1" r:,.vern Its
p ili.'
"' ,
Ih r ..
Sl r:Jn;':I '
Il'n"e Its 1111 to) s tili nDo rher,
(!t !S,
en'll tu ln l
p ' , .1 I r t h('\· nrc nos.:I(' '1 (Ott :\IIl HV rt "I'1 III'. ItI'~~l:r lloe Fill hel J nlu,s ~ I ~ Ill
\" I"!
" 111":. '
101 (I ~·
Hut 11,' 11 11 1 d !'"I" ' ~ Il O I ... d .. , ~ t I" I l~ II I." Ip ti t' i I II' lo, ll\"cd Ulilltl.\l' (t 'I I, . . 1" .' It'l-.:!1t 111: t1 tJl:--~\lI .. \\ A II 1111tt!1l Hull· l·lull)' lIuj! wll It _' ,"1\ 'I I "mill" I II hi s III' t '. Ill'·
n Ull' Ul1 ,·
fl ff' \\ilh .1 :oo:(' U""<-- ~~f hUIll llr jll~t II Il t tlp Ip".:, l!1·t lll P"I'I! II PS t it In I1m':-- :I n .' !l·l'-
'l' r Y
• 1 Ill '!
, I
, I
' ( '1
fl f ",,, ,tu d fI"" I
" "
.' ,
p" r'l l' l" I r' ,h- t 'I'I'it'l- :1 dOl" I' hid, I,'()k
t il
'"' .. ' I
h I'
j'l lil
' I I
I t,
h,,".(' I, tpJ,' .111" '1 ')11 101 ,,0)1 Ill' ,II ",'n
fI "ut' IIIUll
'I "
cll n1!1 hI' dl . rpl!ur", 'oI
" lill i '
nun \el Goqpllll ,,{'Onl '0 h f~ dllllS/I'ler r,w IWI" 11(1', unol III I",,· ,1"lIl h
\\ h,"n t llP
, ,II ,
d.og I hlll t... ill [1. ,111 ut' 1hI' \', I nch) ,," · ' It 11 11.- ,I 1'lIl1gh, r .I ;'),(' ,1 'W ' .. .11 Ih ll t h Hd 111'1--1"1 1 1.I I I ~ il1 '~ H1 11unll t !I ,' ~' n'n t , .1,1 ,\lrcil.tll.·, \lIlt' \'1111 )11 ... a \
O ll('o
, •• t .. \\ i It l l'll )' ,'\1 Ihll t co l(\:j
Itl t'.
·.t, ,
"I suld ,ust thllt," "How rto J ou koow'" "Th" SYllllltn1l18 at thRt pa r Ic ul "1 eose ore flbsnlllle, 1 n e ,' er S IIW h" 1 In m~' life hrfu rc I hi s tIlli e, , li t r IlO o\\ th l~. "he h". not on e of th III I" "Not IlI sn ll~ !" 6Illd StllDfor,1 I;"rl!'ft lU, " Could she 11 8\'e re<:!o"l'I'(',I '( " "There Is no recover, trOUl thll t d IM' eS'e," Mid Ihl! youn g doctor. "No recov('ry I" said. th "Then whl\! thc--" "1 d on't know," I'nhl t h e young tinctnr, "Dut r do k nnw tllll : Ne vl'l', UIldl'r 1I0y rircums tllll ces. are YOII to !peok to a nyone 00 (,Drth of " hR.r [' Vl' just told YOLI . To ansholly el-;(', or to me I From nnw I shall ne' I' r reco il this cnn,·ersntlon." " erlnlnly not," ~lIid StAll Gorgnm
=:'_=-=_-=_:-::==-==:=:===:::-_=. -=-=-=-=-:-:_:::::
d'l HI.
"Not In!iun 1tt
n WJl~:
Ii tt l , .'
\,'Ioj, lulll ~',,*, rlou a nnd
'r.ll "
"I II L-'
Ih ln" .. "RI rnn~(' ''' <11 1,1 slnnronl Gorllllm " ,(lUI' cO Il <l n- llll' L u(\y of tlte '1'1 11-1 Fund !" "y 51" suld young Gorlolll lll . \\ II tO'h Inl: h Im. "Rhe I~ nO) more In ~lI n e thnn 1 11111 "
And yl'l ~tl'lI L1 J;l"Y PIIl,ugh- s'l 111<"cure I. life for 1111 or uIT- lt w as th ll t Ci , _ ( :, I i" , " II Illc h \·ery nls.dll thn t hfu .. ), ~l11nc b p~ t e r W!lM I, ", \0 .: '1 1 .. , " • H· t \' I ii found hl' d lU Dt'e wande ring dn7.etJ l 1 .~ : f· , ' 1 IJ, h" .. 1 I t..UH..' teo stricken l>y the h('(lt, uud Ink 1\ 1I1' lIy 'I " 'I'" II ) r,,, 1 ,:hor .\ 1'1 0 ,-, II ~lngl~lur gooil fortun e by II Itln"ly ~ ~ .. ' '11 lu r · 1t ," ., 11 I . 1'1 and \'ery fnmotlS J')hyslc iull, noll . ' t'.I' 1 ,t _:.1 tv u. qUill I t o f . tcr brought In to the grcllt hos pll ul In hIs I III U, own II mou ·Iul'. An ti Ihe next doy. ' om' r r gn lnlug coosclousness, Rhe I \\ 0 tll'lI'\. I Mllry !\lun ch este r was dend-a ntllu. , De \ ~r hUll (llll'(' so I n f 111"0 m aoe tlI8 b~r , one ot n 1IIIIIIon, n work log -!:Irl d(''Jrtllnn lint I r"III'Il e by /)nerlng to 11:0 whu¥e \'cry Itl enuty nfter deutll would I out. A nil th llt "'AS n cllrl oll M I hill If all hll, 'e been ull kuown but for S JlJ StlIIge thr,ltIgh-'1I 11 the sprvunls dlsI'u8Mud It; by mull-whos e orIgI n he dId n Ul S ('10 ! but no one cou ld \Opr qnlt mnke out to know-to b er hnlhlrunkelJ sl<1.lfu- I h~ rlghl II( It. "l lnl'r]on me:' th e doul'rnnn slllri . wi th ~~ \ I his 11111111 "pun Il)p o\()or "hpn hp "lillie ~Inr~' l\l lIn~h est('r wus ,I lid In Bulle"HilI II, Itor lor's vut' YI'll w\ll IInoi It In Ihe re~lIr'ls d urllnj: iowllr,1 II 1h 'r today, AlI l!luhle 1111lhc rford, the Ol'dll'~ li re thnr M: l!lutll Is I" 1"11 \'" the gr!'IlL It \I'c S. IJy II fOl't unu te tUl'tI ID h{tll e hur oncp II t1uy-U" n ' l " Am i l·J J.(lIl UWIlY, I·(>tlll' "I,,'rl ng ", I· h .. r Ill ness, though sUII tl ellcat'l, was BUI j'l'1 she evlil C'ntly rallying (rolU he r r.'cent d ,'s· d enLl .v, :Jll:' " Lul' ll h uck p('rOlO Illn ess. And tile J(l'eat GOI'J,tum WOS ~tl ll "xd l~o\, he ~II" - 1111(1 (l'l II '11t~ gU \ 'C hi m '.rl'us t, unlike th e d(J~pn lrln l! lover 10 I1H1X I J1'·(' t;lhu· l'PHl'luU . the lJn llll d, hud till KOIIIl'thing of Its t h J ~ url ll'l ' In II hInt! lor -hili, I ",II-I!' uw n to \lv e [ur--nn d \l v'!d on. " th l I ' tl l." "'Illp s :lid, " ·lIld ,'1\ 11 10 I'}:l t
rt Is on IIIiUSUIl I !llld . trlklll" ,1" 1,1 , Lo those wllo 1U0 )" never hlll'l' wit· nesNell It l'efurll--tllC C'III'e und 01\('\tull .. Ihnt n rcnll.\· J.(I'eat 11'\l81 rllllll "t son", s lxLy mllllolls \\ III 111\' 1, 10 UP'1Il Ih o OIl'll sole olJJec\ ( If II ~ 11('\'III\c1ll Ir"r i A,lelfl ltle ]tulh erfll l'(I, rC('ol·NIII/.! fl'(lfll l ht'I' /ll lII oSL flltn l IIln e"., s uch wonLiers :
'1"',llllng of
l'r !"lltl 'o,t 1101111\1111('(\ t ll t"tl'l't
I , II "il l h t 1l',urbed
fVI tUlle .
li d
I , ,
, \ ,I)
Hilt' ..
fI " d
1t!.. ,·iI
" I
111,\ s ' t,· jll!.!
Ill :: II colli . " I:"rly tIP'lt t· II l'll ~ vr :.t cuW ' \111 spurt' you 111111:1· \· ...
1\t11 " 1) , :t I',
I 1 1101
bl .. · ahlll l\' 10 h('11I s"I\'c' U 1Il ' ~ ""' \ "hli'h I Itt' "h ~ "1 'I nft could nnl J.( I'I "" I of his mind
" til 1 h l' II .:.: It .tlt
.. _ "1. 1
pI ·ciull.\·
st' rr ll ll .. l,
, 'II
,1 111!
." " ,
1 1 '11'
1II1 t!
11 111 .1
111 N Il /lIl' 1l
h " r,II1.)','('.1 itOlll .Illy h\' jlll : : I1 \.! :t hh) ltl r I ( ,\I, .l 1I ... 'lI,~ rt \,; :\1 11 1
, '~.
I..lil I
I'I ~
nltt'l - t o hi s \ "' ,\ I n ll1 ·1 11 1· ' 1 ' :), 1 .n l' "'\1 InlhJlH t c th Ht pro rl ~ nn ·
C on cH,: Grr.c·,e on 1, lI1en.- I:' H.ll e
l Oiio t 11' 1) 1 11, 1, , 1. 11'
. ,tI
IUll UlQu \.'11:(1 tl u'" 't·, c :;:· ~ ou r tTltIU t ~ lllltu Hllll !"l'dn ll :Hh..'1I1Io11"-go "I'II ,'s II well · llI"wn p h)'~lcllI ". In "O)l lItlll~ Ollt the c\(lnJ!~r (I( lIt' : lcl't· " ,\
\\(I I·~e,
r ,I'ront (\11nr, h e II P1HOlllt·d 111111 1'
fI !
I' (' r ,
,' \
\\ h ll II 1.1 II! ....
rl ", l lh·n,·,' PII
~I" .... , ,ttH'd
GI:lICr - '" ~ r 1""li,,~ rtlh, r r ~ 1", ... , a ' t r} t llf.l}\ i., I' .. n \\'111 llL1ruu~ldy cl\.' ~II~ c
_ ,.
• :"I·J.,:, tlll
I~ '
1'1'1, /1" l.
\, , \ \1
" "h i
. •
,A. li d In I" ... ....
\ 11 1111;': Ihl("lOI"
',! I'f'! l t
' I h l.ll li s.! ill the ~( q. 1 .111d t ur n tll t· " I tI t l u h· itt II l ,tV
,1'1 ' IIlIt,
I t . ·' .' tlu " l j, I d
~~1 1"1 ,! lj'\\
' t·
,,'\, I
'11l 1 \"1 lit !' ~1i 1 1l 1!.! ' · 1 1'''.''''111 11 111 1 '111 1 111'1\ , \ t" :lI tI1111 " I" ul'''Ill! Ilt'f 1(11 ' 1" 1· ... 010 .. lor 1,1 ... \\'1 1:lu li 11111 1" ,,1\+ n III' I, II
- A pn' lI}' ''' so
11< 1
! TAKE FA1 J: :' "
tt "'11, :111 1I111\(·t m:II·It ,t l hi, 1 .. 1' t , 'I " lit ' jlPr :-.l s(( 'lIt i II I ' n " .... " I' l b, ! .,,1'1 ," I" l' II ~ lIld
I1ot " ~ r f II1t. 1 tH. r IlI.1\ !.L' IIl ~ltl( 11 .. 1 I I .1 11 uld I'''' fl lt.: Th . lt ... ,) lIlld.:: ... tl tI... rl v ... "n I 1\ ~ h1l1 11 ' .,,,u I r:-. t 'Hl' •• dt J I l\i l! HI Il. hl.:r l,tI\''''I1t (.r ' I i ) ' l' llle ;1 'Id I : C' ,tr Oll <I tll~
... f
I ~':
\ \
' li n"
l:"n l ' .... 11(' I "II ! In 101' r so fur ,., ,' " /'p d IL .. In ,ltli H I,itll " '\I,r II ,.f h' I' 1\, W. 'r-
l lr
I1n(1 w('u ltf! wel'e to be bud fo r Ihe tn kl"l:
J~ II'" th .. ! Ott l
t'I),l m '
V ~s c
'ItI 'I: I
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h l< 1I'1t'" . ~fI\"lnll' for t he cnuse of for· lJiI'<l! lulI, mUl(elll bcr un a dullCl'ess, flllll If he llIurrles another h e bIm· ~1 ·lr (,(lI!lIn lt~ II rln!tcry. 'I'hls 1Il\lch I., pin I II liS dny , namely, lhnt th ere Is " lI ll' Olll' ·crll.tu I'll I grollnd (01' 11'
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\, \) ' " " .. ~c hu s I cfill ~- become II Pit IIII .. ··! l"ome tire t rentlng It us oclol hUI II IJlL~~III:; ~xl'prll'llce, ii i,.; III e lJClIl~ brol'Nt. morBI st nn"· li n!' ll re beln!; Rhn( lel'l!d, chll,l rell fi n I'd ug cu rsed , homes nro being hl" oI: II 1I1l. nod men nnd ,,"orn(,l' "0 10dl 'l: ull senoc of regnrd f" , sn ( ;- ~oI lH' SS of the monlnge y \ ( If COU I c. whcl'e 000 lllll't: ' 18 gn ' I~. tbo Innoc('nt porly blls II p rr rr ct ri ght to rp.-mu rr)·, ond t he In " OIt'c lit parl y ought to get 1\ dl.
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" nre: IJr d. horth o lD Boll OIlIVIIe 8 ttl 9 m\j ntb~ ,lltl [ ,,'qulrll of rtU DI.ld ' l::1IJWkll, K 0 1, Wa y n e ,. ville, Olli o . j80
A Ii'
rei Runabonl, 191 6 IUodel , bat wlDtllt top , IIDlIlDe good tUUolng order ' J .. Dltltl 0. V .. nder v ourt. plloDe 89.3, WIlYDe81'Ule O. 180 olo~tld
81& 10 or trade-Nn!b Stx, for FOR "Q.V model ololled Oltr . Write tioJx 48, liot.rveyeburtt. Ohto, or lD. quire a& Shl(l office. 180
B ALEU STRAW f'lr 881e, Inquire of M A .. C ornell, R, D •• Way. l~a
DIIlIvllle Oblo.
FUIII.t.L Brtodloy Blood Barred Rook Cooker. elr&ln or F, A, tinlder, R O.
·V C)I'~l' •
WaVD81VIlle. j23
.Bitt, thcr4) nro too mnny }leo.. Oblo. (h'lI hcrnl clr ('Onllulttlng tbe of· f CI 'Cl in order th nl Lhey mu~' s('clII'o. FEW bllshel. of Y o rl[ Imperlal ti l(' d\l orce 'i'hey nre dell hcrnicly : App,ea. C E IIllollontlr, phoDe jill cr, "Ilug the elltl.'e tor thl) pllrpO 'e liD 11 23, W.yno8'lllla, Ohio. o r I ping "('pllrn te'd logego G".Olillll Engine. iX' b ,p, \ 1' 11 tI~ s ixty p er cent of th e (\I. ,ood tl8 Dew. lJliOBP 'aDQ wlll "n l'C" ~ of todu) hnve bcen hrO\I;:ht a ll,," t hl th o JlllltlCS prellll)lllt nteuly rlloommend, IIldwllrd Cro". R. U" 1, W ~yoellVllle. U1110. jill I II lilll~ tho CA IlHe f or, lhe dlloree, lil' i1011't tho Ohrlstlnn forC<!p nplflSyro p, 12.25" 1I1llloD, ·W. of lll ' counh'), I'pen'k ond SupprClCt , M J3rrlll&fd, R D.. 1. Wayolll· th is ()\,1I? vllte, Ohio. " . -. ' JIB pl ~
A l
,FUI\! of Mo.{
I'A'fRICJTI{iM, t;1\? w E LL I'I,L. (jIVE ALL '~\"( ME 'TD T HE P~R"T''''I
.... T HE MIAM I
G A Z E T T E.... IfF 1 ===;:::=:==;11\
~ ~~.e~4 a~ ,ho P" .~ lice at WaYDllilvUle. Ulllo . 01 Hecoad
-Grl·p e!.
M.,I MaL~el
D. L. CP ANE, Editor aud Publisher . . Waynebvi lle, O hio SubscriDtion Price. :&1.50 pe r year
It is a winter plague which c1aiJll5 thousands every season.
WEDN ESD AY. JANUAfi-Y- I-6. 1924
'11 saengtheu you agnin5t
Orlppe. lIlld if}'Qu h'lve h:ld it, &ott's will restore your strength faster than :lny other medicine.
f!?d:~U;t;1I= nrro OA·.
~~ott's is Just Blood·Food
This is the ~casoo when political bosses of all parties begin 10 paint their parli('3 in glowing colors, for thc mOHt pa l·t ill upPl'oved cllmouflage. Tho first ev id e~('o of such ac t ivity was cvi~ellced when tho s1airl New YOI'k T imes, which han d les "all tho ncws that's fit to print," g l'avely announced reccntly that North Dakota had "0 ted 50,379 in favor of President Coolio.lgo and 27,340 for .10hnsoo. The figures gave heart to th e Cooli llge men and P.nBt a damper on those who favor ed the mlln from' the West. So fllr 80 good. The people, hOll'r"· 01·, nre not told that these fgurc8 came nB the result of a ";, ' proposal couvention," OM of those delightful little invent ions of tbe political bOBS flamed chiefly for purpoaes of propaganda. It is iDteresting to note that the members of the" state proposal cODvention" are self-appointed agents of the old guard. More interesting, however, is the manner in which they arrive at their tow vote. One gentleman arisC8 and states he comes from a district which nominally polla 11',000 votes. Therefo rc, he casts th<Jst- 15,000 votes for Coolidge, or Johnson liS the case may be. Another member arises and .. coming from a distl'ict having 10,000 votoa, II be casts 10,000 for tho man h e has beon directed by the bosses to IlUPpOrt. These 15,000 and 10,000 voters have not authorized delegates to vote f IJ I' them . They have never even expressed themHelves 00 tbe qll estion. But t he secretary of the cOllvention adds the figures 88 voted 1l11d tbo r esult is seriously given out to the country as tho voice of the state. In this ease there was recorded a sweeping victory for Coolid ge. It might, with equal absurdi ty, have beeD declared a Bweeping victory for JohnsQn. It j ~ political frauds of this character th~t are causing thc rapid spread of so-called independence in politics, and it is truly unfortunate when responsible newspapers lond thernsch'e~ • to such publie deception. After~. regardless of their polilical leanings, the people want to know the truth, not to be deceived.
In t.oresr
or II,, · "" rt~· .
hut wh'll ,.
II "'"
Rlblet, from GaUOI1, 0bI0, bad ....,. rlaht to-but IldD't. lublet'8 f.tber owned a .~ In 0111011 and cooldD't mako It pay. m. family wo.re iD abJeet pavert;)'. 'bIkeu from ecbool wben • llDan cbUd" be .tarted u a tretabt train coupler In the ;yard. of. GaUon. •Then ' he became a vender ot CIJId)' on a train tram Or6!lUlne to IndlaDapaJ\a. Next be Ilred a loc!o:m.ot1ve aDd then. became lin .englpeer boldlng hIa jolo eleven yeani. Be bnUt • abanty to Uve In and apeDt halt of each -Dleht ltud)'tnar boW to mate more mooey, and ItBtTlng IWDIelt to 88ve eVery peou. Tben he went to Cleveland and u a tree luee J;rIed to aeU real estate. Be bit UPOD a Dovel scheme of tat1Dc an optiOD 00 a lot, tradluK tbe lot tor a trrOCI!ry ' etore, developIng the It.oft and 8eI1tnar It. BiB prolltll were meagre but the)' were prollta. . With them he bought a half Intereat In • 11'1'ery etable, peylng ~ down. Be touud hlmeett bandlcapped b1 • competitive Uver)' man, 80 with tbree cit)' loti bou,ht QIl optloo he traded tI '!' for his COLD_ petltor'a buliDeU ,.nd him notes In a4dlt1on. ,\ Ith the prollts from both atl biN b'8 took up the option. and boullbt more relll estll to on optiOD. Then rub/at took • OO-year lea.. 00 land next to a big hotel, . erected a IIve-etol'1 1I'\'e1'1 bal'1l aDd doobled hla Income. . WbeD hla wite'l he.ttll failed he 8014 out and wfIDt to Arizona, Uvlng there tbrae years, then returned to Cleveland. Be made plnns to erect tbe llnelt 'garaBe fn town bnt atopped to haY. bla plctufe taken. Becolnlng Intet'elted In pbotogt'apbJ ~e . weot acrou the 8treet, rented • store Wred the phOtOlf'llpber', clerk who had walted on blm. to run It. and ~tarted to do bOldD9Il8. It became ~1'1 tor him to hire nix uslstnn t8. . el.~.... Recently Rlblet beC8m~ Intereste4 In Texas 011 11' _ no Strue,I oU tbe ftnt nbot at ISOO feet. Ho UlIIl4! • ~ar argument I~ securing ltal He Imprefl8l!d U\101I' each IDvestor that tbe ria" th~ raD was =at. . He 8Uggeeted tllat eacll one put In only what be could atrord to lOBe In calIO of failure. til . Toda)' Rlblet II a well p..-rved man of IBVeDt¥-aDe, ~d 18 wor ODe mWloD dolllll'll. '
Mre. Mar; Ma1'lhall aDd M1'I. ..ella Wbarton were DaytOD vial. 'Otll Wed"e.<!a)' . Mad~mea Leora B,rgdall, Eva Graham and Lilla AJhrlgb\ IIpent I'\ .. ~urday In the <ieLn Ui\y . Mrft Xloyd H.. vll~e waa oalled to WIII' nll~vl lJ e 'I'buradlAY by 'be dedb vI hl1T hither. Mr Will Dinwiddie. Mr lInd Mrs Wilbur Clark aHeDti",1 Ih .. I? .. rru r. Club Thund&y Ilt 111<' IIl lllle I) f Mr. lind Mrs. Ch&rl e~ Houg b
1 ....
GEORGE KIBBE TURNER liIultrnlions by I,wio My."
3100.......... --...... 1I11111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111ir CoPYright MeLropoll lan Newl papcr ~ rvice
'HII !d!lt'l-Cd ttll!", h i~ !lund III Ul'i ll't l II i: lu'y- rlnJ:. tllld JI JIg-III ('am£! Into hi s \' YP. rl 'h ~ r'~ " 'II.s "I\\'U~ K of l'o llrs(> Ihnt kp.r .Ir t il l' Side dflul" I.lIt l )ll' hll l (\ I' II I ,. y useu IJl>r80llUlly h~ IIi " U rII'll' w ll t· n It ~ WI1S lI yIII~. rill' il lS Il W II Illys l ~ r fO Il I"\ t'x ll:{ nlld Cllttallj'p)o:, Hilt! f ()r tlU' f-' lltI'H IIt 'f' S of h i" 1j('l' lIlllIr ,,,,, I !Juri lelllllr ,' 1 'Itor)l which 10 I,n '" ght dlrPI·!.Iy Inl lois Anll II !'I hf'
III ont.' POl'll' "
JI 1"1\' 1\ U' ullie'\! on till' MCCOlld 11,, 01·. I'" l'en1l'1111ll're d tnk lnl! lh~ key In his Io " nol 11 1111 oillY wl1l'n lois IInele 1(1I\'e It In 101"'- 1lor· k p ,''" " s or his SIItlsrlll'II,," In ~11 "1\" thlll Ih " uld Onll n. eh'r ~n rar I.rlls I, ·1I 10 1111 us In g-I ve him 110111 v~r r s p ed :" ke ~' of Ills ow n IIrl. "lite door. I The key to Ih l' frOll 1 door he hud II nlu rally: th ~ t II'II R h is bome In thos Iinys jusl II fte .. lob "\\"11 p eu' role 101111 eIll'll-Ihose ye'lr~ II(' I\'IiS In Ylile h crore hlR r Oil 'In's mnr rl" l:e. Thai Iluor. Ihe spcrel "e.-snLl ul en· lrun ee nf llop 111,1 ti ll:III ·Ier. 11'11 VI·oh· IIblv "" 11',,11 "(I\\,-Illil cell hc hnd IWI;rd S()-I II III'.~ .111:\1 r Ii lol g stil i IWlll n k ey 10 It . Al10J Ir '>>-If nuy· tlollll: st nllll:" III' si nister hn ll luh en 11111 1" 11'1110111 I hllt h"U'J'--IlNC \\'1I ~ Ibe III CIIIIS or S"'i l1J: Ii fu r hl "'~cl f. Af le r nil. h e had n.,ver IlI!l'n Illlltr.! of hl ~ und e's mi nd IIhUll1 J usller lI ull:. He I!'I'ClIt
hod never grenlly trusted h!:!! . His decision wu s 111 II lie no\\'; Ioe wOli ld hIk e tho· dllllll"!! null SCI! th O' ~lrllaLlo D for hlm,,·rr. WH~
t hl :;o; n ' s lJh-(,.
' " wn whloh they reoenSly purMr ROllloll . M rl'. A Ii 00 Ber r y hill. 01 near \V Il VIl f1R Vl lie W8R t be t:! uD.II\Y dinner ~11~ ~t uf Mr Ilud Mrs . Il'rank Rog. ." .. nti Mrs E:D08 Ro~err . Rolph J Obtl., wi\b bill Boh ool rr Ilok , had 10llle dltlloul'l oro.llnr thu hi gh water' at Corwin .llI lt week flnrl had make Be ver .. 1 trips ~rnand by R"lmnua. M r 8. Emma Laoy returned home Mondl\v .. hllr I! peDdlDg 800uple at "'Oto HR with h",r lion. Walter Laoy ,111(1 wlt'e in D lIoy~o n. who are rejolo. In g (Iver t he .. rrlvllI of a daughtel' born ,Iunuary I;. Friends herEl reoei veel word 18Bt \V l'ek trorn Mr. aDd ..tn. Chas. 1;lurk of tbelr arrlVlAI In Florida, I lillY first 8\opped as DelAnd .. nd v-;::rr;.'il·t be J.,lIney ·B . TlieD were o.ng to !:I':- Pe te rebllr~ where the, will M[lBnd .noat 01 their $lme. '.: ' ';A camber of friend. or ~r. and MIt! W .. lter Kenrlok tendered her q li le a lI urprllle. Bdurday evenlnlJ, renJlnillng her of her fiO~h blr'bday . r hf" fl ft'lIlr waS 1.,IIlDned and oarrled ',uf. by Mr aOll Mrs. W. G Oalnes, '1~ .!I~tOfd by Mr . and Mrs. JOIIepb H ' ''M~ I. 1'hs oompllny pre8en ted " ~. Kl! nriok \VI ~h to beautiful floor ' 1U 1' of tbe po1.vorome style, aDd It wlI'S .muob .. ppueolated . Masio Bud Dllm " r OU8 Kllmos wblob WerA hOKe. IV " " joYfld by .. 11. were Indulged ID I1l1 f·II a late bour. tirlok loe ore .. m with Ih e figur e 50, aod ollke .... ele . ~ v",1 Ih .. foll o wlnK gnBlltB: Mr. I\ ,rl ~Ir" Wilber . Clark, Mr. and \I ,~ \U.... r t ' t" ny, Mr . "lid \Ira C. I~ . .Iuhue, Mr. "IIU Mr!l C . W . Cox \1 , ""oJ M,rs Harty McGlnnh', Mr,
WI' lIlay tI~~ 1Itn (l,
l: II "" 10 AII ~ln lll " Lillll \· t!r~' II 'I"loI"n ~ I ll rl llll:: ,hoci,- -uw 1I 1111!411111 :-;il!ill I)r rl:f" lhllll- , .,r ll(! r !nte wh ich n ight
, .
stud ,\'
ti l
The Studded Te is equally good and equ~y economical for repairing old fences or buddmg new ones. Come in and see this i1eW RED TOP. You must see it and handle it to appreciate how good a post it really is.
We have a good stock of RED TOPS on hand and can take caTe of YOUT . needs without delay.
Of condition af the HarveY8bu~g National Bank at HarveY!lburg, In the State of Ohio. at the close of business, on Dec SI, 1923. RESOURCES Loano aDd Olllcouata ... ad. 78 1.10 I GG,7R I 10 OYeniratt. . . . . . .. .. . • . .. . .. . .. 78. ~u U .8. GonrDm ..o\ lIecurltl .. o..noo O.poellOed t o oecureelrculetloD (U. 8 . bood. PI>I' nlue) .. . •.. Don. All otber U. 8. GOwtrllilleDt 1Iecurttl...... . . .. .... .. . .. a2l. 88 •. nd.G 8 Otber bondo .•I.ocb._urltl.....tc. 21.100.00 J'urDltun aud flatu. .. , . . . . . . . . 2.661. 16 . . . . . .~01flled other tban blUlllJIII hOu.oe .• ••• • •..•• , .. . ~rv .. wltb Bedval Re-
1.IOU. 00
........ Baak .. . .. ,. . . ......... Ouh In vault aod amou.t due
from oatlooa l bann .. . .' . ..... a.66t. 71 cub ltema .. . 167 .6e 161.66 eueu. II Uly ... . • ... • . , . . ~~
TI", I ii iI,·
h : t!If)on ~ IJI'IJlJ; solt1 -til )" I I II' ' I" ,·pl,, ' !lr ;.:l\O('n .1 \\ fty wJU I
Total. .... . . ... ............ 1108. 887.02 · LIABI L ITIES
pun·IIi!!'i" .,
~ ' :llIr l
~I\' ..
lW I, .crput
Oap1\&1.tock paid 10 ...... . ..... 125.000.00 thrill ~ I" lilt-, rOlin, fnlks,-"nr'l! \'IIII'll Burpll1l fund . .. . " . . . •. . . . . . . . 2. 500. 00 they ex p llr ltl :: r:ll ld l ~' 1Iull nre w.lon UDdlYieled proftU •••••••• Oet.DB
~~:::I.~I.. ~~~~ .. ~~?~~t.. ~
o.\llIca"," ot depoe" dUI to lou tbUl ao do,.. (other tbaa tor mo...'1 borrowed) . .. •...... ..
the,)' h,li''' .
'l'h~ llIlI\' NlI ltl p hl ~irl f',
----- ..---
'1EP.'; EVEN \ WA,TCM 15
"Save by buying in WaYbenille."
"Adelulde," h ~, ~Illd, nIHI YIIIIII!t.I fllu t l\IlIlle of a lifetime', clo.e~ llcqu.lnt. anee. . But she herself was occupied for tbe moment nt Ule collar ot Race, wbo lIueh Umes, though u8uaUy Blient wun Incllnell to be enremely bU81beulike. "Allelttirle." the @t ronger ,8Illd a,aln. -and she wus now aBtonl.hed even· more tllnn she wus atrllld, for thl. mnn very deqrly 1188umed tbat .be
must lUlU,," him.
"'l'he old key I" he 88ld, boldlol out bls key-rln". . "Your fother'. prlvate . entrance I" J Adelalde . Rutherford 11'.1 Dot me.... . " 11 'lIurPrlsed now_he greati7 em· burrllsaed. ,Who wa. this mou with • prl Vtltl! key hi 'ber own bOUle t. Oo~ld It be-ebe uk.eel" herselt w.Itl\ • aeue almost of. .t.rlillit. , ,.you a~" be uleI, .... If ,Ob dl~ !lot !mow 1118 t" ADd DOW. wben .zs. bad come the strollPI' lIpt .... bad tumed 00 tbe room, bla . . . 1mIt\UlHd bel' III • ~8l'1 ......
HALL'S CATARRH l\{EDIC1JolE hal he,·n used Bucc"".rully In the treatment
orH<;.:'~'i.::~I.C ATARRH
MEDIOINE con· !If nn Oliltm en t which QuiCkly Roll ,·os b)' 10cIII apl>lIcation. anct the Inl orn n l lIfedl c lne. n. '1'onlo. which actIO Ihrough Lho Blood on the Mueoul 1llaJ;r Blo t9
Sold by n il druggist.. F. :1. Cheney It Co., Toledo, OhIo.
To&a1 0 lI.mo 28. 27. 28. U. 80 and II . ......... . ... 80 087 . ~' _ __
Dr. John W . . Miller
To\&l ..........•....•.•.•. . 1108.687. 02
8egtDDtDIf at 10 o'olook, tbe follow. IDS property: Tbir'eeD hone. 14 head oa&&le,22 ho... 'arlJliD, lmplemeD&8 aDd 10& hOUHbold Roodl. See bill bi1l. FRANK SAMt4. Sealn & MoNen, ADMa.
-------.. ..
For .... Olleloth. Ollclotb Ihould be wJllhed wltb ",.rm wa~r, to wWeh II Illlle starch (made wltb bolllnl!: waterj hIS beeD added. Soap abould on DO aCCouDt be
Waynesville. Telephone 114,
At Cary's ·Jewelry Shop
Thunday, January 17. 1924,
SIll' \\":lS. not 1I11n n tl~rnl1y, 8l1l' IW1~lld WIo,' 11 tI,t' !lour was tlnllily opr ll O<i. " I the ~ I g il t l1f a tull Bn d ru I h ' I' hunuso fllt! 81rallger stn ndJng WlI ll' hltl j,( . hCI' with nn nllliised nnd
(n ce80~ thu s reducing t he InflammatloD.
Every Tuesday
r~I :l xetl.
Ba lloon •.
~ c=~ ~w.~' I~~~t:.
I ,~
tnt o lht' r"O"'! l. ttlff , ,:!'rnJ:;(l l1Jlon Ir. k lltd. ill~ h!t< l\r~1 IIp pns lllJ! und then
CHARTER NO . 11617
---_.-_......- --
• thougbtfUl IpoIJll!19111, o~d .Jim decla. . ; ~~ever aroun., the booae, be'l one of · ber etI~1a1 cares. She crltl~ how I\e CheW8 an' batl!ll to ._ bJII ,whlllke1'l crow ' ~be' tuuea late . a bout lill- Ib.o e"-l!be Ukes to _ .'em shine, ),e ltno,... " Sbe lov" to _ ber bubby work, and bring the tOothsome baoon in, !lut hi must ea,t It with bI. tork, and not apnt gravy on bla Sbe ootlcea It 00 hill b~t11 there aiu't the lcent ot new-mown 1l1Y--why, It would pester me to' dea'th to brl!llh teetb six times a CIa.V I , . . . Jim Ukee read tbe .!laper some-of eve~ril'll 111 rockln' ch!l.\r,~tt\l .~ ."~~t. be get comb au' uke the att'aw'8er!1\ tront hlltf.: • . . Sbe recOmmendll a cblllf'batb , each nlght·· ,rore . be !lltII , the ,ba),,-llIId registlll'8 n · sbow ' of . wrath, OD .,litlW he lItO\v" hts ·010110 11"1'1))' •. • ' . • I'U lay tbey are ao 'ldeal lltIl'· ·''Y.eeHonate:-:-ian' JWhtl;y " mated ..•. } Tf" , voqidD!fbe:'ne ' dl~rd . tllere• Jt0 lJlJe :cOul .. .ceep -.JIm. Ire.ulltteil. 0'" .
This is the t ~ PI"' of post all manufacturex:s have f or y ',I r;o; Ill\.'n trying to produce, btltIt was ~i\'en II' } :-IS impossible. A RED TOP engi;lcer 11: d to tli~(l)ver a new principle in rolling ~ . . IX'jull! he could make this Studd ~d ·ll!l·. BL t don't get the idea that it's a ll (' XjK' llsi\ l' po,. t. This new kED 'fOr costs less than the better grade of wood posts and lasts twice as long. lL aclu ~l1 ly Cllsts considerably less set in the knee line. It's the greatest value ever of[ereu in a fence post.
Nlit DI uoh neW8 shla week. a. fll'. eryblldy III elok The MoKay famllle8 s pent !:lunda), in Wilmington t\ 81lrlflR of lDeetln~tI are 10 pro,rf'!\8 Ilt Olive Branoh. Th. Prl"Olll .. OIDb mot wltb Mn. ~II b.-I Terry Wedue8dlAY afternOOD Barry CHDe and Gall GordoD went UlnOlnDaU OD bUllne8s, Mooday .
Lasts Longer
I4n. Mary~Bawke pa888d ""ay at tbe bome of Der 10D. ClUf, !:Iuoday mornlnK. Tbe tuoeral 81! beld Tuea day IJIlJrDIDg .. t : tbe M . E. ohuroh IDterml!n lI D,Mii.mlollmeter,. IIr. and Mr•• Boward <iraham en'ertaloed at 'heir b8l1utlfulooun'ry bome Sunday eventn/l to a .ix o 'olook diDDer. tna:\Bun'f1 BouDd • olob. Tbose preaen' were Joe Da. vie and. fllmllv. Sabin MoDonald .nd family. Will Kersey and family , C. E. Levloy and the MlelY 8elen, KaSbleen anti Nellie Graham.
tlu' hllf'\, of the
TOP Double
Cost Less in Fence
Dentist ITATB OF 0 1110. WARREN OOUNTY.SS: I H STucker Oubl_ ot tbe .bo ve Waynesville National Bank Bldg I u d ~l r~ Win . Brf) Wll, M r~ . i dtlrv ouDed ·buk. do .olomoly .wear tba~ tbe abo. . .tatameot Ie true ~ the ot my !'ll"'('1111 J1 "flr 1~ ', 0'0\ II j" n l u ~ frum ill I."U UII V . M .. IIlnll 1\l r 8 ~~r " It ROli\,,1ft., U~ o.:!al' 11llS:-:j 1tl hy , IaIowledp loUd belleh. 8. Tucker. Oullier. Subecdbed anel ."ora ~ betore m. tllil "I\i'" p ... 1ill. 1~, I;.r:-:," .. lip slIt d, owl "I~. Mr. nnd M r ~ . GuyR "I)lshn, .tb day oU&D. 1826. W . A. Merritt , .. /I dHu .. bt.ar. Mr . Kud M .. ~. AileD toOlnp111'd IL t· dd!!' !S :o:low ~nl\\ lInJ:, Oo.rect An ...t: Nota.., Public. .\fl'·I· :oil tl lid h 10(· nil" IIf 110 1' ~Il\l' I ' :k uud dnlflgl.Lt.lU, Mr a I Mrs. O. D.OOOK !i= er\'::nt f'i ::t ~n(' In 0j.] (_ Itr·r.- for , nllH' 13 ,' 1) li uwlil! IlIlll olllidran . lootr!'. MIA. A. S. COLLETT r eUSIIi t. ~II, · !-ollUPI'f'd (In I I I(' ltJ.:ht In O. 11:. LBI.IOY Dlrecto... Uw Jil l! 1'01 1,' 111 fl" 1'1 1"\' ollt:-i tie hutron '" t·o P ~t!y. MH" . and Mrs. Ke881f1r The Eye Sight Specialist lind PII ~Io ('11 1'''1'1, rh.. pa l'll) OI'l'll doo r Hrult .. m ~ud dl\u~ httl r . Mr and ~I r • . Clyde Wb u.rtu n lAod rll~l1r. M I'. !l ud Mrs. Ultlfeuoe ~D1I'h, Mr. Pub~ic Lebanon, Ohio .. nll Mrll J. B. Jones. Mr and Mrs. ::I. H H .. lne~, MI~Bes Mlldr~ . Murg"T8 'lArk and Cle,) I::lt ..oy. aDd Bavln/Z '~ oldtld to qua farming. 8:00 a, m, to " p. 11\ M ,."s r .... 'rberle JODes, MOr rill Whir. I will aell "t publlo a Dotlon at my t ll U IIU rt James d ltlDes"all of Lytle; nlltden08, :l miles 80utb of WaynesHAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Mr tlnd Mfl'. W. <i Halne& anel ville '" mUas north of Oregonia. 1 mile 'elln or 'be old Teleg raph 14111, olltl,il''''IJ, "i l:S ~l moDt. Mr, aDa MI1I ODe b~1f mile wei' of 'be W. E , ..I"" .. ph Gr ~l!. i and Gaugb!er .Dd O'Neall farm, 00 MI· Alt , .,d Ouln!?s. of Dayton: fn t lu 'J"s J.!I' I ~; t
pl,.;t-the l ~[': [)
g ~Ir f
ce Post
Stutldt.:(i Tl't.:. 1\(1 holes to weaken post eIther abOVe or beld\\' t:J\.!!-, round - proved strong· er tban all lll. 'l r iJU::il ' at all points by severest te..,ts. fJl It: n~'w finish and sturdier anchor plat . ;:';cw staple that is stronger and easier to <lpply.
7. " cln ugb to r
··h,....." from
h and __ e in this'
Mn. Wm. Moon II some baUer at this writing Mrs Jllmea C.esswell. 01 Well. man Delghborhood, II" very III with heart 'rouble. Mu. WIJ\lIIm Lukens Is 8tlll In i he Dayton h08pltnl I'u u very ~e rt0 0 1< oondl ·!on. Mra Bpro CA rr nnd I·WO dnught3r8 lire epenrllug 1I few weeks with ber m oSber, Mra. Vhall Edwards. Mr! . Debonh Dakin anll Master Rlohard Dllvis were Hunday gues~a of Mr. and Mr8. Frank Shld .. ker. Mra. i5adle Reaaen is h 'peDdlDg 14 thla week wl'h her daug \er, rII Earl Roolilltt, of Dear WaynelVllIe
Alfred Edwarda la a\lll Ilowly Improvlog .
F raDoi@.at MlamIGuaKllaaredololablgbualne.fl , , ! V"llllY I:\os plt .. l. ~ow lIelllDK ohalnH aud p~IIIDK pe aJo~r "rB' lind RHI[lb Arohdeaoon pIli 10 ailioe WII have had 110 mooh § \\'t'r A CI"llol1 to !::iprlDgboro Inst wedk ICII find IIDOW. I r ib e Ir m other, MrR. Tbe ~ number of theleo\ure : I I1.1' 1/1 0 J SlltlO : Wr ntok Arohdell1101l . OODrae Will be giveD nex' SatDrdilY ... od MrA. BeD .lames moved nlgM .. JaDuary 111, d Town hall , the 1".1 \veek to thei r De w h ume lIouth <irllwold Duo . == __ :--
-"': :=:1
Frank 0
• -
"111' ~ '~'''lI-' III'~ Il('II ~hh.d !I I
)6U Ne.rI NoT", UJftli
I ''''· ~' .<
. .
~J § ~.~ i'.;.r..
York's (In'·ornor. "Ollr AI." Rurel.I' hOR mOele 0 1"" 'Rtrll, o In to th~ • "rlslnttu'p, hy "11\t1n~ Ihll t Ill(' Itlt .. r,'s l of Ih(> I'nhl t<.
1\ 1101·01 th{lIl ~ ' . I .
I. gored!
nlUst COInl' Ilerllrc .
,: . . ., r,(' l "
. Tru.st ~
Tho (lI!<lVlo would like to bn ..e the eoldler8 get a bonllH. At tile 88me time they would Uke taxes re4ueed. At the SU IDI! tIme they would like to keep on lIOaklng tbe rich througb l.al:utJon. How much rlel 'I'lIlls
m OllsujJ:o
BiU ll .J.~ _:_=!~:- I],~I
Now coml!ll a Dew tbreatened l!onrt battle over the llropo~ed r(>'en~e trom an Insane Bsylum of Harry Thaw, sloyer ot Stau rortl White. Tbaw 11118 done very nicely ~hll'C ~ bas been In the 88yluDI RDd SD I1s '·e the lJeOllle. 'l:he ",ol·ld CDU still get along without disturbing Un: eE.istilig condition.
!llr . und Mrs . A . U. 'l'hompBon ltluve tble week for F lorldB, where Ib es Will apend the remainder of th,' wln ler . :" :7"U ""' JOn " 'I1 H I li 1%11'111 IItIUII 1!. ::io""' ... ",... ",a ........ "" ...,_ _ _- . ...";1 : Horn to Mr . alld Mrs Morrla MiI=~ if: I r . of Roatt! 4. Monday, January '.
Political Camouflage
011 \\'11090 OX
Fore at T 'M attin fI
. I'
Get my terms for your Pu·Wic Sale. 1 satisfy and save you lDoney or no charges.
Walter McClure
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio
Home Phone 2, CeotervllleEx.
Wayne8Yllie. Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Servi~e .
Large Display Room TELEPHONE
Waynesville, Ohio ' National Bank
MONEY MONEY MONEY Something we all need and something, we all use, today, tomorrow and next year. See to it, then, that your , dis· carded tools and other things you have no use',£or' are .put -on' th~ market. fo'r . some one e.lse to have and use and you: get the money for them. . For beat reaulta, try"
The Miami Que
Oar Demonstration?
Showing how Oil may be adjusted t o the motor bv using The Gnat Balso
We can show you more ab()ut pracLical Lubrica· tion in Thirty Minutes than others have done in Thirty Years. look it over.
., C
Dro p in and
Buckeye Incubators and Brooders
Oliver Sulky Plows Oliver Hand Plows Oliver Disc Harrows Hand Made Harness
.\ .
~ 5.
OD ltlIlr, In ) illS. b, Cllillrles
VID of France Is " ,ml'lIonl,. called tb'e Dark aces. Learl. II I! 1,10<'1 AnI! were ....eete4. 'l:'be RenalRennce fnllowe4.
I " - ,t .. \ nJ
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your pur ..
H u .unc r und
1,.)[ :•.
And Farm Machinery
Last week the Pat r iot o ttlce Rev. and 1r~. J , J SchaeITe r . Mr~' escaped w hat might have bl'en IJ serious fire . An uve rh eated s tove W(>lIe r and 111 r a J e~~ i", 'ch lleffe r, of on the second Roor of the bu ild inlZ Day t Oll, ~ e:t Sl.Il u rJ a,y a ft ernoon for cauRed th ~ fire to break out. Fire. : New Yo rk, w he r: they embar k ed on men workell hua d t o slIve the b uild- , th IY f u~ mt>IIt1~I~ t ~l~P 0dro und t he ing and t he office w as dllmul{ed only :",orld . 1 1~ t'Y ~a\ e I UCR ay m or n· by water and th ey were able to gl' t 11114. IIT11I Wi ll make Ihe first st op lit ' '\ CUb l1 lh e nce through lhe Pan ama e on l im e. au t th.e_ PAP . _ _r _ _ _ _ _ _ Cnulil allll ~" on . 'j' lH'Y WI' 11 b e III Jerusa lem {l'n J:: 1I~ t e r r1 , y , Mr. Jo y of t he Worl.. !John Rose r fo rm er ly o f Waynes· On III,· :"WI!I' 11"' ,'1 • • I"'I·~ I~ n o ville. will al~o make:' t\~ e t ril'. '
-----------------------------------------------~ ~t 4~nt
AT O. S. U.
Bibla S chool 9:30 ' a. m . P reach· Former's week will be obllerved at inl! n ext ,'lI nday morning b y Rev. th e O . S . U .• C lu mb us , this year T . M , Sca r ff a t 11 :00 a . m , E ve r y· February " to 8. Rail rolld rlltes buj y cord ially invited Lo lhese ser· will be r educed lo r t hi s g a l hllring, vit'ef.! . Perry T ho mas. Supt. nd t.he m UTllIgcr" lIdvi~e buyi ng one. way li ch.t,!t~. \\ hen ' the fare is ST. ), ARY':; CH U ~C H more than (ii cc nl ~ . hut th,,), mU>lt Second Sunday aft ' l' Epivha ny , ask llH;, ir lk l,.,. t a~." 'n\ fur n cer tifi· January :lll, Chu :~ h ' chou l at 9:30, ca lo!. On uu y in):: il wir r"t urn ti cket Morn ing Prbye r a n d scrmon. Mr. an d showill~~ t hei r r r t iticate the Ralph L I) , oRid t ing EVt' ryuod v red uced f nr (' cu n h., (,ulu ilWtl . Th \l~l! wh o I nv C' .. Itln d ed th eir COl di ally inv ileo to lhl'se sen- ices. meetings kn o w wh!ll Ilood can b e obt ain t:'<i f rom th ~II', :tlIJ there is ME1 HODIST CHURCH li n dou bt. b ll t t haI ",vc',:11 will nt· Sabbat h School , 9;lfi .. . In , pr('achtl!mj from II i~ 10",,111\ ing a t JO ::{U a. m . W 'dn cscluy e ven· 1 j' til I\t lilt' . ' \111 1' II. ll' · N, ' \V~ pl\ p"'r ' ing aerv il' . 7 :00 fl III ', pwo r . , League 6: 15 p ili; 1)1'l'achin~ at i:OC 1 \V \!ck SIll'W " i I h,' \" ,' .1 atft he () :-i , p. m . Ev o: r yuod y is cordi II ), invill'd ' U. Ther", II til b(' i'n l"~ f ,lI' ditrer· ent l' l a "'Hl'3 ,[ Ih" ,hu N. At the to these "l! r vice, Rev . I . A. W I\~hbllrn, I'nslor. Slim e tillll' t he ilu r k" Yl' I'rl'~B Asso· ('iuti"n nnd th e ,\ ""nt' iatl,d Ohio \ DRil i€~ will me .. l at " " lurnuu8 ,
Waynesville, Ohio
perl~h:a~:;kr~,~,~he 11Ivnston I'nuce by C10 h!. In 1o the
--- ------
System and the B!11so Balanced Automotive
Hardware Harness
k§ ~~;}s fARMER'S WEEK
Have Voo Seen
n d O(1 tu l lll n ; lI ur sl' ln .... iI .II ~lI t' ~ un:. II I
You ~~.d: ~1 Y" ' I ~ 'i~'!~:' ~';\r Yr u f', I~ am~~ ..., to :)~~ a f'm:lt1 c!i!p06it d n \l.'!l~ lilkl' ~ I r ' " I ~, ")\.~ ir" , :v p ~ l hl.· •• b. r. ) 0 11 C~"l hu y o n tho F o rM \ V L"t ·L: ' P ':.. ( p I'lI T" ,I I I H! " I II 0 11 the p~fC'rn..>d ordc·r and In.. .... r.;..; JI!J,','." ! )nu t C<1 : ,,' " Uf.lC 10 b! t!..!U,!rn:ined oy , 'ourkl1.
)Waynesville Motor Company
Earl Spenrer resigned bis position ol.lths wil li fllllUrf' . W t." a l' · OUI for ' u NO. :z22o as County Surveyor last wl'tok and good tl U I f-> I1 l1d ge1 110 l'l."~ ll"n ~l.' : • , ' j F d "',~ U~ KI£6es. I Oaear P. Monfort, who served Bev- but ti m t~) W~C " t tl.u I.wll~r le.el 1" 1 1~p li.. o. ~ ". lll ~dO' •• klsse~ A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eral years as8urVaYOr. was appoin- joy- tll e JIOy or Ihe 1" Ii''''''r wlt o hilS k ~ I" II", d: 1'1;, '1'1 " , Ids. of t he pool 8hould .Iow Down. Of the Condition of the Waynesfound III _ lI·Ol'k . ',f Il,,· II" 'r \\'1 ' L1 h". b~i~s. A "I Ill. rh.· !Jee~er. :;toleD T eet Vour Diamonds. The IdDd of mnn wltn t. al>"" ),8 10 a ted in his stead. Mr. Spencer. who ville National Bank ' at W&yDeeBeen his lll) )l't"t I)r t i ll' t,,' rn wll (1 la ll~ .. hi • 1'1: ' ",,,,<18 feel mu rll po l.l" r to the bum la Ihl e tn da8h post 0 cood vine In the State Ohio, at the h~ made ,good officer, will attend reedv d 11\" "" ;," "1",,1,,,,,- 1. I' ..Iud". ' klMses, ru np ' " Ihun do pn"tp or c·lnI". thlna: wltbout RHloC IL eJoea Of bWdneas. Dec ~l. 1928. dental college.
BaaOUBO&a. IDcIadIu ~....... . . " .......I . ' ....of~ •••••• __;..... bUIU ..... toDd
,M R. FA"EMER '-~--------~
K. I!:. ThompsoD. the noted ~pot. -1IiIiIii lIIIerll_, .. oo ~r:o 111.1".00 OIW·....... .r.odIa,. -=artu.. .-coo ... , .... "00.... .. 1f1.116. 01 ted Poland-China hog man. had the
a -.,: ........... oo ........ .,.....1..,..00. .. ~ ...... .-....a:Be- .
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PPLIJ;S-WlnSK&P Will e Pip. ! pill . Rome Be~ nty . " lid B" II ' Uav.~ .1, L Msodl'nh"lI . ph roull 7411 .:/-1, Waynesville, Oblo, j~ ;l I". .-=m____________• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• - - - - -,- ----_.
Phone 90
la-N,*, UICl bin. nd.IIcou.JIaIL of oilier bollb aDd. ionia. billa· '. OI'dn""01d wt&ll _ • oHbIa buill.... l.III'.OO .:.~.~.t.~~ 1'-82 ~_~_
~,~""""""''"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' I
Virginia Lump Coat
p7.00 per ton dellv'ed 6.50 per ton in bin
The Late Classified Adsi
witl b:ri
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him .
papero It
'100.000.00 ~~;,..~~.. .. ....... 10.000.00 .. ~... 111.121.511 OUiON~ 41.700.00 • ~...... ,. .. . ...... ' 10.000.00 ~~II:_ ... 1.8S2.8' _ .....\!llCiIIuIdlaII ,. IUbJlcl_
for the Day. 'tbe ' !/lID ' wh .. Alltrtll ro 'l'"n,,11>1I1 I)' , IOOD Oulls tbnl rl'sllonslhtllty 8\\'nmpR Thoughl
this News_-
~1ourSAle in
'Ed Furnas •
misfortune to 'iose his flne $200 Eng Usb bred sow laal SumJay. She was n,m.4I the only one of the kind in Ohio. and It,m.10 OD'Y three more left in the United States. She was quite a 108s to Mr, 1.110000 Thcmpson . '.011.00
. =- =======~==== We the following farm owne r s --.'~ posltlvelv forbid any hunting or trapping on our farms. Any v iol ~ 'I tion of the same will be prosec ut ed • according to law and to thll f u llest \ extent.
Dayton, Ohio
~..... -: ................. ,&80,811.81
a.... at Ol!!q. Coun'" Qf ~~• •: ' ..... M. B80~.!!!...~ 01 ~'abofto !lamedbuJll.do..oo~_ &ba' ..... bon u vue to \bot of m" Iraowledp ~ L; M, BEND.BBON. ~ labecrlbld uti .WOID to beroro _ ~ ,
::r=t "
a... d.,- at BtlP'«DbIl'. Oonec:$ .A'Cta$1
MahJoD RJ~. 'l iD,.". Publ.c.
S, W. WBITE ELliot! OGLEBBE. W • .,. OUBE DtNctora.
ONE lot
of Winter Hats, good styles and fresh, desirable siocks, Ind uded are fin e velours in sports styles . Hats forlllerly SI O 10 S20, 1I0W 53.95.
CLEARA NCE salcs s we e p on- w i t h m e r· ch a nuise just as fres hl y d esirable , with pri ces j ust fl S en t icing as wh e n the m o nth began ~
DON'T BLAME THE, HEN! Whose fault is 't your hens don't lay eggs? Before , youlblamelthe hen, ask yourself these questions:
Jcrscy Dresses formerly $15. $19.75, and $25, redu ced to
$10.20, $1 4.75, $18.75.
The way to answer "yes" to all four questions is to feed Purina Chicken Chowder and Purina Hen Chow-made and guaranteed by feeding authorities, proved by millions of poultry raisers. Sold in checkerboard bags by
Waynesville Fanners ExchangeCo. .
$12.50 to $25 ~ :,orts Skirts reduced '10 to $15. Sports Coats, self and fur trimmed, ehagmorcs, polaires, c.' II\e l. novel ty plaids and stripes. Formerly $25 to 575, now. $1 'J. 75 t o 549.50. ' 1 Handsome suit Blouses of finest materials, formerly $15;to $25. to $9.95.
1I0W reduc~d
Swea ters at half price. Wools and silk_, tuxedos, slipons, many colora and color combinations. For'mcrly $3.98 to $25, now SI.98 to SIS. Special $1 ChilTon Silk Hose. Shaped ankl e, sea med back, very sheer and clear in weave with necessa ry reinforcements, Black, brown, nude, and gray. '
Logica l, again ; is t h e consequent res ul t tha t co m· munities surrounding D a yton find all roads lead to ' Rike·Kumler's, where m e rchandise of high quality hiyitcs the careful shopper, " Cornelia 0 ff e r s h e r prompt and experienced se rvices to those who find it inconvenient come in :personally and t a ke advantage of ve~y worth-while price reductions.-- Write-€orneHa or , phone Main 430.1 and ,ask
j .clasp Capc Glove, P. K. seam, contrasting stitching. Tan and beaver. Pair '1.95. All wool Union Suits, built·up ahoulder nne! knee length, pure linen lace edge, Sl.79. Same style half wool, $1.69. Boys' gray cotton Ullion Suit, 10llg aieeve, ankle length. Reduced rrom $l and '1.25 to 89c.
'. Misses' fleece lined .u~lon Suits, hiah neck. long sleeves, ankIg length, suit 15c. ' ,
for her,
All Tailored Suits reduced. Those formerly $49.50 to $79.50, nr,e now $39. 50, $49.50 and $59.50.
These January sales offerings are th ~ jogic..'11 re sult of the fac t tha t we are , this month, reducing the largest .and mos t varied stocks this store h as ever carried t hrough the m o nth of December.
1 Am I feeding a proper egg. making ration? 2 Is it manufactured by scientific: authorities? • Am I sure the fffd is always uniforni? 4 it been proved by others in practical tests?
Tailored ' r8.wum silk It~pins, or \ace trimmed with, 61e~ n."d_~~.95 each. '----
Short lots of higher grade pumpa ~d 'oxfords, formerly 18 to 116.50, n!JW ...... '6.85, $9.~. . .
11Iguirt of FIDtmllnlfor L«4IiorI ti II4mI AtlHifiu4
S3 Hair Clippers reduced to '51.50. $1.50 Steel Imported Scissors, $1. $2,2 9
~l a h
Deuel. Sets now $1.95.
$9 fioys ' Pure Wool Mackin aw., 57.95. $8 All Wool Indian Blankets reduced to, $6.N. $4.;5-$4.95 Hat, Scarf Sets, U.9/i. $1. 1),).$2.25 Slipover Sweaters, SI. $2 ,50 Slipovcr Sweaters now $1.29. (Swea ters for 2 to 6.year·olds). Entire Stock of Men's Trousers, 25 per cent Men's Edwing Clapp Shoes, reduced to '9.95• Filted Case9 reduced 10 to 25 per cent. Ha rtmann Wardrobe Trunks, 10 to 25 per cent oft. T'fa\'cling Bags, black and tan leather, 10 'to 25 perc.nt 0&. Men's English Broadcloth Shirts, $1.85.
1"2 uire of Floormen for Location of I/ems Mo.rlis«l
.:!eventY-Sixth Year
COMMERCIA~ CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Colonial Trio Itt new Ilym Friday evenlnll.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stukel left Sunday for an extended visit tbrouib the South.
The Commercial club met at the of Ray Mills Monday evening, where thaladies of the Eaatern Star served an oyater jupper. After the Rupper, Mr. Nichol " of the N. C. R, made a line talk to the club He really told them some things that they ..lready know. but are loathe to imitate His talk was aiong the line of co·operation and helptulneB9 in business life, lind it the club members acton hla sUllgestio~8 the sea· Ron 01 1924 will be a banner year for them. E M. Ollley W88 elected president. Howllrd Archd eacon, Yice·preaident. Fred M. Cule. Ber.tetary and Ross Hartsock. treasurer. The following advertisi ng commit. tee waB named by President Oxley: Memberll Robitzer, Zimmerman, Cole, Madden and Cartwrillht . Many thin,B for thO! good of the dub were talked over. and a com· mittee was appointed -to talk over m ~ tte" brought up and report at the next meeting. The club has taken advantage of the new IIPm and the members are Q'olna to .tart llYm work lIext Mon. dayevenlDIl. Thill will not on II help the members phy.lcally. but will brinK a better condition tor eo·oper· amonll the employers and their clerke. '-
Born-To Mr. and Mrs. IAmle1 Curtis, Sunday. January 20th. a daughter.
Miss Lillie Nellry is vi,iUng reI aIltiv6S near Troy . Mr. and Mra . Frell GonB spent Sat urday in Dayton .
J . O. Cartwrilrht was a bUtiinet18 visitor in Lebanon SaturdKY. Isador Bloch, of Spring Valley. was II bUHiness vitlitor here Fridav, Mr. lind Mrs. Harry Pace apent this week with friends in Dayton. Myer Hyman and famIly spent Sunday with reilitivesin Sprini Valley . Don't mise the nut Lecture course Dumber. Friday nigbt, .at the new aym. J
Mr. and MrlJ. Fair. ot Davton. at. tended Rt. Mary's churcb Sunday morning, ·Advic89 eay the Colonial Trio are headliners. At the new Ilym Frlda1 eveninll.
---------- ._. ...-.--..
Mi. Belle Harner, 01 Xenia. Ie Th_ perlonl who plerlaed money lpendlnr: tht! winter with her father. for the new pmnuium. and have on Route not been 80licited for their pled lie ma., turn this amount over to L, M. MilB Opal Dilvidl apent Saturda1 Hendemn at the Waynelville Na. and ~unday With friends In Wub. tional bank A considerable amount Ington C. H . . uf the total pledare .. outatandin~. and the need of thil money II ul'Irent. Herman Conner and wife lpent It thil amount is collected tn full. Sunday witb Ed Thompaon aud wifll plan. c".i ao forward .toward the ot Lebanon. completion of the ltap and dre.lnlf rooml.- Perhapl! the person who Several fana went to Spring Valaaw ,ou-eoncernlna this pledRe haa ley to ~ the baaht ball aame Sat. not called on you for roll~cUon. II urday evenlnll . thl. be the eue, thoae In chal'lre would ·bE' plel8ed If you would tu rn Little Earl Mlm'denhaU. of D.yton your pl~lle In at the bank. IS luylna here with biB "randpar•• entl for a, few weekI.
Mias Mollie Howland, of · Mlddletown, was a iueet of Mi. Edna Howland over the week.end.
p}.' ncipals in Latest
N eh rl y 400 pl'lI pl("
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Olymptc Favorite
John A. Funkey died at hi" home on Main street Sunday aftern oon about 4 o'clock. after a short illnpS8 from pneumonia, Although he had been declining in the past two years eUlI he made his hesdquarters atl his etore. atter a half century of buaineaeln Waynesville. Comina bere about fifty yearR age he ltarted a smllil dry 1C00ds s tore. and after many chanl{(>.8 in partners he tinally operated the etore py him 11811, and has done 80 throu~h sever. al year8. . Although business after business changed handa in Wayn p.sv ille. Mr Funke, still maintained the s torr. and the reaped of th e buyin g putlic in lind around Way nesville, n'- ! though mil/fortulle ove rtook him several times. The funeral will be hel d this a ft er· noon at 2 o'clock .
"",.,o r
·.v itl!
fuat. Th ~ ti ll ;, I ~ ''''(' W. I~ !" , ,~ The hCCllC HIrai I' ""111,· ,II' wi I the Mil1!nis and I he 1!, ·lIul ""Ir ~I chuntH met hut. L,' a m wori( lll~ Miamis ht!d d~v e l' \ I)(!d was cCJ nlp!t ·" .. Iy dem urnlized by th e wor k , ·f Wri ~ h t and KI !lin er T hi~ p ' r prov d thems Ivus to h e the ro' a powe r of lhl ~ t C<l n1 , The Miam is' mora le was complet.ely ~ halt cred and they s howed litlle or no fight. Th e final scor e was l 4 t o 019 . ' Saturdav night the Miami s j UlIr. neyer! to Sp ring Vnlley and dcf~a t ..d that t eam for lhe secon d ti me t hi~ sl?aso n by th e score of 23 t tl 29
, I.
---_.- ....- --
WOMAN'S AUXILIARY HAPPY HOUR CLUB The r egular meeting of the Wom· ans Auxiliar~ of·St. Mary's church was held on Friday afternoon Janu ary 18 at the home of Mrs. J. ' E. McClure, Mrs. McCiure and Mrs. Bert Hartsock acting as joint host· leases. , Mrs . Cadwallader conducted the devotional service and BII joined in r epeating the 23rd psalm. Scrlptu· ral quotations were given and dues paid in response to roll·call . Election of officers resulted in tbe re election of the old officers Pres· ident, Mrs. Clldwallader. Vice·Pres ident, Mrs, E L. Thomas . Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs Laura H. Mosher, United Thank Offering Treasurer. Mrs. Cadwallader. At the close of the business eession a delightful prog ram was given After a<ljournment a social hour was enjoyed during which delicious refreshmen ts were served by the hostesses IIssisted by Mrs. Wilson Edwards, Mrs, Ronald Hawke and little Mi8~ Mnry Leah Edwards. The following gll "~ t8 were pre!!ent: Mrs. Walter McClure. Mrs . Ida Kel· ' sey , Mrs Lina O"vitt, Mrs . A. T. Wright. Mrs . Cura Macy, Mr8./ Harry Tu rJI ~r ~ nd the little folks, Mary Lel-li llnd Marjorie Ed wards Betty Hartsock and Frank· Hawke.
GIVES ADINNER ,I One week ago last "I:hursday. the Happy Hour Club gave a delightful banquet dinner. hllving as t heir guests. hus bands and other invited Iluests. This dinner was held in t he Granl{e Hall and a program followed given in the lodge room uPlltaira. This club has had several euch din· ners. but this is reported to have been one of the best.
A"o\'e Is Conrt llllld Oillet'. '11\>u\'l" .. II mn n. olJonrd Il yocht with .:\'11 1'\11' \': "11<.'(, (lett) Ilnd Mnhel :'\or· ""'11<1 (rll'ht). Below Is Uiss :'\01" '" IIII( \'S
,.-110 s hot do\\'n Dines In tbe Intter·. '''l lll l '
li t tlw end
.. 1"101'1\ 1'011
!Sew Y"n,
:'"" r,11' MIHS NormQlld wllh IlI'r :t 11f1 chllms DIrICH luterr(>r(!Ol h~r departurc-eo be Ibot. , j II
--- .. - ..- - -
Jesse Ray Allen, Bon of Th08. al)d
Mae All" n born Deeember 'n, PRESENT PLAY1887 at Centervill e, Ohio. and died WA S
at the : tal e Hospitlll January 6, 1924 at the age of 36 years and 10 --days .,' , He was born in this home end I · Lolt-The work" out of a "rllt In 'a ~~ort artrcle Isst week. we liv d it, Lhis vici nity durina biB ,I ' watch. ao~e place on Mail, Itr:eet. deeeribed .an auto pile-up on MallOn'l . child-hOI Ii d"yS , being a very ambl..1 .ft'ioder leave at Myer Hyman'. Itore hlll l ne~ lonr ago. and we ItatEd tiOIlH clJlld <l lId havi ng; a sunny dis that no one w.a eerlouII, Injured, of Omllhll, Nebr., po ' ilion, wh ich seemed to dominate Mr. and Mra. B,,.,n aartaoek. 01 nor were aD1 of the machinel dam· Dr. J. E. Brown. · who formerly holder or overy Mid.W •• tern A. A. most d uritllt II the trials· ot Iif~. Covinrton. Ky .. .are ataylll8' bere aged We have elnce learned that operated a poultry farm near he re. ! U . . rCCO!'d from 4.0 t() ~o yard At t h ~ Illfe of rJ yea rs he and ODe sW.lm s 1' 1 various IItrokes ' is a durlna the IIIn... 01 Mn. Matilda Mr. Fr,n.k Snook .pent ten daYI' In won eeveral very important pri z R I pn.mc favorlre ' of Amerienh girl other b ,'ot"er became subject to the Hoaler. . a 'Clncln'na~1 bOlpltal and hi· garage at the Springfield, Ohio pou Itry , SWlm ml'rB ~or· Olympic honors this d read iSf'ase of diphtheria. al. yen l'. bllliwal.conelderable u a result of Ibow rec~ntly . He showed th e l hough very low ~nd doctors had Save your old carpeta and rU8 tbe accident, . . White Plymouth Rocke exelusive ly giv eh U I his life , he W88 allowed to and iet .. Weerwell" Rup made~ survl vo 'vhile! the brother was taken. ~Dd tor: price lilt. Franklin Ru8 " '1'111.'11 ub ut three years later at the • I Co•• F~klln. Ohio. ag- e I,f , h · was attacked by bODe l =='EH==::I'c:JE' ==:.J'a:lL.. ._...::lI:lEI-==-31 UEJI =:lEI Lub" rcll l),i~ in olle knee, of which Mr. ana Mrs. Fred WlllOn and li e waH I IH~ - t i me s ufferer, having alauihter. Mi. Mabel, of Selma, Lo IIlld " g J It '1eVel'e o(.le ration "very were gueltl.' Thursdav of Mr and t hree \'\ :lr~ c1ur;rlg hit> entire life. MI'I!. Huwell Peirce.' ·eigHJor. (l1ll1 f riends ca n recall. . wh .,u. at Ihl ~ ~"ul h flll age he was The Sprinll Valley scbool bas beeD forced \ .1 1(0 lil tlllL 0 11 cr utches for I' advanced from a second claaa to a yelH'~ . <lit IttJl1to:h I hrough 1111 hie 2 first cl!l8ll echool Tbc ?hal'ter wu su fforill ,! h;s ,u nllY ili. position cauBeli prelented last week. 1 him ·to l.I"ar lh e lo u~den all alone. When \).1'1'111'8 of,IIIfIl h(t pillyed c1ar. The new gym will be InltiatecJ Frl ion '\ ill lh~ Ce n tf~ r vill e band, and at day evenlni to entertainment-the Lhe agl ~ of Hl look up piano, study. flrll' 10 thlll hall. The Culonltil Trio, ing dililCc'lltly fll r hours and hour. composed mostly of hirh ·cl. . music ' a't. II lime wit li 1\ high ambitioll to will be the attractiun at,that Ume. become musler of the instrument until he b ~cum e II slave Lo it When Fred Hawke arrived hom. Bund., 22 years of age he became leader of from an extended Southern trip. He the a rd Regiment Band in Dayton. WI. look Ina over several pointe Ohio. .Mllking much uro'g ress in his locate. anrl fin ,lIy atruck on South DRY GOODS $1 value in Men's best Blue 2 quart Preserving Kettles . . . 25c I!l grellt mn i c ~ 1 talent he 800n hecame Capollna. to where he an.:1 bis fllmil". of several well known'.m usie, ~" " Oil Cloth, only. 33c Wor k Sh'rt 4 quart dPreserving ... 35c will loon r:eIDove .' 6OC:yard Table I ' 9, Ch"Oloe.... ... 74c I 4 S Kettles P 25 ~ alleader shows, truvel iflg through several . " < r.'I I~ to 20c ~dMuslin . b~eac:hed.I4c, 75<: Women's extra heavy Out$1.S0· welded spout Coffee Pots, 2 qt. an qt. aue,' ans... c of the large 'states of the Union. Mr. Rnd Mrs. W. S. Graham lefl ... .2OC-25c Gmghams; assorted .. lie ing Flannel Bloomers-in as9 cup !lize ................ 93c . MISCELL.I\NEOUS . ' undergoing his constant suffering Bunday mOffllng lor Fort wor,t h'l35c r;tanbattan,Gingbams, asst sorted stripes, at ....... . . .47e $1.50 10-qt. Dish Pan ....... 93c 25c Flour Sifter .- . .. ... ... ; .. 15c I!) reticently and patiently. ''-' TeEd. where they will ata, uitti, , " ~heCks.~2in. wide. close out.l.7e 11.50 Boys'~wool mixed:Knick$1.50 Preserving Kettle, with 25c Comb Cases .... . . .... ... 12c Abou t 4 )lear:s ago broken . health ·.wllrm fieather. l'he""wlll vlll.t ,~·fOc Cretonnes, your ehoice.17c er Pants/ hand .tmade, ver, cover. while they'last. '... .' .93c 60c de z. Horse Shoe Glasses .. SOc forced hinl to go to the State h~i. places of in~r"t before ~~~JIJ,r:1 ' Scri.m, 32 in . . .. 12~e . special at .... ; .... ,.- .. . .. 8ge 11.20 doz. 'fhin Glassrs, ...... 98e \"!'II tal. leaving hi!! wife and little tbelrdee~lnatiori. ' 2Oc Muslin good.He A few of the , 9'ic values in 'Ta- ' . 5Oc·pkg. genuine Electric Soot · r.:a Kenda~l. ~hom he love~ ao dearJl\ blue and ' ble Runners and Scarfs"full 75c,·90e val. Coffee Po~, l~ Desuoyeis ..... .. . . ...... 25c ~ Albo he was 8~nar~ted trqm Ii I~ I ' .family of brothers apd liater..' . ; 1. ~; • • L39 ' length, ' hand embroidered. ' and 2 .q uarts. .. . •......• '.. 60c 5c bar" Fairban~~s best Mascot' falher and 8 loving mother wbo jI' , ?mk.Uipeor · ':wmeloseoutat .. ........ .47c WiLsh , Basins range in price Soap, 2bars .......... . ... .. ',5c p aTte~ this life shortly "fte",a~: • "' •.in,.FJannel••~ia1.1.7e .25c Toweling, Brown Crash & .' fram, 25c to 65c ... 20e, 35c, 40c 50c ~lcued .Goggles" the kind b eing grie( IItricl(eq by tbe IIIn. . Slf P~i1s, .10 quirt: ·.. ... ." ..' . 73c you. w~p want, npw .. .. .' ." .~5c S her 8O; .·J.eS$ '. ,. He.le.~!18 to ,,~ !pen. WOlDen, . ,' " genuine' :rhrir~ Toweling, will 'dlDdlrebib ;ll)ur cJtoice . ; ..... 2& go I 17c 11.75 value -Combm'e ts •.•.•.. Sl.~, 5c China Nest.1~ggs" 2 ·fur. '\ .' - f' 5c bialou. a .wife, olle ' 800, K~ a ' " • ~ 'father ~ve brotbe a~''roQr ~ are only a few of tho~d~ of .tems we will sell.· E very ':hing .in the st re will be ~cri6ced. I THE. GOODS MlJST Blt SOLD,: . HI, life-tillle se"ntlmeotB- mfllst .. • ~d. pt your loodi you. will want. Remember ,the sale sta'rts S.ATURDAY.. JANtJARV ~tb. l ' eJ:n~!tI8etd thuI; . ' ~-.: ..zi4"~"""
--- .. - ..
I , ;, ~ "-Ai.
T H E ! .T O REO F
A play, "Sl:lventeen" will b e presented February B by the Dramat ic Club of Waynesville High ~chool. This play has been t aken as accur· ately ae pO!lSible from th e book written by Booth Tar kin gton . I l will be g iven in the new gvm nnsium . The stud ents wil l beg in selling ti ckets January 2 and the drawing will be at the Oxley· l~ace Drug Store. Monday' Februarv 4. - - -- - .'- . "Save by buying 'in WaYDesville."
larrr5 Sc to $1'. 00 Store, Waynesville, .Ohi
Saturd~y,..,JanuilrY 26, 1924
Aluminum Ware
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s::-i vrc . . .Ir ~p.. h i ye, YPJil -c(lr l:tll1t~· 1 '1,,· r:lll~ (,II' him "'I'Pl'lnll v :" C HAPTER rx ," , -r-;ithc r " I ,' ;,n )to " , h,' "'lIld ,:, ' r)' :- t ' I" I1 11~l\' I c d in g tlH' w'" d~I\ . " do I" B" ~ ~I\ld bl'<!utbl e.sly . Hut ne'·· :, ~ In~ ~"1I1 ur 1\1 .' r 'lI' 1II11n,- utll\ II.r a l hi:: .:Iub, n: h(!r l , , 1 ' ; : h~ pr inil 1 I " If' \,~IU ' \ III ntl t , '1 IIa \ I' I1:\ e.\·thelells sh@ slepPf!d 1,.11'1< . 111111 nih' , \1'(11111111 ""rlll in ly Ill' h' ~'. -IIII''' lI.gh ". : 1 Il rrlll ~ 1 , . ~'IC'l1t b l'(lU;,;1t1 .... lIIull ('( "' n~ \rll ~; . lirl i llll Iv 1\\ ,t i" t :.,· 1. baod- tree nuw (rulII Ih" ,,'(,,>11,' 11,·" , II,,· HI'''" . '"111 " :;1",\'1 :1 11 ,- In th l~ . l his I "n"I/I; I, of tl"·.:" ~h ,·rl..,1 h,·" t .. rlplIlI~· . . _. , Il\.' ... r~I.J " ~, \" ul' d "r ttle ( ; I1 I' ~"J/1 1',,: 1 t'C' to h l~ II ~h ll Jtl,' IlI lI ttl ~ r of I' olllilion k n o w ),oJ ":1 11 ~"' (' 1111 ... 1111 :Incl 11, ,1\:(\ I til J1l~ etor, whu WUti Il ilsl llg ul II", ill' II·· JlIlI!!)' Il llit ' I'~, 1I11,.-t \\ 1 ', r 'I r " t ", I! ' I d prl In ('Orne!". hund tor 8lt<'Dt lolO-I :I." ut eel!:" li nd Iwlil" "hit It P\' I'I': 11("'11 1.\' SOTI II'f I Il'I'~ I \\ .11." l'p ,t I ' · III I 'II'I!:'I' III I II' H i I, .. " kU~l\\·s. lin 1 1I~ lit Ih"r II.uu l t II t ' r l \ un' "r 11\1 htl \ I'!l ' { 11""" it \ l' l '!" I II' .t.,hond. " ~. the .Idlt of her fll ~ . 1'::1 "" ""os ne , : 1'l'.11 t, , ,, ,., , '" I ' ·(.' r '· few who ha\'l' h,'t' U In It p d, 1thlJl . ( ') \ I "' "]\; 0 ," Jl llJ'lII1!1n~.t !Ifill tI'1.~ '" ,I :'Y·e ll." sbe !Rld. "or rour,!· I knnw 1'" luu1.!1 1I II 11 IILlt ",f'IIII'i l )! I'I'ulh' t' yeu. Bul you lOUft[ guo Y " II DlU .;1 ! to I,.lh,..t'lo rn' unt l !ll'l'fI,dlTte lh , ' ~rll nJ.!j· }I.! 'j'··I IlI\·11 " hl~ h ' I I".' , I hY~I .... rI'·nl ..rTl.' 1't nmll .... . 11. " ". h" \\ , ' : 11 pil '\'" I llever colUe In here a gllili. Thllt wu ' I IlIflgit'u l. allul.IJ~1 111' 11 1'.1 :I U.f I'" I " IH'" I, . whi ch r lose IlII p rl~"nllleJlt h:l ~ I·n !tll" 01, 1 til 11 \ ,,"1111: ,I) 111 / j r .. • our ngret'lUent I" man IH'r" 01 I~ f;y ~tt'l1\'\: 1('1 tlndt ' l'~to n(' are n ' r H 1!1\1 \ r fT I' " ,,, .," )11 .' ,. ' f "1 Alld with Iler 8pen kln_, tbe sound th C' " ".l .'ul h r{1H '\~ u nd 1!lIllk", or h y s, j eerln ,; III h" 1 1 " . '1 1.1 1 " "til 111.' "Y II II \ . art-n't :-:1 1" ' 111.': , q ! ,,\ ,., II ot:ber volN!. the tll(,(> of ,he 8 t rnn).:~r. Ll-ria w hkh J1f1IlIl! n;.:lSI !" H~:O:lIr(l 1I~ o\· ~·r · I . ~he W ill, l u ~ : ,", r\ 101 tt ,·1 iP 1I1 \\'1 111' 1 wblch bad bet'.o tllo.e befor~. t "ok on t nkf' tilt"' l11u:-; t tlnll k ,' l . \ ' \'ll'tllllsttw ki p In Ih l' lI,~ .. I'.I ! .1 (" 1" 1' . I ~ It fltd1, a bllrder Bod .ery de.l lnlte look . most hllrolt'n l'tl 111011\'10111 ,11 ' ",)lIl1n" d In \. I .' 11'11, <:,', I I it I' Sbe bocame ll18lateot WIt ~1I he lin, prtsnns. nt ..mtll'L-I y I1n f'X111"" II '1 1 Inl l~r · (1 t\n(",1 r111'rt' nnlJ tT 't · f' n nN /'r fhl' ,l(\II" f , I ' "I. ~ I,., ~ I'll !l ilt! "I' I cered, wltb that odd. hlird 8cru,Iny on \'a )". i n InvoluntHr." 1I11t) !l1l1l {W l In ~:t n(' Int1 I H'nf' l' "I 11'l '/" r :111.] ,l llIlIli!1 1l I Ill : .. . ' r "'11 Il4Ir face. "Go," ebe slIltI. "hi!for~ I par":u~m~ of . ('I f· pity. " Y"u dOll 't h l\oI \\'," J P \\t'1I1 on I n E ' I . I ' J" .\ t'l 1"1' ,1\ .', colJ In the ee.... aDt. l.. \''' I'~' tlh .. al!n . 'I',tldl' '·tlk .. •. " ,hi ) (.11 t Itl (""n~ided ll g lhls. it I~ 1',,""".1(' to exlJ ""-t 111 :11, I, 1 Sbe did not do 80 h · tnl~d IRle ly. he P'x i ll't 1'1 ),:111.; ,, !' II \\1\ " 1:\1\. Jtld~t·d Ifl "'ol Ot plnln. It not to undl!rs t,m,l. till' chlln~"' l hund- I " JlI ,. I.,,' observed; yel fioally. a r: r ROml' h1'81· by lit\\. 1(1 I", lit JlIl' ~I"! I nnel ehnnglllg 1II1'lIta l uHit ud " ot l h~ 1'. , 1", la't1on. he went on I- through t he pri11, " ' ;.-oll , h.\·,'· lit· ('al (.'~l tu Ih' r, " 1111 11 " OO";m m 'rrus l. whit-h. ,1onylnJ.( he r nn I j.I ulhtlr :-.I dl', If ... 1 • vate door. down UPOD the wslk. II l1d b {' It fuul. ' (h i llk u\·.··r . I h ll,IH I,,· pe rsonal luxury Ihul h('nrt (·" uld wI sh L1ll' U\lh'r I llall "li l'tln !o,I . ' with Il ,1~D('e upward. burrtClI down ,' r 1 I 1JII('k -!ol(I Il1f"I I IIl\' bf'f,'rr l on~ I '!! I" LillI Who wa ~ " II '"It-II~ 1 the side strpet upon which O,e en, OUI silie Of freedom . ~' et clIu sell h~r no w Jl('t't IIl1l1tltl '!, l~ h\l l irl\ tnt t'1 1 r, IHII .' , 'U 0. growing, sharpe ning teur. a th ing ahe 1"'11\;.:.111 ;:: 1I ~lli ll 'l IIl'l" 11:.. tTllnce opened. He walked like U Ulon ,,,. ("\I' II 11I11I',itll,' 11I.r " ,'If. 11 " ill cOlllil n ot npJlnrentl~' r esist. a (enr o f 1l11l ,'ller. dued-caUJlht hili! wa, between WOIl " H. l t 1H'\·' · .... :.nl.' I .,' dis:I;!rl,. ' ald, ' I t) beIng lin 'ternn l )JI'I>'OII Pr of Illnessder and borror. It wae a block be"It Isn'l In' p t' il l: r nf \I":." li t· 11 ' 1 III'r \\ i lll 11 I",'r a prl s mer III soll tnry ~onlln ~flll·nt Cor I, tote he stopped and Raid- with a It :'. '1I1d Ihl" !H'" ,-\ " . "!ld, I "\ 11 I ~II\I •... htlnlt\ I "fIII'lul'f'r, Inf). 1. 1. 11 life. Rhe was ~O Il ~ 1J1Il 0 II~' n IIp"peralc blank laee, talldoi to 'bhnselt: tv .. ~lHt{ In hfl r I!I'pa t t" r1 1 (' n Ih'lll : q l!o' c l ' l )IIU III 11 It.' l Ht ll' desIre to know th e Irllt h. !'wbat II thin Foul pia,?" lhu Ih at ~1 1t.· l;awn h , , (; ,.,.t' .... \\ h ~"'1 ,\1)11 b on en'l 11.,9 . , f l,rt' he knc'I\·. or cOllr 'e, tillll he r hllsJie palled aloD, theD. thlnklnr: It dl.II·~ 1' n~lIiu~l 11, '1' \\:1'- 11' I ( j 1'\' 1.111\. f . ", 1 ~~:!11Ii' 1t': 111111'1' :1111 11 "',,, balld wou ld know-wou ld ht' III!' onl' at leut balf a block betore bls Dol :111,'\\'1'1' Ihf' II'H I' Il-flj' 11 ,1 '11 hi ~ " til' .\ "I IIIL:: 11(1". Pun ', btl third perso ll tu \\'hnm she "'lUIII 1'.... 51· llpe moved apJu. w illd Sil l' nl l;.:,itl 1''''' . d, l) d ull . I '~ ~"I" 1o'",IIIJ! I,!!r. " \I'h'I! ' ~ ~Alld ,.et-" be ":1 ld aloud, bewilder- bly have nccess, whll woul d hnn' 1'",,1· - I JlI ' \ It l :l t ~ h(' n', i ,". 1·, 1 ' I ' ment tak1Dr for 1:le woment tbe up- tlve knowledj:c: nnll whl1h~ \" 'r rn ll!1I1 - U II I I1H 'IlIl"'t.·blu~ 111'\ ,t : II''. ' peT hand of horro l'. "Murder I With have be n he r rell~on I fVI' 11<:1' S<' I'or HllIl'\! or. ~ltt' d id l :t d " aratlon from hllll, s he .. cnlllnl~· lIud th.At faeer fhut ~he wa q lUI 1\ ( l', qq' that Instinct ot confltlenl'l' whk h For aner all It ma,. be fair!, ..Id pl " l -1I0l uu l lk " I,\' " I 'II 11:{ tbelr so-culled Inlultl ons un n glH' that 'there WAI 'IlUle 1D the face of f(.. lt s ure: 11 1111 !oI~t~ !t·11 • to wolnen conce rning men. In thnl the )'Ouilr woman be haa beeft watCh. Inll.!'lIt "('ry }..ul ~H1hly II" d tolerant kindly fu ce 01 the IU ll n I ... uaetl1 luga"Un ot a murdel'Qll. Ihnt 11 jll" ) n, ltI.t I .... I , . .'Tbl!ll he WAI . 8111!llt, ",alkluc on wbo bRd come bn .. k tor BOlliI' rea son. cnn \'l ncl'd "II n'l t I\I~ .,' It' 'I' paS Ibly to acc her, Inlo t.lle Muse or ....n. "00 ,.ou nppoae=-.. be mnt" :; . I hcrt' hud h[wli 1I1\lrdl'r. Adelaide- Oorgum. It W ONle CRlIle to , . I ~ to blmeelf a third tlme. "J..per In nn)1 ('u se Ih £' ~llllltli,," \\ worse. If tbls sense of un go \·ern nble. ~, Who elM'" be a.lred h1m8elt IllltttP r or we(' l,s l)f 111 .. 01 1• la • IItl11 lou4er yolee. • bllDd tear wbl ch now and thcn eRllle d" ... lns.: (ihoUl Itttl' IlII lue'ihl 1,-' oyer l ler. should grow too ' stro ng. b re • SUl),eri III Ihe IlI ldst of I h. ~ ·waa 0 pol!lllblllty ot understanding. of CHAPTIR VII < lIIlll couu ter'-purpo es whl l'l, "~h ,I I \\ t II polslblll clearing-up lind escape (!'O m Inl> to"'et hl'r ohout this ~n " h rl·. "'fpr :.l 111 that illogical but lrtelllstlble t error , 1..... her put the Dew Adelalde Iw mn~' hav .. b u 11\" wblcb s he WBS coming so much lO 1'\\'11,\ . ~P .. , " .. I'I' '' u ,I !I Tld 11 . ~"H (! of Biatherford atUl stood In the creat pUlllCosulclcen. P (l~'I!'I~' II . th" n :1 Iur:1I ,·tl uti\." '~l' '' t : IIHlptl hy Ihe ~ wilerI' he baft lett her, ltill .tar· fear. Ul'lUer ucrHS woulrl h ,\ \'~ I, attllck ot such hysteria lIlust. It t'I I"'UIIIl'-lalH ,-s.. ~U II ' !-I'lit fl IP " " 01' beAn hIr at the aJ,t throqb which be had oete(1 dlft'c renll ~' ; loll ' f" ,· " • h i 111 1 Jwr, PDe. • Yletfm of emoUonl only len aeems. have cOnle OVilr her wlthlll the t h G6rl;Il m Tru ~t 1 Dext tllw days: Tn ome way. probnbly I II" 1\1':.' Inok l ng 1\1 h .·r, SI'\ldytng . ~lnc than hta. !l0,\\' but one--cRcup" f"oll' , hI'" :til 'h,' tlll\t' wi I, i1 ,"~ ' ~y s of There eould be naturally little through n servl}nt. s h' must hll\'e Ren t hlJ1\se. from th is ~hll"tl'r fv,' :: 111< 11'11 h t IIt'1r ,:url ",,' ""Ilh l~ e"p r e . , d!"lbt. iii ber mlDd now of the Iden tlty a messnge to her husbuoll tbnt ahe once. SI' lH : 1!luse nntul".tl l. ! .illlll~ L'YlolS ,\' ltti~ of the Itranaer. Who could It )lOll' would like to see .hlm. to nsk a (uvor. " 1'1\ try It. anyhow." .·II ~ s ui' ; "Thls Is dev il ish white of ynu r" 8ul,1 1111' 11: .. 1 jlldl(l n"II1 ,1",\\ hlJ.: nlwu js albl, be but on_thl • .Individual with self toward 1lI 0rnln g. I,'M ~I't' \II It 11'I'IlIo-U f 11 the slow-eyed. he u"y 108n whom the . ' pue-ke7. and tb., private knowled«e npprecillte nlrcudy how d!mc nll " You'll wOllder." 1'1' ....11;,' . ·· .\d .... l nlde. Of her own house wbteh she be raelf lervllllt ushered In. He hnd been rtrlnk· would be. though up tn !I 'PI' <, . why I Hill '-:H tl11t"" '. •' II,\' I (,lime bad Beyer drl!llmed of, and of ber own Ing. Ibat ',,"18 evl.lppt. Adelnllll' Ruth· aml'ta merely llIade small te. ts I . erford hod dIffi culty In hClldlnl( buck [t itulo ~j, HHmt . wh ~' I ' . n~ t la' rhn n r e. ' l~Umate but fOl'lOtten, )lut. Sllll/lty of II. lawyer, are RugS trom seriOU S Indiscretion IIgulnsI V'. m :"" \ H' t1d ~ \\: ," 1 l"1I 1i f' l' w o n.• 8be had otten thou,bt. Daturally, ot TIlIlt ni ght she millie I"'r , .. fOU?" he said. l.1l' l'f.l' 1 If ' UII I Jl 'l iu ': ,,·.u'IIJJf1L!' th a.t _ hulband-of wha~ be must be ber coller. tempt lit go ing- un nl ll'mp: " ". lUte; of wb7 ~e had been IICpurated "Whatl" she said. tolklng against tile use, If YOII don't huv e to ?" And YlJII \\'I~h(o(l I,. 1..11 ,,,p " s uccessful. 'rh e th o, 1! ltt " "., !" ~he nl1 S \ \ ' l.) l'h l. :t till! s turt h:u l ~ hbl!. Sile bad avoided S)lealilng tlln_her heart III Iwr mouth. He with another !'I lil less plen,nlll ~ rlllle Iler to try Ui llt Il "or-II ' OIl wa lubJect to Juper Hair; nnd muet be some one site kne w. th ell. or UpOIl hIs re dtJ ~lle(\ tnce. he W\lH gllll('. by lh<: lu(,k Ib l11 hI' "I iill ll~ h"r liS through whi ch tlte SII'IIII I ~ be. for 'purpolJe8' of hla own DO doubt. tbe doormon would n eve r hl1\'e let him She s nnk hnck Illt o lh l' ne, ll'ps t 1".·11 HH loy hl R '111L'. '1 ':l. hl:" 'II\' snld twi ce app enrc,l. Shl' 1I11i! , hia4 meilUoDed It to bar In only a very ID. It was very ullpleusant und em- chllir. u ~ntJ1 - : lllIt IIp l' \'ni l" \\ :J ~ \' l':'~ un'·er· exact knowl edKo nt W lll ll'l ' j' ".Jud ged In Sll lJ , !H ~h e sn ld nhl lll1. la in. "\"ha t w nuldl " ' I\.'l· to ,uy r' . . . . ·W&7. 'She bad alll\Ulled mere-I barrasslng. It m u st cc.rutlnh c ud 0)/' , .. 11 IIUed In. ~lIe s ow, wll h su I11 II I1Y " /lU II'1 .1'011 kil O'" ? ' " .. 111 <1. I(·U. I, ..-t,1be would Dot lee blm; Ilat· "So we were bored ' ~ tIfr. eh?" he . wller~v ldellt1 Y' lIlI"n Ih ~ , .: .-u, that .... one ablOlute condl· asked, throwing off his flute r COlli. 1I 111 Ihll' I:R. II mude her .I!I~t " lill ie "i\"n:t SIl (l UI1 ~ W I 'I'I ' fl til!!! I!.\'. ,'he hnel not' tr ied It hd" . lIf' r rh l\}.)~, ' · h e :.:u l. 1. " 1\'1' dn not untIoa of thl!lr arreement-oDe COOlpU· · "Well, we won't be ony lon ge r." ruit li. Ue IUIII l"I 'l her her o\\'n f"IIT: the t~e l/ng th llt she wlls h.·,u ,tlcn~tltn cl cllch IltJII r \ r'l. .P t'rhllp 1 cattoa Whtch mUlt not IlI'lIe for her. If AdelaIde Ruther!ord wos whIte nt 1I11d lIlore c1 os{'ly wol eh ... l; :,,, CHAPTER VIII ~ h "\llo mnk" rn) ~'(' I; " HIIII ' pl ul ne r. . . eoUid hne complained to Mr. that moment. It WRS wlth Ceur. Il iis n igh t, she II1U St. I I'll U'y Il, n ll ~·\I'I\ )' . r,,'1 "'" a::: ~'ou !faIr n~. of course, of thll n\llt, but "00 IlWRY I" sbe c rle/I, with Ih l! sl lllRI II~ stood In fh .. ,l urll ~jI~ ., .' • 'l' h<: r,nlnt (If ,' I"w Is gO Imp ol'Iant. In SOIllCltb lll;:," I.... ",,1 I : . VO l 11" ,,"vi.·,· on alter leeinC b~ She paused and ply expressed aversion or 0 child. J.!r e ut l'OUOI; nil hJ ud ~ , h\lf I' " tllouaht, remembering i1er vlsltor's "Go uway I" he echoed. "Then whal Ull" Ilr~ -e ~p 'ci lllly the Id@1I l hnt you u mat i'll' In whkh I 1,,,,,, U l'el'"l) lIal blu o patches o( 111:.: h \\'hl '~' yOllr~ I; 1t holt! ,,/ yonrselF.. Thl H I.el ng l nll'rt'Ht. I t I ~ :1hom " 11" ,Il-~ " ta~and bel' O"'D slt1llUon, al sbe dId you seod for me 10r?" he Rsked. a conlll sec b,' hhll l 111'1'. '1'1, .. hf'ld tn Iru~ t -n l,rlsOIw r sCJlI ~ IIt·,'d to ·'Y,·",,'· ... 1 1t-· suld lJlo '·il .... ~I,\· wlll'Jl lJe IItlW It now. For her eltuaUoD. It mUllt look of ugly Bstonlshment on his hcnvy Iht· <t out' !H(,\' i·l!. 11 H~ rlNH' II ! ' ,. lin In dplll! II,' Il'nll of , 0Utu:')' IU XII1'Y- 1 ,tOPl'N!. • be said, was growing more and more face. she ft·lt int;tj ' ''·Ii\,lly . lI'" li P dlllturblllg to her. "Nothing. nothing I It wos all a mis·. wu s oHe t h i ng-I' n"I'Y \\' eHr~' th i ng I '''''rul , WPItlHTl in .. I"(·:l .1:1nl:I'I' ~ '· !olht' wus nt 11I/! t H 'fF) , \( , Illdeed; bil l "II [h nthel' hnn<l how I " r,·s:·· hrelllhe(1 ' 01,· \,,1'11' /t,,,I,er. One mUlt recnll, In endeavoring to take!" ,he c ried. !4luil'!<' - " h k l! ,.r ('Olin"" \p..j ',' undel'l~and tbls. t hat thte younl wom· Ant' "'l't he 11I.1 not go Immediately. dlITprl'nt. li nt! how l1lu cll more RIIl I"le r fonl. . 11 11 11 I'X"I' '1\',1. th e life s nl ~ ' '''l' of n 11I'Isoil cr 1l!81l 1le " I\·hll,· th~ 1111111 /;,111\1" Ihu \ <Ill> I~ aD. this fortunate mlstre811 ot the Be sCI!med IIII))er\'loU8 to whnt sbe 1t w:t ... p\,€w IUnn' :"Illltih r - 1(1 he Iwld till .It'llt h for tht' Ilc~~llsl · on till' \' 1' "J.: " or 1't'II1'~ .1<"'11-,'.1 nr a IftIlt Gorgam Trust. had-as her own tilled to SIlY. run' 1,,·1', T)w :111' \" )1:-: 4'ol el ; ties unll (lnlmown purp\lS 's or ' ~Ixly great '1'1111<:," IKII'YtlJIta could at leut )lartly see-no . lrl·tchll ll: "ill I,i I' I",nd ' (' MUlloll. "(If "IIIn "I"II'IIC'?" ., ..." 'iI·,. llo llh· memory of ber past at all hack of her ,Hr. shp fllllll.1 II I"; II II' Jlul geti 1118I1n". n.v Nome court, no ('r funl . IlI'r v"il'e "'"' recent deaperate 1Il1le8ll. beyond .that 1111 111 11 ,~tUlI t' h:\11 J rll 'lIl doubll H ~ O. go me one mllst hav(! ' e· "hl"per. BPPPUed by . her two vilitora-her L:;l!lId. ~lIc drcw 1 1~1t·1I. 111'1 CUI' d Ih p. JIIlIj!IIIPnl-lIll d th nt ' OIllC ' "o r 1""1'110',·:" .. ~,,\ lit ' . .tI"OII. ;·I'. Jln t· ftila.nclal and )lhyslcal CuardlaDH. J1l8[1'11111 Ihe uno,'. II NIIII .t: .. on e WIlR nu t fUl' lo !-\eek , '1.'l1lli JUuu Uu)..!"' III' l·o ll ~ iI~llt ·w t. d H u··.·. ·.\'Ilh !'4 {ood per Ball and the very celebrated e1oc· u ~ ,"'lr1J:- · unri 1'1 ;('1'1 .:1 wlao h ad Ju st h' ft hi' r wns on( ' Jll'r~' 11 1 h p~I'h) II rn. tor. Oonalderlng thl_. Ihe often. nnd TU1'lIl lI g :q;HII \ "h,- 11'\1', In tcl'flstt-'tl , ' 1\1 (1(' ol! \'l u u sl y-onc1 .JII~. \ d, ·I"We Huth ffl 'nl did 1101 IJlHV8 Inore 8IId more 81 time went 00. telt di d nOt lI10 rt' . 'I' lli' dl ll)T, ,I, the lack of exact and definite Infor· ppr l1nl,L: 11I\I .::t II(~ nnothpr. !'4), 1' \\ H~ n il '\' H.',· C""J"l" 1I1i:; IIt~r tflN! t;lnl lt l.'IS \\'II!'O of' tlw C'l) ll1 l1ltm 1,\'111 ' ('(\rtal o now ()f wh lt l s llt~ ha ,i so l ()n~ Id ll,. If . .... . matlon collcernlng many ~hlng . lIy I la p Jilin" on ti' t' ! UIII'I ~, su ", pef 't cd, l llHI n o "PI·' '1l 1 \\,u", 1,,,,,1..;, 11 .1(' IlI'OnDd he~Yen about benelf. II." l ;,c~' frl)U1 \\' I! hO IH . . ~;, ";I II :,!!'l y PO "j~"h" f Ol' WH f! \ \)' l1t to h lill. Sbe waa ' U1; ~e a)lpreclated that The \\ul'(l o f Ihl..! (:UJ' ~"'I I PII \\ 11o''! II ' ~a ", I d :-L, ' d i,1 nul u o ' ' --I. DervOUll trouble wltb a long name, Sh .. hnll III fne t YCI'Y 111 11 ,· i'ko .:-" .\1 ". "; 1\' I I ..Iu--t l II lillie cry lil Ih i.. ~'I irit 'JII I IIf m il lc' I wh c l'c, s he ("lIl ld 111t°n n ext. \\ III'n 0 11 ; wblch would keep ber llIOlated for a ' J' ,iiI ,,:- ht Iii \"(,~ 11 111 t' !!if' l. I II! 4j n \'~ ' IIt'u llS tl(lH1tel' :t u tI!:~r, I I uJlulb ror l!\Pulnl!" ) Io l l n n ~ IICt\·n,nnl. ' 10lif period. Sbe would eee none or v e Jl tlJl'OU S l ' rt ' IIII1I'f'. 11 11 1 11. '·r 1,1'1' \ t'I' \ '.1. 1, t'it1I(' r, but Ih~ 81 H~ tl h ~f' 1'\'PI I l lu' ppc u llu r n 'U" II;-. or the frlendl of the AdelaIde Rutherh,I " .111 ,011"(' ;,11 Ill .... l i d - '11 null'!!' ~i ll ~' 1 \\:t S but one t hlllL: II nw 1" ford of fonner yearl. She readily I,!'I' dill!. sl lIlId lnJ.: ill Ihe ull:,i,1t- d"v,· ' )llf'. ) .1 1.11':" - ~11:'1I 1 I' "1111 lu IJh'\'e In 11IIYI)n "- to go w l l ',', \ (', \ . n r ti l P '~IIl J1I~' st ud.\" nil tlw s l 't ' t,lld li t ur ft(1'eed to that. But she hnd boped1,'11 h~ I·.· .·he fmlllli IIii' ,,',; : .'. 1." 1 11'11l 11,1'1' (: I, 'C', ilt· 111 1,,1\:-; 1ho.t Ul!Hln. ' Yh('11 !':lU\ ~H \\' ti ll":, with II 10 tact h8d been more recently lit least tol l\''''' 1.1 1,\, r: ' \ , I , h t t"II l\'C Ilt l ~ ll~t U li d wn I lit'd c!fj ';\' f\ I I C\ 11 ,1t! I I Cl1l' h)ll~ 1111 S IlIrf' n( f"JlI' :1 tid :H I \·'·n· partly promised tbat 80me tIme. after ~ 1\~l 's . ''I'lIl s r(. q~\lll'f' t i IIIH' 11, ,1,·. J' I, -1",1': 1 a' lulllclent time 't or recovery. she tllroll " ' '' '~~ she ~ '''IP/l l'll "II , I,,' II;:- hl '.\ 1111 I, /' ,•. /: Jl lOf ,," 'I'd ," ii, U ti h ("," : I lou; but nfl f'r It wl ill t.f Jt ' I Jl gHl n Jllld fll h'l lt..' 41 I lw I It!u v~' il.,tI'·. II ml.lht be free. hy some special ar· 1"I'd 1.1 -: 1: "'!,\ \\ til Ii ]" ~t P:) p l\cI, Bul I c1illi C' uH. It W IIS c\'ldnnl WU S U ~ lIrp l'J.~ f) , nno yeL not E'nti n 'lol.,", U riwaemellt. to travel- to Bee some· Hili' .... /1 1 I 1111 II J" j' ..•. Sllil'll( atu h ·ChFo.l! ' tn<:lf) c:..C".1 It; thlnl of tbe world outside or tile Ins Ul'pl' ls". 10 fln (~ I I1~re. th e II " I"" ,\\, II I " Il. , 1,1 JI,t'\I'~ . :-; . j, 1 ' t l! ' \'O llll g Illan HIIJt: h , th e girl rt) 1111 1' ", I terior of this ireat luxurlou~ Ilouse. YOIIU/: mall of tlll' torill er e V ~ 1I 1 1' 1: Il l', Jll' h 'l \ \. i/::..". 11'1' IW "'" 1) 1) lie ('ould el m-e(l b J'l ck fi l'u mW;, j'" " tall , <lillie hllndsom e JUlin" ilh Sbe crew mOlt weary 01 this pial'!!. It ,,,, " I" f ,",01 11" 11 . ''' ' " I ll,,· ", me She lwei ntlenlll'd II 11 (' !Jl " , wal Ilke, In a way. an Imprison ment nnt "y~8 nnrl "J!!rt'~liblt' "{hi " ''-. l il lII', I dl ~!![ l ;l p l l !l,", 1, ,11' ,\' ,,-I'lll. he She founu her sv l f nt 1;1 :-lu a mUIl!llm : hu.t, priceless pRlnl, "H ,·llo. AIIPl nlllp." hC' ~ul " . "YOII 111111' \ ll'W tl1,:, III ,,: rl l1l .• \m l y p1 l lllO t OIll-llt til e 01\(1. .\ n Ol:I,\ lD,lll; Ion,. COItl, draperlps: Jars 8N' . I h ad t.1l rnn In to ~el' l Ul W till' 1 I ldll :': :;II III!t'lIlly Il L 11"t ,1'j I hlH In1P05- 1 clcllt l~' 01)('11 0(1 lI(1nll thp ~ worUI .a fortllo_mtlJl, enouih nod \\"01' 1!1 Wit!'! [f1 '1 1! Jilt! ~' IlU O1 lf'e 11101"". !'Oilll4' .. tried It. It woul(f n ol iJ l tllH "larce I!IlOUp to hold the Forty 110 \\ rt "1.;.' ~ UU. IllY d ":lI' I " h p n ~I, (ld Hfl d "\ Il al T' n ~aI1l-8Iltl IU!"Jd u 7" llll<.J 11'(l\ 1 l. I. ~\1f) (1:.: .ll fl l' !laud W II I'lIl1y. Yt't II I!'; rs l'~ , "II, :' "I til 1101 ('. I "onl J.:" In lo Ihat I d oo r ,';'ould nut ope n- eXt·' ·I .1 II. ,I, follw 1I'll 110\\', 11 :1(] 11Jlch'rIlP1l1it fil p !'i llr III 1" "" ' 11. '~h ~ II' sllllnrio" Is tOil rom· ~ And whell Ahe fOllllO thl~ to') " r :!! I k lll(hli'l"{S a "1'''11t··1' hUI'I..lIH·~S In If I ', I 11111 It · ~ . "- .. ...1 III. "--. .\ ...._1 ... tllin the \llrl hUl'I'l e,1 h l1('~ . as '. . ., II . ' ,
5t rllUll" fl Il lI I". bush l ')~s- tJlI Ii "'";; h. "II , I'ulollS tMI. I; lll-rl.·:, ,\ ",. sl nl", ·r. III ~nrl(l :
h l n('~UCri.81 to
ot panic " Irled Il ,e dO(11' 1I!lllln . It ,'\>1'11. She 8huok It to mnke ' I' wus SU ,·\! no\\', unll slle \ II I1H' I'~1 Ii 1l,1I11~ t horo\lghly •. 111111 r ' II rell b ' ((Ire. i;\htl wall " lhni l1Unl1 1)11 8JlJ(CWII ! . that ,I"
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r CUll tel! YOI1 Ihilj 111\,·!J. ' alfulr might be 1I111111 01.'U . 11'1\11 perhaps. If sllll ,\oulJI !llll \ her c oti,len ce to h im. YOII ",_! Sho illll not II 'e, lIur III1K""" ·. T .. v·ry IIw kwa rll. Ad ' ialun Hii It " . Wll 8 nbont to {nllll. SLte (II , :il' IIlm oM t. All thll t !lh\! reU! '101" r . dimly. Is Ib e flgu!' or the) vI " living vut OIl' .Iuor JUSt 1>,'("-' sor~u \\tl! -I od by Ihat \\' 01111111 ,
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e~t .. blJ~tll'cI firm Nil i'lvp.tlt m"D~ I' r um o tino rlipld . t!elilng "~qf18r" D AII I. ' trult .. n • orl,l8UJIIDlal '.ItI.,II. r ose- . abrob~ , .. 10. Wnhl tu . I .. " fOf h her I \.Ir '1"'81t1i1{J M .. nre·
'a l coli I hnnd upon her shoul· luip I'S 11111 . In!tumnn tOHch li nq;nllt 'rrlls.t ltrrestl ng her, 1.1'1' bn ck to Ill'r 11I~ 1Ir101l8 :.. u wnll one or lhe tw o dis· & I :" . N 'I"' .. r .. . ·N Y . " lllch' \\'11 now to cOllie UPOD hfI
j23 (
un~bttttS IIf 11'0 9Qr"~, jtll,'d land A FAI:l.M ti ll AUIlo KII .. Ilr, W .. yn".vllh•.
h'''"OU .. I If,1 F ,·O ... · h l Ll:il l d :S l l f\ l ~ ~" I I In rlllt~ r lo'urultl'·I ',l1UI11l ,tl I i ( 1I-1dr , lIl:-, M \' IIKAK t£, l' t EU1,.. . U d r. I'liolU " :il t'l-X LHlJI&lIlI li OU1 LJ ,
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"I :'4 t' PI11111J.! t il lid", I l ,, " l' J.! 1I
"I·. .· ""
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Farmers, Attention! .'.1.
N ~;Y
4'1" '11,1:,, . " I"', ",mll ln ,s lllurt~tt~to"
.1 ,,111. t:t .. rb~tlil, A llvu Ublu. 6 ".~4
( ·'HODS OF SUCCESS , nre olien naked by ChristlilD A. by mi ni~ters, church workel Mh e rs to give rules of IUC-, (;hl'i C. tillll work, The fol.. les ,ill guarantee IIUC>:my bristian enterprise, · ~-Abs() lu to loyalty to chrirt •. Son 'of God. Loyalty to • "!~ H mall is not worth anyo you. but loyalty to Chriat y God of very God, the S.l11en, is essential. .d- A bs olute obedience to ./ " rship of the Holy Spirit hird Person of t he ,Trinity. ~- · Absolu te loyalty to . the GOI I'S Infallible Word. It .l1 pl'eml.l nuthority. it il " ","rd, it is infallible and
.. ;,-1\
HonnR A Tao monlb, old
Pnp. sbuUl Ulne Reward t o ftqd e r. lnl}alre 01 O'bo Beudenol,. R. D 3, W ... yoenllle, Ohio. j30
~ lt &0 d61\Iskln UO" . ~ome L 08'l'-B where 10 W ''1n88vllle. Finder
I!lll. Ve wIth Mrs L llmmon . Fourlb . I,rllf't, aud get rewIlrd. j23
~ ood 000. bU~"D. W.. y-
Ford rourlng Ullr, In 1 dlh oo. W 0
06 VIIIIl, Ohl u . 16 haohlte b eli ef ' in, ad. •. and Inyn l ty I!, present~' nrll. bred t!b" rtboro !:loll o"lv81 ( ••U l':O~ I"'1 lie .Tesus Christ 8" 't o II In o utb8 'JIll luqulnlof nl y llI~nll ~ of Ha lvation,. ttoU(l\d l:illwkll l ' I:l. l) 1, W.~· nel. I nn"lSanl prayer. Prsy. Ville. OhiO . jSO dllil ~·. p ray continu~"8ry, htll y. tnlk Lo God. F o rd RuuuboUI" IlIlB m odel. hBi - lples~ DlIt '''ork at tho 0108el1 Wlnt il r to!" "nlllne !lood IIi helng a Ch ris~lcin; .work ,uonlUg order J .. m8a 1:1. Vauder ,,,p<~ uf evangelizing tho v{l rk at tho bus in ess of trourt. phou8 33.3, W" you_vllie. O. j30 " the Hible. . It.h-Hav.e a plae,e. W ork OR 81lle or trade-N.~h I:It:l:, for l:ISk II~Rlgn e d you. and reflO), model Qlo~ed o.. r Write . lh ll t Yf)U ure workin g for Box 48. rvey .. borl(, OblO. or 10. tha t yon are loyal to lh a I hat you understand the ' quIre U 'hili omoe. . j30 of ca m work. und that you lpel'at ing with your fellow ALlilD 8TRA Wfor 8ale. ioqulre n~ in the g'reatest pl"Ogrnm of M A. O~rn811. R . D ., Way_ nesville. Ohio. j23 it- The nhsolutc COnSeC1'3~' O UI' PUI'H(\ yo ur p O'Vf~ r an d u uL Blood Barred Rook Cooker. "sCl n to l hu ca u ~(! of Chri s t. ell . Bradley ,trllio Inquire of wOl'k of ova II" lislll. a nd to I!'. A , Solder, R D :i. W"VOIl8vllle. 1l ,~ il1 g UJl of t he kin g-il llln ot
a ..
. u ruh'g will mnke you a \·..,.111 whil C!, 0 goo'd cit i:tflD, " .·a hl e Ch ri~tia n, ond u tJ:Ue TI)l' .Tp.~u" Chrlst,. nnd suM . 1'1 CrOW\) ;.'ou~ . labors. - r.·
8yr~p. 12.25 a g"llou. W. M, a pM18 Bprntud· . R D. 1. Wa.v nes_ v\lIe. Ohio,
. L
.be P\>notllce ., Wa,.nenUl.,
Oh l~ ,
The Remedy That .Has . •Passed The Test
u 8ecoDd 0 .... " all lIatler
Subseriotion Price, il l. 60' per year 1 - r'~ H'I I;tl . \t1, ·,.,.tl" lnJ R epre ; .ntatJve
EA MH .Tr. .
iI (·A PRESS - - r ASSOCIATION ---- _ _ _
WEDN$.I:lDAY , JANUARY 28, 1924
c~ Not Upset the Apple Cart
N('w J ers,,), prl!llellts the 8pectacl~ of two judges engaging III a flNt HlIhl, hoth bei ng orrestl'd 11)' t.h(' rblef of 1I01Ice'l'nd !ludtng them·
=----------...--.. . . ,
)6uNeeJNor .Whit
N \\' Yorlt ,'tlltl' 10 to see Ihe Ji'rr!O Mal'Ons ent('rtotn lnc: the Knl1:bt;; f Colu mlllls. 1'11\1: 'I' ,lit 1!lternUh d chnfl' \i 1l10\'c m ~ l1 ts nll<l UIIl li on ::le llllilb lyll.(; ,lown to<:cth~r ! !Jere I l\ real enllllltu or thn
1111 ~. l ul ,-tURI Futn01l' 1 ~~ I" h ll ma n h ro tl'crb()O ~1. .
Chan co .. of Longevity. Dr. Ell jll'n u I.~' ""\f1 ~'\lIk, dlngnolltl· clon 11 1111 II II tI " "", ~ " ~'s , "The 'II vernge' J)4'r,,,,n ,,,,,.>fll" dlll n, l ' lie hest chAnce of 11I'lng tu n'!. Tho IlUl ll or "'oman ,,'1'0 \\' el ~ I ,s ~ u ur :lO per cent bel ow tJ,~ UI't.'rll ..;1l I'u" .he bes t chancll tor ton/l lit.,. \I I" "" rr. 10 su y lhe ol'el'lIl/:" 1111111'1.111111 r, ''' ''' ' ~ s 'he Idclll hll iitl al thlny. If Ill' l'\10 kel' I' nellr lIuII bull,1 for Ihl" .,.,'''' IIr 1,1" li re, he Inc.reU8tl8 Itl.
I,r lon ::,.4, Uy ."
_........- ... ....--Bo~uty.
As W~lh th e 111,' 0 ",110 !n< •." red II'hether he , hn d ye l IIII IIl n"I\ \I'1 ~'l om, Ilh I J I t 10 " pox ery 0 '''III pn ny n;: II'II U' Y, , IIDIIIVt'l' mnSI evpr he. "I! mi ght . :JIe
11'11,.- '1'
II 1.<'1h nh '·
h"u ~ht
~()m e tv
T he Studded Tee is equally good and equally . economical for repairing old fences or building new ones. ., Come in and see this new RED TOP. You must see it and handle it to appreciate how good a post it really is,
·RedTo CUA- ~~TL £D ~
Double Strength Studded Tee
Steel Fence Paste:: We have a good stock 01 ~ TOPS on hand and can take care 01 your need. without de!tiy.
, Down I.n Comfort, Texu, they say, "God macle the armadillo, but h01'Ie8 Apelt, ou r r tcbest towllslDon, fouod ont what the armadIDo "'''s 1(0011 tor." Wheu be lound that out be made a mUl10n dollars, W!lh Um f e'" dollors be bad lef t atter et8Y8Il taUm:e8, Apelt bought n tiny for m aod settled down to .apport h1I .lekl7 :tamUy by tilli ng the soU. . One dny us be sat, dtscoul1lged, he 8aw a .mall anlmal ruunlng post, lie threw II stone at It, but the anbnal's tonih armor'Jlllale bl4e was nn eft'ecUve dcfe ll ~e. Allelt t hrew oKaln, l1ltttq the a nimal !!flllately In tbe hend Illld 1, i!U n;: It, More as Ii lOu"enlr, Apelt skinned h i.~ ~trnng ' anti. fl e trt'd to IIntten t he akin, bnt found tbIIs kind of hldll \\,oll lllu' t Illlttl'n, 80 he t hrew It a wa y, A day or tWill later be no.II!Ctl tbnt t he un bad curled up the armadello coat Illto a half (ll"ll l shupe lind g Jnm It u poUsb like II mirror, Then he bad a vtslOD of uo artistic sll k. Jlned basket tormed out of th1I .bell Tbat lIay ,hel" \V IIS loortl 1\ lIe w Indllstry, Tho IIrmndlUo. as you may know, 18 a mammal about three r..let 101l r;. It Is II bubulc8s an lmul that IIns on roots and worm., anti its 11l('ll t Is sOllletimes
--- -- --
Every Tuesday
- - --
,[".,ont Il': Renu ty ho,
T his is the type of post all manufacturers have for years been t rying to produce, but it was gi ven up as impossible, A RED TOP engineer had to discover a new principle in roll ing steel before he could make this C'tudded T ee. But don't get the idea that it's an expensi ve post. This new RED TOP costs less than the better grade of wood posts and lasts twice as long, It actually costs considerably less set in the fence line. It's the greatest value ever offered in a fence post.
At CarY's Jewelry Shop
Wllelher \"011 fig'r ee or not. CoolldKC pnts hl~ ftu lter on fRets and Jets the "erlJh; l(e ~ lI , h!. 'The dlltcffUl'C betwcn t he r.Pllgue or N ntlo n~ II tI'e Wo rl,I Co.,rl . he GII)' R, Is that one eetohl Hhes on Instituti on ~ wh iCh n lI".tlon tn. UlI tr " JIRrt, Mnd t he other n l'O url to which a :'tlOIl IUO)' arl''''ll If It Ilealres, Q lite a dl ltercnee. 'f uke YOllr pick.
Cost Less in Fence Lasts Longer
In t he Ilost tlon ot.V<MIslhle permanent IIrrest al r I' there hi no olle tllllm, Obvlotlsly, they cannol try each other and to 1111\'1) th em try tbrmse" 'es would only otter 0 plot for ftllother GUllert und Snlll van eomle npI' I'II. J ersey does 1I0 t l upply many naUonol lJlui h8, bot when • be does Ih('), arc \\'orlh whtle.
new and better steel fence R ',0 TOP Double Strength posteltfier above or below the g round- proved stronger than all oth ~ r posts at all points by severest tests, Fine new fi nish and sturdier anchor plate. New staple that is stronier and easier to apply. 11 ()<:.t -Tl1P
I ch'e~ to In'
, bavl! beeD. If YOIl hnri
Greater Strengt h .a nd Longer ' e in tms w en ce Post
Dr. fohn W. Miller
~lilllh·t~ :"o
Poli t ies will soon be sil'.zling, Alread y the p re·conven t ion fo r ces urc begin ni n g to form their li nes. 'r 1len will comn the fi g ht fa" c hoke w it hin the p a rties when w it h t h e ~I nge all set and li melight l tl l'\lcd 011, th e candidates will b e r eady t o wage I.boir Wil l' 1'0 1' Ru p r cllI lley at l he polls. W e h a ve uur p OIHicul convicti on s. Presumably m ost of .our r ead ers h uve th eir s, ~o l1l e may ag r ee wi th u s, othel's may n ot. Party conlest nnd d iffer en ce in opin ion is t he puls e of A meri ca n ' life and a chievement. H ow bitte r the coming fi !!li l is to be · u o JIla n can foretell. Issu es, always great er tJl l1.n , , are m ore or less cloll u cd at present, As they unfold thew ._elves in t he party platforlUS onc will be better able to. measure t he .vi tal diff er en ces in thoug h t. Wh atever these differen ces may b e, h ow· evcI', whatever be t he heat of political debate, let us n ot f or ge t that when the di e is cast th e American n ation is d estin ed fo r another step f Ul'w ard , t hat ar t will improve, tha t literature w ill be mOl'e ,'efined , t hat conuner ce will be greater, that invention will be mor e ingeui ou8; in brief, that no political victory can stop the pl'ogreSo'! of the g rea test nation in the world. , • W ith su ch belief in th e hcal'!.S of the p eople we view w,th calm the nearing party d ist u rban ces. It is only. when such b cli r is lacki n g Ilnd tJlOu ghtlClSSly so, that bUSiness sUfl'CI'J! bcclluse of " tllC t; Jlsel t led con ditions due to p oli tic.•. " Wbet hcl: we be Hcpuhl icanll, Demoerats, Independents or what n?t, let us I'eruember we Ilrc all stockhol d era in the great corp or ati on of Amerl ca, and th a t, like all -other co rporatjon.~, th is one in which we a re most ill t rest ed will r esponu to public confl dc ,~e.e IU~~ ~o optim ist ic cOllvict iol1. W e n t;cd ~o " un~ttl ed cond lltOlls . lJ1 thi s count ry li nd we :\: c foolish If we brmg ,t h em about hy.a fn lJ'ic mentnl att it u de or loose talk. The bus m css st ructuro . IS a ll . cl fo r a · great a nd a 80u 11,11 prosperity , and if we arc wise we wi ll not t h oughtl essly upset the apple cal'~. . . F ight us h a rd IlB y ou will fo r your con Victions, but al wlIYs witll tbe fIXed knowledge t hat A lOe.r ica will continue to pros p cr n o ~attor wh ieh way th e cat jumps.
Mr e A'dam Oampbell II very Ilok Mr, and MI1I , J , B. J ones were I thl" writin g, O"ytOQ v isitor s F riday. \ It w been before the h lB, Mabelata rr, of Xeale, lIpent J Bmell Johns made a buslDesiI tr ip public . ror mo'. thaft 'he week·ead wI$b ber m oi.h Ar h" r e t o rtlollmond,Ind,. I:!aturday. filt,. JU" Will AIleD;' of DaytoD, ~pe D' Ihe W,,1ter Clark a"ended " FIl.m It 10 • .cf""tlfielny compounded presCfil'u oQ week .end wi th hltt' sl.tor , Ida R owe Bnrellu m eeting at LebaDon Brlday . It b... healed thou· Mre, MaUle F inch 1>1 s pendin ::; tbl 8 Mn . Morrl. Miller lind baby a.w.week in Dlly t.un, wi th Mrs. Wi l li a m da ngbter oame home from Miami It UI of fI)CClaI ftluc Mabam, i. di • • ,.... 01 ca.lanUI VaJl IlY h Ollpltal &I' urday . natwcM. ~" Jean Bookett Elpent the week Me8damea EVil (i r" bam, EI~lo C"tnnh I. in tl3mm:L end with h or grandparen ts , Mr. and Hawke and J e8sle Lnn g6ure "pen t liun of the mucuuI Mrs Il: E . Reu () n. IlI~ Q l l l rnn e.5. It nl:1. ni · Tbnuday In t h e G em Ctl.y ft.· eu iuctr in Hse nuu', MI"s Llda ~ enned , ~ t t h e ODlo Mr. and Mr s . A. W, K opp &nd I JIC throa t, the: . lomi\cb . Stll te h o~ pltlll , s pflnt S UDda y w ith chlldreD, of Day ton: spen t e: ..turday U-. ~ 1l() \ff"1. a nd o~he r i the bod,.. b ar p,u eo LB . A, L. K eon edy aDd w"b . the latter 's mothAr, Mrll. Jda wife . Day, Lit t ie Rj oh a rd Dav is ball been In Mr. aDd Mra. Frank R ogera, and II v.;or.y critical ·.' oDdHton wl\h pto. Mrs. Frank Smith spent rr' hondllY will p ro\'~ helpful wbf:tc ..·~ r nnd ",'hen . mn ln e poison, b~& ia ~Io me better at ID Day t oD and took dinner wi ~b ,-,.• , ul.r. ~:I:';:~::~I::.:.mm" :=..z.o..1 1 I J( P~A llt . 14ra Dora MoK1rby . T~bl t. or U quld Robert (inne r i8 s pendin g t htll Mr, and Mrs Ralph John. aDd I"t'IWM w e~ k III J)1I.v tl1 n w ith ,Ioho ~ mlib danKhter moved trom tbe Ctark " ull w, tll , r edeoorlll.inl( t b9 Interior farm Saturday In wl&b his parenti, of '·beir h ome . Mr. and Mrs .,James John • . Mrs. D. B Bookwllolter re'urDed T I.Hl weat her mll n b as Rent o s s ome 1I1 (' r o oold we nt h e, T en belo W zero $0 her home tD Mtaml"bu~g laa' " ;J' l n {lll~ uwkeR m or e aktLtln g tor the boyll week after rpendlna lIeyeral days d sr.lrI "11 I) . , • " 1''' ';:-0 "r :':!\'pn u w . , ~ wi t h tbe home of Mr, and Mre. Morrie I\ w 1 ITl IJ I\ h e we tt. p l1 rd l;J !--'. ' I r ~ "I~ I wo UI'e.ll !limn. t h l'l lI '" 1" :1 11 :. f .. II\..;"- ( ln n · wt lli'D . l' he HUfl d" y. Scb oo \ ooovtlntlon l h e ," " \\11 "" :.. .• d , d \ IllId IH'l! wh t' u MrI, Dearth 8heehan la .pendlDg w .... btl lrl 11I 8t ~ undll Y ILf te rDooD ., th e~! h ill ... a lew weeke with ber l_reDt., Mr. M . ~~ oho r oh with Prof. WahoD aDd Mre. AlbuS S&aoy, wblle Mr. ", W I I f11 ' n~ I O n college U8 Hpeaker, Sheehan la in an antomoblle sobool l:Iu mii too Bogan lind W, P Mo. In OloolDna&I, I ; ~rr u u hll vo bot b i nBt blled new ra. Mr. aDd Mrs, Walter Clark and . ,j , . , ~ . 'It 'Il ver y intere,aU DIt t o bear. Dentist family at&enc\ed 'be IInrprlee blrtb . H l rl ll flClS lind uun cert l! 1)0 f .. r " WtIoY. day dlDner of Mr . Elery Lewl. SOD. Wa y n esville atiun a l Ba nl( l3ld!: Lil t '", P uo lln e. CI <. og h le r of Mr . day, at $b e h om. of ble mo.her, " IHI ;l.lr ~, Allam (;tl m pbe tl , pllo8l1 sd Mrs . Clan, Lewis, In Day too " "" l' lfl Ht Wlld uesCltly . of 'er tIo ahor' Mr . and Mra. Ben Bawke' and Illf1 e ~~ ~ h e wa s laid tiWD.I" t o rest ohlldren ftDd Un, Mary Copsey Ifl Mlll lnl ofl w eter v. wllre BundllY dinner guel!ts of 'be The ~~ oo o ( i n n lll ber o f t h e leot u lt; ItIo'~r'8 brot.ber , Mr . Mulin Fox, The Eye 'ii,l\ ht Specia ii sl C1" ur~H w ,, ~ II tin e on e. h etd Matur. wife and dRughter, In Dl\yton ' Ill V nij!ht , t h e (iri!! wo ld Duo. On '' 'no Mary Carmony en'ertalDed U\ ' X~ ~ 4 turd u y t il " thi ld nnmber, on SoodRY, Mr. and Mrt!. E . J, Car rlJ" Uo lonl ll i TrIO, \1'11 1 be given. Lebanon, Ohio mony aDd cblldreD, Marian and Rober', of ~prlogflehJ, Mr, and Mn. Wllbnr Clark, the Mlssee KdhrYD, Too Se vere . 8: !1() s. OJ , to 4 p. III Mildred and MarRaret Clark and A rlV._ Io ~ ( ·\\, t·ll'S!unt h o mes t UI .~nt. Ob.t l'c, I Q n""""'I' h".vs:' We'd hardl, Mr . Ihere" Clark HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED call Ihe lilli e r/lSI'uls tbat.-Bostoa Tbe .aatlevllla "holY at Lytle ball Trunacrillt, laMt week wal larjltety aUeDded and eoloyed a. well. It was alven by BeD Bee DnVell and famIly, of IJ01. umbo.. They wlll IIhow In Bellbrook neU week until FridllY eveD • iDg and will be at Lyl t e balJ aaaln next M.t urdllY evening, the 26tb . ~
D. t. CP. AN E , Editor a.nd Publisher. Wa.yne~vlJJe, O hio
~ Ot"D .
'l'I' jlcr lng th o Rbell illto a bCllultful desllD &rid bavlDitt It silltIl nl'd Ii.)' Mrs. Apclt, he took his odd Hod to a curio .bop, wbere It was engerty bonllht. Then be stnrted n buket bUIInesa. Today 1)9 c!tlJlloys 100 men null U8 many dogs-Just aDY Bart or a 'dOI--and the~ n ro l\(,,.t lous.)' 1n the mountains routing out armadllloa, "hlcb are l' I ~Uli rlll , · , The (Jl'mnnd f or nrmadlllo hosketa hll8 extended aU over tt.be .world. In ~'JII ' " of rh e 1t ,\)1~ (lll F lft.h Avell ue, Ne'" York, an Allelt ruod,e a m"lIlI lIo hnsket SPoilS for , ~2:>O, 0 .. Jlis greut estllt e tn Texus Ute IIIUO wh o lnlled a acore at times Is tI", pl'oud POS81!SHOr tOll!lY of n lUllusion thnt III tbe sbow Jllo <!e or his cit,'" " It wusn't j ust luck," be snya. "I saw my opportnnl~. fi,:,1 ~tw'k to It."
- - -... ...- - -
BEECH UROVE . Ed Wil80n was a Wayneaville vie. Itor on Saturday. . M, M, 'ferry made a busloell8 trip t o Indiana 00 Saturday, R, G . Mnrray tranuoed buelDesl
lA' Miamisburg on Thanday .
Harry Cline and Gille Gordon were In ClnolnDatl on bullne .. MOD · day . Ulenn Davie and family and Mre, Bogan were Sunday gneu. of Mrll, mara D~DD, .. ' til\ver Grove. Howard MoKay and wife, Geo. W, Dav1, and wif" ao d Mra Bog a n a"ended tbe FI, 1'\ c ODvention at Bar-eva burg 011 t'lInd"y afterDOOD. •
IN DAYTON 'B.·· F. Keith's
The Show P~ce of Dayton
whi s perod a r ou nd tbat we wlJ\ bl\ve 1\ F.. rmers r n s ~itute in 'he n etir f utur o. John Lon g J r . had the l u nch "and at i h e F rl4 nk 8 11111 8 811 11'1 on last 'l'bnrudaJ , R J. Murray aD CI wi fe atte Dded the fun eral or W.IU . Ze!l tit W .. y . nellvllle OD Tbursday " t tllrnoon . Reverend Hnntln g l on aud wife were the week. e nd g neRts of J obn Lowery and family In Weima n. Mrs Mllry ManDon a nd da ugbter , Glens, a tt ended the 8 . 8, CODve n. "on at Ha r veys burg 00 Bund ay IIf. $erooon Gale Gordon . our hus tlin g t:ltook bnyer and bauler bou gbt tin other load of I!took 11I8t wee k and t.ook t o tbe olty Mr Gordon ie bU llY dllY and nl\ilbt h8ullng IItook and be took a load of t eb/looo to K en tuoky Bun. clay evening .
.- .....- - -
For I?" Oilclot h. Oll clolh Bhould be WII " ,I with Blalon . ... \ Mlllt HolltnMlworah, all warm wn ter, to wblch n II tlle storch d of Da,\ou, came down OD Satnr ay (made with bolllnir wl1tl'rj hilS heen added. Soap fbould on nl\ uccou nt be uaed, lollre. 8unday 9rt.h ,h.lr home A. B, Talmalle and Wife; Bowa rd MoKay and wife were amoDg 'hoo from tbl. plaoe who aUeDded 'be Farm Bureau mee\log at Labanou on 'be 18'h, FUNERAL DIRECTOR
. "
A Pure
Good Hou ..wi"••
Extract for
New IDEAL Meata, GrocerioI,. Tau.
flavors, Ice Cream, Puddill l(s, Cakc~ ann Candies.
CoIf. .,
Driedl Fndb
III Sa.th J ...., - St. D&7I"' O'CtiUle. Lel..... B. A.
AsK YOUR GROe f: R ".. R.,a) Rem••,. and Extract CompDn,. , , Da,ton, Ohio
H.... PaID of
LARGEST ARMY GOODS' STORE In The· MIDDLE WEST. A.ruq G~. aael 'Men'. ;ur:ni.biD~' At 10 to 20% Suina_ Al.tM~ STO 'RE 17 West F ifth Street
1'_ 1
a..r,-t .. "'lfOrt ,
.~..outc" 'I~O.OO Surplii. $800tOOO.~1 ',
ao,ooo Aoco.~" .
, • , D.,...., Ollie
:' Lu.~: F\I~"
·T, .......
been ueed eucceeefully I.n the trHt:meat
of Catarrh. HALL'S CAT ARR H MEDICINE coa· ai_ill or fln Oi ntment which Qulclol,. Relieve. by local al>pUcall.on, an. the Interno ' Medicin e. a Tonic. whlcb acta t hrou gh tho lIlood on tbe Muequ. Iurta ees. thua redUC th e tnftammatJoa.
bY n il
F. J . Cheney '"
•••. Toledo, Ohio,
0 ••
Telephone IU,
Forest T. Martin , Auctioneer
Get my terms for yeur
Public Sale. 1 satisfy and save y;ou money 'or charges.
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, CentervUleEx.
Waynesville, Ohio
Ie. ThODlpaOD and wife, Mn, Mabel Terry, W. B . 'l'err)', Mra Allee Terry, MIN HaDnah Jordou, 6eo. W , 0&'9111, GleDD 0 ••11, Mra, Ida 0011101, Mn. Jellie £111. aDd MIIII V.. 'a EIlI. a,teDded ,he fUDeral of Mr•• Jam .. W. Or.. well Way. neniUe .011 Tharlda~ ~UerDoon ,
Fully Equipped for Good Service. . Large Display Room
· 'W aynesvllle. OhiO) National Bank
CUT RATE DRUC STOllE 33 E,ut ~ 5 '" ".",
It""RI!-tI8!Do' ~ ~ ...
BoaaD, HaDnah 80gaD, K.
Pretzinger'. Quality
Walter McClure
8 ~ VaucleYill. Acta and Feature PhotopIa,•. ContiaUou P~f~nc:e., 20c and JOe, Evening 30c and SOc The NUDe SOUDERS ....t.n·W III 1878 . • ~d. . . . parut. . for abaoluie aatW&ctlo..
.. 1
J. 1Ae '1' tim " ~e, Cha•. and Cecil
~~~~~~~~~~;;Ii~~~~ii;;~ii~iiii!i!!!!~~!!~~~~;;!E~~i;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;~~~!!!!!!!!~~i'~lto'Plnd c
l ;_
MONEY MONEY MONEY Something we all need and ~omething we all use, to·day, tomorrow 'and next year. Se.e to it, then, that your dis· ca~ded tools and other things you have no use for are put on' thE market for '· 's ome on~ else to h~v~ ~H1.~ use an~,Y:~p get the {money forjhem. - . "
;k§o&(~' Wilu.m~B~~~~~~"n'f&m.
....._:;;.0._""',___- -----" I
.. \
dLEAN IllA Y SOAP • The best Laundry SOIlP
10 bars for 3ge medal'Y Datep, pkg , only 1.jl' klilg Fip. pound . onl y .. 1:'.: g Bar Cak1'.t, pound ......... I ~ Aout' Jem ir.la Pancake 1~ l ollt
_L2 packages ............. ..... ... 25c Vlraiola Sweet Pan Cake I Floor, 2plcka a CII ........... 25c Battle Ship Coffee. lb. only .. 35c Good RIDCoffee;- Ib. only .. ...l c SEED & EATING POT AT 9 8 -{ Jed River Early Obi08,bag .$2 25 l'ore Irish Cobblers, bag ... $2 75 I A Q'OOd time to buy you r Sped : Potatoes.
~!.; ~".
";' .
f' ..... ,
~.T obacco-F.xtra
~1' .L::._ ':,'
wns !oo nc"ti vt' in 1I1o\mshiJ I''-lid~ l a~l y~J\ r t hat h, . h a~ Il lh\{ 1, ..-Cd
made Chief 01 l'uil ,~ of 25 .000 •... id, nts. '
III \ 1l .1\ cI\Y
All Be CIIlIIR at 7c each, or 8 for2Oe
OUT 0-
Bgell. Lenl'lllnl! on d
3eglecl ed. TIle Uenn lssllnc
y e~.!· l h. ' f l .!'''r r! IJ, lit loyed on~Q 1,' r nl r rl' l:l t , Anti lhl' hear: 11<... li ·lt,d wi t h
lit. ST,O ',rr-S q,Ii [It
~ IHnt!
Shoa d Order
ord CarNow
:,n.'11 ~'I
RESPECr c~n bul I"~ n_r~ ~" ~L~h~" '~l
Th e D ark A ges. The p erlud d n t ln/: f r"II , Ih" Ilwn,lon \ of II'mn('c by Clo\'I~, I n ~~Iq. In rhr I ~c~cenl on tlnly . In H f . by nollrlcs \TTlT of Fran ce I ~ e011ltllonly cull ed tire
It paya to Trlltle at
S,ar'"" and 1Nm0untabJ.. Rlnu 18$.00 &rtro
rnnn y ol h l~r t l ~l nti\I' ~ ,
Rev . Ali i... W. Leil:h, " pli,l Church Mini,(!'r of P"oilJcr.h, Kr·,
• Tux4ldo or Velvet Smoking Tobacco ~ Tina. for ~3c
uel 'and Mary J. Dinwiddie WAS born September . 1863 Illld died January Thir ~ une! 8Y utte r Epiphany, 10. 1H24 , nged 60 yeaTS, .f monLhs, .JllnlHlI'Y 27, Chu!~ h hool at 9:30. and 2 days. He JjYlld hi s ui lire life M Ol'l1l!'~ Prbyer Bnd sermon , Mr. in Warren county Ho \V II S married Knlnh L<' ' . icillting Eve r~' b o d y Oecemb r 22 . lSl a to Mi9~ Belle cUllllaJly i vilL\! tu th "e servi . CS. Martin, to this unio n \\ e re burn four dUI1~ h l r a one d ying i I infancy. M,' l l l<>OI: I I,; l-lUReti e WII B mem ber (If thl' Chriiit18fi Sab 'l t h : c!ln' I. H; l f. H . III pr<,ach- Chu rch of F erry. uh; Il a membe r uf ill g al lil::ill n. II I. Wl,dn ' ~dH Y ('v en· three rrute rmd Ilrgnlliznli uns. inl! ~ ,'n ice. ';' .\),) (I 111 l;;pw urth li e wa;: a "ood n,"i)rhb, , ·. a ki ne! ])'"1411" Il:H. I' n, ; pre ching a t 7:0C fri end e,e r rroad y (I' he und do P II. i.Il'1'I ' . P' I - "nl Ilv inv iled what he could [ r 11 .1 . .II ki nd a nd La lil"" ~,. \. . loving hu .bond lind !tlth ' 1' I-(l'\' I . I . ·,.l d .urn,I'asto r . He' I av 8 \.0 mllUl'n his g'oinlr, his belovt'd Clllll J} lln ll'/l, :Hld Ll r ee d ou· l){ hlCrS Mrs. L..i: 10 St rouse, Mrs. Ru t h SU l'lIg,' II' ,! :,I I~;: I live. nl80 I'rut. ,1:-, \ ' ... l " h 1I~ lit th e Reven grilli' Iclll 'J( ·:1 11111 I on.' '<I ll If !-" JCHd., r lHl l'cir r ·r~ l · l l[ly \1 I <I brotl .ll r, J.I!I"" ..... . el ur I' nil
$Peeials Thi~ Wee!:
123,607 Aetna' r,tnll d"",v.Y-lr~ In lhIc.mber. e, ,,,bllsh· .... a n..... hla" ...!COrd
l or i' IV "';I' " lIP 01 f,' r nn ho ur to· I day durinll I II" f Ine ml o f ,I. A. (i'unk<,y. 'I'hi~ I\' I' , I"n" liS H marl< I werc uf re~p l'rt f ... r a f. II 10:\' [" ", nR man I
j, q
( .. Uowed.
.lkin ~
f l1T nl l ' -
Considering that, as epring approaches, retail buying will become more active. there will be a greater demand. for Ford Cars this spring than ever before. ThercIore. the only way you can be 8ure of obtaining delivery this coming s pring or summer is to place your ordel immediately.
tor wi..r".. buy/till.
~!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ allLi merc:h!llll. "I... r" r~, mnny I"r, \\IIS f " lI1d d""d In I cd laRt wee, !II years WIJ~ a tJII~i'IC~" nm" here. iat lob hl)lIl C Iwar LI 'ha nc. n. death - - - - --. - • I l,l!inp; c~lIsed b) i l llirt t rouble. Mr Wa lkIns se f\' t!d I he county two t e r m ~. IIo nd was defe ated lus t fall by S. ]). Hellk le . Th election Willi c,)I)test d . and tbe case is still il~ t he cou.rts. Mr. Wa~. kins wali burled at h iS old home In Showing how Oil may be Morro""
. Haye You Seen Oar Demonstration?
.\ adjusted to the motor by uling The Great 8also
The State Library has extended the tim ~ or our loa n or books to Msy 1st. Th ese books are well worth readi ng "nd plltNns are urged to avail t he mselves of this opportunlty .
87*tem imd the BalBO
BalaDc:ed Automotive
. OQaT
We 'caD show you more about .~tical Lubrica- ~ tiOD in Thlity Minutes thim aibert have dODe in Thirty Years. INk it over.
Dropin and
, '
We desire to thank all our neighbors and friends for their kind and 10vinJt acts during the iIInesa and death of our husband and father . Also the merchollts for their beautiful floral offering. Mrs . Wm. Zell. Mr. George Zell,
.. Backeye Jocubators and BI~oders ~. Oliver Sulky Plows Oliver Hand Plows Oliver Disc Harrows .' Hand Made ', Harness
---_.. -
If »ou do no' wI"h
See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer
Cat Waa T a k.n(l Mu*le L ~. ll on. One 1I1""ullll: whlll! lI'I\\'n ·Iu till' IIusenent I Iwunl ~"lut!Untl pluy l n!; tile ,10100. KDnlIIO!; Illy duu!;loter h a d lett 'or s ch uol . I did not know w hot 10 hlnk o)f It. \I slI\lnlled like 8" lIleOne vas tryl llG I" (ItllY thut did not know '01[11. I wellt UI'~ tnlru to In\, cs llgnI8.
A PPt.ES~Wlnellap
aF R educing th e Grealesl Sioc/ls in Onr H islory
35 ,75,
Children's Wool Socks " i th fan cy colored tops. Formerly 75c to $2.50, ]J O\\' priced 69c to $1.39 . Children.'s heavier COttO Il Union Suits, with taped buttons. Three styles, ~i z es 2 to 16 years. Priced from $1 to $1.65, accordin g to size and style . Pumps and Oxfords in well-known makes. $12.50 to $16.50. now reduced . to $9.45.
Beautiful winter Hats, of better makes, formerly $15 to $25, now $3.95, $5, and $7.50. Sui t Blouses of crepe de chine and velvet. $10 to $15, flOW redu~ed to $7.95.
Form e r~y
Brushed Wool Scarfs in brown and navy, reduced from $1.95 to $1. House Dresses and Bungalow Aprons. reduced from $1.95 to $1. . 5~.
1O-inc:h Peau-de-Paris Ribbon, 59c.
'10.95 Boys' 2-Pants Suj~8, $8'.95. · . ..',' .
_ New spring flannel and crepe Dresses, $25. ~New
Spring Sport Sk i~ts in fI.annel, the new :'silversheen" aRd velQ",r. , Plam colors and fancy plaIds and ' stripes. Priced $12.50 to $19.75~ . . '..r: ", Fur trimm ed Coats,
from $98.50· to $65 .
Blanket. Robes, good assortment of patterns and' color,s. ;\Yith. satin ' tri mming -reduced from $3;95 to $.~.85. . . . .,. ' ". .. . Wa m ·rob s of jr;,ported Satine, iined .w ith 'mull and .~ i7JterHll~ with gemline- Iambswool. -Light and dark colors.. ~ u ed from '$ J.3.95 to $10. . uir; o//he
Fl OO1'mt. 11
for Location . oj Ttems Adllertised.
Great Clearance Month is nearing an en? and the days of opportunity- in January Sales merchandisea re numbered.
Luok over the list of seasonable articleS her e mentioned and plan to take advantage of the last of these greatly reduced prices. Only a few, of course can · be mentioned in this small space, but every floor, every department offers many highly desirable articles at very worthwhile reductions: Should an immediate shopping trip into Dayton ' prove inconvenient just now-there's "a lways Cornelia ready and eager to come to your assistance. Tell .het: yourneedll .'and . trust lier trained jtidg~ ment. Many t~ilik she shops for them even ·more 88 tisfaatorily than they cat) ~h~for..:!h~ .
Phone Main 4301.
It ..
... SALE ... 46,-IMMUNED SOWS-46
Monday January 28i J
Sale ht>ld in H. E. Sellers Barn, South Collier Street, 1~:30 sbarp. This is our second annual Bred Sow sale. We think we ure offering a much better class of sows this ye.:I.f than we sold.last year, consisting of provcn sows and spring gilts. We trust the .farme., and breedel s will be with us and help thems~lves.
Auctionet"r, COL. WEIKERT' and .COL. FOLCK 'J. EARL McCLELLAN, Seeretary.
LIST OF CONSIGNERS Walker Austin Ralph, McClellan Wm. B. F'erguson J. Earl MCClellan Le~is E. Frye R,d:,~. Watt.& Son Albert Bickett W. C. Z.eU ~
Greene CountyDuroc Bred Sow
Dayton, Ohio
'l5c Children's Stationery, now
f o,. t h e Day. <hlft. rl-SI Il' l1s lblllty Ilion n nd ... IIi:II n * ' lo H ~ lb "l t.Y 8\\"IHU(1_ hIm.
The Late C1assifie Ads
F u mOUI Klase .. TI.l' ·\lrsl kl "". Molllllllcs kisses. A tl ~s In Ih,' ,I;,,·k . ·I'hl! klBlJ ot the pool balls. A kl~~ 011 the beeael'. Slolee
T""'~ lo ~I' !
Large congregations ,nre dawn each evening to tbe Method ist church where Rev. Waehbulrn is conducting a revival service. Each evening Ind 011 tl rrl\'lng I found the ('Ill Jumpthere Is some special attraetion aa nil /lrulInd on Ule teya.-Ohlc&iO Men's night. Girl's nlgbL etc" and loumll !' Borne highly instructive talks are ~~~~~~~~~~==~= being given by local people along religious, Jines.
Wizard Portable Electric Sewing Machin e.
cO.lh fof"
Wayne8~iIIe, Ohio :._;;;,;;;;....._..:.;;..;..______~-....~~~.....- -....-a..- -
Q .Imnll do.u.m and CO,", terms 0" th e b"ItJnce. Or you can buy on 'h e F o rd W oc.t/y Purella .. ., Plan.
R AN K w. CRa:W, IIprolaJjzlnB ~ Wtl the following farm owners tJ1 ~ replllrini of B'ord oa r ~. l:!bop positiveiv forbi d any hunting or at lIam o 1008110n; r081denor pbone t, trapping on ou r fa rm s. Any viola 83·:6X. r6 - - tion of th e same will be p rosecuted O O D Dry Stove Wood f' r 8ale The lotal for I be 8ale of tubercu- according to la w and to t ha fullest l 'Hlulre of Barvey R v. , WI&Y .. losis Christma seals in Warren Calm extent. . Deevlll u, Oblo, f6 0 ty amounted t.o $1246 08. Wayne Ed Furnas. W bl e Pip. town flhip Fole! $91 wort h or stamps, ____• _ _ _ pln . Rome Bel\lltr . Dll d Ben The Reo ros ha9 quite B balance/ Dav lH .1. L M8nd8nh,,11 phone to their cr edit fo r the coming year "Save by buying i.n Waynesville," 74 1I . l!~, Wayn88vlllo, Ohio. j23
And Farm Machinery
co r" )"O U con arran,c lor
PG)'ffl c nt
It.................................................... . t
of· 'My Coming·. Sale i)ates Here Are , Some
January 26 January 29 February 4 February 6 February 8 February 11 February 12 February 14 February 18 February 20 February 22 \ February' 25 February 26 February 27 . FebrUary 29 J
... ~.Several · are al~eady taken in March. If ·You are going to have a sale, ' give me a trial. ..... My terms are v~ry ' reasonable and I guaJ;'a#~ tee satisfaction or cha'rge ' nothing. ..... Call or write . "
III. !:kItn Wflsrht uri,ed bome
It It WecM.ay evenlna, atter a week'l,hlt with ber ' friend, MI. Flora Berryhlll. of Columbua.
IIr. and Mn. J . B. Chapman and Mn. E V. Barnhart, of CincinnatI. and II,. Emmor D. Baily, of lAbanOD, at~ed the Centur, Club meeting, Friday, Mr. and III'II. 'J B. Tbom.. and Mn. Kate Johna. of Centenille, IIr. and Ill'll. I:ariTbom.. and lOB W.rren, of Soelal Row, ~~ Iut Thur. . da, w.", Mr. and Mn. Ro, Hathe·
'lbe Charm Scbool Service leaaue will meet with MI.. Ma.., Loul.. Zimmerman Saturda, atemoon, Februa.., ~, at 2 o'clock. A lull att.ebdan~ la dNlred. Buun. . lmportent.
The nest number of the leetore coone will be ADdrew S. Beebore, .. ho will appear In the old aool bulldlnsr ~D ,ebruary 7, Mr. Beabe ore Ie a leet,.,.r of mucb ablllt,. Everybody ·c ome.
Prof. N, E. Bennett, of Harvel'S· bul'lr, aD astronomer of note. will Illve an lIIuttrated leeture at the Hlith Scbool Iymnulum on Febru· a.., 20. Prof, Bennett, who has . retired from active aervlce. i8 cl_d .. the third areat8l't astronomer In America. and wa once a member of the faculty at Wllmlnliton college Be enjOY8 the dllt1nctlon of havinsr diaeovered a 8tar and naming it. a6 .-ell a other notable discoveries In the field of atronnmy. Tbe Senior cl. . of the Hlah School feel8 that it II indeed fortunate In secu rlnsr this man, and' rio one jn thlll community can well afford to miss hia letture Prof. Bennett has .a collection of pictures. wblch have been ~rmed by a critiCal aud.l ence \ In CIncinnati to be the fineat ever snown.
- '--"r·
With an equally decisive defeat as Bellbrook over the Miamis two weeks alto, the latter team defeated Mason Independent.'1 on the local floor last Saturday eveninlo!. While the visiting team was not n arly as strong as Bellbrook. the Miamis found themselves in this game and looped field baskets at will. The game was clean with very few pers .. nal fouls, and the final score was 47 to 10 .. Lack of practice due to many ac· tivitles at the gy m last week. had it's effect on the High School teslO who lost to Clarksville by a IlIrge number of PQlnts. This makes three 8traight defllllts for the High ~ chool team, all of which may be attributed to their inability to handle the ban and find the loop. The team work and basket shooting of Clarksville 'enabled them to overrome the Orange and Black, winning by a 8core of
----_ ..---
extremely ley 'c ondition of the roada and Ilde"alka. The "Colonial 'l'rlo'" At a recen~ meeting of the Wlltren .. announced wae sub8tituted by County Farm 8u reau. held at Leba.' tbfee young ladies. who-gave a very non. the followinll oRleers were crtiditabliJ entertainment . eleeted for the coming year: Presi.
-a _r!!o!!u!!D~d!!~!!,L!!D!!v!!er!!'!!,!!Co!!!!!!lo!!,!!r!!,!!ad!!,!!o!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!~~~~~~~~!!,!!!!!!,!!~!,,!!!,_ dent. J . L Men~ en.hall , '!!!
Have You rut' the FiD.S~iog Touch 00 ·Y,. out,· Home?
"'JUst' A.WO'RO• "I
Vice.presi· dent, A D. Bond ' Franklin , three lady directors. Mrs. Carl Miller, Franklin, Mts John Jacl!, Morrow, and Mrs U. J, Worley. Foster A lot of bu si ness was transacterl at this meetin,,: including R li~ t of delel(ate1! to attend the annual meet· ing at Columb "lI, February 4, S, 8, Ellis was named is one of the delegates,
.• -.'---
EASIEST, CHEAPEST. and BEST HAD SLIGHT STRO.KE . .l~,o you want '. ~, ~Ilve ' time and labor in your OF PARALYSIS hom~' ,nd also make lr .nore qutet~ clean and comtortible? " . . : , ' ,'Did 'you ev~r get up in the 'Cdl~ . a't ,night to find a hairpin or somt' o~her thing to put ;in y')ur window t(l stop it fr m rRtthng? _ " . Do, you haye to dust y6u,r wind •. w ~il~s and fi?,ors , d '?' , . .• . every .ay '" .' . ''': ' " . • 1 •• ' Does the cold, dust. dlrt ,and,ralO blow 10 •round , yoilt windows anet doors? " . ' . : Do you wa~t to protec:. y.o ur expensive lac~ cur.' '.~,'. ... . tains, dra,p!rieS.ati~. ru'l? '. If sud. the ' ca~, 'lol~~ y~\i; 'ka;a.ow. It IS, It .wlll save time alidJabbr fodhe)io ,se~lt~,nd reduce ,your I"fuel 'bills, I can prevent all thitt"at': very small cost , , . ' . .to you. , ' ~ .. ". . ' . NuaietaJ \V'~tber St.,.p II ~de:, of , sprll'g b.rass and c:(uI be illlt.aUcd ,in y,our' home In Ii:" ,h~r~ .tlme, without ,reillOvlng ,y,our WindowS from tlie frame. Qr ,damaging or. removina ,JQur cu~~ and shades. " . ,I 8Dl 'qeQt In this territory fpt tbeR ':woncJerful Weather ~triiJe. Get in toIIe'- ~ Porth me'; ::ee my 'iDod~lI of a~d 400ft ..'~lp~ with., \Ills 'Weather S~p, I wUl be pI ~ ~ .deiDoaItrIite"lt
, to you.
Pauline Anna, youngest daughter of Adam and Maude Campbell. wall born February 9, 1923, and was called to rest January 16' 1924, aged 11 months lind 7 days. God trusted his little angel here on earth for only a short time, but This pIa, ha been written from while she was here she endeared her Booth Tarkington,S book "Seven- aelf to avery one around her by her teen." It Is a play of 8ummertlme bright ~ntl supny di~posltio~, for aud youth. Of course it la a comedy although she was sick moat of th,e aa only Booth Tarklnsrton can write. her short· life. she, alwaya had ·a Much of the credit for revialn, the amna and a brhtht look for every . play fa &'ivan to Louella Lonpcre one. It is often impossible for UI to aud HeleD Duke. The Scottish Rite Maona of WarThe produclnl . Itat! Is buar thla qnueratand why our loved ones ate ren County will hold their aDnual week "orklnlon the ltale, aelling only allowed to be with UB fot' ·a . Banquet at the Masonic TelOple, ticketl and In eve" WIY helplnl ,to ahort time then are taken awa, . but . Lebanon. Ohio on Thuraday, Februwe believe God knOWIl beet and that ' make tbe play a 8UCC818. ary 7. ..~924. at 6 o'clock. Each ••' some day all thingB will be elCplafn- ' ---.~--",.--~0"maon m.y· brlnsr one lady. Full . ed and tbat we will meet little Paul- ' , dress will' be ill order but not reine in the better world, never ~ . quired. Hon. Marion Murphy, of parl no more. . , Greenville. Ohio. will srive tbe adHer parents did all In tbeir power dress. To reserve your places ,OU to eave her, and sbe hadf conltaJjt ,' must nouty the committee by card eare day and night but Jeeus cam? . not later than Mond"" Feb.4. The to help her acroSS tht dark rlv,,, committell18 plannlnsr to make thle -- - and sbe had to'go, She baa left one of the real wortb while eventl The,. "III be two !»wet ball bind father. mother, threebrotheJa of the year .end don't you forsret It, gamea at the Gym Friday evenlnl, and two sisters, one grandfather ~\l> Card8 will be sent to atl Scottl8h TIle Harveysburg HI will play the numerous other relatly'~11 aud frlenila Rite M1l!Ions whoae namee are known Wayneaville second team. and the who moum her loea.' '. . to tbe committee. If any have been Ha"efabursr srlrla.1II battle with She is go'n e but not fot,otten, Again ground hog day has almost overlooked they sbould make It the Wayn.ville alrla. Never shall her memory fade. . arrived again, and it. is .incer~ly known to the committee. Thl. will be the tint appearance Sweetest thoughts B~all alwaYI I~~hoped that he wiill fool himself ,thi. The committee is lUI followl: Bow- of the airll' team and Ihould ,prove ger year . L~st year he came nut and, ard Anderson. Carl J, Miller, C. M. au attraction, Around thegrav~ where ahe .18Ia111: . not being sati8fied with him 'elf and Robitzer, L. A. Zimmerman, WIIt CARD OF THANKS , . ll'he 'Mlaml8 an~ the tint High anxious to get a little mor{' ~ Iccp , he lIam Kermode. Arthur Hamilton, ~hool team haye no gamea on We Willb to thank our kind re.l a. prolonged the winter season (lver the Frank V. Stitt, Harry L. Palmer, C, their aebedule for tile week_end, but tives lind friends (or tb~ir belp and aliolted time. J. Waggoner, E. J. Beedle, Fred 1-• thelteaml ahouM proYlde 8D()ulh ac· laympsthy in our bereaVemen.t • ..Woe I Here's hooing that he will not be Pauley. and }I'rank C, Anderson, tion for 'basket ball fanl. f.~clally wish to thaDk the done,. Chairman . so indiscreet this year. • - , . of the beaotifuilloral offering, --Harrll for her comf.)rtiDg wordl ud: Recko" the Mlle. for You,..."• . Mr. MC,C lure for the efficient ...an- 1 Th" ~i~Jhol!e Wire 10. DI'e III the UnIted Stutes. If made Into oile COil· ner which he conducted the funeral. The Berejlved Famll'r. tlnuoue line. would be lIufth~lent to en. circle the globe at the equator more • • Wm . H Stacy. a former resident than one thousand times. of Lytle, and well knewn here. died Mr, Chall. Mounts. the new chair-Big Bon." at his home In payton Thursday. man of the Red Cross committee, la TIle ~n;;;e'. Big Ben woe given to the after a lonll illness. The funeral taking a deep interest in the work Humlln t101lt Meaau~. bell In .the cloclt tower of the hOll-'ot was held at hia, late home Sunday as evldenred by his daily visitl to 'I'IIe hullllU~'e nera~etll-eloeet~"1Iftril"meut, Londou, Engla nd, aller 'Sir afternoo~, and the body was taken the Red Cro,s office. He will lOon lI.t during Ihe dny to melt 44 pounda BenJnmln o lilt. who \VIIS the chlet COlD' to Cinciunati M()nday, where It waa be thoroly conversant with all phas- et Ice lind "ilsf! the IIqutd to boUIII. mIssioner or \\'OI'lls lit we time lb. bell Wfi S ClI st. - L1[1~ rnry DIgest. cremated , The ubes will be depos- es of the Red Cro88 activities and ,alnt. ited in Miami cemetery. will be a most helpful leader. , .~
, i
South. lJ!J'::d.tl..aUon belnl lIIew Mexico, where he will ' lpend 80m. tIme with bJl brother. On hi' retUrD trIp he ~'J1 eome by 'the Weettm route, Y~I~lnl ' prlnclpall, In and
Dramatic Cl ub of the . Wl1ynesvi! ,tHigh School will present " Seventeen, a four act play on February 8, at M d M Geo MlIIs <Yave a . 1'b d r an rs .. Sch00 I iy~naBlUm e stu ents very riclighlful Bix o'clock dinner started stll ilng" tickets January 23. I . S ri .·ng Those pres0 sst atur ay even . 'I ~ t Murray Oakley an d the drawtDg WIll be at xley · P ' . ent were" r . ou r . acp. Drug Store February 4, Unltle~hy, Eclllnd Chas. Strouse and Cas t of Characters Rov Hathllway . who assisted Mr. Mrs Baxter .............. Euna Howland Mills in his work BB llistrict deputy M: . .8axter .. Burne~t tlulterthworth Grand Master of I. 0 O. F. lodge. bl d und er the weight WIIlJam Sylvanu8 ~axter .. . Raymond Th Hatfield e ta e !orron ne . of roast goose and other good thtngs. , June Baxter ...... ... ...... EdIth George L' k . d'd 'h n groan after Jbonny Walson ........ Mell'vn Banta • eWlse , t e me May Parcher ..... Kathleen HendE'rson pBrtlcipating of the hearty repast. Lola Pratt .. .............. .... i!;(lna Mullin Still 80 me wishlld for a camels stom· Genesis ·.......... ...... :........ Levi COktes nch that they might eat more of the Joe Bullit ·........ .. ......... J oh n Kersey delicious dinner. The evening was . . d a good socia l Mr , Parcher . ....... J ohn Paul Bolton Mrs . Parcher ........ Kath erine Fromn spent In musIc au George COoper ..... Harold William son tim e They departed at n late hour Ethel Boke ..... Rhea Janet Cartw ighl voting the host and hostess as real Wallie Banks ...... . Kenneth Retllllick entertainers Producing Staff - - -- - •
Director ..................... Edith Geor ge Stage Manager ... ... Edith McKibbo:l Properties ....... .... Esther He',derson ABliatanta, FranC>dB Henkle. Mary Mariaret Unglesby. C Ie men t Satterthwaite ~Bl8tant Director ... Velma McClure Bulli,neu Manager.. Oorls Hendorson Houae ...... . " .. , .......... ...... Beryl Cook Electrician ......... Everett Carnahan Make-up. Louella Lonll8cre, Helen D"ke. MUilc by the H. S. Orcbe8tra
AT LECTURE COURSE WAYNE TOWNSHIP Ch... Sherwood left thll momln, The lecture course Friday evening .MAN ELECTED for an extellded trip tbrouablot)!e " ... not well attended, owing to tbe v'
Ed Burton and Ethan Crane wert! Too often our habit is to say th e in Cincinnati Sunday. kind things of our friends when they are dead. So while he yet The Miami Buketball team will lives and, n ·tains hia faculties I want play in MllltOll tonight· to pay a slight tribute to one who modestly fills an important place in Mi88 Edna Howland spent the our community li fe . This man is week end if! Cincinnati. M, L. Pllrllhall junitor of the grade Bchool building His rlllily occupaRobert Vander\·oort. of Delaware tilln requirt'll hll u rs of association Univerllity, II visiling his parents with children l:Ie makes their ball s over the week e1l1. and bats. repairll their "Iuythinga. enters into their gumes, laughs with Sue 60 per cent of your Repair them in thei r joys. sympllthizes ill billa on (;hellroletand Ford motors. their sorrows, ill indeed. their father ~ay F. Milia, Box 406, Wayneaconfessor. ville, Ohio. Whilll he is bevond middle age, he Mr. and Mr•. J. 0, Cartwright has kept the heart and understancl· and daughter. Rhea Jenet, and inw of a child. I have no doubt that there are children who are ' unMrs. Chu, Robltzer were Dayton aware that he has any name other visitors "·rlday. than the loved one of" Matt.', Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Hawke and Some day the shadows will lenllthen IOn. Hubert, left Thursday for tbeir for our friend and the hetokening new home in Florence. S. C. Ther hand will sUII,mon him to his niche in the other world, then may this be mad!! the trip via auto. enwraven on hiB monument, "he wa s Mr. G...'Ol'Ire Funkey and Mrs, Eva the children'. friend." As lonsr .. the present generation AndrewI, of Chlcasro. attended tbe IUrvlvl e . ~att's plac~ in' tile commu-funeral bf their father. Mr. J. A. nity IlIlIeCure. Funkey lut Wednearlay, A Parent. Myer Hymln W81 in ~pring Val· ley Frld? ~"tLinR ready for the bla chiarancli .. Ie of Hyman • Bloch, whlcb started I..t Saturday'
Whole Number 6579
JIIB. McC!ure, the venerable father of Walt~!f McClure and Mn., Ida Kelsey WllS stricken by a slight at roke of paralysi'4 at~ his home on Third street Friday evening. He Is Ilettlnll along as well 88 could be expected. and hi ~ many frlend8 . are hupini for an t'lIrly recovery.
.- .
The Red Cross appreciates the Bervice rendered by Oswald and Slln who donated the u~e of th eir ambu Jance to convey a sick woman from her home . The Red CroBS has the names of two women who desire work-one IS a maid the other to do cleanlnsr. Please make inquiries In tea'ard to tllem at the Red Cross offiCI!.
I .
With many old caaes desiring attention. llid two new casea jult reported at distant poil) tI in the COUDty needln, Immediate . 88Blltance, bealdes new office work, the aeeretary and ' ber 8811iatant have been busily empfoyed.
----_ ..
- --.
The Wayn~ < Township . Motbers, . GJub ~11l ~eet at the Grade BuildfnK Friday afteriioon. 'Febr'.!lIrY lrt. The 'pt:oKram committee: has arranpel ' another good prosrram. Dr. lila.., ,Coole will be the speaker ' aDd there will be ~u.lc . A full atten.
daDCe II Gl'I'ed.
Labor Premier
The den meetinsr of the Warren Count, T..eben AlnOCiation will . held at the ' Lebancm High ,lXIOIMI'. '1 bulldl.;, on~ SJturday· Feb,r ulf7 Tbe .Peak~n for the OCCUIon wlll~
A. A;
1Il~1 ...
coun l ,
, deat ' of~. liontlr(!mer, Coa~Q
,Sehoo18 and nurman "DuldiJ·' Miller. of - W1IiDInatOD. · The mU8lc wID be faraIIbed ." ~. war...' vw. orcbtItIL Be IIIN aDd ~ttMCI.
t" t
Have Y~o Seen Our Demonstration? Showing how Oil may be adjusted to the motor by using . The Great Balso
System and the Bal80 Balanced Automotive Oils!
We ,can show you more' at:>out "practical Lubrica-
tion in Thirty Minutes . than o,thers have done in Thirty Y.ears. took it over. '
.. ,
II ns .In· m ill , II rl -;-••,. - It'', II~r '1 I'n,lh\~ III rouJ:hl~' - II Iilfl' SI\I' hnd f,' 11 r" ,l hofClrO. SI"I4', wns tr n'T>e1l In (hilt h)l(l 11II ""~nl-"""IY, t4ut ~1 "Il~ (lrl' ..l'Sl'npC'-Whnl, ,'er It wl\sl And s he 1I'0uld be Iwld th re lu nQmlul, ;,usly unti l ;,O lUll on' fou Ih' r, .. " ~ul dOli U III lho durll ,." ,n thl' I
tiel'll.' ~tat mllnt or I II
pt OI'P~lt
~.;, II V
tdtuu t h)H. ~il t UD utl d ~I \ll~.h f lu.,l l1ulJ r oguiu wilh II r,, ~ 1... I t S11 (I (j ~~ Irn Clnll. 'l'hIJrc \ q\!ot no ,1lHlht I nt It ; ~h \VII S tra nlll'<i I '1'1 ,".1' 1"011 101
. wi .-
" lI ll ~ hlt"\ rl nk tl'"
re~Is1, tnJ;
til Ihl =, . !'llll' 1 ~ I'n"ll. ~o llnd u f ";'h'i l "'; 11th
on f'/r qu ntt e
u ,II III" r;l lldllJ (HL.U('Itlrt '" in Ill '" ,-nll_H ll n if Q tld1'C" ~ (;, to A. I. uJ J, (".{Ire Ql I/d~ /lUW.!' l' fl l ' ..,-.
Ilnd h"r Ih~1' 4' In Ih,' n1l)11\ II ,).(-\\,11,· n· e\'er lht! IhulI ):IH ot thl8 "IIICt' I,"currl'll to their I11 l nll ~ \ Bill Ih ~ 1I 1111 nl o nn '. wl"'\1 ~I' ,' W II~ ,
. I'
fhlnlt Ill' 11In not 'know nbout-of th~ 111111'1' mlill flu l · side tlUS!'l'cUng hel'-hhn-th~ 0,,1'1,"'" Trust_h bealtoted 'IIml 8toI'P\',I , " ur she SII\\', nmv she IUIII Btnrted. lhut If she pillyerl this cll rd, It s ltl' Ihr!'l1t ""I"\ blm oll d h4' .lId not ~nn8 ~ 1ll 10 It·t IU'r goo, s he WII S ~tlll In ltls pnw II II", IlI'nS!' of lho .orl/llm TrtlRL An.1 wI" flo '\\ whllt II,,'y tnl jlht do to h er 1Il"\I -e\'l'1I 1,,) "~l lJly to putting hel' t'ntlr .. I)'
" our .\ . 1..t.>,t u· ~ho11111 n n Intbln Ilor II ,""l'rhlh ur h i"'
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m..:- nn we' 1ungs d~d r: ·"d !nore thorough, treat· n III lhan mere syrups, :,/:iics <r st imulants. ' 1)
I II 1'1 :-:" 1< Int" .. l to- Alld t lli'll !'i uppm-c(' I II ~ <'HII'I\.;1 ' I I III' ~\l ~' I' u t 111: 11 lIP 1t nS 1 I
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SII)' 1I1II1 yon 1111\' 11 ' Inlrt-or rnll 11' 11 .nme on 1'. )\llI r sl"r),1" h~ nol;I'I' her coltlil'. Ami II(lI\' sh ' ~n hl ""Ihln" - " ,'11 g nfl'll hi ' til, In fnl·t, rlls ln!; IIIMt· nl lll more Ihe Insecurll'y nutl ""Dller of 11I'r ground. Her I, cn rt henl wllh BUI I I I~n furillns , ness, for she ronllz cd. hy Ins lillct n~ I well os by renSUll, Ihnt sho hnd 1111111" a mlRt nke, "l1,,\'e you nR n mntl r r of fll "l c\'Cr
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hell :; chest colds by giving
s l re~glh 10 the blood and heat to the body. It is famous witb yond tb e door. nnll n fUl11h"ng hn,,,1 , t· This l"(JU rl eli,\' "Ibow8 yuu tie-111'1' fill' n 11IO!'1' tll'~;"I , \d d" ";,·I·lpll.,,, nt physici llns fo r hard cough S ' And s uddenly th e Int.-rl" r nf the : t " •• ll ·1 r it! l~!'\(\ lh ' \' Hud would 11k. IiiI' ,, 111'1" 11 1:1 11 ... h l· Ilhl lld ct ~ h t' harl t ... I , •• q ' 1IIt'II1 wit h you Lt c1rcuJDo. sllloot h ston e Kplrul helow hur SIII'I\II): l\lld wellk IUDIls, throat _ ~w l' n' '11111 - 1III1 I'I\II1!.:", lIud pr"\' ln ll~ " II~'~, ' lll1 .l·t·~ ",ol1!d Jl~ rnt lt . out Into vivid whi teness unller 11 ~' nd bronchial tro\lhle~. AI. \\'Hh lit" d ill! III Illp \lurk, FInally h e strong electric li ght 1"'111 '. 1." (\11: Wbnt Bhoulrt ~I 'I, tn, ' d ~:' I hll "d '\ l ib ",Itat ~II\' tl.•I(\ The door opened. "M nllnlll," en lel ftC' d . tllI \'. hL' 1l 1\ ) 'OUI1':: mf\n cull s hl ,:1. "Y "II rHll l1d IC" }t, • ..;:\ ltI , ",', 'r .\· CHAPTER VIII DInny otbers. muell Wiler tIllin nen c lI, the sevenr fnc~d ",nmon wh" urt!'d ". t il Iht' "\~li i l1l( HUrl It IR pust \\'I ' lI! I 'lil II hlld ~ \\ 11 1' 1'1' It ":l llll' froltl f ou nd you ("ou l d ~Inl your 5 t or~t l) lIl coughl In the w ldeeprRlld web of the he r per~ulllIl IIIll ld -~P Pll klll ~. . 1", , '\.1\- tlla t h (' \\'(lut hIHII(': -1!n,I"I' It I' ..1.lItll' IIr till' t! 1I~, \\·nt ,.), '!'be polnt of Tlew 1110 Importllnt In pUrpO!i4l1 of Orellt Alone,.-of the C()f'- tholl!: ht. In 1\ \' 011'4' In whll'h II Il xl." y to I1l1ylllH.'7" 1m ppl'!'I~\t"1. Tl l n lll~ ~ tl\l . \ . HI \I IKR. Stlonnn t Spots '" 0 ': C_10 , "I 'r \·" nl illllldl.r , 1I\1,!'I' 111:I n ""l l r, lind 0Clf Uf~8pe<'lalh' the Ideo th tlt you pomtlon, aDd trult l Bnd veet ISl81 Ilr,,1 sntl"!'II('tinn Il ti lld l' ,I -"\\,'ul" I"'r 'l "I h"n-y~~! " sh' !lnl<l RUII,lL'lIly- I 'l·ta l' S U f':':'W"~ " ~.II' :' l:-l :1111\" ... 1 1111' r PKt , li l 'l ' l' "( '11111111l1 l1y tn 10 \JI'Ii wi(1i IHP t .. , ,I Ilj~ ' it\ "d lad; o t' TIll' ':!'01 \'\" t'ounelr bold of your80Jf. Thl ~ being 8uperrnen which embody It- sho l ur hack 10 1"'11." nIHl s lllhlpllly f'(', I.l ell l" p: n';lIll\. fl'r hpr ~ flltll l'lI\\' 11 \ 1'1' t hI' h ·II'pltlllll', That wi ll IIl I-! ('1'1111 '1' IIf tlw \\1111' 1 or ,III ' ~H " 'H n . It .. I lL! " " 1 II' ,,11.1t· HI! I h I' I IIII I I' ~ III trUl t _ pr lllOllcr sentence<! to I urned t urne d a II n II! ht Iong ~n· 1 A Htr·anJ:,' "" II ~: "I '1 11 1',,1.10' "\'I'r II", belc! wl/llmn's wit had sn \' cII h pJ'- fol' th~ . o ndra,'I'. t 1u' hot ~ · I ' ''-.l i ll Jl (' I1ITt' n l '" I II rI ll ' nU I'l1t Alllllllk , Til l;! aD Illdellulte term ot solitary lu%ury- d i d d I \ IlIlnut e. Sh e COIIIII I'Xll lnlll her I'ul' en vor ng to un eretlln her s tllatlon Ig lri "" s h" 1"'11 rd 1... 1', It was " " Ir ,ho 'I " I II '': 1'" Ie lUll 1t :'(' 11\\' \'04 1 ,',1\ I It' '': rrlli ll tl l"ll1111 ~ h i1n · s. nI,l n uurl on llnll~ :n -;111 one thlna-a very weary tblng - how entirely ahe was cllught. an(\ I ':iI hrenl;. II occurr ed 10 her. IIn ll lit th e 1 , III I .. , 'I': "I'''IIl' I' ,. , ',1\ ""11 11'\\'111'1' (" It h il S 1\1 '1' 11 WI't'IWI ! 4'tI lilT by t he lAdeed; bnt on tbe other band how whnl 8he could poaalbly dO nest. 8111l1e time posslhly pul n· slnp t o Ihls 11.11 lit I II '-d . "I ~III I :-'I d ' ry (1I1'l'P ur till' I "' I'I'I'IH~ , Thl ' l'f' til'" ( u ll r dUl'ereut. lind bow much more slnl8ter On the one sld&-It sh e atlll slayed , 11 ,, 1\ I ~. n tl h, r l alll HIlI I oth er thIng-t his \'Islt t rom Ill'r sup, ot11Pr L!'I'I '1I 1 \l"I ' I ' .! · lnlllllll 'l'l·t l 1 \I' t'II~ u t the life I4!ntl!llce of a prisoner In88ne n8 .he wlll-lhe thou ght s he could 880 I H IIIII" . :qlpnlu lN ~w Sou~cr! o~ t7{a(l , U'11, plllled hu ""nml which musl not be reI I I "I "" Httil' 111 1111 ' \ 11 1" , . ,:1, 1" It l,' S IlI;':H~:-:j) ~ t' n • -to be beld till death tor tbe necl.'8IIJ, the certainty ot Imprisonment tor lito P nt'~ltr !l ll'. II Ill''' 1':1011111 11 hl ' :lt'lIl~ p ntpd, For she hlHI thonght, 1111 th ~ n . \ " '. I ."" '" '\I d I ... 11,,11 !III \ ' I' to -":1 ,~ I I, I '1. IDd UDkDOWD purposes ot Sixty on rhe frTOund or lollftnlty, And with nl 1 ~lIst. Ih nl II IHHI !>c,' n 1Il 1I11" wllh, mlnt' I':d f0l1 11 101 In ti ll' 1: .. I~i III t '~ln j.!"u . KIllion. II-n menace from wholle lIhock sbo \\, IIN lh'f'IT lllI'd 1.1 III ' :,,1 01·.· .. .. It." IhH Ollt fltt' lilw~' erl9 knowle dge. 1".11 \, I t'd;I; It" II II.H II , Judled lnlaDe I By lOme court. no had never ),et recovered-was tbe aco H l'll.!i:ln I' rpf, "~" " :' =-,1111.·, \\ III' t ll llt o f "Tn whom ' " t \' , .. /I ~Ir l (II n l'uI.1 1'· dill !! (~ ' IJn"~ ~~ lIod '1 " IIlltl:ot DJ doubt I If ao, lOme oDe mUlt ba ve tie- cess ot that man- that veat brute, "'I'll \lr. Hutlwrtllrd." Anti ~ I ... 10111 .fOU('('(\:-t:-; In I'xll'lll'l lm! r:l'lI!l IH fr11 111 Ihe 1111 \. !l l'lIl~ t il",'_" I .. !1 ,'lPI't Or luI" ot on III"'" " l'I u8 .:a"tlp Ill"" In Ilq J cured the judgment_nd that BOme her hUBband-to ber bouse. b er very r !l"l l01.~ ,:14 " I ld l! hi · ....· .\1 I ) hlt n \\ ,th cnn" In<'illg detJnlt cness ot IIIlnl ~ r:l1 III 111 1 AI II\\, ·I'1' Ldll ,I"I IH I'Y, !Oit "",( Illun U,lJl'IIII ') alII tlll ·I\ "lId 01 one w .. nol far to lII'ok. Tbls man roome. his \' I~ I lh f!rf!. • II Jill pun~ !J,llI 1'l plllliilt4 9 1l111 ~ ltV .. II, :ll' f a,'II .. , 'I','I! h, I" \' 1111' ..::dil 1"I.r he nll l1l1Nlt h e wntchcrl hf'r In ~ wbo lied J1IM lett her \I' IUI OlIO perlOn OD the otber Bide. It s be stayed. was '. pu eq, nH OWOS 10 uo,u,dO JOOd Ir th' rI' \\" IU ld 1'1' IIII' .. tlll ' l''' In, thr.eruled, quite obvloUdlY-lInd JnB' tbe otber man whom she did Dot now tpnll)" 11lI J)lI ssll·l.!ly. Then grllllull ll y f"lI' I!I '1! III I Ill' I ,ur i.", j I I h. ,,'I' ,Ir(', 'per Bala muat be aDotber. Sbe Will but who WIB obviously Intereated. "I, ,I. 11111';, I","'kin~ slIIlIe j(rcw ollce \, 0 1; ... lud l ;.: 1\'1 ' a l Jt;t:l1 u;o;L rla1 ," I ' to .eertaJn now CIt wbat lb. blld· 110 10D« bringing against ber the cbarge of oguin lIj10n hl R t llt'e. j ':lIlI 111:111 11 1'1111 11'1' :lI HII;! . H Ili If l\Iapected. thal1 DO appeal was 1l0BBIbie murder. uC1f cIHlrse." h e SH Irl, "If you wh;h \' 1111 ur,' :l lnllP \ ', 1\1 11111\' d:lI l ," \\lI h ~' ll lI l' ,'!-=(.','rl U '" ~tftl'lI n~' ~ (, II Iii.; ,', t o hll\' ~ hlnl he!'l~ l will Ulnk~ 110 ob, to him. "It Im't true. It lan't true, I know jcc t lon. H' I" n n1('rn h~r of till' film , She lIad ID fact t'..,. little taea-J.-i+·I" IIIlld the ne w Adelaide Rutberford, t 1,',11' A. ~. , dH : :--:1111 11 n lIy, we ml/!hl slty . Uut thi s Is n SlIr' *'- Ibe could tuM Dext, wben 00 to!ll!tng In ber creat bed. yn ll m: mOil fI :-Il\ II dl' i til 111:3 \lrl~ e to m e, I hll d supposed." h e snltl . ~other et'enIDg not JODI afterward, But that abe Imew h eMMllf that this ' 1t'II U' In , ' [:';It 1I1 ~ I,:lfl·" l :.:'! "you dlt) not wnllt hlm." And 8 Ibe obaetTed the peculiar actlonll of ebario agalnst her WIUI not true did }: llOlI hl lI lC' ill\'itll lj,)I 1 l'(lIIhJ cronllClI smllc cnme on his \I ps lignin (ru!l! lIlt u (lr f r fllll 11" '11 1. Hr doc. ItaDdlq at the outah1e doO!' not anlwer the tear lodjred In he r a8 he look!'d 01 hcr. ~r.\ III"" ~. 6t tM empty atudy on th. HCOnd IkIor mind. Sbe might , poutbly bue been U\Vnn t him!" she noswered, ~tnm· apID. Whm Ibe "11' thle. with a -now that sbe reviewed the Illuatlou If ~\ lllr fl'i plld h l\:-; 11l\' I' l~ 1 ~Q U II') merln g nt th ll 1111'11 thc Ihlng IJlld c:udowI mldure ~ feu and adnD- -an uneousc:lous IIccompllce In a plot mel'l nnl l vlf,l\ hIs 1''' ''f'U I ~ nl "I~ token III hI s hlllld5. ~ aile mnpped 00 the 1I,ht. ot murder. Sba did not tblnk BO. But hotllt" II ~t IllW~ h ow hl:!h l y h l' n·,.:nl'll!'1 "Why. yl' ." he s!lIrl BlIIlVf!I),. lAd opeII8d tbe lleat')' door. It that abe wu ail aceompllce In some l OU. J l is It \ ' II'"I'Y lilt·'! IIIIne: til 1!11 "Wnm him-no I" s he cri ed Impul· . . . a ~ 111,1 ret 'not flIItirel, a plot-DClt unllkel, crimInal_he now ,,,,,I It Is Qui tE, 1'1'01"'1' \'0" ) a ll to MONEY LOANKl> slvely, nc<·~pt. 'l' he In \' lln t\IJ II shou lll "(11110 ~ to there, the unkDoWII telt IU",; IDd ala. felt cootlcleut \I "¥our nc t\ons," he returned, "woIII(\ r r()ll1 hl ~ mqlh!" ·' ~= ~ ~~ mllht ver, poa1bl, be cborged, nnd ONE Y L 'i HU .. tI I, U IV " .wo k, sCllrcel)' InlHenta thnt. You sent for . .t .,.. 1114 qreeab1e' addnli. that a Jur7 mllht not Imp08llibly be oh l\LI Il I ~ . uhw Mt'<lUU ll mu. Il\d!C"b . him ! And If, lit ony time IIl;uln, you FlYING RESPONSIBILITY • . "H....i - ' Ad.d-'d..- II. -'eL __ cooTlllc:ed upon tbe evldeDce Ihat N,)16~ buu>! ltL. J"IILI H'... "~,,, A ,1I1D wish h!m a9 n compnnlon-lho t Is ,'cr y ........... -. "vv there bad been murder. Wh cn we begin t o thlnlt obuut IIlIlIlllll!!, XUllt .. \ II"". Il ~ 24 Mlm l'll' In<l" II<\." .... I lid to 'ftD lJII to . . lIow ~ In 8n, catle the sltuaUon wns not n t elt n greu t cold hn!l(\ u pon her shOUI- 1 collllltloU9 we nrc compelled to IIsk "Y01l n gret..-.d.tt sh e crl(~l. " It wns WGdcl ' wu tnettq '/OIl ouc:a more. matter of weeki or months. It wus de r- Ulo. huporsoulll, lnhllmnn loueb I " OilY nud WHO IS RESPONSl , otlr nn le r sln l1dln g thol hl'-I hlll rn8U Bow aN 7011. ID, <leur be ukecJ aod closlnl about her Immedillte ly-It ijbe ot Ule Gorgnm Trust nrrestlng her. I -tiIIOllld never cOUie nllar Will" m.E? iIIOOIE ..., IIaD4 .WIll'lllb'. Yet ilil 87ee. iltayed III the ....dst 'of the "urposes tnklng Iler bnck t o ber lux urious Ifu& w ttr'" u l \\ I ' (~ ~U o.tH] lH I J .. , III ~ I t Wf! IUlk tbo questIon "Who lB . . hit DOW. bad unt1emeath the MIl'- . . d coonter-parpeMa whleb were com, prlsoft-to u\\,1111 one ot Ibe IWO dl B' 1 " ',\" : s. th. ·n," l H~ m~l\c(! h rr. " ,Ut! ~" IU l·espolls.lblo for tho dcflctenclcs III CtJtluthH~ lun l' iJ ur tl111 lD UHt'Y u ll I ,-U t ",ktlldDlIII\ 'a ~ h~. . lA IDI t o,ether about th,1 veat fortune. osIers wl.t.lch WIIS now t o come upon tnl! II'; u IH'I'C'(" ~ 1Il1t' IIJ"r.1I III- 5y' % IUI ... ' ''.~. l 'o~t. f;O\'pl'lIrnent?" we nro compelled to ...... Bbe mal" ba.. ~ unu_arll,. h e r. ,,' h,: coulll she AnY wlth()111 IJ .... !l n811'1 'r , "Tltp- goo(\ cltlZCU8 nre rlr ' ~ I ~":c urtu ~ I ht1 ' , I UIO '1'1 v ., r~· rt-· At40 n .. ; _Ioall we be alone 11-" ... uked __ I rI" P Ibl f .... ..... p .....e-It c..e. 0IlI,. a womltll 0 hrirOenlng of th " 1 11I1 "t> ~ I "'.! III UIIlII IlUQ t l' lI ,' " . or tlt e l h l l1J; ~he WaS II nw .. ..-. Bl'onslhle." Ir '::00<1 citizens neglect ,. bla, 1, 1l1 " u ~ tl i 1111 ~"" rlhHtd Ln.tld Jaer, "tor a UttI. ·wbller ftrmer Den'U would ba,.. rea soned or CHAPTER X tlte s lInvc mnnHer. 6ol\'~d hI' shnuld nO I \;n,,\\'-t" 'n",'I'II' th "lr Il uly. ~od cltlzen8 or cou~so Sil O a.. , FlJl' I Orl, h ur luf u rtJlIlt1 "u "" U '"Wl1• .,.... ilia iatd, and III illite of acted dlll'erently; bnl for the word of "10m of I'll III." Ill) <lIld tinnily, wben w il l cnrry on tho governmeut a ()o In g th e m:lll s he htll l 1'14'111'\'1'11 ~ Ih' wus .u or 1l"111".~ ~l , ; IIKAl\.I£. l'rulIl! • ..... -:0._-' .. ... --"d.... b, th .IoA 00 .b d I lIlnttp.l'!l moved awlttly now-they cOI',II",:: to Ihelr illeos. If goo<l eltl. senlling fo r wht'n \llli herfunl . liP' ,...... _ ..... eau...... ·..-... .... e...., rpm ...... t t ere waB uo e8 rlt must, Q8 the mlstrell8 of the Oor gom s he hurt flUS~"" nil hountls of com mon ar r . VIl Outl 3lt'- X , L.'IJ ~ !!,'u. Ubw. 7.('11" "'nIIlJ01\ > the nets aud dolu!,'8 ul penred 1 'eI~ ahe lIIut :the door be- now but ODll--escape from this glooml" TrUst could llee. Tbat sbe could ber- Bouse-nnd her ho;ly turnell cold nt Ilw 111111. th.'n till' gOl'ernmeut dro!}8 "Y ou cnlllli scnrl' I~' ~x,,("'1 1\11' 10 In, IIhl4 1Ier. houae, from tbls slnlsler tortune, at selt slip away from the fost.arlslng , his q?I ~t. obllqUie ,811111e ,~s h ~ SPOk~ to to I hI' 1(, \'f!1 of the ,1Q;llgus ond purlerfel·1.! with IIrrll ll ~(' IU"III~ of this ~~. kept I~ at , her, atudytng once. '. ,crisis s he could bave now less nnd hcr- J UI nfruld ~~u tlOIl t retlllze lour I",.e" or tire "il'lnI18. In other .... all tile Ume with tho.. e'IQ of "rn tr)' It, anybow," abe said t o ber- leB~ expectotlon. A choIce between tbe eXJct po.ltlon. I III " I'ry sor ry you klll d," h e ""I" , ·~· n k:lll r. "" hu <IlHntl "'10 fils. '::"\'{'rnmeut Is no h{'tter th ll ll w l Ah e~ II> \' Isi l hl ~ wlf,'. \\,h .. "11" re, l1li with . their eurtOUI doable GIl.... eelf toward mornIng. For Blte flIuld two dnngerous pntbs might be pos' hove fon'cd . urI.! III p:o 11Iio the untortl o~ I"" t dt'l7.I'oS "<'SIre to ho ve 't, fu se hi III ? Wh y ~h ()III,I ht' ntlt (,(line, ,lIDDi th_' uturaU, kllldl, e,M wltll apprecIate alrendy how dimcnlt ellcape sible-but the third wny. ot enU re es' tUllnte dNnll ~." Ih~ colO. I<,,'el voice 'I'll" ·"f,"'c. Ih ~ r~~l'oll~lhlllty fol' nil ff she sCII,ls ftl r hlln-e"I' 1I If hIs wife n,,· "~nd"nrlcs, Iln!1 0 11 Ihe crookcd~deI~Judim~t ilhowlDg ~lwlJ'l 1I'OI11d be, though up to their Bhe hnd cnpe from both dangers, which sbe w 01 ou, . "Uut Ihc fact Is. you cnnuot I h '"S nlltl nil Ihe ohjt'Ctlonable reo· Is In~lIn," " .... .... merelJ made mall teat. of the po. would bave prefe rred was clenrly to len,·c. \';e ('ould n(lt let you. If we 1111' 1" nr ':01' ' rnlll cllt r st IIpon the : "'I'~'ll woMer," be laid. "AdelaIde, IlbllltJ of lit. ' frnnl~ly to be wou ld" lie SIIIIIPII UR he snltl It. n .1II1if! of -~ , be very dlOicult-ln fact . lteKt "'tlzenR, • qule l 1111'0111 1 t ri ump h wll"'h ~,'nl II wII7 I BID 10 attentive. wb.y I came That night Ihe made b er first at· aUmlnJl.ted durIng the next dol'. ""' hnl wou ld pre vent?" she dcmond· nre snfl'crinl! to<lny from the ' laplD' lO _ wtur I toOk the clIlII~, tempt at 101Q~ attempt doubly un· She wss scnrcely up find dressed ed. "Why could I 1I0t lenve now- shudd er ""cr her. Whlll 111<11'1' ('''lIld hn \1'" d dtlz('nsllill of I( ood cltlzcns, It FA1' M uf I(lOllorell. g "od I"Dd . 1:oa - . Irl ' thIII wa'/l. I rather won- 1U~1. The. tbougbt had come to thi s millute, It I wonlNI 10?" nnd sbe sbe IlIllk " <II' whllt t U I'll, wlthn1!l filu l, is t rllo I hilt the "I cio n. lire mn klll J: O~1l Allull K,b,ur, W .. yu,,~v' lIl1. deNd If '/OIl hadn't lOIDethlD, that ber to try that doo~the entrauce thnt next morning wben sbe snw ngaln wllited for "'hUll be WOU III BUY nuxt, tu Ing th is nll!'1l11 milld nllll rl l'lIlln)! Itnttn.-l;s npoll Ih!' s lnrlllnrli s. hnt the _ -"-1014 to teU "'e." th II bl II the tra vlalt ., bad -with n little start, and It mt1st be rl,,"lll SIlliness. (lll io. 16 ,'vw outwll tlnj( nUll trlc l;I nl; h,'r, 1I.lng III 'r ...... roUl '11' e II np 0, . aJ1mltt~, curiously enough, stili with mnrn l I)COIlI I'. Iha rclll!lo us Il<'OIIIO "II" abe l1IIWered, a UWe ltartled twlt;e appeared. She had IndeacJ no "It you must: hear It nil," be s aid. own ncl s ns Ihe 11IRtrll lllCII Is IIf her tir e r sl'ollHlhle lr th "t lln,llIrll8 nrc .. , ....... tho ...... .... knowl ....... '11"'bere It led, but rellet and expectntlon, a fi gure she II nl h er unren· own desll'uI'l lon. (Ie hut! knll\\'l) her IJrol' C)I. It, In the J(Nlcrnl r eliJ:loIl8 . .., the..... at he wu •• nDl bor al -_ -~. .e At ~ could not fall to reeognlze-th e young n II tI Ie Irr IInte.I fl nn~' movements In this mlllt or. Jhe ("u red ~(' II'U', YO\l nRk, "Why 1\ 1'(' cundlU(lu8 u b, 'lISa queaUoa. "I J" ah!, laid It mUit certalnl, end outside IOmllo mnn wbo but two nights before bnd 6Oooblencs8, "you could not go now, .\lIIIID-eDd Iller t'Olee wu .,., UDc:tr- wbere-e\'ldent17 upon the lide 1It~t. aceused ber of murder and with blm n nr 1 leI you. tor 0 very definit e rea· now. from til(' fll'st. fllld hnd nA"11 them fi R t hey nrc1" you uro CUIlIJ)c lletl to ~I\y thnt tho hrlStlllll forces n!lll to tmp he r 1II0re nlld morc t homuJ.!hly. taID. ~ ~d I 1Ia.. to Sbe bad not tried It before, bamr 'It appeared, wu who wos out son: you ore my wnrll-Iegully nc!· Ih " lcn,lf!rs or hoth the TIOlllllU n!lll Thol nI ght 10 he r m nm "delllide t "Doo't,ou IlDOwr be 1Datated. the feellnl that Ibe _ I heiDI more with hie usual Independence seorch. judged Insll ne," l'rotCftl llllt chllrl'l'e<I nrc responsl"le. Ruthe rford wr ote nnd fnstenl'(\ her '. "If..- .... ~'!"d 1DaU7. and more clo18l, watched; but no"" IDI for adventure 011 bl; mO;nlng run "Incu mbly !IO I" he lidded-when It "he ~' W(>I'O Ih 'lnp: IHlttllr, If they messnge Insldo thc collnr of he r moll, lie .14, "We ~o not an- thW Dlfht., aile mUll. ID the great park. Tbe young man ahe snt, whlle, fn ced, w!Uchlng blm. werp Reltlng bcl lf!r cI nm,,1c '~. It cnrrle.r, Rngs, to be rendy for th e o(,xt ldIntaDd MeII' PedJape t 8be .tGOd ,ID ttie dark allelUle !It tbe aeemed to be fastenIng IIOmethlng un~ " In curably I" she wblsllGred tlfter thcy woro Ilrenchlug better . It theY morning. Tan Bouutl Pap, ubllut. nllie \\'I're hohlln~ nll the rolli, fun dllmen· .1bow14 malt. mpelt a little plalAer. areat roci~: all b'aek, bUt tor two, old· tier the collar ot the dog, and be hl~t.. " "TonIght," 8he wrotc, "nt 8 :30 till d o4'l 1· 1t\('~ of 'hl'lstlllnlly. thll " mont·b s o ld Rewu rd t.u n"cier . \1'11 trr. It. Let me uk '/OU blue patdlea of hllfl windows lbe _ e d to kDOW tbnt Bbe wns looking I m sorry, he snld. when be obo wOI'M wo" lel hI' Ill't te r. conllltlOll1!l o'clock In Ihe s tudy." ICIIII~," ... IBId; ",0Il1' adYIc:a GIl ,e oald _ behlDd lIer. ~e handle of at blm nil be did It. sen'ed her coudl lioD ntter this. "But IDqulre of O\bo BenderMon, R. D. S, "'0,,111 he cbn n"llI l. olld the whole ot. She wou ld se mI the do;; out with \Vu. y nenlllll, Ohio . jaO eM ~ . matter III WIIiMl I bat'e a penollll1 tbe door moTed tile door opened; Ind WI! tb d I th ' h you Im·lt ed It. You brought It 011 Illn. I.hl'r(' wonld he dltl'~r e nt. In ........-Y. II -'-.. . t I t-----":' I U't th eD e og W8S n e ouse yoursel!." this In tho morning . ... - . - . 04 ....... t a 'lIIAD-' abe e t UII.... ~ ..~e " ..H .ope " ' , at alliin. hili oWJIer felt bene ntb his col. f,w l. thp SO,crlll ('<1 Chrl stl llll forces I "Y. .- aile IBId IIIIeUI11 wIleD be ,W wu at tbe head of a Algbt of lar tor the Bmall bit of poper 50 core"Jncuruhl cl " Rhe snld . flllrting her tIlwH carry t Hf' l,Hlrfl c ll nurl the raCHAPTER XI ' Itoppad. atalra--wlllell of COUJ'IIIl wu ",bat lIbe tul1 v concea led there. ,'olcc lit hl Sl. "no Ull'se pcoI)le, U,ese "p"ll~i "lIll,\' fnl' the corHlltl'llI~ or tl>'~. ' a .. _ ... a WOllla1l In ...... '"_" __ 1" bad apec:ted. ' sC!'V!I" t~, 1111 thi nk that of mc1" ,'be ,111,1'. bCt:nll ~" UH'.\· arc IISICCI) at tbelr -•• .,.- - He could even corne, It snl ~l , nt n ny II I II II II The mln(l of on old nnd InnJ:,experl, "'1'.1" ~thed AtSelalde ButherIt _ el'8ll more 8011dl7 black b9> time she \\'ould ludlca te It to be Slife reclI l~ DOw ~o IIIlIny lil t I ng9 , pn~t Ilf II "t~·. tllOY 'I"we I(rown Inenceol IlIwyer. tor yelll'S busied In con .Iirr~rellt 111111 In7.Y, lint! tbel r "tI'orls 'faI6 fore ber, .' '!'be air _I cold aDd damp. through thi s excellent moll,roule, o!l(i "r.;.o." he ~lIlrl. "~qt Ihls s t-~Ince strncting nml Rv(.hllng legnl om\)uSo nr!> til!' f!1TnrllJ or th e Inone. Tho re_ "WIllIe tile IlWl no",s the. lIIe II 8tretcllln, out ber bnnd to guide ber- toke h er IIWO Y I the slelnlllss! J K"" I'~d ylltl thllt. This cades. 1\ crentor of trusts nnd othe r de- fipm'Rlhlllly res l ~ upon the so-called tID dIe' t'WP of ba&q I~ of. 1Ielf, Ibe tound a waU of stOlle nnd new s tuff kll!)w~ V\! r~' IlttlC-\lxce[ltlng .....t aIIDe," then a ltone bllnd.ralllng, So tar, BO Tbls, th e ren(\er of th e note could tlill t ."1'11 h',,'e hal'lI V~I'~' ill-nl!l'vously vi ous rreoturl's of the Illw. Is 0 sl rnnl(ll- (,hr l't II! II rnr"I'" or t.bo country. , =--' ---I' Iv Rnh t lp th'ln l!, nfll'n n vrrll IIIInl!I'rOU8 'rb .. ' , ~hl)!1hl nWSll:fl • nnfl~ q ""l;'fl'kf' nt "Of what mUle'" uked Mrs. Ruth. 1004. 8be drew back . ber left bond lee now, \Vou lt! be pe:ho)lS t he course -111111 !llIISt he wll t~hcd." i:'OUN~-A bOl,e bhlDl1:e~. Dearl, • •utel'd, lIer Toke DO'" ecan:ell abot'e a from the door It swung_vldently by ahe might tllk e eVllnluuUy-lf she " Anti Ihls \I', )ll1l1 l1 . thi s pe rso nnl C Rloh I b , me • . Owuer oau be ve .! ' ....... ' a 'Prlng-tlnd clicked beblnd her. COUld, But el'en this , nttar tlto nl Jl ht mlliti. t l li~ ~ unl'd o f mln ~-"'hlttever 8 .• WII by 0(011101( IU 1118 b u m 'lI tiS "Ofm'Udert" laid tile stranger,pat- Turolng, again she trIed the knob, n before, would proilllbly Ill'Ol'e ;IIIJlI'ult. 611<' Is! /)O I'S "he "link 11 11' SIIIII(, ?" tlD& tIIe -rOaIb·lleaded RaP. wbo stood dtd not move, The door, ebe BOon snw, In fo ct. she li nd seorcely fl nls hcd "Yes," he wId her', Ilmrll l·nll y. " he ET Ole sa VB ,Oil 1140' un the price be8d. lim. was of the commoa t ype, wblcb openll rending her c"unlplcd note, wh eu Ahe mcr'('I), 1m,,,,," Ih lll )'nu nl'(' 1Il" ','OU S of " hlle 'door il=urtl t!IlOnU t:'ee Adelaide Batbei1on1 dId Dot m~. by the knob on tbe Inne r side but ani, wns cull ell downstaIrs .to sec her chief nlll'I'('lIsly u nsta"1~ nl1ll 111. !lut Ihlll. M 1.I. Bulr .. , .. ~ <';ltlv ' l"u.1 I::i.. rvloe by ke7 from ",Ubout. wnr(\('!I1, J aspo r !lulg, n e !lIol her with you will 111111." he I sm"flthl .v. "wl\l 8111\IOD. W .. yntlavUlti. OhlU. The ward ot tbe Oorgam Trust rave an exterior nl most ,Ulcllncingly ·uhn. Ul nke no 1IIff.,n' III~~ In hl'1' \' 1J.!IIUll ce, IIOW !lor epeaII;; Iler tllce eaUre1J II little cry at tble, She Wll8 nnt. "Wh ll l Is Ihls," he nalwd whcn they Sit .. Is n \'t!ry cni'nlolc Ull tl dell'l'mlned U " R,\ .. 'l'EEO l:! e lll titlc lllog "lIeI blooclle... urolly nelther an al,reea!ge Dor ad. were alone, "It you don't mind leiling perso n." P100'tnl( Anlloh .. "" •• , Ifll" IIny "Straurel, eaoup," the man went 'venturous creature, Ho",ever, there me? Are you tr~'llIg 10 (,SI'IIf1u? II nve It "'li S 1111 I IlIIl she rllll lo! dll t o t~lIl' Mwi u!; mKolllut!. t2.ou I)r " pnd or OD when h.e .... thllt lIIe dId Dot liDo wns but one thlDg now to be dooe ),ou" forgott en ~'our ngrecm !lt with tml herself on(,uj(lt to "IW:II{ ca lmly (,; O . I) ' ; uoulllrM f, "tI 1...11 Ifle"b a",er, "the man-thh friend of mln~ I any.o ne--to 10 wberevar this ltalrc!l. me' ognlll-1O mnl lc har 011'11 IIl1cmpt tlt dr Wdl.!t,()blog UO , O(l llt, OJ , .:;,,11111111, epeU of-be11n_ ID the atrl. He doe. led ber. She found the atalr.rall ...Ia Tho contrllst between hI s poise nnd orgumen l, to phI)' II Inst CIII'" which Mu jaO , net bo", 'IIer "'''I well, either, but be calmness ond the \Dnnner of the young she thuu!!h! she hel ll, baa an Idea, BD 1IlItlnel_ rather 1111, And walked down the poll8bed fltO!!! womnn was most strIking. "Yoil \\'111 le·t IDe go." shp "11111 Onnl· Fotd ""urlll~ C •• r .' II. lliood o.m . • ODe, perba~t he can beIJ.,.,e III steps. Tbls required tlm~d cnn· "Agreem ent I" she snld. reduced by Iy, ns e l'enly ns she cn uhl, "If yOU nre c1ltWIl. W 0 l1u~t\ll, Wnv · laer-from ber face. He tlllllks that liOD; but after a while It was not 60 ber ne rl' Ollsne8S nnd onxlety to tbe wl s<: I" ".',, '·IIII·.Ohl.).. tn Ibe Ibould be rlTen • chllDce at leut dlmeult It was evl!lently a bure petuilluce Ilnd Irresponsibility ot n "Why?" he .n~ked, wntchl ng her. to dear Ilanelt." spIral .talrcnse Inclosed ID stone, very cblld-by the drend of this thing t\jat "necn usc I lI ove n m enn ,~tl "'re 18 ~' uro,hrt1d tlb"rtbUlu 8ull 0,\1" 1111 ....urder I" murmured 1Ir.. Ruther- much, t\le . girl recall ed. like the In· hel d hel'. by Ih e thront of tbe whole some one--" s he su ltl, st umll llng a l:I t u \J wIlutb .. ohl lrlqulrll of ford hoaaeIJ whm be _pod. But dosed brick fire escape In tbe Hchool 81tuntioD wblch overhuna ber I "I dOll', littl e. tor s he 'SIlIV Rhe wm~ milkin g a ltulIltld tlUWll ll, t'- IJ 1. W" .~ n"lI. III, IIId DO more. Ibe bad attended 08 a chl1d. ve ry serl<lUB move now. vllie, Obl~. j30 bell ....." laid the JOIlD, maD She found berself at lost nt tbe bot· wnnl It. I ('nn't "e~TI It I rve got to "You mcnn--" an. .... ttq. "that llC*Ibl, II. could tOlD-at We eud. Another door evl· go. I've gOI lo lea \'e here. I've got "I U1OIlD," s he snlrl, "thllt thpre Ie Fonl Runabout. 1911lmlXIIll. hal ..... her-and that abe, at the tIIDII dently opened upon the slreet. She lo be trc" I" she cri ed, nnd rose sud· lin excellent renson why you sh nuld oloco"CI Wlnler tUII. IlDglne gund A little Brooklyn tailor. A. K. Undsay, thought ~ , hig,hly 01 hla ' let me go-for yonr own snl{e I" ~.. lII1"t IIaIp IIlIp to ksow wltat III tried It. It would not open. She tried denl), to her t eet from the dlvlln 011 ,UIIU'Dg ordur ' .lnDle.. t! V .. udtlr solemn oath to tell the truth that 'he admitted his so:\ g private eon • mut eveotuall)' 1lDd oat. ADd , . OM . .aln_nd ageln-and agaIn. Tbe wblcil she hod been sitting. De looke(] nt he r wIth Ihnt prote&-I vourt, pblOne 33.3. Wilynentll ... O. ten Ion of guilt In murder'. His tetitlmony eonvict"d. and the Ion tIIlna appareotlJ· WI ~ door would Dot Opetl-eKcept by a Irey. The Inw yer wllh his stU! half,smlle Ilonol \mnsk of ImPllsS l\"Cness-the nco . jSO was senten~ed tp death in the electric chair February 14th. Owlnr 1Ib1.... And ",ben Ibe found this to be cer- attempled to sool)le her. to correct 10 qulroweDt o1~ R lifetime-upon bla ,. to the jury I ·error, the Judge could show no mercy. The ell,se stirred ' "WIIatr taID the Jdrl bnrrled back. 'a8 much 88 unren ~o nllble 0 s lPteUlent. fnce. the eaat and an appeal wall made to the Pardon Cou.t tor lite Imp",. E'OR "ale or 'rlde-~l\lb ' SiX, for "Bar aWhllte. I weat 10 lAto tII4& a/lll ' eotJlo hurry In tbnt blackness, to " No. No." sh!' Insis ted, nlmost by8"It you willi," Bbll solcl. hurryIng on, onment. "Dad. ),011 did right." laid the 23.year-old YOllth In tor,I'" C \loy model olo~ed oar. WrUe the upper door, In a 80rt of pnulc t erlcn ll)'. "I 'm t hrough ," Aud now a "If you will lilt me go, I will Btly notb· at ~ 'l'tiat attuaUoa Ia too ne.8, ahown above with mother and father. . Hox '8, Uarveyabllrtt. Oblo, or 10. . Dllcated too." be aald..,.tn. ".And I Mate. She trI ed Ihe door nguln. It all !;I, t shli llf! ot cbunJ:e cume ovor tlte In g-Ia-nhon l whnt I know I" . quire BC Chle ofBoe, 180 , . . . eaaMI1. 1'IIl ", BUO'IfeQ to. bUI woul.d Qot ~u.~n.. 1""; (1 . ~'!!> tt to•.m!1.l,<e IOWI'l!I"S fnC'I'-flll " lrn "~ t IllIoerf!,ntl blo F.,,~h tJI11P ~he ~flm(1 10 mnl;ln!! nn I eM WIt ,oa thla mueb I the wbote d'aIr mlcbt be 8lmpueed, done. a",1J' wtaa _.~ If .... wOlltd oul, :I1Tt CERoTAINI..'t WM OSCAR 911' YOU ''3EE AI'N'THiN6 eoalSdeDce to h1m. You _T' OF A Pl./>""TE, 0," 1,06 ;""!.A.T . . . ~d !let nor 1D8~. It w .. 'iII7, awkward. Ac1ela1de Rutherford FI"!:D UP "TO' ¢EED ilo4lli. . . . alloat to- fIIIDt.' '.phe 1II4. III f.ct; j JUIiT ~POP1'EO . All tII.t." Nlllel!lbe!rI. t'~ ,i :
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Tboua bu Precede Acta.
What Are You Thinkinll7
Howard Elliott, president of the Northern Pac:tic Railroud, sounded a helpful note when he told the Han'ard Club that America is not going to the dogs. PecuEarly, the people of the greutest country in the world need to be reminded of this fact from time to time-usually prior to a national election. Mr. Elliott says that various cond:tions, situations and problems call for the attention of thoughtful intelligent men. He feels, however, in the light of nat:onal experience and in the knowledge that when they are aroused, the fact thut 99 pel' cent of the American people are conaervative and law abiding, there is no need to worry a 1 .t the future. "We arc not going to the dogs," said Mr. EI:iott, "I predict that the next twenty-five, fifty and seventy-five years will be the most wonderful period of the world and the most glorious in the history of the United States. Conditions, situations and problems we will always have with us. They are not peculiar to the times. They are the law of nature, If the problems of the world were solve4 nations would ~ither and decay. There is always work to do. Reaching perfection means atriving at obliteration, and the time is not ripe for that. The outlook for the nation M pictured by Mr. Elliott is the outlook for practically every town and village in ·the land. Here and there we may find little business setbacks, but in the main the advance is bound to proceed. When the decade closes we will find ,ve have better streets, more scientific sanitation, a greater respect ·for law, a more intelligent citizenship, and a happier and more prosperous state of living. Charity will be on the decline because justice will largely have suppl~nted Injustlee and the necessity for the "hand out" will not be 80 great. l The world moves on, All we need do is guard the principles of the Republic from the two groups that seek, one to force upon us a greater measure of "democracy" aneJ the other which aims at autocratic control.
, "
Enrland gives us another evidence of the fact that IIhe II not eo slow when she sends UB neW8 that 6,000 billboard. have been dismantled In the tight little lale. One . of these days the traveller may be IIble to see something of rural Amerlta. • . New York socloty debutantea are experleQcing a rellgloua aurvlval. They are studying 'J.'he Psalms. Now that Stinnea 18 In th.e movies perhaps we moy get a pt'Cp behind the scenea and view more completely the new G.', mnn money arip on Amorica while the mark murks time. How many pe.oPlo know who is vice president of the Unitoo States? A Chicago bu ~ ' " "!.~C l' thought to swint'l lI' hia cus r,;:,mel' by sell ing ' ~' . \Vhl'n he got hom ~' I.. · r"lIn 'l hI' hnd boen moonshine for \\' lluid In counl"rrci~ IJl t!S. l'h I'O'S I\lnny n sli p 't wixt cup nnd lip.
I journey through life' ~blttered by, atrlfo and burdened with woes Titanic. while the mart amone men that gobble. the yen '_the Automobile Mecbarile. , • • I might have had gold and jewels unwld and revelled In robel SuItanlc if I had tho aenae of that wlseat ot'aenta -,the Automobile Mechanlcl Be acCtlmulatea power in caah by the hour and gives hi .. commanda tY1'8J\Die. He renden his bUl with Immaculate alO1l, does the Automobile Mechanic. I do without hash juat to hand him my ca.h 'b:5"lIlA~~i': . and return to my dreama Satanic. till .. my boat spring. a leak, then I nV8l'8Dti7 -~~~~ seek-that Automobile Jrlechanlcl
Mubl .. !o"'rIlle II • product of mArine lIedl· menls uDd yolrnnl~' ftreat It III lalcl down on Ihe len hoUllm a. ehell hellp.. . which J:rllilUlilly turD Into ChAlk. If . the, atrotn Ahonld be cleeply hurled In tbe rocke. Ihe Inlense h,!", of the I!~rth CIIII"'-'8 I'hemll'lIl element A 10 renrrnnge Ih'!lu~elye8 s" Ihat they (·ry.· tallize Into Innrble. Vnrloll! Impurities In Ihp "hnlk give the lOorllle Itl urt. OUI huel<. .
.. - ...
Morrll'on Buut, of Ced" n· !·'1 01 18ge, waa a week·oud guo8t of h I!> parellhbere. MilS LeonG McGloness and M r>l Rea 8heebaD were ebopplDI: in U tI.I" '00811$ord"y . Peter Long . of Doyton, vllllle d last week with his ROD, WBUe ~ Long alld fawlly.
~ . ---
Me~ico Recogn.ua .eauty.
,1st 01 b~ ~
'I. I,"
L "\\ I:< pl ""L : CI • . •
f " "1Il
'iV 111 Bllm I: IJ I1." :' 1 V<'lln IT . I np' " ,,1''''' '' ,
1 l •u
M il 11 II
k lHh,
p l /t o ~
. 111
t lJ ~
C" rJ H oJ"
. 11
.. ,rOler
mdaI \D.
SI -cllRtb- doe to adding _
(See Il lnstratioll.)
III ~round-{be
h....aVlcc and sf rooser than ever. l..oo«er Service-lhe OI'W a1umimtm metaIHc", - ,lid po..-t make It longer lived. " t' look ,",:: f~es- the a1t11DiDlm metaDIc _
I I;:
:i"ll"'l th .~ post
trim appearanc:e.
, c be........'T se.tting- with the One Mao RED Idvl'r 0 .,1" nun without a helper can Rt 2100 Co .,t, IA·t 1.fY. ,-ffieie,,' f ence fllStening-RED TOP IIaDdv . (.-,' rnnl, 9 II JlOO.'!ible for one man to attach pot I\nd fas\.Cllel' holds feadng tighter.
• f)
: '0
in an I see this better post. Handle
t. See howtbe new One Man Dri ver orles. Don't buy a fence post
Path Ollder.
Held in Tmst W
auJ cheaper to fasten fencing b
.<.. Mt:u:h an::hor plate.
'D ti lt" Y(' liu g I I;tdl ' ~ I. I }) \\ 'd'il ~ 1 .,t the p llI' l o r df)pf la :; 1 e\' ( ' l d, , ~ '(' .!'> and It \\ h s''' t-'r ~ eml,ll r nu.. b lll;';. t ,\, ,1. I ,au hnd niH 1· ,1,1 lII e HI," •. ( :H"d b eo\' f'lI s I I fI(, \ ' 'r 1\' 111 r O il tu till ' II ~ I tbln i (,f 110 " ~ 11l1 1 1 " " You llto l. ,"" I, ' told m e , Lui I f h i" l1t l CUl pt,.. d 1. \ ~d .en tlrnen tnl I Illu s t ~I ( ou 1I Iul ." -
lit III 11111111111111 III 111111111 II
t ;: nt' w ~.a n dan.l, It is a strongs Ill" i,ic, e'c..iec aud cheaper to set
" , ,UOf: Jib (se.;, Illustration) a Dd also due to die ,"I .'Iat thr rc icn ' t a ~ill8 l e bote punc.IIo!d in the ~ ,tl "I k r st" lJICS or anchor plate. No riYda ftIQIIinId
Ob e d um t Oauohtt: l. I 1101 ~~'l' ."
.~ ,.~.
.r I
1m T OP 00
n•.e lJ'>Sts are no longer aU aIiIIa ole Strength Studded
' n' " , 1'.
H DUU J{ht u r . d lt!
\ ! J ul! T',':: h.t<;
fr oUl l,h A I,,,,, ·· p,,, " off
l:r ~' oi
MI .. Be.ter James. of Rldgsvllle, et.re e tS ! o I!", W .~; I I ':,'" wall a week. end gnes' of Mr . alld on West M'lln . Mr8. rnnll Rogert.
. Obliteration Yes·.But Not Just Yet
aebl ld
SJ: d LeUer !'!'aiainW F lb.. .j
I 110 P.I.. ~~ ftl ". . . Wa y n8i4 vlll o. lIhlO. "" Sucoud CHI•• at l ll ) 10"'0 '
11 you do th is.
Public Sales 1 will s oil .. , I.JI1bll o IInotio n .. ~ thl' r o@ldenof' o r t1.w I.. t(' .• . A. F"unkllV, on Mllolu IItree', W ... ynll.villt', lIn
Saturday, February 2, 192.1,
m...a- by Lwia M,...
fllill' W/UI ne"oua, atter Bne nad gone. oye, the InrerenCM whteb be IIlthered trOD) thte note and ber obIef. nUon.. And"et It _med to' blm, UJlOII conllderatlon, that Ute altuatlon. to be, Itlll desperAte a, It ml,bt offered certain poulbllttlee lor a mlDd terUle In expedient.. not merel" to ayert min Rnd utter penonal dlqraeo. but even to turn A great dI...ter Into a ..... t pe",onlll gain. SUppotle, for IXolOple, a man at un· ueual mind and wlll·power, POI_ed an accomp--a co-operator. let n. III", entirely IInder his InRuence. mClltallr ns lI'ell 08 Hnonclally, II man generall" lill'rt, unlmnglnatlve, dull, yet slngu. Inrly emotional nnd open to 8uggeetlolll nlong one linl!-nn old nnd contlnuoll" tmveled line or thonght Along whlob he coulrl be propl'lied with the nbllOlute certnlnty of dlr~ctlon nncl result ot a frrl l: ht Irnln sent rolling down a JmI.le! "Lls t.. n." sold Jnsper Hul!; over tbe win'. "TI,ls Is very :erlous. S()lDe one Is fnllfl \\'ID!! 11 5." "Who?" nsker! Hn sbrouck Ru therford. IllYen o"er the wire ODe could tell thnt h~ hnrl he('n clrlniling. "W ho?" he demnnc!ed ngnln when he hncl rench e,l the house of Jnsper Balg. Au(\ he rll'·.",1 ",Ithnut restm lnt wbell h "'liS tolel of tl1(' otl1 er mon's conclu· slon ~ rrnr ll th p mHld's obsen-otlons. ",\ !!o ln :" hI' ~ fll , 1. fils memory of all th e ll n]llenAnnl occ llr"'m r~s In bls lite brllugh t "b .. ut Ily Stanford Gorgam, trom the .lays lit Yale down through hi s mnrrln ge till lodny, rolled back over him. Thnt wos one thing alway. !hnt w"uld stuml out c1enr und red befo ro Ills usually somewhat juwbled mlncl. "Whnt /;11011 we do to him?" he 8911<'d. dully. "Sit clown," 'Illg~ested JA sper Halg. "Hnve n dl·lnl:." An I.nvltntlon not refu sed, lending nlwnys to a certain stimulnll0l1 of wemor" and old Anger -th e [lot ller80nal hatred of II hard· drinking mlln! MA!!nln I" repeated Rnsk Rutherford, hl)l11.,.cly. "I~or flrty centl I'd kill him on gen"rul Ilrlm'IJlle8:' "NQ-no I Hardly thnt I" snld Jnsper Bnlll, del1rerlltlDgly. lOr would I" etoutly asserted Ru. hrQllck Rutherrord. There are certuln times nnd 8ea80ns, liS every successful Itlwyer know8, when oppo.ltlon of u 'certnln t"pe provokee ruther than preventa , tbe thIng thilt It II dl~ed ol(oln't, "No." repented Josper Halg, "no I You would not do that I But we mU8t du lomethlng-that I. certnln. Or he's got' ua I" "Be I Oot me"" said Rutherford, bl. veins IItftrtlng In hIe thIck neck. "No I Not .Rguln I" 'Hla hellrer thought thnt he sensed Rll'I!I\dy a certain tone of declsloll In hla voice. "But what call we do-besldl!ll "ollr pleasln, thou,ht ot k1l1lna blmT' III· quln!d hll qulet·volctd companion,. thlnllln, now out loud. '1 thtnk we clln allUme," he added. watcl.lnl blm quIte cloeel" "that Idea w be DDt. .
1'1'0 .............'
-. Under tht! hlWII or Meldco It .. twIN u milch 'III IItren.e to mutllat. tile aalloonl. Isce et " "',;m,ln a. that of • mIlL The little whI8(lIn' halloon. bel ... Tbe 1 1dea or Ihll II • ftr7 leulbl. 1ftf'. IIt!tnll hu'ed on tbe taet tbat tI • lold on Ihe Slre!!t" ur "yen awa, wlUl 1romlUl luir beaut)· II a .... t aURt; to PUrehn61l8 or ,'un'" ,Ive two .....t mar It ,.' therefore. Y1f7 Hrlon. ,... thrills to the Yllun( follle-oneo wb_ ..,~ 1$1')'. . tb" eXJlund grlllldly aud tiN wb_ the, bllr~1.
MI., (llso Mtaoy WIUI a wllela eod gueet of Mr alld M.rll. Will Noll, •• :iprID,boro. aDd played In 'be Uri nile orobeetra 'bere S.'urday evening. Alberl Mlaoy and Mrs. Chloe Sidee reoelve4 wor4 1e.t Tbunday of 'be dee'b of sbelr rel.'lno, Mn. aerrlel Corlle11, of Plqa.., widow of 'be la'e I5eneoa CorDell. Word from Mra. B. II. Clark .y. Ibeyare DOW" GrMII Covet!prID,' on 'be S, . Jobll river, aDd ar') elljo,lnl ,be _.'ber, ve,,,,.blea aDd I'rawberrlel.
8oglnnioK lit 12 o'olook HhlHp. "II 'be bouet!hold Roods of ~be d"oeos· ed. Terms OClsb . tlee bl " bills GEORGE FUNKEY . W. N. Seare, Auct Botb dleooutlunlDg farm1Dg , we wl\llleil at pnbllo auotloD, our stook end .t mplemenu,looa&ed 1 mile N. of Ly&le, 4y' mlJee N. W of Way. Oilville, 4 mllee 8. E . of Celltervllle on Gephart road. OD
We Always Have a Good .steck 01 Red Tops on Baad
On Thuflday evenillg. danae will be given al Town balli. Mr. and Mrll Dober" Ogden IlpaDt tbe week.end In Clnolnoatl. Barry Bowe bOB been quite slok for lIeYIlt&1 daYIl with toDIIlIIlllI. MoUe UIIDe, of Doy'on. ts wltb bill 'grandparenlll, quite slok . wUb mumpe. Mr. alld Urll . A . L. KeoDedv aDd 10D, Berbert, IIIMlnt E.rlday wltb ·Mr. alld Mr •• Raymond Brook8 Jobn aud Lliuronoe Feoly, of Nor.wood. ere vl_IUu!! &belr parellh Mr. and Mu. Jobn Fesly, " tew dayt. On WedDeBday IIlgbt of th!~ w eek tbe KlaRmao Blgb school wil l give liD opereUa, "1'auUlle, "., ILe Town bill. Mrs Anna 8t1neou., wbo hili beell very til wl\h aou$8 lodt881\lolI and appendlcUll, I. able to rewame ber .10'1" of &eaobtog. On Frida, nlrh' 'be memberll of Jon". RUD oburcb wtll ,he a soolol at she TowD ball. Supper .erved a. ~ m. Ev.. rybody weloome. (Jeorlle Uam. oelebra'ed ble 9\8t blrtbday la8' Friday b, elltert .. ID . lug l Fred Raprm,e'r alld family. lind Mr. alld lira 1'. " Barrl, to dlDner rhe !SIne Bird olab, whlob meetll "vcr, It!OoDd a04 tlllird Tburlday n,,,btl! of nob mODI&b, W8B eDter. 'ahled Mr. Jobn 'fbompaoo'., ont! of lbe wsmMn, a' ber coou'ry bum", WII~& of Wllmlll,Ioo,oo Jao. 2'. A dellabUoI eveolnr waf .pell' wllb ,ame,aDd DI08'lO, af$8r wblob a &bree.ouune Inllobllon wa. Ierv8d
Wednesday, February 6, 1924 BeatnlliDIF a' 10 o'olock. S borae" II caUle, 110 oblotelle, farm Imp Ie· 'Save by buying in Waynesville." mea'II, feed alld boullebold goodl, .lI'arm of 47 aorel, good boildlllgS, well fenoed, barD oemlloted . ~ood jfaral{8. 'obacoo ebed, and sott all &llIable. Will be lIold at 2 o'ol'lolr E . ARCa DEACON c. W . ADAM8 The Eye SIght SpeCialist 11'. T. Martin , Allot.
Too Severe.
Adv.-"New elegonl homes for I'WII. Object to noisome boys." We'd bar«IJ call the Iltlle roscnle that-BOItIa 1'rsD.8Crlpt.1
Dr. John W. Miller
At Cary's Jewelry Shop
Bnlul/: deolded to quit 'arming I 'wIIl offer 11& publlo .. no tlou my e\oo)[ and ImplemeotB,looatlld "boot, 4 miles son h of Hellbroo)!. .. hOUI Ii mlle8~. E o f Centf'rvi.ll e. X m ile.. N of Ferr v nu d X m il., ~ ' ,,~t h ' IF tllocker'~ 'o rller, au I' .nl" 11 nct Day 'ou rOl1d . on
Thursday, February I-I, 192-1 Beutu ni ll!! li t 10 0 " lo.' k, :, h ,If"'·" . and mal es . I J h onn ctfl1c'. :;;, h .... ,t hog8, ftt. rrn in!.! lnll,h' nh "tol l 1J"'t 11
Waynesville NatIonal Bank Bid,
Every Tuesday :00
Ol .
to 4 p.
~~;:=::~~;.:~~;;;;;-;; -.... ~
'HI'I ,
feecl nnd h o ns I'l b lJ ld WII"jll ~ '1' I tl ~ b1l1 8. ~; I, AU! ':': F, T. M.artl n, A ne t
. Lebanon, Ohio
,ville, Ohi o
~~ )Ilippcd
for Good
H A LL~ CATARRH MEmICINJD .... b r n used 8ucc... fully In the tna. ., otHALL'S Co.tnnll. CATARRH IIEDICINJI - . . ls l8 ot nn Ointment whtcb Q~ ,
Rell. ". . by loca. application, .. 4 .... . I nt rnnl Modl CIM 0. TOllte, whJcb . . through tho ' p looal on the ill_lie .... t neeB. L/lu8 r educing the tnlla'!"'1au-... Soll1 U)' ..II dru"g1.tl. • F. J . Cheney &: Co., Tole(Jo, Ohio.'
"is play
TELEPI/(I i\' E 7
D R. H.E. HATHA.'W AT .L.... DENTIST;' , l
: 'r vic . L a r.:..;~
ai" Full y
..... u re
l~ oom
: oilto.
Telephone 114;
Don't ten me the old home's WttI!rln' or dyln' a llngerln' death, Ior my heart h u~ spells of f\utterln' and sometimes 1'11\ ahort in m)' breath. . . . Don't give me 00 messa ge to ehock me,--don't tell me no serious new_tot' 1 chorlllb the cradi c that rocket! me, and, I'm slow .bout changtn' my villWa.
. "~ ),
Forest T. Martin. Auct ioneer
Com_ten me the world is pro8'fOllaiJl' toward all that is bumanly true. , • • Don't sot me to doul>tin' or guossin' what the devil mIght tempt me to do. • . • Let me cling to my landest ObseslioD, wherever on earth I may roamr-don't shatter oar ricb..t posleaaion-God ave the American Homel
Get my tenDS. for your Puhlic Sale. 1 sa tisfy and- save you money or no charges.
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio Home Phone 2, CenlervllleEx.
Waynesville, Ohio. NlI:tional Bank
Bulb MaoooD II berUer.
And X-O-ORAPtUS,T : Waynesville,
... I
Wlo.laD Clllle II Oil &be .I'llt lIl" lira Lld~ 61aara, .. 1m.
MONEY MONEY MONEY 80mething we all need and ,something we all use, today, tomorrow and next year. See to it, theh, that your dis· carded tools and other things you have , no use for are put ort the market for so me .ooe els.e t( t a l'e and ,use and YQ~ , .·get the ~ oney for them . .'
The Miami Guette, W.,..Yllle. OllIe. _ :e
We the , following farm owners M ry E, Cre,;well. econd daughl r of the late ,yr \1 ~ Bnd Ph ebe A. posltlvelv forbid any bunting or
----_ ..
- --
Save your old carpets ul1d ruga · and ' get "Wearwell" RUltll made . · Send fO'r price list. Fran ldin Rng · Co .. Franklin, Ohio. Ig nore Supper Law. One or 111(, .. IIl ku luus IIct~
ot Durlle·
ment 8t11 1 In ' xlstt}n('e In E t Irmd. I.e
' ''INow for II saU 'over the North
Pole," say U. S. NayY Aeronautic. Chiefs at thl)' Jo1fully repair damage don. the areat dirigible Shenandoah In a battle' againat a .,eat
(lIlSSl'll In th e r c l ~'1l of I':tl\\'urd
reat alnhlp in· Ita unaeheduled doah when tom from towe,;. AI~o ~I bt baa quieted all criticism of -map of proposed toute In Iltght tu th~ . polar filaht this IUmmer. Pole,
'Save by buying in Wnynes\'ilIe."
Be~ inning III 12
Notice of Appointment
My Coming Sale Dates
Eota"" 01 lobo A . Funkey. decoMO<I. NOli.,. I. he.... by alno til at Joho O . Cart· ",lab' llaa been duly appolul.ed and qualillod ... Admlnla'raklr of lbe •• 'al.o of 10110 A , hok.,..la"" 01 Warren Oount,. Ohio, do-
January 26
Dat.od 'h" 2a,b da, 01 January. I,H , W. Z , ROLL.
Jud,. of tllo Probate Oou.t
.-. ,
J'nnk C, AIIdthOn . ACty.
Ooun", Oblo f II
. Notice of Appointment Efta... 01 W, D. Dinwiddie, dece ..ed. Notice .. lIereb), .Ivoo th., Arallel Din· "Idllli 11... Mea duly arPDIUted and Qu"l· Inod .. Admlnlatra$rhr 0 'hI ""te 01 W. H . Dlowlddle. late 01 WartIA Dounty. OWo, d........... ~ Dat.od ...,. nth da, ollanuarr: lila. W. Z. 80 J.. \ lUdn 01 Ibe Probate Oo~, III WUftIlOounty,ObJ2;.
------_.- -.~.
The reviva'! services at the M. E. ODe waD,lng Swee' Crelm church cloaed Sunday evenlDIl. AI· . and COUallle Cheeee. call JOllab thougb the 'I1~eather waa very severe O."ia. phODe 24-2, Waynenltle. O. durinlr most of the aervice~. the atflS ' tendanee W8I!I exceedingly good. and FRANK W. CREW, apeOlaUZID, 1 a Ilreat interest waa ·manlfested. · 'he wep,lrhilr of B'ord oars. ~bop i There were twelve aceeaslons to tbe" at Hme looaUoo; resldeooe phooe church. SS.IIY-. 16 OOD t>ry Stove W'ood for lillie. Inqn\re Ilf Barvey Rye, WilY
DO DHEA,MS COME TRUE1 nAe,1I:~IID~.'E~RohIOm~olne8~eeftPft'Yw. halDed :aePo· ..
January 29 February 4 February 6 . February 8 February 11 February 12 February 14 February 18 February 20 February 22 February 25 February .26 February 27 February 29
, •
Upright Piano, firs t- class d't' n W I ut Bedr .con 1 10, a n oom Suite, 3-piece and springs, 1
.1. L . M.I!OdAob~II,
Seth Cook told us tbls morning 7~ l\.2~, WaYDee"l11e. Ohio.
.. ... Several are already taken in March. If you are going to ~ave a sale, give me a trial. ..... My terms a re very reasonable and I guarantee satisfaction or charge nothing, .....Call or write
P. T. · Martin Auctioneer
. . Lareeet Creamery In'this Half the United State's
Here Are Some of
Quill Pen. Long In U... It has been osserted that quill s h.... been Illcd for wrltlDa U eArl, a8 the rutll century.
Household Goods
W. N. SEARS, Auct.
Exclusive Selling Agent Waynes, iIle, Ohio
The Commercial club an.d their emy loyeea had a gr eat time Monday night al Lbe Gym, and many sore Eprlng chlckens nn' 100 enrly !!!!!!~~~!!!!!~!!!j~~i~i!~=;::;::~:;!!'!"!!~!!'!"!!!!'!'~~~~ However. :' term cI01_1.'_' _ _____ • _ __foil . . arms'and legs resulted th is will be one of lhe greatest oces" sions for lhe tired business man that Giving Blrdl I Bad Nlm • • he has eyer e:l(p~rienced. The United Stat" blololtlCo.l 8un., It is hoped that all the members "al'lll agalDI. tba1'llDfI we crlmet 01 ttl. BttltUsb IPllnIOW to otber memba will take advailtage of this oppor. 01 the 'pnrro" famO,. whtcb. althou,. tunlty. . .enUally .aed_tln,. performs fII'tIIl~ ...- -..nIce In ItI raldl on Imecl.l, III de la),1. crOWl 1I0d blackbtrds.Java'. Clnchorla Fore8t. Th e cinchona foreet In Java CO". . . 215,000 acres. The lu,lII' plrt of thl wor1d'l IUPp!, ot quinlue COW!!I fNm lila! eomltl7.
o'c1ock sharp. Ihs followilllC
Consisting of nearly new King Clt'rmonl Heatiug Stove. 1 MHjfSllC . Range. Florence a-burner Oil Rtove, Walnut Bedroom Suite, 3 iron lJedl!, T F ~ Wnlnut Burea.us. 2 WIIRh Stand~, Sprinlls and Muttrelll!t!l, lot Hedding, he unk~y propcr~y, locat- Dining Tllbte. Dining Chairs, Sideboard. 7 Rockers. Oak Library Table, ed on MaIO street. House P"rl nr Ruile, leRther Davenport. old SeUl's. old Walnut Secretarv, Silwinil has 8 rooms, cellar, electric Machinl', Refrigerator. old. Hall Rack, CupbORrd. Stand . Victr .. la. MU Aic lights \ bam extm large lot. Box. Piano Player. 12xl5 R.uR', llx12. Rult, 9xl~ KU.Il. lot 8m~1I RUIlB, lilt Carpet nnd Linoleum, 'Iot Pictures, Dishes and Cooktng UtensIls, , •. . For further mfortuatton and Two Porch Settees, Porch Rock er. Porch Swing, Lawn Mower. St ev price. see L:JddlJr, Clothes Rack. Tubs, Garden Tools, PUllltOl'S. Chicken Feed snd other articles too numerous to menti on. Terms Cash.
"Some d fty," IIIl1d Unele B/ll'n, "I may feci dot It'8 up to me to !;o 00 ooe 0' de. e here hunS r slrlJ;['S. Jl It ever buppeos It'lI huve to h p ut d, time of yeur wheo It 's 1<>0 lilt fob
Sl repl.
Saturday, February 2, 1924,
A. M. H• . -----_.--BUSINESB MEN
Uncle Eben.
which tore it from ita mooring , tower at Lakehurst, N. J, Tbe Ph wonderful performance of tbe ota I hOWl d. amnge done Sh enan-
Public Sale
trapping on our larms. Any viola tion of the earne will b'e pr08ecu ted according to law and to thll fullest Of household goods at lhe home of lhe late J A. Funko:y, on Main extent. Waynesville, Ohio, on Ed Furnas,
Smi th'. was born JaTl uary 2, 1860, and died Janua rl' H , ll-)24 , aged 64 years and 12 days. : he was married to Jamel! rl!yw ell, May 6, 11388 at th e M. B . parsollBge in Waynes. vill e, Ohio, by the Rev. R K. Dee·m . Her husband" togeth er with her three bro.lhers anil two sister!! are left to mourn h t r. Thus the faithful loyal wife, the honorable:and loving sister. and true friend gave herself up to God's keeping lind cilimly awaited Hill will He willed her rest, and ahe hae 8ntered into it. Husband, kindred, and friends are sustaip ed under their loss by t '!e assuranee that it is well with her. I. .. Weep not thM her toila are over, Weep not that. Ioer race is run. God grant we may rest as ca:mly. When our wOI'k, lillo hers' is done. ,Tililhen, we wil ' yield with Illadness Our treasure, to Him to keep~ And rt'joiCIJ ill the RWl'l'l a!<Surllnce He givlJlh hi Mloved li nes sleep."
regul ntlng I h(! tn l'Ill s. of lli e people. whi ch tOI·I.>I4I, ",urI! thn n two ,'" urses being sl'r,,!!,,1 III tllnner or SUl'l",r. ex· cept nn rertnln 11 0111111),5. )';1" ' ,111' s to eo)" Ih e lu I\' I" hrnkl'n with 11111'11 011),.
- ....-
Both Phones No. 2
Si~~~~ Ex~n~oo T~k~o~ad~mh~dl~~~ .~~~~~~~~~<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ your cr~am direct to ~he 10 ft., Center Stand. Toilet He said he stood and watched the <
It 18. J~t ~ ~y to sefl :TRI , STATB as It IS to .sell ~ an agent. However~' se~lmg Washstand, Bamboo Paper men at work putting In a concrete ;to.the TRI STATE ",111 put a lot more money w your Racks, 18-inch Estate Oak road. and it waa almost finished on
( pOcketboOk.
'lIl#her If ma~ket advances
• We guarantee your ~ and cans against loss.
Heater, Steel Range,New Perfection 3-burger.Oil Stove and numerous household article.. Must be sold before February 15, 1924. ' .
Main 8tr~t . He aid It waa a very realistic dre.am. and he. with othel'll, would like to lIee the work consum· mated. _ _ _ _ • __
Young men wanted
lor' the fascinating professitm
:I mile: Nor:b of Waynesvl:'e, ou the Lytle Pike.
0/ Davey Tree Surg."
· Permanent positions for good men lohn DaveY'$ organization, , TheDaveyTreeExpertCompany, Inc., has a limited number of openings for ambitjous young· men between 20 and 30 years of age. Single men are preferred,
. These positions are permanent and offer a lifetime opportunity to men wh9 make good. The bUSIness of the Daver. Compapy approximates one million dollars per year;uidis'liinitedonlybythenumber of capable men who can be trained fC?r responsible positions. No experience,in Tree, $~gery is ' reQ,uired •.. We furnish the necessary • trlunihg to the right kind of young , men. T~is t~ainin~ is very thoroug~, ·-embraclng 10tenslve work 90th 10 the field and later in the class room.
BIBLE REAPING rr tll ere' Is uoy one thldg, trom a llulJlun stnlldpolnt. tbe meD of tbIJI coulltry 1l1lE!(\ WOTe than aD), other. It Is tbe bnbll or tlutly Illblc readIng. "Get n Kin g James I'crslon ot tbe TUble. or. 11" ):o\1 ,Pfefcr. 'ao) t\Dlertcnn RCI'lsed e<l/t\o~ ~iid f1~d o~~ two cllopters very day.' You \v. U ,.WltUC88 U IDnrvelouB change In :pollr own condition, )'Qur ablllt.y ·to 'cootrol yourself. iiiid In your lotlucnco and power' over your 'frlen·d.. yonr ' eml)lo),CC8 aoil ')'onr huslne8&. Ii large 1I01000t of tho present restt _ at l ~' mentally. pb)'1Ilo caJ1y ~ ~. CP,I be a~):rlbllte4 to tbe lack 01 Bible Imowledga, Blbl" readIlng and BIble Ittld)'. Tbe BIble' ·Is IlUPerDaturlll: Do
DO~ read , l.j~. 1n a " c"r~eu, ~peJ'Ocl81.
Tree~Suriery is intel1sely interesting. It is professional work of high standing and dignity, and deveh~ps 'a fine scientific knowledge that is i~valuable. , '.
rc nd It caretulJ,y. " thoughtrully , prR)·ertully. Rllad' the .. Books 0' tbe l Pllnlateucb aDd ,tM. .' rour ~08[lE'18 ~og'ctbcr. Read Daniel nnd!'Rc\'eJlltldu: tllen rehd 'th" !'Jplll-' ,. " tlee. Rend Ille Book or "Jobn t!\'ery mODI II. Head tile IltQe JJC/olt or Colo'llllRI]8 every doy, . .. Rend the ElllHlles. They nre' guides nnd Safeties tor the IrrelM'!nt. e1'errday Chrl8tian. For~et the trasll ot the papers; forget ·the tun· nle~ Rnd fooUshn~ ot the claiIl
IDllllner, .. !Jilt
, .
'4'lIc m~,t IIlhto-datc !look ' In the . world '18 tJae DIble. Read It. , ~t\1d1 "" It,. m~'Illtot:e upOn .Its lClldalll1!8 '"~d .. )'~U will ' become 0\ sl roogor IIIRo, , pbYHlcnUlI.:. mcotul y, 1;I111tltuul!1, moroU)', !ioclnUy. mid every otbeJ: wn)'. , , Gni, n W I')' ot the' New Teatament. '.
enrry It In yonr vocket, mal.e 10
:pout halilt to glvc 8 COllY of tile Nllw Test,imllOt to IIOme one eVlDt ,,·eek. Be" a real pro(lllIJlIlor or the RI!Jle. It- 18 the world'. gn!atellC 1tletIlq. and it .mOM mIlD'. greallo . . IIIIId at thll prelleJ1l 1I1OIn4IDt. • Bead ~row Bi!!-'e. -C • ~...
... . . .
It dffers robust health-outdoor work in the fresh air and sunshine, With properly balanced exercise. It is the ideal profession fo~ ~he young ',. mall who wants to get away.from the grind and monotony of indoor • ·" ~ork. , Jt is ,a wonde.rful phYsical .: developer. .,;,....
~'tart ,lllld
' the par is good' 'the , the opportunity ;~r. advancemept is , , unusual. There i'Splen ty of. room at , the top (or jlood 'men~ Work witll · the 'Dave~ Company 'offers an un- ' usual. Ghance to travel and ,many parts o( this country, with carfare paid by the company (rom ODe plac:e to another. . '.
Only ' the finest types of ' clean, red-blooded youn~ Americans are employed by the Davey orga,nizatiOll, ,a nd only young men of this kind need apply. A high school educition 'or its equivalent is desired. We also require fully satisfactory references as to honesty; depends.. bility and willingness to work.. . ,
, I.
Mail coupon -for details . . Only a limited number of gOod men can bit accommodatedeacPiyear•. ~(yoq ~ you qualify- if 'you llrc loolclng for "interCiting outdoor .work with a real chaDai (or:.~ ~c:ement-it:trill betoyour~t io"~ , promedy. Mad the coup~Jli ~~Jttth: ~ · , name and 'address and we will ed '1,011 f\ill mt'ormation . to.P~' widi • ~dOD .,. blank;' , ' . " ,- s
.5ev nty-Sixth Y ar Wh.ole Nu mber 6580
Wh.-n wuntin" 1"lIrm Crost! Bros Mr . IIncl
Mr ~ .
, " \III IL ~f'rin)!"or" plays W.
H, Farr. R " H~
iJ. S
Mr and Mra . Frllnk Z~II enter· j lElin ed at r1in ner ~'ridoy evening Mr. . a:ld Mrs Frank LeMay and children \ 1 Wal"''' ,il l, "a~Ket flail fan~. ~ill Mr, Ch~s. Hawke and dsughte r, I k \ ' . ' HI' " 1'1"'lltlll lty on next a .ur· Mi ssHelen . ,b 1"";" ". ,I ',· ' II e " f Ihe fastt',t "'" II, .. ",I! ''i,pl'l r ,ll! Ihe IUC81 i\1 isses Edna Howlanrl, Velma Mc· 11 "1 '1'1, ""nilary Wet Wltsh '1', " . "f I'~\"' u " , ""m" here on this Clure , Edi lh George , Ann Flach man I ,f "},,, r lr, ,I' I" I , a 1",' llIu mbers o f and Miriam Mull were t.he Su nday II I :, '" ,',11 I,· 'I! ''''. which has in dinner j:C\les t~ of Mr . an,l Mrs. Ed ii', 1" , 1 '"'l·l." r I.~" m~ in Lhe Retallic k and familv, of neor are· 1 dr\ t, ~ ' "'''. \ h(,::.{(1 work was so gonia.
Mrs Em mu F. Dakin. uf Aflldand, Ky ., ill lhe guesL of Mr. and Mrl! . (i',
KIlY Mills
~ayton Friday.
Mr . and Mfa,
,E. M. Oxl ey was A week·en d guest in ('roy, visit in!:' hi s family th ere.
\Jllrl Mock were
M rAnd M r B e ll d e Colt'lllftn, of Norw pud ~ p e nl. 1"1hlay af te rnuo n (;ro88 Bro ~. hllV A Iin p lin (' of ntlw wil h rd,,1iV~H her.,. P UlllP8 Ht reason ... bl " U ' ic ' ~ . Mr. a nd Mr ~ Jl e rman Con ' ef Mr. antI Mrll . ' C t'",,11 en ler. ~pe"l !I coupl e of dli.Y s last we"k uin ed at IL (amll Y diolll.r SundllY, wilh r, 1"li ved in Mar;on, ~nd .
,\III'n '~I"' ''~ Vall "y played Mr . and Mrs. Myer Hyman enter11 t'J'. ~~':.l'iu n. i!:l a mem· tained at dinn er Sunday , Mr . Bnd liN I llr .- "" n an 'l u rU:lL ga me is Mrs. She rman Dyke and daullht er I" lol' PX !'E'ct " rI Mi ss Rh ea. of Dsyton , and Mr. and 'ouch BU"l on I ~ wurkinR: his High Mrs. Forest Graham Bnd daughte ra, 'c1wl' I teRm hard with t he expecl a· tiOll of taking thl:! mea&ure of Mildred and Katheri ne. SpringuC)ru I igh SllLunla y nig ht, A surpris e party on Mr. R. M. Tlii a l,·.. m hR~ main tained a good Hswke was an occasion of much en· reputnl inn Ih is yellr . but Waynes ' "ill.. I'xpccls to win over them joymen t Lo his fri ends Wednes day Thf' viJenl weultne ss of the High evening , this being Mr. Hswke~8 Schoo.) has been :" ting baskets , but birthday , After playing cards until thi!! is being overcom e with practicr . a late hour, deliciou s refresh ments The Kirls. wh o played their first were served. Ilame last week will play the SpringMr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye enterboro g irls . Tile First game will be tained at a dinner party Friday call ed at 7;15. evening . The guests who enjoyed the occasio n were: Mr. and Mrs. ROBS HBrtsoc k, Mr, and Mrs, R . M. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Hart· sock, Mr, and Mrs . RUBell Salisbu ry and Mr. land Mrs, Clarenc e Rye. "oI'flIII' "
E ,J. ~Ill,th. uf Wilmin gton. i8 Mr, lind Mr~ .1 . Il. Chullillun, of . ~Ilendinl -( Ih" w .... k ht'ft', the gueat Cincinn at i. we r t: Fr iday vi ,t,,,'8 . of Pllrr)' Cnnk nlld hi H sis ler, Mis8 here. Milry Couk . Mr. lind :MrM . Carl lIuwke, of Mr and Mr:-! . W. E. Grell,.r and Dilyton . spent Snndl1Y wilh Mr. li nd lillie daught e r. of Dilyton . 'Vere Mrs J . C. Hawke . loCueQts ,,( M1'8 . Ali ce M::Kinsey last St. Mllry'8 Guild wi)1 Ill('('t with Wednes day. Mra. Hltrri ~ and Mr s. MORher on SlIve your old carpelt! and rugs Thursd ay afterno on. f ellruary 7, Bnd Ket "Wellrw ell" \{ugs made, at 2 o,cl ock, ~t:nd for price list. Frankli n Rnlf Sne 60 per cent of 'lour Re psir Co . . Frankli n. Ohio: , billA on Chevro let lind Ford motors, Miss Maxine Phillips accomp snied Ray F. Mills, Box 406, Waynes Miss Helen Marlatt home for the ville, Ohio. ' week-en d . Mis8 Phillips ia in the A call meeti", ( of the church same school with Miss Marlatt , School Sen-ice League will meet Mr. and Mrs, J L, Menden hall, with Missl's Elsie Rnd Doris Hawke Mr Ilnd Mrs. S . S. I!:lIilt, Chas Saturda y afterno on, Februs r.v 9 at Mlchene ,", M. A. Cornell ore attend· 2 o'clock. lrnp(lrt unt b u s In e s s. ing the Farmer s'. Week convent ion Every I ember urged t(l aUend . at Columb us. Th09l' ~tlending ' the :funera l of Under the au"picl!8 (If Wayn esville Mrs 8 L. Cartwr ight from 8 dis· UrlJnge N o, 13. the • Road to the tance were: Mr. and Mr8. ' . M. Cartwri Jlht. of ChicltlZ'o. Mr. Clarfl City" will be given by Sprinltb oro H en kl ~ and family. of MidrJleJown. Grallge at the Waynes ville Gym. on Mr. and MIS J. 0 Falkinb utlf. of Wednes day evening , Februa ry 18 Cincinn ati. Mr . utili MI'\!. Edwin L Admi88 ion. 15 alld 25c. Neilson , of Ci ncinnat i . Mrs. S. J. A card from the Graham 's says · . f Mr and Mrs Burgan , 0 f CInClnna I, '. . ' that th ey i.ave been having a flne W' H Beed le of Troy, OhIO, .MI88 time al New Orlean!:!. but left there Ella Ebrigh t lind Mr. Jos. EbrJght~ Sundsy for Fort Worth th e ir de.. M G C of Dayton . ra. eo. 'MJllm e~ S tinalion r ' I' the wintllr, They alao Cincillllat.i. C. ,8. Fr8zer~ . rs. . • add that i quile warm dOIVn there, Fraser, Mrs. Gea . W. ~brlght, Mias now. ' Emma Ebright . of Xenia; Judlle Bnd - - -- - - - - 'Mrs. W. J Wrilrht : Dellll ' Ialliev. Mr. and Mrs. G F' Brown. Mr aD11 "'ra. A. D. Haney, Henr} Mull and dlll)ghter~ o~ Lebano n; Mr, and Mrs J . W. wUllon. Mrs. Eva. Wil~on, Ed . Dechan t. KingS Mills; Mr. and Mrs E. K, Hawken . Mr and Mrs W. H Poole and sister. of Sprlngfit!ld ; M ~8 I take t his opportu nity to thank Reuben Roberta . MiijseR Murlha and my fri ends for .their . palron a". and Margar et Warner , of Selma: B. y, Collett, apd W. W. Welch, of whil< with the lal.e John A Funkey . :. Having accep~ed a position with Hal veyabur ll. Myer Bymar ; I will be alad for all my frle,?ds and c\lstome rR to cQme and see ~e, "' Th!'nkl ng ~~)U (or a)1 past 8n.d:.,fu ~. tllre favora.
A' 0"
h, -II
Mrs. Seth Leverin gtCartw right. one lof Waynes ville's oldest native citizens , died Saturrla y m'lrnin g at the family home on Main street. Mrs Cartwr ight had been in delicate health for Home months and harl been confined t 0 her bed for six weeks. She was born In the old Merritt homest ead, Third and N,orth streets. Septem be! 7. 1847, and therefo re was in be\- 77th year . She WIiS the daug" ter of the late Absalom E . and Esther Kindle Merritt . The Merritt home in its halcyon daYR, was the center of hospita lity and good cheer. A large family wa'l reaT'ed under It9 roof. From this home Emma Foster Merritt , the younge st· child In the family, wu married , Decemb er 30, 1868 to S. Leverin g Cartwr ight, Mrs. Cartwr ight expre88ed a sDecial wlab that she might live to celebra te iier 65tb weddin g anniver sary last . The Nation today n O,J!l1S one of ber honlJred Preside nts, Wood. pecemb er; ' On tllat day she was row Wilson, who through oul Ihe:tryi ng times of a world war. ~ph.eld the th. recli>Je ntof mallY ~oDgratulatory dignity of this great country . Ex.·Pre sideot Wilson will be held in reo meeea&es. membr ance and q,is name will be laid up in the orchiv~ cf our coun· During the time of the Civil War, try', history as ope of its honored Preside nts. Mra Cartwr htht as a young girl was llet!ve In borne waf work. During • b IIf. ahe was active at Decora· Me," and John 0, r'slkinb urll, of I, ~a1 time and was loyal In ber Cincinn ati, former l, of Waynes ville ' • memory of those and !llifelo ng friend of the falnily, fOPlbt for their country . made a memori al ad~ress . The pro· ' ,he started gram .was largely IIIl'range d by Mrs Rt::th.~-old Cartwr ight Cartwr ight, John a Carlwr ight .dIIOUI8~~~·p~I,,~ ,' eY' pike. read th" commit tlll ~ervice ' at the Our Ct;r~~'ri11i~1~j~~lahlt. a farm grave The pall be21re rs were Milton chool orehe::;1111 cerlttin ly :Spring Keys. Dr, J . T. Ellis, Frank Zen, liVtld up t iL~ r epul ation of bei ng Mu. Howell Pi erce. J . W. White, . G, E. th e be.9 t in t he COUll t ... \';I ~e ll it Illay· Ril ey, G r'. Brown a nd A D. Bllnt:y ad at th e \V~rren r '';''l.l· T~' ache rs' m eetln~ last Su urd.) II Luhano n, Ou r orch estm diJ bd t,,, " II th is oc· cas ion tl1l1n ever h.-l.", ,1I1,j we a re ... certainl y p ru\l(l lI t lh" lr ~pl endid showing . The WaynesVille orcutlS tra will , --I f orm th e nucleus of a cou nLy orchesA rare t.real is in sLore far Way- tra which ~ill be organi~ "i1 soon to :»ADg~.f~l~j~t~~c:~lI~m~h~ nesville and commnulity .>11 the night play for the oratoric al C"mte t to be .,•••.."" .,....","'"...., of Februar y 20. At this time Mr. held al Lebuno n i I April. Mr . Chaa, F. Underh ill, B nationa lly Alfred Watkin s will dtrect th i ~co lln· known elocutio nist and imperso na· ty orchest ra . tor • .wlll give a reci tal . Ii.t the new \ . m~r urch estra. w!lI. also. provide GYI1\. Below are BOme :q uotatio ns TT)USIC for the pia? ~ nday ~ I gu ~, and '~Ir.gII •.~.ly·t ne...,sp!lpers, showing tdr . Un- fql'. ~lIrme.rs In stll ule 00 l' eb. 22 23 . I~E'\:"!f" , ~baility: ' • '()f'·~lte most delighr ul. -l'efin' Jil!l~lnatin~ el9c't Jtionists In ."-Indi anapol is Leader. best entertai~meDt of ita ,'. . . h's8 ever be,!n given in thi,s 'Don'~ "forget tht Dramat ic Club . apoli~ :Journal. 'PIa , "Sevent .een" 'by BoOth Tark · recital will , be given undel' the ting~n, I";'hicl) will be presljnt ed ~l_l1r:iof~M'fi~~. ' 9i~~~~~,~~~~of.the LI~r·ar~ ~ollrd . T~e I Fri~ay, Februa ry 8at 815 P. M . .t~!~m.I~lt~; ";::.iaIltl~.DiOlri~illD, wlli be gIVen In next week ~ It will be. given at the School Gymnasium , which has btlel1 sellled at ·f . end~ and iSliling to be made as comfor table as po w)lo . · Ticketa are otl sal e ~t the OlCley: Pat;e 'D rug .. Jind seats lOoy be · regerve~ , there. '
Ex-P resi dent Woo drow Wilson
TWO VICTORIES fOR HIGH SCHOOL On Fridav night at the gymnas ium the Hi g h school annexed two vict ori es. the g irls playing their firat game at this time with Harvey ,burg as oppone nts . The H. S. had things much their own way and rolled up a score of 20 to 2, The girls played well, but t he inilivldu al Hcori ng of Kath leen Hender son who gained a J ar~e n umber of the poin ts. feature d tlle Ilaro e. Cook anel Misseld ine proved t.o be exper t basket shots Bnd the gua rds lu!d centers played well. !-I,gil 'chuol Reserves easily over' powererl Harvey sb urg bllVs team, A fairly good crowd witness ed the games.
A "Sevell Social." given by the Church Schuol Service League . Wed· nesd~yevtming. Febtual Y 17, )924 at the nL:W Gym. Fvery one is cordially invited. AdmisS!!ion ....... :... ....... ........... ... 7e Everyth ing on inside ........... ...... 7e Exit .. .. ....... , ... ... ........... ........... '7c And mllny other things. A line progra!Tl haa been arrarilre d Ben efit of Church Sehool Service Leal{ ue oC St . Mary's church, Come and enjoy the ~venlng with us.
_- -
Feeling that the patrons ot the Lecture Course were disappo inted at the last number on Jaru~rv 26. the Seniors have taken action and obtaine d another number to be given on Monday . Februa ry 11 free of charlre Mr, Beshore , the lectur~r who appears Tnursd ay night, (t'eblua ry 7, has expensi ve talent and ougllt to satisfy eve!'Ybod1, Come and find out Friday night in the Grade School Auditor ium.
. '..
p.,..late nt Bee .. For 20 yelll'll a 8warm of beee hllft occupied ' the back of the school cloelr Ilt M!cheldever, Englond, ODd DO ' at· tempt lit removIng them has beea ~ ceutul. 's tales 0 resident ot that to-. The IIwfLrm had beeD tbouibt deItroyed ·lIOme )leol'S ago IlDd the •• trance the bee. bad made wa. cemented up, bllt eAch year th'ey bave reo tDnIed. and they even bored a new bole tbro1lllb the cement.
While most of the r 0 ads in lhe tow n S hip are literally torn to pieces b.ecallse of the thaws an d exlrnor di narilv wet season tbat we have been undergo ing.' the Xenia pike belIVee n he re alld ~pr.ing VIII· ley is in good ,cond ition . This road is under thtl supervi sion of W, E Cornell and he is to be praised for · .. From wboM ' '1Ianda Coo1Jd r took the IIJItCfa:I 1m his good work . tioD 0 U. ,8; NaV7 9Q.'
SeC, of Navy penh ,
J • .; •
.. ..------
~~~~~~~~~~~""--,Y.. "u, 'y,l,,·
"",('II 110 Ul~' Slfli~ \,( It. "d "n II on)'l1"",,,,, b n, I"tod (01' thO third nIne, "on generLlI prln_d· IL!l81'r\ rI ,
unc' ~ttt&)ti.
"- -
h"utl r I)f
urner ~~~ JUu4h·ations
IrWin .i'1yers ..
c...~ra;~(., ~""llta"I'lQI"SJ...p..· SII1-viu. ,.
"N ' to I" BRIll Hnsorourlf RIIIl!· tutlon for "notn r WO l11 nn, "lin In e at for m_ nd takln 0 II ht 11,,111 dend m'tn's \I!scf\\" 'r~' of t his WCft) true
-WOUld Il e.t h n\'(' kllll'fl this Ulnn. Be would not hn\'e dnr .. !1 10!" Tbe greot bulk oppOSIfI' him tlf'renetl with red.foNd IlDlle r; the hOnree
,81m J
voice ""I.ed Itsrly Into ft ronr of ,1111 ' /fUst. "Dared I" ho coiled honrsel~', Jt WOS lltal!dpolilt. . too simple. The strlnJ:s of his emotion "Wbat II there to IllOgh atr d& i Ill)' In too plnln s lgbt-eosy 10 play . .. medded HI8bl'C!uck Itutberford. rough. 1IP.~lD alia hnrp: lJr lireatlnl In on hi. emnslo" medlta· But It be dared, If It hOIlllf'netl. Ihe t10~ Anll It seemed to Jusper Hnl.:, ~lIker went on th en, continuing his .. ht lool,rd 111), thnt he hod never 8flcn exposition ot his th eo ry. "lI,!'re would 1I1m1 ID un ui'Uer or more reck Ie.. be 0 curtous altulltlon." An,1 Ih!'n he mood. went on to oulllne It In Illt vllriou l "Ob, nothlnlf," he .n~wered. "In PilI' ramlflcntlons. Ucalar." "A vel'1. very unp lensnnt sltuntlon." OOW~II-what In cenerat," the other be poInted out. "You woull1 sCllrcely ex· man 11lIII~ , peet. In toct, to see 0 cpse like thnt.. ~ \7 U Dlerely thlDklng of, wbot fOU eripeelolll' all within one Intluentlnl ,,·,ld· -1OUI' Uttle' humoroul IlUggeat\oD (!lmlly-to go further , thnn the ~ost t III ' r4er," be repUed, "from another formal preliminary legal proce~ses. J .... : OU angI~" ' 'And he ehowed still more lit length t lauch. too." demanded. bll the logic ot his cRee-tho IJi tcrest of " ' ,llJ1ID. aU eldl!!J concerned tn this distressI ng " QOthtq... repeat~ the In.wyot', traged,y":"the tnends nnd family of tbe ~tie' lqa1 end of such an epllode man 41 well na of the womon-to pull .. .t. Probable evidence which Dllgbt together and to tOCOII all ot their not " ' P'Pdoeed In Mot!b • eue," Inconslderablo Influcoce ' to hush nnd ' "'WIIat II It? 8plt It onto" hts com· from general 'publlclty snch a dis· JUlOll cI1rected hl m. ADd, GnaUy. re- ~Ina and deplorable 8,CJUldnl 118 tbe I~p~. ijl,e lawY'lr developed ID hla death 'of thll young mnn, whoso bOlly ,tallc ot~er ~y of a JUPpo8ltltlonl might be fonnd at nlgbt, In the room C\. ' ltQ ~ "tlt cotd InteU~tuaJ where he had been In lleeret nssortn· a& ". Mlllt u lUI did 110. ',' Uta wI,t h thlll lovely madwom an. hls ., " I/opoIMI.- be ' RId, ". ,OUD« mal' DIlIll' relative. .... , ~ yery .ttractlve" , even , The lawyer workel1 ant lu great tie. .nilar... 'let 118 av II fonnd late ID tall tbl.1 Interelltlng Jegnl 8upposlUon ,'dIe '~ il), • ~m wb~ she haa he had conjured ' up-ta lking far Into - - • ..,}~ hot' attendants. the -llIJ'l,. mora, '..,....t,17 abel, tiopel~8ly Intlllne '"'But then mUlt be no accJdentsl" ' ~ It .. for all'eetlon, for eaI4 leaper Halg In fina l warning. j~ all tlIlfortnaate marriage ~ot tOo, mnch drtnklng. now I" ',~OU'lI' be aate. h replied Hn~,k nuth· ; .... ~ aee6tded lIer.:· And .t ..r.-t hJj 4!ODl~nlOD curee~ • little ~Ol'd' with a beavy laugb. J koo\v 11114.. 1111 b. .~ tint made no forther that-In all)' case I"-a stntement thnt ~.. or Int~PtlOZL _ ' WU piobabl; true, tbough ordlnllrlly he ,; . . . .; ... Olen 11000e,". the lJM!akot' wOuld not have ~Id It. He hod never ' .... ... ti.. roOm with. revolver before In the history at tbelr relatione lItIU 'ftl'ID~iIpcm the G~ :'lltlll near It ~ ,a~lte 80 In,dcn(lnllent. "fl'lt tlM't ,,,.tM tI6d1 of • nch YOD1ll dubman- ' r " .J • - - IIaowa cifteD. to haft ..... III • pqt. ad "G, of ha~. beI,!u her al1Jnl.r,r, , , ... ,'elM ... or hu iD tbe· room.... , fOr I "l'." 1114' Bubrquek =1 ... Sfe8 on, " tile " " " 1.1.-... . ' -.\114 ,theD;". II81d -Ui" r -=,;:;:;" tural In lD lama ~ "aft.. bnaIIIq Into the ·or .d-·....: ud In.M;., whom,woilld theJ
1ItI~~ ~ Rn'tI)erto'~ 'pro,~t; bl~ot ~l[ed
. ~'.:em.:!ata ...- J~1Ie ............ ~ ,WIIe.....to~
' aa.,-.An;' _ ...,
_MJIIUn ......
oil. . . ,..
Ten Vears
' d 60 P oun d S aIDe NA ,voa 0 f PE.au ;.
R..... ..... . -'
.' . ,
oPllOllte ' htm eat IibirInr. ICaI'eIIr breathlq. bill prom!' ....'004... trom bll .,.. DOW alIItIaa' - - - . ... of bIa ,a_.>, n(l.' .
re \llll~lnl\ '('S,
lit! 1\1\ US B
10 0 rul' Illd too rl el1rl:\, tor his (',\1IlrlltL n,rt It ~ 1I~ n, chol ~c b('I " e('l1 I W() dungl'r"" ~l1 lter one bnd. "'II I 1111 II'I1S 01 ~ i rl)' 111 I~ . , '~~ trt'm~. "N" nl',~ltl,'ots ,Ihls lime!" sa lrl J IlS' lIN' IInl): 10 hll\l elf. utter he hud per· ~ "1IIllly tlls lIlISS\!d his \'18Iror trum Ill ~ frowl 1'\ ' 1"" In lh e Ilrl~' lII o rnlll l: . 11 ,' 1I'''otl th lnkl ns , s hook hIs 811100lh 1:1'I1,\' IlI'nll ever so Slightly, IlIm Q11 Ih,· 111 . t Il l!hlS out und "'<'nt 10 !Jed, B owever. hf' wus too rl!slI~Sij for slet·p. RUI Is there, utI r 1111. s l!t'b 1111 1110,1:1· 'nltty as lin ncchlent In t}IIR sch ... m~ "t
o lf COMMERCE T Ill' (' hri sl intl sDllrlt wit h It" pe r ·
t(lrll ~ il1~ !Jt) \\' t\I' tnll ~ t tu~
• .., Ity
to cn ll It. whf<ob ,1I1'('('ls Ih l' prOl:r('ss of this w~1J of Int'I'rwU~'l1n u l'tI 011 which we clIll th£' M :\II Y !If , rh{' J,:rcn tl"l Intl'llI):pn(,I':\ hll' c nl\. I SWCl'cd no. To I'ho IIllod of Adelnl do HIIII"" 'r"nl t il" nh",' "'''' nf 1" ,1' I' 'r. sOlln l '''''I ti lint! IIrrl'lIlhu \1 lhtll nuxt e,'vltln): for 1111 I' 1'l'lIl n): lillI, BI',-rne,1 (Ill II ~ in f' It \.c,.,' r"rlll\,a l,' 11 ,'1'1 11('111 . nnel r t wns It "'nllrl'l" tI\nl? Was Ih N: u"t ~,'rv IIt,,.J,, · If nil w,'rf> knO\~'n. It PilI" ";." hl'l, i\;<1 thlll "1'lI"n 1 \\'hNh .. r lIwrc WII ' or lI"t, It )::lre 10 A.II 'I ""1., It lllilerfelr" lhl' ('xuc t "p' POl'lllll it v Iltllt _Ill' I':HI wl ~ h"'l. to Ij(~ 'nth' . 1\' 'fn,' III h,'r 11\, II hou s~. III Io'/,st -nu~1 '11> h,' III II Il1 tl" " .. fllre hnl f' I","1 cl !!ht. In I:r"111 ""I(ly of Ih l' IIPlld DIl III"1 o orJ.: II II I ",llhuut Ihl" Q\I ('~lIe.". III!; t:lu'H'I'~ or IInV()lle following h~ r. Slt l' \\'t\~ tlr" fl!ll'(l ' In 11 dark. rntlwr qu iet /.illwn which would hnve srem~t1 equa lly slIlre!1 to Inlloor or Rtr('ct w"nr, !';lll' II' II S ulone when she en. terl'd lh,' 1:11'lIt roolll. her usuul com. ponlon, 11.111:8. hA "ln!: hy n strn nge a wkws rdnt.ss becn n!l"wee) to 1:0 out of the bO\l~e followln l: her rnnlr\. There WIIS oothln !( to LJr done. then. but go alone Into til' roorn nnd to the Inter"lew tIlnt he expl'c ted uod at Ule MUle lime dn'(\llcd unel wished for. Sho WII S ufrnld. un til the hoor Itself ('IlInc. th UI she wOl1ld be IInnble to gel ln t" the mOlD unseen. She did so, howt!\'er. nnd tllrned on tho light a nd closed the door beblnd ber. There WII R flU lJ1slde holt on the door-ot the kind tMt turn s wi th n Uttle knob. Sbe turned It. There would be no ooe now who would enter Ule room to disturb her. It wns now elght.tblrty by ber wutch. hut she Ustened sevltra l mIn. utes In vnln tor any sligh test sound trom the room or trom behind the door on tbo farthe r wall by which sbe knew ber visitor nnd accuser would enter. evernl minutes passed, which Seemed more like hourll. She 10000ed at her watch ngnln. It might be tbot her messnge by b er accepted messcn· ser that morning had mlscarrledeven thougb, sbe bnd beIJe"ed that she herself hOd seen It taken from the dog's collar a~d knew for a tact tl\ot the dog bnd returned wIthout It. It mi ght eVOD, she ~ellected. bove como Into other bondal Sbe stirred uneBslI, and ilOt np. It woe now elght.fort,. She turned toward the long )lookflhelves at one '81de at the roo.Ill, took out a book nt random and I18t down agnlD, making Ii pretense of reading but with ber eyes OpOD the wall ot the room where thot door was to opeD, And all sbe snt there-lItlll with no mgn ot th, e BOund
t rl' .
her, r esched "V,,,,'rp "level'.• '
hrf'utll,\. l Inrh l' f'.) II11l ry
.I ~.u" , !'!lI' lst It plucc 111 t b e r.o n'f1l~I·'~' ~J" I I i n tI(' 1I1nllt' t'ml P\'llm~ or:
hl;"il1~"1 1t'Il1~ or
Is un t \Jlllltrer",,1 III ollr 011r: (1l'r~nnll l pruh. 011 r Finci a11 ~t)tT ..)\\" ~, Ji l" Is \"\" 11 (»'8,
nol :-<0 rllr "wuy lhnt li e blls IIc!li lr~r luIN""1 II "" l'l1lrll'ncl', II ~ 16 11\ Ing. \ I l l' i~ the a~J.!t"I ~t;s\ \'c po\\'~r \\1 0 '1d ug ( (l r riJ.!lItlIOIl $111~t' ill (' hrlstlllll hl1~il1e!'i~
rl;.: hl<·III1.' I ', -, c~hnra(' ff'l'
It I" nU'rciu.l I Wllt
thro lire mllll.
of C\' l'I'Y Il l! tl ...~
lr1td1tl'OI 1!oi llC" 8:oi- · th o I'I'r ~O llllllty . of
Hlld lI f r'o llt hl CI.
lr)II'II"" lhl ~
ti l I'n lill
t1 r j.!ll lli z at 1f111 ftlullt )lIll oJl
II 1'(1111'
p t' rllln· .I t':<tlS
( !hl'lst. T he I ill ll' IU I ~ c onu~ ror h ns l· n ('R.~
men to r(.",,,':IIlzl· the tll l'1 thllt
t ht'v mll~t I: l or if~' Ootl In tlw milk· 1111(' of mOller. I1"'SIIl ~~8. thc '1I111,1 1It,: ot mon c~' IIntl th .. Irau slI ~ tl on of t he ,'UlTImo" IlfTnlr~ or lite musl ho
Ii I
ncts ot worship, p'c rforJIrcti with nn eye slo):le to tho glory or GOd. 'I'he clln mlJcr ot' comm~ rce Is not t be t cmple of 1Il0 muroll. 11 . hUllle\ be the sent ot op,ern lIolls of Ch rls· Uun men, who fen r 00'1, II nil whose ncts will sQull r~ will i Ill s stundnrd or rl ght:f'OtI ~lIo"s . 1" lIle r Lhese condltlous t'rocl~ will h'I"'''''' boly commerce. rlJCeh'lng th.} ""11(>dictions of Uod. Men hnve been tryIn g to rUIl I,;,:" " ness under the dletRtlon at !l,'lI t lC:i. by the rule ot Con~roS8. rnlh.. ,· t.' ,,,n by the dictation 00( the Dol~' nh,'~t nnd by tbo rulo ot conselenl~ ' l'n· IIghtenl>d by J esns ChrI st. W,· ,",,'<1 more consctenco nnd less Con~rL""~ : w e need more Ohrlst and I c~, " 'lIlImon In business . The sl,lrltua.l PIl,v,'ere ho\'{' Il, " ,'1opccl Amel'lcn. 1110t the It'" ;111 tOI'(.'I)8. Mnmrnon wo",h ~!p I CII II ~ In ti l·nt.h. 'hrl rl gh' CH Ute, and progrcsli nod bnpplnesll.
weor on. ' 'Nbw. yuu s J( Down lUlu shut up I And It you make the IIl'11t attempt nt warning'. It will be the lut exercise you'lI ever take In ,qor ltttle crooked I1fe." She sbl"llDk It,,'n, from hID!, but for th e moment he mllde no olrer ot ,,10lence to her besltlle his Seotlnl her aDd cnutlonlng her to keep stili. 80 she snl for tbe tlma being, thinkIngt ryIng to reullze the full meaning of his words, JUllt whllt he WBB plaDnln. nnd whut sbe herself mUlt do. Anll then 8l1entilY. with a eertalD atuplcl bra vado, he' drew oot a old revolver from the pocket of hie coat nnd luld It u11 0 1\.hls lap. ADd now. ahe saw, or thought Ihl! saw. with terril,•. Ing dlsllnctness, ,wbat his PUrpoM wns. He wns otl'erlng no violence to her-yet I be would not lIDtil-until after hE~r visitor arnved. For very clearly In some wa, ' he DlC.t 8h know tile other mOI~ wall coming. e sut sttll wClDd erlng wbat abe sboulrt do. wntch ln g him furtlvel, u ' he snt l)eslde her, She wus very near to h1m Indeed: she could feel Ibe warmth at hl. _ .... ..1._ • bren til-almost (If hIs went body. 8he ~_ f:HC upper could see the hea tlllg of bls pulae In liMl_of-)aper, his tb lck ret! neck, und she could see, I . nlw nvs m re I\ nd more dl stibctly. that !Dr trom tbem't ipeare~ ~~ upPflll· gHllt'ln hll! eye-Ihnt glint In . the eye ....... and fn .." 0 "'mer ' a
there.impression Try as ,she resist It. tile grewcould nponto her mind tba~ there was aome one there. She wnl detennlned about one tiling: abe, J . . . . . how Dlu::h you ba"e' ,,' oule! not leave the ;0 001 tor nny ~ IDUIt not give tIP . mcre iro',Ig!lllng. So, riSing ,soddenly. Jqe. Wick, ' of Mono- she movod Quickl y lownrd the , loug ..... . WiicoDaIn.' did not velvet drnpcrl es to convince berself of ~. II • . IlIaD today. In Scpober foolishness. ' She renclit!.d out ber .belltlttl",1 woliJa.il:1 'tIiInIIer. 1918. Jae wrote: "I have Jl8nd-und when sbo did so" telt f!.ra.na for near· ': 'the softnes8 the terrifying I.JI ~~ ,I had catarrh o f I through tii. bten yean. Hoth- , solidity ot tl mUII's body. "Keep 9tlll, 11 you know whnt'll good ... did ~ , ..., lOad. I grew \ tor you I" snld a t.hlck voice. And ~ 'Dtil • "frienel, att.hed me stepping backward. Adelaide Rntherto ,tr.. '~ra-'" 'While tlain(r tbe lortl suw IIppear the grl!nt figure of h ; I~ · I fOk I hl1'd fou!ld til. ~ medidae. I am entirely tb o mnn wbom elle believed to be ber husbnnd. aired. Ib weight was down to L1S . ~ .nd 'DOW I weligh , 195 He hud evidently-only too c"ldent.pOaIIdi. I ban ,sed Yerylittl~ ly-boen drinking. His breoth. , ~ far the lut teD "ears." ' bloodshot eyes,. his stiff but Cllretull, " TIll' eoodltioa knOwn as catarrl1Cootrolled wlllk-nll sbowed It. But . t" .. D!Ot 'oporllled to ~th.e do« a n'\ I beSides. tbere ~us a thing more' tel'~,. Jt'-1' be found wherever tba, ' " IDtICOUS membrances and ! rrtJ lo ' to bar tbnn this. she thougbt.... ~e for a multitude of '. the light of a curIous ' IlDd tnftOIDed anger. It * med to her. In hlB e,... ~ 'Coavht .nd coldJ ar e Be snJ.lled, or pretended ,to-a BUrl,. ~~"'" ,Ill ' ",ell U ~~ch lind \ 19m1le: "Sit t20wn ,,, he told ber ~ck. ~ ,.der~ Iy, and forced her Into a cba1r. He Do III Jobo Wick cIid. Keep P c. I back t to the hiIaae. It Itimula~ s ' turned nwoy then. IlDd gong 0 the door wbera she bad entered, trllMI It and nallured hlmself that., It WIUI 'V oU the ' enrll:bcs ' til(' , d the resistance t (1 lockec!. Then coming J)ack !'-Del , rawfng up llDotber choir. be ..Bat dOWll ba,." ._~",,,--,', ~ea eood hcal th '1 RIde her, both foclng by iIIls arrangement, she observed now, the door lQ tbe bocle wntl ot tbe room whlcb IIhlt expected at !lIP' t!~e ,to oPen-to op,~ 'and Ildm lt tbe man who Wo to bave
!+a • - ill
'11I1 :·.iIH\,:-\:oI must I I i:.: t-1HV" !'(·i!.m rh:h t tt) CI!tPr fliH I tn P)I,"" 1l1f\ 11Il tiIIH'~~ IIrn n( the ,',)l ln-
(,hd. tin"
l 'lllimt lt'rtl
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d:::-... . ,..,,.:. . .
thl~ 1H1 ~hll\s.-'l
rnll ~r
she for--tl teellngattllck8 ClIme overwos her listening thnt' not lotrequent1, " one alone at night to Il creat darlt-cornered room. that lOIDe ,o ne else was .th her. D'-'sM..A at a-t, ~~ wa'Ahln'" "". UUUJ Do:u '0 the Idea returned and even grew. Grtldunlly abo hud the tancy that tbel'e wos somo' one breathing hellvUy In the st\\lDeaa. Beblnd ber. at the farth er extremity or the room. two tall. b envlly CUI'tnlDed wlndow8 looked out upon nn Inner gnJ'dt!D laid Ollt ut ODe Side of tbe boose. It waa possibl e. of course, thnt some one mlgbt be c;o ncenled
to.~' r ~e be~
(was eroWlbg 00 net, AJI>1"hle 1Illtllll.ttoTq. , 11>.. thtrd pemn In tbe room I l'roul!hed (or the IDQlIumt, 'uYerln, her dltDe IIl'11t~ far as her u:~ ,..,..te toee with ber bloodle81 hnnde. cited mind ret:aUed.-a_ the tim, when ~he bellrll tbe beBYY tootsteps ot the , thlll mIlD balde her hod bu'r,t her and man Who bad been with her postJ made her ICrKIII.. 'It. h~d seeDled tq J ocro.. the room to the body upon the bel' that at that-ln8tnnt ebe had lIeen /lool'-Ule botly with tbe whIte fo ~ ' a DlDvement, a sudden twIt~hlnl. of and tbe smlle-etlll thlll oblique amlle th e veh'et curtain. • In tb o wludow upoo ot the celehrnted und wonderfully tbe other, aIde ot tbll room trom where ..tule lawyer, the monnger of tbe ~he had tllscovered thi s IIInD beside I Gorgam Trullt. ber. I And a8 ,he looked UP. she kll ew Ineo then sbe had east contlnual 'w ith Il!I'ror thllt he musl be dend, tor gunr(lcd glu nccs at the wludow-try. Ibe 1I8'IV the great brultl will' now, Ing to sntisty ber mlDd whethe r IIhe Itood over him, IItt him lint! drop hIm hnd been mis taken. Could It huve been back. tbot this mlill whom sbe blld been ex- ' "You I" be 8ald, Bnd addC'd n hll'e. peeling hlld nrrh'eel betore tim e, nnd , OUI name. "You 01l81D I" He W99 had concealed blmself tIler&-posslbl, cleerly now a thlng eotlrely out of suspecting the other mao to be In tbe I an, semblance of selt,c(lntro\. "You couldn't keep away. could roolD-uull waited: It 10. he was certnlnly a strnniel, CODltltuted IDan 10 you t' he uked dellberillely, Bud let her alt there uoder the tbreatl quite dellberatlll, klC!ked him In that IlDd compulsion of thle drunkeD brute I .WI oblique Imlle. tor which lID loni --or mndmll n. whlcbever be mlibt be ' tb e face ot J8sper Halg hlill been -wlthollt nldlng be r. And ,et, on re. J famou a. conslclerntl oo. whllt else could he do I ~'hen Ruddenly be Itopped Mud n". now but walt his chanC&-lf be 'IVai t.ned. And Ma,y 11llnchewler listened there. For one thine at least WII cel'- \ with hlm. Outside tllo door. back In taln In her mind: appearance now tbe hallway ot the houBe. there wns a low sound of a dOl( BTowllng. and ot must meun certalo deatb to him. "What oro you looklne aU" cia- IwhlBperlne. The lernnla were there mnnded the sudden yolce ot the maD [-beyond that fllIten ed door, waltlol. beslile her. no doubt wonderlne what to dO-lind "Lonklllg at I" she exclaimed In a 81 yet dolnr notblni I And now au other cllunie clime over voice Ihllt seemed evcn to her to be spenklliUI from a Krellt dlltanee. the apeallel'-hls volee and mnl1uer " I 1,,·ll e,'!'." he nald, starting up, wbe bardenlnr. ' "Don't corne In.'' be 8111d cnlmly, lidIs here "Ir"ntly, I believe you ....e lot him hidd en nw.y bere somewhere dressln, the ctoled door and holellnl II OW ." blMrnolver at attention. " It'll be bad HI' .., as certulnly not n mere drunk· for 1 0 U. c u I U I1 11 now. Be WUI certulnl7 Dot "Wby brlni' them f' he a8ked, now r,a8oolnr with Mary MllUchester. ,1111'. ' Is volcc show ed It. b8 did the "Rank outalden I Innecent I 11', lOt blood rlsln!( to hlB fllce. t he little knot UI. You and lue--and thiS." he sold. ot veluH UIllllI hIs temple8 and tile un. uUudlne to Joaeph Holg, "and tbe one Doturnl gli nt whi ch showed now In hll that', ('omln,. It'. ,ot DI-It "'a. reddened eyehulls. ('ertaln to from the IIr.t-lt planned He Bturled to hili flWlt and she wltb to. You CIIO't help that-you cun't hlm. He WII S Btnrln lJ now at the s lop 11," 8uld the speaker. And now. place where her eyel had been-tbe bls mind turnlnr Iii II new dlrcctlon. tolda of thllt high velvet curtnln. he slorted cursln, tbe Oorrnm Trult. "Com e out of there I" be cried In a ~'be IIlrl was lurprlled 81 ahe listened. bOlirse voice. "From beblnd that CUI'- B, woe addrenlng It, tbls legal Gclain I I $ee you," he solei with • tlon. Ukll a IIvlnlf crellture. a mOnBtro~ lIIOuthtul ot foul epithets. thlnl of flesh and blood whl~b bitted And at thlll the curtain mOVe'd - and pursued hIm, ' very allghtl)" but stlll vIsibly, , "They Wilke tbeID," be crted. hie wild "No. no. no I" crIed the tnlse AdeIma,lnlltlon Ink Ina; now a CurtOU8 form. laide Rutherford. pushing nt him wltb "tbe, make them. to do what the, all her might. She 8ft w now whllt she want done. AU the big dIrty work of hnll dnlle. She hod brought this un. tbe world 1 notten·hearted-evll to the fortUlll 1i e mnn-thls rescuer Bnel betrl eluft·\, whose nonK! ahe dId not oven core. And you dId thla I" He ,broke off In a grotMQue olllde to the dead law,er koow-I n here to be murdered, "No I" Bhe crlood hysterically: nnd she WOl 00 the floor. "And In the end the, re.t looae from you-the, cat too Itroll• . Jll1 ~h l n~ Ilt the unyleldln, body of tbe Tbey Ket 10U anally. the wal' thll one m~ 1Ie~Ic'le her 88 he flrt.>d. He th'ed; the curtalns shook and ~ you I" Mal'1 Jrllnchetlter could lee now fell apRl't. And 011 the noo ~. protrud. quite certainly that the Trull, that 1mmatertal thine, had po1VIl more real ad Dlon terrtble In the Immatertal ... IICIII where thl. wild lDIaetnatloo lived Dow 'than an, aduel breatbln, thine-:a areat _m" lltalklng htm, wblch he ftfaretJ and bllted al nothlne elM. "It cet. U8. It'1 moved lUI arouDd." be a_rted. "-1011 and ID6 and all the reat. JUlt wbere It wanta to. Fll'llt If. that." he .ald. In brief aUullon to the ftgure on the floor apln. "Nest It will be blm I" he explained. and elanced wltb plealure and OJt1leCtatiOD towar4 the door Into the prtvate entrenl'l!. fal-oJn" which they now Itood waltlD •• ""hen It · will be ,ollr turn-and tbs Voinel
Increase BabJ'~ ~~nmgth • Everybody loves a h/lby and cVt:tYbody wants a baby' abun. dantly robust. There are many
young children to whom
lin'" 011'11
th e l )oWe r. w l u-tte\"cr we 1Il0Y l'lHIOSL'
lIfor4 IInnl, 0 0 t I! "I'tI IJIX'n tho neck 1 t Ie J':~;~ er'Otilng IIUI him ID a III nu le, e n I I bellt r," b~ aaerted agllln, "on gener~ ,l'I1Il'\tllee. l int JOMPer HaIr IImlled thnt obllQl1f IIIIl1e at h~nllldering tho l ugb'l!& UOI!, a.PPllNlltlJ from an abstruse 'legal
Ihe r mll n. II 8 18, wna nt , '11~ e G "l>l1 lhJ<lllt-:-<>f him
"ltd "ere 'a at bad
00 Il4'ce
elae-b, batred, the on hel'-OD old, VI~'llDt
ooaly aelf.tnllamed. And apm the, _u moat . be, ahe UlOIOIP1(, men lilt hUlld!!, anl!m,. . '.IIJr.... of woods., She I8t eubmlulve now to but ber mind wu
more. accurat!!. or ,...,.. " ~~-.;~ii~~i";l Tbey were probe!)b'. ,~
toucl:I of hysterl.. Dlust 'light. 1'01' ' DOW " It1U 'more BUllftler mQll nrellllon ctlme over,.' Ilet. "TJr-'::J4iII'
liven in.wJportlon.·... lnternl.durintr cad> day. would be an important f.dor in oy~rcomini malnutrition and .Iart.... ,them well on the road to robl'!\- , &ery drop 01800"'. _ "' paN, rich l1_riMm."t. ,h. IWtd 'hat "Nfl.th oftd healtAy powtla.
1'_01.. "aiI.,.
Dlllld,.e" .",,./vo 011 /Jao""
, _
MONKY LOANK., L.OIIDIIU ou .Ive MONEY ollllUehl, "IMO il800DLI UlonK".,"tI
J,.bo t:larbllhl, A,lloll BolldlllK. Xen!. Ohio. 6, '.:.14
N.l&etl booKht,
Farmers, Attention!' Fumer. 0' Wller"u .. o\! auj .. \ulI ,,, mllY ob~lIill WI/lillY UII Iu .. .. lune 10aOIl, a, GX'% IUIW" ~ ., \,Ju ..... of s800rirlK tbe 111m ... I. Vor), r ~.~01 • .. ble. lbrllOl(h The, 11'.111".,,1 L .. lld Ban II , For Inrlb.. t Int'urw .. lIulJ OIdl " n or addr"",, M. U OKAKIC, I·re.~ Qror, pbUDI! IlI\\..X. L llbKUUU. Ohtu. 000051111
Fol'l{enf uf 100 ""re•• artlod lanel . A FARIIIAlltlo Klhltlr, W.YU.,8VllltI. ~
Wazltr AN S ALE~" and palo&a
ror IDbrlOll&tng olla ExOtlIl" n& IIpp.. r,o • nit,. Big returnlO JEI)01L AND PAINT L'O, 310L BDrwell AVtI .• rne"eland, Ublo
M r..
ARBUlO MAN wi t h blllp rm 160 aor"'l! on 'be ,hlrd. W,m III W"l&on, 01l8. b,,1f wile norah of Bellbrook. ph"ne J 0(,,1. f:rlO I
----============= ,
If tw.... to convince blm that be .. -,t:r.
fOr \.)ale
_____ .-. lP'---
Thought .... the Day.
11 :1
Naw laurce Rildlu",,_ PaI'IIOnlte. , • ,new "1:IIum·bearln. IDl'neral touod In the Bel,lan Con,o, 11'88 de.crtbed 1:4 un nlilireell bl' the Belc\ln Proteaor 8hoot: ,who lold of 1ItIrce. In atractlnll rsdlulll trum the IIIb1enl .t In Antwerp laboratory.
A IUllty DlUD does not Deed •
A Ilowuc, IIIooDiIlcld, II . ,.
____ _
NYone wanting ,Hw~t C'llIlm and Co"alC~ Ch_tt. oall .'o.l .. b Dana pbone 2-&.2, WllynellVl1I8. U.
'of malldllY wbolong hns for bE!e nn drInkIng. Ingn Ill! purpDlle IdrinkHer ': piltience outliv ed hIs. "Wh n dJd you expeet hIm!," lie Ilsked her IInttlly-after "e~ernl JDlnntes of restle:; neSEI und growln, ~. , tnllon all his pnrt . " Expect "'hom?" she returned wt~ n C"IU'" CS, .he did not fP.llI. "None of that I" he said, and th e corn~r 01 her shoulder; IP. bll hnlry hl111d. "Whom ?" , "r dou·t know what you arl) .talllin. nbout I" she nnswered wlqt Iplnt, ~ , sir e slo rled to get l~p. But when • • ntt empted It, a flllint IcreaDl t'lJDe trom her lips. Jt seemed n .. " I\'t shoulder wou ld be c~ru s hed . He r first Instluclt was to keep ~ Icrenmlng, but the lOok In hl~ . f~oe 'prevenled her, It waB a 10011, llie' denrly no,';. a little' dltl'erent mere dflllnken look ot m'ore the'0 glnnce of a by drIDk perhllPI,
----- -0'---tOoo".ueoI
~.!~ . , ,,-- - .-J' LOT or Mixed Bay fur lIale. ,10' A , quire or '.aOk Ur.lIduoll. Wayotle.. IUe,
O~llO .
' rovE-lArge Laurel ti"aCer. in Boe ooDdl5lon, only bor,!ed cwo wIDt'J'i- WlIl lell cbe .. " If ~IIS 1m m fctlli&eI Y• , D. E. tIS.ullllord. fllO
~Ol\U' lJ,ooabOa' Buoy, ala", dle"r1'\ , 8o&lalliub..tn •• "ud "lIan tSlIV~ IIral
uI"cfparh oblla" (Jomo IlID 1010" (0 w\iv". Nela .. n B. U. 1. W.YDllevl!lll. O. 'lI~O~_--:-'r'~ j
LO'ror Moowou&h CI " v.r Io\eejd. J , B. t'enoe. pboull 88 II. Way"
I:.'OUNI).;:..A oblld 'lI rinl/. Owuer oao bay.. a_me by 'oalIlD" ., R.. U . Cr(!U' r ..ldenoe. " (:to
rRrdli Jeney Vow. load ODe.
IDqolre 01 II, J . Lloel.mood.
WII,YDI,.ylllle. Qblo.
.... T HE .MlAM I
LYllE ·
~ lCiuard1 ., 'be Po«olll e" ., W.YDMvllle.
D. L.
en AN E.
Ullio. UIiOCODd 0 1";
Mail Mat'...
Editor and )l1l!Jli~l ler. \vayne~ville, O h io
S llh~cri ntion Price, $1.60 per year
fEHRUARY n, l!lu-- --
j Th ouc hta Pr" cod" Acta.
= = ====
Wh., Ar. You Thlnkln.7
Perhaps the most satisfy ing news of the week har been th e rU(Jol't that Democratic and Republican leaders "have concluded t<' get together on the matter of taxation and preparQ a measure that is not political. Even the blind should b~ able to see w.e will never get anywh ere In this w.untry .m 80UI~d taxa tIOn so long as our. tax system is mixed wl.th pl~rtll:l!lnlihip. The nation has suffered from this . nusurd Si tuatIOn a ll too long. The same has been true of the ~ariff. ~t ~ook years to get this thought of a non. purbRan tanff Imbedded in the minds of the people. Fortunately, h,owever, the way being blazed, it comes easier now to realize when we consider taxation that economics and politics don't mix well. . This newspupe~ has taken occasion before to point to the eVil effect on busmess of the existing system of ta~' ~ion. Fortunately the light is at last beginning to ftlter 1. . the public mind. The present tax proposals should arrest the attentiQn of every thoughtful citizen. An impartial analysis will disclose that the reasons for a deadlock have been lal'1rely of a purtisan character. Naturally everyone wantll a reduction in national imposts, but it must be remembered that apart from the relieving the people of ordinarY means trom their heavy burden there is another and perhaM more important phase of the question. A plan that cutll cIl$Wn the tax of the email man, but which does not looa~n the monies ot the milHonairel:! and put those monies into the channels of bUliineu wiD be a flat failure. One of the DlO8t important aims of a new tax bill mU8t be to release the hoarded millions of nontaxable 8ecuritles and put the money into the development Df industry•• The Mellon plan, in cuttinJr the IIUrtax. provid~s a figure perhaps ten or ftfteen per cent greater than - the millionairee would like. At the J&DlQ time it la believed It will serve to open the door of· reUef. On the other hand. the Democratic proposals have a Ioore popular appeal in that they would give the ernaU man &Teater relief, bui.eontinue to "soak the rich." Certipniy they would never r&lease money lor business expansion. Perhaps between the two plans some lIane cempromiae ma:y be reai:hed. " It 1& hoped 80. Quite apart from its moral lniuatice the countri has come to leam-and at heaV)" eoe~that "aoaklq the rlch"la not a very profttable putime, after ail I Albert, pnt the kettle on, and we'll all haYe ~ I
The malfle name of Rooaevelt aWl _ _ to ha.,. tt. IrIt-SNIP
Senator Magnul JohnloU told An tbWe.nct New York en ptherecl In Madison Square Garden that It'they ue not watchful the retormen will .oon clamp a cen.onhlp over the pl'8llt-lUld ·then be aaId you ... W not be able to bear Hagnu. JohDllon or anyone elae.
HeldinTmst , ,.
Of eoune the eondlUoD OODfront. m......and, there'. DOthtia' new undlll' the IUD. • • , If I dud my eollltltuiDcY me, I mieht be perlUlded to run. . . _ It ain't that I'm _ bltlo. . or ~I~ wuttn' the place. • • • I'd liate to be called avarialooDl, If 1 ,.... tD
"',ei ,'"' ~ ~
'hn;S ~
Best for Coldt Bronchitis, Asthma and all throat troubles. Builds new. Strength. NO DANGERC US DRUGS, CiUARANTFF"n.
*' tor her to do nnw. l'erl ll lnl)', Ril e rell' lOiled. bovlng 1Il'''\Il1h l thlH mun here (II belp her, I he ond no OIlC el8C WIlS " " ~pnn 8 Ibl e-:llnd should toke the risk I Tbe lensl Ihlll she now cllulc! 110 W8. 10 I,revenl bl~ murder. She wulted, listening- to the growln" puzzletl murmur outside th e hullway door, the occnslon· al protC~t8 ot I.he dog, the sound at I~e heavy, even brenthlng of the man beside her. Then nil ot once the one llflrt\culur sound thut she wulted for enme. She hea rd the BOllnd of some one moving behInd the side door-Ihe door ot the personul enlronce of old Oonlel Gorpm to his Itudy. At lust, abe knew, It waB time tor ber to aet. ' 'l'bere ore certain advantagc8 whiCh ,,"omen bo.,e, even In a time ot violence. She 11'0. lighter, Qulcker·sensed, more reapoul ve to her nervous 1mpul-. one might llaJ, thon this great brule beside ber. She heord tlret: she mo.,oo IIrst; and when the key wnl tprnlng In the lock of old Daniel 001' gam'. private door, on the other 81de I Klrl "Itli dlsbeveled hair and frtgbt· ened .,olce was bentlng on Ule poilell, nlld crying out I.n wild wnrnlng: "Keep out-keep out- keep out I He will kill you I He wUl klll you I Be will klll you IN
A nnm ber frOID b el's wer e .. t t be Fonk llY sil le fit Wllyneavllle t-;lttur . doy
Th e l.ndleR "I'd 'wIll Hf\ fVO Inn oh ot R .. lpb .I uhn ~ i! ul:ll llfl x l l-l"tnrdRY. ~bCl
9th .. Alfred B ul neM, of OilY t on. WII S a I3nnd"y ~ u e ~t of Mr . und Mrs . 8. R. 8 ~Bs . ,dr . And Mra. Al bl'n ~t lt (ly e n te r 'ulned 'belr ob l1<1r6n lUlU " UllI IIIlH til dinn er SUlld" y M t 8 Wm. ll Ar g dnl1 .. nd dll u gb'sr, 6l ady~, Rod Mrs . Ke",~ll'r Grnll .. m spellt FridllY In t bl' Gem olty . MI~R UllllrloUe R o ut z~bQ, of MI omls burg, Will .. wt'e\;.anu & n o~r. of Mr. 8ud Mra Gu, Ronlzllbu Frll'nd" bere are ISOfty to Il'arll or 'be 80rlons I\lnll'ltl of ,Mrs Elmer ll:arnbu' at ber bome hi 1)0yton. Mr. and Mrs. Levi 6rea&hou8e, of o.yt,on, were SundtlY guelltll of Mr. and Mr •• Ulyde Wllllar&on olld film . lIy. MI811 Rhea Dyke. of D.\ yton. speot 8neral day8 la8t week wl\b ber 818' \ar, Mrll Forest 61'Rbam and fawIlV. Mr. aDd Mrs. A . W. Kopp and oblldren moved here trom Oay\ou lall\ week to tbe property of Walter Clark, Mr. alld Mra. F oreet GrahRm and deugb'ers were Sunday gn88&. 01 Myer Bymall and famll1, at Way.
CHAPTER XII Was It pure accident which at the Jalt- moment held back Stlinfo rd Gorpm from the appointment for . which be had waited Impatiently all day-a prl.oner first of a broyn cronk-shatt In the InHrm old taxicab he had !lUm· moned, and again ot the Inw In the leCond cnb, whIch he hnd flnnll y obtained Bnd In which he wnlted, d. talned Inexornhly n mile AWOy trom ble destlnutlon by the InJlc.'(.lhle maiMty ot 1\ traffic officer affronted b, sP1letllng? He thought so certaInly at the time. HI! thought so agnln, wIth IIharp regret Bnd npprehenslon, as he stoOd turnlh!: the key In th e Inside \loor of th e IJnssnge\vny to hIs dead uncle's stu'd:(. The Bound ot a wOlllon scren mlng warnIng, IJUun,lI nll upon th e ol'l'o. lle Iltle of II door I - In spir e or ItB obvl· 0/-1 8 purpoSe-not relllly calculuted to • tuy for long Its opening-especially "I'lth the 8ul,hlen ceuslng of tbe outerleR lmmedlntel)' full owing tile other mOBt sugg IItlve sound of a bod)' throwft violently upon the Hoor. The door oP1lnQlI quickly, and thrnuJ;h the eotnmC\l clime Stanford Oorgnm. ! "StllDd IItlll '" said n voice ' which, Lxn,omm .lltruIIlOO to an unnatuml pltc.h, he sUJI reC\l~lzcd. U~ 8tood aUll-rlgldly sturIn" Into the D1unie at the revolver In th e hnnda .at hla old III-willher BllIIbrouck !lutherford. Beblad , the latter, at one side upon the ftooi-, lay the body of the JOulII woman he had come to meet ~ppareotl7 uDl'OlIScloWl. . i "What .. th~, aUed Stnnford OorI7. PJD' ' ;. UI. had noticed with bope a certaIn ' *ea~ln~ III tl!e wcapoll aimed nt I IIh~h dOll8 ranI" at h~ own body. BI ~altit, h'e tb.ollcht. die condition of abe mo" ,1iI1II4 IlIld ~ Be Will apt . ' b!id ~~, ~tbere are cer· tala · be new, betore . \ IJIalllw ~e of aD7 kind, In ~ eate.1Ilc ID~ " dl~ of atteDboId.!a. l ~ Iirei of 70111' op1IfIMDt. U tbe'Olbtr did not .boot at 1rIt" tlla~ ' ~1
ad"........ ..
F~A' " J~~. " ~ t. i.
8tlll,"t 8 ....t. I n 0 Clan, , .... _ Btaatord '. " __ < Bqthel' . Tbe' SlIrgn"Ro 81!R' II IIlmc18' Ihe 1"MIt-, ""I'lIe, ~ I" "7. w aub.ek renter 01 Ihe whirl CIt Ihe (w..i ratll. ~ 1iI . . ~ ~:'01 the 'c urrent,j In till.' north ArllIhtlc. The ~,JPCJ:.Uii' ........"....·..;.,....I..!.'itri·'I·'UCIl'll1"·D .~ ~ 1I'P1 ~ ItOP'I ~ • •weed ccimeR frOm dl~tillil .hl'..... ....n· OV'. ~1IIr ' that •• In It....or· that '~here It b". been wnonc.:h.!d tiff ~~ ~UI' , t __eel It. ' It'. eommltdq .lAIIforte of tbe rurrenll. ' ThC!l'e are tOiIt' 1'1".... be .dded foeV1DrJJ., ..tonl..~tJ . other l{I'eat weed·IIII mpered 8 reall . 0,1 "IIltlt. tDOl \OII ";' " III' .. " ,',.. ,,· pV'" n ""I11 let "III'IUI !'".
.,.. .. .....
lIe~ vllle .
: ~' :
" 1';
LIUlii Jean Burl~6't .be! been III the p~8' weel< . Mr. au~ Mrs. Frlmk RO j,; pr A WI, re Dayton visitors W e dnllsdllY. Remember ~be 6rdllge pill Y ,, ~ Ly t le ball Salnrduy oveDlng. Miss SllrBh Os lmrn , of On . ~ U II , was" Lyl.le V!81~nr l'nalld!lY. Mr UbaN . Pope Illltl bean q uU .. III bu t Id somo botter nt th lR time . Born-'fo Mr. ..nd Mrs. F lo;Vd 8avugo, .. Ron, Monday, Feb ruary ·1 Mr. DuV ell onn f l~ mi\y gnve It sbow nt Lytle bA\1 Suturd ay evon In l!( .
Cet .'t he Bill.VaI_ :. . the Feace Post Field , TEEL f~ PQSts are no longer all • The RED lUP Double Strength Studded bas eet a new standard. It is a str~
of longer life . easier and cheaper to Alaet P+-easier aDd c~per to fasten feociDg ~
C n.:!:
T lt t' cI (\JH
III" I q ••'
I • • , .:....
l' .. 1111.
., 1
'n o
~') ,
Gft!Ilter 9b~ . . to Idding _ metal fa • n:iDIon:.inK rib (\lee iUWltzat"IEI) IUd 'abo due 10 dae fact that tltere bm't a ehIgIe Ide paoched ill tbe<PQII I"'~" either foe or anchor J>late. No riYd1I reqainII to attach plate. (See iJlastraticm.) FIrmer bt Ground-tbe RED TOP Anchor Pba .. ava and strOQllef tbao ever_ I.oaaa' Service-tbe DeW a1gmi;nuat ~ 1IDiIIa\ IUd eoHd post make it longer lived. Better looking feaces - the aluminam. ~ finish Rives the post a neat, trim ~~ .. •• ~ Easier, cheaper lIdt:iDg_ wItb the One Mau RI!D TOP Dri'ler OEIe IIl8II witbout a helper c:at\ aet 200 ." 300 paU per' day. ' More effident feoce fJlllteniog-RED TOP R~ FIIIItebenI makes it possible for one man to ~ fencing to poets. And fa5rener bold" fadng tIsbtW.
,i::tl cc d. :\ I (· n ' nn 11 fll ' I :!11I 111 1' 1'
I I ,::..:
1 '; 111 ' 11''':
'I II' S. ~ I ld:l 11-4 \\,1I 't 111'(' :;n l tf to 11 11 \' " In l l " h' I· d II lu lu , ' h l na , E x t a nt 0 \' ld "111'I ' I ' '., . III. ! thl ' IU " 'ldlt# 1';;':,\'1 1 l lH I1 ';; 1'1 " .1 /1',' :1... :lI ld .\!,o ....~'I'11I rl ~ tl Sl: II l' U II II II ' 1 ' fI ; • • , II .. I n II,, · d" "I H'{l I I OIl of 1l! \l l'In _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W i l li
Come in and see this better post.
.. 1
" .. u-~ it. Inspect it. See how the new One Man Post Driver works. Don't buy a fence Post . until you do this.
Pu blic Sales
I will ~e li llt puh\to "notlo" " ' th o r llPiOollOtl uf lil A lutA .1. A. E'uDlIev, on MR,lo ~ tr eot" Wl1y ntlllvillp, no
Saturday, February :Z" 11'24, Be l!ltlol lI~ lit 12
~b e bOIlReh ulrl goods Ilf the ' \1808118.
Terme ollsh. thie bill: bl\1s 6EORUI!: FUNKEY. W, N . BellrB, Auei,
Bo'b dl800ntlnnlng farmIng, we will 8ell a' publio auoUolI, ollr Btook alld ImplementB, looaled 1 mile N, of Ly"e .. 4y' milee N. W . of WayneRvllle. 4 mllllll t5. E . of Centerville 00 G epbRrt. ro~d, on
Wednesday, February 6, 1934 BeginnlnR at 10 0'0100\. s..bon•• Ii oattle, 60 ohlokenCl, farlll tmRlemOllts, feed Rnd hoaaebold g~ Farm of 47 .. erM, Bood but.l!bq., well fell oed, barn aelQlRl~d. ,,0011 jlaraA:e, t o b~ooo IIhed. and eoll .11 tillable. Will be Bold 3 o'ollJO\ E. ARCBOB:A(JON C. W. ADAMS F. T. Martin. Anot.
ea." Steck Be" W. Y. MADDEN ' & CO~ WA&,1ESVIU.E ... ... OHIO We AJwap ........ 01 Bed T... _
• 'j
:. '
oa F
"Save by buying ill Wayn..-ri11 .."
Too Severe. .M4...-"New clellnnt bomes rhl .!'tIlt.. Object to noisome bO~8." We',1 hf' ~' call the little rascal. thal.- .I:',ojItQ&
:rraU:; ~t- · 1 S
lobo W. ~il.l At Cary s Jewehy .p.; ',: .{ -.Deaiti~t . The
E~e SI&ht .Spedaliit
, .
~ .~~
'. .\
J "
J •
Mrl!. (iuy Routz ..·bn alld dau«h&er v I Geneva May. apemt several daYIl Lebanon," Ohio , ' I will offer at publlo sale lall\ week- with reht.t1v8s at Tipperelllden08 B milll880utbwelS of aar I! : cllnoe (:lty. veYllbarg, on 'he "ralllr Sberwood JJ ' ..." "I ". ,t·~ / . 'srm, adjololng the Beech Gro'te 8:00 •• m. to 4 p, Ill. ...•. .;, OVEIt i 40 YE.utS Mr. and Mrs . W il bur O.ark and ,," .. Mr Wal.ter Clark .. ttended the Far. ohuroh.oll MIt; Saturday, February 9, 1924, mere 108tltuto at Q(lntenrllle Frld&y :, . llUooeufuUy III the ~ Beglunlng Rt 10'0)0011:, :) hor8e11 and and &tnrday . '., J )(!a lit ' OAT.uulu . a Jot of farmlllg ut'nl8l1B and bar- ! 06 an Olntmenl .. hi ,~. ~ ... ' . ~ • R.I..\'I.. b.' loea\ appU ellUnli. UaIi Mr and Mrs . Wilbur Clark and ne8B. See bllt blllB. lat~ ' Kedlclne. 0. TOIll C'y" h~ ~ tlAM BROWN Mr8 Mary CarmolDY al$ellded tbe D. Hollin gs worth, Anot. tuo.. rlll of Mra. Oartwrlgh& at W.av1', :s. Obelln ."m:-~9tc4,b. nesvllle, Mond"y . Having deolded to q.ult larmlna, FUNERAL D1RECToIt. , _ "1'be Road to the CHv" ~I\I be we will Rell d poblto aectlon, on 'ha glvell In Ly\le hall, Saturday even- B , M Clark fl\rm, lY. mlles·we.t of Waynesville. Ohio Ing by tbe Sprlllgboro Grange. Ad. Lytle. y. mile e08& of the Da,'on alld Leban ou pike, on ~be W"ynee. mll!slcu, 15 and 250 . vUle and Lytle road, on Fully Equipped for Good DBN'',J'IST Mr. nnd Mrs. Wa'lter K ellrlok and Saturday, February 9, 192.. , Service. ' Mr .·and MrR. Perry Wade o thlllded ....~.iAnd X-O~RAPHIST .;: , Beginlling lit 10 o'olook, l:I hor8e~, ~ l . . Large Display Room tbe funeral of Mr . ChaB !'mab, at 4 oRstlti. 7 brood 80we. farming 1m. . ' fl. ~ Waynesville, . ,.' . " ,. ." ~ Springboro , t:ullday after J" 0 11. pbment,. II lot of feed alld Bome TELEPHONE 7 ' DAY OR 101fT. bonsebold I1rttol08. 8ee big bills. Telepbone 114, Mlu Mildred Mt\tenbl' ger Is RBlpb ,J obns aDd Cly,le Cox, spending tbls wetllt with her grand Sears & MoNoII, Auote, OFF[CE: H~TH~W~ BLDfl• . motber, Mr8. ,Tane MI1t,en borg or , at, ON MAIN STR~ Middletown, who r'eoently feU on Bavlna cl !luh\!l(! t.n quIt rarmltlg tb ll cell .. r steps, breaking ber arm. I WIll I'fJ t! r li t 1",lIlio hnol,lOtl my 8\00k aud Il1IrI A JI"'" t~, loo i,t ed .. bont Dr. 1.., B. liroolt v'illited With Mrs . 4 ml1e~ son t,h .,i /il1ljliroolr. Rbotir. II SU8an C88tO at tbe bome of her IIIlIell ~. E ' 1" C.··· t.)rvi\lo. U mile. dougb t er, Mrs. John IJ'snlltermaker, N of F, ,'·y " old y. mHe 80 uth of n .....p.;..- --l\o In Dayton, !:Juoda:r. Frlend8 b ere t:;tooker ', ()".uer, OD Ly ~lf! and D .. y tou r Oil" (,n , Au'cdbn~.r , regret learn of MI rll. C..sto 's 80rl. Thursday, February 14, 1924 OU8\11net!8 Get 'tefills fof..-your ------ . Benitlnlnjl: .. t 10 O'oloOk, 5 horae8. Bud mnlet!. 1;1 bead oattle. 65 helld Publio Sale.. .. . bogtl, rurmiojl: 'IUlr.lement8, bll.rnes8, 1 satisfy and save you fflerl .. nd h ouseh old goods . 80e big . h Mils. E L A6IS . . mone,¥.1 or JlO c arges • E. T. 8brtln, Auot . ~"" ~ . ---
a' m,
W,~vIUe Natl~al 8~: _
Every Tuesday " . , ' "'--
' !
lYle YOUR lIES Will" . . ....,.,.,.; """'""'"'.'
Walter McCIl;Jre ~~Jb~~8~JFJ~ ~O, .~
Foresl i\~atti.
.. ..------
Sever .. lllaw 0llse8 01 mump8 thle wtlok. AUred Edwardll 18 ab,e to be up &OWII IIgaln. Mrs AdRm . :ampbell III Improv· IlIg 810wly. Born-To Mr. aud Mn. WoodBon DIIW(llOU, February 11, alloo. 'fbe operetta tba,' the Klurrroan Blah eobool gave bere laat week W8I
Box 91, 'Centeyv'Jle, Ohio
Bnvlllg deolded to quit farmlug, I will 8el1 Bt aiy resIdence 2 mile. nor'bea8' of HarveYllburg on " he New BurllllgtoD pllre. on
'Monday, FebruJlry 9, 1924,
Beglllning as 10 o ·o)oolt. oonslsting of 10 bor8eR, 8 oCloUle, 110 IbeeD• . 2,11 IItOOIt hogB, feed, f~tmlng Imple. ment~ ,' harnellB. ml808'11aneoJl8 aud bonleh'oJd goods. ' B . W . BHIDAKJl:R t!tanley & Laol, .Anote.
!-lome Pbone 2, CcntervllleSx.
~ ::au: .. L.M ..HEN ERSON ,)
Wayne.ville, 'Ohlo I
. Natl . ,,', na)
or tb.
N nll'lIn 11,,0 . ~ of die lAmtl .. II)'ell'lI; CIIl!' ,..N l1li th. IIII7DwIWI.b boor; (mu' :we ., tb O!r7I1e1U ata,; de trudlon ttl \lie .t~11IP1laUa1l bll'lb; cl eUD I"g or
. ..... ltabl_: eaDC'ON ot t he elRD f d UVIlr)' Of Ihe hur!!!'• . ' of Dlom.: c1eIl....,. of the gll"dle oit "I,)po", ; IlaJP~1n& of the cottle of " ,·tdOll; proearlaa lbe apples ot ttle a ..¥l)IItIdea ; .sell....,. ot ~rbcru. In
.lit! oweI' world
Wort'" Wool llroductlon. It tile . .rld'. total annuul wool " ... . III1"IoD . . . dlYfGed eQ1J .. ,ly umong
~ I I 110,· Inbabllalltl OD Hrth. each one
lit ODe and four-6tth.
Mo" .. y N ot E v e r ythlnD. W itCh , III'ui' ,,"lilt! 1I1'11I!! but be Is In Ilu 'ln,. , hn',)' r" 1I1"11~ he CQD n " , k\' Mml 111'1 fo r Ill ' I ll\'O ~ h ell n r l'll lh'r, I ,hlnk Ij( "'"nl ~nHH' IVI~c OlHO MIII,t Clnt' 1II Ill! : "Ir II "h: could Ill'b) hI' \\" ,nl,1 ,1(" ' 0 1.' hl ~ nll r~ prUY"r 10 ('IIM! lind I'wlll , hil I 111('11 s houlc! I',rl\l' r"r mher ~""I_ of thlu/ta ." - '1'0 111 11.',·lllr III I 'MIII:s
Oldest KIIOWll Will • A \\'111 e.~l'1:11l ed In 2M~ 9. Q. II We old c t ~I\nl . n llf wrltto.n on vapJf\18 t).l' lin I ':g~' vtlun oom -c!. Unh, 1,11 It be JlO e III IHlnt· ond other property to hi s \\'Ire. 10' bOl lof! hl' hoM' to ·1lD.)1 of Ir cblhlte u ; Ilrrnogcd for Ule bll,tal of hl",soH uuo \l'1l1:. /lnd 1l11IJOlo ted a ~lIlt.1I11 11 for n SOil . In fllet th e wUI ,11n-er lill ie (I'UIII one which wlg bl be
" X(\l.:utl'ri ItltlH~"
- - --
Harry Steele, of near Xenia and a well·known farme r was found dead in his home Frida y afternoon by nl'lghbors who investigated after their trorts t o arouse him by knock· ing lit the door had tailed . The body was seated upright in a chair by the stove. DeaUl was due tq cerebral hemorrhage. and had oc· rurred about an hour before the body was f ound . Besides his wife. Mr. Steele is sur· vlved by his mother, Mrs. Albert Steele and the following brothers and 8i8ters; Fred Steele. who lives north of Dayton, Mrs . J a mes Howard. Omaha. Neb .. Earl. of Minneapolis, Arthur and MilS Edna Steele, of Spring Valley.
METHODIST CH URCH Sabbath chool, 9; 15 a . m pr('&ch· jng at 10:3011. m. Wed nesdayeven·
ing service. 7:00 p . m. Epworth Lt'ag ue 6:15 p . rn .;vreltching at 7:0C To PoII.h Sliver. If n ' 11 " 111111.1' "I' .Ih 1'1' Is III hI,' For W h ite Furnitu re. p . m. Everybody is cordidly invited den nt'" II' ) lhl. 1111'11 11 11" .'11, h l l l,,' I , Wll i t e 'l lll'nlt ilre 11111.1 he rh'l\ nt:d b7 t o these se rvice. otJ filld \\' h1flll~ hI II :-.1111.11 .. 11 . ~rl'" l l1 ~ " d l. soh 'ln,; h nkl ng s odn 111 WUrtH \ oter Hev. 1 . A . Washburn. Pastor. IlUSH'. Ai'p l) 11'1111 n n"nll l'l d,'11r Itn(1 IInp'~' ln g thl' ~ Hl lltio n In li lt' flltnlAII" w II 10 SI"lloi Iltll i' ,1" \'. 1'011< 10 I tllre w ith 11 80ft rlolh . rul d. llI): wit h a fi rs t w lt.h CO l tll l; !l a n ,,,'1. ;ht)n W{llt ' elry 0 0 Un e rwnl' d . F inh"l'" l1Iarks Hnd chu m,'I.-. T h·l . ,",'11,"" will 11111 em ur i di rt n r " ellslly rellllll' c, 1 III Ih l~ Rllllp le InJuro ti ll' 1\' .." , l'latln):. way. A lellspoon to u pint ur 1I'1I 11, r.
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, February 10. Chu!l!h School at 9:80. Morninl:' Prbyer and sermon, Mr. Ralph Lee. ofliciating. Everybody CO l diaJly invited to these servlceB.
739,626 ere pr" -
I ~ rII"Ull ~! 10 (1 . it ".,, ~ meet deUvery rcquil ' nI •• n : ~l .. ", ' .'~ '·P ;.' II ' months w hel. o rders fo r . h (\1 '~.) 1'(1I,1 \...;,,~ and Trucks ~uld not be I.illed.
':~ '. ",",,4
. ' .... f. ~'
, ..... . . .. 1be.e facts clearly '~'
Mr. Winston Ricks died at his home in Lebsnon this morning at 11 6:'clock,
indH:<tIC I h,;1 ,he d,'m'J. nd d Uring t hl G
, I
..,' I "~
Ed ,,
February . Sale
---_.- ...---
An .opportunity for everyone to·better their '"hbmes- And for Real Money ,Savings. .
to 33~% discount
Tae ~other'B Club held their monthlv meeting at the grade building, .Friday aftetnllon. This meetIng., WBI very well ' attended, thUB showing .the mothers are taklnlJ mor~ 'lind more '/interest. · •. '. : Dr;' Mary Cook liave an excellenl talk' on the . welfare 'of the child, She gave the mothers many valuBbl~ ' idelia. Th~ "muslcal Pfolram' added"gr.eatIY to thel enjoyment •. After 't he lIIeetinlf th}:,. ulual so,cial hotir. WU16l)joyed . J p?u~b~uta .and coffee were~erved by Mrs. I. Sat. , terth~aite apd Mrs. H. Murta,: ,.
Adair's Prices Are Always· Lowe;s t , ,
. Just take a trip through the nea rb y furniture stores, then ~o~pare Adair's prices. You'll find us always lower. "And ' Why. Shouldn't Our Prices Be Lower?" Our rents and other ' expenses are as nothing compared with theirs. Probably you do not know it but we carry a larger stock than: th~ majority of the stores. As to our reliability and business policies ask any of your Xenia': friends. "We've been here for 35 years." 1i
. ;-. , 'Up-to-Date Furniture 'at Pr~~~sl .'Ye:.u .' Can Afford to Pay..
', }
At~~~d> !·;Th,i s·
Beau~y ':your h~me wi~h .new .f urni t.,!re ' while
you cB;n sa~e from 10 to 33%% entire b9tpe the savmg will be for one or two Dio~ths rent.: If 'you haven't all the cash..right now 60 days will be counted same as • cUl:I: or ~ Jou 'w ant 10n'r~ time ·that also can .be arranged. ~ .
,OU,are tbulklng . of . furmshmg
I ·...
~ . ~ ,. ~ ,
. ______
.! 4
It is our' endea vor to .g~t furniture that is' !loP ~p-qa~e, that will please the modern ' wD,m an who ~n0'Ys what 15 cor~ect ~nq a! the sB;me ~UIi~ I:>e'able to offer it at prices theaverag~ family can ~fford. WIth. thiS' end '~t) : 1{.~~~ hvice a year we go to the ~t Furmture Markets 10 Grand Ra.1¥4~ a~d .C~.lF~~o ~~d ~select our stock. ' . '
l;·uuku), . lato of Warren Count y. OhIo. do ..
naLod IIlla 19l1l day 01 January ,
Practical T.at.. It yotl t hl.nIc all Ihlnl:1< COllie to him wbo waU, JUit l it do wn anti wult a nd I.. how h Ulllt')' yoU I:llt.- Arknnsaa Quette.
... ...- - -
I~H ,
IV. '" !lO LL.
J u,1 .. 0 o r tho Probate OOllrt \Vorreu County . Ohio FrRllk U. AudcrllOn, ,\II )'. laa
-- -----
Notice of
EilalO 01 IV , 1:1. Dlnwlddl •• lIcccuod . • NULlce 111 here by IJIh "oh Lh." Arabul Dlo · "htd. 10 h .. !)een .lIlI l, 1\~ lx,luLed and q llul · 10ell 1\1 J\dmllliJI'l'IIlrlx 0 1 Iho MIlle 01 W . U . UlnwldtJte. IIII.e ul Wal'l'Iln OoU1I11. Olllo,
doce..-J. DaLe<! 'bra
mb !IllY W .J:t.n\\~~h~wu. Jud~o
lI B
lIt Ibn Pl'Ilbale Collrl.
Warrell Oounl,. Obi".
• -l
., • ' U \
~ :
RBi'Ola1i communlcati6n of , .wiy. rlt8VlIIe,LodlJe No:' '168 F:' & ", .. 1),1., TueecJat eveninlr, ,February 12:' : Ev. ety member I. requested to :be , pr~ ent. . Kenneth Ho(l4lh, W. M."';. " i,.. Ai Zimmerman, sec'y.· •
Have You Seen . Our, Demonstration? . S~?wing how Oil may be adjusted to the motor by using The Great Balso
System and the BalBO (, Ba18need Automotive I
We can show you more about practical Lubrication in Thirty Minutes than others have done in Thirty Years. look it over.· .
Lrop in and
Buckeye Inmhators and .:Brooders Oliver' S~ 'Plows 06ver Hand Plows' 06ver Disc: Harro~s Hand Made Iiam~ r
---_._ ..- - -
North of Waynesville, on the Lytle Pike.
In memory of Bro. W. H . Dinwid die. who died January 10, 1924. Once again the Supreme Chancel· " ~ " lor of lbe Universe hath summoned, through death. a Bro~her Knhrht, from the labors of tbe Castle here ,...... to the joys of the beautiful Oaatle , A .....U,dePoer do""," wi th . ... "" poymet' UI cf the new Jerusalem. 'He has com· In I the balance .mmc~ Qr your cnrollmerll under BeSt Quality, Ohio the Ford W~Iy Purch.",· Pian. will put your pleted hili labors of Friendship in . . . - OD the prdemd iJ&I for spring delivuy. Grown, at Lowest helping his fellow brother. of ChariPriees. ty In relieving the cries of the 'distII.1! Neare.t Authorized trEllllled aDd in Benevolence in minisPhone 25 teriDg at the bedside of the sick Fow.d Dealer .. As 8 recompense of his service under Wavne8vfille Farmer8 the trl·colored banner, he haa received the plaudit "well done" from Exchange Co. the'Great Fath~. . And whereas, The all-wise and AIR'S-""'-_·_·-;.~11111!11 merciful Father hll8 called our beloved and reaDected Brother hon.e. ADd wherell8, tIe having beeD a true aDd faithful 'Brother of ou MYlttc Order. therefore be it . ResOlved, That Crown Lodge No. 58 Knight. of Pythias. Wayne~vi1le, 10 teatimoDl of our loss tenden to the family of the deceased brothtlr ,our Iineere condolence in this deep afBlctloo, and that a copy of theee 'reeolutiona be sent to th~ family. O. 0, MlssildlDe E. L. Thomsa C. W. Gordon Committee
Be Sure ' To
F. P.
l2 mil l!s
Mrs. Susie Shields: wife of Wilbur Shields, R former resident of Way· nesville, died at her home in Dayton Saturday. The fun eral service was beld Monday afternooD, Burial in Woodland cemetery.
We the following farm owners posltlvelv forbid any hunting or trapping on ou,r. farms. Any viola . tion of the same wil~ be proaeeuted according to 11iIw', and to the fullest . 9Xtent.
husl<u bb twclve 1I l'l!nh' St \\ 11 11' .... " II:-t l ( ur wm In the IrnlU l!d l ul l' r""dll'." -l! {lS IUO Nvenlng Trnnscrlpt.
Following a stroke of paralysis, Watch your expiration date
and aumJ;llcr will be far g\'O"' I"r Il:an ('I'e, . <1l1 d tJlal ~ ehouJd be placed immed iately ",i[h Ford 0 .JeTs ns <. .. bleau- of protection lI~n ~t dt:'lay in tit!curing You r f ord .. I f' : ' C&r'ier . ' , Truck or Fordaon Tractor.
WIRI! h u~ IIIII"I. " .:1 1" Ihc PII\\" Journnl , U rt·~\.' n I '~ ,ht· plaf'&! In
... .
this year winter buying lor immed ia te d,· li. ·.·,y ha4 been , J9O"! 'active thlln ever ' bcl~ r(' - al1d in . ,,~! ,' . '" '' .cO ) ,1 '1.'~) ', orden have n1read y been bookl"d Ih rour.h th!' f ll rd \ '''I' .ly Pwdlase Plan for IIp.ring dcliv ry
T ip Ftom th e We st.
M ra. Timothy Marlatt passed from Tip. th i~ lifo at her home in Mt. Holly on WIlon the rtrl keeps on calling your Saturday ni ght at 12 o'clock. The Ittel)t1on to what n IUI'e ly ring the funerlll was held today at the Miami lloon h 08, ,rob your hili "lid ¥u howe. Cemelrory Chapel, with Rev . Walley, -Richmond Tlrae, ·DI8I'nlrh . of Spring Valley officiating .
R ecords In T hlnne • •. Plntlnum w i ro h n~ t,c('n urnwn 8 tl flnc thnt 30,000 \II N'R Rid e by Sid!! w ould n ut CU""I'I IU n l"l~ t h un no lnc h. while l W Ill ceci; " ,;ullIl 10j!clh(' r woul .1 form n Ihr'lI (1 liS I hkil liS II OInmellt vr row s il k.
. dueed last year th a ' l th e p r<': ','i"lI ~ year, an i,n crease of o ver 50 per (· t· nl.
hu ll oons being given ow,')' wIth
----_ ..- --
rreincndo us
Upri.ght Piallo, first-class condition, Walnut ed rl10m Suite, 3. piece and sprull{s . 1 '---~- • Sideboard , Ex tellsion #J' able Ancient W a sh t ubs of O,·.. ce. 1 10 ft., euk r Stand . Toilet 011'1111; III Ille 'cn t~lI y of 1I'0ud Dod I \Vash tantt, Bamb 0 Paper me!,U. In Ol·Pnt'P. ",,, sIIUlh. lite . sCI' \HaCkS , IS-inch Estate Oak dom N~c n. , I II Ill " IlI tl " "'lIn g l' of Heater Steel Range New PerKbo Rln, IIcur ;\lh('1I8. th e \\' 1 "n ~' 11 hll ve . ', • ' !lUlI,.ell ~Inn e sHrrrlllhngl thut are , feetlon 3-burner 011 Stoveand more thllll 2.00() s perM /lId. In umerOUS household articles. - - - - • lVl ust be sold before February 15. 1924 .
II sed.
't'1I ' 11 111,· '\\' :" >ll ill'
In Iplte of this
meDl till In ex lsl OOl' e In J1lngland I. thaI llu:K.'(J- ln l il o n'l h'll lIt m'lwnrd regu lu MlI!t 1'1)1> IIlr lll ot lit people, wh i ch ~o rhhl~ mnro t h lm t wo 'ourses beln): ~(!rI' t1\t II I di nner I,Ir tip per . ex· CePt t n ~~IIj\1 1I IIII II,III Ys. N el~,lI ess tv suy, Ih~ III \\, I~ h t ok" l1 with 1I1111Ulllly .
8ftl rl nil 111,' ~1 1'ljO~l~ H r purf'fll\s" j of "-'111\,1 J,:'1\"t' [\'"0 grea( thrill s 10 the YIIlIlI l r"lks-on ~e when they ~x p "'''1 gr:ondly li nd 'nee when UlllY II I1 I' SI.
==========~ Milo HinckUl. of Richmond. Ind .. Mrs. Lemley Curtis diad at the will be with Prof. Farr t th For ... e O ilc loth. Notice of Appointment hom e of her father·ln ·law. Sim Cur· Ollclol h should li e WlIS hClj \\'Ith Ii'riends church next First day. tis, last Friday ('veni ng , The fu· warm wnter. to whkll " lillie s lllreh E.LnLe III J u hn A , I'unkoy. dOC<llllMld, . neral was held atpr ingfi eld . Ohio. (mn,Jo wllh bolUnt; wlIlI'r, hll ~ heeD NULice id hurohy ttl yeu UUIIt. John U. Oart· nddl'll. SOHP shoull! 0 11 110' oreo liDI be wrjf{ht h tUJ boon ttu l)' II.Pltulnted .hd. q\ullitiod 1 o'clock on 'l'uellday, I'ebruary 5 . B .l l1oo n • . 8.1 J\thulnlStrl\Wl o f Lhe a.tato of Juhn A .
,m ore Ford cars and tru cks
OiIe o( th ~, ridl ~II IOlls ucts of parlla·
_ £23_ '.
Hardware , Harness
FRED Al. COlf:: ·'Ma$!hinery
I Ahd "Farm
-"'t ,
t'• · 1 '"
' • ,
Whole Number 65'S1
, . "
CLUB OF iHOH SCHOOL OA VE . When wanting Farm wallonl, ' ~
111 rs F B. Henderson entertalDed rh o J ull y Matrons at her home on Third street Saturday afternoon.
CI'OII8 Brell L, N Printz Ii DOW elerklnll for Myer Hyman.
ladore 'Bloch, of Sprlna Valley,
An Adaptation fr6m Booth TarkIngton's Novel by Our Two School Teachers
w .. ln town Sund.,. • I
Mn, Edith Harrll ,Ialted relatUtes
Mr, and Mra Frank enter· tained Sunday at dinner. Mr, and Mrs, Cllas. Austin, of Bellbrook and Mr Hllrvdy Sackett and family. -WITH A
In Milford oyer SUDday. The Dramatic dub of the l~igh sch ool gave one of the be~ t enler· tainments of lhe senson at the Gvm Friday evening. WhNI th 'y p re~;nl. eel "Seven teen", tnken . rom B(10th Tarkington's popu iar look, The , play wos written by . a s Edna Howland and Edith G Tgt! whle l ) foct made it more plensing and showed the talent o f tliese popular teachers. The play was cast with n view to the bistrouic value o,r each actor and was put on without a flaw . Miss Howland as Mrs . Bllxter, Raymond Hatfield as' William ~~ylv8nus Baxter Miss George 8S Jane Baxter and Miss Edna Mullen as Lola. Pratt, the principal characters, weJ~e all that could
Myer Hyman waa a bualnes. vilit· or In Clnelnnatl. Tudday,
CrOtlll Bros. have a fine line ot new Pumpe -treuonable prlcea. . wet'k.eDCtwlth Mila lna Burnett. Severa' from 'Lebanon attended the pla1 at the Gym Friday evenlDS. Brlq;our old Pumpe 'to CrOll
BI'OI•• "beD the, Deed repairinlr.
Mra, Ida Stoke. and lin Ada Courtney were Dayton vlaito.... . .-:. Saturday. -
III.. Addlne 140n and ADna
~:~::S~~ .pent the week-enht 'j
Bom-To IIr, and lira, lIalbum GlIIlIaDd. Sund." Februa.., 10. a
dlqbter; Nadonal bank . u clciiicl ~ on aecoUDt of LlDCOI~·!I blii¥a;.. . Bom,To IIr and ........wr;,:: • t~. of ~te •• ThIlNdQ.
~ ~.da...
~. the Friend.' Bume. II at WheeIlDS. W. Va. vllth ~I,.IIIOD Otto. who iii tn • critic.) .condltlon, •. '. • ' , .. 8ft. B;101d John •• of W,omlq. tpeDt lailit week wlUl bll aunt. Caroll~Sm'&h at the Frlenda Hom. .. " . . ' . . . -Mr;' llra~ Offt Surfac!eaM I(ID DoaaId,'epebt. Sand., '.Ith PeaDew.t "i.nd lamll, at
. ,
ud ·...... ¥ •. N. BOulh
.8ft.., .....
IIr . . and II~. C. II, "ogh ~f IIr. . . .111'1,
W, ;Ward. , ,t, •
HIe; CAU SE - "
Ru th Evelyn Salisbury bad • t.w of her friends in Saturday, Februa1'1 91 h. it being her 6th birt'Jday. TlJe invited g uests were: Francee arid Miriam Ellis. Eva Worley. Joaepbl~e Miller Betty Hartsock, Roth . B~· ett and Clyde Fromm, Richard Mil ..·· ler, Frank Hawke, Charlell LeMaY, \' Robert Gons and Lemar Earnhart.
i· "
. -.
IIr. pd. "".' Earl 8waln. ,01 IUdaevllle• ..,..., bd., with ...... Cbrlade .II ,. cKI~ aod daulhter. . •
High on the heights overlooking Washington, in llle Albnns Cathedral, lies the body of tormer President Woodrow Wilson, Amerlen's first great Internationalist. This structure is destlned to be America's Westminstel' Abbey, Inserts are of Rev. Sylvester Beach, of Princeton, N. J., who. conducted the funerul serv\c. s at the Cathedral following the slm'ple 8ervi~es at the Wilson home, which were be desired. Miss George as Jene, conducted by Bishop Freeman, _ _ brought.do.wn the bou ~ e.' She fitted the juvenile part @o w~m that tbe F audience almost lost sight or the dignified school 'marm . ~ Tbe other melr;bers of the cast , . portrayed the characters very credo ltably and taken as a whole a very Given by the Cburch School Ser· pleasing comedy waa presented and 8tlldorn. vice leasue ot S·t. Mary's church, the club ia to be congratulated, Beldom does It happm thet a wamNever heard of it, eh! The orchestra, dirl:lCted by Mr, AI. III Ia both b~alltltul and Inteillient. 1b- Warren County Bealth Board Well, here It Is, .rred Watkins, was alll attraction and ~T~ba~t~'.~t"!!!'\!!! \· !!!n~"!!!I'!i! 'r!!! I' ~n!!f()!!t!!i!ec!!!t~8!!!,m~e!!1I~~ hopaI to make diphth8rla a rare At new Gymnasium, Wednesday, elicited heartv applause, a . . .". ' B1 the ,.e (If the toxln- February 2:1.1924, . Nat.haniel Winston Ricks, eldeSt The large . crowd was well taken t,.tment, 80 percent of the It will B-rin at 7:07 m., and rare ot by the ushera. Bon of Nathaniel and Mary WjD8ton Blames Cigarettes are rendered immune will continue at Intervals. of · 7 min· Ricks, was born ilt Mount Pleasant, for Her Death The stage: with ita new light fixlor life. There eeemi to be, very utes unlillt ill over It will cost 7 Jefferso n County, ObiO', March 30 tures presented a fine appearance . ' . little after etfeet. no iure arma. ceDts to get in. 2 times 7 cents for 1847 and departed this life at bis A neat sum whicb will be added to u frOm lmallpo:a: vaceiDatl ... and your lIupper and 7 cents to get out. the Gym fund was netted , horne in Leb" non, Ohio, February 6, ,~temlc I!tfect, , unlell tile provldin~ you B 2 times 7, but it t92,t. after a long illness, during yery 81J8I!8Pttble to the, you R above 7 and under 2 times 7 which time he WIl8 tenderly' cared for by his family an\! Dr. Edward ~"tMr ancl tbeteto&e tot~, then U 1!Opt h,aye ~o pay.Jo ,ge,t .ou~. Biiii~, wh'o has be~n ~ In , "r-more of th• •aultl ·are· 1m- And B U 7 and'under 7, 7 cents will ministrations. . mUDe ~ut an, whQ ' wllb maY take tben luffice, EVllry 7th 1 w.ill getjn He was married 10 Katbt!rine Heatbe treatment along with the child· tree. and B 17 times 7 vears old, sey at Riverside Ohio May 14 1884, reno '. then he can get clean through withIt ,I . ad!Dlnlltered In the arm. out 'paylng anything.. _ To tbem were born three 80ns, prefer.ably near the ahould.n, with There will B 7 things served by 7 ward Winston. Albert Withers and Saturday, as Carl "Doc" Conner a .needle, One treatment _ch weell walters who will walt ob U while U Richard Colville, Richard, the youngest, passed away at the age of torthree Inlscd'lnl. , U thl~ will ra- walt on yourselvE'B: 7 numbers will was cranking a mllcbine a t the 18. ' m')ve from our mldat ,the dlD,er of be on the program; 7 sprightly Melloh gar\lge, the engille ,back Mr . Ricks was for many yeura an diphtheria, and. from our li)idat .the spinltera wjll sing a ponll; there will fired and the reault was a broken I.r of ~n epidemic. It. will be well be 7 kinde of music: a girl of 7 wll arm for the young fellow . "Doc" Ilmployee of the Pullman Company. wortb,f.bl.le. . . apeak "we are 7." Among the 7s is attending to his .cbool du lies and He ~ti held' in such &lteem by this The ~ealth Boa,rd lllandll all or tbe will B a ipeech by a man; 7 minutes his papere, but is autfering from company thst be W81 retained ,ID ~peDl8. leellns that It Ie ch,aper IODS. on 70 times 7. Besides these the Injury as a natural result. ~ sprvic!l for two years after the perl. Sunday morning, Edwin Chandler Od of retirement, . to prevent tbe Itlleue $han treat It 71\ there.will be Iota ot' other 7B. fell on the ice and broke hil collar after It. ar,lv •• and uu.,.lOmetlID_. Evervo~. lnvited, He popaeaed a etrona attachment bonll, He will be laid up for quite uDlUec."ully. 0 • for. bie friends and was alwaya hapa while" . DY iD"extendlne ' to them the hospi'Last Thursday VVilflOn Edward. tality ot hIe home, .. was trimming a tree and one of the . ,BY' bl~thrlght be ~as .. mel'\l~er of IiPlbs struck him in the eye, making the.Society ot FrleDd. and ' remalned th~t, optie very black and blue, steadfast In that 'faith until ' lite _ __ _ _ *11- - closed . . He is 8urvivp.d by his 'widow, who has been unceasing ill her devotion 'The F.umer',s In lit ute will be to. him; bV' his sons Edward and AI. beld Friday and SIlLurday. February bert, his g randdaughter , Gertrude 2'l and 23 at the new ' ~yri\lla 8iu m Ricks, his sister, MI'8. Annie S. Th~ meetinlf this year prbmisl!l! to Thorpe and his bl'o ther, Ossie L. Ricks . . be , tho be~t ever held t here The
AS~RIES- O'F~-,.'
, TIHt ,_W..,....II.
gEL! EF . IN
Mr . and Mrs Edwin Thomaa and falllily had RS their guests Sunday, Mr. Chauncey Bunnell and family, Mr . Chas Zi mmerman and famllJ and Mi ss Monimia Bunnell,
Mial Marjorie Hubble apent the
N. P. C'bbum. of WuhlDrton C. B .. yl.lted,1I1a Clua Llie. Sund.,.
TWO GOOD GAMES PLAYED FRIDAY With tbe High School teams at Franklin thi!! Ftlday nIght; the Mlamll will 'have.as their OP.pODIIIl¥ ,• the fut Babb'. Wlncbeate.... of' ·· , ... Xenia, These boYB have a good club ' .. and have .beep deteatlnJr . BOme' of the 1leat teaml In th.. part of the Itate. Gegner, who ltarred tor ,the Wet Wash here lut week lI'n ,their IIne·up, and the'Mlamlll are expeieto Ing mllc'll oi>pOll~I'k~' There ~'l ~ • prellminary,satpll. ,tartlq at ~:,J6 between the Sth _ e .... the H.
S. Resef\'~, " .. , /.. , . ' The Mo~her 8 Club la. u1l1q tlCki , .
~hese'lfIlmea. and part~ t'bt p~oc~s ,,1II. Jr~ to th! library fiaDd: Tbislnstitu.t lon Ita enjo,ed ' b.J p~ eta for
tlc.ally every cltlHD Ip the colllllllI-
tn-ifrtitr hie nlty'an~' wlnlD you'.re _ed . to ~ . -
, .
l •.
a tieket for this pme, rem8lll~ I , • that you !ue hel~ln~ 80methlq ~t ",ould be sadly miilled If taileD a~:·· . ,: _r " ~ • - • ' • • 'I. foe for "'NIl. . r • 'I ' t·, , ~aver8se of )9 ' ~_" .,,~ .,., :·, caalred tor the rcfl'lll'8raUOD ol ' . ,~ .• ; load of fro/Un tronalt ~ em CaJlforula and the Mlantlc ... board. " " "
~t ~I'1
,r.Jo,: • " \ ~ I .~. ' ,:' .' ,
I" .,.
The Warren Coun ly Basket BRill tour nam ent will b helrl at Franklin !<' ebru nry 22 ami 23, unde r the auspices of Frankli n High School. Waynesville will bave two teams en · tered, both boys and girls. Frank· lin, whose new lurge g!'mna!!ium will comfortsbly house th ; spectators is more.suitable for tbis e.,ent than L~banoll ann perAJnS who an , tlcipate seeing the games may be sure of a seat. '. ---.-~
Oertalnlyl Usua lly the mno who cllrefully ..coils the ftnnnclni lind mnrket pages l~ rich 'or on the wily l)t being 80.
Oh, . why should memory. veiled With g loom. And li ke a Borrowing mourner draped . Sit weeping o'er an empty tomb Whoae ca ptives have eacllped1 'Tis W. P. G. Harding, Coven ,!!r ,,! Lhe Fedel'ol Resln'vB Bllnl( of Hos ·
When e'er
lind wi I be
g rass
app !larR; lonl wh o blllmes the whirl f doci nl life ond cigarclt(' smoking a. lhe The loved, though wept are neve r
couse of his. dnughtol" s ljllitidc, is
supported by Gov. Morgnn,"of " \ 'st Virgi!1in, who says : '~Cignl'<: tt e
smoktng among women, IS bccom, ing nlarming and it is time the Women's Clubs took octive part to' stop tho pl'llcticc. 1 would .consider, it the grel\tn~t thing I could til' for lny !tlW; if I could atop slnoi>ing in 'V cst Virginia,"
R.E·CJ:.'T A •
mo~se d
' . ,
.~ ,
los t; W", only lOBe-our tears.
The joys we lose are but forecast; And we shall find th em all once more: We look behind us for the past. But lo! ,'Us all before .
Cmt ul 'qaaDb
~ '1'1
• '/ .
Thou llbalt D9t beat'tllllt . . . . 'r Tllou ' lIh~t not De. 'l'hoa.-'&'" .. ' mIsrepresent tbT DeIPIIIw. 'DIiMJ ' shalt Dot cOlIVUJ' ~ ...... onel reporl:a. , .. "'I" . 'l'hl! man who w~ abGat lat.' lIelghbor is tile moit ~ CUT 00 eorth. He 18 & CI!WUd. ~... , ' nDll n vtllaln ot tbe~~, ~ .. 'tJ. mao wbo goaaIpa Ijt a natwal ~ . ' " "" , . coostltlltional . 1Ier" ID4 18 ......... ,.I ,,' , blllcker ' and DIIIIl'e1' the COIIdMIII:a tI t 1 •. l hell than IlII)' C!I1mfna1 aIIOat' ..... ; . be mal' b8 padptot. l1fo ~ sbould' eVlir be be11e'I'lI1. A 'pDlg woinlll ta tile ~ Ood's ~ ' 1JId a
111 a borQJna tordI ODe who '
tb~1P ~ .~ -':~==~::'~:~
the board ,of a bl.\D tp the III1JI_:U ,ClDlliLi If doe 18 OOII:q)aIII'I1
uncom1ll1meiitar7 .__ "'-' he
nbould' IIO,JtD" ·. d
urst IlIIlnl,
, i ow of Great
in rHy
'0 \\'
the ' ;t'I'IIud IIolnl1
~.\'~ nrrllltg p (1 It now, ;
whllt: you Wllnlt' ,( SIi tlllit you IIr 00 ' I n:;('r • (\l'lnllle ltu herrrol'll- Ihilt I~, ; ,I' C,U wLl1 Jlllt lin l hl' lInl'l l1n~l1 n! (pu- l bln'A t 11I'r ! , ',./, 1I;\'~d It ~\' you wil l r bc.' 110 ](1111,:('1' unrlcr !lIn! rlu UII 0>1' ho lolr 10 1111 .1' In_n ne." '''I'ht.t (IU' nOt chon !!,' eI, .. ,." nl situllt ln!l nhnllt A(ll' l nlol,' !l uth",'f","!." ~he' .(,bjllf' l .. tI, " -till' nn,' th l"g lhut \\,Hul d be I lllII l)~ t lIiID"o, lilli' t" 10" 011."
\Var President •
"\\' but 1"
"lI,'r l'('puttlt\ f>n ot hl1 vlng I",,'n In· snne," Thoughl for tho Day. u-B,,_r r4!pUlut1on," b. suld. 't_ wItb A l!U'll~ II Hl n dUl'8 !lot tI ;~e d at Jar, \ whom?" .r t \\\.llv.- til l'H(l\'hlf'l! ullll that hd t.
~4:!iI! lUurts-atiOtV b!J
Irwin Myen
fUIIU·. -~-------
"Keep outl" roe l)rnsc Olt to "r," . - 11 Irnow what's good fur you !" For It hurl hl'en th e Intention or Has· the servnntll-or whol.'\"tlr WIlS 111 brouck Rutherford 8t lellsl to turn to tlle baJl-evldenUy bad dccldrd II wns tlulsh u p hlA work all the man no'y rtme to do IOmethlllg. to hreak In. i lyi ng just h"foro him on tile fl oor. But , "Yee." 8ald ~ton/ord Gorgam, ~('('ond· this, he now saw, would be Impossibil.'. log him. "keep out" For h" feltb)' troellnct .. well 81 b!' reflson- I Llkl' 11 brown projl'C~tl\e th e dOlt wo s that he would hl\ve 0 hm!:,'r onrl 8 roll him. It WII8 nn IIgly thing-v icious. better chance to wanipullll' this thing wiry; It mil t hll"e ... ellChed se"l'nty· It left alone. 11\'1' tloUntl~. II " flrl'll uml 1111"",,,1 It. "What II! It you want." hI' I1slted F,'rtunnlCly, thougll, Ih l' W'UfO lu!l'lt tbe man whol!c \\Ye he heh!. And he ml ~~~d Its aim In 11 \\,fiY . It <'Ilug ht laW with growing s8tltltocllol1 the bunt! Iln~t" :l d of fh'~ h the br .. ollth ot O,e bolding the rovolV\lr now sorn~wlili t Clllit up .. n hl~ should r, too ligh tly to Itn'l'red-heJd for Hurport more c\oSf'ly hol<l- llod strnrk onfll~(.d tor II secto th~ body of th e olher. " A IIlUe 00(1. l1gllln~t the' Wil li , mol'l'} ' he tbougbt, liS tho otber was H e slnrted to lire ngnl n nt thl' beast, ~nl'tlllll:. 11m het .. "" he renlly ("nult! l'<!cover , -xour' repLlejl Hnall.o\\ck Ruther- bhllRelt 10 do so, tbe thing W09 UD ford 8lnIply. wlUt a '1~llm of hl~h sat- ng" ln. It tore ht his I'lo:t nded hand, IIfact:1on In hla eye, 'You first I Yon unfortunutel .. nnd h e lost his weapon thougbt ,ou'd get It, didn't YOll.? You -It tell cJntt~rl ng on th e fl ~r. thought· by thle move ~ow you <I t:lke There WII8 nothing to dQ oow but to ov~ 811 t~e 00l'lr1lJD ru~ney as re Idu- escape (rt)m lhls thing, tor thnt crowd ory legatee! You won t. Not no,,~ on th!) other shl(> of t he room could or ever 1M never Inll'rtere 10 tlmo to !III VI.' him It was lloon clear to Stnnford Gor- from II , prolll1blY--1!vcn It they trll'd rum that It wu not bil! old acQunln- to, The llnmon!!led h nnd ot Bos. .fIUlce'1I pnrpote to act batora he tnlket\ bronrk nutherford wn~ on the knoh -IIud at cODlllderabte length, He could ot Ote oulslde door Into 0111 Donlel Ue ,- . be tholla~t: tJlat the pi allure to ' Gors:n 111'6 Ilrlvnte pn , sngcwllY. which thlll mill looked torw,ai'd ' In . opened It with "'hnt quickness he ~ o~ ~~ br m~ertng him coulrl, ml1naged to stnrt through It. wa,.ld 1_ ~t nnlr OllbJI<llllu, <:J' BlIt 'unfortunutely the dog CQItI{J wltb .tt he co~I~ , nDt dI ~(:1I'8 ' \t b orelland him . The spring lock cllckell behind; wltb the man ' he ptopost!fl flnhl}y to he fOllnd blrusctr at tllO hend of those 8ncute. " long white atalrs, tbot Mre, emptY , ~uth.rord , dI4 80 DO"r-"Ventllatlllg tplml stllircase, wIth nothing but ODe ' bJa IJOUl, , ~qWn~ at; 'eJli!b I'll,S grlevblind for detense-al1d thnt hall-ma.d anew of all t1ndIF-flre~ a~nl1lJlt tOil- do, upon him. Callpt Ulte a rat .wlth ~' eold G<lrPID; and lila ~c1e. and Jail- a weo.el 'at the' entrance ot a stone per BiilI'; ad th8n at stUl grenter rut-bole I , IeI!Ith ..atnIt that <I_terlal thing. No wonder Hasbrlluck , nti't herford .DOw, ~ 'JJ\in'e re8J ~ qesh nnd cried out so hoarsely tbnt l they beard .JIlood I~ bi his mln~the GorglllJl hJm th rough Ibe tbl ck door. with thtIt ,', ~ 1t~wu ~UB thing to watch ;reat beast at hl8 throat I , 't-~ b~: ItiIt , bOth ~o hate thll , They tonod him wlren they came In. ,TrMt aJi4I<tO be In terror.of It, ,8S a for down ot the bottom of the "hlny 1I'tIat. ~~e. IJvlllg ~r. tt81r11, 0 great, lo'08e bulk 8gulnst ' th~ , "BeltJIM' J1I Dlfr I nor thlll thIlIg on Dutalde door-tllc dog st.nndtng over a.. Soor~e 1II.Id, .N1Iin" tro~lcoting him. , llllJ)el' "Do1- ani be 6tlie~ meD ~\\Y're that WOY," 80Id tbe Engll8h ucJ'OII! " If Jhtj !Ilft.IUIied weni a trerVant wbo hod lifted him. comment. teb tot It. TIll! thing." he ~. IlIg a1tcrwnrds. "those dogs I I've seen tpraJDed. ....... ~, • Gu~I~I" bll them In tbe Old country, They never NPeate<l ~~ ~ \J.up,e" ant smile. touch 0 tiling tllat'8 dead I" -,u ~ u it ,III POW~ll It'~ , ''He must have t ollen backward ' that-t'Clt1ii that Doper deVil thnt's ' ~O ..ben U1e beast Jumped ot hlm- trom ,;l bllUlle, dial" brought oJ, here tog!!Oler 'jutlt nenr the top," BOlcl the othe.r to IIOJ'J IUId! " . ao~c to kill us. whom be spoke, discussing the pro~ "DId IlIl1nk." he, lnqull'e!l. "when I IIbllltle~ ot what n'o mlln actuo lly sow. urne bue I,Il),t ['(1 Jtql Hat,? Or tI,la "Wlit\t cOuld you expect?" "ked the lIlrt~ here' . '0, , f'~ tor a .mloute! other. ,"A heavy man IlkI.' thnt-1ltrlk, YoU-b~~ 11 t the!D I I~ tynan t I tllat trog bacln\.n.rd on bI.s neck." dl~ tJi1j ~lirnlr' Dr Plonned. It. Nor. Bnt 'wba!eye r muy hllv.e ~.ceIl the HIllI eltberl It's thlll .thing-tbls Ink- exact " nd unnntlcipoted couse ot Hnttanct.paper deYIJ.:...thot planned it all, brouck Rutberford's own de~th. hl8 'aDd III, dpinlf It l;Iow, I CIIIl SIl8 that proph~ II'S concernJog the exUnctlon : ~bod)' caD but a foot,. . of tlle Oorgllln· Trust had not yet been "ft'. . . ~ple l1li c:!e Be. 1 thought fulfilled, In t8Ct:, a very singular aim· f . :reuI." ... ,erp\atne4.- "thllt I coUld ' atton had been created by 1'118 lost f\1III It. "1II1II thing Iiel'e," be 1I81d at lac.'t!'" The two cbJef active ogent8Juper IhIi ....n( ..thought o. too. the phYlllcal brain and body, so to lfilthl.Da~1 We did a1wa)'ll wbat ~ealt, of that great leaal personIt planIled for 111 to de>-In tbe end- bod I gone. But the Tl;Illt Ittlel1 Uved JfIre DOW I . , I , . " on, And It IItlIt held In Its Incorporeal "LUte _ I rm ot ~olDg thli." be grtl.8Jl the yoong ward around whollO ~ed . .til a tonch of aelf-Dlty in jHlI'8On , lt 'had been conetruc.ted. . )118' .o&ce, "riot, ' IIl1M1t I Nor tbl8 WIll bll'llt" ba aald. IIIIllcatlllg Halg CHAPTER XIII fIIIC!e *'~ "!lor .1l1bOd7~'ln' the world. TbI8 1;1 the dotng:-.ibe ' act of tble To lltudentll or large flnanclal affairs tblIC *liar. lOt 111 ell;,.., It'8 i!1g-1t.. It will bo ot more than ordinary 1lItw~ It', pt' 111 ilI;- e udJIlI UB \ est to know-w.hnt bna never been an~~ ...,. dopa Ullctl1 what It want- DOUDCIld 80 'far as yet-tbe IJitlmllte ,~ 94,.' .~ 0J'!fIl~ It tOo. plo~ aDd lUI\! Inside molY ot the eteps leadln, . plamWiir .nerill t1D!ea latel,.... he IItat- up to ' the final demise of that now ed, . "jloltlll&. pllitUUnrl Coming wlde.ly-tamoull creature of the low. the ', aro~~ to ,\tlePf..,.ln my bed- Gorgam Tru8~nDd Incldentnlly of the I'OOm . ~rm It thongl)t 1 WIIS termlnatlon "of Its Jlowet' over the . llIIeepl l " young ·woman with wbom It had been • I • ~t.. he nid. DOW tather boast- · brougbt Inlo slIch n remarkoble nnd · t~~ Iil the manner of n dominating Telotlon. The end actunl"who . , -, . peat 'Bnd terrible Iy callie, It may I!ow be announced t.8cnt ~on, oud, III spite of who -os so often tro legal Intrlcncletl ot tbls or Ipy bear It. ""tb!lre's !!Orne- kInd- by menns ' Qf n compromise. Thiq elM III thl. now. It·s bod U8, 'I'b l' !lrs t Instinct ot the Trust'e word, III..a,... But · DOW I've got It, too I ofter thtlt terrible night, wne to flee. WbeD ~' ..,ae," be med out bold- to get us fur away trom tbls plnce ':::") ,l" "W~ dill; III all 0.~1t Will be unrl ItM In!l uence: -from this grent 10' ,,'ODe 1t..1f1 JD, 6fteen lecond.l. now, tan gllih' power \\' hlch held hCl'-ns posthe Go~;.1'r11It will ·be· dead-dead s ible. Btl l n little reflection showed 118 _ arel" . her h"w hllpnHM lble this would b~. The Btanfonl ~am. I~dlng rigidly Trust woe stili III1\'e, lind she Its \Yurt!. Ilke a IOld~er at atr.ntlon, CDuid see Aad p91'n If sbe could escnpe-wblch .qulte elM,tl" that the end hod come- she pwbllbl y co ul d not do-sho would '\ YUtevft I . . . to be, Tbe end ot the be still In th eyeR of th e Inw Ad€!'Jertvre on 'btl' own sbortcomlngs. the Inlde Ruth prford, Mill nlways IInble mJlftkft"l·: WTlinp and the dillbollcal t.o cllplurc ono! ret urn os 0 legal waru, • lafddnetfOna"Of' tbe Gorgam Truet Wll8 mllnlslly lI·resp"nslble. The more she ' taow .. t Und-'n actIon. And stili the cons idered the sltun tlon', the more she \Iaeert&IDtJ In the monle of the r&o rea li zed tllut she wus MUll the prlsnner I ~olver ,wb1eh ,.be bad hoped nnd of th e Trust, nnd would rcmaln 80 un. '1 \ . .tebed,.f9' . had " ot yet oppeared . til she wos relensell ' by the one pel'"l'Ilere w .. lt"~ DOW bot action I Bon who ('oul rt do th iN, . Bot 11\ J)lat ttm~, ~ uneqlI!Cted h npn 811 11 rCl1Inllled, that one person ~ ~terveli~ 8u!)dlm1,., wJthout who \\'1\8 ubiI' to tree her. like the ~ IntllJ:iatl'!ll Ute. Cb8 body of the young dellveror from the mODSter In .... bebbi'~ ~- ..o~~ ,~ed Itself 0 Greck legend- hound ta8t by bls __ ~ aid ~,uncer- weokne8!l, hl8 "'!Jund, Desperatel, , talal" tIiIit"'Wit.. il' iurprfllB, rapidity, hurt. he WIIS slowly recovl'rlng. ODe , ~ die ball~ 4001'-' from beblnd outside ,~on Dro!>"hl " nnlv follltlY .real· wIIAel ItO! . . . "!II 'WJUapera of v.e o- " '. &De ~ ~u. ~ 'the dog. <', "D .cIi-~ ~ " .. , the . situation .... bMIl b, . . . . tt. , "ltqptl' i .u.c!' ~Ck ,Rllthel'· )'011 1l0W
.. a
cle'I'eJopment. to lii 'COOdl~lon or' ......:__:-1I~If, ",llIIty·toU,\, hpllr8 ,,.IItII~. 14ll~ktn,." , 11 he turned to ~m8el1 to tbes
• MONI!:Y LOANED ·LUU Ullll M ONh:Y 0I111I111 I- ,
tv " CHook , IlIlJ r t ll "IIl"M Juhn l-lurhtfl9. Allen "u
,,1.lI MPOOU "
N JLll~ bO Uld lt BOIIIIIUI( , Xllula
6., .24
Fanners, Attention! @'d rm"rH Of WHrnm .. ",J nnj "IU Il t! o llut1 tJ " lOft Y obllnln Ul\)U I' ,Y v al ·
ullIe 10 ,<118.' trt ~ y. '
lUl'1,,,pr,,, 'uU,
0 1 I!uo uriog t·be .lun" I· VII"')' r~I'~ 01 " bit! ~broOlth 'I'h" F",u", "I L .. no out II compromise." BRuk , 101' ( urli\ler I uto rihtl \filII 0 .. 1l' ' Ill or oddre8>1 M : 'tJ lJlt l1K~, ' Pr6u~ . , 8M of OOll l'lle di d not know tllrl'cl1y. urer . pltou" iHt>-'X , Ltlh.. u o ll , Obl " __ "I guess you Il(on't," h" suill. "You lnooe nt I Do ~' \IU Imnllinc th nt the ,' Gorgom fn1l111), e,'or let thl1'1 ttl' know n 7 Is It custollJury to u(I\'('rtlsc rnlOlly sl;elcton ? Not hulr a (lozeu p",.pl· In tho worhl know It ; nlld thl!Y. ynu mny be surc, nl\\'o,l'8 huve bee n nnd 'wlll be st rung"l)' ~II t." I . "E" en If tl,,'y li re." 8ulll Mury MUll· , .j I .I r ' cl,cster, sttn ol,stlollle. "thnt ",'II! millee n o dltl'et'ence In my plans. rID not FARM uf IC' Q IIcrtl~. g t1 ull Illod _ A(le!nlde Iluthertord, I'm Mury MilD· I::lee Allen' Klble'r. W .. yn".v llltt> '. ; '16 c1Jes ter nnd I won't be Ad elnliJe Rutherford much longer," !lhe said. lIu8b· lng, growing a llttle a,ngry, , ''Thot's It," he snld, smiling. "that'lI ." ju st It, The third point of Clur compromlsel" , "Our compromise?" Bbe echoed alter him. , 'I "Don't you know'" be 8sked, an.d caught her hand- but not yet her ey('tJ. r l • ··U "No," Bhe sold with Bomewhat qne. ~TEO-Marrled m n l,ci work ' tlonnble trutbfulnelll._ by the monl", 011 t"rm ne" ~ "I wont you to b~let us soy-Mrs. HprlDlt V .. lley. Mr~. Aim" Peuew", Gorglliu." he erplalned with his half· R D, II , Sprlog VIlIlIIY, Oblo. 127 ' mock ing but now comparatively serlo J ~•• OUIl smlle. "Will you agr_to my A~RIED ·MAN!' with bell) t'OI comprolDl~Il?" . f rm 150 !lore" OU tbe tblrd!! Be W08 greatl y surprised by hor Wm>E W IIltnn" iue_h" lf ·mile no"b. next action. . Of Benbrook. pbuoe 101...1, t21l I • • " '.I . "No," she suld, springing to her feet. "No," sh e sllld vebemently. "NONY one ,won"n g , S\lfBet Creallll no I 1 WOll't ho,·e It la, I'm MarY .. od CO.LIIK" t 111.,611(1, Villi "oBln h. Mnncb ester. I've IlClvl'r bCC!n Adelaldl' DIH'I81 ph one 24-2. Wayne .vllle 0 :. Ru j:l1erf,?rd, ond 1 \\,on'f-I won't-I fl3 \\,on't I I'm goIng bock to I'll.' declared wll ut I om legn.lJy. "Anotber tblng," IIhe solll, stili , Ing objections. "Is thot money. doesn't belong tp me. It )eloDgs to YO\l, . Why keeD up this fnrce." sho IIs ked, "-this awtul farce of a Tru8t for me, when you know ' Just who 1
• Am erlca'8 War, Woodrow Wilson, earnE'Cl hJa place In history AS a grellt Aull!rlcan. ThetMI pfct11res abow (big pboto) a/l he looked durlng. hl8 seco\J/I term of olIIoe jnlt before 88mDg to Paris to help dictate pee.ee, :So, 1. W.QOClrow WUeon on hili 65th blt·tli,lny, two years atter retiring to prhate life; No. 2, Wllaon back fmrl Porls PeaC9 Confe. ren~hJmselt taklllg the trenty to present to r , ('" n. gress: '0. 3. Woodrow Wllenn', first pllbllc appenrlllll,(! 111 " ' " , •.Iujl\on nfter I 1111\ ~rr!ckcn dowu through overwork tro concluding pence. ~ l'9. , \Vlil!oll Is wIth him.
lJI'R, Woodrow W\l Oil , " 'hlow .... r I be rot'mel' pres Ident, who 10\'lo,,'Y h!ld ' been .hls COl1 stn llt COlllp8ui"n 1111(1 1l11 r "~ sIne' his phr&lca l hr cnk· (luWI} \J" rore the cOlil pletlon of hlR :<CL'ODU " 'I'm or OfllC9, Upper, us phe UPllCIII'L'f ,t hen sire \lecome his secoud wI,.. during bls 1l l'Cl> lclClv~y, ',(lWei', CIC most rec;cut l;tctll l'c ot
---. 4 jDtn8t~nt
1S1! the .8U.8ppn8e
and apprehenalon with whlch the word of the Gorgam Trust heard each momlng tho dall,. news which come trom beblllt2 tile hlgb dllJ'l[ door of tbe Ilck·room Into whlcb YOllng 90rgum bad been talten. For nnturally she wall terrlblr con. cernjld o;ver whn t B!Je had done and CQUBed to be done to other&-taltlDg tbe blame personally to an extent. It leelDl, not believed by other obeenen justified by the actual part IIhe blld taken In the motter at the inv1tRtloa of Ja8per HOiII'. And not unDStumlly II e was more tho,n !lIL CQJ10 -cern over this young man tor wbollO' dangerous condltJon abe felt e8llCClal. Iy r~pon8lble and guilty, All Stanford Gorgam grew grodnal1:1' !Jetter. It WILl a time ot Intenae and more or le88 mlng'led emotlonl to the 1111: Onally after a number of I'llqneettl on bla part, he WIll n1lowed. to lee ber, The bappentrop of tbot illllt eveDIlIg were forbidden to dlacuulon. To MarT Mancheeter't great remorse and shame. the patient, did. bow ever. men. tlon tbe matter of her baving 88vad bill We-1III he saw It. FeelIng It WILl not en, mowing whnt ,be had reali, done to endllnger hie life. thl8 WILl an II!tenIe Itraln upon the 111'1'8 emoUOIlll, ' l!IIpeclally III 8be wal torblddell any dlllcualon, or contradiction ot the
"You've gat to I t mo go now;'" she anld, nrouReII. sccin!; he would never take ber seriou sly. "]'m golog to I,mve bere-stop this rnreI! of pretending to bo whot I am not-go IIwoy. Ami If rve done this wrong," she sold, tor thnt wnll almost her nbsesal oD DOW, "I want to come out ond toko my punishment."
"And do whot, thon?" he asked her IIDIUng. "Go where ?" "I don't know yet.~ "Then bow con you gO?H "I lIholL 1 must.'· sit e lnslsted. "Ob. wbat's the Hlurry?" he nsked her. He refused entirely, , It seemed. to tllke ber seriously. "There you go IIgoln." he snlel. "mittIng my tempernture--opposlog me. You wolt. 1 con't hove you dolllg this-
yet." It W08 II surprise to her, In a ,voy fill very dltrerent from whot sh{J hod expected. She S ltW very clenrly now wbfit must be done by her, She must confess publicly. show who ahe woe, take wh!ltever pu nishmen t there wal tor ber act; end th is TruAI nnd turn the IfMlBt fortune over to It" rightful owner: All th ,·· ",;OF ' Ir~' \\'118 to! 111m 'n er
In a tt~nt
~~nreu .
• I_
ntn'" "I Olougbt," be 811ld with (l tlome100d boulI6 wntJo 1 - '1crt'll 'p t ",hut less certain 8mlle, I'that W1I8 · gronn" lIod o utbulldlnll", In. of Ole tine pnlntJI of my Bcheme, qUlr" ot Aun L. ~mhb, l.j1tle. Olll u, 1 cOlltl'olled tllOt, ' tile Trust. I would lor torm&, fll7 ('ontrOI' all ' thCl money and InCidentally )'011 !" ~ope '10 ,1.,oou .Pr\'HM ' (ltJd h', ~ ",t ' .100Di!Dued 00 oa ... I) ru btl'"'' LUh . • Inqulr ll ~t ,Jur Suo Ellrnhllrt. 1)t\one 12. 1y', Wav. _ ' nMvl/le, 01110, '/ IlI7
A 1
----.. ..----
"Save by buying in Waynesville."
Laorel Betll-er. 'I w .. ' nu~~ ballQ mllqe, ~ I () .. ., t . han.d· UYD.!PIl, l Ye lp, 1I90r.tI'~: old.fub\ uned Ubllin 111,1. Mlylt! ,.New -liome..,t:!eWtnlf ~IIt Jbloe~ 0, E. t:!LlIudltord. ,21 ~!1I"00." d
patient. She now telt on ndded 8enso of I'lltrpODlllbiuty and guilt ot which sbe could not rid herselt, and beanse of which the Idea come to b er, It appears, that It was her duty to otono personally for h er nets In every ' DOlielble woy. And wben sbe was fiolllly, ot the end of n coosldl!.l'llble number of troter,·lews. allowed tbe (IOUlblllty ot treer tulk with ' the p ntlentl IIbe hroke loto n distinct nnd bitter velD of sclt nccusnt!on. The young mon wntcblng her from bls Invnlld's chnlr Interrriph!d flnnlly with R glenm of chn rncte rlstle amusement In his eye. He wos of n hum orous nnd quizz ical temperoment, evidently, " "All this Is pre tty hnrd on me I" he Interj ect Cd with a smile. "Whut?" she asked, s urprIsed n little. "One lIart (,Apecla ny-the Dllrt where I come In. You tilke It rflther .lIghtly.'· "J," sill.' ~tnm m e re d. "tnke It lightly I" For tlont carrn lnly was not tru~. "Whot (\0 you lDefin 1" "Ahout my \l!e helng 8Oved, by some one we might mention In this ro()mnt th e rlRk Of her own." "Yes," she Rnld, her face Ousblng, "atter plonnlng to rob yO\l,1 Aft~r brlnglnS YOII In where ,011 WON til· moet killed!" HDon't tAlk to me Uke that \" he said laughingly. "It'B 'hound to make my temperature rite I" ror ot coane lie WM n ot :vet
on nn\'Ult;
mQre and more d ~ tenll ln ed to get away from her false posltLon-and tro a way, tram hlm, the man whom sbe had conspired to Injure and keep from bls rights. 'Til tell It all to )'OU 10 order," he I8ld, "-my sciH'me to r u compromise, rve bccn \\;orklng on It for 80me llttie t1tne." "Go on, plense." ~be old. .. "In the Ors t plnee." he told her, "I hov\! done lhl s; H WUS ul!cessn ry, yoo Sell,'! he ~lIld. e.-: phtlolng, " thnt some one be, IlllflointpCl to tJl po ltIon of Josper H ulS I\S !l tlv munnger ot the Trust." "Yes," sbe suill, wnltlng, "So I hud myself ullPolnlctl, You don't object?" be nsked her wben sbll did not onswer btlt snt looking at blm. "Whr "01JJect, ~o !" she snld, abould 17 It's nil yours. nnywRY-not . mine. Yet I don't 'IIndershmd It," ,he added lIomewhnt . suspiciously, It IleC!mcd to ber lliat It might be onotlier ' lIcheme ot eV(lslon or deloy on bl.e port..-to keep her from doing what ebe trotended to. "I tbought," be s.old, "Umt peehapi yon might t hrmk me for It I But you Wlll-you'll ulTt.lel'stuntl Jt b i h.r. '1'lu>i1oo
I':. '
quoklng' nod F)il,l!'w . ~r~ GOOD Ille., ,1., 00 !Jllr bl.l. bi\"iL :&
Lee 11:. E.tDb"r~ .. pb ""t.' ';'-1.11
of MIKed Bay for ' InALOT quire of ·E ranll. Hr.lldoo", w"i. I!" II
l\e.vllJe, oluo.
roVE-.LarHe LIlure) I:hlA""r . 10 Ilntl oondl&IQD. ouly ,burQ!!d " '''0 "' winter. WUI 84111 Cbeltp j'r til> ,I lUI ' . I~O . m!ldI&h!ly , D. E, I:lSludllltrll,
RUQaboQ& 80<1y, 101 . .. ,Jltftll" " 60&1.1 puu_lo,.. an\:!. t;blll'. ' Ii .. v". , tlral other ~Mfld p"r~1I ollilal' UHIl'", ' lIoon, abl gOiD" 10 w;:i'''; i·Nt>, . ,u, A,lo' ,R u. 1.. Wayo'6l1vllle. l) , !.UUr
LOl' of Monmooth Olov'.r Heett. J ,. B. r"n~e. pbooe ~ 2, W.Y' lilli, Ollio " " . ,.,,;. '1!,to •• ~
OU.NV-A oblld', rinK. O*De':;' ~D bl&VlI, ."me by cullin" "" , ~. . lj , tJrOtlIl ' rllllidenoe. ,flld ' .' Jer,'e , , 'ow', "oOO·,611e. A- FRr~Il' Inquire 0' S . J . L,·u\.lu ",ood,
W.Y~\l1lv.1I1e~ 9b'fo,
Women O.\aboma ~ tb, exprellhl,1belr eentl./nenll: In the ,lIIbt between Go.... .To I\n4 the State LegIlIMDre. Rboto. abow!I tbe "'&DgIIIIN 01 the d8leaatloQ f!'OlD Bl Reno
.rrlvlnl at tII& eaplwL '
WELL \-lOW ARE. yOU ~&;. W""I.\(.LE.
-rHI!'i£ PI~E " PA'(t; f
81"11 ,,.011 1'''0 LEl,me!liCe' door.
YOU '" '.-..='''' ,
.Ofl •
4 ·
'tin ~"'I"""
EIu ,'
1I'0ro' t)\I.'"U
'-., ' ..,
M, 0'1 a, -(J)lIv31aull , &or.tiua l , · " . ' g~'IOD, .W.YDMvllle, Ohio " . ... r. ' . ,
" "UPP04e ~ OT~eQl;·, . ~~~." ~~p . (;
, '.'
l\1IAM I 1
cr A
1 Ii,
.,' "I' ,y("",'II I ~, P h."
Suu~l! rin v"n P"i ce , $1.50 p(\~ y ear, ' ~ ltl ~ Il ~P-;;'t:l1 tllil~~
Backed by Over Half_& Century_ of Succea in the Treatment 'of Catarrh and Catarrhal Conditions
wr:n N I'.~I IA \'. I' EBRUAUY 1$, 1!)24
-- -
That Little Red School House -_... -.-====
:The. bn~is o~ Amel'j 'u n I~fe i:l the public ~chool. Perhaps no ln ~t ltu t lOn 111 OUI' ('(lUIl! I' Y has inspil'ed mOl'e platitude!!. T~e little l'ed su hoo!h UKO It::s Lean the mainstay of our cart tall orat ors Hlltl pO!lt!cal !JI .. l '!l.'r!lkites {or'generations, l,J nt! IIL'Sti(1 l1;ilJI." Uh' Kd!(lol lies deep in the interest of th e p op lc, yd 'pcI'ul lI l'l." ll ltJ pcol'le show li ttle activity in combntJnA' t he W1 :t!" /Ii iII' (or cU ll d ition~ wh ich und er our system seem til I, · 1,,),1. :11 ." the, merkan child of its inaliena ble ri g ht.- thl.! l' ." il " f l.!qunl ily in ed ucation. Everr \' iiiHge in ('UI' St at t· is always willil1g to appropriate mOllI llS foJ' II I~: ' \\' "" I1(,olhous e. America has the finest school bui ld ing. ill th " wo rld in cons qu ,:mce, but our investment a ppM I'b to I.e nltln .: ill I/I' icks a nd murtar than in brains I1nd unders ll' lHl ill . \\ hen t.he people t lllte a deeper intel'est in our gchoo l curr ic ul Ulll lhf!rI we may look for a sounder, a happier allLl a more pl'Osperous ci tizen hip. Strippeu of fin e ph l'HSt's, ec\ucll tion cnn be summed up RR knowledge, Round education and s ounu knowledge thnt enable one t o meet and cunllu ' r the perplex ities of life. Our boys and girls f rom the fllrms know something of astronomy, but what do they know about freight rates on farm products ? Is there in our schools any opportunity for the pupils to understand t he ground work of distribution'1 Do they JuIOW we m ust--and why we must-put on the market s uch a quality of nat ural a nd manufactured p r oducts as will com m~md the best prices and stimulate wider use by w orth irteRS '! What are th ey taught that will enable them . to vote intell igently on matters of public, social and economic eonwrn '! Arc 'ihey equipped to analyze propo~ed legi~lA tioll that will fll~ tcn on the people unfair compet_lion? .. Like questi nr,s might be asked regarding the teaching of boys and girls who find their lives centered in the indus- trial world. We are Ilwimming in dangerous waters when we rest sati ~fie d with the frills and fancies of "up to date" education in our schor l. . A smattering of botany, biology, hygiene and psychoanalysis found no place in the education nf the men and lVomen who built America. and it should find flO place in the educating of Amel1can boys and girls to-$y. School is work, hard \york. It is the first application of that discipline and self-control 80 necessary to proper development. Butterfly trips' from subject to subject spell confusion· and superficiality that in later years prove a weakness to the nation. . Let us wash the camouflag8"from the walls of the little red sch oolhouse and see what it really looks like to-day, If we do. tb eie~ will soon be a radical reorganization in our 8y:stem of training t he young. . ' Drinking coffee kiils n mon in P ittsburg, drinking whiskey IdBs a ehild in New York, b inkin g willer 1. iII s 0 girl in Texas. Sho dies of typho id.· b tb ro no way of cscllpinsr grnpe juice ? N e,": Y 1'k.
l uck , up yuur heircsses.
Anolher Prince hn.'1 arrived in .
Mrs. Lellin I ·lIs the RuM;flll pc(\ol 0 hun \ ~ "h(lol s a nd hOSl)itn!s In mc rno r)l ()f nr.r husllUn.1. l olhrr 1:1,,11 1\ 110 11\1' , It. H ow long Is It "inc~ Len !1l w as a . l nnSlll·o u~ !ll..-I .lUl? ' " w';.:1 do nlove.
Rev . •J. <..: ' t itzel. I)f S prln glJor l' , Wtl ll r:nuk lnK p u ~to rld Oll ila C\L L y~ ltl Thursdn.r . '
r(,"(to llfl ~
\\'u 0 ' 1 II (1,1(
.1 - - -
Th o
... -
ter Str~n:gth and onger Life in this New Fence Post
- ---
Wlllle W IllI • . 11 111.. Wlll'\'
mOlln'" II r
the p!uy . "Se vootolln " ut WByn eB
Frld~ y
evening .
Mr. DuVoll IlLd fl!.mlly will give drumu pluy at. Lylle IliLU n ex t 't>turdny ovenlng, tb e 16th . eutitled "l' h ~ 8 t llr t of Il Ministe r."
Public Sales
A 111 1'1';0 HU(lI ~ O OIl o uj oYlld the (lIllY
T his is the type of post all man~ have fo r years been trying to produce. butit was gi cn up as impossible. A RED TOP ' ! I en gincer had to discover a new principle in .. 1,- ~ mlling steel before he could make ~ ~~tu dded Tee. But don't get the idea ~ ,!,..o\ it's an expensive post '1\::~ i'JIlf This n ew RED TOP costs less than the !l~~'~ better grade of wood posts and lasts twiee : ~ . ' as long. It actually costs considerably tess' . ' ,"/ ,, " set in the fe~ce line. It's the greatest value ..,; ;.:: evcr offered III a fence post. ' I
I I mllo~ ~(J\l th of
"Th e a OIlJ t,,, til ... ; It~· ." giv ll n by '1hurs fa), f-cbruary I I.. 1924 th o t:: J.lrio ~ l, o r o I.irungt' Ill· L y t ltl Hl1 ninoin u; n.t to 1I'\'I "C k ,;J 1Ior"eH. hull tl"t ordny e ;eu lng. JIl u~lo WIlM n Ol1 (lla lu" I,~ I W lt 41 (,,!tt l {:J . 55 he tld fU l'l1ldhl'd lIy th e io'ry e Bros . h og " , f" r mi ll>( I mph 'lI1 1'lI\<', h .. rne~!l, UllinLl l:irllo k. of Indhln8!J 1J1f ~ , nt,· I nfl,1 I1 l1d l HJu~ " h,,"1 goods I'im' lJlg ~~ L AH I~ . teorllltl I· h .~ ruooml of hl ~ g ru otl. b" I ~. F. '[' . IIltol' ti n. AuN lllolhfIT . hlr,. Busu n C/lst ro. in V .,y. t O ll. J!"rodllY, nnd s prnt Ith e w Oflk ontl bero With Dr nnd .drs L U Br oo ll 1 will . ,·!I ut, ]luhllo Hlll n O il t h o
Tht> LllcHes Aitl b e "} th e ir F,IlI ' r1lllry m ee tin g III th" Il J Ul Il of Mr!4 . Ollire noe :Smith un IVedoeHdlw . Qt1lte a number we re pre~e ot und'" vury enjoYllble afternoon Wtl S SlllHlt II"" """ 111'1'" U III" IIIIIIIIII! Mrs. SU"BU IJtl8to, 111'1 e Sl eem ed former Lytle r ru;ldent" died . Wed . ol'sd&y at \he home of h or dtlu~ht e r Mrs .J o hn Feo ~ termllker, 10 Daylo n . oge d 84 y ear8. OJ•. lind Mrs. L. G . Brook attended tho fou e r u l held ut lhe re ~ lden06 IfirldllY t>her DOou Inter went WOE! DltlQe In WoodlaDd oemetery .
Ii HeldinTrust I W
I r.=
1I1f~1I~1II1f!!11I~1I~11I~1I~1II!t'11!!'1I!'t1ll!'t,!'tllllt'!'It'!IIt'!IIt'!IIt'!IIt'!IIt'!II~II!!'II~I~1I MetrapoUtan N _ SenIce
D. W :-'urfo('" fnrUl, (lor Will, o n
Cost Less in Fence Lasts Longer
I:lnv IIlIl"r1eoid Ed to qu it farmi ng W ill "ITe r "t ]lubli u ... nnl.llll! m y Mr, ~nd Mrs . •ToMoph G Ttl dti i 11 nl] _too l, " fl U 1111111t! flIIlOt H, h' otltoli "ho o t littl n tln ug l l.e r. N "f UlIl , o f Du y t il tl . ·1 III l1 c~ snnth o r B, .1i u r (\uk . II hour. Ii :->touk" l" . l 'II Tllt' r , on l.y l lllllud t llll r Ol\U , I III •
ERE is a new and better steel feaEe post- the RED TOP Double St:renath Studd d Tee. No holes to weaken post eit6er above or below the ground-proved stronger than all other posts at all points by severest tests. Fine new finish and sturdier anchor plate. New staple that is stronger aDd easier to apply, -
-- ---- -
wore week-fi nd gu o~ t 6 Il't I.h u h omo 1II11 ('~ .'. ~~ IIf \ 'ont r VIII" . N I . t}!' !fr," IIp,l X rn l l ., of Mr . II lid Mr~ . W,I l ttlr K enri t'k.
1I'II1 1s
lfI8r(\\' er~d Ihn l hr r ~ "n 1,,"1 ~~Il p" r· Mr. nnd Mrs . C . A, Th ompson n~ e m""n/! hi s 1'1111 tn ~ I ",,·, · h lo, ~ ' l'd Rl nce the ('old ~p ,, " bp C"Hn . In "1".\ ".. t,) ~n \'e now enj oying the 8un'n y Sonth, Ilt ber prlllr she mild " hl lll '·' plt' l r. (,' lhe Leesburg, 1<" 11\, i\rUAI!:I ~t wh ot t l,u (I"I1',1I' r (I' o l1ld h e Quite u nUfllb er from hore s tt.w used for.
Beber S mi l b. of Day t on, w ,, ~ ,. Bondt>y g ue&t o r h ome folkf! .
-, _... _----- - - -,-=-== ::..---.::.::"':"~- -.--
(J(·( ·l lfl l~Uon,
wh ~1 hflr II" ('r "hO!' IN eogn <o"d .tl i Ihl' I ll"", -III hu~ l nl'g~ , WilT or nl(,i l~lIr ~.
Visitor Thursd y . , {lIII(, nf III "I)III llI8" now bllln;: ""r IO MlsBee Kathry n nnil MildI' ti \"lil1i.: hlll'I' IlIlIk ,' Il r t!al SI'o lchnllln ",.. nil'I II hlN h(\yh, ..KI srudy of c1un 1I1AI!;" I" ep,eo t, ~aturd a . i ll OilY ton .
F cJiH, r a.lIl! t'ulJll I,er. WaYI1C5" ille, O hio
. "HCS~ S. (' ",'T ION
,\'\'urt 'r ~
Mrs. Lelia Smith WII.8 ~ 'DIl
ocoull '10 .. "A,I a1tlL~.r ~
l.an;jUlge Of PI_Ids. , In SCflti un' l pln ltls /lre wl,m for purpost'fj ot hll1ntlfl r nll nn, ~1f.'1) l rrlllg ),Is\.
r:",oro,1 ..t ~ I,u Ijn'~II BI
1: . I ..
----- -.
..•. T H E
-I I
-: ' T he Studded Tee is equally good and~~ economical for repairing old fences or new ones. . , Come in and see this new RED TOP. You malt see it and handle it to appreciate bow goocI .. post it really is. "'
mil o eust of
Saturday, Februury 16. 1924, ' BSjlin n lU K!l t J o'ol roo k , t b o folln"'" Ill!;:: :! bu r ~o~ , [ .. rrnin L! ILupleruenty le..d untl ~omll b ouH lIl1 lllll goocls .
CB At;. G RAY . W . N. 8ears, A ucl
~:~ R~~ANTOp
Bovlng dooided t o quit- f n. rmlng, I o f H"rveY RlJ ur g on the New l3urllo gl,on pike. o n
n o rth enM~
Steel Fence Poste:
Monday, February 18, 1924,
We have a ~ stock 01 RED TOPS hand and am take care 01 your need. without _~eIDy.
BeglDning 1Iot 10 0 '010011:. OODsisUng of 10 horsllB, 8 ollUle, 20 sheep, 25 8tOOll: hog~, feed, fnming Implt'ments, ulun e~s, mlscellaDeo us ond bouseh oll1 goode , , 8 . W . SBIDAKER. t:'tsDley " Laoy, Au o~s .
Mr. &nd Mrs. Robert IBtump were Ba vlog doo iCted to move to towD, oll.l\ers at W. P . MoCarren's SundBY I will offe r nt publlo Hal e ILt my Mrs. M"rle; Evaua speDt Beverol horne OD t h e Alloe Cbenowet h furm. days In Jndlt>nB last w eek visiting 2 miles no rth o f Waynef!vllle, BDd 1 mile sou tb of Wllyn es vlIle BDd 1 relotlves. mile outh uf Fer/'Y, ou tua Cheno. MI88 Lida Kennedy, of Darton, weth rand , on apont the week. end with her por. Wednesday, February W, 1924, ents here Beginnin g 'It 10 o'olook. tb e foll l;l w Mra. EvaliDe Shuma,k er hua r eo In~ : ., b orscs. 5 ol1tt.le, 10 h ogs. turned to Port William otter,. few foed, fu.rm iog Impleme uts aDd 101 n( houseb old g oda days hera. CARt. SHERWOOD. Motte Ollne. who hRII been oon. W. N . 8el>r8, Auot e Oned &0 tbe house with wumps, hUf returned to hl8 work. .A8 I bov e beeD r e ntin g the farms l'he ludl,' s of the Ulvl,o loagne will on t h e tblr ds. hll V II renled ' It 00 the furol8h Inuoh at Barry Sbldtlker'/! h DI ves a nd h ave no wore use f or my obattels, 1 wUl offer at publlo ouo· 8Ble, Mood~y , Fobrnar~; 18. !.Ion OD t h e Elbon farm 80uth of tllrtl m Poore hllB mOVf' rt t il his W"ynBSvill e, lit edge of town, on prOp l!fty on Ell- ' Main 8tre, I. Wa Thursday, February 21, 1924, weloome I hem to our toWl' BeGlouln~ at 10 o'olpok, the followA L. Kennedy .. Dd s o n. J. lin, and ing: I·! llot:flls lind mule~ , 18 Ollt~ Burry 80wII stt.w Tom Mix ,,' tbe &1(1. 12,1 hogs. 8 sbeep, barne@8 , ftt.rm ImpleDlcuM, trllotor, fe ed and mls Columbia 10 Dayton, Sunday. oeIlIlDeou.... See hlg bill". Cb08. 8hldllker . of XenlB, aud D. R ~ALl 8 BURY. Glen WeIkert, Allot. Rioliard Davis ate Sunday dloner wHh Mr. Ilod Mr8 Frank Sbldaker The entertainer. Mr, Abbott, ol1me Buv,ln g iI old",l ~o qalt furlDlng, I ,,8 "n ext,ra Dumber on tbe lecture will s e ll PI lJU .11(' luotl on .. t my reil. oourse, I\nd WU8 oert"' n ly en j oyed tl1 ono" " ' , ! , V,~yn eA vill e Ilnd tho ti prin . 'J ~ ,IIt>, QuE> mil west of by B II W8 VOI'~ . ll lt! tl nd two UlIIlls eas t of l!;ugew oocl , ou W . P MoO ~rron aDd C ly d e L e v loy Tu ~sd ay, February 26. i924 AllAnt It 0 '"pIe of dny!! this w lle l<"i D Beg lrmh. gilt 10 O'OI 'IOk, t,h t) to llnw Uln ()in u ~ !i , tlttendtng the outowo In t< : (10 " l lO \' ~'I . U ollttlu 100 pore. bilu ~ h ' W bre rl Leghorn 11011 t ", furmlng :Im. ~ Ir . tln d .Ira. Frun~1 Survey, of pl ellll)048, f" (j,1 " nd hl\r oP"~ 'GARL B. FRYE . Lc b'lu ltn, Mr "nd Mrs E:lnrlilo Oor· • W. N ., ','nrs , .\oct, VIlY, Mu, Lon I::IlIrlllb lind Mra Hurry S bldakllr w ere v lslt,jlll{ thoir B u.vl1,~ (I ~OId l\,1 '0 (IUlt rHrmlng 1D 0lb ll r, Mrs CllILrlty 8(1rlll n, one l Will dlJ"I' lit· pnbli o ri~ltl ilL my r Oil. duy In B ~ w/.ok . id enoA, l m i lo
John P enso, Aoot .
OHIO !t .
k ..
'Iorld's Wool Prod uction. " world's lotll l lInnllo l wool .. 0 WOB dlvlde, l C'1l1 . .. Jy umong Illh a bltants on ca rth , euch one "tt uld get one olld (ollr·61th.
"Save b7 bu7fDe In w.~"
DB. H.E. BA.TRA.W'.-Y :~ '
"COLD IN THE HEAD" Is' nn ncute nttock of Nlllnl Cnmrrb. T hoso su bject LO freQu enL " colds" nre goncrn.lly tn n. Ifr un down" condition.
HALVS CATARRH MEDIC tNE I. a TrenLm ont consIsting of Il" Ointment, to bo used locnlly, nnd a TonIc, whiCh acta Qui ckly through the Blood on the MuCOU8 SurfaCe., buildIng up tbe System. and making you leu liable to ..cotd.... Bold by druggists for over 40 Year.. J. Chen~y .. Co.• Toledo. O.
And X-<>-ORAPHIST ~,' WaynesYDIe
TelephODe 11,
L.M.HENDERSON Waynesville,
For~t T. Mar~ I ; .~
Auctlon ••r
• I
National Bank
Dr. John W. Miller Dentist
Get my tel'lDl for ,... . ;1 Public Sale. I satisfy and lave jeMI.· money or DO cbarpI.
Box 91, C0IIeruUJ., oAi~ ,
Home Phone 2, c.atenlBe~
Wayn esville NatIonal Bank Bldg
ter McClure
of Boll lJrnuk,4Rev. A. E . l:\uot.ln g ttll1 left M · n· Dl 1\ \l~ OilS I· II f Cunte rvl'lo on Bol l il a y lll o rlHllg fOI ln d in n·". wl, cre be brool; 1I 11d A lex nd ll rs vlll e lllko, 00 will atteDd a. o" nv ention Mr8 Tuesday, ~\a rch -t, 1924, Buntln g t on will vi.it r e lllliv s In B og lnnln g lit 10 o 'clook. th e fo ll ow. Flnd illy . Mr. Sol \]h ,I/,oellor wlJl Irlg; 4 lHI. d llor8e~ , 10 haud onUle, 011 the polplt 111 hl l! Ilb l!ence, Febru furmlO t\ Imlllefllents, feed Bnd . lot uf b (; u ~ h o ld I<fond~ . ary. 24 .. nd M.. rob 9. . E. O. MAXWELL,
·Double Stren*th Stu",ded Tee
will !I~II Ilt m y r e~i" net' :l WilS8
ay nesvllle, Ohio
Fu lly E qu ipped for yood Service. }"argc Display Room TELEP HONE 7
At Cary'S Jewelry ... Lebanon, 'Ohio "
Every Tuesday 8:00 •• m. to 'P~
HAVE YOUR ,EYES WIllED :'. :1. -If
MONEY MONEY MONEY Something w:e all need and something we all use, today, tomorrow and next year. See to it, then, that your dis- . .carded tQols and other things you have ' , , no use fQr are put on thE _-in~rkef .for some one h~v~~n, d use·· a~d. yo, ' ~~t.~'.~"i" .",tr: get the money for ~hem. . .
.else ,to
For bea~ ' l'MIlita. try
The Miami
Waynesnne, OhIO.
. 1\ .
m. Preach·
n xl Slln day III rn ill ~ lit 1100 In. m. IIlld"i ,30 \I m, b Hl! v. L Wi~gil1H, I)f Col umb us. EVElr) body
• ..0.--
- _ .?'"'_-
conlially inYil.eJ t o these
WO~Y ABOUT CANS OR CAN EXPENSE Mrs. Helen West, motl",r " f a WeJ~rautee everr Tri ~tate patron against loss or damage to his . ull ughter, 14, and w i(e "f r'.cv. Jam es S . Wcst, n Baptist JI!, l~ r c,resm ~s l D trausit, We give a Coupou Bund with each shipmf'nt , I o f San Fran cisco, h as left I". us · .5 of .hi~, are r~ee~able for Q new can, so every Tn State patron call • i,.."d ~ , ) ~ hc may sing on \ 1", ... un ~~~ 'old cans With new ones long before they are worn out, if C('r~ Mnge lind will no iunl: d have
" Trial ~.~ irect IS profitable, I or 30 daYB.
prcm ~. 'l'b~.r \\'on Ih~ men. th .. nt1'nlr~ or th~ hUIIl!' nnd Ih
ron rro(
and easy. We gladly furnish
trnn slII lt (lrop(' rty. nntl lell" " ' he IlIcn 1 IIII Itl or no l h(ll~ to dO). Th " , "s nit III. Free snrF un eml",'nl sel,'nll ' l ",I>, hns I,n . v".tI ;:n lO',1 the r l1(·('. • hnt th (" nre the uglipst W OIII('n on "lIr.h. .
sen 'lcc,
And Farm Machinery
_--- _0- --
sO> much Ill'o~.le will thlnle ,'I'U have marrIed n dWIllrf. H
more Ford cars and trucks were produced Jast year than th e previous - year,, an increase . o f ov-e r 50 per cent.
EIO(ltrlcity Oat ...
EVt!ry yetU' tb e
.In ep1U! of this tft!lllendoua increase in production, it was lmpo.ible to'·meet delivery requiremen t during the spring
filruili P8 III homea
,",here electrtcl ty Is used Rpt'l1d $71!,· 000.000 for electri c C llrr~nt. I.'Y ltMlt
and tIWDIIlef months wher. 'orden for 350,000 Ford Cars , and Trucb could Dot be filled.
!hllt looks nlmost os Iml' lJs lD~ all the O!xpen tl ltures f'Dr tJ,e (nmolls Ihl"!4! 0'1 ~'Ilnrcctlone fy, clguretlcs un" co. metles. Yet It nverages on'" four cel)ts n day for each person who QIetI
\fbla J'!IU:
winter .btiying (or imi:nediate dclivt'ry has been more active than ever belore-and in addition 200,000 orden ¥ve ~dy been booked through the Ford Weekly
- --- -_.---
, Tbeee- filets clearly indicate that the demand during ~hi9 Bpriil& and lummer will be far greater than ever, and that ~ .bould be placed immediately with Ford Dealers us a.meanI of protection against delay in securing your Ford ,~or TNCk or Fordaon Tfactor.
E I~ n'l e nt a l
Dlcke nll of a Sit uatlon .
---_...--D'ir,.,., _
£yeniDIJ. 30e:, and SOc:.
FUNERAL DESIGNS At R"aaonabl. Pri.,..
All Good Houlewinl UI. SOUDERS'
A Pure Extract for flavors. Icc Cream, Puddinis, Caket·and Can diet. MAKE THE FOOD MORE DELICIOUS-USE SOUDERS' ASK YOUR GROCER
Surpl~s $800,000.00
O".r 30,000 Accounts Co...ar .al" and Second .treote
" _D8Yto.. OllIe
, LARGEST ARMY GOODS ~TORE In The MIDDLE- WEST. Army Goodl and Men'. Fw:ni1bing. At 1'0 to 201j6 Sa.inla A R 'M y . S T () R E .1 7 West. Fifth Street
BIBLES, " 80 0 K S And Co~plete Line. of
pnce. Are · The Very' LoWMt FdtIa.& .....
DAmN. 0.
• - •
Notice of Appointm~nt
w, B. DLDwlddle, deceued. NoUce .. boreb,. .s ..... Iha, Arabel Dill· ..!!.dle b.. lIMo dlil , '" afPl'IDt.ed ",,01 qual1lI... .. AdIllLDlamm& 0 ,be ee_ or w ' :~~dl., laloe Warren OoUD~,.. Ohio: Dated 'hla Ulh dall' o. January, In., w. Z, BOLL. Ia Jud. . 01 tbe Probac. Ooan, Warrell OOUIl'>', Ohio. ' EIMte or
Pretzing,er'. QuaUtyCUT RA TIE DRUG ITO_ ,33 E.u/I nw s - "
John Davey,'s o ·r ganizati.Q n, • TheDaveY,T~eeExpertC9mpany; ~nc., has a hml~e~ numb~rof o~ mgs for a~bltlotis young. men b~tween 20 and 30 years of age. Single men are preferred: These posinons are perm~e~~ , and, offer a .lifetime 0pl!.ortuni ty ~ to men who m!1ke good, Tqe bust- ..n ess·.of the Daver. ~oDlpariy ,ap."" prOXlmates one lmlhon dolla per yearandislimitedonlybythenuniber _0'£ capable men who can ' be train~ '. for responsible po~~tions, ' . ' , Only the finest types of clean, N<;> '~xperienc~ j~ Tree Surgery is ~ed-bloodt;d. young Americans are ~.eq.U1.red. We ,furrush tJie necessary' . ~ployed by the Davey" organiza;. I tramlOg tQ the right kind of young . tl~~ and oply youn~ men of this ,' men. T~is ~aininlJ is very thorough, . _ki.n. ·need ~pply. f\ high school eduembracmg mtenslve wcirk , both i cation O~~ lts eqwvalent is desired_ the .field and later in the class' room. We also require fully satisfactory . ~ r~~eI'ences a~ ~o honesty, dependa• Tree ~urgery is. int~nselfi~~er,estbtllty and wllhngness to work. / m~. ~t IS profe~lonaJ Work QfJiigli . ' , sta,l'1~mg .a,n d. dign~ty, 'and, dev!flopS ' ail. ~tiPOD for' .I"'taiIs \ a 'fine ,sclentdie knowledge that is • ~~ invaluable. / . .:,.' " . Only . lim~ted number'"f gOod men can' be .1 .' .••.,~ ..,,,.. , . It offers robust health -outdoor qaccal°~r'~(ilted eachlyearkj! IffG.uI~k ~ " u J'T ;: I YQU are 00 nll'" foi<'~-hl ' · th f: h . ' -d " ' Ii' . w?rk I~ e res apr an 8~~S u~e, outdoor work With a real"'cIWIc:e-";-~ yllth p'roperly b~~ce4· exerelse. .It v&nc:em~t";'inril1 betG benefit toaCt ' Is·the l(iealprof~S8ion.J~r·die young ", 'Promptly, 'M.u the'cOu~Ulwith ~ mtha~ who wants ' to:get a\JaY' fro~ ' .ft4ineandaddml,.ndwe~~d~ &U ," e grind ~nd nibnotopY~ Qt in~,oot wormaboa togCtbCr with Ii qu.'~· . work, It 18, .. , .an4erful pfaY~lcal bl~. ' : . ~ (~.'de.veJoper.. '.. . . ' :rhe pay ·is ~ ' at dte 'stut 'M d , the opportunity (or·advancement is . unu~Ulil. TheJ'!l i'a pl~t1 cif rOOm at .t~e top for RoOd men. Work .withi -~ D~vey COmpanr. oWen IlQ uncharite tD travel ~ lIWly M ,
Remedy and Elltrut COIIIpuQI Dayton, Ohio •
. Resources $15,000,000.00
rr.. o. ADd_D, A~~ OoUII~,.••?~
Perm'anent positio~1 fe:-- good men '
B. 'F. Keith's
o.W. Z. RO L,
Judp of &be Probate Court
of Davey Tr" $ar,.,.,
Quite a Opt ImIsts !/li k oil,,"t whot tbfll' Ilr\' goIng to do; nes"lllIl. ts about ' what oUlers " rij nOI going 10.
Eutire change of I how every Monda,. and Thunda,. COiltinuOU. Perfo... mancel from 1:30 to 11 :30 P. M. Afternoon Pricea 20e and 3Oc.
'Ii. __
lor. the fascinating /It'o/imOll
IIUTlpres8 11 cough, he mIsses MIme " the lecture oml It he doeeo't IItrUlll.1e. somebody else mIsses It.
6 Big Vaudeville Acta and Feahire Photoplay.,
Eetac. of l oba A. Funk.,., d_ 1 Nlalce .. bllNbll' .sftll ~b.~ Joha O. Oart· wflah' b .. lIMn dul,. appolat.ed and quaUfied . . A4mJu1a&ralor 01 ate 01 JWui A ~=~, la", of 'Y- Oount,.. Oblo, d e: Da4ed &hw 28'h dQ' J""U&r7t. IUC •
.Young' men wanted'
... At n l ectl1 l·e. It one Is IItruggllng te
1-1 IN
Notic:e of
Watch your expiration date
E lementlll spi rits were beings who, accorllll1 g to popu lll r bellet In tbe Mldil1e O lle~ . presillcd (/"er the four el e ments, Ih -Ing In nnd ruling them. The clenl!!ntnl spirits of .fire were rolled anlnruimliers, those of water, undloes ; th ose ot olr, 6ylpbs, ood tboee of earth, gnom es,
. . . . . . M.,••••• Autbo.lze. W••• D ••I ••
alrcle Tl'avel Far. NIDetee. IpeCleti of shorl'blrda breed ,,-'1 h of tbe Aretle r lrcle, every ooe WhIch · wintel'll In Sou th AlIIerlca.
The funeral of Winston Rieke, who died at Leban on last We dnesd ay !!!!!!!!'!!~!!'!"!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!"!"1 wu held Saturday afternoon, the .• Kev, p, D, Bolt. officiating, Interment In Mlnml cemetery.
"lectrJc lty.
PLiD for spring delivery.
The Roy.a l
Buckeye Incubators and Brooders Oliver Sulky Plows Oliver Hand Plows Oliver Disc Harrows Hand Made Harness
----_ ..---
Unrler the custody of Sheriff Brant. Elam GrayI wu taken to Col.La. AI,ron et,lnllt. A ",omno who fn!quentll' ..,,..,t·O'CIt um bus ...... mom ng to ae"e a term to !PeDe! the day with f riends h, !I beeD in the State penltentary of 1 to 16 accompu nled by her s lx·year-<ftli IIOIL years He was charged with bavln~ ODe evenIng 00 returnIng h OI!l~ vel'J broken In Smith's mat sbop lOme much bored wl!t b the <loy's cxpfl''\e'lCllS, time ago and aentenced by the Com. th e boy remarked: " Moth er. l( 10U don't stop takLng me nrou nd ", lUI 100 mOb PI•• Court of thil county.
Years. D rop in and
We th e f ,lIowing farm oWl1e r ~ positivel v {orui(1 nny hunting O r trap ping un uur farms. Any viola Lion of Lh e Slime will be prosecuted according to Illw Ilnd lo thu full e51 extent. Ell Furnas.
about prac tical Lubrication in Thirty Minutes than others have done in Thirty look it over.
Th" Old S~v'n nah, The SllI'nnnnh \\'IIS the fl.· t Ah' nml:.r to cross the Atlnntlr. On !lIllY 24, l 810, IIIH! Il'ft SII\'u onnh for Llvl!rpool , whIch port "'liS r enched In 27 dllYs; 80 bours of whIch time she WIIS operntcd by stenm power. Th e ve scI WIIS first conslru t ed ns II 'ulllng packet. bUI an 0 n ~ IllIiry , en~1 no n ud boiler wltl podd le- wh l'ills "fer ' fltted before 8h.
8~:: Sh~::::::: J. ",JlWliilliliW~l/ijiWiH
Z 3rl> Women Woo M en.
Th o Z IIro wOI1l~ n lit (n ol la OTe lin-
. '.
Showing how Oil may be adjusted .to the mot or bv ,~ using The Great Balso System and the Balso [
Th dramatic recital by Mr Chas. F, Ondt1 rhill. of N. Y. wil,. be hel" at th e Grade School building, Wed ·. ne8d ~y Februllry 20. The Library B oard hns req ueste,j Mr. Underhill to present Rip Van Winkl , the pltty in which Joe J effer· son made himself famous . This ' play will interest the children for most of them have recently studied it in school. This performance will undoubt· edly be one of the best ever given in Waynesville and. each one should take ad vantage of thiB opportunity to hear a high daBs artist. Remember the date, Wedneaday, ~ebruary :!O. at 8 P. M, Admlllllion 20c Ilnd 35c No reserved Beats,
. h H Jg er if market advances
ST, MARY'S CHURCH Septua'gesima Sunday. February 17, Chu!.:h Schoo l at 9:30. Morning Prbyer ami serm on, Everybody ca l Jial 'y inv i,te(i to these ser:vices.
t ... "sn"" k out" to dances .
METHODIST CH URCH ~abbat h SdlOOl, !'l; 15 h . m. pr<.' achinK III 10:301\ · 01 . WeUn e~dllY even· ing service, .7:00 p. m. Epworth Lf'IlIlUe G: 15 p . Ill .; pl'eRching at 7:OC p m. Everybody is cordi"lIy invi ted 10 th ese se rvice. Rev_ I . A. Washburn, PaBtor,
0,000 Cream Producers . Largest Creamery in this Half the United States
~erv ices
Per ry
INTERESTING RECITAL Have You Seen ·BE ·GlVEN Oair Demonstration?
.FERRY 'CJ1UR H lJihJe Schof,1 !.l:~10
of·this·~rrytt:th~ile~art ... ;aI~I"h'" the cam.,., pl.
_ _ _ " - __
_______ •
.,.,~-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~_~~._~~.~._~.~_~._~,~_;.~~~~~~::::::::~:: ~:::__
~..:..'"'!'. ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~' ....~~~--.':':-~~~~~
Mr~'-' R"y
Wbole Number 5582 .
MllcBeth wa"ln
Mr. and Mrs , Burton EarnbllJt There will not. be any R'llrn eB e n tenained at dinner Sunday. Mr. play eri at the ~.v mll asi um thi~ week . and Mrs Ka rl Babb. of Xenia. anl\ becall~e O f th e Farmer' s InRlitule Mr. a nd Mrs . Harold Earnhart . . he ld he r'! I.In Frid ay and Sattlrd ay. ....
Th e W" ml\ n'tj Auxiliary or St. I'I1 llr,v 's I,~hill'c h W !\.'1 entll rtainerl all Fl'idJ\\' "ftt<rnllnn l<'ebruary 15 . by WII, '" \\Il1l1lillg Farm WIIIlOII~ . ~ee Mrs , j, W Ed " 'u rdll an d Mrll. Ron· C ro~" t:h "w. a id Haw ke a t Ihe home of MrR. ,, ' fo'ridllY ,
~ i.~ 01"11 I)lI v i,j ~ vi~ilur:-;IJI" III}.
-----_.- ----
Wil li
This is th e Li{€ wcelt for the ha~ ket lmill ea ms ill 'hi ~ counly . The coullty to urnan lt'll!. will b!' hel d at Franklin lin F,.jrlu,l' !tnrl ~ lItllrti ay with WllY l\e~vi:It, Let., nO li . Frallk ·
XI" ilt Th ., met-UIIIl WD~ oJllmerl by MrR. , ....... ~ 1',,,i wllli lldpr rtludiltl! Psalm 46,
. ,.I
hlch wu,.. ru llow~cJ by lhll devotion: ~tlrvice SCrlp l,ural. Quotattons giv<!11 i" reHp(II1He to roll c>t11 Aft.!/, t he l,Iu Mi1ltlSN for the day. had C r/l~!< Rros , have II fille line of new bee n disposf'd of th e following pro· Pum ps ~t reiuon llb~ e urice~; gram WliS reml, red. "A MeSS81(t' fro m St. Andrtlw'a" Mr. and MrA d, C. H/lwke viRited Mrs Thumas, " What jsa Clfy Mfsrei_Uvea in Pleasant Plain'.' Friday, sid. '. Mrl', . Courtl 'ey,. '.'R,ound the IV
. • I ,hl\~ BU t'1i wn~ In (;ln Ctnfl!tti ~I'I. a l rillY UI' bu:!ille8M .
Iii "
> , Wu~ ld wilh ·M bs Lindley. Mrs. Geo. , BrinR your old Pumps .t~ CroEs llartfiock . "State ment of Bishop 8ros: . when they II~~ repairing. Gail!l'r." . ~hs . Sorah Zimmerman. "Low'er Pocuaan · Mission :" ,Mrs. J, -Mr _nd Mrs. ~oward Archdes- E. McClure.. ,,' , can welr ~J l?a, y, ton visitors Sat~rd!lY. • After , a djournment a pleasant .
. y Rocial hour \\las Silent during Mias Henrietta MaRI.nge . opent delihi\iu8 rl''freshments were served the week·end with relatlVealll Day. hy, t he h,?s\esses assisted b.I', Mrs, J, ton, E . 'McClure lind li llie Miss Mary Myer Hyman IInrl family are in Leah I!:d wa rd"" Mrs Cora Macy Cincinnati Jhls week visiting re la. an d thl' lilt le J'?,lks Paul Zlml'nerman ~nrl Frank Hawke were p~esent t lves., 8lt \li Bitors . ...._-. ~ Mrs'. Grace Smit h was ill .Cincin. nati early this week. luoking tiUer milliner,,' Htoc;k .
Mr , aml, Mrs. Ruy Mills aod Mary Caskt-y ~er.e LelianolJ vlBlLore Saturday afternoon . •
Walter EI,zey an~ II,., L. A. Zimmerman were Xenia "llItera !a8t It',r lday.
lIr. 'and
Utl"ti lt'in,
~I(lrr " \\' ,
----~ ' ,r ' ~ ·--··~----
Laurance Thomas and f~miJl. of Route 1, left Tuesday . for Deer Lodge. Tenn .. wh ~ re t hey will m~ke -r')lC b.OYS ~amp was more c l us~ l y t heir future home. Mr. ThomA8 '() olJtellted and 'ne ither side wqs sur e has not been well fot' the past 'year. of vic~o.ry , un til the final whistle. and hiB many frienda hope -tb" At the eDd of the first ha lf Waynescha~' 8'e will effect a permana~t ville le\l , 11 to 4, In th e second ------••~__ 4.~-'~·. f rame Burton was taken from the
I •
Of.,:,DIPHTHERIA ,.... - .. '
11 .
Mariy HiJ::'h Sl'tll ,(l'1 foll ( . \\'\: r ~ j" ur 'eYl'd 10 \'rank lill I'·rid ., y mgh!. 10 . "w Wa .' 1;JC!svill" flhr b dl'fl'atE'ti in , h., tW(\ Itam"" · ,f .../ ,tl Tbl! ~irl" , ~t (k '~iv dy IJ , I ;, "rio) l.r Iq t il !) 'II l I'. ! ,l!l'If.1 nC l . f, f )" (" ' 1.1 11 1< 110 A' lrl ~, "(;'1: t!ll.'rll ,I ,\ ,,:"l... \' ct.l1t1y lI~ W I~ , 1' 1,j ·, ' ! d In th e seor.' .
M !;s(
'p rinl(h'll'ol II nri K in~5 ~lil l s .. III t· r",,, , rWO uf t h'},a' I \ !H m ~ IIIt! re "I ,'r r <l in t h l! T ri ' Liltl! IIlur'flU !lent ul CII. in. 111 i 1 11~t II' N·lt ' Ilid Vol \ 'C' .. ,r,(l\ld Ic\:ou nt OlE th, mHel vL'a, TiresI.' teunlS ' Y('r~ LL' '' ~ II , )t1 ulld [\lll':1UII . \ 'ay . le"v ilitl is wor'kin r.( IIa,d with tl e lo'ut'namulIl ill vif·\\' .
Wenre indebt-ed ' t o , W . H , Allen' lind fam ily for Pasadena. Ca!., pa• I f perR, concerning the consecration a the Rev, Charles S, Reifsnlder. w.hp was elevated to the positlon of ,$I1~ fragRn I$ishop of North Tokla, to assist the yenerable Biehop ~cKlm, of Tokio . ' •I The Alie ns are enjoyint th'!!ir wip Let slay in California .
Stran"gI,ed ' BI~v
ICY WEAJHEH ." " --..:...1..------1,' "K;EEPS rLO[ODlE HOM"E'~~::e~:~:~~fo~iP~~~~:I:1 ~Oa~l fJSha:t~' CHAHGED .WITH' ' f. ' :, . t'ered Waynesville seemed 'helpl'C88 ' ' 'wilhout his services g uard a,nd DISPENSING LI'~OH \ . " . ' ',....... _•• " '~Saturday aftl!rnoon the wealhe:r' lle E'J'ankli n boys won 20 to 14 J
, 'I
... .
Louflli! _ l..aw~n••
Sl?rtUI!s, Tex.• kno,,"u
at as , lI
\Tily BulterfiY.': W8l! found 81 rall8leid In her ' lnx~ ~lous ·N. y~. apartlOent-
the Drey or what polJce call a' "rob, "Ilery rtflg,'1 w'hlclr -111>018 'wearers ,o r \·8Iunlile · Je,\lt!Is' 10 , J~l'OIldW4y nllbC Ut~aud atop not- lit Dlnnler,
I )
. chanlled ·to wa rmer, and r i\in begoh • t~ fall. Dtl ri ng 'tbe ev~ning it "Rot Th e preliminary game at the IlYITl' colder nnd ~he rain froze a8 it · f ell. nasi um ~Dused much d light a m ong m uki n'l' the streets a nd roads ~~l'.I' t he spectators. The eighth grade icy. , Aut mohilists. were forced to who tackl ep the Higb School li'resh· put un chains. pedest rians 80011 raen in this gam. caused al l this 80ulllJ~:thelr . firesidetl and bu~ir~ell8 mirth. '!'be g rade boys who were clo~ed 'ca rly . . < U1 uch s Ula lier t han (heir antagonists. Sunday morning disclos d xtreme fo ug hl gam~ly. but to no allail The 1,;- icy cOAdilions Ilnd I)ed 'stf'ians frc!'b m en won by the 8core of ,8 to 9. hunted for i:h~it ice creepers, Ser· . vices a t'St, Mary 's were called olr AnotlJer \"e.nt t o the wro ng BIde at)d the M, E. church 'had bu t a l!f ,the Miami;! ' , record wh"n the hnn1ful : Only fouror five machines fnst Bub b' s' Wincbesters defeated braved the moming but after din· them by tbe st'ore of 41 to 1!6, Geg. ner the ice .melted Quite B bit. So ·ner, again prove~ to be a player of far we have not heard of any BccL SOllie note by caging 10 baskets from dents: ' the field, Burton , was t~e chief, On Monday evening anotber rain point getter fat the Miamis. made the roads'even more ·treach c.r. • _ ••_____ oue than ~ver. 1henagain' on Tues'. ' 1 dAv, evenlng a rainll:~d 'a 8lig~t en'ow , ' I Right Again. " ";An nrgume.n't," snld Uncle Eben, l'Ia added the already icy ·time. mOl' Illlnernlly mnde up of two or md, It ia not kn\lwn exact>l~ when •.he mea tryln' ·to 'splalo' enmpln' de1 l' IU'n~lnIA will r,e snme. '. ' ' don't Dooe of 'em tull,' understand-"
entertainment. "Rip .
. " ' ".1 J Werizel, Her ee, or tht ~r'lI Creek neilt~borhood. 'r.~ t&1l~~ Mason last Saturday to appear OD. charge of sellini liquor. He waa found not "uilt.V" as DO erideace against bim produced. 1 ,."1Ernest D\lkfn plead .Dot. i'ulJtJ to a si milar charge berON Judie Wrigbt at Lebanon lut WedD8ldaJ. but on the. fauor,the erid~ ' p~ duced Willi found 'g uilty iIDd , ftn~ $1000 and costs. ~., <. .' \' . ; ..: .; .
NOTICE , , ,
. ,.
s '.
The Home Bake·ry.' ·Wa1~llIe" . is putting i~ a Ii~W S'uperlor Oven.' As 'soon aalt Iii cQmplete(J; · ...e·"'WIII ~ have full line or all baked goods. Ol'1hirs tiUed ' ,. . , • Roy M~~l~~~
V~n .'~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r:~3[ '.
SGh~~!.4udi~rh,m ; i ' tWaf .-~-+-';-----';"';:';"':--"';'''':;;'~--~~~'HT~'t:~~.
.. ,toft'.
f , .. . ." t I ~- ", ,,,,,,"'' -- '
~ {REPORTS'"l '.
• 'L. .. ... '.
OENIED,:-OY', SHfRlfF 'I~voc~tioo .~--
y- 9:30 a. '.
.Rev. '~r....~r',W.~:I~!p,..
Musk- H ig h SC'10 0! Orchestra" .' i' Reading Min utes of Last Meeting .J" ..''- .., Remar).<s . . . . . • Supt."'N: .1'. ~~tt three 'fhings a. School Should Dei . ' . . Mr. Senour MusIc . (,ayi~g the Foundation . ', ~r,' . " : ' Appointm~t 01 COq1ml,ttee5 . ,. , ' Musi c ·
Rqmors heard Ifere that ' 1l11~ ra l pr.o minent citjz ns of: Oregooi l~ \ e re implica.ted in an alleged 111'1'1 '''' . 1Ilg' are decll1l'ed i:)Y' S~tll'jl(8rllr~1 ll~ b. soluteiy ,u ntr,ue. ilf tel' he In! Il Id e al) irl)l.e's.qg a~l ori at. iJI~ ,r flQ'PI'I: He d ed~r\' ,t hat!.p'ine ,\ln rrJlinb.' ~ j~ty ., Sl.uf l.t;d t11e repo rt Ii ' till' '!' I. of i ' Friday- l :00 p, hisf~wll des igning' o r·i .I1!l 'li[":{'<1r!, 1 . ' . Ml\sic . '~h(' I' un:tor hall g!Ji ~., J <IJJ J ,~ ;troTllc leey to Profitable Li ve Stock . pol\tillns EI n d ru a a,.' ,',I :1 .i nt . 'D iscussio n Mu~ ag ins I it W ~ mud. '!o il 1'r ' L h all ./ . , ic W "~ c \" ,.t. by au horl!l ':} Itt " '~i e"e 'I' I"u[lI\lUg-A Bl\slness P~ rlne rsillp a .-'1 DisclI sian interested in rpl"J~e(llilllf lh 'l [t oo ' ~ 1'; . nnlhe . b~ . I:a~.a?iarn!t· ~i j\~ 11ih~ g~l'~' 1 eadl'Qg Music citjr:e,(f~. 1'h~ p~~s()n, who was, !; Pl'ell,~ ing, tr1l,e report ,\S ~PO.l"[1 to <I\llborl.
.J } .~ft if ..I , ) ~~
,:e .,"
; \
I j
Fridtly-7 :30 p: m. Music,'
M ~uallY lielpfu\ q' ombol\e Solo, :' R~adiDg
,, .,
. ..... .
:I~~~~:!::~~~~~~~~~~::::~::~~~~:r~~::::::::~.::::~~~~~~~~~~Tb~~~~~~~~~~~f::7;:~;;;!~~iir-~W~he~N~J~.e~k~I~I'~e~~~I~a~~~t:O~'~_~b~~~~IBB!:W:O:~~Wh'NVO~AN' PaU'. ew •
, - - - - --
~ B.
Ranch .Of
battle wllh til e sliva gel. I. It yOU Intend t(l 10 t(l ',1'/)1'1: tho... t_ ' Jt wlll be ~"en by blil' wor!1a thllt M... DO h ntl llr pIne "Ilill 1'10:,,1 ",H " I'C ,011 Blnkua w.~ II Ullin ot Iwuglnntlon, but ftrp: , If ~'nll tIn n.. t " \ ' ,' u,I '" ~o to - ... ~aID h Jij l ul1\ lnJ,: wln' lt, yuu "U ll :01 ~dt .'t "PH '· n'·whp .... , "I wel'c on fill' " ' Ii)' to u hili Inju n . fl lll l'ttlln ,r '1 ,,,1 ,·.,'wl)· .'" , "'''In Pow.wow III ~\\' ' g""h u r~ r ~I r UIIl- I\hll'I' ,,) plill'(' "" 11 , I,' I • " .. ... \hrll ' 1I~ lli It w.c re In 1o" ' II'U ltr)'. th e tlml' (t' hi" " Lln,·,,11I I the greo l lIl uon ,,' I Il l' Ianr<1 811 0W. 1 (ou nd a helll' " In,1lI1, .11 ~ w egllch l' t Atolluwk o. ~cn l~k~ t;, . ~~ I1I1 J1 ltuMII un' AI.. W,sh ." r ::'" S " )'''! d ~ \ H ome . , . 0n\(1I. 'fll ')' hHd b ' I'n " WI' " Vln' tl .. "~· \\· jI :- l dll~ :. l' \\' 11): n,1\'t' r 1111t",1' !'1 ' Jh " I en e,s nnl SP(' '''c-' h ~ ' :J \\ Ill! \ I ~ Fl'ltlH: h. (,ll lll h ll 'l" ti l' fh ' ~ t'tl\1nlr~ "~"I ' nt \\'l1 e;i JuSI II lit tl e wi ll! .. u ..",· ~ t l"'~ IWa 111111 IH.' n t' I'I1Jt'I!I:11l j d tt' 1111 ' \r.!Rf 1I\IIh·tl h~" II 1I01l" .. lu· mntcll wit h " " ·It' HII I" ,·tl UII' hl1l f .h l'lll h l'l' l. ilw ,·,' ni'e trOll! WIItUl& . I trl eoa~ I ' IIl. '1'11,' 11 8Il d,h'nllk o lh~y tuk Int l' r . 1... In ill " 11(1 11 )11 V.-nwn. It 10 their heudli t hut ti ll: 1"I' enl'l l lind I . lharper blltcbt!! Ih un \hc ~lIg I18h. 11 were Bkoored, hut when I 600 tlmt Balm of G!Ie"d . tbo, WI. nollOOy dl'.un k, I I'u lihed right BRim of Oll l'ad 18 t\ y"lIn\\·ls h . •r&n- wtdft .. J Dobea1 tbe ott KIne. MIl lie IoIMd CbI , . . . . ~ fII die ....., ...... ... Into the bli vlllug c un' llliktlil ter th" U1Dlic I:UIl1 . l'ollet'II'II fl''' I'' .. ~ rlllin tIOW fit i.t_t l~ the Tapo& DIae ... oeMI .,• 011 ..........1..... 1M 1111 """ ._ ~~d :~~t~~~e!. ~~~~ :" I:~~;-!nl~7t~~ Arnhlnn 1I1ll! AbyYslnl:ln ft.·... . II hn. alwuys been \'u llw ll "l tI' 1':111\' '.,r ttl ===============:;:::====~='~'~'======='===~I============ trom tho BIll Yatl1er. 'i'hey tu~ me exre llllnnni rt:l s:r:l n" I' IIn,I Wll"IIIIH d • week • • • til. ella. TIl. lOP or t. him. CHA.PTIIR XVI:-Tb. Decllor.Uoa of doln, h1a SO"'... I ~ 1dm. .... ilia aan au .......... 'l'lIen ... a "I stve him • ch.ln 0' wampum an' modlt'folll UIHt.ttth'): 1040poD40no. I. adopt04 anll .1111." tIIP'/D' .... t.....'" fttIe tben read the l\Ittf'r trom Sir Dill. It llocI< bolD. p ..... nt u .14 to lo~. ear Woft a_nlPUlbe4. . . . . . do.. . . . _ ..damn. I.. IIlbUlltr a~aat Ctlnto. I to tllt It"' Ie......... ald ' to IIlJ ftN lID .... tllt .MII CII dared the SIx Nutlons lJIore lund an' forc •• lael< .. 11&41, wouDde4. .",11M, I ....1114 Ida • ..ll;taqllt ... rtaa. n..,. ._ • .... of tale • fort, an' a reglmelll 10 ddem! ·Ilm. ot ...4.eeta,. to ~ tound.. "A po\Vertu~ ·Iot 0' IIlJu nll Iralled CILU"l'IIIR t!L--'Oll\lll. ID ao"' • &b. W. MeaIlJl. ""-41 ud at• .,. BI.Il... aa4 laoll 1"011& WIl.D I .... tb,gulJbt '" hlIn. th• •orda that .1111'.....tcbtlll bnlD of btL • rn If.w T r ba k to Sir Dill . but t1If'Y WII S n few • b . . . . .f fD ' .110 u. b"' ...... . ..hlte maIL Happy Face hne eome. to me. U w... JollllllOn enJo,ed bt. reportl on.eo went ov~r to .. tile ~'ron ch. 1 kind o' I think, a bette r DldlDllme tllllll 'BoU· eount of their humor and eolor and h. mi strust thflr:a 80me o' Ihem rUllny· tII~~r.:;:aa~o~ .:~u:::a;.~~~ IDg Waler.' allhollgb there wa, much 4escrlt>ee him In • letter to Putnllm ptles bllhlud us: 'rlley'r~ 'speclln' to 4 ..od ..ttlo. and take ~o"lO Orl.I<an)'. propriety In Ul e Intter. I knew that .. a m.1I who "wban be .. much Inter- lit Il tot o' plullder un' a horse apiece CRAPTIIlR XlX.--Jacl< aDII 8o10mon hla energy glveD 10 labor would III:- fited. look. a. If h. were lakin. a1m .n' ride 'cm buck an' swim the rlver .re orll...d to report to Qenera' 8obllY- compllsh mach ond wheD I lott him, I wltll lila rlfte." '1'0 lOme It MfIIDed at the pl~ce 0' the mnny tBlnndli. In lot Alban,. allO tb.... ,.,11.... tb. rep.nted the worda which m, father that IIno eye of Mr. B1nkua . . . ottllD We'll poke .dOWD to tho trail on th. ar.t rourlb of .lvi, cel.bratlon. drawing conclualoua whl. tb. other ed,e o· the Clrownded Inndl atore Bun· CKAPTmR xx.-Wlth. a.rkIlD.r·. had often quoted In mr h..rlq: .. '8eelt thou • mIn 4111,lnt III " ' , Wl\8 ell~ with th. DO 1_ iaIpor- rIae an' I lUnd o· milltnult we'll BOe ".,Imool u.• •cout. rIIn Into an am"lI.Ib and botll aU wound.4. MONEY LOANED cllllng1 Be Ihllll Itand bofor.lunp.'" tllnt function ot dt_..ry. aI&D." Till. ,Ilmpae ot John Irolll, Jr.-til' I His " "mpanJon WII 'OWII Jact II'CIDII J~d' trona wu ••on of ttl. mllcbCHAPTZR XXl.-Havln. noo ... r.d f,om tbelr woullda. Jack ,&110 Blnl<lI. ONEY LutWIld 00 live .sou~, atart for Wuhl . .toll·1 c_p a.., Phil· mlllarly known all Jack Iron_II from -e bll: Illd of .eYeDt.een. wbo U." Sa NlJ)8cted JDba 1l'0II.I troro New Bamp..d.lphIL o. tb. way llololDOII 1011041, a letter of Be:lI.lamlD i'rllnklln to hi. • tertlle .alle, 10m. an, mil. . .orth- Ihl,.. .bo~ I. lb. fertil. nil.)' whl,.. obll'~I •• "I.u IIIIOUU .' w .. I· ~~.'8II Ibra.bM .D ollloor who orlUo.... tho wlte. w ..t of FOrt 8tanw... la '1'r7oa eoUD- be b,eI ~ed 10m. , ..n b.fore, ••• Nose. bun"bt. J"bo Barbie", A 'IIlIJ comm&ftdor In cblof beaaIa. . h. bu .11'. Notllln. turtllir la recorded of hla ty. New York. l\"ow. In 8.ptember. b~1nI 119..... tor-til. arm, apd Mnd. 80Ud101. Xenia Oblo. t.,..d .....r. 4.f_«& 6. .j.U boJhood unUl, about eIght ),ean later, 1768. tlley. were tra"UIlI altn4 " a IJlI them 40_ to ~Ir WIUlIlJll JohDllOD. l' 1.~~1IIf: Fufi"oti'!:.u'r.\;~·~~ what waa known DB the "Horse Valle, band of Illdiana bent on mI.ullel. Th. BeliN th;' lit. 01 hla f.rm lIali ben f.rla~ bv' WublD!Jtoa dl:l,'la,.. 101. &dyentu're" occurred. A full accouDt latter. 8 ' f ew d.ys b.fore, had _ c:aJled Hone valle,. :~a:\fr~:,-:::::t;i"!~J!c: rla~~,:( of It folloW8 with clue regnrd for b.ck- down 'Lake Ont.rlo anel _,. eat.. Mr. BUjku. weut to the nell r brooll l!'llrmtir .. of W.rren and "dJolul' ~ ~o carr,: to raDkliD I. J'taDC.. ,",und and color: the buill lomewhere b. . . . . tllt Jail. and ' repelltedly filled hla old telt hat wily ob~lo mouey ou CHAFTD XXlIl.-Jaoll JoID. J"raDIl"u wal thEI !eoson 0' tile .DeI tb"Dew IItUement .. a. with .water and poured It on th~ ~re. OOOP'IIIII '.Imll IU.PII . '" 6y' X ,ulll rllll$. 1,;0 ... lID In ParI.... d linda bllD .._tl,..... moon," IIIIId ol~l Solomon Dtnku •• _ut ley. 8Olomon thou",t lII.t lb.,.are "DOll t !lever lleep no Ore .·goln • tft of 8~00rlull Jb6 ·"Uh' III very rol"MU' • • lnd b, . tb. :rr.ncll. aM I terpreter .. he leaned oyer the probllbl, Bnrolll,' Ilnce tb.,., bel. . 4,-" I'm drldcl out," he wlllirfered. a. be "bill. lbruuKb TIIIl .F " UIl.,,1 I.."IHI • CHAPTlIIR XXlV.-At a pa.a..1 I. eamp:re and j!,i cked n cool out ot the contented wIth the treat7 mad. b, the .te~ back Into the "dark e.... &nk , For far'blr 101"rtntt&hHI O<tll hODOr of P'ranklID. laoll tall.. til. part ....., Ith .. ,. to-6n"er and twld4led Frenc~f. lI.d .pID tak_ tb. w...path. .. 'cau~ ,e nover kiD toll. or Wubln~n. aDd llupr.l ap_n ...., vr <"" . '~ • TIll. IDvalioo. bowe.er, .U • wlloll, The boy .wos oalolp on tile bcd 0( uu Or .ddr"l18 M. C DRAKIC, 'l'rllR... HUlDan bert,.. ::. up,.,!~ h~n!~ne o~ tha:I::: unu~'eI bit of alldadI;J. Th.,."d boll,h!;- ' Mr. D1nl<)I8 oovered 111m with Grer, . phoae 3lt\..X., Lttb"uuu,Ob il"
ti:. ......
..eo.. _
Farmers, Attention!
.., E
II the ~e of. brilliant and ~ literary ~. Mr. ~lF' WIt -.1"' upon til. ~, wridnf for three bUt It II the fruit of • life'. rea~ ~
thtD\tnl. the Sower'Of .~.Imigin.don.
«-nca, the ~c'k thrm of bOl~ dee~s, the' I
~ appeal Of cOurage 'and seJf,sacrlbce. Apia u In'.tAMan for the ~d" the author . . ~ ~' in the life aiid'public aer.. , w=.o(agreatAmerican. BenjamijiFran1din, the . . . ~uaian, wile, engaging and'l;lovable char:'ac:ter In our earlY history .dominates the novel. • I
Now Offered as a Serial to Readers Qf r
The Miami Gazette, the opening. chap~ ters beginning this issue. Read' it.
OOf ".W ... ' . ' 1 :.1' ua Jtac1,!!.
u.~~:! rea............ . . ....,
.... :if'. ~•• WI...".
\, AnIOW , . . .~ II
!l!!A ,~.!"=.u
=~.w.: Ntlaell #~tII_ ' ....... .
CJL\J'I'IIR XXIlL-¥am"' &lie ... ..'!tII... GOlD. to W.., POI... ....0&.. learft~f
the .,..tU" of ~"'o..... to tb. U,b .hlp, BI.Il~• .!! tatalJr .OUII. d,llI. I" W..hl.~o•• a.Utf .Jack to laM" .Ir. . . . . t" Albaa,. t.IIt. . . .r lila ".... ..bl ...toD ,.t M01I"t Vera.a .... 11111 I.. Phllad.lphla. "WlI.1I proOI.lo... u..... -.... to __ ..... bow car.tull,. ........ o1lM•• for lb . . .......~ ....4 IN.1Ia4 .arlu to ' . B.DJa.I. J'hIIIllin. ADd 1t of tb... .r041 OUR thin ... and 0 the ""ufuU,. prepared m. n thlot IntD. Bacb.Uer writ.. III tilt. nov.l of lbe found ln. of th.. ..pubUe. th" .....at adventu" of our cOllntry'o 101. torl' tell, • 40ubl. loy. .torr; 0. . . . tllat 1c\1D1i. tar 011. or til, loy. ot for .. _, blll~ •• tb. ~aa4Ui.~te •• ~ of Ma.o loyo I . or IIbutr. . .4 O. " .. ~ tr ..... tile ...,n, • . will .a4"," .. - '" lIIat 10", Of bOW u. "p. . . wlaata. It .IU ...-rF tbHUb ...rr . 1Ia~lblD all4 br... • Itt. aD ••dart ......... thaa lIu .... H.n ..... ...UOII'. blr11i. II • ~y. " t H" - • ......
.......1'. •
......4._.... ! pre-. m.
be. . r . "\IJ.:t~I.' lIa'. IID::r". lataptt,. lilt
.. til. r
Ilere.r til• .terr,
=0. . . .BiR ~ or • u:aa
ill ro••rtll_ fa... .... •• • 14T . . ~ til. . . . . tall • . pan la tIIe1r 4at , IIfa. " . l'
- .~=,=....HOP.I.
~i . .
.........._ BlDIlna. ..t· ~ M4 - t.torprfter• .• nd hi. ~ton, Jacll Irona. pauln. , I Be...e VeUel'. No. yo.k In 1'1••• to warD •• tU .... ot &12 ~i nltCu. ,rom a balld of r 'UIci wlf_ aa4 cl&uarbler of of 1I. .1aD4. J..,I< and til 10 ..,,- 0.. .&&Alblng Fort ..... ..... ..... ...,.. botb .... too .-.rrr. but tllat If u.ey ..... of iDl84 ar,... 011. ,..ar he wtll II ....lilt. to LoDdo.. Tb. Hare ... 1 _ .,...to....1:1 •• 4. _d til. Iro ... . ~
CU!lPTER X.-After a aecret meetIng with Mll rga •• t, Jack asaln delll&Jl4e her hand trom her father. Har."fll 9U dlor young Trona declln •• to .p_ prove .. n<'l DI<'I th e pi nna of tbe Itl". concernlnrr the oolonl08.
JrYlul' . ~b..U.r .. , 0.. .o"lllt o. .. erlt wllo .. .oolleplnoll. 'or folio .... . .. "'01" of pu •• America..... Be ...w u. · amon. ID.D of rural ".w To,k .tat_m.n raoJ of th, lOti, 1....p.Dd· .nt, ..1f-reU.at, God·f......... fu •• lo.,. la.. H. 1I1t...4 to' tllolr' tal.. a.4 4ranll In tbe ..elT .pld t of 4.moarao,. H. Ia not ••• Do&tlo.al'o....I04 ....... tto DOnll.L H. Iou kept hi.....Iou b\.h ••11 IIpt.d ... , toroh for pUp,... I..t o. th<Ii wa,. HI, lI.bt lIu bHD .. ,. U.bt .ad aot tile wUl·o'-th.·wlap lI.ht · ...-.1 •• f",m tbe a,.,amp. of put...... nc. "4 4"",. Th. mln.led .tr.lI.ua anll tb. t •• 4arn.... cOllrt• .,. &114 ohl ..a r,. foud ID hI. boob are aa •• plntlon ...4 . . IDlluIIIO. upoa AmerMIl .ocl.t,. .
' CHAP'faR I
. OHAPTER XI.-Lur.d t o G.lovee.nd
:60,,";./~·:hl;a.c:rIl~~ 1~~gJ:! {~~I<.PUt
Th, Ho,.. Vall.,. AdY,ft\u,.., "The Orat uio. I . . . the bo" 1.et lroIls, be wu Aboat .... Jean old. I 111'8.11 In Sir WlU1aJD JobDIoA'. camp ., omc e u poatmn.ler g eneral. m.gn10·cent Mohawk .arrlon .t .AiCaAPl'ElR XllI.-Atter Jack'. return blUl¥. Jack wu 10 .ctI•• and IU~ tbe term cn t In tbe oolonl •• IDoreaoea f,u In the PC. . betw. . lbe f'IcI bon and a generlll cong-r . .. I. h.ld In Pbll- aDd the .hlte. that lb. IDdJaDI called rca:I DblD. Tbe Hare!. retllrn to Amar- . him 'BoIuDc Water.' .IUI 1&II1II and CHAPTER XrV.-Atler tho b.UI. of tlrel ... eph1t remlDdecI mo 01 a .OWILexlngl on Jlock and Blnkll •• nll.1 U.- taln brook. ~,... _.. ao. lad, IIIU Oer WuhlDglon. dt.tlngul.b themaely" lila aPo wbo C!OUlcI .... ID .COllt duty and are made oolon.... wttll tbe bow Jack I. captured b,. .0101.r. commaa4- 10 t.r, or .4 b,. LloD.1 C1.,.k.. . the rta.. I eufte4 Ii1I!l oa m, bad! ciu.PTlIIR n .-In tb. BootOB 1811 to lila IIome, be u~. . _ .. II I I.cll lI.d. B~"ll" &1.0 a prl..,..... ben • baW, - . ......... f t .ut.r W•• Il. 0 .utrerl.. tb., _ ,.. WfIN eaml to dI. botJIa, . . . . . . . . . . leUCt4 wll.a • 8rttlali oil>'. CHAPTE R XII.-Frankltn. c"lIed be. fore the privy cou nCil , t. convlctoO ot conduct Inconalo tent WIth th e character o r Il gentlom .. n a nd d.prlved ot hlo
."_ate'·. "II
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ldate. It _ . • pan, ..... .... Iep' ~~. IDIO an' -!&Ula'.. • ' bltl,. CIIlIll1 faee aD' C!ftckla' 1111 ..... .. taDL I . . . 1000000m&-10JI.~ · • b.beaI'-eIl' the cold If1lbbJn' bolt fI aU . . . d m. 10 u J b.d to ..., lUI' aJ'IIJ1 'bont whar m, boaIIcr". llIlea ..... leeated Ukl I .ere, Tori! It&t.. Oat'l 'Joo4 au' IJIIlpowdarl I ..4 to 1dd llIl' ImIteb to keep . , . Doaa aD' .... ~ glttID·-bltnt..At tIIII point, 801010011 BIUu paused to lift his words 1\ dl.aea ~ link In." 'l'IIe, silence which foUo.ed wal brok.n ollly b, the crack Df bumInI fanotl IIDd the lound of the .qht
"lnd ID thl tall pinel! abo ve the aorp.Betore Mr. B[nku8 "'/IUrnes bJ. lUll'ratly.. whlcll, on. might know. b, the tnt of hi. bell" 8IId the lqoIr ot b1I wid. opeD, -tl,bt t,8,' would lOOn happeD, thl bJatorlan lell. the opportunlt7, ff 4JWt,bIng hlt . lnt~lIctlOJL. B. had been tb,. beet ~t lD the UDl,J' of Sir J ettrl)" Amhent. M' IIIIlall bo, b. ho4 beIIlD' capturOO b, tbe !Iea-. _ . and 1Ie14 1111 tbe tribe ~ u4 tWOt IDDDtba. llarl, 10 th. ftfIDt1I aacI IndilUl .ar, .... bad' bt4l fInIIhI- .., Al10114alDi uti Ued to • INt .... toItllNtl b, "tull ............. I'd> ea•• 'I'riadl' HptalL Mter that ~ eplDloa ., la41au 1I1• •bel!ll, probIII, eoIONd b, PNJacJlee. .tlll "'II' lit .... IMa n }JolrpooDer .. a .liall lINt. alld In IlII '00'" milD· hood, one ot thOle who b.d . ~ped tlll) Inrllmoue .DIalBDCre at Fort WII • IIRlD B enry wh.en Eoglish torcet. hnv· hlg been Cnptulrcd and dl Rn nned, wero tumed loo.s e orad .et upon by the 18'" age•. ' Be woe n Ifi ll, br\lwlI)'. broadihollidcred. bOlDeIY' (lIc4id mlln ot tIllr· l;Jotllglat wltb a R omaD DOBO and I prominent chin underscored by a Ihort IUIdy throat hen rd. Some ot the .d· .entul'el hnd PUl t helr mnrk upon lila .Bothered tnee. sh n"fln lZeDer.lly once
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. if~ In ~Ie~tive;e th~ fine Bavor
BlIIkua." not b'r reasoD of hIa age. tor two ~pt".-tho wlf. anel dau,hter the bl4DllfJt I\nd 18,)' down · oosldo bJm • b : of Oo~nel H.re•• bo hId bee tpend- and d,~ b .. c:oat oyer botb. be wu 011lY about thlrty-el,bto Ilt.. Ing F <'Iew W"~I with .MaJor DuneaD "He!1I Jeam tbat It ain't no IlID te • marJ[ ot def,~rence. TbOle wbo tol' l ~' ''I 11 lib a lowed. Him In th b III h d faith In nn'!._~} . J1ft7·ftftll ""maGt. .t ()8. be II : lCOut," ' III w ... spere w -;J . e 0 a." we~' TIle eoiOll. bad talIen th_ JIlwq:.nd In • moment w•• 1D0rllll• wtadom that ~ldlUl.. [ hu~ bII tamil, on,. Illmtlnl trip li P' I I bl.ck dark wilen he 'rouaecl feat In • palr 0 alot_ ••lklu . The, b.a It.If two pl4M lila k rapanloa. Solomon b.d been . . 1M ....Ie ·. . . foIta&IIIt," lie went _ 01 . . . '.... fer ~. lIlla.taI q4 ba4 lOt th.1l' ,.. ~~ loot on 01 brMd aa4 drted ..1111011 CIlII .... ......... ~ . . . . . .1M . . .... . . . ""' - ..,.. ~ III. pa.' u4 brouibt • HDt. . 01 1M g' ... .ia. j,)a. _ .. ...... '. . "...... . fle 1'" w"tff,
4lMaU.fiotiOD ud UM latt... r.po." It to W..hI.~ .110 _ .ua.14. • CH.APTJIIR XXVL-Ia .AprtI. nit, ~.U1lt &114 "ot moU,,,, to t.t.o\:~t ,. ~~ ..u4 II' Welt pOl.t MIl I = he ; . . .Iottl •• tr...Ilar7. W
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fol'R.enf 01 11'0 acre., llood a.Dd . A II'ARM I:Mte AUlo Kibler. w.7D.,nllle. Oblo.
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~ '!'lIe Ita... - publiC! Ileal.. . . . . . . . . oqanlN4 121: ,eari • ., . . . . tile Dam. or til' Marine HOIPltar, aanIee for the medlNr and aurglcal 01 l8ard1ant lM!aml'D.
• _
W by sbe mOD'b,
ANTICD- M"rrled m.o te work rarm
. lOR V"lIfty. Un. Aim" PtlQ8"'t, ; D. I, 8prlDK V.lIey, Ohio. '17 . " 'AN wIth help to M ARRIR:D fttrm 150 1I0r811 on 'be 'bird.
Wm E W .. ltoo,ooe.br. lr mile oflrlb of Be!lbroolr. pboae 101...1. rIO
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"-\IIa ..... __ ........ pna4.U, laft lb.' Jadll!l Ia' eaiat. 0lI'l,
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thl fort. ' Bltlku lIDeW nery mile of the wlldeme.. .and ba~ cen_ lIlc1den near Itl bl..... -~0fL .J re laaiS crosanel lbl jail.. Q .bleb bJ• •~ had heeD cppln" an4 tb. . . .mp at the cult en~ of It and . . . .IIOOD .~ .b.... of \hI m.ratl~ •.A. Uttle attar 'd."llht." be h.d PldiecJ rup' tile Jack IroJll, .t a hDD~ _ p OD 81r Dee", c,..k, U It ••• Ib_ lad the ",,0 11.4 lit ciat topOer .. 1'11111 ·the peopll la \ BollI
A 188 .11. a.
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LII\lrel Heaaer, 1, W"luut GOUIl lJapbond b"oet mllde. 200 illll\
16OO11d' bID4 l-'yJ)roll~ lYe lD. tl"uttDlf lome old_fllll!Jloned ·lJuatr.. Old "'1Ie New Dome ije.WiD' MltJlI jol. D. 1:. 8'''041 foa:<!. ''27 Coattlll' and . LUn" A~ GOOD piN, II 00 bu. bull"" II
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Laarel tlea'i SroVE-Larl8 floe oondl&lon, two Will _U ,QUeclP If
r." in oDI, bO(I;" 'd .Iotere·, . lold lUI medl.NI,. D. E .. tI......dl'llru. • • 11 I " , " t:'ORIJ BIIO.boDt 80C1Y. -"I~o dllft;tr. ' ~ 80",,) 'bOll.l ~g. ao'd " illlrl, \ tfllv. " eral .other D.ed para. obtl>l ll:<" '. 0 ,'m" '000.'. am 1010'. mo.• e ,' ~tll~VD AltO. U. l,·W.YDN9111e . 0, r:lo
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ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Mls8 Thel lnll Rnbt'tts n1" .... 1 r 'laH \ ~ood orowd 00 oyed Io\! e DIl V\lll Osbor o huve 1\10 lUI Ul p~. t< b" w I\t. L , Ie bo.ll. SlIt·urc1ay \iV . II · 'Mi ss Dl ath,\ f n l.f' I' ~. p. II I. ;-' 1\' .1,.), I II ( , wit h bl is8 U"rrw iL l'uc ko.. . Mrs Ell Husse ll. u [ Y ,l o keo ~tre f) l , 1I1r lL od II·. H " bll.rt Og,lell . I''' nt ~ lIt<UI, F rl d"y wltb Mrs. Mllry ·C ar. tb", Yf(' ll k UDlI 111 Clll lllllllltl . lO o oy . F rleon s berA wprl' sorry I.o lpfl ro ~1 1l "''' ' lI uu. uf Duy\on . W <I" II the del.lt.\! uf E lin or Keovet·. lit of BOll d .. ." gu "~ 1 llf r e lallv o~. KlstiITIlUlOP, FI ..... T\!nrsdllY t h o l~t.h Dr, HlIlldull iR IlU lp r o vln~.nft e r a J uDlor, tile III·tle 80D of Mr . Ilnd ,bree weukb ' IIlDess wHh lofiu e nZll . N XI l'o o~ d"v nl{;ut will be lbB llrs Walter t:lllrk. hll8 been slok anu i v B r~ary of tllo PytilillD o lster t he past wetlk. Rev. J. C. Btltzel did not fill the loll e pulp\l herA SUDday llftArnoon on Ho rry t:l. Tuoker aDd f ..mlly arlO eDter t alnlng hi .. sist,!r. Mrs . J ennie acoeJUnt of tbe loy roads Mr . lIod Mrs, Wlllter Kenrlok Insoo. ot Loui ol vllle, KV, Mnr\\!II. .tflbel .. nd Mlug uret speut Thur8day eveDlng wlLh Mrs, S t'Lrr Silent the week .en d with UHlir Belle t:ooo lind daughterll.ln D .. y.
p. L. CI: AN.b;, Editor and Publisher. Waynesville. . , Obio , SubacribtioJl I>nce. $1.50 per year ~
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.America Is Doomed and That's
When great tragediea lDipend. ethi~ven nArapaper ethica-must be swept aside. Th. editorial columns of this pUblication always have been conftned to the Eixyression of opinion. leaving to our news columns the reclta of events that have OCClJrred ·and the announcement of everlts to come. A continuation of this accepted policy is now rendered impossible, for we must record without delay the impend ing disintegration of the land we love before we are too late. The United States is doomed, and when the grand crash comea, perhaps some time next week, there won't be any •. body to write the story. There won't be any newspapers to record the fact, and if there were, of course, there willi not be any people to read about it. ~or once, therefor!!" we must oeat our news editor to hi, own game. The nation has gcme. Diaaster is a~ the door. The gaunl~ IIkeleton ot ruin is abroad bi the land. This is not an opin. ion. not an expression of our f~ulnesa i it is the deftnitte announcement of the distiDPl8'bed Hebraic authority who 8ettles al1;-queations-Mr. IArael ,Zangwlll. What more ean be said? When Mr. ZanarwW opu hia lISIB. J.t no doW bark. Won of an, Mr. Zan8'WiU baa lett 011 to our fate. gone bome, thanJdnw God he lw departed without having had to see our prominent men. Ob, woe is ua, for we are in the deptha ~ Mr. ZangwiU tells 011 we have no ~ not (' I In our 8M cocktail, that OW' immlil'8tiOft repaJ .Ima pollciea are all wrong, that our hote1a ban too many towel.a In the bedrooms. that we are iMdq attacked, undermined and sapped by a ICore 01 hrnoraot prejudlcel whleb will IIUrely ruin 08 if lIuitable atape are nO~ taken. Our tyw. writer llhiven under our touch .. '" 'ricord tbia hUlllfliatIng arraigDment. Our DerV. . were abaitered when we read that the coffin trust of bla time bad put one over on old KIng 'rut by alippfq him Into • crack,ed sarcophagua. but this tateet exposure 01 our ~t Incompetence Just puts U8 entirely out of commiaaJOIL We fee! aao;tbe puppy dosr barkIng agalnat thunder when •• nalise ,ihe bumiUating fact that after all OW' work w. are.bead~for obliteration. • There ta onl7 one ray of hope, )It ZAngwill annOUDCeII In PMIfDa that at ODe time be bad ccmaldered becoming a c1tfSen o£the United State&.' He fouad, of coune, that he eould not becoiDe our ~ent. W)\ather thfa influenced hla declaJon DOt to eave 08. no IQUI ean ten. but It miWht be wen for wi to chana'e the law whiJeJ there fa yet. time and ron up a migllty petition IiWatiq $hat Mr. Zangwin head the oatlon and lead .UiI,hint.;, the prQlnlled land. We must forpt part1aanshfp. ~eoUdge, M~doo. Watson. Underwood, !Wed. Walsh-yea ..on ~m Jennlnp Bryanmuat walk the pl:m1c. Se'f-Prele on demands it. Zangyill. the master mind, moat l'Ul ' that's that.
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eva a .Ilbl. beea arnnp!. Wild the peopl. . .nt Ia a tu .,tlb~.,t tJIIIt wUl make the other fellow PIlI doIlble lIud lea,.. WI fre~ to oflnelv&. without burden.
'I'M n8W woman member rsl ~C\ l!tiUah Hoolle of. Commonl ,tartlell tIM parllamlDtariahl . '.'Let .. 1f'.....~ lIlie . lA,J'lI. "It we cannot arrllngo . to I'I~ child In F-n,ll.lnd .. titton 'fI~lC\ foo>] .. th~ children of our PrlDcou. V"ullu.r IIlIlojUool (' lN'~~..,_~1l1 it IIDdf .
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. . . . OIeD dim ill the nlehl shndo,,1.
lIlaku Itopj)ed. now and th~n, to lieta , . two ~ three aec:onds and went OD wltb I., atealth, lui des, RII moTlmtilta. were paathel'lIke. lIad the boJ ImltatM lbem . He WIIS a tllll. baildlOme, bl,.framed Id with blond ba1r aDd blue.,... The,. eoold 1000 ... tbIIr etftrl,. '!'lIe,. burrte4 tbrou,b lIIopp, !ootID, III the . .t ,ra.. OIat 1I0ar Itl 4ew IIIto their prIDeD" trom Ole Ihoulder doWIL luddlDI, Hr. Blnku. ltopped. 'nIe,. could lI..r the !!OoDd of llea1'J' leet ~llIlIblq In the wet meadow. "Bc:alrt mOO18, rUDnln' thla wll7l" tile lCOot w!llllPered. "I'll bet J9 a plat o· powder 811' a flshhooll them Ill· juJu Ia o".r eaat o' bere." It wu hll flVorlte wllger-tbat of • ,Iat of powder and a 118hhooll. TIl.,. c:aJDI out upon hl,h KJ'OUDd and reached lbe '1'11l1ey trail jUlt al Ole IUn was rising, Tbe fog had lifted IIr. Blllllul .topped well lIway trom the mil lind IIltened tor eome min· utu. He IIpproach<!d It 810wly OD hll tiptoe.. the boy tollowinr In il like manner. For a moment the ICOUt Itood at the edge ot the trail In a1. IIInee!. Then. leaDing low. he examined It dOICI,. and quickly rnlsed his hand, "Hootll o' the devil I" he whispered al he beckoned to ttie boy. "See tbar." be WeDt on. polntlDg to the lI'Ound "TheT"e jelt lone by. Tbe rra.. aln't ria ,It. Walt here. " H. followed the trail a tew roda with 11)1'. bent upon It. Near n IIttl. run where there wal lOft dirt. he Itopped apln Dnd looked Intent I, at 01. earth and theD hurried back. ~t'lI a ble band. At leut torty In~Da ill Jt an' lOme captlvetl. an' the deril aad Tom Walker. It's a meu wbleb Ole, oJlI't no mistake." "I'm afraId my foills are In dangel'." _Id the bo, III he chanled color. . "Er mel1be Peter Boni-ses'-'cordln' to tbe WilY tbe, go. We got to cut el'Onnd 'em nn' IJlow strnlght thron gh lbe bush on' O\'l'r Olbbl e hill 'I n'
' OID COS)'. "
. a curloli5,' long. loose strl d,'. tile knees n ever quite strnlllhten NI. with' whle" the ' 8cOUt. mllde bls woy through the forest. 11 covored grou nd Rata A,,, Hum.roul. . 10 Bwlttl,. that the boy hRd. now nnd RoIlOO(1 COl11prlBIi more than oJ». then. to break Into 1\ dog·trot In orM r tIIlrd of all living species of momma.. to lleep n10ng with the old wootlsm nn. ud exceed any other mRmmnllnn Ofoo' They kep~ their pace up th e steep side der III tbe Dumber of la41"ldual .. of Cubble hill DlId down lis tnr slope and ' tbe vllller beyond to ·the shore of the Bla creell. "Iim Iiot. !uough t lizzie RD' smoke wilen I tech wllter," said" lho s(!but 11 8 be . waded . In. holding his rifle ond powitel'-boril In hls left hand above the creek', turtlee. The,. . bad n few strokes of swlmat mldlUeam. bu~ manalfed to ktIP til.... powder d".. • ~ "Now we've lot jlllt 'nough boppln' to keep u. hom ..ttlll' toundetcd." . .dl IolomOD, u 1I', ltood on 'Ole fill'-
" "' l iI ,· r. '.11'
Muttle FillOh, r bLu r ntlli h ow ,' ""t o , d HY, at tor ~I'eodio g t b rll U w" ~ in U" y tun . Two mora rOldl08 bllve been lJl · 8tBlled in onr tOWill. RllYUlon d Brooks and W\llIlim BaInes lire t~ l~te8' ones . ~h8 Ellzilbetb Sool;' was tonnd In here borne FrldllY Ivlng on tb e floor delld. l:iallrL tronble III lIappos ed \0 have oaoHl>d ber deatb. 'Che last nnmber of onr leotnre oonrse wae "Ivtln 11l8t Monday ·n ight. Andrew Besbore, leoturer, Rave a very Interesting I alii::. Ioe. ioe, everywher·e. On Balnr day evening It be.,a n rlAlnlng; ' 1l troze all IS fell aud Sunday morning I~ WIt. almoet Imp(Js~lble to iet lIround,
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Mr. lIud Mr~ . .JUh'l if l~u '~J . d Ob l l· dre n. Mr. Ilod MrR. He rm "'1 Wlllte and frimlly . uf lSlneaeh, ~p nt Su n. dBY wit \! M r ~. EIll UltL ~' O OIJl8 fl. nd 80ns . MrH Bel!e Dl llwiddle re\nl'Dod to her h ome In Wa ynesville, Wednee. day, af te r II Vo Bek'8 stay at tlie home of h e r dllnghler. Mrs Floyd Savage and frimlly, Mr ' and MrR . Allen Emrlok e n ter. tllneel w Bonday dinner, ' Mr. ·and Mrs. Keiller G raham and 11augb er. Bernloe. ~lr . and Mre Gay Ront· zlibn and dB ughter. Geneva May. Mr. anel Mrs Clarenoe !imlth. Mr. W. P MoCarl-sn otld fa mil y, Mra. lind Mrs ,1. Barne Jone8 and ThElr1e Laura Shirlnker and m ot h er. Mrs . Jooes. Mary Grllhlltn, spe nt t5unda.y wltb Tbe fri ends of Mr" Emm Fe n.l1! e Mr, anel Mr8 EVOrtltt ·VllIo rs. 01 remember ed her SM nrdliY wltb Oay,oD. birthday greetings. tu th e n nm ber Mr. and Mra Frllnlc Bb ldaker, Mr. ot 72, remi nding h or ot ber 6 0~b lind Mrs, W. Welcb . ()arl. Ray. milestone In Ilfe's ' jOllrney . Mrs , mand and t:b1i8 Moore lind Harry Fonlks hilS been II tlhut.ln fp~ ulmost Bowe attended lobe b lls ket ba 11 g"me eleven years, She has been ' a . I1Bat K lugmlln ThursdllY nig ht. ~Ient sllfferer baving Dot walked In Mrs. Lizzie Lis ter. who bas beon that time.IIDd al ..a ys IIpprl'olates working lit tbe Children'" Boma In every klndnes8 shown ber . Lebonon, was here one day las t week. She III expeetlng to visit In Th. Cy.n ic. iJlnolnnatl for I tew weekI'. cynic II II man wbo prelen~8 to Rnsl" ll Jefferlea. proprl u~,' r of beAtired of the world, but In reo lit,. tbe tUJl\op Inn, left Flld n r IIlorn. he II a mon of whom the world I. Ing tor ~·Iorida . Mre. Jefferl ~". Mise tired ... ~ ftIlary Moon "nd Lt,o nel C , mpbell will rnn the plaoe (I~rlng hl8 ab o lIenoe.
WA'&•• ESYltLE
£ ~ z..· " ." B!lvlng deg,lded to qnlt f(U'~IDI, I '~OOLD will ilell" publip anotion at my ~ . ' "Idenoe On the Wayiiesvllle and the fa aD acute attack of NaaaJ Catanta. ~o.. -object ~o thquent "C\GI48" an pringboro. plte. ·on8 . mile west at ' .......utvtn •• 'nI.' doim·" coadM!oD. .' Wavne8vUtJe .and two miles eaet of lLUdJe. (OC'ATA~RI0 fMED ~ Th!&tmllllt · ~ an / OIIC~~ ........_!I .. tol Edgewood. on . b. UM4 ~lJ . • 'Jt\IlIlc. .. .b teta
BOlVing decided
quit farming at my resIdenoe. 1 mil e west ot Bellbrook. 4 mlleH east of t:tlnterville on Bell. brook lind Alex ndersvllle pike. OD
Tuesday, March", 1924,
And X-O-ORAPf:lIst'.,
~ • Telephone
Beginning at 10 o·olook. the follow. Ing; 4 head hu rlies. 10 hea4 oat\le, farming Implements, feed and lot of houllehold Kooda, , , E.O. ,MAXW{IlLL. Johu Pease, Auo'. .
-\. trt move to town.
H~~lng deelded
• ,ON, II~N · BTREIT '
Get my ' terms fo~ yau ~~blic Sale;'. . ~
WayneitvilJe, Ohio
J wll1 olfer .. ~ I,ubllo lIale d my
home on till'l ., Ill' ,' Qbeno.'lffir.!P.. SIt. :. ~ ~,. . ~ , :' .r ~.' 2 mUee "Mlh 'rtf WayneBVllle. ab'd 1 . National Bani mile lIom u vt Waynesville and 1 . . .....- .. mile lion . :. or Ferry, on tho Cheno. 1
.t T. Marti.. ' LM.HENDERSO~ F~re'Auctioneer,.
Public Salel
..I satisfy ~
~ve .:Y~ ..
91on,ey or no , ~,,., ',
w.. 1VJi~l~r
Dr: 'oli~
192J, .
Box 91;~Cente",IIIe:'OhltJ
8e~i"tlillg " I: 10 o'clOo k . (,h .. foll o w De n t ist Home Phene l r CenterVlII.... g rno;I~Dn, Mi Holl Oibl)r'),,', wl H) lin : l hIm ..... " 'LI · tl~. 10 h OgH. 1 shonl rl ho~ e rll uoh prll iso . 'f' \I. Isb f " I)" , ~ " rl' .l ll!: !mlJl oll1 ont~ ,,"l1IOI '1 1 Way •.•ville Nlltional Bank Bldg ,. b illlel} .. Jill,:. )f1 ,:,; _ _ . , -" ~~~~~~~~~~~=. b er mooy lII or8 ha ppy hlr l h ·hHI' ,
Mr, 'Illn Mr!< Wm. I:hll
1tf ,
jl~ I{ \ \· O U [J.
r ~ I ,· i r :\n 1 t lld Ih eh 251.h w,H1dlnf! " UDl .: ,' ro.1'Y · 00 FrldOly. FAb r u li r y Hi,\! 'J I )f· e f " I\ ~ pr e aen~ 1·('1 enjoy tbo o('e ' IIll on~, ,. ... ., L I ' I L .1)" ;1 Mr. Rnd Mrs. I:lllrl'.V • nll ll·l. : f l' . " ,. 11""Mrs. Chll @. SUl llr, R"I}.' I, 1'- 1 .' r· '1l1 1 " ,I und four c\!i\rtr OIl . ~ r nn d . ;,~ .' t;1" J. n" Wnl e~ S llIllr t n d I,wo ril il dr {)lI. ,1 r : ') 4 II. Rn d Mrs Evun SOlo1r t ,",,:1 chllure u, .' JI J ... 1\ ,.... I ~ ' .ll of Cloolno ll t·l Mr. fi ll d Mr8. Gil r rol l in .l: 1 I . It ..... ~ ul!'l j ~ \ , ' \ ' . 8mBrl, of Wllm lngl.on I - n .~ . III t l". ]~I ,:8 ' 1 ,1\ ,d !lliH LBst FrldBY nlghtt.ho I'II~b 'oh oo) 1111J11"ir lJ'lI l l1. I Tl.' n Ilu n " Ut'. t- 11 bOyR and ~Irl. nnd Inc'l epondent 7, I . I.. ' . ,14 of I:!prinjfhoro, clime over to pla ~' Gl oo W~ i lc fOr l . "to ,t our looal ,poms. F oll owing i8 tbe a" ~D8t!.~::!." "It reanl'" Dt tbe Ilames : .' fte7 lIm;iled ~ J'taehJl!I 01. roup BpPinllboro Girl!! ....... " " .... ......... \) \'III.., rOad ,ill I fe,! mlDu~,'" Harveysbnrg Girl ....... ............... 8 (To" ","aoidT Springboro Bo's ...... .... : .... ......... 6 ., -~ . Ba'rvey"burg BoyR ............. : ....... 8 • ' D_" _ Bprlollboro [ndepenClentR ••. , ........ 14 .... ther tl ..,~ '''ibell(,1OIl ..,.ea· Harveysbnrg Illdepenlients ........ 11 partl 01 lila ~q,'mOJHj,. aDd be _......:.draJIII . ' clnam of, ~ Ole lath..1 .• .I .01 a mUUoaatre. , . 10~
'f' t ..
- .,
~ :
t, ... .. r
, I
cChire' eCTOR .
The Eye Sight SpecialIst I . .
.. '1ilt , Ohio
, At.Caris ·Jewelry.:Shep :.
Lebanon, Ohio
pp 11 fo r Good
, .~ 7 ,.. "
8 :o~
a. m', · t.o~ p. m.
, I
'\I -t.'
~' :
. J.
. t, ~ c(
", J
YOUR '~ S-SAliNE, 1 ;
, MONEY ' MONEY·,,; . (o·t · ') Something we .aU need ·an4~ ~ome~hLllg , we all use, today:; tomorrOW and . ~ext · yea.r. See tOr it,;: th~.p'~ /t~at, y,@uP., ,dis·: car ded tools.:an.d other- things yo~ h,aye no ~ use ·for/.·are pu~ on. the .!tUlrk¢t fer so me' orie,e'I~e",to h~ve~and<llse. arid:you .get the moneY.j9r them. •
Every Tuelda,
erv i..e. , . ) pIny .' oom
., ' {
::. :::..8D
.~~ =
\ w
1 will Ilffe r IIot pabllo
a~~iiW"::';':lo:. ~.~
Tuesday, February 26. 1924
we:c~~::~::. Februory 20
BegJnnlng Olt 10 o 'olook. the tallow; .ue~I~OI,J~ror~rtDti·~ i DS: One horse. Ii oottle. 100 pnre.. wo. :So Cbeah . , 0»1, ~~ _ b red Legborn plllleM, tarwlnll ;Im. .J plements . feerl Bnd haroesll , ... ., CARL B. rRYE. W. N. ~e"r8, Allot,
ays Have a Good Stock Red TOOl OD Baad
'X\!p fr'elld. and Delghboraof Ann' Ann Flnoh remiDded her ~"turday, February 10, th'" it wall ber lOOtb birthday by sending glUe and oardR, "mong them wae ~ large angel food oRke veith 100 ofl.ndI1l8 . Annt Ann b0 8 tJ en oonflned to ber bed for 12 "efirs on llco.ount of 11 broken h lp. Rb e hns b eeo t llko u Ol\ro of by h llf
i and see the complete line of RED TOPS. 'cially to see the new RED :rQP One Man " ('ost Driver and the' Hand9 Fasteners, two . .• '. 1:10r savers for fence builders. 1
. v,.
. ..
M r N I nno BIrd . . I f .,.,'1' WIll tll.lt'll 10 ~11 " " :. Ii plucu uU11l Hllu nlt)':I\"'I, 1
H Ot..tHt Ullrncr I1n J
hr O! iJy
you want the best steel fence line-the strongest. the most 'ec:onomical' and longest lasting-put in a goocl foundation. Use RED TOP Steel End, Gate and CorlIer Posts, made of heavy, seamless, tubing. The foundation POSts m ust take up any ~ ~~ plied to the fence They should be stro~. rigid. Immovable. Wood foundation posts are likely tB rot out. lean and frost heave. When it comes t4ne to replace them the wire will not stand restret(:bing. Properly set, RED TOP Foundation Posts will DOt ~udge in the fence line. They'll outlast any feno'I mg made. t· . Of course you will want to use RED TOP D(1llble Strength Studded Tee line Posts. Becawle o f the steel r einforcing rib and absence of ani' h Ies or rivets, the RED TOP is the strongest line post on the market. The sturdy ~rigid anchor plate ml~a ns a firmer post when set. lne aluminum me!" . lie fin ish means longer life and neater appearingl
1.1.\ 0
Poor Richard
TIle,. .tanto oown lne root or
mu t ue r, Mrs Al1lllndllo t:>tl>rr. ~on .. MI".,, ~ Lu ! 1"ouly 110m! ,1 ""D\~ The l .. dl e .. ot Lytle ob'nroh w ill Urnl""" ''' "' J "ln~~ l 'I IlIO 1' 1 1111 'W . ~en' " Inn"h ~t .1\1hurl '1'oylo r'. Hnl o 'I I { I f] I " r 'r ~ I II III '(:1 IH"Xt· NU n Ui)Y. tl r,1 "I I' hJll uh I 11 .11" ( I , : nl: .. : ~r . Jl II ..l
In the
ive Your Feaces' .a Real Fouadatloa
~ :zs c _
--------_.._._--.... on
Meg of Muckle MDuth. lt IB 11110\ tIl01 Sir GIdeon llurru f 01
took .
prt lon"~
KupPw BIer Of H olJqkcu. N. J " coleilaatecf bls l(}itb Idrlb· day")' .tslUII8 lbtl Cilllttol rot
(\ coli 00 tbe ('resident-lUll I to tell hIm be bud ua Cool· liJlI6 ncpnbllCllln votC6 10' hi~ famll,v.
young gt'ntl elullD oamctl Sc:oto, wbom b woa nbout to 1111.1111, but blJ wl f P4/r~un!led him to c..,l1Ilnute tbe RCn\CnCe Inl O Iuunlng wltb thei r dn ll~ h ter, '~hl g or tht! Muckle 1II0uth." Ttlt YOllng mun u.,sl1nted for SOIlIl' tlllIe bul .ftn nlJy IIr 'terred mBrr h\ ~;' l\l dentb. StYn ngcly nOllgh th e " ", Ie b turned OUI n !ry hupplly.
A Partslan doctor dec.lares Ih nl certa lll perfume. affected by his I'Ilrloul patlenl. In tJme produce on efreel upon tbose ualna them. Vlnlets lDculeate a pl'edl8polltlon to R),IlI I'lltb1 nnd devoUolI. leranlum mn kus one audadou. 011 bold, mint I:l'n,'ratel craft Rnd bualne.. capu hll II 1Cl'. while Vervain d . . .10l)8 a IIklo g to r th ... fIDa
The Late Classified Ads
U' I Il '
• I
Fri endR chure·l!. III''''
I CU ll' ,
The S. L. Cartwright property on Main street, Is atranged for one or two families. Reasonably priced, Inspection by appointment. Inquir. of
will brittg . ~ ba9!n •
11 t, \ "
n!' Ull1 .
~ ..~·l l'·
1,1 the
Rub-Mika Caseand Handlesl Soft Cushion Bottom! '. ,
Lt , E. Tb omp8on lind wl r" 'lOtl Mrs. 11" MoK .. y Kr o odd(ld to o ur February .ioll It ~t t h I8 · w ~ek . Th"y IInvlI h o
Sexage8ima Sunc\ny, 24, Chu~ch Sc hool Rl 9:30 Mo rn- fiu . ina Prbyer ami se rm lln . Itcv , Ru l ph /:S),'\ th ll T,l torll lY 111111 Fll lnJ o r '" E. Lee, officilltin){ I:: vc r.1 Iwt l' co , 11I"lItale oo mlllil,t.,.es meL .G till" dially invileej til lh .. ~e se r. \'i C(' ~ ,
We the foll myin~ f ll r m " wnen pos iti velv forL,id UIl Y hllill ng' o · trapping o n oor ftlr m~. A IlI' vio l" tion of th es8nU! wi ll ue \l rll~l'~ule , according l o law 11 ,,,1 to Lh " full ~ I extent,
i\ " . I"
l1uv ~ ~d ft' P lll
tlt l11~ r honH'
,\' \'1' ", 1 w I' uk
Rub-M.tka Batteries Wood Case Batteries
Orndorf & Servis'
Wayn e ville
;t,," . \',11 1 bo ~I " d to kn ow
• ,. ~ " ' '' u
1,,. Uer lit LIIls ~iDl ~ , , It Ihl· /IILJ llly III wt.b
oovllry "
.., 111
1 11\' I
h ~>I~
\ llsh lllg
. .i""
.• I .
·\.) u-Lv· '
'r ~
Mi lle r,
.. ,d ..:,tu(111\ ~'i'\.H-r., ll In spi te flf l ltl' "liZ r ' .... ,. ('nnn' - \'v' I':' I .. , " :.," '!I,I,,, JlI I II fl wiId, L I I I , ' , • . h PIT" lI u d tU " " Y u l.he.. tit ton ' i 0 f .t,t 1'1I 11\~ , t 10 1111 Inl'rOIlS:;8 R, that h av~' bpen !ldv" rti,,~d f ill' lh A'" , .. . , '" fUT III ' n. WII llll'lI lIod ohll~ week lire beinl1 RUe nci ed by IlIr) C I" "''' ' crowds. Farm(' rs a r~ unll ble to , any work other lhnn the f('<!di ng • r P oce •• for Getti ng Hollum, stod, and the n ' f o r e are lit hhe r , .. , NIII " I'"1 gll8 8ubJocied to II trementa attend lhese Ellles, du u S pressure by a sec reI proceBI ___ ~. _ _ ____ i lu rn~ I .. Uquld lit 817 d egree~ below zer\), I nd from It .helium then III
I~~~~~~i~~~~~!!!!!e;ii!~~:~c ",
0.000 CrealTl Producers .
ill Waynesville_!'
' A
I ( ' pll1mhu" , Hhr'!_
wi'", ,',
,', (n lI"ebrulJ r y 26 ,II I til Ii ve ~1l18 ton" Ililt th t) ~ pAflker£;
{Il 1 l' t' 1 ,II,
P'lfmt,\,'~ In~tltll tl1 DIRECT F~.OM PRODUOER TQ TRI ST.ATE
lI ' {
EffEG ll, Ged ES
- - --
cooper PlroduaS
t llt ·
'"''''\!I ,V f rl "ds of Alr a J oslo wllo hnf1' l' een ~o BerlOUal.}'
t ou
So ur nex' Boltery
t1 vt1nin~ .
' II .
Ed Furnlls .
" Save loy
See It ""1010 )'O u buy
- h ,,,' " II"n I II ' III b~cl( lit t,b" 'hllrCIl , ,. tIll': IIDII I, t, IwnSli (Ill Ihll Mc C{ uv ,rill. B"ol UlljU,t 01 heru,
J. O. Cartwright
m cdt.
I)f III ,. W , U 'IVI ~ 111111 wlill ""
J-jr t,wn l wt'
HESI.l s peclo1 "ot-
. ented f u.tu rci. p l,ua the hl nh -tp'Qda m ot erllll nnd con l uucLion th ut h,we nl wny. c h nraccerh::C!c.1 Coo~r \Vood Cuo Ilnnr.rles" .nakc t he New COcJpc,r Rubl\Uko [\ullery ouu 01 unusual
8hoattl and :I !:;ow.
one dllY IIl.t WBllk,
.Iobn Robertl OD, R, o 8, Dear Allen KIbler farm, Way.
1JOUr&1eio this News-
If" "",nre \n
I FnrJrt }'
r, .,
)1,1 \\
"'1 ;-"
th t"uU U l ll 0' ; \\ETH OUISl C: U.i.11 Sublnlh '~ho(ol . \;;1[, ,'. III 1'I" '1Ich- ht'r It I h.'\~, ' ing lit 10;:\U a· m Wl·dllcsd n e ven- lUl'd, \\""1:'1 K. " I' noeuulIl fir 1ft icy III ,I~ 'lil ly ing service. 7:1,)(J \J Ill . Epworl h Leagu e 6:15 P Ill,; preaching al7:0C uil!6 werellbl e t o ,,,t 'lld c 1l11lc l1 00 p . pt. Eve rybody is coro lblly inviled t>ouday Ul o rntn ~ . J oh n Sherwood. (I f (lrpgo nill. to these service. Rev, I , A . Wushburn, Pasto r. mild" I~ lou ~lnIl8B~ trip to W l'lh u ll D
h lO II1I\
Dlnlll6, Ohio-
'is ,
A l l'
V/n u r ,
25 Immune tor 8ale,
'\ \
i 11 ,,"'
art ..
FRIl'!NO ' ' carr WI .! II
,~ n
IJ,,, 1.l1l0 U:' ,,,
La ~ge8L. Creamory in this Hutr ,the U.nileLi :;;ta Ie ,8
WHY WORRY ABOUT CANS OR CAN EXPENSE ' We guarantee every Tri State patrqn\l'gaiost Joss y r damage to his
, cream cans in transit. We gi.,e a Coupon Bund, ~itli , e"ch shipm"?t,
45 of which are ~edeemable fo r a Dew can, sp ~)leJy 'i'rj Sta~e t?4,trOQ can replace his old cans with new ' ones long ~rore Itp~y are warp o,\t.t H he wishes_ ' • ! .;. ' I. i. ,
Trl Stat;'price .for ' Butter Fat Feb. 18
drawn olt.
- _.- -
.5 'Ac·:'. ·~g~er if in.~ket -,
. adyapc:es .
'Refuses to Tell Cost of Peace Award
Shipping D irect is profi table, safe and e!lSY. ' We gladly furnigh Free Tri a l Cans for 30 days. ..,~
Ed,yard W. B;ok, II'ho~ e $100,000 P ettee P la n award s ti rred ~ Sena. torlal . mvest'p;:lllOn , ff f used to state the cost to him wh en called to Was hington ,lor f'C~rlng. In the forl\.llTo und is Mr. ' Bok. Seated aro Senators ~~Ip .l'.!rl(j (Minn.) , Green (Utah), Moses (N. H. ) R ~d (Mo.), and Cal'llwuy (Ark.), ,. ' e~
.-P;enil,8ylvania· ~ilroad S~ ,~.
}"i -J _.
IT!.... " " • ......,., ,........ . :.:, .~. ! ". '..
The Jovial Man. ' A "jovlnl" ,:/Io racter ODce menn!' tb. type Bujl(lo~e'l to belong to nil perIons who were born '\'Phen the plRnet The U. E, of the Frl"Dd~ ohn ru h . Jnplter WRS In the ascendnnl. They
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======~===~~~~~~~~~~~=====~Ib~dapmvl~ o~~J I , X~I I~ ~t urelay, "I
cbllerful elpments of cbarncter thon . . • others, ond bence 10 pnrtllke or the M1811 II:le&.. o:[ I I." 1nok. or til" benign qualities atd'lbnted ,to the fothBI'iblBnd I:)oh ools "" H hottle on T er of ~e goda.
~ . -
Rev. 8ndMre. B.
BnndllY ,
Wr ight, ,.\
'fl" Bottle ot the Thirty wos 'One h~re 'l'b nr.lIllY, 1 10 w! tlrh SO [lrMnos Bnd , thirty En,Geo, ' R.eeve , u'l ' l r"m l l " hll ....e II s hl~eli we re .pltted by J ean de BenuDl llno lr Ilnil Rr mborongb, The nghl moved to the p" ullef' " rocAlllly (lUl;- IR Sl1 ld 10 hO"11 t alteD plnce ' b tween oballed br ElpJ ' R. M \' ~ B, rho I'Il~tI ~ " f .T~s~{!l!n nnd Plocrmel In Mrs . L . L , ,; oN ;" 1 sull a ro n II : F ran 'e, In 18:»" The Englis h were ... . 1 I (hden tE!jl. 8orO .. e (II.. ap t;p J(lXY ,.Itll rr "Y, bitt I _ _ _ _ bas reoovere d t o Rorn(J f'A toot
.Y Your Ford Now spring a1maet here thonM" of famfJies, antJd· ~tfpiaua the d....... that is certain CD alit 1m Ford Can
are pl~dnl their orden fix ~ilte delivery. are far ahead of sales It thIa time . . ye....
DOw Am'atItII ordeJacaDincfordelivery under the tord Week1y ~PurckMe Bail haVe a1re.iy reacbed a fIOtI1 of 255.758 . ad Ttueb.
.f _ _
Levi ijh&.nJb' lI l(h . who h LLR
Battle of Thlrty_
BIgb l"nd . were" dllo g ou rr l~od ,·,
I ,,\I'!,nto,r D ied In sane.
pn_ 1 Frl"l o:'j 'I' :"UV1U;" , who Is credited 8"lon wlth . n lI.l1Ib~ r orllu p· It ', 10 : wlel' Ih,' hl'enl\ nn nf IIle' scrc lv proWlsoonsln 18 v " ltl ng r&l llt tvoa . 1" '11,"", W IIS 1Ili l"'j:""o ed lind di ed bllDa• 1\
1 l' UlJt u n el R ,bert and Hnb y Hm tlb (nt .r_1 . talned a f(lw fl ··r.. ,da i.i " uuuy 1'\' ,, _ . ' "
Ing in h/Joor o f thuir 12th 1>1 rt·hd ay
h.,,=.l il~,
_ •
" '
. Is the mother ·or Invep. The flln lj r nl uf Jane Gu m n W6s lInn ' ~[ ,,;y n 1" ·OI·~ t rlll n hns ICllmed beld 10 tho Friends c horcll s,d nr' I ' " ,·,,,,r·1II fhn,'~' s telis tllnt wouJd day m ornin g . Bnrl!ll Wil!l In .~ Itl i ll II III I.e " h .. !Jllt lI~ad'uJ' l ur'n Il rce,O with ~n\'y , ,., " h 0 oeme terv 1l1'HI, of t,JWlI I ; -
On 'l'uesdn,y lIf lllst WI' BIt Mrs Steddom was 11Ost-ess \0 uer l:!und8Y , t!ohool 011\S8. Tbursd·lY, . Mr . and l Mra,l:)&eddrlln eI D 't~rtaIDed friends In . honor of Mrs . ijtedda m '8 birthday \
anniversary .
W O. ijmlth was oonfined to ht. I' horne last we!lll: . by·lnjurles reoeived from 1I,u',tlbllug over II pHil or bardwar!!. A d eep '8 orat:Jh' on the shin beoame infeole d ' II.nd Mr , Smitb barely ~~oapetl II sertous <Ja8e 'Of blood polloo :
J. value of' Maetlcatlo n . .
A good
,WilY t o Cono rh e hu\)lt ot
tllorongh mnstlclltlon Is t e begin eal' b meal with n ~mu ll Q\16otlty at ,very dr1 fopd. Lo liloSI 'uses Ulu!!t lcll Uuo Is . • 1telp to clt;re!l't1 on. 'rile unly ' circum· 1huI~~s
II nri,' r \\-hICh II 1$ not ud "lsubJe l'Oil~1 1~IlLI n lire' \Vile;..,
W pruhmg' rll"
tberc: 10; 1\0 I.'XC'OIlS of the 'ull1l.' tlI'1l adds In Ih ~ ~1' f,Jltllll!h fl1" where there {ti paID ntll'r ('t,(1 $ulld fOllda.
Dod Oi nO Autos.
Thin )'CM' you've got to hatch II ~' chl'ctt f[om ' ovory hatohable egg nnd mise tb\UD all The couott)' nccds them. You nccd' them. .~...';';"'::'~F--'----'=~= m03t supply Is low and getting lowet, Feeclla hlah nud every ounce 91ft must couat. The Buckeye I nculmtor nnd Standard Colony Brooder po&ltlvel, Insurl' successful chicle ml5ing. They're IUal'llntccd to do n : No l!'UeeSww-k .
. '
. 'T"l '
Given good eggs n Buckeye will produce the f1aU hatch 01 itronc ' chicks tho ~lrst tlmc nnd 0,'0 1")" ·tlme, j j .' \ ., Under a Standard C~lo;y B~er the ,f~~1e batcb ," ~ 'Jbd' ·j~tiarcd' 10 • size ~. \. ~, ~ .J ., \.. '
Seventy-Sixth Year
THE "STOVE. LEAGUE" UP·TO~DAn: ~~~~~~~~~~~d·
Whole Number 5583
Mias Leah SmIth .. of OlnclnnatJ. W,.en tbe baaket ball teams of Is home again. ' this conly met at Franklin last !1 r\'~ti n R' topi c it brought out q uite Frid.y and Saturday In their annual H Ii v Iy discuss ion, Mr. and Mra.,Frank zen were In tournament. the reaJlurprlae of the Repo r t of the Farmer's I nsli lli i ' Read ing . Miss Myra Pence. Xenia Sunday afternoon. whole affair wu Waynesville. W. held at ll)e High School buildin ~ be. H: S. played three pmes and Friday 7:3 0 p. m. Itlnning Febru ary 22. 1924 . . Harvey Guatln. of D8)'ton. WII a vlctorlou. in two' thereb, Italnlnlt third place. Let.non won 6nt and Frillay, 10 a . m. "Mutually Helpful," by Mr. Sevisitor here Tbund.,.. nou r . He began t his subject by . HCOnd place. Owln'" to the icy condi tion of the referrin" us back to t he cteatlon of Our Sc rap 1,'obacco. lOc. S for 2Oc. Otterbein The first Itame wal with Kings .. ... Grl'Y & Bogan Cigar Store. Mill s in which the Hlgb Scbool had roads the farm ers were slow in com· man , and tha t it was not good for Ing. consequent ly there was a small man ( 0 be alone, If a person elects their own way. winning bI attendance at. the first se9~ion of I nc to ~tay in 30ciety he muat s urrender J . B Chapman al~d f llmlly. of Cin· things the score of 44 to -0 Coach Boyd clnnatl. wereweek.end vlaitom here institu te, which wa~ call ed to prll e r ce rtain individuali ties. Our foreCham hers of Cincinnati Wnlversity. b Y h e 'd M <; S fTI fathers who cleared the land and W I enht , r .~ . - d ., I. ~l' hUI' lt the log hou&es and barns. laid A fresh supply oif Cigare ttes at all Bsid that this was the . first s hut·ou t Rev.t L . PAres , a8 l I U rtI open£' wIt I " in basket ball that he had eve r seen. the fo undation for the present r ur,} times. Gray & Bog an Cigar Stllre. Kings M ills' who has had a team in t he in vocat ion . This session bei ng rl evotod t o the Fllciety , the flell! but a rew weeks. must be schools Su pr'I'intend cnt Bl all \\" I\~ Good Innd does not make a com· Horace White. ol~ Dayton' was th e I{i ven Bome credit a9 they got th ei r II d f f k ,n Ull ily-o-ood roads do not make a ... wee k·end Ruest 0 f 0 r . M.ary C0 0k. team r elldy t hat tbe'r e mig ht be ca e upon or a I/W r!'mar ~. "Three Thi n ~~ a : chool Sholi ld eo ltl rn un ity . GooJ schools do not D' b M ' T ' 1'1J mak" a comm uni ty. A good court Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph eheht entries in the to urnament On Saturday afternoon, W. H. S. to\'ave'a fi ~~~e::~~(losen'l ~ o~ n~~~ ~' houS'! does not make a communityMiller. Sunday. Fe bruary . 24. 19'M.. pl ayed Ll'banon, the champi ons of of our child ren ~' il l arltount to u r h('~e I1re only evidences ot a good aaon. the tournll ment, a nd at no time was picayune in I1 fe if they rio not I;ave comm unity, It is evident that the 1 I Mrs. Viola Harla'n Is spendinR" Bev t ha learn f rom the county seat 8 U re a fix ed pu rposl' In w'Jrk lng out people , 0 not make 1\ commun t y erlll dllVs this week with Mrs. K . N . of victory . The fi nal ~ co r e was 33 the probl ems uf IIf" I r is not ~lI lTici en t unll"s t.h ey concentrate the m ~elvel to 23. Waynesville wen t into the Bouah. lo jURt hav: a "\I fill" " , but you tU u t upon one purpose . I 'I game with a rush. scoring the first put t hat purfJ u~e ill t l ) ef!"ec t: . In plan We ho uld submerge our litt e n' Mr. and Mn. E. V. Damhart. of basket , Lebanon's team entered ni ng the Ufe worl( of a child we divldual istic ideas and live up to Cincinnati. lpent tine w . end bere the tournament with a good record must take into consideration his ,) r hig her iJ elllR, Selfishn ess breeds ba- , with friendl. . and W. H.lS. showing again~t them her natural abil ities. Aft r be hall tred, crimes and corruptlolls; unsell. ~====~~====~=~===========~~========~=~~~ ' A. ' II I th ft I that fixed purpose .m I'f I e esta bl IS wu"~~mm~~~ ' hed'IS lmes sbree ds carl h ' t y, cIi urc hes an d Mill Ellzabetb Stew fell lut •..., a pre m nary to e na Itame be sbould be trained along that line. community love . week and hurt her~, ' " .now a C:O~lOlatlon match w.. play.eel be- The child should be trained along Music. violi n du et by Prof. Wattd~ Franthiklln and W"Thn-::lII~ ~ moral lines Cbildren adjust them. kins and Carl eton Cook. which was able to be aroubd. ' .' '1. le~~m.lne ref place. a a r I8lv.. to tbe environment ot the heartily encore,!. Prof. Watkins T~e Commercial ~ub ~ boldlnlr prpved to be a tbriller from I.t art community In which they live. and also randered several violin aelse. , th.e lr February meetlq tbt •.......,lna toftnlah with W. H. S. winning In ochools abould Instil In the pupil the tion s which were, g reatly enjoyed by at tbe Grana-e balr.. " • tre:"d bY.the cloae ICO... of 17 to 16. dlltDlty of labor Not to the polltlo~ the aud ience . Everett Ifarlan. of Diy ton. J. . , \V.,.....1e did not pat up the . : ' W~en Grean Count, omears. Pa. Mr. Ern ..t Harl.n of ·Coudd.le. 'l'be Home Bakery wu cloeed I8Y' Hbward ArchcIoucMi. II bNBd'of bIIUt ...1 that tbeJ did In we bave but the aervlce we render IS Saturday 9:.10 a . m. Mr .•nd Mrs. H. B Earnhart lpent troJinan Cbu. Tbom,*,n and Deputy era!.clay. lut week, on account of ~ntO,the Gaor. . BaIWke t_~ t t..t.aon IDd the honor dUt> , .. A Home 'Maker's Problems." by !ihe~fr Gao. Spanear. both of X...ia· 0"811 trouble. Saturd..,. a ~ .M• .treet thla week. Sunday with Mm. Vlol .. Harlan. ' u.' ......t . . . ·tbat the Franklin Music by High Sohoolorchest ra. Mrs. Vandemalc. The tour mojor ordered !!!un Beare. who W88 ·mak. coke oven wu pat In and the bak. · . " " a.o,. ...."... eeo...... duriq the 6rat . Under the leaden hip ?f P~of . articles of diet are b·r ead. meat.lu, Mr. and Mm. J W. Edwards en. Inr hill....,. with a ftye pilon can I. runnlna full foree. The new ~1~"o.I. baIf.lDd.,fao ' moat, of the .cond. Watkloa. Wayne t1iTownshlP nIgh Ifar and fats. Tbe farmers. aa a terbll ned tile Jolly Matron. and of ~rn wblak8J takeo from bla car ov.., I. capable of baking about 180 2 fo; .1k. Grv .' Wltla1tbne minot. to pi.,. and lC~ool baa one of e beat, If not t he class of peuple. are more susceptible . ~eir busbands to lup~r Frida,. whiCh w.. parked 00 tbe Centar- lo..~ of bread. and owlnlt to It'. FnUattIBa.dlDa 16 to 11. aad two t.L blltb achoo.1 orcbestras In the to disease t hau any other cl.. by eve nlnlt. Several memben were ville pike t.t",," Bellbrook aad c:o~ctlon will ~tain the beat for ". ,J '.." 1QI'dI' Noble and ' Burton taken county . . over consumption' of meat. · We iabaent. Cardl furnlahed tbe after Spriplt Valley. to balt. bit refUlli ~~ at a time. It Ia one of the W. P. from the bec:auee of penonal • Laying the l<'ouudation." by Mrs ought to reduce the cODsumption of' . pper divenlon. · · resulted in .TbomPlOn ahootlng bllD l a . blYentloDl In bread baking. . . .- bare lut the fouli 8atterthw~tedribbled In for Vandenbsrk. The most eaaentlal meat by aervlng leas. ~be I~ted , , . In the calf .ot..the ISit. the bullet en· Added to tbls. the whole ..pllft Is bli·lIub... ale ,...... abort: ihot making the count 15 to tblnlt In lay.ing the foundation for a we are. extravagant ~ , ~~Alf :..... , The HIPP; Hour Club met at the tering the II y part of the calf. beina· renova~. New paper IDd ,o~t~ •....,._ ' -" - ~.'~"J, ·f , , '. _ 1&. Fr~klln'. favo,r. ;" -Aprn with II good healtb W~ should 8ugar and that the majorlt,. of peo. paint baa made It·. place of .uty. , . h.lf a minute' to plav. Sat. develop the mind of the child by pie are jus~ catering , to tbelr ~te: .• ' home. -of Edith Gona February 11 and co~ut the front Mr: L. Klult waa c:onlldenbly altain took the ball from proper training. Teach Oll r c hild · The farmer going bome for ilup , with Barriet Wilaob IIIIlliaLinlt 4 The ahootinlt took place at about and C?n entering. the plies of snowy fine proltram Waa rendered with 11 o:cloek Monday night. The om- br.... rolle. buns and cakea dla- &haken llP Monda" Ulomlna when Oocik and 8(oreel another thereby ren to do by doing and we must win per at threshing and shreddlnll time Lincoln and Wllhington as . ubjects. cers l were a~tlcipating bls coming play8d aurely makes tbe mouth be slipped and fell bla bead . . , g giYlpa Wayneaville tbe one point retain the r onfidence of 'O ur children brougbt np a lively dlacuaaion at the Ice. lead. After thla baaket wu made. Advocated warm lunch In the thlnime. A delicious lunch wu8 st'rved by the and were Iymll.in waltlnlf at tbe water for a meal. ' . place where 1:3 ,. ( at.,pped . Whea Mr: and Mrs Roy M.eBeth will be the did not bave time to school. also girls club w~rk.. Music. plauo duet. MIIIII8II Mildred h os ,"""'... ht;! stltr ted to . run WIt ' h the liquor. on hand atall times to weleome Ihe Mrs. C. M. HOI~gb left ·for De- thro~" ~ .ball up at center before T. L. Allen: Sta te InstItu te Dlrecl· Bole and Rhea Janet Canw~gbt. Mr. and Mrs e. M. Robltzer ell' one cif the officen ordered him to public and they are desirous that land. F1a .. laat Thtlndey. where ahe the final.hlltle or. was next Introduced and madt! a R d' M J Mill " ea lDlt· ~rY'Feed° Ift~~~ b ur tertained at dinner Saturday even· hlll t'and shot into the air. Beare each n'..tron make an Inlpactlon of wllIepend lI8'Ieral w..u and Itt nel8b .. _ • ahort talk emphasizing. the impor' "E #'bo I I . conomy lTl · -, ,v '-Mt. , '. Inll'. Pt'lr. and Mrs. J B. Chapman dropped the whiskey and kept ran- tbe bakery and _ the Dew oven and rna po ntl. tance of the farmer attending these Senoor. The first thing 't o conalder and Mr. and M~. E. V. Barn hart, ofning.lt waa after tbll IIICOnd orde. the I;Iaklna room. Inltltutea. Mo.vinlJ time II ber!'. and one OlD Ber dl laai f d' th In feeding live stock Ie . to bave ,a , .. CincInnati. Mr. .nd Mrs. J . O~ ~hat he waa shot in the 11IIr. The lookoutofblawindowandlMMl YaIJII ore am nit, or In~er, e lgoodheail. Youlnu8thave ·tlie~lit . • Cartwriltbt. Mr and Mrl S. D. wound 18 beinlf treated In Xeni•• g ebalrman announced the noml.natm type of animal to make effi~lent p ~ .. • plied hlltb with KOOda.maldq the Henkle anct Mr. and Mrs. J. W. and on recoverinlt. Be.re will' have . committee aa followl: ch aIrman. g ress in building up the IIve ,atock . . Edward,. lO f.r.e a chal'lte of traneportlna II. areb dme movlq. Mrs. Erneet Butterworth. Mrs. John Industr y. . ,. i' .' o • q~or .·It la alllllred. U Sbultz. Frank Braddock and Lyman The teeder must unileritand ·tbe ," r ---.--.~."'"--~ edMb ome and & ........ay .e~.....q. _.... APPrbxlmately,200 fsect, b II ' .",: ' . Ia to be dis· 011. th d ' f f • • animal he Is gOinli d h'W· feed ha I .t I'IIk b with tribute4atbonj the ~1' and Itlrll AI e epartment 0 armcr 8 m , must understan ~ e . e . .IrO;- , ' . ~ ;"~ T'fI8e .,' IDl"OlIeclln the fifth •. elxth. . . .eilth .Ututea of the extension aervice of Ing t o put into tbis animal. . 1be " .' a . . n . ~ • au. ' and q )rth .~ In tbe ,aool. o~ ~e con...· of aericulture ot this rar~er @h~uld ralae ... mu~ u he 111'1...~'8e9it died at her .bome lien ot WayneaYllle will bold . an Mr" and ilrs. Bert aart.ock ad Warnb' .coODty , • ' piIMa for ID ate II .erl~ ,.10 In prizea to pu - POBBlbiv carr. the I(eedl be ,~ta Mlddle Il(QD: "uesday .fternoon . open rneetinlt on Frida? evenlna. Mr. and Mrs. Ro~i&ld. .'.JIawke tllllJ'conteetjultwoa:kedoattiy. tb8 iJc:hools for the best to be. cons? med oy ~I~ I~ve .tock, at 'l :80 o'ela:ck:- The funeral will be Feb. 29 at 7: 80 at tbe new grm, In Dayton Tqeaday. and .w Farm ,Borsau 10 ~peratJbD with posten advertlslnlt the local Insti, ~o man cap ~~ ~, ,~'lq~~ l,n the 1;, held from the Middle Rup church, Mr. A S. Thomu, a member of the Covered Waa'On ' at tile Nlctol'1 Supts. F . B.. Barris an.d c. A. Bru· tute, tbere W88 quite an. . nleaa-bla 'Qeart On 'T hursday -night at the lIym, Ohio ·Blnkers A8IIOC1itlon wlll- be • '. ner o unIque posters :on exbibiti on f rom is in the businesa. Friday aft~ r.noon at 2 o·clock. the fallt Middletown Journall ' will thei speaker ot the evening. Spe· "Why every farmer should belong the puplla of the grad es. For the (Con~inued, on page 4) . , --'-, \ Our line of Smolk:er's Supplie, II to the Farm Bureau." Is the subjert judging committee t he chair man • _~_ me4lt the Mlamis.nll a good . game eial mueic by tbe Hilrh School Glee On account of the condition of ~he Gray &: BOI8O Cigar of the can teet, all of which must . be announced th e foll owing : Mrs, Vanis to be expected 88 tbe newspapt'r Club and orcb"tra ' under tbe di complete roads . Iast week. the funeral of team hae a!good r~ord tblll season, rectlon of Mr. Alfred Watkins. Thia' Store. trom 200 to 400 words in lenl th . denba rk, Mrs. M. A. Co rnell . Mrs. Elmer Kee~er. who died In [<'lorida, T~ere will ,be a preliminary game will be the beat meetiult of the year. The rules are belnll sen t to the Kenneth Houg h. Waa postponed until Mo?d!ly after· begtnning at 7:15 between the B . Myer Hyman and family arriveil -, home Sunday. after spending most teaohers .over ~he co.unty, ~nd' , the Friday I p. m . ... noon of this week . The service was S. Reserves and Springboro . county IS di VIded IOtO dIstrICts. beld 'at-lbe M. E. church Mondl'Y of lut week in Clnclunoti. W~\I~ Wavne township being in the th.ird After being ~(Jrved a to sumptu ous afterDo'on and the body ~a8 t.8ken , FoI'MtI of Main.. there Mr. 8yman took the Scott s distri ct. h' k d' d b th to f)aytoh II'for intermen~. The Prtmeval toreata tot white pCaa. Rite and Sbriner del'rees. c IC en mner. prep lire . y e . . • "bleb pve Kalnl! the Dame ot PIlle - -- _.04__ - -Gleaner staff of th e high school, t he 'Tree state, bave lIearl, all d1upproceeds of which we ll t to th e ot h· Mrs. EIRwci'"r th Shel:wood died . peal'lid; but the Mrond IP'owth ~ belli' . Af aebool hack WIIIJ run over to lelic associ/ltio l', \ve comme"c~t.l the McClelland boepltal Sonr'ay --'\I8e4 ,to ala..." enent. spruce torests Franklin Jut Friday and Saturday, promDtly on t he 'uftern C\o n se 8~ illl l evenlolt. after'an ope.~t1on. She ,waa T he immunizing dOsea"tor pre- are the molt utenaIYe, Hemloclr. and many of the basket ball fan s ._ __ "'fhe K.ey tp Profl tahle Li va ,. ' birch, bal..m, Gr. ' 08k, maple. cedar. valled' themllt!lvea of the opportu taken very ill ,IJ.af week. and ·v entlon of ~Iphtheri,. wi,.' be POlt. fellow 'p1Jie, beecb; ballwood. elm. a . With his f am ily and his n elghbar~ Stock. " by Mr . Sell" ur Th e far m taken to 'tee bOl pi.t al ·a~ Xenia pon~ this week until Friday, Marcb ~ lib, II1d otbera allO are toUD4 Ia nlty of ....In' the ' couaty toutna- iIIu8trated with about 40 lan te rn er sh oul ,1 he enti t l rl t o enr,ngh com· ' t'rida,. wbere 8~e wei ' operated 7, a t thlj" Grange bu!t(Jinlr. . J MalDe. manto slides from the Lick Observatory. P!ln8ati'ln to amply repay the eleOD. The fuu'er~1 will ~ held . , " , . ,. i " .bowlnlt tbe sun. sun 8~ts. ecllp8el. menta extracted fr om th e soil of his
~~.:..W, 8.~"!!!~
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--_.- ---
.•.- •.
, NJoII"n" Appl •• McI."";rotuiD1 Applseed" Will a Queer Character who I1ved Ilbobt· 181lO, or,perbapa .,ve~ ·· n!lfl l1li1:1181'. · He WU a Wal!d~ : )lenn1t' • Wjl~ ' rave~l!d th.rougl\ tbe Wildie WeBt ~ltll 0. .bag of 1I1,'pI~ .ee~~ .wJ!lcJi b~ plllnted·,tll· ~ ' JlllICeI; ', H~ nill nalile' I• ._Id vt.[ ~a.,. ' been jollA ' obapm .... but , be rot tbI ,
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ph'ne~; nebulae. ltar
farm . . . . He brought out many illustra ti ons h Id d t ......, .•~. In abowlnlt that t. ~ wor oes no ~ ai"en .". Prof. Bennett, owe tbe farmer a hVlng by a lack ot Mtronomer. AdmialOft, 2&caad lila IndUIll')' of the tiller of the aoil. ¥&reb 6 at the G)m fo·t" tliebeneftt Selectlng•.matlng and developing ot o'f ."'&_:":10't' cl.. ' farm animals of' Itreat importance to ,.......... hi h ta d d f '. • _ . ' attain our present · a s n af 0 ·, ..i · live stock. Heatated tbat the aver' d'
III'O&'~ tbe f'-oM '''-'and uni. ....··u ..-va...
. , ~ioIICE .' - ., ' ,
eowV~'dkePbt th~
ak't lOll tko the -.rs . an en ar . en spq e on " "Fa~lnl a Busl!1~~ P~ftll.ership to ·.I\ftlled and wlfe · sbould be equal liIublen OD the f~rm . The busineaa -Ienoula be divided ~to, t.Jllto dep.rtlDenw. the wlf. ~ maDalre 'tbe Jiom~
qe '
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~"71U'n J :-; IH111 !\U~· tl ltl t .\ ~Hl
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In~ :'
. ....... ...,.
" 'j 'h('n sll f()rwflrd n" fnr us .\'on cn n li n d I will rI .l" with you ," he nnsw,'red, III n 1I 1t1 11 11'11I Ih' wu s on ( he co1t' f bll<:\; ' Ill' l tl I1.1 hl' r. She WIl S II c"llIely mlll d,' n. An "1II hOI'II)' n., h' ~s r"Sller!·
~ol ... nll'"
''I ~!
10 ~'nur
die modeler 10 Peter DaneSe!!' on' { Icll I ,1 'em oYer wltb nil Iblllr grit ou' gunsl U· 11I11lIun1t1oo." . !olomon tound John Jrons nnd ft.... ot bill 1I'11llJ and three of his tl ntlgh I eM! dlllllo, potatollS and pullln!f tops In u field near the bousc, Th ' sky WI\ clenr md the lIun lIb1nlng warm. Sol· omon called Irons us lde and l ol t! 11 1m ot Ute appronchlng lodl u nB. "Wbut nre we to do '!" Iron~ o"k ed. "Send the women uo' the I/Ublc~ , bnd, to tb 80gar shnnty." sulll Solo" mon. "We' U stay Ileal' 'cause If Wu run erway Ute Bon e8'11 glt their hu'r lltted. I reckon we kIn conqutlr 'CIll." HBowf' ~Sboot 'em tuu 0' meat. Tbey mll!Jl '0' traveled an nJ.ght. ,Th In Inj lID I~ tired nn' bungry, Been tllree duys on t he tnUl. ,No time to hunt I I'U bu ti c Ilome wood together an' ,tnrt 1\ tlre. :rou brine a patr 0' atecrs right here ' bandy. We'lI ' rlp tb Ir hId s otT IUl' elt the reelt. o· vittles In th aIr soon u God'll let Ul." Hrs; Irollll hid I n Ute IIhed w ltb the loaded ;,!' Ruth IroIlI ud Ill. eMdren set out for the .u.ar bum, ' The steers were Qul<:kli led uP and IIlaughtered. .As a bIde ripper Solomon was a mnn of experlenC$. Tllil loin!! ot one anlultil
\' , t
w.... eooldDl
OIl tum8l/lta and
pot of beef, onion!! alid, potntoCll, 1)011bIc over ~e lIre wben ' ;Jaclt arrIved ,nUl the Beine. famIly. ..1. I1ttle lateJ: Solomon left the fire, Both h1a . , .' and hili ear bad caoght "1tID"~ ~or among tbe mOQBe bIrdl1D the 41atant bUlIll and a IIock of PlpoDi trom the welt. "I>0Il1 1l0ll. 0' " Itlr tlll I come bal!t.'" he aaleI. u lie turned Into the trail 4 ' _ rodll away be lay down WIth lila W. to the fl'!lUDd and coul~ ts.t1Dctq liear the tramp ot many teet ~proa.eh.lD' .in the d.lstnDce. Be 1hDt on a Uttle ta.rtber and presently _~ hlmaelt tn · the buebel clos , to the traiL' 1Ie had not long to wnlt, for lOOn .. red ot' c~e on o~ eod • of. dI. Plrll:. Be ,wp a young puron IIr.... hll taee painted ' blnCk and ylll· low. B1I ' bead Wa! enoireled by a lUke Ik1nl A toit's taU rose' nbove hla brow anU dropped bllck on b1s I erown. ' I A. IIlrch,:.l inrk hom hong oVllr hla ahoJJlder, . , Solomon stepped oot of tho hushes ~ 'be had PBIlSect and I8ld In the Baron tonane: "Welcome, my rell' brother; I hear thllt a large band 0: 7U' tolb Ie comln' and we have , t
• taut ...47,"
TIle "91111( brave bad been
tnrtled >\II dI. nddiD appel,l'BDcc ot Solomon, bllt .... 1l1tadlJ, 'Wor4.1 had ' reassured
111(1 N I"
I)!'lr!l~' n1~
rll SIlP-
.. long
\, , rwomeo." .~ " A ioot of taar and astonishment IcaDI. upoa .d le tace ot the Indian.
• , "Yeu are a IOn ot Ute Great Spirit fh ~ etda1med. , "4114 I wonld keep yer feet out 0' itlle IDaN. Let me be yer chlet, You IIIIalI 'haft a hone and tlfty beaver IddDI and be taken to the border and "at frM. I. the lCOot ot the Great '''tiler, haft aid It, Ind It It be not 'u I R7, mq 1 Dever _ the HaPPJ
!lhDtbIC GraundL" ,I
',,,,: "8... u oUU.'" Ilh1M: We muSt ....t bII!I IIh a ~iIf, "in ~nnl ~em IL rpe. ~ the llleat ....lalln· I" ..
..... ~ weill with tho bra"9 to bJe
a ~ of wtlcoUlIlo ..... ~ wl13' old Bpittn~ 1.11 _ _1'fIII 'beadare.', CIt ' buekllttn
ra.:::= 'aaa10101D0D
:t;~~e= ~l
h1a baad til
to the
OIlt of
l .. rRf\--,-\\'ll h fhe e np-
·1 11" \\11 11 .. ' 1I1 " h a\\'k trn ll. , It
,lit It! " .V I~ enYf\ !t- ,H.Jf' n r twen· ,.I.n p h lo 1.1'1' tw ~n' r r f!I\U' h o r RCS. II. . 1\11 I .. I' ,' r f nll .. \\'in ~. • .'{!!,d 101 11 IU nh.u ~ a nd P ('re r none. I\n tlllJ" nn 1 .< rll~1 ,1 (I( ,d tin g Ull rd until
U ' Ill e-S ,
re Lu rned
I ("f' '1.rI'1Il IIII' ul."" r \·nll oy.
A dozen
m £'n ,ind, lio)'~ ~ 11 pl ~ tc d the dl~n rrnlng at tho' hu nd und thll t ev('n lng Hat out with t hl"" on t he south Iroll. • It ls dOulilful If thl>l history would hn\,e' heen wrl ltl'n \JUt t or nn ncc ldental
I nnd
hl~h l y Inter stl n!: cir cu mstance. In Ih ~ tlnl p aTty young Jilek Irons rOlle u col t. jUll t broken, wi1h the girl l'n prl \'c, now hupplly releu ed. The 11IlY 1011 ,1 helped everyone to get awa,.; thrn Ihpr e seemed to be no rldnble hnr~ I ' for him. He walked flit. a dllI ll n('~ hy l1'e strongerls mount aa the Inl tn:' IVO Wild, The girl . wae IIlIent t or h I1me ntter the colt had settled tlown, ,no'w Rnd then wiping' tears from her 'eyes, " By nnd . 1lY sbe IIslccd: . "1\[oy 1 ledd ~ colt while JOU ride?" "Oh, no, I om n\lt tbed,h wu his
tW I) whll~
"' en
II nn o~'''oI
~rty soon they ,hove In . a1gh~two .InJane. the two ca,U,.H ~' . a wblte man:-the 'lfult.IOOIJIil' bult~ brUte that I enr ~p1n' arion • U,.el;r on I ' "Q6tID ~... 1r11h I I'UD u' a eau~ '. B. llad ,a 'bread h.ld an' • tjlg lop moutla u' thlelt llpa an' ... long, red, wart7 DO. .mati black .. . . an' a po"'" 0' beard th&t loolled Uk. hog's 1?r11tl... ' lie ' atout l ' 8toOd ' 'bout toot ' *"au.
tho trouhlu 1s, Btu I
I\'I' I~ mlc:s~~.!.I!.... 1 ===!!:.!~===~_ " It h tile rh ellulllllz - nnd .lo mlt'II IHlrls 1\ lot. LlIHt w~'C 1< II
I... /:0 1 I1cwroi gy In the angle or Ill .. Juw - whlch bot be red blm to ~w lllI 'r. jus' the Iyorst you e,'cr S li \0' ! A'III, Illso, he'8 nUllcted \\·It Il fill e\'crlns lln' cough, till It \\'IIn l I IHlCXJlcctl'd It he'd up un'
shulllo "tT! ThI s SlIrlng he's loat II t' ll. \I rl cllallce of rlllsln' /:,Ilr· [INI IrIl Clt,- lIo took the " lIu" lind hnd It rl ~ ht - g"l ·durn Ihe blasted IIl Cll ! Il c Hetti urollnll lire \I\'eInng (IllY, reeltln' ot hfll woes If I~ z ry couldn't ollt ou' " h>c!" hC'11 lK'rla l,r- lUorcy knows. . . . Hut " 1,:,,1 11Il' SllocP's" hi s
has IJoon , nil
h i!; Ilfp.-If Ihls nl,,'t O\'lclolwe ~]zrY'K
.'n"llI:I1- I.:o Illl k 10
wlte I
,,,,,I frt;: lo lene d
"\\'o wcre In the \'(llll'Y at cl l':H h nnd IIn\'C lod U 8 ou t ut II. 1 nrn sure Ih nt 'l do n (l l lonk liS It I we", worth 811\' lng, I S ll \ll'('S~ tbllt I Il1UHI hllvo turned Intti un old wOUlun. Is Ill)' hnlr whltel" "No, You uro the bcs t-look lng girl I C\'er snw," he tloclared \\'101 rustle ~' 0 1l
. "I n~~e r had n compliment that plensed Ill e N" IllU 'h'" she nn swered, D'S ho'r I.'IIJllw, tluhtrned n lill ie on his MONEY LOANED nanda, wlll eh wore cllugl ug to I'c i' cout, "1 01 most lovud you t or what yo u did ONEY L.OIiD lld 011 II~" "fOok, to tilO old vllluin. I IIUW blood on the OIlHU"III, I\18U lIecoo .. ulur.II"~"'" s ide at your heod. 1 tear he burt .N.,UIII bonj<bt . J.lbn BIUbllht, Allen you7" 6 ",:014. "He jnblled me once. It 18 MthID.,- .BnIIUirlt(, X\lnl~ OhIO,
"110\\1' bnl\'O you wert' I"
Farmers, Attentiqn!
"1 thlnlf I nm morc 8Cll red now than f Wl18 th en," sald Ju ck. "Scare d f • Why?" , Ji'lIrWllrtl III W .. oren .. nd .. l1 jlllllll l Answer. " ' "r nlll not used to glrls 'except m,. COOllth11l ul"y ub""iu mo" .. y uu IUblJ "I w.nnt to do' something tor ),ou," lime loami. 11\ 6~% Inlllrlllll. \Joe" slste l'S," "Wby"' " ' . of II ourlo)!' tbe . oiUI" III "ery r"alloa. lJe ulI " hed and nns vered: "18m 80 grateful.' 1 fi!Ol 'UlJa the r "And r I) m not us'd to herOCI. I .. bill, tbrtlulCb The l!' dttr,,1 Laad kins;'s cat. I nm trying to expreu my am 8ure you C'Il nnot he 80 scnred nil J Baull . For tor.tberlDforfUMUOU OKll teelln!f8' 1 ' thlnk 1 know, DOW. , wby 11111, ' but I 'rutber enjoy It. I lIke to .. n or 8ddr"~tI M C ORAKI!: • .'l'rt<ilt. the Indian women do the drudge~,". be acul'cd- Il lItUe. IThill Is so dllJer- urer, phon .. 3lto-X, L"bIJ IlUU . ObI " , . A ~ alte Ibok M nt him her dark e>," IPnt 'f
were 'fct. serlo.IlR.
"r h
\ '1' " "
!' ,
= -_.
II t tl,," old he ,
"It Le
81 0 will buy your o ld pap"rl, rill'!" and jnnk Wm. RoblnMon, ,W .. ynellvl.J1e, Ohio MAN w\t,h M ARRIED I ..rm 150 'Ilorell on
~ ~ r !fe or
~~:J - : -' -
u', lad!: IJi ,Back-:re , CD thIU ...... ,ftte 'lDJa ,'1 of' ~~ ' . l . " , . 'Drop ~ 1aDt.' 8Il1I L 'tal
, • whit. uiut :~ ' " be _ tol4 apolre Enirlt.l\ all aiebbe diem two IDjUIIII didn't ondenlU' me. We'll never know, 01' Bed Bnout l8ftDed over to pIck up bl, gun. an' be'd made up bls mind to fI«ht. Jaelt gl'8bboo blm. He were stout 81 a lion aD' tore 'way from th e boyan' started to pullin' 0 long knife ont 0' hla bootleg. ,Jack didn't gl\'e him time. T hey had It hammer an' tongs. Red Snout were e reg'lnr fl ghtln' man. He jcst st Ilck that 'ere stump In the g round liD' bmced ng'ln' It nn' kep' II·Hlo. hln' an' Jabbln' wIth hie club conI' un ' yellin' nn' CU SRln' like a fien d 0' hell . He kn(oelted Ihe hoy clow n nn' I r~ckon he'd 'B' IIlClicred his hend proper It he'd '0' been spryer all h 19 pins . But ;Jack sprung up like he W ( ' r p mode o· InJy rllhber. 'the bull,log d pvll had cirnwcd his loog knife. J ack wore amort . He hO[lpcd b e llln il fI tree, Buckey!!, who hndn't no " un, was jumpln' fe r covl'r. The peg· lng ClIIII!' 1IW0re n blue slr ~ (lk an' lIun g the knlte al li l m. II wrnl cI 'or through his body lin' be tell on his face an' me slandln' thor 100,110' my frUD. I didn't know btlt ho'd lick os an, Bat Jack had JumpM on him 'fore hl! gOl' hOI~o' tbe kn ife /lg'ln. :; ' "J tl" ,u "IJt HlIre he'd llDQr th.e .I~o.v
HER6'i 1\ L.ETTcR: ' Jr!tOM Tt:tO'OE NeW~'i MARRIED FRtENOS 0.. ouQ.t;
I," ~E c:>T1I..L
~ HA'~I>L,IN6
cSLOVeC;? .
lIlggl rrom !loud IlylDIf .. t.l'lltu
be" • . 760 per 11i eggll, or l>t 00 IJI'r 100 e8RI_._Mr:l, W., lil"til,r olld, ri" 0, '. W.v~olVlIIe, .0 .• ph?De ~"2
. ,
w12, In. Br&ildoo.k, W"y.
WT ot Mixed Bay tor quire of II'raDk
nenllle, Ohio,
La!'; t "ear 350,000 buyers' waited, for delivery. Insure yo~rself against delay :h is sp ri .g by placing your ord ~r for a Ford 'Car now.
.. . ,.
.... 1• •
GG8-P.-rk'S tltr.tO Barrpd R,.olr
lIeh a 'II&tIt III my IUiL I
I hlrd.
Wm E W .. lto n, one-balf wHe Dorlh of Bollbrook, ph<>De lOL..l. fIlO
' .Va, e \ ,-p; . or,
an w...
1... 11) 10
,.-- - - ---:::::::I-W AN 'I'ED-Ranllnll'" "lIl1lnl1.,
'11,\I "II
l'11I ~'l! w.lJl~ro
1,,1 nny hu 1'1\ I .·.'lIl1! 10 you un W Ihey wer ~uro or ge lllll g awn)' wit h t.9CIr'
hurt! I.. I,,,te ll bl m ()(olin ' he IIO\'cr worl;1;, liy Jl lIg!
Recovery ·from Influenza Hastened b,
Mr. C. A Allcn, R. R. No.2. BondUrant, l ow4. give.! testimony to the healing pOwer of P c· ru-na, InOuenza left him much r " ~ down in heallh with 'catarrh, of I . nose. throat and bronichal tubcs pu netU3 1 ~ d wit h attacks of asthma. He wri tes : "While recovering from the In· f1 uenza ( was so weak I could not gai n any streng th for two months. The la ll er part of the winter. I boug hl six bOllles of Pc-ru-na and bega o taking it. My weight increased to 175 pounds, thl: most I e ver weighed. My usual winter weight is ISS, If you can u sc this Icttcr for any g ood. you arc perfectly welcome." Such evidence cannot fail to convince ·the rankest unbeliever of the merits of Pc-m·na, Insist upon having the old and original remedy foe catarrhal coo. d.itions. Sold Eftr7Wbere
01.1 [,?ory :-;I' ltll<!88 tnke It "\I~U. In I 1If' "" l'ly Jlllrt Qr I!III' I",,-lt'~
UB. Th e old dll ef h~llt II:; IIUII" hlUl," "Th' old cl def 1m ' w Iw ILer Ih un to
.,., ~e brother hu spoken well 0114 be Ihall be .., eblet. I U1re not tIIIJ loam.,., ·I.~ bid them to the 'feut. '1'IIeJj wlII eat ud . 'I leep like til. Ift1 wolft fOr they are hungry IUd dlelr r..t ue '8OrIl." ~ ' 'De II..... put bI;a ,lom ,~ h1I.mouth , '\M4 un.... a wU4 C!I7 thlt .I'IlJIC In tile ClItant bJl1a. Then aNa ' a,great CICIPIDf"1DCl klntecaWlrl, bact 111 the IIMi& "". ~onc., PUroD ,w.t ant IJJ ,IQOOt ~ band:' Retumln. 1lOOn, he . . to BoIOlDOil blat ·bfl chief. · the ....t ' I!,.pUtll.oee, w~nld have ,words , 1tl ~1ID. ...., • '1'anlIq to ' Jollu lronl. · SoloillOD
jOll1'lle;r." IIIld
tile lira.... " • AlIt dle-lIe1h of .1 ~lIt ox will help I" OD rv ....,., X1D;re llllleU IU" "Broth., U Ie Uke the amelI of the IJrNat .l\Jap In tba. Happy Bunting ~.. . laid dI. brave. "We have ,traftla4 dlree lleepl' from the land. of ,ilia . . .. _terti ud haft ' tJa4 OIIly twe JOrwplDel ud a email deft td eat. ,.. an h'ClJlll'1.-Ai!4 ~ ~4 .molle the cakamit . jill PMCI With ~~ MId 8ol0qlOll. I, ~=ent!l' die bo1lll1l and ~am lad ' Uoaii4 them. and thll, In ' eDet, sa wtlat ' 801_ aald to him I -/'" tile ehlef lCOut of the Great hther, Ky word Is like thut ot old ;n.m. TOilIUe-your mlibty chief. ''rOD tLDd :rour people ore on n bod era;'8Ad. No good can come 01 U, You CDN far trom your own country. A lar;e III now on your trllll, It ',oa rob o~ klll anyone yoo will be hun" W. now your plans, A bnd white dllef bas brought you here, He j.hu a wooden leg with an Iron rlng ~tui.d th. · bottom ot It. He come (town lue In I big boat wtth yon, NIIbt before lut you atole two wbl te
removlnJr III£' splls from I hl' fire and 1lI1'tl t u pon J-helll . and cut· tlng Ih e cool1p" ronsts Into Inrge pieces nnd pnsslng It on n bl!: en rlh 'n plntter, The Indl nns pRIt(' rly sl'l zed the hot ml'ot 6nll hegon In it" \'our It. In a -lett r ~ol ol'nnn hu ~ thns lieRcrlbed the Inclll nt : "It W. ' rI' R bli nd 0' ~ulthront robheM! nn' runnygndes trom t h 0 1110 <'O unrry- Hu rons, AJ· gonk s on' :\!In!!Oe8 nn' nil kinde o' coM·orr red rl1hhlsh with on old AI/:,onk cblllt 't)' the nnme 0' Rplltnoso, TIl y 1It1.,II'l!d (hplr hides wIth t he ment un Ih.,y \\'n stlrr ns 0 found£' r ,I hosa, Inlnll ,t n' ", II P I'l hf' l' ~lIl11' 10, " 1' 1111 n~' HO' by IhllY \\'US .. nly IWO Ih ut WIlS 111m . ,'" und 1110' SllIn.'oi I!I,'I 1.. \ , up nil' pn\Vln~ rouII\1 I n Ih o SLew pot (Ju ntl tl ~ !I n' l o l' h im to k, 'q' II ;,!. ter 'n(,tllllr bone, lookln'· kind 0' un'Vh en he \\'(!r ~, 'h ollt 1, 1ft rHd.: lin' 1 snrl 'ln un' Juw wl'ory. In a minute o bu ll ,t In Ill s (I \' \.0.: r. t1' dr wlpud th Ir Imntls all their h'or hurry h i m crll~ns . ~II I hL' "u~ . I, ,.1. I on' IllY \Jilek Cer rest, They wus C1runk kill er l hu l ever I r Oil il l n ~" I "I\\lll' . with the mua t, ns drunk 88 n Chlnce from U:i with only 1\ Hil I',· hl'il y. Wl' n'ter n pi p o· opium. We white III n ne"er knowln' \\'h u hi ' .. ,·r,'. I \\':~h stre t ch~ d ou t with the rest on 'em till I'd '0 ' k llll'd th(' lUll "" ·I \\j :n ' . : we aoc tlley WI\8 nil In tho lonrl o' we h" .1 c(\nsld' nhlo ' 1,·" " I,I l' un "nr ! nod. Then ,,"p' rlz nn' sN up n hussle, homb. Highl l-rw a~ \II' h, " .. d 1\\, 11 , R Onlls' we co uld '0' kill ed 'em with guus I:n oft O\','r h~' th l' 1" 'II~l-. J o linn mer nn ' dono It dellb'rlt. I knoll' ,I th ut our tirln' I,,!. I t1rob' ly atUrl l.!l l to pull the young Huron out woke some 0' t he slt" 'I"'I'ti. \ ' " pro"n '" 0' Ihl.! bunch, He jwnped up very ed t.Iw ground un ' ~O l t htlr ,lP (I n lei; @lIl,ple. Re Wllen't nsle p . Re had 08 WP could. Thl' IwO ",11II",, 'n \\'n 'n' l knowcd better tbon to 8wu\ler Byard tnr b£'h lnd, Th l'Y Ilido' l "l"'a lnt" tn I '0' mea t. lose ·us- you b en r t l)', 1I1(, . '1'\\'(1 Yl'U . ' , "Whnr wos the' wlmmen? I knuwed bm" l!l! hud sprurlg Ul' un' h(" 'U ,lul d I .. t110t a port o' 1110 blind would be boelt lie dow" og'In.. SUI Ih p En,.;lIs h Inil· , '. gUnge nl n't no h elp ItI on In.lun IIn,1 " ' In the buah wIth til em 'ero wlmmen. them surc:ums l'lne(·s. Tt , .. y ,I .. n' t n' I'd Beed sllthLn' .I n the trail over by dorstan' It nn' thll r ,nln'l nil tllllf' will I ; the drownd (J IlI.DdB that looked kind Ignernnoo' IB m ore 'costl y, ,)'1 11" \\'.' o· n e\'ll.rlou8. It, were like the end 0' a . wooden leg wtth . Iron ring at 80m, others awok e. bill Ih pJ hnd . Ienrnt sutbln·. TII~' \\'n~ Itc<,pln' qulel . I' the , bottom an' colllld'able weight' on .' an' 8e:t to 'em : ' . ,' . . . It. ' An InJan wouldn't have' a . wooden '''Jt lAY ~tlll ~ ye'lI lip ~nfe. We leaatways not one with an Iron lit. bolt 0: hind Go~ dJ1I¥ bJ. ~ctar .1 rUla' lit the butt. My 01' thinke r ba& ,Be d fIIInt ~e IbJ,UIl8 011 . allell\1 te: to ~ won't do ye II bit (I' ilarDI, Yo u've· I~ bocl connn'n~', but ~'C oln't don , ~ CbIlWID' , Ulllt emd aU daJ an' ,a ' a do b,II dlrtf •.worlt. ,The Obi? 'C<lODqo, , wudden U come to me. that n wblte were ~ 0 robb.1ll' wbe,p~ " whleb I I Dotb1n' but s~etll 0 plllr o· \\'Imnu!n. were ronnln' th.e hul,1 'crew, Tharl ~d 0 mlat.nm~d he. we~ one on · If Y. behll.\·e:tT(lilcr t rom nQ\\' on. 'Ye'll " bow I gained .ground with the re4 em who had ~ed tip ,~Is ere band be lien£' hu i,l.' < " ' "'Ve dldti:r.-IIfI\,e no !r(m ·.' II'" hit! IICOOt. '1 teoll hIm out In the aldl8 0' d runnygndes,an gon~ oft fer plunder. We go~ b~lt ,o l1Iost 0 ,-helr gun~ ,.ery , with them. I lIlu t ooe o' Htln,'''''s' boy the bUllb an' II :t I: ... quiet, an I qU,t John Iron8 IUJ, two on 11 boss DO' Il n~rl ~ rI hl /ll "" II .., vn l· '''Whnt's J'or nome" , .1 hIs bO)'8 an Peter Bones an h1l IllJI 'f!!r b Ip. 'T il .. \\' 1Jl1 UJ~ "I:l>l.\ ,,~ boy 18r'el an' tbe two women with .,. ': 10ldid ' gulll on IUnrd ~er 'em, U 'nny on wok..e up ' they Wll8 to r1d~ the nightmare er IBY stll.!. .rlelt 'an' me an' Buckeye tmenlred batk' nJ) the trail ter 'hout tweDty rod With our guns. on' then I tolc" the YOUll4r lJ;ljun to shoot all' tho mOOBe coU. Wall. .' sir. fe could 'a' heerd It 'from Alb~ to ,},lng'8 tall.. Tbe an.wer come an' jest a8 I. 'BpeCted. ~\were within a qunrter o· 0 mile, I put Jack erboa£ tifty feet further up ' tho trAIl t'ban I were, an' Buckeye DJgb him. . ' tal 'em ' what to do, W. stl:ootebed down III the bUBhes an' haerd 'em comln'l ·
plltlln~ mol'!'
an -
nblt! {hun ~l lIjor DUIlI'nn hilS wrllt en 111U 1 sit \\'ns u Inll , w l!II.~hlll](~d: tun· I'winl( gi rl n IIltle pu ~1 slxlc~ n nnd ~o od to IOllk upon. "wIth dnrk eyes IInl1 auburn hnlr, th e 1lIII or Ion!! nnd h l' Il\' Y nnd In the 8 l1nll ~ hl rl 'hl)' col · ol'l'd": Ihllt ~h p hnd ,I ,'ntler tlnlt~r8 - 'Duckey",' BP.Z he. . nn' flU' UII I 'lU ll<- l otll ll'U, I'UI ,l urk WI' rt! \l'US r'n\\'lIn'. I to\' 'PIll to " Irnll: I110n , nnll II h('"ulltul sk in, nil sh owln!: tbnt .. 'Who's lhe white Ollln that'll with He II ral Icrrlo'I" II .· 1I,ul)(!:<1 un' tI.ut th. ·lr InC'eA /ln' go with In(' k nn' sh(, hAd ' boon ' dl'lIrnt uly hre ll. spry Jer'Mlke IJnrpe.' rush I'll In nn' IIm bl,,'d Iwl! o· Ihl' Cl llh , hi s falh.r ,1(''1'0 to Fort Slnnwlx. Thl'Y otli ls thnl ho envlod Ih .. h i», wh o hnd an ' f.' ld ... " Ihl' , 'II " S 1I w l",d. In Ihe were kind o' I PI; ",e Ary no' excit ed, rldtlon h.-tore nnd beh ind hor hoi t the "'Are the white wlmmln with hIm?' pound I with Ills h"r tl~t, tin' ,,\, He ll i hul lh ry hadn't been hurt )'11. An. lengt h of Tryon county . 11 was n c10ee RssoclAtlon uml Jnck .. 'Yet! Snout wt..·n t duw n Ilke u SlCt'f UluJ e r olhl' r dny ~r two would 'n' Hxed 'e m. .. 'Row many InjUDIlf Ihe II X. JA ck nn' hi s fotll er nn' mother luk found It so Rllreenble thut hI' ott~n ., 'Two.' ., 'Lo ok out I thl't(l'S 'nothl 'r man 'em bnck I to the pn stur\ on' .Tock run refprred to thnt ride AR th e ",""t I!I' .. ·'Vhat'. yer signal 0 ' vIctory" comln ',' Ih e youn g ",11I11111'n h •• Il l'rNI. U[l 10 th bnm fer ron ee on' brIdles. ('lIln~ nd\'cnlllre of hi s II fl' . .. 'The call o· the lIIooee.· "811 ,' Dl..'tln 'l 'n° Il1 k {h ., )),,,,,1.11' In n little \vllllp Ihpy gol s(l me hoots " Whnl 1M ~' I"ur MOlC'" h I' n a ~ ..d . hMn rJ!urcf Hu re," du;! n n SWP ll'(t .. 'Now, Buckeye, you co me with ue,' 'cllll se a f,,,· .. ~h(' ~ I "II"! I w. 'r(, 1,11,1;1 11' un,ler 'Pili Itn' [llckpd til' Ihe chlld~ m I lie%.. at lil li ' I llmu!':1I Ih., s l~hl ,,' illY 01' nn' {ndtllpd (In'. T \\' I"nl nll t In thl! , "I\ow did IIl .. y .'uteh you '" "1111, they "Irtn e Mud'l~nl~' lind "t . nlth· '" Imowed thnt the white nrnn w c r e Mlt r iPf. which I'll IIlt1n " ~ . , oI I" L II 111,,1, t .. ' ", I Ril e ( )'P nn ' h., WI'I' " tiend lIy, li S Ihe)' rio In the slory hook .. when mnnln' the hull I)n rty nn' I Itchf'd t o lou,h'd .lJ.:' ln. 1.1\' \\' ,'rt' t ll l lllill' \,1\, I I I;: ,1 \'11 1\1 ,· t hllt <tw n lh· r ·J .Jllnnh.1t me. J 1" t ul{ Jr·.... t IIn\\ Il hll'l ~ t "l' "', t hI' 11'(, t' r nt ~1,I lom on Hln- we were nloae In camp. My fotber ) don't fl l llkC' no II\I ~ t ll l, 4' . '11 lI u,l I~, " /:,ulll eR hnll ""n,' oul I hUIlt.." " '1' IJ ,' (.II' IJrut c I hilt .J ill'k II I ! I ,~ ~ Ofl" hlfl r nml1 y lind thnt " LIlli th e), 11'''111 )'011 \1'(' 11 '/ " knth 'k , d clown \lu lvl'!','d :Ill' LI\ ...:t' I' Hon... Iii" hllY" " n 4.1 ~lrlR " 'I'Il!' lu [lI l1n~ let " " ulon e, 11 " 1 lite ...uter ' receiving the Presiden t's "Godspeed" and flnn l ins tructions, at W tlsh ingtori, the U. S, Ann~ aviators went to ·their pOllts,Jor the "Round the World" fligh t which Boon s tnrts. .Le.ft to rigbt theY ar~: Lt. J,. D. Schults, Lt, E. H . .Nebon, Maj, F. L, Martln in command, Lt, L. p , Arnold, Leigh Wilde. Lowell B. Smith and John J.Iarding, Jr,
Ipoln n n('nr. "m,' ru tnRe m e De<! tmll wo rd spoken. pllce," IIIIld th e seout. "Y,," cu I er~rost i H., nnd ,J ohn Iroli S nntl hl~ son began
Mr. Uln u-, lin ,.".'\h:" ~ (lU, \\ () "'e In n wlhl r "lI lr), IlUl"!\1l S/t ges and thl' wit t.' f" lk lIlIl'(' f I Ilr"ti' t neh , (Illwr, \ \" 1'" u~"'l ttl I .. " I I",,, r >Io1 \\' I,r C~I" ' \' I P'I t u , >e men u te.' ~"'I: ' ... ill' \\1t'n t l.nt. " 1 hn \'c: r CC\(I uf 111"1\1 In hllll k~. hut I '1I"'nl' htllled to I Sl'e I""" IIn ,l tnl lt to III '11\. rou nro Ilk,' A In. ,, 'I I Ad' lll!'s, "
.. .
See the Nearest , Authorized Ford' Dealer :.-
, #. .
e~ . . ~~ .,~ . ,)~-" , Detroit"Mi~r~--7 ~"'~-r
011 BaDge. A Goal see ,la, .1 Mrs.
cheap. OHllluirl
Mary E Lem
mun, Fonr$h 8Sreet, Otilo,
Nayuell9tlle UIII
hoole A good gronnd and
wUh 2 'I ores of ontbulldl n!!~: la, qutrt! ot Anu L 8ml.b. L,Ytlll. OhIo,
lor 'ormA,
Tobaooo Prell lind 10' el ' 1 Rope Tob,,')o "!leb, IDqa11'9 ,'f IiUt ,
ton Esrnhlu(, pbone ne8vlUe, Ohio.
11l_1~, ~
W .. ,_
Laurel: Bealer, 1 WI,lnUl GOUD O!lpbond hand mild ... 200
t ..",
III,:,ond h.and. Cyprus, lYe ID. fluo~IDR lIome old.tallbloDed Uu,ilrll, OW H,yle New Home tlewlug M".Jbtnll. D, m, S'aDdttord, 127 .... Cooklni and EaUnli ApGOOD ples, II 00 !Jer L.... lllil,. 2, ,or . bD ,
Lee lil. ·E lnDbar t • Ilholl.! 74-6
. ,.'J,7
lave you,140 OD thll price L ETIII me a late ' .door I'ord tll'l,h'D dee'
M. l>. BaIi-I1, ., Olenl .. nll tWrvlOO tlta$lOD, W~,~D~!IIII1. Ohio,
e,a.T~H .E
IS.;UEO IjlVERY WEDNESDAY teolero ... ~ t tl~ ~'IlI4L m.,u nt W"Y IlUt4"\·f1~,. ·"h hi.
en AN E.
D. L.
lUi ,
" " Uf> ud c..'ICUlt1
I Ii
~'DII Ma.U(,
v,i N'ii--:---~ ~!1 . :~":~:;q£:if::t :':::'..: \
T he c o nfidence of
E di~or alld J ul jh ~ hl' r. Waynesv ille, . Ohio
many thousands is on"
Sub~erioti (ln Price. $1.50 p er year
factor that hel ps make
~ fA
WEl)NE~n AY,
l' E BRU AI1Y 27. 1924
the most 0 ular and .tAO w;.delyP uPsed tonl'c' _ I"': food in the world.
ml ,
But We Still Pay The Piper = = == . In OUI' brilliant d:lsh tow3rd nat ional bankruptcy-for acemingly though we will not reach the goal there are many Ilcrllons who would head U!:l l hat way-the countief! of the countL'Y lead in th e race, 'l'h ('y a re ah ead of the I,Itates that created them, thl)ugh !:lom e 'of t he villf\ge ~ are running them a c1of!e race in th e wild expend iture handicap. Census fi gure)! ll how th at in 1922 stllte governments owed $l,162,6:J8,OOO, In 1!H2 th eir public debt was only
mon aro nl waY)I T tt"l ~ 1.n vote 1'0 1' publ ic expenditures with out a t hn u;:h t of t il(' cO l1se n• , w'nces . I, Wh ene\'er Rome puh lic: expenditu re ig c;umsegted the vil- , I!LR',e home-dwe ller ruts ·on h iA thi nl<i ng cap imd hes itates, W Ighlllg the r ORfl ible en'ed : upo n his pocketbook; but as I Boon as he lecu'nA t he burden can be !'l hifted from the village I to the county .then he betonlcs n root er fo r improvement . He pays the piper, of cour 'e, hut t h e tax burden is furth er .\ rcmoved. If th e. c~s t could be met by th e Atate, t he!" 2 would not complUln If the expendit ure weril ten times \ has been suggested, • This peculiarity in human nature is t'eflected most clearly in the great cities where the fiat dwellers do not pers onally, pay ta..xcs for anything. The la ndlord pays th em , He adds the amount of his taxes to his r en tals a nd h e usui.tlly adds t en per cent. or more for 'good luck a nd saf ety The flat dwellei' pays and he pays through the nose but he d00.9n't realize it. In like way the' s mall town horne dweller pays and pays through the nose whenever he fails to, take an interest in local affairs and pel'mits county expenditures to run wild. Time will corn e when the public conscience will revolt agll,inst the selfish scramble for local improvement at any price so long I\S the money can be taken from the general purlle. The outrageous omnibus bills that disgrace our national legislation give l us an example. When we Jearn to kick out our Congressman because he has thrust his fist lnto the grab-bag to "get his" for his district instead of patting him on the back and approving the cheap ,gr8.ft, we will be better off morally and financially;
Builds Strength!
20'~ I
'1 ' .
In thi
Dayso! POOr Richard
$422,796,000. III 1912 the deb ts of th e :l,OO counties footed to $371,628,0~O, In 1922 t hc <I t·hl h a d g'l'own to $ l,366,63 G,OOO; a totallll el' IL'iC of 268 p CI' Cl'::l:. T h(' hu !<ineg m; l1l wh o would aid in ca ui'l ing such n il in cl'cwi" in h i!; o\'c l'h cad xpendi t ures I wot: ld be re~nu'rlatl [lH a \llm,t ie, yp!' pccu liarly t hesp !lame '!I
."No-i:'h . . . lOU "., l'I"'filll'tcrIO n'!'" "r CItJ!:ln Dd," '0
/kl.~ .. l.. ouis e W ooll ey .
WH ~
"I \'I' ,' ~ . ltr,· of IlIn t. I hn",' . oen b Inl1llln~ lind Shaker8, bu t r I,n,'e lt l've r ' erl:l
Scott's Emillslon
~Il 8; Do.."., nlouwfi.Id, N. J, b I "I
or(,(j." lI~ lel .1.1ClI , .l hh n 1I'1 )' M P I/< I'1It}' slol< ~ ttl! h "1 kn~'" all ahout you wilen you ~() ,. 'h, ~' f Ilr . . took my hllll.t1 nnll hfllp()d me on the pODY--<lr nenrly Sli. 'ou " " ,,:;c.q. 'I'he r a W'IS n o 80lloo1 lust WI ' t ' I t leDlRn." " I hupe 811." lien, u n t o t t ho loy r ond
l· rr'U)ll'l' lan."
If you try to create war you liTe eent to jnll, If )'OU try to bring about pealm they threaten you with atripea. What Ie a poor girl to do thell8 days! •
America hUB lett 1Ibou.t '8,600,000,000 In,,e8ted In a merchant marine-most of I.t in shlp B rotting in the harbors.' Preoumably by nex~ )I,c ar the offlclBl Song ot the Senn!c will be Rule Britt8nia, Franklin in ea too $600 in En l:land. II I,Ut"lcrl in to $20,000 after 11i0 yea rs, To·dny th ey invps t n th iug nn ,; ~? 'laO ~om <!S ou t of t he H\,· We d M I with KingG, all'. But Franklin dea lt with corllmoners. John T'•. \
" I, W .. )
post of longer JiLc, ea 'cr and cheaper to set and easit::r nd cheaper to fas ten fencing to.
IIl'~ \' ''ll',
Gn:ater Strcnl!th - d~ to adding monI metal In .• reinforcing rib ( .co. illustr:rt:ion) and also due to CbcJ lact !bat there i>n't a ~inRle bole ~ In the poet .,_,~ _ •• either for staples or ancb.o r plate. No rN«» ftqaIrerl to attach anchor plat«;- (See iUastratioo.) Firmer in Gn.uild-the RED TOP AacIIor' I'bi. .. heavier and strO~ than C'9er. Lougc r Service-tbe new aluminum metIIIBc IinW'Ia .' IIXId solid po6t' make it longer liwd. Better looking f enc-;';"'the al1llDlDam metallic finish (!i't"'s ~~ ~ a. neat, rpm oppeanmce. •• Ea5Ier:chCn~' 6etting ' with the One Man RED 'lOP !:>riv!:r one I\lim "'j~t a ....t. - can Bet ""'" to 300 'per day , ' " ,~ .,.,..
Moull,,), tlVenlUg of laft weul< , ~ lt ~9 LIL V ,. On Veil !Lnn brllth llr Elenr,l' ,w .. r o Thnt' t!dIlY n lnul'r gu e ~'8 ot MI"8 Illtbel nnll Wtlile Long. ,\ I r oti R .. hleB un cl W. (}. BIline. of u uY\(l u . " p.", t 8oudl\y wll,h tb tllt jJtl tt 'n l", ~I r. It nll Mr • . :-i W 1:I "l u(1'
M ore,efficient feAq)-~RED TOP~ F &ste1lcnr makm it ~ fQr one ~ att.cb
f~i to p/J8CtL ~ fa8teoet hoIdII ~ ~. ~
~; :
u l ( ~ 1I 1 1 " 1 1 1 1:1' f U I"'r
r; 1I1 \'I lt
• ~~'
\ \ I'-' ~
1' 1
' I tOt '
H.I\L!' rt-l celel)llll{·d 1,:0 \I.) LI
5. . . .
hl rlll uII. :v 1'u l1hul HY 1l I..o\ :!Hl1 t, I I lr l lllt~~ w" t:-. 1' .S t.1 rt' qld iH!'o t
"';'u l))\11
CoPJrlahl by Irving &cheller
.. t li Ke yoo," he dccf ured WiLli B lau gh. . "1 tenre,1 you w(lulll not lik e I\n Eng· Ileh I1lrl. So Dlnny North Ame rlcaDs hate EnJ:lnnd." "The English hn\' e been hard on U8," "Wh'ltl tio you ltI eu n 7" "They senll us go\,ernors wh om we do nnt like ; th ey mak e Inw8 for UB which we hnve to obey; tJH~Y Impose hnrd tlilCes which lire not just Hntl th ey 11'111 not let us have n word to sny ahout It." "I Ihlllk It III wrong nnd I'm golog to stAnllup for you," the girl nD8wered. "Where do you lI\'cr' he asked. ''In, Loodon. I 8m an Engll8h girl, but ple08e db",not hate me for \hot. I want to do whBt ia right nnd I shall never let 'onyone 1liiY a word sgUlnllt AmerlcunJI without tnkJog their part.~ "Thot's good," tbe boy answered, "I'd 100'e to go to London." "Well, ,,'hy don't you'" "~t'. a loug way orr." '\Do you like goo4-looklng girls?" 'Td rather look at them than eat." "Wall . th ere are mnny In London," "<>ne fa enough," said Jack. "I'd lo\"e to show them n reol hero:" ''Don't call me that, I! you would , JUlt coli me Jack Iron" I'd 'Uko .It bet· ,lU'; But Ill'I!t you'll wo.nt to, know !how 1 behnve. 1 om not 8 !ll!hter."
"',wk .
hu 2~tu
Mr. "'HI Mrs, F' r ltl}\! . N-,)~er" lI o tl futb ,,·, M,·. l!:oOH .t ·'Il!.II'fI w ,'re ::'UI}· d" ~'Il DB 8 t8 of Mr, uoll Mrs L'IIL 16noe Berr ybl ll , neo.r W .. yn ~~ vl lI ll
would like me better It 1 were fixed up II little." "I do not think so." , "Bow much better II boy'a head loob with hiB hulr ~t cl_ like 70u.... Our bo7a have long haIr. ']Chef do not look _ much like-man." ITo be aODtllluedl
.- .
'Save by buying in Waynesville."
The Mother. of three Strong
1I Illr"" or owd wuB Ilt tit ,; sIIle of ,lullllB 'l'lly li.. r, of tb e Dllytoo pik '. Monda y, llud e v erythi ng sold we ll. Tbb Il1d les of Lytle. ohuroh n e l.t,ed thli 80m of t 46 a\ the Innoh Bttln.1. Ths !'eotion men wer e ;)olled out ellrly 8undilY by II freight w reo k no thl! railroad lieu Lee lllH T he tfllok Rl'read. 03nBlug fonr ou r s to IAave It. 'l'he morning plll!s enger tl',,\n8 were, 4elayll<f. Thievtltl entered the offioe of Ev. erett Ellrly a' 'he wareholl8e ' 11lB\ Wedne8day nlgbt and took. , whAt ohange tbere: was III tha d ellk' dra w er. They entered hy pry'lng G ~tn. dow opsn, A nnmbor of artIcles bave been stolen "r o ~nd L y tle reo oently.
- - - ...
Healthy Children
an4 Featu.re Photopia, ••
...... Jteyal ....
'COLD IN THE HEAD" , . Nn"al CI\tn:tr1L ThDB e subJeot ' 0 rr .qu.~\ "colds'" ° . generall y In a '"run t1ow n' con dtUon.
I. an " eute aUnck of
HM,L'B OA1'ARR H ~ 1!~~ ~CrnE Ie
C~k·E. C1'Jlj eJ;£
A ..,
'trea lment conolstl ng or u n Ointment. 'to '
HI>o.LF Ac;, /,,\U CH
t)ulc1tly t h rough tho Btood' on th.'1 ~ coue Surfne"", ·bu lldlng ' up the BYBtem, · . and maki ng you le88 Ullble to "co)d(l;'; Sbld by drusgtU" for ~er, 40 Ytan. ,.
;Which acta
bl> l\sed Jocnlly, and n T oni c,
TIolEY I_U<E Tf.\e ACT of
'F. ,.J, Cbeney
& ,
rOL.l(o; DON'r
Co" Toledo' 0 ,
. ~.
' 11 .' l : Waynesville, Ohh), t
- ..- - -
National Bank '
~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~/" I,
John'. Medicine Keeps Thetta Well
''One of my trIcDd8 told m about Fn thor. JohD's Medicine alill now 1 I am tenlng all of my trlcu,1H bow much good It hllB done for ) I V chU· dreD," 8IIYB Mrs. Ve.m Norton ot ' MerrllJ, Wl& "All throo chUdren' :!lave \tatea lI'ather Johu', Medicine I wben tIIE1 I 'Ift1'Il nul down or 1uld l a cold, and to ClIch case 1 thlnk: ! Father ~~'. Medicine Ie respons!" ble frlr . improvement In heoltb.'" :' ''''~er ·.~hD'8 KiI\llclno Is II very . ~o ~nl8Iolt: of .!;~ lll'cr o~ 'With Other ~ents, an() ' ls becomIng known Il8 tho greatest bodY ' bll1l1ler becaoae at Its 8UCCC8l! over III , perlod ,pt .!>7 YeaJ'lll It 111 I:ttarantecd' !'reo trOm 'iIlcobol 01' dllilgerol1.8 drugs In IUI7 form. '
A Pure Extract for ' flavor.,' Ice Cream, Puddinlll. Cakes and Candies, ASK
'6 Bi, Vaudeyille Act.
.. Entire ch-aa 01 .&ow eYeI)" Mo.aai. 1IIICI 1Thllhda),. C_IiD_ua P.rfD'" mance. from li30 to 11:30 P. M. AlaemooD Priu. ZOe aad 30e. Ednln,. 30e ....d SOc.
Name SOUDERS "bibU,Md Ie 1176 -laa:da.. • feW
e,t h ' '. :
& CO. .
_ •• 8
do tillS.
Ublls. Tuoker aDd boys 8pen~ !:lun. day ~t Mr. John l:lpray's Mrs lnl\ t:)hane entertained her DeIce aod hUl!bll nd at 8undl\Y dInner C'[ sslull Martin. at Toledo, is here to spend G few days wltb biB father. Bur), tlhidllker and famlly aplin' 8und"y with Mr and Mra, Gall Gordon . Mulou Gordon retarned ~uDday, aUer tI~eDdlng It week wUh ble IIOD 10 WayueBVlIIe • Mr, and Mrp, U e orge Denny 1I1lC! dallRh~er !!pent flunday wUh A. I:!. Co\lelt and f,,·,olly. EUa 11'111111 aud Mary MoUarran, or Dayl ,, " ... ~eD' Bonday with W. P. MoC.... ren lind ramlly. aod lira Harold Harrl., of Leban<>n, were oalllnr aD M..-, aod Mn, Frank BarrIs, Sunday FUld lbgerm yer Rnd family, of Spring Bil l, were Olli llng on Mr, o.nd Mrs Geo . Rarri ~ , S nnd HY · MrR I:llidl e & 1111800 III "p ODllln.,; ~ 11i ~ wO '1I wltb h er d 'lll g htor M rp . (f.,lr ll:l oo tt ot' of Il ' ltr W":VlJ e~ \'ll le' Mr an d Mrs, B ow, rd lirullnm no ,l oll.o g b ter, B ol on, nlhl M r ~ .-;11. d ,ll )'l,e Ut<on s p e nt, MoodilY It! ll"y .
:'oul No le n, ,o f <.i ornlnn t ow tl , "0(1 l1 i ~ llJotb er. Mrs . Ell .. N ole n, of Lobu n oll, B~e ot SundllY w ith U. !J, Cook non famil,\ ',
y O\!
1 1,1
ners ot
ot!w~[lu pe r8 I((HI r~\'I(lwora,
Public Sales
Te,l ephone 114"
BII vln~ deold~d" to quit formi ng I will offer lit publlo 1I!lle at my ro ~· idenoe,1 mlle, we8t of Bollbrook . 4 mil8\:! east of ' Ceutervllie on Bell brook ~~d A,lsll:BDderBvllle. pIk e, o n
Tuesday. March 4, 1924,
Foresl T ~'M'artin
Bsglnn lng..t 10 o'olook. tbe follow. iog; 4 hUl\d horee8, 10 head onUle , farming Implementa, teed a nd lo t of houeehold !food8. .E.O. MA. X WELL , John Peae,? j ~ ?t~· ,
Dr., .J.O,~
*QQ, ..
,.· ~r, ljV~l '
'J' \i, :
Wa yne '" ill,'
" :
Au.c tlbneer Get my terms for. your '" F,!l).W(i'. ~e " r " :,:
. . 'I !s'11tlsfy
. \. , : '
ah<f'. 'save ·t uu
money or no charges.
';, I)p.x g l:'rtefJtetv~/~ Ohio
. ,- orne Plione
t. CeotervllleSx.
'at i Cl!1 II
r '
[he ,:}'c
! I! F ull,l';qui 'ped for ' ervi,'t
.. I.
r llllllcngl! el'e ry new author,
~I r , li nd Mr ~ , l"uI H'" Ru (ldu ok uo d f/lmlly , tlod Misd H arr iet 'fuol!· l... D isplay ur R[lIlUt I'\ood~y . 1\\ jj'rl\n It R u ddftok '8, I\ t S llring HII). :-,T_ E_liB_"P_'-,_IO_N_'f_:_7_ _ i /_/\._\'_'_11_, Mr Olnd Mrs . 1m Bu rt sook, of Dayton, ~Jlent Sunday wltb .l oe lJllv l~ and family, M.1I1 . l:i.!Lrt8oo11 DIR ECT FROM 8tllyBd tor a few days' vlett. . .
Marv 8yferd, Ohu8. Mao Donald , WillIam Boglln, Duvls Bogan, Ed . wards, Evelyn, MoURnen alld Jmo . gene GI'IIY lire tbe IIIte8t v lot lm!! of \bemump' . t' ,roup of ladle8 wille enter\ained Tbua.day ..rlerOOl! D. Febrnary 21. by Mr8. 0 G. Ra IIdn II lind dau3 h wr, MIBS Belen, Thle wile one or II aerls! of Ilnt~rt.iI1Umen ts heretofore arhoged by ~ tbe (,.,'l vlo league, Relatlves 'and frJ'e nde h~re Of Mr , and Mrl , Will WlArwlok. 0' Mar8b. flei~, pregoD., ba ,' e ' reoet vad oard·. annollnolng tbo m a rrlag Ot their
One Ki nd of Senti nel. Cri tics urc Hcotflwis 10 til , g ran.d llrmy Qf l clter~ . Sl lll iuned II' tlie cor-
t O ll .
. • 111 nll LlI1'" tl ~!, '
In the componr'l sbanty whUe other l'Oujlh workmen burrled to danCe IUlUS, nnd 88100ns. To get rid ot ' _ him n foremnn ' sent him Into a ~wnmJl to sound Its depth fIgurln He Il8J"B: "I got on by pnttlng ono he would be kllleil that way. ' I:" toot Rhoad of the othcr 810wl~. and stend bo (!DUle bllck with a truthful by k~log evcrlastlngly at It.' He sta elDent of facts. FIve yeai'll late!' 'nlJ\'er asked tor a rAise· In hls lite be !tad tbe equI\'ulent ot a. bf h but toroed rnlses In ,.~Inl')' by sbow8chool tflllning and thrco yenl'l! oft~r log th? mnn nhovo him thnt lip I'Ottltl that !te grlllittnted from a mining do anl Jab aDd do It Ivell. He Slt,' ed nnd englueerlng college every dollnr be ('ollM 10), hl~ honel!! ' o n but wna nel'er stlnl!Y, RI'!I ''lic ho<' Sb~p . by step he climbed the un· the strnnl!\' nhlllt\' of iunKlng '~y certain lrulder to SUCce8S by nover 111011 worklltl! II-ith him IIk~ '~I~n ' jlelnJ!' nh8~lIt trom work, n,,"er late. The mOIlOY Ihnt he ROvCd h e In: nhl'nys 1001\'lng after otb,,!.< quit, ,'est.ed In the catnp~ II" he "'(Irked nnd hy ,1ol n ~ Il"~b task given hIm ' or ond when tb~ ·t ' , eunul fo lust n \ltt1 n I etler tbon' hp W1l8 SUl'. "(l('lse - a l'rps\(J cllt he wjI8 ) the ' ,' porml1 ~ do It. .' . I,u,turnl lOlflcol ·mun. ' !
u t, \\.' :1 ·ld· ~I '·I '! t· . •' . lI q
SaYI Father
8 F Ke.
I '
.... .,...·· 'it. 1'1!;Jlect it. haW the pew ODe Man P(,C I Dr'\ ,·r works. Don't buy a fence post
i, . ""~
II . f;"
Corne in and see this better post. Handle ur,l .!
I i 111 )1 ' :- "
r aU alike. \ ,)", bit:: S-.. CJl&1.h Studded tn ndard. It is a stronger
( ,p I' iJ('W
Ri d )
Ur ~ nt DuVolI, thf' . b u wulII lt . 1I~1l1 famll, 101 ft MUUllUY l o r 0 011 11,,11 •. ville, Ohio. M lSI! ~"rllh O" I , ur~, at DUYllln, d M sp ent Sunday with Mr. lin l ri K el!ler Uralram , Fr"n Il Klrfu~ t)ntert>,lnp.(ln n u w . ber nf hlH frl llud!! at II enobre V" 'Y
\t r
need •
h e r t! "11 ,: " (\1' <1 t,u ..
.• "l'blB Is the story ot WillIam Den· .eon 8tD'rey wllo ..tarted \lte Ilt W III 1872, wIth II dollar bill, a snJt or bum Qlolbe&, find n horrowed pick , and shovel, olUl who rose to tho lIreslden'cy ot tile Atchison, TOIJeku . " !'Innta Fo R,lnrond otter torty lell11l ot 8trulfglo, povorty, cr-uclty. ing hardllblp olld 111 heulth, FIls lM!Crct In doing· CI'ery Joh gh'en him n little better tbnn bc "'ns ex· peeted to do It. • • ~ . F rOIll an obscure home !If (lOver n £!!Itornla be trnilged Into on ,...nln~18co and we nt to worlc ·R8 " IItoke driver at (t2fJ tl month , Fro w:urked twelve h o1tr~ n dl\~- ·two ,piorf) thna QX)lectM. At n"rht h e )I~J1dled by i1lckcrillg ~cro'Clle IIlUlll
~'·I',I'IWlrOd:'~yH . lt1dLltnt'6
" 1I"n tI", s un lo w nn d th e com· pon y nh ~a ll \\'er ~ slopp ln ~ to mnl(e a cam p tor Ihe nl!;ht, t he boy nn d girl dJ smou nl ~". Sh' turned taclng him oDd osked : "You did n'l me nn It wheD you snld tbot r I\' n~ good·looklng-<1ld yOIl?" Tho bu.h rul you th had Imngl nntion onel, like mun\, Iuds o:r hl8 time, Q rc>mnn tlc !o"" peroml'nt ,md the love of poetr,., T here were mnny books In hl~ tn th p.r'8 home oOld th e boy had liv ed his leleurc In thE~ m, B e thought II. rn orn~1l1 nnd un swerod: . "Y r s, I lhlnk yoU IIro as benutltul 'as u' ~' oltnJ!' doe playing In thc .,-ater IIIl rs, " "And you look nl If you believed yours('lf." sa id 8he. " I am sure you
f~nc? ,~ ',t~ ;)rc no Jon
T EEL Th'o! S Tee has, .
D""t·o w ee k -e lld gneBt of r ellltl \' ,·,
A l o w fr o m
Certainly 80.mebody In W ..hlngton ill riding for a Pall.
!~ OIlI'1 N"
S l~h t
At Cary's JeW~I(l;ShOp Leban.C!r}, 'Ohio
i E v~ry t'u'etld~y' ,11'.1
HA~t~;Rn\~;S4 ;XA;~~EQ
'I :...___________..._ ,
P R ODtlC:lER~:::~'O .TRI STATE . \. ,
The'MIamI Guette, Waenllle, OhIo. _ ___ 52 ____ . __
. a'
Institute Proceedings I
'-TRADE AT ,HOME Saturday 1 p. m.
14ft P r HlliIl!.ion Ml!als wer serlled both days by th o Gleaner tuff . After thtlnking tho officers, the spe ors nn all . otbCf l:l for their efforts in mal! ing" thia one of the b at instilu l-i! we have (."er had', Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Smith atten· lbe president ~nnouDced that thi. ded tbe O.,ton Auto Show Sunday. conclud ed tht! program ' . . ',Ellis, President, Mr. and . Mra. J erry Rogers and E. L Thomas, Sec'y. t Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller and son. - - - - - - _. - MullIon were th e Sunday guests 'of ,.s . Hope Stiles. .
Danc.. Tbe li MItFirat real "ballet" dan e ma" be 8al4 to hll ~I' h ... ~n I'.l!rformed In 1462. wMn tb~ i1 ukf' Ilf An.,"u nrJ:tnnlzed • dance o11l1'oll~.1 or pr l'f\.rn,M8 rP.Jlr& ~entlN~ ""(,~fIl'lc'nl IIml nll" hologlclIl
1'be F unkey prop~rty, locat · ed' on MAin street. Houf;e has 8 rooms cellar, electric ' ligbt" barn, extr l ' largE' lot, I For furth : r ioforr l ation and Th e ; p. ice, see
The chairman call ell on lh~ 110m· cburn r t~r~, ,I natlng commlttt e. who made tpe • _. foll owing report : Kenn eth Hou gh , Ke ~p Your Enth usiasm. P ra na Defined. Ll't liS Ill' w llr~ tlf IIlSI Ill! nn r f' nthu· presid.mt; GlIrl L Duka. secretnry: Pronn IR tr,lIn Ih ' SIIn.-krlt. $1 0 , 11I~. 1.l't " ~ .'I·er jt'l nr, 111 RomeMrs. Kfmwth Hough, lady col'l'E" prlmllr)' .h'lIull !"n. lhl' hr~l lI h ror lire. I thing li n d !ltrl\'l' '" ""I uln .Iur nd mlra· Ilnndent : J lin f; hu llz. Wulter I'l·n· 15 somCIIl" .. · pP"MnIll NI In Ih" V <1n I lion ror 1111 lhut 1I'0nl,I ..nn llhl e. nnd riel; And Burhl n Ellrnhart. IlXC,',llll'l' 10 t ll(!('~ n ph~' t ill' Will'" I1wall~ Im1! "h1· •• , o ur inll"l l't'st In all 11m l \\l)uhJ (Hulch The' S. L. Cartwrig b~ prop- olld com mit lee , unl life p'·I"l'I .. I ~ , li S e" ' n ,ra~lp<l II'lt h I Exclusive Selling Agent bl!lIu tl fy onr II fl'. erty qn Mait! s.treet, 1s a;I At this tim e the ::om mittee n il Ill!' Save yo ur old ' carpets and rugS JI"o. '"<'lIl1l n(l Ihl! ".'rR"n II I ~onl. J ~ i and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. l'angedfor one or two families, - -- - - - Waynesville, Ohio institute pos ters contest. replJr l c1 UA Send.for price list. Franklin Rng Reasonably priced. Inspecfollo ws: First prize. $2. M i s~ Car· . Lapp. Famed In Witchcraft. Co., Franklin. Ohio. Wh a t Fuller'. Earth I.. ' ~~~~;::::::~~~~~~~~= The Lapp8 at onp time had a poeat olyn Swartzel ; second prize. $1.25, tion by appointment. Fuller'R I'n rlh. userl for deJ(rensln g I replltatlon tor witchcraft nnd It w•• Evelyn Ung le8bee~ thirrt pri"'I!.75c, Quinqagesirnll Sunday. March 2. wool nnd ch,,·lr.I·llIg oil, Is 1\ lin e-g roinI'd I In.quire of . nld Engllab leameo Died to go to Mr. and Mrs, W, H, Mather, of depoHl t rllnRIRtlnll chem"'lIl1y lHolnl Y , Ch urch Scho ol at 9:30 a. m, service Lailiaod 10 "b1l7 • wlDd" from the ••_ Boyd Hend erson. Thi s gives th e nnd sermon at 10:45 a m., Rev . Burlinlrton, Ken ., ar" here be.:auae at hydn,t .. " nlumlnum ~lIlcn!l" but ! winner of the first prize a chance all UYI!L dllT'l'I'lng frolll ordlnnry c1uy In Ita of the serion. condition of MI. Lee officiating . The sermon Hslpb the state contest. • low 1)11I ~tlclt y. "Market Problpms," by Mr . Se will be on " The Animal and God in Lelia Mather, who bad _ .troke of apoplexy. Man." The Lenten season will Dour. More time, more effort . almpl.. more money required to fi nd n ., ore beg in on Ash Wednesday, March 5, Dr. Mary L, Cook attended the . 'l'Mcber-"What IUpportl the IUD 10 economical solution to the mark et· and there will be servicell at 7:00 p, ina proble~s . We have made prog' m. Notice will be given later u to Cincinnati S,mpholU orcb.tra c:o,n· til. 1k1'" Brtaht 80),-"ltl bllam., of I cert io n,.,ton on FebrQ_" 18, and eclune."-New York SUII aod Globe. ..... and we must make our produc- these Lenten Iltlrvice8, owin&' to the ier road" wu ubable tion ond our marketi ng problems fit to return home until the tollowinlr to Buit the present times , We should METHO()lST CHURCH Tbul'lday. conduct OUT product to the p'nce of Sabbath School, (1;1 5 11. m. pretach.... I cons~mption at t he. le8st cost and ing at 10:30 a. m. Wed nesday evening serv ke , 7:00 p, m. Epworth ship In larger quant ltes, Ap!ll iel to Home. Too. ""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 The farmer should know what the I League G: 15 p . m.: prea ching at 7:0C It I, 0 " "nd rule tu ell,lp"" or hour FOR SALE consumer wanta and produce to 8uit p. m . Everybod y is c ordi ~ l1y invited hy ",,"r nn rl week loy w ~'Ck to lell rn 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ t" w .... '; htlrel. 11 Is not well to tllke that consumer, He must make aF' to th esc ~I! rvi'ce. aGt~-Anoonll Egg, tor bll'obiog r lllll' III nllh'S to do wbA.t y\)u cn n aC"rangements for the excl ss produc· Hev . J • A.. WII~ hburn. Pastor, E '1: 00 per 16; 16: 00 per 100. E. ('11 111' .1 h In lhree. Le.nrn to work '0tlon . Some one between the pro· ' _ _ . ___ - - W. Hopkinll. Box 58 Waynent1le. ·I C n~\ \'I·I Y.-l,;h"rl(!~ W, mllot. Ohio mli ducer and the consumer sets the C a l ~'mllj ti:owl er. I • -'l prices of our products, t~f! l e~8 effi· T I ,,· 01'11",1 _, ,.I""'r-, tlUI I h I! lIe111· Immuoe ~boa'" and It !:;oWl II mi st , : ". ~, hl~ l ,r~, ,,l, fnr the pllrpose . Worke d Until H. W.. Nl nety.Elght. . for 8111e. .Iohn Roberaoo. R Tli.. grent ltnllnn rn lnler. TIUftD, cient man in t he b ustness usus Y of " "'r~ "It: " ,,, I·, 'I' I" ,wl Inter on. fixes I.he price, He must produ co - -- _ - - - contlnul.'d 10 work until h.' \\'1\8 nlnl'- t> 3 nellr Allen KIbler farm, Way. m5 . intelligently if he mark ets profi tahly ty·el ~ h t. Bls ,::rel\.,t IIIn Nlr rplece. De,y lle, Ohio. MUlt produce the best grade possi· Vlidow t o duate "Vcnus." wns OliO or Ihe plclures that ble at th.least cost, A ' 4 came r"'1n his brush after he \\'88 alx· l~~un . t ty ycn rs old, Reading, Beatrice Robi tze r . . ~~~:~~. Saxapbone Bolo, Roy ~lIis. U ig Up FOil" .. "Buliness Practices for lh e Busy 1'he Cllllil!se "inlne," the I!,OOO,oq;. Farmer," Mrs. Vanden bllrk . When you are sick yOU. send .for a doctor, y~u yenr·olll fossilized rCDloln. of pt'ehia' We ahould put into practice th e want~a doctor that knows hiS bUSlDess and that wtll · torlc nnl nmls .ror use 01 ruedlclne, 1UP. . I 'ply Chi/IPse clt ug stores ,with "drnano', methods of other successful busin ess do you most~good. · You want. to get t 'lat pe,p back teplh" nnd ,"di;tl/o:on's l><lnd." . We should have more faith in ou r that you are lacking and feel hke yourse,f agatn . . '; ~....sa fPSiwf'" ~ '''''~.~.&\!( ~ Ja a new idea for home wash' ng. It is guaranteed to business. There's a differen ce beWell, Mr. Automobile Owner, how about tbat ~uto A wash 12 double sheets or 17 single sheets with only tween making . money aud saving mobile of yours? Do you let anyone work on It. or four ~ns of water. . . money and we should distinguish . \Val~: h your expiration date do you have an experienced mechanic do your work? , This will be demonstrated at our store Saturbetween them. A~vocates the farm· ~-~.-----abou,Jhat last work you had done? Are you sat How day, 11mb 8. We want every one to see this simple er keeping farm accounta. March 1 isfiid? Jrnot, then let me do your next work. conaldered the beet time to make an ad, effective washer at "ark, and will give one FRES NO matter wbat make of car you have--:Motors, nyentory on acco.u nt of the tenant to tile ODe holding thr lucky ticket. All you aeed to Starters, Transmission; Generators Battertes , ~nd farmer, , db II to drop In the .tore and ask to !lee the washer Radt,ators repaired. s.atiSfaction guar~nteed. Pnces County Farm Bureau Chairman J, ~ .~ ~l be given a ticket. !\frs. A. , at, Evan. w. tbe followiq farm o~'" right· ask·the fellow we done work for. '. ·L. Mendenhall wu , ealled on and ton, Ill., wIdow, 48, an4 motber of I When in trouble, call 47 made a few remarks. Lack of In· t01l1' grown cll.lldrcn. will gradual. PMltfvely forbid enj huntiq 01' tltI" spring from Northl\'cstern 1'ul". trappinlr 00 our far-. An, viola, terest on the part of many of the at Ohicago. Two or ber children And Farm membera helps to retard the good hll l'C, nnlshed college nnd two an' tiOQ of tbe aame will be proeeelited Machinery stu<lcn ts. She graduated at Ol1erllll. accordlne to law and to thll toll..,t the organization can do, Waynesville, Ohio Residen~ next door to 'garage. extent. , . The total attendance at this insli· j nh lo. In 181)7. tute was 780 making an averag~ of Ed Furnas.
_ _ _...l.
~Jt IN( [J.~ -
J. O. Cartwright
One Happy HomeSleam Washer free
Saturday, March 8th
---_.- ---
The Late Classified Ads
l ,
Commencing Suriday, "March 2nd ' .
North Main Street GM~.nge
of Ro)·cy , (!,;
Showlng'- tlle World's Greatest Master]pieces of :t he Sereen·';'·One ·Wee~ · Each-.-. , . . ' Continuous 12::30 to I~:OO , ':p • .m. ' . •
Rex Ingrslll's 'De Luxe Presentation . , '
,~ntire Week. Beginning
. Sunday, March 2nd /
Tbe "Motion Pi~ture Sensa- · , "tion of the Sftaadn ' ..'
2 to 5 and '7 to 10 p. m.
. , i
15 cents 25 ceDCI
Baleqil,. ' :
·O rch.tra
'" :
W ole Number 5584
BASKETBm ~ iohA M~ MOTHEO··· i I HIS SILENT PRAYER GAMES AT GYMI y,oCl~ AN'~PPRECI~ION: ~I ~~~~~~~~~ I;; l - ~==-=-----. I
w. e:'~Mn'1J ~B~'~\ Dayton
v.la!. \
At the' f ulleral
of Mrs. .
L. Co rt · l
\ wr:ght, ber sonJC: }f. Ca~twl'igh l,ol· 1
, tor Friday',
hicago, read a " 'ibule ",h ic·h he Mylll', ~Ytt111~ 8n~ flllnJ y wele ;coptiollell "My M9} ber-All APpre-j Xenl u1vltlltors Sunday ~ ciutioll. It was prepared for UUlt I ~' .. {oeol\sion only, A t the request of W. ~" Ma~~el W8\l a bU8ine~ vlei· ;lIumerolls frien,lll of his parents, Mr, I tor ill ~WllrnlllglOn lust Tllurllday . · 'Cnrtwright IlO.s consented to have ·it . I . ' , ' Jlublished in Th ~ Minmi Gazette. ' Everelt Camllhan W:llij 'he week· end Ilqeat ot Dlement Satt erthwaite, By C. M. Cnrhvright. I
B 0
L 'W
Th.. Miall li, flHlI1r1lhe Middl etow n Journals fI" "1>'" l eRm and dl'fl'll t eri th,..m hy I I ,.. ·cn re o f a5 lo 17 Th eir passwork howpve r Rhnwecl improve ment 0\,(' 1' preVilllJR ~am eH and ~co r ed alm o.l nt will allilinst the newspap pr learn.
At..L AWA."i!
Mr, and Mrs, J . W. White enter' lained a8 a 6 o'clock dinner Monday evening Mr, and Mr8. Sam Meredith A g am p Lhul will Ite worth wh ile Sr . Mr , Harry Meredith, and Wal. seein!l is I () he plAyed as 8 prelimin· ler Whitak er ond family. ary Friday n i ~ hl wlwn th e Miamis meet th p. Gallu)l he rs Drug8. of Day· Mr , S. S Ellis entertained at a 6 ton A 7:i:lO. the Co mme rcial Cl ub plllY8 the 'lerk M fllld thi ~ hv no o'cl ock dinner FrIday evening at the mealls. will he the least attraction home of Roy Earnhart, in honor of of this evenings games, not with· Mr , J . S Thomas, of Mt, Sterlin!r. standing it is a preliminllry , T rain· Ohio, Messrs , J , 0, Cartwright, L. ing conscientiously eve ry Monday M, Henderson, Clarence Rye and night, the Cl ub al las t hall an orllani , o L, Crane , Several bankers from utlon ready for it 's 'first public ap· Lebanon Bnd Harveysburg were In· ' pearance, While the Club 's tea m vited but were unable to get thera, will aggregate apJlroximately half a ton, It cannot be said thut they are not fa9t . Speedy performers a8 Robilzer. Oxley, Hawke, Cole aod McClure insore pl..:nty of celerity. The clerks. BmRller in stature, but ambitious in mind assert tbat they will bring about the downfal ~ of this team Dopeato!rs are predicting a lowacore.
Ina ,.Burnett and Marjorie' Hubble spent the week·t:!nd Wilh ,frit'nds ill Thor~ ' lll\ve iJeeo developed in thi!' lJllytOIl . quiet, wholesomel -comnlllni ty some r emarknble personalities. ,They stand Robllrl BUI'l1'!tt WIIS 11 ' Sunday out pro'minenfly iTI our memories. guesl of Oral Surface ulid ' lllm ily, of ' 1'h y ieft a lasling impression. Life is no t r ro\\'ded here. ' There is ' not Routo 4. I !.ho surgin'g, hUrt'ieC\ con,eourse !lInt M;, lind Mrtt. Wllrne r Dtlvitt, oj nil , bllt obliter,/l.tes definite lines. Cinclnnllti, spent ,SIIlurd!ty wilh hi:! Peqple in Wuynesville become well known to, tloei~ fellowR, Wt; SO~ them motHllr. Mrs, Lina Devitt: , in nil their go,"~ and comrngl!, We !'dra EffiJl StaYr, Mrs· Ido BfllllB, !linow ~heir ns~oeio.!i~8: ' W 'beco~e of Wilmln,j-ton visited their aunt, ncqnal,pt'e.d ~tJ] ,thfllr ,hultes •. theLr , ' ." llol\tluct, £hell' Imp~es. ;rhey beMrs. H. Stlle•••onThureday . co~e. something very . reol, int.iJ:p.$te Ie , . ' an~ dis tin live. Mr and Mrs, H, <W. Pace If I were to make 'inquiry of thoBe Jut ~tf'k yiSitiOg r,ladve. .I}d who b'nve come if! elose (lomftet with thi~ onimunity al nn~ t!me 'tluring friend,s 'in Dayt.p~ an~. ~flanon. , . last fifty vear. vbllt IS lhe Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ricks, Mra impre~s{on Ib y r ccived from ,
I'll r lind Mra. Emmor Baily enter' taine at dinner Sunday' Mr . and Mrs, E S, Baily and daughter, of Lebanon, Mra . Julia Donovan and ' Mr M 0, 3aird.
Laijt Saturday night the Miamis
~:~~~'~:i;:;:f~~ w:e::~k:=t:j~ l 'Elsi>'~ns'e ~~;~~:~T E~~;:':: :;:~;;~7:~:;':::~::'::;::~~:::: [,--~~, a . ; '~I' , B,~",KERT'A.D,OHES5.E,D ~::~o:~~ dt?~I~Ied :~~:::~y~:~ Mr, IIn ..l Mru Ru," Mills an'"
akin to thi , I i11lagine: ""sition. She clun .. to the sl'mpler, have witnessed he.re one .of the ""' ., ren,. arld M I!. F'rIJl?k 'bert Itifol perfect m,o re wholesome pll ths of life. She were ir,l ~ ~~ingyoro Sunday I... ",d{hid ' companionship." , Ther,e sbolU1ed by in~tinet the ostentation noon " . ·"e , re po,nse. ' " . ..... . , I' "e no ne~ltti nere and ""lit ter. . ho. walked uloll'" ... the .. mo re pla!'id WU YS. pcople, dependen t 0/1 nnd Yr, and ah •. W. E, Cornell. and atl!l70UMl to one anoJ.ber. Unhappy. Mother had n tranquil, s rene, nnMr. ana Mrs, E. L , Tt.omuBaw', the one. when the other "'O f< not rulfle!l nnture. Hers wo s the pus"Covilred ligon", I,, ' DOJ.loO lut En h sb8Ted-.~tfal1y in the t,o rnl , the deli~o('y 110'(1' frCRh · Wedneedily : , ' tri nl of ' tlie other, ' One sp'rillg . fiol\'ers,th'l;~Il·Il~in~ ' h \.l I } " d in 1L{n~.' pn th e pea ceful one i ' enr, I> IIII\' nn ' • :~ " I ~. h 1 T.his temporame,ul nt, h~es trn;;f,! Co Iflna -\!l n u "yu , • "0. h ,s.l!pplemcnterl scemed SlJperhumnn in illl, genLlelless _I. 'th h and calmness" en .... Jl'1 Ollt t e Here IVas the life irl enl in ' It is inl el'c!lti ng to knoll' th at in . of i" resp ets. There WIIB the dlseip1inin~ "of her ch ildren, ~ve your old II divine touM to , this com· Mot.her nCl'el' rlli~CII n lin nd 10 s trik e tlmt ga", us II glimpse of or hnnn, nen,' 1I 11(.I·eI1 n 1!1I'~[l tenin !:' and get "W'f!ar I" 8Upenro.... word, nevel' (Jl'cli l' h nll~ell the pi ll'h Send for price Iillt th ...,ud,eMhowl is hroken of her voiee io rebuke, Yet she Co., ranllJ in, Ohio,· ,comhon; n thought Itnd never fniled to gain h el' point on rln y , ..:1 b t' 'f OennSI· OII. 811 p ~ es c 1 Ihnt l'C IW e con IIlUOUS even I , C Ol' ,; t • Tbe ~other8 Club will meet at , phy-ai I presen e no, IQl)ger focu ftv of ruling Slwec, s· grade,buitding .1"rlday.. March 7; with It . hy love-'in stend of by fear. ]n l! p. 'm. !.\isS Howlarid will give a J w011.1d depa.rt from tho Btrt to mODY 11l\nd~ 1 l ' nLi zc Ih llt tl ell a tlilk OD', 'Books for Children " , \ riustom thnt would !lOOm poJi~y would fail . , Yet Mother POlltl · '1", , an e:q,ression on tbis .oella· iu II really marked degree ~4a~l"bellejfarneJ:, af.er spendiol from oneleo near, you will know this talent of aontroUinJl' her cbildrc.u ICveral week a in a w~olell8le houSe: filial 'pritle IU\d. affection are throUJth Ihl! power of the hen rt: h Ma .....~.' ·m'ed'· ber u -iltlo.n \w/ui" wi'" me today and nrompt me One migh t well feel that with 'n - .....11 po j - U . . L"nney. MI' 11Iner~ etore (n Xenia. /I. h\bDble tribute tQ .mY be· nund so Cl'ellO uqcl lIudistul'hml ...1' I,,) " , ,mother. ·f would be doveloped II chnrnoter, lack. R WAil d an d th' 'ty Moth ina jn vi"ol', colorless ollll perhllJ) .. .... J xany er 18 .communl er waa.. ... so in tbis case. Motll r Mr,rhoS. a'nd IMn. Mrs. Kyne. ' of ~pr}Dg ..llry, 1><:111: bere ,sHe went to school; ~'he insipid. Not
A1. r :'~!l,d: "
P "
eioinpl~~ or
Sallilb\l~. ~ffl'
'p '
d' I d th "'hich HE MEN' S , D lUB crow w tnesse e !rame .. , " " ," "." 'lJ was fast and interesting, The Bee· '
'A'PfH' , '
ond teum deteated Springboro by ' ,score'. 0 f 15 t 0 5• '
""'e Men 0..• WIl,YDeIV IIIe held ......... LU AU r -- • [t'egJllar , February . meetlntr at the Galla\!:hera t:1rngs, of Dayton. . I · lJ Gym Friday ·evenlng.', The melet. co~e here Fri~Jy evenin~ ,joflni 'a , , ,II I " ! ·Inl"w~ aft open 0 ~ • • and , tbe Igym gQOil record for' this 888son. Ti)ey , . -' - ..,' '~h"aswe!" l\lled \YLth lp'efDber8' ~d hllvedefeated someof hebestteaml • f My f!,-ther 8ay~ the- J)ap .er he r e,ads ~ . e~r am ilie/l, ' , r, Dayto•.n and the' Miamis' will have h ' Th k f • '. • ~in't pu~ up ria It; ., ," .e spea er 0 the evening was t~ be o'n ef ~ fui!lJ to win . ' ' He finds 1\ lot of fault, too, he does, Mr. A £i.l'rhohllr!l\~bf Mt. '8terlli1"', ' .{' • _ ...~_ _ \~ ,_, perusin' it all ni~t ht! Onio, Presld4mt of tho ' Agricultu,r al _He ~ays there 'ain' t a' 8jngle' t hing iri BOllrd'of the" .Ban'k lre A'ssoc.ation .. it wor th to reuc:1:' His ta.I, '" WJlS m,oB"'Y-Qn ' ''Com·.mu~ii, And th u~ it uoellD ' t print the kind of Sufldl~k," He;as 1\ '!Iery fPfCe.t1l1 •
TO' BROADCAST" lind intellilient t alker, snd'is in ,ireat demBf) d' sslI P\lb1i cJIt>ea~er, " 'fROM CHICAGO Presia.ept ~ . S. ' EWs anpounced
stuff the people lreed; He tossl!l! it asid e anchllYs i t's strict Iy Ott the bum. ' 13u,t you ought to hea r him holler the n.o 'D1n~ting committee8 for the , when the paper doesn't c.Jme! coming election, 1.0 b ~ held in March . The Girls' orchestra reridered sev' He reads auout the \17ilddin's and'he eral seleCtions, much 'td lh'e grat!o snorts like all glt ou t ; ficatio~ ~f the aJld ience, He reads the social doin', with a •_ ", most de risive s hout, ' , He Sill'S they m nke the pc I ci f or • 1 ..... ' tbe women folks alone; l He'll relld'ubout the parties an d he'l l _ •,
.SEV,EN" 50 Clll:
f ume lind fret and groan: He says of inforn.ation it doesn't
w~s ,a_ womlln of deep ,fceli"~ nnd ~ ' ha.,e ao~~~~b~ hear him holler - , -' - .' " emo!10n, . he had n rIch ~etn of ut yo _ . . , A very uniq ll e sl)cial was given ' at 8entiJnent , tn her me.ntnl eq UIpment.. when the paper dloesn t come. the Gym' IJ1;t' I'.' ed:lesday' evening by She often expres ed It, She e caped th ~~ . L f t M ' . ., . nnd d'Istte 8 i . and' be che . hvr"VI·tl 0 " . , ar, ~ bumihn,ltoll Jatl He'lit always first to grab It : 'h "d:JIIgue ' ' f ~ 't come, f rom ,impul sive nct,s, he it plumb clean throuah : I"t lit eftoe ope _ . a l t d 'h t ' d . . ., '1 . , cos.' 'c.. n 8 ' ' ge t 1n. ' or IR.S y wor s • II woun . He doesn't ml88 an Item or a want t' ' 7 t t 'il 'sh d" 7 AI( I '~o k on my nssocintion ad '-that ',S true' " , Iml'!!l 0 " ge you i;;/pe~ an . , b . I ' C'ent& to '!let ollt ' Tnere were 7 ,nth·her; I do not remer;" er a 8mg e u ~~YS he~on't L:now what we . 11",1 ., l"1 '. , • i " 0.1' one n t thllt, I wonld .reellll to . ... , !I'i thmgs serv,e!J,. for " lupch by • ""'"'7 " 'ant ' t darb oowspaper IllJY ~ ' L • was a eauses me. even momentary .. , ''. ,~.' . . . ' wat' t e1'8 " 7 nllm"erson ·t he Thl! ' I'IJnJl'8 of I m gorng. to take a d Y sOl'!le time and 7 minute\! between each nllm bllr nqt have ,b'een wide: activi'" alld.lto aDd set,'em wise; 7 kinds 10r l1Iusic, la"girl of 7 8PQke ~ were confined to ber own nei~hom etlmes it seems liS thou"'h ": they .. piece o~, "w are 7" an!! a man 11.t!t!,rh(toq. Bn to al1 who came within mus~ be, deaf. , blln~ or dumb, spoke 7.mi n\ltes: , : radius of her aut , ~' ou \Ought to hear him holter The entertainment,was well ' worth a ; ay of~ when Ihe paper doesn't come . 'the 7'e it coet, especially the 7.plece -sky. - Anon. . orclleslra which ,t O'ok , likE! wild fire and ' A '\'" ' , ,, eIiCotlralfe'lner~t, ~. 7 y,e~r !l\'1,girJ ~anced .? ~inut\l8. besides l~a!lY othE!r 7'8 we cant thlDk of. ,The' entel',tainment' netted the . guild about '80,
were entertained at the boml! of Mr. and G~. 0, Milia lut Sundll.)': ~ '. . . • u ... B~ ~"!.de · ~~ n , uri' R~-' ... ra ' r , ' " ... 1'10 , ' ..., nil )iarve.Y, ,Rve .nlt Mrs, D, L, Urane · were in DaytoD Frld.,.,.,d ~w, the ' ;Covered Wa· n " t tho. Victo y the-tie ao a , . . . . , . ' .
WHEN TH'f ,,
~pen~ he~ gtJ'1~ood
here j 8"8 '!I.al'J'led thiS VIUagi!· she wor~d~ , built ~er hOllie, formed her aSSOCiations, ' Jlil,D. istered. to many that' n,eeded ,help, established"r lier chu:rch reo.red her 1,,:'ly rtl'Olp'at... ' , w ana here she ~nt ' pa8fied o~ to a new Qonll0lon.n8l!lI, 11\
"o,o,~ !Wt
PUJ, 'ON'WOR'K, Whate,l'er impl'cs ion Motber nia! " ' I1AT LEBANON . .left outside own home, ' It I ,,' 'Ii
- - - ''',.
., ,r:;,ba.,o~
within \ the confines , of . her tb t she shone With a ra· i " t 'A~ , h ' II I, WQS truly 1\ ' The Eatttern St&r lodge went to .,1 Ig t ere sU.e b Frld . d it/l.lIlll thoughtful and Le anon ay to atten , cbe~~~ she ~elcomed to l)er ;ng ~f ,thl~ ~illtr~ct: This mlietflDa' ,,: .. ,.. : ,11.. ~;insl~ed' nud There w.sa'tl' 1n8truc~lv8' one abD1mreli' $\ I;jlr . prl~!tlf.;ch~p'~ja.~f~l?m bu rswllpt; 9Vf ~ ' DllVi)le.,,~ .. \1i1I~r. bO~IlS(lhold
Ii .
Friends of Russell Duke formerly _, ,__ _ of Lytle and the son of Mr Ilnd Mr8. Marion 'Duke, will be interest~ ed in a radio progrllm that will be broad casted from the Westinghouse station \KYW) next Friday night. Several of his compositions prepa red for the Scarlet Mask. an Ohio State musiclil producti· n, will be sung by MisS EuJah Cornel',. contralto, of Day1ton, who' I'S studVI'n'" at the Chicag~ 'muBlcal college.• Mr, Duke
Tbco. Roolevelt, Jrn:,:-\ Sec'Jo ' .,.~ ~
of NaVYl and , E , C,
or the nterlOr wIlD aJao .
aervecl under former it.c';: AJbat B. FaU, are expeete6 to, NIIp , tbeir l'o,ta ·no. that ,Dtab7 ' bAa atapped, out. .
fiNED FOR ' ,
wrote theee songs whel} in colleie ,\ , ~ tremen. ' " . .. , d u I Dlar in the abow; Mr , , D BY P P i t h I t Samuel Beare WI8 ft"ed ; : : ~d accompan e s oger ' ~ ." 1 I bi ' OIl hi h on. (!!osta $In t he, c h a,fge , m u. miJb • I'' w pC Mean t . 8. prog r a'!,1.1O Judge J .O.'.M ' . esr som~ tune a f t er, • • G t ta It ,_ -rted ' reen coun y cour. .. re .... • - • " that t. he aun ebot wouqd . tJla~ he , ,, 'or • • ' d.. ' . receive.! Jast week is rapidly, IWProV .' ing, ,. • _t. •
af CoI ~mbu88nd they were
° al~., ,Qf:'tJI~ . ,
. Relirular communicafion ./ ' or Way· "".,VII.'''' Lodge No, lfi3'F, & A, M.. esdayevening. March 11th. All members are urged to be present. ~ . Kenneth Hough, oW. M: L, A. Zimmerman, Sec',y, _ _ _.... _ ••_ __ ,. 1
, Sllort
The W.leent Nur.
Tile wtscnt Is · threatened wltb ,flit· ., Unctton, 'there are no herds ot tills EurOlletl.n bison leU ond oDll !lbout 110 ' beud IlCllttered wldeIY}DlzoologICa) P I') ". dens Bnd preservC8. flaDs bave . ~ ~ propO!!ed In Germony }.o let lOme , 11' these animals to!'ether and start bf'8l!d- • Ing tbem, The 8ucce" ot the Ulll~ .. Stutes nnd Onnada In briDging ba!* ·. ' tbe buffa lo. ~ nco ur8gee old w~ld !
Wa.te of TIm .. Ute 18, we mlike tt still zoologl~I S 10 ' think that . ~e ,-.me . • horter· by the careles8 wuste ot time. methods used wltb 001' bt._ ....!P, f!e ~ • - Victor HUlo. ell'eclh'c wllh Ih ulrs. \. UI
Presid.edt 'Told of Good Roads ,Hopes .. . '
,~tlt~ln.. O~10' 1
- 18)"'''at be WIUI II .ple~c!lcf' dlfure of :IHI proClUcta""'o f.Griflt j I 'their hlllli. aOllle wltb pDI !II thelf a man, tall and well proportloild and rles were bllaJ makloi looma anc! j["'~-.va., banda. In a mo~' the It:net wu about tort)', Witb dark eyoll,' b\l balr splonlng wb eel8; ek.Uled men nnd '--______ ----~I till\. . I "' and mustache Ju.t bIBlnnin8 to .how women taught the arts or splnnJng, I "The IOldlere ,nre 111)'11\1 JIIIOP e, I gray. wCJlvlog ond tllllorln3. ~' he ~0&t\D I man shoute d. ")teD of Bo8tOn. 'lrl "1 shllll not try here to mellll11l'e my "Home mado or nothlog," tJ"uveled tnr 'I mUBt arm OUl1lelvaa oud 81M ." grnUtude," be said to Mr. Irona. "I an(1 wI de. ' ~': It Will a ecene ot wild co ntusion. '''Ill .eo yoo tomorrow." Late In Fobruary JR('k Iroos nnd '\' The), could get no tarther on ornhlll "You owe me uothlul," lroo. ·an· Solomon I3LnIl \IS went 011 1 0 5 (, legntee . I The crowd begnn to pour In lO 81d. swered. ''The reseoe of ,our wit. lind to a l nr ~(' meeting of tilt' S I O or Lib· 1 strC(' ts. Rumors were l1)'log nUllut that dn ugbter Is due to the reaourcetol Dud erty In Rllrlogl\cllt :I'h,,), tro\'clctl on many ho d " 'I1!'O ldllod lind ",o uodod. fOOlOUIi scout- Solomon Blnkus." .An IIOUI' or so IntoI' Jack and KoloDlO.D 11 "Dear old roullh-barked hickory w er 8('17•.,1l by II group of rU lnu ns. milDI" the colonel e:i:cluimed. "1 bope "Here lire tlle d- n Torlell I" ooe of to Bee him 8OOD. " 'tb em sbollled. Be WlDt at once with hi. 'IIlte alld "b' rlends 0' murdenn I" wus the t:r7 daughter to room. lo tbe fort. Thai of another "Let'. bllll 'em I" . evenl n, h utJltled hlm ..'f •• to tbe I Solomon Immedlltely knocked the character .nd .tandlol of John lroll8, I JUaD down who had c.lled them Tort.. learnln&' tbat be '1111 • p.trlot of large lind sel&ed anotber and t cued him InJluence .nd conllderable meloa. , far In the crowd I I to live It paUlL ' Tbo latter famll)' and that of Peter . "1 don't mInd balD' "001," he ehout· Bone. w.re 'lieU quartered In teDt. ed, ~not If If. done proper, bllt no IDd wltb I p.rt ot the ntt),·lIfth rellm~n. I tID eall me a Tory I ...en my hanel. then at "ort 81anwIL Next morDInl are tied, wlthoot ~ttln' hurt. /UJ,' U Jack wenl to bre.kr..t wIth Colonel DI)' hand. tied I'd c10 som~ hoi"'Long holr 1. aot lor rougn WOrK Uftre uud hla wlto and dl u,hter lo lerto', now )'ou bear rna." No, II was aot gone. T hey were stili th eIr room .. atter wblch thl colooel to. .. the bu~h," tbe bo)' remarked. . A man back In the crowd lot ... I OOY,OD rl!lIll)' loot brave and Itrong. In the DlRgic gn rden. vlled tbe boy to t.1I:1 I waJll with him laugh 118 loud IG the brayIng of . . "I love you nnd I wish tllis Journey out to th' Uttle "WIIMnt of 14U1 One wonld know that you could do aas. Others followed bl. exampl.. could go. on foro ver," be &ald. rtver. J.cll:, belnl overaw.d, WaJ tIaInp." The danger 'I11III Plued. Solollloo She stepped c108tr lind be put his r.th.r 110'11 Ia d.dlrto, hlm.elf uu! "I've alwlJI bad to d{I things." shnnt~ • TIler came 011 ta the party, who hftd ann around her and klllloo her llpe. tb. eo1onel praently remarll:ed : Itopped to clmp for the Dight It 90'118 She run a way a few &tepe. Then, In· I iiii" .bU81ve epftbeta. n, llii;'; U "Tou and m)' dau,btll',l ..m '0 ba" I claar, Wllrm f1Yan!nl. Arter tb ey d ~d, thoy were bllck OD the tamlllar 8 0t ".11 atqu.lnt.d." they are apt to do, nllacted. wltb lOme "d hobbled the h _. In • ne.r trail In tho thlrty-mlle bullh. A moole "1'e.. air; bllt not U .In .. I _Id exaggeration, tbe paulOII8 of their bird 'IInl IIC1'IMImlDC at th.m, . She wh," J.ell: .oawerad. "oar journ.y eldera. It"u a erowd ., rouab ,at· m('8dow flat. Jack IIDd bid tnth"" mnlle turned .ad eaJeJ: ended too IOOIL I lOY. y,ur dlUlhttl', lo,,~ostly 'IIhartmen anI! 1Il10rs. I lean-to tor tile wo m.'D nnd chlltlr\!o "I waDte4 you to lIDow, but I ha." Ilr, and 1 hope ,on will lat ml tell hll 80'omon eenae4 the danpr In the altoIIIId rooted It wltb burk. Then they eatd Dotblng. I eouldn't. I am under and 1111: her to be m'l' wite 8Ometlm.... 1 atiDIL Be and laelr: mond out of thl cut wood nod built a fir Bad guther 'd a acred promIse. You are a PDtJe. H •• ldel ., It. "You Ire both too youq," aald the Jeerm. moho TheD euddtllly a thInI beuab' tor beddIng. Loter, ten WIl8 maD and )'ou will not idA me or ~ 1Ibllllliniai hen-dfty to hll IIttl. colonel. "Bodde. 'l'on han kno_ b.ppened which m.y h. we 8n "ed OM made and beefsteake aud bncon !l rlli ed ot Ion .gatn uDtll )'ou ha ve talll:ed eacb other not quite three and I or botb theIr lin.. 'J'b. c.ptnln clrew compsnlon, 80bb" ~ftld: "It mea•• o~ '1II1ta of creeu birch. tbe dripp lull wIlli DIl' fathlr. It la tbe custom of I' hle nord od Gull" I durk Ucht that If your Il'I\lldtlllher dleR wllhout tot belIIg caught on slices of tonstlng our eouDtfJ. But I want )'o u to lIDow bav. kDOWn 1011 aot u maDY houn. _owahoes and tty ltege, I\ndloi the nny children. )'our tMther 'won't hn.· We Ire dleply lratetal to '1'00, but 11 hltterness of the people growlng moN.' UpoIl SoIom.. IDd called out: bread' wbereon the meat was presently that I am 'lery happy." RIl)' Ind you WOQ't III.... any."-UntoD 'I blttar tor 'l'OU and tar har thlt tble IDt.nae as the), p~eded. They found I '1Ie11l1. Bloll:ul What the b---I do .erved.- "I do!!'t lI:now bow I dared to Ia1 matter ahoold 1101 ~ hunt... .ut.r 8 man'l' \\'omen oalllg thornll Insteud of Tran8crlpt. : 10U wanU" Th. mll8ter1l1l power wi th whlell the "Wbo bl 801_ w ed. @taJ",u.t yonth IIIId bl8 tother S,VUII& laeS do what I cUd. but I couldn't help 'l'ear hu ~ U ,ft thlak ,00 .tllI plu and kIIIttln, one pair of atocklDga eare to lee "ell other, I wUI Uk ,au .Ith the rlnllo... ot lIIIother. The), -PrtatOIL" t be IU and theIr cunnIng crans mnn· It." "Pnaton I . Oaf. 111004 .nd guDl)OW"I couldn't belp It either. I JIIIt to eom. to EDaland. I think fOG aft! _re also 11.08110« oot theIr 81111: goW1Ul IIhlp Impreesed the EngUsh womnn and • be, mul)', bra... ella" but really and epl nnllll the ftOll8 loto glov.. with "rl Whit'. the _tt.!" ber daqbter nnd were BOOD to be the loo,ed to tn.ow If )'ou dared;" ; PraatOll," 0111 tolDftda of Sol~ "The rest will be lo the fut ure-pe,.. 7011 wtu .dmlt that I ..... a nabt to C!OttOll. All tbll Will to 1IY0id buying topIc of manr a 1..oD.llon tea lIart)'. know JOII battIIr W ... IllS' 41l11bter IOOda llent oyer from Great BrttaJlL ..Id til hIm: llrti. Bare sj,qII:e or I••a she wal cot- bepa tal' lo the future." en,.. to _rry you." TIl. meetlDl o,.. r, lacll: aDd Solomon "00 around to ....d.uart.ra Md tlU Bta ,oleo trembled a little. Ina ber tupper. ' 1..-'(rwl), .Iml.... Ikt the reo . a t on b)' ..... to Botton for • 10011: I them ·we lIN ftt . . II, • mob I.d .. "Not far It )'OU come to me, bat I ..It mar lurprtlc yOU torther tei lenm a bad m.... rm a UW. scnNd. I that the bo1 lJ folrl ), tIlmlllnr with can walt-I will walt." She tooll: hla queet ,,11 1NIJ ' foUildeCl, al"'" lie ..... the big dtJ, TbeJ' anini! 1thlre OIl the afth ot .on', . a t to pt hurt .r do lillY bllltthe Aeneld and 'the OdOll of Horneo baneS 118 tbey were walkIng bealde IIoch ellre4, hDtly, thlt .. woal. . . to be lOt ."nalDttd wtth u - - .. .,.. »ardl a little deer dar" TIle mOOD lq." . 'and the ~ blltory of lI'rnnee ODd Eng- other and added : "For ),ou." "I, too, will walt," he IIDlIwered, Wand dbM. . U Ihlnll\l. A. IIDOW flurry bad whitI J.ct Ind 8010moa pa-.l throoP land," III1d lobo IroD& "W. moa' ... ~. the IlrIt IIIIp k a 11114 the et..... te. ml air "'U stili • ~ the IUmt od hum .. OIL Then th.ra 1....._________............0fV'7h_t ' Ia the 'moat aetoDlablng tblog u 10DI 118 I have to." MrI. Bllre, wlIlklnl down the trail to Jllqlllld," IIId the eoa..&. NY.. and ~ld. '1'ba, ".eS their euppere at At 1ll8t President Coolidge found were.... and crt.. of "!fori.. I I have net beard I" ahe exclaimed. MONEY LOANED to meet them, bad come near. Thelr .,. ~th )'OUIl' aD4 Ia a . .Her ., u.II tile Ihlp - an4 Al\cllor. Wblla thPy tW(\ a ttorneys the senato was wlllRotta Tort_I" A. the two went .. "'Bow hal, be daDe IU" klDd th.,.. lIbauld be De butt. U.ere 1Il.Un.'~ JtMrcl tliat I .pany ing to accept 118' Federal Counsel they baud JIIlllnea falU. behind th,m Jeurne, out of the wlldern ... bad eA4"'l'be mlDlater waa hll muter until &&amp d to prosecute tnveetleatlon of the and amon. th. IOldI.n, . " . weIIt 1Dt.o the bush. Then I bad to ad, but tor end! a Dew lite bad be,. JOQJ' aa.euon II "aL It wtu .. IIODI . , artd. ioI~ DIU the p,..bJ'terCan ID8ItIDl.hou81l naval _!In ' reaene land Ie.... , "1he1'1 ,olll' to be bid trouble thar," ,ba farmer .aDd .chooJ.tflldier. There , Ttle hUlblnd and tather of th. twe tile .~ fDr • little ~." an 8oIomClli IIbIIru ud,....... IIad ...... tbIk '~ III 8wadaJ 80 OWen To · Roberta Is from PhUadel· ..14 BolomolL "Them Iidl IIlD't to ".rm"rA of Warren aDd ad1u1DI1' le a an.t tblrIt tor I,.~ jD tbll 1141.. bad reached the tolt I . . . . . - _ ... "-r the Dhla. Atlee PomereD. ill • blame. Tb,-'re onl, 'dolo' at th,'1'ra oolW.l_ wa, 0 b taln moue, liD I101.l~. laoar or 10 Ib..d of the 1D0000tecl pUV 1elua Doell ... IOID. IICUeII __ - . 110 _ _ _ - - ..... . _IDd Democrade Senator froID ~ I New .Wmd." ' . • IIld preparatlon. w.re ~ IDlde tor of Bo .... vall., u r i " , ' " Ca, ~ . I 0IIItD. C!O maaded, If. tbe pe.lI:y II:lq tbat .'Imelolal. lit 6~" 10"'..... , UoA "How '40 JOII t1n4 tlme for It!" a apedltloa to eat air tile l"Itftat of WI", tile eapta.... ~ no, __ -A114 ........, ,c ... we aft IOID- ~=::::::========== ort lie IIltcblllecJ." of l4lOurtul '11 • •am. II • •, reuo.. "'O~ " . ~" l,lIUre bere-mOl'l ~) Galli ............. .)' ••ra hUr17Jnr on. I I he epoll:e, 'brollKb Tbe federal IAIi4 thaa ~ ban. m lDDllaDd eveo roar tIM indiana. B. wu tao_to moot' . .....""'" ....... , . . . . . . _ .. 11M . ot ... ~ III America oab' .. 0lIl. ~. l'atMw .. ~ ' _ _I .... , ' aD4 &IIMJ u," .. d the worde' w_ ~l)' Olt 8(, Diant. fcwfDrtbertDformatlOll-n ~ IIIIIl . , . ,"!'ni!". "'f!'J'" . , a_ w.re boona, ~ eaJ'IUI," ~ I...... · wltan UI- lI..rd th. co-. .... QolODIi a.,. ... utaallW 1M' I .--r ;!'IIe at It tile tala. ... .-tIII.... '1'ba ItretU w... up~ J. ~ ~. "t" , OD or .dd .... M. U DRAK&, t'nM. ''I'MI ~. out and Diu ,~ . alii _'I",la Bue.-a ra,al eotDIIlIaIiJur Iol~ ' BbiIl.i . . , . :~ ...,... IllS 1114 SoIomOD ftDt . . b, 00 IaJIIlIt aDd !IF ftIII1J.. fa die maId to Ira ad I rtae nll.)'-then aref, pbOD' SUI-X, l..t!baDon, OIllo • . thNe bl tile morDIq and II~ unlll .... '-d ~. to tile c:oea..... ·to ID. 01 ilia 1Iou8Ia. .... ert8I of Pita a.4 ahrlll ~nl!l aDd 'l IdcIdQ. 'I'bIIl IlIDC!h_ and the eoS· . ~ and repolt llpoa dli . . . . . . of ......... l1li _ ...... aeeapt .., 11ft ftt . . I " " " 'ft\eI b8U1I dolllll wlad WI maJaIt7, .Be, tile aIIDna fII,' lila pMt . . . . ~ bat . . . taDI '1I8ODle ptb.-.cl at tbt 0 '. tahlq t.at. tvMd IDd etlrta4 MONEY Loaned OD ,lu MoCIII, lllal ~... IDd ·partJament I 1'ba ~ofth.K~I~ ~ ~ . 1II'IIt...... fteJ" IOOD ovlltook. ~:.: a:~... ~.,,- nIIblDt out of qb.uell, .110 MCIODd mor...... blat of oab' thNe ltea.dJ ~ Ie . . ol4 latter ot lohn ~ wb1eII ... ewe ,.. . . . tlu 1 CM W. IIeIq enwd of IIoJ8 ad ),ouq IDtD ._ klDd. TIle)' midi thalr "u (COa&l.... OD lIICI I) N"MI boa,h'. JohO BarblBe, Aile. Ita. 'It WCIitl U4 ..~ laDd Ileep." ,,~ ,~ ...,....... &aid the WOIII~ fa die IIltlftl -.hi. ~ daba. ~ IfGIlt of 14urr&1'1 throa,h It, and IIW M),ODd a captalll, • - • 8olldlnM, Xe1l1a Ohio. ' ." " "W. 00 that, IOmetlmel, but It II "IlIu,p . . . . . Mt . . . . . . . . . . . for barnO" wt.. tile 'l'waD17·nlDth nat· I eorporal and att prtnt. 8Oldlan , DOt CIfteIl~. If It were not tor ,autlftd. lblre w.. - dI.t· lteDdlng taeo to taea with the crowd. • lIb .. .v..... there woul4 be 110 I'Id IIaIomoa '.ippat .... to the .....t terJq eNWd of mID and bQ.y.. Bom Men w!!ra leeHulr at tisem: bC:I hurl- . '~BI". by buJiDc III W.lIluYi1J.... ma and 1114 .. I .... loGe: .... would IIDeS Amertca a load , ltfe IlL" ''TII_ JOQq . . . . " . • nnf" ~ , I hope It w1l1 be 100d to, ~ a..1IIek ta' I ......." ...... J 4G11't l1li: ..., au WIll. Don't . . . ~;r.~:.i~~~~~~~~~~~ h·;~; ;' .gh~"Dreamland .. t~e wom~n ~ I" lit now no ~"'aIle .....t W. .... "1, .. dI. bUlb _ ..... I wq .. pIelda' . . . . . . x' care tor." , anel 'chUdren, belo, Dear We III 110. . . . . .td' lIP to . . . . . ANTID-A IIltcbeD OtiOoo..l'i III' bani wodI . .' fOIIl' IIQIIpJ. llek ' .pant !t1 d.1'11 tra,") and exclt. ID IDOd oondlSloD. · Iaqlllr .... meat. ~ed ID IIOOD &Iter ItIpper. I. a ~ IIMDaL I II:IIow ' _ .b.. offioe 1D18 I _ '.~ wblclt-&r. . . . . fact-r,. fte men "apt ' OIl their blllllketa, b'l' I8eIl aU kIDdI. Be'. lOt 0' iJIe·are. ad ware up before dllyllgbt &LB8YIN WAN1'EO-Tn !lolla" tor a dlp-'ID the creell: Dear by. Wbll. COUftI.. III' I IiIIIIII IftII u' I ~ order. lor labrlOllln. 01111, ler..... heart. He'd dIa taw I IIt8II4 anr 1IaJ. tIi., ".ra ~ bre",lI:1att. the wom· - IDd PltID", ~hr, or oommr", Ye "kalD'. do Ie doII't aaate s aDd cllUdleIl bnd thelr tum at the Iloa Add,•• THe Bar.ey 011 cq, DCI ', iDlItaIl. 'beat 'IlL . B. ..... DO ereell:ll1II. t.'lneIIDd, Oblo, g' bamlodl bow. I mcala~ tIIaft ala', TII&t 4Ja7 th. relenae4 capUn, were WAN 'rED-BIIIUDIr 01 ,II IIhll;" 110 batt. lDID....bar IIOwh.-GO, fa ba&.r IPlrtta. Soon after Doon the .110 will baJ ,Ollr old "pAN, Ilr, DOl Dewlaeri III thlI . . .~ It compaQ' am. to I ,",oU. rt'.r. rap I.d jaDIl Wm. Robl.,cia t1q ar IonS II' clu. • ..,. 1IUIl. ,. " ~ , 1OIIeII t~:e ntmmlo, W.,.Hyme,Oblo. ,.' Ute.- Bo. ...., ., ,. till WI. dola' to dd. · ~ aneS lbe foJ. .uthJp' f. m_whldl I cUdlI't IIIYtr ~ lowSlft ~C!Oltl )trent III rilbt. =-*L but tile ,GuD, etalUOD wbleh Ilelr: and ~ It, wblll I 40aa wbat I 414-ru 1&'1'1be rood til dI. be,. YOG'd . . . . · ¥arrant ""re rtcllq bepn to rear • JUI!! .~...., lilt fa her ~t, til be '1IhIDa' tI b1JD." 3umPId oft lilt baS'in IWIft wa_ Ud ....... a IIIralT lad," aald OIlocat , Cordell Hu1I, of TIIlUIeUMo lrU lWiOI blto th...,,141 oei' t1IDibled BIN. ...... I . . ra.... l1li...-4 b, Chalrm.aa of tJut N.tIooaI lboa 'Dd 'pat in IOIIIt daJqW .,.,.... JGV,j worde. altMaall aa., ,...•• eratic Committee . baa a1rea4J .. .JIsf eoaI4 dlIatoaDt ID4 bItq l1li' "'~ UIat te new til - . We IlIaD .. tabliJa"ecl -laeadquarten In New l1li.... ~ " , 1jIOCl . .41 I . ~ IQ dill York~ and started orpDllatioo , tl7 ,..... ..ell _ . , bllt Itr~ ba.....:m,.ee4 tIIJ debt to· plana tor the Nat.ioDal CoDy..tIoD ....j.~Ajr\-· .tDOOD. .flallel., ,I!4 ...- Jon;" ... aid, when at lut tile)' were there III 11IIIP I . It and 1M IIeCOIMI I .... IMDroap, 11 00 ."ob '\ I moanta4 ...... "WIIlt 1stOf)' thllill u ' a . . . u l1li fatlI. •.. u DOIII.I'nrbU,.. ttroqclar, 6OO.ob10ll It ·11 tll'rlbl'l' aelttnJ.· ~d aIM aIloold . . . " IIIUI1 W. N. ~al'l, phoDe 111.8, W.,II" , '~Nda oc ID eIleMe, .eelinJ now hllll. ' I ... IIadl1 .... , . Ma4 III V1U., Oblo. . aul t!Ie.bMatp of the ,reeD woocla. It hid blL" beeomo a mqle ,arden tau ot DeW and At rort BtaDwta, .Jolla IroDI 8IIId l1.li FORD RnDaboat WI", 'neat ~O!~~, ) _derfu1 tblap. Bome power had ~ aneS hoUlfl IA' IIOdI to Pater Every-.~, ~e In .ood IbIPlt. IDqa11'l of ~ub. ent~ th_ and opene4 tbelr eyes. Bon. and dedW to mo,. l1li fa.mlly LoOI, /Jar •••• W., ••YUI., ()QI~ several hundred greater 'l'III tb1uah I SOD, pew talnter In the to AlblD'l', wbere be eould e4llcata bl. mill The bc,y wu ftnt to spell~. chUdftn. Botb... ad lila witt h.d iminedJ.. "I th.lnII: that bIrd must ba ve baeS I IfOWIl wlll'J' of the 10naUn_ ot the ~B 8&1.1-&11 killdl W.U to lonr ftlaht iometlme," he Bald. bls coUDtl'1. and tlla peril ..... w1ltcll l'aper. ... 4 Pal.... ,.' ,btl rlilat I "Wby!" . pdoea , Call aDd . . _pi... Ib,. the'l' bid been dtI1t'Ond . U I 4Hl4. "I am .ure that he haa hellrti the lila factor. 80 It ~*I tIIat tile r, Marr"" "II W.,Dti... III11, 0, mulde of ParaeS.... I wonder It 'l'OU mit ' lrone tamll'l' an. 8010moD went to I1I'a . . baPII), I I I am." Alban, b), batuga with the Bare.. It I',a,. Barrild BDOk ' -I ~ nlftr 10 haPP7," Ibe IA· EGG~-P"rk·1 WII • cIellabttul trtp ~ fOO4 IUtuDlD 811e lrolD ,.,Ial( Rrala neroci weatber, In which Oeieoel Bare hu NOTE I A IIII8Jl PlrlD8Dt down pa beDI. 710 pet 111 ..... w .. 00 per acknowledCed that tIoIb he ad hla wtfe J10W D&DJe on ~ preferied cIeliverr lII!f. IOU enl IIrl. W, S, *ro04. d, 'D~. aCQull'Id I daep nepeet "tor th_ " W.Y1lontUe, 0 ., pbODe U.I, mit, alnewy, wile, IIprtrlit AmIrIetIDIIo 80ml the Nearest Autboiiie.d FOrd 'o .IIr: 'LOT of lI'xecl Ba, for 1I1i! . 10.. of wbom are • w.1I IfIIftIld, I Ihould qalra of 'r.... Br.ddook, IIY. ~ moe' mlill you would milt Ia D••• llIe. Oblo . ID III LondolL-
7n thl!D _F, 0/ J
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1,-- - - - - - - - - - - - FA· t
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demand for Fotld -tin is thousand tlwl the available,supply. Place your order ately, avoid delay in delivery• .
·"~T." -'
Cbarles H. Levermore, of Brook· Iyn. N. Y., Secretary of the N. Y. "-I no tI)a Drago.... T.1th. Peuce Society and former President That winter thl Ito. famU, lAd of Adelphi College is the winner of · Solomon Blnkul WeAt oftUl to the the Bok Peace prize. He was pre. • ented with the '60 000 cbeck at meetlD.. ,!f the Bolla or Ublrt7, ODe announcement and will receive thi' .purpose of tbIa orpnlIaUoo ..... to oU,er ,50,000 if his plan Is aCcepted Induce people to manutletare tboIr th rouCh" the n.tlonal retercDa"m IIWIl Dlleollltill anll thu lvold ~ \" ~ no'll In progreaa;
AOoafoll Baa.., oheap Cal\lIali 2'" •• lin, lI.r, J: L ~DI
mOil, fOllr'h 8 ......·• \YA,a.YIU" Oblo, ml ,. '. i,
ET m . . . .e ~oa.l40 o. til " p~j late &.door forclottedan, . .
L of •
Y. D, Baird, ., Ci•• Jlb,Cl ....' ..101· ~"~IOD, "a,aH~.le. Oblo, I
&8..... M 'be Po ~dle. a. Wa,_.UI •• U lalo . . .
nCflo more thoroUgIl treat.
8acoad OI .... a.r.11 a.raner
ment than mere syrups. l)nysics 01' stimulants.
, D. l. CP ANE. Editor and Publillhe~. Waynesville, Ohio
Subacrintiun Price, $1.50 per year
heTps chest colds by giving
strength to' the blood and
,., e;a;,iCWla£ "
heat to the body. It ia famous with
phyaicillDl for hard coughs " and we.k IUD,,, throat
And the Band Plays Annie Laurie
end bronchial troubles.
. . . . <' .
I lt.o ' :n f .. . I '''
.., ,' ;
• ' ..
: Now we have a resolution in the United State. Senate
~ for an Investigation to fix I'88pOaalbWty for the world war. If we only get another let of Senators to settle once and 10r aU time the dllputed ap .of Ann, we will be all set, and the rest of the Senate may be able to devote a Uttte time to the nation's buain8118.
,lInDenta:. A.I be taeed about 010 ooy did not tall to DOtil!ll 04 admIre the wblte laUD walatcoat aDd wIlIte IlIk .tacldngs and red mo~ IIlIppers. Mr. Qulllc, made a Itatament whIch Itock like a bur In Jack lrou' memOl'J of that day. and perhllpi all the tuter hecllu8l! be did not quite onderatand It The speaker 8ald: "Tbe drugon's teeth hll \'e been IOwn." The chalrmaD Bsked If there WBII any citizen prescnt who bnd boeD on the 1C~lIe lit or about tbo time ot the sboot· lo g. Solomon Blnku8 1I1'0se nnd held op Ills hand and WIIS flsked to go to the mlnister'l room aDd conter with the committee. Mr. John Adorns cnlled at the Inn thot evenlllg und onllounced thot he W08 to detend Ollptoln Preston and would require tbe help of Jack nnd Solomon al witnesses. For thot reo· 1011 they were detaIned 80 m e dllYs 1D Boston and releused flllnlly on the promise to return wben their servlcell ..ere required. ' The, hod a bearty welcome ot th.e little houae ' Dear the KJna'1 Arm.. where the, lilt until ml4Dlght telJllIf of their adyentu.... In the mldat of I' Jack IIIIld to hie flther: "1 beard a llpealler In BolloD tJiat the dra~D'e teeth bad heeD 10_ What doe. that meunr "It meaDB that wor II comln.," Iald JohD troDIl. '"We might .. weU'" read7 tor 11." Tb_ worda, comlll, from . hIa fa· ther. ,a .... bJm a ahocll of IIIrpr1et. BI bapn to thlllk of tbl effect of wu CID hli own tamn8&. 801 _ _t hta fUre to matbt aII4 _ t to won aD tile tanh of 10.. !Iou UI4 lived wtO the~. 'DIe
For example. we mitht consider legislation that would make impoeaible the raking in of great fortunes overnight 18 ·" result of stock manipulation coming, aa it always does, on ·the heels of "Waamngton disclosures." Tom tom beatrna· 8weet music to the financial bandit, haa started the ball of t'Uin rol1illl periodically for years. Since the oil drums have begun t.o beat great fortunes have been made and lost. Perhaps we might flud out who is getting the money RIGHT' 1l0W.
Not more than a week ago a stock drive W88 made that stopoed only on the· verge of panic. The insiders cleaned up. The next day they cleaned uP again. They pushed the • market up when the little fellows with five to a hundred thousand dollars had every reason to expect it to continue to go down. It fa safe to say the markilt will now be rigged day by day for months to come. In the midst of ruined homes and the craah of hopes of the unfortunate men and women lured by the glamour I)f speculation Into the W~ Street maelatrom, an investigation into the world war would auraly prove eocourqing. Once let a Senate Committee decide that queation and evel')' ruined man and woman in the coUDtI') would be happy. Aw&'1 with IUch balderdash. IOU 8eDa~ Get down to WOl'L ". New Yodl eft)' baa a dud line. No knOWD crook may travel below that liDe. The blackjack man may not invade the reatrleted zon. until he baa learned a more akilful method of procedure. Perhapt we might reverse Jieua and forbid. the Blac:k Horae Calvary leaving Wall Street and prevent them invading the reat of .b. city and the rest of the country. The ~t haula come from rhnrfng the market on inaid. Information. The pm8 is all played, however. before the public reta AIl1 earda. When the outsiders begin to opent. the band II playing "Home. Sweet Home" and the little fellows are left 'applaucUnt oft the sidewalks. Oil sen..tloM put, present, and to come. will provide eDOuih eIOUH tor a thouuad financial raids In the next few months • .~ Of cOOne, this mieht be ICOtched, but the 'need of the I\oar is to find out who ltarted ·the:world WAr. _ Let ua bave . t)1. truth at all haurda. Then. ·and not till then, can we .t&art on the Boxer uprising and the American Revolution. oj
PoorRichard, ~'
4&y .. har.......
bo~.. of
We"Ja4l,. i~~~•. . ,. J
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To Study the Boll Weevil.
Tn sl ud ), the IH c hlstory and bahavlor cor Ihl' ~ 'I) tl o n boll weev il, a labor:,," r) IIII ~ b l 'I' 1l establi shed by tbe Unl tt' II : ,,, n·s [l" I ," r l m"nt of Agrlcul· ture U ( 1,'1, !'I ' IU'l' , S. C. !!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~
11ft. WID. C.n, Uiliu Can. AD ~. .Doraa. IIr. U4 ...... r. L.
1Iuri1 aa4 II.... lIaq 'lWJker . . . ~ L.buaoa .hlu" ....adlD. a lDeeat. . 01 ,Il........ 8 ... locIp• .• W L. Bu", of 'lale plaol. DOW
opeiaUoD ....
I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!_ _~"""",,_ _" " " "
. "1 u-.'ed to IInow Preston wilen 1 were ~~ut In.Amhel'llt'lI arm), ftgbUD' InJirtlQ. ~ ' Frenchmen, whlcb the)"11 more'D '(wenty 'l!otcbn on tbe stock 0' my rUle, an' tourteen on my pelt. an'. my nome III Solomon Blnkull from ball1. ~4!'" York .. an' It )'ou'll exctllNl UB, we'1I"put ter hum DI lIoon UI we kiD ,ft eMfa, CoDvenleDL" .' In ' the ) 1II0~III 'the)' leamed ~at t'rea 'mea bad been killed and fin qthllr.1!'cI~84 bT,lbe IOldlert. Squadl ot mea 04 00" wIth loaded mulkell wm marebiq' Into town from the
ladE aDd BolomOn attended the to'lt1l maet... · that 4a7 In tbe ' Old . Bouth aiHtJq-hcio... Jt wu a quiet .nd ... 4erI, mI'wd dlat Uatened to . die apeechei of Joatab q,*,cr, Joh~ 1Jj&.' eock aD4 8am,"_ ·.A.d~ d.mUld.., talml, bu~ flrml7- that the 10141llti be fortbwtdl.removed tz::olD the,tItl• •'l'¥' 'amona John ilaDeclelr ·tIIt .. ·. ,..t tilDr.~~ Botton' In th_ daye. 'It-II Dot lIIIi'pr181n. that laek w.. ~ 'liT: ; lila ann4.,r. " tor he _t~ ),tlil ;lIl~'''OUII .. a'~."M aad a, tilae ....._ . J . ..I..t &Del ola'tfo'" .! Uh .a ~1"lf.
""':"elID :
IIr. aD4
Mr. ud lin. hlok '&.lIel'l eater. tatned on 8uda.,.lIr. lIIIol Supra. th. ii-D4 · lin . OJ.reDCI8 Bu rr,blll. Mr.'.Dd lin. l:Ihermao ' BOIt'r~, II.,. Ol.ra aod.Wilbur Berr'rbUi I ' 01 W·TD"vU~ ~~e Tbelma WU '..11•• 10 'be boepUal I~ OInean." Wed " ' returuud to eebool. Attar the bQ Deeda., and pu' 10 • new out la4 had been CIIt and ltaclled ID mJdIuJD. .• . . mer th.,. wire .uIDJDOAed to BoROD retuined~' e.-nill. to abe bome to ,~tJtr 1D the trial of Pre8toD. Tb., ot..,. aod lin, William Coleman, lett In Bept.emb". tIkIDa with tUm wbelP .he t. beiDa oared ror, a drove of hor" ~ . , ~It will be rood tor Jact." 101m . . .~ Blahop, a farmer on Boate '. Irou bad laid to h .. wife. "BI'11 be and ,*1'" Goldie WIDkltar. of Da.,to" oie better prepared for work In wer, ' m.rrll'd In Da,'ClD, Saturday PbUadelpbla 'DeJ:t tall." ev~'o,. Febraary 't, The, willlro Two Important lettel'll had arrived ,bouBelleepnll 'bill week in tbl that Bummer. ODe from 8euJlUl!ID FrankllD to Jobn lroUB, olrema Jac' TboOlDBOJ;l nronerty 10 1.y,le. &. cha'n ce to learn the printer's trede In bls l'hlll1doll.hln Bhop and board and .. l: .. -~ lodgfng In bll home. The otber Jetter "!'U from HarsaNt tor I am more In love \vlth )'ou thOD Bnre to the boy. In whIch Ibe had IIIlI~ ever," ahe bod written. "My fother that tbey were glnd to learn tbat he W08 ' plen.ad with It. He thlnk8 tbnt caule ot complaint will he remo\'ed. aad Mr. Blnkus were frlellds of Ca~ all UDtll It 18. I do Dot asll you 'to be I taln Prestoll lind 'IncllDe4 to help him Tory. but only to be patient." bIB trol1hle. "Sfn("A 1 , ...I\d Your let· Jack nnd Solomon were the whole day getting the1r bor~"8 across Vnn DeUBeD', t erry and hClIlded enltwnrd In the rougb road lofr. nlnkus wore ble hanger-an old Dnmll8(!U8 blade In· herited trom hll fntber----and corrled hie long mU8ket and on IIbundnnt IItore of nmmunltlon; l.ck wore bill two pl. tol.. III the UIO ot wblch be bad h&come moat ~rt. They cnme to wagoo roa411 Impl'09' lD« III tbey approached ,towna aDd vtl· la,ea, III the lint of wbleb tbe7 BelUDs tbe droy.. Wherl tbl, D08toll, Dearly a wlllk lat.r, the, olily the two honea which the, ' ~. trIal bad Jail belun. BeIDa a';' Ib(>lr teillmu~, madl aD laell·. hitter to hta father that Mr. Adame compllmlDlW
Shlppl.g Direct Is profitable, tafe aud euy. Trial Cu, for 30 day •.
Dr John W. Miller '-----!JI!'!!""'-!'P~~.
C!01UilYJ. ( "
10., a' L . . . . . .rl. .... auu W.,..,..tlJe ·WedIl8lc1.1·"",",,' aa.-. .'"D4ed a .arprlle Mn, ' aeor.. Nk,1kme _rDea 8aD4a, a' " be ~e 'Of IIfI. to ber home ..... IUdclIJeeowa ..... All. . lteftll, of 8p1ta, Btll.
Today. March lI¢'ite · . -. ~
fo rt 'belr 8aDd.,' toe.tllo M. . . Dol- IIr••ad lin. B . • . B.UOD, Mr. ud I ' lte 'aDd liar., Marlue' J.OUolUDd lin. W, W, Wel.h. lin. Deborab Mary Bolano.., of Tlppecaooe IlId'.Yere" 8ltaaauer. aDd · lIu·IID Well., of GlD,bam.. lin. William lloore PMHt a"I' bar.. . 1M' Tbunda1. )'a!m1ar7 IS, a f . W.,....vlUe HatioMI Bank
..'.' .. "'.
~',. Dayso/
IOn. Mr. ADd 1If1. 'Bud Barlan, 1I0ie BOI.1l .Dd N.te ara., wen Thun. cia,. afkraOOD Gallen a' IIr. u4 lin. 114 Gn." of )'la' )'ort. ! IIrI.lcIa Bowe ud Barry, _A ~ • ~ "III--A
aa . ttprto.boro TIIUfI4Ia, ......... a.,...., reao"lQ'. B.eOIOOplo .Ie". of l~lDI Ta...... • IIr. ud lin.•. B. .Dalila eakr• b..... '. Comb were ahClI", ..tDed BDDU» ....10" IIr. ull IIr. aDd lin. Ga, BttJa,.hll b..s •. 8. OoIle.. aDd .oa. Robert.
1C " 'mat II the matter7 Tbe!'\' bll' Dot I-eeD hI ~\I.! ht ror III ......· IIllIn a _th a ....18 Ilalvlut( 11.111111. rur III 10 ..,.. 'l'h11 will lIever Il\l.
.. ..• ...'.
PrIce Feb. 9th to·25th. 54e
Ur., IWIIII.m Coleml~n a"ellded 'be·fullenl or .be llUle ,daqhter of Mr. aDd lin. Dnld De!iOlL a' au, Heal'h,. Dear OIDoIDDlltl.l'rtu,. Mr. aDd lin. J. B JODN .Delilr. .nd Mr. aDd tin. h.ok ROIer. '.'. koded ' 'be Uddfellow balIq"',
' rOOCbllU on.o lin .... ~pared to w.r n.1. II a .rtotl~ matter. . . IhGuI4 l1li .. a SeDate (Jpmm:U..I te IIDd ont who Inv('nt.eri tootball
We guarantee every Tn State patron agalDlt lOll uf damare to bla cream cans in transit. We giye a Coupon Bond with _ .l!&iprDIiDl. '5 of which are redee~able for a new can. 10 every .Trt _te , pat~.~ replac:e bis old canl with new ODa long before they In "om o~ If • he wishes, . l I J ., .'
Ibrlaa . .4 BoWt. of at 1i-.1dea4. ...... aDd.nreet "Dd lin. lI.ry CarmoD,. '!'banda,. IwIk Ioacl' of folb frOID lteN IS, alld Ie ,..alD, al.,.. tlu. Bte .".alled aba Epworib I..eqae aoalal ~i.£ti aod' fneDda bere wllb bllD
kr"~ed ... BaDda, lin. •• J. CanDoDJ"
WJUII,4oen th.... &wleD;
The JDDtor Aid met wlUl MINI Belen EvaDi &mrday . . Mr. <')rlbfleld ball08~lled a radio, MUllo MoDd .peeohH oomlol ID floe , John Kennedy .nd Jllmell Kline wele IbopplnR In Da,'on 1a" Fri. d.... &Stu ...bel Starr 'peDt the week. end wltb bel' mo'blr. lira, AmlDda 'arr, "r. .Dd Mfl. Franlr lShldaller Mre. Ben Hawlle 'pen' Sa'urday • peD' Saod.y wUh lin Ottboaab aDd SUDda, .. lab IIr. aud Ufi. Jail . Dalun. ' MilS H.me Campbell huaooepted PlJlJllpe, 10 Da,toD Cbarlllll TbompeoD, ot W.rr.n, a poeiltOD ID abe ChI1!1rea'l bome, IDd. , was • weet.eod I1ll11t of bl. ". LebaaoD. Mr, aDd lin, Bobar' .00deD en unote, W . O. Ouroell. ter'alned oompaD1 •.am Ctaotlloa" Wt'lbur Olark aUeDdedl tbe o,.kr lupper (If 'he Farm Bureatl a. Wa,. 8t104a." 114.811 Ltda KeDDed1. of {)a,toO. oesvllie "huredayevenlog. Mr. aod Mrs . AllaD ]!:mrloll and lpen' . the week.eDd wlUl her pu. dBoghcer. GladYI. Mond Mrll, Clarence eDtII b!'re. MIII4 M~rtba Lukenl II 'Vleltlng tlmltb lpent Wedoe.day In the Gem aly. . h eT brotber. William, of nellt here, )irs. Rea Sheehan Willi a goos' at for tI tew weeks. Mr , "IlU I12r8. Gu ll G ordoo and the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Llioke,Y, Welt Mtddl:etown I.. at ol d lllren PIJOllt I:lunday With Rll'e week. Full'Y, nu u fll nlil y . . ti lH'lld HllrrlS nnd l/lm lly. of Mr8 Floy .-j 8aVMI(e and 8011 , Or. vlJJe. IIpsn' the week-end lIt the l. ubun ull , ~ P ~ Dt, I:l ullduy with Mr. bome of ber mother, Mrll WIlliam 6 11(1' M c~ F . L.. . Hurris. UIOWIUCIl". a' WavnellVllle. Mr . Il ll C\ blr/< . In 'yferd Ilnd 80 D. Mr. aDd Mra. Franll Mlltellberger J oh u; ijIJtl U L " n oduy e veni n g with aDd ohlldren apeDt Thur8day with Mr. /l net Mrs. F L. Harris. 'he former's moSher, Mra, June Mr . 1>lIulou Gur don, Mra. GntJ Mlltsnooraer, at Mlddle&own. G ordon and M i ~8 Luolle Tuokbr Mr •• nd lira. KeIIler and daugb- were Oliy,on 8boppers Friday. 'er, Bernlae, were Saturday eVODMI~8 LIzzie Stroup ball re turDed IDg Roelle of Mr. aDd I..,.•• rthur home aher apeodlDg a few day. Wbtte and 'o btldreD iD :o.-tou. with her .I.kr, Uri. Keot Thomp
John "yen III eomllwhAt im\>ror' ed a& thll $lme. Mra, WaUer LIlOY 18 III ", ber home nortb or town. There are eeveral 0 ••81' of mumpl ill and Ilfound Lytle: Mr, aod Ahl. Albert 8,aot enkr· 'aiDed &0 a 'amil, dlDoelr 8uDda,. M,.. Emma Laoy t. ~'I~I'IDI ber d.uIMer. 14 .... ElMorl YouD,and tam 111, near Lebaoon,
not. . . , ..• / ,... II~. ,W nbar, oa.rll . a4
:-. ' ," ,.... . . . . . ..,. lIMn ..,..l rll'Idlt, I. IAWI d"~ wltb lUea1U· .-,. " . IlIICiUID.tl c:IlIId rDllDOI IDIMIrtL . WouldD't It be better to pp.l IlOth f.tber and lIIotbclr 10 leu" all their IDOOI!J to tile U1e1CiU· . . le· claUd? '1'1111 wOIl'd protert 1M t a _ t ,..ad _u JIOapectlve
,.. .. .. ' ... .. In the
rna}' mean weak lungs and
IID'-''' IU. . . of ......1 laOllaha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!_ The i"Deral WN beld .. ca-u's t;.....~ oharob. Their hindi blre exMa4 IJlapa&hl to " .. be,...d NOTARY p.uauo rllDll».\ WW. Drawn !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~
Wayn..vllle, :Ohl~ National Buk·
Rooeevelt Paces
b MILLIONS Mol' Y 11 11m I' i' ~ulE' of' nu omo· bil p Ii!'!'n"", for 1924 \ 'ill uneh (jVP I' l ilT " mill i,n'\ d liArs for Ihe RIHl. of 0hlll Thj( (,10 ". i~l t}vHi -Ill ( n~ lhf' m li llt.::ulnc e :\1 'I r II\'!' o f I hf, H r ~~tN IIno hi j(llIVIIYij of the stlllte. lila wo rk CBll be s tarted as 8(1UII as Ihe w, nt he r permi~ , \\ an en CO il III y wi ll rt'ceh'e 11' Iwy s hn,e thl! Rum (1f $ 14. 977.03, elis· lribut ed :un" n~ dlH ~everA I t owns . W "yne~v :!j (' "'ill r.,,,,,jYL' $491.8. 'I",. v, ysb urS/
~Y'~ 76,
"'-"ttL , ( '. Jll'Weft lite taph! Ciat.
I(ni , "
"1'\ -
,"J, 'k
T h.! heavy, r ai ns of 'l'uesday cBused
" . r the t lVl!r Lo uv e r flo w.
J llm~s Sa ll erthw aite wus in Rich·
\ 1.1!ii).tl .· I en URC H 'ab b: I 1-.1" ~';l'I .,. ~n'a ,h. Mrs H. V, Walter and 90n. Dlln' ing a t 1 ' " , dnc'.~,h r t' VL I" were S'mday afterno on visitors h ere . jng
S(, t
tllesl' ~. 'n ,', Hev . J , A.
,.. ,·Illl' wit
hove their a nnual
Ol d Sc:q tt h,. Q :n~ • Ken neth KiJbon. of Dayton , came ...... .,.. Tbe old onth oJ !lui' :-:('111 ,·" .. ,11l'1lnd . . . . . d1ubNt r~1 In Frila~ II jUry mon wn". "Y ~ 1l " 1,,' down Saturda y and stayed until O"gl" df " "I U.. OIo o d." 1 pr"S"lI t no FRJEN DS C tl U l~CH ~., ~ llood .. prevent pe!'ll" n ·for h llt rprl. m n monday mornin g' visiting relatives n ine blubd I a tr,,,,.-ln \1 n ot the ll ,·" "r tIt .wlll; ' . . . .0 ' . . . ffoiftt tile 'e1ectr1e nor leiwe OnYthl u!: 1I 11 1' 1~'Se Prof, Farr will ue with us at the und friends, :;pltnls h "san/!,'" :1ztll." alll'l hu l ed to : nle,I ' tor i . . . . et .... ~ • t en r. tnyor or of1'e~ II"Q," ,s'Ime of th oh ll)H Hnll li rOl~ ll('s t fu m .. li'riends church nex t ~'irst, DIlY. ': 1I1~ or ('n ~ t tl~ , ,,'hn "I "hlll'" n('"er to The Ch urch !:chool Servl CII L eag ue h ~\'{' be n COUl o "' ln :I1, ',I' h~' Muorlsh, " ill mee t wil h Mi8:i Bernire Hyman J t.'wls h Or .)tlll'r fm"'!g-II a.hnlxt nre.. Th e (ix pres~ lo n l )r oh:.!)I,:' lJ r l~l nH t f" d In Watch you r e;; p 1'1' iOIl date ~lt tu n lRY IIft.er noo n at 2 (,'clock . I h ~ ul 11 (' n e~s of tIlt' \,e ll .. (It IIl'op1e at ,\ ful l utlt'nda nce i8 desi red.
,,,,,,,,pll'x (un~
I htlSl' M
,POIIeu'OD of Money ,
lI ,w¥t
rouopl1 l'cll
a 'rb0le who practi ce thrift today are ~ '. .~ lead tOplorrow in busine ss, . cl\rW MIld I life.
-1it .:, Dp'oD
rlt ' n" ,.j.
·bruary banque t ot the ComGlub at the Grange Hall last \ ', ! " dt1Y ni!lht was f eatured by l it· pr" Rl'nt atj ' ,n of a lovely cake '" d h ~lI u l ifu l re ading lamp t o thll Yo In r p res id en t, Mr. Fred M , Cole. l'h ' r wa~ muc h mer riment connec. ted wi th tile IJresent lltion ot these ~irt~ as 11!t~ cake proved to be edible t rlml lhe' ou ts id e only. t'he InRid e ~i l\ !t compos ed of 8 cheeR ~ box l'lw rellding lamp was Il88pmbl ed frum very 'p ractica l articles anei the "" rV fW t11al pre (mta tion added zes t to '>f'"" i thE' best SUPDl'r S the Grange : h HP " ,!' ', ' ~d t he Clu b M,', I dtllOsky , s pp.aker of the even. inK P l\"J ed to be very enterta ining in hi:! p~actlea'I' talk and offered
--- ---
Notice of Appo intme nt - : I.
their deposi ts and provid ·
ES\&t6 0 1 EII1..h OI!J RcOII, d ooeued,
No""" III h eroby Sh ' n Ih.1 Ohorl"" Mad, lieu hM been tlul y I'ppoIDH,t! oou qu.UDQd u Admlnlol rA"r o r lbO • ••nto 0 1 GII.ubet h
Srott. , lot'" 01 ClltuiOn .
Coun ly. Ohio. do·
D awd ,bla 1 Blh da~ 01 February.. 19 24 ~ 'V . 7, HOLt;", Jntl&e 0 ' Ib" l'mb"te Courl 11:1 9 , . ' Varron Coun lY, Oh io
The Late Classified Ads "
sUgarestioos to the Mrs. Letroak y. ,·M r, ,Nlclioi . 1111: Carl ,McClur e accomp anied . sllea!Htr from Dayton,._
. ' Balcom Slelllp, 8emata r)' to the'
"Pre 12 s1deD~
, ,
eame frOm the Sen,te committ ee grilling
wu bapPf' ' ' ' be
I: :
i ~s
I"' .'
Hardw are Jiarne ss
Wayn esvill e , OhlQ [.
into Na,,Il1 oU leaaea. Slemp said l Where Hot Air II De.dly. Sh oatii'· aud 2 'Sow~ I be' 'a\:!Vlsbd Fall Ilnll 'McLean , IiI Mes9Potamin tbe "polson wind" ur l" ~l\mh Is n whlrlwtnLl or uPCoihen t· B,. near Allen Klbler ,fUIIl, 'Way, t em in FIQ.d dll, ed ulr, which llt e.rolly dell I d,'nth to . nea'vi JlII, Q~i?, . , mr., ' ~~~~~~"'~!",~~~~~~ thosl' If sh'lke . It travel. almosr with ,lIrecme ss lind nnrrtlW .1,"111
I' B~S
£ it
e r ;aQ.~ ,,\~~~.wr~~g~t
o~ p -
Imm l!lllllt~l)'
ontl may fUe It stlmul llDtB are not 800n appli ed.
U\ll).,\. Singling out perh " Jl~ II single ln ll" Idutil. The person struck by It
-BE'====rI:~"1 •
a new idea for home wash ·ng. It'is . gu at ante~d It?· \,Vash 12 double sheets or 17 single' sheets with only . four gallons of water. ,_ " This will be demon strated at our store S!llur· day , March 8. We want' every ODe to see t his simple and eff\!Clive wash~r at .work, im~ ' \\' ilI glveo ne'FR ES I to the one holdin g ~h~ lucky 'ti~ket . 1\,11 ~o u . need : ~ . do is to drop in the 'stor,~ .and ~sk to see tile wa,?h!; r, and you will be given a ticket .
' to for ,sale. "John R~bl\lrall>P>.l .l;(.II , ~'~ake a ' .:lelm 'l, re'ast" when he saw
l r ,.
I '".
, I,'
It bU8 the eltect ot 'CllusJng lt~l1t apoplexy,
.- .
. . Seplr,Inti. Box 58 W.ynea ,me, hi? , . .
Satu rday , Mar ch 8th
UG~A"c\bh", Jtggll for. 11': 00 per' lIS ; 15 1·00 on 'lOGA L
---- ----
many valuabl e
F Rff'
(,l. IPP ""
print r. n" tet! ror th e bennt\' of his )'Ie, emp loyed II ot th is lime.
ce with tl;Jose people, paying them
The T eapot Shrug
'Waynesville National Bank
dn rk skin .
U1tc Modern. A rl"1<>1'1"" I<'" M ,\ Ipx:lIl1l rill IIseQ £,1:n r tu nthm t o F0nw fl:< t c n t In 2:-.0 n. O. Tit rc w:ts no s)·. Ii·l1I of pu nctllntlon, howe "!'r, nDIII nllfl l1l 1500 A. 0 , AI· lIons M llml( l " . . U " 'lIrnpt! " cnctlnn
~ the substa ntial, truly useful
co v
S . MP L!-:
. . . ..
1I",.ell ,
Pun ct ua t h"o
S, i ~ Hl ,.. £ R. C A . .!Ill !! t I:R\!lCI! "Alf P ' OF: ~1!1')'ft\ ' TS I\D V'i. tlTISIHC CO l. ~"II
bil ity To Sa ve
OItUOo t9T!!I.
T '.""
thiM uening .
I '
if One Happy Home St,eam Washer rr~e 'l
Crllwn Lodge No. 538 K. of P. ,
m. I'"
,; ,O!:\. , ;
• . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . o • • • • 9 ~~q • •• • • • • • • •. .• • • • • • •. .· ,
Ll'llgU I '
, I,
t lJ r; V/oJll Lr
SJ11lD WEI!KLy, , $, .0"
- 1\)
J. O. Cart wrig ht
mond , I lld , last week,
• J. .. _ _ _ _ ' I . -
""';'u t
The S, L, Caqw n;' 1 prop· erty.o n lIIa in slrc\!t, I~ a ra.nged fo t' ()n~o r " 0 f . , :,1ic. . Reaso nabJ ' priced . I c pC'ction by a po in t ll1~ nl nfJuir tt of
Myer Hyman and fa '! lIy we re Xenia visitors Su n day
D n't fo rget if you chan ge locatio ns to get a transfe r-c ' ts you nothin g. I l -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I-fl.---==-:--'·""H""eo;.n ....~ ~ , . Wf' aTE a-ble.....lo-quote you .ratew n ,'. "'' -' • .,_ R~V~ I
ilieb~~mp~~,~~~~ iliesm~I~~1
Onr, ' of th e most remarka ble IsloM. SO W11Y pa}f,as t'n~,'ch for a pi~ as a hog? In t li M world 1M r' otmos, where St. J ohn wrute the Book ot Revelati on. It 'I . was n lwnY8 the destinat ion at thou· Banda of IllIgrlrus , nDd In the old doys th e rich moi( who wished to. expiate bls lIsually dld , BO by bulldlng n . church . The result · Is that this tlnr- ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!~!!!I!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l@!~ Is limd contolns the rulD* of no fewer ~
Ohio )'
.. ...
~1IIIi------i.iil.---- ~
BOO churches.
; ' 1..
OR€H£S, fRA .... ,
Differe nt
m a
'~~I)[ New Coope.
,Mik. "' ry ,' w i th i ts ' .,f'li I" (\ Rub,Mlkl C cntl~' sofe: cushio:1 h otl o.m.;$ laduy the I
I I.
Cha"ge Thll, Coat.. tn col~ countrie s where llJiow prevails riurlng 0 long winter many , ani, mals Chl1DJC the Inie' 'ot their cants t o • ",hJte Unt.' The of the weRle I eepedal ly curlOTlI: It retains Its brown 'Cqn t 11ntll · the ' flrst soo\\' nJ>pen r~, ' riM! th ' n w1jJteDs' ID • tew
- - - - - -••_ __ 40_ _ _ __ _
I ~pm ll]:'(:t.e;,,,~cts
• Electrical .Shop, Saturday, Marc)l.··g"th 1U~,~-.1:50,
It", '1'1.11« . r;:... ~:'. , :
"~rl tit',')•. '1 ~
~ I~·
f .(.
STYLE in y.?ur millin ery is tb'e· ~C?~t
I ...
~!D- ---'--..-Il----......,~
portan t cQnsideratioD--"nIl ,our,ha ts have it-the ' most mod.er ately priced 'as' well as of thedhres,t qualit y. ' We can show you stylish and ' becom ing hats 'that will fit you~ purse 'as ,well as your perso'n ality.
A radio bas been inltalle d In \he telepho n e exohaD ge . . Mrs, Loe MoNell , Who luO'ar,d a str oke ot plirBlys le reoen'ly, Is 1111, proving ,
$1.00 and SOc, plus war tax
Opening ot t6e ,'! Sea~on~s'.· . MillineryJ. ,Display',"" ",' "'.;~ :F l-id ay ab d Sa tur da y:" •
most prl'llltn b lc b ",·
t fy in \,l f.~."l mcn( fo r
"Do rthy ,
Mr . lind ,Mrs, F. 1>. Reevell, 01
..' ...... _ _ __
D ~yton. ,
' • •t oO
wera week.eDd guelt. of '·tl l~~l vel! .h'ere: ' ,
.6 ' "
A Lovel ~' ~s~rtmetit. . Moder~t~y, Priced.. . Inspec~ion In~ited 'I'
, rf.' \.
Q.t~t:I~ MitJi~~ry
37 Green ~treet . l'
j t
XENIA,~'OHIO ."~~f~)~'''-'~~~''~
Seventy.,sixth Year
OF ETNA PEOPLE Lust Friday evening. Rev. Hill. ot the First U B. church, perfolmed MIllS Ann Bochman was a Dayton a double wedding ceremony, bindinll' two Etna Green young Illdies and visitor Saturday. IllinUllmen In the holy bondt! , The first couple was Robert Burnett, of Several of Lhe winter Florida tour. ~aynesville. Ohio. son of Mr anri leta areexpeNed hfimfi shortly, Mrs Stephen !:iurnatt, working with the bridge ganl!' east of this place. Mrll, Edith Harris Is ~pendlng the and Miss Violet Walters. whose wee k with relalives In Milford. home is in Cassopolis. Mich •. but who has been living here and goinsr MIB8 Betty Barnett. of near Dayto school. and Henry Whitacre. son t"n, wu a week end visitor hllre . of Grant and Mrs Whitacre. and It la rumorpd that there will be Miss Eriith Fivecoat, both or Etna several wed InKUhe coming June Green. were the others, The wed ding unites two well known couples J. W, Lincoln, of Dayton. visited and will be the means of establi8h. with Mr. and Mrs, J . H. Smith, ing two humes that should prove moat delightful. Mrs. Burnett, is Sanday. a niece of Mrs. Clifford Guy, and Beautiful new hate In all the lat. would have graduuted with the est stylet! and colors at Mrs. Grace 8enior clM8II, of Etna Green, this year. Mrs. Whitacre, was a n,ember of the L Smith'". clllBS at'the start, but finally Ilave Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Forrest up the work , For the present both Hoblit, Wednesday. March 5, 1924, couplea will live at i!)tna Green Etna Green. Ind., Ne~s Sentinel a daulrhter. ,
The cl e r k~ cumt' up from behind In the la st quart!'r of their °gllme with the Commercial Clu b and won by Ihe sco rP. of 16 t o 13 Commer. cial Club led for the ~ r e ater part of the contest bu t could not stop t he younger la<l s when they p:ot I heir sco ring machill e workillg, Oxley. Cole and 1\1 eelII rp. led l he sent inl!' fo r tilt' Cluh wh ile Hough and Uur· ton w re Ih" main . tHY ·' for th e clerks . Two g ood ~ , m .. ~ III 1111' ~ ) nl this week wllt·n 1.111' II i ~ h School lIl e~Ls f rank lin fu r l'lI' d " t i :lll j:! j!UII1 l' "f three th aI th (w Iw o l('·" ,Hwi ll have play erl, W 11 ..; W . H . Ihird 1 " t1C ~ n lht' W a rn' lI """ II 1'lIr'IIII I) " nl by defe<l l ill~ l ltJ :"" II. 0; 1 !' ril'.!"
lin d,!ft~ah ·.t l ',·
T hp ,\,
Mr. and Mrs. 0 E Anderson. ~yton, spent Sundsy with C, M, Bf~wn alld family .
Born-To Mr. , and MrR Loul. Fires. of R. D, 1. Thursday. March " 1924, a dlluKhter. Born-To Mr. Rnd Mrd. Walter WIIUaf!l8. of II ear , Kingman. Thursday, "arctl6, a daughter. Mra, Euphemia Hough arrived
boola from o.ylon. Thursday. wher.. abe hlUl been spending the winter. '
Rev, J ohn McMillan died at hi. St,' Mary's Guild will meet with home near Dov er, Clinton county, lin George Hartsock. on Thursrla, early Saturday, morning. The fu. afternoon, March 13th at 2 o'clock DClral was beld at his late home Monda)' morning at 10 o'clock. and at Mr. and Mrs Lester Gordon. who the Chapel at 1 o·cloak. Interment have been visitinll' In Florida (or th~ In M.iami cemetery, Rev. McMillan put ten day., returned home Tues preacbed at the Red Brick church d., evening. for tbre~ years, and 1111'18 beloved by all who knew him. , MllIIeI Edna Kehley. Relell Ha';kt", Ed"a Howland an,d Op,,1 Davids attended the concert- it the N C. R.. , . MI88 Lilla Benham wae in Leba. D.,ton. Sunday afternooh, non Saturday. , W'aJter Brittain. and family, of . Mr. and Mrs. Fra,lk Zell spent na,ton, are viaitlllg theIr parenti (i',lday w~th trlends in Bellbrook. Wm. LIppincott and family . . Mr, C II. Robltzer ' and family were BrI~n returned bome MODdlY . ' Mond" visitors In Tippecanoe (;Itv, Miami , county, ' ¥~. and 'IIra Omar BaIrd, MI. lIarie 'Hart and Mr. Otis Tyner, of • In~llnapolla, lpent Sunday with Get your sprinK hat now, every· ......'-Donovan and Mett Baird thing new and in good tBllte. Grace '" ." Lincoln Smith. . MIBII Allie. it'rame, (lf~ayton. is ·.Tbere will be a meeting of the eounty executive committee of the spendlng. ,a few day. here, visitinll Re(J'.~joo)~ next Sunday afternao,; at relatlV!ls !lnd friend.. 2o'cl0,Clk at the Red Cro88 office ' on B d Leb roa wa,Y, anol}, C. A, SU,l1ivan and wife, who have . ' , been living at Cottage Corner for Fr,.cl Cole Ie movlnR into the the P88t year, bave moved to DavhouM vacated by Frank LeMay, ton ' Walter U nd erwood 'h8a moved IntI' 8te~art propert)': and Ben Mr. and Mra. W, Ef, Stroud and . H u..... Ilnt0 th e P enee ft a t s. "~ ' son, arold, were guests of B.'!', . ~ :' .'. , . , Vlcll ..and famlll, ,of Dayton. last II~ 'and Mra. Fiank Jonel, ' . of week. Rou",6,' left I..t t.:~~ to vialt with tbelr:Aulrhtu, lira. Frank Smeafl i... C, St, John and family, of Mor. .• ~ '~~il'mlly,· at ChIcalro . Ml'. and row, niov\!d Into tbeir new home reo ' thl.-a. -h bou g ht Lh ec~ntl" purchuad f tb V T II... ,,"''8a ; .. 0 Vil -... 6.<t . . . ii'• .11 I' k ' tat I k rom e an reas Jon..:.. __ rm, mo\'~ n I8t wee " ell e, !lilt wee .
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seCull" I , " f,1 in If) , ro' I I·" I this ~ ho ll l d l,e w", II, '. hll " p", : W.' H, S, d crl ll L~ d lhi~ ["t\l l, l"' I'~ this year, but by a small scu re
I. 1il
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CIRCULAR SAW George HartSOCk, who works at the W. H. Madden plant, had an unfortunate accident last ThuneJa" "hlleusln, the circular saw. The AW caurrht the ' thumb, first and second finaers of hlB hand, The first Hnll'lIr was almost III'vered bul was aewn back Into place, and It la hoped that the injured member will be all rillht IIllaln In a short time,
pr.1. ,'(
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!:Ii7. C. Wi l li
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J! o . .cartwright and family and Mr, Hannah Rogers were Dayton vlaitors Thuraday .
8~SKET BAll AT - II?(}~iBM GYM THIS WEEK ~ t ~
HowariJ Archdeacon was In Cin. cinnatl Monday .
Fred Gullady, of Kentucky. Is vialtinlthle daullhter, Mrs. John Stansbury and family. '
iV holcN umber 6585
A weak d ~fe n ~ e cost the MiMmis their game with the Gallagher's Drugs la3t Fridliv night. Cor:trasting the two teams as to offensive play they were even ly matched but the Miamis. weak in their defem ive 'play. lost by the Rco re 0 f 36 to 22.
----- ..
Mr ~ ' hr y s l i ~ McKinsey und'd au gh· ter. Miss La u ra, entertained at dinlIer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Al Swayne of Ridgeville. and Mr. and Mra, ChBs Ed wards . : ..
Mr. and Mrs W. E. Storud had !)a their guests last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs . Oth o HenderRon, "lind Mrs. Maud Crane and family. The ·ccca· ~ ion was Ihe 12th wedding annlv~r· sary of the Strouds. Mr, lind Mrs, E, T. Htroud, of dinner hisl: ' week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. fran k Jon e!l. the following; Mrs, Hu ldah Burnett and SOTUI. Walter, Cli fr and Chas,. Mr. and Mrs, Otho lI enderson and MrfI. Maude Crane.
Rn u~e 5, enterta ined
A very pleasant surprise wss en· jOYl'ri ~ un d IlY . Mar ch 9, when the
chil d ren and g randchildren of Mr. 11, ,, 1 Mrs, Alf red Whetsel, of Well. rnll n arrived shortly before noon. wil h well fi lled baskets to remind ;>'1 r" Whetsel of her 60th birthday , T l l o~e present were; Mr and M.rs, Ir vin Whetsel lInd fbmily, of near Wllynev ille. Mr . and Mrs: Charles , Am es and daughters . Mildred ~nd Wi, ma Eileen, Mr. and ~rs; Arnold " Winkler and son. Frank and Mr, and Mr!i. Frank Wi lson, all of Lebanon I
-- - ..,- - l
Oil .M an
A public !!Chaol oratorical contest .On March 7tb occurred a notable ,The first ot a series of three will be held at the Lebanon Opera literary event at Flat Fork &chool treatments for the prevention (If House aKlln this year on Friday b01lBe, Fred Hal'emyer, president. dtphtheria was given at the Grade'l Ifternoon, Aprlllllb . In order to faced a large, ordlerly rrroup when &Cbaol building last Friday morning. decide who 'hall be the conteatant. he called tile meeUng to order Mra, EllI'htv·four took the treatment and ' in the county meeting an ellmlna. An~a ,Jo'errl.,eeeretary.read themln- thua (ar no one has been reported tlon conteet hlB been 'planned for atea of tbe lut meetiDg, ,sicll. This number far exceeded the Wayne township This contest will The play l(iven by Spring Hili and expectatrons of the health departTbe Jo'arm Bureau Es~ay Con test be held in the Ichool gymnaelum on OIlYe Branch men and women, entl· 1ment In view of the fact thst this which ended last Thursday was very Wed-needay evening, March 19 at 8 tIed .," Frlday Afternoon Spelling i. the first time It has been Iliven in successful in Wayn e township, iudg· o'clock. One pupil In each II'Nde School." 1111'18 a decided hit. Fred this county with the exception of ing espec ially from the num ber of from the third grade to the Senior Hagemeyer. 18 schoolmaster, 1111''' Otterbein Home . The next treat. 88lays , Wilh an enrollment of 197 CII88, Inclusive, will participate, tbe·!t&r of tbe evening. ment will be given at the Grade in th e fifth t o eighth gl' B de~ thE' re For~ the County contest there are Lucile Speaight delighted the . . building next Friday at 9 A. M, wert:) 191 essays 'The nneH who did tb~ee dlvisio".s The first will com- lembl)' with a r,e cltation entitled,' Theyoungest children to take the not write were absent, du e in most prlBe the pupIls of the third. fourth "Tea·Pot Dome." Itreatment were Earl Earnhart and ' cases to sicdneHs a~d Hrth grades The second of the Mrs. Ed Clark and Mrs, Ed Retal. Robert Blatt, each two years of age, Four of the six roo ms had 100 SIxth. seventh and eighth grades, lick prepared and read a wholesome °_ ° per cent and it will be 8 problem Above Is Chlo anti the third the high school pupils. 'and entertainiilg community psper, for the judges to decide which room eago, one of the two whl) The same divisions will be made in The debate on the questlHn. "Re8"all get the prize for t he room hav will lnJl.88\iJate Hae OU . r ' our local (onte!!t, ' IOlvejl, That the World la GrowIng ing the highest per cent of students land leallft,,\or Pruld~t Cool1dJe.· Elimination of formv Attomq • An adminion of 5 and 10 centl Better." was ably dilcueaed by Geo . writing. Is to get a prize. General Gregory !eli... the othv, will be charged at WaYnesville, the Plymtre'and ttay Brandl3nburg for The individual prizes for Wayne inveetliawr UllDUDtd:' ... ' . '..,.. , receipt. being used entirely for pri. the amt'matlve, and Wm, Manning ElIlBbeth, daughler of Gabriel and I.ownship and the county will be lin· I '. 1 r, _ •• Zt!l a!ld nece888ry expenses. The and Frank Evart. for the n8ll'ative. Charlotte Gillas Scott, was born In nounced whe'n the judges get thru - - -.0 . - ••- - I ', J HllI'h 'School Orchestra will furnish The affirmative won by a am all mar. Richmond County, N C" and carne their laborious task of selecting I" . ,,~ £ Carnauba Wax.~, . ,' " ;. _ the music. Everyone i. welcome, gin: according, tbe report of the to Oh!o with her pRrentslong betore the winners. Scales of Willi: form •. on . the . ~ • °_ • judgea, Many tense Ind interestfng Civil Jl'ar. They.located near Har- - -... - ...- - dar Bide ot tbe young . leaves , 01 ~ ; litaationa featured 'the'debate, "e,ebu.rg and Elizabeth had spent OarDnubn palm of' SoutbA,~'r!~ " Outing the evenlni the propoai- her entire lifE' In t.his vicinity, She Thill WllX drops all wbell ~akep. ~ I> Ing collected III tblB WIlY, tba .wu ..-. tion ' to orianize ,a Parent-Teicher paaaed awny I··rlday. February 15th, melled Into IIlQlse• . and , III ott~ D.e4 '. organization "1111''' presented 'by the at her hnmll iu this place, being the ·10 ndnlterote beeswnx.. · It J. ~rt- , pretildent, A lively and favorable I..t one of a family of nine cbild· The annual 'm'eetlng of the Wayne ell ond used II/. ~e, ~~ctul!.fJI dilCu~lon followee\. The following rp.n , . .. candles. ,:..:.,......,.-......,., committee of two from each school She ,w as marri ed thre~ t Imes To TownAhip Library association will be district was appolnlted to investigate the first union with James Brown held Wedn'ead.a y March 19 at 1:30 P. the matter fur~er: 1111'18 given one daugbter . wbO' died m., at ~he library. All interested Where S •• I, Are I'OU"d. . ) .' \ : ~, The K. of P . lodgo was Ina ected Oregonla-Chas, Bradbury and in childhood . She had no other people are Qrged to attend . . land nOd the eoost ot CIIU., New zeaMrs , G. Menden hall. Sec'y, last Wedneeday eveninll by the co~n. Mrs, Mamie Retallick. children. She later married James IllIId onll southern Australia, southQrll ty deputy, EI.rl BellSon. of Franklin. Olive Branch-H. L, Settlemyre Ferguson and yet later James Wash· coasts at sJutb A.merlca and nelgbborThere 1111''' qUIte a crowd present and d M FI J ,. ington Ing I slund&. Tho northern fur , leal 11 h' an rs, orence e l L e r v . ' , To Save tile Birda. Is ~onfl ned to tbe north Pacl1lc ace. . a ad a llOod time. 'T,he. lodge was Silver Grove-Ed Sbawhan and , For some time she has lived alone ted I ddt Aft Canndn 'nnrl Ill' Unit ,·" St n l c~ nre ' .. ' .. • repor n a goo con ,I Ion; er Mrs, Clint Taylor. in the little home she had acqu ired trsln!: II' ~ll'm Ilt p ,'a lll:ll l> 'I' or Illlgra. u nd II ring &ea, ' the duties of the eve~l~g. a lunch· Gum Grove-Wm. Manning and by her industry and fru gality . She tory wild hlrd ~, ,Il ~'" "Itt u),!' lIlal!ll. eon ~as served, conslsllng of pork,'" I B '1 . was a splend. id cook and g ave service 1.lne. l1 owe\·er. 111:111) ' .. r " 'tr 1I\ I~r"tlng d I h . kl d If ",ar aley. BIn 1111' c 88: ~IC es an co ee, Spring Hill-Fred Hagemeyer and in many families around here that <Iu('ks P' '"H on Inl · .\I ,·xko Iv "I"mll They Ha ve TheIr Pl.ce '" LIf.. .. n llol. gIron/.:, br ond ·sh~nldered ~~ ' Several VISitors w. re present from MiB8 Berllice Murrl-II. willlonil reme ' ber 'the good meal s the wl nl ·r. U" rr' \\ I' hl1\'" " " ('o·" P"tn· F kll BEl B C I ~ 1Iel1l. nu d t111"f (' h fl'l l;4 Uf\.' o n CII !-;l l1 ng ll· o r \' 10 he lI,hnlrPtI hut If Ihere-'Yero,DO ran . n. ros , ar. eason, ar Hickoryvll1e-Jel~nle Graham and she ptepared. She was very inde- lere" ,II ,rol" RIl I." 111 ti l) 1\1('1 1. wh" wo~ tl ~ Ing balla In th• ElamlOger.J , P . HoblOson.JoeMote Miss Pearl Moore. ' pendent and took great prideinlh n f DlItll' qUllrt('ls ?-Alloonll (Knn.. ~bo\, and Arthur Bryant, Rey Wash· We II man-Th os, R'IC h ' an d M'ISII fa't une. - that she had her own home and Grai n Gn B Blow$ Up ShIp. > I burn 1111'81 also present and gave a Merle Eills. made her own li~ing and she fou ght Gns /! ~p.ralt'11 hy the " [I II It H' r!!,' ,1 I, • tine talk relative to the order. Flat F'ork-Howard McKay and br,avel;: until the very last to main· groIn enrg(' or thf' ~t "O Il1N Ul vos. ~Ul\k . ' ' " Mrs. Maude Cline. tam thIS independence, by 1\ (J pl'm u n ~ ,buml'lnc 1'1 I fll l! <HI I h ~ , Bones. ~I Muc h cred't Is d ue to a close con ~t IJt .\ 1"<>1'111 , r :>";",1 rh" ,·,,·'~,' I t o Th,; ht:r"ftll or nnlrnal ladulIl'7"" The plan I'S to or"anl'ze a chapter I ~ tb I 20" I • • Ule su rf ,,,;t,, WIll' " tl 1I' w ., t,·r I' ,.' ' IIr~ 01 llpr,.. nrc ,',ones In ·the . bod~ . ' in ellch district and to unit.e these neighbor and friend who. seeing her wus r emovl'tl th e \'l, ·~('1 [fr" I11!"' ) l'I,'w or n horXl' " . cflfll])ltred wIth , b~tw~.", chapters into one working 8BBociH needs, supplied them Quietly with- up. 210 nn,1 220 Tn till' botly of 0 man. '. : ' tion with sufficient size and influence lout wounding this deep seOlle of ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~r'~I~'~ }' to promote the best ,Interellts of Ipride and In~epen~ence that reigned thelle united communities. 110 strongly In thIS character . She Exposes Vet Graft _ _ ._. _ . • was honest and fHithful ond fought
- -_0_".---
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_ _- - -·
H., W. Sherwood. of the Waynesa good tight. Auto Machinery Co.. haa a May WI! not rea80nabl~ bell eve the larlre collec\lon of old guns, muskets . , ~ompl!IBlona~ ,,' ather met her in the ,land revolvers on display at bis'atore. valleY"of .the shadow of death' and hid. "daughter thou hllst trodden Old Oint locks. squirrel auns, four. barrel, CaP piatola, and. Iii iact, all ' • ~e..!ton, ~at~s ~f h~~an exI8tt!~~e, mllk_, and klnda of re~olvers with , • ~Oqg l!Douah, I, t me' take thy han~ ~CII • that date back 'to ~ven 100 Htrber~J. Lo~", son of Mr, 'and ~nd lead lhe~ Into paths of pl~anl , ..... and, Jpore, are riow iil h!1 pOI- Mrs, Frank Long, of ColumblU; and ~e8I anct~lce. betllde ·the sttll watBeIIIlo~ t Drop In and see them. "ho ' "orlts , at • the N~on" N . J :', ~rs anll !n pasturCII Ir,.en, where the Nltrat!oD plallt , wblch blew. OP .glorl~na. ~u~abl~ of .;~e Pll rfe2t dsv . ,.'. IMarja lat, .as fbrlunate enoulh to dlape~s ~ore~~r, ~e ~ark'netIB of 18110 , . ." ,
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i,¥, mlsunder.t~nd!~Ir' 1Ul~. mari... ~ce where tliou ~It not wan~. ;,
b8'ODt GHha ·bUll!ljnc at the Ume or the 4iz,loeIim . . ite" eal,. fer ~ the pJut: .
The 111....1 Valley Toj)acco CoOperaU,.. 4.oclatioa I. aIPplfialr
tQbaecO In
neighborhoOd. ~a
WIll PIICIr their tobaceO In IllaiD"· bal'l ..anhoa... Their reprdln· ali of lut
taU", 111'. Leo. ... here
.:;adlelHae ftI!IIDC. !. =from;I~Cltal""t ~ ell
lJe dlttQrent. bllt I 1I\II·t got no 01l0. All n W..l't:..teU me ye 1I0D' t waot It. wblch It II ln keR_me feci T.w~· tin' kInd o·
"rolll hll"1
Wlllt"I' ilJld ,. " It
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I'll • tarl'lq troUl Bll.Illue anll lUi< hu~t1Cr IIlld bo<:k In IIleWl nlt C)f lin eye. 61'lldl. ' He laW BlnllU8 OD ),Ollf dN·k. 08 I dId. tlnd proclalmod Jail purp089. ,TllcI( ~"el1 t HI.., I1h: II I fit Ihe no~e In So I am bere to d o whllt I enn to help DI\rlfol"ll 111111 ,'!rnl ,10 m'XI mO"rnlng )'ou. I cannot torllt thllt you I Q 01'1'1' 'Onl IRhll! ItllIl !-;h"I/I,' r~hlll ulld ' men . IJaved my lite. Are then> on, Hlnd, ht·nth. '1"1 ,'n I h ~ TIlI1I1I S lind
lones mer 'n a tarred s rro"'tu l':""Oy08. IIlr.
1t ,10(' ."
SulOlOon'8 vOI'l' siIDk to a ,,11Isper . '·I··.. rg lve ml"" snhl J ock. "J dld'n' t papers on hi. person whlth II rll IIkol , Gr"I'III\'lch 1111(1 PI'ptf , 'r!. frolll whIch l<now YOll fplt thut WilY. llut I' m glad to mnke hUn troub le?" hI' 1'<111111 ~I'I' IllI' "' .. ,, " 111l >i t1"' nl'~ "'11 uo. I'll tRite It on Ihe und ers tand· "No." 881d Jn ck. t hinkin g or lh~ let. IIUII 1IlI" PI'S "r lilt' loJ .: , II) . A 11 111,. in ~ I hut M Ions n!l I lI\"e wbnt 1 hu vo t er ly ing s.:lt\!ly In hls own POt'lrl' t. 1':1":1 tW II 1, ' rlp C'l" h p l i ll I!' II ', P I' Ll' lI dou "h!!11 IIlao be )"our ," "Thufs 0\(1' Important Ul lng," I'IT* hrldc,' OJ ul W Il~ ~.. p t till" H il i Ih,' Rl'tt'ad ''!"''c t wo hll ll dl'ed pllun' nn' six sh ll· tO D rc UIlINl . "nlnkuH Is n (1II1W \ U 1· :~\.: It· , W IIl ' l'" I;p P It! I ;I ... 11I ", IIl: It lillie 1111' In Ill)" pO" ke l 11 11' II lot mo r bid 111 scout who Is known to bo 1\ntl . O I'1 bit. I (or hl~ p ' I ":~; I::1' un d . I I ' j .HIlT1I'r . . Ih p hu8 '1 . II ' ~ all yo) the IIlST Sucb a mnn coming h er e Is Aupposc d SlII ' h , In t 111 1:- 1' d a):-i, ":1:-- \ II,' t'n l~:4' 1'''lInll penny. I r 'ckon It'1I purty nigh to be cnrrylng papers. Betwl1O!n OUl' I lnll IIIHI till' I rIp "I' II' I."U oI" lI. ," Jilek hrl .I~(· Ihe ~Iou"h. I WUl.lt ye to be selves, th ey would arrest him 0 11 IIny ,le"I' rlh~~ 11 III hi, 1.. 11,,1'" lIIor rled respec tlllJle like II gentl eman pretext. You lell" o thll motter la my ,Co lltlou od Oil POCO ' ) 1I"k d ud R. plen ty o· <!Ikes an' pIe. bllldii. If h. bad DO papers he'll be flD' n o s llghlln' the mlnllter er tile eomln& on In a day or t wo." ru m hnr·1. "l'd 11k. to go ".Ith you to lind "Mojor WMhlngton rive me a letter Other Litle. to Hoa r F rom . him." IBId Jack. to toke to Ben Fmnklln on t'oth,r alde ~ Inclnnn II wnmen 1)I"'M,III1!! to "~"er not," Preaton answered with 0' 11le ocenn. Ye ~ee eV'r, letter that'. rln lm~ lIl!vo n~NI hy Ih ul d lY. hnve a mntle. "~nt ercrcst Is openN an' read &ION the ph op~lIrst r"'1 lIntl ort' Ih l' b~s t . "WII)'r It ~ Its t o him eSllen 1t'1I cuarded keel'Ahod of nny woml'n 10 Ihl> world. "Be('IUIe I .lIlped ,oa have UI pa· 'l'he I\nrag~ Alzc Id Crum n\"e ond onoI fill. ThIs '('I'e one. I gues.. haa IUW..• PIr& TblJ'l1 let pen. too. If they hllit to allt. mm'" Ih nn WIIS ncp" ,.n wr ",,'"n n p: '" 1\1 powerful sccret In It. He pa,l aU the IMnl rou an hta triBlld KM1J aWBJ book". Th il l outumn It had h,'<'n biIl R. So I'll he golD' _lOll, ...tlh bom him. Sit QlllltI)' lIere In tile Inn doubled nnd th e Nll t" r hod Mpurr d M the De>:' shi p nD' wilen we lit tbar untU tbe poet chal•• s tarts for ann· him thol h l,;I,I "r PII)' wl/uld he for th- J wnn t to shuke bondl .Itil tbe pi terbory. Don't let auyone pick 1& qual' comIng. n e h('sltnI p!1 In trll t hr I':lrl an rl tell her how to make Fe bebaye, W rel wltb 'au. IIld remember till s Is nil how lit tle he ('orn('~ olHI h,,\\" ~lII n !l . Thnt (,"('nlnll: Jock wtOt to the mona lIIl~red contldcn('e botweell frl elld s." when mons"? ,I In m" np), . his prncr,' ,' nger of the Guz('lte and oBk ed for • "I thonk you a nd lilY benrt Is In Mrs. James M. Thompson, dnughborl seemed to hI'. 11" ,ntS In I"'. ,ullr alx mnntllS' lell\'c or a b.ence. ter of tho lutc! Cong rc"smnll Ch ump oyery word." satd Jack 1\8 he prl'ss('II wh rn hIs rrl ~n,1 ~ nln l1l nn nlnl,u~ fi r· Clark of !\I is. oud. is II ca ndidato the hnnd o f the r nplnln. "Afl er nil. CHAPTER IV rI"eo/I from \'I,,,,llIln . I.', r I ,,",, )'pn r, for n scat ill Con!;"ress fro m Loutrlen dsb lp III 1\ lh ng 111101'0 polltl (,5the Intter h",1 1I1-,,,n Innh lnJ.: nfl " r Ihe lainn a . e\'en the polltks ot th e"~,' bltt (' r dill' S," The Cro8! ln~ In trrc· .t ~ or ll nJnr W,H 1,ln l:'lon Ollt II' It nev('r flli1"-h~f()r(; l"I," \lun , B e sut down Wllh II se nse of r"lI e t TI]('r wc rl' <:111'1 0118 events In thl thf" OhIo rl Ytlf ... mlOl r~ . Th., \" l~hlt~ (1 - \\' e witn ess in its nl!H1Tt'(;I,'t ion , und "punt the r es t of Ih e nfte l'n""n VO)'II~(' I.f J II<:k 1I1111 Solomon. They t Ollctb{'r thnt l'Yrnln)l II I t hi ' rl'l\lIh,d Ih .. houx of by·gone c1uys . The r CIH!lIl ~ the London pop~rs . I\l t holll(h Rlil et O:lel 1';010010'0 tf.I,1 hi", (l r hi' n.1 Ko lI"<I (I II ro r uhout lho eloyenth of OrVice oIcmnt:"glle wi th hardened li ~' cr he ILln cd to go nnd look ut the f"rt· venture@ In th c "'j \~. nnrl r"l lnt lf'r :o:; !o- to\o,· r. 177:1. TheIr s hIp WIMI the Snow !" :1)(3 nul so me ]100 r , 01(\, nU 9 ly rc,..; ,.r Denl ellslle. He had till! at rfflS or th~ n('lh' rt()lI~ (i llp I~ ~ :.: rl l l"fl})lwr. wh ld, hll ,l urrlved tbe "'~ befqrl ril' er- Il nd howl s for •...vuterMlrnh nUr'l)P. nn n 1110 oI r n lin III" ~h nrp willi .i'nll' fir ly Irish servonts, Inden· wa)'A. " Of course. we hove the Uvc II , h ' Nl!t nut on tU .' IIlIII! i'HI"I'i'l ! • of the Ohln IInrl of Ih" rllnll!"~ "r III . t url'd ror thplr passage. T he tood WOI t ...lnspo r tntion t ho! jerk. our w i t h 1.. :; 1111,( nod hug. 1111 11 0 11 1" l.,: ,· r, of 1'('01' qunllty. the cooklnll n tax upon ~(I(1 ds nerost the nolion. nnd outlaw In "'l(lIng rllplllrp. " 'II £! l'" tll1 \\ll~ !'lIll !.!1 1 IIl1d tli llil d\', wil h an,l. ','11\. double- quick.. . . Solom on I'l'fld Ih ~ I':l rl' ~ l..t lpr II no! Jil l\", plliole lind dIgestion. the service de e", h olt\~ i n I L A t I'll(' I'ld nt t II ~ I l 's f un to hear som(' joblc.s unl'leall. When good ""eo ttl or cnme • • ald: 'hulst::· rnttl e!t n nd hl1l1l ppd 0\,,'1' n r rille r .. xp ln ini n· how it's vnstly 'I l '. r '" "If I WIIS you I' d Rwlrn th~ loll{ pOIl,1 h)" on d by. lind those who had n nl I)('ill' I' to fl oat 'c m do wn the Ill owel! ' II., It I. ,: ,rure dllrk lit· ~l( \\" 11 ., l, . \ ' ,.: lr ncc·snr.. ThIs · . r~ Is JI r Pll l ~Imnn tllstt>lI rood for liays bllffUn to fet'J the ~ ri ck! He wllnts to henr the mun hnn ~llI'" In II >:lh hN II)" Iii I' 1·,/;Il I· punl<s of hunl:l' r tho IIhlp was nlled pure. tour · rnn~t()d wnm('f n IU1' fChp st ..a m-boats tooti n' nnd wolrh sIde, At h 'o (l\'ltwk thpy I H1~" l'd th.· with n [I.l~S I IllI sslo nnto lot of pilgrims. wan~ you f er 91'tuln ,\ s IIle (Nl pr \ 'nl , splut tcrin t nnd Tootin' huge l:lI tl' "f ('u nll 'I'hur)' nnll til"'\\" ti ll laId wh en h ~ Sf'\,;n n hlnrh fox , " ( 't'lllH' It wns t h('n I ho t Solomon presented ' nnt"n!: thf' . lI n!;"" nntl b a l·s .. ut on Inn (',"I"d I he Kln\!' s 11<'11'1. '1'1,,· H. wall ts Lo 8CO t he polnce on. boy~. It'R t Ime fer to w~" r nu t yc r th (' pet 1 1 1~n of th e pasllengers to the landlady und t wo wH i t l'r~ Hllt'l1 lll'd rl\r cn plll l11. llon t in '- tln d tells li S . if we'lI rlo boots.' " ord e rs. HI' hud SOllie SIII'I)('r IIno! w .. m .. ( ·lIp·n. wo're 'bont wore ou t wltil Lhe volin ' h,·' 11 junk t h e rnil"I'm t1('d to 1I1~' Jnh." to bed. AWll k~n l'< 1 Ilt !I n. m. il)' Ihe rond kynrs. . . . I t used to "et ''Then h1:enl( y r hnlter." .,,1 I Solo- 11111010 mr nt lin' s iobeolllon. We'", nil soun l1 of n 1I\1;.:le. hft nf cWC nnct drps""I.., .1 my hOI"'s nfh'e to lis ton Ilt th c no" 11 hy the hend." mon. rllmpa ! ~n Ii II I' ' d lsco urse 011 hurrl r dly oncl fO lln tl thr P"~ I "',ulor "1',,'111 L" Ruld tho captaIn. "This > '"' I hnvfln't mOII~:r ftnollgh til .t=', t nln r"wnler-woys"; I've he lped elect Wu lli nl!.- Tb,...\' \\'po t t) n thl' 1' ln;r'!!C '(> t f> IllH n 'l nd 11 good recomnlend nn' I rll!I1 k(' ~p J\ wlf'l:'." ill odmirntion-to come nl I'Clnd (!"Clnl ~ '1II1t, q' ! t llfY lind n ml l ,~ ntH ~y "Whnl' nn Ignorn nl ,·Ih. ~ ,.u bp !" S"I· suld lie coull! cook por teet." , chrnprr trnnspol"tation. - hilt ~ '" I til"",· ," : ll W II h l~ . wldle J!lIh' I II 11Il! '" A lIIun Il~e t ho t kIn cook tlte pneW)0Il ex c1lllm~d. '·Yoll ,ltJll1t ' l )l'llr to them wns by-gone )loy s ! So '. , tllIl P:.; ht IJt' 11 ll' t"nrlr InUl'nin;.!', sengerv wIU, their owu heut," wd tn~ ... ben J'e'r e ' IV~II ofr." 110\\'- 1 s tnnd aro und n nd shive r. A Y. 'lI nt,: lIlan l'IlIpJl(·tl his l1Iuuth to nnd view the Same old, nasty "What do you ml'on 1" Ihl: ,. I" tlllw nnd ~ ",,,,,,,a" r-___ ____....... Solomon. "I feel Uk. m)' bellr Willi I ~~~a;!~~~~~~~~ ri\"cl'-the smug j ob-hun ter's "I mean thJlt ye' n ' wUl.h nt least a tuU o' rock It 1011'" let 1M IDto the . ~ ' b .'cn (.'('. yur pct; I watch its slippery. sludgy gall87. rllbt ,., ap ~. sbltt tile Geo.-Ie L. Berry Preside: _- 0 tho1l8an' pounds cush money." It ~ 1I1< n rl'al turnpi ke movement, that neve r sh owt-d "1 would not IIsk m)' tatbe r for help WS7 0' !be wla4 uI .... coa.... 0' th' rntemat!lonal i>rlnting I ' I' ~~~_ tb e l east improvement, nnd,tut'k hla hend OUt ot t h~ wind ow for and I bave only forty pounda III tbe .hlp. I'll . .I" . . ' bow toward mell u Unto". h.. Illed in Oh l n' never will- you bet! n Inok Rt It. Th e1 stopped for hrenkMDk," Jack answered. heueu. 'ltead ~ WI uI k.-p ber cand!,:l! le.1.ur Vico-Pruldent on l~ . u· an !nil tar down the pi kl' nnd fllst 80lomon took out bIB wallet aDd r. p'loted .aatrbt u' ldEoa't dIIt Je. Oe1:II,. r .t.te tIcket. wunt on 'throngb Slttlngbourn. Fo,'ortoo 'RIb _ria" CD ;;iiiiii~~~~~~=~~~== aham. Rochelter und the lovely "nlloy move6 from It a wom Bud 1I01l.et! piece WI 'enTh.,.1 1Ih1p. Oaa't Ubod7 be • -C .W Jii.i:" of paper and stndled tb e memoranda OhrlttlJin with hU pta ...,.\llD'. HlI 'cnat evrnng a DOat WIlS J. . .re<J of the Rl\"Ilr Medway, of wblcb 1nt!k It contained. Tben be dld some elpbel'- tongue'U b..... 100IMl Ill' make hla lOul 'l and tbe captllln of tbe Snow crolHC! had read. IlIg wIth a pl e~e of lead. In e momeu.t At il!Very stop It Rmu8ed him to bear look Uke II wau1D with. Imuhed a bundred yards ot quiet sca to dID. be II8ld: wbee! lin' a bu'sled ex. A C!OOk eot1ld wltb the caplnln of the Stllr In the thl'! worel~ "chnl se .nn· nnlr." n.vl!)I! "You have got a t.houBon· nn' fift een do mo ... sood bere thlUl a mlnllter." cabIn at th e latter. Ne3:t day 0 sun potJnda un' slx shill In' fer to do with "can 'ou cookY' wInd Cllme out of the west. All Ball U ye p l _ an' no qoestlons asked"You try me an' I'U ngne to lIapp, wns spread. the s hips bega n to Jump nal')' on.." ye up 10 ,e won't kDOW leraelf.. Yer and gore lbe waves and the Slnr rUD "You mean you've got It." meat won't be raw ner petrl1lec1 an' owny from Ille smaller Ihlp nnd wal "Wblcb meana that J ack Jrons owns tbere w on't be no lnSerkll In tba ble· soon ·out of Iltrbt. Weeu of rOllgb It hMe, .horns nn' taller." CUlt." going fo"owt!d.. YennwbUe Solomon Tenn came to the boy' s eyes. ne So SolflJIlon ,..U8 InStalled 118 rook Rtuck to hla talk. Everyone WAS s lcll looked down tor a mom ' nt without und happiness ret urned to the shIp. but Jack and tbe officers. and thert epeaklng. "Tbonk you. 'olo1llon," he If the government of t he Un itl.d States will turn its attenIn tile course of the vOlage tbey Wlla not muctl cookIng to be done. AId pre&cntly. "1 cnn't U 8e yu nl' tion for five minu tes fl'om t he oil sC3.!ldal nlid dt'- lite'tl'l.l'ee overhftuled the Star. ~four·ma8ted Decnuse be hnd to tnko ott his coal money. -It would11't be right." ship bound from New "Iat.: to Dover. whlle he WIUI 'I'orkln/t In thl' /lnlley, minutes of that t.me to com'; icraLiort of tilt! 1,(J;; tal service Solomon shut one eye un' s quinted l.·or hou.rs tbe two veJuIB ~U'J! 80 in ' c s mall ~ : . ': .. ~ i1i:.: dot ihe g-rtlat eXpi1.li::. C oi Count ry with the oth er us It be we re tulLlng • Solomon gnve' the precious leller Into JI..n ~ l'ica, our r"; · ;-;::sc.L, ~: \·c. wi il sel've u more U JC 'ul puraim al ong tho top of 11 gun burrel. .Jack·s keeplnj;. P,)s.! lind pcrhap:; t"r... , i · I;ti tal p l'es tl~ c \I, hitoh ~ t!('.1'3 to be 'l:hen he sJ1 00k bls heat! und drawled : Ahout no on on the twenty·nlnt h O'f ''Cat's blood an ' gunpowder I 'fhnt . i ;lE. all im"o:-t}.nt cc.r :.;,cLl':.:. tioll Just a t. tt i.:! l:, .!. Novembcr they made Dover and an, 'ere slap8 me In the faco all' kI cks me . . Postmasterll in .all E-mall towns have t he '1:1, !a ::tcry to chored In the Downs. Deal WIlS about on tbe sbln." Solomon nnswt!l'cd. "J've tell. Their offices are I~ p.p t in H. cor.t:nuct::> sL: ,J I'f i).emthree miles away and Ita bonts cam! wolked a n' pudilled eIghty mUe In a ~iency because it is impo~:;il,le to hire cOrrlpet:::nr. d ·;!1,.') on off tor them. The, made a circult and lIuy an' beel\ stabbed Iln' ehot at an' the sum of money allowed by the g'overnmtllt [ or ('.:t.rk hire, sailed cloee III abo.... Elich boat that had to run tcr my lito. whi ch It uln't went for pa.IDgen had It. 0.... lando The allotment should be raised, and it sh uu 't! I. e i·.~i..,ed at no fun-you benr to m e. Wbp do 1e 1111. Ita men threw a rape aero.. tb. once. The postmasters are able and anxious io SOl'-,' e, but l'p08O I done It fer bnt you an' my b...aken. Thl. wu \lDlckl, put on • it is imposs ible for them to function properly if they are ~tr,' 'l:herc alD't nobody o· my' ... Indl.... Wltb thl rope wtndlo, OD name aD' blood on thIs aide o· the not provided tools with which to work. We make a wonderIts wlDdI... the boat wu 110..1, ocean-not nobolly at a ll. An' If I show with our post office buildings, as we do with our ful hauled thnnqh the I1Irp. Itl oeeukID" wnrk fer 'au, J ock. I'd jus t e r· school buildings, but ,bricks and mortar are but the trappauta b4!hic, ~ehecl allll Iprtnl:ltcS bout al loon quit. 'Ibis 'ere money pings and the suits of service. It is the working force that ... Ith Inlt 1I'.tll'. Tbe, _de t1ielr wnl' ain't no good to me 'cept fer bod, counta. " to the lnD 01 the ftrte IDnl:l where cover an' powder an' balla. I'd two mea IItood watelllni u thl)' - po There is a 'd isposltion to ' brush aside the country towns leave drop It Ia tbe rIver. It bothers proaebed. ODe ot thum 1.... "'f'V :' when it comes. to considering any public expenditure, and IH. I 4oI;I't need It. When ~ glt bam ubed u die maD [·lIoPI tb, bl"'!r ' this applies to the postal service as to anything else. Our I III d' bide It In the busb lOme.PIpe In 1111 ml".tb. wlllI.nI-jCllt to glt It out o· my way. I Congressmen, however. shOUld remember that a majority of ·'Thnt·s him," laid the mall witll tb, been thlokln' aU up th e rand 'from VII' th e. American popUlation, which means a majority of taxRhl!1c k ' pipe. poInting at 8oI01U"1\, rtnny o' this 'ere gol demnuble money tion, is represented in the small towns up to 5,000 populnwhere upon the lattec- WOI prampll, an' ",'bat 1 were n·goln· to do wltb It 1 ·on. Poor postal service is a severe handicap to busi.ness. arrl 'stc,l. an' what It coulc1 do to me. An'. sez I. : :d th e business of th e small town sh'ould not be ignored. have I lillne'" he Dsked. " ':: hnt I'm ergoln' to U8k Jack to take It nn' •Like all other perplexin g problems, of course, there is a "1' (.u·1I learn tl lrectl)' at 'eodqual' 1I8e It fer a lVoll ' twlxt him un' trouble. ters." ~qld 'he dll rer. very practical s ide to this matter of obtaining efficient postal an' the Idee hurrll'd ll1e erlong- hon. ololl1on sh ook hnn tls wIth Jack aDII service. The l'esult depends on the interest c -hibited by Mtl Klnll o· made me happy. Oourse. Be lei : "1 '1l) gl1l1 l I IIwi ra," and lumed tf J hnd a wife nn ' cblJ\le[Jl. :1wo uld the people themselves. Congress men are human. They an(1 'wulk" r! " " ",y with the two mIlD. keep t heir ears constantly to the ground. Once they sense J oek I as t«'!lllted to follow them. close tho t the pU8sengers eogagen In • the fact that their com;tituents are earnestly determined to kind of bnttle. ThOle on tile Star be- but feeling 11 hillel"n PU'l,Olle In SoIOo press for certain legislation t hey are apt to get very much gan It by hurling turnipi Qt the m6S1 mon's contluct went Into th" Inn. interest.ed in thllt legislat ion. On the ot her hand. if they So th e frl clIlls pur l cd. Jack hc ln l! on the other shi p wbo re~onded with f erl only pulJ!ic apat hy, they will go calmly to sleep and do pu zzlell II ml <I1slrc5secl by the s wIft • Everybody loves 1'.1 baby and 11 volley of npples. Solomon discerned n othing. . everybody wan!s a baby ~Ib;.),n on t he deck ot t he strn.ngcr Oaptala rhun ge In th" rnlor of Ihel r affnlrtl. Every r e:lder of this newspaper is in terest ed to get imdantly robust. There me many PresIon nnd nn Englll!h otllcer of the The le ll t· ,. t o POC' tor F mnld ln w n~ 111 pro ved )JOf; tRl sel'V:ce. Are th ey interested sufficiently to young children to whom nnllw of Hawk whom he hlld known bls pod,,' I-n " ... I.y clr clH"s ll\ nc~ . • He wI'ite to th eir Congressm en and Senators asking them to Dr O,swego and bnjled them. Then decided 10 ~u :0 LoDllon and deliver th e I ctt ~l' 1111<1 "ee l: IIlI 'ke n>gul·,lIng ~uld l:lolomon: ftgoht for !1 larger apPl'opt'iation-one that will enable our "It' 1\ shIpload o· Tories who've hlld tbe reUot or ·ulomon. At the desk PnsLmaster to hire competent help ? If they a re. then the In the loilhJ' of t he Three Klnge ba en uu;:h Of Ame rlky. 'fhey's a cuss QII • CJO IWl' the baH is started rolling, the better it will be for lh.1l Tuh thllt I helped put n cont 0' leoI'De d t hu t he Innst tnke the pOlt .nll oj' us. tnr un' fpn th 'r! on ID tbe OhIo kentry. chnls(, for Cunt erhu ry. w hlrh would 1[0'" Ill e nne wi th the b1uck pipe ID not be 11I1l\'lng IIntl! 0 p. m. T ille gave Oil .. nllll ill!i('I' ~ 1111 \' in j! fl l'l('h l(' ll lU I\\' (lc' rlll un,\' fR to he- rf'h l~ " tlltat(,f 1. 1,1. mon th. I don' t know bIB nnme but him tim e t o tnk r counse l In behalf 't hy ;:1'(0:,1 wor ld . '(lIl t'<" I't"1It'\..' " ill 110'" clr, ':o:; tlU' window ~o t h llt I Ill' 11('np)c 8iyen in smtIll portion. 81 intl!rval.duTn:< of hIe idem!. Turning toward the t1 . \!-," US" to cull him SloplI-tbe dIrt!· '\\' d l li k e Il!l.\ H P Jtt.'l ll'llll ('f" fi t' 111(0 iI.11I fl!" wlw lI 1 h "," :11'0 cl l~ lIla yc . l for :-I dlt., eru:b day, would be an impottanl f ""h)~ door. he mel CIIJj iolD Preston. who e~ t. low-down tleM. d--n Tory traltol greetcd him wllh ~ren t warmth and in O1Oel"coming m..Jnu tri: lon a..,d sta/ t"'g TL i~ r.;ct lilll! t lllll' 1\111" I I:I.\" ,,1'111. ffl"' !hl' h'llda :: ni" 1 ':lI<I~hllll pl nl·ors. them well on tIle road 10 rob ;. tlml e ver 1I,·ed. lIt' lped the InJuns out wlabea to kn ow ,.. here wns Majol )( l' IIH'tnl ~\r Ill( " ('It l'ly hir(l (':IIf'! h'~ t ht' \'.'0)'111 . ' L>crydropoF$oott'r; _ th ut" In Ihe WesL S$ thllt 'ere blat* Binku8. .. pu1'e, rich n oari.Ament , t ',e 1'11l ~ ? Allus cnrrlce It In bit mouth Jack told the cuptaln of the IlITeBC Prcl1ch,f l' fllIC: rflll~ n~nlll . ~ " "" " It l·' I) . T hr r will tnrl) :::00<1 O" I'III:ln lUnd tltat hllild. atrcmlllh and '(ept when he'l eatln·. 1 SUea' lie IOU ot hla trt end. c<lol Ili to l' l'en"h monel". 1" 111 I I",,\"~ I IIIII I!lllllIIllR pf II UII!1 DClcl·. promote. ItcaJthy z-tlo. to Bleep with It. 0' the t ..· "I expected It." wd Prelton. Ohlld"en Th,.lvg on ScoW. turee o' bll fle .. W. cured IWD Dietl I have walted 11_ for JoUr Iblp. 1\.'1 &; Do"",,,. JIloom6c:1d, now pou bear to ma.·· ~t montr~ , ebaD. 011 tb.e Star . . .
IRVING BACHELLER-, _ _ OJU\&I _ onn·t to De ooln' aet!Ila' " ' Mttm' woun' ID .1111 dresscs ... r..iua' WOItt I lUI' rabbln' wltb leL "Me don't know ..",11iarC 'tie te lit IIllp tbat cleans ,..a u' eoIb dHeIIt. mYtr)'bot!,), feels • • ~ .' ~ , aII' Inderpenll ~nt they • illy ...• It to be tount! tanlt with." Ser .aQltlter. Mra. Bach e. and th e tatter. cblldreD _ tbere. Suddenly ~e4 II, ua, 1'f'Qb111D ot • strangc 1a4~~IIIf.J.to t1i~ honlll! to IlTe " 'Ith ..~ ~ tlI" _ • bit dismayed. Bllt ~t11 tt..11' motherl y heam were . . , . . . " , till tooll 01 the bIg. s:entletUl4J f llOlllIllU boJo. The, mode 8 rqpff0-A7, fer .hlm .11 tbe top noor ~ .~ him the wonders ot Ihp ~e Ubr'f7. the electrl CllI apptJ'lltut, tbe ronlq chair with Its fila ~ ~ .tbe moycment of t he cUll'. tlIe' ltoYe and IP'1Ite which the ".doctor b'4 lanllt.ed. That eve.~II'! ,, ~r an acellent lupper. Jnck IIliIietted lblt he would Uke to bave a pUt <Or tM . . . to 110. '"'Ii eaa neep *M elean al well lUI UJ~ M Mid. wY, mother taugbt ~. te ., ~I. 'Y oa mu. t rail on ~J~ ' ou DM4." ' ",0.<' wqeI.·t wODder bat what Wl'llilt '1IIIeq rMI baPP1." IBId Mrs. ~ ' ''It , ...·U lit ap 'arly an' _ , ~ . . . . . . . .' .. tbe broom
pi ...
..;... .' D'''' wood bull 8!1' fet~ . . . . l'IL""t! ~'t .. IIUD1m'." laeIt
to.tlI. Ibop and wa. put
mora1llf. He bad to ,,",_104 ntrlJ' a loe ot humlll-
. . wort! Dat
·;~tl"..from older bo,a ID tW ~ ;iItacIP. ht- he bore It petlentl,
trt.at dd · fOOd Pl'OgTelll. 'nat ...... lie' took 4ancllll les~ons lobn Trotter at New y • ... , ~ee4 tcnclllJ with t he ~ KUter Bri_e. Ho also tepIi;. : __ J.~ ,~lJIttr7 and t l1go.r VI!b)'1•• tW aeadem, aUd .wrote an ucs4U~ ' , , ' btl. trip to 8o8too. for " '8j ,.. latter f t I warmly INJiII ,tbi dtor and ...prlD,tect In • __~ . UICf Bolton journal.. He JIIrIIlI ' C!OIDPIlI11 tor home dofense D4 ~ ltd .. the pmes. .on trIIln!ng •• ' r at the rnnnlllg. wree~ ' . aDd tllJ'ge t shooting. .,...~ ~ mall, lhootJng gall er ies In . .n.~~.!1 w.ll!!l'eln Jack hnd shown , • ~~. eMoting with the rifle nnd ~ Wblcb hud won tor blm the 'I'riuuil medal tor marksmanshIp. In Oe eountry the favorite amuse:=r:~~ , hlm..1t ond fath er hod been
,.. tJi¥ ....
It" Cn n Be Atlll1ned. To
(' IIIH(lll\ r
lI ur
indhulllnDR. to curb
our I1 n ~ r y rt'pl ln :,:Ft, to Iw m Oth'j 'ute In t tl" hour of \ It'tory: fhpsl! ('~Itl·tl.onl
IIr,. " , ~ ll l"li 0 1IIIIIIro t hnt He who Ih,'11\ ,'nn h,) l'OlIl pnred with Ood hllll sI.1 r.
(I (1P"
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ib1cle Jolm _.__
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Farmers, Attention! F'Ulu) u r \14 u f \\ urrtHt
l u~
(lIIJU l U IIUl!4
"y Terry "QilkOOn
Ul I J lll q , ) N,
l u h 'I!;U' L
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l.UIIIII,J ,~ M. ONEY uhutt e l_ . 111"" .eO,lUII
QIII ,...,
BUT I PI~"l' - I TOl» . MeR ~ NevlR MAO TO ...~ ~ ftXll#tDHieot
'''(EM? WELL..
WM .,.~"'" , . ' A'-L~
r -' 3
.Loot .
lulllllD HUIlI er \)UOkM- 1 dnoll: . ~ drh kl· .. -befw", n m, w ~oh"ul
~ nd o .. mel~r y. Hn lu , d " 1 " V" " IIIIC. FI U lt~r ", )f' jI,.., !I 'ti ll \' h: uu tir Hui ... r R. D 3 . W"YIIl'> vlll .. . .,. 1 1I~6
Want> WAN"I' !!:O-A kil{, III 'n '·I. ph""r.l. I!l LeIl Hd o( t n ll ht ll n , lr Q',lrt-i 'ttI·hl .. , !Il"(1 mill
Huullu " /0 1 .,I! ~Io'."tll
nl tlfl w ,'1 htlv ynn r r "l!~ 111,,1 j link W ill
l ll'I" rtf,
H .. I, II .111
\V1L.vne~'·l lI p. Oh io
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BRAI!:g1j'8DLEY . f1.00
~tr"ln HIITI en . k · .·R JI' r .fI~tI" 1(, " /' ( II
per laO Mr ... 8: ~ Waynesvllle.Ohll..
a.ily. pi ' , , .
11 ~II
1 IUIII BI'uk MHre,6 :I'''" r~ 01. ' "111.,1 Will work " ·,,v wbJ;r. · . \\, .. , . folD I:lrutlduc ",' R U."l. W.) Ohio.
A BUUI' 100 UlIl c k.. !In '' h,
I ; >'"
" , ~r.
'l'bur~r\"y Il11 h . I ,I: l uqulr8 ot i11~t! MillY lit .. " II .
• '" I ~
\II C.'II .. EI!I(" rio' I,"' , bl', " EI.:ll:t:i-. 1 : u O lI"r 15; $5 : au UPI 11111. jI; . ~ . tlut:kl1l1l Ublu ,
oM .
\VII' 1I,."~ ill " . . III I:!
HIlD .. wah Inll,k 1"" ly. FORD In good s bape. 11,qU(I" uf .f\llln Long. K.. rllg~, W .. yn tl~ v i ll, · . Uhl . mill R AAI.E-AII FUPape r
klndp IIf W .. II ~ud Pllint. ~, Ilt thl! ~llotb~
IJric68 Cllll IlDd Bee 1I,.. n (lltl~ . t:I . 1_ ry Murr"y. 41h 1St•• WilY "eovllI .. . O. III
ElH3 ~ -P"rk'ti 1:llm)lI 1i .•rJ!!.1 Ii , ·k
I£gll11 Iru m ~oo(\ I.. vl"i! 01,,,.111' h .. uti , 760 pe r Hi el(lI". ,;,. f4 UO 1'''1' lOU "1(1(" Mr~ W. E ~" \I 'oIl '. I, 4. WIiVo oij vllle. U. I'll,:, I , H ~ II,1\!
A LOT of Muted HIIY t ·r OOJI.. qnlre
of FraDk BfH .. d ,'u~. WIt,V
1I1!aV 1110,
Oblo . •
. 1\01 \I
80 VA ,ou ',40 "') ,11., I" 10\1 LEofr me .. ,,,I,, 4.dour II rOf" "" " , "
' 1"1'6
M. LJ. Blllr'l •• e U!uV 31" ",I l'l"rV!CtI .~. titIHIOIl, W ,,:vne~vllle. Olliu .
. "~~ . - I C;~IP
Iv e
J\IUn~H~I!" .
Ik ~ RUoU&e "IOU . . . , "".~nu.T - . MAD 'It) ~"'" /llcHay
NoIt". bO ll U!Jt .1 " IIU I:l " rhL31Il. A IIt· II I3U11I111I':. X t' Dldo OhIO. II t . 2 ~
~ahy's Si;(rMflh
u bll" 1,\lr"UIot IJ 'I' ll .. b' .·(I..... 1 I.nlld \juuk . ~',) r I 11rtll". l ul or l1"'\lol.I 0,, 11 ,' 11 ur 1I1Iur ... ~ M. U UKA KE. Tr811l<· nr r . pu u utJ :1I1\-X, l."b"uou.Olll" .
Do You Want Better Postal Service?
Iht ••
o f tWo nrlJJ~ t tlt l , UUI I1 Il'" " tt ry t t< ait4UlI.
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or Danllcrou!\ Dru~5
Alc h ohol ic
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J.. .Inde 0111 111<,t dl ~(· tI\· (.I I·('d nt tJl (' ~Iln JUHf) de T I ' ol!i tl lll'Un Ilyn,mld!'! . OPI II' )f eslr'n CI I ,I' , 1",, 1 t ilP f'II I,,\\,ln/! .. n · jfr uY"d C h lnl'~p In ~r r l j)M"n : "Tit .. ~()II! ' c n li sh t hnl I''' "SCS by t lt P nl'll;:oll'.
A nnm b e,rof olti'lt1 rfln lir'
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·1. rlrl~ u ! ..
~ :r ,
re iliflv ' 8 tn Ti ppecu noe City,
Where Modest y Docsn't Fi t,
' ;Iur\:
t,h A
Mr. Ada Chenowet h , Mrs , Bab el g rudor of t- h " t n h HOCl' l A~"noit\"l o n Pll1knri n g onrl, lIong ht er, Inl1 , spen t, Inst week in hi s wo rk in this COIDT~"~d u y wil,h Mr!1. Fra nk It oger B munltv ,
, M,ull'Hl y Is nne of til\! llIost adI1l l r,' <1 "r hUlIIlIn I m ll . In n n Inrl l l'l!lual, :In .1 )' ,..1 II I. n 1'''I!TI'ltn hle tnct th nt In 1I .l n ' !'I I, ln ll mnl)PH t y I. s.~) d om effective. A gOod nd\,Nll s ln J! pnJ.:C' n1 \1 ~t ROy: " 11 ",1', IllC'r r, j,, "1 I" " k At me !"-Fred Kd l y In t he Nntlon's n u slnesR.
Th {l
Etl rl
Yo u ng
Cost Leu:in'.p~ ~' Lasts Lon"~ , '~.~:I - " ?:lTu
O r ,,/.!. ll! li n d Id ::lI"
. II n~.
tl lI,\ \ \' II .L -
(l ll l o
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'l' tlt ·,.tlfl, {' V,Hung- o f IUA t WPt h au rd J,lUt ln !l,"d n o l I.
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Starts Saturday
• _'t.,-,
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,. 1" : 1. ~,
Mr . li o ll M" R, Will l1ui nes ente r'"iUl:d Il t til lin ' r ' un d,ty, Mr/!, D eb . o r u h I)uld l! .
:.; vOJ''' I
hMA' " I t£m rl " d t,b e
• Ct.1 \·O I' t1t1
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t..~ l l1 rt Ofj
\YllJ ll1ll g tOU
lolH w(' ~ 11
~ I n.
Mr lind s ,n, t.. .. ",
G good .tock 01 ftlIOoIlI hand and can talee ,ItI9tM:-lr.F need. witli~ ~~.
Sol Chun cf'lI o r fil led till' pulpit a t the M, E churc h t:l uudn y Ilft.ernClon '
" ".I
-o'no u
w i t ...
KlI nno o 'i t. Sa nd »), a Cto r
h Uf ..
" . E ,-" relt IIk rs, of 1"1: l:rrtl I~ 'I.I f llUlIly :o;u 'LlI., Will .JL· .. , L I UI'L~ :;b l ,
ai r 11 ,-.. 1 I)l'y l no ~p II f
mlll l nllllli Ilgl' flx erl ror t he ntflr r lnge of Any mIss I\'~ 'O con ""'nlk p roperly nnd (' 11 11 III1 ,j,o!'s tllnd the neCl!SBol'7' glrlR,
r l'lIgI01l$ s!'I'\' !t:\-!" Is permitted t o be-
B ' l'II IIl1I~\l Au ll
Marriage Age In Turkey, .
Under Ih e TIII'I;!sh IIlW ther e III no
.J "~~ k
l ond ec) 0 lu r ch
Come the FirstGreat.D ay!
e have
ltll £!
n tlld
-----.- - -
M"rveloua t \vjlll ~ - " r ""'I " I' Jon es popul ll!' ;U , 0 .. IS!1't he ?"
iii QuIte • NIIII&-uYee, he Cllllillf I " (' III'C t hi rs t w it hout • knltc."- Nt' l\' Y,,,.k Sun and Globe,
d ll ke l'.
Five mor e C,1808 of Ularup~ h,ve l}pun r op () rtod; C hllB , Moo re, AJldo. (; 1 ily, I:In ro'd To ok<' r, B or be rt IIer . D"d V ,nnd. Loo lso C, ,tll o r . b;d \\'ll rd G my P' ~>HJj "WILY lit hl~ hllmfl nnd ,. y ntf{hl,. 1\\ "'0 11 9. lit. 1 a . m . F u n ernl tWrV loe8 will be b a ld a t li'l llt Fork e llll i oh Woduo AdB Y morni n g
'," ook ,
t ] I
T h e I 'I C~ of t be Clv lo Lengue p i IJ ned to entertM n th eir tuna\lie~ I1L Ib tl 'fown ' b ull ou Mon -
dllY ,
:\11\fOIl 17 Lb ,
OOIl oo mo
und Itll,'e " goOtl timo.
\ '
M.. ~~l'~ Uo h llr t Ogden , .Jlla Dl1vls , 'ur r , H .. rry tiow a, Iluv!a B )'guu , W ill ' m llh . I>It"M<s 1tU lI~« UIl U ~ II,\- , Ol l' t llli l~ " h n rf~ , ArrllIlin U"n ,
,, . "
l/{-.""" ... _
J . ..::n....
P roperly advertised Want Ada in their proper 8eason. will
Br noe
. t:iquir,·t:;
U .. r
Il nd I\1r .. , G .. l l
hil HIIlI, '· 1 Ihu h U:; ilut bill!
\;/, nt! IJ u
e ve nIng .
!J r Il( r.:J 1111 11 11 1 'll '" Wt,ft: r~'o\nVt' d, ,\ c r o wd frur" It')o t l3 '1, Ili. fo r w ar o t)lg h bars, b ellied th l'l lll o n Mo ud uy ,
.'qty_ .,.'-" ,':>
120 Broadcloth Overblouses, i1lI1'Drted, $1.69 12 Davenports in Taupe Velour, Priced $64,50 300 Coats of Ca meillre, P olnire, and Twced. $9,50 75 Girls' Spring Coats [or the 7 to 14 year old, $5 4-Arm hairs to Match Davenport, priced, $35' 8- H igh Back Wing hairs in Taupe Velour, $31.50 120 Men's Nightshirts, fruit of the loom, tai lorcd. $L25 1800 Yards Swiss Curta ining, Special 23c yard. Newest Footwear, pumps , sanda ls and oxfords , $4 19c and 2Sc Cretonnes, fo r Anniversary Sale, 15<: y ard . Chiffon S ilk Hose, full fa shioned, all colors, $1.55 New Testaments, specially priced. 29c, 49c, 79c 105 Seamless Worsted Wilton Rugs. 9 x 12 size, $86 Beloojistan Oriental Rug s, P riced at $21.50 SOO Yard s of 36 inch Satin in all shades 98c Suit Cases. Genu ine Leath er, P riced $6.95 3500 Yards Plain and Fancy Plisse Crepe at 23c Hartmann Trunks. An niversary Sale Priced, $41.50 3500 Yards Imper ial Chambray Treflan Gingham 21c $1 Magnetic Dancers for P hon ograph ~, Special 60c Heavy Switches. gray natural cut real hair, $4.50 $7.95 National ' Coaster Gold deckled-edge Linen Paper, per pound on ly 25,c 'Wagons, 36-inch body, 3 Packages of fine Linen Envelopes to match 25c $6.75 69c Ravelstone, boxed line n stat ionery for 49c ufh I nvitation 61 2 P ure A I u m i n u m Women's Rainshine UrnTca Part)' f or /ll e Cooking Utensa1s, Sale brellas of heavy silk , , Older i ll " abita II/S P riced 8Se each . $3.50 ~n b lVitatio1J! of Dayton alld 25 Silverplated Bread R & G, Girdles of b rochet Trays, A nn i v e r s a ry and elastic , $4.50 Slyle Show of Pa.rThis Territor)' will be $ ish'lIIle Fas h ,i olls . held at M emorial H all P nced, 2.45 -------M tIf7<o.,.dh is"'hdf~ or~m Brassi~,~.,-;,~-l .J.---Jk;---:a=-,-,· I/J C M 0 drc th e aftrrllooll of March Linen .s,at in slri(l\:. 70e A ' t' Cl h Dam 70 ask 70 $Table lII frtf'll "p ousors fOi' 18 at 2 :30. T llis is th e ot s. x . 2.75; Van l'ty Long LI'ne BrasSh' (' It 1/1 111 C'r 70 ,.nll f] 1111 d ." Amlllal T ea Par! y of x 88. $3 -47. siere ",ith e I as tic /l'mr 1,'ill I". Itrld hI' T /J e Rihc-Kumlcr C(IIII L inen Damask Napkins I 89 ] 'Il c /" "" " - '\- '111',1,'" CrI7)I'21)4 x 21 )4, $3.58 dozen s rap~, C hi ,pallY arranged for t/Jose " r 1" l ll ictt(· f C) f - e l' II I1Y "t ,' I,' II' II/'I'a'i l fll,11 F lal )() w h o , Itu,' e l i"<Jf d (l lId < " , {llC S ale [Bleached Tubing. 'r,' "11'ITde r ~I'rl 3f'1c !IIn E' ," rll,'III}" n ' ,1/'..' /'1 il \ "-, wntrll rd t/u; gl'(}'1,'I" of •36l to 45-inc hes wide , " " 'II. " • ' F II 17, 18 , I ') (;! 8:30, I ,r," 1260 25c to 30c, yard, p:m s lIltl'e , I , lL Ih i.l' blt,~'Ir.SS 11'0111 its cfS ar t )!j1i l' r ro (u ,."I,r,. ,'! early bcgi'llllillg. Children's Summer Socks, Pas h io n e d Hosiery, F ;rs! l 'l ll;'/y 11,'1.' 01; f/, • 1 $1.19 cufT lop, sizcs 2)4 14, a t I';/,sl FicoI', I 19c Lus tn ts Sat in Ki monos in I l'X l'I,:l cl I \1 1],11'" 7, 50 Lace Socks for C\lildren, sizes 5 to 60, special 29c Lu s tr u s Sn t.~ 1'! ~{~ mono5 in cxccllcn I '- I,} Ir .... ~~7 ,!; I Raincapes for Girls of 6 to 14 years, special $1.50 50 "Perl" Crl'f'() .:. kirt:; w ith c(l l11b i 't 10\' I'll a l ,/,,:'( Stamped Unbleached Muslin Bedspreads o nly $1.31 V ery hands"'J1t' Stone M-a rtin ca l'J:;, I' r ,n',J $_ ,5' Bridge Lamp, wrough t ·iro n basc , parchment shade, )20 pairs of Kid Gloves w ilh . hon . Ilf, 'J~ ,':1 " $2.91 Bath Brush with detachab le handlt:, 1'9, ' Three P anel M:irror, fl orentine effect frame $8,91 Tooth Brushes, ext ra hne t\ o\'clty 1:1J'~:ll""" 1.<1: Boys' All Wool Tweed Suits, s izes 7 to 18, at $9.95 Slipon Sweaters in nell' s t)' k s and ~"" i ,,,1,,; $3.95 F ine Prophylactic Sanitary Hair Brush only 35c • New Blouses in candy stripes and m'II' ';l\·k~ . $6.7.5 10 piece Dresser Set o[ amh er OJ' shell on i"ory $1 6, 50 Pumps in new spl'ing . 54 in ch Veldyne and Fhmingo Cloaking; many sh:hles, 5 h ad e 5 :llIcI liz:lrd $4.95 tril11mings. $6,85 54 inch Camel's Hair Cloaking, grny . Ian , cOl'n a ; $4, 95 Free D '/ver)' Banded H ats ill Smart 40 in ch P rinted Crepes; man y ~ hadcs and , des igns, L f, 7:1,·l' chal/ ,li ·,',1 Spri ng shapes, sa Ie $1.95 bn"!,l irl " ,·,,· ..}I .... priced $3.85 Canton Crepe and Crepe:-de-chine ; 4-0 in, wide, $2.70 a / T I, I' R ; I,' C Slippers for th e Growing Men's Colored L inel1 Hand kerchiefs, special 35c K 1/1II/er C(J1JJ./,UII'V 7 'ill be Girls, new sty les, $4.25 \Vomen's all white linen H emmed Handkerchiefs 15c ddhllll'ed with01'-t· cftar17c 80 Silk Jersey Vests for Colored Embroidered Banding, specia lly priced 45c illto an.y /1art of this t~r women, priced, $1.19 2000 Yards o f Filet Picot Edge La,c e, per yard 7c ritory. T,his is Il f ea,tUlre . $1.19 2000 Yards Irish E~ging (Chinese make), per yard 7c in au guf"at ed by Tile 50 Tailored Suits in best Val Laces: 12 yard bolt, specially priCed at 35c Rike-.K:J4mler Co. for tile " materials ' and· styles, 10 inch Fry Pie Baking plnte SSe; measuring cup 3Se ' (on~lCltce of its ,us- , 11 inch Fry ,Biscui~ ~ray 65c; 5 inch r,o und baker 45c ')' " $42 ,,' tamers Ilitd will be t:lllrr- 75 D r.~ and SPort ~s " , 9: i~e ~ ~Q~nd . Fry Ovenglass CaJce Baker. only 45c lout attrl\oti v~ variety., $57 'Leather Bound·' Bii>let with concordance, peci al $2 135 Silk Crepe DresSes in . New Spring Suits for Men-Society Brand, $33.50 ne~v colors and styles. $27 . '$6 Men's Oxfo~da, oJ real R.ussia Calf, ~.60 Dain ty C9stum,e Slips of c~epe . d e , ~ h ine, a ll coJc)rs, $5 Men's, HatS, Snap Brim E nglish Models, $3 ,.$4. 75 " ,). ' , . l ~ Men's,,Sliiru' of Engli sh Brendel , th, $2 , '. B'eautiful T ailored ~helhiSe ,of T rillium Silk. $3:88 : ' . 100 Dr~IS Ha~. in $ pring" colors and styles, $2.50 ' . Tailored Stepins of' Trilljilpl., each garment $3,58 50 Junior ~rls' Skirts oJ cat:ncl'.s h ~ir and w~9j $1.45 , New Lellther ,Underarm B ags and Flat P urses, $2.:1 5 Genuine Lmge,t te, Bloom~r8 tatlored. A ll SIzes, $1.-15 Novelty Necklaces in ill1lt~tion jade, coral, lar>is; 155c 250 Spring Dresses: Sizes l& to 40 $4..75 ~ _ ' Mineralava Beauty.. ·Cla)l with .F ace Finish, $1.9'3 ' . Pin'aud's Talcqrn, low"priced f{lr t~ e, Ann iversa ry S ales ~ I:.a May Face' Powder' with S ifter ,V anity', priced" ' Mennen's Talcums: ' Bora ted, for Men, V iolet, unManon L escaut Face P OWder in A e best ~had es, scented, each specially priced ,for .the ,Anniversary I Mal d'or TD1e~l low I)ri ce~ for ~e Ann iversary, Sales at 16c -
' I
I . -'I c 1':, rI jj l ~,
March 15th
me in and see this new RED ~• it and handle it to ~~ ....',. ' post it really is_ "
. v~ ' '"\...,'
~e RIKE- UMLER C( 71~AnniWrsarJ' Celebration
XI \. Ii.
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F uru,c H um ", 0/ T h t' Rikc ·Kumler Co,
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This is the type of ~t an ......... 1' have for years been trying to prochace,..... l' was given up as impoes.ible. A RED eng.ineer had to di~ver a new principle. rollmg steel before he oou1d mate _ II ~tudded Tee. But don't let ~ idea ... It's an expensive post. . "f , This new RED TOP c9st. .. thIa ... j better grade of wood ~and .... ~ 'I as long. It actually costa '~ ~'\ , set in the fence line. It's the greatJeIt ...... , ." ;. ever offered in a fence PQSt. ' ". " "r' - The Stl;ldded Tee j~ 1'00IIl1li:. . . . ..: if, , ,'conomlcal for repamng old , . . ........' ilew ones. ":"-4 ;', { ~ ,J.:,
r ll\lT ghtl ' r~, I.c)u., lI u IIod A ~ nM, ~ p on l
I n 1" 17
and fam ily kave Alhort Strlay, Mrs. Dearth Sheo , rilOv ed frOID DI1&r Leban on t o Will h liD, MiAseR CloD 8tl1cy a n d L eoDIl Chl nrae ICIl"l l tlll ren.lll y Int l 'rprl' w ,1 I COX'R fHrm f recelllUy vaontlld b y ,",eGlon l" splint S ti tur c!I\Y In the the II1~c rl ptlo n , \\'h lclt 18 n q uot llUon C lvde Cox and wif e, wh o b 8,\,,11 mov- (;em l:ity fro,,, II vllry lil t! Chi nese I)' r lc. Lytle, Clinton 's "J':'oll y." , ed with I,i... pa ren ti. Mr, nod Mrs. Ben Hawke I>od I Thf' l~~r l t' cnnn1 l lu!-I 111'('11 known hn th So me of ' Em P re tty Low , Mrs, E llen Copse y Ilttended the fo , n ~ ('lInl " ,, '" Iiltl'!l 1111 ,1 ('llnlon ' ~ Poll )' , I M,, ". \\'P " ,'P rl'!l"h l,l' Inro r mM, 18 Th (· ff 'f"f"P l1f 'P 1:-. til f: r !\' r " 'n'l r I ' llnt " n'~ . W ater Powe r In U , $, of! rnl of William Rend r;ckson, '\1 ~('I !l r l .r 0I14'-l h ll"l l II f tlt p t'u l l rl' 11\' HII - I , 'ol y /I II U I.· IO W t, ,, t ha d II'l' II fl ).! (·}" lind J Jlh'rl' ~ r 111 llir. 1"'fI " " I llIn o f t !.p I:rll' Bin I' lla ll. Illst w eok , abl ' \" H tf~ r 1" 1\\-1' 1" or thl l li n lll, t! ~ r l ll \'~ Wf' !ill\'!' 11 111" Itl u IIH ' /)I~ of !lI'I" '(lssl 0 0 enn u i pro} .! '!, Ti l l ' 1'ln~ a l 1,1'(' lIll1 i ' II ' 18 10 " ,tt l 'd Ifl 11 11 ' " 111 1'S tit' \\·,t!'! h in:..: tIlJl . whf·n W I ' wlIJll ip r h t l\ \ ' IHW {III' antrels ..j r II urI ~I r~ , E ll Loo gdo r p. fluel pO llt!pn l IJ I'" 1!11/ :111 d lin II : l~ 11-"; 11 ,1 g ul p Iii COOYf'r t t'tI Inl n n dr,,;,!nn/'
ERE is a new an4 betfei Ited ~ post-the RED TOP ~ Streoidl Studded Tee. No holes to ~" eidIer above or below the ground......PnW~ ,1l'rcIIJI. I er than all other posts at ail pojptaJ" ~. est tests. Fine new finish' '~ '..~ .... cho.r plate. New staple iItHq,a 1M ('.asler to apply. ', l'-,
I UIHktl ti lt' tlu l l'],ll' ~ J';Xp"r; llh ' fi 1\11 no d 'l ro. r, .. y Roul zl.llrl o n d " ~ " , y, . • g ~ I"m o rl ll i II MII . 1111\ 1," '1, "" nHlr~ '1 ,1'.nglitHr wore ~ll lld Ll J vi ,nor s of dllY
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I.be h ome of Wa Hc r 'l'l bahl.
W.ln~~o}l Clipe 18 gA~'tpg 610n8 lUI
Dr. '.Joh,n' W.-Mille~ ~~~~~~"l , Denti.t
wa.1I 'a~ ' 01\0 ' be expected. lifter un Wayllesyille Natlunll Oank It lIetii.u8 'operation t' " . . We lire g Ii.d to r,l ijlllr' Mfa. Mar. tM aJ ~ Ie. who l1ti~ li6en 80 III at , ... I ,"', tiel' h op)e DIlar WellDllln, 80tne bet- , .~ NOTARY' PUBLIC ' ler at tbi8 wl')jing. . , 1 WUls Brawn Eltates Settled d ergohi g Doh'
_ ... _
... . _ _ __
Haa Same Mcahi ng: n brig 8Ql11u lro ~ t :Ullond rlllI dlSI)lnyed os 111<: Il'll0ml1ty t hat
Once, \VOS
One wos a i'success," ~r
NOW, n motor
I. pre~erred, Ir\s~ead. ------.~.--~.~-----
Longer Life ,in thiS . New .. F en,c 'e ' Po~t
F'lo rl ,\r"
I" ,' ~ (~# [l l w lll.
;\ 1. ' ,'''"'
O r 01,1
"..- n l' O" yLOD
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C ~ ate·r Streng,~' b ::~.d · '"
,.1 .'. \In ,l ' l rtl. Ll M , Ulll r k 1l.rJ'l v Ii n I, .. 1:< '1' l' ~' I Iy of luet '''(It'k . , u f ' /"r I
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Wo lter Kenrick clOU t,) Mond,\y,
~ eh o 1 00
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(II\'I'lel '
U!l y\on
SU tls t'l'iotl,," ' I' r H' P, $ 1.50 per y t:'Br
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, Mis ID\'l yo
Wayn~sviUet Ohio Natlllllal Bank'
--' ,- --,= .......
~ ~.
... ;Has e 0 a chu l'~ ~ crbl i ,i li:I'o hunk f( r " ,its for t --rfine ,r ar~ 01 !<u(' ''''~\ltl ~('n il't· 10 Waynesville a'l ld W nrn ' ll ( ( lilt." From th it 1m de -.· 1, p,'l! ih f,lcil il :,'S with this ,great e ll u itt view : Metd1Sership '11 the FEDERAL RE ER \ E
Days of II! , -'
£111;1''''.1' JJ;fferellt !
Sabba~h School, 9;1 5 II. m . pr('nch· ing at 10:3U /.I. m. Wednesday even· ing service , 7:00 p . m. Epworth League 6:1 5 p. m,; preaching at 7:0C p, m. Everybody is eo rdi l.llly invited to these service. Rev. l. A . Washburn, Pastor,
~ 11l:--' N~ ", C O(l p(.' r U .l t l L' rV, "i t h
....~ pI:"FOUND
churc h a r e inv ited,
grrat ly broade ned I ur ah iliuse ful serv ice, and has mude .• ,. ,' t6.e safet y t :la t is so imp 'lrlunt a factor in '. '\ {, till 'more com p1c!c,
. Second und ay ill Lont, March 166 C. hurch School /.It 9::1 a. m ., se rvicll an li ~ e r m o n li t 10:'15 am . , Hev , Mid -I I!ek Ra lp h L.·o ottici u ill ~, Se l' n,' l' next W•.,I'Il,,·01 I)' l'I'l'Ill Il R, I whL., I{c\, . Phd 1"'1'1,' , ' i 1uv l ClIl. Wi ll IJrt:a~h, .\ dUll l 'J' ,\ " I,,· ~~( I ,'d at Ii u'c lo~k, All 'l1 ~ rnlJcr~ ut Ute
~ . c· , • SYSTEM has I' r " i(~sV,to re ~der
k§1IDIl~ OUNe .
In the
Buckeye Incubators and Brooders
i t ......t ' ~n:~ lIml
:r.t llrd~ v rh.:· ph: cc H\II ~ · ~ 111,u·C.I .!.C. 1t5
National Bank
s t eel n ,-,,' lIfo rccd Hu b ·~ 1 Ik a hnnd h:s nnd soft c u shi o n bo lt u m . s e t s n II l ' W h ig h ~ta n d · ore.l' in bU ll e ry cons tru c ti o n .
CHAPTIR V Lett. ." and the Phll_phar.
The ItIr anell prodlrtoul reach of' LondoD had appnlled tho Founi man, Tbe thoulht thrill ed him thol som&where 1n the "rent crowd, of whlcb he 11'81 now a purl. were the t\\'O hu, mlln beIngs hl' IUlII COUll' Be) (ur to see, He put on hI s I'e t clo tlH's nnel with th e lett e r w'tlch hod hf'on r llrf' f 'lll\' t r(,RSure,l- unlI Pr hIs plll o\\' nt nl'-!ht nnd pinnell 10 hIs p(,d w t 11"1 1l~ l!t rough Ihe I I II)' -~" t OU I In n ca l, fll,· tho lod.l n;:s ur n,,,,I,'r F rll ' li n.
n ub'M.iku Batteries " 'ood Case n"ttcrics
T hrllugh n 11 ', 11.(' tl t .,q I't' t· t~ ',' !t 'rr' p ~(l p ! ' \"l'r,' "r hkk U!-i r th' I 'Ilsh ! i lw fon"t !! C'r Tr y. III ,', Iw ty" ,. p r o(' I t'd u nlll nrr . r n I ,"rn",\' .. r ' U(i "t," m iulItt,.s I ,. " ,' q,tJ'l' t t lu' ' 11£"1 n( IIt'l r 1'1 ,1)1.. \ 111 1'\ I n It! 1';' hu r), ... q ll r,', I " r r: t In .,Ipt lin I w o:: he Iht r l.,,1
\Va. nc vill,\ Oh io
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ng to .. I· n
into n rl"' I ' I~':'
I l
Make this a FordSon Year
I: r fl~l]. I ~I ~~I' to wul t, whl'r,· '1r'bI 'r~ W l' rCI · I\·U.'I It ~ . .\n
i P)l1 r P'l"'';:' ' ,} nn li rhr rlny wn~ growing 'I"~k ''''','n lIll (I", '· I .rh' r~ ' '' I'e J nel! 1<11 I hl'd) ,n"It,,;:, d (.,. ' rlll' ll Fnlnklln ( U'11 n 'lt .In .-Ii 1"' 1I .. 'ntl'l.rt'l i , I! •• !iO rr·\ln~. W t'P ': ' ~, '
nil l~'·\dl." ~~ ',Il'
thc' {tldl!! 'pli,"r )1.\ ng !n l: }.(·I , n' h l ~
Have dependable Fordson Power ready
\\ hUt·,
when the fields are first ready for breaking. ~ all the year, use its steady, versatile PQwerfor bigger profits on every farm task that requires power. 'To be sure of this, however, we must have YQUrorder now. Spring with its peak load of Fordson buying orders is alniost here. ,-Don't wait. Order today. Make this' a Fordlon year.
li p
\\'lt ~
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'Id , It
hnll' '\"lH~ no w
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vpry g-rll T1d In
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blnck Mnll cheM 'r I'e\l'(· t \\ IIh wh lll' nll cl brigh t sliver buckl e ~ 00 bl. shoes. 'l.'heM! was R gen tle dll!' nlty In hili taco when he tonk the boy's hand nn.d saId with a smile: "You are 110 big, Jack. You have lIullt a 81% toot two Inch man ot that imall lad I knelW In Albany, and well ftnlshe([ , tOIr-'g reat tblghs, hesV)' .houlders, R ml18tache, a noble brow, and s hnll I sny tbe eye of Mars? It'l a wond er "'haU time nnd ment and bren d nnd potlltoes nm! nIl' · enn aecompll sh. Jl ut perhn ps In duSlry and good r C?sdln;: bElve don e some work on t be j ob." Jnck blu hed and nnswe red : ~It would be bard to Ib; the blnrne." FTanklln put hIs bond on the young man's Iboulder nnd aald: "She 18 Q lovely gtrI. Jack. You hnve excellent ~:ood taate, I congratu. lnte you. .Her pulchritude has a bnckground of I:ood cbnracter and sll8 ----+ 8 0 " 0 ~,t the sp irIt ot the New World. I hnve gl\'e n iceI' no 'chllnce t o fo rget YOll If thnt hud be<'n. posRlhle: I SInce 1 becrtllle the nricnt In En l'h,nd of yourself nnel s undry Ame r lc/lO "rIO'" Incea, I hnve seen her otten, but nPI'or ' wIthout longing tor the gIlt ot youth. Bow Is my flUt,lIyT' "They are well: I bring you letters," "Come up to. my oIDce and we'll give Bn hour to the news." When they v~ero seated betore t ile IIrote fire In the Inrge, pleasant r oom abon Italn '11lhose windows looked . out upon the !lQnare, the yOllOg mnn Bald: . 'Tll'llt I shall gi ...e JOU. Ilr. a letter from Major WuhlJlltoo. It was ~n. tiuted to • Mead of mine who cume , 00 the ship with me. He wns ~ at Deal, but. 10rt1Ulatll" 11,8 I"ter wal In m, JlO('kel." ".Arrftted' Why'!" "I think. alr, the charll'e '117" t hllt ellk stockings
no nun Il rl lw n to
DrltJ ~t , ~ u lo .l ('ct . "
"Fpnth e,·. nn,l tnr lire poor nrgu, ",pn IS." tll e n octor. remark ell n ~ he brokf' th ~ R ~1l 1 of the I!'lt er, II 11'118 n I "n ~ lett er 11 11 11 Frnnllllll ~ n t f nr "'!nr hll it an h(l llr th ough l' fil II ." " I'nrll llg nn ll r \)ren llt "~ It n ~' nn ll b.l· ,'" (ol,INI nlHl put It In lo his )I"" I'el. 81l.l lll l: as he elill so: h,\ n Il ll!{ry mfln '·llnn .. t ,' \" 'n Irus t h ltll ,~ l f. I ~r nt ~OtlH' INfl'I'R
Waynesville Motor Compa,n y
~ .
to Ame r le" OJ! (' onllitton
or ,:!no tl 11]('U Bn d t r (, ll r "fl In nh:-:(,. l UI,'" " on Hd t' nr'p !ll1d r f'lll rlll' t! t o Illt ' CI 'rtl li n lPl'mlH' I'!" of t hn, ('mllnlIt IP~ h llll ~f' 111' 1t"! 1 l! unpOW rt l1 hi (:11 Ir h part:-- It I 11I1.. ll r~ fi nd t :iI'.r { u'n lh II"C' H tld Illy T1.-T ' l llllpI U ha\'t\ 111 ".n twr l, JIl ". tf "f'
clINI'lll ~"' I.
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mod ul h " T he
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, I " old be aohJectcd to coerdve
I ,lut' n lll)!
F. Keith's
6 Big Vaud e v ille Acts and F eature P h otoplays,
Entire chMge of .how n e r y Monday Dnd T huMny. C ~n ·. i nuou. Performaocetl fr o m 1:30 to 1 1:30 p , M. Afturnooo Price. 20c and 30e. Eveoi ng. 30e dud SOe.
M lL t:: R
School 01 MU1ic an Drlltl1a rlc A , J Voi c e a nd P iaco tt ludent. I'Gceive the b.tJI no· fi t of Mr • • ~ e~.r MiUer', e.teaai"a atu di •• in Europa ""Itt. Micba el Zadora. Leonid Krc u t ~c r I, nd Ma dame Sch ooa-Rone. M n . J . RII" . e U Un ~r\.. o vtJ. in cha r ll e of f)nllnatl C Ari D oe l l.f.rtfJ1CI I\ Pl,o tl': ~, & ' n ",98 2 W. JO E,FiratStreet
.•..,.!.....,...., ..................'N ........
All Cood H o u.ewi,"o. U.o SOUDERS' EXTRACTS
A Pu re EXlr.lcl for fl avors, Icc C ream, Puddings, Cake:s and Candie:s .
.THE MUTUAL HOME....d SAV1NGS ~;Q(:lA' ."..
R••ourc.~ $17,400,000.00
Surp.... sasO,ooo.oo
Ove. 11,000 AMount.
com.r .aln .... SM'"
'!II ~
O · L.~~~~~~~~~~.
. PruIIce ...... ..
_ ...... w.... ......
Iddoeyo. ..d .......... wll" . .luaI ........... 10 ........... IrIcIb &DOl .~.
.,c. ZURMUHLEN. M. D. ,
B I.S ·L ES, . BOO K S '.And Complete Lin~.' of , SUNDA.Y SCHOOL SUPPUES "-!a1N0ufI6' Our Are' The V..,. Loweet Plftltl......,
fTo. be ClOII.taud)
. THE FORUT RESTAlJRANT Tla. Oalr HI.h C... R..I........' ' 1. D.""o T ....I al Pop ..... Prio.. .
,Try Our S~Dde, .ChIcbo DillI,n 78c J0e,207 s-Ia IAoIIow ...... ERNEST N. DAVIS, ....... DAYTON, O.
-..----. "
'o f Appoi.._ent
the north . . . . . . . _,4! ,--",
.:.:.....;..--'''-'=-_ _;;;..~
Diamond Dairy Feed Guaranteed .24% Protein
- is highly palatable: to the cow and we:l1liked by the: dairymen, becaUIC it has il) it th e qualilie:s [hat produce a greate:r milk yield.
A high pe rcent3gll of Protei n C ontent, tOl!ctlier with the nCi:eIIllry amoulll o f Carbohydrates and fat - makes "Diamond Dairy" the preferred f~ ed for co ws. 11', (arry a <ompltlt J/o(" nady
jill p"" audl.
Waynesville Mills Coal and Ice 'Co. C. 1\1. R OBITZER, Proprietor
99.9 Per Cent Efficient
Ceoatant vI~lan.,. ION band In hand with ..r~ty _ the ,ania Railroad.
Thouaancla 01 tab
..... mad" "vary month to lnaura the oba"rYanc" of almal. and oparattna rul". by the men In ch.r•• 01 tral.... DurIng the I.. t half of 19Z3, 413,000 ouch toots were mad... Somo of the .ltuaUona c:ovarad b,. ~h".'1 test a .re the obearvance 01 " stop" nnd ""autlon" alan .... the proper d isp lay of ale-nail, the 0 ....... von ce of epeed fee- uratlona and the pro~ . Ragging of tralna. Thla sysfcm hn. been In effect on the Penn.ylvan;a Railroad for man,. yea r. . It it deolmed to cover not only e very ' conceiv.ble deyelopment in ordinnry operatinlr e:ondltlon. but alao .u.priG" .ituntlona not uauatl,.
r~ .
onco u n tored ,
It i8 a Ap lendid tribute to the effie!one y nnd th o high morala 01 P.nney"'" ni.. employe_and a aClW'Ce 10 of profou nd soUafactlon to the travelin g Il u hlic- that the re.ulto of tl",.., l o:.r. • £h ow that. the number of u:aHu rf'slt is rclntivo'y inah:ni6c,m t -I! ,.. ' " cord over a lone- pel'joel of r. " rt JR ahowing n 99.9 per cent
f. ,
p e l ' (')1'111 03 n e
l?~ -:.; nnsylva nia '~ .Ii.<ai~r oad Systeln ~ Th e Standard Railroad o f th. World
~~lv· I~f,1!~:" ·lJ'~ ~!I~g1ijl:mM~. ,;~Jl~i~~~ijl~~m~II~_ _ ?gi~.l -f~
a ..d . Cil:l1wrlgh· .."'
. "
I *
Don't'for-get if you cbange ' locations:, tO get . Reme,mber, we are able to quot~ tates in the big co~paDies. as low as theo small,ones, so .why pay as 1;I1uch ,for a pig as a hog.~
a transfer-costs you nothing.
PIlI'I'Y, till! fhitlRh exPlorer, reeelve4 .,000 from Drl t1sh gov8l'lllnt!l1t fbr
" e,..1f. "
Ad ... lee should alWUY8 be ellloulate4 In fit the otller fellow'! per.onallt,. ()tle COD do wbat MOl bel' con't. . .
'Not an experiment, but a standard guaranteed feed for cows that brin gs the milk flow up to top. notch form. All the kading feeding experts endorse its use.
HEALING tre.tm ~nt. "
-..,. Jump lJI,o •
87 Eo 2nd St. NA~
dnrl. boll! III th " \l'u l1. Yc kno ll', .1 lIc\! , wIth Y 01l nn' me, It nUua 'peu.-s to be wo.-I< In· ... " Whnl T "(loor! lUCie Curus thi ng the pnpcl'S was on yuu 'st\1I ot me-uyes. sIr, 'tWllS. DIll ye hond 'em o"er sufe?" "l .llSt ntg11t I put 'em 1n Franklin' s hamilL" "Hunkldoryr I'm ready fer to III hum." "D~tor II'ranklln wantl to see Jou," ..Id .Tack. "Put 011 your Bunday doth~ aD' we'll SO Oftr to hI. hOllA. I thin) I caD lead there. If . .
D.l'ttM. OllIe
" \ Y hHt h ll p p PUl't l 10 you , '1 " S'l1 r dwd un' sh o\'cd me
~...-.... :~..1
ht-' Ol",h' l't' d e V(.'i Y Ilf'l nll in hit!!
"llp .. ~ I hI"," s nl ll U; I' ,~cC)ut lin d ' ,- uPI ,(·I·.
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" un ifor ms" f t.) !" Inorn lng n ntl ev(ItJl ing \\P ur nw l I't\llll'l l l n~ Hg'n ln fO t l w In n r" I: lltl f;c, ln "cn, wJll tlnl' In the lull!)},.
- ,
" '4'
Bigg r and Better Milk Results
Indl C' ll :wr t ha t 0 1\" (' fl IP" h.lI' n r: nd "Hi..: .. I .lIIl1ln J.! US shuuhJ Iw\' (' :said t ha t Il , t'\" It)' uu ,.:h r Oht t o (InJo~' nil the III",,·, i,'s or H put" nt ~ tl\ tu Hud Ihut
1llI'ilS:: l'es.
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HI rl l1\l\ tilt',\' Ifr e known to e"I'ry UIl I' III .\lu{'ricH i ll at r~'lldlt; , 'Vp !lfl'
\1' 1'
.' ~AT ~--
~ I achinery
\Vaynes\, i IJ e. Oh io
tl lnt Ihey ~ho ll l (1 he rend " .I' n C'O lllllll l'
They h nd axpre~s cd no BIICh upln lon save In tilelMl private le t· tees. It looked like a base efCort to curry favor With the Engllsh gov· erlllDellt." "Yes, they we", oYerworkl1llr the curry comb," eald Franklin. HJ had been protesting ~In al;l armed force In 8oato.n . The goverument ~ dared that our own best people were In favor of It. I; knowing better, d~ nled the statement. To prove their claim, a distinguIsh ed bnronet put the letters In my hUIll!s. H e gave me laaye to send them ' to Amcrlca on condltlon thut they should not be pub7 '. ' " ~troit, Michlg:n-: ....· - - - Ilshed Ot course, they pro,'ed [lotlllng but the treachery of Jlut hlnsOCl, Rogers aDd Oliver, NolV I Beelll to be tarred by the slime stick." Jack told him ot hIs pro~p~'C t s nml espe<:ln lJy . ot Ihe generos it y of hIs ""frIend Soillmon Dlnlms nn'(1 of th e plight the Inttr WU ij In. "1; c ll1 us t Lc a rt' lllll"knl\' l' mon." SlIILl l~"ll n\l lJn, " Wit h Pres ton's help he \\' 111 !.Ie co rnIng on to LOlldon In u duy elr 60. It necessn ry you Iwd I will go d nwn th ere. We shull not neglect hIm. Hnve you /lOy dInner clothes? They wIIJ bo Inlportnnl to you." "I thought, sir, thnt I should best wlllt until I hnd nrrlved here." "You thought wIsely. I aboll Introduee you to. n good cloth mecbanlc. Go t o hIm nt once and get onc suIt tor di nner 1111 11 perhnps two telr the street. . It costs · lDoney to be a gentl eman' ber e, I/ 's n Hno art. While you are In Loolloo you'll hnve to get the unltorm and fnl1 In Une Ilml go tlcroulh tile evolutIons or you wllJ be a 'North -American IIIlvage.' You shnll meet the Hnres In my house 88 soon nil your clothes Bre reudy-. Ask the tailor t9 hurry up. They must be finIshed b;V \Y edllllsdny noon. You had better ba ve ~~~~~~~i!!~~~!!!~~!!!!'!~~~~~~-""!!~~!'!!"--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!~~"_ ~~~~~~!!...!!....!!!'!~~~~~_..._~~~~~~- 10l!!{11l1lll ncar me, I ' w1l1 attend to i ( th M for you.'" - - 'rl '" Dootor SBt down nod wrote on Il n u "her ot cnrds, "These wlll Pro: ville for cloth, lin en, leotber nnd hnts," he sulci. "Let tho bLlls be sent to me 'I'h en you'l\ not be c.h euted. Come In lomorrow nt holt ntter t\\'o." J ile k hude t be rioctor good night ,,"eI LI I'In'(' to 'rhe Sprelld E n,;le where,. ht;rol'c h ' wcnt to bell, he wrote to lois P II I"'1118 /Inri n 10llg lett cr t o t11 e I' L· l\l\ s~· II·" n l ll (:lIZ1'tt c, cJ '"c rlb l l1 ~ hI s ""y ~ !{P an d h i. IC rrt\'ul ~ ubseq U Qnll y ,, ~ II", ruc t· l1r(' hC!I'C I'ec'o rrlcd, N l'Xt
' :'~~'(5~ r
And Farm
I Tard ware
WaYne.ville, Ohio ,
~:~e~v~en~~~Y~-S~ix~~~h~·--Y~e~~--r-~-~-~~~~--~---~------------------~~-W~A-~-r-N~E~S~ VIL-L-E-,,--O-H-I-O--.~W-E-D--N~E-'S--D~A~Y~-~M-A~R-C-H---19-,--19-2-4--~~-:
Mrs Cynlhill EVBn. is now al t h(. 1 home of her brother in fr8nkli n
fun mRK
SUND AY Miss Henriet t'a McKinsey spent '- - Saturda y and Sunday with relutives A whirlwi nd finish enaul er! W. H. t:'MON , MOve At,..ON6,f In Dayton . S. to triumph o v ~ r F'rll1lldin Hi g h DECIDE WH ERE ';'Ou·l;!E. Wilbur Shields, of Dayton . WIIS a laRt Friday nillht winning by lh e visitor her.. Saturda v. RI6H'T 6011'01' oIoo.ND lOToIoo.R.T ' Cha9. Chambe rs Bnd wife . nf Duy· sc ore of 45 l o)i) Wavnes vill e ON THE. ton, were Sund ay I(ucsts of John see med slow 10'1>1 1 Po rk Sunday-School enjoyed 1=-OR. t"'! in getting start ed Rnd Bernard Brewste r. of Dayton , Fromm and family . a hi.: ~';ci al event at Flat Por k th eir oppune nls wer e 111 th e IImd ·c ,,, " hI' use Pridaye vening. Mo rch visited hia parentI! Sunday , until the lattn part of lhe game. Born - Tn Mr. Rnd Mts Rnlpl1 14. . Thl' soci al commit t ee of wh ' l1 th ey lO nk '>\ ~ purt t hat netted Mrs. Walter Elzev and Mr8. Chas. Vance. of PIt-lIssn l P lai n. Su"d dll)lll tw enl; people. was composed ay. "no l her vi cto ry. 'fh is WH S t h,~ d e· AnderllOn were Saturda y visitors In March 16, 1924, a Sll ll ,f I h "~t· til' . qons in the Sund l'y , cid l"K Jl a rn ~ of a Ihr"a g a m., ~e r ks . ,,",,,,,,1 ",h" •• , birt hdays came du rin g Dayton . Way nesvill e's gu a rdi ng- "'II~ n f,·a· Mra. Emmor Bailey Hpcnt Heveral th.· qua", ... of January , Feb ru ary lure Several from here SI\W "The Cov _ days Iu~ t week at Ily(l e Par ,,,,,I ~h''''l. hence it may well be k. the ered Wallon " a t L~bano llla 8t Wed. gu eH t of J B I;haplllan lind ·a lle.1 1I quarte rl y birthda y social. farnil y. in a prC' li minary game the s e ~(l n d needay evening . It i ~ Ihe th ird socia l event the SunJ E. Frazi er and wife and Mrs. U ' UIl1 defeated tire Kingm an Hecond s , "t v·~ r.hool h ,t ~ enj yed. u,V the Rco r e of 7 to J 1. Th e~e bpys Mrs. ChaR. Edward s and dauQ'hl er. I Herman Conn er were ~ und ay The e v e l1 i n~'s ente rtainmr nt conafte r~t",w e d ma.h er! and MllII! Glady. Roland apent Sat- noon g uestl! of R J . Murray improv{'ment und . i.t ltd of th ree par ts The firs t part and will make Ho me of the reg ulars elpp urday In Dayton W UG a mi ~sio n a rv family. pageant . Aunt nex t y('o r if Ilwy (' X P f>('\' t o retain Ha nnah Bogan wit h Quaker bonnet Mr and Mr8. Karl Hawlle am! thu ir pluces 011 lhe fir st l'·flrn. Mr. and Mrs . Walter McClure an d !!ha wl. sat s tudying the Bible Mis8 apent Sunday ( with Mary Hawk e, of Dayton , Rpent their "lid r e pr e~e ll te d tbe «..;hurch . She is IOn Carl, , Sunday with Mr. and Mrs . •T. C. and wHe In Dt>' lo~. lhought uf 8!! visualizing the world's Th e Miami!! play th e Wet Wash,' Hawke, needs a nd r esponsibilities and as she for the second t ime I hlR year. next Mr. and Mia: Fr.nkZ eIl and Mrs . read and meditated, persons repre· J. D. IIlIrlatt vlaited relative s in MIBB Ann Bachman was called t o Friday night a F'o rr e~ l e r '~ ti sll . senting IIUT deveral mission ary ' enSprlD,l ield. ~unday. Fostori a Saturda y. on account of Duvton. This Ahould IHove to he terprise s. came out, one by one. on the death of her grandf ather and quile a scrOll liS th e margi n of di ff· t he stage befor e th", Church . Suita· Loet- A Child's II'love, near the Ilrandm ot her, ; erence in the sco re at their form er ble verses were relld by some one M. E. church, la8t. Haturda y, Fin· meetiuR' was ve ry slij:(ht !\. girl's behind the curtain about each parder r.tum to L, ~ . ~lmmerm8n. Save your old carpets and rugs prelimi nary alld d a ncin l{ ufl er the ticular fi eld. and get "W carwell " Rugs made. gameR will he oth pr featnres . Way · The followin g fi elds were repreq.rfJ Sher .... ood wu called .to Send f~r price list. Franklin Rug nesville fan s who wi sh 10 obtuin sented; China. Pales tine, Cuba, Lima, Ohio, Su"da" on BCCOl!nt of Co , Frankli n, Ohio tickets for this '-fam e muy do so fr om Jamaica . Africa. Oklahoma Indians , the d••~h of hltnun t, Mrs. Wrlll'ht. any of lh e local leum . Forrest er.s Mexico. Soutbla nd Institut e. Ger-' Mn. Emmor S. Baily wall a week· HIlIi is opposit e Stivers High sch ool man Child Feeding . Flat Fork comMn ChrYlfl, ' MeKineey 18 spend. e ..d visitor In Cincinnati, the I( llest on East j<'ifth stree l. munity, etc. . In&' this week 'wIth her daulhte r, of her daulI'hter. ~rs. J . B. Chap After the Church offered the Bi. Mr•• Earl Swayne , near RidlfeviI1e. man, and brother , Mr Warner HIGH SCHO OL ble to each field, Ruth · Murray . the Devitt. pastor. recited Longfel low'a "The Moma Sherw0 9'l. who wu opera· SOLD · A The sunset bars of life let down. ted on at the WltiDl qron hoapltel BASK ET BALL The Woman 's Auxilia ry of St. ENTE RTAIN S GRAN GE part was In chargo of and the spirIt of one we held In Jut week, la lrettiDS 'along very Mary's Chu~h will meet with Mra the "eats." Such commit tee, whoae well, highest a husband . fatter, Cadwal lader an Friday a fternoo n , brother esteem, and friend has taken It' s SE"veral hig h scbool student s and amp Ie TOUR NAME NT ment and,e ffi clent eer. March 21. The spring allotme nt of teacher s attende d th e Grange meet- vice, Isarrange commen dable!"' . ' . Mr. and Mr.. RlIIIieIl Benaon and sewing for the Supply Depart ment flight to the unseen world. J Part three cons" ."-.1 of 8tunts. Ed d d f Ing Saturda y, March 15. and proTom Clark ~old his standar d bred Mi. Haul SaIIa~rl; of Delawa re, w\ll be taken up at this meeting . II ."" The first rouOIJ of the Wayne es a'tl war, Becan son 0 vided a short enterta inment at the Upon tWO-\'ea r-old colt to Will 0 Guslin township inter-cl sas tournam alrival earlier In the evening. were Sunda, lI'unta uf Mr. and Mrs ---ent wsa Andrew and Martha Jane Gray, was close of the busines last s seSsion . The each individual was asked to ,pro· k H . d b T Harvey Ry.. . played last Frlds.y afterno on . . born on a farm near Clarksville, . b cure a number ed card from a 'clerk THE At 1:15. tbe whistle called the two June 22, 1858, and. was called from WI .. ' trial 2: 10; he by Axwo rthy . one of teams to play. This game Mr. and II .... Will Grethe r .. of who copied their names. I When an was be- eartb's labors to Heaven,8 reward . was given a vote of thanks and in. individual was .wanted for a stunt nnST ER COUJ ESl lhe ~r~ales t f Ulurity ~.reedinlt sire!; Dayton , wereaG esta of Mn. Alice tween the sixth llllJi ~eventlJ ~"U I McKl1WIf In Kentuck y. Oam. Sls.t "r Dinet a. The teams were well mltltche Krades. March Sl0, 19;4 a~ l~h: age of 65 vited back again . The WaylfcsvnJe his name was called- anet ,of course daucbt er, Mi", 0..,. d ays. Grange wi ll furni Mh a program for they responded. Patrlarc 2: l7% . second in 2; 1O. u great show pass work and t eam work butas to years. mont . s an rietta. Monda y . . ha and tho He spent his entire life in Clinton the Lobanon Grange on April _ __ 17. s.lme books of the Bible were then an d race mare; she by J ohn A Mc. size of the sevent.h was 100' much for and Warren countie s . In very and our school will The winners or the Post er Contest Caron 2:04y' . and sold for ' 25.000. pro\'ide par t of g uessed somewh at AS chllradee. ~ Rue Dlnwlddiu, of Dayton . wal In the sixth, The was' interest he assumed the re- the program . town Saturda y meet1nlt 9.·lth the ex- h..td in connect ion with the Farmer s Second dam i ll dam of seven trot . ing lhrough out following leSBonB were given- one teams displayo[ protect or and guardIn 8 sbort talk. Supt . N. P . Blatt blindfolded boy fed another ecutive commit tee of the Alumhi Institute art! all follow s; 1st Ca rolyn ters. fi ve better than 2: to. includin J! 109 good boy offenSIve and defenRlve la~ over the home, mother and.oth e discusse d the advisability of secur- who was not blindto lded, water with Uloolat lon, of which be ie the pr~i Swartze l. 2nd Evelyn Unglebby, 3rd Teasl'l. record 2;03y' . and sold tu work. who m The seventh led in scoring c~l1d ~en, on a~ offf . he ~;shehd ing a motion picture maCllintl for the a spoon, This represe Boyd Henden an. dent. Eurcpea n horsem en fo r $)0.000 nted aid some lhrough out the game but were en- hIS love a~ ectlOn. us e schools, to be used both for Instruct - people give to 't he church. d.angered several times when the wov~ a cham ofa blessed memori es ion and enterta inn ent. The sugSecond lesson , two bOYfi racIng to' sl ltth g raders tosued several close to cherished by those to whom he was gestion met with hearty approva l eat five cracker s apiece, . Ell 'Iii' =niJl I iii r s=="J El' showed how It: '1m J l::J I 18 the n~ The. ~ni~1 whistle blew with most de.tl r. . . . I and in anothe r year Wayne Townbusy some the allters people are collecting matralhn~: a 7 to 6 Bcore. He waR U01ted ID marrIag . \ . ship schools' will probabl y have such t erial things. ~ The next game was between the Sar~h Martha Ri~h. daughte erwith of !a machin e. Tbird lesson, all but tButt) me, eighth grade and Freshm an girls. LoUIS and Rachel ltlch, on Decemb er Our local Grange has always co- Bgainsh owing how the The Freshm an gil'ls proved too much 21. 1882 commu nity . operate d with t he schools In every is likely to tu rn on a knocker . for the grade g irls, and let them To them W~B ~lven the pleasur e thing that is tor the betterm ent of Fourth lesson , walking a strlDg down to a 26 to ascore, Much credit of travelln ll hfe s Pl\thw~~ togethe r i the children and much credit is due laid on tht! fiobr with field glasses ';. is given the eighth grade for the for f orty-tw o ye.a ' B. [hey were this organiz ation tor the many im- reverse d-tbe , straigh t and narrow ,I remark able showiDg against the ex- most truly Untted perienced Freshm en. The g r a d e as well as !lands. their Intruehearts, provem ents which have been made way. confiWay nes . Considerable time was 'consumed vil l~ EI J girls had apent but two weeks in dencea '!dcom panions hlpnev erwav J prepara tion wberea s the Freshm en ered . To in playing a game in which names of union were born two s great Charact ers' of the Bible were ' S have been playing all season. The daught ers , tbid Effie and Florence, to Tn our many friends who have so g uessed. eighth grade as well as the Fresh. which he was a most devoted fath- kindly helped us during the long illOther tlpecial stunts and friendly men ha~ promisi nlt material for eel', ever ruliDg by love and not' by ness and after the deatb oLour visiti ng helped keep roI. the folks to a year, and with the advanta ge of an ear. loved one, we desire to express early start should cop aeveral games. 'fhis worthy couple ,have rather late bed time. We learned spent thanks. It wou lf! be imposs ibleour to as we played . 8 Th e last game of the first round their years on a farm. the country mention the many token s of kind · ~ played uetween the seventh and and farm lift< being hia chosen occu · neS9 and sympat hy that have been eillhth g rades was the thriller of the pation, here he was surroun ded by extende d to us. OBITU ARY afterno on. Thi s game dec id e d the t hings he loved and und erstood . The Family. which team of the grades was to reo He was ever watchfu l over the main in t he tOUrDliment for next home and farm . making it one Uf ~ " - - -. T<'rijay The sevEmth started the neatne!!s and precision. .as has Heari ng .) Witl Montgom ~ry. aged 45 years. scoring when Brown cllired one from always been noted by hi~ fri ends. - di l'd at hia home in Wabash. Ind., Thu rsday. I"ebruar y 14. 1924, Bfte-r a week' s illness of uremic Doisoning,
---_.--- --
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w?rt~; ~ two.y:a~~~~ld~l~:cor:2:1~U:
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======:IN' 0 ' T IC E m ~
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To the People of
y' e .r
i.I. M Th'e '
m m
an d V.-C.-D.ety
H,y m-a n' Store
Will .be closed all day
: To maO _ down pnces and make .aIl preparations for the closing out of m L
~~~~efo; o~lll~ ::~o:~o~:r~edm.i~~~ :~ee:\~i: ~~~~:nm~~'le,H:en~i~eo;l~
STOCK AND fiXTURES' ~ ~~~ e~:~~t~it~ot ~le ~~~t~~~ ~~;~~:~h~ dU~i:Ys:::e' · : ~~~ e~~l ~I~e~ ~a~::r~~~~I~IS!~d ~~l·te.~~so;~O!:~ewr~i::on~: t~a~~:I' I W'. ,~A,..,...! ·T' A' .1.N D W A T' C R" I. m .
~ S a 1e G1
Bf' ven th in
m' I . m ·e g .DS
lI~i.ce to
Thurs .. d
' h ay , M . arc
'M -I .. a~ , .. o~ay~
and Anna
MY~R Pi~~e
·Re~er~ea-N . r~und
•••... ••••• ••••• ••••• • ~ ••••••
Myn~, Lewl~
ataa· .
son Calvin M<lntgOmery. of ancl was
~~~~tyl:'!~~iO.W~~~~S~~~~ ·t~~;~~
On June 2. 1966. he was united in marriag e t o Miss Della Leslie, of ROfhelle. Ill. To this union were born three children , Ruab, Leslie
2'7 illI '
BE S'URE'"YO . " UR NAM . 'E IS ON OUR MAILING LIST ~ m _. ; .' . 'i1~ OJit 'and
busket shootin g .
t ouch of his fingers. giving him as gllmeell(\ed with the seven th on t he well as his friends much pleasur e short end of a Hi - 6 score and pastime. Everyth ing was arrange d Mr . .Gr8!F had been in failing For .elrealars quotin g and full detail s of this great hand and took place 80mo sys~emll tic,t heordllamE!!! erly way under inthea health friendB for retaine d theyeara, hope yet tlJat. hie he 8up ervision of Supt. Blatt. All the might be 8pared to them a reason· pupils witnessed the games. The able length of time. Last August spirit shown and the order that was be suffered a paralyti c stroke from In ju. yours elf and family . you canno t afford to miss it. I . , by the 'Pupils very which he partiall y recover a aect:J given mendab le. The, Hllthwas School ond stroke came Borne days ed. ago with the directio n of Rlllymond fatal rlllluite. He will be ml8B8d by respond ed lit every opportu nity hie faithful wife, and loving Intr the game. We (hope ' the re- ters., Mrs. Effie TqomplOn and MrB. . . TEAR OUT. AND MAIL ' maleing games will continu e to keep Florenc e·Collier. who were permltEl up our good rfeord . ted to be prelient. to ministe r to him "r ..J ' ,HYMAN. W(,Ignesville, Ohio. 'T he, official8 the In hl81sat Illness. Two IIOna-ln ·law, are: P . 'Blatt,' E: J . three srrandcbUdren, ," pla'ce m:y n,a me au your 'Mailing List . and Mias BacbniaJi. · Time and Martha TbompaoD; two for Sale Ctrcul ar quotm g prices and full details of ' keeper'-:"Carl Grey. al.ten and thr.e e brothe... ·are ' left the closing out of the john A. Funke y stock. ' . Williamson. • ' to revere bis ' memon'o Two elaten • Everyo ne 18 welc~me to th'e aDd ODe brother preCeded lUm to _. of thla tournam ent withou t eba.,.e. the bome beyoDd. " ~ N ame .•••.. . ~...•• ' .• ; , . • •.•... .••..•. , .. ..... . ... . Next will . ltBrt at Weep Dot Glat hie tolla are over 8:45 A. M.,.-Frida" . Weep not that his neela run. ' Roqte .. ...... . ~...... ...... .. ...... . .. . . I;oel srant we flit .. calm". OUf laaone. ToWb
of humor made him a em·d on Ih eir defenlle th e last half great favorite with both young Bnd
~~lI~lI~dy~:~~ :~~Ii;~shce:~~!~rt:~:i:
and AtJ ame!! the time of his death, he was on e of the proprie tors of the Montgomt<ry Auto Paint Shop; looated ··ln the old " atholic Church bulldiul f on We!!t Map!e street. WSB a meUlber of th!! Eagles He looge and the American Insuran ce Uni\> . . Mr. Montgo mer tomour n bis death. a wife and three,ch ildren, two aiaters, Mrs. Gurle Wolf . Mrs. KiTlJr.! of Frankli n, anll Clarenc e,' ot Frank" n and Alonzo, of lIaniiltOn. ..funera l '..8atal("' _ da, afternoOD the Christl ln IOn' omcl~nl. ~ It'alla cemete!')'. W,biUlb,lud~ ' . .
two,brothe~s, ...-!- . aervl~es .w.~ h~ld at,,"(fclook~froDJ cbu~.BUr!& ~!(.'"~. . . .:
11'1'1' II" irt ,·,'n. 1 relUl!lIIber U1CI'O wnSIl I l n~' 1t\t11 on h.' r t emple und(',· th e ",I.e. ' .,r Ih,l1 b('tIUUtul. 1l"I(hm crown of 1\I'r~. It did not ce~n l) my 4lye. I 1.' 11 ) 11\1 ~ h WIlS (nlr lid Ille IlI'st vi. ,)I!'I s III )1t'1Il1 '''''nle on 0 11" ",.\· Illorn· . III !!. Of """I·S". ~l)(> \\'II ~ nl h"r be8!. It \I' ll" I he 11l~1 mo numl In Yl.!lIfS at \\'1111111 )( 111 whl 'h b 'r Ima::lll llt hlli lind (l ll nl . llrd me ,yltll I.!no1u\l'lIl uhls (00 1·l ll lItlll l i c.
~iIRVING BACHELLER.., "Wllon Woy SCI OUt ;:,''''"""0 Wllb '1NUed In ODe Ihoet .nd brown wool 'ilap and drab trousers, 0 hutter· IlUt Jat:k4t and blue coat, ond 0 big. '~Q ·throo-eomered hot. BIA slouchJD, pIt and large body nDd ",ca Ul ered fIl~ bid the varlely ot colors In his eMtQm., begun at once to ultrnct the ' IltteDtion at the crowd. A IlIIlf·drunk tlarrtdan surveyod him, from top to toe. and made a protound bow ns " lpeON. A number ot sm nll h nl's IC'Urrled ' olonl: wltb tham, curiously '*"~ Into the rllco ot Solomon. ",'-AlD', thi s IIko comln' Into II snv· .... trlb l! Ihn t ain't leen no. civilized bumao b .' fer ·yenrs '" -Wot I, '! " n vo' .:e Shouted. "'Ih a 'olod ' bl:~h w'n ker from lfortll B ,. len.·o la." M ol her nn.....red. ......t I ·d . ea'l liD O lhey 1:01
"'1'her're Il k" s b·tl1u· pot eve ryEI\ ~lnnd hilS gOI to SICP coretnl no )v." "Tdl Sir .1cfTrey Ihnt. If you scc him. jlll'l Ihot, Don't mlllc(- mn llers. J llck. I'll ..cud my mon II' llh rOll m,d Mr. Blnl;u" In sh"w Y"11 the ne\\' 1r)(\.;.1ng". We found thell! Ih ls Illurn· wher·,'.
Ing. "
CHAPTER VI T he l.ove r:).
T hr
· ....IIIIDL·
• ..f. Jle ItlOked
, bon~ ~"'iht
c'lown at !hit s ln'!!II'Y, hlg· hand at the sC\lut, still
holdlna It. "WW you Ilep ove r to the wlntlol\' mOIDent nod give me n look nt you r ' ~r be ..ted. . TIIq ...eDt to 1he window lind the ~OI' put OD bIa lPectllcles nnd ~. ~ them doaet:r. . "I have D"«, Been su ~' an nble 8tlsil1IODIaD p.t," ·be I"ent, ' ''1 tl" .k the ~ or thoee hands ,, ' 'I lei 0.0 Ibto Nri4be. Wtiat a r· '\1 ' JU· ...... Mrl'Ice.tl writ upon ' I I uls d! ot ~rt fIa~. lald . the t ,~
,~ n~ ~ft • ft.7 . t.rt me
I .. 1\
~' ~1OV 1_t. 'au: ~ 1IIII-'fOUr Itomacll •
~~' bea~
•.-p:allT ~ ' - 111 iD:r, po.
~ "
to IUr
' J in
I ·..... bIiI1.- iII14 Solomon. l-:"'::~~-:-77:---;j' ·w' lee, Amherst tbla .• • iaa4".tel4 111m :rou were In 18 \t
t.4- a. II toDd .of
:rou and paid
IDAII1 eompUmentll an$! mllde me · DI'OIDI,e to brto, :rou to his home." .' 'Tel' IDle to cDoke a pl p(' with 01' hit" 8cIlGmoo in8wered. '''fhey oIu't ~
110 ......_ - 'boirt blm. I I(!,\ rnt hIm bow to ta1lr Injun an' relld rfl l,I<ls nO: bolld • 1lN wltb tinder nil' elhow .,.... ,.· Be ·koows me pl puty. He elaked ·1111 lite 00 me a d llZ ~n !lilies III die lojDn war." "Bow la Major WlIShlu.;wu l" the Doctor uted. "8tout lUI a pot o· ginger." Solomon aanered. "I 1'98aled wi th him one 91'_ln' doWli In Vlrglnn'y 1111 ' I'll uever teal. 111m a,'ln, ':rou bellr tu me. H is rlabt flipper II aa big 0 8 Inlnc . on' when It tat. bolt ye'd thlnl( It were lOin' to etrtp the shuck of( ~'p r ROU\''' "8e'l In "'err \\'oy Il hi ll mnn." ....4 the Doe\or. "On the wloule, he's
II1 (lVl ' t1
nIO OUl ~h ul')'
tllll llr
don e
t h " ir
~!l \ltI rp .
U{\ \\,
1 0I1;:l n ,!.1;~
T ill'
nn 1<".1
r,II', ,·"t \\ I 'u r !I!HI l(t \\" 1\.lk :l h rnn41 ,,\ Irhnnt cx ('ltl n~ n 'p Uln l tltlHh ' l=i . T ilt' l1uc'(Ul ' w u .. P II Ulli H&: w h Itt 11\' ,·:1111·'! \' I :-1 I :.: IIt Li e I HlI·t y," Su ht.· U\\fUllII1'" d "hflll
acqui l'ed II Huh wu~
I "Sbow u i ,ne of ~he gr' hulld· IiIp .Dd I: U8 III "11 h,· r.1 10 BtoOtntlbury '\Iore, E. .. 1." h. 1(1. · WIth a t 'NO ot r .,; t tl ~'er e dlIted aw,lY In the II :'CIlm · ro u!1lc. ,." 'Dler pn~8ed th k1ug'S PI< ) Ilnd tIIe-areat town houae. ot rll ~ke at Bedtorcl and L<1rd Balcnrros. ,·neh ot 'Wtdeh 'II'IUI pointed ' out b:r II,,, drlvCl'. ' laacltDly every vehicle nellr them ~ w blle tbelr mille occupnn l$ ,at ..th bared· heade. Jock observed • ~111 proceRslon on the sldewnlk ;.iIfDa' betWeeD two lines of halted paople. . , "'IDri their majesUes I" the driver ' -..1,." UDder bJs breath. . 'DIe, _ _a slout, red·oosed. ' blueman. wIth big. &TOY, storlng .,. wu In • sedan cl'nlr surmount· .. bJ ' .. eroml. Be wne dre e<t In ' .... 1I~ with Bllver buttonJ!. Queen ~ alae In a cba lr, was dressed .. limoo ~colO~ ,Ilk ornamllnted with ~tSed Sowoera. Tbe were smll· 1DI' UiIl' bo.m, u they passed. In a ~t . the procesl lon cntered a ....t ..t.. '1'1110 there WIlS a crack .........,. , and the traffic resumed Ita IIIInte4 pace. • <~ the:r .bad been CCln \I\lcted to titie prHeIice of Doctor Frunklln be • IOek 8oIomon'. band and snld: . .• "111'. Blnkua. I am ilad to bid )'ou
fn ~"I('" Hh l p
wit1} Jll (') t ' ~ j·lp lljl Hl l· IH . li'1"I1I11dln hn d se n IIn,1 :I\l lll'l\\'('<\ Ihe Il tlllll ruh ly 8h o lJ~11 IIlI tI ti l l ('II !P' I·UI< 'n t". '1'1,(' young h llt ll util i bt l'! fl 'h'\Otl ~nl nllhHI
nl'''\ nh le
Ju r k n ne] ~J,n l 'n1)(111 ' nllle, nt' 1 I\:'! : ItJ UI H'",-, I roll ~l r~ t u UWt'l ,i.:t r ttutl-' t nn(l h,'(' "".111",· 1\\, .." ,\I halt " IN
.lllcle mo,l.' ew rrful prt' parut lon fa .. thlll en·nl. Wnrt uoHtely It wns (I cllmr, bright lIuy nt'tcr f0I:IlY \\,c:I Ul cr. Solo· man hnd r ctu~C\I to go with .luck for fear of being I.n t he woy. "I Ivnnt to see her nn' her fo11l8. but I reckon ye'll Iln\'o yer hllnds full t~ dny." be remarked. "Ye don't need no scout 011 thot kind o· reconnolterto·. You go 00 ohead aJI' lit thron,b wIth Jer amadln' aD' b:rm-b7 rll 8tI'f4;:d, .
Preclsel:r at four thirty-five Jaek presented him self at the lodglnp of bIa dlat10gulshed friend. Bo haa IIIlld In a letter. when bll dramatic adven· . turu were' all beblnd hlm. that tbls wu the most thrilling moment be hlld known. ."'.the butler bnd told me thllt the ladles were there," he wrote. "UpOo my word It · put me out at brend! climbing tbat little ftlgbt ot stnlra. But It wns In tact lhe end ot a long j ourney. It II cnrlous tbat my teeUng then shonld remind me, all It does. of momOllts when I have been close up t o the enemy, wIthin hIs lines, and lyIng bard a gllinst the ground In some tbJeket while Brltl8h eoldll!rs were tramping 60 nenr I could teet tb e ground shake. In t.he room '1 saw Lndy Bare Ilnd Doctor Frank· ltn slnndlng s ide by s ide. WhOI Il smile he wore as be 1001.,00 Ilt me I I bove never known a humno bclng who h od such n cheering Ugb t In his coun. tenance. I have BeeD It brIghten the darkest days ot tbe war' aIded bJ the lteht .o f hllI worda. Hls faith nod rood eheer were lmmO'Vnble. 1 fult the latter when be snld: "'See the look of alnrm In hll faee.. Now tor a prettl ' drnmn I' "Mrs. Bore anve me her band lind T \£18Sed It Ilnd anld thllt 1 hod IS· ,e cted Mllrgeret and hOped tbnt abe va8 not Ill. TIIere W1l8 a tblstledoWD ! ouw on my ch~k from behind aDd umlor I anw the laughing ta~ I ' ou,bt looking up at me. 1 teU J01I, tIIy moUler. tbere never wns IUcb " palr at eyee. Their long. dark lash. and the glow between t1lem I reme~ ber cblefly. The latter WIIS the trlend· Iy Ught ot her spirit. To me It W8l! IIlle Q condIe In the wIndow to guIde my feet 'Come: . It seemed to say, ,'Here Is u welcolDe for you.' I snw the pink In her cheeks, the crimson In her lips. the wh ite of her neck. the glow at lI er nbundnnt bnlr, th e shnpeI lnes~ of brow ond nose ond d1ln In ttillt (lrst 2lonce. I SII\\, Ihe bentlnc of
A•SAFE INVESTMENT is the investment that adds to your wealth of hea1th. [t is more essential to safe-~ard and build up atrength th.tP. i! is to add to your wealth of gold, To an underweight child or an ~mic adult'
SCOTT' EMULS three or four times daily would be
an investment that would yield splendid returns in strength and VJgOI'. ScoW. Emulaion Is ,
C:oncenfrafed. tonle-norulah~ ~ ."'ted to
1W\°t) foi~(tn
gn!lll 1"(111I4) nI 8 ,
1r, y etl rH olJ he t 'rlto l't:od c ol l ege
, I, h:&
w nl'k~ t l
hI:. 1I'.IY hr.lUgh Hi s ftl'lit "jub" v n ~ 1I,; t 'ueh er or mt. lhc m"lic ~ in n boy's school. at S" tII'i'Y , AI·k. During his spnre ti llle h' mn stercd shorthand. Therp WIlS un olwninl:: fo r a court 11,'nog'l'Ilphur in Pillt· Bluff. nnd he bogl::oo f or the chance . He was given n trln l ancl mnrio good. With this OIllre into the Court he forged nw l
Mlo ther and 19th, BahV
I on ,.1. " Ih' I!'O one of the Idng's men on the bIg "h, " s I,"onl." snld tht' fll!I pl lil. •'~op IJ "" . "A II Ihlll hc 6u ld 10 you 11118 Ihe "":: ;111 of stl·nl c!;y. 'hll "" 1',',..« \11 to 111·:1 '. t! tlln t lh py a r c tr~' lng- til tow UloO i llill lIofl nnel :\In r gnre t Is n nly onl'
"r 1'1 III 1'''1'''". IIn r r 's olll t .. th a t .1 In
60<;" 'T'e; GOT c.;o ·THAT / O~LIl!: JUCiT AR6U~'i
I', H al'" Idll;: ',
I 'l :':t'l" , f o r
frl" nd uIIII
r(,(,nIll'i1hll ' un . 1II1111 ~ l c r "' fl S
j'Onl ,' 11I1 '11 W !f:; ,
t •.
"1 11111 q ll it. I Iltll tl""I'l' nl to w a r," Ill"' bud C'~ 111 "t tl ,\" d l~I' lur(frl nt I l1o; t, "'I' t 1\-' ('0111 ::-:' ·11\ li ltS It \\ "u l d pfodl14 ' P will PI',,... \" ltlL' r il l' mHn .\· or OUI' frlt'n t' 50. "
It ",u. u n nstnnlshl ll~ hll ot f l':lI1knes5. "I tn k!! t l.l . opportllnlt y of n."..,.lng your lor dship (hilI tur nil the pro lw " I~' A lIi llctcen'pound baby hoy was b.11'1 . to ~l rs. W m. H cn io~! wi fe of l' au "e l ~ , or ,lest roy In AIllt'rlcn. )'ou II fu I'D' r at Ogd nsburg, N . J. This I will lillY to tile lost fnrt hlng." so ld is t Ie scv ~l1th child. . Jl'mnklln. 'rIlls treatm ent wns llke tha t he hnd reeeh'",1 trom other members of the Polices Seven MiIUon I government Iince tbe untoftunote pubIIClltloo ot the HutchlIUII.n, Rogers nnd Oliver letten. Tbe7 eeemed to enle!'tllln tbe notion that be hod torfelted the reBpect due. gentlemnn. A tew day. after FranklIn hlld g11'en alr to hili lusplclon thnt th e go,eroment part:r would tl')'. to low hi m Into port three stout Btltlsh sh ips hnd broken their cables on him. An Invltntlon not likely to be received bl' one who hnd really forfeited the respect of gentlemen was In hIs hllllds. The shrewd philosopher did nOI th ink Iwlc'c ~out It. Be knew thnt here WII S Ihe Orst step In a change of Inctl rR. 'fte could not properly declin e to nccrp t It and 110 be went to dine o nd spentl I he nlgbt with n man dIstingui sh d compnny at the country , ellt of Lorn DOIVe. SOlDe o~ th'e bellt ppople w.'rp th ere -Lord and Lady Colheart. Lor(l Rnd l::lT l h:. :~ lJ yea rs fig Lady Hyde. Lore! nnd l.otll' Dart mou th. :.\ .'t. 1.. 1'.·1m nn , (,i 1 h: the bi6'l: st Sir Wllllnm Erskine. Sir H ' nry 1I1l1t.n, r i )' I" 'lei n;: JU':' " r t~ .. As Com· SIr J ames Bulrd, Sir Benjllmln \.I n re r.l: t:. · . ,:tll·'.l ' ',' 1 ' ''I '~'' \r , -..oQ1 Y.o,.k nnd their lullles were ul SR present. DocCit" r':)1' s i'( \-C:t r5,' t:a ~ h l~ ' J ~J tor Fronklln saId Ihut the punch "' .. s look c ut f · . ". ..' 0 .nd calculated to promoll! chee rfulness tlnd gunIC, • " , •~ ~ f th!! blgh sentiUlon t. As \Vns the custom at world like tunctlons. Ihe Ilidles lint togelh er at one end ot th e tnble. Franklin being seated at the ri ght at Lndy Bowe. who • mOlrrfnge" whIch Ill'omlscs to turn WOB most I1roclous and cntetlalnln,. ber awny from us nnd fill our fnmlly The Orst toost woe to the vlnemble Witb dI8l!en.on.' pbllosopher. The dinner o\'er. Lndy Bowe COD• '&b:r we not respect each othet' and dllMgI'ee In politics ?' I oslted. ducted Doctor FrnnkHn to the library, .. 'Ill polltlCII. yes. but not In war, I ' where she asked hIm 10 sit down, 'niere begin to see dOBge r at war and thul were no other persons IU tbe room. tull o:f the blttemeBS ot death. If Doc- She snt n enr him Illld begAn to Ipeall tor F'railklln Will do ,\'l.nt he enn to of the misfortunes at the colony at f'eo Olltobllllh loyalty nn,1 order In 'the M088uchusel ts Bny. Lord Bowe JoIned them In a moment. colonie! mt fell r wllJ h ~ removl!d and I shall welOOlllc yOU to lilY (nmlly.' He was most polite. "I \began 10 show 0 glin t of Intelll· "I run senslhle of the fnct that you ",' net' nnd sf}I !I : ·It the nunl st er~ \\'111 1have been ml Rtr eoted by the mlnlstry," h" saId. "I ho ..e not approved of thell eo- Il mrlltc It \\'111 nOI \) 1' dlnifonlt .' ""fllC IIIl n ls t rs \\'11 1 Ih' anything rt comlnct. I am nnconnected wIth tho~'e Is III tl1£'lr pow~r In 010.' men _Ilve !l,roll!:h Iwrsonal (rlendshlps. wr l ~ "n tlte tlmf.ll.,· .. nU'un,'c fir :\Inr. gurot "n, 1 hpr mlll hl' r. M'1 ~ II P 1,.,~r Ihll I I shill! ~ h '~'· I. my fllther Ion t 1 ,',' nn,,1 10 ,,11' ".' ",, 101 the
1' 1
gi1'1 ns ph ,.
l d,~ " r" l
" ) 'Oll IJI ')' 1\1' "' l l' • Ihll l I hll,l lII), Pll rt In th a t 1!::II Il', Sil l' ~l u" t1 b\'=,1 '1' rue, I
h er
" 1'1)1
w,Lls t alll\ II1 lne !
urt ~llJH l h l" r :-h t.l ul lltl r.:. "t FH l lt ltt , (': ' 11 .\'1)11 IlI fl IIIP
Itl l '
hi /:. ": ,lo- n l\ loI I,,'r(l \'.'1 111 " Ul': f r u lTI l h , · } 1I . ti ll n s li nt) til! 11 1" ll ts 1 'I It I" II n lll:p \ ·U' . 1(1 h" ~ IH' h II II .1 'n('(I ' w l ·(' I ('!1. n l' ~ for il llJ l .rn u ,,' IHI!', III\ \'e tll i ~
n uill w r
\\'I( ~
n o ,' I II ItH': 11 +'1':-
" :->1,,· p ili !I .. 0 Ihl <'l' 1/;)( I 1,,·11 ,~y pence nF I 1111" (, Ilonl' IIIn l'.I' 11 li lli e In t he pl'r S(' 1I 1' ~ of 11 I\' OIl"iI1'S (·lIll l1l n ll. .A n~·h .. lI', ~ h p I. upi to "(lII" H' ",' rscIt
III 1\ 111:111 ('1' (" lhe h l' lI r! ('lin find tH'r WfI ,I' IlIrnllg'h illfiicultJ es whIch woulll H\lPll U fl 111 li n. .. 'Keep yourself In bound8, m1 dnul1hter,' her futhcr nnswered. 'I 01 .11
II .
"",,-t I¥1'f 81
My lelll TOr tile PUDIlC WClrtlre IS Ill, only ezcuse tor aak ln!! you to opell your mind. The plnn Is now to send I commIssion to t he colonies, ns you hn\'1' lIrg 1I ." Then 8ul1l Ludy lt o\\,(O: " I wl. h. br oUl er F runklln. Ihnl ynll ",prt) to be Bent Ihlther. I Nh"ul ol lik e thllt mudJ better Ihnn Gener,, 1 ll owe's );olllg Ie eOllllllllnl1 Ihe II rmy Iher!'. '· A rutll('r I,' n ~e lII \l mcnl roll owl'l l Frunl< lIn brol<(' Its Sllelll'e by suyh: ~ In u ~"ntl(O lotll': '" thi nk . IIIntillIll P. t h~y Nhlllll ,1 pro"1<1 ' til e !!enernl \l'lth more hon urnb lr ellip lopn l' nt. 'beg thaI yOllr ladysblp wil l not ml"Judge lIl e . I nm nlll l'UP. obl (' ." 1111,1 111; on olllce rrom Ihls l(o V' er nll,, 'nl wltlle \I Is nct lng with Me
Farmers, Attention! trll rm llrH ul WurrOD aod _ujulu . 1 If II1UY "btalll moooy uu \lllo, IIIUIl 10ll u.. . liY. % In'"rll.& . ot MOOUrtU t( tlu. ,IIUltI t. vory rtl8.Oll. .1.01", UJI uUl(h The FllolI •• 1 L.uo tJuuk. For tor,bllP 10fornll.&100 0 .. 11 "0 or nddre .... M . U UKAKE. 'l'r1l8~. llrllT . plluutI 3lt1-X. Lebanon,Ohlu.
1lO llutlll~
V LORDed OD l\vll IOIOOk, M ONI!: oil" t'Il I\!, III MU ItllC00U wor'lIftlleli . I
N .' I I1~ hU Il " bt
J oho Ibrbmll, Allou 13ullol l" lI . Xeul. Ohlu. II ' .2'
n111 \'I \ ho~ tlllly t ownrd my country."
" T hl' II1lnl ~ II' I'S hll\, (' tlH' ''~lll nl oll thlll ('lI n cOIll(Jose th e s ltunll oll It YOl U \1' 111 ," Lu,.!1 lI llw{' declnred. "llnny "I us h",'" lI uh pun (lcd filII h In your obU· Il l'. I would nnt think ot l rylng te In l UP II CC y()ur judi: ment bf n R~ ltl M~ m" lh·,'. hut cerl uln ly YOII III II y, with 1'' ''' "''11. pxpcl'l nil)' rewurd which It II In IIH' plllI'or of th e gO " ernmcnt to bost ow," . Th~n ('11 111<' nn uns wer wblch s hould IIv c III II "nor)'. us ODe of Ihe grcn l cr n,lIts of humnn nutuno. rinll nil nll'n. Ilsp<'clu lly those of English bl ol1,1 should feel a certaIn pride In It. 'I'he answer \\'1\8: "Your lordahlp. I am not lookIng tOI rewo rds, but oDly tor JUIIUce. "Let us try 10 ngroee III to wbot II tile justice at tbe matter." Howe ao· swered. "Will you not draft • phlD 00 wblch yoU would be wlllln, to coopel'll le'" ''Thnt I will be ,114 to do." P{'ralstln, In hi. mlsJudameDt. BOWf 8uggested : , "As )·ou have frlendl bere and con· BtltllllDts In AtnerlcR to keep \\'ell with, perhll(JS It would better not 'be In "O~I bllnllwrltlng. Send It to Lady BOWl onll ~ lt e will copy It nnd returo thl orll[lnul." Then saId tile sturdy old Yankee: "I desIre. my frI ends. thllt there shllll be no secrecy nboul It." . L<Jrd and Lml y R owe showed slgru ot /,':reu t dlsllppolntlll cnt ns he bn,l! them good nlj:ht nnd begged to be Beul to hi s r oom. "I am growIn g old. ond have to n9~ tor like Illliulgence tram overy host· ess," he pleaded. Howe wo s n or wlllln Jr to leave n stone un l urne'l, ) Il' "011 1<1 mIt dlamisl the notion (r,1II Ills III lntl Ihat the PUl' cho se eOllld lie el1'eclr tl If the hId \\'er! rnlsed. H e ,lre\\' th e Doclor nslde un an ld: "We do not expecl your nsslslnnc! wIthout prUI)er cODllhlerutlon. 1 HIIlIlI In81st upon generous lind umple liP. poLntmenls tor the lII ~n you take wltb you lind eHpeclolly t or you as well n~ a Oml promise ot subsequent rewllrd.: What crown hnd he In IIIlnd tor thl white lind venernble brow ot the mU D whu .tood before hIm? Benenlh 111111 brow wu a new type or alnlemlnn . bom of the hardshi ps ond p eril. nne bleb talth at a new world, and th ea and there 81 ~ese !\Yo faced ench otb e....-the 80ul at the pnlt nod ' tbe IOIll' of the tuture--a moment was com( thnn which 'tbere hod beellj no grelltel In humnn history. In Amerlcn, Frllncf lind ElnglllDlI th e cocks hnd been crow· Ing nnd now the nrst li ght of dnwt at a new lIolY fell upon the fillure o. the mun who In honor and unOerBtund, In g tOll'ered oho" e hIs tul low8. Now for n mOIllE!lIt, on the churncler ot ihl! nUII\ Ihe unfothomublc plan at Ol'~ for future Ilges would seem to lin\'! beclI re9tln~. In hI s s lxty·elghl yenrs he hnd dis cOI'C!·ed. IImonll other thIngs. tb e Vlln It~· ot wealth und splendor. II Will no l1Iore to him thnQ the Idle wind '£hc C lire hi s exact words 08 ho stoor with n gentle smil e on hIs fuce : . " \I you wis h tu use me. give me t he prop.. sit Ifin,' :lUd dl.Mm lss nil thoughl8 qt 1'0 wnrd s from your mInd. 'l'hey woule ,lesll'flY the Innuence ),OU [,ropose t( usc." 'I'he old genllemllD clhnbcd the gr~1I1 s tail'casI! Ilnd went to his chamh..,t' whil e l. ord ]]owe wns, no doubt, COlli· mun lCllllnl1 the re8ult at "hIe Intcn'le" to hi s olher io"llests. There were thosl nrnong thoUl who freely predicted tbul wllr WIlS Inpvltoble. . ~' UII
'",II"n Runner Duolls- 1 duok .
2 .Ir h " .. ~ -befwtl~u n tl w ~oll"ul CI' U1 11 1 o- ry , t:llllurdllY eVtllIlI!lC. !"Jnnto r (OI . ·U.II nll'lf, li:lmllr Kul .. r . I{ . 0 il . W ,.yno~vlllll, \), oilHI .. II I
tC<ln&1nue<l on Ilatle .)
know his merits and shoulO IIKO to Ice you mnrrled ond hope to, but .1 mUlt Gsk y.,o to bo ' patleot unUI :roo can ~:o 00 11 loyal rolon, with ,our huabIlDd.· . "It was n plea80l1t dinner t2IfOGJb which the)' keot me .telllnil of 1111 a~
' Ofl't
L.,,.TEN .'TO M~'i
h " n"~ t
mon." t I' 111 1"" 1' 4 \:l~'~ IJ t' Cure th e pll ilH80· \l h,'.· h"d h"d a t l" l, Wllh ro; "rl h II I Ih.· tll' s,: "' " 1 \''1ll1' ... t n( ll o we. \\ hn, to It: ~
II) h i' hi", on e.
The Dawn. Frll n ld ln. whom Jllck snw tht' ncxl \ ,In y. Ilk ('d not the at.tl tude or thc bn r·
rvllin,' shul<l ng her hU1lf1
111 the nusl\.
" ' Yoll'f{' II ' I)III'I~' itS 11 11'0"1.' 11
" lie ." u S nlll so milch put out AS I , houllht II' woulrl Ito. I ne"cr SIlw n ~" nller I\Il1 n with lI'omen. As 1111rd ns Iron In 1\ fi ghl. I here bns nlwlIYs beell " curl O) II~ " cln of ChIval r y In tb e old S('O IlI. Il e stl){,d tl nd joked. wltb th ~ 1\'11'1, III his 0I1fi 1'llshlr)II, and 8cl us 1111 hlUj:hlll!:. al a"!;urel and h er molllP r enj' I),l'c\ his Inlk li nd s poke or It. ott'!tl. uft"r thnt. "I drt'Ssed onll went to dine with the Dnres thaI ovenlng. Til y JIved In a lorge hOllse on n fnshlonob le 'rondo 11$ ccrlaln at the streets IVere cnlled. It WIlS n typlcnl upper clnll8. English borne. There were mlUly tin old tllings In It bUI no bright colors. nolhlng to d11Dle or IUItonlsh you IIko the wooden Indian In war pllint and t enlhers and the Itnlfed beaJ' and blgh colored rugs In tbe parlor of Mr. Gosport In Phn. adelpbln. Every pIece of f urnlture was like the QuJel. stlll·footed ser\'onts wbo eame and went milkIng the smallest possIble demo nd upon your uttentlon. "I was ShOWD Into the li brary where Str Ben'llmln Silt alone rcn'(Ung n news. Pbper. Be greeted me POUte,y. 'The news la disquIeting,' be sold presently. , 'Whot hllve yoU to tell us at the sltuntlon In Amerlcn?' .. 'Jt Is crItical," 1 answered. ·It enn be mended. however, If tbe 'govcrnment will net promptly.' . " 'Wlla t should It do r "'Mnke con~eBS l ons, sir, sto[l shll)pin g len tor a time. Don't try to force nn export wIth a duty aD It. I thlnlt: tbe government should not s hllke the mnlled fist nt us.' " 'Dut think at the \'Iolence lind the des truction of property I' "'AIl that will abnte nud dl Rnpllcn r If the clluse Is removed . We. who I,cep our lIfl'cctlon for Englun d. have done 'our best to hold the POllsloM of the people In check, but we get no hel.p tram this side of the ocenn.' "Sir BenjllJDln Bat thoughtfully feel. lng hIs Bllvered mustnch,e. Be blld IJ'OWD stouter IUId tuller·taced since we bad parted In Albauy wblln he had looked like .a prosperoUIi. well-bred merchant In mllltAl')' dreBS and had been IImbere4 IUId 1I0iled by knocking about la the bulb, Now he wore a wblte .... uti I"tlfIIea and looted as cllpJ814 u • Tort maglstrato. otxo tbe mOlDeu! of tdlen~ I mustered All) ID7 ~,e and out. • 'SIr 8enjamln,' 1 aald. 'I ba"e come to claim your daughter under the promIse )"Ou gave me at Fort Stnn. Wls. 1 have not ceased to .• love her and It IIhe continues to love me I Ilm &Ure that our wishes wUl hnve our avor ond blessing.' .. 'I have not forgotten the promIse,' he sold. 'Dut Arnerlcn h llG chonged. 1t Is likely to be Il hotb ed or rebellion -pcrhoPB even the scene of n bloody war. I mus t consider my dll ughter's hnpplnpss.' .. ' 'ondltloos In Amerl cn. s ir. lire not so blld II" yo u t llke th em to be,' I I1S' sured hlll i. ' " ' 1 ilo,,~ ." 011 nre rll1ltt,' h e nnRwcred. 1 nm 10111 thnt th e who le ntotler r ests willi yon I' Do lor F ronl;!ln. Ir WlJ >IT(' 10 go (In rrom bnd to worse he w ill be r ( ·~ p (' II . Ihle: ' "'If II 1'" Ms with him 1 cnn nSBnro )' 011. sh·. t hut our troubles 11'111 end,' I snlll, lotll. lng only Ilt the surfnce at th l! ma tt er and speaking confidentl:r " n1 "r tI .~ h .lnnmt~~~ pit at my Inex· Ilerlt·nre os Ihe you " l' oro III<e to do. "'1 hcll()" e YOU ore r l\;lIt,' hl! de· cillred lind went all with n smll". 'No>,. Illy young fri end. the girl hu s II notion thlt t she loves you. 1 .om uwn.re of that- Bo are you. I happen to know. Throu gh Doctor ' Franklln's Influence we bove nllowed her to rocelve yoUr .letters ana to . answer them. I bave M doubt ot toor l!incertt:r, or bel'8, but 1 did Dot foresee wbnt hili come to pnes. Sbe Is our ooly chnd nnd you enn B~nrcel1! bIll me me If 1 .bJlIk, at
worl' i II,; hi~ \ 'ny to hicn t:lI '" n froi.... ht handl r, h enten '<l t he ni"t'rsi y oC hicago Law Sl'hu, I ho wns maue GCllbl'nl AI :"1'.1 , )'. In n l' t urning to Pine BlulT. hl! t ri" ti 11/ 14 . h ~ WII8 1111101" t ;. ,.<',n l :-' oll~i n 'ul f'~tntc la w. bu~ mil lIe litt le lor "nd put in l'i w r ' , .. f .tli ~h " ITIOIH'y. AIt ~ w\' ring nn !lUVerll.,,· ('ompaIlY's litigtl llOU. lill J Ulle ~1j , nHmt in till' hlt:lI~o Tribune fur n 1IJ 17, or lhltlel'lI yell r '! und ",liP. 1I.' :I s tenogra pher ill lhe Hock Islnn<1 from th e dnv II<' slnr lt't1 Ilg II stcRui lll'lI),. hl' fin nl!;' secu red tho po- nog rnph ~r . Bell w n~ lII:1 U" Vlccsltion tit $ 100 1\ m onth . p l' es i d ~lIt un d Genom l COlluRcl of He worked 14 hou rs a day bu t t ho whol e Rock [ ~Inlld Sy.te m, tho received no extrn co mpu nsution tor hi g hest position at.loillu ble. hi s labor s. III 1901). after hav ing B.. II's tnllgnifi cenl home is i n ~tsrtcd at th e very bollo m and Pine Blu ff. His advice is: "Nover climbing s tep by slell, he WII S , grumble ouce. Work like the ,"cry chose n Assistan t Gell eru l Atto rney I clevl!. Save something out at every of thc Rllad. The foll owing Auril dollar yoU matu.. Be l)atient."
ve (ne 1m· medIa til family oDly Mrs. BlggoTII. I slater of Lady Bore. and a )loung nephow at SIr DcnJamln wore at the table."
'loll ? Thl're Is no hN lcr nllin " ,·III,I;. ~ 1l111 10 ~I nrj:ar{'t.
nhUlld ill h is low. In I II 2 he wnll Rcimitt"rl 10 ' th e I1a r nud op 'nl'lI n law Qffic over u grocol'y sture. ] n 1903; he closed up sho p. ami
nnturc~ -
hi' hllllseJf WIH' I,(~ \ er' he Is, nnd w h y
-Hlltlnl In the 1Mw. ObI Y.OI! I!yer Ond a DHt ell~ .ltb ('gl(6 In thll BIIO\V' Wblle web aD l':q,CI'lcnce mtly be put dowo In 70Dr Ull ttll'(! dlnr)' 118 lIU event. It 16 Quit, i',,~sl hl c, Mya Nllture Mnllldno. Tbe J;'rell t· horn~d owl hll 9 more rhnn IIlIce 1"'~ 11 ,1I R l'O I' ~ red broodlo, \>em'lIrll a 1111ill! blullk el In tho mldll ot a r,t.. runry bllz~8rd.
ED Forty-f 11I :'''Ilr~ Pho , It\1"CUS L. D 11. mll liu II:. 'r u 'k! -p ..tllclr nt ,tnd g en.'rll l .,\\" ,)$Ql /If t'h· :hk ng, 1 "j; ~ 1 l\1I J .\lld I'n ·U\ t· 1 ui llr a y, IV,I' rUl'n in t hr " P" I' t. 'I ion' of pi, .• Ill uiT. \ rlm" a. I'),,· r" mil : \\'11" "xl!'c m ~ 1 • p(lo r. r Ul1llV [h ·1l ,dJlal l' d Ii!e U' nn eTTn .. d b (\ ~' I hc ,·(· . 11,.1 uti Il'(l l~y thl! Iil-hl "r n k" r,l.rn.' lum p. Wlwn he
kIlOW, bu t this I~ Iht· "III" , cnuld l e n ~ t alford to !ll vtl up. I hnd IO Il J: I'l'en \l'on<lI'I'lng whll t I should do "'Iwn It CIIUH! . Now It '1'II S romo [lnd Ihero was no l uklog thoUllh l o r whut WI! should do. Thllt would sccm to hllv becn seW ed out of court. I kissed her lips nnd she kissed mine fi nd tor a tell' momenlS t think WI' could have 8tood In a hlllf bushel nll!IIBure. Tben ttle Doctor Illughed and gave ber lads ship 11 smuck on the cheek. " 'I don', know nbout yo u. my lady, but It 611s me with th e glow of youth to see such goln/f on,' he l'Qmark ed. 'I'm onl7 tWOll(y~ne li nd nobody know. It--nobody s usped8 It even. These wrinkl es Dud groy haIr nre ollly a mask tb ut co,'era the heart of a boy.' "'1 ('Cnless that sucb 8 sce ne dues IlUSh me bllck Into my girlhood,' sn ld Lntly Bore. 'AI IIS I I (eel th o old thrill.' "SudtJenly Solr)ll1on nrr h·e<l. Of COII I'se where ~o lnlll o n Is. olle WOlli n eXI'l!ct soled in S. 'I'lu'Y ·lI'cr,· li nt 11'11 111 , In h · I had not lr\('(\ 10 pre \lnrp hllll fo r Ihr oreleo \. ~o l"I"ou Is I" '" nd tn ",
-- - - - --
S AaDd l.. EN LlC~M
for lubrloa&lo. oU. . 811ny or f'ommt .. C?il and Paint .Co.. 370, mU . , U, ( ·I""IIIIDd. Oblo
tnJ~ ~190· • JII(1.
Bilnr. .. ..
W 'InNT~O-A IIttObeD C:.,pbo.~ good oondl'1on. IoqDlre .... \
tbt', I.l(B~
mU "
W "'NTED-HauIIDIl of "illdDcI~. }, allo wtll buy ,oar old PAptln. "
'''gil lod junk
Wm. BoblD80D, '
W.yoe"vllle, Ohio.
fOrSale l:
. . ... ... ._ - \
ACR~ f.,rID. evorytblrl'lI"-nmd "
erU-IID IdOlll1 oooD~ry b"me IlOon IIlnd A:l"rtl~" Bill: 34,8ellllrf,loll. OhiQ all '
II Otl
Loout.1 Ff'noo p(\II'. 200 Line 4:4 ;prq"r; Po.. Inquire ~...
•• , L pooald TlnollY, pbooll 1I:l. I"' ! W"J'n08VIIIt', Oblo a¥ .
100 " " !Iona rnol' Pull .. III, ."04IIDI,-.d • II 00 ... J' "Il"jn~'
ob ~
oonl.hurlling Brooder. liliO "blelr IlltA . W. N . t;earll, pb"'It. 111 . 11, W ,y~ • a 28 : . viII" , t 11110. "
PULAN O.UHIN A Brood SO...... ·.I~ , eo 110m II FilII PIli"; 1111 ImmulI~, 8.. U, 8nDl, R. 0 Ii .• & Lyal•. lIa~ '. .. ~lJbllrD Ita"", '" IIIIl '. S.$:iC. W,hh per 100. Nr... B V. tlm ..a, •.
R. U.
Waroseville. Obto.
"" '
Ere"klll~ PhlW 10 ' OtllHJulon ( 1 "I.llt !jUl. :) rea.. It ; 3 or ;1 eo wf, "" me "lffl, will I.r. row 1.. 1\ of .. bhl mOlllb, ,Jobn B4!'.ab R. U 2 W.YDl!lIVtlle, Obl6 d
~ .
B KI£lo(l'a. A D LEY HtrlliD Blrrecl Boot t1.00 "fir MUID,. or III 00
100 MrlO. E ~ Ikllr. pbone 88 . Wayulttvllle, ~bto. · mtG ' .(" ., ~1l1.olt;.;Mar., '& 1ear l! old, 1O~4 "Drt ",dl ,worll aoywbel'tt W r~ reo. 8rlddo cl,' R D. I, Wa,Den ',e, OhiO, m2& . (I .. r
, .
ORD RIlOllbou& 91'h baoll boch·, :'It. good 8bllliB, IPqolre o' Jubin, Loog, ".raKe, 'W",lientile, ObI " . I • . I mli ~.
o' .
FUR ' tlALE-AII kinde W:.tl ~ l'aper "I ·d 'PHlut_, .. 'bl! rl,b" , prlce~. Call .lId lee MalDpleli. ~r. ~ ry M urr"y. 4'~ ~t" ..W.YDIIIIVIllt! ;[U. '
l,o.vIlIe, Obio .
A LOT ot Mixed quire of g.-"ok
I llI.un., ·
' .
Thinking In P.ace. ~, ~.Ii:1' we ."v" ,PII .140 OP &he Alone aD a detert 1811lD~. ' of a 11''4' ~d¥ r·,tord Ihlnk In 1)eIce. but' b, maY' lIot II'" U.· Blfrd, ..i b/ltti'lland 8elr... I'oe~ 'n ng enou,h to do him aDy 1ODd. , J ~&a'IOI\». W.. "0.... "11141. OhIo I
I .
, •
lao {YOU''''''' FOR.
' TheMWai
•••. T. H E MIAM I GAZETTE ••••
WELLMAN Mrti Mullie Davie IIlowlv ImprOT. log. .
C. L. 'CI ' A"'I~, Editor Ilnd PIIIJli, III" . \\ ay llt'~ d lle , O hio ~"
SubBcrintion Price, $ I .&U pl;\r Y' a r I
Auvel l''' ln~' H " ~I"" '"' ' I ' r ru :·,r , .', , ', \ I t
i.!. I1'::,.. ~11-: nlr /\~
What Is A Farm Day? ==:==:== == "The farmer must be able to earn a living by worlctnll r€atlonable hours, like any other business man or wa~re ea rner," essays a city editor in a recent enlightening edit ol'ial. Enlightening, because it serves to show how durn much ignoranct! still pel'~h;ts in urba n s anctums as to all th ings I'ural, The farm "r will not soon, pl'oLabl y not ever, enj oy an eight, ten or twelve-hou r day EV~RY day of his year, On the u vel'age fm'm, worked by 0 11 family, and that l fnt'1ll will f eed thi s countl'Y fo r th e mos t purt, t he sixteen and eighteen lind tw entj',11\Iur day fo r someLody on the furm will be the ru 1e nt certain · s asons. Until a f ederal injunction will r e ·train th e storm clouds from giving the new mown hay a bath, and until weeds quit A"l'owing wh en the clock strikes 5 P. 1\1.', and until hu!:!ky hl!ads of the herd quit breakin!5 pasture f ences, and until horlles quit goinll lame ill the midst of plowing, and until blight, and drought, lind mild ew, and aphis, weevil. and grub, and bug, and worm, lind mould, arid rot declare for n six-hour day. the farmer will fi ght for the life of his crops. '. The D'~lQrtment of Agric ulture tells us the fnrmers' r evenuo hae crown $960,000,000 in a yenr and the money ha gs of tho Ellat shout from tho housetops, "Look' at thllt !" We have not yet been laId how mllny millionp of added expenditure has been plleq on the back of the nIlin who tills the soil.
Let us hope that the movement to unify the divorce laws of the United States, 80 that men and women may no longer be made criminals in one state while they may lead lives of complete laxity in another state, immune even from the )luni.s hment of public censure, will find a responsive chord in tHe hearts of all Americans. The divorCe evil does not start at the altar. It begins in the school. Too many of our children have only a bowing acquaintance with the ten commandments. Also, too many of our parents fail to disentangle tne four factors that have funned the rock on which the American nation has been llllilt-tbe s chool, the church, the home, and the government. Each has its part to play, We must start by restoring these high moral standards that marked the . pilgl'ims, who built this land of ours. We must bring buck a propel' appreciation of industry, respect, s deeper understanding of 81lnatity and a better understanding :"f what the home ~s, lInd what its preservation means to UI!. . . Grove danger exists in the trend toward s~alled forward looking thought in r elation to l' IIg ion. Marriage has come to be an agreement, not a !:!lIcrament , and divorce, i1lstead of being frowned upon, is made tht! subject of the vaudeville Joke. OUt' fH t hers and m othe)'!: mn)r well denounce those who would und ermine the !'It:lhility of ollr j!ove l'l1ment, J:.ut let them r PllIember th on : arc mOL'e ways Jhall olle of W l t...:;..i!l .'
-. '
eater Strength and Longer Life in tbi& New Fe ce ~ost
~lra, Ma ry A 11 00 WOH opera fed on n t Ulncl!JDlIlt.! 1011\ l'hursrla.y, M I ~8 Elld/L (~my . oor gohool tflaoh er, hH!l besil hO Ule wi tb t he m tl mpe, 1\1 r~ . Bo ll oBeigb way dIed OD MOil du ~' ml1rn i ~lg a t tho home ot Wa lter '1'1bb1\18. Mr, aDd .M rs (Jb us. Collins tlpe D~ t!und ay with t he ir mother, Mr8. MIlUle \:tra'y . Mr. oDd II1fa AIr Whetsel PII'er~ tllio ecl Mr, aDd ~lrH. Leo Whewl Ildn other relatlve8 Sunday , ependlng severa l daYIl In the ho ue of Walter 'l'lbblllll, Mra. G.BO. Ellis .. nd Ve8t", and Mr. an.! Mra, Ed Bogan, ot 8prlng Mra. Ida 8>O'1111e 8aw " 'rhe Covered Valley, Bpent Tuesday nigh' wHh Wagon." at Wilm ington on 1.1 nday Mrs. Buunllb lJogan and Ber t. ...- - Ed G r ay <llod ot hi s home li t Flot Il'ork MonelllY m orning. F o ne ral fr nm th o chufe;, IJ D W ed l1 .. ~day, cOlld tl oted b v Rev . BenDett .
ERE is a new and better steel fence ' post- the RED TOP Double Strength Studded Tee. No holes to weaken post either above or below the ground - proved stronger than all'other posts at all points by severest tests. Fine new finish and sturdier anchor plate. New staple that is stronger and easier to apply.
Cod Less in 'Fence Lasts Longer
Huge Silv er NUUGet.
;.\ ~11 \,(lr OI I!.:g'" wl'i:: ldtlJ;:: !1.:!OO pounll -- lind :U':1'ia' Ip,t: j -~ , ' (I:' " ,'nt pure nr.', W l\~ round I,,' , ,·" hHI1 mi n er w hll, ' doinL! II" !'. ..... ',11'1:1 \ \ III'l;, on hi S Th" nug.. d ulll! nn th l' ~l llolr ,"d rh l l' '-!l\t I ~ wOl't 11 IIhp~1t ~".!n f tlIU.
Fri€ln ne of W,dt. llr .J o rel .. n , " 00 Is
~' Iorid t\..
b uve r l'Cl'iv ofi
W O rll
Sl'\''' 1 al
liTOJult·", ,,
ln t io ns . 01' m iVhl y
w \lrlci-~I)urt .
CCRS is cD s i('r ' n ~k n oin' U Ci\t. - -
he'll hhow n foul preRiden t righl where h e's nl-for you bcL lhe 8ditor knowsl I n \Vida· world diplomacy he is a peae h,- You sec, the Edi to r knows; he plugs every chasm and sews up the breach,- it'a plain that the Editor knows. . . . He landa with a blff on the powers that 00.-110 geezer eo apt OF impulsive as he, and he stops when the enemy takes to a tree,-Gol-darn It, the Editor knower Aa a moulder of sentiment he I, lIupreme-and thIs the com· munity knowlI,-and the fli ~ht of his fancy III lIometlmes a acream,- It'a proof that the Editor knowsr He walJops the welkin In front of the mob. . . . To bring home the bacon Is part of his Job, and hill life ill a lurid, perennial throb, Lord bless him, -the Editor knows I
Mr. aud Mrs, J eff Barris have r eo
bp will n "~ ~t!l rt, ho me w H I, t,be turned tr om l!'lorldo.
ntu.' rp.
lJ u 1M\l ilt at all we ll.
Joe Dav is and wife eUlllrtalned I, A. H.u\socll: Imd wife, of Dayton, lS u II clolY .
OJlOVE ZOO YEA--"---mighty im;lur · YiJU b,·t the Ed i or k no 'J~! H, ' it fu 1'l'1Il , J' -
This is the type of post aU manufacturers have for years 'been trying to produce, but it was given up as impossible. A RED TOP engineer had to discover a new principle in rolling steel before he could make this Studded Tee. But don't get 'the idea that it's an expensive post. This new RED T OP costs less than the better grade of wpod posts and lasts twice . as long. It ac ally costs considerably less ., ' ' . set in t he fenc line. It's the greatest value r~·.,';-'. ever offered in a fence post. __
you'll fin d lh:,t th, 1·:.l ito r knows. 11 1. \,~lIlid is , ll!h tcous nn' right olr 'h l hll t,- lh,· pro·
Where Wreckers Work
Mn . John Lowry ilaufJerlng wUb a oo ld , Min Flonmonda R ead 18 DO\ r a. oovering her frlenda would wlab (:hae. Ellie, who met with an ac· old ent laat week , Is elowly Im prov lDg. : Bugh Thompson epent Sunday at tbe home of Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Wright. The LBdl e~ Aid met at the h ome of Mrll . Vad •• Lewis WedneSday lilt ternoon . Ber_an Gray will oooUPY the t:!heehan tllrm 'hiM yoar, and work for Chas. El1Ie. MrII. Mabel Garrlaon haa been
haarlem oil has been ! a ' woddwide remedy for kidney, liver , d bladder d isorders , rheumati , lumbago and uric acid conditions.
01j»)mh.. ..
Ull d
COlTectinten1lll troubles, stimulate vital
orcnns, Three siZe!. All druggists. lruilt on the ori&inal genuine OOLD M ED AL.
91',,0... 6£12 i'HAN ITS WEAkl:t;;T' "T'H IN\(, ~
OweD I:Jilrn ., of (Jolumbus. s pen a l>ureDt~. Mr. a nrl MI'I! ~- rtlll k Barris, .lo b u F "" ly ,Ir .• uf N orWO Od . ~ p"t1 I. tim w""k end w ith b ls pllrents :'1 , . IID II M r ~ J " hu FeR ly. IIIr. " lid Mrs, V. 0 T' ,lle, ot " fl 'III~ III . r u , we r e callen 'it E . E, It,·t\KUU 'S • ' unda}' ufter no on, Mr. 8ml Mr~ , Frau k ~hldaker Wl' r e d lDu t'r ~ tltit 6 of Mr. Bnd Mrs. ;i) " • . \VHg~oDer. of Labll DoD, la8\ I:IDudll.Y · Mr lind Mrd FrlLnk Harrl8 and Bon. O.wlln. 8pont 8und .. y IlfterDooD witb Hllruld l:larrlll 1lI0d wife, of L"haDOD. Jest! Clark aDd family, Cha'. {:lor. deD' ' aDd famtly, aDd Fred ,liarlan a~d 1I111e will re&urD hom. from Florid" 'hll week. Mr. aDd IIr•. Elmer I:iohrocler and Mn. _ I ~Dd ' Mn. ' B"'88 Ke.Ter, ot Let.,D~D. were oaUIDg on lire, Ida tiowa 80Dday-aUerDooD. Ill .. wee k.oml wll,h his
The Studded Tee is equally good and equally economical for repairlhg old fences or buidiDjr new ones. Come in and see this ilew RED TOP. You must see it and handle it to appreciate how good a post it really is. , . \
Red~'/'Top C;UAI'IANT~ £: O
Strength Stu~ded Tee Steel Fence poste;
We Iuwe
CI ~
stock 01 RED TOPS on Iaantl aIuI can take care 01 your ae rd. U1itIaout delay.
~or,rf!· lfIher.w~ and ~lee B a1" rie' 1:Q()~pr bQtb . ,u'td'" rweD' lin op, 4lrat!on Tbarada,.,a$ Bal.'. bOltpili&!, \Both are R8~'lDI aloDI flDe. The n~w mamp vio&lms .. re Kirt I .; ' " . ~e~e,r18l, EHI~ Bhldaller, Gerald Adame, Laorenoo Jaoobl. Barr,. t!·o we. Wal&er CoIIIDI, Rhea MoCar ren, Ullff aDd Jllmes MoGee, W, An~. p , ' MoCBrren, "1· _ _ _ ......_ _•lIaoDooald. _ __
Mml.ge A;e In Turkey.
Under the Turkish la..... there It no minimum age find tor the morrtole of atria. Any mlllll who CaD "walk prop.tJ ond enn understand the neecllllary reUetouB service" Ie permitted to be......... ",If.. • _ • Marvlloull
The Second Great Saturday Brings--fT-esh, New Merchandise at Remarkable Savings!' Come Early While Choice is Still Varied
r ",wre Henne: 01 Thll Rlk~.Kum'.r Co.
Two-skin, natural squirrel chokers, fine quality; $14 Plain and pleated flannel skirts, smart colors ; $9,75 Spo~ Coats, plain, novelty plaids. stripcs; $27 Sports Coats, plain, novelty plaids, stripes; $27 Tailored 4ncn drcsse.. all colors, yarn trims; $6.95 "Tricolette petticoats, .tucked and embroidered; $2.50 Satin breakfast coati, large assortment of colors; $7.50 Radium aUk gown.. tailored stylcs with bodice tops ; ~~
Silk Chemise witti dainty figured patterns ; $1.88 Suit lIata, snappy styles, black and colors; $11.45 Rengo Belts fo~ stout figures, sizes 26 to 36; $2.69 Lace Brusierea, well·known H & W, sizes 34 to 42; 89c Boys' high sports shoes, smoked elk, brown trim; $4.90 Pure ailk acaria, fringed, beautiful colors ; $6.75 . Dimity blousel, colored, hand embroidered collars; $2 Mavia face powder, 32cj Mavis , Talcum, 3 for SOc; ~avia Toilet Water, 69c:; William Elderflower Soap; . $1.10 doz. . I . AU ailk ehiffoll hOM, full fashioned, new shades; $1.69 Gloria' umbreUu, taped e dges, wanted colors; $2.95 I Silk Gloves, 12-button length, tucked and puffed; $2 Bead~ 'aPo 2 styl,es, .very excep.tional v.alues; $2.2.5 B(ac:J1et8, fancy metal patterns, stone sets; ~ . Ingersoll Mechanical Pencil, ring or clip, 29<;, 39c: , Ivo.ry T~et\Articlea , for Drellser .69«; to $1.95 each "lrrQr-bo~ Vanity Bags; .all s\tades, each 39c 72 inch All white Cotton Nfl. fine quality SOc Tuxedo of be~utiful VenJae ~ce; special 4Se . ' _·,. ,n,,,r.. yoobite all I,.iDen bandk~., each 2ge " G~;;fb;~i double m~sh cap ,shape j doz~ (01 5Se . , Dr.S8e"~ fOf' 6 to 16 Year Girls $1.45 Dog", " Little. Cat" boxed books, each' 4Se Suits All wool tweed $11.95 ' , Our own make· peanut brittlel regularly lOc, now 18c 2.D.geen. IiIc'.,Spring Hata, Anniyersary Priced, $3 12 ..... Silk Dreaing Gowu, Anniversary Priced,
8 Mea·. Silk Sbirta. Very FiDe Quality, Special,17.50 «lO tkIclety ~ PatS ..nd Knickers, 17.50
12 Genuine Leather Brief Cases, AlI lliv(! rsary Priced, $3 22 I';t irs l\l en'_ Dark Brown Oxfords, Edwin C1 app s, $9.45
100 Dozen Men's Un ion Suits, V ery Spec ia lly Pri ced 85e 45 Royal W ilton Rugs , S ize 9 x 12, $59.50 18 Genuinc Ori ental S a ddl~ Bags, P riced, $9.50 40 Seamless Wiltons, Four Sizes, Priced $31. to $86 Beloojistan Oriental Rugs, An nive rsa ry' P r iced, $21.50 Anatolian O riental Rugs, An,niversary Priced, $14.50 3G Juv enile Autos, P ainted Bright n ed, . pecial $3.95 ISO Charts til learn correct positio ns in Golf. $1.95 22 H artmann Trunks, Ann ive rsary Priced, $41.50 12 Rlack Enameled Hat Boxes, For Anniversary, $3.25 Combination Mahogany ' Bookcase, Anniversary Price, $65
Store-JlrteD'. Pajamas Special at. $1.15 Stor~lOOO Sarine . Hata $3.95, $4.85,1 ." . .' Stor~JacqUette . $weaters Priced Low ' ' . ' Store-Broadcloth and ...dimil): · '. ' Store-Beautiful Tub .SiIk Siip~ $2.71 •
Blou.e. ..
Store-N~W Gingham W .... FriOc:klSl.46 DQwnstairs Store-W\Dlderboae Special for men 22c
DoW1lstairs Store-Womeo'.
Silk .
~ .... ""u e l"~ the InllammiltlolbSolo b'~ al\ druc Ill.
F . J. Cheney'"
0 .. Toledo, Olllo.
Waynesville, Ohio
,Fully Equip!!) " ·for Good
. ser\rlce.'
,'Larg~ - Displa:y Room Properly advertised Want Ada in their proper season, will
_'Save ,by bUYing
~ ' Wayne.Ti11e."
Forest T. Martin Auctioneer Get my terms for your
. Pu blic Sale. 1 satisfy and save you money or no charges.
Box 91, Centerville, Ohio ' Iome,phone 2. Cenlervlll.Sx,
DR. E, M. RUDOLPH Th e Eye Sight ' Specialist
At Carls Jewelry Shop
, I:llllving 118olde4' to qal' blaok. Mfultb triK, I wll~1I1I1I , vu~lto ~Qo t-Ion Itt Iny plaoe of b1181D8I8 In 'BlIIr• ,,~y.barg, Ohio l 'fl " .
Every -;I"lIelday
CATARRH IDlIDI~NID IIU UH4 .ueceaatuJl:r ID the treaa.-t Of~ith ' CATARRH MEDICINE _ . .lllI of ·an Ointment which! QuloW:r Relll." by local application. and ~I ;:;:::-:,;,1 ::d~I'::d ~n T~:~C'M~t~:
Public Sate r ••.
Mohair Davenport, Carved Frame, Anniversary Price, $175 . Chair to match moh,air })avenport, Anniversary Price, $105 Combination Mahogany Spinet Desk, Anniversary P~~~2 .. Downstairs Store-tOO Newest Spring Coat. $19.75 Downstairs StQre-+l50 Smart Dresses, Spedal $11.95 Downstairs Stor~175 Pr" Children's P.umps $1.49 .Downstairs' Srore-200 Pr, Fashionable Pwnps $4 Downstai! s Store-75 JJUlior Smart S ri~ Coats . Do~nstairs . Downstairs . $7.95 ' Downll't airs • $2.49 ' . ·DOwnstairs fl.94 Downstairs , Downstai.rs
Walter McClure
Wll1l&-''Ooctnr Jones b quIte a populnr M. D., I ~ D'I h e?N NII1I8- u Ye8, •• clnlms to cll re thirst · wI! hout a tnlte."-N cw York Sun Rnil Globe.
~'7he RlKE-KUMLER CO. :ll~Aim~sarJ' Celebration
U I1JIl.jUI •
Boward MoKay tlad fa!pU,. aDd MI'!\. ~hr. MoKay !lnd SOD were 8UD. d~, It0ea'" of W't1mlllilon friends, Mra ~ar'~a Da ~ 18, wbo h~1I been 80 III for ~e;Vtl~al ,,!ee~., Is able to .Iellve htlr room, muob to 'he dellib' of nil ber frlentl ~ T h e mllny frIend II 'ot Mr,. l:Iue Hber.wo04 !Ill/ II b~ pr.#D~ \0 know that abe III q nite ..10k .wltb pneumo. nla Ilt her h ollte In Oregollla, We ~JI join wllh the tamil, wlshlDg for a ' ~peedy' ~nd permanent reoover,.. The sad newlI of ~he dea'h of Mrs Sue Muriny Wrlabt, wbo died at her borne In Detroit, .Uoh., OD Satnrday morn lo g MllfOh , 16 •. at Ii o'clock. rtliO ed OR.on So~day noon . She IIl1d been oonfined to her rOODl wllh ~ c'lmpilolltlon of dlsea8eB for atmodt u ~V ll "~' ' The foneral WIUI h eld at LimB.• Ohio, Mondsy morn. Ing 8t 10 o'c look, after whloh tbe hod y WII8 Il\,d to reRt by the Ride ot h er hu~bnod in Lima oemetery. It will bd r emelD bered that Ihe 111'''8 bor a lIud rn~i~d bare and where abe 811eDt, ber ch lldbood dllVI . Sbe Wll8 . th e yc; l1n ~e~t sister R . J. and Li d.. Morr,,>,. I of thl8 plaoe, who sli ll IIv tlMIII th t: old homeste"d, Mrs. Ll zz re h'ee tlnd ~ r8 Margarel I:)her. wllot! , o f Wayu es ville . . .. nd JOleph Murrn:\" of \1ulvBo e, K~n,
•• • ••
Thurlday, ,March 11,1101"
~lnnID,.' 11 lot of sool. and I.Wok, Iill '!pI'tlotlloalll,!1 II>?W. • J. 1',
8:00 a. m. to • p. m. .
• Joh'li ;W,. Miller !......o~A_VE_Y_OUR....,::~i~$_Wl_INED.;.,.....:.
Th. How
Mine LookL
• c:oaJ Qlln " .. til 0111)00l'on
Thouunde of Hunt.....
ports, )ald o\'er on II Blele.
chain ID • Inrge waltlnl room:
In ·the·
"SIr John will !ICC )'OU In n moment. air." .n attllldlin t Inld to Doctor Franklin they enl ered. Th moment \Va. a very long onll, 'T hird unda y in Lent. larch 23 At lal t the door to the prh'a teOroo m Church 'chool I\t 9:30 a . m , ~ rvice ot t ile treat phyllclan crenked on Its and ~er mon at 10:45 u . m .• Rev,' hinge, wIth n klod ot grono nnd he RlIlph Lee offic iatinlr, ~ame out aecompanled by a limping
Jl)ino, wJth Ita nloln rerrld ,r IIn.l I,,, , ·IUI II.< 1I 11II1f' 11'l'f(' I, re "Ix mill ion lnt I'I\J <'hnmlicl'tI \\'0111(1 ' Iook nil 1111 I l\IJIII<'I·~ . :I nti (cns, If not Inll\lJr~d ' , ot 11k a long brldg • with t · ''Q U~lIt SUI" t1)nIlSllnU~ Irnppers.
Poor Richard
~==============~ · ---======~1
patl ~nt.
Is worth not only what it will buy-it is also worth what it will cam, at 4% interest. compounded semi-annua ll y. And this strong bank. operating under the rigid supervi~ion of the United States government;and sharing in the safety of the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM; passing on to its customers the benefits of its' Membership ill . the grea t associal ion; provides for tbem the maximum in protection and in service_
CHAPTER VIII An Appolntmllftt' and a Challeng.. Solomon Bldkul had lett th e cttl with Preston to visit SIl' J etrrcy Am bem In bla country .81, nen r Lon don. Sir Benjamin had tllken Jacli to dine with him lit two ot bls club. nnd after Illnlng theJ had 10lle to the great actor Robert Bell8ley ns Malvollo nnd the comedian Dodd al 81t Alldrew Ai1Iecheek, The Brltlsber b •• been most polite, but hid _m ed It.. 41ouI1J to avoid mentton of the ~
The Waynesville National Bank
"Walt hll!re lor ft mlnute-il gout minute," lald Frnnkllo to hI, youog !rlend. ''When Plrtnille dlllmlascs me. I will preaent yoo." Jack eat: and waIted wblle the room lI~ed with ruddy. crotehe)' acoUemen .upported by canes or crutch~ldef'o Iy. old and of wlddle alfe. Among thOle of U,e Intter cloas W81 a glnnt of • man. erect ODd dignIfied, accompanied bJ a big blond youngster 10 a UeuteDUlt':s uniform. Be l at down and b"a. to talk with another patient of Ibe tro.~bl e8 In AlDlrica. NI ... th e d-d Yankees have thrown anotller ea,rgo ot tea overboard," snld ba In a tone 01 Roger. "Thl~ time It In ' Q\pe Cod. We m U8t give thOle Yahoos " les800." Jack surmised now thut hero W811 the snt'Oll9l v~ Tory geneml of whom th. Doctol' had spoken und that the ,oung mall was bls son. "I ~ar thllt It woold be 0 costly bU81neu .endlnjf men to 8ght across thr('E' lIIotllll.nd miles ot sea." Bold th e oth er. "Bolh I Th ro 18 not one ¥onkee In a hundred Ihat bas the courage Of a
Ject o.•• reat the he.rt of the JOUIII man. Atter that the latt., .... III, vlted tl a revel .1Id a cock fi ght. declined the honor and went to spend an evening with hlJl friend; Ule pbll. OIIOpber. For daYi FrlllkUn bad heeD shut In with gout. Jack ball tound him III his rooUl with one of Ills teet wrnpped In bandages aDd restin g Oil a chair. "I nm glnd you ClIme. m, lon," lald the good Doctor, "I am In need ot better compnnJ tban thll toot. 8011tude Is Ilke wnt~d for. dip, but yoU cnnnot live In It. Margnret hal been he.r e trying to live me comfort. although 8he needs It more for h_
uck.eye Incubators a ,n d Brooder.
ot' lrE'ntJemen Il8t In comtortallte
.\ collshJ\'l'lIlJlil 111'r entlll! ot tho a l!Iu.lu!d C! DUped- lillY Nnlll" Mll it. humlln 1'1\1'(' I~ I'lIr(1\1 d ull tll'r thr I" ',nIllio . U tili' 8Urtl Cll conlll hI' IIr1('11 n I' 111' r\('~'r'H·thlll r t willI lItr.. Fill'" olf. II on ~ CUt8 o\)en no nnt hi li . Ih~ N II I.lIrr M IlJ; IIZIrIl.!. . In tht' l nl tell
MElHODIST CHURCH Sabqath choo l, 9; 15 H . m . preaching at 10:30 n. m. Wed nesd ay e vening service , 7:00 p . m . Epwo rlh League 6:15 p. rn . ; preaching at 7:0C p . m . Everybody it! corrli!!lIy invit<,d to these serv ice . Rev. I . A. Washburn, Palltor .
FRIENDS CH URCH Prof. Farr' wi ll b e with us lit th e Fri ends church next Firlll· Ony .
WAYNE TOWNSHIP LEADS IN CONTEST N ea rly 500 manusc rip ts we re puhmitt en by pUl'ils of lh e lith . 61h, 7lh and 81 h grades in Warr en Cllun t y. Of thi ~ numher, 191 or two-fifths of tht! tllLIII of the cr.ti re coun ty wer e writ ten by lhestlldentBof the Wayne 'rp, ~chool s. This nu m ber was fllr g'reater than t hat of an y 0 F t he 16-di:ltri ctH into which t he co unty was div ided .
Hardware Harn t:s ~
Arid Farm Machinery
Waynesville, Ohio ~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ !!
The large tru('k owned by the Rolland bread company o f Duyton. backed Into the building recently vacated by Frank Cr ew. lost week, comple tely demoli shing the fr ont of the p lace. The driver was delive rini a consiinment of bread to L. 1\. Zimmerman, and in backing, lost control of tbe machine, which auf· lered little damage from the accident.
"Marpret I" the boJ aclalmed. "my does Ibe need eomforU" "0Ja. largely on your .ecount, my ICII I Her tatber .. obdurate and the c:auae Je clear to me. Tb1a courtablp of JOun la taklna . . international ... pect." ..,-' HI onl,. fear th.t I II1II7 not be able
to pro..-Ide tor ber Ia • _Itable maAur." aald laek. "0Ja. )'Oa are w..1 oIl.• ..sd the DII1~ 0I0~1Iflo. "Too haft 101M capItal IlleS raeopJud ·tal_t and OClC'IIpatloD tw It. Willa I ,..cMd I'IIUadalphln I ba4 an ampt;r .tomacla u4 alIo a Dlat~ dollar, a tew peIIJIJ-. .... MUert ablrU and a pair of d1rt7 Itee\lap la mT pocketl. Man, JeaN puItII ODd t
WIUi I tholllllld Brltilb pao. ..... I would unchrtake to go trom . . e4 ot Amerl~ to another and amputate· Uie beada of the ma.le.. pnrt17 b,. force and partly bJ conlng.A I.up' tollow.d theee Insulting i ::dJ!u 1,.... u well o1r worda. . 111:k Iroll8 roae quIckly and Anna Kelly'. who has been ill for se v. AI .laek ·....u ..ytq IOOd nJght to approacbed the man who had uttered Not an ~xperimentJ but a standard guaranteed feed bI. v.arable trlacI u.. latter , . thenl. ';t'JIe Joung AlI\ettean Wal angry. eral Yf'ar8. died at the Friends Home Sat.urday m()rning about 11 o'clock for c0'YS that brings the milk. flow. up to top notch marlled: ' byt be ~llJlred to' IIJ wIth good com. The funeral. was held at the Home fortn. All .the . leading feedi,ng experts endorse its use~ "I Bhall JO te 81r .lelm l'rtngle'. In JIMure: ' . the morDlq for adVIce. Be la a noted "I l1li , lUll American. Ilr. and I <I&- Monday afternoon at 2 o'cloc k . InphyBlclaD. )I,. man wtU be havln, a mand a 'Ntnetlon of thOle word I or terment in the Friends cemetery. . daJ otr. Cauld 70U 10 with me . at Diamond-fi:"::;':;'~~,,~'==-----f~~o"'l~ed-':'I:-J.~":';:8&"::'I:'::d--.l~a:CJL ":~~=-=~~-!)WW:;::L~";!J......!I-....IYI!.Mal...JDJ~IWlIl1Lq.u.waJIMra. Belle Heighway died Monday A lIlurm~lr of lurprlae greeted hlJl .,' c-ratllHd .24% Prot. "Then I Iball pick )'OU up at Jour morning at 6 o'clock at the home - i t hi&hI,palatable to the cow and well liked by the dairymen,becau5e lodiiDaI; Y\,u wl~1 see JOur rival at fte Brltliaber turned Quickly wltb of her daughter at Flat Fork. Prlnl1e'.. 'He' IJI at home on lene ic bu in it 't he qualities thai produce a ereater milk yield, and bu bien golng to Sir 10l1li'1 oftIca eolol' moontlnl to hll brow and "!'- The funeral will be held this afterA ~&h percentaa-e .of Protein Content, toiether with the ncceaary eyef7 ~da, DIOI'Dlnr at tau-thlrtJ veJed ~e mlll'd, form of the YOIlJll noon at 2 o·clock. from the bou8e, amount of. tArl:iohycirate. and fat-mues "DiamDnd Dairy" the wltll· 1111 !atber. a.erat C1.rke.. man. . Intermentin Millmi cemetery. PI'!=ferred feed fDr cow.. 1P'Wf. 1'8D~ old Mro ., tbe J're1\eb "I take h&l!k nothlng that I aa~." he --~----a.d lDdIaIii wan ud u annalllva declared. . " , tll"7 II "","',ultKIt ,.,tuf:J ,. JII.'If'" -.II. TOf7. Be la tONVII' ~ and go!'"Then, In bebalt of mJ slandered ~ UI8 wial... It ma, be the oulT eountrJmen, I . demand the right to cll. . . )'III wnl haft to _ that "val IIIbt JOu or IIny BrlUsher who bas the of ,.oure. ae I, • lIudaome huL" eourll1l to tllke up ),our quurel." Doctor J'ranlI1III. with bla erutdl .lack Irons had spoken calmly like Mrs . It'red M. Cole sprained her IlaaJde blDl In the nb, ealled tor hili 0Ile who had welped hla wordll. ankle badly last Saturday, when 70unl trte.d at tha hol1l' appointed. The 1.ouDii lieutenant who bnd I'nThe .me:. of the dadOI' b_at,.... tered tb~ room With the fiery, mlddl&- abe stepped off the last step in the ~., ROBITZER, Proprietor OIl u.. lint ftoor of a larp bulldJllt apd Brttltiller. roae and facod the cellar and turned her foot. She ie • 'O:'.;,;....;._ _ _-.""'!!"___~----------------.tl Ia ~uare. neat.traet.. .4 n~ American alld aatd: able to hobble l round with the aid -, "I wtll'tak:e up his quorrel, e1r, Ber(' of a chair, II mJ card,'" "And here lao mine." snJd Jnck. "When will JOU be at home?" "At noon 'tomorrow." "Some trlend ot mlne \\'111 call UllOn --+-lrw'!!--'lfti:~IIU:ul'E! d the otner. A look of surprise came to the tut'll of Ill!' lieutenant tiS he surveyed the """""""""""'WIiI."""'""""" , eard In his hund. Juck wus prepured FOR SALE tor the name he road wblch was that of LIonel Clarke. That evening Solomon arrived with DARK blne Potret t,wlll dre81. ne_v ~ r worll, Iuqulre of Mr!!. Preston. Jock told them In detail ot the untortunote event ot the morning. Dodd, Waynes ville- Oblo . Solomon whIstled while his tuce began to get ready for a snot. "Neevartou8 I" he eXclaImed. "Here'l anthln' thnt'lI have . to be 'tencled to ·tor(: I take the water." "Clarke Is full ot hartshorn oM \'In.egnr,'· sald PreRlon. "He wus like tlaat III Amel'lca. Be could mnlte more trouble In ten minutes than a regIment eould mend In a J ear. He ls What JOu would cull 'a meun cuss.' Tlut tor hJm and Lord Cornwallis. I should be back In the servlce. They billme me tor the present posture of al1'alra In Amt'r1ca." ".lIck, I'm glad that young pup aln't me," enid Solomon. ''Thor never WOI • man bettelr coculoted to pleaso a friend er hurt an enemy, U be wos to 8ay plstoll n l1Iess that 01' sling o· The new Ford all-eteel bod, and cab mounted on the.1IIIIOUa Pard Jour. would bu's out lauahln' an' I <me-Ton Truck ch.a8IlI provide a complete haW. wdt aln't no Idee he could 8lan' a mlnnlt at the remarkably low pric. 01 S49O. " In fro.nt. 0' Vour honller." .Entlrely Different!
· and Better B19ger Milk Results
fa~ bef~
the Ford o..·n"r. the ne ... Cooper Rub-Mika En· c1o..,d Baurry perfect a ..urance of lutlnland - -•• tisfeetory-een4ce The: hi,h qu.lhy of the Inner part •• the s lrong and BtUrdy Rub-MikaCaIC and Rub-Mike LId . which ..,curdy ..,ala aU tcrmlnate and conncedo""
ordinarily exposed, agalnot all road dUll. mud end .... ter • 0 11 make . combination that usurea beucrbetlcry Ml'Ylcc. Till. "~,,., Coo/Wr product wdllllcrit3 your InI'C311/tD'k,,,,
Cooper P1'OdudS
Waynesville Mills Coal and Ice Co.
Orndorf & Servis WaynesviIJe .. Ohio ,
Sears .and cartWrIght The-Late GlassHied Ads ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE
AD AU·......... Truok,At A
a ..aruble ...... .u-purpoI8
BuJlr oLheavy aheet I!tHl. etroni1r N-inforacI. rht. . .unch ClUck .. demped to wlthmnel..ven UIIp ID • wiele IIIDII 01 1Dd. . . . GeDll'OUI loadlDi apace. four feet by leWD . . CW9 permt..
eMf handlJng 01
ClU"clrr loaell IDCI pnMIiaD. _
IDOWltiDI of .fADOPr top or ecreeo eide&
..a. b
~c.cl clriVU'll eppreclate the _ _ _.pnd JatuIW 01 1M .... cab, .1IIhich b fitted wlt~ nimofthJe. ~ curtIlD6
-----.. 'I~'" It • (1'ft
be oDotID"'d)
"aott The mRD wbe Informs Jeu that lite lan't worth 1I..,lng II the Orat to teJ~ pbone for a doctor It u aplder bltet 111m. ' --____.... 4.______ . Ban ." BriM/ .... · A telephone (!(ImpanJ' I. New Or1~1lI (orbld,. nll1 ot the 1.000 girli In Ita enlploy' to wear brleeleu or wrIIr watebea.
.' ·WAYN£SVn.U: MOTOR CQ.' .
' ~HISNewCooper
Battery, with . It. strone .nt! Iturdy one-pIece Rub:Mika c.sc. Ita aleel re-enforced Rub-Mika hanlile• and. 10ft cushIon bottom, Ie tI a new high stand_an! in banery con.truction. "
-;. :, ~:, ... .~
:; .. :~
Notl~ 4)1
RNDORF " SERVIS W.,aeivIlle, Ohio
"'- --
Don't forget if you change lOcations to get a transfer-costs you oQthing. Remember, we are able to quote you rates in the big companies, as low as the small ones, so why pay as much for a pig as a hog? ' .
Waynesville, Ohio
Phone 61·2
r. ear
Whole Number 5587
Mrs Lee Hawk e visitor Saturday
a Daylon
~ h8!~)::e~~~~o~;edS~hi~~:~~.
MARfS1UXllIARY IAllep.and Samuel Gordon. eldest ahild of ORATORICAL CONTEST Angelina Joy, waa born on
~ ~
Me"srs Ell Sweeney am-I Francis --li the Samuel Cornell farm "Dorth of 'I'h,' lI apll\' Ilo ur club met wit h Walter Elz('y i8 Buffering from an Col emllll. u( N,'rwood. were in town The Womlln's A\llCiliary of St. Lytle, Ohio, May~. 18&1, and ' de. . The ellminstlon oratorical contest Last Wedl' eBday. March Ill. SI. M r" ]{~ I",~,' " I'Li rnas and Mrs. Anna ulcer on .hill eye. ,• Thursday .Ma ry 's Chu rch met at th~ home of ' parted this life March 20, 1924 ared whi~h was held i~ the school gymna- Mary's pari sh with Rev . lind M r~. HlJ k'e fur ,I ~ ,\ hreh meetinl!', Eight, ' ., . , Mrs Cadwallade r on l"rlday after- In years 9 months 28 daya slum laRt Wednesday evening. was Ralph Lee alld daughter and Rev. ePIl IIhJf Il ' ", .~ " njoyed tho afternoon hus hl!en qUIte Me and Mr~ Id ' 1 .att herwall e. Mrs, noon. Murc h 21 . Mrll. CarI W fl II Iid er On April. 5 1882 lie W88 ' united In pronouneed a Buccess by all attend· Ph'lI Porter. o f Dayton, 111](I II f ew dLi rifll( ",hIeh a fi no program was . Mra k f Mary Caskey SIC . ;'Ir aev ru aye, .,'. ~ enr! " ~t crlhwulLe a~~ M r~. G and Mrs. E L. Th oma~ acting as marrillile to Lydia Pepper' tbis union Ing. The High School orchestra fur- local g uests met in the din ing roo m n,nde':dd Mr~. Harry S~i th and ) . . . . /arln ·u . MIlls were Duyton VI~ltor8 W, d-, JoIn . . t hORl esses, . . hed t he musIc. . f G range ha. II were h \• nan. Surfacehllll 'sold Ille . was severed by death October 19 nIB , 0 a d e I'IC.lons M r~ 0 aVI.~ LI '' urnas we re vl'SI'tors abo~e Corwin to ~lIrry· Smi.th . . '\ nesduy . '. Mr~. 'Cadwallader condu:t.ed t~e 1910. IOu September 12,1911 he w~ There were sixteen contegtants on and generous dinn er wa~ serven lJy Deli cious ref reshment.s were .' ~. devotIOnal servi ce and all JOIned In united in mllrria!le to) Mrs. Sarah the program. The contestants were the grange ladi es. Mere words c ~ n· ~e rved by til e hos tes~es. Wo ~ re hllndicapoed tl\is week on Mrs. ~ O. Cartwrl \Zht and dangh repeating Pdalm 23 fo llowe:i by .· . ~ d' 'ded ' t th d" I -th fI t not do justice to the dinner. It - - _.-"---, ter. Miss Henrie!.l.ll McKin.s,ey. and ' . S . I ' l t' . ' Ipompaon.! . .... ~VI . In 0 ree IVl8 on~ e rs 'ICCOUIIL the 1I111 e~s of Ethan Crane Mrtl Lee Hawke were Dayton visit. p:aye~. crlptura qU~ Ii were .Hia lallt IlIne88 cqvered a period of dl\'lslon was .composed 0 studenta could not be surpaysed. Mrs 'J. C Hawke and Mr . C. Lee ors Sa turd ay. . ,.v. lvAernt ·1n rhesponsde .to rO ctha . . t more than '8 year which ,,:,a8 borne from thl! thlrd.dfo,urth and fifth At the church at 7 o'clock th e er t e ; ea 109 0 f e mmu es witb ptlilience. He _18 survIved by a grades; the secon 0 the sixth. sev- mld·week se rvice was held . Rev . Hawk e were Cincillnali visitors Sun· G f) M' Th d and the bU Siness for the day had wife (Jne siater a brOtiiel' and neph- enth and elgh~h grades' and the Porter preachi l'll a very Iielp ful se r· Mrs. ,. . \II R ~pe nt ure ny II . d fl' d • , • day mon o . uml FrirlRY of IIIHt week in DBy(on. leen Olspose . 0 , rt Ie t~me:ag e~ IlW anel a number of relatives and thlr~ of the Bigh School students, N "lice i~ h ·reby Iti ven tl1at a d Anll K"lly. flf· ~I ' nclnn ' a"", was " f h I h J f '1 " vote to sew ll1g or t e meral triends First and .second prizes were given - - -- - - - - meeLing ot the Wayne · Township MI'~ ~ ' tb e p:ue ~ to er lro t erane amlY. H J M . I Ii . IS · ' . . , the g ues t nf Mis!! Leah Smith last C M H ' . Ot gson emorla osplta, ewa· He was an active member of the In each dlvlaion, The winners of Very Llk"ly. Li brary Association Is called for • ' ar !;lr. nee T~nnessee. Orth04,ox l<'ritmds of this place. tie each division were as follow9: Wc don't knit\\" t he h , ",II~ thnt April 11. at 2 p . m. at the Libra ry . . . ~ week . , Late in the IIflernoon delicious hel.d public office's in Wayne Town- First. division-Beatrice Robltzer wou ld mak e U8 live n IHlIull'c,1 Yl'lIrg: Tbe pu rpose is to take action upon a nnd I.f w e did. wc'd ]J1'Uhllhly n~gleN Save ,Your 010 .cllrpet.s and rugs refreshm ents were served by the s'\,\ll to!r more thon thirty yea~s, en· 1st. Ethan Lewis 2nd. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Frank re30lution of dissolulioJ;] of the Asao· them. ~nJj gel "W , a r wl'lI" Ru gs made. hostesses atlSiste t by the Misses deavutlOll at all times to deal Justly S ~ d" -M Hes8, Sstu,rday. Match 22. 1924, a Send f!.r price list, Franklin Rug ciation preparatory to transferrlnlf . . . With all men. Bls advice on points econ IVlson yra Pence 1st, Co . Franklin. Ohio CIII.r a Llle an.d H e~r~ et ta McKInsey. of law was soullht and he alway. EvelyI'! Unglesby 2nd. daughter. ' t he library to the new board of 1 he foll OWing VIS' tors were pres· gave it freely as he nndereteod it, Third division-John Paul Bolton trustees. Fred Leonard Rnd family. of He ",rill be greatly missed in the 1st. Kenneth Hetalllck 2nd . Annual Inspection of , WaynesvIll e enl; Mrs Lil,a DevitL. Mrs ~ary Georgia Mendenhall, ~in"8 Mille. spent l)uriday with rei.· The judgel were Miu Markwood, Secretary . Lodge No . ' 163 F. & (\ ·M., will be Adams, Miss May Wright and the community. 1ft , , r Uvea h.e re. • - • Mi88 Snook and Mr. Steddom. from Miss Mildred Clark spent Saturday held Friday evening. April4tb. Sup· little folks' Marjorie Edwards and ----.... per at 6 o'clock' eharp . Florence Nlghtlngal •• Frank Hawke . Lebanon. In Dayton. Seve ral local Masons attended in· - -- - Prlzl!II will be awarded to both fint Misa Ina Burnett WIIS a week-end Fln\'('nce Nightingale, Willi twentJ· epectiun.~ Harv~y s..bu r" laat ~ edlles· . and sec:ond wlnne~ of eacb dlvlalon gueet of relatives in Lebanon, . one YOBrB ' 01 nge when I be decided te Mrs. Geo. D. Mills and eister. Mrs . day niaht. ,, retonn the I.ospltals ot EIlgland. J. ~, Kyn e, are villiting their rather. lOme time in the near future. The Wilbur Clark attended tbe Farm • • I ll II , . be::r~re glad' to report our s.ick an winners ot tb, first prlie will repro- Bureau meeting a~ Lebanon last The Normal ClasS will present Mar itl Harner. in ~pringfield. who . Hnt Wayne township In the county week. i; 'Rufl'erinll with heart trouble,and Pollyanna, ,the 'play' ,·,that willll)ske MIllS SUllanna Andrews of Olive cohteat, which will be held In tbe \lohn Myers and tamlly were freed ""l1ose rqnditloll 18 sel ious. . ,you "lad,,' on ~pri\ 18. "The Gypsy Rover." a musical Branch attended church hereSunda, Opera bouae at Lebanon on Frida)' Friday trom quarentine for .lIcarlet ,I Rufus Kersey and H.arold McKay afternoon April 11tl1 beiinnina at tever, Mr . and Mrs. j IF. Kyne and !on. Ed Thoml\s. Kenneth Hough. M. comedv. will be g tven by the High l , lwv. E . O. Crist, district BUpt.. Paul. were S!l~al dinner guests of o Baird. Walter McClure and Roaa School students at the School gym- attended church in WlIlI!ini'ton on 1 - 1 5 ' ' . • - • preached at Lytle church Sunday Mr alld Mre. G. D. Milla. Hari.soek attended ' Dayton lyIa80nic n&Bium on Ii'riday ni!lht. April th o Sunday. Savell by the Adrice alta K •. h:. Thom~n and .others laW aftel'noon. lodge Frl<tay evenin~ . The work Mr. Alfred Watkins Is directing the FrieDd Mr. and Mrs. Beme ' Jones and . the "Covered Wagon" at Wilmlna" Mrs' O~r Smith was put on In the "ancient form" operetta and we are aure It will be ~ n M8II',Cb 18 . \ . Mrs. Lelia Smith were Day toll visit. . Butlchb,lcit Notre ' ,. 'u~'. h .11 b' I : E.' ,C. I Mannop and family were ors Frida)" ,DQto";lut w m~sday. ~ ,~> , elf v. Sunday gueeta 'Of Mrs." lcla Mnrmon r . . Will Allen of Dlaton 8pent Sun. he eut otc aracter8 WI Proves That 0111 and Time d d, alllgbtero' HI I at Ti Pr'" en in next week'R iSBue. ,an _ ~ Pth .;...,e, Gorden Joy died at bls home on day at the bome of., Mr. and Mrs. Triell ,RemecIy .. Beat ot . Fifth Itrellt early lut Tbunda), Clflf' Burnett. caooe. (lunch will hol1 a market on satur. .. ' . , On Wednway evenin•• March 19. momiDa: aft4!r an 8lttendecl IIIn... Mrs. Marpret John., Mrs . Nettle dl.)': A~IIW. Announce~e~,ta I~ter. 19~. alt th~ ho!!,e of R. J. Murrav, Tile iuneral'wu held at bls late Emrick and daullhter GladYB, visited MIS8 E10ena KImble and Mr, Clar- h ' "-t oJ 'tte " t l ·on relatives In Centerville on Tuesday J.eei8 Thoma~. who has been workeoce Fre-.lan ot Harveyaburg wl!re ome.,. Urol.)' a moon a .I>V, f l . k . . , lna In' Oa,eo I has come, home to united In marrlaae. MrI . Murray Rev. AmOl Ceo~ officiating. Inter. 0 . . ~ ~ee . _ _. , , Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and officlatilli'. 'W4l all extend c:ongrat. mint In Miami cemetel')'. ltay, Be wm.,.put i cr of to', r'Miss 'lara l.i1e" .Mi~ Ka~hry~ ulationll. • ' . daughter Geneva ..~. "pent Slindlljv bae~o tilia luminer. I . Clark "nd Supt, N. P . Blatt were Mi88 Edith Trislllf,. of F9ste and ' lJ ' with :lrfr. and Mra, 'Kerr >Roulzahn • ' • • 1 the judJ,e. of the elimination 1 ura-' Mr. Alfred Watkios of Morrow, Cliarl Kibler, Ja80n Siddleeom, MrI• •Amanda Smith died at thtt and family nelrCent;er ville . - I ,. ! ..• Qr, . T. Wrl ht h",.eo~ j t yie.lt to rical contest held at Springboro R. J . Murray. Kent ThomplOn, ·Bar- realdence of her daullhter Mra .. I ti f tb Tb mpso W Hand MM ' . , , Ami)DIl ll.e v c mB 0 frmumpa hi' 80n A~rred durlrit' the George last Friday night The' contest. was were married on Wednesday. March 19. at the home of his 9ister in ¥erry,OWm"~War~er. ·.LeeTal~alle: Oreamer.. lastThurarlaye,eniDI. ~h8 are; Mn. Keeler Graham. Mrs . Jakl{ Sebool vacation. TOllether ~h~)' wi." cOITlPosed of st~dents from Olear· liee>rl«etown, Rev. Mr. Watkins of Tony Davis Alf VerDie, Frank, Ed tuneral wu beld Monday .. ttemoon Reeder, Jese Harris, Evelyn Johns. spend"a fe~ days In Phlladell\hla, creek township. Merritt.slown and M d M and IGeorlle Gordon . Lou Brannon, at the Middle Run church, Elde,r Miriam Wharton and Cleo Hawke. , ffi . t ' h t I tap rs' George. Dav IB, CI In ' t J ICk 8On, DDC":r<t Ad ami 0 ffi cIa ti nil· I 'In . · sloiog trom there to'Nbw ,York Ind l!Jtica thir y 'contestarit~in all, W tk' lice 0'11 cIa kIng.thO r·b an nterment Mias Millet. state nurse 0 t C·IDCID other placee of Inter8it. , Dqring hili ' • a IDS WI ma e . el ~ ome .near Bogan and E , C. Mannon attended Middle Run cemetery. mati and Miss Funderberg of LebaMorrow. Mr: Watkllls IS mUSIC In- the Jacoba aale at Harveysblltg nan we.r e dinner gueets at the . '. .... liblence hil·aiater Dt, Emily Wright · "Sl\.ve by buyin" ,n }V~~nesvil1~... struct~r in Wayne Township Schools. S!turdEL; afternoon. .Jervis. Hatton. aged 96. died at of Mr. and Mrs. William, .~ will attend to hie w.ork, : · the home of hiuon. near' Harveys- Tuesday of last week. bu'1l. early Monilay morning. The Charles KenriCK. Mr. and Mrs. '. tuneral W88 held todlY at hie late Elmer " Montgomery and daughter home at 1;30 o'clock. MiS8 Cleo. of Dayton were SundRY _ _ _•• _ • dinner gueets of Mr. and Mr8. Wal· ter Kenrick and Mr, and Mrs S. H. Bain8l. . Lloyd Hall of Waynesville' was . M... Fn4
- - _0--.--LYTLE
........ ..
- ..
~ '~e,· ~o;c.i .oci~ty th'~·E lOCAL TEACHERS..
- -_.-_.---
Or. CARD _.OF__T.H ANKS . M~u'it::r~d~~G:n:i~e~~d~~~'(;t na. Their afte~nool' and'
COME SAT. '- URDfA.Y! '. ",
The Last ,Great Anniversary Day! r Values Sparkle . Wjth' Savings!
'. , .t '.
~ ~'
3 : Dl'venpo~ts, clour Covc~~ng Spring: Seats .. $8~ < 4 Arm Chalr/S to match Davenport, Priced; ~It 4 .High BliCk Wing 'C hairs in Vrelour, Priced; $52 .' 2 Doz~!1! Mc;n's ~rihg Hats, Ce1eoratiQn Priced, $3.25 ! Men's Er,tlrlish Broadclo~ Shirts, ·Priecd; .$}_50 8 Leath!'i' Traveling Bags, Cele~ration Priced, $6,50 . '. ':Hartmanri Wardrob~ · Ta:unka, For Annivcrsaty; Pricei:J. ~v , ~.. 'r.... ,J " $41.50 • . Sale of Dress'TrunkB, For; Anni etsary, $15:50 . Men's Black :ind ,Tan"Calf; OXfotds, Priccd. :~.45, _ 500 yards Curtaining"' Voile; in color , Speciafj 37c. yard 'DoD 'CarriageS, W iIlllol'd' 24:-inelH(!oll.~ Special ·$9.50 1.0 i{eamless-Wiltona;, 8.3 ~ ~O.6; Fdl' ~nnive sary, $78 S Wilt9n Ruga, 9 :x 12 St~c , ."~Iebrat!~n ~r.iced'i J7~.50 9 WiltOD' RuglI, 9 x 12 Size, F lDest spu,, ';wool:- am $92 j
We wlHh : to exp.r811Sour thankB to the many nelllhbora and frl.,nds for the SympaLtiy and kindne~8 shown uS during the illness. IIl1d death of our belOVed grandm 'ther; al80 Mrs. MurrlloY for' hdf 'bt!lutiful and CODsalinlf IN" -lis' to the ~In"ers Mra . I ' . • • .. • • Mabel Til , rv. &htb, Davl! and MISS .Veate ElliB; tit Mr. Thomas James for t~e beautiful Roral offering Ind to Mr: Jim" McClure tor the effi. eient way in which he conducted the . , service. .We esPecially want tc? - thank Mrs Mabel Garrl80n lor the assistance in the care and nursinll of her mother. ( Walter Tibbals and Children . ___ •_ •
.~~:M~r~ suffering ' M~~'
lin au,tbor "'uea.- were , Mr. and Mrs 1t.Y;' on·catarrh anj! wants e'fUyon ...... , to know <how he got ' rid of it. ThomaB. Mr8 . . Nellie S()Wa~~ ' "I.' suffered with na~al > catarrh. 'Oliver Wateon of Bellbrook · 1·' .sinc!! 13 yellrs old. lIt gradualy e)t.. Ifrienda and relatives of. Mra. Pe· ~~~:~.ato C:;;';PI~\~ma;r~c~d Tr'::d ter Banta tendered her q~l~e a SU~- everything, cy'cp · a change of, c1i~ priae Sund~ at,hef hO!1le 10 I,.ytle In lI1at.e. 1. wan(h!red q-om Maine to. . honor of lier blrthdllY which c· Ca hfbrDla, I qccgon,. Utah, ' Colt?curred on ::;'~urday . t hose who en ra~o. No .rellcf.. .Fmallya lady In joved the occasion ere; Mi~9~ (~I~ , Philadelphia: , adV15~d me to try Carey of Dodds, Mrs -Mlnn~e t,:qrrf! . bC c~Il~~r\:; C\\tarrh ·remedy. and BOM Hubqrt. 'Daughnll nnd RU B· .~ li e~ to thi:y~ta~enfr:s a~ r sell and Mr Homer Carey of DII~;ot" am anxious for olhers tp be' Jaelped, . f?1rs Edwlnnie Surface and Ron a f· as 1. ~ve ~een,:' ," I ter: Mr, 'and M18 Arthur Bunnell 0 than 9(ty years' . Leelan, Mrs. Izetta Mercer An Pe-rll, na .has. pr,O"~d to be ,muter . ~hl' ldren Ivan!! and Laura of Leba- o.f calarrli and .all catarrhal eondi". L bons· J ~ non, Mr. /Iond Mrs . Erlwin ODll~cre. -..,. ," Mr. and Mrs Rlmeon "Brown, MI81leA For Sale Everywhere T ouella ang Almes Longa~re and 'Tablets or Liquid Calvin Longacre. ~nnger belf!!.vcs he is
. In the obituary notice of Will Montgomery. pnbliahed last week • ,a n error was made. Th' deceased wu ~ nephew of Frank' Montaromel'7
leather bags, underarm and t><?,uch styles,
Watcb your . expi~tidn,. date
-- -'.
~"- '-"==-~'
These Sensati~ nal Clos ing Out Sacr ifice s go on sale Thu rsda y, prom ptly at 9 a . 1)1., and while they last IS-in. Cras h Tow eling ' Clar k's O. N. i. Thr ead
One Lot of Regul ar 15<,· 18 in. Crash Toweling will go on sale promptly at 9 B.m. Thurs day and while it lasts, at ......... ... .... .
Lad ies' Bun ga'o w Aprons One Lot of Ladie
s' RCf'~ tlar $1 .25 Bun- • ,.~ 10....,' Apron s will go sale, starting 9 . J a. 'fhurs day and wdle they last, at......
One Special Lot of Ladies' Knit Vest (small sizes mostly) ; a regula r 25c value, go on sale promptly at 9 a.m. Thursday and while they last, at ..... ..... ..
73 1O·C 8
One Lot of Ladies' Umbr ellas will positively go on sale Thurs day 9 a.m. and while they last, at......
All Regul ar 18c-27 inch Outing, will positively go on saTe Thurs day 9 a. m. and while it lasts,
Cur tain Scri m
Cra R"g l
Ladies' $2.25 Hou le. pres ses
~di~' $2.2~ S:OUM ' Dresses, WhUe ·s
last, in this great at. . .. . . ... . . . .
45 95 ~5P~~;:: ~::!e:'::~'$3' 45 while they ,last
,Lacli••' Silk ' HOle
Ladies' Regu i a r $1.50 Threa d Silk Hose, in all t ·h ,e new shades, go, while the y last, at ..........
.' '.
Lad iel' Oxf ords and Stra pi
Black Oxfords and Straps, while they last
. 9x12 Wool and Fibr e Rug a
$15.00' 9x12 Wool and Fibre R li g .S,
:c~~~,e t~fi last,f1orqui1ck
s ,
. ~.
'Lad iel' Felt Slip per.
Ladies' Regular $1.39 Felt Slippers, all colors and aU siZes.! an
~~n!tife &~;
at .:................... ... ~ . .
Children'. Shoea aDd Oxf ords
9 8 $. . ........:, ,'s',
One Lot of Children's Shoes and Oxfords,
~~~p ~iDS. will ~l
~~~~~~~~.~ •
'Ro.am Size
B,uis.11 R'u gs
An Regular $37;~ ~U 1~l'\1iSeIJ' \tugs will
'\\ .,
John A. Fun key Stor e . FOR SALE
MiI8f . Union 8ulb One Lot of Mi.aes Knit Union Suits, an Istou n din g bargain in this sale at ,
Crowds, yes crowds are sure to conie, ·t hat will buy these stocks right and left. E' Men's, Women's and Children', Shoes ; Rubbe r. and Boots, Ladies" Knit aDd Muslin Men's Suits, Overcoats, Work an~ Dress ·Pants, Hats, Caps, Suspenders, Pants, Overalls, Cotton, Sil~ and Wool Yard Goods, Blankets, Linole Dress and Wor~ ums, tion wil,i positively ~o on s,a1!'\p ro'iDp tlyat 9 a. m. Thursday ..t ·price 5at'rifi Oil Cloth, ce that is bel vinced. Be at the doors w,iting.
Consist ing of Tables, Count4lrs. Show CaleB, Racks. Wall Cues. Deek. etc. Iy you are Inwreet ed
ChUd ren'. Ked. ' One Lot of' Chll. AlI Re~ar 6«: dran's Kede, in Package Pina, 8ma1l8i~e8 mOltly, quick action,while whUe they lest, thllY laat, will go will gp at. . at
19c All R egular 10e WilI.Sna,P. Dress Fasteners go in thl8 great sale, while thllY lest, at .
tOe Safety Pins
~~~.*~:ssh2oesand oxfordS,
"or positively CO _, ••• • •.
Two Gre at Stocks In One ' Big Sale ' Tha t II ·Bound
Lad ies' Sho el and
. •
RtlU lar
One O(ld Lot of Boys' and Girls' Shoes, an
All Regular $13.50 9x12 Rugs, will go in ·this gre&t sale, whU. they last, at
Boy s' and Girl'a .Shoea
3 M~~!~:~~~~~~~~ ....... '. S7 9. 1 48 ~ 9x12
O f th e Jo h n
in this closmg out sale,
Pearl BattOD' a..e. lot ,of .ReF.ar 10e ' Pearl .
All Regul ar 15e Curta in .Scrim good assortment, iVill go on sale promptly at 9. a.m. Thursday, and . while they last, at..............
Ladies' Umbrellas
Gin gham s
One Lot of 27 in. Apron Ginghams will positively go . 01'1 sale Thursday, 9 a.m. and . while they last, at......
Every article rarrries our Arne guaran tee and will be. delivere d at thi8gre at aale Thurs' day and while they lut just exacty as ad. vertlsed ,
L-dl "es ' KOI't Vests ow
Ball Bra nd Rub bers '
Ladies' Regul ar $1.25 Ball Brand Rubbers, all sizes, for quick action, go on sale Thursday, 9 a.m., ' at..
4 7
50 Dozen Clarke's O.N.T . Threa d, black and white, a ll numb ers, go on sale pl"Omptly at 9 a.m. Thursday-S ix to a customer; n9ne sold to childr en, at... .
No the Prin ter Hasn't Mad e a Mis take j
All Regular 100 Assorte d Size Safety Pins, while they last, go at
4c lkBa irNe t8 Our Entire Stoek of AIl Rer· ular 1Iie Single and Double Mesh Hair Neta, will go al
6c San Silk . 10 Dozen Spools of San Silk will positively be closed out in this sale, at
15c Quali ty CalIee
Child ren'. Per, Apl'Oll8
Ladie s' Knit Draw en
Childreil '.
All Regular 160Calico will posl· tively be dosed· out, while it·luts, at
One Lot of Chil· d r en's Pereile Apron.,will 10 in this aale, while they laat, at.
Ladle.' Regul a r 6Oc' Value Knit Draw ere will p 0 a I t I v e ly be closed·out at
ChQdftu'a Cp&tou Blti BOlle, fOrDIerly ao.Id at ' 2Oc, will politively go
10c · . 19c
Man y items. o~ 1~le wil to men tioa . Remem
HoM .
in thle great at ' . ,
, LADlBS' .GLOVES . One Lot of Ladiea' Chamisette ' ' , Gloves, at ...... :.....................$ .I! ies' Reg. ,fie Chamisette . Gloves, ·at ..........:.................. .S! tadie s' Reg. $1.50 Long Ch~tte . Gloves, at....... . .S! ~ie8' Reg. $2.50 Adler Kid ~.
Em ire Stock and Fixtures .~~e ~ohn A.' Fonkey Store
~iII .~Qt ·
COTTON SILK AND WOOL ' . . ~ Y A~t> GOln -S-COntiDued I ' YARD GOOI)S SPECIALS Rey. 28c-18 in. Sf;ev\m s Crash, .19 Reg. 30c-a6 in. Outin g' FlanReg. 18c-27 in. Outing Flan- 1211. nel, at .................:...............: .22 nel, at .................... _... ,... _... : 7.2 Reg. ~Oe-42 in. Table Oil Reg ..15c-24 in. Calico, .at........ .10 CJoth ,at ...............: ..::.......... :29 Reg. 22c-36 in. Comfort Chal- ,'. Rl!g;.$2.50-36 iri: Silk Taffe ta, 1.59 lids, at ............. _................... ..15 Reg. $2.60-36 in. Messaline, at 1.59 Neg. 2.~-36 in. Perc~les, at.:.:' .19 Re~. $2.50-36 in. Canton . ego 19c-36 in. MuslIn, at..: ... . .14 repe, at .............................. ~.59 Re~ 25c-36 in. Hope Mushn, .18 LA D'IES' SHOES and OXFO RDS Reg. 35e-36 in. Lonsdale CamLadies'· Reg. $1.39 Felt Slip-
R~~~5:-~6·k~·CUrtai~·s~ri~: :~~ Lidi~~~ ~~g:· ..$B~50- 0xf~~ds$
.. .87 Reg. 35e-3~ ~. CCuurtrtai~ SCMrim, .19 and . Strap~" at .... :........... .:.... 1.95 Reg. 65c-3Q m. . am arLadies ~ .~.~g. '$4:00 Oxfortls quisette~ atB·l·· .. ··h·····d···S.. h····t.: .39 'and Straps, at .. :................. 2.95 Reg. 75e:-9-4 · ee~c e ee Ladies' Reg: 1\ '5.00, Oxfor ds
ta~t:;~~e;~ $3:00'Adi~;-Ki( 1.~1
Gloves, at ........................·..... 1.5! LADIBS' HA·NDKBRCHIFS&-. All ,Reg. , 10e H~ndkerchiefs, .Of All R,g., 15c Handk erchie f.s, .O~ All ~ 25c" Han~kerchief8, ..u ., ~l~' SWEATERS •
Ladies' Beg. $3.95
Wool Swe*ters, at... .......... 2~B MISSES' ~INGHAM DRESSB$.\ Misses' $2.00 Gingnam ' . . Dresses, at ...... ·... :............... $1 ..19 .Misses'· $2.50 Gingham : Dresses, at .......................... 1.59 Misses' $3.50 Gingham-' .., 1 ,. Dresses, at . ......................... 1.98 LADIES' WAISTS ' Ladie~' ' Reg. $2'.25 Wash " ;~ .
TI,.u I Ging hams '
An ~lar 69c-86- TiaS11e Gincliam will go. while they )ut, at I ' :.
...,. 3ge ' 'I
'La~:~e;~ uP·iO·$7:50·Ge~~:.1~{S
1:4981e, at.
~. .
Slippers, while they laat, go at ·. .~
I..dle '.
$1.29 .
. Unbleached Musli n . .' >
One Lot of Ladlee' Shoes, all from 'w.elI. known 8tcdard branda, while. they .tut, go, at..
COttoIlD..... . . '. . Plaida 5' . ,.; .' ~ \
One Lot ot doltc m'"
PJaid.l: . AI) uto~
, ~n thl• .we,
wbUe it luta, 10 at
L8~ie:~t~~g~t$ioo.. ·irii8Jt~d·2.48
R:;.g56~-36..i~: ..D~eS8.. v~ii·~·~: :t~ Lad~~s's~:~~' ;:.OO···Orlor&
. 3.45 Reg. 25c-36 in. CSHkolene, at ·· .~94 I and Straps, at .~.................. 3.95 t .- Ladies' Reg. ' $7.50 O?Cfo Reg. 39c'-36 in. retonnes, a.. rds . Drees Ginghalll8 Reg. 65c-36 i!l' DR ' ottt~d Vatiles, ~nd Straps, at .................... 4.45 One Lot oi- Dress Gingham Reg. 65c-36 m. a me, a ...... . 9 Ladies' Reg. up to $4.00 .comwill positively. go in this i'1:Cot sale,' while they last, Re g · m7s5Ca-3t2 in. Tissue Gi~~~ .59 forts, at ..................... ~ ....... . at: h a , .................... ....... , LADIES' HOSIERY . Reg. 22c Amoskeg Ginghams, 18 Ladiefil' Reg: 15c CottOn Hose,$ .11 Reg. 35c-32 in. Zephe r GingLadies' .Reg. Lisle Hose, ' hams, at ......................... :.... .25 Ladies' Reg. 35e 50c Ljsle Hose, " Doyw' Athle tic Shoe8 Reg. 50c-36 in. Ma.dras, at...... '.39 d' 'R 5 Fib Boys' Regular $1.98 Lace to Reg. 35e-27 in. RilPpelette, at . .25 Lales ego 7 c re ..Silk the Top Athletic: Shoes will Reg. $1.25-36 in. White SkirtHose, .at .............. ~ : ............. . POSiti veS . ing, at ..... :............... -............ 59 ltL~did:es: RR eg. $$21:.5 °0' SS!·llkk HHos@;". Reg 75c-40 in Organdies (all a ~es e¥. .6 1 . OSf3, ~''''lII''. e~lors), at ........................... .49 La~~~s' Beg. $3.60 SDk H9~, Reg. 50c-36 in. Merc. Satin, at .37 . L4DI ES' GING~Q DB~S 36-in Percales $S·· Our Entire Stock of All Reg.. 98e-36 in;. Se]~e, at........ .69 , ~~:es.' : Reg. '~2.~1. . .' Regular 26c--36" Percales, Reg. $1.50-36 10. Ser~e, at...... 1.15. 1!e~ at ... ;................. _....$1.59 while they lalt, will &'0 at Re,g. 25c-27 in. Event t Shirt- 19 LaOl.- 1\eg~ ••. 5Q Gi.ngham. . lng, at ................... ,........~..... . . at .,.........!.............. 1.85 Reg. 75, Mer ', Table D~mask, .5~ . $Q.5Q Gingh1un ~' Reg. 98! Mer. Tabl,e Damasl<, .•79 . Ladi~' Felt Slippe rs .at" ......:....C ............ 2.48 Reg. '20e-18 in. Crash ·Towel-. .' . . $4.00 Gingham One Lot. 01:- Ladlel Rea-ular ' g , at ............. ..... ... ,................. " , '. . m 11.89 ' Bet~r Quality House at ............ ,., . " .;,............... - .. .. ..
' {V~ and Crepe de Chine ' :
·~ aJsts, at ..................;.:.:... 1.98
, t~DiEs' MIDDI~ , " . La.d!es' Reg. $2.00' Middies ,r~L9 ,La<hes' R~g: " P.P to $7.&,0 . . Flann el .&llddies,· at ... :.. L . 2.•5 ... . ;. . TOWBLS -"-~Jl Reg. 20c Huck Towe li,:at • . .10 All Reg. S5e Turkish .•19 1,\11 Reg. 46.e ". ; .' All Reg. 75c ' 45 ~IJ Reg. :7.3 . ROOM SItB . All . !.leg. $18.60, 9X12' ( •
' . .
. ~irk~ia~i"6.(io:ixi~
· .,and Fibre Rugs, ""...... ~~ol~.~. .All ~ '27.50, 9xI2
Alr~.g~~~;·'~ 9iI2... · .minf8t;er .~up,
..Jo.....;\~ ,.. ':::'l'~.'V
Imo rtan t
tbilll\le we will make excb.nl l'eI: we will make refunda: we poaltlvely ~uar· aDtee every .rtlelr to be jUllt exaetly &II adyertl l ed.
12 9
Men '. Susp ende rs 35c values , will go on sale, promptly at 9 a. m. Thurs day a n d while they ~Ia;.;;s;.;..:t,~a~t;,;,;..;.;.; ...;;,..
One Lot of Men's Regular 19c Work Socks, while they last, will go on sale Thursday 9 a.m., at... .... .. .
Stocks consisting of rw'@A.r,' .Holiery,' Bloomers, Pettibockerl, Petticoats, Sweat-:n, Silk and Wash, Waists, Shirts, Socks, Handkerchiers, Garters,'Pajamas, Knit and Athletic Under wear, Boys' Suits, R~m Size Rugs, Bed Sheet, Bed Blankets aod hundr eds of ite~ too numeroul to menIbolLlDd to rock tlie vet)' foundation of retail ,trade. Come, bring ,onf two eyes and be con. Intl,..
IIlbe t
Ip~1:e ·doe l not perm it
tI'.t ...
COQ le
MBN'S SOCKS MenJs Reg. 20c Dress Socks, .11 ' Men's Reg. 25e- Dress Socks, .16' Men's Reg. 36e Dress Socks, .19 MenJs Reg. 3ge Dress Socks, .28 Men's Reg. 60c Dress Socks, :89 Men'&, 75c Silk Dress Socks, ~9c <Men's Reg. $1:00 Pure Silk .~8 1.1 O,YS' CAP~ AND HATS 130~' Reg. GOc Caps, at.......... $\ .19 . B~~: ~eg. 76c Cap~ at........~. .39 BOys Reg. $1.26 'Caps, at...... .89 ~ '. MENS' CAPS Me1\~B 'R eg. $1.00 Caps, go at ..$ .59 Reg. $1.60 Caps, go at.. .79 ,M ••n:a $2.00 Caps, go at.. 1.39 '1r~~~~S.$2.60 Caps, go at. 1.79 Ir< FROM ALL DBPTS. . Swffast . Mattings, .59 Traveling Ba~, 3.2~ ri1~a:x~ Reg. $1.26 , TenDls .:~nlo,. at ............................ _ .89. Reg. $1.25 Sateen
;i~a~:~~:i at ·:~······ :GIO~~;; :~~ ,Table~
at...... .03
~f~',( Reg. $1.60 Swea~rs, .~5 i j'~rm:I¢.~~~, Reg. $2.50 Sw~aters, 1.45
Reg. 75c Sateen ""'-'
.Ii~~s.g~~i · at ·$i25 ·R;';;;p~ . ~,I1m~\8..Reg:.tGji.oo.I&iii~ .89
"en', .. -:, Buckle
A'l' tI e a : U. S.
brand, while they ~.t, will go In thl, g ~t . ..10 at
ladieS' Cape Bloomers One
Lot of Ladles' CJepe Bloome r. a nd Step-Ins,. an regular 75c valuell, wlU poIItivcly go at
55e Ladies' iii GIO,es
Ladietl' Kepler f2,1i9, 'Kid Gloyea, for quick aetlon. ,wID
,90ys' , . s;ts B9l a' Recular '2.00 Wash Sutta ',rhDe th8J lalt, wiU go
iD thii .... at ,·
c $· 1.·19~1 $5,00 IndiaD BJaikers Our Etitit e StA>clt of ).U Reg.
ular f5.00 Indian
will go In thla ~ we, while
.59 .95 .69
'Wlad,ow Sbad - ,e. , .;.,p6 Taa" ad areen -\11 "~r 711e, ' as Tall
• del' Gria. Fl~ QuIlt, WIndow Shad.. ,0, while lh., 1Ut, at
51 98
~~ 9~~:
and wh i 1 e they last, at. .
,_.~;: :- .~ ~ ~~
__ ...
Men '. Felt Hat s
while tbey laat,
10 at
Alf;Men's ~egular $20.00 Worsted Suits aU
Men's Garters
?f.IEN'S StJ'JTS . Men'. Reg. $20.0~. Worated
M~:'~:t ·iu:"i j.iQ.. ~.$8·4~ .: 11=\:~: ·$25:00·W~·nrted$~3.85 Sho~ If. .......... ,;.~,~....... 8.95 Suita, at ..................... ........ 16.85
One Lot of Men's Garters, r egUlar 35c values, in this grent· . ale, while t hey lust , at
14c ·
r •••••
Mgt~~af~.~: ,!~. ~~
.. .• 4.45 Men'. Reru lar' ~~ press . Sh.,. , at ........:_..,.~............... 6.96 , WORK SH{>8S .. Men's Regular $~.OQ ' Work Shoes, at ............ :.....>,•••,......$1.95 M~n's Regular $3.60 -Work Shoes, at ................................ 2.45 Men's Regular ' $4 00. Wor}Q . - Shoes, at ...:.......... .......... ...... 2.89 BOYS' SHOHS
M~s::f'. .~~~:~.. ~~~~~~~~ 19.85
Men ~ Reg. $35.00 Tailored SUIts, at ....:......................... 23.85 , MEN'S OVERCOATS 14en's Reg. $22.76 Tailored O'Co.ats, ut ........................$16.95 Men's Reg'. $25.00 Tailored O'Coats, at ........................ 17,95' Men's Reg. $30.00 Tailored O'Coats, alt ...•. _._............... 19.95 MEN'S DRESS PANTS
BOl~~e~e:i~~...~.~...~~..~~~~$1.45 ::~: :::.Boys' Regular $3.00 Dress
:::8E::: ::~~: $~::~
C·"·$'4:00···J)···'··· o~hoes, e:.~~ ....... :....::.:.. ~~~
B Sh?ei i at
Boy's Suits-2.panls
Boys' Regular $18.60, 2· Pants Sultl, for a quick cloae-out, will go, while they Iut, at
Our Entire Stock of All Regular u p to $25.00 Over· conta. will positive ly be closed· out; -while t hey lnst.
515.95 ' Union Suits.
29c ',.
35c 'Pn.neu
': 49c " "
ne "
I.', M
. 08. Lot of ...... ... • ular tt.oo Coat aw.lenl, tu ,*~,
10 wblfa tbe11ut:. aL...
1 00 ..
Men 's Suit•
,$25.00 Gaberdines $18.75 $1.50 fJoion .'Soits 98c .J
A. ·..,;: .'
Men's. Felt ~Hats, formerly sold 'up to S4.0~ for qUIck action, will be sacrificed in this great closing out . . sale, at ......... . . .. -·f. • '
0.. Lot of "'a' Duek Coat. , hla D It e t lined,
MEN'S D~~ SHO~S Meh's, ,Rel\J1if '~ Dr~
Men'. Duc k Coa ts
All Men's Regular 75c At.,h. },len's Reg, .$5,OO Dress Pants, . 3A5 letie Union Suits, they ' 1.96 Men'JJ Reg. $6.00 Dress PantS, 3,95 last, will go at while . J 2.45 M~n's Reg. $8.00 Dress Pants, 4.95 , $ CHILD RENSl-,\.SHOES MEN'S WORK PANTS Table C}pld ren's Reg. $2.50 Dress J Men's All Regular 4Qe.4Il Reg. $2,00 Khaki Pants, 1.69 Dress Pants o~ 1 ~h t C1o~ in this .,reat late, whUe ~145 Men's Reg. $2.60 Work Pants, 179 Men's Regular $6.00 Wool (t IUts, at ., ,. Dre.. Pants will positive ly child~~~': ii~g:"$io(rDre~l' . BOYS' SUITS gOI while thoy lut in this . Shoes, at ................... ........... 1.95 BQYs' Reg. $71.60 School Sui~ Child ren's Reg. $4;q0 Dress . " BoysJ Reg. $9',00 School Suits, :4.96 8a e, at Shoes, at ................ :~ ............ ·2.49 Boys' Reg . $10 00 2 Panta 6.96 . Crepe MEN'~ pRES S SHIRTS ' . . Suits, at' ...:.....: ..........-_........ 6.95 All .Rerula1l' 85e Underw ear Dress Shoes '10 Boys; Reg $12 50 2-Pants Crepe, in aU eolor., will go Men's Reg. ~1.60 Dr_ Shirt8~ One Lot of Men'lI Walk· Over, Men's Reg.'$2.00 Drt}88 Shirts, 11.19 Suits, at~::.~..~.:.......... ........... 8.95 Peten, Endleo tt· Johnson ~;,. Shoes and Odom will pOBI. Men's Reg. $2.50 D~ Shirts, .1.49 , stJvS ' PANTS tlvel,. 10 in this great sale, ; f 'C " at Men's Reg. $3.0 0.1.: Sh!rf:a , 1 1.96 Boys' Reti'l,60 at. ....$ .73 .. . ' ,\ i , ~ ~en'8 :~~, ~5:1 dN ~~~~ .3.~6 Bon' !lei.t 2.00 Pants, Dolt ' ~VoiIe' 1.39 . ' .'. Boye' Reg.:~2.60 Panta, aL .. ~ 1.79 All RecW~ :ac ~ hi•• . A ll .~9c NalDsook Umon. SUIts. .69 Volle., tOil quick ,cIon-out, . .MEN'S J:lSLT HATS . Rty's will go at '. . . ~en 8 ~g.. $1.26 NalDsook. . ; Men~8 Reg. '$8,60 Felt Ha". ~2.25 Bo)'l" Reg. $1.76 Elk Scb~l . Union SUIts, at .................... . ;89 .u, •·.. ·00 d er::....,~ Sboee. while they lilt, will ,~< ' Men'. $1.60 lJalbiiggan : 1r0 In tbi. 'great ..II at ._ moen • .... all opu.()O, . Unl'o'" uivN ftd. ; ,Felt at , ..:......,;.............. 2.96 Men,• . ,i.7i"jj~~~ . "~ . Men'8 , $7.00 , ~tso~ , . Union ,i(i1te .-.~ ...;.. _............ ~ 1~89 ..•. 1Jata, .....................~ .....z..... 8.96 they
a\ .4~
Pan ts
' c.ts
Sl.95' :$2.98 . 7ge
(" lI lall s izes
Mea's Reg. 13.50 Duck Coats, blanket Uaed" IJo on
T""_ _..:. __
On~ Lot of Ilea'. B 0 ., 8' Jl.erular CoNuro J ' Coat.. ,1.25 Overall, "w b 1.. 11 k e t lined, poaltlYely go in whUe th. y la.t, thl. great IIIle go at at
OiI€JotIa .
To mlrk down prieM and Irnanae .toek for dill ~e .r.t..t event (If Itl itlbd _,ar aUen}I),ijId an,wbera. rhol1l. ,our frl~, tell ~0Uf neighbor.. Be at tbe doo... "altii.e;
It S.
Boy s' Sho es
~----,.--~~..,r.-~--:::-:::-T-:---:~~,-:::-:~~~~-.:......;..__ . len's ·4- . MeD's CqnIa. Backle Artics roy COals
I3ovs' P a
A J I RegLll ar .; U!:) Boys' Pnnts "'i ll .~o on sale Thul'l:i day 9 a.m . and whil e th·y Ja:-;t.
' s 1 4"
One 'Lot of Boys' Schobl Shoes, an astounding value, in this sale, Thurs day and while they last, at ..............................
pay Tue.d~y atlel , Wedlieaday
R",....m.rur wUI be marked iQ plain figure!! at prices you cannot resist.
One Lot of Men's Work and Dress Shoes. values to $3.50, th will ey Iwhile a s t, positively be closed out, at •
1) [
(j OyS'
Men 's Sho es
'~ Ohio
. Stor e Clol ed
;. '.1
only) ome corrlu ru\·s. will posit ive ly .1.":0 in thi s sa le Thursdav and whi le they li:l"t.
Men '. Wor k Sock s
the Crow ning Eve nt of Our Enti re Car eer
Boy s' Pan ts One lot
fo qk , a t W "a yn es vt ll e, , ...
Clea r the Dec k for Qui ck Ac i In . Ou t f!oes the John A~ Fun,key Stoc k, at Sens af on Prjce~ .. ~e d uc. duct ions. Be at at the door s wa iting T hurs . 9 a m. .......,..
'----I\ho~ lce-Read Durln~
_ _ _IIIIi_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _
Elk ShoeS
, 9Sc
E~~rII~:ft$qUl ick action, ~i811 5' while t h e y last, at ..........
3 '9 $3 8 ,-
Men 's $4.7 5 Ball Bran d Boo ts
The entire stock of all Regular S4 75J Red and Vac. Ballquic'k ~and Rubbe r, for a~tion, will be sac. . nficed at ... .. ... ... .. .
4 95 79 $ 1 59
Boy '. Suits
One lot of Boys' School Suits, all regular upto $7.50 while values th e y, ~ . I a s t , w ill J)~ positiv ely go •
Men' W ork Pan ts
Men's Reguliit $2.50 Wor·k Pan ts, in a ll sizes, good asso rtmen t of pa tterns, will positively go in this sale while they last, at. . . . . •
Men's 0' Ails
One lot of Men's RegUla r $1 85-220 Denim Overalls will positive. go in this sale,w hiie they last, . at .•.... .. . . ,. . . . . . •
Men '. Suit s
Our entire stock of Men's Regula r $25:00 Uits qUics , s n , sale, w h i I e they last, at.. . '
SI ,sfO'
Men'. Dres s Pan ts
Men's 1Reguiar $3.25 Worsted ' ~Dress P.ants; large assortment for" a good : selection; . will ' go, whlle they last in this ' grea~ sale,
l .._1SO F",
Uta Relndeere.
IQII, ho
li,t'1' 11111111 , "
nutl ,·" .. r ("'\'
!W Diy ft 't III11jt IInil
l'llrh \'fOIl ('l1l IlI'oud, 11'011' \\ 1I1i'I, II ..
milk!' ' PillS 111111 'I/1vlll"""
II n'HI'ls (1'("11 ~11"'rlll h,.: \ ' I\ ' I ~ Ih I~\\~.-· " " , ,'· nc·t! fi~' I~, 1, 1111" ". W " n ~" " " 'Ill ! I .,'\: , lolhll1;;, " ,I "J I"': I ~ I" or
ell: ~-1, ....The Late Classified 'Ads !~~r~::;~~~:~'~~~~b~~:::r} , ..,""',.....,........,...........,...,..." ...,...,"',..
Ilro"'lll ~ \1. • " lIlh T, ,,11 ... 1 •• t ,\I ."}",',,, 2IWI,I"HI rlllnAmI'l'lN, 1111 lelll 1'8 ffll:hlllll II I"n~th ,I.. ,·\, \I' Ikh " clLdl1,.II"\ (nll11 111l' CUit",1 I ot IIrl.l H It Iln ~1 IIrtl offill I 1\ to: 'u lt 1 ", • '\"'l~nl npIU IlHpultJ,llnn ut 1.'2" J
'l1Ie JOIIIJa ' jlRlm,
~l OUNC.t.l'an
. Fourth undllY in Lent, March SO. A"ORE.tarm: every thin g Ohurch chool ot 9:30 a . m ., servl.c.e ~ ern-an Ide,,) oounirv home I and sarmQn at ]0:45 a m ., Rev . n d ROPc\ ¥lorl. Adrtr98!1 'Boll' 34, ____"""'",.....,.,.__........""'"..,..,..,. R )ph L e iatlull',' Evensong and ollbrook. ,Oblo . · '. . 1111 Litany servIce Wednesday tlveninl\, Line Looul' Fenoe POlIte and 1\10NEY LOANED April 2: ' . " .&2 Corner POilt. rnqulre , or Leonaed Tinney. ph one 611 . 1 ~. Wnynf' VIlle, Ohio . . 03
arn1ers, Attentio n!
chool. !l;)5
tl ,
()o)ul\ltn~ Itlnyat"hllliu 1U0lltlY I" n I li DS. h 5>6% 1DU·re~ I
I?08\ ltl! inlf at 10;30 u.7m. even. • 00 pWednesday E• pWOr th I nl~ 8ervlce, ; . m. I L r. €'agUE! 6: I" p. m,: uretlC, ling .at ,!:OC \ Slmk. F or forther In fnrmJlII n 0011 P, m . Everybvdy 1~ cord lltlly inVIted "U or M. () DHAI{E , heat!. t o th ese service . uror, phon o 31(\.. 2(. Le ballon, Ohio. Rev. I . A Washburn, Pastor. (I f ~ ou rlng t, e ~rutl .. \' e ry r lie00n • .. hill. t,broug h 'rh e Fllder .. l Ltlnd
POLAN D-CB INt. Brpocl SoWM,I1I. ~o IIome Il'"n 1'Ig~. /Ill ImmuDfll . R, U. B uut, n. D G, tit Lybl . ",2 OLIVER SrURk ln(/; P low In gond ooodILI(lQ; 1 Wlllf' bo~ , 2 ye,.r" old; 3 or ·1 R Wi', SU lllll wrll tur, row 11<,,$ (.f tbl mo n~b . J ohn Belich R. l) 2, W .. yne8vlfl • Ohio nl!
m , pr(lllch-
.S P d No More Cream Can Expense to T,n tate ro ueers' ,I
~ lIbbath
IrllrmerM o f \\ arren au d .. dj 101 1 g
W. N. t;ea rll, pho ne 01.:1, W"Ynf' • villI', Ohio. alltl
!~------~--------~DAIR'S-----~----'~--~--111!1 •
We guarantee every T ri Slate patron ag ains t lo~s ur damag~ to IllS NI£Y L oa ned cn live ~Iook, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cn910cIln s in transit, \\e give a Coupo n Bund w~tb each s\upmf'nt, chlltt-e ll!, ")808 oon ol mOftIJ U1I1!8 '1 WANTim 45 of which nre IcdeelllBble for a lIew can, so cvery 111 S tate patron ea!} N :>tel' booght . ,John 8nrll11\9, Allen replace his old can, lI'ilh new ones 1011 ' before the)' nre worn out, If I I:!U!1(\lllll" XeDI ... 0410. ~,_ ~.24 , ,
he wishes.
Prices, March 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 51 cents.
Shippiag Direct is pro fi table, safe an d easy. Trial Cans for ao days.
'3 Inrll ilD
. :s
, 1
D. 4.
K o08tomers.
oomDienolng .
c: I::I~. WIIY,~esvI Il B. Oblo
April In
Juhn ,
. liS
Hanner Dl1o\rs- 1 dnok -
I' nnd II (Iedr,,"~~bofw ep n nllW ,,<'hoo l m etl' ry. Su\.u1'dllY eVolni IJ I't, .
\V ega I d ly f uml'l . I F'ree , FlndAr ,lMStl nn. IfV Elmer RI(lpr Al tAW b u ~ h e l of /! oo d PotAtoes. R D :3 I W.yoll"vllle ' ) 111:10 1".. Inquire of R D. Henkle. phoue I . . . . , 5\1.6, Wuyo e. vlllp. Ohio. ..I) I
50 to o th IIIvn1' Iron 1"'1' row; liO 2 bu . Cliltr uo snckR; ~Ilt· o r b l unl;~
I\n(\ ro" ; ru h"coo oult1vlI~or; h .. , "ha re II nd "uub!t! 8bo ve l plo..-a, f orks s huvels. C\itohlo g ~uo 1 8, I!>rge r e'ver llible beooh. vlee. ObItID!! ond ' wl'on ohes IIl1d wllny '00111 handy (In " h,e farm o· In the ~ ho p. I nquire , of I. Satler,h wlll te or t:la r o!d ~~rJ:p, 4th noa 'I'yler I::ItH., Waynesville. 0
bort.boro 12
1 prloe
i D.
g Enfertility otraln Leg b or.n Egg~, (tuaranteed, h per 100 li81l
1 qui1'e;qf Mr,tl:
I\~ree r,
Jo'our tb
Make Delivery Certain!
rAmmoo, on
W"yneaville. Ohio '811
C. White Lellllorn 'EgltS, f4 "lid .~ per 100, Mrl!. B. V. 8mltp, I R. D ol. WayllellVllle, Ohio, " a2
" BRAD LEY Str81~ 8" rr~d···RoOk . EgIrB, 11.00 PI! ettioil. ,0~5 00 , per 100 MI'I.'il - lJal ,~bODe 86
TI TI1H the entire factory ogtPut of Ford' Cars VV being absorbed as rapidly as the cars can be produced, it is certain that plant .caPacity will be greatly over-sold when spring buying reaches it highest point.
Home Outfit in Xenia at Adair's .
WaynEJllvllle. Obl o.
L V, nrllu8trator, phoue 89.3. Way. neniJIe, Ohio , 119 I Indoor C bemlcal Carpas. 10.
YOl,I 'Can dO,Better by Buying YOUr '
months olQ
141>. Frank' Coleil'Bn, K
~hl() •.'
For Thirty-five Years Ada;r's Has Been thi!! Leading Home Furnishing Stor" ill This Community. During this 'time, through uur policy of square Jealing and low prices, our growth has been rapid. Because rents and other exp ·nses ill Xenia are so low as compared to the city stores, we are able· to give you prices that would sea eely cover costs in a city store, Pleas~ feel tree to drop in when in Xenia and see the ' new styles that are constantly arriving. You do riot need to ha ve purchase in mind, We enjoy good much ourselves, we always enjoy showing it to our friends. . furniture
" •\ 1 aDd Blaok M.~. 6 :rears ~Id, lound will wOrk anywhere, War .
- r en Brad~oot, R. , . 1. Waynesville, Ohio. , • . I m26
Bo~~ . !3!ld~
;; ,0; Baird, at Clev31an
"1 :~tton Wayne.~~I,le. , 0h!0,
. ,
. .LEfof a elate .• "e79'l"i40'oDt'hep,ioe 4.do!?r I:iIIe
We advise,that you place yom order at once; taking advantage of your dealer's ,first opportunity tg make delivery.
, T~d9r Period Di.njhg-Rqom, SUi.t-\ , '. 8 plee,es -, . . .
8el''' 1 II
.. "
, ' 'f
r - t - -...·..
-.:..-t"--... '; , .r- ..{~ ,
: , { ' "C. . . . - -. . . . . . .
A liandsome Dave~ pott by day, a comfortI, able bed qy night. This is an 6ak Davenette upRete is ~ beaptifully finis'led walnut suite. '1 be bolst~red in' Span'ish " huffet ', is 60 long. The table is 44x5!. The 5' - artificial"Jeather. ---:-~--=-~-r-'---::~~T:: . 8;'re upholstered in either tapestry
-U you do not to pay cas or your car, COli· venient ~lIta1lment t~ms can be arranged. ~ you can enroll under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan.
(rib 'With Drop >side' -', $7.85
Overstuffed Davenport Suite---3 pieces "V " as illustrated
Waynesville Motor Company
$149.00 ~'
; :c:r-~ ~ .:, Size. '2 ft. wide, 3 ft 8 in .. Ibllg, white :enamel, Qr ivory finish .
'~ther seat Dinners
. Set 016
~24.\)0 v~ry rjchlooking ,~)aven , )ort suitea~ a price mo; t . any f~mtly can afford to pay. It is upholstered jn a ?eauttr~l taupe ,:elour. You would ('njoy this suite. It IS the km~ )'ou smk way down in.
r -'
I ~~
B. F. Keith's
Entire chan,e of .how every Monda,. and Thul'lodoy. Coolinuoua Perfor. mane... from 1130 10 11 :30 P. M, AI.• emoon Price, 20c oo.d 30e. Ennmlla 30e and Bpe.
-- --....---
School of Ma.lc and D,amallc A" Voice ....d Plano 5ludut. receive the benefit of M ... 'Becker Miller'...,.ten. me .tudle. in Europe with Michael Zadora, Leonid Kreutzer ....d Madam. Sc.boen.Rene. Mr.. J. RIU,eJl Underwood in charlie of Dramatic Art Depanment '
30 E.
42 No. oJ.Hereon St. DAYTON. O.
R..A.. A. :a CUSTQM
Pboa. MaiD 39S2 W.
BICYCLES , Children'. Vehi~le8 Tires - - - - R~pairing W. F. MEYERS
6 Big Vaudeville Acta and Feature Photop a1S.
SUITS $30.00
rant Stree t
' .
..... "
138 SO"'th Main St. '
PAN)"S ,$.7.QO.,O,O
All Good Houaewive, U,e SOUDERS' EXTRACTS
aU Idada.
J 0. P_ • Boa aI-l
n... .......... _
Por Sale' ..... , BF·AU Grocers ' a.,.il...dr ud '~ CO, , DAYTQ.N, OHIO.
.-_........ . ....
••" , ..... ..".. Clee.~. ,Co.' rUJIII! a\JQI
... "-ow .....
. I I i • .....
-....... 0.
"?!.:,::: !~~:!GS ASSO~lATIONJ' .Surplua ,,50,000.00 Ov., 33,000 AO!~unta ,
rMaOa to s-J'
C _ r M... a .... a.eOll" S""...
~ r----:N:-o:-bo-d:-'-:-in-;:;: D-ay\'7o:-n-;S;-::.;CU.~-1 :t Beller Drug, III
~ CARL A. S~tlMIDT o
:II :
lrleitp aDd •• , rciMa C. ZU~LEN.
309 Tblr.I S':' AreaM
~,~~J~~' ~ • 'Leadig urn:r.' ': ,~.,.,
8'7 'It. Ii
M. ,D. I • DAYTC?N. o~
'B I B L E S" BOO. K 8 And Cpmpltlt,e lJau of "'-SUNDAY'SCHOOL SUPPUE-'~""""'"
Leweat -" . IHII. --0'ASSOCIATION
0Ib' PrI... Are 'Tbe V.-
. ·i
Resourc •• $1 ~,400,OOO.OO
Davenport- Table ' In Ma(rogany ft,iish .. $14:95
DR. ~ K. .KEMPU"
ASK YOU~ GRO~~R I. Royel Remed;. aad Estraet Compaay Deyt.oa, Ohio " "
IWI.rtee ,......... Earache. Head. .... ,......tI..... Lumbqo, Pain cif
f: DA.Y'l'QN. 0• .
l' •
A Pure Extract ror flavors, Icc Cream, Pudd ings, Cakes and Candie.. MAKE THE FOOD MORE DELI CIOUS-USE SOUDERS" ~'
T,his'" s~'t of Chail'~ is made of oak an.d c( 'vered ' ~~ genui~~, le~ther.. '
::a:R. <:> s. TAILORS
111M.. __ . _. ...:.....
I , ..., TIl. M~n to Be; Envl.d. . ," I . pity no· man because ' be ' bu to wor,k. It be ~ wortb bl, _It ~ wOJ:'Ir. J en"',1 the mllDl w~o'll d d,OM It ftII.
. \
•. , This ,Queen ' Anne Bedroom Suite, In walnut---4 pieces, as shown $169.00
........--~..~.....' ...5.'....~7~:
Seventy-Sixth 1:ear
Mr. J. B. Pence wus in Lebanon Saturduy.
APRIL 2, 1924
Mrs. C. M. Drown was shopping in Duyloll SaturdRY.
The second round of the tournament, was played Friday aftel'non Mr~ . CYlllhin Evans returned homo The Eighth Gruders, who rOllluined MondRY aftornoon. in th e tourllameul, drew lhe Sen iors
lIIr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Henderson and for the firsl game. For th e first i dallghter, ERther, were Dayton vis- few millu tes of piny it looked as i itors ThuT!!dIlY. tho ugh th a Senior~ would have to ! Pllt up the ir Ues t brand of ball to ' Friends here hnva re~ e ived word win. The younger lu(iH displuyed of lho illn('ss of Mrs. E. V. Bnrnhurl, ;omll flnll wurk, but were o1ltclassed or Cincinnnti. by thuir more ex perienced 0llpo~(. " L<. Sntterthwnitu pillycd best 1 Mr. .Joo Stiles, of ncar Spriall' for the Scnio ,·. , whill' Hough Hcored Valley, viHilcli hill rlunt, Mrs. Hope Il1 n~t for tho g rade boys . The score Stilcs, on Monday. 22 to 8. The next gn m\! wus bel ween the Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Cornell have !':ophol1lore un d Jun ior !tiTls. , This sold their town prope rty and moved \J us un cusy vid ory for th e Sophs. back to their (nrm. T he Juni or I~irl ~ had spent but IitLle Urnc i.n l'repnra iOIl and the over Mr <Inti Mrs'. John Whitaker.Mi M e~ whelmi ng Sapha scored almost at Laura McKinsry and Margaret Clurk will. 'r he r 'ature, of the gmne wore were in Dayton Saturday. the gunrd ing lind buskel shooting of .ho AO )Jhnmores. . MisK Cllrolyn Swnrtzell WIIM the The Sopha and Juniors boys were guest of thu MisHe8 Vnshtl and Imocheduled to pyay the third game. ~cno Beckett over the week-end. lested e-llmes o f the season, the score being ti od until th e las t minur.c of St. Mary's Guild will meet. with p luy. 'l'heSophs outclassed their opMiss Emma Heighway on Thursdny ponent s in team work and pass work /lCtcrnoolt, April Srd, a,t 2 o'clock. but were unable to hit baskets from This was one of tl'e most hotly conMr. and Mrs. Will Thorpe, of Arthe free throw line, thus' costing. caum, werc guests of Mr. and Mrs. them the gu me. The 1IC0re, 7 to 6. .'mnk Z~lI several days last week. The most interesting the girls' . I ga mes WIIS plnyed by the Freshmen Mi8llos Clara Lile and Opal Davids and Seniors. The Freshmen Illd the We wi.b to apo,loll"e to our readspent Saturday and Sunday the Bcoring until the lust few minutes of er. for tbe dela:y lhi. week 'in tbe guests of relatives in Wilshington C. The Gypsy Rover, n mURicnl com- lettinl out of tbe paper, and will.dd piny, when Beryl Cook registered a H. lIelder making the count 6 to 6. elly, will be given by the High School tbat the i".t.lIation of Our new ~inoBoth teams were unable to change studonts at the School gym nasium, type ha. cau.ed tlili. del.y. In lbi. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke and Mr. on Monday night, April 7. 1I1r .Alfred connection, we .i.b to invite our paand Mrs. John Fromm lind family, the score. isdtrdncgieibm tmm mmm trona and friend. to lee tbe new The last game of tbis round was Watkins spent Sunday with relatives in Dayplayed on Wednesday between the Watkins is directing the Operetta, machine in operation t~n. , Freshmen boys who showed lhe Jun- and we are sure it will be a suc____ ••- • ior boys that they were out to win cess. Dr. A. T. Wright arrived homl' The story denls with the English b)' dropping in the first fielder. The CARD OIF THANKS 1I10nday morning from tho EII't, afJun iors then strengthened' and fol- nobility,and especially with a young ter a pleasant visit with his Bon, Allowed with a fielder tying the score. Engli ~ h hei r who wus stolen away fred . ' Not u;til the IRllt minute did the Jun- whl'n he was It bllby. H e loves the I want to t hank all of my friends iors feel safe. When Manus was ta- life of the gypsies. who stole him and and neig hbors for ~heir many ncts Earl, Lueile and Wanda Clark ken from the game t~e defenso of thinks th eir freedom is r eal nnd of . ..!(} I.'ltl~e~ ,show -me during my took dinner with Alico and Mary the Freshmen ' was sfiiCttered and ~eaJjng. -'By - It -slrnnge- 'C'ohrc,- Into amiction . Waggoner and Ruth Baker, of Lebfielders by Burton and Cook pul the denc e he f uBs in love with a young 1I1RS. GORDEN JOY. anon. English girl or the nobility. This 1IIi-A. Harvey Sackett was in Day- game on ice for the Juniors. The and ·other love affairs add to the inProbBlbly IIThu nday and Friday of last week, sco re, 13 to 8. Tho final tilt came J\u;t Friday te rcMt wihl e funny situations will EveryllOrty I~ probably concenllng " tho guest of lilt. and MI'!!. Harry March {!8. Before n large nudience make every ooe laue-h muny times. great dcnl 1IInr" Ihl1n he la telling you; Turner. The ClIst of characters is as iol- lind Isn't 11 heller s01 . tho Sophomore girls defented the Seni or ~ir1s by the sc'ore of 18 to 8. lows: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hadley: of Ge\lrge School, Pa., spont the Spring Both teams were in the game to Meg, an old gypsy woman .... vacation with relativo~ here and at win, but inability to obit' baskets lost ... Edith McKibban Lucille Zsra, helle of the gypsy camp tho game for the Seniors. Kingman., New .American St. John was the point getter for the "" Elsie Hawke ·Cardinals. Marto, Meg's husband ,:.John Kersey Mrs. Julia Donovan and Mr. Mert Sophomores: The nClCt fray was between the Sinfo, gypsy lad .... ........ " Carl Noble Baird were called ,to Indianapolis Tuesday on account of the death of Junior and senior boys. This was Bob, the gypsy rovor .. .....Levi Contes the Jast game of the season, and the Lady Constnnce ....... Ruth Earnhart a relative. two 'teams were evenly matched In Lord Craven, an English fop .. .......... . Mr. and Mrs, S. R. Conrad and two every department. When the final John Puul Bolton ehUdren, of Ludlow, Ky., spent the whl.s tle blew the Bcore was tied at 8. Sir George Mnrtindnle ...... " ........... . week..end with , lIer parenti!, 'Mr. and An cxtra 6-mlnute Jleriod was Jllayed .... .. " ." ........... -.... William Thomus and the game r.esulted in a victory Mrs. F. S. Hardin. for the Juniors the score being 9 to Ni;ea;... ... 8. The inability of the Seniors from Capt. J e rome ... ........ .. .. HowRrd Cook 1 Mr. Edward Burto~ ,w as confined the free throw line lost the game Sir Toby Lyon ,. " " ...... Thomas Burton to his home ' on Monday and it was McCorkle .. ." .. Nelson Walkins nellollsary to appoint a substitute for for then1. Fol\owlng \s_the s~,--: Luckey . . Kenne th Ret8l1ick , his pupils on this day. St. John ........ ..RF ... ..... Satterthwaite Gypsy Children-Sherman Tinney, Erwin Ellis, Velma Ar.mitnge, RodMrs. McMilla.n, of Wilmington, ar- Burton .......... LF ................Contes ney Sc ott, Foc Brown , Nellie Watrived at the Friends H,o me Saturday Hopkins ... .. .. ... .. C ....... .....Henderson killS, lrma Scars, Bentrice RobCook ...... ......:.. .RG ..... ... Butterworth for an Indefinite stay. Thomas .. ..........LG ........ . ...Carnnhan itzer. Substitutions-Kersey for Thom- Gypsy hllllto rs I\lId chorus. .M. Carroll Eulass and Mrs. Dr. " . . .... ". H . S. P upils as, Banta for Carnahan. . Referee. Blair, of Lebaoo!!, called at the N .. P. Blatt; scorer, ,McMillan. ;Friends Home, Monday, to Bee their 1'ickct.~ lIrc on sllle by High School ...-~-r aunt, Miss Belle Eula88, students at 25c and 36 c. Seats reserved ut Drug Store 011 April 2, at Mr. and Mrs. Olarence Mendennoon. hall and son, Earl, CJ{ Dayton;. ~pent The ch ange in the datc of the the week-end with their parents, Mr. Operetta was dUll to the fact that and Mrs. Amos lIIendendall .. on Friday night April 4th ,there will be a Masonic meeting, which will caUso a large tium ber of the people Mr. an'd. Mrs. Will StJohn and of Waynesville lind vicinity to miss daua-hte!;, Rosemary, arrived home the opportunity of seeing the mu- from Florida Tuesday evening, afCA.IlPINAI.. 1-I1lI"I'E.C; sical comedy. We 'hope that every tel' spending the winter there. 'llhe raising o( l lrchbishop HayCll one will t.'lke ad.antage of this of New York and Archbishop change in date and nttend the Op- ' Mundeleine of Chicago to Cardinals erelta on Monday nigh.t, April 7th, of the Roman Catholic faith, amid II scene of 6plendor at Rome, now make the Amcrical~ Members of the · Sacred ' College number '-nUT. The two others arc CardinarO'ConneJl of !loston a nd Cardinal Daucher~,. of Philadelphia.
~~~ ~e~~.~.e,s ,.~.~.c~~~e~::~~ke
Amanda, youngest daughter of Wm. and Sarah Cramer, was born ~arc~vo ~2, August 17, 1887, and die'6 March Editor Miami Gazette20, 1924, aged 86 .years, 7 mont~s I want to say to the forty-seven land 3 days. Her hfe was s~ent 10 ' d H a t W aynesvI'11 Il w h o Warr2n County She was. United nt or my f rlon . sent me greetings on m)' birthday, rr.nrrlage to Wm .. H. ~mlth, August thnt I thank them more th~n I can 30 , 1860. To thIS umon WIIS born . . one so n, Frank Alon zo .He departtell. It was a b'g ~ay wlth me. I ed this life Au g ust 16, 1888. Her was remembe.red w,th flowers and hus band died A ril 22 i902 so for mBny other th1Ogs. My nephew. J QS!\(' p" . L' t . tall d d' f twenty-two years she has hved a ~ a new rll ,0 or lonely widow. ,n on, 10s Sh b me . . How 1 wlsh everyon e 01 you . • c was n mem · ar of the. Mid· could enJoy the s\Vce~ mU~lc ~hnt is die Run Buptist church, and attendbrwl.dcusled from vanoua 8~tlons: ed faitllfUlly ad long as health . . I spend a good deal of my lime With it and Ileal' quite a number of no- pernllt. For nea rly four yea.1'l! she U:d men and women talk. has bee n almost a helpless 10valid f rom the elTecL, of I'rlralysis. When R espec ti u II y, . h Ih hid THOMAS SHERWOOD. '? ea t s ~ was d. ways r eno y to a.ss,st her neighbors and friends 10 Weare very glad that the day was sickness and trouble. so weB remembered by tho many The funeral services wero confri ends of Mr .Sherwood, and the ducted at MiddleRun church March Gazette hopes that many more hap- 24th by Elder Harvey Adams, of Mlapy days will 'come to him. dletown.
'I '
N wt
____ e
lin. Elmer Eat'I1bart ~. .ed aw8)' at her ' home. 8;16 ' Far Dills DaJton, Ohio; TuelCla, Fanera1 frQlII the
MIAMIS BUY THE HARVEYSBURG REO'S UNIFORMS COMMUNITY CLUB A Community Club was organized here Wednesday evening by the men of the community, forty-two taking membership. The purpose of this organizntion is to work for the bett~nnent of the community. 'rheclub is to be known as the Massie township Community Club. Officers elected, President, H. S. Tucker, Vice-President, H. J. Carr; 2nd Vice President, Joe Davis, Sec'y. F _ L. Harris, ~s't. C. E. Levicy, Treas. C. D. Cook. Rev. Washburn of the Methodist church and Sid Ellis, president of the Men of Waynesville, were present and help put the organiz ation through by their helpful talks which were appreciated by all presen t. Their next meeting will be held Wednesday cV'Cning, April 9th. All who are interested will be welcomed as members of this club.
.. - ----
Firat Repeating Watch,
Oerrlt Bramer waY the first malter
ur the repeating "'"lcb, whl,cb be a· hlbltl'd ,at the South KenlllngtOD (I!:IJI.) museum about 17S:1.
Re .... reb Work 8tepL
Reacnrcb by scientist" In medicine aud Burgert In Germany III reported to be practically at 8 etnndltUl .,.. , cauee of laclt of ftnaaclal .upport.
Da~g~ertY.,. Fate
Amandn J nne Wrighl. (lnughte r of Anro n an d IImh VI ri g ht, WIl S born in Rice County, Iown, May 4. L8u 6, A l th e IIge 'of tw o yonr~ she come to Ohio wi th her paren ts. settling on a fnrm u short djstanc c fmlll he r Inlo home. n April 29 . J 885. shl' wus uniled in mllrriage to J aco b A. Scott. 1'" lhis union we re b o rn five childr ~ n. Mrs. Nina Slile", J ohll. Mrs. No,'u Wardlow, Jacob Jr. IIlId ' ..-uel. n il of wh om. with nin e grnndchild "" 1l lind husblln d, ~ 11r,· i ve . One bro th,·, . \Vol. W,·ight. lust of u fum· i1y o r eig ht children. remain s. n,· July 1·1, ,8!J7, Rhe, toge ther with 1"' 1' hu sba nd, unit"d with the ~ I iddl" Hu n Primitive Bllptiat church and hus lived 1\ co nsistent lind fllithful Christian life. On e of hOI' chief joys was to cnt rtn in her brl·thren in her home, and Brother and Sist er tel' Sco tt are widely known for th eir hospitality. For some time SiHter Scott hns been fuilin g in heal th. Rccently ,it was n ecc"sary that a major operati on be performed in an eff OI·t t o give her r elief, bllt the sbock of lhe opera tion was too great for her wenkened and frai l body, and, on the twenty-si xth of February she entered into that Illst rest for which for yeur~ she hud "weetly hoped. We know the faniily experiences a dee p SOlTO\Y in the loss of such an affectionn te wif(' nnd mother., yet thut sorrow is all:1yed through the gracl' of our Lord and Savior Jesus Chris t, w~ shall meet again. The family wishes to thnnk the neig hbors and friend s for their kindness to them during thl' sickness und bereavement ' of the wife and mother. THE .,FAMILY.
With the coming of spring, the Miamis have taken the first steps toward organization. They have p~rc~ased ten daed .su~ts fro~ the ~mc1Onatl Reds, and It ,s the mtent,on of the m~, Roy Mac!leth, to get his team in the field early. He is getting some ~ood players in lin? ~n~ some work wtl l be done on Phllhps park in the near fulure. • - •
HARVEYSBURG CIVIC LEAGUE MEETlNG Ono of the most enjoyable occaM io ns of t he' season was the an nu al party given by the Ladles Civic Leo gue on St. Patrick's Day. Sixty members with their families, wero enjoy in g the social time, when a I'n>~rnm WU" unnounced, and a fu l1 "I'c he>!t ru furnished splendid music. Nexl II far ce "A Mock Trial." in which rOllrlccn members took part, represen tin g mun y quaint and curiu us chllraclerM, 1111 commendin g them s~l v(!s IIdmi rab ly . With Mrs. Lillia n Cur,., liS conch. 'rh en Cli me th e supper, which wus never excelled. Full and plenty for a ll, which was grea tly enjoyed.
---_. - ..- -- -
WASIE PAPER' SALE IN HlGH SCHOOL The Wnyne Township schools are arranging for a waste puper sale, the proceeds to be used to purchase material for visual education. 300 stereogrnphs have already been secured at a cost of $70, and it is hoped that it will be possible to pay this amount and have money left for . other purposes. The 300 stereographs complete a Bet of 600, the other SOO belonging to the N. C. R. These pietures are very valuable for use in history, hygiene, physics ,biology, ete. The details of the paper sale will be announced through the school children and parents are urged to cooperate for it will teach thrift, consenatlon and a spirit of service in aU of us. . The agent, from whom the visual educati 6n material was purchased, is arranging the sale of the paper to a Dayton drm, and mUllh more will be secured for it than from a email dealer.
LEBANON PIKE TO BE IMPROVED News , comes from the county seat that is of great concern to the people of Waynesville and Wayne toWnship .. The long-talked-of plan of paving the rema inder of the State Highway between Lebanon and WayncsvUle is to bellome ' a reality. A survey of the road is now being mado and itt will be some time before the plans and specifications can be drawn up. It is the general belief, however, that the contract can be let' ne.x t fall and work begun the follllwing spring. spring. . More good news cpmes from tho other 'end of the county when we hear that Greene county officials intend to pave this pike ·from Xeill. so uth. With these improvements realized, one can easily see the great change that will come over our town .More business for Waynesville and our neighboring t,\,,,n5 more easily accessible. Tourists I\Dd business men enroute from Columb~_ to Cincinnati, or visa versa, will.thlJP use thia pike ns the paving of ' this section will connect the link that has kept them from using it heretofore. _ _ _ _ • _ 4._ _ __
Notice is h -reby given that a meeting of the Wayne Township Library A880ciatlon Is called for April 11, at 2 p .. m, at the Library. The purpose Is to take action upon a rO!Olution of disaoluLion of the Association preparatory to transferrinfl Friends of :Miss Belle Euliss are conthe library to ·the new boar.d of cerned as to her condition resulting from u fall sustained at the Friend's truBtees. Home last Saturday morning. A limb Georgia Mendenhall, was broken. The doctor and a conSecretary. ference of friends decided that it -~-.would not be wise to move her to a hospital, and she is beVing attended A Woman', Trick. A woman never resl1_ that she baa at the Home. While her conditIon 18 done lIom~thlDg wonderful atter .tep- 'somewhllt serious, it is hoped that lIhe ping backward olf • atree' ear ad will soon recover" tlCaplnl wtth ber lite.
b In Their ' Handt
"'ae J t hp ~(1I1" h . w\t h
U ~e L\l e of Tlmbor. hlulel ~k('l'r('d 11I<C', ~ '(,111''1.1 1\ 1 d S,'t'll Illm lI'ollllng me und 1 "A I le';tit 1 nope ou WOUtO pr tIlI.I. j 1\ du,wn to\\', waiting. • r,ourlillm. 81 od Die ,lot t(l tllke up arml ogal n~1 thl' "Ytlnkt'l)," foll owed by tbe 8u gge~lh'e IlfO r ll i<\I\l\CWhel' Nurlh .\IIII·rll'll wit h urll~lw eltth 0' nenr It. Tho d or \\' Ul' 1IJ1 ~ I\"11 nod h, king." \ 81IltCl"cnt: "llIllody murder In hlllll 111\) ", .. r id' IIIIU\lJ llnu ts l1MI'~ \'IU8\' to .. '1 f,ll\('Y Y 're 8 ,:ood 1I1l01, sll'-1i "PH!Il@o <lnn't ' as\[ me to (10 tho \.. It IItu." h It 01' nil II", 1IIIIIh'r cO I\~t1nHlII in Ihe g.... d ~ h Ot, ~ 1'-lI'lIol- 'whu t 1' h" cWI \I W J\tn rgllr~t lM\t II1 !!' ont ot him md I t.n ,r l'~k, u" lhl' lI' ..r(l~ l'Om(' OR tn'ht hoI ....ItlnlJ h r h,'l1t l. woul d '1:1'10 \'1' mo tb Ilght II lfft lt1 81 ltnt.~ 1ll11(lently I.\on· I ClntU bod dIed ot ",,,rl ol , • , \ 11~ " hlrt! 's lwlit r. • Ou 8N1 \\ hil I Ii 81 ' thIng t n iH I" lo ud. I h.ll)P It mOl' -, n V('r be. bu l Ills wo Und, II!' fil\W [1 <'0111.1 lItnnl;lln" In Cut Cells With O:OIG Needl ••. H iI','p hall 11 lot o· p rll (·th.~E': ~ny " "h~ sold ,,111'11, the> STI' t logs ol'er. he I \\'ould rllthe r fig ht t hon submit to grollt's IInrl tC 'll1l1 ng the r"It'~r. H ij b~ (ll ,,~s ",·(\,II\!.., til,' In" I'UI I" n 0111 mId· OU I' li llY. Silt b~ her ~" I" IIl1tl ttll' I'oncll "'118 tyrnn ny," ' . 1:1111 III Rhn rc lh O~rVIl Il S npS" Of P I' S' flll"''' ......; I'· I·1I s l'ipnl i:!l 1. litlft Ihit'" tn ("tt t "'Kl n 1'1' kill tl Hlt hl r'l- whnl1I10\, log. "A \.m"lul1 girl k no ws how Th(, hUI'oll~ 1 l1111de DO rf'ol.I' to Ihl ~ 1011 IIn, l Ihe \\'I ~(' , r" I"ijr'lng 1"rtloklltL 1I\'lnl: IHu ll nn, nr 111,1 11 "" ~e\l " 1m" t wo wllut "" ~~IY:1 h e. p ' IlUl u' ti t 1\ ll!l\"k 10 Ir"t her 11'11)'. .:\,(. Is I..r rlbly wIse, 1lI e~IllIrllllon 50 flrm ly Illndp. A 110' ," 1\ (' jnllllw.1 III \' II """ lind WII R II I t ho J'lIrl~ :oftl I ll flr tlW ~1 " li n h ll shll l l",'d lItulcr t1mt \\' ' r t' Il~Cl1 tttll' 'Irdl's Itl t hp .lt r. JUclk." 0 0, ,"Hno Into .lIls Cllce. In lllA nnll oll " , 1'1"'1' SIIIIIe' 111111111,,_ II ,cnll or tim ". Uu' h' ll~ Il t II I1 J " j l" )~"II I'" ." 'J( hI' COIIII.'S CIUH' 'nvt1!1h: ~IIY8 "lUllt, tell me; who WII S ~1I0 vollL\d e , I r ~ sent . mllnt !'flirt l h ere. but ho ril e! l'rp"'F~l y li t el,'""u lie Mw Ih t' cOllI'h .Tll ck. J udy?" n(lt ror,....t tIle duty of II hlll<r, 111 dl'lI l1 Ill' I'. II ,' hurrll'd If) It .. tilo le. T ile "I \1 H"~I.' .1 hIm t he 10,"INI pl.I"\. In "A go-lll'!w c.," . . h (' lO ok 9 h ~ r II,,: hl' ~lI n tn '1' nIl (It o lh er lhlnc~. Thl t, (' Imu n el l ·1I1'1Il1l1.',1 ' IID II .>!,O'ut'cl Ihe 'h C\u t 1W t) ,ef'u nft l a~ 11ft ,I It lIt1d t.ng th nl wny. ~h, ' I, II'I ~ c, lll ~c r (!et hn'nl, fnsl went tl n t o Its ('Inti I n lin at. dUllr. lushh') t ho 1'II W , no, ~1 0 1'l{nl·rt .· h llt bUll ,: :ihf" wen t, nn' cluwn C' il flH' tho nnd rell nhle, Th ere Is ~m" l oy lU ('nt fo r JUosp here ot ,'o nl pCllltl'n l'~~. Ihl' IIllly "r 1111' hld ll!'n rnc,,_ " Y,m nre hll \\'k. '1Ullny 8Ul' " In this wlcl,ed city. 1 teel \\' l",n Ihey \\'I're out UPOII tho s trec l 10 ~" I In . Sl l', and Ilinkl' n littl e journ, 'y " T hl'ffl rell ol'!! all lo nked tit one dls~: r nced , J 11 k. I hope you ",111 \lot t flIH!1he r, SI r Hl' ojntuln turned t o hire w it h lh ~ IIOII .luIl1l' ," snlel th ~ to,lI mnn. 'u u Uh'r . t hluk th nt I om n"cust omell 10 lIurk nn ll s a.lrl : J nl'k Illn Inl o t hc· "'111('h. It s door .. ·t:l n'm l, ~hake hands wllh I his ond secr t Will'S. T his hn s worr ied "~o,,- thnt we nre on nl'u tnll !!,ronnel dosed, th\! horgeN s lllrll'll WiLli a jump ,(·r .. h,>y,' ,saYA Ihe 1111111 \\' lth Ihe a nd .d 18tr ~ssl'(l mc. bu t I hu d to see I wnm tn 8f1J' Ih ut you AOll'rlcnns nr5 un~l he wos on hll W ilY ' wh llher he ske ~rNI eyes. 'Tr hI' I ~ II Yunk ey he'a you." COl'VRIC, HT IN Ii d (','ent Ind-w hn t- \\1Hlt 7' "A ad I wo s l(lllging tor n look at n RtllT·nl'ck l'll lot or l'~ o l'l e. 1' 0 \1 nrr knew nOI, Nor lilt! I... \.. n"w Ihl' rell' IRVING ~ CHt LLt"" 1}01 111«' li lly , ltll~ r brec'l of IIwn. I 60n ror th rll l'ltl )llI l'" nl wl ilch IIII' "Th l' gln 'pml .hllnk huncls II'ltb .Tn·k you," he sold . lin', Rny" he: ',"UI1It II 1I 1Il , I 111\\'1' tlO "II was sure you would not know nm tlnne with y o u . l\t~1 wily cun not h e ]lIIrsros lind 11I't! UIi to Iru\"cl, I\ION~Y LOANKD " Ir you 11 0 11"1 m ind, ~ Ir, we will not douht 0 ' ~' er curldg-0 or yt r rlec'cney.' how t o rull Iheso ropes of In lrlgue. yourR. LI't us )lnrt ns 'rlelHls 1111 ,1 " A grnnrl pull' 0' hll~ s,'s U ti ' II cl\l,ud 1 hllve hen rcl nil obout th em. I coulLI- l!1'l1lh' II,('n Ol,~h l to I'lIrt. 1 II)' ~"" t1 . IIrt th o ~ hn l h 'N ," ~,lI d t hl ' 1·C1 I,·t! Inlly. Dan nnll 51'1" '1 1111\ t"r In hl~ ht,:\., 11 .. IIUI llll' " I~ to l s III hl~ COli <'I , d rllv up 1111 ' Ih,' nl' \\' hn t· n't help Ih nt. you 'kno\\' and be 0 h~' wit h 'I "c'nse o r 1·t'"rN . 1 sl,a ll us Ih o "on('h SllIrt",\. "We s hll ll seQ I1 :-.1I!:Y L, '" 00-,t ,II . 1 VC' IIlno k. p, )('k('1 nl1 l\ th ,'y Ipft Ihl' 111 11 hy 0 r~ lI r ' you." en lll I'r s ton. 'Tllwllnj1 I; n,, 1 ' u(\y t'r Cn l'~f't ~' n llr N -n'let' to my w lr t [ l\fllr~ a rt't }:~,pn. 1 h up,"!," tlltl l ,"I,.. , ,.I",' l t""O",-,,] lJ. ur lKuWflItI , ",h ultt' " 1111' two "I I14'f lIlen Ho t J llt .- I t 'yolln g Ind y who Is quit e ~I"'e." eo mil ch In fow' r hl'rl' n In Frllnc·". I dl}\'r', A ~1""'OI1l "' 11M wltltin ).: lh~r\"" wllil 1111 ' hlls ll l.'Li 00' 'cr<'<. Ih,' til'l II \(o\\'Io ",ls · • Sh e h n d n l' olur lc~.q. cnll l \'0 1('(' nnd N.IIt" h " "c\n. J o hn rJ~' · II.tl " , A IIt,o "I)u r ti me Is short lind I hovc mu ch nntl dll l1 ),:'litl'r... Of C','"rsO the r~ are .hll'I~ . bllt IIII' 'H'Rt th e t-Hlr~ l'~ ."iIH ldl,',t nntl Ilr lclh.·lI . Thl '~ Ih e I,ll;' \\'ht.-h It 1,,01. 1·t\ liS Ir 111l'Y to uny," snld JII I' k, " I nlll to bn·uk. "'J'b l n l.. nor t,lt thut : ' sn l r1 t h e ~' ClllI1P \\' llII t \\'Il ~ tllt'n knuwn In Lon .Jon nA 111111," 1111, X""I .. Ohl" . 6 ' -:lol pl'''ple III England tlr" RI·t n);lIln,1 thl' rnnUlt lll(} thl im lIud r och! It) tl u" n, I'd 0 1 WU N In 11 hurry. ''''nt'l' 11f: WC'n' ,.u t fnst wIth you r fut her nt th e Almu ck Ill ll n, "\\'hll l 1 rlld rnr 11II'1ll I ","ul ,1 Ih .. " " lIlr ll'ill ll nll,"m' r." II I'r wn,' 111111 P··lIc 'tlc..... Y ou \\-oul(l b.. sun' III gl' l hOIl r. WI" ' n Itl l' ~' .1I~III1Hln l,'t1 .. n th p o· ,I~ III II 11,111 1111'), 1I111lo'lnun' Il r u\' u\1. du ll III 1\\,,,1 "(,--Ihlrty. " I do,. for nny flnp wll ( 1 I1 rl ('I\ .'d lJ1~' h l' lp," ~ ~l lt 'I1('f' 1'4 .'.' 1111' (1 ( 0 sny: " 1 "I l'nE {~ retllO WOO-lil or It. The old gl'l1 em l I~ ,:rru untl d hltoH.~ n. tht' lin y "'li S dnwn l",.:. Pr,·"h· n ('tlllll\ 0\'('1' t o \I ~ u u ' o.,ln Y8 I h U Yl' t o n,sk ~' \I \l to g l\'P U1) 11 11 Jl Il' mh~ r Ih' ~ 1:-1 nil n mal h 'r lI r hwdn .... !'4!'C . :he cl a !,p.'rl her ' II1 nds onrt 8UIII. \ n 1'\I'orll <, ot th e k l n~ . 1I ~ I ~ ho"k .... o\ but the- ,,:TPlit (lllk~ wtJre still wul.... t ~ : . und ntH Il II It.:: hly n).:'n't..'uhhl h'I~lnt \sl'; 1' 1" IlI tl r ... lit , \ , If ' U 'l Iillj\lI "'1 • g w ith n Inul(hlDIt ta r e, "I kn ew he hO.~r~ ot mnrry lll~ Ill y tl i\U ,.: h t l'r :' fllr knI gh thood. if ~'nu we r" 10) kill his I de e!, In ~II)I"" , I I WIIS culcl. lh fH 1 ('onnot lip: ' ~ utlt .Jn l'K. "0,' p( t o li lt· .. • {' &l ll ll l h ' ,.. IIln\' I> LJ I" \lu It. OI I, ,\1 0 11 I .. a( wou ld n8 k )'OU I" .. ' I\'~ I"' tl er be ~\l ln ': I' restll n .',II I~d hi s frlcncJ s 10 his Mon In t he prpsenl FI li II' rpe lll1~ he re, that hope I h,,,·c nn <',ln t rnl. I IIll ghl "W locr,· I ~ ~l nn:" r"I ?" h.· IIsl",, \. I ltll t1 I 'l n r , ~ . ' ~'L r' ~~'i; Itl l , ' ;''''f., l l ..... ·" "l\Il\r~nret. I wllnt t o tllk e YOII III .. ' 1141 Yl' kll nw who he w<'"ft.'1' tlHKS your D('ck \I nulcl hI' In ·.Ia n!:l'r. If .\'OU RId .. lIucI 1'0111: " j\ IHUIl WHy from 1H' (" p, \\' p ~IH !l1 11I 1!t1 \U lftu " ,,11.., ,j. llI ., Ii v t-.y Tt'U,. t' t , .. .ta Lk. Am c rlrn II'lth t hr npprn\'u l ot your fi S \\'('11 Jlronli ~e n ot t o b rC'n th C'." we re to Inj ure hIm ),0 11 w""I ,1 h~ n' "Y nu wil l tl ghl al Iwenl ,I' 11nc,·s. I "nut I mllSI nsk ~. ,," to g"'e III. m l'e'l II~ r lit Th,' ~II I" nn,l An l'h,'r In flhl" , fh •• lu);(h l' lh' r"I ' nl , lttt L ut d .. ' If YC' knl'''' y~ bett er rer.:lt It,' tntlw r, It posslhl e, nnd without It, It to mU.ke U luck)' es('upe. or go 10 pr lNo n. s Hult ('ount t hree nnd wl wo I druJO lilY s llJ'~ I' r !Il l un. your word ss n ~,' ntl (llt\n n thut " OU Hrlln'~(' n t l. Sit" will In' mil kin g: t lu"' · UllLtk . F\ ,r turl,h r 'ufu · ftll"llin (·.d l necc~ss ll ry. ~ II Is DOL a plen""n l outlook fo r nne hnll llke rcll ll' r YOIl ur c I'oth t o tire." .. " U' 1I00 d ..... _ M (: \) K A I\~. l'rt"'tI " I thin k yOIl wil l gl' t hi s I1rl'ro\'nl," 11'1 \1 hold nn furtll'c r COlllll1 llDl clliloll j"ul'll"Y I'r IIn" lhm' fllIIoI." " 'fl llw cou lll 1? I lc we r~ the K IlI g wbo Is engngNI t o liD EnJlIIRh glf\. S"I"mon' lu rned to .1, \ck IIn rl An "I : ~Iol' hll il II ns\\','rl'cl In II '·<ll.·.· II~ cl1l1l n rt' r, IJ II"" " :Ht\- X . I.I ,h" IH U1 : Ohl " , 0' En;:llIn tl: NII),S Jll ck. 'I kllllwed hIm slIl d th e girl , with ent h uslnsm. "li e with hrr." He hilS U g .. ~ut advulluq;{' over ~' j · u.'· "rt y o flre IlulCk mcbbc yc' lI III ktl by the l oul( o' hl:-- eves.' " !:;h' n en jn mln, 1 shnll he frnnk wit h hos heurd 1111 flb out th e Clue l. He sn\'s Cnptnln Preston went wIth Solnmon th c cronk IJUt o· hi s tln ger 'Core It hn s rill!. It I~ nn IIl1tlllr rCllu est. I cnnll,11 " 'S"n ' llI su r,,: H II:rs I. ' II P's Ihe e \'ery 0\11' he met. ot lhe court partr. Rlnkus next lIny t o Ih e nddress on the time t o )1ull." Inst " en IIII', wn s Rpc a klng ot II . n::-J't~c t o It." mn n 1IIIIt wo s hl.'l n· h) Wd In II cliult·,' cord of Lleu! .'nont lorke. 11 WIIM " WI ," t olo ynU SHY?" the mn):lI slllllll n Th e olhe r pliny W(\8 comlnl(. Then' They ngrce I'"l( th e old generlll " 'lI us h I I t ell y IJ to rC" l;lt It: I:!IlYs t be houRe of tbe Jleneml, wh o WtlS wcre ~ Ix III n I r1 It. '1'1h' g"r1 t)rul IIn,1 oeedefl thnl l es~o ll, J nck. holY prollll l " "keol In ," l onc or 1I ~ lon ls hlU en l, nn,' Pr 'stun. wnltlng wIth his on In th e r ec ptl" n his son nnd nne .... f llt'r w(lre ' In IlI lllt Jln' hl H qllrr.1' II' I\S em"husl7.1>1i II'lth " " 'I elln fe rg lt 11 11 but Ih e (nct Ihllt I nm oC you I" room. They walked logeth er In the dr 's. The !:~op rll l wo~ 'hnn lng \,,1 til She pressed hi. hund In both of flrm 111 11 ot his cnnp nn th e P RV mCI1l he Iochll \"NI like u gentl emao,' s a yB Amn"ll club. The' gem' rnl was R Ir- a frlenll. 'r tll~ plSI"ls were loaded b\' "I hllle to. ell~pl l'lI Re YOII, s ir, hili , hers. Jack. conI" In~. It would seem thRt hIs bad Solomon. ond Genern l It J I1l1ld r such n promise. 1 ,,'oulc.l b. hlrk e, whll'., " I coulrl n't hell) knowIng hnw t o ! " '1 s'pose he were usln ' his prlvute opInIon 01 Yankees was not quite so ench wlltch 'd Ihe other. T he Liellehoot," he nnswerl'd. "An d I would sure t n brellk II." braIn.' suys I." . , omprnbenslve as It bad bl,1Op, -'l' he t ennnt's fl'l n ds \In(l seconds SloOlI "1'10('11. ~ Ir, 1 sllllll 81'e to It Ih nt YCIl ThIs" wi th some slight ch nnJles lu not be worthy t o louch thi s fnlr hno,l hn\'e no opportullity to OP llose m y will. " wbole proceeding . went forward with close togl'ther Illug hlng ut S<II111' just. or :~'ou r8 It I hod tlllled to r esent sn spelling. pllrllgruphlng ami I'unrllltlthe utmost poUtenesii. III spite of his li n" rl'st rolnt. th e I!Yps "Thnt's tunny. I'lt Sll),. ",h nttl on. Is th e nccount wbl ch olomou Insult." of th ~ baronet glow"t! with onger. II! "Genernl, Mr. Blnku8 Rnd .Tobn Irons, n'ha l I" 8a ld one of the !:~ nll " lI1('n _ "Allhough he 18 a frIend ot m e gen Blnkus gll\'e of the most excltlnll udho qU\C'kly turned trom th e youn g mlln Jr., are my trle nds," 8ILld CaptaIn Ja~k tI1rtlc!1 t o look ut him, fo r venture these two trlends hot! met eml., my t Ol ber wns plens('d." she and IIl1rrllMl own y_ Preston. thero hlld been a curious Infl oc tl on 10 with. :vent on. "He calls you a good 1IP0rt, J ilek turned his s te pe townrd ~'rnnk ' "Ina~I" the general on8we red. hI s "what. ",hill I" He \Vns n . SIOllt, A ,roung mRn of hIgh eplrlt who Is ' P reston came to Jock and wblll, "Yee. ' lUld they are friends at Rng. hIghl y colored ilion wltll Illrg~, s tllrlng nol to he plu>' ed wltb: that II whnt h e ' IIn's lIoor. pe r ed : '''!'be outcome Is n grent 8 UrI, "I nm like the IlI nn of Goshen amid lnnd. T l)ey saved my neclc In AmerIca. gray eY~8. The young Am erl cun wonen l~l. Now. Juck. If you do nol sUck ,I have asstm!d young Irons th at your den.' tl where he hlld SeCn blm hetol'e. prIse to th e ot her side. 1"0ung lurke too hord on Tlrln clples-lf you eilll th e plllgues ot EJ:YI't," 811 1d Franklin, ( ... , Is n dend s ho L An In j ured oftl cer ot words, if they were correctl:fl reported yi eld on ly a little. I am sure he will II'h en Ihe yotmg mlln was a. dml~t ed Preston paced tb e grou nd lind l alll ' .-'" to me, ~e spoken In hoste, Rnd thot do\\'ll s trIps ot "illite rlbbu nd mur k In!: t1le l!;ngll 'h army Olal' ca use unex· le t us be rna rrl ed." , to Ills ottlce. "My gOllt I~ gnne Rnt! I p ect ed e mborro 8l<meot. But you hu\'e th ey do not exprea your real opInI on .. the dlstnnce whI ch was to sepll rnte ." 1 om eoger to henr whot he mil l' 11111 In good 8plrlts In spite 01 you\- ad· L081-!:; '.L of FurLl I ruok o h"I,, " til' time enoug h and" no hnste. You can \'tm11lre o" "And wbat, air, were the words ~ till! prlnclpn ls. IIY now," 8111d J ack. " Whate\'er it fi e SUml110netl lile tnke tbe post' cholee und rencb the twe~ Jl l!Mllbru"k .. lid WhYU, "\,111 .. , [IOrted to y!l0'" the general Rsked. may be, let UI stick togethe r nn(1 gn , ··And I euppose you wlll scold me fOl youog men aDd 8uld: "Gentleuwn, II ehlp well nhend of her sailing." fd~rou 27 . Nut I ~ Y W .. vnt'ilv,1I1t the nt!venture." Preston repeated them. to America and. be happy. It would be Olere DO way Ln which your bonor can MIll" "I am of a mind not to go wIth "You will I~old yo urself when the "Tbat ja my oplntOtL" n d,uk \yorld wlt1lout you, May I see , be IIIIt1stled without fighting?" • you." Jock enId 10 Solomon. "Wben "It I.' mln.e alao," young Clarke det IIr~ y UrKU . ,,~r e ' 9 ytlHr" ,old yOU tomorrow '" , consCQ u nces ha ve arrlver! _ They wlll he They IIbook thelr lIeads. ~ go, I 'Ahllll tnke Morgnret wltb me." clorid, nev .. r btltlll lllou~' · 1 1. .. 1"0 " uw" r bort.8 "At the same hour nnd pIa co," m e IUf\) to gl\'e you n s panking. The deed "Your JltntlO1l1 hove been chosen b'y Bo It hnppened thnl Juck returned Iii dono, nnd well done. On the whole 8010mo~'1 fllee ehanled qo1Ckly. Be lot. Irons, yours IB there. Take your ollppe r!! Juhu \:I lIao h. aD!wered. to London wtille Solomon waited for I thInk It hns been good for the caUlle, tC)()k de11berate aim at the eDllllIY nnd greuDd, ge.n tl emlin." They talk' e d of th e home they would the post cbnlse to Dent B ~ rd ~ "Oll E~KII for b"tohlnll, 4rawled: have In PhiladelphIa and plonned lu bnt bad for yoti." The young men walked to thelr "WIlY'" a8 tllll dny on(1 In tho munner of one Br .. Olv 8trhln . 26u Il"r tt .,z, lCIuy "OIIn't be yer oplJIlo~ ja wuth mare plOCOil and at thll point the grnpbic rnrl1en, Jack havin g told of the sIte CHAPTER X b' , Bruwn Hprln!! V .. \tIlJ . "You nioy ,have to run out of Eng. 'Who had sold Quite e nough. tht.Jl tbe UVetl 0' these Joong fellerll be load bought wtth great trees and a MnJor Solomon Blnku B, whose keen land to save your nock and the fRet "Where Is GmvesendY" that'll go{n' to' ligbt." rIve'!' ne~, They spent an hour whIch oyes ob ~c rved every detnJI of 1m! The Lady of tM Hidden Face.. "On lh e Thnmes nlln r the se"," IIhe J:"UR ~A LE- A tI lund!! of W .. II "OentleDI8ll, you wlll lave tim e by lent Its IIbundnnt happIness to mony 01 the king. Be wnB tbere, I believe?" scene. Is oble to nSBume th o posItion ,Next mornIng at ten. the door boy "Yes, sIr." IIns ll' 'red briskly. ns II In pity of ble C Paper .. uO PAWL., at 'be rl"lIa $'OPplng all thOopl of lipologtes." MId a lon, yenr and wb eu they pnrted, ot narra to r, the words whlcb follow at hll lodgIngs Informed :rock that a "rletls U.. ll .. uu "eIlIllODlIlIIld. liar' "The Injnred lad IB In a bad WRy. 19nornnce. ' the pneral. . being trom a letter bo wrote to J obn Indy W~I wnJUng to llee hlro In the 1OO1II alter tweh'e o'clock. Jack hnr. Tbe wound ~o ught an Intectlon. In. Be sow th e plnn now-nn ndmlmble ry Murr~ y. 41 h ti5., Wllyutl"vllle' 0, "Then It oaly remains tor you to Ironl! of Albnny. rledl awny to keep hIs arpolntmeo t. . 1 parlor. The lady wo~ deeply veil ed. 1116 ehooee y01ll' -weapon8 and agree' wI th Sllr Benjamlo receI ved the young tense t e" or lind Blvelltng have set In. 11 1111. Th ey were to meet noor tho "Our Joung DavId stood up thar liB She dId not speak, but nrose ns he I helped SIr J ohn Pringle to amputate port O( 8f\JIIn~ nnll he mutrl(,~1 nnd go Q al to tlme Rnd place," saId P reston. ,c nm, wIth a worm greeting lind ;rlend. fow bu~ h tl t ot ' Kuod PolatOI'ltl. "I choo", ' plato..... said . the yoong strnl;:ht 01\' hnn'some as a young en le red the room and handed hIm a- Iy \1~ords. Their brenkfost wns served tbe a rm this n!ternoon, but even tim! lIhnnr,l Ih., "hlp un(l owny. It wos the Ii. U, tlelJ&l tl. ph \111 II l uqn lre spruce 00 8 stlJl day-not a quIver In note. She . 'ae tall Bnd crect wI th n mllY not SIIve the pntlent. Bere 18 0 ]lInn or Mnrgnret nnd much better thnn BI'1t18ber . "Tbe t1me and 'plo ce lIIay In a omnll troom whe re tboy were nlone MI.6. Yo d y nenlll,·. Ulllo .. II nry twIg. The OIarke bo)' WII& a lootle fine carriage: Ber Illence was Impreastorm 10 wo rn the wandering linnet IIn y ho ,cou l'l h n \'(~ IIll1de, for he 'knew III1It Joor onvenlence, 60 It be oon toget her, and wh en tbey were sented pnle an' when be rnls~ hia pIstol I slve, her costume admIrable. to hie s ho de. A sh Ip goes tomorrow littl e of London nnd lis porl.il. ed not too tor n w~y." . GU toolh levllr Iron btlrrow i 60 the baronet ohserved : could see a twitch In hla lIpe. Be The note In a scrIpt unfam ilIar to ":-;hollid I not tnke my hnggago wIth eventng, Oet rendy to tnke It. In thot .~ U8 soy the cow wall ow on Shoot· l$ bu. OU~\ll n IIIUllI.d ; I!II~ 0' blOOt.1I "I: bnve benrd ot the duel. It ho. I)oked ' klnd 0' s tiff. I see tbey was young mnn wa~ as follows: the blI).. near tbe ooka, at sunrise to.. uri r up" i 'u\.l"ooo outLlvltSOr; \.IAr set some of the best tongues to E ng. case your IIIn rrlnge will hn"e to he m Q?" one tltlng 'bout ab ootl!l' h e hodn't "You wlU find Margar.et_ waIting In deln yed. nll ~ h men are orten com' "'l'hore lr~--n.. t hue=fru:- thnt," th .. @h ... e lIud IIoub,.. "huvII I "IO-' !f; morrow," Preston proposed. learnt. It don't do t o de ny It- 'cuuse a conch at eleven today at the corner Innel wagging In prulse at 'the Yankee pelled to IIvo on hope nnd die faet. vpl l" G II1\ly II lls n'.'r",f. "We mo s t mnkll t o rll d II h OVlllft, duollloll tuohl, \llrlltl "1 IIgree," tbe Ueutennnt answ e r d. boy.' On e would scarcely have ex. IDg," nnste. I have some cl o th ~ for you re vur"llIle bunob. vl8e. b~lllil aull "Whatever comea of It, le t us have a gun don't nllu8 tin ve to be p'luted of Rnrley Itreet nDd Twlckenhom pected tb nt." rood." "With SIr Benjnmln, th e duel hoe In 10 bog." , WreUOh6!! ~nd 'W"DY 'uoh. ';.u<!y .. uBecrec, and all polalble protectlon trom caretul to klJl a mIlD. wal prepared to ruD tor my "No, I "We all s tood wntchln' every move. The veiled lady wnlked to the door been a help In8t ead of 0 hIndran ce." She polnte,l to II lenthern coso un· 'be t .. rw o· in 'htl IIhuJl. luqulrl! etlch IIlde to the other when tbe all'alr life-not that I planned to do nny grent I could hear 0 bIrd Imgln' twenty rod nnd tllmed and tltood lookIng nt htm. Sil \(l the YO'lIng man. "M y stubborn (ler the front 8 ~llt. of 1 til1tlenb walt,tl or Hluold Uu. "", II ended," 110112 PrestOtL daDloge." 80ld Jnck. Her attltude enJd denrly: "Well, eoul hne been tI' e g reat obstac1e." From thnt tIme forwnrd they rode 4th lind Tyler tI, .... W .. yu tl nille. U , "I agree to that nJlo." was the lUi· -'h\'erc tbnt atilt.. Pre.ton sto04 a -" Ihool stralghttbat II en. "You cun leetle out o· lIDe 'bout half·way be- whnt II your answerf' Then he told of h" Interview wltb In n slletl6e brol! 0 on ly by the creak· swer of yoon. Clarke. denll " They enll your delivery of thnt l:l hor~ h o rn bull, U wuuthd old , SIr BenjamIn Bore. . l Ing of tbo conch nnd the so und of the "I wll1 be tbere~ t eleveo," aald the When Piey -were leavIng, Solomon twixt 'om. Up came bl. bed wIth the bullet swift, accurote and mercltu1. prlotl SJ5 , Fr .. nk Uohul " D. K FmnkUn put hll hand 00 Jack's ' llOrscs' boots. Onrkness hod fallen said to .Preston: "'l'hnt 'ere i\I1'ml 18 han'kercblef In It. Tben J aa raIled young mono hla pl8tol aod took a peek down the The velled lady nodded, as If to Indl. Your behtl\-Ior bna pleased eome very Ihoulder and s nld wltb n smile: I wh en th O).' reoched tbe little city of 11. " , WaYlJul!vilJtl. OhIo, na big u Gollar, ~ emlllleDt people. Th e blueterlng tnlk • "My son, I love ,ou. I could ",Isll (;ravesend. The hlp and Ancbor stood line be wanted. The ban'kerchlef wu n g lt8b l:I&ralu W wleboln E&l!~' of the genernl QXc1tlea no .)lInpllthy In th,e nJr. Don't 100m 10 It bad yon to be no dUl'erent. Cheer up, Tlme I bY,,~e waLer's edge. CHAPTER IX ler~III'y ItUlu .. nl6t1d. U per 100, beN~. In Londoo, Itrangel'8 are not tell aD Inch when Ule platol. went w11l lay the dllat, anG perhaps .Iooner l!ou will pleltee wnlt here,h ~nld .... V, br.. olllrdor, phoUl tlll.a . WO;\_ I1keliy to be treated al you were." pop I pop I Jack's hollered fuat. thnn you thInk." th o stem Indy In 0 milde r "olce thon TtIe Encounter, nllftVllltl, Ohio. all "It I did not believe that I should "I hope to soo Margaret tomorrow aho bod uRccl befo re. ns the coacb Solomol1, Jnck and their friend lett Clarke's pl~tol fell -HIs arm dropped be ((,BYlng It," saId .Jack. "I Ihould mornlnlf." on' swung limp ae • rope'l end. B1a <Ir ~ w lip nt til e Inn door, "I IhnJl see Indoor Cbe mtOilI Carpe~, In. Loudon that attemoon In the enddle not like to tnlte ' up dUeling for on qUire ot Mra. M .. ry lAlmmon, on "Ab, tben, 'whnt Grecla n arts of Mtt I lf s he hns ~olll e." and tOOk 10dg1np at TIle Rose aud . band turned red an' blood began to' ,amusement, 011 lome men have don e In persuos lon I'" F ronklln quoted "I hore HIE! st ra nge companIon entered the b'ourth 8trtl6t, Wa,lIllllvHle, ,\)bto. Garter, le611 than a mile (rom the 8cene spurt above It. I eee J ock'l bullet Frnl~~e." ' that s hoo too, will follolY tile great : Inn nnd re turn ed preseDtly, snylng: all appoi nted tur the encounter. Tbat bad jumped Into hll rIght wrlat lUI' '1[ou ue a well·bullt man Inside lin d star In the W'est I'" . "Sh e hllfl n ot yet nrrlved. Deillyed inonll nG the Americana bad sent a tore It wide opetL The lleutenant U. Whhe Lellb ll ro EiU!@ , out,'" Sir lI;mjnnlln nn_wered. "Y,," '" aDd , "I hope 80, but I greotly tear that 1 b~' t ho rog. ~~e will have our dInner, trlend of Preston by post chaIse to s tsggered, bleeiUn' Uke a IItU& whllla. ' a ller 100, AIlrll tI, V, I:!mi\h,might have n great (uture -\n Englllnll. our meel/ng will be prcI'ented," you plel1se, Detll, wIth Solomon's luggnge. Preston Be'd 'a' gon,e to the ground, but hls 1102 I spenk advIFedly." From thi s point the seene at the :it. U ol , W .. yneBVllltl . U1110. hod IIlso enguged the cel ebrot cd sur· trtends grobbed hIm: I run to .Jack. Their tolk hnd tuken a turn quite .. 'Be J e hlt?' I says. CHAPTER XI Inn Is dcscrlbed ID tbe c11nry of the RA DLEY ~~flIlD Sarre<! Rook geon. Doctor )lrooks, to 'epead 'the night unexpected, It fiattered the young Amerlclln_ .. 'I t1Ilnk hrl bullet teched me a l£gie, '1 ,00 " ...r IH~mOIr, or 00 wtth th em so that he would be sltr to mRn. He blus hed and IlDswered : I tile on tbe top 0' the lett sboulder,' The Departure. "5;he dre w all' her hat and vell nnd a ptlr 100 M r~ . IG b -8iiuy;-pnOlJlJ1I1I"'-=be on band In Ih e mornIng, Tho doc" Sir BenjamIn, 1 bave no great faith , m26 . Tll nt e\-enlng Jilek receIved a brIef \ young womon about twe!lty·elght yeara Wayuesvillll. UhlO: tor hod olllciRted nt no le. A than n saya he. In n,y t alents." "I see hIs cont wore tOI'll an' we not e from Preaton. It snld: of nge and "Of netonlehlng beouty stood dozen du els lind enjoye<l th('s" II fTnll'8 "On terms whIch I would cn ll easy. BIt,ok More , 6 yetars old, lound "I learn tllnt youlg Clurke II very before me, 80 keenly thnt he WII" gl url 10 "h'c hi s took It ott nn' tbe Jncket, n.o ' I rtpped you could bave fame, bonor and rich es, Ill. 1 Ihlnk ~' ou would belter get Ol1t tlnll will worll tluywbertl Wilrthe ahlrt some an' see thot the buUet "'There, nnw, I am out Of buslne . . ' help with out '8 tt'~ . Til l' )llirty had I w ould sny," ' r"u tlrllOdooll . R U. 1. W"ynoHVIJltl, hod kInd 0' scuffed Its foot on blm nt l!: n ~ lun d tor tenr oC whnt lORy come. sbe r emarked In 0 pleasant voIce os gone out 10 t he sodd le b" 'n lise P resto n m26 "AI prl'Reol I wnnt only your daugh· A Ir lnl would bo apt'to couee emb" ... ah e ant dqwn nt the table whlcb hnd 01110, had saId thot the horses might be U!Je- goln' by. 00' left n trnck In the skin. ter. As III I he I'eel. I 1111111 mok e my· rnSHIJIUnt In hIgh plncee. Can I gIve been aprelld hefore the firepln ce. 'J It didn't mount lo nothln '. ThE' noc· rut. • EI me Sllve you '140 OD the prloll ' selt conl pot with whnt may nnturnlly you IIlIlstunce 1" , will do my best lobe a compnnlon to So. having dlscu sRod t.h .. peril s ot tor wnshed It off nn' put a pluster on. of .. IIlt6 " .duor Irord ~" lh'lI . tlee come to me." "'Looks os If he' d druwed n line on .Jock returned tbll note by the aame you until Mnrgoret arrIves.' tbe lrumedlnle future, they had done M. 0. BUlrd, .u (llllv "Idud I!je~Yloe .. And let lIIe IUlme tbe terms on mt'esenger: "Shc looked Into my eyes nnd titlltloo, Wayntls villtl, Ohio . 111\ it WIIS In th eIr pOWer to do to pr&- yer hell rt nn' yer bullet bad llfted bll ' whI ch 1 should be gilld to welcome RIm,' I soy~, 'Ye shoot quIck, Jack, "Tbank., aood frIend, I ebail "0 8a Imll ed. Ber s heat!) of lee had fnll en rare tor th em. Lnte that even Ing lh p you to my family." • • trOll, her, OLAN D.U H.N A Brood ~OWIl, 81· genernl nod hIB aon nnd four other gen- nn' mebbe thaI 's "l1nt snved ye,' 800n as my bUllness Is IInlabed, whleb "Wllot are th O! terl11s?" 8U SOIllIl 1l~,,11 Pllfll, till immonI'O> , "It looked kind 0' neevnrl ou8 like I bope mil, be tomorrow." "'fh e wnlter cnme wIth a trill' CODtlemen arrived ot Tbe Rose snd Gorter. "LoYll lty to you r kIng nnt! a will to tnlDlng ROUP. glnsses and a bottle of it . U. Bun t, Ji. U "' .. .. t Lytlll. U thnt 'ere l£ngll shmoD had Intended CertaIn of them bod spont tl,e nf terund'~r!ltll nd IIn el lI~ sl.t hIs plans." .Just before the younl man went to ehe rry. We snl down at the tabl e pnd all tbey wn s goln' to be one YRnkee less, noon In th e nelghborh uod shoo llng "I could not toll ow hIm unless be bed a brtef 110te arrIved from Marpre" our, ,,;n/ter OIled two 1I1088c8 wltb the Jock put on his jacket on' bl s coot nn' co te thut ber ' m issIon W08 ended, and birds nnd rnbbl ts. LIVER tireukl ull Plow 10 goou will chllnge hI s rlllns." It retld: Iherr y. · we Itepped over to lee ho w thoy withdrew. Solomon got back to bed eNrly lind ooudUlOp; I 1I,'1t11l b og . 2 yearll Tile bnrooet put down hIs fork IlDd ."Dearett Jack • My father ba. ""thnnk YOll, but selt-denlnl III OD· wos ge Wn' crlon g with Ule other J llck wos thrilled by th e Informa- look ed up at the young mnn, "Do you learned of our meetlnr YHterday and otll ,!r duty ot mIne,' sbe rcmnrked OIU; 8 or 4101.98, Hhlun .. gil, will IHIlint tor n time In th eir room tinkering teller. Th e Iwo doctors "-ns Iryln' ter wtth the pIstols. Wh en the locks were to fut hls arm and he was groRnln' tion, but wondered why It wns I;' really meun what you sny'" he de- of bow It came about. Be II anrry· whE'n I offe r ed her a glass of the wIne. row 1.. 85 of thl8 11\\' ~I~Il . J"bll Hehoh t' wrupped In rnysler)'. Not ten mlnuteti mnn,ded. " Is It 80 dlm~ult for you to Be forbId. .notber meetlnlr, I aball l 'I live In n tip sy world ond . drlnk- R.O 2. W .. yneevtlld,OblO . all worlUng "rIght," 08 he rut It. he )lol. levere. Jock leaned over un d looked ho d pos"ed nfler the departure of the do your duty liS a British tUlbjecU" Isbed their grIps "n" hll rrels. not lubmlt 19 hll tyranny. We mual ,,,liter. I lIvc In' n merry world nnd nt him. vell'd Illd y when a messenger co me Jack awoke sudrl en l.\' nnd opened hili "Sir B~ ojnlllln, nlwuYIl I ha\'o been assert our rlgbtl like good Americans. keep a stern fllce It I AURE rllrw, tlvtl rytblnl! mod , 11 ld .. 'I'm sorry,' ba UJ'L '18 there lUll' wIth a note from Sir aenjamln Hare. tough t thllt It Is the duty of a Brltleh I hol'e a plan. You wlll learn of It and yet 1 um unp eyes. The CRndle Wild II !;Io I crl. 5;olon.oo n ' ollut ~ ? v e wor ern~ .. u tdllltl 'oUli .. ,ry boms thina' 1 con doT In 0 cordlnl tone, It lovlted Jack to eubJ c('t to resist oppreulotL The plans wben we meet tomorrow at alevetL I • e. wna leoning over hIm, He ",as dr nw· IIUO good Illod A il\l'eee 80.1: li4 -No, slr. YfJo·,·e done enu tr/ hreRkfnst at , the Almack club at I of the kIng llre oppreulve. 1 cannot Do not lend an an8wer. LaYlngly,' Ing on bIB trousel'!', tContinued OD pate .B) BtlJlbruo i:. OhIo. ll~ , twelv &-th lrty. ,!-l1e young man "Come, my 80n." 8Hld t he S ~lIut In growled die old general. tnll In wUll th em. I love Marguret as HARGARET." "Onl' 0' hi s pnrt y stepped u p to turned hIs Ilcceptance by the BRIDe I love my life, but I mUllt keep myself Be Ilept l!ttle, and In the morning ThInkIng In Peace. Ltnll Loolle I'dDee P08tlland a gentle voIce. "Th ey nl n't a d oud liD' Alono on a desert Islnnd R mon may -lll UorDer l'LlII&II. I. ,quire messenger. aud In Ill~ best mornlni WOrltby of her, If I could thInk ao awaited wltb keen lmpatlence tbe bour tbe moon hns got n emile on h!'r fuce, J uck. He were drllssed like a hl gh·!!p '1Ilnk In peace, but he mil l' not "" ,')t L..,oli .. ld 'flnue)' , pbone 6l!.lX, lsllll went to meet Marlla. ret. A cab I well at my conduct, It II becnuse 1 of bls appoIntment. Come. my young Dnvhl. H ere's the of11cer In th e nrmy. They wo~ a .... " ..'P I!"! ~'" '0 {Of! I~or •• "r .., ........:. Ilav.C bl't'llChcs an' the purty s tockln ' ~ nn' rur'ouB 10011 In ble. eres:-klnd 0' On bIS ' WRY to tbe pIneo he heard a 'ong enou •.h to do hIm nn y good. Wayu ~IVIIJf\, OhIO a ~, ! p.rlnclplcs thllt are Invlolobl.e.~ shoes, an' the lUy n'hlte «hlrt. Slip 'em lOn a n' we'll kneel down nn' h nvl' a word 0' prayer. Till 'ert! oln't no eli 'in'1L.1. • IT".;. 0104, ()ONIT common ftght. It'e a bntlle with tyro nnny. 1t'8 lik e th e tight o· DO\'ld 00' ,.. Pl.IMUAE "0' WOQ,R". I'LL nolln r, Here's yer 01' sling wnlUn' FI" TMO\T ,.Ha t e r )'01" N ~., Solomon ·t It the pl~ l olB noll str(lklMl their grillS wlUI n lovlog . hondo 81M b)' !lIde t hey knelt by the bed togelher tor a morn nt ot s Uetll prny(' r . . . th nI W s Urrlng In f he Inn. ~er C()uld hoar tuots r ps an d low "olel's III 1\ ~In .n~'"r _ lh t! m . Jack put n hl~ s uIt or br o\\'ll "elvet and hIs • wblt a1lk It()C~DgS and" ben linen, .'" b ~ hod broupl In a tl1Uan bal;. Ita '. ,. looklnlr at ,tbe platQl.1!o wh"n_ ~-:-k----:::=----'--11---''--'~~'---:~I':;L..~,-.~.,...j.~~r#--+ CtI,ID ,. "'~ at tbe d/X'lr,_ Prtllllon br 'WIth Doctor 8rook& ani to \II) out .oletly abead ot TeJ7Y " ~ Ula ' ~tato. "'lbeJ
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Fanners, Attention! It··"
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' I 1"(" ' I lIfl S' h nH~, IlureI I and Lu I" .1 SPLll t In ~ t "lur day in ,l hlyto ll _
Days of Poor Richard I
I I,
Immun'ty For "Glorious Larceny"
We need a new cln ssification in the criminal code, If a man s teals five dollars it is petit larceny. [ f he steals one ~ unch'ed dollllr!:\ it is grand larceny. Seeming-Iy, however. if 1e s tenls one or two hundred million dollunl it is glol'iou!1 larceny and w' have no c1assirlcation for tha t. The governmt!lll g Ot!H tu normous expense and clutterl! liP the iss ue fol' y an; upon yearfi before anyone fa ces th e I ur of jus t ice, wh en Ii j(igantiC th eft ii'1 alleged. Stt:'I.1 a loaf of ul'rad and you nl'e lip th river in two days . : teul hu mlr eds )£ milfloml and you ~111 t ravel th e ocean of easy Ii I II for th c rest IYf you I' days without di~turbun c e. The pl'o:lent opera t ions in \Yashin gton in r 'I ation t o the uil l< it uutioll presen t a RpecUlI' le ca lculat ed to produce 1110re uul!:l hcv is m thun a ny ill sid eou:-l l'opa ~undu that could possi IJ ly be l:und uct cd by t he red :; eith er in th e open or, ecl' ,tly , Grave cha rgeR, and I!'l'Il ver d i~('lo : lI l'e:; nr e t :is ted into p,)litical iss u ~, each man scrambl ing fol' pos ition. ~ac h ma ll try in g to capituli7. the s itua tion fo r himself or fo r his pa r ty until th e performance haR becom e difl2'u :> Un g, T he issue has Leen lost to sig ht. Everyone is brat.il" : t il..: t um tom to lead the pulJlic mind down a dozell sid !HW_S. The country has" h-;; en- told that t.he U itcd Stnt cs govcrnment has been robbed of properly wor th $2 0,000,000, a a that th e robbery wa. mude pos~ j bl e by t h e cOlln h anc~ of some public officials and t he bribery of ot her s . It th "iI~ UP facts, th II there"is a plain, straightiorw d Am ril::ln ('OU Cie that ca n he purs ued. Undel· th e pres:ont fi '3 t <:!!ll of pro be and sid e probe, charge a nd counter-c lal·f!'e, th e issues will drag along for years; so long, in fact, th:1t t he rublic with its IIhort memory will have forgotten nil a bout t he matter. If the government in Washingtpn does not know h ow to allProaoh th e problem, let the read ers of this news pa per write to the Pres ident and ask him to call a Special Federal Grand Jury. Ask him to have the evidence placed be'for e that Grand Jury and indictments obtained. Then th e i 's ue CUll be tried in a prompt a nd ord erly m anner and the atm osphl.!re cle:,red at once. Doheny, Sinclair, F all and anyone else char,~ed 80 openly with looting th e American doma in surely will welcome such a conrse if as innocent as they iuRitlt, and if Vley are not, then the sooner they are brought to book the better. .
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CoPYTilIht by I rvinR n.che1lu
'-I dra nk (0
g i nNs o r \\ li lt.·
S"bin 1II11c [)o n1l 10i '111(1 fa mily "p., llt Sund"y w ilh Ell Cla r k 1l ~ d f nmil y, o f O rl'/:,o lli a .
uf hu u s l'h lll ci II
L his
g-III HI :--
r ~ s i d l' lIrl' In
F riday
II f t c' l' nol l ll
I\1 I'S. G uy flO UI7.llhn a nd dll ugh t er, Genev u l\l uy, wert: w 'ek~(:n d J! u c ~ l~ II', on d Mrs . lI ubll l't Og de n "pent n f ,'c latil'('s in T ippecan oe ily , l h,' wVI'k · e nd wi lh hOll1e f ulks a t Wi!li nm!" h urg ,Ky. 1\1 1'. Bud 1\11' ~. Curt i ~ Thol1lp sPTI n.' ~
Car-t ~ I',
of ' ''·lIc)w . lUI-ill' " hOllll' Th llrs day , uftc r ~e \'er,, 1 Spl'ingb i~ fipen tl if ll ~ a fl'\\' dn\" ..; I \ \ ' (' (' }.; I.; ' "iojOU I'I1 III Lt.!es b u l"f~ , Flu . hl'n' wit h f r ie nd., ' ~I I', "lI ti l\lr~. C h,,~ . E. JI.hn" weI'(' -'1r. an d I\l r,. : . .I !~ Clarh tl ll ~1 :-.1111 ~lIl\ d HY dil lll l 'r J!Llesl~ (If .Mr. a ud n,,) . s pen t Sunday w ith \\'i ll (, I",k 11\1,·,. G I('1I11 .Iuhlls flll d "O il, ,,1' J)ay :'Int! l:lm ilYt of I.thUlltln, tO I! . , 1 Mrs_ Luci le
i I
b~ ~ 1I n
, . Il'n' ti J1 nilll' ~ , of I)"ytr>n , ~I' clil Sunday w ith I'; " pa l',,"I ", "I I'. lI,id "I ... IIlId l\11'~. }:""I·!'tt Vill!ll'~ HJ>ell ~ 111 ' :,; II II .· , . I S. . . ,lIl1c ~ , t he \·..,c1H l lJ(l with ~ll's, La ura Shl. dn kcl' . :III', W. c. (','r n.·1! wil l hlll'e " <Il le
In the
.] ,~" V"~la, Elli, i. ve ry 5i 'k lit 1I.lrs, Edilh KlIl'fi ~ hn,rI. 111 iSR V ' Ima llll:' w " lli ll~ , wilh tOIi RililiR. • nllth \\'c' r' )layl l1l1 VI ~ ltOI'R Thll !' ~ - I
WEDN ESDA y, A !'HIL 2. l!I24
~lis~ : \le Wheuw \ '. vel'}' ~ i ck ' l\t i Mi ~s Leunn l\ICG IrIIlC!S \\'11" II week · h h writing_ l end I;lIC8 (I f rrL h'(" ill 13 .. lI brDnk.
, .
i'" n
Mr, Churlcs POP!! is quite ill ot .1ise N n Coli It iG vel'Y ~ i ck wi t h di t,h t hel'lu. his hOI11(, w e~ t o f town ,
8 uh" c' ri () inn Prico, $ 1.00 1'1'1' Y Il r ·,..- r l ,.;n "." I I II 1\ ' 1.1t I ~ \
It W I
IIn' l
('Ill 1n :-' S(lUl) ~\' h f> O n f1 tr n n g~
MI', :. M .Ed"''''l'' ~ p(,lI l ""\" 'I'a l ~ I ~" Ma l' \' I'"ok IIl1 d brut he r. 1'111'<l ay· la" t wl'('k willi hi' "i'll'r . )1 " . r y, "i \\·aY Ill,,\·illl' . "pc nt \\ c d,\(' ~dH~' F rank !lu r \,ey, " I' Ll'lfllnoll. a l t he 11II m l' .. I' ~Ir . alld Mr s. ', I':. :--; p\,tlral f reJn1 hl, )"t , all l'HJL,d tlH ' fU II,·" lI to f ~l l' s. Willil' lI' ali I,,-t F,., . d ll .\". h"ld III th,' h ll ,!!n",U I·hurch . ~l r. and ~fr > . ( ·has . TlI l'I:"I' (' n tl'l'lail "01 1\11'. a nd ~ II " , J , 1. . ~I ,, " ( . r Itll d MI'. I ll'a n Muo r ,', u f Xenia, al SUII d H~' di ll nl' l'.
J u hll ~. ~l "~ .
~Iah·inll S t acy , 1'1' !laylun, I,,, t \\ c ~ "ith he r sis t(" I' , 1\l rs . ( ' hi li" "iti,,", 'iI, d , oI ~o ('II II('d ( ' II old
~ l'l ' l' t
an' d r Str , nger Life in t •itt' x~ .. F nee Po t .
ERE is a .}' W <ln d better steel fence p()!'t - th(; RED TOP Double Str£!!lgth Studded ' feE:. ' I) holes to weaken post either above or below the g round- pr oved stronger than [1 1\ other pus l S nt all points by severe st testS. Fine new 1in ish and sturdiEr ane ll r plate. Ne\ I staple that is stronger and (!asil:f to a pply.
Cost Less in Fence Lasts Longer Thi s is the type o f pos t all manufacture~s have fo r years been trying to produce, but It was given up as jmpn:;;~;ible . A R!!D. TqP en gineer h ad to d i'1 cO\'l:r a new pnnClpie I? rolling steel b _f o l e he could make t hiS Studtled 'i'ee. But don't get the idea that it's an expensi\'c post. T his new RE D TOP costs less than the better grade of wood posts and lasts twice (IS long. It actually costs considerably less set in the fence line. It's the greatest value ever offered in a fence post. The Studded T ee is equally good and equ<!1lY
~I r<, II :\1. ('lark ' !, Pllt s('vr ra l dllYs ill IIllyltlll h,sl "l··k , v i g i till~· M I'~ . . Ti ll' Wil li utili ttre pla ce W ll )'P r "l'('(U n ,t( n l' lIl' COlli " alld da ug hte rs , :III'S. ~Il'. ~ rs . Chari{'s , H!l bL'I'L and Il n rry , In t-, dim (lI "llI n("e, I kne w tll pn th ll t conomical for repairing old fences or building ~. Ln mb alld ut her fr ie nd I'!, Sm" l·t, oj' inc inll nll , "Uelld.' .. t il<' I I hnd tll s tNI Ih e ('11[1 or CII·ce. M .I' new ones. I.:,·" IYII ,J" h ll~, Ih l' litLle <lau.' htl' r • huml .. f ell Iltrou/:I\ lilY Inp IIno1 s ud· f UIIl' I'a l fir Jl' lT i, li atton , un Wl' ti lle ,Come in and see this new RED TOP. You must of ~I I': nll d ~h',. na lph ,JOlill" , h ll~ d.'nl .1' til tln~' nfl I'd, II \\'". lik e d ay of la s t w ~"k. see it and handle it to appreciate bow good a hel 'lI qu ilt! !-iick lh' pa st. WCL'k , u l'~ S1\lI'lnl; oil' u honrel, 1'11(' en,1 li nd fn ll cn, i\Ir'. an d M r:; , E. E . fl l'a ~f)n (, Il l el'post it really is. lap,!; o f t he ~ c ul' l ct f("\, ~ l' all d the TI, pr,. I ~ n () lhln~ mor ... ·Lo Ilf' Ril id or lu illl'd :\11'. and ~11'~ . P u ul l1 (' a ~ nll It h!!("nu se II1\' bl'Rlo hnd cen"ed t o r('o IIl ll lll pR. ce lve lind rc'cord Il1Ip reBsl onR. I \\'us o f n a y lon , Mr. an u M r~. F rnllk i\li ~s F ishel', t l .., (' \'Il!i~e 1i s t a t qll il' (,~ a'1d Ca rl !lo cket an d fnmil y liS t"t,,'lI y nllt ",r 11lis lu eHs II " 11 mnn Spring hor o , wi ll fi ll ttlC' pul pil III tJ Ie III hi s gr,n-e. When J (' 11111(' 10 , I \\'1\8 ily , S u nd a y. . (.CUAR.ANTf:EO Ly tle chlll'Ch !iext S und ay afte l'n uon In II hl' rt h (I n t l'" s hip )(ln g Wi lliam Mrs, Ira lI nl'tHoc k iA hl.'rc taki n/:, bound for New York. As "" " n liS T cor e of h,~r a u nt. Mi,s Su e Whets el. in the uURc lice uf th e lI\i ll i ~ le l'. Rev, kn"'" IIn), lhl lll;, I kncw thlll I IIIHI bl'en J . C. Whitsd. J o hn a n d L,\I\'re nce rea ly al'U aL t rIcked. M~' ciotheR hod ~e n remo,·ed l\Ir. und MrR. KCRle r Graham nr c snd were Iyln~ 0 11 11 chnl r nl'llr 111", hom e with Lh e ir pUl'e nts, MI'. and n ow d omici led in lh e ir nc-w h o me in Mrs, Johll Feuly. My wllteh an<1 money wero undl Rttlrbed. CI Lytlc, which they r e ce n tl y purchased 1 .lind n s~\'c re puln In my t1!'nd, I Morc mumps: Morris Os born, dressed lllld went tip on deck, The J ohn Kenn edy , He len Rnndu ll, Ho l'- of Mrs. S ub inu Lamb, This included lhll groce r y room and s tock. MI'. cnptnln WIlS th e re. nce Rudduck, J ames Gillum, Waller and Mrs. Graham nrc both very e n"You m usl hn,", hnd n night of It In Grn\'ese nd,'· he snJ d_ "You w ·'re li ke II He nry. Edilh May Broo ks, Richard e rge tic young peoplc, and we wis h dead mon wh en they bl'oughl yon Davis, Alberl Bennetl. ~ l nrjori c S hu - thllm sUCCess in th e ir Ilew e nterpri se. mnke r WaYllc, Ka thle en and Alice abroud." ------- --~.------Grn}" "'\\'h~rc om I going?' I !IRked, "'To N ow York: he nn8wcred with F ARMS FOR SALE The Mlch 'g:m Supreme Court. did well to uphold the right of the o tough. 'Y (1U must hove hnd n time I' Rtnte No r mal School to expel one of Ils girl pupils for s mokin g cig· to do. Eie stood erecl nuil dlgnlfled "lIow mu cb la the fnre?" •• 16 acr es. G r ooms . ba rn n nd oth· arett cs. I nlcf8 we wa lch ourselvos some hi gh school girl wiil buttie with a !nlce lik e one cu rve d In wood. • II 'Youn g mn n., lhllt need not concern t or her r ight lo carry 0 flask on t he hip. er o utbuildings, B es t of Boil and on Tbe counse l fOr tb e colonies mnd e you,' Bald me cnptuln. 'Your fnre hnll A d nn dy poultry farm , Price 11 wellk defense, The trlumpb wss pike, been pnld In tull. I so w thelll put a It has b., 'n ~ l1ggrs t<,rl . thllt th e new camnnilm song will be complete. Tbe venerobl .. · mnn WIlS $2,200, T e rm s , if n ecessary, M ao letter In your pocket Its" e you read Marri a ge Age ' In Turkey. . I FOR OVER 40 YEARS entitled "Sho uld 0 I ~d Ac'l lr":t tance Forgot." convicte d of conduct Incons is te nt w ith a numbe r of othe r furms, a1\ s izes. In'" Un rler th e Turkish Illw there Is DO . HALL'S CATARRH MNDICINE hu ' the cbsrocler ot a gentl ema n nnd lie- Come and see m e , mInimum nge ttxed tor the marrl oge of been u.ed succe.sCully In UIO tJ'6Qtm!lllt J II ' k r" nnrl thc I NI~ r nnll ren,l: prlvao of hla office us postmlls ter "Yours i~ n fin(' cou nh'y" "II "! ! he Scotchmnn \.0 tho Au stralinn, Catnrrh. lII, N. DOUGLAS. g1rl s, Any mi ss wb o cnn "wulk prop- ofHALL'S CATARRH MEDICINI!I con· "1 .. h fi r ye hale a g'rca ' m [.n~.' ~~t.'!')h."1 uver th er e.'· " Ay e," Tcplil'd " I ' ,'111' Sir- In .. 'n l' Uli • •,'" Ihls you genernl o·t the colonies. Spring Va lley, Ohi'o, erl" on.1 ("nn understnnd th e necessnry .I.u or on Oin tment wll(,," Qutok~" th e Alin lrnli"n. "but Oli r r n ll'f tl' Ol'h l ~ is with the rabbi ts." will he w ('11 OUI of ,hl n!:,'r unil, It Is But be bad two friends 1n court. ~ " Roll.\, 8 by 10Ctll llppll c " tI~'1. and the religious service ts permitted to be- 1ntorn l\I Mod lclne, [L Tonic, whlah aau h"i' '(I. Iwn,' th e w" r RC for r nur dlB- Tbey were the Lndy Bare nnd her - - - -* - ----"-nmo n w lln through tho Bl ood on th e MC ,-OU8 Sur.'\ ' h ln r." n rt ist v'i':, oulte II ropl1 'a i n wh ,m 11(' \\, ,, ~ ,,"ken "Irll tlo n. ThI s frorll C"'(! wh l' nlllni res dnugbter. Th ey foll owed him out Of - -- - - - -- (aces lhu s red ucing the Inflammnt1on, PUBLIC SALE rl'ror' t h' lin I' nf . ': '·: e.': lt~ ~, ql .(1 '~n [i" P! c tUI'~ of h is r ou r s kill II l1d cuu rn)!'e ,nrl ", 11(1 nd· tbe ch amber. In th e greut hallwny, Sold by n il druggist., .1. , . l 1! 1 (} I. ~ ah C ' f\ (J ~ .,{r.JI Lo . .... .: . not ..,!l 1I lif'lnn . F . 1, CheneY " Co., Tolado. Oblo. ~'I~cs )'0 11 lo k ' P Ullt of En~l nnti for Mnrg,nret, her yea wet \vltll tears, emMarve lou s l I w ill offer at pllblic snle nt my nt I{"n." . It )' f' tlr. brnced and ki ssed the philosoph er . rc ~ id e n c(' , lit Lytic, Ohio, all Friduy W1111 f>-- "nOr lnr J ones I~ qulle n I"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! , "I want you to kuow thnt I a m your " A "'I~L L \\,I SIIEH." pOllular ~1. r,:. ' ~n ' t hl"" NIIIIR-"yes, '" I' Elaatlc. It l' 1,.."k NI hncll n\' cr the s tr m or fri end and thot I love Amerlcn." sbe Allril 4, 1924 , nt 1 o'c lock p . m., 1111 be C·l:dlll ~ t n ,' lI r t' Ih l r " f w lr hout 0 Mr. nll~' er- "T lil~ I~ 11i~ limit, U's my househ old g oods lind cbnttels . tlil' " hil I. 'l'lIl' ~h "re hlld filII I'll ""I or !IIlld. knlfl',".-. · 1' \ 1 'Y IH'k ~1 U1 lind f:l n he. I lou ~h tn IIOY 00 ,",'nI~ " rnnn ,1 ror n "My duughler. It bUR been l\ hard con .i s lin ~ of rugs , tab les, chairs, sl!!ht. 'I'h (· "k,· "'li S ell'llr, Thl' s un , bTl.IIIIlI: Rtcnk," Mr. BlIldl- " Yep, hut " h l llhl ~: 'J'I~(! \~' I D!I wus blo\\'llIg fr m hour. bu t ( am s lxty·elgbt YCllrs old di s hcs , c ook in g u tc n Rils, stovcs nnd . It·!! InUlrhor wh ('n ;rnll pll,\' thlrl y." and hnv e len rned mnn)' things," he mnny other nrticles. Terms cnsh. I'll' ('n~ l . I .- - - '--.- -.... ~- . Il c Rt"od fo r II 1<111/% tilll e look ing answered. "Time IJ! the only n venger W, C, CORNELL• FUNERAL DIRECTOR Advice to v.oung Men. I noed. It wlll Iny tbe dust." 10w nn l 1h.! hll1d h" hn.t 1(lfl. Fores t Martin , Auet, "A. r orson who cllnnot 8ucceed wlthThe gir l embraced and kl ~scil him "Uh, yc wings of Ih e wind! Inke Waynesville, Ohio Wlilter Kenrick_ Clerk ont b Inll In n herd ought to orgllnl30 my 10\'e t(1 li~ r anl1 gll'o her news of altnln and sold In B VOice s bnklog wtth emotion: Old Thomne Trett would Rtew • bls ·own h n!. My nd\'lce to n )'ounl( mo /111 11 bl.1 hcl' to he S I CJltlf" ~ 1 In mnn Is 10 leom tn pltcb In lind nght her rnlth lind h ope," he whl sl" and fret, and toil and f nve and "I wish my father nod 011 English· Fully Equipped for Good borrow, . • . He waul n't'stop lI oep unel I his bnttl 's Sllll:le-llnncled, men to know lhat I am your !rleud ullo Ihirron ! lIIel r contJucl. \: uu r lU' if he should dro li--but sniel gO~ts rlln In d roves, Illlt lions nnd tigers CHAPTER XII and thnt I have a love thnt eonnot be rlier I~ U ):o,'d III nn. Try to wi n him Service. be'd reat tomorrow! Folks sa id do not,"-E. W. \lowe. . turned !llll<le or destroyed Ilnd that I to your ('111 1 C. " h o never went to bed-so hurd Room Large Display my right a8 a buman b eIng." wtll -hnve T he Girl He Lei~ Behind Him. he pined fer riches. He wasted "Ami (U" " nllllf1en," snlel Ih e girt "Como let us go nnd tolk loge thol'- with n High. Aft,'r JIl<'k hllli h N !II whirl lout of time-an' called it crime-by nAY OR NIGHT we three," be proposed. T ELEPHONE 7 lluttin' on his breeches! He fell '·lmpoR~III I('!" 1"l'l1ul[l1n eJ(clo lme<l. '1 HI' npnn Lonllllll , I"rilllklin cu iJrd lit his IOllg· the stock on' watched the clock , Tbey l ook a cab and drove sway. "J s hill I UJ:. ,'n- Jo ck or nl'~er marry. I hllus .. lr In \,Illn wll h liD lIIlPII"), hl1rdcn, nl!!R nlltl lell TO NI Lhll t Iw hnd not Ileen -he put up hay on sundnY'j' uYou "rill tblnk all tills a singular Sl'l'n rl1r 11 dfl~', The wis e phI1O!'ol. lI t:!r Properly advertised wo u ld ,.,>11 er' be bls wlfe UIOU the 1 1 wll! CII~t nil my ~n r~" on God: He • . . "The world is min e." he proceedln,g ." Lnd, Bllre remnrked. ul qu~u nr E n:.j faind." hnth blcJ/lcn 101': thcy ('unnnt burden ellt l'rl"lnorl DO doubt 11m t the yo ung· Want Ads in their would opine-lind eVMY dllY 1111111 hud l uke n Ship ogre ub ly wlUI must t llll you thot rebelli on blls "Th lb I~ s urely Ule ngC' of rom once," Blm.- UIBh op nlill. WIIS MondllY. ' . . . The "ei~h- I proper season, will 't he odl'l("o gh'en hIm. A r 'port hod storted In our hom e. Its pence Is Buill the s milI ng philosopher os the 'SlIve by buyi ng in Wnynesville," bors ~ essed h e'd -hove .to rest bcan run ning th rou~ h th o dubs of Quite destroyed. Mnrgllre t 'inS de- Iltdl"s nll phted at tll elr door. "I wIsh if sickness overtook him- bu t , Took Own Medici ne. clared he r right to Ule use of her own r wert) young ngnln. ~ Lu n,lon t hlll 1.l one l Cl nrk e hnd Slitneith er hcalth nor sordid w eolth n eglected 01' for800k himl , A 1"'8 Anseles phy 1r.I"n ton k nme ~ lIl1l" l~1. ]n tn ct hu hu d hlld 0 bud mind," SOOle called it nluck, nnd. . uf his nwn ",0<11dne. Th e ' ".'nliet of tllTll, hut hod rolll <'li. ,lllC'k IIIUS( hn"c "Well, If shll Is to use ony. mlna It CHAPTER Xllt others, luck- but all pronounced th e C<)rnn-c r'6 " erd lct \\'iis "dealh due to hen r,1 lir e fnll;(' rL'port nnil token ship wlJl h u v4~ to be thnt one," Franklin it s lllvin' - beca use his lifo !"lHhlt lllly . . nn8wered. "I do not see wby women Tho Ferment. was endless strife of gllrn erin' . Po(·t(l r F'runl:lln went thllt dill' to Auctioneer sho lid nnt be entllJed to use theIr lind suvin·. , , , One I)"entide he I On hi s ,' o~'nj(e t o Now YC)rk , Jn~ft III I.' Itll'l' t l,,): of · the pri vy ('(lun ell, IUI.ods as well os thclr IlI\I1ds Rnd up lind died- which left us , Fr:q:':t-y-. - . wrnln · l"ng 1('lIel's to 1\Il1 rga rl'1 1111(1 to \\'''IIIII'r h hurl I\c~ n str,'nly 8 " 111' steeped in sorrow .. , . Abovc teot." Dm' to r t l~ rnn ldJIl. which w(!n~ dl~ ll (ls ltt'd ,\t CLl Sllrvh'e mllny Ih lnfVI Ihnl nl'l> Get my terms for your his head. n tnhl et r end. th nt,. he lJIon el1 f o r CXIII'1I 1nnUun in rh l' Inntt or "I was kepI at hom e yesterdny by In th.1 I)(I~ I otti cp on hi s lI ".t vl1l, I III' ,,, t guu c] for th em nn ,1 liv e '" defy would .r est tomorrow! We ho ne Public Sale. of I Ill' l<:tl Crs <\f 111111'11111s0n· ct ul. torce." snld Margn ret. "Eve ry door [('\ Ilt h n f t\[u rj '}l, li p n l)~"r\' ("1 II ,L!' r (lltt h"o., who lire ogs r "~lIt P !1 nbou l It. it's so, though we dunno- he's For lin h(lur ho li ud Sit (l(I(] uII11I0l'ed lock ed 0 nd guorded I It was brutnl chon g!! In Iho s pirIt ot· th!' (IN'pll'. 1 satisfy and save you too fur gone to foller- though Wll li., AI1''''" lrl('r W(',llkrlHirn, the wit· tyronny ." 1'Jwy W("I r e no lO!l gor con f en! wi I h some s urmise he'd form the money or no charges, th'~1 hnrrlsl.~ r III lilt' IdnJ.;,iolll. ptl"rl..>(1 "Th e poor chili.! hns my sympathy, "-MUS. 'l'h(' fl'rmp01 "'liN~h () wln g itself skies-it he could make a dol1111(111 hllli u 10l"rellt of IIhIl AI!. r-: " cn but whnt. cnn I do?" Lndy Dare In· In DclF of ~Il(' n fllI<1 \'Iolrllt dl s(lf,lc r, lar! th n JII O:'(' . ugnt n 'l 11 11 lrlldtU" ns of Qulred . 91. Th l' ... ll[:lUI' of Ll eorge 111, nenr the ,It'en" I1'" In the hIgh cOllrts of IIrll"'n, "lIe ln~ nn Am e rlc~, you can expect li ome Phone 2, CentervllleEx, hllth" r~' , was I n'u l erl t o n n :ll1ey at 11e-11I 1t,,11l',1 Ilt th' d P.\·C(D CSS of Ih e but onl! nns wp.r from me." lIald the clI~' l:11 e!'f(s, h i thc eve'nln g of bl ij ur, nS"lI ult, Thllt wns the SllOI','h of l'hllosoph er. "To u ~ lyrunny Iu home rl \'!l I, Thl: hot blood \\'1\8 du" to tll (' harte::: ,TlUues Fox 11!'I'III I'e(1 or' stote .Is Intol ernbl e, They tried It elT...·1 tn prc \'cnt free Hlleech In th e \\'hl ch th;ll Il wn R th e mo~t e:qlPns lye hit or on me when r was n hoy and I mn co l.. nles [\ull the propoMI to sen<1 haarlem oU has been · a world- orlltory which h ll d been ll('ll nl In 1' 0):- Rwny." p ull tical pl'l soners to E ngl und to!' trlul. "Thnt Is "'hnt I shnll do It neees· wide remedy for kidney. liver and lun <1, sln co It lind cos t tllO l(ln1:4I01II Its ,f liCk took tbe first boot to Albnny , COIOllll'S, Bury," sold Mnrgaret, nnl\ fo ulld Solomon workin g on th e bladder disorders, rhewnatism. It \\'u s nliciled (hilt In 801lle millin er "Oh, my child I Ho\\' would you 1r"I1'" fArm . In hI s dlnry he tells of and uric acid conditiona. F runklln hud s tolen tb l' ' I e tter~ uucl live'" her mother asked, The Eye ~Ight Specialist tlH' d r'llghlful dllYs of r ~~ t he enjoyed vlolll ll'd th clr ~lIc rcd 1l1'lvucy, It Is "I will unswer that Question tor her, wllh Ills tllmlly. Solomon hnd tnld Dee". Swimming Suit. kn own n,)\\' thnt on English noblemnn 11 you will let· I¥," snld Franklin. th~m of lho Ilrent IIdventure but Jock In wlntcr tJm rtlr ur ttll' ,h'cr, Is hnl t [Iut 'tll m In hls hnnd ~ to ren d "If she needa It. Rhe 'abnl! have an w ould h"" IIttiP. to say of It, 1I11\'lng a)lednlly aduptcd (or, 8wlllllllln/%, 'rl,e lind thut he wos In no \\'tiy resl',)oslb le allowaQce out of my purse." no pride In tknt ll'\hl cveOient. haiTI! nrc composed of IIlr 'ell~ 11 11<1 , L .\ I ' S l r L 1-. S for thl'lr publica tion, 'l'he trulh, If It ''Th unt, you, but tbBt would ralse a Soon Ih£' scout leit on n mission ror when the cont Is uhou! ,ill 11I1'i1 t"nle ' cou ld hn"e iJllen told. WQult! IIfi\'C ICllndol," snld tbe womiin, tIl(: committee ot 8uft'ty 10 dl s tnnt set· It will Bulllce tn 1I.."t him , M,,"t of correet lritemal traublee, stimulate vital b ·nt Ihe proud hends of Wuddcrhurn "Oh, your IlIdYs!llp, I am Old ~ough tlem entR In til e gt'ent north hush, tbe' buck! slleil thllir nn tlers In orpna. Tmee aIaea. All drugglata. IDillt 8:00 a. m. to" p. m . CUIlI t hI! judges to \VI,IOtD ' he !,ppenled, to b& bm· . gmnelfather," "I'li be "pandln' tho holl moon In the January;-lI'rom Nllture HI8wry, . .' Oft Ib, oriaUial ~eIlulne GOLD MEDAL In confusion, nut Frnnldln beld hlJ! "1 wish to go wltb Jllck, If yOU know wll<1erness," ho s nld to Jnck. "GolD'" 1I~lIr~. n ~ n IIIl1n of 1I0nor wa s honn.\ E H AV ~here. be Is," Mnrgaret declnred, look· to Vlr!!lnny when I get hnck. an" I'll _ _ _YD_UR.... _EX_AM_INE_D__ Ing up Int o the fuee of the philosopher. lnok tPf 'VA (In th(' win' ('own." "I thin'll he I, pURbltlg toward A.mer(Tn be continued) . .lea," Franklin an wered. "Belng alnnned at; the condition of bl8 ad· Waynesville Na~lonal Bank Bldg R. HAT.HA. W A"f verlmry, 1 al1"IRo4 him to Blip nway. Plu I natead of Silol. Ii. Bhlp went yeiterdllY. Probably he's TIJe nO~' ol Agrlcl1lturlll oclety of on It, He M,d no cbunce to ·see me or rnJnglllnd 111 eonductlnj! exp rlmenta pick uP , hla bnggllge," -with pits 1I11~ In th e· Ilr'mnel for the "1 sholl 'follow blm soon.'/ tbo. I1rl lIItorll8e of fo<1der li S n lIuh8t ltplo tor l'Iedored. _ .' 'rhe Inor:e. expensive tower. 81101\. , "If YOI1 wUJ 0011' contnln you~lf. you will get nloD~ ,,'Ith your ~y well," 8al~" Lildy Rare, "I \ hl'm ' better thlili' rou. Se.b•• ,Prom-
t l'lln r.: (,II I1 IC o ~ I' r m(·. ~lr IIlnt e s(,.',ncol" iJp Rlnl<1n g I h 1'0 11 ;:1, Ih" tuhle.
Red ;T oJ' ." ~:'i,
P . Dou b! e·s,treng~h Stuqde:dTe:~ ~.
Steel 'Fence Posts We have good stock 01 RED · TOPS on hand and can take care 01 your needs without delay.
'-'< ',
:---------------S Walter McClure
thll~at~k;;~ o~\\~a~;trP"
__ ___ _
Forest.T. Martin
-- I
Centerville, Ohio
cP!!~ ,
At Cary' Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio
Every Tuesday
Dr. John W. M - il-Ierl.r..-
---.... -.
Dentist ·
_OVe StOkne .. Real. lIetl lt'ijl 8clenU t 811Y thut fove produces In 1'Inhl I' opl dl'flnlt e phYlllcal mR111dl1'9 rnnglng rom co to Ie p8Y, ID whlen til "lcUm nl'a Orlll!8 rich'! nnd DDn clotit!. t il rlent~"'. li nd (·ompler.. lOllS ot 8Peecb.
in thr
Dayso! Poor ·chard
----_ ..,- - -
I'r ry pur J0 b p.noting .
Fifth Sunday In Cburch School at 9:30 a. m .• servie lind serm on at 10:45 a . m.. Rev . Common S~n .". "("lIm lno n s n. c. In It ''''\I~h. dO.ll~ed Ralpjl Lee officilltiilg.
woy. I~ tNlh n l 'nlly 80llndl'r Ihlln the spe cl"1 r hotJl ~ (I,f Jlhlh)~ni'h~· . 'licit df Which s'lulnts illul o" prlflhkR hllit tile tacL ulld hu lf th e dllll"\l lli cB In Its
Vel ocity of Sound. 'J"he \'(·I<>('\ t )· i'f ~n"nl l " 1\ 1'11'1' with METHODIST CHUI~CN til Illl'llltitn tl,,·oll /.:II \\ 1t1('I, II JlII~SCS. In tll'Y ti l.. It t rn, 1'1.. II I .hl' ra Il' or Sabba th .'chool. 9:1 5 11. m . prC'ach. enil'rness t o fill II In Sill ''') tl cl ull the H:n .~lO 111Vlt'rJi Ill' r ~l'('Ufltl ; thl'OIli; h key to tho whol e. "-Gcor~c 1I 0tuyu nD. in g at ]0;308· m . Wednesdayeven . Wilier It s \·elorh.\· Is 1.. 1:1:, lIIetl'l'~ II I' ing service, 7;00 p . m . Epworth S" l·OIIt I. Le agu e 0;15 p . m.: preaching at 7:0C p . m. F.ve ryUody is co rdi ~ ll)' invited
Buckeye Incubators and Brooders
Id.h Superatlt\!l". I the Kll ll~r~tl nu~ TrJ~h Ilen~.\ntry F'rl,lll~' I I'f;;nr flN I ns "' t1 v(·ry linin ·k.\· dll~ . ')'1 I' (loor ~ Il \l ld\ n l!\"l~r I <lpClletl t o II HlrU II!:4!r ,In th nt dll),. 11M :<hrl ll l'l n I'llt h,' lll"cn lrulII Lent, April O. oric hnus!· to IInntl wr.
to th ese service. 'ltev . I . A Washburn. PIIRtor .
CoPYrilbt by lrvlna Bach,,"-
Jork set out fo r I'hllll(kll'n lll Ine doy nftr r ~"I(llllon lett. L1 " stopped n t Klndl'rhook 00 hln wily rlo\\'n t h~ rh' er nnd urtrt ress .1 Its pt'ople on l'ontlltlons In Elllgl!l1l11. A young 'I.'o ry Inl errllpt<!d hi s rClI1llrks. At thu b llrill!(·lle. wh!f'1l
Prof. Farr will be with us a t th e loss Fri ends church next Firs t· nuy .
"h)' ~lrn l l
m the most popular and
lit wh l("h th ~ \'1"11 ,,, hl'''"''It!S rh:I'1 1IIt,I 1I1"!·""tid"It ~. rc> .letlfn,·Sll IIlId cntlllll C[ 1!
Love'a C,rr loua Phy.lc~ 1 Effects. ~ ~t ('dh'lI l S4..: I" I\ II ~l N )-: uy ( hltl IU\I,' pro- 1 III .' '' ''"' I"'"p h' dcrhtltl' <'ITI,' ls flllI ",I "g f ,''''11 (· atn l upsy.
T he confidence of many thousands is one factor that heJps make
---- -
YEP -THE. TIMe TO 00 A T"'IN6 I~
I~ lL"ictlU
widely used tonic~ • food In the world. Scott's E'n1 lsi _ U on Builds Strenath!
&. &WIIC,B IOUJu fic:ld, N . J .
10· 53
follow,·'I. I hls YOUIlJ: llIu n W IIS ~1 ' 1 ~f'd ,lOCi 'PIlII IsIINJ h v n numbr r of " 1lIl\\,lIrt
J:l rl R who rell1o ;'cll hlR "ullllr ulIIl jll ck. pI h.v ("rI'!! lind "o"crNI hlR h" a(1 lind neck \\'Ith 1I1t)ln" ~PH fi nd th., rll 7.~ ot cn l
JII . ~k
'rory lind s topped the
pr(\(·f'(·( lIn~.
"My friends. w e lUust cClnrrul our "Lot u. not t ry to 8l1 boJu(' t~' runlly by \lsln;: It oursell'es. " };verywherc ho founrl t he Ileol'le In ~ u ch R te mper thlll 1'url es hud to hol ll th plr pt'IlCI' I)r s uITer pllnls hme nt, A t th o ntllrco he 1t'lIrnc .1 thll t his m os t Im po rllllll I tiN'S hlld fnll,·\1 to pllas t1w
nll gl.'r,' · be silid.
hl '\rleo ,. oSIIrshlp ot mull In
~~ - ~~ -
1'~n llln n<1
5 t T d ay··,. $
Hardware Harness
FRED M. COLE Waynesville, Ohio
And Farm 'Machinery
The spring rush for Ford Touring Cars has started Arrange to place your order at once, so that you will not be obiiged to wait for deliv~ry.
Entirely Different! J-.KHlS Nc w Cooper V Batt er y, With Its s trollg and sturd y on c· pi ece R<jb.Mik. Cuse. its steel re·c nro rccd Rub.Miko h a ndles Gnd 10ft cu shion bottom. ac t s a
~AI~~~ ::;;:;/ff;5 Detroit. ~;;-7 - --r 11 you do not wish to pay cub for your ear, ytJU can ~ for a small payment down and easy (erma on the balance. Or you can buy on the Ford Weeldy Purchaee Plan.
l1ew h igh s tand· ord In ba ttcry ,construct ion.
.• Magic oFJ;ltstro .cr. From metJievaJ.days com~ wonderfully strange . tales 01 legerdemain, and of more \wonder~uJ
Tho first of them wall B tollt with Franklln. whlcb told bow hJlI mall bad been tampered wLth I that no letter 'bad come to his haoo t.broogh the po,l
~~;:re~~lC~n::r~r~~~~e:! ~!e~~ ~I:
deuce ot' Its violation. Tbe Docton ~~~~~3--IH-~~~~fls--uly!rte~~~~~~ho~~~nn~nm~--Hlr---i<WoM~~iBI~~~f~ e~h In ~~~ Kles with 8 wave their myst~ wand. lea and the proposul to try the bolder Cl. SCarc:ely les~ wonderful today is the miracle of cr1tlCII tor treason w.ere read ODd dillR-aeated floors, furniture nnd woodwork-given cnued lD evel'J botlJlehold from the . . • Dew life land attractiveness by a touch of Lustro. to the mounuln".s aDd from Ma1De to n . ~k
. . HaDJJa~1 Lustro-Finish makes old things glow andglisten-brin~ngbrightness to YoureDti.r~\lome. U. "'It .. i,', Ii,.,
I., _
to lAIn! JIIl/.t. lal - ,lth • •,
""...,."."firWj. "-,,_IIJ,.
R.",,,;, , ,It. ,.",.141 Grua S,aI-for 36 ,.Gr. ,,, • ,taaa..rd.
Waynesville Motor Company
B e ~cg~n , \It once. to wrIte u aeries
ot arUclcs whIch balltened tbe crlllli.
COc)per PJroducts
Rub' Mlka Batteries Wood case Batteries
OJlNl)ORF & SERVIS Waynes~ill('. Ohio
The )'oong bella rt.D&rni
man's work had set t1ie ond' th.)' 'were the bella of revolt. The orrlval ot General Gnae at Boeton lri Ma),. to be civil 'gonrilor II,IId commandllJ'olo·cbJet tor tho conti·
~=ty~~y:hl~t:;,o:~~I~~SU:~ =~
nlotlon who had been ted by t\)e lJea to IItarvo or IlUb!l1l1t on the bounty Of ......, ft..,. ... othere. drove the ' mll8t conservative fa""", cltkena loto the open: Portlel!' WIlDt out buntlnl. EvIlI'J sospected '. Dqmdab/e Pairrl Sin~e 1888 man wae compelled to declare himself' and If ID~rrl&1bljll wu sent ·awei. Town meetinge were held even ullder the-o)'es of the klng's lioldlera and no tribunal wae oUowed to alt. ID any court house. At Silltim, a meeting was held behind locked doo ... wltb tbe gov· ""!!!~~~~!!'!!!!'!!7!!!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~~!!'!!!~!!'!!~~!!'!!~~!!'!!!!'!!~~~!!!!!"--he~m ~;o!~rn,u:'0~nd bls secretary shooting Ii tlon through 1111 keyho(e." declaring It to be (lissolv'ed. The meet· I' , Ing proceeded to Ita end, lod when the citi zens tiled (jut, they had lovlted the tblrteen colonlea to a general cODgresa , In Pbllodelphltl. It was Solomon BIDkaa who eOllla, ialniw w-/.
Oxley.Pace Drug Co.
I •
the Ibvltutlon to Pe nb ~.Flvonla and Vi rginia. He bad gonc' on a sec-
Cbsmopolitan in atmosphererich in historical 'interCllt-distin. guished in architecture and artunrivaled in horticulture. A city of noble and stately build· ings. broad avenues and spacious parka- altogether the most splen. did capital in the world. To see Washington and to observe there the various D epartments of Government in operation is an importan~ element in the making of an American. Springtime. in Washington is one delightful periods of the year. Large numbers of organ· . iz.ed tour parties-and individuals web- plan pilgrimages there ' in the months of April ' al'ld
of the most
ond mi ssIon. to Sprloglleld and Doston lind ho d b~ n 10 ti,e me~Ung at Salem with General Wnrd. Anothtlr mon eDrrle d that his torIc cull to t he colonlee far ther 80uth. In five week8. delegntes were 'chosen, olld eorly lD August. they were tr(wellng on DIany dUferent ronds toword the Quoker cIty. Crowds gath· ered II! everr town oDd vlllo ge they possed. SOlomon. who rode w ith the Vlrglnlo delegotlon, t old Jack thnt be bndn't heord so much nolso sInce the In j un wllr. " They was poundln' the bells. an" shooll o' cnnnons every\\·!tcre...· he deciorad. "hi!:u, women ond children' crowded 'round U8 an' 8pllt their lungs yelHn·. 'I.'hey·s Il streak o' sore throate aU tile wuy from Alexllndry to here." . Solomon and hl8 young friend met lobn Allams on the street. The dis· Ungulshed Mussocilusette lawycr said to' Jock wben tile greetings were over: ":Y OODg ml'n, yout' pen hna be eo not wrl tlog. but milking 1t18to~y:' "bocs It meao wurl" Jack Queried. lItr.. Adams ' w lped hIli brdw with. hla h ont1)..~rchlooi IU1C1 llilJill '. ~""'pJe 10 IK&f
clrcomatanc:ee bave 'ee1dom II'OWD old or died 10 their bedL'" . " "We ,ooaht t~ be readT,- IIdd J llck. • . \' " "And we are doftlg'llttle but . .t and (Irick , and 1I100t ~d bl~," I(~ Adam. .anhered. .. W..... beliW • . .~ertallled here with meatl u4 ~ and C!IItarda. and jeulee ud ~ ... HOlltlDg ""and" tlnd Ma"del!:'a "'De. ' It is (fir lOU Induce the peQplt of 1I\d.elphlo .t o bj)a1n to aave. W. /:Iecil learn E raDtlln'. phllOlOfll1 ~
thtrrt.... . '.
on .. . .
The Tr,· State is t~e Largest Creamery in the world, buying DIRECT from producers. ,- ..... - '- - .... . - - - - . - . . . '. . . . nead wbat R. P . Caine., one o. tbe larred of Pur.. Dr .. d Jer...y., and on .. of tbe moat prorr.... iy.. dairymen .aYII- "1 want -~
br~ edtira
tbi. opportunity to Itat. that tb,! deaiingo that w .. ,hav.. bad b ave b .. ~n mo.t .. ti.f~cto~y. Your te.ta 'and I
1y in line witb tbo.e at tb·.. farm aad w ..
bay.. beea ..!lnifo,rmI
ba.,e aotbin. but word. of tbe birbe.t .commendatlon for your ab.ol,nt••~uar. d.aUal. enol..
prom,pt and accur~te bu.i!' .... metbocl., a. Indicat.. cI by the .. "p .. rience we b ..·• bad in- d .. alinr_ witb you." Si.n ..d •
R. P. CAINES . "
1 ri State P.r icei. for Mareli 'Averag~d . ,.
.n,.,_ J
• ,i.
)lr: and Mrs. Walter Elzey were In Dayton Thursday.
Whole Number 558
OBITUARY Th ere is a I caper who"e nnme IJen th. M r. IIlld Mrs. Jesse Wright. of Anti with his . irk l. kee n He rellp. th e beardcd ~rnjn III a . !,rill)!""r", Mrs .. Lino Dev ilt ,Dr. b"I'ath. 1'111'1' . i'll'. ulld Mrs. E .S. Boily were And th e fl tI\I'l! r ~ that grow h c t:w~c ll . SU lld"y dinner ' guests of Mrs. Julia and Llw mtlther gm\'(~ , in tcors lIt1d l)ono\'lll1 . pain, Th,· tl",,,,, .. , he most did lo\'c .\11'. an d Mrs. Jesse Wright. Dr. : he Im l!w " h ~ would tind them ali i F a iT . Mr~ . J alin Donovan an d Mert a)!ain. 1 Baird WC I'" din ner guests. MOllday, of 111 the field lOf Ii ~ht II bovc . ~II'. IIl1d Mrs. E. S. Boily and Mrs. Lilla l) ~ \· i tt .
Our neighboring to wn amI township in Groen!! county, Spring Voll e y, after mon y years of co nte ntion. is to hove a ce ntrolized Rehool ~ystem. The town shi p bo nrd nf etlllcution will award con tra ct., II mounting to $53,205.00 for the erection of a hi gh ,. sch o~ 1 on " live·ncre tract II lruu dy acqUired, one quarte r of n mile (10 " 1: oC [Iring Valley. The bids for th e various phases of th e work hove 111r ead y bee n let. f o r n number o C years Spring Va lley town shi p has been atlellJplin~ to sec ure a centrali zed Hig h sch oo l, uu t a mutte r of conte nt ion n~ t o th e building's loca t ion has held back the work. Two town s in th e township wanted th e building- Sp ring Valley
Wm. Orndorf Is visiting with relo· A capo city oudience pocked the ti,vea In Belmon t. High School Gymnasium on Monday evening to see the High School's .Me~s1'8. Jesse and HoWard Burton first musical production fo the yeor. were Dayton viaitora Saturday. "The Gypsy Rover." There were over 300 people preset. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crew spent lost The fl1'8t oct involved a Gypsy camp Thursday with friends in Xenio. ncn r London and the various GypRy characters sre introduced Including lIr. and Mrs. Walter Cast spent Rob, who is of a line Eng1l8h tomily. Sunday with relotlves In Clarksville. and who waH stolen by the band I . when a baby. Later in the act an 4nd Mrs. Jeule Wright. of English beauty. Const!ance. and Lord Springboro, were Sunday visitors Croven, her 1111 Ice. are lost in the hore. woods and accidentally come into the Gypsy comp where Constance meets Isaac LIncoln. of Dayton. spent Rob ond falls in love with him much Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. to the consternation of Lord Craven. Smith. Rob is in reality, rightful heir to the estate' that Craven III to inherit. In Mrs. Kathleen Haines Morrison. of the lIecond and third IaFta the scene Cincinnati. spent the wllek-end with Is shifted to the London home of Sir relatives 'lere. George Martindale Where Rob finally comes into hi. own . and' wins the hond Mr. I Hartoak, of New.- of Constance. who has proven true pert. Jey., ' apent the week-end wUH to her Gypsy lover niratlvetl here. I While all of the actors played their '., patrs well we 'feel that there are some ·MI'II. J ... uP. of Atlanta. G•• , that deserve 'additional PlaUditS. the peat of Mn. IdcMlIlan, of Eamiart. lUI Conatance. showed FrieDda Bome. a remarkable stage presence. and sang her aongs in a aoft voice that JbhQ Lcionatd, of Kines Mills. 'vis. wu pleaDllt to hear. ' Levi Coata, - t;ed, hl•. ••ter; . Mrs. Calvin Blimp ae Rob, the GyPlY Rover. carried his part well and did moat of the 'mole oYer ,the week-end. t' . • , work. John Paul Bolton fur· Mesd.mes C. ' ir. Robltser. L. A1 nbhed many laugha 81 .n eccentric Zimmerm.n and HIlITJ Face spen En,lilh nobleman. while Carl Noble 'l'u~yi" .Dayton. I • ayW Johll Ke1',8ey were amualn, In , " . ,I " ,., , th~lr aa robberS: Edith . ·' Mr. 'Cit¥IH' lloeher, at CI\ldnaatl'I-fr![dab)jal~1 nd ' Elate ' , Hawke took th'e ,uelt of Mrs. Edith parta of Gnay· women; and WIUI.m .nd famJlT, Thursday. '!'hOni.., Sir George Martindale. The ~eSt · of the cut and cbbrul commit. St. _Mary', GuHd will meet wit ted themeelveal..,ell. . , Ill'll, J.m" McClure on T)lursda'i II " I ''ltfueli eredit II due the 'mualeal dl. ~mli9n . ~t I o·ehx:k. . rectOr, ' Mr. '~Ified ·W.tIdill for the j ., ~ucce.. of the operetta, .nd the com· 0, ' ",d J4~. ChU. Zimmerman High 'Sehool oreheatra fumlab. • od dau,bter. visltad :wIth relativee I Inuale throughout. The High Port wU\r~ Sunday. pupils 'who were in charge of
• Mr.
Wh ell Hire in life's "un _ct re laxe, itK tircd h(1 ld on its rCApo t1 sibilili cH and dlllil'" alld sN'ks with tot crillj! ,t41l 's it " co uch or re~t, we muy feci n g rcltt l o~s. but we Itlll y be cun soled with th" plen""nt memori es of duti cs W 4' 11 done, of tasks comp leted, n li fe purpose fu llfilled . But wh on
~Ir . and Mrs. Elmer Ke lsey enU'rlllilll'd at dinner Sundoy, Mr. and ~Ir<. Ertt CHt Kolsey. of Spring Val· Icy, an d Mr . an d Mrs. Fra nk Kelsey, or Ccn tcl·\' ille.
-- -~.----
::~~ ~~:II~U~I~~~t:t:b~~~!l: ~~at~~: ~1:utfl:I~: C;~I~~l~~~~~:lv~~s ~~~I1'~~~~v ~:~ I MEETING Cormcr.
most at Its beg lnnll1g. It
The bui lding .will co nRist of six cl08!l r oo ms. in cluding home economics. a labo ratory a nd combined a uditorium, nn uthletic hall seating 600. The IIrchi tect is H. W. Ower.., ..r >::('nia.
==~------= ~.. -
With ~ great deal of satisfaction rons since the arrival of our now the editor of the Idiaml Gazette an. machine. .noJn'~ea the instaliatlon of a new Lin. The accompanying illustration will otypll. This mecha~i~1 marvel ual. I give oul' readera ~ome idea of the . ~_ ,\ marvelouB mechamsm of the LinoIlles ua ·to aerve t.he lan!'e number of tYPe. a composing machine on which pCraona Who look to our publlc.tlon Arc assembled matrices (or little for enli(htenment and entertainment brass molds) and linea of type, cast. and who patronize our job printing lines Buch as you are now .re.ding. departme!l~' Besides enabliing the operator to The .rapldly Increasing circulation aet various facell and aizes of type. ,o f the Mi.ml Gazette tOgether. with our new Linotype makes it possible our ' (hlai!e, to place at thecommond for bim to produce the rules and at the command of our advertisers dashes and borders which are used in and oihera the 'highest grade of ty. varioull advertlaements in each issue pography. 'induced us to secure R fino of our publication. When e:Uployed composll!«' I1lIlchine for the quick and in the composing of advertisemeuts. accunlte and pleasing prese nt:1~lUn newspaper headl:ngs. booklets. cata. Mr. and 'Iba,' OU.'\R1~e. of stage de8erve credit 'all the Iconic of the news of the day, and the pro- alogues and various other mnds of lumbUi. were 111_ of Mr. and lighting ejfecta made the lltage duction of superior job work. printed matter, our n'e w machine enr Our ' new Linoty])e enable.! us to obles one operot~'r to set In the Siame ' M.blon , ...... ,..8and&1. , .be~utiful. aet by m.chine mou'y form ~ " f cum- time more .t ype thon ordinarily could ·~1·~ '" I ' ' ~_ . 't '. . . , -----------poaltliln tl1at -previously rrece~lit.ated be produced b ..ttve . or.. six. men_ or fIotr' .and IIft,. .Walt4r ~q~ ' tedious work by hand. Our r lant is women doing t he same work by hand Mr and MIll. )f~r lInn.n !low cll~le of turning ou t comr-') ~ i. - and the composition Is incompara. .Dayioll vlaI~ , !head.y. ~ion c!Oneisting of correct ty ,le fa ces bly better~ . .'.' .\ 'lii .. ··many different sizes. and the While for a long time we have reCharle. ~rad ock. of DaYton. 'c)\anlrO from one size to another is ceived the patronage of a host of .!evertl days beret. lut week . 'made ~uickly. At a high rl'te of subscribers. a'dvertisers and printing wi~h "l.d've~ lUid 1liendl• . : .... ~ y f . l. t.1 '" the versatile operator-whc,se buyers in general, we look forwarJ The monthly report of }ted II made famous by the Mol" to the handling of an even greatef Ml'II. whl,c h ' the Executive Llnoty])e Company as "the volume of business now that we arei haa Just sent to .. tKl\t keeps the world InforMed" 8 0 weB qualified to render the sort ~:rtk ... ~t . ~~~rteen ex-ser;:ce . ~e~ '- produces' line after line of tho sort of service moat to be -desired. .m ell were 8lI8 te d tit of composi.t lon desired. It has been our aim to present the ~9.lIp,anll8tlioocanI ~~a~te'/' i~ In.tter~ This installation 'is a testimonial b news of the day without fear or fa .,.. , cam pa~e". v~ea. of WaynesviBe and ..... vor. and to reflect faithfully the tri,lni,n .. requeata and hOlpltnl· And that the good peopl/! of ideals and ambitions of our constit~1t.,t".\\'·I .. ~"iI ' ~n ~he matter of 110)1- the commun,lty sre duly appradl&tive ents; imd we shall continue to devote .~!n(lIri .• . 1 .. t e aw .~revent:l Lhe of o'ur efforts to serve them in all our talents ond resources to the fu\. , from~ h~eking • evidence dep~rtn'lenta Of the printing bus'i ness filling of this Iqim. And of great • 10 t ~ '~ed ('rORS, nianlf~lIted by the mlLny compli. help us in the carrying out of our with ~Il the forms req~i~d. menta received from individual pot. purpose will be our new LinotY])o. . . rea'dy to help .- the ex-aoldler ~ ,'..... particular.' Nine O8IICS ftom l'n.u\t,,.,, ate now pending before V .. t."'''n·. Bureau. A dl88~.1ed ex· · U"· I,~,.";'f"i. . man-J.s ' week uiidenly • Mn, C. M, B)'Q\Y.I1.. spent the week. Mr. ond Mrs. C. A. Bruner. of Leb· beca~ quite m..nd WBI In need of end .with friend s in Dayton. ano n ottended th4~ @peretta. Monday evening. !nin\edlate .h08pl~ treatment, The cue ·was taken up at onceb)' the Red Mrs: Ralph Smith is spending a St un ley Pence. of the' lJ. S. Marines .....n ..ll!. •• CraIB 'a nd ·the man removed to tho' ,e~~. with her mother in Wilmington. and Ralph Pence. of Charleston. W, Nai!0Il·Jlilltary Home by olllcers ~eJocal 'Cbapter in penon. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. CartWTight ond Vo., were olled here this week on • The report' further ahow. ' that: Mri.! Anna Cadwallader were in Xen· Rccount of the dE,oth of their father, Q ~~~~ . Perry Pence. ~~~n. I!lViI~n ~mll~ea 'were riven "." "'oJ) ual8tance q du~l'nr I tile month~ tIllr., " "; , • , 'Jettei'll we~. :written, 'aiZty- ~i~.~"~i~~~'I~~!!!!"!!"'!"!!~!"'!"!!!"'!"!!!!!'!!'!"'!"!!!"'!"!!!"'!"!!~!"'!"!!!"'!"!!!!!!'~!!!!'~!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~ Vill!.bi':w.1lre· adl .. and 'liXtY per,
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so rrow s tl'ik eR deep illto our hcUl'ts und we fee l mo re th e need of the con· soli. ng Ilive of Chl:ist lind the ministe l'l ng hands of fr.'ends. ' La ure nce K. Wrig ht was born Sept. 1 10 , 1 (loa. nn d passe d away Morch 28, IlJ 2 4, age 20 years , G mont hs and 18 days. He was the oldest child of Wil bu r and Bertha Wrig ht, Laurenee wus Ii, dutiful son , un honest an d industrious worker. a loyolfriend und a kind und co nsidernte brother. To mourn his loss besides uncles. ounts and friends he leov s his mo· the r, falher on d one sister.
There nrc sever nl reaso ns why i'arm earnings ore s howing 0 decline partially du e to economic ' discontent Bnd politica l agitation . StatistieJ! show that lorge numbers of tenant furmers have occumulated funds out of {ttrm earn ings toward becoming £arm owners, but the proce8S is slow and one of considerable difficulty. Increase in val uation of form land has two effects; purchllsers can bar· row more money to meet poyments. but higher prices for laJld discouroge tenants from buying. Desirobility of form land is not enhanced by to much ocademic dis· cussion obout employing family labor without wages. or under estimoting the volue of s uch labor. All 'reports show thal ten onts or owners IJavtng good-sized fam· ilies, ~nd large ly e mploying family lob or on the lond, are more prosper· ous a~d successful t ha n farm operotors without (amilies. Where the tenant has no fomily lobor from which to· increose his mar· gin of return ovel' necessory expendi. tures, he corries on 'ad ditional handij:ap in this struggl~ to hecoDle 0 farm owne.r The sume ge nerol fact holds true with those who own farm s but nre compelled to employ all their labor at present prevoiling high wages.
TEAGHER ASSOCIATION TheWorren County Teachers' As· I sociation will be held at the Leba non High School building Saturday April 12, 1924. E. W. Wilkinson. Principol 0 f Dye r School, Cincinnati. will be the speaker . Demonstration of Grade o,nd High School Physical Training Program. directed by Prof. F . V. Churchill. Director of ' Harmon Holl . Round Table-PleMe send in questions ond state whether rural villoge or High School. Do it nowl Music furni shed by Lebanon High Sch'ool Orchestra. Le ~ us hove 100 per cent attendance. ALBERT M. CALLON. Pres. LUCILE SNOOK, Sec·y•
We li ve behind an eort hly vole, Where we mourn and sigh. Our hopeR are cr ushed. Wh y should our loved ones die? But they are not dead. ~ They're on ly gone before And }Ve will meet agoi n. AR in the days of yore. If we could see their happier lot W e would not grieve. Their pain the y have fo rgot. He is not deod the child of your af· . • __ 1 _ 1_ , I (ection. Bu t go ne into that school, Tho annual inspec.tion of w.aynes. Where he no longer needs your poor ville Lodge No. 168 F. & -A. ' M., protection, was held Friday night. and brought And Christ himself doth rule o large number of visitors from oth· er lodges. A large namber wall presCARD OF THANKS Burlington,' Olarksville and ·Bbtn. We desire to express our sincere ent from Lebonon, Harveysbur,. ~ w thonka.to-Bll ft:1ends.1UI.d neighors to,t B.w:lington. lCarbville and ~il th eir kindness and sympathy shown ton. The Easter Star lodge served us in our "ad bereuvemont. a,lso for a n excellent supper Ia.t 6 o'clock, afthc beuu tifu1 floral tributes, Mr. Me· ter which the inspection took place. Clure a nd' Son for their kindness .ond efficient monagement of t he funero1 • Rev. Huntington for his consoling words and Lucy Emley for the com· forting songs. Wilbur ond Bertho Wright.
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On FrldoJf night of next we'eICl the Warren Co' 'n ty N6~e.1 ~Il present their c1¥s p~ay I\i.' the '.B:igh Perry Pence wos found dead In bed School gymnosiul1l . ."PollYanna" is III th e MacBeth bakery ellfly Mon· tho nama, of the pla~ and it is adpt• dny morning. fl e had apporently ed from the novel by Eleanor H. POl" been. in good heolth during Sunday, tel'. Thel callt,,;is comp08ed almost but must hnve been atken ill during elttirely of ,Normal 's tUdents md un· t he night. T he co ron er was noti. del' the direct'Orship 'of MI~s' Edna fled nnd ufter 0 thorough examino- H~wland.' Seats may ' be reservejl • ' The lost basket ·boIL~.....9L!llh",e -l--'"uw..found that be died of acute''-:·Ul...I.Il.~.JOxley-P"ce dru~ ~tore on 'Monday . seOSon will be played on next Friday digestion. Allril 14 at 12,30 m. r night between the Juniors, winners of Mr. Pe nc o has alwoys made his • - -the tournament ond the mcn of the 'home in Wayne tow nship, ond wos Oak Timber 500 Years Old. faculty. This will be 0 good game well known through out the county. R4>cent l est !! hU\'e sll'own thot the and 0 pl'eliminary between th o The fu ne r a l W[l S held this afte rnoon Freshmen and Senior girls will be lit 1 o'clock Ilt thl' Chape l, Rev. Wash· oak timber. In the roof ot a .London staged. The first go me begins at uurn ofllciut iug. Interme nt in Mia'• building lire 118 strnng 08 when It wall I!l'ected five centuries ogo. 7 :16. mi ce metery.
, H.. ..... n tho EOllftdatloft of jrac:tlc:all,. .... er,. fortaa.. A · Sana •• ·~c:coullt i. ' a .tro •• b ••1e I. tb. on. .." ...... " '. of .......latln. tho ca,Pital f,r a b ...I•••• ".n.hr.. •
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.Til!>\! " ""\ll , (' ," l'!"''.IIC 1110" I m nt. Whit .. ollA ,,'M puttmjf }," A ehll ill 1lf 1','o" I,t""" ". " 'r.!' hl ~ 'JI III'I - till' horR". 'IC <>011'1' WU K uu gl1~'d, J!lh,,.tR. 'he tl ~lI n~111 Ill"!, 1lH'1l \\'''r'' I ,", 1'\ S\ ~f\I \l, 'M III r ftl III~ ht. ,JI ~(''''''IUJI Ih,' , h"lc.· I ',.hllld W ll~h' l m' I 1,,'ckwIH,!I ~ul dn",n ~or a '1"1 '11th (hl'lII "III" I' hrnu ~h l Ihelr , IIl t:t, ,,, n 'H'ttl{ I I r Ollklln . \\'hp 11', \,,"r fuill1 .1 (tlotI. \\' )Uh' 11\ Y W{\I't.' l' ll ll ng. H Hllf h~ r ~ to I 'H\\ SOUl..-' h .lu 'H ~'f n~JlI c· t t (l f I l l'rI'Ulr" Ih\lIHh'l·~tl'rJH Hr rl\' t'fl. ) 11 l h e I ""' " ," ' "1 nt h l ~ 111\111'. IUI'IW, I tl' 11\1 ,181 or It •• bo lt ~"' l"'h Iho bR" " !I n" r e nt U S r CtI" fl I" ' U HI · ( Ht\ 1 t h 111(1 f,f ~ p h' l II n fl llll '"II' :
Cora Har tsuck is ~oin~d g uar- '110 eomb Mfg. Co, supplies $2 1.52; 1diun of Rhea Houston, under bond James Fallen junitor services, $15.of $6 00. !00; W. H, alluge Co., aupplies,
Anna J iltlne y, 'mlmin i trutrix of I $35 ,00 ; Pll ul Stookey, ' tri mminr nr the cHtnt,c of Milll!J'\'n .j t, !leeeaS-I' trc llH at Cou rt 1I0ttAe, $12, 00; Scocd, fil es he t· sale ull i. fieldN Grocery, s UJ'lt>li eJl, ,1.90; W. J, Lee 'l'h O Ill P ~O Il, udll1inislrntor at H. Stanllge 0., s uppllcs, $2,0\); A, CO&1MON ~PLEAS t hl' estnte of ?llll l'Y H . E ll iso n, de- W , CuLt r , ~ct.t l emetlt in f ull for acNew SU'tl ccuHed. fill'd his SI 'colt d a ccoun t , ride nt, 2-3.23, $:100. 00; Lois Cutter, '01 .. 1""" .lUlU II> "~ I 'r I lInl, II~, ~" tI 1"""1,,,'11 " lt h tll ~ mow ' II lJrl'. Th e cuurl 01'11 , . U J<uurdiull to bC' a me, $ 1.. 00; H. M. Spear, Jr., samo, Glpnlldorn _1uu l'c 'htls brought s uil th(. l't'n r wh , 1 "t Ul h' lit t h\! " 1t;':IIUS hi 11\ "lid -\PilI. \\' 11111 dll ~" -u 111 1n1\ I" II III!'UillSl Olando C. Moo re for divorce appo inted fO l' [[cnlh E ston , co nfin ed $1.00 ; Cutherine Wolbers, sU mo, ~ ("I f . ', 11 ('1 \\'II:o ld ll;:IOI I "''' I ."hll.. J ""k ""Ium 1\,,· I 0 11 1(111', in the Dnyto n Statu Hos pital. $.1.00; Flore nce Brown, same, $1.00; s~' OI 1"1 " ",,'s ,.olllng <I!!wn til\' I II rn on 1!"'lJunus of ne~lcct, gS " 1 I ,"1\ hI" " II hll ll (ollr h",,· t,'nlll I Ior"l ~u UII" ,,""y. 'fhl! hurn hod 1i1 1,!(1 The court npPI'OVBS t he proceed1\1 1'8. P. G. Merenda, .ame,' $1.00; J esse S. GI'OS~ has brought s uit un' (II" .10": unlt er t he \\ 1I).!r.:: II:' ~u l d 1I !t 1l ,muk,· lind cln.ert! but ,h eBe ings of the itizens National Bank Esther Vandervoort; same" $1.00; IIga inst t he Baltimo re & Ohio RlliI~ ulo ll!l' n . dlluntlc8" men rolled OUI Ihe Sl','und J l.lhll Adams of te n q l h lH 't l I1w~.uo roud for damages" The nmount un ci Trust Co " us administrator of Virginia Hopewell, enme, ,1.00; Reilt WOIDLM wn¥on. t he es tate of Ethol H, Furman, de- Mfg. Co" clu:bUre,tor for tractor, " o nt ... o f thl ' Kt'(lUt ilnrt t h l '.\' h!'{"lI1ll1' c1oime,d is $11.400, nllll! t\' n ~ tailIng, Solomon (ll>ceased, under a f ormer order of the $2 0.48 ; H. C. Rahn, labor, ' ,1).00: 1\ Rn~ IlI g I n ~cw E nghtullo s,'I'\'",1 II wIsp of smok4! COlll ln ~ out cou,.t. Commercial Lithoirophlni Co., IUP~ \\" u"" ' ngtlm set uut I.n JUlw with from un,Io'r Ihe roof of (h IS \\'''~' IO , No alcobot or dan.crou. drua.. PROCEEDINGS C' o ," n ,'" loPe nnd a C" UII' Un~' "r Llgil t hurles Madden, I\dministrntor at plies, $60.40; J. Wilbur Earnhart, H I! JurnpllIl In Ho d tound a Ih'o clurler In tho cnse brougbt by Florn E, CRy 1lo rst' for llmUllfl whl'" r l' :,om,' slxle,·o lh" estuLe o f Elizubeth Scott, de- labor. $3 .76: Joel Stokes, hauling which hud bmn ed through the l'(Wor Dud ley IIgainst Austin Goodwin, at llh)U f:l\lI tl UlCU h a lt il~" I~ l11blt'\o d wit h cCUM tI, fil es his inve ntory and np- g ravel, $11,0 0; Er neAt Butterworth nn d foil en on one or the bnr rel. It their ril les nn(1 IIW:-:kl,t l:t t,. l H.' 'll").!HIl ' \ Will oOllng Into tbe wood, Sol Oll1lon til since one of the defend nnt.,Em- prnisement, gru ve l, $1.80; E .B. Murrell, dragIzed In c() nn urlll), rllr m ~ (1<'fI'Il"e or tos8ed II out In the ruIn nnll 8111 ('1'" \ ily C, Humphrcys, hns die d, her onl y T he co urt ord ers distributio ,\ of ging, $6,00; John K. Spencer, bridge ~u sz l1l· hu"e lt s. ht' il'8, Vance Humphreys nnd R, ,J. certain Butomobiles belonging tl> the lumbl'r. $ 118.00 ; P. 0, Monfort, ex. red "tb e 1I\'e spo t." ll c ('Xllllll m'II Il,c A Illtle luter Juck nIHI ~ " I'''" .. n r"I· barrell Rnc\ tIl\' wngon n ('lor uUfl ' ·01 I , Htunphrcys nrc nlsdc pnrties defend- estat e of Willium J. Wig ht, do- penMes Februllry nnd March, '8T.95. low,,,'I wllh elghl h ll rMe" IInll t\\'o I "01l80ed, In >I>ellkln;r of that Incl· IInL cellsed. ('011'"01 Wn shlngton wus a t',emner wngoll. lI.uded wil li IJIlrrP( ~ of ~1tI1 ' I dt'llt ne.s l dny he .uld to J llck: R ut h Brnune was granted n dilit th e case a r Ed L, Retallick ,d,,ot the \'Irglnln dele;rutl on, Jn ck wrlOW powd,' r mll~ e un,lpr tlw t1lr~ctlnn ,,( M voce from Ernest Bruune on .. roundR ministl'utor of Lh e estate of Clifford "[f 1 ho dn't 'u' hud purty good ro o' Fl'Uuklin ""d 1'11 1<1 for wil l, Den,u mln ~Ii ~~ " , Mllry Wll lkins nnd nr '" that bo WitS In unlf(lrm, hllle coot lind troIa' my Il'g!!, 1 )(uess they',1 'n' ru n of "ross neglect She was also M, JJalllcso n, deceased, vs . J eS!\le R, h 1r',t'I' l \\'1'lll' l', o f IIl'lmunl, nttended " red wals ll'Oat nnd hrcech('s; thn t he hIs I\",,,e,, A I\rll l:< l, tl l' ~ t l. l'In ~ I" given the exclusive custo dy of their Jameson, et RI. the court approvCl' l'rwny wIt h me, I I" . d to 11Ilt t e Ame rl n l1l wn t r-n;, ti lt' o\,l' r lflnd rtH U e WBS B big mnn stnnclln!: very erect ' t a g It 'e II 1 to ""'11 In t he' 01 "' 1'''' 1'' herl' ~ I () nduy cVl' ning, minor child, W hI I' on em WfiS C'I)I \SCO 08 th o ~u r~r ontO, 1 t wus t he SI,le of c'ertain properly be longand about Ills feet. two Inches In umlpr thRt wnson root-you hl'lI r to helght ; that hIs eycs "'eT'<' hlue, hIs B si.:'\\' nnd tollsolllt' JOllrm')' wIt 1, h",." 1111'," Mi" 1,:l iza)" ,l h ,'hlllldler, uf Rc io. In th e cll~e of Herbert Cox vs ,~, ing t o suid eslate, and orders tho complexIon light Bnt'l rB lht'r flu rld, "Is nnd t lll're • touc h ot st ern 'ad\',"'nlllre. Whil e Solomoll wne enllllged w ith ' 1" ' 11 1 ";"dll n l,,\' alld SUllday wilh her I IIl'n ry Sheet.~ , the dcfemle nt 's distl'ibutio n oC tb o funds derived tace s\lghtly pock·murk I, hl R h rl'\I'll l r(ls.' I II~ the pln p hnrr<'us or ro; "w .I.'r· Ihl-..., tr"hl" dul'·. Lockwood 'w d led PUll' ' 1t (~,' M" ' n Chnnd - g ranted until April !Ird to file demur frum said gale, ~ I"l .J • C. HI'I l I '1,', U . • 1,',I,v, ~ ee)', II .. ,y werc 11('l el up b y n hu nd of holr tinged wllh Ilrn)' ; Ih ll t he hod t h~ Ihe horscs ou t or the stable helow Rn,1 I rl'r. Tho Citizens National Bank and Tor)' l'I,rug(' 'S and (It' prh'ecl or ul! Ihe largest hAnds, sI,,'e thosl' or Snlolllll n res ctll'lI tho harness, A henvy . h"wer ' I', In th e casc brought by S, S, White Trui.t Co. , 8S administrntor of tbe mon"~' In th eir po kC'ts. BlnkUB. tbnt he had "I'cr seen, lI is \\'Ii" fuillng, The names h nd hUMII againts R E Ballentine et al the cstllte of E.thel H. F urman, decensed On I he pust fllI"l. h('yont'l ll or!!e lette r contlllnll thest' Infurn,lng \\,tlnl. : :\I i ,~ :\T<al'il' Willi"mson , who is nt- " , , '1 ·h ' , f' h th rou gh the roof and In spIte of the ll'nd illg' :\li Olll\ i nivt, ,. ~ity, at Ox ford, COll rt overru es t e motion 0 ' t e fil es its slIlo bill. "I n'e "cr Quite renll ~ed th e, fu ll Nl'Ck In t:on llectlcut, th l')' hud u more MONEY LOANED T he court allow8 the npplication mennlng of th e word 'dllfl\lty ' IInli l 1 8erlo ll ~ adventu re, They hnd bl'pn mIn. the structure was soon ele- >p,'''l IIII' w"l'k-end with MI'. nnd plnintiff to strike certain allegations ) 1,." J ohn Whitaker, fl'om defendants' ans wer. of Charles Mlldde'n ,administrator of IIlW t1lIB mnn And heard hla dp"" rkh (ran'll nll wIth Ii cruel t' map of enrh strayed. dONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, ,"olce, Tbere wll8 II kInd of rnn"'T,I(l. maIn ront'l, sltO\I'lnll th l' I,,,,ol lon of t he c~tale of E lizabeth Scoot, de'''l'be wind WI\ S fll vombl!! and wr nil chuttc ls, also IIcco nd mortgages, ct!nce In hlil monner And person "'ht'" bOU5 , In the Ml' fl INI {'Oun lr)' where, s tood \\'nl chln~ th e tiro. SAfe bu t '1011>PROBATE COURT CCltsc<i. th nt the cstate be continued ~ I ,. , and Mr>, Will Alle n nnd rlnuNotes bought. John Harblne, Allen nt n,,::"(, tbey could find sheilI?!' untl he SIIld: less to do any lhlng fur our host." ,Jllck gllll''' , ~Ii s" Oliv(', ·ar riv cd hnm e Inst The court find s Thomns L, Hum- undo l' thu nome at EI~abeth Scoot Building, Xenia, Ohio. "'1 will raIse one tllOuMa,\ men 1108pllllllty, Owl DIl to th e peculiar wrote In n letter. "Fort unntely lhere ni ':'h f,. o lll Ca lif('rllin, where the y ph,.ey~ insane nnd orders him con- ins tend of Elizab eth Wr.shington. townrd the roUet at 130ston a nel 8ub· chnrll (' tcr of tholr frclght, Iho co mmitwas anolhor house nenr nnd I took the John pencer, exec utor of tbe 1111\'1' ul'e ll spending the la.t t hree fined in Lhe Duyton State Hospital. tee In I'hllllllelphln had requestell alst them Rt my own llxllcnse,' horses to It s bnrn tor the nIght. We estutc . of Curoline lIIcPha il Smith, 10 ovoId Inns lind hnd cnllsell tbem I1wlllh ~ . J, Merril Bon c, g uardian of J. "That wal all he MId and It wllS the slept In II woodshcd close to the Claude Griffith, minor,fllcs his first fil cs his fir st tLcco unt. most elOQuent IPeech mllde In the con· tht!tlc III nps to be sent to Ihem at post wug"ns, WI! slipped out of trou hle by F'armers of Warren and adjoining .entlon. Tbereafter. he waB the cen· oftIc('s on the rORd Indlcntlng the nnd finll l account. being on hnnd whcn It stllrted, Ir we counties mllY obtain money on long tral ftgure In that congress of tru st ed homes of trusteel patriots from twenty MARRIAGE LICENSES hnd gone Into the hOllse tor SlIpper, LoIn EiiZftbeth Harke, g unrdian of men. It Is AIIIO evident that he wIll be to thir ty rulles apart. Abollt sIx o'clock l'1ll In .'lIn .. d 10 tlllnk thnt th e rWltl sh 1I" '\lI" nUl lIu \' e ltueo orlV~11 OUt 01 ]\fngdulene Breincr, incompetent, fli es William Calvin Bnliey, 21, clerk, timo lOIns, at 6 ~ per cent Interellt. die eentral figure on thIs sIde of the In the evening of July twentieth. tbey 1I 0~I O O , her first and fina l account. nnd Albe rta Marie Simpkins, 21, Cost of aocuring' the um' I, very reaocean wben the storm , breaks. Nellt reactled the home of lsrael Lockwood. "W e r ns"cd mnny compnnl es of sonnble ,throu~h The ' rederal Lnd Cnrl J. Mille,r administrator 01 the housekeeper, both of Franklin. t}wee miles lIbove HOl'lle Neck. They day, hft nnnouncec! tbat be :wnl. 1\15 yet, "'nr!'ll lng rrlllemcn, In frou t at ODe ot Bank. Fer further information ..11 estate of J ohn W. Miller, decel\sed, Cnrl Hugh Shupert, 19, clerk, Carbad rI dden througb a stann wblch hlld OJ)p<lKod to an7 ele6nlto move toward theS(', Ihe Me /lnd (I rum ctlrps pluyon or addreu M. C. ,DRAKE, TreasIndfl"',ulencu. 80 tbe delegutel cob- lIbaken IUld emltten tbe earth wltb IU Ing hehlnd him. was a you ng Tory, is ord ered to 8ell certain stocks nt lisle, and Idn Mao Menra, 20, 8teurer, phone 316-X, Lebanon, Ohiol tent l'll tJ, ... Isetna wIth a declaration thunderbolt., lOme of whlcb blld fnllen \\'ho hnll Insu ltecl Ih e company, lind privute snle and the court fixes the nogrnpher, ~'rankl.in. • Everybody loves a baby and price" at which they may be sold. Boyd Wilbur Leiter, 2, 2 , varnish of " ,hi> oPpcMllnl ImportatiODi and neGr them. MI'. Lockwood dIrected WH$, tht!rl'tore. Illude to eu rry a grlty evetybody wants a baby abun. them to leave ttlelr wagons on II Inrge ~r.' Inll) slave.... , gtlU~e In his nrms wIth this maxIm of In the case of Fl'Bnk Wilson,l nd- rubbe r, M.i amis burg, and Jennie L WANTED dantly robusL There are many empty barn lloor and Rsked tbem In to \" ;\CI, the coqreu adJourneel OctoP, 'or rtlchltl rd on Itls bnck: 'Not every ministrntor of ~e estateof Nannie Powell, 17, mnchine operator, Red young children to whom ber twenty-aisth to meet aplll on the aupper. .' goose IlItH feuthers oa hl_m.' Cooper, deceased, VB Speed G. Jul- Lion. t.th ot MlI1, there ",al little hope ot "1t you'l\ bring snthln' out to us. I P~INTING; PAPER HANGING, IN. "On ",e twentieth \\'e n!ported to son et nl., the court approves tho 9 peaee among thole who hs.d bad a pll8 we better slay by ber," sald Gcn ·rnl Wnsblngton In Cambrldllll. apllrnisement heretofore ordered and REAL ESTATE .TRANSFERS terior decorating. All work rvar'8olomon. "Bbe mlgbt be nervoul." part In Itl p_dlngL antoed. W. H. Britain, Wayne.ville, fur~her orders the administro,tor to Laura B. Scofleld to Loma M. ScoTbls \l'US tb e tint [Ime I saw him In Ja~k , \\'bo be", the condltlone In "Do fOU have to sla7 with thlJl stulr Ohio. aZ8 the unlfor·m of a genernl. He wore a sell cetain real estute at private fi eld, lot in Le,banon, $1. IIInclond; lm_ aIao that war would all the whiler Lockwood asked. William Hastings to Harry and biue con t , wltb burr f"clngs nnd bul! sale, , COr.11' IOOD, an~ ~17 expreaed hlI "N1.bt an' day," uld Bolomon. unll erdl'l's!l. u slUull s\\'orel. rIch epau· Edwin Marahntl, adminilltrntol' 01 Mary n. Cain, about 4 acres In ",ws. ''DoD't do to l,t 'er gtt lonellome. ToLdsT t lets, n b1nck cockllde In hIs tbree-cor- the estate of Ernest West, deceased, Washington Twp., $1. Lelt... bad com. from Marl1l1'11t dll1 wbea tbe Ilghtnln' were ,lappIn' nered bat, and a bluc IIRsh under bll files ' his inventory and nppralsement, 11'rin, hJm the welcome newl tbat tbe ground 011. ~otb aldee 0' me, I Ethyl Brown to Ashli!lgb H: BroWll coat. Bit! hair W 8S done up In 8 UoiMl (JIarbhad r.eq-.ereci and an· WlIIIted to hop down an' ran off In ttle L. M. Henderson, admlnl6tra~r ot 47.46 acres in Turtlecreek Twp., $1, LOST SET OF FORD TRUC" que ue. , Be was In boo~s and spurs. the estate of Walter 1.. 'Sawyer, de. ncnmclD, tut her own little revolt)· blllh a mile er 10 ter to see the kenDallus Hun tsberger to George E. ,Chalna, between Bellbrook and H e recelved us politely, dIrecting a don had aehlned IUtteII. She and trJ, bllt I jNt hael to set an' bope that Waynelville, M.reb 27. NoUf, tIM youns otlllcer to go wIth U8 to the ceased files his drst and final ac- ,Hnll. 6 Iota in Franklin, $1. bar father would be taking ship tor abe would bold btl' temper an' not go count. John S. Van Horne to Seymour S. WaynellvUle Millll a9 llOwder h .. use, There we III\W a large ac.tDn In ~lDber. Jack hael arged to IIlappln' back." ' ", M .J_ FaIT, assignee of Howard Tibbals et ai, 2 Io ta in Franklin, $1. number or barrels, that abe trJ to lIlduee him to Btart at "Sbe," u Solomon called the tw. Metcalf, files his first nnd final acGeorge A. Funkey and Evelyn Anfu.1I of sllnd,' the officer \\1I1s"'AU once. tearing that December would be loa&. wal a most exact1ng mlltreU. FOR SALE drews to Jennlc Bell Frazier S Iota In pcred. 'We keep 'em here to tool the count. too late, and 10 It fell out- When the ThAw nll.. er lett her alonll ~or a __ eDemy.' neft of the congreu reached London, The sale of certain real estnte be- W nynesvlUe, $1. thl made DIW pllDS. He l>e1lllD " N at to r frOID the powder hou e I longing to the esLate of Nannie CooC. S. Lamb to Kesle r T. Grahsm, FOR SALE- ONE MODEL to, prepare fbr war. Blr Benjamin Overland Touring, In tood IhIIpci, overhenrd this IIltle dlnlogue between per, decoused, is approved and the trnet in Wayno Twp., $ 1. Bue, who ",ae to be the ftral deputy a cnpt"lu nnd II prIva te: court orders the dis tribution of the Sabina J. Lamb to Kesler T. Graham $100. One 1922 ~'ord Sedan. · You of GaDeraI Gage, wu aulgned to a .. 'Bill. ~:o get a pili! 0' water,' laid funds derive d fro m said sa e:· tract inWayne T wp" 1-. --~. ; wltl have to Bee this cU to ap'precl. brlpde &Dd immediately put hili regtthe coptnlln. at Oleveland The court orders the BUm of $SOOO Kesler T. Grnham to Sarah Ot- .ate it. M. D. meott In tralnlnl tor II8nlee oversell.8. , .. 'I shom't do It. 'Tnln't my turn.' Service Station. set aside from the geeral fund of burn, tract in Wayne Twp., $1. ' B, had IIPIDt elx monthJ In America the orll'o1: nnswered," the county treasury to be applied to Charles C. Arl cigh to Alfred F : FOR SALE-ONE TON FORD anti wu ..pJ)Oll4, In JilDgland. to h.., (To be contl.ued ) the ope rating expenses of the Frank- Teriison, tract in Hnmilton Twp., tIJeuned tIMI art of bUab ftgbttna. Sueb Truck, In good condition, ' Inquire ', lin village sepools_ Samuel and Letitia Stubbe to Wil- at Will Bernard, R. D~ 1, ' Wa,n... ".. the ..., opt1m1llD of the cheerful 70aJIC of 1n.r, and hlI Charles W. Blackford is appointed bur and Emma Stubbs, lot In Mor- ville ,O~lo. tiS · No. 2220 ~ .. die h _ 01 lo~ After administrntor of the eltate of Jams row, ONE GRAY, .DRAFl' , M ARE, 9 the arrIftl of the KIlII WOllam at E. Hnynes, deceased, under bond of W. W. Shurta t~ Ellubeth Sherltt, R~PORT Ora..-l oD 1IIe elpth of o-mber, yea~ old, never been abUM\d; alIO \ $4000. Webster, Kirby, John Nev.;- 2 Iota in South Lebanon, $1 , DO ~ _Ill went down to the Of the Co ndttlon of the Waynes. man and George Carnahan are apI, Zora ,King and CllWord Hawke Power Horse Clippers. John Beach, _ In Iblpe for a IoD, Um.. Tb~ ville National Bank, at WaynesOhio. a9 pointed appraisers. to Nora H. Hawke, 4 Iota I~ Har- R .D, 2, Wayn.. . ,an. tha water roa& ' Me thOD~t to ville in the State of Ohio, at the The first ad final account ot' l veys burl\', $1. ' BARRED ROCK EGOS FOR be onJJ t. Galtlng m 1aek'l hope close of bus iness, Mar 31,1924. Howard W. Ivins, administrator ' cit I EflleM. I.ronll to Charles and lIe.b'a tchlna, Bradle1 atraln, lric per . . . tbat armed .....lt4nee would cooRSItOUItCEB. the ClItate ot George W. Martin, de- ter A. Young, lot In Lebanon, wtnC!e tha Brlttlh 01 thtlr toll,. dozen. Mar, F .Brown, Sprinc ValN_ Hom. for Main Ollie. Lo~,::.;'.,~:I~~~~'2r:~~~~~~ft eensed III approved. . OO!). , ley, Ohio. a18 Over<iraltll, u""""ured .,., . . , . , 739." OHAPTaA XIV The court approves the seventh Joseph Watkins, by executor. to U. 8, UOV6l'1llDlent 8ocurUJ .. owood : FOR SALE-ALL Kuma OF WALL DODO.lled to oecuro cm:ul.llon account of W. E. Knapp, guardian of Christopher J. Watkina, tract in Sa. (U .S.bood" par v~lue)OO, 000, 00 Paper and Palntl, at tile rfabte p.rl. AdverItu.... III the e.rv.... All other United IItal.. Oo voroCleo and Clyde Upton, minors. ' I lem Twp., U25S.35. , • Call and He aampleL Han7 men~ Secu,rlLles , " . • ' b'B,OO ~0,91 8 no OM daJ lack nwved a letter ~ The court approves the sixth 8e. ' Thomas Stewart to John Stewart OLher btlDds .. fltociu. aecuriLioa, , {)oeter J'raDkt1n who bad gtVIll up hlI Murray, Fourth- Street, WaJDe...ile, etc , .. ,.,."."." . " ., ., aO.Ua,G8 count of William H. McCain, trustee lot in Franklin, $l. Bwklnc Hou•• , . . ...• ~ , uoo 00 tralU_ wodl 1Il Loedon and returned a16 Furulmro and ~' lxtu_ , 1 , 019.00, '.OIU.OO of the estate 'of Henry Diiatush de- 'j Glendora E. Moore to Orlando C. O~lo. ,to Ph11a4a1pblL Lawful roeer'Vll"llh t'oderal It,,· A FEW "BUSHEL OF GOOD PO ceased. I Moore in Salem Twp., $1. ' It M1d: "111 work tn England hu C..".:'~vl':. B~:~~li' 'i,d' 'a'm~un't' 19,181, ? 1 tatoaL Inquire of S. D, Henkle. The court approves the first and , Charle.. ~pgar to Robert Harrison be.! frultl_ and I am done with It. fmDln.tlo:nall>~n k.,., , " " '8. 28 0. 86 Total of l <.em. U, 10, )I , 12 anI! phone 59-6, W a)'lllleville, O~o~ a» ' I brtaI Jou much love from the talr final account of Jobn T. Gregg, ad· I tract in ~~erfield.T~p., $SOO. IS _ " , ... ,""" , U9,2S0. S0 IadJ of 10ur colee. Tbat. Dl3' young Rede mption fun,1 with U. II, minist.rator of the estate of Jnmcs , The Cltilens Natio~al Bank arjil T re... u""r I~M <luo from U. S, friend. II a better po8IIesslon thRn ' I Trust Co., admlnlatrator to Laura II. 'ONE : 50.TOOTH LEVER IRON T rena uror ., • , , , , , , . , • , ••• .• , , 3,500 OU A. Gregg, deceased, ' ho_ and land.. tor 8\'CO t1lo ftame!! Olhu .....,ra . ,It 80y". "., .. ", 102 U The court approves the first and ' Scofield, 2 19ts hi Lebanon, ,7500. , Harrow; fiO 2.bu. cotton u.cks; Bet · 01 war c:annot deltroy It, I ba ve not Tota l, .• . , , , ' , .,., , , , •• ' . 1009,f 63,87 finlll account of Fannie Carothers, REALITY CRAHTS .. of block.l yd , r~pe: tobacCCl cu1t; va. eeen. to' all thllJ life of mine, a Oearer LIA DILl1' IIl:S administratrix of the estate of , tor; bar ahare and double ahovel creature or a nobler pall8lon. And I First Mortgage on Real E.state Security. Oal>lt&l Itoclc p ..llllo , , . , , . , . , . 1100. 000,00 George Carothers, deceased. The following pe~ons in conald- plowa, forks, shovels, dltchlni tools, wtn teU you why It II dear to me,' u 8urpiUl fuu.! " .. ,",., ', . " . a~.uop,oo The best Security. Nothing SaferThc will of Caroline Beck, deceas- eratlon of certain amounta erant laqe rave'n ibll' benell, chaine, well 8S to you, She II like the good Undlvldod llreflts ." , .16, 6Q9,'O LeAS curront e x pc l ulflll, lnte r6lt. Nothing ,Better. people of Englilllel whOle beart II with .. ull t~xllll 11. 1(\. , . " 3 GnOi 11,8 07 , 9 ed, . is admitted to , probate. Henry permission to the Union ,~as ,It. Elee· and wrenches, an4 many ' toola handy ' the colonlel, but -those will I, bellli Olrculatlng notoCl OUISt&pil Ing , . 00,000,00 Clay Stowe. is appointed administra- t~le Co" to ,erect and mal~taln ,polea of L Satterthwaite, or Haz:old Buqe, Net amounq due to Nat,oo~1 ASSETS over Milliona Dollars balled anel oppreBK'Cl. t.at ue bope tt b ~nk .... , .... "., .. , .. , ... , 10,000,'00 tor of the estate and C. W, . Allen , a,n d electric wire. , aaOA their ril· 4th" Tyler Sts., Wayneeville, 0 ma7 not be for lonl. My good wllbee InulvldUaI dope.l ... lubJect to Charles Bcck, and P. A. Harbailgh spectlve property: S. E. and C. !: . , 9 One of the largellt and strongest associacheck , . . , .,. " . , .. ,. ',' ,. , 282.899,28 tor Ipvolv, ' the "'hole race wboll!! are appointed appraisers, C:olllvcr Sn1em Tw,P:, $2170'0 "p, S. ' ' , ,. a CerelOca~ of deposit due In 1_ tiona in the sta te. than 80 d8~y 8 .. .•.•... • ••.•.. bloo4 ta In my veins. The race haa 1,8G9." , O. S. Higgins IA appointed atlmln. and Hnttie" Day, Sal,e m Twp., ,S80; ONE ' SHORT-HOR~ BULh, '12 Dlvldondl unpaId , , . , . . ,. , , • , • 2,un,00 e.,r b _ like ttl. vatlent os. tread· Why take Chances on Get·Rich·Quick Tot ~ 1 Of dOO>l1nd ,10poBlts (other istrator of the estnte of Chnrles A. L. B. Jeffrie,8 Salem 'Twp., $3~0: ' montll. old; prlc!e; ', Frank thuu bank IleposlLa) subJoct to Ing out tb. corn, whose leaellnl trait Schemes and lose all, Ludlum decensed under bond IOf Alice Rickets. Waehlngton . Twp., Coleman, R. D. ", WayneeviIJe',. Ohlo, Roserve, I~ml 20. 27, 1 8, a , I. endurance. ' ao and BI. ........ 26 6.9D2, ~2 $2500. Scott D1tm~s" William ' Hew- $60; ,Gtace S. Whi~ere, Salem Twp., , ~ ~_ II little light In the P",lIIIIt Other tlrnO <1,6pOI 1I8 , • , •• , " . , Total of elm" dope. Its .nbJec~ to We kiitdly lolicit your patronage it, and O. K. Brown , are appointed '~71)" Orlando C. ~,oore .. salem Twp. ENGLISH STI{A~ W." LEO QR~ ontioo.. You aDd Blnkllll wUl do well """,rve, ltAeml 31, II. if, and !la " , .,.,. " ••.•• , 119, nl,ol to eom. b.... Tbt., tor I time. ' will appraisers. " $75; Henry Chrt-tlan, Hamilton :rwP Egl1l, fertility auaraliteed, , .. Per. LlabJlltlea ol,her tbao lohoee 8tabe the nIIt", of Ola' actlvltlee and JOI1 Russell Blake is appohlted glllU'd- ,1; W. F. Harper,.Washington Twp: ' 100. L. V. B..ajiap-ator,'phon e 89.8, led above . ...... .. .... ... , 91. 88 ma, .,. needecl aD7 mom,nt." . ... '" n o' Total .... , ......... . . . ' .' 1609,'68,87 ian of George E. Blake, minor, under $30: Fred ~amp, Hamilton JI'\vp., Waynel\1Ue Ohio,' , • hdt btl 1o101ll0n went to Phlladel· bond of $900. $120; G. A. Kelly, Hamilton 'Twp., ' .,' . ,-r Ste.r.e of OttlCl, <louDtyor wam!n, u: pbla lOaD an. newl of tbe battle of The will of C. H. Smith, decealled $400; L. W. Lulke, Hamilton Twp., ON:E INDQO~' CHEM~~AL' ~~Bl!ET I. L. M. Boend8l'8OD, Qubler of tbel.bove~II bad r.ae,ed .A.lba~ In the Darned bank. do 8OIomol, I"ear that the aboye is admitted to probate. $45 Cheater CllmpbelJ, WIIl!tInquire of ~rs. 'Mal'1 Lemmo", dn sta~meot Is true to Ihe'bool of my kDo"ledce DAYTON • OHIO and bellel. , , Adda C. Hendrickson III appointed fnlton and Salem ~, ,401S;, Jllhn Fourth Street, Wayne~v\Ue. OhIo. 8u ')lCrl~t' ~jd Ba~~~S;l!sg:tO~-:!8I'~la ~dmini8tratrix of the estate ,of EatabU.hed 1887 ?~"r.hf~p.~nl,Jf~il~~~, Twi( T~: , ': , . , 1 .~~. Stir da, of Aprll. In.. ' ~Jam ,I;'. Hendrlc~n~ decealled, un· 1 ' .' ',' • " FO~ , SALE'--!llpCtl,~1',:' PO&TtI. MabloD Rld,e. B,oncb•• -1I10 Eat IItb Sir... , and 25 N.rtb MaiD 51 .... IThird Fl •• " Oorrect AU..t: Notary hbl.c. dilr bond ot $10,000. W. N .. Hunt, I COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINQS Both line' and com., ' ~lJo W.B.ALLBN WllliaA HanklnlOn and Rudolpb Billa , allowed: ' I Blind Penilon tor '.teclt' Iii 't htelhed tbnotllf l' . J, W. WBITE PRANK ZELL Au~PlU'tter are appointed apprats. quartor -"ndlng 'March 8.1 1t;' ,702,50; Creawell, R. D. 8/ ' ", , " " , 01 .....10.. . era: ' ,. , . r / H. E, . inque.' , J, T~' :, .. , .':, .'".',' \ .,
n the
Days of Poor Richard I,'
nlo-------------;i IRVING BACHELLER
Farmers, Attention! ,
Increase Baby's Strength
UWhere Savings are
Absolute SAFETY And
','IS. ,"
The West Side Building and Loan Association - Third and Broadway
.•.. THE , MIJ\M 1\ GA Z E TTE •.• ~ I
f.nI;8r~'I ' .~
" i Ul~1I
l. CJ AN I'" Ed llor uud j'ultlilohl'r. \\'a)'m'~\' il\c, Ohio :)u bscriDtion Price. $1. 50 p6r y' ar t- o , ei Rn Art\· .. , · , .. in,: HI·p r ..
, \ 11 1
I I" "
NY1 I;.Pll M, PH £ ~ S A ,. ~n '· I . \1
W EON 1~!)l)A y, APHIL 9, 1!J24
Time To Look Facts in the Face
'l'iwo outstanding disclosures that comes as a result of the recent naval maneuvers and which should 8t)mmalld seriOU8 thought from tbe American people are. first. that the Panl\ma Cunu! cannot withstand assault; and, second, ·:.he statoment of Rear Admiral Plunkett, Commandant of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, that if our battle fleet were ordered to the Philippines it would be able to get there but that it could not operate or get back home again unless some friendly nation sold to this government enough fue! to enable the ships to move. This statement, the Admiral explained, is not a theory, but a condition demonstrated by eventR lending up to the battle ,of MQ,nila when only the fact that a British coal-lad en ship ~s"pul'cha8cd saved the day for Uncle Sam. There ilct sOll'\.ething wrong somewhere wh en this coun~lLst depenoupbn the friendship of any foreign nation its naval operation, Frienrlship between nations hall g~ thread even thinner than that which binds the inclirelationship, It is always taut and ready to snap. recent exhibitions demonstrating that the stern grim bel)ind the call of the dollar made n blind man see that noblesse oblige is no more exlstant. fltis background throws into bold relief our situation In reference to American merchant marine. If we must look· forward to future wars tJhen the demand for a powerful m. :ant marine is imperative to our safety. If on the other }l:Il. J we may look forward to the eFmination of war then our prosperity and development will be measured largely by our poaltion on the seas. lt ie a peculiar fact that America can find the money to ~nance other natioJl8 which In tum use our money to develop their shipping power. but that when it comes to the production of money for the development of American ships upoh the 8ea the purse strings ·are pul1ed tight, In the light of present eventS the words of Admiral Benson uttered when he was in charge ot the United States Shipping BoalJ are almost prophetic. Benson said that p\JWng the American flag back upon the seas was dependent .on the understanding of the farmer. His programme Df eruightennient was rudely shattered, and In the whirligig of ~litical t1Cramble which ..,followed his retiremerit, the 8~~ were stuck deep into the ground which formed the founda1tion of American peace and safety. Perhaps it is not yet too late to save oUl'l!ltllves maritime extinction.
I . .. .. • ,"' ~
Mrs. Emma Uli ~ ll!ld Fisl ,·r . !II.·". returned h" me lasl w ~ ek , aCleI' spen d ing the win le I' wil h M I'. lind Mrs. Floyd Anderson', of Xcn il1 . Li~ler.
A school girl was required to write 200 words about a motor car. She the following: "My uncle bought a motor car, He was riding in the country and it stoppel! While going up a hill. The the otb~r 180 words are ,w hat my unclc said ~hen he was walking back to town, but I know th~t you wouldn't want me to repeat them here." POOR PETER
The wife of a Railor handed the pastor of a church the following ote: "Peter Bowers having gone to sea, his wiCe desires the prayers of the congregation for his salety," The minister glanced over it hur. riedly an<1' then announced: "Peter Bowers having gone to see his wife, desires the prayers of ,the cong regation for his safety."
"M" lcodn.... I didn't know tlae
Sing Sing reports thut .\ 11.JyrMn, ronvlet prohibition leader, gets thl1,ty br~ldna ro k. .' .'Il Sing of course Is dry for the prl8-
Notiee of Ap'pointment
11'• •
aD Dil hurner!'
"What could be more aad than a man without a country!" "A country without a man," anc.w.&e or lenl A. n.''''n. deceaeed. · \ ' I• No\lce Ia b.... b7 alven ,bn liora~ Z. swere d th e pre tYt8'lr
BaIoCou bu bee lIulj appOinted &lid Qual· IDed .. AGIIIlII~\« of ,be' M&a&e of Juo
I via J. Ol"oa. lal.ol Wura Count7. Obto d~"b" 8th da, of Af.1IB nit.
rw. • aIIId7 IOOd oplDJon of
the . ~'. oIUublaa.t plan, thet ~, '~'t,.run fer. f!'tIee Wi (be aIIee . . . . thl ,man -fw; ~" mllhtr Diih~' mob, \ha~' CA'fOrU aroaDd the ~ try ,lmpb' hUlltln· I ... ·• JoI!I Of I!O~' the prtneel~ aal· atT' • mighty temptbl' ~It to 'die ~ked politidana that "ould like \0 ,me the state,but I uU tQ m~ the dolD·, .of lOme yer~1Ited men wbo w~ .arve the country eater-it·"e ~" om iD the Pen! 'Ne i.. hed the 'ginne tmpart\A:I-I'l)d I'll ,ta~ , in white and black, that we better ~ateh the candidaw that'. ftnt upon the traek.•.• And • .when. I cut my ballot, u I'm mleh&7 apt to do, you'll,.. terateh the ' feU~
'!i tai. P~~&e Oo.m,
---... - ..---
Notice of Appointment
\\' i . ( · 1\
( Ir dt'
h t- I"
fence [l<lSLS are DO
post of longer life, easier and cheaper to set and easier and cheaper to fasten fmcing to.
Greater St:ren8th - doc to adctiac _ metJIl In • . reinfm-dng rib (sec lBlI8UatiOn) &lid Uao doe tD the fact that there isn't a single hole ~ In Ibe post either tor staples or anchor plate. No I'tIo$ IleQUII:ecI to attach anchor plate. (See illnsttlllllbiJ Firmer in Grouud-tbe RED TOP ADeM&- I'IaIIe Ia heavier and strong>er than ever. Loager ~the DeW ~ ~ III1Ifa and soli<! post mm It longer Better loo!dog feocee - the • .am.- metallic lilli. b gi'rC5 the poet a neat" trim ""_ Easler. cheaper IOettiog-with the ODe IlIaD RED TOP Driver one man without a beIper- aD _ 2011 to 300 posl:3 per day. Mure effi.clent f.eoc:e fasteabag-RBO TOP Bamcfy F ast.ene.ra makes it pMS1bIe for one man to IIttacb tencing to posts. And fnstener hdds fmciog ~.
Come in and see this better post. Handle it. Inspect it. See how the new One Mnn Post Dr iver works. Don't buy a feooe POSl 'unt il you do this.
q )l ~
" PN i . . vl-.. it ill r h l) lll ~ '
TEEL loogu all alilte. S The RED TOP Double Strength Studded Tee has set a new standard. It is a stronger
p un 'll t .
~II '~ , S h Pl l ~, ti t 1 1 1 ~u rn a r .
a nd
A numil(' r o f fri end, f r" l11 h"re a ttended Lhe fun er al of llirs. F.JnH'r EUl'nh nn, a t Wa ynesvi1l0 Thul's ua y
• Oe.d St. 15 of 'R ed Topa oa aaad
We Always
Forre!>t Smith. of Columbus, wus nIle J'fluuI l, home for the week·end . 1I1r. and Mrs. Willia m Long ente rMrs. Chas. M'/lf8 , of Fort Wnyne. tained on Sunday, Mrs. Isaac Davis, Ind., Is the g uest of reln.tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jucobs and two Miss Helen H.aines entertained 0 children of Dayton. company of .friends Thursday even. Mr. nn d Mrs. Kesler Grahum enter ing. talned to Sunday dinn e r Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lydia Hill Is very m nt the Arthur White and children of Day· home of her 60n, Jesse. north of lon und Mr, William Graham, town, . 1111'. and Mrs. Charles Clark arFOR OVER 40 YEARS Neil Hadley, who has been confined rived home Thursday morning from HALL'S CAT,\llRII MEDICINE hal to his home by illness, is able to be St. Pcterb'u rg , F lorida, where they' bee n usad 8ucceasfull)' in the trontnltnt ot CatArrh. hnve been spending the winter. bacl( in school, again. HALL'S CATARHH ~H: j\ ". G, E con·
Misses Hazel Elnd Helen Heil. Verna Conklin apd Sarah Haines, of Wilmington college, are home for Spring vacation. The P. ,T. A. held a Father's Night" meeting in the School building Friday night. T 'h e main feature was a debate, Reeolved, That the automobile i8 a detriment to the country. Trevor Haydock and R. D, Collett 68 negative, were declared the winners over A. E. Beam and H. S. Noggle, affirmatiive. Prof. Stephens made an addresil to the fathers, the male q)1artet sang and Raleigh Bo· gan was encored many times, after a solo, "I Love 1rou." Refresn'ments 'were served during.the soc.1a,I period, which followed the program.
- - -.... ...---
Misses Kathryn and Mildred Clark and Leona. McGinnis, Mrs. Harry Mc· Ginnis aDdM]'. and Mrs. Walter Ken· rick spent' Saturday in the G~m city.
- - -"'. - ..- --
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Bye Sight ' Specialist
Q ulok~y
w i)' ,'!)
At Cary' Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio
Every Tuesday 8:00 a. m. to , p. m.
WIlliam lIenr.I' Harrison WIIS the oldest mnn ehosl'n for tho presidency ot the nlt ed Stut.es. beIng slxty. eIght at the tlme of his InUuguration In 1841.
Walter McClure
uopuo'l- ,:aOaJ8
qluap ,{ru 0101 a m aJom lnd 01 . am pal\811 su '! 011:1 'SaX .. -,l01av (l IIO;>;)S .L nOh ~U I AJJO'\'I uilaq Ja~npoJcJ alII 8uB l.all n w BIll 8.1UlIA\..-..I0JaV lSJI.:I ·
-... FUNER~LDH~rcro.rWaynesville, Ohio
I ,
Large Display Room •
Waynesville, ,
~t ·..",- ·
FUllY Equipped for Good Service. .
R e li eves b y 10rA I Ilpplic'tll" '1 . .. nd Ihe Inte rnal ~f6(}l c lllc . n. T o nk . ,\ I1 I -h acta through th o Dlood o n Ihe M\. OU. 9ur· t"ce8. thu. reducing the InnAmmnUon. 80ld by 011 druggist •. F. J. Cheney & Co .. Toledo. Ohio.
Oldeat President.
' 1l"1~
Experl.nc.• Taught Him. Tired llullnl!8ll lIIun-I1ello, Central Would you pieau suggest whn t nllm. her I mhcht nsk tor to Ite! M lin 27"5'
Mrs. J . R. Johns, Mrs. Ralph Johns nnd 'children, Mr. and Mrs. Will B erg~ daU and daughter, G1ady8, are out of quarantine for scarlet fever.
"Save by buyin«. ln Wayneaville." ,
George: "I hear you got married. Who to 7" Fred: "To a woman,of coune, you inscct. Who ever heard of marrying a man'" G4\orge: "Well, my mother did."
Kat..." \I. O"'o,ICc!~. l'iouee .. barob,.lveG tbat BaIlie •• J07 baa beeA apJ!OlnUld and quaWltd .. Admin. " . ,.. Ilt 01 \lIe "&ete of 8. O. J07. ' " ' of WarreD Couan'. (11110. deeeaNd.
wbetI-;p :~templatil, the
,\ 11'>:' ,
We are told thnt 25% of the public school pupils In New York defective vision, What about our government officials when ~" .... ~1 .~ looking ~t 'contract8 !_ _ _ _
of I ':tytPII \\ I n · \\ {" .. h ' ('IH I s..:'UI ' ''' t :-- II f ,\1 1' :l lItl ,\ 11'. 11 1 1 .1~· l · rd ll k
~ I r.
ig Value In
Mr. unci lIfrs. Howurll Grllh~ m ee l· .\1 1'. u nd II I I'e . (' 1111 , . ~: . • I .. h ,, < \ ' 1., · ciJrnted his birLhday by e nl£'l'ta ini nJ.t' ul dinn "r .his moth el·. Mr, . 11111 1')' il">! S III I>!"Y wi t h ~ I 1', lind ~ It·" . (: Graham. JIll's . Laura hid llkl' r " MI'. .J uhn H n nd !'l on , 1"1111 1 T ., in 1 ); 1 ~' o ll, and Mrs. A. S. Collett IIn,1 ", " , R<'h~ I I' . 1111 01 ~jr H , Ll· " i Gn ·"l hu l1 " '. (1 1' ert. P a yln n , \'.l' n.' S unday I-:'ll ( ' ~ t~ at t h e ho me "I' ~1 1', a nd M rs . (,) ;-d " W h o r· to n.
"And now are there any qUC8~lon.'" aaked tbe prealdhw 'leor I~ • p.bllc village me"tlng after announcing what he Intt to do. of. lBan In the audiencc a~'OlIe. "Mr. Cbnlrman," ho enid, .. · . ~ rc · vp;on tho preeidlng officer 8maah d him on tho head with II chair. '. "Are thor\! aQ)' more. ,qu\lni uns?" askll!l the presiding omen. WhIch 'Il o'he 'way of conducting a poUtieal meeting, •
"I rs. K "l~1 Mrs. Cecil Kii rk nnd daug hte r, Ker· " ,. hiduker bus tho mumps. met, of Toledo, Ohi o, are visiting nt The ri a .J ones is qui ll' sic k wi t h lhe Little Botty Jelln Ru rlduck hns the Hilltop Inn : mellRles. mumps. . Miss Wanda Moo re is making her IIli ss ol'l1 h Oshul'n " p~nt T hu l'sJlIr", Sue Whetsel is very ill at home with Mr. nnd .Mrs. JcfTel'ic R, nt dllY ill Daytnn. '/ thi R writing. Wilmington. Mr. lind Mrs. II. ~1. Clu rk huve in· Murley Evuns and family were in MI'. Jum es Jacob. hud the mis[or. st alle n a new rad io. I Dayton Suturday. Lun e lo break his Ilrm this weck, while MI'. ,J ohn A (I " I'·),!I.t!' \\' n ~ a wee kMr. A .S. Collette spent Monday crunking his llutO. ' ud g tl~ s t or l )nYlon fl'i (,lI d s. and Tues day in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker elller. ~r i ss I n ti i3ul'I1 el ha }we n very ill Mrs. Marley Evans vis ited her fnth. tallied Mr. Will Be ll nnd fllI,mily, of the past 11'('c k whh mCII"ic's li nd lon Summ erville, to Sunday dinner. 1'" in Indinnll last Sunday. , ilitis. Mr. Earl Cline. of Toledo. nnd Mr. 1I1iss Elizabeth Haydock spent Sun. The Lad i e ~ A i,l 111t'1 li t t h,' IIIJIlI(' Motte Cline. of Dayton, spen't Sunduy day with Oletha Rob erts. 01 !Ilrs: Emm a llro\1'11 Wedn esda y n Cwith W . A. Merritt and f umily. lern oon. . The Junior Aid met at Mrs. Laura Mr. 'Rfld Mrs. E. B, Dnkln enterShiduker's Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ell a Cop. (' Y iF moking nn ,'xtain ed l\[r. nnd Mrs. C. D. Cook to 1111'S Lottie South is spe nding the a 6,o'clock dinnr las t Wednesd!lY ev. lC l1li cd vis il wilh r~ l u li v c in Spr in)'! V IIII!'y. week with Chas. Tucker and family. ening. MI'. ,111 ,1 MI" , Fra llk }t " I': ,·r ,. "' "I'I' Mr. and Mrs. Wa ' ~er J ordnn und ~ u fl d !.,y d i utll'l' J.,!lIl'!'- b \,f ,\1 1' . a nn nnd MfR. Ed McFarlan lIn, 1 Mr, . ~ I .. . \\' nil" I' .Innney Emrttn Cline carne ba ck Cro.lI Fl hr id u one day In!t wee k. ~ 1 1'; . Jml' l ,in lll ' I1l.a,1I rl il d "h il d ,' }' n
Lho Pn !4Ln lI .:n at Wn.YUM ' 11 10. UII1U, 81 .8t!cond ( ' I au Mall Maunt \
'~ail ~ordo:'~ Chi1drll~'l
M. and Mr. s pent Sunday wilh Frank Squir es und family.
E.er"bod" ia lai. world waatl tt.. • h fBI DatfCI tb" 1 .. & Gar 4f Ii.reb 112.. r11 toO ut t eoma. aot . a. d W · hZ, .~obLL. 00 .... u ,",0f , .... ro .'e un w·tho . ... t tb. •p ..ic ••••·... n tho"llt "OU Warren .c.:OUO'7, ObiG& I nda ... t.laa eat)". ambul.ace.
·w.". .
lin. Rosalia KOlli., J? "ilver
81....,1, Ne .. Bri.,ln, Conn.. h.d • terri.Dle ~xperience And SivCIII full eredic for her recovery to PC!0ru . n:a" hnd cramp. for th t~~ ran and 'houllhl [ would IItYer be any bett~r. I couttl · eot eat whlrout c1i.tl'eu. Nothinll belpod me. I had catarrh of the .tomoch. Now. after ta1tin~ Pe . ru . n:t . J ,have DO cramp' and Am , ..Ilq _U and bulthy. [ wisb rfer,. .offerer from a. Qlanha! Hd1 ..... would lake
the 1. . to dol
The Tri-State is the Largest Creal1lery in the world, buying DIRECT from producers.
..' .. 1;.
loh" W. mal er Dentist .. ,
R.... wla.t R. P. G.laa., one of tbe larleat breedar. of Pure Br. d J .. n,,),a, .nd on .. of the moot prol .." ..ive dair),me ....,. :
W~~~~V!lle, N.tlon~ BaD~ Bid,
to take thi. opport" ..it" to atate
WUlI Drawn "
"I w.nt
the d.alin,1 th.t w. b.v. had h av .. b ..en mOlt latiefactory. Your testa and wei,lata bav" b .... n uniform·
I" la lIaa wltJa tboa. at tJaa f.rm aad we Inde.d ba.e nothla, b"t wor"l of tho hilh .. lt eomma.ndalion fa .. you...b,oluta aqu."e deali~la. and'..
. ·&tates Settled
pro~Pt .... accurate b.,ie.l. method.,
WilYne.vllle, . , Ohio '.
ludic.ted by the experience
NI\~cin~ ~n~
Aprn ., l .• t .~.o 7th .. ' n.. Tn ."
Stat ••";"""tloD ill .,
45c .
.. "
Higher if Market A~ees .
"YOD MiIk ..... ·COw~WE PAY YOU. liot. paDD" to aa··o,,'tlld.r-DO middl,maa or .tatioa ...... . YOU"
roU' a.,,~ llalpm.at .· •
State ,hipper today~on't bultata: If you have D' O ca~8, write, for Fr.. T ..iaI.Caal. , \ .. ' ''( . 1:'" 'hlplnel1~ ~ of ';hich -.cureaa .now can. WII alao poattiveb' an.d absoluteb' ·guarl\ntAie -your 'hipmenta 8gIliJ¥lti ~ lou Qf damaie lA,
Beoome a -Tri
. ".
hay., h.d in dealin,. with ,7 011."
. .,
TH Stat. :S po" ~la C..... .Je o~r 'Dd"eamaat for ,
EASTERN STAR 'NOTICE Mia mi Oha pte r No, 107 0 , E , S" \vill -meet In ' reg ular session Mondoy voning, A:~il 14th, All members urged to b pr sont IIntl visitors lIro \\'olcome. By order of EDl1;H HIMES, 'w, M, SUE H ~WKE, Sec' y.
S ore....
. . ...
Just So.
Chlldron cnpublc of brl(ht 8U/I'Ln~s \\'ould be 11 to a tired hum oris t.
Clo~ing Out Sale of t e John A. Funkey Stock
Minmi }ltJ,P,t er No, 107 O. E, S" hnve I hei l' annua l Inspection, 11180 celebrating t heir t.wcnty-fifth anniversary, n Wednesdny e vening , April 16th, All members of tho Enstern RUl I' >11 '0 wf' lcomc, Dinner wi ll bo SCI'v. ud lit G:30. t:DI1'H HIM ES W, M, protluelaa SUE Il AW KE,S c'y. a reat help
dIvorce Suit DI LuY.l. In rl ~ a ,,'omllo recentl'y lioluecl cards Of lliYltatlon tl her 'rloodl to II ' =,re~ ' ur at the trlu, of lIer dlvCllft , slIll, _ _ _... _ _ • -L' ___'"::'
Petrified Body Ancient MIMI', Tht' Ilotrltl('<i ' ''~ I~' or n ml,lor wall fOllnd h, II Sill! ", hip' ncn r Btlt'hare.t, A ml nll ItlllI I' roun rl on th e bu,!, was or so ol d n 1,\' 1") I hnl oven th e c»Id.. t \lVlt1 1! miner" hl1l1 nuvor S(l(!II ODIl.
~t .
RfMNANI DAY= All Odds and Ends and
1000·Yard Goods Remnants on Sale Saturday
Odd Lots Again
Con. il tin ll o f GiU IIh ama,
Mu alina, T a ..
Line n _,
Percale., ~o ol
V oi le • .
Reduced for
a nd
Ya rd Good ••
while at
th e,.
Saturday's Selling
a •
An Exceptional Value! Try our Job Printing Department
COUNTY FAIR OATES "'-fIt1, beautUul, .parkliAg I ".rm ".Icome to tho (otka "bo oa1I it HOllie.
rene" III beauty ADd proteot it from the ravag••
.,d NUll.
No ... rtdO I the time to conado....refully tho merit 01 tbo ~ini VfIU' are to us-will It eover Iborou,bl,.-are tbo In,NCli. nt. <right-willlt .tand up uodor tb. " .. tbor P Ie
• • ,. - 1 111, .,...". I,,.... i '. '" ••I.,.r.
,fl. f •••••
".r, 'II,
Gr". S,aJ-!w
..,.",. .
- - -...
PtIia, ••• , •. Si,,,,1888
Oxley-Pace Drug Co. ¥. '-'
.w.n.t __ ..
w...., PIarchMe PI-.
- - --
t' -
lAid of flalM-
I.W-",." .f Na .... B•• ",,-
,.r'flJ_/~. lior
CJ. WAn III '/...
(lNaMu', Gn.. S ,d Pal.' 'a.llu r •• "er,
011 CCIlVl!lliftll
~e '
---- ..
i. the tilllO to tbin k aboul ptliati o, that Home of
c.n ... enid
CHRISTIAN CHURCH I Preaching services at the ChrisF ollowing are some of the Fair t ia n church, Su nday morning, April dates already decided upon: 13. Everyb ody cordially invited.Hamilton- Octo ber 7-10. Springfield-Aug u8t 12-15. --Blnnche8t e~AuguBt' 19-22. Washi ngt on C. H.-August 12-16, Xe nia- August 6-8. Da yton- September 1-6. Warren County- Septem ber 9-12. Hills boro-Aug ust 6-8 . Wilmington--July 29 -Aug. 1. Ohio State-August 24-30. Rober t G. Vandervoort, who is a . Fleshman 'this year at , Ohio W es... leyan unlvElrsity, hilS recently been Nature Provide. Their Fumac:e. pledged to t he Chrestomathean LiterOlt l7.Qns living In Raboul, l'omeMlnln, Or)' soci ety a t the university. This need no furnuces. os It Is said the city is the only men 's literb.ry society in Is built at Ihe foot ot a pactly exUnct e xistence a t Ohio .Wesieyan at the yolcano. and at Urnes .the t emperature present tilJlle, All the societies were rlscs thlrty·seven degrees .In a lItUe disco ntinued a f ew years ago but more thUD two hours. Chl'estomathean was revived thl~ year by a group of students especially intercsted in the discussion of public
CJ. The laou"; tbat ....u dull ud "o.ther-.taiaed beoome. II'
AU Ford
.., be pwcb..t UDder
ST. MARY'S CHURCH Palm Sunday, April 13. , Church School at 9 :30 a . m.; Morning. Prayer and sermon at 1,0 :46 a. in. The offertory sello. "The Palms," ,rlu be sung by .Rel~. Ralph Lee. ' The public is 'cordially invited to come.
.- ..---
'D'8~to of IWI
Not only is it the lowest priced five-p888enger car 00 the maJ'ket, but it is also a car that cost8 little to operate.litde to keep in condition and has an unusually high resalevalue after years of service.
Sabbath Schoo l, 0 :1 6 a. m., preaching lit 10:30 u. ll\ . Wednesdayevening service 7 :00 p. m.. Epworth League 6': 16 p. m ;pl'eaching at 7 :00 p. m. Everybody is cordia,lly invited t o these serviccs. Rev. L. A. W lIshb~, Pastor .
Big crowds have been attendin g the 8ale at Myer Hyma n's store since it started, an d the sales huve fa r exce~d cd the firm 's expectations. Mr. Wm. Berry, who was her e an d personally conducted the sale for the first ten days, left fo r his home in Michigan, Sun~, T he sale will cont inue for several days more, and there are lots of bargains to be yet had. Come in and see for yourselves.
It requires no technical knowledge of aut9Dlobiles to appreciate'the outstanding value of the Ford Touring Car.
atl'airs and in the development of the ir ability as speakers upon such " puestioDa. Mr. Vandervoort is enjo Inysahort Mr. Vandervoort is enjoying a vocation here with his porents .
---- ..
ARBOR DAY IS NEAR The approach of Arbor Day brings t o tire public attention the great value of our trees. The lost agricult ural cen sus :place d Ohio fifteenth in the United Sto tcs in number of a':re9 on farm of mlJrchanllable timber. !t also r anks high as a fruit producing I stute, but Richard FdXon, chief of _th e Stale Dlvisoin of Plant IoduNtl'Y" claims tha t many land owners nrc neglecting t heir orchards and shnde trecs, th ereby gre~tly reducing the , vulue of this grea t natural resl,uree, , Pruning, spraying and protection Ilre _ due every tree in the etate. The se~ lection of only hardy specimens is also a point to bear in mind when 'planting. J-"
Begins Saturday,
BE DELIVERED ON PAY . "._. ONE ,D0..........,.j~
. Sim.ply pay ODe Do~iar -':tb~t is ~l1~nd' any Will be dehvered to your home. The-·b alance can De ly or monthly payments. · . ~
More than 300 RpQm Size Rug.·for E~eIY Room
$ft' if gou can dupilclite these price!
.~~'!'!*f!/Al~ 1/ IL (VIE .
, SOlO "HIS'
D. W. fiuriace ~aa sold hia farm to HatT7-Sjnlt,li: - 'Jf...~ Mr. Surface, hU worked hard all bis life,'be decided to selJ, .~U, ,aPtd ,ta~~ ,a !l\,uch neede~ He is a ~ Who be mwod, not ".'I 'n'i\lv '· u ' ~rl.iOod farmll', l bbt 'u oal' who waa ~ot only al"',. 'IrilItq hllp" hla·.feUQw fatmers In tim, ,e,f dr. I but i1!~d his · ~~ ~ork l)i . '
(0) ~trrg ·S~ i,t ~t<Q~; ,~t : ,I~~ -.M~~Y F.~~i~~ti~g ',Fea~~ ~. ".'\ : .
-. ,1
., t
.'. '
IMPI/ that. .h,' ~o 110,' We' are ,dlycopld in need of II"VOI,:IIP1II~rs ,and aJ;0 1IOl'l7
that h' hal the ranks, btt~ w, .wla~ him 81ICCIU
whateYer bullueu be m., ~. ~
Seventy-Sixth Year
Mr. Rnd Mrs. Fred GOIlS, of Route 2, we re presente d with a bRby girl lnst Sundny.
WIlYII('s vi lll' auoli e ncl's always look (orwllrd wilh ellg'('r It nt icipation to pluys liircl!lecl by Mi ~~ Erlnll Howland , head of tlw Warren Cou nty Normnl Rc\Hl ... I Again , on I,,"t PddllY night, a fu ll house wi LtlcHse li this ycur' ~
p lu y , "Poll yu nnu ." und whi c)l,
ue use d in l hl' p lll"cha;-;in g o f
Mi!\8 Bett), Bnr;,ctt . of Cedarvi lle College . spent the ~to r holiduys here with rQlatives.
Harlan Fis ke Stolle, of New York. but a nati ve of New Hamp.. shire, is Preaiden t Coolidg e's new Attorne y-Gener al. Ho was former Dean of the Columbia Univers ity School of Law_
Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman, daught er and 80n. spont Sunday with r elatives in Cincinn ati.
Mrs. Cora.' Baker, of Wilmin gton, Mrs. H. B. Enrnha rt spent Suturwas 'il.. week-en d visitor with her day in Dayton. mother, M!'II. Id~ Moeks. Have C. L ee Hnwke do yo ur Dry Mr, and Mrs. Harry Pace .pent the Clea ninl" ond Pressing . ,reater ~rt of Inst week In Cincln. natl, the g ueRt of friends. Mr. and Mrs. J erry Rogers visited relative s here over the week-en d. Mrs. Zanla William . and da ghter, Helen. of Dayton. apent Sunday with Mrs. Vloll\ Harlan and son, E ,'crett Mrs: Homer Carey and family, an! spendin g a few days in Dayton . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gloeeke r, Mrs. Mary Waterh ouse is viRiting of Springb oro. were Sunday guests her dflughtl', in Latonia , Ky.. this of Mr. Adam Melloh and family. week . Min Helen ¥arlatt, of Cincinn ati, Mrs. A.T. Wright and "on, ElJiott, was the ruelt of her parents , Mr. and spent TuesdllY wilh relativ es in M~, J. p: Marlatt , on EBlter day, Sprilll.b oro, , '. lllllll Bernice Mull, of hear ·non, was the week-en d gu~st Edna Howlan d, of the FrIendII'
Dr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward were S\Jnday g uest.!! of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hough.
"r_ and )(ra. W • .1. Baker spent Mrs. Earl Orndor! nnd dnughte r, ,\ .SIl"da) , with their daughte r and Hun- Dorothy , spent Sunday with relutive s In-law, Mr. ,a nd Mrs. C. J.Egber t, of near Leban on, Xenia. Mr. Geo. Waterho use was confined Mr. and M1'II. Fred Hartsoc k and to his' home Inst week with n Reve re daua-hte r and son, of Milford , were case of totl~ iJi tis. Sunda), ,ucats of 'M rs: Laura Mosher and family, Horn & Dakin, Dry Cleaners and PreSsers, Leba non, Ohio, or C. Lee , MJ'II' Harry Turner and Mn. Ed Hawke, Waynes ville, Ohi . Rentz, of Dayton, spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. HenderMrs. Hilda Planck, of Middlet own, son and famly. . . sp'ert t he week-en d with, her si.'wrin-la w, Mrs. W. J . Baker, Save your old carpets ' .~d ruga and I'Ilt "Wearw ell" Ruga m.a de . Ubrary patrons having Sluto books Send for price list, Fllankli n Rug will please return them to the library Co" Franillil1, O~lo. pormptl y for shipmen t !-o Columb us.
1l1'1" ".!, F ill., '\ 1" il I nth , I I·'ri, ' ''.! > :\ II' ~ . .J. Hii d Il l \'~('lt' I l d\ ( ' b 'en f!lIwH t o Il Cl IlI\'lj u ' u d \\ hu'h b abou t I hi!' \' IH i il"''' Iii 11.\\ ;\1 1:L t!d . II ll d "v ....
Si m eon D.
Mrs. Roy MacBet h is announc ing the marrla~e of lIer brother, Mr. Alva Cartwri ght, to Miss 'Nellie Ge tz, of Springfi eld, on April 22, .1924. ~
The Miamis will have practice next Sundny, and Intend to . b'y for a p14ce there. The praetioe will afternoo n. . .
their first th ose who shou ld be boo in t he
Elliott Wright , who hilS bee n in the East for some ti me, returned homo TUllsday to spend the r l} tnuinder of tltl! weell ''''ith his parents, llJo. and M;s. A. T. Wright.
,. Dr.l L, P. Vanderv oort, of PortsMr. and Mrs. Chns. Babb and mouth) 'Ohio, was here Monday visit- nnd M~B. Ka'rl .Blibb, Xenin, ing' her slster,Mi811 Lntle Vander- Mr. and M.'8 . Alvin Earnhru ·t voort ,and made the Gazette office a family spent Sund~ with Mt'. pleu'an t call. Mrs. Burton Ea.t nhart.
The local cHyter of the Eas~ern Star loa.e heJd their annual in ~JItl'\ tlon \&at Wednel day night. There waa a larae crowd p.r esent, includln lf ' mlln)' out-ot-t own guelt.. , . Mr. anel Mrs. F. S. Elbon, Mrs. Amand a Malllt and Mn. J. H,' Coleman ,and M~ RaJ Mllla attende d tbe funeral ' of Mn. Oh ... Peteno.n, at Spring 'Vallay, ~ond.y a'.ternoo n. H' \ J"..
lItr. lind lind and
Subscri,be for the Miami Gazette .
:'11'. an d Mrs. C. ]\f. Robitze r, 'M iss I,:d ilh Kearn s, Cnrl Extrnm and MerI,· K ~~ rll ", Mrs. Amelia William s dine d " ilh ~lr. and Mrs. J. D. Ma r!:.n. 1 :I ~ t Sun da y.
t hrPI ' hll lld l',·d n l d,· ~ [ruJl) IH' I' l' a lld
F (' :,,~.
. \\ 11 :. IIHH ' h
\\a r ml' t' t h pn it j ... hl' n ', it w(luld I'f'u('h ~)t) dl! ~ref!~ f I, I \ tw nl1 r ht :-: w (' rp Ii Ill' , ill1d lIl\ \.! I "'lI dol h"",' I" " h'~1' und"1 Ilt I" uio l I L\\ l f i 1' \'I' I~ in IJl'd ,·,' f j Ill' c n rllfll)' tu·
hlll'h's L. KllighL Vi illiam 1""I'I' r l'I·"et" r .
)11'". ,\ lIna S, Tll dd . F "ank U. Willi, .
fl'l\ \V
___ 4._- --
I hl('. A 11 lit,· I"'''r ll' \\'I' !lid \ H ' r e CO OLIDGE ""en cry . Mllny 1'<''' pl e from Le bnI f ,'om ht, PHd-th, ~ (I \' (:l':d fro m lu\\ ii , Alterna te" nt Lnrge non and olhe r Il(':l r uy towns we re i (1I II l ' n f Ihe Ilwn, a Mr. Il H I~ t.·,. , (l\\rt~ For}ller President of the grest pre"o lll ,!l llrucleu by thO! rl'p utat io n !lullie Q . BI'II\\' n. "" ""t :lOOtt acr ps) l\an slI ' ,IlI " n ' fr ll lll Notion's,1 City bank of New York, thc Normal plays e njoy. .J. B, f,,·lmel\. nhi .. llUIII allY uthel' sta k " . lI a mi l- who has resigned dir cctoratCll In P"c\,iou s t o lhe plll Y it, ,,l f, lw o MI'" . Wi lm ll ~ incl a ir Le Van . nu merous corporat ions, and is now tlll1 . l1a y lIll . Unillil LilY , \\· l·~ t(· I' \'i lll· , in Washing ton fin ancing y O lllIg' lad it's, ~ li Rsc" Ed ilh Mc1\i biJan Fr~ li D. Pn ttCl'~ul1. (' I,' \'(·luvd , Youllg s t o wn, Akr,1 n, Hlld ing hia lIew UCitizenond directs Federal !lnd Kathlee n Hend e rso n sang two ~lurs h,,1\ . heppuy. all v l · r y {,!1l h u s iH ~ l k (IV(' I' their proto-- Rosearch Bureau," which aims to 'U "g" in the make-u p of co lorcd buys . Edwul'd Vollrath . gather evidence of graft In govern1' " '1 ':, Th"y sa id th,'Y kn ew hy h"l'In lhe openilll\' sce ne o r tn e pluy ment offices. ~ PY l'xpe ri cu(,(1 tha t. o JlP u rl un it it,s we fi re introduc ed t o the flct ivities Also vote ror th e~" Dis t,·i,·t Dele- ",pr(' unequlll led cl scwhen ' . IIb uund of the Laclies Aid, who~e work seems on evc l' Y h"nd I·C. to be minor in impo'rta nc e to the go~ gnteR for 1Ilv.in Cno lidg'(' : Th is secLio" ig ca ll ed th e "Re ul an d sip that is cla,iming t heir nttentio n. [)el ega t el Dist l'ict of Fl ol'ida. " They cluim Theae c hal'acte rs we re p layed by LotChurl es J. WUJ('gonl!r. its ideal ye8 1' I'o und growi "" cundi 'tic Leaf, Ruth 10mlinso n, Hi lda SetFrllnk Hoke Smith. I lions lind climate lind J1o ~ ili o n below tlemi re !llld Elizab et h Sheets, who I lhe fl'ost line hnve created 1\ section Alterna te • mude very creditab le scandnl mongunequal led for the Slife and profiter s. Closing this act w e meet · PolHarry L. Agn e r. I uble cul t i\'ati on of citrus fruits, a nd lyanna -E lizabeth Clark- wh o comes J. S. Kimb,·o ugh. , fOI' eve l'Y vnl'iety of veglob le, howThe Wom ull 's Auxilia ry of St. Moto live with her aunt, Miss Harring A vote only on t he presidenlilll · e ver lhe larges t. tl'u cking IlCI'~Jll\'e is ry', chu r ch, wu s e nlerluirll!d by Mrs, t on. and whose child like vivncity prefere llce ballot does not elect Cool- : de\'oted to t.omatoes,1 WII S told t.hat Mury Caskey und Mr~. Ada Cou r tney proves very disconc erting to that id ge delegate s. You must vote the I llIst yellrs crop brought in abo ut nt the homc of the f url)ler 0 11 Thurslady. Rhea J anet Cartwright, as long ticket: Clip this out nnd lllke ' $ 10,000.0 00. [ su w the fines t corn day lIftel'n oon .Apl'il 17. ~fi8S Harring t on,s Irish maid, gave it to the polls, with you . I ever saw in Ohio, out in tassel a nd TIl« utle ndollce WIIS quite good, and the audience man y Inughs. _ _ _._ _ _ _ __ Irish potato es are being dug. all d I t he mee ting \VII S ol,,;ned by MrB. CadLnter iy the play. Pollyan na's magheard olle I11l1n say his crop yielded wallnde r netic influenc e come in contact with reading the Gospel for GOOD CATCH ES BEING MADE over 400 bu. per acre, and got 75c Thursda y in Holy Week , fo llowed J ohn Pendlet on, a wealthy man Bnd by pllr bu. The pride of this district prnye .·. Scriptu a chronic grouch, r eSUl ting from an ral quotat ions were is their fill e roads, they rea lizing giv n ill r eaponse to roll unsucce ssful love ntrwr of his youth . call. t hat thi s is an importa nt fa.ctor in the The sewing for the Emerald HoClgThis part was taken by Rnymon HatdC"elop ing of a ny ' n ew coun t,·y, in- SOli Memol'inl h08pilu l had fl eld, whose portra,y al of the characbeen comdeed the progres siveness of any sec- p leted ter Was splendid . a nd the box wus packed nnd tion is largely judged by it's attitude made Others .who helped make th e play r eady for shipmen t at this on this vital question . meeting . The amount of t he Tha nk a 8ucceas were Beryl Cook, as Jimmy We drove down to " The State Ro- Offering W \iS a nnounce Benn, Burnet Butterw ort h, os Dr. d, , 16.2 5, yal Palm Park",w hich is about twe nAPPOIN TED ASSESS OR At t he close of t he busi ness sesChilton, and Ril ey Saylor, as Bienek- ' ly-five miles below where we. were sion e r, Pendlet on's man. th e fol1ow in g progra m was .givJ . C. Hawke hUIJ ' been appoint ed s tnying, in co mpany wilh lItr. and en: Between th e acts mU8ic'e,l num bers a!lSeasor of Wnyne8 ville Corpo ration lIt r~. Will Haveys, and i'llI' .alld lItrs. wcre rendere d, Mrs. Harry Turner. a 1n place of W. H. . Dinwida ie, de- lItilllJ r, from Detroit. Indeed to ap"An Easter Greeting piuno solo, and a mi xed quartet of censed. All persons having business preciate these trees you must sec High School student s. MI·S. Ada Courtne y his line, will fav or him wllh a call. t hem, mnny of them a rc over 150 ft. Readln·g , "A Mission in Virgi nia ....... Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man Rending , "Easter at St. Andrew 's .... Presid ent Miss Leah Smith and Hi; . Reorg anhtd Cabin et P oem by Rev. NereMrs Edith M. Ha rris Rending , "Th e Success of a ~is siona .. y in .South Dakota " ... . " " .. Mrs. W. H, Allen
H, S, PLAY COMING Whnl hnpl'e n, on May 9th? Tho S" lI inn: (, f \I' nYlw T\','P. High School will I'l"' '''nt th cir pla y, "The Charm Seh""I, " al Ihe n('w Auditor ium. T he "C harm Sc hoo l" i, II chllrmin g play Il > lllt' II Uln u S Ul(l(llSt ~ , which dcals wit.h ~ (l VC I; youn~ men, who live· to ... I:ethcr und a r c dead broke. Thoy li ve in a flat in New York a nd do their own cooking . It so unds interesling. But when one of t he yo u nl" fell ows, Austin Bevans, inherits a girl' s hoardin g school, and attempt s to run this school, it bccumc s more inlert!~ ling. Tic kets will be sold by High school stud ent.9, beginnin g on April 30th. Don't fa il to sec the "C ha rm Scho ol."
TIMES STAR CONTEST Student s r epresen ting 11 sehools from Bevera) countie s met in an oratorical contest last Thursda y at Lebanon . The oration e were on the Constitu tion of the U, S. and proved very interest ing: . John Paul Bolton, represe nting the Wa'yne Twp, schools, tied for second place in this contest. . ThiS is certainly commen dable. for soch · achools as Middlet owp, .. Eaton, B~tavia, Greenvi lle, Lelill,non and ,Oakwoo d, Dayton aent their best orators_ The speaker repre8e nting Middlet own W88 selected to represe nt this district at Cincinn ati. ·
" Berdine , son .of ·Mr. an'll Mrs. Waiter Wills, died at his . perent.!!' home in Miamisb urg. last Wednes da),. The funeral was ·held at the Prel/byt erUm During the social hour, deliciou l churcll in LebAnon Saturda y Tilortling refreshrncnts which typified the ap- a t 11 o'clok. Interme nt in ;Miami proach of Eas ter, wer e served by cemeter y. ' t he hostesse s, o,ssisted by Mrs. Ray MiI1 ~ nd Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man. Harry Unglesb ee ~ied at p~s )lome The fo llo\ving guests were present. on North Main street Inst Wednee day Mrs. Rny Mills, Mrs. Robert Crew, morning . ' 'rho fUl\eral wall 1;aeld ffQm Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs. Archdea con, his late home Saturda y afternoo n at Mrs. May Wright and Master Paul 2 o'clock, 'Rev. IL . . A_ ,Washbu rn ofZimmerman_ ficiating . Intenne nt in Lebano n , cemeter y.
Se~eral of ' the loeal member s of lAlRve your Dry Clennin g and the MasQnic order \vent to ~ballon PresRillg wi'h C. Leo Ha\i'I<e • . Way. FrIda y evening to attend the Ih Rpec- nesville, Ohio, or Horn & Dakin, tion of Lebanon lodge. L(!Ubnol l, Ohio.
.Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClur e and """ R. G. CrOSB spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClur e In Dayton,. Mn., McClur e remaln.e d , l!tere a few days' visit. .
~I I'~ . \ ' iull1 Hadan entertai ned at n fami l\' dinn e r Sunday , Mr. and Mrs . 1\" n ll~'th Hough, Mr. an d Mrs. H . B . 1':1" 'n ha rt, ?ol c~srs . Ernest ond Everett 11 1\ l'1an.
211 ,
De legate. at Lnr r:e Mrs ..I" hn G"rdo ' nalt,' II,'. Hl1rTY JI'\. Dnugh, 'ly.
frll m 11 fm llll ci,,1 standpo ni t, 1.1" well as uthcl' rCIl RO n". "'us u s uc cess. Out of thi s " UIII tht· No rma l sc hoo l IIH ~ do nllted tu th e " ymnasium $25, til
Cuy Kiblor and fumily, of Duytoll, Bpent East er Duy wilh Mrs. Euphemil. Hupgh.
poll ~ Tu e~ dll Y ,
CXPt'~M~ your ch oice th e Pre!' id l' n li,I! pl'cfcl'l'nc'c pri mal·Y· COOLI DGE IJ .. "
. Mr. Ernest Harlon is visiting with friends in Golo.bu rg. Ill.
. ,Mr. and Mrs. Leroy ~ron 8 wero viiiI~mr frienda her on Friday, They are now residing at C1y4e, Phio, in the norther n part of ttll~ - state, , " , M~. and Mn.' Raymon d . DaviS anil Mr. 'and Mrs_ George Marks, of Day... t6n,. i .t enaed the inspeclo n of the Bhtern Star lodge here Thursda y ~venlna'; ,
-Fran k A. Vande rlip
Mr. Bnd Mrs. J . C. Huwko we re Daylon visifortl Monday .
Whole Numb er 558f)
. ·1I1r. n';"t Mr,.. Wntier Elzey. wore .Dayton vl~lto~ Mon,d ay.
INew Attornev General I ·NORMAL PLAY •
Blick rO'l'/-ldf to r ight. Davis, blbor; Wallace , Al{rlcul turc; Hoovor, Comm r • • a nd Work, Interior .,. Ne,", Po~t mas ter; Weeks, Wa.r ; Hugl~e8 , State; Presiden t Coolldio. -' -,Lon. Treaeur yj Stone, .:. ): ~:c:,· G~nc ~a l ,lind Wilbur. Nn lO;'. . . ~lIt Row .
WARREN "COUNT!' l i THE WASI l:. PAPER I lull, stat e ly ' ouks bearing c8scade s A few years ago t he Rev. L. A. FIRST VICTORY lOf silver mosses, trJ!lll!:IIJI_ ':lJ'c:D1'aB,+-1Wu,sh burn . paslor . of ' the ~. E, ATHL , .ETIC 'MEET eCHO OL\ SALE · BRIN · GS RESUL'IS ~,~:::~:lI1~nd~e;~;:t",~~:t~eo!::c~: ~~: :h~:~I~, t~!\~h~h~~~V~~~~~. of o~a~~~~ fOR HIGH U I :I~~:"een \~~e::'~tJ l~~~y~:~ e~ c;e:;lte:e::;~ Sabbath evening, at '7 ::1 0 p. m., he The eleventh an nual Warren Coun will begin a sllries of sern;ron Icc- ty Field and Track meet will be.held · nn d it inton ely interest i ng to tures on his tl'llv els thro ugh the land With Mor row High the victims, I The wn~te pnp er sa le at the fair grounds in r;elmnon on being held s tudy th e nntu re of those trees ) where our lived and preache d, 'Friday; May Waynes ville won her firRt base ba ll this week i~
h:l th e Wa~'J\e Twp. scho(>1 gllme last Friday a£lern.oon by the is proving ve ry ~u c~ 'lssfu l. More close score of " to 3. Morrow scored tha n th roe t 0l13 !l \ '0 already been in the first lind kept the lead until collecte d and before lhe week is e ndthe sixth, when they scored another , cd the a .1 ~1 :' t wi ll probabl y total Donohoo, wh o was on the mound for {; 01' 6 OtIlS. ' Wayne/,iville, pitched sp lendidly up A firm in Dayton will buy the )10to this inning, when he was relieved per and the proceeds will be used to by r omlinso n, who . lasted bu t one pay f or vis unl e ducntion i'nntel'ia L inning. Satterth wn.te then t ook the ., If you hnve a'n y old books, ma go1lI0und fo~ the local tenm and came 'zines, newspu pcrs or other pnper, through the r est of the game without inform so me schrJo l ' child or call 130 II rUII against him . and a machine will be sen t for it. W·uynes \,iIIe's big r ally came in Lebanon Bnd Franklin each colthe seventh . when 'V\th three men on ' Iected about 14 to ns bnses, Satterth waite's long drive ell- hope to obtain alt leost each and we half this am ; .\bled two men to score, making ount. 00 .your bit by 'helping th e. .t three all. The winning run was schoo l and nt the same time get rid of ;cored In the eighth, tharks to Ever- Wllste mater ial. ott Carnahn ns' timely work ns pinch _ _ _ ..._ _ __ hitte r_ ' .
man,' of thBl1I lire o( ..cry r apid g rowth, This purk contains 4000 acl'os. and its preserva tion Is in ehnrge o f th e Florida F ederatio n of Women 's lubs a ncl hus been comented on by t he sc ientists of t he world. Too lIIuch prllise can not be given to th~ schol s of this state, it'ij system is frequ ently quoted as I,In examp le t.o othel' stQ tcs. [will tell wou tho balance whe n we get home in June. J. E. Janney .
~-' ..,- --
~ . i ;~4", r~. On · May the ' Mo~her's,. Club The Men ,of Waynes ville, hav~ wiU have an picnic ·B;t\d . hp.,ve ope~ ' meetillF on Wednes day, 88 thei.r ~~8f;i pupils of the 3,0 . .' The ,peaicer of the .even- Wayne Twp: E er~ b od'y is Inr "ill bo ". Ju'dge .,Willard " Jnl')" .In,rl6 i1: W:rig~, . of Leban91!, !lnd B; musical pA,gram :will be Tendere d ' by, the ~Igh School orchestr a, Al. .thb 'Ing the alfnual election o~ will tiGce plaee. .Do not '. I
I y
The winter. ill' paIIt, the I'f),In III over altd lOne; Rowen appear 'Oil the eartla; the time of the aill",* .4)1 hIrda II COIll...:.Tbe ~ . , Sol· 1-1111,...
2nd'. As is usual the Th e peop le of t he pOl11ll1n ni ty lire cor- afl'a i ~ will be an all-day event nnd dial1y invited to attend t hese ser- is being el4l'crly IInticipa ted by all vices. t he school in the cgounty . No chnnge hus been mude in· .the When eggs are cheap put them list of eve nts or various classlfie ad ow n in wuter glass, and they will t ions for the 'meet and it is the ' intl'ntion " f the commit tee in charge kecp f or. n year. ' to condud tne affair in much - the sam o manner as las t year's. . The )trode and rural events will commence at 9 :00 a. m. while th.e · high SChoo l events wl\1 occupy the after, House Hopes noon program .
-------- --
No. 4
M. E. CANTATA .. On lus t Sunday eve,"ng . the .~~~lr of the M. E. church gave} hc Easter Cantata , "The Grcl,lt Sight," ~y Fln.ley: to large audie~ und.e r .the able leadersh ip of- Mias 'l:l8Ie~ Ha\vke nnd it was well.given. , MI8S 'Mil.dt6d Hole was ,the 'efficien t nccomp anut.· The various 8010s ' I\nd choruae• •l! e '. w .' .enjoYlld by a 11.' ' I , ", • . At the Sonday school ' 'p our, .the ' ,~h'Ud;'ell rave' a v~ intercltb ra]! and • .. ,)l .... "'h i _I.. .1. ' lnstru.c~lvll . progrtlll , .Ii ~ ~1,ll'.,..~ wn. taStefully' .d ecorate d ,With · pOtte~ plants. , · .. C
I "rll·. trt·
Juck a nd o\olUon IllY fo r weeki In thIs nlrty, nol Momll ja il, \\'It r tbel r treatlll nt "'<IS Wl'lI clI I ~ lIl nted to chnnge O(linlolll< n Of dpC'l1ly rootl'd In IIrm soli. '.I'hl·~' cUd 001 tC'n r Ille smnll· I)(IX. 11 8 bOlh I\'l're ImmUII I·. Bur thclr confl n0111 "11 r \\'n~. u~ clo \l"tl(! s~ It wn s IlI t"I1,IL~1 to be, l\llllll nrilbly pu ntH"e. They werC' "rr bel,,"-llIwhrca kers. hu· mnn rll"hl$1\ whoSI' o/T"nSl's bordpr()eI upon trell"nn. ']' he sm nll[lox 111Hlellt was loon tllken OWIlY. but other con· diUon R w rc nnt 11111>rO\·ocl. '1'h ~y slepl on atraw Infested with ?ermln. Thei r cov~ Ilnd food wefe Insufficient and "not fit fer a dOli," lu the word8 ot Solomou . Some of dle boys gu\"e In In,d were set tree on parole. and there ...... one, lit least, wbo ",'ent to work In ~tbe rnnka of the BrItish. Early one mornln, ahell. began, to faU 10 the cllI. Suddenly the tlrln, ~.IC~ , . At ulna o'clock all PMloners lA . the jail "ere, ..sODt tor, to be ell' eh~lfed . PreatOl1 eame with the or· der t"¥ll G«Jerai Beny. eel new. of
.Days of ·
PoorKic68rd .
.. " . .
Silk StocklnSI.- Silk s t ockings will Inst tw ic l' a s IOIlA' if they nrc rinsed uut in wid wllt el' eac h lim e th ey lire worn. N('w silk stockjngs should he soaked in slIlt woter befor.. being used for t hE' flrsl time.
Kid Shoel- There is nothin g bet-
ter to cl~lIn ki d shoes with than de· natured nlcohul. Spo l~ will comc righL off. Tt\ke any kind or n so ft cloth lind rub 'ge ntly but firmly. This ma y be re peated two o r more tim s, il necessury.
When Cleani ... a Room- It mol' seem like 1\ lot of use less trouble to tie th .. curtains an d draperi es (in a sbee t or bag) when dusting but in the en d it will not be found so. It. is r eally most practical as 0 sheet may be ellaily thrown over the ~ urtain s wbere toking them down ofter wnsh· Inll' and r eplacing may be found most irksome. It is also a good plnn to throw n sheet over the piano if there is one in the room. The dust is Iia. ble to get betwcen the key•.
-I'bls mean. )'er arm) I. lI,htlu' out, Solomoo wd to him. "1'be ctty will be· evacuated," was PrMt.OIl'. '88\\'er. "'Oopld l send a me-.e t~ Oln'rsl ~. bouser' "The .eneral and bl.· b.lI1\de and r~~ aalled ,tor6.n other port .ft ,,1gb!. It i(.q ~. CII t!lke, 1qor ,,"e~~e." ~O\j)nlOIl,.deUvere4 .rA. ,~eltq/l a 'et· . t . 1fruttjl.ll bYI J.~~ .«i- )llU'Soret. It. toI4.of .hla .eapta~. , and lmprl l'!l' m~t. M
•TIIe third· o~M'.F~h l!&~. c~: . •T.I}e ~, a1IIHln,... .'tIie.i!'tri4.~d J!le 1IOIit'h: They not "'~P'lJ IIp\l\lP
• ••
wallr, so l'resloD 'had' ' brou,'flt ~ , for them to ride. 'Ibne wen lon'r patehe. of IDOW ' on tbe Oorche. tor a"llhta. ,. little beJ>ond they met It wu mOT, IaI t.II....I'4 the . city ead 'ha4 lItop[led ttl ltp, noon m • •, The OIIOf ot tresb
Enamol.- Sapollo and !!lind Boaps sbould not be used on enamel. Bath tubs, wash s tands. ctc .• call be cleaned a great denl easier with turpen· tine or kerosene nnd no harm done to the ennmel.
.,., plld ouloDa ..... In the air. ~t' • . bloo4 aD' pnpowder I" sale! Salomoo. "TIe me til a tree." NWbat tor1" Preaton uked. • "1'\1 )till. lD11"lt eatln·," the aeout Ictlicl~~ .~~ ~ rol dul11. hungry L 'kl"A·t' l)lI. ni.,ted.'; . . .. . "''i.iu- "e,i ha.,_ til p~ the brallett 0Il~ "t!b otller." 1&$ remarked. "An' It'll ," iteep golll'," MI~ 8ol~
Old Cold Shoea-Gold evening slippers t hat have gotten to the stage whe r e no clean ing will help can be made very pretty by using ordinary gold pllint on them. 1.1' the shoe . is whole it may be made to look like new. This also applies to silvering shoes 0 8 well.
1M bfIpIde 01 Pumam.
a.wnItDD roc!e up to the etDIp H.lr Oraamento-The most attrac· Wlth-IJ a ,<IQu.cJ .el cav&l~ wJllle they tive 'halr bands for evening we~ ma.!' •""!'II·.~tfWI!Ct,~ · B I\iIdA k~. ~ord. JOIj be made by bqying Ii band of sllve} ..!,r)',}ID1"'JI~', 1I1~!~n !l'o Jack be IIIld; rlbbQn three' or four inches wide a,!d ~ Colonel . ,.,.... ...... _. ~Oc~. bu~ Bewing a design at pearls on it in 70~.,tf»,K001ll the front. They are very milch In IW.U ·'W_:"UI' 'Jot! brou,h, - 1 'fashion now- very ornamental and tile uP_nUN 01 most expensive If boug'bt alrea<\y made. The side may 'b e held together by small Bilappera or just uaing 1ine~a ow~ b.:~I,n~.. ._ 7
-- .'
Tho Grelt All)'.
The electmen at BdtltoD, aeelllg die ctty ' tltl'Clltclled with destructlon. ~nd mude terms with WashIngton tnr the Brltisb nrmy. It wnB to be II II owed penceubly to abondun tbe dry ' an4 Wltlltl,raw In . 1ta tlellC- Dt-one-lrnmJ and qttt vea~a. The AmerIcan army ... ai now well organised In 11gb 1D\1"t: ' WlUlblntrton' waited 01\ -~ot- I ,
Ut" j;hl tPlIl "\' 11 lWHO« v, HI' l<'1 1 t,) . Ill' .'mn plete(\, M 'lIJl whll , II lii,,"w ("n" wn~ st'nl to New York t~ II ~'ll( t III rh,' fl<'((on@ ot I1mt clly. JacK uo<1 ~,' II.t!ll" II' nt with It. On nCo ,',Innl (If Ih"lr pity lcul condition. hOl'~\' ~ \\ N' t' pro" lrl cd tor th m. nnd on th C'I, nrr l\·,tl ,'nth WM to hn "e n leave I COMMON PLEAS IIf 1\\ 0 \\' "·k,,. "r r r\! I'lIlrll," 11M SoloNew Suitt mOil I,ut It. 'l'hr.\· went liD to Albnny for n rcsl nnd n visit nnll r lu rned William Burton' has brought s uit ellger for tho work wlllch owulted agn inst John Big ler a nd Ohas. Bigler th em. They SI,ent a S(lrlng lind SlIIntner .of usking lor nn accounting IUld eq uithell vy toll III hulllllog defenSe!! nnd IIble relief. trulnlng recruits: T he counlry was Ilflnml' with excitement. Rbode Island PROCEEDINCS , nnd onnet·tll'ut n"(~ln r cd for In deThe court orders a private sale pCndClIC\·. Thl! ti n .! run across their bo rd ers ond down the 8ellbonrd. Otlter of r eal es ~te belonging to J. F . colonies we re maklni or dlsclIFHlll1f Dressler to seLtle certain claims Itke decl l1rutlons. J ohn Ad~ms. ' 011 hts against him. The property is ap· IVOl' to COllllrl'Ss.' to\ll or Ih" detent of pra ised at $6,600 and will be Bold tbe North ern nrll1Y In ('uno <In ulld how t o satisfy a claim of $8,856.30 made It was hetHllnll lout11wnrcl " Rtt'n with to satisfy a claim of $8,866.30 made vermin . d l ~eu. "ecl . Rco lter!!d, dl ~lll rltlll1, llnclnd. unf,,·d. dl"grn ced." olon les by August Ast on the defendant. In the cnse at S. C. Phillips, vs. w"re IgnorlJ\ll Ule older IIrcl nr ot tblnga. electing their OWO n8RClIIhlles ChUB. F. Pbillips et 01, Rolph W. oml 1'IInrrl "l: th l'lr o\\'n htWI;. The Carey is appointed gUllrdian ad litTory 111'O\'1I,,:lul u~.e mbl\l.'8 were un- c I for this suit of Viola Juno Zell, able to I:et IIll'n enough tol(cther to a minor defendunt. mllke 8 prN('t1RC or <loin I: hu ~ III ('SN . George A. ZeU is gronted a di· vorce fro m Maxine E. Zell, on L"T'o b e oO~ tI~U.d) g rou lids o r gross neglect. In the cUfle of Alvll Hill, odminls· Sub~cr ib c fol' th e !IIiumi Gozettc. I Lrntor, VB. Allison L. ~ po ncll, tho court overrules the motion of Geo. . W . Kissinger et aI, t o gh'e bOlld and ' prevent the sale of certuin r eal cs· . tat e. A partition of proper ty in the case of S. C. Phillips vs. Chas. F. Phillips et a I is ordered. The court orders n distribution of certai n assets in the case of Chu. Give tbe pig u fu ll dinn er poil tilled M. Fitts vs. Wn1ter R. Fitts et 01. a vnri ety of victul1,ls und he can be The court orders a distribution of truste d marc readily than any other procee ds of a 8ale in tho case of farm nni mul to select the ing rcdienb. Iso bel Clark vs. Ida May Plank. Psychologists have best for him . proved th pig to be the most food· PROBATE COURT wise a nimal I n the farm , says Exper. The will of Jervis J. Hatton, de· iment Stntioln nuthorities. Is It po ~sib c l thnt 1\ (lig can beat ceasc d, is admitted to probate . CIIas. W. Blackford, administrator the Ilverage lOlan in this matter of so;o· lecting a pr.Dper di t ? It may sot- of the estate of James E. Haynes, is!y man's sc nse of s uperiority to find deceased, filed his inventory and ap· thllt lhe pig will make mistake.s. An. praisement. Waldron C. Gilmour, adminstrator imal husbandry men at the Ohio Ex· periment St.utio n have fo und that a of the es tate of Robert Gilmour, depig in a cafeteria of ·hjs own may cease d, filed his inventort Bltd apfilii to take minerals in sufficient praisement. In the matter determining the inQuantities to meet his needs for prop· heritance tax in the aettlement of the er growth alld development. Pigs self-fed a ration of corn, BOY' estate of Wm. J. Wright. dece'a,tIed. he'an, oil menl and minerals separtely do not scem to 'appreciate just what are the optimum amounts of th.e~·e A. Hlat-In some statica of the feeds, including minerals. Conle; hOlUewife'l' dally jobs it Iho,,", a Bur: quently a 18I{ge number pt pip of priamg saving of time If the houseone group tlo ' fed became affiicte" 'rife will do things ByatemaUcally. with rickets, while hand·feeding an· Thla Is best oceompliahed by follow. other lot of pigs the aame feeds mix· ing a certain achedule. A schedule' cd accordin g to the besl judgmeM for each day. Put beside each thing; of t he investigators prevented Buch to be done the length of time allot. disaster. These and other problems ed to - accomplish it. Many hours'will in the feed ing of farm animals . \vill be found saved' lit the end of a coupl~ be discussed on Livestock Day, Fri· of weeJcs. day, April 215, athe Experiment Sta· tion, Woost.e r, Ohio. .
--- - - -- - -
---- - .
li B
[lU~611s, :21~~'~:' Q.,
yt MaOotmack, it in- ordered thn t u cOl'tilled cepy be- ccrtillctl to the ~udi tor lmmelli· AIlHl,:W Ourte r, dragg tn~ UsII C' . " 2::.75 ; r.. O. And \'1<1)11 & ons atilly. , . d I k ,88 0 7 J ' Welch .. Oscar B. A sim ll Ul' pru, ellure Wit" ol'der'd lumblll' un p un. , in th settleme nt of lh e state oj J1l6'1 :l nd Dll kin, s upphcs, ,~.72 ,. . . d Corrugltted Cul vert Co., sowel'll. C. NorriS. de 'enac . . J I C Evaus gruvel oe . • I S 90: Upon lhe npplicut.io n8 of the nd· $263. 30: minis tl'Utlli' etc. Ih e following nc· $2.32 ; Bert C. Hartsocdk 19 rb·a ve ~11' 75' " nP I,r )\' ~ d: 'FIf" ' t lin d \1{ .H. Matlitt, tcom ILll a or, . on . co unts wt' re r. I 'I II es ta .... O·NclI ll. Lester Surface, road repair, y . '"~ 11118 "-! o f Jos.\1{ ' deccased; final ill cstl\t c of IImu el Ri\rgs, doccased; f1rst in t he estate of Elizabeth Clippard, imbecil e ; first and IInnl il. the ('s tate of W m. Elmer McClung, deoeased; first in estato of Welton D. Hufford , in sane; firs t in estute of Hiram V. Wurwick, dccelll!cd; second und final in the cs· tate of J a ne Elvira Collis. de· ceased; second un d flnol in the es· tate of Minervu Crist, deccwed; first Illld finlll in l hl' estate of Au g, ust Vogel, deceusec\ : first a nd finul in the estate of Augusl Vogel, Jr., MON~Y LOANED deconsed. Lebunon Natl. Bunk nnd Trus t ItONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK,. Co., os odminl ~trtltor of tho o.tuto chnttc tR, IlIAO seco nd mortJl'llgeB. of Eva R. Frazee, decease d, tiled Lhe N~te 8 bought. J ohn Harbine. Allen sale of cortllin property for its ~lI lo Buildi ng, Xen ia, Ohio. bill. The courl 0PP1·OV!.'S $'I,G90.60 lind $2 ,800.00 sccured by mortgage, ond orders a distribution oC the pro. ceeds. In the g uordiunship of amllnlhu Farm o r~ of Wa rren IInil adjoining Zentme yer, lin i~colllpetent, th e couuties I1IUY o blain' money on long court authorizes the g uardian to lime loolls. at I) % per cent interest. sell cert nin stock for no t Icss thun Cost of Rec urlrig th e sllm ~ Is yery rea· 80nublc ,thro ug b The Fedo}ia) Lalfd $98 a . hnre. Horace E . Hatton Is nppointed ex· Blink. Fol' further in(ormatio'l . call ecutor "r the estut e or J ervis J . Ha t· on or address M. C. DRAKE, Tronston. d~easc d . Bond. $2,5 00, Tom url't, phone 1116. :<, LebAnon, Ohio• McGuinn, A. T. Moler ill,lId W. C.. Welch are appointed apprnisers. WANTEQ A copy of t he entry applying for exemption from inheritance tax in WAN1'E TO DO W~SIlING~ AT the es tate of Susan Smith, decensed, home. In quire of Mrs. M. II. Ro· is ordered certified tei the Ta.x Com· minu, 1130 mi Ksion of Ohio. Tho wm of Elmer E. Keeve.r , . de· ANY ONE HAVING 'em KNOW· ing Iln)'thfng of nny tools ' belong. ceused, is admitted to Probate. CIIl' ra Spencer is nppointed administra· ing 'il. my father. will . confer quite tr ix. Bond $30,000. John O. Curt· " (aJ or by returning tllem to me. or wright, Geo. E . Riley and Chns. S. lIotifying me as to where tbey are. Ollie Perice. .sO Irwin re appointed appraisers. The court approves a snl in the PAINTING, PAPER 1f-A)lQJN.G. INestate of Cora F. Harris, de cea.~ e d. terior decorating. All work gUllr The court order Wm. Carr, an lid· unteed. W. H. Britain, Waynll,yille, minis trntor in tho estate of Cora F. Obio. ,,28 Harris, deceased, to sell lor not less than certain prices certain personal property. FOR R£tri
Farmers, Attention!
Charles Wilber Lamar" 20, factory• worker, and Miss Verna C. Cornell. of 18. factory worker. Both of MaBon.
SJlIALL ijOUSE, IN .GPQD, l'Ocation, fo r s mall f!lmily. Inquire
Fran~ AIi~ie·r.
. Granville C. Fisher to Jva Fisher; LARGE TYPE POLAND.C~A. I...... 1!ollr. one year old. Inqurte ~ acres in E ast T urt I ecreeK .... p., , · (if F. A . Hartsock, R. D. 3, Wlljnaa. v. iUe, $1, , . 'l Everett Early to Hornee and Ern. Ohio. m est Foulks. A bout 1 1·2 acres in GOOD DAVENP..ORT Wayne Twp.• $1. Inquire of Mrs. C. K. ~row•• Earl and Daisy Craig . to cillude phone 113, Waynesville, O. M7. ~l!d Lorene Bern~rd. Lot in Leba· SEVEN.YEAR.·OLD GRAY irbE. non. , . " --An.n a 1\1: SSbOl1i to ~allk ~ Inq~ire Of Da'Via Furnas• .R:. 'D .4, Lot in South Lebanon, S1. WaYllcavlllll, Oblci. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Carrie and John Fairchild to Wm. SEVERAL HUNDRED BUSHKLS ~ _ I. and Dorothy Mount. Lot in Ma· of good. lOund Corn. Inqllin of • aon. U. Frank Braddo~. Ro. D. :.!, WalhteaEltate of Amanda Smith, deceased. W;a,l~r R. Fitte to ~dith Lehinan .• ville, Ohio. ...7 . POLAND . CHINA SOWS AlID Notice fa hereby civen th'll,t Allee' ~ot 1ft ·Springboro. U. Chenoweth al,!d ErnUl' ,J. Minnlear< Stacy and Sparra Burnett to Ed. , have been dut¥. appolnt,ed and qual- Win Vandervoort. .26.90 acres In' Pigs. Inql'ire 0 f O. E. Maxwel. , . in7 • In the ann ual report of the A udi- Uled u Ad~fattatrb:ea 01 the ea- M8JIII,ie TwP. and 23.10 aerea in Clin- Bellbro.o.k. ~hlo. .. REGIST~~ED HOY;~~N .BP~ tor -&f Stote, J . T. Tracy. we find It tate 'of Amand~ Smith. late of Wari ton county, in~restinJr to note that the county ren County, Ohlo, .dI!eeued. Lois A. Nutt to Asbury and JaUah. and Berbh,ire Bo•.r, A. H,. Sh~lDated thla 16th day of April, 1924, Florence Smith, 9 acres in Clearereek er. R. D. 4, Waynuville. Ohio; alrO debt is decr<easiing. The following • " J W. Z. ROLL. ' T $1 • data is taken from his report, and Ju" -e 'of the Probate Cou"" "WIIC ' "'E ' " d N III'" to W ABOUT TWO TONS OP TIIlOTH~' Includes county, township, schoo!. ... . .~ .... . • 't n m. Hay. A Spotted ~a.ollbia e e ",oore,. city and villn.ge indebtednetis: at Btowti. Warren 'Atty. County, Ohio~ .apc!.. $1 ~~~ Ha~~ond. ~t Ill . Ma· \bale ho"', Robert W. . 'Imllianeif. ' 100' ,. nOeUt, .. ' p.ebi ~n 1890.. ....... .. .. ... .. .. .. 117,4/i0 son, ; . " ' .. POlite. .J .• ·P. eulbmlnp, W.,....JOI. W. aadley to Edw. Gloeckler'j ville Ohio; R. b. 3. a80 Debt in. 19.00........................ 281,8fifi Lot in Springboro, U. ' ,. • Debt in 1910... ........... .......... 269,27'3 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT ,Llna K. Sheete to Anna M. Os- TWO E1lD OR ~A!E pdlft$. ~ Debt in 1920 ........ .... .......... 1,1fi3,869 I born. . Lot in l;e'ban!ln, $1. ! ~he an,y, e~t j.e.: S'tDl~'~ . 'Iji_ Debt in 1922 ......... .. ........... 1.094,3~0 • ,., .Mary M. , Cukey to Chaa.and q~lre of Marihall Jtar(a~\,~ ~,O Debt in 192·3 .... ........... .. ....... 1.070,093 ~8t.ate of Clara H. Phillips: de-, Bertha Gray. Lot in Waynesville, SOWS AND PIGS. A~ .. TWO Tbis report is indeed encouraging ceased... < . , $1. ' fresh Cows. and in compn,rlSOn wlt1l fne counties Cora V. l3ears to Oscar and Anna 4.' WayhesvUle, OhiO. . ' ., •. alID P lottcehlB hberebYd~gllVen ~hlatt Wd • C~ that have lal'lge citics, this indebted. hU ips DB een u y appu n e an, M .Taylor. 2 tracts in Red Lion. REED'S YELL~W " DENt. "ISEtb qaulified u Apmlnfatrator of the es- $1. ness is ae nothing. tate of Clara.H .. P~il1ips.late. of WarEva R'-Frazee by Adm. to Thomas , Corn,'pure l t'e.~ci 91i' ~~ ce'itt ... .ren County. OhiO, deceased. . Shockey, 2 tracts In .Wayne Twp., Phone 42. 0, Wanftville, ·olito.· alln Dated this 21Bt day of Apnl. 1924, $6.990.fiO. . GOOD JERSEY CO\f~ Z. ROLL, Thomas J. FI,tts to Walter R. Fittai by her aide. Inqqire of INJun '"JUdge of the Proba'te Co~r~ Tract Ih ~prfng'boro. Silver. phone 49.2, Wl;'¥lluvllle, O. of Warren County, OhiO. W. Walker and Jessie C. IAlwis '. < • • aao W. G. Thompson ,Atty. to .J. R. and W. T. Hen.ey. et FOR SALE-ONE \ J(OOilL -' 9/\ - - -... - • Lot in Cold Brings Camping Ground .... in Turtlecreek......... ,I, Overland Touring, inL.ooal lbaje. ...... $100. One 1922 Ford Sedan. You o~ -l-loda.l 8Ut0ldllL<s ·t{lnow puu 100H " ' . .' . will have -to .ee ' tbia lur' to 'ap;ncl•J.UJv 10 ~uaUll-ludaa 011{0 e1{l o~ pa COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS -ate M. 'D. Ba1td, . • , CleYeJahli culture last week · from Luckey, EalAte Of J_I'III A, Hauoia 'd~ Bills allowed: McGetcliin'a Pharo Service .Station. i' • ./ . •~. tit"te. .. hONb.r .Ivan lba. lib...,. Ell proved to have no foundation, Direc· u.~k).. hy .. been dill,. al'pt)lnl.t and final u Adml.n"~ra&or oOhe lII~aM ol:Jor. ~~!.'! ,-"~!1.\'Il'~!1 .1!!.I§;.W. _ a. Ander- FOR SALE-ONE ' TON FOlD tor Chas. V. 'l~r uax announces. Statd IIIIKI yl. J. aahob. late of W _ Oouat". 0111 • . opioA° ns *tty. Gen. Truck. in ' rood condition• .1 tJ'QuiJ:\a and Federal representatives were d-.-J. Dal.t 'bJa IIUl da, _"" '_" __ "'~' ' ,6.00, 'Utfililon .!Fa'r"mers ICO' of Will Be~ard, R, D. I, Wayneaimmediatei f rushed to the scene and COlli, ·,"3.83'; Rayn(ond \" all precautionary measures were tak- aU . I ville ,Ohfo. . .' 'a28 , Hnm..:-..:lIlU':'1 .Star, sup. FOR SA La-ALL ¥INDS' O~ ~ en but nothing more serious th/!n ,Co., . i. ship,Ping fevllr wns found. R~cen~ Col· Paper and I'alnt.l, .at ,tlle ricm pnoutbreaks n It.he western part of the Geo. ce.. Call and Me , l18'1bplea, • ~. United States. of this disease . have I !dunay. Fourth Street, Wl'JIlea.Ule, put all atate live .stock departme'n ta 9hlo. . . I't , ., ,~ alii. on their lI'uard and the prompt man. " A· i'/7~' l t •• , " ner In which 1;his report was. lnveaU, FQR. S-\J..E ,--,T ~H!J.¥i1' .: I ~.Q8'.$. gated in Ohio IS merelY' an indlcatioD II Bo~ ,Une ~~'~"111~ ~~ of the sincere resiiect With which tJUa ~ i'~i:;:i~(r!JI~d:IO,'j:!'Y,·.KII. 8~-" o~, iI(. .\\efJ , ~II!O~I. :. J.,)Kfj. serioua malady ia reg~rded. . Creaa"eJl,v D.:J:.t R;, . , --.,..J\ . . " ~
-- ...---
courage thtl- tlDlehis.tooy \:::::~a.~~~ "I for the Senator II t'~~JQ fl. rid out" ",t .Ift ~q4 '~el~~ , .. ~ t ~ I '-~
. . r" •
WublDPID boWl
Beoator Wheeler
. In'rq n~
, ~~~~:~~ OwaCd b,
. '. . .
, RQbe~ r D • .~
r ulll(IOIi
. ~ lIJI~dlc,apPe4 by,. a ."I~ck ~i
K" "
- t:-When be 9~lured 10 01>1>0119 the ne~B. There 1lre.)'t0 D!!>~e r~n.. ' .1,· .ooPllOr ~pUallst '! he .w e. lutormed .urances, '.uclt a~ t"o Ol'oll gJh ·.1 .., P.,at .he '!VoUld' be ~n 9ut·'ot. Moo. Peter .nd An..IrClWI. "Follow 1:,". ftbt. he had other p)ao,., rot and I will . make I YOIl ft .. [.,,"'~ uJ' IIbnIi!lt elcicted to tite ' Senate Of the miln." There .~re no . del'.!ll lo I". UIIlteil,,8LtitC!!l, alK! now the people .ortlon8 about hcll,. ff you At·" wi.lt. a~ ....,1118 .from I htm. ed l nlld h"a en, If YI/II, I),·hn ·:D. tattest pocketbook Olofgymllll Ipllt balH. .E.n ~h 0 .10 to Nallle tbii.t tb18 Ie no time bC))je\"~ ' ~ P'"~ ali '! d"rri".~ I!- p;.rt. Cnanclal "rough stuff." Tlj.I) ~ !n) pl a mmd "a::(, to Clfl l ..: Vl' . el·eryr.rur.ji. . . ,D~. Cb_IIPmon,. ell~lIent 8clelltlllc Perio..a"jl.l , a f",'" 1lIIracl ~, "'C'll\!!l workcr,tor the' Amerlc!.n Museum ot Nattlrolll JlI"tory, returns trOm h~l!>,; 'll i' I"~~¥i'. Tel\lI Il,.J fi ll lho AndC!< motlntnlns!. brlDlllng a. CF.!U.':~ll(\/J. , .JjIlPpUI'~ tho Rl!v. Dr. that hrll)l8 like a doukC'~' nnll n duel! S rllton' sho\lld Clay: "I warn you t1lpt cnn't d),. dls84!nt~ clergynten that you IIr~ Refore IImaZ8n,,'" Ill!! YOU aiL; bouna.. for perdition, lind to a\\'lt~· nt tb ollght or ' at cau't p.rove 1t, 1. • hall . now changc Dr 1)y. as" . )'oucllelr . Ii. human J.o,nes intQr a , stick of pcppcrm illl Ihlnk'· an, .... ·WciUld. riQt that ca n ,!O r belugs ~1I('re nrc II", , .... , . --.,-;- . all if Dr. J. . . did ititl'en up a nd N~\V \' orl, IS.llrlll;d. 1"," Ilug trom .IOWI, 1. .11 Into ab-iped peppot. Ull llen Sbttelj suthorltlc" that N_ mill. '. ¥&.k "'fIOpt bl'ndlcd more tban ~ You'd tbtak &!Ii but thu h nmnl: tlnlr of the ·total . OC'enn [l(I8Renge, hean II hard. Ton rcmelaI1"" II, ., tralllc of the t nlted Stutl!!'. Seattle. Arabian phflO8O,p.her, wh o ~ . ' I \() B08toll' ond San Francisco woro next. the holy man: 'You roay :.. .. ). :0 me, 'Twice I two ' are fi'w.. n:: f to Well. tbat'8 to,daY'B news . ' How prove it 1'11 turn this waO:1nl!' :;l'.'!< lonll tio ·yoU 811f1~ It will he before lIlto a live .erpent,' but, even it' Vf.U J'Rckl\9f1vlUll. Fla .. nne! T.os ·AI\~eICll . ch~nge your, I!tick' iuto a ~er ll cllt, hoth ·hft~e an wenn trnfflc blllller than I'll still aay, that Is Jntel'CHtmg, but lJInt of'\vllfch New, Tork III eo proud twice two' are nbt five." ~()· d8~· ? Thl ~ '-""lOtry Is only st8rt· (nil. nn<' the r"nll~' hIli ,..ort" nnd ftrr ~tlll ~~I,t Onll thel\' J)) ~~"
---- ---
I •
I ~
1'".,.. .
...-1 ..
M I A M I G-A Z E r T ~ ••• ~
ItQI.r~d ., tblt Po.~oll'C;. "WulIo.. llle. Uhlo . •• Second ('Iau Mill ...ne.
\ .~
Mrs. Chas, Gort\On has tho mt'impl. illll!' Margaret 10\";k was a Dayton M.T8. A. H. Harlan Is the guest of Saturday. Silvera I cases Mo'n tgomery County relnt.ivcs. now. , . Mesdames Nettle . Emrick. ElIzaEaster services wcre held in tho 'Subscriotion Price. S1.50 per yt>ar MrA. S. C. Tucker spent last Fridaf 'beth ' JOtJert rid EIsll! Hawke were M. E . church on Sunday morning. . in Lebanon. ' Dayton shoppers Monday. M. G. Phillips and family. of Cin'Mrs. Martl)a . Davia. of Flat Fork. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Vice nnd clnnnti. spent Easter with relatives~ ~-==========================~ is still very sick. daughter. MisH Irlme. were week-end here. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23. 1924 df 14~. and Mrs. E. T. Stroud. M". Jame! Jacol:is and family have W. A. Smith. of Springfield. was moved near Ore'go~ill'. . MT,I1. W~lter Kenrick entertained the guest of relative" h!!r~ the fo re 1I1r. Motte Cline. Qf Dayton, IIPe~t her friend. Mrs. Charles Gaisen. of .part of the week. yOU' want ·the best steel fence lin~-tbe strongest.. the .Li~coln. Neb., o n Thursday and Friwith hom~ ~olks. Carlton Smith and friend. of Comost economical and longest lasting,-put 10 a good day. Several froM hen! attended the lumbus. were Easter g uests in the . foundation. Use RED TOP SteeJ'Ertd" Gate and Cor'Dr. Lloyd 1uit! of Waynesville. 'bome of W. C. Smith and family. play at' ltlirgm-.n last weetc. ner Posts, tftade of heavy. seamless. tUbing was a dinner goen at the home of Sobil\ U~c~o"ald ' 8p~ht ' SU!1d., Mr. aha M",~ Harry McGinn[s. Easter Misses Jennie and Josephine Reeves Arthur Driabane 6IIys "Eacb of flve Paria Newspapers blls a million The foundation posts must take up.~anY strain 8,,", ""Ith W. C. ~eney and. family: , returned Monday from a week's visor more circulation because ' all parts of France look to Paris for hews. plied to the f~ce. They should · rigid. . , Sntfday. It with H. B. Reeves nnd family . o f unmovable. WObd foundation pdstS ate likely tG while in this country only one daily circull\tC8 a million copies because Inn Shane spellt Sunday 'wlth MTII. Mr; and Mh. liTank Rogers wore Richmond. Ind. rot out. lean and frost heave. When it comes time Amerlcnns feel thut the real newspaper is one in their own neighborMllme UatfiehJ: ,ot W,IIynesvilie. day. gue8tB~ ot t'he ' latter's parents. to replace them the wire will not stand restretching. I ' , hood. Th6~ is good for America." Mr~ . B. W. Ke lch. of Chicago . who Harriett Tucker' spent tlie weekl and WlIliiam H. Cnrey. ncar Properly set. RED TOP Foundation Posts will 'Dot The Manufacturer has said on many eccasions thnt no country WII S cu lled here by the death of her end with Ed Clark and family. of dr~l\dge in the fence line. They'll outlast any fencas IlIl'ge as the United Stutes could ever have bllen developed with lIunl. ~pe nt u f ew days wilh her mg made. 1111 its people ill every nook and corner fully (n(ormed on local. state egonia. . Mr: and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and mOlhe r, Mrs. Billi r. and nutionul questions without the 14.000 country daily and · "'eekly Mr. nnd. M~. EYcre;t Villars. of daugntcr; Genevlli, werc week-end R C Sh k 1\' Of course you will want to use RED TOP , Cl • • nn ~. .rs. Gco. II um hie newspapers which give immediate informution to rural ·communities on Double Strength Studded Tee'line Posts,. Because Dayton. spent ho week-end with her g'uehtAi of Mr. nnd Mrs. Josiah BoJt- li nd C. 'P. Will s are in Pike cou nty all subjects. of the steel reinforcing rib and absence of an¥, mother. Mrs. Laura Shidaker. nott. ·n t Tippecan(.e City. f o r " f ew days. Mr. Wills he ing "Amoriou'g country newsPflpers are the safeguard of its demoholes or rivets. l Ie RED TOP is the str~· ~ M~_ and M~s. Walter Kenrick were there by the denth of an a un t, Tho Harveysbuig Ot'thestra fumcrntic institutions." post on the market. The sturdYl..rigid anchor plate isnod music last Thursday and Ftiady S4~d!!y dinner guests of.' Mt'. lind The annual inspec ~ion of th e Ma means a finner post when set. the alurDinllm meThi. lind many other articlc8 writtten ' c!oncerning the future prosnights for the Kil)'gman High School M1'8. Perry E. Kenrick and daughter. sonic lodge wau he ld Thursday eventallic finish means longer lifeand neater appearing perity of the country newspllper ill indeed gratifying to the publisher MI~ B'e~thadlt WllynesviUe. ing. Many 'visitors were present. A play, , fences. . of a newspaper that comes in this dllSS, These opinions nre not hapMr. n nd Mrs Kesler Grahnm llnd chicken supper was served by the Mr. and Mrs. ·CIIIIB. Ruddick and hazllrd or merely nn inclination to lenn toward the optimistic side. Come in and see the complete line of RED TOPS. Mr. John TucK'o r' Bpen~ Sunltny wiili dau"gbter. Bernice. spent Saturday Eastern Sta~. but a carcfui statement of men who really havo foresight. And why Ask especially to see the new RED TOP One Man should not the country pross e'ridbtlif Does ' not the metropolitan Mr. Frank' Rudduck and family. of night and Sunday jin Dayton with MI'. Mrs. J osephine Blair r eceived the Line Post Dnver and the HandYJFasteners; tw() daily. with it.~ high-developed efficiency of gathering the news events ring Hill. . and Mrs. Arthur White and c~ildren. sad nows' Saturday of the death of a great labor savers for fence builders, at the world. and ita h",e circulation ' !'neet the needs. of suburban Mr. and Ml'II. Wilbur Clilrk /lnt! · sister, 1I1rs. Ohas. Peterson. of DIIYTho teachers and pupils wlahto read era ¥ well ae those who live in the city in which it is printed? all who participute~ 'in making Mr8. Mary Carmony ntten'd ed tne ton. Funeral services were held Not ot all We, of the rural districts! flnd items of· more importance the Easter social a great BUCceU. ·,22 furier'lll ot their ·r elative. Mr. W. E. Monday afternoon. Many relatives iii our routine lives • • That Mr. and Mrs. Rlchal'd Roe were preliented 'Ieing the net re. ult. , ,Andet'ilon. at DaYton. Mondey after- from this place were in attendance. witli 'a fine baby boy last week, ia 'at more concern than the discovery ·noon. ' Jessop haa ret\lrnild Mra. Louisa • of hure oU ' tlords IlJ Ur"ni~. 'rhull' ~e find that the make-up of a hom' e froln )je~ daugliter'lI. Mnr.· Chas! and Mrs. E. L .Michael, of Car",rat weekly neWllpapel'll IIhould, fll'llt IItrivev to serve its readel'll The 1623 wool clip- was 88 million Bourstle't; 'of Nofwood~ wliere shll h'a~e' pdrcbaBed' tlie Aic~deawith n,we of local Interelli. With its pin·poee clearly deflned. the has. 'spenf tbe wjnt.er. '[ uiitll or otwn. arid' are :pounds \); low; that of that year beMiami 'G azette knows t"at by worldn". for the gratification and bet.. . '. .l. malting ollten~j'vo rePoil'll. They wUl :forii. The' probable trend this year terment of it! community. that Its future prosperity is insured. Toe school gave' an UUlter ente.r Boon move there. oniil\uea downwihd: ~Inmept a"d ~e Tpwn Hali . , I ---0--"-Saturday. They had a fine audl'Eighteen of the,. 'lIttle frlenda of _~ ~I!,eu and Industrial c:onditlons In Ohio, aa well u .in tbe nation ell~e and a gpod time. HiM Bernice GrahiLm attended a ' surl 'Says' Sam: Malee. don't .iust take. • t ~tge. In 1024. bid talr 'to BUrpllllll lallt yll,l"& records on tho . ~r. and .• "". ~a1ter .Tordan had prite bfttbday P8l!'ty a~ borne'. your luck • buls of what hu been achieved the first few months. . their SullliaY' guclst8( Mr;.and Mrs: ,Satut'qay afternoon. celebrating her r~!!:l!~~===~!!:!!~====!!! l\ftcmUnc to the report of the U. S. Ge~lorical SurVey. just iaBued. Don HartllOck and children , and Mrs. 7th': blrthday. · . .' .1'1 • ~ .. Ohio's Industries, busineu establishments and l'0mell in January and Kite Jonlan .and fa"'Uy. . IIr;·..and -· MI'a. Wilbur : Clark and " * tjt'U,i':I~"'~~·~dO." February of .1024. conaumod 47.570,000 more kllowat hours of elecMi. arid ~'n. w. ii. n:..:dim enter. entertal , ded' at dinner oil EM, IWm'i'R~I'a;,~ A trlefty 'than tlIe~' UIed In the *lmllar peJ'iod tlIe year' previous. Use .o f In) J IN""-- t Day, »~ • to"d' ~'~'Si d'" "'a i\ Jobn ' lV alll e .....11 •• • 0 eiectriclti \. considered a cood buorpetei 1,f bUllineaa coiidlUo"ns by J,.J ~na ~ •. _un.~yr. t f O' . ~ 1 ,t4~J1,.. Ji(!'.·'~1l1ll.1Ilijll.r Younee.. of Way .,.' ;'~ " r~NOJ'MY " '....Cl'. ... , ~n of the fact that than '60,OOI) ' Ohio workmen are enNed WIle an IOn. Allen, 0 , wenl. I I WII ·bN. rJ~..J-> ~ lind III'. and Mn. Dean 'Cialber- nenil e. and l~ary £,.:a.,rmonYt· j' y,.~ IOMaI4Rl ~lItcI ~_ _ _ _ _,iij " iIII!!W)_I~!"f"!~'1W".'_1.''J''''iJn ' , 11 h ' () in Ind"'trial planbl ",,.ndiJI,, upbn el'Ktr.iea 'energy. and many tliou&ands more ly'e enP,l8(l in mercantile eetabn~~ments which con'!.ume aJ;Id~e'li . ) l Iij?n. p!·C!i\rknln.. Char. Parlette snld' w1fe~' Elvy Lew~ :.: W~n~v"lhi--'6h~' : J .'P~ 0 . 4~ 'YEARS "-1 'It ,. ,h, . I~ . 1 e1ec ....c y. ' " . . . .. ~ : .. an"" and . "':J I : f ... HALL'S . CAT KED)C.J NEl U. i 1lr'<J ~cJ. Hrar MttrCet. 'of·J!~tchIJ =11 ~ I!l C; N ' ' _~," ai' n_-k IfL,r ,UUJU,f • bet!IIt .. . .lfII !lll:r .tn the ~tment QUB\nel9 ellpe~ .,o!~t out tlia~ .tb'e .~ r4-llrealrinlr conaum;~n 'IItel1lliM~ lie), a' 8-ci·i!loIrlr·.di1iner· on' : pnau '- ' ..- . , . ...~o~:- :-' . • , of.'dilW's'Ii' o( ! Iectrlclty fal' UtIa year J;ree&r.~' a Io~ bUalnelll yef!' and )!lta ti'l'e~lneI\dl17 ennlni' ofrllW·...... :IIr f).g ., ; 1: .;! .j $ Pi I .. TIle' Ey. Slibf 'SfjoCfsllit, 'J~'! ~~t ~~~IN:u1~r; to iLme the peuhilati wllo' have b«lIt ~Ili.. iloomy predilltilln.r. i ,J(tJ17 H.. a-_'liIcli:ei!I;.Jfro·.aillJ.~Knj .. . Y; , U'N" ~ '. t.,,· . Ilo Qll ~mJ. and the . 'In the conaumptltln 6t eloetrihlty. ollio ':ia '~ 'ftfth state In the! U6fOn. Ira Syford. Hr. aW-'MrE :Y.!1). ·.Toote! ton, Walter J~nney an~ wife. of 'LY7' . <! .• fJ ~ II ~.u! ., .. e' V I.~HI t~~q .on =~C'M~~~~ ~ tbhee rankine ahe~ of It belnl'. New tork. P~nnllYlyanla. Calitomla of Springboro in honor of M1'. Tolle'. tIe, took' Eute ilfn er with Walter lIlM. . . . ).I. , ,.~ ~.u dl tlIe lDftammaUOII. and illinois. . birthday. ' f Clark a~:.d ta~n~• .J T!~,~ ~..~ ¥.I : Lebano~ .Y~{9 J?_l<l .Cb. . . IG .• ToIe40. 0bIA.
l. CPANr., ~ditor and Publisher. WaYl1esville, Ohio
Give Your Pences . a Real FoundatioD
w. AI.a" Rave a'Good - . "BedT...
.• ...---
W. H.IAIDfiI8 OO~,
'tU • •
Dr: 'with welcome rumon 'o f road improvement into Waynesv!l1e from L8banon and Xenia way. it haa occ~red to UII tlia( thls would be a mOlt proplt(l:Ip eme ~or the 'co,JUlI~e~tion ot ~e' atre'jtis at the vi~lare by the City Dada. , Doell W~~~.l1e, Oo?!b~..~~!" ~nd to let its Itreets be the bugbear to motor travel. aft.l!r tlleM {mp'r ovalllanta are made. that MIllOn did when tbe Clncltmatl-L"bii!';?n pike ."., pav';cn )(lIOn Iuu come alive. however. and ~ith' ibe paving of her Inlftn It{eet haa improved hllr appea1'll1lce t q'o per ee'nt. While' aeHifuIl • tbbughts of this, lI\atter III y ~ .o~• .,~t out o~ order at thia tf~e. w~ are forced ~ ~t ~t . o\,\Y'; ~i~ "B~t:. f' none too .ttrU~e and with the paving of the row leading into ~own. by no . m~~ns Ibo.uld our/,vi...... IItreets IrO unlnlp~y.'ld. , •t
' .
0 ,
Geo~' Hatton ~'dlaw'" at
.hO~: ~hi~:;: ~~ Clnclnn~:;:
. ' wblle. Ife Jilld thcl" Ofiee' breaking hi. hip by la!it Wlh'teit: IIClld at Mlaml cemetery on day of thliweek. '
._ . , -
""-~ " "
., ., .' Fullu ~.
t.ge ."
At Cary' J
·ll1m...,, :u., .
Enui---"'.for Good "I ,.r-~
Every ...~Tue.day: 1~~~?~?~f!!!!!I!!!!S~'i!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8:00 •• m, to, p. m . • ':&;."f.[jf.lI,4TH.AWAY
W8yfte.vUl~.: Ghto
DR. E. u · RImnl:08 '" '.
F~~,(~ ~~e-~t,OR
VA'::~N~TI~~~: sWln A SP£CIA'lTY"
.i;: 'E";..· · ~O·,~s'·~ 0.
; DENTIST.• ':'
Display 'Room
'. A. 99 ~l\eent ~f therfanneni of-thlA countY bave J~~o",e melll".ri toba~ )1061. It wdldd .~em' that' the! tanilera 'a~ InI 'cRganiza~na .. ....1.nI1l,.. what .~ labor. u1\lol1l, ,do. In:. t~e " in~u~~t.~. Tolii#o .mliwlen are no longer vlctima of tbe buyers ~d markets. but thl'l1_b have a cHi.nee ~ tain"" BO!nethlng more than JUit ..a·.....'1'I_'n"'~.. In produelnc .• ~ ct:OP; • .
~:~... ".·GaI.'*".
CreamerY Iii' tlIe'WlMd, 'fJ~yrng DI"tCT from produci~. ,7 . . . . . .
0•• • 1 ~•• lar...' .neM.... "~~
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.ake"tm'~i't*~t7"·f. ·.'1'~. tlaat ,~. ,...11••• tJaat w. . . .;.. ·...d ..... b_. lIIoat .. tilf.ctory. ;Yd." l'eIit. anclllW.l,,-.. . ban beeli. U~'~;I'111~ ·i,. 1.·.....,w1lt"\~ ·d ~Jf~I _. ,... , ....... __ llot~I~~ ~.~ .wo~al!' tb. ~.~t !C! • .".~a'ioD'fo... you 'b"~Ii~, Iqtlare d'lal\.'1 ~nct.. pN;IDPt .. . .· illCti'iafe' .~I"~ oda, .. la"I~I" It,. l . . . . . .!PI"_ .... "Y" low••• iI~IfiIJI',H-flI to.'." . . '. ; " I.
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, The
ST. MARY'S (;HURCH Pir,;t ' \llld llY Ilftcr E lISlcr, April ~1\mc"i~a IT\\'('nted tho fl yi ng mnWith 7B peT cent of t obllcco grown 27 , Church cho ol at 9 ::10 II. m, chilu~ , Fran ce· perfected it lind th\! '~I"rnil1 l! I'ro ~ t' r ul1ll se rmnn lit 10 :45 ill the Miami Vlllley ~iglled up in the wodd htl~ l efl A ml I k n uwuy ,) ,m" l ev, !{lIlph Le(l, c tliciaUn g , poo l; the directo rs lit the ir rece nt in th e bll tk~r' ,uncl f a [u r , ~ ~ Upl'tll11' T h public is cordially inv ited t o meeting voted to close th e books {or I n y ill tho till' IS concern ed , Ilew mc mbers on April 26th thl' il' :,cl'dccs. { 1 l)ul'iug the 1!1cal Will' We ~ pcllL nlll· Conll'acl5 received al the pool's lioll5 IJll lop (If milli <>ns ill "ge lti ng headqua rters in Dilyton up to lind METHODIST CHURCH i, l'l'lIti Y" tn bui ld uCt',,!,IJlll1" , hul we inclu ding midnigllt of Apl'i1 25th ~ Ii Sabbll l h S 'hon l, !J :15 II. m., Jlre nch- be ncceptcd. Any contract recc ived did nol "" Ild u " i ll~d(' lI yin)! mac hin e (]\" "." HR, MUIlY of ti ll' looy~ hnpt'd int-: tit III ::1 0 a. 111 , Wedncs dlly eve n. lIflol' thllt dille wiil huve to be rcilw ~ er\' icc 'j :OU I). tn. Epworth turned, 10 ~ .... dnt" ~ 1\'(' 1It" ','r '\tlli lil ~ "IIc1 Ull~' , Om' co nlin unl t'Xl'criIlH.'lItlll L " I\~ lI c (j : Hi 1', 111 :pI'cllrhing nt 7 :00 The associlltion lind the pTesont 1', In, Ever ybody i" cordiu.lly in'vitt! J members hip n,re espcciully IInxlous wtl r k IlHui e Ollr fl Yl·rg r"-' I"\" lIp~. Ame~'if I t oday slantl" ill a .kp l" r- t,) thl"" se rvices, that liS many II~ p08sible 9f t he tobacI cV , L, A. Was hburn, Pastor. ahl,' c(lncl il inll R(\ (ur "" 011 1' Ilir lI ~e t co llTo\\"crs o f the Millmi Vall ey lign I ami il i 1'8 Ul"l cnncl'l'ned, I' rnnce lip, lind if it wus pTl1cticubie they CHRISTIAN CHURCH ICIldS wit h lhe ~rC:l t~~1 til:hti l1~ a ir would be g lad to keep tho bookR 01' 0 11 Prcnching "('n'ices at lhe Chris- indelinitely, but for economi cal! rea;rl'l\t Bril i" n flcc l- 2,OOO pIll!, ,,., \ Ev- Hons it is necccssary t hnt n closing i!4 ~c (\ o n d with nnt mot·4,.... t h lln on ·- t illn church IIndA Y morning . qual'le l' Ih " "t rel1j.:l h tlf F rallc,' , The c ryuorl y cu nliull y invitod , dille be made lind the director s have l nite.1 :-;ta t l'!"> rt"~ I !" :i !\ n n t ' X U ' C l 11C ly decide d that April 26th 8hllll be that ' 1I','ak lh it·.1. OUI' ;" 'l'l1l'lal1<''' and H' IIdlltC, I' l llllC~ !\ l"(l fl'" in lI umlH.' r an d u f As II lust np pea l, t he organized toWe 11I'e I!tlin g lo ugk <1 111' I"Imd · Tru e--not ,on e out of a bun ur car WON'T burn up. 11 1111"(.0 or h ' !'- :-- :1 l1 l iqUHl\: d l) Pi', Pl u s hllccn g Towers of the Miami Vlliley l' l " tll 'I' ll.! lh" ir cuntr ibutions lhh;. tl ur ail' t"rl.'l' h, J.r,·tl.i ll~ \\,(Iukf' r nre aski ng lhe 22 per cent un or,,;all"u ri)' in t h e wee k, us by so do· Tru e--no l on e oul of a hundred cars do burn u p-if tbey <" ',,rr tia,Y, iwd tobllcco growers to pool \\ 1.1: we ca ll be ubl e t n pla ce ing, did we co uldn' t afford to inlure yours-the " Ate wou ld b e proOUI' g" 1' al ,,"L n<,c d i ~ « ':lpla nl's. lh t' 111 thei r f uturc efforts fo r II ~\Iir rendi ng 1I111 1l pr til II milch better bibi ti ..... If thi R lIation is ,"'cr u Lt Il l' ~ l' d il will retul"l1 for their lobor, T o .inh witt, II .! "1\1I lnl!e . The Lill llt.yp e fAir · be f" o m th e EII ~ t. the \\' ("1 OT th e them and o r~anize their bus ine" , ~ nl1 L:' Motor in ....Nftc. i~ the cheape.t i nau,.ancc w ,.itten-co naid. Iy Nlts "I' co py 1I1l .! w e WlI lI l th e South. Airp lnnes- ycs, by ,, 1\ melln s lhe ga me lines cXllctly on olher bu s i ~ erins the nature of the rilk- a nd lha t il jUl t anot h er a r s uGuzelle t o A'tl t its full . hll l·C (I f fo r IlInd ulIltles; bu t when we sen d lIe s~ c s lire organiz ecl, operut i n~ hol'meDt a. to why y o u .hould inlu rIO tbal car b e fore dri ving anyuur I\ C W ~ cuch unt! eve l'y wee k, Iliera out over th e wute r t" --'Ileet the cstly lind effi ciently and for t ho beno th•• mil •. one my , lhe I'oute th ey mll>\ come, elit of growers wh o own it, FIR&-THEFT- LIABILITY- and PROPERTY DDAMACEUlI'n we wll nt th ousands o f the be,t Lust month lhe pool r ece ive d conmaTbe :rou dOD't wa ..t to b e co vered o n a ll , hU I you e n at l'luli <> eq uippc d sell pla ncs t hat can be tracts at their office for II million and I...t I.t UI ."plain the b el t com~i n8t1 o n for you 10 ca rr!, bu ilt. An lI('roplllne , cr ippled out u quarter pounds of tobncco, 0\'('1' the wa te r, would be II ln tnl loss There will be nq o rgani zed drive for of machine lind life. Wh erclls, SOli· membcrshtJ>s, but every member , is lor lind lI rA-ed to see some nig h bor who is not ~ . pe rhaps radi o important information /I member, and ask him to ma il h; \ contrnct in. back to la nd headquarters. Co ngr ess has provided ' fo t' 12,000 Wayn e Township of Warre n Co un. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ __ officers and for 126,000 m n for our J ohn Paul Bolton, the locll! High ty is 90 p er cent 6ig ned up, Ther e uir fle et . We hllve less thun te l per School's rcprl'sen luti vc in the oruto l'- ur e q uite II number of schocl di ~ cent of this force, We ho vc mi llicns leul co ntes t conducted by the T lme.\ tricts throughout t he Miami Vlllley on millions of dollars invested in fly- Slul', und held at Lebllnon rer.ent!y, a 100 per cent s igned up. ing fi e lds, in hangers and all the par. wa,. Olle of three t hat were chosen The ,association expects to have a phe rnalia necessary for t lH! opern- for 'second ~ll nc c . A Middletown Il oy when th e books arc closed iri th e t ion fo un a ir fleet, but tht.' fl eet does won the fi1"l5t honors an d will go l o 26th, at least 90 per cent of the to· not exist. urely it is time for the Cbicago fo r a contest. Bolton, how- bacco grown in the M iami Valle y people to urouse themselves to the eve r, won the co un ty conte ~ t, IIlId is signed up; to be marketed by the sc.riousess of the situation. It is a ll 10 be congrutu luted on, his victory, fam1crs themse lves. If overy member will do hi s part in very to wrap the flag around some An Ohio- Stat; University engineer advocate of the gteat battleship and .has invented a cca l. burning t ractor the next ten days to boost and pull ,.' have him win round ufter round of· which, he believes, will develop four for his organi~ion, these figures ,/ applanse . lit this or the other public times the power of' glls t ractors and will not only be reached, but will be exceeded, " ' . 11 b'anque t I,y extolling our great navy at less cost . • , Our desire to serve you in the If anyone s igning a contract hSll of which the country is 80 justly ~====:~====-=-::...::...=__::;:,=~== proud j bu t the obvious fact is that sold ' his good ' to'b acco and 8till'holds mOlt efficient mclDner" po~s ~ble his frosted ,mark on the ' bottom at the seaplan e with a I..i ttle high exploeach, minute of each 24 hours sive a nd ma nn ed by an eighteenthe eontrnct "1923 crep eold," 'for yellr--old daredevil can put a ~attle. every day of the year. Your~ the aasodation will not 1u:cept a c:onship worth millions 'and mann~d by ' , tract: for frosted tobllcco where the operation is necesSary we ,are to twelve or. fi fteen hundred me n 'ou t III goods has been sold. . render this Class of 'service, and cqrn.mifsion in' thirty minutes. • America must be made first In the ~e will appreCiate your leffing air, American genius brought this us know bow and when we can ' e llgine of nutionul safety into boing. beI qf service to -you, To abandon it to foreign powers IS Ii ttle short crim ia I. W e must not 1 will se ll lit Mrs. Thorpe's resi· , Inqaire of fo rgot th e seaplane-the r enl hornet de nce, kn own as tbe Witcrllft farm, S miles south of W'I\Yllesville, 6 miles to protect our fleet und shores, Not less thlln $50,000,000 shoul cl be ap- • • north of Lebanon, on the Waynes. propl'iated to put in to mllx ill1)1m aeville an d Lebanon pike, on " Phone 4 1 ~mE . [IGHr~IYi1Y the grear-nav&r' training bllse Satu.. da" Ma, 3, 1924, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Ii 11 at Pen sacola, now so inadeqUately Begin";ing at 12 o'clock, the followfinanced. · ing: 29 Green Street. Xenia. Ohio -,E. P. Howard, Ameri.c an PreM, .' (1. 1 Jersey 'cow, frellh in June; 10 ewes with lambs, double feed bin, double ladders, step ' ladder, grind. Smalle.t State. IItone, hog erate, hog troughs, 60The amn llll!lt Independent stnte Is ,Mo CO. !lrOIl tl{lpro;oclmately ,e1g\11 SAUSACE PORK CHOPS, FRESH gal. gas tank, oil tank, Ct'oss-cu,t SIIW, . crow bars. f orks arid ahovels, 12-foot Iqunl'il mll1!H, hQun\loo by the M(!(!lter· roncll n nnd th~ Fr nch depnrtlllc!;lt 01. AND CtI~EI) HAMS, BEEF OF ALL Bulky rake, hay fork and pulley's,' poAIIJeg.Mllrlml.~cs . 'l1he ,. pl'hH' I(.IlI lI ty K,.NDS, WEI N E R S" ,BOLOGNA, tato plow, . 40'gal, kettle, steamer, pm ctI~ltlly consIsts 'of \ lte cH J)ltnl, BOILED H'A,M, COTTAGE BUTTS ' sewer pfpe, cream separator, clover MonReo. Monte Carlo, Ilnd lhe vl1ll1g~ AND CALVI'S . hay,; pure R~ode Island S. G. chick· of Condumlne. FRESH FliSH ON WEDNESDAYS ens, household goode, etC. LET US FILL YOUR ORDER .Usual t,lrme. O. L. RICKS. FOR DRESSED CHICKEN FOR ' Gus Seiker, Auct. THAT SUNDAY DINNER. MILK FRESH EVERY MORNING. I will olfer ~\ llubllc 'auction' on Open evon,in •• a nd\ Sunday morn. the Waltir Jordan farm on . Satarda:r, April 28, 1924, in. from 7 · to 10. Beginning at 1 o'clock, the following .: Three hearl of horses, 4 head of cllttle, 8 head of hogs, farming im· 1 ple menl5, grain and' a few household gooda, HbGH THOMPSON. Walter Lllcy, Auet.
Wh ere-, Savings are SdFe",
New Home for Main Office
That Helpless Feeling
Qears and C ar t wrl-gilt . --.!..m..,,~tttd-enrc
Phone 61-2 ' Waynesville, O.
First Mort gag e o n R eal E"ta te S ec urity, The b es t S ec urity. Nothing SaferNothing Bctt e r.
7! Million. Dollan
One of the la rges t a nd stron,elt auoda· tiona in the sta te. Why ta ke Chances on Get.Rich,Quick Schemel a nd loae a ll .
We kindly .olicit your p tronage
The West Side Building and Loan Association - ,Third and Broadway 'DAYTON' QHI0 Eatabli.he·d "1887 . ••,,"cll.. - 1I10 Eaat 5111 Str•• , aDd 2& North M.ta 51•••, .Thlrd FIo., 1
Things to Know About' Our Service
fO R
A ·Delco Light Pla~t .' 32 volt.
Public Sales
o-a-YrrOu-pOiW, In,'ER, "-a-ND "
Qu~ Meat
"1'-t<O the Ford Owner. the new CoOper Rub.MIIca Eft. V closed Battery IIlvel perfeci a"UU nU of I..tlo. and salilfac iory service. The hleh quality of the Inner perl•• Ihe strong a nd at urdy Rpb-Mlka Cue .nd llub-M1ka Lid, which sec urdy ""a l. aU lennln" l. and connectiOn., ordInarily exposed , a"alnlt .U road duat, mud .nd "'atcr. all make a combination that &M1,II'U bc:ltcrbattery eetvke,
fffIClfNCY . ,:"'S~RVICf
'l7I11. n.,,,, Cooper Pl'odut t weU m"'/ts your InJICI"IlQ,1on. ",
COoper Pl'OductI
Orndorf & Servis «• WaynesviJIe
No Reasonable Offer
TERMS - TERMS 1924 Dodge Tourin g, brand 11
De • •
1924 Overland Tourin s ' 1923 Ford Coupe.
The Lowest Priced ~o·Passenger Car The Ford Runabout is the most economical ,traDsportation known.
1922 Ford Coupe, 1923 Ford Tourin,.
1921 Ford T "....-ina.
for personal
4-1920 Ford TQurin,I,
2-0010 Ton F io rd True,kl .
running expenses are in keeping with ita present low coat.
Auel ma .., olh~ra.
ThoUs8J1ds of people are "lowly poisoned by neglect. Are. you troub· led wi~h Torpid J,.lver, Biliousness" Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating, and . Gas on 'Stomach, ,D izziness, Nervousness, ' Sallow ' 01' Blotchy C;;om. plexion 1 If 80, ~re' 10h; doir:g any. thing to overcome this condition, or Il re ' YOIl ' too negleeting · Nato,re'e warninld and Ilowly bot eurely. pois. , , oning your 'Yltem! ' . ". , 'M ni. Lucy Squires, ' of Waynes~'le" ' • Ohio. says:, Coop ... Llf,_ TODie ", cor,e d her pf torpid liver, indlge.tion an'd constipation after tlir ee doctors ~tltl failed t~, 'belp hll~" Hu~drecJI people ~Ho , have been bene4tted. by t8:king this Wonderful. Herb ',Jiec.Icine which IUIBists 'Nature ,to 'EliDif: nate the poisons fr~mh the ,en~ I syatem 4/1d purify the blood" tutlt,. to its wortb •. U you are n1\'er.bar from~D1 ~f the above ailment., one, bottle of COO"" New Llf. "To. will c:onmee you of' it. meritl. '.Ie • i, Fer 'ialel. at
__ ' ." ., . Lebanon'Motor Car Co•
To salesmen and others who average a high daily mileage In bu.lneea, the Runabout has a special appeal both for Its operadDc eamomy and its convenience in making dty and
1922 Ford Tourins.
Priced lower than any other motor car, itB maintenance and
wburban calls.
Try our ,Job Printing 'D epartment
The undersigned will olfer at 'public sale for the account of whom it may concern, and without reaerve, at the S. L. Cartwright residence, Main street, Waynesville, Ohio, on " Saturday, April 28, 1924, At 1 o'clock, the following chattels : A lot of household goods,lOO bushels of good corn, carriilge, harness, ' and I a lot of farming implements. I J. O. CARTWRIGHT. W. N. Sears, Auct.
Refused (At
" ~H~<t5~.1 ,: ::;/f'(5 Detroit, MIchi;u-- 7' ,-: - - - -r
(OD Pand Slr•• t)~ :.
, Phpne 30
LebanoD, Ohio
, ,
Wayneaville Motor ,Co. ,
a"d Developing
~ , ' by parcel pos~t. Q' l'ty
. N '
Middl!~lnn.woDear Dire~~ln'§ervic~' >.fast lUI themailB.AII- slx8II• . devel.. oping aqd printing, 40 cents, except velt- p~cke"', 86 cents. Wllit for intOnrlatlon or ~nd monty to
, W~
, ,
':-.'018'hl'ng _~I'!m . r
..a.....•• ....,.
Seventy~Sixth Year
~~ 4
Mrs. J eff Smith wns n Dayton vis· itor Saturlln y.
..' .
. ..: '
.. .,11
Whole Numb er 55 87
Mr . nn d Mrs Alva Cartwri ght, of ' lll'inKfie ld, were Sunday guests of MI'. and Mrs . Roy MacB eth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Smith were In With the Wayne Townsh ip Grude Da yton .Mo nday. " The Charm School" will be giv. l.scnOll I8. winners of the Warren Coun· l iss Mi ldred Miltenb erge r enteren lit the ncw g y m n u ~ i u m on May 9. tnine d to S und ny dinner, ty fie ld meet for two Buccessiv c yeors Mr. und lit rs. Oscar Smith W88 a Dayton intensive prepara tion is being made The ticket, nrc 0 11 snle by t he lI il(h ~1r • . Ra lph Archdcllcon, Miss Ethel visitor lust Thursda y. scholl l studcnL< a t tho PI'CSC ll t t imc Hi. hop, l'r' Waynesville, for that event which is being held Mr Arthur nnd th e , ,,nt. will ut the fair grounds on Ji'riday, Ma y dra wn at 12 ~lcC .. I\ .. u)(h a nd Mr. Clifford Arch/,,/"' " , MI'''. Har vey Rye spent the week· 2. Should our 8cnools win this year, o'clock. nuon. MIlY 7 , at the Ox ley· d l.IICOn, IIr Dnyton . end with l'olulives in Clevelnnd. PIl'C Drug sto re. the beautifu l loving cup would come ..... __ x The pluy is a pictui'c of u young in to our perman ent 'possession, there· Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Shanc r an d MrR. Harve y Sackett visited reln- fore Wa yne Township is a nxious t o automobi le Mlcs lllan who inh I'its 1\ -"' f ill fund Iy ~ n c l'tu in ed nt Sund ay dinn er, ; iveR In Bellbroo k last Thur"da y. Kids bO IlI'dinK school. He ha s ideus win the honors this year. Thcse mel)ts ur h.,\\, girl s shou ld he cducn ted all,1 ~1r. a nd Mrs. Hal Waybri ght , and nro nbly conduct ed nnd will drnw Mrs. Lida Smith and Mis.~ Clar a people f rom all over the county: Foltries t o I)Ul his idcas intll pract ice. daughte l' J Uliet . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. It h, a comedy fr om begin ni ng t .. KcoPJlc m [lIl'd 80n, Jean, of Dnyton, Keys were Duyton visitors Friday. lowing is the list of events and their Ohi... After noon callers were Mr. end. ardor: and "Irti . J ot: Da/vis, of Bell br ook. Mrs. Elwood Collins, of Clarksville, CAST FORE NOON - - -.... .... 1& the gucst of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austi n Bevans .. Raymon Hat field Grades boginni ng at !l o'clock. ) Cast. David Macke nzie, a lawyer I- 50-yd. dash (under 85 Ibs.) Vii· John Pa ul Bolton . Illge Boys. Goo. Hawke, of Clarksville, spent Sam Ma rtino .. Clement S!ltterth wuite 2- 50·yd. dash (under 85 Ibs. ) Ru· Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs . R. ral boys. George Boyd, an expert acco untllnt, M. Hawke. ' George Henders on. · 3-50·yd. dash (under 96 lbs. ) J im Brd Tim Simpkin s, Twins .. MelVillage girls. Miss Clara Lile was a visitor In "yn Banta and Harold William son. ·4- 60.yd. duh (under 96 lb •. ) RuDayton and Spring' Valley Saturda y ral Girls. Ne il Hardy, a doctor .... Burnett But• Provisions of tho unifo rm state and Sunday. terwor th. ' 5- 76·yd. dBBh (86 lbs, to 106 tr affi c code, issued by the traffic safeIvnn Simon, a co\lector ........ Oarleto n Ibs.), . Village boys. ty committ ee or the Ohio State A utoMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and MiBS Cook . , 6-75·y d. dash (86 to 105 lhe.) Olive Allen were Cincinn ati vlslton Rural Boya. Homer ·Johns ........ ... ..... .... Levl Coats bile associat ion, should be kno\vn by last Thursda y. Elsie Bendott l, Senior Class preai. every motoris t. This organiza tion 7- 75·yd. dash (over 95 lbs. ) Vil. dent.. ............ ............ ... :He lon Duke. issues the inform ation that on a balage Girls. Mr. and Hrs. Emmor Bally and Millll Hay ...... .. .. .... Katheri ne Fromm sis of new order registra tions. traffic 8- 75-yd. duh (over 96 lbl .) Ru· IlS1@c .... ,.cq..l daughte r, of Lebanon visited relat- ral plrls. Miss Curtis, Secreta ry, ........ Lorrain e will increase 30 per cent and in addition, road improve ments Bpd innoives here Sunday. Brannoc k. 9-100. yd. duh (over 106 1M.) vations that improve motor cars, SaUy Boyd, George's sister .... Hester Village Boys. make an annual increase in the numThe Hlues Trillena and Margar et Jame8. 10-100.yd ~ dash (over 105 Ibe.) Edward l , of Dayton, spent Saturda y RuraloB ya. Muriel Doughty .... LoueUa Longacr e. ber of miles each car is driven . The here with relatlve L Ethel Spelvin .. .... ......... .. . Beryl Cook. followin g provisions to the code are VlLLA O£ EVENT S Allx Mercler ........... ..... Helen Rndall. conside red of most importa nce and 12-Pot ato nlFe (under 95 IbH) .. ~. Annie and )(aate Bl'owo, Lillian Stafford .. .. .. .... Esther Corwin. should be f amiliar to every man who drives upon the highway s, . of Columb us, were Sunda)' vieltol'll Girl.. Madge Kent ... .... ... .. ........ Opal Lewis. I-The speed limit is 16 miles per • 12-Pot ato race (over- 96 Ibs.) here for a short time. Besides the caat of charact ers i , hour in built up sections of municlThe Waynes,.-jlle Commer cial clu b service increases t rade. He . will dis. Glrla. the produci ng staff ' which has been atities, 26 miles per hour In other Mlla Itary ClipPud , of Blanche s· ' IS-Bas eball (under 96 I bl.) bu arrange d to br ing to Waynes vi lle cuss th e need and value of t raining Glrla. ;.t weli chosen. We are sure that it sectionl of municip alities, and 36 on May 5, Mr. W. H. Farley, the na- salcspeople-oh e of the ter, waR the gU.8 t of Hi'll. Lida most talked Howard Hopkins , who wu raised will be a •.uccelS U - Buebal l' (over 96 Ibl. Girls. tlonaUy know Ruthorit y on with Ola Hartsoc k miles an hour in the open. At aU Smith, last Thursda y. mercha n· of sub jects in the mercha ndising In W.ayneaville, and apent mOlt of acting as atll¥ manage l. 15-PPo tato race (under 85 Ibs.) dlslng, to address the ..ll1ercha I times speed muit not be greater than nts and world today. his early life here, commit ted euicide Tbe produci ng I1taff is composed of is reasona ble and proper, having bUllness men of the cit y. Ilr. and Mrs. Milton Thomps on, of Boya. Arrange ments f or. the supper have at his home In Dayton relast Wed nell- the followig : Mr. Fa rl ey is one of the most bilen made with the ·Twp. gard to the width, tralllc and use of 16-Sho t, 8 lhe. (over 1011 Ibl,) )(uon, we... Saturda y ftJId Sunday Grange day evening by cutting . his throat Directo r, Edith George ; Stage the hlrhway , and mUit never Bought speaker s in America, because who will se rve the banque BOYI. .uelb of relative . here. be BO • t in their with a razor. Manage r, Ola Hartsoc k; Propert ies, great as to endang er the propert he kn ows what he is talking about. dining room a.t 6.30. y, 17- R. Broad Jump (under 85 lba.) He is in constan Accordi ng to Coroner E. E. Kim· Irma Shutts; Auietan t demnn d 1'or convenls, Howard limb or life of IIPJ penon. _ __ _ _ • mel who investig ated and returne d Mr. and loin. Alvin Earnha rt and p oya, Cook, John Keney Lois Dakin and tions of busines~ mcn . 2-Ever y ~r must have brakes famll), were Sunday 'guel b of Mr. · 18- R. Boad Jump (85 to 106 a verdict of suicide, Iftr. Hopkins had Eva McMilla As a mel'chan t he Icarned the n; Assist'ap t sufficien director , t to control it, an adequat e been out of work f or some time and and 111'11. Burton Earnha rl,' Ibe.) Boys. Velma McClure ; Busines s Manage r, horn, bell or other signal device, and 19- R. Broad Jump (over 105 lbs. price of success in retnilin~ . He has worry 'about this is believed to have Burnett Butte rworth ; Electric ian, a mirror given years to carefu l study of meror similar device if the view and Mrs. Walter Pem, of prompted his act. Evert Carnaha n ; Make Up, Kathryn of the operato r to the rear is Boys. chandis ing Jlroblcm t ill 1111 kinds of obDayton, were Sunday gueats of Hr. 20- Hop, Step nd Jump ,< 86 to Btores in . The family were evcr~' putr of t he United from home Tur ner .and Dor othy Rye; Curtain , structed . Wednes day and whenaway Alpheus Bogan and family they came back Thomas Durton; Hou8e, 105 IbB. ) Doys. a nd Canadu. Evert Car· 3-Two headlig hts and a red light .they found his body in the bath tub, 21- Running High (over 105 lha"'~-P>J""'H"'ee3 knows how to tell others nahun. what in the rear with white illumin ating ._ _ _ . clad only in his underw ear. )(1'11. Mary Cukey it Ipendin g thit Boys. he hu learned. In his travela, he t he r~T tag must be kept lit from weelt in Ginclnnati, at the home of Mr. Hopkins was raised in Way22-Run ning High (8'6 to 105 lbs.) hu gathere d a rare assortm ent of one·hal f hour after sunset to oneThe grocery store belongi ng to neavile and he married Mlaa E. Y. Barnha rt and family. Mary BOYB. RURAL EVENT S good stories which he uses to drive Chilli. Brown, in Corwin, half hour before sunrise, and also ' bas been ' Hough, who with two sons and one home his pointe. when the weather is foggy. Head• sold to Frank W. VanOfle n, who daughte r still survive. Howard was St.' M~ry'! O~lId will mcet w,ith · ll- R. Broad Jump (under 85 His points are ilIustrat ell with with his famillV will move from lights must be adjuste d 80 u not to Nor- of a cheerfu l dispOSition, and had MI'II.· Lee Hawkll on Thul'llday after- IbB.) Boya. large charts and diagram s. On large wood, where they now glare in the eyes of approac hing drir eside, and many friends in Wayne and Clear12- R. Broa4 Jump (86 to 106 pads of papel: he worn out .",oon, May lat, at 2 o·clock • ven, the prob- take pOllllessi on the 1st of next creek townshi ps. The sympath y of 18--R. Broad Jump '(over 106 lems he Is discuMi ng and makes ~Keep to the right at all times. eV- 1month. Mr. Brown has not deft., our neighborhood goes Mnr. Hartha J . MlItenb elJer, of Ibl.) BOYL out to the ery point clear; His addreM is no nitely announ ced his Intentio To pus another vehicle from the ns, but · family in their hour of bereave ment, .:MIpdletown, is vialting her 83n, Hr. 14-Ho p, atep and Jump (86 'to "fairy tale." It ie a sttaigbt The interest of the entire county rear, first give an audible signal, -fl'om- ' it it thought that htl! future home then Tbe funera' was held at his late has been centere d on the goitre .Frank Miltenb erger, of Route 5. 106 lbe.) Boya. the.shou lder bu.sineaa talk which \ will he in Dayton. He has pa- pass to its left g\ving p~enty of time been es- home in Delmon t, where he had lived tient who has been under 16-Pot ato race (under 86 lbs. ) makes men:han ta think. the care to clear before pulling back to tho . \. tab\ishe d in Corwin for about ten I for several years, Silturda Mr. Oeo. J . Waterho !lse waa' the . l&--:,Ru ~nlna High' (86 to 106 Iba) y afternoo n of the Warren County Red Cros$. right. When overtak There Isn't a retailer in Wayne! - years and during thi s tim ing II atreet car e made I at 2 o'clock. week..nd euest a~ a house party at Bo,... · , I ntermen t In Woodla nd He and his family are of a very high p.a ss ' ville who can alford to mlA Mr. Far· . ma'lly frlenda in both a to its right. Do not IItoP in the 80cia l and ' cemeter y. at tile '"MIami Valley Chautau qua, 17- Runnln e Hlch (over 106' lba) ley'. add reM.. 1)ere isn't tytle--h onest and industri oUl, but of a highway or 10 as to oban ambl- busineM way. ' The store purchas ed .becaUle of long continu ed mnelS In strcuct the road in any Boyt!. tious clerk who will mi81 thili oppor· by loll' .VanOfl ~ n enjoys other way a long and Mlit Edna Howlan d !!pent the very. meagre circums tances' finan- that will interfer e with 18-Po~to tace (under 85 lbs.) t\1nlty of increasi ng hiil earning pow- successful reco'rd, tra ffic. and we fee l, af- ' week-erid In Mldtiletown, the gueat Boys. clally. When this man first .came er by Increasi ng' his knowled ge and ter meeting Mr. . VanOfl en, 6-Whe n.two vehicles a pproach an tliat unof ' her coulln. Mlaa Molly, Howlan d. to the attentio n ' of the Red Cross he in tersection of highway lll-.:.Pot ato race (under 96 lhs.) IIbility. s, the one on . del' his manng'lment, it wil.1 eontinu e Girls. t Mr Ferley will discuss qUjlstion s to do 80 • • ALUMN~I was in an eX-neme ly critical ..1aWll""-l'th.,..."nain thoro ~lifli1'"e sha ll have tho . .Mr. and' MI'II. Fred Leonard and · "20 .,p"' ota .....w,..-; . r"'a'"c"' tiOn with an exophth almic goitre. right of way. If neither is a main e- {urider - 96 lbs.) of vital interest to merchan ts. He ! ----;~.-.-.- - I daughte r, of Klnca Mills, were Snu- Girls. His physicia n Istated that he could thorou ghfare, or if both wili explain ho';' co·oper ation and or· are main day guests o( Mr. and Mn. J . E. Fra2t- Basebal l (under 95 Iba.) Girls. ganizati on mllke f or tho better live but a few days unless an opera· thol'oug hfares, the vehicle approac busi' l Mr . .an~l .Mrs. D. R. Smith are CinhAn inst Itution that has enjoyed &Ier. 22- Basebal i (over 95 lbil.) Girls, ness. ,fJe will descri be how tion be perform ed at once. It will ing f rom the ri ght sltn: proper . cinnati VISItOrs today. 1l have the mn ny years of uninterr upted success be rememb ered how t he Red Cross right of way. AFTER NOON and occupied n r~her importa nt took imm ediate loll'll, R. E. J Zlmmerma~, of LOll action, rushed the .Hlgh School Events · place MR. in FARLE t he commun Y AT WORK ity affairs, is the man t1> the hospital , where a preAngel8ll, Cal., was the guost of Mr. 23- 100·yd. dBl'h. Waynes ville High School Alumni as- liminary operatio L. A. Zlm'l'er mln a nd family ~st n was perform ed. 24-6()· yd. dash. Oirls. l\oci a tion. A more importa nt place After this tho patient weelt. ,,; was allowed to 26....:.Grlid· Relay, 440 yds. Vilin t his communi ty than it does in recuper ate to some extent before tho lage. I other8. In larger high schools, an flnal operatio n. , • Hr. C. M .Brown and f¥,llly Will This operatio n, 26-220 ·y.d. dash. alumni organiz ation has much oppo- which proved to be a suprem e .test .nmOVe to Da)'ton in a very ahort of 26-1t20 .yd, dash. . sition ni the way of college activi- surgical skill, was . -tI~e, where . Mr. Brown baa a rood perform ed some 27-0ra de' Relay, 440 yd8. RUN\. ties 'Bnd oth er disturbi ng element s. three weeks ago, and last Friday the :pollftlon. 28-22"O-yd; }t(;lay. Git:ls. In most smaller 'scbools the activ- man was brought from the. • hospital Persons interest ed in n 8ummer 29-'40 -yd. Run. . ities of this body are not as predom ~ to his home. ' He has gained . .Mr. and Ill'll. Wilbur Seara' aad for ty· chauta uqua have been unofficia lly 30-Sho t (12 lb •• ). innnt as in Waynes ville. We credit five {lounds and there Is every I tamll, .. ~.... \he , -Bunda,.- aneab assur· considoring a plan ' for this ye~ enof II'l-Runnin~ Broad Ju~". this favorab le conditio n to the olll~ ance that his recover tlr. and lira. R. S. Weaverl of near y will be com· tertainm ent that should meet the ap32- DIseu.. ·cea in . charge ' each year who work 10 plete, and tbat' in a short time he proval Cente" Il).. , ,~: ' . of the peoplo lIupporing this 83.:-811o.yd. Run. zealousl y that the annual blylque t will again be lelf-sup ~ porting and instituti ol\. Instead of the usual plan 34-Run nlng Hlgb Jump, may be a succell8. helpful in his commun ity. The man's of contrac ting with a compan 'Save / yout' ~tI a~~ rup 35-Pol e Vault. ,: y . who With the 19:14 banque t a little . and. .., ' ''Wearw eU,1 Ru,. made. expre88lolls of gratitud e are touchin g sends a tent and the talent, they are' 36-BOY s' Relay, more 810 tban yda. two weeks bence, Hay 18, -he seni for price lJat. · l"pnkli n Rug SO-Pot ato Rae!!, that he indeed owes his conside ring th.e advisab il!ty of. ta,k,I ~fficers' and program commit tee are life tofeels Girli. the Red CrosS. Co., Fftnkll n, Ohio. Ing the manage ment. into our own IJ),-Bu ltetban "hard at work 'nd this year'1 meetinc TlitOw. · Olr" • 1·,!' . Thla is one ins....nce of the work hands and securin g the ~eut the . ' . -,-B'-eb all ThroW.' Girls. will. h' a ,ve lob. of, good things to offer that ill being done by the local Red patron. want. " • M... aDd ~wke, Hi'll. Anothe r teatur, . of its memlje n.. Cro88 for civilian s through out the this plan would be that Tickets will be sOld '1If; \he rate HarrJ WI!lIamH~ and llri. ..J. T. El~ot ' th far"l The Wayne Towdsh ip HI.h Bchool county. Becaose of the Ba atUnde d ·the funeral ofl Howard ai·th. followin e,pric.. : AdlJlts, , 20c; nature of mer's beneftt, the prol{lam s woul~ ·, will . ~duat e , a fine claA th~ year, the work wide publicit y of detalla be children, 10c~ Pro~ms ~Il alao. ' Hopltlu , In ' Da)'lon, SatUNaY given twice a week for three .who are to become membs1'1' of the cannot be given. . It J be ibId on tbe'grau ada for ~~• • " II a matter of weeks, or some similar: arranre ment ..noon. Alumni _clati on, and It is h~ped extreme pride and gratlftc ation to of schedul e. ThlB h.... ~n c~n~i~ ...... -.~ that the attenda nce at tbe ~quet the membel'll of the Red Cro81 ned i~ . for~er yean, but an', ci~ta: on the. even Inc of May 16th, win es- through out the count)o ,that A SMALL PRIMARY they bidl- cle preaent ed itlelf wben- the· boaseeed former ..yean. vidualJy, . by I\lPPO~1lC thls·,.or gan- ing que~tlon w!" conald That mod eltlHn. 49 neit ~ to ~., . ' batlon, belpillC tl!elr feUow men new gymnaa ium overe01,IIIea ~ i:nil ·the pri.;m ticket for p'~den over just Iu,cb ~pc. ~erloda as notalQatio.p. wai ...mpl~CJ ',on we of U!e.: opiidon , tbt a plan I SoldlCl' . . . . continu e. . B!!C:aulle slmil~ to tbla woal" be T'o~l' u the ,....one employe d at l idlai 10 ~,' of the lone·tlm e-tince ..rvice, . the ..otfq preelnctil ' Waynesville. ; to do are far more compUcated. and _ _.... . '1'h. ..,te .... . ::terr 1Icbt vita and evid.nc e,mlllt bill mo~ aad bat· for the ftap d!llO,W,&Y1I_..1 clftc . In order 'to aubltan ttate tb'eIe ~atlll" jroti_ plAc:ea. one . would clalma. · ~err . dURn of the eo~t7 not haft '....n ....... of an e1e~I~a:r1 is Iilvlteil to call at Red C1'OII hMd· • k1r ipahl 'b.,.. b• • m 1,111 wn quartol'll to Me J1II& . t Warren ---.~. Count7 II Aotnc. f~r lIO!cIlen. ., l~::~'
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Gazette, Waynesville, Ohio ------~
• ",l (ot "1 r~}! \\ iI~ 1n l:h' r m,tn h,'tl th. ' \ n,", \\ hi, ~ 1 11 \t\'
H;'CIIN 1I,1.\nl ht .h 'i ,'eIlCiIOO H e m ·
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'\' l'~" :tll HI ~.: til\(\;t·' ,:.t~ tP~ H ,'ir' '. l 'n 1 ~!1 thl-,' \\N'If .J ll tn ~"nlrili n \;foI11 1411' LI' .11, lIt; ",, (lIul q"; ,~utn ~
,~ .' I~:I ofIH'tl , IVilieing bOl'k rrutn ,.j t '" vf 1'I "ol,ltl]'n tOI 'nr,l til l' t\nll~Ht':,""1 I tI\'.\' ,'CHlld Sf U flft·ut Ii~ ht
Hntll ll~l·r'n. Ilif f' t hl' ')Iuj, h ~ ... 1 ,.,"', ntl, .I lid. 11'11 I,i'"t I .... d 1011,'n, ':1 11,! ' nl n Ulun t >I I' I l ,d Iltltl Il)"k !I 111 \\ d .h·d 1t' ll wltllll l~1 :1
fl ll'
" \ \ '1111 1" '1',· 'Ill I ~ II tI,t' "111110"." ~ol · Otll('ll. w hl<';IWft'd, 1' 116' Int1(' r 1':'1'1'1 In tl1 n I tllt-lipt nnl t ~~\f'" ,lUi.' k (,(,\11 ,1 hl'ur him {' nu tlu lI<:ly ~hl',' lnJ.! h i .. " 11 1\0(' 11I Ip h. , w :llrr . .:\ 1111 1.' l lltl' r (1If' ,' n11 nc: I1Il1 n ~H I In t l,,' mld,'b - lit tl ill :-t1l~'11 of hlrd l hnrk wl.l\f· ~I)I (lllh\ n k lh'l l I n tl!o' "' F 'rn w ltll ! ,l~ p nd dlf' . ~lIt ' n ll y h p 1 H1~h.'(l ttirOllch
Tn Juno, by a nnM'(lW III l1 rgln. th e ('ongros8 " Ccl ll red tor hlll"pl'lHh·l\('e. on llie moUon or R l ch l\ r~ 11" nr)' }.,," or Vlrllinlu. A d"C'lllrntlo'n \\':\ , drn(H·,1 olHI 8O"n ndoptPd h ," nil thl' prn,'tlldlll wn~
(1011 ~rn!'St '(l
parchmen t Dnd f<lgned hJ til(' ,lelt' J;lIt"s of the thi rt een stnt<'s ,m Lh (' S"I"'I,d of August. In('k w"nt to th ll t n,,·I11· orabl e scene liS nn n hl to J ohn A,l lI ms. wbo Willi t1l en t h h ~nd (If Ill(' \l'n r bonrd. In AUI!'ll8t, 110wp hnll 1ll Il'·l·,1 II port of bIll army trom 11 11 11(11 . to Rtll tpn l Alond and otTen8h'E' Olll'rn iions W!'rl' da\ly ~pe('t ed In W'nshl ng t"o·. II rilly. .Jilek hurried III hi s relrlOlcn t. III II In enmp With otb ('r8 no th e heights !'lu rk ot Brooklyn. The troops th ore W {'f(' not ready for n etron!! n tt ~('k . n('neml O . cne, wbo "'01' In commnnrl or thO? divIsion. had Il'Uddenly 11\11 n Ill: Jnrlt crossed th 9 rl"er the night of his ar · rl\,111 wi th A message to Genernl Wu sh· lug ton. The latler rerurned with the r oung ('Olonl!}. to sun'cl' the sitUAtion. They found Solomon at head(IUnrters. Be bad ' d19 cQver~'d flrltl lh scou ts In tb& wooded ('Ountry neu r Oro "csend. He nnd Jack were detailed to keep watch ot that part 'ot the Islnnd snd 118 IIhQre8 wIth boreet! po~ t·ed of ('On· TeDlent points 80 mat, 11 necessary. tbe; could make quick repoJ'ts. Next day, -tar beyond tbe ourpost& In the ; huh. they tIed their horeetl In the Uttle "l able near Rem s 0 '8 CAbin on the sou t h road an1:l went on a toot through tile bUllb. Su.,denly SolomOD s topped a nd lifted bl, hand and \lstened. Then be dropped nnd put bIll ellr to the irouDd. Be beckoned to JaeJr, 'll'to' crept near btm. "80mebody'i nigh U8 afore an' beblnil," ·be whispered. , "We better hl"e till da$lreom... · YQU crawl Into ,bat 01' boll .. loc,' ru Do.& myaell under
II n\ lll).!
tir t1 &.:,
flnmr s
thl '
,,~" t' It IIIHl1~ Into t h f" sky. l t l1 ~'~-( tIll· fu rltlc r ~ hU\' l"' \ \ h~'111 :-.I!I -I<. !oj l\ rll'<\" n l rl
' Tl ll'r' r,'
tl'" 11:' t
d'utJr.l l
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f\J rl ' ~~ ~p l1 h' JUl l ll~ u t) rtll of tht' u t lle r ~hnr t '
111' t h(l rly,'I' , A IIl ~Ks(' ng r WU F ...:('nl (df Idlfl, ~t ' x t dilY t ht.) l"IIOH"nll,n ci"r In 1'I1I"f e""u,l hl~ L ' ~lg lsi li nd lIrl~Hd l '~ In a "t' ll dH iqn ,If dl:;;;(Ird l'f lin '" p lInt.. ~'lllllds and ,~,ltuPllldl'S, " I,s::el tn t' H Hell e w l'rf' p r nwl lnL: thrmu.:h th(l hu"1t In Ih" .nnrh Uk " hllll l" r' nrt e.1 ;,t n11l P, .\ tH ll llhr r or t h(' n~ ,v C un noo t ll-ut h ll~ b llllu d .·zw r tt·(L :-iomc- or th~m
p on l l
SII':lItl! IIj t t 111111 " d Indlll1, .1 11 't.; i, ll · 1ft"1 " 1 "1 ... ;'''' ~Ilrtn , I, ' y" '" .. iI\~l n.:.: I to 11",1 .. l"n~','r, In " 1ll0'i"'_~ hmHl"1l k I ~\\ II:lq, \'1;( u tt '\ \ \ I,!' lit'''' P: ha iti , I rI"'" 1111111..:11 1 tlll ' ltl tu l ilt' ~ l l il l'\' (I( 11
',' I'f.1
hn ,1 \lN'n r oplllO' d nn ll brollg ht hlick, In "p,,"ld nlol I'f t h ~ mil It t.. r. WnshlngtOD th<' IIl1l:'d 11111 q:l n "f Ih" I'"ntt Into I·I .·: tr I su ltl : . wnlrr, Th .. lIl ~ n n ",ltR hilltl .. n hrh ln!i " \\',. 'll,,"t I", l olprn nl. These Iu d. t h.. \\' n(\II~, '1'1,,, stili "Ilrfll t'r 0( till' pOI~cl wn s n n w n J:lns:o< ~" dnrk plnn€' bl'· twcen t wo
~ t n rr r
dl' ll l' S
"'flnp ubo\',',
"\lll'r l"'u!"tlh, In 111<, fiitnlloll or th~ fnr"'t. nl'llr th.· fur Hhtlre. ~, 'I() · mon sl"l' lll'll nnt! IIfl ,',l his ,'olcl' In 111l' th
lo n g, w('l rd c' r ~
I h.., J:r~l\t bn~h
tI "' '' ~ . wlll' n ntlt;fWI'r oul n r rh{-'
T his he r !,"n l"r! Ihrl',· th~n'
li n
woods. "'f h"I'~ n wurnln' ( r 01' Joe Thrllsh· ~ol n lllnn whl"flrr('(1. " n e'n /:0 nut
The t urtl,,-dovlJ enthralls UR with ber 80ul-entrancin' song, which lhe grellt CN)IItor ga ve h l' r- Iln ' ~h e couldn't Ring it wrlmg, for, sbe's pructiced it un · rcasin' t hrough the centuries 1 gl(l'ss, ti ii , sho'8 got it to per· f edio n- nothln' more Iln' n othill' 11'8s . . . It's th e so ng of angel-purityof gentl eness on' love, unci . th ere's pnth08 mixed with gilldnc~s in t h" cooin' of tJie oove ,Ain't no sort of bumon singin ' th llt's so soo thln' or 6ubllm l?, un · les8 it's Mothor's sy mphonY- ill Baby's lotkin ' time! I reckon I nm ignoront, nn' mebbe shouldn' t f ('el th at thc simple so ng oi Nlltur' b eats tho eddicllted squeal- hut, I'd tllke God's f eathered songsters f er the the musI.c of my choice, in prefe rence to the fll8bionobl e, cultlva ted voice I
'l'Iu!r -were Ip • burnt IIlaab where
tI,!e 10ft , tJmber h~d been cut lOme dlDe 1I1'f~ 'rhe lend waa ('Overed With a tbl et: IPQtQr growtb 01 poplar and wild diUT1 aJld bra.sh beaps lind lop bal1·rtltt.d.· Tbe pl_ Qf timber .. wMdt I!IQlomCID bad referred fall tie baM lor Qf a lIant hemloell abaocloDed.' nO doUbt. beeallH, wben cut, . It _ found to be a ahell. It WU Opl!D' ~ at-tlnr/lvtt _4. Itil-openlnl :f8.8 ecnoere4 by an ImmeDM eotIMlb. Jark bnuhed It away .alld erept backl\'ard ' Into -the llhell Be ob...rved that many lliaet halu were caupt IIpon tbe rodp .. des .t th~ einllIlar ebamber. 'I'broqta ~ winter It mast hue been Oe 4.' .. a IIlaek bear. As BOOn as lie lIaCI ' Mtde4. do'fnI, wIth 1111 face IOIDe- twoifHt from tilt nolit air of tb.e oat.r,,-'I'Od!1. Jack ob,,"'" that pte lDdutrloa ~lder bad be«un alalri to throW hili ~~ veil ' over tbe great hole Ill . the 1DI'1 end. tdaec! the procell&. Flr.t 'the oaterlJDel Of the Btruc~re were woven .CI:'(Ia the ~eII of the openIng and made rut at polnb around ItII Imperfilet clrd.. Then· Oe weilver dropped to oppoalte polDtI, unreeling hla Bien· _ , rope ·.behlnd blm uc! makIng It taut< 'an4 lut. Be Will no alow an" el~ worlulwl. Be knew h1.a taall u4 rume4 &!tout, rapIdly ,trengthen/.III -b~ ItrUcture wIth parallel IInell, havlD, • common center, until hIli II1ltll ' Iloor ' wa. tn ploce ogaln IUld .... dt ftwthe death danee of fIIel \lOd II.- and" w~. Soon a ~umble bee .,.,.. tlektDl 8nll quIvering like a IItrIdten OJ: OD Itll 8urfa\!l!. The spider ruabed upon him ud bu'r led his kolvell tn tbe baa and sidell of hIs prey, The ,oung lDan', obllen'ntlon of thi s In· terestlng proee88 WI8 Interrupted bl the lJOund of volres UIlO the tread ot feet . They were British voice •. "They came this 1\'8Y. J 88W them wben they tumed." a voIce Will ~ lng. ~If I Lad been 8 little doser, I ('Oold bave potted both men wltb one bullet." ' ''Wby dIdn't YOll take n s hot IIny~ how f' another osl<ed. "I was creoplni uP. trying to ~et dOBer. They hn n hod to,hille or run npon the beels of our peoplc." A oumber of men were now slll ln, on tbe very log In wblch Jo('k ... us hid· den, The young scout so,,' the leg9 oC a mao atandlng opposite the open end ot the log. Then these loemorahle words were spoken : ''Thll log 1& ,ood cover tor a mon to hJde In, but nobody Is hid In It. There's II bla IIPlder·. web o\'er the opening." There WIUI more talk, In whIch It am. out that nine ~ousllnd men were . aoulnr to Ora yeten d. ''Oome on, boy .. rm going back," uld Ollt of the Whereupon they weIlt aWIl7. bUaIl wu faUln,. Jaek waited tor • 1110..' troom 8olomoD. In II few mln'"teI he !lfUeJ a .I ttr In the brusb. , hm he coul~ dlmly lIe8..tbe face of " ... 'tt1en4 ~ond the Iplder'1 !Neb.
ae ....
~lIle 1)IN4.
WI.,tb •
ac. ,
1D7~ ~.. ·tbe latter \\,~, '
of real rearet, Joa Nilt tbe .-1 of the ~Ider end ~me 11ft De bt'ulbed tbe . ~"'dbrow
Ruth-A WorIJ of Myatery
Ain~p.-A Human .Bluebottle-Sodom Found slileut CooUtlgClldvises Amer- I Purc insulin, enough to make a . iea n women to vote', and int e.re.~t I nie.) little pile on 0 t wenty -five thernsolves serious ly In p oliilcs, a Dd cent oio!cc, would «lst halt u mil. in trmintaJning our form of gOYern- lion do lla r-s , ment. Good adv ico. Luckily our form Pllcifists nnd those who favor th e of government wU\ mil. intaln ltaelf. Leaguo ot Nlltior,s please read. And women are more and m ore 'fh'J Brltiah HouMe of Cummons hns tnking an interest In ,pblitics·1 ,,""t been infurmed thut Japnn is M r . Coolidge mi¥:ht say a few Iloilding 86 fighting craft, 13 of words to the men, millions of whoRl, . tltt!m submarinol8. pres ntly will forget all IIbout the ' _ __ J apan goes ahead quietly with oil sCllndal, and everything e1 8.e, Bnd lntelli!;ence. becnuse o~ their deep Intefl;,t 1I1 determinlltlon ~be Ruth s home run s lind Similar And she knows enough to huild Important matters. SUBMARINES. For whnt \lurOut in. tho ~off Cape Rilce, po~e do you ,sup,llose sbe Is ~u ild is " igll11tlc iceberg, more tJuln II ing thel,D 1 Not to take. tbe Mikado mile fonjr' towering II hundred foot jor II h t tle trip, certamly. in the IIU'. To bomp Into It would The future wor will ~e hy submenn destruction to any ship. marines lind flying m8chmes. And In old d!lyS men would have this country should bave plenty of said "Let us pray that n. o unfortu. bot h. More t,hlln any otber nlllion. nll t~ s hip will strike that feudul We can't adord It. They CAN'T. iceberg." So much the better for pellce.
We Need
The learned M. .G. Kyle, on beh a lf of the Xenia Theological Scminllry of Missouri, hilS carefullY and scien tiflcnlly explored thnt part of Pal es tine oround the Lower Dead Sea, lind announces di scovory of the locution of Sodom And GOlllorrilh. Som" gra ves t her e date buck to Ab rn hnm, The dis('overy should fully confi rm th e Blb ical story of t he destruction of Sodom ond Mr. L e Boutillier Is pres ident of Comorrnh, sny ~ Mr. Kylc. lhe Long IRlnnd Railroad. Neverthel (·sR, II rude Govemment seized First it's the jaw bone of the hi s privnte Cll r, slocked with (·hoice mls~ ing lin k. You're told t he liq UIds, Il nd t hreatens t o s<"ize nnd go l'illa is )'our cous in . Th en comes -ell thc cur, proof of Sodom nnd Gomorrah, Th"t i, push ing prohlbi lion be- ond you arc comforted nnd so is \'fIlld lI ... joke slage. Keeping beer frr.m work ingm en is nil ri ght. th e gorilln. Kee ping cha",plI){ne from th,· prcs i. th e Sing Sing death house, d ~ nt (I f II great railroad i ~ quite where murder er s ore [<cpt. lives ona the r matter, Mrs. Ann ie Buzzi, convictu,l of 'hi" is " wu rld of my. tc ries. killin g II man namcd Schn o. ider, \\' ~ : •. ml lIlc s~ilges b r ('Iec trid ly, Sh e hus appendiciL is, so n fi rs tIll.:! we ,Ion 't kllow what el,'ct ric- ci a ss su rgcon will operalc 011 hu,', it \' is--()lIlv wh nt it docs . W e sencl II nr! en,l euvol' t~ M ve her life for ro,l io music and mossllges th rough th e, electl'IC .cholr. . 'lh nt r ~ mllld ~ y~u of th e h~tle Lh(' nil' without wirc8 n n,) sny it 11" s l hrougoh t he "et heL" We hoy. scoldlllg h,s s ister fo r klllmg don't I:now whll t the eth er is. Rlld n bl.1; h lucbottle fly. He wonted CHllrll.' <, vcn p rove th nt it EXI ~TS. to k ' il thc fl y h imself.
Pl'Ilyi ng is good, especiaJ1y when accompllnied by deeds. Now t his GO"cmment sends t he revenue cutte r Modoc, to troll nlong bes ido tha t iceberg as it moves slowly nnd majestically to its mel ting pJ ace nen r th e equa tor. And fi8 the big- iccberg movc,", t h\! li ttle cuttor bronclcllsts wllrni ngtl, telling ships 10 keep 1l\\,lIy. That's II s ig n of :i\'ilizntion.
i-l,II" II r. Bunting, 0 hrillinnt If Mrs. Buzz i had kill eo 110 one )' tJlonr,r scient ist wh o discov()red und wore living at home she mig ht insti l in , cur,' fo r d iabetes, says t hat die of np p c noi ~ iti s fort y ti mc~ . fo r hnl'ing di sro" ercd it, he is doing all grcot New York Stote wo ulll hi5 hes t nil\\' to fino out wha t it cllr' But when she's ~cntell<' d t o I S. One thing is sur e, it is lin ex· denth it's differe nt. She must not p ens h'.':...1Jroduo t --..:p~ i1 ;h ll!.E!~ n .
"'O!.V SMOICSS ~ W ' IA-r ~'ND OF A SIGN POST IS TH"'T .' 'fO<.J CA,.·T All"'!)
wake up the tollu 011 hll road an' Itart 'em m....,In.· ... The, lan.ded and Solomon hId hili CAn.oe In tblcll.l!,t
111Il1t.. l'ltH 11111'(, b,'rn ducked II,.. "'IIIIt·,· 6~~n~5 of (\ (lIn stle IItp. " 1\11' ,P'P, un'I,,,..d 10 the r '~t rDlnl8 01 \\ I" \ ,,, 11111 t not be too " evere." ",!'It "~I1 I \1 the ~mmllntler III ehIe1 \ \ t o"",: 114' ,.p~ .h t hePio words:. "Th,' mR Il hus , 0 J:rcnt b ~a rt In hhn. ns "1 cry Grell t' 111,111 IIIUSt. " h e "'rot,, I COMMON PL EA S 10 hiM (u tlll'r, "I urn b,'glnlling to 10\'e ' hun. I can ~ l>e t ho t th l~se thou8ands In th e case of Mnry Boger , .•. In lh t' U I'O ' ), Il I'1l g,'lng to be bOUD d to WilliliDl Ord rf. 1' ., et III. , th e court 111111 I' ), lin ,,!TN'lIon li ke thnt ot II 8(10 "ppyoves u ~u le Illadc by th e she r ifi' fur II tilt h",!'. \\' llh nwn Ilk'" ' Wash· lI f, c(' rlnin r eu l e ~ lul e fo r $t1lll.5 0. 1\II:tnn lint! (o"'u nk lln to I.'ud us. how nlld ardo rs a di stributi o n ol the proI.UII \\'~ (01lT' CA'»SULF.5 'I~ lIext nl.gh t Sir He ory linton reeds. Mury Boger WIIS uwurded I:" t nl'ound Lh(~ Aru erlcllns und turn cd $3;1 .44 liS 0 cred it u pon he r judgc:orrec:tinteml\l tToubles, st!mulotevltal 1I,,'lr l!'it Ilonk . Sm"Uwood'8 COlli ' Illvnl. ora",.. Three ebel. All drUIUtiata. InsIst mnn, 1 nnll Ih Ht of r otund .Tn k. I r o n s In Llle CIISC o f Stelln A. Willi nmon the orielnal aen ulne GOLD MEDAl. "'I'rl' n ltll (,H~ l d ,·,l :trnyctl, twe nt .'· tw l) so n, eX ile. VR. lellll A. Willinmsl1 n, '"lIltlr<'l1 hll " lng l'rI'n klilNI or t:ok"n, the sh eriff is ordercd to ~C I'V C Ric h.l nl' k hnd his 11'f\ (lrm Rhot th mnlth IIrd WilliAmson . min or, with n s umI f! Hc( 'ring kilch c lI ~ 1 ho m e ccono m · Il ud e"'lIllt·u on ly by tlw swift nn,1 ct· Ill un s lind copy of Uli s petition. ics wo r kl'r" in Ohill n1lll '" 10 of 100 ( ·,·t l,·,· usc M his (tIMt"ls nnd hun!;er. The cns e of Znck Fletcher VR. Cuth poin ts for propl'r light li nd \' e ntilaII n,1 hy I;ood lu ck. his h"Mle hn"lng e rin e Ril ey, hns bee n rompromised . lion hl'~ n " 'Ill I), " Illl, btl~· cn t In th e ,,·!thers." 'I'h" AIll(lrknn lin!' glll'e WilY . Its lin· settl ed lin d d ismissed. Charl otte 1. Stevc ns on is gntlltcd " "'I ~ ,'"rd tr"OI)~ n....1 In w Brooklyn. TlIl'n, 1'1\" the pnd or til(' 1.l lInd. They II di\'orel! fr om Raym ond E. Stoven'l'hl' cOllrL "lIlh(ll'i 1.c~~ Hn~(\ ld G. COll ld go nn fnrthl'r ",Ithullt swi m mi ng. on on g t'ound of g TO SS neglect. Low£' , CXN'1I1ol' o f the (·stntr o( Gih\\'lt h n Il dt l.1t iI" ,' 1 In th,' hAI'!JM , ,Ill, In th~ cuse of S. S. White V B, R . E. so n L. O\\'C' , dCl'cl\sc d . t o ~H' 1l nt pri <1 ,'1' Admll'U ' L,'rd II I'W(,. till' sltu lltl" n Ba lle ntin c u s peciul vcnil'o wus isVil le suI<' c c r~u in ~ t oc k \'1I1II Cd ut $2.WIIS ( I l!S I ) ~ ru t P . Sir IIt'nry IlIl d only til "lied 1'('1' the foil o wing to se rve ns ju- 000.00, f"II,,\\' IInll [1'"'' thelll In lIod unlhuher rors: liff Hi zur. L. E. Kratzer The ('(1 111'1 np provl'S llll' sal eR o f hl ~ Illl n S, TIl\' slIrn' lId er of 111M" thHn Mrs. Iru lli)!,oll nd Fl'lInk Thom • II en ry Iny S tnwe, ex ('c ut or of th e . y, 1\ , . P hllir or "'n.hlng lnn·. IIrlny 11'(1111 ,1 hl1\''' 1 to "oll 0 \\" . At h t~ ntl C1 un r' ~ r~ . I ti C (11 " .. t :;00. A vC' t't.h ct wu s r e turned. In fu· estu l " of Cnrolin e B£'ck . dec cusl'd. rll ~rN nlnl: n,ln(\ ~ ~IIW thllt onl." II 111 11'. VUI' uf t he ~efC lldlln u.. The will nf Annn Ke lly. d ·cen"e tl . ol'l c could prev('n t It. is IId miU ed to P robli l o. .1. Lindley '111t' nolrnl'll! arrh'r<t Nl'xt dll)' II NEW SUITS Mend c nhll ll is Appoin ll'd ('x('c ullir nili! W. E . O'Nen ll. Fl'Unk Brndd\lck :'~~Udt~::c:l~h/::~I'I~,I~:/t~;"k~:I::dO;'Il:: . MYl'tlc V,ogel h~ . .broungoht suit f or lin d Hllrry Stoke. Ilre nppointl·d IIPIllY lI ('on th p t'OI'p (l[ t he wlltef'1!, (,,11, ", (~I\" IrCC aglllnst \Vllhllm \~ oge l chllrgIy. Qulrk ly Wus hln)!((\o Il:ot rCR lly 1(\ III Il )!' I' O ~S neglect of du t y and ex- proise l's of the eRta to . Addu S. Brown, exec utrix of t he IlI O,"P hl3 trn('IIS. Th ll t nll:lIt, \Inlier Ihe . t reme cruelt y. Geol'ge ,Osborn has brought s u it estote of Wm , L. Brown . decenscd. rrl cneUy cO \'\'" of the rl)~ . they w,·,',· qlllpll), tu!:!'n oero.s the F:nRI M ,,!,,·. f,' r f,' ...·l'IosUl·c o f m rtgage aguinst filed her illv'lItory nnd IIpprui~ e · " It h II re~IIU"n t of Mllrbleitrnd ",." Gru ve r S tun.e ll, et Il l. Amount is me nt . The ('o url npprovcs Lh e sales of d"j;s, un,l pr Colonel Glo\'''r. IIlllnnlnq ('llI inoe d ut $ 100 unci inter Cllt from Wm. Cnrr und Robert . orr, Admin· till' hnn,". I··orlu nl\t.. ly. the Hrl1 lsh Novembc r 16, 19 10. nrnl\' hnd hu lted. wnltlng f or cl~n r istrulol'8 of the es tllte of COI'Il 1-'. wellillCr. • Hll rl'is , dec(,fl,. ed. PROBA TE COURT Io'r. r nen rly two w(leks J l\ck wn s nurs' Ed S. Co nklin is upp ointed un upInl{ 1,1. wound Ir, Washington'. nrmy Sin ce thc fund s in th e estate o f 11I'lIise r of th e esLllte of W. L. Brow n, hospltlli. whlrh conslst('d of (I cu~ln. n Th os. J. Pitts, deceused, llre insuf- d eceased, to tukc Lhe plnce of P. V. teo(. II numbN at rll\\' stn blo8 and nn fic ie nt to se ttle 11 11 de bts , the lid min· Bone, who is unuble to ottend to his old ~h od on the helrh t' of llIUI(lDl. istrator is outhorized to til e pilrtition 'duties 011 opprlliRer . Jo ck hud Inln In a stable. Towurd the cn,l of bls conftncmenl. J oho A,dftml proceedi ngs. The will of W. L. Brown, deceas· MARRIAGE LICENSES cnme to 8~ hlrn. "Were you badlr hurt,., t be (1'cat ed, is udm itted to Probute. Adda S. J ay Orin Kinn er, 24 . labor er, of Brown is IIppointed executrix und C. mun os ked. Morrow, nnd Mrs. Annie Luiza Mil"Scratrh ed a llttle, but I'll be bn('k C. Eu lllss, P .B. Vone oud Frank. C. lott, of So uth Lebnnon. In th e ""rvlce tolll orrow." Ja ck relllletl. And erson are appointed appraisent Oliver Wilder, 25, laborer, of S, To be continued, of the estat e. , . LebAnon, nnd Miss Hllttie Rooks, 21, Minnie E . F oulks is appointed ad ----.-~--of Maineville. " minislratrix of the cstnte of Su nn Wm. W •• pccht, Jr.,. 23, stlielScabby seed potlltoes invuriobly worker, of Middletown, and Miss fo llow the rule that like producos Delaney, decensed. Bond $250.00. Edith W . Mounts is appointed ad- Margaret T ewn rt, 23, domestic, of like. Corros:ive s ublimate treatme nt ministtlltrix of the estate of Kllte Frllnklin. · he lp. M. Woodwllrd, deceased. Bond $11,Harry Elden Hili, 28, . ma.chinlst, 000.00. John Mounts, Jerome Fork- of Lovelllnd, nnd Miss Lillian Ap ner and John Vandervoort are ap- plegate, tellcher" of Maineville, pointed appraisers. The court fixes the prices at ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS which certnin securities belonging to th e cstate of J ohn W. r.UlIer, deIdll Mny Planck to Corrine C. Blair. · Trnct in Turtlec reek, Twp.. cellsed, may he sold. H. M. Dill lind F. A. Di1atush, ex- $500. ec utors of the estute of Anna B. DiIJncob Hllmpton to Ruth Miller . ntush, deceosed, fi led their inven to- Troct in Clellrcreek Twp, $1,050.00. ry ond IIppraisement. Solomon Mille r t o Job Jinnings, Ivy J . Merritt, ad ministraio.r.-oL Tract in Clellrcreck T wp., $800.00. the estate of Wm. E. Merri tt, deA. Rosenberry by Adm. to To!in Lacc--To dry clean Ince r oll it in ('ellsed, filed his in vento ry and ap- S. Rosen berry. Ii!) acres in Cleu rho~ fl our f or ,a n hour or s o- then rub praiaeme nt. creek Twp. nncl 41' acres in Mon tit lightly lind shllke well. It will be Jos . B. Chllpman, executor of the go mery Co n,nty, $3995.00. peref clly cleun and look like new. e8tate of Chas. F. Chapman, deceuA. A. Gebhort, Jr., by Adm. to O. • • • ed, filed his fourth and finD I IIccount. L. Gebhnrt. Tract in Clenrcreek .,. Fruit Tart- Wh en bnking fruit J. Lee Thompson, adl1!lnistrlltor of Twp, $4,000. 00. tArts rub the' b'ottom crust with the the estate of John Cox, deceased, O. L. Gebhart to S. A. GOSI, 69 white of on egg. This will prevent. filed his first lind finnl nccoun~. ncres in Clearcreek Twp., and 41 the juice from soakinlr ~hrough . Von a M. Bennett, guardIan of acres in Montgomery county, $1. Howard L. Bennett, et eI, minora, D. W. Surfllce to Hllrry Smith, fil ed her fburth 'a ,ceount. , 27.86 cres in W lIyne Twp., $1. Iodine Stain.- To remove iodine E. C. Dunham, executor of the esArthur D. Barkalow to John T. sta ins fro m stnrch ed mnterial soak tate of Jos. B. French, deceased, is I and ~mmll E .. Dishun. About 31 sto ins parts"in Ilmm on in diluted with lIuthorized to sell cer~in real estate acres 10 Franklin Twp., $1 . wter. lit privllte sole. Ii. A. Cornell to Robert Shutts, Ethel Linder files petition against Lot in Wllynesville, $1200.00. Kitchen T,o'wel •. - When washing Chas . J. Woggoner lind the court Elizabeth S,"it~ to Roht. and Emkitchen towc'ls a dd II li ttle borux to finds that she is the one entitled to mil Ross. Trllct 10 Red LIon, $1. the " (/.Iter. The borax rcm oves t he ndmin istrlltion of the estate of her ! dirt and grease', go ive ~ a good color ~rother, McKinley Brown, if he were j COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS ond IICts as a di sinfectnn t. . 111 foet delld. Bills nllowed : Dr. H. E. Dilntu~h, • • • The \~ill of ~lIry Jone Koogle, de- inquest d ellth of La.,vrence Marcum, Burn.- The whit e o f on egg IIP- ceased, IS ndmltted to pr.obnte. RO- \' $4.60; H. E. Dilatush, inquest dea th pli ed to n bu rn or a ~c a l d will ~ I o p be rt J . Koogle is IIppointed executo r of Perry Pence, $6.00; Wetsern Stnr, the pain . lind Chlls. Schwllrtz, Herbert Hllt- legal uotice $6.00; L. LedeTmnn, • • field ~nd James Follen are appointed supplies , $9.00; L. I. Pence, r('pnirs Salt.- II 100 much ~1~l t hns bee n upprUlsers of the estate. on she riff's CAr, $10.00; Bobbs-Me radded t o ony di sh odd n littl!' sugar The will of SU!ll\n C. Hllyner, de· rill Co., books for Prosecutor, $20; nn rl jU "t a dr(lp or two of vin egnr . ceasecl, is IIdmited 0 Probnte. Reid's Drug Store, supplies for tracThis o ftcn tnk e~ nwa y ~h c snlty tAste . Sallie E. Joy, executrix of the es- tor, $6.00; Glion Iron Works, 2 rOlld tnte of S. G. Joy, deceased, IIled her drags; $196.65; Ohio Corrugated RuII. - Ruh ker08cne on your inve ntory und apprniscment, Culvert Co., 1-20-in. sewer, $49.20; O. S. Higgins, adm,i nistrator of the Queen City Cr. Stone ond Sand Co., ki tchen sink to re move rust. es tate of Chas. A. Ludlum, deceased, car of cr,uahed Atone for MaineviJ1e • is ordered to sell cerlh,in personal $88.00 ;E. B. Simpson, repairing and Paint Brullh" •. - T o r emove dried property lit privllte 8111e. grellsing surveyor's Ford, $4.30; pnint fro m puint brushes., sOllk the Chas. J. Wagg oner, ndministrator Hllrry HiJJ, gosoline, $10.29; C. J. bru . h f ol' on e ni g ht in wllter to of the esta te of Helen Ullum, de· Wnggoncr, receiver of Fuel and Supwhich has bl'cn a dd ed on(' t ells poon- cellsed, files his ,.first and IInM IIC- ply Co., quarterly rent of s torllge ful of sodn. W a~ h the o fllo\ ing count. I biS, $6.25 ; J. H. Klipp, 5,330 fe et day in p e lnt y of wn rm , soapy woter. Alice Chenoweth lind EpIl1y J. Mi- bridge umber, $323.34 ; L. B. Reese. J r t his docs not tuke the pllirit out, nienr lire appointed administrlltrice8 l filing saw, 75 cents; Menzies Lumber so nk t he brus h in equnl parts of lin- of the estate of A~nda Smith, de- Ij Co ., 2480 ft. ollk plllnk, $148.80; seed oil nnd turpentine. ceased. Bo~d, $2,000. Emmor Bllily, I Chns. Blllckford, stone and gravel, • • • I. James Smith and John Hawke are $1.60; Chili. E. Sweeney, dragging, $8 .68; Chester Hamilton, 361 yards Whip Cream.- If """"ped crellm nppointed IIppraisers. The court detennines the gross grnvel, $64.16 ;B. V. Smith, grading is swee ten ed with II, teaspoonful of honey instend of sugllr, it will hllve vlllue of the estllte of W. H. Oinwid- I $15.50; L . I. Pence, welding 0 " belter flavor and will stay stiff die, deceased, os $22,796.88. It also tractor; '$2.00; J. K. Spencer, brld e fixes the value of succession to each lumber. $202.02; O. T. Bange, stone, ionge r. of the persons entitled to succeed to $2.00; · E. R. Henry, Stone, etc., Putty.-To keep putty 80ft add a said es~te lind the amount of each $12.20; O. A. Brock, bridge repair .. Iitlle olive oil. inheritance subject to tax. SlIlem Twp., $29.25; Gcorge Harrell, nro
---- ..----
.. •
) all ',H', $19 .60; P. B. )\fonoc, 'Bamo, 4G, (J0; Alb l·t Bui ll!Y, ,sa me. $22 ,.0; I ,l'Ii(:e Whililcre. 'Ioc ust posts, $18..111 : 'l·hoM. Holllln d. ~tan'~ ~S , 60; , Stll nlhll'cI Oi l Co. , j!IIS nn d OIl. $160 .11; \\Iullct· Shuff, ol'nggill g and haarlem oil ' h~9 been . a ' world~1 , IIIIU IiIl g' Jrl'l\vel. $20.60; A. T . Rettig, wide remedy for kidney ,liver and It nn ti B. lin d 2 mill · PIlY roll R. bladder disorders, rheumatism, *(1:,1 6.:1 0; V . W. Toinpkina, 2 mill pay lumbago and uric acid conditionll, rol l, $ 107 . 1.1: Eden Terry. sume, $~!j6.!1l); H uyt ulld McCormick , R. lin d U. pny 1'011. $308.00; JOM. W. Dn" i ~ . 2 mill pill' ro ll , $01 16.06: ~'. !II. ullill ", ""ntC. $;103.76.
.. ; .)
, TAI(B 1~!! ,'TO MII.L~
! I
MONEY LOANED lIO NF: ), LOA NF:D ON LIVE ST OC K, chnU' I", !llso SCl' llIl t.i III 0 I'tgnl:(·s. Not,." hOIlg'hL, J llh ll Il urbin e, Alle n Uuildill)!" Xc ni!l. Ohio. '
Farmers, Attention! flll'llIers of Warl'N' OIH) IIdjoill lng countics )lillY (tbtu ill mUllcy 0 11 lonl: Lim p (UHli R, Itt rl
!Jl'r cell i inturt'!Sl.
O"t o f Kvc u"ing 110,· ~lImc iA "c r y rcusonll" l... . t hr,1l1g h Th e Federal Lund l.Iu nk . Fur furth r information cull {I n addl'c," 1\1. C. UnAK E, 1'reusurl'I', phillie ;{ Hj· X, Lehnn oll, Ohio.
WANTED t wo·ro w ("orn plu w, Mu"t be in guu d . 1!Upc. In<luirc nt ml 4 thi" otliel'. WA N Tr~ n- A
W OOL-WE ARE NOW TAKING ill wool III our wlln, house in llrwin. lIn ,l will puy the high est cn ~ h price. W, J. Baker, Corwin, Ohio. ! tl ' '1'0 DO WASHINGS AT WANTE home. Inquire of Mnt. lol. B. Ro· aSO mIn e. • ANY ONE HAVING OR KNOWing nnythin g ot IIny tools belongiU Il to my futher, will confer quite n favor by returning them to me, or uotifying me ns to wbere tbey are. Ollie Pence. aao PAI NTING, PAPER HANGING, TNterior decoratin g. Al 1 work guaranle ed. W. H. Britain, Wllynesvilh.' . Ohio m 14 _ _ ____ _ FOR RENT A S MA LL HOUSE, IN GOOD LOClition, for smllll Inmily. Inquire of Fmnk MilicI'. &30 FOR SALE LARGE TYPE POLAND· CHINA Boar, one year old. Inquire of F. A .Hartsock, R. D. 3, Wla1nt!JIville, Ohio. m7 GOOD DAVENPORT Inquire of Ml'II. C. M. Brown .. pboue 118, Waynesvillc, O. 147. SEVEN-YEAR-OLD GRAY MARE:. Inquire of Dllvis Furnaa, R. D .4 .. Wayn esville, Ohio. m7 SEVERAL HUNDRED BUSHELS of goo d, so und ·Corn. i0l1uire of Frank Brllliltock, -R. D. 2, WayneIville, Ohio. m7 POLAND CHINA SOWS AND Pigs. Inquire 0 f O. E. Maxwell. Bellbrook, Ohio. m7
"'- -
REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BULL aud Berkshire BOllr. H. Shroyer, R. D. 4, Wllynesville, Ohio. lIao
ABOUT TWO TONS OF TUlOTHY HIlY. A Spotted Polsnd.Chlna mill" hog, immuned. 100 Locust posts. J. P. Cummings, Waynesville, Ohio, R. D. 3. ' 0.30 TWO END OR GATE POSTS, ON the alley, east of J elf Smith's. Inqu ire of Mllrsball Harlan. a90 SOWS AND ' PlGS. ALSO, TWO frc~h Cows. R. H. Shroyer, R. 0 .. 4, Wnynesville, Ohio. a30 REED'S YELLOW DENT SEED Corn, pure a,nd te8ted 95 per cent. Phone 42-6, WanesvllJe, Ohio. a3~ GOOD JERSEY COW, WITH CALF by her aide. Il?qulre of L)'man Silver, phone 40-2, WaynCllVille, O. , a80 }' OR SALE-ONE MOnEL 90 Overlllnd T~urin/r, In /rood .hape, $100. One 11122 F<lrd Sedaa. You will have to ear t.o apprecl-ate it. M. D. Baird, at Cl,eveland Service Station.
Ie. tw.
.. .,
.' ,.~
The Miami CueUe, Waynesville, Ohio
1111'. IInu Mra. 1I «1'old llnJ'ri~ , or vi, ite d tho i!' ·J:llll cl I18\'ell t~. Mr. ol'll Mrs. G o. fl a.rl:is, ,un'duy
uftrl'lo 11 n.
tQn t.llr~d
&t. tl'&
n.· t,
1)~ It4 Lu flr o
DC. Wfl)' flflJC \' lIlu, 01110 , U..I SO(';'",J
( I' ANI(, lid itor and )' lIl,l is h{,r.
Mr• . ,J tll1Il' ~ th e mumps.
, ' I.u &tn.1 M .. u."
v.o. ' I \l'~\'il\c, Ohio
Ke"I(!r Grnhnm tl'i p to Cincinna,ti
--==-=-=-== --~==-=~~===================== -=-= -=~-~~~======~==~=
bllCCll wus received at Lytic wnre· huu se Fridny. Lyll c t rn in s arc running on e h,o ur ellili cr t o co mp ly with dlly li~ ht suv· ing'> lim e uf the elileR. MI'.
H u i J1~s , of Dnyt oll, wit h hi s p a r en t~ , Jllr. l und M,'". ~lI mu ,, 1 Ha ines.
MI', Alfred
~ Jl e nt SIIlI tl l\Y
I\. 1I 11l11loe r fr um Ill' rll e nj oyed l hl' pin y, "Th e Old · F" , hion('(1 Muth er," lit " ' uyn egvill e We dnesduy eve ning of I Il ~ t wee k.
Misgcs (';,' /1 n nd ~~ th e l Heede r un d M,'. lin II Mrs. WII III'1' Ken l'ick ~n w 'Tlw Cove l'cd Wng-()J1 ' III the Vi cto r y ~ lInd llY oft e r nonll . Mr, lind M,·s. Ole nll C. .I ohns un d 80 .1, Puul Turller, of Da ytulI , w ere
Sunday dinner g u es t~ o f lItr. ni,d Mrs. Chas. E. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. J ncob Gnb clman, of Nurwood, W. G. Hain es nnd da ug h. tel'. Clora, were din ncr gu eH ts lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wa lt.er Ken· rick. Mr. lin d Mrs. Frnnk Smith. MrR. [lorn II1cKirby nnd children II l1 d Ben Smith were SundllY guest s of Mr. nnd Mrs. Horl'y Chumpion, al Chimbersburg.
In connection with the movement to collect wnste paper by t he school children, to sell it to n compuny thnt will use it t o manufacture Into paper again. it is an opport un e time to mentin that the prevention of waste by burning paper iR on important art of the forc ~ try problem. nnd the whole question of conservation of our natural relIoqrc\l8. ' Is anyone interested in learning more in this line? There is a valuable book in the Town shi p library with the title. ':Chcckingg the Waste." The chupter on forests is especially worth while with ita informutlon on the topic of wnste and the d esctruction of wood, now going on, and a few people giving the subject any attention. Government figures Bhow that our forests will llIAt about 35 yean at the present rate of destruetion. "Checking the Waste," Pllie 51. One of the largeBt uses of lumber is the grinding of it Into pulp, page 57. Get t his book from the library and read it ..:a,t least thla onc chapter on fOTClIts, Don't burn paper; sell it to the junk man, then It is not wasted,
a Often it h8JI been said of man that th e dawn and s unset arc the mOlt beautiful periods of his life, This is also true of Nature, and at thle time of the year Nature'e bel\ut!es are born. In this gift of Nature to mankind, nothing ,haa been denied the Littlo M.l nmi Valle,.. The hills interspersed with green valleys and small picturesque IItT&llnS Brc Its g reatest nasots of beauty, and In no way is tho scenery monotonous. Constant observation dulls in. most of ue the realization thnt we live In one of the garden spots of America, but at this time wh e n Nature comes from her dormant winte r's bed, we cannot but feel an appreciution for her generousness to the Little Miami vWlcy. o
Presidont Coolidge has set nside April 21 to 27. as Forest protection week thl'oughout tho United States His official proclamation etrongly urges governors of all st.ates, organ izations, schoo ls and nil citizens to join in giving t.hought to the very heavy but preventable annual loss from forest fires !n the Unitd Stntes.
",a CI>"
"',,1. THINK
..""IN6. "we'O 00 I" ':W8 DHI."t HAl) THe M.OIlIiv
in s hee p,
Tb. "m •• wltb the on. joke" ehould b. required by I':,. to k •• p a lIet of tb. ' peopl. b. b •• .!ready told It; to.
Mh cep " 1) m uc h , g'clr. ri d nr t h e ~ t(llll ac ~ W f11' 111:c. m o re t, P'l' c t iv(,l :; H)"'I d al.... " drl\·c s 0 1I t til Pl' W o 01 ;: ,
"I'd like to know one thlng"-beran the office more . • _. , '. SIGN OF SPRI,NG "Well, don '~ you'" IMerru . 'l'IIe LoVIII'-"Do ~u tblnk your bUBY worker. . ,..--!o--:;. fa~'r w~!ll~ be wlllIn; to ~~P me in AN~. THATSoI THAt ilIe ~utureT " , , The Beloved-"Well, I beard him . Customer-"I woulci like to ret . .~ Jbat be felt like kicking you in- 'Wh~re the Swan, e Flo..... . ' . to tile mlddle.Qf nut week." .Dumb· Dan-l lIAiI7. thl. la a mUile ' , st.ora, D~t toa~~'a tleket ollce." ~\~
TEEL feuce posta are longer all alike. S The RED TOP Double Studded Tee has set a new standard. It is a.etrmger DO
easier aDd cheaper to set and easier and cheaper to fasten "'arirc tD.
post of longer life,
Dayto n, Obio.
" !l II \
',n ll y • .
) t' I .
Sat urd ay. MA Y 3 . 1 924 , Begin n ;" 1; lit I ~ ,, 'c lock, till' fu ll u\\' insr: A l .J CI·5(,y cuw, f l' c~ " ill .Jllll t'. 10 ewes ,, ;t lt IHlI'''S, duubl' I','<'d bi ll . double la dd erR, , t< ,' III"rl cr , g- r illd . "tone, h OI; crate, hog t roug h" 5 0 . gal. gas t an k, nil tll n k, CrO""-cut saw, crow bill'S, for ks a nd "hove ls , 12. fooL ~ ulky ru ke , hllY fork nnd p ull eys, pu· tu t.o plow, 40-ga l. keltic, stcumer, sewer pipe, ere'u m S£' llll l'a to l', clol(er hllY. pure Rhod e [s land S , C. chick· ens , household g oods , etc. Uaun l te rm s, O. L. RICK S, Gus' Seiker, A UI!t.
d.l ,\'
\ t
1,': 1,
l it,
\\ . 1, 1:1'1.1., 1' 1' ti", I'" 1.; l!l' t' l' II t ( ·I' IH.t ~ ,
\ \ ', 11'1 ,' !I
J: "I .. rt \ \ . lJrO\n l ,
:J rnil e ~ "outh CO f ,,' " YII ''''' ill ... I; mil e" nO l' lh .If L e han on , u n l fl fl \Y UYII(.i!oiv-il le u n d L clJanon p ikl', tin
1n !)IP j l!'
[ WIll ~ c ll al :\lr'i. Thu rp (.... ; re~ i d e nce . k ll n ", " a" Ilw \\' il('I'aft fo il''' ' ,
dil ly ap I'II(J l tt. d Hll d ,jllH l-1 iIif '" 11 ' , \d ll ljl ll ~ tl a ll iX l ~ .. f t h. ,"_ lat \, lO r ,\11WI.'I:1 S n l llh t al t' !' \\' 011' t
I I .. lVl ' III (' II
Public Sales
(JIi lll ,
Come in and see this better post, Handle it. Inspect it. See bow the new ODe Man Post Driver works. Don't buy a ta.:e post until you do this.
E, lIl le of Cla r a [\. I'hi ll lp". de· CC!lSt·,1. Nu licl' is h" l'eby givc n that \y, ' . I'hill il',' has h ('t' ll d"I.I' ''I' p"illl('" lind 'Ia ulifit'r! a" /l<lm in i, U'a t"" ,·f t he " "ta l,' f·f ' Int'a H , Phi ll i Jl~. III t' (,f W"rren '"unty, Ohio, de(·t':ls.',1. Dated lh is 2 1st day of :\pri l, J !J:! 4. \Y . 'I. . HO LL, J udge o f t he Pr,"',"le Co urt o f Warren Cou nty , Oh io. W. C. Thompson ,Atty,
We Alwaya aa.e • C •• II St. Is 01 Red T .... OIl Band
HALL'S CATARRH ME'DICINE hU been WlM 8ucceo.fully In t h. treatment of Catarrh. HALL' S CATARRH MEDI INEl eon· 01818 o f a n Ointment w h ich Qulok ly Relieves by 10001 aplllICl1ll on . and the Inte rnal Medicine, a Tonlo, ·•."teh . cta through the Blood on the MC L OU8 SUrfaces. thUB re4uclns th e Inflammation. Boh~ by alt druggfBt•. F . J . Cbeney & Co.. ToledO, Ohio.
Phone 44
Herveyaburg. Obio. '
For CatarrbaI
CoDdi&a. of the Noee, tbroat, Stomach, Bowel. and other
Walter McClure
Wills Drawn
Waynesville. Ohio
Orgnns. 4:>.er Fill)' Yun I. tile SerYlc. of tla. Peopl. 4\sk your nearest dealer Tablet. 01' Uqald
Fully Equipped for Good
Mrs. Martha Davis is still very sick at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Hartsock, of Dayton, s pent Sunday with Mr. C. E. Levicy.
"Save by buyine iD Waynell~• . "
The Eyo Sight SpecIalist
At Cary~ Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio
Every . Tuesday. 8.:00 a. . m. to . ' , p. m.
Waynesville, Ohio
National Bank
Service. Large Display Room
Dr. John W. Miller
Molle Cline of Dayton, spent Sundny here.
Several from here attended th'e Kingman commencement lost Friday.
Telephone 114,
WaynesvlIle National Bank Bldg
Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shidaker last Mond ay , a daughter, nome Laura Ellen. Mrs. Emma Ellis and Mrs. Lest er returned home ufter several days ' visit in Xenia . Mr. , and Mrs. W. A. Haines Ilnd Evel'tt Shuma ke I' were Lebanon call ers Snturday. Mr. lind Mrs. Hobart Ogden spent t he we ek·end a t Owe nsville, Ohio, with th eir parents. Mr. and Mrs , Alphonso Muller, of Toledo, spellt th e week·end wi lh Mr, n nd Mrs. W. 'A. MerriLt.
About twenty·live cases of m easIcs in and around town this week, a.nd n few cases of mumps, yet. Mrs. Frank Montgomery and son. Ra lph, of Franklin, called on Mrs. Marietta Cllrpenter Sunday afternoon.
The Tri· state is the Largest Creamery in the world, buying DIRECT from producers. #'
• Re.d wb.t R. P. Cainea,
one of the large.t breedere of Pure Bre d Jere.),a, and one of Ih .. mOil progr.... i.,e d.i~ymen a.ya:
"I w.nt
to t.k .. thia opportunity to at.te that the de.linga tb.t w .. h • ..,.. b.d b • .,e been mo.t I.tilfaclor)'. Your le,h .nd weightt ha..,.. been unifor..I)' in line w itb tho.'; .t th" farm and w .. indeed b • .,e notbing but 'Word, of th .. higbeat commend.tion lor your abaolute .qu.~e dealinga .nol.. prompt .Dd .ccur.t" bu,iDe .. metbod" ., indic.ted b,. tbe ellperience
h.y" b.d in de.linge with you." Sillned R. p, GAINES
W" paid all T~i St.te Patrona April Itt to 91b iuc:lu.
~'You Milk th. Cow_WE PAY YQU, Dot. • penDy to aD 'o lltaiiler--no middl.m8ll or
,Tri State Spot C..b Cb""k ia oar indll.cam.nt for ~a~ Dext abip... nt BeeomEI a
If\ ' •
t ,
.lallo...... ,
Tn State' ablpper today-don't hesitate. If. fOu h8ve n 0 cans" write, for' F~ 'Trial C.aa. Tri State .~tron.•.i8{~ bond '~th
each Ihipment, 46 of whlch 'lICCures a new can. tmaalt.
,. l
40 cepta
. FOR THEIR BUTTER FAT Th. T~' i St.t, propoaitio~ i.,
:: ," t
We .re noW p.yinl( April ' 17th to 28th inclu,'
45 centi per .I1ound
.W9~TJ;If • 'u__"ClI,.tlMil are ciiiCte oa• d
IfI ll!
Kid Old Gentleman-" And what YEA, LITERATURE c tip-(to man bavlng trduble With arC you going to do wh4! you ,grow 'wl(e)-"Here, here. .cut It out or big .like your mother'" ' Honest Little Glrl-"Dlet," 1'\1 have to aneet you," Ifpn-"Yqu JUlt think you'll arreIt'me. ,I know better. It wil •.be • "lcue,"
m en ut
i!"J"it.u l ll the nli m c ntu l" v tr act of t.h (' , .
fU I
W. F.. Coats 306 Reibold Bldg.,
f o r . Iomllc h
Ji V(' s tock
\ \' , ilt·
:l5 ccn w' ,
t he Ohio Stnte University nnd th e Oh io E xp e";m e nt Stat ion point out Estate o f Antalli in ~mith , dccl'a<t, d. thut t he nicotine sulpha te so luti on i. , Ntlti<'t, i ~ 1ll'I'('iJy gin " t hai Al ief ' \ th I J" I I ~I ' . , Rilfel' tha n cup per sulphate, dUI's not i ('"
----_ ..- - -
Mr. I\nd Mrs. Elmer Schroeder, of LeiJano n, were Sun day callers of Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Jordnn .
Poor Old Man-"Lndy. could yer glmme a quarter to get where me family Is1" , Kind Lady- "Certainly, 'my poor In!!n, here'a a ·quarter. Where is your familyT" ' P. O. ~.-:'''~t de ~ovies."
~ lSt
Sh eep
Co n , ,,a ri n~ ll' ('n tnll'nt~
A number o f urn Smith 's fl'i enda gather ed tit his home Satur"IlY eve ning tn, I'enlilld him of a nothe r milestone in his lif 's j ourn ey. A plea sant even inl: wus ~ p ent at carcls and social chat. Rl' fl'c" hm c n t.~ were <ern·d.
Vf:;,,\ L pOL:k
f ormu ti un IIr sen d nll>np), tl,
Mr . an d Mrs. F run k Rogers, Mr. and II\rs. Pred lI\a hall nll d baby daug hter, llI ollH'ed to Pend le to n, Ind. SatUI' UII,V, and spellt SundllY with Mr. uml Mrs. Edward Bousman an d fam il y.
Several from here atended the Sunday.School convention lit. t he .Tonah.'s Run church S unday.
BLONDE BESS OPINES "I dOD't' on. of. thoa .. Te.pot Dome 'b"ba'-m), b.lr i. oily enOlllb."
A ' LOT 0fII POOl.ltlH
~tr . lin d Mrs. e ha-. 'l'II {' ker (' nlc l" tui",' rI t.o a SUllday dil ," t'l , :III'. J" hn Sprny. lIlrs. t.IIlI'Y lI arlu li and ~ I I"" . Howland, of Ne w BUI'li ng- t uII ,
Stomach W o rm .
Get the Big Value Ia· the Feoee Peat Field
Qu u Ji l y \\ \lIk u t. H -,I n ' i uK. No Middlclllun, Ilea l lJi l' l'~ t . S~ I '\' i (l fnst n" the IIIllilH. A II , iKc', neve l. oplllg lit.! pri ntin g, ·10 I · en l~ . ,'XC"p t
Mr. nnc\ Mrs. Fores t Grahllm and dnugh tcrs , Mildred lind ut.h erine. nttenc1cd n birt hdll Y party Wednesday even in g for Willia m Dyke, at his home in Dny ton.
I;; n ()~ R o~e l'~
WII R II wl' ck·en d ~UI" t of MI' . lind Mr>. C lar ~ lI c l' Bcl" ry hill, II Cll r Wa yne_ville.
I am the friend of th e family, the bringer of tidings' from oth'e r fri ends. I spea k to the home in the eveni ng light or summer's vine. clad porch or the glow of winter's lamp. I ..help to mnke this evening hour; I record the gre¥ and the small, th l! vllried IICts and daye of the week thnt go to mnke up life. I 11m for and of the home ; I follow those who leave humble begi n. nlnJrl!, whethe r th ey go to greatn ess or to the gutter; I take to t hem the. thrill of old days, with wholesome meuages. I HPdaJ< the th e langunge of the common m an; my words arc fitted to his understanding. My cong regation Is large r than that of any church in my town; my r eadel'll are more than those in the scho ol. Young and old alike find in me stimulation, Instruction. entert.ainment. Ispirallon, lIolaee. comforL 1 am the chronicler of bi rth and love and death- the great facts of man's existence. I bring together buyer and seller. to the benefit of both; I am part of the IlUIrket-place of the world. In to t he home I carry word of the goods ' whi ch feed and clothe and shelter. ' ~d which minister to comfort, eye, health and happplelII. 1 am the wor~ of the week. the history of th e year, t he r ecor d of my community In the archives of state and nation. I 11m the exonent of the lives of my readers. I am the Oountry Newllpaper,
hus iness
A noth er large delive ry of p ~,ol to·
- --0-- --
Mr". Lucy Pite, of Ci nc in nti , spent Thur"r1I1 Y with he r moth er, lIIrs. EIII' nl/I Foulks.
11I1ld ~
JlII', li nd MI'". )1 , M. Clnl'k II lId Mrs. MIlI'y CUl'm ony spellL Mondny in t he GOIll City.
WEDNF.SDAY, A P HIL 30. 1924
Tho three prl nc ipul items of in terest now being di8cu s~ ed in Wushinglon a.,e: Who wl11 be President Coo lidge'M runnin g mllte the Repu blic" n tic ~et . Who will fill the import.nnt offi ces such us t.empo· rul'y untl pel'manent chuirmun at the Clevela nd convention, nnd, lust but not. leusl, whut plunks t.he Re publicun purty's plutfon n will contuin . Truin cd politi cuI obcKervcr~ li re nf t.h e opinio.n tha t the PI'cs ident'R wiH hcs in regllTtI to tho wording of the 1, lnlfol'm will be curried oul. It i. known thllt he is firm today, us he a lwuys 111\6 been. for tho re· ductioll of luxes ; fo r the strictest economy in gove rn mo nt uiTuil's ; fo r the pussngc of suc h lef; is lntion UK wi ll he ne fit t he different Cla"8CS of ind ustry thro ugh out the nution. There iM no doubt thnt th e plntfnrnl will contain n lengthy li~t. of Iwhievcn; ents o f IIl CUHUI'CH PlL.~~cd for till! be nfi t of the country. This list now being compiled by party I C lld er~ , iK fnr larger thnn the IIvem g-" cili z.,n realiz es. Thi s iR cluo to the fnct thnt the averllge citizen dOOB not ~ it cl own with pllper nnd pencil lind tot.al up tho numb er of m o.lL.~ urcs thnt' hove bCCI·1 passed during nn ud ministrutlo n. The prcRic\ont hns f ormlllly nnd infol'llInlly il1lpre s~ ,d upon t he H o u ~ c and Senate the necessity of the Htriotc"t econo my in thc ex. penditure nf the' people's money. He tnkes the positiun that no one hllft the right to be extrl\vugant wit.h money thut iMcontrih uted by the pepo lc to the public treasury; he feel. th nt it h\, his du ty to provide th o co untry with lin econo mi cnl IIdministration olld the politicians will find that it is uBeleRs t o try and change his attitude in th ese matters.
is qu ite ill with
Wedn e~d oy .
. Fi I Fin iahi ng and Developing by pare'!l post,
Mr. a nd ~ l rs . F. L . H lLrri ~ . Dr . a nd M I'R. l1u ndltl l an d duu ",hter, Miss lI e l· Gru cc I1 e ~s i ~ ill wllh sCIlI'let fev- " 11 , a ll l' lull' d 1\ hnn'luet in Oayto n T hur."I"y nil{ht of Iu., t we ek. e r uL her home cu.t of town .
Su bseriotion P ricti. $ 1.0(1 lJt'r y .. a r
J t) hn ~
E X P~R'1'
~1u'll n ,
and absolutely. guara~tce YOu~. shipme';-ts ~t ~Dy 'loIii of ~ .. "
We also positively
• The Mi ..inl Gazett e, WayM ,ville, Ohio
~~~~~~~~~~_ _~~
1t0'TI\R Y
Th ~ ] 'Ollll'Y lub. of Lebano n hns -' Ie t,.d ' m~~ I'l' fo~' the coming yClll',
" h PI A DeIco L Ig t ant
.. - ..- --
~ w. N • .SE AR S Auc tion eer and Rea l Esta te
.; . . .;.__..;.._.;..__
a paraDl _ for
......ce. fl'Dlll ·1.s0 to 11:30 P. II: EnD!.,. ' 3Ge aDd SOc.
all IdDIII. 100 P_ . . . . . 0118
to pal'
, .. Sale IIF All Grocera
..,.. Rt.ed, ud 'btract Co.
SUITS $30.00
136 South Main St.
..--'- --., .... -.&W.w Ia8I ....... .. r...w a.-. OST£JlFELD)
....... T - - .
'IW,W St.
"Get It At Wheatley's" ,I'.... W..... ... St. PAYT ON,!JHJO
. . . . . . , .... . Dair)o
at ; "'1Ma Ptb" '
at whOle,.. l. ,.ell.
p.lo.... DlrceL lrom
Da:pfao, Ohio
..,. ., .... .
Our prtoe , Are The Ve~ Low _ ,.,.., ......
~.~~.="':I!o.rT..,. o.r ........, CWcba ou.- 7.. ZON01s ..dt ........ ... ,
R_ _ "ThI..
TIlt melt .-erou ad 1DeJ'dfal fa Iad. .- apaa tile fa1lltl of otben HI . .'OW fNm '*alla . . .
....... _.....,--.. .....' ............... ................. NATU RAL ~
.........WaI . . .
No Reasonable Offer Refused
to ••pedal _ _ tho patente d _ort Gu.hlon bottom or thl. N .... Cooper Rub-"lIk a ea.., Uattcry I. put on •• an In U' ....l pert. Jl cuahlonll nn d protect. the b.n:~ry from . h ock lind vlbraUoc" prolon,l nlltaW•• Due
Coope r P.roductst Rub·PUka Batter Ie. Wood case Batteries
Lebanon 'Motor Car Co· ORNDORF & SERVIS ........
------.. ..-------
Otto Lewis died at his home Sunday morning ,a.f ter a long IIIne88. The funeral held Tuesday afternoo n at the Christia n church, Rev. Washburn officiating. Interme nt in Miami cemeter y.
Bigger lan d Be tter Mi lk Res ults
' Not an experi ment, but a standa rd 19uara nteed feed for cows that brings the milk How UP. to top notch f arm: Id' f . d'109 ·A11 t h . e ea mg ee e:xpe~ end orse·Its use. '
INT ER NA' 'fJ. -ON AL -Diam ond Dair y Feed Guaran teed 24% Pro,.".
John J. Havens died at the home - i~ hiehl,. palatable to the o::ow and ....ellliked by the dai ryn.en, because of his niece, Mrs. Ben Ja",es, on R. it has in it the qualities that \1roduc c a greater mi~ field. . D. 4, Monday , April 21. -...!f-he f un " '•..-!-i- -"'=>o pcrccnt.1l,!C 0 t'rotcw ... onteh~ together with the nccftl.'lry al WIlS held at Versaill es, Ohio. last amount of C arbohyd rates a n(i. ~at-I'lalte. . . Diamond Dairy" ·the Thursay . lnterme nt at Versllilles preferre d feed for .: .:1 ....;;. cemeter y. 11'. ~a"" a to_I"u "Hit rLad,y t. fill ~ .,Id,. John Henry Carnes died at the home of his Bon, Thurma n Carnes, near Kingma n, 'Iast week. . The fuwas held at hiB late home on Friday at 10 o'clock. ' Interme nt in Maimi cemeter y. ,
Waynesville Mills Coal and Ice Co.
36 Eo 4th SL
......... .... AHL ERS
DAYTON'S , Leadina
Let ua explai n our actual value Autotomob ile policy, coverin~ Fire, Theft, Colli,a ion and Proper ty damal e. WAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO Phone 61 ~2
.... .
Colonel Thad H. Brown, Becretar y of stale, auuounc es tho followin g appointme nts for member s of the Dep· uty State Supervi sors of ElectiollB for Warren County, for the termB beginning May I, 1924. Republ ican-N . A. HamiltOJl, of Frankli n, Ohio. Democ ratic-C harles H. Hartsoc k, of Wa~esv i1le , Ohio.
an d Ca rtw rig ht
FI SH • Fulton Mlll'lle t
POULT RY PRODU CERS The product s from more than 10,000 hens are pledged to t he Ohio Poultry Produce rs' Co-Ope rative associatio n for co-oper ative marketi ng as a result .of the first week's work on the organiz ation of that association : accordi ng to F. 'M. Glasgow, of the Ohi'o Farm Bureau Federat ion, who is leading the organiz ation • Member s the associat ion to date are all from William s county, where the first meetiri!!,s at v.:hich the new co.oper ative marketi ng plan was presented were held last week .
Bi!.SUre ')hi S l1_L,~ .
When'yc!uar:egett,inllrea4y:tobave your~ ,
paint~. it .1 ,i mporta nt to reme~r ,tbat !h.e.~ .-e two-eu ential . for every perfec t iob 0 f puou q-,
. goOch~ ,.nd ..e1~le paint. .
. "
Lafayet te Nicllblaon hu sold hla atractiv e cO\lfitry home on the Lebanon pike to Willllil1) 'Q ulnlllt, of ' . Ohio. ;.(1'. Nichola on . IS for a locaUolI, aala hope will deCIde upo~ W.1D~
' ..'
' !'
u:.:t'.' p
.' .
~ Th~' lime .pent i ..~tbor"UgbIy cI~\D ~II the .urface .. to ~" peintecl WIU ' mulY tnnes over in the;Mdecl ,yean of be wear: that. , .caa be ~ed from • ·. ,mot .~ un'der pftfperi . r ' ~tJoa-"HaDn.'IGneDSeaI;Pain ,~~.. '.~ I. 11~1·:"tt fr
... ....._--- -
GOES TO SOUTH CHARL~STON The story iB printed in Springfi eld that Henry Ford is to move hla 08semblin g plant from . Columb us' to South Charles ton, where he h88 acquired a t~t of' land for yard and other purpOIetl. It Is . Aid that the 88IIembling plant is ·to employ 1,000 people. '
A number of local fisherme n went to the Reservo ir last Friday and returned late Tuesday . Messrs. Jesse Thomas , Cor I Srvice, Wm. Graham , Carl Sherwo od, Frank ' Thomas , Mr. 01'll do I'f, Ralph Smith, IIIId Harry Prater were those that enj oyed the outing.
BIB LES , BOO It S Aad Complete Llo.. 01
TH.· FOaUT IRftA ua.ur'r
IIIr. and Mrs. ChBS. Tobins, Mrs. Harriett Sta ley, of DB,yton, Mr. and Mrs. H . C. Colema n, of Norwoo d, and Mrs. .Laura Foster, of ¥t. Heallhy , were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H _Coleman, Friday.
For Presh
Surplu a $880 ,000. 00
. ._ -,
Spring ' Caugh t
na. &..pel ", ~
Onr",O OO AMou. ...
!IUCE5T N. DAVIS, .....
See :tJ.
R....ro.. $17,4 00,00 0.00
All Good Hou....... U.. SOUDERS' EXTRACTS A Pure Extract for lIavon, Ice Cream, Pu~dinRi. Caltei and Candiea .
LlDohmm (lattAarn noor co\Oerl ull. 49(: Ifl. ,.d. , 9lt12 void s.rol COIl101<JUI1I. tT.60: 0 • •• Illlfr. ~; Ax mlnl..,r RIq. IIM 4I; Vol•• 114 .00. All bcr1(\cl. , ood, and ruarauttiet 1 . W6 retail
R.. A.. A.B ElR .C> B. CUS TOM
MrR. Carl Henders on and dau ghter 1924 Dod,. Tourinr ., brAnd new. Kathlee n, togethe r with Donald Hen(A t a l'ucrilk o) derson. of Lebnnon , were Hhopp rs 1924 Overl.n d Tourinl . ill Ullyt on .m Thursday. 1923 Ford Coupe. M i ~ 1Ilarg8re Cook, " .. ho is nttAllCI· 1922 Ford Coup e. ing the Conserv at ory of Mu sic, at Cincinn ati, spent Sunday with her 1923 Ford Touring. purents at Hill CI'"sl 1-'lIrm. 1922 Ford Tourin ll . Mr . lind Mrs. ]1'0 T. Bigony. of 1921 Ford 'Tourin g. Lehn non, who ure visiting the dif- .. ·1920 Ford Touring •. fcrctlt unda y Sc ho ot~ of t he coun ty 2.0n .. To .. Ford Truck •. were lit the M. E. Sundn y School lust 1922 Ford SeId.n. Sunday . And ma ny otb" ... On Tuesday evening lit the gymnasium. sixty people enjoyed an evening of c'1{ds at II party given by the ludi es of St. Mllry's guild. Re(On Paved Street) freshme nts of icc cream , ond cake were served. Lebanon , Obio Phone 39
--,-- -- ..-----
428 £. f"altb St .. a ••r J••• _ , D.' ...... O.
-...... NeuaIaia. Earache, Head...... RIoe......dIm, Lambqo , PaiD 01
6 Bi8 Vaude Ylll. Acta IUld Featur e Pho~a,••
Entin cIaa~ 01 "'ow ..el'l' MoHa, ud n .......l'. COlltiD _ P.rf..... A l t _ P... 200 aDd 3Oc:.
,.... .. UeoIateI7 DO _ D
'8. F. Keith's
Ruth Elizabe th, the daught.e r of Mr. lind Mr~. Fronk Cook, WUN laku n to lite Miumi Valley h o~pitll) lust \\'l'ek {or lin operatio n .
--.--"' ---
C. M. ROBITZER, Propr ietor
r. TIle N_ SOUDE RS ••tabliabed
Mr. Earl Orndorf , and daughte r, Dorothy . wer'c Sunday din nor guests nf LCRter urfncc und family.
The body of Mrs. Needles , widow of the late Avery Needles, arrived here this mo'rnin t,- The fu n e'r al was held from the M. E. church, Rev. Washbu rn officiating. Intermf )nt in Miami cemeter y. ,Mrs. Needles for many years hlUl made her home in De"ver, Col.
WI-I'RG TO D 'A L IN D A Y T O N .. 187.
DVERT ISED , LETTE RS The rich man's babble PUles for Th followin g ' IId\' ftised l clt~r!l I1I I1Xit\lS in the world.- Provcru s of are pllated by Posll1lllstel' Ross Hurt- Spllin. Hock : • 1\11'. Neill HaY~1 ' R. M itt (hun lingh lln. Pl' k~ W. Priet'. Mr. nn tl ~r s. £ i Dila n nu.tl I\~ Ml'l' . El'lIt:st Ur ac l (ll~ y . their undny guests, Mr . unci, Mrs. ThomM Gl·uhlllll. Ed Bullard, of Xenia. E. M. ·u ~ey .. Mr ~. Julio Grlln zow. Pro!. S: .C. Fronk and \\'ife, of Evl:ll' W. ilrun,.ldll. Kings Mill s, wore Sunday glll'sls o f \'Iii"s FI'('dll Trulllbu li. Dr. lind Mrs. Wilham .
.,.-.-- -
cnl) I., ," d. ~el A' 'unt-at-n l ms. l'1t '\ 4. hut'eh chool at !J :30 n. tn. Th ntlmber uf u~ plrat1t..< "el·klllg , onkltn h~8 8 ~rved liS sl!~retary ~lnC~ .Mornin g Pruycr nnd sermon lit 10 :. the hOllor f bl'ing Ohio's next go\,th e ol'gut11 %atton o~ the club lind WIL \ 4f•• Rev. Hering, o'f Bexley lIull. l et·not·, fill' exceeded prc"iouH years, I'c-,' Iccll'd by unalllm ous votl!. is cordlnll y l1l\'ited to thl'se .cr\·iccs . I nnd promisl 's'a ikely cllmpllig n whic~ I . I \\' in- tcrll ,; nntc with till' Aug ust pt:lVO " PREAC HES AT BELLB ROOK ' mnrie. . Une ofliciuJ cllndidnte. StX METHO DIST CHURC H 1 R \'. A. M. Kerr, editor of "The ullofftcin lly .unn oullocccl lit CIIIl!I"tOlllCS I uir" of 11I 'l'uld of G O~lJc l Lib,'rLy," Duy totl. , Snbhath chool, \):15 n. m.• prcllch- ,lIlld two mul'e bei ng , eriously (' 0 11 Ch ri, t illn dell"",il ltlli on, will ' pl'nk ' ing lit 10 ::10 n. Ill . W edlle~cllI Y e,'cll- "iJered C0111PO" > the Ii , !. " n " 1' h(' ~pirilu al . '<e", it of hl'ls- ing , (' rvicc 7 :0 1'. JIl . . Epworth JUlll C> Wh ite, furtll edr an lll' li"c lin n O-OpCnl tion " nexl SlIhbnth al lLI>lIgUC G:t5 p. m;.preac h.m g ~t 7. :00 Anti-, nlo<l 11 L"IC~ul' wurkor. has for• . 7 'ali at th e Pres b·"t ' I'in church. This p. m. Evcrybo dy I. cord18lly mVltl'll Illllll y liled hi s ,ICc\llrnLiCln of c:,n tliI hOlll' 4 : i1\·· township rcligio;t ~ rally lind C" 'ry - t o t hese sen' iccs. : dncr with the S'·l· n·t'~ry of S." te. WAYNE SVILLE , OHIO I body is IlskNI to IHt end. 1 Re". L. A. WIIshbu rn . Pllstor. Th(' unoflicia l Ii. t i, '·I1 "'I1('.l'd (ll the !!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!,!,~~~~~~.!'!!!!!~!!!!! followinl:: l1"lIl" r Uu rIl lld, In wyer, !!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'. C H R I S TI A N C H UR C H 0 f Co s h oct (I n. (' 0 ngrcss III n11 J 0 h 11 CII_------------------------ - - - - . \ Preachi ng services lit tho Chris· hlc, of Lim ll. Stllte Senator ,I. F. I tion church Sunday mo rning. I·!v- BUl'ke. ElY!'ill. I':x-Con{;'l'(· s~ mnn Itos· erybody cordiall y in"itl'd. e ll . ' Me Il llou!!,h. an lotl , {ormer ~ 'Il V""nur lIar l'Y L. DIl\·i. , (, lc \'(,\I1'''\. FRIEND S CHURCH Miles Y. Cooper. chairtllll tl pr I Prof. Farr. of Wilming ton, witll be Humilton ounty Republ k.n n l' '''Cthe Uwith LI S lit th" Friend' s chul'ch la'xt t i\'e cnlllm iH,>,·. Th e t\\'o No\\' i!l lhe time to nwn Ihn t lire cUll side'l'ct! \l o ~8ibilitic s fllr the buy your Coal Oi l cumlidncy Ill'\' iSccrell1ry of Slute . --Stove . With th comThlld Bn.wn lind Allorn,' y GCll crn l CITIZE NS SIGN PETITI ON C. C. Cruhbc. Thllt these two men ing of warm weath er, will later ahnn uncc their candida,'Y when a coa l range T\~enty-onc propert y owners along Cin cinnati pike between Xenia and is by no m o ans assured . but neither makes the heat in the Spring Va lley have s igned a petition ha"e denied th ey are I.o"s illl · cundi kitchen oppres sive , a to increase the . width of the road dates, und both admit thllt finnl deCoal O il Range will r e forty-five to sixty fe et. The pike cis ion muy be governp d by withdra wliev e you of t h e · intense wus original ly sixty-five feet wide al of L..,rtuin candid" tes or further h eat . but was narrowe d to forty-fiv e about announc em.mts by Ilddition al calldi, ten years ago, by cOllsent of the dates. That there is such n wholesa le run Our line is a lways : county commis sioners on petition of for this high executiv e office, is rathe!' ' compl ete with a wide . propert y owners. disconc crting t o Republican leaders ran ge of pri ces that will I ~~====~========~ through out the stute. because th.. suit your pocket book as we ll as your need s . We h ave weakest candida te may find it easy them from a little two-bu rner cabine t tove to a large ADMIN ISTRAT RICES' SALE to win. sixburner with built-i n ·oven. The genc3Ta' concession f or the These Coal Oil Stoves includ e everyt hing in the The und ersigned will offer for sale Democr atic no'minat ion is Governo r at . pu blic a uction, at the lo te resi- Donohe y, a lthough there are some dence of Amanda Smith , deceased, rumors aftoat favoring Lie utenant FLORE NCE, NEW .PERF ECTIO N, PURIT AN AND RED in Waynes ville, Warren County, Governo r Earl D. Bloom, who has Ohio, on STAR VAPO R LINES , not as yet m.ade any announc ement of Saturda y tb. 17th Dal' of Mal'. 1924, hi s Intentio ns. And the prices range f rom $8.50 to $89.00 . The persona l propert y of t he said ----.~.- - - Amanda Smith, deceas. , consisti ng Y:ou will b e sure to find a stove h ere that s uits your in part of heating IIlId oil stoves, needs as well as your pocket book. dressers , bed!! and bedding , couch, tables, chairs, cupboar ds, mirrors, sewing machine , ,d Ishes, silver ware, table cloths, cooking utensils , lamps, carpet, books and clock and other Timothy , son of Thomas and Ann bousehold goods. Sale to commen ce at 1 o'clock p . m. Brelsfor d, was bom J·uly 17, 1862 , Term-Cash. and died April 23, 1924, at the age of 71 yearn, 9 months ond 6 days. " ALICE CHENO WETH. , ' EMILY MINNIE AR. At the age of twenty he was married Adminis tratrice s of the estate to Amanda Mert, and to this union of Ama.nda Smlth,.decelUled. t hree childl'en were born, one daughRobert W. Brown, Atty. ter dying in infancy. April 30, 1924-3 t He was an honest, upright man, in all his deali ngs. His last years • were ones ,o f patient sufferin g and through it a ll he was never heard to comp lain . There are left, to mourn . , him, besidel! a host of friends, two , I children , Mrs. Clturles Roberts , of CULT I-PAC K -' Middlet own, with whom he hilS made - -- - --.t-:*_IHI- Boil. A car load o f John his home for the last twelve years. Satiaf actor, aervic: e since 1912. Deere Soil Pulver izers pur- One son, Chllr les Belsford , of Bellchased before t he advanc e. brook, on e grandch ild, Mrs. Terma very reason able. This is your opport unity, to Peak, of Middletown, and two Forest great o~n the b~st at a reasop able grand children , three sisters, Mrs. Of,fice Aman Buildi ng Phone 61-2 prlce. Martha Fox, of MIamisburg, Mrs. J. Fox, of !lliamisb urg a?d Mrs. HarWAYN ESVIL LE, OHIO W • R • HIA TT. SON H. ry Murray ,of Waynes'l1l1e , and one ~-------'-------------'I .Sprin l Valley , Ohio. brother, Jos:hua Brelsfor d, of Dayton
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"'-hr"~ ,...-
Seventy-Sixth Yea:'
ME ET IN G OF ME N OF W:AYN ES YI LL E Mr. ILnd Mrs. F. B. Hendors on were Dayton vlflltors, Thursda y. Geo. Wnterho use and Ethan Crane were DlLyton visitors Sunday . Donald Henders on, of Lebanon , ... h sp,ent Sunday with his porcn.... ere . Mr. lind 'Mrs. Harvey SlIcketl , of Rout e a, wcr e Dayton viHito rs SundllY · W. U. Mndden is spe nding three dllY's with rellltiv~ s in Indhina this week. MI'8. Lina Devitt spent last week with relutlve s and friends ill Cincin nati.
Mr. lind Mrs. Nelson King, of IndillllllPOJis, viHited relb~ive s here over Sunday. Mr. lind Mrs. Abram Cook, of Springb oro, were ealUng on relative s here Monday.
Mr. John Zell, of Corwin, who bas been quite ill for several dllYs, is nble to be around lU:ain. Mrs. Grace L. Smith. Mrs. Rllchel Zell and IIfr. George Zell were Dayton viaitors Monday .
MeaST. J. O. Cartwri ght and John Pence attende d a Shrine ceremon ial at Columb us Tuesday . Mn. Hartley Mosa and children , were .the guests of Rev. and Mrs. . Wuhbu rn 011 Monday . Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Woollar d, ThuJ'8day April 24. 1024. a aon-H~rry Edward Woollar d. Mr~ ·and Mrs. Luther Huddle, nee ' Florenc e Davia, of MadillOnville. were week-en d gueBts· of friends here.
Rev. and MI'1I. Washbu rn entertained on Monday Mr. and Mra. W. ' J. KJng and daughte r, of Columb us.
..... , JIlr.
and . ldns. Indore Ji'a.b , '91\ and daughte r, of Cinelnn a,ti. weN week-en d guests of Mr. Myer Hyman and tamlly. Mr. Alvin Earntia. rt and family, and Mr. E. L. Thomna and family' 8p~nt ·Honday evening with relative s in Centerv llle.
and Mrs. Cl4renc e Menden hall and son, Earl, of D,yton. were weekend visitors here with Mr. and ¥rs. -Arne. Mllnd ~nhall.. .
, Mr. B. S. Bowen spent Mondnt in town visiting with friends. ' the ~o~Jllia are , living I.n Port William ,
D,i.r ~·Ilmlng~on.
Say" ,our old' earpets !!ond rUlfII 'and ' get "WearW ell" Ruga made. Send for price Jiat. Frankli n Ru, .. Co ... . FJrankJln, .ohio.
\ 'I,.
Robert· ,Pretlaw . of Philade lphia, will speak at the FrIends! Meeting HouRe Thursda y evening at 7.30 p. m. Everybo.dy invited. , -' ltfn. Harry Turner, . of Dayton, speat 'l'uellday a)\d Wednes day of this week with her ' grandpa rents. Mr. 'and Mrs, J, B. Coleman . • Mrs, Mary cUkey retu~ed .home Saturda y' even in., after apendln g the 'week In Cincinn ati, 'at the home of Mr. and ]Irs. E. V. Barnha11o,' ~ Mr. and Mra. E. S. BaUy. lira. Julia Donova n and Mr. Mert - Baird .pe'lt Sunday with Mr. and ill'S. J. D .qhapm an ~d family, of Clnclnn tI. !
The relr\lJ8r meetinr of the W. C.
T. U. will be held iri ' the home of
)Ira. 'Wal~r }leClur e, TUllday, May ~ 1:1 • • Ail' member a are u1'led 'to be pn.aent . , .'
Jud.. Willard J. Wrl.bt Dell"era good small towns failed to give prop• Fin. Addre .. Relatin er attentio n to the recreati on and to Court •. 80ciol life of its young people, thereby increosi ng the burden of the Ju_ .- venUe courts. Judge Willard Jury Wright was An attentiv e audienc e and the apthe guest of th e Men of Waynes - "In US!! which fo llowod his tnlk sign iville at their regular meeting and ficd that the Men of Whynes villo Tried Hard But Wer.. U .... bl., to banquet lus t Wednesday evening , at ' would welcom e the pews Break Fr.nkli n', Lead-A thut Judge the MaKollic tcmple and delivere d the I Wright was to mak e the Bill C'rowd oddress at u . nddrcS8 which proved entertai ning 'future mee ting. The Warl'en County Field meet lind enlighte ning to his helLrers. , The mlLjor portio n of the business which WIl S .held ILt th e county fair Judge WrigM look for his topic of pe riod was duvotcd to the election ground s YCRtcnluy IIttractc d peop lo discus.qion the wnrk of the vllrio us of of11cel'l! for thl) coming yoar. The from a ll o\'elr t h ' county and one of courts of the juolicinry system of the campaig ni ng and ti ckeL idea devel- the Im'gest crowds in the hi, tory of country , but more espccilLlly the oped IL f ew years ago by the club was lhe meet wi t nessed th e event.. . All brunch of the Commo n Pleas court, follow ed out an d the nomi nllting of th e schoo l busses fl' om here t oo k of which we hellr 8 0 IIUlIe- the Ju- co mmitleQ 8 prese nted two ticket~. the Wnync Townsh ip children , und a vellile court. li e pointed out an in- The Red tick et wns tho victorio us ono boautifu l doy made it ideal. The tcrestin g fact thllt publicit y in mut- with the followin g men placed in of- Wayn e town ship g rad e" "choo ls hnd l.ers conccrll ing the work of this fice: Preside nt, Keller Hoke; Vice- won th e cup for two consect uti\' e court was unwise, bcclluse of the reu- Pes ident Hh,ry Pace ; Secreta ry, yea rs ulld cllme near holding it in 80 n of making the doings of the court Wilbur Clark; Treusur er, W. E. 0'- their pORcss i()n pe rm cna tely had not public. OftontimeH the life of 'n. 1Neall; Executi ve Commit tee, Bert Franklin deJeate d th em by four young boy or girl mlly be perman ent- Hartsoc k, Lyman Day, J esse Pren- pnints Wayn e tOwns hip had to be Iy marked und this unfortu nate mis- uergast and J . W. Edward s. content with Bccolld plnce. In t he crcunt may never bo uble to live A number of ~isitors were pres- High S('hool events we were not so down this stamp given him by public e nt, includin g quite a delegati on fortuna te Lebanon won first place opinion . from ' Horveys burg, who recelltly with Frankli n a close second. Some In connect ion with Juvenile work, la,unche d a similar club in that vil- of our entries in :, the events scored the judge took the opportu nity to lage, and speaker s from there in firsts, ILnd in one case a former reco ngrllluR te Wllynes villo upon the making ~bort tulks thanked the Men ClI l'd Wu s broken. Mary HUllt, ill .tep recelltly taken to improve the .o f Wuynosvi ll e for the suggesti ons the g irl's base baIL t hrow, complet ely social conditio ns in the commun ity. and help in their organiz lltion. Hhnttered the former record when The building of the gymnas ium and The Eastern Star served the s up- Hhe hu rled the sphere over two huncommun ity baJl. He .tated that most per to about one bundred people. dred feet, the former murk being one hundred seventy -eig ht feet J\nother record wos broken by a Mason boy, wh o v"ulted well over ten fe~t. From yellr to year more interest -is being taken in tbe affoir, lind it. was run off very smoothl y. Officials Otto Lewis, the son of Jacklon from Cincinn ati nad Miami Univerand Mary Lewis. waa born in March, sities were in. charge. 1869, and departe d this life on ~prll 27, 1924, ...t the age of sixty-fiv e. G. F. Brown, Grand Master elect On March ., 189S, he wae married of Odd Fellow~hip in Ohio, WIIS in to Bertha McClure , For thlrty-o ne Clevelnn d Wednesday of last week y,eara they have journey d Iide by where he assistd in the consolid aaide sharing with each other's joys tion 01 four I. O. O. F. lodges In that sorrOWL city. More than 2,000 Odd Fellows To this union were born five chll- gathere d in the great auditori um of dron; Charles Everett and Mary El- the "Clevela After carefull y nd Masonic temple. Mr. ser~;ng condu len having precede.d him In death. Brown hllfl a part in the program', ed tests of about, 00 ears of Otto Edward , Opal Ernestin e and "'hlch included the distingu ished from ,nine differe f~rms, :County 'Mrs. Jessie Isadora oberts, still guests of the Agent! Class a'Uuou ces that crib corn occasion. live to mourn the loSS' of their father. On Thursda y evening Mr. Brown is gcrmina tirlg LIS an, average of about Besides the three children and his waa at Plquu where he was a dia- , 80 p,!r C;,ent. Fj~ grain iPe t:~ ear . he leaves five brothers , Ma.r t, tinguish ed gneRt at the observa nce were used, Itnd twenty eal'S' tested Charles and Omar, of Waynes ville, of the l05th anniver sary of t.he togethe r in one moilified r~g doll. Grant, of Dayton, Job, of North Da- foundin g of I. O. O. F. in Ohio. Mr. THis involves the use of a ' cloth, or kota and two sisters, Mrs. Molly Wat- Brown was the principa l speaker of unbleac hed muslin, a out 12x64 in. kins. of Mluollr i 'lIIId Mrs. Kate the evening . The occasion alao and a pillce of heavy wn terproo f Hawe!, of Spring Valley, besides marked hte 85th anniver sary of the wrappin g ,paper, about one foot long. other relative s, to mourn hia depar- Odd Fellow lodge Sixty-fiv e r~ dolls. holding about in Piqua. ture. He was kind in his home and Mr. Brown also bad a part in the 1S bushels of corn can be tested at unaelflah In biB life, always willing to progl'llm at ' Springfi eld on Sunday. one time in the Farm Bureau tester, make sacrifice s for others. . Over 1,500 Odd Fellows attende d the in which the d.ol18 arc kept for about ' He has been in deellnin g health celebrat ion of the I. O. O. F. Home one week at III tempera ture of 74- to for the ' put twenty ' yeara, but hill at thnt place. On Friday evening 82 degrees PmJ!.renheit, by' means of ambitio n for work and to be able Mr. Brown was in Dayton. a small electric heatc.r. to aupport hla family kept him going Blue prints 'shpwin g how to make Mr. Brown is well known here, and !lS lon, as he could. For the past his many friends in the Odd Fellows a rag doll tester box, designe d by three years he has been unable fa lodge, as well as other lodges. are Ohio Agricult lllral College speeiali sts, work His great des\J'e was to live very glad at his preferm ent as the can be procur(! d at the county agent's to see his daugbte r graduat e from head of Oddfello wship office at 16 cents each. ClaBB states in Ohio. the Waynca vilhi High Ichool. but that conditio ns are not so (liarmin g -.---~ death hat! claimed blm just in IIlght as in the spring of 1918-fo~, with of the goill As the poet says; careful se1ectfion al1.d testing, every ' farmer (who (lid not gather cOln last God gIveth and taketh, He knoweth fall) can still I~cure inBuflleient good what', bellt, seed from his own crib. The tests The grave is only a sweet plaee show , that those who selected tbeir of rest com reaSona My li¥ly last fall, careWhe the poor tired heart may eolise The followin g names ha.,ve been fully ' dried it, or' stored it in a prorr\~ its ,toil, And ~e world weary brain from dl'Uwn to serve tho Mny term of tected mce over winter, have nothing to fear this sr..ring. Court. ill! s ioul turmoil Petit Jurors- -Mrs. Grace Reed, Forly acres of seed corn pl'operly When wea of the day we lie down Deerfiel d; Walter Kenrick , Wnyne; Waynes ville, tested ' 100 per cent fQr .the Ight. And when eary of life the soul Mrs. Nellie Fisher, Turtlec reck; Mrs. whilo 40 ears selected at random Ida Campbe ll, Hamilto n; Miss Anna from , his crib tested only 66 % per " takes its ight, . Seed ,corn of H. R. Harris Back to the rea ms of that far bright Dwire, Turtlec reek; Clarenc e Du- cent. gan; Clearcr eeki 1>'Irs. Georget ta which was testee! in a heated baseer horpe, Never again from the Infinite to Stubbs, Turtlec reek; Mi88 Glsdys ment ovel' willter, tested 98 % per Thirklel d, Frankli n; Rex Snook, Un- eent while his crib corn tested 79 % roam. , .. ion; . Mrs. Anna A,yers, Deerfiel d; per cent. Some 'of his eld corn (1022 Ca.... of Waldo Mull, Washin gton; Harry crop) in the bottom of his crib testWe thank ,the many ldnd Adams, Harlan; Charles Moore. ed 98 per cen~orn just recently frleDda and reloUve s who helped us : Mrs. Pence, husked from the shocks tested about .~II1Y \,,~y .d uring the pnst ilIne88, "w'I''1'a''y~'nK'e"; Mrs. Adah'Bernlce Brant, Turt!&- the some as thlU stored in cribs over our, father -anq' hUlband , and dur- creek; Charles Sherod, W8lIhin gton: winter. our recent berealle ment. I I W hi to MRS., 'T:fO, IS AND FAMILY . Harry L S ett re, .,. ng n: ___ ' • _ ,, _ _ _ , Chlls. Bradbur y, em Washin gton; Daniel Roosa, Union; Mrs. Edith i'Jrli.kield,
MAY 7, 1924
CO MM ER CI AL CL UB I ~.~ HA S FIN E ME ET IN G Mnny su rprises gree ted Cumme r- IL "UllIlll ur'" course in Iibmr y work. cnil Club member s who enj oyed the I r, C ok IIlso told of the spl e ndid bnnquet ILt th e Grunge hall lus t Mon- work alld co-opera tion of th e boa rd doy nil!'ht, Wh ile ulmll At eve l'YOIH) was of ed ucation in library work, und anti cipu t inl!' the talk of Mr. Fa rley, under th" n~w regim(' the Town _hip loco l "peu ke rM, prclillmin nry to this Iiul'llry i. t o wo rk with th e "chool nati onally know speeialis t, mude tlLlks li umry, thnt dir"ctly concern ed W UY ll e~v ill e Next came !Ill'. W , N. Furl ey , of lind the Comme rciul club. th ~ MCI'c hunts Sel'vice HurM~I , N. C. Mr. H. Archd eacun, vicc-pre sident R. Co .. who t ook for the subject o f of Lhe club, presidin g in t he ubsc llct! h i ~ talk , whi ch w,," illu strated by of P residen t Ox l"y , fir. t introdu ced ·ha rt. and (·I'llyo n. " lI ow tu IlirceaKe Mi Fs Ednn Howl an d, of the Wnrren thl' Average Sule'.' This had t o do Co unty Normal school. Ii-liRs How- entir ·Iy wi th r etail m erc h lLnti i ~ in g, land firs t took it upon herself to im- but the rellHlr ka htc fea tllr ~ \\'11" the pre~s th e club of th e fuct t hlLt the mnnrU'r in whic h he put hi. id oru; Normal sc hoo l belonge d to Wllyn es- ILcro... Eq uip ped with u cllus tic vi ll e ILnd WlLrren county, but th'u.t se n,,' of hum ur. Mr Farley showed Wllyn esville alone WILS being bene- how most me rchan ts made th eir fitted b e c"u ~e of th e 8chool's situa gr eatest mi take. ThlLt wa s the sim· tion here. She told of th e work pie every-d ay mUllner in which he one thi ~ und t he "Ians for ne xt yeur approac hed his custome r. I n this explain ill /! the number of t eacher s connect ion he e mphasiz ed that th e turned out und th e r elatively s mall cus tomer \Vus un im pol·tunt facto r to cos t of each he l'eekone d wit h nnil i ~ of tenThe nex t s pelL ker was Mr. W. J . timcK neglecte d by the retailer. He King, of the King Detectiv e BSsociu- also t old of a musing ex perience s he tion, n guest of the club, who spoke hnd hud while workin g in his futh briefly on th e wnrk his firm is ac- cl" H, sLol'e in Kentuck y. The Comcomplishing thut business houses me rcial club was indeed fortuna te might be made safe aguin st robber- in sccuring such a man for this meet ies Mr. King gave an id ea as to the ing. " in side" workin g of a detectiv e agenOut of t own visito rs at the meetcy in running 1\ crook to earth. and ing were Messrs. Alexand er and his remarks ' were very entertai ning. Parker, of Frankli n, Mutchn er, of Dr. Mary Cook was next introduc ed the Rotospe ed Co., Dayton ; Paul and comp letely surprise d ever~' one Wisema n and R. H. Gallahe r, N. C. when she announc ed that after this R. slLlemen, Dayton; Mr. W. J. King, s ummer the Wayne Townsh ip library King, of Columb us, L. S. Knppies , was to have 1\ regular Iibrariul l. Frank Cussick, W. H. Potter, L. W. While she made no official announc e- Earnha rt and f. J. Nichols, of the ment as to whom this would be, It is N. C. R. Dayton. s upposed that some local young The Grange served the excellen t woman would be cbosen to go to s upper and there were approxi mateWestern Reserve univ,ers ity to take ly sixty present.
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EA' T'[ : SERMON .
Jury-M rt. Emma Tetrick, I'D eerfield ; Mrs. Bessie Haney. Salem; Mn. 'M,artha Davis, Maaale; Mrs. Millie Harding , Un~o!l; ~rs. Laura Whitacr e, Salem; Mrs. Lena Henderson, Wayne; Mrs. Stella whloughb) ', Union; Ed Dakin, ,MaBBie; Mil8 M'ary Cropper , Turtlec reek: ' Mrs. Allie Holden, ' Salem: ' James M"~Oarr~n. Washin gton; :&lrs. RacHel B",#';''' ~. . ••Turtleq eek: , ,Ralph : .. .I); ~ ,,10 Smith; Way'"~. ' . .. ~ -.;,....;.;.....-
'Whole Numb er 6588
The High school an~ grades at the Matilda Dare Needles , daughte r High School building , witnellSed a of Moses Md Catheri nc Miller, was splendid program conduct ed by the born in L~banon , Ohio ,Decem ber Senior class last Thursda y morning . 27. 1842, and died in Denver, Col., The Senior class is to be congrat ulat- April 26, 192<1. In 1879 s he was cd for their excellen t entertai nment. united in marrillg e to Avary Needles . . John Paul BO'l ton; prelltden t''Of the To Them werebo rn w'O 'c I ren: AvSenior class, first introduc ed Burnet I~ry, who di ed ILt the uge of three Butterw orth, who gave a brief sketch years, and Mrs Guilda Reed, with of Theodo re Rooseve lt's life. whORl she was living ILt tb e time of Esther Corwin next present ed her death. A good part of her marmany advanta ges secured through ried life was spent in Waynes ville, organiz ed play lind outlined briefly but for the Illst 24 yellrs she has its work and develop ment in the U . S. made her home in Denver, Col. Her This talk was followe d by a solo husband ; Avary ,Needles, past away by Elsie Hllwke, who WIIS encored by' three years ago. She was a member her many admi rers. of the Eastern Star, having joined at Beryl Cook in her interest ing talk the uge of seventy -nine years .It hiad on "Value of Educati on," emphasi zed always been the wish of both to be the soclnl life of the school and its laid to rest in Miami cemeter y. Beimporta nce and effect upon life. sides her daughte r, Mrs. Guildll Reed Raym ond Hatfield presente d and she leuves to mourn her death, three pointed out the many advanta ges of step-dau ghters, Mrs. Anna Cavault , a high school education, which was of Denver, Colo., Mrs. Plum Liddy, appreci ated by all. of Calexico , Calif. and Mrs. Myrtle A duet by Elsie Hawke and Ruth Miller, of Chicago , seven grand chilEarnhar t, ILceolllp anied by Rhea Jan- dren and ten great grand-c hiHiren . et Cartwr ig ht, added much to the · She had a host of friends. Thru her program . strong will Mrs. Needles was able Present ation of prizes by the W. untH the very last to enjoy a keen, C. T. U,by MI'!!. L.Mend enhall. They active mind, thus she was able to in two divlsiQns. Th e winners get the fullness of life as she 'Went of t he first division were: 1.. Fral!- along. She was sick only about a ces Henkile . 2. Anna Thom'lul, 3. week with acute indigest ion. Doris Hender son . We, whose hearts are sad lipd lonely Winners of second division were: Know our 1088 is but her gain, 1. Irma Shutts. 2. Helen Duke, Knowin g she is only passing, 3. Lorene Brannoc k. To a bright world free from pain.
One lRchnnl
o.f th e firs t of the closing IIctivities each year ill the loelll High school. is the Jnior-S enior barlCjuet. when the gradullt ing class i ~ t he g uest of that next in rank, t ho J un iors. While this celebrat i on has long been in vogue, this year's was one of the most en joyable ever held. A thl'ee·to urse dinner. served by the I ll di e~ of the Gran ge in th eir bllnque t rOO Il\ ~ , introduc ed the party and the ta" l waH beautifu l in its decorat ions of green und white, the Senior class colors. At the close o'f the banque t short t.alk s by me mbers o.f both classes and the fncul ty occupie d some of the time, nfter which the sixty young people preHnt wc nt to the gymnasium wher e dancinl!' WIIS enjoyed until 12 o'clock. The gym nos lum also W8,8 decorat ed in the co lo rs of the class, nnd the music was f urnished by a splend id five-piece orchestr a from' Xenia. The chapero nes and invited gues ts of the banquet and dance were : Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt, Misses Anne Bllchman, Velma McClure , Kathryn Clark and Edith George.
Prof. and Mrs. F. B. Harris entertained at their home in Lebnnon on lust Thursda y evening , the Warren County Normal Class of 1924. Upon being called to the dinner table, the Normals were pleasan tly lIurprise d by tbe beautifu l decorati ons of crimson lind silver, thei.r class colors, 0. center piece of crimson tulips. A deliciou s four-co urse dinner Waft served, followed by a very original entertai nment. Fate was called upon to give her reading of their futures. The fortune Cake was cut and found to contain a ring, dime, pen and thimble , thereby proving that the various membe n of the clal8 would be a bride, banker, writer and a victim of lIingle bleasedneBII respectively. The dl1feren t fortune s were read after being drawn under the gpidanc e of Fate. Alao the ' three books of chronic les which told the history of the Normal clal8 up to the present time. The Normal ClMs, dinner at Mr. Harris' haa alwa)'l been one of tlie bright spots In Normal Class hilitory. and thls one, WILlI no exceptio n to the rule.
. -.
fARMER'S GRANGE ENJ OYS PROGRAM '. Farmer s ' Grange No. 13 met In regular seBBion Saturda y night, M~y S, with S. S. Ellis, Muter, and 75 patrons present. After the busines s 8e181on Lecture l' John Shultz in chatge of the lecture hour, pronoun ced the program by group one, with Mary Brown, chairman. A splendid program was given showing credit was due those busy ·folks . At our next meeting group No. two will furnish the progrnm . These enjoyab le sacial hours o,dd a great deal to our regular meeting s. Farmer s ~range meets on first and third Saturda y ,nights of euch month. Visiting Patrons always welcome. P. A.
Cud of Th.Dk. The family of Mrs. Matilda Needles iwsh to thank the many friends in and around Waynes ville, the Masonic ?rder and the East~rn St:nr for "Then we'll banish care II,l1d '8adn~~ ' • the kmdne88 und conSide ration mI . As we turn our memrie s back their late beroave ment. And recall those days of gladne~ • - • 'Neath the Orlinge and the Black."
Tpere's no friend like an old friend, BEAUTifUL fARM and the're 'are no better old friendll ' than can be found at our annual reunion s. Soall ye of, W. H. 'HOME BURNS DOWN' alumni S. join tho ranks of those going to
At about 6 o'clock Monday evening the old High school buildIng ~n FJi· . the home of Sam Henkle on the the day night. May 16, to' rep~t well Lytle road ,two miles north of here, rememb ered jokes and recall half forgotte n ' deedS. ' It's u pl to you, fellow , ~umnl. ' to make tho : banque t of 192' a Buccesa;-'
The Miami Gazette,
Ohto :.
,,~i2@~~e::'.i~~~~~': '''-;.::'''.:;~ ~
"CIII,\' 1I1Im ' ifllm Tnjllus. 'l'1\ G'·",11 l,'nth" r hnlS ordered It. I'll like son,1 ll<1un() n h!lld. It bNt r. ( Ittlo! l..lzy 1lere. Summer'. I letlSl II hundrf!!1 ,111\11 an ll tllll(!rcn hove cmn!n' ' UII' l 'ln II born \mHh 111 0 n . J'rn b('(' n horn In AlIll:,lo-n. 'l'hC're :11'C he kIn d 0' unl'n~I'- II1:e II dr er In II d 0'" f ncror III .I·our [l rohlelll. lIow milch yanl . 1 IIln't lintl to rUIt fl' r till' II f.' tlllI a nII IlInn e), will he r eQlllrod tor 8l!lc", \l'e I:0t '1 erC'. My h(lol'S li re CIIUl' th~ j :. nt Id ili ng ull of \l ' " I I" " 'nll\·. I . In·t Ihot a gun In II 'I' h(' Hrllls lJ Rlhnlr:ll l;nored tbe , ",emh." Qlt ~ry . I A look of orrol\' .prlllld 'ovtlr th e ,, ) ! ~. [lowers nre limited:' aUld lie. fn ce or (I!omon . "hili T nm ~ llI h orl, et't to !;Mlnt l'n r ~on. "l'm tlret1 or Ihls plocll," sAIlI J Bcll. 1\l1l.! In ~ ,· er .'· wuy tol Ul! I' c\ $ C Ihe l.:Ing·\I "The Brltllh are $cnrell of tiS IInl.! patcmu l sol1cll lHlI·... we're S(,lIred at thl.l British . There'. " Su ~ h nn ntTer .b,)wS thot l'our notblng golug on. 1"4 10~<l to go bll~k prout! nOllon l1 u8 no t1o(lerlng oplnloll to tlIe hlg bUlb wltb you." "I'll tell tbl Orellt F'nth@r thlll of U8,': ll'm ul:lhl oDswered. ··W .., \\'bo ' ' are rhe I nJ u~d Ilnrtlca. hn\'e not Ihe you're a boro bus'h DlIlD. ~I ebbe b,,'l1 bnscne. ,.. In cntertlll" It. You will for- ' lilt ye roo They'lI need UI both . R IIDI. Il' \'t' III ror remlnd lnll you Ihnl Ihe l Injllnu an' the devil bnn )'Ined hnnds. , 'B". 1i11l;'9 n:llernnl solll·1t utle hns be"n I Th~ I..(lnl bOllse wl\1 he Ihe Ctouter o· rnlher Ir)·ln.:. Tt lUll' bunK'll utlr d£L ; bl>U aD' Itl line fonces'lI In ke 10 the f.. ns"lp," "'';'n» In lUldwlnt er; It Lllu ' 0011 bl. hllsb." 11l~ II .. d llw s a"IlI:~s to DlaSS:lCre our Thll t day JulCI nnmo ...·118 luclut1ed tarm ers In lhe bnck l'OU ll try; It bOt Ln Ihe order. , "I om aorr1 that It 18 'nol yet pllsslhlf Ilrlvftn U8 to II tlcclnratlpn of Inde'l !)endence. r.rltnln nnd AmerIca t)r to I'll)' you or Rny ot Ihe JII~n who hltv .. '''Ymrdlr 1I0t look nile yourtclT Quite. now di stinct stntcs. Pellce can be l sernd me SO talthtully," All ill W".ll' I tJllnk that 1 ",111 uk the comnlllnder eO!lslLlercd only on thut basIs. You Ingloll. "It you need money I Rhnll b.. ,1n chlet to let 70 U .0 with roe to Phlla, \\'Ish to I'rel' rnt our Irode from I'(l F8' ~1 8d 10 I~nd ;vou n sum to belp you 1Illlpblll. J hnve IOmt' busla~8s there Ing IDIO foreI gn ('honnels. Let PIt' rc- through Ihls jOllrney." "1 nln't fight In' rcr PIIY." . 010111011 · an,i later 1l'ranklul and I ,Ire Kolng to mind y OIl. al so. thnt the profit ot no Staten Island to conter wi th Admlrnl trud@ con Ol,'er be equal to Ihe ex· answered. "I'll hoe an ' dIg, nn' I'ook, LOI'd Rowe. W. are n IlIllr of BDap· pense nr holdlo~ It with tleqlS nnd lin' guide fer monoy. fiut I won', flghl nil Illl're fer lUoney- pnr tl y ' (' UIIU I 'Jllsh old dop and n~d Il J oung mnn armlel." like TOU to look ntter U8. You would " 00 .uell Q bDSIl! I om not emllOw· don'r need It-pa rtly 'cn ltse I'm nght. onl1 hn"e to keep out or our qU!l.rl'ols, e rl'<l 10 Irellt wllh YOII ," Howe on· In' for myself. 1,(If 1\ 1I1t1e totl In .llentS to our Illggftce 9cd mnke lome s\\'erl'd. ""'eo shull hnme<.llotely roove m~' hrltches (locket. but If 1 hlldn'I. Dotu In the conferell ce," .gnl ns l your I\rm1." my 0 1· htftrier wouldo't I~t me go ban. , 0 It happened thot JRck went to The eonrerellce ended. Tho nmhn., gry." ccretnr), shook In April Ih e two frlcnds lIet OUI Phllnilelpbla with Mr. .Adame undo "mlnrl and their Ifter two dl.Y. lit tbe hallIe ot Doclor hnnd. with the Brlilsb admiral. 1 nfoot tor Ihe lower end ot the High· FTanldln, lict out ",lib the Iwo /:reol "lIlr. 1rona, I bue bea rd mll cb ot , landl. On Ihe rl..er they hire<! 0 Dlltcll 1111111 . for the conrerence on Stalen I,.. you." .1I1t1 the Intt er BI he held Jllck'. ' rnrlD!.'r to t ake th ew 00 to Albsny In laDd. He 'went In high hupo thllt hf hllDd. "You are deeply nttached to II ' bis aloop. After two dell.h ttul days was to mtnl'ss tho la st .cene at th e young le!!y whom I ndmlre and whose I at hOl11e. Oenrrlll S~buyler suggested WB:'. fatht'r II my friend. I otrer you n tb nt they could do ft weat servke by In Amboy ha IH!Dt • le1tt'r t'o hl1l ebance to leave thIs trouhl ed land and tr"veMllnll Ibe wilderness 10 t',e vRUe)' fRther, .,,.blt')1 snhl: . ao to London an4 rn.rry and lead 0 of tbe greBt river of the nortb, as ta r ·'lIr. Allnms Is II bluDt, olltspokon ~.ceable, Chrlltlln life. You Dlny nil pOSSible towBrd Swegacble, a nd remon, tc Ihlnp tlo not GO to his 11k· keep )'our principles. If yon wlsb. al I I'ortlng their obse"a tlon~ to CrOWD In!:, he Is quick to tell ·you . Doctor b ue no use tor t blm. You wtll tintS Point or Fort Edward, It Ibere seemed Fl1llIklln Is humorous nnd polite. but .,mptlthb:el'8 ID En;lood." 10 he occasl(ln for It, aDd If ~ot, tbey ftrm III II God·plnced mountllln. You ' "Lord Bowe, J"001' lrlndneSi touches lVere to proceed to General Herkimer's mil)' put 'your IIhoulder IIgaln.t the me," t be )'oun; man answered. "Wb.t cnmp at Orlskan1 nnd give him ...·h&l ~unt.ln lind IIIISh 1UI11 'thInk It II 70U propose Is ... lTeat temptation. It help they could In protectln. tbe let. movInl, uut It IlIn·t. Hi Is umbltsbed. .. like Cnlypao'. orrer ot Immortal UI>TS lu tbe ,"'e&t. ae lid found hi. proper bearln., and hlppln•• to Ulyaea. I love Enllllld. , "Yoll would need to take all your ,~ done with mo"lng.' Thea. two .rent I love lMIace, lind more tban elmer, I ,,-It nnd courage wltb you." tbe .enlI\en durer Ib lIttle rnllttcrs. The71 had lor e the youn~ lad,. but I eculd.n 't I' eral n'll rned tbem. ."Tbe Indians are a CUrioUII Qu.rrel tbe ot.her · e\'~lnr. ao IUltS keap tn7 prlnclplel. III had leroper. They havi tok en to "tVe ho.4 rea('hotl New DrtlDIWleU on "'\Vb, not, Ilr't" ronstlng \:!lair prhlODllnI at the Ita!!e eur wa, o,o~th. Tbe t''I'IInlS ,,·ere "BecauM \1'1 .re all 01 • mln4 I\'Ub lind flItlnl tbelr lIesh. ThlB II a baz· u.wded. I rail t ...111 001 to nDqther eu? III'. p.trlek Heory. 'VI put IIrdous und.rlattln&'. Therefore. I !ltve trTInt 0 IUId tIIte~ln .. ent torl m)' abo"e happlneu 4IId nen Iboy. 'OU 0 sanestlon and Ilot an order." dlltlnplsbed frladL At I..t t f~und 11fe. 80 t mu.t Ita, nnd belp IIlbt i urn 10 10nl,h l1li14 Solomon. "It I • llllall~ eb.blber ..lth (.oD1 bed In It bel' battles, ADd wheo I .a7 It I am get et np It 1l1lec1n'1 bre.k Dobody'. uila alqle ." 'ndoW'. · Thl be4 Iliady 'artodl~ m, O'll'll !Its" under m" heel. benrt. Let lack ro to ODe 0' the IIUed the ' room, No ·better .reo"Dl~ Don', tll.lnk bnrsbl, of me. I c.nnot I fort . ... datl....... t ell lie bad. I b.d 11ft *,em help It. The ltoUn. II bred 10 1117 "No, rd mther 10 latu Ibe basb wIth 1Itt1q .... ~ III aUltll po.,. nenr boD. ." ')'00," 1Il1c! Jack. "Wa're botb needad tlUl. la". lIotel" I~tb til' \nuaao Ilea' HI. lordshIp amlled polltel7 ud there. It neceuary ..e rould IeP~lte JlItiD. 'WIle,. ref1lmecS tbe), werl Iln·_ "wed aa tbe tbree lIIen wltMrew. end = 7 ollr w.ml01 In two Clrec:.I ji a ~6t ' UfIWI"!ll ,t bl orll\n of l'raalllLn tOok the baDd ot Ibe,~ lion.. Weill tat. a I»uple 01 the new iotda. *iortu., • • . dactor ' a_tltlnl _ 1114 pr...ed It ' l"IDtI, .. til.;' double·bal'l'lled \ rlftel and ' four pl. • Wt Iit'Jja'c Sleana,,'b, etpertlnellt t bal ... re Ilavlu~ tbe InIOl! llOUle Ln wblell ' toie. It \l'e fllltS to, I Iblnl!. we could nf1 bePA In ttli! IOGthwttt lind pr~ lIowe b.d elltablLahed hlmae.Jt. I lI; bt a ' hole t1lrou gh all7 trouble we .-della a nerthaul_I, c1IrertJoa. I ..Jaclr, who blld been ,.kLne not.. of are likely. to have." uti to walt tell mlautes for ' " chQUe. till fnlJtl es. talk of thl!Se gt'tat men, \ So It wall decided tbnt they should _l!PtIilc ·to thelll. Mr. Adami WII.' hot wa. lorely dl.. ppolDttfl. a. COUld j go together on thl. scouting trip Into t&t:ecl, the cSoetor alm, ..II 8IIl11~. I ' " DO proll)ect DOW 01 p~ee. the north bUlh. Solomon bad long bebDpartecS the DeWL NUT hope. Ilre burned to Ihe crouncl," tore that Im'enred whllt he eaUetS " • fl " lth tnln ' Ibrower" tor close fi gbthlg .. 'God 'ot llrll"" lIr. Adl\J!ls 0:- h.e aid to Doctor Franklin. dalmci4. ~ It not IIlOUlh tba t I lin. "It I. a time or lamOtte," the 1004 ,,·\tlt Indl nnl, to ba uaed It one were to l,fee 1ftth 3'OU' M.it I 01... Ilew maD answered. "Yeu bave the \D. hard pressed .nd outnumbered and with 70n?' ' ' i v!Dable .plrll thlr look. IDtO the fu- I1kely to bove bls lcalp talren. ThlB "'81r': I 110pe thllt·you mU.I Dat.I but ture od aln. all It . bftL You Ilre ' odd contrlvnnee be had never hnd octt 3'00 DlUlt, I beg tbat 10U will sleeP .America." elisIon to use. It IViS • thIn, round more pIIlI, fbon rou talt,' ·..Id Fl'~lIk~ "I bave been thlDkIn, too mlldl of ebel! ot, Call Iron with a tnbe, II tJ.lnt lID. . ., . III71C1t," Jnck .nlwered. "Now I am ! .nd pIUD~r. The abeU WI. 01 Ibout . "];' '\Vellt wltll them to their qUlrters 1'ftcJ.y to 1117 dowa m, Hfe In th1IlTeat . the Ilz1 ot a larp apple. It was to be ~IDI tbe luall'e. 00 the Ur. eIlnM of CUlL" . Olled willi mlaUca and pDllOwder. AdaJU complained that be hatS Pick" "'Do" J like you," ..Id Ur. Adama, The plun_er, .1U1. Ita .prlng, wa, II4It 'lip a fI.. !IOmewll'" "Ii l1a.,. IrrlDced to ban )'ou IIIfelj . vertIcally nboye the tUbe. III thI'OW' " ·' Tlle a... m, I. a IIMII alllJDal, COI!ve,ed 10 New York. There an or- Lnl tbl. coutrl'l'lnce qne released Itl bat • lila tact.' ..14 mnkUD. 'You 4erl, will' meet aDd C:OllcSlIlll 7011 to oar Iprlne by tbe pfeSllllre of ble tbllmb, alanll· me. " Two I..... can .nd • 'II.. beadQDBrtera." The hammer tell and tbe IIpark It wtJ\ be apt' to crowd our Qu.rters.'· "Thank 'ou. air," J.dt repUe4. made Ignlled • tuse leadlog down to , ,"III the- I'OIlm ,tb\!7 .rped with a Tumln, to Doctor mulln. he .dtSed: the powtSer. III oW1ler had to rbrow depth of fMlln, willa UIODI.h~ mt, "001' remnrk ot yoar. to Lord Bo ..e It trom beblnd ~ tree 01' hUD a .bare .. to whether tlie one ,..LncSow s_oultS Impreued iDe. You '1I1d tbat IIlture In, the peril It ..I I lur. to create. be, .opeI!. or d~ , lIr., Ad"m. had w.. our frtond .nd lilly. It put me In While Jac.k wu at bome wltb bll ~0Ied It: ' . . . mind ot the fOI lhat heJpetS UI out or people Solomon SpeDt a weelr In th. .. 'Plelle do 'Ilot dOle thl wlndol'l',' Brookl1ll alld ot a l1ltle adventure of foundry '.nd fOl'lfe and, before tlIe, alcS Frilnkl1ll.. 'We .ball .uffoeate.' mloa." . let out on thllr ,onroe" h.d thrae et - • 'SIr, I am a. In" 'U' pd afraid of The be told thl Itory of the .pldel". tbese unique weallOu~ all loadlld IlIld the "'lIl&IIt all': .ald · Adam. r.ther well. packed In waterproof wl'lpplnp. testily. "1 . . . .t Illal IU naton Lt wUb ..." About the mIddle of )day the; pro"' ''l'be all' of thl. roolll wlU ·be muell Illd Franklin. -U ... n. a aeDee of In- ceeded In a IIlhl bark canoe to Fort .,..,... tor tban tbat oat-of.dll1'rt.' Juatil'e In bUUlon' nnture Ihnt aenl UI Edward .nd carried It across country I'renkl.1n retorted. Be wa. ·tbeD b. to Lake George Dnd made Iltelr way ..:..: til 0 e 'I b et "ou te acrose the lP'eat burrier ot the sell It ddl TI d .. Th . .. IIeO e , e "rt. . e g , loto condlUons wbere only tile BlroD, IV t I pa ~s to con ero.. a. ere ~- tbe window IDd 'Iet Inte bed ODd conld lurvlve. Here we bo ve rnl8ed they. learoed that IcoUts were operat· It'!- do not pro"e m,y rose to Jour 8IIt. , t d I Ith .. OOO II I In, only on and near .Lake Champlain. ,. I~'ctlo" I wUI consent to !til b elol up a • ur y peop e w .... 01 es 0 1'he Interior of Trvon coun'" w•• said ••• wnter between them ' and tyra nny. # v eTosed.' Armies ' rennot cross II and succeed 10 be danlerouB llrouod. Moh.wk-. "1. 1'7 down on a straw·lIlled mnt· 10D" In II hostll- lund. The, __ 100 C S AI I no u.. outsIde their lIoor. I heard ~rr. · ~ u.v ~gnnWJlgnl!· • ~ ne ens, gonqu ns II Adams open tbe .wlndow nnd get Into fllr (Tom borne. The expense or Iran. 8l1r"ns were thICk In the buSh anti ' nil " II b porUnl anti wtllntalnln, theln will on the "·l1rtlOth. They were lorturlnl bed. T b en D oetor Fr aD.. n Olan to bl-nd our enemlun l' ll the, .re 1I""0t. UIn I r CII ~ound hla tb~ory of cold, . Be d... ~~ ~D ,,~onrl entlnlt p"ery white mnn elared tbot cold nlr ne\'(!r gAve an1 Tbe British Idn. lB powerful, but now In their hnnds. save those with a Tor, ono II COld ; tbat respIration destr01e4 he bn. picked a qunrrel wltb AlmlllbtJ mark on them. all God, lUId It will .0 hard with blm." "We're skceretl 0' the bUSh," saId nD ~ g'llon of rut' a mlnUtr. n~d th.t elderl)' bea rded sbldler. who wns sit. b Ir l b ' tea 0 t e room would be con· CHAPTER XVII tlng on a log. ".\. man who goes Into somed In ,n bour. He weDt on anti (In tbe wlldwootl Deeds to be a gootl trlend antS long blltore be had Ilnlshed bls How Solomon Shlfled the Skl.r. 0' Ond." argument, Mr. Adnms "'IlS snoring, In the ,prlog nel"8 came of • great "nut Schayler thInks a force (It Brtt· torce of Hrlllsb which Willi being or· Is h IlIny land somewhere along the bl, fODI'lnel'd rnther b1 the Ipogtb thun Ule cogon!:'y ot Ihe rcneon lng. 511011 gnnued In Cnnudn tor Ii descent UPO!) rlyer Dnd come do",'O thl'ongb Iho bus h, the two ;rcnt m~n, \Vhose talDe mny I,e New York throllgh Lnke Chnmpluln. building. road lie they lid vance," Bold nld to flU the I!nrtb. wore asleep lu Vrontler selUerl In Tryon county w.ere J nck. tbe some.bed tn Ihat 1I1tle bO]o of a bei ng ruossllcred hy lodlans. " 'A thousllnd men could' make a tol'. roqm . nnd anor1nfl In a W ilY .lInt sugGenerDIs Horklmlr and Schuyler .blo wD"~ln rond to Fort Edwnrd In I .... ,ested lOUd contention. I hod 10 1I1IIgh had ",rllten to Washington, aIIklng for . 81 t lI.teuetS. Mr. Adami would scem the servtces of the ramous scout. Solo- ' month" Solomon declllred. "ThaI', I t re. Ion. -asou the jft'UIUJ are out •.0 III"e b ICO d e f en t e d , f or. b y In d by, man BI n ..,-u., In lIB _ I mnll"e' ' " thl 'v ... I heord him tnutterlo,118 Ilc wo lke d the "He knows tlle Indlao al no other lu the bUlb eatln' Yankees. TtIey're ·oor" '. II d .... k hI la Ir~ln' fer to skeer UII an' keep U8 er· .. . mnn ..nows ,m.n caD 1I,,_a • 0· • HO'ft's !Jnrre met the party nt Au,. /:ullge an d ho also know. the bnlb," , WilY· By tbe bide lin' horns 0' tbe 1101 end con,'C)'cd thero to Ihe lal1lTln l: Scbuyler butl written. "It tbere III d e"lI ! We lIot to know wh.t', lI-rolD' any plnee on enrth where bl. heTp II 00 0111 Ihar. You telleR are a·BettiD' Ilear ble headquarters. II WIIS, ho,v, .!et, • rtllltln8 journey. Bowe wlshe<1 Deeded just oow, It I. here." . eround Ibeee 'ere forll ne It Fe h.1l "Q 0 t I0 Ienvi ye, m7 IOD, .. Sol 0111011 . notllln' to do but chaw beefsteelr aD' to Aecotl.te OD the eld ,round now ~"b I)doDed lo~,",er. Tbe people ot. IIlld to Jack olle ..,enlne IOOD atter wipe ,er rilles nn' pick ,er ltetlt. Why th I don't ye CO out thor In the baRb ~d , a . .. 40 • little sktorln' :versel.,.. , Ya:!'e j.A.lilerlca !lad .poken for Independence
. ' !~
. ". tne
u·n "~ ~ Ml'nnwlhll', n!
Tlilly llnve COS! you
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Poor ·chard I i
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~a .De~,I~oc.blefnet
. "MlcSe b7 amballadon. not Tha tocolonie. be put -r"'-loat. Tbe eont'etl.Jon.o wblch the
• '.LIe . I"taD.It.IIII .da4 t~ tbe , at.• , ...meet
bad ,.a url:eJltly rccom· lOTel'tUJ)ent ot england, now Lncltlied 10 qtrer, eh.., ~nld not be entertalnod, · • \'Then 1111 10"l11IlIent' . clln only . ~t'~ba Ita . dlanJ tJ . by· ~bt.LD::," anld
. '.
ia1stUeD DotJO~" ;.. . '11Ia'\ftrW.. "fi 'Will be much more •....Ifttcl tor ~l'. 1O•• ramebl to 'Ie!: ........... lta .emlr 1t11ll to pendir 10
II "'rneu
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...,It,-; · 8 ~f\ rh~·tfll ' "WI> . (It 'nll ~ t" tlr' ~ l)u8lderln' ih~ Ilny \\'(1 ~ 1I. " . " lel 1\ ~ (· rl1" /ln t . . "II - I nn' '{'ollhel Whnl ell) yc went 0' Pill' ?" S(lI{lITIOU """i llCed. "Al o' t y~ wlllln' to fI~hl f,'r )'er OIVlt II bl rty without bt'In' pf\III tl!l' IH y " \)I't'n I COMMON PLEAS klr kl'd . Rn' I'obhl'd lin' s\1lt on, nn" drniCl1ccl orou ntl !)r tbe II ' Ie. an' Y. In the case of S. S. Whito vS. R. 1101\'1 wunt to tight 101!6 ijotn ploncly E. Bnlll! nline, at 0 1., 1I jU1'Y I' ndered pays reo \\"h" l n dill'll' co m M(lI e 0' Q II " N',lfet in fll vor of l ho def ndan t . IIIl1n ye !Uu,· b~ ! " In the cns e of Ro sa McCutcheon SnlllOlon wO.S pUlli ng fre.b IIrO"lslon8 V ~ . Ro se McCutcheon , liS cxec utl' ix, In hili pn('k a l! ho tulk d. "All th e TnjlllUi ()' Klnudy Iiln' the ct a!., the demurrer of the plaintIff grent !; rOSR IlJIlds may be 61\00klo' to th ans we r o f th e defendnnt, Jllne t10wn Ihrough the busb. We're bound Fox ct ilL, WO~ overruled. Jun e Fox tel' l' know wbnr'8 II 11011\.' On out th ,t r. et 01., made a[lplieation to file lin ' l~lI e nded onswer and leave was gru nt ed them to file the nn. we r The umended answer is f orthwith. fil>ld ~o which tho pillintiff excep ts. III the elise of George Osborn vs. G I'ove r Stansell, et a!., notification of ct' l'uoin dden'dunt.~ is ordered to be Illud e by. pUb lication, 'rhe demur rer of the plnin tifT t(l the IIl1 swe r und eI'O"" petition of tbe defe lld on t in the cus e of Chns. Fos . ter Schn e ll vs. The W. S. Fidelity lind Gual'lInty Co. , WIIS s us tained. Tho court uls o s Is nside a former order making hus. Jones , et al .. ' ,Il'fc rl( l nllt~ . To both of these pro. ce<,di nr:s the defcndant excepts. I Th e case o f t he A. J . Dee r Co., vS. I!. E. \Va"wick wns compromisI>d, HClt I... d und dismissed. In Ihe case o f J obn J. Oeden vs. A. F. Meeker, et ul., the conrt find s that i\'\eeker is indebted to Ocden in , he s um of $767.09, and th nt Oeden is indebt ed to Meeker in the sum of ' $78 5.90. To both o f these finding s, b(lth the pillintiff lind defendant except. The C1\se of J es.o.o S . Gross vs. Wo'rc Iraffie to be skcQl'ell. OU I IIISO ? n' IIk('w lse wo'll du smuc sket' rl.?· Ithe BAltimore 8,Jlt1 Ohio R. R. Co., i ~ ordered removerl for trill l to the fore \\'0 !'Ivt! uJ}-r oll . bonr to me. Jo ck nnd Solomon let !luI In the U. S. District Court. bust, thut o. :ernoon and before night I th f FI E D n e case 0 orn . udley fell were up on the 1II0ll nlolu ~Innte north ot tbe r:t888y WlIlor. 01 Lake va . Aus lin C. Goodwin, et AI., the OeollJe WII S oftl>O called those duys. court orders a partition of the esBut tor olomoll's caution nn evil fotc tate mentioned in the petition. hud perhnps ,~(\ lIIe to th elll betore their In the .ease of George Francis, et fil1lt sleep on the journl>y, The new aI., VS. GeDI'go Peggs, et aI., a mo. leavet! .... ore just out, bllt not qUltt! tio n of the defendants to require tlJlI. The IInle maples lind beech us the plaintiffs more definite in their fiun\; tbelr sprays of vh·!d green tllll· t'ti . to"d age abo"6 the dnrker IIhades of Ih~ pe I on 19 sus me . II! t be case of R. R. Chndwick witch hopple luto the 80ft.lIghted Il lr ot tbe grelll ",u8e ot the \VUOO lind a I., vS. Gree n ' Peggs et nl., n motill ed It wltb 0 pletlBnnt odor. A tulle pe rt, the court find s that the r e is or 80 bliCk, Solomon had lett tbe IMllI due the plaintiff ~4,'63,58. It f urth: aDd C1IuUonel1 Jack to keep elole unci er orders thnt unless this amount be atep IIOftl,. B,oon the old scout stopped paid within five days, the property IIJId listened and put bls ear 10 tlK> mortgaged will be ordered Bold to lI'0und. Be !'Ole and beckoned 10 . h ' Jack ulld Ib, two tamed Rslde and . meet t e claim. mad their I'I'lI,Y 8tealthlly up' tbe elant I ---ot a ledge. to the edge of Q little NEW SUITS thIcket on a mOisy rock shelf tbey 8IIt down. Solomon looked senoue. Tbere George Os born has brought suit w(Ore deep furrows In Ibe aklo above ' llgui nst Grover Stansell et W., for his 'brow. foreclosu re of m ortgllge. Amount Aft er a re"" mInu tes Solomon lumed claimed is $200.00 nnd interest from Rnd wblsper('cl : I' November 16. 1$10. "Follr Injun bnlvCS Jist weDt by. . Mebbe Ihey'r,' s coutl n' fer a big bnnd I Myrtle I. \Vis has broug ht SUIt _ mebbc n"ot. · rf S II, the cro\\'~ Is UII, IIgni ~ ~t Elvi s W~itacre, et aI., for Ihe trull. II' tb l')" I'~ ('omln' by, It'U Plll'tltlon of cortalll r eal stote. be 'tore durk. \V ·'11 sttop ID thl8 'el'e Wm. B. -Stewart haa orought s uit tav erll. The)~s u ell\'e on I'olher IIId .. . against Jas. M. Craig, et nl., for 0' the lellge 118 bl!! ns a small bOUNe." partition of renl estate. They wntched until tbe SUD bad let. Then 5010lllon Il'd J Ick to tbe ene, In which the Ir pilch were deposited. -PROBATE PROCEEDINGS In the case of State of Ohio vs. T n b. con "Duod' Mrs. Mary Shilling, t he defendant A n old ox draws u straight fur. waived a trial b)' jury and the court tried the case and found the defend. ro w-Proverbs of Spun. ant g uil ty os cbarge d. J. Lce Thompson was appointed administrator of the estate of Roy M. Harper, deeeas,e d. Bond $2500.( Fra nk C. Miller was appointed administrator of the estate of Elizubeth C. . Miller, deCeased. Bond · C• S• $1 6,000.0... ChQ8. S. lrWll1, Higgins and Ch'as. H. Young were appointed appraisers of the csta.-. Thc,ro's JDany a tender senti· .., Louls E. Shepherd was appointed mhe?t thvlnt lovers would conceal, W ICh 0leta 01' hoes-mint bloom administrntor of .the estate of Elea. may pel"toctly 1'OV1l81.. .. In nor H, Foster, decellsed. Bond prt)~ence of YGr beat girl it'a ha:-d to state yv case--but the $3 ,000.00 C. L. Bragg, David rCJj rose 8l1ye, "J IoveT?;e" any Re ichel nnd John Apgar were apt ime or any plaool e mes, poi n ted appraisers. senger appeals to be~e Jobn C. Death was appointed adknows it ai n't no joke,-it's the . . trntor 0 f t h e esta t e o~6 L oue II a very thing shc wonts to hear, mlllls thollgh not a wo.rd is ~ko, •. : C. Deat, h d eceased. B on, d $ 1,0 00. I might go on di.scow'flin' In thill I L A. C. Vail, Chas. E. Moore, and peasant. t,.lome for, hours,-for, C. H . Creighton were appointed ap. there IIm'l. no purer, sweeter way- than saylo' things wIth pruisers. flow ers. W. C. Phillips was appointed adOf COUl1le lJIere's othCT ministl'ntor of the estate of Clara methods of conveyln ' our deslres . and the fertU e brain w11 j H. Phillips, deceased. Bond, $1measure up to what the case 500.00 . Oscar Edwa,rds, Chns. T . requires. . . . F er instance, Hawke nnd Frank Elbon were apdurin' Winter, when, there ain't pointed a ppraisers. . no flowers in htD<m1, I've saw C. S. Mounts wa,s appointed exec11 wink convoy a thought acrost a crowded room . . . . It may bo utor of the estate of Susal\ C, Hay. a notl.l of wa rnlD' 0.. a signal ner, deceased. O. S. Higgins, Ed. born of thi rst,-or a wish to seo S. Conklin and o. K. Brown are ye privlltely and let ye know appointed appraisers. the worst. .. . There's nothin' beats the wireless If "au wnnt Robert W .Brown was appointed t b ' t I but h' h i guardian of Keath Eston, confined 0 fl In S Y el t e app est way (If talkin Is to soy It with in the Dayton State Hospital. Bond a smile ! $3,000.00. The first and final account in the ftre nn ' (\\ In '
---- ..---'--
estate of Frank E. Weakley; deceased, wa.s approved. The first and final account 'in the f W. L . Ed mon, d ecease, d es t a t e o was approved. . '. . The .first account in the estate
I lIf t I~.
unhnlll , tl ocen81;ld ,wn DP- \
. Ocban'. Salt conte nt. ' , . Vu·rlal lilu s In the 81111 cII,,"'n t of 'f ho fi l'st nn rl flnl\1 lice li nt hI t.h ~ <IllY I'('nt l )II rt~· of (III' North "Ilnntll! est ut p 0 ( ' J . , In ude Gr.i,Hlh, ru in" ,·, ,11'(' t" be ~ II "I'('yl:(\ wlilch 11'111 rl'Kll lt WII~ app\'(\ yccl . ,'u 1II11rr IICCllrll ie ktlll\\'I Ct I ~ (' \If Ille Th" n,.,.t 111111 finn\ ne 'OUllt in u..u pa th s lul",n h~' 0\'..,"\1 (·III"elltS . ."8 dlt, . ("I'O'lI t ·u,·r(l1lt 9 IIs unll)' IlIlTl'r 1I\lI,rQoo c ta tl' ,of , Inr:.tu IOllo Brcme t·, 111,'0 01- l'lu hly In th~ IIm'llIlIl " f .1Il1t Ih 'Y cun. pet nt, WII S n\.prov('tI. tllill. Th O' firs l a nd fina) uccount· in t.h e est a t e of Wnlter L, Sa wye,', ticFurlllers of Ohio sold their eggs cl'used, WU ~ RPJlr oved. . Th e scellllli ac co unt in th" estate las t year (or prices vuryilll\' from 10 o.f Mal'Y H. E lli Hl1 n, deceased , wa ~ tl! 65 cenl. Il dozen. Whellt pricoS f o l' th e 1023 crop varied from 8& np[lfove tl. The firHt nccounL in the e ~ t.ute of ce ntij to $ 1.06 unci more u bushel. ClIt'OlYII I\1ncPh n il, d 'cl!n~ ccl, \VIIS oppl'Ove d. Harry B. Th mpaon wn~ appointed Administrator of the o ~ tatc o f S\I~an J une Thomps olI, deceased. Bond, $:10,0 00.00. W. W. Voor his , II. D. McKIlY and F. V. Stitt were IIPllointc(1 IIPIII'llj",'rH. W. W. Voorhi ~ , Wm. T . C(lI<:' mnll, I1l1d Hurry Pu lmer Wl're np Pl. inted S\J1\l1'ai ~('rR o f the I' ~ tute of Roy M . IInl'!,cl', d eceuRL'd. Th e pl'oceeding" (If .J. Lee Thompson, ucl!1liniRtratol' (If the eRtat.e of MONEY LOANED Mary H . E lli"on, dcceu ~t:d , uncl ef S\ form I' ordc r of t he court, WaR ap. ,tONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK , pI·ovec!' chatte ls, IIlso set'on d tnorlgll~" " O. L. Shank, Pi tts burg, Pa., wa R app ointed to tnkc th e t\epos ition of N'l1u ~ bought. J ohn Ilurhine, AIl ... 1I j"lo1'(,lIce N . Chu ney (now F\(Irenc' Building, Xenia, Ohio. N. Shunk) . a ' wib'CR" tn the will "f Sarah .C rnig, decI>uMcd. The first an cl fi nll) lIc('ount ill the estllte of Lnuru A. V. O'Nenll do- Furmcl's of Warren nnd ndjuillillt:' ' cens ecl, wus approved. COUl1ticK mllY obtoin money on 1 (l11~ The court ap provc" tho proceed- time IOlln~, a t Jj 'h per cent interc. t. ings of Hnrold G. Lowe, executo'r Cos t of 8ecuring the some is \'l'ry I'cnof the es tate of Glbs on L owe, d c- s onllule ,through The Fedcral Lun,1 ~enscd . under 0 former order of thc Bank. For fllrther information cn ll court. I on 01' addl'css M. C. DRAKE, Tn'asBen Kolly wns appointed an ' nu . UTer, phone 3 to-X, Lebllnon , Ohio. prn,iscr fo the e"tllte of Kato M. W ~odwnrd, d cceS\~ed, to flllthc plllce "'-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - (If J ero me. Forknor. WANTED J. W. Shull WIlS appoi nted nn npprn is I' of the es tato flf Roy M. Hur- W AN'I'EQ- A W OMAN TO worm per to take the plnce of Wm. T, in th e hou se and aMlst in sto r r . Co lemon. . I nquIre tit VunOcklen'M Grocer)' , Hn,rold C. Lowe, exec utor ' of the Corwin, Ohio. m2 I estote of Gibson Lawc, decellsed, was W AN T EDA two·row corn plow. nuthoriz\!d to sell certain property Must be in good R hope. Inquire at a t pn' i atesale f(lr not less than m 14 $!l6 0.00, Tbe court a lso ordere a this office. distribution of the estate 08 fo I- WOOL-WE ARB NOW TAKING also determines tb e inheritance tax in wool at OUI' wal'chouse in Cor· to Hnrold G. Lowe, $7,220.00. It win, and will pny the hi ghe.t cus h nlsodete r mines tho inheritnnce tax price. W. J. Bilker, Corwin, Ohio. to be paid. tf T he will of L. A. Bebm, d eeeaAed, wns admitted to probate. PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, INStanley M. Sellers wns appointed terior d ecorating. All work guarto serve in the place of Chas. H. anteed. W . H. Britain, Wayn e8vi11e, mU Young, as an nppraiser' of the ea. Ohio tate of Eli~beth C. Miller, deee8f1ed. LOST REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS pr ved.
It I
- --_.-----
Farnlers, Attention!
J . F. Dressler, by r eceiver, to AU!:'llStU R Ast. Two tracl.~ in Leb· anon, $6,500.00. Martin G. Method, by sheri ff, to Benjnmin Young. 3 acr es in Clear. creek T W 1>., $416,50. ' Nanni e-GOflpel by A dult., !!L1.hc Harveysb urg NlI,tional Bank. 'l'ruet in Harveysbu rg, $300.00. Ho,rry Pratt to Lydia Pratt, 5 tracta in Wnrren and Clinton counties. One-h ulf interest, $1. , C. B. Niederlllnder to Elliabeth W. Gough. 2 lots in Frnnk1in, $1. Edmond Stevena to 18cob and Ruth Scholl. Lot in Franklin, $1. Clark and NanDie Cheetnutl to Louis Bishop. 2 lots In Franklin" $1 Jnmes M. Robison to Elizabeth W. Gough. Tract . ill 'Fra.nklln Twp, $1. , Eli zabeth N. Gough to Jllmea and Mae Robi son. 2 lob in Franklin, \$1. nnd Belle Meguire to ' Emina E A11en ' . Hardwick . Lot in Maineville, $1. W. E. nnd Edna L. Powell to L ' B'ISh op. 2 1ots inFranklin, $1OUIS Anna Ilnd William McFadden to Inl\ nnd Fronk Rhodes. 98 acres in Turtlecreek Twp. .Elwood and Annie L. Ault to Ivan Schuyler. Trnct in Turtlecreek Twp., $1 Ed Gray to Mattie Gray. About 49 acres in MassIe Twp. $1.
GOOD JOHN DEERE CORN Planter, with tertilizer attachment; also a ateel roller and dr.g harrow. A·. Ludington, R. D. I, Waynesville, Ohio. m21 ONE McCORMICK CORN BONDER, 1 Ford with ' commerc:ial hody, 2 good milch cows, will be fresh very soon . W. A. Surface, R. D. 6, Way. vil!e, Ohio • ' m21 GOOD 7-ROOM .HOUSE AND BARN 2 large lob, bolll wuters in houae and Ilghtll, only $1800. Call or write F. T. Martin, Auetionecr, Conterville, Ohio. Phones No. 2. m2i
LARGE TYPE POLAND-CHINA Boar, one year old. Inquire of F . A . Hartaoc, k R . D . a, W",nes\, Ilie, Oh'10. m7 GOOD NP COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS DA VE ORT Inquire of Mn. C. M. Brown, Bills nl!owed: Carl Winner, papering for .sheriff, $21.60: P. IA:. phone 113, Waynesville, O. M7. Morton, scrvices for . April, $70.00; SEVEN-YEAR-OLD GRAY MARE. James Follen, services, $15.00: W. Il1quiro of D.vis Furnllll, R. D .4, H . Stanage, Co., sUPl?lies for audi- 'Waynesville, Ohio. m7 . tor, $6. 50; Columbus Blank Book Co. ,supplies for auditor nnd ~e.· SEVERAL HUNDRED BUSHF.LS of good, sound Corn. InlJuire of corder, $60.08; Johnso n and Watson Co., supplies for Pro. Court, $30,- Frnnk Braddock, R. D, .2, WaYll lls. !l'7 50; Eugene Harper, bridge repair, ville, Ohio. $17.85; W. A. Scott: same, $3.00; Harry Tindle, same, $1.60; W. }Y. SweeflY, dragg ing, $7.16; Oregonia Bridll'e Co., repair and supplies, $62.98; J . T. Jacobs, repairing chains, $1.50; Mason Lumber Co., briilge lumber, $173.12; W. N. Cox, sup. p lies for bridge repair, $5.28; Ohio Corr. Culvert Co;, 7 sewers, $3q6: OJUe Pence, bridge lUmber, $22.00; Holt Mfg. Co" tractor repairs, ~789; ' Elmer Cramer, pay roll, .281,60. I '
FIN~~S _'
THAT~ .~Aii PUNCH ~ 'Tttlv. H~". · MJRIi' .• ' ,
w~ ,. qOti'r I
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TOW " N "
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,,""" A ~'tIif't, '
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10 A
LOST- A DIC FUNNEL AND A top for the gas tank, between A. B. Sh,mer's gllte and WaycnBville. If found plea llO return to the Gazette office. m21 LOST LEATHER TRAVELING Bnr: , on the Wilmingto n and Har. .. veysburg pike Finder ean eoll WiImington 1766, or W. R. t.ewis' l't!ai- , - - _ dence and re\'el'lle charges. m21
POLAND CHINA SOWS ANIJ Pigs. Inquire 0 f O. E. Maxwell, Bellbrook, Ohio. m7 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN BU~ and Berkshire Boar. 1\. H. Shroy. er, R. D. 4, Waynesville, Ohio. a80 FOR SALE-ONE MODEL 90 Overland Touring, In iood shape, $100. One 1P22 Ford Sedan, You will have to ~!!e thill car t9 apprecl-ate it. M. D. ·Baird. "t Clo\'e1and . Service Station, '
~~_"_B~O:"'::IO::r:.:th:e~~:DttD:~~m~n;n~~~I~k=~::~~::~::::::~::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~"~~~~~ii~~ii:,-~ii~~" :-iP~"""~"~""--__""""""~~"""~~~~~~~ii~'"
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.... THE MIAM' I
ISSUED EV£!JRY WEDNESDAY Entered at t.hu l'ulI"0 11l1,115 at. Wayo Utf vUlo. 'Ohio, ... ijucood OJal.; .11111 .10.(,1.'"
D. l.
II A N E, Editor and Publi5her. Wa nesville. Ohio SubscriDtion Price. $1.50 per yt'ar
.- -
. ' '''
.. _,= = = == == == = = ===WEDNESDAY •• MAY 7. 1924 <
It Is good form for th e g irl to sfund up as well as the gentleman when h er mother com es into the r oom This is a mark of respect whi ch Is due the mother .
Do th e people want the primaries? Apparently not, If we take the vote cast at Tuesday's election as nn illdication . While the tubu· Illtions have not been completed and the totola cast up, it is IIIIfe to Hny lhey will not go over fifteen per cent of the votes of the state. That is to say that le 8~ than one pC1'!<on ill six took tho trouble to go to the poll~ and vote. Therefore the Behe me of comba~ing boss rule which app eared t o us a few YOllrs ago to be SCI perJect that we wrote it. ill10 the orgnnic law of the stnte hns fniled, and after all we nrc led to t.he Irre8i ~tiblc conclusion 1hllt whateve r some of us Hn.id to the rnlltl'l\ry th ero wa H no genorn.1 clclIlund the n for it, urll! its operution hus not mude it any more populur. In the meantime the women who tiro going lo rout the boRScs and purify polilic ~ hllV.l proven th emselves a s r ecreant to the duties of citizenship IqB ever did the mCII. Rut it is th e old story of correcting the ills of democrucy with more de mocracy, which, stJ'llngo as it may , Bcem, hnl! never been don ': in any country in th e world 80 fnr a~ history tells us. There see ms to be a defect in human nMure which cnuses its uppreciution of dllm ocracy to decline in proportion to its in· crwe. However that may be it is cerlain that the primary has gone to seed in Ohio. We htlve increased our election machinery to accommo· date it until it haa become nile of the most costly parts of tate administration. In this county Tuesday's electio n cost $2 for evory vote and in some counties it rOHe much higher than thnt. But this docs not in. elude the cumbersome muchillel'y called into existence to run it. As usual when /I new departnient of government is Bot up the first thing It does is to create morc. Elections used to be run with two men in the booth. Now It takes six. We onec registered in the larger cities once In Conr yeal'1l. Now th e people have to be dragged out to rerlster every yenr ~t the gen cml expense of the public or else lose their voto at electiun. Thill, as much as anything elsc, Is disgust, Ing to the votera with the primaries. And after they are oyer, what hove we? Have we any accurate test of what the people wantT We have not. On the contrary, we have an accurate test of what seven or ten per cent of them want. Thus anybody that can get m~ch of the vote can be nominated. ]n the ·Democratlc party It is even worse. Therefore when the voter goell to the Ilolla on election day he usually finds two hack politiciAns or a c uple of nincompoops between whom there is no rational method of deciding which II the worst. Arid that is exnctly why the decline In the qualUy 01 m!!n selected ·fOl· office under the primary h¥ been 80 emphatic that the thing has become a·larminng. Another r esult Is that 'firat-closs men who cannot devote 011 their time to politics refuse the Bcrazy scramble for office and spend practically a year getting it, together with ten tlmel the salary it pays. Thi, we know happens right along, and we also know that something else happens_ Either the candidate must be rich or' somebody must finance his campaig n. It can hardly be admitted that wealth Mould be the chief qualification of a candidate, or that any system IIhould prevail thll,t bars a poor man Still less can we admit that anyone IIho uld finance a candidate's campaign Road builders and material men and othen! who benefit from stllte contracts should not fin~nce camptllgn!! for attorney genel'Bls, slate auditors, govern On!, or other high officials. Yet that such thin gs happen we all know and they are very largely the result of the present Ilrimary system. Under the old convention system the bOBS no more dictafed nominations thlt,n he docs now. Indeed hi! .rower was less. ~lIt if h, did dictate the responsibility was on the organization, and after a few takes it was down and out. Now the boss ca.n moblllzq a Bmall percentage of the vote, nominate any slave or rubber stamp and say to the eomplaining people, behold our work. The thing is 80 aasy that that there is no fnn in it; ' alld yet In any effort to modify the primary we will Inevitably hll¥e lined up all the political boSllCII for the present system, who will pioully proclaim that the people Ihall rule. And 8uch 18 the luqven of h)'llocrisy and cowardice in all of liS ",at everyone. of us would run away fom any prOPOSl,t ion to put our elee-tio•• basis. at leallt upon one to eave vast , if not upon . • laner \ Burna 0 the taxpayers. This might be done by leaving the primary . eptlonal with the people of each county and by throwing such lIIlfe. guard8 arounc,l convention. WI to .rive reallonable protection and oppor. " tunlty for a full' expreulon of opinion If indeed anybod)' wanta it. )lo.wever, the demago&,ues would have no trouble to Une us all up for the present system. which is exactly what they want. Great is democracy and a blooming farce ill her elder daughter the present primary_
Dea r Miss Flo- When the daught er of t he house is entertaining a gentleman uTld the gil'I's mother comes into the room, s hould the dnughtcr stand up as well us the man?- C R.
Den r 1I1i"" Rio-Kindly tell me the proper thing fol' a gen tlem an to say. "Plea~cd to meet you ?'·- M. W. ] s it good form for the ge ntleman to "Pleascd to meet you?"-M W.
• It is very poor form to say "Pleu.cd to meet you," when bei ng introduced to anyone. " How do yo ud o?" is a much beUer. phrase .
Because of a wreck near Venable, When in doubt as to whnt knife and fork to usc, it is a good plan on the railroad here Frid ay evening, to begin with the ones farthest from all the section men were called out th e plate Dnd use them in order to- and worked until Sunday morning ~rd the plate. clearing the track . Nine frei ght cars we re off the ~rark und in bud • Dear Mi llS Flo- When dining with shape. The wrecking crew was also a gentleman. on what side of the called fr om MIddletown. table should the lady sit? When not ~-in use, where should th e butterknife be placed? When olives and radishes arc served. shou ld they be taken with tho fingers ? Where should the olive pits be placed(Delayed) Thank you.-D. F .
Greater Strength · andl Long r Life in thitt: New' Fence Post, ERE is a new and better steel fence, H post- the RED TOP Double Strength. Studded Tee_ No holes to weaken post either above or below the ground-proved stronger than all other posts at all points by severest tests. Fine new finish and sturdier anchor plate. New staple that is stronger and ('.asier to apply_ .
Cost Less in Fence Lasts Longer This is the type of post all manufacturers have ~or years b~en trying to produce, but it was given up as Impossible. A RED TOP engineer had to discover a new principle in rolling steel before he could make this ~~udded Tee . . But don't get the idea that 1t s an expenSl ve post. This new RED TOP costs less than the better grade of wood posts and lasts twice as long. It actually costs considerably less set in the fen ce line_ It's the greatest value ever offered in a fence post.
NEW BURLINGTON Earl Scammahorn and fllm ily have moved in to the Cagle property.
The Stl;ldded Tee i~ .equally good and equally economtcal for repamng old fences or bwldiDg
new ones.
Earl Coyl has accepted II position in t he Kroger g rocery lit Xen ia.
Come in and see this new RED TOP. You must see i~ and ~dle it to appreciate bow good • post It really IS.
W. C. Smith has installed a new Delco lig hting plant in his atore. Mrs. Roy Conklin fell, Saturday, brel\king a bone in he r right wri8t.
Carlton and Forest Smith, of Columbu s. were home for the week-end.
Double Strenith Stu~ded Tee
Neil and ·John Hadley were hosts to th e Sunshine society Saturday afternoon.
Steel Fence Post!S We Iuu1e a good atoi:k 01 RED TOPS on hand aiuI can take CGre of your
Roy Cagle is working at his Lawrence Stump was a visitor in trade, thut of n carpenter, near Plain The waiter pulls the chair out for Clakrsville Sunday evening. ville, Ohio. the gentlemap first, and then for Several children of this vicinity Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Reeves, of Day. the lady. - When not in use, the butare out of school with the measles. ton, spent Saturday and Sunday with t4!rknife Rhould be placed acrosa the Several from here were shopping refatives here. bread.and.butter plate. Olives and radishes are taken with the fingert!. in Lebanon Soturday afternoon. W. L. Smith and family, of DayIf there is a bread-and·butter plat4! Mrs. Frank :Shepard has recovered ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. the olive pits may be placed on it. from a severe illness of measles and H_ Smi~ over the week.end. ]f there is not, put them on the side pneumonia. J. L. Conrad and family h~d as of your dinner plate. MarjOrie FOllter made a short call guests Saturday tyld Sunday, Mr_ on Marjorie and Miriam Stump, and MI'1I. Glenn Evans, of Highland, Dear Miss Flo-Will you kindly Ohio. Thursday even ~ing_ tell me whether it i8 good form for Miss Sadie Moore is a member of Floyd Foster motored to New Via mnrried lady to be a bridesma.i d at a we ddin'g ? Thank you.- S. L. enna one day last week a nd called this year's graduating class of Spring Valley High school. Commencement on L. J. McD~niel and famlly_ is Tuesday evening of this week. A married lady cannot be a maid. ·Cllas. Foste:r and family enterOur school had five graduates from She may be matron of honor, ho;w- tained the foIl,~wing guest8 Sunday: . Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wlndross and the gaades this year: Hazel Griffis, two daughters" Lavone and Gene. Bessie Ford. Chester Brandenberg, vieve, and Mi!18 Lillian Foster and Lawrence Bean and Georgia Miller. Roy Bollinghouse,. all of Cincinnati, Hazel Griffis made his best grades John Windroll8l, of Clarksville and in township, and Lawrence Beam Mrs. Carrie McDaniel and son , Lafe second highest. of New Vienna. Pupjls, teachers and patron8 enjoyed an eld·fashioned "last day of school" here WednesdB¥_ A 8umptCod liver oil, 2 parts fed with 100 UOU8 dinner Willi served and in the partll ·of mash, 'Will correct leg weak- afternoon the pupils rendered a very neas in spring chicks, a number of interesting program. A busineaa Ohio pou,ltrymen are finding. seBllion of the P_ T. A. followed_
neeJ~ ~I .4~lay·
Worth More Than OolcL The rhea Of the Arge.ntln e pomp.. nnd the Patsgonlnn wflstes haR been tione to death In thousnnds lind Its teuthers sold. 8aY8 Nllture MU l1llzlne_ Heron tellthers were Worth eighty dol. lars on ounce, tour tlmCB us much 8S gold; nnd, .. ruan has murdered his telloWDlIIn tor gold since lie first stood on t\\'o- legs. the bird wns dOODl''Ii,
.. -----
Bird.' Favorite Olsh. "Oy their ta\'orlt(' cll t'ls you may know them;' Sce<l·bcarlnl: \\'e •.'tls and plants attract JU!lcos and ~1)Rrro\Vs, Sayl Nature Magnzlne. Where bay· berrlcs are abundAnt rOil mny lind BOrne myrtle warblers. Cednr herrlel oneil tempt wnxwlng8, robins, and bluebirds to wInter near tbem.
. -.
Bulk In fertilizer Is' more impre8sive than effective. It is cost per pound of plant food that counts.
BLONDE BESS OPINES -mo.t ao inlo .t Ih. catch a I don't ina·
cerlainly I r.r ...';d to their old ba."ball pool ollice" . Fint, I aan't b•• eb.lI_nd b •• id ••, beli""e in public bath. ---0-
DUMB DAN AGAIN Sh"e- uHow tall nrc you!" He--"Eight feet." -"Don't be Billy." He- "Yes, I am; six feet high and two on the ground." -0-
ALWAYS TO LEARN Grnndma- uI shouldn't elide down the banister like that, Bobby." Bobby-"Wouldn'.t you, grandma! Show me how you do It." ---0-
TO STREET ·CAR RIDERS I 'rose and gave her hly aeat; ] could not let her .tandShe ma.de me think of motlier That strap held in 'lfr h,nd.
resentatives, it _ shown that In printing monw ~ the new ~~ esa an appro~rIa 011 of N," oda ry r:t~ ncculd - be oJJJ,ollO ~
Prcalclent Goolldp will be the Republican nc)minee. What If you are intereated, write the Democrat 1 Bow do you W. P. Leech. at No. 229 West he will' be chosen T Here's a de- Twenty-elghth street, New York. 8cription of the coming prOCe88, probably Accurate, given by an What are "America'. ldealsT" able politician : The Declaration of Independence "Tag\&&1·t will vote for Ralaton eX.I?resses BOme of them, the Conof ]DCliana. Mr. Uurpby of Tam· sbtation expresseB othera. Tho many wUl vote for Al Smith. The)' moet lmportant of all ideal, ia the will work along those lines untli ideal of freedom. ther climinaw McAdoo. Then they --wI1 to a lback room and decldo And all repnla freedom, FRE~ who • really to be the Democratic SPEECH and , a , FREE PRESSt nominee, and the name they choose which mean free expression at will be the o,ne nominated." thought, whether in boob, neweII you think that's imagination, papers, moving pictures or lOU don't Imow United States speeches, are meet Important. politlce. Napoleon ltiiew It, when he said -that If he granted complete treeIn 1928 tho Rockefeller Pounda- dom of the prel8, he would not Uon did these things, among h\Jl1- be able to maintain hill pow_ 4"reda of othen: . which was that of • dJatatoJ'-lor Fought malaria in seven forelan t\U'ee weeka. aatlona, from Brull to Palestine. --. Combined with twent.y ants ide Variou '''intereeta'' DOt cH_r-, to 6,ht the hook aged ,by reeent Walhinston reT&lationa are bidding, on what ma,. more than a million bel called & "Fall-Slnclalr" buill• mtlOK:&J "educatJoo in ' the for Muacle Shoala. half. a . ~ . Unlvemt:v of durenaee ..' Pord
EXPERT KODAK Film· 'inU.bing andDeveloping by pareel post.
otbell II 'tIlliI: ,Fa
h 'N'~lr,
Lebanon, Ohio
Every Tuesday 8:00 s. m. to 4 p. m.
LM.HENDERSON Waynesville, 'Ohlo
W'. F. Coats 306 Reibold Blda_,
National Bank
DaytoD. Oblo.
Dr. .John W. Miller Dentist
Estate of Amanda Smith, decensed. Notice is hereby given th'nt Alice Waynesville lIIational Bank Bldg Chenoweth and Emily J . Minniea r have b~en duly appointed and qualifled 8S Administrutrixes of th e es· tate of Amanda Smith, late of War. ren County, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 16th day of April, 1924, FUNE~AL 'DIRECTOR W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probnte Court Waynesville, Ohio of Warren County, Ohio. Robert W. Brown, Atty.
Walter McClure
. -.
. FulJy Equipp~d for Good Service_
prod~e th • • power and ute it d~' be ,t<oduoea It.
to Wowcl,
At CliY'
Quality work at a saving. No 'MIddleman. ' Deal Direct. Scrvice fast IllI tlie) roaiis. All sixes, develN9TARY PUBLIC oping and printing, 40 rents, except Wills Drawn Estates Settled veet pockets, 36 cents. Write for infOrplation or send money 'to
CONSISTEN'J' Lady-UColfee, please'." Waiter--"Wlth cream, madame," Lady-UNo; ' black colfee. Fldo died last mOll.th and ·I'm stm ' m?urnlng."
The eye Sight SpecfaUI'
Telephone lUi
Se1eetin, ~tea~The ldeal of Freedom Biddbqr A,phut Ford.:..one RocbfeUer Year Ev~" bow1I that thlJ COIln try will 800111 be aelectillg Prestdential eandlclatelt-or rather the country will have them Beleeted
-- ..---
Mr. Enrl Clark hilS n. new Ford MI'1I. Emm a Cline hilS go ne to h er Sedan home in .Dayton. MiRS Marjorie nubble has the Bcar. Mr. aud Mrs. Frunk Hurris spent let fever. Sunday afterno'o n out of town. Mrs. Kesler Graham was a Dayton Mr. Owen HllrriR, of a lum bus. visitor Thursday. was calling h('rc Sunday. Mrs. Sophia Moore returned to her Mrs. May Banta 8lld 80n, Melvin, are ill with the mumps. home here after 511ending thl! winte .. Born- To Mr. and Mr8. Carence in Indiana. Kin g, Friday, May 2, 1924, twins, Mrs. W. A. Mer ritt ond grandso n. a boy and a girl. Jam es and ERrl Cline, spent Mo nda y Several from her e attended the in Lebllnon. Mr. Harlnn Hurvey, of ncar Dodds, Men of Way'n esville banquet at the MaRCnie hall Wednesday evening. spent Su nd ay with his mother. Mrs. 1I1rs. Mary Carmony entertained Char ity Harvey. to Sunda y dinner, Mr. and Mrs. WiI· Mr. and MI·s. Everette Villars, of bu r Cla rk, Misses Mildred, Mnrga ret Dllyton . wu. cu llinit' on Mrs. Laura and Kathryn Cla rk und Mr: '·Everett Shidnker an d mother. Sun!luy eve. Clark. Mi ~8 Lid u Ke nnedy, of Dayto n, acRev. and Mrs. Dwight , WIant nnd co mpnn icd by 1\ ludy lind ge ntleman children , of Med way. we re calling f,. i" nd. " pent Sunday \uith Mr. and on Lytle fri ends Tuesda y of lust Mrs. A. L. Ken nedy. week, and too k s upper with IIIr. and The sc hool bOlll'd met lust week Mrs. Ed Longacre. an d hired teachers for t h" comin g E mmn Lee Hanis had the misfo l" year. MI'. 0 ' den , Mri s. Lill iun Carr tun c of breaking her collur bone, BUl'nett Buttel'worth. of Wayn es ville, wh ile compelin /!, in the foot race of and Miss Jm o~ene Gray. Thc y have th e WaYII ~ Tow nRhip sc hools at one more t o hire luter. Waynesvi lle lust week.
Dear Miss F lo-When in doubt as to what knife and fork to use, 18 it a Lytle school secured more than slI(e plan to begin with the ones 1800 pounds of pnper in th e waste nCR rest the plate or the oneR farthpa per campnil;cn. Eva Wha rton reest from the plate? Thank you.ceivcd th e prize fo r the mos t num W. G. ber o f Jlounds . ha ving ~22.
A bit of legislation of Cengress now In seBlllon concerns one of the most vItal questions ,confronting the 'people of this country, and , while ItII passage will more directly effect metropolitan communitios, rural aectlons dl\llnot but benefit or sulfer 8S the case may be This in th~ Immlg~tion bill that has been secondod by the House of Representatives I!-nd the actual passage of a much botter bill In tho Senato. The House measure bases quotas on the 1898 census, allowing twoper cent of each nationality, but makes numerous 'exceptions, some of which are humane and desi,r able, others being more questionable. The Senate bill provides that exeeptons mU8t »e within the quota. ~. , The Senate' bl,1 fur~~er provides for " limit on ' illlmigrati ifI of '1 60,000 In 1927 and therafter. basing qnotas upon the national origins of the entire American population. The most 8tisfactory element of these bills Is tHat In no. way ean'l\ foreign nation admonish us in Raying that we wish to discriminate against various races because they are inferior. The tone of these bills ,yould infer that these foreigners are superior and that we cannot compete with them; a frank acknowledgement of full equaUty in ' all way's, and of superiority in lome waYIi may be accompanied by la realization of the fact that it is hard to do the bu!iness of democracy With Bome races. .Does this mark the era of the development of a distinctive AmerIcan typeT There can be no doubt thot the tide of foreign Immigra. tion Into t!te country during the past five years bas been too gl'68.t for proper a88lmllatlon .and eve~ with the foreigner becoming an American citizen in na!De, racial prejudice and mother .. country are not for$Otten. The wholo nation has 'Cause to rejoice" but must look for . radical chapge8. 'l1he cut~l~g off of che.ap labor will . have Ita .effect ,upon living and ml',IIufacturlng cpat.· and other unforseen difficulti! ~ay arise. while on t~e o,th~r hani! Amr icl'n , wo~ke~ .~jl!. ha.v~ " ~~i eOJDpetltlon. Now, ,~ develop 'an ·A:merican "t1pe." . '.,
Latge Display
~.i.~ wail( with hill
Eatbte 'of Clara ' B. Phillips, demone,._ He 1iaa die mene,., ceased_ i . boIIlNtl), and uaefu1ly made, to do. it n4 la , iDterutecLt In ' lP'lblie , Notice is hereby, given thn.t W. C. aA""ee, uid ,,~ter MwV ~op- ' Phillipa has been duly apppinted and ;-~.' ot In M~tO"bll 'fDi'tmI'e. qauJlfted iu. Admhlistrator of the BS' "")("'f,,!l' ':1 . ~ .ftl, L.hs" '1 ~" ..,.tal tb4i af Clara H. PIUUli\i, late of War. Co.unt)'. Ohio. "decea~d • . ' ara~ Dated this 21st day of April, 1924. I:;.rptb;~~ N~ 'Y.Z. 'ROw.. di. Judge ot, the ,~obate CtWrt , of Warren Count)'; Ohio. . W. G. r.rh,O~D ,Atty. . .... ...
, ,
AlI\Itor of ..0 1"1.... , '!PI 1.. " hi! I'flllllhir Sf\lltl)orn Rt'''lr,
. , . wrii"'n by II NlIrtlll!rn d.·IIIr. th~ 1httm.', "r vt h, 1 W,I to 1)lxl.." bl·ln ' Ih., n('t or' d Ir' rm' II ,.l1l1 ,'r I.'.n· ~:ll:t!rn t III 1"1" l)uth.
CULTI-PACK The SQiL A ellr load of J ohn Deer Soil Puivel'izeps purchased before the advanc e. This is you'r opport unity to own t he be t at a reason able price.
1ih. Mlatni Gazett e, WaJ1le,Yil1e, Ohio _ _2
ad I
(1lior Jlfa~' \ 'ill b given ymnMlum Ftidny ovening Tho Iny i a stOl'Y of a ':ir boardill/!' school. An old lady >Ii .c!. ,INl"in!!' this Rc hoo l to n youn~ \linn, hl'r nl'l, h ('w. He nl (lnce d~ ciC! ... ~ upon the plllll 10 go t\ll're lind live in hi" nU'nt's cotl.llge und QC th e I \ hend of the) school. All hi boy ' rl'icJt(l~ fro.1ll the cil~' apply for po i· tlons III thIs school. M'n ny comIcal in~id e nt occur duro in/!' the play. Be sure to see it. II is fine.
The fo il willi: I\th,' rli (/l J)Q ll(L by I? ostmu (,·r \~( sock : Mr. l'lL l f! nYlw_' Ma rl hnn Ii nghnlTl , Prj , W. Prirc,
~I:R~') A HIC €: PI tC 1:- of aRt:,~:.,) AHO ~\)T~r,R , W I"!
Th t1 "
Uracklw y.
l'Idta rll.
ft' ~,
:\ ~w y.
.J\llio ·r'nn'; \lW.
No Reasonable Offer Refused
Du. to • • ~.I procc.. the
patented e olt e uahlon blUum o f lhl. N ew Cooper Ruh-Mlk o c..." Dattono I. rut on o. an Inl q;rnt part. 1 t cush.lon. nnd r ru tecu tho hlttery r rom . ho<k and ..Ibrutlon, proiongln lliullfe.
A heavy truck hauling logs {rom Corwin. broke through the cover ed bridge on thl! uvenue Mon uoy cou, ing truflk to be dolnycd for" rew hours. The hlla\'y Mmbcs hud rotted and the oxtra weight of the lond of logs was too much for tholl). Thu bridgc was rel>lIircd in a few hours. RED 0 S
pRsllee for Pl'o\'erb s of
·Eyl: .. \V. Ul'un ·!lill. lis, J"",,,I,, Trumbu ll.
Sprina Valley, Ohio.
- - -.... - •
" II II "
In thu, worh],
~h " n \\' ~1 t1Y nth.
' ,I' I.
1 924 Dod Ke Touring . brand n ew. (A I. II .ucdflcc)
Coope r ProdUd8 Rub·M.lka Butter~ Wood Cue Datterle.
1924 O verlan d Tourin g. 1923 Ford C o up e. 1922 Fo rd Co upo. 1!'2 3 Ford Tourin g. 1922 Fo rd Tou r ing.
A Delco Light Plan t 32 volt. Inquire of
1921 F o rd Touring . 4·1920 Ford Touring •.
The Normul Cln.~s Comme ncemen t will be hold Monday. May 12, 192 4 . at the gymnas ium. Address will be made by " Dusty" Miller. of Wilmington . Ohio. Admission FREE.
- - -...
2 · 0n c Ton Ford Truck •. 1922 Ford S" dlln , And many otbor •.
--- --
Lebanon Motor Car Co· ORNDORF & SERVIS
Old roller skates, nailed to a board. do pretty well n8 u moving pla tform for a scrub bucket.
( On P"ved Street)
Phone 3!J
_~_ _ _ _._ _ _ _
ST. MARY' S CHURC H Third Sunday after Easter. Church Schoo l at 9 :3 0 a. m., Morning Praynnd sermon at 10 :45. Rev. Ralph Lee, officiating. Everybo dy is cor. dially in vited to attend these servi-
METHO DIST CHURC H Snbbath School. 9:15 a. m., preaching at 10 :30 a . m. Wednes day evening service 7 :00 1;>' m. Epwort h , League 6 :15 p. m ;preach ing at '1 ;00 I p. m. Everybo dy is cordiall y invited to these services . Rev. L. A. Washbu rn. Pastor.
With the coming of Spring time, Nature decks the earth in her fairest fabric, presen ting fresh and delicat e symph onies of color m flower, wood ami
field ........ . 88 Nature reg~arly rebeall tilies the earth, ' old things new life ellch Spring -so hOllld we, as home owne rs, k eep our 110uses fresh ond new witb a bL"Butiful and protect ive covt:rin g of good paint.
«. Just bringin g
CHRIST IA.N CHURC,H Preachi ng services at tho Cbristian church Sunday morning . , Everybody cordiall y invited. FRIEND S CHURC H Next Sunday is Mot~ Dlly. "Come, let us kneel at the throne above, to thank the Heaven ly Father for tJ)at sweetes t glft--a mother' s love -- the love of ollr o ~n dear mother. "
U.II•••• ·,Gr" . 5.01 Pel.,
u. ...... U·, H••
a.,ID """
,......., #Oi.,.
a/H"e-. R _ _ Mr du ,,, ••••
F_ •• /0 I, .. It. t-""" leA. 6 •• , •• 11 /I ••• ,.
..... ,- S. . 1888
Sixty-fi ve fumers , -in 21 northwestern Ohio countie s increase d their 1923 corn crop 41 per cent, ants, 38 per cent, wheat' 16 per cent, and hay 1 per cent over those of 1922 •. in crop rotation demons trations with the Ohio State universi ty.
---- - ..
Oxl ey. Pace Dru g Co. pp
our 'Job 'Prin ting Dep artm en't
.\ '"
car I, never more appreCiated than In· the eprlngtime. Its convenience and enjoYD*lt • •r are by' the family-and by spi!edlng ,up tJMj. 9&Y', worlt, It p~es more time lot recreatioo; .. A Ford Touring Car provide. ~ motor ~ ~ ,. tial at the loweat price 'lor wh~'8 five ~ car hauve r eoId-a price only made poesible DWlufac:ture, in tremend ous volume, in the . Uad ' 'IIICIIt economlcally operate d planb In the automO bIle lndustry. . '.
:r.:=r- "
1 t 1 .
. Ohio lias a piece of the famous Wai~ri gtori elm at Cambri dge; MaSll, ~1!!!!!!!!!!1~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~!!-'~'!!!!!!!!!!!!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I under which George W 88hin~n took .. " con\man d of the Contine n~l ' a""y. ~r~----------~-----:""-"':"'...I.~-"':;''':''-~ July 3, :~ 775 The' piece of the .tree' is a ·erg 8 section abollt two feet in .dtametul' and -Bix lnebel , thick; and hollow in ,the ceri~r. r It 'wu 1'e· celvlld by ' Gov~mor Dbnahe:y. from ' the mkyor of 'Cam~ri ~ge~ }t ~ will , be'. pl~ed'\in the Ohio Histoqc al and' Archeol oiica1 ' museum at' Ohio University. · ' . . The tree II rep~ted ,to .be 20' Juri pld. It ~eU Oc~ber 26, 1928. '1'be. GOvll,l1lor ·· . . . uked to help aloq Phone 61-2 the ~OV81lltllt In th. public ,aehoola to collect 'lll0Il.,. to erect • ~ 'mot oil &U .... ., tile old ...
Bmcleocy of nianufa cture ill accurately reBecrecl.ln die and price 01 die F0r4 TO!-lrinc Car. , (, I " .
q\iaU,t t
RIDIGl>out -'2M Cotzpe- '$2$ , 1'11"- W -'5!JO . '.. , ~W4I i-'15M ~". :aU~f.1fll .~ .
MOTOR Ashared all
A Welcome Member . of t4e Family
The under8igne~ will oft'er for sale at public au~tionl -at the late resi. dence of Amanda Smith. deceaee d,' in . Waynes ville, Warren Countt,' Ohio, 011 , • Setarda ,. the 171:1.'· 0.1' of Ma,., 1924, The persona l Pl!'oj,~I1Y of. the said Amand a ' Smi~h, d.cease d; consisti ng in port of heat-Ing and ql.' stove., dre!llers ,' beda &1}d . bedding . couch, tables, chain; . CliPboards; mirrors , sewil)g, machine , dlllhes silver Warth table cloths! ,c ooldng utensils . lamps, carpet, bOOKS and clock and other househo ld goods. . , Sale to commcn~o at 1 o'clock P.
. ,
CHENO WETH. I ' MINNIE AR. Adl~uu,~l~'elof~e~w D£j~~~ '~~
You can hIIy any model by maklq
II IID8l1 dowD-' arran\g lng ea" t~1 fO[ the balance . Or.-You can buy OB.ouz ,Wee,kl y Purdau e.P1an. . 'llhe Ford deal... In '~b~ahha'laood ltJU .~ ( ) ~ bodll~l.11l1 ln . . .. . . • .., .,:i';;Z;;J,:$,j;,,!;l"~"
W, , ayneiVitle Moto"COmpaDY ' . .... '1 ...
." :!fJS ............. ,,\,t.
c;, ... S•• I-/w Ii.
Wa, ne.v ille, Ohi o.
. The followin g is a brief outline of The fishinlt public wlll be pleased a fow of the' cascs r eported the Red at the annou~cemcnt of ~hllll. CroslI during the month just past. Truax. State D,rector of Agncul ture. Civilian Cases : naT .,.rt,aial ,. • ..-are ful••hrewd • .,ou.eM 'atl"e, i .." •• tor that the plroposed public fishi ng •• · Aa" I-A woman recently left alone with grounds at Zoar will be 'a matter of .... o.r a .. .,,,...Ita proYicle • ".a d,. incom. th.t c.. b. a.... for a depende nt daugter ; there are no fa ct this yelU·. Work will be started f.rtIa .... 1~"..t ...l!'t or to proYid. -maa,. IIttl. I•• uri ••• funda, and the Red CroBS requeste d within a few days on the old Ohio to assist the woman in securing work, canal which is to be the site of these 1103 ha.i~ ..~ prof....o ... aad hom. ·wom....ow owa 17.688 Ih.t.... and u..180 to provide wearing apparel gTounds. 'an d should be complet ed of o.r pref.rr '" .tock haYial • par ".1•• 0" ,1,766.8 00. until she is able to support herself.. within a short time. By construc t2-A home in which t here are five ing a dum at Dover to back the water Oar ao.thIS ' laYi"" P.... I. . .peci.U,. h.lpf.1 to . build up aa ia. small children , one of whom hali been up, repairin g' the old spiJIwuys to y~t. •• t .....t will ~mpl.t~,. take car. of, )'O~ i .. ,.ean to com •• ill (or a year. Father is working regulate the flow of wllter and dredg....Ia willa ':I',~. PDT..to ttl. each mo.th-, .ou·1I .008 ha_ · yoor . fout days a week but able to earn ing and re-enfo rcing the canul ils· , finl ....... paid for a ..d Toar moatlal, . iDlt.llm ... ta .re _",iaR scarcely enough to provide food. Do- self. a water way between eight and lat.... at .11 the while. nati ons of clothing asked for the chi! ten miles in :le ngth, can be created. , " dren. Cost of the project will be slig ht Lot .. t.1I,00 more .bo.t our mo~tbl,. ....inl. pl.... 3- Mother of family very ill with since the State. a lready owns the double pneumo nia and complication8. land. A recently complet ed highwuy Physica n asked Red Cross to sec ure parallel ing this stretch serves to nurse; supply articles from loan clos- make this location even more iden,l et etc. for 'lI fi shing grounds . These waters 4-Fath er of a large family out of wlll be s upplit!d with fish a nd thrown 29 Gre01 Street, Xenia, Ohio work' because cif an acciden t, Mo· open to the public as so on as~pos· "fUll', work in an efl'ort sible. to earn a little money. Children out of schoo I be'cau8e their clothes nre in rags, 5-An aged lady' living .alone, trying to make a very small pittance keep her ; n food while she lives. Cannot reconcil e herself to go to the County Dick Campbe ll, who has been wor~ Hom e because of her love for her old I ing with a paint contrac ting compan y ' home in wbich sbe hilS lived practl-l.i~' Ind.inna, w~ brough.t . home last cally all her ilfe .Red Cross asked night m 8 sel'1ous . conditIO n, as the to keep watch over, h~r leat she allow re~ult of a fall. He was .paintin g a henet ! to be in need of food. bridge when the scaffoldmg broke. 6--Wif e of ex.servi ce man Is un in. While his inju:ries are somewh at serchild reporte d; informa tion concern - ious, he Is reported a8 improve d toIng a scbolll iiven. day. ...... fi<\.ldier Cases : I-An ex-servl .ce man \ ' has been hos. Now is the' tIme to' pitalize a because of a di8nbility he buy your Coal Oil believes 'to be of service ongin. Com· Stove. ,: -With- the-c'Onr-- pensn on clnima--re:oPe ned. 2-Appl ica t!on, tna'de for re·lmbu rs.i ng of warm , weathe r, The State inspector of buildings ment of doctor bill paid by soldier when . a ' coal range ~s here today. ,:li nd in spected the new which should have been met by the gymnnsium , and has pronoun makes the heat in the ced th e governm ent. buil di ng all right in every detail. It kitche n oppressive, a 3-Lett ers written and one trip to is very gratifyi ng to the patrons of Coal Oil Range will .reCincinn nti mode In establis hing evithe school to know this. dence of compensibility. lieve.y ou of the intense ~-4-lnfor mation given r egardin g apheat. . plication for re-exam ination. 5- Arrange mcnts made with th e VetOur line is alway s erans Bureau to sc nd one ex·servi ce compl ete with a' wide man to Nati o ~al Military ,Home for ._-'. range o~ prices that w~lI observa tion and treatme nt. . Regular commun ication of 'Way~uit 'your pocket book as well as your needs. We have 6- Wi,t e of x·eservi ce man is an in- nesville Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M" tQern from a little two-bu rner catiinet stove toal~ixvalid. Man suddenl y incapac itated. Tuesday evening . Mny 13, 1924 , All bu'i;,n er- with-b uilt:in oven. - Informa tion given regardi ng hospi- sojourn ing bret\.1ren a nd . visitors are talizatio n for man and arrange ments cordlnUy wel~ome . These Coal Oil Stoves includ e everyt hing in the made for woman' s comfort during KENNE TH HOUGH. W. M. man's stay in hospital . FLORENCE, NEW PERFECTION, PURIT AN AND RED L. A. ZIMMERMAN. Sec'y. These are typical of the cases han~. STAR VA'POR LINES, dled ench mon t h by the local Red Cross. Assistan ce was givcn during , And the prices range from $8.50 to' $89.00. April to fifteen civilian cases, and eleven to ex-servi ce /Den; fifteen let. y 9U will be sure to find a stove here that Buits your tel'll were written and ninety·s ix visit needs as well as your pocketbook. Mr. E. M. Oxltiy was called to .\ were mude. ' . Troy on Motlda yon a'c count of .the death of his mother-in-la.w. Mrs, Agna, of 'hat place.
L ebanon. Ohio
P. O. 8. D .......
;~-.. J.
Seventy-Sixth Yea r
Whole Nu mb er 5589
DeF oros t Woo lley wns born June 28, '02. on n farm near Way nesv Josep h Wes ley Price. the so n of ille. WE RE DEF EAT ED IN THE FIR ST Will i"m T. and Nan cy C. Pric Ohio. whe re he spen t th e grea e. was t.cr CAM E OF SEA SON born in Ken tuck y October 2. pnrt of his chid hood late r mov 18 76 . ing and depn rLed this life ut his with his fam ily to tho vicin ity of home and ncar Yaynesv H1e. Ohio . on May even tual ly to Leb anon , whe re he Miss Alta Kille r WU8 em ploy ed 2. fln08 1924, aged 48 years and 6 mon ishe d his schoolin g_ Afte r grad Home Dem onxt rotin ll Age nt for ths. uaWarHe ting was mar ried seve ntee n year s f rom Leb anon ' Hig h Scho ol in ren coun ty uL a join t mee ting held in' ago last March to Sad ie Hurd in JlIIlC, 1920 , he wen t Eas t to take Leb anon last Thu rsda y of the Wur . To up ren this union was born seve n chil the work of his chos en prof essio Cou nty F1nrm Hureuu Dire ctor dren . s. Con, Deep il.. • HeayY Fi.l d Both Tea m. one daug hter . Elsie. died five year s uctin g. His fl rllt Bens on ther e unty Co mmi asio nrs und repr esen foun d Pla yed . Bril l iant Cam e taago; Irene. Nan cy. Oli ve L. T .• , him in t he supp ort of two of tives (If Ohio Slut e Ur\i vers ity. Ray MI'. Fr.nnk Furl ' wns n business Ame rMiss of B.d l. . monel and Harv ey . the four -nlo vis- icu's star s-Miss Edit h Tali Ki zer was rai8C11 on a fn rm ncar nths afer rs nnd St. itor ill Day ton on Monday. old baby . wit h the wife and mot Wm. Nor ris in the mu sical com Puri s. Cha mpu lgn Cou nty, whe her. edy re ~h e and two siste rs. Mrs Fun n i.:. Ui. of com plete d her High School educ Kiss Old ing Jupi Tim l:er e. Pluv It hup ius was mad duri e ng this Missos KlIlhryn an d Mildred Clar it Impo s- and Mrs utio n Mon thLY· Car rie Dukin. and one brot hk period that he met and beca afte r whch she taug ht in the me a s- sible tor t he Miumis to play lhei r er. T, loen l werc Khop ping in J)ayt"11 Salu roay. . Price . und othe r relu ti\'cs reaoci ated with J. Bur k Mor an, sehools for .i few yenr s. The his open ing gaLme with Norw ood lust muin to nlou n she Mr. and MrH..r. C. Hawke wr rn his depa rtur e . fri en o and bu sine ss part ner up took Ull iul vllnccd studi es o f re MillS Aileen Dllvi". of Carr ollo un- wee k. and last Sun day they disre Hom e Day ton visit ors Monduy. Som e lwen n, ty yc E:c o nomic~ at Wes tern t il nrg the gard ug time o ed he of his dem ise. his anti cs lind play ed thei r unit ed Rese rve Uni- Ky., iN lhl' g ucst of Mr. Ill1d with the Meth odi st chur ch. li Mr!!. RORs vers ity. The lulLcr half of her The y wrot e and prod uced an gll me with Mor row on a heav y e was act no- lIar tsock. fi eld. u good neig hbor Mrs . J er ry Rng erK is slwn di ng for vaud evile , cnti tl ed, "Oh My . kind to his fa mily. me" tic Scie nce truin ing however Rain from Ihis the nigh t befo re mad e the Good. wn.~ wee k with Mrs. Hope Stile ~. rend y to help any sccu rod nt the Ohio State Univ nCR" one ." and head lin ed over the Keit infie ld very mud dy 'l\nd in the in need . His Prof . E. L. Sherwood wall a dinn ersit y. h third sick ness was of er a nd Orp heum circuit s for ~ peciu.l lllu gi c shor t dura tion. He from which she grnd uute d last thre e con- inni ng a fine driz zle star ted in and wns yeur. j!ucs t Sun dny of IIIr.Chllli Edw nrds Df: I J. W. Miller was a bu ";ne a mem ber of the Juni or Ord er. secu Sinc e grad uati on. MiS!! Kize r tive cont ss chur ch choi r. inue year d thro ugh out the enti re R. The ir succesa seomed hUB and fnmily. visit or in Cinc inna ti on Mon day. t o be an asa ured ~ct in thea spen t mos t of her time In teac trica l gam e. which was calle d in the eigh th "No time hing for a circl es. which was only to be expe Home Eco nom ics 8ubj ects ut lust inni fare ng. well wi . th Mor tow lend ing a 2 to 1 Wor k wns begun MondllY mor ning ctthe The flrst of the com men cem ent Jud ge Willi nrd J . Wri gh l wa A No time for the shoc k of f ea acStat e Univ ersit y. and hus assis ed. as DeF ores ts natu ral abil ity in tivit ies r. ted nn Mr. J ll mes C. Sale 's now home on fpr scor e. was th e Seni or Clllss p luy town 011 busi Scar nes" cely Mon a mom day the stag e was very pron ounc ed. ent' all10llg the vari ous Hom e Demonst afte s hult rnoo Seve on n. rnl the shor n.ow e lilY rs 'are on the in the gymnllsium audi toriu m He ra- Nor th Mllin stre et. With the guid e of lh e bout mun near last Uon Age nts In Ohio. Miss love d his work , was neve r happ Ki r.or Frid ay nigh t. All unp recc nted ier Mia mi's rost er tQis year,. Satt erth - Dea r. how \sur Exa min atio n s whic h arc aupris occu com es high ly reec omm ende d. and than ed pyin you w.ait whe g e were n at befo first to r e go. is his ~ belo new ved publ ic. mnn. and he Mr. Myc r Bym un and fam ily spen dien ce crow ded into th e gym nasi she the last busy wee k of school . end Wit h littl um. t givi ng a ll that was in him at e to wi\l mai ntai n her head 'lua rtel'8 B uffe r. play tolittle ed a to very cr¥ tab le gam e in the know, day. nil time s and it was thou ght shor tly befo in Mol her' s Duy in Cinc inna ti. the re the Cou nty Farm Bur eau offic evon pln,ying his role. up to and the e and gUCRt.s of r elntl vcs. in- posi tion . perf orm ance that it wou ld be n ecOnly a mom ent will wor k with th e f urm womon clud ing the ni ght befo re he died of dark Desp . ite u nfav orab l e cond ition s of essRry t o disconti nue th e sale . His oerr Wor kme n have been putt ing in A dreu m oC the fleeting nigh t. of tho Cou nty alo,n g vari ous publ ic love d him, his co-a rtist a tick ets but M. Clar ence Alie n and fam lines . s and the diam ond. tho game WDll tigh t And then by usin g ever y Available II new Roor at the cove ily the red beau som ewh ut s imil ur liS Cou nty brid frien tiful thro ge ds brea ugh thla ador out k ed of .and day, him. Was his a pitc her's batsunn y amile chai r. n o one was -turn ed away. Age llt \xerc> in Leb anon Su nliIlY. the gucs week. And the first p eace of ligh t; ts and happ y boyi sh natu re ClallS workA with the farm ers. It will be tle. Dum ford , an old time r. pitc hed And The play' was n thre e act com edy. She of lItrs. Mar y Alle n. you foun will prob ably tuke up her duti e~ d a you rself whe re you long time before he is forg otte n invo lvin g an apar tme nt f ull of youn here by sple nd id ball for ~he .visi tors. allowlong ed to stan d. g with in the nex t ten days . and as she JIl l'. and MrR. Clarence Men den- all)' of the peop le with who m he has only 11 few scat tere d hits. men in New Yor k. and a girls bour , The Sen ior class of the High scho In the repo se of the Fath erla nd." diIt be«i nnin g too lute In the yeur been a8Ho eiate d. His illne ss was Har ol old Orsb orn assu med ing the t o hall nnd 80n , Earl . of Day ton. wer c scho mou nd of ol whic h one of t hese boys arc to have 0 picnic on Frid ay of deve lopo a com plet e prog ram of duti es for the Miamis, and ' his a very Rhort dura tion . The new this inhe rits and her wee k-an d visit ors here . wor k s of ende avors to m'nnage acweek. own amo ng the form wom en, his was deat a h grea flash ed over the wire s. ' t thin g to witn ess. Alcord ing t o his idea ls of tbe char her min g mnln duti es for the pres ent wi11 thou gh seve rlll hite wer e gain brou ght messngeli of cond olen ce gi rl. . His syst em caus es 'lult e a MI'9 Edit h Har ris was in Milf coned off and Mrs . Wal ter McC lure spon t Tue ord sym path y from all flur alst In carr ying forw ard the his deliv series , he prov e'd hlms e!! mas part s of the coun Hom e Bove ral days lnet wee k, the gues ry in \he Bchoo l; espe ciall y amo day with her son. Carl ' and fam t of try. ' ng Man age' ;'ent Pro ject alre ady stor of the situ atio n in the tigh t phic ily, ted F. C Hart.sock and famil),. the girls them selv es. who see in thei es. in Day ton. r ~hl'oUChout the Cou nty, and Mr. show Mor ed an I!l haa wor ld of spee d and prov en not only a whic h ~on )'ou ng Pres iden t mor e than a mere. slsts of KItc hen Scor ing! Kitc hen curv es. won derf ul frien d in life, but also I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mi118 had . prof Ar, \ esso r. in All :of the .girls f all in . MiAs Hen riett a McKinse y spen 88 rang eme nt. rell'ITallglng and rem The gam e drew a larg e cro.wd t love with him ' odel- thei r gue st over tbe wee k-en d. MiBB this trad gedy whic h hnB befa llen his In b'ut the pres iden t of Satu rda1 and Sun day with reln ing Kltc!len s. Wat e.r Spp ply, 8pi~ d4tlr '.i"cs of mot a b¥ cta:r;, bul: · thill gam e her and fami ly. He rem ain Hom e Sco tt. of the O. S. IL S. O. hom th serilor ' cl888 18 finally the in Day ' ton. e. luck y Con venl eltces, etc. Miu Kize prov es to the fans ' that the Miam cd with DeF ores t all thro ugh t his Whe n appl e tree s a~e in full bloo orie. . ~ , I ' . . ."'. r will iA ill~ m • also' take 'ove r the cou.n t)' lead are goin ne88 g , seei to is the have ng that cruc • grea t ye,.r and enh ip ial time in the prod ucti on ever y eare W811 taMn. Sinc lair Fife and son, of WilMlBlI (;eo~ge, n choo sing her char Mrs. Mam e Hatf ield atte n'd ed of ' the Girl s Foo d Club s, and will deve lop ."m e YOllng' play ers ken of him and atte r he had gon Sew - min gton , wer e the lfue lts of Mr. I Jl~"Ar • . "",88 inde into of the year 's crop and ' the pres ence fune ral of II, rela tive at e to atal' ed fort una te as ellAlh and the grea t beyo Ing Club s and nuls t join tly in M.n8on, s. Tae ICQre: of hon .y bees at this time to tran nd. brou ght the reo , the Mrs. H'a rley Wil ken on, 188t wee 'o f \th~ callt wllo lpar tjeip ated sfer F'rid ny afte rnoo n. .. , I k. Hou seho ld ,Exp ense Acc oun ts \ \ main poll s home to his hear t brok en moen from hlossom to blossom sum·'equlp,pe.d ~OJ; his pa~ . The as ma.r y and In oUror Cou,nt-y Proje ther and fami ly. He iA trul y a they visit the tree s in sear ch of ct.~. Mr. and Mrs. Walt.cr Elze y ente frien well bala nced and each one d The food two daug btel'!! of Mr. and MrII. r- to be rcm bore d and mak es possible the setti ng of prai sed. tain ed on Sun day, Mr. and Mrs. port raye d ' his char aate r well . a full J. W.• Edw ards are qU'l\l'an MO Spra yi •• Pro .r.... WalRRO The W t. tlned in Hig h ~cho crop of frui t. "Wi thou t this tran The last curt i'an call eam e from ter Whi te and mot hor. of Day ton. ol orch es.tr a furn ishe d sfer thei r hom e with lJC8l'let feve r. tJie AB RI H E PO' tile of A poll Gre en at from Stag e ' Man ager of Life , R. Cou den, the atar:n~n to the pis. mus ic' ''· Intj!rm~ M'T. Dale Stol tz. Hor ticu ltura l Exion8J ·. .~ 2b ......4 . 1 1 4 ,;, 1 o til of the • t Thu rsda y. May 8 ,102 4 at 4.30 flow The re will be a mar ket for er no frui tenllioft .spe cial ist WI\8 with Cou t is, likel y The Way ne Tow nshi p Farm P. Cou den. Ib .. .. ..4 • 1 2 8 ' 0 . 0 te the . nty bene l1 t ef's set," aays J. H. Gou rley , hort icn) club of the Libr ary on Satu rday , M. in Balt lmo ro, Md., and he has anAge nt Class two days last wee met last Thu rsda y with Mr. G. 'ef On Mo~day even lilg a c1a88 of !line ....... . 4 k, to May 24th 0 ' 1 ·2 o , turi swc 0 st of the Ohio Exp erim ent Stared It. He had complete~ his . Fur ther noti ce nex t conf ar wit h" num ber of the lead E. Rile y ,!nd daug htl!r s,_!'elll:_n.lIl& ",~!.uY'" 3b ,.. !4 ( 9. 0 • 0 , 'To <I a~~ d, iQll\J.~tI;I ;.,..)Vllrre.nlni, week . . 'Work, and wen t to 'lda rest . 11l·-I1 1 "In a ' ·m ajor ity- of lIaseii," 'fie viTIe. ~ . FrUI ("oweI'!! In the coun ty conc {' • -. t",lJnm(J,a . ' Nor mal scho ol at the gym na" ern0 l ' -8 , 3 o cont inues. "no frui ts set H e leaves to mou rn his 1088 his unleS! poll en mo- Cook, rf in. the~ spra y prog ram 8 and sluin . The stag e on whic h wer 0 0, 0 ,, 0 o is tran sfer red from othe r tl1er , Mr. 1111'S e seat . Mur Ella t Bair Woo d one ley, wils of So. Leb a- Lewis, 89 ....... .. .... vari ety to calle d lo InMr. and Mrs. Fran k Elbo n prob lelft l. of orch ard man agem .2 0 1 1 0 o anot her. and ed the grs, duot ing clas s, Miss Edn a ent. . .... BllllI JU Monday mor lling, nn ac- non. a brot her. JIIr. Lore n Woo ley. of Williams Mrs . Mr. ~q gave s~e,cial Info rma Esth er Stou t atta nded Frie nds HI)\\'land , Nor mal Dire ctor , If ....... .4 0 1 ;1 0 o "Fe w ques tion s com e to the Sta- Qua •. Mr. ' F the serio us illne l\8 of his Day ton. 11 siste r. Mrs. Bern lco Collins Dum lord con cem l.g the "Pin k Spra y" to tion rterl y mee ting illJ Xen ia. Satu .p .... .... .. 3 .0 1 " 0 7 o tlon h'o rticu aon· r- B. H~rrl8 • • Cou nty Sup er.ln tend ent, of So. Leb anon ltura besi lists des man y othe r mor e ofte n than day. trol appl e scab . Eith er lime sulp and Mr. Tliu nna n "Du lty MU ler," of hur r elati ves and lovi ng frien ds. 'Wh y does my tree bl08som- and or Bor deau x mix ture cont roll yet Wilm ingt on. wlis app ropr iate ly· Tota ls ...... .. .. .. 32 2 8 24 11 1 bear no 'app le Miss you, misa deco rfrui you, t' The Mr. millS Fred anaw you. Deam, oC Spri ngfi eld. lind er,. is freaub if put on at the rigJ!t timeMr. nd Mrs . K. N. Hou gh, Mr. . A MT. Lest er and ated in the cl88s colo rs whil e susp enEve ryth ing we do. quen tly one of a lack of polliJl6U Com pton , of Xonia, were Mrs. ~nch labr atot :i' of . \bo >Olilo on. H .. B. Ear nha rt 'ond Mr. Eve rett ded a\>~ve ' w.is .' the MIA MIS , ~. the gues ls As the chie f agen cy of poll en C~IUII mot to. of 1I1r. and Mrs. Geo. Mill s' Ech oes with the laug hter and the .. rim en~ Stat ion hill! Tee entl , carry,- Har lan SPllnt Sundny' ~,th Mrs. been 'on Sun day. Viol a "He Wl1o ,Tea elies , Lear ns " . ing voic i8 e the of you: hone y bee. the orch ardi st Har lan. eata blish ed .t Mid dleto wn for • A sele ctio n by the Hig h' Scho ol '" " . rOl)AB R H PO A E is fully justified in own You 're in ever y corn eror· ing, borderi ng addI tion al assis tanc e In Pren derg ast. cf.. .. 4 1 3 1 ches tra was ·'firs t upon ' the prog ·r ' _" .-cfero Eve row ry ing tur.} or 0 and mm , rent twis ing Sav t, colo e you r old curp ets and ruga nies Clnce to tl\e cont rol of this dese of The bees wor k of repa Cran O:f iring ter e, 88 ........ .... 2 0 1 0 1 ' 1 to ~lace In his the cove red whic h Miss Edn a HowbUid prensc. and get orch ard at bloBllomlng bl'idge on the Ave "We arw ell" Rug a mad e. Eve ry old fnm iliar spot Mr. May, the- Bota nist in chag Ol'!!born, p ...... .. .. 4 0 2 1 nue chus ed 'peo ple scnt ed the .Ch~88 at the sam re at Sen d for Whi sper s how you 're miss cd. o time . 2 e timo pric e liAt. Mid dleto wn telep hone d Mr. ClaM to deto ur to Corw in by the way Fran klin Rug Satt erth wait e, Ib..4 0 1 6 con- Co., Fran of than king the peopl.o of this com mu"Be es dist ribu ted thro ulJh the 0 o klin , Ohio. cern ing the rela tive spre ad of spor Rox anna or, for a shor t time Mon day. ( nity Bnd the loclll scho ols for H. Bur ton, rf ...... 4 0 1 2 es MI88 you, miss. you, 0 O char d at the rate of one colo ny thei r . and CIUII In tum p888cd tile 'Infor 3b .. ....... . 3 0 2 0 0 o to thre o ncre s will ma.In , tlte N ol;1ital wor k. I,J Eve ' •. ' \ ryw here we go. MI'9 insu . Wal ter McC lure and Misl re tion on to the frui t grow en. poll Miss inoHele n Mar latt Bur ton. 2b ...... 2 0 0 2 1 o tlon ' even ·w hen hal retu rned The I.illa Ben Corw in, o·f . the class, the wea ther is cold to her home for ham wer e Day ton visit ors Silh ouet te and shadow of you r form T. Bur ton, IIporea are libe rate d mos t rapi the BUmmer. She the resp onse . 1f...... 3 0 O' 0 0 o and wet ." dly Satu rday and . face , duri ng the moi st Bultry wea ther and 'witnclIScd the farc ebas, for the p••t year , b.en emp Pace , c .... ...... ...... :. 3 0 0 12 Im- com edy, loye li ~. '!Du aty" Mill er was then 1h~l'oduce Sub stan ce and real ity ever ywh 1 o --"Able',II Irish Ros e." . med iatel y afte r' rain s. Owi ng 811 a teac her In a train ere •• -.:.. ...-ing .sch opl In a~d in his '.tal~ ~'bicjj wa.a inte rspe to the displace : rl'Bin on Wed nelld ay MellSfs. 0188 Cinc inna ti. Tota ls .... ..... .. .29 1 10 24 7 , 1 by \~ny funn y stoTies, ,gav e the 8 and Mem bers of the Alum ni may obta in Sto lb did not- .get to visit aJl the sam 6 very good advi ce. Mr. men thei r ban que Miss you, miss you. mi88 you, The Alum ni will p}ay the Hig but circ:ular lette r waa issu ed t tick ets and mak e thei r h I . U:l1 •• _'_ talk ~",a8.. ratli er ' unu to ad· ann ual God will nriss you sual in boy, scho Mor paym ol row ............ 1 0 0. 0 1 '. 0 .0 0-2 ball team on Frid a y afte rnoo n vise all the frui t men the faet s. ent of dues of Haro ld that he " ~~ ' ho.me his phil osop The re'll be a stra nge snd silen ce at the H. S. diam ond. No 'admi hy 'mid Miamis ........ .... II 0 1:, 0 0 0 0 0-1 Exte nalo n men al80 furn ishe d com Ealrn:h.w~:At-.tb<a-(~r-eam-S11fMil&ftr.---t88io~ and advi ce by iIIus trut -0'0uUirrdaily joys . ini with amu swill be char ged. and . the gam plet e spra y prog rams. outl inin L e will ijlg g the Sliories, ther eby, mak ing his poin Sum mar y-2- base. hits , Lew i!'. SacMr. lind Mrs. Har ry Tob ins. Mrs. Just 8 S the orde ring daily thin gs you be calle d at 2 :30. t" ne~elll\8ry sPI'll),s for the e.n tlre year mor endu ring in th e min ds rifice hit, Cran e. Tota l b88es; do, of his The next· 8ray . and the mos t imp . Har riett , Stal ey and Mr. Fran k To!o;forThe annu b eare l mee rs. ting ' It oC or- bias , of seem the s that Ame rlctl n Wur rcn Day ton, wer e Sun day gues ts Wai t with us expe ctan t for a wor d row, 9; MlamiA, 10. ' Lef t nn \bas cs. Cou nty Adv isory Hea tant one to ."cu re wor m free The Mot her' s Day serv ice I\t lth Council met appl es of Mr. and the aud ' l},ce liste ning to co mme ncem ent Mor row 11, Mia mis, ' '1. Wild from you. Mn. J . H . Cole man . ' . pitc h, at Huf ford 's resta uJ'8 M. E. chu rch was well atte nded co'nsiAts In the use of one and llt last wee k. last add esscli expe ct sad word s depi ctin g oneOrsb orn. Bas e on ball s, off Dum Sun day• . Rev . Was hbu rn prea · fourt~ ' gall ons liqu id lime Bulp ford This coun til is com pose the dan gers and trial s of the wor ched hur d 2; off Miss off of ,you Orsb the . orn miss 4. you, ld. Stru Dr. miss you, J. T. Ellis \s atte ndin g a form nl ck r out. by May ors of the a fine serm on on ' Mot her and spec and one n841 ono- half pou nds into diffe whic h the you ng people grad urent pow - dinn er ial villa Dum ges Noth ford of ing 7; by Orsb orn 12. Timf! of now seem s true . nnd rece ptio n at the Hote l dere d ane nate of lead to fifty mus ic was ronq ered . the coun ty. nnd the chai rma n of Illi ng ure nbou t to ente r. Mr, /Mil gal- Gibs on, gam e. 2 hour s, Ump ire, Schuler'. the Ier Cinn lcna ti, this even ing, giv- Only thnt 'twns happ iness, lona wate r, appl ied so as to Tow nshi p Boa rd of Trus tees of did . f not adop t this. cour se in his talk cove r on by Jusl the to have loved you the Hom 'e opat hlc clini c of that ail the ealy x CUPB jUllt afte r 90 'Sta ~ Rep dift' rese ntat ive Just in Har d- Moh dll)' nigh~. and 8S eren t town ship s. per city . a resu lt. ever y· Mil t' ., ~ore of ' the . blo88om Ing, of Fran klin, paid this office The y organize~ by elec ting O. a have a vis· one: ,w as plea sed. S. it fal~en, AI:lY one who Tlie sday Higg mor ins, ning may or of Leb anon , pres i. He was in' . Sup erin tend ent ·F. B. Har ris then wish es comMI'II. Jose ph Shu tts was take n plet e spra y prog ram s of appl es, Way ne town ship look ing afte dent , and Ed F .Dun ham . pres to .c her- ' McC r his pres ente d the class with thei r dip 10iden t lella n's hosp ital In Xen ia, Mon riel, peachca, or. Is prl\ot\~ly irlte rests for re-e lecti on. I the Turt lecr eek Tow nshi p Boa rd • m ~. a nd gave them a shor Inte r- day mor of t talk . ning , and oper ated on for . ' cate d in cont rol of a'p ple a8 secr etary 'l Both the invo catio n and the Dr. J. T. bene .hou ld inqu ire of Cou nty blot eh IP ~" and ·Mrs . Ro~e~ Wa1ton. Mr. She is gett ing alon g of Way nesv ille. lind Arth ur Age nt 1':vlle, rJ)y~IDWIOeUI:lI."JS. dict ion wer e pron ounc ed by lind M,rs. Arth ur Ha~~ock, ~r. ·eb .' Rev. . Bry ant, of Fran klin , wer e re-e and Wos hbll rn, of the M. E. chu lecte d Mrs. E. A. rch. Dee d8. of Day ton, 'npd Mr. memberll. • Tho se rece ivin g diplom ~. wer. The HarveysbUirg Hi!fh scho ol Frie nds of Mr. and Mn. Carl e Clrl . Tho pers onn el ,o f the boar d as now and ~ .Ber t Har tsqc k and dllugh- Ruth 1'.0~1 n~on wili Mcpres ent thei r ann ual cla88 , plli,y . Esth er CO~lI\, EhClur e, of Day ton, rece ived the ter were Follo gue :win sts g of is the prog ram at the at now cons truc ted, Is as follo Mr. and Mrs . J ;. zabe th Clul'k anBery l Cook. Lott ie Lea WII: L. 'Har tsoc k. Sun App roxi mate ly 200 boYB and 'glrl noun eem en tlas t wee k that .a ' little Qua rterl y m'ee ting of the frh; ~ds the Tow n hall on Frid ay !l~d Satu r- Geo rge W. Jack , Morrow~ pres day, s Hi1da.,,~ettlem.ire, ~liz':lbcth Shee ts.f iden t; . are' a1rea~y enro lled hi the Jqnl or daU ghte r, Jean Mar ie, arriv ed on chur ch, to be held Sev enth and Firs t day nigh ts of this wee k. The ~le of Wal dron C. Gilm our, of Leb Bu/ nett ' Butterwo~~.• and ~ym an9n ; B. 'Clu b "' wor k for 1924 and the the play is '''Co ats and Pett icoa on The War ren 'Cou nty ~ormal clas Ha tfleld . . Day : Club Thu rllda y"M ay 8,· 1924 . til," 1,'. IFrye,~ Mas on; Arth ur Bry . s ant, lead en exp ect man y addf tion al and ia writ ten in lOne act MUfic and theldnstruc~ r, Misi 'Edn a S."...th Day -17 th enFran klin , and '01'. J . T. Ellis, .' . ~ ~ ..... How~-----,."' Way - land i rollm ents dliri nr the nex t ten be furn Mrs •. Mar y Hop kins , of Brad ford , spen t T'ue~day in Cinc inna ti, dnys, 10:0 0 a. m.- Mee tlng tor wor ship ches ishe d by the HarveYBburg or- ne~~le. I · TWo pou ltry Club s In 'Wa ahtn gwn tra. . DJ'iv e, hlUl' ttad ' •. Od her Belm ont prop - . 11 :00 a, m.- Busine88 . an , obee ryat ipn M~r" ~he)' and .' 8e88lon. ' visl e · ' Way ne' Tow6ahlpa resWl tiye Oli Thu rsda y, 1May 16, tlie scho , ed ~e} Art ~UBeUftl, Rookwood ly .have erty for WeRt .Car.rollton ~ eBtate; ol 12 :00 m.- Lun ch. Pot'a tot. l· .nro llme nt, of twe nty: picn ic will and' be with ' h eld her on t~o terY the' 80nS and othe r plac es 'of inte rest , ed. liehool , 'Ken neth and f\Vte ' 1 ;90 p. m.- Bul line y resu med . \ glOUDda, 'and an at\ll etli{ Aeld Dale , Is now mak ing her hom e In T~' Po",l.~ 9'ub o' .~v~ been" actl ,uea tiori ally; t , , that '1:30 p. m.- You ng Frie nds busine88 will ', for'. Jye ral wee b and moa t of· n~ cl~,., 6ccuPY the !hI)!. ' Man y .valu able ' ·the sellS lon lind stud y hou r, , tollo , • 'bill b m.io~l'Il we'4, by priz es :wil.l be C!~li red and tiavili'g : exce lllm t the ~~rit "am p fire. ' t,· ' . I ' .. ~/".plta ' with tIIeU" cht~k8: is expe ctejl to.,dt:II'W a tarr e crow '. '.' , d. " , FIRST DA Y-t 8tJs t' . ~ ,~ , io~ cl9tbl¥C Qluba have beeri , (1 ~t~. Of9:30 ," m.- Fin t D~1sllhQ91. Irarlise~,· dli. ),ear;' CEU BRA TED 10:3 0 a , m •..:....Ke.ting for wor ahlp BIR, THDAY " , . 12 '00' riI•.,\,-L unch.. I
-- --.. - ..-- --
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1I\.~,onf.re"nttt; tw~ ,
' 1:8 u~ 0). I~ ty.; ",In ~ on .~bj.ectp oftlrlr Inte reat . to ,'Friendi'. e.l'ch " to be live fol. ' bt Rou lld Tab le disc !i81 on" 1
•• - '-
.....".... __
I '
The M latni C.u-ette, WaynellvlIle, Ohio
I :~'16~~)~' ~: :C-k-. " ;C~~~'I ;
" ,~:w:
dow n to t hi \iohu\I :t "Bllry 'r hl' C'l,v SOl' t h hUSI;I'il Ll1'j) If.. dell w it h phlu, (h'r. i'vl' nolll'I',1 Ihnl n: j llns (l out I., n," IIFl ' kill (l.\I;s fP 11n ll 'm.)DR tlll'lr trockI', thn prInt 0' t hn t 'arc rlllll. Ilere I 8e Is0 the II twree Oh ln Irlln kl'nlTy. heQrt III o' II", th e dc,1I nn' hi. 1\1'<"\\'tI1er. n C!d Snoul ~ be ~turt ~'Cl nn n n" w 11',,11 ~'l'll"'IL.Ii(l>!I'L.loPI'1! h'g Is g"llI' dow n 10 I III' gatl' O. bi.'11 IllOlghl." Suh'm llD'" (lice hurl (1Ilrkl'lIl'd witH angel'. There were lh!l'p turro\\'. ncross hIs llrolV. Stnndlnll berore Jack ubout lhre.· , teet away. he drew out hili ram rod
rn the
"'h~n th~
p r °ehaM
11 W. Speed. AltO Save.
Full Be rd . t 4. Why Excepl Laborera? Old Men Cra .. e Learnin g
Americana are lAvIng mone),
" ~
btmdreda ot millions were In 1'981 eetate, bonds. .~ etc. In the world'a history t;MN' 1I nothing like the way in . wll.ich u.. American people bo ~h Sf.~q, ~e)' and SAVE money. SaViIiP average thirty mUlIon dollAn a day, IIbout thirty · cents: a tGr every mBD, woman andl
!f. ne ha\O'O pegimlata Imldlct..
JII:cIf baM ttm. IIDd I8llIlbl'e boal.. D_ ar:toalll"- ~~..!>r. tbC O'IVD talk aboUl ... '*l PI •
, dc!mt:Ial .,..,.'"
he lIased dOwn the .alley, bls banda Ihadlo, his eJet!. , "Wlaht we collid bllve a nice bot' IIJlJper, .hut 'twon't do to build no lire. Notbln' hut cold vlttlc.1 I'll 110WII with the pol to a BIlrioa an' glt lOme Yllter. YOIJ dl, rer our .upper In tbllt packh\III8T, o· mine aD' BIlrGlld It out here. I'm I. '
son." sold SOlomon 08 he polnte<l with hi. tlDger, "do )'OU ft(!(, th e brow o· Ihe hili yonder .. hor the block tlilcilel8 bel" . Jnu noddcd. "U )'e hoor to me 1C'I1 BIIIJ thlll Bide. This 'ere blllloe8llle kind o' neevarlou.. rm a-lollI' elua come ,e'll htlar the callup. 0' the bUM OWl,bock If
. ever before, and p1"Ohlbitionlsts 'will .ftnd comfort and nmmun'·.lon In that, e
savings bank dt'posits inercRScd last )feat one bUlion on.e hundred; and forty million, 8 good detll :It money. and that's only a small pnrt.
•' I
From Ine C&\C S enrrnnCf f"ez looked upon Ihe unrllllnllDIL (Hm root of the forMI 1IIIIping clown Into A deep ~nll ey, ~Ul hy the "mooth aurtacl! of a bronil rlvl'r with mIrrored shor"s. nnet Htlln" III Ihe ounllult of a dlatant D1f'Unloln r~n"Ei. It s blue penks rose lnlll lM: ~ l o\V or Ih l! Munsel. " Yontl er Js Ihe greo l lltalrwllJ' ot R ellvl'n '" Jock esclRlmed. " I'\'e put up In Ihls 'ere 01' tavern mnny 8 nl j:ht," IlIld solomon. "Do J e see Its s lj,'ll't" 11 (- pointed lo a ~rent Oend pine thnl Blood 11 little below It. towering with lark, oulrcacb lnll 110lbB more than a bundn.>d and flftJ rceLlDlo the air. "I call It Tbe.·Dead Pine Tavern," 8010mon "On therctnn rOlldrked. to ParadIse." IIQld Jllck
Mone,. in tbe Bible.
and t(lued II to the -,DU01t mllll, ",ho clIU¥hl It n little above th.. ml1!dle. Ja ck knew the meanlnll of Ihls. TheS weN! to pul thelr honds upon tile rom rod. ODO abo,'e th e other. '1111l lual hand It would h(lld woo tn do th e killing. It wns Solomon's. "Tbnnk Ood I" he whll!llercd. DR his face brlgb tenerl. n e _mini to be t ak lnll cnr,~f.lI allil with Ills rIKhl ·eye. "It's my Job." Ruld hi'. "I \\,011"10'1 'a' le t 1M 110 It If yc'd nrnwt'd Ihe epnnst. It's my Jo l'ro,,~r. 'rh~y ain't lin hOllr ahead. Mohhl'--it·. Jes l pf'8&lble-hc IIIny go t n slcpp IlIn lghl 'fore 111(" on' I woulcln'l hc 811rprlRNI. They 'll hu ll tl th eir fire a t the Cl\v~rn" on 11 ck cr!ck un' runs! It (·Bllllve. Wo'lI crOgd Ihe ltuRh nn' come UI' on t' othor side 1lIl' sec Whlll'R gnln' on." Tt,ey cros!led a hlll h rl'lI;e, with Sol. , omu n (('Rsl nl( hla fl'CI In thlll 10 11 11, loose stride of his, nnd "'l'nl down th o Rl ope Into a brood vu ll ey. 'fh l! Bun Mnk low ond thl! hnmellBuruhle IJTI!f!n·rootl!ll hOUSe Clf thc wild waR dim nno1 duak when I"e old scou t boll· ed. Ahend In thc dista nce the1 had hee rd volcea and tbe nelghlnll or 0 horso.
. 'TIl.,
Uts Mnll rf'S au O 8",un~
INEWS-~ G-L-EAN--EO - - --I '
n~'k n:~ ~l
1l'1'I~ ;::~.; ~.
zoo YEARS lumbago and uric acid cQnditi~
puhlil'll,l\(·tion. Wm. V. :-i ll'i ck lnn.l , tll',·ca , .. <I. lind Tn lhe CIlS(~ 'Of F.ltloll P. Kerby " ~. th:ll li S " n,"."1 th,· 1·, la l,· I~ I' XI'" lpl 1{ "s lI I~. Ke rby, the COUl'l ovcl'l'uled fn)", illheri tllllcl' IIlX. the moti on of the ' de fendant to "c l Th el.un dl'I .'rlllilll·' lhl' 1:1', '"'' lI~idl' n form er jllclg(!m c nt in the co se \'aluc' (If lh L' .. , U,I,· (If I. ,,:~. i,· ~l'''''' ' dis missed wil hou t recu rd: Slate "f dec" ,., .. d, t o 1,1' !P . ~ , ~.: . ~. It fll" Ohi o v~ . •I el'~ Sco ll; S tllte or Ohin Lh el' dl, te rmill'" IIII' 1" ' 1''''''' "lIlill,·d w . TIll'f'. G"tC"~ Stllte nf Ohiu " s. to ~ lll·CI· p d (to ,/lid l's lal,' , !llllUU III I Hurl'''''" Ucvnn nn d ' Villium IIrnl'Y; o f l' IICh ~ U C('l'~"i " Il , alld II III to 'lilt ,.r
. tiL/lLI' ,) f Oh io V~, Hl'rbel't Fit7.wlI. tl't'; RlUtc /If Ohio VB. Th"llllU! Scoll ; ,Stnte of Ohio vs. John Doc ""tius SUll'nrfoot Down ." The Miami Rubb er CO. W B!' nwnrd' cd 11 judgement of $400 .00 III d in tel'cst o n $200.0 0 from J une 7, 1922, und 200.00 the r eo f from July 7,
IICI·"s~i,, " ,,,Iojl'.:! (,' (a'. ( 'hll ". J . l'clI'ov,' 1' \\ " " !lpp" ill ll' oI utlm illi:<latlll' uf lhe .. sIal,' .,r ,Inlllt'" W. ('onl' V"r, d(·cclI s(!d. U" nd $500, ,IIlhll W. Shull, fl ohrl'l J . Irwill, 1111.1 Thc lI<1"l'e Ehl'cnbllrg wcl'e nl'o inlcd III'Prui"cl" . II. n: McV ey , """"lu or (If the e~lnlc
1922. In the cnse of Amos Binkley vs. Geo. E. Frybe rger. Extr. oC the eslale of Mary E . Young. deccnso d the defendllnt wes granted leave to fil e atl amendod answer. In the case of C. E. McCune vs. John H, he ley ct a \., the court
of A lonw Cassidy, deceased, m ell hifi cl vc nth acc ount. Tn the sc lllenlCnl of th e e"t.. tc <Ie Mnry H. Elliso ll , deceased, it ""1>\ or· the tax therein, btl cortifi l',1 10 the Iluditor of WnrrC!n ouullly.
rendcred a judgement of $482.06 in favor of the plaintiffs, Llewellyn Hopkins Ilnd Gorden Smith, Bubst!tuted Cor C. E . McCune. The caee of M, B. Osborn e vs, Chas, J. Conover. et a\.. was compromised and dismissed, The court overruled a motion of
I don't come ·tore momln' )'aU pllnt fer
CAPSl } L £ ~
correctlntemal troubka, atimulatevitaJ or&ans. T hree sizes. A II dr uggist&. Jna1It 011 the original I!enuin~ GOLD MIIDAJ.
ellch .
, MARRIAGE LICENSES Orville Bunell, 2~, mecha nic , I,f Fred l'rickaburg. Inri ., IIntl Mr•. Julin Stubs. 26, of Kings Mills. Robe rt Charles Kra bs. 2 1. fn rm er, of Love land and Miss Florenco Lu cille Dnu g herty, 18 of Lebanon, Guy R. Collins, 40. machinist. of So. Lebanon, 'amI Miss Edith 111. Binkley, 24. housekeep er, of Lebnnon. Wm. Thomas Roberts, 22, pnperma'ker, and Miss Almn Le e Vnu g hn. 21, bol h or Frnn kli n .. Carter Murell, 22, mochinist. of King Mills. lind Miss Mary Lucille Herringto n, fac tory worker, of So. Lebollon.
.1ONEY LOANED ON LIVE ~TOCK. ehntl<'l s, nlso second mortgages. Nules buught. John Hllrblne. Alle n J3uilding , Xe nia, Ohio.
lik e tbe 1001, 0' a pole t.re-DOt ove.r l, mucb. Tbem InJune that {lOt erwnl '1\ never Iltop runnln' till they'vI reached tbe middle 0' next week." He aelEed tbe foot of Red Snout an! pulled b1a Ibead out at the fire. ' far me rs or Warren and adjoining Idm. " "I<na 01' hellion I" Solomon IS cou nties may obtain money on long •llliid ! MY. kID ~ b•• JfI ~ til e dev! U Tu m I the defenda,nts in the case of Rhb ell .... "BeU IJl mlJl" bo,.abl-w'.. To~=t c:Ialmed"Y . OQ do, tlmo loans, nt 6." per ce nt Interest. • .. ... .... u bled Into h'ell wllu J9 b'long lit IDst S F kll Ad C I J Mil J'ID 'lhe np'll. Do HI tell,.-..act:- dUlu't J.~, rofl"takt thllt luthel . ran n, m., VS, ar . Cost of securing the Rame ill' ver)' rea-. baeket aD' brtoa _ water oat 0 ler, et al. "o nuble ,through The Federal Land r IlIeloillion t601i ' ftI:e 11 .... fti!1i..!J·llu 181'1 " tbe' tteU 111l' "Ill oat thtl tire. Th. . The court also overruled a motion Bank. For further information call ... .• d f en d ants in the case of Sa. . . . tIi• .,.. . an)! lmwrapj)ed (bem rtq OD thS. 'era ". wOCHlea I.. II 0f the e li n or adell'ess 1\1. C. DRAKE. Tn.. • UI4 tlte4f' tile IpI'inIl alloft ' tbe 6am- . _tb .• btlndred polIDdl'" rah L. Sitt vs. Carl J Mjller et a1. urer. phone 316-X, Lebanon. Ohio. "sOlomon took the hatcbet front 1111 .m ,n. til tile ~ 'he ' had The court also overruled a similar . _. E: _ looIIed to the pdJplq. 8o10lll0D Ita.. belt and ' h:acliedol! Ihe end of Rc4 , motion in the cnse brought by Wi!==------. " to,lack 8114 pot til.. other mlO IJl lIIIool"s wo<~en 181 a.nd put It tD bIJ liam Stitt VS. Carl J. Miller, e t aI . WANTED bla pocbt& Eacb uamtned his I p~ toIIl pocke t, .. JbII: In the ~O.A of the p, B. L. and tol i nnd a'''uated them 10 L'_ bait. ~ ~,. '" ...... ~ "From now lID a white mall eu S. CO. of r.ebanon vs. Mollie E. Cor. I. AD IES WORK AT HOME, PLEASREAL ESTATE TRANSFERS T\ley die 10w-lJlng rtdge h .-... . et a I.• ·t h 0 court all owed a f cc above startC!! the' littletornllfl' of Boi:Jr. creek. " u, the bolll \\1thout glttlD' hie wIn nnt. ensy so win!! on your maehlne. Russell 0, Wells, et 01., to ChnR, It 1I' M now quIte' elm and looking bollctl pIcked. lnjuns Is goln' to be of $76.00 to the rcceiver nnd a f cc Whole or part timo, Highest possible R. May, Tract in Hamilton Twp . down throUllh the tblellets of bem- akeered 0' III...... few BU' I wOllldn" of $30.00 fo r attorne y se rvi ce. pl'ice8 pnid. POl' full InJormation. be surprf8e~L" $1. address L. Jones. Box 2, Olney til. lock tbey eontd 8ee 8rellllht ot When J 8'ck came blltk wltb tile h ' NEW SUITS Alle n and Nettie E mrick to Wm. m21Bessie Hoove r has brought' suit C. Long, 2 IoU! in Lytle. $1. know the )ndltllll and hear tile wash the tor. Solomoll poured It on the embel'll how ":'aD'l eree}t water. Suddenl, a wUd w COp' and looked Ilt the ewollen form wlllcll fo r div orce agniQst- -Glenn-Hoo_p,-jl---A-lJ.._t B Leol\' tEl Ka ~ilt. WANTED- A W MAN TO' "WORK. .. ... ~ ampII& tbe red men. Bange as tbe - t 0" "eeptol. .. ",eU o'..,'a , ' hOWl of wolY.. 011 tile traU at a stili seclaC!lI to be straining at tbe She charges cru elty . Ab,\U~ 2.75 ncre" in Horlon T wp. III the house nnd aulst in store. _ .... ..... _ " . . green withes ot moose wood.. W Wm. F. Holland has boug ht ~u it $ 1. In quire a t VllnOcklen's Grocerf' frqm tile trail woun'ted btaon. I'IIn bll70nd them, far "Nolhl o' Itln be done fer hIm," MId Rachel Dl'e nnn to "!orion Il nd or win, Ohio. m21 "We'll have to watch It WltII l O~! 011~ ~t?, ~e ,foreet, and leli't Its echoell the old scout "He'8 gone erway. 1 against Isa Holland for divorce. He Edna l:ollrson . T ract in Clearcrek ean," .. fd BolomDII In a wblap;.-. ; , t,tftly ~ , rrom h~ttoP to !D0untaln tell ),e, Jac\e. It g'ln my eoul a neat charges cruelty. , WANTED-A two·row corn plow. Twp. $1. Btl ~ WI\I,otten OIl tlI e ground ~hato ':lde. en ClIme • sound whIch no to .'1enr him dyln· ... Laura Merrill to John S, and 'Lu- Muat bo in good shllpe, Inquire Dt ·.blo~ ~nd t"'l~ lie 'lett ~ac* lOI ma~ iIIe,''b~ wltlloot .et~ln1r. a8 801A moment ot silence tull or the lOr'ai~1:H 'Iut to lh4( imtr abd' looll for 00111':1: waa Wo.'at to ~,~ "a _r.,n hiB I'OW ot the two men followed Sol. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS 'ella Merrill. 49.07 acres in Hamil- t his office. m14 traCk':" liolomon c.lObiii' 1~ d.1tnte ' the IOIll lie carrr be,oDd tile Ctara Spence. administratrlX' of la.It willet! n It wUl II .._tfJ t om on broke It bJ aayln,: Twp. $1. ' WOOL-WE ARE NOW TAKrNG ton ('.all of the .,.Imp robl,a," aDd ~hea , ..ape.. WIUI t e.... C1'J 0 a "Th ' I the 'estate of Elmer E KC!ever. dcGeorge B, nnd Jcssie M. Ellis to in wool at our warehouBe in Cortile, were I18parated lD tbe bum: bt c~tl.e. 801~OD bad ~eard It be- rt h adt el'o block pili 0' mIne wC!nt d fil d h i t d ...e.1t lO ' that lIJj ' hteacS' coilfd IJc.te fuN. ,,!;Ie ~new ,what It meant. Tbe g t OWII Inl b tile stummlck 0' the ceaSE, e or nvon ory an ap- Amandn Gray. Lot In Harvey~b urg. win. lind will pay the highest cash hI"" "" , mld~, the, lilt do....lo d"" . lIfl11 "w¥., ~IDg ,hold and the ,lIIDqkl! hili no' giVE! It quite n puk_rou benr praieement. $1. price. W. J. Baker, CorWin. Ohio. ,.)lade b. tI:\, lid. 01 a bn!91r anA ate' ba~ bepn to smother him. Thole t~ me." J . B. Ho pping was uppointed to George E. Hol.1 to {ssuc ad Neltf ' .tlll!l; i"nFh~ I " .: . .' I ert" we~ Ilk~ .tlle stabbIng of a kn1fe They welnt to the cul/ern'a month serve in stead of Jo"n Apga r us an li e Fox. 2 lots in Franklin. $1. , '"Thill 'Iitt S. lIeppermlbt brook:~ It ..nd thll ncollecttOll of tlIem Illle blood 'and looked In. oppraiscr In the estato of Eleanore Elennor and Roy Van Tress to PAINTING, PAPER HANGING. IN· Solomon. "It'e 'Dotber 0JI4! 0' lay. Itlllnl, , , '''J1hey's Eln awtul meSll In thur. I H. Foster, decellsed. terior decorating. A II work guar· Oscnr .J Edwards. 20.86 ncres ' in ernB.... 1 '1,.,.. . " Thejl harried ' don ·the etont, bnuh· don't keer · to .see It." 8Illd Solomon. Waltcr Kenrick WIIS appointed to anteed. W. H. Britain , WaYllcsvlUe, Wayne Twp. $1. "OlIr foo4' lIIn' t 'Iotiii Co ,.-\ lo~ at IDe tbroup tlie tIIlcket, tbe BOnnd of ' Near them the)' dlscovered 'a warrtor be guardian of OJ;"vUle J, Phillip~. II mI4 Wm. a,nd Margaret Knight to Ohio ' tlle ' ..rate _ are _Ifill It"" lacit r. thelr approac:ll bolua b, til, , wb~ bad crawled out of thllt deatb minor. Bond $4500.00. Dani~1 and Hilda O'Neal. 2 lots In _riled.. ~If wa CIIb·t alioot • lUll appall1q en.. Of tile ylctlm and tile challJber In, tJ.!e rock.. He had been John C. Death .. administrator of 'Franklin. $1. are ...e IOlng to 110 whealCa 'all'lOneT' demOl1·lIke tumult of tile drunken atuuned and wonnded obout the ~l ... ul· . LOST "Don't worry." 8olomOil alllw.red brus.' fte two lCOuta were 'rad:;.ed dera. Tbey helped him to his r~ct the estate of Louella C. Dellth, dePhillip Hopkins Jr. to Grover O. "Ye'r. Iu tD,J 1r!!D1g now all' tbe~. a .... tII ~f \!alb' (!II the, w,ent on ItO and' led him aWRY. n~ \Vns IrlllObllnq ceased, filed his inventory ond ap- Knnpp, 3 lots i,n Waynesville. $1. ~t. tav.m 'up ~ tile hl~ trail," that the, " 'cOullt! ' lICarccly bold ' tbelr wllh teur. SOIOIl"'D f/l und a pille prnisement. Grove r C ,Knanp to Edna Knapp. LOST- A BIG FUNNEL AND A ' The, tlll'~ I\lon'g. favored ' Ii, ~ , pe~~ ' Ill!cl keeE1 their reet trom ruo· ,torch, stU! ,hurnl n;,;, nen r whore tho J. Merrill Bone. administrator of 3' lots in Wayn esville. $1. top :Cor t he g/lS tank, between A. _ather, alld ~nt tbllt nl,ht on U1. ' .tDI]11Jl" IA' nel# ienae 'ot tile cap.sclt, tor lire hnd tiJ ~cn. By 118 IIghl they the estate of Mart ha H. Bone, deHarry W. und Ruth Mullen to Mrs. B. S haner's ga te and Wayen8viUe. abore Of a little pond not "more' ~a". evIl iii Ule' .!leah ot man entered the dr seed hi s wounds-II,e old scout ceased ,is ordered to sell certain II f ound picas!; return to tho Glllett& IItt)' pac811 oft tbe old 'blazed thorouah. mInd of Jack. The1 hlld come cloM] havIng ",ICh hllll nlwnys 0 s mnll 8 Ul'- per so nul property belonging to tho G. C. Knupp, Lot in Lebanon, ,$1. m2l J os. and Virdn W'n.tson to Isaiah office. tare, Next d8" about "h::r.It' luJ trOm to the frlll!'ttul IICCne, when auddeul~ Icon's outilt. estate at private sale F, and Elln M. GreC¢, 68.66 acrcs .4111"1 to dllJ'k," BII Solomon wlla "'ant a deJtpb llIeuce Tbank I n th e se ttl ement .0 f t h e estate 0f LOST - LEA TI:lER TRAVELING 'r • 'n_A ,.... tell h d npon It b d tb I "Wbor Is' t' oth er cnptlvo . '" be aaked' In Washin gton Twp. $1. e n t he [n <1.1l1n tnn gul!. . . . npw and then, to Sl,eoll of .the poon """, t e • ""um n 1J0ne .,on tllLg, on the Wilmingto n lind Har· ~e811 reneti of '\laIn. Somet.hlng had hap- "Ah ,ut III mile tl O''-D the troll. It'l GIbson Low?, dec eased. It IS ordered hoor, ~., caml! sudqenl" J os. and Coru Donahoe to Cassie veysb urg pike Finder can call wn! "Ilgn." It wa. wher:e tlie bl. ~ortb . Petled In hLB pallilng--perhllPI the asv· a WOII l:m IInll n boy," suld thn worrlor. that a. c.ertlfied ~OPY- ,of the entry 'Bateman. Lol in Le ve l. $1. min gto n 1766. or W. R. Lewle' reai· trail from ~e upper ~~er'- or tile ages had t~ougbt It a slllll trom Ma.· "Toke liS \Vhur th ey be" Solomon determll1mg the mherltance tax to de nce and revel'1le charges. m21 Moh.wk Jolhed the one ne~r ' '';hleb en. Fo~ 0 moment tbelr clamor ' had eomnutnde<l. • be paid. be certified to the auditor '. COMMISSIONERS I PROCEEDINGS they had been travelIng. W"en:ttl", ceuvl1. The two Kouts could plalnl, :rhe t111'(!C st urled slowly "o"'n the of Wnrren County. Dills nllowed: The Book ShOll, sup'were appro.chln, the 'p6tnt 8oI0mOll lee the poor maD behInd n red ' vell traU, tbe \\,Ilrrlor lelldlng thelo. Albert Shutts WIlS apointe!\ to FOR SALE had lett .Jack ID ' a tblcket and IcaO" ,of f)B~e. Snddenly the wbl\e leader serve instead of W. E, O'Neal a plies, $81.35; Trus tees of Public Afttouq crept out ,to tile "Juntthln." Of {be ,I l'aldera 'lIpproached tbe pyre, CHAPTE . s fairs, light for C, H. and Jail. $35,84; There wu halt lUI hour ot Illen be- limping on bill wooden atump. with a A XVIII an apprlliser 111 the estate of Anna Eureka Cash gr ocer y, su pplies, $5.60; FOR SALE-A GOOD KITCHEN tore the ol~ eeon~ ClIme back IJl1tibt stick In 'bill band,' ond prodded the Thl Voll ee of a Woman Sobbing. Kelly, de.cc/lSed. Cabinet. ' Will scll choup. InW. H. Stanege Co,. supplies f or auud bedtoned to Jack. BIs foee ' bad tace of the victim. It Wall ble lut Over the rtdge and more tllII n a C. S. Mou~ts, executor of the esditor, $8,60 ; Dept. Public welfllre, quire of Airs Annie Thorpo. R. D. 4, J,l;e.er 1000IIed more lertous. The ,buna act. SoiomOD wl\8 taIllDl aim. Bia mile awny WIIH Il wet, wild mlludow, tate o! JervIs J. Hatton, decea~ed. Wayncsville, Ohio. . m28 ~n approached lll . Solomon Ijwaa- r;«Ie 8po~e. ned f!lnout tum~led tor- ,They tound the cow lind horscs teed- filed hiS Inventory and appraise.ment. cllre of two crippled children. $89.29 Johnson and Watso n. supplies. $3,BO lowed-s p.rt of die ettort rntnwa wlI,r,d nto tile Are. Thea whal a tcUI' Ing oil. Ita edge near the trail. The Alice., Chenowith ,and Emily J. Rev. B. F. Judd, ministerial service, A GOOD JOHN DEERE CORN .'t!tI emoltolll. . I r, limon, tbe Indlllllll , ThI!J nu· mooD, clouded lIlnce dnrk. bad cI;tne Minniear. adininiatratdxes of the es· Planter, with fertilizer attachment; "Want to abow )'e authID· ... lie "'II~ 'I Ish~ e~cl. ,10 . 1U~de~ly ~at J~ei won· out In tlle clear ruld·heawens •nnd tate of Amanda Smith deceased $60.00; Orcgo nia Bridge Co., -4 0 perad. \ I dered wbere tllt/i had lODe. 8010mOD throwD Ita, light Into the hlgb wlndowl fil d th " t 'd . ' shelli.s blue prints, $8.00; Waites also a ateol roller und drag ·h~rrow. The twowenl c:a~U~IIII, t owa the stood ~Io.dllli the .~e be"'" he hlld of the tOl"8lt IIbove tilt ancIent thore t elT mven ory an appralSo· Gat-age. r epai r s n,nd labor on tractor, A. Ludington, R. D. I, Wa>,nesville traIl. When tbe, reached It the old julit emptied. TheD be IBId I onglltare at the Indilln. The red guldo men $74.82; Good Roads Machinery Co .• Ohio. m21 ' ~ut led, the wa, to 110ft around Ilear "Come on aD' do H I do.~ of tbe two lcoUtl pve a call wblch Ka.rl Dakin lind Mrs. Ethel Blair, a 'b # , TIl~o; be IljIlnted do"'1l at Solomon' rail onW tIIe1 hlld eoml waa qulckl, :anewered. ... tew rod. 1I0th. of Lebanon , are appoi,!ted supplies on grader. $4.60; H. B. Car- ONE McCORMICK COR~ BONDER, 1 Fo.-d 'With' commercial body. 2 tile mad, There were' man)' f~ near, Then, he jumped from tree ta tartlier on, ,they RaW a pair of , old member of the Board of County reI, 6 Yllrds gfllvel,·$1.20;·O. T, Bang prlii~ 'newt, aitide, an4 'I Dion, them ' trOO. stoppIng at each lon,r enongh til Ind\aJII .Ittlna 10 blalliletl Dear a visitors of Warren County. to serve 4 yards grael k ·o III; v,b elita eee good milch cows, will pe frelh vel')' 4 yards gravel, $.80; S. J. Mairs, 800n. W: A. Surface, R. :0. G. Way. tIIlkDrintl.ot tJUlt' woOaen ' piIS with lID IIOfVI!)' the lIfound be),ond It. 'Tbla thluet 01 blacItJ tlmb.... The, cOuld for 'a term of three years. . m21 Iron ~ al'bllDd i~ bottOm. wllieh wal what be c:alled "s1!applnll covllr." .~_r, the .?I~ ot 'a woman sohblnl V-ella Behm was aPllointed cxocutrix hau.l ing stone. $9.00; Clint Wntkins, ville, Ohio • . I" tII~ '1 184.- twlea before, aDa 1(hleb ' J'rom, ~"I~a tree ,lIear tile Ire lie ae.r wllmre 'h~ Itoo.d.. . of the estate of L H B h d d sto,!e nnd ,gravel, $10.88; A. Burna, Will, aaaoc:tated wIth t~ blaallt abo~~~ Ia1 ~ Ib~ ~tOfl'K~ ~ "Wom'.1I, ~~Ii't tie '_eaIM 0' ~.... and H. E Cowan' S 'L eMm ••:ce~e Illluling grllvel, $9.80; Joe W. Davis, GOOD 7-ROOM HOUSE A~ BARN ort. tIIey ·!rIIew. For 80II1II time "lWO _ roa 'Ive' madil'ihe Oreel we're frt endll-we're CoUl' to take .. . , . . ' on ... omery, shortage .on April payroll, $11.55; 2 large ' lota, 'both wlitcih ' iii bOUH mOIl ItlIdlId die 1UI'fa" of Ibo S~Irt~ 8DJl7. Be hall MDt tile eoll 01 bum," laid 8olombn. ,. and C. C, ' Wlutaker were appointed J. F.Shinkle, , 'lao posts, $265.60; and lights, only ,tisoo. Calt write !fa .... atlanca. . '" .. , ' Y. tile ' :thUdIl\ to ~ ~., JOIl wltII 1111 To'be ooaU.ued, ) appraisers. T. Martin, A':uctione$rtJ~~ntervlne, ore~ twant.....uaa, ," ..... nlaa... ' , ._~_ ' The will of J. W. Conroy, ,deceaa- Wm. Coleman, !lragging. $66.60; rf ""Ne:1'.,.lrWlr worda had • .,., I," UI. •~• ..~ oalr 0' 1loeIea.. ~a ed. w.. admitted to Probate. Tile C. Alexander, luppliel, $6.18; Cha.. Oh.Io. · Pho.nea t ~!l.• .2. ,~ • 1D~1
a te' their bftcId tad drled meat .oIIteUd wltll IPrID. wattr. pkke4 ted b I_ -::rnm",r u,-: ana cove a o!, ,the ,f!lOAJ lloor with them. tile rocl! chamber w~ ~Ied wltll tllelr tr....aDee. Jark aald: I . ~mea troe _aDd Hat.-l .."II ret m1. ~m I are marrlea. t. "'all~ ...... _~ I'" t"- t ....~ ~ .. aD..- OIM I'IM Tavern and Itl Qotl~ • . , . 1Ir, when ,t'n marrte4 't , • •"We'U .••eome -_ :. " aD' bqDI. the t~"1:D an do· .a.Jte I tile - ' h i ' aD' .",Mk>' dhi' i!oo~'i~' .... bedll" , a\rvke a('iJn, llaht 'aad 10UM • " ~'-_" •..::. "'_ I _ w.. Illbne • SOlomon renD-..... .. JIaII aD ' hOor Of •'10. ' " _ un tbe trail." lit ...... ~ :. _.. _ _ -outln' a t\j~g hnt aD al' ID8w btte .aDich$l'~ wa, v IftJUu pv.
IIUJ1I In' the Iood God go wIth ,..... "I thall go .. tar all )'ou go." lacil answered.' . . I Solomon spoke "ernl,. Iorbll ,!!Dial tODe 01 aoo4 c:omradeahlp ' bad I left
&. 1 1 4
'*' .".'
LObIlIlO;;-' atioH '1I "I";U \Velley, hauling ,0.. \\'n~ appotll lcd admlhis rntor ~","th o u~c. l'l'plli r work, $1 .25; Uuck I' hI. ~honldcr ond ~ho forwar d lind L S. ShIlW[\I1 . C. L. Dohner ,ul d I Llh io C UI " . Ul"l'rt u. , sewOl'8. Th llgh IntG tlH E II . , ' on kl' Unl(' r,,,Jllil II nnrt he.vllOd"8l1ed It 'in rith r\' Rnnk ' llI \VIII''' Wl'u .lll l Cd n JI · ~~ ,OI. HO; Inli. QIIllrrlcs Co .. stone. ' c I.~. blad. ,h" I1""",, In l!at' gr< nt I'nvern ni l pr81M II ·I,{I·I: I·;dctl T rry, pllyro \1 f or nllr , ,,., ,!t-u famc' us cnm"ln" nl~('! The fll'~~ und fI 1111 I necoullt in the " 111111' IllnnLh ending April 30th, $0 I" or .. whit< " In th l' " td llrot> Th"n n fl ush .Iute o r Lizzie SCIII·• • dcce,,!\~( I ,WUS I Ii ; II /Jyt MllC '''I'mnck, snnw , $240IIlIhl nnrl 0 1" "lr thnl shollk th e hl1 /1 'l COMMON PLEAS tl lh, WPII. KG ; A, '1' . Rcti)i, Burne $704.1i[;; Chn~. A bln~1 of It "lVe l IInl1 dnst lind debrl, ' .r. Lee ThllmpR;.n, l.Llntilli gtrn tn r I,:. n"hbill H, cost bill in n cickel \' 8 shc', ,,(' word Il nd l'eltel1 down upon th \\'i ll ium \Vill ~tcl, Ju~. ~l cKill"c! Y nn.l IIr thl' c~llI t c " j' I{" ,. ~J. 1II1I'I'l'r, .I". ;')l.d\\'in, Sr.. IO. "unh Hits o r rock IInll \\'0011 nnd or Fl t'll ~lcl1nllll ld \\',,1'1'. UI'1I1lilllcel to) Clll\~c tl, fl l ·d hi ~ illvl'lIttory 1111 " Ill· - - ••- - - 1 Il, lInn'~ orin lind too l ,.,11 I n th l' 11rl" 1\ 11 1',Il'lInd l's in nh' hnn rd o f Com· pru j,.l' I Ill' li t . 111' 111 A n\llllh41r of dusky O"url!>! scur T1I i~.'iiulI"l'~ "f Lh" Sinkill~ Fund o f 'I' ll" rCI 'u l'L "f II. G . I,.,\\'C, l' ~('r' \\' hitl'II·U. h, ul'"pite Ho m' mis ll"e, rh'u ont of I l~e mouth of th e CRyen: the Monow "illugc Hehool district. tor 01' the c,t:ut(' of Gi", ulI I.owe. slill ul'i~hll'n" 11lIel ciea nN I'llI'm uuild ancl rnn for t'helr lIoe8 shontlnl: proy I 'B I erli I' !\tllnlt OU os lit,,>" dlMIIl)ellrcd lI: . orro\\' rIInl, as Sheriff, wos dCI'.ClltiC,I, of hi, l)ruce('dillJ!'~ Ull lt' r il1l:". 111(' dork nl'e~. olomon pUllod th e m ordered to destroy certain illici t Ii - u former llr.l ol· ()I' hl' c"url. \\,!l ~ ul" • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--_--~ h.. r~ trom around the feet uf th e vic· qu or confiscialed by him in hi .. of· pruvl'd. 11m. tici,,1 d"lips, Cli lro l·t\ I Ll·, li l· :-; ,,,i ll,, "oIl1lill ' "!-Iow, br t he good Cloll A'tnh:hty In the elise of I rene H . 'Hayncr is ll'lll(l!," uf LIl<' "tllt(' IIf Susa" Sin il h 'llcnf5 to me we tJI't the sklXlr shlCte~ V~, \V. nnd Emcl'), Hill, tho 'dcfend- Ilece". c.1 Lhei!' fiNit m·enun!. The (I(l tllC red m'h n'lI I,e thc rnllblt fcr 8 unt" wc r l' grant ed permissioll 10 file II dllli ni~ lrators WI'r(' 1L1IIhri,,'" til ~i ' ll while nn' 11M1 he woul,ln't wOIlIl l!r," s"l ~ de murrer or oth('r 1>lend l' n" thercl·ll. CO.-tU .IIl (l(>l'SllIlU I J,!lh ll I:-;' IIt'll I llj!'111 . J! t ( , Snlomon. Alno(\ look tn r:: " (H\' [ I!o haarlem oil has been , a ' world· nl Ihl' ",','nc' " II I' nln'l n' I:"III' h In thl' ca"" of F lnr" Ou.ll ey v• . th.· l'stllt.· nt pri, nt,· "ai,'. A u~till Goodwin, cl Ill.. til!' Cllurt. Thl' COlll·t find " lhnl II", Iinldlil i," wide remedy for kidney ,liver and ol'CIl' r,' cl "nil' of ce rtllin prnpe rty nt l'xcc ecl tIll' ",,,,·t,, ill th t' c'''ln t,· OIr bladde r disorders, rheumatism.
Farmers, Attention!
Cazette, WayneaYille, Ohio
•••. T H E MIAM I
GA'Z E TTE ....
Dome Judge· f.
Calvi Longacre h¥ n n ew Ford runabout.
Merod ., 'be l'o8L,II11c . . ., W.yooavlllu. t llll o . ... Second 1111.... " .. ,1 &lalL"f
0 : L. . en AN E, E,lilor and Publisher. Waynesv ille, Ohio
Mrs. Fred Hubble is quito ill with scarlet fever.
SubscriDtion Price, $1.50 per yt-ar
Miss Sarnh Osburn spent Thursday in the Gem City. Walter Frymood and fami ly have a new Ford touring cnlr.
Mrs. Malon Gebhart 18 very ill at hoI' home north of town.
, Misses Kathryn and Mildred Clark' were Dayton visitorf' Saturday.
MI'. W. H. Fllrley in hi ~ t.nlk before the Men of Wuynesville InRt cxplui nutl by CXlllllpl(), thllt the grellt f(JI'co behind eve ry moneyIIlllking I'r"po~ ili"n 01' uuslnesR, if yo u plenso, . houltl nncl mu"t be ~1' 1'''ir,· . lIis picture WIIM that of n b\l8in e~s mUll with a dollllr bill held l ighlly OVCH' th .. eye. , Yes, he could see the bill, hut whllt o f the "1lI'rCl IIl I<iinllg view, , Hence the fllilul'e of IIlUIlY noen . This c le ment of NO I'viet) to your buyer, nnd we nil of us hnve so mething to Rell and urI' nil uuyel's . Big uusi lleg" comme rciulizes thi~ id ull of ~erv i ce to th~ ,·, te nt .,f Lht' f" I'IIIlIti(l n of dc,,"rtl1lcnt..~ which ol1'er to 1U'OR llcc tive ell, t"1lI0I'" "c'I'\'ico thu t ~o m utim e~ Il(lp e\tr~ I1N ontircly foreign tu thl' nWI'.-I1U1Id isl' Lh(.y hllvo for sale. While the ultimate en d iM to make nwnl'Y . ~ l'lI tlwir wllres to you n1ld me lit a profit huck of thi~ mURt be "omething I1lOro subtile than mere money grllhhinjl . 111 olluli zill!: the functiu1I s of n news paper, We Nee th a t th o service Ideo is eve rything. Es pecially u "ountry news paper . We have something to Hell. uut it Is service ul one. Service to the town. community onll i\JI peo ple. Thi8 is somewhat of 1\ propo"ilion to serve 1\ communit.y thnt uvery one will be pleased, or have the Burne vicwpoint. ttia,L is prcsented in these columns. Now that the Minmi Gazette is Linotype equipped, we feel that we nre bett.nr fitted to serve this ~ommunity, und take this oppo rtunity to invite criticismR on the (lnrt of our. readen;, nnd urge thllt anyone having views on any subject that would be of interest un,1 heJIul to the community, Bend them in to thia officc for publicalion. We nsk this reuli zing Ihnt we a lnne cnnnot mnke the Miami Gazette the paper that it should be, but with you feeliag that the Gazette Is your paper, a part of the town and community, an instrument for you to usc, we can make It an institution of which we may feel proud. When you liave something to say. suy it through the paper.
Mr. und Mrs. Charles Clark nnd Miss Leona McGinnis spent Saturday in Dnyton.
Mr .and IIlrs. C. S. Lamb, of Day· ton, were Lytle visito rs Thursday,
wl' ~k,
o The poUtieal campaigner of tlfty years ago might not know the been abolished aB old stull'. These tools he would not know how to get old "llarne," should he return toda)'. Two of Ita oldest tools have along without should he .make a campaign today. One is the political ciKar, and the other the wbo1eu.le distribution of freo seed by Congressmen. The fonner receiveu the taboo, a number of years ago, and the latter wu abolished by CongrclIl! last month. No more free seed.. T·he government wu spending somo hundreds of thousands of dollars, for leed. and we will wager that a compa1\a,tively small amount of garden truck wu the !'esult. No longer can a political aspirant win the heart of tht voter with sceds and cigars.
President Coolidge hu decided tbat handshaking Is not compatIble wiUl the best phYIIICIII interesta of a perllon in public olllee. He hns decided to f\boUsh the practice of s hnking hands with the multitude of visitol'tl who almost daily some to the White House to greet the citizen of the land. ' TlJe move doubtlellll will not be popular with a large set of persons who c unt a it distinction to have sha ken hands with the President. But it Is a wlfte move. Handshaking ,after all, mennll and implies notblng. The most causual acquaintance will shake nn office holder by the band ~nd murmur that he III "plellllFd" to meet the official, or words to that eft'ect, meaning not n word of what he IlaYS, unless be is n IItrlct party follower in which event &II much could b'e taken for granted. ,1\11 in \lle in. tltutlon of handshaking can well be dispensed wit". At leut It can WillI be dlapenHcd with in relntion to cnpltlal visit.,.Rutland Herald. D
Wben you come to think of it,nearly as mucb can be accompllsbed toda, witb a sheet of plain white paper, as the magician of old could enc.o~paIIII with all his charms and amulets and toucheetonee, For a scrap of paper can be made into a check which wl1l convey a . fortune half around the world. It can be made into ~ deed which will tranafer the pOlIseMion of an enormous property Upon it a warrant of ",neat. can be written; or a pardon. The' musician can compose upon It a song that will cheer the hearts of mlllloni. Or tho poet, a vene tbat will be pasSed on to future generation •• Yet witba" there ill an abundance of thls commodity that it may bo freely used, not only for the rare purpose of commerce and art~ ~u~ for' unive~l dissemination of tho day'. news and widespread IIOlling of a multitulle of goods. ~ Truly, pnper is 1& magic carpet and an Aladdin's lamp and a fairy scepter all rolled mto on e.-The Apcode. JUST. LI,ICE SOME GROWN.UPS , "Kind gentle'inan-"Whnt are you crying for'" Small boy- "I forgot." K. G.-"Then Why do you cry'" S. B.-" 'Cause I c;an't remember," ----0-
QUICK, LJKE 'THAT Dubbs-"Say, Bill, bow can I find but what that girl thInks of me'" Blubb--"~y her."
, ! I BLONDE ,ES.S OPINES I ••••1' ,11'1 '•• .a.th. .'
.a•••r,c" t'lII,, • 1 '. - .~~
A.Jwo... E••
••.r',fr... her' .....ai'••••t .., ••
,.l) . i•• ' 1f•• ·II......- ......... p ..... , I .. . ... . . . .
Quite n number hom he re attend. ed the class play I1t Wnyne.iville Fl'i dllY ""ening. MI'. Willia m Sides, of Dayton, s pen Sundny with Mr. lI:nd Mr~. Snmuel Smith und family.
1111'. W. C. Cornell received word Friday of th e death of his nephew, Mr. Marion Thompson, of Roanoke, Mrs. Ella Dedri ck nnd da ughter Ind. have movf' J to Xe nia. Mr. lind Mrs. Robert Burnett nre 1>1r... LCRtCI' Hurl ey iK confined to 1I0W cosily settled in their new home, r ecently purchased of Mr. Wi)1 Berghc)r home with tnc·IIRles. dall. Mr. Hnrold Conrlld s(lent last woek Mr. lind Mrs. Glen,n Johns nnd son, with relnlives in 11 ighbnd. Ohio. Puul Turner, of Dayton, were SunThe C. E. Society pl cl1sllntly l'mr- dllY guests of Mr. and Mrs. ChnB. E. priscd MiM Alice Loui se Carr Friday Johns. evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kesler Graham nnd Mrs. Albert Chenowith who hl\8 dnughter spent Sunday with Mr. and been quite ill with li ver trouble Is Mrs. Arthur Whito ~nd children, In improving. Dayton. Miu Gm.ce Shnmbnul!h i ~ a memMr. B)"ld Mrs. R.alph Johns and ber of this year's grnciuRting class of daughters, Evlyn Iltid Frances, were Miami Valley 1I0RpitnJ. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ' Howard Sda,mmuhorn and fnmily, Frank Smith. of Columbu s were week-end guests of Mrs. Guy Routzahn and daughter, Mrs. Mary SCBmmahorn. , Genevn Mne, were week-end guests Mrs C. H. McKny entertil.ied on of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Boitnott, at Thursday, her dnughtcr, Mrs. Edwin Tippecanoe City. Kirk nnd members of her Higb Mr. an~ Mrs. John Myers and son, School cluss. Chester, have moved to the tenant Frank Blair, Raymond Wilson and house on Mr. Burton Earnhart's fann family, of Dayton and J118. Blair, of soutti of town. Xenia, were Sunday guests of Mrs, The W\Yne TO\lmahip graduates Josephine Blli,ir.' ' from Lytle this yellf are : Miuel Miss Dorothy Bogan is ill of the Helen Duke Bnd lJOueUa Longacre and Mr. Melvyn Baillta. Il'rippe at her home west of town. Lee Coyle nnd Elmer Reeves startMr. and Mrs. Cl,rde Whirton and ed Tuesdu,Y on a motor trip' to Cali- children were Sunday' guests of tbe fornia. bitter's parenta, Mr. and Lee The Busy Bee sewing club met at Greathouse, in Dayton. tho hOl1le of Mildred Nozzle Mondny Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cla~k bad for afternoon . The following are the tbeir Sunday dinner guesta, Mrs. officers. Pres. Myra H"vdock, Vice- Belle Coon, Misse!' Beulah, Bertha Pres. , Helen Fletcher, Secretary, Ru- and Ruth Coon, of Dnyton. by Smith, A s.~t. Secretary, Mildred Mrs. Rebecca D,lll returned to ber Nozzle. Mrs. S. W. Stephens is the home 'in Xt. Holly Sunday, alter IeVinstructor . eral day.' visit with ber daughter, ... Mrs: Berne Jones ailld family.
Federal Jud ge T. Blake Kenn edy of Wyoming. before whom specia l Government Counsel, Allee Pomerene and Owen J . Roberts, a ppeared asking a restraining ord er agawt Harry Sinclair to step further petroleum production at TCIIpot Dome, the first step In cancellation of the famous lease.
Beats Bobbed Beauty
w. AIwa" ...... a •• d II ••11
- ---
CEDAR ,VALLEY Floyd Foster visited triends in Dayton Sunday. Floyd Fosler spent Saturday afternoon in Wilmington. . . Mr. and Mrs. Richards entertained relntives from Springfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gray and Miss Mary Moon s pent Monday in, Wilmington. Severnl from here were shoppin!;; and visiting in Lebanon Snturday af. tcrnoon. ' , Quite II number of peopla from thi$ plnce atwnded the Field Meet at Lebnnon Tusday. Theodore Fost er mnde a short vis.' it at the furm of James Shunmker Fridny. . ' ' A few from here IIttend ed' II dance. a t tho h(lme of lIfr. and, Mrs. Vernie Bally, of noar Kingman, Thursdav nigbt.
- --
.. ..----
Cardinal Jiome'
met"ita Waterlqo 8t
ee,n,,,''''''; ' ''''' .. when Vir.rlnia ' Mar,
AJ'1~IJea Junior, wltb long trpsea. ,. won ~Ily ' oYer twenty
A'DelcOLilbt PI...t .32 ·volt.
Sheriff'l Sale IN PARTITION S.
Phillips Case No. vs• . Charles F. Phillips, at al 13147 By virtue of an order of sale, duly i.s$ued from said Court, in the above atated C8se, and to me directed, I will oft'er for sale, by way of public auction, on the premises in Waynesville Warren County, rOhio, on '
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Oaburn and children, Norvall and Ruth, of DaytOD, visited Sunday witb the fann- At 2 o'clock p. m. sbn:ldard time on er'. sister, Mills Sarah Osburn. said day, the following described ~eal estate, to-wit: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark ' and FIRST PARCEL-House Bnd lot. Mrs. It!ary Carmony attended th.e SItu8te in the iIIoge of Waynesfarmen club Th,ul"IBday 'at the bqme ville, County of Warren and State of of Mr. Qeorge RIlI!Y and daughten, Obio, being' a part Of Lot No. three (8) in Wabash Square and bounded near' RldeeviUe, ), and described 88 follows : Beginning I I Mr. and Mrs. T. Saylor, M~. and at the nor~heast corner of a lot formerly owned by William ROfCer; and Mrs. RUd~ Saylor, :Mr; a~d Mrs.. Ju. now own~~ by tlie heirs of G~nrge N8l!h and laD, KeulrB. Riley 'and Hen- W.; Hendreson, on Main St., thence ry Saylor; of SprlDg Valley, w,re With the north-west ,side of Main Sunday dinner guests of ' Mr. and atreet, N., 32 degrees, Ens t 31 feet, thence nt right angles with Main Mrs: HeniY: -G~~arn. ' St., nnd runaing westwnrdly 20 4 feet Sat~rday W" the last day of to- to IU1 alley 20 feet wide, thence with ~he Sputheast side of th e' ulley runbacco delivery of 't h,e Miami Valley ning southwardly thirty-one' (,3 1) Fllrmers' Tobacco 'C o-Operative Co., feet to the TlorthwQst corner to Ceo. .' He nderson's heirs line; then ce al Lytle ""lIfebou8'~: This company re~elved HOO easell of tobacco here, WIth the Henderson line cnstwardly two hUlldred and four (204) fe et to of which about 700 are Itored In this the place of begmning. Dcscribed wnrehouse. in Deed Records , Volume 90 page 416, In the Recorders Office of WarDr. and Mrs. D. ,C. Sammet, Mr. ren County, Ohio. lind Mrs. Cont'l\d Keoler and Mrs. Said Jot f acos on Main Street nnd Bird George, of CCllumbus, were the lies on the West si de of said Street week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs .• S in snid Villnge, the nearest Street on the North intersecting said Main H. Burnett and famiJy. And Sunday Street is Millmi Street, the nearest afternoon . callers ,l\lIitcd their only Street on, the South intersecting said living uncle, Mr. SylvanUS Thackera Main Street is High Street, the Street number 011 the building of said and wife, of Springb\lro. rea14lstnte is N o - , Main Street. Mr. W. G. Haines and children, Said reul estnte has been regularly Rqbert, ~ildred and Clar" \If Bel- appraised under order of the Court at the . sum of Twenty-five HUndred mont, Mr. 'Alfre~ Halnee, Mr. ' and (,,2500.00) Dollars and ~ll not be Mrs. Joseph Gr...i and daughter, sold f.or, less than' two-thirds of said Norma, of Dayton, and Mills Georg- apprlllscd value. ,Ianna · Chl!rh!B, of We"t Ale~ndtia, Also by virtu;"Of said order of sIIle' spent .Mothl'~'8 DIlY with ~r. ; and aforesaid, I will offer ~or by way of public auction, on the fo ..'Aml .... MI'!'. S_ H. H,!iJna. ,.,~ the home of Mr. on the Wellt side of t he ... "ue,oon and Mr:a. Walter Kenrick. Waynesville Pike adjoining . Waynesville In Mr. and Mn. Earl BI~hop were' tenMonday the ~ered qui~ a lIurpriee' Sunday In hon1924 at 2 , or qf, "'f.B; ~I~ot. birthday ,.."on"D'·" baaiet di~ner 111'88 an 6hjoy.b'le t\U'e. ot· the day Tlio.e
a~d ' !iii G8ClI~e
and !In.' JOlepll
it~llra, "111'.
Edltb:!. ~ ~%;;~~l:::nr.;~r:d~ l~r' l JJ4 Wilbur MI. anQldI.!~
bobbed-bair rivals al the school's I'r<:, ttl .. ~ t gid .·nd Quoen of . tI,
. . . . . T... _ 'B eed
Brlgp (in. crowded station)-"l can't "flnd 'my wlfli" . Stianton~~'Seti , that blue-eyed baby blonde ovel' there" Briae-'-"Bu~ but ~t ' iiln't ber." ,. StantoJ1:..l."1 bow It; 'bu't flirt with her for 0 aeConda and· joufJ Wife will appear_II ria'ht-.II rirht."
Public Sales Having sold my farm,I will offer at pubiic auction on the prem~es, 2% miles S. W. of Waynesville and 6 % miles N. W. of Lebanon, on the Leba~on nnd Waynesv!l1e pike •. on
... ... J
~OR lequire of
h. . " • I
=', ~""
OYE.a .,40. Y,EARS
HALL'S CATAJUUI KlDD1CJNID lias been u.cI IlUcceufull, In tho treatmAtlt
ofHALL'S CafalTb. CA.T~ . i . It'V
II: _ -
.Iotll of an 010 ifl' whlli ' ulcltl, Rellev" .1>y IocaJ appU~~. lI.od the
... 1'9\11,0, MhJGII aota
throu~~. B.I~ WI til. ~Ollll 8!Irfacu, th "d~ln tb' ~tSoD. 801d b an' te. . ., F. I. ~.,.. .. .'l'oIecIiItJ. Oblo.
DIl E~'M. RUDOLPH TfW BYe Slztit ~1I.t
~ IAt-t t.rr :Je*"afri{ S&op Lebanon. .'Ohlo
ENery ~r. ~"esday
SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1924, ','1 8100., ~: to. m. Beginning at 1 p. m. shnrp-;"'thll following property: Seven cat.tle, 26 pigs, 60 R. I.,.pullets; 60 Ancona pullels, a lot of farm Ing implements and"'some ' hay, eqrn I!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!l:~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ho sehold.. lI'oOdq. ;. , L. NICHOLSON. W. N. Scar s, Auct.
The und e rsigned will oft'er. for sale' at public Iluctiori~ at the late .rosidenee of Amanda Smith, deceased, in Waynesville, Ohio, on SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924, The perso nnl property of the said Amandn SmlUi, deceased, consisting in part of n lot of household goods. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Term s Cnsh . ALICE CHENOWETH EMILY MINNEAR Administrat rices of the ~ state of Amanda Smith, deceased. W. N. Sears, Auct.
And X-O-ORAPHIST Waynesville.
,Telephone 114~
Wills Drawn
EMllte); Settled
Waynesville, 'Ohio National Bank
Dr~ .Joh'o W ~ :Miller
,The unders\cned ofrer for sale at public aU'ltion, at the late r esidence of Amanda Smith, decens,ed, til Wattle.vllle, ' Warron County, Waynesvll~ ~atlolllt; Balik. qhlo, on '
The NIi. mt Gazette . WaJ'leaYilte, Ohio
-k§IH OtJNfCQ CD ..
ST. MA RY' S C ~URCH Sunday nfl(, l· EI\~ tcl'. School at 0 :ll O Il. m ., l\I o1'llinlo: Pm y' r a nd SEI I' m VII II I 10 :46 . R ~v. Rul ph l,(!C, officia ting. EYl' rybolly i. co r diall y invitl'd t o attend ·thu He Her"ices. l~ourth
born n 1\1' th 0 cloeo of the Chll War III 'Walihln s....IUI
.. !'
i:• ;
Mo"tgo m~ry
COUDtT, 01110. Com lD If B: Do WHSATLJ:Y ~111 lID nn e try .thal ID IUl earl,. 4&, "'_ Ifltorestod l ~n t!le «reat cotton MIll woolen m ill . located a t . Woodbu rn. Montgom nl'7 Oountr, wbeD. It Ie 1IIIId, t be eommerclnl aDd muatac turlng in torcste ot W~bani uceedoo- tbOllo of Ot\)'ton. , " A.t tile ace 0( 1 8 btl I' celved \ ilpee!aI tl'alalllg at tho Hoover Oobd Olun blfl J!Il[celalOl' Binder Works. Rnd IInrry Wills. Iriant America n Frnnklin D. Roosl've lt , Dcmon c~ro hc,w),wc ight, who for yea rs tor ela bt )'t)aJ'S be ecrved them t\8 a Cl'Otic vic ' presici l' hlinl CAn d idAte hns heen n cont ender fo r Dempse y'. in l ~l1 !) . has to ken act ive 1110n8((l' lIl¥hlne expert o ...er t he central port tit le. ge ts his cimncc Septcmb er 6 l11ent o f Gov. Al Smith's pre-colIof tho COU Dtry. In 1 896 he st arted n li t Bllylc's 30 Acr s, in J crsey City , vent ion ca mpllill'n for th e DemoTex Rickard will stnge the contest. line of s uburba n plu mbing, pum p, cratic P re sidcnt lRl nominat ion. ,.ell an d wind engine wor k . [n 18 98 be bogan t be Introdu cllon of the well known Sborpl08 Cream Sopnr ator , which he stili haud lee. with n DA UGHT E R_ WAS.... HONOR E D total sale In thlB IIOCt lon of over t wo A six-o'clo ck birth day dinne r w as thOU8lU1d. During this time h e beSan keeping dnlry s upplies. and In d"" n 111..-t Wcdn~:s .tn)' t'vcnillll' nt the tbe " !)nylon Flood" year , 1 913, be- hom e nf Mrs. \ 1.. ln Harla n (or her dll II). h\l'l'. J o"c phinc. The imm diat e ~ the IIDtl'oilll ct\on or th e Sharpl08 lIllt-log 'Machine with Its r eru mllk- family 'lil t.! u f ew invited I'!uc~t.~ \\'ere lDtr principl e, and no", b aa to oftor pl'eHent: Mrs. Enrn h"',,t r eceived sev· Orri" 8ell mo n plcd 1I0t gui lt)' to the r eceat great ImproYOlIlenlB elll- ural bea uti ful nn,1 useful ' birth day t he charge of rc ci;l c ~s d r iving ucfore gifls. bodied tbereln , and it moy be per!\layor Roge rs Monday nig ht an d the tlnet ' to add tfliIt tile time is DOW case was dismisse d wit hout r ecord M/L LER- BAGFO RD lieN that Hie r ooter as well 88 t b e as th e pla in tiff, M I '. Wright \l1I~ un ba'ril 0'IfU0I' COob bave bls own milker Mit," Do rut hy Mil ller, da ug ht er of able to furnis h s ufficie nt e viJ e nte. and take It from farm to tarm. Mr. !lilt! Mrs. F'I'lIn k JIli llcl', w n~ mnt - The cuse \VII S ove r nil nccid{'nt that it .. Yell 1rVI'tb willie .t,Q KO r ied to Gar li n - liagfo rd last S ntur- occur cd in t own n· wee k " go laSL SlIt tbrouKh tbe ~, oMoe. dllpa. da y morni ng ut t he Pres byt e ri nn pnr- u r d e ~' nig ht. r oom au4 Root HHdtn p or tile .onage, Lebunon , ill which to wn lhey H . D. 'Wbeatl eJ 00., at 17-1' WasIl- will l11ok" thei r futul'c hom e. InltoD StJ'eet, DliytOb, Ohio. TheT MIAMIS VS BOWER SVILLE ate O\lt of tbe "bleb rent" dlatrlct, The Mia mi s will play the s tr ong ARE DAy-r;0 N VISITO RS Bowersv ille team a t the loca l purk 'Wbl!Te "Oood Quality lit Lesa Price" ,.. lbe rille. I\[r. and 1I1 rs. 0 car mit h arc in next Sun dny. T he y hope to retrieve lost Sundays defent an d, prncliC'a ll y DaytO n today. • the same line-li p will , tart t he gume, ... Game called at 2.30.
WI11. M, Bll tler of Mns"., man· agel' of PI')s. Coolldge 'a primary campa ign. will succeed J ohn T. Act nms of Iowa 6 S chairma n of the Na tionnl Repllblican Cotnmlt teo immedia tely utter the Cr..eland con venti on.
--- ---- --
--- -._- ..---
- ..- - ANNUAL MEETING ---
Tha.so il. A car load of ;l'Qhn Deere Soil Pulver izers purch~d, ~fore the advanc e, ,.:rbis, is your opportunity to own the, best at a reason able
price. -
.W. ~ "HIA TT
SpriG. Valley, Ohio. '"
• .'
-----. - ..- - -
METHO DIST CHURC H Sabbath School, (I :16 a. m., pr eaching li t 10 :!J O a . m. \Vednesdny oveni ng ~c rvicc 7 :00 p_ m. E pwoir th Leag ll o 6 :15 p . m ;preachi ng ot 7 :00 p. m. Every body i8 cordiall y Invited to t hese services . Rev. L. A . Was hburn, P astor.
• 11
Fre e Ins tru ctio ns
:• i
CHRIST IAN CHURC H P re aching services ut the Christinn ch urch Sunday mor ni ng. E ver ybo rl y cor dially invited.
(Cnnt.inu cd frlO11I pIIgo
bUl'ied in Minun i ccme tl'r)' Su ndll)' " f. crnuun . li e IVa.'! lin ac tul· c mpi , .v~ d by th e B. F. Kei th orgn ll iznlion. an d died lit t he IIg" of 2 1 yell r: . .\!I n e leW' n mon th; . in a hos pitlll in B:.! ti rn " n·. 1I l' •. with hi. family . a L "nc t ime lil'l!d h,>re , nn d hi. 1 "5~ i, "" ,'. I'ow f ull y f·1t by hi$ I' '''at.iv~ ' lind ( ri '·IIt1s. Ed Co llett. well.kn own bll ~ in ()ss mllll \I f Wil ming t,'n, died lit hi s hom,' thor,' last week Th e fu nern l w a c hl!ld nt Wi l l11i ll~lull SlItur(lllY , lit ~ o·clock. l nt.er l1,p nt in Millrni C(' IIl tery. He was form erl y fro m 11 111'vey ~ b ll rg , alit.! had mllny f l"ien ds in a nd a round Wayn esv ille. BOUGH T LAND AND WILL SUlLO
Messrs, Ed Thomos , Mert Baird. L . M. Hend erso n hos bought th e " The a nnual lot owners meeting of Geo. J . Woterh Ollse an d E tha n Crane building lots just eust of W. N. Senl's. attend ed i nspectio n of Blltler,'ille and will Miami Ceme tery assoc iation will lie Pllt up n hand some bungolow he ld ~t the Chapel, Monda y, ' Ju no Masonic lodg e, S a ~ra~ nigh t. on the lo nd s ome tim e before long 2nd, at 1 : 30 p. m_, for the electill!1 of two truste es, one secretar y-tre83ur " nd f or othor imllo ta nt i)usi· 'fleas. A f-ull a ttenda nce is desired at this meeting . , L. M. H ENDER SON, m2 8 Clerk •
whe n .. ith er g r llti e or r eg iste red pi l':" ma y I,e used. Club T e achera
Learn how easy it is to make
Old Floors, Old Furniture like new with
Han na's Lustro-Fini~h
OXLEY-PACE DRUG CO., Waynesville, O.
lub leade rs wer e oppoint ed at the TO\\, T18hip progrum plnnnin g meeti ng en rl y in th e yenr wer e as f o lklw ~ : Fran kli n Twp., Food, Mrs. Au drey Denl'dofT, Clothing CIIl II, :r.hs. Will Dcchn/' t , Ca lf ; Geo. Croll, Olonrr re(' i; . F ood; I rcne Ha rbaugh , Cnlf; Parke r Chonibj! l'lnin ; Woyne, (1' 00<1 , Helon Hawke ,Ethel Mendenh nll; Pig hu s. '1', E llis ; Poultry ,' Mrs . B . V. Smith ; Calf, H. E. Stokos ; Massie , Pig, He t'be rt CUrl'; Cnl f , Wolter E llis ; Clothing , 1111'S. J e nnie Grahnm ; Washi ng ton, P oultry, H. A. Milla rd ; Pig, Hnrley Walker, Lewis Kiphart ; Food, Mrs. H. F McKay; Clothing , Flor e nce J effe ry; Calf, Fred Hagemeyel' ; Harlan, P ig, Lester Q a use and Harold Whitacr e; Calf Club Bu rdett e Whi tacre; Union an d Turtlecreck, Calf, Will Hufford , Albert Ban ta, R. D. Geor ge ; Food, Marie Be nham and MM!. Omar Hollingtlworth; Clothing , Mrs. Harold Hatfield; Pig, Eban Leaf 8JId Frank Guord; Deerfiel d, Food, ?tin. F. I. Lutes and Mrs. C. J . Worley; Pig, Ea rl McCaul ey; Clothing , Mrs. Raymond Butler; Hamilto n Twp ., Miss Alice Coo ke, Food Club,
I )
F Ol'n'.t W u" lI cy , ",)n IOf ~!r ~. t 'u r - " mieal g rowing of pigs for mark(·tIi j:s \\"oll ll l'Y I~ l f Sou t h La h nno ll , \\"H~ in l;" pllr p O ~C R du ri n g t h e fit"Hl ~'C l1r
May 22, 23 and 24,
In Inte rior Decorating
. . . . . ...... .o ~..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. .
'Things to Know About Our Service WE KEEP MOTHERS YOU NG You've probabl y n e,.er thou!;ht of tbil ph .... of our ..r,.lf" Mother'. Day Jra,. .. UI tbe· opportu nity to ""pr .... our pl .. a."ure I..... r ... ln, the Mothcro of Dayton When oar' l randmo lherl r eached 35 or 40 th." w . . . coo"'do r'" "middle aled.': The,. looked matron /,. H~rd w ...... from mo ... lne. till ni,bl left neilber lim ~ nor .m bition fo .. tb. mlool or keepio, youtbfu l Ipirlt. '
Tod.y Mothe" are ",irl." until their ,hair I. 'Whit.. Ho•• tI.tl.. demand Ie.. lime .nd Itr.n,th boeaul. mllCh ••leal a ••llo.. tI. much of the labor.
'-Tbe electric walher, Ihe iron and Ihe .... euum d . . . . ,"tlt.1l1yeara to Mothe r 'l ,irlhood . And th .. more appli.n ..... ll. Ita. to u.l, th .. lonler and happier .he'll
r. ....
Ii,.". ,
~ntir.e stock, unrestricted choice -of Spring Hats for Wom en and ·Chil ..
~dren, t.
The season~s most' successful styles . priced at drastic reductions. i.
'Os ter ly 'M llU iie ry 3! Green Str~et
Xenia, O~io
The best , photogr aph taken 'of ' Mr.. CooltdSIl since she became mIstress of the White HOUIO, She rewarde d the little to ts for their May DIY thought s with a motherl y kill and a I'Dvlng hug for each.
Rela t ives o! Mr. Fred HaWke, who is living at Florenc e,S. C., and e mployed by the Willys-K night Co., were informe d that he narrowl y es, cap ed with his life in a cyclone t hat swept through that section of the coun·try last week. Mr. HawRe WBS driving through the country and happened In the direct path of the cyclone. which s wept a path some two hundred yards wide. - He tells' of trees be.ing upr0.ote d and houses torn from their foundat ions while several people were killed. While there was nothing of hllmor in Mr. Hawke's experienc e, .he Buffer ed only the loss of his hat, and was indeed for t Unate as he happene d to be in the very worst of the, storm. -~--.-
.JJAY,I' ON'a BEST .. I~ CORSE T ., B-"'ur Y lIHOI!'l •• '
6 Si. Vaude .me Act. and Futur e Photct pla,••
_ _ _ IaP.... LiA~P_ ..... ~W. ........ "'cwiaa P..w ........
"'S ca"~ IIW. z..ISL
Entire chana. 01 ohow ..0." Moade, aad T1tw'....,. CoallnUO Ql P.rf...... nWIee. hum ' 1r30 to 11130 P. M. Alt.moo n Priee. 20c and 3Oc.
E....IiIna. JOe and SOc.
RUQS· UNOLE UM Lhwleum patwrn fi oor cc.' \'tl rln,. ItJc ' <1. f l l .• 'Uxt2 Oold ~e.1 COIIE oloum. t 7.i\(): 0 ....... " Uif. AsmlDIl.' flu. , ' lII.1001 V.lv e t~ flUo.
:~ ~~I~!OO~:I~:.~ ~~ ,,:\~tar!; ,ou.
AMERI CAN ~';'.LMILLS .. Da7"'" O .
,7-18 ,W..u ..toa St. - DAYTON. OHIO
, UEVERYTHING" P. ' tiae o.a,
«CdOd .
~H ' at
"iAb· PrbJf ,
R. A. .A. :a
SUITS $30.00 : . .
:a ~ C> s. TAI LOR S PANTS $7.00
138l1ou U) MaIn St.
l~urtJAL H~~. !~.~GS ASSOCIA~ONJ
8urplu. . .so,ooo.OO
OYet ...ooo
....... .. ·
....... 0 ....
B IBL2 8,
,8 o -b K s ADel' Comple~ iJne.'af: . , SUN DAY SCHO OI:.;,S UPP LIt:8' .....~.
' ~1 uSiUN8 VA1socrniO~' F:tt~t. .•
........ ...... _to
_ _ ....... h .... ,ilWHp ,'"
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TKB 'po .
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TIoaOalp ~ laO.,.. TWs. - .......... . . . -
T'F'o.;' a........", ~ I>laM;' 71e
ao&.ao7 ......... .... a.-
fulton Mark.el •36 E. 4th SL
Auc tion eer and Rea l Estate Satilfa dol"Y aeD'ice .iDee 1912. I
Termll very realODable.
...- - -
Office Aman BuiJ.= d=.: in:s!-__ _ _ _ __ WAYNESVILLE. OHIO
~... ~. ~ AD~Ri~SED i.tlJ'T~Rs:
l/> l '
, I
~ •.(
.' : . ' "
', ....
'A!'Eyle r, < J... ' • 1 '.,nd lin.' G, Gillhou ser., , Mr. Q. D~ke1. .! •f ~ E. H. ,W oodwor th. Ml". and ifni. Elmel" Cupp,' ' I' ~p!, ;Jellie Lege_ ' . • ' Hamilto n ' PlU1nell. • , ~ei1 ~.1iiSI. r " . Mn. Gen. W. ,Perry.
~1l1l. Grah~.
Rev. H, L. Latham• !In. JIaitha CJiJlpr .
COAL Oil .,S-TOVES " ' -
N OW is the time to , buy your r Coal Oil 'Stovj!, ' .< With the eom~ , ing of warm, weathe r, wh~n , ) a co~l range I ,make s' .the , '!,eat in the kitche n'\ oppreB8h1~ ' a Coal Oi~ Range will relieve .you of.th'e .ibtense
I ~
BAKERY IS CLOSED· The MacBet h bakery wals temp01' /lrily closed last Saturda y night because of Mr, MacBet h's Inability tp handle 'the wprk a~ the result of II l'Jlcent operatio n. While . no ,defhlite stateme nt ,hWl -been madil, 'I t " s ru~ mor~d that the ,bulines s will &. res,!med .", the near. fnture>
---- ..---
u. ·
Por Fre.h Spling Caugh t
Tho attorney s of W. Gustin who has bee n confined in the Lehano'!. jail for .11> couple of weeks, took the CRse cif his bond .'to the , cd~rt of a ppeals last Fridoy wee k and secured B reductio n of the bond to $3,000, which Gustin was 'a\!le to obtain. His case In error will not be hellrd before fall by the higher cou t t :· He was c~ nvicted in' the juveni le court 'of the county upon the ohorge of conduct t e nt.!ing to tlie delinqu incy of a 12yer-old girl.
I .
429 Eo F'dtJ. St......r
"Get It .At .W4eatley's"
,:/hea t.
..,' ".
. OUf' lin,~
;s, ~~wJlYS completei ~jth ~ ,.."ide' range of prices that wlll well as your' needs.' We have;1
, suit your poc~etbook . as ·theiitfrbni-:a-little two-ti urner cablJ1'e~I8tb've
.-( butne r witb-li UnClnoven.... "" ~, f ., ~ .. 1·{! '. - " ·These ' €oal Oil Stoves includ e e'verythini' i1i 'the "-. .,' I
• "
. . S,
.'. ·:fi.ol tt"CE ., NEW 1~~RF~~Tl0t1~·P.QltiT~N 'A~D \ " " 1" -. I ,". ," STAR VAPO RUJi.f ES. ' .' ~.
... \J~ '"., . Ana',th e prices range. fi'om ,8.50,to ,89.00 ; 1
• :
r '
.~b .
". \
'.~ ~l ~~~~~m .b8'~U~~ :~o ~nd a~ve 'Ia~r~ ~ .~ fOur' -
,~e~~ ~8 welUu.r1o~ pqck~t~ook . ~ " ... .
, '
Seventy-Sixth l{ear
Whole Number 6 &90
W .Humphreys, deputy clerk of courts, Tuesday of last week announced that he had decidlld t o enter the contost for tho State legislature, 01 ReprCRentutivs from Warren coun ty. Mr. Humphreys hilS long been in public servico and his exp~rience in the County Auditor's office and in th e Clerk'R office has made him a keen student of tax matters , a prob10m which it is believed will be of first illlPortonco in the noxt' Ohio legislaIUI·C . Mr. Humphreys has been consitlering the candidacy for so me timc IIncl has consented to the insistence a r hiM friends. Robert W. Brown, an attorney of Lebllnon ; und Il grnndson of the la te SeUI W. Brown, iMlIillo cust his shoe in the ring UK a condidute for the Ohio legislature. Mr. Brown i~ a young man, and will undoubtedly make a good canvuss.
All the remaining soldiers of tho Civil War and the Spanish-American BUREAU NOTES FOR THIS WEEK War and the Great World War are A LARGE CLASS GRADUATED ARE INTERESTING cordia lly invited to attend the ser FROM HIGH SCHOOL vice at the M. E. Church Ilt Waynesville on Sabbat h morning, May 25, Ilt 10:80 a. m. The Rev. L. A. Washburn will preach a sermon appropriate for the occasion. At 7 :BO in the evening , he will give a Elermon lecture on Cana Clothinr and Food Club Note.-An and Nazereth. S.. perint .. ndent of the Plq .... Ohio, - - -."'4'"_ .... ___ E .. "y Conte.t in the Several School. beli"... the Town.hip. Addr ...
As the fund s for mnintulning th~ public Iibrury und er the now plan OF THE WAYNESVILLE HIGH will not be availlLble until th e spring TOWNSHIP FARMERS CLUB MET AT RILEY HOME SCHOOL ALUMNI oC 1925 II continuance of the J!"encrosity of thepublic is hoped for in order thut the servicc mllY n o~ be in· terrupted. · It is des ired to beJ!"in the pu id librury servic e the first of nexl yea r. As nn oid to this e nd , and til make poss ibl e th" purchuse of uddiLional bo oks, frona lilll" to time, II .<11. Splendid Prorr.m W .. Rend ..... ct market will be held in the library on Corwin Dr.ke, of Lebanon. Made a Talk On tbe Matter of by Former Gr.d ... te. of SuLurday, May 24, begin ning 'a t 9.30 ··T.xe.... the School u. m. lind continuing throughout the duy. A cll mmitt~e wi ll b~ reu<ly to rece iv e all donati ons and it i, ear nestly The members nnd guests of the The forly-flrst allnulIl bnnquet of The Rpec ia l meeting of the 18th The Fifty-Second Annual Com- huped thut every fril'nd of th· libraWllyne T ownship Farmers club spent the WnynoRvilhi High School Alumni District culled for Saturdll'y, Mny 24, mencement of the Wayne Township ry will rully t o its MUPPl)rt., The Hon . Frnnk 1. Brown, of Day- High school was held in the new auda 1lI0st p'leasant nnd profitable day Il""ociil.j.lon W"H held in the Grade at Humiltoll, Y. M. C. A. building - - -... --at the hOllle of George E. Riley, o,n School auditorium Illst Friday ni)rht. has been postponed until Monduy, ton, is to molee the Memorial Day itorium on Tu esday evening, May Mr. ~u e l Taylor died ut his Thursday, May Bth. nnd one of the Inrgest crowds in tlie June lJ, at 10 O'clock, ut Hamilton address to be held this month, and 18th, at 8 o'colock The auditorium ia a speaker of some note. A further was appropriately decorated in the home west of Lytle last Wednesday A fter a sociol time and thll usual l,istol"Y of lhe orgnnization, with thl' Y. M. C. A. building. The funeral WU B held bounti!ul dinner, the program of tbe l' lu~eption of the Anniversnry year, This chnnge has been made 80 as announcement of the program will school and clftJl8 colors, and a lorge morning. from his lute home und th" body WIIS afternoon was heard. Mrs. Kenneth WIl8 pre"ent ot the affair'. Two hunto e nllble the furmers La get their be made in oU'r next iss ue, and this crowd witnessed the ceremony . drlld and seven places were occupied s pring work done and be nble to at- community may be assured of a wonAfter the invocation by Rev. L. interred in Miami -cemetery , Friday Hough r ead u most interesting story; also Current Events, prepared by nt the tllblM which completely filled tend. Every farmer who is Inter- derful speaker in Mr. Brown. A. Washburn, of the M. E. church, afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mn. Silver, were read by Mrs. Will ested In the Taxtq:ion question is Miss Edith George. principal of th e I he auditorium. White. Following the custom of former urJ!"ed to be prese nt. High school, Introduced the large As essayist of the afternoon, Mr. yC/.l1R, the guellts convened in the class lind the response WR8 ably given Farm Home Accounla. Corwin Drake, of Lebanon, talked 1'00n18 lind hall on the flnt floor of by John Pllul Bolton.. Mr. Geo. C. to us about "Taxes." Mr. Corwin I he building and relCistration 0 nd the Dietrich, of Piqua. made the address Miss Alta Kizer, Warren County was a delegate of the Pomona grange meeting at old friends · and cla ~8-. Home Demonstration Agent is workto the cla88. This was Mr. Dietrich 'II to the convention of the Ohio Tax mates occulliod tho time preliminary ing with ten farm women who are first appea,ance in Waynesville and I\#Isociation, where be met represento tho banquet. helping Ohio Slate University to do a hi. remarks were well received. tatives from all over the state-from A fter the class of '24, the g uests piece of research work in' farm home Supt. N. P. Blatt then made a short Errors, •misplays and terrible base accounts. They arc doing this by the prominenl utility companies, railof , ,t ho association and the officel'll, talk addresaing both the people of road companies, etc., aillo the farmthe claRlles in their order, beginning running 'resulted in another loss for keeping a record of all household exth e community ond the graduating ers' representative, Mr. C. A. Dwyer, with the ftrst graduated from Wny- the Miamis last Sunday, when Bow- penditures and of the amounts of class. After his talk he presented The campaign to raise money for The fo llowing announcement . is n08viUe High were Instructed to pro- e.r sville defcated th em by a score of farm products used. The following diplomas to the following students: the purpORe of wiping out the indebt- from the State grange. Mr. Drake told us much of interceed to the bnnquet room which was 6 to 2. women are keeping accounts: Mrs. taken from the Wilmington News- John Paul Bolton, Burnett ButterThe Miamis we.re the first to score, J . L. Mendenhall, Waynesville, Mrs. Journal, and concerns Miss Helen worth, Melvyn Banta,~Lorm.ine Bran- edness of the village of Franklin, has est for the farmer since reai estate fittingly decorated In the Bchool colgetting one in the first inning. The S. S. Ellis, Waynesville, Mrs. A. B. Hawkins, who, with her parents re- nock. Carlton Cook. Beryl Cook, Ev- caused no little comment throughout is paying 92 per cent of the taxes of lii'll I1IId those of the presenl closs. the State, and newspapers are giving the State of Ohio today. Following tho banquet, which WIUI score remained this way until the Talmage, Waynesville, Mrs. H. L. sided her u few years ago. Since erett Carnahan, Levi Coates, Ester this method of financing a town a leaving Waynellvi1le, Miss Hawklnl sixth. when wild throws by Crone Taxation is a timely subject since served by the Wayne Township Settlemyre Oregonia, Mrs. John Jack Corwin, Helen Duke. Katherine great 'deal of publicity. Franklin Is has been maldl,g her horne In and ~ranl!'e, ¢he entire lUIaemblage joined Rnd T. Burton let in two runs for Morrow, Mrs. C. J. Worley, Foster, Fromm, George Henderson. Rayman the pacemaker in this method where the total indebtedness in our state I In tbe singing 01 the 8chool IIOng. Mr. the Greene County toam. The ' Mi- Mrs. Clllls. Hause, MIlSon, Mn. Rey- near Wilmington. Bat1lel~, Heflter James, Opal Lewis. the citizens take it upon themselves is steadily on tbe ineiell8e. At II tea given Saturday afternoon One of the actions of this conferRue Dinwiddie, p~esident, delivered amis scored another In the eighth. mond Butler, Afoaon, Mrs. H. R. HarLouelIa Longacre, Helen Randall and to make a clean sheet upon the debit ence wall the appointment of a comltis addreu aj1d welcomed both the nnd during their half in the field, Os- ris, Franklin, Mrs. Carl Thompson, May 3, at "Flatflelda, • the-a~ctive Clement Satterthwaite side of the village's books. ,', country home olf 1Jofrs.. A,lbert HI Termittee to decide the proper method Incoming clallS and guests of the borne relieved Crone in the box. Lebanon. This WBII 'one of the largest classes A committee of ten was ' appointrell. of New ViEmna, the engaeement In the ninth Bowersville had a A,lumni. After the reading ot th, A real emeient and simple houlleever graduated from the local Hi/l'b ed and due publicity WBII given ' the to pursue to bring about "just taxation," .' ndnutes and roll call, Mill8 Olive A l- lUltting rully 't hat netted them two hold account has not yet been pub- was announced of Mrs. Terrell's Ris- school. John Paul Bolton WR8 awardcampaign. CaptailUl and tbeir Iu,bTbe National Taxation 'allloelaIen wu introduced, and welcomed runs, while the Miumis were unable li shed, and the one now being used ter, Miss Helen HawkilUl to Edward ed first honors. Helen Duke, aecond ordinatea" were appointed to systemtion k presenting the Model syatem the clllM of '24 into the all~ ocintion . to connect with Glas's' dellvereis. has been prepared as a temporary Sewell Harrill, of Nottingb'¥i, Eng- and the distinction of honorable atically canvas the village and aB II land. ;:. ,;' Pry held down the hot corner wbile Taxation, which is BII follows: ThiS she did in 0 poem with pcrsonnl tion was given to Helen Randall. uook. About one hundred farm woresult over six thousand dollat'll was The occasion was ,truly delfghtful. I-Personal Ineome Tax. verses concerninj: each member lIt Gon~ was at short for the first time men over the state lire keeping these The music for the occasion WIIS raised from 496 subscribers. This Among the ladles· present wh;; enjoy2-General Propertv Tax. I he clalls. and her welcome proved thi.s year_ furnished by the Wayne Township accounts, ond ~t the end of the ycar, Next ·Sunday the MiamiI' will jour- it is thought that their experience ed the afternoon were. Miss Rhthanna and Morrow School orchestTa5, and sum was pledged and the collection B-Business Tax. very unique nnd entertaining. Rayis under the d.i rection of two Nation4-Inherltance Tn.X. mon Hatfield gnve the response for ney to Morrow for the second gtlme will furnish the basis for a permen- Sims. of Rlchinond. 'and MiBS Edith this even.t closed one of the most al banks. In this cam' p aign there Meredith and Misa Francea Andrews, successful years that the Wayne Lhe Iligh school. Mrs. E. V. Barnhart of the r.erics. The s core: The method of Ta,xation cannot ant lIccount bOllk thut will meet the was nQ discrimination as to the fino! li:arlham college. Each one presthen re'u,d B memoir for 1<10 Dakin township schools have ever enjoyed, nanclol standing. but every citizen of be changed un til the constitution ia needs of the Ohio form family. ent had been requested to teli ' Ilomeamended-which amendment will be Hawke. Other features of tho proThis book WIlS prepared by Miss Franklin Wa R given a chance to belp. thing about "roses," and: re ~'p~nded ~~.------DOWERSVILLE submitted for vote at the'-November ~'l'Bm was a reudlng by Betty Barnett Genevu M. Ban e, Home Management This move ... it occurs to us, is an with song and story. . A ~~wl of election. This belllg a live Bubject Willits by ' Miss Ada Michener and AD R n PO A E S pecialist of the University in coevidence of community spirit and coit brought forth much discusaion Mr. Lee Earnhort, and mu ~ iCIII selec- Powers 3b,......... .4 1 1 1 0 .0 operntion with the Rural' Sociology Ilxquislte red roses cente.r"ed ~he tea operation that amounts to something. table, and MI8I1 '!Qgenna "Terrell1, After the special topic, "Where do \.ions by Grace Curmcn Daivia and Wells, p, cf.......... ll 0 0 0 2 0 Depnrtment. We may all pride ounelves in our daughter of th,e h9l!te88, , presented Children Learn Thrift-in the Home her ~ son, Bobby, and .M r.. BellSie hadley, 88 •••. ..... . . .4 0 .0 0 1 0 town. Its officials, our clubs, etc., but each lady a ro,se a fayor. AtFood anel Clotbin, Club. or in the Public School1'! bad been White and children. and a '!\bort talk N. Murrell, 2b .. ,. S· 1 0 1 2 1 the kind of spirit that will, make a tached"t!t the rO!Ie, t~ Hower of Eng"bly discussed by Mrs. · Lewis and by Supt. Blatt.. . . Miss Alta Kizer, Home DemonstraB. Briggs. Ib ........ 3 0 1 7 0 1 town better than the other towns Mrs. EIben, we adjourned to meet The Wayne Town8hip High Scbool Wilson, rf ............ 2 0 0 1 0 0 tion Agent discussed the plans of the land, by a ribbon of.red/·white and around it, Is spirit that Franklin baa in June with Wilbur ClarK lind famClJ'Chefltra fumi,hed music durhig the Bowermaster, rL2 II. 0 0 0 0 Clothing and Food Club at the Buck- blue, was a card! bearing the flags of shown. ily. ' A season around ten daya backhanquet. A'f~ the ptogram the . of- D. MUlTell, c ...... :. 4 .0 1 17 2 1 eye School picnic on last Friday, ard the ·lJnited States and England, and In many C08es throughout the fleon for the cotning yeal\ w.~e an- P. Bfiggs, er, 1f.... 4 1- 1 0 0 0 on Saturday she RSsisted Mrs. Will disclosing .the happy surprising, se- ward does not, say erop men at Costate we ftnd towns and cities in simnounced, lUI follows: Prc8ktebt. -Mr•. GJIIlII\. If, p .. ,..... ... ,8 1 1 .0 .0 0 Dechant, FrankIn, in planning for the crat! Mlu Hawklna Ie known and ' loved lumbua, diminish the truth of a rimed Iar straits that Franklin was in beClaude Riggs; Vice-President, first year Clothing Club and Mra. by t1ie people of thia eommunlty Sho .tatement known to many Ohio far- fore tbe Inaugurating .of this camKenneth Hough; Secretary, Miu TotnI8 ... ..... .. .... 33 6 6 27 7 B Walter Doardoff with the Food Club, is , the d,aught.e1' of Benjam, in and mel'll. .. A bushel a day Is the priee paign, but how many of them would en HaY.lke and Treasurer, Mr, you pay for corn planted after the dare to do ·the thin'g that our sister whicn was organized last year. MIAMIS Hendel'lJOn, To date , there are sixty In the Viola Hawklns, and comes of on In- middle of May." Stiltion tests and common experi- village haa done? Every citizen of The officers tliis year deserve much AB R B PO A E Clothing Club and ~eventy-five in tho fluenti"1 Quaker ancestry, She i8 a these indebted ' villages and towns of Wil:mington collegp, and ence testify alike to the truth of thia, commendation for the success of , Prendergast, f .... cS 2 ,1 If o 0 Food Club and several Clubs have not graduate no doubt is concerned about ·tbe flntaught for several years in WHmingprogram, ' which was pronounced by Satterthwaite, 1b.. 4 0 1 3 o I) yet reported their enrollment, ttnd the farmer who delays corn nancial state of its treaSury, but how. A girl appeared at a... dance: In anton High Bchool. During ber resi- plantinlf a dllY, longer than absolutely mony as the best in the history of Frye, 3d .............. 4 .0 1 3 o 1 many would be inter\lsted to the o.ther city 'one night recently, in t\ dence In Wilmington she was adEaaa, Con ted. the organization. H, Bumn, rf...... 4. o 2 .0 .0 0 mired not only' for · he~ personaility necessary will have just that mue:h point of going <lawn into liis pocket dress that aroua~d eOnime\lt on ac. IllAtion, ~ells corn to sell. The: three contests in ' the County T. BurtoD, 1:f.•~, •. .. 4 0 0 2 .0 0 Teats conducted at the State Elc~ in order that his town might lie count of its extremely decolJete cut. During the ub8ineSA sell8ion quite Pace, e .......... .... ..... 4 '0 2 17 .0 2 who , hnd the highest grades on the but aillo for 'hertnlent in music, her cleared of 'debt? Indeed. Frankin Is Some of the parents epoke ..to the " deb.te arose lUI to where J)ext Gons, 88:... .... ........ 4 o .0 .0 2 0 Essay entitled, "Why Every Farmer lovely voice bringing pleft!,lure to all periment etatlon, Wooster, Ohio, to be congratulated. mother, asserting that ahe ought not year's meeting W118 to be held, but It Tinney, 2b,...... , .... S o .0 3 o 1 Should Belong to the Fann Bureau" hel" a8socJn.~. · A,t pr.eaent she Is showed corn planted the 'Iast week --'----... ... to have let her daugbter come in was decided to leave this to the, judg- Crano.• .. p .. .. .. ...... .. 3 o 1 0 2 , 1 were, first, Jo~phine Wilson, Un- Secretary of thei' You'!g Friends Ac- . A I I tivities of the ' Five "'Years Meeting. In yelding that year, 62 bUlhsuch attire. or lack of the same. She ,nent ,(;f neXt year'.11 officers. Many Orsborn. p ,........... 1 0 0 . 0 o 0 ion Township, ~eradine McCarren, and lives in Richtfiond. Ind. Sbe elll of ebelled grain 'to the acre. Corn replied that ahe could not help ,it, as ,etten Bnd telegrams were received Washington TOWnshill, and Caroly!;) expects to continue; her . p~st until planted the first week in May brouiht the girl was bound to qo just lUI she \ 1,l y 'members who ,vore unable t~ be Totals .............. 34 2' .8 27 4 6 Swartzel, Wayne "Township. The ncar time for the wedding,'~ which- 64 b!Jahels to the acre; lind plantings tHough apparently. she was , llreserit. two or three days later produced prize wjnners in Wayne . Towrlship under age ap yet. a bushel o'r two more. The Alumni Is growing in such Rowetsville .. .0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3-5 were, fint, Catherine Branstrator, ,will toke place early In ·" SentElml,er. Men who '-own automobiles often proportions that within a few years, Miamis .. . • .,.1 0 0 .0 0 0 0 1 0-2 second, Chnrles Whitaker, and other Mr. Harris, who PlAntings between May 25 · anTi complain that their boys· drive their try lost year with a 2B fell olf in yield to 68 busbela, a':d 'if the' graduating clasaes contiflue ten, Mary Etta Guy, MlIl'garet Shuals'Qcli.~t4jdl cars in a way that the fa~hers' 4!' not t~ be 80 large. · t~e meeting will Summory-':2-bose hl~, Glass, H. ler, Evelyn Cart'wright, Mllry Lou- English Young Fr ·~n.dE, The Woman's Auxiliary of St. at a\1 approve. They ~k. and talk 'to with ' the Adblt School t ed~Ie:~ltJonal those of the fil'l!t week In 'J une \ndoed be an eVlln greater evellt In Burton. , 'Sacrifice fly; N. Murroll. ise Zimmerman, Howard Pence, Lou- ., , • • dropped way down to 41 buahela. Mary's church was entertained by Fat; Ohio as a whole. years of ex- Mrs. W .R, Allen and lIiss Letitia them, but It haa no effect lIoclai activities of Waynellville Sto.14m base~, Powers, 'R . Burton, ,iae Crane, HOface Shimer, Grllce movement . if! Ellgl~d, hill; The complaini is made that many perience 8\1ggest May 7 to 14 as the McKay on Thursday afternoon, MIU' · Hlgh seliool arid tbl! liommunlty than Poco, Omn\!. Ldt on pales, Bow- Hockett, Morris Sherwood and Mabel p~es !lnt being with .m.ln~rs. , very young people are drinkl.ng heavIn t,he neighborhood of .NC1mngllallB, optimum planting dates, with May 15th. at the home of Mt'II , Allen. It has ,In the pallt, orsville 6; Miamls,- 7. . Hit batsmen, McMillan. ily. But if you inquir~d as to who where tho young peopJe' will make 1.0 as beet for the state as a whole. .• out-of-town members .present for 'Finney (I>i Wells>, Wild pi~hes, ... ...- - The meeting ' ,¥aa opened by IIrs. tlieir bOrne. ' Those I who ha"e me~ The weather this sprl')&, hBII brought Cad'j¥allader re'lding a portion of St. is to blame, people :would .say tl;lI~t in ,...u.e .Alumnl banquet we~ Mrs. Eva Weill! 2. BaM all 'bollll, olf Wells, 1; I ALUMNI ARE VICTORS him say that he' is a v.!ry estimable Ohio corn \ land past tbese dates with John 16, followed by repeating ' the many coaes the fathers and mothen Long. Flora ·Berryhlll, Minnie Davia, oCi Cmne.~. Struck out, by Wells, and gifted young Eriglishman who practicallly no com in, and the ~ost Creed and prayer~ Scriptural quo- arc at fault, "!Iince all the time they and, Levi Lukene, of C"lu,nbus; 14; , by Glass; 2; liy Crane. 13; by . suppl)'ing ,llle.ally obtajned liquor and , Mn. E. "V. Barnhart) Eugelnia' l0t'llborn:2 ,Hits ,off Wells, '8 ; off A team composed of Alumni mem- wili' appreciate Iilis good fortulle in practica.1 adville that can now be /l'lv- tations were given in response to roll in their own homes. , Whltakerj Margaret Cook and Vir- Crane, 8; oft' O~'Sb rn, 2. .Innings pers won over the' High IICheol last aecurlllg as his wi.f,e this flnc, whole- en by the C~OPII department at the call. Many lueh Instances raise the gWRetalllck; of Clnclnnatl; ,Mrs. An- pitChed, Well~, 8; 'G lMsl j Crane. 8; "'ridny' afternoon by the score ot 10 Borne American wOlI)an. unIversity is. 'The SOnoner th'e betquestion as to bow far' Pt~nts are .na Stilhl. from Franklin; ~r. Allram Ol'l!born, 1, Umpires. WlIl. Schuler to 11. Thie was the last game of ter." ----~ losing their grip on the yo, !lger ~en Cook, CIt 'Sprincboro i )(ju Betty Bar- and J. E, McClure, Time 2 houTII. the seosoll of the Higb .lIChool, and eratlon, which in man» ways' is show-. 'W t, :of Cedarvlllo,; Mr, 'R,dIJert ' only small c~owd of Iltudents and IDg a d~.uee of independence that ' dl!r:\oort, ot Deleware; 111118' I\U.'<'l'·~ll!' .f uns witnessed the game. often runs into disaster. ler, i)f Lima: 11188 lIarybelle' ,...arocl<:", ,It ie very 6illlcult to estabUsh , eon- , of Xenia: lit'll. Ethel S, Espey " , pool over young people of the 18 to 20' Mildred from Centerville: Mrs. . ~' SAVE YOUR FlOWERS , age; when for years these younc' pe01ro.m Mn. " \ .•. ple have be~n doing just w· 11f'. " I"'''¥. ,S,I~:nham and Donald Herider1 "Th~. llommlttoe on flowe~· for the wanted to. , The time for ,Farmer'e GJ1IaIIge No. J.8,. ~et i '. 'Lebilnon lito.' and .... Memorial Day exertil!ell are anxious Saturday ' - -,'",-' "' down WIIS 80me years "~I~,a D.~; ~~~ ~ have as many ft~W'ers hi! poul~le.' 8. EIJle ·C. Save them I Send and brine thelll· ..l'1nalnccl.IIn:' eal'ly . on. 'Debo~tt~n'';" Day.
- ....
- -----
-----.. - ----AMERI'CAN ·fl'NAN"CE
if'O 1J ~ ·M' [D~'NY'
. _.
"M~SI~~ .~O~RAM : . IOVERPRESIDfIIT ~~~~~=~e~~~~~~~
The Miami C'llzeUe,W 1~~y~n~d~V~il~le~';..O~h~':o~~~~~~~;;.~~~~~~~~~..:..~_",,!!,~;,,_~,!,,~_:-"'!"'___
~~~~~ ~--~------~~----~~~~~~~~~------~ "'r.!~$iii$5Willl~i$~$iil'"~~ I cu~~~';llt>n I. ~llt 1(' III~ l r= ~'.!t· rtJllr onu'e lllill,II,>, Ih v
.. .
I JIll dUll Whil,ukl!l', ~a ll1e, ,180.67; F.
Ello ' h Tonll'Y hils hNU/!hl n ~1I1t. in 'IIrr(,t u~"i u t til · ~Inl' "r hm 1\ li(]I", r In \\'hk h b" \ u s fined $; IIV lIu d c,'~IM (If $:l tAO III J;' ranklill ill dMcJl. O. G. Hill hU8 hr"lIght suit "~Il itl"l Ju in tn Hi ll [ur lIh'ul'e~. 111,' ,hU r!(l'S ~I'OS5 negl('cl of tluly .
"Mis' Scolt !" Tho w mnn nllsw\,red. "Hen)'. n 1"",'1 '\11 ' n Il'ttll! j nJt 0' '8'11\\1. ~ll '~"'" t. Yo lIln tall th e boy 110 tIll' ~rldt 'In' gtt wn"h~d un' then I " olltl' to Ihl' I\r,' 1I11' I'M )'('r break· t ,,_t." , 'l'lw \)0 o" ",us II hnn.t8(HlIe, blond Ind \\!tll "Y"~" Innndtlll'0 I'r fl'..rtous HI~ 1)111' on l\ , I~",' tl'ctt(l I1Innnl'r. n of hlB
Ilri~iulf fr~Tll
Mr.Ja~ of Indiana. and Northwed.
Webber and Fields Orfet'?
A·T.... for Tomb.tone. F,dWIlI'\I 'Jnckaonl indorsed hy the K~ K1\PI KI"" or I ndlanll, sWQl.t the Stato for the Govcmo~hlp nomination . . He &,ot moro votea thnn all five ot-the other candldatce put togctl)er, Lew Shank. M8yor of Indlanapolls, most Im))Ortnn~ eandidat& agafnat Jack80n and' enomy of the Klan, W1Ie wiped on\ 10 to 1. e Thill eleetlon la Important outaIde of Indiana, and IndtcRte!l Chl\~ the Ku K1dx Klan hall gamed ..,tl!\lr tb\lJl lost strength, 8nd will pi!\)' 1111 \mportan~ part In tho _ Ing natllJ'lllll Noction. An EI Puo bank eloees ttl doors, tAe ~u~weet, that ahOllld kDo~ onlj: PWp.lty. Tho other dar an tm)l<!rtlint bank In the NortbWClri ... In trouble 8nd only savEd b.V mergiJIg with anothor bank. Jj'~81"11 cBJl't. make a living. and wlille evorythlng ill dODe :for re~ road~ ana other corporaUOIIII, to ' make !lure that their stoelcholden dhtldehdlr, ''nolhIDg III dorie fo ~:1 8Il~ to give them , t,a or~: , ad'V1ee.
Something be~ muat be done lone OJ' there will be troubi ll. II! more baDb, Dnd trouble In two ' ~ political partlea, , : befO~
HeDrt bid rMJ mone)' for ' Kuaclt ~ qno!I\l to ~ufac- : ~ . IIftd tile :farmera ' bOW that .~ wooJd manllfAeture
~ '~' ~&ft~1 Wddhw: .,.. . . . . 1DOIIeJ. one I bId , ~ ' ODe
haDtbM and wentI ·
millIon do~ alJd rem!n!lllYOu o! l ~e eon'V~'t(o.n ~t.w~}f~ .
wa 'aijd
PlWd"; "lJfl~e ~ .
~r :rve O~~ior
d~," I
~ 0I\e."B,a\!}ke, ",e aln't' 1Ot 'OOO/~ ,~~ e GUIer a ';" Iot ·mOW 1i, ain't It a rood
, . .'ft.
=_t~~~Jm:" ~ .
"I Ii 11M, 1$314 .00; JOH. 11<1\'is, ~:Iml\, $l '1M" II3; Su i Stovenll I'II~~ G. A. n., Momllrio l Day a llow$!l5.00 ; W. Jt Hoel PORt· G. A. II. ~ll mL' $2['.00: West Publishing ( '0. , Mllpplies, $3 .75: A . '1'. Rottlg, pn Yl'o ll for ';n e holf month. ell~tl1i' A1,"; 1 :WLh, $20.60; Ol·.goni a Brldgo ' , Cu .• 1 2 blue prints. $2.40 ; H. S. Con')\....~ r . "~ uppl l·c"~.. . "7.25 ,' .<'-[nrl'y HI' II, "'.'." ~ ., CUI' ro uut.y earM, '7.77; Ol'egolIin Bl'id~(1 0 . , g rove l Illld co nsLrucIh," . $7 :!:I.2&; ].'rnllk Shorwoud Co., ~u\lpli o,. $11.50 : Cincinnati Qual'. ~ C' n., .,w ,'(1'0 I" Crll ""hc,·1 "' OIIC, .."3"2 rll' • • ,,;I:)' (,,, I,,mull ' Oil Co .• gus, oil, and • ,I I Oi l C g l"'II "!'. $tl(\.60; til n .. u I'( 0" "IIIIIC, $ 1!hJ.72 .
,to ~ll t l (!OOt and WillI fo\\'1 lllld t'"Ud a flro on ulnl(l, I nnr l/fIrt uf II! Rh r(l. Mr~. ,:"t;t Inlll bted (In 11,'r rIght [0 do . th" ,·\lnltlUIl. Jlld, k" pt u ulnry. of Ibe trlp. S"'lI~ I)~:~ "'hWb 'tllc hlst.orllln hus r(~\tl. !from tI,lcm w luum: !COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS "Mrs. · ~t\tt hus brnvcly l'Ull the . gounll~t ot heIr sorro\\'s, Nt\w th~re 16 III th o Cllse uf hil~. Foslor Schn~lI " . S . F'd ' u new look In her ·tHCC. Sho IS 1\ VM. '[.).10" I 0 1'1 1 Y nneI G uUl'on.y do t lllock ·ey ~d. dfil'k-h nLred. I·ncrgollc. C0., Ico V" 0 f COUI·t is ' " g rll,lI l e cuo",ly WOl1ll10 ot (onY,'Wlth eb I'ks f urlh er plend ill len dll.vs. PROBATE COURT mu th,'r "'liS ~ \l111t11l1'. " \\'hllt's yrr nllm ll?" Snlul1Inn oRked. ns rod til< II ripe slrllwlll'rry. 'o\olUon The purchllso of el'tuin 1'0111 e8lIaITY H. Thompson. u"miui. lm · Su~nl1 .1 111l~ Innklnt: liP ut the Ind \~'hom ht' hUll CIt II " her 'mlddle Kl zlld' but ~lle seems tolo fr om the Wcs t Baptist church. tor of lhl' e,ltllc Flo " o f Lel)unOII, \"(1 ".n con"rmc(1 for $300. Th o tllp~ "n, de ' ('n>l',[, h'1 l'eI I\I' S .111 "" 1\to be Inrge enough 10 'flll his e'·c. , lItr('<I hljlh tn t II I' n Ir, ' JI "I\'hl~ .'colI ." Ihe bill' ans\\'('rPd tlro- 8how8 her !fl'eut dercrt' nrll and choo8<'S Tho I'lnintiff wns grunted ton dnys hll1 wordS wIth pnnlc:lllllr cure when t ory IIml IIPPl'lIi 8CI1ICllt. I 1~l r with tt'lIrs In his e~·(!8. be spunks to bet. Of lnte he hn8 tllkon in which to fil e nmo nded P ·titilln in Rosa O. l1ug(Hnllll, I'Xl'c\nll'ix (I f 'By "Whutl D(' ye skeered 0 ' mpr to sIngIng. She nnd the hoy seem to th CIIS~ of Henry ox VB••r. II nry tho est"te of Theoclol'o \lugc"'"I1. d(' woroi~ cn",.e from ~.hr hu\'o ~tlrrod th e IlepUIH In him nnd She cts, censud,' fi1~d 11l:r liI"t Ilml 1111111 nCla<1TI.lcee liS he be!(lIn to cry: No. llttle 811'. _ _ _ _ _ __ cu rIous thIn"" nre cOllllng up to tho Bc njumin Pu cket.t wa ~ g l~~l\t ed II counl. I uln't ~kecr~Il. I'm n brn"c mnn." ..The cnllrt. tll.te l'm in" 1i the ~ IICCc "S' "Cournlt Is the f1rst \'Irtu e In which sll rtn~'O--g(lngs flOll storl a II nil droll diYUI'cc from Am n ndn Annn I'lI cke tt thl'! yonn l; urc ~chool C(' nn the tron- rcmurks lind plny.rul trkh s un,l un un· on ~1'ol1nd~ o f I:ro~!! neglec t. OI'S o f the H nt e (If ~I al'lh n II. BlII 'c . Copyrlahl lI' Irvlna Bache1lor U >r." Jnek wrote In n hIt tor to hlR usunl umount or Itltll!h lcr. 1 8tt[l[lo><e Noticc of the case of 0 C. Hill .tcullsc d. th l: 1\1\\1)\1,,1 ,.1' ,.,,<:)1 . ucccs, frt r nflR II I hl' nl P In whlrh he 101<' nr thaI It 1& the 8plrlt of youth In hIm. vs. Jutlni la, wus ordered ma dl' by siuII: lho cxe llll,tilln nl!ilwI''': 11 " ,1 LlIl' ~ "'thl"'"ct thp hl'lo~' J::n:-at AlIhnnds l·row. he:-low u blicllt i"n' nlll"'11 11'" of lllX to \\,11""1. ,"."1')' ."t" l'~'''' ~ .. e wuman ume OU I 0 r th e.~ , ., of tl,·t "u~Ilr . "Th~. words stunned tOUdl"tl by by his IIllnll!ull>llQ I ~ ', ', , . with" Uttle lad ot tour ft"'eep In her aM mnnn cr of the boy remlndM me r(\ lulng burk III hIs II ld selr. There ('un 1 he plnlllhf!' wu~ ~rnntcd ten dllY~ is liuble. be no doubt ot thl ~: th,. IIIUn Is tcn Lo fil c rep ly 111 tho ellso oC Geo rg · E d L, It' ln ll ick . ad mill isl I'll I,ll' o f arms. or 111,. own r.hllcthoor\. "Where <10 YO Ihe?" Solomon uked. "S,;lnmnn held WhIg In hl~ Inr' li nd ycnrs )'oun~e r' tl 'tl n wh en I nr~l knt'w E. Youll g VM. N ow LolI L. lI unn"!!. t he ,,"lllle oj' Clilr, .... 1 M .•1;111"'"" " . ''Fnr /!{Iuth on the Rhore o· tbe Mo- fl'(l hIm ollli 800n wnn hlR contld,·ncc. hIm c \' en . 'rho LIllie Crlckel hos \nlfl ('crtn in I'enl cs~l(1 nri sing ill th o "<'CCII"" ". file d his 1;" ,( all" Ii 11:1 1 nc, h&wk." she Roswer"d In II yolce Irt.'m- 'I'II e bocl( ~ of th e horR"s nnd the cow holtl or hIs I" !lt n . 'Yhl" s it" h"lw"cn cllse of S. . Philli)1 ~ VR, Ch",... Phil- count.. bUng with ('molioo. ",{'re so bn(ll y I:lIlIed thl')' cOllld nol th c reet or g"lo lII(ln In th l' ~Iurn ,hIT' lip~ ,, ' 0 1.. WtlS o rd e rcd s old tit puhlic i\l tl rl!tll'ct Ll' Fc\'l' l'. 1"llII inislrlltl'ix MONEY LOANED -'''hat'. yer nnme?' be rl(ld~n. hilt \\' 0 wern ah lr tn ht Fh In ~ Ihl' fillY nnll In~l" lS Ullun "I l'elll ll~ :tlleti,,". of lit" c" llll" "f E",il '1'. ~('hu Lz . " ,,_ "1'm BIll SCOIl', wlte." al.e 1lD- the !lncks O\'cr n hlonket on onr of I I • .",('red. th t' horsl'S, We !lrove th e bcn,ts nhNIII wIth 11m III nl ~ .t. I The CO Ul'l "us tuill rI th e demurrci' e~u""lI . til ed he r II r, l IlIi,l finnl lI C"One n,,'rnLnl: my doltl rrl~nl 1"I.". \\'er or lhe (Ia_ "Cnl's blood IInll jtunpo""der I" Sol- of us. Thr Inllt nnR hH~ tl mltered t h l' I l Iwoo; I. to 1111,' 1l1.IC11Cl ocl ~ ~ ,w:">:EY r..OANEfl ON l.IV E STO CK, connL. 1Il1llthlnjl 0.< we Sloo ,m IIC r ",'r I f i t d I tl " (I ,)llIon exclaImed. "I'm ~ol Slnklls." I!wllles hl're nn (1 thpNl 80 thnt we wcre bonk wn tlhlno: ourspl\'l'9. I CII' lI~l an n ~ o Ie rno .lOn l) t til dl n Ll I' I ~ , nl ~ .. second morlg/lges. 'rhe courl dctc rmi nod lilt' S H Cl'"rS . She kn~t bl'tore the old scout nnd oble to 11(\88 them wIth Hull' tTOllhle. .. 'Whllt IIro )'.,U Inu~hlnlt lit T 1 : plH,nl,ff to "trike out the nmcnd ed t tl the c~ lll le of C(\I~H. P. IlnrTi~ . d t.!· NIII " ~ lo(lu~hl. John 110rl>IIIe , Allen I nnswe l·. ill th e C>t.Se of Amos B inkley ceuficd; th e nmt1l1nl or cnch :-\ UCl.'CS· Hllildin~. Xenia, Oh io. kissed I}J.. knpes ond could not spenle h er the \\'01'8t I1lnC('S t hod the boy I\l\kl'(1. tor tb6.lneq ot he.r h('ort, Solomon on my hock whHe ~olomon eorrlpd "'Thot ~ol durn leetlc "IICC1.uc\(s I' \'s. G" n. E. Frybergcr. exccuLor. s iull till' (,xc lllplion 11110wl',[: 111111 ih .. [n the cn~e of the Stute of Ohio bent ove.. ond took the eleeplng Ind '11111\' Scolt' In his nrme os It sho wem he II oswcl'Cll. '11 0 wert• .kl ck ln· nil nmount of ttlX to wh ic h ('11th S UCCl'M' trom ber arm& and beld him aga lnRt 0 bllby. Ho wos very !{Cntl e wtth her. nl,.:ht IIko n mUl e f1~htln' n humhle VR . Rill V.1I Skinner. tho defonlitlnt \\'1\ 8 snl' is liallle. bls brenst. To hIm. n9 yOU kno\\'. n womon hns bel', 'T\\'c rn 0 cold ullthl nn' I hl' lel ~i v(' n tI ,;uspen <l d '('ntcllce of not "Don't teel bad. We're a·golu· to b.'en n sRcred cronture sInce hIs wlte I Lilln Ben hlllll, IIdminis lrnll'ix " f I"arlllers of W urrcn und adjo ining hill! H,.:·ln me til kee p the lolet c CII~' les8 than nn ·' yeur nor moro than take keel' o· you," l1li14 Solomon. "Ayes, di ed. 110 seemod to Nlgnrd th e boy of the '~laL ' of J amc" !l un h""" " .- CIIunli·s IllUY ,< btuln money O!'_ long at b I TlIe1 ain 't nobody goln' d -I I I d t I lhl At wnrlll. \\'enty yelll'" in lh c Mtlns fiel ll r efo r1'..... 0 e as n won er... I nOll oy ng. "'l1 l1dn'l ynu betler let him RIl>ep IIIlllol'Y IIn<l ,. cnndition that he se- c'·IIMed. \Vus uuLh u"izc tl to di~ ll'ihul~ liull' I(la ng, at Ii ~ par cont intercMl. to harm y&-nobody III all." th e cn mpl ng plnces he spent every mo· WIUI his mothurt I nRk~(1. cl' l' tni n bo"us bclong-ing 10 t h,' l',;- Cnst (II' sceu ring the Sli me is very l'e.llTbere 'fl'" a uote ot t en4emCflI tJI ment at his 1('lsure tOBSlng htm In the " '\\'nll . tf It tnk cs two tn rln hl~ CUI't' ~Illploymcnt within two weoks. tote. ~ nnll ul o ,Lhroug h Tho Fedcro1 Lund In Lhe CIIS.! of the Americnn Agor i. llIe voko ot tbe man aa be telt ' the 1l1r or rolling nn lhe grollnd with hIm, sleepln' mebbEf I hetter be Ihe one thnt Robel· t Koog ll.' , CXCCII IIll' of lhl' esdlln of the little lad wIth hl8 blr "One dny when thl! womon sat by 8ufTers. Ain't sbe n likely womum?' cullurul hcmicn l Co .• VlJ. L. M. l\lni. tot e of Mary Junc h uuKle . '[ <":'·lIs"d. Bunk. Fa\' further informutipil call "n "I' udJrcs8 M. C. DRAl'.E, TrellsllIumb and finger. the (Ire crytng. the IIttlo Ind touched "Ot ('oursc I 'nlO'eI'd. tor It Wll8 e,'I· Iy lind. on, ihe plaintiff \Vns awarded fil e d his inve nlory utld alllll·lIi"C lllcllt. 111'0", phillie a L6-X, Lobtl non, Ohio. "Do ,e bow what llIey done wltb her brow wIth hIs hnnd Dnd 8ald: dent fhl'lt ~hp wns !llcely. somcll me. to " judgmen t of $3 67.48. BtU .,.' tbe woman utad lOon In a "'Don't be skcered. mother. I'm . b mollo hIm lin elleellent wIfe nnd In the cnse of tbe Stote of Ohio bra ,·C. rll take CIU'O 0' you,' . " t e ple6d1Dr 'Voice. _.. Illi hla bra ID MARRIAGE LICENSES Trie Irollt 1IW8.II ow~ "Solomon cume to where J waH thought ot thot morlo _ A I mo hOPI1Y· b h V B, Evel'ett R: Newton, the detcndWANTED ' .. bren klng Rome dry Rtlcks tor the fire 'fhey• hod fl~r~'U t e ali t pled nol ... "'uilty und · the cour'• IlelaD Cio wort oa th e probl - Iu h an... d u ong III do\\'llI y 11" Ed~lI r J. Streifthnll. 27, III rchllnt. "BIll broIte IOOH an• rot trw.,.. B e 'a ,Ortsat nn rtlve n" fixftd tS and sold Inugh lngly, us he wiped a rude eten1thlly nlgbt \. Inn«C8 t ree shndow~ ~ July 10t.h for t he t rl'ul of tho Middletown, nnll Mis" Nelli .. 1Illll'ie LADiES WORK. AT, HO ~1E. Pl.EASfOlIe." Solomon auwerecJ In a sa t onr from hlll check with the back ot through '''tbe '1'or, Eline" as tho vlcln- ol4lc. The defendnnt is at libe l't~ Wood. :.!2 telephone operot ur. Franktint. easy Se\\,11I1; on your muchi ne. ~~. bls great rlibt hnod: Ity of Fort J ohnson ~8 t.hen rolled, under $200 bond He is chorgec\ lin. Wh ule or purl time. ,Jiighost pOBiliblo "Old tII.y Wrt1lre hlmf' '''Dld ye cver 811!e ' aeob 8 gor dU11I I!Bmplng. now nnd then, In dese rlNJ . with driving on a utomobile while inAultmon B .Shelton. 22, student, prices pnid. For t ull Intor~l!ltion, "Wbllt the,' doae I ~1t!iI't , ... tell cunnln' leetle cricket In yep hom dan toxicnte d. JtI. But Ulq kID't do DO mON to bllll. --everr In t he case of t he State oC Ohio Huntington, W. Va. lin d Mi"" Amy uddress L. Jones, Dox 2, Olne)' 111. Oll m21° a.-. 6.- .... ... "Alw-be -·e-" E'd wnr d H'uco n. t h e .defendant V. Griffy, 2:1, stc nogrnr>her. Leba- -r .... --_.... ..., - thft~-~ ~_u~ na ..... .... ... VB , non. - -, - - . m ...... _ th~ boy 811 the Little CrIcket." lie'.... npan ........utS " pled guilty lo nssault anll battery W ANTED-A WOMAN TO WORK .... 0;0..,... ~nck wrote In ...other of hili Iotterl .wIUa r 1IOn'O'" uutll 8011lll0D I~ and \Vns fined $25 nnd · costs, which . in the house and UMiat in atore. • , d "';"d that 114 the, tared. &lOlli, dOWD ~ d REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W ... ~. feet aD ... : wn .... the IIO~ la-A- of ............. p . .O' amo u nte to $21 .00. Inquire nt VllnOckle n's 'Orocery. , . . . bare. l1tt1e woinera, tbI8 don·t '" ~N""'''- r.,.. orwin, Ohio. . m21 O. E. Lewis to J. O. Cartwright:. 10 ,. pod rID plD" to lipread ID7 hn"'k. Solo",on, begnn to _"e)OP ta.. 2 lots in Waynesville. $61.77: ~ UDder llIe p,n. aa' I "abt,. ent8 of whleb none qJ 1111 'r\en~ ~ WOOL-WE ARE NOW TAKING ..... IIlI bo ' ...t entertnlned the leut '8tlaplelon. Josephina Ewuld to Cltlru A. Johnin wool at our warehouse , in Cor.. ..,' 110... w ,or "aD 0' 10m. "He ball h8.:' a hard life full 'of "-bl lling-mon, 28.7' ncres in Deerfield lIMo., W. lOt a lona . trip · t~.. u ... win. and will pay t he hi ghuL ~ Orn\ni!ft8. conruge and devotlon. ·\\,lto· ; "'Tala" 84t bad u..lt mlrht b_,e're and peril like most of 011 who we.-. thOBe, I verily beHeve. we HhuU hu\'~ 1'wJl. $l. IJrice. W. J. Bilker, Corwin, Ohio. IEIIId o' lucky a·ter al. Ia eaI4 II~ bam In thlll New' Worltl,· tfle' youn. Jo hn M. nnd Mary E. Brndl ey to un nlly greuter thlln nny Lhls world' tf . . . . he remarked u he eo"ered tbl mun wrote. "Re remlndll me 'ot aoua cu n ofTe r . . Let U8 ull kneel where we Alvin D. nnd Lilian R. Moin ~. About Woman and llIe cll11d. of tho Old Testament· hM0e8. and 98 ocres in Hamilton Twp. $l. stnnd , while !lov. Mr. !olUllro louds U91 Th. 'wouniled wa~or la4 tile old II not thll land have tra'VlI1'Iled In pruyer to Almighty God fo r HIs Chl\s. F. T csterman. 46 ocres in LOST _ ,.ere not to b8 foUDd hall Ill'" the plaIns ef MQmre, · Wha.t a !Ielp und guhlllnce," Hamiltoin '1'\\')1. $ 1. ~ a"." lnto tbe .bu.... Inc. gentle creature he mlgbt ba'Ve been II It \\,flB nn ImpressI ve hour nnll thut Wm. lind AI'icc G ccrin ~ to .Tes· IiD4 Ioi000Ob looked about and th., be .hlld had a chnnce I ROlli lon" I duy the SlIllIe k lDd of tulk \VII S h" 'lrd s ie Clnl'en 0 ('enwell. (; 0 Hcres in LOST-A BIG I'UNNEL AND A lan.r; Called \JUt got DO IUl8wer. wond~. must we be Shlyen ot men' \.op for tho gil" lnn k, between A. In Dl nny plllccs. The churcb Ie" the Turtlccl'ce k Twp . $1. alreereel d'ar do,", to tb. All lon" 1 take It, all there nre 8a90 D. Shuner's guto llnd Wayen.ville. pcople. Pul)l\tcers of lnsplr d \'Islon' to. Dall8." eatd SolomDIL "Ther agell 8.pi!lllt· wllem we mUllt defend Frank M. lIl1 d SlIro h J nnc Homilat lVIIII'll. th oll dRYS, tllll!ro were lIIuny 1C found please r e lurn to the Gazette oollldD.'t &tau' It bere. 4 ll,btnln' l oursel ves." ton to J ohn R . !\I ei r . Lot in Lebaspoke with The t01l!.'1les <If men tlnd of olllce. m21 tl\JOw. III a few too maJlJ'. Tbey'd The n\lllt- rnomJns tht1. m!lt 8. emil' angell!. A ~lIh llm o fnlth In "The.Oreot ~~'! .,. 'nls- a rattIHl18.k6. ~ pan), of one of th8-~lIIl1Dta; q~' , B e~s io J oy Wylc to Raymond R. Ally" b 'gu u to travcl up ond down LOST - LEATHER TRAVELING 'l'IWt IIOOUta ' llad DO Bleep that IIllIht. erol Herkimer· who , bad lJOIIe ·tft ' PIlr' J olte~ . &7. I I Il,Cl'C5 in Hnmilto lt twp: tbe Itlnu. Bag, on the Wilmington and' HarTtl., ...t d~ bJ the ~ aide 1 - lult of Red Snput and bIa followel'll. $1 . veysbu rg pike Finder CUll call Wil111( acatuV"\ ' tot alld IIIJMad llI.tr 'L elWlln, what: had' luil)llend to that ___,,_n_b_e ooallaulKl' W. N. und Mnry L . Seors t o L. M. mington 1765, or W. R. Lewis' r eal; pIpaL, ' mt+band aDc1 !Hi leadft the 801dllinl Henderson, 3 lots in Waynesvillo, $ 1. denee and revene charges. "Yoa '11_ _ BUt SeoIt1" 8olomCIII about and eecortad Solomon ~ m'21 ~• . . bl8 pllrty to Ol1llkany. The mnn who has not learnod to • "Y... We IJ)eDt a Dipt hi hie ta11llhoulles or ' puttlng up at vl1l8.8e' rest will never do hi. best work. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS FOR . SALE ~~ , . ' C"'A~.R XIX \DDS. 8ettlllg out from tbelr last cnmp· ' _. . . . Bills ul1owcd: W. H. Anderson' "Be a mean mea. Sold ; rum lin bO!1r betoro d,a),llght the, bnd het\rd, IC r 500 B Id ' La ' to ~ ~ I au~ 1t-;'1;-tjm It ",era ' Tha p,rat PoutttI vi July. the ' boOmlD" of cnnnOl\ nt , sunrise. ; ElectrJc light wires strung over 0.,. BUPP le8, $2. : a w~n w PAINT-$2.60 a gallon, ellcept wroDJ~bIlt-!-m, ~ A'~tptJ""'~ lira. Scott and. bet" cb1ld lived III Botomon BtoPIK!d hla JltIddle ond U. nails may start fireS. ' serVlce. $9.QO; John A. BI8Ir 8UPfor red and gJ'e()n paint. Guaran• '1I,)Ieet04' that u. ere ID tile "ater the ramll" ot ·' GeJi~ ) B.rIlIm.. ~ telled. . , p lies, $3. 10; Ed D. Thompson BUpInquire of .... a iom' ·to IMmi idsD'., iIometlme. a IDOnth 01' ao." Setu.ra remote from "B)' tbe bldE! 8.n· h~9 o· the d8'l1l1 pies and Inbor, $8.40; Bernard Bot- t.eed white lead paint. No, "P-f~. ~ ...re .. tOWDB aDd 'VWaaree bad lIbu4'oned be uclllimed. "r wonder It the British tory Station, s UIlPlies $.25; ' Morrow. P. E. Kenrick, Waynesville, Ohio. au,6. rota· .. \)O ' pUDlahed 1IO-IW\'W.~r th. tarma,. , TIle, Inc1IaU ,bad pI! have got down to Albllny.h . Brant, board and wllshing for pris1'!I1IJ' lQ be«' iIp\JIIt Ole 101 with lnto the ,~~ , porth bUllb perbapt \0 TIl'll)' were alarmed unlll they bnlled' oners tor April, $80.5'0; A. B. Knuf1917 FORD IN FmST-CLASS CONUSeir ODe blaDtet IPI'H4 aII4 """, meet the Brltillll anIIJ whlch wall ,eatd a man on' the river roM nnd loo med DIM, supplics, $23.89; H. C. Reif, dition. new paint., one-man , top, to bl! comins: dowu trODI OllD8.da In that Albnn, wns hllvlng n cele!)rlltlou.. salllo $165' Jn o Law and Son tile Illgbt In a kind of half !deep. 1D'fllf7 UtUe I01Ind wu "UlIe .a kl~_ appnlllng number .. . a.C1IItllltles In the ~Whakted.b.e tt hey celeb ratln'?" SolodUme: $18.69; J. Lingo ' Co., 8t1m~ One Briggs Detroiter, In good shape llew body lind top, also one large \D the rIbii,- u SOI.omoo pot It. an~ neighborhood ot 'Tbe 'Long ROWlO bad DlOD as R USam "\uto tho loot aad Uat8ll cenlled. The IJl"I!nt indIan hlgbw8Y and ''Thll Doclnmtlotl o· Intlependencc," .35; Rn~lT\ond arshburger, 8Up- Truck body. This I!.ody .is new. with blJlllDeu.- Tb. WODan "al often eI'J" Ita vlllages " were''' deeerted 118ve b)' the e'ttlsen an$l\verctl. BJIl Jeeter la' an cptlm.lat;......if plies and labor, $164.70'; W. H. new top. This body jtil t riKht for Ina oat or tJIe and honae iettiDI young children and ' a ff!W ancient red "ll'~ a goo.(! Idee." said ' Solomon. ever there wu one; no matter Stan age Go. supplies, $9.00; E. large cur. C. Ml Reynold_, Sprinlr up tOIl feed, men and IQqawll, too old tor. traveL "\Vben '\\>o glt tbnr tIlls 'ero 01' rifle o~ what hlll troDbl811 III, he 'n ever DilotuHh, coroner, inque t of Cuth- Valley, Ohio. Je~ ")(11OD. 110 to llleep." lIald SoloDloa; Late In Juni!, Jack and Bolpmon were wino 'U ,de sODle talkln' It It hna a worrl811 nonol While other felorlne T. Meyer, $6.40; Inquest of "I tellye there 8.tJI·t no dan. . iI _ _ crdered to report to .G eneral BchD),ler chanst.·" ., John M. Conrey, $3 .70; · Columbus FOR· SALE-Cabbllge ~Iunts, 50 I.·ra blame their luCk an' grumnot a bIt. I dou't know Dluch but I at 'Albnny. Church bell s 'were rln!(lng ns th ey 0' ftt to kW ' h": kft . Blank Book Co., supplies, ,37.60; p.cr do zen; 50e ,per 100. , Mrs. ~. V. \mow Injun_plenty." "We're s-ettlng .bonled eroun' ne~l'C'd the city. ItA lohnhltn nl8 wer t ie th 're' ~" {'~ ~ every W. ·H. Madden on'd Co .• lumber, Smith, phone 87-3, Wa),nc.ville, '0. I.n spite of his Imowledge even Solo- I plenty," Solomon ~ecl8.red. "We'll a8llemble<1 on the rIv er front. The' IlIO Ily II UC. t a 't the ~8.10; Horlan Whitaker. lumber, JIol4 caso with, Bill. $50.68' Morrow Whitoker dragging mon himself could not sll'ep. A little I toke the womom en the boy with 01 Docl nmllon wns read and then Gen, before dayllght they nrose and began an' pndtlle .d"wu the Mohnwk to ,AI· eral Schuyler mnde n brief nddress I've lIaw hi_ben the ' ,' . ' FOR SALE-A Chevrolet Tourin&, t tl b t. bllny They kind 0' fell from hea\'en about thp pcrll coming down from the woather drapped to twenty-two and dltchmg, ~25 .2,~; Lebn n?n Gar- car, in fair conditiort. Will sell chenp o,~ ~:S o~UdlY burnt by thllt Ore." tnto 'our hands no' we It0t to lOO~ north. fle Rlt ld thnt n lurge torce' below.•• . . He'd whi&tle like a . . oge a nd Weldmg 00., repn lr work Ii sold seon. See Clydo Cox, 'Lytle, J8.ck whlspered. l a'ter 'em talthful. Fult :yo know 01 under Oenernl Burgoyne W08 on' Lake mooder-lark', and holler "Let 'er -$3.16; Banghum Motor Co., supplics Ohio: je4"lnllide I" Solomon nnswered. "So Herk'U be mo~'n' - awallered hull by Oiiilmplnin nnll thllt thO BritIsh wero snow I" Allk him if he hadn't $ 115; Russell Hllynie, drngging, I th tb th b $4 .05 : J ohn Urton, draggi ng \lnd F OR SALE-A GOOD KITCHEN wns L ..., soul were a.sweatln· nil the Brltlah no the lNune, IIko Jnnnh then holding In eouncll wIth the Sir NI1t1ons on UI Il shore at the lake nbove ru . er see e wea er ot, be'll <iitching, $20.65; Gross and Basore nl'·ht." wna boo the ,,'hnle. then -hnt 'ud btell "" lifo's Iota IIW te h 'Cabinet. Will , sell cheap. In..The morntng wus ehUly. They gath- "oln.' , , , ~ Crown Point. ,ee r w en l'epnir material, $3.70: Chos. Stov0' ller nn' til" L~tle Cricket! A t there ain't no "1- to lIWatl quire of 'Mrs Annie Thorpe, ,·R. D. 4, ~ ·· 'em." = ;'At thl pl'llsent twef are b unprepnreu 0 .. ton. dragging . $4.20; O. A. Brock, ered birch bark I\nd dry pine nnd ROan 'We ~got W look n·ter tl Kotch old Bill durln' A t Waynesville, Ohio. ' m28 IlgUI bridge . r Gpair 3 {.50· Albert Bailey . Dleet s gre.o oree U 8uppOlle had a fire going. Solomon stole over "I think my mother wUl be glad to thnt help will come and tbat we shall' -when the lIun Ia IIp!tttD' red,~ " , to the thleket where the womlln ond gh'c them II horne." sOld Jnek. "She not be d1smnyed. The modest mon hot enou,b to nE!4rly IICOrcD the Jlame, $16.4 0; George Harrell, 8111l)e, A GOOn JOHN DEERE CORN child were lyIng ond returned In 0 mOo really needs some help In the bOU Re 'who lends the British anny troDl tbe chipboards off the IIlIed •. . , ~ 19.60; P. B. Mo~cc,. same, $lL3 .7 0; I Planter, with fertilizer attachment; !Ilent. these dol's." north dedarca In hla proclllmntlon thnt Speak to Bill about I' '-n' he'll Stonley Mance, dltchmg, .$8.75: P. ulso II steel: r~ller and" d!;alf , harr~w. "Tbey're Bound nst'eep." he Bald In The Scotts' bull tlln"" Y El l eu t enllll"' v - u " "onfort Apr'Il ex p ense, .... "3 20 ; ' A. Ludin,ton, R. D. I, WaYnellvllle, Burgoyne. gr~t ' ';'" .'.lth Burprt- ~ftd then ' v, m , ..~ lIu. d been be 18 '~ottn burned by th e IndIans nod tbelr bouts f hi J 'sq.. t· t In ~~ J - WI ~ 1I h II F J ' d a ,low tone. "We'll let 'em nlone," , m21 generul a s rna 811 y 8 orcel proceed to demon.tRw the Jo;'s . erSC e ; ame.s , repnlrS an sup- Ohio.· . Be be8Dn to make tea ond got out destroyed SIIve one lurge cnnoe whIch America. coIolllel of the QUeQlI'S Restof a~ttln' "'ft_1 " p l i es , $123.44; J. W. Lingo ' Co., BUptbe lnat of theIr breud and dried ment hnd hnppened to be on th e south 8bo~ __ lU_ plies , $67.18; Jno. Law nnd Son, re- ONE McQORMICK 'C ORN BONPER, aD4 bacon. He wall trylnjr the Intter of the rher out of tbelr NuclL In 0.18 mellt ot LIght. Drugoollll. go\'urllor oil 1 Ford' wlih commerelal } bodt; ~ 2 when be sold: Jil ek llnd Solomon nnd "Mis' Scott" Fort WlIlluUl I.u Nortb Britain. onl! of pairs and SUllplics; $34 46: Jno. A. good milch caw!" will be freah very -r~at 'ere III a mlghty IIkel, worn· ond tbe Little Cricket ~et out wltl\ the commons lu purlluml!ut lind . com· Blair, supplies, $2.40.; Frank Sher~ ern." loaded pncks In Ille mOl/n of tbe rnnndOl' of un IIrlllY nnd neet employed, wood Co., fork8 nnd , handles, $2:60: sooh.'· W. A. Surface; R. ·D:-·6, .Way. mlf! , He tumed the baeon with his fork leut, to use n phra6C ot the Mohawk8, on an expedlUoD trom CIlna'du I' , My ,J. P. · Harkrader" d!"l\8lril)g, $3.00; \.ville; Ohio . I. , .t and addel2: lor tbe cit.)' of the Oreat rlver. They frl enllll, ' 8U<!lI ' 18 Ule prlile- tlInt goetb IW: S., Graham" aUpplies, U 1.20: , GOQD. 7-R0014 H9.US~ 4\ND.:B~~ "Tutrlble purty wheo ahe were bad' a ClIrry ill Wolf Rltr and lOme betore u taiL Wo lire un humble. hurd, Ohio 'C orr. Oulvert Co:, 6 . ilewel'll, 2 Iario Iota, ~th w.te.I'JIJ~ 1I9~ young. Allua bated the rum bUBlne88." shorter ones ' but In tbe maln It waa working people. No man alUong ua ' '186.60; Bell,-Pretl8 l supplies, fl4 .00 'Vie Tompkins, payroll tor balf .and lig,hta; 9~J.y 'J.80.~,.: ,~)p)~ , 3'ack wellt out aD the wild meadow II smooth and delJghtfut journey, be- cun boUt ot a DUrnil 80 luvlsh17 ,F. T. Martin, Au~ijoJl~. oe~~ • and brought In.''the AOW ond milked t.:'ve ftft ' wo.od ....' shere- down the Ion; adOrlled. Oor' DUmlltl niled only tM • .• ~"I -. month, endi~g April 80th, . J191,.81; Ohio. P~on~ , ~o. 2i' . : ~ all ' ber, ftlllwr " baB\D 8.nd a Quart bottl6. wlncllnl lane ,~t ~e 1do.1111~"- .. WIth; .,~rle ,~u~ II;lorloll;8. Ild.ortlDlent&. of
! n lh e
Farmers, Attenti·on!
..... I'
The MlllIIIlI Gazett e, W
.... T H E MIA M I ]SS ,ED
GA Z ,E·TT E ....
) -~ .
EnLcrM ut t~1! Posloflice ui WUYllcsv il1Q. 0., as SI!I;ond Clus~ Mall Mutter D. L. CRANE , Editor and Publilhc r, Waynel ville, Obio.
SuLscri ption Price, $1.5(l per year.
Mrs. Nellie 'Beal was n Dayton visEel Compto n i ~ dri 'illg ,\ new itor Thursda y. t , , Ford Serla n. Mrs. Chas, ~C ray was ' s hopp ing in urI 0111'11<1 \\'u ~ lhe lr'UOMt of re lWaYllesville ·;ueBda y. a th'os in lTiKhland, Ohio, last w<,ok. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fite moved Chnrle ~ P c erRon wn ~ call fill ed to to Washingu.>n C. H., ThuJ'1!day, his hOOle with the grippe I llb~ week. Mrs. Laura S hidn.ker entertai ned Miss Eh!llllor Hnyd ock i. hom e IIf· Mr. and, Mrs. Ever ett Villars, of Day- tel' a yoar' s work ill Highllln d Ililrh ton , over the week:en d. . School. . Mrs. Emerso n F'ruzier, of Dn,yton, Mr. and Mrs . G. A. Phillips were 18 the guest of her children , Mr. and guesu of their Ron, Mr. Grant Phil. Mrs. K~tl Shidulke r and fam ily. and family of Cillrillllllti, over Ins t Rev . and Mrs. N. E . Bonnett were week-en d. guests Wedn esday at th e home of The Kappn Sot'O r! ~' , of Wilming lIIr. and Mrs. Edgar Ingwood , ncar ton College, helri th "I" spring ini. Kingma n. tiation pUl'ty lit tl,, · 1I"InC of Hn.zcl The infant daughte r of Mr. and and Helen lIill. Thllrl'liay night. Mrs, Karl S~idnker hus been chrisMiss Agnes .'ha ml,uul(h hus returtened La ura Elle n, hon ori ng th e two ned to San'tll A nil, C"lif orn", after n grandm other8. pleasan t visit ,, ~ the home of her pllrMrs, W. M. M:nthias nnd Miss Mar- ents , Mr. nnel .\Irs. J . H. Shamba ugh . garet Starr. of Dayto n, were weekW. C. Snllth received word Mon. end .guests of their mother, Mrs. day that hi s 'li n, Forrest wus in 1I Amanda Starr. serious autom"b i le acciden t in ColMr. W. L. Smith returne d to Ma- umbus Satul'll llY night. For rest r erion, Ind " Moncla y, after II month'R ceived ~eve rc cuts nbout the uuck und visit with Mr. lind Mrs. Chas. Grill' shoulde rs, ulthoug h not " ~riou R ly injured. and other relh~iV'es.
WEDN ESDAY . MAY 21. 1924
AII pro~rc s8 iv l! citizens who wanl lhe ir children to hnve the uest in the wny oC cdu clltiona l {llcilitieR , Cllnnol but admit that th o Wny ,HI 'l'uwn Rhip 'enlru lizcd Schuol system hliK ~r"ully bonefltt ed indivltlu lIls uf t hin cu mmunit y lind the town nnd the commun ily as a whole. It i~ willi Jlride thnt wo point to our schuo ls und llw wonder ful work IIccomplishod since centrali zntion. III l'evlcwil1~ the llve nt~ uf the year jUMt pUMMed, we also ~c (! lhnt our Rc htl ol~ have enj oyed the A'reaws t prnKpe l'ity and nccomp li.lll!lI more thun ever h"fore. The acquisil ion of th e new nudilori um and gymnas ium h n.~ been ' th e hi gj:Cst nnd hest. thing that has hnppenc <i to t he school, nnd with it. com inl! we cull truthfu ll y say thnt we illlve a pluII1 t hnt wi ll rank amo ll ~ tho beH t in its c1us~. No success ful organiz alion, however , can continu e 10 be s u cces.~ ful without .ome endenvo r on iL~ purt. to alw ay~ be add ing improve ments and working for betterm ents. Whe n we s peak of this orgnniz ntion, in the CIiBe of the schools, we do not menn that the teachel'" und t.hoMe in c h l~rge Cnn be lolull y responKihle for its con dit.inn . The communi ty is in reali1y, the biggcst cog in this orgllni zlIlio n, nnd t horo can be no 'doubt that most of our aClivitie s revolvo nrounrl the Mchool. Ren\lzing thnt our schoo l Is lhe or~nnization of grellws t importance in thiN commun i ty il iR uur duty II~ a pllrt of the orgllniz lltion t o be looking into lhe future, in or, luI' to muko lhing. more pleu"u-r t a nd to otTer more opportu nities to children attendin g th\! Wayne Town'shlp ' ~chools,
BLOND E BESS OPINES How do they know • woman . a nnol keep a Ie.ret ,.,be.. no woman hal ever tried 7" ..
-a-CYNICA L SAM'S SHOP CUMtnlnel'- "Huve you any ten der
Hutcher- "Ten'de r? ' Yes, Indeed, this be f i ~ tiS tender-' -lls 'cr--'-ns 'er
--:\ woman'H heurt. tt
Cus tnnle" - "Gve me a pound of H:.lURng c."
- -0--
Ce t the BIc Va lue 1ft the Fe nc e Po st ·Fie ld TEEL aU S The Doub6e Strength Studded Tee set a
fence posts are DO loDger alik~ RED TOP bas D~W standard.Jt±~~Dger
post ot -lo~ life, easaer iiif C:beaper to set and easier and cheaper to faaten ta- Pc to.
GN.t.- Sb__ . . liD . . . . _ ..... III. .eiuIuocAix rib (Bee . . . . . . . .) . . . . . . . . III dIa fact that
IN!~II either for
then:! iln'1 allingle .... ,...... m~_
. . . . or aodIor pUiCIe. . , ....... ~ !n' 8tIacb IlIIdxIr pbOe.. (See .... '14_) -
FinDer to Gw-.d --6e ltED 1UP ...... ..... ..... 1IDd ItZOII8W dum - . I..cmeer Service -tbe _ .. .aIIIc IDI6 and 80lid post mdlie it Icqper 1Mtd.. Better looIdDg teac:- - tile .. .-me Ilni3b gifts tile poIIt a ae:-t. trial « • . Easier, ~......... 0IIe . . . REI> TOP DriYer ODe _ wItJaoat alM!lper can IIOt 2IDO ID
300 poabI per 411.
fM.· ••
Moreef 'l'l'!"TC) P1IImdy FMIZIII 8dooat n mUa""-e It ~ far _ _ liD 8tt8da fmd.1I8 to JIOiM. AaIf ' - - boIda ~ lIFter-
\lIt-.., Post
Come in and see this better poet. Handle it. Inspec t it. See how the new One Man Driver works. Don't buy a feDce pust until you do this. .
TOO INQUIS ITIVE A number f 'rom here attende d Re,itlen t- "T hi. is 11 wo nd erfu lly Ilomm en cement exercise s nt Waynes -, heallhy lown . When I cnm c here I ville Thursda y even ing. Miss Helen cll uldn 'l tu lk." Rl:rnd.ull was one of the grndunt es. 1"ouriR "And how long have Otis Lemon sueffr d a broken n ose Having ~o l d my fnrm ,I will alTer you been he r e'!" a nd other i nj uri l~s Tuesday evening , at puLlic nuction on the premise s, Residen t--"] wns Lor n here." when the buggy in which he o~ 1l% miles S. W. of Waynes ville and --0Garner Cleveng er were riding, was 6 % miles N. W. of Lebano n, on the PURDY 'S PHILOS hit by an a uto and wrecked . Garner ;Lebano n and Waynes ville pike, on UFirlt come. fir •• ler.ecl!' ,'.' a Cleveng er escaped With minor inju\lery load mollo, but I wouldn' t ' " SATUR DAY, MAY 24, 192.4, ries. want to read it in a .an .. ibal'. Begillnl ng at 1 p. m. sharp, the folWARNI NG ABOUT BUYIN G CARS camp." The a nnual picnic '~hd .fI~fd me~~ lowing propert y: Prospec tive purchas ers of used cars are wnrned by the Ohio -a-State WII S held at the sch ool groullds ' la~t Seven cattle, 26 pigs, 60 R. I. pulAulomo hile asso ciation not to buy unless proper title of ownersh BE HONES T NOW ip or Thursda y. Pri ~e8 we~o donated by lets; 60 Ancona pullets, bill of sale is furnishe d by the seller. Hundre ds of >A tolen a' lot of farm Son"Gootlb y , dod. I'll curs acwrite the business men aQd a number of ing . implem ents and Ho cording to Secreta ry Chl\s. C. Janes, nre being driven oround me hay, corn you every dny." every interest ing a th letic ' events wer e put and 1I0useho id goods. day by pursolls who bought them in noce ntly nnd did not kn Dad- "Heave ns--if you think you on. Needles s to 811Y, ow th ey •• everyo ne en•• \:,. NICHO LSON. ,steMen. ' " ure going to need money that) dfte n jo~ed the b 0l!n~iful .bas.l\et dinD. o r . W. N. Sears, Auct. Jahes deciilred t hat Mtll tO a..sociat ion dubs had un earthed yo u'd better not go." ". t he inClaudia Gray won a prize of $3 .00 l' formatio n 'tbllt orgllniz ed a utomobile t hieves make n practice of -0forging HOW TO FIND YOUR WIFE in t he Farm Bureau easay contest. bills of saJe and certificate" of ownersh ip and that motoris Khaki Adopted I" 1888, OH, SPLASH I ts thereThe Need topic for was: a "Why khllkl fore should Inaist on clear proot ef title. Every Farmer colored uniform BiIl- HCome on over to the Briggs (in crowdO'd atation )--"r ~. Should belong to the Farm Bureau .... for the Amerleim soldier, oltbougb it can't find my wife" ~ Moat slolen caTS that are not rocovero d atter huving been ]'11 take you into the ne\" clu used for pool may .have been felt hcro~ was not Otha pup.ils in our IIChool winning • joy ri de, Jane stated, were taken to be altered and Hold. Stln,nto n-"See tha,t blue-eye d baroom." If t.ho oeled upOn untll ,the Spn nlab 'Am~tcnn : by blonde over there" ~ .prizes wore, ViQI ~t Bogan, $2; Eve ~ Jlroopee tive buyer insista on preof of bonn fide ownershi p os Blonde Bess--" Oh, I'd love to, t ho l:tw \vnr I~ .~~. Tbe Britis h Iiad Ion" b&. ' Brlgp- "Sure, but that Iyn Tucker, Dor~l tby Davia, Pauline requires, h& not only 'will obviate t he p088ibility of losing I didn'l bring my bat.hing Huit." isn't her." tho car tore Used It. It ls n~~v In ge~,erlll UBe • i Evans, Velma, JK ildred 'and RIlase li Stanton --C'I know it; put -flirt with later, bllt will aid in red ucing the theft lillbility in this state. ~-In many pam of th'e world. her for 0 Beconds and' your wife will BI)Jlnett; CW. M~cDQn~ld and John If the theft ' rht~ itcJlines , there i8 mor e likeliho od of DISTUR BED SCHED ULE . 'n. r eduction In the price of theft insuru nce, the benefits of which al\ automob appear- -aU rlg,ht...-all right." " Irate Father -"I jusi kicked that · Tucker, $1 each . ile ownerK w~ul~ share. " The High school present ed "Coata ,.- young man who hIlS been calling here ' "No man," Janes declored , "would t hin k of buying even a i nto the middle ot next week," and Petticoa ta" at, tbe Town hall, Frl, , ,6 0.00 lot unlo311 he hlld II complet c detailed abl-ract of tiUe, and yet f>a ughte r---"Oh, how careless of day ev~ning. ' E!ach one ' acquitte d he will Jlurchas e a usbd cur (l'o m a nybolly who happens along lind you fulher; we hnd arrnn,ge d to be himself creditla{>ly. . Th'ose in the Jlay $600 to $1,000 without either qu ostion .... g where, when or how possess murried on Monday ," cast were James Carback , ns Lawion was acquired . IN PARTIT ION -------.~-. rence Denb lgh; Oletha Roberts , ·ns Madge, his wife; Amdi a Cnrr, as Jos-------~~-----S. C. Phillips ephine, his sister ; Thelm:'1. Rob'erts , Case No. IF YOU WILL WORRY vs. as Miss Prudenc e Pringle , 'his aunt; Charles F. P hillips, et a l , 13147 If the pessimis ts wnnt to wOfry, let t hem worry about lhe nn"y Lucille Tucker, as Pauline ' PemberRnd flying fol'CC1l of the United Stilt s . When 0111' statesm en By virtue of an order of sale; du ly met the toil, play wl'iter; Helen Evans, us I jssued 'from sRid Court in the aboye foroi g1lel's at that W ashin~ton confere nce and agreed to SCfap wnr Reoeccn Randolp h, a suffrage tte stat ed case, and to me ~irected , ,I will vesselll, they did whll1 should hnV'C put t hllm all on the politica l junk offer for sale, by way of 'pl\blic aucleailer; . Efl\rrlet t 'rucker , 8S Nora, heap, ' England nnd JnplIll scrappe d "from the bottom, " We tion, on the premise s in Waynes ville, scroppe d mistress for IIInAge Denbigh . Gerald from .the /top! ' We scrappe d magnifi cent new ships, under Warren COJlnty, Ohio, on cons trucAdams' sang a Bo liO and th e girls for tion, ships of which ·the cost ran up to forty nlllion dolla\'l! {or one the song and,' ni,a rch . were Evelyn MONDAY, THE 16TH aAY OF JUNE, A. 0,1924 fighting b~• • OUI' dear friends acroSH the Atlantic and acroas the Tucker, Violet Bogan, H e len At 2 o'clock Po. m. BllI\JIdard time, on Pacific, scrappe d trash. Now the naval powe\'l! of the world stands, DeB'oai-d, Pauline Evans and Ernessaid ~Y, ~he followin g describe d real England , 1;; Japl\n. S; United Stotee" 1. tine ' Hough. The lf1u'veys burg oreat.atAl. to--wlt; En Yollu- Place n niece of \\"11:< Alldl ~b"ri: it co~es· to a flgbtl pg fly ing fleet in the air, the FIRST PARCE L--HQuse ond lot. United chestra fur ll18lied 'the mUBic. . p~per ' over a dillh holding. 'Jnu, ed ·egg Statell stan!!a sero. Situate .in the Vfllage of Waynes ," ville, Coun t y of Warren and State of yolks ' and they will not gilt d'ty o Ohio, beinl;' a part of Lot No. three .(-8 )rin y.r,abosh SquA.-e and bounded ,'J ~ ,, ' 1;HIS NATIO N OF YOUR~ ~rid gelCriIIIld as rdlldws: Beg1n~ihg Paift'e.t · WaU.- To remove n,arks ('No one'· I'/lalizes how things grow In AmeriCA, how rapidly. at-\ ~ fj oft;hel"lt corner. of a lot, forwe Are on pninted wolls caused by I'trikiilg ,, climbin g toward ronlly gigantic enterpri ses, worthy in Bize llJer1y owned by' William Rogen, and of the matches en them, rub with the cut no...·~ owHld by tbe heirs of George richest country . Reccntl y 'some figur,e s of New York's Na~ionll l City HUrf e of a lomon-- then clean with W. Hendreson, on Main St., thence BIylk were publishe d. In May, 1893, deposita in that bank M~. Jo-,m .. Zinim'l ~~JI, QaY,ton, amount ed a cioth dipped in whiting. WOIIh'the with the n·offlr,.wellt IIlde " of ,Mllln I~~~~~~~~~~~ fo tIw.n~-t.",o millions , und .total reBou.rCtls. to. ~enty-five ~~~ au-.et. N. 32 degre.,! East S 1 feet, I' , , millions. surface with warm water llrid soap spent Hondai , +.~~~ h\!r mo~h.~r, Hra. • ' • ~.. , 'en April 1st of this year the bank's deposits were seven hundred tlienee Rebecca ' at right 'angiel , with Main I?iP" In h, o .no~ .. of her. ,77th • iT ' rt a nd nnd then wipe quickly with' n CI<:IUI ' l.!..:.... St., and:·run nibg' westWardlY 20/l feet forty million s, the' total rMourc es nipe hundred and thirty-fo birthday . , B.E', nA ur mil cloth wru " ,; out of cleiu water: to an 1I11ey 20 feet wide, thence with ' ' I ,, " 1I01},l!.:\. I] ~M. re\l<!rt of thi~ April the , bank , showed ' ampng its Mr. and M\'I!, Wm. RYlUl, of Dayassets the SOt~Jheast s\(\\!. o:C.JJMI allel(, rU1l- : I f1\Q ~TlST moro I an nilwty-f ive millions of· 'U nlted Stotes Goyernm ent bonds nlhg so u thwa rdly tbii'tY-one:~ : (31) !, tOn, • ·u~t.... spent ·Saturda .' • ";.' ' y n" ht lind SUllday ' Brooma--A broom will last longer an'i! ce~tiJicateB. A~d in ' thirty days that hav~ ela psed since feet to the nortllwe st corner to Geo. with' their niece, Mrs. Mattie Zimmer thl.,t . W":' Henders oil:! helri ' !ine ; thence if dipp ed in to scalding Bud8 bace . a re~!Ir~ wn8 publishe d, the hnnk IIns a prqflt ,of .a trillion . '~ . and family.-·. and a quurwith the Henders ol) ' · litui~ eD.~twurdiy . . ' .nd. ~~-ORAPH •.5.T i week. T his toughen ter on the ncrease d , vulue 'of Ita ' Govern ment bonds, Tbis. s th\! bristlea. . isn't n two hundred lind four (204) feet to Waynes vlIIlI governm ent to Bell shor t , and not one to nil\ke ita citizens worry. 'The ~e:f~ 1~~~i,!l~ sca~t~te4 a~~und Ohio, the place of beginni ng. Describ ed , • " in, Delld 1~ cords, Volume 90, 'paI;W " -~ 0 ' ...Carpet- After beating a oorpet this viCInity tpat Mr, anli'M\'I!, Emer.,, ' ,e lephone 114, so n 415, -in ·th'II·· Recorde rs Office of WIW. ""V " (7 <' , '''' try rubbing it with a cloth wrung out Ford Dill are ' ;the' ~owne'rs of a n ew ren County, Ohio . . ,.' ·roadste r. . RADIO ON THE FARM " OFFICE . : HATHA WAY BLDG, in hot water to which has bee'n addod Said lot races on Main Street and N Tbll radl-n;',while generaUy rcgarde d a8 bolo\ll/:Ing more to urban thuu two lies on the WeRt side 'of .said Stl'cet .tablesp oonfuls of ment hylated , Mr. Elmer Royer, of our locality , · 0 ·MAIN STREET to l:U 'a l Ii.~ , has bcc0l!lo pop~lar in the coun~ry The departm in !laid Village the nearest Street spiri,. a nd a ~m nll piece of soap. This who. Willi operate d on at the .Espey ent on t he No r th illtersec ting said Main 'o f a/'gricu lture recently c mpleted ~ survey showing that ' . i4~,OOO ~... hringt; out the color a nd does not in Hospita l, at ~9!1i a two weeks ago, is Street farpl ~amili e8 arc now equippe d wiU~ radio .rec;l!iving aets. is Miami Stl'eet, the nenrellt doing very ' nicely. a ny way injure t he carpet, . Street on the South intersec ting suid Baaed , . • .•. upon an estilnate of ~v.e perso n!! to a ta1l'\i1y, this 'lIouId ,~ M!1I~ , &treet is High S.tree~, tOQ " ...~.. .... • Mr. and Mrs. Emerso n DII arO' en• melln btat there are now 76 !l,~~O rurnl radio fans call1lple ·of. Street nu mber on the building of ,,said' . NOTAR tuning Y PUBLIC "-.' i.eather Scato-T O clean leather tertaini ng U:-t. Dms grandpa rents, in f ' n~ hearing the various program s put on at broad~tiri&, stations re,!1 estate ill No. \ Ml\il\ Stt~. Wilfs. Drawn . • Eiita . • es· Settled ' s ents of chnirs, SaId rub 1'e11 ldr. lightly and estato with Mrs. has a soft Elillha been r.cg ul arly Soward., Mr. ,he radio may work as a greater influenc e than the to epho'ne, ,, ~. , good r~g that has bee n . dipped in wor m 4nd MI'/!. Soward. ure visiting for a a ppraised undel' order of the Coyrt rOil ;' electric ity or the motor car in keeping people on Ulayn esV1I le, · 'O· hlO at t,lfe' su farm, f.or m of T wenty-f ive Hundfe d milk. Then polish with a Boit, dry few days I\t Mr. .and Mrs, Jacob Zim1· ~ thetq 'tlonycniences, in mllny cases, only increas,e B the hunger ($25'(l0.00) .Dollars Qnd will"no.t · llEl for cloth. ~er's home ••. sold for less than Natlon two-thir 'l Bank thlnga ur~!ln. ds of said . .. . .iii'" .... appraise d value. ..,.. ... ~' Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael and Stai,,"- To r emove fruit stains ,. , Also by virt~~~i~ld order of 801e " from tho baleclot h cover the s tain M\'I!. Minnie Marlatt and son, Eddie, aforeeai d, I willllffe r for sale by way spent Sat,urda y night and Sundl!oy pU~~f\If the cuttings with ' sul fur Wbe .. ,.ou ba"e an,. tbin .. ,.ou want of pliblic auction , on the premise s. Keep young chicken s moving on with powdere d starch and ldave for in Richmo iid, rnd., tbe guest of Ml\ on the West aIde of t he L ebanon and toulfh~n li, eeed potatoe s, and helps to. new gr,oupd. to .ell, l~ prevent a , cocci- II few hours. All the discolor ation a!1!i Mrs. Will Curl. . On thei.r way, :Ji. I . .all Cla.."ed Ad i .. tbe colu"'n ' Waynes ville PIke ndjoinin ~ the vil~ protect · hem against rot will be a bllorbed by the star ch diosl ' , " . . they hod' quite a J.ittJe ,bad' luck with { Jlage of Waynes ville in Worren J :-' ,.J' . , ~t 11U. .::...- - ~. ( , - ty, ' Q)lio, on ~onday • '/.1 the 16th their car in ' Dayton . ~P'ap.r· 'wlill b:.lp ,0.1 (AmwD .. I, to ...t June A. D., 1924/ at 2 :8 0 n'.,ln.'lr'.1~~t'!~~~ Gilt Braid- To r enew gilt braid Supr '!.>eets f\\'I!t gf~wn in, O~io .In ~~~~~~~~= ~J;('4 Ah, m~"y .i pn~, has .8~1l ,forth that ' . rid of It P. l it. Standar d time,· on ~has tarnishe d, rub a little alum 189Y, cover 36,000 acres In the with ~?p~ an,d _ p urpo.s,o ~If;~ : has the <' followin g 1describe d l'Ii';i. wlu.' ha . . t.rie.! it, It I, t. b e into it. Lea've for a f ew h ti rs and SEOON D PARCE L-eta'r' , _ _ _• belt wa,.,' f ought throug hout. wenif me, a nd it will look like new. the Townsh ip of Wayne" in You caD cOD"IJic. ,0ur••U .Dd • - -' ty di Warren and State· 'illm ed a'lI .RJ~a8u.:e ' })Y":'IIU, in a I • :' ''.Be•. ; . Belni' part of ' Fraction al Sec. ,~am: Take ~e bO~8 fI, hlng. W~f9,. cO~~I!-~n4l~.,:b~m~~ ~ ..~ollow Pot"toe ,- Add a of R. 4, between t~jl ' Miami II . ,.OD ha,,1t ito lack' I.. ..ttlD. a mwe. ) '': ." while this sUlIImcf, and out "IllS plan by s~ n and ilon~ly baking powder to stake. or friends In' . . l1Iayb~\=ipu'I1 ' still have ' tltem . with JiQr-an 6 lull! ,died a con~~cI I!,- before they are wll.lnr,,,14 . " " ".,....; ." man. It ma,. ... tbat tli. .rtlcl. 'l'0u "a". ~ou ' wbj!~ ,ncllt' summer comes. -,-Geor ge .."rnold. make them very , .' ,••,,~rtJ~ ;··. . " ~ ,. ' . .a i .t w.' ti.... ' ~~t .. . . ted ·br
Public Sales
w. Alw a" .... . a C .... St• • . . . . . T. . . _Ha nd
ShE)r.iff'l Sale
• • •
.. ..
i'nA w AT
• • •
"".r e You a Buy er . or. Seller?
• •
• • •
.. - ..---
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• •
th.e n
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Jia.t •
•• •,....D • •~
It'. a c....P wa,. to •• t th••••attwn bel.... tb. , ...
,.Ilo .·I!r•
.. 'all ~ tlm~.. \ • I
Mr. Geo. Bn hmllll, of' FostorIa, Silent t·he ~ve~k.e nd with his 5i t er, Miss Anne Bilchman. Mr .anrl MI'tI. R oss Hal·tSock hlld II their dinnar gueatS on umIJIY. Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Rye.
Prices Lower tnan 1913
Mr. J . B. Pell \\'Ial! a Dayton visitor 8atUl·lIay. Mr. ond Mrs. )II. A. King, of Indi· . '.~ nnapolis, aTrhted here this Mr. Fred Oole m ae a business fo r a visit with :relutives .. trip to Dn.yton Mo~d ay. Miss Flora and Mr. Will Tibbll is. Miss Henrietta McKinsey of Wilm ington . were Su nday guestS shopping in Dayton Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. W . H. White .
Frank H. Farr's 5-10c Store Will
Make Prices Lower than Ever
1I1r. Jas. McClure ~s a business Mrs. Annie Thorpe ami O. L. Ricks visitor in Piqua last Sat urday. will move to .Dayton this week. where they will moke thei r future home. Myer Hyman lind fa mily visited Miss Ruchel Dllvis. Messrs. Hom er relatives in Xenia on Sunday.
Made In This County
n·t. It' que&r Uint th~ ,things thot . ptopl n wnnt m III t u klHlW lire l\slJ,tt lly lltlllt· ur th eir 11lI~lrl""s? ST. MARY'S CHURCH Fifth Sunday nfler En ~ t r. Chu rc h choo l tit \1 :30 a. m., Morning Pruy-
er lind >lermo n lit 10 :.t~. Rev. IUl lph L <' , ufllc ill tiJlg. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these scrl'i-
Now is the time to buy yO LlI' Coal Oil Stove. With the coming of warm weather, when a coal range makeR the h ent in the kitc h e n oppressive, a Coa l it Range will r elieve yo u of the inten se h oat.
Our lin c is nlwnys comp lete w it h n w id e ran ge of prices that will Ruit yo~r pock ('t hook a s \1' 0 11 as y our nee ds . We have th m fro m n Ii LIe t \\'o-lIu r ll\'1' (':t1 iinet stove to a larg e tlix· burner wi t h b uilt-in oven . Th es e Coa l Oi l SLo \' c" in clude very t hing in the
FLORENCE, NEW PERFECTION, PURITAN AND RED STAR VAPOR LINES, And the prices r ange from $8.50 to $89.00. YOLl w ill be s ure to find a s tove h e r e t hn t Ru ita your n eed s a s well as your pocketbook.
ii;J;yHChicis $12 per Hundred
:::i ~~ ~S S100 to=''.=...===
.. I", n ,~ •. bllt F.·grlll mc."
Snbbath School, 9 :16 o. m .• preachIng nt 10 :30 u. m. Wednesdny evening service 7 :00 p. m. Epworth L\'ngue 6: 15 p. m ;preoching nt 7 :00 p. m. Everybody is cord inlly invited to th ese services. Rev. L . A. Washburn. Pastor.
(J'NI\~ h r-"UsC! the word '1~1I'~ I't' III n .' "lit · IICO. Slut1cnl- "I_ ullk ed for
,Than 'One Half Price
HII" Finance. "-
Sureiy I •.
~ .I
Pyle and Ollie Davis were Sun day Kenneth KUbon, of Dayton, spent guests of Mr. and Mrs. PeLe Dellllls, the week-end here. the g uest of rel- of New Vien na. 15 and 20c extra w id e Bcac heCl M us lins lIe yd atives. . CHRISTIAN CHURCH 25c grades, ve ry wide, Bleached Mus lins . . . . 14c yd Sove your old corpets and rugs Prcachillg services at the ChrisUnbleach e d MUlllins, t h e kind that is ui'led f or Tobacco Mr. Frank Zell and Mr. Elwood and get "Weal'wcll" RU gK IlI lIlle. tinn church Sundoy morning. Evcoverings. sold everywhere fo')' 15c t o 18c, ou r Sherwood were visitors in Lebanon , Send for price list. Frnnklin Rug erybo dy cordially invited. pr ice . . . .. 11 ~ c yd Monday. Co .• Frnnk)in. Ohio. - _ - _ - -Ton different kinds of Gingha ms. . . . . 14c yd R ed Gingham a nd Pri nts. ench r egu la r 20c va lu es lOe yd Gayle Evans. who has been workMr. and Mrs. Howe ll Peirce nnd Extra wide M-inch h e cked Gingh a ms. so ld everying in Indinna. hns returned to his severnl trom the Friend's Hom<'. where for 20c to 27c, our pric e . 17 ~ c yd home here. were in Yellow Springs. Mon duy, vi.· 10e and 15c Curta in Goods. know n as No. 618 4 9c yd iting at Antioch college Double Bordere d Curtain G oods . . . . 13c yd Messrs. J esse Burton and Dr. J. T. The nnn uni lot owners me etinl~ of 86-inch b est Qua lity Marquisette' for C urta ins, the 30c . Ellis were Cincinnllti visitors last Miam i Cemetery asso ciution will be • yard valu e . . . . . . . . . .' . . 19c yd Wednesday: MiM Marybellc H4\rncr, who has held llt the Chapel, Monday. J une Ladies' White Handk erchief, full size, extra stl'ong been working in Xenio during the 2nd. I1t 1 :30 p. m.• lor the elcctio~1 h em, sold ordinarily at 10c, the s ale price 3 for lOe Miss Holen Hawke was a, visitor past winter, is now at her homo f llr of two trustees, one aecretary-tre,l:;Men's best 10c White Handkerchi efs, f ull size . .. 7c in Dayton last week-end, the guest· the Bummer on IRoute 2. urer, lind for other importa.lt 'JU XI ' Ladies' color ed Op e n -work Sport Handkerchief, the of relatlvos. neSs. A full attendanco is desired regular 10c kind , sale price .. 7c, or 3 for 20e Dick Campbell, who has bee n con· III this meeting. 24.lnch , 25c H a ndk e rchiefs of Red Bandana . . lOe each Mr. and Mrs. F . B. Henderson and fined to his home for the Pllst twl) L. M. FIENDERSON, Table Oil Cloth. choice of any kind in stock , reg ular tamily and Mrs. D. L. Crane w~re weeks as the result of a fnll from " m28 Clerk. 46c valu e ' . . . . . . . . . 29c yd Xenia vistors Tuesday. bridge, Is improving rapidly and he 25c Mop Sticks; sold f or this price for th e last 12 years each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSe With the close of the schoo) yea1' hopes to r esume' his work soon. Boys' Over-all Suits. in b lu e striped denim. $1 .25 value sSe teachers from the local schoola left Men s double-seam, dou b le sewed Work Socks, no betfor their homes' last ·week. ter made, • . . . . . . . . 2 pair for 2Se Men's Black or Gray S eam less A utom atic Socks, choice Mr~ and Mrs. Sam Butterworth Nice 8-room Hou.e. Cellar, 8&11... of any ilJ stock of t h e 15c a nd 20c valu es 2 pair for 2Se and Mrs. Mary Adams were WednesW.lI. Ci. t erD. tar •• lot. If )'ou want All kinds of 1,5c, 20c ~nd 25c ?urses " . , " . tOe day visitors In Wilmington. a !.ome come a!,d look tbi. propert)' FuU2.quart best quahty Gramte Puddmg Pans , 15c each ' . oy.r. Full 4..quart best Gra nite Pudding Pans, 30c size . 19c each Mn. Mary Edwards and daughten, 10 and14.quart Dish Pans, 76c size and klnds, will close Misses Trillena and ~argaret, bve Farmers of Omio are making good out at • • • • • • , . • . . • 39c each taken up thoir ' summer residence use of the co-<operntive marketing 17.qu·art, $l.values, Dish Pans, will close out at 87c each heret AUCTJONEER and law plUl8ed at the 11I8t session of the ,2 Pan~ all sizes, guaranteed to wear well, at $1.88 REAL ESTATE. Ohio legi8lature. judging from infor,2 Kaki Pa~ts, all sizes, good ones, go at . . •. $1.88 ~rs. i.'ra~ Long, ot Colu\"lius, Phone 61-2 atten.d.ecl .\lumni Friday evening and mation secured in a survey made A ..... Bid •. WE ARE' GOING. OUT OF: THE PHONOGRAPH AND RE¢- was ~ n~st of Mr, and Mrs. ,Harry recently by the Ohio Farm Bureau federation Co-operative 1l880ciations WUUa~II. ORO BUSINEss AND WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING under htiJI law are handling nearly CLAXTONOLA PHONOGRAPH AT LESS Mr. and Mn. Oe01'P Harboc~ left ' every commodity produced by Ohio for Waahln«tan n. · C. lut week, farmen, aceordilng to 'thi8 report. and will spend a . few weeks visiting Since the enactment of the co·operative marketing ImaMure (the Farns. From our high record winter layer3. relative 1 and frlencb. Special price during May worth-Green Act ) nearly every large .\bout ten local ftahermen spent marketing grou'p fonned has been Mu~nb has power to conB~le miser)' tbe week-end at the Reservoir tak- organized under this act. Th.ese new B •• t QuaUty Stock ancr IIOnow and to increase hap,l- big advantage of the flne fl~hing co-operatives Include the Miami ValHotch I'very Monday. Shipped via ne88 and contentment. weather, at that resort. ley tobacco group which has already parcels post and safe arrival guar · ' received tobacco from more than anteed. MUSIC haa ludeed become in our modern lives as necessary lUi bod- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt had as 5,000 producers. a large poultry mar· ily sustenance, and the world is their guests otl Sunday Miss EdJth keting association now being organdaily being made better by i~ Kearns, Mesal'l!. Merle 'Kearns and iled, and a cabbage association also R. R. 10 (Stop 13, Sl\lem Pike ) TODA Y it made be truthfully said Karl Keller ot ColumbuS. in proce.. of 'Drganization. Three DAYTON. OHIO that every home in America either , new dairying mllrketing groups have owns or wants to own a high-grade H. M. Tlbb.l • .It So., Proprie torl. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke were ' been tormed under the provisions of phonograph. ' Thousands of people ore buYing talking machines eve Bunda) visiton in Pl,apnt Plain the law. And always comparison viIIlting their dapgbter and . son-inday. Many of the older co.operative proves that the "Golden-Throated" law, Dr. anll Mn. R. H. Vance. groups have reorganized to talCe adOlaxtonola is In a CIaSl by itielf. vatage of the provisions of the act, THE "Golden-Throated" C~UD1a according to the survey. These inand 'Mrs. 'WIII . Hutt, ·Mr. and 'Mr. is a magnet that Dever t~ 10 atclude several large dairy producer tract the young tolka. winDing ~. Wilbur R~tt.Jmd daughter: Mr. group. with a m.embership of several CULTI-PACK t"em away from tbe habit of b!lnt- IUJd ¥n. fJylvan JI~dia, of .L4!banonl About 20 county live· The soil. I A car load of John . ing for pleasure outaide from were Sunda.r pelts of Mr. Will St. thouBBDd. home. . stock co-operati.ves have shifted to Deere Soil Pulverizers purJ9)1n and filldb-; the new form of organization 'and ~hased before the 'advance. E Th~ is your opportunity to .• , Mr. and Mn. Clyde Egbert, of the state groUI~ of Iive·stock men • .' , Xenia, Mr. and lin. pel\n Girton and bave cha(lg!!d :to come under the own the best at a ' reasonable ~ ,.-cia three children, and ..Mrs. Lottie Cos. Act's provisions.. Wool growers are price • - -..."..,-"""'-"""'.....=="""'=======;=::::II"' .•(4-~-F=;., ot MasOD, spaut $JlJld;y with Mr. and circulating new contrac;ts wtlich pro- W. R. ·HIATT .• SON . . .t £ . \'ide for reorganization under the few ........ lDaD~ thin•• w. will ha•• Mrs. W. J. Baker. ·. new law at present, aDd potato growSpriDc V.II.~, Ohio. " We • .., :~ clot..e out the .tock in • ru.b. '. Mrs. Linie Proctor and daughten, ers 'are contemplating an association J t J_., Mrs. Annice VanMeter and Mrs. Jen- \lnder it Provision In t he new law for the nie JuncD, ot 'Mineral Point, Wis., UJle of an individual producer conr' DO NOT FAIL TO BE ON HAND FOR WE WILL OI:-l:C,.JIy ·_arrived here Monday tor !VI extended traot ·is being 1videly used by these I • NEW SPECIALs EVERY DAY. visit witli relatives and Jriends. co:Operatlves .according to the FederMr. and Mn..J. 0, Whitacre, Mr. ation's Information. Other advanand Mrs. C. M. Brown, of Dayton, tage. claimed by leaders for the law Mr and Mrs. Albert Cleaver, and are a more democratic organization Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitacre were throl\gh direct representation on . • their governing bodies,' and improved week-end visitors in Indiart~oll8 arrangements for return of savingS Mr. Clinton. of the Home Insur- to members of the associatjon. 'UoO~ JOB WORK OF ALL KINDS ance Company, was in town Thurs• da,y settllng the 1088 ot Sam HenNOTICE kle. Sears and Cartwright represent the cqmpany In Ws-ynesville. The ' Miamis will trove I to Morrow Sundlw and .11 ]players are requested Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earnhart, .to ·confer with manager Pace before Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb. of near ' SaturdllY, to d'stermine transportaXenia, and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin 'Earn- tion. Fans desirjng to go will want bart were the Sunday dinner guests to know that tho game startS at 2.30. of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart, ------.~~~-----of Route 4.
' S
SPRING ·)S HERE l "Come Out 'o f the Kitchen" arid Enjoy the Great Outdoors, i
Do ),our children know th. wood. a.d I.Wa, tit........ th .. Thi. Icnowlecl.~ I. aot oal, pari of Ih.l r educatiOll bu t su.c b joyous outin ,s ;. Mo ther'. cO."..lo ....lp a re
~ildliowerl and the tre".?
. never to be for gotten in later ,earl.
P erh ...... ),o u would get ou t more if the re W . . D·t t .... hi. me.1 to prepare when you com. home tlreel anel hu .... r,. Let the m.al cook while you 're .. oo":-in the autom.tic oy" ... wi'" lIeyer • fear of ,it. hurning. Fr•• youra.lf of cooklll' car.. aU tI.i •• 10riou. Spring and Summor. In t tall now
Special Low Rate to, Cooking.
29 Green ·Street. ;Xenia. Ohio . .
__ ''.coalin' , May . 22, "" . ues lor 10. -ys
w . . ·,
& Wife
Every·Moto~1 "~cJ At Lowest Cost
The public sale of household gopde belonging to the estate of Amanda S 'th d d 'h Id Q,. . . . ~d· ml • ecell8e, was e _...... e., and was very lucceaaful, ."u)tlng . to almoat double &be amou,J.lt 01 ~e ' appraisement.
. ' N'4fjcoFbSirq . '. cr. ·Prom medieval days come wonderfully S~ge taIet of I*rdemaiit, and of even more woaderfti . . . . .Os-CD)'sleriou. beings who performed.nJ.irICiIe8 with a wave of their mysti\ wand. CL ~iL""woaderfuJ today is the mincle 'of ~ecI --' .furyUture and woodwork-given • !leW Ii,. aiId etII"IICtWeDCII by a touch of Luatro. . . lIaMa'i, ~Pingh makea eld tbiq.·.a!ow .........-bri."m,brightoess to yoUrentirebOme. I
With th
. f ld d b e p~s~ng 0 0 0 bin, there has been httle use for the watering trolJgh in front , of the bank buiJding, apd instead of a place of ......... h r"I'f "'D ment, w,e now find a large ,.sortDlen~ of fl.owers planted there. , G~ranium. ot 1.,1 ailel now adorn Miss I;dna. HGw.1aDd Jeft for her the troukh, &l)d ijley are very beauh~me iD .Wert UDlon, Ohio, Monday, tltyiDg. . I· accompanied by IIr. E.dward Burton, Who ~i~ , peDd this week .. tile pest CITIZ~N T~INJ~G CAMPS of Miia RowlaDd and her aunt. She wiU ~h at WUmngton col\~ge dur- . Little Jiaa beeb 'heard in this coming the Bummer: mODths. munity .C!oDcemillg CiU.eni Military C4m~, colldacJe4' bv the lOvernment Tbe' Wayne Townablp Normal elul tJ:!ie com In .. '"IIIJ11er. , While thlll arot ~92' was eIItertained oa wt Wed- Mcle rill ' ~ot o~cfa.l, we bow that .a.ny t ne~ay evenll\lr .a t the home 'ot Miell' AJII.'riCail clt~~ p i!etW~i:I the age. o.t , Eltzabeth Cla!k, of ne~r O~o\lla. , /-'1 .and ~~ c~n ,.ttend one 'pI thelle The evening waa pleasahtly spent anel durt ... the' month of JU11, ,nth this wae one of the l..t ' IOCIa~ , p~~ 'boar4.and ~rI!Pordt1o,i to and from ~rlnll'l. of this •year's cla~ ,'Del1cloq.al th~ roam~ ' .!~rpiBbed by' the ..overnrefreshments were served.: mellt. "Thia (f!!, • rar41 opportunity " I.. '1 for a bo~ ,.to spend one month. of lila Mrs. and Mn. J ."() Whitaker 811. lummer va~tion at Qamp Knox with' tortained to a d.Ugbtful *o~ up expenu attached. We hellen, I ·diDnu:. Satu.rday aV~DinB: . 'l'IJoee that .""" nO one 'frollf tbli townpre~,nt were, M\Uee Aua IIioJI.. lbip baa lIped up to,' W. cam.." bUt man, Kathryn.. adu Jlarpr8t QIirt. It Ii Dot too late' for aD)'tme duiriDr Leona Meirude, Laura to· tab of W. opponuMesan. C. W. Yo_ceo Dr. ~ altJ'. II, reonltiDt oilQlau4e IUaI. c..m. Ie. OW With the ........ Oeora- . . . . ., tift I II ' , . ... ~
The ~ord Touting car meets every motoring requireme~t at the lowest possible cost. It is sturdy, d~d• able, long lived; easy to l drive;c~D. venient to. park ~ and .1'po.~e8se8 the highest resale v81ue iD . propO.... .tioD to list 'price, of' any car·~U't.
. ~ H~we~""';"~U_61 . ~ Touring
·~a.I ~ · P. b'.B., ~
.... ,'D_"Ia~"'a... .,
.=-';6' ~
i. \
\~ f..
, .
. . -
la.' -
uwn y rr~ nl homo, I tf eel per·
.- .- The annual meeting of th o Wayne TownRhip Sunday· School 1Is.~ociution - - - . , -. will be held SUndRY, June 1st, at 2 'h Th ' N S h I B " Id' ,o'c luel! Ilt the White Brick Frien d. D r.err''''. e l" ew c nO UI '~Ir, h ' , c hul·~. EVl' I'Y one urged to IItte nd. Th.. ir I"duolrin. an d Th cor . II pl'ug mm, repl'llRcn tnti ve of th e n cautirul Town vllfioUR Rc h (lo l ~ of th o towllship i ~ Loeitl): preror'ccl hy the eomm ILl«'Il. II Iso Il f!ood "peakeI' for the nftllrlIf('t~lline Fl1l1 ~ , Wash., nn nn hll~ been pecurlld , 90 let us May !!·I, 111 24. Ahuw ulIr interest in the Wnyn esDcaI' Miami Gn? tl TOWl1shil) Sunday-Schools by nttcndWhilt, sl'lIclin;: YO II n r ~ lI ewn l ' " In): thl Mm~ c tinl:' und findinl:' out whu t ye ll .. ' l" ~ p "r, n hnpp y conve yor nr ,llil' town Hhip IK doing in this work. ",", 'h iIiLIlI'C'st •0 W nYllcRvil1e fol1< s whn
Whole Number 5591
SevPllty-Si.:th Yenr
~ !
The Ill('I'chunl8 of W nync ~ vill e, with the he lp of Mr. Chltr l e ~ Am nn , of IndinllllpoliM. hun enl(al(l!d the Wllyncsvillc Premier Blin d t o J.:'iv{' Home Alieni Make. Vi.i .. ; Abo the cone'rt.'; (lfl t he ~ trCl!t (lVl!I' Y Thur~ Counly Al ent, to F~rm • tl ay eve ni ng thl'o ul(hout lh~ HUlllmOI·. in County A li>l of tho ~{' co nt l'i uuti nl!: will be published i n th e Mill mi Gilw lte nexl week. The buml will rellder th e fo llow ing prOKI'IlIll , "'ridny night, ~ Iu y It. E . Crny, Poultry Extension ao, ut R o'clock. "pco-iali.l rece ntly accompanied t he Cou nty Age nt. MI'. ClasB, on a two1 I- Ylurch- - ]\\ilituI'Y Esc urt. ,IllY t nur of the PQultry Demollstra· iUIi fnl'nl H. Th ey included C. C. 2- 0ne Stc p- - B '"utiful Gil'\. :3- 0verlure--T ruuuadou r. I·;".ton. IIc ur Franklin, Paul M;ltcnell, nenr Sprin gbllro, S. D. 'Henkle •and 4- March-Joll y ·oblll"l' . 5- lndian Med ley-- Tnlllll hllwke C. R. Bunnell, of Wayne Twp ; A. C. . . Brave. Tom linson. nc ur Hnrveysburg, R. A. Intermlssion-10Minut,,. Millard and W. J. He ndrix, of Wash· 6- Medley Ovc r ture--Cn mpaign ing ton 'r wp . ; Elbr·t lron8, near Leba. J n vigo l'U tor. r.o n; Scott Whitacre, nellr Butler7- March- -Sovcri,gn. ville; and Howard Ehlerdlng and T. 8- 0no Step- -That old gang of B. Foster, of Hllmilton Twp. Each mine. oI these have keeping records of the 9- Wa llz--.Jennett. eggH guthered, r eceip.t,s from eggs and lO- March-- lmperi al. Btock sold, expenses and cost of feedincluding that grown on the farm ns well us that, purchased . . Each 'demAN APPRECIATION o n ~ tration farm owner rl!ceives cirThe Waynesville Premier Band culars from th e State College giving wishes to thonk all who have so lib- the latest information and suggesterally donated for the concerts and ions us to the feed ing and care of will in return, give ther very best in their laying flock, the raising of baby a ll the concerts. chicks, etc. They. each send in mon'thly reports which are summarized il\ t~ County Farm Bureau office. '-,Mr; Cray, general comments on the demonstration I farms ;indicate . that
Rllnd"d, in n wny. \.0 describ9 to you 1I1"Lch ' ond Ohiu MaLch companies 111\' present locution. huve offic es and ynl'd~ for both lumI Io"v~ bue n hol'o I\t this plnce since ber LInd poleN, bCRidCR t wo olher in110" opl'ning of the schon l term of dope ndent com panlcR, 'w ho maintain l!11 !I, ""on IIft"r my rl'turn from itlllllinl:' "pnc!! in th e C. M. & St. P . my lust d nit to dear old Ohio and milroau Yllrds. This constitutes th e fricnd u. local commel'clal inlltitutions. bUl the We hllve what. i~ conceded to be POI·tlllnd Cen mcnt Co .. is the reul lhe fines ~chool hulldlng und Rehool support of th e town. who have her e outside or Srokn ne , considering the second largcst plant fo r the mallII.lI size- four c.1/L"s rooms, lur-ge ufacture of this much-needed product nudltorlum. domeR tic science, mlln- in the Wesl. Their daily output unl training. bnnquet rooms, rrrinci- runs from eight to eighteen carloads pnl's omce, Hhow~r bath, wint,er Illuy !,,' r day--=ap estimated uvernge of . rooms. Rpncioll8 hn11R on both floors. twelve Cllrs daily; Its many building1l with moder.n lavatorlell, hot and cold occupy a number at' acres of ground \Vat"r throughout I' am pleased and they employ, whun running full , to state that I ' am the cllretaker force, one hund red and· sixty. men. of thlll ~plendid inc}lbatC!r at '",ome During this time t he maohinery gets or Amerlcn'A grant' ,people tbe ~_ badly out of order, through itl! heavy ' turo. The preBe'n t t41rm explrea on work or crushing; grinding' and mixMay 2t1rd. ~· , lng, requiring a shutdown during the • Our.JIChonl hlll!~ cii~led ; off aU pf Bummer monthlin order to clean up l ti1.eirtopr~ductlon h!Y'lhenll beenin too low, 't he lo.,lng cup, ' oft'e'red at the Pend and make rellgnment of _hattl! and due too . mony ' olil . \. . the layd' Oreille county lteld meet 'IInd de- ge'¥lng Vllliton are permitted to in~ flock, too late .hdtc~lng, or tmclamutory contests' the last t".o Inl pect the plant but altllough I have • .proper care. ,More Ul)eral feeding ' , ,,,,,," " yean, and we now have them perms- been here five yean I have not avail· ~ 1 the O,!\io dll' mlll!~· was frequently ~"''' T Ii. R 1'1 0 nently on display' ln our' library. The ~d pI)'lIelf of the privilege. Me88l'1!. C. D. Conk, A. S, C Ueft, r ecommenaed. This ia to be . still L""t"'~ faculty, qq nsisu, of fQur e1nss or 'g rade Then we have a complete up-to~. P. McCarron', and !~ank:L:' Har - 'j urther promote~ by provi4ing more teuben, "ne prof08l0r and one prln. (jute olectl'lc light and WIater plant. ns, who went to DetrOIt last.week to hopper Bpace, ~ and , by IIOmettm811 clpal, all o( most excellent qualilllia. rhe water is carried down by flume confer with Herry Ford in lllgard to. moistening tlie l mash , 0 1'1 wttholding l ions In their dlffcreJ.lt grades 'rom ' SIJlIlvens creek, the outlet of bringing his railroad t!I Harveysbul'Jr the grain feed. • Earl~ lIetUng. of the The building cOli~'trucl\on cqat '> ulllvan's Inke, a most b\leutlful body returned home Monday" Mr. Ford cockerala was ·alao eniph\ii.iScd, &8 America-B.nd .nd Audl"nce Flowero-Mro. Edllh Harri. and M.... H. E. H.th.way. r eceived tbem very kindly, and tile .\VIIII the feeding of mIlk where price . J' ,4'{.000. twelve y~ars ago, when Ia- If wntei' eight miles long and one Mr., Jap.... Vand"r.oort hur' anU lnatcrlnl was much cheaper <lid one half · miles wide ' in . Its ex- Pra,.r Tran.portation-Mr. Fran" Zell. I committee lire very enthusiastic In was n.ot prohibitfvii. j 'In a compJlthon now The lIiwn with the build rame width. It i8 a lovely place for regard to their prospects for a rail- mentary way, Mr• .eray wro~:-."The MUlic-BaDd Spea"e,'. Stand-Mr. W.lt"r c ..t. fng ~cllpi es one hnlf of a. city block, 'nmpe"" and those who love good Addre •• r oad. '. cooperat{)rs in •.Warren ,.County. have Mr. Fr..... I. Brow.. , 01 Dayl6 .. Pa,..ln.-Fraak Elbon and Wilbur Cr.rk. I ha"e Rbi of the loveliest flower bed~ ':lshlng nnd bo'at riding, and ill patThe right of way from Kingman ~ had DB g~od sueCCBB gr:owing ,t heir Mu.ic-Band Decor.ti ... Cannon-M .... Walter Ca.t. , borllerlnll' the front entrance, ,wtich tonizt'd b'y such people from fnr Rnd Hnrvcl'sburg will be considered .. at chicks DB In any" County/'I h"lve visiRecitation Mi.. Edna Mullin lire full 0 " tho 1lrettll!st blMiloms and Illnr during the senson. Deco~tion-In charle of Mill Henrietta McKinley, once, an~ other matt~ra ~ef.talnmg ted this spring!' . A .l$Criea of' public MUlie-Baad wll1 continue 8() until Jock Frost But at the l~ndscaPQ und the sura .. il.l ed by th" followinl little ,Irl.: ... Beatrice to the railroad. Mr. Ford \VIII . send I meetings will probably. be ' anoimged comM to claim hill own. ·ounding1l. The scenery i8 a delil:'ht Ro"itz,,~, E.elyn Surf.ce, M.ry Jo Miller, AaD" his men DB Boon as proper negotla- later In the tear to point 'out the Decor.tion at the CaDnoll I .nl wall pleased to bo in ~h18 10' ;0 tho truppor, the prospector and all O'N"all, Dori. )jaU.bur" Mlri.m EIII., Mary Sat. tions are made, and '¢11 look over.the practical 'point of'chlck-r.labig, 'feedMUlle-Tap. \ cality; as Its landscape furnleWII' .bOIlO who love out dool'8, espeeially t.rthwalt., Ruth Hocketl, Betty Harlloclr. Mar- ground carefully and see what can be lng, culling· "pd hanc.mnc 'the Ma.ic by ,b. 'Yayae...,ule PHIDI... B.... "ma moat ..ondarful mountain views ~ature in her rousheet. The Kanlkjori. Ean.bart, Roma Hanlln a.d Leao W.nat&. done. flocks. ·.. . " ". te ana ..ho ... an admiration for 111 mountallUl to the east form a • HOME,tACENT ACTIVE n. ca__lu•• Ii. ~ will Joe a' tIr,. T._.1aJp lao... to nc.i •••0 ...... aa. III ......... Natue In rouch. At the preMnt time :ofty baekpvund to· ~ .pou.. of ENCAGEMENT !oNNOUNCED Misa Alta Kizer, r.eentlY appointFn"7 ___ ••, a •• all 7. . . . . . pan. n ....rel.a. will be,i. promptly at •• 30 0'".... a' t'. ,~ hillt hWa and deep trOl'Ift of the =lIIra and c&a,ma. co.,.recl with ..n ed Bome De,nonatration :A ~Dt"haa Kaaliku ."ntalna are mOK cener- ·dnd. of everareen Ihrab. and E'f'W7~y ca. . . . . . . . .a. ~ ·.ft.noo. la •• mory of oar bra.,e . . . . . oldl.r. of all wan. Announcemel)t was mtlfle Saturalready' confeh-e'd ';JjtJt ~en Cloth11\11 witll tllelr !dn"ly dIsplay of all Rowen, Mth here and th.re bold dll)' evening by Mrs. C M. Robitzer, !dntls ef YArl-'edlored Rowen-the rough-hewn prec\picell of hlah, overof the marriage on June 21, of MIII8 I'lIg Club ,leaden, eiCBt ~~h,od :',Club leaden, nll'\'" rHI/m . -.lrcII. the, alde~, ,he quaJreimuII and hlllllrinx ~~ck. At. the pJ'e!lent tIme . ,e ~. Man"'i.~eJlt .... 1. ~ H,!l ~ Helen Marlatt to Merle V. Kearns, of workerll, p.nd ; ~dcb:elll!8d tl\tee ~~!p-U .~•. ~ : t ... Jtull pine, l"n1S'to be vieln~ with :helr new lI.rossell of bria'ht clitterln~ Columbus, Ohio, when she enter. ,., '. . . .ther In cutlnc their tmaCu ITeen foliage lIJake of them tnly a tained in honor of the Misses Pauline nity . meeting'll. ~ugho.u,t .v~us MIAMI CEMETERY lI,.n &he .~Immerinr waten of the refreahlng' treat to the .ye, To the ColHos, Emily Davia, Maxine Phillips parts of, the, County., MilIa' Kiler woWerf..1 Pend d' eneUle. , "'!MIt, north and BOuth the aaml! panAlice Wellman, Mue Ola Barnett, r~cent1J ' diacwiaed ~lothing: Clubll at On Memoriol Day, we not 'only Yu their ·clellchtful formll their oramic view \a obtained. . I• Lenora Drais, of Cincinnati, and the laat day exerciHII at Buckeye ~hoW our anpreciation to those delleate tlndnll and fracrant odo~, ' own the river to the . ~orth, four Madge Cllrroll, of Delawate, Ohio, School In 1rhicb" 'Comml!tnlty, ; J,lri;, LOSE ANOTHER. HARD LUCK who havo given thc,lf lives in our . all ·. ftnely blended and Interwoven mile8 the waten of the P.rid d'Oreil1e who are the ·house guests of the Carl Duke Iii organizhig a;' Club• wars, but to r.ny ,of'Qur loved on es BALL CAME The large bll:l'o belonging to Mrs. .' u • ,attract and plelll!e ' one'l\ fancy, nll'h and swash, and apparently turn bride elect. The announcement was . On TueSdaY;' l1~Y ; 20,: 1;11188 'Elzer who li e huried tljere. The _ they · de not bring to one thllt love illlt.9l\ tlleir edge a'a thew angrily rush Euphemia Hough, we~ t of lttt. Holly" disclosed when a small _fold of need- ~onferred with, Misses HoJen ' iJa~ke, very spirit of ~he place makes us .lld longing . that flllll ono's heart',to through the wonderful Z canyon, burned to the rgound TucsdllY mornlework with the card bearing the wed- and Ethel ¥jlndcn)1aU, ' Fo§~ (flub feel ncat'er to hose who have gone once moro liCe and IIdmire the plnin whoao precl'pitoull walla lire but 'a few Ing .about 8:80 .. TherQ is no clue as New.Pitcher Stood ,t he ~Yeteran. on ding date was given each guest. leaders, Mrs. Ken"th Houg1t, CI!lthi.ng to their l'ewnrp,. Dod icnted in Their H".d. lor !Full Game. - . , but pretty .blue-bells' that grew in feot apart A brldxe at the top, the to the orIgin of the fire. The fnrm Dinner was setved at s~ 1 tubles in OJut. lender, and ¥rs. J. L. MendenJun il, 1867, for ft:lmost .ixty years Otber Note. molther's yard, and IIdde.d a 1111 t~I" ~Idell p'lllee le}il1t17, feet long, 160 Is OCCUI)i~d by Mr. r lid Mrs. E. L. II very pleasing m\lnner by Mary Lou· hull, Home Management worker:, conMiami e.emetcI'Y ' hus onjoyed the , \ hn wcr'~ in town nt the ). alllO, in tbe valley of t~e dear 014 rc~t above ~e w~terr constructed of ise Zimmermnn and Beatrice ' Rob· ccrtling t heir resp-ective octivities. reput....t lOh of be ing one of the , itzer. The gue~ts were --the Misses MI's. lIIcn'dcnhBll also accompanied ' ~Ittle Mupnl, whosll green hllla flln'ce but · on'e ord4tary spruce log, over tinte. most beautiful p laces of its kind The loss will be nbollt $2600, partly . The l\1inntis trnvoleli to Morrow Olive All en , Alice Carey, Hillen Miss Kizer in a vislt'to Mrs. ' A- B. In like unto a monumental w~lI, which luill.ll.teda~.(I!"peqple· h~ve in t he tate. May it always concovered by insurance. The chattels l:l~t Sundn,y IIfternoon , and lost allHawke, Corrine Welch, Mrs. Kelllir Talmage, Hom.1i Management leader, one'8 dearest friends-the friends.of cd, but oh, -nY! not lor: me. Through tinue to be. one's childhood , this natro!/{ ft'sa~"'d canyon the 'wat. that burned. !llIch as hay, harn ess, othel' close. game by the score of 4 Ho'ake, Mrs. Oscar Stanfield, Mrs. a nd l\fn. Howard Grllh am, Clothing er a~ · fQrced to pass. etc., werc fu\ly in ~ur e cl, but the barn to 3. Wh,ile this was their third St. Clair Fire, Mrs. Hany PlIce, Mrs. Club leoder of Massie TWI1. Miss I ' This pretty lltUe village of Meta. ers of tfl~ 8tl'aighi. defeat with no victories in· line Fo11I1, isolllted ' lUI it ill, i8 situllted Judging ,froM the ~o.amlng, frothing, WI1 8 n ot in su'rccl t9 the Cull v'n.Iue. L. A. Zimmerman and Mr~ . J. D. Mar- Kizer aillo visiled Mrs. S. S. E llis, ·who . I1ke' l.1ra. Mendenhull iR coope];ating Neighbors and friends aoon gather- lersper~e d, it ~h o uld be reme mbered In . the extreme northe(\st corner 'of. roging m~n~1l ," in . which they. run, latt. in keeping hou seho ld expense ac~ ed after it was lIi ~c6vered, and by that the Miamis, this yer.l', are strictthe state of' Washington, It is quIte q\\lte unwllhngly. ....-....:~SovOl'lll ( lin G fr om here nttended counts., and in t he Rfternoon ahe' disAll unusual one, ~ be found ' sil far 'l1hel'e is . ~n jplmense amount of heroic work nlunaged to save severlll ly local tllient, non or whom hnve t he ball gq.plo at Morrow, Sunday. cussed the geneI'll I plans . of Food· BAN"-S WILL CLOSE 'Irem the'; ~ente{' of '.activiti~8 ' I~ , is ~!1e SIl.W tim?"r ' on ·the .hms, bllt the MntllU buildings near t he ·barn. A hnd My se mi .profes.~iona l experiand Clothing Clubs, Home Manage- ' .• ' ! 'mall brook, ,Tunnirll' ncar. the !larn, ence, and sevor al of whom lire pl~eempletely' modern, no m'aj;llo~. but' s/lamc oqt IS htat the DIII"1ond and thei\.' first sen son other than with The undersig'n ed b8flk8, t.ogether ment and other cxhmsion' projects, neat ·eollY 'home-Ilke housel , mostly ..Ohi !\Ia{ch 'corr/panies ' have obtained WIIS ' the meuns of sa~j ng the smal,1 with 1111 other banks.. of ,the county, t o a repl'esentntive group of ' ·farm ~chool teams. . MORROW oecupled b~ young marri,ed fC)lks, and eo~\ti't!1 of ·it and arc flll!t denuding buildings. Mr. and Mn. HQugll .wa~t to thank The Intent talent is there, nnd a AD R l:I PO A E will close at noon on WednesdllY dur· ';vome n at Wayn eSVille Grange 'Roll. Mme of ~h~ 'mollt Irutnnerly, brigHt: t~e fore~~ of ~v~~ythl!lg of value. 'I . On F riday a£tel'ollOl1, Miss IGz'er 'was eyed little kids <on~ . would wish to'. :rho State ill ' 'building" , roap from nil those who so valiently .fought to little mote practice will "develop a R. Co udell, 2 b. .4 0 2 2 2 0 June, July and A'ugust. save 11\1 that they COUld, 'Which "". 1 lI! The Harveysburg National Bank. IIgllin with . ,l\lrs . .. Hough and, Mrs. combl~atlon that will n~t tllke the G. Couden, 1 b.. 1\ 1 1 13 0 0 ,neet: an'd what pleues me JJ)ost 'they !l~o to t~e Cal'~lllan line, Dnd when The Waynesville National Bank. Duke to." allSist w~th their c'otqing "cek around me like gepuine friendl ~ onlplete.d 1 'IV w11J ~~ve two WIIYS to burned to lhe ground T}le~day !»om· dust of any strictly a~ teilr to'a m HOWUI'd, cf ......... ..4 1 1 3 0 0 club projects. ture of thQ fire. . and few semi-professiojlals. Our tans T. Couden, 3b .... .. 3 1 1 2 8 2 I the I'UIICIn Ia. '''Iolhenever I ' nave idle , get . out ,(O~ bere, _ .at th~ presel1t -_.:........: On Thunday, May' 22, the Clo.thing shave long d'llmanded ,a st:9ct.1y local MiI'anda, ~ ........... .8 0 0 7 1 0 l time I tell ~.in BOme (to me(' WOII. time-. tlte .only ; '!fay . la ~o ~ack track Club leadei's born ull parts af the . team, now It is ia p J~ them to Cook, r£: ............ .. 8 0 0 .'0 0 0 AN APOLOGY . dertul ~Ialonsi-fl.h tales, b.ellY' iltorl~ on tho rail~ad:-the .o~d Spoka,.e County confe rred in ihc' Farm 'B llr- . support the' boys. " .~ Ii ,f~ . Lewis.. 1f.. .. .. ........ 8 0 0 0 6 1 and all kinds of fairy ya~na. ' . ~ '. Norther,?, !10'Y a bra~ch . ~ the. St. In the account of the meeting of eau officll, ~b~~oll, wh.er~ ·Miss ;Brl~ Our old .frlend, Howilrd F. Burton, WiJllam8, 1f.. ....... .2 1 0 0 0 0 This is . not ~ 'city nor a you - Paul. There Is ~ :number (If v~I,. a\las "Dutch,' alias ' "Hogg)l,'! furn- Dum1.ord, p ........ .. s 0 1 0 4 0 the alumni assuciation in last week's brleher, 90~hmg speclahst. of 91\\0 going' ~o· 'be, ' but just a hlee 'II Ie th!lle lead anil Illvllr ·minee." near Ished thl!. big surprise 'when he went _ _ _ ~ _ _ IS8ue, we missed tlie nam e of Miss state Univ~nlity and Miss ~z.~.r gave town about lhe slle of HllrveyeJ1\Jrg ne e, but none them 'are .s!i!pplng to the box and , pit!)lle.d ~ ~ fine gil me. Totals ............ 29 4 6 27 ' 16 3 Gladys Harlan '23, whose uppropriate' ~he leaders complete informallY.'1 und or Spring' Valley, having two' ge~eral ore a~ the p~e~n~. time, .~~a~se, of No one; his own fat~cr Included, even MIAMIS and well ren. dored va. c. al so lo was alln8tructiO~ . concernlu.g tb.~ N oJeC~. siores one .hardware atore,.two forty. the ,mar\cet Ol\prellll!.o n .. " imllgimid that he "po~lsessed this abUAB R H ' PO A 'E pleasing number on the program. Her The Clothlllg ?Iub i's org~n1il:ed on a , " room 'hotele, two reStauranta'; ~ .t\yo , I'l , ~~o~ingd mlgbt atAte th.~ dar ih!; . but he certainl~ d\d deliver the ¢.t:,.3 . 1 0 3 " 0 0 a,ccompllnist was Mr . :Kathiyn Hen. four years b~l! ls, ·.the , ~ork dope each. lodi'\rig hou. ., 0 bank, one dentilt b!!fore ,~uter~y I ftnlahed In ~n)l of. Dayton; (Contmued on page 4) r" gllods. "Dutch~' Wll 8' 'a trifle nervous lb .. 3 0 0 8 1 0 derson Tu'r n er, " ~~Ior, one ice c",~mIParlo'r and:llew8 I~ap.!l my l\ev,ntY·llecon<\ ly! _r of the , ' . _ .;.' h:' I and, with the al\lllstallCe of lI(lme Frye, Sb .... ,.";: .. .. .... 4 0 2 0 1 0 I etand; o~ bla,c!ttmlth II~OP'c ~w~ ra~" I upe and downll ~f. th~ ilfe. ' . rather ragged IUpport, allowed two H . . Burton, p .. ..,... 3 1 1 0 6 0 . ... .!Ige, . :t ' d~ '1.001 ~ roomll a';ld a~~ut.\ . ". ~!t~ ~~e belt. o~ ,~etrard.,. I am, Ilo~tlle runs ii. the"1\:1'IIt; then he' jet- T," Burton; .;Jr•.. _.... 4 0 0 a 0 0 .. eightf ~,"~i,den~e. ~. The. .. I mon .14, VAN DU~ER': . t\ed and c\lt off furth,e r d!,m~e l,'-ace, c .... c.:..."::,. ..4 II O. 9 10 0 • t' t _ ull'''''.l(IIl'; Mv.en~b, wlae hIS ftrBt . p8118 Gpns, .. .:......... .., .,3 0 ~. 1 2 1'D r.uent.' PliI,aa . ''into tllIe run' ~hleh tied, Ohbqrn,,;. .,.~·.:: ... 1.. 1 .1' 0 '0' 0 0 0 mOrll , p~'i ~e Tj~ney" 2b .. 1. ;, .. .. 4 1 , 2 1 anei l . it,' of ' pOOl' Pope, d .,L.',.:... :.4 :'0 ' 0 . 0 'In.,the ~ , , . 88 8 06 26.12 ~ One out' wben .Yfin,\~~ ICOr. ~I\de • ,
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A BUS INE SS BOY uj',lllrcd to flo . t\\ • " . stru/>, I Ilnlln bl~' oj' Ii<lu I' " 'eently "jh'H l~ uti whl\f nn t 1Il\\\lH n' IIr· foulld ut J Ick'~ ,reek Bridge. A IIUlJwIIY ' ,Imi n in N~w ' Y(l r k 0 11 r,'\'llI' I~ I.,};" ... thrt /I n\'", '11t\~lOjI1. " . A liP clul \"f\ll iro lor the :fqj lowing " l'o \Vd~d . :)udcll,lI1 ly it toppod with , SlIlim ':l \Ix~. 1 r,I 'iI)' to ~ TV!' ,. jur rs \VIIS ordered in t'he :t h'rk lllid uil the l ighl~ ' w nt out. ;'\1'.. rt,il' I\ rl .. II 1"'lt,,111 hll. II' I~' to CIl,$C M Harley Teritl , .8. , Emil .. Wh,'n Ihl' lig' hl ~ {'amo nn ngllill n / Ilt., t • . l. unci WUII~. t. "r'll· j ·K chubel't et III., LQU lia DC'III'cloff,. H Ull:: ·r., lin,! :hj\lr ~U \· .i.... d :-4 l'rt." I'IIl1 l1'l' mlll1 slnTtcd t1lr\lug h t he c ar - The 8IIIJII IIr " 'I'"l e"11 nr 1I .."I"'n .,,',•• It I' COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDI N S Ir IIi' HnynM, F:1l10 Ko n~I ", E mmu ~hout.illt:'. "Who lost 11 ' purse ?" like d4:g ln' hUI\\I. null ,,'01 lIylul: ,,,. lb.·:!· I,', ' ~ III th!' ~l '<' of Bos:;' n . . Hull . J~tli th Bisho']), Bluncbe Simoll'I'hl'l't' II'IIN II ChOI'UR of " r did." "Th on rI~ to aplJll'~!beIrudto.tl1l In" 1111' n\l'11I I'D hllHh. ...: .. III .. otO;l'" ('I ' UI II n " I ' I u V('I VN. tOil lind Je 'Il' Krul;'cr. .,dn'rti ~ t. ii. in th!' T imes," h !Ulill . .... inter it.!! :ruow.-4lId of l··urt :-" '1111)1 r I\'I\~ ra,. ,d. ' .' I. " 'cr, II I'mpol':lry nhrnuny A motio n Illed lIy IllnintifT, in th e cdsls In too mcat.-llupply, or . ___ • ,01 l' .1 1>('1' weck ,I'as IIwllrll"d th" lIc!vortising so liciLor unt! " I :11\1 case of th~ Rul''' nuu WitK IIf III gruin that makl!.ll our b~d , " llIint Hr. ,':11' ~i l' o yuu ,\ s pcdal rllte ." CHAPTER X XI kcep~ the ave.r age CUllIRIlDCr in o. \'~. H. A. Suli~bl1ry et 111., WIIS By Arthur : AI'! hilI' M IlIhloll', til\! ,l oucht'8lcr con:.tant stute of dl'£Ad. . . . .... . . .~.a. . . ............. T~ Tho' BI/lkUSllng of Colonel Bu rloy. I " .. WH~ Ill\'l.\l'ded · u jUdJ!I' I1 HlIlt 01 0 Antl- it Renda tbe pri.cca sky-. n npp liClItion "r the plaintiff duo wll rrl, overy time the cri8i>1 ~"I .. ",,," Ilthl 1i.·,' 11 hit III Ih<) Ih l!'h ·;j ll;r.rr- lilld ('o~t.. in hi ~ ('as~ l\"'l\ln ~ t I-l,,,;(fa,--Cd'eat Empire to Be. ,. [nu ll id Hut RRide un ci lellve ". ....,·II 11 lcd frowlIs .- \vben the life prlllleJ'~. bJ (I rifle, hull "I <>11 hi s " Ill' 1(0 I hI' , H. II. Bl'lh) k ~ . er 's oot of reach. of COlU'IIe the Two Political Queatiol18. r0 1' t • II !' lin,\ J a~'k 1\1\<1 Vlll,'r \\'.llll1,h>(1 I 'I'll,· ,'"s" of Prun k R. Oll~' I'S () to nle u rep ly th ~ I'e il1 in t he cnse of !lll ilnr drowns. . . . While tho . 'B1 l\l~n II'pr(' l'l' n\' el'~1 1 In hOll rs lind 1111, '1'" I I.. Hic ks :~nd Ann ie S. 'I'ho'l' ,, " 11" • "'. MeCun!: "s . •' (l hn II . ' Iwl(.y Deep Plowing Pay... wreckln' c:t'01F • patcbin' wp p ns Ie Ill. T he (' OUrt 01'0 un kretl Ihllt tl1 lhe 11">1,11111 at Alh,ml' wlwre .Tllrk ',,' lllc.1 an d dismissed. · 1lI0ro CCOIlQmlc IaWII., t h. ' !,;.; Dreu Up, Girls, Ore.. Up. The elise or th S f ' Lewellyn Hopkin. ,,"cI G, [0' • • mith rllmnillcd 1111111 [h,' ICan!N \\'('rc ~"n .', dovil tean u 1lIIth hia ,., ,', .. S01tHnOn r" I" H'l' r(',1 lI)(lr!' qull'kly li nd e tal!' 11 OhIO vs. be ~ ubs tit:utccl (01' C. E, MeCIIII!' a. 11l11t.ln' claw.. . , . I hil ve . haarlem oil - has ' been ~ • . worJd.., wus '111, I.I'II-lln'· n,lll'ln IlndAr Col. Alvu Pr uctur IWIS di ~miss"tl , watched the openation thruUllh p I"'"t.ifTs in Ih l' procc ' clinj,( ~. A Th tl Ht.oc k of Ulo Atilllltic Cons t sn mnny g loomy dllJ'lI. that I oncl "Hr""'" wlll'n Ihe,l' joIned .Tohn· The lief<'ndant were ~"runtl' d 30 ne\v l rl'(11 was iL It-OO o n Icrt!( I III ' t bC wide: remedy for kidney; liver and L in" 10 Flurldn reachea II " new h .. rbor my BU8picionu of th t: j 1.1 r san'R Hlln,,'r. u l 'l'k,""lerogn nnr! cut dllY" addi tiona l time t o plead in lhe ClL'! '. b ~h ." Big protlt8 are mude, lind bladder disorders, rhewnatian. fcl lnr that It pay • . otT tIlt' ~1I 1',,1I1'~ IIr rh.! Orlrlsll nrmy, ct1~e ,if l\[n riu DeFo, Sl'tL vs. 8wd. T hero's II rOllloOD, lit th" bot· th .., "toc,kholllc.rs exult . 'r F' 1 " Yidn lumbago and uric add c:onditioDl. 'Lull'r hll dn)! ~O l II rflllll'l the lines of W . Al:lir ~ t :ti . tom of each economic IlIcIUI,-.:tnd CHAPT ER XX in t crc:d.s you, or ru . " . pro(1t..IJ , NEW SUITS the .. ".' my ,, 1111 (lib 1II["lIlg('nco hI' lind " ~l lllll1ltll' " & l1t!lititln in th ~ casu ",hl'n a t roublo'. chronic. it i~ 1\lId out wba t S. I)nvle., WlIrficlll. u pnr t In I ~' L' 1I1'1I11ng "n H~ll1us HeIghts or NIII'l1 Rogers v s, Chas , R()~cr.l Nflrn HIIgll r. hn ~ brul1g- ht , uit ha rd to curo 1 gUC&L . , . A lll 't The Ambu l h. pr,,, idtlDt of lhe S""b""rd Air it tim e for chnn~a' doel on;1\011 lh t! !'[IIlWUI 'r 11 1111 HIlti' lh,· de- \V ' n' o rdel'ed mailed to th ' I'f ~ ngll in~t Churles l1 oJ{l'l's ( "I' tliv,lI'cc Mra. Scott nn,l I"'r II ttl(' Ncm wcre !1'11('11 n rll ish IIrmy 1111 ,10' 1' Burgnyop fl unt \ '1 ' . c (to en when the trooUnenl S.'Cq\b tu Lin..-. i3 doing wltb his new rllilmodo welcome ·111 the homc or Joho Illur,'IIln ~ ""III' I1r" In ,1I"L:rncp to he CAPSULL .S I 10 IS II non·reRlden t o f Ohi o. und custo dy of child l't'n, SIl<' <'l ,ar·' f nil ? Can 8m:\ll ·po.x ""al It"df rOR'! ill fo'ioridu, Wh en h" fill i"h :I IroM. ~aell and Solomon wl' rc Imm ~ cu nv!'), .. ,1 hUI'I, 1" Endn nr!. . Gll'IHJu,"n I\loore wns grunted u ges g l'USS neg lcl't lin d crul'lly. i without tho druca lI ·gtGIWin· lhe s?wrt cut from the Wl'~ t t'OIl. t dlutcly BjIIlt up the river nnd Ih roug" correct Internal trouble.. atlmulate vital .tn le? We'll never nnd the I n''k h,,,1 r"eo\"'rcd line! \\'11" nl h(lln t) .hvOI'Ct, ll'Om OI'llIndo Moo re on Duniel Mu y ". h,,~ LJI'I)U j,(h l s uit of j"IClridll acn> R~ to Pul m I""", h _tho ~uah to, hl'1p tho fOrl' e ut TI. 10 \\'h !'n .' ,1111","" nrrll"',1 la Allmny " ' lIh ' " r ?"l1d~ uf g ross n~'ld oct. remedy In edf· lnfll~od l"lv ~ orean,. Thrce ai.es. All drul!&hrt.. IDIiat fol' divorce IIgnlnsl H u rn M . rIlY ~. I end otbo, pol nl:l, ""t.'lbli,.h ill~ J , while! the PMl.ilcnl:4l Ie tiIJr~.tlin: the mjd\ll~ ~d late days 0( I uly, Ihey' on thc ortglnlll Itenulne GOLD MILDAL. tho now6. J f ht' ~llse o f lr ne II. Jl lIy ncr 1'8. He chargE'S urllclty. under treatment by Its CINKe t'Cet C' L"tU1l..:tio n hctw{'C n N ew y l),~ . E e, .to runners the tIO ul bword . rellO Sult/lUon ~1li'Ht ,I I'lIl't lit t h~ I'l'cnlnll N. alld I;;m~ry nil l \Vn~ comp romisod Wm . G, T hompso n h,," Urllll!{ht pro ,of the Drltlslt. Thoy were and Suulht'ust f4' lorida, ov~r ~11.1 lllntl lliRlllisscd. . uit agnin st Wa ldron ('. Gihu ()ll1' I" 1Ih ' d I\t ' B orkhner'S regl ment or N il\\' at fllny with Ihe Little I'Ickel nnd Ihe own re ib , there ouill be lin lIe,J\ (J oth er dclltlren II nl l wl",n ·tho youog Tllrl'" 1Il0tions by de fendants in )ltllllni~tl'Utor of th l:' I"tnt!' lIf Roh . \ ' llorit l mi1lfla on August /I when th ~y EXPERT KODAK f1i !;'ht fo r b\1~ in ..8S and ]lruf1!J;. L Gilmour, dCCl'1l8Ud. Amllllllt claim· I cI1ikovetoeb- rbo IIDlbush- R mlsttl rtuge OlI(,S hl1<1 g,m" to hell. "" ' Ill out (or 1\ th ~ cu~c of Alvn lIill vs, A Film t'ini51hing tOi' WllJd! l1ho1 were 10 no W8Y r~ w nl k w ith ' llis' 'C(l ~ l" Iln til e rll c r , SP~lIt't' et al.. WII!'C overruled . . Th~ cd $fi36.5 0 nnd intl'rest fr(l111 Murch TbllJ'l! will be plenty ot b usinCBlI and Oeveloping a!(pOlllllbll!., 1 H.er klmer and his force hC)d front. , co~ . in th tria l 11'1),'0 ordered to be 2, 1!l24. . for boLh roads. howeve r. No ~ C'Ill'Q ~ .",Jlllnut thorn {O relleve Fn t d e fellllll nL. Ah . MlIl'il! Eir()ckml1n by Mm·t in Lumb. Mrs. Iron. h".1 sllld of Ih p Inll l' r {hal l puid t,l' r,h by parcel post. in19 i!:ulion en n forc~w'o w h nL th~ wus II UHINt 1l11l1nbl' nnd useful prui ..'m ' f th .. , ap ' 8chu1J~ 1 'rhO' t wo. ljCOuts. hod ridden sbe ]l r<" I't'rity 0.1 Florido is Ix> be, person. 01 " I 0 PI'\! mI SIIS I II ques· her filth r', hllR b,'ollght suit "Knin st Quali t y work a t a 8avin~. No _ ==r::: 'l'!lI. t Rtute, w hirh. us th!' Jnt'k .st . to Join .hI.m. . Tl?,ey Were !lea pt ''Tht! L\ul(' Crlcliot hus won our LI Qn WtlS ,Ill r, ordc l'cd. To n il of [snnc Brnckllllln for an nulment (If Servico 80(,villo Jou rn nl tclls you. J elr,'r· Middlrman. Denl Dire ct. , hilt a Im11e or:190 ah lllld or thl) (·O?)· boorts." 811e o"d d. "We love him lUI Jlhosc finding' t he tic fendant.!! too k their mar-riuge. The co upl e weI' gon could OIlCO hayo uou~ h t for ( II~ L 118 thLi !IIaiis. All sixe8, dovel· mander when . JJlck hen rd th call of eKception a nd entered a motion f or married J llnuary .1 7, J !l2,j an d the Upon Ilpplicatlon of Geo rge p , 11'.'0' c~nt.l nn nere, nnd ulti mll(l'ly \l 1'1,,~ lind pl'inting , 40 cents, except ihe' iwaiDp ' robla. He burriI'd toward w. lovo our own." . I T Downey, a dministra tor of t he el'35 clln ttr . Write tor in· .1 1.1 buy for fifte en C!mtH u n IIcre, " CSI pock.. his 11I11tion was over- plointifT, who is but 15 years old. ~ , end: IOlomon wss 'ln a thicket _ When J ilek an d olo'mon WCNlllettlDg II !lew trIO . IA npt ono doy to be in several ~ o rlll lliio n or se nd money to "t 10 /I hired aloop £Or tbo Hlghl llods ruled. c1nimcs thn t t hc defendllnt hus f n il. tnte of Mary E. Downey, d ecease d, .. 'fam:r.ckll. j dill'l''''I1t WlI y ll tho grcatest StUll! ed to provide f or her. u d i!ll r iuuli on of certain stock W M " . ~t to SIt back quIck." ~" Id tbl' oext Ulorrung thore were tee rs In th e ill t~o Uniull. ot "Mis ' coiL" Th c mnHer of t he probate of . the orlll'red . S"jd a dministra tor als() latter! ,"''1JI.. «, ani ambW!II." I cla rk e~ea • "Aln't ahe n likely wnmern T' Sol~ '11 of Mn ry A. Mic hen or. decea~ - IiiI'd hi" fi rst und fln a l ac coun t. Two 'l11 ~ dtinn r. Lhnt in tert'st polio 106 Reiloold Biela .. , 1l'1IeT 'Jlvrt~ to tbelr ~lIla nt1 Oa,IOIi' 0111.. ~ WI licial12 :no th eA..... .wI!1'Qed ,. ~e , ~en~mJ., He . h~1 ed mlln asked agru n when with solis Lhen he beb'1ln to Gil roomeCl." ed, hIls bee n ce rtlfl ed f ro m th e Pro. The will of Mary H, Pine , de· CA li the J)CI1l ,Ier1I t., be pcrsflntlllu ~ hle , ~ al/out and bega n 8 IpTCsd the7 bod begun' to cut tho water. Hurley hCId kellt II pu blic bouse tor bate Court. ceased , al"o a dmitte d to Probat e. to ~ iv o up ths ra\(I that co",\",l. " ~~t. la~ , ~ Stllwnl)n rbUfrled Elmer he chan was appointed e xe·Near K ing's Ferry In the Highlands sullors a t 'ew H u\·t'n nnd ha d hod the 1II1l" to get h .. o· thlroll of II I lho on the Bud on they spent . nlgbt In r IlU tntlon ot bel llg a hod wan In a Wm. C. Phillips has bru ught s ui t cuto r and Ed Thomas , Lee M. Hen . ' ahlilli1 ot.~eni 8Ooi8~ rOd,B"nplirL deleGates hetON he clln 00 nomi/ ~T8 IfuUiIitM" lk~ li~l't;I SolOmon', th e camp () r t h e army un der Putnam. qu nr r!!.I Ot Just It' Ilil t tloJ)pened there against O. J. Phillips, a min or. f(l r duson and Walter Kenrick were Itp. nutf~11 .ITbo,outtl1y II rined. he rqn Tb ere th ey h ea r d th e Ii1'9 t no t e fo I. Il t UII Ileco unt I a Ii ttl e o.rm! Juu!' Ilssignmenlt of dowe r. And will the Democl'llla pul III dI . ... poin t ed appruiscrs. " ID 'the ' directlon l 0' tile Bouud.· bi ll content with the work ot tb~1r llel9ved nlll of tll ut time tholr nnlionni lllutlorol a plonl, 1 d the OaulP Oa· Llewellyn Hopki ns and G. F. The will of Mary A. Michenor, de. denoullcing tho Ku Klu:'! Killn) D'ld J' i momebt hei lIle 8010lll0n. The rl~e bf Waehlngton. It clime f!lID the lips .., tt c. Bu rley aimed a blow at Solo- Smith hn~'e brought s uit against ceased , WIIS fil ed for Proba te. Sin ce tJ\lJ6 outlawing mnny Southern ; l'tlle)lattl!r Ibad "thAt Item JOok whlcb or oue Colonel Burley of II OQml t4It!C1at Illun with hIs fist. Th II as Solomon John H. Sheley et al., to subj ect Stat(,8 011 wilom the Dcmoc:ra~ CI~7 dn ,a tl:rlalt. ~ Deep tuf roWB regiment. Tbe commander In used to rntE It. ',be water bu'st throu, b certa in mon ey t o. the payment of II the Judge of the Probllte Court i~ m\l:lt dopelHi flo wt::i ~ , HIli, ~ands. were ha~ loet Newwrt. N \V ,fork ond t ~e dum." , Jt 1I'Il1I h.. WiI, of descrIbing f ormer judgement , n witeR" to the codicils of sait! will, ,t Is /I dcllcllto queR t\on ond tnlI t llD ,.~re&B1oD adelphia 1lD~ been defeated on t~e BW,ltt dect.l:ve actIon which it WIIS ordered that the mat:te r btl be sol ved by ROIIIO vagll8 genor . ~a 8 crowded Into tbe neIt mInute. Be filed wi th th e Comnlon Pleas court. , . ,He 8,~8llowtd J.tand .u.d ID two pItched IzQ'Uon concl!rTlfng nil &eercl elet(ee, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Louis E. Shepherd, administrato r " .1 ,",uod ot bla own cboosln,at nrllDllU'- at! zll!I Bur,ley ~ burled him to the " I . ~ el~'8 uhell~:: wiDe and 9enn1UU0~ ' \ : rUl\tL With '0 baod 00 tile DOpe A. C. Vail, guardiun of the estate of the es tute of Eeanor H . F ostel'. MONEY LOANED 0 his' necll on,d t e otbeJ' on the lIeat of Samuel L. Pa lf ruy, incompeln nt deeen'l'd, fil ed hIs inventory and " ~e tw'o ' ~ut. were · IUIip'. In BalUmonlo a farmer ~ It bad been a . cOI~ ' wet altemoon 0 ' b18 rousers. "si51on o n l ilted hili fil ed his sa'ie bill. appra isement. ' MC)'eri7 ill IIal to bo plowing u., .to NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, they, With ' 'oWllJ'II. were d~g ene my Itbo\' e hIs bead and quolted blm W Ch . a gOod wheat fi eld, with a sub\. • 'IH......II!I"M .aroun' d a bl"', ope ' n A __ ' t h t ,. Chas . J .. Co nov!'r, ndmi nistru tor m. nn ey, e xecutor of th e es· cha llols, olso second mortlr..... I> _ • "'" 0 O\'lI!r t e ent t oli' , .'. " ., I • f S C 80if 'plow, bbVII!g been told th~ let " I '~I'm In frooDt ot'tbo 'Camp poet office. ' Burl ey picked blni8elf 'up nnd ba'. of t he estllte of J a mes W. Con ove r. tate 0 ' ara hrnig, deceased, fil ed iB gol!i In bis laUd, lie IVua't lilld NotcR bought. John Harbine, Alle.n . 'tt" ·l'l"""'U U · Solomon . .a >q,ull!k lmIIwer the Ing 10!l{ hla hllQd drew hIs hlln ger. and, deceased, fi led his in ven tory nnd his inve tory 'Rnd appraise ment. , gold, uut tt be plows d"l! ply Sui ld ing , Xenia, Ohio. ., ~~WI~· ~t! ~~_,,~_t~'.'l~.a, ,~~Jl',\I~ ~ple1nt ot BljrIO)'. . 11111\' ~ , Inild Jml iopbed a t. ,8olomoa. uppri 3emCllt. Said executor was authori zed to Rel1 CJlo\lJfb; and plows hb Wb!'lIl U!I' der, he will improve hlB 600, and JI 'lIIei'. 1I1Iue been , flghtln' a bl'r~' J, Lindley Men de nhall, exocuto ~ certain per sonal property at private uddculy he f Olln/l ble ",a7 blUTed b1 Increaae 1\ls farm's value.. force (/ well·tnlDed••l,l well·pa14 ' men J nck. of tlle esta te nf Annu Kelly, .Ie- sllie. , Urat bad plenty to eet an' tbink an' "Would you Iry 10 rll~ ~a ~ n n througll c~ased, flI ed his inventor y and aJ)Th e proceedings of Chas. W. j n the second part of FlIUII,t, F'ur mers of Wnrre n and adjolnln, A.D' ./Ie·s til 'elll ,Wftb 'J_ a eboe oefl)re he ClI n dr"",?" Ule inti I • askcd. pr uise ment. Blackford, a dministrator of the es· Go., he tells at the fl\ rm er plowing delll1 "~<ca u8e ltnJor the Emperor's ~ou nties ma y obtain money on loug .0' ~ army. .W.bl'n U . cl!me to Sololllon' old lj\vord ftnshell out of ' Wm. W , Nenl wos IIppointed lid- tnte o f J l\s. E. Huincs, dccl'a sed, u n· h.. v ht! w,.. "'1011''011 to kl!t:p all tJ,!,I! ' loan8. lit I) t,!, per cent inteNlsL · ministratol' of the estate of EIi7.a- tler a f orme r order of the court were didn't know nothtn' but how to Its s~nbbnrd. bu (ll!J trC1l8 Uru, Wto r nal over bl{ eLl"t 01 sccuring tho same ia very rellAI" .. hole 'in 'th~ 'ground. " d ~h'J plow ," Tha t W it" p robably an ~1:::=r:~:t'!:;:~:';~;~~~~~ "1.et hIm come on." he shollte' d. "rm beth .N,e a l, dc·ceas ed. Bond .of' 1000. a ppr ove . wouldn't enl1Jt 't. more'n 8lll lI.gerl!oU8 ilCheme to ma ko tho sonabl o .through The Federal ,.Land UU!lD'~' tilflliH1. &D' ~ u sobn u ther4 leupt mMe to 1)1) 01 with Q hjUlger tll un 1 be Judson S nrger, Howard Minge, and T he ma t ter of the adoption of fflr n\er plow deeper, make ~ lIOn Ba nk. For further information call rN ltfll::.l!IOIlln; ttle, put' ter ' )lUJQ.~ 'AII'''','WlI:J11 With ~ood vI t~e8," : . ' • '. .Woost er. . F ox we're np pointed ap- Wm. Carr by Wm. V. and Sarah ' J. r:cher, aod tbU8 be abl(J to pay on or nddress M. C. DRAKE , TreasdJ.UdJld o"ad army,.,tie drUY all the ' ords oli' record rom tb e p flli sers. Pu ckett wo~ I\e t fol' henring on Jun o h en _le1' tn.~e,B. urer. phone 316-X, Lebanon, Ohio. lab out 0' Boston. Wltb a ~ ps , ~t ' dil8 ~m ~ ' t~r:'e , tire til, . ~~s~; ; ... , l!,,?~ ,application of ' Michae l 7th . Judge W. J . Wri g ht, was a plmttiOilIWt but " sh'ifQl(f i) remem. W i!t h, exe cuto r hie third nn,d-jI\m.t+R!!.l~~~n...ILLeIllLJDL..BJllll1...CWlU1..to+..:.:~~.mate~rf-~ftt1Jek.,...idJled .. Zti_.t __ that wben be epok,e them bill . ' act in this case. two . 01l"ln..., ww. ~ ,owo .... 1 I""'" 0 II' ' I/f?Q~t ~lf1th t h QS,tate . 01, ' --" 1 • • • WANTED J.hI~ ODe ,one IJIl!Ii \Ia ....'tIe u'" an....... - I\twri I--:Rlel iW III, te,l . ~~c~~ d.• Wll8 aplIrovl\.(l. , Chas. w, Allen and Chas. L . Beck tili.ent1't.~1'11 old:. J FortY-81~ , U -v ~.. U l' t f J L adm inistrdf ors or the eState of John .. 1>,' RJ;e;S they ~ walki.nJt tOi'lth~ ,lfWl II ~h ot, ,leek A , pon1 8pr,~cu. lOn 0 • cc Thom- C.I Dlin, deceIUlDd.~fUed their account , to, we WOOL-WE ARE NOW TAKING dptb chair, cine alt.cr tho crowd' bad gathered 'nbout them ' and ps on, a~m.nis trat8f, hl & s~cond and In wool at our warehouae In Corother" aD wero dead. . On1y 0 . IDCft!l8In, . rn;p!dty. 7tie)' hnd final accou,nt with the , estate of Etta of final ditribu~ion. apolfe, ' aa be WIUI strapped ,in anel wHl PII), the hlgheat e,uh been IIgbtJog tor bult a moment around L. Blake, deceased, was approved. ,the cl!air. ,. It was Frank Thom&a the '8 " 'WIlen Solomon broke (h'e blade Upon IIIpplkation of Mary A. MARRI,AGE LICENSES , wbite man, who aa1d. sa tho Ii£h& price. W' , J. Baker, ,Corwin, Ohio. tI , 'WBII shut out froID his eyce £orot h~ ad'l'~.rsap', ll}~ 1 t,t.,er drew 18 Stricklnn,d, . administrator, her IIrst Garland BligfOl'd, 26,. rai~d worp18tol • Betore he Cdttlct fdlse It 8,10- and. final' c;c,o . ~. ",it!) the estate of ker, of Lebnnon, ond Miss 'Dorothy. l~er l by the e1~trocutlon mask' G~ 'nlgb~ I'm ~Ing home.'" mo~ haeS fIrvd· bi--.-a WIIBP0D. Bur- William V. 'Strickland , deceased. WaR FOR SALE .l er ' .platol d~P~ .1l! thetf1'Q,nd. approved. ._. . I l',iay·Milrer, 18,:of 'Var nesville. , 'Wouldn't ft~tnierestlJif.,! ,C arl R. Cul:;l;her, 21, truck driver. know where. how, In wha& " ·etantl' tts' 0"', * '~nd' f;ih be, Upon n,!>pIJcation of J. Lee Thom· and Miss Flore nce tucille Wolfe, 18. "Gules .. Ii " reD! general.'" t1108C1 three bleil' wDl awalr&-lt FOR SALE-\Vhito Leghorn ·Pullpt., sIde U. The battle .hleb had luted paon, administrator, his first and fl- Both of Lebanon. .t al!. Will tlle blaclr: IlIaD IItOI Bald. "W8lIblngtdll don·t amount 12, wc eks old.. Piices reduced on no more than a mInute hnt;! 'eome to nal account with the estate of J ohn b:l bla~ lI'¥n. be ~, to and la hili o· benos," .. '. custom hatc hing to $2.00 tor lOG " . Its end. There ,had beeD three. kihdS E. Cox, decellsed, was approved. ' dimly rememOOre bow 00 died' Solomon turned quickly ' n.nd U t ,at ~A'btlDg,In, tbat U.vely duelo : • Upon ap,plicat ion of Jos. B. Chnp. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Will the gray-hatred murderer eggs. Hownrd Place, FrunkU;I, Ohio. VIIDCed U(10 0 Durley., jl1 David Evans t!> Mly'y E Water- still bo aeventiy yean old, or begin Phone 246J "I dIdn't 'spect to lind an enemyi o· . ~lomQn·. voIce trembled when be man, exeeutor, his fifth and 'fin a l ncA g:l 1n sa a new baby t InterestcriMed , ou~: count with the estate of ChBS. F. house. Lot in Waynesvnl e. $1'. ing qDestlons. my kentr, 10 tl)lB / ere 1:,Il1llp.," be a.,td FOR SALE- Registered Jeney bull ~" lU!d b,leedJng. In Il QuIet tq~e. "'III 80l, to take tbat Ar-, mnn who 80)'8 a word lIg'tn' Chapman \Ieceased was opproved Hnrry O. and Stella McClung to from the StO~H Dairy fllrm; a ' ....IJlIIoIt"lllll..UIIIoI .' ~"" ~." '.R~ 1 .tbelr ,back. mIster. on' do It prompt. er ye'fe tile Oreat Father III goln' to glt mui!8lld Upon ~hc applic~tion of Ch . J Sallie Sewanl. Lot in IIfasQn. $1. , College )'ou~g ladie8, at the up" , as. . , young one and a fine breeder. In~oung Women 8 Chriatlrm Ass[)yard ~bJpd. :t'be, Old goln' to 'l>e nil mU8Sed' op." I Be puSbed bl8 ~ through til Waggo ljer, administrator, his fint D. Clark Van Cllmp ' to Edward f,latl!>n, tell working ' gIrls • A~ ~~I~U18(l b1J In; a ,thicket , ."Ye copld see tbe ha'r beglo 0 quiro of H . O. Corliell, R. D. 1, Wayund th: and final acc~ unt ' with tho estate of ",,,un'HI. Lot in Franklin. $1: plnmly. and demurely" ; .:wI ill :. !lJIeD brull(le ua ~er ~Ii co.1-" . Solomon 'flll crowd w leh had gath:red neSville, near F erry " 11- ; eo~IJJ' sake and to Impn, , wounded ' man. · . " .. ' Heletl 'A~ IlJllum, dece.ased, was npGus Paplls tq George P. Gates , 2 (bem aDd theIr wou,t to sny or ' Burley. 11\ spenklpg, of ble ' husbands ' 'with thel' , .. I PAINT- $2.1i0 u gallon, except ''Let me bInd b.ls tir.n,""bo eald. proved. tots in ' Franklin. $1. '_IIDIII~,'" reloaded tIIelr thot mo·meot. "HI! BWJiped ' up clue q1l8li,Ues. Se!lllible Belun Gwy"n;lo, fOl' red und green paint. GuaranUpo n applicatiOl;l of George W . G. C. and Delila E. Anders on to waltlllJ, re&lnng president of tJto v W lI'rowl ed I1n' Bh?wed c bl~, Jeetb an' To be oootlooe" I ,Cropper, Ir uardian of the estate of Ben B. lind Lnura Ethel Sorter. Inquire ' of , '1lre-1\ol 'none o· ~'e-tlll I C. A., wbo is a factery w"'o'rker' t eed white loud point. 'IIve the "1I'cjrtt: laek. you In ke illY Corwin Cropper, minol', the court About 66 acres itl. Hami.l ton Twp. $l. 'and hn presided over an nsaem; P. E. Kenrick, Waynesville, Ohio. 114e; .. I'm I iOln' ..to r throw this 'ere a llowed said g uardian a yearly comWm. B. Davill to Paul W. Hol- . bly of 80,000 futory girla, , tella augO. ,' l<lMmcb co', Uptntn·... " , these girls ta dreu as conapicu. · pensation of $ 225.00. George . W . thaus. Lot in' ~ebanon " $1. auely aa they can, "even fIallhily." 1917 FORD IN FIRST·CLASS CON, " <, Solomon Itepped out of tho tbickel ~ ropp e r, all g uardian, olso fil ed his Enoch Chamberlain to Elizabeth The rich girl, lIBya Miss GQ"."nn 1IJld" ebowe4 b,lmlelf ",hen tbe .. vages dition, new paint, one-man top, flrst' occount. C. Berger. 2 lots in Frlapklin. $1. c;an 'afford to dreaa ~~4N4 , ~e ,meadow. , 'l'b~D btl limped One Briggs Detrolter, In good shape sets ber off In ber .r.~2'~~ Vella Behm , exccutor of the e sMaxwell T: Hartley to Adam und l'OUudlnga. But Ute': . up~e trall u " be were bndl, hurt. new body and top, , o~o Ilne large . ta te of L. A. Behm, de ceased, filed Mary Elizabeth Rocsch. ~ nots in ,In ~ taahl~ ben pllrtridge wbeo In her plain homel mU8t Truck body. Thlli body ia 'new, with , hor inventory and a ppraisement. ' Franklin, $1. ': well ail sbe can, 0)' way IlII8 h&4 ~me near her brood. In II new top. This body j\lllt riglit 'tor ' ,trnst with her snrroundinga, Elizabetp Carson, execlltor of the < mom~t he bad dodged behlod' cover an~ large car, C. M. Reynolds, ' Sprlng,~ I 'r..-!.,~,.Jji,?;'~rt1i WlllItri to marry. Sensiblo • aneS' erept boclt Into the thicket. es tate of j(lhn W. Cars on, docea8ed, COMMISSJONERS PROCE1tDINGS Gwynne. Valley, Ohio. '" .,. 'l'Ilere yet'e about aoo w..i'rlon wbo flied her firs t 'n,nd final accoun't. ,. , je~ ' • callle nlnnlng Qcroa the 6at tOward In the settlement of the estate of Bil18 allowed: Valley Ph'l'ne Co., An automobile FOR SALE-Cabbage '>that point w'bere 81'1CIIDOD ' ba.d dl"I>' John W. Miller, deceased, the court April Tolls and May rent;··'$66.66; J ellAe James hl1rt per dozen; 50e per 100. Mrs. B. V I '~ pe!and. TIle)' l'ellec1 ,It.ke demoll8 and that the lIOn of tbe f ound the net value of the estate to Geo. H. An~enoh~ ' burial of Lydia """""",end 1 l'c·ru·!la '''''l''t Smith, phone 37-3, Waynesville,' 40. "~, ' A. Winfleld. · $100.00; .E . Vo:iJkersori; , man now works as ,; 'tftrraG tile Utile. meadow wltb aston. hlshlr.U I b e $42,957.61, and oraered the es' vent highwaymen ""'Ultlll',IDD , Jut • ... doioes 01 PO·ru·pD !fb1nc epee4., 'je4 tate l o be dvided equally among services ,as member of buriaJ com...... aft.r a~ur~ or nut JIIobU~s. . . , '"Now hold yer tire-hold yer fire till ma"U •• tadon Of trouble "iU Frank D. Miller, Garl J Miller and mitte of 'Lydia Winlleld, $100; Wm. EveryWhere you see verified FOR SALE-A Chevrolet Touring k &;I'(e ,e tbe word, • we'U all be et ,,"noll,.' Jbrealc ' • . cold or dlul· Floru G. Stokes. ' '. same, $1.00; Walter 'Fourier'. eaylull' "Contrallt In ch1.r~t. a pont ...." i:oIIllb . cor, Indllil' condition. WUlaell cheap up. Keep rer ft~ oft thl' trtllgel'l TtrO bave lIDo .." acter 'between father aDd aon." Chos. C. Maue was appointed ad,pt" ~o~ J. Havens, Bold /!Qon. , See .qlyde· Cox, Lytle , ' DOW." , p..". .... Ju Ita ..tool.bl.,. min· j ; M. Wdgh+' ser.vicea on '~. "'~llIon 10' ClW'tbal ·di..aKl! , He e;II'ulig Into the opcn. Aston. mlnistrntor of the estate of Fred ., ,,' , je,' · Maue decE!ased. Bond $6000;00, burial committee, $1.00;' J. M. Bob'flbed: the toremOil runnel'S baited . W Phill " J ' ' son, Ba,J.n.e" 1 $).1)0 i ~wi/l anli l Drake, and lumber, '$125.0'81 Jno. K. SpenSALE-A . GO'OD . KITCHEN ~btl. , otbel'll c:rowded \JllOO them. The i G eorge ,,. JP/!, ohn Holweger; dr ' ~cb ,.crf, \lrhtolDa'· ,.bepn I.. curved .... DI~le~. Will ~~Il ,. cheap. 10and W. F. Boomershine wore ~p~ ayage and , ~"ppliea, '292.~6; Hen· ,cer, . bridge plllnka and joists, $'ils.Glibt III 8010100n lee,ped beblnd a bee' pointc<\, apJitaisers. ry ~iB.lJop" . JJn~ge repair, ,, ,16.20'; I!!: Western 'Stilt, 12 ' sheets carbon 'Annlo' Th'o~e. 'R. D.'" aD4 thout..., I". , ·120 .' . Obi0.; " ..... ,'. .. . . , .. .' MOfl'9W ,Lu~b"r Co." cem~lIlt, lime', pa'per, ,. . • t I,W'la)'nu8vl.lle. ','. m28 .' '" .. "rlln't 100 mucb to lIB)' tbat th ~ '1.) eM« tlew ott o· b-t rt;bt thclr lit the o· the 8100Q :r.Iec14er til" min. ~t--,(IU b.-r to til Ule4. to tell fIt'_iII'~ m ', ,_ tull 0' ~,!~~~~~,~~, . b,n.1 0 1, bt004. aD'
wun ft,,,
r I'
'' In th~
Days ~f
Poor Richar
, lIedl '
!._ .
w. F. Coati
Farmers, Attention!
... ..
'oW'll 'lDto lb. groUtii1.
~t AE~ 1Iiid. _
for ,
' d, ' ':'7'"'.' ~~ • ~,bot \tolL l ',
~ ,..1I1Id ,th. , 810fd1
'!'b..._. a..ette. W.,...eavlU•• Ohio I ~
GA Z E TTE .•••
Enterell a~ tlul~ . o~ Lol1lco Il~ Wnyllllsvillo. O. as Second ClaBB Moil Mutter
Q. L. CRANE, Editor and . P"bll~hor, Waynenm •• 0.10:
Mias Sorah 08burn wt\s Ii Dayton ' Mi MI! Mob'" E. Sta:t:r, of X(1 nia, was viMltor Tliul'lldoy. home for the week-e nd.
E rn est Foulks is rec~vering after lIlr. und Mrs. G. W. ' Bel) nelt we .." Frnn kll n visitors . nturdny cvcl1inll'. a Bc igc of the mum ps. '::,'
S ub sc~ip~ioil
Price, $1.60 per year.
Mrs. F lorence StUI)1P lind dllug hGuy Routzahn niade n business trip to Dayton Wednesday .. < ter, Mirillm, lire s uffering wi lh lltllWilliam Dyk.e, of Dayton. was a siliti s. Lytic visitor one dny last w'eek F r iends of Mr, and Mrs. Fred HIII'Born-To Mr. nnd Mrs. ' Russell Ian tendered thom tL . url'risc Munduy Burn ett, Saturday, Mill' 4, a daugh- evening. te~. MisR Mary 1\1 0U II has go ne t.n N.,\\' Mr. und Mrs. Carol King enter- Burlinglon tu 'sl'en d lh ~ wee k with tained relatives from Dayton to Su n~ re la tives. dllY dinne r. Dr. and Mrs. Hornee Hnllon cnterAny one wishing cottago cheese tained Cincil\nllti relntivcs over lhe can Hec ure it on short notice of Mrs. week-end. }o' rank Smith. Miss Amllnrln ,I'ay Wli ~ a SUliday A number uf memuers gllthered guest of 111 r. nnd 1Ilrs. J . W. F o;u ly at th e church Fridny nn d guve it u nnd fumily. good spring cleanin!". Mr. ulld Mrs. ErneHl Oswultl. !If Mrs. Hurry Grnhn .1, Mrs. Ed Long- I.ubllnon, "i ~ i lcll Mr. un d Mr". W. A. ncre lind daughter, Agnes, were Duy- Hol lie", Sundu y. ton shopper s Monday. Mr. nnd Mr ~ ..Robl. ('urr nrc.huil"· Miss Bernice Gl'uhllm spent parL of ing " fro nt porch nn lh ·i r rc ~ idc nc .> Pust week with her a unt, MI'!I . Arlhur on Mapl e Htr Cl! t. Wbite and fumlly, in Dayton . MI'. haR. E, ElI i ~ iR in Murti Mv ill (' . Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis and lnd" whel'C he is wking tr 'nlnwn l Mr. nnd Mrs H. M. Clark visited rel- fo r Rcintic rheumlltism. ntives in Bellbt'ook Sundny. Miss Lidu Kennedy and fri end, of Mr. Enos ROI:e rs is making an ex- Dnytotl, werc week-ctlll gu ests 0 f her te nded visit with hi s son, Sbennnn pllrents, MI'. and MI·S . A. L, Kennedy. Rogers an d wife, near Bellbrook. 1111'. anti Mrs. Harn ld Harris, of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clnrk ' utten dLebnnon, were Monday even in!! vised an entertainment of the grade school at Centerville Saturday even- itors of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank L. Harris. ing.
EDITORIAL , ., b--':;"'i BLONDE BES;!! OP Hay. ),ou eYo, ~.~n
ARE A NATION OF KICKERS The Ileuple of th'l Unilod Stutes uro th~ . most fortuna te of Rny Bil l Inn a ll lilt' IRce of the g lobe. Tho. ltcst type of governmont, fr llodum of R11C(wh Rn d P"O I!ll, fllIBncin lly t.ho leRder of nil nRUons apd in .~ Ulolls!lnd oUler Wll YK , we find by comparison, thut our lot 18 harpi c ,' Ih un th llt o! IIU,' fellow beings in other Ian dR. HuL ,with ull lhiK we nrc n nutiun of kickers. We CUSM Rnd discuRB
attempt to contia.. . menh appear?"
A GOOD, SALE' Flivvl1r Ownet; ( Sr~ n gi n g wheezing cnro to a stop at th e nutomobile ent runcc to t ho ba ll park ) - "1 want to "ee the game." Ticket man- " Alright. A dolla.r for the cur." Flivver own r- "Sold."
'the li,lmlni&tl·ut.ion, men in chllrge or vuriOUK dcpartments of our grent gOVU I'llOl UIlt., uu,l , ill fll ct, WII llre, lllways lIple to find 80me one r CHel y lo kj" k auout lluythiug. If {lot indulged in a8 II continual prnctic~ und in th e right timo lind nb ut the right 'thiDg, klckiu g is an ('sl\(1llllitJ plll·t uf "dclIl ucl'IIcy. 1'hl)' p-cuble with U8, is that our kicking Is UKYlIlIy ov ... ~l)l11c thinv: thut wo cunnot he lp. We urI) u~ulllly de8~rucLivc il1"\"ud IIf C(lIlKtl'UCtiVC kickc",. . It wo uld bo Ii fin e lhing if we alwa ys resented and kicked about BO llle qUU HtiUII (.hut wu s wi t h in our po wer to ndjust. and not ubout something thllt We cannot contl·oJ. Ll't's kick bectluKc Wayn esville docs nuL hnvll puved s Lrcots, not becnu se President Coolidge IrtlVe his 8tlllCLion III the Immigl'tltiol1 Bill Kick beclluse we arc not taking u.h'nn(nge or t he pn ~" iIJi1iU e" we have At hund, not becausc we are not situnt.,.1 ('II s "mc grcnt WIlter power, making Us a mllnufacturing cerlter, in ~ tc Ati of II co untry residen tial town. Let's be constructive kickers.
PRACTICAL GENT Miss F lnpper- "Dc you bolieve in this Inooern training ot yo ung folks for marriage?" Mr. Gruff- "Why not? Every clnss of fighter s train before battl e. " -0--
AWFUL-AWFUL Mra. Lutie Merrihew. ha6 returned Miss Mildred Clurk is ' now at home Clcrk- "You cannot be a citizen." to "l'he Springs," nfter spending the "fter a very 8u,ccess.tul year's work One Eyed Applicanl;--"Why not?" In the prinulry lrradea of the Conter- winter with Mrs. Annie Thorpe, south Clerk-"Citizen haa two ' i'8.''' of Wayn ~sviil e . ville school. --0Clem Fole)', Chas. H. Gray, J . H. ONCE TOO OFTEN A number of large trucks are daily Ohesty-"Yes, I'm a model work- hlluling gruvel on the country r end Bogan and Mr. all d Mrs. Hobart Ogman- husband--ete." through here from Waynesville to den saw the Reds va. Gian ts in Cin cinnati Su nday. She-"{ believe you are right- The the Dayton pike. dictionary says: 's model i8 a smaU Mrs. Frank Squires li nt! Miss 18 11Nllthan .Smith, who was injured imitation of the genuine.' " 'I dora , Ilnd Mrs. Gail Gord en and by a fall from a scaffold, while --0working on a garage in Dayton,ls daugh ter, Margaret Anne, wer e WilPURDY'S PHILOS mington shoppers T bu1'l!day. Rlowl)' improvinlr. "Aa a msa thinketll .0 ia h.," Mr. and Mrs. F. M . Osborn c~ter Rev. J. C. St:itzel held prea~hing B.... Blinn. ha. alwa,. .ot a tained with a dance at t heir country service here ~u nday evening, as ' he theor,_d .;u.t....li ..e the tboory delivererd a Memorial addree$ at home 80uthw e ~t of town, Suturday -he neyer worJu." evening. Everyone reports u pICRSSpringboro in . the afternoon. --•.. ant evening. . Mr •. Frank Smith spent (several days lut week ~t the Reservoir flshChn9. MRdden was in Columbus iDg. In company ,with his BOri'S, ' wil- this week as n delegate to the Soote lillm and ~enry Smith. of Dayton. convention, where t he Republicans to select a ",in ning cundidate . , Mr. and Mrs. C THoinpllon for governor. Mrs. Mary Carmony spent along the river near the Telegraph Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Merritt and fishing und , gathering. :wild Earl Kline went to Ru shville, Ind .• Friday, to allenel u birthduy din ner Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Grahalll~ en- bonori Mr. Merri lt's a unt. T hey tertained to Sunday dinner. Mr. and 1,... ,bl1rn r,tl Denr Miss Flo: Mrs. Arthur White and chidren, PlcaBe tell me whether or not a and Mr, and Mrs. Herman Albright. wo ma n . hOllld arise tc accept an nI"'" traduction to Ilnother womnn or a of Dayton. gentlemnn. (2) When it Is ImpoB~ible to introduce all the' guests 'at a dinn er party, is it correct form t o , make introductions at, the tljble? : Thank you. M: .G .
oE boredom when the ;.. "f,eah-
Whulcver may be IIllld fu'" or al'."Iinst the action or the Senate in in overturning President Coo lidge on the soldi~r bonus, no one need fue l alllrmed at t he pel!S imi~ li c statement that .l.be _result will beget Ktngnntion in business. If any effect be .fllll/ it will be <lne of business B ~imulution . The mun who is a. . beor Qn the United States of Ameriuu. is a poor reoder of history and not a very @)ODd judge. 1'ruo, the totul Rum flnnlly to be pllid tc the veterans bY t the public ',1. ' IItargering, but .pread over a period ' of twent.... )'ears it will be - .aoily ftb':'rbed. And it m.uat be remembered" toOl- that the · sOldiers themselvlls will pa)' quite a share of what they are to receive. It Is reallon8111e to expect a rise in the cost 'of living or to put it conversely, a drop In the value of the deliaI', but thill, is not likely to btl marked. Perhaps tw o per cent will cover it. Of COUI'llll we will always have croakers with us. When we entered the wnr we were told ruin lllared Ull in the faco . HundredB of milliona would be taken ~rotn the pockets of the people. Soon , we torget to think in milliolls. f . ~d -in :U!rmll,''bt bllU{)Ji~"lm'd w~thal prll.perity "conUnued, and ew.., pace. Prices wer e high, but trade waa.gr'~)y ,.tlmulated. ; The dlatrlljtltion o~ l-"Ite IIl1ms .of money invlU'iabl, epella, *"ore lavish ;~pen4itute8 ana 88 tbe 1flnan~1 tide ,!Wanes , the natufa increase III po~lB.ijon ~d wIlllth a,ema to talle ,o f tbe slt~atlon and t o r~.v~ . th~ people permanently on 1\ higher plane, -Amo,ri.Cn has a ':::: ~to go boIorc .lIb,e begins to march toward the setting sun.
----... - ..
0 .1....--_ _
RELIEF TRAINS TO HAUL VOTES The Pllssing of the . el}nto of ~ joint re80lution ordering n cut In freight rutes to relieve depression ' in uny bllsie industry, which means the. 'Il.I'mer, de monstrates one thing nt leost--that the time for I the farmer to ~triko !s wben n Nil lionll I election la _at hand. The , Farm bloc l'~lzes . thlll -Iact, and it h llB sufficient . tutene.. to take advantage of , It. Ordinarily , aftel' such "a resolution ' tbe~ £ongTe8s ould flU th cham~el'lI of ~e ~ationnJ capitol with car.llOn; monoxidc lUl"'-,relief was kllll!iI by"the, P.l>tsbl1 of their blatant apeechlf),lq. Now tt 18, ~fe to ~edlot prOll!pt...aCUl,)n, anil Pfompt.lictlo • ., ~ ed: ..,~~' ~bo the, ~ftt~n.tha" been th.. ,~oat 1.l. " '; and !8,,::,~ /~"tio have fatten~ ,90 1\i' ,labOl.' ;know ~ Unfortu~"'!~ only', time. 'they ~lll! . Is When ItJaq, W e become ~paniiilcal1,( ln~~ted In tbe vote, ' TlleD fe¥ ~ tanner may ,,*,}~.I~ petit Into poUtlcalt obliteration. and the,' ; esult II a small ute of juatiee fot' the tiller of the 80il
........... _a-..
We AI__" ..... a Ca.1I St....
Sheriff'. Sale PARTITION
'' - - - -
S. C. P hillips Ca~e No. vs. . ~ 1314-7 Charles F. Phllhps, et a i By vlrtue) of ;11\ order ot sale, duly Issued from soid Court, in the ..bove stated case, and to me directed, ] will offer for snle, by way of pu bJic auction, on the premises in Waynesville, ~arren County, Ohio, on
fHE 16TH ~AY OF JUNE. l 0,1924
' : \
ot Catarrh, OAT~ ' .' , INE con. BALL'S MEDl Bllta of lUI Ointment whl QUIOk~"
Relieve. by 10<;1<1 ippllcatlo . and tho Internal Medlolne. a Tonic, hleh .CU . through the Blood on th e .M:U Lou8 SurfAces. thus redUCI~ the Inll& matton,
80ld by 1111 drul .ta. F. J . Cheney '" D., Tol~c.N Ohio.
- -- - - --- -
I • •Ib:!t ,S!lht S
Mr. brojlght home .Iwlt , Valley hqa ital, where an oPeration the removal left eye, .;;
.MT..,13 HOLLY
""I~, "
Mr. Cliff Smith Ia on the sick list. . Misaes Leona McGinnis and Cieo Sta~y BJ.lent sevElral days 188t week Mr. Emerson Dill waB a 'Dayton Ilt the country home of Mrs. Dearth .visitor Mondav'. Sheehan. near t cmterVllle. and were Mr. Elmer Royer. who was ' at the joined on SaturdllY by MI8Bell ~argaEspey hospi~, was removed to bls ret and Kathryn Clark. . . . home ' Saturday. '. Mr. apd Mrs. Fr8ilk Rogers, Mr. John LuCllll. who works on a ·farm, an d Mrs. Walter t Janney, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark la nd family attend- spent Soturday night and Sunday in ed the , birthday ~i.li ne r ~unday of his old home town. Mr_ Albert Marlatt and 'wif~ vli!Mrs. Charles Pad't· at her ' home on Gra,ften A\te .• Daytop, t , ited the week-end with Mr. lIIarlatt's ' Mr. and Mrs~. 0 B . Marlat'"~. Friends here a r!t ,'~ 180rry ~ hear of
.4 p~ , in.
I '
been u..4 lucce.afully In the treatment
EVery Tue~day 8:00 ar.m•.to
1 ,.'
.., ,,:te6.qn,an, OM-a
Dear Miss Flo: The desti ny of nationa dependll When a gentlemnn offers a lady upon what they eat.-Proverbs of his arm, which one should It bo' France. ' (2) Is it pcrmisaible for a mllll to stop a wontan on the street to speak A. ,K. ' Legumes prevent bankruptcy be- to her ~~u8e they insure a steadily increasA gentlema should always offer mg re80fVO deposit in the Boil a woman his left arm His rigbt ar", must be free, according to .tra- the serious Injuri. of Hrs. Francis I i , 'Snyder. who is now "'t !thel' home of protect her. (2) It I, In.,. , Chick specialists and children's dltlon, tc f daughter. Mrs. Alpha lSmith. in ,.peciRlist:s now both recommend feed- correct or a man tc stop a womap ......0.."_.__ Her Injuries ~ere! ' .used . inc egg yolk ,or codliver oil tc pre- [f she.wishes. lhe may atop him. The \ 'blk t.i h ' h from a :fall dow.n stain. , "vent leg , weaimelS ' ,,!an mill' . turn an d w•., ,."t I\f,. ' -, , ., '. . . \ " t flnt receiving her permllSion tel do 1'he Lrtle ..f~lelJds w~o to~ well filled baskets _to, ihelp · cel~llt4e Mrs. . 'Pork prices are due for a rlae this RO. say economists at the Ohio • • • 'I C~'I. , P,ar1et~'s 180tht blrth~y a~· State Unl~ersity, on the ba8la .,t thl! Dear Mles Flo: I mvel'llllrYt M.~/' 2fiitPI~ere: '\(Mr. and d IA it proper to congratulate both Mrs. Walter ClaH( ~d ' BOrt:·'J~nlor. ecreased number of U ,_ • ,'''-''·,;It·Ro ....-. Mf'-a' nd r .._ " .~.g Ohio f . brood eowlI on the lapy, and gentleman upon hear- ,1:"Ur. an.d ~'!-'''' . . ~. f \ ,,{': in; of tMir engqelll.e ntT •. Mrs. . Walt!!_ Ja~.li!~' ¥ .r • .'~rl ,M. " !rJian~ )'c?u.. '~. L. C. Clark, )llaaea .Luci • -and W811da Ohio farmers wflo u.e only pure bred Clark.:- ' . "':-1: - ' • siree on th~lr ' farm~ are pow recelv~ 'y~u' sl)ould &;ongratulate the genand Mn. W. F i" Mlebel and in~ t"~o ,III~', fr~m th~ ~ederlll De- tleman on hovine won ~e ladY-r of the latter. Mr. and i>lImn~nt _ot; Alfl'\cultUre: d "~r~, , n~er " congratul¥e t~e ~4Y.. '. You . \~f c.n.'o~d,.ve ~iretl ExclfUlv~ly U~ed on tbll .off... ':b\llltt wiehes" '?r happl"t;~, to 1,I1I1!Cllnt.1y _. ... ': • ~ " ," ~" ~ /I the bnde.to-be, . ' . ,~ J. ~r'q, :~. ~ ·f' .~ ~ no h of to1Vn, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.e~~lft~.~~~~.i • •i~~. JKr. _:~I\"W< '!'". tIie ~ntaJ (If
,X~':~~~!~,~ ~e~elrf~1Sh!tp
• I
HOW TO FIND. YOUR WIFE KhakI ' Adopted In 1898. Briggs (in crowded station) - " I Need for II khaki colored uniform ca n't find my wife" tor the AmerlClln IKlldJer, although It Stlanton-"See thnt blue-eye d bu. may ha.vo been ,ell •• /latorc, was Dot , acted upon unUI 'U,e Spnnl ~h Aml'rlcnn by- blonde over there" war In 1808. The BrltJsh hnd long boBriggs.-" Sure. but th at isn't ber ." to're used It. It ' ls Dow , ln genjlral Stanton-HI know it; but lIirt with 10 many partll at the world. , . ber fo': 0 seconds and your wife will appear-aU' ~h~l right."
A woman, It she Is '" "hould alwaYR arise to accept an' troduction, whether. It is a lady n gentJeman, It not a hostesa. lady does not rise when a Ite:nuemlan "t..-, .... ( .. '~) " is presented, nor when she is , jC0 '. 4\ 1rrouP to whieJ! a woman ,is duced, unless it is a penon ' BROADC.A~T RATTLE OF 'SNAKE tinction or one who is older In ~ngland, a ~lcl,lro~.Qne, artfully c9n~! I. fil l tha trees sends ' herself, or \lnles! she is seated the vOice .of t~e. nl~Lttngai~ ~roildca8t thioll$nout"'t~.. .co~~try: That to the hostess, who naturally . ~ be.,qt,iY.... I Ie", ; T:\Ie Pe,\lUI)'lflln~,oStat8! ""'U uta • In aU other cases a woman tbl! 'I'1lttld lOr" /I I rattlesn II' .. Til . k" -' C7 ~ . ;;r!JI! ~ nllho a e. e ana e. purposely annoyed rattled receive an introduction tc obl~ipl:ly fo .fifte en. min \Jtbs and.".cHe-.t!ea'Jle- "ahud A d - ':'b woman. (2) At a large dinner par. Altfr~ ' I ' I te t· f ' .."ere \ A' at was ~~me y n res ,tn8', or it ", mln~ 'Yo.u that old..Natulie wd broadty. a hostcss should introduce tbese ea~t~, ,_,,!e,tho~. In t he 8n \l1ce'8 rattle, the. llIonliJ roar thouliands of pel'8Ons who ore to go to dinner toce~~ el\ pofore atly hllman beinp\ were on .earth ;" j , JC ._ gether, and should make as man), lq ' \ ' .. ,. ,~ ~G. " ~· .. J! !4". , .'4-\. other introductionl as she pOBBlbly ~... ~ • l ; l' t a ; . (, can . without disturbing the gUests, • ...' "i 1 but I he. should never mako introducSnY8 Sllm: Ma~~ a little worty tions at .the table. YoO Il long 'way.
- T::·l .!!'
alley utheast side southwardly th (31) to the northwest corner tc Geo. Henderson II heIrs ' line , thence the Henderson line cal!twllrdly hun dre d ~ap d four ( 204) feet to Waynesville. Oblo. place (If :be(tinnlng. Described, Telephone 114, in Deed Records, Volume 90, poge 416, In the . .Rocordcrs Office of WnrO~'FICE: HAl'HA WA'Y BLDG, ren County, Ohio. ' Said lot faces, 0.11 Muin Street Rnd ON MAIN !?1'REET li es. 011 the West l!ide of sa)d St'reet ,. in !!Oid Village. t he,' n earest Street !,!,.~!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!~!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!".!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!,,!!!!,!~!!!!!!!! on the North intersecting said Main " . I Is Miatni Street, the neAr cs , . on the South intersecting 5aid • , Street is High Street, the . . , number on the buildillg of suid NOTARY PUBLIC . estate is No- . - - , Main ;3t;reet, Wills Drawn Estates Settled SaId rea l estate hna been r egularly app rnised u,nder order ef the COI;I(t Waynesville Ohio at the sum of Twenty-five Hundred ' " '($2500.0q) Dollnrs al) d will n ot be Na" :onal 'Bank ' BOld for Ie s than two-thirds of sllid W apprais II value.·
,Mr_ and Mrs. Jacqb Zlmmer had viutors Friday and Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sownrd and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Soward. Also by virtue of mid order o f.~ale , afor~sRid, 1 wllI 'offer for sole by way oft · , · :' ...~o Je_ of, this_ village' felt badly. ot public auction, on the prcmise~, Tbursday morning when they owokll on' the West iiide of t he Le banon lind lie Pike adjoining t he viland BaW what ,Jack- Fr9lit hOO d~one u:r.,,_." ...'" c 'in Warren Coun t he 16th dRY of to t~elr stra.wberi?qtI and potatoe", Rt 2 :30 o'clock ::;!~~:~!r't,:~~~~~, donreRI said daf, 11, estate: Situate' in in the Counof Ohio, No.6, h",,.,..,"n t he Miami Rivers, . In the
Dr. .J0 h n'·W,•'MO ,. , I ••er Dentist
Waynesvlilc National ' Bank Bldg
, ..... '
~V~ E~A~·R~.R~~TOI ·
w.ay,,!e~y!_'I~, f»hlO
IGnVIIYOFFIRM8U RfA~ i , (Continued from pace I) l ummol' beeom!n« lnczea.sinl ~t y nlor duncwt. B~h School pupilti 'ho c;onlplete all four yoar '. requircml'n.LH aro entitled to ono ul)it of redit for tame. All c\reulara, bullelins, IImi Hcor d books are f urnished frel', bllt each' member must buy th e l' 'lu h·,'d qulpement and roods. All tIte p rmellte and hou811hold Hr· tlol" 'whlch are required In the four tear'. work have b een ehosen to meet the n t de of tha IIvcrnge girl, to teacb hal' certain .ewin~ procvaaes, a nd by their repeated application t o dn,lope . ldll In construding gar· lI\enta and help ber ehoose her cloth·
q wil81y. At th e end of II fo ur "ear'. demonstration, a Club girl, if liD made a wise choice, I boule! kn ow
how to make aU tbe garments net'ded by th• .average girl. Firat year Club membors will be riven fundemental training conccrnInr Sewing supplies, t he lIewing rna· chine. han d atltcbc8, Icams, hems, mitered cornet'll, and the use of pins in ae ....inlf. Tbe eirla will make their 'daoiee of Club aprons, hand towels, JIIIlr amall curtains, d ress cO\'er, sewInr bac, p illow cases ¥Id a klmona drel' . LIVESTOCK FARMER'S Hundr eds of the Icading formers of Warren Oounty, especially t he cottle and hog f eeders, are expected t o attend Livestock Day, Fl'~d ay, J u ne S,ln Waa1ltn,ton C. H., a()eol~ding to Farm Bureau 01lle1ala. A tr\aio load
Mrs, OSCllr Smith wall .hoppln« in Dayton Sntclrdo.y.
Non c!::
T-he I' ~ om ' Goneral U ,Uvllry wi nd. will b ullO)n tT(lOI 9 1Intll 10 a, 111 . 011 \lccuTlltlQn ' a~ ~'(II: ~O , Ro!!-~ HartJIO k. Poa.1Il ,It\"
-- -'-- _. -
Miss Lavonn'. Bu~on ton ,,:lsltor Tue.aday ..
ST. MARY'S CHUR€H T he u ndny .. Clu l" Asce nsion DIlY· Chu rch chool ul \J ::10' n. Ill':", MOI'lIin!! Prayer lind ~ 1"000n .. L 10 :46 , Rtlv, C. M. Brown, of Doyton, \yas a bus· J ohn J . Schn Ifet' omcinlil1~. E\'(' I' Yiness vjqitor here last Fridny. body is cord ia lly in vite d h I ullcnd theso scrvic 's. Mrs. Moud Crane Is spendin g a fe w days with frien ds In Beth'Cl, O. METHODIST CHURCH Born- To Mr . and Mrs. Ern est Sabba lh Schoo l, 9:1G II. m. , " rench. A. E arnbart, F'ridoy, Ma y 23, 102'\, ing nt 10 :30 n. Ill. W edn esdoy even· a ao n. inK se r vice at 7 :3 0 " . 111. 8pworLh Lenj! uo 6 :45 p. m. P l'eac hi ng ul 7 :30 Mr. and I14 rs. Kellar B oak and MiRl p. m. Everybody is co rdiall y invite d Aliee Carey spen t Tu ..c1a,. In Cln- to tho.e lervlces. c:innatl, Rev. L. A. Wash burn. Pastor.
IIII'. a nd Mrs. Oscar Smith were In Wilbur Evans, of Rou te 1, n Dayton visitor Tuesda y. Dllyto n Sun day.
tor, So Lhis ~'ear tho cattle a d hogs Myel' Hyman and fnmll y spent >lru binI\' brought down for l1' ~ Cl'n· 'SulHlay a!ternoqn in Dayton. V nicr:c(' of the farmers. It wi ll e an exc<'lIl ion:l1l y opportunity to no t Mrs. J ohn Fromm epent th e week· unly hear the Rcientific />tation In· end with r e latives i n Pleasant Plain. vest ill'otors l'xplain t ho IMest Infor · llI~tion fo r economical beef nnd por k Mr , and MI'I. Ray Manills IIpen t prodouc tion , but also to see the cllttle Sunday with friends at Fairfield. nellr and hogs which will prove ur demon· Dayton. strate t heir statemenu, The rea ult of f.e eding va rious ra· Mr. a1Id )(1'1. Frank Zen and Mrs. tione a nd feeding differe nt age of .Mary Cukey.v1jI1ted rai:auna In Day. stock are ehown by the an imals on t on Sunday. exhibit will be expl nined, Diffe rMr. an d MI':S. Ruy MIllI amI Mr . ent mix tures includi ng cor n, lills oed Messrs. A tva Hartsock li nd .ros. an d Mrs. Il crmu n Conne r wont Day. meal, ground 90yben~, clover hay. P e nn ewi t , of Roote 1, ware in Co lum· lon viSi t ors Sun da y. and corn silnge nrc 11.ed. The of· bu s Sunday. fec tl\ of mlncrnls will nlso be shown . lII r. Louis Cllllll dl er and fll mily. ut An exce llent ~p calJng p r ogr a m Mr. 8nd Mrs. H . E. Stoke! nnd Mrs. Rou te 4, we I' Su nd .. y oli nll H g u('su will be in pruJ:ress from 9 A, M. a nd .Am us lIIe ndenhall were Da)'ton visi. of Mr. nnd Mr s. Ed han dl er. the ca ttle will I'J(' "old nt auction in t a ra Tuesday. th e nftern oo ll. TIll' County Fllr m Mrs. J . 0 .Cartwright lind da ugh. Burt'll 11 official. nro ''''!list ing in a dve rMrs. [l arry Murra y loft this morn H.sing the meeLinlt_ '~n c\ world ng u p ing for a cou ple o f dlly's visi t with ter!, Rhea Janet uml E velyn , ar e vi a· lling relatives i ll Indi a nn Jlo 1i ~. Illd . • 8 tlcndll n ~l'. Th" stockyards a t r elat ivcR in Dayton. Washinglon . II . nrc doubled in size _. d Mr . a nd Mr~ . F. M. Cole Ilno 6 011 . to aecon1odate th crowd. 1\" B crt B un nell, 0 f R • 2 V181te S d d' t (M with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abner. of I wcdre unLu YA z'~n cT ~uel! l! °d f ' ~. ... kl" S d a ll Mn . , . ImmCl mall an UIIl · •• an III, o n un ny. iJ y_ ENGLISH WHITE LEGHORN Wm. Or':l doff spent Sunday with MIsS Bea tric() Robi tz er Rpo.nt n cou · his daughtc c, Mrs. Geo. Bocock and pIc of da)'9 las t week wi th her fri and. family, of R" ute 1. Miss Mildre d -T urne r, of n~1Il' Spr illt: Fr om our high record winter layert, Valle y. Special price during May Mr. Jesse Borton and lon, Edward were In Milford on Monday attendlnlr Mr Clift'ord Archdeacon , of D.ythe funeral of II r elative. ton, le ft Saturday for Mlline, where
Baby Chicks H
T he bug·a-boo of ~very wo- . man's life is dish·washtng. Wit~ hard water it is a disagreeabl~. discouraging task that reddens the hands, wearies the body. and usually ends with an unsightly greasy film over everything. Soft water is the housewife'. greatest boon, In it soap lather. freely, harsh washing compounds are unnecessary, and the dllhee dry easily and quickly with a pol. ish that pleases.
S.m. R••••'u
11'4)/ D"ro L,,,ds I. Molat.r... prool pol l liTe aato-
made p Tt . .ure .wltch. I. Wallr . Iuao and »r"l.r. Ir&"lll!l w ithout u ba chirp.
CHRISTIAN C'H URCH P rea ching ' services lit l ho Ch r is. tian church SUlldny mor ninl:'. E\,· crybody cordia ll y invited.
I . E1 ... rlcall, .. . Idod pin •• h od h n k. ' . Motor . pod.lly dtl lVlod for pump uu . I. AutomDtic lubr.catten.'
• . G rta t elt
" ,I.ht.
n ll),-
ton visiton SnLurday. It wns 11'81'11\'<1 this III(lrnill:: lhll l Miss Antha ni n,,-iddic , or I1 llyt on, .vil l l,o operated on fo r go ilre at a ho~p itll l in thn t city.
!:iu,,(! your old cn rp et~ nn,1 rll g'R un d ge t "W('urwcl\ " "\II ' ,' 111,ul ··. ';er,d (01' pri co li Kl. Fl'an l<i ill RU g Co., f'ranklin, Ohiu .
l.et ue 'lYe TOU de...-h'ali.· udprio •• ·
d un red
lIf ~ri'lllent.a1 ltoele, 76 ,cattle and Miss Belle Da ll i('I ~, of' Anu el'"on . . . . . 12'6 holl will be ,hipped from Ind _, wh'o h l1~ bN'n . pending til(! l"lst wo.ter for diia pcJal meeting. B.at Quallt,. Stock we ck with 1011', a nd l\fI'R.· D: H. 5mB h, he will navel in the Intereau of th e return ed t o her home today. AU tIIo ' ltoctt U. 'MEn u.ed in tbe Hateh every Monday. Shlpred vi.a Fred Cole and Harry Pace ;were N C, R. OQleM.e ntal fHllUtg te.ta at the pareeJs post and safe amva Ifuar. In Cincinnati last FricI.y. They aaw State Experimental Station, where .nteed. Mis. Olive A'lJ en a ttended un unthe Redll def.ated by New York. Rey. and ~rs. · L. A . . W6llIhburn
$12 per
::';= ~-:i~~I~i1ar
Bat 'n 1Ul.. ,..litveatocklllft of
SolIti.~ OllIe can ,t:ucl ...... 110Il10 anil tiJIIe " j01U'tley tp Woo..
furnish soft water from the cistern, under constant prelsure, jUlt like city water service. ' Entirely automatic-nothing to attend to or watch. Water may be piped to bathroom and laundry. . The Duro way Is the modem way. May be instaUed In either old or new hom~far superior to the old-type, wasteful wa~e~ motor.
Mrl. N. A. Ki ng, Mrs. WIIIler EIl e y a nd Miss Lucy F.m ley were
Water '
ca.,p a dt.,. - - I •••
, . n •• \ .... Itrla la uUltal workma n. hlp. I. Gda rn ntce In wr ll.lna_
R. 10 (Stop 18, &.,Iem Pike) DAYTON. OHIO H. M_ Tlb..... 6: So., P ....rieton.
J. W. BURTON Waynesl'illc, Ohio
oouncemen l dinner ~ i ve ll by Mi ~8 spent two daYIJ last week at Seven Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rogers, of Day Mlle, Ohio, IItt4!lDdi~ commencelnent Mildred Eck i, o r Dayto n, F r iday eve· ning, annol1n~in g t he 1I1m'riu~e 'o f II ton, spent the week-1lnd with Mrs. exerelses. . friend. Hope Stilel and daughter, of Corwin.
- - -....
Ml'II. 'T had Zimmerman, of Pharr, Mr. and tin. Frank Zeu, Menn.. Elaworth Sherwood and L. II. Hen. Texu, arrived here Monday evening deraon wire Lebanon vUitol'1l 11011- tor a vUlt wltih her lon, Mr. Chu. Zimmerman and family. day.
- ..---
S ubscribe
1 0 1'
the Miami Gazette.
Mus81'S. JC!IlIe Thomas and W. .B. -L.__ ._ Squires went t.o Dayt on llls t Snt~ r. day and participated In the trnpshoot meet held a t the N. C. R, g un club groundl.. . Some dimeult .. Bcores we re reJsIn the competit ion. E. ,A. Youn g of Springfield, wa~ high t or t he a1ternoo" with a 9 cor~ of 98. H. S. Angrandmother. derso n was next on the list with a ~core ~ 95; SBylor, o f Mecha nics· bUl'g: scored' iiB, while H. C. Drux ox y Mrs. I. Rani, 'and dauarbters, Histhe so me numbel' of poi nts. ses He len and Inna, of , . La 'rIJ~UVe l' S hi t 91 , an d H. A. Smith spent Sunda,. with.J4n.. Nt••••...,... Ho.... C.uu, Bar..... did Oswa ld, C. D. Col. sey and dauahtlll', . . ~ . cw....... 1... . Il '~......Dt colleHe!! 8 9, \I'ith Squires , "1"1''1:1: ........_ _ _ . . . . I.k tWa ......, Allen. P eterson, Dickey, Mllrkey und . Swigar t
Mr. and Mn. W. E, Stroud and ,on Hi.. Elizabeth ' Chandler, who hu Harold, wen Sunday l'II_ta of ·H. been lnatruetol' , of the Normal IIChool · H, Wadaworth and famJJ)" of W_ in Sdo, Oblo, returned to her home CarroIlton. Monday - -Y8IIbaa for a two week', visit with ber parente, Mr. and 141'1. Mr. and ldta. HarTJ' Pace were Ed Chandler. called to Marion, ObJo, Monday on account of the death of Mr. Paco'l !!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!'!~'!!!!'!!!!!!!
, I/Mtofthe ,..mr ......~ .
~-- '~:Iii _~n... ,
.. ..........
* ••
and .with · .more
'to defeat in nny large crowd was in attlncll&n'ce at the meet.
"iJIi~"" ."~'I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!i!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'JI!!!! ...--.• .,
Oxley· Pace' Drug
OR -. ·AI'; E.
Harry Sberwood, who Is making, a
coDection . of old pistols and gUllS,
11.. been f9rtllnllte,in get ing hold . " l ~' • nal old one-a flintlock pistol.. How Tb~ ~II; . 'A car ...d -of Jo D, ,old .i~ la, who made It or owned It D...... 'Son PulYVtam p r- wtll .~lsibly ne'(er be known. The . . .. , ' '. O~ b~~ot •• tb._ .dV~Dce, piatel barrel is inlaid , and docs n ot ' I(e...... W~ Meelura,, ~, ' "" 'iplia II your opportunity to have the s~mblani:jl of a sC~lItch 9n Robltaer, Ed · Tho.... 'Ilyer BymaD, ow~ 'the best:' at 'a reasonable il , The po\Vd~r pan and the plnce t o ·B. Penc., 3. 0 .. c.rttn1cht,' lI. l!" price. h91d the flint Ilrc In good condition, and ~. I. Wat.rhou~e, at· IAI. R HIATT D. SON ~ lld It migh t I!Qs~ibly s hoot if t~l e re H(mcl~d a Shrjn, caremopti. aLD.ay·,..... ... ~6uld be a flint obiai ned to fi t it.
Co. '1
;PrldaJ~.b"b~ ·
'. --~~ ..-._-
SpriDe ,raIley, Ohio.
Refinish your Floors and · Furniture with Chi-Namel Varnishes CHI-NAMEL are HeeJw~t~roof.
proof and HammerprQof because they are made with China ' Wood Oil-treated
. b:y the secret Chi-;N&mel process. .
This is Chi~Namei week· . at OUr Itore. ' . ,..
You are.cotdially invited come and lee us demool~tC1 the remarkable q~~. itiea' of Chi.N.mel',Fini.....r,, to
train load of experimental cattle ll nd hogs will be shipped from Wooster' to W¥hingto h C. H.; to qe ClI · hibited at the yards of the Fuyette . 8 . Produeets' Company, Friday, 'June ~. '" This will give cattl~ feeders and hog ~.1..,!:;'::==~(=:=:;:::===;:~=:::::::::;::====~==.=~==!!:;~;:=~ growers of Rouihwest ern Opi(l' lIn excellent opportunity fer .seeing the different greups of cattle and hogs th1lt have been led eiq{erimen1;ilI)y. aU wlntllr at the Ohio Agricultu~al Expe'rJmept St.8,tien . ~~;. ooster. of a8king a i i-aji} lond.·or ~o famers .to erOB8 the Stnte iit order to Eee and appreciate the perimeiltal reRutts, the . orde~ is to be reversed by shipping a small !o d of ~qe live.stock e, blblted at \ Wooat4lr. on Livestock Day; to
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W&IIbin«ton C. H., Fayette ,county. neai' the cente!:, of 'Ohio'll h~aviest . liv~W~. producing 8e~-t'0~, l!ere · ,it fl thought; more .O~~o i~ed~38 .ho!f grolVers wilJ be ~ble t~ , Ilt~llnd than almoat .anywherll else in the
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-,Sevpnty-Sixth Year
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Whole Numb er 5592
All S"ht'ol. In tbe Town.h ip Were Tlw rollo\\,illg concert will be g iv- The Boy. Played a" Up Hill Ga me 'R cp r .. ""ntnd at Thi. M .. c ting en by t ho W"yncBvillc Premier, BRnd From tbe Start-F inally
Me mberR of th e Society of Friends ITh e Day Wa. On e of the Fine Day. Ru les govcrn ill/o!' rhe III;IIl"faetu/,c. Rev . John Schaeff er/and FamIly Were through o ut the Miumi Vulloy, ure of th e Month, and All sale and dispCIlSill1( uf ;; uft drink . on Jun e 6th. Among Tho ... Who Mad o Rallied Too Late pl'epur ing u fine Inrgo program t o Enjoyed Sflrvlc ea Ill;d beverag es nn fuir !!'1'IIUllrl , "n<l Wonder ful Trip be given hero on July 18 anu Hi , CO Ill (lther ~ illlilur (llne(" III'<' now beinK .. P llth of Hll nor Murch ...... Ill e morutin g the 300~h bil'lhdny ullriiPI'l"pl'ut'(' d hy the nh' i ~iol1 of Pfll,d s n et crminnt ion The WUl'ne T ownRhip' Sunday OVCI·tur e The Minmi. finally lost another versary of th e Cuu ,l, der uf thut fiCMemori a l Dnw Wu ~ impress ive ly lI'nll Dlli:ieK of t hP Ohi,) OeJlllr lml'n t nnggy Trombo ne gil,,"", this tim e to Lcbllnon There ciety Schools he ld th c;'" nnn a,.' convo nti on RnA' R(>\', lin d Mr •. J ohn J. Shaeffe r, of , George Fox. celebr~ted thi. YOllr lit the cemeter y, of Sweet Melllories is nu ulihi to offer except that th ~r Agricul ture. S Ulld"y lit the Wayn cNv llle Ilicks lto Waltz lncluclc·d til the , Day t un, IIrrivud hume' last week from A commit tee of 20 hu~ bee n s p- ano the lurg ' st crowd for mllny yeurs plnc,·s "pcc ificlllly mont illt\ed Friend'" church. A goo d CI',,\\'<1 IVa" Murch .. So og Dottle Song of Liborty , lo~t, Crnne sLurted in to pitch , Lut pointed, nnd plnn~ !J.. th ~i r w" rld c"'u ise , There were nrc und er way lit W,," in ntte nd ull cc. IlItc r miKsion ]0 Minuto~ T he inclellH' nl In go rcrerred t o Ill',, : Fai l' gruund. , l'i~hte"n p" opl r in t he, pre,onl :\1111 th nlectinA' was lin InWIIK a s wild IL~ a March hare, and was the pre"ent tillie , Dayton continThe commit tee ~\'eat h er of th ~ past f~w days hud tlrcu~ gTo lllHJ:.;, l"Il rll i\'ub. , park !', n' - ",enL w WeNtern World Bupplun ted by Orsb-*n in tll(, third. met ·:pi l'a tjl l ll . to ev('ryon e, In the r c· 1II11rch ho mucle thC' trip. las t wee k, and th e out-o f -to\~n lIluue il Vnltz imIlOS,i bl' fnr the farmers so rt. , public strc(!ts, l1ij{i\l\'u)'s, Il r purts of - the Rev~ n SlInd uy Schoo lg Thelm a He \V/IS 0 11 right fo r three innin~s , memb ers pr Huv, ~chll"ffe r was present at St. ,,~cn t were Mr. Alvlll tu dn much work, nllu they "uthere d ut her .imillll' places in Ohio. Purit y "Iary' ~ church Crown Prin '0 ' when his arm went bad, /lnd 11\\ wup. Wild man "I IOUI' tOWII"hill, the majorit y Rhowod Overtur e Sunday , and conduct , or Selma, Mr. He rbert III the c(' motery tu du homagc to . the (If inj{redicllls is MPl'cificd as is the cd Murnirill' Prnyer . His sermon was En!lcuv or p n und~d good and hard, "n 'ltch" Lowes, of nn IncrollMc d IIttendllllcc r"r ll", y,'ur Murch Cin cinll oti, nnd 1I1rs, 1I1 ary Nalion's veterlll\ s. necessit y of individu al ('unoain crs or lL lesson dr'llwn frum His th e total ~ nro l1lll e nt being 637 . The Wnltz Drenmy Melody Burton tOOk. his plnce and held , lhe I Hn\~'kil,l late trip, and s T ? lTe ll, OC , Nell: . Vi~nna. At 1 :30 the Prcmiol' 1,; IIl d e ntered san iLury ,,,,cl osed '·',ntain er.s centrlll theme or the tulks give n perLeb'ano nite8 scoreles " for L1 , ,'~c IIm00 1- it lIlade a deep Im pression upon his, 1hete Will be speake l s f, om 0 11 the Sout h gute, in g which The IIIHI people <vhn contribu ted for ir.gt<. r eRults in cllnlumi nation heur e l's, pl ayed a dirge ~\Incd to t eachers in our Sunday "vcr th e C()Untl'r, prllminl 'lIl limong to the cen tral nlll ulI(i . a ",I the ex- or diluti on is Jlr "~li"i ~ed u~ is the S~hooI8. Th ese talks were quite in- co ncerts and the amount s each conThe boys ~ta rt l'd /I ,.an y in th" lIwm bemg Mr. Lowt!N, Re\'. Sc haefr"r, in describi ng his trip who h a~ Ju"t erl'i::;e~ uf the nfllTllOO l l " c r' e begu n use of zin c or ~alvtlnizccJ il' O I1 vessel~ t ributed nre uS follows: . ~H irl in pnrt: Blruoliv o. sevent h ond it Il,ok"d f!lr" 'i",,' tha /,clul'ned frol,\ I' CCOI1'~/' . Ul' lInn lVurk Th e "pca l:cr's stalld w,," app ropriate ly ill nUXlno) : 01' cHm p o lluciing th e , $ lOO .OO-Ch as. Aman. Mr. , J . F. BiA'ony, of Lebanon , $ 10.00- they waul" tic lh e s eMI', hUl inahilit) , il; Russ iu, unu Sa iling fronl ew York early in others. dnqwol i, the Nllti ollal col"l's, a big dl~nks. I n audition , as a meu ns of Jnnu County Superln tende'lt of Sunday Myer Hyman, T, J eff Smith, Oxley- to hit th e bllH "~f(', k 'pt tlte til' in ll ry on the "Laconi a," the party Tlllll'c will be apagcu nt /o!'ive n by Aa>r on thl! tree WlI S displ "y~ d at< II sufegua ruing Il.jl'nillst misr presentu - fi l'st "tllpped Schools , was prescnt and brought Pace, D. R. Smit h, J. W. White, W. wanting . In the nin th rrume t.h~l· the Illcul peop at Havann , Cuba. PaRsle, us~i s ted by Htuoent s backgl'lIulld ror the sta no tion, nu I're"s, mill ur othtlc devictl inK throuj{h the Cunal, out some striking 'points in r ogt\,t'c1 to C. Phillips , Waynes ville Motor Co ., looked like n chunce to win . With two fl'l 'lI1 the party co nWilmi l]g'toll co llege und e lscA. UHuul the Men of Wa ynesv\11 e will be permitu.. d to be ex hibi ted tillued to Los ·tho manuge ment of out Sunday Fred M. Cole, Walter McClure , Way- on an o LWO out. n hit wou ld have 1I'11I'1'e. Angeles , Honolul u an d hlld full chul'gc of the ceremon ies, close to the s Lund vcnding Boft drinks arrived at Schools , He showed how our 8chools nCHville NlI.tiona l Bunk, Dr. J. T. EI- ~ied, bu t "Dutch" Burtun lh'lu ~ ht Yokoha ma while that city Anno un cements fill' this immens e with lIfl·. C. M, Robitze r as chuirma n. unless this device is actually used 1I1~, still s ufferillg from lack in InWre. t 'to children , thero not lis, Clarenc e Flack, $6,00, L, A. he 8IlW (, (·hu /lce lo s Lell1 Iwnl!!, when !'i/o!' l11ee tin g will th e earthbo given fr om time Th'" first Zimmer number on t he program in the product iun uf the drink being quake and devastll tion man, A. F. Melloh, Alphonso the pitch I' \Va. no t lookin!!" nnll being one-half of the WDyne Towf\that followed . was to lillie thmug-h th so colum ns. wns . il1l!in g of Americu , led by Earn- sold. 'ship youths in any SundllY School. Dogan, Baker & Salisbur y, Waynes - called Ollt, t h,,"e h), p l illlinati n~ "hI' "Newsp aper uccoui\tIi hardly deest Eurnh'l rt, IIccomp anied by the Where true (ruits are not used, scribed the destruct i on Hill Ulustrattions were along the line ville Auto & Machine ry Co., Kilpa- more chance" ,f,"' "coring-. ther e. The band . An impress ive prayar by lIirs, it will be necessll ry to lab el th e COIl- entire citw MA Y WAS WET MONTH tric- French Motor Co., $2.60, D. of Improvi ng these conditio ns. Peck SuttCI'lh wai t c proved t o l,(; was oblitera ted. Even J ame. Vanderv tainer L. Cralle, oort, " imi SLunsbl tatio /lnd n lry's Shoe Shop, C. the Babe Rulh uf th c j{umt', as he " or "artifici a l." the wharves were destroye d a nd peothen again Office", for the cOIn\ng yenr were III IlY s UI'ely set n record for wet- Il\us ic by Lho band. Artificia l coloring mu st ulso be BO ad- pIe were living in the Lee Hawke, J . C. Hawke, J. E. Fra- got four nice bi llA'les appoint ed and are lUI follows: str eetli. Merin fiv e timp.~ /I'ess this 111(\lIth, as t:hel'e were ollly huirlllon Rob itzer lhen i nlro duced vertised . If th e co ntainers are 80 chants conduct ed Ptleslde ltt, Mrs. Lindley Menden - zier, Chas. T. Ellis. up. Every man on the team I~"t a their buisiness on five '..he duys speaker (Jill placed of the tI10 nth that it of the day, Mr.. Frank I. as Ilot to be read ily scen, s igns boxes out in the cl eared streets. - - -- •• - • hall" ' Vice-pre sident, Lucy Jo~m le y, hit except Frye, who couid not plll"e SlicreLurY~TJ"OIlIIuror, Mrs Carl Duke Rev. Schaeff er reported that dea hit except into Home body's hands, did not rain, und those days, althoug h DrowlI, of Dayton . Mr. Dro\\,l1 spoke cation Oil the booth' or s Lund. Sterclear, were very cool. The one day for 11 full half hou r on the duties of must be placed in II promin ent 10- spite the Supt. 'of Adult ~pt" MI1I. Harry destitut ion, only one beggar i h!! day, und hi talk Icd intI) vario us cation on "the booth or stunffi Ster- was' encount of the month, Memuri al Day, proved " ._ lYllUallJ aon SUpt, Young People's ered durin g the two LEBAN ON channe ls of t hought in regaru to the i1izntion of utens ils used at these wee~', to be one of t he finest of days. . (Dept., ~rence Furnas, Supt. Privisit on the is llltnd of Japan. AB R H A happen PO E ings The of old today, saying of " rain on Easter IIc paid a sLunds ill another . r equire ment set He Mid an invitatio n was ex~e nde '. :.nary Dept" Mills Clara J, Lile, d to Mrs. EII! abeth Sides Everly died Stiles 2b .. .. ' ." ,, 6 0 o 1 I 0 day, rain lor seven S undays, did n ot fine t ribute to the heroes , Hnd his forth 88 is the protecti on of Mnitary , the party to return in t en years, at the . home of her daughte r, Mrs. l.. ~akin, 1b ,. ,,' 4 2 3 12 () 0 tail this year, us there was rllin ev- Lulk was th oroughl y e njoyed by all paper cups, etc., against dirt and othpromisi ng member s ' th at the most C, H. Tate, in Dayton, Thul1lda y eve- Kinswor thy, 3b 1\ ] 1 2 o 2 cry Sunday si nce Ea!lter. who hCllrd him. er contami nating influ enccs. ' beautifu l city in the world will rise A. Roll, 88 .. .. .. : . . , .. 5 2 2 0 'l 1 ning, Mrs. Everly had gone to her Howeve r it is hoppd that the m onth Af ter Mr. Brown 's spooch t he litRegulat ions of fhi s nature Hhou'l d fr om the ruins i n' that time. Conroom 't o ta,ke a nnp, and when her Coyne, p .. " .. " ." .3 1 1 S 0 of June will pay back n great p ortion t le flower girls, hended by the band, afford great protecti on to th e p'ublic, slderabl e flying was noted, but the danghte r w,e nt to can her, ah e found Nixon, c 6 2 2 7 J 0 of the dull and dismal May, mid that marche d to the can non, where the particul arly since the places covered visitors wer e not permitt ed to visit she W8ll dead. She was stricke n with p, Dakin, If " ,, 3 0 2 2 o 0 t here will be lots of s unsbin e and rest of the prog ram was he ld. Mi811 are those at which most danger is to t he fortifica tions. paralysi s severnl years ago, and it Burroug hs, cr.. , 3 0 o o o 0 warm weather this month. Ed nb Mullen recited 'a poem and the be found. Whcre large crowds gathAt Shan.ha i, China, a differen t ati8 thought that the flnol stroke came D. Roll, rr, ,,' . ,2 0 o o (1 1I band played nn appropr iate hymu , er it is not unusual for sanitary titu.de toward t/le p&,rty Was noted M";. wnbul' Clnrk and daughte rs to her while abe slept. The funeral R. Will~m s . fr ". ,, 2 1 1 1 o 0 a nd the decoration at the cannon took measure s to be overloo ked in the rush and armed guards ENTER TAINE D tOOMPANY accomp anied the B. WiIlill IlIS, rf ,, 1 0 o o I) 0 ,were hostesse a to tlft}' guests at a was held at the Ch'llpel Saturda y aIEd na Mullen gave t he immort al mas- of business . It is ' t o correct this travelel1 l everywh er#!. During vialt 'miscell aneous showor, Saturda y ~f ternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Washbu rn te rpiece- Lincoln 's Gettysb urg Ad- tendenc y that the above ru les are to the native Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClur e had as district an engagem ent Totals , ternoon In honor of 111811 Leona Me- officiating. She was laid beside her S8 9 12 27 14 3 their g uests at dinner, Suniluy , Mr. dress, the blind played Dn o,pprop n- to be put in force. Blurted between u mob of Chinese Ginnl. , a bride-el Qct of this month. husband who died Beveral months and Mrs. E. V, Burnhtt rt. Mrs. !!:mma Ilte hym n, und the decorati on at the fighting with clubs and MIAMIS wall neccaA: very pl_nl afte rnoon was en- ago. in Miami, -ecmete ry. Barnett , of 'Cincinn a it, a~d Mr~- G. cannon took place After th!! beneaary (0 ~cali' outiIie armored ~ . to . AB R H PO A E Joyed in game. tor the bride, during diction, ' taps were sounded , and the W. HDwke, of Clarksv ille. queIl the riot. which time the news of the approac h- . Mrs. Martha Davis, of near WelI- Prendre gast cf .. 6 1 2 0 2 1 crowd disperse d to their several ways. While publicly ,crying for indepen - _ Satterth man, 1 waite, 4 died 7 1 0 at her home Thursda y eve. 1b .. 6 In, marriag e was announc ed by minThe ent ire progrll1" was one of the dence, mercha nts and the thinking 'Btaro linde, who stood amid a bower nlng, after a, long iIInesl!. The fun- Crane, p, 58 .. . ~ o 1 1 6 0 most BUCCOSl'ful ever carried out on cla,s s of Manilla are privatel y in., ac· of bl08ll0lnll, Rnd held a card earing eral was held at the Flat Fork church H. Burton , rf, p" .. 6 2 3 1 0 1 ~--------------~ Memori al Day, und everyon e who atMury Elizabe th Smith, daugbte r of cord with ~ m erican gevernm ent of the announc ement, Hall-Hc Glnni., Monday aftemoo n at 1 :30, Mrs. Mur- Orsborn , 2b, p, rf .. 4 2 2 2 l ' 1 tended was more t.han pleased wit h and Margar et ' Champi on, t he i8ll!l.4:· Rev: Schaeff er found. He June 22, 1924. I;lur:lnc the refrellh. ray, with several others" officiati ng; Puce, c .. ..... .. ... . " .. .4 1 1 13 -1 \I the program . , learned ~hat mOlt of the '~taition Willi ool'n nea,!: Ce.nterv\lIe, .o~io,' Gonl, o Ihterme .1 as, 2b " .. .. . ". 4 2 1 0 ment hour, each gUQst found ~n her nt in Miami cemeter y, Mn, The cemeter y looked its bcst FritelPber, '1, 1869. She MIt" of "adam! f or free~in is amon~ .politici ans, and favor a bit of advicQ to the bride- Davis' wm be miaaed by her neighbo r- T. rBtuon, )(........ 4 '0 1 1 0 0 day, ,vith the graves strewn ..,yitb flowil,y of twelve children , of whith only t~at the people us a wbole are hal,lPY as wel'l a ~ b)' the county, as she Hopkins , 3b .. " .. .. .. 0 o 0 0 0 0 eJect. The guest of honor Was 'the ers, many people coming from great four brother s are stilI living. Her and ' eager to be c:ducilted ' . . Il1I enthusia stic worker In church Fryc~ 311 .. " ... .. .. .. :.. 3 O' 0 0 0 l'eelpl~n_ t._of distance s to pay tribute to their dead many attracti ve Irifla. _ _ .. _ ... - - - - J - , rl'he Masonic me~~el1l . of the ' pargiz:lh~od . ,da ys were spe nt on the ar d lodge. on this day, farm . ty , visited Masonic lodge rooms in To~III ....... ... .... 39 7 16 27 11 4 ' ~lm08t every country they ' vilri~d. On JDnuary I, 1884 she waa . , Mrs Mary E, Smith, wifo of Mr. Lebanon ...... 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 0 0-9 ' ried to Frank B. Smith und to In one M,oh.m1Jledan' city they visited Frank B. Smith, of Route 6, died Miamis · ..... :,, 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 1-'1 a' lodge ,wbere ·'the 1J0ly Bible and the uoion wer e born eight chlldren , , .. ~ddenlY at the home of her da,u",II1-' 1 Two-bas e , hi~K. Dakin, A. Rel i, of whom died when young. Culvin Book. of Ko~an were both found on Work will 800n begin on the gymtor, where 8he had gone to visit for P. Dllkln. Sacrific e hlts--K . Dakin, S. 0. (sienal order) 4Q53, to n&llium in order to have it sealed Dnd in 1893 and Arthur In 1894. . Thll the altar_ , The Holy Bible was found day, on Friday. The funeral WR8 Orsborn , Pace. , Earned runs-L ebo IN STEP WITH THE NEWS " Precinc t and every polic~mnn otherwi se improve d by th e- time ones bereft by her death are the/hus - on all of the altan! in ~very instance , at the Lytle M'. E, church, 'Mon- anon 7; Mlb,mis 4. Left on bascs _.. band and six children ; namel y, Mrs. howeve r. · ~~In one Ibdge room a fire city: "Whoev er hOB tho school begins in Septem ber. It. is ...mnu.m at 1 :30, Rev. Stibel" Lebanon 10;' Miamis 8, Pa8lle,d balI There is a treat every week in believed' thut it will be possible to Frank Heclfath orn, of Miami sb~rg, was kept conthi ualb: .burnlng on the ponell borrowe d {Tom a Interme nt at Middle Run - Nixon. Hit batsmo n-Frye (hy " • William F. Smith, of West Carrolto n, a ltar, th e "Thi8 Week" colum n by A'rthul' heat the building satisfac dumb QlRn a~ B!1te8 anp cem,,~.. _ ..._--.;_ torily dur- Henry L. Coyne)'. Wild pitehe_ Crane 3; Brisban e It is the JaVl\, Singapo Smith re Il1Id and Rangoo n were Mrs. ~oy Me, most ql8tinc t ing the coldest weather , after this . etreeta Sunday attentoo n, ' ' Coyne 2. Base on bllll_ OIl' Crnne and bighCJIt priced m Ki~by, of Dayton, Mrs. Ralph J ohns next vis ited. ' During 21 days in In. ,wl!papc r feawork is done. the .anliwer to a quelltlon and Ben j,\min B. Smith, of L yUe. dia the party tra veted through Cal. 3; oft' Burton 1. Struck , our -By ture in the world ,today, man, 'plcaBO return It tq Reali ' ' ,. The work will bo und er t he direct- A step-son , Alfred J. 'S\Jlith, of Doy- cutLu, Agara~ Coylon and Bombay . ' Coyne 6: by Crane 3; by , Orsborn "'l:ihia\ feek"ev eryw(!e kellClu sive- ion of Mr. Walter Ke nrick, ters." . " of Lytle ton, was also one of 4; by Burton 3. l1mpire s--Sehu ler ly 'in t~e Miami Gazette Going across the ' Red sea to the the hou.seho lo ., who did • The S. 0. ' was 'lIent out .~:;'~»-:-::::=--:===:-: Suez eanul t he trave lers took a train :=~~ ==j and ~IronB, o mother' Time-2 hours and 16 mornin g when Rloh Hole 8 ' ,' deling the building last \vinter. 1: - - - - Cor Cairo, wehere they visited the ' minutes . love since the age of flv e years. to ,' tbe InCormlltlon deilk at Polie'e - - - - , - - - - - -, ' )fllton Thomps on hlUl ' pllrchns ed There ure thirteen ll'l1lpdch ildren pyramid s "nd , s phinx. Headqu arters fo; Ah'iBt/in ce in trac.i th.c MacBet h- bakery From Cal.r o and will begin Ii X l~g al,\d one dCDd. .j ng the patrolm an 'wJld forgot 'to 'operatio n the latter part She ",us a me m t he pnrty went \ 0 p,ulestine ond ' on up of this week, ber of the Owen's church an d in her to J arusuIem , visiting ths mllny points} of Biblica. inter ests ,in botweon . yo un ger days atte nd ed regularl y. to Athe ns, Naphis, Monte CurIo, CherMrs. Smith s [,ont most of he r life bake ~hop ip' Mason since he left here allk him a QueKtioll, and lurn,sqe d and his ability in Warren and Montgo mory Coun- bourg, Paris, Lo ndon and Southh\ mpliS a baker 18 well tb\. peneil that the oftlC!e~ migtJl known In ,Waynes ties, where she enjo yed a host of to n Wl'rp. \'isited' io Enl:l~nd. 'He will be , Yil'11l! down the answer. , Th~ , .omc,er wl~ted ' il\ the 'workville, [riends. She was of a cheerfu l disby his wife. ' ... - ; -- inad"ert .ently put it in his pocke . \ ,", .\ position a nd never hD'ppi cr than when The pencil was - valuable becitUs~ ,, extendi ng the hospitll lity of their ----.-~--it was Pfesente d' to him by a tlr't\1 . home to r e lations and friends. Her for which he, worked, Hoel -tOld tlie T'ntrons of ,C. Lee Hawke had to ,SUSPE NDS BUSINE SS sole thot in life was centere d in t.he look \!\sew hc r\l " lor their sha:ves and police, . , ' welfare of her family and mnny huirc utli the early part of this week, ~ . times traveled · the road of s Rarifice as Mr. 011lu'le8 Edwar'd s suspemr ed a complet e renovat ioh of bis shop for them. Sbe was ever ready t o wos hi.ol ment market' la~t 'week, niter havbeing mllde, Pap~r hangers 'and iend a helpin g hand' in sicknelSll Dnd painters ing heen In bU8inell8 only a few were busy and as Ii result need. months. He ia taicing out his counthe 8,hop will be much 'mo~e at~Fae ~.: ters, etc, and hlUl not lUI yet nlade any While many were paying respocts tive in appe~~ance • . to the Nation" s deud it waa her wish The Sabbath Schonl of the M. E o' definito announ cement ali to what that instead she vjsit the sick, and b\l!lineM ho ' will pursue in th.;' fu. chul'Ch . wlIl bold thelJ' annual ,.. . I spend a few hours with her daugh, Till tu~~' , dien's Day program on Sabbath '" ' hen we wQulil ~Yi~ld -'wi1J ,gll\d- . -".1 -~~ "'''' -'-ter, who ' 18 anxious ly ministe ring at , nine. ' June 8th, beginni ng' at 7 ;~O.' n~s .. 1"1' , , .. , .. t the bedside of the sick hUl\blll)d. A,nd The Jlrogr~~ wlll f,on~ll!t,. to ~{I~~.I~I trcDsure s to Hun to: keep; :'". "~ "j~ h~re, Without ' n momeh ~' WArning, .music, recitatio na. ~ril1l and a 'P~n ~e.ioic~" 'I~f ,~~ ihvee( '~,utDnee, shl! ail!lwere d ~h9 cl\\1 1i'om ."ear,tll.',s iOlDlme. 'A: qiecial tr1te:wlll '?tfe.:t~a gives. ~!~ jl~'{,!l'~f~ne~.\ sleep: t · . l labors to Heave n's reward. 'wnf be'bllim and 'this money be ., . A Joyal tribute of her friends ' and ~\led · fQr O!irls~lan ' Educati on, Th~ as ~ we 'hear it said, was, p~bllc J~,~I,l~,dlally ~ nvi~d, tc:> att"n!i tbll serVice and encoura ge the youn, a. gQod o~an." ·, ~l}e de; '. people I)y theli' Pl'!!!lence . • life May 30, 1924, at· tbe , .. . ~,:-~ , ,....,-,.-' ; dllughte r, MrS. Fi'ank Heqilltl i!)nii n'l\a~ Mlamil burg: Ohio, , 6~ relUl , ~ }1~0~tJ.U! and - Good Speaker a
---- 0 - .
! 'Wll--l C-W--URK
:-PU ' 8CH'A~SED
l'et~::ll\ia8:oe;pc~~ the'~ ' ~~lic~m~n
---- ..
' f .~,~ .,1" 1 •
Th. Mia... Gazette, WayneaYille, Ohio
.In the
Days of , Poor.Richard
l~c<' r1The1l11'l cllurL "~II l"'Nt\Jui(,n til b nn si el! of r 'I Ing to the
AnnUl r 1(0 d Iln d lU;eful wo mnn W ord ~ CAll not exp r ess t he I\u dll e~s of t hi! commu nity when the ,n ews CIlme Allshinl(' ,>vcr the wil'eR 0 11 1Thursdny vl.'nl n ~ thnt M",. Murtha Icnver nllv i ~' 8pirit had \ aken its Ai... ht to the God who ..... ' .e It. Th ... il y have thl' sympathy .. ... of u11 in . Cat. To kcep ca ke moiKl c luco fum an np I>le in th ~ lin . t hei r darkest hour. A n Obitua r y will follow. • • • Water Bottl ... - T o c1enn gllUls wa· Friends f rom 'Dayton , West Jef. t el' boUles tr y lI lIin"... coffee gr ounds ferso n. Ml umlsburg. Ridgeville, Lebu. lind Roall"• water. Let stand n wihle nOli, Wil mington, Morrow, Waynes. und thell shnke t horoughly a nd ri nse. ville. Harve ysburg a nd Clark~ville • • • attend ed t he f uneral of Mrs. Martha Summer Ore ....- If all summer ORvis lit t he church bere on Monday dr cS$es are irolled on the wrong side after noon. It was the largest f uner. they Rtf' less liable to f\\,de. ShOUld al ever held at the church here any nrticle beco me scorched hllng it There werc ovc'r six hun dred IIO rrow ~ in the sunshine und t he stain will Ing fr ientls t hnt came to poy th eir most always disllppear. lost tribu te of r espect. • • • A. B. Tnlmage, wife and son, John Cookin, U'eaoil.- If every cook· Thompson and ' wifo, Ed Wilson and ing Ut CII8 i1 is washed U8 snoll ns emp· wife nttended the f un era l of Mrs. tied and while it' is st ill hOl, hlllf tho Myrtle Chenoweth at Lebanon on labor in wfUlhi ng will be Nl.ved Tuesday afternoon . • • • Geo.. Martin and wife, of Center. Pip••- When t he pi pes become ville, were Sunday guests of K. E. clogged, mix a hand fu l of soda and 'l'hothpson and wife. a hnndf ul of Bait ~ogother. F or ce Joe Os born. Harry Oeborn. Mrs. down the pipe nnd leave for hall an Allce Osborn and daughter, MIBB La. hour- t hen pour d pwn boiling water. von ti, Howurd McKay, nnd K. E. • • • Thompson wer e in Wilmingto'n on Ru.t Spoh.o-To remove rust IIPOts Wednesday. McKu.y a nd Thompson wet the spot nnd rub with cream of apent the afternoon at the Friend's tartar. Thdn p''' -e in lun to dry. . ICOllege , Mr. McKay being onc of the '-t". . e the trustees. .
• ilL ,
(Hhson L, W (',
d aeosed,
M lu"y .f. Ll1 \\'(;I.
.'[ m·l ... rn" iU e, Il dmin i~trll to r of the Ilst:ll(' of ' uITle 1. Scovillo, de· ce u~~ d , Ii led hi. sa le bill. COMMON PLEAS PROC E EDINCS Will. W. Nelli, ndmin istr ato r 0 l h lJ ,·~I· n t" nf 811zuoe th Nea l. d e· In t ho case of J oh n J . Ooden V 8. c n~e d . iiiI'd his Im'Plltory li nd np· A. F. Mecker \ nl., n. moti on of the p ruise IIIIl n l. plain tiff for a ew U'inl wus ove,'· O. S. H illl!ill ~ wns II p!,oin t ed nn I r u cd. uI, pruisel' in. th e~tnte of J . M. Chns. Fosler Schnell W UI! uwurd· 'otl rey. dec('oHcd, to serv e in the cd judge ment of ' 211 01.76 an d costs pl nce tl f L. S. Shnw nn wh o is not MARS WIU. US. .III h'IS case ng'~ lI\ . st thl! U. S. Fidoli· ble lo attend to his duties. The HOPi FOR THE HOPELFSS. IILebanon l y an. d Guar' anty Co. Nati on lll Blink a nd Trust Th e court IIwarded ' the Mm, hnll ONE GQOD DEED~ Co .• ns ndminiRtrntor of the estato. Plumbing Co. n j udge me nt nj:ninst fil ed ,iL~ invent ory nnd appra isement. THE GREAT DERBY. Albert nd' MaTY Ann Lewis. Wm. an d Robe.rt Curr, administra· , tJ tho ~¥e of Eli Mu r phy and • SendIng pbotogrllJ)bB b1 wIre 1& torR of l he esln te of Corn F. Hnrris, Wm . A. Stove r. vs. ClIlIS. C . Cn mp . deccllscd. fi led their first li nd final lit )I\8t ver fccUy 8UCCt!1I81ul. Tills bell , Mur phy \VU " nwnr ded /I judg ,. acco unt. "Ill melln more to the cdU<'lltlon ot , ,~W,.. :menl of $2 089 .S4 and (·c,.ts, nnel Upon the " pplicution of Hurry .f ~':' _. Stover a j udge nlc nt of $ ~! l :t.R () a nd . thIs eartb than we can roolllO now. B. 'l'hompRon, uclministl'a t or of the Morely Irrntlryl~ curtoelt1 or cap· b ut • - I Ul'leoifl bad 8tood la the costs. est nte of SusHn J une Thompson, de· tur10ll erl.IUlnnls by tlll\Wbotogra"hT erowd. a, W88 lb_ " niDI .... hat be . 'l'he will oC Mnry A. ~ l id\l' II" ", on this little (lInnet l8n·t the Imporcellsed, tho cuurt fix ed thl' pri c e~ Muld fOlr tile 11Iattwild mlUJlbOl' at'tllt decensed. wa s orde red nclllli lll'd to , lit which certin honlls holon!!lIg to taut tblng. JiM·Ileli4e4.; OaIeott ~U"t1. lack wnl Probute. th e astute should be solei . 1IeWl'D1 lWn. j· ~ .. mflll .rrlved ",ItA A distribution o f " $00 deposit f or Upon th e IIppli cuti nn of Cnrl .J. Wbat CII~ btl dpDe on wIre. CIIb a~_I_"'_ ·Ht~r ~ ~rt"'lte olDcer Will paymen t 0 f costs in t.h e cnse or R. be done tbrowdl IIIIl othor th~ 1161>4' : Mill cr , udminiatrnto r of the et\ta tc C("'~ OI\ fJol,:IIDon, "', toat tiltoutbo,tor pltnl. M . H e dges. V8. Ra lph La Fever. wn~ rn tes thlft cnrth trow otber Plnnet!! of .fnhl l W. Miller , decea"cd, the I ..ek ,and headIn our (II1nlly. 1 co ur t fix ed the pr ices II I whi ch cer,~n. (,,?:he)'< mll4 r,ulllam an d t wo order ed . We shnll get frOID th_ planets ' oml:~. liumJ.n8 Jo~\,rd tile Bcene of The default. was sc t nsidc nnd ro<llo portrnlts ah&wlng taoos of tuin h" nds belong in!\, to the estnte iIIe l!n~uDte". :' 8010mon bad tought leave give n lo plen d up on nppli cn· l \lel r stnluj:c luhuhltants nnd radio shuuJ, . he solcl. . ':I'the btllh 'iI1t hiiri:c" Twoty TM rs t lon of defendnnts in t he ca~I' o f " hili" pr ints" troUi Mllra BhowlnR \ W. Frn nk Ro"e ll WIIS appointed WOre . ~1iicf b iI trlendA And comWm. Burton vs. John unci has. "" 10 " ", to .Ita cnnllls III store tbo ud ministru tor of lho estnte of Mnry \\' /11" . , of the 0l~l\n8 when trost. ...... -;aoa&lttolft '_oted alld !ltoppcd Big ler . A. Michenor. decensoc\. Bond $6 00 . 1'11 11, /.,.,1 II ttrltlon make tbls IIIIrtb eM a greaC lidI n t he case 0 f e ost C urrt'n I'NII' Ily rOllnrl, leurlng DO nBtural George M. Brown. H'a rry E. Cowan, _ CJtIialed ' (hero . . , .at i l'mOll, _, ner, ,1\'11 led to bolll the wnter. . .'" .nd Bullitt, Inc.• vs. J . F . Dre.~ ler. ..~.:~ - , . a nd O. ~. Higgins wer o appoin te d "BIDtuI, 1I'hat'8 the trouble ber e r th e recOIvcr . f or t hc de rCIH Innt W ll~ npprllisers. IC tb .'arth were absolntoly , Qt. ItII askeil 1.11 t bo crowd who hll4 The court ordered tho snle of cer. "~~.tl' the t lWO , scouts g.there4 I Plno K.,e--Rub piano keys with Lo'u Brannon ~nd wife enter:ained ord ere d to se II cert a in properly lo r f(1\1II11. a" It will be In 0 f't',. IlliWOD ~ ,' 11 ;s. till) OCt,nh would cover it ., tu in IlerSon{l1 proper ty in the estate .. 'I" " ,,, ' .• a &i)ft rlig ,'m oial.ened witb lemon juice on Sunday Geo. Martin and E. Yo ung was of Robert Gilmour. deceas ed. for w~fe of Mlaml8burg, M. M. Terry and grunte d 1' '''JU t u milo IlL>cp o\'ery wb~l·e. w. . .1~9!-OD sa"e ,bl. account ot •.~t (lnd dip In ,silver wliiting. ~.h.~peDed. It was quickly Yerlfi,ed " :,;. i _. . • Wife, W. H. Terry. Mn. Alice Terry leave to fi le re ply---in his cnse umat Imow lImv to [ll'1'1· ... ' t that. not los., t hnn the appruised vuluo. Ma r s. ~ U B qr nuillonl of ~ , 0JAS. j DuuIT.OJ __-,vttne8!1cs, . I~. ,. .. ana K. E. Thompson and wife against Newton L. Bunnell. ,Lilla Benham, ndmini&tra t rix of t hun Earth, will rouch UH • J "to .D8' 'it;bi,'' 88ld lbe . I To Sto ·. ' R •.i.I • ......:Pi~ the r.isins ' II. M. T erry, E. T. A. L. 'made a A mot ion of t he pla in ti ff fo r a the cstn,tc of J lImes Benham, deceas. If that soumls p~__ -BUt6- ·he. ~( to tnke' it back from th~ stem !(nd ' place in a bowl. buamess trip to Dayton Thun day new t r inl was overrul ed in the case ed. filed her firsl lind finlll accoun t. ~-.'. aeWo't HI to be aa rhen covel' -.witf1 boiling water and . ' o f S. S White V8. R. E . and Elmn rrl L'lulx!r 'l\'bat )·ou would bue .llt J ohn T . Gregg, administra tor of tw('uty 1'lal'1l AgO It you had been .... betIi_ hkDaelt Ilk.·. . let, them stand ~or two minutJ.. • J . Ba llentine. th e estate of Rachel .J. Greg g , de. told that a prcncher In Cblcll80 . .....!WIaI~ .. -&lrlaIJl....'a..1tfA i When ' the· W:ater Ie' pODNd olr ' tbe ceased, fil ed his first and tinal ac· BOme dar would be beard In Los N:EW SUITS AQl;clee IUId Newtoundland In the fB'~ ~P be I~moyed ~lil~k1y an d count. Viola Whiulcre ha~ brought Buit some 1IOC'OIld. t~e will of Hannab Frost. deceas. ••,... JDIA..... r~~.~ llIi~t~e ullu·~,~~f~n~ . . • I .. against the esltat e of Lida H. Whi t· ed, was admitted to probate. KllDt1eme1l th.t tJied Republt(:an ,It' .• ; -....,"-';'R '.1 rot acre, deceased" for the collection of to ,·tmmlt up" senlltor Wheeler, " Elmer E. Whitaore, ndministrator Followlng'il 'the an·nu'. report of '268 .00 IlI1d interest from February corru!'t delA!ct1'1'lMI OllCe In a while ot the estute of Lida H , Whitacro Mtrllllle" • TIct1m When thl!1 need • blm. tho treasurer of MiamI Cemetery IU!. 29, 1924. deceased. fil ed hi» fll'Rt and final ac. nlanch B d I h b h .-pet'08t. ',are II/. . trouble. JIeo, In ~o unt I 8Ocinti on, fd1' the year ending May ;y e ear 8 ee as roug t ' Hontall8 who thought that OOPPC r Sl, 1024. ' ' .. ) .' f • suit agains t the eJltate of Lida H. aboulc\ control ~he Stat~ an~ LI\~ Normnn L. Ri~hmonci , ~dmini 8tra • , Whitacre" delleQ8ed, for the collect· .1II8Il In WublngtOll I"bo tDOught 011 tor of lhe estate of Eari G. Wilson, Receipts of '260.5'\1 and interest from doold eootloJ tbG N.tlOI\, both ell&deceased, flied his flnt and finn I ac· Burials ........... ...... ....... .. ....... 2089 00 March 3, 1924. . (~ecl Wheeler ~ dtcldecl ~ Pllt count. ~ptl1l1.II.,OIla',ltbel"i.oundations ..... ..... .. .. 224 50 Mary ' Erte I Wholtacre h as brought :b1m la J~J,lIs . .' over They thnt win t~ w1ab bIIdn'l before ' Certa in lIales in th o, estnt e of .. . V Its ,too t"'n~ ~1II.'.~,lp~'I"1 au . .. .......... ... .......... .. 18. 00 8uit against tl~e estnte of Lida H. '/ ., . Ma rlha' H. Bone, deceased, were ap· "'nses ,..... ... ......... ............. .. . 144 50 Whi~c:re ,dec(!ased, for t he collect. 1~ that attempt. 'ft ~ • proved. . I\l~erest .. . ............................ 889 72 ion of $840.7".. ' ~ tlmo tor It. 1I1tbooall 'It baa . A dist riil utlon of the net assets In G R ' hts 3 5 00 · 100btlees orten been dolWi befm. .1 rave Ig ............ .. .... .. .. 1 ,Ed M. Lulkens hns brought 8uit • J Here's bope for the ~ &be t,ha esta te of Ethel H. Furman, do· ~..epll:uli~a·l liota Sold ...........,' ........... .... .. 1220 00 ngalnst SnTOh Lukens nnd Mild.r ed ' rlel1ml ot hal' 'over. IIIr.'CooU4:Ill, -ceased, WIIS or der ed. .The grou 40 00 H h f t·ti f woo bU • "ro8c 0014," 1IlC. for Removals ... ............ .. ...... .. .. vlIluo of the estate was determined Gets T f d oug or pat' 1 on 0 r eal estate. tor>v,flve mlnot- to .D ol.r.~bt rona orre ....... ..... .... .. 20 00 .... ~ as $3 1,863.37 ; debit as $15,681.84; cleaning Monuments .... ..... room, breathlll8' I.u air mlJ:ed w th al ld the net value to be dbtributed • f ..~~bh. : .l4dI ...~ how :d~ , ~ . Setting MaJlker ...... .. ...... 27 00 00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ellortne gu. He leavetl8l)'1ng "the equ'nlly between the two minor heir. , '"1'•..,.. . , "." , . The Leba non ' Nationnl Bunk and ~obJe II 8OIJe." as $1 5,037.61. • . .. 'Tho w8y I have" .III1t1 done. lad- • ' . T ChlorIDe In cures colds In men rURt Co. was appointed adminlstrn· and evaootlc In borses. Wb7 (lte buck.' .he anawered ' tn IIer good il'otal Operating Expenses .. ,4979 72 A distributon of the net a aseta In '''Ib tonfUe. 'Workln"' at ' the tob . ' Perpetual Care .. ,500 00 tor of the cetate of Nettio B. Stowe. Ibould It not (!\lre, OS at le8st .... t he est nte of Slil/wel S. Clark, de. ~t1n' tbe dlvlJ-bacJ 'c:ell to blm- Loans paid i'\ .... 2150 00 deceased. E d S. Conklin, O. S. lIeve, bay fever that tortoree thant:l!ascd, was ordered. The gl'081 val. ~~ f' " " ' " B, d Riggi ' 8 d S c: M t und8 tor "eekt 01'1.''''' . " cal't , t I Il.pe mil lUi jln' .lnclI), I .Il , orrowe .. :. .... , 800 00 $3450 00 n all . . on gomery were ., ~I) of the estntc Wtl~ determined as do that-=-tb. k, hith. ,000 0041 ' IlP,Pointcd apPlralsen, When , Eu~n n·lltloll. ' decided $7,408 .87 ; debts al! $4.767.48; and ~" "'". me ~De lad that 1'" DlYer '.' Total Recelpta ................... 8429 'Clem S. Bowyer was appointe d to We wbat mone)' the')' could eel net vaule to su ccessor, Corrine C. WlI11iie'.r1i,d" . \ ~ but".:ft the ~Iee e" ' hl~? . trustee of the trust created by the from Ohlna after t'1e Boxer uprl8. - _ _ I ~ " i ,, (T~ ~ ,~olltinu~Ji) ' , t~j:I:j--q:f~Fil~lln--SUt1:on;-;mrc!-4Beclrl-~:- the _Ul11t.ed States got ~e ~ Itlair, $2,294.71. , ... . • that It 'lfaa .lntOmatioul bid, MARRIAGE LICENSES Di.b.n . ..... ........... . ta 00 I.udeQlllIt;y e8sb. aod tben real, Labor .......... .... ........ '571 41 ,W. '"800 ~·i p~lIIrpsj .dmlnlsp-ator of : '!'tie IOOIKlF _e IeDt bad! to GI ~ nn V. Tannehill. 25, ' brake. ~.~ SSUaIP!!;ee,~ ...... ;.. ~.'.'.'.. .. ..' ... ' ... 109 04 the CIltate of .C la!a H. Phillips, de· ~ be UIecl tor eduaatl_ ~ .,~ .... ~ ce,ased, filed hs ·.nventory and ap- .000lna noW tlJanka tile UJJtte'4- seat. man, rerre H'tlp,te, bId., an d MIM , , •. • • ~ .. ' . , ; ~u~ntendent . .... .... ..... . 116b '0'0' p~isement, " ~' ~, ' 1Ja1:IDJ ,tbllt othew aatS.aI Jllnnla Merle BuHn, 21, Lellanon. :!II :r .... IS .... . ~_ T 60 00 ~J . " ..,,,o ,rollo1rl!!l • eumpie. :. ''in r .,_re ....ry· reasurer ...... rank C. JllllUer, ddmlnilltrator of "80 ~ IOOd dea4 ' Carl F. Koe~ier, ' 26, welter, Day: yateribUII' 'teal eRate'rdtia't: Vaul ' .. :............................... 80't O~ . ~ .... I gjqtib' "orld.~ ' ~ ,~ . ton, and Miu Loretta H. B~, 2~, Lebanon. l , 8 85 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I . ~ bee~. ~~. ~Ik ~f Lovoland Printing ............ , ..... ,.... ....... , Vlclnlw'for .1Ium!>er of weeq, Muslin 'and Carpet.............. 208 A8 " " , '!'btl Dotcb a.tormed 011-...... .... . Samuel McElfresh, 42 laboror " IOft &r') , . h te f. A' 0: ' eel' '8 >I '-h\ \~'. WilLIE WAIU Bout!! AtrI """" Y' 1i'f' M~",~w, and Mn. Lavina ' B. Li nd: , g'm llleifrJ ':ielc ............ · .. . ,r' '. -: '. , BIIY, SIl, Horrow. I of . -..~fiI!~,~~f-~~ii~=~1~:S~r;·~~;~~ th:·t t Ui "Cfmuti bdmme \... ~Ial F'Pre~ Inh ........ .. ........ ·" Tho bum'ble bee-he Is alright a's ;",wcb DO one IIIoulcJ d8leCl'llte." ,I't'!, '~'bU.. B. e t ................................ 67 07 long 88 he k,!!'e ps ' a.waIJdng- but " That eb~ ': ..,,- . ' ri'fnc W .,'., i Murance ' .....tOUb er..... ne coJij pa . , til e ... 1!rchuh , ......... ......... .......... 4 80 IBlblo ~ n~ , at tile ot ~EAL ESTATE T~NSFERS 52 '00 geegoBh:-~he; n h,e sits down I" , 000000anlt7, Id a mIracle tuined p -the' seven! Or" elg\£' lluiillre'lP aerell elephone rents and tools Abram Osborn, EVl!lyn SJiencer (, 'lan~ 1iei~en tli&re ' 8n4' Poitfr; .I,te~alr8 ........................ .. :... :: . IS 8'a .water Into wtne, to make 8 ~dll18 6 nnd Chas. Spencer to Chilli. a!lci I~H1i~se Iota wire~ W:olrere4 PiB , ·jits.. .. .......... .... .. . ..... .. .,.. .. :. 38724 ; . =:..A .~_ 8o ,..!'ne th~rlpcil,~ I -to ned" , With' ' .. 1riliistil ..H~~. . r·,....... ~v - v ,...... -. y ,Cora StelfYI About 5 acres Turtlecreek Twp. U. ! Mary J. Graham to Howard Gra. ;rriburl stJb>dlvillo!1 lJa.,e ·~S!D nam~4. IJ{terest paid ........ .... .... .. .... 13 '~i!.: ':'~,~ C. miracle ham Lbura hldaker a d e l I .. . , " ...... " Park ', ' ' and willr. ' 1'rAncIt!aIIl ' 'sun ...nes y.,"" .... ..... ... ,... ... ... 7 iL.... iJ~_ !:.I-:o-"-Comml ...... 0'" ...... C~lI~it. Aliout tin' a~m::h\ Jd~ e 'a 'sammer 7esort. " A' club' hoille' , , : . . .. ,, ' '4'11,. ........... ..... . 'I\vp., War;on'~Coll.l\ty and ' Aitat! i!j!~lIIll"M...wI~r"-,lia...'\1 p1lbli~:r8JldI8ga'·ilrid other &Jecoiilmo~ . 'toiafOperating Expenaes .. ,8239 ·25 ,cu1tWe reJected the I'ojod bid for Twp., Clinton Co. $1. ' datIons: for prOipectivti' 'buyers ' 1iAv~ Loahii' mad . .. .. .... 3160 00 " ·HUBde 8hoalll '" • ~~ _10 'to It • I C. Oscar Clovenger to Lizzie Clev. b~en prowaea for. 1 The ' aatl!ohhese Loana paid .... : ... 800 00 ,", .., . ~." _ . = t Im~t Ilnal,' ~ It 8119'1'1 IJow I enger;' ~~out 70 acres in Clear: lota openied i"1"ueBClii, ' !borning, Leits re.purcba8ed 75 00 "r' .. .: auordin, I to ~ioellabh! ' iriformation, . 00IQ8 IIroW, q. .1Ia4 .- V.. ·It tm1 qUite io IlliIIlftIlt ·1t UIerti creek Twp. $l. . o-Jer- 10od" 'lots' :nave al~actf' Wt»t tetfoiJ.ame- in ~ftecl ad .. a "lItt18 blalill 111&" wttlnhe right , Alma King to Maybelle It Huli. ' . Total Diaoursemcnts ........ ' 7264 ...tII tier f..or. Idnd ot UnIn!r Iu till! ...... klns. Lot in WayneBville.,1. lIold. Receipts exceed disburse's 1 165 47 ." --• ----~-.~-. ~.~ ~COMMiSsiONERS PROCEEDINGS on hand, '28 '14P; 43 u with .... m MaDou '\'::Y: Cash on h.nd~\T1Ine 1; '24 1908. 90 1I1l~!UDIIe-,..,."lIIIItJa.lD.w-L • , • trouble ID I!DtUna hwldreda at mit· ADVERTISED LETTERS BUls allowed: Stakalto Mfg, 'A~ta outl.~~:dl.~~.~· 632 00 ~i1I!f~' _ ' i'mlii bit '~red' 110lIl 011 the national e=toree Mrs. Swink. ': Co., supplies, _19,10; Bobbs.Merrill M__ . E. ·L. Bea.ley: . Loans ............ ,_ ·15367 00 Ottrom :" r6ie .. : :.4. ·Q'· fo . Co., Bup'pllea, $15.00; Granvlll~ Mn.· Sbarold B. Mlllerave. Oash on ha\1ci'X:'.:, 19:08 90 ~ Thurton Pos\ G. A. R., Memorial I.. ' ". .0reIat tela· l,.outIYtlie. I I I ' .' allowance, '25.00; RUBBell McElf. ~ your tr~ding in Waynesville. 'lotal ....... ::: .... $17~07 90 resh Post No. '149 ~)oal .Leglon, ~..." . - ----- ',""'''''''' I ~. ~ AlPert ' same, $25.00; James Follen, janitor at ..twlJl,IU, 8ervi~e $1,5.00; Pen Morton, Ame, . ,i;jf ~JDOIII\7 lliat iii .• , , , . roa $70.00: Leb. Nat'I. Bank &: Trult ' THE .Til STATE PRICE .aittamobOt ,tbat , ~IU C:o., safety deposlt box for auditor, . ~ ~, to 4eltJi ,6,00,: Columbeus Blank Book Co., ' • .tINI. ..n... t;;I~~·l ;~,r. su.pphes, ,6.20; Book Shop, sup• j .. ,'J '01 11 o.J ",;) ... . plies, ,50.25; F . J. Lewll, postall'e, E ... .,. S,.I'."'t. I. C ••~at ••01 A,al ••, L ..... D....,. 1.. Tr.a62 : S~!llleld Grocery, lupplies for jail, '6.00; McGetchln'li Pharmacy, .It. ,C....,~, S~. Da, Crl ... A~ri.ea supplies, ' .90; John Hackett, lernCIiII as member of buri8.J committee of Thoa. Buchanan, ,~~O~ ~ 'J . ~ . . S~ same, U.OO;.c. w, U~I'(ea~eel bpr~I of ThOll. Buchanan. '100.00; Orel'o, . . ,6.50; Robt.
g OIl ..
R eich,.l, RhllV Ill) $3 .30 ; Rt aoilanl Oil 0 ., g us lind oil for tru llk~ li nd b~i dlfC TcJ),\ir, $'717 . 18; W, N. COll,BUP· I,l..'r. ,,: ~ .9 (l : J . . P. hink le, gravl!l, :~ l ,Un: Emmll Ml111 cnknnl p. Han'" ~" 7 01 Har lun Whitucre, bridg.e lum· bel', S201).('0: .r. D. Shan er, paint. ing bridges, $ 13.00; ColumbUS OLi CO, nnd oil, $27.60: . Apgar, paint· ing bridges, $U.OO; f' rank D. Jonos, luu r. $1. 76; Quee n Cit y C ru~h c d Sto,lIe 'lIl el sand o. 10 cars crushed st onl' , $ l1 6 1.UO ; p ow ChemiclIl Co., 400 b ~s calcium, $&48.09; Hult MCg. Co. \,cpah' t ractor $ 21. 18; CinrinnuU Qu urrioN Co., 2 cars of stone, $202., Il l; Bluir and LeRoy, cement, sand and g ruvel, $5 0.94; Board or Public Affai rs. Franklin, pnyroll f or month e nllin g May 16, 2 mill f und ,42!J .• 0:1 ; J OB. Duvis, sum e, $11114.16 ; A. 1'. Rettig, same, ' $1024.66: Edml Tcny. same,. $ 1061.60; F . M. CollinA sume. 4li4.1 6 ; V. W. Tompkins, sUllie $2,16. 20: lIarlan Whitucro, pllyrn ll R. Dnd B. Fund. $ 162.00 ; P . D. MOHce ~ume. $ 14 tl.O fi : WnlLer VIII·ncr. sa mu. $118.40 : 11 . W. 'frovil\u. slime. $ UlO.· 36 ; Phillip 1I0isel, same, , U6 .1i1> : Hoy t Mc Corma,ck. Ram o, $ 1:10.30: A. T. Hottig, Hll $22 .4 6; PCllural 1.>1. bOl'lllori cH , lIupplicB, $46 .08 : Rulph 1'. SlI uok ('uIIL LOYIII Le!rio n Melllorbi ullowallce, $2!i .00.
EXPERT I{UDAI\: Film fi'inishing A~dDeyellllli11g
by parc~1
QU 9li t y1. work 'lit h'l Mvin/:,. No Middleman. nenl Dlroet, Service fllSt 118 tho malls. All sixell, develoUhl¥ and printing, 40. rents, except vest pockets, 36 cents. Write for In· formation or ~e nll money to: .
W<~~·' ~()ats ,,w.
308 R, 'bcI'd ,
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~~:~p~~~~it· B~~.. ~~~t::. 18~. :~
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AlA ,',': .... ' .~C
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1 , f H \ 1t ;, . ~ONEY LOANJi!D ON LIVE STOCK, I .e~at~'I, 1\1~0 \"l cond p;nortgage•. ~qte~ b.oy,rht" ohn H.rl1lne, Allen Building, Xenia, Ohio • -
farmers, Attention! , , •
_ ,
, ' ,.
arm en of Warren a~d ~dJolnln'g <),Oun t ic.s may obtain , money on long ~m e loanll, at 5 ~ per cent Int~rest. q Ollt of Jlecurinll' ~e Bame verY. re~. "flnnb16 ,thro~h The Federal' 4~d ~ank. 'For furtbe~ Infornlatlon Call op or add ~aa ·if. C;'DRAKE, Treas. lil' t== 0r, pJ\o',~ UO.X, Lebiulon, Ohio. .
~_ __
fC _ _
'\YAteTED ' .. t'
.TAKING \ in 'YD~l .t our "arehoua, I~ Cor. *,n, and will p.y the·· hlghei t e.1Ih prlce. W. J. Baker, Corwin, Ohio. tf
Fflr ~ale-S.,otU;~ Poiand ChillQ Hog and, Je~ey ~attle. , K.~. T~pmpllOn, Orcgonia, Ohio. R. R. 1 ,1lplI 103,
. '
. .,
FP\t SAt.E-!-W~ite-' ~tldni' Plillet8, 12 weokl old. · Prlee" I'tllluecd on c i tbm ' hat::hln~ to . 't,0t) ·t or ' 100 Howard Place" Franklin, Oh!o. Pone 246J , '. jll F R" SAL~Rc'glltel'~d Je:"ey b~1I 1fr,!m tho Stok~11 qalry farm, a ' y~ung op~ lind ,a ·fine br~de"'•. " ln q~irjl o( H. O. Comell, ~c'1 D. ~, Wayn, svllle, near Ferry ., ' .
,. 11-..,
' i PAINT-$~.6Q . a
g~non, exccpt lqr red and green paint. Guara". t:rd white I~ad paint. Inquire P 1 E. Kenrick, Waynesville; Ohio: . · ." '~ auII'6- '
1917 FORD IN FIR$T-<~LAS8 CONdltion, .new... P41.n.h BlIe.Jt1an;, tol/" o e Briggs Detrolter, In ~od IIh"''' n w b~dy and to" aiso ,on. Truck h9~f' Th~ b'ldl-' I! \l,Ilj'{'r ~th . n,w top. ,!Tbis .Ii~dy i ~u~~ for !~e car. C. ¥ . ReJlloJda I SWIne valley, Ohio. je4
' f,
i FOR ~AI&-C.bbage
plant., ie per dozen. 600 100. Mr,II. B. ~, Sjnith, pho,!e ,aNI, (W:~1~~e, 0. , ,
: ... '
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FOR SALE-'7.( Ctievrb~t '1'lltlrill'. In' f.lr ·con~ltion. ''W'\ I Nil 1ll6ri: . sW'·,.l{jde't1C'.o<' #, 4 II '.( .-.., n'Il 1'. "~ I,' .,
un Ii,
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The M.... c..cntt•• WayaeavUl., Oblo !2E££
MIAM I GA Z E TTE.I'•• .4,
Great r S· rea gt ·and Longer Life in this N.ew Fence Post
In thl' pussing of immetllate aotiv· Itl€ls, how 'much th;o ught do we' give . . Dr. ' Frost . ond Glenn Fenly each Mrs. Belle on 'and dnuJthters, of E .rt"erud a ~ the l'ostotliCtI at Wayn f\.vlile, 0., I1S S cond Oloss Mall Mott er t o the period or nge ill which wo arc \low Iiv ng . An a~e is def\n·/l ,ill tile hllve 'new Fords. Dayton werc culling on Lytle frie nds wbol durlltion of on organized being Mi ss Mary MO(lII has gone to Day· Friday. p . L. CRANE, Editor and Publiaher, Wa,n.~'fill., Ohio. who or wbich h06 a t erm ilf exiJltence ton fo r the summel·. MrH. Be n Huwk o lind dOllghter, thcn JlnsBe ~ away. In world progress . Subscri'p tion. Price, $I .GO pel' y,ear. '. Mrs. E. B. Dost.el' anil Mrs. Herhert leo. were Dayton M hoppers 'In Wcd· we :hllve Jlos'led through · the stono, Doste r arc on. the sick liKt. ,.' nllsday. ·Porel.:n Ad;;;ti';i;" I w,••.tmlauv. iron lind other ages that hllve murked Mrs. Chas. · Ma dden was in Wi!· Mrs. F loyd SlIvuge and so n s pe nt ·.·HE I\MER.ICAN PRIUIS ASSOCIATION tho progress of IIll\n's aft'llira. . .-.-~. -----Friday with her molher und sister in mington on duy (his week. . HERE is a new and better steel fence Ollr I1l1tiona l life is divided into :;: -~==~ lI1i~sc Nellie Cmmpbell is suffering Waynesville. p ost~tl le RED TOP Double Strengtli WEDNESDAY, JHNE 4. 192.,:: 4_ _ __ _....:..._-+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lwith-4n abaes! on her arm. '. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F . Clark and Studded Tee. No holes to weaken post either O\1r Co. J ohn Fellly Jr., of Norwo~d. was Mr. and MM!. H. M. Clark sJlent .-- - -_-_._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u'\IJUn>Hwn, Civil war homo the latter part of the ~eek. Thursooy in Dayton. above or below the ground-proved strong;,' occurs to us that Mrs. Ira Hortlloek. of Dayton, Is . Madomes Allen Enlrick, Hllrry Mcperiod, etc., and er than all other posts at all points by sever! wi t h the possing of tho Immigration spend ing u few days with relotive ~ Ginni s unci Wa ltor Ken rick wcrl' est tests. Fi ne new finish and sturdi an" bill, future hislorians will I'ef er to here. Dllyton vi sitors 1'hul'sdIlY. .~-t.. ... ' ~ ... ~ •. '. • • chor plate. New staple ~t is stronger and this legis lature coup is , inaug urating ~ti88 Marguret Slorr, oC Dayton, . Severul (rom herc IIHend ed t he easier to apply. R new poriod for these United Sta~li. was home for lI1emorin l Day and the Wayne TownRhip SundllY Sc hool can. HOW TO FIGURE YOU~ BONUS at home. Not so with the farmer. Heretofure foreign ns 'of botl! the week.end. va nti on Ilt WlI ync. " ille Sunday. . Not onlp the surplu8 18 controlled . V t II1rs. Luura 'Sh idukel' enterta in ed Dr. H . H . H rmlln entertu in ed 1\ W' \s eh!!y for World Wn,r· .0 cr· ' by the foreign market, but the home desirable and undeillrab l6 type have bee n pouring into our cou'ntry by the Mr. and Mrs. Eve reU Villars over th e number of Cd nd~ from Duyton Lo a nns to 1I/1r,! out how much Insuraneo . pr icq 0 8 well. . ... ix o'c1ock dinn er al his country home they ,qre el tillild to ftom the Govern. lI1any 1I~lutlon s are b~ing otTered thousands, with the sole i1ll of reap · week.end. Mis. Lllcille Tucker hos acce pted south of Law n. munt If thpy will folhlw tbe simple for this unfair sitUlltioll but there ing from the a,dvallloguous labor can· . ' Frllnk O. uitions here. They have IIdopted this a position in C. E . Lev icy's "toro Ior Mr. un d Mrs. Be "ne J ones und so n, COIllPlltl\lg method used . bY th e Vet· is only one WilY out, NIlYN This is the type of post all mat'lufacturers Therle. nttended lhe fun erul of thc cran's Bur6l,\u. , Director Gen. Hines Lowden farmer·governor of Illinois. co untry li S their h""e\lInd because it the summer. have for years been trying to produce, but it WII' ncces.ory for re~ idence here, not lI1iss Georgia Ann e Cuppe ~ , of F 0 8 . former'H unclo ut .Wilmingt()n on has issued inll .r uctions with on eXJlea· -rhls Wll~ is to o~ganlze_ to . tak~ mut. was given u as impossible. A RED TOP not.ion of how tIl include the 26 per LcrK into thei r own hllnds as the mun. because they loved her. The father· toria. was a wcc~;.c nd g ucst of Miss Tll(!xd uy of lust weck . Mr. u nd Mr•. Glenn Brock lin d dall · eng.ineer had to discover a new princi~~ cent increuae. ufllclurer,5 havo done. Tho .Farm and waR not forgotten. and ruce prej· Amelia Carr. Mrs . Nellie BcuI nn d dllughterR and ghler. Be ttl( June. of Indionap olis. 1'he incrcoRc of 26 per clint should UI'eIlU, pools and Buch organization\! udice wos not forgotten . Some of rolling steel before he could make this these foreigner~ mlldc good citizens Mrs. Florence Clark wc!'e in Daylon - pent Saturduy wilh lhe former'R parnot b lidded to, t~e nUl1'lber of dl\Y~ lire ,the only monns to this flnd. Studded Tee. But don't get tlie idea that J "nt~. ]) 1'. Il,nd Mrs. L. G. Brock . d others did not. · Memorial pay. served. bl'; the )iu'my bef.ore the 8crThe Jlurpose of fUl'm organi3ation~, it's an expensive post. . :' But the great chnnge has come. • Mr. and Mrs. ChOIR. Rudduck and Mr. lI1iss Louella Longacre. Melvin vice credit III multiplied by the fac· howevcl:, should llot be millC'OlIstrued. th restricted im~igratlon we are 'and Mrs. Cecil Hoover were Lebanon Buntu and Therle Jones ore now This new RED TOP costs less than' the' tor Thi fact~r ·was' compiled' by Th\! farmers shollid not organize with working in Duyton and go back and Gen. Hi'les.,.n" is, th\) offieikl method the lIole purpose 'of, dictating the about to enter n ncw period. which ·visitors·Thursday. better grade 'of wood posts and lasts twiea Harry Shidaker, of Cedarvilc, and forth every day in the Longacre ji t· devised ~t tlIe purenu. , price but to .ellt.abUsh a fl4ir relation. will Involve different labor condi· as long, It actUally costs considerablf~' Gen. l#r~{' Jf~es . the ' {ollowing And this can be .done witfout boost. lions, bllt greater than that the be Wayne Shidoker, of Lebunon, spent ney. set in the fence line. It's the Mr. and 111 I'll. Clyde Whllrton and directions f~ . tile ,use 0.( the ~actors. inl J he p{ij:g of . living. All ~he sit. gining of the development of a dlB· the week-end at home. ever offered in a fence post. l. tinctlve ' American type. Mi88 OIetha lind Thelma Roberts, children and Mrs . Levi Grellthou"e Allow'$1 pef"day" for each day ' of ulltion now stands, some 01111 ill m'nk. "f Lebanon, welre Memorjal Dllf spent Dccorlltion Day visiting graves The Studded Tee is equally good and equally borne service. jng more money than is due hint and guests of friends here. ' Of relatives tt,t the Cemetery neor Allow '1.26 for each 'lay of for· the fllrmer is left out In the cnld. economical for repairing old fences or buildiDc DOLL~RS AND SENSE. new ones. . r" Mr. and Mrs. F'loyd Anderson, of Hillsboro. elgn service. When the farmers haV1l elected an Deduct ,60 from this 8um. The week·end guests of Mr. and organization of National scope , a :"1 The general uprising of women enia, and Miss Etltn Arnold, of Day. Come in and see this new RED TOP. You m~ Multlpy the ba,lance by the fuctor only then, will he be able to hum Mrs. Ben Hawke and Mrs. Ella Cop· see it and handle it to appreciate bow good • throughout the country in protest 10n. weJ;e here Memorial Day. ~e y were: Mr. J. B. Hawke and famopposite I the age "nearest blrthd,IlY" .on. cRnftdence·und allllumnce that ho post it really is. '! ( against the destruction of natural Little Chaa. Ru~lduck spont Thurs· ill', of 'LIma, Mr: Joseph Hawke and as ahown In the table below. will earn his shure of the market!lble Bcenis beauty by obnoxious billboards duy night and Fri. d ~ with Mr. and Mr. J. L. Sears, and family, of Sa. The result will be the amount of products that eome from his 80ii. hos met quick rosponse at the hands MM!. C. S. Tucker and family. na and Mr. CHfford Sims, of Spring the adjusted/service certificate. of all shrewd advertise.... who senae Mr. · and Mrs.' Herbert Fite, oC Valley. '" •••••• pl.1 the fact that. one of the most potent Washington C. H., were ' week·end . The ' Clark siBters entertained to a . Age at d.te of 18IIue, 2'7. AMERICAN OPTIMISM elemente.in advortising ill that of Iruests e f Mr. ' and Mrs. Frank WII· ,shower a number of Lytle friends Home lervlce, 1'76 da)!•. This 18 an hour for American op· good.wUl. Aon . ,''''IlLL,rOIiV afternoon in honor of Miss Ovurseaa service, 110 days. timi8m. Never before In eur nation· Thousands of billboards hove been Mi ssel trma, El1fis 'and Bess Shida· ,Leona McGinnis, who will soon be· One hundred and IIOventy·l\ve al history hl1ll there been 'a better aband.oned and unles. all signs fail, mlnua 60, times ,I, equals $115. ker, of Dayton, were home for Me· Icome the bride of Dr. Hall of Way. bllllis for confidence and hape among othens are to follow. The rCflult will One' • hundred Brnll ten time8 $1.25 morlal Day and rentIYncd over the esville. Many beautiful presents Americana. In an hour of world· create favor in the eyes of all nature week-end . ¥ere received by tho bride elect. equa\ll ,\37.60. widp storm and .t treJll our nation lovel'l\,. but also it will demonstrate AdjuBted service j:redit, $252.50. J. T. Gray, brothers and . families, 1 As a bolt of lightning from a stands, Btrong and secure as the Rock to the billboard users the fact that 2.632- !actor at age of 27. of Gibraltar. Actually and relatlve- the only real seiling power is to be entertained with a barn dance Thurs. clear sky came the news to Lytle ,262.60 service credit multiplie,d b)' day evening. A 'iarge crowd enjoyed 1aat Friday of the sudden death of 11, n"t1qnal pro.perit,. lltanda at the found in ·the newspaper, persistently ~heir hOlpitality. . . 'Mrs. Frank Smith. In company with usa .q~1a $6a@.3~. , bigbeat point In. all our hiato17. hi and intelligen~ used. It ill the.neM {,Ut,as IB LlMI adjusted \ Mr. a.,nd Mrs .. . Cecil E. Kirk and her husband, Bon and Mrs. Frank all the annala of mankind no nation of. trade , I PII.tered on a billboard Certificate. baa evilr reached so envil.ble II posi· di,flguring the hlgh~, it becomet ifillB- Kirmuth; of Toledo, were week- Rogen had gone to spend the ~r· To co••• ,. ,oar 100......;. tlon In ditrused prosperity, Intelli· u offensive as it i. Ineffective to the end guests of Mr. ~nd Mrs. R. H. poon .with Mr. Frank Heckathorn. Ih. ,.ble ~f f .c,ora •• to ••• ncar Miamillburg, who .is very m 'a t Jetrrie8 lind Bon, Kirk. trader. . crence · or opportunity. Nowhere, • • ., cen.piled 10, th. V.tera.'. Clenn Gray aDd family, of Dayton, this time, and while there dropped of all, has the level of life been so Bar•••. ciame down Thursday and spent the dead at his bedside. Funeral serhigh, the chance for individual ad· MI\!·jaet()r Ace.factor vices were held at Lytle church Mon· ... <it. . vallc~ ment as general, t\;le gate;wa~ rl!st of the week wi~h his father, J. T. day .afternoon attended by a large . 2~'2.1i'1i 43- 2.439 About per cent of accId¥bts. to achievement so broadly open for Qray and otber relatives. 21- 2.644 44- 2.420 concourse of relatives and friends. lilly railroad a)1tboritie8, oocur in day· '. the ovornge man or woman 11111 In I Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker and' Interment in Middle Run cemetery. IN PARTITION 22- 2.642 46- 2.413 light; 63 per .cent .. t cro8lli.ngs ~""te this • republic ot OUl'll at this mo· -.l-.-daughters and W. R. Crihfield spent 2:1 ~2.640 46-2.398 .., P\lRI)V"It ~ WHO " the view is entirely open and at piac. S. C. Phillips ment. Memorial Day and the week-end in Case No. es with which th~ driver is entiilely ·24- 2.53!! 41- 2.881 ' IIACI( ~ ~LIa Under the inspiration of the noble vs. Kentucky with relatives. •• MOLPlH' ~LIIIt . c: ..U8 · 26- 2.637 48- 2.86t Charles F. Phillips, et III ~ 18147 '" ') fam iliar: It'$dlti~n 8 of our mighty republic, .4aH6 .... 20-2.686 49- 2.345 l Our community was saddened last By vlrtlle of an order of sale, duly dedicated from tho beginning to tho . ... ,.c: ..... Ht..I .\ h' Thursday evening by news of the 2'7- 2.61l2 5G-2.S24 ',t f ~ j • issued from said Court, in the ubove highCflt national Jdeals, under the Experimenten at Colombus " llndto 28-2.530 '. 61- 2.302 death of Mrs. Martha Davis, ot the stated case, lind to me direc te d, I will of Institutions the wiscst protection Wellman neighborhood. 29- 2.527 52-2.279 Miss Mary Collett is home for the offer for sole, by way of public auc· t hut to matoes on land trcated . with i· and most beneflcent ever established tion, on the premises in Waynesville, ucid phosphate withstand frost bet30-2.624 63-2.25 ~ Mr. and Mn. A. B. Collett and 80n, sum.mer. Warren County, Ohio, on . without fear o.r envy of men, ter thun those on untreated land, ~ . 31- 2.521 ~4-2.228 Pl\ul Turncr, of Cunton, was honte Robert, attended' on Tuesday, tbe nadons, with boundless oppor· 32-2.517 56-!-2.201 1I0ND~Y, 16TH DAY OF A. ""edding of Mr. R,~ bert Collet~ and over the week-end. tunil-y in reae)! 01 every ~a~ aEd t 33-.2.518 66-2.172 A. W. Turner and family spent At 2 iI'Flock p. m, 8\:aJ1dard time, on · afi811 Kathr)'ll Stout.. of Dayton. woman, boy, or girl, poueSling the Baid day, the following described real 3.4-2:509 67~2. US Decoration Day in Mechanicsburg. The Jonah's Run Baptist SUllday. ability and energy and Industry to FOR OVER 40 YEARS , 86-2.504 68-2.113 Dr. and Mrs. Estep• .of Cincinnati, eslote, *o.wit: SClloo!. will presel)t "The Golden Cen· FIRST PARCEL-JlouBe and lot. H~'B CA1:A.RRH"' l.ll!l'OlCINEl .baa take pouesslon of hili birthright as an 36-2.498 69-2.082 Situate; in the Village of Waynes. been, lIjIed 811~c .. rull, II • .tbo Irca nt . tury Ga,den" as th.~ir Children's Day were guests of friendB here Friday; American c~n. 'l'hy shoul~ '!, .ot 31!..;-2.492 60-2:060 Forreat Smith, of ColumbtlB, wal ville, County of Warren and State of .o~:·CATA.RRH ' Kfl;:1:hcI..~ E \,(,D' propam" Sunday eyening. June 8, •• ~PfffJUl~ \. hop,~uf,,,,,,ople, a guest of· relatives here lut week. Ohio, being a part of Lot No. three allOt of o.n Ointment whl'h Q liiilY 38-1.~~ . :' 6J.:;'1~Ii~-: 1 Mrs. Ida Howe was given a ilkufl'~) ,Witbi'Co~rq.",~ con· (3) In Wobash Squar~ _ ancl hounded R elle" •• . b)' 1~! Ip)l caUOu. an ' Uto ' Ollr band furnished mUlic for the and 39-2#/8 ' i2,-l~ >P ' delcribed as follb.,8': Beginning lllt"IfalIM~Wlll'i.'. · ~nlc. whIch t. . _ ant surprise SundllY evening when ",~14melewthe hl,he .. le .. l of IIfe ...... a .. G-UflO. OS....:.J.9~4 · Memorial Day services in Port Wi!· tl!roulh tho 8100d on lh e Mu " OUS r· at t he nort IICUS t corner 0 f a I0 t , f or· taees, thUB re4ui&ln thO Inno.mmntl Blo..d . B... 'Opl.... the following ,guests arrived to reo Ila)1l, Friday afternoon. .. 1-2.tGO • 6C:-=-U~!i. merl~ owned by William Rogers, and Bol<l' b,811' d 8t•. "WI' .Iect Dadle" tb. ollie. PHt, her of her blir thday: Mr. ,and 7', '1, 'ClI-fer! <\. ".Toledo. Ohl~ owned by th~ heirs of Ge'0'1t1Y _' The aged mother of George Evans 42-~.~g: ,8 &n .~9 the the bi ••• 1l job I. tb. I •• cl-that of loJl' I I· Fred Barlan, Mr. and MfII. W. il! vc~ iI,1 of pneumonia, with but Hendreson, on MaIn St., toence -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~~ - - --...: lh~ . north·west side of Main '1101-" I n, ' p~blie , and ·j Jrinte·u".ue. Ir...pi •• hi. Doae i .. hie ow. A. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clark, little hopes for her recovery. street. . 8Z. degree East 3·1 feet,J:-~~~~~~~~~~-:"'-: WEAKNESS OF OUR NAVY iI' ftlled with the lugubrious I --0-ltJr. and Mn. W. A . . Haines, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Abbott, of In· thence a L r'ight.. angell, wit£ "Main; AT ·THE 'VAUDEVILLE Mrs. A. S. Conett, Mr. and Mn. J. dinilBPolis, a,rc guests in the home St., and runni Waatritt~t.or;" 8eemlld l tb". Uaha r.. so. of the pJe~miahB and westwardly 204 feet She I14YS: "What is more Bad than H. Bogan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jor. of Mr. and -l\1rR. Tom HayaJip. wide,. thence with mersa\J1t oVepli.b,\ ·when .o",r J'e P0Jl." CJ:()ruc:lDlni ,of the chrpnic critics. of the alley, runII, .J dl I'F,tl\lc)W'j>ng the exal~on ,of the war !l m.an,without<a country!." Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Davia, Mr. and \ Mrs. 1:1. G. Curle8~ WIIS called to thirty.one (31) The eye ~Ig~t Specialist BIble oftl~~la wel'll.~~'Ppe, ~e" to. g~st ~eriOd and .L e dlBilfuu!slono of its im. . Then he SRYlI '(after pause and C. S. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs.. Ed l'tIadisonvllle, Saturday, by the IIInes.s' the' seriliatlonal 1118cl08ures showing WI D lIeTl,ders~~~>~8hWe'It-·lI!illin.n'e.er, t~h~:~ the almoet criminal ~ W4lllincR41'~f our' 'I\dla't e afle!m,!-th, a plA\gue of pes- Rmile): UA country withqat a man.'; MacFarland. Mn. (}all Gorden, Mrs. of her father: Mr. Curles.s Joined' 0 , ' ~, . \ Marietta Carpenu!r, Mrs. Emma her 011 Mo"doy. Henderson line eastwardly navy. Up to tppt till''''' lIP "one haa falien upon a people ! two hundred and four (204) feet to Lebanon. Ohio , AGILE ANCESTOR '. Clii\e, Mrs'. Laura Shldaker, G. M. d I I natural mcn~ atate is one The Stnlth family enjoyed a fam· the place of beginning. ..De6c~ibed .~ { , be In~." ~n. n'va ~ of. hopefulness and confidence and Mrs .. Sniff-"H9W far do they trace Eldwaa:ds. C. E. Le·vlcy, Missee Dor· ily dinner\ at the home of Mr.ond in Deed Re cordJ~·~~~~~~~~r-~~~~v_--lFil~~il[,r_t_~--------~~ The NaV)' Sec18.trY" • hq~ever, • their_ ..ADcestryY" , .. thy and Virginia Dllvis, Handett and aeareely returnlld . fro)n teUfiig. lOme whose rellllona for re!1lllinin&, in tha~ Mr•. H. H.\Smith, Sunday. Relatives 416, in the Ree/)rdel'll Office of War· . y, M. C: 1,A.c folb in ~ew ·Yorl{ tlti.t .jtateOf mind are manifold • • War , Mrs•. Sneed - "The great.grand. ["ucille Tucker, Alice and Edith Bo· were presel}t from Columbus, Spring. ren Coun t y, ,Ohio. Said lot faces on Main Street and I Id ill organic ilestruction- it 8preads the father, city bank eashier, was traced " ~an, Margaret Anne Gordon, Calli field and Dayton . . tl'e moat. beautiful 11l8ht ,t! ~e. wor plrit of destructlo~-and following a. far 88 Canada-then- all traces AfJldersoll, Robert Haley, Roy Clark, lies on the West side of said Street YOUR Miss Eleanor Haydock hod 8S her in said Village, the nearost Street waa the IIcrappla:jg of' a battlel1)ip lie_IJII ~ .I:AII " , Borland 'JaD\es Clil~e, Wm. and Carl guest,·last 'Week, Miss EIi:r:abeth Hav. on the North Intersecting said Mlli,n , .,~-~,~,-;,..-:,":.--:,....---;;rfi--~ fore he faced .tb. ~~ ~be natio;n: he World war the deatructlve IIpirt were lo.t.... ~. Bogan, Robert Collett, Harry and "I capital hus Bprea~ like ' a dr.p cohblgion i1nnd, .who has been teaching In Cal. Street is Millmi Street, the lleareat."\!'!'!!'!~~:~!!!;!'!!!!!!5!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!! Street on the South intersecting said I· . INFORMATION Har~ld Tucker and Hnrry Howe • • Then Ii' the twlnkllnr of an eye ilntil It h!>ld. In its grup the a:n lnds houn, Ala'. Shc was on her way to MJijn Street is High Street~ the I ~ we leam~ tliat .lt Was a eafe bet that <if millions hlld the .forwat d moving Furniture Salesmman - "Perhaps her home In MarYland • . Street ,Ulmber on the building ot IIl\id ,160,000,000 .",1U ~e l,llP.'n1 Wf ~1a.f-!!r ~ol\8truetlve . aplrit characteristic of you,wouid like to' ge~ twltl · beda." · , Mrs. James HaydOCk and Mrs. O. hal estate is No- -'- -, Main Stl.\ej!t. liP our naval arm. Spendln&, ten Americana from the beginning days Mi811 Johnson-uNo--Jlm an'd ' I ' H. McKay ente,rtained with a I?arcel Said real estr\te has been regularly O'E NTIST Milpraised under order of Ithe' Court timet one hundled an.d:Aft)'/riDUUoM the nation 'a mef\aceci. by artiftcin1git mar· shower, Thunday aftel'TJoon, tor.MI .. lit tne' 8 11m of TwentYrft.ve ., Hundred "iIl not ( pp~p~ . a)'J~m ~~ltt created ilhadows of . fellV, hatred, Emily Inwood, who is soon to become ($2600.00) Dollars and will not be And X-O-OR~PHIS .. .p' -'- 17 · relulted in leltvlnr. and even of despair. the bride of Mr. Warren Keater, ' ot .,14 for 1~8I![than two-third;! of said '1: Mr. and Mra. Elnerson Dill were appraised VillU S . ~ . Waynesville, ar"lnl' Itl. posaSble appeal .01 many politician I of PURDY'S PHILOS Ohio. Martin8vill.. , !!hoppers SattlrdaY. '. , P,M8 i. ~ 1i"'~e '~II~!, we Is to tile IIJlI~t of envy, hat· . Also by virtue of said order of sale Telephone 114, • l She never 'ha'd " rl!ason, of thia 10,caUty apent Dec&hat fm -and .AX and detraetlon:, Thelr objective ~lere1!1ild, I offer for Bale by wny That ho' "eo\Jl'd ·ulid~t8~. Day In various places. His reuons are IllI two grains of of PHblic. au~tio!'l , on . t~e . premises: Il'ollatlon the ~aV)' lIepartment II to' blame 1\ breakdown of't,be people'll fal~ OFFICE; HATBAWAY BL G~' It anBwered for everything . Mr•• and, ,Mrs. luael Scott enter- wheat hid , in two bUBhel1 of chaffi' ihi tile West side of t he Lebsnon ona our inat\t~tl9n~ . It· IB certain . And "answered mighty grand. ON MAIN STREET ,;' talned at ;, family. clim~er, Sunday. . you shall ' sllek all day fere )'1lU And- Wa)'lleavil\Jl Pike adjoining t he vii· j • I> • B.uch d1aeonteht m'!I1 break down \fqe"pf, WaY,l!\lsyU \e. in \Vurren C9 un • It'II· "on~er~lln~i~lon:., . ·I M~ •. Ed Cre, w , wino hu boen wotk. them; and when you ~ve them. tb~y . . beat of all IfOvernmente, but 'Ohio, Monany the 16Lh dny of TO ' hlde b\!hind a paUlej illJ In D.~on, ,111 "t. ~ome-for awhile. are not worth the Bearch.-Sbake· A. 1924 j! :30 o'cJock .here.la no·guarantee that in Ita place To shake hClf head in'll 'Bmile a~ .i. ! Mr. and Mrs. Enlleraon Dill enter. p~8rc. ~ " . I J " -.In'''ITInI .he malcontent delllNOguel and ' doc. ~t~. i ,~~~W~:~:~ onl' sai({ l1ay, you; · ~~a'.88y,_7"juli~.'caullC1.:' • fl Id!l.,>m!~'ed r!l~1 ¢8ta t~ : .tai~ a ,few relatiVll!s at dillnerl Su~- I \ .. ". ~~t~:r;~'j'.i~~~I';&~~1~~! trlna!res. w~1I build .. bet~r one. The Sltuatl) In --:~cWy• ., . .., ' " .,' '!I' , , Plan before you can . A canning , : people of . America. M~e thougbt the COlin· ~" and .. ¥ra. Albert , Marlatt ' are: budget wil\ enable you to put up of Ohio, mlelv.,B ~hrough· .many, " ·erilla. CO'()PERATIVE LIVE a ql"'f!~~h ;i~M1~~.f~}!t~\!,"ltI!-\i No.6, ..•. , STOCK ' A:!I':!ICJICIAT·.ON ·I ,ejolcing .. qv.er thei birtbr, of" a (Ion,' just aB ' nhidh as the famil)' w,JU Jleec~4~~!lg.~"",There never'~ 'ira a me In our his· Rivers, Wrn June let. of each ~t and vegetable. , tor)' whll It ·.q i~ore Importailt or In the 1. .r:,~ n"\l'Ql'I l~IIII~I, . of · X8nUi. rapent ~ ., !! ~merieanl 'to be' moncl' bY jud«ment the, 'ell~l)l\sh·' II' ~I~t\(l"i. parents. , ~r • . and ' A stltr ~Uar th.,t ·~rn;;,'Il.~(f"41t ~a~er .' ~, 8;'~ql~"II~,~\ll(eJll{ealtoek I~ " " . . . . TIle. of indlvld. Iii failure to ap· ~...~. .' and · o · 1D', Mirt:ua\. J.' UED EVERY WEDNE DAy
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Cost Less in Fence L;asts Longer
greatest V8Iue:'
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W. H.
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JUNE, 0,1924
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At Cuy' leN !lri' Sl,)P
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Wap...tU.. Ohio £2
~ll's.qr~. ' }o~a"I--Orndorft' nn d
LI'I! Hawk{' IIrc 611b1nlf at thu Raservbir .
\It'll,k "'r l' U ' ri:tl j) 'Y uurl W \ lp l "'4 11 .1 Jtu,· .. t, :li r. unrl ,11r,;. {\mol' 11",,11; hull. • Int·I·1I I'
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"f'll ,
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Mi8 Enllllli ~ieighwll Y is spending thc week wi tp Cr icnd6 in Ginci nnnU.
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Why an
ELECTRIC Ral'ge is best of all
Economical t he family of mud erate means. An Elect r ic Range i ~ a rell l econom y. It ~a , es foo d by better cooking, If''':> shrinkage and los8. It h old t h helit 80 t hat vel!et a bl l's boil .on low .c urrent a nd t h e !?v.en wi ll fin ish cooki ng mnny d ishes Wi t ho ut a ny electriCit y on a t all. T h i" snVC:i fue l expen. e. The El ectl'ic Ran ge acts as a seJ'va nt in t he small ' home by simplyfyi ng th cook ing. a nd OU l: Hpe cia l c.oo~ ing~rate ",111 h elp to keep yo ur mon t hly bi ll we ll \Vlthm the family budget. FOl'
NOW-For Summe r Comfort.. Let us inllt a)] a shining , new el<!ctric r ange. No oth er method of cooking keeps t h e kitch en so delightf ully ' cool. You owe yourself this lit tle va cation from wit hering heat. Come in and let us pr Qve t hat elect ric .<Icookery is ,correct cookery.
Mr. lind Mrs. Lloyd Davis and 80n spen t Sundny wit h ' r elati ves in Dny. in town ton.
k§~~ ST.
\\ hit uml ol', J un .tIl • 19 24. l . J . Dilkin, of Xenia, WlIS Church ~ ('hool lit fl :3 0 II. m •• MOTll ili g Rriduy. P rnyer Ilnd e,'nlOn a t 1Q:4 1';. R\,v. Mis!! Lillie Nedry is the gucNl of Mr, und Ml"l'. Roy Irons. o{ Iyde, Lew Morris and fllmily, of near Leb. J oh I J . Schaeffe r officilltinf( . I~vc .. y· bOlly i ~ co rdilllly invited ttl ott end I hio , were l"ridoy viRitors h reo nnOIl. theso ~ c rvic es. Mr. Carl Henderson nnd family Mrs. I-:Iorence J ohnson, of Spri ng. were IYayton visitors lost week. METHODIST CKURCK field, attended Memor ial services her e Sabbath School, 9 :16 U. m.; preach. FrIday. Messrs Elias Oglesbee nnd M. D. ini at 10 :3 0 a. m. Wednesday evenBni rd were ia Eaton, Ohio, Sunday. Mr. Stanley SelieI'M, of Lebanon, ing s rvice ut 7 :3 0 p. m. Epwort.h was Ii business visitor in town last [.enl:ue 6 :46 p. m. Preaching al 7 :BP . MCRSrs. J ohn Squires and James Wednesday. p. ill. Everybody is cordially ill'lt,~ d K(!rricK were Xe nia visitors Thursto t hese services. i dny. Rev. L . A. WlI!!hburn, Pastor. Born- To Mr. 811d Mrs. Rellry Mr. J oa. Murr.ay. of Co lu mb u ~ , Is W ~st(l rm a n, Thursday. May 22 . l 024, vi iting his sister , Mr . Wm. Zell a nd a dnul:hter. . fllm lly. CHRISTIAN CKURCH
The Leba non High Schoo l ' comPrellching se rvic e~ at the OhrisEvMessl'll. Edward Burton n'HI Virgil mcneement too k plnee Illst We,ln eR. tian church Sunday morning. eryb od y co; dilllly invited. Retallick were Sunday vi~ilors in day evenin~. Cincinnati. Mllny out·ot· town form er residents Mn, Gra ce McCune, ot Lima, spent were here MClll ori,,1 Dny ullo nding C. C. Cook haR a large electric sign the week-end with hoI' mothl! r, Mrs. the services. in frollt of his plnee of bu sinc"s. ,Eva Miller.
Refinish your Floors and 'F urniture with Chi-Namel
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Milton Thompson. Isadore Bloch. 0'; Spring Va lley. This is Chi-Name! week HI-NAME L Varnishes Mr, J . B. Chapman and fllm ily, ot of Maso n, ~pe llt the week-e nd herll was u business visitor here Mondny. Cincinnati, spent the week-end here with relati ves. are waterproof, HeeIat our store. ' with relatives. You nrc cordially invited proof and Hammerproof Mrs. L. A. Zimmermnn lind Mrs, to come and see us demODbecause they are made with Mr. \lnd Mr~ . Cliff Ridge, of Co- N I~o n King wer o Dayton visitors strate the remarkable qual. China Wood Oil-treated lumbus, were unclay visitors with SlIturd.a y. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartsock and Mr. and Mrs . Mahl nn Ridge. by the secret Chi-Namd I ities ~f Chi-Namel Fmilba. Priceel at '110 to tsoo f amily, of Milford, spent Friduy here process. Th o Waynesville Pre mier Blind wi t.h rela tiv<¥'. Warren Cleave r, of Michi gan, WIlS will ha ve its concert on Thursdny of cruled hero on account ot the death this week insteud of Friday. Mr. und Mrs. J. J. SeillOld and of his sister, Mrs. Martha Davis. family, of Middletown, were MemoSave your old carpets and rug" rial Day visii tors here. The Misses Lulu and Anna Vander- and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. 'I' • • •• voort, of Wilmington, attended the Send for price list. Franklin Rug 29 Street , Xenia, Ohio Mrs. Anno Carboy alld ch ildren, of Memorial services here Friday. Co" Franklin, Ohio. Hoopeston, Ill., '~ e the guests ot Mr. L_-=~"'w-=I:lA:~~~~#:$::AlItc:¥~~fNoC!CloQ:Ii~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::~~'" and Mrs. Frank H. Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman a nd Mr. and Mrs. H. Prugh and daughter, Miss Gertie, of Dayton, spent (runily and Mrs. Ruth Daugh erty and Miss Mildred Hartsoc:k, of Milford, the week-end with relatives h're: danghter, Miss Slella, Ilpcnt Frl~ay THE TRI STATE PRICE wru. the guost of Mn. Edith Harris afternoon )Vith friends in Dayton. a nd family over Sunday. FOR BUTTERFAT IS .. Mr. J. O. Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane B8W "Able's Irish Mr. .nd Mrs. L. - A. Zimmerman Miss Gladys Kilbon, who hOB just Rose," in Dayton, Friday evening. und tamily with their house guest, re turned from the South, Is Hpendlng Ewer, Shipement i. Guaranteeel Allain.t Lo.. or Damalle iD Tra •• Mrs. Nelson King, of Indianapolis, a few days here with fdends. Harry Humphreys, of Middletown, motored to LebaJ;lon Sunday after.it. Cheek Mailed SallIe Day Cre am Arri ~••. made this olllce a call FrIday, all he noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ja&. E. McClure and attended the services at the cemetery. ,Master George Edwards spent &eVRegular communication Waynes. eral daya at the Re&ervolr last 'Week. Dr. A. J . McCoi and family, of vllle Lodge F. &: A. M. 'Tuesday Washington C. n., were the weeK·end avenlng, June 10, at 7 :30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. J. Stephens' and guests of Mr. an.d ~rs. Emmor Baily. Membel'll and visiting brethren urged two lIonl. of Oincinnati, were week· to be present. " end visltol'll ' of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. N. P. BI:att and son, Robert, Pace. left tod'ny for a week's visit with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Graham, of Blatt's parentll at Newcomerstown, O. Route 6, entertianed on Sunday, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock' arand Mrs. Clarence Allen and Bon. Mr. rived home Monday morning, after Meaal'8. Donald Hendenon and Carl and Mra. George Gilliland, and Mr. spending three weeks in Washington Osborn, of Debanon, spent Sunday and Mrs. Ralph Lewis, of Dayton. TRIMMED HATS FOR WOMEN aDel juat lauDeD. Someone has given &:arefuJ D. C., visiting relatives. with Mr. Carl iHende1'8on and fam· CHILDREN AT LESS THAN HALF ......doG 10 ....... furoishinp, hangings aod decoily. ", St. Mary's guild will meet . with PRICE. ANOTHER COLLECTION Dr. Charles ~lis and d a ug~ter, Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Mosher 011 OF 5 DOZ HATS ' AT .i.oo. a. tiDts have much to do of Dan'(ilIe, III, spent a couJl!1e of . Miss Helen Murlatt is in Cincinnati Thursday afternoon, June 6th, at 2 . ia ......... .fbat homelike etmosphere. And for days last week, the guest of Mrs. this week to ~hend an Alumni cel- o'clock. This is on important meet, tbia ~ there is ootbing just like Hanna's Mary . Adams, of the Friends Home. ebration of the' Cincinnati Training ing and a full attendance I, desired. LiqUid tiaoid. . school. a.ljMede in e Variety of smooth ·satiny tints-it Mr. and Mrs. N. A. King, of In.Mr and Mrs. Gail Russum and Goo. , makes Poaible the fulfilmeot of any color scheme. dinnupoHs, were the guests of , Mr. Mi811 Minnie Illuke ,of DaytOn, and Marks, of Dayton, members of An-I-------.-JII.IJ:~~~F. .y_-=;l1". ---+~~~~~~LJ~~~l~M;~~ft~~~~~atl~~cnfcffigo,spent Ubch Shrine, were among' those who a,a-.'.u,.M L. A• . Zimmerman and family Memor~l Day 'In WayneSVille visit.- left Dayton Saturday eve,nlng to at""rieU~ . - ..",. eIII . the past week. ing friends. I.end the big National meeting at Kanla I 10 Ra& City • Mr. and M1'8. W. H. Allen enter· , - -Messrs. Edwal'd Burton and Ethan • tanied at dinner Saturday evening, t.'rane were in' Wilmington Friday, MI:. 'J . O. Cartwright went to Rich~I".".Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, of Cin- ntendlng the ball gam'e at Wilming- mond, Ind., Sunday and spent the cinnati, Miss Henrietta McKin!leY and ton college. day with . friends. M1'8. CartwrigHt Mr. J. B. Pence nnd daughters accompanied him to Mr. and Ml'II. Kenneth Ridge and their home. after spending a week M. N. DouglasB, the Spring Valley daughter, of Grand Rapids, Mich., in Indianapolis. real eBtate man, h811 lold another spent part of last week, and this with far m. He hae 80ld the Bud Shaw relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Emmor Baily had 'a8 ~arm to Mr. Wright, of Dayton. Mr. their gUI!~ts at dinner Sunday, Dr. Wright will take pOlllleSllon· at once. Mrs. Laura Sidee arrived home Sat- A. J. McCoy ~nd fnmily, of WlIshHARD .water il entire!;. jjaurday evening 'from the hospital at ington C. fl., and Mr. and Mn. Em. satisfactory.for your home. Xenia. She has been hRjving trouble mor Baily and daughter, of Leba. Duro SOFTENED wafer non. with her eyes.
The 'Dayton Power 'and Light Co.
HARDWARE; HARNF.ss ahd FARM MA~HINERY Waynesville, .Ohio
The Tri State Butter Co. Cincinnati, Ohio . .' ,
Semi-Annual Dollar Day
. tID ·aDt
........ tlkrn;"".... ~~.u
Thursday, June 12
13'7 Green. St
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XerJ ·
..... . UN.V • • SAL
Baok· to Nature
S~ ....er
The enJoyment you'll get out of a Ford touring car this summer, is another good reUOD why you should no loncer postpone buying. .
Yau. your famUy and friends can benefit by pleaant tripe at minimumC08t-evening drive8t week-
end acursioDs or a long tour on your vacation. Buy a -Ford. if you want a car that is always
reJiab1e..simple to handle, needs almost no cate, and carries you at lowest
Mrs. Stanley M. .Sellers, of Leba. Mr. and ,Mn. J. C. Hawke and Dr. and Mn. Rolph Vance, of Ple1iRant anon, left last Thursday for CaliforPlain, spent the ;~eek-cnd at the Res. nia, where she will attend the Nationervoir flshnig. al Federation of Women's clubs, and w 'veraLweeks visiting her Mr. and Mrs, ChaR. Zimmerman daughter. and Mn. Thad Zimmerman, of Pharr, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McMakin and Texasl were vlsiti.ng friends in Lebanon la8t week . son, Billy, of Detriot, Mich., arrived here lallt week for II vlalt with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Tholl)as, of Day- Viola, Carey and daughter, Miss Alice. ton, "pent the week-end with their Mrs. McMakin and son will remain pnrents, Mr. l1nd ,Mrs. Ed Thomas and here for some time family, of R·ou'te. Mrs. Rol Rissinger, who bu· bee II Mr. and M1'II. Harry Smart, Mles spending . 80me weeks with her .par- ' Grnce Smart, Mrs. Winston Ricks and ents" Mr. and Mra. Eli811 Oglesbee, MiSB Hessey, ol~ Cincinnati, spent left, ' Sunday for Eaton. Ohio,. lijIe will visit the.r e fo!-, a week then go;,~ Memorial Day helrc. her home in Cart¥a. ~ Harold Mills, 1\ former student in Mr. and 'Mrs. ~11l SCh.u ler a~d-f~lft our 8chools, left 31&1t week for Cleve. land, where h. has accepted a posi. ily, of Wa,Ynesville, e~tertalnedd, on Decoration ,l;>ay. MJ'.: !l~d Ml'II. arl tlon ·in t~e' po.toffice in that city. Fisher and son, ~tn,ar, Of Hamll~n, Mr. and ,Mrs. O. M. Robltzer enter- and M.a. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson, tained at dinner Saturday evening, and daughter, Audrey. ,, r: Mr. and Mra. E. v. Barnba.rt, of Cln; Ml'II. ~therlne ' Casey and dnugh~ cinnati, and Mr. J. 0 Cartwright. ter, Gertrude, entertained on DecoraMI~ Ida GlUtens,' of Day,ton, and atlon Day, Mrs. Glenn Finfrock and Mrs. Vernle ' ''eUy, of Springdeld, . 1100 Gerald, ~r& Ray Deal and chri'dwere week-end visitors ot lin. Mary ren, of Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed Caskey and her mother, Mn. Antram. Method and children apd Irma Scars, of RidgeVille. . ,I Mr. and Mrs. Carl 'Fishet and 80n, 'Mr. and Mrs. JOllah ' Davis and Lamar, ,from Hllmllten, have been spending' the weel, with IIr. and Mn: ftunUy :were llUiiprUed f\unday witG' a ' " Arthur AtklnllOn and' daulfhter ' Au. crowd coming In with well-filled as-' dray; kets, Mr;' alld Ml'II. Elmer Stingley -. ,. altd lIOn,' Mr, and Ml'ii RObert PoW\ln Mr. and Mra. ' Arthur Atlelnion 'en- of Wlfmlngtqn,·lrIr. ahd Mn. 'Howlrd tertalned , on Sunday Mr. and Ml'II: Hurley, of New BurUnarwn• .' ' t.\ . • J.: , '. .' ~" l C!lrl F;isher and son, ,Lamar~ of Hall)'• I. " , ' .. Uton, and Mr. and Mr..', Will Schuler, !4r. and Mrs. J. ,E. Janne, and tam" .' Uy. arrived llo'1l,,'l'Om DelAnd. .FIa:. t ,~ l'';Ie8day ,,,ornJ~ whire thai ~v.· ~! ~ . ...... . ' been lpendin&' Uie winter. .r. and , Josiah vavlit and eU& ......, bee8 tMe~ w1dle ~ 'T -~"""7 ente~ne~ Mrs. Lee 0..-;. FraDc. erOlhd In eo~ ·. ~oy Fu~n<'~ .a~d daugliter, of ~ 'y ear, TINt lanna,. falalli ..... :tea... Mr, Ed ~fi of: bayton, Mr. notlJlCle that thq lIN VU7 ,lad to be Ill'll. Howard Hurley,.., of Ne.· I
, ... , ; l !~ . ~ ." ~.'" I·"~'",\'or., : .
The TourIn, Car
-2'95 R 0. B. Derro'(,
............., .....
~"'_w. IU ••
W aynesYilJe ~otor CO,~
"1'II1I.~Il, dd III', .Ild Kn,.u.bi
I."-~ ad"fai~. DU . , . . .
at....... ' ,
. ..... ........... Iii ... . . --r-
~=:::;;a;-I is ~ot oo1y ' CLEAN ad . PURE as your city water. but is aJso IDEAL for WASHING, BATHING, LAUNDERING.
COOKING,a~dD~~N:~~~------~~~ \
DURO SOtteaer
' Wa~e ..
Seventy-Sixth Year
Fa rm Bureau.Men "
At Stock Show
OBITUARY " God calls our' loved onos, yet we lose not wholly What He hna given; They live in deed and thought as As in His heaven. "
Whole Numb er 5593
Visited By Big RainStorm
It is a beautifu l thought that the Christia n influence of such lives 08 that of our dea.r one goes on in the ,-lives of otbers. Mrs. Martha Edna Davis"t he eld. MeRsrs. M. A. Cornell, S. S. Ellis. est daughte r of Wm. and Mary Sears Chas. Michene r, Ernest Butterw orth. As a super-cl imax to a long rainy Cleaver . was born October ' 11 ; 1864. Elmer Shachun and sons, ChAa. Ellis senson. Woynesville had on Tues· in the house in which she di ed . May ElIo8 Oglos bee, Fred Gons, Lyman da y the hardest min storm of its his20. 1024, at tho age of 69j. years. 7 I3l1ver ond Roscoe Furnas were among tory. acco rding , to old timers. The months and 18 days. In ~~i ~ same the thirty-e ight farmers of Warren ~torm broke just before noon and for hou se she was married to George Do· Couuty who motored to Washin gton a hnlf an hour poured its wrath ~nd vis, July 24, 18E14, lind to th'e'm were C. H. Friday ,June 0 to attend ,Live. the sewers and g utters couid not car· born three children . With' the ex· stock day. , ry off th e wa~er tha t w¥ rUBhing to ception of a few years, she h'as spent The trip was worked up by County By reaso n of recent prosecu tions Tell Food Club leaders of Warren the lowlands. NOI·th 8treet was like a Lust Sunday uftern()on the three her life near thl~ home of her child· Agent ClaM and Farm Bureau offi· brought in the Juvenil e The Wllyne Townsh ip schoo l bonrd Court which County conferr ed in t he County river. li S the sewers could not corry lodges- -Kni ghts of Pythias , 1 0 , 0, at t heir last meetin"" electcd hood . ,cta,la In c~'\lperatlon with tho Agri· havo attracte d the public's a teuch. attentio n Fllrm Bureau office, Friday, Juno 6 cultural College Extensi on Special. to this Court's activitie s, She united wi.th the Beech Grove F. and the J O. U. A. M.- met lit er fur the cou,'"C of vocation al IIgri. of f the wllter fast enough. Great the reporte r with Mrs. Gladys Chambers" Nutri· ist, 80 n9 to bring the latest expcri. has gleaned the f ollowing Free Baptist c:hurch when quite the Odd fellows hull. an d marchcd to cu lt ure in accordllnce wit.h th e Smith. holes were wushed at this corner 08 facts: tion Speciali st! of the Ohio State Uni· well 08 young and was 11 faithful worker at the Mjami cemeter y, there to have Hughes law. mentnl ovldenc e and Informa tion By th e provisiun s of st reet.. lit all the corners of MaIn Judge Boxwell officiated 08 first versity. a program direct to ~he cattle e,nd hog feeders Juven ile Judge of Warren mlll all tim es. IIlso to deeorate Often, in the recent this luw the Sta le pays one·half the years, Coullty, The meeting was arrange d by Mis. At Phillips corner, thp w'¥er rail of Southw estern Ohio. t he outlool< was dark and die. graves of their deceRued mem bers. teuc her's salary und $300 on equip. Ohio. on May 16, 1908, and continu ed Alta Kizer. the loclil Home Agent. into the door of their store, coverin g . There WIl: n sml\lI crowd present. ment. After th e course The t otal attenda nce was estimnte d as such Judge until Februar couragi ng and it seemed that the is fully or the floor. y 8, JOIS who assisted in giving out valuable Cellan were filled full on owing. pCl'h"ps, to wea ther co nditions orga nized it will consist at 4000, several tlmel more than during which period there of the fol- Main street were 04 informa tion. Mrs . Chllmbe rs sbowed Sunday School would Ii~ve to be giv. and in many places the for the afterno on was very threaten · lowi ng .' en up, she continu ed to eome, saying, antlclp'I ted • ;Practica lly every Coun- cases of record. the leaders how to test the j ~rs and deluge came into business rooms. Ing. i y of central Ohio and sounthw estern "I never expect to leave Freshm en and Sophom ore claBBes, the work Judge Wrig ht first officiated as Ju· ru bbers. By means of Bcore cards The ball park was entirely covered Aftcr arr iving ot t~ e cemeter y, the odd yeo rs. Ani mal Hu sbandry ()hio wal represented by a good venile Judge on Septem ; even ber 2, 1018, she iIIustrut ed the judging of muf· here,' and when the Friends joined d elegatio n. forces in helping build up the King· meeting was called to order by the years. Fnrm Cr ops lind Hortic ulture; witb water fro m the creek that runs from which period to June I, 1924, fins, of yeast breads, and of canned dam of the The small houses in this there have been 686 cases of record, fruits a nd vegtable Lord, it brought great chairma n. Mr. Geo. D. !\fills, who Junior and Senior classes, odd years, near it. s. . vicinity were submerg ed, the water I happine88 C~UI. .....1 HOI' E"hibite d presided . to her. in addition to many cases investi· She Agricul loved the tural meso Engin eering, even yean coverin g the fioors The leaders present of th e various several inches. After the sin ging of America by Soi ls and Farm lIfunage Ahout ,'70 cattle And 126 hogs wero gated and disposed of withou' sages Mrs. Murr'a y brought to the ment. Due Br idges and culverts t becom· clubs were Mllrie Benham , and Es. sufl'ered too, th e entire asse people ellhibite d In' the Fayotte County Llvo· ing matten of record mblage, Rev. L , A. to the fact that the course is ' just and was always r eady to join -the major ther Corwin represen ting the Nonll' and the township trustees were busy Washb urn stock Shippin g yards. The exhibit portion of tlto eourt's invoked her the voice Divine in prayer bless· and beginni testimo ng, all stud ents will probahl y WI ny. and probatio~ ble Food Club, of Lebllnon, Mrs. F .. tho afternoo n putting up danger ing on t he meeting , include d over, six lots of steers and officer'. work being with tia,ke Animul Husbun dry the ftrst cases not I. Lutes, the Sun shine Food Club, of She taught the Primary class ¥d will signs and getting thinlfll in llhape. A quartet, composed of Messrs. year. be sadly missed by the little ones she a1!6ul fartY '~na of hOIfll w,dch hnd of record. Mason, Miss Iren e Harbaug h, of N. . Several bridges were washed away baeh' tiaed In expel'1mental tests at The Ladies Aid society has Walter Elzey . Frllllk Farr Thoa. In addition to the above subject . The Juvenile Court \legan the ju- R. G. Food Club, of Clearcre ek Twp. loved. furthur down the line on the rail. Pierce the WooatOJ' 'atat.lon during tho past rlsdlctio n of Mothers nnd Elmer Rogers. sang year's work in furm shop will be road, Pensions in Mrs. Walter Dellrdor f, the Polly Anna alao lost a valued member . We who and the' trains \Vere all late. "Lead winter. Abovc ' each pen the Station April,1 014. From tbat Kindly Light," a:iter a.ttende whi d Childre ch given n's in Day the SophoJrlore year. services time to June Food Club, of Frllnklin , Mrs. Sarah Ail far as ean ' be ascertai ned, the Rev Washbu rn was introdu ced . ieadors had pOlted Ilirge signs beat- I , 1024, applicat ions have Each year the boys taking thlll been ~on· Shatl'er, tho Eureka. Food Club, of will rememb er her happlneB8 . ln the da,mage will ' be eo~lde~blo, espec. ing the sumarla ed stateme nt showing aidred, involvin g 420 Rev. Washbu rn exe t rcises ook os Bnd his onl~r text, a few course da~ will before each ha ve a home.8u bject lally to children . By Carlisle , Mrs. C. J. Worley and Miss the, eo"n'ty. FilHII&' tile holee "And t he rock that was refused by and will receive one an the feeds consum ed, costi, and gains the proper adminis tration d ono.fou rth and J;uts 'ln town of the Alice Cook, of Fosters, Mrs. Grace her death, ahe s poke of plans for this wu bepn t hi8 mol" year. the etc. Two grouPl, each consisti ng of Mother 'l Pension fund, 250 builders , becam e t he headsto ne credi ts toward high school I gradua· nlng, and it will take Hveral children Washin gton Twp., and Mrs. Wilbur of u n yearling ateer. were shown In '; have bllen saved trom teama ~he temple. " He spoke We can fo r truthful more tion. ly say, "She hath Five credits can thus be lie· hecomln g In. Elliott, of Hamilto n Twp. .compar ison of corn, com 8i1oge, and mates 'of the Childre n's done what sh e could." No worthy than 11 half hour on the building of ,I cured in four years and another credo some time to ,repair .the damage . home. Miss Alte Kizer. Home Demons tra· hay. Ono lot received clover hay, call came to her that was fllo t reo a life, and took four stones for his In the crimina l juri8dic tion of th e t io n Agent, assisted Mrs. will be given in farm shop. W. F. Moss foundat ion. First, the st{)ne of per· Thunqa y evenh:>g witnells ed a while till! other wan given soybean Juvenile court, a large This is the course which all schools amount of and Mrs, Lura Brown In organiz ing sponded to-no r equest that was un· sonal freedom ~\ Second. the stono of in agr iculture commu very beavy ra n~1 'and storm, In l)Dy. Tile resultll were almost equal; fines hIryI been ~ollccto answere d. The.' question , "Can you nities should d; in one year t he Merr y Worker s Cothlng Club at lII/owlng that loybeon hay help'" was alwaYIl answere d affirma. charact er. Third, the stone of the have a nd Wayn e Townsh ip is to be which water and wirid ,was a &'I'9at prac-' alone, that of 1921, $8,165.00 In t he home of Mrs. Moss In Mainville, tively-m brotherh tlcally aR good I I clover. Four ad.. fines was pllid into the ood of man. Fourth. The congrut ulated for obtainin g the flrst factor. At places north and ea.et 'l\ny tlmE's, no douht, at the Gounty treas- \\I onday aftern oon, June2. stone of the brother hood of SilvioI' one t o bo estab lished ldiUonal lots were IlI4Id to ahow the urers office by reason expense of her hE.alth. in Warren of Wa),nes ville, the storm was at Ita of cases in· worst. In Da:vt:on, the rainfall wu ' relatl"e econom y In teeding calves, stituted by Harryet C. Is it strange that her name is reo kind. His remarks were to the point Counly. Wright, the ycarling a and two·yea r olda. A probotio n officer. corded in so mlmy organiz ations? and if a man folowed his plan of The instruct or, who has been 8e· 2.6 inches, and other ·towns had quite :standar d eorn belt ration of com, ' ' She was a member of the W. C. T. U. building his life, he will not muteria l· cured to take charge of tbis work, Is as much. Mrs. Harriet C. Wright WIIS first At Xenia not ' only tile rain hut the 011 meal, clover bay, and corn silage appoipt ed ProbRtl on officer and loved thll work, conside ring tbis Iyerr. All present felt the ImpreB8- Mr. J. B. Crabbe, who has a farm on De· \vlll ueed: Tho caJves pl'oved to be cember 2. 191 8, at $66.00 per month. the greates t ol'ganiz atlon for the up· iveness of his words. near Washin gton C. H. Mr . Crabbe wind did conside rable dalilap . The Little Miami got ou t its banks, and Followi ng the sermon the quartet Is a graduat e of the Ohio the IIIOtJt eeonem lcal produce rs. lift of humani ty. She wilt'be mlB8ed Decemb er SI , 1914, her pay was State Agrl· ThllSa returne d a net gain of in local and coun~y work. She held sang, "Till We Meet Again," cultural Ilollege, lind has taught' by 4 oclock Friday afternoo n there ral8e d to $60.00 per month. October Afte.r this selection the commit tee school in N evada, South Dakota was ~,ter over, the avenue hub dee • 42; eac,h of the ye¥lIng a "turne d 1,191 9, her PI\Y ~he office of sec.r etary in the county. WI\S raisod to $126 .• and for decorat ing the graves assigned Minneso ta. He has also While not much of ,the bottom land J8.76 over their feed eosts, whllo the 00 by rell80I'I or the increas She was a member of the Ea.tern taken work ed juris· two year olds ' only $'7.~S. JUIOtl.er".diction of the Juvenil e Having rounded out twenty. flve Star, Pythian Sisters, the local and the differen t lodges , their proper po· ,at the Iowa Stnte collego. We feel bas heen cultholt ed, yet, what little , court, which 1rJ'0Up of ten yearllllll were fed lIOy. Is tho salal')' paid at of \success ful hiatory, the Mia· county Grange and! the Civic League. 81tlons, and the ~ves of their de- certain that his work here will be a there has be~m -will-pr obably have to the ' Valley Chautau qua this yeer Last Bummer they remodel ed their parted bretbren were solemnl y deeo· 8UCCel8, for the County A,gric\lltural be gone over again. beana U a luhstltu to tor 011 meal, time. i1lted. The Premie r balld, 'which was which proved 10811 efficient. A few agent, the Farm Bureau and Grange In qualifyi ng for her present posl· starts on the second quarter of an ac· home and she looked forward to en. The K. of P. lodge lost four of have all pledged their co.opera gl,v lng a eoneert that ' evening , ' had other anlmais wero shown to demon. tion 'a8 Chlof Probatio The date for !:aining children , grandch ildren and tion. n officer, she tlvo and useful life. their member s last IItra~ the value of mlneral e in beef was examine d by the year, the while 1024 some Assemb friends, The ly for lire lIuperin everyo July tendent and the achool played 'about ' ope.lial f of Ita repJr. 26 to ne was welcom e State Civil Ser· cattle teedlnlr . board are to be commen ded for tek· toire, when they had to stop,'oWlljii' vice comml88ion under a Democr atic August 10. In those eigHteen doys in their home. Mrs. Davis' health of the lodges lost one or more. _ _ _••__ • Ing ,t his forward step for this will to th ~ dow1lfall !Jf the rain, , ' •" :, Ab!lut twent.y .tour lots of hogl! ndminis tration ¥d received the grade patrons will have an opportu nity ~ did not permit her I~ enjoy this home were exhibite d to iIIustnlt e the rela. of 83 per cent, 70 per heer place our school on a par with the , Th~ local pltcllfo ,k, fisherrne n.., some very of long, the but whlat of our earthly very best talent cent being CLASS HELD A REUNION it is possible to 0 btriin. )jest centrali zed schools in the state, the neiglllio~hood had a fiDe'time flah. tive econom y of feeding differen t pusslng mark. homes when we have the promise of a P'8ln combin ations by hl\nd, In com. Plans Superin,t endent Bla£t will be glsd Ing the •bayous I and iniets for for the home assembl "eterna y havo l in the heavens ," if we been She was appoint ed under Sectio and seve1'4l large fish were' taken. The cla88 of '2 1 held its annual to oxplain the course to parlBon to t~e ' ~me mixture s self- 1662 of ·the General Code going on for months, accept it and and a prepare g~eat our lives those who of Ohio, f ed, .nd to emphallize the lmporta nce which III interpre ted as are interest deal tor fo ed. it work has reunion been Friday accompl evening ised. , June 6, In being man· , i ' of mlneral l and vtamlnell to provent datory in appoint ing ... at lea8t one Tohe grounds are' in ideal shape and , Sbe leaves to mourn her IOB9, her the form of a campfir e supper given 1ed to a lfl'Oup of , pilfll wel,hln g 51 woman probatio n ollicer. many cottages have been .burnlshed hUBband, two sisters, Mrs. Annie War· in honor of one of Its member s, Mr. WANT £D-'-PI ANO PUPILS Under pounds at beginni ng o'f experim ent this s~ction, when she was appqinte li. by new puint and a general clean· wick and Mrs. Elizabe th Grimes, of Howard Whitacre, who is leaving sono produce d 100 pounds gain . at t he tho court ~ authorll!Cd to pay as ing up. All is in readlnc8 8 for the Marshfi eld, Orog., one brother , War. for the west. The evening was an · Mrs. J(atheri ne Henders on Turnj)r hundreds 'of tente l'll who will sp,el)d ren Cleaver" of DetrOit, two sons,' Joe enjoyab lo one and many jokes and will take lowest 'eoat, .. '6.'72 per lOO · pound~. high aa ~ 3 :000. 00 tllis pi~no pupils Saturda ys, at yea,. a part or al\ of the senson in this at· and Glenn, and wives, one daughte r, remhiisc ences of high school days the homo With this, the hogs also had ·~r.ee ac· of f. B. Henders on, on •trActive and c1nsl\ic spot. 'J ' , .Mrs. Mary Mannon and husband , and were recalled and lived over again . Third street. Address !lire. Barry USB' to· a mlneral .mlxt;ur e eonailth lg ,, Probllbly the most widely known nine grandch ildren, who were very A goodly numb er was present to wish Turner, of two varta flnely grourut'limesLone, 2,6 Emmet St., Dayton, Ohio, Froin the 'Cei ina Standar d, Celina, person on the pl'ogrllm is Madam dear to her. She ' was 80 proud of Howard a pleasan t an d succB8Sful two partll fine steamed llano meal and or Mrs. F. B. Henders on, Waynes · \c.uwu ...." .e read in 'the 8eele~ -...,.-Louise Homer, world famous control. lhem, .and so patien"';'p.,.ever too tiusy journey . eoillmil 0110 par~ aolt. SevernI ' BOY beaD by. ville, Ohio. On SabbRth -night at· 7 :30, In the to, w~1 hcnrd \ of an event at' which the engagem ent - - - - -... ••- - - - - > . in a s pecial con- to attend to their WB,n1/l, and we too , product .. wero eompar ed, In ' IIlmilar , ' - - -... - ••- - Waynes ville M ~. church, the Rev. cert on Su nday of . Miss Mai-y Ber~ice Hawick of afternoo n, August a81t our Heaven ly I~athor to answer t.esl8, hut all proved to be ' le88 effi, ,I.. A. Washbu rn will give another 10. She Truths nnd roses h~ve t horns ahout place, lind Mr. Holme~ Stoops, of Says Sam : County will picnics the undoubt prayers would. edly attract a of this motho!: aud grand. them.-P .clent than lho tonlm(:e. Hilwever Sermon roverba of Spain. Lecture on. his trip to the a very Inr~o crowd not seem natural wi thout orators ami Wert, was annoupc ed. The 'eel' of -music lovers, mother, that all ,mall be .an 'unbrok en In tholr hand feedlllg oxperlm ents, lory Lalld. The special topic will be from mallY and ants. elDony. was to havo b9En perform ed town ond cities in Miami family in Christ'8 Kingdo~ , ' 0110 lot of pigs given 1\ soybean by. "Jel'l&llllleml" M'n . Frank LeMay Valley. JUl)e 12. I ; JProfluct In combina tion of corn and w1\l sing I. C.M. ' ~l1ho Holy City." The pubOf Mi88 Hawick, It lI!id, "Misa BoS8mh Wilmer will agnin be on the mineral a produce d at lL v().ry slight lic Is cOl,'di$lI y invited t;o a·ttend. wick, who looked exee!kilngl:y pretty, IlrogrUm with her wonderf ul preBen· C.I'CI of 1·........ ' doer IIP.e be~ea~1l thnt of corn and we,a ring 4 tasteful ', blu!! gown 'upon tntlon of i'Thc Sign of the Cross." ,tanluige . We deJri:'(! to express our sincere her announc ement party night, fo.!. Other fl'no attroctlo ns will be ogered . lowing her officient' service for the not, come in eompeti tion of the dairy on this year's program . The officers thanks to a)1 triend,s and nelghtb ors A T"elr Fe" for the ,kindness and sympath y ahown herd, 'by.prod ucts. post several years ,as ci~ libra~ ~ and dltector s of the IU!sombly are in our late bereave ment. Also to about, to aS8ume new duties and Dew cxt~emely anxious , through an In· cluJ., Salol ~t A"etlon IUld reilltive s' tor the beautifu l respons ibilities as she goes aw,y from cr cused Roason ticket sole, to wipo out tributes.. Mr. 0. ° G. Wilihims, Directo r of 811 indebted neRs Incurred her girlhood bome to brighte n . and becnuse of G. W. DAVIS AND FAMILY . Experi" lcnt" I!tati~n, prO!lented ' quite flood losses In 1918 bless the home of a most fortuna te' an array of figures compar ing North ~~.-----resident of V¥ Wert." , .: 1 ----~"".-----Dnkbia and ;Wlsconao{l. ', North DR' The groom, son of ' Mr. lind Mrs. CELEB RATED SIL'VER WEDDING kota, he stated hu 'the' 1ellllt number Jas. Stoops, Ilf yan W\lrt, has mMY of IIveitoc k per " acre and the 10\V. fri!)nds in Waynes ville hiB boyhood , est ~rOp 7ields of all ltate8 In. tho bome, who will bo ' pleased to l\ear'of · unlciyl, while WlaconBon at imila at the his marriag e. ., " '. _ _ _ _ _•• _ ..._ . . . . - '_ _ _ • I other extrel'n.e. ' North - Dakota hall' t 'II " As announc ed in thesq columna, .1'7 l\nlta of livj\a~oek' pe1-" one thou· Robert W. Brown, of Leban' .. . o n, Is a IillleltOlII' ,' CI'OP'.aC rel, and 'hel,'.llvo rage' aero ClIIndidiaie lor ' Represe ntaUve to the aro 2G .hu: 'c!bm. '2 8, bu. of oats egiBlaturo from Warnin County In and 'J:O ,bu•.• of 'Wllcon loD Republjc'ap PrilnB;", of A\1gu~t baa ' 8~& anita pel' one 12. , Mr. Brown III a grandso n of the p~,du'cllllan Inte'· S~th W. Brown al1d I. a great -/la~, ' of ,our (ormer eltii en, 10el
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'The Miami Caaette, Wayne • .ille. Ohio
- ,'- ......_--- -;
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w ,...J lt llth ('l i..... ' 1 • ' II OUl .cO Livellloek produ cer IIf lermQnl Justi n Tlnruil1/'. l' I·' run kltl' t ,'/11 llif! . l\lun ty urI.' the IIrKt in Ohio to u~c 1\ 8 6 II (';t~rl i(latQ r,w H('p l··,'. rnllll h ·{' l ' ! uniform in tli,.idu.: I IlInrkf!Ling llgrt)cthe Lel"l'-1I liTe • • lib ) ' \'l ( ., th e l{ cl'u iJ· ment "'" th e bl\~ n ' of t hell' co·ope1'llliclln P" jlJl"! Y, A UIl\l~ l I:: . J \I~ l. ~ liI' " H"l'lltu "k marketin g. Th.' <-Il:'re(J· 1Il1'n l . ou tll,,\ ,,!: th e I'Oh,tion of the ". IU'I' aULhnl'iz,' d to 111\1. tll"C' J11'"d u ~cl' to hl ~ C(l,o pC'rULi\'Q u ~~ ocia thnt ..,b"rt \\ . Brown . u prlle- :Iion for' a pCl'iod of Lhl'f!e years . wus tici!\l!~ attorn ey of L bllnon , and ,presented to producer~ of that county mceti nl!'" he ld t hllrl) veterAn of tha ~ odd Will', is ~ ca.ldi . lit a scri s date for r cprl'sent4ltive to lhe general there last week. assembly from W a rJ' ~ n Co un ty in The contract Was npprovt'c1 by 11 the Republican P rima r y of August 11lI'ge mujority of pr oduc (> rs Ilt lhe 12. 102 4. me~til1!!, nccnrdin!! to D~pcw Head, '~ . ,,~ \\' ho is directing the work of prellc nt· We nrc nu r thorizpd to anno unce ing the O!:'I'l'l'!IlCnt (or t he Ohio Live-: E. J . n ocdle, of 'nioll township, os ~ t oc k Co.ope~ li ve ngsoci!lt ion an d a candidate for ounty Commiss- Ohio FArm Buri'llu fede rution. More ione r, subject to the Re publican Pri· thsn flO p.. r cenl of the livestock me n mary. Au g ust 12, 1!1:!4. u wh om th e ngreement Will! prese nt ed _ __ ___ • Ilgreed 10 use co-operative chan nels d uring the term of the agr ee ment. . CAMP KNOX TRAININC The agrf!c ment Is being used to stArt co·opertive livestock marketing Wayne township youths wh o Care in IeI'm on! county, and as a bU lIis to take advantage of the ili~cn' ~ of ussuring vo lume to ~ proposed training cnmp at Camp Kn ox this farmer owned commission finn on t he s um mer, must have t he ir applicat ions ineinnati market. Brown, Hamil· btltore th o 20th of Jun e. This lon, Wllrren und oiher counties in camp is open to a ll youn g men be- that section of the state, will tak e tween lhe ages of 17 lind 24 years. up th e same plan within the n ext f ew The tl'ain lng is exce ll nt and it weeks. ------_•• _______ makes a real vacation in addition to the fact that lhe me n are g}ven r egu lar a rmy pay durinp: the 30 days the eamp lasts.
_____ CZL.-
Th o fil'K t 'Ind finll l n~on u ll t ul It,I," 1t11/:"lI1li n, .'lWI·WtJ·is f th u C~ · t->llll " f Th(.>\,(\or· II !tcmlln. Ilocells· j'cI wu ~ ·:l\lprllvcd . Th(l !irKI lin d Ilnlll i.ccllun l of !til. moml E. :-;",!r k, orimi nlsll'lI tor of Ih ' l'~ I :,t " o f l~m'l1n C''''!1lIo• • til"
c C.J ~ cd .
When l he automobile arrived, old-fashioned carriages , VietorilUl, broughams, ete., became worthl088 here, and a m a rket wall found for them in South America wbere they did not give up horses and carriages 80 easily . Lately tbe Amorlcan problem bas been "how to get rid of 8000ndband a utomob ilos ." Europe It leems, will hel p solve that prob\cm.
W:I'" :\I'IH'O \'l'ti . f;" sl a n,1 li md
.. r III thp c.~ ~e (If H. R. l .lw",,·k k "'. Ru 'm"n,1 E. ~PU'· ·:I . ad !lI ini, t r:l uor G,'(\('" . ' I Cillll1l111 "'<lu t . dill.. th,· tlf th.. ,. '1'. p .,r M : r )' .J. \\,illia m", [ll ni n! if\' \\' U 5 o ru el'erl to I'C""l' el' dl· .·(k U ~c d . WU;". UPPl'l)\ l'll. $4.4 tiil.5!! lind i ll t C I' ~ s t O il $., ~{j7 .ilu TIll' will "f \v illinll! ~1. T h(l IllI'SI)(I, fl'om A I))'i I 7, J U24, III the rutE' of deceu<ed. \\''''' ,,,Imill ed !II Probate . (J !Je r cent. It wu s fllrth er orde r£'d Th tl11l~ C. ('hl iHli<' Wll ~ lI Pilni ntl'il I.hnt Ih,· der .. ,ul>lnl s hil l! rllcei ~'e 11 e x ecuto J' l l f tlw l· ~ tl\t(•. to , ( ', EI1 I Il :-t~ ('r~tlit I. f ,2 · 7 . ~ 4 111111 inte!'e ~ t from 0: S. IIi)!)!in' lind ('. II. Yri ll nR' \\'~I'~ Sept. 1, lU23. app ointed uP\ll'ai s cl'~ . Ell .. Bl'IlIll, wid ow ,'f tIll' lut .. L. PROBATE COURT A. Bl'hm, e\l'dec! to lakr und" I' lhl' C{'rtain ~:.t cs in the eslllte of I;'rn nk will. Smith .
tI~c cn~cri ,
\\' (' l'C
ll.ppruvetl .
lI ~ '· IIL:llt
zoo YEARS haarlem oll ' has ' been ~ a world-.
wide remedy for kidney. liver and bladder disorders, rheurnatiarn. lumbago w1d uric acid conditlonL
cP!!~ LAPS1.JLL"""
COlTect internal trouble&, atimuJate vital organs. Three aizC'S. All druUllto. 10li0t on the orl&inal llicnulne GOLD Muu.
F:vprv nhr id j('I'IlII'n t o f 1\ good hook '. Chris lif', l·Xl'l.~ lItHr of i~ II l" l"llPid nhri u j:'C' I1l(lIll.- ProvcrlJs tl'" I's lll te of :'Iln1'i"" f:. GI'O'alhiluRe. ( I r j·' ra th' l' . I I (>C l'H :-lC <i, fil('d hi ~ fil' :-: ( a t'co unt. Thol11H fO
l'hl' COll1't furth er ord crtJd t hC' ~ n l (' • f cl' rtnin other slorks belonging 10 the ('stil l .... CO!'l'in e C. HIllil', lIdm inisi ml ri x ('ud li l'('" .,il i. g,.",1 fcor leg weak· The wil l o f JHml'H 11 . SWohn, dl' - of t he cstnte IO f i:>IIIllU I . l'. rt lll·k. wd ~ fileti f ll l' Probn tl'. dt'CCUSl'd. file d il(,1' fl l"t lI nrl flnll l " l'H~ in dd l' k, . ~ 1I11 ~ hilll' lII8 0 hel ps. The will of Mat ti e Moon . dl'ceasetl. ""CU\l1I1. FIi" M It n' lilth with willl('~. ':; 1111' 1 WU ~ filed fo r Probate. Th'l' will of Mllttic Non!! , d" cc'usl'll, The fourth aceuun! Iff V .. 11 II M . wn~ .admittt' tI to I'rn ha t e . M l l1ll if' .. al'i )' and , ,,,"t hn,·d. Be Hn l:tt, ~uul'ljian of t tw l' ."' l It ,· pt Tcmplin Wll.~ nppo inted ('xeuctrix l,r A company. formed to 8h1p seeHo wzlI'd L. B e n n ett. l'l ul. , m iuu l :.;" tho ~. !atc. · ond-hllnd cars 10 Europe lends ovor bargains by the shipload. wn !'- up prll\"l' d. Wllidron . Ciilmllur. n<lminis trnIdoney 18 not ,~ s ~l e.n tl!ul thera as EXPERT I{ODAK 'I he tir~l II C(,O Ull t uf Cli lrllrd a nd to r of Ih.. e ~ ta t o of Hobe rt Gilnlllur. It ie here. The 'usoo car," at a LtJ,li(> Smi th aUlllinis trA!ol" Iff Ihc Film FinitihinJ! d ece n~e d, til cI hi. ~ lIl c bill. wh ic h whittled down prke, I. ftttrncUve. e.5t. lt t ' or S U:iHIl S mith, tic cl'a :-:<: o, wa~ ul'rol'ell. Unloading of used cars abroad Ilnd Oevelf)ping "m be a good thing for Europer 11'11 ' "pproved . W'. F-l'I1nk Ro.e ll , ndmin istrntor of by parcel POlS !. which needs economy and a gooo 'J he cll'vent h IICC,\Ullt or II. D. th e cstn ll' (I f I\1tll'Y A. Mich"'H'r. cI u. thin~ for the United ~tatell, wh ere QII:ll it~· wo rk At 0 .,wing. No Mr \ ·ay. ,'X COlllor of t he "" I:ltC ot cCII.ed, fil ed his inven t ory lind up. mllhons need "a bigger or better JI1hldll'ma ll. Dco l Direct. Service AI"" z,, " : l s:; ~dY I d eccuH;c d , \\.u; HI ' . pruiMe m ent', tar." "L '" tho mui ls. All ~ ix os , devel)ru \ pd. The coun issued a commi.sin n t o f" opitW Ilnd pl'illlinr: • . jO r~lI t ~ , uxeept The Senate Agrlcullura l ComHelll. J os. Brnnt to tllke th e dl' posi- vest po~kot8 , <.If> c c nl ~. Write for InMoths a,nd cedar chests don't dis- mittee, 1l to /) vot~ against tio n of W. S. Gray, u witne"s to the forlllatio n or send money to Ford's Muscle Shoals offer and each other as much os tradition like .{'lew J arse), nom aeprec1at1ons . were look up Senat{'r Norris's bill. wi ll of Ja3. 11. t.J ohn, decease d. " Pl)8riDI 111 alUldr7 oew.papena. BJ' wou ld have u s believe. Senators that reCused Ford's Mr. GI'I1 Y r('s id es outs ide th .. jurill' From the Federal Departme nt of offer nrc hurting farmers and hurt- , a colllmittee Oil Investigation diction or t h(' locnl cou rt. from congna. The),. left _to Agriculture come in formnti on that In« thomst!lveB. Bot that doesn't 306 Relbold BId,., Th e motion of the defe ndan t ror . - Waabl~on bad: done "Iell while the odor of r ed cedar will kill eon. ole Ford, who must now find hi ll cOMolatlon In the 1o&0th Psalm. n ne w lrilll in th e CU"e of th e Sta te "rm~ aUv8, ! anll that he the newly hatched moth larvie, it will help "or a tanto 'p litt of It not in terfere witb the development Verse :1 Is espoc\ nlly recommended: of Ohio ' ••. Mar y Shilling, wos ov"Put not YClur trullt In prlnce8, , e rru led. . 6f 'cOId ~1I.d I ht1~er. of the oldef worms, nor wilt it kill nor in the 80n of man, In whom 6n a flevere ' CIa, In Mareh the eggs. These precautions arc tilore Is no hel·p." M. C. Dl'8ke IVa. appointed admin J 'Wublnllbft .ent fOr Ita "JrofII. I isn-ator of the estate of Mary E The unreliatille son ot man In' this needed, if the red cedar chest is to <fJ'IIo ·~t -foend ttie ,.en_I IdttlDf callO seems to bo Mr. Coolidge. Thompson , decelt"cd. Bond $ 15000 .Ione by the ftreslde In bll oCftce which be effective: Wm. Evan., Harry Coyno and Har Clothing to be stored in the chest Chlorlno ' gllli that wiped ont bat-11.1''' ~ PI~ ~ a llUali tar!llJlOUle. I Be ry E. Cowan were fl,Ppo inted al' ; 'tallons In the great war, will be Ceme .. t --It is not ncc Home-made must first be brushed or. beaten thor..am. • eotd ,I"ne~. . ·.f bell!!" ('ss nry to buy cement. A very good. prnisl'l'lI. bread without ,butter. - J~ek oughly ,and then given a sun bath, :uaed on a blglrer :,!rale of destruotion aralrutt ~ . of infiuenu, ret,a=.ed from Pbtladelpbta one may be made by following th is! this proceS8 i8 thorough, the lar- ' ~eum01ita, and other dlsC8lH!f1. ad hl8' llft iii a epl', s impl e recip'e : Mix some plo"ter 0 will be brushed (rom ' the cloth- That'. a better war. MARRIACE LICENSES .adventUre lib demna -ate r. ing, or else killed by exposure to the Paris with the white of an egg to MONEY LOANED Charles E. 'Maxfield, 23, laborer . !!lIIIllaety" chabc '" New York de· the co ns ist e ncy of cream. This i s un. aeberil iI'rose lind ' __ent ' 't o bll dde te .us~d their vlsitorA' I\lIt Lebnn on. and MIss Mary Ellen li S good as any prepared cement an With such treatment, the special- d~rlng the Democratic convention. al1\! ' returned 'WIth sealed leltel'll u good den l rho'a per. . I 19, housework, Harveysburg. ists 8ay, any box will do as we ll a,j '1'bla III IlretJulllllbly' to. oblllfe mem,WNEY LOA~En ON LIVE TOCX, la 'hill band imd g 1<1 : Wil bur L. Swink, 22, printer, •• • chnU elR, nl.o secon d m ortg~ "(:Olonel', . I hue a task 'fol' JOu. 1 a. red cedar chest, provided it is as ben that OCI!aIdona11y dream poUt!. Miss Edythe Elvira Brnuhnm, 21 , Noll'S lr llll$!bl. .rohn Harbine, ·ADen After CI .."nina Clothel --Vcry of-. ' Il"~ it to no UlBD In whom It bad tightly made, and provided the garcal dreaml, Ol~ their own 'account, I elerk. Both of Franklin. Rui lding , Xl'll ln, Ohio. utmOllt confidenc:e. '. You have ments are liberally /sprinkled ,vith but WOul(t' DOt IItke·w push the thIng ten aftel' cean ing c lothos wi th gllS-. 110 far as w "'lnnta thoae political a ' respite from till ha rdshIps nllPhthlllene flak es when they are (Iline a ring \\ill be left. This may: chapa .to one's own club, don't )'OU • I.e removed by stellming over n tea-I at thll . anD),. Here I, ., put in the box. REAL EST ATE TRANSFERS know.!' We IMNIlly have an Ameritwo letten. With them J If no chest or box is avoililble, gar- can 'rlatocracy,- a poor UllIIg, but keltle. Clifl'nr d Smit h, et 01., to to rna ke your wa)' to .'ranee me nts can be pro tected from moths our own. •• Farllle rs of Wurren lind udjoinin~ u possible and tum over the by w rapping them in paper wilh lin d J Mep hine Smilh. Aboul Ma ki ng a V".e--A pretty vase or co un lieR mlly ohtai n n\Oney on long to Fi'nnklla The doc tor Ie ll(· rc. in Gr,·uno ap d Warren cou The Methodiate, with "(rOin g for· flow I' contniner may be mAde from ft .... u,nn ...,'I.' 'Of bl!lp. 'Put your serv- nap htha lene. fl akes, a f ter a thoroug~ _rd" for their. kO~Qta. vote 6 to lime 10lln ·. ut G'. per cent intereat. Th e paper 1 In their geDEtW con'ference to 11ft lI.n old bo ttl o. That so nnds strange, lie". $4800. he. 'dIIPosa1. ' A ' ehlp " 'Ill be cleaning and brus hing Cost ()( secll ri n~ Lho ;",me is very reaOphe lia Grllh:t1l1 to Emnnuel the IIan on dances and theatres. tioes n'l it--but it'. ' 90. First, auto. ·~on 011 me 14th. A,ooCl should be sealed to exclud e a ll mo ths: sonab le ,tbroll~ h The Federal Land 1I'he old rule .... DO amusement rute a cord in either kerose ne or tur. HlIllie Beck. Lot in Frllnklin . .Q.,. ...>._~.... bllel1 prodded; your rout, Balik . l'o\, furl her in fo rm a rion call Thorpe to Sylvan S. "exoept thoill ' w hlch can be used In ~ou wlll .n~d ' to start pe ntine and lie aroung th e neck of on 01' nddrcs M. C. DRAKE, T reasthe name of tIl,e Lord Jesus." Now 85 .68 acres in Wayne n90D. men ~r . tile ftrst amuaement aDel religion can be kept tho bottle a t t'he ·place yo u wish to cut ur('[, Jlhon e 3 1G·X , Le llllllon , Ohio. ten daJ I t,IIere 'wm be fresh separate, as' educatTon and r eligion it off. Then light the two ends of the t~blllll, . :rwlI ,hundred Ilre separate III public schools. the cord and turn Uie bQlru!LlJ~~!!lLh,lHiiiIT/irnffi~TriI(:rcim:rcieK"'j'iw:-l WANTED Cbarllll H. Il<ta;yo, great lurgeonl that the heat may be even ly d is- $1. Third ond lastly, \Ilun e }favjng been urged by my f riend!!: Mr' cancer will be conquerea tributed. Harry A. Cook to Charles and ...ltliln " a few yean_" Already into cold water and the neck will to become a canditate for the offie Cl ara B. Snell, 2 lots In Lebn~on. WOO L-WE ARE NOW TAKING) MVeotJ weighty per cent 01. canbreak off evenly. County Treallurer, and nfter con in wool at our warehouse in . Cor-. C8l'II can be cured "t.f tabn In $1. sideration of' the faet that the pres : Ume." Remember that ov_t• • Martha S. Bailey to Yzetta Mer. win, and will pay the hig hest CAsbi ent incumbent hall had ·f o ur term The' Crater---After grating either III one of the prlDclpal ~I'!r' price. W. J. Baker, Corwin, Ob'io_ Lot in Leba non o. $1. all a County Officer and is a candi at cancer. KeeP'}'OII1' ·"'tem~'~t, lemonll or cheese, a very stiff-bristled cer.Izetta tf Mercer t o Murtha S. Baildatil for lit fifth term, I have decided brush will thoroughly cleanse the in Lebanon. U. ley. 2 lots grllter til become a candidate and respect- I taQk It. Pearl PAge to Mnjor J. Brack. FOR SALE fully solicit your support for my· Ovei-IoiIdea; It le ·helpless. • Lot in Franklin. $ I. ..-......:.candidacy, for the office of Treasurer Candl" Creal" on Linen--Candle MilS' GlliterIl\~e, dean of Bill'- g rease may be removod from any lin.- , Ml\ior J. Brock to Wm. S. Smith, of Warren County, 8ubject to the Lot in Franklin . $1 . Fon SALB-nard College, teus the Jrlrls that Republican Primary. JlIU'rlqe Is . I)ot ENOUGH !or e n article by pllttin g a blotter und er F r nn k M. Sec to Wm. S. Melampy. &·foot Champio.. Mo .... r If eiected, I pledge m yse lf to ec- womeli now. .E ach girl nll18t have lhe piece and using a warm iron. Let 147.G5 acres in Turtlecreek Twp. $1. Dee,in. Ha, Tedder onomieaiJy and to efficiently a dminis- a career\. a8 well 8S a husband. the iro n stand on the moterial long Arthur T. Long t o E lla Show_ A... erica .. Clo".r Baac••r What .S S· CIlreer 1 Beethoven's ter the affairs of .that office. always Job was music. Michel Angelo's enough to melt all the g rease, which Trac t in Hurlon Twp. $200. a,,8 Hoolier Dioc Drill keeping in mind the best interests wal art. Did not their mothers will be absorbed by' the blotter.. 12s7 P.oria D·i... Drill . cif the people of this county. tia're a career, when thoy created • • • .. Enlna." Cutter witla BlowRo CII"t L. Blackbura. them? Or nI:ust tbey also paint Clothe._pin. -- Clothes·pins which COMMISSIONERS PROCEED1NCS er Pipe compl"te plcaaru and write music' Ie not Ule cnawr &I, great as the thing h~ve been boiled in salt water wiu Bills allowed: O. S. Higgin8, se rEconoml' Ki •• Separator keep t he clothes from sticking to t he c~tedf Blue 8.11 S.puator lIIlothll1'll artl tho c:reawrs, men lines in co ld wcnther. Add a tea- vices a s secretary Soldier'e Reliof I Auto Tralle•. are !!DIy the prodllCt, depending spoon of salt t o a quart of wate r in Committee, $3 0.00 ; H. E . Dilatush, Inquire of FRED M. COLE, Harness, ior their lame on ' what their inquest body of Ewd. Suncliff, $7boiling. 20; Division State Charities, sup- .Hardwafe and Farm M'i\chlnery. Owing to the death of my wife, l ' mothers give ,them. j25 port of two crippled children, '46.Gl; Wayn08villo, Ohio. have decided to discontinue faqning, It would boJTity )'ou to read John Kell Post G. A. R., Memorial and will sell my entire per50nal-Prop-~ about a leDtal,) gorilla capturing a FOR SAL E--Good grade of Tank-. Day <allowance, . $26.00; 'Columbus erty at public a\lct!on, on the H~ '· 'M.! yoUIIi' girl, skinning ber, w U8e the age, Ilt the HarVeysburg FerliliUlr Blank Bo'o k Co.: supplies for clerk, Co. Clark farm, in Lytle, on : aIdn 88 aandals. That never haptt pened. But European ladles are $46.00; !lame, supplies for auditor, Saturdal', Jaa. 14, "124 · ha..mg 8andalq mado of tho "80it $4 .00 ; W. H. Stanage Co., supplies For Sale--Mule. Hog one yeaI"' Beginint at I ,.p. m., and consisting and pliable" skin 01 monkeys, !rllllr1\1lteed not to "squeak!' In a gor. for auditor, $40.25: Bobbs.Merrill old, Poland China. John Beach, R. of the following chattels: lila that would shock us. It's all do., supplies, $20.00; Dayton Blank R.2. One horse, 3 COW8, fanning IIlIple. rlirbt lor a lady. Book Co., supplies for s urveyor, (To be co~tinued) ments, grain a nd househol!1, :go0!is. ~4.~~--$4 .50; Stukaltn Mfg. Co., s upplies, For Sole--Spolted Poland China Hog Rebocca Weat, an intelligent Terms made kn own on day..,q! sale: u young English wrlter~ back In Lonfor recorder, $1.76; Western Star, lind J ersey cattlc_ K~ E. Thompson, Fifteen new crop diseases appearFRANK B • . SMITH. don, ·telll 61 a fudlJO an' the Middle legal ~otice8, $11.60; Ed. LibeBcap, Or.egonia, Ohio. R. R. 1 ,Box .1 0a. A. A. McNeil, Auct. ed in America during 1922. Weat ''wbo danced the tango with inspection of contract No. 783. FOn SAL~White Leghorn Pullola. pa..lon rarely exhibited In public Help )'OUJ' .tomaell (0 $32,00; Gem City Blue Print and plllc.J.. And al!terward gave me a 12 wec.k s old. Prices reduced on get rid of pol,onous plea wonderful cocll:tall made of a brand Supply Co., blue prints, $2.56; custom hatehlng to $2.00 (or 10!) and fermenting food,. THE 'T.RI STATE PRICE of wblte · fit:e ()ut of. II ! .lIver flask Staknltn Mfg. Co ., supplies for surMalter that catarrhal Howard ·Pla.ce, Franklin, Ohio. the Ilze of the Ascot Cup." ~dition of the ,4lgeadYe veyor, $8.86; Le banon Lumber Co., Phone 246J jll • t.t his invitutlon lIbe aat on the FOR BUnERFAT 15 tract witb the rellled, 20 onk stakes, $1.20; S. C. Cutler, bench with him next day and ssw wIdell baa proved ftl 11Mbtm line a .colored I.d,., eeventy- . bridge repair, $10.15 ; Chester Cut- FOR SALE-Registered Jersey bull fuJn".. over a fu1t baU /lv. ieaU o!l!,!:: for eattylng a froni the Stokes Dairy farm, ceDtury. ler, same, $8.76; C. W. Pylell, E .....,. Sltipm_t ' ll Gaa..,..at~ed A.al •• t Lo.I '" Damal. ·la Traawnt bottle '01 Onehlne~hlek"f' one and a fine breeder. Inhauling stone, etc., $2.00; Ohio CorShe p'retlenta t- t.1 a pie 01 PE-RUeNA lit. CIt.eI, Mailed Sa":'. Dal' Cr. ain ·Arrl.... ' rugated Culvert Co., !I. corrugated quire of H. O. Cornell, R. D. I, WaJour' r"peet for law." v A SpIeadId Taalo 11sewer, $50.40; 'Cropper-Kinney Auto nesville, near Ferry ____ • • 4. . .-~ Supply 3 screw-jacks, $8.44; PAINT--f2.60 a gallon, ' except. "I do considElr that music is all StuaboW Queen City Sand and Stone Co., 8 red anil green paint. Gu~ranSold fBftr,whirt the pleasure ·I live for In the world, cars crushed 8tone,$342.65; Herwhite lead paint. Inquire ' of' and the greatest I .can ever expoctin . ., schel F. James, labor, repairs Bnd P. E, Kenrick. Waynesvllle, Ohio: the best of my Iife ! --Samuel PepYI. parts for county trucks, .$435.07. au_S.,. I':''''' -_ • ~4.
W. F. Coats
-.... . .". '.. 'If"
...... 1\"'.
Farnlers, Attention!
t.w ·~.~~·:tUl~e11:::Ntb~ a~
Public Sales
The Tn 'St8;t, ,· B'1Ifte.. \·, ~O. Cinci6ti,il; " Olii~
,....... '........
CORM .. 1
The Miami a._etta, W.,.... YlUe, Ohio
one ~Inp-tl 'Il~ leglll motiol1, that seem, d..,signed ~ Ind u)wIlY~ relldy to keep scoundr els' irom their deserts. . The 1 S E I EVI,;lty WEDNE SDAY jury of coa,rse. m'ust pass on the .m llrElitered at the [lo~t.ollic at Wnyncsv ill.l" 0 _, ns S~co1\ d Clllss Mail Matter it>! of this ea3C. but. 8Q far 'u the pub.! lie i$ ' conce\!n ed, no mntter whethei l D. L. CRANE , Editor and Puhli.:h.... Waynes ville, Ohio. the crime be pronoijn ccd thllt oi' coldblooded m:urrlcr or , tho Rct of abnorSubscri ptioll Pri 'c, ~ 1.r,O per ycn~. mnl monstro siti es, ' the country wiLl be best served by r idaing ·itsel! on~e !lnd for all time- llot ooce and for n--of such blots upon the hu- ' _:_ ",~ _. "",.====== ====;==o.=- man race. ----.~- - WEDNESDAY. JlJNE 11. 1924
G'r ea ter Str en gth ~n.d Lo nge r Life 'in thi8 . Ne w Fe nc e 'Po's t H
. Miss Velda, Lemon, of Clnci}mati~ Mr. and Mrs. Risler Graham have is lit home . n llCW Ford coupe. Mrs. Ethel Smi th 'sIlent WedncsMrs. William Long and Mrs. John,dhy in Wilmin gton. . ston Burso n were Dayton shoppe rs A number from here IIttended tbe Friday. funern l oI Mra. Martha Davia, MonMr. lind Mrs. Guy Routzah n and dny. daughte r were Tippeca n oe City vis\\Ir. and Mrs. Ch.na. GrllY and fam- itors Sunday. ,ily were shoppin g in Wilming ton, ERE is a new and better steel f~~ Misses Leona McGinn is and Cleo Mondny. post- the RED TOP DoUble StrenKLU Stncy were Dllyton visiturs on TuesThere will be Children 's Doy exer- day of Illst week. --' Studd ed T ee. No holes to weake n post either ciNes nt the M. E. (!hurch SundllY evMr. hti s Boytn ott, of Tippccllnoo above or below the groun d-pro ved strongening', .Tune 22 . City, is vi ~ itin g hi ~ 8islcr, Mrs. Guy er than all other posts afall points by severHenry Ford's all'cnt spent several Routzah n und family. est day~ tests. Fine new finish and sturdi er anin th~ vicinit.y in the interest \/IIOOL.Dtn' IT B& . A· 6R2"T A largo crowd Ilttcnd ed th e Chilof the railrond . chor plate. New staple that is stronger'and q.) worza.o' IF ·THe 'FEUOW6 dren's Day scr\'ice of Lytle Sunday W. B. Silvers is improvi ng' his prop- ~ chool, Sunday eve r.asier to apply_ WHO TM!N~ TtiEV KNOW r::on(:'r c~nli o nlll church. nin g. PRESID ENT COOLID GE Two sons erty by the addition of new ' window s MfR. Dor a McKirb y and children , have h l ~sse d the murriag e, John, the 'or A.~L COUl,P lind fres h pllint. of Dayton, arc now s tllying with her Ca lvin Coo lldJ:e who will uocloubt- ~ Ider, ~ radul\tln g lhis yenr from the' Lewrenc e Fellly, of Cincinn ati, was father, Mr. Frunk dly h~ lIominut('t1 ut Clevelan d liS the Merccrs bllr~, Pa., Acadaem y, while Smith. a week-en d visitor' of hi s parents, Mr. Fmnk Smith will have a sale R"publi cun cnn.li.lnte (or th e Pre ~ Culvin, .h., hilS one mure yenr before Mr. and Mrs J . W. t' flaly. of househo ld gOnd ' and farm impl eill."H·y , \VII" horll .July ,1, 1872. Hlr- he nni~ h c" hi. course . Doth of Lhe Mrs. Mary Finch and 80n, Robert monts next Saturda y, June 14th . hirthl'ln ee \VII " 1\ rnl'm hOI1Ke nmoullj!' lo ulh,? a ro Rplcndid examples of un· GilTner, IIttende d the f uneral of II relThis is the type of post all man~ MiHs (lia Burnett returne d Sunday lhtl ru~gc cl hill. of Vormon t. H wus ' poiled Am ed can hnys. IIlive in Lebano n TuesdllY . have for yea rs been trying to produce, but It e ve ning fr om The I~ \'isit Enst II plnin boy nn " plain fnrm . to Le mny banon clni m and Calvin CoolCool· Mr. and Mrs. lIn.rold Harris and was acc ompanie was given up as impossible. A RED d by Helen nnd Fran iclge received his cllrly educlltio n in idge li S its nlltivc 80n, but it woo th e son, Richl}rd, of Lebllno n, visited the ces·N ull. the ,Ii ~trict Rchool of the village. Be- WeMI lhllt mude possihle his nominnengineer had to discover a new principle in former' s parents he re Sunday . Mr. an d Mrs. Clyde Whorto n IIlld fUl'e IIn .1 .. fler school hours he worked tion for Vice· Presiden t at lhe Chirolling steel before he could make this Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madden en- family were week-en nn hi ~ (ulher" rllrm . He becnme a CIlj!'O cOlwen tlon, whe n Judge Me· d guesls of tho Studd ed Tee. But don~t get the idea that tertnine d on Thursda y Mrs. ElizlI laHer 's purents , Mr. pr"clicl~1 t .. rm!'r. While th,lTe did Cnmllnt of Portlund , Orego n, plnced and Mrs. Leo Thomas it's and an Mrs. expensive post. Louisa Jessup. Grellth ouse, in Dayton. . not exist nny poverty in hi" (lith er's ,i ~ name in nomlnal ion. A tl'omC' y, t Millon Baden, of Ft. Scott, Kan ., Master Rue Wil son, of Duyton, h ome, there wag no luxury. Econ- dou ~ hurst of chee ring follnw .. t\ This new RED TOP costs less than the ED PURDY 'S PHf~OS visited his sister-in -hlw. Mrs. Cla.m arrived Sunday at o my und rrugalit y were the neCeMar y .Judge Mc nmant's mention of hu the home of Mr. better grade of wood posts and lasts twice Conner and family, one day last and Mrs Clarenc '''e by the Il\Aper. wltere a e Smith, where he ndjunctM to his life. When he "'''" 'Innle of Coolidge . A wllve or e n : as long. It actually costs considerably' ~ week. famo ... New ,York b"auty di •• pwill .spend the summer . govern or, he votned a bill to rai Bo lhe ~hu K ill8m swept over th e convent ion, Mr. and """ Mrs. "" <0, .. Rue ",, set Carr in the fence line. It's the greatest and peared. famPerhap •• The 1te children and grandch ildren of ju.t wlllhed 8nlnr,eR or legislato rs from $1,000 to 14 6 ~ received by his noarcst com· ily arc spendin g the summer with Mr. ---",..'.,'J. ever offered in a fence post. it ofT. . Frank Smith ·spent SundllY with $l,~OO II yen~. With .. 1 he is n.~ cure· pl'titor. There stnnds out today one ' and Mrs. Wm. Carr 'and other rela- him and his son, Ben, -0--- 1. ful . o! t hc public'" money 118 he hll~ pn rli culur s triking se ntence In Juc\~(! e'er their sale The St~dde d Tee ~ ~ually good and~ and departu re from Lytle. ulwoy" beon of hiR own. Coolidg e McCnm nnt's nominut ing spec('h; It SUCH A SCENE -SUCH A SCENE lives . economical for repam ng old fences or baildIn8l1l _ IIIIU~ _ 11 Mn. J. W_ Clarl( w'o,s plea8lln tly Melvin lind Malcolm Woolley reknowK the plnin people, he is one of rend. ns follow s: "He Is big e nollr,h One d~y I chanced to pnss newooes. surprise d Sunday ,~vening when a turned to their home in Dayton SatIOd so und enough to be Presldl' nt th e m. A beaver dammin g the river; Come in and see this new RED TOP. You ~ number of friend!! and neighbo rs urday. after a vitlit with WhclI he WII" mayor of Northpa m- of the United States, should ocrllsior. A man who had run out of gllS their grandsee it and handle it to appreciate bow HOOd • ca lled. patents , Mr. tOil, he cut down the municiplil deht require. " and Mrs. William Borwtl. Was doing the same t.o his flivver. post it really is, James Hllrris : has r eturn ed to his Miss Cleo Stacy, Mr. a,nd Mrs. JUBt OR now liS pre.iden t, he has deMr. Coolidg e took hill duties as --0mandcd that luxeR be cut down alld Vice-Pr esident seriousl y. He did the SOMET HING TO THINK ABOUT home in TexaS; alter spendin g IOvernl Dellrth Sheehan were ' qulte sick Sunweeks with his'. brother , H. T. Harris day evening with ptomain I the Nationa l debt reduced . ThoRe ,IllY's work, he studi ed the prob1ems e poisonin g. "Havon ',t you forlrotte n somethi ng, and family. are somewh at improve d at this ' who helleve in omen" point t o the of the nation. The tragedy of Pres- sir?" IIAked the walter, liS the disThe ' Iocal order of .Eastern Star time. , filet th llt when Coolidg e was elected ident Harding 's denth focused upnn gruntle d din er was leaving the res- held their ins pectio n Tuesday M.s. Rufus Watkins WI¥! tnken to ~ vice-'jIfCsidtllt. he wall 48 years old, Cooidge the, attentio n of the world. ~urant ing. A number from other Miami Valley hospita l SundllY' afterone ),ellr for ench 8t"r of the f1ng; In the sitting room of II father's hI.Jm· "More than you ever knew." was were present. noon and will have the X-rIlY to deJ pruKuinlr this linl! of thought , one ble home at Plymou lh. Vermon t, the thc curt reply. Mrs. Harry WilBon. of Dnyton. hili! termine II probabl e operatio finds thllt it he is elecete,l presiden t sandy haired boy who had been raise&! n for ' gall ---0been 'a guest 'Of Mr •. and MI'B. Frnnk iltdnea. ! in 1924, he would. at tho time of his upon the 'furm took the oath 01 ofNO FOOLlN ' 'HIM Wilson the, palt ,wleek, Mr. WilBon Helen, 'Ruth ond 'Robert Early I l.naugur a.tion, Mllrcb 4, 1925, be 62 fleet It was adminis tered by his tnthA certain weU-known man went joining hcr SundllY. . spent Saturda y at ·the country 'home y eurs eld The coincide nce i~ thl\t Throug hout the period of mournaway at the conclusi on of on imporMrs. Gail Gorden and children are of Mr. and Mrs. Ben JameR, I when Abraham Lincoln was inaug- Ing. the neW Preside nt IIdopted a the octnnt clISe before the judgme nt had stnying this week with her brother . o! celebrll tlng Ruth's 8th • urated, he 11180 Willi .52. cou.rtlC m~ked by courtesy and revCoolidg e, like Lincoln , Willi born in ere nce f or tho memo.r y of the late been pronoun ced . A few hOllrs Inter Lew Foley Illld family. Mr. Foley birth do),. is ill of typhoi'd leve.r. .Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Miltenb erger a smal1 hou ~e in the country . Both Presiden t. A few months later, Dec. hi. lawyer wired him lUI follows: "Right has triumph ed." The Belmon t· P. T. A. presente d and children , Milo and I men being noted for their eekn com· II, 1923, Coolidg e. delivere d hill MIS8 Mildred , adThe W. K. M. wired back : "Mrs. Deacon Spriggs " at the .Hall were Sunday guests mon BOIISIl, and occurat e percepti ons, dress to Congrea s. It WM a mesSage of their neice "A Saturda ppeal at y once." evening , under the IIUS- and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hllrry Gross Atrl'ngth of chllroct er, rugged hones· lypiclIl of the mlln. A message thllt pices of the Civic League . '. --0-I ty. and intlmllto kn'1wlcdl!:e of the the humblea t citizen could . undernear Carlisle . Friends here will be pleased to HE BET ON HER t needs of tho penple nnd lin enrnest ~ tnnd. It .Was characte ristic of CIIIMr. lind Mrs. Frank Rogers were Poker-"Dont your wifl! ever miSs I learn of the birth, Wednes day. June gtlestk at the birthday dinner, Sundesire thut al1 the cilir.ens of the Yin Coolidge. One of the oUlrlt8nd4th, of a son born to Mr: and Mrs. day, of the ' Nation prosper . latt"r'-8 fllther, Mr. WilCoolid~e worked ing felltllres WIIS his decfnrat ion : "To you?" Abeut 70 per cent of a~ldentll, Chip- "Why, yes, once in a long V. O. Tolle, 'at their home Ih" Sprin~ liam. Cllrey, near Ridgevi lle, celebra.tI hard " on the! fnrm. He dillgont ly reduce tnxes is to give every home :~y rnilroad authorit ies, occur· in dayboro. while, but I'll IN havc PARTIT you kno'V thllt ing his 80th birthdllY. ~ tudied his II!M~ons and when man- " betLer chance. ION High taXes l'elll'h light; 63 per cent lit crossmg a 'where Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Bennett at- , Mr. 'aIId ' Mrs. Bert Ibood WBlI r Cllched he was equippe d very where , and burden industry J:1I1 is a pretty sure shoL" Bunnell enter- S. C. Phillips the view iii ootirely CPfD and at placiended the wedding of Mi88 Emily In- tairied to Sunday --0with Il strong ~ nRe .of proport ion, nnd commer ce. They mllke ogricu ldinner II number es with which the driver is ,entirely vs. wood and Mr. Warrc'n Kester, . ThursTHIS TIME 0' YEAR and a deep-"eRted venerati on for the lure lIt1pron tuble. They lire a charge reilitive s and friends of the form- Charles F. Phillips , et III fllmilillr. . day aftorno on at the home of her perer's Hubbymother, works of God. "Such Mrs. on every necessu.ry of Iifc." NumAnn B'unnell, eel1\ life. Such a life. ents near Kingma n. Rev Bennett He s prang from pioneer st.ock; the erous other strnng points of the meso I wiMh I w ns II dog." ebrllting her 8ard birthday . kind of people tbat hllVo develop ed ,;age showed a keen hl ~ight into the Mr. and Mh!. Guy Routzah n and Wi! "corge, don't tnlk like thllt; was the officiati ng minister . the Jrreat 1I0mains of the nation; thl', needs of the' r/ation, and an enrnest it's wicked. " attendea a surprise 'birthtklnd of. people who did things rather desire to bring about a general · betRubby- "Well, I do-yes , t do. the former' s father,' M.r #tall indulge d in 'dllY dreamtl. Just think all my tnxes paid for me.!' : Rdutiah n. at his' home n'ear '!Ifl; ternlent of conditio ns. A month ago WIIS Mother' s Day. amisbur g, Thursda y evening . - -II hrinQ'll td Ithe minds of those who Miss Kathryn Clark returne d ffom ./ Ikoow Coolidg e well the fact that al- SELF-C ONFES SION GOOD Monilay! whiite 'ahe -spen . 1M!'; anlJ ..Jln: ·"wm 8tJolin spent 'eomn~e~lcell11el~t we·ek'· at 'Ways on his desk hall st09d the pic. ' Mf4m.i uni, FOR THE SOUL evening With ,Mr: · and Aba. .ture of his mother ; the picture was a(eo . attende d ·the Cen-0Atkinso n and family, of ' Orever befof'e,.iHm w!)en bo waB Govilll ariniver sary on 1don~ay; All hope is not lost when in reply , J;;;;;; William Hartsoc k, the llittle .I ,,,,,run,,,, '\11:1\01' 01 1.fassachusett.8 ; when he was to openly hostile criticism 1" ' Mrs. Mai-y ·darmbn y · had for' hell of tbe ac' \ J ames Mra. ,Arthur ·At1<lnson and ., daug · dinner guests SundllY, Mr. infllnt son of Mr. lind , Ml'II. Vice-Pr csldent and tho photogr llph Uon of Conll'reSll we ' hear ahd Mrs. one of the Hart~ock, 'of Dayton, wall born May ter, AudNll' , ... s tands upon his desk in the White Legisilit ors himself denounc .'·(I'mlldllniighter, E. J. Carmon y and children', ' ot e the 10. 1024, nnd departe d this life on Lena Schuler . spent. Saturda y with' Sin'ingfl eld, Mr. IHou8e today. body of which he is a member . . li nd Mrs. Wilbur June II, 1(124, al the age of 24 days. MI'B. Charles Allen and I . Coolidg e 88 a youngst er led the duugtlte rs.l Clark, Mi88es Margar et imd Mnared "Why not be frllnk about it," says Juanita · and Mary. • Jlfe of a norlDlIl Arnerielln boy . , I Clark and Mr. ' Everett Clark. Itopre!ICntative Harry B. Hawe8, of Mr: alld Mrs, Arthur AtkinlO n Ilft complet ing his educatio n, Mi88oUri. "Tho 8O-caJ1ed Wiscons in So shorL, bUl oh, how we loved him. •• 'family, of Oregohi a, entertai ned at; :Stu&ed law. After grnduat ing, With us he could not stay. group holds tbe balan,ce of power dinner last FrIday;'. Mrs, Jell' Smith God wan Led this Iitlle rosebud , .sntcred ,o IIIW office In '"'~nnalmp~o'~lin tho House ~d in the s,enate, and and grlllldda ughtdr, Rosema ry :Bent-1 'l'h' In heaven with Him, ahyaya. as. the Ill' .thro~iDg ~bl. blook of v<!,tAis' nrst ley, ·of 'Waynellvi1le, ' anJ Mrs. Bertetudytn g thal prolt!1laliOlI ' Tho 'Eyo Sight Spc<:laljjt il\ one di~cttlln llrid 'then in IInot h er Holling sworth, of Oregoni a. ,; Card of TIt.alu perhaps . w¥ tak~ 1 been""" I t~~ ~(>htrol leglsiliti on, ' ' ., " " Mr. and ,Arthur Ntklnao n andl was n ' over-abund'W1t in the ltJQv,emen\.s ~ arll }lociar The parents of this little onc wish family hadMrs. BY in as their Sundny . ~.r " . Mias Ru~y Smith is the gu.e st of Idge family. it neve~ had --to<'eon trol our sp'~ch, to express their thnnks to their reilltive s in Columb us. " ,,fJebarton, Ohio laclih. the Preaid. ent, be.t.ore.. callers, MrtI. Jeff Sml~h, of; Mrs. W. E. Compto n is criticall y cloth~B. our eduenWon, triends for their deeds of kindnes s to to WlUIhingtoD, lived ,iiI a . Waynes ville. Mrs, Lawren ce Evans,' ill at h~r home ",est of town. divorce. our church them ' durin g the bdef illness of their of Spring Valley Mrs. Carl Fischer" ltome in Northam pton, .l It WPB S . w St h and iodr Pclck~ooks. darling. . H' d' I" ep ens nn d f amI' l spen t &ient for his 'needs. ,. '&~OO Ii. m: to ".p." m. , ., I . mes an the week_mid with relative s iny Highman~" cases .aongreBl! is MR, lind Mrs. JAMES HARTS OCK. of Hamilto n,. ~bll. I,ucy dllughte r, LOUise, ailld Mn. Frank l I d C .,.J-. t CooHdge w~ apt. an·d , tn'dustrl'. ... wtes 'ra't her thlln voting v ... . an · oun y. ~" , ------.~' Swope and son, John. of -West ElklOU11 pllJllL T i8. is evidenCed by th~ T. W. Conklin spent II couple of fact tilt~ter1readin /law for twen " ton. days last week with hi. 80n, Frank; ty mo.iha, lie ~ . 'dlpittcd t~.iII 1· ~~ mUl r8·vt!n ---"" !.••- . near Sabina . . bar. Ue :)~d eBtablbh~ ' with hi employe.... lUld' .tMlr .cHehtll a reputaFrien'ds W. F. M. 'nlvtl ~ "servico at ~ ·tlonfO f\ tohoneaw, 'careful neas ..... Ild,II *P.'!!8-¥~ ~~I'f~'s,ilhs.~v~\t .ed:·j!.r home Wednes day Ul:",rl1oon. Mr. lind Mra. John Ryo spent Mon. thoroug hneu. .\ ,'His services I .Jhe Sewing club~ .. ple'~mt:I r;; J day in Day~n shoppin g. flOUJt 'all a ' cGuT1liel or ;' by tlll!~ e'rltertai ned Wednes day at the Mrs. Flora Henders on spent a few tiles of the farm~, and-the w." ..... ,A..... ·I ·~' ... of the Instruct or. MI'B. Stephen s. .sf IIlh locdl!t~. · " HiIiH ltef.ent ry ~_.J.J\O'''A\'nr. do)'s )Yith ~or ~ther 14r, Joe MulAttj .'t. G.:"Bak er'. show ~iehwll3 hOle l.plp'~u81!a . the poJltl~l,·ftil1d' ~asL .iII a btember Mr. ~nd . Mrs. GeoNe (~,rlAt1l ,~I)i last,wee k Will of a good/or der and the tertaine d 11 few relatlve s Saturda t tho No~n~Re~dlJU~h ,t it) "".I;dTf~01~!;:eM~...tJ :I'*h'~1 Bak~r's mlHle ' .ntany friends while night and Sunday, mitteer o ~Ii!h 119'i U ;Jat.\lr .~ here. Mr. Louis ~organ ; ,-,,:ho is world.n g ma~_ , ~('i8~D,\"8 (~~~",ted TheIn Dayton, spent Saturda y and SunCit)'_ ~o~Il~ .vf. ~otthamptotl. ".iA ...r:rl,eullllkh?"lIbe~1 aUJIt.).l80 ~·lOllrg day with bis fllmlly. lng two termll, "toek "Id. dutlel Mr. 'Albllrt Marlatt . who is work. aerIOtiI J.' .; 'J H . 1 .~ndidat;JI" "''''~''''''''' Ing in Dayton. ' SJlent the. wllek-end for cit)' ,1'»JlAc~C9,t"1 with hi. wife and lion, WhiJe, .-p.!iQi~ ·'P!Ilb,""I.iJli.'l The Mt. Holly ' Sunday-ScJio.ol wiR h'lwe .their Children 's Day oxerclse.. Sund,y evening , June 16. ,,' . lIr. john llye tytd family, .pen~ Sunday in W:aytl(;~vU1et the guests o.f Mr. and' lin. Clarenc e Rye, Mr. Cliff Smith, . Karl Daldn .t~Dded a prize
--- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ~-
Cost Less in Fen ce Lasts Lon ger
. -.
..-".- --
--'"- -
.. - ..---
At tiry' Jewelry
Eve ry Tuea.day
..----- -
Ml HOllY
f' • ~"
~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~-~~~w_~~ " ~'e~~&~~~'~~~~~~__~~__~__~~~~~ i~
• 1,/1' 0 111 at
A k you r g rocjlryman (or "Thomp· Advel'tisu ~hl'ough m.4lntion colUmns, -
lion 's Brcnd."
" h
IUlUl1 son·· .. 1I11Icc t·. elln .furnu Itny lhi .' in. t he 1'". try line. 'I
Misl\ Lavo he Burton spent Wednesday with reative! in ~Iddlcto wn.
Miss Clara L it is visiting rulativos Washington C, H.
1\11'!1. 1\1(1ry Mkey ir. t P<l ding a .... Ma, Wlilht I. visiting {rle Ids (ew noy ' in B ell~ t·qok. til teballon. Wodlling gift problC!ms eRsily ~o lv . AIk YO'lr troeoryman for "Thoml1' eel if yo n i~ it Cltry's ,Jewt'lry hor . 10ft', Bl'ead." Judge Willard J . Wright, of LebIIJu Emm. Hel,hway has returned nno n, was a v isitor in \.0\ n Saturdn y. from Cinelnn.ti Soeclnl Sale on Gilt GIllS! tumb le rs AIk your rrcx:eryman for "Thomp- $1.26 per dozen. Carey's J ewl,lry .,,,', Bre.d." hop.
"Yourexl' Silverware will· last a lIfrs. Lindley Mendenhall Wa$' a lifetiml' lind be a thing of beauty. Dayton visitor on Tucsduy. Cary's Jewelry Shop. Jlt1'!1. l\Iary IL. Adams attended the Mr. Thomas Oa,Ivert, of Selma, at. COlllln enccme nlt exercise! at ' Wil. tended a . tr usteee meeting of the mington co llege last week, Friends Home on Saturday. Why do we sell so much silver· Stop I Look! Watch your houses. wllr01 Becauise "Yourex" is the The " Hobo Convention" of the K. best. Cary's Jewelry Shop. of P. Lodge will be held June 24. Mr. 'nnd Mrs. Ed Hamby, of Day• Mr. William P. Corwin of Morrow, ton , were gUI~8tS of Mr. and Mrs. , IIr. Ed Thomas and fam ily were in MrR. Fred HartMck and son , of paid this office a visit Tuesday. Ho Will Hay, of Route 4, Sunday. Mil ford, have been the guosts of Mrs. is running for county commissioner. Springfield Monday. Mr. 'l\Ild Mrll. Marvin Hay and Mr. LAIlrt\ Mo~her. 'fThomplon'." Balcery Cilil Curnish The meeting of the Queen Esthers nnd M rs. Albert Cleaver saw "Abie's an)'thlng In the PRstry line. Mrs. Annie Sheehan n.rrived home Society will take place !/It the home Irish Rosc" In Dayton Tuesdny. Thursday evening from Iowa, where of Dena Rich on Saturday, June 14, Frank Crew, of R D. 8, attended ~h e visited relatives. 1924 . Mr, S. L. ca.rtwrigh~ Is home, after • party I'tlcenUy in Dayton , a pleasll nt visi t of !IOvernl w('eks with Mr. nnd MI'>!. Walter McClure lind Mrs. Guy Kibler and children, of his son , Charlles and wire, of ChiIce Tea eets, $2. 50 per set, while Mr. and Mrs. R. G. CrOM spent last Dayton, were the week·end guests ot CBgO . week fishing nl Indian lake. tIIe:r lost. Carey's Jewelry Shop. Mrs. Kibler's mother, Mrs. Euphemia Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and Hough. lIr. Win R. Lo,,;s. of Lebnnon, was Mr. nnd Mrs. Warner Devitt, of family, of Hy de Park, Cincinnati, • buaines8 visitor in town on Monday. Cincinnati, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shutts, Miss were the guests of rc lalive~ here ovcr Mr. and Mrs. Emmor .Baily. Marie Shutts und Mr. Joscph Hisey the week-end. Jlra. Mary Zimmerman spent one were Sunday g uests of Mr. and Mrs. SlIve your old cllrp ets lind ru gs day last week with Mr. and Mrs. John !\fr. J . E. Janney and family spent Elvin Fires . Be.ch. and get "Wllorwcll" Rugs mnde. Sunday with Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver and Send for price IiMt. Franklin RlIg Williama and famil y, otKingman, W'lJ,tches and clocks repaired by son Robert , were week-end guests of Co. , Franklin, Ohio. Elmer F. Stansberry, son of Mr. Mr. and ?o~r~. C .M. Brown a nd fam an efficicmt workmun at Cary's Jew. and Mrs. Charl es Stlln!berry, of Day· ily, in Dayton. . ell)' Shop. All eye eXllminaliotts by nr. HIlton, is one of the graduates of Stiv· dolph lire mlld e scientifictUly without lIiss H elen Mnrlhjtt spent severa! ers High Bchool, which takes place Local fishermen derived much the use of ' drops. Tuesdays at daJII lut week lIS the guoet of Mr. thill evening. He will be well re- sport In ~pear i ng carp with pitchforks Cary's J ewelry Shop. and )(ra, Arthur Stanfield and family membered here by mnny of our citi- as tbe high wllter receded in the bot. senl by the nanle of "Buster.' of near New Burlington, toms IlISt week. Mr. and Mrtt. J . N. McKinsey And aon, of Morrow, were the Sunday Mias Kathryn Clark left last Thurs- guests of Mrs, Alice McKinsey and day to attend the CentetlRial con,· daughter, Mlllli' Henrietta. T.H E TRI STATE PRICE mencement events of Miami UnivllrFOR BUTT·ERFAT IS., .... sity, Oxford, Ohio, Myer Hyman and tamily a~tended confirmstlon exercises ~ the Jewisb Mr. and Mrs. Todd Walton .nd temple In Dayton, Sunday. Mr. Hy. '1 E~ ~I. . . . .t h . C •• ,...... A.al ..11 Lo.. or Damal. I. Tra.Mr. and 'Mrs. Chaa. Roynolds, of anan had a nelce c:onfl.rmed at that Spring Valley, were greeting friend. tlme • .at. a...k ....... a... DaS' Cna.. Am...... here Saturday evening. MIll! Ina Burnett, of Route 5, John Thomas, young 80n of Mr. apent the past week In Lobanon with and Mn, Fred Caskey, of W..blnl'~ her aunt, and Mig Kathryn and Heton D. C. is in the ho.pltal recovering len Null .ccomp.nied her home Sun· from a maatold operation. ilay for • visit.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Atentlon-'J:o those who are busy Junll 17th hd 18th, Dr. Rudolph will be at Care)7" Jewelry' Shop two' during the day, Tuesday June 17th, days, Your opportunity to see him Dr. Rudolph will be at Carey's Jewuntil D p. m. Tuesday evening. elry Shop unl~1 9 p, m., also Wednesday the 18'th~ Miss Ann Bachman spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mn, Mrs. Alice McKi nsey and daughter, John Whltaere .nd family. ' Sbe re- Miss Henriettll, and Mill8 Lily Nedry turned to bel' home In Fostoria te- were present at Steele Higb school day. commencement exercises at Dayton this week. M:iss Irma Harria was a MI'II. Edith Harris and Miss Mil. member o.f tbl~ graduating clau. . Hart.8oct, with Mr. Cbas. MOSh-1 . er, of Cincinnati, motored to Morrow Dr Rudolph gives the simplest county and apent the week-end with case of detective vision the 88me care relatives. ful attention as the mOlt difficult. reet in bls own l.boratory. Exam!. Mr. 'Cummlnga Jone. II villltlnl' reet in hie own labratory, Examl· _¥,1:JW1Wl here tbl. week. Be will go nation Tueachil'y' at Carey's Jewelry Chicago thll month where he will Sbop, tbe Unlvenlt:r of· Cblcaco tor aummer tel',lll. Mr. and ~r•• C~iace R)7e enter· tained .t dlntter Sunday the follow. Mr, ud Mrs. Frank Zell, MlII!ea Inr peate: Mr. and Mn. John Rye May W~ht and. Trlllena Ed_.... .nd daqht.r, KiA' Dorothy. of lit. Mrs, Mary Caske)' .ttended the Holly. Mr. and MI'II, Ed. H.rteock of Juliua B.lrd, near Bell· and IOn, Hiy'old, of Sprin, Valley, Mr. and M.r s. H.rvey Rye, Mr. and brook, Monday aftemoon, Mrs. Cbu. RYI!, Kellin, Frank ThomCards were received here announc- •• and RO)7 a~ld IrwIn Em•• ing the arrival of Mary Vlrlinla, LofFerson on ' Saturday June 7, to The Misses Louella Longacre, brighten the hom a of Mr. and Mn. C.rabell Hunt and Fl'ancis Watkins, Chu. LoWerson, of Covington K)7. Melvyn Banta and Therl~ Jones a:ll been auee_ful in securing In honor of the 88rd anniversary at Dayton in the printing deof her birth, Mrs. Sar.h Elbon, who D81'1mftnt of the Government buildUvea with her aon.ln·law and d.ugh. of whi'ch department Mr. Moore, ter;-Ml';-alrdl'ifra. Chia, Young, of uncle of Therle Jones, I. superintenLeb'o,non, was given a surprise Sun· dent, and through the accommodation day, June 8th. Thoae present were of ..AIr, E. B. Longacre, who has been !ttr. Will Elbon and family, of Loba- working at Da~on, fllr the Federal non, Mr. and Mra. Frank EniOiI,"Mn. Flooring Co, for several yean, they E~ther Stout, Messr8, E. L. Sherwood get to ride with him to and from C. H. Sherwood, of WayneBVllle. their work every day.
*.",..., ... ...-&..-1811 ~
Oxley-Pace Drug Co.
Trinity Sunday, June 16, 1024. Church 8<lhool at 0 :30 a. m., Morning Prayer and sermon at iO :46, Rev'. John J . Schaeffer officilltillg. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these services. METHODIST CHURCH &1bbuth School, 9:16 n. m., preaching at 10 :30 II. m. Wednesdayevening servic e nt 7 :30 p. m. Epworth League 6 :46 p. m. Preaching nt 7 :30 p. m. Everybody is corcHall), Invited to these service•. Rev. L. A. Wa8hburn, Pastor, CHRISTIAN CHURCH Preaching 8ervices at the Christian church Sunday morning. Ev. erybody cordially invited.
Little Barbara Gray, who has been 'Iuite ill, is Improving.
B. F. Keith'.
EDlIn chute fill Mow
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"Getlt At
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all MlDWUT TAILOR 8110..
, "Ie 8ouIh ...... at.
tile lttulu 01 MIlitO," " ,(IIIt·uu iu 'ent' Ollrlllln tll(·Ilt ~r. " <'nUllO.
t III C()III\1l'lJk,ltlllnll ot thla g. l ~ i ., O\'~ IH lhn! n ~I rl "nn I", Ihl mod I,Iv1lfl-IO,,1 11l1t \ HlllltI! ~\ Itll iin/l II h~:lUtt nnl,BI . II
The Postman is Your Paymaster When yo u in vest in publi c utility sLoc ks. JUllt as l'egulnt· as the ea le ndl,l t' yo u get your dividend ch ec ks mail e d to your hom e 01' off ice, l'uR dy to cash. You can CO Ul1t on i t li eca II ~C y ou r money is invested in Il. so und , esse ntial ind ustry w h ose pt'orlud is in 'demalld eve ry day . With IlIUlIl'Y s leudily com in g in, th ere is a lways a fund fot' dividcnd paying.
Get 6~% • Y ur aVI gs
Invest y our mon ey in Olli' prcfe lTcd slock. Start with $ 5.00 and buy one s hure 011 th e Mont.hly Plan . Or buy a s many s hm'es us you d e~ ire . The im portant t hing is t o go et s tartcd o n t h i,.; ,.;cn" ili le s:l\'ing:'\ progl·am.
Russell Salisbury is spending a few days in Cleveland.
Mrs. W. E, Cornell spent three days last week in Xenia. Mrs. Viola Carey and Mrs. Chas. nye were Dayton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and Mi M Olive A lion were Cincinnati visitors Tuesday,
= = = = = = =- - - -_ . -- - -
The Dayton Power and light Co. 29 Green Street
Mrs. Ruth Cal'ey, grandmother of Miss Alice Carey, is lying 'at the point of death lit her home In Dayton. Mr. and Mn. Myel' Hyman, and daughter, Miss Bernice, left Tuesday by auto for Peoria, 111., where they will visit relatives. They will also spend some time In Chlc~o. Rev. H. L. La,thllm, formerly Dean of the 'P resbyterian Training School of Chi OIl,Iro , will give a lecture on "The American Home" near the four corners of Bellbrook, June 13, at 7 :30 P M. illustrated with the stereopticon . Music. Collection. Mr. and Mrs. JefF Smith, of Waynesville, entertained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer and 80n, Lamar, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swope and son , John, Mrs. Lucy Rines, Bon and daughter, Ernest and Louise, of West Elkton, and Mrs. Lawrence Evans, of Spring Vulley.
of Hardware,· Furniture, Rugs and Stoves Of $35,000 atock
Evory1 hinlf i .. lbe Hardwa ..e Li ... Sell.,
Sale starts at 12 o'clock Thursday and Friday-Saturday, 9:00 TTl. Until 11 :00 p. m.,
June 12,1.3 and 14 .
On Friday afternoon, Mis. Olive Allen entertained with a linen shower In honor 0 IMlas Helen Ma,rlntt, who 18 to become the bride of Mr. Merle Kearns, of Columbus qn June r~~=~~! 21. The following guests were pres~ if!fi1lli~.C·.j·i"~~~, •. Int. The MisSes Helen Marlatt, Allee"Carey, Corrin!! Welch, Louel.ln Janney, Helen Hawke and Mrs. Oscar Stanfield, Mrs, Kellar' Boak, Mrs, J, .! D. Marlatt and MI'II. Charles RobI~zer.
._ --..
Tbi. i. a wonderful oPpol'lu .. ilS' lo buy at your I
Dr. Ellis J. Smith, of Cincinnati, spent a few <!JJ-"-..IUI.......................w.~"""'=-tlI-........- I...ente, Mt, and Mrs, ehas, Smith, 6! Route I, before going to CedlU' Point where be has been appointed as house physician for the eomj~g lIeason. Mrs. Smith, who at the present time ill vialtlng her ~nta In Chicago, will join him later.
---... ....---
Xenia, Ohio
Mr. J . F . Baker, of Denver, Colo., is visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mre. W. J. Baker.
The marriage of Miss Alvea., Netherton 'and Mr. Kenneth ~Izey occur· red at 10,80 In Xenia last Saturday morning. This was a surprise to their frlendll 88 no annpuncement of the afF.lr had been made. ' The bride is well known here, 88 .she was A student in the Warren County Normal, and since then has been teaching In the Green County schools and making her home with her parents near Xenia Mr. Elzey also graduated from the Wurren County NQrmal and from ; '·1 "''''1- ~~~~~~~~~ the Wayno8vl11e High Sshool, and since then has been teaching and in ~he emplo)' of the N. C. R., Dayton, where he Is now located, Mr, and Mrs. Elzey are making thelr .temporIIry home ill Waynesville, where they are being congratulated by mllny friends.
"Home, SYI/ ••t Home: l. F irlrt
"Bt)lnt~, ~wt'C t , 'Sumo" Wlt ~ b'~ilJ.r tor the IIml t !l U(' on , 11\. ll, 1'l211 , IIi "OJnrl,
Thi ••al. 'will b. beld at
Large Hardware and Furniture . Stor-e, Frapkli~.~.phio F. T. MART',N,' Auctioneer. If yon are thinking oC having a sale lIee me for terms and
Tb. man th.t .ali.fi •• 01' cbarlfo, .. otbillif. CENTERVILLE, OHIO, Pho ... No, 2
- - - _ _ ---2..
Dish-washing. clothee-wUbbar. !"rubbing-. w~n'l banda are In water every hour of the day. Without 10ft ,rater it i. hnposlibl. to keep them 10ft, white anel attracdve. . Don't be band-conscloull Hard'. uely bandl, chapped and aplit" rouebened and reddened from bard water and atrongaOap corn-' pounda are UIUlec:....ry. A a.. tern and a Duro unit lJ8ttm Will de 80ft water In abundance. 01' kitchen, bath and,IaUlldry. 1
DURO Water Syete.lae '. - , '"
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Seventy-Sixth Year
.. -
. fUcnr..d Picture From Convention
Whole Number 6594
OF THE HOLST EIN·FR ESIAN CAT FIRM DISCUS SED FOR CINCIN Milton Nobles. 1 SO-year .old playTLE BREED ERS NATI YARDS wright nnd charnctl lr actor. who for tho last two yenrs 'hus been playing The "lath In"ina Whirlwi nd Fi ..l.h C.... After C.... Ha. B..en Look"d the lute Frank Baoon's role in "Light At the Home of Elmer K"I ••". Four T_k the S.i1. Out of New The 'Warren County Ferm Bu~ ... u nin· ... died at his home in Brookly n. Into end the ~a ':t1.c;J,..nta Mil". North of Town-H ave Saturda y. BurU., tob T.em Will Probabl y Tak.. O'ur Been H ..lp'~~~,J .. , .. Splendid M .... ting :r.~. Nobles began hi K stage career in \, tb .. Matter •t! '':,4 .·1 1867. 'In 187r. he ~tarred in his own ~ dramati zation of "Jim Bludsoe ." He Mnyor Rogers and the village coun · Summ er months to The nnnual meeting of the Southcll should declnre a legal holldny. and Ihe Wllrrcn County Red Cross' scc- WIIS the lIuthor of num er ous meloOn Wedn eNdlLY, June 11. in the · the entire commun ity should hold a r etnry busy if thc month of MIIY dramas. among them boing "The wc~ tern Ohio Holstcin ·Frcsilln Breed Farm Bureau ufHcc; Leblmo n thi~y ors associul pqoenlx ion was ." in held which monster celebrat ion --out Miamis Saturdll he Y. played 26 he taken a s II. slR'lr. . Durl nil' :that one far mer s fr om practica lly ' all Ju ne 14. at the home of E. J . KelKey. have won a gamo. Yea. verily. ye month the Red CrOSB office reports years. pllrts of the county. dlscdsse d plaM about. f our mil e. Mr. north Nobles Doubtin g Thomas es. It Is the truth. of Wa ynes. married Miss Dolly Ihe followin g : for (I CIl·oper ative 'LIVestock ~6~ .: ville. A picnic dinn er was enjoyed the whole truth. and nothing ' but the A 130. pound goiter from Engl~. Cases of fourteen ex·servi ce men Woolwi ne. who",e home WIIS in Lebllmission fi rm on th e Cinci ifn~tl stock-" by the members II{Id their familics . wood. New J ersey Is the new open non. and that town saw him perform truth. The, traveled to somebo dy's !-atls(uc torily hnndled . . ~ .• yards. J . L. Mend'el)haJl Qf Wa'l~ Itolf champio n of In I~e th U"IIt'd e nfterno States. on E. C. many Clark. Jwg lot. about a mile or 10 on th~ times. sccre· It we. our good forFifteen civilian c",es given attcnnr svill e. pr esided, a Dd Depew HeJld • . He b Cyril Walker. who sbllt • .otJser Mlde of New Burling ton. last tune to see him in "The Phonix. " He tary of .the Stllte Holstcin (lSBocia' Ii ,core of 27~ 011 78 hol,* tlon. of Morlon. chairma n ·of th~ ' OpiQ . i . . . tion. showed how to select II good :SundllY afternoo n. and won the de· Ninety.flve visits mllde in various was support ed In his plays by his cow. Livestoc k Shipper s 8Bsociation. IQad· He used one of Mr. Kelsey's wife. who was an excellen t actress. clsloll by the leore of 16 to 10. Ilnrta of the county. the discussion . , ', , .. . \~ best Holstein s during his talk. pointHe visited But naten here. It wae all our own this part.of the county durTwenty .one letters wrlUen. Mr. Helld pointed . out thllt I 511, ing out the good qualitie s. ing home bora. no paid players from Followhis vacation s. ,and Willi ' an actor Mr. H. T. Reed. district represe n· counties In Ohio ure alreadf sellink ing this. the forty Holst.ein boost er s other eommun ltle8. who aid the work. Her. tative. visited Warren county duri"g of the old school. and was revered Malt~ Up Deadl .tock v co,oJleratively. through tihe '. were com fortably goated on the shaby all who knew him. We have the lItateria l lor a good the past week. Alter conferr ing Farmer s' CommisSion houses" it dy lawn, while Miss Altll Kiser. homo team and It Ie t'ODndlng Into shape. Only last we.!k ' he took part'in a with tho C~pter offiCials, ~e express . ~Ieveland, Buff,alo and Pittsb.ur g; The No '¥eurat e · eetlnat e of the boys' ed hls. hearty appro~1 of the manner bene fit at his late home in ,'She demons trlltion agent. discussed the Clevelan d Co-operlltive finp . 8U1~ .' importa nce of milk in the fleldlng ability eould be tnII&I on this Stoops diet and to Con<iuer," a come~ in in which the work ''l'h being carried May 16. 192 3, since which time . it . sUlfgest ~ d some ways of using it. . . me because of the exeeedl n, rough d 62 years og6. on He was especial ly pleased witb which he appeare hilS handled nppl'oximll.tely ~5 per . Mr. M. B. J imi son. of the Co· ~ of the playing field. The only the s plendid co-oper ation of Individ'". cen t of the t ota l r eceipts of the Cleve I operativ e Pure Milk associat ion. ex·w"-, is that elTon were not more uals and organiza tion s with the Red land yards and made a saving . of .. , plained some of th e problem s of marnuTl101tl'01Ul. Murray Hopkinll played Cross-- a co-ape.r atlon which is' belp. '19.000 in commiss ions. Bea1dl!l It·, . g dairy product lila __ . .trio at· second bue .nd s. County ing the Red Cross to b II factor for has introduc ed unheard of campeti. ' A gent Class touched upon some posmad. ~. ' eapeclaHy .at' tile bat. good in the county. . tion. which .has resulted ~n a ptgh~r : I , sibilitie s of increasi ng the consum p· Battertbwlliw _ntinu ed hil heavy The Red Cross grp.tefully acknow l. general price level Ilnd better Ber- . tion of milk through advertis ing and bttthl, . .,uS tpok eare of everyth ing edge. the help which it receives. It vice. . . (lducatl onal agencies ; and empha- · that ea... · an, .;.., nnr flrat base. i8 g\lId to report the 'hady a88istance The atate leader declared the ca~-: sized more econo{fti Carl Pry. I, ·a ~ndable batter p.j,l· p.r oductlon . which wal recently l:iVen by the peocinnati project WaR more dUlleDlt • . The comman der of Ralph Snook 'Senator .J LOWTr Miller present ed "galnilt fine . pltehSnlr. aN( II usually ple In Mason. An~ther calle w.bich than any of Ithe above. be~IO. · et· Post. America n' Legion. at Lebanon , severn I econom ic and legislati ve prob. • mark for medloCTfl or worse twlrlhas found immedin te res ponse is that their establis hed rule of eoUectl nc received a coml1llu iems nieation confron tnc. but Just loolt what that boy did to from Coting tbe . dairy farmers . of a child in thiB county who is in for 881e of stock" to 'butcher a ' and' lum bus lost we,ek to ' the elJect that After the election , of oofficers. ice .Mr. Ary. the New Burling ton tonneed of medical attentio n. pOll8ibly packers enl~ ' dnee < per week. Tht. · I blank forms to be used by former cream. strawb,e rrles and' cake w,s ~Ii." arUlt who eaaayed to pitch for an operatio n. but wholle parents are system would thus require approx· . service men 'in I,pplyl g forta b'o nu! enjoyed by all before departin g to 1Ils tum. not able to meet tbe expense . The Imately 140.000 of ' eapltlll. · u .. the will be forward ed directt; to the \Post their homes te meet next year iii The lifl)re doel not show just how Red CroSB all8isted by an organiz afarmers mUit have ilia pay dally for good Howard Burton '. pitching was t ion Interest ed in Child Wel1are . haa frqrn Washing toif within the'i't!x two Lebanon . aU livestoc k ' .old. t ' 'Howev er. ' the we~ks. Full inlltruct lona ; f - hill teamm at. bad to exercise a Iltflling made plans for an eJllmina tion which Ohio and Ih4fi4na State o.;rlln~i\on. out these papem have alrea .;, been tie precaut ion against fracture d will determi ne just what is needed. received have the farmers .ell u~dee way_ ~ ..Jt·, "'" C.1., .. nIA~..1 . an'd thl! blanks will 'be sent limbs and nccb Manage r Pace 8uf- Convent Details of this inter-est ing CBse will ion. And beeau.e. there , no co~n~y. , on just as soon as they enn be printJered a broken finger on bis right II, telephol\4l be reported later. wide co-oper:a tivl,! .. om~lasl on . fInDI > ed. Itreett In lell b/lnd while our old friend Chief H arNot long ago the commit tee In operstin g neltr the Cincinn ati · mar- · J beh18 taken In Clevehlnd. In handlin g this m~tter the Legion ~ wu at bat In the eighth. but he chnrge of a ba.nquet gave baskets of ket, Mr. Head explain ed the ftlUtet- I wanta it dilltlnct ly underst ood that S . . .ly atuck to his task. and a few left·ov er lIandwiches to the Red CrollS ing agreem ents would have to', be' all service ·men lin the county, wheth",i~ later broke into the hit and t or distribu tion. F,unille s receivin g signed by sufllclen t farmen to guat- , er membeJ'!! of tine LeglQn or not. will I'un _llIIIIn. them have asked the l~.ecretary to exantee at least 21100 cars anbull t,' ·' Formal declarat ion of their candibe cat:ed for just ae faithful ly u The gam. wal won in the ninth. press their gratitud e ~o the doners. before , d acy a cd:opera tlve ' he tltltabUm~. for the ~Ious county offices. possible. In C88es where the Boldier wbleb opened witb the Icore of 10 Knowin g the imm.."diate ·,and cor· haH .that are to be filled at the election "This III practica lly 'le\imina tc died. ej~er dunn&' to '8 in tavor of New BurIlD~on . or e.~ce serdial response to ita n~ed. of tbe lIaBt, fall. had been made by eighteen p08!ltblPt 1 \I~ f,11.1re ..~hrourb .. r~ vice. his depende nta are authoriz ed Pope fouled to thlrd, Dutch singled. Addison Southar d, a former citizen of sufficient volume ." continu the Red Cross docs 'pot hesitato to to ed .Mr• .'J make applleat.ion for his compen - Warren County office seekers up un- of Lebanon Prende rcut walked. Gonl struck out . lind well·kno w In Way- Head. t. He lluatq.t ed from .t!Miiera make public its pre,-c)l,t needs. It 88tiona. til flUng time, June 13th. l'- / but . u ufe at ftn~ when Stanley nesville . who is now in the United of the.::·e o-opera tlve ·firm. · 'hllt .tlt~ hopes this week will Dring the loan . A commit . tee frQm 'the Legion baa . Those who have filed to date . are : States Consula let ~tie third Itrike get away. The r Hervice with head· larger the '. volullUl :of bultl\4lU the J of three wheel chairs lind one . pair been appoint For Comml ssioner -E .W QUinby. ' •. ed to han·do . :all appll. nuUou r men followed Dutch'l examThe purcha,einlf power of farm pro· ot crutches quarter s at Washin gton. has been ap- greater th~ ~ymn. . ·P. Fairchil d. Ed. T. Dunham . E. J. ce,tions. and steps 'a re being taken to ple. and hili youn.u t brother . Tom, du~ts has apparen tly renched tho low Frequen t .appeals .Ilre .made for have everyth This is ,An orsanlSat}oD' "comml ttftl' "wu ,.. . E .. Murrell and W. D. Cor- pointed Consula r·Gener al. ing. In readlnOlll ' 88" loon faMlcked the baU Into Mr. Arr'. ter- point; there Is 'a .tronge r tone.in sev- white the high'est office in ' the service and el!!cted, eorillitl ng of E. cloths for bandagi ng. Three al the bllUlka J., perUe' 1 '.. ~ an. received . J'ltor),. That gentlem an ' jUlllped on eral mllrkets now. carnes with it a aalary of UO.OOO chairma n; .p. E. bunham Bueh calla were lupplled during the . vI~~,;' " '" Letters ' in. rei:ard to ·'this m;tter jhe 1MlIJ••tamp,ed It wjth both :teet, !l'hls is the conclusi on of rural ec:o- past two weeka. a year. Perll'q,1UI having old should be addl'ell8 erson Thomps on. manj C. C. Meloy. secretar y' land:on a •. 0d to The.' Comuee~ ~t It w.. a 1!11IaU aolld no~lats at the Ohio State Univers ity . Mr. Southar d )"aa notified of his 1represent,;.\Cye~.\fJH)m eaelf sheets or soft. white . cloths of any mande. For Clerk of Courts -F. J. . to~hll\.; Lewis r . Americaln :.Leglon, 'lebano n. • phore ccwored with hOl'llChlde. and after a study of price 'index numbor s kind. appolntmen~ wltile in B~.ton recent- as folio... ~a)'\l~~ J. pleaBe notify this office . C. C. Meloy. Menden hall. ) Ohio. ~. • .veDtu~J1 a'!Volle to the. fact hat Tom ' April. An index. number they Each year the America n Red. Crosl address before Weet Turtlore ek. it. n; Barri.; Eat , For State Repres entativ e-D. W. Iy. where he made ,an' . " r, '1'8,1 Mfe" perched on second. ' As explain, eomparell the price of a pro· send~ Cbristm88 bags- to soldiers OD the foreign t~ad,e confere nce in 8OS-' TurUecree~. Humphr eY8. JU8t1n Elbert lrons; · Musle. A.) Harding and RoblOOn u bill bile\( W/III turned. Tom duct now with its price In the normal duty sion there. In the Canal Zone. These bags ert W. B. Talmag e; Washin gton. Ed Jeff.ri. " Brown. .tole third. Ttlls aroused the Ire of pre-w'ar years. 1909-14 . taken at 100. Mr. Southar d acted as United Union; B. D;' ·Lollar ; . Salem. made of bright colored cret.onne. arc For Reeord er-Alle n Huffma n . Jolin , Hia Nibl. the umpire. who decided The farmers ability to buy commo· filled 'with States. Consul at Ande, Ar~b~. for a JJack; Harlan; E. H:, Hill; pocket knives, hlapdkerFor TreBJlurer--Fre d Simpson. Hamnt:On~ ' that Pope muat' not touch the home dlties W88 down te 77 for March; number of years !l.ni! . wa~ Alia sta- S. A. Swank; Deerftel d; chlefa, cigarette ll and holden, and For .survey or-P. O. Monfort . B . .M'outeJ- ! plate with hi. foot and ~enneth re- that is. a dollars worth of farm pro- any oUler tioned at Jersuale m for several )'ears. ler and C. J. W?rley . · articles which may be ·ac. For Judge of Probate Court- W: • <' '., I .... lDon.tra ted. Bro. Noggle came down ducts would return tho farmer only He was alao called into consult ation ceptable to Boldiers. They make pleuZ. . Roll. . The· eominlt tee .pl)!,ul t.o me. again i toe "argify ." and Tom .tole home witH centa worth of manufa ctured Bnt reminde rs by the governm -+-.-; ent - f. at Paris during with the 'Farm Bureau dlr,ctor s, on , of thl/ .home country For Corone r-H. E. Dilatush . CIt. Miami's eiaht/l run of the Inning. gOO(Ia. In April. it had rise n to 78. at Christmall time. the Peace Confere nce. A demons trator o~ the Johnson :I'hursda,Y• .July 3, _ to conside r t~8,~ .The making of Cat4fes by Gons and Pope and a Last year his purchas ing power over• .- • hags il work \Vhich IIPpeals to Fire Appara tus Co .l·of ,Prospe ct. 0., .} lrojeet fqrther ' . ' \ , ' .triJe,l out d1llP911ed . of the opposition aged 82. young women in Sun,day-achool class- was here last Frld!lY. · Jlnd ' edmun. 1IrithoD~ an), 'ful\'ther damage . In the .F or April this year the several es or 'like groups who "want Bome- utrated t~e apparat us, to 'seven.. of lu~ h~lf of the Inning. product s lined this way in index num· thing to do at class gatheril lgs. War- the tOwnship om.e ers. The apparaNew Burling ton i. eorning down bers . . i. • • ren county's ('Juota is ~n bags• . One tus was motoriielli. and W88 a chem.....e· to play on a good field next W.hent. 103; corn. 129; onts 114; Sunday- school has ical extingui sH'er ' :, al~ady promise d SU1l~ afternoo n.·' IF-It doesn't bar Icy. 101; chicken s. 186; hay, 131 ; the materia l arid making of live. The Idea ot..lia\:i!l~ a sim'Uar ap,..In. Tho Icore: . . pototoes . 142: eggs. 118 ; hogij. 9:1; Wh"t group Is going to .take DaTe of pal'lI,tus for tho townshi p has been be,f cattle. 113; Inmb, 197; wool, the other five. talked of throll~h the ' Men of. Way- PPOPE RTY .'" . liSP; veal.cal ves. 88; sheep. 15fi ;mil· . .~ , The propert y of the late Ann Phil'. " " \ ... A hearty spirit of co·oper atlon h88 nesv.ille meetipglI. hpt it has never The KKK of Warren county wUI' ch ·COWI. 117; horses. 67; npples. 212; already existed botween lips. was sold at public auction come to on any hold n big meeting In Waynes vile.· It may be of interest . pOB",ibl~. conclusi on as .~hll Amerito our many I 'AB R H PO A E milk. 188; butter. 165. can Legion and the ,,aed CroBS. In to the matter. The apparat us weuld the premise s here Monday after- WednesdllY. evening . June 26. There readers to ~now that I~ ,~hll ~I~I\~ , Taking this list all II whole farm Warren county the noon. Prendor gast. d .. .. 4 • 2 0 0 ) Sheriff Brant had the a good 1liiIe thing in will jror be the a big pnrade. with plenty of O. Gustin casc. i'he Co.u tt .pt ~~p~~ ~o,,"nunity. 'two. Will work . , .. Gon •• 11. ............ .... 6 1 o 1 1 . 0 prQducts In April were 20 percent togethe r in the task of .1IIing have. in the last tew weeks. cb'a.rge. and C. T. Hawke was the ~usic and a large claaa will be In- in an opinion rendere d,IBllt out the wee~ af· I auction 8' eer. 1 above Frye. 8b ....... ......... 6 8 II 1 thfl 1009-14 prices. Of the BonuB IIppllca~~ns. been ltIated. two fires . whl!re. wit,b such . ' a maSh,mple applifirmed J\Ulge Wright and the ,.verdiet . ~, Satterth waite. Ib .. 6 1 411 o 0 chances for ~ complet e I drop to the cation blanks hli.ve been received The lint parcel. which was the There will be a fine display of fire- of the jUry. to- chine a goodly portion of the burned ' ••. ~. " '.: .\ ' .' home Paee c .... .'....... .,..... 11 1 1 11 1 0 level ofpre-w ar ·yelU'8. E. J. Utz, Uni- gethlil' with inst+uct lons for propert y on Main strejlt. wu works; and hundred s of visiting the 1111- bulldingll would UJfdoubte~ly have . Mr. Gustin gave bond' whillf>'·b lar . Bold Hopkins . 2b.. :.... .. :6 8 4 . 1 4 I verslty econom ist says this: O. J. Edward s for two thirds I Knights in the parade,a • , ~ ing out of the regular . applicat ion been saved. . . cnse WAS in the Court oil APP4al& I, I.i . the appraise d price. $1700. It , would 8C8rcely seom 'possible blanks. T. Burton If........ 6 1 o 0 o 1 ..,.- - This will be the largest knoklav e Judge Wright 'aentene e.t: Ifr. These . applicllt lon blank'll ~tisiift ' . ~ o 0 for a drop to the pre.war level when will ' be In the hands of the ~ The second parcel. which W88 the ever held in. Warren Co .• and on invl- to one Orabom . rf ........ .. 4, 0 O. 1 Legion HONORED BRIDE.TO-BE year in th~ W~rt.en : <:;oultt;, .:: " Pope, rf.·.. : ...... ,..... ;2 O' o 0 o 0 things ttie far)1uir have to buy. ore Comma nder, and the Red Crou IIIld the old Phillip. homeste ad. tatlon' is extende d . to everyho dy to jall and .to Jl~Y a"'~De lecl~! .~~OI! ·Mi(~ ,:: "., H. Burton, p .... .... 6 2 8 '0 ' 4 . 0 still more than sixty percent above retary between the "IIrst and fl'f teenth oU.t of the corpora tion. wa,s aold be prell\nt and hear the talks on the costs. Mrs. Keller Hoke ~: i .I.. ~ .. eJlteriat rled laat • . '. J: ... h ' ·, the pre-war prices. The fact thut of July. Veteran ll will for $1600, to R. J. Frazier. This principl es of the order. reCeive every Wednes day afternoo n with a mlscl1l: ti. ,' , ,." .. I' ,j"d Totala ..·...... ..... .110 16 19 27 Itl. 6 the indo x number of practica lly all aid which is pOSlliblc for the Red ~neous slio,wer at her I!retiy eoun~ Ilve8to~k piodu~t.s has had an upward Cross to riye. home In honor olf Mi8!l Helen tre'nd for the first four months of NEW BURLIN GTON iatt. a bride elect, of l.uni 21: 19114 Is -an , In~eatlon that we I I "AD R H PO A E 10110wl1 '\6 guelts ;vere pr~.ent: p1'Q.achinA' a normal product ion Mlasel Helen ··Marlat t. Louella and FrOlt. ft .... , .. ...... 6.', 1 ,01 . 8 .. 0 and that l better opportu nities n~o in ,::n :::: Frances Janney. Helen and Comnri e Kenny. ,cf': ... :.... ...6 1 2· 1 0 0 stoN for ', tho On. .' . .. Ifat'J!ier. ad~ much to tho ball p¥k. Welch, Olive': Allen., Al~e~" cl!;ey. Stanley . Ih. ~ ; ...; .. .. II 1 2 9 1 2 pastor of the , WayrtesvWe·:,lIU:.B • . r.'1 ,. ---.~-. ' Hel_D Oebour/ le. 8J? ........6 . 0 S . 8 1 " 0 Hawke. -"lice 'Goil'. Mn; 0.church :Mil give ,the ~.ondl. 'lemOn ." ''>,· I The ·following announc ement _ . 1 -'; \' ,' Ary, p .. .. .... .'.:...~ ..... 6 1 ' 1 0 3 8 Stanfiel d. ~re~ WamiD Braddoc k. lecture on ~ the' city" of , received by Waynel ville friends laat ' Il, . ' .'llez:eby, tal'lnoll;nce ~h~t MenilenhaU......... 6 . II 8' 1 . 2 ' . Ada 'Smlth and ·lIn. week:., ' -al7l.i You· are :corll~aflr, In~tea ,to' II(.~' .. , " . . " . '.~. : . , Web. rf,. ......... :........ 1 '1 0 .0 0 . Mr. 'IInd .Mn. Steph,e b 11'., 'HoWick ' ent and. ~.o ' ~~Il~~~)~~ ~: ' "~ ~'.,,/~ Blair. U.. :....-. ,. .~ .... 4 2 ~ 0 0 (j. concern announc e the marriag e cit their ' . . 11. ••'0;, .1 .'\~.. "N •,' " .. , \ng • ' :.,Hils 'T ,,'.... ., .."ff., .IC'" ,~I" J!arve,. e•• ljI .. 4,. 1 ,1., 10 ,' 2 " .- :S ~~"fS! ~N )rl ~l!'.' t"t y t t6 'i ', ~aUI,~ter. '. \ ,_ ~ \ ,~ , , , " I " f' : .', Mary Be~~~e , . t t l ' t. ' :,; ri ) .o j f Tot!+ ... .: ....... .. 8 .10. 16 ~~ . ~l! . ~ .... to .. , WANTE~I~O p,ua~ j,·7 ·.,! ....•, _ _.....; _ .c- ~ ..I~ · . r" ~ . ·f.. J. .;. ') • \ til ,. . d .Mr: '.\lb. rt Holm8l· Stoop. ' j ' " . \ IUallt1 ........ 2 8: 0 .1\ ~n 2 0 Thu~~~ Q 8-18 . tile. twaift,h ·ofJun •• ;, • . •. ) l Ininetee n' . hUlJ.dred and twenty- four Bu1'lington ;~ ii, 0 2. , O-f.~Oi ". ' ~lIna. 0610 ' • . ~ \ ". ' .,.. '" , . M home . , •afUr ~e ftrat · of J:lIl7 1 . . 208 South, Sbannon : ,Street , . , Van W~" OIlIo , . •
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The Mla.1 ea..eile, W..yneavtlle,Ob$o z,
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• J . mig,~ b $ Id. It al.;t) au · lhori:ll!(t HlU'ry B. 'l'homp~ I'II , admh'. istrn lor of thc Kt nllJ. to 8ell said ,Iltocks 'at priva te sale. , OKcar K ever w a~ II ppointed a ll ap· . We life authorized 10 nr.nounee , Mi s Aliec Weichers Is visiting in prniAer Df the \l~ tnt Df Mnry E. J Us tin Hard ing. of Frankto n tc: wn! hlp . Ctn~i lln ati. Thompso n, ' dece ased. to ser ve In tho <l1I a C!.a.ndida t,e tor Rerresentlltive of Mt·. and Mr!!. 18rn&1· Scott flpent 111 Legisftture. -\' u bj~ct t o t he Repub- unday in Dayton. COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINCS plnee of Wm. Ev a n~ , who is unnblo lo .a ttend to his duties. lican P rinlltry. August 12, 1924 . Ir . .fohn Lucas is spending u few 111 the cose II! I, ii'by 'mith \'9. W. Frank Hosen, udll1inistrntnr of days ill.Mt.. lIolly. 'l'he Puul Sorg Puper 0 . • lda,ve wus l hl' Ktllt · or Mllry A. ~1iehrller , d ,' Vc lire nulh orhod t,\ IInnDUllce Mr. a nd ?III;'. GeorgI' ;\farlatt visgrullted 1,luinUff to til o hi petition ce a~l'Cj. \\'a ~ nuth ori z~ .1 to sdl Olle that Robert \V . Brown. .a J>roo:- lt cd with r latlve In Dayton u nday. " and to withdraw the pC Litioll a lreu dy aharo of stock In' tho Citi ~ens NlIti eing aHofn ey III Lebanon, and Mr, Bert Mnri(Jtt and f amily en,"'" filed. veteran of t he Wo rl d War, is", candi- te rta ined n few r elatives tor Sunday ",'" tionnl Bunk lind Tl'ust Co .• uelong~ Th e ens e of J ames M . RU8se ll V B. ing Lo ~aic1 cstute. fl,lr not les ~ thlt ll date tor representative t o t he g-c neral d inner. ' Eulnh Russell hus bee n eomp l'omisc l1 $~25. 00 . aS8embly from WIIM'e'n County in Mrs. Ellsworth Smith a nd children ' . settled nn d dismis"cd. the R,pubLican Primary of A ugust spent II few days wit h her mother. GeD rge W. Cropper and )o' rederick 1'ho Citi ze ns Nalio na l Bunk and W . B in kle. trust ees Dr the cst'tlte of I'll. 1924. MI'1I. Levi. Trust Co., was 6 wardod a judgment 'George R. Sage. deceased, were auMr Wilbur Marlatt. of tndiana. (If $146 9.52 a nd costs in its case thor ized i o s ell certain stock belongWe 'are aur~orl.ed t o a nnounce and Mr, Mall Bnrnard. or Spring ValngaitlR t J . F. DresS'ler. e t aL E . J .Beedle, ,of Union township. as loy, wore Mt. Holly visitors, Sunday ing to· tho estate Bnd t o purchase cer'Dhe cour t IIpproved a salo in the tain !tock a t t he best market price. ,. candidate f or Coullty Commiss- evellin«,. 7 ca se of FIDra E. Dudley VB . Austin ioner. subject t o the .Republican Pri· Eurl J . Bllergermeier was appoint. "fT. and. Iilra. lacob Zimnal!r enC. GDodwin , et aL mary. AUlrust 12, 1924. ad administrator of the ostate Df J os. t ertained Mrs. ~imlUer' s brother and F. Buergermeier. dcceaBed. Bond wife. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Soward. NEW SUITS F red S. SImpson announces his t or dinner, Sunday. $500: ( BCIMJ . Ford ta.. bought a .(tTCGl tr~ at 1aDd IDrlrtl9rlda. incl....,.i. candidacy for a s9Cond term lIS Treas L. S. Shawhl\n WII 8 appDinted an 1he Mt. Holly church beld their La ura Hesler has brought suit i6b&Y leal and .It ,good man,. build- aguinst Willium RD~s. urer of WarTen .County, 8ubject to Children'S ,Day 'oxercises Sunday ev· appraiser to the estate of Nettie R. ~ He reta WOod for lilll ears tlle Republican primary, Tuesday. enhig; 1'he: t!'xerci8eB were largely Stowe, deceased. t o serve In the foreat8 till the North. ·Ho AUR'Ust 12. J024. placo of S. L. MontgDmer y, whD is att.endl!6 a'tid enjoyed 'by aU. "nLnow ii-tallllld, ...,ll8h nJbbe~ PROBATE, PROCEJ;DINGS Plantations In Florida to Buppl}'. unable to at t end to his duties. Mr. . Be~,e Dill apent M6nday ev. lIate,l'111 101' bls t;Uea. The Le~on Nationsl Bank and enlng' wUh his mother, Mrs, Rebecca Alfred C Brant annoullces "From prodac.i!1' to consumer" Is Trust CD .. odminlR trator of the esa candld.te .for Sheriff ofr the Re- Dill: ' Mrs;' Dill returned to Dayton MARRIAGE. LICENSES bIB motto. ' . tute o f Nettie R. Stowe. dcceosed. to lIpend " lI" ~ow days with' her daugh. WATCH FLORIDA. That ' one Edwin LeRoy Crane, 24; laTlner. 8ta~ . . - " l lurty~'-'t In this , its inventory snd apprnisemcnt. _,I,"tiol\' W a,be the heldcominlr Auguat Pri, c12. ter, Mrs: John Zimmerman. of Lebanon. and Miss Mnrgaret May Un*, will botoNl ,_nll .hne The second account of O. S. Hig· yean 811 .puty. Bherl1f ·of the Mr. -aM Mrs. Frank Belt and Mr. ~~ be a ,tganti<: l)ation In Itgins, trustee of the estate of Mnry Loy .21. of Morrow. has qualified him for this po. and Mrs. 'Elishlr Soward' spent Mono Wm. Parker, U. grocer. of Frank.If,· Perry, deceased, was approved. day " ' !ternoon' with Mr. and Mrs. One tal k hi t1.e U~ Stratea ts. The tlrst and IInnl account Df JOB· lin. a,nd Miss '. Virginia E. Sl>enGer. , Jac6b ' ·Zlinmer. riot n egl~ted, IUId that I the job ephlne Dodd. administrator of the e 8- 40, clrc8llmaker, ot Frankln. colored. &lie ~ .~ War,ereounty; 1 Mr. ' and Mrs. ' Emerson DiU enter· of bU rn1 na up e\prettea.· 'In April Bat.. of W. C. Dodd. deceased, was lite tfactorlee tumed .,. lnor. tJlan "f' ;;;*(»ii,~j I~_~. ana -f!!ntle~Il--Ml' \~inild . at Sunday dinner, Mr. and ~EAL ESTATE TRANSFERS flve thoUUDd mllllOBll ,of dpre.t.taa• . ap~,rovcd. ;:.~~.~~I~~~~:!~:t::~~:~·~.. a ~n ldate. for member Mn. Raymond Osborn, of Xenia, and the output II connan\l, In. , The court approved the firat and Wm. C. Osborne to Walter Black' ::Ii Le~lattire 1iJ-wunty, Mr. ' and Mrs. Emarson Dill were creasln,. In toar _the thIa ,.ear IInll aecollnt of Margaret LeFever, and Harold Honry. Lot in Franklin, &he Republican ~Icket Dayton sh~- last wee~ the ·tountIY 8ftKlked two tlloalaftd administratrix of the estate of Emil $I. mUllolI 'lIION eteafettM,thaJ\ In the T. Schatz. election to be held Mr. Elmer Royer is able ' to come .. me ~, _,..r" .' _. • Cornelia H, Hatfield and Alice B • ..,tMIIF'III\,,~rqesdll'h': ~~ UiI\ next. I here- to Mt. Holly for the drat time Blnce , It young sentl~ deYOUd to The fint and IInal account of Ed Lind to Fran\ X. Mlnst. Tract in iou. yotu. D. W. Humopere,6on. other tub the _traUon and Rota llict, admlnistra101'' of the East I Turtl~reek Twp .• $1. .reful at~""'~~E" of 'Clifford M. Sameson, de' """' i~;11 • Normal C. Bennett to Mary S. they de'f'ote 'tt.l, I tt4l.> I I was approved. Ne.inilm. Tract in Franklin Twp. $1. : ~We 'are authoriud to annou"ce When .' lodium 6uoride entera a "orld tilt. tN>U .. ~ ., ''1 "labmeat. court approved the third achome. cockroache. go out, psc.,- a"d Emma Howard to Hat· at Z. O. Worley. trultee of the rY 'a"d Maud Thatcher. Lot in Oold connected ~Ith tbe V.lley Telenam, of F. Thompson. of baac Jonel!, deceased. SptlnJ18 Camping gTound. $1 Compa,y, ~ .c:andlaate for firat and final acoount of Anna RoMrt G. Morris to Albert stacy. SherlCft ..b~ect to the Re· lIer Young, guardian ' of the About · lOO ocres in Clelltrcreek Twp, IVll,bli,ean ' Prilll!U'J,' o\ua~ U. 1924. of ~trick Edwin Miller \_~i::t'Il'.alI·ttl' Eugene MiIl4!r. minors, wal! Mollie R and WelteI' It. Scolleld lIonfort'lI1Inouneea ~t ~ to ilJel'tha 1. Middleton. Lot In !fason ..rved· " C9u~tJ SIl"a,or ';for of John DaUboa,' deceased $1: ' """."tIa1""tI Iix montbi add 11 iacI.v·'ji'.eaD. ,,' l f""" ~ ~eThe'l nat10D 18"IIIpplIM tM -.. . .Iadl~itt.ed to probate. John Paul' W. -W . Whlteker to Cheater A. _to c~d, hlmae'f 01,- '~at I,den' ~wtth, ~ ,.f\oo, . ~te , )'MIll • .r.uUIIiJua was appointed executor and Camp,bell. Tract of about 33 acres " " "........ ,,"a tile ' d ocllloa ·,of t1lo. ,I go lIaUlna, . o~e ,..tfla~ b~ r,~ A. ,C. Vail. W. H. Berger .nd George in Hamilton T·wp .• !lriD\JIry. Aupst 12, 1~a4 . , . .Ilona of aU . ,nll '''''''''~• . I!IIinf ' E l ~f ' ll . ted . men:" If U\ nation '''-n!' that · . ' " I er were appolD apprataers Henry H. and Ruth A. Burnhsrt, tor, the Pre.ldl!llllj.whol . . .. fr5.000 j the estate, 3-4 tlcre in to Jacob A . Carey. ""~II~~~lAl'!,. -~ bealdee. il~ aftOJ71i\O~" The Lebanon National Bank and Cltarc:reek Twp: FRATERNAL DAY "' . ....._- ," ~. to the letter t ~e.r" , Tr,st Co., administrat,o r of the estate Frank Winfield. et al.. tD Lucy hIli ahoel 'thl18e times of . Nettie R. Stowe . deceased, wns E. Winfield. Lot in Enst Morrow, $1. w"aHIO used to pey. . ' ThirtY·leven fratemal organiu· . _ -+-Au, hoTi zed to sell certain personal John F. and Anna Chll rlto n t oJohn that carry the 'n.u~ ilelat1al.el~ ~:r wry. Wilbur o£ t 'Ne" prqperty belonging to the estate. a t A. and Ida May Dondaro. 50.09 tbe state at West V~.~o ia-~.tl\&t, .. 001ll;t" y'F.nd JItfMI priv.tc sale. ucres in Union Twp .• $ 1. a movement to ,form' • !Ins :tdary . E . R os: , execu t nx ' C<l1l1t 'lIO'lI'lto\ do"fll!,rto' ." o,BII'f4e, . 'Sutlre,". o f · th C csRaymond W. and Eliw"r th \\' !!hr Whi lJOt f Slupre_ Court "lfe' of WiIHum H. Newport, decensod to Ludwin P,·ued",nthal. 7~ 1. 2:1 Hc res in Deer fi eld TwP.,
IPo~1 Anno~cements
A' t," e ' ()Unl' - vi I will usu Uy; hold 811 th· milk hl/uten Ollt- of ~l 0 v b y n milking toul. .
·==~===~~l~~J~~~.:M: :as~
§~~~§~~~~$e~~~lpablic.n Ucke~
fro. ___
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. ------
He preso nted hi. bill, And I cOllld nllt (! vade it. III valley. on hil l, I~e presented his bill, I:••• With sti ng ing ill-will.; 80 with blood . Klr . I pllid it. li e presented his bill. ..\nd I cou ld not evade it,
do n't guih lUI economicully un g round snybcalls UII un Dil-meal in 1\ I'ation with corn, clovc r huy and cor n ~ iI .. gc, I'!!C'utl y ocmvlct ed ex pe r,""lilts a t the Ohi o EXIJerlment Sta· tiun ind il'lIll'.
- - - .., ...... ----
Fi ve Il c r~OIn ~ II dny, 011 the uverRgC huvo beD" ki lled ot g rade e r0 8~ Ing. fil l' the h,\It fl v\) yca,rs.
Dr. John W. Miller Oentist .,y~f1csvlllc
Nnthnul Dank ·'8telK'·'·
EXPERT I \ODAKt,.. Fi 1m f4'inishing ' andDevel'opitllt·
... by pa.eel I'ost.
Quality WaTt at 1\ 114v1llg. No Micldloman, Dcal Direct. ' Service Cast as tbo malls. All lIiXC R, lIeveloping nnd plinting, 40 ~elll:B; (lxcept vast pockets. 35 cenUl. "rite tor In· rormation or Bcn\! 'm'oney to
of. '
3".1. w. ,F. ,COtdS"·'·· R'albol~ Btda" r
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BLONDE ASS OPINES .. 1·..; foIIirIwfIi ........ d_t01". I•• . ·.tnactio.. . .........hltr. wltla " :........IIi. ·T oat.... ·I·!p .O,,"" I~ ~..(. wr.a 'with ......,.~..... F~. ·
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.IONEY LOANED ON UYE STOOK,:' ' chattels, alao .sccond "I0rtg. .e~, . Not.!lll. b<>uJ;ht, J ohn Horbina, AI,l e. , Building, Xonln. bhlo.
Farmers, AttentionL
Fa rmers of Warren ond adJolnl~ counties may obtaIn money on lonl: tim e loune. at 6l,!r .per cent inleiMt. Cdst oC securing the enme is very rea-, :tOnnblo .throul'h The Federnl !:.aha.. receipt of $100. She was sim- COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDI NCS Blink. For further Informatloa dll ' on or addrell8 M. C. DRAKE. TftJuauthorized · to cancel a claim urer, phone lU6.X. Lebanon, Ohio. - . Philip and A melia Caines' up· $2176: ·court approved the sale of 'eerreal estate . ~y Wm. Slye, guar-' of Graee P. Slye, minor,· .....~ ·np. ·1 • distribution of the proceedl d~. ..
au!~o~~Z:~d ~liV:a~:~rtC~~i:::,
Dl-ab Inhrrirftlltritrlr-ot .Bame • .Hester- E.- ~. Drab! fttatel / of' ,filed her tiM' and ftna" ~Fv
·Nt .~
eet.Mllilnfd' ttrrif .. •ftO
I,,',· .
st~~~~, ~1f=t~~~::: .ra;fd. ~ Se'Itti~ CJc 'fr'lllt· and , oPftl,wnta'f · · . " L'
'1II\PlthJ etc. " 1Vrft.I iI. ',Taiben:!ulo!lil bas been gIVen " Wm" ' ,"ci~~on ; . Molll'e NO"tViallc; New Yorll l · jf8. '1,.... '''...7 'Brown, if alive; to pri)d~lce' fPOOrt \J:~.v'derlee ' ot hIli contlna.nce in life • . . ARE ' N~\\\ TAiuN~. ~ pI.na and clll'cuiaUbU - p t -within twelve' weeks. . wool · at, our -.,rehoUIe lin ~...... , ¢Ourt found the net value' of lind will . paY . ~ b1aJi1!at~ 'if of Hester E. K. Drake, de'.+e.(nil\ty's IIhare of plving brick. on . W. J. BIJk"r, ,Corwla, Ohio",." to ' tg t1&.650,811. It .Iso higbway, noo.OOj Walter -Var. ' U · .. ,. de~rmmed. the . personll 'entitl~. to bridge ' repairs. $2.4~: L. I. Bueceed to said estate. rel~orc:ing bars, '18.00'; L. €hrilltle, executo... ·of · the' bridlre repaln. '63.60'; . P'OR S~LE of ·.Wm ' III. Tliompaon; 'deWhitacre'.' 'bridge lumber, -t-;-.....I - -......- - - -......- -- ...' .,;"- ..... flIed hlB Inventory and ap. 3 :Harlan Whitacre. pay 1'll1l ' a!}~Lli!-·0Ii"O'1I'e~!i cwf~'m 1Jep-.: Rr.IIM,me,nL . '. - fop half month ' ending Ma)" 3184 . .Inqulre · Wm. ~ulcetl,~ IAllrnlolrne· 8'. ' Thome. ~lIrdl.n · of " 1~1.25: 'Phlllip Heiler; IIltme .. UO·O.Ohlo ~ jut ' .' 'eBtate .. of John . H." Campbell, ' 911; H. W. Trovillo, same. $38.00i. fl~ed hedlrit .nd .6n'l 8ctll~nt: lB. eame, nfl.69: Hoyt Mc. SALE-+ :) , court 6ud ·ttie -price 'at wl'lich same. 't65:65; V. W. Tomll a.r_t' Claa...pioll -JMowul. r .... H ...iln Btocbbelorig!ng' to thd 'ps. same ,271.87: F. M. DHrl., "a,. t ........... " 01 Susan Jane ThomPion. de,356.60; Eden Terry. lI81IIe, A.erica. C,oYer B.acla.r . , : fIl. T. Rettig; same.' '984 •• ' 8sS H_I.r I)~ g~.l r~Ts:;::ir:'::~~~;;;;;;; Dilvls, same. '$135'1 ;19; SUIII· JZx7 Peoria' t)l.i: _"""rI" t~'." II' Co., gas. un.oo·; Oolumbu! ' Rd•• IEi.Ita,_ Cift.r wltla Slew.
partJ will eoIIHnt to auch. 'I lMDa"
<IDa at Dr. La Fon.ffe wciWd ' 'acrik . ', L. PolIette ' bo1nr it.
~ ST-'T£. PRICE • FOR ...u:r:~~aREAT" IS \ '/
~Ip.' co
011 and gas. $80.76; /I, Mal': er ..plet. 'dragging, '$2.26; Wilber Ecofto~,. Jlft' S"paratop • $2.25; Eugene Gard, bridge BI~a ~n .$.p~ra""r l!oJ\,trl[ct.' '768.86: S. C~ Alexander A.to :J!rtdler """ 76c;' Ell StoutenborOulh~ l ·hlottl,I,... ~f f~~D fill. Q.OLE, ,H .rn••, 't! 1 ;J!C!:~I~~ilng. '27'~ 00 :Olnclm,.tf.· Q~ar-' ran~ ~~IlD . ll'atehl.,."...•• error 'Itt dlBeto '6.26;' 1M:' Q.l1l0. . ' . .186 ,' Bupplin, ''''' 00; J. K. Spenl. SAi.E--l!GOod rnde o'tl.~;! I • bridge lubtbel", ,110.40: Mbnr'oe 'I at ' th~ ~eyaillilir FerU~l. , 1~~!.~~~'li~e~.J1~o:~Ii~n~oiJ, ~me, $121'.99: L. C. I •• , ti" ., ij i'-, Sons' Co:. locust Posta, Waltiill Garagae; ",pain 1In.t .9At.£-....I)f.Je Jieig, one .' /Uri· '89.02: Jno. · La~ ' arid: Sbh; Poland China. John Beach. ft. and tires, $1'08.6'1; ' W. If: ' ", .... '., . _~uu~'n and CO!, cement and lum~~ E. Null g",vel, ,80.1S0 ·' Hb,wI.rd,i cemeut. ut.oo;Mr·Jt·. Gri.atJhollse. repairs; 'lh90; 1' ·Rettl~.1.0r.'r.l)lllia, Store, supplieS; ,6;811': Geo. W. rn'IIID'K. grav!-.', $09.'16; J. W Lingo lupplle~, jf ~~TD8,: ' B;an"hal'1 Mo~r
repalrs,i, .111.011. ... Starlei8 d ~I1, · $6lt.elt. · "· ': . '
The Miami Gazelte, Wayoavitl., Ohio
u:C ' o ur time that there is 'MIAM I GAZETTE .••. 'non'le,muc;h left for g60d reading.
ISSU FlO EVERY WEDNE DAY Enterell at tho PosLoffice at Wayne ville, 0.,
D. ' L. CRANE, Editor aad Publi.b"r, W.yae .. iII", Ohio.
1... ...1
-. WEDNESDAY. JtJN E 18. 1924
~ ' hat- not. t here will always be 1& ' • HAJ r 'S CATA tnt-f l\1$DJ<:1NEl bll8 been" ~.ed auee. u run,. In tHo tr~a tln n~ mny' become,' how advan ced. modern John M. Hill Is drivin g II n ew Ford or~lt':8h' ClATARRR MEDtC'H~ E \'0 ...• r wihat not~ there will IIlw8,YII' be a Mr. Samuel Haines is III at the Mr. -and Mrs. ella.. (lollier were Sedan. ,1.tI or 'UI Ointment ",bl eh Qulol<l" rlnce' for the w ork of the greatest Rolleve. by 100nl 31l1lUcntlon. " nd t hl Bobby Smi th spent lhfl pa st wl.'ck In,ernal home of his dnughter, Mrs. Waltor Lebsnon visitors 'Friday. Modlclnn... Ton iC. ... b loh !.~!' mas tel . of the English lang uage t hat Kenrick, Miss Flora Varvall, of Daytqn, is wlttl rnln tives in Wilmington. through tho BIOO<'I on 'hO M'II~ "u • ..,..,ever Jiived, Shn kespca r. If We aro fa cce. thU G re4u elnlf thO 'tfl nll'ft..",,,Uon. Mr: Dick MaRon, of Bellbrook, Is thc housc gucst of Miss Amelia Carr. Miss Oonnu De Vue, of Xenill, W!lS Rolc! by all dru"lCllt •. a t fll1i1t, if gqod literllturc is "not beF . J . Cheney &It Co.. Toledo, </hlo. Mrs. R. H, J eft'ri cs and Mis" Hc len the guest la.'! t week. of hpl' grand. ing rc.-a d liS univel'l!lllly t oday is it vc.ry ill at the home of his sister, Mra. ____ e: _BL Charles Clark. Evans were WilmingtQ n visitors Fri· mother, M1". E tn Mn.s. should be, thero is but ona solUtion , ) ....'r. W • G. ._ o'e8, '(1 fBI e mon • I ' 'u 1L.1 t day. ;,!r" . '!\ H . lI a l'i:\!I :tn d r:, ml.ly a.t. Th i ~ Iil>:S wilh OUI' Jlublic school s ,_ spent Sunday- with hill Il>IIrents, Mr. J. P. Osborn, Mrs. Harry ()~ U OI"I\ lunded the \\' ,·,hlin /.: ()f II 1'\' II tern. t o spa na Illo rc time in the develIIn'd Mrs. Slimuel Haines. and cnildren were Wilmin gt on "i H- , Iill ln SI' IIl·g. \\' ndlw',.I" y. . opme nt I th e fi:ng li .h bl'Unc heH and . I Fl' cd lfadl,'y Illld J . L. " ,nard WIth 'Mlas Bernice Graham Bpent last Itdl'll Thursday. MtriVO to cl'ctite ill hp. boy ur giTl week with her grandparents,' Mr. and RQldo Kirk and daughters. lOr Wil· ll lw ,". fnmtli, ; . lIJ'e '''e ndi llg' th e week The Eye Sight SpeClallll ' the (Iesire Ior good r(>lIrtin)!,. Mrs. Cnrl Alb~ight. near Springboro. minglon , visited Mr. a nd MrM, It. II. 1 111 t I C<tnncJ' '' Landin g . 'Prot Geo rge ClI¥'k. of Philndel- J effri es lind tio n, Sund llY· l li.< I Ilh,,:u:a CU I'I'y SJI"nt Ilist ,I !Prof. John Stewart, of X ~nia. vis· WN' j, with rcLl t;"cs ill )Jort \\ "I iam. phia, was o' week·end guest of his A JUN E T H ANKSGIV INC, Lebanon, Ohio , k r h I pllrenta. Mr. lin d Mrs. H, . M. CI ar. ited relatives and friends 1)<: 1''' Ih" ilill l\laws. o( Ve '·CI'. Col Mr. an d Mrs. Lee Greathouse and latter pllrt of tbe wee k. I... and 101 .. ". Jas. H. ~ tc rsl l n a( 'l'he Baptist Missionllry cire e hel,1 a' g ues ts Fridn y. Mrs. Itll y I'cterson Our be~t Th nnksgiv inJ! day is nt Mr. Fred Lacy were Sunday ; guesta hanri. Conl! l'(!ss hilS adjo urne d ; the of Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Wharton and an all.day meeting Friday at tho ",lId childr cn. of Chi cuJ,:o. unc! Mrs. 8:00 u. m. to 4 p. ' ''' ' hohle of Mrs. Geo. Denny. The C hlldn'''' , On y jl l'ugrfl lll ut Repu bli cll n con\'e ntlon is out of the family. WilY; cllndi dul cs h,,,,,, beell chosen, The Wayne TownRhip Farmel'll' 1MI'. and Mrs. E verett Vill lll's and Friend ' church Sundu y evelling wus and lhe plnti'orm adopted; und in club was entertained at the country Mott Clin.c of Dayton , were week. wel l '1tLcndcd nnd v ry cnt~rlnlllinl(. a few dars l h,' IIcnHtcl'uti c gllt llOring home of Mr. and M,'S. V~i1hur Clark c nlt visitors with relatives her". Rll y Har vey Buff el'c,1 " dislocutcd in New York wi ll b,· /I ma tter o r his· Thursday. 'M isses Lulu Fcu ly. Imoj cll fl I1 ml kn"l! while plnying bull Su nday after.k . tory. Th iN, e nd crt, we CI II I ~tretch Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Arcl),\leacon Viola Gray \vill elltcr Wil mi ngton nou n. He was ufl ubl ... to gO) to wor ' Qurs term nlv('" Ill1 d t' •... 1 f .. \) to devu le 11 hnve movcd in pHrt of th(; ~Thom'p. co II ege f or lh "~ SUl ' lm"I' '' , Mo n. l\t olldu y . II ' ttle II' m(' to th .. """ol'in" ur bURi· so n propcl'ty, vaeu ted by l\I ... an d da"I ' Mi,' ~l n.'Y Cullett hns tiS guest. . . ' .... OBNT.ls=r (I' nOSR und tht> dl.lv£' I'>p illl:' of t h co un· Mrs . Earl [lj~ho p, wh o mCt vcd' t() their 'Mr. an d Mr •. Clint Gra~' un d fam· :lliss I.e no Laki n. of the Dayto n try. We nll.y It,· n ·puhli~an~. we fa rm south of Lown . . i1y and Natban Gra y spellt ~u ndn y scho IJ I, .. who is .Ieovill g Lhi~ week And X-O-O~APHIST : mllY be l!cUI"cl·alx. UJ' Snl'i," i~Ls or The sale of Mr. Fra nk Smith on with Mr. ond Mrs. F' r ." GI'hY a nd for her hom" i n_C':o.:~ Indepcnd<: II I~. 0 .. Whllt nul. 1' 1Il \\'h e n Saturday \\~ well atte nded. Mr. faloily • . in DayLon. . WayneSVille, • all is liIliti we ur(t niuLulllly Amel'i· Smith will now make . ~ home with The membc rs of t he . ommu ll lty Telep~on~ , 1~••. \' cnns 'nnd the prosp,' rity of Amedcn his dau g hte r. Mrs. Frank :H ecklithorn, club en tortain ... d their wivcs lit 1\ must be Our first concern. li nd family, nenr Miamislbuj.g. banque t Frida.\' eve ning . "D usty" OFFICE: BAl'aAW~'I)j.DG, From now lInti l clcc~ion of courSIl Miss Beulah Coon, of IDayton, a Miller" of Wilmington. delivered th l! Ward Taylor and wlfc;-of Spring' ON MAIN STRIi:&T _ the p(lLiticul pot will .cethe. We s hull for mer Lytle tea.cher. wal! one of the I\ddrea6. boro, were' Sunday guests of the Jor. , '1 hear o( p lot!' und co ullt~r plots. o( graduates last week lot , the ( Dnylon Mr. lind Mrs. Emery Ross and Mi85 da n family. , , !!!l charges nnd counte r chnrges. We Norma l. The graduati~'n o':('orcilles Esther, e ntertained her brother and Tho Beoson's, who arc working 5ha~1 exp"riCJ~ce oft'o l·ta to fri g h.ten we're he ld at the Patt!erscIQ s8hooJ. falolly " yer the week-en;d. in Dayton. spent Su nday at the ir I us .lJlto onothhne of action or clIJole Mrs. Kesle r' Graham spent, Thurs. A num ber from h~ enjoyed the home ' here. , da y and Friday hi: O~Ylon, lilt the barn dance at Claude Coopers' , . nell I' K. E. Thompso n spent T hursda y us IOta ano cr. ftOTARY pual.lO. ~ Now u s to get out h lo I M d MAth ,Wh'te O~kland. Saturday evening evening. Friday evening ¥d Satur. th ' i8k'th e time for 0 e 0 eare r. 8n rs. l, little r urnephew. , I, "'. W. A "em't>y an d E ' Lytle • Wills Drawn Esta~~~uletl our 10 lng caps. d us t th e mo th s helping for her 'Mrs. .... aTl and d IIY eve hi ng 10 from the warp and woof, seek a ciaI" It · 'II 'th b . g gh James ,Cline moto1'8d to Indiana last M. M. Terr y lind K. E. Th umpson Waynesville, ~blb ity of visi'on and a calm analysis of w 0 18 very I WI .V; OOPl~ COU . week to visit relativ~. '1,'hey 1'0- were dinner guc~ ts of Guy Ro utzahn , l ~ those i85uea presented that may affect and Morris MIller, Mr. turned by way of Toledo, where and wife, of Lytle, 011 IIturday. National ~ I the business of the nation; so that , ana Mrs. . Wilber Clark ~\nd famIly, they vi l>ited Mr. Bild. ¥rs,;A. Mueller. f. M. ' Os born and wife, of Haroro we mllY not bo led down blind alleys .Me. and Mrs. W alte~ Clar'k ' an~ fam · They r et urned home '1,'hursday. veysburg. a ttend ed th e Smith sale because Borne brillillnt orator draws ll y, attended the church lweddlng of An a ll .day mecting w!ls held at the at Lytle on Saturday ultornoon, a red h.e rring acrOBB the trail; for, Mill8 Kllthry~ Ke i~ to II1r. · Robert M. E. church Sunday. Sunday. M. M. Chaffin and wife, of Galen.., after all. tbe nalion's growth an'd Reist, at MIamisburg, oln Wednes. sebool .a t. 9 :30, a. .m • .,At 10:80 II. ' Ohio. spent a couple of da~s lut tM happineBB of the people always Is do t · . . m. Diatl'ict Superlnt!jadllnt.. Roberts, week with R. J . Murray and WIfe. Mrs. Mahlon Gebhart, a~:e 73 >:ell rs , of HiII ' boro, deliyered, (1'9 ~}Ccel¥mt The <'t ay boys sold a flne bunch In proportion to the material prosVACCINATION OF 1IWIHE , perity of the nation. diOd at her ~ome nort'll of 'Lytle Sun· sermon. At 11 :80 a bountiful din. of fat hogs to W. J. Baker & Co .• at A - SPECIALT.Y ..~ There is no necessity to allow a da)' morning, after a!! 'illness of sev- ner ..~,lfOrved In tJie ,hall . . The IIf. Waynes ville, one day IJlst week . . notional election to upset business eral moritlril. Funent,! ' service was temOo~ meeting was . addrOjUl~ by Almon Ferrla and Wife, Sherman , if the people retain their poise, True held at the home nt 1 o'dock Tues· Judge Wllmlpgton: _ Fllrris wife, and daughter, Luelle.' the average man is a partislln, but he dar morning. Interme nt in Miami The M. E .. Aid met Tbursday af. Ed WilIJP~ ~Ild Wjfe, were Sunday Phone •• '~ , has grown out of being led to lIac· cerpetet)'. te~cmJn the Aid parlor. The c;pief guests bt Ge.o, Wllllpn, and _ _..._ ... .. _ rificing welfare solely for p'arty vicThe wind of last week did a great bual etlli feature of the mee~ng eo". near Kingman. " tory. He is a partisan nowlldoys deal of dam'~e north · of here. along cet.i~ . ~ho meala to be aervl!d :during Lon Brannon and wife, W. H, because he beli eves his party will Socinl Row. blew 011' parts Ilf roofs. up the Cou nty Convc~tton. Resolut ions Terry, Miss Alice Terry, Mra. Mabel best sel've his country. He knows set bui ldings and uprooted 8 number . of I'e.pect for Milia ,liIue -WneJ,tlel were Terry and Mrs. K. E. Thonipson vi.while one set of party principles may of trees. Seth Furnas. Will Pine, 'read: ;T be social hour was devoted ited the cemetery at WayneSVille on be better than another that the ad. Cb'arles Cornell and Earl Thomas to a .palling !Ilat!lh, all PfellOnt tall. SundllY afternoon. Don't forget next Sunday after. vancement of Americli does not de. wel-e among those wbose places were ina part Mrs. Chas. Gray was tbe pend on any party but upon the hon: luek¥ prize noon will be Children'S Day the FUNERAL .• r esty lind industry to the people. and ",n. D. H. Book 'alter, of with whi pped cream, white cake and church here, Tbe committee have becau80 the American people are in and daughters, Mrs, John Boyd iced tea were lIerved. . spared no pains to make this a day . Wayn.• sville, "" lOr the main hone8t and are in the main Whitlock, of Zanesvjlle, and Mrs. ,M r. a ud Mrs. Cbas. Gorden and iong to be remembered. Everywhere • thrifty ana ingenious. The man wbo Morrill Miller entertJalned about 40 aon and Mrs. Karl Sbidaker and plans lire being laid t o this • :;; . " . bets IIgainst Ame ricli under lillY par·. guests at a luncbeon at the '''Ruth children spent . last week.,nd with Children 's Day e ntertainment. Fully for ty rule is foolish lind bound to lose, MJ riam" farm \ on Saturdllj', the Dliyt.on 7~lattves. 'ville. will take plllCD on next SundllY, Sehri~. ." So let ua believe what we wifl and in ' honor of Miss KathrYln : Keim, n , • June 22, 1924 . 'May the Lord blcss ' I,' • vote as we wunt, but stand as a . unit brIde of June 11th.', ' . them, is the beRt wishes of aiL Large l?i~plily Room for America. , ,. Good cars and bad The marriage of Mill8 Leona Me. I' t, ",oak, eve , n Gi,nnis, the only and Du.oa NIGHT I ! , I toe ,up,,~a"'f .,.a~.8, tb. e. l'ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry "of Lytle, to Dr. w,.vn ..... (I-r
Second Clnss Moll
SuuscrillUon Price. $1.50 per ·year.
'1 ~
At Cuy' Jewelry Shit
Every . Tueufay I m... .
~ r'.
Dr. W. E.
most: ,
hour day for labor and a. pledge to continued efforts to eliminate the 12Tho outstanding prlciples of the liour, 7-day week. CeDlllt.tioaal C.araat.._Real· R~ublican platform; formed at ho ftrmatlon by the party of Ita "un. convention at Cleveland last week, ill yielding devotion to the Constitution a s lollows : nnd to the guarantees of civil, poHt. F.lectlon.- Eloction of lIonators and Ileal and religious liberty thorein representativell who beHdve In Re· contained." publican principles and acknowledge L,.al:biDw- Enactment of a Feder. party reJlponslbillty, Is urgod In al anti·lynching law and the creation tb. Republ~ - party . platform of a commission to promote mutual. adopted by the National convention. understanding and confldepce be. Thill appeal constitutes the condud. tween the ruces. tng plank, which decl.reiI that the Wo ...a Votera-Increased Governmont funetion~ best when the ticipation 01 women in party parPresident ill lIupported "by a majority ells. coun· tn Congress of the 118~ political Co.I-Authorlty for President, falth, united by party prlnc!plOll and where the supply ()f coal ie threaten. able, by , concerted action I to carry ed by )ndultrlal conllict to .ppolnt out in.an. o~eTly .,..ay a de&nltel co~: a eomm~ion to act u med~ators and .Istent aiul well balanced proli'am. to ' eQ,ntrol distribution to prevent War'" cr-art-;-Amerlcan adhe,renee proftteer:ing. to the World recommended w••...",..,..-Development of a hy Preatdent CooU.. " wat'.e~ .yatem from tile Great OIIclal , ",,~""""'-Demaiiil for Lakes to the Atlantic leaboard and .-peedy ~on of a\l wrogn· to the Gulf of Mexico. doers In ollleial polltlons and conM.biliaatloa-Univeraal mobillzademnatio~. of thOlie who "strive In •. tlon of man power and ,fndul~ry in dlaerimlnately t9 .l!etnnlreh the names time 01 war. of the In~~nt and undermine the IlIImiw ...,·' oa..:....Approval 'ot'the genconfldence :of' the people In the ,C ov. eral provisions of the new Immigrafltnment." ,. • tion law and II deelly-a&ion for the La" Ea'OI'C ....Dt-Declaration for adoption of rl.ethpda to' mllke easier rigid onforeenient of the law, ~ut t he aaaimllation of foreign.born without ~peclftc mJjntlon of prohlbl. D.le._Malntenance of tho navy tlon. '. . . at t he full strength authorized "by -Rail Ra ••_Sclentific road,u~t- the lett~r and spirit" of the Wuh. llUIn of railroad rate schedules WIth ington treaty, no further weakening • ew "'i o ~!Oc:ourareinent of -agrlcul· of the regu\'ai ' army, and the train. ture and b,.,I~j~dUltries Y(lthou, ,-m- Inll 0" ' 1\11 members , f the' N.ttonal pairment o.f 'rali~oad tralftic, I" Gua,.Laad. the' reserves who may ofAw~c.I •....-.Enactment ot meaB- fe~ the~selve8 for ~rvic9l. urea to plac, agrleult~ on • . EII.catloa-Creatlon of 'n Cabinet III eeo~omlc' equality with post of education and relief "uairles ahd which , the Goyern"l!lnt would hi! In the , g~ouped.. I' tng ayaten\: ~nd Liberty- Opposition to ...rope. . at this time to leave detormlnathe hands of
levenge~, o~
~/naged~ bu~g,
'f \ t ) ~
Ohio Numbering. E~l:es.
ch'rml~&' ~-_'- ""lf.-T&DBO"B''t;_.
.._ MillitJft.·, .
DIRE~TO Ah he .' ' Equip~ GOf~
1'.1. "
,:: , ~'
; .~ . (
·i 'i:·
"'~;J':l' .'
,:, 'Jl.j':...
., "
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Mr. .1cS~ ~
n rlon
H rlOrl .
if:"!'U L Gllnij. Gin, .' Q/ Lebir\
\V u yn C'~vill o, '''u~
d il l'.
ill DAyton " Thompson 's" Bukery ' ell n fut'n isb in th ~ Past ry Iinc.
Thu 1". du!·.
Gh~apcr., if You Go for Them Very best-No worms FRANK LeMAY, Waynesville, Ohio'
'Ik Y"ur ",ro 'cr mlln :Cor "'I' homf'tl'n's Brand." iii rti irl~1 Devitt. visibod 1"('1 tlv('s I II • pri Igbc)ll'o Iilst \\~C I"
Illl Yl~1 nl;
Mt". nrll c ~un
L. Sinilh WII_ in
ny.!IIr. ,('orge Tiffany, of Xcniu , Ctll1l' d no fritlllds here W cd n e~dR)!.
Fl'i.lay .
Ask. your ~ I'o c('ryman for "Thomp~ (lIl'S Bren,!. "
,-::-~hC I
evil n:), hClIlIl' vi \ I" "'toen,, ,\1 .... ; R ttl l'n\et' Mr. anel Mrs, \\', Jo; , ' IJrneU, t il rol. reilident of Wll yne8v jll lJ. ,~h'l hi boen lu w;nJ!' RlJegt~ ' cnj<.o. " !l d'lieill u! in ~hc hll,;l'j Lol fll". tho pas ei~ht dinIHw mid a d lighlIu l (waning: Mr. woeks. l' tUl'1l 'd to Ius honll.l in Frnnk un d M , . '. Gra huOl, Mr. nnd lill lust WI' C. H WIIH n", ce8~llry to Mrs. E . )" T holliM und 1\11'. nnd· Mra. 0 ., TIIte n hi II, taking I) ut hit! left ST. MARY'S CHURCH . L, rl1n". eylly. I' h'st ~ u n d u}' afllll' Trjni ty, Ju no 22 hurd! school a L 9 :SO n, III . , Morning I'mYl' r an ti sermon at 10:45, Rtlv, J(lllll J. , ~ h ll e ff c r otlicill tinl:'. £ veI'Y-' THE TRI STATE PRJ.C E hudy is eOl'dially JOvite .1 to. atl,' n.1 thebe services. FOR BUTTERFAT IS
J II. . Ell iott, of lICllr Cent.eI'vlllc,
METHODIST CHURCH Evo:ry Shlpemeat i. C ...... ant" ed Again.1 LO ll or Damaro in TranSlIbbnth School. 9 :15 a , m .. preach.11 . Cheek Mail ed Same Day Cream Arrive •. 1\I r. nnd Mrs. H a n ')' I'are werl' nll Y, ing at 10 ::1 0 a . m. Wednesday evellllny lon \'i ~ iI"I'~ Thur. day. ing "~ "'ice a t 7 :30 p. m, F:pworth Mr. ann Mrs, J. C. Hawke ~P~ lIt Leaj!'uc II :40 I). m. Prenching ut 7 :30 Sun day wi'th rclntll'es at P1C":\lI ll t p. m. F;vcrybody is cordially invited Dr. nnd Mrs. A. T , Wrilfht wer c PIn in. flllYlon visitors Thursda y, to t hese servicos. Miss Hcnri e ~tll :'I\ cKin.ey went to Rev . L. A. Washburn . Pastor. Mr. and Mrs. Hl\rvry Gustin, of Oxford Sundtl)!, where she will attend summer ~c h Qo l. Day t on. wcrc in town Sntllrd n~', HIUSTIAN CHURCH "ThompRo n's" Bllkery cnn furnish PrelH'hing serviccs at tho ChrisMr. linn Mr •. C hn ~. Au. lin, a nd anyt hing in th e Pastl'Y line, son, CIt Ollk Pnrk, 111. , wcrl' WnyncH- tinn chll r,' h Sunda y morning. Evvillo visiturs Tuesdny. ,cryb ody l' ordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey spent Sunday with relatives ncar Xenill. Ethan C, Crn ll e tlltended the 1lfJ1IJ centennia l c('l ehrntion of Kenyon co lMr. :., d Mrs. Ed Rent z, :" cumMiss Ma ry Louise Zimmermull i. l"ge at Gambier, Jun e 11 - 17, pa nied an d Mrs. Harry ' 1 111 I,· visiting relat ives in Clevelund , Ohie . N, dowl from Dn,yton ::;". 111',1 •.1 .\'\'''''~\I'.\\\.''" Mrs. 1. N. H llrri~ unrl dallA'htcr , ni!! ht n',,' Eunduy th ey all \I ~1l1 .. , 'nih Is lhe home-bu ildlng y~ar, All Mr Lou WOOlley and 80n, of near IrmB, of Duyton. "p!'nt Frieln ), with Cincinn <I, lind ~pent the .In\ "l III<' JI'OO travel o~er Ihe counlry you ..... Xe nill. culled on relatives h er e Sun- Mrs Alice McKinstly lind dllll A' htef. Zoo. IhoiBiandrt oi homi!s being erected. duy. ~ .have come 10 the , e.alizali,';' '~ " St op ! Look I WEltch ynur h" URC•. m. II .. !rUe economy 10 pUI Iheir In a ,",'e ltul ll'iVC ll by tho piun!) I' lI -:i,.: Postmaster Ross Hllrtsock and Tho "Hobo Convention" at' the K. pils of ~!i, ~ St elb\ Bishop III 1 he I" i l'~ t ~"a pcnnanenl building, rAIher ..., ~ out so much for roenl or lor fllmily hn vr bee n visiting relatives in of P. Lodge wi ll be held JUli e 24 . PresbYI ,q'i ull church, Xen ia, :\Iontl u}' ....., aod lodging. with nolhlng lell Kontucky. uve nin l:' ,\lis8 Rhea J nnet Cllrtwri~ht II) Ibow ... it ItI !be end. On account of illness Rev. J ohn ,I. pluyed ' " " "Valse in A Flul," by Tbe AmeriC:nn family spirll bas Mr. Edward Burto n spent Il few Schaofl'er wus unuble t o etliciat e lit Charlol :,' E. Do \"! . ..c to \to wilh it, Every child .. days lost week with frien ds a~ West St. Mary's church Sunday mornin g . IIIdIIed \0 a real hom . People wile Union, Ohio, The :, 'l,I1 d Lndge of Ohio 1. O. O. ~A~ER is a .... dIlldren won 1 Ihelr boys tm4 Miss Mildred Clark went to Ox- F, is " " ,ve ning at Norwolk, hin , . . to know what il i! 10 live in a necesslty m every Born-Te Mr. a nd Mrs, F red M. ford. Sundnl~, where she will attend this we,'I.. The installatio n nf off!- . . ' with'll yurd. Cole. at the Miami Valley hosprtal. summer school. at Minmi university. cers will lake place Friday, when G. modern home. But A_ mtnu.... with a pm1CiI and Dayton, a daughter. p, Brown, of Lebanon, will be in........ aJmioce you lllat you can alas! rain w ater is foul~ Mr, Jas , McClure and Mrs, Ida stalled a~ grand master of the state, _ Ii a- mlIIIbIe far your neOOs. Mrs. Laura Mosher spent last week Kelsey are s pending several weeks ...... _ with ,am c1e*r, He is smelling and black. Tt -I . in the country, the guest of Mr. Ron- with reilltiv()s at Fair Haven, Ohio. The H,\PP Y Hour- club met at the . . . . . . . . . In~,H.kno ..... aid Hawke and famil y. ..... . ............ II vabIbIe ' home Glenn Wilson. May lU, for is undesirable to drink Ask your groce ryman for "Thomp- iL~ reg ula r meeting, O\\ing tl' the .. ~ .......... ctw JI'OO the .' 10 . Idndtl....... ttsat wtII 1Mb a rne.d Mn. Laura Sides is entertaining son's Bread." and disagreeable to use storm (tnly 14 members were present. ' her sister, Mrs. G, E. English a nd i (-. ; ~; d After tho business a program of otherwise. son,iTom, of Bad Axe, Mich. Misses Fannie Flanery and Loli,\ reaclin~· . contests and music WIU! enMllinou s of Scovillll. Ky .• are guests joyed. A dainty lunch WIU! then Mr. F. B. Hendel'llon and fa mily at the homo of Ray Mainous, th L~ "ervcd, Jennie Wilson assisted in But. NOW, with the and Miss Dorl~ Henderson. were in week. , ~ . entertaining. :" ~-Wilmington Friday afternoon. 'Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A Burton, and Mr. nn d Mrs. Burton Eavnhart. of MiMes Ruth· and Lena Earnhart Mr. John Hawke. of Middleiown, Reute 4, entertsined at Sunday dinare the gu ests of Mr. and Mrs, Will were visiting friends here' Mondny ner the fo llowing guests: Mr. and Tullis and da'ughter, of Springboro. evening Mrs. Cn rl Babb, Miss Dorothy Devoe. of r car Xenia. Mr and Mrs. Al"','(', .. homL'--old or new-may Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miss Ailee n Davis. who has been vin E "rl' hart and Children, Mr. and 1, :1"0 pure, c lL';;n SOFTENED Davis,· at Hale Hospital, Wilmington, th e guest of Mr. an d Mrs. Ross Hart- Mrs. E Ul l'rson Earnhiu't and children, \\<11.. r , ' ree from odor and the Monday. June 16. 1924. a daughter. sock. hIlS T( t urned to her home in Mr. a lld Mrs. H. B. Earnhart. Mr, discu! oration of soot and ci sKe ntucky and MI.,.. Earnest Earnhart, Mr, anei' Mrs. Robert Walton, of Dayton. tern. Mrs. }.. A. Earnhart and son, RobL, spent several days last 'week with Several members of the Premier and Mr. llIadiaon EftTnhart. her plU'ents. Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Rart- band pla,ecl with the Clarksville Duro softened water is 8im••• Bock. band at a ~[emorial .Ionge service . ply your hard city water passed t here last S,unday. through the Duro Softener. It Mrs, Edith M. Harris, Mrs. Laura , i is b etter for cooking because it Mosher and Mr. Harris Mosher were Save youI!' old carpets and rugs Sunday guests of Mr. Ronald Hawke and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. retains the flavor of the vegeand family. Send lor pdce list. Franklin Rug tables. .For toilet and bath, for No fort ..... waa e •• r b.llt 01 ,,0.Following is the'.J'.!:t:~ o~!!m !L!.J,!l.J.......-t--Co., ~ri~lin, Ohio. kitchen an"d- 11lllf1()ry, liii'e- ill band concert Thursday eveniJlg, June ey d •.rind aolal, fro.. tha l.bo...,,1 .-----......;~- "Mr. - Aha Mn. Eawtn Allen and nothing that equals Duro 1I0fdaughten, Lurel\e Imd ·Ruth. of LebMr. Oakley Ulij);lesbee was operat- 19, 1924: ' III••• . , tened water for sortness and anon. spent Sunday with Mr. and ed on at Mio<Jlli V,alley ho~pitaJ Mon-, l ' .. J ~. Neceaaerily th.... b.. a foa.. ....... Washington Post cleanliness. Mn. Will Moo.,e,..day morning. He 18 r eported to be March... daaio••• which lo baild.. a •• I. IDOat Sacred Overture" ijiliy Sunday Songs getting alon~r very well. Fox Trot .. , ... " .. .. ,.... ....... "Stop" CUM III•• Iela.datlo. laolaJ. by anMr. Ed Thomas and family attend......... "Echoes or 'Spring" ed the concert given by 't he WestGeorge Dakin. of 'Dayton, is VIS- Waltz i •• a part 01 the ID-;'n!" •• rYied lrom As. deDI" /o"l,;c6I minJlter. choir at Menlorial~'ball. Day- iting his parenta, 'Mr 'and Mrs. Goo. March " ... " .. , ... Pride of the Parnde Ia....r. ad dim OfUh'O tiOff. tOn, Sunday afternoJn. : " : " Rag (by request)-Rl\ggy Trombon'e Dakin. He is walking on crutches, . ': eo.ti•• ia. 10 ..... a parl of what - IntermiMion-l0 minutes being ~i 8 ablEld with rheumatism. \ ' "ou _ra a.d ..fel" in" ..Ua. It to Overture ..... " .: ........... " .: King Lear Lost-FI'\t brass door k~y, name Wm. Jones on one side an'd WayMiss Kaillryn Clark attended a Fox Trot.. .......... "Who's Sorry Now:' "leld • fair return will pro"'•• AD nesville, Ohio, on the other, R,i nder meeting of the Miami Valley Alumna Waltz ........ ....... ...........: ..... , .... J",liet , IDeo... 10 car. for . lb. fatare ~lIeBle leave at the Gazette offie·o. chapter of Sigma Kappa, at the. hc:une Serenade. ....... .. .... " ... Love's Rarbor ".an a.d I..". an .. t.t. lor poalu'" .. ,.,Excelsibr's March of Mrs. Lieut. Harris, Dayton, 6hl~. Ma",ch it)'. Melllr8, Jesso Thom~, Frank ThomSafOl.an you hOID.-i .....t "our aa, Ralph St:nith and ' Harry Prater Mr. J . O. Cartwright and family arrived home' from the Reservoir, attended thE) r ecitsl given by the .."'a.a .al.l" in our Pr.l.nod Stocle , 'Friday: Thoy caught -quite a lot of piano pupils of Miss Stella ":Bisholl'; aad earn 8 2-3 por c .. nt. nice lIs at the First Presbyterian church in Xenia" Monday evening. , I ' Mrs'. Ellen John8 is , tbe guest of her sister, Mi88 CaroUne Smith, of Mr. and Mrs. J 05, Keys, of Chicat ute go, who are enjoying-nn auto trip from Saratoga, Wyo., to her home in froln their home to New Yerk. spent West Orange, N. J . last Monday with Mr. lind Mrs, J. M. 29 Greea Xenia, Ohio Keys and other relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. Ogles.bee, of Cleveland, enroute to Cincinnati to attend Mr. and Mra. Ray Mills had as their ·a meeting of the alumni of his med- guest.ll tit Sunday dinner, Mr. Henry ical college. stopped· ror a little while Wa llon and son. Mr. and Mr•. Her. In Waynesville.,Friday morning. man Walton. Mr. John Walton, or Spri.,g Valley, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. . Mr. Walter Williams and family Mills. of Kingman, Mt, and Mrs. Loren Mrs. G. D. Mills was ' called to Hadley. or Pemis ylvania, and Mrs. ' Hadley, of Wilmington. were Sunday Springfield la,st week on account of· guests of Mr. J . E . Janney and fam- the serious 'illnoss of her father, Mr. Martin Harner. who suffered a stroke ily . . of paralysi~ . Mr. Mills spent SatMr. and MI'!!. Loren Hadley, of urday and Sunday in Springfield. wn ~
lJu ~i tl ~s~
vis itor he re Sutur.
The Tri State Butter Co. Cincinnati, Ohio
Build lU9t Home
-While you need itl
Soft Wat.er uliinou! or Color SOFT
\~ .W.- H. MADDEN &: CO., Waynesville, O. ._-- -........... ----
oil't ,W ork For Every <,ent
J. W. BurtoG
The Dayton Power and' Li Street
George School, Pa., arrived here FriMiss Josephine MainoUB. who haa day. They made the trip 'in . their machine. und will spe~d the ~ter employment at the Battle Creek Sanpart of t he ir summer vacation "here atorium, Battle Creek, Mich., and her sister Ayleen from Hamilton Ohio, and a t Wilmington. are spending their vacatioh wUh t heir parentS, Mr'. and ' Mrs, Ray Mr. ' and Mrs. Ralph Vogel and Moinou5 at.,tJl1s place. 1;0nH, .Raymond and Billy, of Dayton~ .Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morga~ ,:and Mr. and Mrs. j~ph.shutts enter: ,daughter, Bern.e da, of Springboro.. talned on Frid,a y evening, Junll 13, ~n .were,. un~RY dmner gUllats of, Dan ' honor of Miss Ma.rle Shutts; who will Mr. an~ . Mrs. leave for Athe:ns, O~io, ~i1ne 20: The . Mo~~an and family ·Robert Truhl.nd Bnd son, CeCIl, Mr. evening was spent In plaYif,'g g'a mes : ~qd ," ., parence Freeland, of Rar- Bnd telling j.okelt. '. Refresliments veysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Miller weta serVed. ' 'late ' iii t~e eve . g M ' M Th ., mn . . II d" , .n on. ~noll. rs. omas' 01- Those p~ef!C'nt ,·were. Mr. ana . MrS. ~I!l~ ,;and Wilbur Hannahs, were ~ the Harvey S"cikett and' fan;lIy 'Mr and , afterpoon" nnd evening cailllrs. \ Mrs. Lindl~y Mon'dephall ~nd 'tam~, : , ...h " , ily, MI'. and M:n .• Ira- Rich a,nd fam: , ' • -)·Or. H. L, Latham. editor 'or the i1y. Mr , and , MI'!!. :. JO.leph·- McMillan .. f •U ~eery, yolumes on Child'Discipline a'nel family, Mr. and 'MrIlA'. A IrShutts !a,nd of "Character Educatiori,"'J will . and farllily, ·MT. ,~ and', Mrs. 'Ed> Ed. ' g!V~ . 'an .outdoor ~I~tufe lecture · on wllrds. ' Mr. "and'l~: CIiDi. EilwardB ' -)1' '~he . "'~rican l;iome," at Spring and 1fa'milY;' Mr. CJiiui. Shc'rWO\l~; Mr; Yalley on June ·20, at 'l :30 p. 1ft. apd Mrs. freci ~J:.dd~Ck Hr. f . !Ste,roo.ptic;?n plct'ure.: will i11~tf", 161,' t:~rence :E~W~l'd8 .~d ,.f.... l1", t~~ ~eI!fJlz,. . The pt.ce will be oa Mr. Wi'bu-:~IUI. and M~. ~d ...... M~hl street Dear the b~IDe.. ceDter• .JOI4Iph Sh,,~ and . ,(amll,.. : All I~t 'n ~ of rain. the appOintment win a~ a late hCJUl'J:al'ttnla cood'tim... ... be d~errC1l uti WU'!Ia" and 'wiIh!ll8 Sb_ aucceu III
. The 'cOneeuoD " 1MIlt.
,klpld Oil ecatp. her 8Obool wotk.
Seventy-Sixth Year
o nd butte r contain cleme nti! that make for grow,th nnd deYcl.Q pmJ!.Jlt beyonu ull olhe.r foo d ~. Ma ny farmers &0 11 their cream an d buy oleo . 'rh frequ e nt unsa nita,ry tnrulfIcr of htl uli ng milk must be one reuso n f or :ho c hild r"n'~ dlstn ~ tc ror it. The cilles d mnn d clellll m il k (lnd the -":':-'- " ~EAD BEFORE THE F~ANKLI N city children usc it fr ee ly. Whit e CONTINUED THEIR. GOOD WORK AGAIN WINNING F oll owing iB 'lh~' liSt o f ca~didatcs bread, and baker's breut! ut thM, is FARMER'S CLUB who have IIled for Atate offices: the custom, city or country. Corn m01l1 is robbed of much of its f ood GOVERNOR ' vu lue. PracticlIlly foodless cereul. New Burlinrr ton W "'\&.j to , Piece. in RcpubliCanll-.John F. Burke, ElyDcflnlnr. Health Law. and Treatin g ta ke the plnce of wheat and oats i ] ,t •. rin; Harry , Da'vis, Cle veland; James frnm which tho tru e food valu e hilS the Seventh, Allow r, 1tIia91}1 the Difference Between Man A. White, Columbu s; Georgu ll. Hllr· not been removed. The best pllrtA to Make Silt . ~~ {, ' ris, Cl evela nd; .rohn L. Cable. Limn ; and the' Bealr , ,, ' , uf the grain arc made itlto slock-feed. J oseph B. Siebe r, A,croll; C. Homer Children , too, are no t s ufficientl y .'\ d, Coshocto n;, and , H a rry Clny Il nco ul'aged to ost vc!\,otublus, ull oC i" • Cleveland . , whi,ch contnin min eral 81l1~ and vitThe Miamis continued 'th ~ i~ winD e,m()craUI-·Al~ V. Donahey, New ,The followin~ excellent pnper was umlnes, ubsolutcly eSRonllll1 to the ning s tronk Sunduy by d e~lsively la<ilellnblla; i "c umb e llt ; ~ J ames C. prepal'ed nnd read by Dr Mury L . , Eas t Liv~rpo o l f , Cuok, befl. rc tho Franklin Farmers' beR~ devclopm nt. Too much Bw e~t trimming the New lIurhngtori Iteam is l~dulgee! In., Bnd too lI~lIc frul.t· lto the tUIiC oC {) t o 2 . Howard Bur" LIEUTENANT-GOVENOn Cluh,- Ed. ) Whde fres h IIIr and sunshine arc ~n tUIl pitched a splendid gamu, nnd Republicans--.J. F. Atwood, Co .1I,un<fanct;, t oo mUIlY bedr oo ms stili was uacked up by some ' c1l1ssy lumbus ; John P. Harrison, Freder · Having been country born nnd lack ve~tllatl o n . S uch de fect ns fi c ldill ~ und support · 'Also the Mi- Icksburg; Davi d A. Liggitt, Belle t ear ed myself, it affords sllecial eye.str aln , ear . de foct!!, bll.d teeth, r;miR arc gcUinl'r th~ buttin g eyes Ce ntre; Edwin E. Leed, Delawar e ; pleas ure to meot with the ~me, 1I(le~Olds and . (hseased ton s l~c proh. focused on the ball und they nre ,due Carl A. Magee, Cincinnati ; Charles ,\bl~ ure m o r~ . often rt Clflccte,d. in to win ~o m e [l\ore gumelJ. • H . LewiA, Harpst.er; Clinton D. Boyd, ;f\>lk. There is something so stendy· rurnl cummun!tles tbun ~n the cItIes. They arc "In~' ing for the sport "of Middletown; Henry I. Emerson, ing about working at t he fnundntion IC more attunhon Wef(' give n. to these the gQ me only not a pennY is paid Cleveland; John H. €hester, Pauld., ,. ' of things ; such II Benae of tho rcal !undumental requIrements, It stlll n.ds U'lly of the plnycTl\. Ing co unty; Roland N. Davis, Hamil.0 reaso n that the cou n.try c1l1ld They ure .. iming to r lUluir the rOll'd ~nd worthwhile when dealinl'{ w.ith ton; Ashor A. Galbraith, Rogers ; growing, living things; such a foehn g wo uuld outcJnllS the city Child, an d It fence and to ' fix u'p 'th e diamo"d. John E. McCrehan, Columbus, and It our o \~n b,~ s ine8!l to sec thll~ our Thoy arc also In delit , $120 for their of nearneKlO to the Crentol when co· George W. Sltn,nklln, neg ro, Spring. . uniforms and ure earnestly usking fie ld . operating with Naturo in the bring' .tunda,rd 18 rlused. . During t he curly ~l'ns . the c1!lld ,the whole-hearted supp ort of .the ,fans Ing forth of too(l and raiment. Sure· Democrats-Tho~as oW . Latbam, Iy to ROW Aood Incroases our faitb : tlll needs wise OVC ~81ght regardmg to help the m out by booB ~ing the nt- !lI1onroe ville; Earl D. Bloom, Bowling lOod. exercise, B ufficle nt and r cgulnr t en da nce a t th e ga mes. . in' the (nfinl te; to witness the slow Green, incumb.u.ent : Howurd C: The a dmission has been dropped BlaCk! Plain City; Fran'k. S. Kraus, folding or lelL! and flower in Spring- hou,'~ of ~l l!e Jl. J~ Is " 'e ll to re mo"!l· that our ha~IL~ are fonned m tOt tw enty.five ce nts lind the boys ure !ler time strenPithens our bollef in immor· .;a rly _cars and If sl'll-control, self- pluylng to win. Cleve a nd; Jam es I. Fogarty, Bellefontnine. tality; te gll\'ner the ripet:Jed grai" :. Mia misburg comea here Sunday ttnd pluck tho mellow frutt remind 1enial ure learned early lh.e foundu· SECRETARY OF STATE . '\III that we, loo, nre govcrned by , iOIl f or a wholesome I!ttltude will with 1I gooe! reputation. The Miamis Republican&--Edward J . Hummel, '1ha law8 of the universe, must be 'lave be~n 1~ld. Some d lse~8es seem will lig ht every minute to ' :!Win. Cincill nn~i; Thad H. Brown, ColumPlcaBe corne out and give th em yoUr ;'orn grow to maturity, ful~1l what· almost mevltable du.ring chlldhood8, mump,s, chlc~cnpox., whoop- 8upport, financilllly and a8 a rooter. ,bu8, incumbent. I .ever 'mission 18 ours, then wither und !'lensl" Democrats--Jcihn Henry Newman. ugh. Dlphlherm and scarlet The score' ;flldo even as tho leaves upon th .. ,ng-co .Columbus and L.!ster D. Riddle, Del:evor arc less frequent and fortu' . tree. aware . lately our natural Immunity against NEW BURLINGTON ' ATTORNEY-OO~ERAL hem inerease8' with ago. It is said Probleme of H.alth La.1 AB R H pe,6. E Re publican&--Char.!\ls C. Crabbe. hat who ping-coul!'h and measles The problem confronting you wh, ,)ropore th e soil for tuberculosis of 6 0 0 6 0 0 London, incumbent; :!l~Tt D Buckley, till the soli are analngous to the, ~h e lungs more otten than any other Frost, 2b. 4 0 ~ 0 2 2 6 Dayton; We! ley B: Grills, Lorain . }1roblemll o( Ilfe; you pa~' closo at· diseases. Not Infrequently measle8 Me ndenhall, ss , S 0 0 0 2 0 Democrats- B. F. :McDonald., New· ~ention to choice of seed trOtn such 'md scarlet fever leave behind them J . Stanley , p lbl 0 0 0 1 0 ark; Dennis F. ,Dun~vy: Ashtabula; H . Stanl'.lY, p, 1I1J'a1n1l I\S Ilr best adapted to yOUl ye and enr defect. H goes without , 4 0 2 6 0 1 Thomas H . Mor~w, ~nci.nnnti. soli and climute, bUAing your Bclec 'nying that any child suffering wi th Ary, lb, p . 4 0 3 2 1 0 ' AUDlTO ... qf, STATE lion upen the sur knowledge thld von th e mild est disease should Osburne, 3b 4 1 0 2 0 0 Republicnn--J'DsdIlh T. Tracy, Co'whl\tsocver ye sow ye shnll al ' O hove good care. 'On notable ud- Cline, If a 0 1 0 0 0 lumbus, incumbo'o t. ;' '. rellp." . You tend your herds and ,'ance over former times is the Ken ny, cf 1 ' 0 0 0 '.0' I I Demacrats-}P,; E. McCollister, Coflocks that the Increo,se mllY be prof· marked decrcnae. In " summer com- Web, cf ,. 4 1 1 2 2 1 lumbu s : Daniel · ~. tJutl~r, '1'oledo; ltable; you give much study to par· ) Iaint" among children. This con- E muir, rf , 1 0 0 3 1 0 Floyd .J. Atwill, i' Ci1Iurrtbus, " J. P. tlcular breeds of live lltock and ttl dition paves tho wa,y for Intestinal Hnrvey, c 2 0 0 3 1 0 Kauffman, Col un~bus: ~ H. Sage Valtheir food requl~em e nts, You mU81 ifficultles in la ter life, otten prepar- H. Blair, c _ ~ _ _ _ cntine, Columbus . \ ': • wage Increaslng warfare agai.JIst ing the soil for tubercUl08is of th o 3S 2 7 24 10 8 TREASURER OF STATE Totals .. weeds and ta,rea, againllt Insect 'pelts., bowel!t. Republicall-Harry ~S , Day, Frcagainst <lisease. of both plants an d MIAMIS mont. '. ' ,' i . Good Healtb and Thou,htl animals. To do so intelligently, re· AB R H PO A E Dcmocrat;a.:.;-~. E.- Donume, ((olumquires much 8tudy, the I)Os!lession of Prendergast , cf 4 1 1 0 0 0 bus; H. G. D~W(!ese. ColumbUiI. A wide runge of knowledge and JUDGES OF S'UPRE~E COURT .etAlm.a l vigilance. But above and Cran e, 89, ''Ib ,c ~A l l 4 S': 1 Frye, Sb, RS ,, 4 1 2 0 2 1 Republicans--James . Robinson, ~lrin(l: precedence over even these Sntte:thwDlte, lb. 4 -2, S 'I 0 1 Marysville, inc 'Jl1ben~; BarltB,n T. problems is tho great. human Ilr!'h· H k 2b a\)o 3 0 0 Burkett, Findlay; FtBJIk W. GoogJ ' ms. for mo,n . \VaH glYen domllllo n . " " l ' 2 < 8 0 1 ler, Springfield; Reynolds R. Klnop illS, over ali created things, and bis wei· ~~~: ~ ' 0 0 .0 ' 1. 0 kade, Toledo, J. L Allrcad, Columfare' is of first importance. It is fittinS;, then, that one of meet. Orsborn, rf , ", 4 1 0 1 0 0 hua. 3 1 1 1 <I 0 ,Democrats - Walter, . R. Kinder, T B to If '- B'::rto':;, 1 g. ,8 _ , 0 Findlay ' G~J:e .It S,t.am. WOQ8tj!~ lJIp,.,be to ph_ ot the hl1ma~ ·tr..,II"' h ...... TeII~oI!d, wh"t-'il'rA _ _ _ _ _ J. D. Clark, Dal/Wn; A. F . O'Neil, In JIll' mell!llge will pro~lab:le ~lh. . ,.Al ••• to d Totalt """" ",, 84 9 12 27 9 4 Akron. . ,_ ...._' _ __ little, of anJthlng not ~~\ known bY' aU of you. 110t~. •d " , Ina een.sation'al or n(dihort. all \UI- Burlington .. 0 0 e 0 0 O· 1 0 1-2 t to healtJt, no ~.micea to oll'eet of gradilaJ. phyaical changes Mlnml8 . 0 0 0 1 0 ,0 8 0 ·-9 Clu .... d inimical to good health. All of U8 the Bure punishment 8u/fer.e be- ne liable to "colds," inftuenzjI, tonSummary-B-onse _hit, 08bo~J'I1e. CBUN ' of broken physical ' !aW8. 3i11USj- pncUmonla\ etc., and may have 2-basc hitl Frye. Sacrifice hit, Hop. Speed aeemll to be tho 'C!')"of tbe age, $mallpox., typhoia, tuberculosis, ap- kina. Left on basel, N. B. 6; MIbat Nat~ refuses, to be burried ; pendicitis, can.c er and BO on, Then amis, 5. Double plays, Osbour~e to the vital1uncti.,1II8 'Withln prC>C"d at 'h I"b ' b d'l d ' ted; E. Blair to Harvey;' Oabourue to thetr natural leisurely rate: 'repair • ero 8 . e wrong 0 I Y a JustlJ\ent Frost,H. Burton to Cralle to SattcrL ' a. 8 mlltime.. reault:ing in dlsbetes, and the ~dof ll/eunda conlume IU' "'"' I _L I'" ILs f h b d thwal't e. B ase on ba 11s, 0 fr J • Sta n'., c' onvalesconce from dis- ua " ..allges n ...e what wa . 0is tkllDwn eo 00lUI- Iey 1 ; o f!'. H . S'.an I ey 2 . Stru.e,be-tofo• g vessels pro'ducing .. ou t There isBVCrit.able exodus to WilelUle or s urgical operation. cannot hardenIng of thil tuterles or 'a rterio- -- By J. Stanley 2; by ArJ. 3; by mington college f,o r the Bummer tenn 'be sbortened. Nature'll la",11 are in· !c1erosis. This is the condltlop that Burton 8. Buse hits-Off J ,J Stan. and many are dJiving to and .from elterable and' it bBhooves U8 to take' u8ually precedes a hemorTbige In le y 8, of!' H. Stanley :I, off Ary 1. there each day. -Tbe 8uriuner' educaheed. ' . . ~he brain causing what we eall apo- off Burton 7. Umpires - Barnard tional work of that institution hllll '~merson BIlld: "The flnt. weal~" plcxy, or a ."stroke." Specinl em- and McClure. Time-l hour and been rnpilily explmding for the paat - b health.'! That beIng true. It a,eems phlUlis attllc:hes to the vllriolls di~- 60 minutes. few ~ear8, but never before ·have IItranre that we nre mo~ prod~1 f'" h rt It b Waynesville people attended the colwith ,our real w~lth and more eare- cases 0 ",.Il, ea . , , may 0 8urlege in such mrge numben, ' '_III .about i · acquirement tb&n with prilling to know that heart ~i8ease8 BOYS ENJOYINC CAMP LIFE ' ' "'.., IU'O responlllble for onorelsthtli of the Those enrolled for the 8ummer dollan and centll. . To normal !ndi- deaths of all ages, one.flfth of deaths term are, Supt. N. P. Blatt Misses Camp Kern, the Dayton Y. M', C. Opay Davids, Gllld)'S Rolandl.. ~Clara vlduali 'lIfe Is . .a ereatl( to , in penons over 40 yeara ot age, and A. camp at Ft. Ancient, W611 officially desired and we it Wlth that 'It CRuse8 more deaths than tuLile, Laure McKinsey, Edith McKib· or cancer, and reduces tho opened last week. About fifty boys \jan ·and Catberine Turner; MeBSn. t;enaelty. I11'C enjoying vacations at the CR)J1p. of how ' pall . life practiclUly one-half. Edward Burton, Virgil, Van and Vlv. Closely 1It,I1l~ .with heart and blood Middletown Y. M. C. A. opened its ian Retalliek, Albert Wilson and camp just bolow PrendeJ'llast's. ~_I changes are some types of kidCh1l8. Moore. M.llIII Edna Howla nd dlseaaes. It' fa also .'11'011 k~own souo, qf Waynesville, laat week, and is one of' the instructors lIerving dur. about twenty-four boys compose this Ing tbe summer t.erm, ·, . . mental deran~ments are on the. Il}ereeLBe.,. 'l'hil\. be ng the guantlct all camp.
Chan,... in th.. P,croonncl of the School Will Make Many N e w Face.
Since Kc hool c1o~ed in MlIY. three leach e r~ huv" rl'sig ncd from ~he 10· cll i "c hoo l s y~ tem . Miss Edilh Geo rge, prlnci pul of th e high schu nl fo r th e past t'wo year s, resigned t o nccept a hileher pRid position in th e Ft. Wayn e. Ind, s ·hou ls. Miss Geof !:e hM been very successful in her work here, e~pcci\lJl y in producin~ Hil!h school class play. , Bnd she will be greatly mis8~ d . M.i s~ Geo rge was 11 yo ung lady of ability un.1 sterling characte r and mad e a host of fri e nds while he re. Howe ve r, a vel'Y competant and popular teac her has hen secured to replace Miss George, in the pe .... on of Miss Edna Kelsey. Miss Kelsey is 1\ te ache r ot t!xperiunce nnd high t raining and will make a splendid princi pal for the high school. Mi ss Velma McClure has a lso res ig ned from the Hig h school to ac cept a position in Indinn n. Mi ss McClure l1a6 helped t he school orchestra to uttni II the hilrh ran k that it ho lds in Lhe co unty, nnd ah will be e8L)<'ciully missee! in th is organization . She was also very sucessful in her Domestic Science instruction. Miss Louise Sm ith, of Versailles, Ohio, a graduale of Defiance College has been elected to take Miss MeClure'a position. Miss Mluudc Pe nnington, who was hired in M.iss McGinnis' ,Mrs. L. L. Hall) place, r esigneQ to conti nue her schoo l work at Derea College, Ky. 1I1r. Chester W. Cutler, a young man wh o has taught for , two yeul's n the southern part of th e county, will replace Mi ss Pennington . Mr. Cutler is att'cnding Wilmin gton ' College this s umme r and has over two yearll Normal and college work comple t ed.
--- .
II1rs. Lydia Gebhart, daughter nf Daniel nnd Sophin Leisz, was born Minch 18, 1851, near Germantown, Ohio, . and sflent her younge r liCe in that vicinity. She was a member ot the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Ge~untown and WIIA baptized in lIam'e I\t- t e age of' one yetlr;-'by !ttlY. Henkle. She WIllI of a family of eigbt children ; three sisters and four brothers. The QJles living of this family are: Mrs. Mary Turner, of Germantown, Noab L eisz, of Cincinnati ,. SillIS snd Ammon Leisz, or Salina, Kansas, and Will Leisz, of Miamisburg. She was nI"rried to Mahlon O. Gebhart, March 18, 1880. Alter· ward living aix yellrs in Eastern, Tenn., then on a farm near Miamisburg and the last. 22 years of her life were spent at her late. home near Lytle. No children blessed this home but they graciously took within it's fold two children, Ethel Leisz and Irvin Bardman, and reared them liS their own; who in time, with the hU8band tenderly curlld for her in sickness and old age. . She enjoyed ' the quiet farm liCe, was very energetic lind never complained of the tasks or any of tbe hardships that make up the farl1'1 home . • Sbe was a true friend to mankind and alwllYs enjoyed the companionship of friends and neighbars: and especially 41d she love and enjpy tbe little talks of their household. Mrs. Gebhart hsd ben in unusual it,tbe..;..w.ya.-a,n be ooves u~ to means know health until last November when s he had u hind full, since which time she 'd' " . blow. lio that we may race to the finish with credit lit which we live, all tend to thicken from heart and bloo .ve's sel discase ,Called rapidly. Tho last eight wceks and hurden the arterial walls, lessen· cancer, etc., has !i'n'ctcased, An edIhe had been confined to her bed, ours.elves, and benefit to the world th' itorlal in the J OUJnlnl 6f the AmeriI . ' Ilbout ua. "Flindamentally all good ing their elasticity. mereaslIIg . e nan Medical as-oein"ion . for May 10, and all that medical sklll and oving Q' could do was of no avail Just. lit the runnel'll must be fit at'the lltart. By ,work of the heart and interfering ~ fit, , giving beed to food. with the blood supply to various .p.a rtll 1924. is Buthorlty ' fur the follow- breaK of day on Sunday June 16, . ing: her spirit. took it'a flight to the Great J",~,,".n;IUI SUlToundinlflJ, removal of of \ ho body. Nowadays much is Baid about preStatlltlcal InformatIon Beyond, thn age of 'IS years, 2 of Infection" having work "A comm!s.qion reported about. 16 months · 27 days. , but not too m\leh, amplo pared neBS l10nd prevention., Tbe will_ . .. ,L,; ' " - - , reat and ele&p; a wholesome dom of visiting a dentist two or three years dgo that· the average' duration 8ervlce was bold at the Jife ill general, the various Umes u ' year is unquelii1:ioned, ' 'and of life In India was les8 than 26 Irelll~l,enlce at one o'clock Tuesdar' con· ln, Swedlen ,it was over 60 by Rev. Speilman, 0 Mlawill find U8 1,)001 hoats. it seems reasonable tbat a , visit to a years.. pall.bearel'!! wero : B few, of . tbese genns Bcien- phyiscian once a Yllar just for a look- years and Ip Ma&8achueetts 46 y.ears. mi8burg. ' The A The reng\h .of lite is . increasing Charles Kindle, William Pine, Palmer fou.nd po'sAtive prevention, inl;t ove~ would. be profitable. . ·.peclfli: cure. It urlllalysls Illude 111 time, ·8 b~ and wherever lIanltary science- .pd pre· StaniIlY, Charles Cornell, ' Anderson d<iubht that vaecl' lung eICaminlll\on, eye tests, attention ventlve medicine 8,r e app)ied. - In 10- Ellis lind Walter Long. Int.llrment IImallpox protects. to aoureo of infection, or man:( times dia it Is stationary. In Europe i't in Miami Cemetery. , di~(!108e ' conditione that, neglected doubled ill three and one-half cen- ' CARl) OF THANKS ~;!:fJi;~il-"T4~~~bl~. 'tYl'naid can be muy 800n Impuir '/Ie health b.o yonal turies, The' rate IOf lnCrtlase' during .~~;II~~':I~Bf.~~i 1 o~. lock.jaw, alao recovery. . ' , the 17th , nnd 18tH centuries was We wish to thank the neighbors .prevented, Re· . Much might be ~Id, but· is we can about . ~ yeaf8 a c4!11turyi .during the. and friends for the kindness und sym ; be made the Keep in mind the value of good her- t1atter haIf 01 the 19t!, ceatury, about pathy shown us in OUll late bereaedity, efficient care and rotaining 17 yea11\ a . century. tl\'e- only. eom- vement. ' .• ahlon Ge'bhart' through childhood and youth, :the paratlve .statistics avallabtll , tn this D' importJ\nce of good hab~tII , of I\~ng country are for M~llI8aClhusette. w!lere , Mr. and Mrs, 1. Hardmall. and thinking, the dangel'll 'a ttel)dmr life i~ lengthening at . tbe . rate of - - -•• - ....---'-tho, mad rush for wealth a!ld pleas- 14 yellra a C\lnturJ ; ~ot , Bnd never lose sight of the ab- long ago the , henlth commiSSIoner necessity for. some time for· New York s~ed tt,at where ••• lind meditation, we · can d.o ~~cb toward prote~tlng olit bOdies ' and minch from dlsea,ses and Ita,nd a much better ehan,ee ot reaelling olil' th~e score Jean and ten or'DIpre We, no lOnger live .In..i801~tlon . 1lII did our plon~r' ancestors, bUt. eaeh 1,<iiplhu~:~~~"t; Is II part pf B comm\1ni~, and,'Ils ;s\lch Iii can rto much toward _elfeh other. There are . 11i1l'ell:ki~~ · ~:~:!:' :Iernlng. thn control · d: eBBCS which· All
p·.;:;:. 4
' Th ,; . de ll;v ill , ' OU!' ~1jl\lili t ll i. 'wel!k w:;~ liue lo' Ih" IS Sl'tLL 'VERY ' ~USY A'N(l. MAN"{ f" c~ thllt th,· UHU I effici ell t He r', , MEETINGS RE HE",U . \'j u , "r th ~ Duyl .. n 'Potvl'r :u18 Lig-ht Cr. mpany Wli S disco ntinued (on Tu(!sdny becausl? of trouhle nn the line uel ween her e nnd £layton . Wom .. n Workor. Are Buey '>I,,,u ••ing B ('cuu ~ o f t hiR, \\'\' ",'<.! ,', u n uhl e to OJ1~I ' II I " /)11 !' PllotYlll·. now nn tl\e. ~ a ny , Ma~y , ~rQ!>I,,'fJ'. <o f ind SPCllfiihl" f lLc~o r in loUr eq ui p. the HQUlehotd.. . , Olle nt. Th .. lil! ht., ('un,,, "" W,' d. Gn ~, clt
(,nly o ne du y that \\' ,~ puwer.
.j •'"'.
There~' .
for tUp'crculo~; little children berculosis. .
witho ut
HAll···M'GlNNIS Dr. Lloyd B. Hall, of WnYllesvillc , IIl1d Miss Le on .. McGihni~, duu/:hter of Mr, a nrl Mr; , Ihrr y McGinnis, of Lytle, were mllrri ed nt the M. K parso nllge nt Wnyn e~vi ll c, Sundny , June 22, ot 12 o'd oc k by Rev. L. A. Wllshburn . Th ey were accomplIl\i"ll hy Mr. Culous You nce lw ei Mi8s Murgaret lark. The party return ed to the home of t he bride where u 811mptu· 0";'; dinoer wcs se rv"d . T he color schenie wos pillk nnd white , The house wus 1\ profuHiQn of beautifu l JUDe rose. Covern wc rc loid to r the full ow ing : Dr. und lI1 r~. L. 0. Hnll. und Mr. . Dearth Shee han, MillSes , leo Stacy, Ml'ssrs. CIIlud RiJt~8 and Mr. and .Mrs. Glenn C. John s, Mr. Kathryn 'a nd Margaret lurk and /lnd Culous Younce . . Dr. and Mrs. HaU left n thQ evening for th ei r future home in Waynesville, f ollbwed by the good wis hes of It ho s ~ of friell ds:
,,_ . --:-.-::",:--';':,J .."
Twelve' Warren COUllly w'lImen discuSRed ,· th e '·'Homa · l\lII'''''(lllllent work .with MiB~ Kizer .. BU1"" j\gent lind Miss .Geneva, Bnne , 1l"",1> Manug~m(lnt Spl'c ill list of O' iu State University on Wednesday. "',IIe ,18, at th.. fa rm iJu r ellu Q f1i~e. I; the mo rninl! the women c.,onBidered tho I,ce pin g or the Home ' Expense acCO\lntN book. Natur1l1 · p roblems were d i scu ~s ed pertaining to the proPC-I' c ln~a i fi cn l iu l1 of Cluh Momber~ hip rlu e~ , \,raveling exp~nsl's . and uthp. r silnilurj,nceounts . . Ln th e af_"oon the Home Management war I< wAA tbc to\>ic ot intc~ CRt. Ad(litiQ'iI81 kitchen scorl! cards wure ret urned to make.a total of 2 16. F'rullklin township with. t hi rty-nine leads in . the number lof kitchens scored. The Pitchet:' pump .. Deep W II Pu mp, Bydrlluli~ ral)'l .. !lnd .othcr methods flft the pl [\ in~ of' water in to t he fllrm kitche n were explairi. cd . The women present were~ Mrs. Albort Bond , Mrs, C. J. Miller, Mrs. H. L. Settlemyre, Mrs. K. R. Harri s, Mrs, II rl Th pmp~on , Mn. John Jock Mrs. ChaB . Hause, Mrs. E. B. Foster, Mrs, Roy J. R068; M.rs. Ethel Sturkey Ilnd Mrs. J. L. Mendenhllll nnd Mrs. S. S. Ellis or Wayne Township.
Two ConferenceR were held at tbe F'l\rm Burea" office during the past week Ilt which ' County Agent ClaBB a nd a number of the leading farmen oC the COlmty .worked on plans for promoting ~he 'lise of improved varIeties of wheat. Several ' thousand acres of Trumbull, Ftilhio, GI~ddell, three Icading 'varieties of wheat developed by the Ohio 'ErPeriment Station are nowj growing in Warren CounW. Plans are under way for bavThe Warren County Seed Impro- ing fields inspe.cted b,e {ore hal'vcment .usociation \Vus organized in all . farmers wb.o, make L.ebllnon Monday evening. The oIB- t~I~~~~~:~:; lHUfte • Memben of cers elected were : Z. O. W orley. Mor' Bureau 'may also )'9W, president, H. A. Cornell, Wny- beco me m of the eoUI)~ Seed nesvllle, vice-president, J. A. Cowan, Jm lirovem~nt a ssociation witbout any Leliunoll, secretary-treasurer, W . D. eleCl's cost whatever. However a Huff, M'a son, and C. J. Miller, Frank- very nomlnal ..inlpectiotl fee 'Will be lin, exectutive committee. All per- chllrged, .lJ!he field' inlpection will sons interested in Trumbull, F ulohio cO,Ollillt of. exact eounte 9t a~ le.a,st., a and Gladden wheat and , wan t ·th4}lr t hoWll\nd lieada ' from three to jive wheat inspected, can notjIy tbe omtferent: J1Tsees ' in ,1I'~1t fti!.T<l.o u . to cers at once, and, bl a'!JIs will be ' sent · I euetls the~!.Qf fa you. _ . Do tliis• linmediatelY· . , - ,,aocitef;,: .. .weir ___ _4 • ...,._ __
aoy e~ .
Thjl'. nQxlOll' Cgun.ty.' ;;::~:::l:~': ~
so.: considered
liol t-fwo,rk . •~ . ~ ,. "--riu.to toUl'll, motion pictures. -"' -'--~
Following is the Band concert for Tbursdoy evening, June 26, ut 8 p.
March ... .., Golden Overture ... '" .The Huntsman Rsg .. , ' Pcculm,rity 3 March ........ " .,,"" .. For Liberty 4 Mcdly March , ." Old Black Joe 6 In ter mission 10 min. 6 March . , .. , Men of Ohio' 7 Ove rture . ,Living Picturel 8 Fox Trot .. , ... Maggie Waltz ... ,'" ,Smiles and ~ose. 9 March ". " " , DWlh!ng Yankee 10 BOYIl 1 2
- ---.. - ......:...-'- -
.EXIE"OS J.NYITAllO~N~~!~t~ra~~f;
55~ 5
- ·BUO
nes rtay evening, ill,\\t' \,(!r , Ol uki n g
.. :::J
Whole Number
The Lytic M. Sult,d ay-sehool ex.tends a cordial invitation to :WI local schools to visit o~ Sunday, June ~9, at 2 o'clock. The : young ' People's class wiU have charge of the entire serVice. A Bpecial patriotic program, ' 811 well as II sermon on "Patriotism," by, Rev, Stitzel, will be giveh.
.. ....
. The :&J!worth League of the M.J:.
church will give an ice crea!"' llol:la1 ThurSlIay evening, June 26 at the Funkey room on Main St. Everyone Invited _and to _______ come. _" . _ _ _urged _ _ _•• ~4
DEATHS 'Mnrtln Harner, iather of ·Mrs. G. D. MUls, died at his home' in Springficld , last Thursduy. The body wns brought to the Itome of Mn. Mills, and ~ho tunerlll services were ho\d at the Chapel Mondny t\.fter'nooD, at 2 o'clock. Interment in MiamI cemetery. .
., . \ Mrs. arah Ritter died 'r.t th'e !iomo
of her dl\ughter, Mrs. Clnt, Uarrilsh, 0'£ 'Route 1, l~t Friday: , 'the pody was taken Ito her home In Tippecll.noe City, where,.inttiJilllent, wa. made.
The ..'Will 08)"
'1Il1 ..a,·e UICld
I'f lemon wll!'n stewing chicke.n: This /Ina maio the .
,.•..., bne pUsblld 00 nhl11l" Qr \.hl~. will Improve the Bavor ro ,1. 1:1,,·.. Ilr falll1l1'8 n N.... hlcken ,fI\ore teniler:
f.!nllldnd made Il ATfllt dl,",'o ·~r.Y.' .., 'WlIut '!I'a~ It?, t u!.. , .• .' • .. 'Tbnt l'lIfhlUIII\~nel!8 .....~ nl>' a Jllk.; · V ~.et~bl. Stainl'1'0 remove vegIhllt IIrlstlanJtr Willi not " lOIer:qn etllhle s tllin~ from th fin~ers ' dip I ' lhj~ f llr VIle dill' In the \\'1!CIi. but th<lm 1n vorv stron g tea (\'or a . fo"· II ~~nl, N\ctt~'tll, workll111 p !'upo IClon .\dnu~cll · l\n .t" en wash in rl~ar ""'Ilrm fo r- e 'cy \11\3' In the .vetU' ; t " nt til main eUPl'0tt oC the 91rnctUl' l' 1 ,IUe,!u · wnt('r. , . trv' tlrot ' ltII mOlt vl Lal commaadmt'nl • • • 1I1',ill19, "ull( C\R)'Ij ,he It tllou labor"; Bra.. - Psi·nffin is Q ce\lcnt for tllM 110 Ilmount of wenllb "eln UtlllSIl II kt'epinK brnss door knocll~r s lind hnnm"fI from thls dut,. fi)"ersone worll ed. ,lies bright.. After denn ill!:,. rub with Th~ 110 Idleness llnd thereCw . jarallin and , then p () li~h wi~h a soft little< poveny. The cSa1e were all tor cloth . l"bet•. and tb.e nlKbu tor rest. The • • 'ffbNle of Pro«TOi' .If'I!aeed aD4 Patent Lealbor-To moke potent IM·' . ... ·And CIIlr mo of kwlrntna h~ t-. leather look like new rub well with a soft rag soaked in oIlv~ oil and pall tl\eDl along,' I ~ milk. Then polish with a soft, dry (To be continu ed) cloth. .,
BLIND PIG, EHI .Judge - "Did you ever 8eo the prisoner at the bar! ' Witnes s-"Wcl l, Judge, it wasn't exnctly a bar. but everybo dy was get. Ing a\l the drinks they wllnted. "
of Two Children"
COMMO N Pl.EAS PR()(;£ £OINQ S III l he ca~e of Julin 1;l .. 11 r VI'. I n~ob E . Bak r, Mary Jane Baker \VIIS Iluthoriz ed to board the childron . R bert and IIII'Y, lit a licensed boardil1lC house In Middlet own. The ourt of Appeals affirmed a judgme nt of lhe Commo n' PIeRS Court in the cllse of Joaatha n ami Minni Morris, plaintiff s in erfor vs. J. W. Kib ler, defenda pt in error. A tilinilnr decision wos hllnded down in the C'lse of Wm. O. Gustin, plaintiff in er.ror, V8. The State of Oblo, defonda nt in error .
REAL ESTA.T E 1RANS FBRS' C. Alexand er to Mar), B. Hoffer and li'lorenc e M. Dakor. Lot in Ffanldln , $1. John B , VanUlllvOQrt to AnnB X . Madt\(.'n! Lot in Frnryt!ynburg e nvC!)' by . Qulney King to . Ruth VIlIIJorvoor t, d cC!nscd, ",11e ' Ilf J ohn Vn n"dcI,yoo rt. $ 1. Emma Hu ch lo 1' hos. A, ColiinR. Lot in Franklin $1. Vietor Bnd Ruby Van Riper to George Holmes . Lot in South Lebanon, Mrs. E , C. Anderso n ,nnd John RUilell Andorso n to James W. , But'ler, 63 ncres in Washin gton 'l'wp., $1. Ruby Van Riper to C. C. and Chas. H. ColHns. Lot in South Lebllno n, $1. Yietor and Ruby Van Rip er to C. C:.. ,COllins. Lot in South Lebanon , $1. Bart an<\ Deborah Riley to ' Edward lind Frances George. 47 acres in Warren county lind 100 acres in Clinton county. Gortrud e Hines to Edwllrd W. and Snrnh J. Denrdorr. Lot In Frankli n, $1 . Edwin R. Bnd Mary E. Waod to Mrs. Belle A. Brown . 5.71 acres in Turtlocl 'cek Twp., $1. J . W. Lingo Hardwa re Co. to John \Y . Goddor4 · 2 lots in Lebanon , $1.
Nl-: W SUITS LebnMn Lumber Co. hila brought 8uit ngainst C. W. Sparks and Rnymon d F. Sparks for mc1ney and attachm ent.
""Now I Am WeD aDd the Mo ther
---..... ---- -
'writQ I\~ , $:1I1.~ 0 ;
J O. lofitchllII, pnirl<, . 22.: 'i t TI,''''' II (Ill nn I'll, c 1180.69 ; 1;1. b. Dilot lli!h, ilHlucst or Hart.-~~i8('th\,;- $8.110; inquest 'GUY 1. lUI, $1\ GO: inqut'sl - Dut "at·l v· . 7. 0; Inqu l,.t W, A. Eckel. • $.7 0 : (, hns, A. H. s ting~ , wlt llCSK r.t lllql'" ~ of Btll'l l1nrp n lcl" :r; LOO; .7a me'. l!:. " '''' tlg, M lnc, 1. 00; Dept. P ubh , Welfarc , 8uppliPM for i nll\ nte~ at D(~ y i:t St,,\le ho~ p i tl\ l, $&2 1.1 &. <
M,n l • Ir In H••llior. , T1t bllmlUl hrlll" IS til'll vier In tlIe mulo {l UlU n .thO e mnh', Tb", UVNUa, wclll'h t ot \.h e lLdlll 1 11111111 111',ilu "f fl,i ",t&.llll rll C(l8 of IYUrOll1l anll I ,·rlca luik' 1H'lm (,';lh 'l nt~~ ' lit '(fllm fortY 'lllne r rt l' v OU IlC~~: ()f Il,', 1Il.11 ut [j'lIm" !OI1S. 0 1l'" t e) (0 1' '·11" nun ·I·~. . All
th e c'M1'II1 no'",'o,," ~~l~tem
of lII11IQS uro \l ('UI'I.,r 1111: tlll rfS
lhun c O ~'rl'811U nd-
....:.- --
Try u~ for good Job Printin g.
-----------------------------------------------. If
S t:o p
L oo k
. Are you contem plating a trip away from home? 110,
And aee if your car i. proper ly greaec d and oiled, and aee that your tires are in good shape.
PROD,A TE COURT Lelwi! Burn!I, g Ul\rdian of the 08tate of Robertn Burns, a minor, filed ~ his second account . We h a ve made the autom obile a study lI\nce itn inStory The w ill of Ruth Vnderv oort, fancy. We I\ave helped otl,en to get the efficie ncy and COMMI SSION fR~ PROCE EDING ' ceased, was admitte d to record in pleasu re from their car, why not let us he lp you? Bills allowcq : Harry Hili, gas, $0.this coun ty. ' The court app roved and ollowed 46; Oregoni a Bridge Co., blue prints, We handle the Sunoc;o Oils and G asoline exthe adoptio n of W iIlillm Carr, ami- $3.0; Fred Humphr eys, hauling ' Goodn~ clulive ly._ If you have never tried . these prod Jlor, by Wm. nnd Sarah Puckett . dtone, $2.40 ;Good Roads Machin ery of The child's name was also ch anged Co., grader repairs, $8.76; Grace .. u ct., you Ihould give tl~ em a trial. Whitacr e, stone and gravel. $2.60; to William C. Puckett . J . E . Jnn n.,,,,, gllal'dinn of e has. Morrow__Whltacr e. draggin g. ' $8.49; '1" We are agents fo r the Prelt-o ·Lite Ilnd Col) . Jllnney , un imbecile , fil .. d hi' ni nth Clarenc e Conove r, bridge repair. $0.lumbia Storag e B!tter ies, and do G enerat or and SO; Stanley Stouder , same. '2, 80; Mn. Anna Under R F. D. No· laCCoIlJlt. r Batter y Repair Work. 1 Box 44. 'Dll&lcl'FMeeker County, . Robert M. I:J[l\hn, adminls hntnr of Unger, hauling gravel, $9.60: Leb· . Mllln .• writes: " oc two y ~ , 1 the ~s tatc of\ Rert Ii, hn dec a non Gurage and Welding Co.• reased Weare here to eerve. Come suffered wit h that tt;frlblc d ea.e. 'lil d h' fl 1.1 ) ~: fi d '. . . ' pairing cquipbe nt, $6.30; John T. chronic catarrh. Portllna tel,. 'I e 18 rsL mal b,n dl tl'lbutlv e in and get better acquai nted. Gregg, bridge repair and draggin g. sa'" your advertis ement and took account . F"'; Pe-~ -nn. Now I .am well and thf In the cftJle (,f A. C. Vail, as gunr- No. 15-5. '20.00: Eugene Harper, mother of two chIldren. lowe It diun , VB. Samuel L. Pal POlatoea- To bake pot.atoos quickfray, et III., bridge iepair, $18.95; Frank Wilall to Pe-ru.n a. 1 would not be . ly try boiling them in slIlt water for without that great remedy for sale of certUin real estate 'vas son, mayor of Harveys burg, payroll, $20 0.00; E. S. Donnell , first estitell minutes before placing in tbe twice its cost for I am ",e1~ and approve d. strong now. i cannot speak In tOQ oven to' bake. Wm .' G. Thomps on WIIS ~pointed mute on ~ontract, $400.00 ; F. J . high tcnu of 'its value ~ a n:w:dl· adminis trator of the estate • of Amnn - Hageem eyer. draggin and hauling , • • • clne• ,. T M L_ $0.50; Ray Brandbe rg, hauling gravI..-If t ...... d a ~. , Paraley- Gan be preserve d by dryunger, decease d. Bond $10,For mote t ....n... II eeft IIrf U'I'. 000 A d When in troubl e, call Phone 47 Sh' el, 10.00 Queen Oity Stone Il1Id J . Hartma n's Pe-ru-n ing thoroug hly in a, cool plnce and a · kas bee n pet. . nrew Imp,. F formiog jllst luch 'Wo!,de rwork.. man and Chas .. J . Schwar tz. Z,mmer - Gravel Co., crushed stone and peb-IIo------------then placing in air tight boxes or wero ap· -..,..--------------~ this. tion, supplies, $12.20; Ohio Law • pointed appralls~1'8. cans. Pe-ru-n a iii ,old eYcrywhere lit bles , $8G 1. 90; Bernurd Battery StaEugen e H. I~oster, executo r • • b?th tabl.t ~nd liquId form. In· estate o~ Jane W. B. Foster, of t he porter Co., supplies , $6.00; Stakalta Chick•• -Try adding ti thin slice decense d '1st upon haYlor renuilte Pc-ru-na . . i . t 0 rna ke a d"I tn b u- Mfg. Co., supplies , 48 .S6; Western was au th orlze. lioll of certain etocks belongin g to Star, supplies , $49.75 i O. K. Brown, insurnnc e at Childre n's home, $166.tlle estate: F red Addis. administrator of the 08 ; R. Vi, Wayma n, r epairing type'.' estate of Bernard Addie, decease d, !tIed his ,first a.nd final account . The court ap pro\'ed the proceed Inga under a ' forl\~r order of the ". court of the l.ebnno n Nationa l Bank and Trust Co., adminis trator oi the estate of Nettie R. Stowe, deceased. • In the ~se ,of thc State of Ohio V8_ ~ary Se~lllling, the defenda nt having been fou nd guilty, a aen-or do you ~ork for aU' the Dloney ~ence of ~ fin e of ,10.00 and coata you geU I ot '18.66 Willi given. The defenda nt If ~ou. eave a p~rt of the money you gave notl~e air p)'osecu tin« In error ~.L.-If..-,-·- 'Work for. and invest it safely. it will iri the Com men PleftJI court and the work. for you . . , ~ntence wall suspend ed for forty , .' I days. The most wonde rful .t hing abo)lt mon'Jacob A. Frost. widowe r of Han- dONEY LOANE ey is that it win earnD) olJey for you. D ON LIVE :;ITOCK. nah Prost, det:eased, elected to take chattels , also sec"ond '· morqag el. und~r the wiIl . By investi ng the mon'ey'''You, save in Notes bought. John Barblne , Allen ~lmer ..Sbeeban , executo r of the the Prefer red Stock of our Compa ny Building . Xenia, Ohio. ' estate' of Mal'Y H. , Pine, decease d, you have Ii depen dable silent partne r Bleil 'his invento ry and IWpraisment. ·e arnlng ·mone y for you. Emma Eckell Willi appoint ed adminbur easy Month ly' Sa~ings Ph~n Istratrix of the cstatl! of Wm. A. Eck, ~ you can invest now-w hile · you work Ie, ilecased. llond, ' $1,000. Charles Farmers of Warren anq adjoinin g anll earn. Five dollars is enough to' Crosa. J. W. Bratton and Garl Hill countlllB may obtain money on long appoint ed appraise rs. start. " : " time loan8~ Ilt 6'" Jler cent Interellt . The .will of ,J ame8 H. 'St Jobn. de- Cost of 8Ccurln~ .t be Illlme is veryrea Phone . ' write or can at our office ce,sedj ""¥ admitte d to probate . I'sc:mabl e ,throug h The. Federal / Land and' let teU' you .. more ' about ' our Bank. For (urther ' lnfonI)A tion call Saving s and Invest ment Plan. ' on or addreaa M. C. DRAKE . Treas... d '. r. I . ,. ~IIJ\GE LlCBNS BS urer, phone 816-J!., Lebano n, .Ohio. , , F)ank McGetc hln. druggis t, M~ Helen PfI!anger. · Both of anon. :· . ,Truema n N8~than 'Ca880n, 20, pa-' - - - - - - , - - . , - - - - - - - 1: per · m~rker, and Mise Mariett a Bush, IS,' paJ!erm akor. , Both of , franklin . Charlea Milo Hormell , 41, I18,W mill Springboro', and Mise Sylvia 1'\'1118Y1n8ll~lIIle. Xema. Ohio ,1' , , ,. I;ElIlIlbt !th Rule. 31, houBekeeper, of .,.....=-!AAl~~AA:I~~r.MIIII::II~~_..._ ...._~~~~=:II'()ttQIPb .~ "ln Home. . WOOL -WE ARE NOW. TAaJ~U.I. I In wqol at our wareho aH ,in .) win. and will ' pay 'h liheat cuh ~ '( " . price, W. J, Balter, Corwin, Oblo. 0
L is te n
About! the
Makea Flowe,.. 8100m. II, d<!vlliopln<l elec~ It,qbt to nn 1IIte.nslty (\n~fourtll I hllt ot the ~nn'" ra,.. eX,p e rlIllCllI .. rs hav .. been able to lIIalle llowel'S bloom a' a I)~~ r_ lu~d tllnll. lind to ...tUn! VeJ:~ fables 10 t!'o o. two to three IVl>ekS' leu (1010 thnn nomlllU, . elnpsctl belWeeu planUm: anti rl\>enlng. _ __
Farmer.S, ·Attention!
us f
tf ..
FOR SALE-< >ne' ill-inch Fan, 82 volta. For UBe With co Battery . Inq uire at tile · 1''J'le~~IIII.'',
.1 · 1hed~of : ,;" .smallhOme1 ·~ui1db)g.' is hereI .'
Entered at the Poatoffice at Wayne8v ille, 0., D.
EDITORIAL ENDURING PRESIDENTIAL POISE such infractions of right and justice. The una nimous opinion WIIS that There is promise tJiut President rClIsoning proved the most errective Coolidge will have the liIdurlng polso means of steering the youthful niong • of ~ tates-manship that should attach straightforward lines. to bia high office. Presidential repThis revetl\tion Is interestillg' par· utations ure no greater than the ticularly at thi8 time when the counweakest point in their unfoldment. try 18 leathing with politics. when al. Presidont Grant fell short of grout. most every lip bends in scorn when est p ssiblo greatness when he al- the moral flbor of our politicians is lowed his munagers to put him in the considered. qucKtionoblo position of Beeking a Evidently if Yje would ob~in honthird lerm in viulution of nil .p olitical esty 1ft government we must start precedents. Gllrfleld ~w only tur- further hack than the primaries. bulent daYB after he stirrod tho We must implnnt a ' mllro complete troubled waters of New York custom understanding of wbnt nctunj honhouse politiea. That peerless cam- eHty consists. In our Bchool if a paigner William J ennings Bryun, child fail 9 to grllsp the principle of fought two battles and might have an arlthmotic prob.lem, we drill until Won lhe third but for his fatal break th e principle is "rmly embedded in in Madison Square Gurden UpOIi Innd· the mind. ing in New York from his trip around In mornls we announce the princithe world. ple but once and expect the staudard He espoused government owner- to bo reached ins~nter. and mainship of raUroad,s on ly to abandon lInlned. til. position within thirty duys. The Until we implant a better standard next tp loso the golden · hnio of the of honcsty In the waiks of evory:day prelidentlal pOise was Roollevelt. He life. it Is difficult to 8ee 'how from "eturnod from .. cireling the world, tho ranka of such loose morality we provlnr himself the equal of nil oc- ean recruit governmental officlall CllrUlJ1ta of thrones; but 'on landinrr likely to reach that atandard of inIn New Yor" took Bld.e s in a guber- togrity for which the country 80ems natorial nomlnaUJ,g row In the Em- te cry In vain. pirl) State an~ U\e man he picked went down in defeat. Perfect poise HOW TO LOWER TAXATION and real diirnlty would have kept him out of the squabble. With all the honol'l\ the American poeple could Increased tIo"xation following bagive an)' man, and recognized 8,8 a rometriealy the rising cost of govlltatesman by tho whole world, he ernment ie causing alarm in every conld have supported any nominee state ot the Union. It is a peculiar of hla, party and he wou,d have re- fact that despite repeated' warnings mained In the clau of Lincoln. But the JM!ople are still graBping at the one mlatake lost him hla poise, which abadow and mi88ing entirely the ~e never rec,overedl struggle with the substance. Woodrow Willlon was the next to . The people of this community and eliminate himBell h'om romaining in hundreds of like communities will tho Emancipator CIaaa, ta Whom he be better off if they take their eyca he wall 110 often favorably compared. off the millions squandered by the government In tl' me of war. BiA f ame was wor Id -'de an d eveD towe~d above emperors. Idngs and U we want to cut down the amount all . pree(dents but W ..hlnrt9n Uld of Dlon ey each man and woman. act'Lincoln. He trampled on tradition. pays out in taxa~on then t.lje and vlola~d'p~ents when be ~or .. ~ do .. ia . ~ look right egated hlllllW!lf to tho Venail!e' Pe~e ' There h not a townehlp or conference to conclude the terma of a village iP Amerig where the ex- ' tho World War ·anniltJ.ce whleh pendit""ell could not be materiaaly '-d , bimsell dictated and loat 'h'- leaienlld without restrlc.'"- In any ..,,,, "''1'1 c~wn of wreatneu. He could with wa~ th" Pnprovementa and advanta'41Jm1ty bave remained at home. Be. Plwo en~oy. could hAve IUl.t the ablelt member , Tl\ls' arraignment la not Written ' . ~n by the Senate and the ablest ,rit~0!lt a full appreciation of .the member of the House of Representil- lI)en who. serve. Every man who tives and ·the ablest member of the serves In an olRclal easaelty is d'eSupre"e co~rt. all three jurilllf noted 88rving of praise nti!er ~ ~Iame. for tamUlaritv with ·internntional At the lame th. ~op' Ie • , , 'd I I r. law. ,T hla . non' partlsan delegation COIlII, er oca r govenunellt eould 'hAve repre.ented thiB govel'Jl- angle of the l'O!Iqltis·,obtained ment at Veranillea. iJongrellB woul!i than from the' angle of .e.erii'ce renhave ratified any honest effort ofl tho derect If we brilllJ·,~~r .loeti) expen. delegation to eecIJre th'o ' bciilt rellults diturea , down to the minimum the .polII!ib)e .tor Our Country ¥d Pres- cost to U8 of st&W and Natlonil govWent Wilson might ~ve laved hill ernmerit,. though perhaps ellce!lllive. ·.•Le.... will : lIppe_ light _..:.,. of 'Nationl, hit polae and _ 88 the . proverbla' undlaiJlled 81:UtD-. ' feather. , • , In drla half eentury of our history ~ ableBi men lOlt their poite. . I NEAR EAST BUNDLE DAY
f '- •
"II ""'
expeettd that more than two Oblo cities will observe Near Bundie De"I. W~nelday•. June 26, In accordanee 'with the request of Governor A. V .Danelley, ;who h'aa as~ed postm-.ten· , in aU towns ~ ~reat,e committees to pue.. the drive. "Th'e t.~&le lillI'ering of men-, and ~l.lIldren In th" Near Ea.t. of lack' of Clbthing h .. boen forciPlf. broucht to my attention," tbe ,lfoY8rnor. Aye; in urging state-
Mrs. Wm . Harlan of Wilmington, visited Mr. and Mrs. ; ~d MllcFarl und TuesdllY. Mrs. Ernest Oswald, of Lebanon. was 1\ TuesdaY' guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huin cH. Ml'3. Hannah E. Creaswell entortainQ,d a number of relatives to, dinner 011 Sunday. Miss Irma Ellis graduated. Saturday ovening. from Miami-JacobH col· lege, In Dayton. " , Mr. and Mre. Hn.rry ·~l}idaker and family entertained ' telaJ.!.ve~ ,from Indiana recently. - .:.."",' J' i Mis. Nellie and Paul Outrlg~~ Jlttended a surprise on thoir \lncle ' ,at 'r ._~ . I Chillicothe, Sunduy. Owen Rarris. of ·.Columbus;on his pl\rellt8. Mr. i.,a nd Mrs: fFrank Barris. Sunday afternoon. - ,. The Misses McCarren. of ....,•.Y.~~ ... woro Sunday guests of Mr. and . W. P. McCarren and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jeffries are entortnining his parents, and ' Miss Wanda Moore. of Wilmington . . Mrs. Sabin MacDonald. Mrs. R. H. J nlfri es and Miss H,eten Evans 'were shopping ill Wilmington Friday. J ohn Fenly Jr" of Norwood, was a week·end viSitor at 'the home of his purents. J . W. Fealy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber M.a thiM, of Day to n. were week-end gUQftts of Mrs. Amllndll Starr and Miss Mabel. The County Sunday-School convention held here Tuesday and Wedlle8day, was woll attended and an oxecllent program WIIS renderl!d. Miss VivialJ Harlan bas moved to Dayton, and ho I' gr/lndmother, Mrs. Charity Harvey. is st'a.ying with her daughter. Mrs. Harry Shidllkor. Clarence Cleaver, of Norwood, who is in Wilmington in the interent of II Cincin nati firm. vi~ited Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jerdan. Wednesdn y evening. Mrs. CIllra Conne r alld Mrs. ,Ethel Smith and son s entertained to SUIlper Thur ~ d ay, Mrs. Christi .. McKinsey ~nd daughter, ..Mlss La,ura. of Corwln. Mrs. Fr:nnk Wilson spent the latter part of the week in WWI!rington C. n.. with her children. lIfr. and Mrs. Herbert Fite. Mr. Wilson joined her Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fran" Rogers were ebanor. visitor. Fridny. Albert Stacy snd J llmCB Johns made . a busines!! trip to Cincinnati Thursduy. Clara Thompson and Mra. C "'rm,...", were Dayton vlsltorH nu:rso:a v. of Dayton was Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ellrly spent last week wilh her cousin, !li p.~ Caroline Wat. klns, ncar Ccntelrvilie. Mr. Ralph Stowe. of near Springboro, Brent Fridlll.y at tho home of Mr. Ilnj Mrs. Kesler Gruham . M,'. EmmersOil Watson, of Way. svillt" spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and Mr. Dick Mason. Mr. and Mrs. F'red Mahon nnd children , of Five Points, wI>re Sunduy dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers. Mrs. Roy McKirl,y und children, Mary and Hazel, oi Dayton, spent last week with Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank RogerR. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hardman and Bon. Nevin. were ' Sullday guests of ~r . Bud MIS. Day.un r..bhll,l, ,a, fo1iamisburg. Mr». Leon SaU.. bury a nd' daughter. Miriam . of Cleveland, are making lin extended vlalt at: the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alien Emrick. Mr. and - lItrs. Guy Routzhun and daughter were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Kerr Rountzhan west of Centerville. Misses Betty and James Herman. Edith Schott and S~ ty · Calerdine. of Cincinnllti. we.;e guest.ll' of ,Mr. and Mrs. Morris l\liIler ~t\ nuth: Murian" farm last week .' . ,. Miss SarpetacStaPsil alld, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Russell, tit: Yankee street moved Tuesday;:tb tfeir pew home in L)'tle, which tHeY. pur hused of Mr. W. C. corneIlJ'~ : Mr. William- E ood . who : for~ome time hM been m king 'his home with his sister Mrs) H am Eyer and family. left inst w.e e It for Red OWl. Iowa. hi. former :hO~e. Mr. and' Hrs:. J!':esler. Graham and daughl.e r, Berni~ In company with Mr. and Mrs. Arttrur White. of Dayton. motored ' to ' Cincinnati Sunday and spent the day a~ the Zoo.
HALL'9 CATARRn MI'lDICINI1l tiM boon WIed .u.c......rullr. In ,tl\o treatment of catsNh. ,
. HALL'9 CA.'l'ARRH· ·,.. ';<J'IIlOlil _ -
o f n.n Olntmont ~I.". Qul.IU,. Relle ...." by . Ioenl iI.p"lIra to I 'A n d Ule Interns I r.t"41cine. lie TonIc. ':TIOh ..ct. through , the nloo4 on ,ho ' )Ill. I.... BurraeeeL !hUll redu~n the IntlanunntloL Sol .. br all d .~ ; F. J : Cbone)," 0 .• Toledo. Oblo.
MT. .HOLLY Mr. Jacob Zuinner spent M d n Dayton on business. on ar l'tfi!16 Ru th and Lula Kellis were Xenia shoppel'1\ Saturday. Mrs.thoDorll Morgan Hnd children Apent week.end in DaYt~n. Mr. and Mrs. Israel. apent Sunda): with Mrs. Scotts mother. _ Mr. Silas Roland. Who baa . been ~:a~~~ s~ck list, is ab~.e to.l>e II.t ~ork Hrs. Elmer Royl!i, ' Hiai Clara Daughten, Ilr. and Mrs. EHu -MichaCI9fce Qayton shoppers ,Monday. MI . ladya Roland who is attending Behool at Wilmingtan spent .the >week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. SIIa8 Roland.> _ Mr. O. B. Marlatt Mr Albert ape'nt Sunday Mrs. Howard Sh'Bchari. . M.r. and Mrs: Otto ..... n ••••• uD\bus. spellt .Sunday In Ule guest of ~IS rather. Mr. Marlatt /lnd hl8 818ter. Mrs. John Rye aUd.Jam,i1Y. ' . . The Y. J>". S. of Mt. Uolly Sunday Schol held their meeting Friday night
~~e~a:~~~ ~f v~:y. !~10!bi~ ~~:rn~
ing was spent, by a\l ..present. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill entertaincd at dil'ner SllndAy Hr. .and Mrs. Frank ~elt, Howard. of Xenia,of and, Mr. and Mrs. Ehsha Dlayton. Hr. and Mrs. Soward remaining for a tew days visit. - - -•• - ..
Filmtllllilhing andDel'eloping . .
Quallty work at' a . A~~ ' l No Middleman. ~l , Direct.. ~ mea t..t as the mal... • All .~.., 'deve!oplna and printing" 'Oieenta, except VOlt pocketa. 811 eell.te.lWritt tor information or send lI~oney to
W ' F ,Co.•• I.e ' .. ~
........ B ..... '
DR. E. M. RUDoLPH" Tho Eye Sltbl ··~let J
At Cari JeweJry ;Sh~p Lebanon, 'Qhlo.
Every Tuead.y 8:~
a. m, to • p. nt. ".
~I!III Mary E, Reovell is home from DE.N TlST " ~ Tacoma. Wal\h .. for the Bumer. Miaa Elenor Haydock spet the week And X::.o-ORAPHIST. end wlt~ friends near Columbus: Kenneth and Danl1)1 Vieke1'8. of Waypemlle, • 0itI8. Dal>tb~J are visiting relatives here. W. H. Harlan.!! attending the BumTelepboftll: 1 mer lelll!ion at O. S. U .• Co)umbul. . Mrii. N. T. Whitecre i8 at the home O,FIOE: .BAfRA-WAY 8ru>G, of his daughter., Mrs. A. W. Turner. ON MAIN' STREEn' ;. B. U. .. Kelch and family, of .(;h~ilgo. are here for the BUlnmler. I • Phillip. and fl\mUy US T.he tact is , '. were Eiunday eueBtS ' tllat olel clotlllnk'•. overeoata. here. _ ~ho~ythlng , that liall LOis Whitacre, of Dublin. 0., anr; pqwe'r 'to ke~p out the': cold, is .last weeJr. of Mi'1IB Ele. I "TAIIY..,.;Io . . wanted. , ', "Put· in that. bt-lght red IIweater, Wlo.' Drawn EItaIa IeItIed or red or rotiow one-lhe' one --"" ...,.,.. .BP.ln,", ..1h~lldqlu~~1:II of NeJr 1Juak' " ~, d\ftJ-,...cl ,:° n\h!1\1
L,M.HEfiDERSOf4 W.yoOlvlUe.OIIlo
c. ,
The Ohio fruit grower has a mere fi F. n H 'Tt' r. I "!~r:: ~~ encouraging outlook before him than lust yellr, becauso tbe indications ar ~ FOR BUTT £ R F'AT It. ~. that he will hnve a larger apple crop lI11d the crop is not 80 large in some From J tlT'1' Il,th w J u ne 2ath i~c Stales which guve serious competl. l';v,? l'Y s hi pm en t i TAR ANTE£': ~ ga inst lOBS or 'd n tion lost foil. Pellch prospects lire goo d in South- in l'an.,il Check mailed same d ay c r e am a rri ern Ohio, according to Statistician o othe r work on th e f z:.Trr FA YS a s West of the Stute·Flldernl C ~OJl Re· porting Servic e. The United Stat es for t all sh ipping your cream d irect to npple crop is estjmllted at 0 per ce nt under last year and the pench crop at almost 16 per cent more thnn last year. CI NCINNA T I , OHIO. The Ohio apple crop is estimated ul 80 per cent of R normal crop us ('omparcd with 74 per cent ut the 8am e time 1023 . The crop of carl y see ms to be especrnlly promi s· Ing und the Rome Beauty orchards are generally favoruble though the Hettin~ of fruit is light in Home or· chords. The outlook for Bllidwill" is only fllir . The United Stutes (Os· timate is for a 72 por cent crop a~ compllred with 76 per cent a yeur ago. The New York State crop shows a docline from S5 per cent lost year 'to 77 per cent this yellr with a rather pooror outlook f or Baldwins. . The Washington Sta t~ estimate is only two-thirds ll18t year and the. Oregon crop is forecollt at J\bout SO per . cent of Is!!t year. On the olher halld the Virginia ulld West Virginia crops lire each (Ofttimated on the basis of present conditions at an increase of 60 per cent ovor last¥o!¥" The Ohio peach crop is estimated I\t 46 per cent of a normal full crop !lnd it is practically' al\ in Sou thorn !lnd Central Ohio. Along Lako Erie there will be no \!ommerclal crop of Elbertas lind only oil vory smail production of any other varioties. The United State~ crop is estimated at 63.000.000 bushels as compared with 110,000,000 bushels In 11)23. The Go'o rgin peach crop promi~ es to be Of record breaking size. The Ca Iifornia production is foreollJli at 15 pet cent le8s th¥ last yellr and 12 , por cent under tho ten-year average.
T e
- --
....- - -
Twe One TonGue. !l'boUlIi we have' tW;) 1')'''''. we are mpjltlcd ,..ttll but one tonlrul'. Dr."
moral-Air"""'" "nrr. ~.
by P8i'eel 'pOst. /
a111!~~ell1, \~KlI.I.~~1 ,Jj1iltf1'ilC!!'t.
:reUr OW1l
Tiffin Freeland hal b/!en quite ill but is improvlnsj. "" M.r. Uond Mrs. Ed Drown entertained relatives Thursday. . Miss Lldn Kennedy. of Qayton, \vas home over the week-end: , Miss Bess Shldaker. of D\!.Yton. was home Qver tho week-end. lind Mrs. Nellie
CRANE. Editor alld Pllbll.her. W."lu>lvllle. Ohio.
Proallhnt Hay. ed onlt · for the neptlvt remjlmbervlrt\les ' of, , e~blhhlnr ' cl~"semce reform.: It' .... a rather mild panacea: The' rep' utatfon It conterred' on hlm,wu:euy to live ,up to and he Jlu been almolt lUi eully ·forgotten. President Arthur Btepped Into 'he White Houie c~wne4 wlU' an ,easily-fa4IDc_ vI~presidential halo and hla Personality Ifilil\ld With it. Pre"ld~nt Ci:levela"d 'won . the ' preaidency twi.c e agaln_t' ,~mendoWl :obet&clel reared' 1ft. lila path. Hia party ,till ' lull'ered from Civil War unpopularity. uD"~athi,, exclusive ".• , pvAi ·Iilift n~ odda the' ' clalaea:: With . be never "fa~ . J1U" committed · a , and :;botb eareers 'M~h' cauud by
Second Cla88 Mail 'Matter
Subscription Prico, U.60 per yenr.
P ig!) Dati e ck to 2900 e, C.
ObluCIMI uutllOl'llIe>i dnllli tha t 8wl.Di.i· were domellUcltted In eustern Allia obout :!!)()() D, C., whtle lllurollcnD . r Grdil Indlcnte tbnt dometlcllt!on dutl'S bnck l" o(I" U( ISOO P. (. ,
NadonaJ I
We are authorized to announce Justin Hardlll&', of Franklin townllhlp, ' u a eandlaate for Representative of the Lecisature, lIuJJjed to the Republican -Primary. AUgust 12, 1924, Wo are authorl.l ed to announce that Robert W. Brown, .. I practlclng ' attornet ot Lebanon, and ' veteran of the World War,I'a.,candldate for representative to the general aaaembly from Warren County in the · Republican Primary of AugUst 12, 1924. • We are aurthori~ed to Ilnnounce E. J .Beedle, of Union township, as Ii candidate tor County Commlaaloner. 8ubject to the Republican erimary•. August ,12. 1924. Fred S•. Simpson announces his candidacy for a lIecond term as Treaa brer of Wa~en County. 8ubject tbe Republican primary, Tuesday, f\ug""t 12. 1924.
Alfre'd C Brant annou'nces hlmilelf ~8 a candidate for Sheriff on the Republican ticket at the coming PrI\nary election to be held August 12. rour years 88 deputy sheriff of the ~ ounty haa qualified him ter thill poaitlop.
To .Voters of Warren County. Ohio. I adles and gentlemen-My ~8me, aa a candidate for member 4f tile Lewlalature from Hid county. -tnll ap~ar on tbe Republican .tieket t the PrImary election to be beld Dead.", August 12th next. I herey solicit your votes. D. W. BumPhroY8.
; We are authorised \0 . announce name of ' Enierson F. Thompaon, now connected with the· Valley TeleIIhono Compan)" as C6lldidilte for Cou"ty 8herill', eubJect to the Republican ' PrImary, Auguet .12. 192'.
E.FROST. baa _ 0.'
Monfort announces that h." served u County SurYeyor for IIlx montha and ill now a an- ' to ' . himself in that deci'alon of the 1a.,p~lbU~n JTlllI1Ilrv. A.uguet 12, ,1 92' P.
• !ltis Or llhll H.ookett is vory !lIck.
~~' 1~
Adam Mlllloh Will! a Da yttl n vi\iit or Munday, , ~f r8.
L. A. Zimm41rmnn w~ III Dayl'Ilond lly. .
ladiet in Curt,.!~., Draperiee, Dre ss CiM)d. of all d nda, Silks, Woolenl, Walh fab ·
lIlr". ~l l\ry Wysong, of Cb rksvill .. ,
Alfred BOA'lIn.
and , general
Also, Marvclknit Silk Hosiery, at
An e~ I inches arou nd
Dreaamaking Shop in tho Gr.~ Building
\·l'cl'n tl y. in one.
i EASONS Why You Should Buy
.~bQmpson's Bread ,
it is the b¢tier Bread. . ...2. t It w, made and baked in a clean, s~nitary shop. I • > 8. ~t <is made with Milk : Malt, Sugar, Salt and pure Lard, n o' ub titute used. . 4, ; s~ onlY first. claSs' Spring Wheat Flour. 6. ~ Gojd M ~d al Flour ex~lusi·vely . · . t ,G; ~It is baked fresh every day. ' ·!1. :W &cater t he public by: sta yihg op en every eveD~nf! ~ he ,-week. . ~ .~ ~ . ,fI, l1Otne baked product. 9:" It is delivered fresh daily!. to all leading grocers. . 10• . lWe.'bake anyt.hing from Lady Fingers to the'iarg.eat of Wed~n, C~.kes, . •
. ::1'
Ma. tl'r Jo hn Turner spent las Pure Mnnila Hoy Fork Rope JU Bt week in Dayton , the guest 01 Mr. IIlId received at J. C. H-n.wke's hnrdwurc st ore. Mrs. Harry Tu rn er . Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Smith left Sun- . 'M~SI! Mildred Hnrt~ ock, of Milford, dny for n f ow da ys visit with thoi.r IS vIsIting Mrs.. Edith Harris and 80n, F. C. .Smith, of Akron. family. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gray and famBonl Elliott, spent Sunday evenin g Ily spent Sundr.l Y with relatives in with relatives in Springboro. Morrow. Mr. Wilfol'd Crites and wife and Mr. Harvey Sackett and family nttended the fun eral of Mr. Pennl "';t, Mrs. Cora Baker spent Sundny with Mrs. Idn Stokes. in Bellbrook, Sunday afternoon .
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bally, Mrs. Lina Devitt, Mrs. Juilia Donavan and lint Baird spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Emmor B.aily. near South Leb· anon . ..
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hougb and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelson, of DaytQn, tlpent the 'p ast week at Sliver lake in Nerthern ' Indiana, the guetlts of Mr. and Mrs. Robert ·Nelson.
Many autoilSts passed through Waynesville Iw,t Thursday, enroute to Wilberforce, where the commencllment exerci8e~ of that institution were being helil.
Mr. Elliott Wright armed home Friday from the University of Miohigan, f'om which he received--an ·A. B. . degree at the commencement exercises last.week. Mr. Wright will remain here with his parents for a ahort vlI,cation.
:··.-DEMONSTRATION ':'-" lo'
."1·.S.~~rcl~y, .Ju~e 28,th .'
Mr. lind Mr:s. Li~dley Mills and daughter, Dorothy, ot'Midland. Mich., arrived in . Watnesville Sunday evenIng and ore Ithle guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Mills for the week. l Mi~ Esther Curtis, . 01 near Barwho is attending lIummer Bchool a~ Springfield, with a few of he .. friends, BP!!J1t Saturday evening very .pleasantly at home. . veY8~urg,
.' I •
Miss Mallanlt Cook week'8 vaCllltlon
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pace had as their gUC8t6 over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pace and daughter, tvanoll, and 8en, Merle, ef .M'arion. • Mrs. Hattie Smart and da,ughter, Mrs, W. a. Pace and daugbter, Ivan- MisB Grace, of Clncinatl, and Mr. ell, will remain for a two weeks' vis· Everett Shumaker, of ·near 'HarveysIt at the Pace home. . burg, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Anna Cadwallader and Miss Clara , Miss Ada Courtney left Saturday Lile. for Clevelnnd, where she will take nit eight weeks' course in library Misses Henrletlilo McKinsey work at the Western Reserve univer- Clora Berryhill arc' .attending summer lIi ty. Aiter tho first of t\le year sbe school at. Mlami · University. will take entire charge of the local ,Mrs. Caroline Barnett ot. Bl'lllbrook library. '!Pent the week",end with Ml'. Harvoy Sack~tt an4 f~r.nily, of Route 2. .. The Sunday dipner guests of Mr. The annual 1j'eccptlon of 'the New' and Mrs. Ed Furnas were, Mary L. EdW'II.Tds, Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Fur- Century Club was held Friday night rins, and childr~ n, Mrs. SUBan E. June 20, a~ the bOme of Mrs. H. E. Hames, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith Hathaway. Dr . . McChesney, PresiMisses Trillena and Margaret E;(.. dent of Cedarville College was preswards, Miss Susan Wright and Wit- ent and gave .a. fine 04dres.~. I~~ d Furnas.
Dr. H. L. Latham, editor of 'Ohar.acter .E ducation," will speak on "The I,met(»)'ed Am erlCl1n Home," in a stereopticnn lecture given 'in Centerville, June 26th, nL 7 · o'clock. There will pO(lul.o r singinlf Il\nd seating for audl.once. The .public' hi in~d. ' l 'i. , .: '. ~. , I wish to aDllounce my candidacy for Count~ Ci)'misaioncr. Rubjeci . to A few memhers of the' class of '2!J Republil!Un Prim8l'y August 12, enjoyed n 'Weiner roast nt t,/le dam the 1924. In road work, [ "'believe that Saturday evening. Those preilcl1t tooms, should' ~"e· 1lsed on short h!lulil, werc, Misses Margaret COOk, Ruth lind I think that rO'a d work should be Toml.lnson, 'Cecelia Gorsuch, Mr. and divided up in lima II 'sectionsl with Mrs. W4l'ren Espy. : of Centerville, a competant . of eac~ .Mr. and Mrs. HarJ'Y Turner, of Day'- section, .. anii ' and Lclj', and Mr. Robert VAndervoort. "',
.Mr. J. O. Cartwright ana f~milr. \jIe~e week-end 'visltors in Sprinltfiell Nr. Cartwri/I!tt- ' was . a speaker ' iI\,t Clark lodgfj .F! 1ft ';fl..' M., ~t 1\ 'spechU !jlOlJI.mun.l cation of '·tli"t lodge. " fr, G.eqrgelodge, all~;w"o Is<the secretary ot 6lar~ ·invited all of .his ScotUsh Alta clau to· be ' present at ~ meet.lng. . . . . .. •
Ev~ry shipme nt
~gt\inst loss
1n tl'fl llSlt
Chec k mailed same day c ream ar ri ves . No o ther work on the farm P '" Y S a . well for the aame ef: fort a 8 shipping your cream direct to
The Trl State .
tter CO~ •
....----I--ADAIR'S-------. A Wide V ~riety of Sty lish Quality Fur.n it.ure .
Mr. lind Mrs. Clarence MendenMISl!oS ;Edna Howland and O'pnl hall and son, Earl, lire here for a t ..·o Dnvids were visiting friends here on woeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tuesday aftern(lon . Mendenhnll. r ' MiS! Corrine Welch, of near RarMr. and Mrs. Grover .Knapp, of ve y~ burg, is spendi ng. a fe w duys Lebanon, were the Sunday dinner with friends in Xonia. guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Squires and family. . Messl'S. James McClure and ~orl Conner wero business visitors in Mr. and Ml'II. MiI~on. Thompson Sprlngfied, lost Thursday. spent Friday evenfng in Bellbrook attending on ice \ cream supper, the Mr. Raymoncll' Conner had 89 their g uest of relatives, . guests at dinnlo r Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ro,rry Murray, Mrs. Maggie Al'mstrong" of Dayand !o!J'f1. John Lemmon and ton, was called here Saturday on lIe- . count of the Rerlous 'illnet8 of hel'l.lo,mJ:JY, of DSlyton, were Sunday sister, Mrs. John Beach. of Mrt'., Mary Lemmon.
Mr. 'and ·Mrs. Thos. P. Fetter, of the Ohio Maaonic Home, Springfield, are spending Beveral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and family.
II .
Messrs. Howard Burton and Frnnk Joe Donve r; of Columbus, has cOllle were busIness vi8ito1'8 in Dny· t o spend a few weoks with his grand- Miller . ton last Friday. dau ghter, Mrs. Alf Bogan and family. Mr. F. B. H'androBon and familv Mr. D. L. Crano were Dayton visitors Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chbrpman and Thu l'8dny aftern.oon. family, of Cincinnati, spent the week· end with Ml'. and Mrs. Emmor S. Two I!Uses of diphth erin have been Baily • l'eported, Miss Frances Henkle und . Mr. and Mrs. Eulis! Gardner and Master Carl Cook. family, of Lebanon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes Kerrick, one day . Miss Knthty Bowman. of Morrow, is spending th hl week with Mr. Orlust weok. vile ra y and family. Mis8 Eliznbeth, daughter of the •. late Harry Ridge, g mduated lit Master 'WlInd,ell MacBeth .. of Day· Hughe~ Hig h school last week, in ~n, spent l!he week-end with· Ml'. nnd Cincinnati. Mrs. Clnrence A~l1en.
- - - --
METHODIST CHURCH. Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. I preachjng at 10 :3 0 u. m. Wedne~ny ovoning scrv~o a t 7 :11 0 p. m. E pworth Loague 6 :46 p. m. Proaching nt 7 :30 p. m. Everybody is cord1ally Invited to t heso services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.
Dllyt on, Mn. ,h ,hn
Mrs. John Fl'<bmm, Mrs, Lee Hawke M'r. andBernice, Mrs. Myel' Hxman and. and daughte~J..~ss Doris, and Mr. J_ daughter, .Arrived nome Fri day, nCter a two weeks' visit with H'owke w!tre ~lIIyton "!sitors Monday. relatives in Peoria and Chicago. Mis8 Helen Allen, of Wilmington, Mrs .. Mary Waterhouse. Meam is the guetlf of Miss Agnes Longscro. James Sale and Geo~e J. W.ter. of ~ytle, and other friends around house spent Sunday Wlth Mr. Cba,. IIaynesville, , , ~etferson and family, of LatoJila. , Mrs. Mary EjJwards and daughters, Miss Trjllena ana Mi!!8 Margaret MesBrs. 'Ii. A. visited relatjV1!!1 in Blanchester Mon· day and'Tuesd.,y. . ,.
"T .
til ttl
Mr. and lIfrs. H. B. Earnhart were P l:'rc Mn.niln Hny F ork Rope jul\t. undny g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Karl received at J. C. Hawk e's hnrdwn.~ nahb, of Xen ia. store. '
Mr. D. A. Ferree, a fonner prin. cipal of Waynesville High scbool, Who has beon superintendent of the Nelsonville, Ohio; IIchools tor the past six years, has been re·elected for two years at a Balary of $3,000.
0 .
1 aylor.
I------------.. .:
! ....~iiiI...!Iii..jII.......
~ " Qnt ,hi . week with Mr. lUll I !oil • . sp"n t Sunday. wi th 1111'.
. yard Goods
l '
.4 c
Mr•.· Graham's
ST. MARY'S CHUaCH Born·Te Mr. an d Mrs. 01\11 Plank, 2nd u~day tifter T rinity, JUnt'l 2 . .M ndo),. Juno ·23 , 1 24 , a son. Cburch school ut 9 :30 a. ., MOl'n in __~,.~~!!"!!!!!!!!!!!_!!...!!...!!!!!! _~n!!!'!'!_!'!'.!!!!~~~'!!'!'!~~~~!!!!!!"!e~~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~ Prayer a nd serm"on nt . 10 :·Hi, Rev. ;: ---- - - . Mr. uud M . Kennet h Elzey ~pC/lt .IQh n J . Schaeffer officiatin T HE T RI STATE PRICE EV ory. unday lI.(tcrn oOIl a t r' t, Ancio l'l t. body is cordililly inVited to utteud FOR BUTTERFAT IS . finn . Ju~tln Hurding, of F'ra~klin, t helle service . Wll S j!1'(, tmg friends here On FridllY. From June 16th to Ju no 2·1th in c
Attraction .he rics,
Til' ~ac,..d Cod, CHR1ST4AN CHURCH . in thl' 1'11111 nf ' Rll1lr('s~ntall'Yl!II 11\ Preaching iJery\ces at the Chrls- Jl(Is iVll, IlKn"li' R wo ·codni:lh. "'l:h~ II churcl1 SU~lday mo r ning. Ev- allCI~ lid," rt III r llllc.l, "Its If'nl morl y body cordipll y invited. IIi' of till'. Impnrtonm' of tjll' CoIl Flail· !!ry to the II' Ifn i'" ;,r thl ~ C mmotl· wt'l\lth," rn IlceMII,\ nl!e wltb a retlOhl· D o your trnding In Wayne8vtJIo. tlon P M~!1d 10 17 I.
Now on Dillplay for Your Inspection this Week and We Most Heartily Invite You
to Visit Us
Three Beautiful Piec~ Upholstered in a good G;rade of Valour, an Amazing Value at . • • • • . n
$161!!..OO •
This suite while low· in pMce is constru cted as well as the best. This suite ' has a!1 cotton felt .fillings. Double qone oil tempered spring;sj hand tied. bmg bottoms Side set. Comfy spring filled cushions. ;
$188 00
Five Pieces in· cOmbination Walnut • , . , ' . ' '. : ' • . • • t , . . . , . •
If you follow period styles you know k~ow that Dunoan Phyfe period js abso~
the lates~ vogue . • Surely you will appreciate the $uper-va)uc of 1,\. suite in thlS period deSign at our temarkable low price. Suite consists of attractive Poster Bedsumptuous Van'jty Dresser, 'r oomy . Chiffa:" ner, Dresser and Night Table. ',~ All richly venee~ed in haridsomei y new pattern ;wal~pt. Drawers of ,Superior non~bind construction and with 'silver cast pulls. Mirrors of . genuiJ)c plate gla~ . . Angle-brace ~onstruction throughout. . .\ 1
Seventy-Sixth Year
FOUCHT HARD CAME 1~ ~tHE NINTH, BUT FAILED . : . I , ---11-;":" . ' The Came w •• Full, of T.hriH • • from Start 10 Fini.h, • ~':tri'r Ifo, y. • 'rtr Could Not ! Fi'ill'l b . ';.'
Whole Number 5596
VISITED WITH A T E RRIBLE DIS. WILL CIVE SERIES OF MOTION ASTER AT LORAIN So much int, e rl!st a nd discussion On Sunday, June 16tb, Mr. and The Massie 'l'ow n"hip Community PICTURES SHOWS has been gOin!r around concern.ing Mrs. Edward T. Stroud celebrated clulJ will !rive ,~ mi nst rel Rho\\' at th e the extreme we t wenther this spring , their golden wedding anniversary lit The Storm of SlIturday W ... On e o f lIa rvoys hurg Tow., ha ll, on Satur day Co:unty Agent Glass announces tlrnt Vieilor. Were Numerou. and Eyery· their beautiful country home, South· 1"·I'lIinR". Jul y {;, The me mbers i n Schedule of Moeting. to Be Civen Woret Eve r Vi.ited in the ~hc!re were I\ixt(lcn days in May duro view, on the Waynesville IInti Lytle t he mi ns tre ls a r o wo rkin g hlLr d to body Fully Enjoyed the In th" County, and Alao ing which rain fell t o a total of 3.40 State of Ohio ike. The day wus ideul and every mUke this " fin e l'ntc l·tll inm cnt, a nd Big Mealin. which it rain ed 11 t ., tal of 7.676 ill , the Datu II !Jody had a ' lovely time: At noon f" ,lm al l re port.' it wi ll Lc well wo rth c' . '! ches. Class ha, s a n oflicinl govern· whi le. a bountiful dinn er was spre'nll on the .!I \ '. , . ment rain guage in his back ya rd and Ohi o is ,·isi ted by 11 tli"aster of tables on the IlIwn, which overy one The y will W UNCll t II ti!·"t pur t, with Th" W arren Count~ klan he ld .. did j usti ce. Another gnme went down on the '1Ilso a self recording thermometer mllg nitud o. Th e Rtor m of last Sa t- Charles [)lIs l c,· Us int erlol' utoJ'. M rR. Th e Warren County Seed Improvekonkillve her" last W atln csday even · wrung s ide of the 'ledger' at Phillips which he determines tho daily urda y night hllH t a k,m a fri ghl ful H. S, TlI ~ kllr. roi.il.r ist . aurl lII rs. 11, S. ment Associati on, County Farm BurT he brilic'K tub l!! WIIS beautifu\1y rug, urld not since the tlays of th e decorated in g.d, and a large wed· park last Sunday • ft.~rnooon~ ::when ._.. : ...... 11 and the maximum and min. t oll of life and prope r ty in northern Tuck e!' unci Mrs. He rbert Corr, as eau, and County Extension Agents Homo. Coming haH there been such ~emperaturo every twenty.four Ohio . The numb er of dead is IIbout coaches. will hold a series of motion picture ding cake with fifty ca ndles and the Mia mis burg teQln with a salilnetl 11 crowd in lown. It hns been est!· beautiful roses we re placetl on it. pitcher, in the box, .' defeated ol,lr MI· rs. The reading is tnken approx. four score, nnd th e property loss, Tho ~eco nd ru rt of th e ' how will meetings durinit' the next two weeks, mit,ted that t hore weru fully 2600 in Seatetl at the bride's t:n.lllc were Ilk am is 5 to 3. The visitors were accom· imately at 7.30 I!very morning 80 oc· prnctically non ' of which is protected IJc U J'('u ring- (nr cc, l!n till ed , liTh e show ing the advantnges of pure vartown that ~voning. Every availuble li nd Mrs. E. T . Stroud, Mr. and Mrs. pa nied by a bunch of ;ootets ':who casionally the night rain R ure not by. in suronco, will ru n into t ens of Gr cl1t Chi ekl' n S tea lin g Caso of ie ti c~ of ",h • . a nd exten ding the , space was taken with mpchine~ , und James Hurt and so n, HO!l1er, Mr. and had apparently partaken rather 'freely always credited exactly on the pro. millions. ~:lJc n eze,. r llunty ." T here will bo usc of t he seed a lready g rown in this the grounds WOI'C packed with them. Th e scen e of g rentest loss und ~ uf ' u cuse of thLl cou rt. ju r or's, witnos~c s , Co unty. Mrs. Lel'oy Chiles, Mrs. Hul911h of some illicit s ubstitute for th e' bev· per days, yet the total amounts arc "l'he klan began to arrive early in the erages prohibited by the Eigijj;co[lth above given . The average maxi. fering is at Lorllin, wh er e co nditions nnd eve rything th ut ~(Jes t u ma ke II " Bett" r Seed·Detter Crops" n film Burnett an<l Mr. James Stroud. oClVening , '¥d kept it op ' unUl long obta ined from the U. S. Dept, of AgMr. and Mrs. Stroud received a Amendment, and Bro. Volstelld. mum temperature during May was beggllr description. The churches, high.cin"s t ria l., lifter the purade was over. 1' hls bunch was bois trou8 and rather 83.2 anti the mlnumum 46 degrees. school8 and bus in ess houses are de. DOll', m i 8 ~ this ent er ta inm ent. If riculture s hows how Bill Taylor and number of bellutiful gifts. Guards were placed at tht· prom· quarrelsome, and wbi!Ji a misunder· During June the averllge maximum Thousands of fll mBies molished. you do you will m!. B. somethin g g r eat. oth er farmers greatly improved their Late in the afternoon everyone inent s treet corners early in the ev· whea t crop throllgh the use of betextended congrutulations 'lIIj1ld best Rtnnding arose concerning the last was 83.2 and the minimum tempera. nround here have los t their homeR. ---~- - --. -enlng, and they kept the way clear t er seed, and tbrough the activities of wishes and returned to thoir homes, out, the game brolql up 'in a nasty ture 60.8. He has been reporting mostly mortgage d. Streets in th e for hoth ma'Chines and pedestriuns. Corn julJ:Q anti ·de'j:ent. practically every week to the State city lire block!qded by buildings and ufter spending a most enjoYlible day. WTangle. At 8 :80 the parade started from • . me tro logist conh,rning tho teml'era. wreckage so that ingress on the pllrt Those present were': Mr. and Mrs. sportsmanship wont mije o.akdale purk, and went up the Aside from the windup~ th e game t ine, raintall, and other wellther con. of the public may not be possible for (})-a lll men may oxplB;in 80me. of Ule James ' Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Franklin road to Third street; thence Gas connection for f ue l Brown lind ~ on, Bobby, of Richmond, was a good one. The Burgers jump. dH.ions as affecting farm crops. The wee ks. west on Third to Barnett's hill, to Ind.: Mr. and Mrs. Brit Vice, Mr. ed on the Dutchman's deliveries all heivicst rain tti'ut has occured with. fu el purposes may not be restored Main street. Thero were fully 400 . / Whea t under the s ystem whereby 80 and Mrs. Durward Vice, Mr. and Mrs. though they meant to anhiliate him, in 'the last yc;ar. , w'as reported last f or tw o mooths. The noe d of relief ltooded knights In ~ho marching lin •. ~any different miscellaneous variGeorge Stroud and son, Ca,rtor, Mr. but Jesse Prendergast ' anti B~~ther Saturday night when' 2.176 inches of is gr eat and urgen t . fJ'h. county band and a band from Tom came to his assstance and ' £wo , vllter f ell. " This vicinity was visited with an. i tl~s are grown. The. Northwestern The great prohlem, however, will lind Mrs, Paul Spait, Mr. and Mrs. :Xcnia were In the parade. - - - + -----be that of rehabilitation in the weeks other hea vy rain early Sunday mor/). I MIlls have so e xt?n 8...~ely Ildvertlsed Gage WadBworth, al\ of Dayton; Mr. singles and a sacrifice fly netted one After arriving a,t the grounds, I' and months to come. [am sure the ing. It began to rllin early in the th.e merits of spr~ng wheat and tho Ind' Mrs. Luther Perkins and chil· run. Our boys tied it up in the TW ~) AUTOS COLLIDED ",h\ch wero illuminated· by the aid of econd by means of a single, II. wild peo ple of Ohio want to contribute evening, but it did not min hard un. winter wheat flour, that WlInen J ren, of Pasadena; Mr. and Mrs. Har· .' lights stretched around the grounds. - --'-financially to the relief of their til a~er midnight. All during the County farmers are , loaing consider· ry Wadsworth, of West Carrolt.On; pitch, '0, sacrifice and 'Peffi)"s wild • ~il!h t ill ju ries .' ~·ere suffered by the klanll formed hollow Into squares neighbors in distrellS. The greut a(ternoon a terriffic wind was blow. ably through the lack of consump· Mr. and Mra. Gorden Bal1\nger, lind heave. Va n R~Ulllick. H~y Bo yden and and stood thus whilo the two bands Nothing doing in .the ec"oring line n of our ?~n products here in the •. hum un heart of our state has ~ev e r ing, and it blew II limb off at th o req. duughter, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Boyden's brother, "wh en the cars in gave a concert. On account of the Leroy Chilel and Marie, M,l'S. Claro untlt the first of the eigbth, then which they wer~ r;~ing collided near ftriled to reRpond qUickly, nobly and idenee of J . E. Fruz ier, which put County. MISS Alta Kizer, HOlllli lateness of the hour thore was no generously in emergencies of this the electricity on tho bum. There Demonstration Ag~nt will disCIIB8 the ence Allen and son, Preston, Mr. and Howurd walked the first batter and Initiating 'of candidutes. At th Mrs. Otho Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. his th e second while ' 'tl-yil'lg to field the Mooney faim ort the' Hart-School kind. were no lig hts a ll lIitemoon, until p~oper ~se of wmter wheat BOllr roud, near Leba"non, Saturday night, ap aker's 8taud the following pro· WIth whtch to make more uniform . Therefore, as Govern or of Ohio, 7 :30 in the evening. Robert Ballinger and daughter, Mr. his bunt. then u single scored the two lWO we!!ks ago. : The Boydells were vam was given: During th e storm Sunday ' mornlng, . bettor quality ptoducta in hOp1e· .r have named n committe e of citizons and Mrs: W. E. Stroud and 80n, Har. runs. A single, another walk, and Ii bruised and cut about the face', while . . • Invocation .......... Rov. Juder Lebanon old, Mrs. Maud Crane and ~ghter8, douh'le gove the visitors two. more to receive and disburse funds for the II displa y of electricity was simply baking-. Retallick suffered the lollS~ of two " Housewlfes, and ~speelallY laI'DI: , :8qlpture Rending ..... Rev. Washburn Louise, Mary and Annalee, Mr. alld in weir half of the ninth. relicf and rehllbilitntion of th e peo- unequaJed ill th is neightborhood for With one down in thlHr last chanco teeth . All were taken to the Blair ple in the devnsted areas years. One flash ufter unother, and women of the Oounty ~,re urged to be , .,Address .... ...... :Rov. Good, of Dayton Mrs, Cliff Burnett and children, Mrs. our boys' rallied. Satterthwaitl,l Rntl hospital, where ' their. injuries were Thll WaynesvIlle Nllt ionnl bank a constant peal of thunder was heard p;esent not only .for Miss ~lzer's .Rev. Good had a' fine voice for out- Huldah Burnett, IIfr: and Mrs. Frllnk Hopkins singled u,pd Poce walked, treated. Both of the cars were bad· has been designated us a collector for more than two hours. It was a dll!cu8sion concerning !:pe use of :win, ./!oor speaking, and mnde 0 fine ad· He8s and children, Messrs. Walter t. Orsborn flied to right, but Tom Bur· ly wrecked . , 4. ._ . ._ _ __ wh,e at ~our, . but also the , I'lctur~ and depository of r~ li ef funds. Cit- tre mendous st orm, lind as far as C81l ~nd Charles BUfnett, Guy, Chiles lind after. which the committee on ton wos th e lad with tho timely bin. d"l~usslon on ~tel' supply sysizens Of Ohi o a re asked to tllke their be learn ed, no r eul"dllmllge \Vas done, 'fireworks started their program. Win Wadsworth, C~de aud Jumes gle. Satterthwaite scored , and' 'Hop tems. "Water by Wlrl\': a ' tilm precontributions to the this bank. :I'hree immense croases were burned Strolid and LIlfJ'e Doan, al\ of Way· kins followed him wlten the '- righe pal"e<\ by one of the leading pump In conclusion, therefore,l aplleal at different parts of the field: and nesville. fielder threw to the backlitop instead manufacturing companies will also be ag'llin to all the people to contributo several bombs were discharged. The of the home plate. Manager Pace ~hown to lHustrate the various Slll' according to their means and without jlreworkB were ver), pretty and plen· forgot the ground rules limiting thil tems 01 securing water '~om deep and Those who ' have ~nown Mary ~!or. tlelay to this vital humanitarilln pro· ~tflll. o.nQ set piece of the letters K base runner to one base on an over· ris Tatman will f~el that ber, family ject. Churches, fraternal societies, shallow wells. Thts is part of the ' j( K burned for a long time, and was throw, and lltempted, to follow Hop. and friends now misa fl, gen tie, gra· civic and other bodies are urged to special w,ork qn fAl"UJ vAi,ter supply ioudiy cheered. kins over the plate 'Fhe catcher had cious lind noble IIpirit and a ' coni. assist as organized agencies towald systems being ca~ed on ,now, bl Klnumen from everY town and retrieved the ball an:' put it o.n ~l\e Miss Klze-:, tluto~gh' the ' Home Man:collection of necessary funds. May. stant lind generous example. '. lII'Ound the eommu.n lty were runner. The umpire ' allowed the You will shortly recoive from Ma. agement leadere In the various townHer tfrandfather Aahron Mprris ors of municipalities a.nd tbe news· prt!lMlnt"a~ they all had a good lime. out and the fight was on. The sCore: caMe overland in wagons from North papers of the state are asked to as· jnr General Robert C. Davis, the CO,u nty A8'Bn~ CIIll8 aud Agr-: ~ ~ A Gulld party, to which the women Carolina in about '1800 and s,'ttled sume leadership in urgin g and ·facil· Adjutant Genoral of the Army, a icultural College Enginftring Spaof St. Mary's parish were invited to MIAMISBURG where Milton, Indiana, now sti!'nd8, iating speedy response to thla appeal number of application blankll, instru!l clnlist'are also wilUng, to ~4rnfab any come and bring one dollar, wawriven tions and return addressed envelopl!llla(IUlltlol~al InformJ.l~on or .special u· AB R H PO A E '·l!."R'''lR the ground built a cabin!,and ~n their respective communltil!ll. at the home at • to be distributed in your community for water BUPP~Y (or sewage ., . of Mrs Harris and Mrs. L. Kauffman, s8 .... 3 1 2 0 I! 0 there reared a family. . j Jalt Wednc8day afternoon. to veterans and t,h eir dependents de. systems. ' ·rhi~ matter '!!lUI George, a 80n born in ·. 1808 and Cline, Sb ' ..... .... 6 $ 1 1 0 The entertainment · wu 'provided by Cartwright, Ib .... 3 siring to make application for ben. ~e , more ~t!lly dlsc~lISe.d ;-at the meet-, 2 1 10 1 I) Rhoda Frampton,. born 18.14. whOle the Semee League girls and a very eflts under the World War Adjusted. 111gB, where an oppor~unity will aleo B"Kauffman, c .... 4 1 1 7, 2' 0 parehta. emigrated from Maryla.nd, dood program 'was rendered, as fol· be giviln for , queationa and dl8CUJcd Com pen!\lltion Act. , p .... .. .... 6 0 1 0 8 1 were born five children, Mary being II/ws: One set, consisting of all applicu. sion . t ,'. , the third. When sill! i y~ . hi age, Henry, cf .... .4 0 1 0 0 'c' 1. tion blank, instructions and n return Co",plete schedule IJf meetinga for () her {nther passed aWIlY and she was Prano SQlo .. ....... ,...... MUdred Hole R. Henry, If , ... 8 0 0 <I 0 envelope, will be given to any the first week is ns follows: Mon. 'eve, up in the home of Mathew Groves, rf ......... 3 0 0 1 0 1 Olnloglle ("Schoolmastel' Abroad" asking for snme. In '. 7, Franklin 1tftl~~nie ~nll.; Tuesand ' Ferris,' an aunt. Weidner, 2b ... 4 1 2 4 6 0 Vocal Solo ..... " .... ....Eather Henderson Mr. V. O. Tolle, heatl of the Spring. these applications you will be sure eve•.i J~ly 8, ,H; rveysburg town After gro\\;ng to woma~hood, h~r .tIairnlU'." V(olin 'Solo ,," ...... Evclfll Cartwngbt boro schools f or the past year and that a complete SBt is given to ellch ; Wed. pvc.,. July 9, Silver Grove S uncle died, and Mary with ' her aunt TotaL ... ....... 84 8 27 14 Readln~ .. , .... ..... ,... ,.. Louise Henderson Thurs, CI/C., :.fqly ·)0, Butler· moved to Milton. In ,1,871 she was principal at Harveysburg fOT. three veteran. Vocal solo,.Mary Margaret Uhglcsby This curd will be posted in a con. ~hooli fi1.day "eve., July 11. united in marriag'e to ' J . Durbil\ years, has made quite an advance for MIAMIS Plano Solo....Rhea Janet , Cartwright Tolman and located in Oonl\ersville, the coming year. Mr. Tollo, who is spicuous place for the information Mainville s\:h'ool hall, Silt. eve., Muon a graduate of Will1'\ingtol\ College, of al1 co ncorned. All R H PO ~ E Ind. ~elbolda ~al1. ' , 'o.n ' account of iIInl1e8 Misa Elsie Two abns were bl)rn to them, WU. was chosen from a field of twenty. .TOHN H. BARTETT, ' • - - , -......Hawke W'l!s unable , to carry out her Prendergast, cf .•..4 0 ' 1 3 l ' 1 Buzick, lIS ........ ..4 0 0 , 1 1I 0 \iarn and Francis M. with twin five applicants to be Supt. of the First Assistant Postmaster Gen. part of the p~gra-lll. ., KILLEO B'( 1HE ' CARS A social" hour ' followod, during Frye, all ",.. ........ a 0 0 0 2 () grandso'na, Durbin and Web8terand Spencerville, Ohio, schools. Spencer of about 2000 deliCious ref~shmonta were Satterthwaite, lb.4 2 2 11 '1 0 one sister, ,Anna :Ruston, of New ville , ia a Chamberlain,' aged 66 and has a high 1 2 2 0 1 Rochet[e, N. Y., 8Ul.vive her. ~crved. ---A-aUbrtalrttIlt1n1'l!rW8S add· Ho'p kins, 2b..... .. 4 well known in ,th~ County, was inof 170. Pace, C .". "" ........ 1 0 1 4 , 1. 0 As the f~thful 'lVife and' devoted ed, to the 1 ehu'reh.decoration fund.. stantly . killed last Wednesday after. Mr. Tolle well deserves tho promo· rf "'" ,,.4 0 0 1 o · 0 m9ther ahe will live in the hearts and noon at 3 :30 o'dock whim. he was run . , If .. 4 0 1 4 0 0 memories of her c;:hild):'en and ber tion for he has certainly made good in over by a cut of freight cars beln~ Warren county. He leaves behind switched around In front ot the Leb. H. Burton, p . ". 3 9 1 1 0 '1, friend. who knew hor best, her memo ory, her klndnes8, the gentle InBu. him many friends who wish bim suc· anon 'deJ;1pt. His head \""/1 COlli. ' CCBB In his new work. , Totals .... .. ,31 S 8 27 is 4 ence of her , charncter, the inate pletely severed from the body. 'J -------.~~ The ladies of the Woman's ·For· , So far as counid' be learned. no OftC g I) goodness which :WIU' here nutulIBlIy, eign Missionary society of the Way- saw the tragedy. The 80uth boiuld ' . ' . II'oMI"illa'mlJliis!;bur ... .::~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ;--: will ev~r be cherished. . nesville M. E. church, will hold a pa8senger train had just pU:\led out 0 After the death 0:1 her husband in IlpeciaJ meeting on next Sabbath ev· the. yards. ., Summary-2-base ,bit, R. Kauff.' 1910 she was lovlnl~ly cared for In All the Ohio Odd Feilows conven· man. Sacrifice hits, L. Ka~irman"; the homea of her', children until the July 6th, at 7:30. "~\'Ii Tree Coroner H. E. Dilatush, pronouric- ' , tipn , held last week a.t Norwalk, three Pace 2. Silcrifice fly, • Kauffman . last several years sh41 has lived h" the Village" an Oriental Indy, Will en· .....Jnveatlra~ , ", Mrs. Mary Emley died at the home t ertain ' her friends as a part of the nd the cnso llujcide; after .. . ,11"l'l' .. r .. · ·W~rre~ co unty ~en were" honored. Earned runs-Visitori 2; Miamis 2. Friend's Boarding Home in Way. 01 her nOice, in Dayton, Friday, at _';"";'' - - program . Thero will be three or four A.t , tho ~ In"ta~latlon c>f ' Officers heUl Left on bases-Visitors, 9; Mlaimls nesVille. Ohio, surrounded with every , ., duftng . the Frida' sesalon, G. F. 5. Double play-Weidner to Cart· comfo'r t ,c ond loving lIa,n~s to minis. noon. The body ,was brough~ to lIer selections of 'special music Dnd the late home in Corwin, whet'/) the 8er· Brow.n ,wila in's talled '4i Grand :Master , pnstor will give a Bhort addresa. A . PlIl!sed ball-R. Kauftmlln. ter to lIer every need Qf t"~ J odge: . 'This ill the highest of· Wild pitch-Pcffiy. BlISe on balls';"" She wlul a birthright member of the vices were held Monllay afternoo!1' at very inspiring program will be given. flce ' inth,e state orltaniution. Clias, Oft' Perny 6; off Burton 4. Struck . Frie.n d's meeting in Milton, Ind. She 2 O'clock, Rev. Washburn officiating. As this is their annual thank ofl'ering of Lelj/lflon, was lustalled out-By Peffiy 6; by Burton 4. Urn· came froln a long line. '~f Quaker Interment In Miami cemlltery" !I1eeting, a $pccial froe·will offering will be taken. Marahall,'and Rev. John H. pires-McCure and Ward. Time- anccst.ry, bel~g the. lrreat graiu'-dau. Mors. Ma~y E, Tatman died at the 1;S~lltjd.ler; <It Kings' ¥ilIl1, instaUe<J 1 hour and 46 minutes. , Everyone is cordially invitod anp ' ghte~ lit ~Iisha Dawsol), who trave,l . Friend~ Home Sunday. ' The services urged to attend and ' hear the tine ,Chaplain: . 1 ' ' There will be a game lit ~be park ed a(mlnillter in' England and Amer. I " ~ _... . Fourth of July, with jim Wells' , ball lca ni,any' years betore the ' separation. w~re held all,th!l'lHome Tue8dI1Y 'after~ program which will bo given by t ue noon. and the body was taken to Con· ladies. tenln. 'Also, on Sunday', iho);, witl ,w as .identlfied with' tha~ ahur~li OILING nersville, Ind., for;, ~nterlllent, on \llay a tea!" from Wilmington: . , . ber manige sh'li UD/ted .. -:/ : '1 ! ,~ .j~. Wednesday. '.' ", , of Jler ,bulb,and, the ~~~.~~' GAME THE FOURTH . MA~Y, MANY THANKS
VERY HEAVY RAINS :ia~~~n::ehs::~e!::;~~:e~:~\o~~;~ RIVER OVERflOWS ~~~bl~::k:t~~~ai:~n~!~:!o g:,~~: ._--
. -.
--.....;..._. ...
\, CE"~NG RI'~QY I~O~
Ilt , Conn~ville. _pleBflllre
~nllfBllred ;1" ,ch\1rcb activit!e., '
I" ahe. ' tell and ' broke While :. . su'de~r
11t. MiamI Oaz
com~ to m e.
Ohio '
:$18.70; P . B. Munce, Salam Twp., Ilrellllll'O, tllr . ,1 Ruth A. Roo.t, glll\rdian of Ver n }111"rll Ii , . ] ,2. 00; " H. W , Trovlllu; 1llsblnee. ' hnt tb kllll and queen ~~ - ,A- ~i._1J' Ront;, 'minor, flied . be fi r t lind fi· II milton 'I·wp .• i'nyroll, $9.76; Phil· \\'ou lll he! I'r~n£ nnil thot (he enthu& ~ ~ Illifl account. . . . ill H~I R I, 8I\n\ ', ·,68,20; W. $. Gra-. In~ ,",<-old .f) SO (tTCIlt. Ion WIll be I Wm. G. :,t'hOMPIIOIl, IIdministrntoT nblQ to ju6".) of my ur1>rl~c when, ,.A WOMIr:..NS FAeE- IS•.~· i of th, ust!lte of Amll-nd ~ I. Munger, b~rn, WIlYJlO T,,,p, , l'" Yl'bU Ha il.8!); . . Tompkins, Dillt. 1 payroll , $3011 l1!UIlIt JJ.lsn \,t.lte · M r~ Ihrol1l1b the H"' ~ I deceulled, filed hl In vol'tory nn d up· ('h~('r1nll' C1'tlwrl. rh rnw l nll tltlwer8 In ""'" - - Or.UGGI~T ""/ .., ; F. M. C91l1ns, Di!lt. 2, PnyrllU, nu' " 'ny, t 1'1lrDi' . <ldenl y UPQD ' M~.I" fORTVNe 111\;.5 "0, Y S • -~ p.raise men . , . $'c:GG.O U: Edell Torry. ~ '8t, a , Pnr' ru'IlI lJore In fOO whl lo-- rob of COMMISSIONERS PROCEE DINGS Alice, C!t~no\Veth find EmUy Min· .f{OtunD lJl'nrry. ~ow tn Inl! me IInnf nlor, mhmOlstratrixol! of t ho 'esta c r 11, 52357 .00: A. '1', Rettig, Dist. tb~B~ l'1\ro (lC o'lnl, hor ~ptrlt \VA~ Lu~i1(). Broo l~s has bl'ou!:ht Ruit , of Amttndn mieh, decensod, fil ed 4 . rll~'ro ll, $1179.83 ; Ooyt McCormick, l' pnir gnng I'll),I'Oll, $238"',\ III Frllo QUQ.! to Ill'r PlIt! I'Ihl' Willi Il k unto I,or dlvo rc agulllst Arthur Drun ks. tbeir sule bill. mllnn"d. th o IUlJo(cl t h Ad seon 10 Ill)' ,1rt-1IIIla." h chnrgcs grUS$ nng-Iecl. T he tul ' 'of L. A. Dehm and ,no; Burr uughs Adding Muchine Co., th ~ IWP 'whlf~hlll rl!d mCtl I!LU- Tho nOble lool! of b r race Ulrllled Wm_ S. Roof has brought an ' in. the . Bucco!l8ions til rein wurc found I'epai,'s on S urv eyors mnchine. brn ced nil II Itlescc} 'lnch olh"r amidsl 111~. 11 Wll8 not so ellay to mnlntolo jnnctio!t ,mit r~alnst Vor",i l Fu llen exempt f rom inhel'i tnnce lux. . the rnlm dllf\llty of WMblDgtoo In nn d Mor row Brant, SheriII'. Ftli'h \V "0 'I" l t· loud npplnuer. "As "e werl' 11':I\' 1I1R m(' tnhle one thnt moment. 1 wanted to 11ft· her 10 A I " " , " un.~, at mlllt S ra rl x dny he snld: ·Jnel:. I h n... e ,n Idell my arms nnd hold her thor , as voo . Ice mlth has br~ught suit of the estate of Kote M. Woodward, wol1hy or Den)(lsthl'nl'~. lily rr~Il(I, mnr well belle,o. bllt. nlns. 1 ;"i\~ Ilgntnst Josop h Be?be MIII~ for th e IdC~Cl\Se d , wus nuthorized 'to so li cer· Dn,1d rf'tUtll')' of Lon(\on. who 1111 W"S'h ln/!"ton I 1 dl8monmcd and f ..11 ~n nnlmcnt of t~l(nr. marnng!!. She tni n real estate lit privutt' ",lie. I" a minor, Wm . R . Whitucl'o WIIS bppointed hl\l hopes of pcaNJ Ill' ne j;ot1ntlon. 1I}>(ln ona lml'!! 1)('.fore her nn d ktssed \\'l ~l\e' ro ( m" o,'~r nnd ""nrer \\1lh her hanll .not too tenenUr, 1 would ~ heslor Cn~pbell hns brought suit nss ignee of J ohn R. Wilson in U·ust. The Eye 'Iltht SpcclRII~t me. I ~hnll lell hi m tll nt h(' Itloy l'ome have rou know, In spire or m y lempln· agamst. LOW18 Lenabrink, lI1!atio n.ond $6,000. Honry Oiehls , Rnmel' Lenllbrlllk, and the P B. L. and S. E llis and Henry Kipp wer o appointed If hn wtll brIo!! \\'Ith hint th e Lfldy lion. She ~to(){1 ~recl, nlthongh t enl'!! JInre nnd her dnu!l'htcr.' wero stroolDlng down h ~r cheeks .nd TR U E! TOO TRUE I e " ot Lebnnan fo r th.e foreclosure npprlliacrs of th o property and U~· " 'biora 1';" II ng tl'<O~ ere nev';;. ::~_~eo[\n.l' 'nhynlbl ~o",trlle'ltndh.IChde eo"t'thldCDonll WCfl.ry-" l',-c rid in mo own cnr. of ~ mortgage. Th e nmount claimed seb of John R. Wilsn n. Lebanon, Ohio ~poltl'n I1r cmosl ('nilS, IInswcrr ~ "" . , r ill _ I d I' IS ,, 1300 an d 6 pet' cent compound tn t ho mottor f th d' '1\ut ho'" nbour J on,.,. ,,"tl his 11<o0n " whisper the worde: J!:'~ tn rn~' 'ny, flll m ~on" na to 0 e g uar IUn · " ' May the ()(),I of your fill he", RlcI I THle lit my ow n ~nrrtugo aglull . illt ~C"t from Fchrutl!Y 28. 1921. ~hip of Ill rencll Cachrnn, im becile, Homme l\Icharril lie Is no\\' n terror , Willie- " Don't kid yourself. Slev!'. LlItlt Baxter hu s e nlered suit th e court fo und Inrelll'O Cochrnn , to the BrltL.h l'OMtS. They would tenr nnd keep rOil.' 11:011 rI. III. to" ". '11 '''l'hc 110ilercurrcnl ot rCSlrnlncd your PilOT old mother cnll 't push yo u Il:taillsl 1l0 hllrL lind Dora f!a hn (or -fully restor ed to rcnso n nnd ord er· destru ctIon.' "'1 6hnlT flak Jon es to leI them emotion 10 this 111111.' Bcone w nt alit 110 more." th '. rcco~,' ry of money: ~he amount cd the g Ul\rdion ship to t('rminnte. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED alone,' he MId. 'Tho)' ('o n come tl oder . to thot crowd, which r cprE!!'entcd :l lIlf n ~ t1 tS $3r>O. 00 Wtth mte ros t on Addn C. H endri ck~on elected to n .pednl flng.' tile wen lth, benury nod ~hlvnl ry of TRUE TO FORM $ 120.00 from Oc b el', 1920 and in. tnke nil of the personal prope rt y of "Commodore Jones dlil not np[1CJIr Fronce. I 9 uppo~e thnt IMme of tbl'm .· Am bitious ( to leader)-"If 'ou 'l\ tercsl on $225. 00 from Murch I, the estllte of her ~eccnsc d huslmnd, 0~1n In Po.rI~ 11I1t11 () tobl'r. ,,' II!!n be thought It B bh of good acting. ,. .. ~ '/2 1 rome to Possy to repor t IIpon I "Bu l we were 10 Ilnd In tIlls II l tir I g" 'C me II Jo b In Y'lll r orchostrll I . . . . . Wm. P. Hendri ckson. The cou~t npf1lmous bollie. drnm n Il cll mull wh olly \l Oa peeted by ~ n'1\\:, I can play the ~axaJ1hono in Ill) Sllphlll Sm ith has brought s uit proved t he " lectioll a nti conflrm ed "1 "'"11, I'Uller 10 meer thl~ terror of ellher of UI aDd of ou lruportunce to till"!. ilO l' t\ivtlrce nr:n inst Hnrry L. Smith. th o title. t!\e CORstS, Rift Impudent eour sjte nud our count ry ,,'hleh I try In "Din to Ll'nder- " Sn n! T hey all do. " 'he c\t" l,nl"l!s cruclty. The will of M)Il'tle I. Chenoweth Glc~ n E. ~luo re 1IT111 Rllth Moore' was IIdmited to Pl'oullle, Oli ver [, Bheer ftndoelty had 1\ lonlshe(\ fb e CSllnln te, W'tlell the prime mInister world. The wonder 11'88 thtl t men hnlldN! th •• PUMlQ to Frnn kllo lo t! bOlto TALKING ABOUT US I un ' ~tt1g Mt\l'gue~'itc M. ~~SlIo lml\n hcnoweth wn~ appointe d executor ... r willing to Join hIm In such dare hi m open It. ThIs Ih~ l"atlnr dIll, flnd - I Doroth~'-"I hilt! a ve ry nicr nllt I t(l relorm U cortnm descTlp t ,on, of the estate and C. J , Wnggonc r •. de ....n errterprl l'il. In!: thereIn letters of credll for th roe Sundnc." I -----:-0-L_ S. Shnwhllll nn d Rnymo nd Law ''1 bod Imfl"l ned Ihllt J onea would million lh'lf'!) grnnted: ot w'hl('h we Dimples- "So did [- a lso nnoth'r P ROBATE PROCEEDINGS were nppointed appra i ser~. I · ~i ttill, gnunt. wnrlhy, rnw·honed. w('re In sor'• n ~'VU ~" . WltlI It "-rn; II ,0 I Th I b .... I llnc 'IS ellll , E lizabeth U. Cultnr, executrl',x' of Hownrd Mo nno . t d I II luln, mlln of th sen. ITe WIIB tI newe tbnl 0 shill " 'I'uld be Ic(\vlng . urs~ ny- ~t ~~ ow I U ~ " r was nppom C a(· ., ~Ieek, sUent. modest Ult lo mnn, with Boulogne tn the mornIng nocl lllnt I' Ing thiS eve nmg, th e estllte of Edwa rd H. Cutter, de· minio:trntor of th e estat e of .Geo. W. MONEY LOANED dotl~ale baDds nnd fentut'OS. B e loya. on tbe v,'a y lin" heell Ilro\"'lclcd ---0cl'user!, file d h r first nnd fin ul tlC- Monr:er, dcceused. Bonil, 1,000. , '4 " .... I"hell to be nlone \VIm Ille Doctor, for bla messenger. The In~ Uon ( I f our I EVEN STEVE N c() unl. J ohn Scig!ri ed, George Croll nnd nnd 110 1 did not bellr tbelr Inllt. 1 beloved diplomat WIl S eqUAl to the <IeA son of Erin , Tim •• by nll me, The f\l'St nccount of Georgc W. Georgo Phillips wero llppointed n,p. 1i0NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK. ' . Jf fI ~, I\now thoIt bo oeeded ooooay nn4 thlt mand of tbe UlOnl('nt nnd ..., he onrdC!rI 11 "~rce t e M. A II "nati1 were Crop(lCl", g unrd ia n of tho eslute 9·r prllisel'8 of the estate . Chllttcls, olso second mortgage~. J/'l'ankJln, bavlPIJ I/O tunas. provided onnonnl'ed: ' uccupicd, oxce pl (lll~ , in which 11 'Iuite Cot'win n. I'opel', min or, w¥ np· Stan ley M. Sellnrs nnd C. B. Jam· Notes bought, John Burbine, Allen. ~t the _ Ugbter tI'om bll own pune. "'W ll~ bl n!!ton Is IIl1 e his people, tnollchy.nppenlring man 'hlld s<,,,le,1 PI·o.'cd. eRon were IlPpointed to serve us 01,)' Building, Xeniu, Ohio. uOne eveidnl (jur MOl'" netgbbOrt. Be turns from nil the loves ot This l P L l1t() nkey noxt t o him . Finally The first nnd finn l account of praisers of tho es tate of Wm. It. Le CoIllPta do Ohllqmont lind M.. world to obey th ~nll of ditty. My 'l'im walked up an d Ilointing at lh£' Eli>.! beth CllrNon , execu t rix o t the Eckel, decCllsed. They will servo iJ{. LcVlllcnrll, corne (0 lUlDouoee that. foung Crlend ,vho bas 0 well prescnt· monkey" uid: c ·Lalc. or J ,lh" W. Curson , dQcea~ , 8toad of Gar Hill Rnd Charles CrolfS CSlnncr aDd ball 1I:l bonor of Fror1kUtI· ed·the look nnd mllnncr of Washlnglon "n I cd, w" s nppro\' od. are unable to a ttenll to the l;'nrmel'8 of Warren and ndjolnlnC' would' GeCur at "'4 puloee ot Compte ' ~11 lj OW abow you his spirit.' c~ pore un, sor, but hnR t his [rent de <lhaUDIOllt I :than a week later, "tIll lOOked Itt htl!' wntt h lIod oclded : paid his fnr e? " The ti rot nnd An ul = t o~ Emma Eckel, admiriiotra· counties m~ 'oi;tain ~oney on lonlt t. .. 'My good friends,' Mid tbe pbllo&.. 'WJthln forty mInutes he will be I Without n word the j!roch pick'd ' orgt' P. Dowlle y, adminislrtl tor of , filed her incntary and apllrllis '. liniO loans, nt 6 ~ por 0 nt Interest. · rldln. _ ... to. Do""""""', tber~ _Ijup t he manke'.-, SIlt him on his knee the eslllt.c or Mary E. Duwuey, de· ment. Cout of securing the Bame 18 very rea........ v .... op!ler, 'J v:alue tbeeo hOD91'!! wblcll are ~ _ Ip tor America.'",..., w1'" and Tim to ok 'the scat. After II f o," c!:nsed, WII~ npproved. ----0~onltbh.· .through The Federal Land fa VlctoUSly oll'o.red me. bui 1 am .old ' , I pd bovo much \\Iork to do. J D~ (To be continued) • blocks Tim sold : The first lind fmal nccoUft of MARRIAGE LICENSES Bn lJ k. F'or furtheJ:. ,Informatl?n c.,U mor,! thnn 1 n eed the honore." " Beg pardon, sor; but whn t nn, Wm. a nd Robert Carr, adtniulstrn. €Inrence Ray Spon~ler, milliste~, on or ~ddress 111. C. DRAkE, Treas· "'It Is 011 or the penalties of belnl S.,.. Sam-Wh en at. the end of II tio nality la your f rie nd?" tors of the estllte of Cora F. 'Harris, Morrow, and Miss EI~ll,n ol: AA' n urer, phone BI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. II areat 8A\'~ tha t people w1sb to see blisterin g d~y comes up n thunder I "Ho II Irisi}-an'! half npe I" snap ped deceased, wus uppro ved. F ryburger, Cozaddlllo, < ~ ----.----:,~ - - --' and kDo'w blm,' said ,-tli~ eount. 'The shower, to.ke a little ti me out quietly Ithe ~rouch. _ Tlw second lind final accoun t of Wm. O. Car.lson, fore man , Mi WA NTED mOllt cl1sttngulslled people In France to see, fe el, hear and smell. It's Tim smiled genially. "Begorrll, E lmer E. Whitacre, OfIministratOl; of dletown, and Miss Agnes B. Wl'igh JiIU be ameng th08e whO do yoq a timo when you can be glad you'ro and he's rel a t<~d to both of us, nin't the estate of Lldll H. Whitacre, de· teacher Franklin. bailor. 1. tblnt. If 1'011 ea.D 'recall a d R obert' Henry Har~rllve, waiter.• alive, and out in the country,d he?" ceasc t was approve. \alIl we hael eome week. a,o, you wlll • The first a nd tinal occount of and Miss Tholl)lll Bell Murtin. Bot WRITE John Iobol'son, nt WayUIIJiville, R D. 3, for gC\1cral hauling .. '<>11. dl,en, rou have beard from I a Cit a m, administratrix of the of Frllnklin. Colored. . with teuma. ju16 t\IIIJ;1qrnet,' (:Stule of J a mes Benham, deceased, James W. Simpson, factory workiw1ab to L' II B h ~'1 hnq . ' letter here which you was a pproved. cr, Dayton, ond Miss Olive J . EvanJ. ,WAN'i'I!J U- Puiotiog,Paper hltlllllnlf Automobile IJlld ~'urnilu're f"fin' IIIQ nail .t ';out cOoveDlence.' The firs t and finol account of Springboro . .. 'M, deer friend. 00 pleneccl to re' . John T. G r~gg, administrntot' llf the George Fenton Hl)wrl;:-d, clerk, illhed like new, .llter HrrLblln, celve my apeloglC!! aDd my hearty \Jstal e of Rnchol J . Grogg, deceased, Jllellsant Pluin, and • fi;!s R uth El~ Waynesvllll'. Ohi J. thllnJra,' 1IIlli! Fnlnkl1D. 'Not even th-e WIIS aproved. · len Root, Loveland. WOOL-WE ARE NOW TAJlNG goilt could )leep me away.' The tenlh ao d final a ccount of W. H. Drnke, fot'mer, alld MisS In wool pt our warehousc' In <;or"UNo' da, I received n tonnnl Inorman L. Richmond, IIdmi nistTa. Lcna :Wills. Both of Wnynesville. win, lind will pay tho highest cub to ~::e;1e':do;n:~e I,,~:~~ We ~rite Hail protedion on Toba cco. Public Il.i.. bility, Properly tor of lhe estnte of Earl G. Wilson, Merle Ver non J{e~"n&, clet'k, Coli prico. W. J. B il ker, Co~ln, 01110, Iw}"(lpne, I would dedlne the to\1to. Damalfe And ColU.ion on Automobil el; Wlnd.tor·m and Fire lnlur. dccensed, was approved. umbus, nnd lIUss Mary Relen .Mnr! • ' Jf Be begged me not to do It and aDce on BulldiDt- and Chattel•. ~ The proceedings of W. Fronk latt, teacher, Waynesville. ~I:=;:=: be countlrllf upon me . Rosell, udministr\ltor of the catato Lloyd B. Hall, veterinarian, Wny~ LOST II and cblvlIlry otI Call al- for r .. tel-Our le~ce al"'l"Y' •• tl.6.... of Mllry A. Michenor, carried nesville, and Miss Leona , as I bad ,-rown unller a ormer orde"!' of the of WaeliJngt6n; were approved. A distribution Lost--A book 41'1t1tled "Tho Life fiullIlLtll' with W. mlUlDel'6' AMAN BUILDING Phon.. 61.2 I ordered in the estate. RE~L ESTATE TRANSFERS of 'Woman" SatuTday, juno 28. Fin·· abie to Jmitate them In' convena, The coul'\; foun d It necessary to E"" . this office. _ .h WAY"'ESVILLE OHIO . 1J!ano.f nd Roy Van Tress to' der please return _~ nI e ..... ""'·me to"~ .... . , probllte the will of Ludia A. WI'n- R' 0 bert. ..... ! • ... _ nd l\lIIIome til clllI ..r" C08-I D. • r-.t.crson. 22.468 acres in ........e.._~ our comma Il1' e .....e fiold.deceWled . · W · , ~\I ~ hon!)l to tilly: nype Twp, $1. . FOR ~ALE
I t1l111 Q
At Ctry' JH llry ';:1) ,)
! . I'
Every Tuesday
---0- -
Farmers, Attention!'
.A _..
----0- .
~ ~nt.·
I:~=========================~ S
ears & Cartwri"ht e INSURANCE
---=:-r; '~.
4~_~M~~~ft=~~~~~~~~¥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~to~~ ----- _ . , . Oram. 100 acres in HDmilton Twp:
would be IIlte to trui!t In Buch an . ~lted role. I "all"; 01 a fllvor to me. jOn would lee 'whaf COD tie dOll!! 1It' ;t1'le' «-tUmer'e oild let me have a
took- It, fOil.'
,'Il((ud .. he wlabed. The reenlt :WIS ,n 1I~9f\lablnc UkeDe¥as ~ bad aeeA ~ great 1!l&DI IDdJ'e88ed ~I! field. I wore a q allgbtl,. tinged with gray, Il .,1)10 c:9&t. b~ wal.eteont !'D 8ash d and sWotd nnd tbe top boot>l 'aDd 1IPUn. Wboo I .troclo aero.. the room In the m••terly totihton onr creat cOnliDander, . the 'Doetor clapp~ hla lwid.. ,« 'You .are as like him as oDe pee II Ilke tlnotherl' he exclaimed. 'Nothing would 10 qor trlends, t!\e ~erlch. who have an, 1mlllense cl,Il'l. oalt)' regnr<lUll La Oralld Vnsanton, p4 It ,ovUl· gIve mo nn opportunlt7 to tn""ire trodwent , themto,.w. os ·todeak our and spIrit.' took from drawer a erose of jeweled lIole] on '''I'I~'ng necklace of aUvl!r-a gift from kiIlJI'--IlDd put It o"e.l' my hau d ao the shone upon my brenst. 'That .Js tor the tnlth of Ollr ,ptlOpill,' he dl)cJnred. 'Tue gUests will ,••amble 011 tb~ grouqlls of thtl count, rate , In the attetn!l9n, You will ride imong theni on II white borse. A beantlful malden In u white roho ' lleld it ,tIle waIst "'Ith a golden g!rclle win receive )'Ou,' She wIll ,be Rumoo t.lber. tit- You .ul dismount nn(1 knllE'J Bnt! ldBa her hand. the prime mln. iitel' of i'nIIce wUl gl\' to each a , ble,eelng ,and ~ you n sword lind a purse. You will holt! them UIl and liT: .. , "For these thIngs I promise 10U ~~s::~p ot my people and tiu!ll' .'Y11tI9m kiss the ev;oord Rnd hung It bes1dG lour own , &lid. paM tbe PUI'llll to 1110 a,nd tbetll shall have llouuithtna to say.' " . "So It all dOn'" but wttb thrl1l. loa detn~B, of ~lIlcb .DO, sUIPI~I~:!Jad
$1. ' fOR SALE-A , f.r esh Je,rooy, cow. Everett Nixon to and OtInquiro of, Davis Furull8, R. -D. 4, tie Nowton. Lot in Lebnnon. $1. WuyncB)o'\lIe, O]tio. • J,u16 Jcllllie O. Thompson to Lewis Klivans. Lot in Lebanon. .1. FOR SALE-Yellow Gum Rml De~ch .. Fan. I um, beT at ',H arveys,b u~ S. aw Mill • . Mollio Mllrlntt to Joseph and nie Davis. 2 lots in Mason, $1. ,by Robert ~my. InqUire . oJ Jo~n . L. Earl and Bllrnice . Thompson to Robono.D, R, D. 3, Waynesvm~, O. Kntc Wolf. Lot in Mason. JuI6 . • FOR :t~ LJj:.-()nc 12·inch tE!ee'';'' ~OMMON PLEA '1 -I"'" • . S PROCEEDINCS l?on, 82 volts I , . F' or use with Del· , Bills, allowed : ' Leb1lnon Patriot cp Battery. Inquire . o~ the. Friends ndver:tisc.ing, $fl·OO; S. Fred , Co., BUp· lto,me. . juG ' , plies for Jail r esidence, $40'.63;. Sco.~ '," , field Grocery, supplies l or $7;' .F10I,t, Voga C;re"m Sep. '1110 Book SIJop, oupplics for val'!-I ,. lIl',n~or .Inq.uI~o o{ Wm, ,Lu,kons. ous offices, $25 .4 0; W. H. Stan age,' lI~v.~ysburg, OhIo. , Ju2 CIl., Rupplieu, 5<\.75; Johnson and FOR SALEWaLRon Co., 8Ullrllics, ,2.00; Colum . 1 6·fool Champioa M.ower bus Oil Co., ,IIIi und oil, $56.2&; w.I I D•• ring H..,. 1:edder N. COX', 2 brush brooms, $'2 .00: KII· I American elo ..... B'Inch... Plltriek.Fre'1ch l'IIoterCtlr Co., tires,1 1 " 8s8 Hooller Diac Drill Inbor ond ' repairs, $298.75; Peto j I 12,,7' P.oria 'Dln Drill Benhnm, 6 yds. gravel, $.90; Annal 1 Ro .. ED.na,O CUU; r with BsewShurts, 5 yds. gravel, $.75; . J ohn ur Pipo complete Parkhill, 0 yds. gravel, $1.25: Queen 1 Economy Klalf S."'l'ator City Crushed Stone and Sand Co., iii "I B II ' I l ·.. ue 01 Separator 154 tono Torpedo , gravol, ' $281.00;1 1 Auto Tr,.lI..r. I . Ohio Corrugated Culvert Co., 6j Inquire of FR~D M. COLE, Barneaa, Bowers! $196.801' StD.nda~d Oil Co., Hllrdware and Farm M~chinery. bridge r.e palr ' oil and 011 and glls, Wa ncaVille, Ohl.!)., . ' ' j26 " $104,86; Oregonia Dridg Co., con·1 ' trllct ~o, 782 .and blue prin~, $606-: FOR SAI:-E-Goo~ g1'a~o of· '1;'al!k,- . ' . 82; W~1tcr ,f..arrlek, hauling, $12.60 i' IIgll, at the. HU1'VeYl~urgr, re~U~1' . Elijah Null, 89 yds. '-'Tllvel, $6.86;' Co. tf I Robert CorWin,' 12 yds. s~one, ~7.60;' , . !, . ' . : • Cor I Myers, h8~ling gra~el, $36,;1 F or Snl~pot.tc!~ fol~~~,.~hi"!l, Ho~ A. J. Scheuer, garage rent for truck IIl1d Jcrslll., ~~Ue~ . "- E.; 1ho}P~IOn.' R at Morrow, $100.00; Albert Or.e gonla,.! OblO, . • 11;!@0~,~O~ •."" supplies, labor and l'epai,n ,' PAINT"'~.50. Ih .1'l10D, ~t H. E. ~all. 12 )Ids gravel, $4,20 for red anel CJ:eljn....pplnt.. (lUaraD' Harlan Whitacre, bridge' lumber ' teed white )oad pa1l:lt. :InqU!n, of Harlan Twp. •Payroll, $207.36; P. E. ~enpl*. 'Wal,!I~~t0~o. ': I t'er .Vuner, Massie Twp, " n \ • • ..-'
, He .... -....lM!': ;:' ...;. , ."-PMOI..IN S CN>i u~ J I., HEICtHBOA ~ MUST GeT e,,"!" ' r c~ ACCUAINTEt> WITH HeR
j , ,
The Miami C.••He. Warne aville, Ohio
Th o ';"cary milkmu n wends his wuy Homew ard' from his ellrly calls; Missi ng th e mirth of teven Gray Plumb chock full (If Scotch highblllls. LOSER S PLEAS E PAY Tom.....,"S eY, J cd. we're trying to Re tlle 'qn argume nt and wc have. ugreed tu take your wor<1. Do You know unythin g IIbollt t.he Mongoli a n race '!" J ed- "W cll, J' lI tell you, feH erH! I was n't there. I we nt t u the bull game.n
Entllr.()d ut the Po t<lfllce ut Waynes v Hte, 0., us Second CI~ Mull Matter
Everett Early and children spe~t Wed nosday In the Gem City . Dick Mason slm r mains quito ill Su Lj;crj ption Pricll, $1.50 pel' yellr1 nt the home om his Sister, Mrs. Chas. ;J Clurk . . Walter Kenr ick antI Orville Phillips made a business trip to Lebnnon on • _ __ _ __ fo'!·iduy. WEDN ESDAY . J\JLY 2, 1924 Brown und ----------------~~t-Ic~.t]ed~~bju~sehn,e~s~s~in~·C~O~lu~'~n~brlu~~~.~Sb,~lt~u~r~-i~~~C~h~u~s~.-~E~:.··.J;'o~I·~ln~s~.~w~e~r~e Dayton ~sitors Friday . . day. oMr: und Mrs. John Fite, of CineillMrs. Fred Jefferie s and duul\'hte rs, nrc guests of Mr. nnd Mr s. ll. H . nuti, spent Sunday with the lutter's mothOJ', Mrs. Emnll~ Foulks . Try us [or )ju nd J ob PdnLing . .Jolferics . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick , of Mr. and Mr •. Ed Br own spent t ho F'erry, were Sunda y dinner. pust week in Adnms co unt y, with Mr. and Mrs Fralnk Rogers. guest s of if the y can't dodge tho sub ject a l- I' ll !ltivcs. NOT JUST A DAY Albert Stacy so ld ' his . dairy herd Mr. apd Mrs. }O;. E. Ren so n cnter- to David Weiklo at Mtdalet together . own' and taine" their children and grandc hil- delivere d the ril bY '. truck Fridny. Co nsider agnin the CII~O or Go ve rArc we to sp~lld nnnther Indepe ndWe' ar" lLuthorl1.cd to ann"lInc c c nce Day rI cognizl nl\' only t he symbol nor rUtchie, or Mllrylllnd. If Ritchie oIren , S unday. .Therle Jon'e, is. the prtlud possesAllun lI ufTmnn,as a cllndie..,to for Miss Mlihel Starr III)ent th e past sor of n new ' set .~ _ trap o f th o fire crllcker und tiHtenin g to is not nbso lutely wet, from head to drum., on uunty R ocorder . subjec t tu th· Ruptho vllpOl'ings of o ur evor prosent heels inside nnd out, then I 11m a Swe- week in Dayton with Mr. and- Mrll. wh ich he i ~ now tn king Ics.ons uLlicun Primar y, August 12, !!J24 . VER since !he first baby came you have beeD dcnborg W. ran M. Mathias nrchbish . op. Ncverth e. Iloliticn l opportunist, or ore we to A, number from here witnesse d the . t11lldnc cbout build' !( Cl real home IlOIDe dal. G. Clark Sturr imd family'· were K. K. K. parade and 80nRe the <lee per mes9ngc of the day lo ~s tho learned counse l of hi s camp firework s at .• Uing und Ilf,olh<r ~ •• ~ept you from . {.orting. Yli.. W e nrc uuthori ze d to 1I11nOUllCO of ',,11 cloys in this land of oppor- were greatly porturb ed ye6terdl l'y Su nduy ~uests at th e home of T.hos. Waynesv ille Wednes day evening " '; 11 ne ver find 11 be u er lLme than right now. If you D ich a nd fa mily. Jus tin Hnrding , o r Franklin . when town ship, the news got nbo ut thllt Sena- ,. w \'J ';f!\ll'e up !he CmOll!l1 of money you Iwvc paid out tunity ? ·II1r. and Mrs. Carrol Frunk Dnkin, of Oklahom a, is re- tained to Sundnr,y dinn King enter- LI S a candida te f or Represe ntative of in re1~ t ~"(/U wi1: 50.: hoi W m \'ch better off you would T here seems to be men who do not tor Bruce, of Marylan d, was to ader Mr. und the Legisatu re, bo_ I'.x!ny If you hud l"",,-, P' "in!: it intO a home. s uLj ect to the RellUbknow tho differ ence botwoen J uly dress a wet mass metin g lit the Astor newin g IIcquain tancl!s here, after a n Mrs. Clarenc e King a nd children . !icon Primary , August 12, 1924. absence of 26 yoars. the 4th nnd He nry the eight h. The h(,tcl. A home i~ not 9 "ptCIllntiLlII. It is B11lnvestmcntiD Mr. and Mrs . Frank Woo lley and 1I1r . a nd Mrs. Chns. Boerale r and fumily, of Da yton, were bnp;ll~. !tis nd •. ry tnhaveon e:. You can build 'fhi!!, it appenre d, was a vin lotion day is ~rll shed IIside as one of milethe Sunday We are authoriz ed to on ne ullcc lo.)d .. h ome YOl] oml YOW" fnrrJly need. sto nes in our Notiono l journey ut of the politica l code. It was Dr. family, of Norwood, ure visiting their g uests of Mr. lind. Mrs. Wm. Brown. thut Robert W. Brown, a prac·.rlus b \he I:',me-Inu lding year an oYtt !he country. which wo must hult becouse it is t he Bruc(" s duty n8 II Ritchie purti8:111 mother, MrR. Louisa J esso p. Dr. H. H. Herman jlnteroo,in cd the ticing. nttorne y of Lebuno n, und Ccns1,11 Y""" Iklllu Iloout il. He knows ~ A numbe r of friends lind relative s Homeop athic Medical Society custom. Your blllze New Yorker not to state the issue clearly nnd of Day- veteran of t he World War, rna' • ill" ant· ' ,.. ;di.,,£ WI di lions. His advice win be is II. cal\dithin ks of it as -a bore- the some old gue it ho ncstly , but to eVN,le it nnd g"nvc Mr. and Mrs. Hornce Stump a ton at " Ruth Mariall " farm Friday. 1.III&'.!l&h. r.,.. 11" Wfll\ 1:l \U ~ve you \he kind of=vicc date for r epresen tat ive to the gener s l st ory. There must be the usunl ex- conceal it -in brief, t o throw over- delightf ul surprise Sun day evenin g . Mr. lind Mrs. William Cox, Mrs. !hRt w i make you 0. tUS1.'1CSS lriend of his. assembl y from Warren County ' in . The Baptist Missiun ary Circle met Clyde Cox, ' Mr. nnd Mrs. plosion, ond -t he custnml lry pu blic board I,ll fl'llnk nc8s I1nd cournge a nd Harry Mc- the Republi can Primary of Augu st oddrc8Nes ony one of which would descen d to the com mon level oC d o dg~ Wcdne 8~ay aIternuo n with Mrs. U. Ginnis we're Lebano n visitors Fri12, 1924. an8wer year nttor years without ing lind false pretense s. It is' 011 this G. Whtesel, a t her home in Waynes - day. change. l\1bther fears fo r the sufe- level that the gre/lt controv e rsies of ville. Leora Wilson, of Dayto n, spent We arc aurthor lzed to announ ce Mr. and Mrs. W . ~. Merritt att end- t he week.end with her brother ty of her young . Fathcr- often politics are carried on in the r epub, Ru e, hurd wo rkod--Iooks upon it liS a doy ·lic and that a mun is ch osen every cd, on Monday , the funeral of Mr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc e E . J .Beedle, of Union town ship , as ; • • " ' . /iI't "'r~'''' " .u l ,. .,.,' ... - ,. . a candida te for County Commi~s Merritt' s aunt, at Spring VaHey. She Smith. (r{ the elombak e, the bnseball game fo ur years to be head of the stute. . , ~ .... .... "", .t '~., _ ~_"-_,_ ::~:!.::'~~=~~~~~~~~~~ ioner, ~~~ subject to the Republi My opini WllS can on Is thot oithe.r Smith or 04 yenrs ot age. Pri.or the chowde r pllrty. Mr. nnd Mrs. ' ~nes J ohns are mllry, August 12, 1924. Mrs. R. H. J efferies, Misses Helen camping Cor t he Hum mer Will the time come when men on McAdoo. if he hlld the courage to: at Larry tbis almost Me red day will re-ciedic llte stale hi B views clear and stick to them Evans and Wa nda Moo n culled o~ Rog~r 's grove on the river soutlh of To the Voters of Wnrren County -the la~er's fath er in New Burling - Waynes ville themsel ves to th e service of Indepell - level that the great controv essios of • I hereby anno unce thnt ) am a FOR OVER 40 YEARS , dence to a determi nation to play thei r resolute ly, could stamped e this con- toll, Friday afternoo n. . Mr. a nd Mrs. M. S. Miller atten ded candida te for the HALL'S CATAHR .H ,MF.'OICINEJ M. office of Commo n Mr. LIn d Mrs. Frnnk L. Harris, Mrs. the wedding pIIrt in the shaping of the destiucs (.[ ventien --that th e spectacl e 'of a genSaturda y of Miss Mnry Pleas Judge been u~ed C1Uecca.rully tn tho trootmen t Bcal 'and Mrs. Ida Howo ensubj ect to the decision ot Cato.rrh. Americo ; to put Btoam behind tho uinely fcurless lind forthrig ht man Nellio joyed the' Duhl-Ca mpbell excursiun Loulae Winton in Cincinn FUNER AL D1R HALL'S CATA rtRH m~J!:l.N'E eonECTOP of t . he voters of would Warren ati overwhe to County Ruslm at th~ delegate s anel 1l8tW'1I1 allli God-giv en desiro for In· el~tJ1 of nn Ot ntment w h le" Q ulololy aell YoWli'. of Dalrton . RolI.ves by 10(:0.1 o.ppll<arto.. . and the depende nce ; thnt k) nd of lndcp&n- would'n t make much diff.e re nce what to Atlantic City this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rouaz~hn and t he Republi can P rimary on August Int~ rn Wayn n.1 Medt ctn e. IL TOlll c. "I'hlch acla esvill e, Ohio 12, 1924. While my present wo rk Dr. ~n d Mrs. Horace E. liatton da)lghte r. ;were Sunday dinner dence which means freedom in pol- h udvocnt ed, for not many delegnte s !.hroul!h t.he Blood an the Mv Ous Burg uests 011 the bench may preclud faces. h'ave th us r.d ueln/J the Inn.. mmnllon. any intelligi e e my mak· ble opinion s nbout nterta ined with a han l'l!ome dinner of Mr. and Mrs. l\!larion J ackson ities, in r eligion, in liCe, with brelldth und ing an intensh'o campaig Sold by 1111 !1rUIf!1 ISl8. n, I as k the of vision lind n rClZard Cor the rights nnythin g: th e mere nO\'elty of tho Friday evening , in honor of I\Ir. family, F. J . Chcqey & Co .. T ol.fto. OhIo. Fully Equip ped for Good of Tippeca noe City. Prank Dakill , of Kingfish er, Okla., .v()ter~ of the cou nty to give careful thing would do the trick for him. of others? and Mrs. Ed Longac re and fam consider ation to my candidllC \: (,fv ice . What J \cncken hero 811YS is n hard '''ho has boen visiting his cousin, Miss i1y,Mr.and )'. Liberty, Indepen de nce and FreeErnest Fo ulks were weekOn Decemb er 17, 1923, the nctivo IIrty. But it is ab· Lulie Vande rvoort, at "The Springs ." " lid g uests of Mr. and Mrs. dom, IIko Ju ~tic e , Mercy a nd Love. blow t o his ow ~arge Displa y Room EXPE RT KODAK George prllctili oneers at the bar of Warren are not simply qualitie s to be cat- solutoly tr ue. Moreov er, it is true Davis and family, ut Blue Film tiniBhing Ash. co unty un[lllim ously endorse d me and of ony other party con enLion and alogued 'and filed away for f utur TELF.PIIO NE 7 nAY OR NIGHT Misses Kathryn and req uested that I become a c8ndidll tc a~dDevelopiDg r eferenc e. The y are living, bt'eath- has been true for years. And the Clark' returne d home Sunday ufter for re-elect ion . Appr ecia ting thi R en- - - - - - - - - - - - . !ng thing's":"part of the life of yes- t he rema rkable thing about it all is by pai"eel po,t. spen di ng th e past week \~th Mr. and dorseme nt and in complia terday, and of today, and of tomor- just this. 011 the co ntrnry the peonce with Quality Mrs. work at Cl . saving, No E. J . Carmon y, !lnd children , of their request . I u,nn ounced my row. It Is thnt part of life most ple never laMed u.s now for clea r candiMiddlem an. Denl Direct. Service Springfield. dacy at that time. worth prserving . Unless we .trans- cut action; tor the vision that s es !lerb Fitzwat ers lost n fine cow fast as the malls. All ~ixes , develLoo n SnliMbury, of Clevela nd, visIf ' my wqrk on the bench merits oping o'nd printing , 40 eenta, ezcept lato the qunliti es of which we boast thi ngs us they arc lind the cournge one doy las t week. ited his wife lind Vt! daughte Bt pocket3 r ut , 86 cents. Writo for inthe yo ur approva l, I will apprecin te your into actualit ies then our vnporin gs to dC1i1 wit h them. lnde d t he party M. M. Te rry and K. E. 8homps on formati on or send money to home of IIlr. a nd Mrs. All en Em rick, vote nnd sup port. &l'e as tinkling cymbals meaning loss that had lhe common sense to be hon- wue in Cincinn ati T\lUrsdny. TuesdllY and Wednes day, on his r eWILLA RD J'. WRIGH T. betore the world. As Willi recently est at this time could not be defeaSe\'eral f rom thi s place nttende d VACCI NATIO N OF SWINE turn from a bu sinells trip in the.so uth. IIIIld--w hat the country most needs ted. H ow the politicia ns miss this the auto snle in Wilming to n, SlIturMr. and Mrs. Glenn C. J ohns and A SP EC IALT Y Fred S. Simpso n announc es hi s 306 R.ibold Bldw., ob~o u s truth is entirely beyond our duy. is a Paul Revere. son, Paul, returne d to their hom e in candida cy for a second compreh nsion. but so it Is, and 80 term as Trellll Prank Brown. or Bellefo ntaine. is will the democra tS fina ll y nominat e spendin g u Cew days with his uncle, Qaytoll Monday e"ering taItor a COll- urer of Warren County , subject to APPET ITE FOR OFFICE pie of days vis itin~: ~be former' s par· the Republi can primary a candida to and adopt a platform Sam. , Tuesday , Phone 44 ents, ,Mr. and Mr!l. ·Chas. E . Johns. August 12, 1924. that will mean nothing except anothW. H. Te rry and K. E. Thomps on . Our' own iea of the imbecili ty of er .demons tration of organiz ed appe- spent Saturda y evening in WaynesDentist politica l parties Is too :woll known to tite for office. Alfred C Brant announc es himself Akren Beacon- Jour- ville. H .......,..barw. Ohio. need much comme\ lt. But it i9 rc- nal a8 a c~ ndidate for Sheriff on tho Re- _ _- - - - ; . . . The Mc~y families attende d a 6 freshlng to find another rebel, ospecpub Ii cant ick et a t the co m ing PO - !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o'clock dinner in W\I",ln gton, ThuTil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!! ially one with, brains. who is honest mary election t o be held August 12. day eve ' L ning. LOVE. MARRI AGE,· MONEY egough to tell the truth about his Born--T o Mr. Four la nd years · Mrs. liS William deputy sheriff of the J. Lee Talmag e attende d the fuown party. The brilliant editor of county has qualifie d him for . this poNow neral of Ed Hill. near Cedarvi lle, one Ecton, June 23, a son ~ the Baltimo re Sun Is on the 'ground we have the spectac le of II dllY last week . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Taylor are the sition. at Naw York' and l1erc Is his view Of folliOll' gtrl 8comln g parenta of a bab)r daughte r, Betty marriag e to a /Jur plnce ... was well represen ted at banker in Iiou of the damllge s s he Jeon. To , thc Voters of Worron COllnty, whot is going on there asks for alleged breach of promise Ihe KKK meeting in Waynes ville Mrs. Mory F. McKay is ' enjoyin g Ohio, lodi es and gentlem en--My It would be 0 sheer impos!llb ility to wed. Madelin e Dever, vows her 'IIlIt \V ednesda y evening ot courso, for the democra tic states- banker Adonis, one Philip M. Shov;, Will Coope r's new bungnlo lit the a visit with relatives in Cedor Water, nnme, a~ a candldu te for member Kansas. . of the Legis latur e fro m suid coun ty, mon here nasembl ed to sink lower in- coaxed her to leave the stago to be- Creek will soon be celflplel cd a nd it Miss Susanna Hu.n nicutt. of Spring will npnear on t he Republi can 'ti cket to (raud and nonsens e' than their re- .come his wite. ne offered will be occupie d by some Wilming ton to settle field, i~ the gyest of her aunt, ' Mrs at th o Primnl'y election to be held publlun eolleagu ea. nt Clevela nd, on her $26,000 ahe declares . Thllt people. Tuesday , August 12th next. I herert . to Mlldelin e seemed but if dilligen t . and prayerf~ l Our Birt~day Social at the School W. N. McKay. fair enough. So The opening band concert festi- by solicit your votoS. D. W . HumC!ounta for anyt.~lnk,\ they wi at she q~it he.r ~reat ureer. house on Thursda y evening , was 8 Sbe l\IIys val drew a large c1l'0wd and the mu- phreys. leMf. go 88 lo~. AU pretens e of a she got from her sweethe art certain complet e success, If it was a rainy sic was excelle nt. frank j~lning of honcst issues hol' sums of money. but not evening . the ,26,000 . Mrs. Frant! I w~l) to announc e my candida cy Can now ben ab.ndon ed. The .pdnclp al Cutting acrOSB Iota, the Idin is very ill of . herman Ferris, wife lind, dllugb-romanc e led nervous trouble at the home of her for County Comi ssio ner "ubject to candida tes an~ th~i" whoopeT8 aro out .to a suit for alleged breach ter. Lucile, enl~rtai ned the Wilson' s of promthe RIlJ!ublican Primary Aug ust 12, father, lIIr. Frank Stanley. ('Dr votes on allY t'c1;lll8. It: they crant ille to marry. Madelin 1024 . . If! road work, I believe that e asked for fUllI ily and others', at a family dinconvert their opponen ts th\lY are wIl. $100 000 to Mrs. A. R. Petenlo n and family , o~ tooms ' !J~puld be used on short hnuls, . II~ge .... . . d e d lI er on Sunday. . '. as su "er woon Chicllgo , nre lr oppone n'f . heart.,.iI'he )lng to "11'0 over t~ and 1 tt\i nk that r oad work shou ld be the home of divid ed' up Into smnll sections . \~ th U Bti,ckin g t~elr frIends a~paal'a _Lhe odds answere d tllD.t he was pre- Thomps on nnd wife, Mrs. Alice Ter a competa "J nt man in charge of ench Tile CtiUdren day exercise s of to be dange~ouB: they II\re wllllng to pared to marry her. MadaliilC. how- and W. H. Terry attende d tho l>ond tho 111. E. 'Sunday school was post- section, and that the formers und abando! , theIr inends . teumsto rs in ellch loca lity ~ h ou ld be . ever, says no. Ho . offers to her but concert at Waynosville, recently . poned until ne:.:t SUl, d'a,y evening . allowed t o take care of the r epair lind .. I here attempt no hall~w ,cynicISm" an empty 8holl ' whereas F. J. Lowis wos here Thursda y, ahe wan ts Miss Florenc e 'Wood s pent th e mainten ance of roads. No IIc(1t of .1!ut stato an elo",ept ill p~lltical fact, . thnt ,100,00 0. What the jury may do calling on his many friends who were week ..c.m~ at the home of C. V. trucks 'should be owncd and main ,never more obvl.o~s. tha~ III this town is a questlo,ll. Rob- tained by the County'. On long h uuTs 1111 g lad to Ilee him. Mr. Lewis want.~ inson and daughte rs, near Jam Clltoday. ' If the SmIth . call~idac! has where n cce~sary trucks could be hired The action Qf an Americ an jury is to be J,'enominnted for Clerk of the . town. much cheaper from private owners. , any excuBO for being .at all, it IS tho difficult to foreetlst . The situatio n, Courts. Mrs. A. W. DeHave n plensnn tly The place to begi n reductio n of taxcs Cl:cu~e. th~t the wet sontime nt of ~he howeve r, With nil Its element The Jordan fa mily entertai ned s of huand to begin the practice of econom y enter,tal nod to dinller Friday, Miss' big. o,l tles IS jlehind It. and yet, I hav- mor pro~de s another striking exam- Sunday, Mr. and · Mrs. Nugent Bradstr eet. of Xenim, Mrs. Kelly Men and efficiency is the office of th~ en't the alightes t doubt wha~ever that pic of ' the neCessit y County Commis sioners, for the Comfor wholesa le daughte r, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. nnft':f' Nickers on and miOjaioners /lass on· the bills , S,f1l~th w~~ld come out for "I"w . en- vorce laws' Tlie foundat ion and. spend Owens, of Frankl!n , Waylan d the the M:isses Reeves. moat l of the taxes raised In .the Coun. Iortem ent' tomorro w if. he thought Americ an . reJ.>ublic is the home It is and wife, of Cincinn ati, Rov. Lllw •• n"I . Fift}' persons enj!lyed a bount!- ty. Your votos and support will be he could ge~ the nominat Ion by doing the unit of America n express apprecl ate!1.-E NNIS S. DONNE LL. ion .. To Mcgi nty, of Jan.lestown , W. T . ful picnis dinner il1l the Collett-M eit. '" _ . • see it disinteg rated by law to aid in I!nd wife, o( HarveYl\b~g. Kny picnic grove Sunday in celebro. An~ If McAd?~ , h~ any, . genulno turning the natural morai· We ar~ autjloriz ild to announ ce tendenc ies ------ ..... .. tion of their fiftieth lbirtbdBy, anniver~ the name of Emerso atrength at all It -is his streng1ib Of. t!le people ' into a laughin n F. Thomps on, g stock sary. The occasion was a very hap- now cpnnectec) with . the , 8!"opg rJ lie: Kill .~Iuxors ·o.f the wild- . t~l!t make ' a mocker y of mArriag Valiey Telee py onc. . e~neul and . Ye,t all everyon q knows, i'n one state, divorce .a phone Compan y; as candida te for joke in another Cleo, only daughte r of Mr. nnd COUll ty Sheri ff; subject to the Re.he . is .trying to1 dp,dge tho k,n I~sue. a~d\ breach ot pr~iBO to wed the Mrs. E. F . McKay was"uni ted in mar- publican Primary , August altolle~her. an!1, W;1)!1ld ..I\~question- subject of a humoro us ,~,~I.~.;""·'"!·. · . 12, 19~4. monolog ue , Tiage Wednes day with.: Hr. ~old ablyt~bB9,liI?~, \c!,.~ rel!S'ijUS, freeflon , in stili another , Is II situatio n 80 grav~ ~hi~c'ro. o! 9inci~'.lati: . ,!,ho_bI'~e , planlf; ,i f he .t.bt!~ht it."!l~ d?"n more t hat it will be 'well for ·P. O. Montor t announ ces that l'Ie us to take It is one of the comm,u\lit,,'s moat cuI: votes 'for hlm· tMD ~!!~II\ . lose. In seriousl ,, ' , ." ... " , '<.to...; . b' • t se;;dm~~~80~~~ i~,:,!y:r C!~: Ilred yo~ng wome~ and t her other w'!ro.o/. ,.~., ~~','P'K , ~Y8 are a I• _ ••_. _ _"ends , wlll.h fo~ Wi", _ .ready ~bl. ~,~8 . tile , to suc~ced , hJmseiJ in that, bIlPplll.,es' . tradtUOIIY'pollui!if'D'la nor, aPii they and BUcceSS; · " 0f!l.s.~ . ~ub~!ll=t. -(ta • the decislpn of . the l 'i I : "".. , 'wilfk~p ,on triin,~ng. untli.~le ~t R.~u]lli!l8n p,il1'a y. A~st .1a, 1024 ) , .~;
Cnit Gorden spo nt the :4veek-end ut home. . Lawren ce Fenly \VII S hom e tor tile w'ek lid . . . J. H. Brown and Robort Garn er wore Lebanon visitors MondllY. MrH. In ll Shane ny returne d home from 11 week 's visit wfth r elntives.
D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publi.h .r. W ayn" ...l11 .. , Ohio. .
~ :x:::LO!:
-==-===========,===== ============:-=
HO l\'. E i'~'~'~ ;;':18~'
Politieal Announcements
foryo rchil~en to g.:ov· Up m
w. H.MADDEN & CO., Waynesville, O. '"\
Wal ter McClure
f· ~======
w. F. Coa ts
Dr. J~hn
---_. -..----
w. Miller
'H en e Yo ur Wits on BEECH-NUT Chew-ing Tobaa:o ',' ,'.
ploou :~o~,
'We ,l1ro, authoriz ed to ,: annolinQe the 'namo ' of' E. W. Qulnby, a fa'nne!: ~f Deerfiel d town~hip, '111 c'andldat~ lo'r- CountY ~ommi8.810ner, subject _ &, daclslpl \ of the ' Repu~liClin' Prlin\li:rv . · August· 12.' 102'4,. ...~ Deer .. :has : had 'll.ot ' a candlda tq ~,hce I thereby "1!9Iic i.~ your vO,te. "
rder Thompaon's the grocory;
r. Owen Burnett Ie quite ill at hia home on ¥a lh street.
hiles ' W II~
Dllytnn visitor
UTA. LlSH EO 1 912
3r (l Sund~y a fter Trinity, 'J uly G: Church. ~c hQ () 1 nt !1 :30 ~ . m., ~ o rnillg ]' rn~'er nn d sen n on tit lO :4 5, Rev.
Morris Oxloy, 01. T roy, spont lAst woek with his fl\thor here.
Mr. Roy Vnn'l' res., is quite ill at Jl.h n Lung wos n DnYlfltl visitor r or ...1" • d llDdy !lood properl y. eon,l.dn /f of ·,,' 0011\ H O Ule , Ha .1<,hn J. ::l<-ht\e!fer ofllci nti llg. Evory- his counlr y home ~outh ot WayneBM IIlluy. I ody L " 'Hc\i" ll )l ill\'it d to a Hen d ville. Oal'l', 18"-8 10'. p rice rt. ht I . 10 ha" fAr m o f r om 3 a c r e o to 25 0 t hese ac rvi c ~s. •t 7 0" ~Il .«ord to pa:f. Aloo, ("rn.1 to t ra d e• Ord er Thompson's Bn"h d from Mr. nnd lIfrs. ChBs. Robilzer llJ1d t he groce ry. da ughter, were Dayton visitoJ'l! FdI P ho ne 61-2 Office Aman Building da y. METH ODIS T C H U RCH : lIIi ~5 Mill' Wr ight hns l'o t\1 rnu d Sabbath School, !l : 15 n. m., prenchWAYNESVILLE, OH IO h(Jlrl~ {ru1l1 Lebanon. Mr a nd Mrs. E. V. Ba rnhar t, of ing It t 10 :30 o. m. W ed nesdny oven incinnltj.i, Wll re wec k·cad visitors ing se rvice nt 7 :3 0 " . m. Epwort h , Bc rnice Hyman spent t he \\'l'ck·end . League 6 :46 p. m. Prenching a t 7 :3 0 here. !!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~-~___!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~-"':"'"-~ \ wit It rri end. in W ilm; ngto n. p. m. E verybody is cordfnlly invited I Mr. M. T inney an d f nmlly spent . ~,. . ~t r~. Ieln S tok c~ WI1 ~ a "·,'ok.end to these servic es. Sunday wit h relntives nt Morrow, Rev. L. A. Wnshburn, Past or. \; 'it M with r Inti,'es in Wil mington. Ohio .
. No w · i8 t h e tim e to ~to\' ~ .
W e are in a position to furnish you with any size tire y ou may want. We have just received a new stock from the factory.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Ornhu rn and M1'!\. Mury Caskey we re in Lebanon Prcnchi ng services at t he ChrisMond n),. tlan ch'urch Sunda y l11\1rning . EvI erybody cordi all y in vited . I 1\11'. nnd Mrs. Wnlter P enny, of ' Dnyt on, wc re \\,I'ck·und !; t1e8b of Mr. Save yo u; ---.;id-;;tir pets and r ugs I Alphrus D(lr,Ull an d fa mil y. and got "\Vearwe l\" R Ug M Illude. Sen d f or price list. Frunklin Rug j llfrs. Cynthia E vnn. nnd rr s. Co., Franklin, Ohio. Amelia Willinm s hnve retur ned home nfter a pleusnnt visit in N orwood.
Order T h " 11111 ~on' ~ Bread The Woman's Amdllar y of St. the I!roc ~ry . . Mary's rhurc h will meet with lIt rs. Georg e Ha r tsock un Thursday afterMasler M\Jrri~ Oxl ey , uf Troy, noon, July 3. spent lust work here.
Mr. nnd Mr s. Willi nm Dav is wo re Mr. lind JI1 rs. Cur l McClure a nd dnughter, and Mr. /1 nd Mr s. Sl't h E. in W il m ln~l o n un Thu rstlny. Thomus, of Dayton, were Sunday af. Mr. nnd Mrs . . A d u Jn Mell oh a nd te rn oon visitors here. fllmily, we re Sunday visit or s In Hum· Order Thompson's Dread f r om i1ton. t he gr ocery. Messrs. Elliott Wright and Dr. Mil~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~r w~e Da~on ~~ tc rs on Mondny after noo n.
~. F. MELLOR Garage At Your Service ·
Mr. 'Ufd Mrs. J . C. Haw ke spont Sundny with lIIr. Ra y Huwk e und Camily, of Da)' ton.
Get t h e Tonic .01, the a t-of-Door s
\' hen
P. 0. B. D.t,.o/c D •• ou. llbl. Ilt •• . ad Scant' •• eat....
&' sure that your efficiency and gour comfort this summer have ·the help of that car haVe always intended to buy. you -~ its vat'lJ1F=vo;lll::~'----: what an . . .dala!d It is to a fuller activity, an easier life, more health&.1 hours out-of-doors. . . Delay blvltes disappointment. Why wait 1 Buy nowl
. ~~~
Vi~YDe••nle Motor Co.
.Attraction For tllte ladie. in
Curtain., )[)raperie., Ore.. Good. of all kind., Silk., Woolens, Wash Fabric.. lind general yard Good. Also, Ma r velknit Silk Ho9iery, at
---tt~~~4b.r8~h.nn'l 'Dressmakin g Shop ' in the Grange Building
\vI-IGRG TO DI;AL IN DAYTON ~1111~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!I~"" 6 8i, VaadewDIe Acta and fteal\4fe PbotopJ.,I.
'n..(.....100 . . . .
We Jlo.
Rap. Wal). , paper, Draperieit, Etc.
JI.81Il , . . 8L
.,.,.., Obi..
WIll. SJa
. ,....
t:; • o.,tOo _c. ..
HUBER'S GARAGE 18a w. Powth 8L .,: c..traDy
LocaaecI-..... Scr.tc. ,
co n I
I'an ~e
kitch e n OP Pl' ssive , a Coal O il !l a nge will r eliev e yo u of Lh e in te nse
tWlI t. ur lin i:; a l wavs complete wiLh a wide ran ge of p ri ces t ha t w ill suiL y ou r pocl(et l.lOok u:; w e ll a s y our n e o s . We havo t h em fr om a liLtie two-b urn ' I' ca bi n et stove to It Inr g e sixburner w it h b uilt-in ov en . T h ese Coa l Oil Stove:; in clude e\'cl'ythi ng in th e FLOREN CE, NEW P ERFECTION. PURiTAN AN D RE D STAR VAP O R LIN ES
A nd t h e Jlri ce~ r a nge from $8 .1j() to $8G.OO .
I1n v() just r ec oived a .now line of Indi cs' and men 's bathi ng sui ts und cups, nl Hyman 's.
Yo u " 'i11 b !'l ure t o find n stov e h re th nt s uit ,{ YO ll l' needs a s w e ll as y our pocl< etbook .
Mrs. h ed Cole and dnught er arri ved home fr om the hospill.ll in ·Duy· ton Fri day eve ning .
Mr. lind Mrs. Iifford Ridge, of Columbus, we r e g uests over the week· cnd of relat ives here. The Misses Lydia and Mar y Wright of 'Springboro, were Sund ay guests of Dr. and M rs. A. T. Wright.
HARDWARE, HARNESS and FARM MACHINERY Waynesville, Ohio .------------ .-. ~-.-
Mr. Forrest Cr one and daughter, dGncinnd~spent Sunda yw"hMn. Maud Crane li nd daughter s. Mr. and MJ'l!. F. ll. He nde.r son and Mr. an d Mrs. J . H. Coleman were Xcnill visitors Monday nftern oon.
Mi ~ses Mnrgaret !VId Kathryn Mr. and Mrs. h ed Sn,wi;' and duugh le r, Ruth, of OilYton, oro spent!· Clll rk were t he guests of r elatives a few dOlYs with Mrs Sue· E. in Springfie ld during the Pll8t week. Hain es. MiSll Mildred Hartsock, of Milford, Mrs. Em mll Bar nett, of Cin cinnuti, who hus been visiting Mrs Edith Hor hRS been visiting here for the ri .. and fllmily, returned to her home week, is enjoying a visit with Sunduy. ds in Broukvil1e. Mr. lind Mrs. L. A. Zimmerma n The J olly Matron ", with t heir hus· lind SOil, Mr. li nd Mn . RllY Mills were bnnds. wore r oyall y ont ertnin te d at dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Caskey, the home of Mr. an d Mrs. W. E. un day. O'Nea ll, Saturday evening. Mr. Frank Tatman, of Indiunapolis, , Miss E lsa Reigles purger , of Day· WIlS cnlled here t his week on acco unt ton, spent last week with Miss Inn of the death of his mother, Mrs, Mary Burnet t a nd on Fr iday they visited E. Tatma n. . Miss Maj orie Hubble, i t being Ma jorMaster Carter Stroud 19 spending io's "sixte nt h bi r thday. a f ew da~e thill week with hill grandMrs. Edit h Har ris, Mrs. Laura pnrents, Mr. and Mn. E. T. Stroud Mosher, Mr. Horris Mosher , Mr nnd and t amily. . Mrs. R onald H awke and 8 0.0, Frank, Mr. C. H. Sherwood ' apent Saturday spent Sunday in Milfo rd, tho g uests evening nnd Sunday BB the guest of of Mr. Fred Hnrtsock a nd family. Mr , Ed Jefferies, of W'nshington town ton township, •
r...tJre c:haDp 01 . . . -..,. Monday ..... n~. _ fftIID liSO Ie Il:30 P. M. Alt_oII lWeDIDp8Oc .... _ .
Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Gross, a nd famill', of ClIrlisle, wer e Sunday visitors of f riends here.
mak es-the
SAVE Today for Tomorrow
Mr. nnd M1'8 . Clift Rid ge, of Col· Mrs. J ulia Donavan and Mrs. Lina um bus, we ro th e Sunday guests of Dcvitt nrc spe ndi ng several days with Mr. fi nd Mrs. Mnhl on R idge. "clutivcs in Springbor o this week.
The TOuring Car
8. F. Keith's
Mias Katherin e J.'romm was the week.cnd g uest or r elati ves at P lensLl nt P lain.
W ith the rorn-
in g of wa rm weath er
The Missos Doris lind Donna Wilkerson, at Dayton, are guests of their grandpareri ts. Mr. lind Mrs. H. H. Wilkerson. . Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Stroud entor talned at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs B. 'T. Vice, 'ot Da,Yten, and Mr. a nd Mrs. Otho Hender8on. Mr: nnd Mrs. Earl Orndorf ' and da ughter, Dorothy, and Wm. Orndorf were Monday dinner guests ot . Mr. Lest er 'Surface and family, of R. 4. W. T. ·Johnston and daughter, E dith, of Hoopeston, m., and Mf. and Mrs. Ezra B unnell, of Lubanon, Ind., a r rived )lere Monday evening, for a visit with Mr. F. H. Farr and' family. Mr. and Mrs. Chll8, Rye, Mr. Allen Hole and fnmlly, Mr..and Mn: -Lester Johns, of . Lytle, ' Mrs Viola' Carey, Mias Alice Carey and Mr. Jesso camping 'f or a . while noar Prendergasts. ' Walter McClure Is ' building
a new
the Miamisidewaik street side, from. hIa place concrete on 1)18 property on , of busifless to hill bama on the alley.; . This mnkes quite a' fine improvOmimt· for his bU8ine~ . ; .~.., ;., A flute 10to b1 Hr. Thoin" Fotter, of Sprlngtleld, -.; a ple.,mg · feaof the service at at. , church Sunday 'm orning. The ' Pl'e-' cedlnlf . Sun~ay Mr. Fetter played lit the lII. E. church. '.
6~% On
Yo~r Earnin~s
Start today on th e r oad of extra pay days towa r d financ ial .independ ence, comfort nn d ease. P rotect ~ your savmgs and you r futur& by in vesting in ' t he incom e-earning sec urit ies of ou r company . Dont oj ta~ ~ . a chance. Anybody can p romise. P ub lic .~' ut lhtae nre backed by pu blic n eeds,. b str ong or?rga ni zati.ons, by reco rds of stea dy ea rning lind divIdend-pay mg
can in v~st now~whilo you wor k a nd earn. . ,fe w dollars . will stal't.-you-$6.00 is enoug h to ~t a~; Let us send you inf ormation. Why not write us today.
The·Dayton Power aod 'L~htCo• 29 Green 'Street
Xenia, Ohio
_ ._-_.
Cleanlibes Cieman
softwdter In : the bath - the kitchen-the laundfyit is impossible to secUre REAL cleanliness without Soft water. :. . Hard city water leaves the skin dry and Uitchy"-it leaves a lustre-Jacking ~m upon the dishes,- it leaves the newly ' washed clothes grey and stiff. • Every woman knows the saving in time and labor and soap .of soft .w ater, NOW, everyone .can w.ve ' SOFT WATER, ~th the
,D UR:O .
·W ater SoiteDer , , I
One Cam e W ... Rat tier Ra gged ... nd Two Pay. M"etina Will Be H"ld, in
th e Oth er Game W .. I Pitcher'. : Battle I.;....
Which There Will be a Fine p,.o«ram Pre.ented
Tho Quakers of the Miami Valley nre JlreJlllrln~ to celebrnte with a pl'ogrnm of appropriato exercises th~ 300th annlversnry of the birth of Georf.(e Fox. A joint committ ee of tw e nty or more members represen t.. ing three Yearly Meetings huvinf.( jurisdiction in S[J\Jthwcstern Ohio. hns been preparing for u two-dl' Y mee ting nt this place, lin July .18 UIHI. HI. The "o85lons will be he ld in th e mee tin g hnusos-the White and Red brick. The program will consist of papers lind IIddresses at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m., on Friday and Saturday On Friday July 18, the ritan George Fox, hif times and his contemporaries. the character of his ministry, and th contribution of his followers to Ohio .hlstory, will be among the feature ~ of the day's program , Among the IIpeakers of the first day aro Iintod George A. Walton, prin cipol 01 the George school, Pennsyl vanln: Walter C. Woodward, of Rich mond, Ind., editor of The Ame r\c:an Friend and General Secrelory of tht Five Ycnrs . Meoting 01 Friends In America: Clyde A. Milner. of Univ(lT1llty : of Chieago; Charles B. Galbl'alth, secretary of the Ohio State Ar~hllcl.ogicill und Historical Society , Columbus, and Walter E. Wjldman, of Selma, Ohio, who recently return ed Irom RUBBla, atter servinI!' thol'(' a8 chief of the relief work there under the direction or the American Friends Service committee Friday evening, at eo.rly cundl!' lighting u pugcant, " Service, The PusIlion ot Quakerism." will be given 011 the ~trect overlooked by the terrace of the meeting-house grounds. It ... 1\1 illustrute in dllliogue, pantomime and song scenes and Incidents In the life of Fox und his followers. It will be presented by students and ~culty members of Wilmington eolIlIie, aaaieted by IP'OUjll of young Frlenda from New Burlington, Cheater, and Wayneevl11e. On Saturday the Fox mesaage and Ita Implications will be presented In • lecond addreu by George A. Walto.n; by William J. Reagan, principal of Oakwood Bchool, Poughkeeplle, N. Y., Fredrick J. Libby, secretary of the National Council for the prevention of war, Wushlngton, D. C.; David M. Edwj\rds, president of Earlham college, Jnichmond, Ind., and others. The general public is invited lind expected to IIttend in large numbers. llessra, Kelsey, Fllrr and Keraey, of Wilmington collegc, are members pf the committeo In charge.
.. - ..- ---
Dodd s Miami.
FOURTH·IS AQUIET ONE If the amaH child hnd been depriv~d
of his firecrackers last Friday, the citize ns of Wuynesville would lIot have known whetFler it was SundRY or the Fourth, for 80 little noise WIIS made, /Lad 80 few people were on the <tracts, that it resembled Sunday more thall uny other day. Owing to the backward seaso n, many farmers were e ither In the harves~ field or were prepuring their land for plantingl a8 they s tayed religioulllyon the Carm for the duy. Many people In town also stayed at home either puttering around their homes or going to the baH game. The game was th e onl~'. (iiversion of the day here Many adjacent towns did not observe the day, therefore there was no excuse to visit. The eve ning was particularly qui. et, only 11 few dulsotory echoes of firecracker~, and a few blotches of red fire were all that could bo seen. Talcing it altogether Waynesville never apent a quieter and sWIer Fourth ;han this year. .
---_0 _ ..0____
COMPLETE SURPRISE A complete s urprise was te ndered .\lI'!I. Frank Cook Sunday, July 6th, ~clebrating her birthday _ Those fl resont wore : H r mothe'r nnd fath.)1', Mr. and .lItrs.- E . T . Lacy, lind the : ollowing brothers and sisters: Har-y Lacy li nd wife, Chnrlcs Lacy Rl1d dfe l of Cincinnla,ti; Warren Lllcy illd wife, of payton: John Traysel', wife and fllmily, of Dayton; Esrael 300tt, wife lind family, he r daughter Ifrs. Marie Wardlow IIl1d !ninity. >thel1j pro sent were-oJ. P . .Tmyser, ,r Dnyton, Albex:t Manning, Archie ~lanninl!' and family, Chllrles Reeder .nd Wife, of Cincinnll li. Severnl ~eful presen ts were received a nd 11 came wi th well-fliled bu, kets. \ ftcr otIjoying the d llY they depart·d wi~hnnA' het many mor e such • • lell&ant d1lY3 ,
-...,.. Ii.' FORM~D P~~ERS)tI~ ~-- ' ..........
"'pri_;.;. of South the f8ne ~' of t h,· ~o rlVc nt iol1 - 111: :; was put in nn mlllution for t ht V :~ e- Pr c. ,, ~ c l\ c y . . h ~ IIl so WII S oct '"~ rCha Irm on of the Crudcntia J Cotml\it~ce. : .
0 2 1 0 5 2 0- 10 2 0 0 0 3 2 1 3- 11
. Batlcries for Dodds---Gregf.( lind Starke y ; f or Miamis--H. Burton and Pllce . Aller n terrible exhibiti on of ·how bllBe ball should not be pluyed on the Fourth of July, the Miamis Wilh 11 shake n li ne-up bottered th ei r wil y to their four l h straj" ht win , SUlld uy fr om th e Wilmin gt~ n team . With H. Burtoll behind the bat, Ors born pilching a ir-tig-ht ball. und the rest oC th e len m IIccordin g him nir-ti ght s upp ort, the new ulliforms would not have bee n better fill ed by th e Cincinnati Reds the mselves_ For three inn ing'H it WIIS a pitcher's battle. In th e f ourth the Millmis wi th six hits und a .couple of errors and pllijsed bliIlR, scored 5 run s, mor e thn n c noug h t o win as it later t urn ed out. Fo r e ight innings Orsborn ke pt the opposm g b utt ~rs awuy {rom second base. Nowald fin ally knocked , \-he bu ll clear e ut of th e lot for a home run that BRved th em fr om a s hut out. Wilmington "co red one more iTi the ninth and the Mfamis one more in the eighth, makin g t he score 6 to 2. The Miamis . howed more s nap and ginger an'd renl buse ball than _they have during. any game this season. It was the first game Manager Pace missed, but he made up by encouragIng the team from the aide line's ~ll he wants Is to sec the boys win and if he ean help them by staying on the nch he will gladly do it. Next Sunday th e home boys play
CtlU{( r. ·
I ' . •-; .
Ccntu l' ,\" cl ub met with I·. Elhlln <I n Fr ida y, J u n ~ 27 ,
!hc hlsl
M ud .
mcc t. il~
nll' JTi n H!H t
"ru ~
hf th e
ye u r:
caused during
lhl' roll- 'a ll in a nswer t o th e <l uestion , " If you wc r'B give n a million
dollnrs, what would yo u do with it? " Two sple ndid p~Lp e rs we re read, on ' by Mrs. :f. . H awke , " H ow is a Club Bene fitted by Boing ill the Slate Federati on, or in thlo National F ederu t io n ~ " The othe1' pa pe r by Miss Ma y Wrigh t on "America n Philanthropists. " A ft er the installntion of t he new offic er s a daint y lunch wus ser ve d nnd fl pleasant sodal hour spent.
South Leballon 'at Philli ps' park b.t Everyb,)dy i:o-'m e ou t and Iaelp the boys con t inue th eir good work 'and make it 6 games won and I) games lost. The Bcore by inni'ngs :
!! :30 p. m.
Wilmington .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-2 Miamis ....... _0 0 0 6 0 0 0 1 ·--.-6 Batteries for Wilmlngton-Nowald and R. Camp. For Millmis, Orsborn and H. Burton.
Mrs Leroy Ca r. dina. wh o
plorer, 18 aCCU8ecJI In a Berlin court 01 Btealing from' the holy gron: In Llb ~ ria the "sacred stnl1e of th e all llfator ,vlthou't any tull ." . 'i': ibes of the Mrienn Weet Conat .LaVd worshipped 'that sacred fetlah for years, anel wa,nt it 'back, to bl'il1g t hem luck. . Sehomburgk says he bought th o feti sh for flj . Only thOlle NOT afraid to walk und.cr a ladder or sit thirteen at table have a right It.o laugh at the wouhlppers of the tailless alllga· tor.
g0'" far. A eelentlfic aS80dation of Gonoan "fftclullsts" propose8 to plall . a new State In which only' thoso "purely Not'dlc" be admItted. . The !lcientists alles" that blood teats will distinguish the purel1 Nordic from the mIxed breeds. That'fI interesting, AB there IB not on aU tho surface of the earth any ~lnlJle 8ampl~ of a pure breed, whether of "Nordic;' Aryan Scm· !tIc, Jdolll;olllll1, Afl ,elm or Mlllaysian stram. All rbe -breeda were mhled up long ago, although they don't know It. That nuw Nordic state, bl the way would exchlde the founder of Christianity, whose tnother waR a Jewoa.. He, eertainly, was Dot "putel, Nordic."
Rere'a OtIe orllrlnal ~t. lohn Grfllnordle, eltlaen of NtlW YQtt. ~tH to the Franktlll Park 1'.00 fn Beeton, layIng He'd like to' be OlIhlblted In tho morik~ liouse, with the otller primatel!, to Iho" tl\l) publle how much man reaemhie. the apt!, In ACCOrds. nee with th" Darwinian theory." . ,
Arthur HarTia, of tho I . W. W. , Rtabtied In a Aght with furm hnnds, learns the value of scielltific education. A knife thrust penetrated his porlcnrdlum 8a:: containing the heart and mnde II wound thrceguntters of nn inch long. Th e &nc filled with blood, th t henrt couldn't work. But whUe n a rris , fully conscloos, say, ever Ylhing that ~nR going on, surgeons :in Kanslls Citv removed t!t ree of hi.. rIb. , drnlnL.() the -. perlcaL'elium, permitting the heart to continuo ·,.umping, put back the r\ba, se\",edil.llirilop, and.he lives. ' Thanks to local anesthetlo, . Harrl8 telt no pain. I Six million bonus ~pplicathinR are ready, five mll1 lons more ,viii be 'prepared and sent out. So\pc po~ket _patriots arc weeping about Ihat. It makes theJl) sad to patl a few dollars In tuC8 to men th)lt won . tho war, and saved them .pll their money. . , -. • "Vct the ,,.yln g ouit of thllt ~" "'I~ne wll be to ~nerf\1 prosp!J'I~f' I e wllter on dl}' soIl. , w\l share in Cbo ' prospie'i 'ltJ that the bonu8 dllltrihution . 1iJ ,bc)und to hring. I!hoell' doUllr~ oI ~ wUI be SPENT. It'l u.e meme), • SPENT that coante. . . . I -_ 4- 80rlln .eI.nt"'~ hu found Md 1Ito1a~ the pnl\ ~lIt ca~ toot and aaoqtb dle_ . •.That new8 ,wUl be , WOrth. man, mlUlona to this IOWI~ direet1j. AlWl , bOlloria por-
Somo' that live III tho open IIp.Cft!, Texas, Wnllhlngton California, Fiorlda, etc, will probnbly sUltgCBt , thot II all New Yorkers adriptfllt to dem"u;tr!iUnr ' lbe Dlirwht!an th_e- . DrY wel'\! locked up bl-th'o Zoolotfl<lal , . Oia~M th~ would bo many vaca,,·. Olea ' in ' Fifth IIV.criue and 'at -N",,-
~ . .,
' --'i..... . _ _,
M)N!, indirectly. < ' I It III · rf!JIOrted. .althoutrh fortI)-
natel, NOT JIIOved, that agltato" In ·the ,Wmrt 'have p~y sproad foot ,"1¥1 moutb dl~ 'bY mean!! ' of' doD ~-nd oth~ california .. a -iliad. S~te .1n "II\eII t9 ~Y a 1I'1I\.4l 0( tluit lilntl: ~'$ wnr' woQJd 1Dd, 1111
It_" , ~J;..ne-.teaIID. ~'.~ ~, ar.
Ft. ,.,
Will Go t o Mo nroe. Ohio. A. the H.,ad of Th a I School-Olher School Note.
E ndorae Ih e County_Wide Campaian (or th e Eradicat ion of Tubercular
Supcr int en d(' nt of Schonl. , N. P. "t1"mitled hi. r ('s i ~nu ti o n to the Re h",, 1 board Ius! wee k, in order t" Itcco pt 11 positi"n (IJ! the head of thl! Mon r ol! . Ohio. MCh oo ls. Th e n~aso n fo r th e ch nnge was a n inc rease of $500 on t he year a nd on opportunity for a hig he r po"ition nft er this yeor with unothe r increll:' e i n "a la r r . A large addi tion i. be ing nill de to th e s choo l building at Monro e, and wh e n completed will contuin an uudito.-ium which will Hea t 80 0, n g ymnas ium with s howe r , baths, e tc. , a nd oth er up -to_date improveme nts . Supt. Blatt has bee n conne cte d with th e Wayne T o\vnship scho ols f or four years, two year s as principa l (· f th e Hig h schopl and two '\S superinte nden t . During this time the schools hnv e advanced until Wayne t owns hip now bOllsts one of the bes t Centralized Schools in th e Mtate. Some of the f eatures whi ch have br ough t a ho ut t his improveme nt ore ns follows: Co-opeJ'a t ion of school a nd community : Ruccessful depa rtmenta l i nstru cti on in upper g rades; spl endid work of Way ne T ownship Mot her s' clu b; in struc t;on in vaco l a nd ins trum enta l mu sic; 8chool uth_ letics : sch oo l or ches tra. whi ch has de veloped into th e best in the coun ty: th e publication of a sc hool paper and an annual , the til'llt in th e hist ory (,f tbe. s chool ; th e addition of the Smith-Hug hes course of ogriculture (or the coming year and perhaps tho most ou tstanding improveme nt wos the erectio n of the In'mnasium and Jludit-orium. The en ti re communi ty wishes Mr. Blatt success in his new position lit Monroe. At a mee tillg of the W nync T own ship School bo arel Monday eve ning a new s upl' rint ende tLt was selected out of <luite u numb er of applicants. Among th e most prominent instructors applyin g were : F. R. Moomllw, Cherry Fork, Ohio. Loren Hodley, Fairfield,. G. H. Laymon, Morrow, Carl Wright, BellbrOOk, Mark McMillan, Waynesville, and L. A. Moits, of Wlmington. After quite a lengthy discussion and 'several ballots, Mr. F. R. Moomaw was selected '¥l the superinten_ dent. Mr. Moomaw has a life ce r tificate and finished lust ye.n r as ' ass istnnt superinten dent of Ross coun ty. H ~ has had six years experi ence in t he In ~ ulnr Dcpurtment of Educntion lit Porto Rico , a nd th e ba lance of th e tim e ha R bee n teachin g in Ross county.
iP. '
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C .. ttle
Hero iR the once mighty J a m e~ J . J eff ri!!H ns he Is to-II.. y-Ju ~ t plain rtll,chmnn of (',tIifn ... ia. Jeff :ltill t a kes lin 1r. 1crcst In :. In!;s (lug'ilis tic or.· t n'l w hILR a y"ung rr"le ~ '. To",:n.v RlchIL'oo;. n <3-y~ .. r -" ld 1 f\-k-'Uunt.ll·r.:n ~ '·fI·r~ : r.; to g r· n1u.! D ~ OI I'~ c y "lId Win Ih \· crown ne
on ce wore.
Approximat e ly '75 farmers und fu rm wo me n ga the red nt the Butlervill e church Monda y evening, July 7 t" Se ll the fi rst showin g of tho series "f Motion Picture Mce tings being he ld over the Count y by Extension Agent s Kizer a nd Class. Light and l'tlwe r for the ' Me-eling-nr-Butler. ville as we ll a8 Harveysburg on Tuell,IllY nig ht and Silver Grovo school OD Wed nesday ~n's furni shed by five s tor age blltteries, which were used to lig ht up the room d.ur~ g t he change of film s. . ~ "Better See,l Better . Cro ps." p n educati ona l film prepa red I>y the U . ~ . OeplLrime nt of Agricultllre in co· It pl' rat ion witb th e Michigan Stato Co llege wher e outslonding wOl'k l1a8 been done in imp1:oving the farm cr ops thr ough the production and di ssimination of bettor s eed. Tho film illustrates "chieHy bow ·the wheat crop can be improved ' through the s election and uso if Improved higher Yielding varieties. The improved seed that is not sold direct l,Iy the produ. car to his n eigbboring farmers is dis tributed through the State lind County Assoclatio/ljl. ,'. The officers of the recently orgl1nize d Seed Improvement Anoela-' tion in Warren County. plan to 111[0-
New York, July R. -While New fo r York h as spe n t I'ts e If c h eCTlng Smith and the throa L~ oC the McAdoo fa rces ha ve worn th e mselves out boosting f or the ir candidate, lead ers oC both Dem oc ratic and Republican d purty have remained s ilen t an thoughtful. f or amidst the excitemen t a nd hyst eria they hnve see n only on e wi.s e greatly extend ~hroug!lo~t Warren County the use o'f Trumbull, Ful. thing- th e growing spectre of the hio and ' GIa..lden ," three improved ma n from Wis conHon La Follette. Of Two. wee ks ngo political wiseacres strains recently. 'developed by the thought the g reatest danger in th e Ohio EJqleriment Station. After La Folle tt e movement W418 the possl- this film, the Township:-Chainoan or bilit y of the S enator throwing the Town hip leader- of the " Wheat Ji1Ie lec ti on into the Hou se. Today, provement work explain s £he ...ork .in these snme leade rs privately admit tha t community, and points out aour. eve n a po s ibility of u La Follette ces of improved wheat. MiSs Kizer victory at th e polls. Hom e Agent dillcussea the proper 'use Whe n the Unde rwoo d f orc es threw of our local winter wheat 'f1our in th e Ku Klux hilt into the Domocratic baking bread, pie.s, cakes ' and- other ring the entire as pect of affai rs chan- Pastries_ She Is anxious In t!i~ aero ge d wi th the r a-pidi ty of a, flash of ies of Meetings, to find out .what per lightn ing_ Now it is admitted to be cent of farm 1II'0l'\len over the County impossible to down the iss ue. The are baking their own b r 811d, Of 'whe·· cleavage is too wide, the bitternells ther the marjority of them are burt oo marked for compromise. ing bread from the ,Joeal .bake1'll : or Just befor e the deciding vole was from the grovem of bread t1"\1 tk s.. cu. t in. Madison Squsre Garden one County Agent Class discusses the economIc proml' nenl DenlOcrat even expressed "';'ai". to pe derived 'fro. . m the increased y' i"lds lis" wel\ Us 'the better fear for th e so lid south . Y • 6 "Befor e A Illbamn g ras ped th e re- milling . qualiti"<'" , of these improv.ed li g-Ious Issue by the throat nnd drltg- varieties . and , 1I.~ ists in conducting ged it on to the Co nventiqn floo r, the s urvey_ La Follette's cnndidacy wns a menace . "Wl\ter by Wire," contrasts the on ly t o the Hcpu blican," he said. p~imitive ' system of getting ' water " Now it is II dan ger t o both parties. from ereeks, springs, and wells with The South mi g ht not have gon o so the modern automntie electrical de_ t ur as lo RUPPOl"t a Repubicon tickot, vices. It also shown how the. women to lay th e spectre of Homan spectre in some European po_untries do their t Iwy f ca r so muc h , bu t they wl'll run washing at creeks e..nd streal)'ls. Thl? t o all inde pen dent if necessary, be- development of the modem automayond doubt. On the other hand the tic ,water supply .system i~ very clearoppositio n to t be Kl nn will march to 'Iy shown, and advantages pointed La F ollette unless SO IllC s peclocular out. FoJ\bwlng thil$ film, the farm . hift in the cnrds pers uudes them that woman in each" towns hip who has f f th t IIe Dcmocracy I. S sl!.JL...[Qm C '11\- 'been leading the 'Home ' Management . /lu cnce of tire hooded order _ project expw.ins the Kitchen scoring "The burning fire of this rel ig ious Kitchen arrangement and Water SupAt u meeting oC tho st ockholders of the Harveys burg F ertili zer Co. , held issue will loke years t o burn itself ply studies being carried out in hell IlLst week, u maj ority of the stock out. The clansme n g rit their tel! th ' section, as well as other parts of the wus tllken over by W .G Morrison, and vow they will fight t o the death County through' the assistance of of Daylon, wh o hILS had consideruble aguinst "mailing A merielL a scat of Miss Kizer. Many features 'ot tbe _ expcrience in the mlLnufacture of governn1 enl from R"mc " Th ey in 6ist Bome Management ,work" emphasize , equipm ent for pfui,ts of this charllc- they will not toler a tc r elig ious dom- the inexpensive changes 'n,Ild improvements possible in the ordinary farm. ter. ination in po litics . kitch e n rather thlln the compete reo "That is ex udey what we a r e tryTho cOlllpany is now affilint.ed with in g tl1 do," r e tort the an t i-Klan flLc. modeling or Installing .of elaboratO _ II chain of similllr plants and with '. th e assurance of lorge be ttermonts t iona llsts_ "We want absolutt:! free- uquipnl ent. There will be n similar meeting in . Illld impro ~ements to be made, will dom of religion with ali barriers reth(' Gronge Hall here Monday materially add to the Mllssie township m oved." "As I see It, Alabllma has Jightl'd evening, July 14. and the county's industriul' develop " " .~ -~ a camp fire that is likely to lead th o ment. '. Mr. Robert E. Morrison WII!! electcd La Follette forces strlLight down the On Thursday, July 3, a conference" president and general man(!ger: C. path tn \;ctory. Cortllin Iy the old Ilf the Lifcstock Market\ng ltdaders', A. Collier is vicc-pres ident, and W . politeal alignment.~ Wn..v e been shatogc'ther with the Farm Bureau 01-, A Merritt still retnins his pos ition ken to their foundation8 rectors was held In the County om· )as treasurer of the compnny. cO. nt LebanQn to consider ~fuj.'thur Mr. Morrison has made this ofpIons ' for orglmlzini a . Co-operative • fice severul calls, und judging from Commission HOUle in tite Cincinnati•. his experience, he will make a fine yards. As the busY' work:of hnrvest- .mal1"ger for the company. ing ahd ' mak}ng ha)' is noW' on, and ,. FERTIIZER many furmllJ's 'seriou\!ly il~~yed'" Mr Alvin Payne WIlS morried to, in com <cultivation 'doe' tb ~ . we...: :VISITED OLD FRIENDS Miss Susan Wright ut the M. E. Pill'-. t1t'~r: it ~~lt 'be,st~? '~~la'>, :tbe a~ r sonage MondllY morning -by . the pas- tive- organlzatlilli' work at least , ~ , and tor, Rcy. M. E. Ketchum. Mrs. Sue month o~ 80. The .F!tJ.'ID Bureau E. Haines accompanied the young ' Directo? also ~ndqrll6 . th!! . Oounty couple to Lebanon and gave the bride wide campaign for Eradication 0 away Tubercular cattle w~ich matteI: Wm; Mr. Payno itJ a city ml\ll 'carrier probably be t¥en ~p late thla, Bum..~. ,'--'" 'i ~ f'~ at Dallas, Texas, but has been in mer. Ohio for' a shorl time Miss Wright, - - - -.... • -' ""'i , who is a graduate of Wayneeville '
on '
'w . . I.
- - .'r! .
"ifo. "1'01 it: How"nlllll1'II'\1e ~, lmOw- ;tbat c; u - ' OUT word wmW1l1JJ" eomea tram Ho.·· N~paJMlrl!"'-t. ~ ~t · ~lIt 'meet In I't!INW '~",OD ,oni Mon ao1 or that 0111' able JtallfJl MIIMO- Senator, Robl r ot ~ day eveWn•• 11ilJ 14t11, \t '1 ~80' p. m. , 11111 ~t )II, lWIIe trqtn ijaat land of haYlq a lltd ,'( the JfO~if R__, hi 1I1tcU11 at _ j '-nere Will" .wor~! Qd an m.mb~ We dllllre to annOUDjle that "e ~ s)ld' ~tlna' ~ SWn ¥8 wel- have fpl'IDed ~ partDanrIIlp-'lor the ;.,.· Karect Polo.. Travels that !O~t , come. . practice tlf ~w. un~lI'/ tlIe flnD name tICIIIWf 1)1.... - . In~ • ....... eoan~ 'to . . , 8, 'oilller of . ' "\', < ot IhUdon .~ ~dl . . . . • ...,. . f!lloualbii;t' . I... . '. . ..:~ . . EDtrB mUIJ, W. ~! in *he hIIPII ........... ~ . . . ., P' . . . . . . I.''; $lJ)D'JIAWUt Sto'l. . . LaIIacaq... .~ .'
----_ ..- - - -
The Miamis ndd ed OIle mQr e vict ory to their stri n ~, whe n tlt ·y defell t· d J im Wells' Lcum, f ro m ·Dood8. J uly F uurth uf Lu rllll on. .Durton pilched U ~oo d gume but his 8uI;port WIIS vm-y rugged . ' -The teRm was short the RllrvlceH of T om Bur'ton, "P"ck" Satt erthw aite a nd " Buc k" Crnne. " flccvo " McC lure plllycd' in hi" old-tim e form 111 first. 1' hr" ug h u mis u lld 'rstundin G' t he b-.. lIl c broke up a t tile e nd of th e eig hth liming. with th e Miamis lend_ in~ by t he sco re of 11 to 10. T he _co re by innin~H :
The Womnn'R Auxiliary "f 'St Mary's ehurch was entertained or Thursday .afternoon, July S, by Mrs. Geol-gc Hartsock And MiBS Emmn Hei~hway ot the home of Mm. Hart . sock. Tlte meeting WIIS opened by Ml'!I Cadwllllnder. readIng P~alm ' 00, f 0I IlIwcd by recital ot tho c.r ecd nnr" pr~yer. ' A fler II short buslnells ROll alon the following program _wos ren dered. • . "DoWn on the Snow-Capped Rock les." Mrs. J. W. Edwards. 1dissionnry in th o Arctic." Mrs. F B. Honderaon. H. L.~~olkcroth, ·n bnkjng expert "Thb Church' nnd her Students h ,f' New York city, with the FloishIdoho." Mra. Leo Ha,wke. • naV yenst Co., hns been in town for "Round the World with Miss Lln- \ he paRt two days working u,t the · dley... · JdIBS Cln,ra Llle. rhompson blikeu. Aftl)r adjournment a delightful Mr Folkerth . reportS that Mr. 'aocial hour 'wnll spent durlnlr · ...hlcl L'l!ompson 18 making bread which is the hoateRs 8erved delicious ,relresh nuch beltor In quality than the averI1\.cnta ualated by Jdrs. J. ' W. Ed \ . LIe loaf, and that the citizens 01 , wards MM. Ronal~ Hawke and little ,vaynesvlJle are indeed 10rtu08te in 14188 . Marjorie Edwards. '-1 , laying !lueh II proltrc8slve ' haker in The h-oU8e Was beautifully decorli· :helr city. · '. ted .'With the red. ~blte and.. blue II A ' .. - '...._ - keeping with the season, anq the Idcr ., ., _ WOI carried out in the refreshments ' ~DGE WRIGHT: SUSTAINED Th -lollowln'g. via.lto'r8 were pres: PJII DAKIN CASE " en~';' Mesdan\el WHaht, DeVittI' C~w. , Misfes May Wngh·t , .T,rillena an'd Mal Baret Edwards a·.id ' th~ little folks, " In dcclaonn h·anded . down by the Marjorje E<!war~.: Paul ~Im~erman Jourt 01 \ ApP,ellla<o" .1000t Saturdlly, fudge Wright's 'finding and. senten!)e -and. Frank. Hawke ~n .Erniltlt . Daklii's callO, for ' aelUng .-~--·.Iquo.r, :W88' l!u8talne4. ' Hta flne' ,,!na ~1,000 a'l~ co~ta. - I,' ,
:'. 'O:J/5;:iODCE
I " B r~n k{o s t In New Yorl, nnd S.lpp~" in Sa il Fra ncisco" is the d, ,'um rellli zcrl by Lieut . Ru ss ~1l M.lOg hnn, ornl\' oirman. wh o re. ~ l· ntl y ti rlli ed - Ihc noti on In his dow n to du. k ni l:hl Rero• • the cont illl'll!. He hll :ls from Minnesota.
'- - --
---_0 _ . .____
I ••
.. .. .. V ott~ fo.r Willard J ilry Wright for J ndge of Court of (JoIDlIlon ' Pleas
The MlUfit O..4itte, W y
tN.EW GLEANED fROM COURT- HOUSE PROBATE COUR" WUR Ilujudlt (I IiH'lInl ' P t c t Cll' '·n· ' II n<l I\'·~O·~II '· V Orc n J ordu n
10 :11'1" ''''
Il plnT,liall.
The cC\url found thl' net, vllh,,' ,01 tho c~tll t (If Fr:lllk ~mit h. dl'cNls"d l,' b(' ,(,2 •.,1:)·1.72. and oTd~rL' d di~tributor, of "nnw . ' Thl' t1 r<t 'lind finll l IIcCll unt of M . J. Furr. ns..igJl('(' of the ""l,,tl? or H O\\'1 <l ~I (' tc n lr, /ls!gn.or. WII tlpproved. Th" wll of Olineln Relit' Dowers dcnscased, was admitt d to Problitc. The will oC Mary J . Furman was fi led fo r Probnte. Hl'llring Jul y 10 . Mrs. 0 , E. helfer, glltlrdia n of J ohn B. Sheffer, ct aI., minot·s, filed her firth liceount. Laura n. J ordan wnil app ointed g llardian of Oren J ordnn, an incompetent Bond $200,00. The cnse 'of ' Robert N Brown Vs . Helith E ·ton , ct aI. , wus set for hearing on Jul y 10th. Margtlret V . Doxwell, e xecu trix f the estate of Alex Boxwell, decons ed, was nuthorizcd t o transfer certnin stocks to berself liS legatee. The will of Charles F Thomas "
n\!UCenge!1, Willi admitteu tiO P~oblite . FrulIclld L. 1\,lIIIt I'l\ WM nppo\nttld I ' ,. \1l'~i d the t~k BOlld. ~11000 . W. H, icg£ried, nrl C. BurnhlltL lind Harmon lItlll!t(J~ were npI'ol n\l~ (\ tlllprn\ r s. I II thu CAKC of has.". Blacktllrt! \I!. nni nl\'l'nc~, O. W. Dlockf,'l'I l "~ IIllministrn Lo r of the c~tute "r .!lIm ~ r-:: . 1\uynes, dec ea scd, wus Illllhul'i1.e'\ ll' sell ccrtuin ren l O~lntc :1t prh'ut . snl e. 1I0wurd Ml)ng~r. administrator of tht! es t.lIte of George 111 . Mang'r, d.ceased, filed his inyc nlol'y Ll n,1 uptrill. 'mon t SlIlllllnth J. 7.L'ntlll\'yc r W/IS fou nd to bt! IIISlllle lind WII~ orel er,'" ,''' Ill mhtcd t o the Dayton Sta te hosp ital.
Perry J . Osborne . _t ock ke~per, nlld Miss Florence Ll'ona J o ne ~ ,bo th fl f L ' banon. FrJ}nk
R o bin ~tl n,
('o me nl wur!iC' r,
lind MI ~s Mnry Inn I-Inmilton, teache r, hnth of Lchn non. Co lo Tell . LnWl'ence A. Knnpp. tru ck rlrlv('r, lind Mi ~s VI'TOrlH J . BuchAllon, hot h of Morrow. Jllirry 1. WOl!l!ont'r. foctory worker , MinJll is burg, lind l\1i s~ Etht·1 M, Fox, of Frnnk lin . T homas Miller, cabinet maker, a nd Mr~. Annn Jllnnl'Y. bolh or Springboro. Leonnrd Henry DeHaven , electriciun. Kings Mills, nnd Blnnchc LilIillll Miller . o f Mainevill e. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS
Mr. Fronk Wilson passed t hrough here iBJIt week. Clint Jackson a nd fam il y spent Sunday in Harveysburg Mrs. Robert Lewis visit od home folks over the week-end. Coleman Jackson and family were on Tom Rich, on Saturday. Mrs. Bogan a nd 80n, Bert, were shopping in Waynesville aturday eve ning. . Williom Lukens entertoined his brother, Levi and wife, of Columbus, Sunday. . • Mr. .nnd Mrs. R. W. Kay lor, of Florida, visited their mother, 1.1r8. Snell, recently. Several from this place attended the donce at tho Gray Bros.. on aturday night. Charles Garner, of Colu mbus, visited' J ohn . Thompson and wife one . day lnst w!lek. ,-Miss Merlo Ellis, who ill attentling Wilmington collego, spent the
.."..,It_,,,,,1 at home.
Mrs. Sexton, of Dayton , has been entertnined a t the hOIllO of Chas. E, Ellis for the past week. lIir. and Mrs. Elm~r Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, S.ellers called on Geo. and family, 4th of July. and Mrs Ernest Mannon' and . ~h'; mi!)strel.t lr.ITr:a.'~llysbulrlr. evening.
Phil1ip Wood to Anna W. Hohn er, Lot in Fran kli n, $1Charles A. nnd Maude I.Anen,t o J ohn G. Vnil. Lot in Lebanon , $1Fran k M. Relise to Anlln W , Hohnero Lot in FrnnkJin, ' $ 1. Emmn ond Sylvester Fry to Loo Atkinson. Abeut 4.6 ncres in Turt1ccreck Twp., $'1Lafayotte .f\IId Melissa. Nicholso n to Fred and Kqte Richards. , 26.63 acrcs in Wes t 'Wayne Twp., $1Helon t, Fenstorer to W, C. Turton_ Lot in Lebanon. $1. A. C. Vail to Estelle Pierce ond Will L. Irwin. Lot in Franklin, $ 1. l>lollie K . Irwin to Inah Wilson . L et in Franklin., U. J ohn a nd Margaret Long to Ida M. Sill. Lot In Franklbl, $1. Edith L. Mechli ~g et " I, to Phillip Wood. Lot in F,ranklin, $1 Flor ence E}, GarJand Smith, guardian/ to ' CaTI Z. Garland. 106.8 18 acres in Wll!Ihlngton Twp., $1. Armina M. and Wm. 0 , Hall, to E\i~abeth Irene a nd Jokn Fred
~Vih j OhlC) r ~~~---~~
+<i ' .o-
",.J.~II ~~, tile ~dtr ' AAd' ,,~~ at ~~}p, ~IL ~P.0'll AA ·~IP ~~~.RP,r-
~~ti .~~eq,. !I.e
> Sf. r~tn. ~"ra
?~~~~~~~~~t:~Di~~~ ~-.;; -~. , , . ~rDOId .~
i,0.'4 ' lbe ,.fOr~or
OIlt .. WI~'; tile <~3l'r.
", ..," .alb',' I. '
, L
1I ••11
hili been IUllceSlltuf. Be II ·."''' '''"---'-lilvolved >til debt:' It le/ elfarleeS .W used ;lila, .bllltart ,i o.tbol':t
~e Waa ' ~e,a. IiJ';
alari'Mng," i8l'd Jack. '110, .D Ul WIDil IS blowing on ,liB," the IJOveriior went ad. "We' have
'Iti:;~~:;~~~~:~~ 411/ ~oo .RlIl1\1 Arnol4e Ln our
Our currooc, bRS ~c.precJated until tOl:ly &h1l~lng8 '!'III not bD)' ,,'hnt one wQuld have bough ~ belor.e .tbe war. T~~ pronr ~Ilters are roiling In luxIUrf and, the poor . army IItarvc& The ·Mutst ana patriotic '.I'e ImPo ~'~~lsbed l",hUe those who ,practice fraUd IIJJd ~Iam are 'gettln~ rlc:it," ' : • Depreaaed by this report of eondl· t!qqa .. 1n A.roerica . Jilek Bet out for 1"f!l8h!PKt~ • .. ]leadqullJ'lMlI on. the ~9:- ~e"l!t . had tbe . posture _at erlcIIi a1fIll~1I looke,d BO bopelas ... be IOvel'llor 'llael"iold him ' I ,0UDI are wlth a white ' efar In her fore~_d IIn~ . ~ . ~!!ft, .whl.t e .titoCklpg on '*",*,t!:a'~:!Jt~'~Ift'] her left tore 1~ .known lil ,aood tilDe
". !
46.63 acre qu estion, was otdered corrected and reformed. , , F , M. Cunningham w~ apPoJnted counsel for t~e defendant In the case. of t he. State of Ohio VII Omar Thornaaon. In default of '6 00 bond .Thomaso n wits remanded to the custqdy of the s he.riff. • . The Court of Appeals returned a :mandate in the case of Albert Stacy, et a I., H. M, Clark, et aI., ordering the court to 8ustain the demurrer to the petition as amended and f er 'further proceedings ¥Cording t o law.
. 1n
NEW SUITS . Virgil Fullen has brought suit against Wm. S. Roof and H. S. Can;over. He claims $500 and interest from June 8, 1928, , The Boud of Educntion of the Harveysburg School district hns applied for an order authorizing th e transf er of certain funds in its possession .
COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Bills allowed: Blind pension, quarter ending June 80th, $742 :61: Val_ ley P hone Co., renta,nd tol1s for thB 6~ ' li'nd.4e.,t1bJ __ .' the • •KlnK'1I June, $66.20: Franklin Chronicle, Wben ' croned 'ferr, the mare- -wecu· ·llllDe. A little advertising, $13.75: West ern Star, 'l1~E~~;;~J~;~ b8JOlld the Cl'OIIIIlnl tie Glet a· mill) ,OIl Slime, $12,00 : W. H. Stan age CP •• R ieldlna.'';Tieit trioDPtd 1I1~ suppliCII £.or, auditor. $80.50! >James . . laflihnatlaill abOUt·,UJ& '!'?a'ti.-t~ ...... -" ·. • r... ~ . . . . Follen, services, $16.00: Pe'n n Marthe t!>n, s;lme, .$,70.00: W. S .. Graham, WnY!lc .T,w p. payroll, $109,15: J . K. $p,e!l ce~, I;lridlJ'e builder, $249 .84; Orvan Barnhart, bridge repairs, $2.SO I Elmer_Cramer, contract No . .781, '7 75.00; The "Barratt Co., 3 tankll C, T, Bituminous mate ria l, $437,70; Eu~e rie ; Guard, contract No. 790, '40~.0,~ · . <{h_arles, J . .Conover, 640 ft. qalC lumber, '30.68: We b Simpson , bridlfe rep,ainl $22.68 i The Oregonl~ Bridg~ Co., reinforcing steel, $28.88: Morrow Lumber Co., eement, ~umber and naUs, ' $17.60·; Menzies Lumb"er (jo.,- bridra.lumber,$116.40' · . Tigqr ana~.' Gharlton, 1IJ>1k8ll ' fo; ; -b!i~e repairs, 8150. 8> E. Cutler, ~!i~•. repain, '16.90; Ohio Coma~..ted Oulv:ert Co•• culvert '71.30:. ~p.irlH>bio Quam.., 9 toni of
~:I !;!~=~""r:;=~~ ..
' mldsL
"E·RU·NA . . OoodFor Corb 4nd Stomach TrOlJble
- 'i .
NotWithstanding keeping up our docket, the Judg e of'our Court has been a.ssi gn ed by The Chief Jus't ice, to sit in other jurisdictions notably Cleveland a nd Akron, a nd being reoalled i s surfi cie'nt gu a r anty of confidence and the efficient service performed by him, which reflects an honor to us.
Hi s decisions have stood the teet, as but compara.tively . few llave . been reversed by the hi-eher Courts.
Mr.. C.
~'of~ ~~
I mleed Watlton
ltou, fI.I0, 30bnaon
Co., IUPPU.. "for Recorder,
Meolcla. Mldl. . Hrr letter rca.ls: "\ hn \'I! lise" Pc-ru-na fo r several y'C:lrS all,1 I: has hclpc<l me in lIIany wa:; ',. It is good (or coll\s, s tntnnc~ t <-, ul ,l ~ nnd to Improve t he n ppc t ll~ \\'!:O l.~ tak~n three timts n day. \ ,,11 . 11. Used intelligentlv for cU",q !1 n!l,1 diseases of a. C:ll:trrha l n:.t\lr ~. Pc-ru- na 5 Idom h il s of. Il I< dc~ , si rcd resl1!tg. Cou gh •. r ll , 1\. ~" " I catarrh, stoltlRch Rnd ""lVd ,"ro or ders arc arnonA' th t C... I!r lOaCT di ~ casrs fOI which rL·· r:1 "a h :t ~ , prol'etl I:F value. · . en: cft·! hOU5cwi ' t'ot a o-". , nnth ~rs 0,:\1< 1) a I" '.,:Ilcc of Itec :· ; '~ n 100\110 of pc-n:-no III the h OllIe 1'" ,JlllcrIJ1!nciet-
SoM' E ver1Wbere
TiJ-ht cir
term of Judge' Willard Jurey Wright will soon exp,ire, and it will he necessary during the coming year to elect a ·&Iloceesor. tl.nd it is a p lea.s llre to us to extend this word of ~~jproval of h.is . adni nistrat ion, coupled with the desire and reQest thc~t Judg e ' Wrig~t will consent to necome a candidate for teeleQUon. that he 'llJi:j.y continue in office 'Ii thout . inter-ruption to the f!at1efp.ctorY' COlfdi tiona ex1sting. Should Judge Wright become tL candidate. we !)ledge him our whole-he&rted support. a nd ea.rnestly recommend ,all our citizeos to 'consider the. condit19ns ey.ist1ng · ~d Join in supporting him if he determines to become a candidate to succeed himself .
i.ic;' ~ : '
TO.DAY'S SHORT STORY Cllse or dynnml!!!, two dYlllimil no boYli The Eltd
MONEY LOANED t1 0NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK• chattels, al ~o second mortgagCl'. Notes bought. J ohn "arblne, AllIIn Building, Xe nia, Ohio.
Farmers, Attention! of Warron a'nd adjolnlnlf
~N"I~,tl~,a may obtain money on long
loan8, at 6 ~ por cent interest. of securing tho Bsme Is very ..ealiftOlnllDIC ,through The Federal Land ' For further Information call or nddres8 M. C. 'DRAKE, Treasphone 316-X,' Lebanon, Ohio.
u~ ···
WANTED Rober on , at Waynes3, for ge neral hauling ju16
.~Y;U~ ,lie . ..... - .,..•...,. . . ~lte descrlpt\On of the
~\lL~/V7ar, r"a.c...
of and La Geor Verne Ogden Is • IIOI'WO!: man aD(\ vs.The DolfcaBe Kelly ge G. Rush was IIOIIM, of I"Mt dan.., - t. onr . .
1 ? " LJ.
. J\ few facts we deem worthy of spec1.a l mention: During t he past five years there have been instituted 1693 ~'ases on the ~ docket s of the Gourt of Common Plea s, a number much larger that\ & 'Vtould seeM possi ble to, those not conn e cted with " the admini st r a t ion of e.ffa irs; of this number t:i. ll hc.ve been di'sposcd of excep' the exceedinc:;ly SOa ll nuober of 69 c ases, ·, now pe nding on the docl, et ; certainly thio is t:I. hi gh conrnenda tion as to efficiency ~nd ~patch of business; the res ult is we a r e enjoying ~ condi tion not o.tta.ined in but few. if a ny other Counties in th e Sta te": of securine imr.lediate trial of c auses Ci S .soon a.a i ssue , i s join(~d; "the l aws dela ys" i!l not known in Warren County • .
, e.\IIe," _d.tlle )IOVUQOe. "Be .. .vain dismissed on; motion of the platntift R\1 ..\PYCJl .4lIPJU -.u4 ... _U.... tat In the cas,e of ~Ienn E . and Ruth ~9D4. !1M !!!M~ " ~ .• " ' . " " ' II" 'Moore vs .. M~rguerJte W, Wesselma n,
We I' the unde r si6ned, m.embers of T~ e l!a'r ~~~~ .()Qi~ feeli ng pri..vi1eeed on a ccount of ou r ass?~iati on with the l egal affairs of the County, desire t o ~ n nounce our f ull confidence a nd t:l. ppreciation of the conduct our 'h~ ghes t tri bvn<ll in the C.ounty.
Hicks. 9.8 3 I\cres in Turtlecreek Twp" $\ . ' Genevieve Lamb to J oe Todor, Lilt 'in .Fr,a nklin. ,1 , ' . Glenn E. and Ru~h , Moore to Wood ' ~;Ie. ~5.01 a cres III Deerfield Twp., " G .. , Grace . ChTlstie to Juhus and Barb~ra ,veznendi. 100.12 acres in Hamilton Twp"
tile 8II~te ofLyda H. Whitacre, de,cooaeli •..w&'s compromisod sottled and diamiaaed. A similar case br'!ug ht by Blanche Bcardsle.e against Elmer E. Whitacre v.:as ,also compromi ~e d. settled and dlsmissed.
An Apprecia.tion.
Gray . enter- 'eoa-MoN PLEAS .PROCEEDINCS MEIl. Charles ' . ~~ H!ta:naEllland family, of Dayton'. sev. The ~Se of ·Yiola· :Whitacre VB. day. last week. , \ 'E lmer E. Whitacre, administrator of
t~~~~=~~~~:;~:l= l! I~::;;;;==============
WANTED- Pointinll.Poper htlnlllllif . Automobile I1nt1 FUrI,itnro r ... fill' 8hed like n\!w, Wolter BrittAin. Waynepvl1l t'. Ohl ••
Fat-Simile Endorsement Judge Wright by Warren County Bar.
Judge ' Willard Jury Wriglit, in De'cember, b~ving been '~nanimoualy requested by the members of the Warren County Bar,eagaged ' in active practice, by realon of their coafidence in him and in te.timony of the efficient manner in which he had di.chargf!d his dutiell as Judge of the Court of Commo-, Plea., and i~ deference to thil requelt, he having at tbat time announced hil candidacy for re-election to this office; apprec:ialting that by the law an attempt 'Ja. been made tO,take tbe Judiciary out of politics, which ill aa it should be, a. ia the Judiciary where t~e fundamental righb and libertie. of the community are . 'o vitally affected, it il proper that the selection of Judges ahould aot be made on party line: or even left to what is termed popular vote, but should be determined upon the qua.tion of efficiency, capacity, integrity, ability, to perform te dutiel and experience. The.e qualifications are best judged by the record one hal made in the conduct.of office.
It therefore is i'l not a que.tion of the nU{Dber 9f term. a judge may hold an of. fice a. applie. to political office. generally. Where a judge i. efficient, where hia record in office austaina this qualfication, the public cannot afford .to take the chance of making a change. ' . . Thi. view i. notably .pparent by action in Hamilton county, Cuyahoga county and a nUllllber of other countiel in the State where judgel have .hown ability and efficieny iri office, that without regard to political affiliation or term of "rvice, they are being retained. . ' The bar of Warren County, appreciating - J~dge Wright'. efficiency and qualifications, IIlnd the admirable manner in which the work ' of:the Court had been kept up during hi. adminiatration, in a ' .ummary way · HUing forth the facta •. unanimoulty eadorsed him. '. . ' . . . . -OpPolition to bil candidacy baving 'been made by one of the memberl of tbe Bar who aigned'. the req,!8It t~at he, '"! 'a candid at, ~o luc:ceed hiritlM!lf, in deference to .t h cbarac.er of the office, coupled 'Wlth ~e. embarra..ment .. to tame taken f~om the diKharge of bi. dutie, 'and ' ia. ordfJII. ,to relieve the Coul1 from III mucb of thil .Bm~al'talr....~nt al p~••ible,'th, uhd~r.ipe~ I'a~."i 't.a~y'e~",<:~p~ign ~mmittee, d~.ire to promolte the candidacy of J~dle Wrig~t, ".aq~ l to Wcure , f~r blm a. near 'al maY 'be pOllible tbe unanimou.. aupport of ,t be elecf'*., for bil' .renomination and election in order 'that. he may continue, in off~Ce without' baterT:uption. to -the aatilfactoFyConditionl esillting an'd .that the hi.hl.plaae of efficiency, of tbe Court m'ay .be maintained. r"
o j .
Vote! for Judge Willard Jur.Y,Wright. to lucceec:l' himlelf al J .. dl'e of- the Court of Common · ~Iea.. ',',', \, ' , Sincerel,; , ~ ,. , , .. FRANK B~NDON,'
pt;RIlV: H'.;IRUE . .~ 'WM:, McDONALD ' "e~Ca~pa!p.',,~oni~ittee. I'
_ _...,...,...:.J,_~_,-~......~ ·I
: .,.
OOl.-WE ARE NOW 'rAKING in wool at our wnl'ohouBO In Cora nd will pay--the 'hhrhest cash . W. J. "Baker, 'Corwin'. Ohio. tf .
" J,:OST
L08t -A boo k entitled ' "The Life Woman " Snlurdny, J ' m e ' 28. Finder pleosc retu rn to this office.
FOR SALE , For Sa le- Twenty acrcs of Tim_ othy meadow: also young home, ' un~rokert; and one mule ,colt, eight Tonths old. J. W. Crelj8well, ,R, p, ~ , Waynesville, Ohio ju3 )
~ OR
SALE-A fresh Jersey cow. I . Inquire of Davis Furnas, R. D. 4. Waynesville; Ohio. . ju16 ..
~OR SALE-Yellow Gum
nnd Beach . lumber. at Harveysburg Saw Mill. by Robert Gmy. Inqulre of John rto bemon. R. D. a, Wayn08villo. !
FOR SALE-One 12-lnch Eio~ Fan, ~2 volbl. ·· 'For PII,C with ~l c: ~a~tcry. Inquire at j~lie ~e!ld~ orne. ; , . jp9
~ •
l ,
FOR SAI:E- " .. " . lS.foot Chimpl'oll M':'",er '~: • ~ 1 Da"""1 H,e,. . :t~der ~. '. , , . ". I 1 Alllir!cfB ()loY~r.. ~,~II,claer\ 1 .. ! , , 1 8:&8 Hoo.ler·'DI" J)rfU !. : 1 1~x7 .p~.:r. Drec DrlU ".,: /., ., I Ro.~. ~D,.II.-:e :~lItter. , ..(Ila 81.,... , " er Pipe c~ lIIplet'. ,. , • . I £0,0,110"'7 K,l1I1 _.jar.tor
J ,
'rb. Mlaali Ce.lette, WayneaYille, Ohtct
. ... T HE
We ar e lIuthc»oiz d to announc~ :m . tho:t ' Robert W. Brown, II. --JSSm~D EVERY W EDNE~DAY tieing attorney of Lebanon, and veteran of the W orld Will', is ca·'\di· Entered Ilt the Postoffic lit Waynesville, 0 ., as ~econd 'Clnss Mail Matter We are authorized to announe:e date' f pr r epresentative to th e general . . '. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kaylor proved Allen Huffman,os n eandi~te for asse mbly from ' VuTI'cn County In D. L. CRANE, EditDr and Publiaber, W.yneavill.., Ohio. J here Monduy from Florida. · . County Recorder, subject to th e Rep- the Republican 'PrilTJu ry of ,M rs. W. A. Haines spent several ublican Primary, August 12, 1924. 12, 1924 . Subscription Price, $1. 50 per year . dnys this week in CincinnAti. Mr. und Mrs. W. W. We lch visit ed We are autho Ized to announce We arc lIurthorized to announce r e lutives in I ndiana the post week. Justin Harding, of'Franklin tOWnship, E. J .Deedle, of Union township, " " 1 Miss Mubel StaFr has returned as a candidate f o'r Beprcs\l nt.atlv ~ of a candldnte for Co unty Commisso Tax fr ee in Ohio. home from a visit in D~on . lhe Lcgisature, s u~j ect to ~h () ;Repub. iot1 (' r, subject to the Republi cnn P ri · No b etter hab it Cali b e lu.:q tll l' ed (han that of savtng . .....~lf------'~=,:;.:,=~ WF.O NESDAY. m LY 9. 1924 an d E leanor Cla rk Iicun Primary, August 12, ~()24 . m(l ry, Au gus t 12, I U24. BuL 811vi ng a lo n e ill 1I 0t ('n.Jltv,h it' yo u are to provide visited r elat ivos hore the pust weck. .tIl ill co nh' fo r th ' future. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown Ilre enter- T o the Voter g of WUl'rOll CountyFred S. SilllllMn n"nOlln(' cs hi, tainillg t heir niec~ from Adams co un_ I h(H'chy a nn ounce thut I am a candid acy ( 0 1' II . ('cund t el'l1l us 1'\'en~ Po:-;:-;i hly ~' ou have r efrain ed from investing your ty. . ~ ca ndidu te f or th e offic c of Common II r el' IIf Warre n County . SU\.ojccl to HlIvi ngs !J callsc or not ~1J~ pr l!('ia Ling t h e advnntages J ohn Smith, of 'Du-yton, called on Pleas Judge ubjec t. to the decision the Repub lican III·imnt·y, Tuc.day, oj a ba re. d epe nda b le ill \'e~ tmenL. ~r . 1 rel ative!> a nd friend s here, Wednes. of lhe voters of Warren Co unty lit Augu"t I 2, l!1~4 . Ly in \' H ing your :-Iuvill J.{f' i n yo ur Li ght!i.and Power day . t he Republican Primary on Augus t t "/Jr' her. 'Onlpll lly -a neCCSRa l'Y inuIIslry th at m~st continue Walter Hurlun is vIsiting his 12, 1924 . While my prese nt work l~ O Ufi YE.\R FEAR It. HA IIIT oft,'11 it is Hlt id he cop utity of to g r ow and ",hoRe earni ng-s a r c nssurea~you h ave ' Alf rnrl C Rrnnt ann() II IlC e~ him"e lf ~ 'lIericHn mllnufllct II ring inc1ustries brother, Wm. Harlan, and other rei. o n th e' bench mny pre clude my mak. as a ellil di date fol' Sheriff '"' the H~. il depe nd ahle illt:ome to ca r e for the f uture years . ing lin intensive campllign, I as k the l/l1bli ca n ticket at th e comillg Pri· "p,. r(' :r. nu I IJ~~icn l rC' u q UIl w h y th e- lws dc voopc d h ~y o r :d OUl" pr,wo r of utives. ·Pt·o t ect your ;;av i ng~ a nd your f uture by investing Mr. lind Mr", Murl.e y Eva~J and voters of the county , to~ gi.I'e careful mal'Y "'uetion t o be held Au ~: u s t 12. (? )" ,. I' ,\ ., 1' .n :'lH· .!·; j d cll t, n In\" j' r 11 'lU~C II lJsorptl oll nn t! l h:lt we mu t have in th e in come·eaming sec urities of our company. o r r " , ",·U.< 1\ ·,,1 I' <'r hn p~ nr. ~ _ t hi l'd <'xl'ort, to tuk ,) CIII'C of lO u r s ur plus fllmiiy lire moving Monday to ' Ger. considerati on t.o my cmididllc y. Fou r Yl' nI'S as deputy shcrllf ,'f thl' !) n't t a kt' a ,·ha ll ce. An y body can promise. ::>;I OUI' 0 munto\\'lI. ~ 17, 1\12 3 , th e nctive On O(!ce mb er I,f 111~ 11 : .1'(' 1' ho use :;hou lel hl1v(! un y TIU! fact is th ut , ~rhn C O II ~ UI11 (J ev('o unt ) hus qu uli ticd him f or I hi ~ p ll· I , w;incs~ \" h: lc keci by publi c n eds, by a strong orMrs. fl llny Shid uke r and M' s [Jcss practiti onee rs lit. th" ba r oi WUl'Ten . ition . u i,l u, I''' 'I' ~ Ir<,d " " thp l,ll"ine ss of e ry t hi nt{ labor' t llll P 'Hltlce in t his g:lni za llO n alld iJy a r e cord of divid end paying. till' lI al i.. ,. The United ' tllte" hn. count r y lint! milc h no."',, if products lind M,.,.. Gllil Gorde n were Wilming. county ununim ously cnd orsed me (ll1d W l wi l l \I· .. !r orne your ca ref ul investigation and requested that I become II can didate gU l n lt)l ll vl' r y \\, (.,11 ull der l h· con - nrc nlunufu cluf' l·d in ('ur-re et proJlor· ton Hhn pp ers SaturdllY. T o lhc Voters of Wur l'~11 C"un ty, glad ly g i\'~ you an y inform a tion you desire regarding Mr. lind Mrs, H. H. J effe ries and (or re·elec ti on. Appreciating this e n· Ohio, I ndil!s li nd gell lemell- My Ht it lllio ll roo"~ ''''' " ~ hundrc <i lind for t ) Lillns lind lire "lll,,'" to !!aeh Ilt he r OUI' comp a n ilnd its sec uriti es. I so n IIHended a fam il y reunio.n lit dorsement and in complillnce with lI'nm e, "" a cund ld nt<t fol' lIl ~m hl' r yC' HI':I. I II pur l'n r lic r <iuy::. l' O: UtitlU ll S in right 'relati fH, s. I 'h\l l1<' , 1\' ·it · 0 1' call at our offic e and let our Intheir requeHt, I lJ.!lIl ounced my cuncii · of th e Leg is latu re fr om slIi d co unty, The pro blcm i ~ or'" IIf properly ad· Tippecan o\! ily, Sunday. ~V C-I('(\ Ch hflti(' , l. h l ll'e W l\~ n(1 ~uc h thi n ~ \,c"lm elll De pa rtm ent b e of service to you. dac~ lit t hat tim e. ll"t ill l-: 'XcJHlI1I(Cij, OUI' chi ef dif. I\hs. Eve rett ViIlarR, of j Mr. und will UPi'ca r on th e Re Jlubli cl111 ti cket li S credi t for Ame ril'n; Uw n il 1'" Iff If my work on the bench merits lit th e Primary e lectioll to be held 1\ n ll' ricnl'\ CUr rt'H CY W:lS Inw-:- r tha n Ikui l y it tli" hilrh 11'\,(·1 of manufac. Duyton , were gues ts of t heir ,moth. an y CU1Tc ncy in th u ", ,, rid. B t!~ wi t h l ured !!o c1 " ,, ~ SlIPai n<t priceR f or the e r, Mrs. Laura Shidakor, on the yo ur approvlIl, I will appreciate yo ur TuesdllY. August 12th next. I here · votc and supp ort. by sol ic it yo ur votes. D. W. Hum· the udl>pl illn of the Constitu tI on produ cts of th e fll l'l"" . This is t he Fourth. WILLARD J . WRIGHT. Mr. un d Mrs. Guil Gorde n und fam. phrey~. th('rl' iro!.' !) n II r oig n of urd l' rli " (,<b nl'ohl cm to which ou r e C (l n o mi st~ a nd IInll growing ~tnhility UlU 1 hU M n<, V('r politi cia ns need mORt to address ily entertui ned to dinner on the COilAI'd. : t hc msc lveR. Once Ru lverl we ne ed Fourth, Mrs. Isudora Squi res a nd I wi, h to an nounc e my cunrliclacy Sound-Solid-Safe Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binnega r, of for C.. un ty Comis..ioncr ~uujec t t o I'olltlcal cronkers from tillle .lll ' have no need to worry oV('r our lack Will . Smi th. 29 Green Street Xenia, Ohio R ~p ll blican Primary Aug ust 12, t lmo hll" " sough t to frig hten t h PI:!"~ of ex port markets. The Ilrnswl'r is 1\11'. lind Mrs. C. S. Tucker Il nd family ;f amestown, a nd , Alfl'e d Haines, of. the 1024. In r oud work, I believe that ~"" pic by fOl'chodi nl('s of whut IV llq lo not II lowe rin lr th e wllge, but II read- enlcrt.nined their brother, Mr. and Dayton, were Sunduy g uests at the tea ms ,hould be used on s ho rt h !l ul ~, happen to the !tntion if t his, I.hut , ,'r justment of vnlueK wit h II realizntio n Mr~. Clurk South und buby, of De- ho me of Mr. ' and Mrs. Walter Kcn- an d r thi nk t hat road work ijhould be rick. . divid ed u p ill to. s mall scctions, with the oth er cllndid llte were clech·d, or ' tha~ wh eut and cOI'n ure of more rna- troit, Mich. Mr. and, Mrs. H. 111. Clark had .. s a com p~t ant man ill chll,l'ge of each Mr a nd Mrs. Harvey Garber, of if this, thnl, or th'o ot.he r p olir ~' b e.· mont th an pink or blue sil k pnntalEXPERTj'KODAK Bl!ctior., a nd that the farmers and FOR OVER 40 YEARS Port William, were Tuesda y guests the ir house guests th (J past week , Mr. teamster~ in eac h loealitj' should be come the policy of the nation. 'I'h~ letteR. Film Finishing of Mr. and Mrs. 'R. F. Shu milker nnd li nd Mrs. Charles Huntoon, Mr. I1nd a ll owed a take care of tile repair and HALL'S CATAruUl MEPI I.: I:-; F! has plnin fnct is that no Inolter what h u~ , • ~ • bo~o uset' au (:csn fuUy Sn t he trr o.tment andDeveloping dllughter, Mnrjorie. Mrs. Robert Wha le n and childre n, maint<'nll llce of roads. No fleet of ot C(ltnrrh, its onwnrd march; the people hll"I' I POLITICAL SIGNS trucks ~ h o uld be owned and mainHA r.L'S CA'fAHP.lt Mi·: n l, !!~ F. 000 by pai'cel post. Mr . and Mrs. Clifford Hahn, of Wilda, Robert Jr. , uncd Earl, of E lgi n, . tained ,rown more prospe ruus; tho hnp pi . hy the' Co unty. On long huuts 81&(8 or n n Ol ntm nl w i.k" Qu lC,kl~ Rolleves b)' 10cHI (lpplll'l1,tlou. Gild til e Cincinnati, vigited at th e home of neRS of the peo ple hilS been g rea tel' ; 1'l'Ilyelle rs on tho highways of 111. whe re ""c e8~u ry trucks could be hired lotcrllul Mcdt Quality at a' J'8 living, No c ln ~. (l Tonk. ·.,,,I,·\> actA Mr. and Mrs. Ch!lTles Clurk had much cheaper from private owner s. through tho B l nu el on th e MU t o tls Sur· Midd leman. Deal Direct. Semce their ViRi()n wider; th"ir churlty more- Ohio are not going to be bothered their sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Un. th u~ Tcdllf Incr h ll In flu.mmll tlo n. fost, as tho maUl . . All1Jixes, ~ ~ e mh racing lind their patriotism mOTe with faces und promises of calldl. derwood lind daug hters, early in th~ fo r their dinn er g uest:s Saturday, Mr. The pl nee to begin reduction of taxes taceB, Solll bY nt! druggl6 ' 8, oping and prlntlng, 40 cents, except ulld Mr. . Samu.el St,~ phe nB and Mr. and t!' begin the practice of economy F. J . Chene)' .~ Co .. TDledo. Ohto. deeply r()oted. ,duteR for &tute or co unty offices this week. a nd tlicieney Is t he office of the' , veat P<lcketa, 86 cents," W.rite fOl',~ and friends here were Re lati ves nnd Mrfi . Luwl'enc e Peterson of Leb- County Commissioners, for the Cornrolitlcs is a necessnry f clctl' r y el1r if it can be prevented. T he formation or send, money ' ..;. . .. .to ",,,'. Ind., Ilnd Dick Mason: of Bell- ulissioners pass on the bills and spend In (lUI' li ve . Ther e must he govern- Stllte Hig hwllY departm ent hus is. Wlddened Wed nosday mornin g by the U . most ot the ta.xes raised in the CounmOllt, the re must he pl1rties, e lections Isued ardors to all dil/ision engin eers news of t he death of Russell, eldest uro.'I.-, ~. ; . aad r.l ru. Clar enc e Smith had t y. You r votes and support will be and rlvalries. Out of the l\1ael ~ tr o l\1 not to permit the tucking, plI ~ti n ~ or son of Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Clark, of appreciated.-ENNIS S. DONNELL. 306 R.n..w B ..... f ul' thl!il' Sund ay guestl!: Mr. and of t hought co mes our adva ncement. posti ng of political signs or ad ver- Lebanon. Cuptnin and Mrs. Chas. Garner 'Mrs. Albert Hoppy and fam ily, of Let us hope the Americun people ·will tisin,ll" matter on any' public highway We Rre authorized to ann oun ce VACC INATION OF SWINE have enough balAnce to realize thnt and l if perc hance some cl1 ndl date cam e here fro m Colu mbus a nd stayed I\liddletolVn , Mrs. Myrtle Kessler and th e n nme of Emerson F . Thompson, th ey should par II ttcll ti on only to thinks th e o~der is' nt a positive one ove r the Fourth wi th their mother g randson, of E II\\\tOol! Place, Cincin- now con nected with tho Valley Tell'· A SPECIALTY the ronst r u ·th·e ele ments In our po· lind atte mpts to e vade it, IIrrest a nd aJld brother, Mrs. Mary J. Finch, and nati, Mr Allen Smith Imel Mr. Wei- 'phone Company, as candidate for . ge r llnd so n, Misses Anna and Blanch County Sheriff, subj ect to t he Re· HUcnl st n'~r.:h·~ IIll d discard eOllsid· pl'osecutlon will follow. In years Robe rt Garner. Mrs. La ura Shidaker entertaineed '.fewell, of Duyton. eration of e,·(· r y\.hing that denls with past, highways of the state have been publicnn Primary, ' August 12, 1924. Tho ,Eye, Specialist . Phone 44 .~. port end ing tro nblc; c\'ny ono, Rep llb· fave rab le buttle grounds for some to dinner, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ev. eraU Villars, of Dayton, lItr and Mrs. JicUlI. P (,lllocrnt Billl Indepen de nt politicillns to wage t heir cllmpaig ns P. 10. Monfort announces that h e Illik(' rea ii xi nSl" tllnt no molter whal Inuking their nppeal to the truve l. Cha s. E. Gorden and son, Ro bert, un d has ~rv e d as County Surveyor fo r Mr. Marion Gorden. rnny l!l' t h ~ l'l."U It 0 the issue, Amer· ler. HIl .....oy.l..arlf. Ohio. about six months a nd is now a canOhio : Thc Jubilee Minstrel show, g ive n " Le t ~h e candidutes go into the len 'ill Jlm~l't'Qs , Slid ti mes be better. didate to s ucceed himself in that - -- - - -- -ellmpuign thro ugh t heir home news· by the Co mmunity ~I u , Saturday offico su bject tu the decision oC the Ed Troxel, of Tiffin, i.s the gullst of Repu blica n Primary, August 12, 1924 pape rs, stay oft' th e hig h wllYs defac. evening, atlrncted a 'Iarge erqwd, 8:00 Qt, to <i p. m. . WH EAT, CORN, P AN Tlt.LETTES ing public places, and they will ac. which t horoughly enjoyed the enter. his uncle, A. A. Reinmann. Mr and Mrs. G. A. Phillip~ and tainment. It will be prese nted again complish more in their ndve rti ing W nge. in th~ '1(l thi"1: ind ustry a r W e are authorized to announce NOTARY PUBLIC HAYE EYES Fridhy, JlloIy 11th, f or the benefit of the Reeves sister s are camping near todllY twn hundred to t wo hundred und get much uetter I'ulu o for the the nHmo of E. W. Quinby, 11 farmer those who were unable to obtain tick- Dayt.on. Wills Drllwn l:states Settled monoy expe nded," Di r ector Boull1Y y •' and fifly per cent hig her th~n they of Dcerfield town ship, 118 candidate ets for Satu r day's performance. Our bund furn ish ed music f or the wer e prior to the war. The swoeping said in statement co ncerning the or· fo r County Commissioner, s ubject WaynesviJIe. 'Ohio Mr. lind , Mrs. Ed McF;lIrla,nd, Mr. night session of the Kingman ce lebraadvance is called to o~te nti o n a~' der. Yellow Springs News. to the decision of the Republican and Mrs. W. 1'. J ordan, Mr. and Mrs'. tion, Friday. National Bank typifying conditions regarding Inbor Primary, Aug ust 12, 1924. Deer, '.. I . The SUDllhine Society h IlS had a J . W. Clark, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. L. cost8 generally, so that we may realTHE LOST; PROFESSION fi eld hos' had ' not a candidate sInce DeRli'st· · : Harvey, Mr. lin d Mrs. R. W. Kaylor, j;~ety zone' erected ' in the center of t Ee how unlikely Is any rea.dj ustment. 1874.. I thereby solicit Yllur vote. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E.' 'Gorde~; Mr. the .cross streets t.o a point where it will effee:t the cost r Sympathetic-"Well, just how did nn,d Mrs. Fn.!d .Harlan, MrS'. Emma I Mrs. Esthe r M.,mn, of Columbus, WayoHviiie Bank . : \, . of' living. The man~facturer has the big oil interests put -you out of Clinc, Roy Clark and Robert> Gorden ; pimt the week-end WIth her sister, W e arc a uthori zed to an~ounce been compelled to cut prices to somo business?" Sam Iron s, of ·Turtlecreek l'own&hip; Mrs. W. H .. Reeves. . l>njoyed a picnic, Saturday, at the extent, but the reductions do ,not Down an~ Outer-"I used t o mow bha utauqua grounds, for those who a candidate for Commissioner, sub· FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mrs. WhilH'on, of Wilminl ton, is DR.H.E.~.THA.WAY 80em to havo affected the r etailer in weeds off vacant lots. Now they arc spending a few days with h'e r son, ject to t~ e Republican Primary, A)lgso journed in Florida IMt winter. a marked way, ' aU ' full of lUling stations." ust 12, i924. Waynesville, Ohio Ray Harvey and wife. " ~ ~--Daisy Lemar Waddiill whe b~s been . W e are authorized to announce 4n the West for sevel'al years, ' is the A~d X-<hQI(APHIST,' Fully Equipped for Good the name of E. B. MurreJI, of Washguest of r elatives he:re. , : '! Waynesville, . '. • 01110. I Prof. .schweikert land fllmily, pf ington T own ship, as candldllte for Service. Commissioner, subject to the dec is ion , Fremont, Ohio, were I:uests last week Telephone 11', ,1 Large Display Room at the Republican Prlmar)', Aug ust Cloride is being placed upon the of C. P. Noggle and f amily. . The chidren of the M. E. Sunday 1~, 1924 . H e solicitl! your votes, IlS OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, Lytle streets this year instead of oil. D.tY OR NIGHT TELF.PHONE 7 Miss ' MJldred Clark, of , Miami Uni· ~c hool rendered a very pleaSing W ushington 'rownship has not hlld ON MAIN STREET versity, was a week·end guest of Children'S Day progrnm Sun day eve. u commissioner for 67 yeRf8. ning. home fo lks. Wm. Harlan, of Coillmbus, Mr. Mrs. Clyde Cox is at this time vis· iti ng at the home of her parents ,\nd Mrs. J . C. Pick!n, land son, of payto n~ spent the wellk·end with rei. nellr ln j!'omar . The Lndies Aid of Lytle church atives here ThQ Fell?wship e:I,~ss of ~ Friends met at the home of Mrs. Carl Duke Sunday school were entertained at on' WednesdllY. E}v;\ Wha rton is visiting her grand. the home of Mrs and IMrs Ei~in Bluir pareliL~, Mr. and MI'!!. Lee Great· Tuesday evening lI!lsl108 Hazel and Helen Hill, Verhouse in Dayton. Mr. lind Mrs. Harry McGinnis were na Conklin, Ilnd El c&Ilo r '· Haydock, Sunday dinn er gu eRL~ of Dr. and MI'II . with other members of the Alpha Phi Kappa Sororit y lire camping ut L: B. Hall in Waynesville. Mrs. Kerr Routzhan, of Centerville the Highland county caves. You CID. literally,gec"recreation"-be"made over" again. ----~~ ..... is visiting at the home of her so n, when your physicel eelf i. rested, your energy and your . Guy Rou lzhnn nnd family. menacb COlllerved by the use of this Ford Runabout. Everett Githens has been quite sick the past two we,e ks. He is some· Simplicity ~ good ta«e are ~bod!ed in the lines l' what improved at this tim e. ~ and appointments of thia populu car. Unlntemlpted Mr. Frank Archdeacon, of Springuse 1& m.umi by nadon.wide, "around~tbe-corner" boro, spent. Wednesday with his 80n, Mr. a.nd Mrs. Max Barnard spent Ford service. Better set your order In ttOUJl Ra lph Archdeacon and wife. Suturday night in town. M~. .Lee Moson, of Mason, wlis a IIfl"8. Emma Crew I'eturned to her Sunday dinner g uest at the home of work at Dayton Sunday evening. 1\11'. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Seve.r al from here are planning to The Indian Oil ComplI,ny Is instal- see the circu8 in Dayton Wednesday. Mr. Louis Morgan , who has been ling a new filling station at the Lytle garage for Guy Routzhan. w;rklng .at the ,Delco, has been .Iald Mi~8 Annis J efferies, ' of . Green. 0 • 1 . , " field, is making an extended vialt with M,,; Fr'al,lk Kel}}s ar~d ~arnllY "spent her friend, Miss Sarah Osburn. Sund~y Y\sittng frielllils · down close to Oregonia. I,' " ,' \ '. • Mr. and Mrs William H: Carey, of c1 RldgeviUe: ,./ were ) Sunday . !llnner: harvest lis' Igoln!!, "on n ow. everY farmer' th'i nks .they ' haVe of Mr. .and Mra Frank .Rogers., M 141 . FI d I Ci i ti pretty good crop, ,. '. < ' . ra.. , , nllle oy, 0 ne: Dna, On t.h e evening nf the Fourth, H , ~l-' spent S"nday ·wlth ·' her parent8; Mr.. T " and Mrs. George Scott a'n d family. surely put forth efforts ' !Or a g,ood ' ., U " ' MrS'. ' WiUiam i LQng ' re~~d Sun-.·.. ·~... - I of fire-works. day after several days visit 'with .her ... number , 0 . relativ'l8 ~nd siater, Mrs. Clara Vincimt;. in Cln. were ,enter:tailled at a In ·Mr. }Jeri Marlatt's yard. ~ cinnati. ~'.. .. Mr, a nd. Mrs: John sL91'\ IUIIi Mi's: Bery,' ~arlatt eri~~ .. ~hildre"n, 8Jl~nt the ' the week-end ,her ne ee, Mrs. week: ehd wiH, r'elativ.ea J,ykson a nd' t'iimii)l, of Xcr • ,r 4"t '.\J "': ....... _ o,hi.o. '· and Mrs. C, W. ,a,uUJn, ,,,, ,. or'-' Da~n . l\tBtor,. 'll.,
nvest y
r SaviDgs~1
6 f·%
On Your Sav'ngs
_... -. =========='=========-
The Dayton Power and light Co. =
work '
w. F. Coats
Dr. W. E. FR03T
DR. E.l[ltUDOL
--- -- - - NEW BU8~NGTON
At .C.~( ,I,~welr, S;n~~ "
Eve~y '. Ttiesd~ e. YOUR .
I)r. lohn]W. ·Midba-
Walter McClure
{ Your .E ner8Y ~. in Summer
- --
W,:,yneaville Motor Co.
' .
Bid, . I
~ 0:
.«ord ho_"Su~. ~ tI\.l~,
HPORGUC!: nl I 11 :Ie \1 O:51 I t() man' un th Brunry ~' o u maJr~wUb th high COl!t lltr li- • ture Alld a" rythfn . " '. Solt-"Motbor, G c Ie 't'educiru: and 1 '" ,uro ona ehnlr 'Xi 1\ ' be non h."
a;:;l .
l .itLl ERrl Menrlenhnll, who qllit.' III Ill~t \ (> 'k i I' (lovering.
Br~d ~;:m l;:::------~----------------------------------------------.
Thompson' lI .
tho g rocery.
M ll. l I' Bi'J'lHIrd M()lloh is !Iii Odin" thi~ ·wcu. with frio nd~ in 'Sllring boro, .
Tobacco 'Hail Insurance,..... .
John Fromm ill a business visitor in Dayton today ST. MARY'S CHURCH
has. Sherwood spent Sunday wilh Musters Ken net h a nd Iyde Fromm 3d Sundl\Y after 'trinily, July JS. relatives in Brown Co un ty . nrc pendill!, ~c\·.l!r!l l weeks with T ·1- huroh scho ol at 9 :30 a. m., Morning l\th'(' in Uuyt n. Pl'n yer lind set'moll tit 1U :-15, Rev. Mrs. J . K Janney is vi ~ lting ruIn· J ohn J . Schnetrr offici flti ng. l!: vc ry- ti vcM in Kingman tor severnl duys. ,..-------------~ , Ir. A llcin J\ ,b it· ,· SPOIlt the Ftlu rth blr. mId Mrs .. Kenn cth Hough, Mrs. body is cordially invited t(l attend wit h 11I ~ II. ligh t"!· III Lov la nd . Viulll Hal' llIn an'd Mr. E. P. Harlnl1 th 5e del·vices. Mrs. Chns. Orford, of Dayton , is a ll 61-2 th" g ues t of Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry M r . nnd Mr~. Set h Thomns, Of ~I'~ n t Sun.!a y nt Ft. An cient. Murray. WAYN ESV ILLE; OH IO Dayton , 8p~n t ' u nduy he re wi t h !:~ l 1111'. uno MI·~. P. B. l lt:," clre~ o n and METHOD·IST CHURCH H li Vl ·S. lwl'l. Ilulll(hters, M isses Esther lind Leonard Ktlmp lc, o f Wlmin~to n , Sabba th chool, 9 :15 n. m., preachWE GET THEM QUICKLY AND I 1111'. [ nd M MI. Ed T homlls und rom- Lou is , ~ pl!n t th l~o urth in Dayton. ing at 10 :30 a. rn: Wednesday even- hns been visiting friend s her e fur t he • il y. \'i. it('d l'l' lnti\'cs in idney, Ohio FREE OF CHARGE in~ service nl , '1 :ao p. Ill. E pworth past week. Mr. F'rnnk J\lilleniJcrgcr and fnm- Leag ue 6 :46 p. ·m. Preaching at 7 :30 , undllY· CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR i\y,nnd Mr. I ~nuc Lincoln, of nllytoh , p. m. Everybody is cordllllly invited Mr. Paul Bowmnn, of Morrow, Is EXPENSE visiting his ~ i stet', Mrs. Orville Gray Mr. nn d M ~ . II . . C Colcmnn, of we ro Sundny guest s of Mr. nnd Mrs. to t heso services . nnd fnmily. N OT\\' (l (l c! n!l ei .lIfrs. 1.IIura Foster. of J. H . Smith . Rev. L . A. Washburn, Pastor. 1\[t lI('nllhy. s pont Tuesday with Mr . ,Pbo... 8 HARVEYSBURC, O. Mrs. Mary Cnske y hns purchnsed Miss Helen Allen, of Wilmington. unn III rs. J H. olema n. CHRISTIAN CHURCH t ho Mrs. Evu J ones pr operty on Main i ~ spendin!; a few dllYs wilh Miss Ber· Prellching se rvices at the Chris- ni ce Hymlln. street , an d ~h e will rn'ukc sevo rll l 111tlnn ch urch Sunday morning. Evtorutions before mO\'ing into it. erybody cordially in vited. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. SIl Ii ~ bury, of Cleve land, Ohio, nrc visiti ng thei r MrR. Edith II nrris with her broth_ childre n here. er, Mr. Chas. Mosher, of Cineinnnti, Mr. Ve rn Ilo.ugh and fumi ly we r o mot or ed to Morrow co unty Inst FriMiss Emmn }'eacock, of Dayton , day, where the y spcnt soveral <Iny" visit ors at Tip pecnnoe Cit y, , undIlY. \Vns the g uest of relntivc9 lind friends \ i ~i tj n g T(' lntivl's. Mr. a nd Mr• . J oe TItl'l mpS<" t, of heT(' Illst week. Cincinnati, were week·end ~1h" I< of Satilfactory lervice linee 1912_ Vern on nnd Ralph Mninus, accomMr . 'lind Mr •. Wulter Ponny, of r eIn lives hHe. H" war d Missoldin e. hllve r nllied by Terms very realonable . Onyto!), wer e g uests of Mr. li nd Mrs. just r o lIrlH'd fr om 11 motor trip t il . L. fi ogan, S unday. Datllecreck, Mic h., where t.hey took 11'. und !II rs. S, A . . riwell ra~se d Offiee Aman Building their "ister , ufter she Sllent hC' r \'a- thr ou,,:h here Sun day, " nrlHlte til t heir Mr. lind Mrs. Seth Cook nnd dauWAYN ESVILLE, OHIO ~lItio n with homo folks. ho me III Lcbunon. ~ ht cr , lIIis8 E erI e, were vi ~ iting in Mr. Myel' Hyman fi nd fami ly, a nd Lynchburg, SundtlY. Mr . an d Mrs. D. L. Cru nu w rr~ in . . RICH T TO HA PPINESS Mrs Leon Snli shury, of CleveWilminglo n Sundll,)' uftci'noon . • J .\ 1·' THE TRI STATE PRICE land, Ohio, is the g uest of r elatives Friend- "Why the happy look, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~-~~~ in this nelghborhood. Mi ",~ Henrietta McKinsey, of ~l i aml FOR BUTTERFAT IS ...... Beth 7" unive rsit y, :;pellt lhe week·end with Deth- Io We're celebrati ng our DillMr. and Mrs. George Lnrrick, of July 1 to 8 lncl. hl'r mother, Mrs. Alice McKinsey. mond Ju bilee. " Lebllnon, spe nt Tuesday with Mr. EVery shipment is GUARANTEED a gainst loss or damage Friend- "Dillmond Jubilee? Why, Mr. C. M. Brown and fllmily, of nnd Mrs. J. C. Hllwke. in transit · . you haven't been married but a few Dayton, were Iguests of Mr. Albert years." a..ck mailed IIIUIle d.y cream arriyea. Mrs. H. V. Walter lind 80n, DIU!, Cleaver a nd fam ily, on the Fourth . Deth-"Oh, you don't understand. No other work on the f ...... PAYS AI well for the lame ef. of Lcbllnon, spent Monduy with Mr. Fred has just made the last · payment ftil't ·. . ahippma your cre.m direct to Now iR t he time to lIfr. and Mrs. Clarence Allen IIni! .. nd Mrs. J . R . Co le mnn. on my ongagemen t rin g " 80n, and Mr. I~nd Mrs.L. D . ChilcR bu y yo ur Con I Oil Mast er J ohn Sellrs Is Visiting r el~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!!!'! spent Sunday with r elntives In Rich tove . With the CO Olnth'os lit Rose burg and Greeneville, mond,Ind , No. 2220 inR of warm wenther CINCINNATI, OHIO. Durk o county. th is week. when l\ coal ra nge Miss Olive Alle n who is nttendi n~ lIIr. Ra lph Pence, of Athens, Ohio, mn kes th heat in the Of the Condition of the Waynes ' the summer t erm at Ohio Stllte UI, i· ville National·Bank, at Waynes ' versity, \VIIS at home fo r th o Foul,th is visti ng his mother and rclntives kitchen oppressive, a in Wnrren co un ty, this week. ville In the State of Ohio, at the I.' " the week-end. Coa l Oil Range will reclose of business, Jun 30, 1924, lieve you of th e intense Mr. and Mrs. Cla rence Harris, of R8EOUllOE8. Save y our old carpets lind rugs heat. Miamisburg, were week-end vis itors LoIUI.I aDd dllooowattr, lDcIud\ng and get "Welarwcll" Rugs made. redI8couattr . ... . . . I7LOIJ.JO 211.027.l0 S d . ?,venlrafc.. ~ured U'rt' . . . . . . 28 U , en fo r pricel list. Franklin R\lg 'o f MI'. Orville Gray a nd family. Our line is always ~:;01~~~ ~!:.~:~ed : Co., Franklin. Ohio. complete with a wide Mr. and Mrs. John Leo nard and U.8.boDIU pv .. ~ue'OO.OOO.OO AI o\ber UlUfed 8~ Govern· • range of prices thnt will Mr. Fred Leo nard and fnmily, of meall8ecurlUeo ..• . .• 1116.00 00.951.00 The Queen E sther soclety will holel suit your pock tbook as well as your needs. W e have o~~ ~~~ . ~~~ •. ~I.~~~~. n.879. 18 their regular meeting at the pn rson- Kings Mills, spent the Fourth here. Ba~ Dou.......... as. OOO .OO age next Saturday after noon July ·them from a li ttl e two-ti urner cabinet stove to a large sixJ'urnl'uro &\1d Jrl1:tureo . 1.0n.0 0, B,on.OO h ' , Mr. snd Mrs. Carl McClure a nd Lawful re.erv8"UIl F'eder&l n o12t , with Mrs. Wnshburn as hostess. burner with buil t-in oven. ieI'Ve Ur." .. .... . . , . . .. .. .. 19.11 1.10 doughter, of Dayton, were tbe wee kCUb III vaul\ and 1UD0UD\ due These Goal Oi l Stoves include everyth ing in th e lrom Q~~IoQ.1 bAllI<e. . • . • • .. 17.203. 31 Miss Belle Gatch , of Xeniu, Dr. snd end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Amoun' due lrom B..... baDko. McC lure . L . ~~:nu~~ o:b: \li"'~~1:: Mrs. S. S. St.uhl and MisR Kat e McFLORENCE, NEW PERFECTION, PURITAN AND RED e. 9 alld 10 . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 5.785: 5~ Collum, of Frank lin, were g uests of Mrs. Gertrude Wertz and' Mr. W. To~ or I~ t. 10. 11. U and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, on t he 11 . ..... ... ........... 08.75 STAR VAPOR LINES H. Pace, of Marion, ~e , pending the lI'-IIaneo\lac&lbl~ . 'loo . oo 100.00 Fourth. Redemplloll I\IlId wISh U, 8. week-end with Mr. an1 Mrs. Harry •1'nUurer ......... ~ ..... ... 3,000.00 And th e prices range from $8.50 to $89.00 . ., --Mr. and Ml's. I. N. HB.r ris nnd W. ToQl ....... . ............. "111.7~.,1f You will be sure to find a stove 'here that s uits your LlABILITD8 Ilaug bters and Slon, Frank, Mrs. W . G. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Alexander,. with needs as well as your pocketbook. "'P6IdlD ........ .. .. og.ooo.: o Grether, of Dayton, Mr. Ace Egbert their 8On8 and families, of Dayton, ~~~~:: ::.' .8.'1118:" 0 .000.00 and Gill Cleven, of Kansas City, Mo., .. ... CWIW'~_.IIl_ Mrs. Mary Adams and Mr. J. B. Pence are spending this week at Camp Lin~ IiMd ••• , .... . . .. 8.111.88 were Sunday guests of Mrs. Alice ger Longer• bIa OllttrlUldJu. . ".JOO.OO UDOWIttr due to National McKinsey and dnughter, Miss He nri.. .... .. . .. • .. . .. .. .. . le·.~0,oO·.o.08 atta. Mr. J. O. Cartwright and family ~·.checka out.IMD4laa .... , •• YBR IIDce IIIc tnt ...., ceo FOIl haft txrm Total ot Item. U. u. Ii. at we re Dayton visitors Tuesday, and • < tIIIdqi aIIoat baIdIIw Ii re.I laM eomo .;: and 2G ............ iI,816.G8 while there Mrs. Cartwright had her 0I0~.aq ~bakeptFOlltomatartinfr. YOIIL 3~ .~;~~ ~~~~.II ~ wGl_ &ad • better lime than rfPt _.11 ,... tonsils re moved. &eo 0 dlpool& due III _ 211.111.89 ............. 1 'b&II 10 da' • ... . • . . . , ..... .. ]71," iI' ... ..."up1belJllDUDt ol rD(lllq JOG bllves-ldoat Dlvtdoodo unpaid .•_ . .. .... .. . 3.080.00 1ft t'fDt ,... wIII-.1Iow mut.b bener ell JOG 'Mdd Miss Mary Prater, who hall- been Tol&1 ql demand dapollta (other ,' lie IDdII,y If JOIl Mel IIeen ~ It Into • haIDr:. UWI bUlk depolllca) .ubJecI to making her home at the Otterbein a--ve. J~ 28, n . 28. l8. A laM II DOt ........wm It lIan ... tADIIlllft 10aud .1 .. .. .... . 318,71013 Home, has taken roomB nt Miss EmOIhar lime daDOllta ... . . . .• . . . 30. UO.O ~ For the ladiel in h+t*..... · ltJaa~tDba'leODe. YwcanbQO&lGla ma Cnrtwright's. Tbt.1 111111 ilepoolttr wbJecl to !dad ol ~ FOIl aDd )'ClUJ' rIIIIIJy Deed. '..-n., Ic.m. n, II. U . and Curtainl, I)raperiel, Drell 130.100. 00 Goodl of all kind., Silkl, TbII II tbo bcJme.baIIdIng Je8I' III f1/o{fIIt tbo c:auIdI7. U&bIll"" olber IhM IhOM .Ia· Mr. and Mn. W. H. Pace and dau· IecI .bo .. ...... . , ...... . .. 102.8' Onatt ,.,.. dealer about ' lt. He bIOIW baIIdinC Woolena, Waih Fab. g hter, (va nelle, Mrs. Gertrude WeI1z . ___ ...s ~ cmditIona. His iadvtce will be • Tot.al • • . •. . . • • . . • •• •.. . • . iill:1iD.l'i riel, and general or Marion, and Mr. Harry W. Pace, ~ ill be _ t i l to tholdndoleervtco yard Goodl 8s.te or Ohio. OouDtJ' or warreD /Ie: ipent Saturday in Dayton. u.t will make """ a ~ fria)d ollila. I, L. M. Hendenon, Cubler 01 'lIohbove· lUIIIIed bUlk, do IOlomnlt::e... tballhe above Also, Marvelknit Silk Ho~r~~~tlo Iruo to ,the t ~r my koowledae. 3iery, at Miss Bernlcc Hyman al'Tived home L , M. HENDERSON. Oubl",' Sunday evening, after ' spending a 811~lCrlbod ...IU 1I1 .wom to bolore me Ibll ScaD eurdles when cH.7tb oUul" 1t2l. . week with her friimd, Miss Catherine aoIved'in.harch,lICer. The MlLloD nldlo, ~ ~. ~- 4,' , ,'<.... . -~. . Kemple, of Wilmington ~11'
. Walte r Mc lure !!!!i!e!:!!!:!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,!i'.!!!~~ I nM i 'i,ntuT, 'r ur st! )/.
inei n.
\\'1 . 8 I'
Se rs
Haneysborg Fertilizer Co.
W e nre in a position to furnish you with any size tire you may
W e ha\,t:: just received a new
stock from the fa ctory.
A. F. MELLOR Garage At Your Service
~ . w'"00_
o. .0 .. .............
.. W. H. MADDEN & CO., WaYDeSyme, O. I
Mrs. IGraham'a
Oorrecl Attolll:
Nol"', Publ .c. W. H. ALLEN J. w. WHIT& W.I'. OLAHK
Dre..making Shop in the Gralilge Building
IJlrectcJre .
WI-IGR' TO D'AL IN DA ',Y TO N 6 8i,
. . . . . . . . . ,..t.
£OlIN dIaap 01 "ow ..." ~ aDd n...w.,. c-t• .•• , .... . _ _ ' - IISC) .. Jar» P. II. Ale....,. ,..-- ....~ ... . .
"Get It,At Wheatley's" n .. w.......... sa. . · D~YTON" aIDa .-
aoc UId 8Oc.
w. Roec •
&11 .....
:, .'" ,
Por . Fa~ ~ WaJI.
paper, DraPeriei. Etc. IW7 No . . . s.. o..rtaa. CWo
·--...,...,.....,....--......-~.....-z ~
'ana' Dairr eiGoocI,QUali.tv"
It,.. the
A,H i..ERS . , bAYTO}'fS
." ..... '" · Purrien
:Mr. nnd' Mrs. A. T~tus and daughter Audrey, .entertalned on 'the Fourth, ' the following: Mr. and Mrs. d~r1 F'islier and 80n, ileJnIlJ:, Mr. and Mt,t Henry :Fliher, aaid eon, Andrew, a~ . Mill Allee Britt, of Hamyton; ~ and" Mra. ' ~ut H~lem8n a!:la. Wit.!
llam c~teman • .of Cleveland; Mr. 'and 1lrI. Wiij1Jm Schuler ,!!!.d c:bUcken, .'. Edwarll, LeDa and Arthur.. of WQ1lelVl1le. afteniOOD . . apent ' III 1ia7·rldmc aDd nJmllllq, aDd the evulQ,1Il "'-"orb.
jl i'i
decay. The garments rot; · Bade . I of it aU, bard water ia to blame. Soft water makes laundering ; ~y-eaves time-eavea worksaves aoa~ above aD, ..ves
your gannenta and
~; . '; .0': " 1 DUR
'.. water ,~ . . . "
. .:. With. datenI ad )
W. N. Scars and family IIpent' IRllt week visiting re1atlvee · In · ·Darke county, and while there · BIl,W t he "PathWay of Progresl," at Greene..' ville. This pageant wai put on by the American .Leglon, and was composed et 1600 charoctel'1l at a cost of $10,000. ,. . \ . .
The result ia the' cloth becomes filled with . amalI soap ·particles ! which aJ,sorb moisture aad, ~uae .'
Mr. J . E. Janney lind the MiBBeB Louella and Frances Janney left for Battlccreek, Mich., 'Snturday, VRI automobile. Miss Louella will attend the summer 8chool at· that city.
R...................... ..
.nd FeallIt'e PhotOatIve..
Mrs. J as. McClure went to Cin· clnnllti, Sunday IIfternoon, where ahe is vi sitin ~ with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bllrnhart (o r n few days
Mr. E . L. Llndamood and frunily, hod the pleRRure of being hosts to !lbout fi f ty of their relatives a~d friends at their country home south of town, on th e Four~h. .
B. 'F. 'Keith's
lather ia weak aad creasy. Tbefabric 01 garmeDb wubed in tb1a aoIatioIl be com e 8 impregnated with adel-forming . .p curda. These c:urda lodge in the meMes of the doth-ere not .... U, diaaoIved and riuecl 6at.
Mrs. Ruth Daugherty and daughter, Miss Stelln, left Satur'd ay evening. fo r De troit, Mich., where they will 'pend n co uple of weeks with rela. tives.
. .. " ',, .... ... ....... " .
, " "
live J)uro ' unit"
'lc a day to ·~te.
Duro Sy.tem. are the ~
of the world. Made hi many ....... 'and pumpiDg . ~ . til&. .. Plica . are' Jo.-a Duro 1I .. Pc;iCt in"....
melit. ' , I
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7/. '<J ~.~
" ' .
, 't " , . .;.,. ", ~ ill hi "
( . #a
u ...-,.. . can '
_~ ' ~ ,J'OU . bave_twater '_' ~fh bathroom, :Jdtcben ·and . bt~. Automatic - cUefree'~ juiIt: ,ap dty water eemce. Colt·.... 'dian
I t'
Mtl. . . . . J,· i
Ia.' I
Sev:enty-Sixth Year
.W(nle Number 5t).f)g
The city duilies oiten josh ubout the country press, ARE CLIMBING HIGHER EVERY TO BEGIN ACTIVITIES AT 10 But the small-town country weekly WEEK O'CLOCK ON FRIDAY Virgil Brown and Miss Eva Brown I iR un ull-u(u und success. it bents the dnily paper for a phect te nants on t he George Corliu farm thut's read clean through; north of Lebanon. enter ed pious of All the Mooting. Are Ope~ to th .. not guilty when nrranged in M. A. Th" Clo.".t Game of the S.... on. In And it.~ pn t ent. insid es functio,," lin d Which the Miami. Proye<l to Be ure cnterta'ining, too Jnmeson's court last W ed nesday morPublic. and They Are Cordially the Superlo.. Playero There is less of blutT und blus te r. Ie .. Ililll( 011 charges of having ~Il dc lin Welcome hyste riu and pos'c •. ,,"sualt with intent to kill. The wltrLess of ballyhoo n.lHl ' brain.IJ rm. IcH. runt for their arrest was sworn out divorce nnd hUI. a n wo e_ Going upl Our Miamis added anThis is the week of the celebration by John W. Retallick, well known And' the sanest folk" will te ll you . George Fox. til be held lit the Red farmer. whom it i~ all eged WitS the other to their string of victories last having watched the passin ;~ shu,," nnd Whito Brick Churches. July 18 victim of a mnlicious attllck by Sunday afternoon when they shut out There's a lot ot' frothy JojOle tloat is Brown lutc TucsdltY evenin g. the South LebD,llon team at Phillips lind I n. and Wnynesville Jleople will not worth wh ile to know, The trouble occured at n tenant purk. 3 to 0, This was one of th e hnvc lhe oJlPortunity of hearing offihousc belonging to Retallick. It i8 best gllmes the boys ~ave pluyed und cials nnd spenkers of National fame. "llid that Brown sent word to Retlll- 1 the victory WIIS weU earned. Not Take the city Sunday s upple ment Thll t nl~o of Hceillg the pageant being preis dumped upon the porch; IIBl'od by young Fricnd~ from Wil- lic k that he desired to rent the house only Wit" the game well played. but mingto n college and elsewhere. A from him and that he would meet the disputes of the umplre's decielons It buries us in literature. and keeps us hom e from church numbar of these speakers have hud him there at a stated time for the wns conspicuous by its total abworld-wide experience in church ac- purpose of viewing the plll,ce. Retal- sence-not' one objection WII.~ reg- It corrupts our wives and children with its freakish, morbid ahllw. livitic8 and the messuges they will lick went to the place accompanied latered. In the absence of Manager Pace, For its jokes arc often nill'htrilur~s impart will no doubt be highly in- by Mrs. Brown. He claims that Brown suddenly attacked him. cut- Howard Burton assumed the direcand its ideals often low. structive and entertaining. the team and not onTy hand- Th e city duily has 11 man who reads The program will consist of papers ting a deep gush in his hcul1 and tion nnd nddrcRsea at 10 a . m. and 2 p. m., rendering him temporarily uncon- died his pillyers well. but pitched a the country pres!!, ' on Friday and Saturday On Friday scious. When he recovered he made five -hit game as well. Kenneth Pope And th e news he cribs and re-wirtes is what ma~ms for his success. July 18, the man George Fox. his his way back to his re8i~ence where donned the big mitt .and the mas,k and caught Ia, splendId game. HIS And as he clips and butchen it fnr times and his contemporaries.' the medical aid was summened. Warr~nts for the arrest of Brown base throwing was especially good ill that he c'Y1 use; eharacter of his ministry. and the contribution of his followers lo Ohio and Mn. Eva Brown were immedi j and he held up the picher at all He 'ridicules the make-up of the hp.ll d~ atey gotten out and the pair were times. and local news . •history. wHl be among the teatures arrested 'a t about eleven o'clock "Peck" Satterthwaite had a perof the day'lI program Among ~e ' speaken of the flr8t Tuesday night by Sheriff Brant and feet day a t bat. securing three sln- But how welcom(! is th e weekly nloo)!' day are listed George A. Walton, prin Marshall Fraser, They were taken gles and a double in four trips to the R. F. D. elpal of the George Bchool. Penn8yl- to Lebanon and appeared before Jus- the plate. besides stealing two bases When Grandma polishes her "po('s vania; Walter C. Woodward. of Rich· lice of the Peace M. A. Jameson who and scoring a run. He was just a8 lind takes it with hnr tea. mond, Ind .• editor of The America r. 'et tbeir hearing for nine o'clock ~ood In the field as .at bat. taking Ar.I! with whut kindly ' comment . he IVedneaday morning. , ~RI'C of everything that camc his way, Friend and General Secretary of thl smiles and nod. he r head F!,'c Years Mecting of Friends in • The accused pair were bound ov- and sRving the other infielders from As , he ('lips for hoI' Rcrap a lbum the or to the grand jury under bonds of errors by some br!liant sto ps. In America; Clyde A. MUner, of the bost things ~he has read . '.. University of Chicago; Charles B. ,1 000 each which they were not fllct. the two flnt busemen were the The poem of a neighbor. or the winabie to furni sh. Brown gave his age stars of the game. as A, Scott put Galbmith, 8ecretary of the Ohio State ners ·at the f air; , Archneloglcul and Historical Society. a! 22 while Mrs 'Brown says that up a star 'game at the initial corner Obituaries and weddings nrc 'among she is 25. for the vi~ilors. Columbus, and Walter E . Wildman. her treasures rare. - - -- - • Eddie Burton wus a busy b.oy at of Selma, Ohio, who recently re turnAnd. unlike the city editor who wlclds second. fielding his position like ed from Russia. after serving there the wicked shears. Frunk Frisch and encouraging his All chief of the relief work thero unteam males at all times. He also She clips the p:~pers lovingly. he r der tho direction of the American smiles mixed· with her t ears. the first run in the second inscored Friends Service committee ning, Ilnd sacrificed Satterthwaite to FridllY evening, at cll,rly candle third with the second run. after the The country Elheet has been the lighting II pageant, "Service, The Pasbatter had hit a double ' in the fifth work of men of great renown; .Ion of Quakerism," win be given on innillg. Orsbo rn produced the single The bulk of all our best-loved men the street overlooked by the terrace Presidents Itl1d secretaries of all that brought "Peck" in. come from the country town of tho meetinr-houae grounds. It the 88 county farm bureaus in Ohio Frye scored the la8t marker in the For' 'tis here you I~et the human touch wiU illustrate In dialogue, pantoare expected to attend a meeting for lucky seventh. by grace of his own that's always understood, mime and IIOng 8cenes and Incidents the discul!I!ion of po!lcies and prob- hit and singles by Dutch Burton and And you'll find some worth-while peoIn tho lifo of Fox' and his followeri. lem8 of that organization on Juiy 21), SaUerthwaite. ple in the small-town nieghborIt will be p.relented by .tudents and according to an anniluncement receihood. . The Miamis are now making good faculty mom ben of Wilmington colved from' headquarten at tho Ohio our predictions made while they were You'll find more Christian charity. lege, aaalited by groupa of young· Farm 'Bureau Federation. The meet- getting sturted. They have won their and more good common sense; Frionds from New Burlington. Chesinll' wlll be held In Columbus. last three ga mes nnd five of the last Here thrives ori~:inality, without 80 e. and Waynesville. Tho- officers the eou nty farm . ix bringing their total to five won much pretenHe. • On Saturday the Fox mesaage and bureaus arc being called to aid in a nd five lost. The Wilmington team Whilo' the daily ~Iaper shouts it with Ita hn'pllc:ations will be pre.e·nted in making the program of work for the haB been materially strenghtened and its billboard type 80 tall, • eecond addresa by George A. Walorganization for the balance of the is coming back for another beating 11he email town 'Ways of doing may ton; by William J. Reagan, principal year, or until the annuu,l meeting next Sunday. BcttF come out and be the wisest after Illl. of Oakwood school, . Poughkeepsie. next winter. No set program will be Bee the Miamis do ft. The score: Rey Churchill Smith, in 'Inland Oil N_ Y •• Fredrick J , Libby, 8ecretary arranged, 1111)'3 President L . B. PalIndex. of the National Council for the pre-------.. mllr. of 'the State Federation, but the yontlon or war, Washington, D. C.; SOUTH LEBANON the meeting will be given over to the David M. J!;dwardJl, prCllid,!rii of Earlopen ' discuSsion of legislative. comAB ~ H PO A E bam college, Richmond, Ind.. and modity marketing. organizution, co- Klick. 88 .. 4 0 0 1 '2 o othe",. operative purchasing and othor prob- Gosnoy. 2b 4 0 1 0 1 o The general pub~ic is invited and lemB of the organlZl\tion. DeYoung, If .. .. 4 0 0 1 0 o expected to attend in laflro numbo",. The Board of Directors of the G, Scott, p ST. MARY'S CHURCH 4 0 0 0 4 o )leasrs, KclseYl Farr and Kersey, of Federation will meet with the county Mickey . c. . 5th Sunday after Trinity, July 20. ..4 0 1 9 0 o Wilmington college, are members of officers and the regular quarterly A. Scott, Ib.. 3 0 0 11 ·0 o Church school at 9,:80 a. m., Morning the committee ill charge. meeting of tbat body hBII been moved Wise. cf.. , .. ,. 3 0 1 0 0 o Prayer and sermon( at 10 :46, Rev. 'roward f-;om August to the day foi - Shutts. rf ........ ... 3 0 2 0 0 o John J. Schaeffer officiating. EveryW Scott, 3b .. .. ... 8 00 0 2 0 o body is cordially invit~d to attend 10)VIng tho gene:a:8:lSlon. these service8. 6 24 7 o
MAKES INQUIRI ES AS TO THE i The following tele gram wa. rc· I CORN BORER teived lut SAturdAY.-
Find. that Speciman i. not th e Dr_ded European I n8oct. Urge Bett er Whe"t Seed.
i I
J . O. Cnrtwright, Wayne.ville National Bank , Minimum quota for .Wayne.· ville and Wayn e Town.hip i. two
hu';drcd dolla .. for relief of entare. tornado
"rcn .
Plc.lle c6m ..
AN OPEN MEETING The Furm Bureau held lin open meetinl{ ul t he Grange hall MOlldny cvcninl'. A good attendance of mernher" I1nd a few outsiders were prcs., 'nl, Many things were discussed am ong them the queRtion of the road iJetw cen th l' t wnship line and Wnynes vi lle, It seems the re was some oh jcctiun . til this proposed road. on acco unt uf th e taxeR incurred, but it 'celllo liS th ough these objections will he laid ,, ~ idC' bccauHc of the increased VlLlu of the farm land tha t will be ~ ure to come Hhould this road be im-
An automoiJil ~ io ....d of farme rs uf plu'e your c.am pai g n within w eek th e vicinity o f SprinJ('boro brough t and tei ~g raph relull . ~ c\'C' rnl inn ocent looking wor ms seVic Donah e y . Governor curly ca~ed in glass bottle. to Coun F . A. Miller Chairman ty Agent Cluss . Thur~dny, July 10 . Th e worms were found boring ill t o Thi. i. " .mall amount for our pl·l) v~d . the corn .talks. chiefly wh ere th e citizen' to raile. Hand ill your ,\ mo ion picture on"Certified expanding tu~" l e makes new growth . contribution. to th e banI< at onee Wheat" was shown. and in the di8cu8Fl'om genera l oppeurunces and eating , ion Me'Hr.I. S. S. ElliH nnd C. M. habits of the ~vorm •• th e farm er s 8U S- thaI we may wire on Saturday Itobitz"," brought out soveral facta piciolled th at they were Europcun that w e are ov e r th e top. Lhnt nrc not generaly known in recorl1 horers. which during the la"t gard to well bred y..heat. Home LET'S GO! few yellrs have spread very generally Demon stration Agen t Miss Kizer alSo over a number of Co unties around told how better wbeat makes ,better Luke Eri e. nnd which sometimes wili bread and why it ahoula be' so. clluse very se rious loss to the CanaAnother film, "Wa.ter by Wire" dian corn fields. was shown and which demonstrated , Sweet Corn canners are also keepthe old and new ways of saving Btepa ing watchful eye on any possible ror not only the farmer but the farsp read 0 thc European corn borer mer's wite. by having a water BUPin Warren County. because the loss08 piy the house, field 'a nd bam. to weet Corn , nre generalty even During this film the Jlicture machine greater than that of Indiun Maize. broke. a nd several pictures were not A careful examination by County shown. Agent Cluss of the suspic ious worms, Local horsemen will remember the ----~ ..... as well as the corn stn lks wrected by trotter. once owned by Dr. McCoy thcdc parasites. relieved the anxiety when he was living in Waynesville, of our local farmers. However. to and which is now the property of J. be IIbsolutely certain. spec ime ns of L. My er s. of Tiffin . The horse ran last both the worms and damaged stalks week at Cochosto n and ~he following were sent, special delivery to ' Ento- a rti cle was taken fl'om the American mologis t at. the Ohio State lJniver- Sportsman: aity. from' whom a letter was reExile lI1ac, 2.08 3-4. is the seasons ceived Monday morning stating thnt firs t new 2.10 trotter. He is by The Onn of the coldest blooded murof the dangerous European Exile. 2.12. by the Bondsman, and out co rn borers. the "W orms" were an of Mami e, by George Simmons, 2.28 . ders ever ' perpetrated took place on older species o{ atriped s talk borer. He is now eleven years und was bred last Wednesday evening. when Robwhich developes in blue g rass dur- by Dr. Arthur lI1cCoy. Washington. ert Quigley, of Franklin, ' ftbot MiAa Gladys Kirby to death at Middlawwn ing May and traveled to coarae r Ohio. Ohio. Mr. Quigley, who had forstemmed grasses and weeds. Wheat merly kept company with the young and timothy are sometimes also aflady" went to MiddletowJ:t that even.fected by this inscct boring near th e ing and found ,het: in the 'c ompany ofl top joint. 'rhe Entomologis~ BUganother man .He returned to Franlf;gcsted 11 0 r emedy, except that as a lin, procured a revolver; and went preventative, to keep all coarse stemback. He fired three, shots into . her med grasses mowed along tbe edge body, one Khat pen'etr~~ing the brain. of the fields. . He advised however. After th\! shooting he took the bothat "The oa,terpillars will transform dy to' Franklin at hia pa,nnts home. The WayneSVill e Commercial Club into moths in about two weeks after where, in a sbo{t time the pollee danger, and damage to the corn met yesterday in the Nn.tional Bank rooms and made finnl nrragoments from . Middletown and arreBted will d lsuppear." also appointed comittces for their him. '11Ie YOUllg lady 'died TIlunSimilar calls are reccived frequent. ly by County Agent Clnss for indenti- big Lollar Day celebration. P!ans day. • Quigley was taken to Middletown, arc being made for the Inrgest cele· fication of injiJrious weeds and plant where the shootinlt took place and diReases as well as insect pests. Dur- bretion of its killd ever held in Waywas placad in '. jail,' there.. to await nesvil1e. There will be a fle' l d meet. ing the last few weeks, he has had " . base ball ~a m e and other activities tritLl. several inquiries concerning the cause To add to the. tria~ .of. the Qu~ of clover leuf mildew. the use of poi- that will take up the grcater part of Icy ' family, a brother, ,W~n Quigson bran mush Cor the control of eut- the day nn(! the Ford Sedan wil1 al'worms, the control of apple pests, and so be gi ven away at this tilJle. A ley; 'Wile run .over by u 'u:uck at his the c"use of blasted heads of wheat. more detniled announcement wlll be home in '~!'uhRlin, ft~ the' effects ef which ' he died ' Friday afternoon, It He is this w('ek sending out a post mnde later throug h these columns. is suid ' that a sister of ·the Quigley card to the Township Fruit Growers. brothers committed , suicide not so advising' 'the imm ediate use of Borvery long ago. deaux mixture, ahd powdered Arsenate of Lead to control second brood of codling moth all, well , as . apple blotch, bitter r ot. 'sooty {unguR, and A new oil ftlling station ill being black rot. erected on. North Main IItreet on the, An explanation of when,t scab, vacant lot 'opposite Rapers. Jt l~ causes the blasted heads so gen- said that the project is being aponeral1y this summer. lind which pro- Hored by private parties, but it is duces' light grain is being given at more genernl1Y conceded that thll Rethe series of Wheat Improvemnt finers Oil Co. is behind the thing. The Miami Valley Ch!lutnuC)ua will lIleetings ovcr the County. !Ilfia..-dia-lh:t't;1·r.;-=:;;;'I;mPn have .been busy fer Total ,.. , METHODIST CHURCH ease seems to be more serious on the several days, the pro~re/!s has been formally open ita twenty-sixth an• Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preach- wheat fol1owlng corn, because it lives ratller slow, but within a few days nual assembly Friday, July 26, and ing a~ 10 :30 a. m. Wednesdayeven- over winter on the corn stalks from a new filling s tation will graco that will continue for 18 days. It ill exA general \s being . Prendergast, cf 0 0A E0 ing service at 7:30 p. m. Epworth which spores spread in spring or eIe.r- end of town. i>R 2H PO pected that no less than 100.000 perout from the Church at Lytle to a Mendenhall. cf .... 1 0 0 1 0 0 League 6 :46 p. m. Preaching at 7 :80 Iy summer throug hout the field s. No _ _ _ _" _ ..._ _ _~ 80;;8 wi'll attend, Home-Coming on July 20. , A good Frye. 3b , .... .. 6 1 2 2 3 0 p. m. Everybody ill cordlaUy Invited positive remedy is known at present. Ma~nus Johnso n, United Statel program the entire day be,lnnig with The following is a Iiet of all the H. Burton, p .. 6 0 2 0 4 0 to these aorvices. senator from Minnesota. will likely however, the scientists ure endeavorSunday School at 9:16 In charge of- Illaycrs who have. plll;Yed with the Iq,.H.,rtlhw,dt,•. Ib .. 4 1 4 11 0 0 Rev. L. A. Wnabburn',, Pastor. be' the most picturesquo figure on the to develope disease resistance vara former Su'p erlntondent. l'reach- Miamis thia year. the number of E . Burton, 2b ... ,3 1 1 4 2 1 speaking program during the Bssemieties. The Trumbull and Fulhio two Ing and Comunlon at 10 :16 In ellilrge. '\l'~metl !~ which each has pla~ed. and Orsborn. lUI , .. . ..4 0 2 1 2 0 bly. yet such weH-known' public men CHRISTIAN CHURCH improved varieties developed by the of a former minister. Big basket ' hlB battlllg average. Hopkins, If, r{ ,... ,4 0 0 2 0 0 Richard L. Sneathen died at his ns Senater S. D. Fess, Senator WoodPreaching services a$ the Chris- Ohio Experiment Station from the dinner at 12 :00, District S"perl~Gona. rf..... . .. ,3 0 2 0 0 1 dan c:hureh Sunday momlng. • Ev- old fields ,are proving somewhat more home 'in D~ton la8t Thunday morn- bridge N. Ferris, pf M.ichigan, Contendent, Dr. criat. 01 Dayton, giv!!B Ga!'les AB HAve T aurton, 1!..,.. ,.. 1 0 0 1 0 0 resistant than the common varieties. ing, after a long illness. The fun- lITessman R. G. Fitzgerald. Governor erybody eordlaUy Invited. ,1 _ 0 _ 6 _1 _ 0 "n addreas at 2:00 P. M.. , Como'a~ Sattetlbwaite .. .. :.. ,9 38 20 .526 Pop!!. c ....... ;' ....~ _ Farmers and farm women over the eral waR held Sunday at the Kirby A. V. Donahey 1lnd ?har1ell H. l.enew old frlenlbhips. n. Burton L, ....... ,10 _' 41 19 .463 Ca'unty are very deeply interested in cemetery. nea~ Lebanon. The de- Crough. {ormE'r govemor of Arkan\ , , 12 2 • , . '~~ , PrenderPst .. ' .... 10 . 38 16 .42l Totals .. .. ,..... ,3,7 , ., ;J ·t6 2,7 the Wheat Improvement work. and ceased WBS well known here by many sas. ore on th e program. Ch ief among the muslcians ' will be the more extensive use of our local residents, . Madame Louise Homer. wbo wiD pre~ 0 9 0 0 0 0 0--0 -~Hopkina ,....... ,.. ,.... 7 26 9 .346 Miamis ... , .... 0 1, 0, O' 1 0 1 0 ~-3 sent II, pro~am o~ the, &ftemoon of . McClure ,:.. .... '.. ,... ,2 9 3 .333 the last day. August 10. , . .Mr. J. O. Edwa:rds haa jmt reclevCrane .... .... .. ... \.. 4 14 4 .286 ---_. - ....t". _.!.'- Summary-2-base hit -- Satterth- ed the neW8 of tlhe mrariage of biB Plice .. :.. ", .... " .... ,: ,8 29 8 .276 Sacrifice hlt-.-E: Burton. son Herbert Edwards,. to . Miss C~n Gone ' ....... ,... :.. : ' 7 24 6 .260 waite Orsbbrn .. .... .. .. {} '29 6 .207 Enrnod runs- Mlami~' 8. Left on field, 01 Oregon.. They were' mllr-' All soldiers who wi ~ h their bonus the Episcopal chut:eh l>ope ._..... ... .. ,.. ....... 4 1.3 '2 .164 b1l8!la B. Leb'lYlon 6, Miamis 10. ried July 2 blanks made out can have them fillStolen baaelJT--S. Lebanon 1, Miamis in dolden~ Col. • Mn. Edwards bus But10n ........ _. _: 8 32·, 4 .126 ed ,out free of charge by going to 5. Double plays--.-Klick to A. Scotf: for time belm engaged in govE. 'Bu~n ...... .. .. ,.. 1' 4 12 1 .083 Lebanon any Tuesdny evening dur. work, while Mr. Edwarlb. • , '.-f Men'dilnhall ... , .... 4., 1 . 1 !> .000 A. ·Scott unaaslsted. Hit bat-amar- .' . ing July lit the Legion ~al1, In LebPrendergast by A. Scott. Wil~ haa 'always been a ·favoriW eon '8ullek ...... '1 4 0 .000 anon at 7 :80. p1tch~H. Burton 2 • . B!l8e , on ball,S ' ·W.YI)"vil\~, has been ' traveli~g " .- , --;.-... -Off' H. Burton 1. Struci oqt-tht:oqgb the W~t , fo~- _the ~dmo~d G. Scott 8, by. H ~urton Ii. : Umpire Shoe Co'.• of .Mitwl!-uk!!e. CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS -Brittain. T:lme.:-one hO\lr and 1~ :'Tli~, young 'oollple ,'will probably 1 t make tbeir bome In Denver. The WiseboY-"Bliv~':ls. yoU are 1\. time 2 . , !'linu eB. . , . htany friends of )fro .Eclwarlb extend J . \ wa8ter--8. man who standJl around . Wl)bur Clark and fa'inlly, en~rtaintalking while ~thers drive ahoad , and ~elr,', con~tula1\l0nl ", f,o r a , ~aPI>y do things I" . .'" ,,\~me'd lite, Bllvens-,'!Indced, I am notl~'· WiseboY~":yes, yes,- you 'ore , "xampl~whll,l' you'Ve bee,! .stslndllng here .• "to ~e t;lenry ,For!!
- ..----
-- .----
-----..--lYTLE TO HAVE
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1: ::::
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. "
------. -- ----
- I
e, Wi)'oe•.tiie; Ohio
;Vote for Willard tTury 'W iight 'f or Judge of Court of Common ·' Pleas· An Appreciation.
.d~._j_ ' ~ LJ, /J ~\a'---y~P7.Ur.rJr~ ~ & .. ,,~~ . -~ .
. Wi .; Ue undersi:ened, meI;lbers of T}fe ~~,. ~io. feeling privileged on account of .our ~ .asBoofat1.on with the legal aff~irs of the County. desire to ~ tWmiNnce our f ull confidence a nd a ppreciation of the conduct of oUr" h~hest trib\inCl. l in the C.o.u nty.
.~ ~~, tacts
we de.em worthy of speo.1!i11 ,mention t During the ~ea:J"a there .have been instituted 1693 e·a.see oft the ~ ~~S~~~$;' 9£ ttie Court of Common Ple a s, ~ number much · larger thad' :..
:i:I48.t- · 1:1v.~
1flQI.l~. secelll. POSfl1 bI-e to.. those not connected with': the adminietra-. ~~\ ~f. . ~~faira; of thlS number a ll have been dlsposed ·of · excep :Ule- exc~ed1ir1Ely· sma.l!l nuober of 69 ca.sea, ·· no\'! pend1ng on the '~~~, certainly this is Gto ni'gh corunend a.tion as to efficiency Jr,- ~'f~ of bUJ;li;!}ca8; the rceu1t is we are enjoying ~ 1 ~lb p ot &~~~qed in but few, if any other Counties 1n the . , ~e--:", of securing.. Uumed.1.ate tl!1a.l of ca.uses a.s .soon as issue ' b>i.Mc1·; "t)le laws del&.y,s f' ·1-n. not known in Warren County.
. :.' -
,.otwUSh.a$and1ng k~eping J.1P our doc~et, the .Tunge of ' our J'It ' baBI ~een &s8·1gq.ed b}" The Chief Justioe, to sit in other .--:::..,.-.,..,~ c)f1!~.tij'l.~ . n~ta~~ Cleveland a.nd Akron, l;I.nd being reca.lled 1s J..~:p~ A~~~nty .of confidence dnd the .effic·ient service I. l' : . •, •• ~ .~~ ' p~~ w~1oh reflects alii honor to us. !;l
_iSf'.;' ,
....~ ., . . :'.
~· d~~a ~ve
stood the '
teet. ~ aB
"'~ b8_.. D:;VeDeci. i~t the' ri.gher Courts.·
.f! :/,~. . ~ t:,.,
..... ~
. \ .... !'
but · comparat1vely. . few
Willar4 3urey Wright will . aoo~expjre, jH~~C;~~"'y,. · d.UJ'ing the ' p,o~ ng year to elect a .a!'CIn!J:.easure ..to ,us ' ~o extend this word of 6~~~ I.t'!'Il:':.;l<I;"'!lIi~ ,,!~~~'L.Lstrat1op. c.oupled w:ith the desire and rewill consent to ~ecome a candidate for reti4o.t,t-on tha.-t he ~J( .co'ntfrlue "1n office without interI1lption t~ ; ~ • t c q~ p' 'ndltlone ~.xlet1ng. Shou1d Judge Wright Ibec~ · ~ ~~d t~ : ~e ~ledse hdm ' ou~ whole-hearted 8~pport.~nd earnes'tly ··recommen(t: aU our c~ t'izeo.s to consider the eond! ti9no t~ ~ ~ 'Jff*n In' supporting him if he determines to become q~~1 .~ . ~~\ .~ueeeed himself.
B. Fox and Ceo. . ' . GI'uhnrll, dlUlH!, $IM3, 8 0: HIIrlun Wldtacre, same, $22G.1 6 ; P. "B. Oli ver H. h nowoth, exccill:o r of Monco. 8111'1111, $1 9, 63; Hoyt Me . , tho Rt.at.c of' Myrtle 1. Chen weth, ol'mick, sume, 63,26 : J os. Davis, deccosed, fil ed his in\'cntor y and op' ~l\rn e, $1,687.711; A. 'l'. Rettig, llUtnu, proisenrent. $,'177.25: E den Terry, same, $8,605Wm. ond Hobl'rt orr, odmlnls. 17; V. W. Tompkins, lIam o, $ 1187· tors of thc estole of Corn F. lInr· 12. r.OMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS r is, dec('tlsed, f\l cd their fi nnl did· tributiv occou nt. 1n the CIl,l!P of the state of Ohio I n th e CMr 0 r Chul'. \V . llI uck. vo Wm . M. Humb ert, the defe ndant for d, I'I dm inistrator of tilt' es tnte oC ncknowledged him scJf to owc the JalllCR E. Rn yncs. doc n ~('(' , \' ~. ATrSinle $:30 0. He was ordered t o np. nie Haynes. C' t a l.. I.hr ('ourl liP ' ' pear fr. lm .I llY t tl dllY in court. proved It ce rlain gulc uu. 1 or el ~ r ... d n I" Ihl' raRe o( F.d . M. Luken v~. d istri bu tio n of Ihe pru c(o(,d. Suruh Luken" and Mnry lIough, th e 01'1 J Mili t·.·, admiuist .... tol' of tile an nrswer or other plendings the e,tnte or Juhn W ~1 i lll'r, uecClu· ( hercoin . I n the CIl~C o ( Anna Junn e y ~s. eu, fiI"d hi. Ilr"t IlCC" UIl L. A L. Fohn"to,cr( , execu tur of 'he linton Crist et aI., the nnme of MONEY LOANED ErncRtine Cobb WIlS ordered to be csLntc of J ohnnno D lfe nd~ I, . do. cen~e d, fi led hi . fourt h occount . u "~d liS Il unfendnnt in stend of Ern. ,IONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, os tlne Bl oil.~. The nnme of Jlltk REA ESTATE TRANSFERS chnttels, nl80 Meconel mortgages. TholllllS was nlsn ord ereci t o be used George E ond · Emmn L. Fryburj!'. Notes bo ught. John Horbine, Allen "And she Is better IhnJ;l IIhe look!!." in th e plllc ... (I f J ohn Thnlllll!!. How_ .1llrk Rnswer,>d. "But she haH thrown /l rtl (vins WtlS oppointed II trus tee ~r to Wentl e H onrl Mnrtha J. Con. li uilding, Xe nia, Ohio. a Fh ue .u,~ lrone Inml'." (u,. Gru cc Cris t, lin I'pileptic defen. uve r. ·1 loll! in COZluldnll'. $ 1. "rl! Irnde c\' en nnll give you • dnnl in th e CIISU. Th l.' court also BowlIl'Il unci MIII'Y Kohl' to Charlc~ lOund horse." the mnll IlrOJlo~pd . M' "Whllt I, ,rollr nnrn e rtnd wllere clo fULInd thut the p1ainWf wus entitled mge. Lot in Frnnklin $1. Fllrmors of Wnrren and adjulnlng 700 live?" Jnek In'lulro<!. t o" none fifteenlh shnre of the real . Nonh /l nd Ida, Simpkins to E. B. "My nolTl(' IA Pouhllnll nncl I Il\'l' III I'stnte de~c ribe d in the petiti(ln. unci Lida B. )'(lung. 4 7. 15 ncrC08 in co unties may obtni n money on IOJ111: Tllrryto wn III the neu tral terr itory." In the cllse 'of Hupp nrid Wittegn· W Il"hin ~o'n nnd Snlem TWIIS. . $1.· ti me lon n", ut Ii YJ POI' C~llt Intorest. ~ OH t 0 f s~c uring th c sumo is \,cry roa· "I accepted hla olrer not knowlnll f~ld o. V B. R. A. Snlisbury c t ~I., 2000.00. tbot a thIrd (l8rty Wl\~ loo king on on,1 judgemenbl were Awarded the plnin_ D. A. Harri ~.,n nnd J oeRie Mcnt? .ulllI lJle ,th rough The Federal Lund 10),lnll II deepcr pion thlln eIther of tiff an d I [, cross pcotitioners. to Ednn und Edno us her. 4 lots ·Uank. For furthor Informutlon call Oil or lIudress M. C. DltAKk:, Tl·CIlS· us ",ere abl e to penetrate," Jilek u. eel O. G. Bill "'li S g mnted II divorce in Frllnklin . $ 1. to 8a)' ot tho t Ileal urcr', phone :lt G· X, Lebanon, Ohio. J. S. Riddell to n. G. Fitzpairick, B o IIpproacbed tbe little hOURO In rrnlll Juanita Htl un ~rounds of gross J _ which the ('.ommllndl'r In chlut WR~ neglect. 2 lots in Frllnklin. Quartered wIth • feelin g of dreatl. New to n L. Bunnell WIIS awarded Chlls. A. Grahnm . to Luolln n. WANTEI> teorlllll tho effect ot Inte denll'l)- It judJ{(,llI ent of $35£1'. 90 aga inst Roy J ohnson. IO .R!l ocres in Clenrcl'coek menta 00 his spirIt. Week ". Twp. $1. WHIT E: John Uob erMn, at Wa ynesThe )'ounll mon '\'fole (0 MargnrPI Nolle Prosequi wn~ ente red n th e ville, H. IJ. a, (or henornl hauling til cnre.of Frnnklln tl119 Rceount of th cllse of the sltlte of Ohio vs. Paul . MARRIAGE LICENSES Wllh lenms. jul6 dll7 "'bleb tollo",~ bIll return to Cllmp : Kol voo rd. Willinm ~1. Ram scy, school tconch. "Thank ODd I f saw on the toCt' of B our cOlDmnnd.f r the ' 8QJ:lle old look of ' ond wns fi xed at , 100 in the case cr, D yton, nnd Mi8.~ Lillil'}n Bor. WAN TI<.: I)- Pafnting.J'llper h .. tlRltI~ AU lo rnulllle anc! jo'U rllltUre r .. lln. of th e state of Ohio \'s. Om"r Thain- b'lf6 Buchheit, Franklin . !ln~hR.ken ('Onfldcnce. I Ilnew that he " heel like new. W"ller Ilritwin, rould 800 bls '\'ay Ilud ' "'hilt a IICl\St! a80n and the c"so wos eet tor hear· Willis Ziehl er, mechanic, Dnytoll, WttynCllvllle,Ohiu, of comfort ~ame of thllt ing on Au gust l'lth at 10 o'cloc k. nntl MM!. Josephin e Reynolds, Leb. WOOI""':WE ARE NOW TAKING Moro thnn we cnD tell we nrc The co urt distributed th e proceeds ·nnon. in wool at our warehouse In CorW , ~o the clIlm . ond maslertuT. tsce of from a sa le in the cose of S. C. PhilDann It Hnmllt.on, pO's t office emWllbhlngton. (I holdll liP .tf\e tl'enrt of lips \' @. lara F Phillips, et Ill. ployee, Chnl'leston, W. Vn., lind Mi ss "'In, and will pny tho highest cRlh price. W. J. Bakor, Corwin, Ohio. III RUDY ill ~11l dlscournll1lment8. During the continuR,nce of the case Ethel Stubbs. Loba non . faith 18 41stalilltlhe4. He Is not I of Sophia B. Sm ith vs. Horry L. tf Frank M . Collins. contractor. nnd' IJf eVI~ ·tldl~I~. This ,reot, god·llk, persnnnllty n l! h~ bill put me 00 ml' Sml~h, the defendant W'Il,S ordered to MiRs Mary J nne Addis. Both of. teel 0lllJln, :r w.. In Det'd of It, to'r pay the ]llnin ~if1' '1 2.50 weekly fo r Butlerville. LOST G. Arthur Nixon, snlesman, Akron . • dlrferent kind 01 man. of the Dnm, her supp ort. Of Arnold. hlld Dearl, ftoored me." In the case of the state of Ohio and Mis Helo.n Alice Flether, LOST- Two SWCfUers, betwee n Tel.. 'Sill clown. here and tell me a\1 VB. Frank Bowmnn, the defendont Franklin ., egraph MiII ~ and town; one with about Franklin: hI! 8alO 1'ltb. a IImllo. was reeased from custody upon givRus.<;ell Smith, In borer, Middlo· hluu V ·n~ck, one red, with V. neck. ~I, to~~ bioi 't'~t ..ae aolDI on ' In Ing the $500 bond. to wn, and Miss Artcllnion s Colemn n. \l' ith letter D in front, I.i beral reward .. Pans aDO especial., of the work of The case of Lina Baxter vs. Ro. Frnnklin. las. S~oke~ , Lebanon, 0, phone :lO-n ~ OtIr. tbe court of b ert .an d D ora H nhn wns comprom · XVl. mInis ter to. . i,';ullljrl'CIlt ju 30 COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS "Be henrd Ine 1\'lth deep IDlerest RDd ised, setted and di ·missed. when t hact "IBIIl elf lrose lind aa ve ' me Bills nllowed.. Division of State his haDIt.... 'II~... FOR SALE Chnrities, s upport of 3 crip pled chil. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS ... 'Colonel, '8/,:aID J'OIJ bllve WOD mJ' dren, $80.82; H. E. Dilatu. h, inquest ' In.tltude. W;e m~ k"R !IUJ CQura,e.' The court found that thc 8uecese. Eldridge Chamberlnin , $!l. 60; Me,r. FOR SALE-Two Dcres of good • 1\01" olll Him oJ' m1 tmbapPJ' meeU"~ ors to tho cstatl' of George W. Mon_ ro w Brant, board a nd wnshing for :r uck 'tround, largo 7·room house wtfJl «ino it " ,...' ... .... Jer . deceased at'l' xempt fr om any r i oncrs for June, $1 20 .75; Green. .villi good b~sem c nt , burn, (hicken ""I'Iie nisi. h... III. ~UIt_lIe inheritance tllX. hou"t:'R and ga rdens, flowers f or ,louse l or 200 be ns ; goud shop; fruit .,e~ hUm_D, 'but he· tiel been' I ' good The court approved the fint nc _ juil ~'n rd, $17.00; E . B. Simpso n. r all kinds . prico,1 riA'ht if sold !loon toldtllr;" WuhlDgtOn atJawered. ' , Free mail delivery: "SotOlDOft .e ame Into elmp tbat eve- count of T. C. Christa, executor of mate riel nnd labor on sheTiffs cur, oy owner. utter thwlIite, - Cor. 4th and nJnlf· .He P III "'ad.to .nee me tllDt tbe estate of Mari on E. Greathouse, $6.70 ; W H. Stan age Co., suplies JUliO ~" .~!lJd on1~ W1ln, my lIand aDd ut. decea sed. i or clerk of courts, $,50.00; Judge ryler Sts., Waynesville, O. ter ac:lamatllons. The court uppro cd th e first und W. J. Wright, pos tllge, $3.00; Strem. For Sole-Twenty ucrcs of Tim. ~"Ho,'" It ahe " Ill 7" be Isked IIree- fina uceount of Nona F Druke, ad- eni ng und SelkeI', curtains. $2.40; W. elltI,. ministratrix 0 r ~he estate of HQster H. Stan age, supplies for nuditor, t hy meudo\\'; 11100 young hors , un. .... t?"1 hIm 01 O11r broken; IIlld iJlIC mule colt, eigh~ months old. J. W. Crc8Ilwell, R. 1>. mect 8ptD. The first nccount of Lorraine B. light for jail lind C. H., $46.S2';"Co:l, ~aynesville, Ohio juS I ~mOlll , .IlI I man 01 taltb. He Thomas, guardian of the estate of lumbu8 Blank Book Co., 8upplletl for Delft~.... ' John H. Campbell,1Dinor, was ap- Auditor, '10.43; Blair and' Leroy, FOR SALE-A p'esh, Jersoy cow: ,~!,MId to· ane1: !DoD't WGaT. Thllt proved . cru8hed stone, cement and sewer , Inquire of Davis 'FurnM, R : D. 4, talllu 1Of,Pl-.I!<l:C~IlP.~ ·She· alD't DO The second account of Lewis gal.' oil, $6.16; Edgar A. Bowye:, Waynesville, Ohio. jul0 me~1II;: :8~!,'1 !l.g~' ~ '~nk' It Burns guardian · of the estate of dragglbg ,7.00; W. ·N. CoX; shovels, FOR SALE-Yellow Gum anll Beach. oyer. Roberta Burns, minor, was approved. 6.00: Bert Recse, ebarpel,llng saw lumber, at Harveysburg Saw IrfOl; .. "Nelt.her 1IlO.tre. tor 8 Ume. We eat The court approved the nl' nth a~ 76 '" E d G 0.D ,.. In t ~ ; ",alt n ara~e, MaeoD, trip by Rbbort Gl'Ily. Inquire of John, V6 I open ..re rODt of his leDt of J. E. Janney, ouardian of S al _ n1."~ ""II 8 I 011 w II .. weeney, dragging, etc., '10.20; hie ~ "'~'!'T ' a _ -, IIIng estate of Cha8. 0.. Janney, Im- Gron ' and Basore: 60 locu8t pastil, Roberson,. R. D. 3, Waynesville, O. . ..."" • II}YIlIowed . aDd IItIt right becile, julO ! 4I78~ ; W~ . I ~. that! lome $20.00; OrelJo nia Blidge Co., re8ur· blahl,lmport,aDt theme "0014 present. The cour.t ap,proved tho fint and facing and bue prl,!'lts, $47.69; Ohio FOR SALEA .,. epa the .!oar of lISa Intellect nnd final accou~t of Robert M. Hahn, Corrugated Culvert Co., 0 sewers 5.foot Cbampio. Mowe • 1.\·1 ~e op,t.;. . ,admini8trator of the estate of Bart .40; Erne.at ' Manon, . d~agglng: • DeniDI Ha, Ted~ ... . ":'J~dI, :J . ~t~ ,o~ 19 , ~1,' he Hahn, deceasod $67.90; J. W, Creswell, gravel ' 1 Ame.i.ca. Clo.e. BUDcher .~:.; r -.,d. ''',llIt • tOil ,'·llll')In.lv. Certain sale8 made by Han" B. ; C. L. Berger I\Il d Sona, tri-' .I 1 8 ]I 8 H oo... er D " i.e ". TIl Iltn bI, " . t. 'Jl) 'M ' , DliU, . . 87' t~.o '1, ell~r, "bmem ID AUl e~ paop, administrator of the etIleg, '$4.75; Mason Lum1>e~ Co. , : I 12&7 Peoria DJ.., Drill : : h:~ Jet b8' t.~!iyt 0' po"qer RD' s of Susan J_ne Thompson, were lumber, $1.70 Barrett Co .• I Ro .._E ... l1al. Cutter 1Ifth Blow. • Oft· t ~ • e kIn look fer 'em approved ' "'1UrIIICe .., UIL.., .,01 but ,e'll be obleeged 'J ,,. treatment, Mason, -$1480. t .r Pip" com.;)"t. .' , • to Ifn op.' eanette H. St. John elccted to $158.00 •. W. A. I Ec:oDomyKiDI ~.pa;"tol\ "Be lighted hll J!I~ and IIm~ked 0 under ~he, will 01 Jamel H. St. br dge repain, $3:00; J..B.' Col· I Blu .. Bell' Separator , _ whlll'l aDifadd'ed I 'Knll sevenf7, deceased. 86"!e.. $1.60; ~harie,8 ~~rner, I I Auto Tralle;l;. ' , pair 01 ~b, . tIlr IDJ" .relUllent th~ case of Robert W. Brown $8. 3~ F.inou8 Auto Slip. ~r!,~lfe of F,REP ~~ COLE, Harnesl '-11.' '. • VB Heath Eston, ot aI., i~ Co., 3 piston rings, 1.60; Her. 1... . w!lre and Farm ~chlnery: · "'O.,.e 10u 'MIe 4 lIer to marry Jour for hearing on July 12th 'a t ten F. Jom.as, !abo.r . nnd r'epal' -, "waynesville, Ohio. J'26 I ' hl'qUlred'. · . , . . 'o'clock. M • D · "ON 'T I . ; W. P. Mccarren, rent on ! P4\INT- '$1! 50 U '. O. lint likely she'4 lIave me' The will of A. D. Euton, deceas_ , $4 ..00; 1;. S. Ponllell, final es. I' or red and . r n,~ on,. e~oJ?~ lie :8Jlllwered. 'Sho's hod troUble:. .' e.d, was admitted to Pro n' teo C.l C. . \J g een paan t Gu --;,... r. wdn' tr • timate on. contract 780, $64.00', P. tc·ed· whlto load uln ' , . Il.r ap....u....... ..wo t 8.R no "omero 'to Easton and P. · A. Easton were ap- 0 M.o P t. Inquire ~ m~rf'7 me till the war. Is' lij; out. I'm . t d t f .. . nfort, J~ne expenses, $11.77; ip. E. Kenrick Wayne U\ ' Oh', .0.,. Hn~e Jo JJ1,!-. all shPJ liP lillY doy. J pom e .e xecu on a the e~tate and Lowe Bros. Pamt Co., paint, ... 116; , 8 V e. a .. ~o8. dld think I'd 11$_ lIer but J didn't. Oot -. FI klDd 0' 8kj!l!~ M'"klttlsb; Wilen we lOt dOWD tcotl.ether, an' rome to thlDk It :aO; o~r. 'twoutdD't· 'a' been' I'Irht." '~'Yflut.'e 'I'nlng, I Solomon,' r awerccl. ' 'Y'llli 9PBht 1C! 11....8 ~ ' bome ,our .0WJ) .oD4.. a .. ".ue to IDalle ,ou tond of It. Bow II the Little Cricket,. .. 'CuM~1 ,Uttle lhavu. that e Ill' Uved, ~d..f!'" 'IAIl!.bI," I ~.~j wag· Ilin ~nl cJraw1!dl ~fm (lciWD .hI lIIe ,fill lmedder aD' bncJ.t. He hod II IItrlng hltehec) OD to my wallt an' be pulled , aD~ \/lA\lled JlD,!: bollered .whok 'Rn' lit ~, tIl" I14l lI!4!'" "rb~t .1 ~oorae at l ~l,JroIf. ·W~e9·~~ ·'9~ .bR~ lie. '4!!lI9.Q.. !l1l over I¥ wIt~ .• ,~"''''I·.'''V''''IM
.. \ eah,
S lIats were llllPoinled appOiSel'8.
Farmer.s, Attention!
' -. ", .
-------- -----_ .
• ,- -:'
.. , t.
... . "
~~e\~~~~e}~~nt ~udge . Wri.g ht ~Y w~rre? Coun~ par. I
W , i
TD '.l en:~~ qF W'~2,~1 ~Pl"rffY " J!lU'I'e_,DpreHrit tlieB,,,. . .... Ju,lce WPi,ht, ·by the memb:e" of. tcp .the for I'e!leoa, .iOI..... .. , •
A.~wC! , ~e ~ ;· t
f".~1!! ~.4Or~,....t .,~ ~4, ,4~~eDt I I Ilv~
>.~~..~. m~ ~i~J ~t.' ~...aounty· who have conatantly app'_re.a in t~e .pracli~ ,:~~f.~·kn·l : ~~m ~Ju~ge,.~~,"f; . h~v!,' ~I~~y. f~~d.. fair, hori~", p~in". , . .. _. ~'J. . _ J..tlf"~ cauali&eatlon, and Juchcla} temperapaent. . . '. 2B. TJia Il.&~ "ave fou~d him to w~II' qualified for the po,ilion he 'now oe·
'j i
',' "~.:. 1l'e ~n~ appreciate fromt#a~i.r experiencea, that they. are be~er ~tf~ ~ ~~ ,~~. ~~~~~~te ,for this place, than .tboae who are with~ut tlhl exp8fJe~ce. .... c;Ieaired by this endoeement
~ . ~ k~
to eODvey to their friendl, theUr
~- ~ AP u"ipifi,~ c;ampai l1" f~r t~ia bigh office. .
-. 6. :rb;:Lawien de-il'e.-by ,thia endol'lement to carry out the true intention and ilie.inh. Of -the present la~. and take the -judiciarY out of politici. '
'f~'''~/, J'~~ i.".~~ .~~~~ ,~y t~il' end~r~me'~t ot.· eonve~ to their friend., their .c~ent~!J .» ie ~qt,~, .~f J"I~',CO~l,lty ~ recommendation of o~e well fitted for the of-
i!~ J4..iiiJ"..
' .., .• 7 •... iDIe Law,..n feel that it i, their privilege, and po,sibly th~ir duty to carry ............. to. their frieD ... their clients, and the voters of Warren County. 8: " nre Lawyer, tIlro~ghout-the are in ~Olt placel making recommenda· ,~ Juaiciary. . , ' . " ". • ~MC:.e" vaa10ua reu0!l' that the endorsement of Judge Wri,ht was made ,.ad l • ..,.,,~ _.• m- to tbe pub..c. ' .
to.- ".
~e'liwnq ~I that ~i' f~~n~l:r ,!'p.cf0rlement 'Va. ,i~~n in good faith. Th.ey at. ' ," p'1~.e and f,y their oriCloreement. .They deplore the faeUhat thl! fad~ . ." tHe pI - e~h'u been brokM by q~ ~1. 'tlJe:" iln~r!l who 'it 'np'w a candidate, an~
the-ia ic:iary .... agam been cia,t (oto 'pomiF4.
. nef~et " eof' the Co~rt is not responsible' f~r the lawi. Law. are enac\ed by il called up'on to esecute the lawl; and aelminiater hi, of. J
~r't:.e~'ep;:; .~' Tti~ ~a,ia
f~ a~ '. 'r"~Ue~t1y~oud critieum,·t. beard from thoae ' wbo have violated ~e liwi; _~ on",t ha, a~~"nt have been rep~ded or p1in~,bed by, .t1le Court. :rhii ~p~il1' .. nC{8l'~t\0P' .nd lome of th'e loudeat tnlkerlare tlJoae who,have violaietl
..... puillhed by. the ..th• .LAw, anil \.. .' . Court
decree. . ' " . .. . . '. We. do Dol. rec:~ead perpetuity in office, but we 'do b.artily ~ndorae Jhe eel~• . . . .of J.d•• Wright for another term . • c.ri.~ lit..a~~ is "~g diltri\luted', evidently intended a~ . an attack UpOD< , ~....p .~1iP in th.' ~Cl~'trt~~~ of ~. c)ffice, and evi~endy.: for ', the . PU!lP9M' o£ ' i~,.lii. ~poIMigt; ,1, ,Ia~ : i"ture lit Dot' ,iP'ed, Dot,PUt Qut,by, anY cOmmittee' .~ ~ ~ tb""" .""~. ~ f!,," ...~,e:a' to .~t.~c:.b their ';laiD... 1ihiI i.' ,. ·.vlo,,~ ". "' ~e of thU~' -while of Uble or no effect, we deplore that ,Ucti meth. · . j . . . . ..... ~e ~ of our Judiciary. . . " ' . '. " . I
. :',,' .
: •• .
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b..,.,d,,,'" ,l~~ - 'r . . -rh., } htl ef d'I
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o!" . ot tho .
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r~ with la",r",I!f, e 'chl
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Th.MI. .1
,lytLE ,
Political£ ......"'u
.C' !'j.
July 14th to 21st '. " We arc uuthol"izcd t,) enn"u nce Robert Carr is critically 111. Chas. Madden is 8pen ding a few Allen fiutl'mRn ,as n clln ,h,~ a Eor Ev~ry shipm e nt is GUAHANTEED against 1~88 (J. 4~mlle D. L. CRANE, Editor and p"bll.her, W." ...n,lI1e, Ohio. Coun ty Recorder, subject ro Lh e Rc p- I in tra n s It . frr . ~ days in Indianapolis. ublican Prim y, August 12, H)2.1. . Miss Genevieve Smith, of Dayton, Mise Margaret ~tarr, of Dayton, \ C h eck mailed same dar cream arrivea. Subscription 'Price, $1.50 per yeur. 's pending this week wit h hor Aunt is home for her ,;mcntion. We a rc a uthorized lo announce No o!he~ work on the rar.~ PAYS aa well fo, th~, aam~.~t' A few from ·here attended tbe cirMTf!. Rlllpb J ohns and family.' ,Iustill Harding, f)f f'r.ankli n township, : fort ns shlppmg your cream d, rect to Dr. li nd Ml's. L. B. Hnll of Waynes- CUB In Dayton Wedncsdn.y. Ie were Sundny dinner guests of Mrs. Florence Clnrk is spending a M u cnn didllte (0 1" Represe ntative of Ml'. IInd-MI s. Harry IIIcGmms. her vncation lit Russell's P oint. WEDNESDAY. JHLY 16. 1924 ~1r. IInu Mrs. JIIJIl.1I1 R. John s wore Mr. a nll Mrs. Geo. W. Beach arc CINCINNATI, OHIO. weck-e nd guests oil Mr nn d MI"~. Hnr- enLertnining hel' parents, Mr. and .t' ry Joh ns and fnlllily in Dayton. Mrs. Wilson. I ~-~-~-~!!!.!!!.!!!.!!!.~-~~~~~~~~~T~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!\:~~d~~ Miss Thelmn SII"t.crwllite, of WayM~. Lizzie List.er returned Wednes CH AHTEI{ ~U IIG1.. ,? i ncsvi)le, WIIS th !tuest of Miss GIII- dllY ~rom II delightful three weeks visREPOu-,' Til t he V O tC1·~ of Warren Coun tyFOR O. J 0 Viv.~· S dys n ergdall several days laat week. it In Chicalt0' ; " \ 1 I"'n,by nnnouncc t hnt 1 urn I, I!,.", Mrs . Frank Rogem spent several lItr. und Mrs . . R. W. Kaylor visited Of cO~ldition of· the Harvc'y~bll r g <~'ncl~d .. tc f ur the olTIce of Com.'~on ~.'~~~;=.t\ C8~~C';8I ! I ~.~~C1rcn.rm~ days Inst week witli her PIU"er;t ts, Mr. relatives in B~ll~ ro·ntain e the yatter Nat IO nal Rank at Harveysburl! . in J l ell " Judl:c "ubJect to the decl ~ lOn or C",,,rrh " . NO MORE SECRET CONVENTIONS woge incr£'lI. es mU Rt onc WilY or the and Mrs W. H. Carey, near· ·Rldgc- pa rt of the week . . the State of Ohio. Ilt th r> cl o~e of "i 111,· Voter: of Warren County at OI~L~S Il~A~tntm.~~~~~fNCuJ other come out of the pockct of t he ville. , Mrs. Lauru ' V.' Re ed Ilnd J\'rs. Folr-. bueine s. on Jun e 30, 192J . th e HcpubliclIn Primary on Augu st Rolloveo by local I\Pi>llt~lon. and 111 d M · · [nt rnnl Modlcln•• 0. TO~CwhIch a r. an ,-s. Kesler Graham and amond callc.d '!>n "M Sl". Chas. Madden RI; SOUR CP.S I:! , I!'2 ·1. While illY present work through the Blood 6'D., 1It l OUS • Politicnl roform hus tnken its fa r mor. Stri pped of 1111 cUlnounuge the far~ daughter, Bernice. 81lent Sunday wltll Tuesdayaftern'oo·n. LORn. ~n'l Olocullo •• .. . ~'. I OG. 17 l :;. lUll 17 nil th " henc h mlly precluclll my mak- rllceo. thllA r.du~lnlf .h lt mallon. RrullLcst forwllrd step through the (1"Il"lr" rIO . . " . . .. .. .. . . 'I~ U 30 . . Sold bY nil drugfllB'i s: ., M d M r. on rB. J ohn Mfe"rs, at BelMr. and Mr~ . ..Ro"" Hartsock and l \;o vorl1 01OO , ~Aco rilln owncd Inl! on In c n~ i\"c crom pui gll. I ask the F . J. Cheney Ii Co., Tolec!o; Oblo. operution of the rlldlo. No longer mer, who mu sl be ,con.i rl ered first fa cos cold, hUI·d fa ts. The ra ilr olld mont • i .J. son9. () f Wuyn e S'V1'11\... . were S u ndny UCl"'"IlOO '0 .ecurer.lrculollon , u. \' .. 1.. .. , of lto ' co un t"oJ to "I've care (ul ... ~ ti . bUD" 1I I)tir \' u t uU ) • . nuno ,... enn dcl(!!::lItcs to /I convention return ; rru bb le up vhll tc v('1' or pl"(.fit he may Mr. lind Mrs. WUb ur C'al'k Miss g ue~ ts of r~ lati vc!1 here. .. lIlhor 001"1 .........k • .llUClIrlll ...eLc. H.I "'.10 e""~id ~ '·1I1 i,, " Lo my can didacy. ~o their hORlos with strange and ,r. .' I· ', lcaH- lIn, I1mt fixtu res ... . . 2 . r.J . t!l (I n ! K tl d . a Iryn on Eve,·ett Clark ·were SunMl's. Paul Pete ,·son. of Spring Val - te uo l ' ''''1.10, "" II Oil ol hor th an 11 " ~ ~rn H!I' I •. 192:.1, th e ac tive EXPERT -l(QDAK weird RtorioR, to decleye tho home hn.,·e In t he sa 10 o( his I'r orl uct~ lind folk regarding tholr a4ionB and their "hey compel him t l) pay extol'tioflute rluy dinller g uests of Mrs. Mllry Car-' ley, visited her purents. Mr. and M,·s. L~~;~~I ~~~~.~" ,i. ' I'·u(j roi ·ni.: 1.01 001 011 pr,,,·t itiuncC! rs lit Ih.., hur of Warren Film Fini8hing «' rank L. Harris, Thursda y. c:h'i~ '~~~~i · D~«( ·amo·uni ·d";. ~.~~ ., 5" cou llty unani lnq",ly ,'ndorsed me lInd votes. Tho check-up is too complete. pd ccs, for tho Lh illgs he has to ~uy mony. andDevelopiDg Mi ses Helen, Puu lin e und Lois, rrom oaUu nal ',ank. ' .' '' ' ~J r<'qul'st(·d thut I become U cnnuldnte Not only is tho stnte in touch with its to live nn d to work. Theori~ts, ccon- ' Mrs. Chlls. E. Johns ond guest; ~rs. n fo r l·e-~II'l·tion . Apprccintinj! thl. (o nby P8lcel post, reprosentatives In convontion in ."m ist.. und politic inn s may be inter- E. J . Smilh, spent $lIturdllY at the Evans, of Germantown, spent th e l o th!.;.O' !tom. 9 . II!. 11 ,·11" B, i i .IUili:.iliiuiooUB ·cMh·i,;,mi .. · 1 ••~·. ~t " I~ ~o ti urs<!mellt lind in complillnce witl\; Llock. formntlon, but the position ,.sted to unnl yze !.he ca uses. The hom~ of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Johns week-end with fr iends here. Quality work at a ' !;a-vtn~~ ' Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harvey and T ot"!. . . . . . .. ... . ... ... . . IiO;;.:B7 ~ tlwil· r!:qu(·st . I n.nnou nced lOy candi- Middleman. Veti l Dlrect. ' ;sa e 1Is..umed by: each individuill is ·clis- farmer is interested In the etTect. He in Dllyton . fa~t as t.be nl ails. All sixes;.' d wa nts relief, lie needs reli ef, an d he lItrs. CurtiR Thompson It!t~ last Miss Doris, oC Le banon, visl~ed " relaLIABILITI ES <lu cy at lllllt Lim e . .. overed in overy hamlet of the IlInd (Japl~.l.tock "old ID. . ... . . .... ~~. OO " 00 If my wo rk on the bench merits 0PIO'g all~ printing. 40 ccnt:aJ, OU t by the' pollin~ of tho vote, Tho Dem- will obta in relief if he rCl':ards the Thursday for a visit with her 80n8 tives in this vicinity, Sunday. vest ·pQekets. 35 copts. Wriwrror • ruilro~d prohlem liS lin economic and fllmilies, lit Youngstown, Ohio: Mrs. Hl!rbert File, of Woshin .. ton ~'::J1lu, lund ...... · . . . . . ,.... 3 O ~v. OO your apprOI'll!, I will appreciate your ()crnLlc convention in Now York hus ' formation or send l'Q~l\ley t:f · th f IL b .. U Ivilled proOt • . . ... . 2.982.61 vole and "upport. em II rat lin d reu IIZ 08 at 80 ar une eeR urg. Penn . C. H., spent this week with her par- It ""ned for . . . . .... ~ . nh2 III ,,,", . " ;' , clcrnon:.truted the value of ~Ilio in probl hr ' 1 . M W ' L~8Il OXpeDSce. InWrI\bc,. \VILLARD J WRIGH as t c po ltlcn uspect..~ are concern ed r. Clgert, of Dayton sl\ent SunMr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. paId ....... ~.(I 1 H.O O 9G'. O ~ . T. this WilY more than once, . Mrs. Deborah D,aldn and 80 n, Fred, depoilloo . "Ut".,C" to 71 . 0a ~ .• o , The radio for the first time has platform s ure\ of more Imporlllnce dllY with his littlo 80 n, Arihur. whq is We fi re auLhorized to announce 306 LiIIolcl .h~. '~ J· 'IOabled the entire country to sit than cnndidutes, providing always. nolY staying at the rome of Mr. lind visited MI"II. RachE,1 Zell at her h ome ' I'~'''.'''"'''''' that Rob ert \V . Brown, u pracMr. and Mrs. R. W. Kaylor will "0 0.00 ticing at to rn ey of Lebanon, and in the convention. It has IIftod the Lhe l! i ~ a slnccre effort to puC the JIIrs. Clarence Smitli, Wal ter Kenrick and force arc n sell some of their household go veil of secrecy. It has enablcd the platforms Into operation. ve teran of the World War, is !I. ca'ndiworking on the new .hou8e of Mr. and at auction Saturday evening, Ju home folk to Ilellr t he argumen ts, the ... da te for representotive to the general Mrs. Sam Henkle, .. replacing the 19. _ ". ,ruling!! of tho chllir, to nota the attiassembly frllm Warren County in home rccntly burned. in Wayne8ville Tuesday nitern ~o n . tude of delegations, to digest their JOHN W. DAVIS Primary of August or tho Dbovo tbe Republi clln Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Haynes, of Ind. MisseH MarjOrie lind Mirl;m Stump y,.oar 'hM tho trend of thought, whon they have I and baby dau ghter , moved Monday are spending severa dhYB'In ..n' ''t,~n thu 008' or my 12, 1924 . any, and to disco"er the fact when In John W. m"i8, the Democratic tl . Tucker. Cnshl.r. they hnve not. The betrnyal of trust party of the Old South comes back to the fllrm of H. M. Clark, recent- with their grandmothilr, Mrs. Subllcrtbed li nd "worn l.U boforo It) C l bla We are aurthorized to announce IHb do, or Jul l' rD14 . Clille. . 1, ~ ' " b no longer possible without discov- Into 11II own. He Is not only an ar, Iy vucated by Frank' Smith. E. J .Beedle, of Union township, as W. A. ~Iorrlt~ Mr. Leon Salisbury, of Cleveland Mrs.' Robert ·Stulmp: ·ilOd! Mrs. Oorrec ~ A Ilea l : . No~ar, l 'ut.llc a candidate ery. There i8 a vast slgnlfieancc in istocrl\t of the aristrocratl!" but he for County ·ComnllasT . F . M G UI N N tho much advertisod cry so re(·cnt ly looks und livell ~he · part. The pro" spent the week-end with hls wlf and Shidakell. and baby idauf~ter, were ioner, subject to the Republican 0 ; J . OL B A V fj; H c. E . L EVlCY _henrd through the air from con. t to fi Ie is II reminder of 80me fine dllguar- daughter, ]'tlerlam: and Mr. and Mrs. WUYlle~,' ille visitors 'Tuesday after. mary,. AUl1"u.st 12, 1024. J) lnr,toN nO">II. eoa8t.--" Ala-bamo costs twen ty-fou I· ,-eo typc of ihe "Fifti e~ . " The hands Allen Emrick and daughter. Mrs. Rebecca DiU and Mrs. John Mr. unci M"lt. W. C. Haines are en- , yotes (or Un- der-wood." I ure beautifully molded. Tho nails Fred S. Simpson announces his Summed up, the mdio spclls the long and Blender, a 8 one whose anC08- Zimmerml\n of Dayto n spent several ttrl.. ill ir.g t hoil· mothor, Mrs. Sinart ~~~~~!!-~.""--"'.-~~~~~~-""""',!","""~ candidacy f or 0 second te rm as Trens NONE LIKE MODEL I'lIMing oC the boss, becausc even hi ~ tors have been of the professional or days last week with the former's dau- and nieces, the Misses Smllrt, of Cinurer of Warren County, subject to clnnati. CU8tomcr- "J dou't like ho WilY the Republican primary, operations, l hough kept secret in leisured cla s~es. His voice has the g hter, Mrs. J. B. Joritts and family. Mr. and Mrs. WilIl!\m Brown visMr. and Mrs. Clyde Cleaver and tbb ~\(· ,.c i,; /'lin . 1 und erstand only August 12, 1924. committee r ooms and in deegotion well restrllined ton e of one aCCU8heodquarters. become loo evident on tomed to the society of gentlefolk: to iled the!r daughter, IIfrs. Frank son, of Ohicago, are vacationing with gentlemen traded here." Prop.- "Are you II gentleman ?" the Roor of the convntion. The con- the Courts of Europo. To these ex- Woolley nnd film ill' in Dayto!) Sat- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Alfred C Brant announces himself ••• Ccaver lind otber r elatives. Custo mer- HI sure am." tnct betweon th d'l<!ltute and those t.ernala muy be added II eru;(l of man- urday. as a candidate for Sherlft' on the RelQe"~';, :. l' Mr. an ll Mrs. Charloa E. Johns enColeman Jackson Buffered a broken Prop.-"Tben no nc have ever tmd_ publican tic ket at t he coming Priwho 8ent him out us u repr sentntive ner f ound only nmong those born • . tertalned to dinner Wednesday Mrs. arm und bruised face wben a tire cd h.erc." spells 0 greoter honesty in voting .. to heautlful homoR nnd accu8tome~ ! mary election to be held' ~qgust ii: \Yayp~v)lle : ~~~ " 81"'The voto of the delegute iM known to the· comforts given by mllny well E. J . Smith. of Wilmington, Miss blew off a machilne in the 4r -~ 'o;.t~,~~~..,..~ I Four years as deputy sherift' of the I'!o!~'!.~!!!!!'!"!!~!!!!~l!!!~~i ~ ~"~ Cook lin d brother, Parry, of ::,urage, and struck him. Mary Instanter, nnd the t elegram or tel- trained sorvnnts. , county hilS qualified him for thJs po. '. _., ., •. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Merritt, Mrs. ,e phone eC protest can reach h im nl,sition. • I . In Erll;lnnd where he representd Wllynes,·i11e. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn enter- H!t'"ace Stump, Earl and James Cline, most inlmediotely. ~r. Wilso n as ambassador, he was an W A. . The IIbolition oC the secret conven- ilt regarded Ill! on.e of their HOW"J !.ained t o dinner Sunday MisHcs Doll- were SundllY guests of Mrs. Emma To the Voters of Warron County, tion will ,do mu ch to frnc· the people 60rt" in the sen80 of being fully ie JaCkson , und Mary Boytnott of Cline, in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. A. ' Ohio, Indies a nd gentlemen- My ,rom politicnl abuse 118 did the in- trained IIpd at home in all that goes Tippecan oe City, M~. Marvin W'ells Mueller were also :present. 11"ame, a s a candidate for Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Grl'Y illnd Mr.' /ltilution of the secret ballot. Th to make up the British ideal of a of Ginghamsburg and Miss Charlott~ An~ ·~~-ORAPitIST o~ tbe LegIslat ure {rom IIIIld county, . l and Mrs. Chas. Gray and· family atl'adlo 8cems destined to ~i.ve Ul(\ more "schoh r and a gentleman." Mr. Da- Routzahn, of Centerville. . WIll appear on the Republican ticket Wllyncll'lIIe. .,. . , . Mr. lind Mrs. J. ' B . Jones und 80n tended a fllmily p. i cnii: at the borne )lonesty In politics, a consummation vis, while ambas8udor made ' many ' fit the . Prima r~ electiq,n to be held a.nd of M.r. ond Mrs. Will' . R1chatds und Therle ' in company with Mr. devbutly to be wished. \' 'many friends am ong roYlllty and" aeTe1eptioD8 114. , . ' Augu st 12th next. I hereJ~ .~ ....~_ __ : ..J.I cordin, to cable dl8patches .bls nomin.' Mrs. John Zimmerman and MTf!. Re- family, ot near Fnl,pklin, Sunday. by solicit yom· votes. D. W . Hum~ M\s.es Flor\lnce ~it.c'ii, Faith BurOfFICE: · H~tAAWAY QLoct adon is most pleasing to England. ! becca Dill, of Dayton, spent a JJhrcys. T~E NEXT BIC ISSUE - "0\1 MAl - ~1t~8T ...··,V Mr. Davis has a beautiful country' anl day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. roughs, Etta Bem~s and Marie Ham- , to home 11;1 Locuat Valley, near Glen Richard Moor., at New f.ebanon, O. lin motored down from 1 wish to announce my "J • ~1t '" . .. Mr. and Mra. Merrel Wlialen and spend Supilay with Mias One of the great isaucs of the Cove, Long Island, New York, where County Comissioner ;;; RepuDlicnn Prima~ August 102 W'~. eomlng call'\palgn will be the rail- he has lived for a number of yean. daugbter, Margaret, of"(Thlcago, have Stan. They, with Miss Mabel Starr, In road work, I believe thai ~ ~~. :roads, alld the eountry might &II .wey .I~ is one of the moat imposing hamel been spending aeveral daY6 with Mr. plcnlced along Tuikey Run. should be u8ed on short The M. E. Aid met Thursday after. prepare Itself for the dlgClltlon of In New York ltate and il situated in and Mrs. H. 'M, Clark upon ·tlielr re. ' think tbat road wotJ( _,,-,r":" -" . from an auto trip to Niagara noon In the Aid parlor. The attend- ' '1Irat grade propaganda. The forcea the heart of 1 region of estates of vided up in to small . a competant man In FIIlls, New York ·CitY and Phlladel- ance . , unusul\ly large The. busi. behind private owerahlp a,e intelli- very wealthy men. VACCINA'fIC:- ' OP 'SWINE 4 section, and that ness part of the meetng. WM mostly £cnt and quite capable of The houle Is provided with all' the pbia. . A SP~CIALTt • - -m. teamstcr8 in each Everyone is eordla}ly invited to at- !.aken up by reports on the conven• •.... U&J tJleir own in skilled argument, while comforts thilt money can buy and Is all owed to take cnre of the Home-Coming services and tlon meals, billa, £!tc. The .cominit: tholle whn believe in government comple't ely equipped In every sense mllintenance of roads. t rucks sbould be owned and ownership 01' control are equally '1lert ev~n t!l most extensive quarters for basket dinner of thb Lytle Church tee in charge of entertainment then tlli lled by the County. On long next S~nday, JUly 20th. Sunday introduced Vera Emd Loretta LawIn the art of apecial pleading. the many servants. /' " ~'f. g whe re nccessnry trucks could be S~~ool will begin at 9 :16, with Mr8. 80n and Martha Smart, each . giving In considering the much cheaper from prlvute U · • J . W. Ward in charge. Services in un interesting recitio,tion A smelling .)em, how:ever, it m y be 1'he pillca to begin reduct ion the afternoon also. contest __me next, then a duck race . U _ _ _ w-L . . . . . ...£.... . nn d to begi n tho prllctice of ee(m()m:Y~1 in Diind' one OF' '~o, . In,~iA''lli:AhliA and efficie'n qr is ~he office ...... Elmo}1t Sny~er ·an,d his friend, lind kangaroo race. Several charfacti! first, one the C~uryty Commissioners. for the .' , " " .I.. E>rnest Lewis, of Hopkinsville', left udes were presented. The · luncb hoor the . cry of PoveR}' mISSioners pasa on the bills and To Wedne8day by auto for Oklahom~ consisted of ice cream, rll8pberrles, railroads, At tbe Pille time' and from thel'e go north to worle: in white cake and iced tea. in"'oth'lIen' who own ·and operate i.he 'ro&cts IIpprec\uted In.,,,,,CTci: <f ~ a1', th" whea,t belt. Th?), expect to be • - ...- - ' to high heaven at the merc euggesgone soverlll months and will visit tlon that ' they be rel~v8d of their ~o.T~~ .~~ to announce W,lI,IJ~.WA Yellow Stone Park before their reunfllrtunate inveatment. . .estares Again, railroad labor to~ay re'now ~:I~~~~~~~;~~~~~~:"':'-i~~;:;;;;;;;iii~=;;~~~;:I..--:ceived yproximately one , hUndnfd phone Company, a8 candJAIate for I'er cent higher .·wages than }~~ County Sheriff, subject to the Rewent to .eelved before the war, while publican Prl~, August 12, ., products on the averjlge, illI 1101111'Iptlt6d' Entored nt the Postoffice at Wl\yncsv llIe, 0., as ·Second CIa
M;ail Matter
ludge Willard Wright, of Leb·nwo,s' calling on Lytle friend8
:'Th T· St t
~~~~lI~~~~~~~'~~~':~;~~C\~~ ~~;~~Pllb- i
a e
B 'utter
----.. ----
Dr. ~.VI'f.tI~\ I «t" .. .
0 r.
W ....
'. -" a,
:;~st ~~~~ev~t::s.taised
by the Bureau of Labor, seven. pet cent higher than In These facts ·a re used by the railrOllds to prove that -Nllroad Investep! ir" In a diBadvan~e.ou. po/lltlon. Thill eonehisioh, of ~.oune, ta based on the l1lI8umption that the wage qUeBtion II the bllr que8tion In railroad appratlon, On· \he ·· other 'h and the People- mU8t 'realize ·B'lOner or later ..hat ~\Id expen.dl,tu~e~ · ¥d
Born- To Mr. and·'Mrs. R. D. Collett, MondllY, a son. Ray Peterson, of Chicllgo, joined bis famlly here last ~ee~. · . • M{s. E"rvin Blair a d da'Hth~~, are guests of 'r elutlves In ' Chicago'. ' The Sunshine Society held a picnic 0]1 the 8chool" gr!l.~,!d. S,atu~4ay evening. ~is'ses ~aa;gar~t lind Ruth "lek. ers, of Dayt~n, arc guests of ~eiatives here. . ~. and ~~. S., w. ~tep~e~!I ~J.I.ent a, .RDrt .of ),st week w.ith rela~h'eB in ~il¥hfand .cQun,~y_ The family of Mrs.
'lE[rL4.- .. ~~HE""' .. ERSON. PV •
·MT. tlOLtY
Monfort announces that he
b~ . served as County Surveyor ~or
abqut six months and Is now a candlda1te to sucj:eed himself In that office SUbject 1iR the declslpn ·of \the Rep",hUcan Primary, Augus.t 12, 1924 Wo are authorized to announce the. name l o~ E. W." Qu!nby. a former of Deerfield towns~ip, 88 c'andjdate tor ··County Commissioner, suhject to d~c~slon of the Ropubllcan August 12~ 1924. Deer-· has had ilOt a ean41dote since I thereby solicit your vote. We are Iluthorlzed to announce SII1l) Irons, of Tu.rtlecree,k Town8h$~, 118 a candidate for Commissioner IIhb·ject to the fJopubliean Primary, '1'lug. ust 12, 19~4. .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____~~~~~__~~~__1h~.l~:'~.m:I~:_:?~W~.~~~=~~~~OL~~~~~~~EZ2~~~_~~~~~;;;__~~~;,~~;&;-~~;;;:;;~;:~~~~_! MI'.- lind j\1rs. H IIt,rlY J!!,c
Co;, d nlUsie I\t the Blind Carnival.
::;;h~;,;:~::;:;:;.:.,.m d'~'
J Hi".",
I. X"i.
Mr, Eld Furllllll III ill at hl3 homo
::;;;;~;'"'~"'tN""k,w"rn ~
Mi$ l: llImn Ucij:!hwny Ilrl'ivcd homo Meet me at t.he Dig 'Band Cnrnivnl lJ rrl y, nfter a \\' ek's 'sit in Cin- 1111 nllxt we~k. ' 'l'olmcco Hail Insurance. .; Senl'S cinnati. & Ilrtwri\:ht. Mrs. Ameli Williams ia vi~itlng Mr. Emm nr 11nlly nn ,l . fa mily, of Iri nds ill Bal'llesviic. st of n('or J.ebnnol1, "I' 'nl :-:lInd)' with I rela t ivcs her . Soyl Are y'ou going to the Big Bun d Carnh'ol'! . Mr. Edwllrd Burtoll s pent SlItu~· dn~' with fri ends In Adams county. Nr. atld· Mr;; " F. B. Henaorson \'isIted fri ctlda in Norwood Friday. 1111'. Frank Robinso n SlIW Ringlings When ' ordcrinK bread f ro m yo ur circus in Dayton Wjldnesdl\Y evening . grocer, insist on Thompson's. Mr. William Graham is constructing a bridge two miles so uth of Mr. and Mrs. IIfyu Hyman and Franklin. family, were in Cincinnlltl Mondoy.
relativeS in Milford.
W e are buying W h at fo r ,J ul y and . August delivery 'and will be in the marlte t at a ll times. D o t fll i! t!> ge t our .. offer b efore, you !lell. We a lso store' Wheat for flour exc hange, a nd handle the beat grad es of flour. . W e have on hand a full line of FE ED, - FENCE, POSTS, SEWER TILE, and . COAL, a nd can make you attractive prices.
Street 'Carnival!
Phone 25
Tobacco Hnil Insuranco.
Automobile Accident. Every Day. You may b e n ext-why not, at a am all cos t protect yourself. Let us explain.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Corn'e n wero Mr. J. F. Bilker, who has been visiting his JWY'ents, IIII'. lind Mrs. W. Xen ia visitors Monday. J . Baker, has returned to hi s homo Mr. .lInd Mra. Ray Mills were In Mr. William Griswold hQll moved in Denver, Colo. ' Dayton Sundl\Y evening. ~~m:~==;==========~==::::========== Into the Frank Miller property on lItrs. C. A. Burnott and daughter, : -_ _ _~_ _---------------~~~~., South Main street. A u~rey, of Miami, Fla., is the guest Miss Margaret Edwllrds is at MorQuite a number of Wayneavine of Mr. and Ml·S. R. H. H ~rtsock and people saw Ringling Bros. circus in other reiatives here. Dayton lut Wednetlda1. Sears Tobacco Hall Insurance . Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure were & Cartwright. in Fairhaven, OhiO, on Thursday, visiting Mr. McClure's ftlther. Mr. and Mlrt!. Fred !If . Cole and family were called to Mt. Om b, Dr. Farr, of the Friend8 Home, ~rown county last Friday on account spent aeveral days last week with Mr. of the doath of 0, relative . Frank Carmen and fa'mily, In Dayton. The Epworth Convention is being Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Kincade, of hel.! at Miami Valley Chautouq\la' Sllrdlna, Ohio, were the Sunday grounds ~is week, and soverlll fro m guests of loll', and Mrs. R, A, Croll8. Waynesville 41re attending,
.,v.$p~~led_ _........-. .
~ • You' no doubt bave atarted away from home, all ...~ up, expectlpg a plea.....t hip, an.d get a few miles away• .aDd Iometh' i ng goes wrong and the day is apoiled. • • v'" '
.p'~a your, ca~ in and let UI ezamine i~. We .h~" '1IUld,e the automobile a Btudy linee ita in.
.f~,~ We h .... belped otben to aet .tbe efficiency and .11........ fiOm th.ir car. wby not let UB help you 7 ,t. ~.! " .. . " W. haDcll. the Sunaco Oil. aDd Gaaoline ell:~ '.iYeI,. If you have never tried tbeae prod. Ucb, ,011 ahould.'2ive tlieni trial.
We .... qenta for the P ....t'O'Ute . and Co- ' lumbia Starap Batteriea. aDd do Generator and :'~ ' s.ttei7 Repair Work. ,We.,. here to ..rYe. Come ill aDd set better ~cquainted. We carry • ~plet. line of Tirea aDd Tuba• .
When in tralihl.. call PhGll.47 , .,
" . Satiafactory ..niee 'ainee 1912• .. Term. very r~lIOIiable. Office
Aman Building' .
' Phone 61-2
-~:----o:--------------_--;"'-"";'-_J , A ,.. '
~. 'i
When ordering bread ftom your ,grOcer, Insist on Thompson's.
lites. HarVey Rye apd Mrs. W. P. Salisbury were Dayton visitors Mon· day. Muster J ohn Sears is home after a weeks visit with .rellltives in Darke county. Mr. Ross Hartsj)ck and family were visiting' relatives at Harveysburg, Sunday.
Mrs H. V. Walter, of ' Lcbllnon, spent Sunday with Mr lind Mrs. J . H. Coleman.
When ordertnr b~ frOm" JOur grocer, lnalat Oil T1aomJllOn'" .'
!lfr. and loin. Luther Payne left Monday morning for their home in Dall~, Texas.
And the prices range from $8.50 to $89.00 . ----->.
ou wlll be sure to""1trnt a stove h ere that suits your needs as well as your. pocketbook. .
MieB Gladys Harlan,of Dayton, spent Sunday here with, her mother, Mrs, Lou Hb.rlan.
FR~D M. •
Found_A pair of lady's gloves. Owner can havo the same by caDing at the Gazete office. .
Mr. 1. S. Turner, of Bonbroo'k, is spending a· few days with Mr. Harvey Sackett and family.
W.ayneiville, Ohio '
Mrs. H. Teufel, of Sedaliu, is visiting hor sister, loin. Robeha Prenderga~t and family
Mis8CS Glailys Harlan and Hazel Thornbury, of Dayton, visited friends here Vfednesday evening. Mr. ·.apd Mrs. Joh'n Me,Clure, of Springboro, were guests of Dr. and Mra. J . T. Ellis, Illst week. Tobacco Hail Insurance.
.Hard Water .. . ~·ltcli .
& Cartwright.
W aynes ' 'vOl., e
, Mr: and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker, Dayton, are the guests of Mr. Mrs. A. Mendenhall and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stokes.
Mr. Frank Carmen and . dnl"",J,MT. ·1 loll'll. Ra)llllond , Davii, of Dayton, ~ere il} town Saturday afternoon for a short time. '
• • • • •
Jackie Coogan in I "
.'. ,
t' "
Ja~kie Coogan and a fivering c~up. It · is rar better than a.Dy of his other pictures.,
B. II. Beua·...4 1iOB. · ._ ' ~. 1ie.rold. Mr, and 1In. .,Ai It. a.n . and, c:hDdren. VirIIDJa ....4 CUOl'd, TWo' Show. Mr ...4 lin. L W. - . ad .... A . . . . . . Robert . . . . ad ' .... W.. JIll. .. let. of GIMImDe .... Saatq II . rueata of W. H. ............ . ALIO KIII08R ...' Mr... and
These Coal Oil Stoves include everythingin th e
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conner and son {amiyl entertained to dinner Sunday, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McClure were Dr. and :Mrs. George Anderson and Sunday visitors at tho Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. George Suydan and Zoo. daughter, Jean, of Alpha, and Mr. Ben Martin lind &ons, Allen, Ray!lfr. RUBsell Wagner and Miss Dormond, and lBen, . ;rr., of Cherry othy Prugh, of Dayton, were calling Grove. Afternoon callers were Mr. on Mrs. Etta Arnold Sunday after. Everett Ge&11re and 8Ons, Louia, noon. Everett and Ervin. of Clarksville. '!lfr. and Mrs. George ~u8e and Mine Miller, of Richmond, Ind" were Sunday gueste of Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Hawke.
very good reputatton and 111'-" Mul· lin's progre. hal' b,"!, 'marked '~nce she baa begun her, eo~rte there.
Our line is always comp lete with n wide range of priccs that will suit yo u.r pocketbook Il S well a's your ne eds. We have them f rom a little two-bu rner cabinet I:Itovc to a large six~ burner with built-in ove n.
Miss Olivo Carno,han, of Dodds, was the Sunday gucst of Miss Elsie Hawke.
6 D ' ~11!tD~;O~:Brl~~:~;:!'t:n~;'CU~ ~ lr~u·s ' ay,s :M1I8 Edna Mullin ia ..
Now is the tim e to buy yo ur Con i Oil Stovc . Wit h the coming of war m weather when n coa l runge m akes t h e h at ill th e kitch en op pi·essi e, a Coni Oil Range will relieve you of the intense heat.
When ordering brcad from your grocer, insist on Thompson's.
Mr. and Mrs. A·. B. 'She,ner and
'Dr. and ~r8. Wm. ' Rannels and da~ghter, Jane, ,of Asheville; N. C., Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, of Cleveland, , Mrs. RU88ell '$alisbury and family, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell., . Mn. Jaa. HtUfman, of Wilmlngton, Mrs, Dora Dona\dlOh( of BrookIyn, N. Y., Mr. ' Will Huffman and chii\h'en and Mrs, Either .KeMlllan were Sunday afternoo,D eallerl at the Seth Cpok home. • .
M1ss Edna Howland, of' Wilmington Conege, was In town Saturday.
'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ullery and Dr. alld Mrs. 'Carter and family, . of Dayton. were Sunday afternoon ' callers at the home of Mr: and Mrs. ~d ~ Cole and f.,~lIy,
Mr. Clarence Anen and family were Dayton visitors Sunday evening.
Bring the children to Ute Band Carnival, MOlTY go round, Ferris Mrs. Sherman Smith, of WilmlngWheel and all, t~n, enroute from ' Leb,a non where she attended lUIe funeral of her unMr_ and Mrs. Myet H)IIIIan and cle, Marlon McKinney, spent a 8hort family, were in Cincinnati last Wed. time in W.yn'~8ville Thursday. nellday attending the Shrine picnic at Coney Island. Mr. George Mannington, of Tonapah, Nevada, wu In' town !lfonday, Mr. and Mrs, S, A, Stillwell, ,of renewing old :friendships. Mr. ManLebanon, were Sunday afternoon nington left here years ago and this guesta of Mr. and Mra. J, H. Cole- 1& his fil'llt visit here for twenty-flve man and otber frIendS. Y81U'B. Hia brother, Thos. Mannington, of Dayton, was here with 111m. , . "MllIS Ruth Daugherty and daughMr. and Mrs. R. C. Byfied, of Miter, MillS Stella, arrived home Tuesday evening, after liPending a week ami, Fla., s'topped off here last with relatives In Detroit, Mich. Thursday, qndi spent some tlme with Mrs A. Mendenhal1 and M.r s Harry Mi8ses Esther and Louise Hendor- Stokes. They were onroute to At· son will return home today after a lantlc City, where Mr. Byfield has delightful visit at the home of H C. extensive int8l~e8ts. Cpleman and family in Norwood. When ordering bread from your When ordering bre~d from your grocer, Inalst ,on Thompson's. erocer, insist on Thompaon's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ja,nney and Mr. William Fueter, of St. Louis, daughter, M.l u Frances, returned spent laat week with ,Mr. and Mrs. from Batilecrlcek, Mich., where they left Mine Louella who Is entered in . O'Neal. Chal. retur- the Physical Culture School for the ned E ,home with him -forO'Neal a two weeks remainder of the summer. viait: MIi': and Mrs. Karl Hawke, Mr. Ray He,wke and family, of Dayton, and Dr. and Mrs. R. Vance, of Pleasant Plain, wele Sunday gueste of !lfr. and :Mra. J. C. Hawke.
Sears & Cartwright
ti n8ville, Ind., fo r a few weeks.
Mrs. Minnie Clark and grnndchllWhen ordering bread from your grocer, In8ist on Thomp80n's. dren, Florence and Rober t, of Franklin, Ind., were the guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs Marie Kernll and M.rs. Harry Stokea last week. friends, of Columbus, were gue8ts When ordelring bread from your of Mr: and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt, Sun d'ay. • grocer, insist on Thompson's. Mr. and loin. Fred Addis, of LebaMrs. Mabel Dinwiddie, of Dayton non and Miss Rhotto Henry, of Blanis here allsl8ting in the care of her chester, were guests of Mr. a,nd Mrs. father, Mr. Owen Burnett, who is Walter Elzey and family Monday seriously ill. evening.
Waynesville, Ohio
1-1 erman Conner Is quite ill at his
bome on South street.
Public Liability and Properly Dam Ige
& Cllrtwright.
ix Big nights of tho Band Carnival. Don't miss the m.
Waynesville Premier Band, all next . week, D Miami Street, Waynes. nile. Ohio.
Mr. lIarris Mosher is in Cineln· noli today.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith and Mr. FOR SALE-- A ~ ilk dress in small and Mrs. Will St. John spent Sund ny size. Grahams Shop, in the Gllrage al Ft Ancient. Building. ju30
ti.e~ under the aU8pices of the
Service That ati ties
Miss PCllrl Starry of Lebanon, waa Hu rry Estelle, of OilY ton, is spendthe gucst of Mrs. A. T. Wright ing his vacntion at the Friends Home. Thursday. Little Barbara Gray WI\S in Mor· When ordering bread from your row for the week-end, v i s ili'1~ relagrocer, insist on Thompson's. livcs. ,.
cb : ande CO' , A 0
, Mn. Lhura Mosher is the
W-a,·y-n·e: 's VIIll'e- F'armelC11 rEv.'
1'Cibaceo Hail Jna l'lInc . • Cat'twrlgbt.
Save Jour old earpetIJ and ruga and ret "Wearwen" Ruga made. Send for price ' list. FrankUn Rur Co•• FzoaDkIID. Oblo, . Mr. Tom Prerldetgut haa purchased the houae located on the lot on .~hich Jat. Sale I. ' bulldlnr;' ,,'nd ,moved .It to hIa own lot on· the EdCwood road. :' , ",
Have you ever suIFered frcYtft bard water . ''itch''? Have . your han~ become dry and harcS-your IIkbl cbapped-(rom using hllrd water.? Then you can· appreciate bands ~. ~ Dever roughened nor redden~by's tender ~iD that .. ~ 1e(~ cracked and "itchy'"-a aha";._ that Is quick and 'ctean-: {"'.': I
EverY ~om~ NQW ~~ 80(t ~~ C;~8tem and dc,m ble plumbing'., '1 :. .•
Without· COlt ~'
Seventy-Sixth Year
Thcro Was " Largo Crowd Pre.ent Frain All of tbe Yellrly MeetlnK"
Hnd t he memb ers of the Soci ety of Frie nds chusell for the cele bration COlll tn Cmo mtin g Lhe Tercente nary of Goorge Fox. thCl fnund er of their reo iigitln. th e IlHlst mngnificent edifice in th e IlInd . the environs would not havo been ns IIppropriate nor as lra· ditionnlly wetll thy 115 those thllt NUl" r ound th ~ plnc(! in which It WlI ~ held. The White Brick Meeting H o u ~e . built nlmos t a century lind a qU inter a M'''. h Ull linked wi th it. th e names of nlcn important in the estnbliKhing of th e re ligion in Ohio ; men who /l lso plilyed imprutltnt ru les in tho ellrly hist ory of Wnynesvilie. The program conliisting of pape rs nnd addresses, began on Fridny at 1 o'clock, with over one hunilred and fifty In attend/lnce, a large propor· tion of these from Yearly Meetings Among \ other than the 10Cll\l one, these were Friends from the WiI· Wllmington. Indiana, Philadelphia and New Yo rk Yenr1.y Me e lillg~ . Monls and lodging were furnished th080 desiring it and . almos t ov r r ono nttendinK the sessions t ook ntl· vantage of the cafeteria being con· ducted o,t· tho Red Brick Meeting· house. The Mornln. Sa.. ion ftrat
Columbus, Ohio. July 22- Some county in Ohio will have the honor of nnming the "Ohio State Fair ..I Quccn." The young lady so select· Will Tnke Place in Wa."io •.~,!n D. cd will be honored,feted Rnd shower· C" About tbe Middle of , ed with gifts und uttention s Beldom. Augu.t' if ever. gcc~red t o any oth er Du ck. eye girl. Chus. V. Trullx. Director of th e 'rhe fo rm ul notlficRtion of . Pres. Depurtm e nt o~ Agl'icultu~e for Ohio, idont Coolidgo will tak~ ,Il1.aCIl in Rnd G. R. LeWIS, Stll te Fall' .M ll nuge ~. Wn: hln J!tOll ubout the lO tlt. <lf Aug. today nnn ounced thnt t he SUIte FUll' u. t li nd sinlil nr cerc mu,)il!s ""iii be MUlIlIge ment will conduct 11 co nlc~t I lwld at Evanston, Ill .• u few duyat lat. f rom Au g usL " to Au g u. t 19 f or the or w h~n GeneI'llI' hllrles C. Qawes s election of u Queen . The co ntest will be form e rl y told thnt ~l hA'S been will be placed on a plurolity basis unci se lected liS th e running ~utc for the entrants from the sparcely popu· Coolidge. The speec h of IJ cceptan~c by t he 'lated commu~iti ~8 will hn~e an equIII chance of willmng ~ \~lll tho con · president will. utcordi ng to close testunts from the cu untl es with th e f r iends. be a doc um ent thut will g reuter population. b~ underst ood by 1111 th e "p~o ple. it The "Ohio Stutc F air Queen" will w, ll. no doubt, be {L~ pla in liS' was his be brought to Colum bus at State Fair first IIltmsage to ong r css. which it (\ xpense. For the e ntire week or Au· will be rem embered brought forth g us t 24. tho queen will be the guest thousands of letlers and " teleg rnm s of the State of Ohio. The corona· fr om n,l1 scctions of the nation com. tion ceremonies incident to procluim. plimenting him upon his honest dec. ing the quen soverign of the State laration of principlcs and the straight Fai t will 'be chtborate Il'n d unique, forward stand he hud taken upon 'rhe Kucccssful <Iaf1didate will have public questions. There \~iIl again the principal role in "Queen Fashion" be demonstrated to the peo ple that the elaborate tyle pageant to be pre· the president is unafraid., that he reo sented every day during the Fair. fuses to use high.soundi!lg P'h.rases Entries for the contest are being in order to catch votes, or to olrer received now by State I-' atr manuge· to the peoplc so me th eoretical sure. ment. The contest will be fonnully dClll onstruted this nt the primaries opened on August 1. and conclude all that every one who stops to think August 19. The winner will be ap· wi ll realize could not be put in force. prised in ample time to permit her oolidge always has been hOnest with to be on hand for the opening clay t hc people. he be lieves that they of the Fair. they should be told th e trutli. he be. • ...... Jiev£!d in tbeir inte lligence and their desire to do the ri~ht t hing. by t heir Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Grauser. of government. RTld he means to Beee Piqua, are spending a few days with that their government <foe~ the right Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper. thing by tbem, Coolidge is th e kind of: ' u presidenf who believell it his duty to- use all the power of his office to Bee that the people of lhe United States arc g iven In the evening the pageant enti · a square iloal- he believes it his duty tied, "Service, The Passion of QUII' to aid ill bringing the greatest amount kerism," was presented on the lawn of prosperity possible t o a ll sections below tbe Red Brick Meeting House. of the nation. he takes his j\lb serio The crowd that guthered to witnes~ oU Rly and thinks less of ,'the grent this was far greater thun those in honor of beinjr president tha-n he docs charge ' hnd antic:ipate~, there be ing of the opportunity t.hat has been giv. over four hundred paid admissions. en to him to be of t'eal service to his The sloping lawn made a natural fellow citizens, amphitheatre .f ro m whiel) the 8pecta· A Washinglon news paperman, one tors might witness the pageant. Cleo who has followed politics carefully vel' Iighing faeilities hnd been con· fOf many years made the follow ifjg structed and during 6cen~ changes all statement the other da,Y-it was : lights were elttin~lshed in order that "It is remarkable to see a man in thesc changes might be made without high public office who careB ' 80 little the audience seing them. The pag· for himself and so much for the peo. oant illustrated in dialogue panto· pie- the people believe in hi'm-they mime and songs. incid ents in the demonstrated this at teh primaries Ufe of Geofge Fox and in the closing and I'll wu~ e r that you will sce the Bcene portrayed the' modorn Quaker vo.tcs coming out strong for him even nnd what the mcssnge the man long before election . 1 have talked should mean to him. The particl. with mnny Dcmocrats, Rome conlerv. pants were stUdents Ilnd faculty memo a,live , who do not like the seco nd on bers of Wilmington college and the their ticketr-progressive -Democrats young Friend8 of thls vicinity. It will not accept the head, and they wall arranged by Violet Cosand, of will hnve none of the Independent the Indiana Yearly Meeting. candidate, clnmi ng' this is 'no time for eicpe,riments with theories, the Tho Concl.dina SettioR great majority of those men recogThe prjjsiding officer of the Satur· nize Coolidge's hon'eaty and ability day morning ses~ion was a local man, and unless I miss my guess, many Mr . ,J. Lindley: Mendenhall. Thc who followed the war president or the Democratic nomin.c' in 1920 ~I1 ftrst spcaker, Mr. polls and vote for of the New. Y9rk Ycarly Mectin~, , took , tor his subJect, "George Fox's Coolidge." ChaIlenIW~ ' Youth,'! an,d the though I)e developed proved very inspiring. Walter E o' Wildman, of tbe IndilUlu Yea"y ~eeting then told of his exper lences , in SerVice Work in Russia.
---- - ---.-
ST. MARY'S CHURCH ' 6th Sunday after Trinity, juiy 27. Church school at 9 :30 a. m., Morning Prnyer and sermon at 10:46, R~v, J . Schaeffer officiating. Every· body i8 cordia~ invited to. attend these services.
In connecti on with the death of Mr . Va n Tress. the Wilmington News Journal gives the fOll owing accoun t , 1'011', Van Tr~s. W /loS born nnd ~n iscd in the vicinti y of Wilming ton a nd the st ory of his .!arly life will un. doubteuly prove io te r,,"1in~ t o uur . rende rs. The Ne ·s·J ourn ".I ~ay " : Hoy Va n Tress had one of the mos t ~ p"ctucu lllr riR e~ t v ' f or tune ill reo ce nt yeHI·R. : :H e \Vus ' born and r ti red in Wil . ming Lon. his fa t her' bein~ Cyru s Vll n Trl!Ss. wh o for yt;u I'1! WII S u note d sub. scr ipt inn Ilge nt, ye a r afte r year rank. ing li S 11 lop malll fo r the Ohio Furmer. His mother conducted a boarding- hous on the s ite of t ho preaent Vog ue Stori£. Vun Tress went school in Wil. min~ton and after h~ .had grown up loca ted in Cincinnati. first taking a pos ition in lhe old Gibso n HOURe IlB n wnile r. while he worked to sccure un educa ti on, And it was s aid of him th a t h e WII S one of the bes t waiter s in the famou s hotel. He went to nig ht school anu stu. di <!d law. in time han ging out his ~hin gl c as un n,ttorncy in the Qu een it y. . But he neve r renched more than loca l promin ence ulllil he went in to I he Oklfl homa land game which he ,w' rked on nn imm e nse scale. se nding "i ' >I i ! CIII'8 with sampl ll~ of '-I·.IIM I! row n on t he land. ancl with ~II l ml'n 'vl,u w id Lhe land rig ht and I.' f t. Jll re cent years . af:ler he had clean. ed up B big rort un e . which was sup. pQsed to po t him in t he millionaire claSJl, Va n Tress came out to Waynea. vil1~ and purehll.!!ed a large farm, whi ch he ,made over into a 'country e ~ta te, huving a wonderful home. and he fl'equ ently enterta ined old fri cnd$ fr,om Wilming ton in sumptuous style. - - - - - ......- - -
The Waynesville Gomluercial Club have nearly completed - heif ' plans for the lnrgest nnd the~' bes~' cele. bretion of its ki"d ever held t~ ,Way. ncsvllle, There will be a field" meet, base ball game and otber activities that will take up the greater/ purt, of the day and the Ford 'Sedan will al. so be given away at this time. A more detailed announcement will be made later thriThgb l these ~olumn s . .
INCIPIENr;8UlZE AT: SMITH 'HOME On Monday" what. might have been a disastrous fire Will! narrowly averted at the home of J elf Smith. It seems that Mrs, Smith had been ' refilling ~n oil stove and in replae. ing the container, tlhe whole affair ckug ht ..1lre. The bI.aze did some damage to the" wall paper and wood work, but Mr. Smith and Chas: Sherwood, who happe ned ncar at thc timc were able to get the ato.ve out into the yard before any serious damage was done.
METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. III ., preachlng at 10 :30 a. m. . Wedneaday eVeJ\lng service at 7 :SO p. m. Epworth Loague 6:4,5 p. m, ' Preaching at 7:30 p. m. Everybody Is cordially invited to thOle lervices. · • ' .' Rev. : L. A. ~a8hburn, ·Putor. :
PROB · ,
~ .
CITIZEN TO la rge nllll,hc r of · for lll er Lyt ic HOME Cit izens nn d fr ie n". r eRpo nded Lo Will Meet with County Agcnt CI Ly Ie churc h last S und'ny, Jul y 2 0. BII ' ll nd nil prPR('n t en jo yed a ver y picas. Roy Van ' Tre •• Ole. ~ffer a Sbort in Farm Bureau Offic e on :Ilnt dn y. T he Sunday School ut D: 15 1II0e.. of Pneumonia lit Wodneldtly I wn ~ w ·1I co nducted, in her usua l Hi. Home Here. l ' U!-\ r nW,r1 'u',,, hy u fn l'nlt' r S u pcl'i nIl('n ti rll t . Mr •. ,I . IV . Ward. of HuJ'. nc pr (" ~ n l a ti\' r " of 1'11'\'(,11 Pnu llrl' v(>y~hll r l< 1':l'II t'5 \ l~ arnhaJ'l. of Wu y· Roy Van Tress lliod at his home De.lon.strnli on F'1Il'tns in Warre n C ' .I ~l CR\'Il l e 1(·" th e' "it~l" ill J!'. a iR" had 11 Il ro l Y dlKCU""cd P oultry pr oblem" wilh solo. n ,v. J . D. W IIl llt . of Medwo)·. ~ o ulh , of Waynes'<:illC; . last Fright Coun ty Age nt Closs in th l' Fa rm lIh ly di ' cll ". I~ .1 t he Sundn y Schu lll night. after an illness of three weeks. Huren " ollicl' Wcfi ne"tillY a ftc r noo n. lesson. Re \· . .I . ' .. t itzcl. t he pres. He c~me to hiB place he re after IJ. ,/uly 16. Detni led record" g-iving Cll t pa, t" r, " li d in c h ll r~a th e' pl'c llch. no rvou's breakdown, considering the r e ccip t:i , eX Jl c n ~C!i; Hnd n('t j:t nin fr o m n g Sl't°\, i t t', w elcn minJ.{ fo n ne r mi n - cnvi ronH nn ideal spot to recuperate. ench of th e clcvcli fl ocks wcre s um. A . D. )1 nd(\c.x, of Cincinnali , d.di ver. Fro m that time on his general condi. ma ri zed IInu <t nnli zed on a blnck l'd the ~ e "n lU ll o f the Illo rni ng nnd !l l . t iO!, ~radunlly became wors e until bOa rd. T hey a ll chow a profit. The ' " condu .'t ed th e co muni on ser vi ce. last week he became the victim of Poul t ry I' r(Jb lc m ~ on the J!cnc ra l fnron T he Ho cinJ nou n 1),, " 1' li nd hosket din. Il nculll oniu and in' his weakened conwer e chI' ' illed 1I1 11I('r rOll I' head ~ ; nc r \\'11 " o n ~ .. r th e mnin frn ture" of dilion could not combat It. feeuing. care and ma nagement, cuI. th e da y . nnd whic h obout t wo Mr. VnnTross has been known to ling S1'U chi ck ra ising. hundred an d t we nty· five po r. ons en· people of thjs . c;omlllul/ity since he IJllrchased exteng\ve . !'arm lands Bouth The conlinu ed I ()~ din g of Ih'y mush j oyed. with 20 pe r cen t unimal protein was A l th e n fln no••11 Eer \"i c lit 1 :.1 6 . u,f t0W11 somB"' jears o·go. Hc was wh o hnve used th e Ohio Fnrm Bur. Dr, ~~. O. r i%. 'of Ci llc in nllti. Dist . born in Wilmi ttun in 1874; later he eau Illns h praise it very hi~hly. es. S uperint e nrl elll of this charge. was went to Cincinnnti, wh~re he worked pccinlly f r um th e standp oint o f low introdu ced an d delivered II fine ser· IIlI n waitef in a cafe. at ·the Rome cost . a lld ~ uvin g tim e and lubor . More mon t o th e l u r ~u a nd ~Wllr ec in ti \'e time studying law. Eventually he se lf·feeders f or th e mash was al~ o a udi e nce. Th ~ Illusical ta le nt of the wu ~ a.dmitted to the bar, and Us are. mentioned, Housing. care Ilnd man. Rfte rn oon w as a lso \V ~ 1l r end e red; 8ult of hiB ,legal training, later enagement include lights, vent ilation, special mu ~ i c by the choir. solo by tered a field , that hOB made him II ple nty of space. cleanliness and fre e. Ern es ~ E RI'n hart and a du ct by the millionaire-that of teal estate. Everyone' is familiar with the . ness f rom lice and mites. T o demon. 1isses Eva a hd Ethel Re eder. The " trnLe hette r hous ing. n poul try build la tter pn.rt of th e meeting WIl S con· Government investigation8 of hill land ' 'inle d e m o n ~tration wns plllnned for ductl1d as lin old· fn shi oned speak. tt~n8action8 , whl~h re~ qlted in the th e very nen,r fu t ure. ing meet inl:. to whi ch mnny r es pond· longes t trial .ever , held in the Disulling and proper meth ods o f t he cd in r"m llllsce nt tn lkR. Among trict court in C'i ncinnatL, As a reChick m isin)! were I1lso disc used a nd th em wus one by Miss \i' lora Tibbals. sult of this trial, he and his ill!Sociate8 pln ns luid fel' demonSLru ting the of Wilmington. whom ull will reo we re sentenced. after havin!\, ,been principals by meana of a poultry tour me mber us n very a ble Supel'inten. round guiltY .,of us ing th~ malls to The auto t r ips w i1\ include a brief de nt of S. S. · and 1111 Cll,rn est work. defraud. It was' not 'necessarYi 'hownt the de monstrat ion furm whl,' re the e r of th e Lytle chu rc h. The/'e ~el'e ever, for any of them to serve their th e own e r will r eport his or her me. a ls o se rm one ttcs by Rev. T. W. Mil· s entences. Qn appeal, the United, thod of PouitTY Manage ment and Ie I'. a form er pastor, now of Ep. States District , Court of .'Appelila, of his financial e xperience in th e Rame. wo rth He ig hts. Re v. A. D. Maddon, Cincinnati, in a ,decisio inat fall, reThe commite hopes to aunounce date Rn d Rev. T. M. ScarfT. of Spring ve rsed the conVic:tions ~n the ground and detniled pla ns for the trip in Va ll ey. A grceting was read by thut the indicttnent agaihsfthem was ' : about a week , Mrs. Wm . Creigh to n from Rev. Jose· faultY. Mr, Van ' Tress has been Ii freph Pa to n , of Mechunicsbu rg. Proba. bly tho oldes t member of\ t his church quent visitol' 1;0' \ Waynesville since who wns present was Mrs. &ynuel ho plirchased 800 acrei: of 'land here Hain e, of Ly Ie. who joined when in 1917, and has made many rather, 15 yenra of age, 68 years ago. under in timate aequ l!,intanees ,' aJ'!1ong the IJRsto rale of Rev, John W. Ma- people. Thos e " having ben 110 fortunate as to claim hi.& .fl'ie.ndship Fllrml'I'S Grange No. 13 met in reg· son. Rev. Stitzlll unnounced thnt Lytle and acquaintance, have ~eat respect ular sessoin at thei r hull on ntur· day nig ht ,,'it h a large ntt~nd a nc e . church will he reafter have an annual for him, both ,as ' ~ m'yl and for hils After lin interestin g bus incss session Home·Coming on th e fhi rd Sunday unusual hllsiri~ss dblllty, a'nd 'it ' was July. ' with regret thllt this comin~nity an unus ually go oil program was fur. learned ·of hiJl-'. death: ' • nished by the f ormer Lecturers of ,He was .50 year&' of ag,e .. arid · i~ surmised Wn R successfully initiated --t-~ut'vh,ed by hi widO, eanor Va:n : :-.--'~~ on the stage nt thiR time, children, 'Ben and Li1Iliiri: . All Gl'ap gers urged to be present at the ne xt meeting August 2. when and a ~r,oth~J 'pt' Clevel~hd. • The ~uneral services were hold at ' n progra m will be given by tbe third his late home Monday tOom!ng at division. Sister Elsie Ellis, chairman. 10 \I 'clock, and , the body Will! takeR , ~, Fa rmers Gra.nge holds meetings on , . first and thi rd Saturday nights of The Ba nd Co nc er t f or July 24 will to Cincinnati for burial In . Spring " Grove cemetery. ench ,month, \"siting patrons nlwnys conHist of the following program: ..-.. ~.-....,..-....welcome. Wll rren County Pomona • • \ ~. I I- Mllrc h . The Thunderer. meets in Waynesville on Aug. 23. 2- OVeJ"tu 1'0 ...•.• Gibralter. ... 3- Rag . Some Pumpkins, 4Walt z ..... Mell ow Moon, 5Mar ch . . .... The Universe. Intermission The young peQPle of the Lytle 6- Mnrch "" .. . N. C, R . church are collecting a mile of pen~ 7- ,election .. Scenes from OPera. nics . . Thill Is a uniqul\' wa,y of payMisses Uelen Hawke, Mildred Hole land. ing the debt on tho churcn, nnd tlie Lillia~ Wntkins, Mary Margaret Un· 8Fox Trot~.... Lnat Night on the l1ublfc \\fill receive 'c ards to send a ,gles by, Louelln Willinmson. Mrs. L. Back Porch. foot or Illore of pernies. . A. Wnshburn. Hobert VlahdCl'V0 9rt, ()- Wa ltz " ,.:In the Twilight, committe ill chol'geis hope· Carlton Cook and R\e v. L. 1\.. Wnsh. P~~~~rpl~~~~~~~nm~~~qr~~~~~ burn attended th e Epworth League ]0- MMch the cards 'respond freely, and J>y,' Institute at th e Miami Valley ' Chau· t hie means the debt of th(j church will tauqua grounds last week. They reo be wiped_out. • , .~ __ _ • _ _ __ port a very interesting und profitilhle session. Miss Helen ' Hnwko nnd Mr. Robert Vandervoort were ' Ilmong the graduates this yenr. The Waynes. Thl) street carnivnl is now' in full ville young pllOplc! t{lok the secon d swing at tho cast end of MialJ1i St. prize with thair finnt in the water with its merry.go.round, ferris whe~1 carnivlII. There were IIbout 'l\ 'dozen and other concessions, and causing Emott Wright was a Dayton visitor floats in l ~he pllrad~. '. • . lots of animation among the child· Monday. ren ond older people .as well. The ' f ' .. : •• " • Ip, I ". "tII'.. ' ... ' Miss Alma Lynch, of HaJ:VoYIll\urg. , cllrnival is here under the auspices of the Waynesville Band, whose con· nnd Mrs. C. C. Cook were' Dnyt{ln viII,.... .• ~ . j ", ;' cert Thur~day night will undoubted· Itors. Friday. . :Iy be a big nigh~ for the show. Miss Velma Comell .. entertained There wns no ~aseball game Sung uesls from . Dla10n, at · dinner Sunday evening. ' , . ' day. on account of the death of Roy VanTress. The Miamis , will go to South, LebMr. aild ~rs: 'e~J,lBY Dennis 'and for a return game with the team family of Rlclimond, 'nd:, wero visit{If 'thnt pln'e e who gave them a good in~ friends h~re thi week. , , , 1': 'game 'here tWo weeks ago. This is of t he last gnmes to be played away from home, and base ball fans who a~ticip'ate the contests here may .rest lIlII!ured that the remainder of ,t he gnlpes will be pl~yed 0lt. the homo ~4.· ~ · --~ ot, I
I ,\
-- - -
- ----.-
I' ,
----- ----
- - - _•• ______
--------HAU' PICNIC
. Preaching lervices at the ~ t.UIIl eh~eh Sond,o y mOl1li(IC' l el7body cordially .i pvfted. ..
80YS DROWNED ' ,. .......
OIlINfcoMfliao. ...
... ~ •
.~~~~~~~~~~~~~____~__~~-.~~~__~~~~~~~Th~~~_M ~~~~~ ~~.~ ~~._t~:~~~ayn~e:.~n;·II;e~,~O:h;io:p·__~~~~~~. .~w-~~~~~__~~~~~~~~____~__~~__~~____~ "'l'lll,' nlf(\ll
tl~e j<lco ('~~fe.to
l "ould k a n "llpOrtl/ll lfr tQ rt't\1nl fO Fronc' 11\ tII<- hc)fI~ ot iln<1lng ron l'n PI, d. I a(lI\lled ft>r n s\ I·t (ur-
' ItlUP""peto I1 "0(1
the ad
II (110111),
cb nn"e to ·It
Ilit'I)' ,.·"mern ] .f11\J 1 nol him . ,b 1 have trl d to nta.k . "ntl l<\lo ~ Ute . u'Uth I bnut nlC III
• I . 'ntl~,1 II
d '~htt i\rh· n l n.;
~ t l} .1 i
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Mr r'llh~r's IIH,drsl ("nu ll" 1< "' W HI ~orl of th p l'uln t,r WI " !;,'"n Gft e r ,I,·· I f..';:!rl In':: of h sIB i lle"! t-(! h Ji d ~lol , nl ' j! I
tlL nJotlP.\' to m'-!n t\'n t) h1\fI -yon,. ~n ~ 1I : ·hl' n i:\"~F: nt (UJ't'l&Shl ll ).! ...."1' '' (11.\5 0 I
\\1'11 M <.10. I your beu rt IS ellunl hi Ih e ' h" Cl)urn~cf\),'ot 1 bov~ hl'lllll)d 1I~(\ll " r (II! I ~o u 'hl~ lJOur cOln rllrt Wi",:! {h 'wo r 18 (II' r I ClIn h(lIT()\\': ~ fh'HI ~l Id IJC ") n'l~ to ki\f' [\ f\ ro t' (\~p r nU l I ,,·n rl . »lld ~ to,,'\ 1\ Ihi' I'Ot nnd PI c1.lI nli I~ ': hc tw ll ll~,", whllc 1 !lm I 't·.tr!II!: Ih" 1I'8Y 10 SU Cl,(!~. 'l'b(> Ilroq · i""'l Is n"l Ir,"ltl nll, I fCllr. lIut Ir. h81" p il l', It shnul,1 • r.Jl(!iI I lo you, 1 !:.'S t Ih"1 you Join your fath"r In New Y,'rk 1\1 the firs l oPI'!)rtunltl' so that we u,n)' b"~111 o ur urI' 10~ ,·th (Or Ill! 600n
'1tnd Iflnt\
wIth nn vlil H n1'Tlo.y 80'ill 111'I(lr ('all lot i l ron~ h tl II'(t j"r1lJ\ce. 1'lIe Dr? 's h u Jl!IIU ~ lem r hlUl no beet:l .. bl e t o I mol'!" lh" p Ilollo"h.. . f..a tm·, 1'r"Il1 Lc: lI<lco n, ill. l\nd ,'\,nI II 'lell r 10 lI'ta.nk. 1111 8\' ,'kfOj( 0 IDl'luce Aruorlcn 10 destin '''.-1' .lW II I)'. P''rUnIIHn hnll vro1l1DU J ,tnsw"r l'dl': , " I "'ollld Ihl nk tllC lIcatntctlOl1 01 'our' wbol& c lJDtry noO the eJ(t1rpt,Uon of our pcos>lI'1 I)rotcmb ll' to t hl' tntnm, of nhnncJ<:.\la« our ,,1Il1'S. We may 1L,»1' Hll but ,~ shllli urt In jrnod fO lth ." H.·ru oiT«ln . W'Ill n nclI' not" In the h I 10cy I'!, (hploiunr!c Illlcrc ours... Colonel ,l rolld' 1..11L"· t o Margaret Rnm. wltb, po:rt of \\ 111ch the readur Is tnmUl nr.; wu. forv;nrdpd by Fnank· lin to nla/ trlk!nd Jonath(ln Shlpl,,}', OL"Ibotl of is,, ",,,nJ)h. and by hlm deII vcnod. 2UlOlr. .. le ttf'r. no les! dtnl to tIMt tull l'Olowlctlon of the tnslt ot theS1!\ pfJltllR wro:' toun(\ In th e faded pllclwt. It 11\ ,frOm Gpn('rnl Str TleDJa· mil] Hnrc t o h l.'i mt.. In London end III (Jated lit New York, Joou ary 10, 17'80. Tb16 18111 PII" of Ihe leIter: "I ha ve 1\ HTnft.H housr neJIr the bftr.. rucks wltlJ our tI1e od Colonel Wnre find w e l1ul[ of negro Alnves ' and C\'. ery ~omt(lrt. II III now 8 IOI'1l1 tlty, I!l!CUre from IIltfiCk. and. hut for thl' 60ldle re. one, mig ht thIn k It A provln· r lnl Engll~ h "tOWJl. ThIs wn r mny last for r clU'fl nml ns the nca 18, tor II 11mI'. Quite snf(>. J IInve rcpo!l'cd to nsk you nn d MnlT:lU'I't to tnk o paSSAge on unl' ot tho Orst troop sh ips 81llllng 10r New York, litter thts ren~hl'S yo II. Our m end Sir nOller ond hi li reglm eots w ill he 8uillnJl' In Morc" 88 1 am upprlse" by 0 re"ent lette.r . 1 11 m. by thlll post . requestlng him to orr r ),1111 IUltublp occonllnodn Uons nnd 10 give rou nil possible RIJSlRtllD.c.,.. The wllr would bl' ol'er n ow It WOHl'llngton would only tr«hl. HIs ('lIution 18 mndd(>nlng. His Rrmy 18 In 1\ d e!J pera t~ plIght, b ut Jlo \<111 not «JIDe OUit lind mee t 118 IA th e open. ne conttni\lell to leo n upon the etronRt h or tile hIlls. Aut there lire Indlcatlonfl Ihot :he will be Rblndohed by hlB own 11rIlIJ·." Thos!! "IndicatIons" were the lelten alone Jobn Antloraon, who d ee~ rlbed himself os R promlnenl o!fl eer In th e Am .. rknn nrmy. Tb e le ltl' re were wrtt· tl'n 10 Sh' " I'nl')' Clint on. They nskoo fo r a C01Ull1Hn d 10 the BrItiSh armJ and hinted nt· the ad"untnge to be d&o
Vo,t e for.Willard Jury Wright f~:f ~ q~ge 'of Court of Common Pleas An . 4Ppreclation ;
the l\n~e ~,1.En ed . membe rs of ~ ~ ~- -~ . ...l~~ ~iiI»::~Qij"~ f feeling pri ~ileged on account of .our · ~ · :~~QOl.~'Jj~;.t~h· lhe ' lee;al ~ffaire of the County. de sire to ...; '" ~~ OU1,'1\ ltuU ··con,t'idence and appreci ati on of the conc.uct o~t · '4Odr.~" t.r1rbJ,tn~ll In t}le CDunty.
-' :':; J.:~;~' ~L(8 ~;I~~;:m w~rthy
of mention: During the l ie . l~ · tijere Rave beeninst1tuted 1693 .~aees o~ tbe ~ ~c . ~B ,c#:' ,~'< C9'qF!;' R 't .Co~h . Fleas. is. dumber much · la~ger that\ , , . ."eera pose le to. ·those not connected ,,1 th .. the .adminietra- ~ . ' ~,~n, .1-.~&i~s: ~ o'frr tnlsail' ~ve been d·iSposed. ·~r· exoep· ':i~h~4'''xc~8di~ly. emall. 'number of 69 cases. · now pending on the '_14ctOtk~' - cferta:t:nlY th1e is I:a, high coornendat:1:on as to efficiency : ~~ ~~~l ~r ' buei h~se . the rC2ult is we 'are enjoying a 1! ~~tJ.~o~ l not s.tt~lned 1n but few. if any other Counties 1n the ~ ~ta~8.' 'Ql 's ecuring , tDJr.ledlate trial of causee . .<.I.a .!l oon as issue ~. t J9*no¢:; . "tbe laws ' dela.ys'l. 1:3. not known in Warren · Coun~~.
leti •
number '
.. .
and Henry M.prltarN !i nil h(> r mother rl!tnl'tlell ~o
Ihl' nnn,.. H hll il loltlwd th,,,n UOI' I ltu'll \\"lrlh R hur'ltll' l'd ~Cllt. Tbrr n r~ Pll)'ln8 UH'lr deblS ttl hint i n ,1011111' .1 worth less thnn Ih' ('1'nt... :'dnny. 1111.01 ;lJ; fh~ Will r 1\(\ ~. <1 n() W , whlltt'l"r l Wnsh lllRtoo ntDOne Ih .. m. 1"1 < ~ su n'~r<"1 cn:" ~s . 1 would wIsh )' Ull to k..ep Ib<H!p In n ilkI' manner. ~tl' fflh"r h'L~ 1It'1 ' th o Ullhl~ Co! 1l~ : 1 hB "e love d JOt1, but tI ~ lI·fl bu t hts lAnd. ' ...·0 h, !'ht'll. Il 1)' 1'1''' lin' thlnl:" ..-hll'h 1 h1\ "& 1'1Ilut.'C'l , oire ot oxen nnd 0 pair of sian·..., ~o ub", e my "w n h,lllplnt'S5. U I CtUlIlol I am t qo poor to K11'e f('lU n home In h n • ., )'Ou [ s hall hav(' al wRYs the melQ' My degrf'e worthy 01 )' oa. , o'y of t hI' non... we nn n~ Kp4lnt I~ -Dour old Solomon bM pro~ed t o l gcth er lIod of th e In'Cnt hl'p(' that "'II IlIl1ke mc ~ 1s h eIr. but oow thnt hE mlne.."
TIley llatrea 3t 8 t'ro''''l'Qlljl. 1 near aU1ld\1wn when ut u h~nUfltl1l . broolc;~ botde.rec.! wHh ~[.oll'rittt nt MId . wild Iris, Jn~lt wl\terc(f ' .llI.d r ·u hl~ horsli ftnf.\ lilt down 0 ont 1,Ift hlUdl t\OlI, n" WII thlnklnjl of 1'11 0111 finn the n~w tl ftn 1:1' .,·to n h ~ IIIHr("'Oretl Ihn t IJ mlln ",n/.tl ncut him 1'1", ~ our.~ "rOllt· hnd tnJlc(1 to ~rl\r hI- nJ'l lrol/ch
- n drCUm,Rtlln , e 1n nil
\\' ,ty t'..! no," \llt l,' rrslv"lc,1 nn et 1t\' N' rt wUh Jl1nS6 IInti ' t~ nw l1t n~ hCl·b~ ~I'. Re I hn\i/(hr D'rt 1'1 1111 , how. 0 1'1' ''. but ''lily nt rh ruc,' lind rnnn of n man of mhlC1l e 11/7 '\ Tb(' yoon~
abl '
&I n~e
" OJ Ou r ' tllhl t 1<1110'1'\\(1
,t hln ~ l O ~l\~ U1 YOIl .' "'1 IIh AII hf dlnd to b ent of
to)! 1l nswer.
nnnnr he O\l (' l'l't)rtte tI~· hiS ~ n\llll h'A IIn!c·. ,A h\' Is l\ell~ Y I!d b< 11111 ('·I ~nd~ . .~rn · jl'1 hilS 11 '1'1\ l'ltt I~ coltl1Hnnd III \ \' t '. l' ulr;, fhl hnit Jj l nnncf! r llfl l "qr I\'.tl l ~r rill' .Intl) .' •. '1'0 y ou kr!l!~' 11.11[' I ,p.. !, ,·tl tl
·\ VI.I h LnJrton '
•. ' .~~ well ,,6 I low ,,·
lI~h t
.,ml rlllrk·
fuld "'tI ,J L1 Il~llil1 '" YUI I 1\11,,' · 1.,111 11 41 ~ I (ll illr · 1 '1111 (o' \IIn,; him. nol\\' o lli ro \ll!~
.. 'Ihl\'(t YVlI
"';":0 ,
C APSULt'"'- ~ funlty . msn wro te In 1\ lett er : "11 \Vos a sl ng-ul'nrl, hllll~s01lle (I\('E'. ~·o)tl. In hl ~ rrlr' I.. I ~ hJll~ II\' Is ,I . In · snw" rh·sho'·rn unu we ll-Shaped with g\ll,u'ly stUbt'OI'tl III n,.. T h ~ w il ('" of conect Internal troubles, atlmulate vital Inrg(' . dnrk. eyeR Itnll 1\ k In "O'ry ('Icon nn ~ncrny Hrp li N lin IIlll'll bou k to him. 0111""1. T hr"" .i.e•. All dru,glst •. lna.t bu t th (l~ t- o r n 1(10'11,1 h~ I. n';1 Hhlc> on the origina l Kenuinc GOLD MsoAL. SInd I' r!~et-I hll d Rlm08! s1IId II I rUIl~p(lrllnt. Ad,l 10 ul1 thIs 11 10011 Of It> ,·ollll'tl'h l·o<l. II... IY'lIl rll sr n 'Cllr or l __=~~:--:~_-::===== f rleo,Ulne&ll ~nd mRs t r eul dlRnllY ontl on l~' haIr belll" ' e ony "'/lmtn" Ihul .,·Oll - - - - - )'ou will untlerstnnd why J rose to or I mRY Ill"" hIm. I\ul It III fnr you mJ tocl .nrl fuok off my hilt. JUs Mod ~olllmon to 'vorn bJm nnll be not Rtnl ure WII& nhove my mvn, hIe torm d<>eeh'cd: o reN. J reml'mber ' noth Ing ahout ht s "'1 . hnU 111m nbout nnd rtdo hnt:k clot h .... ftnve tlln l ther were d or k In t o rllm fl: I IIIIII\. .. "j' hcr<l III 00 need M hostl'; h(' col l' and "earned to b(l nolr· nod all. 1'\11'olll y fitt ec\. nn.'''''I1(l ' Arn old ([" .. s nn l 1I;<!1I1mr '0'"111 " ,, 11 un lll Ihl' Ihl rll nf ,\ 01:11 8 t. ' " • \' 0 \1 n,.., Johll I rons, Jr., And I " lit· Nhotlo'tI hl ~ ('y"g nnel lco"III',1 to. aln Hellry Thornhill,' snld he. "I 81\'1'11 you lit l\ln<'lerhoOk whc l't' 1 u.ed 10 I'wrd !hl' 1,'l'M whl"'p tll(' au n w'lI' "l't· live. I Ilkcrl yo u th en a nd. slnee the tlnll nnd IIIIl Inw ·I),11I1: ('In\l(18 WI' rI' IlIle r osc-rol/J~d 1 !l nntl~ In n gnhio·n • til. WBr beg-n n. 1 hove lmown M you r od. MOIJE Y LOANED I'enlurcs. I SIIW " 00 onsaltU! " lItUe .lInU nclllL'II I\~ hI' I1I1(rll!<.I 'w, y <.1<1 1\111 tile roud 10 th r Ii(luth : - '11 I ~ n heouUttll wn r ld: ~ONEY LO J'..\ ~V ON LIVE STO CK, "'Too ~,,,\(\ for 6;:htlng ml'n : 1 nn· chn t t ols, 1I1so seco nd mortg ogeR. Rw ~ rcd os I Rllt fl own tn fin lM my NMos bought. J ohn fiorblnc, Alle n lu nch oon for I "'os SIIII hUlIllry. "W hll(' 1 ote. t he lorme nlln !! th ought Buildi ng, Xenin, Ohio.
F armers, A' ttentJOn. "
The Remedy
You Need
the Year ROund
in Your
cs ma to ml' t hot 1 hud n ..J;I.... te<l to osk tor the 80ur('e of hl8 In tt'rmnllnn (lr tor his lIt\ clr('sB. It Woll D clIrlnU8 o<el'sllthl I'IUIl to h is m n~tcrly mnnncr F a rm ers of WlIrr!'1I lind adJolnlnR' nnd th ul 6 nllC of Ihl' I:unrdl'd too;:no conntio. may obtn!lI monoy on lontr wblcb 8 0 ordlnllry murlulls upt W tim " l onn~ , ot f> I per ~ on t interes t. In thp prl!ll o ,'e of '" gT'ent persuntlilt)'. CO Rt of seeurll1g the bum e Is very rea·. Iliad hl'('n. In n way. !lelt.brhllt.>d und 80 nnblo ,through Th o Fed ern! Land C1lU[\OU8 In my SIJl'l'ch . .. 1 llll\'c been Bank. For furtho r Intormntion clIll wont to be In t hn presl'. nec 01 Wosb. o n or addr~8S M. O. DRAKE, TremlIngten hl m ~cl r. I lool;ed down tho ur(lr, phone BI G.X, LebAnon, Ohio. rond ah eRd. The Stmnllcr hltd rounded ' "..",~_ _~_ _ _ _....".,.,..".......,="=_ a b~nd 00'1 \ms nil\\, h ltlden by Ihe WANTED bush. I hurrl d I h rollGh my ' r CfllI Pt. brtdled my horse nnll II'" off nt • gul· lop expect lTllf to o "crtllkfl film, nut to DIS TRI CT MA NA GER WANTEDDIY Qt!lonl ~hll1ent he hud left the roR~ Wo nd erful (I(lpllrLlIll ity fo r 6mbl. 1 did not Sill' hIm 'I~lt ln . out hili ",,,rel!! tiou ~ IInc.l c! ppu n r!nh lp mono No inwere CI'N' wlW me In the weCl;~ t hll t Ye~lmcnt-lIuy we eklr -co mpl etc eo. to!lOIl" ' '\ lcoperotion. Salc a expe rience valu ab le (To be eontintled) - ,' but n o L nc ccs.ary. Wri t.c today. •~• Moore & Co. , Newark. N. Y. ju 30
teel l
1-!1 .
Subs cribe for the Miami Ga zeeea. .1
!'. . i:" ma ,..~
- -------
. .tbe~a~ of Judge~ Wl11ard Jurey Wright will soon expire. · (and .l~ :~ll\ lbb neCeia&TY 'Quring the coming year to elect a I ~!c~~.~r ~ ~~ it lp l a pleasure to .u s to extend this word of , i~~;~IW' . Me:: a-~Hihtration. cou~led wHh the des ire and re- . · ...~t:;. ~~t ..f~e. 'r~8!1t will consent to "ecome a . cand~date for , . .~tMl:ec,'t10n ;\ ttiat. .h~ ¥ Y .c ontinue in office W.i thout 1n~erl"\lPt1on < .tto tbe le . . .a~09' J~ ond1t10ne " exietin·g . .Shpuld_Judee Wright --- - -1CoM."1 fi'.'vantt1-..t'!!. we· pledge bim our whole-hearted ' eupport·. and · ~\eK . : ~.H~.•ll· our e1~~zeo~ to' cons1ider the ' cbncUt19ne ". ~ft t§~rt, ~'nl:upportinc; him i1' he determines to ~ecome ·
F OR SAL c.-l 0u ng :>northorn Bull, 'F o r furlher in fo rmnti on seo Ro lla Dulton , R. 0 . 1. Wllyne.wille, Ohio. as
LOST - T wo wcc.ters, bet l'cen Tolegroph M ilI ~ lind t own: one with blu e V-n e~ k, one rod, wi th V·neek. with lett er D ill fro nt, liberal re ward. J08. Stokes, Le\! nnn n , 0, ph ono 00-0.
.ectelone, haTe stood 'the ' teet, as · but comparatlvely . few lJb,.~J~8en . ite.ened·, bT~the htgher Courts • .
1",1 ~
... LOST
, .\
·; _
- -
Wot1t'1 tba·t cuUng keeping up our do.cket. the l'udge. of' oUr 'h~8 been '~e B1gned 17 ~he C.hi~f Justice. to sit in other ' l ~1!rl~~1~tiOhe nota~~y ' Cl,:veland and ~on, and being 'recalled 15 , .,ti\if:t,. ~e'fit.·"~~flt~ of. e~nfJdence and the .efficient service ~!pe~oitil64 ;b:y' him.; .:,!}l+ c~, t:'~fle~ts '811\ n~nor. to us. ~
baodcm ' oU-hal been , Q , w~rld-" wide remedy ror kidney ,liver and blodder disorders, rheumatism. llUIlbago and uric add condlt/onl.
l\l':-'B. '
, ~., .
, ~ . r. ~p,:8~,~ce T~· 'h~el!,. ··
• 0",
FOR S ALE-Gunrnn tee lI cmstitchi.rlg n nd P leo ting Attuchme nt. Fib. sewing mn,c hine. $2.5 0 prcpulll ~-'''~·,Ht-==I~, r-(~. O. D. Circu lllrs f r ee. LeFleah Hemstitching Co., Dept. 2, Sedlllia, Mo. 1 j30
LIVE have a home! 9
DON T JUST rt"ell fl-om ta"ts. of prime Importnnce, 111 th rI' I ew rer II JlO!8csa Oil. MIIrgaret MI'I I~ er mother Inlled wltb Str Roger Watte Rnll his regimen ts OD the leDtb of Mar'ch and· Rrrl9ed In New York ' on the tW8IItJ ·!lXth of ,"prll: The month of MlY,1780. gllve \\'n31\. InltoD about the woret pinch In hI! cnreer. It wae tbe ptncll ot h1l nger. SUppU tII bad not arrived;" Fnmlne hnd eDteret! thl ~lImp and' begun ' to tbrenl· I!II. It. life. 80ldlen can get nlon e wttllout pal' bot ' they mllAI. hn8 roml . Mutiny brolle' olllt 'amo,;w Ibe reci'ulta. .... In ,lbe mldllt CI' thI s troUble, ,LIlta)," eue, t.hll han<l 6'~me Frenob DllU'qull, th ';P , twenty·tbrl!e · lenrs 014, url l'CtI aD b!1 wblle hOlrse, after a winte r In Porls. brlngln, ,rvord thllt a ftcet and IIrm)' trom ' Frnnc:e were headIng neross the ·sen. ThIS nC!WII revl"ed the drool> Iq Iplltt ' of the arm,. Soon bont! belf8n to arrive fl-om down the river with tood trom the eBlt. The Cri sis
HAVE you got a "place of your own", to come home .... ~ Is ..,r life with you just a day-in-andday-out propositiot:l1 Or do you want a nice home which you can approach with the feeling, '"This is mine'" ' Ate you "just Iivmg' " lIOmewbere, or are JOU aliue?
~ II the ,ar ..... .a ~ the COWlIr7. people .... tluIdlr!w bema You IbouIdballd~-"")"OU~'lbtnk of the 11lOIII1 JUIl p8)'intr out for .... ftaJ' ~ An7 auod ~ tiiend wDllhow JQIl ., a . . mkIIIIa 1IDIr a.)'ft Wllbe b,... ~ bald lind OWl! a e.am.,.....t .......... - . tbat wIII_
~u R .. It. ••• dou .... dl' II.. IcIeu CJl ....t
_1d .1Ie '1I1. ' -
~_ la~
nte" In.o ,lie ploa.
""'_Dj1OIL Yo.. Ioc:aIINildlna........ d••I . .... f_U .......iIII Hcrythlnlln " Iotllno, .
_wtIlbotct04lo-. lull whh you. You will be ddiIIUod wIdI
Ihe ....yholpfu~pne.
~~u:..::.;;!:.. h.;:
-nn.lOat"'''''.... 'IrId d
....,. wtIIdI
=.s~:;:., • •
:a:::':::: _hot,..
mS_ ._ ........._ . -"10" , ', ._, " . -
".,1IIEt CD,.
W.H.Madde!n·.'&CO. Waynelvllle, Ohlo 'l 0.... - .......,.... ,-_
FOR SALE-Two acres at good truck ground, lar"e 7.room "OUll8 " " with good ~Bement, born, chlekell. houlO for 200 hens; good Ilhop; fruit. f 11 kl d 0 8 n 8 ; priced right if sold 1100", by owner. Free mail delivery. Israe) SlItterthwllite. Cor. ' 4th anel T I yer St.s., Woynesville, O. JuS" • FOR SALE1 , 6·lool Champion Mower 1 D.enn, H.,. Tedder . I 1 America n Clo .... ,- Bunehar 8xS Hoo.i.r DI.e Drill ~ 1 12x7 Peoria DI.. Drill · 1 RD •• En.n.,. Cutt.r ' with BlOW-:
•• Pipe complete 1 EcoDom,. Kin_ Se p.ralor 1 Blue Bell Separ.lor 1 A uto Tr.lle,. · . Inqulro ot FRED M. COLE, Ha~_ HardWare nrld Fllrm M~h'nery: Wnynesvillo. Ohio. (I j26' . •. ,. ' . PAINT-~2. 50 II gnllonl ,oxcop~ . for red and green paint. Guaran_ teed white lead p~lnt.. .. Inquire, o • . P" E K en ri ck, Wa~neavme, Ohio, .., , I_
~~~~~~a~~~~u~~======~=~~~~=~=~~~=~~=~~=~==~=====~~~~~~~~~~ followed. The French fleet ·wllb . • hl I
t·:;" .. ....., . . ·" Fae.:stmi.le gndorsement judge Wright I?y Warren County Bar. !.
.' 1
.: .
'~ain we preaent the facaimile endoraement ~f Judse Wrirht by tbe Membera ohhe'Warren County Bar. ' . •
hay. he~tofore siven a Dumber of realOne that cauaed the Bar to sive thia endcil'.....t.,. .
•~'' .,~ tK , l< ' '. J.L ~ll~
reuon. aa well a. many other. the Bar are .t~ndinr for hi. re-nom· • a' _ ~~ lftauun auu', 6 .e c:noD, ,We f~ ~t all of ~ur citizen. who are in favor of efficient aervice and capahie and __t .dm~ni.tration of the offic e will join in hia eupport, '.
'. on.a vOte mould be governed by con .ideration of the candidate and bie qual. ificationl to' fill the office and properly dilcharge ill dutiel, . " Th....f. . coaaid:er qualification, effi dency and character. . " In Judie Wrilthl'. c:a~ let ~e reCor d of p~t .en:ice be your lui"e-e'~~,.w, '. ~ Of eHicieat Mrvice ahould be ample guarantee fo,. t~e future--take no ch.aD~ ;.
~. : ~'':':'''.:~ • '~" " ,',
' " . '
. " .
' Ju...,. .W ritrht. qUlilific:atioJU on aU material qU&l~ioDi being a ~atter of M • .loa', be,_1ed b, an,. .c :&I,Dpalp mud-alinl.inS or misrepresentatiOn. , ........ w~i.t'. ~.utiCial crecord 'il ~G~'i:. " , . , SIDceNI,.
" ~
thousfi od men ', uDder Rochnmneoo ar. rh'ed at Newport, Joly leath, nnd were Immedlotell; blockMed by the 8r1tlBIl 'u "III a Wle eapedltloo /lIllo, ' ont at IINtIt. Vl71.lIln~on could 001, hold' to hll pilln of prudent waltln". On a clea.r. wlarm iSll,. late 10 July 1180; a lIand80ntf! cooeh drawo by tour honea erotllMdKlnll's Ferry '1lnd tolled 'up the·llfshlal\d· road. It earrled SenedlCl Arnold· an4 11111 Wlte and Ihea .b aggnge. SacS" aM Solomon Pllllled and rreeo~ them . . "What ,~ 1IIiIIt< 'meaD, I wonder'" lack Queried:' .'
IN . . ...,. . ·. TOWN
"Du~ ~Oo,t," 130101ll0D IUIllwered 'T"m ' ~re4 alxlllt It," ea1d the ,oun,·
er ...rout•. ' ''I ' tUn lIfr1JJd thlt thtl monel 'aeellet tIM! eonftdeDCtI of ' W..aI~
hlaa beeD' a IOOd
fttbtlD;t' l'Illlru lltist: ,oiiI':" ' IGDg 'il'BJ with. 'the, clllet.'!I .r.l; • ,., ' ,- : !;Oolon,,1 ,Iron., Jltopped III!! horse. "I 1m ot half I.mlnti to 10 bIlCk," be d~ dared• . I ' I ... i ~ .L . .. ' , "Wby'" .' . "I' dh1lh tell t he genor nl hnlt thllt Reed IUIld to m... It .W08 80 bItter and yet J bellevo' .. . willi trllp.. 1 qught to hn'" told hlro1 P\!rhops J , oOgju aow to go IInll tQU b:lm." . " ! " , .. '''There'8 tllile 'nough," I!IIhfSolomoli. ' "WIlIt (l\I we glt bnck . . Sombtlml!8 I've ) tboog~t [he 1I~1c!f .•Deeded ·: nd,lce 'bot . Ito8 ' aUus 'turtlod oljlt thot I 'wal' niP 0110 JJtal needed It.~· , ." ' • The. ,two hon'~nlell rode, 00 III .~ . l,nce. It w~ tb'l! middle ~ the afterI DOOD of thiat " wClII!OfIbie IIIlI.· dq. 'l'IIeJ! win boaIi4 tor the a e uthl ,. IttaI7 WtwIeD. tile AtD.rltu IDd Brtt. 1 IIIHI... hafIiItad · bl '!cowbop" fMII tile ~ u4 . '"IIdImerI" trom Ole Jforth ..... . tile fa.... or
."., tJIeII
,~. ...
"~;"':' .',{ , .
' .;
.. •••. ;f H E }o~nlcrClI
G A Z ~ T T E••••
ISSUED EVERY WED nt the P08toffice nt Waynesville, 0 .•
~SOA"Y '
- .. . " . Second Clan 1.14U ltJ'Rtter
:'f~M" C'ItUH ( J'U'
Iroliticil Annooncements
OUSE . ,. "'~ , '",' ~~,H. .'
- .,. '"
.... t-
.Clin' C. ~"' e l ~y fi nnounces hiM a nd I- I Mr. and Mrs. S. Burnett haye dacy for Clcr k of tho C OU l'L" ~\I"jcct I ~ , w, .fc.>,nJ~ Sec;1D,1\. ,.' D. L. CRANE, E,Utor and Publi.h.r, Wa,n •• vill., Ohio. . ,the Republiolln P"im lluy, A.Ug ll "t Born- To ~r. a;nll M~fi . .om;· ,~t, 12. Mr. M 'lo y hn ~ n('vcr h"{or,,, Ii _, (:OMMON PLEAS PItt)CEEDINCS J ohn, Saturday, .JuIY 5, !\ da ug hte r. SUiJscriptlon Pr; co, $1.50 per yctit. •• • . ..,. s? ug h ~ l'u bll,' nflice . Y (fUI' ~ upp C/l'l r .• . , ., l NEW SUIT~ ,,, •.\i:y.erctt ~~Iy rna,y e .:,0 , business iA j;Oiicit ,d . . " , " _f /. · Phillip Roman has brou.:ltt euit trip lo Cinci np ~ti .. 'l'hursdIlY. uf . llli1t IIgllins t H, P. Mulford and Co. for wee k. We are a ut horized to OI1I1Q Unce : recov c r~' of $35 r.%-mrd inter- 1 ..,..~.I:..-Il:.l:an.k-~ut.l~""I»-:-Nja.rlli a ~\lr g . Ruffiman,ns '80 cundid.,\le fo r cst from March 28. 1924 . viRiting ~~if\ . 'Y\MlIk . -.vitI! rG.lntiy,lls I _ County llecorder, subjec t t o tb e Rep- : I Owen S. Riggiiis Is _soing Eliza- nnd friends hc!re. ublicn n Primnry, Au gust l~, I D2~. -====~=============±-=====r==~:::::=:=:= ' 1 beth W. Huft'ord for monel' a nd nt- ... I'<l.r~. E\lc~ . Gqp's~:I' i~ ..n\l.w &lnying " ' .,. ., ' nu=hment . at the home Q! he r, niece Mrs. Jnm{).< ' . Dayt on, whu ·is (l ui te ill . "11. .. nr C! a uthorized to /ln no uncc --------------~ III ,.,' . . WiIlnrd A Benge iR 8u in 17 Morie l''h I' II 11'", .. M d. M S' Ju sti n Hardi ng. of Fra nkl in townsh ip, Ticoge , flIr .Iliv.orce. > He chllrj:es wil- ,,' . r ... ~" :-~r~• • IITl I: U/:l , Brllwn we ro f ul absence. wcck; \!nd , l'\U Cl~.~8 . ,9 £ their, du.ughter , B9 ' 0 candidllote "f oE .neT>~c..'Sen t nlive of Mr~. Lelia eigler nud fam. il y in Day. the, LcgiS/l.ture."l ub-jcct 't o -th~ RCP Ub' l ~ t lic an Primary. August 12, 1!l 24. r~."'l!-~YRT \ln, ".1 . " . . ,.' " . ~ ....1 .. I! #...\ BIC CITIES NOW THE .I:!ds , R easltllan seven .1If!«l t of tne (!lrlll'~~'IJ • hl\8,' lIf •...){. H , Oswald Mr~· Jpsil\h . Iloltn tl" o£. Tippu: , d' T carllle , is spending thl R woek with Iwr To-the V~ ~ ~, of Wll t 7~ n Co unty• ~PhPUIO i n) ~c O\r/n 78 per conl and Garl Hill were appointed apd h M ' It hereb,. ·announce that I I1Il1 U A cur~ory Rtudy of the buUdinl; t he automobiles. We liave one mo.-..1 ... u Bclle Praisers of th".... e8ta ~' of "",... f 1\4g ' l ter, ., . C,uy Jtuut ZM.b,I1 , Iltlel nn didH le fo r l h C' (, fllee of nmrn on I induRtry 8hows~to wilDt c~" tAle "lIi If/t/ ve hicle. for e very two families Bowers. de<!"iased I ',• ", I. a'lll y . ' Mr. nnd Mr". 1''' 1r ,","fir c'k 111111 I'IoH8 Judge . u bjec t to the decision tics bove heen co mpolled to fight the and th is !lumher i. ropid ly incre u~, Fr!lnce~ L. Moste~,' exncutrl'x of d.uUJ h te" r.UI\\\ ~ltl l" ,II, VI ' r.' r~ untl ' , y ' of,"u he y(,'''rs ~f WaThen CO"u ll ty nt ... .~ , ,, . , • oxodus of city residents to tho s ub· ing. . _. the estate of Ch¥c F:, .TliomaJ~' de· tli, l ,ll),er II'p e~". u( Mr. ~lI c,I lu , Wjll~"r t ho. , R epubHaan ,Primary 'On ' AUllu Bt lIrb. nnd to the cou ntry. New con· We spend every ~'e llr $8,7 10,000,· cca~ed.~ tUed her iJt ventory nnd ap- Kenrick. I l!, I V2 4 . Wbile my prescnt work st ructi on stmtcd during the fi rst fiv e 000 for lux uries .ilone. prl1lsement. II:\ , iFII ll h'lll I,r ('II th o bench may preclude mu, ' milk. Mr . Rnd Mr •. p , II II H.. mont hs of 1!J24 Cor the V\~iFe cg\llk (. Every · ma!!'. woman ',and: '\!hlld 'nt try totnlod almost ' $2 ,OOq,000,bO:0. eqtiul under tbe .'IIlw ~o ' e~ery' other · ,F.rlln k GII I\ohcx, ,W8'11.}lPPQintlld od , tiluir ,~Hn cINI ,dlJlIlyr \I 'fU, Mr, H'H.\ III~ ' 1\11 intensive cllmpalgn, I IIsk th e ministrator of the es tatq of E\Jnio!l .ooto l'.8 ot · tb'e oounty.· to ~Ive carefu l 'rhe nct1~ty hOB been so ~oot that mUll, ...w,!lIl.I~ ..:.~ll~ c\li\p, ~1hU~ he Mrll' Ch ~~1 1\ ' I kp .. /lei uhlldrUI1 , J. Ridge, deceosed, Bond $400.0, o f Harvlly~lJurll , cOllslderatlon to my candidacy. tho mome ntum i6 bound to cnrry the g('v...nor. o~ oa : greatJlAaillrieon .I:omBorn- To Mr. und Mr.. LCHIIl 118. On Dl' cembcr 17, 1923, the aclive indu stry through tho winl roo. 0 )tigh mon\\'ealth reccnH)l ..vas sente nced to l:Ja r,x I ~oQin I\OO , .. ;Dh'l .JU\l!l'oV:Ql'thy Il:vw, t hough it Is ~o", ~I\ie C'riclellt serve te n yellrR in foderal .lltlson lind, John G. Vuil ~• 'n.pn"l·nted·p .,,,,,,, - .' ~.u~l'. <lj;- CI~VII I!ln.c," W4ldnv»duy, Ju· practiLion.eers at the bllT of ,War7,en '\ prUlsers coun ty Uflallim(1Usly endorsed me and thllt building has boen in exceS8 of wl1i!e)1 'fPI stil!.'l'h~dJJtg ~Fo, this " " I'l~II, ij, C. E·· ..' o . d ,p,nr'" A. Ens. I~ . 1,6~,1\, HOll " flt,th 11Ii'W ,9f Mr. and t e d , that I b ecome 'a can did Ilt e V<.\ -_ ~ ~ .. Mrs. Allen Emrick. , . reques the dClllund In t he larger centers o,! ~lI u8e ! he , • ~ ~i!!ft,Olless A.. goY'e~tate Ql A. D. Mrs. Arthur White and 80n8, Arth- fo r re·election. Appreciating this en· population while tJierc' Il'i1s be'e n com· errtlfr \yho had pos8es8ed mllliOn8)lnd t all. exo,clltor6 01 Eo. ton, decease d. til ed their invendorsement and in compliance with pa rtitively little cQnatnlcpOIl in the y~t ~~Ithnut "pull" to keeu blmse,lt ur , a nd) J~aHI. of"p,,"yton, arl! . vlsi~ing ~pr)\ .ona .IlPprqjse/llpnt. . .. . .., ' th" # h . U u their r equest.,. 1 II,!lnOlinced my cnndis maller cities In the villages ond on OilS ' of tliil! " : !. . 'I ~ . . •. : "'. prime, t'uIJ..ripe, 'waxy, WIiOIe -lCiUiCi The .court ,approvq!f . certllio l!IIles o.t , e ./t0me. o~ ~r. 'nater, '1. r ll,. . ....e.»- daoy at that time .. the form.. Nobody in the United Stntcs is por· mnde b" Edith W. Moun·-. adm1'n,'s, ler Graham and fa,l'(llly. , l~ k h b h ri with all the 8tem8 remow.d, &ee , .., Mr. and Mrs. Fra Wl k Miltenberger ' mo)' . wor , on t 0 enc me ts This condition 'bas" ,groo,tly' st abil- mitte~ to ·~o. lwn!lf.Y~ to be .Withtrlll.l'ill, ~.f. e~lIItl! " IJ: • .Katie / M. t rl.n;.I S d d your approval, I will npPlteciate your aDd. fragmentw, cut · jusc to the ·rigbi • and bed values in the country di strict.~ . out clothing or a roof over hilJl if hill WQ.o~war" ' n e·T..I)!!.r to , y~ S!.y il41Gr, ",r. vote and support. .In ."the ...,cnse. . of .1. ' ." a nd l')Irs J . 'Ii, Sl1Ii~l;J. ot oW aYl'lellyi Uo Indeed. much wisdom has been !~!!'YI1. Wllnts' b!l.coi!!'/L kn o{....!" to thLniht ......... acbed by human ~ ddn-Igb. e~ F,lorence Hopkns, d M I "'t" ,wILLARD J. WRIGHT. In the coroful way in wheh this hous· persons. lI!1mjni¥, rator.,of . r. sane 4!ll cQlrl, 9f DUyJon. " s 41te 0(. Winr. an . . c1 j1Kparaboo ~ the ing problem has been met-by tho men Unemployment ia rate -and alWII,Ys n Mr, a/ld Mrs. Carrol King ond son. .I We ' ll, Fe " 'a u, Ui.~rized to announ~e tlll1 •. ~, .... 1111111.,. dl\jlell'l!d .. ,vs.. .•Cn-rrle R b co " Pft)Of pactcage · is sealed. ~ in the country. Prior to the great transient. O. Dakin and Warren J. Dakll\, , 8 ~rt, .l£!lr!; .",AA4nlf d ' nn,C!T g uesbl tbat R9q~rt , }V. , ~,own. ,1\ prac,demand for city homel. co n Out rking p,le mingle socially minor. the court ordered the sale of ? f tl)e.. Jor'!1er·~ "paJ·\lf.t8, lIJI'" and ticing lIttorney of Lebanon. and e state was at Ii low ebb. Thon til \.' clalJllCs a~: equals and huve cqrtai,n. Drop,er.tl1 ~qI9nging..to the /es. Mrs. David K i n~" n,ea~ :>pril)gb9TO. " ve~eran. of t~e Wor)rl War. is B. c~ndi. of the grellt press ure on tho city folks the sarno privileges of education as ~~,.fpr I1Pt less ,~ $05.0. 0,0 . ,"_ , ' Mr. and Mrs. Harr y , Watso n, a nd d~te fo,r r~W'c/lenta~i.v.e to ~~ e g C ;lI1jlT/l1 aDd quantity-the m.oet libeftl· friend tOe. due to the enormous Increa8e In' the 11 ~Ifd.-"; 'I. (' "1"" l ' ) . Upon the petitloh' ow the plaintiff fp mily, ,of Lil'!"lI, \lJ\rl Mrs, .Nellie 80- asse,,!~I.Y, .lrot:l Warren Gou.lJty in ..,. , , everb.L ' 1 4o " • rents. The rush for the open fou~ Tf\lInr is ' no lei i~ plflit B. The in the case of Mary ' B. Watson, ad, ward, o(r Be »1!rJ?ok,: y~s.i.ted . 8~tl!J:d\lY t~e Rep ublican • Primary pi August .. eo. . .... . '" .. the country ready for the absorption of the United States has lQilli~trllbrl.¥ .oLU.e .l!Ata~ .of John .H. wilh Mf· ar d" llrs:. n;ar~y Mc9inn,'~' 12, 'l9~,4· ~ 2SO mfDion pac . . . . 8CId without a ny pressing necellBity t o in- ~.H~ 0t'~ \yot.p I;I.Qc\ ,~e humblest labor- \.v d Mrs, Murtha. Waulo n. of Prince• "1. 1": .,.1\~~1'\. ,. 9C4!Wll1d. JVl!. !HeJ;8chllJ. , M, 1 d 4:rensc the number of homes. The er haa one vote. Once every four Watson, We are (lurthorizcd to onnounc,e a minor, et al .• to sell cer. tli ll., i l." .;'ptl 8? n, .)IVi\~I1r:n , W,l)t.~rn, • l ' , ' V'I '\-l r es ult is thot country properties have W*1'8 l!hl'ybody has the right to help tain renl cstate belonging t~ the es, c C l:e.~,a!i RJler t ~~y.c r/l l : day,s..la.s~ w~j!k E. J . tie~dl·e, or Union tow~ship, as b een turned from obligations into elect a, ~ 0"lPl.<lte j:ll~~ o.tjilolitical ~tll, • ~I\q ,.PlluJ;t a.pI1.oi\lted , Arthur ,,;it ~ f tllJ . rqml c.rl\ ,bl:oth l1r, pellr,gc,. a candidate for County Commll!svaluable Income producing assets, parties In government. if he wishes. u_-u frost nne! fam ily, , (QUer, 8ubject to the,.Republican PriMrs. Mary Carmony had as Su~- mary, August 12, 1924 . The fuet thot city rents are still ob. 7.'SBte'YV pe~ .·cent of all the people _ . ~on.. J.~ " Q.'DolI,fell .Rl)d J . Waggoner to npprnjse t~e rant e8. n ormally high ensures the safety of outside the large cities own thei r lIIte. dll,Y, g.u, sts . ~~r ,br~~ber, ,Mr.. ~an k the country districts. In the sub· homes in which they live. -, . " .. 4n . oI'Pplication ,tllr the apPl.oint. qfre~te. llrd wJf~, .Md,.lI1 rs "Jene Mi urb8 of the I~er centers It Is an th.e _Unit~c;I !;itat<:,s is II pretty O1en~; ,o~ 1ol . Il,uardian for .Ed"'ard . T. ch~\ !lnd c::~iJ4fen an~ 1'!f.J;~ EtrJ;i accepted fact that tbe. advance in val· place in which to live. ..., rette. of New Pa n s. Ohio. Estee, an alleged ineompet,ent. wa~ .. uea Is now established on a permaa. SQIlIething. ougbt .to,.be <wne-aboU\ .~et for hearing 011 July 11, 1!J24 . Mrs. Elizabeth Abra,ms of Leba non. en tty higher level. Once the cit.k: it.-Wilbur E. Sutton .,. J.,er.ey Jljekson , executor ,if , the w!'s ~ ~.qek;end ,guest !It the "n10Rlet ,0l.! man taRtas the gloriOll of suns!Jj.pe elltI!te..J)f ~Nlrew Afr:1 n~ . ~.rs. , Clyde,.YY.hat:top. ,',l'hIlY • Fred '9.' Simpson announces And gets tho whift' of now mown by, filed his IIrst and ,final ,account. olsq e.nt.~rtaln~ d 9n .~jJnd!ly, MI'. , ~p d '''''''f/'",,\''Y for 0 sccond terl!l as Trea tlALIl·S1( CATARRH: 1>fl'IDlblNE hlUl tho coli of the cnbaret lind the white ~1ftIII~\ IQ1'I~r...1Ifl Watre punty. subject t o been liNd 81\~c_(ully In tbo treatment The will of Mary J. Forman. d e~ Mrs. Lee Greatho\ase, of Dnyto,n. '. lights moke little or no IIPpeaL .Coun . T _-' at CatArrb.1 • , th. e' R epu bll'can prtl!lary. ceaaeq, 11(88, admitted , to Probate.. , Mr. and Mrs. Chall. E. Johns, in u.,...ay. HA!d18 'CA'l'AlftRH M,ED[(':'XNE contry life. like countrJ .·n,eW1SDa,o~rs ......... 'fOh cO.m'pany .wi!h ~~: and , • Mrs"Gle,n J;l .C. '., el'!JI~','i"'\. Il[hl Olntmen ~ whirl, Qulololy August 12, 1924. ... e court (fixed the .prices . at J h " need only to be tripd t..o. lie aa'Dr~!.. 1. n '.~ ... .fn~!~~~, :tlldl:~.' !P~~C:I~,~'~t rc'lt a~~ which certain honda pelonging tc. the ~ !1.~. a l' .on, o~ Da~(Jpn. lVere SUJ)-. elated. ~\ ev.ep nl);. ,guesl!\ ., ot t1~r. .,. " Alfred' 0 Brant announces himself through tho Blood o'n th o Muc;oul 8ur. estate of Jervis J. Hatton, deceased, d,al;'h \> at;ld M!R faOIlll. u.u. or dU2!.'!f. tbe InIlaUliftaUo1l. -------.---~ might,.he: auld. The cOllrt ,also deter. 10 n Turner and fl\mi y I near., Bell·. as a cflndidate tor ~hcritr on the Re· Bola ~ all dri"~t.. • ' J' '1 ,.. ". brook. • publican ticket at the coming' Pr1~' 8'. I J · : ben.,,, ., Toledo. 'Oblo. FICUM!S AJIID 'FIGURINC " mined ~ the. .gross ,vaJlle of the .. eatat<,l ~ ,.. ~ mary elect ion 'to' he held August ~2! ~~==~~'~:f~:f~~~~~:::~= as $13,297.12 lind ordered , R dls, , , . Four years as depbty s"eriff of . the .• ',...• Looking to the Government for rerec~ei'vedi' l trlbution of same. " . Geo. Humble who Was been qUite llef in the coat of govermnent<Mema c9,u nty ha, qunlified. him for ;l hia po· , ~RJ,:RT KODAK ill, is able to be abotlt aJialn !' .' " · "lienry . Cla.y ,Stowe, executor of ~ childish one cannot · lIn,delflltJUI(1'I P. Noggle and. family 6I"e guests s!~i!>~ . . : • " •. '., ,~, I the estatAI ~. , Caroline .. Beck.l .dec,ea~ }low such rell80ning- ·e4n ' ~~'IIo111'l,_"" , ed, filed his first and final. accoupt. .' of relatives in Fr,eJ:II , <Int. 9hio , . . , . ., ' ~ MnI. Mary J , E:inc~ i8 (oD 'thll etck Rev. Curloss and fa~flY spent last r· J' wish to announce my candldMY aoouwn'w,:I. t' ,~41ntlortalned. It is Clyde TholJ1pson waa IIppolnted . I {(lr, R County Oomi8$loner 'Rublect to YJ ..ee JIOIii • evidoncbof ),h hlt le.o, .. • ,.' week with relatives' Dea'r 'Cl n c·hn 'a~i. th b i /. ".. , ~ecl!tor of . the ' estate · of Hart · J. list , . ' ....' 1',' " , . I n, e cpu I can p'Jimary August . 12. .\ ',. • •, Mrs. ~rl Ccamll'lllllllm and dltll1flj';·1,192",': · In' To'ad" wol'k, I beUeve that Quality ' work ft , . eamg, No the peol!Jl!. A". . ; F,Pl'JI1an. ,dec8llllecl., Boni! $J.Iij)O.O(): I ,P.\lr.,et~e~ w~Il. 11herally. "eupplied i1 , Running the United States ~ . 9 \1~1I4P.ej1d~. ". 01 . ... '·.· " ' •• ",' tel' are lIl>ending the week in IIftOU Id ' be .used on s hort baul! . M;ltfdIemlln. Deal Direct. \ I,Servfce LaWT(lpce Sh!lwhan. C. C.. Eulus, and' The MI8$ell EVllns, of Germantown •• ton. t hink thnt rand work should b~ fallt' as <the millis, AU BIxel, develspella an expense ,. .of-, .mare Leslie Bolmer were appointed apprals Fr'd up intq· smoll sections , with. oping ,n'll printing, '0 cente,. except · d h t8,000,OOO,000 a yeu., 10. en....~, I • _ . . ~ t ·l. ,'" "'I..'1'~I'~l ca II c d on f nen 8 ere 1 ay. Thc band furni shed tont in charge of each vest pocketS, 35 cents. Write for Intotal ordinary expenditllre ...QLI" ~ll" ' 1 .:!ft. L . ..SJn.lth, o.f. ,Mllrion.v Il\d., . is festival in Pili nb(!' lJint he farmers a nd formation o~8Gnd money to • ~' I I . "',,, "' ,' " .............. Federal Government were '724,~1l.vi~i~ng . ¥,J: , ~pd Mnj. "~haa. ~l'IIY night. team~t.er8 in ' each locality should be ' I , MARRIACE '.LICENSES ' flll"i!y.•,_ .•. !., .. . ' •• \ " • •'- " 90S. In 1928 they were $3,244.690.~ 1\[1'. and Mrs. F. B. Reeve~ o£.lIYay: a).l~w_od to take care of the repair and, A be f h .th maIntenance of roads. No fleet of ' , .. '\ Ler~y PUlJlford, m.~hln,s~. ,Ma158, tAiI~ th \!iPelfdlture ~oe! ,~. q,~J1l r ,. r0J!), .erll SIlW., BI~DaFtoa. 0LI_ 'U Fr'e ton, spent' the week·end with rela-• t ruc ks s h ou Id IJe owned (l,n d main- 3 0 6 R litIbol'" .. _I" _ 8~~I. ,o n~ l\~~~ ~~~Ie.•. )( . C~l'~~nl Fri en d8 pageant at W ayne,sVl /l. If' tives here. not lnciua" '~02;D5'1 ,'091 paid to" retained ~y the Sounty. On-long haUls ' ' i ' , , Louanon. ' 4uce the public dobl. .1' , . , • • day evening. . A. V. ' Folar d is at hom e ngain, whore ,hccessary truc\s could be hired ~, , ' irm."L: Pa~e: letter ~~rrie;;pai. , ~V.•IU\~ Mrs" Earl ~1I11ey •. of Qn- after several weeks with relatives in much choaper from private owners; , • Mor~over, dellplte ~ltis ~'J:ed~ti0ll' : '. . las. Tex., and Mis8 SU811n H. Wright, t . q The to plnce to beghr reduction of -~--~~-"!i~Ii-f~--""'-~ • ,we find that the " D.\)bll~" 4e~t .(,is I\~Q'd . a,n •• .• re .v\JlitI,I:\J .. If .T,II Ia t'\lll!a Indiana aTld Dayton , beg\n tH'cp~actice of ec(momy ;: W,a;yne,s yil\c. . . . • ;" _ :. , " • ltm increasing. For _fll~~PIlI!l. fn en jI.~l) ,thip. yieinity., '. , .' ," . " The O. E . enjoyed a, sociul at. the .. efficiency is .U~e office , ~dw\l.rd Jrlullpn1, .~ec,h !'lnic ... :\Va,y , IJU~I! \f~J.lar~~Wrlgh,t".qf Lc~Oll. home o~ Mr, !lnd ~1rs. Vergo lIfitcbi912 the public debt ty Con\'lT\iS9Ioners, for the n~~II'e! a~~ P11~}~u9,t ~~~I!ef .~W;! was here We.dUIl,dl!J(, in: the 000.. In 1922 It~ 'W":':v ••n,."o,~.ttl:O, . ncr; Tuesd a y eveDlng. '_ ' pa8S 0,11 the bll1s nne, Lebanon. . . of his ~ampaign 'for re·election . • Chas: ( Biair, Chas. , t.fcK1l\y. Lee v!t!:s In 000. " j .'_' • ' ' ' ' .!- ~I Figures always prove tiretiOmA .G ail ,G¥~I1~ i8. h~~ling ~,vel for Whit80n ,and J ohn Robint!'on motor. J{E;~L ESTAT~ TItAoN$FERS , IIP!!ll the new .b""k ~ul1di,l!g. , The "or~ of. ed to Cincinnati Wedne!!day to , ace . , ,.Ml\the~. ,8nd . SteUa Ranea .to' Har. COl)l!trllction .•~1U belrin, in , the .. nea~ the Cinclnnatl.Brooklyn ~a1I , tame . " .. Young Friends of the cliu~ch here -:,9:"i:+-cP.:~·, ~aJlltut:J3.oachler( ,t Lot k ....Franlr· future, .; ., ...• ,I J\m· .ijo~qr:d .~IAA'.f~,~e •. , o( . took part in ~'Ftn!'''~lcbratjon a\ ".. • • ". lin. $1. Wayncsville. Friday even lng:-- ..... Katherine Newman to Hayes Dal. spel)t. a. .few ,dny,8,,,this ,,w.eek, with . parents, Mr. ~nd Mrs. F. M. Osborn The band and families enjoyed ' ~"""'f!liii., •.u ton: 2 Iota !Il ' Fralfklln. ' $1. i . ., ~ " '( picnic In Joe Keeters grove >:Iunoay. I· A." U. ~nd ' 1101'8 King 'to .George a~d !N~!,Iy.. "{ W. IRichard.: · Lo\. ~n ,Waynellvll\~.' $l : ..,Mr. ~d .~rs. ~a~~ l$ ou~h", ~n~.. ~r. Croquet, baseboll, horse.shoe pi Jesse ond Mllfflrie Smith· to ' Wm\ an~. lIr.s: ~h~~. ~o«~,~, ef M81nev1Jle • .jng and swimming and..nn..AhundA':iI:e~'e;".... --...:~. ma<te the doy a Jlarti~ond Nettie Collins. Lot in Franklin. ~reA ~~nd~r . ~ue~~8 .ot ~r: , !ln~ ~r8 •• oC good w . • Merritt. , ' , " Iarly nn_ . $1. ,1" ... r t( i' , • 'I ~, 'it~a's~ri' .~~~ ~31d~au~~7 Lalit lIee;;'el-too' h~e' been , Wm. ··B. · .FOrtIRIf9, trustee. to ' iu~ nnte week for little boys HUII I ,4, EII8r&t. ,, 4 ..Iota ill> "Loveland ter, ,,~ean,(. !fR~k,~t~, . 0,( )'{,af!1e,~r}lf~! 0 Thursday Don I Park, Deerfield (Twp'r I'L d~~' ",! "v,: ~e vW ~ng ,the form ell"" sister, Mrs. " toot t aught In ' II Chris Von Borgen to Wm. Kat- Tho~a8, at Bedford. I~ld . . telll,lal\l ' 34.1, ""ere.. . in,. l>eerfi&ld ~MIiJ. ChM:iE!'ffi!il8en Ilnd ·I!OIt;'Rob. ert, Mrs. Gail Gorden an3 ·"daugHter. ~WP~~.' ,1. ' 1 ,,, , 1+ \\ 1,' J' " ~ I . "" If , It " and ..)Vm. B. ilortl~, trulltee," to .Nk\~ ~olu , 'Eckerlein, "Ii Iota ill, Lo~1and Park, Deerfield Twp. $1. HINTS FOR HUSBANDS , ,J,IIm.l'8.,w. i! Moore. A'<Ia a.." Thurstpn,al111 J.. H •.Johnaon. all oIt' Fran~ lillt :J;,w... ' granted- ctgM& ,wa,..lt!trfi ~. .
.tk ;.e
~'.rkh. ~:dJpw. cbew
&om dUst
m·. . .
·bIS.!. .. F.oR'.:Ov'JfR 40 viARS
" " , ",
NEW 8Uf1UN~TON ....- ,". .-
------_. _.-----
"'Film FlnlahingJ fydn-.'10pIDI
W>i; F ' Coat.
I '"
. ..
• • •
t~ .1f, ' PJ'op,e~)!,., to J t,hCll \ Paytolt' ~Fo"eJ!
, ~u>~,.u . land ,
Light Co.
, .. ,
.: ¥t!. );{
.Tobnaco Hili! & Cut:lwrig,hl.
[r . •hyncs McClu ~c. \li ~it()r J:3uturduy.
",, _
L. . Printz sPtJot Sun day with his sis t r ill el\t;Crvillc .
E If YOII r conside ring having Il Public Sale, IIC C m e earlr for lcrntro .and date~. Some da te a rt" Irendy being tak('n for F ebruAry_ Ll\s t ye I eonduct'ed salea ever na y in February, not baving a mpln int from a customer . ( nbl\(>l u tcly
Mr. John Hawke made n b llKincllS . C. Cook lind Ru,Jph Miller lVere trip to nay ton. Mondny Dnyton vi itors Thu rsdny .
yton ,
hp ltC'r.
AUCTIONE_. . ... ••
Center vi Ie. Ohio •
Public Liability and Property·Damage
The TouriDI Car
., ~
- - -- - -
9 '5
Years 01 Servlae Z~
Rtm4boiIt •
Phone 2S
In the 21 jean IInce its foundl,., OIl June 16th, 1903,' the Ford ·Motor Company has ~tributed larply to the DlOlOri%iq of -modem life. 'Tea million Ford care have quickeDed the pace ~ buaiJl_ have blOQlht con,cravel beahhful enjoyment to the Americaa
Rmily. , EmnondCal manufactiue em •
large 8caJe makes, peIICIDa! transport.. don available to aD.
ScurR Ir. nn d M s. W ill Smith, of IndiTobncco Hai! Ins urance. ·. of Mrs. l'lan" UAh H .H. Burto'n ,of MI'(lc'll oto \\'n , VI'". ' & Cnrtwright. IIna l)o ll·•e • nrc ~~un.· ~o t ~ ' ROl'c rs u11<1 ot hn I'clntives herc . ited J esse Burton a nd fami ly, Inst Sun4ay. Mis~ Doris Hawk!' \,iaited fricn llg in Mr. und Mrs. Car l Hendorso n an d Lt'bunon lust Wl'ck. Mrs. Lou' HIII'lan spent the wcek· dnughll'r, Miss Kathleen 'a,nil Miss Glnclys Kilh on were Dayton visitol'tl e nd i]l OilYton with her da ug hter, 1iss Cnthl)rino F romm Is visiting Miss Gladys. Monday. rcilltives in Dnyton t his wc('k.
Mr. o,nd Mrs. Fred Hnrtso ck t\n ll LOAt-A package \Vrnpped in ll.l'mlln's papm·. nturday even ing. s me fami ly. of Milfclrd. nre vi ~ itifl" " r ·111where in t"wn . £"inder please leiIVc lives here this \\'IlOk. at Hyman's stor e . Miriam Salisbury. of Clevelan.!' is lilT. Everett Rich, mother anll two spendi ng two weeks here with her ch ildre n, fro m Modoc, Ind ., arc the unt, Mrs. Ha.r vey Rye. visitors of Mrs. Rachel Crew lind Rev. L. A. Wnshburn was cnlled other relatives here this week. to Union City, Ind., to conduct a Automobile Accidents Every Day. You may be next-why riot, at a small cost Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Ma.rshull l nd funern l .icrvice, Saturd ay. protect yourllelf. Let us explain. childre n and fias Ruth Marshall, of Mrs. Em ma Childs Dnd Mrs. E lla Springfield, Misses Ida Githens nnd Lelya Githens and Mr. Joe Weil, of S nyder, of Xcnin, were lhe week. Dayton, Mr. a nd Mrs . Wm. Doa n nnd end g uests of Mrs. E lla Michener. . Phone 61-2 dn ught.er, of Wes t' Carrolton were guests of Mrs. Mary Coskey, SI1r.Mrs. Maud Stroud entert.ained a WA YNESVILL£, OHIO ~--~~--~----------------~--------------------.________.J day. few friends Sa~day nfternoon in ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i day. honor ot h~ duught.e~ Mary~ b~t~ "
Service That Satisfi s
Mi s.~ Addie Mndden. of Clurks\'i lle, MI'. nnd ~Irs. Will Smith. of Incli. is visiting W. H . Modden t his weo k. ' On August 6th I will be found 4 m i1e~ snn hCMt of' lIIinmi' I1\In! ~ n d nlln poli., nr!' \'isi! ing relati v!'s here 2 ~ miles . north of Springboro, on th e rndrh'cr r,'ad, on u fnrm .lI le ,.f Tobacco Hail Ins uran ce. Senrs ru r n fow OilY' . W. H. Phillips. On August 9; 1 will h ~ in Gcrmnn town (.n n IlI r~t· fur ,,;& Cnrtwright. ture tulle. JII isses E velyn U ngl e~ b y . Mary Mrs. Harold Earnhllrt and Mrs. ~ call and your 8ale will be given immediatr attention. Call or writl'. Hunt, Doris un d Elsie Hawke hi ked to Violn Hqrlnn urc visitin/t in GO ICHLebnn on nnd buck Monday. burg, 1Il.
Phones No.2
- - - - -,- - - - - ' -
Mr.< . Annie Haines, who has bQ~n Miss Margaret. Edwnrds was vis· qui t,. ill \\;th rhcu mnti~m. is much iting frie nds in Dayton Ins t weok.
antee to
T. P .
W e are buying Wh eat for July and August deliverx and will. be in the lnarket at all times. Dont fail to ge t our offer before you sell. W e alao Btore Wh ea t fo r f lour exchange , and handle th e best grades of flour. . We have on hand a ful1 line of FEED, FE NCE, POSTS, SEWER TILE, and COAL, and can make you attractive price,s .
Mrs. Am till Williams is visiting in nUl' nIJ8"ille th is week.
i\1, ~. William Russ um, of I ny t~n, l\l i"s Anlhu O'i nwhldic, of wus visiting' here IlIsl \\'l· ~k . is visit ing r hlth'es here this week.
'111 \
Waynesville Farmers Exc ange Co~
was a ' prill,,-
fi 10
Mrf . Klzz ic T o mp~on is " lU,tI vis itor this week.
Born- To Mr. nnd Mrs. L on Soli s· bury, of Clcvl'lund. J u Iy 16 , u so n.
Waynesville, Ohio
Auct" oneer
@LUMBUS Sunday, July 27th
1.70 Round Trip Miss Bernice Hyman is spe noing a few days with r elatives In Lebunon. For detnils inqui re o f Ticket Agent. Mrs. J. W. W~ite spent )lI,St week with friend ~ in Dayton nnd Columbus.
Mrs. Mary Cllmpbell . \\·ith her nurse, hnve r eturned to the Friends Home. Mis.~ Louise Frazier roturn('d home Sun day after a visit with frien ds in LOl/elund .
D nte your .. lei
Mr. a nd Mrs. J. B. Chapmnn nnd I sons. spen t the wee k-e nd with remtives here.
me .
.I Bi"e
!I"ti.faction o r ehnrn e O.
F ldar in
Satisfactory service since 1912. Terms very reasonable.
Office Arnan Building WAYNESVILLE, OHIO
Phone 61-2
·Mrs. W. H. Dinwiddie an d daughte r Miss Olive, arc spe nding two weeks h. Horman Conne.r. who has benn with relativcs in Xenia and JlIl1Iea- qu ite ill with typhoid-ma lnrin, is t own. slowly recovering. ..................,..............................,~........_I...................................................... ,.~..... '."............,......,_ .........................,........ .
Thompson.' s
Mr. nnd MrK. J . C. Hllwkc spent Mr. a nd Mrs. W ill Smi.t h, of Indian - I Sunday afternoon wit h Mrs. Mary 'npoli!, Ind. , a re sp ending a few days tiopkins an d fum ily, of West Cur- here with re latives. r ollton. I l ..·.:ilit Mrs. S. S. Stahl, of Franklin, was Save your old carpets nnd rugf, tbe guest of Mr. and rolrs. W . H. Aland g et "WelllrwoU" . Rugs mode. Ien nil of last week . Selld fo r price list. . Franklin Rug Co., Franklin. Ohio. Miss Gladl's Kilbon , of Lebonon, is 'spendlng a couple of weeks with T.he little Mi,sses Mary Jo Miller Miss Kathleen Henderson. Ilond j';Iary Leah Eawards are enjoy· Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Miller,' of Spring ing a villit with. Mr. 'and Mrs. E. V. were--8mrdny-guests--ur---:I-- - -- - -Barnhart, lit Cittcinnati. D .L. · Orane. d M Mr . an rs . , • Mrs. Rachel Crew, Mr; and ·Mrs. • Robt. Cre,~, ML·. Frank Crow enterMr. a nd Mrs. L. Nicholson h'n.d a s l tained their company from Modoc, th'eir 'g uests, Sundoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ind., last Sunday by picnlcing at ,th e F. H. Farr and Mr. Thos. Pierce. 'Zoo. Misses Edna Howlnnd and Fran ces :Mrs. Merrill '~d daughter, Bess. Jarney spent the wllek-end with Miss Mrs. Bush, her !Ion nnd dau ghte r, and Bernice Murrell, of nellr Ot-egonia. j Mrs. Haines, of Walnut Hills were the I' guests of Mrs. Cynthia Evans over Mr. and Mrs: Curl McClure and the week-end. <laughter, of Dayton, spent the woek- . ~ nd with Mr. and Mrs .. Walter Mc_ 1 Mr. a nd Mrsi. Ezra Bunnell, who Clure. have been the g'uests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. F!UT and Mr. Thos. Pirete, the and Mrs. Chas. Lynch and tam-'r' 'past two weeks, left for their home in ily, Mrs. Chns. Cook an d Mr. Howard . Lebanon, Ind., last week. Burton spent Sundny at North Bend, I
Wnman'. Itute nnd touch are k .. en in judgment of g"od br.. " d . By th" rom". the feel. I\nd the n~' ·o ,. .he know. it i. good "read.
h not .uch a product. While we bake lar,o quantiti.,. 'we pride ollrlelYol in a loaf that equall "hom.baked bread."
H.I Itood th e telt of bou."w •.,e, .IId that i. the he.t fluarant" .. we can eDltLltCllL...-I.L!>.m.duct manufactured in the ' bulk 10m. timo. 101101 tlte indiyiduality a bou lewife can g.ive it.
~GI the endoracmont of tbe follow· in, well·known cook I, who .ay "lilt ollr br.ad equal. the old .Fa.hio" .. J home-baked prod..'c t in o1<ccoll<\nce. S;·,ne~, ' SALLIE MUR RAY MRS. ,JJL..MA R L~TT
.j Mr. Wm. Best, of DeLand, Flo. , is t he guest of Mr. and ·Mrs. J . n. Mr. and Mrs .. L. H. Vinson and Hawke. Mr. Best, who left 'here q~v · Mi88 Jean Ferguson, of Dayton, are cral ·years ago, is now the owner, of the guest s of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. a fine orange glrove at Deland. aJ1d is White thi" week. Insist on Thompson's Bread enjoying hIs vilsit .here very mueb .j Mr. and Mrs. Dean Howoll, of Chi· ...." ••• ,., ••• ,.,............. " ••• ; ................... . ............ and Mr. and Mrs.' B. S. Howell. . . . Mr. a11'd Mrs. C. C. Meranda, of cago, of P01·t WilliaM, were visiting their iiiiiiiiiiiiii. .;i;;;;;....~-_ ____..__..iiiiiiiiiiiiii. .___....-• • • _ . ._ _ _-;,;,·:.; ' -;';. .iii · iiir George town, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin and !IOnS, Richard a nd Carl friend s here last friday. of Winchester, Ohio, were g uests of ~orn-To Mr. anq Mrs. Karl Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Wa,shburn, Sunday. Mrs. Meranda and Mrs. Mar- Babb,of near Xenia, Friday, July 18, -1 1924, a son. Mrs. 'Babb was fonnertin arc sister s of' lofrs. Washburn. ly Miss Eleanor Earnhart.
T·b ompson's. ' Bread ..
_ __
Wayne.ville Motor Co.
A · 90 % •
.T obacco Hail Insurimce. & Cartwright.
Saving fro You '.
D·r. Bailey · Campbell, of Dayton, and Mrs. Jas. Stoops, of Van Wert, Ohlp, were Thursday guests of Dr. a nd Mrs . Witham and Adam Stoops. Mr. and Ml'tI. J. W. Edwards and ~'Y"i1y had as their guests at dinner, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart and Mrs. Emma Barnett, of Cincinnati. .Miss Loui8e Crane entertilined l at dinner Sunday Misses . Virgin~. H~ den, Louiso Bonder.on, Lola S\lars, Evelyn Cartwright and Thelma' St. John.
Mr. aild Mrs: Sherman daughter, MIllS Rhea, and Mr. . Dyke. o.f . Daytpn, spe~t Sa,;u~~!l)r'1 and Sunday with friends and ...t,.thJ... here• .' . Mrl ,nd Mrs. L. A..Zltnn:uirll)llnll lQd Mr. apd Mrs. N. A. King, Ind.~ started Friday mo,l'i\ilncr 1jl~t"' " TheywiU be Kone'.Mttlro ~nd will visit fJ)allY iniJDoriiult throuldiout the East: ,
0 ...
Jl .• •
, ,
-~ .
, ''1fI
Seventy-Sixth Year
Wlnle Ntlmber 5600
J ohll S. Hllrlsock, bor n in Mt. Holly. Warre n County, Ohio, F ebruury Sarah T. McCowen "'liS born in LESS THAN ONE SIXTH OF In, 1844, grew to childhood in Sprin g OF SPRINC VALJ.EY HAS A' I ndiar", on JUHunry 30, 185 1, li nd THEIR SIXTH CAM E LAST .,WON WAYNESVILl.E'S QUOTA HAS SENSATJ()N Va lley,and Waynesville. When a died nt her home in Lerado. Kansas, FARM BUREAU IS URGED TO SUNDAY young man he went to Lima, and tlnBEEN SUBSCIRIBED FOR THE on Jul y 16, 19 2 4 , aged 73 yeaTS . 5 RAISE QUOTA listed f rom there in the 192ndO. V. mOn ths and 16 days. NORTHERN OHIO TORNADO - - 0-I. , and served his coun try loyolly to Youn, Cirl Wa, Arre.tedd (or BeinA' She wo,~ mnrried to Edwllrd E. RELIEF. OTHER WARREN S eco nd Defea t for 't he South Le ba- .Janney, at Lcbn non, Ohin, on May the Clos" of tho ·Civil War, ill the Too Much Married, and Tak .. n S .... er.1 Important M ..etls,. Were COUNTY LOCALITIES ARE ~ pri n g of 1806. Returni ng to Limn, no n Tea m by th e Fa, t 11. 1876, alld t.hey made t heir home to Troy for Trial Held at Differe nt Loc.Uti ... OVER THE TOP. THERE IS he wos united in morriage with Miss in Waynesvi lle, Oh io, for two years, Miami, La,t Week b:mma S. Andrews, November ao, then moved t o Kan sas , n ~ ar Larn ed, TAKE YOUR CHOICE 1805, lived In Lima IIbout II yeur, in May, ] 878. ANOTHER MILESTONE moved t o Springfield, where he spent sj;';ing Vulley lHas n Scnsution In 18B4 they removed to their Mn squeradi ng, it is a lleged, under T he Miamis went to South Le bnME RCHANT FARMERS un t il Mu r ch, in 18BO, when he ,'cMr. F. A. Miller, Chairman of the farm near Lemdo, Kan., where they sever nl alias, says the Sunday papers, OF LOSING OUR STANDING. non last Sunday and easil y defeated moved to Springfie ld, wehere he spellt resided until Mr. Jo,nney's death, in Lorain Reli ef Committee wrote CoVALUABI,.E WASPS a bellutlful 28.year.o ld French Cana. , the team from that tmvn. Errors the remainder of hi. life. From IhlLt time until her unty Al(ent Class late last week urgdian "'i rl was arrested l.. te Fridny HAND YOU R SUBSCRIP were plentiful on both sidea, as well 1918. This un ion \\'11,5 blessed with four .. TION TO "HE WAYNESIll! hila. The Miamis mado sixten death, Mrs. Junney resided at Leradn ing that a ll farm org8l1ization8 be Republicans demonstrate to you be· c hildr~n. threo of whom survive, Mrs. evenin g ut Spring Va lley a t the home She I!nited with the Pre~byterinll Bctlve In raising the ,SOO.OO, quota VILLE NATIOINAL DANK hits to their opponents twelve. The of her mot her. MI's. Rose Benson, and yond the shnrlow of a doubt thnt La Florence Jnhn son, with whom h'e church ut th e age of 1B, and held her asR1gncd to the rural sections of Warfinal Rcore was 10 t o 3 . F ollette will take his vote s from Joh n lived, L L .Hnrtsock, of Springfield. is heM In jail nt XCl1 il\ on a cha r'ge until she removed to ren County. The rural solicitation The Miami. made their first r un in W. 01l\'i8. "Organized Inbor States ,lI1d Cllrl Hnrlsock. of Whee ling, W. of bij!umy hruught in Miami county the first inning but a bunt and two Lerrulo, when sho united with the is in charge of pubJ.lc apirlted fard b lis f Methodist church. Mrs. J Ull ney is mers representing the Grange and will d esert Dcmocrnts:' lind "DIIViH Va ., and one brother of Spring fi eld, by HU," r''v Gmy, DUl' t <l" , whorn l he passe a , a ter the first inning will get. noth ing but the SOU l~ ." IVIII .. L. HartHock, an d one hulf broth a ftlduvll ~IlY . , h. mllr'l'icli him irr Troy I' in 192 t . I hits, errors and overthrown bll lls 81- survived by her t wo children, Mrs. Farm Bureau. The Committee h48 May Saylor, of Langdon, Kan ., and divided the ,SOO.OO r equirement aur, ChaM. H. Hll rtsock, of this place. lowed them to roll up the markers. The &.:'irl'H main l' lI nome wu s g-hoe n . Dr. J . J . Janney, of Dodge City , Kan. mong the various townships ao that Democrats can prove, if yo u have He is ulso Hurvived by five grand. Burton was In extreme danger In Robert M. died in ]893 aged 10 years each division Is to raise from ,,0 to any inte lligence nt 1111, that La Fol· ;hlldl'cn a nd Hix greut·grandchildren U8 Geor'!!,'nlll 1.~~rll·R lIC(" nn d lhe nC· ftdRvit KUy:l l" he j~ lt1H,W tl 01:-; 0 us H TI ' I. two frames. In the fourth inning:, grandsons J nmes G. Janney, ot $160. lotts'y vot e will be ta ken from Cool· "I' d II host of friend s. His beloved en Sm ith" unci " H e le n Ar'rro ld." It Iln overthrow, followed by two liln- Dodge City, LKan ., and Arthu r L . Mr. Roy J. ROIlS, Chairman of Haridge. Lt Follette is n RepubliclID, ;ornpuni on, MTS. Emilia S. Hartsock , d his foll OWing is chieny among f"rm . .. receded him in the higher life, May Is charged Ihnt Rhe marri ed Orny SaOI...v:.ehltl bdall) Bayolr Jr.• of Langdon, Kan ., and two lan Township WII tbe ftret to report. • ''IS sisters, Drl J en nie McCowen, of Dav- Mr. Ro s~ appointed one active farc rs of t he Northwest. They arc Re· I. 192 1. Si nce her death he kept wIme the ul1dlvnrred wiCe uf Peter Smith. The S!i r-l was arr~8te cl by that only one run came across the enport, Iowa, and Mrs. Mary McCow- mer or tarmen wife Ill! a aolicltor publican". La Follette will carry ibout his usual vocation for over two Mal'8ha Jl Willin m Cnpsey, of Spring .1<....--_. \ plotter. Again in the uventh he tll- en, of Chicago, Ill. in each school district In ·' hIa TownWisconsin, Minnesota, North and years, during this time he lived at , led the bases 81Id on Iv one run en V II a ey, who \\'n~ IIccompanied by Mr. Orchurd Da)t. is being planned by sued. # ship through whom the funda were South Dakota. scrlpple Coolidge and :he home of his daughter, Mrs. John" n ' f th . S\.at quickly ralsl¥l. Mr. Rou brought In elect Davill. This is whnt the Dom· ' on. But on May 23, 1923, he re o Gray, lind the two men took t he girl hor t'ICU It uns..., 0 e e E xpel' iEvery man on the tefi.m g t hit ocrala say. a total of $US.86 from Harlan Town eivel! a paralytic stroke. another to Xen i" lIft ... r 11 o'clock Friday cv· ment. S\.ation f q.i' FridB)', August 15, Carl Frye the longest o'ne , °a a , three ."ble growers bagger. ship, though their quota was only 1Il May 24th. The third came on enlng. Shl' WR S arrested at !1 o'clock to !nve f ru it an d ve~e~ Saterthwalte. Pace and '75.00. Union TOWl1ahip under the Civilization continues t o PllbS im· luly 1 !lth, since which time ho has at the Ben so n hOlll e on Hill RlI'eet, on opportunity , to ~rmg their prob- Oaborne each got doubl • The Port William t e . '11 the leadenhlp of Mr. Clem Bowyer~ porumt milesto nes. The e nd of sla neen declining until Thursday even. where citize ns said she appcUr c'd on I... m s ·to t he stille speciulisla for aolu' eam WIon play July 24th, the end came at Friday. Grny secured the affidav it lr· Ull un d lo Inspect. brought In '411.46 thourh their quovory wus one. The stC8IlJ engine was t h ~ ore har ds an d here Sunday, with Adams the in Troy a nd took it t o Sp ri ng Vall ey. garden s lit the ex:peTlment farm at mound for the visltora Ad I ta wu only '40. )fro R, E. Crone Another, the electric dynamo another , 11 :30. Confro nted by her husband nnd Woos te l'. I . ~ , amB p ayreported Deerfteld u "Over the Top" telegraph and teler ho ne, others. The He wus a merllbcr of Mltcholl Post, ed here las, seyon and the fans are The Band, under whose auspleea at a Cemmlttee Meeting held In tb, f110st romantic milestone i ~ soon tc; G. A. R., of Springflold. He joined the officer, the !tirl first declared that The orrhard and. garden tours will anxious to aee him in "'"Uon agalnat .,.. the street carnival operated here last Farm Bureau olllce Saturday evening bo In.beled "Aroung the World In n Wyoming Lodge I. O. O. F. No. 102, she would not accompuny them, and includ e inspection of the large vari- our team. Flying Machine. " week realiled a Deat sum as ·thelr The Chairman of 1'urtlecrek Townwhere he a lways rc\.ained his me mo denoun ced Gray with much profanity cty collection , ~he lresults of spraying share of the spoils. All during the ship reported 110 far '111.00 eoUected oers hip. The burial took place at accordi ng t o ollicers. She fin a lly pruni ng, fertiliblpon, different meth/ week there was a largo crowd here by twelve . 1I0licitors out of twentyTwontY-five milli on dollllrs' worth Wa ynes\'iJle, Ohio, in the old family went penceably. She w us taken to ods of culture, pollination experiStati;&n specialists anmany wore attracted from near- four' appointed fu this Townahlp. On o( grain elevators are included in 0 burying ground, Monday, July 2Sth. Troy by nn officer fro m that city Sat- ments, etc. nounce thllt particular attention will towns and VllliweR. The· rea! atCounty Aeent Clasa and big merger that wlll allow me n that Beloved and respected by all who urday. The j!1r'I's moiher whosI! ' name was be given to t he problems now contraction was on Wednesday evening other of the County Oommlttee eomgrow groin to c'o ntrol marketi ng. knew him. given as Mrs. R()~e Lima Le~ prallce fronting growers an d that every vis. when the " profeMiona!" wrestler municated with ~ number bfthe optThis i8 one of the biggest co-opera· on the marriage record, was mll rried i!.Or will , ha ve an opportunity f or that the outtlt carried waa to meet lying Township Leaders. urwInc them tive merketing enterprises ever or· nbout two weeks ago to J (lhll B c n ~o n, qu e,tions an d infor'mlltio n in r egllrd a local boy. The preliminaries to to complete their canvu and report ganized. of Spring Vulley. The girl hil S bee n t o th "e problems. On Saturday, August 2, the Odd this CGmbat of prowreB8 and wits, If the money ralud 88 lOon II pODible. The far mers owning this concer n Stu tion horticul t urists have ' taitJi F ellows of Sputhwestcrn Ohio will any, was In reality more stirring than staying wi th he r intermittently, it is On Monday evenlng a total of IF t hey own It; IIJId. IF t hey contra! ~nid. Grny said that ho recently in the future of the fr uit and veg- honor G. F. Brown, of Lebanon who the affair Itself. The woman bally- $426.30 was reported. · Deerfteld Its manngement, 'would have storege learned t hll t she \\Iu,'l already married etable interests 'of Ohio, and in the is now grand-muter of the ord'er in hooer, who Will! the poueasor of a Townahlp total was ,152.60 thoaqrb f or 50,000.000 bli~hels of grain; in when he wedded her. She left him orchar ds and gnrdells at Wo'oster and Ohio. This i8 the highest office in the deep mllsculine voice, gave the mad tbelr quota ll88essed was only ,'76.00 Chicago, .Kansas City, Omaha, Minin Dayton where t hey have been liv- elsewhere in the state, are doing state, within the power of Odd Fel- throng to understand that no holds On Tuesday, the local Committee for.. . neapolis, Fort, WeI'"" Text , etc. Band Concert program for Thurs- ing. were harred with the exception of the warded $426.30 to Dr. D. C. WID , much to assist in puttiJ.g these indus- lows to give. day evening, Is as fo llows. There will be a parade iJ.t 6 o'clock strangle hold. Treasurer, Federal Reae"e Bank, • tries on 8 permenailt arId paying ba. Men that produce the whe~, t;ligl, Saturday evening and exercises at 1 M'a(ch . .... .. . . ... .... ... .. Soverlgll. Waynesville colors were worn by Cle_and and adviud the State Casis. Growers are invited-to see what corn, potatoes, etc., ought to lIave . ...... ... The Gleam. the Station is doing and at the same the Opera house after the parade. no mean adversary. "Jim" McDon- mmittee at Columbu. that they hoped lIomethlng to do with the marketing 2 Overture Indiana Moon. The famous 1.' O. O. F. Home band aId agreed to meet this "profeaalonal' to raise the remainder in the near time have a pleuant outing. and price regulation. They haven't S Weltz . .. .. .. .. ..... . mat expert, who In hlB gren tight. future. Xylophone Rag. • Rag . In addition to ~he inspection tours will lead the parade. managed it yet, but California haH made an imposing appearance. But Morrow and Salem Townahlp Com5 March ..... ~ Black Rover. a short program oj~ speeches "by na.---V;t;ST .MARY'S .cHURCH proved that it can be done. Jim was not perturbed by thla un- munity are ar.$prlng a big public ' .. Intermission 10 Min . ......... . tion!!1 authorities in fruit growing, ALFRED C. BRANT, FOR SHERIFF serning blullter. He not only re- gatherlnc and ice eream f"tival ' fat Thero will be no Church School or was announced. . 6 March .... .... I . .. ... . ........ .. . . . ... . _. Clco. services at St. Mary'. church durlnll • _ • United State. atheletes have seWaltl .. .. ... ....... Pal of My Dreams. mained with the "experU" for the ITI~ur'8d1lY evening, July 81, at which cured the b'¥k and field championallotted time ' but 10 anuo)'ed him, Ie hoped their Townahlp quota win Cuban Dance ..... ...... .. ... Rosemary. the month of AUgust. ship In the Olympic games. These that at the gong concludlnc the man- be completed. ' Select4!d Waltz8 ............ Enchanted METHODIST CHURCH are the most important events, since Night. Iy sport, the gentleman In the green . At a Tobacco Growers Meetlnr In Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preachthey Indicate possemon of the most 10 March '" ........ L1eutenant Sauteltights turned hie attention to hla Franklin Township last Wednesday Ing at 10:80 a. m. Wednesdayevenintense .nervou ~ and men\.al concenman. fisla, and this conteat luted only a evening, a purse of ,2 •. 10 Wall ralsing' service at 7 :30 p. m. Epworth tration. -~. minut.oe with Jim, M before. the ed by merely passing the hat be- ! League 6 :45 p. m. Preaching at 7 :30 Running, jumping, etc, mean noth· . The crowd then took up half of thll Tornado Relief. p. m: Everybody is cordlall), fn'tikld Ing now except as they indicate brain Jim's argument and for a ahort time All who have been aabd to coThe fil'8t summer term at . Wilto theee urvices. and no"e power behind the record. things belrlln to look quite ' ·Uvely. operate in this movem nt are urged mington college closed last Friday. Rov. L. A. WMhburn, Putor. This mixed race of ours, which is The aft'air was settled by compro- to leilC~ their inftuence 'at on~ 80 Thanu to the w.eather man, it waS NOT a "Nordic" race, R Latin race, mise, however, and it was . agreed that Warren County may be .nioq cool and pleasant and. willi .enJoYed · The. building that is to house the CHRISTIAN CHURCH e Semitic or Celtic rece, i8 doing u that Jil)'l Wall to met the "pro." In a the fint IllOUP to· meet her Q1ioi.. by the 600 students. A vel'f large new tllI!ng station aj; the north end mixed races have done for ' centuries Preaching aervlCeB at the ChrIe- number of Intere8tUng addresses were engagement. It was Indeed, a The Commi~e . wishes to ext;end. of Hmn IItr~et is CODlpl~ted a~d ready in Greece, Rome, France, England, Ev- given at the Chapel exercise8. Among large evening: ' their thanks to the good work .lr.... :t;or the installion of equipement. It tlan church Sunday morning. beating races thllt have , allowed the dy accomplished' to the many pubUo these wu one by ' our County Repis expected to be in running order erybOdY cordially Invited. breed to s~nRte . women throughresentative, Justin Harding, who ne~ week. It Is-(JUit4l ~n .. tt......,=+--·FERRY CHURCH out the County who have 10 ianer:f!poke on "Training for Citizenship." tiye. looking building ·"nd is 10 situ. B, 9. ~mJTIe is dead. How mal)Y ousty responded not only In moneF Rev. Scarff will preach at this Fifty-three Warren, County teachnted that it will .catch the motorlats pf O\lr 112,OOOr0(lO kqow ~8 n.,me.' eye, . . but in 't aklng time to carry on tlMi this church Sunday, August 10, at ers were in attendai:lce, this being the He III one of tlie four greateat eleccanvas during the bUlY Mason inci10 :30 R. m. You are cordially In- third largest number ot all the countricians in this ' country. Edllon, Tesdental to harvest work. vited to come. ties of the state. " la and Sticnmentz were the other ~-.-----threo. · Lamme and Steinmetz are Miss Opal Davids, ' who hu .,een gone. teaching the 8th grade In the Wayne A master of electrical scien,ce, Township Schoole for tile PBBt four Charles T. CrOBB, recently al1pointLamme was creator of 160 useful In, years, hall resigned to accept .. ,Iml. ve.n tions, ¥d called the "gr~atllllt cd 4I1l1ist.ilnt' uc"retary of the G'rand lar position .in the Kings Mills schooL Lodge of 'Odd F ellows, entered upon mathematician. " Her new poaition at Kings Hills M his w!l!'~ 1'8 chief engineer for the duties ot that' pollition last week. offers a subetantlal inCl'eue In salthe W~.t l ngJ1oul! q ompany, Lamme The p~l\itfon carries with it a salary ary and better connection by rail was helped by two alsten, one with Qf ' ,1800 . a . Y8!,r, ' ~e will be staA veteran who files a elftl~ . for with her bome. The many compensation receives an adjulfed a desk beside ~18, was chief delligner' tioned . at Celumbu8. MiN Davida ha. riven excellent ler service certiftcate In the .lIhape qf. " ,. frienils of: Mr. CroD 'at Wayneaville of direct current motors. V10e dUrinr her four year'a work In twenty year endowment, Inl nrl\nee Those two ai~ter worked with their congraulate him on thU; new positi~n. the local Ichools and hM made many policy. .The v,alue ,of the. po~will brothllf,. lIS thO sistj!rs of ~er8chel frlenda among the students and par- be the amQunt of iftIuranee hIS . Clnd Renan wo~ked with their famous enta. She has completed two ,oars adjulted "mee cr:edlt, Increatea b1. ~ .. brothel'll, of collore work at Wilmington, which 25 percent, ~ould purchase at ' hill . Such ",ork Ie better than the' fame will entitle . ber to 1\ S••te life cer- are on hIe. blrttlda), neareat the date · . ;, t.hat pallsell with the death notl~: , titldMe, ,. the oertill.oaM '. , fUaed. .' . ! j !. -' . a.a " Ii a dependant of thi Of ali the newl .today, for permam"kell appUea~on after 'the nent value nothing ill more Important the vete~ , eucb dependant 'wlU th"t the lmp,ortatlon by' the S~te of only the face vlilue of the · PNo ~f' IlIv,n ~usand WUPI from . ";n .. Fi'Moe, Thilae peculJaf WMp. are 1hI'_" ~" ' brought' here .tQ flaht,tbe co""borer. { ~ ,IIIIIIII - ~ . I f" • · They and' their ,cllUdren'l children 1~~IYlJitandl.g "PoJ)lqtlbOOkt ~~' ~ .. might save the 'country hundrectll of relltl"ea.",w'• .re ~Wti;,.. · mlllions a ye ~. : ;" ," Come to an Ice Cream F"'val on . Matn .tne~ .9f Lytle" ~turda"lpe,,,dllllt. . United S~tes ceBB'es wuhllr 'Treu~venlnt, A~ " ~n~, jtve~ ..117 the IIIlvinge ' cerijfteatell" and .IIt1{mp~ yollna people of LJt1!,I K. E. Sunday-I a4JIII'~' co1ia~_~a' tJ1!!t I hflve ' pal~ 4~' cent: The School:' Sp'~nd,id mUDI~ .g!lvt'!,"~e~t c¥ bo~w money . }l1« !>anlt, an~ f1nl¥lclera :at a rlo,' lVer ~iji:' Sp "I!~ pay 4~ JI4!l' c: e l1 t I *1'e. IJ~t1", p.8gpl", , . . . . . • W~a~ abo!!t ~I! hlflllil\ndfd. fltftoltll't, un-,ltleh, patrf.otIc ~eef"; to "\lul"vate tJlrltt in .t he mUl8ll'" Did ~t (]fe auddeaJ)" when Intend telJ' Dt~ the CO••nIlDe"t want It.., the ~ "" oDlF the IaYiDp o(tbe~'
EXPERIMENT 5TATION'f~e~g~!~e: utph:n~asp~~~h
-----_-. ..----
r:r ...--:---
' ---
'1\ Miamt
Maybe Neither Coolidge, Davi. nor .~aF()l1ette TO
In .tJae
. Days 01 PoorRiehard
SUPPole That Elec,t ricity Took A .VacationThere'd Be N.. Breakfast
How to Dlotl nCu leh Butt " " .!)•. nutter/Ilea ' IO I'Y - b. 1l1l1 !11/11 1\!<i1 ",1 frollJ moths by fill'lr QIII"'lh ll ~ h~lltg tlilc1!cucd III the : ('Nt r " t1I lr\, ·~
Willi Drawn
. Estates SeUled
National RanI!
F.r You --aa you enjoyed it thill morning-hot, crilp toal':, browned At the table, fragrant coffee electri~lIy
NO STREET CARS To take you to work or interurban carl to carry the travel era.
"I reacbed tbe Oorll8 farm. tar QOWII ID tile neutrlll terrtrory. at ~n o'clea and a IUtle before dftWII Will wIth Oortlee aod 1111 nolpbonl In a rouib ftaht wllb • band ot cottle thlevee, ID tbe eoUI'II8 of ~hl<!h three moo and a ere 1terl0uRl, dillabled b, m1 DUtota. We IIaI1 llalted .. berd ana roncellled oUflClve. lq tb41 mldlt of it and 10 were Ible to 1Ib00t from lood f'O"H' when the tblev.. arrived. Solomon Ind I apent four dlSllln the neu· trill territor,. When we left It.a dosell eRttle thlevel were In need 0' IepIIlr lind three hll(l moved to parta uaknown. Save In ~ IOntbem limIt, theIr ~ournlle hlld been brollcD.. "J bad oft!!n thought of NancJ, tIM! blue-faced mare. tbllt I hall ret from Oovl/nwr Rl'ed ' and tradell to Mr. Pou141113; - I was agRln reminded of bor 111 mee .. na a Dian . wtlO MO JUlt eClllle troDi Tnrrytown. ~ Deer ttlilt place I rode on to PauldlDl!'. tnrm IDd .~nt ~n1 lID ~ 110_. I fO\llld Hant!J 111 ' lIesb ul! ""rtte. 9be ~ to now lind Ulle tile tOuch of mrllaDd 11114 Italldlq III \lei' lido, tIM IIOtloc eeme to me dlat I ...... to 0Ir(1 _. Pau1d1~ . . . nclUHd IB-ctftIam.
For bUlineas or locial or home activities, or for emergency caUl that often mean life and ·death.
NO UGHTS IN STORES OR OFFICES No ahopping-no banking-no buainen--no nothing I
110, ..
Wheell of indultry would .top and thouland. of workmen 10ie their wage•.
AND A'T NIGHT Dark atreeta and houaea in which the vandal wou(d work with eaae and daring-no movies, po electric:, Ii..,., no aoc:ialgatheriDgl of any kind.
oa the job .ummer and win.t er-twen
fou.r a c1ay-tlae lnatant you want it_I much YJMI aeecI~ It'. the very heart of com-
. i ..
.-.uv lit.. ' ..
0" l
{leJJaytoir POWer and Ligbt Co. ... ,
• .... f\' Gneil.'1"''''' ·Strilet '' ~ l
~ ::o~tb~~·.!:~
Xenia, Ohio _
"hed b.lm. MJ
0 ....
. . trOI1t
. bJo onrwork 1IJlt1 110 I propDlld • CI'a(Ift
........--~~~~*=~=F=::::::=:::::::::::::~=~::lA~....:::::·:::::""~~~::::::::::::::::~:::::::~f ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!r !
IDd lIfrereft a 'BUIII to boot wbIdI be promptl, accepted I tIa~ , up the aorth rood . "'til .... "n~1l, bt,b-heeMd ma~ _ _ .., .dllle. Tbe Dat lIla;tlt I ' Itopped wttI! ' me Reuben SmIth . . . the aortllWD IIIIIlt at tb4I neutral tlftltol')' below ItOD1 Point. 8mlth lIa4. proepen!4 " lei}. m. IIQIipll~ to 1M patriot...,: I tutd,heard ttla. l1li _ • Torr and eo I wtaIIed to bow""" I foIIn.
htm • I'QIIJ(I4. Jo'9tl.l, ICIna-bafte4 II1I\D
J''''~qII.ml441eall.....,011:.wtdIwen• '-4, rtaclna ~IIG III a ,low tuIe ID4 ~e4 "
·,tDrVaa breath... ID4 bee
...... .eH-
I'OIIrI aa4
"Be looked my mare ClTer earetull, before n. led lIer to the .table. "NeU moruInB I. be Itood 5r ber hticl. be ulled " I would . .1 ller. -"!'oo eouldn't .trord to 0_ lbat ~r..' I .ald. ' . "'1 bi.d touehed ,,18 , nDltJ. In tact I md not reaUH how mucb be bad made b,. , l1li C?vercbaratDJ. He.... better able ·to ' ~ . . tbaD I ,~ tbat pI'OOO8e4 1D8, 110_ ' "'atlieo«ereo ,.' to..abow' UIOtber aDd a 80111 ..~ tau..s . IIIJI! . to . taU
Phone 61-2
. to
a:ec-ii'-ot· ~ eltaltt. . ~ WVGI8
be-. help it
.Bo..__, I dIooIt mr hn4. He IIiueue4 lila of. fer. ,_ . .. 'Wbat do , .' .11it ' . her!' ~~~e ~l~JI" ~~~ ~o'~o~ - . like that,' he ", IiItendC!4 to Ileep tile ......• lalll .. 'Bot Ie J'CMlo",wtil treat fIW ' well and rdv. MI',"I home.J Ibllll • ),oa 1i...... ·her.' .1:,~ ' . :. ' . . . :~ ,. . 10 " , , i·..· It DIaD ~ho.,1llres a £Ood .joll:lI win ~ .. 4rh!! , . , ."lne4 · hOllll,', be In: ~ I ..... . . _ . ............ ' m..._. - . that ' ... _ ,: ..1._ 'h ' h ............" mart 1'....." teU lnto' :tI!e hlllldl ot-neubeD
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.toNEY LO A!' ED ON LIVE STOCK, chlltLols. "Iso seco nd mortgage~ , Fancy a C()n8ervatlV( newapape' then the Houst! of Repreaentatlvtis majority vote in tho House in FebpUblishing on its IIrst page a story to must Immediately convene for th'e ruary. A dcadlock is quite on the Note» hought. John Harbine. Allen the eWect that neither Coolidge nor purpose ot choosing a President. The card!l-tl repition of the Democratic Dulldlng, Xcnill. Ohio. Davis nor La Follette will be elected (choice being limited t:i the three high- National Covention, ))erhaps. until Pl'(!sident of the United Stutes in No· ' cat candidates. would mean that the March 4, 1926. At thn,t time the vember, At fint glance Buch a state- I House would hlwe only the optlon of new house comes Into being. but the ment might 81eem outside the realm I choosing one, either Davis, Coolidge new HOUle has nothing t o do with the· Farmers of Wllrren Dud adjoin ing of possibility, but the political situa-I or Ln Follette. 'choico of n president. counties mllY obta in 1II0iley on long " IS camp1EIX a,n d th e e Icctlon . I n t h e event 0 f a d ea(II oc k untl'1 tllllC' loane. III f> 'AI POl' cent Illterc~ t. t Ion ma- HOW HOUSE VO E" _ , chinory such t hat it does not require T ~ , the disintegrntion of the pre&on t Co~t or ~ecuring tho snml) is very r 11much imagination te see the p088ibiJHere i. where the election machin- . House the duty would pass to the sonuble .thro ugh The Federnl Land ity, if not thEI probnbility, of such a ery t akes on a different color. There Senate lind here it must be rem em- Bank. For further information coil situation. Almost anything may hap- . Is no voting by individuals In the be red that the Senate votes only fo~ .11' "1' odd re88 M. C. DRAKE. Treas. pen in Novemlbor. : House. Moreover each state has the Vice-Presi dent and not for tho " reI'. pholle :l16-X. Lebano n, Ohio• . There al'(! 581 votes ill the elector- only one vote. Rhode Island's vote President. If the country 8tnnds ral collep-. The Electoral college equals that of New York. Tho votE! without a President. then tha,t offic e, WANTED is composed ot electors from each of each state Is determined by a mll- . beillG' vacant, must be filled hy the lltate, equal In numberll to the num- jority of the Congressional Repre- man chose n as Vice-President by the .H. TRICT MANAGEH WANTEDher of Senato,r s and Represent:a.tivea 8entatives in that state. This point Senate. Wonderful Q Pportu n lt~' for IImbtto which the State Is entitled. For ' gr88ped let It be remembered that ·At thts point we read another eli- iou" I\IId depend hi mono No ineUlI)pl!" New York state has two the " blocs" In aeveral delegatlon~ mination. The Senate is limited Lo JeSlmcn ~pl\Y wc~ kl Y 'omplllte coSenaton ami 48' Representatives, ' hold the balance of power. Thus , vote fo~ the two highest candidatc~: (tlcrntion.' Sa les I!X pcr i,,"ce \luluublo There~ore New York hlUl forty-Rve the La Follfttt~-Wh eeler candidacY' ~o lhe hkelyhood Is. the choice w" uld ,ut not necc.s Sfi \'y. Write to<llIY_ votes In the e~ectoral college. The becomes somethmg to bo reckoned he between General Dawes tlnd Gov., ..Ioore & Co .• Newark. N. Y. j uau total membership of' the electoral col- with. lernor Bryan. . . lege equals the total membenhip of Anyone familiar with the line up' D FF ------------~ the Senate and Houee-531, In vo- in the Houae Il18t year can lee how I ERENT IN SENATE FOR SALE t1ng' it will be remembered tba.t the likely it I. that neither Da{iis nOl:,I Now cornel the Senate vote. The' FOR SA LE-2 fresh cows, calves 'poople vote for the electon of their Coolidge would be able to obtain .1I Senate does not vo te by states like states, theae namell appearIng on lhe the House. The Senators vote OF Dy side. O. S. Cornell· on Wnyncsballot and 'not thOle of Coolidge or . Individuals, and II majority vote de. d Ue nnd Ferry r oad. ' . ' DaVia of ~ Follette. etdes. The Senate membcnhip be· l OR SA LE--My ))fOpOrty in Corwin, ing 96. 49 votell would elect a ViceThe C0!lstlt ution provides that a . ,1\!l1r the Ha rveysburg pike. consistinlr majority of these 631 e l e c t o r a l · President. who would tmmedmtely .,1' 1\ good 6·room h ll u ~ c . with kitchvote~, or 266. is necesaary to the . succeed to the Presidency. just as JII. good well un d cistel'Jl; II IlIrge lot. 'choice of a President. ' The penon Ceolidge succeeded ~ding as soon o'o r informat io n write Alex I!!mley. having the gNlatest number of votes. the vlleancy occured. .i. 11. 4, Wnyn Olivi lle. Ohio, care of of course, wins when there are only In the present Senate there are' 43 \Vnlter Carey. s1 two candidates In the lIeld; but with Democra s, 61 Ropublicn ns and 2 three the com'plexitics bogin. Dat" your .ale. wit.. "'e.. . .. .1 .1.. Farmer Lnborites. These figur s .' OR SA LJJ-l uu ng :>ll orlhorH Bull, ' . , . ' Here Is thlll constltutioal clause: .atl.~.ctloD or char.. O. would appear to ensur e the election For further .~nJ'o rJJlu 0 11 sce Uolla "The persoll having the greate~8t of Dawes, ' providin g t hore is nG dolt on , R. D.l, \, a yncdvi Ie, Ohio. nnmbef of votes (in the Electoral chango in the character of the Senu6 College) for President shall be the C E NT E R V ILL E, 0 H.I 0 Iltr as a reault of the Nove mber elecf OR SA LE-Gunran tc H emstitchPresident. if 8,~ch a l\llmber be A rnaPhone. No. 2 t i('l ns, anrl providing always thllt La ing and Picoting A Ltllc hmcnt. Fita jority of the whole numlier of elecFollette would not swi tch a numb er .my 8ewing ma,chinc.~ ' 2.60 prepaid tof1l appointe(l; and it .no person of Republic'nn Senlltors from the C. O. D, Circulars free. LeFlesh havlnlr aucb III majority. then from -€ooIidgeoflin. t1cket an-d procure peflo'n l havin~ the higheat num'Votes for Bryan. The mRrgin ia nar- Hemstitching Co., Dept. 2. Sedalia, Mo. j30 ben, not .xcell~lIlg three, on the list . row. and. La Follote might elUlily be FOR SALE-Two 1tC1'(!8 of good of those voted fQr aa Pre.ident, the decidln, factor. HQUlle of ReprMenta~vee Ihall choose ",. eye !ilba One need only to go back to 1916 truck ground. large 7-room house ImmediatelJr b haUot, the Prealdent, to aee how delicate Is the prosent sit- with good ooaement, barn. chicken ')~') uation. In that year the electoral house for 200 hen s; good shoP-; frull ,ELECTINC A PRESIDENT ...... ...... collegeJltood 277 for Wilson and 264 all kinds ; priced right it IIOld .oon Now let 118 to the situation. Lebano,., Ohio for Hughes, A third party candi- by owner. Free mail delivery. If the candidate receiving merely ' dllte. controlling. tor example, the 13 (srue l Satterthwaite. Cor. 4th and Ju30 the IlI'celt number of eleconl votes electoral votes ot California, would Tyler StlI., Waynesville. O. could be chosen. then tlio entry ·8:00 •• m. to. p. .have thrown tho election Into the SALEof La Follette into the field would be Heu se, How many electoral votes Ln 1 5-foot ChampioD Mower unimportant, according to unblalcd Follette will control aa a result of 1 D....IDI H.7 T edd.r and I18tute political judge8. But the comlog oleetion is 1I0mething for America. Clo".r BuacLer this is not thj~ case, and there are politicul writen to llgure on. It may I 8"a Hoo.I •• Dlac Drill are many pohti<!al observers. who rebe. something tor the two dominant I 12,,7 P_ria Dba D.III gard , It lUI highly unlikely that a mRparties to consider leriously. , Ro .. E •• lla•• Cutter witb Blow. joflty of the electoral vote will be II '. e La Follette lupporters are claimb f th ' d'd ing he will carry' between el'ght Bnd ~r Pipa compl.te won y any 0 e can I atea. I Ecoaoln7 Kin. Separator The aecon~ lllonday following Jansixteen litatell, 'If he da,rries only 1 Blull Bell S.parator vary the electOrs in each atate choVACCINATION OF SWINE Wiaconsin. Minnesota, North Da. t Auto Trailer. sen at thl/ ' Novemher, ele'ctlon meet kotu, South 'Dakota and Montana. ,. , A SPECIALTY h Inquire of FRED M. COLE, Harnesa, in tqeir rellpec;tjve Sta~o, cap,lto18 ,and . IIUC . result would likely prevent liardware--and Farm . MlI,chlne rv, decb!ro for their candldatea. The eltber ' Ooolidge or Davis from win-# votes will then lellt by me.aeng.,r to nlng the neceaaary majority of 266 Wa)'ftesvilJe. Ohio. j26 the preaident or the ' Se~ate in Wash. Phone" electoral vote8 necelBBry to elect the PAINT-U.60 A calion. excopt ington. They will be counted on the PreBtdent. Even the electotlal 'Vote red and greon paint. GuaransecQ'hd Wedriea:dey in February beof anyone .tate might prevent ~ white lead pnJnt. Inquire ot fore the joint IOIIlon of the House majority. E. Kenrick, Wayn..viUe, Ohio. and Senate. Han.f!~~' ow.. -1186,
F armers, Att en t Ion. ' ,
I - .
. I
T F Martin:
1pocIaI... At Cu,' J""llrt
Ever'y Tuelday' m. HIVE YOUR EYES ElIIINEO
. '.'
, . ' 'Low ' 8/Id T ........ . , .WbeD Jat'" a~ 8olQlliou relunaed to lleedqullrter&. · Arnold aDd bIll will! Wft9 18tt1~ In a comfortable bOU8f ClTeriooldn" tbe flYer. Colonel lront made 1111 repo~ Th. t(!lIII1laDd.er ,ID eblef <!OmPllmented hIm and Inf1ted the ', oun, miD to mille a tour at tbf ~mll In hll <!OIJIpa"1. TheJ mOuDted tbett hOr&eB anti rode IIwa1 together. the .relult will "I leRm tba, Generel Araolll .. to H Then no candld~ta haa be a majority-I be In I!OIIUI1&Dd lIere." Ja$ I'eIIIIrtred two hundred and IIxt7-liI: vote_ lOon aftft\' tbJJ i1c1e begaD.. "I . have lIot ',et IIIIJIOUD<!Od m, Intenllon," Billl! Walblnllton.' ': WIlo
............ ·e ' e (
IIIcte IlaIl6laI
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"I Go Dot know him but be II ctJrl. OUII, well Informed. ArJlo1d II all able allleer. We have not ,lOan, IlIIe btln. '. H. II needed bere 10Jr I bove to 10 lID • Ilona trlp to eaatm ConDectleut " to citllfet with Iloc¥~u. ID die
' ~ ~o~ ..hat , to ~ M." . .
Ide 0111: • ·'OtDeraL I
· taJ~~iiI6 Farmers·EX:v...~. . nv ; w.
are buYin. Wheat for july' and
.. ,A!,!IJU't .delivery and will ' ~ in the ~~et ' at all time.; Dont, fail to aet ~I
offer befo~ ~ou·'
.ell: We' alao
, at~ . .Wheat for flour eKchan,e, aftd
....... Ie _the best,.....dea of flour. W. bave . . haad a fuH line of FEED ~ENCE; PbSTS, $EWER TILE,' aad ~O~ ~ . C4lD make you .ttractive p~ - . . ., ,~. . 1'-
SMAUd /1
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YOuR .;t\lfii!tC. ,C UAL.'I . .
.... THE M I AM I
~.ntered at tho Postol1\ce at Wayn
I V ilie.
0 ,.
Socond Class Mall Matter
D. L . CRANE, Editor aDd Publl.her, WaYben!lIe, Olllo.
Subscription Prlco, $1. 50 per year . .
COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS Notice of Elizabeth W: Hufford, defendl\nt In tho case of Owen S. Higgins' vs. Elizabeth W. : lIufl'ord. was ordered to 60 made by publication. Upon application of a. W. Ivins and Fred B. Zurtman, receivers at the Superior Puper Co., the court aPIJolnled L. C. Anderson. Henry W. Mocker and H L. Cutter appraisers of lhe property. They were ordered to not Incur an expense in excess of $100 in their apprl'isement. Default was oponed and loave glvcn to file nnswer and cross petition within five days in the case of Bessie Hoover vs. Glenn Hoover. The motion of the defendant in the caso of Wm. S. Roof vs. Vir· gil Fullon asking for an order to dis· solve the restraining order hereto· fore issued in the case, was overruled by the court. A motion for 0.. new trial was also overruled. A distribution of the proceeds f rom a sale of rcnl estate in the case of Flora E. Dudley va. Austin Goodwin . et al.. was ordered. The court authorized the transfer of $431 .00, $66.93 'and $226.00 fro m the sinking fUlld to the tuition, contingent and te'uchers retirement f~ nd8 res pectively 'of the Harveysburg Village School District. . In the case of Anna Janney vs. Clinton Crist, the sheriff was ordered to sell at public auction cer· lain real estate. Daniel Mays was gI'¥ted a di· vorce from Dora M. Maya on the grounds of ex.treme cruelty.
Mall.ltt, sn.tne, $1.2,6 i Milo Beck, haulIng and' dragging, .:. 18.10; Forelt O. Ho6'. repairing sower, $0.7,,; Wm. Warner.. hauling gravel, ",.60; John Robertson, . eame. U4.00; W. Cooper, 25 yard8 grav.!l. $2.60" Ouparis Ohio Qtilifrtes Co., crushed stone, $284.94; Waites Garage, repairing tractor. $148.24; G. E. Blinn, labor, $3.00; JameS" Mille r. repairing washout. $2.40; Elmer Cramer, final estimate on contnl,cl; No. 788; V. W. Tompkins, payroll, $1 945 .68; Elmer Cramer. snmo. $119.45; Eden Terry, same, $1156.66; A. T. Rettig, same, $316.00 ; Hoyt McCormn ck, ' 4{)7.85 ; Walter Varner. sa me. $2.4 0 ; W. S. Grnhnm, samu, $288.80; Harllln Whitacre, sn'me, $2:J5.95; Harlan Whitncrc, lumber, st one anu gravel, $267 .61; Morrow Fed nnd Supply Co., posts and spikes, $3 .00; Cliff Hough. payroll, $l441.!J6.
A 20%' Saving To 'You
The farmers 'In thla section are busy threshing at this time . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Longacre and fnm Ily motored to Richmond, Ind., Sun- ' day. A number from hore atonded the band carnival at Wayn csvillc last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith heard the Rodeheaver party at Clum- , tauQua Suhday. . The Tobacco association lind II I la rge meeting at Lytle hall Thurs· dllY evenin g. I W e arc ffe rin g a long li st of ~ea :tonl\bleigooda Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Ha ll, of Wn~" 1 nt p rices w hich wi ll e n r. ll l" yn u 't o buy 'lthoae nesville, spent Sundny with the lat. thi n gs yo u h a ve w a nted to l U Y a ll (1u~riaer. but ter's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc I Glnnis. hav e he ld back on a cco unt of price . " iI ' Miss Louise Woolley, of Dayton, - -is visiting at the home of her gthndLawn M owers parents. Mr. and Mrs. William He d S tar D e troi t Stov e~ , Brown. Ch i N am e l Hou se P ai nt Mr. and Mrs. F'Tnnk Rogers enter· talned the former's cousin, Mrs. Nora H amm ocks, Porch S win~s Cliff C. Meloy announces his candi- Boyer, of Johnstown. Pa., several Croquet Se ts dacy for Cleric of t.he Courts subject days IRllt week. Ice Cream F r ee zen to 'the Republican Primary, August Miss Mary Routzahn, of CenterW ftllh Boilcr!! 12. Mr. Meloy has never before ville, is spending a couple of weeks Cold Pack Canning Racks sought public offic.e. Your support at the home of her brother, Guy Routzahn and family. is solicited. Baae Balla and nft~S Dr. C. W. Osburn and 80n, Orville, Dietz Lantema We are authorized to announee of Dayton, spent Friday with hiB ! .Ia~ Allen Hufl'ma~,u a candl~te for ter, Mrs. Sarnh Oaburn and house County Recorder, Itlbje~t to the Rep- guest, MilS Annis Jef'trlell. Mr. and Mns. Frank Rogers and ublican Primary, AUigust 12, 1924. guest, Mn. Boyet, were Sundas din.~ We are authorized to announce ner guests of Mr. and Mns. Clarence Justin Harding, of Franklin ·t ownshlp, Berryhill, near Waynesville. Mi&a Mil!ired Clark ,-eturned from as a candidate for Representative of the Leglsature, subj,eet to th~ Repub- Miami univensity, Oxford, Saturday where she has been attending sumlican Primary, August 12, 19~4. mer sehool fo~ several weeks. Mr. and Mri. John T. 'm ll: of RlehTo the Voten of Wllrren CountyI hereby. announce that I am a mond, Ind., Wheft Worde PI_ WIth' maldng-an extended lro-~-~-""'--------: candidatce for the offiee of Common visit- with their daugbter, Mrs. Seth Whlltevet' we well alideret:oft'd WI f expNlAII clearly. 11M "ot'da· ftQ~ wt~ Pleaa Judge lIubject. to the declaion Fumnee' and fJunilf, of Social R\IW. eaee.-Do1\eau. . .... j. of the voten of Warren County at Mr. Leou Saliaj>ury, o( Clevo"nd, the Republican Prhnary on August spent (~ eouple of daya last . week 12. 1924. While my preaent work with h~8 wife jlncf children at the on the bench may plreelude my mak- home of Mr. ahd· Mri. Allen Emrick. Ing an Intensive campaign, I ask the Mrs. Angle ' Heckatborn and chll- WE GET THEM QUICKLY' AND voters of the count~r to give careful dren, of near Fnt,nklin, spent Sunday FREE OF CHARGE FUNERAL with Mr. and Ml'I. Ralph Joh08. Mr. consideration to my candidacy. On December ,17. 1923, the active Frank Smith, who hu been viL,'Ung CALL ·US ANY TIME AT OUR WaynesvlUe, Ohio EXPENSE practltioneers at the bar of Warren here, accompanied them hODle. Mns. Charles Johns and Mrs. Walcounty unanimously 'sndorlled me and requested that I become a candidate ter -Kenrlc.k were week-end guests FuUy Equipped for Good O. for re-election. Appreciating thiB en of Mrs Belle Coon and daughten, In donement and In compliance with Dayt-an,.!IlI7bo alao entertained to Sun. I "'_~ ___________- J ,~ Service"'.' their request, I ~nouneed my candi- day dinner Mr. Johns and Mr. KenLatge1 Dupl~y 'Room , , • , I dacy at that time. rick and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johns '~' f .,!\, ' / tIf my werk on the bench merits and 'son; PaiiiTurner.TBLEPHONE-'1 AT . OR NIGHT Film Flniahing Mr. and Mrs. WUbur Clark, Mn. your approval, I will appreciate your MarY Carmony, MIMes Kathryn, Marvote and BUPPOrt. andDeveioping garet &,lid Mildred Clark, . MeYn. WILLARD J. WRIGHT. by partel post. Claude Riggs, Culou8 Younce and We are authorlzud to announce Everett Clark were entertained to QuaUty "ork at a IQving, No that Robert W. Elrown, Il prac- Sun4&y ..dinner at the bome of Mr. Middleman. Deal Direct. Service , . r as the malls. All .~e s , develtieing attorney of IAlbanon, and and ·Mn. E. J. Carmony, at Spring- fast Dentist' '. \ . and prinUng, 40 cents, excopt oping veteran of the World . War, is a cand!· field. nit pockets, 86 canta, Write for indate for representative to the general Mr.- and Mrs. Seth Furnas enter- formation or send monel' to WaynesvllIo National B;mk BId, aasembly from Wal'lren County In talned last . wek the latter's nephew or the Republican Primary of August and niece, Mr. and Mn. Gorden FiB.... 12, 1924. cus, of Indianapolla, Iud., and were Jl:A'JlI.~W. y To the Voten of Warren County, Joined. on Sunday by Mra. Fumu' • r \ ~ ... Ohio, I adles and gentlemen-My sister and family, Dr. and lin. M. :OaNTI~~ ' name, u a candidate fdr member W. Yencer apd ann. lobi! Joseph. of OVER 40 YEARS of , the Le,lalature from ~d coanty, Rlchmolld, Ind. ., I ~nd X-O-a~PI:IIST', will appear on the &epubll~n tle~et Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ~ and at tlio PrImary election 'to be held 1·"'~II.un"', "Mi'. and Mn. Harry ~'-ler •!t .., .' Tuesday, August 12th next. I here- and lon, of Dayton, IP8Ilt Sundl,y'Ii"~~~:t.,.2!· , Telepbou ' ~ ,by IOliolt your votee. D. W. Hum- with Mr. and Mn.. Simeon Bnnm. ~6a~!ln.,< " phreys. Mn. Emma Lacy. ~ether with . OFFICE: \"J..HATH04:WAY ·8LDG, bel' ~hildren and famillee, .and lleverON~'MAIN ··STitEET " _ I· Alfred C Brant announces hlm~1f aJ friends, from Dayton, Ridgeville as a candidate for Sheriff on the Re- and Merrittetown, pltnlced along the publicaII' tleket at the coming PrI. Little Miami river, Sunday. mary election to be I~eld August 12. Four yean as deputy sherllf of the county hu Qualified 1~lm for ·tbla position. . '
- - -.. .....
The RelJubliClI n Pnrty Is ~oln~ t n conduct nil lll:gre8sivc campa ign III nil partH of tho nu~ ion . The party Is Miss Llda Kennody, of Dayton, WIiS going to prcsent to lh.j pCOI)le 11 list , homo from the weok ·end . of the many uchi'evome nt beneficial Mr. IInu Mrs. W. 1'. J ordan enter· to the [l l!o pl e thll t have heen brought tainoll relatives Sunday. about ~ince 1112 0 . . The Republicllns We are glnd to report Mrs. Mary are dete"mln!!d that the people of the J. Finch slowly improving. nntlon Khull ha \'c II full opportunity Miss Mabe l Starr and W. L. Smith t o becom e I}cqua inted with th e mnny \Ve!'e Dayton visitors Wednesday. good th ings the party has don e for Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Moler enterthe peo ille since March 'I, 11121. The taincd a number of relutivos Sunday. PllTty manugers feel that the people Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hartsock, of have n r ight to be presented with all, Dayton, aro viRiting relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hutton arc en· not part of t he fac t!!. The Rcpubli· cnns ure going to point to the fn et te rt ulnlng the Morelands, of Pitts, that the program of Calvin Coolidge bu!,g, Pu. lIaa been one of economy, of tax reo Mr. and Mrs. Everett Villnrs, of iluct loIl, uf officlency; t hut he hu. Dayton. ure vlLcatloning with their IIteadlly J>ur~ ued an hOllest, direct "clatives here. course tending to bring ubout better Baril- To Mr. and Mrs. R. H. condition through every UlIJ't ot th r fir ooks, on Monday, July 21, a daughUnited Stutes. Not nlone will he ap . er, Ruth Ellon. pelll be mud ' to Republicans but to Owen Harris, of Columbus, is overy thinking man 'lIfld woman visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. throughout the nation. The party Frank L. Harris. reullzes that tho American poople ElUs Shidaker remalnod for a visit have alrcady achieved their own un. .vith his grandparents, Mr, ani:! MrS. NEW SUITS ,t,rstandlng of Predldent Coolidge Emerson Frazier. Goldlena Apple hall brought IlUlt $hat he is the choice of the people Mias Louisa Haley, of Wllmingtori, against Chas. Daniel Apple, et al.. And I. Aot the set of any set 'of poli '8 visiting at the home of Mr. and for partition of real estate. t,lcianll, The rrimary elections de .\frs . Gail Gorden. Allie Cross is suing Wa,ldron C. ~ow that Coolidge Is.'a, choice of the' The Zion Buptist church hold atl' Gilmour, administrator of the estate Jlcoplo. Chulrmlln Butler, in '8 state. aU-day meeting Sunday. Dinner Willi of Robert Gilmour, deceased, for the rnent issued at Washington,said: "We 31:rved in the hllll. .' recovery of $6000.00. have " party pl"tform and a presj. Mr. and Mrs. R. W Kaylor an~ Hurry Hartfeller Is suing Otto M. dentlal ticket thnt will make it pOMi. Mrs. Karl Shldaker and children Hartfel\er, et aI., for parti\ion of ble to conduct the ~mpaign every. "pent Friday in Dayton. real estate. where in the open as energetically In The Baptiet Missionary circle met The G. A. Schact Motor Truck O(\(· part of the country a.~ another, Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. N. Co., has brought suit In ' replevin, and to present our cause with the ut. E. Bennett, at Maplehurst. against Garland Hill. Mr. and Mn. RUlISel\ Jeffries atmost frll nkn ell." Mr. Butler stated The caae of Alice Smith vs. Jos·· thut he wns I)articularly pleased tc !onded the funeral of Roy VallTres8 eph Bebe Mills was compromised, have rQcolved a Ilirge number of com. f near ,WayneSVille, last Monday. selled and dismissed. nlunicalions from men and wome, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stump and An injunction' previously entered who admit thnl their Interest In pre. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shidaker a'nd ehil· in the case of Sophia B. Smith · V8. vious campaigns had only been inci dren were Dayton visitors Sunday af· Har.ry L. Smith was modified. d ental, but that they nre now ex :ernoon. tremely unxious to actively partleiRobert Smart and children and PROBATE PROCEEDINGS pate 1n the present campaign. Cool· Min Eva Moore, of Cincinnati, were William T. Estell was apoinpted Idge's clean r ecord will gain for him Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. guardian of Edward 1'riplet Esetes, tho support of mllny who, this year, • Halnea. for the first ti mo. will vote the Re Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis ond fum- an incompelant. Bond $1000.00. James C. Wild resigned 88 execupUblican tickot.· :iy villited their nephew. ~lr. Roger _ Davis, at Hale bospltal, Wilmington, tor of the eatal!! of JOlJeph H. Wild, deceased. Apon application, the Ci1·:S'~D(lay morning. RUSSIAN CHURCHES CLOSING . Mr. and M.... Harold Harris, of tizens National Bank and Trullt Co. Leban.on., .pent Tburaday night and was appointed idmlnlstrator de bonia Many churches in Rusela are IIUS· with their parents, Mr. and non of tho csta,te. Sam Keever , was appointed to pendlnlr 8ervicos, says a Moseow reo Frank Harrla. port, -because of the dilsentlonll with Mr. . and Mrs. WlIbur W. Wilaon, serve as an a1Ipraiser 01 the estate In the orthodox church and commun· of Lexington. Ky., are _pending a of . Olinda Belle Bowen) deeeaRed, tat antl~religious propaganda, The few da" with tbelr parente, Mr. and In the place of M H. Os"ald who Is unable to attend ' to hll dutlee as eathedral at St, Isaac at leningrad Mra. Frank Wllaon. has clolled its doors and tho cathedral The BillY Bee elaas of the Baptist such. Luella B. Bowen: Bdmlnlatra~ of Kazan is eXllected to dose lIoon. 3undli,y-School -e ntertained the Wi!- trix of the estate. filed bel' InvenSunday congregations nre so small ang Werken elllS8 with a plcnltl a~ tory and apprlsement. M. C. Drake, adminlltrator of tbe and receipte so meager that tho cI\· Thursday afternoon. tbcdral mnnagers finl.l It impossible The Baptiat 'MIMionary Circle gave estate of Mary E. Tbomptlon, deto continue operntlon~. The hiBtar· lawn f~te on tbe Ichool yard Sat- ceased, filed her Inventory and apleal museum at Lenln,r,d has offered 'evening. It Wa,a well attend- praisement also her I8le bill. The to take ovel' the St, hallc. a nlagnlfl.· and a neat sum Wll8 cleared for court also ordered the administrator to sell certain penonal property c:ent structure modeled after SL the treuury. . Peter'" at Rome, and convert it Into We neglected to mention in lut at private sale. I wiSh to announce my , I to t· a museum and art gaUery. report that Mni." W. H. Ogden . Upon application of Wm. R. Whlt- for County Comlasloner . n Priroli ry AugUlt ' 1'2, ' Wheat hnrvcst Is going on In . With its 136 Corinthian columna INn.erta,lnI!d het Sunday-School clallll ncre. assignee of John R. willon; for the Repullllea of marble, tbe great golden .dome and a picnic 'at Sc1iantz" an extention of ijme :.t.,o-IJe b" .In- 924. In road work. I believe that community. MillS Mary Weichers la Sp4J Mlml~+-_ _ _ he wal teams Ihould be used on Bhort hauls, ventory and cola888l slitues of the sainte, ~he Ka· llnd I tlilnk that road work mould be week In CineinnBti. ean cathedral is ono of the m.oat 1m· . divided up Into small section. with a competant man In charge 01 each L Mr. Frank Kellis Dnd family lpont posing In all RUBBia. , MARRIACE LICENSES I::;:&:~~lr:and that thu larmen and l"riday In Xenia shopping. Built in the form of a great eros8, Charles Albert Lutz, I,' In each locality should be • Sovel'lll from here .tended tho carUte cathedral is 236 feet long and take care of t'he repair and hlval held at Waynesville the past 180'feet wido. Its! magnlfi~ent palnt:" Anna, Illinois, and MI88 G~rendolyn- rlD.iIllte,~allc8 of roada. No fl.et of Marjorie Schwartz, Lebanon. should be owned malnIngs; gold ikons, splendid interiorand •• Mns. Henry Toms, of Xenia, IIpent Enoch A. Fish, merchant, lind by the County. On hauls balustralde of 80lid silver weighing Little Roger Davia la lleriously III the week-end with her lon, Emerson M. Acton. Both of Frank. I truckl ""ed Grayce 3.600 pounds have a priceless value. the Hare hoepltal, In Wilmington. OWbllr8. pill Dnd wife. . Qn the walls are 103 banners Cline a'nd fa~lIy were Sun- lin. redluetion of taxes Miss Dorothy Rye Is spending a oiber trophies. captllred from Napo. afternoon. guests 'of Ell ShaKorn o~. of ~ few days visiting her alster, Mn. lion, which !five the chureJi a mil· faM,lly. R'~L ESTATE TRANSFERS of the ;cdilomy fer Com. Howard Belim. ' ' iw,ry aspect. Among its n. ~eallU"8dl;: ~: Thompeon wa'. at FVme~B Nancy J. and W ~ W. Shurta Mr. OttA Harlatt from Columbus; aro 23 keys to cities wrested I'Sltat:ion and 'Antioch ·recently I n the Emile M. S. and W. A. Berger. 'Pent Satt,rdiu' with his father, Mr. Io\apoleon, including Hamburg, . the Spoheci Poland China' lots in South Lebanon. $1. Timothy Marlatt. . ~. . ,I' -'. , Mina Knoedler to Thomas acic, Rhejms and Dresden. Mr. and tin.. Q. B. Ilarlatt and , _ _ _•• _ - Sh~rman 'Ferrla, ' wife and 'diu,h. Reese. Lot in Lebanon, and 14.1'. and Mrs. Ei'ilenon' terl' Lucife, spent Sunday .aftlinlOon. George . E. Hall to John F. Rich. Dill spont Sunday the guesta ot Mr. SWEDEN'S TOURIST HARV.E ST with M'r.""Perrls aunt;· who I. ·Ietlous. ardson. Lot in Franklin, $1. and Mn. Henry Tomll. , Iy 111 at her home,. HI,' ~",-n'on::liI George C. 81ld Carrie Davidson , Mr. and"l!tr-.. J.~ob Zimnier enter~ About ,5,000,000 was spent in A fcw from th'ia piace are ' atend- William and Nannle Collin a. tained at' Bunday dibb'er Mr. and Mte! Sweden last y~ar by some ' 60,000 ing .the Wilmington Fa,ir this week. acres in Deerlleld Twp., $1. Chas. Andrews and Mr. John Zlm· tounste, 'acc:ordlllg to,.eaUmates ~om· W~. YJllan, an~ ' "He, 01 , Spring Enoch A. Rlah ~o Gr.yee M. mer, In the afternoon, Mr. ZimRllod tro"'; data collected by the Hill, were Sunday' afternoo~ . peste ton. ' Lot In Lebanon, " I. mer'. brother and wife u.me to vlalt. . $wedlsh Traffic aMoelation. , It hall ot~edl-;Vlh.... , anit fmll)..' ~;,... 1.mram 'Viii) to ' lJoula Bllhop: 1Ir. John Zlmmer returned for a ....n poaatble ,~ eatlmate from .. I. iI.. f)-a.f' ~4, wil!! ,H~ ~klin. '1. t. iew vllIlt ~ bHa:'MIl•. la,eob, ~.Ine.. -done by hotela, Conner and wife, of Wa~..ytlje and Eita1i;'e~ 8. Rupp and Dealle -~~ - - - : Abbie Fralle~, ~f Cuba, ICHnfufl ·Co.' Knlght 'to Luc,. B. 'Lutl : . Ut In Iblee, rallrO'ads, the larger 'a)nuB«!ment, etc., that the nU'rnD4!r :'~1 untf, .re ' 'Sunda, ClINt. '~f _ B J. anon. 1l" 1. ~. . HOW ABOUT ~T fOreign visitors .In lS'ft'eqe,n,.tlUUl Murra·" . wife and sls~r at Long View Sacob A. Carey to t;pm .~ut . 1I5,OOO PrItchard. Half acre In :.'li~ji~~.,ts _~!ItP~~~tt , Bleeb-"(H~ldlng· ali iong 'blonde ~;~~~:lI't~1;~.t3::~ Twp. " I. V . • halr)-."Hal where dld t.t lila eomd 50,0'00 ' In 1928. ye.a r , hur to th.e officiala th1-\ teJ'<c"~tar:f1h \11 ano,,".,' 1 . q:eo~' &J ' .ft to William a ••:oo·'11 ~E.t;~.i(:~1~~ ttom'" . 'jobl1e~ r expo~IUon , 'I' · Gc)thlen~,uirir~ I ".~ ·t'.... tlelr""tIl'01then;l iiHN~bOt 'ln .....nkUn:" ,1. /. .Alibl Ike-"~, wile's bead-of that fair attended by about 10'-I ·flllnlll'tfI. .. counel'" ' .' ., 000 ~mericim8, many of them em'l; Bleeb-"Sure about than" , ,,.nta ffom Sw~en, who h~ , tak,n · AUbl · lke-"A~olu~iJ-po!litive. ,. tbe oPP'!rtul)lty to reyJlit th, '!I other 17 I I ,>,." . ·.e ountry. \' . . , . ·Bleeic.·~ "That's ' Nnny-'-I juat Tho ,'lnoney taklll1 Intp.<' a ~e~untrY took it ofr Sam Slllekerr. coat.:" b, tOurtl£ ttade 'liI ':Iayally 8~01cen of ' r· i • vquely as part. o~ the ."invisillle ~ now beebnrllifr Intereeted In ~ti,ng #lese p~nd,iture8 ~
Political Announcements
W. AN"TED· ..
Walter McClure DlRecro~
w. F. Coats
'. . '#
Dr. Johl) ."§. 'M'iUer
DR. H.E,
h. . . . 'I.
It bu been 'computee!' that ~e ..ver· ...' e~ndiure wlthil'l Sl'edan by tourlatl ai8 _bout ,100'for each Per· ~
Votfor Willard J ury ~ right ~ for Judge 'o f Court of . . , ..~ Common Pleas An Appreciation.
,1 A .
12 -
~)rL~,.~r. r-Ta..c..
We, the unders1sned. membe rs of T~e ~ MQ~~e~- - \ ' f~l" ~io.. feeling privileged. on a ccount of our -.:;. laB8oclat1on with the l egal a.ffa.ire of the County. desire to ~ ~~nn6\moe our f ull confidenoe and appreciation of the conduct of \ ' our ::b~ghest trib\ln~l in t pe. C.ounty.
tew · fact·s ·we deem worthy of menti'o nl During the po.et ,' five years there ha ve been inetituted 1693 ~l'aBe8 oil the ~ dockets of the Court of Coruaon Pleas, ~ number muoh . larger thad C . . 'WOuld . Beem possi ble t Or those not. connected with" the .a4JD1n1etr3- ~ · ~t.1~n . of ; e.ffairf1i . of . thiS number a.ll ~ve been disposed o,f· excep' t.t he . exceedingly e~l1 numbe r of .69 caseo, - no\'! pending on the dO~k~ certainly this ie a high coomendation as to efficiency 'and pat~ of O.uslpcBe. the rceult 1s We are enjoying a \oOnditlon not ~tt~ned in but few. if any other Countiee in the ' IState"': of eeouring . immediate trial of causee. a.e .80on as ieeue .ris : Jo1ncd; lithe lawa del&.ye ll 1:3. not known 1n Warren Co\Ul~)'.
. Notw! the foand1 ng keeping up our do.oket. the l'udge of' our 1'Coui't :hae 'b een aSSigned by The C.h ief Juetice. to sit in other ~!~~led1ctlone . notablY Cleveland and Akron, and being recalled i6
eUfflcie·nt . suaranty of
\pertormed bY ' blm, whiCb
and the .eff.ic·i ,cnt 8ervlce honor to ue.
r~flecte 811'
t, :Hle·¢eoiQlona.:have stood 'the ' teet,' as · but ~y~j:been ·,rev.eree<l : \>T~ the higher Courts • .
comparatively . tew
~!be.t8rm o~.Judge· Wllle.rd
Jurey Wright will eoon expire, durins the COmil1£ year to.elect a ··....ooeeoi' • . and;.tt . le .· Q·n).eaeure ·f,o .\l8 .to extond thie word of ~.~ipl'Ova1 Of b1a . ~lnt8traiion. coupled with the desire and re-. ".at tbat· ~e·· Wrl.• t w111 conoent to become e. caild1c1a.te tor - ,J'e.-ol·e Qt) on,·· that ' .h·o ~'Y continue -in o1'f1ce without Interl'\lpt1oD ! ~,lt , wUl . be i:leeeQ4l~l.'y
~o tbe·e~tle~otor.t ·c6nd1tlons existing. Should Judge Wright ~ccme _ ce.ncl14a'e. fie pledge him our Whole-hearted lupport·,e.n4
· tee.l'ne.,t~'1".eo~end ~ all· .Qur citizens to consider ·the exie'lne' aD4 ' ~o,1n In eupportina him i~ he determines
,a ·. capdI4ate . to . 8)loceed' himself.
condlt19ne to become
E. v, Barnhart,
Miss Lnvonno lIurtun is ill at hor
Cirl<l~~natl, wel'6 Saturday visitoJ'll home this ~bek.
C!lIlR Wilt< a bUsh,e6ij vi i t or in Lcbnit n MondllY.
Mr. nnd Ml'I! . Roy McDonald IlJld Mr. and Mt'8. Dean How II, of ChiMila C'the~ne Frankln, ot Day- ctlgoi Jll., were the gue8t~ of Mr. dnug-htor. of Detroit, are visiting .It h' Prclld or,lrust home south of Wayton, 8pe'\;~' In8t week with Miss Mftf- Bnd Mri. Oscar Smith oil.. Tuesd"y. nesvilll' garet E~?r" da.. ' M. D. Bllird Willi in Sprlngbol'O on :ji~" Mr. and Mrs. • lhCIOOk ntcJn dhCd Lo~t-A pnckage y,.·l'8ppcrl · in ByB~n"'::'to .. Mr. and ' Mrs. Charles 'the Cook·Wnlton reun on at 0 n MondllY· • D ' • mun 's pnper. a Wt' k ngo, ~o m 'whore • ' 11 ' 1" d I 1 Hngernleyer, ' of R. . 3, Sun day, Walton s, of Spring Volley 011 Sun- ' . U ' July 27, a sori. d . to ., ayn"svl I'. '111 or p c."",o ave Ernest...Martin, of Dayton, wnl callay. al Hymlln'~ ~ lorc . ing on frlanda here Friday. Mr. nnd . Mis. Clair Henkle and Mildreld Clark lIr'rlvcd IlOme loot Lost-- A IJl\oys orown putent ICuBorn- To Mr. and Mrs. Brynn fIIml!>" of l!1iddletown , were Waynes- F riel"y from Minmi Ul1iVIlI'Si ty wh ere ther ~lill p("I' , on Friends Church ynrd she spent the )lllst ~ix wcck ~ ill th e II r ' 1/1 ~ trcct nelII' Frion.l s H"mc on I'l'endcrgnst, Friday, July 25 , 1924, a ville visitors Sunday. tf : 1 ;1 Fri,llI )' 18th. Nulify ;"¥lrR. Scth 'reachc\'s co llege . son. Mr. and Mrs D. C. Ridge, of ColClJ uh.. Kathryn lurk utLe ntiecl II Si!!m" Mise Ednn lfIowlnnd, of Wilming- umb"-!!, spent the woek-end with Mr Ktl,ilpu luncheon lit Rike Kumler's, Mr ~ . Urallch and Master Howurd ton, was /I week-end guest of f rien ds und Ifdrli . Mahlon Ridge. I Saturday, which was fo llowed by " PIl'rel', grun d.o n of Mr. and Mrs. here. . ,.tfred C. Brant earnestly solicits businoss meeling of 't h!' 8orority ut I!uw ell Piel'co , of Hichmontl, Vn., nrc,.vi8itin g nt the Friends 110m!' for II Miss Margaret Edwards nrrlved your votes ' for SheriI!' at the Pri- the Daylon Wornnn's Club. . ~ h o r l tim(' . 12. mary elcction, August home from Mnrtinsvilll', Ind., Fridny "I 188 ' II enrlC ' t a McK'In SC Y IlJ'rIVl'C . I Mr. anti Mrs. Rolph Frazier . lind" evening. • ·P,tr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke and fam- fanllly, ~r, und 1'11;-,. Vern Armitage h"me I" Ht week from Miami Un ive,. und M,s" Evelyn Un!!!.·"- .~I") ' • . where so h h ns b con f or tl10 p""! Mrs. Walter Kilbon nnd dllughter. ily lind Mrs. George Dakin wore und fllmlly. . • . · · x \ y eks by V ISIted Coney Islnnd and Chc. t('l' of Lebanon, spent Sunday here with Sprfugfteld visitors Sunday. P k S d , 1 C a -tud ~ en t int }Ie Bummer rolntivcs. ' nr ' . un ny. course of the Tcncher's college. Lydia Cbandler, of New ViMr. ""t! MI'" . IIn n'oy Sackett cnterMondny dilln er g~e9ts of Mr. IIncl Mr. Rue Dinwiddie and sister. An - enna. apont several days IlllIt w(wk tllinecl tl.t clinne l·. ::;,,,,,In),, Mr. und Mr •. Seth Clink were Mr. Hnll1l1el tha, of Dayto~I. 8pent Sundny after- with. Edwin Chandler and family . Mrs. Pe rry Sn ck(' tt, Mr. Richnl'd C.'o k, Mrs. Ll'lin H~dl oy nnd son .. noon here. Mr. and Mri!. J. O. CartWJ'lght nnd 'Sackott, M'M" I(ulh 'uc kott , Mr •. Cllr - l nmuel, of lndinnnpolis" Ind., nllcl Mr. and Mrs. H8rvey Burnet, of (amOy and Miss Louise Crane ntton- olyn Bu1'110tt, o f Be ll bro o k. ulld Mr .\ lI1r. nnd Mrs. Granse and tluughter. Hu th Esther, of West flold, Illd. Centerville, Wllre Waynesville vl8it· dcd Mill\ll11 Valley Chautauqua Sun- un d Mrs. Hurry Tuntcr, of Dnytoll, dny. ors Sunday. of.
Mn. 'J. D. Marlatt and Mn. Har- • • • • , . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • I I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Go to the Roe publlcAn Primary on August 12 and vote for Alfred C. ry Murray are tnterta1nl~ .evernl fr lth\ds at camp "Linger Longer" toBrant for ShelilT. day. MIlIII Mary Louise Zimmerman wbo Bread I • •J.. fo ....atlo. of ... er, Mr. Raymond Eyre and children, hll8 been viIlltilng her aunt In Cloveme.1. Tbre. tJm... a •• , bread i. Lee ¥d Vaugh'!, of· Dayton, were lflnd returned home Sunday. . the IDO.t IIDPorla.1 food 00 ,o"r t.· the ,ue.tAI of Mri. Laura Sides, Sun101•• Mr. JUJltlnCompton, of Dayton, day. T"'t.. t.at of food lin. Bread Ito Willi a gueet at the home of Dr. A. T. rllbtlul pl.ce. Tb. m.jorlt, of Mean. J . .W. Burton, JaB. C. Sale. Wrl~ht and lunily, laat Thursday. t •• te. lII,e Bread be.t of .11 food •• L. II. Henl!~raon and George Water~ _ Clea_, ';'1001 •• 0... Bread I. tr"ly tb. houae wer~ Dayton buslnc88 visltora Mra Euphemia Hou,h tau return.t.1I of life. It 1. tlo. founciatioD of ed home alter a viIllt with her dau- Frldll7. .11 w.lI-b.l.n~lId m ••I.. So if ,o"r rh~r. Nn. Guy Kibler. 01 Dayton. home i. to be a b •• ltby bome, ,our MiM Helen Borden, of Mlamia. 6nt care .bould be I. tb .. eelectioD ~ra. J. W. Ca.te and )Irs. Redway bure. returned, home Sunday after a of Br.a. ... ealte, of Clarksville, went the Sun- \'Islt here wltli her uncle Mr. Glenn do)' gqeltll of )II'. and Mrs. Walter Borden. Wbil. t •• t.. and qu.lity of the Clilt. lo.f' .re tb .. mo.t Import.nt I."tora Mr. and ·Mn. A. T. Fife, ot the iD th .. eye. of tb. buyer, We ".nnot . III'. lind )In. J . E . Janney and Ohio Nationi l Military home, 01 Day.fford to oTerloo" aDother 'mportant ta~lIy were tbe' Sunda, ruclltII of Mr. l.O·n; were week-end gueBtII of Edwin point 10 the ~boo.inl of our 10001, ~ohn )leClure ,.nd family. ot Spring- Chandlor B:$.i ~amlly. e.peel.lly Bre.d, th. Ire.t ..at food. tboro. How d!>e. it renct OD our ph y.ic.1 Milia Alberta Hale, trellllurer of the .. ..,hi~ .. ry7 . Tope;", KanlllLll, and her 11111. Several baMt ball fanl went to city For tbe bot weatber, Tbomp.on'. Soutb Lebanon and IIBW the Miamill ter, MfII. J. Howard St01\'llrt. were Wbol. Wbeat Bread i. hi.bly r .. ,,defeat the bUllch from the fonner recent gueata 'of J . O. Cartwright and olllmendecl •• a food that will m•• t family. in a ~top-over between Buftown. .11 tbo requireme.h of • .~ientific falo ~and th~lr bome city. te.l. It will koop tbe .yatom opeD. Mbaell Glad),. Harlan and Hazel fro" to fUDction al It .bould, n Alfred t. 'Brant ball been milking Minnick. of Dayton. spent the week· hao tho recommend.tlon of a wellenil with the former'l mother, Mrs. " ap~lal elTort to Interview every .... own ph,..lcan_ Republican voter in the County, but Lou Harl.n. DR. J. T. ~LLIS . it he docs not get to lIee you, plelllle W. H. Relehl!1 ,,"d family, of Chi. let this answer .as a penonal call lind C8&'0, were calling Upon Frank Zell. vote for him for Sheriff on AUgU8t S. L C.rtwright and other relatives 12th. . . L.. ..... , ~n )londa,.. Insist on Thompson's Bread Edwin Chandler and fllmily enterdlnnf!r Friday even in.. the .~.......;;.;;;;..........N........_ ...._ .....,............N . _ ........._ _. _ .................... _ ............... ' .... N....... , ....~.~ .............,. . . )In, W. S. S.lIbu!')'. ~ho hal been tained Mr. and Mrs. '_J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!"""'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!-:=!!'~rulUnlr ber daughter. Mra. Ha,rvey (ollowin, . gu_ta: Rye, hal returned to bu home In BOW&M 8l1dtb. lb. Will S..ltb and 1.......;._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • dauglat.en, M'- Either and VII'- 3 rlftla; M\at W1II7 Ann Oentl)', of SelMr, Willlllfll Beat. who hu been II*. :Ohlo, Mra. L,dlI' Chandler, of . viIlltlnc relativI!I and . frlenda here. New ·Vlenna. left Monday mlomlq tor hla bome ~ Mr•. and Mrs. L A. Zimmerman In Deland. F1a. and )lr, .nd )In. N. A. Klnar. of Indi f Automobile Accidenta EY~ry Day. You Mr. N. P. BIa\t alld Ion. Robert, anoJ!OIIII. who made a 11100·ml1e trip 1 may be next-why not, at a .mall coat Mra. Irene ,Blrdl ~nd MJ. Mary Mar- through the EaIIt, and viIllted ..vera I protect yourlelf. Let u. explain. garet UngleabJ' were Monroe vial- Impcfnant eitiel and placel of Interea4 ·arrlved home Su'nday evening. tors Saturday. They ' came home through CleVeland" . Mr. Fred Huteock and f.mlly re- lind brought their daughter, Milia MaPhone 61;.2 turned to their bome In Milford, ry LOuise wbo hllll been visiting rela~ , WAYNESVILLE. OHIO tivel In Cleveland for a couple of . ______________~-_____________________________________ Monday. otter Ii pleasant week with month.. relatlv_ bere,
Three Times a I)ay
~~---------------- ~
. ----
Public Liability and Property Damage
,. ~
Fac-Slmile Endol"8ement Judge Wright by Warren County Bar.
we pt'eIeDt the faeaimile endor lement of Judie Willard Jurey Wrisht by ,the ......... of the'Wal'l"eD County Bar. . .
TIle .....u&catlOna of Jadlfe Wrilfht and the record of efficiency ettabJilbecl b,. him, abOWD by a ,c ueful readini of thit end OneJDent certainly i ••uficient aliUrance to an,. thiDlda, ~ why. vote for .Jud,e Wrilfht i. proper. "
'~ challen,ed any lta~ement th.t might be made derosatory tet Jad. . W~, . c:aDclicfaey; .0 far 1I0ne b .. heen made by any person or orS....... fiOq that we d trace, 10 'IUI.war could be made in the open. \ "
" , : l
. Nat,,~ I. til., ~- time before election; we do not know and cannot aatlcl. pate actiaa, but we iD advance deny the truth of any derolfatory .tatement .S.....a JudS. W..qbt, . . .hould .... be made it would be too late to an.wer. _
. We
. w~ d~p!Dre .uch action on the p~rt of oppo.ition unfair and in.incer.. AI ampl. time baa mt....eaed to eome .out In the open 10 the truth could be .ta....
IiabecI and .oten adviaed.
,", w.•.~~ w~1'II the voter. a., ainlt any prop.lfanda, either printed or by word of iiioUdi, circulated m the la.t daYI of the camplUgn, alfah"t Judse Wrisht, and whida ur w. Of tUne cannot be rUn down and di.proven. . -;
tq eleve__th hour ~opa,... da. '. 'I":"," . . . . . . ,~. V~ ·ror·:J.d~_ WriCbt~ don't 'be iniS,led. .. ..•.•:... . . .: .. ~~t..i.' - " . A--. _ - COIIUIlimJcationa received by the Committee from within the County and ~.. . .... d .... to quote a pallase contained in a letter from one of the IDOII PnIIIlbMlat JmiIb In the State. relatin, to Jud,e Wri,htl . ,ay
~ .au.tIon
... )... . .
"It . -hard 10 und....tand whl' one who ha. luch a .pleildid record
and Ii.. d..-_IO wei" abould have to make a fi,ht"to lie penni«ed to do ~~ '" 1, " . ,
Jadp Wn,ht'• ia GOOD, he ia well and favorabl, ImOwn ahrousboat the ··~e ia an:offi_.,ia the.<State Aaaociation of Jadlf.. .
that. tJI'i . _ ~mj,.rin in the Inte....t of . ~~~.. W.....ht b .. heeD made and rmanced .bolll' mdepend.nt. of him for the reuon _ t the, laWS'-:a app.reciate the im~.. ,.. oftIy to themaelYet, but eapeciaUl' to . .... ~ ,t ....... that no .cIa..... bet ~... aDd that our Court coatinue to L_. ma'-. x. ....... e.Hicieatil'. · .. ,. , . De ID
....t:~. m~dento9d ~ it ~'JQIo..- ' i
Let .....to.it·coalillll. _ dae...,. ~I... .., ~cieDcy it'h .. attaiMcl. VOTE FpIl JUDGE WRIGHT ~_
Sears &
SIlve yOUr old carpet. anll rup and ,ot ..W.....U.. . RUIfI made. 88M tor ~ Franklin Raa
u.. eo.. I'raDUD. ObJo.
Xr. and MI'II. Jamel Jobns, Mr. IuId Mn. AUan Hola and d.ulrbter, Mildred retumed bome Monday from their eamp bel~I. town. Mn. Julia Donovan and Mrs. Una Devitt are In 8pl'in,boro, at the bedaide of their ailt:er, Mrs. Je.e Wrlcht who III the victimll of pneumonia,
~ ~
Mr. and Mn., KUHn BenlOn, of Delaware, and Mr. Clute "lIlbury, of Clevet~d, 81;lent a few cia,. IItt week with Mr. and Mn. Ua"er Rr•• Xr~ and lira. Clarenee Allen and s,l!n, Pre.ton. alld Mrs. .nd Mn. L. D'. Chiles attended a tamlly picnic at ~e Soldlen Home iD Dayton, Sun. day. . .• ," ' . I . '... f . .
Mlee Lillll Nlldry. Kill ,f.Uce MeIIDd Mita Uenrtetta MeKln.., Mr•. J. B. iP.eDce apent 8ulldalf l )(r; .nd Mra. L N. Ra...... ilDel f.mU,• .ot DaJto:n.
-. The ....a r~dlcal fa,m lll' man ' ~4il, ' ~ that th.re i. no mo~ practical . ,.:. . . ., th~n' .illiq uP. the falllll, eo.,l '8la durins .um~er month•• , he.. .' ......ht aoI,,'; the ~I"..t probl"" p,f winte...:-u an actu~l ..vin" ,n ............ u4 ....cw. . .11 obaftCe, of the hunt. . '~qOf~ f~I'iq. 8h CJP1, .. ............. """', .l"d·kaM., mill., ~ISE ')If rRJeg,
. )Irs. BeUe D1I1tWlddle .ad tlallll'Jll~_ 1 ~ Milia OllYe. wbo have , been ipelndllq a eouple of ""1 111 'w lth n' IJadivea' J.meltori and : I.D". arrived BIDe
Tburada, e"'IIl... ~ .
M". lind Illon.ld Hawke entertained at. dhip.:r ~und'1~ and Mn •. Fred BartIoek, ot Milford, Mn. Edith Ra......, lin. Laura KOIher and Mr. Herrle MOIher.
Kn. Ltda Smith and 1m. E* .\mold IJiIntSaturdar· at the II&IOnic Home at ~prln"'eld, saturday Dlebt aDd SUDdal' In DaytoD, .....l1l"i1.1 .• Inc home StIIIdaF BftIIIq. .
I l
.j . . . .
, .'
~ ·office ·th.. _eek.f. p~
- ----- Seventy-Sixth Year
Whole Numb er 5601
GIVEN BY THE COMME RCIAL 'Yherens it hns come to our know. Colu mbus. Ohio- When the Ohio NEED OF RELIEF Co unty Agent Class hns nvailabl e lodge that the statemo nt is being State Fair opens Aug ust CLUB LABOR DAY 24. young· in th e Farm Bureau office, a number 'made through out Warren County sters fr om all ov,~ r the State will as. he.,' II W .. a Gam" Well Worth Lookinll that Ju stin W. Hardin g. cnndida of extra cntrance coupon s and circu· te 8emble to compete f or $11 .65 fo r re·olection to the General Assem· which is hung up [or promium 0. ,R e li e f for the Lora;n Di.tr;ct Mean. lars explainin g the Ohio State Fair The .., Prize. Will A"reP te Appro.At. and W.. Full of Thrill. Clothin ,. Food, Furnitu re and popular ity contest nnno ullced by Mr. bly of the State of Ohio. is not being Boy 's and Girl's Clulj Work. s in ;mate17 Ahout t.,OOO -Worth All the Way Direc· G. R. Lewis. Mallager. The Contest sup ported by the votdrs of ~'ranklin tor of Agriculture. Chas. Houl eh!>ld Equipm e nt V. Truax Golna Aft.r. is open to any woman in Ohio over Township, and will not carry said Pted today. Enlarge d faci li ties and A THREE .WORD SPEECH 16 years of R~e . The prize consists township, we wish to bear testimony eq uipmen t for this feature , There is all old ndage in bose boll that of co n· of a beautifu l Rollin Coupe. a weeks to the best of our knowledge strucliv e Stal.e Fuir work are provl. FARME R'S DAY that the pitcher who strikes out the and At the Stal e Farm Bureau Meet· entortai nmellt at lhe Ohi o Stnte Fair. belief sa id Ju stin W. Har<iing ded on the grounds t his year. In. on ly. three short week! t hla comCREAM FOR RAILRO ADS ing. Mr. F . A. Miller, Chairm an of and likewise n fr<'c tri p to New York lirat opposing bats man in a gamo. mUlllty will sec t ho largest collectio n In 1921. with an offering of $6,. the Tornado Relief Com mittee - WALL STREE '1"S'i'R IlIiTty- - will lose that game, unless he . treats will recei ve practica lly the unani. ex· furnished by the Bi~ Four Rllilroad. of valuable prizes. to soy ~othing mous support of the voters of Frank· 950, the Ohio State Fair of ranked plui ned that all municipal buil din gs. and a comp lete trial for the the second butter in lik e manner . lin Township. movies the Ford Sedan,. ever g iven away fourth in th e United States in num. such as P olic e Headqu arters, This adage was knocked into a cock· by Water the Parnm6 unt Picture" Corpora . here. Thcsep~ i zes win be gi.ven a8 the The Republican s of Mr. Harding ' s ber of entries and aWl\rds In Boys' Works, Fire Stations . City HIIII, etc .• tion. togethe r with ot hcr features John W. Dnvis means to hold t1 ", ~ d hnt Hl Phillips pork lost Sundny home town ure wholehe artedly back an d Girls' work. of tickets. obtallled from busmess men The followin g year in the devasta ted cities will be rebuilt the royal enter tai nment while In New of the "hort epe ch record. a )l>'iso. almost Ifternoon, when our Miamis took th e of him in his candidacy for renomi. this was in creused Commercial Club, are_ drawn to 19·,OOO.·and the from money uppropr iated from the York. from the tub. Labor Day will inpious rClIOlution. Hc will "Rccellt " Port William tea m into camp. 7 to 3. nati n and will appreci ate the sup. Ohio Elitposition t-ook n.t urar leader. weak school funds Thi. available in Colum was one of the be8t games port of the Republicans his nomirllllion in only four ti,l) usnnd The contest consists of Be lling cou· deed be remembered by the lucky of oth er sec. ship in this form of juvinile compe- bus; that houses. 'layed on the local lot this yeur. Our tions of the County barns. stores. and pons or tickets to the Ohio State Fair person drawing the' Sedan, but the adwords of talk. in securing this titi on. This posil:ion was maintai n- other building s will be replaced ditional prizes are worth .. line and by Great modero tion and self ·contrf,l. 110ys had expected to bat against t he renomination . to which his record cd lost year. whe'n U1,OOO in pre. the in'dividual owners borrowing mo· at the regular rates, good fo r any valuable . In addition to the priHl ),OU Bay. Yel in thlr ty·on... VIH·.oll\ ;.ilching 'of our old fri end. "Babe" entitles him . day of the week. Tho contest is mium s were offefled. ney themselves from the Building State Wide drawn aggrega ting approllimately of tho fi ~t and two ve r8C~ of :I . ~ \dum B, who did such go od twriling over Ohio, We also believe that t he usefu l. County being State Fair manage ment is alert and Loans and Bunks w hich have a88igned a certain number of points $1000, there will bo a fteld meet on second chapters of Genesis the nibl .'or Ben linc's tellm last year. But ness of a public servant in the House in encoura ging this Departm ent and worked out a special arrange ment the Babe pitc hed only one inning per ballot, so as to make it fair for Labor Day afternoh il and there are then dC8cribeJ ' he creation of 'lfil n all J of Representatives depends largely Itoday it stands unrivale d in falrdom . through which they will loan up to all through out he fil'llt man wns out at first, the sec· ever~ ll. 'I : I( on It, And the \\'1 1 I, the state. The hondi· many more prizell in ~fonnection upon his tim e of service and exper· Practically every nlaJor Polus "~ . in which 80 per cent of 'the value of these rc· cap list of Countie s shows that the this, . ' thing, Including the rest on the md w~s robbed of a hit by a 8ensa· jence. Mr. Harding . being alrendy the foremos t breeder s o~ tho country placeme nts in the Tornado swept sec· votes vary In the drawing for-.the ·Sedan: there seventh day, is told in abou t ONE ional catch by the center ficld~r. well known to t.he members of the compete from one each in Cuyhog a is dupll~llted io the junior tions: and Churche s must be robuilt Ind the third batter struck three General Assemb County with the largest population will be ten tick.etS taken frolll : the thousan d words ly. will be able to competitions in tlli9 State. An in- by funds contrib uted by the various to 70 per ticket in Vinton County, tub. this one recelvfng the ' w,' III .imes In places ~h e re the ball WBll accomplish more for his constitu ents dication of the QU81lity o~ the animals demoni natlons. So that the money with the smalles t population. Each ca80 this ticket cannot be loeat6d. ~e For brevity and boauty. ca rdidales . not. than a new member sent f or his first th e younger stockma en 'tum out is contribu ted by the people over the ticket or ballot cut The Miamis got bU8y and scored term could oditors, and especially advertisements in Warren Coun· ninth wtll take tbe Sedan: and 10 em accomplish. to be found In n~any lnstanc el of State will be used only for actual ty counts 36.68 points. All contest· until the cor Is drawn. The PMa i n . writers shoo uld study the Bible. es· .wo r~ns by the aid of two walks, . There Is absolute ly no truth what- winners in the Boys' an Girls' Club Relief purposes according to Mr. 'MiIpeela}ly Genesis, Job, Isniah, nnd till' l hit and two errors in the first . Two ever in the report that ants of Warren County will be gladly addition to the Sednn will be drawn Justin Hard· cla.ses taking their animal" on up ler. ·Iitll. a walk and a stolen bose StlrfllOn on the Mount. Any pr...si· given all assistan ce and Informa tion by consecutive numbilrl fronl.10 to gave ing will not carry Franklin Town. into the open com]!Jetitiobs and plac. Relief includes the buying of cloth· p08sible through the County dentlsl Cllndldate might nlako 11 ::1 or· h'em another in the third. while ship, as will be conclusively proven' ing Agents 24. making 13 Olittra prizes I allO-th~iie! high among tho' leaders. One lad Ing. food, necessa ry furnitur hroe consec utive hi ts added another when the votes apecial prilea. e. ceptan~ speec:ll pleasing to ~O in lOt. and an4 Farm Bureau Office ' oro counted next recently saw his prize-Winning calf househo . .. '0 ld oqulpem ent with which In three words, DB follows: "MEN .n the fourth . Tuesday night. "1 go .clear through to the Rtaerve Cham to reestabl ish the families In their "Peck" Sntterth waite opened the 10th TI~ket-New Ford . Sedan. with ABOVE DOLLARS," . pionship against .nim ~. that were own homes. That farm Relief la es· lucky 7th" wilh a grass cutter 80 hard Howard L. Cheney. Youn Truly, Mille Atomiz er and One - 'Year's valued at thousan ds of dollan by pecially urgent was proven not only Insuran ce .................. .... ..... '146.00 . Salesmen are pouring into the .hat It burned the hands of ooth the Committeman and Treas., Srore their experienced ownel'l. by Mr. Miller but also b, Mr. L. B. llth-9x 12 Crell: Rug. Myer ,.I~~n . Northwe~ farming districts to soil lecond baseman and the cenl.er field· Pulp and Paper Co. Boys' and Girls' Club work, how- Palmer, State Farm Bureau Presl· ... ..... "" ' " .. ...... .. :.. ,." ... .......... :.10.00 goods thnt atorca ",ill Boon be BolJing. !r, but the ball cooled down in time Seymou r S. Tibbals, ever, is not restricte d Iive.tock. dent and others who have personally .0 hold Peck at second . 12th-In lide WlndslUeld Spot JJght. than'ka to high prices for wIlcat. Not to be Editor Frankli n Cronicle. Clothing Clu\>8, cnnnllll elubs and gone over the Tornado swept soction. Orndor f and Servla... :...... ~ ... ) O.OO Stoeks aro going uP. especlaJ1J .utdone by anyone. Howard Burton Fred B. Zartman . other work of ~ slmllar nature is en. These men reported that the Tornado Following is the program at the 13th-D untley Vacuum Sweeper. f.. railroad stocks. That baa improt. 1it adouble to left and Tom emulat· Treas. the Frnnkli n Board and courage d by the State Fair manage - patch of devasta tion wu from A. Zimmerman, .:..... :... ........... 10.00 tance for everybody. It means that I!d his elder brother'8 exal1lple. but Paper Co. ment with premium oWerings. The fourth to one.haJ f mile wide one- Mlanii Valley Chautau qua, from cover14tb-3 intellige nt obllOrveni 8ee good times ;ho Dutchman was tired and etepped Rose D. Vall, THURS 0x~ 1-2 Tire • . Waynln iJle ' DAY. AUGUS T 7 demonstration8 that are staged on ing a total of fifty miles .t thi.rd, so "Hoppy " sent him home long. In 10 :30 Address, "Tho Grea\ea t Race Motor Co . . ........... ~·: .. : .... .i...::1(J.08 ' ahead. Exec. Sec'y. American Red Croaa. the Fair grounds attract u much at- this area, not a house. born. stable, ith a Bingle, After the Second base· Mrs. C. F. Thlrlrield, of People, " Dr. Chaa. Gage, 16th-G lass Front Door. W. H. tention u any of t he countle u fea- or any other structUre was left to 2 :00 Prelude , The Romany Girls. Madden & Co. ....·,; ,.,.... .. "' ........10.00 . Railroads seem to be the " Iambs" non hAd robbed Fry of a hit. Mana· Chair. Legislat ive Com. Motllet' s tures of Fair week. Club work 'Is serve any useful purpose of our Govern ment. and it remem· ~er Pace produced the single which Toadstools." ·Dr. Wm . .Forkell. 16th-W aterma n's ' Ideal Pen aud Club. bandied through the enenaio n de- of tbe larger' buildings were. Several so badly 2 :30, Lecture "Mushrooms and Pencil -Set. Oxley.Paee Drug Co. bers the injuncti on, "Feed m)' .ent Tommy home with the third run Hazel M. Harding . partmen t of the Ohio State Unlver- tW\sted or wreckecl, that )f the inning. the .... .......... " ...........\ ... ... .. :.... ~ ..... 8.00. indiviToadstooia," Dr. Wm. Forkell. Innlbs." . Pres. Frankli n Women's Civic sity and is commanding attentio n dual former could not handle them, 7 :00 Bond concert. • 17 Two hits, a wild pitch lind an error • - ague. -Ton Gem Lump Coal. ' ''Wa~; Recently~ when the 1Iarmer Wllti "'" They were being wrecked or cleaned 8 .through out the State. nesville :00 practica lly bankrup t, dozens of banks 18ve the visitors a brace of runs In H. Concert Mill Coal and Ice 00 .. 7.2& , The Romany Grls. away by a company of State Engi. S. Conover. 0 . ••- - 18th ax3 Non-Skid Hancoc k Tire'. in the Northwe st cloelnlr their doors, Ihe third, and after two had been reo FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 b Pres. Franklin Nationa l Bank. neers, y means of tractors , block 10 :30 AddrcBB . "The Melloh Garage. ..~ ...... ....., ... : .. ;.'6.96 ete., it WIllI suggelt ed that railroads :ired in the eighth, two hits and a Ralph B. Parks, Greates t Song and tackle, and other special equlpEver Sung," Dr. ChM. Gage. 19th- Hammock S'I'llng. " Cole'. ' migh t reduce freight ratAls, at least misdirec tlld heave !«lve them a conCashier Frankli n Nationa l BaJ'Ik. ~1. ment. The devasta tion tJ!rougnout 2:00, Prelude . American Hardwa re Sto1'6. .:.·:...... _,..... ...:&.00 ·' lolation taUy. 'EliaS Folk'. pn tarm prodUCts. Opllra Co. the maple 'sugar section. especially in 2 Next Sunday afte rnoon . the Miamis :30. Lecture. "Fifteen Yellra Next 20th-6 00 Note ReadS'. Miami Ga. But, with wheat going up, the In· Portage County. likewise offers a aimzette . ........ .... . ." :..... ..'... ,:'. 2.50 terstate · Commerce ComnliBBlon says lxpects to defeat the Yellow Springs N. s~~,:'8m~::;on County Medical Door to n King." Dr. B. M. • . ilar problem . Numero us pictures 21st-C ash. Roy MUla. ... :.:, .. ...2.00 Tippie. Rome, Italy . . Society. the value of rarm crops will Increasl' J iants. a fast colored team.at Phil· were sbown, to dePict tbe critical 7 :00, Band 22nd-J n trade. C:'Lee Hawke .. 2.00 concert. a thousan d million dollars this year . ips park. You w\ll miss a treat If Albert D. Bond. -problem s confron ting the rural peo- 8 :00 Concert. America IOU .23I'd~Cash Prize. D.r. and Mrs. n .' fail to 8ee this game. The score : Therefo re. NO reductio n in lreight n Opera Vice-Pr es. Warren County Fann Co. A very delightl ul event of the aum- pIe in the wind storm section. E. Hathaw ay. ... .. ...... " ..... ..... .. 2.00 Seerates. . SATURDAY. AUFUST 9 Bureau. Iner took place last Wedneaday ..hen ing the pictures and hearing the de- 10 :30, Address, "Greate st Battle PORT WILLIAM Special Prizes Edith M. Thirkiel d, Mrs J . D. Marlatt and Mrs. Harry scriptio ns of ,the circum8tances First aurFarmer AB 's Name Drnwn- 25 II;.' R Ever H PO Fought. A E " Dr. Pres. Chns. Mother' Gage. s Club. The crenm, off the toP. must go to Murray enter\al ned a few ' friends at roundin g them, would bring f. Grumley, cL ... 5 1 1 2 0 0 M' E tean to 2 :00, Prelud e, Orchest ral Sextet. Hess Stock Tonic. Oxley.Pace th e railroads. C'I Cnmp t Linger f d bard work'Ing f ar- 2 Long'lr. About noon, many s rong ace, ISS va emmens , Drug Co. .. ...... . . .:............ ..... 2.26 :30, Lecture. "Gettin g On in t he ' P 'd t W C T U Suppose the far mors, for a change. 'N. Haley, I.f .... 5 0 1 4 0 0 the company sat down to a sumptu- ~ers. N0 rarmer cou Id h eIp but reBl en Kattson . . . . 2b 5 0 the World," Senator W. N. First Farmer 's Wire Nome Dfawn"":' 2 1 1 0 C W are getting a decent price for thljlr U I b th O IlU. and 'th th ' dclicl'ou f II ' s ...... dinner, k Unique sympa ae WI . nil' es y. elr e ow wor 26 lb. Panacea . Oxley-Pace Drtic Adams, 3b; p ........ 5 0 1 2 2 0 . Funeral Ferris. ~ Director. ' ddit· crops. t h I place The question invoilve d is cuds were made of sycamore men wh 0 ha d 10 .. 4 0 1 8 0 0 a Co. Ion ........ 0 t e 7 oss :00, Bond .. ... .. .... ... ,8.00.. . concort Are the railroads chargin g .too much!: , peara, 1b bark. Mrs. C. M. Robl' tzer, Mn. Har of his building s, machinory, George B. Porkin. and most 8 :00. Concert , Chautau qua Sextet. First Ladies Nome Drawn .-Box Are: Haley, c .. ,... ,.... 4 1 2 I) 0 1 Rev. Minister of M. of not what Is the farm making . E. h' Church. \'v t k h .... i Pace t .and Mrs. Raymon d Conner "'-..t IS' I es oc , per aps a so recen .!.w.ng. mand Rnsh Face Powder, ...... .. 1.110 rf ..... .. 3 0 2 2 1 1 .Iohn Maloney. SUNDA Y, AUGUST 10 · . J Great and fashion able Trinity Prot Vi Ilssisted in serving. ArrangementS Iy buried one or more mcm bers 0f 0:00. Bible Gumley!! S school. W. V. Crew, su· " 0 0 0 1 estant Episcopal church, standinli 1 P F kll C d P C hl ' s family . Ilad . '--en II ' d" .made ':'' '' to th e Toma do. for IB wel'ner roast in res. ron n oate ' aper o. perinten dent. "" 1 0 " 0 G. H. Gerke. . the tOp of Wall street:, publishes tllis .~l\aw, p, 3b........ 4 M Mill II t ue t d th t t he evening . and .mknow n to the r, er sac a one 0f th e 10:30. Sermon. Dr. Chas. Gage. _ _ _ _ _ _ Supt. of Schools . hOSte88e urgent 8 need and guests. in th Mr. report: t Robltze r . s 5 Cl) e s orm hos 2 :00. Prelude , Military ban.,. Totaia ............. .30 3 11 24 9 3 The L. G. Anderso n Sons Co, Laat year's Income, 12,148,681. had Invited the men to come for- that been for horse~. binders. mowers , , and 2 :30. Concert, Madame Louise Bo.nt-Law Present. Mseta of that little b'md . Attorne y nart of thoe progr8\m, but about 3 other mach'ne I. ry an d Ia b0 r W1·th wh'IC II MIAMIS mer, ,. P H R of follower s of the lowly N'lIzaron \i. o'clock a rain storm came up and it t 0 save th e f armer's crops. Th _ ST .fllARY'S CHURC H ue._ _•• _ ••- - - ' AB R H PO A E . , _ c 7 :00 Prelude, Military band. was de~ided to postpone it until Fri- wbeat , oa"I ... ,13,329 .063. " Carr! d . Iie Id s muc h t 0 8 :00, .... , an d cover I E. Burton, 2b ..... 3 0 1 8 2 2 There will be no Church School or Dramat ic recital, "The Sign .Iay evening when the pIon was car. their surprise still offered You ;o~. 62" e to reD(:\\ft at· a pretty of the CroBs." Sarah Mildred serviees at St. Mary's church dUJ'lq ~ . .. ::... ,.... ....4 2 2 ' 2 2 0 JieA ou't and. by a bQllutiful camp fair crop after ·the cyclone count, 1 .6,7 (M h 'Prender gast, c( .. ,, 3 0 0 0 the month .of Auguet. . yet these Wilmer. fire. roosted weinenl, buttered buns. fields were all so Thq young man. lee :Itt o~, Eltterttiwalte, lb .. 6 2 3 8 0 0 literally ~trewn with "offee. waterme lons, tonsted marsh- wreckage that someone had to con-9th Chapter ) that 'wen ~ away · ~or· ~~ BUrton p METHODIST CHURCH 6 1 1 row!ul" after being told. Sell that' Inallows and popcorl" were thoroug h. tl'nually walk ahe a d of ev .,.. ....A 0 8 " 0 Hopkin., rf• .......... Sabbath School, 9:16 a. m., preuh. ery b'Ind er 1 " a d mow Iy enjoyed. t thou hast and I giV';':t. to the poor," Frye, 3b .............. 4 0 0 t th . n er 0 carry ou ing at 10:80 a. m. Wednesda,. 'evene Win d 1 3 1 ThOBe invited were Mrs. Katheri ne scattere d debris before the crop probabl y Sits: ~I:YS s:on&regB' Pace, c .... " .......... 4 could ing service at 7 :30 p. 11'1, Epworth 2 '7 2 Branch, of Richmond, Va., Mrs. be harveste d. tion, If thero anyt 109 in the reo _ _ _ _ _ _ League 6 :46 p. m, Preachi ng at '7:-80 When the Miami base ball team Howell Pierce. MI'I. H. H. William son If Warren County and other CounincTa~r~o:,t::o~p' iscopalian ' church p. tn. Everybody Is eordlall y bl"fltc!d Totnls .. " ...... " .. 36 7 13 24 11 6 wns re·organ ized for the present sea- Mrs. J. W. WhIte, M·ra. Emmor Baily, tics in the State co-oper to thele leme... ate in rallson. it was determi ned that the team Mrs Lina Devitt, Mr". . J. R, Coleman, Ing their quota. every legitimate want keeping on hand thirteen million I of 1:t WiIliam:-... O 0 2 0 0 0 Considerable damage 'W6II done reo 0 1 0--3 should be composed strictly of local Mrs. L. A, Washbu Rev. L. A. Wubbu m, Pastor, . ' rn, Mrs. Frank Zell will be uled in carrying on the ex· cently !11Idivided ¥selts, while. sco rc 8 otdU.c Ilfllarnt' ....... : .. 2 0 l ' 1 0 0, • I when thll Overlan d Sedan be3 0 0-7 playe~s--no outside talent whateve r, Mrs. J. C. Hawke, 6p.i ~PJlalian c ergy, mia c~ bl \' un er· :~rs. RobL Crew, cluded Mr. Miller. who also nplain- longing ,I· CHRISTIAN CHURC H. to Mr. and Mn, Frank Se· lO be employed. Strict .a 4heranc e to Mrs. R. G. Crou, llirs. Walter patit, ,truggle to make ends meel. , Mc. that none of the money 80 raiBOd gale, of COl8ddale, Summ arythis policy has resulted in the largelt Clure, Mrs, Edith Harril, MI'I. ran Preachl wild na IOmcea .at the CbrIa- ' • down The world hears with amazemdnt Laura will be UBOd in carrying on the expen- the hill in front Two-base hits--Sa tt4lrthw alte, H. bunch of cll\llSY younp,t el'l of the Catholic Uan church Sunday . niomlll&',' EV_ 'f elnce :&'Iosber, Mrs J. L. Hartsoc k, Mrs. pense of the relief commjt pf . ~o French ftlers .setting a new B. Burt6n, T. Burton. tee, in over church at Loveland. Mr. and Mrs. erybody .cordlall f invj~d. C'h arley Stansbe rry arid Capt. Jim Raymond Conner and two - ,. "du'ration mark," staying up 117 chIldren, head organiz ation. saerific e hits--E . Bunon. Segale had just entered the church Bergan develop e" their young team Mias Monlmi a Bunnell ' jJoun 69 minlltes 10 seconds. and Mrs. D. L. Tbe member s of the commit tee 'are when the car Buddenly started back· Put f.e ft on bue_P ort William. 9; which included Ben Smith, Max Bar- L. Crane. PEkRY CHORC H -" . this clipping awy fO.r . your great. Mlamla. pra~tlcally all donatin g *heir 8emcel wards hitting a t4llephon 10. ; ' ' , nard. Bob Burton. Herb Edwards, e pole and Rev. Scarff win ' p~h: at . thta" • _ .• grandch ildr"n. They~.wllhiee a round and th~ stenogr aphic help ia likewise jlnally coming to Wild ,pltche _H. Burton, 2. a stop against. ~he this church Sundar . 'Aul'U8t Emerson Surface , (two ~own, ,play 10, M being donated by the various State door of St4lve Casey's a world machine, coming down per. Bales on bella-O ir Shaw. 4: off H. for the ' batter), (;eorp Waterb grocery. The 10 :30 a. m. You are c:ordiall . haps once a year for cOlllJllete over- Burto'ri, oule J In1. Departm ents while the American W car WAIl badly damaged but for BOrne vited to come. and "Cri~ket" Hawke, naul{ng, landing p-qe~ from •, Cross is atandin , expenle of admlnls- unaccou ntable Struck' out-By $ha", roa80n none of the FOllr f1rs~1..r lDen who have made , , " r:, ~. terin, the relief of the ~rm nrept IwIndows were broken. Luckily eJ1J"I!~ maChin,sBoabob~e PNarla, yLO~' ~ms, 1: by ~;. Burton, O. no ' thla . year ahow IIlUC~ prom\ae 4pn, Yokohama, II\~, ow Of , Ump.lr _Brltal n. . area, All village and rural leaden ,one was on the street at tbe . time. improvemimt are Mum,. Ropldn~ 1 "~I! out,t. Anjl the triP aU the wa) in Warren County are hereby urged Time:-one hou! anll 4$! John Gon., InfieJd utility. ...... "i!llin!i w!1_ be made In twen~y-fo~,· to renew their efforts in ralllng their 0 _ _ Pope•• 81)4\. fllug ' _tcher _... quota b{lurll--finl1 1,900 . a · mile · an hot-x. for Warten County as lOOn as . .a _plendld whip, and . - . bellt " Tlle big celebrat ion· mgld for lla. poaalble, foung ~layer dl80onr ecl. lil ,t his 10- bor De)' at' PhIlUpe P'ar!c, ~ aU 'bfien There NEVER cOlI\es a time wl.~n - -...................'- ,......cality lor a goo'd 'many yean, Clem'for, 'tJle pli. for the dJf"\ . • hUman being Is of "no ,use to ~be D. E. Dunham, Lebanon , J, L. Men. ent "Peck" Satterth waIte, 8nt.-bal e- f' rent event. have been I\enhnll. arranIe world." Wayneavlllo, and Ch&l, F. d, '. U . O' man par excel~.nt , 'The Greek- phl~ophcr. 90 . ll ftoin ever, IndIcation It 'Ioop Cla88, Count y Agent, attende d the . ., . Thi8 elghteln year.Qld JQunlit er :&A' Uke thiI woiild !M!·. 'blg d&)' f9r ''''1old. tha\ kllle4 him.elf because lessions of the State · CQnference pf , ~'.. hal tak.e n part In all bllt 0". of tJae Il. .~e~ ,. . ' , '.' . tumbled pnHlea~~i:l~e\aill'lr~~ all COU!lty Farm Buroau officers and Tlie Wllml~n fid .. , cloaed lut dOHn games plll')'ed by bt. ~. In . TbQ 11~' will. be, oW tl\e p~ mistake e 8"OU ve .. , : 8aturd~y ' an.d ,.,u . .,.;; ',Iucw. f", .8 trip, to the p!a~ I!~ ~p "",v~. . ' , Agents In Columbus T\losday and eOo~. _a,~11 .,rtt.·be dJI~bu~ over th~ mal stumble . but I shall,go on teaeh' Ili ever; \letall" . ft, Nt"" .WednfMday. July ll9 and 811. Th. ".. 8n! ' 91" lI!lII' tin\! W "'~ ,~ COIIIlW. ' LOok " .I'!g... · ~ae. Ttl., .. l't dJaeulllon ' cente~d on Co, ' . ,,,' 'and a lot of 'koo~ tt'ofMi:' irtJe o~ SI~ s\ngt!a a n4 a d.ou~le! f~ :aO ~cirQI; wbiJe. 1UliJ _lIould ~ ..,. A ,..etc>. bUI obt ,ilt DaJ&OIl, UPM\ chief operat i" . Purcbas lng and proper fl11'0undi, Exhlbft l ' i" . VI ,. d : . av!'rage ~f .&&~, tin" PI'M- -.' 1ae1c7 ofta to . ~, ~ l'oN; re u o.uterv Ule Saturda y, while on nanelns for the IIIIme, Plans In1'p'J;tml!,nt fll\! ~::'i ,'a of h~ ~v, bten clean, ~u.~ Win'lUr el, be ..,llroP81 4 for-holcUnc WilY to Lebanon" where they dude a number of ateps 'for Improente'rta l1llnw_ k ' "'; ' flu".; ~. \1M. s~~n ~ . ~~ .~ oJlll .to attend . .. Odd ~eh vlDt tM IOrvices and 'inereu lnrtbe .' . Tb .~enJa :falt rWnl today' ~II~" 9 fU~. 'In ",.~.l. '~1lI ~a. l ~ p~ d .;Iue Gowd7 volu_n of Present Co-oper/ltive Mar\11., ~U and lntJnllll l fOl! ~;.; A... ~e .u~ ~I'!' !l'W1'I ,P.i • to· ~ ,~~ pijlel ,!dvtll a. .,. Qn ·thta an~ IO." 'were 'the ' outy hart. The "etlng and Purchas ing Organls ationa 'Il'MlA>I;llaL .thll fair ~ ~ oid (!f 98 qIIanqee, a1",01l8h h, nw c1V. '. bill hit lome looM ~vII "bile tray., 1I',ith a gradual bookina up , , ' , of the.. ,,}11' m-~- ~ tIM ' ~ e"rytb ln. that· '""'" ~ ~ , .Tl:le"..,rlU pod tbtIlp eHMg at fA .1QOd ~.. and .upaet. 'iefrorta with the State Wide program -- . . . an. . . . . . . . . .." ,.... oa U. POIhl~ to millie The ~ of the ~n,.1'1 yere bad· It wu pointed out that In aboat SoUltlleD'· OMo!' ~ '\le ~ .. ~m.,". ftII !PI"" ,,"* II eome' and Oil .~ ""0,-' . ,..lJ • brll'llt lhaken up.ll ll1lt Ilollethe """'" Ia attentio JOID ' -... twenty" U"pt Gowd,.meclcountie .. . in at work IIl&IItpftve ft are alread, ~"rlulq4. ...... .. tile' .... ~'Natiaul ........U ~ fo . ... • • ~" flail for COl'Nla tiq of tile ••tomoblle, tile n p 10111 ........ . ~ ·_M~. ', a 4 anWlII CR ._ AJ!iIIIi~ i~L.~.I~c.'.prf·
- - - - " _ _ ...._ _ _ _ _ • _
BIG 1 ".1.80n O'IY tit
. , ,',
'tAI' r nS MAKE 000 :STAnT
.- .r.
tlIret' mQ up'to
f1a"" ~'*" .. ........
:::,l!~r:I' .-
. --
. E."".
or Willard lJ ·ury Wright for .~udg 'In.the .of· Court 'of COI~lmon 'Pleasr . " DaysO/ ·.An
.4 , .
We, the undersigned, members of feeling privileged. on aoooun't) of .our ~ ~Bsoolat1on with the legal affaire of the County./deeiro to ~. ·ann6\moe our full oonfidence and appreoie.tlon .01" 4,the_oonduct our ·high.e.s...t.Jrlb\lnt\l in tpe. C.ounl.y. .
Again w present the fnCf\imii~ ron 01 Judge Wrljfhl by t he ";ell).befIJ (It the WOITe" Connty Bur .. Wo urge that you rend t'.I ~ rrc· Ijml7'andation os It contnins tho fncts fro~ ' wJilch all of t.hl' ( ,,",W lIS rnn ~ftIlbly be deduced wh y a " r)tt' for ' J~~~ Wright Is proper. ppponent to Judge Wrl~ht in Itti! dwdlda'cy lor Judg~ of the Court ~ Clommon Plens, has seen tit, Inte In the I!anv8¥, to publish 11 atnt('ment. He ~Y8: do~J.\ent
• ',l'he
• "It I. Dll!' trtl~ ,h.t I w •• the · 'Iret ' tq the- .,:'Mr .a might · ' fie lafanfil 'frolJl Ita "ppeerenca . . . . .bllellM.)o
No 'comment baa been mado hy this ~mmittee All to tha order In which &be CIJIdorMment of Jud~e Wril{ht __ .iIa-n~. ADeIi we 'arc unahle to con· aeIYe what poBIIible' djlferonee Jt wd:uld make .. tD- the ordar ot Iltfna~ \u,re. The endaneme1,\t coJ'llPlet4},. tIM ~~ tha' be 'Menme 8 !=bDcIlda~ la- de!nita and -tho pledge uf ., the-l' wholehearted SUPllort . 'If t holle 'aJsnin81s cerfainj thUII !ar it.baB nut ~n . brooaht · to the k .. o\\·lt'.d!te of. ~ Committ!le. ~r any other signer ~. IDggesting thn~ he would vloIde' h!a pl~. .
NotWithstanding keeping
Court ·haa .been assigned by
~~urledlotlone . notablY
u~ our docket, the JUdge .Of'our ~he Chief Justice. to . slt In other
Cleveland and Akron. ~nd being recalled ie ;oul'flcle·n t . guare.nty · of con~.idenoe and . the .effl0iOln t eorv1ce ~. perfol'Dled by . him, ..,hieb r~fleot8 SIl·. honor to ue.
·Hie ·deCis1ons
stood ·the · teet. ' ae . but oomparatively .few
,b.av.~1~een . revere.ed ~~y: the hieher Courts.
The .term of . Judge ·.Willa.rd Jurey Wright. will 800n expire, .an4 .. 1t. w111 be neoeQ~a.TY during ..the . ooming ' year to . elect a . '~oeeeor, und '1t is Q pleasure to ~& to extond this word' of u·'proval . of ·bJ,e .adaln1etrat1on, ()oU~led "1tb the dQslre and .re- . rPst .. tbat · Judge·. Wri~t win ' oonsent to 1)ecome a oaildJ4ate foJ' J'e~l4atlon, '~ that '~e~y .o ontinue "1n offioe without .1nterl'\.lption { ~o .t he -eat~st~otor~ : condl tiona . existing. Should ,:Ju48Q Wdeht .become . tl ' otUldic1ate, we pledge hilll our whole-hearted eupport .. and :.earnee tly . recommend· all our Cj. t.~ zeus to oone IdeI' Itbe contU t 19na 'exlot1ns' &IlCi '. 3o.1n ·In 8¥pportina him U' he de~.ermlneB to l?eooJDe :a ~ oandldate : to' sucoeed hImself. _
W. aublllii that to an!, Intolligent
~otblq extraordinuy dedhce.1 from
nadlq of this reeommend!ltlon. ... plain etatement of facts In eommeDdation of tha servlcell of JadP Wrlcht, • juat tribute. 'l'Iae nut. averment In hI!! BtateI~
........ a.,..4 hy 10 _ny .ood
T.F. Marti A
CENTERVILLE, OHIO Ph ofl u ·No . 2
!'"!~~~!'!!!!~~~~_~ _~._ ~'!" _ -~
POROVER ZOO YEARS haarlem ' oil" has . been a world· wide remedy for kidney • liver and bladder disorders. rhewnatism. lumbago and uric acid .conditions.
('iln ttds, 1.• ;·41 :wl' Cl nci U1 n rt g n r;rcl' . NOli'" " " u~h t.
.I .. h ll Il nrblnc, All em Building. Xunin , Ohio.
Farmers, Attention! L
1" '" SULt-_ S
~lnternlll troublea, etlmulote vital
craana. Three alfta. All dru&&lsts. Insilt QD the ~ Ilmulnc 001.0 M;BDAL.
Furmors of Warre n und ndj oini ng co ulitiOfl mll Y obt.ain money on long timo IOlln ~ , ut Ii III per cent intercst. COAt of securi ng the Rome ig vory ronsonn uJc ,thr"u,Il:h Th e Fcdcrw Lfind Bfillk. Jo' or !urth~ r Informntion cnll on or nddress M . C. DRAKE. TrollSurer. pholle IUG·X . Lcbnll ol1'. Ohio_
Amold " 'R8 • bRndsome. vhe" dotl8, lI'on.dP r()\lng .oman 01 th\rt,. ~ -- -.--ina arftt..er fII&lM.lll1 1ft .. leet., 01 bft ~ ~ ~l~ nnd wtnnhlfl 1IDI\eII ODd ~ ~ I]sure. well flUe(2 with. _ FOR SALE . · I I D I remlnded hlm of tbe court I . . . . tn Frn_ VACCINATION OF SWINE Pur Salo- );'ifteen hundred feet of -wtun a rontran to tile worn, PRI~lIed .. nlfNml to be IKlI!n In that A SPECIALTY I!l>od lumber. J oh n Roberson, Route ctItDP I'" he atldecl :1, W II Ylle l\\~ lI e . 800D II~ the dinner berlla, Mrs. For l;lllo- Clermont Rnnl!c. A.I Arnold IIIIId lID tile roun, mlln. "We Phone 44 bII''II hNrd '" rour romanee. Colonel conditio n. J . Il. Chopmnn . Inquire nnd III... Oarl IIDd tlJeIr ,0ulIIJ daq\). of Mrs . E. S. Daily. Waynesville, Ohio 1M 11lOIII a .... In our bocne 1n Phil· ItdllJphlll 00 their utI) to ~ co~ FO R SALE- lily property In Corwin, Ollie&. LIIter MI1L Ollre wrote to my ncar tho Harveysburg pike, consisting' lIIuther Of Ihelr terrible ,dvl!lIture in =:=:===:=:=:===~=== of II good G·roonl house. With kltchtba I(l'mt north bUlb Ind lpolle of MRr· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cn, good ~' ell fi nd cistern. a large lot. gll~r8 aUlW'bment tor tho bandlO1D8 For informlltlon write Alex Emley. bol who had helped .-ue them, 1t. D. 4, Wnyncsvllle, Ohio, cnre of ito 1 ban bD8 ~III to m, Interelt In • • IWllltcr Cnrey. s1 16n. r liappell ~ pow a deta1l In The aye Siahl Specialist ~ . . , "hl4!b mllY be DeW to 'ou. FOR SA Lr..- i oung Shorthorn 8ull. ~ktIt u.a~ It bOW wtth ber falbee 1a ~I!W YClI'll." . I For further Information see Rolla "'In New Toll,. Rolton, R. D.1. Wuyncsv1l1c, Ohio. Lebanon, Ohio "Oddlo I 'tn New To"" We heard 116 IJl Plllllldelphia tbat IIbo and her. motber Nut IIIlIIed with Sir RO@'l'1\ Waite III . PA] NT-$ 2.50 a gallon • .except Mareb. How JolI,. It would be H the I fur red und gre n puiut. GUllran. 8:00 B. m. to 4.p. m. ,eneml lind, I could bring too ~getb tecd white lead paint. Inquire ot ~ Rnd hav~ a we(!dln, Id b_lfnarP. E. Kenrick, Waynesville. Ohio. lera I"' _ augO... DOUh'l ~nl fit lID II'IDW lIappl- ....- - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr • W •E. FRO T
II • 1ltUt! milner.
- _ _22!!!S _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~_~~~
eo 6ae • ~ eIId til til.. Itor,.... . .._~ laQ8hed PI4 NIl t.o th., ..,mnet
urged .bi
~~Da ~er44to
we I\re
to ...: , ' ..• hu 1IeYer ·been lunestM by UdI CoIinalttee ,that there wa, a vlo1atI01I of ~ Iepl obJiptlon; 'b\!t we
....·. pali1llhecl~ 1I:ie ~done"'ont In . . . . ~ ' promllle 988 made. whleh '
lada lAG sOtomOQ ~ ullQ8llld In pai&Df dle ~ . " . . . . ttdnl fot III . . . Gil attaclL
Fae-$;Imlle Endorsement Judge
I Sa....... _
:Wright by WarreD County Bar.
"'t .... -, j '....
doom 01 the laMaer la certain. W. ahould atop erNlln, n.w or. , - , alld raiain, ....ri •• of of. ficlala a.d .aerel . the public •..,dl .. w. would our ow •. "
n wu IIO\JD line- WuhlngJoJl', ~ 1I1'Il
tIIaI Aru,oU\ ....ellt away 011 the 1'088 .
to the Bouth. Solol11()D followed, loop. ID8 out ot bit Reid '" Ylltoo. Tbe get).
ted, and neither does It contain any mind by IIlny statement against this md returned 1'11"0 aa,." late,. Solomon et.a.tement of fact from whlcb the Committeo. we aro not concerned. we camo IDto lRcll'e hut llbout· mldnl,bt h'rtber quotlUC: veter can deduce a IIlngle RaIIOn are In the open and have always at tbe lin,. of Arnold'" return with 1m~. f • . based upon qualification, efBclency, signed our namoe and from the be· portaot ncwe. ~ ..JUt ..........ow uIda. la or other fact that would justify a ginning have openly challenged dis. 'l~ck wne at bit d~ ltullylllll a '.. J; die boice o' the Dea. Co.. vote for Judge Wright's opponent. pute of st.a.tements we have made. ma" of the HlghlRnds. The t'emp wall ~ "", ,~ lei. ,to,*" Every official and good citizen Stress has been attempted to be ., The labored IJtatement as to the at rest. Tile candle In ladl'.. hut .'I. "~ Coeatr. . . . Ijhould do all In hill power to reduce laid on the expenlle of the conduct power Of the Court over attorney~ " . tbe onl, slgn .OIlIta aPOUnd hend", . . . . . MII..17W LaW7Bft ~ tho operating expenses of the County. of our dourt anCt clerk hire of Coun- la so rldlculQus It would be amusing, Quallen ~D ·SDloJDOQ, bn"ln. pul oot to 10111 wlt,h IIU roullfl , ' ~ eo.................. ,.~. The compen8lltion of the Court anll ty offlclala. All of the expenses of except fOl" the fear some uneulpe<:t· 1111 !loree, tne~ Be ·1It~d dOlJl! to the 4I!ak. '"" . . . FU . . ·...,,· . . po.tIoIt 01 ... cOurt attaches ill ' fixed by law, and which have , been fixed · by the LEG. ing person might be misled. ' . .!.tl!!'... .,, ~f tIte .~.~ ,. JUllt\ wby the demagogio statement' ISLATURE ond apply to all Courts Everyone knows. or should know. ~ "', . III made that unless taxell ·were re- throughout the State. clients employ lawyers. mW)'ed InBtI· B. H.E~ BATRA W • 'l' '- • "Dda deelaratJon, .4~o in . duced it would be the doom of the Our Court has not exercised any .ute procEledlnts In court, the court . form. ts .eubj.oct. to thla IIDBWer, that f-armer' ia not apparent to the Com- jurisdiction over Clerk hire of-County determinel! the issue based on the esDENTIST ~e La~II;fI ~ .Campalgn Commltt<e. ~lttee, except aB it may be to excite OfBclals. for aevllral yoon, since the tablishedlnw. and is subjeot to reo .~ly ~ ~t the choice of tho class feeling and the farmer unduly, PIl,IIIIBgC of presen,t Statutes gov:ern• view In hlgber eourts. if error 18 rAnd X-O-O~APt1IST ~ of the . County Is the obJ~t to IJI! there is no distinction as between Ini. . made. :tie . ttalned, and our sole purpose has clnasll8 In the matter of ~.tIon. tax- To give votera some information Lll.w suite are not determined Waynesville, .• Ohio. !-?"n to BO Inform the voters that they es are uniform. as to the conduct of the Court this on the caprice of the Judge or by • .f • I Telephone IU. , ~Oi!i3lth~t ~~e::,tl~ec:as~~:u~~~o!: The Court has no autbority to cre- Committee has caused to be compiled any supposed favorltfam 8.11. all orII ate new ofBces or to raise salaries: from the recorda the foijpwing sta.- ders and findings are subject ,to reOFFICE: HATHAWAY 'BLoo, view by higher tribunals. " Aha 88J1lranta. A. to representing these matter& aTe fixed by the Stat- tistleal faote: ON ,"~ STRERT . ..Q!ll:r a portion of the membe1'll of the utory Law. nat by the Court. FI~ea au.aaed b,. JucI•• Wrilht To avoid -J eview and Moute . early . , ~, ~lai~o~t;t4t~. dOlJ~8B to advise Reference Is made in the statement durinl Ma term thl. far .mouDt to conslderatio and jUlltice It is there';~ftli!- W"'o~ e oppo~c~t 8.11 to Mrs. Wrights service aB Pro· $41.268.00. . tore of ' the highest . importance . to D, .-"..,g The record shows nn e".n '1'" ._- I t ...·t- not consu Ign te. bation Officer. Ju"oDilo Dep.rtmant , _ a Ion. have q ' alent trial court·. thill is an ..'DUll UU" n ~ t campa no that she wlls nppointed after a Civil our aim in i1.0rming the voters. , ~ member o'f the' Bar who 81gned S rvI E . . . . 0 .. caaea I.. atituted b, MrI; Wrilht • ....- . iI' .d d h e ce xamtnatlon In which she •• Probatio. Officer hn. a ..oDDted T~is last; ublished statement W8.11 fIOTAIIY PU.UO ' ..... 4IDtoonement, lu~ an Wright me e hBIJ t e ' Ive d th e hi.gb est grod 'In- to $13,446.00. • . d by t h e many goo d cItilenB "1edp rece e. By not signe P Will. Drawn httlecl , ' .....".._.. ' <061.. Co ' -tttee h t ference complnlnt is made ns to the - It is therefore a"parent in the and taxpayers referred to by Judge . m_ ~ to' ....a mm t a ti J d Wri b 111 h ' , .. . ........... 1 ......... bo d b h me u ge g t Wave served fines aSRessed the groBs amounta ap- Wright's opponont who induced him -v.nIIr' ... t an y t e when re elected . to' ... '-t bis I d d b ~ ~ayD"~I~~., '~~Io . llro"":' and oeruinly have made no ." pr~xlmote the tot.a.1 exp~n8es against nO ... e P e ge an !leome a ,ublJc ~nonncl!lllent of Intontlon to Former Instances of former Ber· WhlCh the attempted <:omplalnt is dl- a candidate. I ' t '. , " NadonalBank "'~ 'other'wflle, We 'chaUenge the state- vice by Judges of the Court of Com- rected. We are informed somedl!lculty • mSllt to .eo~ . -mOil Pleos, In thlll County have cov· The opJlosition to Judge Wright In IJecurlng IlllnatDlel to this atate: Complaint b made in !IBid lltate. eped 8imilar and longer terms, where sbould be truthful and fair In repro- ment w~, elJCoun~,ed, but It. was mOllt. : • . the . office WBS conducted efficiently. sentations they make. signed by five men'. two of whom an • and the thought of time has never In the last issue of a Democratic acknowledged Democradc and the • : ."WIip ..... ........... lat••• boon heretofore mentioned. . Jl8per. an oleventh hour 8tatament all- Chairman d ' ''Tupayen'' ~ lilned. '. e1,.. a'la .... paJ,.r We have analyzed this Btet~ment pears. the gist of which being the "w. W .. Rogen," faw p 0la1bl' ,would .- The 'O:nrirer fa: It '~ strenuous of Judge Wright's opponent at same as contained In the statement not know 11l1~ by his lnltiall; .he fa • because the mults are 110 Important length thnt the veters may sec that of Judge Wright's opponent. the ,commonl¥ known u "Tuck." " 5 1~ ~ 2 ).," . • ' the st.a.temont does not cont.a.in any ilnalysis and answer QI wfllch Is given DON~T be ml81ed by unfllir an.'n. tb~ conduct of our Conrtj. It is vlilld reason why Judge Wright above. . - IJlncere Btatementl made 'in" tho laIt We .... ' lta~ 'Wh,eat> fOr July ana ~. tene1ve because we do not want any , .., Au ....t deli"..,. aDd will -lie in ~ '. to remain undone that will thor- flIould not be re-nomlnated and elec· ~ the ,a~mp~ ~ divert tho voters days of the Campaign ......rket ~t aU ~im... · pont f.iI lo. let inform every voter of the ,"our off.t: .¥fOre you leU. · ~'IO " conditforui; u to the ex-' 4 alore Wheat for flour eschan,e, and we cannot' lmqine why It I hand" th~ b..l ....d .. of flour. " be of concern te Judge ' .'tW ....... On baDd a fun line of FEED. WlM~iI' opponent, .. he ce~ln1, F.ENCE, POSTS, StWER TILE, and: wed to contribute. neith. 't" t I C~: and make you alk.cliv. , Wrliht. but it b cheer' . " p~ . ' ~ ", . .,' ""''':;lMati1l~ut41d that fUll PlIblieiiy - ...'.~ ~~ and ~a VO~rI fully .
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Spcllbindcr - "Il o m~~ .. h , fri r nlh - how mnny of you kn ow Whlll l hu l word renlly mCUnH?" Voice from rcnr -··It ·~ II ~ i ec pin ~ plnce noar the gu rnj!:t" "
'"TIl(! WII'!
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On tbO (hlrd of AUIIU6~ pn!C18C (!lIr. namrd by Ilt'nry Thoi'nhlll-A~ 1I0ld took OOtnOlllnl1 of the romp onl1 'lroJIB IIlOSumed t\III new dlltlea. The 1liiiJot' genornJ rode 'II'lIh Waehllllton eVO!I7 Oft)' until. 011 the rourt~nth ot 1t000telllhe,. U.o IBth." eet ()\It with Ulroo 0111('6 nnd ('olonel B1nltus 00 hta frill t(, l,onner tlclI\. Solomon rode with tbe IInrt)· (or two dOy9 and then rerum!!d. Tlu'rellfter Arnold ten ~ work at hilt ofllA-o III lnell Bnd gave ~ l~~ to tllo l!f\)Oymcnt of tile compuny CJI IIIl! wille oDd B leJ Ru ro thllt 8utft'roo nttle Interruption. For film, 11"1I1I" '180gl'/1 WBr had P"IoOlhed bls wrlnk 100 front . LIllie Rlchllrd be I\IId hlln Ilt> Ills \l\"llISI'U nnus. Tho any ot WlIshlngton'8 departuN\ Mrs. ,Ar. ' nold In"lt'd lncll 10 dinner. 'the youllfl mUJI telt bound to A.~t tllb OO.lll' rtunlty tor more trtendll .ehI·
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t.• .to1atlq a eolemn pledao.
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Every T ueaday
.1_ _t
- ---
At Cary'S Jewelry Shop
mbI4 that there can ·eertal·n!)' be
f.(.-........, '--ft. ........... eXe..e beIus
I)e rain' on." ho be,nn. :'A BrlUlh NIII" WIl I'/\ Iyln' l1lab th.e mou h 0' the ' tlln rl ... r. Arnold went nbonro. An' o/llc('r anI luto hili bont with him Rnd !l.p), 1'1I1l ~O oV r to the west ~ h orc 11"(\ \ ""l InlO the usb: I II,J'ed I hu r flit mll~' n l ~ht. " ' It I'ere hn! t b u~ l n l'~ " why d ttl thl!Y ~o oft In Ihe lou<1I "I·' n'· t r II talk ?" l ock ,hook hl h('nd. "Suon as I H I'n Ihut f wrn t [ 0 r n(' o' our hntterl . un' tal' t hp c· ll" n wI lli' tvpra on illY ' IIIlnrl. .. 'D-n th e 01' DrlUsh Olh. \\' (" 11 mnkc 'er buck .up 1\ Il t lh' .' sr" h'·. • '!UlQ'1' too Rlull unYl,ow.' . lTo bo continued)
>"WIIa....r ~I tM. .......,u..r,.· .tuIone.....t m.. ,. __ b_ ....... It."
R · ~OR
few fact's we- deem wo'rthy 'o f mentioJo r DF1nS tbe !pQ8t.flve years there ha~e been in0t1tuted t 1693 C'asee oil the ~ dockets of the Court of Co~aon Pleas, ~ n~ber muoh larser ·thad ·' ,",Quid eeem poasl ble to. those not conneoted wi th .. the .adMinll1tra-. ~ ~ t1p~ .01' .e.tfa. lr~ i . of ,this number all ~ve been . dlopo-.e<\ :~f· ·excep 'the . exceed~ngly ema.ll n~ber of 6~ oas.ee.·· now penltUng on the ~dOOklli ' eeZ'.t a.1nly thie 1e ~ high cotllllendat1on as ·to etflciencY Qnd ' pat~ ' of ' ~ueinee~i the rceult is we are cnjoy1ns a ~ 'oondit1on .not a.tt~ined 1n but few •. 11' any other Counties in the ·Statr. ' of · oecurlne . Immediate t rl al o.f causee ..a.s .~oon ae lesue '.Ie joined; "tbe laws delaya" io. not known in Warrltm County. .' 'A
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._ ••-.- .J" HE M I A·M I GA Z E TT E.•.. NEWS GLEANED
1 · :::1 ED WEDNESDAY Entered at tho P()stoffic lit WnynIl6v ille, 0 ., liS econd Clnss Mall Matter
COfttMON PLEAS. ~j.GCEEDII!ICS Chnrlelf Leppert, the pur~hn8er of certnin ~elll estato sold in" the sot. tlement of the case of R. R. Chad· wick vs . George Stein mann Fouts,
SlIhscription P ri .p, , 1.50 per year .
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A new and Interelltln,f: fallh;lon .iS I .~;",_ _"";;",,----,:,,,,_ _~_ _ _....._:";'~'::'Y;ij~II-:'!t't' -:~~~ .· curtaina made of oilcloth in solid col- I Mr. Fred Simpson, County Trena- OrB. They are t ho length of the urer , wns calling on Lytle ,friends window an d are made to hnng even , an d flare against the side of th e s a ~h. They are made in different widths. A hem is turned and n w~ight placed in Lhe hom. They arc very pretty When mude in blue, oran ge gray lind Sati.factQJ'Y leniee Ilnee 191~. other light 6hud~B . . • '* • lars one day IUKt wClek. 'ferma very rea.onahle . • . Hcuer Smit h returnel l lo Unyton a· 'Volo for . Office A ma n Builr i ng .I Mondny evening after II couple of ALFRED C. BRANT. FOR SHERI days ,·jait with hom\! fo lks. WA YNESVILLE'; OH I9 - - -... lylr. nnd rvrll. ]1. M. Chirk lind Mr. lind Mrs. S;hllrles Clnrk visited Ce: dllrville nnd Cliiton Sunduy. ' IE Mr. nnd Mrs. Clyde Whnrton and fam ily s pe nt Sunda y wilh Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Lacy, ut Frnnklin . ClifT C. unnoun COR his Mr. und Mrs. Wilhur ' Inrk and rlll cy for Clerk of the Courts "ubJ ed . " . ., fumily and Mr. a nd !\lrx. S. Ii. fiu,·· 10 th o 1(cl'ubli cnn ' Primnry, AUl( ust '11 C S • h t Is Il et SI>ClIt Sunduy at Ch>lutu uqun. . J wi ll l. fTcr f ll r. ".\ 0 .. 1 th e ' '',,<\ence nf Gran. VI e . t. arr. .; 12. Mr. Meloy hilS nev er b('fore W 0 -" fl &t Mr. and Mni. Frank HUl.;e rs Wer e so ul(ht Jlu bli c offic e. Your $uppo r t kn ow ', Il ~ t ill' :\ (''.\' 1 Hun nell fa rll'l, (\ bou :3 mllcs east Cof laynr. Ohl •' ,on ', Sun day din ll"r g uoHls o f ~ Ir . und MrA. t ~ ' ullcit ed. t he \o" ayrws\'i ll e nnd ~ ~ w Burli n~ to f! pi ke. in Warr en oun Y,.. ",. /~n . • Shermun ltl'l{ ·r,. m·ur Midd lurlln . The fun t: ral (I f Mr. l!:l wouu Cluv. W'e ar ll authori zed t o an nounce enger was held 0 11 1··rhI IlY "flurlHHl II AUen Hull'man ,Ba a cD.hdl<Mr\.te f or a t his lato re. i<.icllce w . 1 of Lylil'. County Ueeordcr, subject to the Rep. Commencin!: at I· o·clock. Cl'ntrul tim e. the following described prqperty: Mr. Hurry Urown, 1>( 1I11111111. burll. uullcnn l'rlmary, August 12, 1924 . , sP'rnt a couple of d uy ~ l" l t \I' uk wllh ..;,. his brother. Simeon Brown lind wife. We nre aulhorlzed to announce One Bluck H o r~c, 1 ~ yean old, woight about 1400; 1 Gray .Mare, 16 ·Thieve!! broke In Wllllfltn Grn· JUlttn HardIng. of Franklin to'i1lnRhlp, hnms store Salturduy night und cllr· DS el cnndldate for Representative of yeal'l< old, Weight nhout 1000 poundR; 1 Brown Marc' Mula, 10 yenre old, " ;'J" ;~ severnl dollul'll worth "t the Leglsature, subject to the Repub. weight nbuut 1000 pl)lInds. IIcun Primary, August 12, 1924. Mr. and Mr!!. WilHelm Drown uud g uests, Misses Evelyn ZlmmerR and To the :Voters of Warren Countyl' Jersey Mu\l~y C('I w. YUill'S oid. \! ~. ~'. <I, Louise WooUc y spent Sunday at I 1. hereby ~nnounC!e thllt l am a Clifton. : .'.JJiiiIIiIIIl candldute for the oftlce of Common Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Seiglor8iiil' . Judge 8ul!ject to tl!e decision One Weber Wagon, with box hed, 1 Bet of Hay' d4,r:,St.: dngle. DiIc:: '. Harold, ' of carmon~, spent tile the' voten of Warren County at Cutter, 2 Sulky Corn PlowA. 1 GO-loath Harrow. 1. MA!~k . Wheat . week·end with Mr. and Mn. SiDwon nepubllcan Primary on August Binder, 1 l)n"id Corn Plllnter. 2 Riding Brooking PloWI .. 'Ii~. ~ork ...Brown. , l~, 1924. While my preBCnt work Harness. 1 pnir Falrbnnk~ cnles, 10 00 cnpaeity. Other f\~ . Mr. and Mrs. Joshua nO''''''ltn 'l pn the .bench may preclude my mllkiIIr e visiting tbis week with the for. Ing an ntoJletv8 campaign, i uk the ..'" mer 's siatar, Mr8. 'thomas Lacy and voters of the county to give careful A ll 8um s of ~10. 00 and under, cos h : ~nd on sums of liver $10.0J) . &ix ' family, al Cro81lwick. consideration to my candidacy. . .. _-' ,. '!<;"':"!o ) . Miss Evelyrf'" Zimmors, of Day,ton, On December 17, 1928, the active month!! time at seven per cent intereet ~' ith npproved, ee"u...tFl<t ~" '" fl pcnt last week with her friend, Miss proetltloneen at the baT of Warren R GRIEVE. Auct. Woolley, at the home of Mr. county unanlmoll3ly endol'l1ed me and RWAYNE C. SMITH, Clerk, • • ' ... ; ,~ and Mrs. Wm. Brown. requested that I becoDle a candidate Room 21, Allen, ,Bldg., 1IPl~.phlo. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Samuel Haines nnd for re-election. Appreciating thla onBon, James, Mr. ' lind Mrs. Walter doncment and In compliance with ,~ Kenrick took SundBY dinner with Mr. their request. I a,nnooncod my candl. ., und Mrs. J08eph Grassi In Dayton. dacy at thllt time. I lIlr. und Mra. Edwin Longacre, If my work on the bench merits 'MisMes Ina Burnett and Agnell Long. your upproval, I will apprecIate your ucrc, Messrs. Calvin Longacre and vote and Rupport. 'Melvin Swank :mo·tored to Columbus WILLARD J. WRIGHT. S unday. We are authorized to announce Mr. Dick Maaon is 80mewhat im· proved and wtmt to his home in that Robert W. Brown, fl praeBellbrok Saturday, utter staying sev- tieing attorney of Lebanon, and eral weeks lit t,he home of Mr. and veteran of the World War, i& a. candi· date for repreeentative to the general Mrs. Charles Clark. The funeral o f Mr. Irvin Guy was IlIIsembly from Warren County tn held on Monday afternoon 'at the the Republican Primary. of August home -of bia nClphew, Walter Guy. 12, 1924. Service was conduc~ed by Rev. BoTo the Voters of WORen County, gan, of Spring Vahey. Intennent Ohio, I ad 1011 and gentlemen-My in Bellbrook cemetery. name, BS a candidate for member Miss"'Louella Longacre went to Cin· of the Legislature from said county, cinnati Saturda.y, uod lett by auto will appear on the .RepUblican ticket ~uPdaf. mornill.l!: for C~gol in com- at tbe PrImary election to be held pany witp lIfr: rand Mra. .Georce Da. Taellda" Aoguat 12th ntl~ I hereIvia. They WlI1 spend a ~ouple o~ by IIOlIclC yoor votet. D. W. Bum'. .~ " .i witJI Chnrlee Davle and fam- pbre)'i.
~G:U~S~M~6~'~1~9;2;4;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t~Hn~v:i~.n:g;:r~fll~il~e:d-;:to~c;.o:m;p~l~y~Wtltl'thHl-th-t1et~~~.t~~~:': appear in court August 14th.
SummH I'ucnlion~ Rhould bring lh ~ f olks bm' k homu with n broodor vis· ion. !trellt r health, und a flrmer appr 'ciutitln of the old homo t own. EVe ,'y lII un lind woman secretly nllr"Us In the mind the vision of II t ow n lhut wo uld be most desirl\blp 'l'hl' y wOl'k through the win te r month~ und th en when holiduy time Cflmp, nrll und t hey ma ke n dash for WhAI they hope will prove th~ir ideul sur r nunoinR'. only to find uS u rul e t hul they huve fo und nothing p a rticulurl~ n ew. Right then Ihey should realiu thnt the kind .of to wn t hey reully wanl eun be hntl right where they huve their reul e ~tnte investm ent il th (!y only Bct to work to make it so. As the good ve rse slLyS. "It's II k llll~~ fit yuurse lf when yo u kn oc k Yul' t own; it isn' t you I' tow n, IT'S YOU' Real t owns are not mllde by upa the tic existence ill them. They 'lrf not built by jeu l ~ u8icg nor by ruinou, competiti on. Prosperit y and haPPI. ncss ure f ruits oC a constructive aplrIt , t he result of overy. one workln/\ {or the slime end, nn one dodging 6 fi ttin~ respo.naibility. The p e r~ i8te n' activity of a half dozen unselfish mc n backed by idens, cnn raise II tow, from the dead. Snap and life in an ~ community Bimply reflect the chal'a~ . t el' of its residents. Indifference i~ t he besetting ..in of American comn,. munity life. You and .your nelghbf't clln mllke this town the beat litt1~ town on ellrt.h if you put yourselvef in to it. ~emember It Isn' t your t own, it'8 YO U. - - -......_.-••..,.....,--,-:-"' __ ._
Mr. and ·M rs.
a now Ford c oupe. "':
D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publi.ber, Wayn"... m", 01010.
- - --
.LYILE . . .
HARVEYSBURG Mrs. Clara Conner is in Lebunon nursing Miss Wilson . Mrs. Crouch, of Dayton, coiled on Milnel Sturr, Tu esduy ufternoon. J . C. and Chu ~ . Gruy wer e Col· umbu R business visilors F riday . T he Wilmingt on FlLir uttrncted n numuer o f ou r citizens this week. l. N. Miller lind Miss Lulo Miller .u tended their family r eunion th is week. Ed Dl'own caught 8 4 1·2 pound <al·li _h in Cnesll r's Cr eek . TuesdllY mn rn ill~ .
Mr. and 1Ih:8. Goorge Beach lire h r parents, Mr. li nd Mrs. Wilson. . Mr. Ilnd Mr8. Carl Blackford nnd ~ hildrc n atte nded th eir fumily reun· 1011 Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. To110, of Washington, D. C., were calling on friends her e Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathlaa, of Dayton. II rc ~pe ndin g part of their ..ncation with relatives here. Mr. au'd Mrs. Cecil Kirkmuth, of fol edo, arll vacationing with Mr. and Mn. R. H. Jeffries and son, Kirk. Mr. and MrB. Floyd Andenon, of '{ enia, visited Mrs. Emma EJIls and lIIrs. Lizzie Lister one evening this week. Mrs. Henry Murphy. of Franklin, ~ cnlled here Monday by the ser· lous illness of her fath er, Robert Carr. Mra. Pau'l Peterson. of Spring Val. icy. spent the later pllrt of the week her parents, Mr. and Mrs. [l'rank Harris. • Dr. and . Mn. A. A. Sluldday and family, of Cincinnati. were recent over.night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cleaver and daugbter. Ruth. . Little Misses Rhea and Evelyn IIIcCarren are spending several dllYs in Dayton with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. JII8. McCarren and duugh ter Mra. Romine Shomaker and Miss Lucile . Tucker en\ertined their Sun. Iny achool cll1lso, of the M. E. church with a picnic at Harmon Park. Wodneaday afternoon. MI'1I. Amanda StaR and Mba . Mabel, .Mr. and MI'1I. Wilbur lIfathl88, Mr. and Xl'll. Cw. Gray and fam . "".IID"'" Sunday. with G. Cla~k Stan' family. They plenlced at Skeeter Park on the Little Miami. ~ nlel · taining
NEW SUJ'r.S The United Sta '8 Fidelity and Guaranty Co ., .haB brought su it against Charles Jones et al f or the recovery of money. The amount claimecl i ~ $253 6.10 nnd 0 per cent Illterest fr om July 8, 192 4. The Leuanon NI\tionnl Blink and Tru st Co. is Huing Lucinda J. and Jllmes W. Sweeney .fo r money. A mount claimed is ' 11&.60 a nd 7 per cent Inte re ~t from .tilly 31, 1922 to Octoher 2 9 , 1922) T. O. Leg-l1Jy has broug ht Rui ogainst th o Linc oln Cau~alty Co. for recovery o f $274 .00 and costI!. Michael Brewer et ai, arc suing J . A. Hartml\n' Cor the recovery of $112.00 an d in ter est from May 18, 1(124, for pnsturing certnin sheep and hor ses. The Ilbove plRintiffs n~e also suing Chnuncey R. and Marianna Bunnell for dajltluge in lhe a~ount of '760.00.
-.,- --
PolitiQIAnnoilncements! Mel~y CU~(Ii . 1
PROBATE COURT S. J. Rose waR appointed guardiBn of Stanley Rose et ai, minors. "ond $200 .00. The court npproved the proceed· ings of S. D. Chanpellor, exocutor of the estate or 'J. ijarter 'Shldaker, de. ceascd, acting under .a form or oreicf of the court. The ·executor also IIled hiB sale bl\1. Stanley M. Sellers, trustee of th(> eetDte of Joseph G. Keys, deceased . filed his third and fourth account..!. Harry B. ThomplOn, admln iB t~a lor of the estate of Susan Jan t' Thompson. deceased, ' was authori7.ctI to dispose ot a ccrtain promissory note valued 4t $9,000.00, at private sale. Carl J. Miller: IIdministrator of thE> estato of John W, MlIler, deeea9!'d. was authorized • "J sell certain ch'lttel property at private sale. Frank Gallahe~, a,dmlnlstratnr of the estate of Eunice J. Ridge. deceasc d, filed his inventory Bnd appraisement. The will of NeUte Hill, deceoRctl, was IUlmitted to probate. John Wall was oppointe4 executor of the es· tate and. Joseph Snook; Flo>·d Har. per and Joseph Dwire were appoint. I'd appraisers. Ida Cumpbel1. executrix of the estate of Martha FiBher, deceased, filed ber lint ' aDd final account. W. Chester Maple, executor of the estate of SU8IUI E. 'Havenl, deceased, flIed his distributive acwunt. •. Tbe suce8sl\lna to the elltate' of Nettie R. Stowe were -found to ~ lly there. exempt from ' any Inheritance taL'
"..;, ti·~ ·
Fr'i day,Augast
Head of Hor.e• . .
.,:, 3
Head of Cattle .'
Farm Implement.; · . l~ ·
1 .,
.~. , "
When you come to buy your coal for the wlnter_nd possibly now 16 as good a t ime as any becRuse when tho householder waits until the RIIO" fall~ deliverics arc une rtoin-it will be interesting as t he hill is r evlewcG to r emembor that i.he wage increus6 for IInth,'ncite miners has reached .1I point 190 per cent since Juno, 1914. This embruces all cla.ssoa of work· ers, sem'i.skille\l, Ilkilled lind in id, and outside laborers in the black dia· mond vineyard. Thia incre88e may eeem incredible when it is reallzed that the average _leB the- lirura downward. In the "' case of common outside labor the in· , Alfred C Brant annooacee bInlBClf 'crease hl\ll been 218 'per cent. The . • . ..;l all n candidate tor Sherif!' on the Re-I seml-llkilled inside lab-or has received MARRIAGE LICE. . . ' HOW'S THIS, publican Ucket at the comtng PrI· an increuse of 20 per cent, which i~ • • - • Robert M. 'Famler, ~ol"Cr, and a.U.L'tI .C04TAIuuI .IIOI:DICtmi wUI election be held Aumet 12. L-------------------:-....;.-~-'i"~~followed by common Inside labor, Milla Etta Abner. Both of F14anklln . .: ~~ ~.~~~ r.:'~ lIlar}, Four yeal'1l a8 to deputy Bl)erllf of the showing an increa! e of 106' pe.r ce1;1t. Edward Doran Gill, bookkepper, 1~'l.t'8 CATARRH M.J!lDlClN. tIIJDo county bas Quallfied him tor this po· Gle.ndale. ahio, and. MIM Irene Ver- lei_ of &JI Otntmont "blob Q~ sltlon. Tho ' lowest percentage of' IncreaM . comes to the skilled worker, the in· onica O'Connor, stenagrapber, Leb. ~Icvee the catarrbal lnnammatlon. leternal Me4lcllle, a 'ronlC, cb side man advanoing 181 per cent and WiUiam Harlan is suffering from an on. ~ tIIl'OWIb tho lllDod OIl ~ I wish to announce my candidacy th e outside workor gai ning 170 pel Aclatica. 1~rue.aOiIl8 aMI_tina"· t.. rM .... for County Comissloner ~ubje ct to • EST ATE TRANSFERS Itlon.. ro 40 0.. T..,. the August 12,t cent. Born- To Mr. and MrR. Jelll!C Hile, RE .. L , r.".i."~:-eo..r.;:~ 1924.Republican In road Primary work, I belle' .o tha With thelle figures to conside~, the July 30th, a 6!lnJ Ralph WI!.!iam. Albert C, and Mary' E. Erwin to teams ahould be used on ehort haul~. pcsaimiat who tolks about a lack 01 The VI, F. M, S: lI.let at Lho bome Chester A. Campbell. . 23.25 acres !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ and I think thnt road work should be prosperity aimply ha s no sense 01 01 M.... W. E. Blair on Wednesday. in Hamilton Twp., $1 . • .. aivlded up Into small sections, with EXPEnlT asection, competallt of each pel'8pective. The old 'try 01 tl!e mi· B. '"fW. Kelch, of Chicagn, bus join· Wm. A. Weeks to Clarence F . ,al. P. und man tbat In thecbDl'ge farm ers and ner's uncertatn t enure i& <l,uickly ~d his ' f!lmll,. lJere for his vacation. breath. 22.9 ac:.res hi Hamiiton 'l'Wp. .F inishing teamsters In each locality should be off-iet .when -;'e consil!er the increase Misa·Leona Miller 'pleasantly enter· $1144.50. 8DdDeveloping allowed to take care of the repair and in the wage of the. · contract ~en talned Ute" Sunshine ociety, Sn~urlIfary C. Meloy to C. H. Supinger. bv peircel post. malnten'hc~d roads. d No feet .of , ' day. .', 49.24 acres In Tur'tlecreek Twi>, ~ bSy ~he Co~n~neOn '~ng h:~~~ which st.und~ at 188 pl\r cent. Coal entel'll very largely ' into the Dr. 'and IIln. M"C,'BV bud IU< /ru osts CIMon H: S~plngcr to 'H ester Men· work at a where nece8sary trucks could be hired cost of living. Since ita spectacular hi!llL1iruJStOJ1,,..D-U::in.+~I=.-......'i'-O..:U-':"""_I!&--tft-:!ft~lccrelm--~~.~II~~!~ . DElal Direct. :!IelrvllCea.J D1uch cheaper trom private owners. advance during .the.1 war It ba8 .• .•.• ~.-"-""'......_ •.>o T '1 maUs, All sixes, The ploce to begin reducition of tnxes h th· Ii" f 'E'·P.·,s . a'nd Olll'e M. Milto·' n to Frank oping and printing, 40 ' cente, nnd to begin the practice of economy Iy s own even 9 8 a~ow 0 and son, J ohn. vetlt pocketl!, 86 centl!. Write lind efficioncy Is the office of the cline for the householder. This guests of r ein· and Slirah Gay. Lot in Frankiin, formntlon or'seliid money to ' ~ounty Commlssloners for the Comuation should be remembered . Peter Demas to A.' C. S~arkB. Lot' IJIlsslonel'1l PIUIS on the lDills and 8pend I moat Your ot thevotes taxe_and raised In thewill Coun· BympatbV mu k0. wavcs of pub IC in Corwin, $1. • • """ ty; IIUPport be a further appeal for tlie people to ~"' .• ~Irom . Perry F. South. to AlbeJ;t.R. anlt 108 ReIboW 81.... DIIJ'tcI.. ~ IIPpreclated.-ENNIS S. DONNELL. down In tbeir pockets for ' fb~ May Thompson. 3 lote in Morrow, ._,
Write.or phone ou_r bli~r. <~;~t'. MR. E. s. HAMILTON. ~. :,:,~.,:
The Hager-Straw Board and;. i .···co.
--_.- ..---
W F ,.. .......t.
of tho opp~eqed ~lne~. Naturally the mlnen cannot pcc~ to have \¥lr wages and vet be /ible to tiuy the cO:I1\D\o~II;;] ties they must have to live at time prices, so that in a mpn. ar,! hol~t by their own lieu.l~dl~.·l:b"~":;Ii. · '; Tbe trOUble is thlit In 'the matter eoal, wage advances this kind at· ' tect the .whole people.
. b*
S:U:8~E' CRtU~D ' ! ~ An!,.
.7 .
~na-atu1i' e · or 80 an · o~ at.. tb I· . wheat ioon after .harvest ha. 'p~v~
more pro fi ta ble t .. ~1\ . ~ I to r p.IO!llt wi lOr , dlaldl!r in te.ta at the Obl~ Ezperl· ment Station: The .dUl'er,nce In .
yiel~ of whea~ ,:W~.
bUlbe~ per
aC~ " in favor ·.of early .1II<,w,ng.
, :Amqng' the re8llOna '.t~llm~ . thea41 results ear~lI pl.c·WlII~ 'Ipd fniqu'e nt itlrlng 'of··the lolih'r:i!IM"rvelll.,¥e"k: moisture and deetroy. ne,."ly . ~~~J~~T;:';;.~ ad vt~.e1I, gl~ll~ a ·firmer be~ 14 bed and favors the . aceu 1!'~oD nitrates In ' the' loil. -' ., Jlnothe~ advantage ot. e~ly 4ng Is the biter d~ttj~u~lon . • al It prev~ntll ':the ~u.h .t ,·· ··":.:JII,;.';.·1 chooee the ·beat.timo for PI~:~:~~~ I.SllJfhttfl1e1d aleo g vel ' ampie time f01: .. -.-- . -~ DiI~·Brad~,. lll'rl~i in' caije lime, l8> aJl~nlld fill' -......,,-.• .~.. "'~:..-..;...: wheat 'crop. .
- "Albeh R. and' May Thompson to, Emeral J . Tbompsol1. 'ote in Mor. . U. ..".' . ... < .~ Samuel and Matilda Whlteneck Antla Carrie 1)-entUi; 60 acres Hamlltn !fwp.,' , 1. ~ . Cnrrie Shurts to JosePh De~ar; Lot In Lebanon, U . Chester A. Campbell ·.to Isaac N.
To the con8t1tueney of Warren County, I a.m asking for the oftlce of Commis8loher. I not en-
:~~e~ ~e::' p;!:r~vt:;lt~::~
; 2 •.cta In, TwP.. CALL US ANIY TIME' AT OUR Ludwia Freudenthal to Wm. ' .Jtl'PJNSE . • unbiased opinion and eervlce t6 Iota in Loveland Park, felti1U ·. . • p' ublli mattera. Thanking ¥Ou Ella JrJat'lett to R. adY'ance for an, favor; .... 6. acree in Franklin Twp"·JI~!.~~'~~~~~~~~~::~t.a"IIP4,ctl:UII:V' E, W. QUJNBY.
e:r. ' "I'
We arp authoriled to announce the name of Emerson P. Thompson, new 'c onnected with the Tele. phone Company, as cancHdate tor eounty Sher:lir, ~ubjllct to thl! Republlcan Pr:lfIUU'1, August 12, 1924.
R. E. Bevis to Florenel! acresJ. inThomplo'n Franklin ..1fi Emiral'
"r' .""_,","
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Cedarville, Ohio., . ..\'
'i .~
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,mllson ~.
M" Lib Sill, b l UI i.
ilnmeR Mu llin this \ ' \-1<.
, 11 n I)nlnltlj!' bre d ' {"\lm yo ur vII 'J'hi>mpRon's.
\ it .' \', it,ll:. ~ t
Sovopai of ', , h h will' l o u r residentll . attended ,Wlum ordering brend ftntll YOllr Mr. and Mrs. H. W. P~ce Were ~ Mmm unlNlt'oll. f WilY- • 1'1 t e .~~.D ':ngton Fuir IUNt wock. , Groc r, sl• t on Th IlljlBOU' U. L bllnon visitors Friday evelJlng. I ,. o. 1 u3 F. & A. M., ,'" .. I '. " . u, u ~t. Llh. TlJere ,I"hen ordering 1)relld from YOU r Mrs. ~j}I'~.~\qOll1$ H vl.itinll' fr i Mr. lind MrR. Loron lInd ley IIro nt 'l I (he!!:.'\. lll'j!TI'{,. So· Mr . and !\In ..r. O. Whitnerll were GrOC!ll',:-in.i ~ t 0 11 Th'olllp~on'M. in WiI !llIli .to n'· fur n 'couvle (I f wCl'ks. Miumi Vulley huut8uqua this week. , 'I, ~' Il a nd visitors wei. Dnyton visi tor. SUlldny. ./ .... ~ ,f,,, Turned Rit~nllm, ot, Bellbrook, 1'h~ ['Slh /l null nl Colldt· l\lcl,,,. MI'!;. J . E, Jonlley and Miss Frail. Kenn eth Ufl ugh, W. M. G WhClI " orderingThbr(!ud f.... In your sp(!nl Inat wtlek here with John '1' ur. picnic wi ll be hcld nt the lI l<un l ,.Ial'e '·C" .}unnuy lI tlendod on nnU"U IIC Q. L. A. Zimmer man, Secy. roeer, InSIAt on omps' ,n's, ncr. Slltur,l ay, AuguRt fl, , mont JlILI'\Y neur SpringbOI'o T ucsday uftc l'Ilooll. Mr, J. O. Cnrtwo': ight and family Mrs. Corl Henderson nnd son, Mrs, Ada COllrtn<'y, \\' ho hn~ boen wore SunuBY gu ..•~tl! ut Linger Long. George;- we'r e Dayton visitors Mon- takin g a I\brnry course at c.J cvelllll d. MI' u'nl\nin gij JOIl es I'oaig ned hi ~ day, returned home IllurullY evening. cr. ,.,' >cho,d, IInu Mra. F. II. Ke nly, o f , ~1 a l'e h l! n . Oh io , wa s e lected to fill Sever?:, from here heard W . •f. Raymond Davis, with some fricnd s Mra. Anna Cudwulluder and Mi 8~ LI", p u~ i lio n, Mr. J o n~ s will ulkc II Mr. lind Mrs. E lmel' Rogers moved into lheir new pl·"p<'r ly on Tyler Brynn ot th <! Mill mi Vnlley Chnu- from Dllyt on , were on a f19hln g trip Cla ra Llle leave today for 1\ w(lok's here Sumlny. 'visit wilh relu tiv('" in W n.hi n~to n, C, und lith " reets lost Wednesday. Mr. tn~('.U I1, Sunday. R. Rny Mills nnd fn mily, w ill move In. Go to thE' Republican Primary on FruDk Mnrt a nd family. of DIlY· to the Pence flat on Ma in "treet. and Mrs. hllflcs Le ff e r ~o ll and d u u~h . Mr. nnu Mrs. Frllnk E lDon will oc- 'August 12 and vole for Alfred C. t on , were culling un friends here SUIl: dny afterno on. ler, of Lutonin, Ky., ur(! sp(!nding this cup;\' their home being vacated by tho Brant for Sheriff. month with Mrs, Mury Wulerhouse , Mills'. Mr. an d Mrs. Milton Thompson, Mrs. Greeley SuTtace is 8taying with a nd family, • • Mr. nnd Mr.1 Ralph Archdeaco n spent Miss Clllrn Keys uuring the absence Mr l\l hC l' l Wilson WII" elec ted to Orion the Storm Maker. Sunday at Chester Pnrk. of Mrs. Lidll Smith. Tho Pythian Siste rs wHl g ive 011 In Orion the nn de nts 8ftW a'lnIght7 ice cre1\m 80cilll un the HnrvcYRburg Inke the \l lneo ro ~ iA'n od by Miss Opnl I wnrrlor an(1 huntcr. of lIl·repute Severnl Odd Fe llows and olhers Mr. lind Mrs. W. N, Sellrs and fam· school ground", S" t urcillY ,'v(' nillll'. 1111 viti" , a 1 II nwtiog- 0 f the "chuul I among classic writers, R".rs Nalur. uourd MundllY <'ve l.lin!:, uttcnded thl! bit{ meeti ng at Lebnnon, i1y were Sunday gueHtII of R. E. Dum August 9. Everybody invited, I Magazine. Wllh hl9 nJl~al'nDCfI tbq SlIturday afternoon lind ev(! ning. t"U UI"!-;C III 8yl'.j cu ~ c Un i vorHi Ly tht, nnd fa;'lily. in lJayton . . a s.~/lchlt ed the &torDII wbkh wer. 110 cUlllinll' wint.· :', Mis Adll Madden, whu IUl~ heoll ' ....!l IlI, nt lit tilts time ot )'~Ilr l1li1'1 10 T he CO I'PS <r tcaCh tlr R in t he High Alfred C, Brant earnestly 1I0licits visitinl:' her brother, Mr, W. II. Mnd· Mis8 Mary Snttertl)waite was the ,IUlif.{Cr.lUS to seamen. ~ guests of Miss Beatrice Robi\.zer, at your votes f or Sheriff at the Pri. uen lind wife, return ed to her home Schol th is yea,' wil l Ul' )Jructicnlly nil mury election, August 12. Camp Linger Longer last week. in Norlh Ll!wisburg, Ohin, h,"t Sut· nclY, wi lh tho exct' [Itiou of one 0 1' two. When ordering bread from your urclay. Carnation an 0''1 Ifl_. Mrs. C. M. RebitlCr entertained Grocer, in sillt On ThompB on'iI. The Ijnmntlou hns bet!n Cultlnted I he !'J~ Matrons" at ' Camp Linge r Dr. -nnd MI'II. Duily Camp hell forf r Its flow ers for more than 2.000 1.0llJrOr, Saturday nfternoon. Imolly of Dayton, but who now sIH' nd rcnrs, GI'(lI\'Jng carnations UDder Mrs. Wm . Michener and lion, Jack, glass del'clollecl within the hut ",eo. ,their winters in Florida, are mnki ng ty·flfe yeu rs, of Pita burg, Pa., arrived heJ'll Satur· Mr. and lira. Howard Case and !Dr. li nd Mrs. J . E. Withllm lin ex len· viAlt. day evening, for a month's visit with fn mify, of Lebanon, were guests ef Al iBI Emma Helghway, Saturday. l-eiativea. When ordering bread from your Mr, alld lira. Douglas Derryberry, Grocer, in si~ t on Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke and Mr. Solicits ,our Vote for and Mr•• John Fromm and Bon, spent of bay lon, are Hl'I!nding this week Sunday at the Ohio Masonic: Home, hore with Mr. and Mrs. RoO HartWilbur Hnin e~ . who for tho post sock. In SprinrfielcL ye81'8 hilS been employed in tho Bakery, at ' Milson, will join • When ordering bread from your nOllllpl<o n's Bakery h o~e in the nenr Mrs. BeUe Dinwiddie and daugh. ter, Mias Oolive, spent Sunday with Grocer, insillt 00 Thompeon's. future Mr. and Mnl. Jacob Strouse and fam· 7th COIl.re.lioll.1 Diotrict Mr. ~nd Mrs. Wm. Hatfield, of XeIly, at Five Points. Mrs. Sarah Whitacre, who has been nia, and Herbert W.ver and fam- visiting with Mr. J. O. Whitacre Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barnell and i1y, of Springfield, visited Ill'll. Hope Dnd family, returned to her home IIr. and Ml'l1. Carl McClure and dau· Stile.. on FridGY. near the Ohio Mllitsry Home, Day. abter. ,of Dlayton, caUed on relatives ton, Sunday. Save your old carpets and rup here Sunday evening. and cot "WearweU" Ruga made. Mr. BlImka Hecathorn, son li nd Mr and Mrs. ·R. G. Croas, Mr. R. Send for pnce liat. Franklin RIql duughter, stopped over with lIfr. :lnd A. CroBB and Mr. George Henderson Co., Franklln, Obio. Mrs. L, Sirles n couple 01 duys lasl ottended the Brown County re union week, cnroule. from Threo Oaks, at the Zoo, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ryo enter- Mich ., to their heme in Pllim Deach, Ide.lI, located in the eellier of wined at dinner Sunday Mr. and FIll. popul,,\tloll of the Dlalrict Tbe MiBB:e s Wlnnlfrcd and Bea· ~l rs. 'Ed Hartsoc:k, of Spring Valley, trice Craddl)ck, of Dayton, were the Mr. an d Mrs. Cia re n,co Rye, Mr, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!''!!!' guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence AI· Charles Rye and Mr. Clark Salisbury. len part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hllrvey Sackett and Mrs. Fannie Geodpa8ture and dau- fll mily, Mr. and MI'II. Harry Turner, ghter, Mrs. Merle Morris, of Eldora, Mrs. Charles SeDI'!! a nd Mrs, Cal·o· Iowa, are the guests of Mrs. Greely lyn Bllrnett spent Sunday with ~fr. li nd Mrs, P erry Sackett, of BellSurface and other relatives here. bl·ook. When ordering bread {roUl your George Mannington, who hlld been Grocer, Inailit on Thompson 's. M... Albert Huet, lilt ' Prolpcet visiting his brother in Dayton, and Bt.. S.,.,th Maache..er, C_.... co. . Mr. and !lfrs. J. W. White and Mr. who sPllnt sev(!ral daY8 viewing th(! .u.ced IJaat it ..yeel her Iif~ writael and Mrs. ,'W~ alter Whitacre were en- scenes of bis early childhood, ,left "I bad catam Of tile alOmacII. bowela "-''----....s - lI.er. W •• confiDed 10 my 1m t tertained alt the home of Mr. and laa~ Tfit[~lftY:ro~ffilKtMBEtlrl~~t-1 ..... tail... Pe ·rq."" aud MAD·a ·Un ond Mrs. Sam !It:eredith, near Dllyton, reo West. ",.dar tbank Gad for • fIO'!:d .to..... ch and a_Ule. My f.ith I. Ilmn,tJ tbat Pe, m · na cently. I. llIe I advi.. my lrion.1s d.lIy In ut e Pc ona ona and mao,. hayo bec:n Alfred C. Brant has be(!n making belped," Forrest ltidge left Friday morn- a special effort to interview every , Pe-ra-_ is badeed by the nrdict of two genera. Ing for his home in Niagara F8,1l1i~ 'lRelDul~Ii<:an voter in the County, but tiout more than fifty ,.... of aaccea.. after spending several days here with if he dees not get to 8ee yoU, please his father a,n d oUter relatives, while let this answer as a porsonal call and SOLD IVUTWHERE TABLETS fit UQUID on his yacation. vote for ' him lor Sheriff 011 A\lgust 12Ut. Mrs. Jerry Rogers has returned Several Fri ends from h ere a tte n· ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!."~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ home from Bethel, Ohio, where she has been visi,t ing relatives. Her Cou· ded , Quarterly Meeting at Selma, sin, Mi8s Do:rothy Paton accompanied Monday. They were Mr. and Mrs. her home foil' a week's visit. Howell Pierce, Mrs. Mary Adamll, Mr. Da~age Tomlinson and family, MeBBrs. Mr. and Mrs, Olarence Allen and Cartwright, Edwin Chandler lion, Mr. Forrest Graham and fam; Hary Eatelle. \ ily, of Rou~ 6, and Mrs. Gearge Gilliland and family, of Route 1. were On last Wedne,sday, MI'II. Mary f Automobile Accidenta Every Day. You , Sunday gUests of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Waterhouse entertained the follow· . maf be next-why not, at a .mall cost .Lewis, of Dayton. ing guests at dinner: Mr. and Mrs . protect younelf. Let u. explain. Robert Durst and Ion, IIr. and ~. If there is. anyone who Is qual- Harr'l1 Black Dod lion. Mrs. J. B. Sea~---:;;II ----.~_a_... y..;nwi...._ _ r l -.,_ ifled to do • thing it Is ene who has Waterhouse and Bon, Mr. E. A. Wa· /. ellperleDce, Vote for Alfred C. terhouse, of Dayton, and Mrs. C. H. ,, Phone 61·2 Brant for 8h,e rur on Aopat 11. He LoWerson and baby daughter, of cov-, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO '\ has lIerved YIDU ¥ Depot, 8he~ for ington, Ky. the put lou JUnI.
tion 24
----_ .. ---
Primar August
,•~ ~
- --
P. He CRESWELL Xenia, Ohio
eceived on I)epoli~ fo Flour at the
Repuhlic:an State Ceafral CommiUeeman
ACollege Man AWorld War Veteran Deputy Auditor Greene County
MILL COAL AND ICE COMPANY Some one started the report that we were not receiving Wheat on deposit for flour which is not correct. Save on your Flour account by depositing your Wheat with
Faith'Strong in
a ea....
L---------------------------Public Liahility and Property
For Furniture,' Ruga, .nd Stoves '
B~gin8 August 4th '
Master Carl Cook entertained at a fJ1rilnming Pllrty last Tharsday, the following gUelte: Mom. Oollle" Ro, and Erwin .~ma. Everett and .lolln Soan and R. L FRshR-. Alter' en~oyin. an hour's lwimmine the, N"turned to to'WJl and partook of lee
lb. Chu. Sherwood received the ad news lut week from his slater,
lin. A. W, Sldpe, of Lu Crucla, N.
Mellleo, tllat IMt 11 rear old 'IOn, Sberwood Shipe, whU. plarln, In the ,ard at theh~ home, wu .. atruct lightning .nd In.ta'!tl, 1dlIed.
iii. P. H. <:i.uweU, of Xenia. Who iB • candld.te for Rapublic:an 'Cen.
tral Committeemali of the Seve.th Concruatonat Diltrct, was In ton last Thunday, maldng c..... He .. making quite .. flcbt for the tiori.
Xenl., 01110
Mr. aDd )frs. E. V. ,JIar,rih~rt, Cincinnati, Ml'~ Ralph Uy, ~r. Ronald Hawke and 'family, Mr, Bert 'Hartsock, and famity, Wlllion, Edw;arda and.f.mily, Mrs. Ernest' .. ~utterWorth, Mn. ·W. 'E. eomell, M.... ,...: ... ,,,M lchene and ion, Of Pit~b.\lflr, fa., !Mr. R.1l Sallabuf7 .nd famll,., Mr. Geo!Ie H.wlle, of ,Clarksville, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Ja. McClure eDJo,.ed a picnic . ~ncla, at, Camb;' &cnm. Hamli....i. welnen ud I'NIIl CDI'D cooked OYer • camp torether with aood UaIIIp .....
eDJo,ed at
'I n Oil and Gasoline 8tatioI) , is Now Open i~ ,Wayilesville
Ends Au,ust23rd Goode DellYered Whenever and Wherever you wleh.
cream, .nd po,p.. When orderin, bread from Grocer, inslst;,on Thompson'..
Seventy-Sixth ,Y ar ~----
Arch Killer
~,'~~J!! ---'
'.V 1 ~ I~ :'>I J n ) .
J U ge right Wins
P lense D t)o 't
!P---t--ft-I.lRVEYSBURG [lOY
Over Opponent With About 1,000 • Majority
Will Ma k e a Ca nvass in Ev.ery Town to Get Si gner s for Peac e Plans
__ e .
Spe cialists Made Auto Trip Last Wee k to Visit Calf
Club Members
Hottest Fight Waged in the Count v for MaDY YearsCandidates Were Numerou8 and Office Seekers fought to the Very Last Ditch
M,·. h 'nn McK elli p, Dair y ExtenIn whu t I h:l\'c to puy u n thi ~ sub· . _inn S pecia li st. Ohio State Unlvertlijl'et I a m not goin/! tn li mit my"elf t y, Mr. H. E. Stok es, Wayn esville.! to my own id ell.<. Othc ,"" II rc lInnk !II r. F .•1. I-I age meyer, Clarksville, Mr. illg o n thi~ subject, too, "lid II rc full y 11. Gcorge, Ma nager Otterbein Home, oe.... -np crlltin J,!' with us in t his fi eld of t ogether with County Agent Clalla Jul", r. nnd u number of calf club membors I proposr til tlruw from n state· in War ren County made approximent Uta t appcnred in the New Yurk The unoffici ul t o ta l ~ of th e most chances f or e lec,ti on. Many stories Trea.urer of State ma te ly a one hundred mile automoWurld, Crom Gcnerul J ohn F . O' Ryan, 21i 51 G2 51 4.1 hot ly contest ed Pri lllnri eg Warren were- told t hat hn cl no foundation Duy bile t our l a ~ t Friday t o visit about £ommll nder of the 27th d i vi ~ i n. Cou nt y has 'eve,' seen , W(·,·c received ",hllte'vel' , nn d in ul mo' t ever y Cllse twent y ca lC club members ca rrying A tl orn ey Gene ra ) Wh ut he hns t o ~IIY will come with fr om lhe offic e nf the Doa rd of E lec- ".,b oun ded t o t hu purties telling on third yea r wOl'k in Wa rren Coun8 IU 21 In . tions, nt Leba non , this morning. Th e them. In this day nnd UJ,!'I!, there I. Buckl ey RJlcclul weight t o mnny . The inter· III t y. At each stop, the elub members Cr ll bb" ... 17 45 48 40 Pull r e of Ha nover, Germun)" be'. we tell you t ha t big cit y viewe r, Ch" .. W. Wood, describ es resul t of this vote has bee n " ppcr- abso lutel y no plael' f or this mode of were asked to lead out their l'n'..,..,.n,rL IIcve !-' rill. Hnormon has murdered \>ublleh thl . ·I·" per editors h ln) (I S " t he last mnn in Ame ricII more than tltty, n!though he admits Judge of Supreme Court most in the minds ot not only the poli t ical ca nvossing. report th e monthly milk and ., \'Icttrre and tell theIr jC8t1e r F vho wo uld possibly be ncc u ~ c d nf but twellty· two victim s lured to candida tes, bu t th e entire popula· Following is the tota l vo t e of the AlI rcad a 19 22 16 10 . , ~ I ~ :I Agnes Fi sher of Bnlll · f at producti on, all d also ·glve a comhl~ modest residence and murclere(1. ~llntim "fJ taIi8m or Uto pianism, II lUii'd . .!r(,SRl d like thl •• I. helpln" t ion of the Co un t y a s well, for the differe nt (:a ndidntes with opposition, B rket t. !l 7 6 11 19 plete stateme nt of the feed and ex- . . ~ ' l . l tli nneMl . nvo thelt ~T n l" (I S nnl )s ligh tin g mll n. He is the onl y Cruvl llg ,,,,torlety 8~e m 9 to be his pust t hree mo nt hs. In te rest of more acco rding to t he unofficial coun t a t Gcige r 7 18 2 3 22 12 pense invo lved. The boya and pia only 1·"nSol1. :.cll l. hay , plga, chlekell4, etc. Notional Gilfl rd ollicer ' who emerged than usuul inten sity was " roused be· Lcbllnon. Kinknde 6 29 2R 20 20 have J erseys , Holste.il}~ , "nd ...- -- fr om service holding the rank of Ma· cau. e of fllctor s hitherto unkn own Robinson ...... 16 24 23 I G 32 Shorth orns in the various clubi. '''J' Gen eral in the Uni te d Stutes ~ tJle polit ics of the County cnter- Courl of Common Plu. On Sa t urday forenoon . Judi" Court of Appeal. ilr my . He foug ht pacifism at the be· inte rested calf club me' mbe,. ing inLo th e contCHt. Pl'opliga ndo, Wright 3400 'c . KlnninK of the last war. He sllid bord eri r... on li be l has bee n in circo · Y ou ng 2 478 ushlllg .. . 26 48 64 55 40 assembled at the Dairy B .. Repre.enlatiye to Conlre.. Ill ti on, lin d in ev ery t own in thc ~ ~ e ' only way to light is to fight ,' Il nd Wayncavi1le where Me n 1'1l.1JjlcltellJP Co unt y groups oC men could be seen For Repr" ... ntallve Brand . .. .. 26 62 64 558 00 to fig.ht with ALL th f(l t'ce that cnn and Class conducted a ! pTelimlna11: be mustered.''' tIl lking toge th er, voic ing th eir opi n. Brown ... 1606 St.le Cenlr.J Committee judging contest where each of ,the This det.niled int ro duction t o Genioi,s and prophecying the out come. Har ding................. 2438 A'k 18 17 20 of the members were BIlked to· Judge Lit~le did the first se ction of the Humphreys .1578 1 I en .. ........ 17 16 eral O' Rynn \V 1l~ necessary in order tlle several rings of Jer~)'II and HolEig ht Clothing Clu bs from Wa rren ticket, the Stl)te J.l ffices, menn to 10- Clerk of Courll Cresswell . ... 6 32 41 43 31 J . J. Downing, a fanner reslden't , ie st eins. Upon grading these reports, that you might appreciate the f orc(' L~\\'i" 266 4 1Slate Senalor 45 on th e way to gaining National fame the three highest club memben In o f whllt he says NOW . " The Amer- County weir represented at th e De- cal voters. The vo t e in Wuyne Township wa s Meloy . 2269 I Mill er .. ' . ..24 [; 3 60 61 if- ica" people can end wer I" our time, monst rati on T eam Elimi nu tion ConWarren County who are to Berve on If Ibey let 0" tbe job. War cannol test held in th e Farm Bu r euu olliee lighter thun was expect ed, man y peo- BForllr nStherilf 3410 I The cou nty voto f or the five preThe Xenia Herold says: For Be-veral the Dairy Judging team at the Ohio be ,"cce.. fully aboli.bed except 011 Thu rsdaY, Au gust 7, un de r the pIe ",ot ' caring t o vot.e, an d ma ny months Mr. Downing has been ,work- State Fair are Iva Millard, Washingtbrolillt tbe complete moblHnlion directi on of Miss Kho:cr, I·lome Agent . cla imirlg they did not hnvc time to Th ompson ..... 2056 ~!~SC~ In Wayne township is a8 fol - ing on ' a tap·of ·the·auto traffic guide ton Township, Sherman Beam, Clear· ,., all pea•• powen for peace purpo. The J udges wer e Mrs. J . L . Mcndcn - go to the 1'0118. In nULny places the For Commillioner cl'eek Township, and Francis Oh}&mI and danger signal. .el Lei UI wa.e pe.ce." hall, of Way nesville, Mr s. Ed 'i mpberlin. Franklin Township. The. e Agai n, "I .hould he a Ireitor to my . on, of Lebanol1 , a nd Mis Anne Bi e....... .. .. ... ....... Judie Common Plee. Court memhers will probably be given ad. ",ownby if I did nol do eyerylhini in bricher, Cloth ing Specia list of Ohio ditlonal preliminary training before the pre: inLcs Le?;n:nd Don nell ... .. .. ...... .. .... 960 ... 6: my power 10 aboli.h war." .:>tllte Uni versity. Th e prize, a tri p their final judging in Columbus. Mr. . e va mg was caner un I II Dunham ............. 1233 The attainment of t his confidence to Ohio Sta te Fai r, was g-ivc n . to the bee n fo r t he past 18 year s. Frank. Ir ons .. ... ... ........1160 For Reprele"taliYe in fine scri pt and e mbellished wi th McKellip, the 'Dairy Extension Spe. thu t wnr can be nbo lished in - our Jun ior Sewing Clu b of Deerfi eld lin Township also poll ed a good ~ ote 'l' Mu rrell ' 161 9 Brown ............ 15 14 19 21 23 arti stic drawings made by Mr. Down. clallst also collected milk and b.,Uer ti me If we but got on the job. mo- TownshilJ oC which Mrs. Ituy mond li nd sever a l of th o sma ller pr ecmtcs Q . b f a t recorlls from Warren County .. 1283 Harding ,. .. lJ 10 33 30 22 in g himself. hlll zJ ng I 0 1' peac ' with t he t horough- Butler is t he leader. 'rhc Well Mud ~ ill t he coun t y po lled a n ext rao rdinary . Ulll , y . . 1Humphreys .. .. 14 44 36 23 30 The invention shows not only in • club members whlch were compared .n liS with- which the nntion mobilized Clothi ng Club, of Harla n Township, vote. For Trea..,rer genuity, but understanding. with similar r eports from other cnlf I OI' w/lr, Is the fi rst nCCC3sary step in wi th II1I·s. J ohn Geine r t he leader , The real issues for the County wer e Baker ........ 44G Probate Court It hus t he value of novelty and club m embers over the State In a the pellce progress. In th e second "'Us given second plnee, und the Good the fight on Common P leas Judge , Blael bu rn .... .. .. 2175 RoIl 66 63 61 55 originality. The ioen is originn l and special conte~ t, The twelve highest )llaee you need the urge of a partia: 2ut, of Wnyne Town ship with Mrs. CIl' r k of ourts a nd Comm issioners. ISimpson ..... .. ... 2696 ' Clerk of Courh the claim is n bnsic one. Mr. Down- of wh ich \vill he 88"J<ed to bring their rca lizlIlio n of whll t we ore trying to Kenneth Houg h as leader was the A fight w~s ~t llrtecl f ronl t he ver y , 1Lewis . 34 4G 30 ing has a lette r fr",n Secretar y of cows lind show -at the Ohio ' State tlVtlrt. Gene ral O'Ryan knows whnt thi rd . The other Clubs competing outsct aga inst Judge Wr Ight, but his Fo llowh 'g is th e Township ,'ote f or Meloy ... ; ; 30 34 34 Comme rce Hoover, a nent the dc,," ice. F a ir . hfr. Heber Ellis, Harveyswar means. He wcnt through the were J olly Wor ken, 01 Mnssiu Town. con~ti tu E:nt~ stood by him in 11 glor i- I the Sta to tickc~; 37 35 IIIr. Hoover po ints nut that u move· burg , who 'has ti J ertley ~Calf and .M~. IRlIt wllr /l nd his divisio n lost more . hip, Helen Graham , Ico oler; O. N. ous m !~ nn e r. Sh eriff ment is n ow on ·foot to stan dnrdi ze Clyde Kl einhenn, near Sprlngbo ~ • . thlln 90000 rn lln in c8sulllties. Now C., of Cleo rcreek, lil T!!. Gnrl Duke, LeWIS, Cler k of Cou rts, had a har d Governor Brant . . 22 66 G2 65 53 ~ ig nnls an d thut II nationa l committe e who has II. Holaetin were both Inif we cannot st.op war noth!"g else leader; Hap py Worke rs, Hllmilton fig ht, and he was also ha nd icapped BUl'ke .. cluded In the ~01lte8t at the State 2 7 3 6 Thompson ... . 20 13 21 15 23 is at work (or, the mat t er. matt ers- a ir bombs,. polson gas and r ownship, Mrs. W. F. Mose, leader; by a misfor tun e in his family at just Cable 1 8 8 8 7 1Comml..loner Wi t h ) 2,000,00U or more Elutos in r'air according to a telegram rec'll. h ate will destroy our ivil izaf on it and Happy Hour Cloth ing Club, the ti me when he sh ould hav e bee n 1Davis 12 2 1 22 10 13 t he country nnd with tr a ffi c so henvy " ed by Count y Nge nt Class Monday. the next war breaks upon us. " It ill Lebanon, Mrs. Gil ber t J ameson, lelld- working the hard est 'I Dura nt 3 6 11 2 . :Beedle . .. ..... 8 46 32 36 21> t hat t her e is .already ta lk or making Thc"e club membertl will compete 61 ,Cor win 3 16 17 13 I'.. one-wuy r outls, t he necesity of st an· with ten oth ers at' t he Ohio ' State r eckoned by military experts that er. The Commissione r fight W illi hot Harris 1 9 5 2 three sq ulldrons of a ir planes could On Saturd ay, seven of th e Food all through the campaign , and at Sel' ber Fair, Wedn esday, AuguJlt '27, where 8 O. 9 8 Don nell 6 9 4 2 3 dordizillg has become imperative. 8 22 destroy all life in Lo ndo n as a eost Clubs held- their elimination conlests least two surprises were sprung. Sm,' th 2 2 06 3 8 . Dunham .......... 23 12 17 Many people who have ex amined tlley will hnve 11 chtl nc~ to. win prl· Fa irchild ... ... 1 1 20 . zes' ranging f rom $66 i10wn to $30 of only $850, for poison gas III the Farm Bureau omce. Those Muny of us lack the sense of r eo competing were th e No nabel Food I C .. 6 22 30 37 28 Irons .... .. .. ... 2 20 1G each. The club eladeis, membertl 8pansibility t o the next generntion, Glub, Lebanon, lI1iss Ma rie Benham, and ma ll Y though ~ thnt Murrell ,eulenant oyernor and pa rents. ni et in tM Farm Bureau IMu rrell .. 32 36 47 34 41 on the mur k ·l . no t knowing or r ealizing what the leader; Modern Cookwell, Orego nia, would ut Icu~t on e of Lhe highest. Atwood 2 0 - 7 20 8 , QUillb y .. .. .. 10 t 17 23 11 Mr . Downing hll8 II lreudy taken liP o/fi co Tueedny ,evening, ' August 12" next wllr would be like In oJ;der to !\frs. Omar Hollingswor th , leader ; 5 13 ) 0 6 16 Treuurer the mar keting o [ the invo nti on with at which time additio 'al plans were Cou nty T ~.c us urer wa s n eve r wor - Boyd .Ileepen your eo nvictiolls that t he next . R. G Food Clul., Clcar crcek Town· ried much as t o th e outcome of his hester I 3 3 3 8 7 5 the Genera l Mot ors ('I) an d thc Stude- laid fOf se rll~ i ng a car, toad of Ilbout 2 1 Ba ker ""lir must not come, you should r end . hip, 'Miss Irene lIurbuugh, lende r , 1 HI kb h DIWis 3 6 3 1 BI 6 bak er Auto Co. With 12.000 ,000 ehi hten choice calves lfrom Warren . . b IIC urn ga ve im Emerso n 0 0 0 0 0 a ckburn . .... IIi 25 2 1 20 2!' IIUtos to tit lip Lhe pelHsih il it i c~ of t he County to' the Ohio~ Sta e Fair. Irwin's book, " The Next War" Good Luc k Food Club , Humilton To- m ~J o T\ty, ut qu,te a contest. I , . .. Simpson ........ 21 31l 5:1 4:1 ', 7 ,So ""IHlt will you do? wnship, Mrs. W. R. Ell iott. leader ; For Rep resentati ve, t he fig ht was Ga lbr eath 1 5 5 6 3 . inve ll lion li re l r em('ncluoll s. ~; " Lej; liS rend the jlTactica l things BllSY Bee Foqd Clu b, Deerfi e ld 'f own- neurer ·than was expetlted. Humph- , ll an :ison 2 t 3 0 ~ County Recorder - - - - - - - -Wild .Pheasanti'· ROOIt ,General O'Ryun has t o say t o t each . .Ihip, Mrs. C. J . WIll'ley, leud ur ; Sun· reys a nd Brown cut down Hurdi ng's I L~w'." 6 8 3 16 12 Huffman 62 fi6 63 61 33 YEARS AGO .er s :" 'E very warr ior k nOWS the value hine F ood Clu b. 1\In"on, ~,j rs. F ..;l<I. rOrm cr Inrge vote but Franklin Town· \ Liggett In. Chicken HOUM 1 1 1 1 1 SUrYeyor .{ ,of prtlJllIgnnda .In ,var it does not Lu tes, lender ; Knn Rite Footl lub, "hi p stood by him in great style. Mugee . 8 2 9 4 1 3 ' Bower . .. .... 17 22 2!l 22 29 IN W A YN ESVIJ.,LE .do for Ii.. nation to sympnthize too Wnyne Townsh!p, Miss Eth I l\1~ n · In t he state vote, Hurr y L. Dn"is Mc rehe". 2 7 3 3 3 ' Monfort .. .. . 22 45 53 42 38 George Hamilton, who lives in the ,: much with its a ntagonist; therefore, I'won,",,,,,, hintler . F irst plnce was gi- is expected t o curry by a 2 to 1 vote . . Reed .. 2 4 0 4 21 "Flat House" near , the High School ' 0 0 1 0 7 Pro.ecutin, Attorney nothing must be known about th to the Sunshine Food c fll l.. ~oc Other candidates will have a close , Sh nn kl In Mayor l' nrk Lllke visit ed Dayton building, is surely in hick, ,'Mrs. HamDilutush .... 32 63 7 6 1 62 on Wednesday . .Dther nption excep t the worst tltnt J l1d t() the Nonnbel and thi r J t o th l~ race for their respective offices. • I Secretary of State ilton has noticed th'o t a'<tflock of Mon.Clln be told. That ,Is .the way hate Busy Bees . Those a cting aK judges Mrs. E. E . Ebright hns gone to golian Pheasan ts have ·'tieen in the This campaig n \VIIS one of mud- : Brown . 27 53 67 5G 68 1Coroner .nnd fury ca n be generated. .To of the Food Clu tl! II !1lS w eI' Mrs. Albion , lIl., on a visit. habit of coming to 'theW hennery gi ng in certain cases an d hied the i Hummel .. 6 13 11 3 4 6 j Dilntush .. .... 32 60 60 69 .nchievc · peace let us take a leaf from Harry Ru laton, M r~. E. Sim pson lind slin 67 Prof. Brown 's mu sic school !Jtart- every dllY to feed, and ,for the la.t\t old vo te r back to the days whell t he I .the warrior's book: "Permanent Mrs. Mary, .Fiel.d liend rix. ed und er favorab le nus pices. meanest things said about a candi- i Auditor of Stale . Townlhip Cenlral Committee week or two they not only caliie "to • 'p ellce will require tho utmost p08sib The OIP . State I,'ni r pays th e rail- date the better were his opponent's . Tracy Mr8. S. C. Allen lin d Mi s Anni e fc ed, bu t they· are, 8tiiO roosting ' J 25 , 47 ... 82 ... .49 .. 50 Hawke ... .. 35 64 63 69 66 understanding and sympathy road 'faru';q,ltd entrance IIdmission of Heighw~y mllde un e verlu nd t r ip ' to there. The birds ba:ve '. 8 _peculiar . p p eoples so that ....one shall be in ~n- . the winriin"g' team and the ir Icuder. Xenia on T uesda y. habit of tlylng to the ' top of· ',the ger of being stampeded, through ig· Here the glrls com p l)t~ wi th t ho win· ~ Ou r little fri end, Sue Wrigh t is the chicken hous e when' the rll{htful ~esi happy possessoJ: of a handsome pony dents go in .there 'at 'n\g~~ t9' fuOBt. norance 'and prejudice into any wlar. ning team of the oth" r ot th e A. P. O'Nenl herd. like mood." the State. d ·$60t.· The Ham ilt on's ure jeillous)y watchMr. Mark Davis arri ved homo from Ing these phea~an y.. ;';, "'~ '. . .' the eRllt the first of the week, afte.r The C: I ~ , their full part in helping to create .ng and much credit is due t e learl· ' having visited New York, Philadel· a penceful worldT Do you nol feel ers who have worked with '.bem ·' • phla and different parts of . New J ersey. the need of reading tv.:o or , three through the summer. The judg~s on . The Commercial Club has made 1 "" '/~ Hllrry Sherwood, the "old gun" fan, practically al\ the arrangements for Several good yields of oats and . Mesrs. Lee Henderson, J. n. Cartbooks that will give yo u...better intpr' both days commended the work of . ..I, national understanding and broader 111 the teams highly. has added another gun to . his col\ec- ' the big Labor DRY celebration which wheat have been reported so. far this wright and ' Le'vls Chandler, and ST .MARY'S-OHUItCH understanding? ' . • - - - -t ion. It is a Japanese gai ' , and the Is less than three weeks off, and all is year and In many cases the yield hBII Misses Mary McKinsey, Rae E!lIott, There will be~ no Churcb School 01' J .. E. J\A~NEY. TOBACCO 'ASsOCIATION date all the stock is mark J 1700. It ·in readlne!ls, for · the drawing of the been above the average. Oats this Maggie Edwards and PenTI MQorc services at St. )lib"s' church -during. tI ~nl-'--"''-'I -' _. j ••• ' . IS VERY :ACTIVE looks like the thing was . be shot Ford Sedam nnd the field and track, year are almoet invarisbly of good attended comm enceme nt el(ercises ot the month of August.. ;'" ' ; ' . Lebanon 'l'hursdny evenin g . -. from the hip, and it is v unique . . events. In the past few yeartl many qua lity in this community. Mr .. Gord'en Wright offers to sell Mr. Sherwoilil hilS the finest collec· holidays. hELVe paned without a cele· Howard Surface, who livesw e'st of ,. A - total of 60,534 cases of t obacco tloll of guns in this part of the l!Oyn7 hrntion of any Bort here, put on next town, had 12 1-2 acres of GI",dden his exce\1ent fnmily borse. He not have much trouQle to' dispose or '10,732,227 pounds has been re- try, and is buying new onea almost , Labor Day it is expected that praeti. wheat' that yielded 33 1-2 bushels to ~elved for sale by the Miami Valley every d,ay. • ' al r of, t~~ poopl of this eom- the acre, and II 1-2 acres of oats that him, and the person who wante him 1:obacco Growen Co.Operative AssoBe got hold of two .pisto!s ~unity imd . ilrrou'n"dlnt' ·towns will yielded 70 bushels to the acre. The had bet~r appl¥ eoon. A gentleman -expert in the' ar .i&, ' . \' ;fatlon wblc1!t, is operatipg for the and after cleanIng them up, Bold them be. af Phillip's Park for the field wheat tested 61 pounds, while the Corming a class in stneography In this rlrst;; timJ ;. t i, year, according to lin to Il gun merchal)t in Vir1t!.nla. Tbe~e events, drawing of the Ford and oth· oats tested 37 pounds to the bushel. announco'ment of a!i8ociation 'officials two pistois were indentlcally alike Ilr I?rizell and t~e balle ball game. . 'Lester Surf~ce, who : lives in the place. Terms, $6 for twelve lesson8. Far ' partlcuIBla' apply at this 'to leaden from seven counties in a nd made good twins. _ . The 'program will begin promptly same neighborhoo~, had some good office. We might· remark that this is' which the association has membe.rIi )'ou are in teree~ed in old gUlis" lit 12 :30 with - the ftjald .and track wheat and aiso had five acrea of oats Ihip, when they ga thered at Dayton aittl pistols ', drop in a_nd ' s,l!e r.~~. ' ~vents and th!s, ')"\I~ ·}I"'follow~~. -by ,a t1'!at yielded JiO bushelB to the acre. a favorable opportunity whlc!) bas never before 'pre8en'~ed itself to ,our retently. Of thia .amount 13,8,17 Sherwood, and he will te you mo~e ball game between the Miamis and . '. _ .....,..,"".- people, for acquiling this u&ef~l art; :1I8e8 '0 1:. "-,373,777 pounda was report in ' a 'mil'lute than you ' ever ' kJlew ~banon. There ia a ,26 purse ofand shollld' be eagerly embraccd. II Id about old guns . . He ' Is up to .ute fered the IWlnllertl which alone should NEW MANACER NAMED .! so : ml1)ute and can give you' the descrip. bi; ' thli ~ae for .Quite fracas. . FOR CREAM STATIO~ Mr. 8am'uel Hllyslit arid family, ilf Red Lion, spent De oration ·here. and' • .. - - - - . - ....- - - tion of every gun lie has. ~.. ' -,£0: inAke .thia 'a btC- dayj not,'only , w,r were , guesta of Mr. Edwin Ba:dger'8. to be tHere yourilelf. but be. , ... .Il .I • , ' ' friend. and 're~ttyea- . Mr. ·Chee•., Frye hee reBlPed 'his ' Canton W.,.nl¥lv'llIli wilheo over to ~.~ "~ '. +,,...... anel cities know ot position is manager 'qf the South Franklin. ne~ Thu,l'8day for the: .two " Itaya encampment there. . The J. C;:om!ll'e rcfal Charlenon Cham Station ,.which jao ~I by· Pre"lle~' located In the lam.e buUdinlf .. the Three more new buggies this week ·iut~nr Gazette. Hr. ThOi. Pierce took over at Brown " -, . ....will leave . PI1O- the management on Monday morning and bamIe~ and cream .... taken In- ~d butter a 'p rOtrram a.t fat teata taken without ' Interruption. valuable prlael tba~ are Thi. station baa beeq _In operation
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Th .. Other Candid"t ...
Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, 'J ohn C. Culhoun, John Quincy Adams and Wi lila m H, I'IIwford. men whORe numes arc pn the tongue tip of evcry American sc hool boy formed the Cjuin tet that one hundred years ago started in the raee for the Presldency of the United States, a figh t which
Then there was Adame, who had distinguished himsmelf in for eign lands, in the Senate and as Secretary of St.ate--the man of courago, conviction and dominating personality. And Andrew Jackson, pop uhlr hero following his great victory at New Orleans. T hey were powerful contenders. He nry Clay, then Speaker of the Housll, magnetic, popular, dignified, broad-minded. a master at polilicsl manipulation with a host of youth behind hi m because of his cffort to lead the nalion to war with Englund. 1~he record of John C. Ca lhoun made him a dangerous eont udcr. Se4!retary of War in the abinet with Adams a nd Crawf ord he had pro"ed himself 1\ statesman of outstandin g allility.
ended in fo ur of the five going to the people with the r es ult that ~he election was thrown into the House of Repr sentntivcs, the result many per80ns fear will e nsue from t he coming votin".. in November.
No E lection Such was the caliber of those who entered the race. They were wilhout party. Politics Was re~u ccd to persona lity. In the House, if Adams fought for lim appropriation for the
AI a" With Bann_ The American ann,\' had bCEO 60Id b, Arnold. The noble Idefll It bad cl:Iertahfd. tho blood It luid glvell, tho bitter hardshIps II lind 8ulfored-torture III tb.o wUderness, tomlne In the Hl.blands, long Dlorchus or hnlt naked llIen In ml(l ,wlnter. mnssacrea II W)'Clmln g nnd Cherry " alley-ol) thl3 hnd b~D burt .n.. od U. ,vnUJ~, like . • • .Mpload or t urnl n~ , to R8U-" the v D', greed ot ooe II1tlll. Aguln thirty pl!!Cei ot tIllver I Was n ootlun to walk the bt ttar WilY to Its OJ,lvory? Major 'n".. ~." t.h C II rlJIIlnot genern I CYt Sir Benr), Olloton's In rg fo rce In New York, wus n'lth the trn.ltor "'hen be rowed trom th e 811 1J.1 to the wes t sbore ot lho ~ludsoo nud IV nt Into tho busb under th o observntl. m or S loruoo With bls spy·gloll$. ,\ m(lld W LUI to roeelve II command n04l large pay In tho BrltlBh nrmy. Tho couslclern!1oD ~~":"~~~~~~t-t-ibi;.;u3d~bee;; n the deliver y ot mn llS sho w·
(Wri tten for 'the Miami Gazelte by Edward Percy How.... ard, ediLor of Autocaster SG rvico,) ~
Part On..
F armers, Atten t'Ion.,
Calhoun would lend their fo llowers defenses, oopecln ll y thos or Forts Putnam end CUnt on nnd Buttery cou ntr y fa ce t o {ace with a political agninst· the proposition. If Calhoun . Kno&. Much other luformatloa was situlltion nnalogous in mnny ways asked fo r aln appropriation, Adams 'Pl1t In Uu hands d1 the Brl(\sh ofl}. with that of 1824-just one hundred and Crawford would strangle it .~: InducStila tbe. prospective mov& years ago. The only fundamental When Crawford wanted to' put his meats of tile eommander In elllet. 4Je differonce is that ono hundred years hand In the till, Calhoun end Adams WIlli, to be tilken In tba bonse ot tllO ago all tho candid,tes pretended at were pitted agninst him to the death. UllIn be ha4 befrIended. Andre had 10M 0 be of ono poUtical faith. The The fight for the pl1l8ldency p~o fA) reacll New I'otlt wit h bls great · battle was for the vote of t he ceeded, filled with Intrigue, sland er treuore Bnd AruoId co hold the can· State of Ncw York, then as now, an d dramatic episode. The story of G4CJ1Ce of bt8 cl:Ilet for a fow d a y s . , an4. betoro the leaves had tollen. tbe- the terntory about which ner;ous- slander andl political back-biting is war would end . The Amerle:nn army ness was felt was that of tlte ~Iddle too long to !be told here. It requires and Its maeter blind would hil at the W t. Also ' one 01 the ·cnndldates another chapter. It Hhows t he inwas from New Englnnd. mercy 6f 8Ir Henr), CllDtoll. terve ntion of Pro\.;denco and . well Andre wonld hay reoclled Now E nch of t he ea ndidates had a re- wor~h ro·telling. Tort dint night" It The Vulture hud mnrkable rE!cord of public service, (Tc' b .. contin~ed. not changed bel po81Uon on account tho Hfe of each bein~ filled with Of • shot trem the battery helow nebievement which milde the con8tOD), l'olnt. For that. credit must be test one of drllmijtic intere8~per JUST LIKE THAT liven to the good 8COUt' Solomon haps the piVcrest fight In t he his'/ , , BlnkulL Tho Ibll) wos not In ala-bt Jewelor--When ' did your watch when the 'two Olen come out 10 theIr tory of the notion. stop ? . boat from the weet short) ot the river Crawford a Creat Man Oustomer-When it hit the floor. The mun whose name is lell8t wbllo the nlgbt wos failing. Aroold -----.~~ fled henrd Ule shot nnd now thtlt tho known today entered the list with lIblp hud lett he fetlred thlll bls treach- the advantage over ull the others-PURDY' PHILOS ell' WII8 IItIspected. William H. Crawford. Maligned, Only a pin can get awa, with ". ma)' want to get a wol' In tbat brough t dow n t o the present ganA doub le courae--of beiDa pointboat m,reelf." bo suggested to Andre. erlltion liS a potiticn] trickster, Craw~8ho wtll not return until she gets ed ono way and head .. d another. Of'd CI'B trom ),OU oz wc.'! the BrlUBher ford sto od in life as a man of great ll88Ured hIm. ' integrity an d of more than us ual ubit"t wondOl' what h81 become of her,M ity. Crucifi ed on the cross of unlaId Arnold. scrupulu s politics, the victim of outHA.')'HAWA ~Sh 41 hnB probably dropped down rage ous s landers ut the hands or the rt9U for BOIl'e r enJioo " Andre Adams, Crllwford is seen today in a 't.n81'>'e.red., "Whnt 8m 1 to do' 7" DENTIST lig ht sn f nl e thnt it will tuke gen"l"1l tnJt41 rou to tbe honoo Of a man 1 know wbo lIve~ Door the river erntions t o place him where he propAnd X-O-ORAPHIST and ecod r ou to New ·1'orl< by hal'll(! erly belongs. He wn~ one of the . W1tll \J088P0rUt In the mornin g. You foremo st· constructive thinkers wben WayneSVille, Ohio. tltln rench the BritISh lines tomorrow." lie served in the Uni ted States Son Telephone 114, ''! would like thnt," Andre 61[ - ate, He mode a profound , impres. claimed "It ,",ot,IO nrrorO mc a will. sion OIi the thinking interests of the OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG~ ~e lune)' of the terraln." cO)lntry a s Secretary of the Treasury ON MAIN ' STRE~ - ' ."Smlth wUI give )'ou . 1I eo.Jt of. ~n the Cabinet of Monroe. As n dipdodle. t.IIM : .6t ,000,well eDO\IItI;~ lpmat In France he displayed u- '[J.UOIJlIlII ' 1 1014 ~ ~I , "Yqo and he ~ acull)cn and tact. Indeed. he ~8 '!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!! ~'...GI('be , .,'" 'n , w~l1 be 1M\t1a"b i d I th M ~~ d .. I ~"" so cove n c country in "W16 (~'i. ·· that he could have been elected over .'"' i\ :0 ... '. ~! , I Monroe had ho cared to exprelYl tbe Mrf.,.V PUaLIO t hought of such a thing. Devoid of political intrigue, however, he set WII .. DN~I ' , .- " , - ba.~~ BONDE BESS O.P1!'fES the s uggestjon 'firmly aside only to W~riUYJII ". abo.1d wOnT-yen be blackened in character by Jrla poalahty on _ oace litical enepsietl. , & nut!' Njtl. . BuIll .' "
------ ...----
DR. H. R.
•• :Oblt; .,';
. C
I will offer for sale At the reside nco of Gram-1II0 C . Starr, on what Is _ .I' kn own as tho Newt Bunnell farm, abo ut 3 miles east of WaY\lesville. on FOR SALE--Two fresh Jeney tho Waynesville and New Burlington pike, in Warren County, Ohio, on Cows. Inquire of Wnl ter Junney, R. D. 6, Waynesville, Ohio. a27
Friday,August 16, .1 924
p~"~oso r WMh ln~on ~ men H ~a~g nillcaMfact~:I~~e~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and U1 e I)I nn 8 ot hls t orts nnd otber tury hns r ounded out only to put t he
I u C8da y·
• F~ Martin
yon 10 h~ on <JU \j1. Mt'K. Am ol,i \\ ill go' with me u.nd \\'(\ shll ll. 1 h11llc, hr lng tho young Ind)' sorely to headQ uart ers. ' "n e WH8 llreoccuplt!d. nls rllce ,,"oro a serious look. There W89 8 : rn~) n n ~h oly noto In his lone-I hod OOSOTl'oil Ihn t In otber tal kA wltb hIm ,-but It WIl8 II friendly tone. It ' t~nded to pnl m, feflr6 a~ r('81. "1 al!keil th e general whllt be thought of the I)ro pecte ot SUCCC811 tor our C8UlO. " 'They nott.romIJ!llnll. he tUtB we ~ . 'The defeat ot Gutes ·10 the (3onth and the IlCattorlnl ot hili IU'IIl)' lu utter roUt Is noc nn enCOUNIl!1l11f ."eoL' .. '[ think that we shall goc nlonq better now thllt tho Gatea bobble hu barIt.' I answered" Thll enda U1e tOllt1moDY 01 "th& able and moet valued Officer," Indl
the:- , hl'lfi.
,al .
n",ru lnK: ho Ru l <l. · \tnt 10 all' n l 'R~I"'@ II will, of eo Ul'l! e, be " P~.."S.I rv f r
~ WrHr"
Detoilcd xpl nnllti otl of thu ol'll'a n izut.ion und propusud o(lcmliutlK uf I libe big ' I1:r.tliu c o-op rath'e l'uco nt ly organi zed in hicngo has beon n ' I he Eye lithe "1lt!cJll llo. ceived by every oun t )' l~ nrm ur(:i;"u nnd n number of fa nn orgnn iznti un ieodorMin Ohio during the past week. Ll!h[lnon, Ohiu T he explniunti on i ~ co nLni'tIJd in U letter from W. J . 0 \,,, .. ..1,,10. ",' cr · tl\ry-lr usu rer of tho Gm in M" r!Il,t · ,~ : .1' ) I n . t " I 1'. iul!' COmlln ny, the II · W co-opcruLi v(' , Sixteen mujo r poin ts ure includ· HAVE YOUR EYE~ EXAMINED ed in th o outlino by Mr. Co"ardule in addition to whi ch he li ~\.s Ih" nlll11e of the temporary boa rd 0 r d j"'ccto rs of the co ncorn.T he C ru in lI1llrki!li ng Company is for med f"r t hl' ", Ie pur pose of IIlnrketin g an,l hnn dling grnin for i\.s member s on u co-operative basis, acco rding to J',lr. C<l verdnle's e xplainntion. Any producer of grilin or oc-ope rnth'e associntion mllY become n mcnlvo r, untl the conce rn ' r .. mny hnndl e g n ,in f ur ll on · nl ~tIll ,e r~ D 3 10 your . "I f"1 wilh m provided this hu, illt" '\ d')('M noL e x ' Rti s fa c. io n or c h"r r. ... . ,'u,1 hal! tho business of tha '[ ' 11 . pany. A million shores of common C E N T E R V I J,. L E, 0 H I 0 stock with a pur value of on • d()llar, Phone. No.2 (commonly known us memberships ) I 1 uro to be Rold to mentbel"', and 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clos.~ A pr forrcd sLock wilh a par i va llie of $26 u shnre is to be so ld ' only to members, uccording to information reachi ng Ohio folK. No stock may bear more than 8 per 'cent fnterest, the balance Itf cu rnings ot the Company to be paid to members as a patron ago dividend, or used to retire obligations. Three firms, Armour Grain Compliny, RO!lenliaum Grai n Corp lJ rnti on , ....- ............---..,..,-~......~.......- - . AN EXAMPLE MON EY LO ANED nnd Ro e nbnum Brothers htl c al - ; Meek Mcl- l ju ~t do tho best I ready be n tak n over by the Com- . go at pany under a lense fo r onll year, t he ' >lONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, can, day by day, and let thaL No man was ever perfect. loose price to be based on apprnienl I chuttels, also socond mOTtgage~. Boss--Oh, yes, there was. of properties now b.eing mnde, This Notes bought. John HDrbino, Alle n Meek Mel-WhoT SlIme appraisal will be the basis of Building, Xenia, Ohio. Boss-My wife's first hU8band, purchaso price, Four millon dOI- [ . lars has bellll paid the threo gro.in firms to tho co-operative purchase of BACK AT HIM Clas" B. preferred stock ,(par volue Farmers of Warren Ind 'd.j olnln« Phlipp--A little knowl edge is. a $60) which is to be redeemed UIl rop- cou.nti es may obtain money on lon, dangerous thing, you know. idly M salo of stock to producers or time loans, at 6 ~ per Clint In\erut. Stedy- Man-your s hQuldMB ' oro .pr0!its of the concern will take care Cost of aecu ring the SDme hi v~ r~: sure supporting a ton 0 ' gunpowder of the retirement. sonuble ,through T he Federal Lan" Bnnk. F'or furthor Info'rmaUon call ~~~~~~~~~~=::,~:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~ on or addrell$ M. C. DRAKE, TrelUluror, phone Slll-X, Leban on. Ohio.
"",I omc4'r of the "tnlT. A n"rf' r." coI"oo yes ll'rilay says thnl .\I b" 1I 'It'f Is ono ot Lhe (lnrt,)'. W.. nT(' .:1 :,,1 ru 'ho nllio tC' do ynll th is IIttlu fa""r" "I IhHllked hiUl. M'1 wish thn t r ou cou ld ~o wlLh 10" dow/) ltl~ rl"cr tu mE>ot her In thp
At Cary's JeweJry Shop
n~(\, I pn('ln""ll 11 It.. ,t<·r fr"m ;\1 1' .... ..\l'n nJd t ( 1 ~fl , ..; Mnritllrl't I ln ll' 11 1\ fr. In~ lh..' r to ("ome In flur h .. n h ' " Iu rfl ~ h Q \V 'fw\IWl nrtfl 11 hel1rt)' w t' h' n lll4' a n,t I
hc'r 11)\'cr--n ow An nlJlc Ilnrt
I I ~ 'f\
I t'u'
f', \:tltl
In .\
helH.,z tt lulU' "J ',\ r ue htl d, to n,ly h\1I lit ,1,I\nl 10 tr> t .. lind : 11 )' \\'1 ~ II I ..... "!I.hl,.JltS the ~\ nl'r lll nlil tI!1lr\.'1.1 III II !S ddl" (I n hltf hn\' tlUlJ' U nUt! t • ."kl' ,l I),,' tel t u kl l It little r id ... \\ Ith h !lU. 1 11I n O( I (-.'I' my ho r~p unit H '" rIH \l" (l1l 1 on r h~ t'rl~ : 1',itl f't t t l,ll: \ rlu.' r ' f 'i' t'1I1~ /I mllll ttr flri II 'I h t' I II'\'~ O\l lt Illy ,, 11 .., hull KnOll! t ll ik nlth y u u IIII~ '''"rnln~ , ' fa" bcuu '1. ., 'Y f\ft,' J tltH~" , 'tt'd . It 'A llt'l ll sh ~\IH r "r hil S L'IIIII(I up rh fl rh l'r In n ~'II I\ ulltlt 'r H "hI! l' l! H~ wlt h n pr('lpf\~nl rC ' ~ ll rtl lll~ nn \':\dlal hCl' uf I'rl:H l11l' I'fl. [ n 111)' nn9"pr It) rh ~l r n "
Old"ll Tapestrl"l. Tho 0111 ~I lit ,Ill ~ . l~tI" g tqJ1Il~lrtC't1 ar ' Ilil ".j I1IM,·",,-r, " , In Ihe {rllllt'/l bv I t " l fIHl nf , v' I' ,lll \ \ I" t-4 Bu-y Wo rt' \rri\:. '
Head of Horae.
FOR SALE--Fllx Terrier Male Pup: tan and white spotH, 4 months old, Inquire of l'ho ne 22-2 WlQ'nea. ville, Ohio. an
One Black Horse, 13 ' yean old" weight about 1400; 1 G.ray Mare. 16 years old, weight abont 1000 pound~ ; 1 Brown Mure 11ule, 10 , yean old • weight about 1000 pounds.
Head of Cattle
I JC rlJoy Mulley Cow, 9 yOBI'lI old.
For Sale-Fifteen hundred feet of lumber: John Ro/>ertlon, R9 ute S, Waynesville.
Farm Implement•• ' Etc.
One Weber Wagon, with box bed, 1 Silt of Hay Ladders, 1 Bingle Dise For Sale-Clermont Range, - A-1 Cutlar, 2 Sulky Corn Plows, 1 _60, tootb Harrow, 1 McCormick Wheat condition. J . B: Chapman. In ~uire Binder, 1 Dl\vid Corn Planter, 2 Riding Breaking Plows, 6 sldb· of Work of Mrs. E. S. Bally, Waynesville; Ohio Harness. 1 pair Fairba.nks Scn]e~, 1000 capacity. Other things.
" Term.
FOR SALE-My Pl'Op~y In Corwin, near the Harveye urg ptke, conslstlng All sums of $lO.OIi and under, ~lIJlh; arld o.n sums ot over $10.00 six of a good 6-room house, with Idtc,bmonths t ime at seven p.er cent In~re8t w}.tJI-apPl'ovlld-seourity. en, good -well and cistern, a large;. lot.
JOHN T• HARBI"'E ,lli.. For Information write Alex EmIQY. ' , 1-" J '(, R. D.- 4, Waynesv'lJIe, Ohio, care ot
R R GRIEVE Auct. · • WAYNE C. SMITH, Clerk. , .
Room 21, Allen Bldg., Xenm, Oblo. Walter Carey.
81 ~.
,Wa!oo~Y~I~Farmel'$ Exchan~ CO. ~I
; "" "uymg Wheat fpr Jul,. an.;~t,. d~"e..,. and wiD be in the .--~- .·...~ket at .u timea. boat fail to lJet .1 "_·oUr oU. before'd ou ael)• ., We &110 . store Wheal'fOi: 'flour eJt~lUan,e, and handle tHe beat'~iJo"del ~f flour. w.e haye OD hand'1l 'fun libe 0' FEED, FENC~ [fOS'I:~;' 'S EWEI\ TILE, a.d ., • ~ ..14 can ' malle YOll attractiu prl~
• ,
• The Mlami:(au
~uIE::'!yLWED~~: E t~L ... NEWS GLEANED
..•.T HE
Enter <l at the POFt.,o tl.lce at
Wa~ne8v ilIe, 0 ., nK Sccoll d Cln 8 Mail Matter
fROM COURT HOUSE tlonTh"t hi'-"111 fair wns ,< s week.
D. L. CRANE, Editor an d Publi t ber, Wayneoville, Ohio'.
" PLEAS PROCEEDINGS r.:OMMON Subscription Price, $1.60 per year. H. S. Conover, a defen dan t in the case o[ Virgil Fulle n vs. Wm. S. Roof and H . S. Conover, Wll8 'grllnt- - : .'<' . -=·====================:::::::::::::===~!!'!!'.J.h lrty dav", to fi le moLions, de· inurl'cr Or answer. WEONESOA'i . A UGU':l'f 13. I!n 4 Myrtle Vogle was gruintcd II divorce from William Voge l on grounds of g ross neg lect. She was also restored to her muiden nume of Myrtle Buuer. Alimony du ring the pcndnllcy of t he suit of Molly E . J or dan VB. Orrie J ordan . was fixed at $:lO.OO per mon th . POLITICAL REASONING The caRe of A. O. Dill vs. Carl W . Fox. et al., was settled. Costs o f Political lcnrlcrs in a ll s ... c tlon ~ hf $1 1.'1 0 we re charged ugai nst the de· the ('ouny-y ure exhibiting growin!\, fen da nts. alnrm over the tre nd of our women The injunc tion previously allow· vllter townrd independence. The Lytle streets were oiled Inst Thurs· ed in the case of Sophia D. Smith Rtory is t old in tho formntl on of th ou. day. . "nnds of clu bs nnd longues of won.ell Mr~ .. Ollie ROll tza hn W09 a Day. vs. Harry L Smith. was dissolved n'n d the action dis missed . vote r!!. The fnir sex . proposeH I I: ton vIsItor Saturdny. The' case of Myrtle Lewis vs. EI· strIk e out for Independent thought Several f rom here attended !VIiami vis Whitacre ct 1\1., was dismissed lind nction. She believes that tho Valley Ch nutu uqu a last week. Illllurnl warflll'e of th e sexes m.. keF Mrs. Le ura Dergdull nn d daug hte r. without r eco rd. it imperative for her to . weld herself Gladys. w ere Dayton shoppers Friday NEW SUITS int.o 11 politlcnl factor along lines en. Miss Mildred Clark spe nt the week. tit'ely separate 'from t hose that gO Y' elld ut Chautnuqua with college Vivian Mari o 'frump hus brought friends . ern the men. suit f or divorce against DeJay Most of these women's clubs are In Mrs. Clarence Smith, L~ora and Trump. She charges will ful absence. Jeanette Bretney Is suing Edward more or less embryo state. dealing Ruc Wilson were Doyton visitors on S. Bretnoy for di vorce on grounds for the moat part with the thousand Thursduy. •. lind one sideshows that decorate the . Dr. L. G. Brock and Mr. George of gross neglect Molly E. J ordan has entered suit politiclIl orena, but a8 the politiei!l.n8 Scott made a business trip to Oay. ag aiust Orie J ordan for an injunc· Re(' it the greatcst pre se n ~ danKol to n Friday. Mrs. 'Wilbur Clark and daughteT\l tion to preveq t him from disposing lies in their inclination to support cllndidates rather than parties o ~ were Thursday dinneJ; guests of Mrs. of certain personal property until Mary E. CannollY. th e setlement of alimony aga inst her , principles. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Johns were Sun. Tho ceneral character 'of candi· .- - 0 - PROBATE PROCEEDINGS dntes hus a marked bearing on any day guests of Mr. and Mra. E. J . apPCtlI to the feminine vote. The Smith ot Wellington. Ai-abel Dinwiddie. executrix of the Mr. and Mrs. Ora) Surface anrl r on estate of W . H. Dinwiddie, dccelUled, split tieket.-lIplit often into t he fin· cst 8plintc~is the final res ult. R ere Donald, visited the Soldier's Honte filed her first account. an dthere the more experieneo wom· near Dayton Sunday. The second account of Stanley Mr. ond Mrs. Ralph Johns and M. Sellars, trustee under the will of en U1'(l Inftuenced by avowed prlnel·. pies and platforms and stand ready ehildren and Mr. Frank Smith spent Joseph H. Keys, decelUled. was ap. to vote for men thoy do net- approve, last week at Fort Laramie reservoir. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Johns and Fred O. James, administra tor of If the principles fnr which they stand lire (:oll,ldered good. 'The younger 80n. Paul Turner, of. Dayton, were the eslate of Otho A•. James, de. g\stet. howev~r. reasons III her own Friday guest. of Mr. and Mrs. C. E . ceased, filed his first and final ae. count. Pla~orms may be Johnll. {locullar way. Mr. and M.rs. Frank Rogers in com· The fi rst and final account of 1\11 right. but quite unsafe to step on "nte.n ~e cllndidate is of a character pany with Mr. and Mrl\. Fred Mahon Fred Addis, administrator of t he es. and family plcnlced at Ft. Ancient late of Dernard Addis . dcceosed, that commands Implicit conftdence. was appr oved. Where the women are ,tUng to Sunday. Misses uth and Margaret Cook, The court allowed the first an d stand in the coming election ia a queartlon that Is giving many a poli- of WayneRville. spent one day last final account of Elizabeth H. Cuttician sleeple811 nights. week with. their- aunt. MI'II. Charles te r, executrix of the estate of Ed. E. Johns. . ward H. Cutter, deceased. Mrs. Ellen Copsey, Mrs. Elsie The first an d final account of Ruth WACES COMINC IN AND GOING Hawke and children Cleo and Albert. E. Roat. guardian of the estate of OUT the Fox reunion ot Waldruc Veta Hoa t, minor, wos allowed . . Today t he hourly earnings of Park. Saturday. The co urt aprove d th e firth ac.
---_.- ...---
~:i!~~1n~:8~~ya: ~e f~:~~~ ~~~:~ Da~::~ ~is~n~I~:k t~~e~~~n:\7e~:~~ ~::ll~f o:h:l::ta~~ ~f ~~~~erB. g~~:~~
The hourly wages In sevent~en of the building crafb; are 100 'Per cenl highe r than in 1914. Tho cost of building, of course. reflects tho COlt of homes and t he cost of living generally. This open~ uJl a field of inquiry that reveals al· most startling facts. Washington figure sharks tells us that 86 per ce pt of the pentons gainfully employed In tho United State. reeeive incomea of U,OOO • rear or 1_ _ ~1rI'eat many of them leas. The ..me ftgure experts then point out tha rents for moderately.prieed aceommoda tlonl luch 811 are liIed b), the m04er. ate wage-earner, are' 811 per cent higher thAn they were In 1914. Followed to Its logical result thll means more skimping on the part the housewi.fe, more Ilmltatlon · to the comfort of children, lea , nleaa, ... ur, fcwel' -«!lothes. and a' fineral tightening up aU around. ' Of. coul'SO, the shortage of plays its part In ~18 condition, In tum is aggravated by our Imm!, gra~on ' laws. On the 8urface the C!ond~tion appears to be Ii splendid ono for the American worker, but even he is coming to learn that natural law i8 Inexorable and that ' he must pay the pIper. _ _ _... _ ...____ STICKING Wll'H DAD
Coon, Mr. and Mni. C. S. Lum~, fer, et al.. n!inors. and Mr. and ]\[rs. Jack Mnrti n. The pa rtial sec(jnd acount of Ada The Lndies Aid had a picnic din· Apga r, cXl!cutrix of th e estate of ner Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Chlls Al'bru r, deceased, was all owed. Wilbur }o'oulks Rnd hellj the r egu lar The court allowed the fi rst. ac. monthly bU&iness meeting in the af· count of Carl J. Miller, ndministrn. ternaon. to r 0 f t h c cstute of John . W. MilMr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and ler, deceased. daughter in eompany with Mr. a'lU The fourth account of A. L. Fahn. !I1rs. Kerr Routzahn and family, of eBock. executor of the estate of Centerville, ' plcnleed at Miami RI· Johnannn Delfendahl. deceased, was ver Sunday. . \ allowed. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines, Jllmes John Wall, executor of the estate Raln811 and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ke~. of Nellie Hill. deceased, filed his in. riek IlpeDt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. van tory and appraisement. O. Jl. lHnetar and Miss Minnie Re· The second and 1Inal account of . at Jamestown. Harry H. Pence, guardian of the ·e s. )ir. and M.N . Allen Emrick and tate of Quilna H. Ponce. minor, was daughter. · GladYll, Mrs. Leon Salis· approved. burl and' children, Meriam and W en· H.arry Wasson wan appointed addell visited in Centemlle Sunday ministmtor of t he estate of J oltn' with Mrs. Catherine Johns, who is ' ill W. Wasson, decellsed. · Bond $400. at thia time. . He was aut h rm:e . d to settle a claim IIr. Harry Brown, a fonner Ly. of the estate fo r dRmag~s against tie clthen and .l1!. J ennie Swanso n, t he Pennsylvania Railroad Co. for of lUamlstiur'g, were married MOil '200.00. da)' August 4. They . will go t ~ T. E. Keelor, guardian Of Louis M.r in Sprlng 'Valley whOI'll U. Keelor. insane, fil ed \:lis fi rst and th • working. They have filial account. 8 bel'~It'i!tfrol'1JrN;;jt:m-"trIlfI'fd!;--+~l'1iCiiiiiiSA."'Bi:ruiTon.-;wN"aa;sBiappolnted administrator of \be estate of T . J. Thompson, deceased. Bon4 $1300. J . W. Coates, Edward..1'. Grimm and ' . Gilpin Trimble '\Vere appqinted ap-
"'1 ... _
Florence Hall 'w as appointed guard MIIII! Annla Roland spent the week· ian of Daisy Evelyn Hall, minor. end hI Xenia with relative8. B'o nd $600. Mrs: Emm Crew, who is working Edgar C. Earhart, executor of the in Dayton,. spent a few days at her "sta tu 01 Katherine C. ' Earhart " )(n. ,Rebecca Dill l'e~urned to her ceased, \Oa8 authorized to distribute eR· 8tUOY.,. ... ~. __ 4t ~~ Holl), J,i.8t. Tuesday after· certoin stock belonging to the tate. The court detennlned the gross value of the eatate of Chas. MOB· stellar. dec,eased, to be $9,0110.00. It furthur detennined the amount of the succession entitled to Lola MOIstellar and the inhe.ritance tax In· cldent to the same. Johll Fox was appointed admlnis· trator of the estate ot David Fox, decenaed. Bond $3000. G. F. lon, R. J. Michelior' lid Evan Sted· dOni were appointed appraisers. Luella M' YOUI\g, ' gua,dlali . of Thomas A. WIIUam&, Incompetent, tiled her first account. , Mamie Templin, executrix ot. the estate of Matte Noon, dece~d, 'fUed her ·.fIrst and tlnal aceount. . ~
Georar8 • Francl., meehanlc, .\ and Mias Florence Irene Merritt, clerk. Bo~h of. Fran"Un! . Clifford P. Eckin ~n .. larmer, and M'jU Gladys .) '}aner,. JJotb ~j
, , REAL ESTATE TRANS,.as Vomer and Ruel C. Niee1v. to Tom ¥arlall'Qj.- Lot in.-FraitkllD. U. Ch.tor and Rii'tnond BlU'ltaIow. to EilDa ~ -lJarkalow. acna Jb
hankUn ·Twj).
BcIeM to
W. Flora.
TlIR of experience have Y EARS fihown you that BEECH-
'~rellt ntru r.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Harlan enter· ' tulnc d J'(.Ju h'es ,·unday. Mr~. G,~orl(" IlI'Re t. iM en joying a vorntion "long Lnke E:ric: Mi ~" ~lurgllrc l Slu I·. of Duyt')Il, w ns hom(' for the \Y e~k·(>lI d . A l1unlhtr fr om here a ttend" d th o '011 t·r.!cKay picnic Sliturday . Mrs. Hownrd Gruhnm anti dllughter were Lc bu noll vi:<itorH ThUl·sday. lIIr". Su phin Moor e ente rtained a numb,, !, u f fr ie nds to SUl1t1u y di nlll!l'. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chus. Mndllcl1 were O\'cr night vi sitor5 in Lcblll1on. Mon· day. Dr. Frost nnd 'Ml1!. F.mma Ellis ore treating th eir I'(~s id cne(!g t o fr (. h pnillt. T he Social ch'(> n by the Ph ythinn SiRl crR Saturday evell il1~ wus we ll ulle nded. 1111'. anti Mrs S. A. Collett unci son. Robert, lire e n c rtll ininc fri l' nda of K ~ntuck y.
Cllpt. hilS. Gnrn e r, of Columbu,. u wcrk · lid " iailor of his mnth er nnd broth er. Mr . and Mrs. Sh rndl'r, of L(' hnnnn . were Suntl ny gU E,S of Mr. II ntl Mr~ . W. T . J ordnn. James Cline, Harry Houg h, D"v;s and Fred Bogan lire camping at Chllu tlluqua this week. Rober t Carr passed away Mondoy morni ng . Funeral services Wednes· day at 10 o'clock. C. H. Gray and W. L , Smith were husiness visitors in Butlerville, on Thursday a fternoon. Raymond Edwards, of Dayton, was a week·elld g uest of his parents, Mr. nn d Mrs Chas. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs . John Knightenholser, of Dayton, werc Sunday g u e s t~ of Miss Lau rll and Johin Ward . Wilbur Hawke jumped oil' a wa· go n ani! sprained his nnkle. He is walkink with the aid of a cane. Misses R CSR Shidake r. Gladys and Vivian Hllrln n, of Dayton , visited the fonner's mother th e past week. Mr. and 1\11' • A . L. Hendricks. of Dayton were weekond guests of Mrs. Emma Ellis and Mrs. Lizzie Lister. Mrs. Ed 'Reason has returned home from a delightful visit with her sis. tel'. Mrs. Thomas at Bradford,Ind. Misses Kathl eell and ,Nellie Gra· ham and Evelyn Tucker arc visiting with t he f orm er!1 aunt at Kings Mills. Miss Alma Lamb. of Newport, Ky., is visiting at the Ihome of her sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gillam and family. . . Mr. and ~1rs. It. W. Kaylor were entertain ed on Sunday at the home of lIfr. nnd Mrs. . R. Freelllan, neur CrossWick . Mr. nnd Mrs. Lewis Carter nnd Mr. Ramu Gurter, of Detroit, were week· end guests of their mother, Mrs . Eliza Carter. !llis Helell Randall. Burnett Bu tterworth. lind [l coouple from Waynes· ville made up a party attendi ng Chau tnuqua Sunday. Miss Harriett Tucker has returned home after. s pending severn I days with Mr. and MTlI. Herbert Fite. ill Washington C. -H. Mrs. Frl!J" Harl a n. Mrs. J . H. Bo· gan . Mrs. Ida Howe and Earl Cline spent Wednesday a fternoon and ev· ening at Chautauqua. Mr. a nd lIlrs. W. M. Matth lpR, Mrs. Aman da Starr and .Miss Mabel were TuewllY dinner guests ot t he h ome oC Mr and Mrs ChUB. Gray and fam· il~ . Willard Bogan, oC the United Sl.llte~ ~avy, is upending his fur. IQugh with his fother, Mose Bo,;an . He has been stationed on t he Hawa· iun b la nds. J oo Davis bu rne d his hands badly wl\cn exti nguishing fir e trom his clothing. lie wa s burnin g s tu mps alo ng t he roadway lIlld bis Clothing became ign ited. A,bne.- Rpb erts suffered a 5troke of ·~arnlyais while pitching wh eat at E. 8..' V,PlIter's Friday. He was rc: moved to the home of his son Harry, cur Wilmingto n where he remoined in a serious condit ion . Chubby Is d ead.. Chubby was the roly.poly brown dog of Kinnu th Kirk. She went with Mr. Kirk to set throw lines and swallowed a piece of liver containing a Ii ah-hook. Dr. Frost removed the hook from her thro~t but she 8u(!cumbed til the Inju,,;. . . \\' a ~
NUT Ch£wln ' Tobacco~er
PhOtl8 "
st(NPS to cr>nqucr_ -----:-:
We don'tU1ie factory haah. We don't bu y Up clga. and pipe sc rap. We don't pack Just a nG 8weepings
WOMAN PRESIDL'!71 r-v 'f ...T. WOJ' fl GElTI G ~\; '. 11 R. I'HIiEE AGES OF E,\)' .'.:ti ' 1\t S' 0 E, BRONi.L, j J\J,'( ~
,.f" ..
ThiR i~ th e »<11:<I, ',: )oro ... :,; r <.>port · "
1 h f, r
Ln Fnllett,·, L,,.vl"
Ar: I
p .. r
We don't chea pen. BEECH.NUT Il JU.... · iIlatel y p UJ:\to chased crops or bulk i Ly mixiug In bitter,
.. f
w '\. Ih" S·" " h ,y.' Y',r k, ?J/\ .•.• , '. " , II. h '\!
hr' tH ;:1 ,'1 .,' . l :-,;, l \': . Yc,l lctl n'~ r"lI, ,'r ' fl ' t ht,:
Icnt v· fi\'t'
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r o8 y " rl:·I ~·'-\ ., rt J 1:1 -,, : " II h' s o me "lOP Is ~ 1:: • b.' rile' j .' : . • !. 'l 'ht'"
'I'h . Co\' r ':" 1fIH '1 t rl)~ lp o t' 11.1' .~ '4 m:~(" ":'"'''·:1 thn 1~t!~1 th ··
or.t.-n • II II
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w;-It " r fIn d In 1:111 L ( \ l"t'nmin" t h p ! lt~. ph;l ·.
!JlC'rt1 jL !ro HY~:II'( m:H;'li
WHl lr'
J oh n
h . ,:
' I
Toba~co w ith
T hat' s why it's still the biggest seIlIng brand in the world. The truest friend 1Oc.. eves ~
BEECH·NUT is always a clea~ pore, ~ . dUl: t, csp(."Cially cut to just the right she and pn: parcd lroUgh to sealing without one tow:h of hum an hand&.
I owa
Ii n ~ ..jtlc ..
r:tn citl, thick gr und leaves.
r , l,.! (:o.
CooHd~t' ift old O l 'J t , '1 ' n nrl KumUL6 n rr' "411 U I J\ J : '.
Duvi~ I.. tol ,l
Ch \.ving
TIl/ii \\" 11 ""I~"
1. /
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\' I)f'\ I-l~I!'I, tl lr}.·f" t (f k'· e n ii r· ~T~f1··r. fli t' ~ . l~ ··' a l)re~ lrkn t ,h .. ", :11 r':""' ,
h ohJ{lr, aged
but not· In II ft" r". :,1 ... , y t\'om e n In th e t'n't~ ~tn tf'. 1 \\'I~ 1' -1
muke PrCfl ldf!n tll bet tN thlln ""y, \~I th t wo e~cnJlt! on~, slnrc Thnm:ls .I ctrfll'ROn. But mun, Jroud mnn . dl'()S"e:i In 1\ llttlo brl aut hurl' y, will t8!co n long time t o li:ct "vcr hi, s r; l'EnI ORITT COM PLE : Men of 1o", Inte lligence ~ ! nc r rely bd i",'o thst thoy oro In IIOmo illY", lI..r!ous \... ,""omnn'R ~ ll;>c rlo r. ar.·1 ~ U h men decltle PTooldentisl elec· tions. If n '\\'1)mnn ' b<,oomf lfl PN?qlcl,· ,t belore 1080. it will I.e thT'Ough pr u· motion 01 • VkCl· Prc.'ldcn t.. T hot mi ght happen wlt.h ln II gCIlC'rtILion .
Tho world !'Cally Is becomlu[C n smo II place. America n fI ;cr n. com ing hOlllo by the sh'l:·tr:. r oute\ pu t on An1.lc clothing O~ thc,' e ft England . 'p \Vus from E- g! ~ , i Their n' Gn ' " :1,1 und tlte, t l , .' \. ,.. !:t., b'1" ! ' .. i:'umm ~r Ih ''' '~ "'"
JUST LIVE have a home! '.
f nr U~ p i r Jnynr"S. l r j\J "··,l " .,, ing In warm Amw iLll. • i'.-
the world tn- elgbty ltays" WlIB a f aI ry story. Around the worid In six dllYS or les8 will'be nEALITY. before 2000 A. D.
got a "placeol'your H AVE~ own to come home to? Is life with JOU Just a day-Io-andday-out proposition 1 Or do you want a nlat home which you can approacb with the feeling, '"ThIs Is minc'"? Ase you -just Uv!ng" aomewhere, or BI8 )'OIl oliDe? This is tile year wt.l, all (M!I' t!»
'I1Kl scl6lJt1ftc world l)Otea the discovery in Fr!lJl"'l. of 1\ new n.naesthctle called sommIfBl re." With n o bed attar efrects thi n anaesthetic makes possible tb o tonges\ operat ions. It h injllCt.cd into t he blood, cauaO!! th e patient to remain hn l.f consciouA for 'th irty h o ur~, which is cxccllflD for rna or oporo tlons. It ts hUl'd to boll ve flS you r~ nd of aciearific IIHli.h(lIl" f iJI' II\'o .. lI "g pein 1I.:,t \ h ~n an!lcs~hc'l Cl! W ('r ~ tln;t Il!!£:d t bl'Y were Iywagely de· J' ounced 0 5 wo~ks af t ho deVIl. Eorn ",t orell c h c r~ dl'CIRrcd thut Cod W ANTE D lUI to s utfor lind it WDS a sin to thwart Hilt divine will .
CXlWl try, people are building homes. You
a!IouId build yowa-and ,.,.. can. Thlnk of tho money you Ilf'B payk!g oot for reot every month. Any good buslnem frj~"d will show you in Q few minutes how easy (t will be for you to bu~d and
own u home - .and Mve 0 reol oase, that vtlll mean evcr)'thlng to you.-
W.H.MaddeQ&Co. Wly .l~wi lle. Ohio
Joseph Greenberg, of N6\V Yor k., will return to hLs home with DCW knowledge of this country and greater res~c~ tor the siz!! of Texas. He lel't Brooklyn In a li ttle automobile to brl'lll his 60n back trom "somewhere in Tex(.s." nnd told his wife ht:l would be rue "apout three days." lie w il h' surprised to find it w\l1 wk ~ 1,;,,, about Il~ long to CT'O~S T elCa '. j ' .. cross nil the · rc" of th e At" ." \ then yo u ' ,,\: l 1. I on on o side o.t~ l c.J 1t· ~. ".J -, on the otl! r, you ..~. n' c W V. ' ·/. 1
continent . T CXll
a ll1lo~t
bu If
•. I tIe OISwlClCIl
()C.tshn to ocean.
, Subscribe for the MIami
G~ette. .
do whnl
l' AT .\HHll
W fl
Cnt.n.r rh COlu rrh f
clunn Ji ll' 11 ri d ~'O l1l' B,YOlem or IJ l.la rll\;:. ~ t out; d b y
HALJ..:8 CAT. \H HH M.EDICIN~J eon · al.18 of an Olnlm III which Quic kly
Rellevos th e Cllu\..rrllu l I nLJaml11r\ Uon , and tJlo Internu l Me.lIe'no. " T on ic, whJoo acta throulth tho. ;p.tnOd on tho MUcoua Sur faces..L. us .ue oUn~ to r e8toro normn! cOMllIono.
DEAD .S' TOC.' J(;
ite of tIle · ,.. . .... r (1I ,B WI WE GET THEM QUICKLY &"0 "'Il en Illll . . ~ furce grunt ,!.r.~~. of b to ri'," ~.~. FREE OF CHARGE lio\'clo),nl :.t, 1;" ~i --Hl "''I''. (t • •" ( Bold by dru gslllla f or over (0 Yoa.n. ~.lt0 and i~ ;, .l ,Po? t:!tr wd l ,.,,': F. ~. Cb epey & Co., Toledo. O. ANY TIME AT OUR .. tiC f\ii i i>!.! l lS'.l·l ~ c~\'C It r :u ·tH of t.h e ; •.lll Pog o, r~cc hed " : "b.....:..~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_"'!.~._ _,~E~~X~P~E~N~S~E the .-Ncr 2,"00 01 th e prr: o~ h' In (,.,; ,,'c~ !y
('a! i~d . 'the ( nr"stltll1 E ,'~/ m"y l"'Thn,P!I b ~ caJ.t>d the
b ~" \11 :1. 1( of c! Vil .Zsl,on. "~e . Ilad dt v,,:or:x:l fr.lnt
ideas or rl:;I.' a t, d \'frOI·g. But whl!c they I'.,d begun to leavo theIr greF. t f.-, l.ur. ,,_ to U':lcn tl'on Imd ticic;:c" i u ~"" 1 ot aoeb'in ll' to brlbo their drit;,r and buy etenwJ bliss f or ' the;r ·own worthless soul s, they retnlned the worst footu N's or callier barbarism. The dis· coveries o.f science In chemIs try and ph}'5iC8 were used tor Will' murdor on Il g1rntlc scale. "The d.rega d the moll commit. ted murder with their own hands. The so-called upper classes IIvod iJl shameful Inxury! utterly Indl!· i ercnt to pove~, oiecaae a nd Ii'noranco aroWld them. They etOJ2n herded youns children of the poor Into feCtories \!nd tpUla, grlndtns . them tnllo ~ftts for their own
"On the wbole, thnt cu!mlnatlnl l I)6riod 01 the iron age wall 'I nferlor In ~1t1 and decency to thl) stone
EXPERT KODAK Film Finishing andDeveloping by pa.cel post.
I~~~~~~~~!iiiii ~
Quality work at a savIng No :-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - -.. Mlddlemnn. Denl Direct. Semce faRt as tho mnllR. A 11 61xes, devel. ot>!ng and printing . 40 cen ts, except v~ st pockets. 36 cents. Write tor In. \ form ation or send money to FUNERAL DIR~R
Walter MeOlur•.
w. F. Coats
306 Re1bol. Bld/f.,
Wayne8vlllei' Ghlo
DaJton. Ohio.
.Dr. John W. Miller
Fully Equipped for Good Service• La{ge Display Room
7 Waydesville ' National Bank Bldg _ TELEPHONE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _rI
Boo~ Co" 8uppliI),L fol' Probate Court, ' r9Q,00; J.qhn~n and Watson Co.. lupplies for Clerk of Courts, $ .00'; Stakalt/\ ,Mfg. Co. supplies, ,64.6$; Queen CJty Crushed Stone &;. Sand eo:, I.J ears pebbles, , 296. Culvert Co.,
. w.. S.
No. 786, f"QQ,.wr.r-..EugI3l1C Gard, final e.s t/mate 784/ $60.00; Chnr'es in contraqt, No. 793 and bridge ' repair work, $986.80~ · R. E. Wade, 6 pl!J: irna: $1.06;' I , Rain,. 6 days labor, ,10.00; Ver;ne Houllb, 67 loacls .Javel, $67.00; Ed. Grady, ~rldlfe . rePalt. ,2UO; .James Beel; same, 'f!1UO: The Buret.t Co,. 1 tank bltumiDoUi material; ,160.00; Blid;e Co., b!-ldge ,teel, "n,n .. ,,, · c&
·We are in the
market' t~r yoqr ··
• The MIami 1'0'1'111'('
, I Wa~'I\eavil.le.
Preparl! to spelld
Lubor Day
I. \ . 'I,i <'Illu, of n Ay to :->u,! tIIlY Wil h' Ii l ll ,H! fC\I~ ~ .
. M,nl Hannah Antrum ~ I' nt 11l ~1 week "With reltltlv s in Spring boro, When ordering brellll f rom Groeer, i~lIlst on ThomJl ~on'g.
ts the J.!ue~t5 of
].li. Elizllbilth hlllldie r \'i~it o r, nlurday.
WaS n
" ron Hurts ,ck , uf incinnllti , II.i'l'd r,'I:lli\'e. h' r" unda y.
nt r. lin" t' Kj ,, " ni t! , ,'f Du~·t'I "" i.-ih·(\ II'. an d ~I . , R. (" 1' ..,,",. 11,, \ wt'"k,
fro lll your
\\' 11('1\ "r<inill !l' ureud
1111'. (; 1'0\"'1' Klta pp ;tll d \<,Oll. of Ll,banun. \\,(11'1.' I n tl. 1W il I l nndllY :11'-
\ 11', an d Mr ....
w, n' \
II Ill.
:(' 1'110
~.I r ,
Tu " I" y.
ill 10WIl 011
Lobar Day
, Bonl- To Mr. and ]\h's. . P. B1all SUnduy, Aug ust 10, 11 d uught~r .
.Iont l\:it;S Rflfc . nl i~~ Lnvunuc Burt n,
. " h ~n ('l'del'illll' brN\d from your ~ r.rtlC I'f in .. iql Oil Th omJl~(>Il 's . Mi. I'.d llu Howl" I1,I, o f "illlli Illt(l1l
I'rcllIlN to
W 1\\'11\'" ' ' !I".
, W: 3'lIc'1I i ,l'" I
Llln \Vn o ll l' Y. llf Xc · here ~Ul\'
i' itll1~ J'c1Hli\~\.·'"
day .
aa.ette, WaynerfU1e, Olil4f
f 'rUU/lI'c' to ". It" \ ill •
mCll~ of the Olly- Th ' lib rty Pomp - Nh Irvin~ lllflil coo !Ol'~ o! th cnnlP. iH de n,lud 1111 or the t "". L:Luru lII o ~},d' RllolI III1Il wo,·). my namo Lo u check mId {flIt it dny. 1I','h . r ,onllld Hllwko otHl fl\1nlly, CII ihed. RCIl'r Rllnk Vuice-Gimme libel'ty "f P out" 1. ' WymUIl- Y u must Imv.c nn UtlU· \l r ~i mme death sunl SiJ.': 1I11 liT • meer- Who snid that? Pom p- O . No mo ney in lh(l Another Voic PlItrlck HCIII'Y· Miami Vulley Coun cil, J . 0 . U. A, Ir, and Mt:!, Edwin BlIrbll r, of M .. h ld th ' il' unlluul bask t meeting bnnk. Korwood: were w"ek· enll ~u 'sts of in lhe ~outil grov!' on Stony Bro"k Mr~, ('Yllthi" E,'u n,., E V ERY FELLOW TO HIS TRADE fnJ'III, lust ~un du y , th g uests of Bro , CONVI CTED I.Ylll un Ony lind witl'. Ii. goo dly COlli lIl i~s 1.,.'lI h : mh h ca me ho m l o~t pnny of Ju n iors 1II1d their ra milics Th ursdtt>, In,m Li ncinntni, where ~h 0 Prof c"~or--/I f llnl I'llII ,,~k q ll (,~' Amaleur A f rollomllr- The s un were 1' 1' (' ~e llt to njoy n most hupp y >p('n t s o\'ol'ul wc(' k ~. toi onR thllt II \\'i80 nlnn cllnnot en· i~ mOI'c than O~ million mil os fl'o m ,IllY, At th," ",," " hour, II bounti· •
' .. op~r lind Jnu/-:hll'r, <Jf 1I1u xwdl, i lltl .. viRil ed i\l r. !llld Mrs,
E, L.
J inn(',·
~ pr(' n fl
a nd n o oue
- -- --
~w cr.
Slutll'nl--Now \; 0(11. \l1' nt hUII!!r)" T h e' n rl ~rno ,," Wl\ ~ flliled in t he ex uminalio n, ph·I\RHntl~· :-; pCllt w ilh C~"l"cl'sati~ n
- --'
',.", CIII' OWIleJ'- D o ll~ t hnl in du de dctours?
,I\'('r thu \\'c ~k " "HI ul II", cuuntry n l~d vnl'inU :-:' ItHnl\·~. 1'0 c t'uatn anti 'h ul!.,t, n ( I\·., ri!l home or L(,lIn <lcr Curey uu t! fumBy, coke " ('fl' . ,' I·,·,·d in the (!vl'lI illg. R EAS ON ENOUGH S Iz.e ot B t~,,:k S~ar. IIr Mr, ~Iy ,' r l1),m,,', T ho .l u"i" ,'" wi. h II) thu"k Bro DIIY \\'lth n iPnJ(ll. f",lIn n" " ,~ tn I n ti or When ordoringbrenrl fro lll yuur 11,,01 hi ' J,:,,, ..l companion fo r lheir doy. . Ju d,:: - Why dic! ),,, u <l r ike the' "h,'nte'h'c f "i' l. II ,,· h'"ck bellr I ~ hul Grocer , insi, t on Thomp.o n'", I'IlYII I hl.. pilll lil~'. Hnl! M cs" r~. Oxley II ' f.· \\, Inl'llI'. , ,,,'1' "" " f('N III hrh: ht l\fr. 1t' ,' rJ,!(1 \\ ', te l ~1 "1 ' (0 ~ r w ll t Ut , Ii.... 1{ 1I1 j; CI,,,,', " f I" '. /ln l,:el,,>. tole!(raph op,'m ! or? nt 1111' ~ hIlHlcl t \ l" . )oIIP" NlI lli re Mucnz hw "lit! Pac" lin d lhe trustees o f the !. 0, , !l188 Emma Peac<>ck. or l1RytOIl, i" w ce k.(' ntl wil h fri<' I1" ~ lit tl1l.' lIIiami Ca \., I, Il h' I:II\·"l "I' 1\1 r. n nd Mr" Mr. nnd Mr", Hnrr y Lcg h'r Mr, lind O. p , fl)l' Cllll l't'sles eXlended. Out Dcf ' ndll" I hIlHd"t! him II te t.·· PI!.!I I I' :!."tl to ~()n p Oll nfh. 1M n rulr 1\\'1'1". the .,"'''est of Mr. George Smi l h Ilnd \,,'l ilcy ,Imlll:IU(] I1Il, F mnk ZI'IL Mrs. ,l os. While lind dllllg-IH cr, Mi ss II( 111\\'n J.!1IC'sL. inc uded (\fr. lind Mrs . gra m fur my girl IHIII wh at did he ",:" WI 'I":1 1 'lir 1\ tllll ·~ r .. wn onium ) In . family. i\lnry, lind Mrs, Mllry Lcwi" of !lay· I::d Ha lllby. Mr. A lh ',cd Hllnby, son do bUl "tn rt Lo I'(' IHI it. .tollil " I,II'II II"n. Miss 1II Ill' I S",i' h, o r Cr" l' nf"' I.!. I 1\ i s~ nil h B''''kl'U, or J)aylon , " b , to n, worE' S Ulllluy g-lI l1~ t~ -.o f l\'l r. II l1d "'H l dllu,:: hll'r " Iltl frit;lnd, Mr. und Mlss Je88ie Clllrk. <If Cinein llati, Ohi u, ig ~ I' (' n d in ~ l hi ~ \ \ ' ( 1(1\ ' wi th hpl" ilud ~lr. ","l 1\11'>. Hurvcy Soclw lt MrR. Fl'lInk Ze ll, 1\lrs. a SCII I' Mow rer, of Dayto n, Mr. hall .been visiting Miss Emnm I:leilf h· fnlh!'\', !\tr. •1. II. ."IIII'lll, ., he rr Illst ",,·ck. [11' 11 Sm ith lIuri flllnily . Mr. Alfred way here. Mr, Wlll'ner P ierc<' IInll . "n, 11",1 Il ay IIlId fa mily, o f O.born, Mr, find Mr. '''HI Mrs . R. G. .1'1\"" returnl·d 1\Ir. II nrr y lIall1ilton a nd famil ~. Mrs. Bt'Ilnch are I!U('H LS III thc ~ Ir~ . n. N , McKeever lind son, of Severn I from here nU nlled th (' home Su nday (,' 1\111 II lhl'l~(, ,lays visil of Uayton, W l'l"C W('(!k - C 1Ht I-': u('sts o f Frie nds ' fl ume this w(~ c k, l!nro ut c RidI!I' I·i IlQ. lIerop lane exhibition in DlIylon lrus t \\;th r eIOli \'l's at :'1I1'.li l a, Mr. an c! 1\11'S. G ('~ rl!e Hnmil1on, from Tol edo to th eir homc in Hi t h· Saturday night. ATH LETICS mo nd, V'1. (Mu. 1 b e II·r" .. or mo ,e entr(lnta for each numb.,r) C orn· Ho g Ratio Is W hen ordori !: broad from y01l1' I Mr. John Lemmon lind family , of Mr. and 111m. YlIl Sim ~ . of Sl'rinJ: Mr. and 1I1t·s. lI e rmllll Cu nn er. I\Ir. DisculIlIed By Expert Dayton, spent undn y with 1111'. lin d Vn lll' Y, w(' re Sunl!ny f' 1I 1'"l~ of Mrs. GrU('cr , hUihst tin THo m pso n's. FOR GIRLS AND WOMEN lIape Sti les nnt! dau gh ter. lind Mrs. Roy IInlhnwny lind JIIr, Mrs. Harry Stokes. lII i ~s Uenrielll McKinsey ~pcn l J esso Th omus , pen l Su,"lny at Mt. G irl's Race, 50 yards, ~ to 12 yean f l't'. E s telle, mc> th e l' of fro Harr y ~ C'v~ 1'1I1 d!lY~ In ~ w('r k with he r ~ i ~ lel· . Sterling, Ohi o, the J!uests of 1111'. lind Isl I r il ~ :!.OO t\lIv ing: /lccount Two poo r corn crops soldom come Mr. and Mrs,. Howard Archdoncoll El<tc\lc, whn i ~ lit the Fri end. Hom e 1'111'1<. J. N. lI a rris and falllily, of Duy· Mrs. Alhm Tniner . WayncBvillo IIlinllul Blink tOg'ether. It will pny Ohio pork pro· attended t.h e Archdeacon l'eun ion , at is visiting him for /I weck or two. t Oil. ~Ild Prizc- $1.00 Box C8I\dy, duc el" to keep R,1 l eye oli the corn· Clarksville fnat week, Lavonnu Hurton , Res taurant \,\Ir~. Enrl lImdol'( IIl1d lillug-hlcr, hOI! rut ill fr om now on, fura l econ· 1\ r. ontl , Irs, ll nrr y Turner, ",h o " u ug-hler, Gllldys, Miss Kath leen II 'no umi at. lit th o Ohio Stllte ' Univ ersity When orderi ng hread from your Girl'lI Race, 50 yard II. 13 to 16 :yean Mi88 Vern Price and Miss SOl'llh r(/ CCr, m Sls!; on T lO mpson's. ha ve been here for two weeks, r c- derso ll , nnd 11'11', Geol'gc l1 ende l",,, n, sUg'gest. i 1st Prize-$2.00 Ilsh, Walker, of Wilmington, iRited Mr. tu rne d t " the ir hOll) o in [)uyl on, 011 who hlll'c been cUl1lping bulow I wn, Walter McClure & Son , t lllllertllke rl\. The 1101'111111 cor n.hog ratio is 1.1 1 and !1rs. It. D: SmiU. herc, In:;t wcek. Mrs. C. V. Sanbor n, who has ben Sunduy. re lu med home MlI nd; y. 2nll Prlze- 3 l'lair Bobs 24 ' htllt is. 100 pounds of pork will visiting Mrs. Ahnn Vuughn for 80mc C. Lee Hnwke , Dnrber. in Il 110rmul, averngo year bll Y 11.24 , Mr. Oren Strawn Jr., of Colum· lIIr. an d 1\1 rs. E, V. Dnrnharl an d re lurnod to her home in Da yt on Worrell County W. . T. U. will be bushe l" of corll, the economists ex· bu, bOll r~turned to his hom o "fter time, Balle Ball Throw, girl'lI 9 to 12 years Mr. nnd IIIrs. J. D. hop man, of Ci n· held lit Maineville. on FridllY . Au· plllin . Dut whon t he ralio is boo last wcek. vliiting his ' uncle, Oren StrnW1'l, oil ~t Prize-Flasb Ligbt, cinllnli, wcre wee k,clld J.! u cst ~ of Li n· gu t 16. All unions IIf t he ClI vllty low th is, nR it wns Illst year aud hns L. A. Zimmerman , Grocer Roule 4 •• Mr. a nd Mrs. Clnre nce All II an,1 ,::c r Lo ge r 'a mp, ore. expe cte d t o be presen t 0 this been this YCllr, the nvcrage produ· 2nd Prize-Set of Beauty Pins, n, 'and Mrs. L. n. Chil cH nU ('nd ed 111 " eting. Miss Cn rri e F la tter, of , ·e· cer find ~ It more profitab e to Betl F. H. Farr lind Wire, 5c·l0 c·2fic Store , Mr. ,Bryon Spoon and family, of so a family reuni on lit Tri a ll!:lc rark, The lilt. H olly lIf. E ., hurch wi\! nin, will be tbo principal sponkcr, his corn than to fe d it. , Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. Balle Ball Throw, girl.' 13 to 16 years Dayton, Sun day. hovo Oil Ire Crentn Socia l on Sotur· In 192 1 a nd 1 !l22 the 'big supp ly .and Mr!!. HaTry Paee, of Camp Lin· 1s t ('ri7.(.~$2 .0 0 Mcrcfinndiso Order Mrs. Mary Bre wster \VII S callet! to and low price of corn made hog feed· dny "vening, AtI~u5t 10. I ce Creom ' " ger lAngor. F . E, Van Oilen. Grocer. Hillsboro this week LO attend the fu· ing the only profitably way of mar· Mr. and Mrs. R. :,). We:w er :mel so n clIke, cnndy nn ci watermelon. 2nd Prize-$1 .00 in Trude, , neral of ,her brothcr·i n·lll w. lIlr. John keting corn . R. F. Tuber, one of 'the John R., of ncar Cen tcnoi lle, werc Save your old carpets and rugs J . H. Smith, Burbe r When ordering bread from your F awley, He was engall'ed ill u economists point ou t. , "At one . ' ud , * .' /'Wearwell" ' Ru ga mode. Su nday gu" " L~ of Mr , nnd M ~ . W. N. Sel11'lI nnd family. Grpcer, insist on Thompson's. f riondly scutTle with a neighbor und Prettieal Gil'l, 1 to 5 yeara inclusive time in 1922 100 pounds of pork • Send ' for prlee lillt. Frnnklin Rug wall sO' injured that Il resulted in his would buy 19 bushe ls of corn. Jt WIIS Prize- Doll 00.. '~. Obio. Dr. J . T. E llis. Jllr. aud Mrs. Karl Hawko, of Day. The Wilmington Yearly lIIeeting deoth at t.he H illsboro hospita l Tues· thnt big s upply and low price of corn l ha t cnused the recont heav y over· Reporte o-f tho condition of MI'. ton, lIml I)r. lind Mrs. Ra lph Vance, started Tues day and will continue dllY mornIng, Prettiest, Girl, 15 to 18 y'e an production in pork. evernl Otto Fur, of Wheoling, W. Va., are of Pleasant Plllin were unday Iluests th e balllnce of the w\!ek. 1st Prlz~Stlort }J M. 011 lus t, Friduy c\'cning, al the "Some reduction in hog pr oduction ,j Grnco L. Smith, Milliner. from this neighborhood arc In atten· , that b" ia lUte' low, and hopes for of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hawke. liome of h er pare nts, Mr, und Mrs. unquestionably must be made. The dance. : bts .-eeovery lire vory slight. 211d Priz~$2. 00 in Me rchulldise, Chas. HlIlrtsoc k, Miss Wanna Hllrt- recent pig survey with its report of W. H, r.1ndden & Co., Lumber. Harry ~reen, who has s unt at St. sock who lives in Columbus a nd is a 20 per cent reduc lio~ in the s prin,ll' : • Mr. O. R. Unglesby and daughter , Mary's church severn I timos, is at Burton's Resturant served a la ri'e spendin!,;' her vacation here, (lllte r· Mother of Prettiellt Baby, 1 year and under pig crop shows that roduction in • Mary Margaret, and Miss MildI' d his ho me in Lebnno n. lIe ,was s ing· pnrty of young people on l a~t 1s t Prize-$2.00 in M I' hnndiso ONler, . wined about twenty of ber form er breeding is under way. 'Hole atended Lhe Boger-Ungles by ing 011 the Keitb circuit last year. Friday evening, who hoiled from Mid· classmates a nd fri ends. I C. M. Robitzer, Flour, Ice and CIIOt. JI. Games .~ It will soon bc two Yllllr~ how. R4Uhion at Springboro; Sunday. I , dleto wn. There were thirty in the were enjoyed on the lawlI which was 2nd Pri z $ .5 0 Box Ar mand!! UOHe Powder. tt Misses Glad ys and Vivian Hurlnn " IITty llnd the dinner was served bun· beautifully lighted with J apanese ever, since the corn. hog ratio hilS Oxley· Paco Dru~. Co. been below th e 11.24 av cral:c. The Ii 'i'·· When ordering brcad from · your returned to theil' home in Dayton, quet.sty le, ' lanterns, after which reireshments 50.yenr lIvcrnge is 20 months below FOR BOYS AND MEN f': .; , ' Grocer. InSist on Thompson /s. alter spending t heir vaeation with of . c c:ream and cake wore serv ed. that 11.24 ratio, then 20 mon ths :, 1 )0,. ~ relntives in Harveysbu rg and Lebuo r MiR s Mary Brewster. of this placo, 5():.yard Dash, boy II, 9 to 13 yeaI'I above it. j$ Mrs. E. M. Oxley and two sons, non. Bernard Browster and , Mis Ida ~I e r· Ist Prlze--nas~ Bn ll Glove, SubsclI'iue for tho Miami Gazette. While 'an adjustment in hog pro. QxleY-Pllce Drug Co. sher, of Dayton, spent Sunday wilh Morrill and Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. duction is necessary, it shou d not the former's neice, Mrs. Arthur Wolf l' Billpb Ai'll&' of Troy, Ohio, are spend Mr. Wiliams and mothor, Mrs. 2nd Prize-Cake, go too for." :.Millon Thompson , Bakery Inc. few weeks bere at tho homo of Reynolds, who hnvc boen the g uests nt Lynchburg. Mrs. Brewster s neice -----~~-,====----r_ MIA~MITHEATER of Mr. J. 0_ Whitaker a nd family, is quite ill at this time .. lin. Mary Cukey. 50.yard Dallh, boys, 14 to 18 y_n WARREN CO. ENTRANTS : ~, returned to their home in Richmond, 1st Prize-Ingersoll Watch, IN FAIR CONTEST Mr. and Mrs, Merle Kerns, Miss Masra. Murray Hopkins, L. N. Ind., last week. J. W White, Grocer. .,. Edi ~ h Kern and Mr. Cl,a rence Lee, Prints. Harrill Mosher, Raymon Hat' 2nd Prize-Sport Belt, A family r eunion was he.ld al the of Columbus, were the guests' of Mr. . ~'iI.~d and fr-nlt Robinson were the Myec Hyman, Dry Goodl. 111.... pf camp Llnger lAnger, Fri· homo of Mr. Wilbur Moffit, at Col· and lifTS. J. D. Marlatt Sunday. Mr. Every mail t o th e offices of C h as~ 100-yard Dallh, limited to High School Boy. J . D. ¥arlat returned home with evellinA'. to . ' weiner roast. The lege Hill, Sunday. There were V. Truax, Director of· Agriculture, 1st Prize-Wind ~biela Wiper, , " boJII bad a good time bathing and ty guests present and the day was them Sundn y evenihg fo r a few lind G. R. Lewis, Stole Fair m ana~ • Waynesville Motor Shlo;" Age ncyl an enjoyablo one. day's viblt. 8atiq wainel'L gel', brings entries f rom Warre n Co· 2nd Prize-Fivo gallons of Gasoline, .. unty for t he Oh io State Fail' ' Quee n J. C. Hawke, Hardware.. popu larIty cont es t. The c,o ntest clo· ••J.. ' l~yard Dallh, open ses Aug ust 20 an d the winner w ill be broug ht to Columbus at n o expen. 1st Prize-Steol Fishing Rod, ".. ,i D. R. Smith, Grocer", se to herse lf and will be accordcil qn· With Mary Mile. Minter and us uul hOll ers. 2nd Prizc--30x3 % Inner Tube, Antonio Moreno Wnynesvillo Motor Co. Muc h interest. in this eon test is be· ing evidenced in every !!Cction of the' Fat Men'. Race, 200 pound. and over StIlte. The entries are engrossed In 1st Prize-Box Cigars, , acc umu lating votes, for the winner C. C. Cook, Pool RooDl • . An immorlal c1allic of Ke ntucky'. will be given a· Rollin coupe, to be 2nd Prize-Five·poun,da Cup Grease, rUBged mounta ina brought 10 the followed by a trip to· New York, A F. Menoh, Garage. ,Creen. where she wilJ get a screen·test in tho Burden Race for ~en or Boy. over .8 yean Paramount Pict ures Corporoti.on s tu1st Prizo-$2.00 Merchandise Ol'der, dios. While in New York, s he will J eff Smith, Moat Mllrket. be enteru.ined for a wek at the Me· Fir.t Show lIarh al 7:00 p. m. 2nd Prize-Year's Subscri ption tei Miami Gazette, Alpin Hotel. D. L. Crane, Publisher. Foltowlng are tho' young ladies who Bale Ball Throw" open huve entered the Queen contest from THE NEW 1st, Prize-Ever Roady Silfety Razor, Warren County ; ,~ Dr. H. E , Hathaway, Dentist. Miss Mildred Nixon, Lebanon, Mrs. 2nd Prize-;L008\t,J,oaf Note Book, Ray Myers, Springboro, Miss Bessie F. H. Forr and Wife, Notion!;!, Wade, Waynosvile" MIsS Cieo Sucy, Waynesville, Miss Helen Purdy, Mor· Allo, KINOGRAMS ' Tug of War CASOLINES OILS CREASES 1st Prize-Box Judge Wright's Cigars, row und_Miss Ruth Wagner,f Lowell. ___ 1.; ' A! Zimmerman, Grocer. F'01' every home run by any player of. eith~r leam JII .. , ( 'nI' l 1II o.1, II'n, or Clnt'h< ,ill', j :I! ... 1.1'"lI l1rl! Mrs. Edwiu 'Chandlel' lIt1 il dtlu g'ht rr >I'e llt :'U l' oi ll), lI i,h 1111' , ""d ,\11'';, \\' I II, i, hl' ~ <"L Mill Rulb, were Xonia I'i$illl rl! Thill'S. II. Mndd .,,,, lind f, ill' '
Program of Labor Day, the Prizes add Who Donated Them
Waynesville, 0,
Saturd~y, Aug.
fif. \
"The Trail of the Lone8ome Pine"
111GB SPEED OILS Are worth a ~ria'
Service Station
~ Waynesville
Regular Pri~es . 20 and IOc --- '
\\,1-11; At
W~'s" . '
I7-29W~1t. , , - ..
B. F. Keith's
6 Big '~II' . ' , and F .;tll.,jrti ,-;',t.
ED. . . . , . . eI . . . ....." Mo .....,. pd Tbul'Ib ,· . /. ,., ... ~ fl'DlD U30.. 11. . ·P. II. .\1"",000 I'r,i'M .: ..
a...... 'Oc ....o..
I ;
.............. ..... "' .. _ ........ .....
, "II1II . . . . . . . MIfG
...... A_
DEATHS Ben Crane died at his home in Doods Friday afternoon, after a long illness, The . funeral was held at 10 o'clock Mondo.y morning. In· terment was made in Lebanon eeme· tery. Hugh, Thompson died at the home .. his daugh~l', Mis. Ed Wright, of south of Harve;vsburg, Monday morning. The funerol will be held Wednesday aftrnoon at 1 o'elock, at the house. Interment at Villars Cbapel.
When ordering bread from your Grocer,' insilst' on Thompson's.
.....- ..-----
BICYCLES Children'. Vehicles Tires ' ~ • • - RepahtJog :
11fE-MlmJAL HOME'and SAVINGS ASSOcIATION t .............'.........
".,.c••le,eoQ,OOO.OO ... u..ooo •
............7 _ _ 7. .
7 "" ,
' ,'- - . ....
Teaebe~Spel1 "shirt." Little Boy-.. Sh ....h.s/!--.. ,T eacher-Yes, ye8--the next letter .i8 easy. Wbat- have I on each side of my nose! Little Boy- t .can!t hardly see from here;1!ut I think WI powder. '
---~ ' _.~~4.
UnoJe Iben 'laYI:.• "Yoa IOIICIIJ de beDeOI ' 01 religlOIl,• IIId Vllde ..... "If wbot )'Ob . . . ,GIlt of It .. aD Il'I\lIIIeai IDIteI4 " 1 diu..'"
Base Bnll, F M. Cole, Hardware.
F or the pen~n presenting a ~eipted bill for the largeat amount 'of merchandise purchaaecl of any· ; merchant wholle name appear. on thil bill, Sepo tember 1 ~ 1924, only , Prizo---$5,OO Merc'h andise Order, Kroger Grocery and
, Bak~ng
" _~'~~'t·~\
Ten acre. of good la\.c1, neuly a~w, ~bulldl~la" c~D.I~"~ of • ,I •• room bOIl~e. .,lectrie Ugbta, lar g. 10bae!10 ab.iI, ban ...lekeD houoe, ·frait, lood water, .ood lo.,,,tiOD, anil .rlcM. rl"'t~ Twl'
wltb .i •• room "ou.a,
. . . . . . ).w.a_'... DATTON.O. ,
bar~ a h~.~f",l , bo.~ ,, . .:.r
One haDclr.,d acrea, fair bulldfnla, "" ,OOO~OO
Ellht,.';gbt 'acrel" aood" '.tDI '. ,I»IIUllin... · I ,oo'd t~r~ ••, :~
Seventy-Sixth Year
Baseball.a.la.Beach .
lIfr. Irving Way spent yesterday in Cincinnati. Esquire Ke ys journe yed to Lebanon yeste rd a y. Mr. Alexu nd er Smith will harvest Batting A.eragea Are Fattened this season, one hundred bushels of onions. and the Team Haa an Eaay Mr. Chna, D. Reed has Ncc ured 11 Day-Change in Lineup first c l as~ hroom make, from Cincinnati to help him manufacture brooms. Prof. W. H. Venable addrelsed the The Miamis conducted a base ball people of Now Pro vidence, Ind ., 011 flcld dny and battinp; practice nt the F'o urlh, lind ·his theme was " PoliPhillips pnrk last Sunday afternoon . tics und Educntion ." John Nownld, of Wilmington, to s~e d IIIr. J, E. Janney's Drug Store hus tho ball to the batters, and eight of tho handsomest "creo n doors in tow n. his fri e nds, from the Clinton CO,I It~· They were made by that tasty urtiza 11 metropolis, retrieved the batted ballM Mr. N. B. Anthony. and gave our boys some exercise in Lytle contemplates organizing II the field. drum corps, under Frank Carmen's This would have been a bail ~nml' instruction, and will soon be ready if Wilmington had had a belter t l1t1lO . to lead all kinds of processions: The' As it was the visitortl put up the POOI- instruments will be drums and fifes. est exhibition staged on the 10,"1 lot The Han. T. C. Sale and his sister, this year_ The game Willi featllred Miss Elizabeth P. SIIle, Mr. and Mrs. hy the heavy hitting of the Mi .lIn l~ . ·Geo. T . O'Neall and Miss Letitia McUuck Crane's catching, and the num- Kay spent Thursday with the Hon. erous wild pitches. Buck Menden- John Q Smith and hin family at Oakhall attempted to keep count »f the land. latter, and along toward th~ close Dr. S. J . Way attended the Prihibiof the game was heard to IO'Jtter tion Convention in Springfield a8 a something about "seventy-six." delegate, and Mr. Charles F . ChapIn six times at bat, Satterthwaitc man, as alternate. Among others hit a triple and four singles, and hi~ who atended from this place were other eWort was a liner to the ftr~t All'll. S. J. Way, Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs hlll!eman -Jl0 hot' that the player did R. Hqsllt, Mr. and Mrs Milton HudlIot realbe that he had made the ley, 'Mr and Mrs. J. W. Warner lind catch, but turned to retrieve the ball. Prof. Graham. I~ddle Burton beat out five bunla for Hairpins are a new form of luxalnrles In IIlx triPII to the plate_ ury created by the Inventive lady of Crane hit five .ingles and wu eafl.' the period. She haa taken to display .!It flnt on his slxtb .ltk8mpt, througt. her hairpins. Thoae very humble in• muir by the leU Wder. John Gonf struments of·dress have hithe rto been ;and' Eddie Burton played ftne remarkable for their modesty. They :around the keyatone, wbile Tom Hur- are lost without a sigh an d recovered lton. anci Prendergast pulled olr SeV· without gratitude. But the word 'eral of their fine catches in the out· bu . gone forth that hairpins are to ~lIeld. Dutch W1I.I somewhat wild be displayed. In these days nothing (probably owing to the absenc:e I)f secret, and it is thought that a his replar cat~ber, M~....,.er .Pac:e) , sip of good taste to display lhe but Itudled c:onalderatily after Crane means by which the heavy plaits arc went. behind the liat, and got by with held toget~er. Invisible pins may flying colon. be uaed' for the curled fringe which Thl. was 't he Miamis seventh tails over the brow, but in other por,lralght victory and their eighth in tions of the head hairpins must be Lwelve games, and the majority hav~ Jhown. Of course. nobody would ' been won from flnt-c:l~s teams. Thit think of sh"wing with ostentation a , showl what our local boys can domere piece .of _bent black wire, so 1I0t one outside player baa been used gilt hairpins are IIlready in fashion . this year. Better come out ani !,c Gold hairpins are c~ming In. Jewelthe boya play. Satterthwaite', . bat- ed hairpins will 600n be the rage. ting and ftrst.-base play alone nrc This is the newest developement In well worth the price of '8dmisQjon. our civilization. Whereunto it will Our box acore gives Wilmington', lead no one can hardly say. It ·original lineup; we lost track of their ougbt to lead to martial protest. For jnnumerable chan,". However, No- the one place in the world where .aId pitched the entire !lame. gold and silver and precious stones The acore: are not secure is on the head. At present, indeed, the insecurity is reWILMINGTON , markable. for the very damllele who AD R H PO A E DOW display their wealth on their ("..arman, 88 .......... 6 0 0 2 3 2 heada had formerly doc.k ed their n. Camp, c .............. · 2 1 12 0 0 locks, BO that the new extravagance Mher, Sb ........ .. ..4 2 1 0 1 1 is used to connect false hair with v.. Oamp, Sb ... .......4 O· 0 0 1 2 dhort curls. .I:lurface, If .... .. ...... 1 3 1 4) 1 W. Camp, Ib .. .. .. .4 0 1 7 0 0 GarriBon, rf ....... 4 0 0 0 0 0 Flint, cf .... ... .... .. 4 0 1 0 0 0 Nowald. p ......... ,.. 3 0 l ' 1 0
---.. ..----
- - -8 23.67
-Totals..... .. ..... 36 . 6 MIAMIS
AB R H PO A J'reildergast, cf ..6 2 ' 1 2 0 E. Burton, 2b .... .. 6 3 6 3 2 , H. Burton, p ..... ...6 1 1 0 2 "d3atterthwa\te, ·lb .. 6 4 6 9 0 Crane, 88, c . ....... 6 2 6 6 0 Frye, 3b ... .... ..... .3 1 0 0 1 .Hopklns. rf .... .... 6 1 0 0 ,0 'T. Burton, If ...... .6 2 2 3 0, Pope, c ............ .. " 1 0 0 8 1 ; (;.o/'s, !Ill ." .. ... .. ...4 1 1 1 2 - - - - .Totals......... .... 47 17 21 27 S ·Hopklns hit by batted_ball.
E1 ~
1 0 C 0 Ii
0 0 C:
Wilmington 8 0 BOO 0 0 0 0 - Ii . Miamis ... . .. 2 1 )",1 4 2 3 8 ·-17 Summary'. Two-bue hit-Prendergast. Tl;lree-base hit-Satterthwaite. Sacrifice hit-PreDder;gast. Saeriftce ft7-H. Burton. Left on biulee-WlImlngton 6; MIRmis, 11. S.... ' ~n ballli-Olr Nowald, S; off Bu~n,
Struck Gut-By Nowald, 12; by Burton, 9. ' . '. . ". Time of game-I hou; and 50 minute.. '. .
, lJDlI!Ire-:-Br1taln.:·
WILL ATTRACT MANY TO WAYNESVILLE Commercial Clulb Haa Made Parking Provisionll-Band Has Concessions
Ttl<' abo\l ~ MatDre shows Joseph Frank Mikular of New York stnrt.tng his hike oround the world with an album in which he wnJ gather the SlgnlltUTC8 of lOyalty. The vol. ame will bo carried tn a push cart. Pres l,ient. Coolidge WD5 the ftnt to sign bla name In tlfo book.
OFFICIAL COUNT OF THE PRIMARY Following is the official votll of Warren Ciunty, and the complexi()n of the voto was somewhat changed, though not eno ugh to make a change in the csndidates elected as per our lust issue. Judi" Common Plea.
Wright Young
.3489 .2511
Repre.entati •• Brown Harding Humphreys
.. 1566 2381 ., ... .. 1654
Clerk of Court. Lewi s Meloy Sheriff Brant Thompson .....
2603 .. 2245 . ... .. 3426 . .. . .2160
Commi•• ;oner
Beedle Corwin Donnell Dunham Fairchild Irolls i\lurl'rll Qui nuy
----LOCAL MEN ENTERl SHOOT j - - -..
...... .. 1892 .. 1553 .. .951 Thomaa and Squires '. 1194 at Daytoln.
.. 343
.. 1164 ... 1549 .. .. HI8
Cou nty Trca. urer .. .. 44 6 Buker Hugh Alfred Thompson, eldeet 22<12 child of Benjamin E . and Sarah Em- lll uck hurn. 2707 S lm p ~ on ily . T.hompson, was born November 16, 1857, at Clarksville, Ohio, and Sur veyo r pl\88ed away August 11, 1924, aged How!.:r 2119 66 years, 8 months and 26 days: , Monfllrt . 2009 Mr. Thompson had been In failin g The totH I vote of the county was health for a number of montha, and his la8t aiekl1ess WIl8 bronchial ' pneu- 6,3 45 . .... ~ monia. He had nlade his home for some time with his "daughter, Mrs. Ed Wright, and tliere he received all possible care and nursing during bis last illness. On July 16, 1881, he was married ~o Sabie C. Garrison, and to this union seven children were born, four The Pre mier Ban~ will play the of whom, with their mother, prefollowin~ progrn m on THursday evenceded him ' to the Home Beyond. There are left to mourn him three ing, AUl!" ust 21. daughten, Bertha May, Decatur and i-March ." ...Lieutennnt Suutelm~' Operatic Mingle, Eva also five grandchildren and three 2-S. I"cdon 3-Wnltz . Smiles and Dimples. brothen. Benjamin E. and Milton, of Clar\laville, and William Thompson, <I- Fox Trot .... Kentucky Bungalo. 5-Gallop ......... Excelsior. of Waynesville. 6-Popular Waltz ....If the ' Rest of Through ail/,i1y yeara of alekneS8, the World Don't . Want You. aoz:row and mlsfortbne in his fam· Intermission 11y. Mr. ThompBo~ was ever .tead· faHt.. patient and Industrious. At 7- March ..The Village Blacksmith. . .. ........ .. .... . Margaret. times he w.. alwaY. ready to" do 8-Woltz .Massa's In tho ,cold, a favor ' for- hie frien~a and neigh. 9-Sele<:tion bon. In the worda of one who knew . c\lld, ground. him, "h~ had the eliaraoteriatlca of a lO-March .. ... ... The Wes~rn World. true .. He wu honest, ll-Popular Waltz .... .. Daddy·1I Little Girl. ' ' ldndly sympathetic and 12-Serenade .... .. .. ....... Moon Beams. genl&roQIa.,
People everywhere in the County nrc pl u nnin ~ to be in Wllyn eHvillc for the Labor Day celclmltion at Phillips Pork Thl' Com mercial Club accompanied by the Ban d. we nt o~ an ad vc rLi ging- lour last Wednesday, IClIving p rOl! ram ~ in eve ry town within n radius of fifte e n mile". nnd as a result peop le eve rywher e nre satisfiied that it will indeerl be wo rth while to s pent the duy at Phillips Park. The biggest event of the day is to be the drawing of tlile Sedan and it may be well to re member that there are but ten days left in which ticket.~ ,may be sec ured from Commercia l Club mem bers. The business giving tickets are Fred M. Cole, Waynes ville Mill Coal & Ice Co., Zimmerman Grocery, WayneSVille Motor Co., Madden Lumber Co., Oxle y-Pace Drug Co., Myel' Hyman, A. F.Melloh Garage, {)rndorf & Service, Dr. H. E. Hathaway, Waynesville Nation a l Bank, fiaw~e's Barber Shop, Mrs. lIIabel Hathaway, . R. F. Mills Co., Waynesville Farmer's Exchange and the Miami Gazette. Remembe r that the tickets yo u securoe In the remaining time may win the car. and for this reaSon you cannot afford to neglect !.hem. The Le banon·Miaml base baIt game with the victor receiving B $25 purse, will be another attraction and ns Lebanon is conside'r od the Miamis' natural enemy, this ,game will ofl'er some thrills. Prec.adjng thie, the fi eld meet will be 8tnge"d and the prizes for this are on the programs and appeared in our last i,s sue. The Waynesvile Pr,emier Band will furnish music throughout the day, alld will have the concessions on the gro unds. The Gomm,ercial Club has made provisions for parking in the field so uth of the Pa,rk belonging to Mr. Frazie r, in orde.r that ·the ball fi eld will be fr ee ~or tile gam e and events. Boost lhe Laho r Dn.y Celebration.
- ...
Waynesville is to be represented in the Grand American Handicap, will be held next week at Dayton. Two yellrs ago, a Gun Club was organized here, and the result is that some fine s hooters have becn developed , good enough to compete in this Nation-wide event. The Grand American. Handicap embraces all of North America and some of the crack chots of t he United States and Canada will compete. . The eve nt is to be held at Vandalia nea r Dayton where a large tract of land, sixty some acres; has been )lurchased for the perme nant home of the association. It is es timated that there wm be one thousand entrants and the sixteen traps will accomodate eighty shooters at onc!e. Since the Wal'nesville Gun Club was organized, two local shooters have been performing creditably in registered shoota, thtllS giving them a National rating. '~hese shootllrs arc Jesse- Thomas and Web Squires. Both of these men ha,ve a rating of 89 per cent ·broken in all the registered shoots in which they have participated. In the Grand American Handicnp, which is to be shot on Friday, August 29, both local shooters will perform from the twenty-yard line. and It is expectecil that they make some of the "profe88ionBls" step if they ezpect to win.
an exhibit at the county 'F air at ·X enia reo ....,a __ .I :~a".'~'. and u . uau~ .. came 'o ut vic. Ho ' took fI~t 'On 2.years~ond on mule team and bone. IIr. Shato ~a1c'e 'eve..n. a bettaJ!' ~~;allho',"ng at tile Montcome!,), Ooun~ be ~ e,tered ~\'eral mala .for tlUat even\. ·, .
a.one, •
1(1811 Olive Jackson. member of dlo Fenway Qlrls' haaeball team of Boston, Is shOW1l In at tbe Boston Natlona Leque Voundll where her team worked out with the Braves. The girl. wore bathing suitt to keep ooiil
DEATH CALLS LOCAL WOMAN AND FORMER CITIZEN Misa Mary E. Bispham died at her home on Water street Tuesday morning at 6 o'clo~k. She had been an invalid for several years. Mis.'I Bilp, ham fell and hurt her back in July, 19·2 0 .. from which accident she never recovered. This accident kept her confined for a ll these yenrs until death came to re lieve her. Miss Bi pham taught in the schools here f or mnny years. and was very successful in her calling. She was a member of the 0 : E. S., and was organist f or that lodge many years. She was a member of the M. E. church and took l!n active interest there until her accident_ The funeral will be held from the M. E Church, . Friday. August 22nd, ut 10:80. Mr. Harry Wellington, who will be rememliered here by many friends, has written up of the death of his mother. which occured Inst. week. He says: "It is with great sorrow, that 1 advise you of the death of my mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Wellington, who for 80 many year s lived and dwelt among you on the blinks of the Little Miami. Her muid en nume was Satterthwaite. ")o'or the past ten YC'IIr5 she has been li ving in Chicn"o with my sister, Mrs. R. C. Dodioll. On August ard, she came to KIIII sas City for II visit with me, an d WIIS ap parcntly in good health, but on Thursday, August 14th, s he ,·0l11plaincd of a slight cold and upon th e slim mons of a doctor, he pronounced it bronchial pneu mo nia. My sist er. Mabel, arri v. cd from hicngo and Alle nt eightoe n hours with our mother before she was ca lled to be with tho Lord. The ending was very peaceful Il nd she WQS conscious to the very last."
. -.
Miss Reb ecca )[c lu re. daughter t>f lIlr. lind Mr •. J ohn i\l cClul·e. of nCur Spring-bow , wh o hilS IlWll Y fl'icllds lind relati ves hel·c 1I11d wh o grnduIllcd [rolll tl", 10cIlI Normh l school. hl1., un noullc<,cJ hel· <'lI gag-c lnelll to JIll'. I Wll rd Shul tz. Of th e IInn,,"nt·l'. I Illent purty I he Spl'inlrboro cO .... "SpU II dent to the Fra nklin ' hr ullicl ~llyS: From 2 til 5 un Tuesday af tcrnoun , th e Mi sses Rc bl'ccll nnd EII1I" J\1 cClu n , vcr y chnrming ly ('ntertHined a few (riends lit th eir hom e ea ~t of tnwn . MAny nuvel featu l'C" uf entl'l"lllin mcnl kept th e IrUcsl" busily eng-aged (juring the afte r One particularly uni que whirh wu.~ stagcd on th e law n directed th e guests to foll ow th e yellow ribb on which led Illonsr " crooked path t o the dinin~ room. where u two course luncheon wus served. The ta ble with covers laid for ten was graced with a millat u~e bride with veil und orange blossoms while dainty yellow ribbons connected the pretty flower favors of tiny curds concealed beneath the center piece which disclosed to euch 'guest the announcement of the approaching ma rriage of Miss Rebecca McClure and Mr. Ward Shultz, on Thursday. August 21st. The bride-to -be was Immendiately showered with good wishes by those present, Who were Mrs. Loren Hadl ?y, of Wilmington. Mrs. Ed Janney and daughter, Miss Frsnees, of Wayne!vllIe, Mrs. Raymond Miller, of Franklin, and the Mi~ses Ina Dearth. Margie Kesling, \>\hce and Suella Sheehan Anna Mary Null and Elma McCI~re. One of the prenuptial a1ralrs in honor of Miss McClure will be on the afternoon of August 16th, when Mn. Raymond Miller, oof franklin, will entertain with a miscellaneoU8 shower in honor of her sister.
----.. - ..---
Be Conducted By r eau This Week
On Monda y. A u ~ust 18, County Hnd s('''em l oj' tho Poultry Dernon strll tion Furrn ow ners from vllrio us )lUI'UI of the ounty viSited t he Pou ltry DeOJ onstrlltioll F m'lns "f Mary Fie ld Hendrix , llellr Morrow lind ,coIL Whitncre's. near Butlervi lle . An ti thrn th e gro up viJlited at tho htlme of Hu se Ford, nellr Windsor. wherc II limestone demons trati on wus h"ld, The Ca sJlari~ Sto ne Co. . of C ntervill e, furni shed a truck of limesto ne and demonstrated the f':ndl!'lIte Sprcn, ler for sprellclhlg Ih" limesto ne vver the fi elcl . . On T hursduy and Friday, August 2 1 and 22 IIllot her such tour \vill be held. the schedule of which is as '101• . A ~" nt CIHsM
low ~ :
Au gust 21, Thu rsday. 8 :00 A. M. Elhert Irons, (Poultry). 2 miles south . east of Lebanon. 10 :00 A. M., Ohas. " Baker, (Orchard), 0 miles south cast of Lebanon . 1 :00 P . M., Foster, (Poultry), near 2 :S O PM., Howard Rhl erding, ( stone, Fruit and Fertilizer), 2 m northeast of Loveland. Friday, August 22. 9 :00 A. M., C. R. Bunnell, (Poultry). 5 miles northeas t of Waynesvi lle. 10:80 A. M., Frank LeMay, (Orchard), dinner near Waynesville. 1 :00 P. M., S. D. Henkle, (Poultry), 1 mile northeast of Waynesville. Effioient kitcj1en arrangement will also be considered here. 2:30 P. M., P. J. Mitchell. (Poultry). near Springboro. 4:00 P. M., C. C. Eaaton, (Poultry), lbile eut of Franklin. ~ Mr. R. E. Cray. Poultry Special. ist of the Ohio State Univenlty. wili be present at all of these meetings, ·. Thu1'llday and Friday. Everybody is Invited to these meetings. Anyone Who desires to have ,soil tested may bring samplo to any of these meetings aDd same will be tested free of charge.
- - -_. - ..
Wheat, rye, barley, hominy feed, or middlin~ may be used as a complete or partial substitute for corn for pigs, nnd such f eeds as oat s may be use d as partial substitutes, ac. co rdin g to animal industr ;y men at the Ohio Experiment Station. Tests show that gro und or crushed wheat has a vulue about 7 per cent greater than an equal weight of corn. but the price of wheat is soldom low enough to mllke it a profitable feed . I.ike the other sma ll grains it should be ground for hogs, whole wheat being worth 16 to 20 per cent le88 than ground wheat. Whole wheat is sometimes soaked but this rellults in ve ry little saving, and is a )loor' sub. stitute for grinding Ground rye and crushed barley are worth about B per cent less t han an A IImall equal weight of corn. amount of corn or other grain mixed with the rye will make it more palatable and r esult in more I'apid gains. Hominy feed now on the market Is worth about 92 per cent as much per ton as corn. Its value is influenced by the fiber content, thut with not more than 6 per cent hnving a comparatively higher value_ Flour middlings or r ed dog flour are preferable. to standard middlings as the latter contain more brand and fiber. The experiments show th~ value of good flour middlings to be about 86 or 90 per cent that of corn. Oats arc too bulky to use alone, but if low enough in price ma¥ make up one third of the grain ration. A small amount of high protein feed, such as a dairy by.product or tankage should be added to any of these feeds, it was stated.
....- - -
The following g ues ts surprised Mr. LlQUO~ IS FOUND ON and Mrs. Chas. Underwood at their A HARVEYSBURG MAN home near Wuynesville Inst Sunday, Mrs. Caroline Underwood', Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Ogborn and children, Mr. and MrtI. James Scars, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bentley and Constable O. M. Mathews and children, Mrs. Joy arrested Tiffon Freeland, of near Rebecca Miller, Mrs. Louise Carr; Harveysburg, MondaY ' night arid took all of Dayton. Rev. and Mn. Chas. from him a half.pint of corn liquor Cadwallader and daughter, Anna, which was held lUI evidence. Freesons, Paul and Edward, of Sharon- land came to town to atend the show ville, Mrs Kate Boyce and children, at Phillips Park, parked his car near of Xenia, :&Ir and Mrs. T. M. Under- the grounds and left the liquor u~der wood and daughter, Anna, of Spring tHe bridge noar there. ' The two 0111. Vailey, Mr. arid Mrs. G. V. Simms, cen were waiting for him whon he of Spring Valley. Mr. and MrS. U. came to recover hla bottle and arrest.G. WhetiJel · and grandson, Ho_rd, cd him u he·started to drive away• . of Wayn~lJe. Mn. Relta ,Whetsel, He wu taken before Jus*e Hath· Mr. ana lin. Walter .Underwood, aw~y, Tues4ay, and after 'I nding him of"Wayri,ayille, ~r. IlfId Mra. 'Wilbllr g\lilly 'of pOS8C11ion, 80.4 bim ,600 IUIwke and cHildren, of Harveyi~ and coats wbieb, be wu unable · to blll'lr, and lIiss Burley. of Wllml.DIl.. lpay: " This 'If1l8 ·Freeland'. lleCond ofton: . fen... }1:fte'( the trial . he was taken to Le~Doll ~whe~ he witrbe e!lnftned antil hia filJe is worked out. .'
.. :-.
SHOW REMAINING ALL OF THIS WEEK The Ideal Comedy Co., which ~as ' . here all of last week, -met-with-.,.- - - much success that they areostilying Ilnothc:t: week. While this is prima". ily a medicine show, there is a complete change of program each night, and people are .particularly atbacted by the musical numbers . There is a voting contest ill "ODDcction with the s how, and a seb' of silverware it! to be given as a' prize on their last nigpt here. It ill not often that a ijbow of tiUs type ~re·-. mains more than a week, but this company i,8 above 'the,.. IIvera¥o, crowds continue to pack the tent. " .
- - -•• -~~ '" .l ~.,.,.
CENTRALIZED SCHOOLS , FOR BELLBROOK The Oregonia Bridge CoDl.\l,ny . trucks hauled through here ~llIst w~ek . seve ral loads or 8tructur~~ st el, which was being taken to B· Ibropk, A new centrnlizcd school n the process of erection there, "an .it,.~ls expeced to be completed by tlie fi~t7, of the year. The building, is to ho~ . lhe High School and three of th~ · · grades, ad it i ~ to be equip,ed with a gymnllsium and auditorlull\l,,'WaY,lle Town ship can feel proud in tliat they lire the pioneer s of ' the _centraliied 8chool movement in thi.s se'c tion of the country, and will watch with interest, the Bellbrook school. l~:"
Sabbath School, 9:161L m., ~..e1I1!\ Ing at 10 :Ao a. II\. ing Bervice at 7 :30 p. League 6:46 'p . m. Pr.....hlru. p. m: Everybody is Cj)r'dJll1IJ': In~e4 · to these Bervlcea., .~ Rev. L. A. WasbbUl'1l,. Putol'• .,..•.,"'.••.,.
• naeM nolO It 11'11), I
III ) It ,' Ir \\'11 lUI .I,".onl/ "' Il~' Ill" T.IO.. t wnl"'lIa" JU 'w· .1 \! I j Ilfl /1"'~lnrr '1~ 1'I I' t 0\ n 1'111" '\ 11 'nmll n. l' Ul 'J ... , 1'1 " I,.. '\hll' . It \'"e ' ·\I'UhlllJt dllt" till ' verr lll· d . '1 h ' I wer .. tt. dmerlptr 'uflJ~!n I t I " hf .. do!f1 r tn nd : I 111 VI' 1!(), )(1 neWd (rom'llowII I h \' rl"e~. '1'1 ,e tlnnl/ ' r I~ po ~ 11. rtI~!'i ll l: 11H I !IC\' IT U.I, " J llt'lt t'l'lng .. ut I'! ,'11111 1. ~ l llr~tI r hn.\ ((lund R•• IOInoll, T.III'Ol'fl Ulr dny', eud he hlld 1(0"(' ."It on lhp .>u lh ront1 with tho YOHn,. 11I,I, ond hi!T mo l1, ~ r M d Mrs, Arnolll J fl ck wno r hllng Into elUll" from nn Clutllll I or tho urmy. T h~ lIn y wn8 In lUI t\\' lII"hl. H o IIn'(l hocn rl 'l l n~ rnRt. ITt! pu ll e.1 lip hIs bOI"~ r n~ he Oil" 1)I"Onch ...1 n si:'n~rr 1'0-1. 'I'h r r e tlmlres '''''r" s tnn" ln,!! In [h(" t1 n ~I; .\- rOll d. "11,, 111 Who comes th ero?" I'n t' ot until
to d
haarlem oil ' haa ·· ~ . a . 'Wor1d•. wide remedy for kidney j Uver and bladder diaord~ra, rheuniatilm~ lumbago and uric add ~tioaai.
Never 'Something for Not~'
C AI ' S\
Charl es F ox ofl'(' r ~ to th tl UniL"d Stotes (lov I'lIl11cnl un NI\{l ne tll ut "con ~ u m cs no gns or ot h Ol' fuel nnd run9 fore \'c r." 'l"hl' in\'(lntor saY R, " You i l. ~ t 81.. t I" ' r up U'ld 1('1 her tlicl_~r" aud he think it will brill\{ ",,J. I IC'!\ ~. It W OII " bring n "cnl. A r ow{'r wls['r th all '. hnd('~ F b X, wi. r cv II t hnn ( 1Ilvln Co n ll cl :~ {·, WOII' t ull ow us to GI·t " ' Hn:r il .• Il for nothing!' That "'oul,1 1;., l,ad for us. T hc rll!u rc t h ~ ro i. PO PI)' -
. . It Uppened tha t In the darkneu . , ~ September ennlD3 S mltb and
.ADd,., the latter riding t he bl nzNl· man" Nt out t or King" Ferry. wb_ ftl~ wera taken IlCMII8 tI ...' m.r. 'J'hq rode a taw mUoN 80U!.h ot
p ~ t ua l
til. od
lnnti ull,
nnt h il1~
1. 1
~lnterual trouble.,ltImulate..tal cqalle. Three u.n.. All cSr\IuIIb.llllilt 00 the ori&1Dal aenuloe GOLD MIlDAI.
Nearm' P e rfe ct DigHer Retu ..... A Surprise for E lijah. No Popula tion Scare.
th t'lII "" IIIl .1111.
II II'n" Ihi' ".,Ic" or :llnr_flret.
1'0 , OVER zooYEARS
I • 1.1 -nol
~onc 1J\\' IlY.
DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The .e ye ~IKht ~pecl/tll"
At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio
r ues.lay
w(. rt.h h!I"·.
Inl/:, for which \Y U don t gh'u (·tTor t ludlD. t o th e sbol"jl ot Cram I)<lnd a nrl ".'" Iuo in return_ ll)ent the nlltbt \vllll " frl en,1 of Bmltla. In tbe mornlD, the latter "'WlI It pa ys to d~v lop a J1 ~r f(lC t eci with U d.I'e unlll the)' h .. " 11I1A!.'d thing, ho m cow~ to m clin. Mrs. H. Mc K. '!'wI mll " - "r "lew J ,'rPIn... brtll" on tba Crot on river. Rey, 01VlIS n ll u ,-' rllsu~ IIH nH ' ! nla be turned b,ck. Lungwntet' Fnll'Y, No. !)'\1 7D . Sh" Ho_ ADdre tar~ alonll" do'll'1\ tt\e looks lil(e 811V other c(.w . bil l give. road alone on lbe " back of !.he mn re three times ' n~ mu~h milk. -fo:.: r Ifancf , U . alma to an outpost ot lb ~ 0'111 n ha l[ times tiS much huttl r Blt:bland army and p~n l ed hlB fat CIS t h' AV 'ruge cow. Her amazing ro 'ord just unnouncl'cl is 13.GOii pea. It was oxamln4!ll and endoreoo poulub of buller fat in olle yOllr. aDd lie weat OD hIa waf, He mel In thAt kind of pros perity th en ' j ~ ~rt -.on-. a equad ot cnlllr)' no s peculation , nil mnnillulntil1 l!l la*, • ~t at militia com, just vla in, sim ple production ' or .... r.- .~.-n Ooonectleut, bllt wcn h t hrough Intelllgent a ttention eo • IHfped hIJII.. 1ft th. faded hat to brecd ing. u4 eMt and trouere at lleQben Daily the rodio orTors something tblalDU, who aalled blml6lt new: Th!s time it Is "broadcastlalla ~ wu not mllcb· unllke ing hur"h music fo r rU"I:l WN:_ tIM ...... who rtdlna dings. " The b ride, t remblinl1, w Ul IllUlw .., thltber 10, th. neutral terrtIl" , '0. the las t poke at hpr hatr, thn ...,. ' . . . . . P.ldt, en'aDcJa. • Ow face !J . 0_ CARTWRIGHT SAYS- IRst tug a t her veil . The s n on ... di.&:: it ... 'tIle .till-kept ebaUe!l&'O woa mere Hlle a pllrllse 01 w !ll "tune in," and up sh e will The new drive in Oil Station mareh, in Fnnni n.ronle, N. J" In tie. " ' .' ..... arLttoa'at wtth music than a deman4. B e dis mounted. tune Ilf "Faithful and True," . Smll•• , ~ .,.. ~ laatr beIt~ "I am one ot tbe great army ori& a great improvement to the plnyed In Chicngo, III. . . . . . . .... r...,; lMen," .. Id be. Li ttle Roge r Dllvis is still getti ng North Wayneaville • • • .Ai __ ..t ., ~ GIll the -Advanco IUld give the counteratgu... betier . Florida M YS, " Come." The rich .. . . . tile "-l"MO!U tnnl.a, 1 a abe coIDIDlUlde4. K. E. Thom pson an d Lo n Bran non wi ll a ns wer, l'l'm hurrying." Hllvc you an Incomc! Florida eft'ers l OU ..... er, IIaNI - .- - JalddMl In the A moment he held her In 11111 em- spent T uesday in Way nesville. of the callCUS sy tem denouncing it a l t actions over and above th e fin t· ~ reekI... unlettered Jfte8 and whllJ)erOO l "I love J0u." J ames Gray nnd daug h ter, o [ Lebanti,rep ublican . - t he agency f(lr rE-n atAl. Florida intellds to p ut ~ lalli ~, for eowa to-eome '"l'be cou ntemp Is correct, but b&- an on, were scen on our s treets, Sun. SECTIONAL BITTERNESS MARK- ra'obhe r y of th e peoples r ig hts. Mllr- Into h oI' conRtituti oll a provis1, I. ,.~_:,.t ~ lb'- wild .land tQ be tore I let )'ou Plies, give me one more day. EO 1924 CAMPAICN tin Va n Bure n of New Yor k. g e niu8 t hnt will exempt illcomClO and In -.moen" ID ·Cb. lOok Into your henrt." T he Beasans, of Dayton, spent h" r!tAncc8 fmm all t " "(~'1"'"1.. 1'1 . .~ ~~ • . ,... aM; 80m. manf 1\.1 yon IIke-hut- wby r ' in poli tics an d with a powerful or-" !t· c ndE'll ,, ~ "n f t'H l r .~ , ,'" ... tlIiir .... 'farmtIw' . ~ Dot III "80 r mllY be s ure that you do not aturday a nd Sunday a t their home The .. dmission of Missouri ns a ga ni zntio n buck of him, trie d his best ",,:'-U8 people froOl 1111' ,~( .. :I. ' . . ""':. ' ........... that m~ ha... bllme England t r th o tolly of lIer h ere. slave sta t:e WIIS one of th e dom inant to check the reform wave . but Ihe TbIQ' 'wDl appreciate It: IieaB, tIMt .... 'ODdoulltedlf rough, kin,." ~f8rvi n ·Hay. of Wayn ellville, gnve Issucs of the campnign of 1824, combi ned schemill F: of t he oppositk.'1 \all (m Inhc t·h.o~ce. nO Stal.e t.t ~ ~ tQ1I of the la11'l 881 "I !lWel\r It " U5 u shor t but plellsant cull on Sun. trlcomel h, ioyl Oh, "'pbu'el which, fo Hi ng befo re t he pe ople. wus could not be overco me. -The caucus ~ bn4 b7. .... at. ,dllperate "Tbl'n I "hnU enUet with you dny morn ing. Floriila 8&YS, 'Come to FloridL decided by the House of Re pr~se ntn was called. The glln e l'i ~s were nere YOI,lr incQm is all . your. to WUfaN. TIIe1 looldng tor aplMt the tyrnnL B lIuB nevar been T he Llldics Aid met on Wednesda y lives The bitlcrn ees Anc\' sectionn l- pocked to sulro ·lI tion. bu t. ~ b(> fIl!lm~ veu d_ We chop off nQthlng aDd ~ al w.u u for cattle.. Torleti mf kl nlf'" nftern oo n \ ilh Mra Wm. Harvey , )'Our hell'll gc)~ " U you' !\lave them ism of tl~ e con test neve r has been bers were onl y 'scanti ly rep reae ll ~e.rl . HleIr ~ prey, t or the latter Lad. Dare stood with Mra Arnold sou th of Wellman. WhOl~ YOU dfo. W~ Wlin'to tax deeol eq ualled, th e a ttacks upon Cra\v ro roi An effort W illi Illude to adjnu rn , but t WOId« ' ~rda to be ex- Rlar tll lov re. Clar ence Allen, wife a nd 80n, of men. . • being menslIrahly a pproached only Von Buren, ba tt ling f ur Cra wf.ord, ea..a IrOID t!ae oath ot alleglonce. " I tOo demund die countWllIgn," anle! ~ elIDe OIIt upon ADdre aod cbal· _lIle W I er. ' Wa ynesville, w re Sunday gUellts of by the Inte nsity of ma lignit y with oPl'osl'd it beca use no mu \lully COII bo~ ~r~lstl~:n a~oth~'~ IIDpd bI.m. The latt.r knew that be the Terry fll mily. them In t wo p!eces," wben" b. Ia. had .,...ecs UIo Amet1c:an. outpoatlt "AlJIl macb IIOOI! ~,It ft ," snld!.he Cnr l ton Lawrence of Chicag o, is which Pr esld"n t Wilson was oSS.Ili lecl venie nt daie cou ld be se t. The pell70ung mnn U8 he klss('d ber, not] !.hen in som e qunrt.·1'tI T he Ncwth wa ~ pi,', he slIid, expected a nominatin:>. Elijah go up In " . chllrlot 01 ftre iU4. tJao~t tJlat he was Dl!llr the he embrncetl tb e mother hI s Rwe et- !\pcndln ~ so,·ct·al duys with r elativcs openly ajl!ainst the South, t he EnH t Then ca me t he bullot: C wfor d and. horses ot lire." j - ....... 1InUe "" u not tamnlar ., f ' 1 h an_ 'benrt nnd added : on u rlen, ~ or. ' ~I bu to and EIUah, 64 , Ad ams ..., , IIf p'~ o n 1I J RC' k son 1tIn What heavenareBuylllg each otherlIO'II' as wltIt tile pocraplq at. tbe UPDOf east "I hOPIl lhll l )'OU a re olse to enlJst E . C. IIlun noll nn d f nmil y were desperately "i!'lIinst the West. Arg uml' nu-, powerful, logical, iICrawfo r d was declar ed the nomlHee, t hey see' the Illl:"ht Reverend Harold , 1IIljIri. Be that t.be IO-UUed with us." Sunday g u. sls of A. C. Ballnrd II np R?berta Curllon. Blshop' of th.e Epls. logicol. lrue ~1\~ untrue, intrigue, but 08 votes oul of 2<U dhl not Rat"No, I am to louve my li ttle rebel fam ily, nent Mi nmisqurg, Rc u r ril o u ~ a t tack and vituperativ .isfy th e people- it meo'n t' no.thing, copal Diocese of J ~M lI, C!llmly,.rid. ~ ap~, tb8 Yank. tho "Upper." with j-IIU ond retum to • 'ew York." Mrs . • Iury Alle n hllB r eturned t o bicker ing marked t he c. on test up to a nd so the scrumble for office. wen t in from Ollt! pariah to anothor' In . ; : : - ~ clo J"Ou ~1~a-ro.;~"""0II"r\n\r-1l~ ii loiYr°,;u~:.r,;;;;m ~e_llT.-f.ri;ld",e,;;1;;;";-l\:;;I~Ih,; -her h o w e in I g b:lR911, alter spendiA .....:~---+.....1f-;ll,lw:-If-I~~ . · 14.....?~ e 118 'Y-Jecda-very-moment of t he count _ "'~ ' to t he people him l e , flyin g machine and he . d~ , gilt on b&- II week wi t h f riends hgr!). to-day. t he Western farm er interest Soon Ilfter t hll t Cr awford Was visits pl Ut~8 o lh'lI'wi~e inacces8i\lle. - '" n~ _t.a hind you." E Th .. h en. 80101000 tooll ot! th e 8Ilddle and Mr~. K. . . ompso n, w,.o . as was arrayed agalnsl the E astern in- strIcke n Wi~~ pora!~!9 , ~ ~o~to r havAll thn t mun can IMAGINE the)! W....... ·, ~' . . , u,tItened the blanket glrth. bee n at the McClellan hos pital ot dustria fo reee ing administered lobelia t il him. E vcan DO. I . ~. . - 'teeM. • 1eUllerat.e lie "'l'ba.I\ 'taID't over clean. bot now Xe nin fo r treatment twice r ece ntly, Adams ma de a deliberate ap peal ery possible preS8Urjl Willi brought t o Or. PeIITl, protellllOr of blo~ ~.... .. ~ JD. JOe IdJI both rtd~" anld bo. does ...,.. ; . .fIuImeiI .' tIIe:....... . h hnot impr ove liS taot nl we would to N ew E ng la nd and t ho North. beur to have him withdraw, but he nnd vital IItnt1stics at Johnl Bo~ , Soon tbe two were rldln", 8he III WIS . er to. 88YII (Jor pooulation 1killS !l7iJOoO.OOO in tbe Y8:lr.2iOO.,.m be lin. 'Idil' ' , front, u they bael ridelen 10;' betore Al bert C)ellver, wife and son and char gi ng that t he Sout h Willi doml- stedf nst1y decllned_ "His pltif~1 natlng the entire nat ion In that every condition" was a lluded tp by bl. IUp· "" 1 be our m.xlm~ and then throujrh"the ilha47, mallowed bush In Dlln Surface of Waynesville, Lon preside nt for twentyfour yea rs hnd porters. a nd denounce d I\S hypeoritlwlll come a dllQllne. . . .,. . .. Brannon a nd wile and MI'8 F an ny WIlli a ll duo re.pect ttl the come from the South Thl phase of III propaganda by his enemies. . It , TbIl1 dismounted ot Arnold'. door. Davis, of t his place, were Sunday af. 1,·a"n04 pr ofea!or. any cblJd 'ooWd, the ca nipnlgn Inflamed both North- W88 quite obvioua t hat witb f our (}An· rp ' ke lUi good a gllellS. (~ .-~ ieUoL : ' > . ' "For • time I ehllll have much to terno on callers on K. E . Thompson . Dr. Will!1UII Allen P.ueef reeenter ner 8 lind Sout hernet'll to II poInt. dldatc8 there wo uld · be no eleetion. elo, but soon I booe tor great promo- Dnd wife. -- a . . ,. -a.... ~ Uon RDd more leisure." he Ra id. that was reached only In t he Civil Cloy belie ved h e could clirry Louie. Iy t"ld , he AII".crican · MedIC!ll As. C!IIIIiM: ·"".... 'tab _ to JrFa:t po"''' "Tell ~e the good beWI," she urged. War. !l\nn. but hi! Cl\m l! eu t f ourth, J llck8ociatlon that ,po"u)atlon , would ~ "... '_-mlndecl men who "I expect to be t he haptll~t mon In • Tl!ach 1711,000,000. Ana "with that OWing 1;0 the ' dlflk ultles of travel Bo n fe d with 1\ mqjorlty over Adams \ aT,Ll ty 01 population, the .pressure ~ IUl'I'OUIided blm. A BrItlsb .-.. ... be III 'the A _ at. • the arm,.. aDei the mastcr of thIS Millie the speechmaking was of n station- greater tha n the eMlre vote at Cr aw. of existence will become 10 .stronr -..... and fOur husband." Dr ~ Ie youn g, mnn, wn o ImmeallltelY Iil'y char act er. The cu ndi dates hod ,for d ' or ,C lay thllt t he dCllth Tate, partlculirly S~~, ft' 'pela eould 110t "And YOl1 and Isban be as one," sbe relurned til his b d. Ii knew not tlla l no opportunit y to uPP'enr before thr . T he bitterness of th~ flgbt grew ~~~~tr:;:.~allty, o.crtalre th e . - IIIID DOW troaa theee roqb, . ~ MDde4 feUowa. Tbe 41e.1ie 1118wered. "Ood speed the day wben thos r lIes8 fe pl of Arn Qld wen olln try. Likewise, t he p.restl had in , intensity Pu blic fl gl\ts were In the !lames Of hell. E d I wulklng '811&. '1beJ demanded' the rl"'t at that may ~ ttuo 11180 at yOllr people occurrence. ve n ue s Tha t ia .another poor I'\ees. . .. and my people.... Blld Eomo premonl Llon. of wbnt lilt" no~ rebch ed - I\lIy widespread, ci 'Cll common f Under in tensive cultivation, as it b" error, IIJId Be limed her and bade her good. been gOIng on dO~'n 111e ri ver come up latio n, and whJ le ·It p)lIye!l an im por - we re ought , the State of I,) lIld he hear the t "llt of t.1lt1t purt In the cont est loca lly, chief Tlum cO)ne !1 dra matic e~ i sod e. is n9wal'understo!ld .Oft ~,-pI& nJgbt ri ntl return ed to his mo.ny tasks. to hllll? one could ~eed the ~tth'lI .. ~ ~ ,..., a dtllOQ e( New YotII Be bad "Islted tbo forts ond bl\lterles. thnt horRi', 1I0W ' ull ()l1lng Do rthwll rd uepend enc'e was plnced on t Ill) panl- '_Hc nry ,Clny a ppeared at ~~e ~r!!w-. Texas entl ro ,population! a nd that 18 at In the Be bOd communicated with e very OUt- through ttl~ valleys ODd over t il IIlUa phlet. 1'\le pn mphlet ee.rs wer e busy f or d . home olld entered. eraw~ord '!I leest 'lIi*,tllp;{ nunamd' mill jons. . townrd IUm with 6\'11 tIdingS ? No day i ll nnll day ou t. B fore the fi ght hOlles were blas ted. There wlil . \'9 a t housa'nd million ' 1II~1rll" b& Pl4 . .tcb trom bLs post mB plan wus complet(\. Abuut humll.n . b ~lng8 In THIS country, ( 'To 1!e contlaued, . ...... tltlt'Watanm. "III ot the ,en- midnight, wben he un d Solomon we.rtl more f, ' I' L1lls 111110 W~8 t he comfort wos en ded t hese organs ot P\!~ i(J!ty ; Inflnlte!y hl\Ppler, rlcber, botter ~ .at. ~ looked at Ita 1,Ing down to rest, two hOl1!emen of 'rl)stfu l ~I cep or the , 0", 9 ot home develol)ed into a mllss 0 f I'Ite rllturp 1_ _ _ __ , oft' In every w.y, than IIny popu. . . .... ClUDo up thu !'Oud nt II Kollop un d an d trl end~hlp und IlI'l'Qotlon, Now ttls of a disgr ucefu l lind, judged by pres-, la tion t l)at fJV,er has lived. .1_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _., '. ~oa .~ lee J lUll .DO COIDIDOIl felItop()ed at bls door. They were IIldes touch of his' wl tc's hllnd. t.he YInPIl:. . . . . . . lie, ....,de14. .:'Let me '80 OIl about 01. Woshlugton. They [ etlorted tha t lhellc 10011 In her eyes nn d nil ber ent-day standllrQs, highl y dishonol'8In 124 l'elI~ce 1800 'our remedieJ GTe population haa r lRon from ' 11,000,000 ij"!,~~.. tho general was spendln, tho night at . bnbbl ~ UhlllIt the coming lIInrrln ge ble cba rnc tor. to 112,000,000_ What 18 the Ulle of F e w oC t he pnmphlets prod uced GIl th t • \~ f Itmly lnIIeted .OII their rl«ht the bousc ot fl enry Jlliper, near th e were 101"lllre to hIm. HI) could not a JlOII CffPfTJ or gues8ing wbat " .... '1appen In ' the .~ ~ . him. He beran to be terry. an d woul d reacb CIlIDP about flI'Id ure It . WOMl t of all . he wos In a . were of II po~ i ti ve characte r: Mostwa y where Ulere Is no turning, B e Iy t.hey We re nllglltlve, devoted to atthem and worth many nOOl t Ito ,ews ' t would have ·IIjMdlt'jtIie(L H. thom lila w.teh BOOn next do),. been tmpoll8ibla l.o IfU4!!!II bl!w many _ timu 'he pNc,," ... a ' 01' rold ' aDd .an)' ''Thank GOd for tbnt. new!!, - sold t!le must Ito on, D e hli d hegn n to Irnow tack a lld villi6cal ion r ather tha n ~o people thli" country cowet ~eed be- ' James Pearson, . aoo& to 'be allowej! roung ma n:. "&>IOIllOJI. I thin k tllul tllnt he W OS RlIspeeted, The condllct gh' ing rensons why their f a vorite fore harveltbtJ machinery was Inof th!' scout, Solomon mn leus. h/it! , ·we eon 8100p bettor tool,bt." vented. Im~88 1\>le befo", too a t - I Bo% 191. DrUIIIlllilluJ. WlI. psl ert l'lo I be knew whnt Wl\ S sons , they in 'wh ose !ntercst t hey r ivlIl of the ,trllCltor, lack WIlli oWllke for aD hour think. '1p.llg paSSin A'. Arnold hud seen the lIldell of were wr it te n; should beelected z IDa lit tbe l!1'eat hnpplneS8 ",'bid) hnil Wa ~b1 n l!l on all they allle In. TIl!! son was o pen ly attacked 0 8 a mur. Lad~ 'of ~on't Jlmft populo. tallen In tbo mldlt ot bls troublell 11M tion. Men', . bl'llins wlll.always ! at Thornhill and his mell8ogc, HA chief cou ld not he tnr beh tnd tnem. He derer , a mili tary despot without re' provide for 'their ltoll\acM . But. '_ ;. lIe11J'd' the tw, ai des goinK te their cSrended to st nll d hefore him. COIl!- gard for t /lo Con s~ltt1tion er for law. a higher race, will -gradually duee few er children . '. 4D1lrte1'8. Then a deep Bllence t ell pa red to tho lorhlre IIO W beginnIng t or The J acksonites 6l'1 Ung .,heir acid at H!4~ ~~ J4~et1l!, the tbls mO il, the fntc . ot ,RI ll Scott on Crawford, chargjng him with be ing upon the camp, broken onl y by the D~'e!!se I)r!!~I!l1! 'cf~ will be Emergenciell 9f ~v~ :P~l Nmble Of dlalant thunder In tho Inoun. Rock creek 10 !.he wl/dllTlIO!l8, 1Ia4 a Fede ralist. Crawford was clenrly br<>~er) \lP by ~1i8 ftfihg machlne" foJ' Over Fifty Years. teklnw u~ to live (1'1 moun"ln j t/le fa vor ite, but t his charge hurt . t:atna wid the teet ot IIOIIl OO IlC pacing bcen 11 mercy. '. \ toPB, wtI ~re " ~ere ' I' frellh" (To' be eont!n.ued) Nort.h Cl!rolina a nd New .Jersey prac. Iq) anlI down bet_ IIlli hut nnd tile DOt eo be . Thete mnuntliJn~ II Cou~s, Colds, Cabrrb. b0086 01. the g-al. Be pnt on hlA foreYer uJjI~bl~ ., . . - - - - - ••- - tlcally deserted him, Still re .. Sto~. and ~ .~ Iuoa coec aDd IIlIpl)8I'II' end went ou," of BILL THE BLACKSMITH aay. t nlned the advantage. Aqcordlng to 4oora. (h~", ~ ' oU~~ custom the party wa. to caucus In - '- - - _ I _ ..._ - - - "WbG'W there?" be demanded. . More . automobiles up our Congress IIlnd' make the nominatIon. ~ditlo"", "'Amold," ~ th41 auwer. "TlI.kInI way thaft I ever aaw before. Crawford was confident. Adams, W. H. MADDEN SAYS• little walll botore I turn In. ~ , The New Oil Station look. Jock80n lind Clay wer e norvous. . There waa a weill'" patb.eti(! Jiots 01 TIle New all ' ~tioD . 10Gb They cemblned to attack the infamy ' ~blo ~ that .voice. lana I'ttlJIJlmbered • ood to me. for W .yn~.ilI~ ..
1. ' 11 .
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Farmers, Attention! Farmen of Wanen and adJolnlnr countlY mal' obtain money on lonl time loans, at 6 ~ per cent Intereat. Cost of eecurin8' thl same' " ••11' rea· senablo ,through The Federal Land , Bank. For lunJWr In(orma~on "lU on or nddre.. M. 9- ~AJt~, ~ uror, phone 81!l-X, LeI1~nqnt qh.\~
F OR RENT-Seven-room hoa .. South Main ' street. [nqube 01 J. Wilson Edw~r&, Waynee"fDe; Ohio. I '
-"'&- ----." .....
dONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK. chattels, also lIecond mortgagp • Noles bought. John Uarblne, Alle n Building, Xenia, Ohio,
,eaR w....
1 =
pro-- l
FOR SALE F OR S AL&-:'R emingtb IWnmerleaa ,doubl e-blll't:c! 12- &'Ii!,I:~ 11;" 0, • n ,tn A-1 condltion_ . W- A. . 8~ I1Ij , I: D. 6, W8ynesyllle, Ol;lio_ FOR SALE-Loeult' ~ltI In ~ condltian; .lso; goo¢ truck . ~
~p ~
Carey, WayneivUle, 0llio.
.- ~
FOR SALE-Baby bugp. cheap. quire at L, A.' ztmmennan~ poeery, '"ayneavl~le, C?hlo, . ':8 FOR SALE-An Idnda of Plume, $1.60 - per bUlbel, wblte' they lUt. K. E. Thompson, R. D. 8, WaynOll- _ ville; Ohio.. ' 86· , FFIOR SALE-Piano in good .orde,.. Inquire George McKeever , R.. D: 3. Way nesville, Ohio. ' 80-' FOR SALE-One team of hones; I wheat blnder;~l manure 8pre.der, 1 wagon; lwheai dnil; 1 tobacco letw r; 1 tobacco preas;' 1 com sheller; 1 e rllam separatOr. Inquire of Mra. Jomes Allen, at ~ ' 9+ f ,-t . Mlt'r..-....J:...IF-·zle Scott, TJ1!~ '!lq-~e~ W"fIll!I!v1Ut. OhiO, '., . ' .(I~ ~
FOR SAJ..E...-Two tre8)l Jene1 'Cows_ Inquire of Walter Jaime" R. D. 6, Wa)'1lOllvUle, Ohio, • . &27
FOR SALE-Fox Terrier Male Pup: ta O d LU.. --' 4 th8 leL n ~n Wm.l"" apo.." mon .o . InqUIre o.f Pbone 22-2 W&.7JleaVIlle, Oh19. ~.
I .,
FOR SALE-~Ight , Po1and~Ctiin. Sows,. will ~aftow la~t part of next month. Also, 1 male Hog, In~ quire of John Beach, R. Do' 2, Way~ nasvllle, Ohio: . - , a27 ~ , . For .$Ble-Qlermont Ran"r A.1 condition JB Chapman Inquire " " ' ,. • ..... . ~f l)Irs. Pl. S. Balll, ," :aynesvil1e, Ohio
- --'''''''
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ . ~~~ _ ~~~~~~;;~::~~:,~~__~~~~~~~__~ _ ~~.~_, ~ t ~_~~__~____~. ____ _ ~~
.~ •. THE ~ IE1J~E\~l} WED~S~~ E T! E~~ .. l N[l
11 8
Second Class
Mai; Matte r
(·lto . (Jorel!'"
\'f'r n
II Ir. UI1 Mr~. Il nh rt lIu nb I vc .I , n e" " F nrt! l'< dlln o. L. CRANE, Editor and Publiaber, Wa,.neIYIIIII, Ohio. ~Ir. 1" " •• It ~ . ~,d H r..\Wl. ('lItot . 1 Mr. a n'" Mr s: Fl"tl nk R og er~ u t end· COMMON PLEAS P ROCEEDINGS t:lllll'" t'.I lIl 1}(m~i Su r. da ~'. I et\ tho Wril{ht reunio n SU lIrln y. S ub sc rip ti ~ n Price, $ 1.50 per year. Tb~ e "uvli lio n fur t he now bn nk :I[n dnm eM ~ [ a r vnr t: t J lI h n~ an d Ll" J.. clwe wa9 {,'TU lI l .1 JII in ni ~y (. uilll,ng W .,6 l,o!!' u lO W tln" . d" y. o r u B" rg IIdl " 1'~ lO l Thill" Lill Y in t ht· 1 FOnll ij n '\dv , fl r~I II" R ei;;a~i'qJ ' \·e ..., ons , u dofe ndan t in thf' elise of l il E AMEI\ IC'AN !'Il F_q!'\ ,\ :lSOCtAT IO .\Ji .. II nr rir'tl Tucher i" vis itin!;" Gum Ci ty.. Murthl.l Sy m o ll ~ VB. t{en lt'y F . 8.\,111 ' hl: r frle nd , i\l iss ell m LJ e r~ , ill Co l. 1I1r. Levn SII!is lJu r y, "r C I "e la nd, ons, ot a I., to fil e an I.Imendmen t to umhu s. WII S a wee k·end guest of his wi fo n nJ her answer and cro. s pot ition. MurWEDNESDAY , AUGU~T 20. 1924 T he hnm!' l~ () mi ng held ut t h .. A. childre n her e. tha Symons , lhe plainti ff in t he sam e 11'1. E . c hurch Su nday, WlI S weIJ nt. Mr. lind Mrs. Ora l Surfae li nd Mr. coso , wos gron t ed leave to file her trn t!etl . an d 1111'S . Stevo Burllc tt we re Ger . ' r eply. Ca rlt nn LHu rcll Cl' culled 0 11 :\Ir. mll ntown vis itol's Sunllu )'. The C IU\O of Wi lliam Cor win Ca l. Wultel' Kenrick lin d {''''co 'arc IIO W nll d lIIrR .Joe Davi" li nd fam il y, on I Inher VS. Rebecca Marg aret Gall nher T U"8d ny. erecting a new hom\! f or Mr. Lee wus dismissed witho ut r ecQrd Up OII T he Fri£'nds of this comll lunity nrc Hende rso n in W" y ncs\·illc. thc npp licntion of th l' plaintiff. nlt(!nd in l" Yea r ly Meoli ng nt ' WilMrs Rebecca Dill, o f Ml 1I0 1l y. Canis Lynch, the tl ofendun t in the mi ng to n . PATRIOTISM IN THE ROUFH visited her daught e r, Mrs, J . B. J n ll c ~ forts toward Nalionol Il'rcatn (>ss. Chew BEECH-N CIwv1ing Tobacco case or The State of Ohi n \ ' 5 . Ca nis Mrs , Howa rd Grnham retu rn ed a nd fam il y a coup!,· of d a y~ la ~ t "The form er has his periods of fat Lynch, e ntered a plea of not gui lt y between smohe3. ,Genera l Calles, president-elect of and lean , but there neve r has been Frit! ay ' f ro m n pi aAll nt visit with wee k. whe n nr1'll ng('d up on indictment Day t on rcla t i,'es. Mi ~ s Cleo Mnntgo rnpry. of Dnyton Mexico, who will IIssum e the r e ins of a time when ho wus ju stifi ed in being Keep it in y~, desk dmwer and club locker. government in December , bofore sail- di ~co urage d. He ma y need new 01'- cha rgi ng him with int ent to defrn ud . 111 r. und JI[ ~ . Hn rold Hunis. of wa s th e guest of Mr. li nd 1I'1r• . Wal . Put a package in your pocket when you go to He i ~ he ld und er $1 ,000 bond . ing ror E urope gave to New York gnnizatioa, a chlln'ge in methods, or L ~ba llo n . -..i. itcd M r. !lnd I rs. Frnnk tel' Kenrick a nd family tho pas t the show or m ovies, or start for 0 ride. J . T. Trncey, A ud itor of State , week. L. II n rri ~ . Thurscl ny. Nomething of a new vis ion of the uccelill to now mllrk uts, but he cllnnnt Mount~ , Aud itor of War. Chas. S. Admitted and wclcon:rro where pipes and dganJaa North American Republic, bringing be placed in the way o'f prosperity by Mirinm a nt! Robert Cormony, or ~lr. an ti 111 1'S. Ever e tt Vi llars. o f cnn't '-"Dter. pringfielt!. ~ pen t th e post week Ilt home rath er pointedly the difference legislation or by governme nt loans. ren County an d Fred S. impson, Duy t on, we re Sun da y ufternoon clllI. A h L-alth y, plc-~t and l"COIlomlcal habSt. th e homo of IIlr. a nd Mr s. Wilhur between poliet lcians and patriots. Tho far mer wbo star ts from the hot. T reasur e r of Wnrren ' County, were t· ,.:; 0 11 r(' l(ltiv c~ he l'<!. Seemingly the fundnmental diffe r. tom can rely upon himself; his ind us. mude parties defenda nts in the cnse Mrs. Ch ,, ~ . Mud dcn spe nt Monday Clark. Preserves th2 t~ aida digestion. ence between the rebel and, the pa- try, thrift and frugality are proof of the United Stot es Fimi nce CO. V S. nfter noon in Wilmi nl: l.o n and called Clar ence Brown lind II l1 r old SiJ:!icr Qu1eo! DCrVCS BOO sharpens wits-wakh big exe.cuurc s pendi ng this wee k wit h the ir O il MrR. r. o ui ~ a Wr ig-h t While there. triot is the dllference betwe en suc- against all sinister circ umstances ; D. B. Robin so n, et 01. rives when they go Into actlnn.. Mrs. W . A. Me rritt. Mrs. Fre d g-ran dp nrents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim" on Cl!l!8 or ' failure if we may rely on the form is a steady mine of produc. Steadies the b"U-pl;rycr's b.,t and tho- gol&r"s ~ NEW SUITS n urlan, Mrs. Hor nce Stump and Ellri Brown. world judgement from time hnmem- tlon in excess of nil normal requ irewatch the winn.en. Harriot t Ell enwood has broug ht Cline were Da~v ton s hopper" Monda y, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Fox nll t! da u. orlal, running the gamut from Lenlne ments; f or it to be otherwise would SdmUI.'1t lOS g op. work and clearthtnking. ~ ~ and Trotsky througb our own Geo. mean that civilization itself is a Huit IIgninst J esse D. Ruffner for the A company of Boy Scouts hiked gh te r, uf Dllyton were SUlld ny gu{',; ts tired feeling" off the construc:don Job recovery of $ 1240. She .cla ims that throug h town Tu e~dny nfternoon. of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ben HllWklllllld l'I1l'S. Waehlngton and back Into the ageB. failure." ~b.oo- ~ , and factory floor. . . in Augusl 1023 'ahe purchased a cow 'I'hey a rC cllmping on Stu mp's fnnn , Ell n Copse y. Cl!l\es i. essentially a patriot-for ~\ La wy~, probibir:ed from wdng other the defendant who represe nted from Mr. und Mrs. R. M. Cla rk w{' re ca ll nellr Caesar's (!ree k. Mexico. He likes the United Statea forms ot tobacco, can't stand the gruelling it to be a breeder and a good milker. a nd appreciates its marveloua acMr. a nd Mrs. R ouer t Freela nd nnd I'd to Union, Ill. , SlItu rda y by the , grind of B long trial without n chew Of Sho has since found this not to be Mr. and lIfrs. Tiffin Freolnnd ntte nd. denth of th e lalter'" so n. in· lllw, Mr. complishments, but he i8 for Mexico, .BEECH,NUT the case and is seeking to recover cd the f Ull crnl of the fo rm er's sistl'r Nea l Du n ha m . and he Bounded bia keynote wben he tho oRginal price of the cow, $1,000, in Adams co unty, Sunday Severnl from here att end ed the . Fina dRdencv ~ atated as hill conviction that "the Indian must be exploited." Mia Gladys Roland is the owner of together with $240 expenses IncurMrs. Mary J . Finch celebrated her Fou lks r eunio n he ld at t he co unt ry r ed in its upkeep. worth-6Oc: hit The Indian in Mexlco--and be ill a new Ford roadster. eightieth birt hday Tuesday, Augus t home of Mr. and Mrs. David Pope, Ama nda Reed ift suing J . F. Snook 12th. She recl!ived approp riate t ok- south of town. there by the hundred thouaand- ' Mr AI Crew, from Spring Valley, Ie ~ • same quantitv aad Mr. and Mrs. G le nn C. J ohns and olBEEC9,.NUT tbat mad, lttbe works for ten cents 'a day. Time was a villlt{)r at this place l8l!t Fri. for the recovery of $1600 with ' 6 ens and good wishes from II largo per cent interest thereo n from De- circle of r elaliv'es and frie nds. SOli, Paul Turner, of Dayton, wer e was when he worked for three cents day. ~,~ the world. ' a day. Calles, wbo baa much of InThe Y. P. S. of Mt. Holly church cember 1, 1920. Hugh Thompson died at t he home Sunday dinner gues ts of MI'. an d Mrs. mfIItoA p~ eold in a single dian blood In bia vein. worked for met last Friday night at the home of of his children, Mr. and Mrs. Will ChRS. E. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Kes ler Graham and three centll a day, He never wore a Mias Anna Roland. PROBATE COURT Wri gh t, Sund ay eve ning Funeral par of shoe. until be was sixteen Mr. and Mrs. Israel Scott and fam· Robin M. Ha milton has bee n ap- ! ervices were held Illst Wednesday daughte r , Bernice, were Sun day ,.....!'lriiin. years of &&e. He baa paaed throqh Uy, spent the wcek-end 88 gue8ts of pointed deputy clerk of the Probate ~flernoon . Interment at Clarksville. gue sts of Mr a nll Mrs. Herman AlThe voters t u rn e d out we ll (or t he bri g ht, i n Da yto n. th.• llliU of aulrerinl' 'and wanL Th.e relative. in Dayton. Court t o fill the vacancy ca used by Lytle Sun day School will hold its e lection . Mrs. Cha s. Gruy is th e first net of his lIvinr- for CaD.a haa Uvlire. Rebecca Dill spent a few th e resignation of Ellen Cowan. eel a red·blooded Uf_iII his election days ~t week with her daughter, May T. Death, executrix of the C8- wnman to servo on an election board n nua l picnic at l;chnntz Park next .. the head of 1Us nat on--.nd the .Mrs Berne Jones, of Lytle. tate !If Hugh J . Death, decease d, was in Massie towns hip, she ho\'ing served Friday, August 22, and will moe t a t I!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~'!!!'!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!"!~~ HUnllln Ingenutt)i. n'llt for thapeople wi\1 prob41bly be . The Social that was to have been authorized to distribute t he assets a n the Corpora tion board both lor t he ch urch at 8 :3 0. Most of tho human IngenultJ- (s d&Mr. John Hill, ol Richmond, Ind .. the Apri l nnd Aug ust primaries. an alll1'tnl8~tton lolely I.,r )lexlco. held last Satur4ay night was post- of th e estate. Th e Aid met Thursda y afternoon has been ve ry ill while visiting at the voted to mnklng more ma~hln ery; TOri Call,s p!fUn], m",n. tbat be will not poned on acc?nnt of the rainy weathThe hearing of certain cloims 1Itt1!' to tMnldn/; out a method to lespermit the Mexicans to wo." for ten er. against the estate of James Alle n, at the usua l hour. The business can. home of his daughter, Mrs. Seth Fur- sen crime. na s , on Social Row. sist d mainly of paying hills. The until " ~f to fll\ PIe \lair,.. 01 Wan EI Sml~h has ' r eturned to deceased, was set for A ugust 2 9th. Mrs. Guy Routzabn entertained to J!!",e~ If 11, "'PO an Amert~n Pa- Dayton. Jiln. Smith remained ror B Benj a min T: Cole, g uardian of program consisted of a cyphering trjot an4 not , lIext~n ~trlot in- little lon.er Vlelt wit:h her mother Ethel M. Cole, m!nor, fil ed his first match in which Mrs. Ira Syferd was a ho use party last wep.k the Misses prize winn er; a beau g uessing contest Dollie Jackson, Mary Boitnott a nd fI~ad of saying thl' PtfOll!~an shall not Mra. John Levi account. WE GET THEM QUIC}CLY AND' rk trill" lIunr-!Be ~9 IIundown and Mrs: Frank Kellill and dau gh te r , The Lebanon National Ba nk and in which Mrs. Ethel Smith won the Nellie Freet, of Tippecanoe City. FREE OF CHARGE Friends bere are Barry to learn ~ecelve only ten ~en~ for .hi! labor, Leona, returned to their hom e last Trust o. wa s appoin ted a dministrll. prize a nd biting: an app le s uspended CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR of the serious Illness of Mrs. Catbfrom t he ceilin,g , Mrs Truman Gilbe would probably say tho American T llursday after spending a couple tor of the ('state of R. Van Tr EXPENSE' a. VACCINATION OF SWINE workinr /Jlan Bhall not receive four. of weeks ' at Bellmont. deceused. e 8, la m being the IO nl y one to perform !'ine Johns at the home of her d augh ter, Mrs. Bertha Thomas, in Centhe stunt. The refreshments consistteen dollars a day and loaf half of his Miss Dorothy Weichors, who is In n E. ClawMn executrix of the A SPECIALTY time. A real Patriot can do much to worldng in Oincinnati, is spend ing estate o f Lowis Clawson, deceased, ed of sher be t, I\Vhite and dork cake t erville. P hone 8 HA V EY BURG, O . Mr. and Mrs Cl yde Wharton a nd and iced tea . T he Septembe r meetmake living coats lIearable. her vacation at the home or her par· ti led her tinnl a cco unt. family, Mrs. E mm a Lncy, Mr , a nd - - _... - . ' 'O nts,. Mr. and Mr8. Henry We ichol'>'. Thom n~ . Brandon , a dmi nist1'8- ing will be held t h third Thursday Phono 44 . " Mrs. Rebecca Dill entertained at tor of th~ (-state of 1'. J . Thompson, of the mon th o n accou nt of t he Leb. Irs. Earl Young and fnmily atended the Lacy r eu n ion at F t. Ancien t , on BONUS WITHOUT TAXES . dinner ' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J ess(' deceased, filed hiB inventory and ap- anon fa ir coming th " second week. Sunday DUI, 'from Freemont, Ohio, and lIfrs. pruiscDle nt . . Evere tt Early and children and his W~en th!! Bol!!-iel'll' bonue waa threat Johl\ Zimmerman, of Dayton lind Geol''''e B. Fouche, guardian of iii .. t . . . W81 repeatedl y Mr. an d ~ nn~I" ...h e . S:P\ln~y ... re. E merson D'II I. Stanl ey" Feldcnmp, minor, fil ed his GEORGE RICKARD SAYS- moth er, Mrs. GeolJe Scott, motored "arn,~ tba~ th, bl\1 would saddle. an Mr. and M.r8. Jacob Zimmer' had for third account. I am more t:han pleased with to Spring fi eld last week and spent II FUNERAL DIRECTOR couple of days wit h the latter's sis"",,pop\\I!e bprtien on the hacka of the calle.n Sunday afternoon, Mr. and The court found the net value the pat~nage- of the com- ter, Mrs. Bryan Rush and family. peppI •• lind Immediately th, political Mn.. Kenneth Soward. Mr. and Mrs. of the estate of J . M. Conrey, deWaynesvil le, Ohio munity. If everything we Mr,. a nd Mrs. Guy Routzahn and HOW'S 'flIlS ? ,Ian !II In the .Waabinaton bo!ll RaT S~1't, 111'. IUId Mrs. Earl So· ceased, to be $6679.64 , and ordered =-nc daughter, Genova Mae, attende d thll sell isn't abJ5 0lutely right, we RALL·.s CAT.UllIU Nl F:DlClNE will poUtic were agitated to action. There' ".ret and IOn and Mre. Emma Keiter, a di stri bution of Bame. ' no whnt we ctnl m (o r 't- rhl ~' nu r SY~l em we,. u tnany vatu for the bonus u an of UJe lIcCiellan neighborhood. Thomas S. Brandon , adminl8trator will make it right. Make ua golden wedding of tho ' latter's par- ot C.. larrh or Dea fness cuuaod by fully Equipped for Good ents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Boitnott, Catarrh. there were blela . .for, the IOldie~ of the estate of T. J . Thompson, d eprove' it, at the New WayHALL' S CATARRH M:E D rC1N l~ c'l nService. lit Tippecanoe City on TllesdllY of slste or nn Ointm ent which QuIckly . votee. -The JegiaJation wu ~, d h . d nesville Service Station. , vetoed and __ =__ .1 ~ver the will of the CHARLEY GORDEN SAY.S- cease, was aut onze to sell certllin Relieves Iho cala r r hal Innll mmatlon. ani!' last week. Large Display Room --th property at private 881e. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark and ~Js I~~~a~ ~~~d l~;:'~d ao nT~~~C'M~~!~I~ r. Prelldent. Now facini e InevitaIf :r~ waDt some real truck Francis A. Hllrtsock, administTaBurrJle~s, fi:ua " •• Iolln/: to ro. lo.... norfamily' hlld for their Sunday dinn e r mal TE);ElrRONE ·7 l A Y OR NIGHT . ble, Wuhlngton adviHl' us that' the ;1 'H ' IGH sp BlIP . con oll lon8. bonus . burden be earrilld without ,01 ~ tno. . ' E'ED h ~vy, tor of. the estate of John W . H art- IIt C. H ., "1620 ,, • ; e teSS, prmt- guests, Mr. and M rs. El. J. Carnwn y, Botd by dnllflltOis ror ov er 10 Years. F. J . Ch eney A Co., Toledo. O. , any extra tax ' upon the people; tbat at the New Oil S14tion. sock, deceaMed, was a uthorizod to ing for r ecorder, $3.60; The Book Miss Louella Douce , Miriam nnd Ro· _ ~e ll certain prQpe rty at private sale. Shop supplies $3 60 ' Western Star bert Carmony, Qf Springficld ' and the eellt 'U be met by, takinr up • - • . " . , further alack In .... vernment waateThe proceedings of Francis A. s upplies for Probate Court , $12.00 ; Mrs. Mary Carmony. HartsOCk', adm inistrator', under a SIl ita S IC pH f 11.. A.'y Friends here arc r eceiving cards ful expe~dlture.. Probably It will n ry 2500' upp ~r A0.,B supKaue8f man or EXPERT KODAK f orm er order ' of ' the court, were ap- Sheriff work out that way. . 'GeneI1\l Lord, ' ., . . . , (rom Mrs. Belle Coon anti daug hterA, Film Finishing diroetor of the budget, has MOwn • . proved. " ~lIpp li es, ~4 . 82; H. C. Hamilton, 75, of DaytC}n, who are making an nuto OgNTIST andDeveloping in two yean, 'how m\lch can be acgal. gas; $14.86; H erchel F. James, trip in thQ ElIJlt . They will visi t 'And ~-O-ORAPHIST compJiahed alonl' theae lines. ReMr••nd Mn. Mal'8h1ill are MARRIAGE 'LICENSES r opairing trucks, $2 13.83; W. H. Washington, Atlantic City; Balt iby paicel, post •. , eenlly addresaJng IlL body of buain'81111 spending the week at the Rese rvoir. Luther Van Winkle. laborer, :Tron- Maddon .and Co., 32 saoks cemont, more, Philade lphia and New York. Quality work at a Bavlng. No Wllynesv1l1e. ' Ohio. " men he laid, "we w:l1I IIpend fllia Tile Laurena famiiy r eunion was ton , Ohio, and Mi8S Anna Mae $30.46; Blair and LeRoy, 28 tons .Mr. and Mrs. William Brow!' spent Middleman. Deal Direct. Service 'ld at '''e' h' om n pf vr an" M- Church, Franklin. crushed stone, -;23.08 ,' L. I. Pence, 'a couple of days in Dayton last week fast as the mails. All sixes, develtie Telephone 11', .~!lr 2 ,99 0,Q 09,QOO 1088 tlt.!,n we W, . .. - ~.. . .. P 0 M ~,,~ (I)Jt ' of ~h. ",eNUI')' In 1921, 'he Lee Lau""na, S~nda)'. Clarence Smith, lahoror, Oregonia, we ldi ng costi ng , $1. 00; . . on- with their daughter, Mrs. Frank oping and pri ntin g, 40 r ents, excep t vest pockets, 86 ce nl:$,. Write ,lor InOFFICE: HA rHA WA>Y" BLDG~ lAat f.a, trIJII fro.m blid.et control. O. H. ~OK., and family, Mr. and and Mrs. Effie Belle McKinney, Leb- fort , e~pen ses for July, $8.82; Gross Woolley nnd family e'er their de- formation or se nd mon ey to In three yean Wt have eut the orc!r- Ml'II. W. V" Lackey attended the Med- anon. and Baysoro, lumber , nalls, etc., $60· parture f or Florida. Mr. and Mrs. ON MA IN STREm' nail' ellpenee~ Of the governmnt line '~er famUy reunion near Samantha, .00; Ed Grady, bridge r epairs, $9- Woo lley and children are motorin g l' balf." , Ohio..'tunday. · REAL ESTATE :rRANSFER~ ' .60; Welch a nd Dakin , s.flovels, thru and expect to s tay a yenr. 306 Re1bold Bid •. , OaYtOD, ObJo. •' Tb1e I. a remarkable .tatement-- ' A party of friends staged a pleallSophia W. BriQgc to Lourena Gin- spikes, etc. , $ 13.55; H. S. COnovcf, Mr. and Mrs. William Rendell and \ a notable achievement. The saving' ant surprise for Leon . MlIIs, Friday gerich. Z lots in Franklin. $1. nails, lllntern g lobes, ete., $8.46; Ma- Mr . and Mrs. Harry Sigler and so n, of t2.000,000,OOO means the ." vinl': evening,. ~ml~d[ng him of hIs birthWilliam and Dora La1Jlb to Martha SOIl Lumb er Co., lumb er, nails and Harold, of Carmont, ~Ir. and Mrs . ~OTARY PU8UO " . . ' of half the gold eoln and bullion In day anniversary. : and J ohn S. Lawrence. Lot In cement, $301.73 i Stakalti Mfg. Co., Edd Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Leon I Willi Dr.lwn ' . Estates'settled the 'Oniteli State.. It" embraces the ' Dr. McCray ~nd family, R D. qol- Franklin. $1. 1-20' yd. roll tracing paper, $4.00; Wood, of Franklin, Mr. Sam Branden ~. " . '. , 'I entire savinga :'t -12,1I00,OOO' depoel'- lett IPId family were among th~se Jesse Mentz SO E. S. and Ollie M. John Law and Sinn, gas oil and re- berg , of Germantown, visited on SunWaynesvUle. 'Ohio ton 'Of'the natlon,. ' savi bp banke -w:ho . ~~ncied the Stanfield reuDion Milton. Lot in Franklin. $1. , puirs, $22.19; W. P. McCarren shed day with fd r. and MI'II. Simeon Br<!WD , . i for . a perIod of twenty morttM. It at Clirkavtlle !JuDday. . ' E. S. and Ollie M. Milton -to Jesse rent for July, $4 .00; L. G. AnderEighty relatives and friends parNational Bank t coven the ' value of an tile aummo.' : Mrs. '~. W. ' Collett and others Wl'rf! ahd Ma~arct Mentz. Lot in Frank- 80n Sons' Co., su pplies, $1.60 ; J . took of tho sumptuou8 dinner at tho r blla, motor trueu abd moto~ cv~Je8 h.OI~..e. at a ehgwer tor Miu Lila lin. $1. • ~ . Lingo Hdwe. 00., JI\lppllea, $50Miltenberger Reunion Sunday, held Oat" iOur· ••1". with Jr." .! produced In tbe United stafu in 'the Inwood" W;edneeda y, More than 7~ Claude and Adah Heath to Sophia .66; Banghs 1l1 ldl)tor Co., balance 'on at the beautiful country homo of Mr. ,; year 1922. It I. in ellce.. at all the , ~NC!ns.. ,were p.r eaent. The gifts Bridge. Lot In FI'!lnkliri. $1. Co., supplies, , .20; Ernest Butter" . •• li.r ac tioD or c harge:. _ . and Mrs. Frank Miltenborier west of dividendi paid by,all the railroadt In . were uselul and beautiful. Sarah D. Blag~ to George E . and worth, repairing wa sh out, $l8.55;, here. Re latives from Darke County, ; the United Stat.. III' fh·. yea ..... . it' '''' Donal~ ~!Vt!, ' ''wrn~ Sunday Emma Myel'!!. Lot .ln Franklin, $1': Alonzo Carter, dl'agging, $7.60; HIU'1>enti~t MIa(nisburg, Midletown, Franklln and CENTERVILLE, o H I~' > " . .figurea up more thail two ~~r fNl~ ." t11~1IMn'. vjllt . with relatlyes A. J . and Viva AntrobuR to Ian Whltacre, Itlmber, gravel snd Springboro were 'present. , .... .:•• At ' hi';. ~ ' . ",,,'a 111'81 acC!ompanlod by and Adah Heath. '2 lots In Frank ' atone, $13.13 , Lebanon Garage and Phon •• No ..2 , .:. (Waynesville Natiu.Ral ; nau wmea t II VII Ut l'of- ' 'He , . ' -, -325' , 'fri" 1"1, . '.' > • GOuidJ), .U~d Compton, who lin. $1. '1" , .PertlJJ18 If ttl, poopl, come ' to "'!U I\!end ..veral days there. . 1Sd.,. lavt",,' In tel'1lll tbay "", !lnd ~ra. W. <l. ' Smith ~OMMlSSIONERS PRoc;EEOINGS , ;- .tan'~ th\y will alao let th, Wladon; &t1U'day for !, vi!lt with Mrs. SmIth's Billa allowed: H. C. Reit; , of kttpl~ pa~na~.p ' ~u.t , of tht bro'tller, ' ~he~actady, N.' Y. $2.70; Scofield'a Grocery; ", eoOno~ ,"1i_ .10 ..."...", met .R~~l ' Smlth are ~ndlng $4.00; Bernard Ba~ry StatIon, aup'1aadlre$~'" ,'. i , ' with telativea Lln WIII"!l~ng- plies, $2.75 :, John Law and-Son, 8UP,". t '. _. . , plies, $16.00; Morro\\, BraJlt, sherWlilliJaPd Fleck and chlldren" Iff,. board and washing for 'JlrillOnel'8.11 PI ·.. \,IIln~~n. pelts 'in the )lome, for July, $102.68; We are. ,~,.m. \vh.t lot 'July and .W. A_ Turner. Drug Co., euppllea, 'I.C)~ ; . L. AUluat eleU"• ..,.. aDel ' will be in the ~~iI:,J,ni.i\'laJI1p(lDd zer, J?holOi of c~lvert, ,4.00'i m..-k.t at al['tima. Pont fail ,to ret ~noae1bbl'; tee! 'of Public ) J\.(falis, 'w~ter o,u r, off.... before We alao ' for C. H., $10.00 ;_JohllSQn arid atore. Wheat for 'flour. eSch~ ..e, and lion, supplies;' $S,8. 75 { W:elltem
I::ntered at the P08tolficc' ut ,wayn(!sv iIIe,
, I
t he sick
1II!d~u1~ '. . 'botv
Harveysburg Fertilizer CO.
--. __.- - -
II Walter McClure
W . I
W. F. Coals·
F • T' ,. M··" art-In
p,. John ·W.· Miller'
'.' h, ...
iou ,"II.
J:Oad . Jiotic~; .,8.00; Diviston lot IiUJlIPOI~\- erlpp)ed nq6.(,~; Dept.
support of' teeble' ot ...Cleveialld, for a - mc;', .$U28.50, - - -::.."....- ,lIDW'IIOIII" wu a very quiet anen~ lee and ..Coal C9i, ~¢e for aert1lnl c~n~ on ' '. ""_ E. J. InwoOd. , fitendl ,nd i'eJi-
n'~I' • ahem.
'Iumelle the beat ~elea of'flour. • We have oD'haaei • fan line of FEE,Dr .I~E"CE, POSTS, 'S~WER TILE, aDct COAL;r ud c:aq m'ake you attraCtiVe . ~---
., ,
L b nr
, III):
IthelItr. 'nct'
""'3 in
C ; \\{' II·
'P nding
i ~i lor"
'I ul' e ami
lus t Th urs day.
1\11'. Clnrenee Allen li nd fnmil ~' ' !,(' nt SI' ,dllY wilh Mr. Merit Tel-ry ard iamd y, uf Flntfork .
the Red < pillY
MII~"n (~ l'UlIg(' AII .I Funn Bu r('lIu arc hnldillg th cir nnuua l I iCllic todny.
not try
~1I'1' . Wnlter Mt'Clu r c wer"
\ lI!o s h~ r ~e e i n)!
MI'. lind Mrs. Jn 5.
~·Iu t...q IML \\'('l,k.
lInrri missing some- nnll,1\lr.Tuost! II)/. thing ·fine if you d<;> Tht'
rc ·Ui
in t hi ... '\' I"~" in f' p lt1mh1t ~ with h ~r n.unt,
nnd 1111'". IUIY Mil l" Ilwv\l tl in tI'
IncH • .II.
.'t ~I·,,} al l\· .:3 tr.
. II···· til'all kll I olllt 1.I' r
P ' I'UI'(, In hpcn,1 Lnhor Day W:l ' n 'llV ille,
" '11min)t ton i:t t o h HV n n(lw C,lllll ~ i ~ I1Pur ill -t
~Ir . lind 111 ... F mnk 1'11" n '.tten d,'d l he F ll)'0ttl' ('nu,. ,,· ]"11/: Wns hincI " n C. II. , I",' '1",,,1" I,,·.
try (' Iuh, Sn o w Hil1 , which
Ethyl Gas
LillIe l\1"ry .'a .'.-t· ie lIlt ~ c"lB o f lwr I!ra n ci par(,Jll '" ~. all t ~ I ", \V nl. M{'AA". E lliott" rig ht nnd Ethnn " ha m. II f Ro u t '. :'" .. "' ,. <.
cl1 mpl ('I;"n.
Cran e Ilttended a r art y in Lehanon Snturdayeveninl!'.
I(; .
111'. L. n. 1-1 ,,11 :I' t\ '1IlIily relurn. cd hO I1l " • lI· ll. !lI\. n f ll'!' :.cn{li ng Mr. Ben VanTn',", son of the late ten dllY ~ w ith lc l,,, ,·,',·, in ; rih (' lIs. Roy VanTress, of Los Angclc~ , Cnl. . l(' rn Ohio. was ill town one day last week. Mr. Wilson E.lwllrd~ 1011' fnmily Mr. N. P. Uiutt wns in incinnnti and I\l r. II lId ~Ir " . . ' leClure on Monday and saw th e 17 inning 8P(,l1t SlIll ol ny lit th ,' S." •. ]"I . HOllle Red. Giunt gamc nt Redl nnd Ii hI. in Dayton.
at the new
Mr. lint! Mr~. J. artwristht a nd In lIg hter, tiM ftll 1\ JUli et, ent .1'lIi\w n dinnor ~ .. ~urday eveni nll', ~l oTl W . I II", tili. e :tell Bis hQP, of Xenia, ~ I ... ·h,.~. SnU; rthwuitc hn~ be It • Mr. Edwnl'tl Uurt"n w ~ In in l lila'. •T. E . Junney allll 1\11'. li nd Mr .• II/I d lice (III'. quit, \ J.o cialn M! (Il l T u e,(!\1y. Lon'n Hlld ley nt~elll\\!( 1 Y{'lIr ly M '·l'f · Subs rihe for the Miami Gazotto, ~t r. 111111 Mr~. h i'll ,I , HILl!rlhwulle . iug III, \VilminglOll "u",IIIY. MI. nml Mrs. Iyd~ o lemn~. of Norwo(J{i, visited 'Ir. nnd Mrs. J. 1I. 11Il \" mov d to IJnylon . (,lemon IR.l Fridl\Y. ~l r nlld ~I r~. · F. B. lienderson und JlI ... Nl!il MOUllls , o f Morrow. Mn fll, n il ~', \lere l1nylon visilors 011 ];'1'1 _ (.f Audi to r Mounls cfllled o n f riend s dny .. here 'I,turelny nrtcl'noon. t. Louis , ~lrs. ;\'lirnnda Cmn e, of rune ond i:o' \ i:-. i tif1~ ~lr~. l\tauuc Mr. Fre .l ole IIn .1 fnmily ~ rl'nl Ten Acret o ( go o d Inn d, nea rl y o !." W, b ui ld iltRI, conti,tinr o f II Sunday :m el ~ "undlt )' \I ith .. ~Int i\· ,'" fami l ~· . .i ".roo Jn ho u a ~. o luct ric li gtl b . I[!.r&, o to bac co Ih~ d, barn cbick~n nt l\lt, Orab. Bruwn . unty. ~I i ~~ E"tht' l' Je ll'ri cs, of Oregoniu, h OUle, fruil , g ood wat e r, good lo,i.a.tion, and priced rii ht . Scn' ral fr um hc.re :lltc'llllctl Ihl' i .. \' i, ili n ~ ~I i"" ~ l lI r~a rct Edwnrc!s, Two ere l , with aix-room ltoue6, bnrn 0. beautiful home . J ncob-Enrnhllrt. rcunion lit ~ p"ill~' tl,, - ""l·k. One hundred acr"I, ("ir buildingl, $7,000.00. bo l'O ~ chllu l )!I t" ulld ~ IHst Sun,IIIY· :lfr. nnd ~I r". (,h n l'l l' ~ All" rso n Eillbty.uillht ftcr "., good lot of buildinll'l, $7,000.00: elltra Miss Gerahl in(' Culter. of (' lnl'in. ulklHI('d the I\'riJ,: hl I't'uniull III Cen · good t C1"m • • nnti. IS spcnt.linJ! lhis \\' t",.k thu a.:\I(I~t tcn Hie, ~u lld !l Y· ·{,f Mr. nll(l .M,'s. Fre(1 C,d,' nn d [Illll' ill'. 1IIr~. Guy I\ihl,· .. nn a! (' hildren, IIf I1n,'lll n. :\1',' " pcnd in)!: Ih~ wcek with ~lr . 1111,1 MI·~ . n t,h"rl Eilllorl' . l' Mr •. Eu ph(' tlIill lI oll)!:h. WhenUey, Ky ., SP~lIt :O;un<lll)' \\llh :,\ I b~ I1tll'o thy .'U t'kl'l', of Duylull, ~Ir. and Mrs. ({ O"S II llrl,,"'k Bn J flllll ' 'IW lll u f p w cln~T :OO In !"t w .... ek "ith 1\lr. Phone 61-2 ily. Office Aman Building anti ~lr ~. Chn:o-. !\ IlIic, t '!'i IHl. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO T h" Burle y T(lbacco Growl'r< ' .,. )11' . ~IYI'''1I :-;. Th(II\) II" , IIf ({ollle 4 . soe iulioll . of L(' xilll!'tfln: I\y.. nn· (' recl ing II \\'nr"h o ll ~e lit lIi ll ~ l> o l "' , spe llt tlw wceh ' l'nd wilh Silri ng Vn lOhio. Ie) [dl'lIds lit I ndian Lnk('. l'rcplll'll 10 WII),]lC. "ill .
Labo'!' .Day
J' Il(! O \' to liP nd ,"n: 1I ~" IHIl.
"Broken Chains"
.~~Burning Sand,"
ETHYL GAS and lighten your auto troublel.
Mr. an d Mrl,. Carl McClure and dnu ghter. of Dayton, were week"""d guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Me. Clure. Mrs. McClure and babyouug hter are remaining here for a weeks "isit.
The, Greatest 'Show Ohio Has Ever Seen!
The annual re union of t~e Farm · ers clubs of Warren Co unty will meet nt th e First Presbyterian churc h al Lebanon, Thu rs day, August 2 1. The L udies Aid, of Lebanon , will furni sll the dinnel'. A good proJ,:rnm hns been arranged for this dllY.
()QtI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . til lb. aennty-foul' )roan the State J'atr baa bMD 'ID 'a:IatoDCO, tho 18.. Oblo Stata Fa.lr ' wlll be
l\'\ iss Pearl Hiley, daughter of lIl l'. George E. Rile)" of Rid geville, went lohl·oug h a very serious ope\'ll ti on nt Christ hospitnl , Cincinnnt.i, Tuescla \' of last week, but lit prese nt is getti llJ)' along li S well nil can be expectQd.
ell.,. _
.tapd III 011....
MY., full da,.. .......ta ...Itb tile fln.t.t n:hlblta and
u.."aso.t oI4borah
lKI"rtaI-' JWOfJ1'cun over undertakea. It .WSII be a ~p.nUe pe.p&nt cit all tb¥ Ohio .tandta tor.
A SEVEN DAY PROGWI . . . eM . . time ill blllto.,.•• M.1l-da,. protJ1'UD baa " &rrupd. <>S>-IQIr BundA", A,..ut ... w"b reUltOun aorYloo8 aDd APPrDllri&te m\lljla,
1M Btat.. J'atr 'WIll contin...
Uae ......
to tb,
of I&tlU'daJ', AUA'\I8t
All dteG81.,. !>uDdlntJ IrI"UIl baa not onlr pu t
tor QI'IUI1I9 a.,4 Club
t be
I!J'OUII4a In 'but COndition. but
baa ma4e poeelble the Iar1"!8' .howlq 01 IIv. .toel&. !loge,
.bee" on ..cord. tlla DOW f&cJ1JUe. Ioe De" CatUo
8Jtblb,,,,oll 1M111I4i. . In tile countr". N_ . .tu.. .. tile domlllltlo <1.-
~ tmDI'QVM tIlClUU..
The Alexnnd.er Reunion ",as held Sunday nt , Linger Longe r camp. There was a !rood atLendance, nlso a fin e progralTl. The reunion will be he ld at the same timc next y ~ ur and at the snll1e pl.a ce.
The OIltartalameDt fI'OlP'&lIl bu lIS"!). boae II........ 4&,. 01 'ut hone nu:1IMr
nnd liner "no"artltloDII tor maChln"'r, tractor, and other 8110",a. camplete .. 1101(1 or uxblblt. 110_ betore ap-
DAd. W
of automobile oventl plO'tt(l, • &>&rfeet .peed PI'OtJ'I"aL BIIDc1 CObcarU., blf'Podrome aot. and ether epectai featuroe pro'f1~ UI _(\jn. ftood 01 amlJN. menl evenlnll
6ho.... ~_Y1I .. '."orlt., Ie blwav LIld better. whll. tho _mAlI
u •
Ioe th. ~t elaborato .v.... lNldortakeA t.,. . . ,
I'.... hloo.N
StAtoII i'tb\
~p (' n t
. a t ur-
Cas Station on North Main street.
l\1 rl:l. i\ lice Ie I< i ~e~' dllY an d S undny with
We'll .how you..
'r_ursdBY, Aug. 21
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Whitnl.er, I1f Mrg. AllIl·li" \\' i lll1llll' :0"."" d home Jllr. 1·1011101' Dt'I.therll!(,c. wif .. und Centervi lie, spent the week-end Sunday C\"'II ! 1": I I ft I r n \ ,-'r' C' njoyn· with Mr. and 1\Irs. J. O. Whitnker hie vb·it wi t l. rt·L.! i -" C f In Burn es· daughter, of Cincinnat i. wcre 111 li n· dny ~Ilc sts o f ,\1 r. R o"~ IInl' tsock lind viii und C, I ,: !:~hb . and family. fll mi!y. ~l . " l·I ",,·,. 1\1:1".n, wli ... has just Save your old carpets and rugs " AI" Wolsefe r, mnnlll!'('" of th" And get "WearweU" Rugs made. gt'nJ1 lntl'd fn m It I ~ ine~d C t lIege in Send for prico list. Franklin Rug Day t Oil. i·: h ~I " lo r 11 t" o ,. ,'oks va· Van Tress farm s sout h (I f Way n.·" cation with ,,·l n l ' v~s. ville, hn~ retur ned t o his home in Co •• Franklin. Ohio. Cincin nll ti. Mr. llll ci MN; . Verne I1 " Ul' enterKisses Mary Margaret Unglesby Mr. nnd Mr~. J ohn Collett nnJ Mis. and Esther Henderson and Messrs. tninud lit d inn er 'und n,' , Irs. EuForrest Hough and Nelson Watkin s phem in Hn lll; h nnd _'la s. (. uy Kib- Mnry Collett, of Ouy to n, spent SUII. ler and children , o f nny t,, " day afternoo n with Mr. Qlld Mrs . .1. spent Sundny In Cincinnati. C. Hawke . Mr. nnd Mrs. R. G. Cro, s lind Mrs. Messrs. RU8se.JI and Leon Salis!IJI."~.~i~" Mr. and Mrs:"" J .' O. Cartwright lind bury, Wnlter Burnett, Hnrry Prnter Lindley Ml!ndenhllll lin nded the Warren Coun ty W. C. T. U. meetfnmil~' and Mr. S. L. lI rtw ri~ht will and Emmor Baily,· Sr., attended the inl; lit Maineville. lost FrIday. lenve for ChnttunooJ;a. Tenll .. t odll Y. W8lIhington C. H. Fair, Friday. for a week's visit. Dr. F li rt·. 1\11'. a nd 1IJ . Howell Mrs. RiUa Brown, Misses Anna and Mr. nnd Mrs. J . J . Fromm and Mr. Marne Brown and little Miss Julin Pierce and E lwi n Chandl er ttonded CoD... Moo.... Malcolm Mae- Brown, of Centerville, were Friday the fune m l of Mr. Otto lo'arr at and Mrs. Chas. Chambers, of Day ton. were Sundny g uests of Mr. J ohn guest.s of Mr. Ed Thom8ll nnd family. South Char leston, last a tu rdaY. .......r alul Eme.t ToneDce. Fromm and family. The Warren County Pomona Mr .nnd Mrs. Walter EI7.ey, M~. Mr Walter El zey, oC the Zimmer. Gmngo will muet at the New Gym nnd Mrs. Kenneth El zey a nd Mrs. 7:00 a .nd 8 :45 on Saturday, August 28, one ·week N. ~. King, of· Indianapolis, Ind., mun grocery, nnd Mr. Kenneth Ell,,), earlier thnn u!<ual. Grangers Invit~ spent Sundny at the Zoo a t Cincin- of the N. C. R. , Dayton, IlI'C ('njoying cd. th eir vacations this week. nati. RECULAR PRICES Mr s . F lo Creagor, daughter, MilMr. and 111 1'1". Clifford And er so n Mr. P erkins Davis, w ife a nd Ilon, wh o have been visiti ng Mr. nnd Mrs. drea and 80n, Leavitte, oC Dayton, and dll\lghter, o f F ra nklin. were Ihe !iff Bun)ett and f amjly, returned spent the week-end with 1.1r a nd Mrs. guests of ~h. lind Mrg. W. II. Allell to their home in Ranco cas, N. J ., Fred Cole and family. MIS. Crea. and f8mily, on Thu r~dny eve nin!:. lus t woek. go,!. is Mrs. Cole's eister. ~Irs. Lidu • mith and Mr~. Ella Arn old rc turl:Jl d hom(' L. A. ZIMMERMAN-SAYS::: ORANCE RAPER SA Y fr olll the Dillsboro . Ind., 811nntorium, The nicest impr ovement Thero's plen ty of I: ht on wh",.e they ha,,!> been t aking treutWaynelville hal exerienced North Main street a t 1 e new ment. They arl! both very llIuch im· •••• Milto. Sill•• Dd, Robert C... in. pr \·ed. for many a day is the New Oil Service Station. Use
Lllllvr I)ay
II i~ ~ Doris Sal is hur~1
is vi:" iting Mr~. W .
h{'l' g rundpnrollt s. ~Ir . linn 1'. !:;lIlisbuI'Y. in leveland. ;"Ir. IIlId Mrs. umbu s , we re
.'1 r.
Ri.lge . of Col-
w(' t-k-C'!ul
Yi ~ i'tor s
1I11d )Irs. lII"hloll Ridge.
~Ir. nnd Mr". J ohn Leo nard and [nlllily. o[ Kings Mills . spent Sunday with 1\11'. lind 1111'S. III Burns.
building is hereI •
Mr. and Mr~ Fred Snow, of Spring Valley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. \\' . J. Bnke r, ]l[ond ay aftern oon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Snckett and fnmilY . Mr. and II1rs. Lee Earnhart and douj!hter, SIle nt Sunday nt the Zoo.
H ow
out $1 .800 in rent. .Tbu interest on ... _ _ _ _ to $5,832. At lhe end 01 eicbteen ~ he ta. paid b _ .... interell $16.632 L'Id do<cJ't own ...... 01.- at • rwIL Tho same men coukS have' boo",_ • bome fer $5.000, financ:ed II. paid II oul In ....tem y...,., h CNW t3,OOO .... than what he paid I'll lhe rcntIiI basil-and - * I bMao the home to ahuw rer his efb1s. After you have a home 01 your -n. J'IIQ find • 1M years go by th llt )IOU hRve • lot more In h Itwo juIt 1M building materials. You NIYe comfort .net~ J'IIQ haw memories and happlnes. Yourchllclfto ..... ~ real to look back 10. and 10 lmpIre them. after the)' pow up.. - Your dealer CIUl Iwfp you. He knowtIlhe bu!Id"'g ...WW·
!Ilrs. Mar y Adams. who has b en visi ti ng friends in Wilmingtoll and ntten cii ng Yen ri y MeClinA', arri\'ed home Satu rda y evening .
!'lr. nll d Mrs. hilS. Grey enterwi ned lit di nn er Sunday, Mr. nnd ~I r• . E. F. Earnhnrt and fnm ily ane! ~Ir. u nd MI'l;.. .1. K . Bake r, of Middle· town. Miss telln Bi hop, of Xcnin, whn has been the house guest of Mr. Quincy ons a nd f a mily for the post week, r eturned to her home Sundny evelling. Mr. and l\Ir~. Clarence Rye entertained at dinner Thursday, Mrs. Arms Ellis, Mrs. Mllry Wnterhouse, Mrs. Eva Earnhart, Mrs. Sls'ie Ellis nnd duu g hters , Mrs. Alma Lefl'erson nnd dnughter and Mr. and Mrs. Cha rl e~ Bllis an d so ns. ) 1rs. JUIllC ~ I( e rri ck hits received hI> ~ ad new" that. her sister-in-Inw, :llrs. l:inm Bench has hlld her seco nd <troke of pnrnl YR is at the home of her (Iuught I". MI·S. Elsn Childress , of Springville, Ariz . Her death is oxpected at any time . 1II ,'. Alfred Wright, of George S,·hool. Po ., arrived home unday evni ng to spend the r e maindor of the month with his paren ts . Dr and Mrs. A. T . Wri ~ ht . Hc has been e nrolled in th e ni ve r<ity of Pennsylvunia f or l hl! " ummel', wher e he has been working on la is Mus ter's degree.
GEO. HARTStt:)CK S~Y~' A good thins ~or Wyne.. BERT HERS"EY SAYS- ville. Get acquaUlted wil~ 1 am here 10 pi. . . ....... Gift
me a ctllat the WapeniJJe
Serftce Ita... .
1ang have )IOU ties! peJ'inr NIl' Left . . . . .
an ...Jtamplo a man who pays $SO a - " Nd. far ..,._ _ hUlen)'ear&. In Ihat time hit trill lIMe .....
II1 r. nnd ' Mrs. Arthur Bogan and ~rlln ddau A' hter, Be tly J ean. oC Xenia s pl·nt Su nday wilh Mr. nnd Mrs. Or. I'ille Grny.
1I1i ss Ruth Tomlinson r eturned home lost wee k from the school that s hl! hilS bt'c n lltlcnrung through the " Ummel' lit SWllrlhmore, Pa . . While ill tlfe ~;" ' t, . he spe nt some time at lh(' ~ ca"hore nt Occnn City, nnd visit. ed mUIlY places of inter est. Washing1111'. J. B. Rich and family, Mr. ton , Valley Forge nnd Philadelphia Earl Hockett a.~d family, Mr. and were included in her vis it. Mrs. Fred Braddock, Mr. and M1'8. Mr. nnd Mrs. T . S. Hardin delightSeth Thomas, Mr. Ed ThomRR nnd family, Mr. Ira Rich lind family, Mr. fully ellterlained at a picniC dinner' Frank Braddock and family, Mr. lind Sunday, MI'. and Mrs. Harry Truax Mrs. Harry Smith pieniced near Huff· and Mr. und ·Mrs. Kes ling, from Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. ~idn.ey Conl'ad man dam, on Sunday. and family, from Ludlow, Ky ... Mr. Mrs. Annie Sheehan entertained and MI·!<. Hershel Hutton, of Ludlow, Sunday, Dr Ril!hard Miche ner and Mr. Leo Lawson, of Covington, Ky., wife and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Til')noy and fam. of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. 'Edwin ily, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard -Tinney Chandler, the Misscs 'Elizabeth nnd nnd family, lIfr, and Mfl!. · Robert Ruth Chandler, Miss Pettet and Mr. Werntz and family and Mr. and Mrs. ' and Mrs. Clifford Himes, of Center- Metrel Tinney. :ville. Mr. Alvi~l , Earnhart and family were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs, 'Quincy Gons daughter, ,Miss ,4.11ce, entertained n A very pleaSllllt occnsion took nUlI')ber of their mends at their. hosplnce 011 the »all grounds 'Inst' Sat... pi table !lourltry '- home ' last Friday urday evoning, when Mrs. Bartone evening .in honor of theIr house g~est entertained her company and Mr. Miss Steil", Bishop, of Xenia. The and Mrs. Lou WoolJey, of Xenia, to guests were: Mr. and Mrs-. Sid Elljs, a six-o'clock dil1n er. The enter- M~. . nnd Mrs. ,R. M. Haw'ke,' Mr. and tnin men t was given on account o.f · Ml'I'!. RUll8ell' SalisburY, ' Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Bartone's birthday anniversary ~'. Gons, Mr. nnd 'M rs. Beft Hartsock, being 0)'1 this dny. and Mr: Woo,ley,'s Mr. and 11\lrs. J. O• .CartWrig~t. coming this week. The occasion was dllughter, Mrs, Chall. Lefferaon, the a gaIn one, and 't he ditlller WIlS ;erv- Misses Stella Bishop. of Xe-rua, Hened in courses. . "" rieE! McKinsey~nd _Melll'8. J. ' B. Pene,", and....Geo. J. Waterhopse.
the New Oil
small home
Mr. lind Mrs. Ed Rnndu II, of Dayton , nrc spe nd ing thre e weeks wilh the lIIisses Bail, at Norwoo d.
Mrs. Edith Harris , Mrs. LaU I'1I Mosher, Mr. and !III's. ROl\nld Hawke a nd son , Frunk, nnd !Ill'. HalTis Mosh· er went to Kings l\1ill~ S unda y • where they joined Mr and Mrs. F"e u Hnrtsock and fllmily, of MUfore! , linn spent the day' picnicing.
the boy. StatiGe.
business; 'he knows mnditlons, and he along the line-and help you
edviII yaIJ II
-IIIOI-s'. GIlt ........
- We H. MADDEN & CO.
............ '---
By authority vested in me by tho Probate Court of Warren County, Ohio, and under the will oC Mary H. Pine, deceased, which WaS probated in the Probate CO lJ~t of Wa'r ren County, Ohio, on the 16 th day of May, A D., 1924, I will offer for sale at Public aue· tion on the .
2d Day af September, A. D., 1924
At 1 o'clock p. m., on the premi ses , the followin, described 'l'C!al estate : TRACT No. i - Being a part of sc hool Roction No. 16 of Twp. B, Rllnge 5, contnining 60 acres of good lund. T'RACT No.2- Lies in the N. h nlf oC Section 34 in :I'wp. S, Ranlte 6, containing 176 acres. ' Tract No . 1 has bee n- nppra iseu at $19.50 per acre, and Tracl No. 2 has been appraised at $7(\.00 per acre. On Tra~t No.2 are nevt r·fllilin g Rprlngs, of water, a good g·room , house, b barn 40x60, a 5-bent tab acco shed, double corn cribs, WRg- . on shed, smoke hou se . Said tar'll is well fenced. This fnrm l,as 12 acrcs of timber and only 10 llIi les south of Dnyton. ' T rac t No.1 will be sold ~t l 1'. m., and Trnct No.2 at 2:30 p. m. Doth on September 2, 1924. The farms are a ' p~rt of the estate of Mary H. Pine, deee8lloal, and n~e about 2 Y.I miles S. of Centerv iIIe, on tho Social Row rO(ld, W8lIh·,' ington Township, Montgomery Co unty, Ohio. TERMS OF SALE-CASH • ELMER SHEEHAN, Exocutor of the will of Mary H. Pine, deceased. Shawhan & Brown, Attys, Lebn non, Ohio. . Phone No.2 _ CENTERVILLE. OHIO.
F. 1. MARTIN, Auctioneer