Miami Gazette August 27, 1924 - August 5, 1925

Page 1



• "Battle8 Natur e"

ANNOURCEMENT TO CLARKSVILLE TEAM The Whole Team Had an Off Day,_~nd Conae quentl y They Lott


Watch for all eatraord i ..a..,. leriel by the World'l forem .. t Civic tor, Richard E. Enrilhl , Police Commil lio . . . of New York Cily. The &.. t arlicle of Ihi. ab.orbil ll .erle. will appear in thi. paper .. ery .bortly. Theee arlicl". will b" of In. to every reader 0' dab paper, aDd yo" mUlt read,. olle of tbem .

Do you want more ticket. on tb .. Ford m a ch in" ' 10 be li" .. n away Monday ? Come In and pay up your lub.crip tion and lei Ibe lickell. How do you know bul Ihat you will win tbe car? Anywe.y , come i.n and ,et the Miami Ca.eUe (or anotber year . You want all the .D"w. of tbil commun ity aDd it I. our bu.ln .... 10 .ee that you ,et it .

Mrs. Seidlitz, of Annaheim, Culif., iK vi siting her parents, Mr. and Mra. Flack. Marvin Hay is attendin g J. O. U.

A. M. State session which is being

held at Toledo this week.




Mrs. Roy V. Hull and two childron, Tho winning strenk of the Miamis Approx imately 200 Olub n(elll,l:ieri';~' Vernon and Jean, are spendin g the decisively broken last Sunday parents, frienda and week with her sister, Mrs. Marvin n' ~ern o" n, when the Clarksville team ders enjoyed "auto tlJUJ"ll Hay. THE MIAMI CAZET TE l :; llle ove r to Phi'lltps park Rnd ad· THE MIAMI CAZET TE number of factorie s : and minister ed a severe drubbln g-12 to n and Cincinn ati ' . Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Spahr, of Xe. 3. Our boys were away off their trips were ca¢tled , nla, were Sundny gueats of Mrs. stride, und did not put up anythin g directio ns of Extensi on Anna CadwIIllader and Miss Clara like their usual clean, snappy game. Lile. ,. and Class and the " Dutch Burton was wild and ineffec· BAND WILL GIVE SHULTZ.McCLURE through out V(arreQ tive , and, for i he first time since he SPECIAL CONCERT The group met TUleill!ay mominJr' Mr. W. C. Wai-ner, of Xenia, 0., began pitching, had to be taken from ubout 8 :30 -at the delcn Cole aoct~t7 girl of Cal;' apent the week-en d ' with his 80n·in· th~ box, but his supp ort was very A very pretty home wedding was Co" where they were •. dl~rtd,jd, law and daughte r, Mr. and Mrs. Mar· lomla and New Yorll, d... uad ID ragged _rrors of both omission nad . .,~ !:Own and s III 611ppen. that The of last Thursda y evening, when two divisions, each With '.", ... el~~.~ Waynes ville Premier Band has vin Hay. eommissi9n being ruther plentl,ful. ~ Into the wilda of Np Jvr-uepn requeste d to pIny a concert of Miss Rebecca McClure, daughte r 01 guide who ilirected ' tbe Wanlin Buck Crane took up the pitching but· M1 prl)\'e that she could baWl Mr. and Mrs. John McClqre, of unty people through ibe, The Graham reunion will be held Qa~ MIl ,ubala\ with9Ut prov1di'll , where the Dutchmun left it, and all the old familiar nirs, and as their varioul Springb oro, became the bride of Mr, pnrtmen ts of the fsetol')' at the home of Mr8. Laura Shida· e101M1 or ~vnL DllleaeaM>1I when he , could Illcate the plate was ~ oncert scason ends Thursda y even· rtarted s\ a paftJ." She _. Ing. Septem ber 4, they will render a Ward &hu ltz, of Akron, Ohio. The plalne.d the dift'erent ker, at Harveya burg on Saturda y, tolernbl y effective, but he, too, bore follo~ b1 Cha. Carter. anotber full program of the oid familiar airs. marriag e waR a very beautllu l and manufa cture of both August 80th. " marked resembl ance to a certain service took place at 7 :30 Rev. Frank ing systems and the El"ctl~c. Pr gralQ will be announc ed in our noted citizcn (rom Borneo. === === === === === Shultz, brother of the groom, offi· machines, Each next issue. Mrs. Marvin Ha), and children 8nd Coupled wilh their ragged defense ciating. The Band wishes to thank all ven a souveni r as they who Mrs. Roy Hull and children and Mr. was the Miamis inobility to do much It , was a very beautifu l and 1m· The boys and men to@~etl~e ChUB. Hay IIpent Monday afternoo n t t' lfcctille hitting against the pitching made the concert s possible, alao the ceremon y. Anna O'Neal unty Agent Class with Herbert Meredit h and family. t.hl"'n"'h~ of Wysong, Clarksville',. crack young people for their splendid attsndan ce, Miriam Ellis were the ribbon Sucher Packing plant southpaw. In only one Inning, the and ena the sesson with the hope and little Frunce8 ~11i1! was the and women under ;be thet the concert s will be possible Mrs. John Tho~pson on the Way. sixt~ could 'they score; the'! three ring next bearer. year. The bride was attired Misa Kizer visited the ~1:ke-;,K,JbBl~ nesville and Leban.on · pike, south of singles, coupled with the only pass , in a ha ndsome gown of silk crepo de Dept. Store, ,vhere they The progr4m for Thursda y night : town celebrat ed her 80th anniver sary )'{'n;l1lWW1111 account ed for their nly runa. Wy· chene. The groom waR dresaed in practica l pointa on August 10th. All of her children song also received IIplendid support I- March the convent ional black. The Universe. Preaid ent Gi... Hit Sancti on and grand children were preaent I CI.otllee for school imd on Vacan cy in Prima ry Grade from his team mates, both in the fleld 2-Over ture ."" ". ,..,Daught It was. followe d by a very appe· er of the n of materia l . to Movem ent that day. und at bat. Throu gh Retign ation. . .Elm. tizing wedding supper, and Berved At the The brightes t feature of the game 3-Fox Trot . ".. ". Llnger by a competo nt lot of young gil'l Awhile. MI'8. Anna Cadwal lader and Miu fro m a local viewpoint was the im· 4-Walt z .... ,, '" .... EchoB friends of the bride, .nd later Mr, of Spring. Clara Lile entertai ned at dinner on proved batting of Prof. Edward J. 5-Mare h .... , , .... " ... ", ... It is asauring and gratifyi ng that In and Mrs. Shultz left for a ehort visit and beef for The Star. Tuesday , Mr. and Mrs. A. H. St. Burt.on, who teaches in the Wayne The Wo yne Townsh ip School along the lakes. In the decorati the general moveme nt through out John, Intermis sion ona Ing fe~lIzer and ~.iw-..~:~~:~: of Xenia, MI'8. N. P. Clay. Board met last Saturda y evening Township Junior High school 4urln~ for the color Bcheme of yellow and white . The Thunde rer. the civilized world to outlay and bum and Miss Clara ill~reet to thl " Smith, of the Day· the off season. purpose of olectlng a primary were carried' out in a very tute~l Former ly a very , Mingno nette. abolish war, there are none more ton. The Fedetal ·I~r teacher light batter, this 'young speed mer.. ",--P"OUIar W It In place of MIllS Henriet ta and earnestl artIstic y outspok en In support of manner , aliding much Bureau of Apimal ,Ifdulit;U I I My az . . . . . P ao chant has begun mixing bunts With .,. McKInsey, who resigned her posl. to the charm and plelUlure movcment than Preside nt Coolidge of the ev· a brief dlacuaion cOllee'fniPa Dreams. Mias May Wright entertai ned at tion. The board elected Mi88 Fran. enlng. straight .away hitting and has achiev· the Democr atic pre81dential noml· dinner 9-Mar work ~ciaUf poiJltillC' ch . ... Officer of the t}li Day. Tuesday , Mis Helen· Hawkin s, cos Janney for the position . ed splendid rcsults. Sunday ,.he se· I, nee, Mr. Davis. • - • es of gOga 4l~d cattle d.J!8' to and Mr. SeweU Harris, of Notting · cured !'hree singles (half n('the en· 10-Ser enade ." " ". A Night In June. Miss McKins ey has held this 1m· Both have made it clear that this ham, England culosla. . , whose marriag e will portant position for the past twelve REUNION OF MEN tire team's work) in four chsnces. grand moveme nt has thclr unquali . WHO The visitors rtext went tKtogh take placc Septem bur 2nd. years and The Miamis lost the game becaule has been very Ruccessf uJ. SERVED IN THE 147th Dayt on Dl1l1y' News .plant fied support . TICKETS TO B.E GIVEN . they did not play the class of ball of She hlUl been elected to fill a posl. Both agree with the vaat number various steps In the p·reJ~ar'8tllon'~"'!J4. UNTIL Mrs. Lillia MONDAY NOON of M." Dyer, of Golden, tion as Primary Supervi sor at Ashwhich they ure capable . and which inking people that war Is Colo., Mrs. Ethel s;.' publishinG" of a ,Wiildnson, of be \.ubulu, Ohio at a salary of $1800 a they usually do play, but eVllry team a creature of SIlvagery; passed .down Kalb, The H7th Infantry, in whlcltn ear. plained. Special il);ter:esl~ I~,~ Ill., Mrs. BeM C: -White, dllu, year. She wil l have. a.bout 50 teach· haa its 011' daYB. through the ages from the time of ghter, ly all of the boys (If this conlmun lty fest in' seeing tl!e Geraldin e and son, Hornce, of ers under her BupcrvlSlo n of t ho ..o:p"n,tIq~ . The Bellbrook team Is coming to Tickets for Lhe Ford Sedsn which Itll,imitl1,e man, and no longer first were member s during tbe World War t9lera. ting 40,000· Dayton, Ohio, were the Phillips park next Su.nday, and a .vill be givlln away on Labor Day, ble among civilized guests of (our grades. . I will have a reunion Sunday August per hour. After people. . Dr. Mary Cook on Sl~turday and Sun· battle royal may be expecte d. Come may be secured until 12:30, Monday. The a uove position came to Miss 31 at Findla~' Ohio. The Until the nations and peoples of day. '37th 01. News, 't he re!ll\iM""'bl~d' out and see the Miamis start another All of the tickelJl will then be poured the world McKinse y unsolici ted, and she dill vi;ion reunion' will ' be lipid at come ·t-o a like realizati on the rt. C. R. School 'winning streak at Bellbroo k'a ex· into a lnrge barrel, and there will be and join in not kn ow anythin g about it until th e some place on Monday, Septem ber this moveme n; it would Mr. and Mrs. Lcc.ourd Tinney, of school board of Ashtabu la wr<1te pense. The acore: ten drawn, the tenth one, drawing of course be most unlSate to tat, Lahor OilY, and the city of Find. for the Route 3, went to Cincinn ati Monday her asking )f she would be willing to lay is making elabora te prepara the ear. In case the lucky. ticket Is United States to destroy tions its arma· where they will spond a few days. CLARK SVILLE acc?pt it. She was fortuna te in ee· to receive a large crowd not found, tho ninth will win. And ments or fail to keep of ex.ser. them at a Mr. and Mrs. Harry Truax, of Cin. curmg AD a Ii PO A E 90 on until the car is given away. standar this as there was a score of vice men. By securing certifica d sufficiently strong to sale· cinnati , who have tes Osborn, e .. .. ,..... , ~ B 1 1\ 0 0 If the tenth ill not found been visiting at applican ts. _ Immedi ate· guard against foreign aggreSsion. from : the ticket agent, any ex·ser. the Tinncy' s, returne d home with 1 Millen, '88.:-: ....... ,, 6 2 1 2 1 2 Iy the Club will wait a All a primary teacher Mias McKln· vice man belongi ng to this i;euona ble But the United States, now the pre· them. organlz a. H. Smith 1b 1: ••• ,.,4 1 8 12 0 0 length of time before sey has made gooH. It her tion can get greatly reduced annolln elng mler of nations, conlltltuted of pearatel. . Wysong, p .... ,.,.6 0 0 1 S 0 that the ninth won ibe car. natural forte to teach the httle tota Genoral Pershin g and other Army pie devoted to peace and Mr. and Mrs. David Pence, Sb .... ....... 6 2 2 1 3 0 Armstro ng and when they first came The Commercial ' Club In their fl· of war, is obligated by the school and' mon will be prese nt for the occasion . standing Mr. Dan Wilson, olf Dayton, apent all her pupilll )qved her to Gray, cl' ......... 3 0 0 3 /) 0 nal m~eting before the 8S sho appeal. • _ ..._ _ _ celebrat ion, among nations It has attained and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John ed to their heart!!. We predict (or W. Smith, 2b ." . 4 1 , 2 2 2 0 made all arrangm ents and nothing its influence In wOI'ld affairs, to lead Beach, of Route • Wright, ( rl ..... ,.. 4 2 3 1 O . 0 hll ~ been left undone 2. Miss Eliza Mc· her a promi sing fu ture. 'to make this the moveme nt for universal di~arm- Comas, who has been taking care of J. Mullen; If .. ...... ..6 1 0 0 0 0 a red letter day for \ Waynes A1l for the new tOllcher , we leel ville. ament. Kn. Beach for some time, returne d that Miss McKins ey's place · i ~ bcing Kiphart , rf 2b..•,.. 1 q 0 0 0 0 Remem ber there 'will be adequat e Wherever and whenev er the..que s. home with them, _ _ _ _ _ _ parkln'g space and Uuat tlie alFalr tion ftllcd by a youn g lady whose exper· if disarma ment arises. the 8trong ience nnd training will indeed fi her Total• .. ,..., .... 40 12' 12 27 9 2 will begin promptl y Mrs. Nancy C. Price dIed very 12 :30. voice of this governm ent should Mr. and Mrs. JOle Tinney enter. 'for the position. Misi! Boost the Labor Day Celebra tion. apeak in its behalf. Janney gmd. Buddenl y at the home of ber dough. talned Sunday the f61l0wing guests: uated from High Scho.o l MIAMIS ' here in ' ter, Miss Carrie Dakin, of Presiden t Coolidge and Mr. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. HlrrY ' TrUBlt, Mr: and , 1920 and spent the foJ\O\ving year ; trouble at AB R H PO A ,E 12:30 Monday morning . his secl'etar y of state, took a long Mrs. Harry Cainl,J lr: and Mrs. T. S. in the Warren County Normlli. She : The body ~nllergalt, cf .... 4 0 0 1 q 1 was 8hlppcd to her former step in the right direction when they Hardin, Mr.,and Mrs. Murrel Tinney, has tllken work in physical culture home at E. Burton, 2b, 8s .. 4 1 3 3 3 2 Falmou th, Ky., and the fu· called n confere nce to' consider the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werntz, Mr. and at Battle Creek. Mich., and last year ~ Ileral and interme r Crane, 81, p ...... .. ,, 3 0 0 1 2 0 • nt will be at question of disarma ment. That was ~n Leonard Tinney, -Mr ' and Mrs. completed' a year's work al Stetson I place. Satterth wulte, 1b., 4 1 1 6 0 0 ' the first real step toward outlawi ng Homer Rhodes. . ..: l' University, Fla" one of the leading I' T. Burton .. lf.. ... ", 4 0 1 1 1 0 Nina Holling1JWorth, the only dau· war ever taken and resulted not only ..... institllti ons of advanced learn ing in McClure, rf,........ ,4 0 1 0 0 0 ~hter of - HenfT and Margar et Hoi· in halting lin orgy W. E. Clark died at his home near of battlesh ip conHonorin g the birth_y of Mr. ehas. the South. Miss Jann ey Pace, c, ss", ........ 4 0 0 11 2 0 lingaworth, waa born 'near Kingm. n, structio n which presage will be Lebanon last ~ Saturda y of heart d l{I"eater war Ellis and hla aunt,· Ml'II.< Carpent er, heartily wereo med as th e nowest trouble. 'The Fn'e, 8b .... "" ~ 0 0 , 2 0 2 Clinton Countr, . and ilied funeral was held at at the but it turned the world-mind from of near HarveYllbull:; Mr. and Mrs, member of the teachi ng stull' of the his late home H. , Burton, p, 2b .. 3 1 0 2 0 0 home of. her ~lIl1'hter. Mrs. George thought s of Monday afterno on at war to thought s of peace. Cecil Hoover and family entertai ned Wayn e Town ship schools. Chlldreaa; at Sprintrville, Arizona , It waa un accomplishment 2 o'clock. Intenne nt Wail made in when Sunday , Mr. and Mil'll. Chaa. Hage· ' Totala,.,." ." .. .. 34 3 6 27 8 ' 6 Augus~ 6, 1924. • . Miami cemetel'p. rightly appraise d will allume the pa· meyer 'and family, Mr. and Mrs. She ; wu mamlld to Mr. Samuel ges of .history for all ,time; for it set, Chu. Vilian and fll,mily, Mr. and MORGAN·MURRAY Clarksville .,2 1 0 2 6 0 0 1 1-12 Bench 'on . Septem ber .27, 1894, and inell'aceably the WQrd wu ~celved here this week seal of , <:ondemna; Mrs. Frank Treltme yer and family, FAMILY REUNION announc Miamis ".".0 0 0 0 0 .3 0 0 0- 8 they moveel, Mexico in 1918, tlon on the ndjuicat lon of nationa l Mrs. Mame Iiatfteld ing the death of Mr. James and 'On, Wal· the . her bealth, ehe be- differences by military arbitram ent' ker, Mn. Veda C. Spahr, who at one time owned thc ' s..mll and daughte r, twenty. two years. and turned the dynamic thought of Mllllel Irma elevato r at Corwin. The deceased 'ElIla and 8eaa Sbida· - - ' l.hI to '1'ellt It the 'beautl- the world form war was born , In Jamesto wn "\n 1858, til peace. What ker and .r, "llert' Carpen~. SprlnSv ule. Ar,~on •. an inspirin g thoulI'ht that war, th, and died at his home in Skidmore, • _ • 1•••"'"".", mourn her departu re, most destruct ive of all monster s, fa Mo., on Friday, August 22, aged 66 , 'daught ers and IIlx ltaelf to be destroyed. years and three days. Cl.N~ING FACTOR"y: . 1i"1D[1~1!rnd~i', , an , ~ed fath~r a~d The' funerat was held at his late Bf;G.N S SEASON ho~e August 24, ,the I. O. O. F. Mf!;Itlco, alao " brO. I • ' • 'or l~e having charge. The uel~ea~(I' 1 leaveS a wife and one son to mourn • his gOing. Wa s





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Mary J!l. daugh~ of 't!iomu' E and Sarah F; J,llspham, Was Jto~ 011 a fann aear WaynesviUe .'anjl when, ~oung .rlrl came to ·town With , hel' ana lias lived her ~nUre Uf. ,. l,·








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long ho ve )'ntl r-n P")'inR ren" Let'll tm _ I\n " >:ample n m an w ho fl3YS $~ a moNh rent, far ..,., eiehlceo ye orr.. In Ihot lime he will lui"" potId out $ 10,800 in r""I. T hd inwrl'S' on ,his amount comes to $5,8 32. AI t ho end 01 elghleen yean! he ' - pAid In rent and inlen'Sl $ 16 OJ l a:>d .10.='1 ()\lIn t\ ~nde 01 naIL T h ~ S3me man could hov e bou g h. a home for $$.000. f,nanced II, I'md It OUI in elghl""n y e..,., for 00IeI' &3,DOO lest' Ihan WhO l he 1', 1d r n Iho rental basl5-lInd woo.dd ha .... the ~.o me . hvw lur h IS ~fTorts. A f'er you ha ve Il home 01 your OWl'\, you 6n4 _ the y .... rs I: b ,' , h at you h :lY" a lot moM In It than just tNt bu(ld '" 1{ mulN, Vuu he"" comfort and convenJance; ,.au


" r".

.\ I r. l\"d

' :--l t l lC"

\ LI



,, 1' ''' l' n(' ''II .




: ' : d.

" ""d,,y

.\ 11', lted ~ l r .... lI aJ' n "\ y ~I1 {'k( , tt lin d '\ I r .lll d .:'. 11" ". L('(' E n r n ha r l I ltt! dall1.!ht 1' , ~Jlt'n t ~ll 1\ d HY a t ti lt'


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~prin J!'


(: 11l1l! ~·.

( 1l rf,tld

JlIi!.- ( ,h t on : ',\1:, ' I ' 1I 1 '~ h:,\, \I i" T t t'r a I'" le ne w pI ' .. , d.

Use lig h te n

\\' .I . Hll kd .



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1 "I'~· d ~nn \\' ,

\ ' 1' a l ld :\1 1':0-

\ · ; d l (l ~·. W PT l' ),!'U\'o.:t:-- .. ( :\11' . Hnd :'\ tl' ~,

"\ ",hu .. B"I!:HI an d ·t h j':I/I) I!Tlt llllda u~h ll'r, HI t!~· ,Jvnn. HI' Xt'nia "':\t :--; \I ' lIl:ty Hill l ~tr' . :iI .d :\ I r ~ . O r, l' ll.'I·yl ll !.! , '.l! ,~' ( ; 1';1 \.

1 ~.-t"I\ . : ~I'\ .

and da 'l~hll..l . " ! J I Inl.. l lI', J.:Uf:-ot'i ", \ 11' lIf,j ',1,: \\. iwd f:lIl1 '!\ . "Il J • II d I~ (



" Burning Sand8"

~ t l'

t twi l' \ :\('ut 1( ln .. t t "



Iran. Milton Silll And R ob er t

r.·t 'l l 'H· d

t·\; \ ...


I h .,d .

f'!tlCl d In,·. o t io n , a nd pr ic e d r i g ht.

, I

wrcgor and E r n e ll Torre nc e .



I ('lI t"r








11I:,II:n', I "'Iqllil


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;\ 11"'" .I l1hn Cil l l,'" Hll d :\ I!.. ~ I y }, l h. ;\ I H t y ( ',dl ,ott. .1j I) HytP II, "' 1'1 ' 111 :'tll) •1a~\· 1II h 'l'llnt1 n \\ lllt '\Ir. :111.\ ' 11'- ,I. t '. II a w k .. . i\l r. alld ;\1 ,. .. J: ' !l ei ~I rs. F:7LJ~~ M ( ':-' ~ I·:-I. 1 ~1J!' .s I ' 1I an d I.l'o n S nli s' l ~Il "'!" Ind tie d l h c '\1 1', all d ~I .. ~ , .J, bllry. W a ll, ' r /:lU l' lI l' tt . lIa r r y Prll lC'T l. i l ll lll' ), m Cl't - rll nti ly IIlIrI Mr. :-; I. . (' '' ''l"" ,~ hl \ \t tl " ri d E m m,,,· Ra il y . !-i r .. ll lt (' ll cicd t hl' \ \'arrf' )l ("pll n' .~ . , ..... ( ' H I t! a l i\ f ni rh 1,·u\'1" f p r C h attant lll:,!' n , '1'. '111 1, 11 +la .,. W II "h ill l!l o n C. 11 . F a il'. F r iday. f Hr U w (, t'k 's d:--it. Dr . F ; 1'1. ,II ,., a~" ,\ ,. H o w e ll MN', R illa B r o wn , Mi" ,!' A IlIl O "rid l\lr. a n d ~ t n; ,J. .1 1-" 1'. ' 11 ' 11 ' ulld \ 11' Ma mo Dr"w n u n d liIL '" \ I i,," J ul\H I' i,' rc c HII , i ,1 ,\ III ( h ., <11'1 ,tt e n d e d r ~ l , ', ( I' " ut r a t a nd M r~ . ChH ~ . l 'h'llItllf' r " . .. f I la ~I"1 B r o w lI, (I f C (t n h~ r\' ill (', WI ' n ' F)' i d H~ t h e fU IIP r ,, : g ues ts o f Mr. Ed T hom a . I1 l1d fll lllil,'" ~ (l lit h (, 11:1' !,' ... t.'n, In:- 1 ' :lfU : lay . \\'(> r e ~ u n d a~; J.~II I ·"'" .. 1' '\If' . .J,d l'l F r o m m a nd fnt n dy Th e "' a r1'l' n o un ty P o m o ll" , r .tln t! ;\ l r~ \\'all ,·r F I' c- y , M r , ( ; ra n!!<, " ill I1n· .. t at th e New G ym ,,,,j , II ,. !\"'"let h El l.c y " Id !\Irs. ~I r \ \'a hr r E lz, ,' , " I' Ihr Z il1 "I" ' r

Wit), Collee n Moore. M.lcolm Mac .

8 :45

\ , I I l'


I \ It

L:"ral.l l,


In I ". \' " \ \' ,d " l' f, l l·k, \.:\, \ \ .I n 1'1', . . . ;-- (;11'111 "

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Il· J.!('

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"Broken Chains"

7 :00 an d

a nd


" " Id :" g". c o n l i. t i n g o r "

t u l' nl ,'.,

\I '




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( r ui t . ,{ (lo rt w llt ,· r .

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l.t -: ~ f l .

Ei~ J , t

t 'll1 l'itlIlHti.

Thursday, Aug. 21


Dil l.' h u ndr e d

Ill y , r

- 1'11'1


a n d ge t "W<, a rw e l!" Hu j.!s made. Se nd fo r pr icl' l i~ l. Fran kli n R u!: Co., Fra nklin. O h io.


Y \I t'l,t

\ I"

;': nhKl'I' ih.· f " .. l h u M ill m i Gu z,'Lt c. \\l l n.ilt" ,·11 :'-' t·d'l~ _ _ _... _..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _"',......_ ..._ _ _ _

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1.. IIlIIY

We'll show you.

IIi.,,' I lit UII tI ~r .' lI lu l'llny cve n in~ . '1· . M, "" n ,'lIa B i. h ll p . .. I' X ~"i ll ,

_ ~.......


\ ' " It III C"

.{" l l' l \\' I, goh t

,I ht. H ,Itu \ c t . ~Hl1i.\I·­




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C l ' lIt t'rvilit'.



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I 'lhn !

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t'n i fll!


' Ir all d " 1':-:. C la r l'flcP Ry e e n ter · at di llll l ' !' Thtll'!-Oilu y , I\ I r s, Th (l Hllfl u n l l't·uniun (, f th F .1 1"1 0 1'\' ma !-:Iii". ~ I r '. ~ I ary \\' lI l e rh o u"c, ~' l'~ l'luh:o' n [ \V ar n 'n Coun t y \\'i l l ITl t"' 1 1 \1,''' ' E " , 1-:3 I'11h ' '''l , ,\I n< , ~ I " i~ 8 11i s t at I ll(' i" il''''t P I'l·:.:hY l (, l' ian t'llll f \'h a! al.ll d a tH:ht l ' ro..;, :\I f!'. : \ ! I1l:l L(,ff pJ'so n ! I. l l hhl. l' fl. Thur ~ d nr . ,\ lU..'"U:-.l :~ I. Th; ,,,, 01 ,1;,uJ.. h l ( " n il e! ~I r , nlld i' II·, . I I.ildll ':-' .\id, hI' L l'haIlOI1 , ,'. 111 flJl" , i ~ l . ' f I'J .. ~ I· III'; an d :--I q b . \' j .... ll.

\\ l l t ' l.. s

' 11I1 (: d

The Greatest Show Ohio Has Ever Seen! Outsllllll . . aD ot1ler fal ... In tbo 8.w e nt)·· (o u r )'on re I h" S tille Fair b aa IJeert IJI mat onee. the l P 2 ~ O h io S ta tu F a ir w ill I". Abo STeaNal e how ever s tAsed In Ohio.


! 111, '

1( ;1 ', n!I '

! 1 h t "lI~" h


... ""'t

"'1(,"61 aDd &DP l"o prl&t p m u,d o, th ~ S tate V.. lr .... \11 continu e thr(1 ulrh tbe wt:oII to tho nl ~ht ot Saturday. AU8W1t


An os"'nllve bunl'l lnR r>rn . IJTUm h u not on l)' ! ' U I l ho lfT'O unda In Io OBI eu ncUtlor>. I,u,

h .... m .. d ~ poet<lh l. the lorlr" 8' flh owtnll' 01 lJVQ .to c k.. h Olra,


Ttl. on tcort l\I'ltDen' pr<1~r .. m h a. e [)f' ver b4! aD ftner, 9Js day. <>, ( lUI' h<>ro . .....clDl! &114 .. dar

ot a. u t o I00 h U,. 6venta pto.,h'lo " g u f...,. t>"' K ,f\ ffi. nlUl~

Amona Ihe n ow fa elHUe. 1a &he



C attlO

IInM t osl1 11110 'Jn b .. lld ..... In the counlr , . N I'w





con r a ru. bli' Dn Ckom e a ot. And O(h "r e pe t·l6. 1 ("' Q tur ~ . pro"l7'14.

l>O\Illry and ahf'o fl (In "" Ct.l r d..

1n th e <1 otUUlI tlC d l!)-

partmBOU. Improved t&ellltJ ..

LO une D ~j IIR ft ood

m e nt.


S h o w . ..11,,8.)"8

bl lrgtll


{~" Q "t nl!




fnVQrl t 6,


be l tAr, ",h ilA! . hn eV(' n h 18""h. n t , .I.Q u e e Ii F I\~ hI OQ. · \a th e tno.t .lab · 1I.n~

O I'Rt C 9" (>"

W'ld ert o.)( e n rot' .,.,

I'>.n W ••.. 1"

cOhio State Fair ..... ., ..... ~




, \

!'o,·l· I"II ..

.. Y. Till&.




Columbus, Ohio, A'u gust '24-30

"1 '\ 1 dliltl,

. r 1;1"

\'.'("t' \', j'lIt H I j ll' l ''':l 'llt I"; L" I 't',

:t .~

JIll 'I'f'




at \\ ; 1...

('an he ('=-I ,'I tt d

l. itlg' l 'l' ;,


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G mnl!'!l "n" C l uh w ork,

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he·:- lllt: tI . t

:....;.1I 111Ia. y

no" fine r proJl Rr fLtlonn t nr m ne.hhuuy, U'dc- t o r , and o th or ' ah l' wR., complo t o f\ rl o 1d Qf u.., h ll iitl n over b eforo a p .. VM:\c he d.

I' I "L" ':I!H

j!1 111 ,f

fur lhi :-l

\ · hl l:-.t alollJ!

A SEVEN DAY PROGRAM ~ tlll\tl In hl.I" ..... " M ven · ""y prOlfl"Am haa b ..... IUT1U' lJed. O poDlof! S u n(\RY, A~t 2'. w tth roll gi uw, "Hr _


1'\.· ;\11 l:d" y . .1;1 [1 1[\1'.' 1 ' ,1 J.;. l{iI .,,:. II:' Hidj..:'· 1.1 ~ · . .. ',, "

_'ll !'o'"

tull dare. reple te with the fi n M t ux hl hlt ft nnd tho m oat elnhor llto e nte r tainment p rog r am evor uncJ l'I' t .. II wW be a . lgu ollc pngeo.nt of L11 thllt O h io stand a Cor. " W !O

dll l:ll'I· .

1,(1'11 :l1'1:lI ILr( ' d

}\ ('un i o n

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)' " fl/I ;lrt ~ 'lId,l' .(· ( ',

;" ". I





I .' tt',

l·. . · 11'lid .

I I~."~:! I



!.; i ~le l·- ill - Iuw ,

had Ill'r

!"-c('lI l1 d

1.\ i ... ill ~ ~ H ' h nJ)ll' (I f IW I

,\ 11' 1'1 '" \I · I'i ~ht . "f G eo rg" I'a , an"h·I·1! h ll ll1c :--:.un d a y ('\'-

t. ,

" l 'll t!




rt·m a i n ti c r of lh f'

h, ... p :ln'Jl t ~ . [) I' an d )lr~. r. \' ·IE' ilt. lI l' h,,~ h (,I ' 1l (,fl r ll l l l'd I ti l " 1 I I , ' I' ... !t\. \I f l 'f'IlIl:-O~' l v a nia f OI I ~ II ' U I' · I,:. r. w h" !'f ' h,. ha g hC(\ H w or k -


:-0 :1 111(' ph.l4 · \·.



" /1

I-:. lt l lt Il a"l'i " ;\I" , 1." ,11 11 ~ l ll ... h(lr, ~ 1 1'. and ~ll' '' . HHI\ :,ld I Ia \\I., . 'I III HI . . 0 11 . Fra n k.' a nd .\ 11'., li ar I . ~ tH,h .~. 1I 1~" •\ 11II:-0 ~ '1 !1 1 I:lY- , , L' r Wl'nt t o l'L I w h ,-. r e th t: ,\' jOll l f'd :\fr ; 1I J11 .\f !'.... J-II '" j l fa l' t:"i lll'k a n rl f :I I'IJ i l y . .. 1' '\) ilf.,rd , ill'! I :-: p<'nt t hl' d ay p icni c ing- .


. tl"

l il a(

,H' h

.\1 .. ,. 1:I ' a (, hil d .-. ,,,,, o f ""'\, 11 1", .\I" z. 1I f' " d ral h i" ~ x · '" t· d III all Y ttll l l ·.

~I r~.


'; .

1\ 1 rnd, h a ... r C'c ('i,,' rI

I '(

a t i n r pr ll j.!l': IIl'l. T tw I' l ''II1I 1111 \\ 11' \1 .... hl· ld :, t t h l ' .... 11 111 · l i lllt' II . ' X' y •. ltl 1a l H I

" I ' '.\ ' •. 1'


\\ :, ...;

L III I ~I ' f'

; ,



T n tl:t i'\ n , 1 h n ... h4' (' 11 HPP l'lI i-:(' .l a t S l ~I . 5 0 pe r nc r e , a nd T r a d N 0 . . l! h as hc(,tI "p'pr a i"" d al $7 1l .0tl p .... u crc, O il T l'nc t ~o, ~ a re IH, \, (· ,. ,:: l i li ' l ): ~ r ri n g~ , o f wa LL' I' , a Ilf)() d R-ro o nt

1 1I~' '\ l a :-. ll · l' ·~ d I'L~Tt.: (' .

hlt U::'C, II ha r n ·10 x Ho, a G· 1H'n t t l.l,a ('C' o ~h c d,

~l l""

T E RM S O F SALE-CASH E LMER S HEEHAN. E x!'c ll t" r of ' h " \\'ill " f Mury II . Pine , d cc e uRc d , S ha w hnll & Hr o w n , A l l y" , 1.(,1," li on , O hi o , Pho ll e N o. 2


. ,'

A good thing for ~aynes­ ville. Get ,~cciuain'ted with the boya at the New Oil , Station.



c rih~ , \\'n~­

h ' \lI se, ~ a i ( 1 f UI" 1\ is w c ll fl' lIce d , Thi s (ar m IllI s I ~ ll C I' ~ S ,f t illll "' r " "U (l tlly 10 l1I i I" . ~ o ll i h o f \)"y l.n n, Trac t Nn . I w i ll I" , 80l el ·, L 1 1', nl. . all (I T rllct No . 2 a t 2 :3 0 p. Ill. Both (JlI S c p l!'IIl I'l' r 2 , I !\ ~!-l . Th" fU"III" 1I1'l' " pa r t I) f the pst a t" of Mary H . Pin t' , d eceil . c oI. I";" ul'e a Lo u t 2 ',6 lII iles S. o f Cl' n lc l'\' ili l', 0 11 th e S u ci,, 1 Row rou d. Was li . illg- lon T ow ns h ip, !\1 nn t ),!n m c n - el l unl y , Ohio.



d nu blp c or n

Oil ~ 1ll' eI , ~ lII o k,'

111 '1 )' ( '


2d Day af September, Aa D., 1924

A t 1 o ' c lnck p. m .• o n the 1I"(,lII i "L'~ . th ' f ll ll o will Jr d es c rih c d r ell! est a te , T HACT 1\'", 1 Hpitlg' '' PZII·t o f ." 'h,,,, 1 sl'c t io n No , I ii o f Twp. B. Range fi , ctln 'a jll in~ no H('1' (' S o f (.r ood lun d. TRACT 1'\ .. , 2 --1.i " ill t l w N , h : tI ~ ~"ct i (l 1l a'i ill Tw p. :1~~ j.!Q :1. l 'on t a i n i ll j.! 17 il :l L' I l'~.

'\1 ' 1.

Hll th T "mlln",n n "l' t urne d I ;~~; \\ ,'(' k !'rrlfll 111(1 ~ch no l l h u l '" hl n:\ h "I '!1 :i tI t' n di tl ~, r lll r ll tl"h t hl ' ,.. 11[111)11 I ; i :'\\lI l'l lll l\, ,,·P, Pn . \ Vh ile lit th l ' '·.it . , , .. ht· "'p l 'n 1' Hll IH' li m e a l lill l ' ,J~",,'(' al ()l'l ' :lll Ci ty. a n d v i si t~ I ' I',! ma l,y pi: ... ,·... (,I' i ll t(· l' tI:o't. \ Vu!'h ing~Ir , .1 , B. I(ic h a lld 1':II 11 il\,. ~ I ,·. I t "( , , \ ' ,,11 . -" F"r(:l' " nd I'h ilu d c'l phi u E ar l It. ,(·kl't t H ~ d fam il y , ;\ ) '!" IIll d \\'4 ' n.' Irl Cl ll d " d in h C'1' \' i ~ i t. ~ !t.", I' n '(1 Brad d" , I" ~l r . a nd ,\ 11' < .\ l r . lind ~ I I'< . T . s, II n rrl in d c li g h t · Sdh '\'I I" lII n" . )'1,', I, d Th ""' :l' and fa m i l,', I'l l'. 11'11 Ri c h n n d f;" nily , ~I I', ru ll)' .'n l" l'\a\l\('" n l a p ic ni c rlin n e r F "lI n k ll l'n"clo l' k n nli fll l1lil " . ) 11' . " ,,, I i S Urld"r . :111' . "" d Mrs , . li a lTY Tru ax M r;. 1~l al'l' Y S mi t h p il' ni cl' d llI 'ar lI ufT- ! a n d ,' Ir. " ,,, I ~I ,". " es lin!!" fr o m C in . : !'i n n lli i. 1111'. H" d J\l r <. !:ii d ney Conrad m a n d n m, (\ n ~lIn d a y . a ll d fa nti l," fr .. m Lud lo w. K y .• MI'. Mrs, A nn ie S h pe ha n c n l r rt lli nc (1 II l1d ~ I ,',. II " .. " h .. 1 lIult o n, o f Ludl o w, ~u ndll l' . Il .. Hiehll ... 1 Mi c h(' np r li nd Mr. I..,,, La "''' ,n. o f Cov in g- l o n. K y " WIfe u nd Mr . n il " MI's. Fran k R os (.II, ~1r . "lid ~I,', . .Jo e Tinne y linn fILm· o f Le ha "on, M r , nll d ~ I .. , . [,"dll , Iy, Mr . un <l Mrs . L e o nard Tinn cy Ch an dl e r, the Mi " " , E lizllue th a ll d f" m il), . Mr , and M r s . R ob e r t [(uth C handle r, lIIi" !" , It ,·! n nd Ir. We rn t ? 1111 .1 fam ily a nd M r , n nd Mrs . a nd Mrs . C liffo rd lI im ~' . of CP I1 I. c r ., ~l c l'I' e l Tin ne y, 'v ill e , Mr. AI \'i n E u r ll ha r t li nd f il m· . Mr . li nd M rs . Quinc y G o n" fi nd i ly w c r e !Ift ~ l' n oo n c a ll e ... , d a ug-h l e r, 111 iss A lice, e n lerta in ed IL A "~ I' y p lcm'-Jtll l oecll s i\. n t ook n u mo e r o f th e ir frie nds a t the ir h os· p ln cc (I ll th e ha ll go r "u " d s Ill s t S ut. pi l a b le .!'o un l .. y h o m e la s t Frida y u rd n y I 'v ("\ n i ng, w }ll'll !\[r~ , n urton,: e \' e ll il1 g' i n 11I'lllO l' of l he ir ho u.c g u est l 'llt..w ·ttl i nc d h (' r l'!lm pa rt y :ll1 d Mr. l\I i,. S te ll n Bis ho p , o f Xe n ill , T h e an el l\h :-t. 1.( IU \\·l.I ld l f' Y: n f X en i a. te. g' u". t , We r" : M r, and ~h, . S id E lli s , a ~ ix -{l' cl o(' k dilllit ' l' , T h(.· l'n t (' I'- M,'. alld ~ I rs . H, M. H uwk e . M r. IIll d t ni nnlC'n t W Wi ' gi\'(' ll o n :1l:Cu llll l flf ~ !t., . R lI s~.e ll Sa lis bu r y , Mr , und Mrs . " I r. ll art" l)r ', binh d ay a n niversary \-'. Go n< M I'. UIl.1 Mr s , B .·1't H artsock, ul'ing- o n I h i. dny and ~I l' , W oo ll y '< MI'. n n d J. O . Cllrtwr ig ht, lind COIn ing t. hi ~ \\:(It,k. ·.I' ne f) cc nsi 'n w al; da ug h te r , Mrs . C hUB , L e tT('rson, th c a g !llll onc . allel I ll<' <l in n e I' . W IlS 5C I' \'· M iss es S t.e lla ni s h o p , 0.(: X e n ia, He ned i n COU I'SC • rictn McKin .ey a n d Mp ssrs., J. B. P e n ce o'!.d G eo. J . W ate t·h ou se.

l3 y :lu,ho";: " \'0;: tc d i ll m" h y th " !'ro ull i e C ourl of \ VlI TrOIl Coun- ' t y, O hi " . "lid II l1d.,1' l ile' wi n \,f ~ I" ry II. I'i" c. d c c cll"c d , w hi c h win \\'II ~ I' r ollated ill tilt' P ndl; l\ . , CIlU :·t o f \Ynr re n Co u nty, Ohi o . on th e 1.·,11t d",' lOr :l lay . ,\ 11.. 1(' 2 ,\ . 1 win u fTe l' f o r <lI le Ht Publi c ouc· t iun (111 t h 0

F. 1. MARTIN, Auctioneer '



STRAW We are in the market for your

Baled Straw Write or phoilf! our buyer, MR. E S.HAMILTO.N.

The H~~r Straw Board and Paper Co• Cedarville, Ohio

me a c,lI at the Waynesville ServiCe Stalioa. • ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, . . - -,- - . : ':




WED NESD AY AuGU ST 27, 1924





Civ ic Admi~i,tr"tor. R ic h ard E.

T he Whole Team Had an Off D a y, and Conseq uently Th ey Lost


\\'i ll n irl~ ~ tn'uk

of Ul P Min mi!' Wil ::; cI ('(' i ~ I \'(.· ly hro k(' n la ~ t Sunday n' " , , ' 11 '1 111\, when the (, lark ~vi ll l' teum j ' lll,.' ovcr 10 Phlllip N pUl' k nnd uti "lI l1 i ~ t l! rt'd 1\ ';(\ \'t - I'I' druul.dnJ.!'- 12 t j f

"Battles Nature"

Comrni .. io .... of New York City. Th" Ii rat . rt i cl ~ of th il ablorbin g .erie. will app ear i n thi l pap er very

MIl,",' in li llY i" nllenrlinl( ,r. O. U. A . M . Sla te .e,~ i o n wh ich is h(' inl: hl' lrl lit T" ll'do th " w c-~ k .

Ihortly . Th el e art icle. will he of in ·

t ert~. t to e ve r y r e Ad e r of thi. paper, and you mUlt read eyer, one of them.


. Mrs, Hoy V . Hu lln,ul tw,) chi lrl ren. Ve rn on 110< 1 .J ell n. nrc "pendi ng th~ wCl·k lI'ith he r "iHtcr , Mrs. Mllr\'in II ny.



Do you w an t mOre ti ckell o n th e Fo rd m Ac hine to be liven aWl\y f\.-J on d ay ? Co m e i n and p ay up yo ur l uh lc rip ti o n and get tb e ti c k e ta . How d o y o u kn ow bu t Ih n t you w i ll w in th e cft r? An )' w I\Y . co m e in a nd Re t til e Miami Ga ~e tt e fo r another y e ar. Yo u · wa nt " II th e n ew • of thia commun ity and it i. our bUlin e •• 10 ace thAt you aet it ,

MI'~. SI· idl itz. o f Annah(' im. Ca lif., iH vbitilll( hl' r p " r ~nt". IIII'. lin d Mr •. Flllck .





W At c h for A n eJf. lraordin arr acrit!a by th e World' , for e ma.t

E nri g ht .

Whole N Il'D ber



Indust rial Plants a r e Visi te d i .. Cincin nati and Daylo n-S"e s How Newsp aper is M ade

Approxi mate l}' 200 Club m enlb(ll'll , .~ t heir pnre nts , fri ends a nd Club LI),Il" ~ dcrs e nj uyed uut o t ou rs to visit a -: TH E MIAMI GAZET TE THE MIAMI GA ZE TT E nu mb",. of facto ries lind stores in Oaytflll an d Cincinn ati last week, Mr . li nd Mrs, A. G. !:lpahr. o f Xe:L O ur uPv~ WI ' rt' It\" ,.)' o ff th eir Th e lrips weru carried out under . tho nin, were S undll Y I(u ust " o f Mrs. ~tI"· . an ll :1id n u l put up anyt hin g , rlircc tltln o f Exte nsion Ag ents KlzllT Ann a Cadwl111udl! r IIlIti Mi ~s ClaTU lik ,· ~h e i r usuul ell'lltl , HIIUPPY ",lilli e. nnd Ciu s" nn ri the Club Leaden Lile. lIutt h Burton was wild 1I11 e1 ill ·IT,·c · BAN D W ILL GIVE SHULT Z-McC LURE t hro ur::b out Warren CQ unty. lh'p, u ln l , fu r l h ... t' r ~ t t iml' ~ in cl' hl' SPECI AL CONC ERT The group met Tuesdny morning Mr . W . C. WAlrner. o f Xc nia, (I . , h~~~ ul1 p i ldlil1~l h Hd t o Iw taken fr o m i1l'len C()I ~I socl~ t)' Rirl of Cal). lI bl1ut R ::10 Ilt the Delco Light 'MIg. spe nt the wee k-ellel wit h his 80n-in · l h l' h ox . uu t hi ~ t' upporl \\' n ~ \, (l r~ A ver y pretty h" me weod in/{ WR ~ Cn., wh ere t he)' la w anti dnugh te r, Mr. lind Mrs. Mar- lomla !lnd New York! dressed III wer" divided In~~ ru)!~c d - (' r rt) r~ ti C bo t h f) m i :\~ i ol\ nud 8"~ln gIlwn and 8 Ik sUppers, thot (I f la s t Thu rRcill Y ('\'cninl! , when [\VO divis ions . each wit h 1'h(' Wllyne ~ vi ll e Pre l1lier Han el has A. O. vin ~otr_ Huy. of Cblcll~, n se parate ' c(""mi sHilin h"in", ruthcr jl lenli.ful. liked pi Into the wilds of Ne-w J erbe en r(lq ucH lc d to plny u conce rt hf Miss R ~ b l' (' cll McClure , rlaugh t~ r of I(lI ide wh o d irected the to dive bot I1lBfl1led _a~ In hla lhu: k ("rHllt· l o ok u p th e pilchil".! uur · W a rren iJq,; aq prove thot Abe eould battlo .II the old fllmi li"r ai r • . and ns th ei r oyell, CII", aDd noee, so Invented Mr. un d M,·s . J uhn McClure . of unty people through t he variou8 deThe Graham rl'uni on will be he ld nature and 8ubslst wIthout provld,," whc n ' til<' Ilu tc hn,uu Id t it. UII " ·1I»c.·.·rl !-locos-on e nd s' Thur sdny evcn- thl/! ~j), which ~ ~roVed pracUSprin gb or n. becnme t he hrid c of Mr . partlllen t~ of th e fa ctory at th e home "f Mrs. Lauro Shid u- alonl (If eqaipme nt. Dhoco!slon wht.' n ne c oulu Int.'n l · UU.' Jllut c v:a:-o cal. Th'*fw ho wlaeaea can 0\ a hOWie party .~ Sh" wae Wurd Shul t z. of Akron, ' Ohio. Th e pluinNI th e differ e nt step nndin ke r, at Hllrveys bur!/: on Satureln y. etartcd toll'r:,ld )' (; Irc ~ t i\'l'. but' hc , loo, bur~ iiIV'. S" ptc mb l' r 4. th ey wi ll ren elc r n ha\'8 ~ta1 IIJIIIeI tt4d tnt.o ("ilowed b)I Chat. ODO\:bel 11111rring e WfI ' n \'e r y henutifu l and mllllUfl1cturc of bo't h the farm full pru", rum o f t he " lei familiar lIil' ~. C4P. Augu st 30 th: It Ill h r k(' ti l·l·~W l llb l u II C C L,) u c er tui ll Prl h ru m wi ll hr n nno unc'cr\ in oll r "ervice took pluce lit 7 ::10 He" . Frank in~ ,ysi ems and th e E lectric woshlni n otl, d ..:iti zt.·l1 r,.om B n n H'u . ne xt i!'su c. Shult z. br(l thcr ot' t h~ 1(1'''0111 , om- machi ne.. Elich vis itor was Mrs . Marvin lIay An d chilelre n and COIII'I('u with thei r rnr,:~,' d d e r el1"~ rioting. 1'111' Hil mi wl , h(·, to l hllnk all whu 1"' 11 a so uve nir a s they left M I'!!. Roy Hull lind! childre n nnd Mr. WII , th ~ Millln l" 1I1111J1 lit)' tu d o muc h It waR 1I ve r y ben uti ful nn d im · The bo ys un d me n t ogether mllde the conc(' rt.. p"">iblc , nlso the Chua. Hay "pent MondllY nf ter n oo n df "t t i\'~ hilllllJ( u).!'Hi nht th e pit chillJ( p r c~ s ive pe(,p le fu r the ir s plenrliel atte nd ancc. cer emon y, Annll O'Nell l unty AI!l.'nt Class went thl'O~,gtL with Herb ert Mer edith a nd famil y. "f WY"OIli; . l'Iurh " \' ill~' ~ cruck Yotltll( t..t.!I!'" lind nnd end Miriam Ellis wer e th e r ibbo n Sucher Pack ing plant th e 5ellSO ll with t he hope !'o 1\lI thp uw. 1.;.(~"'::'-iIiIr,o:'ti In 011 1y oll e inning. t.h e girls, th!! t and th e conc e rt~ wi ll be po,"il>l,' little Frll n ce~ Ell is Wa R the und wome n under toh~ Mrs. John Th ompson OTI th e W IlY~ ixt h. co u ld lh'J Y ~ c: o r'; the n lhrN:: rin g hell rer . The bridl' wa~ uttired Miss Kize r vis ited t he nex t yenr . nesvi ll e an d Lehn non pike, so uth of • in~l e" , coupl ed with th e on ly PS'", in a ha nd f'o llllll' KO\\ n o f ~ ilk cr ep e de Dept . Stor e, wh T he prOl!ram f or Thursdn y night : town ce leb rated her 80th nnniver sury e re they aCI' " unt ed f,)r th ~i r only r uns. Wy· chene . Th" ).!' roo m w", d re~~ed in some practicn l poin tR in on AUl:u st 10th. All nf h!'r children ,O lll! III" , receive d Mpl,,"did ~ upp u rt I- Mllrch the cO ln'cm iono l hlack. The Univers e. Prelid ent Givea Hia Sancti on and gra nd children wer e presen t on Vacan cy clo thes for Bchool and in the fro m hi. t Cll nl mutes, buth ill th ~ lidd in Primar y Grade It was followed by II \'C ry app e- tion of materia l. 2-0lle rture Daughtl ' r of the that dllY. lin d at bill. to Movem ent , Throug h Resign ation tizinR wed ding s upp er, lind served Elm . At the Packi ng Plant the ~p~8 T he loriJ(hll'H fca t un' of th e gUtrlC ' by :I- F ox Trot 8 compete nt lot of young girl . t ep" und npe rations were · explllln e4 . Linger Awhile. III 1'5 . Anna Cadwnll nder a nd 111 iss fru m a Incal vi ewpoint wu~ the im· fri~nd s o f t he bride , anel luter Mr . relativ e to the ·I- Wa lt z Ech o~ of Spr ing. Clara Lil e ent~ rta in e el at d inn er on prepara tion of pork \ proved bn ttin ~ lI f Prof. E:dwnrd J . The Star. It is ass uring li nd gr a tifying that in Tuesday , Mr. 5- Mnrch u nd Mrs. Shultz left for u short vi .it un d beef for the market. lind Burton . wh n t.eaches in the Wayne Mrs. The mil~ A. H . St. The Wll yne T own ship l'ich nol Ido nl! th e lukes. In the In te rmissio n t he gene ral moveme nt throulth ou t J ohn , of Xenill, decorati ons ing or fertili zer and tankatre were T owll . hip Junio r Hi ).!',' . chool durin g Mrs. N. P. Clay- DOllrcl met Illst Saturda y eveni ng for th of The Thunde r e r. the ci\'ili7.eel world t o outlny and e co lnr scheme of yellow li nd white special interest 6-Mar c h burn Ilnd Miss Clul:'ll Smith. o f Dn~'­ thr purpose of e lec tin!! to the farm grou~. th olT ~e ll ~O II. Former ly 1\ VHY 7II prim nry were carried out in II very abolish wnr, ther e a re none 0vertu more re tasteful T he F eder al Inspecto r of the U, S: .... Mi ngno nl'tte. ton. ligh t bu tter, t his y(,un", ~ i' eed m<!Tt enc hl'r in plnce o f Miss Henriet ta und artisti c mann er, enrne"ll y outspok en in . upport of the, adding mu ch Bu r eau of Ani mal InduBtTY also gave Pili of My chAn t has b" g un mixin).!' hun ts wi t h B- P opular Walt z Mc Ki nsey, who rcs i",ncd he r po"i- t o th e cha r m and pleasure of the ev- a brief mll ve ment t han Preside nt Coolic\lte DrellOls. discusio n eoneern mg their '. Mias May Wri!!h t en tertaine d at tio n. The boa rd elected Miss Fran"trn ij.!'ht-llway hilt ill" unel haR nchie \' ' ening. kJ r th e Oe mocratic presiden tinl nomi - elinner _- Marc h work especial ly pointjng out the \08S- " Officer of the Tuesday n llY. ce" , lIIis J nTln Hel.. n Haw kin s, ey f or th e p osition . cd "plendi d n'. u lt ". Sunel"y . he Be· I • _ • es of hogs nnd cnttle due to t.lberA Night in Ju ne. nee . Mr. Dl1vis. a nd Mr. Sewell Hums, of Notti ngcured ~'re(' sing lcM (hal f ro f t he en · 10- Sc rc nllde Mi"" McKi nsey has helel thi s il11-\ Bot h have mad e it clea r tha t thi s culos is. hnm, Enl:ln portllnt nd. wh positi ose t ir.' tea m', work) in four chanc e~. on marriag for th e pa.t t welve REUN ION OF MEN WHO e will ... grand moveme nt ha s their u nqull liTh e vis itors next we nL t hroug h tbe tak e p lace Sl'p t e mb ~ r 2n d. The l\Ii nmi s lo,t th e I(lI nI e b ..cnuR(' yeu rs and ha s been very .ucce""f lli. SERVE D IN THE 147th Day ton fi .. ci supp ort. TICKE TS TO BE GIVEN Dail y ," OW" .pla nt where the !:lh(' hilS be' ll e lec ted to till U pos ith ey did nnt pillY i lll' clll '~ of ball o f Uoth lIgr ce with the \'a st number var iou. "tel)8 in th " pr~[lllraUOll !lnd Mrs. Lilli UNTi a M. l MOND Uye r, or Gq lri en, til' n II " P rima r y l'iuperviso r lit A' hAY NOON u f wh k h t hey IIrc clI lla b le . lin d whi ch rig ht-thin kin g p eople that war is publi. hing "f II hi~ ciry dnily was e",- • Coin .• Mrs. Et he l S .•Wiikin soll, o f be tI,hlll" . Ohi" t hey u8un lly do piIlY. but evcr y t enm M II :a lu ry of $ I ROO 0 II l' rt'uture nf s uvug('ry , passe d down Th e 1471h l nfantry, in whi cH nenr- plai,1l" !. ,peeial inLl're.t was Kulb. II I. , Mrs. manl- . Bess C. ' W ha. iL. nIT dUys. hi te , rl au- yell r. S he" ill huvo n bout ,,0 teac h· Iy", h the BiteS fr om th e t im e of I~ ht (' 1111 nf t he hoy" of thiR onlfnun ity fl'H in ,eeing th e PI' K~ in r . Gera ldil1<' an d ~O I1, Horace. of er~ oporntio fl, Th t) Be ll broo k tc a lll is comin!! t o u Ti ck~l~ for t h(' F.' rd S('(lan which primitiv e rtdt.' r h, ' 1' Kupcr\'i !-'in n o f th e firH w ere nll'm "l' r,~ duri n!!, th e " "o lIlan . und n" IO il)!,!! I' t()l~ ra · n nrton, Ohio, Wll ri rl ar printing 4(\ ,000 copies of the paper re t ho g1Je~t~ of f o ur J,.!'I':l!lc's. Ph ill ip" pu rk next S unda y. unel II "ill hI' gh'cn OWII ) ' on Lab or Day , bl" IIm onl! ci\' ili zed p" opl c·. I will h n \' l' H l" tlTl i" ll Sun d :I\', AUg-lIs t I'pr hou ,·. A flC'l' lh t; vi sit nt the _ Or. Ma r y C.ook on Sntu r rluy and Sun· hnttlc royu l mllY be exp ected. Co me ,nlo Y 1.)(.' <('cu r NI unti l 12 ::W, Monday . Tht, :dH' \'(' JI" . ;' ilill n cn nll' tn Mi~:~ '~I , a t Fiu dlHY, \lh Until t he nat ions li nd I'Corl • o f ,lay. i.), Til l' '~7t h Oi - ' \'\\'~, t ht' J,!T lt liP I' ' u~::\emh l ed in (l u t nn d S l\(!' t h e 1\1 iumit' !'tnrt anoth e r All o f the t ic kets wi ll t hell h(' Mr l<i n,,·y un.o lici I'd. unll , he d id 1' I, iulI n 'ul'; "·11 \\ ill pou r ed [h e world co me t n a lik (' t'ealiluti on he 1,,·l d Ht th e ~. r:. R . Seh" .. 1 Building where 'they ' winning strenk at Be ll broo k's ex - in l,' II IlIr",r bllrre l. and th cre will " " t k"HW IInythi n).!' "llIlut it ulltil the " 11 nil' pIll 'l' ,.n l\l un da he lind join in t,his move ment it would y, Septemb er en joyc, l a I'" , tflll ·If> 111inut S of mu-, ~I r. ul1d Mrs. LNlI1ard Ti nney. of I'Cnse. The Kco re: >chool [ ~ II drllw n, th e t,,"th one bn:lrtl o f A. hlahuln wrlfte t o 1st , Lah"r n uy , ""d th t! cily of Fi,ul- "ic drawi ng of co urse be most un suf e for th e Rnu tc 1 motion pictu"(H~ a nft lec lure per- I a, went to Ci ncin nati 1I10nday the cllr. In cll se the lucky ticke t is Ulli tcd S tll tl'S to destr oy her I!'kin!! if . he wnu ld be will ing to Ill Y is mak ing elubo l'hte it.. urma- where t hey will spe nd a few preplIrnli ons tllinin", to the ol'A'aniz uti oll al\(\ days. ncc~pt it. . She wns f ortunat e in se- 1(1 rCl'e CLARK SVILLE :lO t f ound, t he nin th will win . And m(·nL. or f ai l t o keep ive u lurge crowd of "X-Ke r. r: rllwt h o( th e 1\. C. R. with the Welth e m at n lIIr. a nel Mrs. Harry Truax, of Cin- cu n l.' ~ thIS as thpre was a score of vice An n H PO A E so 011 until th e cor is gi ven lIWU Y. stllndard sufficien tly str men. By ~e curing eertificn tes fllre work limonA' t heir e mployee s ulld ong to snfe- cinnuti, who have been visiting nt upphcnn ts . Osborn, c 2 3 1 5 0 0 If t he te nth is n ot found immediu te· gUllrd altain st f or eign .. fr om lh e tick et ngent, any fox·ser· re sidellces of thot commun ity g ive.ll ' . aggress ion . t he Tinney' s, r etul'l1ed h ome with I Millen. RS 6 2 1 2 1 2 Iy th e Club will wai t a rea sonllble As a primary teacher MISS IIf cKII1- vic l) ma n belo,,~in l!' to Bu t the Un iteel States, now th e pre- t hem. this orp:u n i7.a- :-ll'c:l' iul ('on s iJpt n in n . The '''i sitors .. 1 II. Smith 1 b c . 4 Rey ha s made ~ood . rt hl'r ; t ion cun get g ren lIy 3 12 0 0 le ngth of time before ann oun cin g mier of nations, constitu ted reduceel ra Les. next elljuyeo a tour t hl'oug h the SO\~ , of peoWy"o ng, I' n 0 0 natu rill f orte 3 0 thnt the ninth won th e car. to teach th e httlr tn t" I General Pershinl( alld . othel' Army di er s HOIll " pit' dev oted to peace a nd abhoren t aflcr which t hey weht ' · Mr. an d MrR, Dnviel Arm ~tronl: nn d whl'n they firs t Pence, Sb r, 2 2 1 3 0 The Comm(.' rcial Club in t hei r fi - of wnr , i, nh li l!"L(',1 lIy th ' ~ l clime t o sc hool an d me n will be fJr c~e llt f or t he occa sion. thro u",h K lIndin!! Mr . Olin Wilso ll, of Dayto r UI!~ Bak!'\'y wh ere the difn , spl' nt ull her pupi ls love d he r li S she appea l- 'I Grny, cf 3 0 0 3 0 0 nlll meeting be fo re th e cclchrnt ion, IImOIl~ nati un" - -- . - - -- - it h" . allnin(·, i nnd S u nd n~' lI'ith Mr. lind Mrs. ferrnt )lr oc cs"e~ in bIlking brruJd , J ohn cd t o thei r Ii"a l't . . We I'!'e rlk l. fM W. Smith, 2b " 2 2 2 0 mflelc all Ill'rangm cll ts li nd nothing its i nllu~nr in w" l'Id a lTlli rs, tn lead Belich. were obse r ved lind t h oroughl y ex- . of Rout e 2. Miss El izB Mc- her 11 prnmi oinl' fu l ' /I'" • WTI!!ht, ( rf 4 2 ~ 1 0 0 hu < be pn I"n undone t o nlll ke this t h,) rn OVt.'lll l ' lIl f u J' u ni\'(' r ~a l d b al'tn plui",.d. Bread mi XI:TS were ' selln . .. Co mas , II'ho hilS bee n tnkin g carc of A s 1(\r t h (· n ,\" u \ J1L' hcl)-, \\'ll f cc l J . Mullen, If r. 1 0 0 0 0 a I'ed letter day f or Wn yn e~\'ille. omen t. in opcratio n turn ing Ollt over l Mrs. Benc h f or Romc tim e , retu rn ed t hat Kiphnrt , rf 2b Mi " l\ld, in > ~y ' " pia"I' i" h"inl( I 0 0 0 0 I{eme mb er th e r e will be adequllt e Wherc\' " I' lind II'henl'\' ct' th e '(Iu es- home with th em. th o ll~and 10llve of brend in each fi lled hy :I you Ill! hldy wh l,«' ~I'c r- I I}fl rkinp: s pace a nd that th e alTai r ti on if rli ~ : lI'Innmcllt II ri sc bsU' h. Prncticlllly a ll the work wus • . t he s t.rong Totals .. ie nc e and 40 12 12 27 !J 2 will be!!in promptly at 12 :ao. t l'"ill in~ will i ,k c'd til he r Mrs. Nancy C. Pri co rlled vc r y be ing uon e by muchin e l')' much voiet· of t hi ' 1!00'e l'I'l11e nt shoul d Mr. nnel Mrs. J oe Tinney enter- for the POSIt 1<1n. lilts' of , Boost the Lab or Day Celebr atio n. s p"I!k in its b£'half. .1110 ('y ::"a,l- ~ udd e nl)' at the home of her dllug h- whi ch WII!J Ilutomn tic. The ove n is tained Sunday th e f 611 0wing g u ests: ullt eo 1' 1'0111 Hi )!h Sth",,1 MI AM IS 1,, ·1'(' in teT, Mi ss Carrie Daki", of hNII·t S5 (Cl·t long, holdin g approx'i P'·l·" idl·nt C(lo licige !lnel Mr. lI uj.!'llCs Mr. and Mrs. ------_.~· 4.~----~ mntel Harry Trunx, Mr. and I !l 20 a"d >pp"t th c f" I1 "" illl! AS R H PO A E )'l'lI r ' t rou ble a t 12 :30 MO II,I,,), nw r ning. .1 000 lonvcs of h1' a d ut hi. ~ I 'cl' c Lary uf " tll tl' , tunk 1\ lung Mrs. Harry one ti me. Cain , lIfr . nnel Mrs. T . S. in th e WIl I'!'I'" COI l III)' '·" l'Ina l. . Prl'nder gnst, cf " () 0 1 o I he T he budy wn ~ ship p d t o her fOl'llIcr The hre nd is cll rri ed t hrou>!' :t(' P in 'the t' iJ:ht riirl'ctio n wh en they Hnrdin, h on arl ,' Mr. and Mrs. Murre l Tinn ey, hn" t" h"1\ \\' '' r~ in I,hpica E. Burton, 2b, ss 4 1 3 3 3 2 l clIl lIIre hO I11 (, li t Fnlm otfth-;- Ky., and th c fu - (, lIdles" chain afln whi cull\.*.J n conft' rc n ct· t o cO l1 ~icl e r t he Mr. a ch it is wrnpnd Mrs. Robert Werntz, Mr. and nt Cra ne , ss, p Ha tlk Ct'eck , ~Tt.:h :l .. U 0 1 2 0 flil d III ,t· year . "cr il l a nti in Le l'l1ICIl t. will he lit t hn t ped in paramn PIl pe r by n I acliine, qu ol"li o ll o f disurmu m c nt. Th n l w us Mrs Leonard Tinne y" IIfr and Mrs. c om plete d u Y l' al '~ wo r k fit. :-:;trt~o n : Satterth waite , 1 b" 1 p lace, 6 o o th e lir. t reA l stcp towar" outlll",inp: Homer lit th e rat e of :36 lua\'l' " pe r nute. ~',:!;;~j~~ Rhodes. Uni'·l·r, it:.-, Fin, nil " of the 1('lutin!! T. Burton, If Nina Hollings worth, the only dau- war (.,',.1' lII ke n anel t'esult ed n nt (o n ly 4 0 1 o In Ci ndn no ti 0 11 Wedn esela t he in" Wlllion" of IIlh'a nced ICIl rni nJ! in J\lc Clure, rf " 0 I 0 o o ghter of Helll'Y and Mnrgare t Hol- in hul1 inl" lin or!!y o f battlcR h ip conW. E. Clnrk di ed Ilt his home neRr first pl nce \' i s!t ~ rl \\' IIS t he Al Honorin l: the birth""y of Mr. Chas. th " ~"u t h , ~Ii,< J anllc)' Pac , c, '" l-i ll he Le ban on , last SlIturda y of ,h eart Iloe llk,' Slor c wh ere " 0 o II 2 o li ngs\voH h, was born nellr Kingmll n, struc..: tulI1 \\ hi d1 pt'l' ~ag'(t d ~rcut{' r ",n r t hey werc Ellis and his aunt, Mrs:, Carpent er, he:ll'l ily w"kull1<'01 liS tl\l' 1lj'1I "H t troubl e . The F ryc, 3b 4 0 o 2 o 2 Clin ton Co unty, nnd di ed at the but it IlIl'I l\' " th e world -mi nd fun eral wus held lit II tlllk on t hl' selectio Tl of maH' rI'"~ ft'.)!n of neur H arv eysb url~, Mr. , and Mrs. 111<'1111>.,1' "lfr.:'~'''''; 11. Burton, P. 2b :.I "f I h I' t e n(' hin~~ >Ia lf (If t he hi s Illt e hom .. Monrlny a f ternoon o 2 () o ho me 0 r her daughte r, Mrs. Geo rge though t" ,.1' wll r W th ought., of pcace at ~ uit,1 t o t hc in eli\·idual. . Cecil Hoover a nd fa mily entertai ned W ayn e Tnwn >hip >Ch"0 1,. Childres s, at Springv ille, Ari zo nll, It WIl S an acco mplishm en o'clock. Interme nt was mnde in The Frcnl'h BroA . Bnuer t wh en S unday, Mr. a nd Mrs. Chas. HageTotuls 114 :1 o 27 8 Ii Augu.t 0, 1924 . • . rig htl y 1I)l)l rai ,;erl will allume t he 1111- meyer and Miami Cemete .,.. PIIIIY'. plnnt was th e next famil y, Mr. and Mrs . S he was married to Mr. SlImuc l ge" " f hi.-{() r ~· for 11 11 tim e . f or it t h ddre n were g r ea tly lnl~er .. sl:all set, Cha •. Villan and f a mily, Mr. and MORG AN-M URRA Y Clllrksvi lle . 2 1 0 2 r; 0 0 1 1- 12 Beac h on Septem ber 27. 18 94, nnd inefl'lIceulo . Word was r ece. ly t he seal of cond e mn a- Mrs. Frank Treitme """i Ive ll l' the , various stnges d h ere thIS week ye r ond family, Millmill 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0- 3 t hey moved to New Mexico in lOl a, ti on on th e IIdj uicn tion of FAMIL Y REUN ION announc ing the denth of Mr. Jam nlltiona l Mrs. Marne Hatfield and son, Wale> whir-h th e milk posses be f o· ...· 'h., lnd . for the benefit of her health, she be- diff erence" hy milit ury arbitram C. Spnhr, who at ant) tim e own ed th l' plntcd in the hnnrls of t he ent ker, Mra. Veda Snm:s and daughte r, S ummar ying nn Invalid for twenty- two years. nnd turn ed Ihe dy namic thought e levator ot Corwin. The dccCl!'ed c l'" in Cineinn n i lind outlying of Misses Irma Ellis and Bess ShidaTwo-buso hi t.~- H S mith, 2; Pencl'. S he WaB laid to re Rt at the )Jeau ti- the world form WHr to pellce. What The Morgan -Murrny reuni on was was born in Jam estown in J R58 , tory. ker and Mr. Bert Carpent er_ ~ lI c rifi ce hi t- Cran .. . held ot the home of Mr. Dan Morgan and di e d at his h ome (ul cemeter y at Springv ille, Arizona . an in ~ pir in g th ought thut wa r, the A t the Cr o.loy Rudio COml)I\[!Y in Ski dmore, Sacrific e fly - H. S mith, 2. anel family, Sunday, August 24 . At 1\1 0. , on Friday, Au g She leaves to mourn her departu re , most d es tru c~ive of all monster s, ust is 22, n~(;eI 66 d ~,:itoT H were taken into Left on basc>- Clarksvi lle, 12 ; a husband , four daughte rs and six itself tn n oo n n bountifu l dinner was ser ved yenrs nnd three days. ca sl ing room wh ere the> prill~lp~~j.of . be destroyc d. CANNI~G FACT ORY Miamis, 4. g rll ndchildr en, an aged f ather and to which nil did justice . The fun ernl was held lit his Illte broudcn sting we re e":tJ UlIfl.:U -BEGI NS Do ublo play- Pence t o W. Smith mother in New M ~xico, also n broSEASO N l'h ose present wer e, Mr . and Mrs. h ome Augu st 2.1, the Th e Zoo wa. t he las t I. O. O. F. t o H. S mith. W. M. Vogel, Mr . .and Mrs. Earl lodge having dwr",e. the r, Army Holling sworth, of MissTh e dcccllAe d I1fter whic h the pllr ty Bases on ball s-9ff Wysong , 1 :. off oUI'i, and other r e latives. Voge l, Mr. lind Mrs . Cha s. Voitel and leaves n wife Ilnd one son to m ou rn eaeh going t~ their ro s;pc,~ti' Burton, 6; off Crune, 4. The WayneSVille Canning Co ., be- fa n, ily, Mr. an d 1I1r$. Rulpll Tavene r his going. feeli ng they ha d ,t-!pent two _.....:c, . __ Struck out-By Wyson g, 8; by gan operatio ns on Tuesday and the and family, Mr, and Mrs. J ess Vernj ~yab l ~ an d profitab le days . -•• • Deecla for Air Field Burton, 4; by Crun e, 7. Mary E. dau g ht~r nf T.homa8 E prospec ts for this l,eaTS crop are ness and f ami ly. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitchers record- Off Wysong , 6 Filed . t "Dayton and Sarah F: Bispham , was born on very good. Wagons were hauling John Morgan and f am ily, Mr. and hits, 3 runs in 9 innings : off Burton, II farm ncar Waynesville and when in com all day on Monday and It Is Mrs Fred Morgan and family, Mr. Re-or. anizat ion 8 h i t.~, 10 runs in Ii inni ngs ; oft Crane a young girl came to town wIth her expecte d that the fuctory will ru n and Mrs. Frank Morgan ond f nmily, 4 hits. 2 runs in 4 innings. parentS nnd has lived her entire life steadily for the next two or three Mr and Mrs. H. H. Adamso n. Mr. and County ,' ~~~.,..a~ Deeds to 4.988 aeres of land in METtJO DIST CtJURC H ; . Umpires -Britain , Schuler , . Bag. Montgo weeks. Mrs, Ollie Reed and Miss Margue rite mery and Greene counties , here. Sabbath Sehool, 9 :16 a_ m., preaebford, Burton (Clarksv ille) . She Each was Sueburg educate year er, all of Dnyton : Mr_ and ing Bome now labor saving d in Waynes ville located between Rivenid e and ,the at 10:30 a_ \lI. W~dneada, evenTime- Two hours and 14 minutes . W r ight air field, to be used for a and was for many years a teacher in device il added and this year the John Blair. Mr_ and Mn, ChaB. Blair ing '1!ervlce at· 7 :30 p. m _" Epworth chnnge the and schools is niece, in the here. Janette me t hod Cole, Mr. Homer League 6 :46 p. m. of un load-----.~huge Ufllted States army air lIeld Preachi ng at 7 :30 In early life she joined the Meth- ing and diatributl~g corn to the au- Biair und daughte rs , Mr_ and Mrs. ' ~ere filed at .Dayton and in Xenia p. m_ Evorybo dy Ia cordtall y invited RECEI VED ' A SHOC K Fred Blair and fllmlly, Mr. and Mrs. during the past week and copies tak- odist church and was also an active tomatic huskers_ ',;. ~ . . to these services . Roy Shaw ' and !:a'mily, all of Xenio; DU~ING SEVER E STO~ "n to Washin gton D. C., and present- member of the Order of Eastern • "!IIi. Rev. L. ,.. Waahbu rn, faator. Mr: and Mn. Wolker MO Qn and fam ed to Sec rotary of War Weeka for Star. HIS IMPRES SION In August, 1920. she fell, fracturily, of Bellbroo k; Mr: and Mrs. Eu~ba. governm ent ST .MARY 'S CHURC tJ ing her hip, from which aceiden t slle gene Morgan and family, of West Theff .will be no Church Sch(lo1. or During a .severe thunder and elec~ ~~--never recovere d. having been conAlexand er; M;r- and Mra. Claude s4)rvteee at St. ilaTY'. 9;" 1 . . t rical shower on last Tuesday a we.e k cburch. durl ... An English mar\1. a:rrived in New Gray - and family, _of Wellma ll; 'Mr. the POMO NA GRAN GE MEET S fined to her hoine ever since. , !She month o~ A~ . ngo, Mn. Ralph Vance. of Ptle~t was remarka bly cheerfu l and patient York and dUrlng";tIiei, flnt. night at and Mn_ Walter Biggs and famil~. Plain, was severely shocked' by .lIghtthrough all her lfIit\'ering until death one ot .the b.i« hoffllil.: a heavy wind M.r_ and Mra, Welton Hizar and tam· . .' CtfR~STI~ CHuRC H \ nlng, The. stroke hi~ the Idtcb~1l came up and ' blllw·.bi m out oJ lIy, of Oregoni a; Mr end Mn, Louis 'The Watrin Coun't y Pomona came to her relief early in tho morn___....:. ~e" th~ Qbrt.chimney , where Mrs" Vance -.,,&1 pra-, Granae met at the new Gath!,rinW himself-tup, he stag- rilorg'a!l and, family, Mr, and M~_ HiAugust 18, 192.. . gym lut Sat- Ing .... - - - - . , . paring ·s upper and knocked lier angered to the telphono and called' the ley Gibson and family, Mr. and 110: ~ilHMl~~ .SUllcIa1 Th"re. were about one hUIImo~, . , ~ eonscioUll for ' more thall . half an IUJ'1II·:~j,rGIIten!t. ." good room derk• . CI.renee Crawfo rd and tamlly. pro....... was coJ:'IIIAUJ In~ hour. It wai sllveral houn WOre Card of na.~ "I want· another Mary MoOl'Il and l.eri 1Iuira,. she, w.. able to rewme bet I wlah to thank &he Ileilhbo n and III the afternoo n, and Au"Cenai nl,-bll t IIr Rupell of ~pl"""po~r.,lt·· ~'IJma.. of lIonow , wat friends for thdr sympath y and kind. hold datlOl, the one ' yoa pljlmpa 12· ... BUbJeet. ilea d~ --~--~ ~ tha Illn.. --~~~.) and .t til. "Ob, Ii'. ~-.".., die aeath of






- --















---_. - ..---OBITUARY

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n~ Miami Caz~tte. Wayne. lUe, Ohio


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111. \1 h l n" ltl~ hl B w c'll lO d;-;. "!,ud ttp r 1I 1P HP lW!III t y{' kl n , 1 gut t o l u~t nil I ";".' rh e t;'lI l lwr ," H"IOlllon I1 l\d o \lH'r 1Il ,'n In l h~ ol ct n r lll,) lllll i oflt.n lI:wd t ht· w,' rd t h t' r " tn ~l'cJl lo. l n.Ll or Ih e ,·.. m I111t I1 th ' r

8J Edward McCuDoogh






Soonattor sunrise ClIme n ~" lIln ry IIonremllD"w"rled by long ITo\'el, with a lUeaeaae trom Colonol JJUlHI81ln 10 Arnold. A man hod boon rolllu n,<1 nellr 1'Ilrr)1town with Imporlnnt dO('u, , QJetlI-. on hIe person. De li nt'! ,con~ that ' b. was A(1jutant 0001'11\1 Andre' of 81r Henry Cllnton', arm,. The wom had c:ome to 1)1t811. Nfl", tNlll!On I dllII[I'8l!e I the glbhet I AmOIO Willi sllUng nt brQJ\ krn ~t. R n efOlle, ')lut tho me8llOge In Itls pock,,1 - ~ went out ot Ule room. The Vul~ I&r do1\'D the "ver awaltlng 0 1'0 deN. Tho tI'II.Itor w!llked hurriedly ~ the boat landing. Bolomon \\'118 'tbere- 1t had been h\8 CUJltOIll wh ..n lit eamp to go down to the Innrll ng . , morning with his sp), gln BS nnd /IIIII"r81 the rlftr. Only one bootmon . . . ot the d.o &. '"ll~lnln,,] Blokus. 11'111 :ron 111'1]: !I11R . toJi:e me liown to tbo Drltllih IlAked. U[ hfl \'e nn en-



In d\ lt' r.'

It :·w n 'e, ' IIF no ,'tlil' r ('u ld. t.

10 "xprc'"S 11 1~ l r Il fT" ,' lI oi n r"r hi m 'I'he wlnLl """ II l1 r,," (lrllhl e on<l tho ~ I "o p fo und It dltlkult to 1'\"" ." Ihi! lauding n"nr I"·,,, I(I UJI rh'r". At t('r ~O IllO <1('1 0 1' ti"IClIIIOII JIIII II'C'<l o\'el' , bon ri! un<l s wum nsh" N}. Whn l tullow" h ,~ "ould nol hnvc' told. Wn6hln!:ton wos ~l n n rl1 n /( wltll hi A orlIl'rl y In the 1Itt1 0 r1oo rynr,I ot hondQUkrter. ' 811 Sol"mon ('/lOIn ~llI fO(j!\'r lnll UI· the elope ot 0 run IIn ct threw lit. \l"tly , bl"" Jllng (ro II I 0 ,'ozen woundll, 11 1 tho reel or 1116 beloved chief. "Olt. InY ~'fl ther I U ho crloo In a broken I'oleo fi nd wI th teRI'8 streumlna d"wn hla chpek.'1. "Arnold hus 8O\d Ii lI10rlky on' nU Its f"lks nn' gone c'1,.w" tlte rlvcr." WMhln Jrln n Ienolt beside him anI' felt his bloody gnrmenrs. ''Tlto colonl'1 Is wount'!ecl.... he ~alt'l to bls orti l,r1y. "(;0 tor help." T he SCO \1t, WCtlk from the 1088 of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ bluod, 1r1e<1 to regili n his foot but


Wl\~;:: c:ommander nnd

am rn ~~e<liu ~~e II:: Y ::~\~:dOI;I'I~~!)~~~~1 ~ ''''IOD10Il had had much curiosIty 0' me hut I hod l'nOlllllL" that 8bJp. Bo wlllhed to lICe the WashlJl j{tol1 wnl! uno or thollO who who had lODe Into the blUlb onll 111lt him ou II slretch_ nnd lllrrled to Smtth'. With Arnold. him to tho h08J)ltnl. rt'n." Solomon nns\vered. When he was lying OIl his bed nnd ey got Into a small barge wttll lilti c16tbes we re being (,(,lUoved, the Part T hree tile lIlDeraLln the euahloned reel' 1ICIlt, COlllmnnder In chief JlIlld 111 m thl ~ well JIll flag In hand. deserved compliment 8S he helll his • 'I!I come .uP to the Vultl1l'O nnd hnnd: ADAMS CHOSEN IN HOUSE AMID made fait at . Ita Inndln. ltage where "Oolonel. wh on the wur Is won It wIll CREAT EXCITEMENT aD oftker ftlted to recelvo the gen- be only beenuse 1 have hod wen Uke Wh R CI t d f ~' The latt.".· ucendecfto the deck. you to bell' 100." . . en. enr y . ny s eppe ~om ID • moment , volee called trom Soon J ack came to hts BIde oDd then , his !tarrmge t o mtervi ew the strlckabaft: ' ~rga'ret Oenaral WJlahlngton nsked en cnndidate for the Presidency, "C'Jiia.ral' ArIIold'. boatmea ~ the lattar about lIfra. Al'Oold. Crawf ord , th o contes t hod reached eea. abOarcI."My motiler Is doing whut sho enn to that pass whero he come to look , At. ·Brttt'li' WlIrIIltIp W8lI a thing at comfort ner," ,Margaret answered. UP OIl the Georgia n with conside rable ..-t liltv.t to· Solomon. Once Solomon revived UDder sllmulonts fnvor. Clay unquestionably held the aboud hie began to look about him at Bnd W IIS nhle 10 tell tJl em brlel\y of the balunce of power. He liked Crowtbe '~ 8UIlII nnd their gear nnd dire struggle he Iond had. . f ord perso nlllly. They had spent \!Mt tackle and the men. Be looked lor "It . 'i!ru Sh,ps tllllt SIl I'cd mo." he II\lIny a j ovial time over hot toddy ArDOI4. bat he was not lD .IUrht. W~B[10;~~ I d !l bled und s tacks or poker chips. Peculiar, AmODI tile CI'IlW. wen DUS), on tDe I' e nto n OOIl " ,n t.rou Iy it was a poker game that caused 6eco~ Solomon lOW the .Tor7 des""" sleep nnd when he awoke In tho mld- the bitterness between Adnms and ... " . v • acJo "Slo""-" ODO time of the OhIo dlo or tlte nl1!bt be W08 not strong mer ca~try, wIth hIB hlack Illpe In enonlfb to 11ft his head. Then the80 Clay. On ono occ.a sion Cloy was h1a , fuout~ Sloptl pnll88d In his hnul. tllUbtul frfond» ot his began to know holding a poker party in a hotel. Ina and reeving to .hoke a fist at thot this hi ll', brawny, redoubtnble Bol- The Clay party grew boister ous Dnd ·SoIomon. They were hellYlng the on- Iller WIIS ba"log ble Ill8t fight. lie ke pt Adams nwuke until the s mall <1Ior, ?''be 11011& WCll'e runnlog UII_ Tho seemed to bo o\vare of It blmS(llf for hours of the morning. for which Clay IhJp bad ~ to move. Whnt \VIllI he whispered to .Jock : WIIB then and afterwards denounced me meanm. ., thla'l Solomon Itel'pe<t '"Tako !leer Q' Mlrnudy nn' the LIttle by Adams as Il good-for-nothing rous, to the ,8hJp'al8lde. Tbe Btalr hnd been Crlcket;" tabout. hove up and made fIIlIt._.7.1lILbIl.Q"'-'.....Lt-:::-............~,ILIlcxt..4a1 he called tor hla Clay r emnined with Crawford for .• to be eeen. Great Father. Veebly &Dc! broltenll' an hour. At the 'e nd of that time "'1'be, ' wID IIPt you all ashore ~ he had DlIlDBl!ed to BI1Yl he was quite convinced thnt he was _ , " lID odleei 1111d to hIm. ".Jeff w'hnt- to-feel"':h\8 hand,-. to, o ill, for t he Presidency. Had not 8010m00 kn_ too much about M)lara,ret had at beIIlc1e hlm all dq GOld to De the look at tlI1I. The btlpln, the nuNG, , Clay seen the condition of Crawford, ~ 1NDt forWard. Solomon stepped A doaeD tlmee Jack badlnft h" w~ the batter probably would have bet& U18 ~ til tho deck not and run ower for a 10011 at Solomon. come Pre81dent of the United States, lit doeect, thI'OUfb lrhleh b. bac! eClmt On 0111 of th_ humed vlelta the physically wretched and me ntally aboard. WbUe h. wu 100k1Dg down 1 0ung man bIId lllllmed of the wteb oil weakened as he was. With Crawford u tile _ .... aome teO teet below, II - b1a trlend. Ho went lmmedlatel1 to elimjnated-for he wu to all intents CIOIID of. ~. . C&lI\a to flU In. BIa GlIlare! WoJJblnaton, wbo had just r6- and purpose8 eliminated 'ofter the ann ..... . -:...·1 aell84. Solomon tumed from Q tour of the torte. Ttle CI I . h J 1__ h d IItWpped latter .." tho 10011 at IIOl'I'OW and ay ntel'Vlew, t e ae .....on me n B . , " ~~re him stood · the anxie ty In the face of hili omcer. high hopes, believing Clay would not a:a:'a ~cIt~~~O:~~lO:: "How Is the colonelr he IIBked. dare e ndorse an Eastern mnn. The end' 8l0llll went throulb the ante out '"I thInk that be Ie nenr the end." Jackson men , however, suspected a 1IIto'1JIj' a!I' Ind' donwUd. The scout Jack nnswerCc1. "tie ho. oxpreseed. strong dislike of Jackson and Cloy .... It".. no time to 'torry. wlab to feel your hand ogoln." and the practical politiciuns jumped ~t haft couldn't dive DII "'Let UtI go to 111m Ilt once," lIltld the into the fray with more than con....eIIw ,Del' what I done," were hili othec. "Tbere haa been no grouter science Mass meetings were called ---- .... Iu tb o artl\)'.~ ~ - ...... _ men Wb0 picked b~""!p- roan 'l'ogetbel'-they...WlII1t to th e bedside of ond r esolu tlo'ns qUI'e t ly passed de~ of thatUilf- seeond dle '1)lIhful scout. Tho gene al took manding . the election of Jackson. fit the tweDt7...tollrth Of September, bl h d. M t h II cl Then came resolut ions denouncing m. brt... taN'nun ·, t ot It ,,~a ca• un orgaro put er PI! ~ --, - .,--- ~~ to Solomon's ,our and 8nld: Clay for his r eported support off Adput 40_ b181l oftIcer I ., struck (To b t1 d) ams. Pamphlets, letters,' protests GOt tweatr teet -from SloJlll, whJeh I . e oon rwe ,eeen • 1M' caDiln' up wben I took - - -_ _ ••- - poured Into Washington like r ain. Wlter. Is 'ere 01' 'Bloop that had Cloy, shrewd politiCian, however, saw ower u. "oln' down wore Din'''. PA"IING IS COMPLETED through this ' backfire warfore and - cOme UP thaD I t..elt ,' v lIa no more'D ignored it. , 8l~" kJlJte rip Into ID1 11lJ. I never ----" Then the Jockson men resorted fmC! 'DO practice In that 'ere ImJto work. Paving work on the Springfield- to the methods of the bluckmailer 'Talu't t er decent folk .. but Dl7 01' Xenia piko was completed SaturdllY, and the intimidator. The first thing Dan ~4Il' \8 allu8 OIl wJ. belt. Be'd but' tho pike ,vill not be thrown they did was to send out a report ehote ~ weapon,· an' 10 I t j:ltehed 'er open to trnvel for ubout two weeks thot Clay hnd mode a deal with Adoat. ' to ET diet. We 4t 11 wlllDlt in ord er to give t ho fresh cement ams, selli ng his strength In return tbat III the wnter, All the wWe be • laad ,~t 4-n blnet pipe iii hiS nioutb. time to _set und prevent any da nger for D promise of the office of S ecreI ..~ WaClted, UD n leetle. but he lOt of cr4cki,ng . . tary of , Sta t e. Clay denounced the




aUlh or of t h<.' s tory us .. " c.lllstar,1 nnd a li o l'," but the ~ to ry wo uld IIot down. He rlcmnnded a congressi " nal in vestigot ion, but th o injury c·,, " ld nOl be OVCI·c,' me. The 1iC' t rol .. led on wings, whille the truth crnwlt' rJ :t ftel' it like 0 ~ n n il. ·'r his situation reviV(Od the h,.pes of the foll owers of Crawford. T he y fel t under the circumstances, that ClllY could not possibly go to Adnms

th(' res ult "'liS nnn ounce(1 the halls rIIl'lr wi t h hissl'S co upl ed with the Appla use of the Adoms s upporters, Th u uproa r in the gulleries threatl' ncd to end in n ri ot. But in the mi, lst of the upr onr, Cloy, majestic, nnd culm, raised his guve l, nnd let it fall with one bung, "Cleur the gnlIc r ies,' he S/l id. "We stand adjo urn ed. " (THE END)

Moving pictur es p ortrayin g health activi t ies, uBulllly coupl l'd with a n int 'l'estin g story lecturos on henlth tOl'iCM o r pe rAonne l of the Ohio de partment of hoalth; plnea ras and posters ahowi",! the scope of h enlth work in city, co unty and IItale; literature fc' r t he usking on sanitntion, communi cahle discuses and hyg iene, lind th e oppo r t unity o f obtuining ' th. t hand inforlll nti n Oil henlth topics by \lm ~o n l\ l co ntllct with member s of the M.tlfT of tho health deportnle nt, a r l' t he in ter os tin!:, fent ures which will spell hen lthf ul oppo rtunity for thl' peoplo or . W nrre n co unty, the wo(·k of Septe mher Dth, when the hcnlth exhi bit of the stnte deportlIle nt o f henllh is brou!:'ht t il LebIIn nn. Eve rything of lll njor im port une<.' that mllkes for hc nlth in the home a nd in 'the comm ullity will be fcntured, The exhibit will be housed in II Inrge te nt, provid ed hy th e 10cIII "fnir honrc.l , a nd wi ll be co nvc nit' ntly 10cllt od so ns to be CIlSY 0 f acce ..~. If lhe Clrperi ence of Inst ye nr, when 0 gimilor exhibit 'ir'ns macle at 'lho State Fllir and luter ot f our county f UIrs, ma y be take n as tl criteri on, it will be one of the moM popula r utlrnc tio ns on t he g rou nd s. " . h As t he result of Ill st y ell .. S d l~ p l ny . t e demand hns been ~o g roal tha t the state depul'tment of henlth hns pro vi' d e d d up I'lcate ex h'Ib'Its f or l h I' ~ yenr, lind will be r e presonted hI tw o cou nties . every week of th e fnir season in wh ich two or more fairs lIro held, Thc exhibitA hove bee n car"ful l.v rout ed, lind liS army trucks for tra nsport/, Lion hnve heen mnde nv uil· abl o by t he Ohio Notional Guard. there will be no difficulty ill· movill F. rapidly from one f uir to unolh e r unrl huving t he exhillit r eaely promptly ut each place This year's exhibiL will cover n wider range than t hat or 1923, ond la rgo numher of new fllms have been procured, thus IlSsuring that the picturos showing of henlth work shall be .thoroughly up to dote.

and they Wert) certain he would not go t o J nc kson. Moreover to the bitt er end , Van BUren was in t he ring f or Crawford. As the doy of elec-- --~ tion neared there were fears of ri ots, thr eots of bloodijhec.l , even talk of rev· LIGHTING CHRONOLOGY olu tion. No olle knew whut was in th e mind of Clay. Washin g ton hnd a population o,t 20,000. Evor y hotel It s n far cry-over silven thousand and bonrding house in the ci ty was Approx imately $10,0 00,000 haa yeors--from lighted splin ters to t he bulging with Jleople. bee n paid to county a udi tors of the modern electric light The cus tom was t o nominate can - stll t e ond turned into the highway The chronology of lighting, showdi dates for election t hr oug h caucu s. f UII d s f rom t h e so II' 0 f auto mo b'Ile in how Inventive Il'e nius worked The elect ion was then decid ed by lice nse tag1j 80 for this year setting D through th e ages, fo llows: , r oll call of the House of Re presenta- new reco rd not only In amount of re6000 B. C.-Torches or lig hted tives. Each s tote delegation wns in- eeill ts but in the distribution of splinters plDced in h olders of s ton e s truc ted by ts conslitucn t.s t o vote f or fU lIdR to t he proper authorities as or clay. tho man se lected by a mnJority of lhe re~ ult of this prompt distribution of 300 B. C_- Lamps, mnde of brnss people of tho.t distl'ict. Thus the county nuditors expressing their or b ronze. become highly artistic. House or Representatives took on than ks for the prompt remittance of 60 B. C.- Romans used fU RheR the appeorance of u prese nt day po. funds mony villages ond larger cities so~ked in grenso-forerunner of the liticul conve nllion and the mun se- ' huve been e nabled to make ne,.rl ••d-II-"ATntl" lected by the majority become Pres- ' street improvements much oarlier 30 0 A. D.- Phoen icians introduced ident. than usual. Letters have been re- candles in Constnntinople. As Utere WEIS only one party when ceived by Col, Thad H. Brown. sec400 to 1700 A. D.-The candle, these five candidates ran, a nomina- retary of state, from a number of tallow or walli. vies with lamps ond tlon was equivalent to election. But fund s due the various political sub- lontern s. the meagerly attended caucus nom- di visions. The money hos been med 1700 A. D.-Oil lamps, with wicks, ination of Crllwford upset the polit- over to the proper a uthorities in began to be used. ieal apple cart, and threw the election fOllr payments 80 far and just U 17BO-Oillamps are equipped with Iflto the Houae \fith every man hav- fm·t as it was paid into the ltote round wicks and glass chimney. Ing. a free hond and an uncertain treas ury and checked up by the clel'1800-Gas lighting perfected, but vote. i~ 1 fo rce. .... . candle still most l1nl"'·e-nl. I I¥ , ~ The hour c)f the roO call come . Ohio taxpayers arc receiving from 1850-Discovcry of petroleum, r evCluy, commondlng, pnle, mounted t he It ho present Ild ministro tio n of the olutionizlng oil lomp light'ng. Speaker's ro,s trum, Maine, New stuto highway deportment over a . 1879-Edison, npostle of light, Hampshire, Vermont, Rh ode Island ' third of a mil e more ot roods per produces incandescent electric lamp. on d Connecticut stood solid for Ad- $100,000 expended than- t he average 188f}-Auer Von Wels\1aeh. proams. Massaclilusetts provided one tn xpaye r in \ hc Eust South Central d!1ced incandescent electric gas manbolter who voted for Jackson. The sta tes did in . 1923, according to fig- t ie. New E nil' Ian d or won. Ill'mo i B, b y one ur es co mpiled by H I'gh woy Dlrec to r 1896- I ncan d escen t e IectrlC • I'Ights vote. South Carolina, Ala bama, L. A. BOUlay. made \\ith carbon filament in growMississippi, Tennessee and Indiana The fed era l bureau of roads, which ing use. , • I dOh ' .. went solidly to JacKson. Dclnwal'e lOe u es 10 in this group of, states, . 192,,-Incandescent electric lig ht, and Georgia stood like a rock for estimates that the average mihiaD'o using Tungsten filament in hl' gh '" Cruwford. Of course, the big pel' $100,000 last year Was 2.!l, while state of pe rfection. glo was for New York. Van Bure n it is shown thllt by combining all the - ••- - -,was for Crawford; but the decision full construction jobs unde r the pres. . t Ion ' Subscribe tor the Miami Gazette, 0 f CIay prevE!nt,d him winning the en t a d mllllstra unt il May I, t h. e stnte. The v'ote stood Adams IB, is 3.5 miles. Crnwford 14, Jackson 2. The state The showing made du rin g the ten went to Adams. Cla),'& western sup months of the present admin istration' porters then we nt to Adams Who took is also botter than the averoge of Misso uri. Ohio a nd Kentucky_ ' This th e United States at lorge for 1!l28. swing gave Adnms 13 Iltates, J ac kson The federal , bureau's figures show seve n und Cruwford four. Tho con- the average of the country lost year es t was decided by t he west. When was three miles per $100.000. Ac. to the avera ge estab1l8hed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!--~~"!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~"!"!'''!''!!~~~~~'!'!_~.~~~~~_~_~~~~_ ~~~~ _.~~~~~!"!_ ~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~ t he combined lettings since January 1, the state Is getting this"}'ear 9.42 miles out of ellch $100,000 exded for roads. Gravel roads are included In the figures from ich the state's averoges ' are obtained, ,



--- ..






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it Is ot ~peclal value. The IIcenic pictures , are numeroU8 land beautiful, ond tbe text Is ,o f unusual interost. Readera who can not find I'OUTDOORS" at their local news stands may secure ' ~ copy of the' flrst number by aending , ten cents in IstanlDs or coin to."OUTDOORS," .25 St" N W •• Washington. D. C.

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dONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, chottels, ulso second mortgage~. Notes buught. John Harbine, Allon ' Uuilding , Xtlnin., Ohio .

Farmers, E\.\.tt€ntl'o n.,

l~al'me rs of Warren ' and adjoi ningcounties may obtain money on long , I l 6.". t t te t l ime oans, no' per ce~ n reB . CMt. of securll1!r the same IS very reatl h The F .• sana bl e ,lroug ' cd or n1 Lu nu Halik. For furthe r informntion cnU dd M C DRAKE T on or ah ress ,01 Irous 316 .X .L b url'r , pone - , e nnon, 10. - - . FOR RENT - -- - -- - f'() rt R P. NT-H,," ~ l' of five r O O Jl1 M, wll ter a nd l'Iectric Ii!:'hts. In qu iro li t corn er of T ~' I " r an d ·Ith stru'ct s. 814 ·

FOR Rl!:I\T L'V erH'('\o m hous on South Ma in struot. Inquire of J_ W ilson EdwJlrcJs, Wuynesville, Ohio.

, aa-


FOR SALE LO ST- A boy's s hoe between Robitlllors lUlmp und Waynesville. }'ind(\ 1' please notify Fred M_ Cole. 114 LA D1ES-Mnk~ money at home. ~Uf . p l eo~ant sO~ lng on your machine; htg.h l}r~CS V B1~. fI FO: full ~artleUlaft '~rltc \,mnet\" ac l ey, t"we". Ii, Earl Park ,,"7 . , In"'ana .... , .. FO R ALE-RemIngton lIammerlelif double-burrel 12- gulijl'e 8ho~ gun In A-I condi tion. W .. A. Surface, ~. D. 6, Waynes ville, Oblo. FOR SALE-Lo~U8t poats tn goo4 condition; Jl lao, good truck bed and top. Inquire - of Mrs, Flosa\e Carey, Waynesville, OhIo. 86 FOR SALE-Baby buggy, cheap. Inquire ot L. A. Zimmerman's gro_ cory, Waynesville, Ohio. ' a6 FOR SALE-All kinds of Plums, '1.1i0 per bushel. while the1 laHt. K. E. Thompson, R. D. 3. Warnosville, Ohio. 36FFOR SALE-Piano In go04 (Ir~e". Inqll ire George McKo9ver, R. p, 3, Waynesvi lle. Oh~o.


1!'OR SAi.~One Wam of IIoree_: 1 wheot binder; 1 manure sp~I'~er; 1 ' wOj:1on; 1whoat drill; 1 ~liaOClo set.,". ter ; 1 tobac~o press; 1 Clom alleller: 1 crea m separator. Inquire of Hi'll • James Allen, at the home of Mr. EIzio Scott; Third IItreet, Wa, nesville. a6Ohio.



FOR SALE-My property In CorWIn, near the Harveysburg pJke, cOrlllllting of n good 6-roo m houae. with klt'llh- ' en, good well and cistern, I' 18llrO lot. f'or Information write Alex Emley, ' R. D. 4, WaynesviUe, Ohio. cara !I f :W'u lter Carey. d 1

,0 _ '


SHE ~NEW. ALL RIGIiT Agent (searching In grlp)--:-"Mad; am. r-iJave' here th~ rreAt,ellt invenof the age. , I~ -ia a compact.tool . can "be used to cut paper. Tbe Atltl'IiD aaa,.· tOUll.cS lit tIM! WIld clean a pipe. pick 10cka, button shoa, .tate In AbyBllDla, Nabla, ut4 odaII bodkin or Deedl-'t ta-" . petta of northern AfrIca. II........, Houaewif_" I don't Deed 1\t17 111 ICIOIOIim Ute (ll'tlpD1IIIf ( I I " pia.-r... bobbble _ .. IaaIr ... '










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~Ir '

A. L. J cllnedl' hll ~ been in Robe !'t friend rC I\1fI (, oJ rec ently for Bever'a] daYR iru m 1\ tri" Lv · L. L IJ<.. i~ . ~ lt·". :\monril l , tlll'r has b en quite Mr~. E,· Gruhlllll nn.l ~11'~. EI Hie r;O MMON PLEAS PROC EEDING S ill, bUl i. abl e ·to ve out uJ,raitl . ubscript ion' l'ricll, U .6 0 per yeur. Hawke ~ ll en t F r iday ~ hopping in Oil\, lI1t'H. Elhel Smith is viMiting out of tnn . 'I'he judgem ent of the cOW't ill th!' [ 0\\ I! relnlive_ fur It f ow dllv~. BOl'n- 'I'(1 ~Ir . 1\ 1<1 Waltt' r Kr\ll' r, of Ohi o VB. Er nest Mr. 'lII U Mrs. Chus. Gor;lon and of Hou te 5. Wedn e"u/lY, Au~u " t ~ O,. ~~~...!~~~!""'!!!--..lJli!.-1AlutJ~ifITI-;- spell t S u ndllY 0 u t of tow n . u son. WEDNESDAY. AUGU Sr 27. 1 9 ~4 1\11'8, Chas. Gr ny spent the latter ~ !r . ond Mrs. City Routza hn lind T he Cour t of A p p eu l ~ overru led pllrt a nu r eve r~('(1 a forme r <iecision of Duy of ih u werk with he.' . i ' te r~ il! doug hter spent Sun d n~' wi th re illtivcs ton .. at T ip peculloe City. th o cour in the cose of Be nj am in M ~. "n d Mrs. Karl S hidn ke r lire The Pr imary c l ll"~c" htld c har~ e of F . I'er rine, p laintilf in erro r , ,·S. , moving inlo [h e ca st ~ ide of th e Senrs th e Sunday Seh" ,,1 Inst Sun.lay, an d Geu l'g'IJ E. Per rine nnd George E. pr"rcrty . gnve nn interc~ting pr ng-rnm . You ll g. defen dant in e r ror. 1\lr. und ~Ir . W. A. Haine s enterlIIr. an d 1I1 rs. Ber ne J oneH I1tletldtui npd on SUllduy, Mr. lin d M,·•. Hur- ed the f un eral o f Ihl'i!' ne pl",w, .Iu •. NEW SUITS EVIDEN CE OF GOOD TIME5 docs not da r e t o go Int n the mn"k"t ry Smn rt, of CincinnRti. Moo re, in Dayto n. Tu esday. p luco to Hnnoun c its wnr es. The Ann ll F. Curtis hns b ro~ht ~ u it Mr.. Nellie BC'III nni! funt ily ure lI1 r. nn d Mrs. Bl'rn e J o n (:~ nn,l "D n Ev!:'r y city , tow n Rnd villugr. In housewi f e Is u cl 'vcr bu ye r. Sil,! lI~n i n ~ t Berlllll'rl Alle n, t Ill., fo r nll1\'inl\" from the King property into T herle, Il ttend e<i the Dakin r eunion th e co untry wi ll fe el tho benefit of kno ,\'s vuh.,," 'In d it hurd to fool. 1" ,rtiLi on of ce rta in rea l es tate an d tht, I"l")n m Fi Q'·l!r hll' r s to r e . ti L New Burlin g- ton lus t ~ulldny. trud e im provemen t U" u rOMul t of the S ih.! ll cc m lly dp t'ievlI her C(lr · 8 ti m(' , cq llilu blc re lie f. Mr . "lid lI! r~. f rnnk Wil.o n \\' ~ re Mr . Martin, of Dayton. demons traIIdoptio n of the Dawes plan . So,"e but R(1onr r o r lnt!:' r Rh" begin ~ t il Clllhc rill c l\1ul'ruy i ~ suilll\" ,John w(!l'k,,(ond gU eslS of Mr . nlld Mrs. te d a r udi o to 1\ lurgl' A Ii t t le BEEC H-NU T Chew ing Tobac co' oudienc e on will be nefit mo r!' than others, profit wO llO l!'r why II is th ut " Wen rem & E. Murr ay for divorc e on g-ro unds He r bert Fitl·. in W". hin!!'to" C. 1-1 , Albert tucy's lawn W c rln e~day evnccruin g in proporti on to obili l :l dis · Misfit" li e' e t' slllt!' publicly t he bar. of KrO~" tl cl! lect. now and then MI'. &n<1 III,' •. W. II I. Mathias and cning. I,l ,yed, the visio n of th e comltlUl 'ity ga i n ~ t h,·y hm'" to "tfer, hut pref er Clin t on H . Ilnd Dor othy ~1. Tn l- li ss !\IIW·!:rUI't·t ~t n rr mot oreu down A nu mber fr om hel'e attende d the Is Just the th1~ for regul ar men: .d tho willingn ess of t he bU f iIl Pl'~ to whis per th l'ir prirc" an d IlSSUrlln CC" mllge 111'0 sui ng Mary F. Mikese ll, fr om n uyto" Sund"y . t o " isit r elu- picn ic of the Springbor " und Lytic nun · to grasp his op p o rtu ni ~y . Of Then "I,e tuke i a jour ney " ut 0 f et Ill. , to reform certa in deds. l i\· r ~. unda), Sch ools at W" lclrhu e pllrk, course th ere will be some spot. 'Jver town. More punch than a pipe. Fine for fatigu e Mi "s e~ Ol etlm und Th clnlll R n " c rL~ Pri da y. which the boom will pass like a ' "01nntl nrlJther , PROBA TE PROCE EDING S and li lt tott. of Ll' han on, indige stion -good for the teeth and Mrs. Cather in e J ohn s is repnr tNl Iner breeze. Tho race Is still tv the gums_ May T. Deat h, executr ix o f ' the weI'(' S unday gue& t~ of 111 r. nr,d Mrs. 115 improvi ng the pust wee k. und e r swift nnd the battle to the s' rotl Jr. the ~ ure or Dr. C. A. Colemtlll , of estllte of H ugh J . Dcuth, decease d, r.harl " T uck er und flint ily. Those who are "live t o op portun ity 1111'S. Rue Mon fnrt an, l children . of Dayton . Big do-er s are fi led her fi rst on. \ fin nl !!ccou nl. chewe rs. Inven tors and and have the courage t o grasp it' will Mis,", Charlott e J ame" ror Five Jurist Mllrga ret V . Boxwell, execu tri x nr Wilming ton , >I re spendin g "e veral s. h n~ . deep think Mi ll er, ers and hard worke rs, of I'eap th e reward a nd engende r the Spring fie ld, ore gU chls /, f rdative " Ihe eHtute of A lel! Boxwell , ti !'cell." duys fit Mrs. II . ~:;. Cressw,, ))'" house. Points, s pcnt the past week with her . crack oth letes., star go1fer s, ball pla yers. jealousi es of the letharg ic ond th e her ~I.·. Monfor t "pent the wee k-e nd with un.-Ie and uu nt, Mr , and Mrs. Ft'Unk e. cd, fil ed an nccounL of the t r an saetkeep BEEC H-NU T Chew ing Tobac co sales incompe tent. Ther e will be mnny Ih em. Tl oge r~ . Miss Entnw Whit l' is th,' ~ ue s t of iOI1" of Alex Boxwe ll. LI S gu o ril ill'l l\ IIleepy me rchant in beyon d the 250 mi11io n packa ge mark. his ge neral hel' brothel' , Nntc T he Boy Scouts fr om CUl11 P Pruf. nnd Mrs. Ge orge Clur k, o f Whi t" , of Ko ko- of th e e, tut e of Addiso n R. Sturry, st or e who will continu e to drone St um p gave a very inte r ,,"ting d"nt- Cinc innati. were week-end l!u c~ l s of mo. Ind. mi nor . Waxy leaf, cut just the right st.ze.-:chose:n away 'hls life and sec prosper ity The Frien us Sun day St'llool pic. The COurt de t ermi ned the uCtu 'li on8Lr nt io n nil u U': st rcllt~ T u e~ ""y 1111'. und lIl r~. Churles Clark Illld· othwalk PlUlt hi. door without even a nicked from the best crops -unva rying ly blend edThe lodi es of the town er r c illt i ve~. at the Xcn iu Fair g r ound . net " lIlue of t.he estat e of L(lw is eveni ng. pign of recogni tion. Others will lell r Wednes flavor ed with the pures t ingredien~ Hohert li nd Mi ldred Hnine", nf day. la",son , decease d, to be $4.6 15.20. t rca tc:d th cm t o pie und coo kies and Into the fi eld of speculat ion and 800nBe lmont. visited severol dn ys last stems and litter remo ved-p repar ed and The fou rth sec lion of Ihe Lad ios' and .or der ed a di Mtri bution of sam e. the me n f urnished lemo na de. IIr or later become the victims of lI1i sR Nellie Campbe ll und Mr. Hor · week a t the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Aid entertained th e oth er me mbers, eealed witho ut one touch of huma n hands . . J ohn Fo x, adm in istrotor of th e their Impellin g desire to to get somer y Hosier we re qUietly mo rried at \V I! Ite r Ke n ri ck. Tuesday P. M. e. late of Da vid Fox. decease d, fi le..! t he home of thing for nothing . f a the earnest, t he lIl'ide 's pa rents. 1111'. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hll wke nnd c hilMr. and Mrs. T . M. Hnrla tl , <of his in v!:'t1 tory a nd Itpprnise mc nt. IOc Is flatte red every time It meets ' a thought ful bUlines8 man, howe ver, a nd Mrs. A. B. Cll mpbell, on Second dre n ond Mrs. Ell en Copsey a tte ndI Miamisb urg, arc guests In th e homo Clyd<o Th packa omps(lll ge. , adm inist rnt or of . the dmes arc full of hope Great I of th eir mother, Mr •. A . H . Har lan. tht' estut e of Mll ry J . Form ll n, de- str eet MOl1 day - evening , at 8 O'clock , ell th e Huwk e r eun ioll at Hnrntfln captains of Industry agree that the James Connor, RIlY Ca rr, Fred cellsed, flied his invent ory ond up- 'Squire Wilson pcrform ed th e cer e- pllrk, Le bAnon . SundAY. c:ou.ntry i8 facing a long and stead y mony. On ly t he imm edillte fnmilies Mr. alld Mrs. James Hawke Ilnd Hadley an d James L. Co nrad " wi th prn isc ment. era of grent prospel' ity. Reports of were prese nt children , of Lima. were wee k-cnd their fumilics s pen t MonrJuy a t the C. W. Unglesb y was a ppointe d odGerman activity in bu ying up Ger man Mr. an d Mrs. ~d MllcFar land and g Ue.t8 ut t he home of Mr. nnd Mr ~ . Zoo. minis tra tor of the estute of Al bert l'ocurities in expecta tion of B s udA reunion of me mbers of the On· M. Fox, decease d . Bond $1000. Fred 1111'. J . W. Clark ha ve been spendin g Be ll Hawk o an d famil y. .Ien rise hI prices of course ore ob- kin The La dies A id o f Lytle chu r ch !anlily was held at th e home of S. 8 0ne, E. C. Earha rt and H. S. much of th eir time with their broth viously lIuch bald propaga nda It is e r. Will Clark. who has been very iii will hold the next meeting nt the Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Holla nd. Sun. Conover were appointed a pprai sers. hard to see how thinking men can day. In th e ma tter of the cose of Ed- at his home near Lebonon . The be- ho me of JIIrs. J essie LOllgacr e, on find in them anythin g but a bid to Humsn IngelMlft y. Rev. Curle!!8 baptized a class of wi n Ma rs h~lI. adminis trator va.• rea vcd fa mily hav e the sympoth y o! Wedn esday, Septemb er 3rd. get America n foolish money loosened Mr. Enos Rogers returned t o the ne w member s in the cree k near the Kut ie West ct nl., the cour t approv- th is en Lire commu:n ity, where t hey MOIIt 01 tllo hllmoll lD(leDultyry:IIIvel'J detoted to meklng more IDscbJne from tbe savin .. banka and placed home of his son, Frank Rogers, afte r Uttle ho !nc of Mr. and Mrs. J oc Keiter, ed the sale of certain real cstute and formerl y lived. to thlnkllljl out. method to Ie. where the red fire attracts. The Sunday evenin g. a n exte nded visit with Mr. and Mrs . order ed a distribu ti on of the proerl ma hour' Is _t band, however , for steady, Shermlln Rogers, near Middle Run. Mr. a nd Mrs. Da"id lioggle in vite ceeUs which a mounte d t o $ 13000.0 0. \:oufageolill ~",terpri M e, for ind ustry Mr. and Mrs. Carrol King and Ron their frien ds t o help them celebrate 'fbe will of Wm . T. Von Dcrveer IUId business boldnclIB t empered by li nd Miss Sarah Osburne were Sunth ir Golden \Veddin g Anni versary WII" udmitte d to Probate . Lola M. telllOll, do y dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Septem ber 2., a t their home cast of V" n Derveer \Vus appoin ted execuWE GET THEM QUICK LY AHD Good times are ah ead f or the lIu81- town. Areble James and family, near Spring 8n ~ ke t di nn er . tr ix of t he cstut e lind Howard Sh~­ FREE OF CftARC E Grave l lIaulin g is going on in this IIeM man; it does not mat ter much boro. Rev. and Mrs. J esse Hllwkin s, Mr. pert, A I McGraw a ll d Frank Grost commun ity now. what happen8 to the gambler. He CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Johns on d and Mrs. Trevor Haydock and Miss wer e appo inted apprnise rs. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Royer enter· nevel' 11111 and never will help build VACCINA TION OF SWINE EXP'E NSE children and Bennie Smith EI '1lm or Ha yd ock were omong the attende d Mary J. Ba ke r was uppoin ted n<!" tained reilitive s from Dayton on SunII nation. the Champi on reunion at th e hom e di " ner gucsh; at th e home of Mr. a mi min isLrotrix of the ('slut of John doy. A SPECIA LTY ~ ----~ of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Champi on. at Mrs. Lee Hawk ins, ncar Ki ngman , on Q. Buk e r, dec ense d . Bond $500 . • IIlr. Cliff Smith an d Theodo P ho ne 8 HARVE YSBUR G, 9. re nodds vi11e, Ohi o. WHERE IOME ' MERCH ANTS FAIL T ucsday eveni ng. The ocrasion was Will. H. Whita cre, f1ssignee of Weichel'S s pent Fri<1uy in Dayton on in honor of Mr. Sewell H aTl'i~, of J " hn R. \\"il 011. filed his in\'ento ry busine ss. Mr. and Mr s. F r unk Rogers e nte r Phone 44 Commu nity building presents many Nothing ham, Engla nd a nd Miss Hel- ul ,d approi cment. Miss Lu lo Kelli s spent the week- to ined on Mond a y, Mr. und Mrs. Will. co,"pl~x problem s. ,,'The m o~t per. ell Hllwkin ". who Ilre 800n to be mar. ~ .' Th co ur t determ ined the octuol e nd with Mrs. Uownrd Shee ha n, of Bonsma n a nd two chi ldren, nn d - __I_·.....I ·_"_ ' ,. .~-. .:;;...;---~ pJexlng , eema to be the arrival of ried. Miss JUli etto Bon sman , of Anderso n. nN va lue of Ihe estute of Fl or u Roltllnn n. the public mind at the happy medium Longstr eet, decense d , t o be $22,Mr. Ellswor th Smi th spen t Satur- Tnd., and Mr. Bnd Mrs. W. H. Car ey. HllrYc,.. bur•• Ohio. between sleepine ss and Inactivi ty, of ncar Hi dgevillc . 8 2 4.2 0 Il nd ordered a dist'tibu t ion of doy night with his fnmily ot the BLOND BESS OPINES , home and ImpetuoUII action which has some. of Mr. Jacob Levi. Miss Cleo Stacy spent last WedHarmon y in dr.... i. to b" FUNERAL DlR.ECTOR '" brought ao lIlucll of trouble to amall WID. H. Wbita cre, assigneE', ot ',-'I d •• ired, bat the freckled airl in 'I Quite a few from Mt. Holly. at· nesday in Dayton helping Mr. and . eommun itiea, saddling them with J hn R. Wilson. was authoriz ed to tended the Morgan reul\lon S~nday Mrs. A. O. William s and Mrs. Mala polka dot dre •• leadina a o:oao:h W8yne 8Yil~ ~, ()hi~. HOW'S THIS ? heavy debt, welgMn g tht-peop le down sell the persona l 'propert y of sal'! at tlle home vina StIlcy move to' their new home • 110, I ja.t .a•• rather oYerdid Dan I\lorgan . ' HALL'e CATARIUl MEDIC INE will wi~ tremend oul ~XIII and strangassigno r at puhlic sale. it," Mt. Holly relativ,es received the which th ~ y recently erect~d out on do "bat wo cla tm tor it- rill your 8Y8tem of Calarrh or Dealno88 c!lused by png .t birth thQ rrowth of potenFully"Equlp ped for, Good word of the death of Charles Dill, of North Main street. • - • CI.!8rrh, "aUy lIealthy villages and towns. MARRI HALL'S CATARnn :\1E D~ Nm con AGE Xenia, LIC~NS . TRUE TO FQRM brother- in-law at Mjrs, ReES Mr. and Ben Hawke snd chil- alala Service. or lUI Olntn,,'n. Quickly Tb,", is Bomll dllpute Among .econoDentist (forgetf ully, as he reaches dren ' and Mrs. Ella Copsey motored RcUovol!ll tho cAtnrrh ll l, tnnwhich Arde n Carl Burris, grinde r, and beca Dill. n mt.nlltton , a.n d Large Disph1f Room " ~is~ ~ to wbethe rln the building o'f Into the hood Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Marlatt , of to Sabina Monday to attend the Bur- the Int erna l Medicine. 11 'l'onlo, whl~h of his .motor car) Miss Bernice Mnr y Andersq n . Both . ".' . nets th ro ugh Blood on th e IIlucOUB "' . e ~ommunity inqreaso of populnt ion I" NOW, this may pitr;' you Da yton, visited Mr. Marlatt 's parentll prise birthday party of the form· Surtaces , thU8Iho lUI~I .t1 o l1' to r oatore nor8lig htly, but of Lovela nd. TELEPH ONE 7 mill conolt ton!l. follows in the wuke of good stores I'll be as careful as I clln." Wm . J . Pflll nzar. plumber , and Mrs. O. B .Marlat t for Sunday din- er's father,' Mr. Jose ph Hnwke. The Sold by I'I ru gslsts for over '0 YOIlfa. ner. occasion celebrat ing his 75th birt h- , Il'. I. Chency " Co .• Tol04o, (), or good Biores arc the basil! of in- ~_~;:==~'=====;:::: ~fi ~~ Louise C. Bool·h. 8 0th of Lebcreased populati on. ;==~ It ~a certain, ~ Mrs. Reb ecca recuived word last day. a no n, ' however , that good s tOI'i!ll att ract picrure Ihe whole a)uotry nig ht of the death of her great James E. Mr. 1md Mrs. Walter Ken rick enLa ubach , cnrpent et, home seekers and that the prnpert y ' is talkln~ about . Middleto wn, and Miss Sarah E. Priest grundso n, Jumes l\Ioore, of New tortaine d to dinne r Wedn esdny, Mr. D lt .H.E ~ HATH AWA Y ot tho morchan t Inerease s with his EXPERT KODAK The tint time nt POPULAR Leba non. of ·Fra nklin. and Mrs. Jncob Gab elm a n und Miss PRICES • trading populuti on. As Ii ' fact; most Film Finish ing The Mt. Holly Ladies Aid Society Ru th Gnbclm nn. of Cla y Hi ps her, la borer, ond Miss Cincinn llti: Miss merchan ts hold their fate In their .QE,rft: IST , will give their Social which was post - Cl eo Montgo andDeveloping Effie 1I1ae Hollon. Both mery. of Dnyton, Mrs. of Frnn' k lin. own hands and fuil to Honse the fact. pon ed t.his coming Thurs day evening Wi1l1iam Hain es and by pai"cel post. " - --:-.~Od X:-O-?RA~Ht~T(", Childre n, Rob'rhoy complai n that ~ade goes t D Aug ust 28 on. t he Church Luwn. REAL EST M'E TRANS FERS er t, Mildred and Cl nrll L. , of and larger centors. When Quality work at a saving No 1111'. und Mrs. Waynes Elmer Tobias and mont. ville, Ohio. Leo ra Bergda\ l' to Stepben H . Mi<fdleman. Doal DIrect. Sorvlce this iI ' a fact, then lUI a rule the fo mily, of Zimm ermlln, spent SunBurne t. .24 acrfls in Lytle, ' $ 1. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark nnd fast ns the malls. All sixes, devel! Tel ephone li4, mercba nt has hlTl)self to blame. D. H . McDonn ld t o J essamin e R. day at this place the g uests. of Mra. dnughte rs ontertni n ed a few fr iends OJllng ond printing , 40 eonts. except Either he fails to handle the.-line s of vest poe\j:ets, 85 centll. Tobills' brothe r, Jnc~ b Zimmer and for InOFFICE : HArHA WA BI·itton. lit .their home WedneSday evening . formatio n or oend nl0neyWrite 13.357 acres in Hamilt on fn 1I'00ds demand ed, or tie fllils to let to mily. T'YP. $1. ON MAIN STRE" Tho invited guests were, Mr. ond Mrs. the people know the cbaract er 0 f the MJ's. John Levi.~ Ml's. Rebeca Dill Hilroid Whitacr e, Messrs. CoulouB Sama nt hll Swige rt to C. P. Kron, IItore he cointuct s and the trading Ilnd Mrs. Ellswor th Smith: and family 43 acres in Hllmmon .T w p. ~.l . Younce and Claude Riggs, Mr. and opportu nity he alfords. Too few spe nt lafi t Tuesday the guests of Da,.to"" Obi•• Chas, Mrs. Harvey Burnett , Miss Cle o Mont S08 R.lbold Bid ••, L. Arme ntrout ot aI., to Ed- Mrs. Effi e Crew, Inerchan tB1appre ciate the value of ad· of n car New Bur- gomery nnd wnrd and Ka therino Hixson . 3.17 Mr. and Mrs. vertisln g-too many regard It a. an Walter ~ Ii ngton. ~ acres in Frs n klin Twp. $ 1. Kenrick . expense InBtead of an Investm ent. fIIOTARY ' PUBLIC Emma J. Kamp to Korl M. Brown. Mr. !VIc! Mrs. Albert Stacy and , They tail to Bee its 8i1ent force, pre10 acres in' TurUee reek Twp. $1. Wil li Drawn daughte r, Miss Cleo, entertai ned to Estates 5eltlod fflning to measure it hy tile. yardDanieT F . nnd Hilda A. O' Neal to dinner SundaY', Mr. and Mrs. Wilstick direct and immedi ate result.. Wayn esvill e. 0 10 ;,1 Verner illld Hazel Nicely. .2 6 acre bur William s. Misses Lena and Vivian Fo~ the most part the h~usowlre who " in Franklin Twp $ J. Flynn and Wilbur William Flynn, of is the major purchas er uneofllc loual, '. Nationa l Bank Mattie P. Frank to Ernest I. and Mt. Jclferso n, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hi!· leana towards the house that goes Daisy RobinSO)l Conrad. Tract in de brno,t n~d children , Fenton and Dat. ,.our .al". fi'ankl, to the public who signed with ITO ' • Mason. ~l. . Piqua, Mr. and ·Mrs. Dearth stateme nts of Its olfering a anet prices. Adds S. Brown to Emma N. Gray, latl.fllc: tion or ch a r" .. _. I1HteCha :n, 'Of Centerv hle; Mr: and Mrs. Whethe r me realizes it or not, abe Lot in Lebanon . $1. . Will Mull , of Springb oro, Mr. W. C. . . become s' BUllpiciou8 of the bouse · th~t . \ ~t Robert Harriso n to John H.' and Cornell, M.r. and MI'8.RuSllell Burnett C E'N'T E R V ILL E, 0 H I 0 Denti st Mary Mier. 1.79 acres In Deerand chi!dren , and Mrs'. Chloo Side~. Phone. No.2 field Twp. 1. • I W~.yneIVllle Natfonal , CRANE, Edi t or lind Publi.h er, W " 7 IlClovlll". 01. 10.


'Th e Chew . Th at Cheer s




.- ...---- -







Harv.eysburg Fertilizer Co.


------.. ...-----

W alte r McClure •







W. F. Coa ts



F.T .··M art in Au eti on eer



Dr'. John

•------~--~'!"!'"+-~-!---'"'!"-~~---:_""':'-~;1 48.30 Mark K. Sparks to Elizabe th Hank


acres !n Uni'on Twp. $1. Robert Corwin to .Hiram C, and Ida M. Btewer. 14 acres In C1earcrek Twp, 51, COMMI SSIONE RS PROCE EDING S'.

W. Miner "'1 ,





.Waytiesvill6 Farmers Exchange •.

We are buyinl r Whea t for July and Auiua t delive ry and ,w ill be in . the marke t at aI. times: Dont, fail to get

our offer befon you lell. .We allo Itore Wheat for flour eKchange, and handle the ' bett .ar.d'el of flour. . . We have on h"'d .. fUll line of FEEDi FENOE. POSTS, SEWER TILE; aDd COAL , _d caD make )'01;1 attrac.tiY• . p~ ,




The Miami Gazette, Waynent1le, Ohio I

J ~r"r/l1'o to' .p.dld WI: ynclI ill .

11 1:.

£<'II"' l' l l lI

Mc Ki ns<'y

'( t,,:ullh... u~t ' t' ,day.

Prepur to spelld Wa~eftville.

Labor Du



Labor Day


in / M r . IIIi'll Mr . Kcunr"tl. m ?cy Wl' rl'

I .fl lr:I. LI' II·lI lIrllIl1 . "IU". l ,'ul1dny in \\ •til he,' dllug-hl.'rs II nayl "".

LIIhor Day

Pr" PIII'C to Bpent!

aru llvillo. .iucilllHlti \l1~itu rH ' u(! ~dn y . Mi

Prepare to sptmtl " ,Iyn tlsvillc. MisM Ruth l ~ v l ~l~ ing I

LlI bor

Sta nb er l' ~r,


h ur~


j ,

of Dllylol. this wl'ck.

Luclln WilliamRo n l'pcnt th e Mr •. L. A. Zimmerman entertuln cd wi lh r eillti ves in DllytOIl . til(' "J olly Mntrn ns" SlIlurdu)I IIfler-

Jl ",,1 w,' l·k

Hu on.

\\,ilmin g-lOI1 h:l" dIllIlIH',1 f r"l11 l by - I /~II ~;"s Duri. IIlld Eisil! lIuw ke MI'. lind Mrs. J . C. Hllwke a"d Mr •. Ml'8. M. L. Pa11!hAll sJlont the WN';, 'il, 1I1 . ;,,·iu.-s 1 ('1·tll, ,: ":1 11 d .. I .1 .;1'1,,1 :'1 , 1 \I' k wi th ,'t' la i' l's in DayJ. F. Fromn wer e Duyton visiter nd in Xenia. tioM. lO ll. SaturdllY. Mt3ll WAnda Clark visited friends M.-,.. I\izzie Th0lllp. nn i ~ ~p"nnin i! Mr . ancl Mrs. Walter Underwo od ~Ir . Hiram )f orun lind fu mily IIn.1 in Dayton Inst 'w eek n f c'\\' day ~ ill Ci\"' " ,n ll1i vi"itill!! rei · , !,c' n t Tnc,<iny nt the Stul e Fuir ut u li\·.~ . r l\Jmnus. Roy Piggot \,'n fri ends nCllr Mu," '1\ . Sundny . / M~.- Charles Ande.non \vII H a Day . 'lI t' nnn i l \ h""H'·('" mi ng of t l" .11'. 111 01 r.I ,·s. Ali Dn)!"" li nd son . ton visiter Tu 8day. ,;: \ ':Ilky is set for , i .. ".,.). ,pent Sun ll,l\; "ilh rl'l llti n ,,, \,til It • H f ~I I l' I ), 1 ~ t rJ II. ,"\1 , :o st of hi ~ 111" 'h.' r , ;\ 11' . E merson Mra. hus. EdWArds \Vus in nllY- .-\ \11 I,·' t :Hl I II \r a~o n . n n d w if~· t on on lrfendllY, shopping. M,-.. W . (', (;"n l" " .l lIn dnn g-hl" r. . Ir~. If. i'rugh, "f f1ay loll , " ,.j , it " Mr. and lIfrs. J. C. Hawke ' \ ' ('1' (' Mi ~~ 'E n .,IYII. \\·..·n · :-hilpp ill g in I )ay ~ In)! IWI" mOlh c r, l\fl's, El tn ;\rnllld fu r , Mr. J o t' T h nlllp~H,;rl rc"u rn('(l to h l ~ ton MOlldIlY . II fl'w tiny ". hnml' in Cindnnllti after 1I \·i. it hl' re Dayt.ou visitors last Thurscl1y . ,/ with his 1110th<'r, lI1r~ . Ki Thom p.' J. D. Cbopmon is sl'en ding M,,"srs. Edwurd [Jut'lnn /ln t! Elh /l ll Mr. O . •J. All!x nnllcr nnd son, nf so n. week with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Doily. Crone snw th e bnll ~amc ill Cindn- Dayto n, WI'rl! Lillg't' r LOllgcr g' lI cstR ov('r- Sunrlny . nllli Snturd ay. Mr. lin d Mrs. Ne lson Thol'n e a nd dou[C htf'r, Mury Lou, ef Fuirhuven, .,'" Mrs. Elvin Fires and Mrs. EOI'I Mr. UI d Mr". D. C. Ridge . of Cel- spent the week-enel with relntiv(·s lIfr. Will l'cncock And .un, of 11uyOmdorf were Dayten visitors Monto n. were <.. Ilill!! 011 friend s in W ay - umbus, , (' nt I he \\'cek-en d \" ith Mr here. dayII cs\' iIlr SUI' day. ' and Mrs. Muh lo n R idge. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bulllll'll and 'F IlII8 May Wrigh t WIIS n Sundny Mr und Mrs. J . E. McClure 1\11(1 Mr_ und Mrs. Coeper, of Columbus, Mr. ond Mrs. Max Bull, of Xenia, dinner guest witb J E. Janney IIl1d Mr. nnd Mm. Carl McClure we re Day Wl' re week-end guests of Mrs. Hester were r ecent guests of Mr. nnd 1Ifr". family_ tnn visitors Tuc~dny. Robinson. nnd son, Frnnk. E li Dean. Elliott Wright and E dwllrd Durton Mrs. VeTIl ll ougll un dcrw('nt a Mrs. Miranda Crane spent Inst were in Cincinnati on Wednesday of Mrs. Julio Don ovlln, who hilS been serious 1)lll'rnti0I1 at th e McCkllnnd Wednesday with ~Ii8S Mor tha Bur- coring- for her Bister, Mrs. Jesse lutweek, ho"pital in Xl'nin . . nturdny. ne tl IInrl Miss ~: mma Cnrtwright. Wrigh t , of Springboro, is heme f or 1Ir. and Mrs. .Tas. Kerrick spent a few days. Mr. George Wnterhouse spent th e The work of paving the SpringSUDd.y with Mr. and Mrs_ J ohn week-end with friends nt the Minmi field -Xenia pike is complete nnd it Mrs. Ray Milll! and dau ghter, Lena Beadt. of Route 2. Valley CbanulUqua grou nds. i~ to be thrown open to the public and Miss Abbie Grahom were dinner next we<,k Thelma Snyder, of East / gue~ ta of Mrs. Leste r Gorden, FriU<11l1l11<... N. J., is visiting' b er aunt, MI'. and Mrs. A. Hutchison. of day evenin g. Hathaway. Marion, Ohio, arc the gucst:- of Mr . Mr. and Mrs. W. O. RlIller a nd L_ A. Zimmerman and family. Mr. J esse T homas attended a r eunion Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kerns, oi of t he Schatzmon family, neor Beth- Columbus, spent the weekend wit h and 141'1. Ethan Mathers, ef Mr. Jenath nn Haines arrived home el, Ohio, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J . D. Marlatt, a ll ualnllJlli. called en Mr. and Hn. Jobn l&lIt week after spending a pleasant / afternoon. Feurth alret. week with relotives in Xenia. Messrs. Louis Printz, Horris MoshAI'. n .___ Edwards and family and er, Frank Robinson, Wilbur Stans· Save your old carpets and rug~ MillS EliZllbeth Chandler s pent the bury and Raymon Hatfield were Sun- and get i'Wearwell" Rugs made. Sherwood spent Sunday week-end at tbe home of Mr. and day vi.itors in Dayton. n.1tt.UV'1III fD Da,-t.oD_ Send for price list. Franklin Ru ~ Mrs. Raymond Davis in Dayton. Co., FrankUn. Ohio. 1lJ'. a 1m. Walter WWlams and . Ml'8. N. A_ King, of Indianapolis, 1-..mib'. o~ Kinpan, .pent Sunda,. MIBS Emma Helghway has returned .who has been tbe guest ef Mr. and Mr. Ernest Hllrilin h811 re~urned to h~me after_ a . pl~nt viait with Mrs. Walter Elzey for tbe pust two. hjs hem\! for a short tilll!!. He has with • and Kn. 1. E. J.~ne,.. fKnenda in Cmcmnati lind Owensbero weeks, retllrned to h er home Friday. been enrolled In summer scheol at y. Valparlso College, llUnols. / •• and Ruael1 and fami~ spent Bull day with 141' nnd Masen's newspAper, The Warren ./Misses Jennie Dinwiddie and Minlim. W, P. SaUabUlT, of Cleveland. County Appeal, which was published / Mr Carl McCnure. of Dayton, has nie Dodson, of Indianapolis, Ind., at the Drewn Publishing Co. plant, joined hi" family here, and will spend were guests of Miss May Wright on at Lebonen, suspended publication on a week'" vacation with his parents, E. F. Henry and family, who Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliter McClure. August 28. ' )pen spending the Bummer in Kentue!E7. returned to their home - Me8!!rs. J. T . Ellis and Frank ShlMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen an rl l\(bllda~. . Mr. J. T. Flack left Sunday evendaker, of Harveysburg, left Saturday daughter, M.iss Olive, were Sunday ing for North Daketa, where he has for an extended <luto trip through several f arms. He will be gene sov- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mallow, e f El1sabeth, Lois and Lawrence Spohr the northern sLates. eral weeks loeking a f ter hi8 inter ests nen r Xenia, rel~tiv cs of Mrs Allen' .. of Xenia. reJativea of Miss Lile's, ere guests of Mrs Anna CadwallaMr. an d Mra. Burton Earn hart en- in that state. Messrs. W. H. Madden and J. T . dcr and MiBa Clara Lile last week. tertained Sundoy, 1I1r. and Mrs. ClifMr. Owen Burnett. we arc very F lllck atte nded II school reunion of ford Earnhurt, of Springbero, Mr. Raymon Hatfield, who has been ond Mrs_ Karl Babb, of near Xenia, hoppy to announce, is now convn- the Ollk Grove school, in Clinte ll There were '8e\'worldn~ at the White grocery fer Mr and Mrs. Emmerson Earnhart and lescing frem a long siege of sick- County, Sunday. :some time, resigned Sat ul'Cluy even- family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Earn- ness, thut has kept him confined to eral of the old te,achers lind many of ing and win take a IIhort vacatien, hart and fa mily, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- his bed for several months. He is hl! pupils plcse1tt;-ftt- this reu befoz:e taking :UP his duties as teach- est .Enrnhart, Mr. and Ml·S. Madison now nble to move about the house and they all 8plmt a very pleasant day tegether. Ellrnhort nnd Mr_ Harold Earnhart. lind is feeling much better. - er in tbe ~hoola hero,

The Touring Car







to Lebanon, Ohio; on

0..0 • • • • tIf2I

,........ . . . . . . .


'-*w ........


All ,nc.,... a.DmoU

__ 4"'-


Utili'" Drlvlag Coalldenee DrtYing a Ford i~ e6 efmpl(\ md requires

litde effort that YOII aM free to devote: all your attention to che problems of traffic:. There is a 8eJ18e of confi-


dence In driving a Ford, impossible with any mo~ c01Jll)licated motor car.

0eInIIt. Mlc:blpn

The Waynesville Motor Co. ~ . ' - - .-

.. .

-- -



-~ .--

..,-- - -


Mr. and Mrs. Walter Underwood Mr. Abram Cook and son, of Springboro, wQre in town Morday_ are spe nding this week in Columbus.

Su bscribe fer the Miami Go'Zettc.

Master Warner Hily ,of Reute 2 Messrs. Jesee Burton ond Mahlon / Mr_ and Mrs. Orville Gray lind is spending the week with his ~ rancl Ridge were Lebllnon visitors Tues- dau g hter~ BRrbarn, spent Su ndny parents at Xen ill. with r eln tives In Xenio. day. l-! r. and 1\Irs. Albert Anderson lind Mi ~s Mary Prater Is spending s(!V- dnultMer, Mi~" Margaret., of Lebanon AII the pions are completed lind Greenville is to hove a new Masonic eral days with her sister , Mrs. E li zn- called on Mrll. Annn CadwlIllader an d beth Clevenger, at tbe Otterbein 1jRS Clllrll Lile last Thursday even Temple. ing. Home. Mrs. John Beach, who has been Rev. Nathan J ohnson, of Greenqu ite ill for the post two months, MI'. and Mrs. D. A. Ferree. of Nelis ab le to be IIround again. . son ville, spent II f(!w dnys lust week field. spent th e week-end with his with Dr. Rnd Mrs. Wo rd, ef nenr co u ~ in, Mt". W. H. lIfn dden. Rev. Johnson prollched at the }o' erry Hareld Williamson, who ha M Harveysburg. church undDY morning an'~ evenbeen etaying in Clevela nd dur ing t he summer, has retumed home. Th Burnett r eunion will he held ing. at the resid ence of Mr. Stocy Burof New pett, nOI'1.h or F erry on Sunday, /lIIr. find Mr~. harles Rye enterla ill NI 01 1\ 1 "",i1 , dinner Sunday, Madison, were the week-end guests September 7th. Mr . RlIrl ,11 ". I' d HQ rt~ock li nd 80 n, of Mr. and Mrs. George HArtsock. · , . Mr.. James McClure and Mrs. ldn or . pring Villi, 'J, ,t r. and Mrs_ Hor· Mrs. Belle Dunwiddie entertained Kelsey returned home Saturdny from vey Rye and Mr. and Mrs. Clare" c. at dinner Thursdoy, Miss Martha a week's visit with MI'. and lIIrs. Rye. Burnett and Miss Emma Cartwright. Owen BarMtt, of near Da~'ton. , . /Mr. Qnd lIfrs. Walter Elzey, Mr. Mr_ and MT!!. J . E. Janney and and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey and Mrs. N. Mrs. Mame Hatfield spent her vacation last wllek with r~latives and family and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Had- A. King, of Indianapolll, motored friends in Portsmouth and Chillice- ley ere Tuesday dinner guests of to Richmond, Ind., on Wednesday of I08t week, Rpending the day ot a park the Misses Hlldley, of Spring Hill. the. thero. . .




MI'. und 1If1·s. ~{nl' I'y Bryd un and .. Mr. and M~. A. Riggle and daughThl! fumille~ . of the H ~ke .desters, of Ansonia, Ohio, were Sun- daughte r , Mnry E sth r, an d son , Robday gu e~ts ef Rev. and Mrs. L. A. ert A., of Springfield, wcrl' Sundo.\' cell dun!... mel in reunien. at Harmon guests of Mj·. nnd Mrs . D. L. rano. purk, Lebonon .Su nday. Allll ut sovWoshburn . en t.v-five were present and evelyone Miss Margaret Cook, of ncar Hllp-j Mr. J'lmes Korrick le ft Fri tit•. ell joyed the sumptuous din !l<'I thftt vcysburg, has been spending.. severol mOl'll in J; to visit hi8 old b om in wns s rvod At the nOQn h our. days "Yith college ' fri ends iq Jefl'er- Kentuc y. e will also y i~lt in 1"111-


eptember·9, 10, 11 & 12

".or Days of Fun, Ente~nment & Instruction , Warr~n County's ~nual Exposition .... 5 Speed Program

THUUDAY. SEPT. U ':'18 T,ot..:..................... .... Pune $360 PICe........................ .... Pune $360

Trot ............ .... ........... Pur8e $360 Ilule Race, ". mile Duh, . II in 3...... .. ..... ........ .......... .....Pune $'76

FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 :il Pace .......... ....... ........ Purse $850 1:14 Trot. ..... ..................... Purse $350 1:1~ ................... Purse $360 BaH, % Kile' Dash .~.. ~ul"l!e $60

Splendid Racing .for Eaell Day .. Special P~iZel ~or Farm Bureau, Grange and Boye' aDd Girl.' Club Work ... Weclaeada, will be Old Soldier.' Da" w:hea free admiuiQD 'will be fu ..niehed the YeteraDI of all warl. ELECTION OF DIRECTOR.S, FttlDAY, SEPTtMBER 1211., FROM




Music . Each, Day.' 'A mple 'Aeeeommodations for Autos and: ~tber Ve-.leles. Single, SOc Vehicle.; 2Sc ·Membership Tiqets, $1.50 _DillON aT.WART.

Ky. Ohio. mouth, Cynthiana ond llr ook iIle , Mr. lind Mrs. N. P. Clyburn , 'o'f WI18nllnlrto n, C. H., arespending this lItr lind IIfrs. R. G. CrosR are spend week with Mrs_ Anna Cadwallader ing this week in Brown County. and Miss Clara Lile. While there they will attend the big Home-Coming at Bethel. Gov. ponMr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Schafl'er and ehey and other prominent speakers We have a car of. Che~ ;. . :t little daughters, Gwendelyn and Mir- will be present. iam, ef Springfield, were week-end Anthracite on the road, We guests of Miss Ruth Chandler. Mr. Chas. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. would be pleaaed to recei'l.'e Walter Clark nnd son, Junior, Mr. Mr. Louie Gaskell, accempanied by and Mrs. George Clark, ef . Cincin- your inquirie.. his daughter and het husband, ef nati, attended the Ballentine-Clark Greenville, were guests of Mrs. Anna reunion at Fremont City, Saturday. Cadwallader lind Mi8s Clara Lile last .Over ene hundred were in atten-l • week, LEBAN~N, OHIO. dance. ~



Mrs. Alma Lefl'erson and little daughter left Thursday for the Chautauqua grounds, where they wUl spend several weeks at tbeir cottage at that place• / Mr. and M":", Harvey a:ekett and family and Mr. and Mn. Harry Tur. ner, of Dayten, IIplnt Sunday with IIr. and Mrs. Sam Bamett, of near geaterville. Iln. Rilla Brow~ Mrs. Cliff Himel, ef Centerville, and the Misses Annie and Mame Brown, of Columbu8, were Friday guests ·of Mrs. Annie Sheehan, . . Mr. and Mrs, Adam MeUoh and family a.,!d Mr. and Hrs •• .A. Zimmer. man and family, spent Sunday In Celumbus attending the opening of the Ohio State Fair.


. Mr. and ' .Mrs: E. V.- Bar~art: of Chlclnnatl, ~r. a!ld Mn. Emor Bally daughter, of near ' Lebanon, and Mr. H. D. Baird were Sunday Peate of Mr ..:, and .M. . E. B. Bail,..


By a Ithority vested in me by the' Prebate Court of: Warren Q:e un:' . ty; Ohio., and .under ~e wlll .ef Mary H. Pine, deceased, . whi~ h .will . was probated In the p;obate .C,ourt ef Warren Ceunty, Ohle, on the 16th day of May, A D., 1924, I will efl'er for Sale at P.ubliollue. tion on the "


Day ,af Sept~mbert A•.D., '1924 .

A -

_ At 1 a clock p. m., on the premises, the follOWing deseribed . rc-al estate: . • TRACT No. I-Being a patt ef schoel section ' No. 16ef Twp. B, Range 6, containing 60 acres. of good land. ' '. . TRACT NQ.. 2-Lies in the N. half of Section 84 In Twp. t Range 6, containing 175 II$rell. · . " . Tract No.1 hall .been .aprrois~d at U9.60 pQr ac.r.e , and Tract No • . 2 haa been aj)pr~lsed at $7(1.QO per acre. . ... 011 ~rsct No.' 2 are never-failing springs, of water, a gelid 8 .1'00rP ' house, a bam 40x60, a . 5·bent tobacco ahed, double' corn cribB ~• en ahed, smok~ house. : Said farDl_ie well fe~ced; This ia~ ·~al . . . ,12 acres of tlmller and .only 10 mlieH 8Quth ef D.yton ' . :" ~ct No.1 will be Bold 'lt 1),. m" and Tract No. ,t 2:30·p. nI. Both· en Septem~er 2, 1924. . ' . T~e fanns are a par;t of the estate ef Mary H. Pille, deceued, ~nd are .bou~ 2 % Willes ~. of Cento,:" iIIe, on the Social Row toad, Wah. Inwton T~W1I8hlp, Men~mery c"unty, Ohio. . . , TERMS' OF SALE-CASH


ELBlDR sBnBAlf, Pru, d ........

Eucutor of the win ofJlarJ




Seventy-Six,t h . Year



Ne w-Fordo r


Tho Comm ercial Club's Lubor, Day cclchrut i'lIl Qrought more th l\n 1J1!V0 p ~ nll l ' to Waynes ville lust Monday I,nd f rom every ~tall dpoillt the day waK II g u cc e~s. In the morning the . weaLhcr W!\S somewh at throuten in g, but nt th e time tho eelebrn tion sw.r t· ed, it wus a iypicl\l. summer dny. ideal for tho' busll bull gdme nn d athletic :\ \

ompt· on time and the in,ier bpnd furnishe d IIIDBle for t~e crowd unti l thnl tI o. l'IIe Judges ran the ovontH through ra'pldl)l .n d thel'efp re did not tire ttle people wattlnll '!or som c t~lng io hpp n Followi ng are the willn ;of tl\e old eyente: ' Girl's race, lilt JU'dai 9 to .12 yoafS, First prize, ,2 ~Yift" actount , Wa,.. nesville Nstl()na ' Bank, !,on ' by Mary {.ouise Zimmen;aan,l lecond prise; U bOx of candy, . Lavonn e Burton, won br., Zelia C~rwin. . Girl's race, 60 yards, 13 to 18 mn. first prin, $2 u sh. Walter MeClur,e and Sono- 1\'O1l by Amy Hop-


, =~~:~ ~:: ::'::..8 S~II~~b" 'Lee . I



Bue lIall thrOw, glr'l to ,.an, Zimmerfirst A. man.prin WOII y u. 00;L,nc· ond prize. Set of Beauty Pina, P. JJ. Parr &: Wif •• wOlloby B~mlce Hyman. Baae Ball Throw, aitl ' 13 . to 18 ftrst prize, 2, In MercbancHie, .rE Van Often, won by Tl)el,- Sat.. . lefthw!l lte; Mcond prize, $1 In trade. Smith, . b)' Ada Shaner 1 to 5 .. by



gii Lel,.

A cv~ ' r scheme of pink and white wns carrlc;" ut, both In UJe floral lIecorat lons · an . ~ , 'n the refreahm ents. I\n added pleasuN!. to the occasion WM the preaen!;J! of Mr!!. J. J. Sehaef· fer. of Dayton, wife of the popular tec tor of St. Mary·s.


-f-- ---

MISS JANNE Y RESIGN S Min Franl~ea Janney. who 10'811 employed by the local board to teach in the Wayne To....hlp achoob, t,hroup the rellgnat lon of Min Hen· rietta IIcKlnle Y. hal herself reelcned , and 'will enter the eulture departm ent of. the Stata Normal. of d New Jersey. . ,achool Is loeate at Trenton . Inil Janne, will leave the latter part dl this weele. . A. yet the board h81 not seeurcd ~y one to fill the pOlftion. ' - - • OLUB WILL NOT GO TO THE WARRE N COUNT Y FAIR


0 4 0 1 1 2



Ono of the most pleasant social evenl.>! o f the season. was the miscel· Innous shower given fo r Miss Leah S mi th. on I". t Wednes dn y, at t he Harris hom e on Main strcet. by I'l'Irs. Harris. Mrs. Mosher nnd Miss Emma Heighw ay. Over fo rt)' guests were prescnt, the mujority of the m beinemembers of St. Mary's church. of whioh Miss Smith hns long been a fnithfu"J member . After the guests hnd arriv"d Q short program was rendere d. A IIi. ana solo, "Hearts and Flowers ," was beautifu lly played by Mias Esther Henderso n. A r eading by Mig Doris Henders on, "An OJd Sweethe art of Mille." was charmin gly given. after which Mias Elsie Hawke. who has II voice of great promise. aang the sweet love song . "Some Day whejl You Ar.e Mine," accoDlpanied by Miss Esther Henders on. The gueste then adjourn ed to the spacious porch where Miss Smith reo cjliv~d. opened and shared with the other guests the pleasure . of eumln· in!!' her !'darty usclul and beautifu l


~~~::;~O~ . . : ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 U0 0-:' 0

TWO BAll .GAMES, Le°fmt~orunnb8le=:~~brook.

With th e Warr en CounlY rnil' Icss lh an R n\~!I'·I. its mnny pa tr.o ns i TOWNS HIP SCHOOLS TO OPEN nrc wat~ hmg With Intercst lhl' pr.lzcs ' ON MONDAY. SE PTEMB ER 8THofferl'd ond. the mnny n ew ~tlrn ctlOns . MR . MOOMAW HERE. thot IH e h e lll~ (cn Lured thiS year for the fir t tim e. The fair hCl?i ll s on Tuesda y. Scpt cmi)cr 0, IoIlId will can· tnu through out the w eeK, F'rid ny Many Improve mc:!nh made at th e Hi being lho Ill< t dny . SeI.nol Ouildinl l. The Ohi o departm ent of henlth will huve 11 tellt 011 the grounds this year and as 11 medium through which Tho Wnync To wnship schools wil[ to inform pe opl c how to kee p their stl\rl next week on the sixth year bodies fit, moving pictures will be sin e centrali zatio n nnd the board . hown nncl litel'lltur e pcrtaini n g t o at ifs regular meeting on last Mon· sanitatio n, ~ommunicab l c diseDsCf; <lny night fo un d everyth ing to be in and hygien e wi ll be distribu ted. Th o rCDtiincs s for what they expect to be Warren County Red Cross will have the biggest ye ul' in its history. a tent on the grounds and wome n and !loth I;uild ings havo gone through childre n attendin g the }o'air will have t he summer process of a ' thoroug h the opportu n ity to r eat t here. Oth ol' cleoning. and at the High :chool than this, an emergen cy hospitnl nn,\ building Mr. Chns. Lewis nnd his check room will be plnced on tho force hnve been busy for th e past grounds for the conveni ence of fni ' two weeks making Impro ve men ts in goers. the sidewal k iiY'fron t of th e build· The premium Hats for orgnniz a. ing QAd complet ing the gutter. The tions and people having livestock an,l last Improve mont was very ti mely. produce on exhibiti on proves to be as in rainy weather there has not as attractiv e as ever. An especinll y bee n adequate disposal for water attractive premium Is offered t o the that t he sewers co~ld not cnrry. Granges of the County and Bu ch or· Since lost May. the Gymnas ium hilS go~izationa having t he bost and largo been ReD Ie" and olherwi se made mora cst dis play of horticul tural products suitab le for tho cold wint ur months. will receive as first prize the sum of Mr . Moornnw. the new superlnt cn$60 .. Boys' and Girls' Clubs which dent, is moving into his new home have been doing Buch good work on Fourth Atreet, lately vacated by through the county under the direct- Mr. N. P. Blatt. Other new instrue. Ion of the Farm Bureau and th e tors who wcre hir~d by the board. are County Agricul tural Agents. arc of· expecte d the latter part of the week. fered prizes which will aggrega te the Mr. ·Crabbe , the new agricult ure do sum of '160. ' . partmen t head. is living In the SatThe speed program looks very at- t erthwai te home on Founh · street, tractive to the loven of harneu· rac· and haa been here for several days. Ing and there will be racing on WedText books. as uaual. will be Bold at nesday' Thunda y and ,Fridlly. The both building s. The prOl1lecte for pones will amount to ' well over the Wayne Townsh ip Bchools are in· ,8000. On Thursda y and Friday in deed bright this year, and on neXt addition to harness reclng. there will Monday morning , Septem ber 8, tho be a mUle runnnin g race. old school bell ·wlll ring again, an· nouncln g that vacation da;xa .. are . over. COUNT Y NORMAL TO -BECIN ON MONDA. Y JORDA N.MCG UINN FAMILY REUNIO N Miaa Edna Howlan d Will return from her home in West Union the latter part ,of this weeK to again take The summer holidays are over. charge tlici Warten County ~r­ From the mountai ns <- nnd ' the sea· mal. which will begin on Monday. shore. from the big woods and the Septem ber 8th. Accordi ng to Miss great lakes. from the old homeste ads Howlan d and County Superin tendent ~ ast. west. north a nd south, thouHaJTl8. the Normal will have a full sands are hurryin g back to the office. roster this year. the worksho p and the routine of Anyone desirous of entering this opening schools. late may have the opportu nity of Ii is very fitting that on the last taking an examina tion on next Fri- days .of vacation many faplily reun· day. Septem ber 6. at' S~ele High ions bring ;-elfltives , Ilnd friendS ~. , School, Dayton. The examina tion gether. One of, ~ h e most ,recent and wln begin at 9 :3 0 o·clock. pleasan t of these was the yellorly gath• . Warren Co.unty 'Normal is an as- ering of the Jprdan.M cGuinn con./let lo this commun ity and people nect.ions ·on the old familiar Wellma n here should take advanta ge of its op· Sohool grounds. Sunday, ~ugu8t 31. ' portunit ies that the Instituti on may The attenda nce ' was larger and continue to prosper bere. Waynes . (rom many baskets as usu, al. a most ' vi lle High School has produce d more plentifu l arid varied dinner ~qs , than hllr share of teachers in the pu.t spread. In mid·aftc moon ~IJl were few years and seve~al ' of last year's with hepping di~hes of VCll'f graduat ing class will be found en· licious iee : .cre~m. \ _ rolled when the Normal departm ent . Among those present wene many begins on next Monday morning . well·rem embered faces, many pretty children and interest ing young peo. ,I ----~ pie. May they all return n ext year ' hnppy reunion .

.' Summa ry-2.baae bit, Crane. H -C Approx lmiately 800 people attend· 8 ', MIed the aeriea of Poultry Confere ncea . am Is, 6. held reeently at tIIn demons tration ''''''- \ 'Double play-E . Burton to Crane to farms in Warren County arrange d by . McClure . C. F; Clue who haa lent out a gen· THRU ERRON E()US FIELD ING-Hit by pitcher -By Gray, Dllrby. eral Invitatio n for all poultrym en BOTH CONTE STS LOST BY .A ' shlre. Sidenstr icker. Mill.,. and farmera to attend and :articl. LARGE :SCORE. ~ Wild pltches -Gray, 2. pate with their diacu8liona an quea. Baaes on ball&-O lf Gray, S. tions. ,R. E. Cray. Poultry Exten· , . . Stw\:k out-By Stockm an, 11; by sion Speclallllt of Ohio State Agr'I. Gray. 5. ' Tbe ,Wi"yY\esville Comlnel'"clal -elub College . aulsted Claaa on the two . Stncl!' tile--ptfllkcAtlol'l ( of OVt 'wt Time of g~me-2 ho.u ra apd 15 will not bave .,n IIxhibit at the War. days. , screed. the Miamis have recllived two , minutes. ren County fair ' this year. as most After those present had obs e~ed beautifu l lambastifllgs • .one of wht<,h. Umplres --Ol'llbum and Weaver. of the member s 'c annot IIpare the time ~he farm ~ock~ and the poultry build· at least, waa well deserve d, Sunday that It fakes to ,et the exhibit ready. mga and equipm ent, .ete .•. at eaCh. i\fterno on, the Bellbroo k team w~The club'lI dill?lay lalt 'year caused farm. the owners explam~ d hls.or her loped them 12 to O. and on Mond~y LEBAN ON q~lt~ a bit-of commen t and many system of ma.nage ment. Includm g the afterno on the Lebanon team repeat· AB R H PO A E people were looking toward their be- feedln" housmg and c:ar~ of the lay. ed the dOlO, 10 to 11, before the la~' 1 Stiles. cf .. .. .. .. .. .... 5 2 1 1 1 0 Ing in the Round houle aa'aln tbls Ilo~ as ,well .aa the raismg of baby . eat crowd that has .. en a !laynel . K. Dakin. e .. ~ . : .. 5 1 1 3 0 1 . chlclca and pullete to replace the lay. ville team pla~ (or try to) ~nc.e the , 2b .......... .. 5 1 0 5 .5 0 - - - ' -,... - - . - - Fraser en. big Home.c ommg In 1906. . IIr. W. F : Gohueh and family, of 'Conferenc4!1 were beld.o,t . :, Johnson. .... .... 5 1 2. 0 0 0 the farms Sunday afterno on Be\l~rook Him· Stokell, 3brf............ 6 .0 3 0 6 2 near Darton. were visiting fmndl of H. A. Millard and W; J. Hendrix , ply outcleu ed the localll in e~ery de- Roll, If .. .......... .... 6 1 2 .0 0 0 her' lIonday and Tuesday . • I Wu1!ln gton Twp; Thoa. B. Foster partmen t of the game. George ~ray. Loer Ib ....... , .... .. 4 2 1 17 1 0 and Boward Ehlerdl ng. Hamilto n a large right·ha nder. drew lhe p:tch- M. Dakin, 3 1 , 0 . 0 ] O' , . /" . Twp; C. R. and S. D. Hen- ing aaslgnm ent and wou!d given Decker. p .... .. .. ..4 1 2 1 6 0 , blm the grand' prize at Cole's Hard. kle. Wayne Bunnell Twp ; .Paul F. Mitchel l a good account of. himselfha~" With any., ~ ____ _ war. ltore. Mr. ,J. O. CartWr tcht Clearcre ek Twp.; an4 C. C. Eaaton. thin, like decent IIUPPOrt. hut no won the Kroger. 4lroeery prize of ,6 Franklin Twp. County Totals ......... :.... 41 10 12 27 19 3 Agent Class pitcher, not even t:he great Walter !~r p~lentlng the .receiPte d bill . for furnishes these demons tration farm Johnson , could overcom e the "'nndl. the largellt amount of !Derehandiae owners through out the year sevoral cap of 10 'commit ted errors '\l,d about MIAMI S pqrch8l ed of any mercha nt whose clrculnr s and I~tte~ ~repare d by the I doubie tbe amount of wasted appor. AB R H PO A E Mme appeare d, on the bill. on .Sel> . State ~ollege ~peCla l!stl! . giving )Jelp- tunltles . The U. S. postal .luw, pro- Orsborn , p .. ,..... 6 o 0 '1 1 temberl , only. Fint farmer' s name ,ful poml.>! and mforma tlon on poultry biblt the , publicaticlIl of such lan- Crane. c ........ .. .. . 5 o ' 1 16 O' o OxleY·Pace Drug Co .• 25 pounds Heas manage ment. 2 guage as ~would be necessa ry .to de. Sat~rthwaite. 1b.. 4 SUlck Tonic, won by R. A. Sackett . o These people also send In monthly scribe this ~asco. Pace, 2b e .. .... ~ .. .... 4. o farmer'a wife drawn. OltI8Y' reports to County Agent on blanks The Monday afte'moo n affair was McClur e. 3b ........ 4. 1 ~ 2 :l.,:;~;rj~.~~~ll5:«~•.l!l'l~1!! ~on b7 Mn Babt Furnas furnillhe d. giving i 1 eggs gathere d, egga :.. ladies' 'name ' dra~ 'Oltley- and poultry so ld, feeds given. coate, almost a8 ·bad. Harold Orsburn did E. Burto!,!, n ... , .. .. 4 1 2 2.' 1 1 the pitching ,and haa work ,deseri'c d H. Burton, rf .. ...... 3 d 2 0' 0 o box Armand 's Roae F~ce · pow. etc. After includin g the farm grown a far better ' fate. For six' Innings Prender g8lt, rf .. 4 o 2 , 2 > 0 Mr!.. William s. feeds .a t mar ket price It was found during, which "MaUy" Sixteen calves selected from War· ha,\ fanllcd T. Burton, If ' ...... 3 o 0 "1 0 o ai 'f ollows: . that the avel'uge net returns from t en batters, the gaml! was 1 ren County Club membel'8 complet as pretty as tlcle'~·CI'ex rug, No. 197245. the. ten ftocks from Novemb - - - - - cd ill the State Club er 1, 1923 anyone could wish for. Then !o r~" and open Totab ............. .36 ' 8 11; ' 27. 6 5 classes at ' the Ohio contest . ...... to August 1. 1924 were $101~.63. one made a foozle and State Fnir last up went · the ·'Ij.ckclt-....s:p ot' lI(ht,' ~o. 269,. All ftocks showed a profit rallging week. The car load shipped in co op' baUoon . . Four rotten -errors and bev. ~banon -2 0 , 0 0 0 0 7 1 0-10 ~.Y.. ~nu.''''1\ "nd lJ'ate Bell· from $92 to $1183. Morc4?v e,r the erel bon.hea d performane~s were Hlamis - .. 0 2 eration 1 with the Otterbe in Home show 0 0 1 0 0 0 0- S , aver"e product ion per hen for the enough to take the heart herd consiste d of Beven Jerseys, two out of 3UY above period was 100.6 eggs eaclJ· pitcher, lind 'Leban(m profited Holstein s and six milking ' Shortto the Summ aryThe highest fI.o ck average US.82 extent of seven runs'. ' horns. Anothe r Jersey was sent up After·th e $20 Thrce,b ase· 'h it---Satt ertliwai te. egp,eac li The next'~hlghut 132.7~ prize had 'been l>resent by truck. of the animals ed to the vis, Left 'on basep-Lobano n, 6; Miam· and the lowest 57.$6. Conaidp ring itors o~ a silver platter. won cash prizes ranging froJll $42.50 the' Mlami~ fa, D. ' ~ that the average farin flock in War· came to earth again and played godd . Double play&- E: Burton to Sot· down to '2.50. , The Jeney heifers ren County lays onl,. 53 . eggs per ball. owned by Nina Chenow eth, Spring· . ' '. terthwa ito; Onborn .to Pace. ,y~~r; lhe demons tration, fafro own· boro Tbe, payton Baril. a. fast coloud and Jesse Menden hall, WaynesHit' bateinan-Sl1'ttcrthwai~e (hy :e~ have fully proven the advanta · team ·"hieh played ville w.e re the only two Club heifers a f~urtetn.inn- Decker. ) 'gel of. the improve d praettee . glul1,e againllt the Miamis IWlt 'Bue , on balls-O O' Decker, 1; off in the State tllat won any mo ey in . County Agent CI... announ ces a their open cl8118es. The carload was . wil"~ the aitr~etion at Philllpi Orsbol'll,,'2., , . ne,., fo~ of Poultry Extensi on, thru aent from Columb us to .Dayton and next Sunday. If, the MJamis Struck ollt-!-B y Decker, 2; by Ors· ttl. use of calenda n 'Provide d by tne settle down arid play ball. the~ born. 18.. is being exhibite d at the Dayton Fair \. s~te ·Special ists. Nov. can ' "eat tbls team • .! this week: Th'o ugh the I total State . ' "-. I Umpire s-Brita in and Smith. 1924 the}' will cO!'!taln twelve large Fair winnl~8'II of tlie ' aixteen' ·he~ The details of : b'oth • nightma r"l: , Tlme-- l"hour-a nd 39 minutes. of tiJllely and Masona l 'SI1&'will run upward s of ,300,. the , net '.&j . . '," -""--4:- --,- • ,e,tlon l for 'poultry men togethe r ..'~ I. BELLB ROOK \ amollnt to be distribu ted tq eacll with ~ord lli!'t and )poiJtab for ,BAND CON'CERT PROGR~ member can not be determi ned beH PO reportln g. The.. will b.' fnmt.a~ed ~:r.;p'..,-"",;;",;,-;,--;: , 't.' fore ·thay r~turn from the' DaYton -....~......,:.....;. to a Up',ted number. ,I n. Wane." Fair. 'Two Club member s, M~81rs. uoanty. 10 a,lJ lnte"'te ll 'ahould"caU. Frank Sibe" Lebano~', and She!ma n Aeent. Cta. oftl~ · 88 lOOn B.ean,.:.FrinkUill ·~e)p,~ cha~.e ,of' tl\e ~"'. . car of ,cattle, ~ 'lIr.. Cl(I!I8 81'1d Qt:I\, Club "1i'lcnbtien! !lJao....PilTeetate , 'Mr. R. tIIlti"400 .rlileln· Ho~" ~ana_ the, Caif Club




---... ...---


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Officlaia of the Grand Lodge ~f Ohio. togethe r with other Mai;o~s from Dayton, Xenia and WaynesvJllc are invited to take part today in the laying of the corner.stone ..of Spring Valley's new High Sehool building , ".' Several from Waynes ville'· expect to . attend this ceremon y. which takes place at 2 o·clock. Spring Valley townshJp is to have a centralized Schoul Mystem and it is expecte d that th e new building will . be occupie d by. t ho first of the year. (, . _ _ _ _... _ a



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n ' p rillt ("h Im d " b)"WU1'd down

to rutU!'p II '\'5. nd, whlll IA WOrllC, I1l nuklnll uy hcreflfte r d ~I'fll r olt e& IIIloll9hlnl( I!'nVOrullIPllt by hUlMO wl9,1, 1111 lind I,·uv It to eho Dt'e, Wil l' nn\! . no] u ~s t: "11"nr Mllrg" r"I, you and I \V ho hn'l'o " '11 II JOllrI or Iho I'l rcnl Ht ory knn", ! .11 "'I'll Ih,\I In t.b~8e wortls' of 0\11" n"hlp f rl, 'n.1 18 th(' l"u n~lu ~l on ot the wh ule mnll,"." [T nFl E 'ln I

rlOJ I.


l::Iw'lroi H,lwllll' rne to Chnt lotlc 811lIlt"11 alld ElIlI!l ~Ic lltz UI"U1. ,kC I·,. L(I ill ~'I II II~li n. $ 1. MONEY LOAN ED J C~!l(! an d 1'erress n M. ll llmlin 10 Jo hn BurneR . 3.1l8 a cres in F' rnnk,1ONEY I.OA NED ON LIVE STOel<, Iill Twp . $ 1. chntte la, nlso secolld rll u rt~alroB. Not" s bvug ht. J ohn Hur l,;lIo. Alien COMMI SSIONE RS PROCE t:DINCS Bu ildlnl!", Xo nla, Ohi o, r:ill ~ a ll owed : J. L, II l1l1cnck, ti l Inf' :1.. . . I \ as:-c lI l, prt' mium on 11'cflsurer's han d, , 11 . ... 111 W I~ hOI 1 ~ ' IIt'(J /Iud $ 18fi ,U O; lI"m llt on Co. C"","ti. si(Olr l 'I- ,-I'II ... nll thpm "" I th .s,', " I lty. 1 UIIl Il+l1 dl nl R 10:19 to clln(,'rH. shu r ' o f pninlh\g uri<l"" al Fnrmers of Wnrrl'1l II ntl I\ tIj"ln ing l'lll "t' whll l l' ltl' ( o f' n'ly COtl. hl c t c ou l d Lov e lnlln , $78.!l 1·; Gco. B. Anllol'"" n, 1coun UeH mny ob tuin 1110nl,y .' ,n lun g h ll\'p ~h"'11 \·n . . . "u rd,:cllleu t to an udbm'illl AlIll'rt B. (' r ockN , ~ 1 0IUIf I; I Limn louns , n.t 6',!, 1' ('!' CL ~'I ' " t crest. "(klnl!ful Wnshlng to'n hll8 ("Om" III dr_ ... .-; whkh t Il t il t) S0UIIl 8 lJl", w1th l h o Murk I .(ll'VCr, servi ce on hurinl Cfl Hl - ~ O!i t nil\ccul 8IlD rou.~ 'ln g t he tWIll£! IS "l' ry l' CUgr,'''I~.! Ill !. d ,lI·r. wloleh could be full l1Ii lte(J, $ 1. 00: 'V. II. SIKIlIII,:C (·Il. , , Ho nablo ,thr(lu{(h The Sololll<on op ued his C)'OII unll 8mll ~rt. III.' ·vuntr., .' 1'".1,,'/1 1 Lund s upplieR , $tl0 .nn; Culll", bll ~ IIh).k JJIl"~. 1"0 1' f"rthe.· Tbea there WIlS a b('(\uty Dot of tlo b "1 0 it lIut fl .uhl lr nc IIlIrI wond e rflll Ill f" "l!l:l lltln cull Thi ~ yrnl" s cOllnly fa ir hl'ulth exno ok Co ., SU I'plil", ~25 .. IO· ,J F. on or ad a r('"~ M. C. lIlr•. Agnes Mac k, of Brookly n, ;~ . Y., Is held world In bl8 homely tace. ADd l hnt Ihl ll a!, {\('nr M il q,'t,rd, that nil "lIr Erwin Dntho, llHt\" I': . , 'rcIlHboth ~hown llbove) th o mon to wl,llm she nold with U)ODlent, boldlng tho hnnd he hnd 10\'('01 h 'Utl l'n::, SJ1\' ~ Oll e , hn\'e bCt!n m e n fie hibit hy t hQ Ohi" ueparlm en t of Zillllll I"nUlrl, Hupplies , $0.7U; l'l' II" uror, phone :!to-X, Leban,,! her lO-mont hs-old ,. tlilio. !lb~' ftlr $300, fifty doHllI'8 of which wus paid down, and th e bnl ance enl! served ond truaIL"'. the h crulr. !.Ill'! hh " 'JTII }1l1 h lc ns S[ t 'Jlh~1l untl J 'etl'r hcn lth j, \)11 1\ much la t'J!cl' :ica le an d 1\1 ortun, ~l' rvicl' s 8. juni lo r , $7U. ()0 ; -=-,.;,-- -=== -= _=~ ,'J foHow In insta llments. = Tho nlot hc r tearfully ndmlts at SolomoD Dlnkull we nt out Ullo11 "lhe Ulld I ' u ul" she wants of hr,," ,1< I' " "' 1'0 thlln that o f Illst JUnl c. Fullcn, sam e , $1 6. 00 ; Dep t. ..• Imb\' back. FOR RENT ICllellOme l·roIL" "W hl'n I w,'nt 10 h.'d my cough bl)- yenr. Dllpl icate exhihits hav(> bee n ur Public Welfnrl!, suppli l!$ fIJr \\' rn . .Tack, who hod bMIl kneeltng ut his ClU J" ..' lI \I, r e tn ) uht,~sumc . .A fl er it bud prel'lln 't1, "n t hilt peo l' l ~ o f t wo S ki ,l more , inmate ul St.ute l\ oHpit.:ll , lillie, kl8S00 his whI tt' chl'ek. gon · " 11 fll!' hlilf Illl ho ur or so my c l' unti..,l)j; I FOR RENT- ,UIOII$l' "f Ih,· r tl 0 Il\:, , will h · se r ve d cnc h ·w eek . estnte of Caroline Beck , decease ,l, SI6.0r.; Wurrl'11 Urt.on, su nd, $.2 0 ; ''Oh, goneml, r knew and loved thIs d O \ lr WI1': gently tI(ll;, uJd und 1 obtJ -rVl.!d wa le I' ,,"d ·lecLr i" lildn s Inq ui re' WR R I1Pproved. ,' id Cox, ~ t .. ne, ~ . I)O ; Vi llug-e I ' f IDQn I" 8a.Id the young olllcer flS h' t ht· ~1t1\\ o f u cnn lttc. On druwlng my Thco RUlll e subj ec ts wil l 1>0 I'rosoll led lit COl"IIPI" III Tyler lind IIh ,t t l ' i' l ~. The Ihird nnd fo urth account s of LytIc, county shllre " bll,l curta ins I HilII', to m y utter aSlon, in ,,\I "nuntil's , bul there will bo Bome arose. " rlOud oi l, :; 1·1Sta"ley M. Sellars , tru lltee of the $.1 9.4~; C. A. Oeder, "It will be well for our people to I>" n ... nl, Wush l n ~tn n 8lUnllJns fil IU] variatio n in ClllJlhllB ls placeu on varroud rc!,nir , bow what men Ilko him huyo Illlduroo !!Ido with II ""wi (Or hot leu In hl$ hnnd. ious t opics, IIcco rding to the deg ree e stllte of JosllPh G. KeYI, decease d, $38.60; Standar d Oil Co.. 6 drull)s FOR RENT- S('vOIl -r n"nl h, ' "~" on ~r them," said Wol!hlngt~n. we re approve d. It ~ lUll!llTlI MSc d Ille 10 be thllll walled of Activi ty in tho various phnzcs, rOll d oiT, $33 .85 ; Burretl C'l., paving South , ~lnin street. In qu ire " f J . "I Bb.aU hllve to lellm how to U\'O on by a UlIIU ot his g'·enlness. Illurlifes t('d by tho county nnd city The court upprove d' the first and materia l $4 1.1 0; muterill Wilson Edwnrd s , Wuynos . l for Le bwotthout him," Anlll .TnelL "U will be "We . et uul n"x l lIlomlng tor [,b\l", hculth dCllnrtrn cnls·. r:OMMO N I~LEAS PROCE EDING S final account o f Ida 'I . Chlllpbl'll, ' ex- ano ll s treets. $734.JU ; Quee n City 1ll1rtt:del phlu to fl tl NHI th" cllnventl ,lll, One of these cxhiblts ",;1\ be at Cr. St",ne Co., 11 5 ! -2 T. pehbles , Jil8I'8Ilret took bll orm and they went Washlng l "n rid In!! In h l ~ cOlIl'h drll wn Flo:enc e A. Hurtfel ter , a deten- :~u ~~~~(':!e:~e ('stutc of !ltIllrthll Fish- $1~1.70: G ~o. Terwi\lcj:(R r. ')rl dgl!"r c_t of tho door nnd .tood a m6lneut by sb: horo . , I rldln!: th e blllz~rll c~'Il t he Warren County f air the week of ,Iant III thco case of Hurry Harlfelt )"~~. ,_. ST' , ' Septe m be r paIr, $0 .00; Fash'r Swi.:c r l, SIl 1Ut' : 7th, through the etrorl.l! er \'5. Otto M. Hartfel te lIIure of d s tluy, t ill . as sweet find '" l", el at, was ' ~Pirc;. e d .th~ firs t ~c$1.010; Geo. . utl er', Slillll:, $8.55 . 1':d " - . . ; tilrong as e"'r. A ~Iuw jourll!'Y It Will of County Heulth Co mmissio ner Ed- awarcled a full onQ third Interest in I co.un a I'll c m W lddlC, cxecu- Maloy, "ame, "3~ 0; W . A. OV(jr the old rono.l by Colvert' s to Ann- ward Blair, supplun tcd by the elf- cert ain pror'llr~y mel1tl' 01led In LOJ'r,~i\ck wulr\l~ g ~~"" r 1' 11 1' th~v ' dtril\ of tdhe estale of W" H. Dinwidd ie • "plIlls. C he.. tlll·IO\\'n, and 80 on to the ective uid lind cncoura !(,cmcnt of the ~a llll!, • 2tl . 15 ; . I·:. Cul le r, ~tlmc, WIlYflL'!l villl' , cuntJli ni l11! 1.. " > "II J eCl1a titl on,. pe se .h ' "1 g".... ; .... T " onn ld Ti~ll' , su nor UI. county fa ir board. The bpard has .... III '", $~. OO · ch ildr(,11 wUllrill!; :IJllJu rl'l. 1:1''' " n l. 'he Bauer Auto Sale-o Co . '''a" 'I e will of .LtbblO ShiQlds, "I fOllnd },' rnnk lln elltlng ' unrter I provide d a lurge tent tor moti deccas- H . S' d d d ' , LO;L\'U Jlt G IIwUe Oillel' " " d.r ov r ..' 1'1 on pic:' awn rded a j udg ment of $'i'07.72 .. \' I'.. 1:. und e , was a ml tte , to ~robnte . Ma- H. W.. Tri villo, I I CC I ~"" , !Ii q~ . 60: Iree In Ills dou17urd, Hurrounded b, tures, lectures b t id~c rcpni r, $J36- Bell Liuy, lII a rs hal. and demons trations , costs in itll ease against c. s l' E. and bol E , Irons was appomt ed execuhis grond 'hlldren. lie luok!! vcr» whit e and ; Orog-nllin 'Bring-I! a. , blue prints judKlng {tom the experlen co of H, Br()wn. Im,l vencrnh lo now. HJs hoir Is I Ma "el u t.rix. b · . ,I~ , theae LOSTfain which had health exhibits rl""c repai !" , $::! (l0 .00; Milson A cameo rlill. in r Oo ,n t o f cruwn of glory. In the cale of WUllam C. Phillips The procecd ings of Horace '" CO.l cl'lllent a nd spikes , • ~ I rs . Laura Si,l e~' n·> " I('; ' I~ . . w'Well, JllcI&, It hal been no email last yenr, r egards tho display a3 prob- vs. Orvillo J '. Phillips, a minor, t he Hlltton ; executo r' of ,l<pe !~.t~~~ . .50; W . N. Cox, "UIJIJ lies, $ UI- F i nd!! r plense ul r(' "id e'lIn ",,,I repart of my life work to ge t ,00 hJl~ ably t ho most vol uuble ll:ee:attr actfo'n court J,crvis J. Buiton, ' d e~t!\lSedi . in ." IICawarded the plaintiff a dower ' , ." pill' ma rrllld,' he began In hie playtuf which has been allotted spaco, cch u rew~ru. 'J04 t 7' eOrllanec wilh .i Utrlllcr' ord er of the .02; Geu. C. StOcl( , ruplliri nK cu lve rt of one-thir d interost In certa in prllr- co u rt. WHY. 'A celibate Ia Ilks the odd baU • Subject e which will be prelente d $18.HO; Rich Con structio n Co., ceerty left by Clara H. Phillips. of a paIr of flCl8aDrs. Ilt ani), W Ilft"npe throug h moLion pktures , " . mon t, $3.00; P . B . Monee , pnyr;'I!, LO ST- A boy'R s ho o between Robitzle,c turel The court Iluthorizcd L ucl Ie Brook! was awarded · ,Flore nc e ~ a trencher . How many bahMI It,aft and literatu re, will ~rs ~III1lP and Wayn usvill e. a di- Ho~kinB,' iidml nistratri x of tho Find' tre dlphther ill voree ciltate .,130.86 ; H. W . 'T rovi IQ, SlIme, $11.00; from Arthu! _Bt ooks on I' ,i/ )'ou' with S~hlck teating and Immuni za- of grOM ' ... Walter Varner, samo, ~il7. 4 0; Hovt er )'lleuae notify" Fred M. ole. negf,e ct. M "fbree,' • annvero d. 0 orren J. Dakin, di!c~8ed; to sed McCorm ick, SlIme, $2(13.00 ; F. M. ~ 14 The court ordeted the -Ilen'!l' to cerlain chattel property "1& Is Got halt lIIlOuaII.' .... M t ion; 8mallpo x and vaccina tion; tu' llelongi ng $89"1 J 6 Ed berculos c '" is in human to the ostate. beings and In pay ·to Viola. B, 'A Plwtotlc An wiean 1II.0uld ha ... ' IU . ."'" ~,"-~,",;~i~: ;.;;;:;· .. ; e,. .' . ; .en ....erry, Zell, guardia n of ' - - .. .-. - , . loaat ... et..udren. ' J mlllt _ forJef cattle; inflama tion of the' eyes of' ne w · I J 16: ,1+.. T:' ~ ettig" SlIme , R. Lewis, 'J : Trulllbc FOR SALE V 10 i, a une Zell, minor; a defenda n t K11Jlpp • 59 3 ..I,. ' to fI:II.1 to )IOU what I BII3 to ever, born bllbles. develop ement and cnro'of in the C8S(: of S. C, .,4 . &; . utili' Hou g~, samo, $;158Phillips VlI, Chos . were appohlt cd to appraise certain .67 : .y. W, ' ';l\omplcins, J!8me, "290~n. AlwIU'1i treut ,01lT wife tbo teotb; milk, nutritio n and matllr- F, Phillips , the sum, of $33.33. pro perty involved in the cas o of .85; y'.. W·. Tompki :~'1!i awpect. lot wlU , procure reapect nol lind infant hygi ene ; child hy- No ils., ·· same $~!)O- I;'OR SA L~ 6 English W . Leghorn -4 U Rog"1 1'S waa grail ted a dl' . Robt. W. ,Ill'Own, guarllia n vs, Hea • h o n ~. tor 70U not ooly from hOl'. but trom gie ne and 8(000) Inquh'e of Surnh Osburn , th E 86; August inspecti on work; Astl tipp' l,'e " reont, ~63 .80. ston, ot a l.. • , nil who obBOrvo It. Never UII8 a ,1illabt· 'cancer; ~yt 10, . Ohio, R. D. 5, 0110 house west vorce from Cba!. Rogel"!l on' gro und s The periodic court appr physical oved the examin sale of a. ccrIng word.,' of·' g ross neg lect and was aw ar.led , ' of t he 8chool house . , '~ l ~ "My beloveq, how 'nttle I DMd tbtI ,tlon of well persons ; hamil, farm' al1!J the exclu si ve c~8toiiy of their 1WI) tp. in p~ope~ty arising in the' settl emellt of th e case of F lorence H upRO.l SALE- Big T YII P('\lInd-C t,tIlA IItl~, you bow, ~\I' I tb'", Utili the commun ity sal\l1tat.lon, wIth Bpecial kin s, adminis t.ratrix of t he estu1e of old hiloeop or norer made a wlseI emphasi ll D Q ~p'e .staWs "Be~ of ~fe­ minor c.hildrel) . hog, 'Inqui,r o oI P. L. Rt nson, R. ObllllM'fl Uon. 1 am ronvlaDlld thai ty" campaig n to a88 ur ~ ~e ~r Warren J. Dakin, deensed , \'11. Ca rD. 2, Woyn\ls villo, Ohio. 8i7 I 1oo.m" .OIr a~ tbe .10wLng Sky about 'CbUJaatlOD Itself depend!! Infll!l, on s upplies along NEW SUlfS rie 0 .· Dakin, el at. and ordered II ~.r.av!llcd highCe hlUe. the r.eepect tbat men leel IIJId Ibnw fOl ways. T he Bauer Auto Sales CPo hu., lSution' of the proceed s of same. ~o'" you havo -ml\" Ibo wbIBpered. WOlDen. • New films have been obteine4 pn enterefl suit pgl!Ins~ O. D. Chanccl lor, executor of t he "nil 1dnbel He bent and kl$8ed ber. "I ~ about hili beal~ • nearly all of these s ubjects; the de- H. Brown ,01' .tp'c r~vovel'!f of $1i!J7pf j. Harter Shidake r, 'd eceM> ";No D1IU1 \lOuld ha vo a better friend M.'X Bpl weal'}' and th~ nIght 18 f.JlIna portme nt's en~re staff ,vill give ser- .75 an q 6 per c!!n~ interest from tofa!' fl ied his first lind finnl uccount . IDd ftgbtlllf mate tban ,oy.," be an- and I shall soon lie down &0 Ileep, 'b UI ...-eeL . 1" k40w thot I ehall awake' retreebe d vi~o aB lecturer s ~na the rll will be an 20, 1924, • , •. , ample supply of liteflltu re on these the morning ,' he sold.' " "'W. IPCftl2 our' ~111 . . . . tale that "lie' tOid mo how, d1strene 4 til' bll topics to assure t hftt all who ·/lrp in- ris for_!I 18 tOla: I' laek WrcIte Ptiniidal pliJa lD1lrinltr, bll 'r:ame oat ot 'Fni~ In ttit terosted s hall be able to proe u!'e 1111 tre/llc cruelty. hr, a nd Miss Mae ... 'bla ~ ' ID AlblUll" 011 the IIOth of Queen'a Utter, carried The r. B, L, and S. Co, of bw ~ the iJ}forma tion they neod concern of Harveys burg, . 1De.. lml "Dear . ~.: we ~ mules. ' PI £Dclan4 be-·ha4 ·oaIJ Ing them. non Is ailing Q'lnry H, Barnh.r t, c t ~ ¥ .... itCIrJ .u eDdel! wb'e thJa to· tIl7l War\f William Shultz, Y, M. C. A, ______~I~. --~.--. ---aI., fOT t90 reoovery . of ,8,009,2 0 W~ woa. n", "",,' have ' .. iahe Secrew ry, Maslmon , Ohio, and Miss .""'" lD ~ with IntorcHt nt U.S/j por weok from R\1tb Rebecca McClure , Springb oro, ~~_.~!Jh~$IM . ~ .~ ~ ,January 1. 1924, D&~~ralP,~ Jo.~ph .1', HelcheT , mllchinl st, and 0"Oai . Mr~. Ruth O. Zln8melster. Botli of ~voate'H~ 1\~ ' ~e. PROIlA TE COURT Lebanon , wbo 100~ .' ~¥ ~ I kIaia.8d ttlat '" 81' tbIi ta(f·me.m. The net mal:ket Ar't hllr J, Weber, pap!!r maker, and value of 'the estate ilia GI!b' '6im '~'tbl .. , & 'woo' bact ·~ · lt ~ of 1ea~ of F.1or/1 Lonl;~tl'eet, decease d, WOJ Miss Elsie M. MIllard. nt.I dllreliac !' 1*iC lit.. " 'Me irave Bot h ' of ft1Irel~ Ot au''DaUGcil;' wbe found to be- $22,824 ,29, and the Franklin , ~ , II!) .J!I&ft. . Be .... oat' of the ~ ~WII .8$14 trtlfte . ,1J1IIDat bJ ·fOr the ~ . ~..... _ abelut . 1l!HIrtJ. . What ~ land. amount of each Buccesslon was de, . t.. It Ia 1I0W a fact. that termine d, ' ~ "" ~ thad BLOND E BESS OPINES . tor ope. CNlDot IrIah 1lID\gn1nt8 and their cbIIdren are REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS ~ that Ole lIIall I aaw WIllI an 1m- III po,isBe8Slon of JIWl Wm. B. Whltacr c, assignee of the iOVerpm!lJl1 of Eo)'1 and Bertha May Decker to ~. '. Wu 'he on . angel I\~e those Pcnh8ylvanlll.' estate flf John R. Wilson, assignor , "Sand, a~d .,·v erywhe re--.nd Effie N ewman. Lot In Rldgcvi lle, WbO .~ the prOphet s' Who 'ahaII . ~ "I 'm~8t DOt tuU to BOt dowlI h_ III wae authoriz ed ·to sell cortaln '01'- $!. , _ , Naturall y, I think ~CI1 Of the the ' bovo tllllt wy BOna 'lot a ahlek in' .iabt," . mal 80nal prqpert y at private sail?, . Ioc* or him aDc! 'Df hi, audden dl.ap. ~oad it, 'wbnt ho aald to 1911ie tlmo Wm. H. lind P\tarlot te Cary to Efme of the $200.00 r~ct3 lved by Harry Was~ III that .as.blan d rbad.~ And, tl'llQson or Arnold. fie NoWlnan . Lot in Ridgevil le. $1. ' son, administrl~t.or p~ *e e~tni:(\ (It ~ "'C). Il~ ,'l'lIQmhllI, thla thoul!bt ' .. 'Here Ia (he vlndlcat lon of poor Corrine O. a"nd Ed,vard B'l uir to John W. W88!10P, !icceas.e d, tlas ap· com.. t~ met Wl\o can wll. bo" many U1churd. F.xbuvllllunce III not the woy India CI!'veng or, 2 lo~s . In Lebanon , ....... be has met In the w.~ of Ufe t self..iitlefncUon. The' portione d, ,Ttie ,adm'njatra~or , also $1. I . , who docs .. ' , aU IIIUlWal"9 of tllO high c.-iimmlalon DOt 'keep hIS i'ec't In themUD filed his affi,d avit ,in lieu pf finol sc' old, bonest . , Georg!! G. Killg tp JIl)!>geno an!! til hla vlaltot ' coun~.' ' \VIIlI or thrift wl U SOI1lO tlmn sell himMilton Corril!. 2 lots In Kipga Mills, ~. ,.~ w~ard trip I foun~ that ~f, oDd then bo The Eye Slgbt SJ!"lal ilt The court approve d the first and $1. will be rfludy to awl . . IDc1lUIlI ",lio Ollce dwelt In the hili trlDlldll or hb! country. finul By apcpun Ilnd h, t pI Leroy Jackson , exCA I >S t J L l S ton. BOIIII8 were acattCl"e4. Ont, a nOt hing Ie ' .o dear to hIm thlrq $, ecutor of tile Il/l~te oj An~rew Jackta~ ~ ,rema1na. Near 'old P,le.cell of slIver.' son, decease d. . CIlfreet IDtemaI trou1:rlel; lUmulat eYlqJ ~eba"o~ O~;tA · I'ci~ ..J9:biI8oD . t laW a tQl1&W 8Ittlllll Llf ....... ' -I ahaU conclude lotte. with • orpna. Three aba, All The first and final IICOl1n~ 01 druiileta.IDaIC Ib~ bla~lit.: Ber ~pe waa wrI.nlded ~utltul confll/i8l~ WI of. fulth by tlllB OD the ori&Innl Kenulne Henry Clay Stowe , executp r of ~t1e GoLD M&P.M. 'I'1tii an~. ~I~ J ter 91011 were Dlllster mInd ot tho country. It WIUI DIIiu17 blInd.' She field Iii ber wJthered wade 011 the motloo tor dell:!, prtlyel1l til 'f p.' I1\. hndt the ragpdi lDotbo4ia'ten tall 01. a III tbo conventi on now dr~ A· • t i. pa:r wolt. I a,1aic! tier wtiy lIbo kept stltut10n tOl the ltat_ I aIlall • roo. DQvcr tbe abiabb1 thlq. EJ~MI"E " D I, ' fOfll9t tile Look 01. him ... iItaJI.cUQg on , • 'Becauae 01. tile IhlDd that iii'" the loaely 8ummIt 01. 1118 eIjIbtJ Jean, Succos~ doce not ' . It,' I!Ie aDBW'Cre4 . . . En&1J1Ib. :' ']; IbalI ho IIGW tD till t root npon thr .hooldor s of ~ man. An4 tab ~t with me to t~e JlupPl' Huntill4 • 'In !be beg1naID1l 01. oar eonteet 80 toda y ·~or a chllnge, I am i'Olnir Orouoda . . Wben lie eeeI II ... wfll ""ttl · Brltoln when we wero II8II&lble to tell l'''U about a woman' who bow Ine..' ' 0( 4BDBor, we had tSallJ pra7111'11 in th18 won otIC wben evorythl ng 'seemed "So qulekl1 tbe ' l Little *m tot Divino protll<-'tl 'hopeles s. John Cartc'r'S wlfl\ Belen on. Our '1I'JI1ta Birch bad faded. was an invalid. Nothln~ !.mmedl.! pmyefto litl"lloo wue heard aod they wero ' stcly dangeroU81 lust woot hea rt -At MouDt Vernon, W'lUIIr1ng tOll Waa gradoQl l" IlDlWered, .A.ll of U8 who valve8 and aetlem Q, . Sho coa1dit't .. dlil'lOod u ever btlt lIot 80 grave. . . Cpaeel b:I the IItruQle muat g el about CIIaUy and lived 1\11. mflk a. almMt Jo¥4 "hen he spoke at tbe hllV8 ebaerved ~ueDt ~ at • Ql?d its bY.:.I'r9,d~ts , n i914, wben eeolptO n an4 portrllit pIIlntM'l who tll~ f~vtdenca slie WII8 ftftf-lou r yc!are old. her . In 90f A1ratr.. bue ~ a put bother to him atnee Ahd b." 1f~ f9~tteD hushand , e ,60 a v.-ooll chembst '. tbilt powerfu l tbt war ~ " a$s j.. tafl~In Waltlelll. MI1.IL,· w.. M~t Or & '" thAt DO --Mow rio b _ _ IlION 1.Waer Meo BIa UIlItuo et I have rul\ ovef bY a Waltham trolley c.r I _ ...... ' ....:• ..,..., ' , Qnd Itilled. A Iw7 1161d it wall r 1 U.e4, .....; a I'*a time" 1M '. IGnpr ......... ..... uuu enrelellS neg~o OQ bLe pert and ..... •.. _ more ' WI tIlalr;' lit iltilidl- r an to the 1?8 ot- ,I ..... ~"R-'~· """"'f ·. .... ~-.-.-"When 1 ani'*' t2MI family . . . po l1li Gil w.' U'IIth 'dIaI' !lOt\, L ~l!L Go4 ..... .., b:I to cIIDDai aDd theJ walted utU til, dall1I lIl' ma 108111 old. _. dl'OWfle{ih" ADd '" a ..,ura. · .t~e I ~4. make .. . - I t r.cI.J Ito jolll ea~ tall w \be toM ~ Nallt$eJ ret ~<!h 'III1Itr6 ·.atbolat w. diem. The jocuJ8r LIlli" Horta I{anJ ~ III ~ ~1ed . . . bQtel .!. .• lL . .




Fa rlne rS, Atte ntion !





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The MtMbl c.zette, Wayneaville, O~o .


.... THE MI ,A M I' G A ·ZE.T TE .. ~. g ntered nt the , Po~tolllce lit W"YMQV ill , 0. ,






lap~ Mail Ma tte r

Ben ~mlth Is now ri di ng In a new W. L. Smith \' isitcd rel ath'Qq in Miss E lenno r Hll ydock spenl th), Ford Coupe. Blnnchesicr Friday. w('ek-end wi th friend in Dayton . O. L. ,RAN E, Ed itor and f' ub li. hor, W ay nc ... illo, Ohio. Mr. nnd lII rs. WiIIlnm Brown visit. Mr. unci Mrs. Ge<lfgc Beac h enlN Mrs. B. W . Kelch a nd children re- , ed re lal! lies north of Duyton Sundny. tained co mpany Sunday. ubscrlp tion P rieC', $1.50 ' per year. turn d Mo nday t o their hom e in ChiMr. Sa muel Haines is ill lit the Mr. und Mrs. Ed BroWIl cnter- engo. of his dnughter, Mrs. Walter Ken- tui ned compa ny Sunday_ Mi ss Mury E . Reeves relurnoll on ri ck. ..;R = ev:,:.c....,:A~. ..+K~~S=-a.!Jr!>-'C'o.!n.c;t:---'l"-'s--'u.>.J........""lr"... ~day t o h r school work in TncuII number from her nttend- frie nds In thi s co mmu ni ty. tTl II , Wush. ed th e Lubor Day celebrntion nt Way Miss Mabel Starr wa's a wee k-end Howard St eele, of Henn epin Coun . WEt>NESUAY. '.:lE r fEMBER 3. J924 nesville Monday. g uest of her siaVen, in Dayto n. ty, Minn esotJl, is the g u e~ L of l'e lllNorval Osburn, of Dayton, spent Frank Shida ke r returne d T h u ~~ - t i ve ~ her e. several days last wcek with his ' aunt, day morning from a trip to Detroit, Mrs. Mary William ~. uf Munci(' . Mi ss Sarnh Osbu rn. Mich. Ind ., is the g uest of her cOllsin, J, .II . _ LMrs. Cllrro l King and Bon, Robert , Chlls E. Gordon und Chns. H. Gra y H. Murtin and wifr ur ned Saturday afte r several ret wer e business visitors in Cincinnnti W. C. Sm ith Bllli fumily returned J1'f-/ -=-=:!--=. --- - - - --- - - -.. .=-=:0=-=-=--=-===._-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=.-Frid ay. days visit with frie nds in Dayto n. Sunday f rom th eir visit with relnMr. a nd Mrs, J . Bern e J ones nnd The J orda n fam ily reu n i In was t illcs in Schenectady, N. Y. " MA" FERG U SON Therl e Jon es atten ded th e tunera l of h .. ld on t he Well mnn sc hoo l I:rollnds Miss J e nnie R eeve~ and her SunMr, Chas. Dill a t Xenia Thursdny. SundllY. 'uli fllTll inns hllve IJ-U.t lhei r . lule duy School ClUBS e nj oye d a picllic Mrs. Ell en Co psey nnd Mrs. E lsie Dr. imd Mrs. Lincoln , of Ok- supper on the creek uun k Wed nesc.ll·' llI itc ly un t he ",ap by Jlcl' ~ i " lent Hawke lind children ntte nded the I'a homa, arc g uesls of Mr. a nd Mrs. day evening. a"d lIo ileci " dllu r ti"i,,)! cfl·ul't . l:i Spring Va lley Home-Cornin g Satur. C;hns. Edwa rds. PIl PCI'R lI y Bonl;: und .to ry, !n p Ulp it I Miss Ma ry Collett le ft Sat urduy day . Mr. and M rs. W , H , Ogden ('nt ~l'­ fo r her winters wor k 11K s up ervisor Jm pl' l's b y Ho n g and Rlury , in p IJI !. h. Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Rogers, Mr. ta inod her parents, si>ter lind broth- of Art a nd Music in the pub li c and ill pictu l'c ill debale IIlId I'ri '''1t c and Mrs. Peter Santo attended th e ll r~ , on Sund uy. cO II\'c l'~"lion the Culiforn iall ~u " schools of Bement. III. Carey re uni on at Wa ldrue Park on Mr. a nd Mrs. Marlcy Evu ns ull ,l tl; .. lIst intu t he ",inds uf l he A , lt~ d ­ T he C. E. h eld lL fa rewell soc ia l S unday. fa mil y, of Ge rmu llto,,"n, vi. ite d wit h for Mra. Daisy Ha ines und da ugh" III peo ple the gl lll"ie ~ und u,l lIn,. t:l' Miss Helen Duke le ft Monday f r iends 'he re SundllJ', ~eK uf hi M ho rne lan d, By t he sUlne tc rH at th e home of J . M , Hill a nd morning f or Mia mi Va lley hospitJl l Capt. Chns. Ga r ne r, of Co lumbus. fam il y, F rid ay eveni ng. t ok e " und in th e "un,[' wuy F lorida whe re she en tered the Nurses Tra in - spe nt the week-end here with his is rapidl y corni ng into its own. Trevo r C. Ha yd oc k a nd famil y 11 1111 ing school. . Mrs. Ke lly Mendenhall a t te nded the mother a nd urothe'r, is h hus cost II )!reut dea l of m,' uey BULL Mr. Willia m Graham r eturn ed last Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ha rtsock, of Fa r quhar f nmily reunion in Glenn ""d a grea t dea l of personal elJ(' rgy F.lJTURE TRANSPORTATION. 250 . , packages a vear. week from l,{ichiga n whe re he had Dayton, spent the wee k·en d wi lh t he Miller Park, Richm ond, on Sun dny. t hus to lights from urd c r TUE -DAWES Pl.A.N. bee n visiting his 80n, Bert Graham Levicy and Davis f"amiti es, t h" them so s and fnmily. Mrs. Emma Cline and so n, Mot', ',I bo OJ' WHAT WOU!.D YOU THINI7 growers, manufacturing costs, Miss Eva Wharton s pent laet week Dayton, passed th e wee k-end with at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. Pearl Mr. and Mn. W. A. Merritt. ..... "~lIoat 'Plba Jump In wilc1 bllli Cornell Ilnd daughter, Thelma, near Mr. and lIirs. R. W. Kayl ol' "'ere ~et.~ '" ~ Springboro. Thursday supper guests of Mr. an d TI,;t beadllDO ' was predicted In Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brock and Mrs. J. W. Clark and so n, Ro ~·. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Miltor. te ll tlon t han has bee n won I tlOhmm a loni time ago. Yon daughter, Betty Jane, of IndianapoJohn Randall. 01 Aurora , Ind ., 18 Aiken, a new daughter. s ister sta les in mllny a yoa r. tuld it' ) :JtI~erc:lay and you will rood Chewing is lis, visited Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Brock visiting at the horne' of his uncle, Quite a number from here spent olhot unit. plead fur atte ntion, T ex- In:>re lilallt. 'SundBY and Labor Day. Dr. C. G. Randall and fa mily. Labor Day in WayneSVille . as j umps inLa the ring and druw~ at "MBY wheat" 8..-118 above ,1 .40 In Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shumard and lIfrs. J . Jacobs Is now occupy in.. lIfr. a nd Mrs, R. W. :Kaylor a nd ollee t o herself t he eyes of tho' world Chicago. One doll 4f aod tl!ty cent two Ions, of Dayton, spent Labor Mrs. J . C. Gray were shopping in Mrs. Fletah Huffman's farm. by norninuti ng, nnd to a ll intull ts and ".-hellt IBn't tal' off. And that b at any Day with the latter'B brother, Mr. Wilmington Wednellda y ,,!ter no on. / Abijih Collier Is vIsiting his ~o n, purp oses olecting-a \Volll un to be not . bad new! for w l'.nn Co IILln"and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and famMr. and Mrs. Frank Witso n were Will and fa mily, of Indinn". everywhere. govorno r of the co mm onwealth. As for corn, Its 1: '::1; prko UlelU'18 ily . Sunday guests of their children, Mr. Our Bchool commenced Mo n ,IIIY, .. Ma " _Fe rguBo~ hilS a respo llsibil- ".·~Jth for farmers ; ~ld.:r elloogb Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willson, of Dayton. with Miss Alida Gray, teacher. ity resting all her shoulders thut pos. ta:. moo any, and h igh cost tO'l' the and Mrs. Ralph Johns and children, Mrs. Carrie Myer s, of Columbus, Mh . J . . Lowry e ntertain ed Mra. sibly even the wisest of her sox f ail J)'I .-at that Is ted on it. Evelyn. and Francis, attended the is visiting M~. and Mrs. George Har- FletJlh Hufi'man Friday afternoon. yet t o r eali ze, Texas is now righl. Servis reunion held at Sidney, Sun- riB lind Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Mrs. Bogan and Bert were @hlll'In tho limelight and will rems in ~o - 'steel QOmm~ve 110, corn day. Mr. and Mra. Baxter Beatty, of ping In Waynesville Saturday evenfor at least a year. Whut shn! he "'"rth more tban fl a bcsbel on Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Springft~ld, were wllek·end guests of Ing. disclosed in that time will mean much the fann, ~enty cants more tUan parents entertained to Sunday dinner Mr. an d Mrs. Bern Cijrr li nd fa mily Mr. and Mrs. Chilli, Collier e nter. to every bu siness man living under th at In; wheat for delivery Hilma" 'noeltll/t1. Mra. Elizabeth Hetzler, Miss MilliMrs. Etta Arnold, of Dayton, is tai.ned Ernest Collier and family on HOIIt or the bwuon in,enulty Ie 4. the Lope Star symbol The Btlltr '~ nell May IICllIn~ a t fl .4O, stOcke cent Hetzler, of Piqua and Milia the house guest of Mrs. Emma Elli ~ , Sunday. voted to IUllklng more macbln eryl very resourges, its potentiality, its indu~ C!l" •• wllnlr up 90 tbat broker8, afraid Irene Slade, of Sidney. and Mrs. Elizabeth Lis ter, this week. Mrs. Ida Mannon and Miss Ethlll Uttle to tblllkm, out ,a method to I~ tri es, its climate, the will of its pea· to buy, rub their C)les ll8ylng' to Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall and childMr. and Mrs. J. B. Doster, of have r eturned . to Tippecano e City, 111m crimfl. pIe, its f acilities for life and trade til mutehres ~It can't be, of Waynelvl1\e, were Sunday Sprmgfield, were we:ek-end guests of for the win~r. henceforth must ~tand the acid te ~ t. S ) M'EUODY thlnl.a wore Is a boom ",nllllng, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har- Mr. and M1'1I. E. B. Doster lind sons. Mrs. Geo. Ellis and Vesta were in Possible shortcomings can no IlInll'or ry McGinnis, wbo accompanied them About 80 persons were in et~nd . Wilmington Saturday at the funeral • \ • t be kept n secret. , T exas is on the WE SOET THEM QUICKLY MD home and spent Labor Day. ance at the Grah'nm reunion held at of a cousin, David Sewell. Llentenant Donald PbUlips flow ob&ervation table. It will be well r or FREE OF CHARGE Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eyer, Mr. and the home of Mrs. Laura Shidaker, Mrs. James Gra y called on John F ,rluson to remember thi$ 1,"'00 mlb from Toxas to Ohio. Mrs. Oral Surface, lIfr. and Mrs. J . Saturday. Monfort, of Lebanon, recently. Mr. \' u lIIOy say, "'That's notbln~, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR Sh~ · 1\1111 the opportunity to B. Jones, Mr. and M1'1I. Ell RusaeU Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Collett ent6r- Monfort hns been seriously sick. e>'orybody doee It." But IIOtloe the EXPENSE the ' ~ntry of hee VACCINATION OF SWINE at~nded the funeral of Mr. John .Me tained to a 6 o'clock dinner on laat Quite .n numbe r from he re attendand to rend er imll nel~)Ilt'a­ 11' : Cl of his flytn, machine, called A SPECIALT~ Cordy at Springbor o, TuesdllY a fter- Thursda y, Miss E t to Arnold. of Dayc ed t he union services at the Frie nds ~ i.louctle," spl'Cud of wlnl,'1l 18 feet, to noon. tt' ~1 weight In ludlng motor, cao i on, Mrs. E mma Elli- and MiSll Elit- church in Harveysburg on Sunday. PhoDo 8 HARVEYSBURG. O. pc,anda. Among those wh o attended the II beth Lister. The J ordan r e union was held Ilt Sta~ Fair at Columhus last week That rna~h ! ne does 20 miles on a Messrs. Mnrio n Ham , of Redding~ t he Wellma n school grounds on S In" Phono 44 werc ; Mr. and Mrs. J . Berne Jones, Mass., a nd Arthur Mam. of Chnttn- day. A la rge number were present. gcllon of gt;II, 10003 106 miles an h, ur, and could take a traveling Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick, Everett nooga, Tenn., are gu ests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mannon, Geo. man from Now York to Ch\caro In Early, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas, Mrs. Frank Shidaker" at Twin Pine9. Ellis aad severul others from this o hours ~ the contInent In 80 Mr. and Mrs. Dearth Sheehan, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Osborn aud farn- place , attended tho St~te fair last . hoan. "Alouotte" could be stored and Mrs. Will Null and Miss Cleo ily entertJlined on SUnday, Misses week . qn 8J) "upper aholf" of • prqe. Stacy. Winfred and Helen Starr and LI;! ter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lawrence Vilt. of fUNE RAL DIRECTOR tho eartl eu below, d¥1.... ear Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn en- Clark Jr., Vernon, Lllwrence alld Ell. Portland, Ind., are spending S'lrne aboYe, . .-.. tertained to .dinner Wednesday in mer Starr. time with thcir parents, Mr. and Mrs. WayneSVille, O~lo HOW'S THIS? wGl lie . . fIoIIl tilt honor of ·Geneva Mae's tbird blrtb- Mrs. Etta Nolan blis returned frorn Sam Ellis and family. HALL'S CATAR RH MEDICINE will Mrs. Martha Carpenter, of Har- do wbat we olalm t o,' lI-r 1<1 your systom .. lll8llo ftlaht ....-110m ilia ... day the following gueslll from 'i'!ppe- a ' month's visit with relatives In Fully Equipped for Good CAnoe City: lMr. and Mrs. Josiah Tennessee. She will resume her du- veysburg, had a sale of ber houl\O- .of Catarrb or Dootnoos cauaed by J!:lee &peed . . . ~ clRbllII. MIl Boitnott, Mrs. Marlon Jackson, Miacatarrh. • the 1QdJYIclaai,___ ties at the Children's bome, Leba- hold goods on Saturday, and has gone HALL'S CATARRII :'WDICl N El eon· Service, aJa!8 of an Olnt l m'llt wh ich Quickly sel Mal')' Boitnott and DolHe Jack- non, shortly. to make her home with her noiee, ReUovoe !em wJJl-be • ..-L tbe catarrhnl Inllammatlo n, and Large Display Room son. the Jnternal Mudlol no. a Tonl0. whlob ,Mr. and Mrs. John Gilroy, of Cin- Mrs. Anna Hoover. Bota tbl'OuR1l the B lood on OlQ Muoous Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. ' Johnl, and cinnllti, are visiting their 'parents, • - .'~-'-Burt&O<l81 thUI ualsUn,<r to reetoro nor· ~ DIi_ pIaa wID bavt ita tItII TlnLEPRON El 7 IJAY OR NIGHT mal conalt1oDs. Mr. and Mn. Ben James attended tbe 1I1r. and Mrs. J. W. :Featy. and fam. and die' wiortA w1II IlOO what hap. Bold b,.. dTU"tat. t or over .0 yo....... funeral of Mis8 Marie Charleton, at 11'. J. Cbe1l6Y cl 00., Toludo, 0. PIJDII, i1y. John Fealy Jr_, of Norwood, Germany pta fOW' reara to pre- tbe home of her parents, Mr. and was with them over the week-end. Mrs, Andy Charleton . near Dodds. The sale of Mrs. Marietta ' Car pen-' pare ~ "'PI~tion pay~ Qo \ Il'->Cted te aIIiOUIIt to _.000..000 Miss Charleton died a few week" ter',S household goods was well a(" i1. HA.'rHA W .A Y Mt. Holly bad a good turn -out Oil EXPERT KODAK after an operation for appendicitis tendod Saturday afternoon. .n!NaUy, &Ir~. Film Finishing We t.houa~, It prett.J big WbeD j'n Washington City, where she held Carpenter hlllI gone to live with her Labor Day at Waynesville. ' DBNTIST A few frail) here are working at we. bath tilo Puama Canal tn ..,.,. a gov~rnment position. neice, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hoover. MdDeveloping the canning factory at Spring Valtn1 GermanY -.m .., The Cook familiee entertained to And X-O-ORAPHIST by pai'eel post. ley. I ~ , that QOnq.iered INir . . dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J . D. AN ABSORBING Miss Lula Kellis is ' spending' a to buDd thl'9U Panama CaDaIa _ ..- --f--Quality work at a BIr1nnR";"".-ltw-hVnVil:19f;;me:---;;----;.--miiiOii.:------.....,.-~ . , i,1'vIr. and M"l"lI. week or two with relntives at Bel. Middleman. Deal Direct. ervlce If tht. plan lJ'088 throash. E . B. Doster; Mr. and Mrs. norbert fast fie the malla. All slxos, devel· 114, f ~~ _ Doster and family and William and mont. oping and printing, 40 cents, excopt In a New York hotel the other day Charles Doster: ~rS". Bert Marlatt and lion, Eddio, v,e st pockete, 86 cents. Write for InOI~F'ICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, · ~~""to. a woman guest came rathe~ hUrriedly M d M Ch G d M ra. as. or en, r. spent , the week·end with relativcs in formation or sond money to . an f4IiI-~··6I'··Jou L-do If ~ bow to t he desk and a sked if she might and rMrs. ON MAIN · STREW!' Xe nia: Howard Graham, ·Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stephens, of this ciKmoro JfIf&r ~ ~, have a blotter.. The clerk smiling, Mrs. A. S. Collett, Walter Ellis and woUld J'OU ' do U yoo had obllged . lier, and ahe disappeared to- son, Heber, and J. C. Gray were place were at a reunion Sunday at 308 Rolbold Bid••, DaytoD, Ohln. t\veDty miUJoo ,4oUan' . lAAdWl ber room'. Quickly she return- IImong those from this locality In Jamestown. Little Annn Kathryn Zimmer Is StA IntelUpui 70Uni MC;I,'U~'. '. '/ ed for another. attendance at the State fair this "So I.Ony to trouble you," ahe said week. Nathao S~u, rtrpUeos &0 <.~~ spllnding a week with her uncle and f'40TARY PUBLIC The c.lerk assured ber it wall all right, aunt of near X·e nla. qupation, .t:ra..,.7f Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan and Willi Drown Estates ~tlled The Ladlefi Aid Society was well but when she returned for tbe third, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Shidoker and chilthe fourth, fifth, lIixth and seventh, pleased with the proceeds from tbeir Waynesville, 'Ohio .• , bIll 'curiosity got the better of him. dren were Dayton visitors Wednes- Social, Thursday night. "Bell' pardon-but It you aplit the tlay. .EllIs Shidaker accompanied Mr. Millard Murphy, formerly ot National Bank ink )w e wlll gladly Bend a maid to aa: them home, having spent several this place and now of Troy, was a slst you," he said. weeks there with his gr)a.IMI)arenl~, Mt. Holly visiter Monday e\'enlng. • ~I .... Oat. your with 11>."Oh, thank you-perbapa you ~d Mr. ~d Mrs. E~erson Frazier. Those in attendance at the State better do that. But It iant the I~k: T~e union aemces at the· Friends Fair from bere were -Mi.' Cris Wei. or charlft> __ -t~e water plpel In the batb room church Sunday morning were chers and Mr. and .Mrs. Jacob ZimhIve burst," wortb attending. Rev. Bennett mer . Dentist CENTERVILLE, OHIO • - • livered an excel\ent sermon •. . The-- reeular meeting of ihe LadPhone. No.2 were 1II0rt talks by Rev., Sargent WIIY0ellvUlIl National Bank Bl dg ies Aid )Society wjll be beld Thursday Rev. Cook. and Mrs. J. B. Doater, arl:C111l0~~n' ~~ th~ home of M~II. Hiley Springfield, rendering several tlful 80101. and · Emer80n "' I liii, Mi'ss Ruth Kellis and Mr. Cliff Smith went to 'the _CAV8II. ,tlitlil~nd County $und8y. '; . ' ! ' , , f' • ,. , 1" r' I ' . ,li!o~l.JEPlIl f \~~were, In • I ." danC!8 ,at .{&- - r :ofr V U Valle" "~Df, o.-n went to ~ ,... , • ..}-,", ,,,,,,,' ~'. , • 0 • , ~ circus at Xenia. ' . Mr. arid..K'ri.. El~ Michael and Mr. J!.aymond IaIcas spent Saturday . SIXTEEN ACRES GOOD UND' AND BUILDINGS~ ,Sunda,. with , Mr. Michael's fil; CHARD, LOW PRICE• • .' .. ... , ..l . ~ ' ..d mother' Of"Highland Co. + ;lh: ,~ ¥ar~tt;, -of : COll!f:Dblia,' · TaN AC~EJ, NE~f BUI~I~GS, " ELECTRIC IOU' of ' Mr• .Tfaio,~:r. " Marl.~t,';~apent BARGAIN. " , .' . "liitle wliile' (l n.,lJ91IY' MoMfa;.. rtrr. .. • 1. ... , 4 . ' . .," t ~ " llulatt.' ~n~I'hoDij{~~ 'J.U!... ~ FA,RMS OF ~1lIr ,SlZES, ~ P~OPE.TIES ~N ·'!I~YNESVIU.E, t for a f . ",~ . " : iI, · AT .REAIONABLE PRiCES. , .,' ~ . .. . ' ; ). : ' " . • . !-" '"





is not ustas

This Week •

Over one· third of all the tobacco chewers in the United States have proved that. The demand for BEECH·NUT Che=ill Tobacco alone more than on in single That's because we didn't let tobacco



labor, State, Federal and revenue taxes collect their increases from the quality or the



BEECH.NUr Tobacco the same in 1924 as in 1915. Still the most of the best for lOe-still the best chew price-still the


~~ ....,.PC...







Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

W ~lte.._Me..CI,~'-I

Nen __




H. E,



w. F. Coats


F.T. Martin Auctioneer

"rei co


-Dr. John W. Miller



M~. '



·.........."T:'"R"~ A W-: S



F'Q~i,'" S~L:E :







, .








Th. IWlamY eaa.ue, W.""~ Ohio

1 ·

) r·,.... i,;u.l ...


1- -~'AlIl!n


Mr. 'hn•. Brllchlllck. of Dayton, 1 lIofr. and Mrs. J. C. Jfnwke were nd Dayton vlt$itors, Tue8day. pt'nt Lllll" l' ay wilh I'clnth' V ""I ' ends hvre. 1 I 'ir' 'i . ;"'. '"1.-1 lI'I'.. HOW(lrd.,p' ~ A f~ ~h car lond of salt in :anrrcl~. • !"'I'\ ·..... rI . of I'., 'lulI, 1\ d "u~ h tct' Ill! Kcnnt'th Kilb n hilS r et urned to . Blll: nnd Blocks at the F'nrmcrs Ex· \" 1;".1. ·!7. . ; I 'lytOll nfl.·r II tW? wl'~k! \d ~it with . hnngo Co, " . I I!!ld H eJld (>I'~o l\ !lnd fllmily. fil l w p,s 1\ I , y. I :\li.~ MiI ,! ..,' ,1 I " Ie fi)I" l1 l I"ricl ny I ,/ • . Mr. and 1111'5. C. Hilllt. of Indiana. ~' . 'lllr,!a r h.l ."', \, \ it h Mi"" Mr. G.'OJ·".' Wnte rh o \l ~c ntt('n docl .werll tho I~ullibi uf Mr~. Sue llninlls t L . j:!'1 \', ' 10- :, '. rh,· R~unil'n of the 147th Divi ~ion at ' ovcr Labor Dar· . !ll. dl! "" 1\ I I Fiud ln y th e wct.' k.eIlJ und La bor " . "-. ~lIrl" !' " . ' 11'1" ;' ",I ) .y. !Jr. Mary cpok left Mo nday for a cl , lren .. 1I ,' ' [r... ·111l1. C 'n' m uII, . trip to visit lfith relatives in .Indiana ·~o. Bondelion made a business sp ~ ..,t Ll:bol' : y he' I Mr. Frnncis Colemnn. of Norwood, nnd IlUnoie. . trip to Richmond, Ind., Monday. ~ "" p" ". the wct'k·end g uest of hi ~ l:rnnd-l ' .. r . nnd '5. I ~r i"~r ' y , of f .. lhcr Mr. J . H . Colenlan ulld other Mrs. Grace loIcCun o, of LimB, spent A fresh cal' ]ond of saJt in Bnrrel~. D,.;.' Oil s p e n l I.n1>. 1 .:. wi th MI'. rolnLiv'es. i the weck'(lIId ... ith her mother. Mrs. Blip 81\d Blocks nt the Farm rs E x· I\!II I '1 'S. All' )<"<!' " ~, ,,I IlI mil}. Eva Miller. I chang C\'. " lIIrs. n\l ~S c n Bcnson . of DclcWRl'C, }lr. Frcod Cn sk.,y . WlIRhington .'1' .. l~_ 'rs. E .. .. . ,.'0 ! ,,''' '.: lin.! Virgil IIn, l Mr. W. P. SuJi <bury , of Cle~c· A CI'Owd of ten g irls chap eroned R.~ I<lllick urI' "IH'llI'ling Lhe wee k ill Inl1.!. "pcnt h,st week \\'ith MI'. nnd D. C .. visited Wilh hi ~ mother, Mrs. MIII'Y uskcy, Frid n)'. by Miss Frullccs Jnnl1BY en j,,)·ccl n Wesl Un ion Uh' ~! uest of Miss Edna M ,·S. II IWHY Ryr. hay ~ide FridllY e,"Cning. Howland. 'fhe Wllynel\v ill I'rollli'r bllll,l will l 'i' o~ty Il\ornin g~ wi ll soo n be h ere. . nnine ~ IInll ~nnd s on. f1nvc the Fllrmcr!' Exchn n l:t~ o. de - piny at the WarrcII Cl1unty Iair this Ml'. J. S_ 1\lrnet'. of Bollbrook, ,/ M.'S. Anntl' I!pent a few odaya last week. with Mr. 1':81'1 CO llllor. were gllCRts ' of Mr. Ell s· li ver. you some of thnt.good· coni and yOIll; on Tburspa y , a nd lairs. Harvey Snckett. WOI't.h HalnC.s, e f pri ng Valley, one h c' r rcpllr l'd. <IThe I"armers Exchnnl:e Co. lire " day la8t wcel;. ,. Mr. amI Mrs: George liartsocJ( en. / Mr. St'ln ley Watkins and Donald sellinl: Lehig~ Portland Cemen t and wrtalned Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Hart... Save youI' old carpots nnd rugs , HelldOl'8o n, of 1.0hllnoll and Ken· ha ve n fr ug h car in. II ck and family at SundllY dinner. and get " Wearwell" Rugs mnde.' ooth Kilb nlt , of Dnyton, were dinner \ Miss Minl1io' Davis, of Coin Se nd f or price li ~ t. Frollklin Itu); J!uests Sunday (I f Carl He nllerson ,/ Mr. Lyman Silv r left Me nday ,0., Franklin . Oh il). is th e ~u e "l 01 lItr. Cliff Burnett, of :lII d famil ~· . e vening for Cincinnati, where he Wtl~ Route 5. o perated on Tuesday for a ppe ndicitis Dr. nn,l Mrs. A. T. Wri ght entcr· . Mrs. L. A. Raw~on nnd daughters Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacoh Koh lhagen, of " l lUi ne d Su nday Ill'. an o Mrs. Dudley Amy and ftlnnlie, Miss Florence WO!l./ MIsses Cecelia Go rsuch. Betty Bar-I KC'eve r , of Centt'rvill e, and ·Mr. and derly, Harry Rawllon and Joe Crew, Blanchestell', spent one day last weclc lIett and Ida Barnett spI' n t t he week· ~l.·N . Edwa rd ]{u~vc r , of Dayton . j 1~1l of Dayton, were Lnbor OilY clI lI· wi th Mr.> Mlyet' Hyman nnd fam ily. 'end \lIith Mrs. Ida Kelsey and Mr. [ era on Miss Flornmond Reed and her Mrs. Amelia Williams entertained J nmes McClure. fro O. W . Il nm ilton. who for t he mother. • j>o, t t on weeks hns been tuking trelltut di nn el' S und ay e ve nin g, Mrs. Cyn Mrs. Robert F urn as entertained thin Evans and' Mr. aud Mrs. Edwin Ilrll. Harry Pace is spen ding this ' mont jn Dnyton. is here for a few week with her parents. Mr. lind M rs. duys. He IS ve ry mu ch improved . lost Wednesday in honor or her dnu· Blll·ber. T. Pattol'llOn, of Lebanon. at Crook· er, little Miss Barbara's birthdny ed Lake, A:ngola, Ind. fro and Mrs. Owen Burnett en- anniversary. She ,~os six yenrs old /.Mr. a nd Mrs. J. J. Fromm and Mr. terbline! to MOflduy dinner the lat- on this day, There were tw enty of and Mrs. I~run!c Dupree. Ilr. ana Mrs. Knowles Conn. o~ ter's brother a nd wife of ncar Un- he r school mates present who partie. we re Sunda y ~es);s of La. Angelee, Cal., and Mr. and MI'!!. 'ion CI~y, Ind.., Mrs. ' ipated in the festivities of the lifter· Fromm and 'f~I1. . I. Satterthwaite, of Dayton, were Mary J. Wade nnd son , 0-( Dayton. ,' noon. Ice cream, cake alld p~p corn • Its time of ' year now for hom glints of nlativea here laat week, balls were serve d. Ohio. baked bread: for best results get I Carnation or Entorprl1l8 flour at the Farmera ExchAnge Co. , also Graham Flour Carnation made. '1

t Wi






, I1"".1






Several membera of Miami lodge, No. 107, O. E. B., went to Wilmington today to attend a dilltrict meet ing of that order. Eaeh member is expected to take an article of food , and a big feut II expected at noon. There wUl lbe wo~k exemplified the evening•.


.Raven Red ' Asb ·~co Block--m attleship Block "~Jisolidati~.. _M_II~rs V... C~eek " ' J:gg .


CI". a, Fre" Bur.ib,.


Be.t for Cook Stove

Call Ph?De 25, e.d piece YDur order fDr future deli...,r,..


=================. -~- - ---



J. T. Ellis arrived home SUlldllY after spending a week in Detroit, Mkh., nnd other placcL


"The Glimpses of the

/f.[rs. Wm. Nenthcrton ulld dUlIl! h· : tel'. lIIiss Eliznbc th. of lIenr Xll llia, : culled on Mrs. Ke nne th F.lzuy. 1'1Ies- • dny nftern oo n. Mrs. Ed Oxley nnd two sons re· 'fllesduy. nfte r spending u fe w w""'k" in Waynesville. Roy un d Byron Vurner, 80ng of Hurry Vnrner, of Lnk.' la nd, F in., IIrc visiti ng r clntivc" 011 J onah's Run und fr ie nds ill Xeniu.

Mr. Cllrl McClure. who hUR been , Rpending his vncntion here with home fo lks, roturn ed to hiMwork in Da yton Tucsduy. Pros ty mornings will soo n be here. Hllve the Fllrm l's Exchange Co. deliver you some of t1l11t good coni lind be prepared. Mrs. Cynthia Evnns. Mrs. Ameliu Wlllinm R and IIfr. lind Mrs. Ed win Ba rb ~ r picl1iced lit Linger Longer, Mondny ~ven ing .


Mr. and Mrs. Hoefler lind Miss Dorothy HoelleI', of Indianapolis, Ind. were Labor Day guests of the Pren del'gasts, sout h of tow n. Mr. and Mrs. J 08. Kerns, of To ledo,Mrs. J eannette Bloch, of Cincinnati, nnd IIfrs. Ro se Calm , of Waco, Tex., were Sunday guests of Mr. Myel' Hyman nnd family.


- Come to Lebanon, Ohio, on .,


Several members of the · elan '23 W. H. S., Ipent an enjoya1!le ev ening with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Weavve~ and family, of near Centerville, on Mond"y Jut. Mr. Weaver leaves in a few daYB tor Bu1falo, N. Y., .where he haa acee.pted a position In the Ichools.


Fiah Brand Fertilizers by Armours) havo no lIupor· lor: \l.very bag guarllnteed to drill perfectly, lind Bold by Waynesville Farmers Exchnnge C~.



==~ ) ~~==.==================~:=========


Four·~.ays of Fun, Entertainment'& Instruction . " .Warren C01l:nty's ·A DnuaIExpositio..: .'. .

1==========='= .

$3275 'Speed Program


Splendid RAei~g for,

Jarecki F ish Brand Fertilizers (made by Armours) have no' surpe~­ lor: every bllg guaranteed to drill perfectly, and sold by Waynesville Farmers Exchange ' Co, Subscribe for the Miami, Gazette.




WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 10 1:30 TrQt................ .... .. .. .. .. Pursc $35 0 2 :26 Pace ...... .... .. .............. Purso $360 3-year-old and ueder Trot , '2 In B....... ,...... .............. ......Purse $350

Special Prizes for ~~!m Bureau,: Grange and Girl.' Club Work

THURSDA~. SEPT. 11 11.:16 Trcit., .. .... .... ....... :....... .Purse $360 1:15 P,ace .... ........................ Pursc $360 8:19 Trot .... ... ............ ......... Purse $350


~~d BOJS'

W~ have a car of Chelb;lut Anthracite on the road. .'We , would be plealed to

yourinq~iriea,' .;:... .



Mule Race. ~ mUe Dash,

It In 8....... : ........................... ~.ur,le ,76






"Pioneer Trails"-"Broken Chains" O n e s h ow only t on i g ht, ot,\,lin ll n t 7 ,3 0 p . m.


FO R 2 0 c


tO e

..~~.~~:s;.:~~::~:.c~~=!:.:t~ 11k -. --------= •

S~AR~&.~~!.. ..

IN SUl~ ,)"



Waynesville, Ohi t22S5 .

Rosenthal ·Corn skers and Shredders

Strong, '= Dura The Rosenthal H stood the years of hard s .all, c.o oditiqns . and s as the foremost Husker Made in 'sizes ad~pta ·si.ze tar~ and any siZe Hardware


•, ,



Mr. Galland, Bon and da ughter and Mills Lewis. of Deland. Fla., were call ing. on the JanneYB Tuesday, enrQute te Florida. Miss Louella J anney, who is a teacher in the (lublic 8chools at N.ew Smyrna. F lo., accompanied them te their home. They are mo. toring through a.nd expect to make the trip in five days.

M oo~"




tur ned to the ir hOllle In T rflY, Ohio,


L..:.:......-------;;.__- - -...

~==========================~==~_~_~ ._==========*_~L~_

IIlr. lind Mrs. Merle Kerns, of C~ lumbus, spent the week·end with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Marlntt.

Its time of year now for home baked bread : for beat rosults get .Carnation or Enterprise 1I0yr nt the Mr. and ¥ra. W. J. Armbrllster Fnmlers Excha nge Co ., IIlso Grnham and lion; Ruyburn, of St. Louis, 110.; Flour Carnation ·made. were clIQlng on fri4lncla here Thurs· Mr. L. N. Printz, of he Myel' Rydill' enrouts" from' Nlagra Falls to their home. They also spent a day m. n store, left Monday evening for with friends In Harveysburg. Mrs. Colunlbus, where I'e will Rpend pa rt lie will nino visit Ahnbrua~r ill the daughter of Mr . of his vocation . William Ra,y burn, who is a forme r wi .h his sister at. Cllntervillo. re~ident of Waynesville and who has been In St. Loulr ' for many years. On la st Thllrsdny U fternoon fr om Mr. Rayburns ~e was the late 2 to 5, Moster Lamar Enrnhurt enFlora Leak. Although Mrs. Arm· te, tllined fift een of his litUe friendB, bruster was a stranger to Wayne~­ th e occasion being his birthday a nni. vi lie people, she enjoyed calling on versary. Rrefres hments were ser ved her father'll old·tlme frie nds. Mr . f~lJ m a table, on which a cllndl ed cllke lIyburn, they report is in faill'l$ WfiS placed, and the g uests each rehealth. ceived favors.

C •••l.e No.3 Vela.



Bnrbcr. of gucst-ll oi

, aynesvi


S"~i.St.,olo"l"", 6 •• lor .bDth heati., aDd II:DoloiD,.


The Fnrtt\cr~ Exc IlIgO Co. tl l'e nil' Le hiA'h Portland om lit and have u !rc ~ h Cllr i ll .




Holo And · Mm. zel we re' i1mi ugLon vis itors dllY a f Cl'AQon·.

Seven ty-Six t h Year



1· " " - --




- •. -


....- .-- . -

.. -



Rest Game of t h e Seni'on-H eavy H atting Day ton Barl, 12, Miami., 13.

_~ '~ ~~ "~(L-______ ____________ __~rn~~~nr~~~~



While it i, not Our cUltom to Wbat i. mi .. inl in the Mi. ami G a Ee tte? Ju.t uk your· .elf thi. que.tion and let u.

lenlatio nal new I, murder l., dlvo,.ce propaga nd", etc., we cannot refrain (rom commen tin l' UpOn th e verd'ct rendere d

Th ree Pitch e rs UHeu in th e ;


----- --- --,----




know of your de-ci.ian . By tbi. m e anl, and only thia, wi ll we know of waYI to improye thi. pap e r a nd make it IU you

by Judge Caverly th i. morniDK upon Niatll.n I. eopold and Rich. a.d Loeh, eharled witb the mUr. d e r of Robert Frank., in Chica goo. They were given life im .. prj.onm ent. to be .erved at the Slat" pri.on at Joliet . The re o . ult. of thi. trial will b .. of iD·

would hav e it. It i. our pur· pOle to .e~v e thi. commun ity wit_h new. and readine maHer that il of va lu e and aervice to it, and we y e your opinion . . We want you to feel t~at tbi. i. your paper, to Ule, to criticize and to ald . It it a

t~ umber

5608__------~~~ ~


Voeatl cmal Agricu lture Coune Filla a Long.F elt Need Good Instruc tors

Mul'he there hnve been beller , more t erea t to pe~ple in tbe remole. t lection of the U . S .• for re.aOD, exciting )rllllles played on the locnl The Wayn e To wnship sc hools opened more lubUl e than mer. inqui,i . fi eld: if RO, we ha ve forgot te n t hem. Monday with 1\ total enrolTment of recolniE ed fact t_h at tbe rural U .... De... Mo.t people feel that But onll thi ng is certui n, never hus a 472. Of this amoun t there arc 225 . preaa ia a .trong faetor in our Wnynes ville tenm put up u gnmer: Ihe... bo,.. are typical of tbi. in the Grade building and 247 At Nationa l rre a tne.., and Wa.,. more courngeo us fiJr ht after nllowing "Flappe r and JaZE" ace~ and tbe High School building, 114 o[ this ne.yille-, a procre •• ive commu· t heir opponon ts Buch nn overwhelm. Frank. <a.e will b" th .. eau." latte r number being in the High nit" mud "aye a pro l re.aive ing lend in the endy innings, A S did For man, reform. tbrourb out school. It is expected, however , that paper. If we are not m eetin • . Ihe country . our MiumiK at Phillips park, last Sun· this total will be increase d as t here your need., let u. know. d ill' afternoo n. An IIccount of thf ar e perhaps some who intend enterscoring wi ll te ll the tnle. ing a little Illte. Two Rin gles, two passcs, n wild Through t he resignation of Mr. N. throw und three stolen bases al10wcd P. Blatt, Mr. F. R. Moomaw, of Chilt he visitors to get away to n three· licothe, was chosen by the school r un lelld, 'but our boys C8illC ri ght board as head of the schools. Mr. back nt them. Prender gast hit a Moo maw is a man of wide and varied clean single to center, Eddie beat experience, having spent several out a bunt, lind Thompson advance d Nuptu als W:ere Solem nized on years in the schools in Porto Rico., t hem a base tl! !,~~IAeI~.....,sItti·L Last Wedne sday Evenin g wh ere he conduct ed classes In physics PumDlY, E. and other couTlles in tne Spanish lanthrow scored Edguage. Mr. Moomaw is the po ss~ d.o uble scored Peck . Forme r WayneSVille Girl Will sor of a pleasan t persona lity and alTho marriag e of MillS Leah M. then produce d the singlE though he has been here but a short Make Home in Englan d noeded to send J phn home with tht Smith, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. time, has f ound a place in the hearts J . Smith, and Mr. Philip Zep!, of CinMiami's fourth run of the inning. of those associated ·with him. Neither side scored in the second. cinnati, was .01em n~zed Wednes day Anoth er new jmlruct or, Mr. evening , Septem ber II, at the home of At the lit tle Friends Church at Crabbe, has been added to but oh, the awful fireworks in the the facFn.lrview, on Tuesday afternoo n at ulty, through the addition third. E. McCollough singled to lhe bride's parent.. of the Promptl y at 7 o'clock, the bride t :30 o'clock, the wedding of Miss Smith.H ughes Vocatio right and Smith knocked the ball ovel· nal Agrieul tuHelen Hawkins and Sewell Harria, of ral course, new this year. t he fence Into Mrs. Sheehan 's lot. entered on the ann of her father, and Mr. Crabbe 11'88 unusual ly lovely In a gown of 11 Notting ham, Englan_d, was very quiot ia not only a theori8t but a practi~ Two ·more viaitors hit, and Gray hit . l lace, carrying a boquet of roM Iy but beautifu lly solemnized. another , before the manage r told fanner as well, aDd has for the past COUN TY NORM Ai IJAS .As the large company of guests, four yean been fanning a plue 01 him that his labors for the day wer.! A FUU. ATIEN DANC E many relative s of the .' bride and a his own near Waahin gton The groom awaited his bride beovei. Osborn had no chance to gel C. H. Tbe large circle of friends, ' quito anum· Smlth.H ughes courses are, warmod up alld his arm W1lj! still in fore a bowlder fireplace, with the offi. With the Major ity of the Puils indeed, cil\ting minister , Rev. John J. 8cha.. ber motorin g from Richmond, arrlv- most appropr iate, and through . bad shape, a8 resulL of his fine work ·the from his Comm ffor, of Dayton, Ohio., who perform ed unity ed at the church, they were greeted intensiv e efforts of the in tho Labor Day affaIr. The tlrst Board were Mias Edna Howlan d, of the Warren the ceremon y in ' a beautifu l and 1m-I batter to face him was safe on an In· in the vestibul e by t he bride's slater, Installed this year. The Federal govfield wabble, the second singled and pre88ive manne-r. Roaee, lillles and TO A TmAC T THOU SAND S County Normal , is moat optimist ic Items from Early Gazett e Di.. Mrs. Albert Terrell and Mr. Terrell, ernmen t, reeognl zinr the Importa nce over the proapetl: clematis ts carri. of e this d out ·year's the color TO DAYT acheme ON . the next two walked. Then, Mana· Serving IIfi ushen were Richard Lnr- of the course to rural ·commu claB&; On Monday , when the school nities, close. (nlere. ting Facti . ger Pace donned the big mit and of pink Dnd white. Idn, Robert Farquar , Clyde Milner, furnishe a olle half of the olnstruc topended Followi there' ng the ceremon y, a dinner we-re enrolled 'fourConce rning Railro ad. mnsk lind the faitbful "Dutchm an" and Warren Terrell. ors' salary and the -rest is met by 10· teen young people. who aspire to betook up the "white man's hurden" wal served on the lawn,' member s of E••at As the hands of the clock -renched cal schools. ~f latern ationa come l t eachers. Scope, the Immedi Of these ate families . pnly being a b&rge with the -score 10 to 4 against him. the appointe d hour, little MillS The neVI prinCipal of the High . aad Hundr eda of W orld·P rom· perceQt age are local YOU;g people, .Mr. Gideo n Brown' . broken ann is Rachael Pickett, of Richmo Thon . tho M.iamis ahowed their present. Many beautifu l and usend, 1\ school needs no introduc tion to the and before the ful month pr\!sents is o· u weTe inent t there received People to be There. I dOIng well u nder Dr. St. John's carc. . real nerve. While \Ioldlng their op· channin g flower girl, carrying a ba~ people of this commun ity, may be more entering . as every After a honeym oon 8P~yt in and ' . .. Judge Keys has been more than ket of lovely . asters, precede ponents to but two more tames, (one, d the one knows of , Miss . Kelsey's IItted'l:'hose enrolled! from WIlynesvi\la ~suallY indisposed lately. around St. Paul, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. another home .run,> they scored ono bride and bridegroom as they took ness for the posit ion . . The The people of this commun ity are nre Melvin Bantn, Levi Coates, two other CleIn the fourth, two in tho fifth and Zepf will be at honle to their many fortuna Mr. and Mrs. John Bisey hllve their seuts unatten ded. te in that ~~' they are . !<!.!iC!i~ friends but . ~ twenty at _ j![lL 6642 wh.o...r.ou J mellt Satterth waite, Kathryn Fromn" Glenview nd out the Ave., Colg~~~ to Indiana and Dlinois on a The bride was never more lovely High School faculty, threo in the lucky seventh , mlles away from whnt will he one LOl\el1~ Longaclre, Hoster are Miss ]{ath· Jones, VIS I.. Sa'ttllrth waite opened the eighth lege Hill, Cincinn ati, Ohio, where a of • than on her wedding and she was ryn Clark and Miss ·Ann Ba~hman, the . grcates t Internat ional events Edith McKibban a.nd Kathryn ~umer. WayneSVille had more representa.. a beautifu l picture asday with a cllmll aingle ·to left but the beauUfu l furniahe d hungalo w waita she entered the who were retained from last year. of the year. The Internat ional Air Lorrain e Brannoc k, Oregoni their return • . a, Her- ~ves at tho State Fair than any ·church. Her wedding Dutchm an forced him at second, C. race. of October 2, S a,nd 4 will bert Ault, Lebano n, Deborah gown was Miss j)mlth, wbC]. was l'cc!,ntl Walton, other towu in the county. • • McColloug h to Smith. .Howard wen~ handsom e. It waS severely plain, of u'lljted from Defia/lce college, r gradbring to the city of Dayton one of ·Xenia, Dara Doggett , Bellbroo bikes k Pau-' Mr. Josepl} Mannin gton and wife ivory cn!pe sati n. The bridal to second on a wild pitch, arid to BIRTH DAY SURPR ISE the greates t crowds of vislton ever line Moore, . Harveysb~rg, veil, Miss McClur e's place as instruct or of ' and aro ~siting his father, ' Constahle of silk tulle, was held in third on Gon's lIBorlfice. Then, with .,Iace with Domestic Science .,and Home Ecogathere d in that city. An elabora te red Ivins, Frankli n. . the pitching count three balle and Manlllngton. a simple wreath of greenor y. She uomics. advertis ing program has bee~ going . Mr. Samuel Everly has made ar·. carried a shower boquet two strikes, Manage r Pace hit that of white on for the past few weeks and a DAYTON .LEBA NON The new teacbel'S jn 'the grlldes ~e ball and Embry 10und I.t over In Mrs. rangem ents to very uniqUe .urpriae party wa' small annyo f special move back to Way- rosebu ds and larkspu r. Miss Olive AU!!n, j!ririlary de~lll:~ built Fords Sheehan 's lot. PIKE ' . neBville ~nd agal.n take up his abode at the home of Mra. George have been scouring The scene of the wedding could e.mnt; Mifs Fealy, of HarveYS the country plae. hurg~ Neither team scored In the. ninth, C,arothe ",,, 011 SUDday, It I.S .CL~S ED anlong hIS old frIends. not have heen more romatic and the Sixth grade; and ltIerre. Raymon belnlr her Ing billll and placards on the high. The Dayton and Lebanon pIke has I Marshall Oummin gs arrested Hatand the visitors were retired ill orle, birthday . At 12 O'clock a service was truly religious and mos t field and Mr. Cutler, an elabo- wa)'S--e ven rarely traveled ones. .of near' Leba.\ b~en c~osed for several , weeks below burglar last Wednes day tWo, th.r ee order In tbe tenth, thanks rate dinner 11'811· served. momiur . impre8ll1 . . ve. After the bridal party non, who have charge of the Rifth Chief interest now centers upon ~ldgeVllle, and work "US· begun to a fine funning catch bi Prende rthis who was after identified as a person wu seated, Mrs. Those p~nt . were, .Mr. and Wi\Hs Beede, of an,1f Sixth rradee, Mr. Burt Wilson, plnns for the houlling of this vast w.eek by the R. L. Stolle .Co gRsl, With one down i'it the blat Judson Hess, Mr. and 1tIn. ., contrac· implica ted in a thoft in New "Bur· Richmond, sang very beautifu George number of people. Dayton hotelll cali' lly, "Be who taugh last year in the Ureene l tol'S. , When this I!npavod strip is Iington. half, Peck .and the DulcJiman produeand two. dalllh\8 n, Vema and not possibly handle. that loved, It IB Morn." Followi ng tho county schoole, will co-oper number and c mpletcd , the 'pike will bo icl oal from ate willi ed two more aingles, Gona adv~nced .,__...... _M Mr. nn.d Mrs. Soth S. Haines were song, Mrs. Gurney Terrell in a _._r. and M.n. ~ Hea ~ .two already there have been many, very Mr. Bu11.on in the Junior High ·work, offers DlI;yto~ ~o Lebanon, nnd this wo rk is summoned in h~te them with another lllicrifice, and , to Cincirm .Robert and "tiel Virginia; ati impress ive ~ul,nner read a sectio" namely, the Seventh ond Eighth private citizens f or the qaln with tho coilnt of. three ami Mn. Carl Heu and ·daught er, their homes as living quarteruse of Ito be complet ed before the first of a week last Friday, owing to the· nrf- from the London Friends Discipline, grades. s for the ~~ar. two, the manage r hit that ball into ou~ iIInellS of their aon, Dr. JaB. W. having to do with the relation ship ~!.+ Mr. . and Mn. Harry thOBe ·who come to witn ess the races -------====.~-~~===---.- • territor y where the Ethopla ns were Hames, of W. Seventh St. marriag e. 'The bride and bridegro om D: eretCivic organiza tions and clubs als~ DEAT not, and tho best game of tlie season HS D. W. Meeks is now employed III stood and repeate d the marriag .d Mn. "'Lee Miller and tWO have made offers to take e eer- DAYT ON BUS UNDE R care of was ovor. Word was received here Jllst week t~e ~dver:i9ing agent of the \ Mary M...v.-ret and Vir· large Toledo, emony uniting themsel ves in mar· number s of visitors, NEW MANA GEME NT while resl- ann~)Uncing tho death af Eliz>luatn Cmcmn atl and The South Lobanon First Team is' St. Louis Railroad. alt from, ,D4lyton, "r. S. dents of cities with in a rlage, accordin g to the custom 01 radius of 60 West Trout. Mrs. Trou t died nt her the attractio n soheduled for Pbllllps Howard Mannin gton returne d to Friends . The clerk of the of Waynes ville, Mr• mU"" through out the Miami Valley Monthly home .i n Springfield , August l ath. the Soldiers Orphans Home . park, next SUJlday. l!aker, ~~raan the flnt Meeting , Albert Terrell, read the nero to~, The mana,gement of the Waynes W. Va., are plann ing to act as hosts to thOle Sbe wa~ the wife of Rcv. Phi llip day of the month and went l "'la~le M. · HellS and .James I:'fmlth, .of into the tlllcate, which had been signed hv ville.Dayton bus line is. now In charge attend tho raccs. Valley. ~o~t, wh? was not the M . E church Home Printing office on the '~ h~'ltrles '. DAYTON· BARS se8 appoint ed from the Month· of a new man, ~. F. L. Mayo, who The program 10r the three days o.f here ah.out. sixteen y ea rs ~~.) at a J..te hOur -hi the day She Boward is a p~om!8ing bo!. . AB R H , rO A Iy ; and suitable remark announc es that Il new Bchedule has flying Includes 12 raclnr.a nd flying ~ huned r\vl.!!hi a~ ~~. Ferrtcltf Carothe n many .more f, Sp rmgfi eld . Stanley Sellnrs IS travelin g for the were made by Dr. Erp, a professo F been arrange d and that he will absoVan Trace, 65 .•.... ,.4 2 : 1 . i , 1 for which r at ,60000 In CHURC H Jl;OTICE happy birl:bdllVII. W. A. McCIIII & Co., hardwa re SImmon s 3b ... .,:,.2 _ 2 · 0 '0 . i Antioch college and a friend of the lutely run accordin g t;jl that schedpri~s and mimero ul troph'lea and . ~~ af\nual HOllle·C _ oming _ _* _ ~ R~~:lV~. a nd chants, Cincinn ati. It 8eems E McOOIl0JR'h, Ib.1i 1 1 10 ' 0 Harris family in England ; by CIM· ule. Bert/tof ore, the Dnyton bus hns medals have been otl'ered a 8pec- buket .d innor , of the SU ll"ar Creek Waynesville has become a .....'mltD,· 2b ............ 6 2 S 5 2 rather unreliablo, and ?tlr. Mayo ence Pickett, Wllltcr Woodward, of tacular c.u;nlv,.I, and 'the prea- Chrietia n c"urch will be he ld SUllduy, sch?OI for Cincinn ati. ' cf '......... ,.,3· 2 ' 1 · 0 0 Weln wan Richmo nd; and John Fletcher, of states that he hopes to win back tho iUROR S CHQS EN F~R ence of the 'ro\lnd the world flyere Septem ber 14th. All nrc cordially until the C. N. R. R. comils .lont. England . r~ ........ 6 1 ' 1 · 2 . O. The service ended wlt.h confidence of the pulilic by beihg ex foUo.wing the ~pletion o.f their hie. ,I nvited. SEPTEMB~ MEETING then thinp will be reve~d. . 1 2 9 0 the sin&ing of lclng '. lIlallL "Blest the Tic," by acting in his schedulo. He will make .' . •Lytle New&--The new '~ot 'II~ tbe audienc e, led by beMrs. 0.: 0 5 · Terrell. two trips to Da yton during the ~'eek i ThOI!' fly8rB wiU be broulrht to. .~ ' T Axi SERVi CE this p18ce i8 nearly complet ed. 'Pu- There WBJI a period of 120 silence, and loavilllt bere at 8 :30 a. m. IIoDd ' 6 :00 DaYton , eaJied,aUJ ~o.r.the races and ( WaynellvlUe has heen without taxi songers The Grand J}lry le hayina. '; raeaa, ne~d no ~ore t? ~a In tIte> the shaking of bllnd~ followed • . p. m., and Oil Saturda ys will mnko the, will be it ... an el.borat e civic· Htvlce ·.of "oi' k· d · re.urne cQurt pn the ~u~ of . •_ . "·11 ·t sun or ram while waIting lor the . Immedi ately at the conclusi three trips. .. ' " .,.~y In slIIce we~ome on 0·,1 Jf S . QUI ,. tra·n La . ~pirating hut a new man ~t.nrtc d this ' t d th this month. The juron 'choaeD fQr th th I s. f . rge quan tit! C8 0f CIO~ CD . e ceremon y, e In addltio.n · to the rae1pg events "ee~ and ia prepa red to rang 0 !':Uil Sts the Septem ber rneetln" ~: . " ' make trip~ ot her frel~ht. pass . over the~ad ..ell follow ed Mr.and Mrs. acbeduJed /on the' botb1aa " and ' ht R ' . Mn. Maqd Jobnson , ~urtJecreet.'· alld other tI:Ilq-a dC day for Clncl.nn atl, Walnut ltl'tls and ·Terrell country home, Harria to the -->_, . ' , I IIIII'. "The Flllt a) mon amp, the arma ·-t· protrl'am I .-nmton th will U 'have op. Fi of Id" Mn. Marrar et Foley~: .T urtlilcre et. f tehanon h , ·i~ runn . ing tl l lhe nc\v busl. 0 . th· r R.... IOP8 a ong e ne. In e s, were a recep on portunl m tf clr to In·'poet ~e rovernm ent Ml'S. Addle Brown, ' Tu~ wlU'ch has 'beon badly needed In fact, .the narrow Guage begins to do honor W88 given. . unte}' at lIeQaok Field. This '. Ann Roulh, TurileCi-eet: . for time. a tThhrlvin&;. blusinfess ·. .11 .L Ie . headqu arten lor, jhe'e"ng j" ,. Mr. and Ha'i'ris left about {; .;John~on; Turtlecree~. ' ..e peop 0 0 th)8 VI age ~nd Wle o'clock amidMis. the shout. of best wish· nHnng and othu .~on .. of. tbll .AIr farming commun ity aUrrOundlllg are e8 and good luek, ·motorin liervice. . . very much ela ted ~vet tpe early pro.. where they took the traing to Xenia, for Philapeets of, an ,e,lttel:),iQD ,:Pf, thQ Clneln- ~e}plYa., They, · .Yo'iU . stop in Phil nati Northem R!lil~ 1!1 this. bUN •. delphia alld Ne.w York, expectin ag to • . '!' .• ! sail, &aturda y, aboard the "Majestic" FORM ER INSTa ueTOR S for E~laiid, .wher«i they ·wil,l , eet8btheir hom·e. , . . • IN GOOD POSIT IONS Mr:.Har ria is a fine you~ .. : .\ • . ' give. every prom~ of c!lOaeti' ~lIe o~ wor~,-. He ie . .,!MIi.t.t4 with· thl! Friends educatio nal m~t;ve·· I . III Enrland . hiI work . ~olllr lthe mlnen · Uvinc .near ~l!8hlU\J w))enl :the you~ peopl, ~e thell: h·ome. ~,ue .. a nreet, lQvrible PI. · ~U ' . a










l.{i!d- I



:D. -





~ ,.nali t7, u6·lt ~ witla that bet frlena. . . her aq

~road to' realde. r .~ lKJ8lttOD ~ of tile Yo~•

... ttle

n .. y~ ....,.in

wIdoIa . .



"'-:I.rllMHb "1:I1IIU~1l"

me, Ohio

The Miami Cazett e, TI oy Y;111





to lGH Y&

('n l'.

W 1n tile


U. n. .., t . •1H J\'~ ".11.:,- tJl Hob:. V. " l ,Ii'l ' 11r Ir\'f'l th .1~;;lt Hl , '. :~. !J I 'It ~ E ... tlln. ~t a L, h i ! I' ',1'\'_( ' , 1 H\lht. f . l .l·\, i \


Oli O hUlllh'"r l a ll I 1"rl y Ifi rl ~ roil ed ill the C I Olh i n~~ Clubs of











FO~~~~~,:sc ~,.inst


Pro1' ~. flr-", n,1 hy 11 11 mOlln~ pI ck out n -irl with II se" "e "f humOI·. ~I;"' I'Y on ly l he ~irl wh.' ,',1 11 1~\ lw 0 i~




AND FORTY IlDREN c" nt StuMn .. \ Im";' irl(' l.h.j~~ W, E HIBn IIj" kl~;::"111l' kin.1 l-iTI y.,u


• 'It , I . COMMO N I' ,E., ~ , ,. Thll lnotio the liS 01 I, , , , ICFNsr .S lIhiOf' nl'w has R4, 7: 0 mill'. of road G.. "rgc l;. I , I' d 1 In, I·'· .. . a lt.1 ~Ib., of a ll '!..i!lIls lJlIou ~h to rench 'lI'o und miss ssid P' .: t .. I " > " " ,. I" . U,:h of ::i uu l h Leb· ' he woJ'ld thr ee und _OJlc.JuU t.he case 'YUS ,n ·j ll:'\..Hlt I. \1,. L.tilllCll. \I " d " , .. ,.lIyn. L. A. OouiIlY. (!i l'ectur of l-li gh\V 8y ~. et, Phillip i:",r, f n 'n<'r, Cillci nn" Li, Ide lured to tluy in milking public fi g· , Cases 13102 a nd ] ;:103, 11I1\'inf:' b\!c q consolid atod nnd j'J d~\! n l(' nt a nd Miss I.,·"h M. Smith , Wnyncs - ure~ that sho\\' t hut l he Slate is g rad!tllll y dovelop in g 0 110 of th e most inI;ondere d. th y -wcr e urdercil "' fl .. II' ,· ill ~. __ Ilell" iYC t rnffi ,' sy ~ t (\nl S in tho country . the docket. The CIlSes wcr' hl uuJ: ht REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS ~) f thll l<.,t,I1 I, 10,'\65 mil:" c~":by the lIfal'!'hl1l1 r lumbi n ~ Co, It!: "i :t~ ! Frallk L. Hnbgon to 'Wi nni(' Hob· 11" ' '"'' t.h e Rtntl' "y. te m Albert and Mllry Ann L,·w;-. of hlg h\\ n) s · '\ nsn n . 1 "'1' . ;;;:,)'1 . alld arc t hc I<'n<linl! I'ollds throughout I ,0 l In • • NEW SUITS 'I . Q ' . lin d A nllll F un k t n .."'1'. 1'~. til(' stull'. conrdillnlinj!' IIl1d hnkmg \ I' h C. Frll7.Cl' . LoL in Frankli n . $ 1. :I ,fIOO mil,'" nf Illll ill lIg · Tbe Franklin Nat' l, Balik is "ui nr; l1('hMa Simp~on 10 .J llhhll and L!lU . WI1~' nlld. i),GO A Wm Burt on et a1.. fo r the r .. covI'r)· fo,le rsl Old r ond . ~\lJl"I'IIlIPII"C, 1 In UI C slate s y"t em of $200.00 with 8 per ccut i\ll erest riUa Volkcrdin~. Lilt ill Leb nn oll :s 1, I" r". lhre(' illtl'r·system. , namely, the from April 27, 1!l22. 6. lonw E nll;' to F'rl) nk I1 IHI EIi1.n. , MI1I11 Mllrk.~ I, Inler·Co unty n~d Fed· be~h Tiwn;p>l.n. I nere in CI(':tr. ('1':11 l'nn(k The Ma in Ma r et sysPROPA TE PROCE EDING S Ii T 1 I t(,111 i" laid out to tnk e cnre of the The ne t y"lue of th~ estate of eTel" "1'· . nll,>'t impor ta nt lrnffic needs. arc des · David Fox. decease d, was fou nd to COMMI SSIONE RS PROCE EDING S ignul ll(1 iJy t he di re cto r of hig hwny. be $2304.1 1 a lld the SUCCCs.~o r8 W('I'e i llnd lIecc,"lIrily reci/ive the financia l found to be exempt f 1'om inheri tance Hill. a ll ,,\1' ( d: 1I1<'('\wr li nd !\lee k . prcrercl lc('. The in ter-coun t y systal:. , l' r , ill"Ur:tIl I'C prcmium lit Orp han', tetl) Is the ~ lut.e·~ s ystem of highway s The net value of the estate of 11 " 111,'. $:lU G..IU : Mahl ~ 1\ Hid f!o, sallIe . b{'lnj( th" net wo rk of stale r oads Wanen J. Dnldn. decease d, Wllf, ug-e Cn ., "uII l'l ies fo r ,,"o itul', $7;,. · ICII<ling jnt o ~lIc h county in the stoLe. found ~p be $744.39 and th e suce,.11- .4 0; n. E. Dilatush, cor ner. InquL'st The Fede rol Aia sys tem is the BOrs were also fuund to be (lXellll't Na ncy C. P~ice , $6.0U: W. II. Stan· chlliu uf roalls dc. lgnnted by the go. frolD inherita nce tax. u~e Co. , SUPI' Ii ~~ tor auditor, $75- " cl'ltmen t us being of inter stlltu 1m. -lohn Fox. ndminis tra tor of th e .(10; Vnlley Pholle Co. , phone estate of David Fox, decellse r!, Wa" fu r Aug ust lllt d to ll~ (or July, r('ut por tn nce li nd up on which {ederal mo· $6~- nl.'y I. spcnt. BlIthqr4 cd to sell certain hon ds nt .4: Anor!!w D. Shultz, sctllcme nt 111 A st retch of stilte rond may bo an sal~. fu ll IIf acciMn t, $3~ .00; Dept. l)ub. unty hlg hwny. Main Market "Qeemie Morris. feobl e Dlinded , WU" lie Welfnre . s upphes for Itnd a lso be on lho Federnl Aid or4ered trans(tp' re.d from Lh Sl ntp Ohio Hospita l tu r Epiletic s, $62.77; System. A commun ity through ~ritles Bo~ding liou e l o the F.. Di,latush, coro ne~, inquest Ne~-; which s~c h a road extends is exceed· liom.!! of fter pareni;s un ti l she ctn be Ito M. HiJpp. $3 .00: Wtng IlDdEvUIlS. ingly fort.unn te In that all three Bdll\\tt.e~ to the Ohio In stitution (('II' .to bags calcium chloride for Rrank- claSiles of funds may be ased towa rds Feebl~ Mlnde4. lin , ' $651. 50; Ohio Qorruga ted 'Cui- its construc tion. , ,'fh~-.\lp.p~~~on for the ~dmi 'llion ve rt C,o., 7 co rru ga ted s ew~rII. '237The stute levy of ,me half o! one ~f til Wil,1 of S!U:ah M. Easton, dc- .10 : 1hc D?rret t Co., < 8729 gal1o~. m\l1 on the entire state duplicat e of tle8aC!'d to Probate will be :(or heM Btl}. mnterlU I, $1309.3 6; Oregoni a approl:l mately $10.000 .000 was re~ 01' :;ep~nl5~ lit-d. l nridA'C' Co., bllr" re~air work, etc,. pealed by the 86tb General ABllem~in siile~ made by Florer" e !i1i, 4'/; ~~car B. Cam, brlda'e lum- bly. A Bum of approxi mately $6.napkins , id~in~tratri]( of the estute "'er. '?'1.76 ; .T. K. Spencer . same. 000,000 a year for two years was apof . Wat!e!J. . ~,' 'Pakin, decease d. wero : $J54.80 ; A. L. Snook~ stone .and proprillt cd from the general revenue ~p~~~ed, I ,.:.. , : . . . ," . I ~aY~I. $,46; &rry TUldle, bridge fund for the use on road constru ct. 'T(ie C,o~ '}lthll,..u:e4, G, c. Eas',c n reJ~~lr". $4.2p; W, A. ~cott, BRme. Ion, One-fou rth of this amount Is and P. A:- ElIJbon "xecuG, rs of the 1$11.35 ; Bomar!! Batten' .• rc-, for tho usc on tho Main Market Bye~~. b1 ~ I P... ~~~. d~ceased to ! pairs -£;>r - . surveyor'lI Ford,Co$6,70; tem and tbe addition al three-fo urths, ,10\1 e~nJ)!)nd1\." t private ,&ale. , Harlan Wh.~cre. Supt... H8rJ~n Twp,. less expense s. of highway depa.r tment R. GUChru.t A. ;8. Kauf- t PayrOll lor }ta)! month ending A uis divjlled equally among the 88 ,and ' Fr~d L. Pauly were ap- gust 15. ];024. $,221.65. counties to be uscd in tho constru ctpolPte~f a,vp It.!sel'll of the estate flf .1 ' - -ion of tbe 1'0 .466 miles of Inter~)' Van ,1Teaa; de~eased. . Giant Alrpla"t a. county s yste m of which Is Included ,.Tbf ..~outt ,'o rdered the Louisville Alrplane s CUI,nll l" of cnrt'ylng 2lI :1,600 milL'll of Ma in Ma~ket road. and Nasbn'n e 'it. R Co, to de\iv~'r li men IIncl ot trll \'CIlOIl !lOO miles wUbThe mllinten allce and repair fund IntO the' 'p~~ion of the 'Lcb~non out R atop bl\\'e \'~'Cn devel.oJ ed Ia uf $,j,7 00,OOO is t he am,ount approNat'! Batik ahd Trust Co., admin) Italy. . priated f rom tpe s tate'a sP,aff of thl! • " • , '. nu~ license fund for !Il period 01 one year ' and this money Is raised by the llcenfHI fue of automob iles. An THE TRJlS TATE P ICE "moun t of I\tlPJ'o xjma~)y $6.pijQ.000. dollars is Totated to the I1Iti!!s and 'Count ills, accordln g to HIe num. ber end kind of a\ltomob lles reglatared in ench commun ity. IIblpnieJ;it is Guuaat .eeI 1088 or damage ',n trlll1sit. ~


( !GH, OU O'




, -.

o.m. John J . Pershing wl\l ,'clebrat c sixty · four th .. t h,I!), Ks t4J'day, Septemb er 13, a;nd retire t? private lif e. F.ll! bln:l'" 11\ !.'J, ••,r nnd tJ'Thute is his reward. pu'-1lcly given In " grl'u: m I" :01 Nl.'w York Scptcmh ,:: !J;


... •




AffECT_.~_T_H. E CROPS· 1


~ ~eam ·dlNCt to'


" ,

TH~ tjU &T'AT~ BUTTER CO. . •




,,' 'il,






I "





, ,


.. .~

'·'· P flGJ'":B.hl'C .







·'.rmi ....

, Ha.lq deddetl. to cUae~tllIue l~iI1 ••11 by .....y of Public Auc. ..... m:r•• atlre Fjana Equlp••Dt. lOCAted I mile Weet of Rid • ...,iIIe, OD tb. • ..;$1.1 ....... 0 .. top '.o f B'uDDel I;lill.' on ' " •



'I t

' : .' .

'., 'Sep tem ber 17, 192 4, j



Bealnll ln,•• t

( .


10 o'~lock.


& h .... ,ood bon~" 21i ••d of Mileb cow., bolh gi.;nn. aboul 3 1-2 i,bing about 70 lb ••

,.1. per d." '~ .Mat

Farming Implements, etc. • , 2 ·W.~OD.' 1 2 Hor•• Farm Wa,o ... Truck WfBBon, Diac Cultivat or. a-rljo Dew; MiI.;;'ke. Biuder with Dew ~anva... Bryan Sulky Plow near· ,Iy ,D~W, ",,,,Iid~,, Dr.wu g Plow, Little Dutchm an Culti ... tor. 5 Shonl Plow•• .Doub~e Sbo.el Plow. Spike Tootb Harrow . Crindsto ne. steel fr.m.... T,o~~cco Set~er and ' Steam.r , Superio r Wbeat Drill, Gravel B"d. Fciqe, Z Hor ... Sled. o Mowing Machine . 3 Sickl .. , Cro.~ Cut Saw. H!"y Fork. 1 Q5 ft. of . Good Rppe, RuLber Tire Buggy Black Hawke Cor,,Planter. check-ro w attachm ent, Tublar Cream Separat or, Uprillht Or,an, ....d lob of forka •• bo .. el • .a .. d .mall articles.

FordSOD Trac tor

For....oD Tractor witlt PuUe~ Belt Roller J, I. ca.e Double Di.". 011.... Plow. for' Tractor ; Bun Saw .nd 75 ft. Belt. Tr.ctor equipm ent i ....e.rl, ...... and u.ed but two y.ara. 2Seto Briehe .. Harnee •• 'Set Bue.,. H.rn.... Bridl••, Coli .... , etc, Feed Mow of O.t. Straw. one-bal f of 10 A. of Corbo , T_.. $10 or UDder, Ca.b. Over th.t amount a credit of 15 mo. time. . . roc...... &i",iJ. bankabl e nO.te. 4 per cent off for C«.Ii;



1.,M artin , Auc t.


Obio ....... No, 2

ou nt..y UIH..llU;O h un dred nod Len

S ll ,


SECOND and positi vely the

LAST \VEE K of the Great est Photo Play of all ti mes


' ~'~~{I~:\'~::~:i::ni~I :I : I'::h~:~:e ::~:~


GFr ,<_ U__ n._l_1HE VOTE ~:;:~I.I~~~~~l::f~;i1F;EI:ll~I([:·~~ '~~:~

ranged in the Round li nus" a 1111 pru· mises to be on e of th e mos t. interestin g nnd imprL'ss ive now fe utul'l:s of th e 1.!l24 Exhi hition. The Pou ltl·y Club e xhibit.,. will be The.t: YI! ":il(ht Spcci.III · 1 IIrrangc d in the Poultry Houso while the Pig and alf Clubs will be under At~a'5 tents noa r . the Hog Barn. Wll rll,.,w_ r-_, County citizens rall tuke I,cen pride ebartMl.:...!?hlo . in looking ove r th e ir Cl1lf Cluu ex· hi bits this yoar. t. V r - - - - - - --X: 111

The may treat his 'Innd eXllclly the snme from year to yeur aDd yet find Il startlinll ' differen ce in product ion d,ue to seasona l conditio ns beyond his control. In the 5·,year rotation !ertUlty telts on the State experim ent fann at Wooste r five tenth-ac re plots, which have received the same treamen t per acre each rotation period of five years for thE. lAst 80 years. show the followin g wide variatio n in yield due to 8e80nal conditio n8; corn from 13.28 bushels to 76.36 bushels per acre. oats 2:4..22 to 76,87 bushels. wheat 9.76 to 42.70 busbels. clover hay .6 ton t(, 3.26 tona. and timothy hay .9~ ton 1:0 2.7~ to~s. I • These extreme s 111 YIelds for differ· ent "easonl! on tbe same land under the III1me treatme nt are greuter than the extr~me8 in any ODe year due to dlft'eren ees in treatme nt. The euiture and treatm ent of ·these p19t. .!Jave .been uniform thr uout the 30 years Eal:h plot haJj re ceived 820 pp~nde of acid phospha te. 260 pounds of muriate of po't ash" 440 pounds of nlt~~ ' pf sl>lIa and 40 pounds of drifad )llpo<i (l!;lr a~re ~al!b rotation . - - -.....~~----

The scr"iic's ' ('I ( the Bnf· Scouts of America p~~e bec n.~fct\lisU'd (,n a sb·icUy . non·.par ti san· Q.a~is , t,l bring Oll l th o quAlifi ed vote rS nl the Preside ltia) olection s Uli, f nl l. The ent.h·e member ship ann ou nces the Nati onal Council of Boy S~ouLs oJ America , of 686, 50 0 scout~ and (ormer scouts, ncurly! 000.000 lHlyswill be l! lIgllged in the wo"k of brlll f.!in a; ouL citizens I. on registr,; tion li ll Y Ull d to the I'ulls on Election Duy. HAVE YOU EYE ~, EU~IHEO Tho number of vole sinkers 1n Amorica. accordin g lo the scout offie ials. has been steadily increasi ng dur1t1~ the past thirty yenrs. 80 percent of the eiigible populati on voted in I t- 96, and statis,tic s .show that in 11120 Wheat is now averagi ng $1.22 Il just 49 percent of the vOlin g popubushel at tile form Ilccordil lJ; to r eo lace went to the polls. I. ; -" Duriiig the war the scouts got af- port.~ received b y SUlti sti cin n West, j 'o! the Stntc-F cderlll Crop F:stimnt tel' "bond slackers ." an,d moteria lly Increase d the sale of Lib erty Bonds , inr; omce. Ohio fll1'l1Ier~ we re sci· ard t heir work of proddin g vote- Iin ~ hoge on August 11.. ilL ,\11 avernge s1nckers will be their biggest an d price of $ 1. 35 auove 0 yenr ugo ontl m 'st worthy nationa l un dertakin g, $2.1 5 above last mO IlUl. Ha y prices since the war, in the opinio n of Mr. nrc ab out a dollur a lO ll more than MON EY LOANE D J rmes E. West. Chief ca ul Exce u· n yeur ago. Hogs avc m g-e fo r ' hp Stlllo $8 .2:< ti·/C. Being eon~ucted un nun-par tisan per hUlldl'ecl POllriUS I~n d eof cottle ,tON E Y LOA ' ED ON LIVE ~TO C K. chutlelK , also seco nd mortg nges. lilies, the drive has' t he en dnr e mont $6. O. Vo,,1 cl\ l \',,~ n 'cI'llge $9.25 a t of Preside nt Coolidg e , ;\\1'. J ohn W. the fur m ns COnt!,tlr" d with $10.00 Notes L(f ught. J ohn 1I11rbine. Allen lust Al1 gu~l. IAImh; rices s tand lit Uuildin g. Xenill. Ohio. Da"is, a"rld Senator . Lalcnllc tte. "It seems to liS that thl~ problem $10.20 01' "bout LhQ ~ [{ me 3 S in 1!l23. oITers the scouts an excellen t oppor- and sheep IlI'C pract icnlly unchang ed t unity for applyin g tlleir m ~t l'od of from Inst year. Horses 11.1'0 20 por Wbereas. In the working s of Prov- ( I arning by doing) by Dnvlng them cell t under last yen r'ft Au g ust liver- Farme rs 0 r \ nnen lind adjoinin g Idence the Golden Ohaln of our fra- make un earnest effort to incrense ago. co un ties may (,bltl in money on lo ng ternity has been severed and our be- th e voting aver age of Lheir re spective Milk prices or 12 per cent below loan6·. at .; "" Iler cent inte rest . ost of secur irig the ~~me is very rcaloved brothe'I~. Robert Cllrr. has beon to wns and cities." said Mr. West. Aug ust 1923 f oJ' the State though called from our midst to join the ' "With us oitlzons hlp meons 0 partic- but ter-fot prices lire only slighlly be- sonablo ,tbrough The Federal Lund __ _ _ CelestIa l Lodge, there to uwalt the Ipating citizen ship, and I am hopoful low last year and uverage 38 cents Bonk. For furlher infornlu tion cn.l) .. . To keep silage from molding the coming of those who soon must 101- that the eft'o'r ts with which our boys a pound. Eggs nveruge 29 cants a on or address M. C. DRAKE , Treas10.... in khuki will make in this nati on-wide dozen which is 4~ceJi ts moro than a urer, phone 31G· X. Lebanon , Ohio. must ~e air-tigh t an,d t he corl} or And Wherea s. We, the officeM! and ca mpaign, will · be most stimUla ting year ago. 8l!8g!l,.. llla~rial firmly packed member s of Harveys burg Lodh'c nlld wholeso me," Timothy bay is nveragi ng $18 .70 WANTE D ,filling the silo. (leeply feel our Iqss and sincerel y re· In the past election 54,1 G5,907 men a ton at the farm as compare d ,vith Moldy silage may be caused by any gret thnt 'the fratern~1 ties which and women wcre qualifi ed to vote in $12.60 a year ago. and other hllYs one Of more of a large group of hllve bound '~B are broken; LADlES work at h me, pleasn nt, we hl'lIl' this country , and of that nmount. 27 - m'e showing about the same advan fun lr!" cqmmon ly known as molds. witness to bi!l manline ss and will 6 19.634 m'e n and women foiled to do ces. Corn is averagin g 26 cente a ellsy SOWill~: on your machino. Wholo .Thelle )vill not grow without the prea keep fre sh in our own port time. Ilighes t possiblo prices memori es his their duty. Tbe scouts arc going to bushel more than 011 August 15 of of oJygen, therefor e if air ie Inany virtues. see that 27 and one half million vo- 1923 and the oats nvcrage is 14 paid. For f ull plIJ'ticul a rs address L . to remain in the silage or Jones. Box 2 Olncy, Ill. Therefo re. Be It Resolved. That we ters get to the polls this year, s10 The ap- cents higher. Potatoe s are SO cents to enter after tlw silo ' il filled the deplore the loss to ourselve s, lodge pcal sent out to the scout officials con a bushel lower. Tho weol price mold~ will have a chance to grow and and the family by the death' of our cl udos w1tb: "As a service to our scems to run about 10 per cent !lown FOR R ENT the exposed silage$will be spoiled. beloved brother . whose life has been country .and in keeping with our fun- from a year ago. Air'"may enter. around the doors or cut shert deprivi ng the commun ity damenta l objectiv es, charact er build· tbru joints or eracks betwe~n the of a useful n.nd upright FOR RE NT- Hous., of .flve l'Oom!'. citizen ane! ing and citizens hip trainin g, I appeal , BLOND BESS OPINES staves or oven thru porous materia l his family one whoSG wnter and e lectrl~ lig hte. lnqui: U efforts were to each and all to do what they can of poor1y construc te!! sj\os. In this devoted to their welfare at corner of Tyle r and 4th str( ' __" ond h'lp- to m~ke this nationw ide. effort for a "I gu ••• it'. true tbat mftn are case the mold will be found about plness. s l .J, lurger participl!-tion of qualified vothe archit.c t·, of their own de.defects in the wall and not In the Be it further Resolve d, That we ters in the forthcom ing election an tiny-wb icb .ccoun h · for ~ .0 ccntc~ of tbe silo. Repairin g the de- deeply sympat hize with tht! berenv . effective demons tration of .our love man,. .lraDre ' upper .torie.~" f eets IS the remedy fOl' this silo. LOST ed family whose circle has been hrn. of country and of the valpes of our ... If the corn is cut too ripe or It It is ken and that a page of the Rer.ordn program of citizens hip tr~nlng." .' and becomes too dry. It will of this Lodge be devoted to the LO ST- A Tnn kill glove, Mo.,d , y memo "'HE GAL IS RIG~T no.~ puck enough in the silo to ory of 'him wnose 1088 we are cnllcJ night, ulltwcon Wilynesville and L .0el\.Clude all OIr ?nd moldy IIPots 1to mourn, . ' Chiro-" What dIll you think of IInOll. J. F. Snook. . s~'L ~esult. If thllrc IS not sufficien t 1I8P \ Be it further Resolve d, That 0 ,Mn·mle ·Smith·s recital? " 110\lY in the , corn, water must be added to . bf this memori al, IIlgned Doril;'--:" Not 'so much. She's so LOST- Blnck ' walrus grip. In 'o r nem' !If couse i.0 puck firmly and force out thsi lodil'e, and attestedbybyotllcera Wllynes ville, containi ng lildies any inconsis tont, Rouge.d , powdere d. lip· Ita seal, all air. Mold from this cause may be presente d to the stlcked and falso-ha ired., she snng children wcaring apparo!. R~,-r:d. family of our aprea~ an~l\ere in the Ililo. departei l brother ._ Blooey's Nocturn e .il1 'D' natura!. " Leave lit Gazette Office 0Y.~:n r: . .Bentley . N.arshal . •- • '817 YOU KNOw40f-H-E-C'""'A"'R , ~~E LETt,E R OF IT ED PURDY 'S PHILOS LOST-- A cumeo p; • in front of '5 . Dlrk&-.. Wh~t kind of nn autl) Mrs. Laura 1 '< ides'. res idence. .. :DccR~i~"§.~~s..~. .BO patrioti c that mobl1~ have you1' The c.ndid. te that can come . Finder please ~ residenc e and reho )Von'fl1 nnk bootleg whisky that Whagg -' Half pointer and half tbrou,h with a plan which .ol ..e. ceive rew,?0H17 is 'brough~ from abroad. but Insists on I sett~r, Pi'ck ' out ' p~destri the prohlem of haw .to keep the anB, even m?pDfN lle . made right bere! In tbe though ~ltey hide behind automob ile Funnh'lf anolhe .. year lamp po~ts. LOST~ bOy's shoe bet ween RobitzU. S. 'A," • c.n feel r .... n~l.l;. certain of Point 'em, 8ell.8 'em and retrieve s• ,rs lampe and Waynes ville. FindBilgbt s-u l'lI say he's patriot ic- Some car,'; ' , ;. ... , electioD. please notify Fred M. Gole. willing to die for bls country. " • • • e14 • • • • • t\nI....


Je,welry. Shop T u e . ta

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. 11. ffl·t?r· ~ · Ju.

! dVe 11!5i~6


Farm ers, Atte ntio n!


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-----. -------



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WI! • 00N'T HAVS EM. TliEY ONL.Y ~ T\M:) •



.- .


·In ~ ., . , I 'I'be balanee Wti ' ,PI" watdl , . Many fOnH ' of flutes wBre . tno~ to ~_ ''1&;000 .tbD"4iI 0 ' 1111'11'. whleb lJave exllted III Wl'tern ~',~ 'lJl'l JIlPtUa ,1DeBIlI tbat: It tn;'_ aboat 2;GOO mUM cuturleB betore CI1l1IU~nlt)' . .. ,.r If eout.IJnU, til IIIli. . Flute .Old

CHA,S.F ITTS, CI...k Lunch on G'ro'imd s

-- -

Fond lub nH)m \'cr~ "nr! ,,\'out s .. v· ('Il ty· fiv e oLher boys all d g irl ~ f ... '1Il to to HJ yearg, Int'rest e d in Culf. ' I' I~ lInd Poult ry C lu b ~ will exhi bit lit Wnnc n County Fair n ex t wc('k. Th o Food Clu \' exhibits will co ns ist of over fivo hun"I' 'd Cling of fnail. vel!"lable s an d m "" t..~ , hcsidc_ h"kill~~ of hreud nIHI ,," lIs mill II IIl1mlH'1' o f po"lel's illu st r" t ilt!: i<ll'n l comiti n". Lions fur a .Iny·s m Oil Is. Th e Foud Club exhihit will bo ul'runr;e d in th e Fnrm BUl'enu t ent Jl om' th o fru it Jlull, when) other speci nl ex hibit" will nlso be shown fentul'in g so me of tho flirm und homo IlcLivit fcs i~ Warr~n Co unty. The FUI'Ill BUl'lllLU tcnt will also provid e a d lecldnl: bo ot h, wh () l' ~ b,,~kcts , coutg, e Lc., will be ta ken cure of fre e of c h nfl:~ from!) :00 A. M. to 4 :30 r. M. FiliI' ,·i. it ors lire " Iso in\' ited t o mee t th('ir frie'Hls uL the Farm Bureau te nt. A numbor o f

-----. _..._---

Hot iea and Catt le

I 'll-


--- -- - -- - - --nrrIlrnn

Cleek 1D4li.... - . dalF_<iltMJlIL.Ill'.I',l.."',•• ,No other.w orlr oa the fii.,m PAY S •• well for tbe ... m. ellort •••bip.... .'

1 1I~II' r I Ni ,


.' NO ~u

Tim. to Beat; It . Pa88erb y-"rJet me rlni thot belt 'far FOR ~ALE ' J011. You are too short" Bonny...... I ". "Now•.llflster, we mu'st both mil a1ll1l1." for Sale-H ot 'Blallt Flo~ence .heater• a fine' · hellter. Cal! on Mrs. Mary Lemmon . Fourtb litre ct. WayneSVille Ohio. .. s24 oUt18~u..1

'TH' UHDE RTAf( &ft5 "THlS




FOR SALE-: -Male Lalll1ls. Ram. ~ullett. Hamt>shire Gross. Wool 3.8 grade. and heavy fleeced, Call Way• n syille , pho~e 42 6 , . . 824

FO~ S4LE---4~ Englisb

W.' Leghorn bens. Inquire of Sarah Osburn ,X.ytle. Ohio. R. D. 1>; 'one houec wellt 'of the school houlIIl. . .~17 , Ij'OR SALE-, BIg Type' Poland. China hog. Inquire of P. L. Rel\llOn. R. D, ~, WaynilBvillll. Ohio. 1117


The Miami Gasett e, Wape aYill.. Oblo

..~ .T


GA Z E TTE....


ISSlJ E!') l!:VEHY W EDNES D AY Elllcr~ d n

the PI)s toHice nt Wayncsv ilIo, 0. ,


Scc" "d

iuss Mail Mat te r

D. L. CRAN E. E di tor and Puhli.h cr, WnYllcl viiln. Ohio.

Subscdp lion Plicc, $ 1.50


yon r.

·l.' , I


· ... ' •. n , ,1'.I'.·,tl " I1Ct R ':~ I ' ...


" l

nIL I\ N I · I1. r- ~ ~I\S!. (\f


Sevoral from here attende d th e Bern Carr is 011 th e sick list. Dnyton fa,ir .lost week. A numb er from her l' a tt ended tho Lytle sc ho ol' bega n Mondny with Dayto n fair In,st week. Mr s. Mil ' Kenly fin d Miss Bernice The W . C. T. U. m et wit h Mrs. Penn ington in charge. Ira Syi'erd Thursda y afte rno'ln . Mrs. J . D. J oneH an d Therlc Jon qs W. L. Smith has purchosed a gro ·


BEECH-t-..lJT chew ' dOl,' l .'> \vitl.: \. The next batch of t3 EECH- , 'U Chew ing Tobac co will be hk· the la ·t - th e same quali ty and quan tlty of pure, ., 'I;!{' Wfl~ tobac c the same flmor ·the 5f1me super oney ' s worth . Lorill ard's have bee n m aking, ~hc wing tobacco for over a centu ry u pho lding stand ards and follow ing b lendin g l-cci pes that still gi ve their p roduc ts the wides t sale in th e world . No pipe scrap and fact,?r y ha.s h in BEEC H-NU T. Never cheap ened and bulke d by rancid , bitter groun d leaves , disgu ised with heavy flavor ings. The same qualit y and the same weigh t in 1924 as in 1915, d espite increa sed taxes, overh ead, wages and tobac co prices. tOe swells its chest every time it buys a packa ge. Is it any wond er that over 250 millio n I packa ges are sold in a single year '1 .1

____~s~n~w~l~he~"i.C~o~ ~ v~e~re~t~l~VV~.~~~"~~~~~~~~~~~I~I nd~~~~SscsE i on .. - ----.,--~=_-,...,,=~=======__:~=_:,,_,_=_:====_==_==_ Monday. Mrs. Jessie Longocr e spent the Ia.tMrs. George Beuch has gone to WF:D NE:DA Y. "lEPTE II

• .,/ 1 '

MBER 10. 1924

ter pnrt of _the week 'ut West Ohio Clevelan d to resume her school du- .,- - - - - - - - -... Confere nce at Ada, Ohio. tics there. NOT READlNG,-THIN ' ISG. MI'II. Mllivinu Stacy r eturn ed to her SlIbin MacDon ald is glVlllg :lis JOY ON MARS. OUR DUTY TO T HE SCHOO LS porl nn t (II Ih (· ",,' Ifllrt' of tho 8 tat ~ hom!! in Dllyton afte r n wee k's visit barb or shop new paper, V'Il.rnish and YOUNG AT 102. than I he '1u""Un n I) f fmnnces but W l1 ync~v ill ~ linoleum . mis"c" Ih t! . "'1001 (he!',' i, It,.;s Inngihlo evide nce in with relatives and fri e nds hare. TWO YOUNG MEN. Mis Kllthryn Clllrk left MondllY Mrs . Roxie Stinson , of Columb uc, ~ hildren durin ..: (h e summ er vnca tion which I, . 11l'C"Pfll it. morning to - . -- --= begin her second year' s was the guest II\ llnlhs. ~o lll e hl)w th e villlll!e rl oe. of Mrs. Anna Stinso n. TllP lIei" h!> o .. in" HI ales of Michi. work in t he Waynes The \Vorld F rlera :;o n "f,·a. v lie High School. lust week. nut ~e (' 111 Ir! r""k linn I'rll ,,~ r l y wilh· gn n, :'\cw York, I'cllnsyl ti on A N R ocintwn ~ hq.'; ltld .. :~ vllniu, ' .... est Mr. unu lI1rs. Geo r ge Osburn and The Lubor Day celebrat ion Ilt Way w orld wnr flb'nin:tl illl l\"ruc\', l' ltnr oul thpir I".es('"c '. And is (here Vily inin and !\!lIrylan d nil hU"e the f am ily, of Lebanon , were Sunday this nesville war the rruwn Prine (, .. t attracte d most of our cit!· SIII,,11 \\',," dcr Ih It uvel' Ih'e hu nu red slllle ,,,,, ,, tllh,, l,,rics lin d theil' pres. g uests of Mr . II nu MrH. Willi J ajlun has a IJp TflI'Tl.Jl r-1 II ,uil l,":1 am Cole- zens. Monday. wi de·a wak e 1'!1I 1t1,· n should nll t liven en c, · is ~'n d:'u~H I" II ~ the y ~ n. CII.~(! of ·a.Jl mun. Chinn ~ "duVtcd th e sin. Misses Helen Ha nulllI nnd Mal,el g.m " Chillll uhll!.i 11 tow n "r I l' ~;; thll il one tho u'"I,,1 In fl ux ,01 en nw Ill ls t, !·,It,· Nalion in IIIto Olno. -OhlO Mr. an d Mrs. Chlll'les E. J oh ns Starr w ere shoppin g in WaYnllsv ille One Generul lun." 1' 0 1'"llI l ioll . But u. id" from the fuct Chum".·r II r Comll,e rtC. SIlent Sunday with Mr. lin d MrS. Wednes day afterno on. Ihlll Ihey "wvil tlu r populmi ull for" It is .\'rcposIPr',US thnt an y Glc nn J ohns a nd so n, P a ul Turner, fl'w hll ur~ l'llch ti ny duri nJ.t' t l1l' nill e Mr. lind MlJ!. Merrill Foster, of humnn b emgs., r, uL Iill' or ndu,,1 in Dayton. Clevelan d, visited their aunt. Mrg. h nrb a ris m , Rhnu l·l ;'1 ItW II:. " Iunlh , or th e <chool te rm. thc re is .IOHN J . P ER S HING unn hlo H . M. Clark 'i-eturn cd from Union Louis~ Neale, r ece ntly. to read. ~" m ,t h ing" f u r ~ r enlc r in IJOwc r th a t Ill., Saturda y. Mrs. Clark will r eBut t eRching ttlC ' " to .110 11111 '"uu; " " vel'Y one to ""!rerly l'~ud n~ rI Mr. und Mrs. Harry Hough IIntl .I (,hll .fll~"l'h I 'e l'shill~ ' ot 64, re o wr ite is " nly tht, rH . ! "t.'I'. main f or awhile with her dnu g hter, sons are enterta: ining II /l til'illu l" Ih,· "pen ing of the schllnL Li."'" l,' p.I' ~\· IIIt' li f·, Mr. anJ Mrs. next is tcnc h il1 ~ hUIlI " " hl ']l! ll ~ The bCll ri r~g thu Mr •. Mllbel Dunham TO . TI1I'iJ'H iB II liltl " WOl' ld in ou,· mids t )ul!'h csl nu lIlary I"JI'nl's Chag. Scraggy, of Xenia. 1'H rN K, wh ich j , I·.m" id . rnh1 , )'I II,slhle t o Mr . and Mrs. J . C. more Copsey , of Holdlli Aitllil II n,1 im p' rl nnt. t hlll .lI'i ll ellp;TOS. lind go,'ern not on ly . uilt"in ill Ihis co un( r¥-Gcn Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray a nd erlll of rege, Ne b. were entertai It iKn 't wh nt r ou IH:.·\}1 t hllt n ed several family and Mrs. J. C. Gray motor ed I h~ i l1l , by our ul lCnlions , for the the Armi," of the Un ite d Stutes. The days .188t week III th e home cou nt.s. Jt'~ w hit '. "U T li/ I'\ K of Mr. to Clifton Sund ll Y afternoon . Iw xl lIine mOIlIIl . . Their sludi(' •. I ~lC l'mllntl nty . of hi" uCColll pli8hmn~t A F TER Y OU HEA ') ti')1 I.r. pru'·cs a"u Mrs. Ben Hawke. a lh letic nC Li \'il i"R, troubles a nti th,.ir I IS now csta llshcd . Th" Mr. and Mrs. guver ' Frank n m ent Klein ond l'iviIiIltt lon . an d st ory of hiS Mrs. Leora Bargdall e ntortll ined ~ughter .. Marie; of ' Dayton, i o~" will be shore d by oltler people. : ~hieftll~n .hip of the visited America n u,r m· to dinner Thursda It tllk ~" 0 Frellt' hma n. OM nn y, Mrs. Malvina th eir pare nts here on Labor Dny . Theil' p"csellCI' here w ill fill u need ] e s du r mg the World War .,Id a na. CUlTlill,' Fl n nllnh r ( ~ ". to a re found St.ucy, of Dayton, Mrs. · Ma ry" Carthn t c! nnot be supplun ted by Ilny ' tLrscly worderl in lho"e Mr. nn d Mrs. Hnrry Hosler h'l\'e fllr thllt Ihe IlIlu ph· 011 11\ "" n r o offi cial rec· mony and Mrs. Chloe Si de8. gon e to hou sekeepin g in Mrs. Mil d. much mo re JO)' r'U L thlln wo L"·'·. other "ouree. Th e Wllyne TOII' n"hi ;:> ' 0' ds willch ensure. for mon of moTh ~ Mllrlian Everett Early lind children . red Eagle's house, on Enst Main is t l'lk'(! .18 c h otll ~ mu ke Wnynes v ille. Iment 1\ plllce III hIStory. The gr eat Mr.Mr. St . I , nl! (1M 0 11:". A)'cnr m"n t.h~ l·c fl : ty and Mrs. George Scott wer e SunIt is ou r plC/lMurublc privilege t,) Wil l' wl'ough t the cha nge in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray and fan, . r oors nld hM li ved 100 Pershin g's day dinn er g uests of Mr. and Mrs. ily entertai ned to dinner on S'lnday. neml y. Th e rllmatn I. bt'ttcr>'CII T R co·opera te wiLh the t ellchers und lh" cllse . III"j . Hubert Pursley and family, at Frank- Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Gray s('hool bon rrl in milkin g W uyncs~ iil <l and ' Mr. ' W. th e pillnet b ·Ing Rmnller. every· Generlll Pershing .will forever thi nl( ia lin. light"I·. An ordinary Ma rII tOWI1 in which th ese stud en ts· will 6~lnd before the AmerIca L. Smith. n people 811 t Illn cI,md easily ClIny h i ~ mollle rMrs. Mae Kenty, of Meringo , Mrs. be give n eve r y opp ortu ni ty lo pr<:'ll a s~ldier on whom the Willard Bogan bas returne d to his In· lllw Dpelllirn In hi. arms, gods smiled Howard Archd eD:C0n, of Waynes ville, regimen t after an extende d furl ough If she welllhcd 400 I'onn da. ev!!n parc l hemselves for n useful life. To bemgnly. Ho stands to-day Mi lan in- and Mrs. Ralph Miller, of Dayton, spent with his father, Mosc Boga n. I'ons of )lcurs older In their clvllizll· nut on ly express f e nfoni ,(Iliratiu n to the norma l Americ an t ion thnn earth men. Ih e Mn l'li nn s but oct. Suppo cir aClivitie s lind s~h oo l b~y, the living example of pos were calling on Lytle friend s Thurs- and other relative s. aro fnr ahem\ Ul\ In know II J g o, duy. I a thletic c Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shidake r, Miss nn,l thnt meansofhOfllii •• ; give money t o im. Sible. ach1Cve~ent ~s a r e.sult ne<d. In teet of eloso Mrs. James Johns spent last weelf Bess and Wayne, moved on prove it's schools and IIdd to th 'J allPhc.a tion , IIltO.grlt y, falthful nells lh<l only sol vI ha ppiness. Tu sday to to In Centerv ille at the home of Mr.u.n4 Cedarvi lle ~~.. ",.'. pleasure ond r efrain from trust, coup led With Miss Bess and Way r.e John A. Ste\\' ~rt,- culled "Grand a sound educatio n Mrs. J. B. Thomas , helpi~g care fo~ will enter sehool thine. severely criticizi ng teachers for act- and a full develop ment Old Man of W ftll St re<'t," who of normal Mrs. Catheri ne Johns, who is slowly ions th~y may take. Mr. I¥ld Mrs. W. M. Mathias and kn('w Abrllha m Ltn..'Oln, lind ill : i ~ telligenc e. The~e Is nothing brilImprovi ng. I Mlaa Margar et Starr, of Dayton, were ! ow hend of RU Importa nt bonk. In r uml commun ities . we oite n hunt about P ershing, nothing theatrelebruWd 'hls 10Znd birthciay last Mrs. Ella Copsey, Mr. and Mrs, week-en d guests of find people who say, "We did not rical. .He haa not risen Mrs. Amand" weelL To us, th n t ge(lms 01,1. A. because of Ben Hawke and ·childre n attende d a Starr hnve thnt when we were In school I dramati c appeal. He h¥ and -MitIB MalleI. t housand yelll'R hence. 125 wfIl never fired picnic of the Copsey fllp1ily at Cleall Mr. and Mrs. A. Mueller , of Tol .- I:eem young aa sixty ill nl.Hv. Men theBe kids c.un get ~long without. it. ,: I t~e Imagina tion of his country men Springs sehool house ' near Spring do, pa$ed the latter part of the \'fill dlo out gently like f .. Ii· : ~ These cramped a nd narrow minds eIther in or out of the army. Jillht. . Valley, Sunday. , *eek with Uieir grandpa rents, Mr. have no conce ption of progres s, and Ruther has ho. forged Mr. Stewart oon tl .. · his ~ay as .a • ".<r, Mr. Leon Salisbur y, of Clevet, nd. lind Mrs. W. A. Merritt. we nl'e thankfu l that they arc in sucil , resul t of persiste nt ploddm intellect ually ),oung, !, ~ g. HIS !Was a week-en d guest at the home o~ Mr. and Mrs. W : M. Mathias , Mr~. a min ority that their opinions do ne t pnsswo rd to ~dv~ncement hal conUil~ WOP-KINO. M. has bee.n Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mrs. Amanda Starr, Mfiuea Mabel and 8WllY the entire commun ity. 11110 tr... Jje M top. 'I'M,. the word relle bllity. Per.hau l. ?IS Sallabur y and children . Mariam and Margar et starr wited· Blanche The Wa,yne Township Schools en. , gl'eatest !,~set .has be~n ster lire all riPt whiI. ~ loop Ie ~ hiS ability Wendell accom pan ied him to their relative s Sunday aflterno on. tering on 11 now yen r Mhould have th o ! to p.ut behmd him the pet~y thoug~ts homo in Cle veland. Sunl\ay After Ii whIla eivil~ Ii-ian , after . Misses Pauline SInd Ruth Moole nctiv·e support of every mnn, woman to hie and t~ surroun d. IMllnlt' wW dQCIde i.ha t r.w and himself With spcn'diJlg the s ummer here. and ehild in thi •. mmuni ty, that wa the most brilliant 80ldlers have gone to Daytol1 where they are ID~ doD't y , anJ tak. tlie I he could Mr. and Mn. Ben Hawke enter- e,nroHed as ' stlidn ets at Miami... tt:ouble to mny keop in line with a policy th ut . fi~ d . rid c4 them a1oh8 ra~obs A man of. smaller. caliber tained on Wednes with lD\)IIq!l~toos, ,11-"1 alXl other day evening in hon- Busines s college, for the ens'ling is undoub tedly tru e t hat this greut ~Ight have kept himself .c onstantl y or of their guests, Mr. lind Mrs. riulanneea thiit FaUtI)t NlIC.h lrI~t J. year. Nation nl School system of ours is th e In the fo:egro und and .denled well . have lett out 01' t.I)a Ark. . to ~th­ C. Copsey, tHe fo llo,,;ng : Mr. and' institu tion thl\t ass ures LIS the leader. rs th.e right of COQSPICU Gray Brother s gave An En.glish 1Iclat.t/fft t!UIDODa dance at the OUS sel'Vlce. Mrs. Ethan, Babbing to n, of German - town hall Monday evening . which Willi stratcd ,that rate aolta from foot ship omong the Powers of the Worlti. : Pershmg, howeve r, was not molded town, Mr. and Mrs. anJ mouth diseallO and, treq'lienting Edward Eagle well attende d. The y will give an J 180 . He knew that in the ways of stabltlll, infect the I:8tUe. and three children , of Miamisb urg, other Thutsda y evening . Septem ber' I war as in the waye of peace ma n was Mbral 'for tarlllers , use cement Mr. a nd Mrs. J . R. Phillips, of 11. Everybo dy welcom e. STAT-E POLI~E SYSTEM and copper lind keep oot the rats. !not born t o succeed alone. He sensed lind , The Oampbe ll;' r e·unlon was' held ' that men and matter~ are 80 inter. Dayton. j . --· Clal"llllCe Darrow. a lawyer. who Director s of the Ohio Chambe r of woven that individu alistIc In the ToWn hall Sunday . ' There success IS thinks and t eels, and consequ ently Commer ce decided at their mid·surr. · not pOllllible, and while . were about 50 persons present . come.ums little In proporti on to hrs WE GUESS THAT RIGHT he garnere d mer executiv e session that one of the f~om the fields of othen ' ing from Frankli n , Wilmin gton. greot ablllty, tells the Court that he was sur · great needs of Ohio today is a "tato ficientiy generou s to permit to hang ;the two YOUDae men whelm "It's easy enough to teli who ill Wayne.~e and Harveys burg. .others to he defends . Loeb and Lecvold . constab ulary. They . will devote ' have their place in the suri. He re- boas in the average America n home "would be a erbne than their best energie s to the establls h- ; tires with the respect they teday." commItt ed. and affection . . ment of Buch a system during tb9 ' of the America n people. And ,th.t.t Is the tlUth, 4IlIIIC!Uy. "How so?" . 11 nerl legislatu re. If a red Indian tortured • "bite "Well, if the wife is bobbed _he's •- • man for twenty- four hoara, that William N. Smith, superin tendent boSI. Un bobbed. bossed." would DIIt excuHe white men tor of the Ohio State Bureau of Crimit orturing that red man even for nal Identifio ntion and Investig ation twenty- four mln·utes . .The greeter Mrs. Rebecca Dill Itad ' visitors tho intelligence and reepona lbllity. said in a recent letter to the Ohio Turtc. Don't Dallce. , frojll Dayton Sunday afternoo n. Ole grea tel' the crim e.. In Turkish IOelnl lite, where ~ Chambe r of Comme rce that ¥ accu. Mrs. Jac J,j Zimmer and Mrs. Emeentatl vea ot other DaUons are not rate compiln tion of facts show that I erson This Dill colomn, too lightly, comwere Xenill shopper s 101011~(lnt, a bell or dloner·dnnC!ll ia IiOt the direct cost of crime to the nation pared Moses' fOrty-ye ar trip acrollB day•. known. the annually is placed a t $3,000,0 00,dCll1!l:t wlfJl the four-hou r trip Miss Lulu "Ketlis is cl.king· at the , ...~--ot a amall American aqtoJJlobllel 000. Ohio proporti on, In pro rata to Hu~hln p oil It Gibney Store at Xe· and the one lind one·half·hour trip Its popUlation, would be 5175,00 0,00 0 of a fiylng lMehlne , acrosll the nla. In prison populati on Ohio rllnks I MOle deem. I Mr. John Welche rs visited the week Many writers ~ learned comless than $300,OOO,OO~ of this am'o unt end ~t the home of Mr. and Mrs. ment. through direct theft, policing and I Henry Welche rs. mnin tenance . Mr. SmIth states that ' · Hyman Bodner · of PetIBalo. New Art nll Kathryn Zimmer returne d to this estimate is less than one·twe nJersef, "YB, "Von needn't wait he'r home after spendilng II week with to gQt Intorma tlon from MOBes In tieth of the lowest estimate d towl relhtive s near Xenia. ' hcoven. · lle kept th, children Qf cost fi xed by res ponsible authorit ies. Mr. . H_old Kellis visited II 'few Isrncl in ·the desert tor forty l'ears While the Bureau of Criminnl because they, .were not quallfied aaye' laat' Weex wi th his parents , ·'Mr. Id entificat ion plays an importa nt to conquer the Promlsoo Land. and Mrs. Frank Kellin. They practica lly all die4. The now Pllrt ill ap}Jreh e nding and turnin g Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marlatt from generation, eduon'tcd . and drilled" thege cl'imina ls over t o justice; the I Dayton spellt the week-en d ' ot the led by Huslma , won their Pr<>m.di rectors the Ohio Ohambe r feel IsocI LaM by fighting ." of ,0. B: Marlatt and family . th at the first st ep to be taken is thfl .....,.-Mr• .and· Mra.· d. B. Marlatt , Mrs .. .. . Mnx Hlmot!', of Lopj Island preventi on of crime by the estllbSilas Roland, Mr8. Howard Sheehan City, writer, said that .l'Iloses had Iishmen t of rura l police. Mra. Herber t Marlatt were"D ay- ,·to let" hIs old followers' die at!' while It is of course> true that not all of ut,Jncle Jo~nt , h e ralsOd a now generati on "whe writes '~ ton shopper s Monday. . proee-~ thle news. Im4/W nothll)g" about. Egypt .. and the enormo us cost .oi crime eould b e! wookly Mra....Hanlfor d Jackson, of Xenia, p~l'9r. Is ,t hjl .~I'~ ~",&ok of prejlore d ~bcm tor their ta8~" by a state police, B(J part .-m. from ~ ~'·J3tephllM spent tile past week with" her Can anybody give more exact · t o ember;zIemen t Pr.e of Jeife~ . CI~, Yo. "The aunt. Mra. ' Minnie Marlatt, return- informa tion about the fighting , poIIt- . Wa. ' WIt.i:b.· . rlte ¢!tliC..... book ed to her home Sunday. forgery , lind kindred of ,,~ as human and uhl! ~rstnn.­ . . leader •. Hnslma ' .'.'.'e workIng .. tha't much ot it doe.i in' ·8!1 ~.~ rte:ld,", ICY' otU) .T lle,; chlldreh .' ·fl'ol1l[ . thla' viclillW' , •.DtVilT' ninety feet be.".lLnrm/in,"'" of a'moun tfl d revtewer. . 10 John hI (rVOr';dq, i"'ere·. hApil;.t.o~ •M.?ni!~y, mo~nt 10 l~ .the. ·.• urf~ hnvo . reeovere d olice is shown the report of tha lito' I. ·Dr. I. . Gam. of Eu(:lsio i P ~bi~ tJUa' .tt ·W88 time to Q't!~. their thl!'o/-IIvG· mllUon dollan of gold Springs . Me. ., ' Ohio B08rd of found on ijlnl\efi boxes and ,mar'ch 'Io . Waynea - ~d 'ellver bullion from the steam• ~...._ _ __ ship Luurontlo, Bunla b~ a German another pag~ of ~lIe' to Ichool: In "', . " I " . In' .~ , latimartne. . . ~ , i , ,.. discussi ng tbe rapid Inc:r'I!lue Un.: Rebecca Dill had ,for dinner '. ".,1 IL ' . Thou84nj\s of tons of "liquid I th!! report· lists the auto aut" Wednes day Mn. John Zimmer - '1'OId" lire In the water thrOulfh Orl", tI!e :ofl?!, !ell.' ~. direct ca.uee. ThOre .is no lIu,estlOd iii OrliID the IDclll4tf· .w,a mll~t1 bum, 'of ' Dayton, and Jli': ana 'Mrs. which steamer s plow ,,8 they li'O but that .much of the 'crime pVl'UllaJV;~,: warrior and ".bull'''!! " , repl1t • Ricwll .'Moore, and grQnddau~hter, back and forth. Som. day men o,f.,,, ll1· ~len, ...,. Natll~ ~y r ...~ove It.. of New Lebanon . from auto ·irrcli'ul~riUe8 could be pre· r=~=:~' WUJf hli ~8DC! 1. II tW ( -.'-":" . vented , under a more complet e rurn l the Wtitcb were 10 police system. · itt' jetlr u4 .. ." .,..Ii. . One should not conside r .the 8n811A. CRUEL J 'OICE ' ·EVEN HEA.V. ES DO NO GOOD elql part: alone. but the lufferln g and I Anothe r .footbal l loa80n i. at hand; 1I\0ral ' ~egerieraey which results 'froM I FirIt..:..¥"g~"Don:.t: -?!.(~~H]~bdl~m stadilllnB do\ the lana. . . ...te, We are, In crime. This p~eventlon il more 1m· Tt!1~V1!... built of. concret e, lteel and nov~r:~ /l.1Jl&1lI

















.. -





•n Ie« here.n -. , . , P4t..;.... Why·.Jicjn.. I '.' , ' " \Tint y'___~ey' llIB8 Ii rOll e." ! j .-....-~







' l ...





j .

And sat 'jl colck--".~l, .\1(8 juat lI~nd. '.



... t' .... .....- .... ~

'1 !HS ?

HALI/e CATARR H MEDICI NE ,.111 do wh&t W6 cll1lm tor It-rid aYltom ot Catarrh or OcafnoBII your cauaed by


. ' .' or an Olntnoenl whloh Quickly RelleYe8 tbo catarrha l InOamlllatlon. and the Internal Medlolne . 11 T anio; whleb Ilota throU! the DloM on 1110 Muooue 9W'raoee. ... usiaUn cr to r .... toro n ....• mal ootiCllt onB. . I 801d bV. dl'lJlIlIlota for DYor to y _

HALlJS CATARR H M.ElDlCl N El conalalll

B'. I. Cherie, • Co., TOledo, O.

Film Finishing

by pai'eel post.


W. F. Coats

F.T. Ma rti n .:

,I ,


Au cti on eer Date your . ••1". wi lh

Ill "

FUNERAL DIRECTOR Wayn esvill e, Oh.lo ·. Fully Equip ped for qood' Service. . Large .Displ ay .Room I




, .. \ l.. ..4-.1 •

~And I


,f ' j"

X-O-G R,APH IST '. Waynesville, \.

Quality work at a saving. .0 Mhfdlem an. Deal DIrect. Service fast aa the mllila. All ,ixel, ' developing all ' printing , '4 0 ·c entl. except ve.t pockets, 85 cents. Write for Inro~t1on or send monoy to

D R. B:~Et, HA~HAwA. y

EXPEJtT KODAK andDev~lop.~ng






Waltet-M iCluF-A'..........


. H .......y.bur•. Ohio.

Telepho ne 114.



Eslllt~ Settled

Wills Drawn I


, ..



Way nesvil le, ~Ohlo . Nationa l Bank

.atiafac tiob or charg.. _.


Dr. John' W. Miller Denti st ·

I Waynesville

Nationa l Bank Bldg

S T R A Wt




- "liv"


. .


HarveysbUrg ·Fertilizer 'Co:

. .... -




Pbone 44

--- -







FREE• OF CHARGE " . ..1,'


We'~ ~r~ in t~~

mar ket for. your

'l'lie Mlaml GUette, W. ,......., 0IiIe nO

h r ine r'rllmnl WlI II '1i thy. ,



I T .:1/101 1"P ,~. ~r:lh " Ill',\,,,, " :j h rl'lrdh"~ hI n~yl"ll.



'W ndqrful li no of Jowell'Y, wut ch. • and djamonds lit C rey's Jeweh'y ho,,~ Lebanon, Ohio.

Mlu Frane s Janney l¢t atur· da)' vening to enter Physical Cui. ture Sebool nt Newnrk , N. J.

Mr. Charles F. Mosher, oJ Cinoin· nati, !!pent several days las t we~k With his sister, Mn. Edith Harris, and family. JlI.r. and Mrs. Arthur Zell und ehB. dJ'jlo. of Bluefield. W. Vn~, are sllendi~ their vocation with Mr. John at Corwin.


Save your old carpets and r ugs tnd I'Ct "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send . fOr price. list. Frnnk1in Rug

Co.~ ~n. Ohio.

/... K1u

Henrietta McKinsey left • Tb!liBday morning ,for Atlhtuhula, . OliJo;, Where she, has cha~o ~pt thc ,PrJinlll'Y department of the .lj.chools at thAt place. . . ~ . and Mrs.

L. Ar. iW'lilIhburn,

wbo were 'at Ada, Ohio, last we' k,

attending the M.• E. Conference, ar· 'rived home Tue~l\Y_ Rev. W,¥!hpur"l '4IriD remain h re another enr.


Ir !\lid Mrs 'L olltcr Gorden were

Miss , Betty Bllrnett, of Bellbrook,

i1mi n~ttlll "ts itOTS last Wedn selay. spent the week-e'rtd with reilltive!.





::a_--:' - -:; _ ======::::-:=-:z;;;:;:;;:::;:=-.:.=::::::==:;====~::;:::-=;~



F:" ~.'rlll \ r ('\11' 1'111" ~'n~ "tlC'n d",1 lht!


Mr". and ~ 1'1\. 1111 yton MOIII! "




Miss lIflltlr!!d llal'tsock, of Milf ord, Mr, tlnd Mrs. WbJter Me lure wcre --::: .. ! pc nl 11 few allYs here last week . I in Harveysburg Mondoy ait rnoon, .




?tIrl!. Emlnn F. Dakin \vas a un· Mr. J ohn Upp, of Pasadcnn, Cnl., I'Inl(:,(ll11n' F!li l' III Puy!, 'n I:,st wee k. dny clin nl'l' g uest of Mr. and Mrs. F. ap lit seve rn l d(lY8 horo last wock H: Fn·rr. vifiting relntives. . lr and M.. - . Ho,' 'If, Helh of DII Y. l Oll , 1I',,"c 111 1 ,,\\· ,\ " ' lI'il:~ the w ~k · .JltlS$ Emm n H eighway spe nt II l\fr. and 'Mrs. Albert Gray, of Genuine f ~,, 1. p Ic uf da ys lB8t week with relatives epcnt Thursday evening nt Mr. t Lebanon. and Mrs. Churle8 Gray's . .' JI!I'. li nd MI·~. J . t ', IInwk 511 lit Fri. I d .y in Pl ce'un t {'bin, with thei~ I It i8 a real pI ensure to eeo Owen Mr. F. C. Hartsock and family, of Semi.Smok"lcal, fine tor both he ntinR "n d cooking . duughter. llurnct' on the streets again, after Milford, wer,e Sunday guests of Mrs. his long illness. Edith Hams and famlly. Mr. Rnd \[rs. nnrward \ ice, of • Clean, Fro;' Burning. D yt nn. Sl'l' nt th e wl'ck-c::d herc lIfr. JlIm es ornwell and ((lmBy, Ch~. Frye hnB taken the agency w ith 1,.,lalh·c ". r' ' of Dayton, were Sun day guests of for the Ohio Western Creamery Co., which place wns lately vacoted by Dr. 11)\(1 Mrs. J. T. Ellis. JIIaster Hnrry Bogan re turn ed hom Mrs. Enrl E"an~. Be.t for Cook Slove U .", Sunday, nfter spending a ",eok with • Jl1r. lind Jlf rs. Frank Miller were r('ln th'~~ in Dayton. )lTese nt.ctl with u fine b"hy duugh. The Church School Service Longue 'fall ~hone 25, and place your order for future d e li very . , ' . I t C)'r on Sundny morning. will hold its regular meeting at the Or'-ille GrllY, l<JIi Fl1rnl!s and Mul': ho me at Mi~,~ Esthor Benrlerson, on ray Hopkin s sow the Rbd!Pirnto l\{rl\. Bello ])inwirld io s pent BOV· Sllturday afternoo n, September 18th. in C~cjnllali Sunday. ' il).n l days with Mr. Floyd Savage and Miss Rh ea Janet GartWTight enter. IJ!~=======:==========:=;;;:::==;;;:;;:::;;:===:::.:::::.::..:-:·" ,::-:: ~·:-:::::==-==- ===-===-~.::=-• family, of Lytle, last week. lalncd a few of her friends Thur8.1'==========~=====:-=-=-=-=-=--::-~=:-:~""':'-~.-=--::-~-:-----":..=-~-":'".-:_:----::=-'-:=-~~~:o:: Wutches lind clockll rCllail"ed by an efficient workmon at r.n .. p ,r'"- .Tn,,,,..l,.vi l Mr. and Mrs. Pohlman and daugh. dny evening in \)onor of MosTS. Irvin Dr. P. D. Clagett, of N0fnlcs, ArTHE TRI STATE PRICE Shop, LebanOn, Ohio.' ~r, nnrl Mr. Costello, of Norwoo d, lind Eldrin !:lmi~h, of Ind lnnapolis, izona, arrived here eve ning wcrl! Su nday guc s t.~ of Dr. nnd Mrs. Ind. FOR BUT1'ERFA l' IS to look after his intercst nnd to 1r.and JIl l'!!. Rn lllh Miller ente ~ ..J. Witham . SEPTEMBER 8, 1924 0 few friends an d tclatives tit Mr. and G. Grether, and vWt with friends. cards Thursc\ay evening. Dr. nllli Mrs. E . J. Witham enter· 'IIau~htor, and '~ses and Ir· Mr. Myer Hym~ll an'd fa lIy, Miss F,very shipm e nt is Guaran teed " ca insL IOSH or .Inmng£' ill trn llsi l. • . . tuincI\ on Sun day evoni~g, Mr. !lnf\: J.1Ul B~ris, (l,r D~ton, spen~ Wedn es. . 8S Mnry , Dnughcrty, and Mr. lQndle Tnylor, of Dayton, IS M1!s. )\!inor Mr. a,nd Mr8. 9 raw- ~ d'8Y . With M~ ~1~c6 McKinsey Check mailed ... m " d " y c r eam arrive •. . Zimmerman were ItI Dayton spending tbis wo k at the home ali lOt'd, of Dayton. ." dO,ughter, 'Milsl! Benr.ietta. No othel' work on t h fnrOl PAY S a. well For the ."me effort '" ohip. Dr. and· ~t'lI. J. T. Elli s. , . I , , • pin g your c:re"m dir ect to . f . \ Mr.. Hnrvey Sackett ena 80ns" 'Omllr LewiS and grnndllOn, E. L. Th mas and M~. ~n,q ¥J;5. D. R. Smith and 'Wade, spent Wednesday . Master ' Ethan Le')Vis, and Mrs. Annie and Mrs. 1m .Rich nnd .T hursday with Mr. Md Mrs. Bar. Hltino8 - ~Il ,grandson, MlllIter Earl ed tho funer~l of Mrs Robinson, Mrs. Frcdl Braddeck Wilm\1,lgW!I , Thursday afternoon. . Turner, in Dayton. C nn l"~ spent last Wednosday at the CINCINNATI, OHIO • ......c ...... day at the Z~o, in Cin Ito IDe of Mr. ;lnd Mrs. Thomas Lacy. _ it: - - - - - - - - ..- -......... Tho W0ll./an 's Autdlin,Ty St. a ted on lit Xenia recently, is Hn '.1 ..... Ch~ich will qieet at the home m' I\long fin e, an d it i s. r eportd ra. Lee Hnwko on ' Fridllf -tifte~. wi ll be home soon. September 12th, at 2 o'clock.

o Pocaho tas Raven Red As 'W aco lBlock--tiattlesllip Block Consolidation Mi lers Creek ~gg








Mrs' .






f t . . . . . ft

lIrL C, 'A. \Ulrtott and da ugh ter, Audry. wllo ha.vo been' spending the _'Iller ;'ith relatives in Waynl!l-l' l"Yfl1e and vi,clnity, left ~ue&day morn- ; . Mr. ancl Mn . •Wm ' Staley and ... tor their hom in fiumi. Fla. 'ghler, an(~ lIf~. Alviil Dyke, of , to!), sp rit 'SaturdllY evening with II'1'II. Charles G-rl~y nd ' .&Inster an d ld1'8: :T• H. olctn'a.n. Charl~ ,'Bb.rton ElIl'Jr hn.t 't ~nt ll¥\t f.'Ifday1n, Middleta\VJl visiti,tTg~: arid Mrs. C. W. H endel'llon .... ~ .R. Baker. - Mills Mnijotie Dbnald, of Lebanon, and -.mbatt rctul"Jled homo . wifh them Kat.hleen Illul Miss Doris He ntl,e1'!l,on,~i atte, apei _ • W~k her aunt, attended Dayton Fair Thursday.

Rosenthal£ ers and Shre ..'d e



Mr. and Mrs.. .Frank Aunettlmo<or'''' eel from De G1'II1l', Ohio. and' m'Dde enjoyable visit MondaY' lI'u,eSllav


. Tho W . . F.

Mrs. Lizzie


urrllltliiOriiUn,ion wa' held ~ast SILDday Mr; and Mrs. Stacy ISUrnlltt. of 'Ferry. AI· though the vte,nII"er was 'chilly, a goodly relatives were on ha',ld celelt1~ the' day. At





M. SOCiety met ~pmo of Mrs. Borde n InSt W~!d.. ,...J1 day afternQon. A good was .rendered and a large crowd ent.

Martha ' A-. irill~:and ' _"h"_", ;;:.... I,dlpu~:q~'rJ Chllrity Hill,' mnde . . i~ 'Cynthania und aDn : tntibn, Ky. They retprned Yleir , hODl8 -lallt~ SaturdllY:- - .. -,'



Th'e",R "senthai llusker has \vithst90d 'the 'y~ars. of hard service' under all conctftions -and stand'" u t today as the fore'm0 st Husker 0:1 "he. market Made in sizes adap " bl~ for ~ Iriy size tarm and any size engint'.' r-

FRED M. (-OtE Waynes~iIIe,


And Farm ,Machine.r y

Seventy-Sixth Year •






It is with fon d rememb rance that I am writing a few lines regardin g the years of activity o f thi~ departed DOWN COqN TY TEAM HAS fri end. It ,,;11 be rememb ered by many the nmbitio n and bouyO-nc y t hot EA ~Y TIME chnracte rized her early liCe; when a schuol girl she worked for a grade of excellency In all her studies. and at A Ne w Maf\ag er ia Cho.en for th e time of her graduat ion her comthe Remai nder.o f the Season prehens ion of what the 8chool years meant to a girl or boy was plainly - Je!IC Pre nderga at shown by t he masterl y woy she trentcd the subject of her cssay. her sub .. ject was well chosen. viz .• "Over the Alps Li elh Thin e Italy." Many ~ (B y Tom ) many were the commen ts given by The Sonth Lebnnon fir. t team de- those whose pleasure it was to heur feuted the Milllni" 12 to 6. in a game it. She soon bgan to tea,ch and the plnye cl At Phill ip" pnrk last Sunda y Sli mc ambition t o excel predomi natn ftornoo n. There is not much t o ed . tell about tho game. which the hox The grades. under her care always score docs not tell. The visiton; made a fin e showing . her efforts were simply hit Burton's pitching when highly apprecia ted both by the prohits mellil t runs. and too k advnnta ge fcssors with whom she labored. apd of the Miamis' wobblcs . while t he Mi · the paren ts whose children were unnmis were unuble to bunch their hitn der her care. She loved to work with to much effect ufter the third inn- children and watch their progres s. ing. Her usefuln e88 W8J! not confined to While at bat in the first inning. the school a lone. she was active In Crane suffered n budly split finger !qunday School as well. and was forced to retire for medica l For several years it was the privil' attention . af ter hItting a double and ege of the ". ': writer to be associat ed ~ lit scoring his I"un. This acciden t quitl! wilh her on the program commit tee mnteria lly lell80lled our boys' chance ~ for the Christm as a nd Easter enterof victory. tainmen ts and no doubt many of tbe At an Improm ptu meting just be· boys and . girls of that da." who are fore the game, Mr. Harry W. Pace now married ' and raising families of tende red his resignat ion B.8 manage r their \. . own. will rememb er with ple88. \' of the learn. a nd Mr. Jelllle J . Pren- u~ e how enthulla stlc &he would Ket r-<'dergast was chosen to fin tho Vacan- and how ahe would play the organ cy. Here's wishing Jesse tho great- and help drllJ ,nd drill. until ahe est succeHS possible . We do not be- commit tee thought the program WIUI lieve th8t a bette r selection coulJ ready to be siven In ita completene8s. hove been made. and let It b. uid here to the honor • The score : I and praia. of thoa. children ; they never dluppol ntd the commit tee-- MAKING NEW CHAN NEL VENERABLE I)RIVER SOUTH LEBAN ON their efforts were alwa)'8 of the hlahfOll MIAMI .RIVER WINS HIS RACE AD R H PO A E est order. The uleful .,ean of thle 4 4 departe d Whitacr e. 88 ··· ······· 9 1 1 . friend should be emulate d and It Ia O. J. EdwaniB and Harvey Rye, Arnold. 8b ... ... ..6 1 1 0 0 1 the with of the writer that man of w~o own aeveP1\1 Bcrea of land I!"\ ~he Decker, 21i' .. ...... 6 2 2 4 4 0 t'" At the Warren County tair la8t b . are .halght enipg out the Wil son. p " ........ 6 l AO • 0 .. oae oye an d gil!II who were un"d er bottoms Wednesday and also Friday a apec' 1 ~ 0 ~ 0 her careful tra,bllng "'~ay endeavo I r river from bac:k at the.~ rower hOUBe Cornea nto Heilig Throu gh tuc1e seldom wltne88ed WIVI puJled Nuss, rf ..... ..... .. 6 to leave a record of good wprka up to the head of Newma n a ~un. There Petitio Girton. Ib .... .... . 5 2 2 10 0 0 to the atandar d of thia ners ofl'. Steve Phillips, the veteran de arted h~ been several 8harp twlats in ~be Burkle. cf ...... .. I} 1 1 1 0 0 hOl"8emon. won a race with biB four. P nve,r between theae polnta, lind br South, c .. .... ... ..3 2 3 6 2 0 f r iend, whom we hold year.old horse, Bingen Todd. which In cherishe d cha.nlling the courae of the river, It . Ross. If .............6 1 8 1 0 0 memory . he raised from a colt, ~d whIch S. E. H. will materia lly help the land and the Dlatant rumblin gs 1m the form of shows promise for better things. - - - - - •- • overflow daring the high-wa ter per- II "Citlien~" tiek~~. again threaten s 'l'otnlB .... ....... 46 12 17 27 14 2 Mr. Phillips, who i8 84 , yean old, lods will not damage it a8 formerl y. I the . peace and qUiet of our county , hUB for his helper a man of 74. and it The state has been /lIked several politics, alld on the ticket to be prc- was trul y rcmarka bfe to Bee those MIAMIS . ' tlme8 to dredge and clean out the sonted. to the voters on Novemb er two old-timers . work with the horse. AD R H PO' A E river at differen t pohits for this rea- 4tb Wlll appear the names 1 0 2 1 0 of men which they trul y love as only true aon. Thero are soveral places along represen ting tbis third party ticket ' horseme Prcnder fast. cf .... 2 2 1 6 8 0 n can love. Bingen T-odd i .. the river tbat need dredgin g and for practica ll., all of th(l county E. Burton\ 2b ... ... 6 1 1 1 0 0 offices a beautifu l piece of honefle sh and atralght enlng. thereb., makin, more This party s prung into being as a his work at both perform ances Crane, 88 ....... .... 1 1 2 2 8 1 won tillable. Above tbe big bridge, • reeult of a pe~ition .~ig~ed by 218 the approva l of the crowds who wit:a~~~;~~~a7te: · ib: :: 0 2 6 0 0 Mrs. Evelt, on Lebanon Pike, lillJd the trees are forcing the cnannel . cou~t~ voteI'll, nommat mg T. C. ne88ed the races. o 8 0 1 0 Commits Suicide into a new course and in thi8 and I ChrIStie, Lebanon ~wyer H. Burton, p ..... .. .4 1 8 0 8 3 Mr. Phillips. who Is truly a Wa.,. other cases. work lIuch as Me881'8. t mon Ple8J! Judge. All , for ComGonl , 3b ........... ,6 0 1 6 0 0 there is no nesviLIe boy. altho1;lgh having lived Edward s and Rye are doing should be ' Democra~lc candida te for this o~ce . away from here for Pace. c .... ...... .. . .. 6 several years, . duplica ted. \1 the only name.s to appcllr on the tlc k- came into promine T. Burton, 1f ........4 0 1 0 0 0 Mrs. Barney Evelt, aged 42, met nce years ago. wben _ • et wil1 be that of Mr. Christie and he brought into public Onborn , rf ........4 0 1 6 l O a ho~le death at her notice tho hO)'lle on tbe our incumbe nt judge. Wi lliard J. nntionally noted horse. - - - - - Waynes ville ~Ike. hal! wa., between WINS LAURELS AT Blind Tom. Totals Wright choice of the Republi cans h d th .. ....... .... 88 6 16 27 12 4 he.r e and Lebanon , Sunday atterno Id 't ' . . on ' .. w. 0 ma e c wor 8 1 up an d no tI ce THE COUNTY FAIRS as the result of the recent prnnnry · hIS wond l,!rful perform ances. Mr. S. Lebanon .: O 7 0 0 1 0 2 1 1-12 after I18t~ng hraelf Mth keroOn tbe ~etitio n nominat ing the re- l'hi llips sn.y~ he intcnd~ t o drive race Miamis ...... 2 0 4 0 0 0 -0 0 0-' 6 sene and going Into the yard where mainder of the Citizens ticket. 1fl8 horses us lon g as he cun sit in t he ~he aet fire to her clQt;tIing. She bad . names app ear. This ticket is com - dri ver's scat. been melaneh ol., for. some time and AI Shane!' had good fortune Mth posed of J osie Wills. Lebanon . !or Summa ryhad thratene d aever&l times t.o end his stocK . at th ~ D~yton and tho. Leb- . Clerk of Courts ; Charles H. Rogers. 2-base hits-Ro ss, Girton, Crane, her life.. . anon fa ir, brmgmg home qUire a Lebano n and Harry S. Smith. H. Bqrtol). Mninc- STUDENT BODY The family, eonllllti ng. of her hU!I- bunch of cash. At the Dayton fllir •ville. f or count y commi !!sio ners ; Tom a-base hl~Girton. Smith. blind, aon, aged 16. and a hired man he won f irst on 8. span of IS INCREASED mules. At ' Hunter. Lebanon . for treasure r; L,. _ Home run-De cker. were at the dinner table when ahe I tbe Lebanon fair he got the fo1- roy Snider. Kings M ilJlI. f or sheriff; Sac.rifice hits-Sa tterthw aite, H. left tbe ropm, and the first intima-, loWin g : i h Mil es Dnv·is Turtlcc reek town shilJ i eel f . b I ~urton. ., , ton t ey rece v 0 anytbm g c: ng . First on team of m ulcs ; first on Ifor Surveyo Towllship schools. r; Georg Walker. South• on Wayne Earned runs--S outh Lebanon , 2; wrong W8II when they ~ere t hcir second weok -will starting h . attract- IBlDgle ..mule; first on team of ~raft Leba non , f or coronel' ; Georgo Cnrnu- mu ch largor enro llmont than was e8!\diamis, II. . \~~ by her Bj:l'Cam~. WIt? aome dU- horses . second on marc a nd col.t; fi rst 1bun, Clearcre tllwilshi p. for rcc ~ I'- timnlcd . Severul Left on b~es--SQuth Lebanon . '1;' lt~: the woman s clothmg student s entering 'w8II ex- I on boar 2 years and ovel'; first on der and W. nogcl"~ •.of Clearcre ek late and t he brunch building at LyMiamis, 10. ·.Ungulshed . and Dn. Edward and , sow 2 years nnd over; fil:1lt on sow t ownship. Cal" RllPI" C cntuti,'c to the lie swells the attonda Double plays- Wilson to Decker to Rp bert Blair, of Lebanon . nc to over 600 were 8~m- , under .,ear old; second on so~ und~r General Assl'mb ly. Gi!"ton; Whitacr e to G~rton ; Onb~rn ~n(;med ,a.n~ a I the . New members of the faculty are fast aid wlth- year old; first on sow u nder SIX Since fil ing t he IJetit i o n ~ . however. accustoming themselves to their new to !3o.ttcrthwaite. In theu- power. but the unfort~nate mont~; fint on sow and three of her Mes/lrs. Snid er. Cnrnuhan . Dav is an rl Nurroundin gs. Pa@Sc.d .b\llls- South, 2. and the achool is run. ~oman passed away about 6 oclock young; ftrat on boar and 3 sows. W. W. Rogcrs have wit hdrawn [rorn l1ing Rmoothl y • . 'wild pitches- -Wilson. 1; H. Bul'>. m the eve~,in" . only p~rt1y re,ainln~ In the mule half-mil e race ton. 3. Thurst he ruce. I • conec!ou8nes8. Followi ng Is the enro\1m ent as to da., )le · in second and third; on _ _ __ _ _- • Jiit 'by pltcher -South . (by H. BIl1'Wbile Mrs. Evalt ~eemed to have Friday. he also got B~cond and thirll ton).; Prenderg8J!t (by Wilson. ) been in a 1)1elanc;holy mood for BOme 111 gmdes : t!t~ ~~-m~le l'l'tce, Wbe raoo lin ... tl. me t Jittl e 'd !~ ti Baaes. on \._ '!I'1l8--0 ff 'Wilson, 1 ;-011 Th.. u~_A b pas, I '. , conll lin W8I · .. "",~y WIUI Wlln y a q In ton First Grade ... ..... .... .. ............. ...... . '9 . 'd •.b th ·--'1 Sh 00 t 'J!. Bu~on, 2 ~ lb ' pal ~ the ma H_ ~""r . y .114",!",1 y. \I ..' ~n , !Il, m\l . ~ ' u ~ w.1!~ b"111"~ d Secon d Grade .. ... .. ............ .: .... ...40 " for thll . Strqc\c: out-By Wilson, B; by H. WIUI lit moat estiD!ab lll ' "IIYOman and FrIday !!llle, ~ Qn!y Wl\rrQn (lo~nt,. · . . ME:w'HO DIST CH.URC H enjo"ed Third a Grade la ..... e elrcle . ... ..... ............... .... ..... 47 J)u,rton, f .2, . .... bl,e. . ' , . -., , l? frie ~ dB In m ul es w:ere IIII.... '. Umpjre s-,Schu ler and Smith. Fourth Grade ........ .......... ....... ... .. 48 • the cOlllmuhltiee wbe~ .he had lived. .. _ .....____ Sabbath School. 9:16 u. m .• preaell- F ift h Grad e ..... ... .... ........... 1ime--O ne hour and 10 minute8. .. ......... 46 The funera.l will be !lonil}lated from Inlr at. 10,:30 a. m." Wednes day even- Sixth Grade ..... , ............. · .. _ • the late rnldenc e on Wednea da., af- RED STAR BUS ,.• .. ....... .. 49 Ing service at 7 :80 p. In. Epworth Seventh Grade ....... ...... ............. ternoon and ilIe body will be .ialcen ... 60 ' . L~e 6:46 p. m. Prea(:hi ng at 7:80 Eighth Grade ........... to ....... .. ........... 80 Newpor t for :burial. . START S . NEW LINf1 p. m. Everybo dy Ie eOl1!tall., Invi~d N~W OFFIC ERS FOR Lytle ... ... .. .. .... ..:..... .. ..... .. ......... ... 69 . I ... to thele aemeea . High School ...... ... ... ... ................... 116 THE~UN CLUB Key. 1.. A. Waahbu rn, Putor. Normal ....... ............. ...... ............... 16 MED,iCAlc. S()CIE


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; , ST .MARY' S CHURCH Fourtee l1th Sunday after Trinity, Septem ber 20th, Church Scho~l \It O~p f~WS 9 -S0 a. m., Regular Morning Pram HO~R GR.\ND.


Dr. _ J . .. ~ . . E~ e~~rtalp~d Mon.tsom el'1 Count., Homeop ,tble Me~lcal lOCi.t~ to a· ftl'e time .Fri~al Qvenlng at· the ecuntfy hom. , of· hll





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J. SchaAfrer, officiatinsr• • EVQl'fbod)'

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D'" e_£! BAR EXAMS. 'I'~





, • Wyoming LotIae, N.o. 102, I. o. O•


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1Ir.1At.r p~: IO~ ot ~ato~ ' F_ laM ,~,

F 0' Wayna tlUe will give,'. home., f · •, cominll and receptio n on t.h.&•e'(emnlr of Septem ber'024, 2924, In. "~nor of Grand ~8Itcer Q .F. Brown. All membit n of thIa lodjre and·the lt fam, lUea .Rebcikah mell)be n their . hue, .. banda and wido.... ,of the' .1. o. O. F. and residen~ mem\)~a of othe~ lodge., are Ihvited. A rood p~ .n,! refrelhf llenta will be served. ' ;


----- - ..----

The Misses Kath~yn and Mildred

SHRIN E CLUB TO BE Clnrk were hostesses at an announee:.~ ment party. Saturda afterno on, in '1 GUES TS AT AKRON honor of their sister. yM~ Margu et- •


The IMeun• C'ZM: Robitze r, ~.~. Cornel .' L. A. unmerm an, . . Pence, S o' D: Henkle' and Geo. WaterbOUle eompo,e the group of Waynes Ville 'Shriner a th.~ WIll join a 'Peelal train .t. I?ayton next. Monda., ~~, enrout. for ,~~n . a new...~· .ple will ~.d~~ea~ • TMIe loU,lth~!!fL.. . . ;.,~_guthe Akron darlnc e ....... - - &II .ata e In an e' rate' l .b~ ment eo~lbm. ' -" me unUl JII'\l-D.iP.t.. wheftth . ..' 1" .Win:IMiY6 fo~ llal~ . _-cw _",, · ' .' I Wed ada~ to~ ~1 ear., .' n 1. mQtIIln~ ' . • • , .";' ~ . '. '. '


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CA' , ~D •BY, 11.......... P. JlotpD died ...


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The guests were seated at the ta..! , wlhch W8.!I decorate d ill rainbow colors. A huge pinlt rose ,form~j\ , the centerp iece . flanked by crya181 . . candlest icks and varl-col ored candle's,. . .'. Surroun diDI the centerpi ece ,Wertf , .\ fourtelln rOlebud l o,ttached to . rain.! bow colored ribbons leading .'to. the 1 place cards. Each' bud eonta~,Il4f, . timely rbYme the last one .~ ~". .nounc eD}I 'l .ounee_• c~ Bator-' d 0 tolli '. ay, c . , ~ \ '. ,~ . . Cou . .v • ~o~ ~ ,~ "Margaret~ " '_ • "'-. dna • Howlan 4, Ann \ ·Baehma nt ~ura !M~ GladYs ' Rolaiiil, \lIi1ra . Be.-.: ~• • d LlDl ' I. ,"..-,"-' .n~ s, e , ....llIIAm" and KlitJ.lrYn C\ Mea-. i ,.,9. WbltalteT' BUoJ~ )VJIlt-.

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the Diatrlct 'o! C9lumb la - --, ._ .......,.... d i ill' IF . h Ia H'" Ct\1.. Mm. OJ! the 'n ape....... • IoA Par1l.- a ~ thBIIIl1 ~ of . C'.a.IItII-"1 belhfre. 4ear. dlat, about one mOe . Ilt town, ...... _ell n 0 e 0 par lath.., will eoUerit to our mar- pike, Oil FrIda)', September~. Tb. f1l1l.I,l!lep.....nt..~,.., atudlecl law In tile rtap." Bultar' . Daqh t_" Ob,,.... .nI waa heW Monda, . ~OOD at ....r.,_ eeIaoc!l of the Waabiq . lie Will. be II.. "~lI\llled,oar 1 o'elock at th.· IIIddIe eh" ··~~:..;~~~~I~: .lI1nl1'llt~ · 1p bpo• • ~ .,..., to nep tile ...., .....--..-t.'b, JIkIiIe BOQ _ I .,. .


••- - - >.


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Th e Woman 's Au xi liary of St. Mury'R chu rch WIIS enterta ined on . Friday afternoo n , Scp tember 12. by Mrs. Lee Hnwlw and Mi .. Clam Lile. AT THE INTER NATIO NAL A IR RACES NEXT MONT H nt the home of Mrs. Hawk e. The mccting waH opc"" d by the \ presiden t . Mrs. Cadwnlll\der. All joined in repenti nl!:' th e 23rt! P ~ Il I I11. Entire City Prepa ring For Vaat followed by recital of lhe ... ·"'1 "n d Thron g That Will Witnes s . I"·,, ~· er . ~cril' tu r ,, 1 quotlltio ll K Were given in r" "pon s,, tu roll clIlI . the Eve nt The f nllowinl!:' intcrest inl!:' and in· structive program intcrRpcl"!<erl wilh mu sica l st'll' cti on~ \V I\~ gi ve n : A. ide fr om nctua l prepara tions nt th" fi eld wh rc lhe ,ljir races are to 111usic. Pin no 80 10 - " At Sun Rc t." hI! h.. l<.I in Dl\Yton next mon t h. there MiRK ESl her Bender. on Ro emK t tl be an undercu r rent of preReading - "Fl ower. of Th y Heart." pnrednc ss in every home in the city o God. Are Th ey " fo r lhe g rent throng of visilors t hnt Mrs . •J. E. McClur O! gath er there on October 3. 4 and Rending -"Futu re Bishops" . 5. Murmur ings of the magni tude Mrs. Ronald Hawke of the event nre heard everyw here. Music. Vocal So lo--"Mo rc Love T o a ll the streets and in the store and Thee. 0 Christ" . Miss Elsie Hawk e theat ers, and ho tel reservat ions aro Reading- "The Home of God on prllcticl1 l1y al1 taken. even at this th e Mountn in" .. ear ly date. . Mrs. Sar ah Zim merman Destruc tion of a model city. patReading -" I was Sick a nd in Pris. terned after New York. with buildand Ye Visited life Not" ........ . ings represen ting structur es on lower .. ..Mrs. Ada Courtne y Man hattnn. ris ing 100 feet in the air and ,coverin g an area of severnl Af~r adjourn ment a pleasan t sothousands feet on the field, the tarcial hou r was enjoyed . during which get for o.erial bombs. will be one of deliciou s refreshm ents were served the thrilling features on the program by the hostesse s, assisted by Misses for tbe Internat ional Air races at Elsie and Doris Hawke. Wright field. The following guests were presR ow a squadro n of enemy airent : Mesdame8 Mary L. Adams. planes would proceed in conduct ing J. I C. Hawke. John Fromm. J . L. aerial attack and in destroy ing a Hartsoc k, J. W. White and Maste r city from the air. will be IITIIPhlcal1y Frank Hawke. demons trated. with the UBe of tblll ... ~---model city and the particip ation ot army-b omben, piloted b., skilled and HI/BALL TEAM \ daring ftyen o! . the air iMmee. LOSES FIRST GAME "Enemy '" planea fint. wlll flrat IIWOOP down on an obaerva tion balThe newly organiz ed High School loon placed to guard airalnst such atand will destroy it b., plane base ball team lost Its fint ,ame to the observe rs leaping to ufety Lebanon last Thursda y at Harmon Park. Lebanon . by the score of 9 to with the aid of parachu tes, 811 the 4, and the 1088 of the game can be buge liag drops to earth in ftames. attribut ed to the fact that the regular Anti-ai rcraft Kuns will - then be sipitcher, Donaho o, was unable to play. lenced, followin g whicb 'the destrucOn next Friday afternoo n. howeve r tion of the city will proceed . While this feature will be realistithe local team will make an attempt to make an even break with Lebanon cally staged and has been arrange d when they will play at the High primari ly for the entertai nment of the spectato rs. a deep purpose is beSchool diamond s at 2 :30. bind the demons tration. this being the • educatio n of the public toward ,preparedne ss in the air. t hl¢ lIuch attacks by enemy aircraft during a period of war may be averted , and that peace by air prepare dnC8s may be assured. The bombar dment apd destruc tion of the model city will be the euI- , minatin of the air CDI'!1iVal, . ,. To He Under the Auspices of inspirin gg f~ture and educati onal event. in . connect ion with the rllc:e vyogram. Metho dist Men The various maneuv ers and formlltions indulge d in· by 8~my fly ers in The Men's Sunday- School class of conflict. wiJJ be demon strafed by . the Methodi st church have taken over skiJJed •army fiycrs and will include the Lecture Course furnished by the pursuit and bnttle for~ation s, bombMidland . Lyceum bureau. This course ing balloon sniping contests . r e-fuelwas contrac ted for by t en men .who in g a plan in air. hlying aid of planes have agreed to surrend er their inter- and radio control of plnnes in fo rmation. all maneuvers being directed cst to the Methodist men. The course conRists of five num- by radio commun ication betWeen the bers beginni ng Novemb er S. The formati on leader and ot her planes. \ Parachu te jumping demons trations remnini ng four will nppear in December. January . Februa ry and April. which ,viII conclud e with a triple par All number s will be given in the achute leap. three fl yers loaping from planes simultan eously tyld ra cing to the g round. sky writing and various f reaks arc also schedul ed. Dnily fights by the Barling bomber. largest and mo t powerfu l of al1 ai rplanes. one by the Shenandonh, the navy's dirigible . lInd another by R recond,itioned early type Wright plane. t he latter to be ' piloted by Lieuten ant J ohn A. Macready. veteran McCook fiold flyer. ure on the carnival prog ram .


TotaL ......... ... ... ..... .. ............ ... ... _ _ _.__ •






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Hunley F. Blncks 'II S , ' •• r".<I.·" 'with lenv Lo Ill " 1111 \ ' d' ,Ill! (' 1\ '''P tition forth" 1th. On motion of L. E . .Rllidwin, 1\ defendant in lhe above J;U8e, the court granted leave to file 8111ended nnswer and crOM petition forthwith. A demurrer WIIS tiled in the cn,.e o! T. O. Lcigh l ~y Vl!. T he Lill co ln Cnsualty Co. In t he case of John J. Oeden ,.~ . A. F. Meeker, Inwr- ities Oil Co .• the plaintiff wns Rward"d Il j uri):,c ment of $778.60 over the defenrlnnt. A. F Meeker, nnd Meeker in turn was order ed to recover $'j07.fHl (rom the Inter-Cities Oil Co. Leave was given G. A. Hill. defendant in the case of the G. A. S chacht Motor Truck Cn., vs. G. A. Hill, to filo answer within thirty d1lY8. Canis Lynch withdrew hi. I(I\'n1(~ r pleu of not g uilty on two chllTges of attompt to defrnud and enterc d pleas of guilty. He w as fin ed $[,0 and COlt on each co un t. A new sale of ce rtai n premi se~ arisIng in the cnae of R. R. Chad· wick VII. Grace L , Fouta, ct al. The ,200 deposit mad e by the purchaser with the sheriff was ordered forfaited_ .WUli,a m F. Holland was granted • dlY'Orce .from Isa Holland on the grounds ol gross neglect. LeavB '"" granted and the same wu done, fl>r th P. B. L. & S. ·Co. • defeailant 'i n t he case of Chester C&mpbelh.u .. Lewis Lenabrink, et aI., to ,rue" lUlI'tier and cross petition fotthwlUa. Ho~ W. Ivins was appointed a ~l,iath8 -case o! MarthR Symon." "fIL~enlef F . Symons , et 81. Oertain deedll arWnlJ ,in the case of 'OliDtbll , .a. ana·. Dorothy M. TalJUC'i Q. 'JI(at7:F• . Mikesell, et al., wbe .oriJered. COlTcotcd and r eform ed , , • j. ~ ,;.,'....I'..... ' __


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E pinard . fo ur; yenr-old l"rpnch ,h" mpion, lo ~t ·th ,· fo rs t of hi" thrcc scIKodul<'d rn ces to t l! p Am ri nn , hOl rso, WIse r. ~lIn ~'·ll n r . l,ut ., oly by n half length, as s hown in thl' plcLurf' of Ih l' .ulI~ h . Curryllig 130 pounds the grent horse outran Zcv fin d t h.· r". t of the fi eld, bll t could ,';'t hol.-1 n Il'Ild nv(Or Wis" ('""",,.1 101'.

Hl'," lOIl, ~2

tlc n"s in Snll!l1\ Twp., ~ l. is tlw "ll Portlllllt y uiTl'rerl for t h\.' L. Fa r t1\1Ur lo Paul J!ro wlll uf Lll l' JH'(\ r:l~ (' ItlUll. nnti by alld Alice Doliboa. Lot in I~rtll\klin . lhi. lest ;\m(,l'icn hn s IIIIC\u<,stio nCII H c ujnnlin

w(' 1'1.1 l<l"dershil'. Mr. 1I,' u5ton writes t nited ~talr s: "lIel' wea lth i" u. ~rent as th llt o f th e . tntcs of C('lIlra l an d W estcrn 1': UI' O ll(! with double th e popUlation: tl1l' na t iona l in co me ill ('qUill to theirs nnd 60 per cent of it accrues to inoIividulIIs with incomes of $2,000 or I cs~ a nd 2 per cent of it to wngc Hrn erR. "lIer bnnking resources eq ual t he prcwn r wenlth of France. Here 28,. 000 .000 of h'c r people hnve savings of o,'or $18,000,000 as aga inst 80,000 ,000 peop le in E ur ope with saviugs of $$9 ,000,000,000, or $660 a persoll here as against $100 in Eu rope. Here there nre 72,000,000 i n ~uranc(' policis outstanding f or over $65,000,000,000 , nn amount greater lhnn thnt for n il the res t of the world. This country has nearly t wo -fifths of COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS 1111 the m il way milenge of th e world, a nd the rai Ironds arc owned by over Bill3 "Uoweu- Dean Stanley, of86 0,000 poople, with a million more fice ren l for pros. atty. , $26.00; financially interested thru the ownBook Shop, supplios, $2.06; Johnson ership of bonds. It has half the gold an d Watson, sup plies, $60.00; C. W. of tho world, 83 per cent of the auto Unglesby, balance Albert Fox f un d, mobiles and 63 per ' cent of the 1.eI$'1 38.24; W. H. Stanage Co., 8Upphones. More thaa 290,000 persons plies, $11.60 ; Dayton Blank Book own the American Telephone &TId Co., supplies, $63.75; J. O. Mitchell, Te legraph Co.; and there al'e 19,600 r t'pairs at Court House ~d jail, owners' of common stock and more $6.30; Bernard Battery Statiou, thnn 187,000 holdel'8 of prefemi1 lu pplies, $.26; Lingo .~rd'Var. Co., stock of tbe Associat4:d companie, same, $3.0 ~ ; Dept. Pu~l~c ' Welfare, PROBATE COURT in addition to 175,000 who are finannil lEW 1EAR. same, - '61.441 Jno. Law and Sons Th• .:dniiniS~tor'of the estate of same, $17.22; J A. _Blair, same, cililly intcreste d tbroug h ownmhip WHAt..lS of bonds of the Betl system. It is lol#!' ~illi~ < ¥ock, . ~~~se~, ,2.06; Morrow Brant, sheriff, AuwfiiI"""'... 0 ere(f'tO deliver iilto the ll1mds ~u!~ h08Td and wnahing for prlson- interesting to note, too, thnt of the TIlE T'ACn'UL PRINCE. , . I' hi"'> of 1'~1ids' A. H~rtso~k. one l lI~e . of fs , $203.17; Alfred Brant, freight, employees of the Bell System more ,toet of th'l Way neSVIlle Farmers bill On mnttresses and blankets, $1.54 thBn 47,000 nre stockholders and LABOI MUST SAVE ITSELF. ~ha~' CO., valued at $100.0.0. Hold Mfg. Co., tractor repairs, ,$7.70 ; 100,000 are in the process of acquir,and women. young or old, ~ ~~~r, 'Francis .A . ~art­ Herschel F. Jllmes, Iruck repairs, ing stock. There aTe 166,000 own· with ambiti().11 lelt, should remem~ ala9 II ed his flbst nnd final nc- $1() 6. ~ O i Jno, Law and Son, 'sup- ers of the steel corporations and maber that a n_ )'eIir h4s begun. eo~~ .• ' . ny million holders of Liberty bonds. plies, $70.78; J . W. Li ngo H dwa. Co. The DeW year OIl SUCCESS does . ~ . F. Bigony wna appointed a d- same, $:34.62: Morrow Feed and Wealth in the United S tates of Amer. QOt be«tD on JaulllU')' I, 1.11 tho mld- ' ica is d emocratized ; a nd lnsurnnce mlr '-t:ril:br of the esta~ qf Wm, E. ella ofWInAlIl'. I~ betrln. now, with upply Co. , loc ust posts I",'d nails, Summer a:nded, vacations over, clM~ deceaired. Bond fa,ooo. C. '$20.85; Harry Bill, gas Ilfld oil, trllnsportatio n . and co mmu nica tion schools op<m, everithing under A, lJllF; 'Edward ' McFarland and ~17 . 96 ; Orego nia Bridge Co., blue belong to t he people. wuy. . " In this country morc thnn 1] ,00 0,Loub ,Banta were appointod apprais- prints f ol' s urvewpr, $3.60:. M. GreatH e who begins carrying out his aood ~OI!oluUOll8 and work ing hn . rd house, tool repair, $2.00 ; W. S. Gra- 00 0 fllmilict , cmbracing more th an 00,000,000 pe r~ ons, own t heir own now, watead of waltin8 unU! n ext 1!'oneat W_ Pence, guardian of the h am, contrac, t 78 6, 4411.0; " 0 con January 1, 1!rtIl have s start of four estate of Hugh Pence,. e t aI., minors trnct 706, $4117.00; Lennie Whitacre, homes, and 8 ,500,00 f nrmers own monthl on tho ' othera;' 8I\d that's· a :1184 1l1li .econ4 ~c'eount. ' '. contract 71l1, $7611;40; Eugene Har- farms coveri ng mor e th"n 66 per go<>d start.. .,' .' i t \ II'" I I " cent of the prlvnte land in usc. The . "!'he hearing in' the estate of James ' b d • ADeu; deeeasea, - wu ' postponed to per, riga repair, . 86.96: R. N. homes and soil of th e nation belong FIymg fnMD Greenland to Labmber 16th. . Gregg, same, $6.60: J. T. Grogg, to the people . rador, the American Bicn_got bolck . I' • Jame, $25.1'0; V. W. Tompkins, payto· the Ame.tiClin malrllaoo In live "Tho United States spends more •••.. ~ of ro II ,,. "'268 . 66 ; Elme~ .Or lUner, same, . It. ",dridge, eXee1l 1 . montha 'and fourteen 'daya after the. ~~.. PT;~ T • .J~l~dge.. $'826.20; F. M. Collins, $465.10; Eden for education than al1 the other na- . their .tart around the world. . ~, w\\d ftrat ana finalf \ f,ehy, •• ·m e· , ,209.60 ', ' Homer HoI tions of the earth." Chlldr~ of the future -will bo t coUl:l.t: ,( (" .. "I lU f _ ~ Granting that our civilization is amazed at thls slow trip around the The ' of the . :u,mbalrin of croft, same. $:217.85 .A. T. Rettig, still in a state eff development, and world. :A feature 'of ' pubUC BChoOl i._.c "• . , llame, $S69.00; Cliff Hough, same, ed\1e8t1on in future agoa "OI' bo a that It has its erudi~ie8 and in)usti~_ . o't th~' wfll 01 ·Ne!llo ~.lJupp, : flying trip arou.nd the world during .dec8&cl~ ill K~t foi' h's&ring'.OD sep- ' 928.14; H. MeConnick, same, ces, Mr. Houston continues : SUlllJll9l' .vacatiop. The chIld of teJilbsi' 16th:," " ••..j, " .207.16: P. B. ~o~c~, ~ame, $169.80; , "But it doea hold out more hope twelve will knqw the prinjUpal hOL... tL... . . Walter V4rner, same, $65.15; S. E. mountalJi ranglis rivers capifor the man who wishes to get on ·...:ne.WlJJ of SallIe J. Whitney, de Cutler s ame $602 97. / tals of the world:~ having act'04Ily -ria admitted to "Probate. , ' , . than does any other nation. It Beeks _them. " to give each man an opportunity to R. A : eroU waS appointed guard• - • make the mOl!t of himself and the ian 'of May' d. Cross, an incompetant. Statlstiee l:show thl,lt the month of marrlnge Is ,c hllnglng frem June to best usc of his facilities; a;nd, in ful. Bond $6600.00. ' , August, Bnd -that's a good thIng. ler measure than nny other, It assures C. W. Ungles.b y, administra tor of June Ie the month from the romanhim the fruits 01 his labor. The ' rap,the estate of Albert M. Fox. deceMtlc ]JOInt of 'vlew) August from the idly growing ownership of aU forms ed, ftlila his inventory ~nd apprnis~practical ~Int 01 view. The lirst bllby of an August wed· ment. Further development of direct sell- of property by the masses and the ding comes along In the Spring with , X c'o mmission ·'Was iSlued to A. H. ing to packers directly from country widesprcad we U-being evidence the the Bowers of May and can be pot Pafttot to take the deposition of A. points is being planned by co-opera. renlizatlon of its purpose. Rere the outdoors at once to get fresh air. IlL 'Bower and Jeanette C. Bower, t ive orgnn izut ions of Ohio. Addi- property of the indivldu'nl Is protectID addition, the mother can nU\'lle the baby alt through the hot months witneaae~ to will of Nellie M. Hupp tionnl working capital, amounting to d by more guarantee" than 8J1yw1\ere at the lirat Summor, when the I1ght deceaaed. $20,000 ha,s been voted by the Ohio else on earth. It Is aafe-guarded arllficlal food Is bardest to find. 'The.' wPI of s'arah M. Easton WI18 Livestock Co-operative association, not only by the Constitution, by statutes Bnd by courts, but also by the adm~it to Probate. ebns. C. Eas'; and farmer-owned far ms Oil the BufScleutlstsl studentB of Eugonlcs, on and. 'Perry ·A. Easton wor e nl'- falo, Pittaburg and Cleveland mar- wide diffusion of wealth and by a ~nro .wor~ters and Q.~hors, IncfudflIg the brillillpt author of tho "New poih~.d exllcutora of the estate of ka ts to b e paid into the Ens tern degreo of economic stability which DicaIope of 'ScfOI1e8" are much ~. ~; Emiton, deceased, and R en- States company, form ed for this pur- nat ions in Europe will not approxiIT Decker, Ed Keslin g and Elmer D. pose. The money will be used to na- mate in generation~nd, above all, Graham were appointed appraisers. sist coun't y companies in shipping di- nil, by the temper and spirit of our 'i'IW petition of Clinton and rectly to killers, by aiding in grading peop le. The United Stotes Is' today ,IUNE BRIDE IN SEPTEMBER lotte Brubaker Stanton for leave to at country shipping stations and es- the safest investment in. the world." adopt Emory Murrell was IIet for tabIishment of yards for the cOlleen. ;Bride-"Glvo mil II pound of oyshearluc &ptember 15th at a p. m. trution and sorting of live stoc k fo r AS TOURISTS SEE IT t.,rs, " petition of Wm. Harley sale through this channel. A. Clerk-"We sen them by tho and JeJmle F. Davis for leuve to The deveJopment in direct sale by built" adopt . Martha Klein W rul set for Ohio co-op'e ralivc' has been growing '" Fack- "New York City is Bride-HOh·-al! right. Then givo hearllll' September 15t.h at 0 n. m, rapidly, accordi ng to leaders in the upo n au islnnd of soUd rp~ks ." me a yard of o),sters." . ; !;Ollrt approved the appraise· movemen t , with l\ larger percentage Jolly-HYep--and Coney Island menl· of. property ill the cu. of co-operative ly m a rketed stock go- t)n frnnk! urter;s." of 18obt. W. Erown, guardian of ing · diJ:.ect without being shipped to Suhlij:llbe fllr the MlamJ Guetee. Heatit, EsMn, lunatie, VB. Heath Es- tA!nnlnaJj every month of the present ODE TO SKEPTICS ton, et ·.L . year. In addition to strenghtening P " B. ,ltue WIllI appointed IIdmfnis- i1ir~ fIlarke~iD,g ir(),:rl country poiats trator . of the eIItate of Sallie·· J, tho expansion llf the Eutern States Tell us not in mournful numbers Advertising is the bunt, Whitney, deeeasoil. .Bond ' .2 00.oo'lorguniz.8tion provide tDe~ased R. B. Parlts, H. S. Conover &J)"d Goo. Service .for packers . purcha!!ing For the busine88 /I1en who slumber P. Gam were 'appointed ' appraisers. thrDu,ih tlu! c:o-operatJ.v.e fll'Jll!! .o n the Boon find. ~ade IA mjgh~y .pllpk. ., The End. ) . . Tbie auditor of .Warrell ... ' county three term1nalL . .







et. hel'







. -.




Some' car.1J





Treatment of the Century for

The luwo:st vit·IlI 111 l' lI " n l1 ~ r H ~' I'\~ fO t" Ohio sin co 'l ..'U, ; t..- .,dk!lldl f nll n prese nt condilitlll !i aC(,' ll rdi llg" til the Slntc Statisticillll, Wl·'l,. (If llo,~ Statr F'cdcTIlI rup I((' purti ll!! S ·I·vin·. '1'11(' Stllte ave\"ll!;O will 1111,,1 Iokl' ly hL' around 25 hu ~h e l ~ II" "olllpl1r"d wil h 4 1 bu ~ h e l s I n ~ l \, , '''1' . The .,·icld "li S "cpurted III sli j;'htly 1I11t1 L' 1' ~ 1 lou ,' I1 cis . 'Ph e wcnlh I' hn ~ h<..~t.:' ll cOII :--i~ h·ntl . ltJ!a ins t Ohi o corn from th e h t'~ illnin i-! of .the SCllSU II . Itail" duri n", t ill' I' mon lhs (If May :1",1 .I UIIl· c\ (' III)·,' d till' pialltillll' until (II I' I,c y,, "n tIl(' u",,,d datc~ nnd co ld IIl1d dry w"IIth e r <111\". ing- the

g l" u win J.~ ~ l'lI ~1)1I wa~


CATARRH Tab"". or Liquid

Sold E....<rvwhero-

,." AU 'vtl lea Re strlctod,

llt j·

fllvorubl" f (l r till' b tl' 1, l tI " L i" ", ~ "i th th u rc ~ u l t lhat sc nrCl·ly allY "j sud, field s will produce l'\'e ll 11 rair CI' ''1> und mallY of {helll will 1I0l loo htll" vc ~ tcd . On Mome of thl' ul·"L curn III nds of the Slllle, ''" in 1II.'ITl·r C U U II t y, lj1 c pla llts Wl'l' c in ta ~;;,' l wh en not mor o thall kll ~1J hi J~ h . III till' North Central ~c cti l!1I of th,· St ille thL' appunl'llnce u f Lhe r',u ld. b ,·,peci.d ly poor. In the Southweste rn «lllll'l" r whl' rc th e weat her was II li ttle mUl'e fll vorn· ble and the soil iA more loose IlIld !';1'lI . vu lly, so that cnrlier pluntin):' was possible, the outlook i~ the bl'st in the state. But eve n in that sec tion th er e is genernl complaint on the shorLncss of the ours. 111 Wood Illlli Henry and sUITo un rli nR cOllnl ies . much depend s 011 th e fro~t dute fO I' th growth of fod der is fuirly goud un d with sutlicient growi ng lime " [nil: crop of grain will be rea li zed. AI . together, Ohio'" corn crop will hnrd · Iy exceed 110,600,00 0 bushe ls whil£' las t yaer~s crop was 100,000,000 ,

of the

FnrUH11' I :11 1111\' [ IllIHI:-;:~llr~ In ~ p n lD ore I'flli llhl l !·tl 1' :'/1 111 lw hll n K IHHdtlOQS o~

lllr t' L'tHr·


111l.'HdlC' rd



t fnt l\"c ~ ·, nlll·; t · l.-{ Il( eorptlfl.ltl ol1s.

DR.E. M~ RUDOLPH The Eye 'il ~ hl Sp~clull~1

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesd ay 1l:!lO

0.111. to 4


' 11,


------- --



aw. "'wEu BORPtr





\\ IlIi:dll ~. J ''':1<' ~'. n':: I.t\l r'... ~):'-1 ' hll,· D"ll' .' rr. lk and ,"'ci·di6t d t! .\f ~:.-- .\L 1~ .' , \ .1. dl l. \ Cll, I' I.d l" l H1\ ~ , u l.tIe r th(' ~ lrr s~ of cnm~ , ul .hhll . P il!' u ncecg~ it y . Urt' bl'll1ouninll th ~ l.!.lwl'llnce D. Sht. . <T . il :, l! lIcl ur . IlYO' ful Illi KhL ,, ( tla' AlIIcl'iciln pcople Iw un~pi)l" l. Ollio . nn.! ~Ii s~ ~t : lI'gl\l'~1 and the WI'(l ll!{S {If th e impoverished R. ~ll1lf{lrd, L 'bulto" . ;1n d down·trurlrlen p''lHl lnc . a Dom.. ~ rnt.i c tenrl er who i~ not running f or nOice lhis year. 0 me mber of PresRE~L F.STAT F: TRANSFERS c;"{lTg(' E. II nll t{l A nnu Cline, 2 idcnl "r i1 ~o n' s ~n bi1H!t. pnin ts n more lWI'('fu l piel ure ,'f A m(,l'icR n cOlllli' h' ~ ill J.'nllli·d iu, $1 . l 'arl..c r til!ll~ in an nrtidt' prinle d in l1ur· lJ • •\ . n :" wn t ~ Llr ~' 1'<'1" " Ma):,'. :\lr. J[ (\'J~ l o n d c I3 I'tl\\'n . lot in Frn nld in. $ 1. A . 1.. :-; "' l1la l\~ l" Ihviol "no Al ice clal" " th nt he trite «._1. (If civili wt ion

$1. Albert und Mllry Ann Lewis t o W m . Smith. Lot in Fml1klin, $ 1. Pllul Doliboll to Benjamin L. FlIr «lInr. Lut in Franklin, $1 . 'e OI'J(C E. ll ldl to Susie May AI. """nder. I.:! in lere st in four lots in lcrlln klin, $ 1. Pe nn A. UI1(i Myrlle M. Mor toll to Th umns nnd 'orn B. Warc, 88 acres in Tu rtlecreek 1''''p., $1. Wm. t\nd Myra .PrElser to Charles an d Gu ssie F ohlen. Lot in Lebnli on, $1. Mo rton L. SWill to Mflbel Alverda ·humard. Lot in MaBon, $1. Frank W. nnd Lilli, F. Miller to B. F. Dye. 106 acres in Union Tv.,). B. F'. llnd Lucy C. Dyc to Frank W, and Lillie F. Miller. 03 .91 ncres in HElrIan und Hamilton Trs., $1.

T ~M


c.:n~ i tlocr.

~~I;.~·h lr,·t



Fermers win be interested to ' kJl(m that the Arj{enline Rcpablle 81,ends $5,000.000 for 39,000 tons of g .llvaniBed Iron aheets to keep back d, vQurlll8 locusts. The sh ets will be· given to the farmers free and ' tl. ey wlll bo compelled to put them up, digging a ditch where the locusts will accumulato alld be de. sl roy ed. . The United States Steel Prod. u~ta Company 8upplies the steel. Bero we'd call freo ateel for formill'S'


The young Prtnee of Wales mlght have made a auccessfUl caroor on bis own hoot. He haa tact, the k Olstone In the arel) of success. Rcportore wired from the ship that he had aanced with a young St. Louis girl whom he had pever met. When the news was 's ent b'IiC" to the 8bip by WIreless, the PrI~e · requested an Introduction. to the y oung woman and danced with her twice,

~t reminds 70U of Abraham Lincoln's tact.ful treatment of • r eporter who had written about Lincoln's life and the books he had r~ad, f ew enough In number. Lincoln told him tbat one of the'"booka be hnd never read, but, to moke a\'eryth,lng all right, he would read It, 8I\d he did. Labor is one cog In the machine of mlKlerd Industry, PIe most 1m. portimt COQ', o.lthough the ma ehine does n't admit It. Labor's destiny dopendtl OIl labor, not bonovolent speeches in political campaigns. When men know mora they will have more. When ' they stick tog other as capItalist/' stick togoth'sr, free of religious a lid race hntred, and prejodlces, t hey wtll havo JI<1WeJ'.



Prenperlty and power they must g~t for themselves; will ~ be bonded to them. .

Half yearly figures s how state tenth pussing WlIshington. Ohio jumped from eleventh to th e tent h position among the states of the Unio n su pe rcedi ng Washington in the s Lr uggl e Co export trnde, with vu lull tio ns nmoun tin g to $68,8 6,104 f or t ho hnl f year I'll din June 30, atcord illg l(l ,tnti ti l' ~ lust released b.. the () 'llll rtmc nt of Commel·ce. Shi p mc nt.ll nbrolld · of a utomotives and irull and steel plutes, made up th e p dnci pn l itllms, the f armer be ing vnluod at 8,089 .3 46, and th e la tte r $8,065 .831. A g rowth during the second «llnrter over the p revIous olle was n oticenble in expo rts of ti res

MONEY LOANED 110 , EY LOA KED ON Lrv E STOCK, chattels . nlso second mor tgages. Noles bought. J ohn Harbine, Allen Building, Xcnin, Oh io.

Farmers, Attention!. Fa nn ers of Wurrell a" d adjoillil\~ ~ ount ies mll y oblnin money 0 11 Illng time loans, ut 6 ~ . per cent interos t. Cost of sl!curin g th e su mu i ~ very rea.<ol1able ,through The Fcdo! ~ul Land Dank. For funher information ca ll 0 11 or addrcSI M. C. DRAKE, Treas. urer, phone 3 l B-X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED

an d-«'Ude-pe~eum . -~creas..

cd during this per iod ' $420,628, and crude petroleum $870,701l. Ohio's nea rest rivu l wns Massa· chusetts with exports valued at $68,1186,090, and other stutes fon owing in order were Wnl;hington, North Carolina, Wisconsin I\nd Georgia. Nevada, with exports of but $ 103,870, brought up the renr of the 62 states and regions included in the compilatllln. States heading Ohio are New York, Toxas, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, California, Lou lsnna, Illinois, Michigan and Virg inia. This is tbe seco nd time in t he h ist ory of gove rnm ent trade statistics, ~tlltes Dr. Julius Klein, director of 'the 'Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerco, under whose charge tho tnbulatio ns were preparod, that an a ttempt has b een made to s how th e r elative position of the differnt stutes in export trude. It is plal1n ed to iss ue these figure s quarterly.

. . ~


. A greater volume of business moved through some 70 Ohio co-operative cream stations in July thlln durIng any month previous, according "Hello, Sam tbero 1" to figures gathered by tho dairy mar"Ylls, thi~ \_ ~1I1111" 1 keting departmen~ of the Ohio Fo.nn "It doesn't sound like y~u, Sam7" Bureau feileration. The alveroge "Weil-It'8 Sam speaking." volume for the ten highest stations "Listen, Sam, this Is Ed. Lend me in the list was 15,076 pounds, accorda hundred dollars will you 7" ing io the figures, thi s amount being "Sure-I'll t'ell him when he comes' handJed at an expense of 1.9 7 cnts in." ,:.~:~, per pound. The average' expense of handling through 011 tbe stations was 2.34 c~nts, slightly lI;ss than the cost the pr".!V\o!ls j119nt1~1 Most of the 'station, which have been est&bllshed by cream producers arc affilillten with district associlltionti tbrough which the product is sold. . FAST THINKER I


HOUSE I'ADITING--In side and Hnruwo d fir. i ~ hl l,( a. s pecialty; a utos repn in ted 1I:ld r e fini shed. W. H. Britain, Wayn esville, Oh io. Oct22· LADIES work at home, plensnnt, enay Bewing on your machine. Whole or part time. Highest possible price8 paid. For full particulars address L. Jones, Box 2 Olney, lit. 810 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Houso of five rooms, water and electric Iig h ta. Inquiro at corner of TyJer a nd 4th stree ts. ·s 14· LOS1.' FO ~ SALE-A Inrge hull tl'OO and (~

amllll tallie, all in good con diti , .••• Mrs. WilliaPls, Fourth streot, " '"y_ '" I nesville, Ohio. FOR SAL~102 3 Ford Co upe . h. r information concernin g cn , ~ .. ll 21 -;.3 at HnTVeysburg, or ask ut ~tl . z~ttll office. 01 LOST-A Tan kid glovo, Mo ndRY nl~ht! botween Waynesville and Lob- . anon. J. F. Snook. 8\:4 LOST-Blllck walrus grip, in Or netlr Wayncsville, containing ladlos anJ children wearing appar el. R<.'ivard, Leave at Gnzot te Office or .t::. [;. Bentley, Marshal. .s17 LOST-A cameo pin, in front 'o f . Mrs. Laura Sid~8' residenc". Finder please at residence and re. ceive reward. · 1117 aw


F~r Sale-Hot Blast Florence. hea~~ a r fine heater. Call .on Mrs: 'Mary Lllmmon, Fourth street, Wayne'By~lle '



FOR ~ALE-1I1ale Lambs, bullett, HllmpBhire CrOSB. "WooI8-8 gtud~, and heavy ft~ec\ld. , Ca~ .Way. n esvllle phone' U 6 . /124 FOR ' SALE-4'6 En~llsh\ W, cl<eghorn' . hens.. Inquire': of Sllfllh O.bum, IiYtle, Ohlo~ R •. D. 6, o.he houBe "WOIt' of toe 8c.h ool hbuse . . ' *alf

FO~ $;ALE-Bir Type Poland-China h,!~. ,< IJiquil;e of P. L. Reuon, .R.. D: ,2, Waynelwule, Ohio:

. 111;




GAZ [ ·T ·TE ....




PlllltolTicc at . Vtlyn IIV l1\e"

D. L : CRANE, Edil



as '

curld Cln8K Ml\il Matter

nnd, W.JDe""illa, O~lo.

,' nbscrlp tio n Pri ce, $1.50 per year. . "" ! .. :rI ,\dv"r I ..

'It'l f



A, ,,

- '

' ~ .... ' H rpUtt4Cllrr. t tv I ~1 s ~ ~ I 1 J(. .

. s: .J,'

SEPTEMBER 17. 1924

Will. OHIO WIN THIS? Some stu'" will rcccivr with pardonllhlt' prid e the hnn"somc tro phy nllw I,oln!! oIT,'rNI by Co!licr'A, tho N!ltionn l W,' .. kll', tn the stute which I' c(''' I'< I ~ th,. Inr!!,cst propo rtio nal in · ,;. ft..·""-l'

'in \'(It('~ ut the co ming prcsi.

dpl1 li ll i '·)"ctl"" . So Lhat the world n ut )' nn t .m ilt· at oul ).Iollticul apathy t lU' tt"('ph y il-'

lout ,.ather 11f




nffl·r cd n~ n prize,

tlln glble rec ognition

glHld l'ilizenship. '1,'. howe \" , ,.. the toke" is of-

l ' II I It' l 'lltrlllcd

I 1I,l' i.. "

f"I'<,d t,,' sti,· slumbe ring public con -

" 'iellc,' Hlld sti mu!nLp votrl'. to du ty ' n ,'h- ct ilill day. Nil public Il fTerinl~ ill I'PCell! years has hlld behind it more puLl'io tic ur splendid purpose. Mll ny p!uL itud es huve bee n written on the dutv o f voting. But on the :,ubject cal; not be dwelt upon to o (, fle n. The very sufety of Americun

The Collier Trophv

• Gold, silver nnd broMe ballot bol( tronhy 80' x 28', from Tif. tany, vhich wiIJ be pwarded b)' Colliers, th e Nntlonal Woekly, to the stat e whic h "'111... the ler/:est proportinlto l inr:-CI. C In its Yote ~or I'rc~ id cnt this year over 1920. institutions rest~ in tho interestcf the governed in the manner in which they wish to be J::ol'orned. The vot e is all imp(II'tant, but not less im· portant is the necessity for an intelligent voto, u proper comprehension of the buslc character of America n free government. In the last twenty years we have been slipping rapidly from the thought and purpose of those who founded this nntioll. We seem t o have lost sight of the fact that ArneI" ica is a Republic, and that prior to the establishing of the Republic un· .der the ' Constitution no country in the world was In Bueh a pitiablo COli· • dition as was this, the land we love and In which we live. . What state will have the honor of cBsting the most i'ntelllgent vote as well 88 showing the greate~t in· ereusn in the bullots dropped into thc box of frclldom? There should . be II, tic.

---_. _...----


nge men we arc told. who never cut HlIli .. hair h a ve scnnt beards. This mny be Round rensoning, but it wo uld appear that whihi Mr, Nestle is trying to stimulate ' trude ill 011(' hranch of hi ~ profesaion another must Ruffel'. I f th e girls arc to avoid gt'owi"g horns th en it will be ab80, lut ely necessnry for them to forget man icures. Then whal will beco me of lrade in fin ge r powd er", polishes, buffet·s and the r!l~ t of the paraphernalia?

---_. - ...----

ABOUT SMALL TOWNS Thll small town does not bury is lhe themo of th e young Mr. William P. Rose, editor of the Cambridge Surinll's (Pa.) Enterprise.News, In 0 recent editoria l in hi s paper and this expression of f51th and pride in the co mmunity which un editor has cho· "c n for his work is a refr!!shing con· lrllBt to the utterances of 80me news. paper men who have the Idea that " big lawn" newspaper work is the on ly worth-while jourrralism. Inci dentally, Mr. ROBe advocates and puts into practice the use of the first persu n in the editorial column in the b,' lief that bi it he can establish a closer p er~ onal COli tact with his read· era t hnn hy the use of the conventiona l editorial "WIl," and for such a !rlUl k, friendly talk with the reader as this editorial is we agree with him (that Is, I agree) In his belief. Here tneeoitoRa. Sometimes we think the smaH town burica the young man . Father told nle when I came to Cambridge Springs that the IImall town would get me if I did not w!ltch out. "You will let your beard grow for a week," he said, "and you will never wear out your trousers with a- fla t-iron." Father was wrong. Here is one thing you enn write in your derby. The man who is bur· ied in a small to,';n would be buried 800ner in New York. Of the hundreds of young men In DIy graduating class at Cornell I find those who settled in smull towns e:tsiest to keep track of. Only yes· a Natio nully circulated magazine carried an article written by a fraternity brother who lives in a litt le toWn of Cooperstown, N. Y. The magazine also printed his picture. He isn't wearing a beard any more t han I am. Burled? Listen. . Bere is what was in this morning's mail which came to my desk. A newspaper owner in one of the besl cities on the main line of the Ene railroad wrote that a lot of wise, 'hlgh-geared city newwpapv ex· ta h i t k d hi ro por ave a. mOl wrec e s p p. erty. He offered me half Interest in a $160,000 proposition for ISO,OOO l' f 1 would come on and run the works The secretary of the JIllnoi!! P~88 association wrote to say that he is Isenalll1g a copy of the 11Iinois Publish fllr newsP6per men in the United him an experience article for I be benefit of its mem bers. The editor of the largest trade pa.

~1ra. DaiKY Hnines nnd dnut!hto~rI!rl--(~hl8S. Madden WII in Col\lmbp8 on hove mov II to WIltrti nll'tolu. business this week. 111 • Mn~ y Weer, of Wilmington, The Lebanon fair wus a great at. i ~ lhe gueat of W. . Smith and fam. traction t his week. Mr. and Mrs. ChillS. Gray Were Cin . ily. Rev . and Mrs. O. M. Sellars, of cinnnti visitors Friday. . West Miilon are guests of relatives Mr. and Mrs. P. B . Cleaver enter· here. tnined company Sunday. . James H. Pelerson, Arthur Tur· Miss Velda Lcm()n· was the house at Lida Kennedy, recently Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Bennett are Li ttle Boh by Stout, of Wilmington entertaining their neice, Miss Mattie . IN n guest in th e home of Mr. and Bennett. Mrs. R. C. HllTvey. Owen Harris, of Columbus, visited Verllon Sti les, who was so ser- his parents, Mr. an d Mrs. Frank Har· iOllSly burnccl while fillin g gnsolene ris Sunday. tTllck , in Franklin last week, Is imThe Missos Denny, of Lancaster, provin!! nicely. arc ~uests at the home of Mr. W: C. ,,================ Thi. community is ~lad to welcome Welch and family. Rev. H. G. Curless back for another Mr. an d Mrs. Fi~ank Wilson vis· BLONDE BESS OPINES ycar. li e nn d his fnm il y huve found ited Mrs. Alice McKinsey , of WilY, UDon 'a bo Icared, lirb-tbc u War", place ill the heurts of the neRvi lie, Wednesday'. more b .. rd. boiled tbe egg th .. Mr. and Mrs. P. V. ReUAon , of Day· p " pic. ..... 1". the .bell come. off." '. l\'lu rjllrif'. Myrll lend Thol1lus T-IIlY· ton, were Sundl'Y guests of their pa· ---{)-d(,r k, Vi ulu und Ruth"nnll Currey, rents , Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed Renson. Mr. and Mrs; Floyd Anderson, of i A ROYAL LAUGH Pll piJ8 of Mr8 . E. C. Walley tou k part in her I'ecitn l in Spl'i n!! Vl\ll ey IlIon. Xellia, called on Mr~,. Emma Ellis and Yank- " Well, tho Princo of Wale ~ WLY cvening. Mrs. Eliznbeth Lister, Thursday. didn't full f or any of our girls. did Mr, lind Mrs. Kell ey Mendenhall Miss Lida Kennedy, of Dayton, Is he? " entet·tui ncd on Sunclay: Turner Far. spending her vacation with her parOther Onc-"Strange, too! !He qu ar. of Mod oc, Ind., J. A. Farquar, ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy. played polo and rod e almo. t every Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ire lund, Mr. an d Mr. and Mrs. Everet Villars, of lIay." Mrs. Thurman Middleton, of near Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. ---{)-Xuni a, and Trevor C. Haydock and and Mrs. Chus. Gordon und son, Rob· WELL-BE TACTFUL famil y. crt. Physician-"Your digestion is bad. Mr. and Mrs. Sabin MacDonald and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ed Make an effort t o be happy. Don't Clark and femily, of Oregonia, all worry-especially when you are cat· ing. Laugh at your meals." Sunday. Newlywed--"Even if my wife has Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Kaylor and Mr. and Mrs. Cline, of Dayton, start· cookod it? " -0ed Wednesday mornilng for their win. WE'VE SEEN HER ter home at DeLand. Fla. Misses Mabel 8ta.rr and Corinne Dilllngham-"Steve's wife is a hot The Old Northwest! A vost, tract- 'Welch attended Teachers' meeting sketch. She nevor can make up her leRs territory of hillB, plains, lakes in Xenia, Saturday, preparatory to mind." and great rivers- peopled only by the beginning thei!' sehool work Monday., .Hamiiton- "WeU--it's the only men of numerous tribes-a magnlfl. Mr. and Mra.. . BNber!; Fite, nee thir:lg about her not made , up." ccnt wi lderness many days' journey Louise Wilao of WI18hington C. B., -0-frolll the civilization of the Atlantic are announcing the birth of a daughWRY FACE ~hore8. tel', Ellen Jane, Saturoay, September There's naught 80 Irritating, . The great miracle of time I A few 13th. . Not even a flat-tired car years and we find the same 't erritory Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin enter· As to meet an age.old peanut transformed into villages, tOwnl, cit- talned to dinner Tuesday evening, In a brand new peanut-bar. ie. and proud states, the backbone of the MisseA Denny, of~ Laneaater, Mias· a mighty nation. 'Fertile fBrmS' have es Belen and Comnnls Welch, Mr~ W. -0replaced the battlefields and great C. Wtllch iand .Mr., Irving Welch. ED PURDY'S PHILOS indutries flourish upon the former Mr: and Hm. Cljlllt Oleaver and Eat "hot.dol" aaadwich_ hun ting grou"ds. · , :. daughte'I'" ,Ruth, ~tertained ' to Sun· becaao'e a (raD"h~er ~i••0 The Youth's Companion Historic day dinner,- Kr. h and Ml'II. Howard tall • ." llIilestone cov r appeari ng on th~ Graham, Kilaea llelen • .Kllthleen .and .September 26th issue honon the Nullie Graham,' Mr. iand Mrs. Wm. State of Ohio. Th e tex t t hat oceom- Gillam and Ernest Gillam. punies Frederick C. Yohn's paintfnc School , opened Monday ~oming. reads as follows: I ~ '. The teaching 'f orce co.n!!iata of Mr. W. H. Ogden and Mt's. llerbert Carr By the Treaty of Greenville in the Bigh school ?lr18s Merle Ellis, General Anthony confirmed to 8"venth and eighth 'l~es; Burnet the United States in peaceful perButterwort\l, fourth, fifth and sixth petuity 'the authority over the gr ades. Miss Imogene Gray, first, sec. great region of the Northwe8t • ond_and third grades. thot his military genius hod .won at arms, and the Indians of elev. Clinton'. Bunker HIli Map. en powerful tribes resigned forA military mnp BOd piM. USOO by tho Briti sh at the battle of Bunker ever their title to the lands that HII1, hn.9 been Bold nt Ductlon In LQn. now make the five great states don tor S950. Tbe mnp. olght. Inches of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. Mlchi- _ SQuare. bean the sIgnature ot Majorgan and Wisconsin. Gcnernl SIr Senry Clinton. Mr. Bnd Mn. Frank ~ellis have • MlIIlSIlchusotta of the East greets with them. Mr. Kellil/ mQther. Ohio of the Old Northweat and til~ea , ·Mr. and Mrs. Joli'n ' Rye and daugh; Mud In Alalka. ~lea8ure in dedicatlnc_qI~ imp?rtant ter ~ere .Ihoppin(!, in ' D~on, Satur. Mod In Alnska In IOctober Is 811 Mllestone to her people. , \lay; ' " " ' ......nt a 8hock W Ideas based on t~ I , • ~. J~ .--.. _ Min L~la Kelis, 01 Xenia, spent , old f1~bool ..lIoogrQJlhy. booIuI, al Is, hot _L IS WORST? . 'Week..elld with hel~ parents of this . W~flt ~r ~t the I;'orth ,pole, a <:on~ltl</lI , W HICH , I '$11'11 explorers actunll)' report RI ' ":"stJog duorib-.. tile ,"100Sam_ffBill, I'm in a bad Mr. and Mn. ;Jacob Zimmer and ~ .. day" SQIlscin. I've got a bum liver." famliy viaite<l Mr. Zimmer's brother -------+...----------BiIl-"Shakell I've uf Falrfleld, : Sunday. flivver." , I Several from hero attended 'the - - -- ....._--._-Klan ' meeting and pfLrade at Spring iValley·, Thursday night.

This is the home-buijdinJl yr ar. As travel over the country )IOU _ IhOUS!l!ld! of homes being erected. People have come to the realization that It Is true economy 10 put their mort<!)' In a permanenl building. rather


Ulan pay OUI 60 much fOt nm1 .,.. for boord and lodging. with nothmg Ie(1 to 6how for h In Ihe end.

The Amerlcnn family ep!rlt hIl3 ~ much 10 do with It. Every child Is entitled 10 a real 00.- PI!ople who have children WAnt their boys and , girls to \mow what it 15 \0 live in .. houoe, with B yard A few minutes 'wlth a pencn and paper will convince yuu that )IOU can OWO a' bome suitable for your ~ Talk It 0 " . with yom dealer. He Is a pracIitloner In ·building. He kno_ amdltlonl; his ezperience Is valuable ' tb you. He W<IIlIS to give pou the kiDd 1:I.-vIce that wi!! mako 0 friel1d

t ;'h" j t '1 a.8 us one mSl • There is Insplration--not conceit in this If you are bIg enough to .ret it. It surely -is a gtand joke-being burled In a sml'll town. , But the joke is on the rest of tho world.-Publls.hera Auxiliary.








':" ot;



w. H. MADDEN & CO.

............. ----




Walter McC.lure Waynesville, Qhlo I




(10 what ... claim tor It-rtll your .yatom of Catarrb orl Dea,nollB oaultld by


... 1.

'~ b&~ru"I.t8 fat OJ' •

, , ,, oYer to %e&N.

' 00., Tole(lo, O.



~~UCaath:.Jl.I&~ ~ =.,:u=~ _ I COD~ltlo...




.J.r. of aD Ointment whIch Quloldr Bellev•• the calarrbnl InHammatlon, and the Inr.rnoJ Modi cine. II. Tonia. "hlob







No Service devel.



~~~~~i~i~~¥~~~~~~W~~~~~~:~~~~~~~--~;i~~~~ ' ,; ' . • W.,aYn.e~v. _.I.l e.' I()h 10 '

t{atlon~1 Bank






r. ·-W·· E· FROST ,

,. , ,. l.l;





m,~ .. . ' ",I". Phone 44






.:"- -

yoya'CATTLE, HQcS AN8~'itANY




" A!lIVEUisEWJn-. .



hJ' t ~/j~








M~~;Y ·pt:O~U£ ' WQO W ~ BE • • • I ONCY 11'00 CI:.AD 'l'O HAV HEM I

AND 'Y.OO! f' d


~I WELL Ai;Z If 'EY"


• .1

WIU.' BE'QREATI:. BENEF TTtD : I i '~ •• .t~· H 1


Gal~t~. ~rl

.The· leU-them ~or JOIl,.t a ~ amau l}oR. -, 'Try it oabl; .

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~~." ~ .' ..~ . , .. '



Date )'our eal .. with



,( ,


F- .;...... Mart-In . '.1.', • .• . .. A tl a '. ~.e ..oneer

Dr. ",I hn IW. ,. .





EXPERT KODAK Film Fipishing andDeveloplng by P8J'cel post. • 4. " " ,




Telephone 114.

L Teacher {after Ihlng the ddUl l81180n OD anow)-"And..lJbouJ. life 10. coming at Holly Sunday, September ,out 00 .. ~nter'8 day oncl jl>Oli: abottt 21. Come and brinl~ your baskets U what ..... -bt we Bee on otery haDilr Imd spend the day. S~I ;"OIoves." ..... Mrs. Rebecca Dill who has been ';i . ., viljiting her grand daughter, Mrs. .... Raymond Osborn, of Xenia, return· ' ....1 ". • ed to her borne Sunday. &"&.i~lI,g'."'1 Mr. and Ml'3. John Rye and Mrs. ~ ~ d d th f 1 Den I"st Jacob Zimmer atten e e unera ~. of Mr. and Mrs. Harly Mnthews haby, W II N I I B k Bid" of Mt. Zioo, Friday afternoon. lIynu4~. I,e lit ORa ao , \ ! "

~~T,~~~ T,.I,iI"'~S : ~'., 'fH~ .





. ".' Or . Mltlen..

. ..

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room


Mr. Cliff Smitli, J. B. Pence, Mr. and Mrs: Emenon 0111 attended the Lebanon Fair last week. I Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent h M La .Sunday afternoon wit X r. . cy



... .

~~g~df~U~~n~r think~:~t.h~e~rl~P~U~b~li~C~S~h~O~U~ld~sU;bs~cr:::.i~b~e~ . t:.:o+T~~~~~~~~~:=~I~;:~~ h omeh 't forget the )ll,[t. Holly~~

way tj) evolve a race of benrded w o m · · en. Think of that with 'Barnum no School fOf' ' Waltre_ longer on the scene to bl<l for ser· TechnlcuJ F,J:ench, 01 coffee. vice. elocution ' aDd YOtcie~"mng PrbdllCUoQ, and "Bobbed hair today, beorded wom· the rompollltlon of meous are amoDlf on tomorrow," warned the beauty tbe 8ub~ts taught at a IIchool for tr~de man which his femln,ine listen. waitresses r~ently. eetabllshed In Ilrs slilvered at the thought of the LolleSon. : \ future. Fortunately for the flappel's ---. .... - ••- - nnd the flapperettes, Mr. Nestle's , Rifle ('ence Around Orant Cabin. tomQrrow Is not to appear until 0 A fentic of rlOe barrela conple of generations have passed. 'We a re told boldness will be as from the battlcllolda nt, til. war snrronnds the cabin ,0 whIch Pref. common . among women all amoug Ident Grnnt once UVlld wb9ll be padmen. All of this is, because Mr. Nes· lUed wood In St. Loul .. tIe a!!8u~es U8, tl)at every; I)uman be..~ .1 Ing is a .chflmlcal \I\\>or t~'f thl!" Is @on:p~ntly D)anufactu.r ing" hair, and· V., IndMCI. ., it the hair Is not permitted to erow There Bre metI CIt cOIlNlliet! ftre that o~ the face and on ' the ·bOdf. Sav. · '4otllllot'~k out In .tlle ~.'cI... \ , . ' -enmltilneell Of life. I • H '


. . . . . ._you need :It/


pr for newspaper men In the United Newspaper propoganda covering States wrote that he Is wing coun· e,·erythl·ng fro m battleship to baby try publishers to contrihut.e to a 8ym. carria" e, finally has 8tretched ou, t Its 'Posium. I am asked to write why I arms aand taken in the bobbed hail' American beauty. Mr. Charles. Nes· tic, of New York, appears as sponsor for this latest a85llult on American Intelligence. Mr. Nestlll is vice-presl' den t a r th e Wlwlesale Bea~ty .Trade association. Recently he appeored before an au~l· ience In Atlantic City and there boldly announced that .wo are on the



. tror



E'S •

FO -;-



~Ir. und Mrs. J ohn Froml"!l wer~ ]Jayton visitors Tuesday.

W hil til int rlt r 1' ( th o.xle:;:P"C(I nrug • t(\n~ hll~ ""a.u:rc(i s,'me· ub 'cr ib fur th . Minml Gozctte; 'lIn : in('(' the p l:1Ct' \\'(\S unner the lH' prictorship 1 lIlr. J. E. Janney. ! Mr. W. H. Allen and family spent range Raper'" pr~sence there once Friday ut Cincinnati. rriore seems nbMlutely natural a8 h \ Mrs. Mary Caskey visited rela'I!elg ~QU in the ,~I ~rning, d~~8ter. in . hnnd wltb Mme WI1e crnck. Mr. tiv 5 in Springfield, Sunday. ROller took up his dnt ;cMthere on Mon tluy morning of tlli" week owing to Mr. J . O. Cartwright and family th u absence of Mr. ilarry Poce, who \Vere Dayton visitors Friday . I AM.EQUIPPED TO MAKE SHORT " i! h his wife have ~() no to Marion. : . 'O R LqNC TRIPS ~'r. and JlI1·M. Pa~\., however, will lIfr. ~. C. Huwkc WQS Q, buslncss ~lYMOND ~" "ud the winter i.1' the outh wit.h visitor in Xellia Mon day. Il 1I1l' h,l le,'" r llrent ·" Mr. on" Mn. , Tony I·oltc. ""n, or I.ohonon . on· Mr. und Mr~ . John Smith spcnt the , Ph.o ne 47 'Vaynellvillo, Ohio t l'ur}' W rumors, t h r' hl1~ boen no weck-cnd wit~ relatives in Dayton. diRsolutiotl of th Oxley· Pace Drug G(l .. but Mr. lind Mrs. PIICO will re· 101 r. Frank Ando",on, of Lebanon, moin in the Sout h during the en lire wa.~ a business visitor hero Tuesday. , wi nter. . Ray Mills left Mondny ",,,rnlng on a busill "sS trip t o Grand Bapids, Mich.




Clermont Heaters,

Range. a nd Furnaces


Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman were in Cincinnati T!ll!sday.




T he Third ~nLlul\l Home.Comhl(\" Mrs. Ohos. M. Roberts, of Middle· of tho tift, Holly church will be ht'ld /" towll, spent the week-end hare with on lhe church grounds, Sund :/, Sop. M1'. und MI'l!. Harry Murray. tember 21. 1. 21. The program be· inff prepared i. 1\ ~ood ono. Dr. Gross ·Mr. and Mrs, J . C. Hawke spent. will deliver the ~ crm un , und this will ) Sunday wIth their son, Mr. Ray be follow ed by the Hol y CO lllmunion. There will be ~ p(l~ia l ",usic at both Hawke lind fami ly, in Dayton .





-.-~.--== =-=-=

c :- ".


THURSDA Y. SEPT MBER 1 th ~. . 'The Sin Food" i• t

with . , ... RICH A D DIX



i SATURDAY SEPTEM '=B=E =TR=2-0-t b- i+ ,

"On the 'High Seas"



wi lh


---- - ----


. !O ••



IIfternoo n nt 2 o'clo('k, the Mr. J os. Murray, of Columbu". spen t last week here with relativlls. services will be in char!!e o f Rev. und attended the Warren County SCllrtf. who \\'ill also pl·ollch. Tht! re will he ~"o d lIlu sie in the fuir. uftc l'noon. ren d 'rod by the Spring • • Rcpre8cntnlive J nstin Harding, of Valley orchestl'll . Everybody i. c,'nlia lly inyi ted to Franklin, cnlled on friends here on Tuesday, whilt: passing through come und brin!!, lHlskctH an d sp lid lhe dny III the church, """ cwinK old : town. fri(mdshi p" lind uLLending divine 6er· ~ Dr. George Stewart and wife, of vices. Dnyton, were recent guest:! of MiSl! Elizabeth Stew!lrt. at her hom o on DEATH OF ATTORNEY Nurth Street.

The Friendship Cla88 of t he M. E. Mr. Perry Rue, prominent War· church will hold a market on Sotur· lurence Allen and family t en Coun ly lawyer. o f F'mnk lin . was The Smith fam ily reunion day, September 20th, in the J . A. found dend in hi. ofllce Monduy nf· h ld at the home of Mr. on.1 Mrs: ~l'~nt Sundny with rlatives "I Spring Funkey building. R il l. ternoon lit <1 :3 0 (O'c lock. J [e hod ' Chus. Smith, on unday, cptember aHellded court. in Ll' \mnon in the I 14, 1924. All wcre g lad tha t they Save your old carpets and Mis~e s Lillia Benham a ud Olive morn in!!,. nn d hnd sc ~tn"d in e)(cel· cOIlI<l. cnjoy them Re lves on ce more. Dinwiddie were Dayton visit ors Sat- and get "WearweU" Ruga made. lent . pi ri ts unll hClIlth . ([ 0 left the I Tbose who were Pt(. ent were : MI'. Bend for price list. Franklin Ru!L' urday. co urt room nbou 12 o'clock "",I re· , Frank Smith. Mr. un d Mrs. Alfred Co" Franklin. Ohio. ' turned to his office in F,.lInkli n. \l'h"re 'Smith nnBfonlily. Mrs. Fronk BecMr. G. H. Ellis eallcd on Mr. Jamcs hp succumbed ~o n1\! time dur ing , he . athorn Rnd children, Mr. William Mr. and Mrs, Chns. Groy and Mis8 Curtis lind fami ly, of Harveysburg, afternoon, Smith, Mrs. Dora McJ{irby and chilo Marjorie Earnhart spent the week· 1:15t week. ----.-~ --drc.n, Mr . and M .. Rnlph Johns und end in Middletown, the guestll of Mr. • f~mi1y, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smitb and Mrs. J. R. Baker. SEVERELY INJURED Dr. P. D. Clagett was the dinner on d fumily, Mr. und Mrs. Carl Smith, gueHt of Mr. W. H. Allen a llli funlly r. '£lorgo Smit h Il nd dau Mr. Mrs. Russell Campbell and two I " '1<1 11 I'R, E I.. worth child-ren, of Xenia, spent several days O~ las t Sunday morning when Mr . 11 r . !lnd MTH. Will De\'nuj'd a'nd fllmMr.n nd Mrs. J. E. Jan ney are . lnst week with her brother. Mr. Mil. Charles E llis. of near Har ve ysburg. il:l, Mr. nd Mrs. Ben Smith an(l fam- spendint· ton Thompson and wife. this week with r('ln tiv8a in attempted to bridle his largo st.allion ily,Mr. li nd Mrs. Roy Buhrmun and 'Kingman, ( f amily, .Mr. and Mrs. Will Bommon Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bess and neice, h,n'so ncar a corn crib on hi s plnec, tho animal crowded him against t he . and family, Mr. Fronk Cott:rell, of ir. and Mrs. Rarry Pace are visit- Mill8 Elsie McDonald, of Springfield building. severely injuring him. Ris j l lrookston, bId., Mr. 'Frank Cottrell ing with relatives in Marlon (or sev- were Sunday glJlests of Mr. and Mrs. cc.llar bone was broken. t hree ribs : Jr., of Arizona, Miss Mary Etta Guy ornl weeks. J. 0, Cartwright; and fa",i1y. dislocated and another broken, IUld '.and Miss Ruth Guy. in addition to this was Heverly bruls· Mell8l'll. F. B. Hendenon and dau· Wm. Thomp'lon, lIuperintendent of While his present condition is very Subscribo for tIIo 'MiJimi GaUue. the Warren C~unty Inftrmary, was In irhter. LouIse, Lue Henderson and I on painful. it is reported tbat he is do· Boyd, and D. L . Crane attended the ~ • town Tuesday. Ipe nicely. Wllmlngton·Grel8nfteld bell rame at .' ' Slack,,.. . Mr. W. N. Sears and Mr. a nd !In. Wi1niington Sunday afternoon. SERIES OF BALL CAMES · B'orcllulD-" 'Ow Is It , that that L. Nichoison were In Dayton on bllll.' leetIe mlUl a1wOYB carrtH two pianka TO BE PLAYED Mr. and Mm. Frank Zell, Hrs. neBS. Monday. to 100r ooer' Laborer-" '<Joe 'e'll too Belle Dinwiddie and daughter. Mig bUnk In' lnJI1 to 1'0- baa for the other A uriel of ball games will 800n MjBS GJaAn JJH~n, of Dayton, Ollve, and Maetc!r Paul Savage spent bo lltarted between the Miamis and 0IIe." .. Sunday with Hr. and Hl'1I. Albert .pent t he week-en4 wJtf) her mother. Baines. at the Springfield Masonic Lebanona. T.ha first game will be IIlrs. Lou BIlFl,an. played at Lebanon, Sunday. Septemhome. . I ber 28th. The following Sunday the Bom-To Ilr, aDd Mrs. E mllnon will be played at Phillips par~, Earnhart, ot .Jtpute •• ·Thursday,' SepMr. and Mrs.. W. H. Gutltrie, of a l\d if necessary, t he third gnme will tember 11, 1924, • IOn, Flora, Ind., wen guelta of Mr. and be played on the grounds to be de· lin. George Harbock last week. termlned later. • ¥r. Itnd ~, GIO~ Bocock, of They lelt Mond., for a week with Route I, and )boo Wm. Orndorf 1\'ere relatives i.n Adams county, bef(lll: Dayton visitors Friday. returning to their home in Indiana. LEAVES FOR SCHOOL BECOMING A UTHORirATWE w n~

4·....... .• '........,.. .... I MIAMI THfATfR-, BYnesville, 0,' , ...............




-=-= =-==- -'-=='




i • •• i• :

·'The Vagabond Trail" AI.a. Comedy. AL ST. JOHN ,in


IIFULL SPEED AHEAD" "-==-=- -=-.;-


-~--=-~.-- .







-========~ "' ===-==--'---;-"-.


Regular Prices on all Shows 20c and 1Oc ~. .....................................................


Rosenthal Corn Huskers and Shredders


-_ .._---

------ ...---





---... ..---

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sears, of MillS Edith Sielcs fetu.rned to Mi. Mr. FrankBraddoek and family ROBSburg, Ohio, were week·end guests entertained to dinner Sunday, Mr. ami.Jacobs Monday after spending of M.r. W. N. Sears and ,,family. THE NEW FABRICS, THE NEW COLORS, THf. and Mn. B. ~. Jlowell,of Port Wil- the week-end with her parenta. liam, Mr. and :Hl'1I. Fred Braddoek, ARE HERE, COM B I ,NED . Mls8 EI~ Emley has Bold her prop.. Mr. anll Mrs. Warren Braddock and da.ughter, and Mn. Lida Smith. I~~~~~~~-I~~~~~~T!HA~!T~A.R~T!I~S~T~R~Y~W~H~IC~H~~~~-X~~~__~tt~~~~~1[:~n~edn~theChrill1.. NicbMANY oison. Mr. and Mrs.. Ernest Butterworth YERSIONS OF EACH MODE. ONLY A FEW entertained a few friencla Tuesday Mr. and Mn. C. P. Ellia, of Boute evening of last week, with )boo and I, entertained at dinner Sunday. Mr. MODELS IN EACH 'YERSION HERE ~T PRICES Mrs. Wm. Michener... gueats of hon. John McKnight and '&mUy. C. H. or, after a pleuant ....c:ation here IN REACH OF ALL )Vh\te and tamily and Mr. Wm. EctOn and famlly/ all of New 'Burllna'- with relative. and friencla. The Michener's left FrIday for their home ton; Mr, ana MH. Arthur Ellie, of '~ttsburg. Dayton. Callers in the ~fternoon were 141'8, M. S. West and cblld~n. Mr. an,d Mru. Will Wilgus, Mr. . ot Bellbrook. fiti-. ,and Mn. Charla and thel Misaes Ellubeth and XENIA, OHIO : Beart;l. · of Springfield, Miss Helen Lydia wn"... M Troy. Mr. and Mn. Beard. of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mr. " . . . . . .~~......~"'~..~.~~~~. .~. . . . . . . ._ _ _ _. . and . Mrs. Patrick' Ellia. Thom., WIIgwI and 80ns, of West Milton, Mr. an~1 Mrs. Arnold Collett and Bon, ot,Barveysburg, were guests of Mrs. ~ilce MiClCillley and Miaa Lil. lie Nedry, Sund'a y.

._- - ---

Strong, Durable, Safe The Rosenthal Husker has withstood the years of hard service under all conditions and stands out today as the foremost H llsker on the market Made in sizes adaptable for :IOY size tarm and an) size engine. -Hardware Harness


And Farm. Machinery


Waynesville, Oh io _ _ .,...




The Happy Hour club met with Mrs. Heilry Satterthwaite on September 9th for its reglliar meeting. --+Ju '~r the busiDlIU leulon a fine program WB8 give·I~. I Several visitors were gUestll 01' the afternoon. A delicious lunch ,vas then served, with Mrs. LloY!i Dan. and Mrs. Joe Davia assistjng ~he t101lt@88. '

As an appeal to you to give the best service PQssib1' , l\nd also Quality Food. that go on your table, pho~e


- 1'"

,- _ .• _



Yours trulr. THOMP~N'S BAKERY~

replfI,ntln&, forelp na. £!11ierJlJI'IOnlal .AIr Racel 'oWlPltllt' fteld thla Octo b8z. .10~~; F. 1..' T,otlt,enlilAPl. na~ ,,~b, Pt ~ JJrit ·elriiba..lI7l Mr. aiid ~!lr ~. r911t&-

PIilI1u{,l'IilftWJter 'from EnJ!t;


Vistoriana CaaaJJ1I, mll,ltary· attaaht 91 thll RpyaJ . Spanish army;- A~ ~_ mUI'II ,·,.-ereftl~ of the ,Japan'" eqt. baasy;', 8et,1or' DOD M""p) :lav.... charge d'UFatr8ll. . Nlaan,uan leption; Capt.' M. G. 'Cbrietie, air

Insiat ~n ThC?mplonl ,










r.==========~====~============--=~~~==~t .. J.._ _ _ _ _ •






When ordering Bread from your grocer, either 1 Y. or in person, insist on g etting Th0!Dplon'. Cream : ~~ .J..'. J



MANy·,:;O.'tlj~NIRI .... .~O"ING ., " , . - ;r--:- '''''''h, .


Mellars. 9, p . .Mjndkbenlt and J. D. Brown, pI W~a~ Mi!~n, Ohio, were guests of- 1IIt'.. !!1I4 lira. W!l~ Norton Monday. Theye :were en a hunting expeditiop and Ifot ope ~qulrrel be. tween them. M'~aars. Kenneth Jeffry and Pall I S~ell/u'n; of Ludlow Falla, nephews ,of Mn., Norton, were aiso In the p~y, . Mr. and Mrs J. W. Edwards entertained at .d.ll!ner Sunday In honor ,of Mr. Jas. E. MeClure's . day. Th9" :w~o enjoyed the excel. lent dinner "ere, Mr. and Mn. Jas. E. McClute, ,Mr. ' and Mn. Ronald H.~k~ ~~_IO,~, frank, Mr. and Mn. ' . E. V. JJ~~~ .pt 9~n~lnnati.

WayneSVille, Ohio. September 12, 192,..


l -,





Sev ·nty-Sixth Year





The ba <~bo ll game with Le banon last Friday, showed up the weukne ss of the t ea m. As n r eBult. some real prllcti~ htls been dune thi s week.


Mr. Dnn Murgull and famil y t e rhdn e d Ht u w c i! ll\r and



rnul·~ h ·

)Ir. a nd M.·" . Wal l(',. Cus t broul( ht




Fres hman c loss he ld the ir at Sntterth wtlite's sugar ORA WS MANY FORM ER Cllmp, F'ridllY ni!!'h t . The cluss Willi RESID ENTS SUND AY ('hnpc roned by Mr. and lIlrs . Moonln"" Miss 'Be "I, d Mess rs. Crabbe. Slltte rth","it e an d Hocke tt. For the PWlt three years it has -0tl Ie CUSt om 0 f th e M. E . I' h ure h n t On the >al11 o evening the Sopho. Mt. Holly to hold a HomeCo mIng, mure s e n joyed t hc ir weiner roast at . f ' On b II •d ny "er \' lce a or I"" I';dwll l'tl s' grove . mem ers lin d Misses Bachma ll fo rm er re", denlq, a nd Sundny the Il nd Kelsey . o f t he fac ulty, Rccom· thi rd eve nt o f t.JIIS kind took place. pnllied th em. The usual goo d time The re union WIIR wpll uttende d and WIlS r epo rted . the morn in g a nd afternol Jn services ---(1-were l'n joy{'d by all presel\t. There IIIr. Wntkins is nrrun g in g his sche d ul c for W"dnes duy an ti Thursda y ill \l ere peopl<' prese nt fr om Dayto n, W lIyn~s" ill e . Pluns arc on foot for "Xenl'a CI'ncl' nnntl' IIforro\v Col umbus , , r cgulor c lass ro om instru ction in each Lytl e and muny other towns and viI., grllde und gro up in th e school, alBa lages, all of whom eagerly anticipa · f or speciul work wilh th e orch estTII te d a 8ight of their old home again. At the morning service, which beincludin g work with a Junior a s we ll gan at 9 :3 0. Dr. Groas wns in eharge, us a Senior orch estra. A large num· nnd this service was followed by the ber of pup ils arc IIlrendy asking f or basket dinner and social hour, which a plucc in the W. H. S. orchestr a. wall by no means the leut enjoyab le ~ part of the day. Th!l Junior class met at Penni· In the afternoo n services were con wits, wh ~re Willis hnd gath ered wood for a fine bonfire, lind they held a ducted by Rev. Scarf!. In addition , weiner roast there Inst Friday nig ht. the Spring Valley orchestr a was presMiss Clark accnmpa ni cd the clu l!.~. cn t, and rendere d several se lections -,. vcry fi ne li me is reported . exce pt th rou ghout the service, thereby addf or th o fllct lhnt th er e werc more illg t o its plea sures. The Home.C oming services BIe Juniors t hun weiners. gnining 80 in popular ity at Mt. Hol----0-Not to be discoura ged the bllS9 ly, that eo ell year brings an Inorease d I)llil t eam hilS been hllving a wee k's number baok to their old home and church. intensiv e pructice with a ga me with • • Monroe in vi ew f or n ext Friday. Mr. N. P. Blatt is in charge of this school which is reported t o hnve a very good t Cll nl. Wayn esv ille will go to Monro I'. w~ inc r roa..~t



METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, ~ :16 a. m., preaching at 10 :80 a. m. Wednea dayeven ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epwort h Lengue 6 :16 p. m. Preachi ng lit 7 :00 p. m. Everybo dy is cordiall y invited to thele lervicel . Rev. L. A. Wuhbu m, Paltor.

wee ks now until th e bus ket ball sea· Hi!!'h school's pros· p ects for a winning team th is yea r are inde!)d bright. Satterth waite and Butte rworth were th e only two r eJ:(ulal'5 g rnd'u ntcd ~d last year' 3 teum which took such r npid strides n car the end of tho seas on will prac· ST .MARY·S CHURCH tically be th e· sa me. As the 10cl11 Fifteent h Sunday aftor Trinity, sc hool has no football team, Couc) Burton will havc his men on the floor Se ptember 28th. Church School at o:3Q a. m., Regular Morning Prayer next month. and Sermon at 10:46 a. m., Rev. J. -0All teachers interest ed in Exten- J . Schaeffe r, officiati ng. Everybo dy sion work should be at the Gmde is cordiall y welcom e. school building Thursda y evening , at 0 p. m. A repre!en tatlve of WilCHRIST IAN CHURCH mington college will be prese nt at Sunday School at the Chriltia n that tiro e to arrange for course and Church every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. time of regular meeting here. This Everybo dy cordiall y invited. class Is not only open to teachers but !lny one interest ed InHome Study un· aer tlte fl\l~pices of a college. RED STAR LINE HAS GOOD SCHED ULE f,.ECT URE TO BE s,," will 'begin.






The Xenia-L ebanon division of the Red Star Transpo rtation Co., is now running regula~ly through Waynes ville. and the splendid Ichedule for the benefit of ItI patron. has belln establishe d.. Towar)l l Xenia, there are four bUlstt each day leaving here at 8:00. 1(i:30. 1 :411 and 4 :30. One may leave here tot Lebanon at 8 :16'. 10 :46. 1 :46 and 4 :45, and with such service It 18 hoped that patronag !! wUl Increll18 that this line will eontlnue operatin g.

Rev. N. A. Linebau gh. of Dayton, will deliver 8 lecture on "The Public School problem In ' America ," at the High School Gym next Monday evenIng, Septemb \lr 29, tile exerclle s . to begin promptl y at o'clocle. Rev. Linebau gh Is Ii forceful and convinc Ing speaker, and . has a mesuge ~hat should appenl strongly to evet1 America n. The future of Am~rica depends large ly upon the succeea and ----~-~-~.------develop ement of our schools, 80 why should .not everyon e be ' vitally lntllr. .me R~,!I~ elted In thill subject? Everybo dy. An Int.ematJ onal econiKIIle . ~fe1'o men wom!!n and child~en are earn- ace would ba.... the IIDme reeu\t IIr811 est!; " Irged to attend tbill lec~re. ecoDOlllle COIIte~ ~W.D' landlord _ telWlt. ~o adinlaal on be charpcJ,.



tU~"l hl' r U !lun li a.'r u t'

n.Jat ivl' :'i allli


f ri cll d" f.,1' a dclil(htf ul picllic di nne l' SUlld a y li t th eir he ll .. tiful homl' m·a r Wa Y1les vili e. WHIC H WILL BE COMP LETTIl(' l(lt".t s c nm~ with ", ,, II· till ed h l.... J... (· t~ flf d cJi c iu UM n nl i npctizin, :r ED WITH IN TWO MONT HS vinnd. whIch "liv e proof of th c px· pt' rl culi ll Hr y ~ kill u f tht.' Jlr uv idt·TM. Tnbl ~" Wel'<' pllleed on the Inwn 1111(1 Work is Bein g Pushed Forwa rd ~ "nn

th e keen up etites wure fu lly

Rapidl y by Direct ors

npp('u~e d .

Th OBe enj oyinK the cordiul ho ~ pi l · ality of 1111'. lind Mr<. C a ~ t wer,, : Mr . lind lIIr•. J ohn muk e . Mr. and Mrs. Se ymo u r Waol e /lilt! Milt on Curry , n f .Ja01('s tO\\'n , Mi s~ Doroth y Tarr . o f C(·" ur \'ill,·. Mr. lin d M,.,.. [' Il ul Hull. nf Spring VlI lley, Alpheus Stutes, SOIHI Ear l und Lc"t er. vr Clurk. villc . IIIr. IIll d ~I r s. Alpheus W illiamso n, IIIr. li nd Mrs. E . III. 1I11c kn"y lind son , Ha ymond. Mr. ulld Mrs .Ed Re ckelt. son William , D. H. Sher man, lIIr. lind ~lrR. J . C. Uoon e , of Wilminl:'ton and 111 r. nnd Mrs. Charl us Zimmer man, of Waynes v ill e.

----_ ..---WINS AT TROY

Mr. Stevc Phillips' (ost t rotting colt . Binl-:rn Todd won the 2 :27 tr ot lit th e Mium i ('ollnty fllir. nt Troy a n Tu !:~d ny in three , trnig ht heat •. The j1ul', e wus $400 nn d th c bes t li me gi ve n WIlS 2: 17 1-4.




It i. only a qu csti on of a few

Wrt'1 le N I1i!l er fi f\10


nlldl ow ro,,,t Sut u rdny night. A f ' l te l' t he r o n ~ t t he e veni ng Wll!; ~ P l! l1 t AS F IRST M ONTH OF TERM· ill ""neillg , a ," 1 11 11 hnt! II mu st onj fl Y" hi " tim e. 1 NEAR S E ND The in\'itctl g uests wert·: IIl r . 111111 !\Ir ~. Hll iph Voge l lind . on s, Billy lind It"yrnull t!. Mr . li nt! Mrs . Leo nurd Vo· Orch estra to Have Many New gel an t! SO li , Ralph. Mr, "nd !\Ir • . Fl\ces Thill Y el\ r-MT. WatChllrle" Vogel und "ons, Bobby Ilnd Dick. fi nd Mr • . nllJph Tl.lvener und kins R e tained 80n, Churl es. Mr. Ilnt! Mrs . Frank Cli ll!' and du ug hter. M"ri e , all of Day tOil; Mr. II lId Mrs, Cluucl e Gruy The 111", h ~ I' "' dub met ill it" ftrst und daugh ters , Im oge ne and Alida, r" ~~ 1I lllr Illl'( " in).!' of t h(' y e ar nn Fri Mr. and Mrs. Stanl ey Cray and tlaugh d rl,.Y , SI' p t ,·lt l ht ·)' I :llh. T he re wn~ nn ter. , Clll udi a an d J osephin e, Mr. llnll (lxC4.I II\ ·nl 1IH'll\h {' r~ hiJl prC":-H.' lll and til\' Mr • . Chnrl c" Hobson "nd Ron, Ral ph . 1I H.'(' lill ~ 1' 1'''\' 1,11 h(·lp ful t o t h ,) ~ e prl':\Ray and Glen n, and Mr. T ..1. Gruy. ont. " II of Clarksvi lle; Mr • . A . Free lund - - 0II l1 rcvcy. burg I-larry Coll in • . oC We ll· New hook !" hll\\' all arriv ('d nnd mlln; Mr. an d Mr.•. Hobert Freelan d pllpi l" ""l'p li ,·d . nnd son, Cec il , Mr. und Mrs. Clllr-1 --0-ence Free lnnd, uf Hurv eysbu rg ; th e T he Pup il's Lite mI', ~ocie ti " s Mis"es Trilby H en derson und Lilliull 1 "pre nr~ul1 i z e d 1I ,~uin thi :; yeur and J ohn son , Messl' • . Hermnn und Argu s t b" fir Ht " S"e llllll)' prlJgrum wi ll be Suyl or, Dc rml Burton snd Ca rl Ridgi "cn (1 11 FridllY "fterllo on of thiH irger, of S pri nl{ Vulley; Mr. und Mrs. Wt'l' k. Wnlter Shill. , of Miamisb url(; Mr. - 0 -Mrs. Rnlph Grun und so n, Robe r t, o f The f1r' l Tell<·h~r.' meeting w ns Ce nt e rville , Mr. und Mrs. Ruy Miller held on I,,"t Mond"y l' vening. just af · und so n. Marion, Mr. and Mra. Thomt or Rchoo l hourR. T ell d lC rs from us Co llin ~ , Mi ~s Peu rl Orndorf . , ••R illl'lu <i\' (' . ml't wi t h Sup\. 1I1 0u . . Me ~s r8 . Lawrenc e Hu gh, of Harvey. m o w, nnd ,Iisc us" d plul18 for th e fu· burg, Ern est an d Wilson Shepher d, tu re flll d ".o u,·se or study. Wilbur and Everett Hunnah s, Clar-0ence, Wilbur and J ohn Woolard , and Th e sc hoo l hnd its firs t vi" it from Henry Orndorf , and Fred Simpkin s. the atte ndun ce office r, Mr. Fulkcrt h , Tuesda y. Ho will cull on those who are not at school regula rly. ---(I-







LECTU RE COUR SE OFFER GOOD NUMB ERS Tell. of Firat All· Metal Plough and Railro ad.

A few year. ngo WUH· Il rJ.{un i 1.l'd n t


Nutiona l Donk

Hurvcy sh urg , und

the ir uu silless has in cro ns(' ,1 In Ruch proporti ons eluring th ese few years t hllt it wns ,Ieomed ad vis abl e to havc a bu ilding of lheir own. A bulldin!!' fo r this or gonizllti on Is now under cons t ru ction and th e f ound ation nnd t he ceme nt work for ttv; lurgc vnult is compl ete d. The frllm c wor k. Hlso) . is fini shed lI.n,1 t oda y work wns beg u n on lhe siding . Th" compan y h3 " charg(! of the b\lildin~ with Mr. Davi s. IOl'a l cont ractor, us su perinl e .Hlenl. Th c building will be a one·sto ry aff ui r with rest roo ms for both 'Iodies and gen tl e men. The r e are to be two vn ulls , on" in t hc baseme nt for th c keering of old r ecord s an d papers of import.a nc". "nd the main vault on t he first lIoo r. This latter vault is to be mode rn in every detail, being co n"tructe d entirely of concrete a nd stee l and has th e absolute g uarante e, of the build er s lo be buglar proo f. It is t o havl! a brick-ve neer fini sh. nnd is "itu l\ted on Main street direct.. Iy ucross from the hotel. The officers ofthe Harveysburg Nati onal Bonk are C. D. Cook, presiden t and H. S. Tucker" cashier. Board of Directo rs Is compoe ed of the follo,ving men: C. E. Levicy, Clint Cleaver , W . M. Harvey, P. S. McGuinn, J. M. Hanke and A. S. Collett.

Mrs. An ge hn c H. Dnktn. aged 84 I Th (' ~I e n' ~ Clnss of thf' 1If. E. years, died Wcdn eselllY morning at Su nda ~··",' hon l, who huv" thl' LecFred 111 Cole, local hardwa r e · mer. 6 :30 o'clock at the h" me of her son, tUT( ' ""\l rse in hand f nr th is winter, chant, hAS just r eceived a circular in H >lrmon C . Da k'\n, · S ad- Is the Mail Order House -So met ' 1;,- 1 wor k nn .ou th Br0 und l'leet'd the fol- which a f acsimile of "The P lough. \ ""Y· She hud been In III h ealth f or Conten ds Ye Editor lowi g " mc",." Prl'. idf'n t, Rev. L. man's Gozette ·Courie r," So paper W II seve ral yenr~ but Fllrrer.ed a heart . 'd C W publishe d in the A. '" I Jnl'll ; \'Ice -presl ent, Enst in the early . . attack Wedn esdav l11orl1lng . shor tly Younce ; s('r retnl'Y, Roymon Hat fi cld; Pllrt of the eighteen th century . makes ' t I L B beflJre ct c ut~ ellm,· Hn' l . In u town o f W aynpsvi lle', t ~l'~ mention of Mr.J. Gibbs. who conI' n~ul'(,I' , II'. . . .,w. MI·s. Dakin \Va" II nllt lve ?f Har- the predom inating rrob:J structed em thnt con. thc tirst nll -metal plough. Thl' ('O UI"c w ill consis t of five veys uurg but had u e n a res.d e nt of fron lq t.he nVl'ra~E' uus It says : in~Rs mn n is n umbcr .. .. . follow.: Leba no" .1:1. Y'·l1 rs. ~1 r . Dukln pre.·- Ilo t. 'I~ 1"1 the c" s" "'1 1,I.r,"'cr "Mr. Gibbs hus altructc d consider · Murde rer of Young Girl To Be pine"." ,.. , L,'"e rr' , n .. " i" .. Orrhegt rnl Quar· ~ ~ " ceeded her .n d,' "!h 28 year s. Sh e IS to COI)e \\'I'th l·muln",. ~ I,·,\I .' compotl' ll'on (ct. cUI ,"" ling of colorful ills t ru· ab le attcntio n to the thrivinl( VILsun'h'ed u\' hl'r t ,,·u ' onF Ha rmon C. I d t k Sent to Lima . 1ft' n1\'"t,,1 n ll d vo cal. LAGE of CANTO N, which is situ a DlI kin and ' B 11 Dakin both of Ll.b- an th O b e~p I' 115 n vn lhrol m !!ct InIll' I T h(' Colli ns NO \'cl ty c.ompan y- ted on N IIIHSHI LL EN CREE .. , n ll C USlneS!V, never cess, sma - . . . K, by anun'' two . i-lers . . • Mrs . Ma tti e Finch. t own merc h un t R are;no t WI' th a u t 111 ",-lr . Illlper:;o nutIOn" li' nd comedy . his in ventio n of nn all-m etal plough . . of Hnrveys bu l'g Robert Quigley , and Mrs Joseph of Frankli n, t' 'f th • .. b ' fh e Cuveny compe IOn evell I er . "Mr. Gibbs hns demons trated that charged with the murder dr ' Compan d . y~arloonR, Grimes , of Alhamb ra, Californ ia. and n ess rival Bellin~ the e IS no USI- I ' of Gladsam e lin c in ICilY mo C Ing an mus Ic: his plough which is constru cted of ys Kirby in July, was one brother IIIr Joseph Heisey, of h t A d th declared in,. I'lar pur t f T he Buy t tis e an own. d Kotherl n ne Cut e pecu iron chell will work a a large r numb er of san e by Judge Robert S. Woodru ff, : Dayton ' . IS . t h a t th IS O rlva . I ' not t b f It 0 e oun d --dr . , a mntlc ' ta l sketches , s ongs and art- llcres with less wear than any plough . o f t he Probate Court o f Butr~r coun~ The fUller a l was held at her late in the larger buyin gIScen te,", nCHr th e, Ists r ecl , now in common use . Not only the ty on Monday and was home in Leban on, Friday afternoo n, ordered to be . . Henry Clark-" Plny Ball' Clark plough shore, but at 2 o'clock. Interme nt in Miami small town .. People also the Inndside confin ed to the Criminu l Insane AswlII a lway. go in Platform CllIsslc. to I\. larger town for some of theIr piece a nd the mould· bollrd of Mr. ylurn. at Lima. Ohi o. _.._0_--cemeter y. The decease d ~ well buying. Waynes ville goes to Day. GIBB'S plough nre f ashion ed of iron. Qu igley wus charged with shooting known by many Waynes ville resi - ton-Da yton goes to New YorkHe hns also used strong iron bolts to und fatnlly wou nd ing PRIZE S GIVEN TO Gladys Kirby, dents. _ _ _ _ _ • New York goes to Pari ~, But wi t h ' hrnce nnd s treng then th e wooden his s weethea rt, in Middlet own, the BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB this sort of buying a noth er fac t or beam anti standnr d. Being str onge r f orepart of July. The gill later dicd IMPOR TANT MEET ING enters in. When locn l peor le !!,O t o und lIlore ri gid than the comm on type ut the Mercy hospital in Hamilto n OF HEAL TH WORK ERS Dayton on a shoppin g expediti o f plough which is mndc with oaken and Quig le y was placed und er a on . it is usually for so me articl e that the F ollowin g are the names who I!'ave muuld · boonl nnd landside piece, Mr. chargc of murder. During the past local mercha nt does n ot specializ e ill; premiu ms at the Worren County fall', GIBBS hus s hown that his metal several weeks , he hns been mentall y so mething that he co uld not utror" nn d th e a mou nts: plough will cut deeper and with examine d by Drs. T we lve counties will be repre se nt· McClell and and k . k b f I to eep In stoc lighter drnft. " ecauSe 0 tIe SCRrHoffer. II. E. Stokes ed In a district confere nce of local city of calls for it. " " ... .. " .... $10.00 Th'is paper also contlline d an in· A:gain outs ide Farme rs Grange No. IS . heal t h agencie s, Bchool s upe ri nte nd. a,ttracti ons. shows and At his hearing his sontity was 5.00 terestin g editoria l on the railroad s, anllhle nt ent • ents and others inter ested in health places of all typ es, will Wa ynes ville Nationa l Bank".. 2.00 question ed and mental exnmina ttons cnu. e p 'ople which r eads: by Will White physic work to be held Wednes day, October from small commun ities inn s during the interven 2.00 t o go to t he "RETU RNING TRAVE LERS r eo ing woeks have confirm Hulp h Smith 1, at the Auditor ium of the Civic larger buying ed it. Judg e 2.00 port that people of centers. And yet, we the EA ST are still Woodru ff after ireuTing th e various Dr . 1I11thnwuy ABBociat ion buildin!! jn Mlddlet.ow n. ave not f ound the 1.00 s uffering from sllIull. town mer. tho RAIL ROAD testimon ies during the trial und by The meeting is one of a se ries of nl'. Elli s 1.00 munia, Disrega rding the warning s the doctors investiga,ti ons, has adjudten confere nces to be he ld throug h· chant's r enl riv"l. H. L. Frazic r " . " .... .. .. .. 1.00 of PROVID Each year. fr om Chi c/I\!u an<l :-.l ew I \\'al l" r I'tleClure th ey hnve extend" gcd Quigley to be insane. out that State during Oc tober to dis........... .... .. 1.00 cd the line ENCE, of the RAIL ROAD thirCUBS health work and make pla ns for York. th ~ large mllil order hllll SI'~ do Rid ge"s Phot ograph Gallery .. . 1.00 tee n miles to ELLroT T'S MILLS the sevente enth annual Chl'i <tmo. millions of dolla rs wo r lh of businl" s F rullk Fu r r . . . ........... ... .. •50 west of BALTIM ORE . with thc rural commuu il i 's nf thi" Miami Gllzu tte, 6 mo. Seal sale in Decemb er. sub ...... .. _75 OBITU ARY "On e traveler recently t old of hnvCounties in this confere nce in· cn untry; and it is our heli e f t hnt th ey L. A . Zimm e rman. lunch box .. .. ing seen with his own eyes a si ngle ure the real ri vul" o f the smtl ll· t owlI ~1 y~r Hym an , spo rt tie .. .. .... .. clude: Adams, Brown, Buller, Cler. . horse drawing tw o wn ggo ns contain · mont, Clinton, Darke, Greene , Hamil · merchan t. Oxley·P ace Drug Co , 2 pencils ing 41 persons at a speed of 11 miles Edward Bruce M? l'g an WIIIl born in One of t he g reR l~~( out"t"n" in g ton, Miami. Montgo mery, Preble an d The cl ub hilS adopted the motto: per hour on the portion of track Cnmpbe ll County, Ky., NlJvemb po li cies of t hes" fi r ms, is t.he "lIvcr. "Tu muke th e best better." er 13, Warren . which is complet ed. He henrd. how- 186 1. Most of his early ti sin g o f th~, goods th ~y ha\'c t o sell. ye0r,s we ro __ ••_____ The chairma n for this year's Senl eve r of several serious acciden ts "pent in Adams County, OhIO. In sale in Wa rren COUllt~· , is Mias Alta Yearly catll.logues are sent illto every f a rm an d sl1lnll -towlI home in th e Dr. nnd Mrs. Ellis Smith, of Cln. cous~d by the horse stumbli ng and 1884 he wus murr ied t o Miss Susan Kizer. being run over by the heavy wng- Duke r. of Grant County, Ky. countl·y lit nn enorm ous ~x pen " c; di · cin ll nti. spcnt th e week·en d with Mr. l~or g ons, which were derailed and upset. th e I",t yoars rl'ct mail is their mea li S lJr adve r tis- Ilnd 1\1rs . Chas. Smith. their home -__ "Little • confiden ce is now f e lt in has been near thIS place. ____ in g . By (his meails they rOllch the Wild HOrMe Incro .... , . ' .f:~ -",1':'''' Mr. PETER COOPE R'S plan for proWild bOl'llH In Ihe ~klnlty nt Ben4, rural buyer. Cnn th e sma ll -town .• . . . . . .,.r_ .._ ~ ... .. __ _ .~! His health failed ~e vcral months pelling th e carriage s by means of n IIgO, nnd after weeks Ore.. hRve IDCroolK'd RQ ml,ldly thll~ merchan tll of ~Ilis cou ntry combi)le o f s uffering h e thol are be.:ol11llll{ a nuIAAn<:@. ~. in a federati on to COntl'.rte steam engine. J passed to the Great Beyond Septem with lho trernnl), 10 ... prices tor hflrsL'II I'CMIlltlil1 cn.pital "Excep t as a novelty, howe ver, ucr 12, 1924. a t the age th~t Is behind t hese mail orof 62 years, In Ih' rancberl l turnIng thorn out Into RAIL ROADS will never ~e t he U months and 29 d"ys. der hO\lleJT No, that IVO U Id be He is s urout Ib, mounllllDl t9 slll11 fnr thelPaeh'ea, place of conaJs. RAIL ROADS nre vived by his wife, of the qU\lstion. two , daughte1'S" untried for long di Rtances in anyon e so n, fivc grandch But there Is a means of strikin g at ild ren and three country , nnd f or short distance s th ey s isters, bes ides a number them; and local merchan ts ne ed not of other nrc still in th e experim ental stage. r e~atives !ITtd fri ends. go to the end of the rai nbow to find The longest in existenc e is the LONit. Adverti sing in your local paper While living in Kentuck y, he unitDON and MANCH ESTER which is ed with the Primiti ve is a direct hit at the mail order housBaptist church_ but 40 miles in leJUtth. In 1905 h e tran sf err ed his member es, Here Is your catalogu e and cir-I "Any farmer Cll .. build a canal ship here to the Middler cular letter that will be read in the un church, boat of 25 tons capacity from mate- and has boen a faithful commun ity that you depend on for member airials growing on his own land. To . ways ready to speak in defense your business . A coup at a comof carry this some amount on a RAIL \the doctrine of grace. petitor with the same weapon that . ROAD would require 8 waggon s and he uses to strike you Is usually very His dcar wife and children a. locomot ive costing ,,000 at the suffered a great ' Ios8, ·but their have effective , and the ~Uaml - Gazette , IOB8 leBllt, and no farmer could afford this is his eternal gain. your paper, is such Ii W(lapon. "The J,.ord gl.vequipm ent. ' -~-eth and the ~ord taketh away, bleas"His canal boat would carry livll ed be His name." . CORR ECTIO N stock, hay, firewoo d , large treos for The funeral services .w ere held at Ilhop' building , boards, .planks and the Middler un church. condli<; ted by grain. RAIL ROADS can not do Elder Chns. RadcliJf e. In last week's Issue of the Gazette this.' Imagine a. load .of ba~coming ~......l.._ we publishe d an atticle under the along a RAIL RO~D. The sparks ~ would eet It afire before It.tarte d. \ caption, "Rich Praise ,01' a D epane d America', Flnt Apartment-. . Woman ," leaving out two lines which '!!llhe FARME R who is watchfu l . Wbilt Bernard Grant, nineteen , a Chl-___ 18 belfeVl!d to-;1ie Amoll'lclilt IIl'IIt t ..... t b !lIgo boy without Miss hall hew Mastcl's of of his own interest will not be misled entirely ' spoiled tbe art:Ic I e. The se Jontence d to ha ng monoy, apar .... n 001ll for a murder to bagQ, Minn., h"d &0,000 gU €5\.1l nnd A L ROADS two lines explaine d wb.o Will! th\l sub- which 11.0 deniea all' guilt. hi h ' New Orleans br the ~rOne811 . H1a caN by talk about R I thO wedding march play(od by • .' w C! ba, dauabte r of the B,._III ject of ha.!s splendid article,M iss Mary ~s eomparecl to the balld of 8.700 piccCA whcn she mar- Bispham reeent Loebwould Ii.e of no service til him and 1 of Loulalaua..'~:l=i=~ who died recent ly. We are LllOpold JiJ~ hnprison ment 5~ rred I!lrfina Maine at ::;t. P[,ul 18st for COlidestroy hill crops and his stock~l1ut I meJIt bou_ • ,OITY ha \. week. It was a~ tho Nati()nal Callaround DUbUo extreme ly will t t tnll om'--1 endeavo r ..... on fe.eed in all p08llible ,entimlDmUider & and •baa W&JII to I"!t ; row eIIort 01 ..... ... .beo 'f8I\tlon of the AmerlcaD t.arIoD ba was made. ' ..~... J\ to ...,. ilia , . . . . . promote the buildiq of ~Ia&







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Pocabon as Lump or Egg Raven Red Ash Waco Block--Battleship-Ulock Consolidation Millers Creek Egg

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Genuin e No.3



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Semi-Smoke less, fine for both healinr and cookinr.


Ch,an, Free Burning.

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21-29 Washington St. MYTOM, OHIO

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The Eye Sight Specialist

At Cary'S Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00 a. m, to 4 p.








T/le flIgh t IlNUnd the world " an<J 8~ young Amerl~ wl!1



a.a..nt, lJcb,taed __ baed . . .... _ ,rim ..... pub


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AHLERS DAYTOrtS Leadin, Funier. Find Progenitor of A-. 'J'be Afri can 8.118, found In the wlId etate 10 AbYlalIllo, Nublo, ead otbeI parte ot noMe/'ll Africa, J. ftPI'dec! by EoologlsUl .. the ptOCeII1tor " tba

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gllt'~~ , Gt.' c , whnt n crowd. (W " I1It ' 1l o f t it, , ' na t Io n . tht, \ , 1,,:li l'\' c' in ~; ,dlt'llt· I~ III d LI ~(' IlIlt\'h wi th 111'1 ' 11 cn,, '1 j!el IlI'ar 1\ lilLie, That lady C(lo iltlJ,!'C:" , thl' Y klll l\\" t ha t h l' 1:-' I'I!lII·~ t :\I n' . '~ l'n l!a~ , ' d III l UII' i,,),!' frutH w ith II fpr l 'P I)I '41 1 Ilf tl u :o' ,'"un tI'Y, Anti will h", k t,'rriL le in thllt r l'd . Pe r· . . . " h J I'k . . und \\,,11 he lp 11"' 111 >1I1t'"u''''d th,· wh l) h.' l lq\ ,.. tilt ' PlIf· P U<O; t ' ... f tll' t hi :-- d t h np ~ 'I I ~ " I fpr cr. ,e th, s p,ece . I , . ' h OIll (.·. thee don 1 waut ttl ~ l' t ' II I..' H1'q:e .; irl ' fd r l'!lll t!'t.J'.~ It CH ntw t. hl' lWII a lot. (, ue" III tn ke It. $ 1. 7fi!l , huuI d""hl, r, " I IIC .' ' th at wo uld, w \t i..'~ t ,, 1' i t WI)llld bp open IInci abH \' \' yn rd - Iw " ""d 1\ ha If Yllr d S Wi ll cos t \\· Il)!(· . . . a nd ri e prlv , ' t h (") . . . II' ehrltl n l1 pi n What A n Office Cirl Think. About ub" ut $ .1. 5u . J u ~ t my Iu ck- tf there ')oa r d , I)i... hlllll·~ t JlllI'P Il ~ l'~ art' t hH:> ~ ' . I' h ChllIH'" 10 IIdvn lll'l' "' t h., ""1' 1.1. 1 h,'), 'h at lire (' tll lC t'ul('t1 Hlld ~1) 1'I' (llIl H I (' d .Iust tWl' I)ly- fiv c min utes till lunch hud b~,'n "I"'U I(' III t li t pice,· I Iarc rul' ('" oli" !!,' iol'{''''''" Ill' i~ fHlIlii. t' WIt.) . I t IW I!' ' 111'1 1II It'm ~. II (,' i'- t ~I tl i I~ tJ )' lIlytl ~ ll' f'Y , t it ",·. (;lI<'s, 1:'11 ~ o o ut ilion ... Won · w Il,tld Itll\'e bou~ h t It, ullfl 1 hllte til \ In (;. 111 1'1'111 I )awt'~ !"Hi d ill It n'Cl'Il1 S till have fif tee n fur th~ hUIII"1 "od .. 1" ,," Ihin e, "f llfl' d l' r i f I 'll J.:c t 11 letter from h"me to· bornlll mOlley . ' Ih ,'c h, ",'fl' r rill),!" t o LaF.dlet t· ;o' pin t · Lal li,!' r l:uhlL')o, tha t it~ dIal l,' " l\lr ni ;< ht. I u ug ht to do a lillie wus hing nl i nu tl'~' \Vl, l1, [ gu ess I'll g o buck C't 1J1l1. "lll l t, -! h,~ th inK Ilud W P IlI ' p n to n ight, but I th ink I 'll let it g u un- to ,he oflice. Wunt to ICII" (> curly if hi J.:h wal!" '~ is rn r h .. II"r u • .1,,1' t '",01 _ ·a, 't' cd' rill .( .. ·.' .. ti l t omorrow night. I 'd like t " dun ce t he bu," will let me. i d ~e Lhlln a ny nLh l'l' cundidal,·. T h~ III ~ h \QI1.!"l"·' . glltld tillle!>o ~ t."1t' ''fll1 y so mewhere tonig ht. Hope J e ff culls l'u iirll Hd Ull' n wh o fanu'I ' " ~1 {' .~\ dlll' li lt I a rt,du(, titlll IIf t;lxr~ and th~ H c'~ abo ut th e best da nce r i kn ow. n rC' corning- 0 \"' 1' t'\'(-' r ), tiny to t \! td STRONG !MACINATION ~ tI k tt ,~ t (' c o ll om ), ill J,:O\' l' rnm l'lI l ('xPtJrhups h e will tllko me t o t hllt new i.tJ.!'e . f ur Lh('), r" lll ize th ll l fr ll m him ll t.'r l d itu rr~ un' IIlntt(' I'!o' thu( tl1l' \'()Chin ese-American place tonight.. ti1l'Y will I!'Cl u ~ <1 U l1 rc cl eu I. l l ' l'!-I lin ' go ing t (\ ('lIrrfui y l'pn· Alice-" I heo r you had 0. very Gueas I'll fix lip tor lunch. By thut The farmers .have nol b~en f"o l",1 ill :\1l\· l'J11h l~ r . N'fl, W(' u r ~ not B time it will bE~ twelve. Oh, d~n, 1 ple" .u nt bitthduy ." by th c La Folle llc platform . ' th ey r pT om-"O h, yes, you've seen th o~ e rue'" lIf foo l:-l, f o rgot my lips tick, W e ll, everyone membe r, as do th e produ cc l's of dail')' tdls me 1 look. better with out it UIlY tong rucy Rolls-Royces '?" produc t> , th ut t he third pll rt y cRn,liAlice- " YcB, yes !" WilY. l\lu ~ t get a new h" t. Th is dn{c. La F" lI ette. cUlI ld h",'(' ."clI l','d W E COME TO T HI S T om- "Well, I got a pnir ot roll er for Ihem g reatl' " prot c ti n if he hlld g reen loo ks t errible with this dre~s. skntc!'< nuull' that wny ," Wond er If 1 n eed a coat? It. looks mad e Ih efTol't und hud bCl'n n ~ o n · J(1\1';PIl - " " U:o. [ what l-iilld llf n C'an so rt of cool. Those g irls makes me stant att e nd unl <.I f Ihe ses,i",, " of Ih.~ di d Ht '(, i ~ hl"!" tire d-alwa ys talking nb out s omc l'ol'ki,,, "II ,,', 1111 ri <!hl. II ~ Do Y() UI' tradin.r In Wuynesville. CO III III it tL'(' , hi s \'o t c mi J!ht ha\'p onc. Some service on this e levntor. 'O lt\l '" (rum thf' w id" "pl"ll ~ PU ('(' '' . My lunch hOUl' will be up before I hit w lwrt, llIl,'fl : 1f\' Ilwll - Hnd t h l·i r ge t down s rs. Thut dum bbell ~o n ' rnol'''; an~ liuld ,' t il h" wom el1." Itself improV1ld, tts cn crglo.~ didn't kn ow c no ug h t o take that ci Incr"lUlCd I\ n,1 Its Ufe on earth prolollged by tho addition at II gar out of his mouth. Glad he isn'L chauiTcu r li nd lin electrician to thp f or th e Minm l Ga!otte. my husb>tlld . Thnt man over the re fllmlly Ilnl"' )('" is goo d 10n kil1g, but he p robably knows it und is conceited. I'd hate Lipu !, nl< '" ~ I o rrett fl ew 18:. le9 to ma rry u gou d. luuk ing mun . Most f~ um B", .n, '" i\C ll' Yor k In Itfty. elhh ~ m !ntl',·" II[!.·".l OO to h is bu sln ~ " ", u,"1 lin ... "",1 : hc roul1li !:I'lp III two h nur~ ;<101 Iselve mll,]ltt<!s . \Vc bn ,'c the ·.""r ld ', ableat !fie..,.. te llS of th o l1 ~ ''' ' 'I " " f them not d ~ velopod . T<llL We IIn"en't -tho--t!y=in " m"chi, I,"'. \" c T J\LK prep"1-t---+HI---L--tIII-. m t ion b" tler tha n wo provldo it.

Stony_c. .. HUBER'S GARAGE.


1'1, '11 1

... plt l . . h.

_ ' $l ,j;) lhl\l·tYIi .



WhIle ~ ... Da,taa

BICYCLES Chfldren'. Vehicles

c- B • , ItIIID. BottS.. ...... a.. .... c. ... 8n&a"", rw..,. l'

aod P_ture PhotopIa,.


I ... 11\: ld, · 1 1 1' 111

, . ' ( ' , 1 \ \ 0\

1'htl !kif's most Important nCW8 tor tutlll'O nges Ia this, Dr. Daly, lelMor p1'<lfe!l8or of chemistry tn tho U!livel'll~y of Liverpool, suys h., UdI manufacture 8ugar out of ain water' and carbon dloxJd e. hnt's how natUnt mllnufactul'C.'l It plants l through thc gl'l.!on leave3. It Is a ClOOp process, flrst making forma ldehyde of thc curboo dioxIde and ,,,ater. t.hen uppl ylngultrllviolet li ght,..- n color in visibl e to our eyos-t-> Ind:e th o s ugar , It scler,, " can imita te pla nts on a big scul~ . m nnufucturing sugnr ·and t>rot. Oll' f rom cn rbo n dioxide In the nlr, &,nd tb e wa t('r In tb o ground ono fool!' prohlem will bo solved. ' Hl)wovo ~, ct'.'n't be 10 a hu rry to Rell you r Cub ,.r. sugar plun tat ion, It wlll I=ke ,OU rich for many II dny.


live In hlstor~ whcn evorybody con. peeled with this Prealdentlal palgn Is complet ely forgotten. History wUl forevor record, if only in two linea, the datef tmd names connected with tbe drat buman fli g ht around the world. Dlrda did it loni aQ'O, hut thoy a rc only bi rds. That thc natloll which Invented DlsttnQ'llllhed gCIl tleman gave a the flying mnchino Ibould bo the dinner to Gauernl Penhlng In New t1 '1l & aa tlon to send II flying ma- York. It w"" a nice dinner. Gl'n, '.I nc llround tbe world _DlI ap- ornl Pera!!!:,.r,; ohare mUl t bnvo abtt.y t<lT,13 In the murkct nnd 1" :>pr14te. More QJlPropriate would coat nillo dollau tl. ~ jvorlld on t he tahle. be adequate flying m~blno detOll.ll8 AI 8 dl'l!' I'~, It wan a 8ucceR8, for this ~ntr'y, DQt III! a reW'OTJ ier Q gonBl"nl that commanded t.);~·I) O 11l ill!OIl American Mr. Grenvillo L. Wlnthrep. p'1- eoldiers In tlle tol(t wa f, lifte r Bcrvanti), de. crlbed by tile !!OClal re- tna' taithfulli tor ma ny yeai'll beporter as a "wealthy, retired tore that. It WI\8 Dot much. Gencral banker, philanthropist and Ams. , Porllbln" III now retIred on a sw nr}' TOCRA T," Is Dnder tile care at bl&, enough to get blm a small flnt t .....o doctors. Hie two daugl!te:re In a eheap guarter. cloped; one with a ch8uifelll', the The Engllab do It dlfforently. other with a youna' e1ectr1clan. Their IfhperiaI Govommont mndo tholr Qeneral Hague nn Earl, nnd For II "retired arilltocl'llt" to "P- travo him 8 mntlon dollul'\l. coive such II blow" painful, but III Of COUl'lle, this country Isn't rich his sorrow there I, WBI'l1II11 IUl4 llIlouilh to alford anything like comfort for other wealthy, ffJtlred ~~ bgt It might d9 SOMEAll)erican artlstocral$. . Or.(' of tho daughters WIllI thlrt~ 000 yeA r8 of olIe I shll and he, 818~er, . There J. nothln;the mRtt9r with twenty-tour, hlld boon .IlP& ~ this country excopt timid h'l'lnginneluded. ' t40!l. Wli.t have wo? Beworc how )'UU keep daughte,r s Gold, more than halt the world's too sec Iudod, especlnlly id~r tIllrty, supply I peaca, that will Illst If we lind MORE especially It th07 are keep Europonn nonsonso' rich In theIr 0'WTl right" .. ere l>resldontlll ~ndld8tes, Dot one of these two young womenl wbom dO ani hnnn It elccted" That'8 the wamlnll\ 8.00d ~ aood prlcea tor crops: QI! ann.... IDIXIIM of more than The comfort fa thl.1 'nI. tlft1 thouaand mUlIol\ dollars e thrall r~llIf1y , I', " 'IJ!('t\ th~ • 0- year, with th., real ~th not oven tired ar;uft- CI'ut ' t, k ,-.u, m,.), ::.1 e: ratchad. ~

6 Big VaudeYille Acta

I l"

1'I'I , t ' I '

ho..J s" , Itt ,l AO', ,I. I. I lo Ir" tllb ;'\!" ' , c lu. tU\' l' I Ill''''''' uay:" 1111 l!l ullt'l" how Kchoo l t 'Ul' itt' !' !" , p l u~ l l' n' r ... . 1: ;lrpt 'll lt ' I~ :O ,.; . . . , , . . . plu rnht·rs, hHl1k , ' r =-- , t!i1r:\L!' i'II I I'II. ,',Ii etl ., ~wpplit '~ f o r janil(, r . .. t \ 0 : much :'" 11 pny f o r u dfl·~:-. I' m lI o l l uI' S , (.'11,.' l' k ~. hat'lH .r:.: . Hllt li lt H d .tij' d l.:d -





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Think I' d l'at h· fr ll m i"o li t lria l l:-> II1I l fr ''' tI " I t I)\ I11 . \J... \ 1'1 '1 ' 11':1 , 'ti l ' n ot ' 0 g'tI,) d iO llldng, I' , \, . Ik " I,' , I I', 'IL II I ' H ' , \ • ,.II • \ \ I d. 'n"\. 1' /111 III I'" '1 11 r"'l l ! l ( , \\ \'\ I ' I' , I' ll I ' l ' \ ',' r ),!" t '1 I11 n l'l' 14" 1. If I l' "'Y wa ' CI , ,:1 H " • (I I1 P (' I' S , tilt' (,.fitIlP· lit' \\lahh 1I',\ t' 1 d l' It " ti l I.. ,i :II' h.. hl'\.·HU :-. \ · ht" ~ Illt ili p H clIr l' ful !'o lin, ~ .. I' t pH t IIi 1"11:-; . I ,' cd ' II 1fw \ l I t t Ih l ' ~.• II a ll ,,, ,., It- ; 11'1" 1111,'1'. ' 1,' .1 PI ab"tt l I ht· I1I\' l 's t mun 1 1, !lo \\', \\'tllI- T hi~ CI IIll!1\t:- ih.' ,'pilll "11 l't ' I'I'I' ;-' l 'l\l:-- l I h ' h; I~ IIl'" lit. \,1,111' 1 111 : 1.1 " .. ,pl. . .. . :t1l, 1 ,h ' l' J! Ih ' \\"lI ld I,,· \\'illin~ t il nl ft ' ·., \ iL'w ~ !l f tlH'H and W H IIIl '! 1 1111&11 \\l dk:l'\" :t ll \ "1: ,II ,I 'I! ' 1I ~. tI , d :o \\i1 I' 11 11". \' out , r ttl!' r lt y'! ( 'a ll yllu 11(' Ht th at ! of lift ·, fa l'1l1 l' r ~ . III1 · rh ; t t1 1t·... . 1.1'1\'1..: r1\' \ t " 1.\.' 1' +I, \ "I I d 1'''1 ; 1 HI 'Jl ul"I" "" Thl'rt " :-- H drl'="'=-- j ll"lt lik,' t\I~. l "t ' llP luyt.' I' :-, di arYnl l' f1 , !-' t ill'k " \, II \\I ' I' =- , I;Iil· H I,


"Get It At


I ....

"I' ' 1',11 .III cit ir.l 'Il;oli l hal 11\.,1'1.' ,', 111 I, al!~ "~!lI' l

n ·w 'Vc~t \'r ll , lUf'. li p · pli ·, for I ' lerk, ~6:l.Utl : i. I'I'a" ,,, , Icc [",,,II ,· "",,1<'1. $ \ \ ' . ~ti , II" d I Pllid nil ! Con i ('0 ., ::? I UO lb ~ , i('e f ur c , I r t $.a!L: '-' f,'" IllilH', Yu ll t'an't lip ('x -

Beat for Cook Stove Use. can Phone 25, and place your order for future delivery.

"I' '_" _" ,

... amp.

td U ,

1'\,:·1 Blall~

ViI'g il P"I)"11 :",d II. ( . F ,.!~, I., 11,111\ ,.f I . " lie ~It " 1: , 1\ h ove L'lIt4'r('d ~\l it ill \ 1'1"1' " :l..::aI11 ~t \\ \\ I,l l. d l ' l ' t ' :l:-- I ,d, 111" '11 , $ 1'" ' l.idi! 1'. " -,·,,1",. 1'11 111\\ 11 1' J\ l I S . Ro()f. l'aln1<'" ,,, ,,I Fll i, 'll arc a l I \f'J U 'l I in , ' l lI rt t orn cys fol' Ihe plai"t il1. \\· lItdft'. U'-' l' (' :1 L MA RRIAGE LICE NSES ,:d.. t· 111Idl'l' ti ll' E dmon Ho" th is ""inl! Alma nurl " !l'C! ld 1•• 1 ,f, A . Fr.,-I . f Jl l' ltlt ' r. :\ll d :\t r :-o, Ada Booth fllr divorcl' on r,'rpun<i s of 1\ ill "f , ,,, .) \ . I: \ \ ·P ldf. " di \'1';1 ";~I "tld J!, I ii • f ~"'l\!1 \."it:ll1l,n. crucll y. A rl lour Brya nt /'1 ' 1"" '' ''1 >1 < FI,,~d ll ,, "k . fan!h' '' , \\'i ln lillj.!toln, the plaintiff. ~ :I ' :C ~' :\h'::urtlt'\' \\':b :tpp,oi tltl ·d Wm. J . Fleminl!' haR br,l u>:ht ~ uil t r u :-: !', ' t o I':I'T~' illl , t .ff, · j' ! rh., 1" 11 .. 1 all.l :'\1. ...... ,1Ii<' ! '!" j .. \. \ ':111 J) l ' f'\'II ,l rt against Elm Flcm in!!' of ),0" A ng ,- cr'l''':''c! by i" 111 I ,; '" I h,. \I,l l qf A . or nc ar 1· larl-. , ill". HjJIH~'r t I .. t '\I rwin lalio rl' l' Iln d Mi K~ les, et al. s('('\;ing par l iti ..", or cI·r· G. :'\l c BUrlH 'Y. t1t lCi. ': I:- l ,t! . H. ,n d \\u :o> , \ 1<11 :1 S UI' lInrdllil'k . llllLh p f Mo rt.a in real estate ull d oth e r r ('lie f. >:I,IHlO. The wi ll .1f Anna G", 'I'tI1 g', deC'ca ~­ r ow . Mahton Gebhart re"re~e nt~ th e p lni nt ifl'. t d i:-; !Zt ' l f o r hl.'l1ri,q: .tll ~t ' Pt. lH . Fr e r! :\ cld l" . Hdn.ill i . . tl'atllT of t he COMMI SSIONERS PROCEEDINGS !lills II llllw ('d : Monr oc nnt! J oh n PROBATE PROC EE DINGS • " ,' ,lr ~ I " r .\ .\ 11 11 :\ d .l " . d~t't'as('d, , I"" . ~upplics f or shorifT an d sur· Lola Mosslellar, elwcul ri x 0 f IIt, !. il' d h is fir:-- l nt·C't l lll1 1. The nppiocati ull for Ihe npp o int- \',,~·o r. S 1:L 1:!; Divlsiun State Cha r · estate of Chns. MO!lSt.ellar, dl'ccll,,'d . wns authori zed t o t ran s fer ij v,' '" nt o f II gUllrdiall ror ,Jan"'" ElIi- i tie ~ , s up plies an d care of cripple ll shares of th e comm on st()ck 0 f t hl' , ''" . nuW cIllllllle.1 in t he Ihy t0n [' h tl d . :Sun. :!!); S. Fred Co., MUppli cs . U. S. Printing and Li t hogra phing CIl ~I ate ho"pit.lIl. i" set. for 10<, ring 0 11 .3 3:!. 1.1; A. R. Knufmnn nnd Co. supl'li," , $:!. 17; Col umbu s m un\; S"ph'01 ber I H. t o herself. Boo k 0 .. s upplies. $6.5 0; Kllpn t Lola M. Van Derveer, exec utri x of R E AL ESTATE TRANSFERS Compn ny btl tr it'k- Jo'rench the estate of W_ T . Vnn Derv,,('r, recharge and rental Adam a nd Mnry Eli7.ahpl h Roesc h tery d eceased, filed her inventory und npWm. Cole mil,n , dra gging. p raisement. t il Viula Stick elll1an, lot in Frank- ~ .1.5 0 $42 .50; Chas. J ones, contrnct. etc., Wm. H. Whitacre, nssignee in the Ii " , $1. estatc of John R_ Wilso n, assignor, Ethe l E. lind Brice S mi t h, t o Al- rOlld oil. $39 6.30; Leba non Gnrage lind W elding Co., repair work, was ordered to di stribu te $310.00 bert I' . L(' wi s. Lot in Fran klin, $ 1. arising from a sale in the estate. Al onzo Millnrd . t o II. J . Steward. $5 .05 ; E. B. S lmp ~ on, repairs, $5 .30; Waites Garage. r epairs, $36.24 ; E. The conn detennined the net va l- Lot in Fra nklin , $ 1. ue of the estate of Susan Jun e Wnlter and Edith IIIne Line back P. Kirby. furnishing and piling 110 Thompaon, deceased, to he $24,11 2.- to August M. and Loui se J. Doller. yards stone, $ t 10.00 ; H . E . Thomp-


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O .... ON PLE AS P R rEEDINGS On mnli nn or the 1'. n. L . a' h l !'. Co. lenve of the ~olltl "i\ ~ ).! i"'11 ' ,11 l Ie answer alld cro~R Pl'liti,lll ill li b' 118e of 11 WH"<1 ""SUII VA . ),,,It, 1'1 , '. Mc Bray, ct nl. T he Lrhallo n Lll mhl'r Co .. in il ~ case aguingt C. W . ~pllr\;s ,,,,,I Hnymon d Spurks was I\wnrdl' ti n .iu.t~­ ment of $224.!l 6. En,l Bnul'rl-"" """i('r, admi niRtrn t nr et r t h,, · ".I;,t.- " I' J oseph F . Rnu ('tT:t'l-nH'i(' r. I d ('l' l' H""'~ 1. n garnis h ee in tlai ~ Hclit11l \\ ; 1.:" Ol'd\'Ipny from




ed t.o

1 ) IIC' Ul ', 1 I lh ~Hr l' CS 1'1' " , Ihl , II ,' Y .I'll I' ".wl!



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Gazette, W AynetYille. Ohio


WHY LeT 'lHAT WORJ:r<t "I'OU 1 • THeRe



~ITV 05= f:15tt TH' .~ THM"













.1ONEY LO ANED ON LI VE ST OC K, chatte ls, Also seco nd m ortgllg08. ;-';<1les bought. J"hn Ha r bin e. All en lluilding, Xonill. Ohi o.

Farmers, Attention! f un ne l'S of Wnrre n on d ad jo in ing counties may "btll in mun cy on long time lou ns, lit [, ,~" pe r cent inte ros t. Cost of sec urin g t he sume is vcry r ell. so nable .throug h The I':,e del'u l Lund Bunk. For further information coli on or address 1\1. t:. D HAKE , Trens. ur 'r, pho ne 3 1G- X, Labllnon, Ohio. .::.

WANTED 1l 0U ' E PA I NT ING - In s id e li nd llllrdwnf1 (\ fin b hing I. specililty ; IIUltl :i rcpn intcd alld refinished. W. II. Brita in, Wa ynesv ille , Uhio. ' Oct :!:!.


FOR HE NT - Housc o f five r06ms, lind e leelri c li ghts. In qu iro al cor ner of T y ler and <It.h streets. a l ·1·


LOST - Lurge brown cur dog, IIgo about 7 year~ ; holds his I lt'~\d to rig ht side ; 11" " \\'(' 1'8 to th e name of Shi rl ey. $20.00 re ward, if return e d to D. A. Il ll rri~ o n, 1U Farm Ave. Franklin , Ohio , phone 29 0 l~ 0 '

·01 FOR SALE-A large hull tre ~ nnd a smull tnb lc, nil in good condition. Mrs. WillialllS, Fourth stre et, Waynesville. Ohio. .01 FOR SALE-1923 Ford Coupe. For intormution co ncern ing ' car, cull 2 1-3 nt J-1l1rveysburg, or IIs k nt Gazett e offic o. 01 LOST- A Tun kid g love, Monduy nig ht, between Wnynesville a.nd Lebunon. J . P. S no ok. 824


PO.R SALIi;~On[' mille hog and 4 , SOWB. In qu ire of John BCIICh, R. D .. 2, Wn yneMvillc, Ohio. .08 FOR ALE-=Mllle Lambs, . Rambullett, HAmJlshlre CJ:OS8. Woo13-8 grade, and heavy fleeced, Call WayDeavWe phone 62 6 ~

... TH 'E I




til" 1'\, , ,tli e '


[, . L. C I·A ' I:. ,


\V ,'Y 'IC' "I II". U., U~ !::),' cond Clu ~R Mnil Mil lc r

' dl l or an d I'ubl h her, W.yn" .. ill u,

~UI ,." 'I' I"lI o)r, I'tll! ~ ,

". I l it


1, (,,·,. , 11 . 111,:

II !I, ' ''I

II Itl p\\'

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It n l P" ' l ! IIIH I II 11' 1'111 whldl It w ill IIH I I,ll, " 101 ' : d d l I .. "UI'\I'l ' It ... 1 ' nl ' ,.1'\1 ,II 111 \1 1 W Ill' till' l" t!l ll t'~ l"\ ' lu .. ;d " .. . " t t'IH t' til d. ·ath l ti t '!'- l' t \· " ,, ":-.1 1 II '~ "II I I\ ' t ' I " lIl l •• t' tlH'11' ~ "lith thid 111 11"" :, , ('an ll .. 1 wi'll ) Wll ~ YO U fll.! I k!'llill d ~;I' a llt. tllily II II Il ' h ' t ' II , \\ h H I \' I' II :-- "d III , d, ;,d ).!utllY 1111 pr l 1m · I l. , II f it :~ U ~p ~1 1 ... , · ,II "IWI ' , , 'I'uft '-.,:o.l' d hl ~ \ 11 11111 t'/tt' ", W " /lt t il tl'la 1 : Llltl IItlW :o l ll l HI I II l ilt ... 1'lId l' \' " i t ht , gall ,)\,,,

a !'oo

H ! " "lu ll. '; " 1111 I '"

f t l!' t h l' p C l' iH U of f t'n rijutrncfll l eI put th l' ,\ fl} Cr i('lIf1 farm e l' i n th e rea t' lill f' II f fig-hlin~ . MUIIY t· Il"llll·nl~ ('lIh'r int o th p d t'\'l' lnping o f H J.,;r('u t \..'o dd lrud e in

1" 'C II (b tuffs j u st a;s. th ey en ter int.u wprld trHd e in H1Hl l ll f ucturc d g' fJ /1( I:t.

pl nYK

~I ". SI' r" I)tu st IlHcl hllK ul!en qui"· iii hu PHst w(>rk . . l,·. ell r l H\,utw hll, of M ia ' lIi ~ ­ lourl.: , >I"," t Thur"day " ' Ly tl e. ~ll ",u " 1 1I11111" ~ to !I I) IL' l u hl' ou t

T ,,:'.;


y~l;.ciL B. D~M llL

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bu ~ il:lI ll y

,I!"'ght" ,·, l;(' nunl , s pe n t Thur, duy ut the Truy fuir. Mis" Ilc lu ll Duke, o f Minmi ValI,·y 11 '''l' ilul WIIH u wee k-end vi ~ it o r II I' hun,,· fulh. Alfl·,'d lI ailles, uf Vuyton , spent 'J'l"',,lu y with his "nre nts, Mr. u.lld Mr,. ~ anrucl lIaines. ~ l U HS r " . lI' ili,ur Ch\J'k, Wnlte r Ke n rll· k and Or Vill e Phillips we r e Lc bnn Oli \,l s itf) r ~ Saturda y , II. til. Clark " pent ~ e v e r n l duys la, t \V ,."(·k in Ci ndllila ti with hi s ~o n, P ru f , ( ;co, Cla rk ullcI w ife . ~ I r. 11",1 r.1,',. III. T . Jl uin cH moved f , .. ," th ,· Cla .. k fa .. m Thursduy to lh" ,r f ''''111 lIe ur th,· E ll io tt School. r. lrs. l iMa ~l c K lly a ll d chi ld ren . of

m urke ts , IIlCU Il :; l hu t Allll' r i(, H /I II IU I'L!' e r ~ ovc rfl rO lltCti, It nU'a l l :-; We ,'Hn.

ing NormHI lit W uynusvill c. Mr. und Mr • . e llr,,1 King Ilnd 80n, h H ~ , . ) I1II1IH I I') of I l\d lillll ~ . T hi S Iii! ' :1/ I{uue rt ,,,, d lIlis. SlIrll h Osburn were f ('rel l' l.' ()f t ' 'I I , lI' l ' Hld IIlIlilll l"" I ' X 1 '1 dC l:i ig-nut(.' :-:. hippill ll prll d uc t l (I/l , SUlld uy dinn er guest. o f Mr. and Mrs {'(' p I t ha t It I,;d It,d lh , · II I HI' t ' , art · tl ' "',l I h ~' po in b.~~ f.. i!rt' :ltt.s ~ P I.· v ti Ul"I H dl , Duvi d K ing , uf Yankee S treet. .:ralll mur d, ·rt r - I. ' 1' 1I C ,I ).! l' 11111 .. 11'1 II p ll r t M of HI 11\ ,II ul PO ll l t ~ 4J f nt 'u r . Mr. nnd Mrs. Albe rt Stacy and 'U ll !'l l , UJI :-; ..... 1. ti l I' l l lhl' IIlall' hlt,s:>! fl ' H , ·:- t di:t. lribut h ' lI . \V (l rnU:-l luke \\ hu t daughte r, Miss Cleo, motored to Pi!" onit l.! P U Wl' !' at d I h t , l 't1 l l fl lllll dill \( \\'(' C'n n get, alld ,' xp t' r il' n e t' i n t he 'tu a . SundllY, the 14th, and 8pent the IOJ.:' it· o f H 1)111'1", \' ;Ig:ain :-; l t h i 111\'11 - PII ~ t hn!ol c l" lIri y ... lww l1 t hnt ( ; I' ~ ut da y with Mr. and Mrs. Williams and talit y of n CII\' ! f l ~ w h ~' I' t'a!ol i ll ;t1 1 lit I tnin, dlll11illHti llg' t h L' !"l ' OL , h a ~ Iil' V. furni:y . Iik,l'liltouli Grnll' 111,<1 l" d d ,,"d III,n t'r J:c ure tl hl ' I' lluu·lti uH"' ope l~a.ti o nH Mr •. Seth Furnas and children reu nly all a tt u r n, ' y 1'1' .1\ (' r ll )" " utl ui ll - t" meet th " Ul·, t in t l·r.·st of U",·lc cen tly returned from Richmond, lIl enlo Ct.' J" t::lIl t1y. (, nl! tar Ie!"!" ubl c t u ,,",,u rn . Jlld ., where they visited hcr parents, Hnn l ~ '- t ' l' l,"qd ,':'\. t ", I' t.·t h ,x{' :o;. IIlt'Tlta l II! r. und Mr •. J ohn Hill, and other f'C Ul' t Itln s ut ili ti l hl ' !' p :-oy dHdt'g'iL'al f ul." ~ r eilltives. THE DAY WILL CO ME tur .. . hut " ll h ' l' Hlt ll lof ti cr educa t iu n WillillOl Haines, of Belmont, was a Hnd Ii ",(' h e r a ~ !"ll :-\!" il\llti"ll. 1" l h e Dill' The Snn FI'Hfl(' I S I: U Ch r lllli d (, ... aye wee k-e nd guest at the hom e of Mr. en:;c t he 1lI l' lItailil,Y lIf the ou r ~ c cm e d that thl' ml!)oI t dHng'ero u ~ d i ~ cut\(' ut. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. His broto rI '" superior t u t he lII ellUlli ty o f tucking Am eri ca ilL prescll t b the th e r, Jume. , accompanied him home tht· I.. ·nch . III thl' u th ~ r th e r c\, ertil· la w- making mUlliu of 48 . l ute I"gis- fo r 811 e xl~n ded visit. Mr. a nd Mrs. Rlliph Archdeacon wus Ihe fncl. luture K lind thc IIlItionlll Con.:,·c,s. Th ,· Grn nt elise is 1I 0 W t o bl' No man lil' illir t uduy kll ow" ( " I' n hlld for lheir Sunday dinner gucsts, forcl'd bcfll re t h" IIlill (J i" BOllrd o f certninty t hut he is nvt lJ "" nki ng Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Drake, of W nyne8Pnrd p lls , C (J II ~ C qIl C lltl y thut budy so me law wh en he g-Ul' :O: abu ul his ville, Mr. und Mrs. George Deardoff, is f,u'c t o fllce wit lt II l' 'rplexillg <idly tnsks. and family, of Franklin. problo-rn. Nnt tu p" r ll ull Grunt woul !! New laws ure ellucted at the reMrs. Mury Carmony entertained to see m unju st. T n pard,," him 011 th e quest of eve r y r efurmer who comes Sunday dinncr, Mr. and Mrs. John j:t'r ou ll tl of hi. you l h wo uld be t o bid /Il ong with th e not inn that he W IIS Custe n border, of Dayton, Mr, and every boy in th e IUlld t u e nter II put on curth uS hi s hn,ther's keepe r , Mrs. Perry Kenrick and daughter, Cllret' , of cl'illl l' \\ Ilhuut fl'ur of pun The day will cnme when we will Miss Bertha, of Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Berne Jones and son, ishlll ,·" t. e ll!ct men to the Legislature nn ll t o lil li ' h cri tlc ,"m hll~ h~"n hCllpcd Cu ngress not to make new law8, but Therle, Nathnn Smith, Mrs. Elsie on J ll d,.c (' lIv.;! r ly fo r hi,; dl'ciHio n . tI, cieun out the rubbish that hns a c- Huwke and children Ilnd Mrs. El1en but h l -l ,.rrlVl'st l' ,Tur 8 'ems to havp l'umuillted in thc statutes. Copsey attended the Home-Coming be e n ,.d\" in J.!' ttw yo ut h of lh t' mur • ~ .._____ at Mt. Holly Church, Sunday. d enn:-- a!" hi ~ l'X CU S l ' for ref u sing to A n umber of ladies fro m here atintlic i th e d,· " th pe ,utlty. Thi, u rTALE OF A SPIDER t(!nded the show er .:ive n nt the home fe et!" t he wh"ll' uf ~(,city, [n vic\\ lI f Mrs. L. D. lI a ll in Waynesvill e. A suuscri be r to n paper once ed ,t ed Snt u nl uy , in hunor o f Miss Margaret o f lI h !' ituat iu n t he I L' Ki s llltur~ s hou ld lose " .. tilll " ill "0 r hulI,.ill g th e Ill \\' !J).' !\I""k Twuin wrote hilll stutinr he C1 n"k, n br ide of l he ncar futuro. u.s t l' m ake im l tU ~~ ibh' t he s h i f till~ ha d f!l und u "pider in hi, paper In d Hl·\, . .I . C. Stitze l and other s are lin th s ho uld e rs ot' an y lIlIe I11 l1n a w~\n Le d to know if it ml' unt goo d or plannin g 11 "ucial meeting to bc he ld rFpOIi ' ih ility so j!1'l'lI t " " thut \\ hieh I",d lu c k . lit lhc co untry hOlll e of Mr. and Mrs . ~'Iurk replied : best't J udge Cll ve rl y. Car l Duke on Friday evening, the "O ld Subscriber : Finding II ~p , der 26th. All m embers of the Church . ,'.l atll'l . ., ill your paper was neIther good luck I . .. . I , Jt~~' and th e ir families and also m e mbers FOREIGN GRAIN MARKETS GONE nllr bad luck for you. The spider or the Ladies ' Aid are urged to be wss merely looking over your paper prcse nt. Ameri clln furmers wh o huve re to see which mcrchan t Is not adverAt the M. E. Conference recently ,Iuced their plunted Ilcrcnge of wheat tislng, so that he can go to that store held at Ada, Ohio, ·Rev. J. C. Stitzel IIf 76 ,6 83 ,000 acres in 19 19 to 67,- SI)11I II. web acr08ll the door, and live wns ass ig ned to Fllirhaven and Sug111,000 in 1924 is both justifiable R life of undisturbed pcace after. ar Valley, while Rev. Charles Bowers lind wise in the o pinion of Theodore wllrd," was nssign ed to Springboro and Ly. D. Hllmm~tt, inve s tib~"or fo r the - - - -•• - ••- - - t Ic. Rev. Stitzel and Rev. Bowers D e pllrtmclIL of Commerice, who secs hav e exchanged appointments and WE KNOW HIM in t he mo ve the possibility of the Rev. Stitzel will continue his work va ~~ ill g (If th e United • tate s ns a Smythe-"I understand you have herc . wh 'lit exp o rt i n~ country. Appar- a ve r y economical chnuffeu r." lIIr. lind Mrs. KeBler Graham entere ntly t he farlll('r ~ u ~ li eve th e onl y Bilkins-"Yes, indeed.' He never tllill ed to 'unday dinner in honor of ~u fc pu licy i, t l) limit their pruduc ru ns our car on more thnn one or th e birthdllY of the latter's mother, t iu n tn t hl' lI ecd" of the home mark et. two whcels at u time." Mrs. Carl Allbri g ht. The guests In th e vpi ni un of lIlr. Hummett were : Mr. and Mrs. Carl Al1bright wur di , located t he wh ole syste m of and Ralph Stowe, of Springboro, Mr. RING CONFIDENCE in te,'n ution nl trud" in br ejl~I ~ lu(r". and J\frA. Arthur White and so ns, Ru ssin , Indill . A r~c ntine nnd Au strnRobert a nd Pnul, Mr. and lIIrs . Her. li n, "II 1111'1"(' j!\,o \\'('rs o f wh eat, fe ll First Bllttier- "Ccnrtninly I is n man Allbright and Miss Hattie Lum. mor e or I c ,,~ inlu t he bnckg round dur- p~izcflghtcr. Why, mlln- I wa s bO' 1l mi so n, of Dayton, lIIr. Ilnd lIIrs. John ing- th e WlIr, while the Unitell SUltCH w,th gloves on." Myers and daughter, of Belmont. IInll Cnnullu e lltere d 1110r c importnllt -I ?~poncnt--"Well. niggah-you is Iy into the cunlpl'titivc field. This ~Olfl out olJ' thi s life the same wayl" \.1' ''' ll alld


Ih,· ..: hippi n).!' pr o hl e m j ~ th l ' (' h il, r kl'Y to til(! :-: it ultli o n . The :-;c uttliflj.[ of T h.. AII II., rj(.' HU M t' l ' c hlllll ~tarinl' Ilh ' ll:-: Il l(ll'(' of thi M cu un t r y th an th e IJ H,YttH I, \\-' l' l' e rt! t: l'nt KUCMts o f h e r Inp.;" of prc!" Li g'fJ u n th ' scw,;, Jt ,i. tur, Mrs. Hulp h J ohn s lind famfll l'ltn M t he humper in g o f Am cr icun ily. tt'adt, wh it h I nll!-o t clt ' IH!nd fi n f (J r l' i~1I !\l iM lI est.· .. J un' l" , lI f Five Points, ho t lom ~ ~ th (' wuh'r ruilroud s I1l\cd · is II O W s u.y i ll~ lit th e ho me at her ,' d til c arr y AII~t ' ril'll!i ~ "t HJ !'oo tt, r~l r . aunt, Mrs. Frunk Rogel'M, nnd attend-

I' ' i J.!'1I

1 " 1'


p~~sGrr T~

:>1, . UIl,I Mr,. Uu y J{ (J utzu hn un d

tun i{

J.uh llr

AOOLPW Zl KOD ~tO d~~--L.LA~

ujtH in . afl,' r u tWtI w eek 's il1 neRs.

I( t'Ptt' jII ~'III, d h' e

cnn ti n u"rl uf tl' r III(' W II " hud e nded . bUl l· v idl'llt ly it hU H not taken 'ltln g

.J H d L!' I ' ( ' :1\1 ' 1' 1,\ ' .. d l ' t'i "' "HI II I t h l' 1,I'II I' II ld li nd 1.' 11' 11 t 'It ~ I ' "' ta l d l !'l Hul H ~ a IIl dl ,:", t ,, "\, 111 t tH ' lI l: tl"l.: h 11 1' I.'l' imili ul PI'PI ' I·d ull · 11 l il,,,-, " ' IU lI ll'~' . JIJl i l'c rt ( ' 1' 111111 " I ' l'"1 ~ 1 "" ,. ( 11 .. 1" Ilt'lu ' I.'l ' I ht· tlL--

h , . . d. :111

$ 1. [1 0 pe r ye ur.

'\11 H:l.. A~ r~I:. S5A " !:I( l CI A JI ( t " ..


(' 1'- [ 1111


1." II , II, ll !






----- ..---MT. HOLLY

Build yogr Home


While you need itl This is the home-buUding Y.&r. Aa you travel 0_ the coulllry 10" _ tbollSllI¥il of homes beini oncted. People haft come to the realt.zatioa tbaI It Is true economy to put thetr 1IIDnI7'1n. permanent butting, ralll« dian payout 10 much ror rent or for board and lodging, with ~ left to ebow for h In the end.


The American family eplrit ' mocb to do with It. Ewry chOd " entitled to a real home. ~ wile llalle chiIdreo want their boys and IIrtI It> IInow what It II 10 live In • .---.. with a yan1 A Iibw mIntIIIe II!ftb • perd IJI4

.... WIl c:oovInce you that youean • bome .wtabIo for J'OUI' needa.


Talk It over with J'OUI' dealer_He II • pnctltloca In buIIdInc. He ·know. ~; bill ........... nIuabIe/ ., JOtL He . . . It> Ii" JOb .... kIDd fI.mce that wit 1IIIib. tiIad vi,.


w. H. MADDEN ·&CO.

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill were Xj!nin shoppers .Saturday. Mr. Ed Haley, of Xenia, is spending n few days in 11ft. Holly. Mr. Lon Stephens nnd family are enjoying a little visit for a few days. • Mr, Cliff Smith of this vicinity, attended a polo game at Dayt~n Sunday, Mr. J. B. Pence and Mr. Had Cornell are spending a few days at Akron, Ohio. Mrs. W. A. SheehB/l, of near here, hnd a bad attack of indigestion Saturday night. lIIrs. Jacob Zimmer and MI8I Ruth Kellis and Mr. Cliff Smith were Dayton shoppers last Wednesday morning. l\fr. and Mrs. John Rye had for dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mra. Elton Evans and daughter and Mr. and MI'8. Howard Beam. MI'!!. Mattie Zimmer and Mise Ruth Kellis were run Into Sa.turday night at SpringValley_ It did considerable damage to both machines, Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and Mn. Emerson Dill from here attended the funeral of their co~sin, Mra. Wm. Compton, at New BUrlington, Friday morning,

----- -..----


1II0the~"I hope that is a nice book you are reading_" Daughter-"It's nlell-but 80 sad at the j!nd.'i Mothe~"Sad1"

Daughter-"Yes, . the Ihlek dlel and Ihe has to go back to h. hUB-




... 1' ,

.r.oJ',. •• •


''I..: .

1 ' -_r~ cbaJr Ie the t.he&tr"'t



The Inlrla..., 01 Politic...

Th.e G--c. FIIa!.l of the laro,elitJea ltom ~ ""-..,h'o Arm, 01 Chariota ... Pun.... E.n..,tt.d b, I .... Beeutihl, F... .m.i Pn>pbe, .... LooatIIaa. tt.e W ...hlwa'. 01 dlo GoIciea Calf ... . . , . on....J


1 1 - Soab Bute.o.d 10 • Sbvtele ................


...... ur. loci.,

HARVEYSBURG The Aid met Thur. df,y nt t hl' usunl place. Carl Dnkin . of LebA non , cn ll NI on Mrs. Mary J . F inch, Mo ndl\Y. Mr, nnd Mr~ . Chas . E . Go rdo n 'Were shopping in Dnyton Tue, dny. Geo. Beach WIIS painfully in j ure d when a mule crowded him in 1\ harn, Mr. and Mrs . ChuR. Gray and fllmi1y entertained G. Clark Stllrr lind family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wrig ht , o f Da yton, were Fl'idlly ,. u" st. o f th ei r m o· ther, Mrs. lIIildred Eugle. Mrs. Anna Stinso n h", g o ,, (' t o Cincinnati to resum e her duti es at the Dodds Bi ble Sehuo l. Joe Davis retur lll'd to w') rk ~ l o n­ day after several w 'f·k' " idle ","> occasioned by burned hnnd , . A number from he re attended the funeral of Mrs. John Jack so n at Kingman Wedn esday morning. Rev. 'Moon preach d hi s fI .., l >/'rman at the M. E. Chur h :-;ul\ d ,,~' morning and WII S w e ll recrh·ed. The Woman 's HOllie Mi ~s i "lI:.t ry Society will hold u mar kl,t Oil Wed nellday; place will be nnn " unc cd lale r Chas_ Madden has bel' lI ch" sc il Il juror for the U. S. Court, whi ch . iL' in Cincinnati beginning October , . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilso n vi Rit ed Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fite an d daughter at Washin gton C. H., Su nday, Mrs. Mary Finch rE'c eived the Slid news of the de uth of !her sister, Mrs. Angeline Dakin, at I,ebllnon, Wed· nellday morning. The Adams County people n ow retliding ill this vicinity attended the Adamll County Reunion at the Dayton Fair Grounds, Sunday . Chas. Ellis Buffcr ed several br oke n ribs, II splintere d co ll ar br, ne nnd nu merous bruises whl'n II ho rse he wa s leading from the bnrn . cr owded him . Mr. and Mrs . W . M'. Mlltbios ond MI88 Marguret St,nr mot nred down from Davton SaturdllY cYr ning, J\fi ijs Starr re'mainln g over Su nd uy with her mother. Mr_ and Mrs. Fr/lnk Howe, Prof. and Mrs, Gilberl Wilso n, (nee Marjorie Howe). of Oberlin nnd Howard M. Sears. of Monroviu , CIII., visited relatives nnd friends here carly this week. There was an exodus collegcward thi& week . Miss Helen nandall has entered Wilmington College, Miss Margaret Cook has resumed her studies at Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. Missel! Helen Graham and Pauline Moore 'h ave entered Warren County Normal, at Wayne8vLlle, Ern· est Gillam hus returned to Dennison University, at Granville, and Charle8 Moore haa entere(\.Mio.m i Univeraity at Oxford, ----.-~---



"Co .. to Mr. w....t._1 mai .. t.i. It I. tla. ~~_'II"'.I the f.t wlf. l. ....l~~

.ad. Cprrupt

".. o...u..


Lebanon, Ohio


n. CoU.~ of the Crea, Cau...d..1 SlrvcI.~ , ".. MIo .......... E.c.~ 01 tbe 100_ _ W"of.e I The lW.oIaI Lore d the 5 .... of the Eut I Dub 1010 • WIld Storm at Sea In .. Op_ Mo~ , n. ......... ~ 01 1M LWaa. .......... T. . . . J





Saturday, Sept. 27 Matinee and Night

F.-ir. Martin ~;L ' H~W'S ·THIS? ·i TRUMBUll WHEAT lEADS All OTHERS Auctioneer


HALL'S CATARHII MI£DlClNEl wUl do what wo clulm for II- rid your lIfltem of ClllJlrrh or D ea fness caused by Cll.lllrrh. H ALL'S CAT o\n.n fl UElDICINEl con"' 8 '~ of an Otnt me',l wh tch Qulokly nt'll e v o8 th o cntn rr hn l In fln mmnUon. a.nd

'h e lntcr nn l M dlc tno. a

Trumbu ll wh ent lea ds nil other Date your aalea with vll ri ctil!s ill II creage, whil e Ful hio is .aU.raction or ch.rgb _, first in "vcruge yield PCI' Rc r e in th e Ohi o Agricu llurlll Experim ent StaCENTERVILLE. OHIO t ioll l u24 wh eat census_ Each year farmers ,'isiting the PhoDe. No.2 field cro p section of the Experiment Sta tio n exhibit at th e Ohi o Stnte Fair nre usked to fill ou t u whea t cen s us I th e info rllluti on gll th er ed in th is w u y ' L. E. Thatchc ,', Ilsso_cintc agrv nunli st al t he Stlltion, find s II IIlllrkNI in- : cn.!u:o: (! in the lic rcug ' of t he bl! t lv r Ohi .. whellts und CI currcs l' oll<iillj.; fill- I lill l' " ff of tlH' p oor qUlllit y sorts. \ WE GET THEM QUICKLY 4ND 1'1,,· Trumbull nnw hold s first pluco FREE OF CHARGE showi ng all incrcntic in acreage from 2:l pe r ce nt in 102 3 to 36 ' percent in CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR 1024 . . Poo lc . Nigger, Fulhio, Fu ltz, EXPENSE Gl ud den, Plirtuge, Goens and Bald win fo llow in ord e r. F ulhi o gnve th o hi g hcst uverltg-e Pbone 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. yie ld, 25. 66 bus hels per Hcre , foll uw-


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

1lt"'l8 thrnU l;h

:11 :\1 l o nrHll o ntl.



Waynesville, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room TELIi:.PHONE 7

Y... Indeed.




Estates Settled

WayneSVille, There mell ot ('OJlooalot'l nro thnt . cloth n ot hrenk nut In U,e ordlnury cir, cumst llnce.'! or IIrl1.

10 r catoro nor-

Walter McClure

• Wills Drawn


Rr) ld by tlnu;u:IR l 8 fn r o ver 40 Yonts. F . J, Ch~ nc y & (.;0. , To led o. O.

~,I by N igge r, Tru mb ull, FUltzz, ..:n~'~l~dl::;::;;~~~~~~~~~~===+WI"\::-_""

l;l udJc n . TrumiJ ul l W !l S fi" sl i T nlllluull, Ni~g" r , Fulhi o, F u ll z. alld G O ~IH; Rhow g-:.ti l1!i in llcrengl't Ht th e expc II e of o lhcr vllricties a nti l·s pcciul ly thosc of poor qualily.

T onic, which

lhe 0 10 0(1 on tho Muoous

S llr tnc,·s . It,u9 .1.f:sla tln



Nati onal l3ank P no nD 44

OK.H.E. HATHAWAY Harvel,.bur._ Ohio.


ohlo·IDr. John W. Miller

Waynesville, Telephone 114, Sonce Ma', been Domonated, sbe's commooced to show some sJX'Cd; .she can tell the errant voter what our country seeme to need,-she's a powerful fluent spellker, we Bre happy to conrOSH-nn' she make!! a 8pl endid showin' wblle dcllvcrln' an ad. dress. . . • An' sbe jcs' dotes on politics-the wont you ever saw -and, there'll DO two ways about It., we are goln' to vote ter Ma. O! coune her colfee atnt 110 good, an' the eatu. .Int quite 110 brown. . • . Of coone our buttoM amt ._ed OD-en' the houao II upalde down,-6Dd of course we're leelln' BOrry fer our poor, old, lonesome PR, but-wo're all pluOlb patrlotic 80, we're lOin' to vote ter Ma We reckon she enn Ihow 'em what the world til wattln' f!I!J and, aa to balD' "'pregresstr' why, there .lnt 110 ftlM on her. We may be fee1In' cWret'8Dt "'}Ieu we eat our vittllll ra~ut _ cant ,lde-atep Q..1Il 1!l!ain' 10WE'RE GOIN' TO VOTE FER MAl








Wayne8vllic National nank Bldg

STRAW We are in the market for your

Baled Straw Write or phone our buye~, MR. E-' s. HA~ILTON:





The Hager Straw Board .and Paper Co. .Cedarville, Ohio

.. .



~~~~~~~__~~~~__~~~~~+J~~~~~~~~~r,t.--.-.M-.y~m~l-.r.~~~Uft~~~.~·.~~~~~~~ ~_~~~~~~~~~~~_____________ ----------~"..--...

'P~~--~--~--~--~~~~--f~~ -·~ lw--~-,n~~.~~~,- ~avu_~_U_~_~_M - I!-~-r~ ""'~-~ - ;~~~ I • f. I



Su b ~c rib('

Our store 'will he closed all day

: THURSD Y St:l l ..... lv" HER 2::Jlh ",•• 1

f or th e Miami Gazette.

, T hunderga te

lIlrs. /\ Ivin Enrnhnrt wa ~ in Da y\ ton lI1 onday.

Monday, September 29th, on ac-




wo ~


lifT II i m !' ~ . (I f Centerville. i,



CIermon Hea't ers, ! 't

Ranges and

-- --


., "


____B_;_\s_c_b~a_Il'_s_td__o_I__- J




" Wh y Worry"




I I i

GEORGE FAWCETT! : A pi c tur e th ot i. d iff c r r nt .


Ch~n'lI('r:~ ~o

Mrs. 11 01'1' Stilus i, flu itl' ill at the Mi ss Elizabeth 'i s pr <!st' nl Lime at her hn",e in Corwin . CO lldll r ti ll~ n No r mal ~t" hoo l ut the cily o f Grl·l' lI \' ill,· . h·ft lhi. morninJ{ Mr. anel Mrs. F , n, lIend er.on Rnd for h er work th,·r('. Mr ~. L. A . Zimnll"rmnn w e r e In nay -.--- l \ln ' n!urdrty

- -- -


wl th


Mr, Frl'<I M. Cnle nnt! fumily " P" ll t Rundny with rela tiv e, in rincinna ti.



i. ;

-=,..,..-;:=;-.".- '


1\1 1;,



a busin eRs visitor in nuyt ,' n MondltY aft er.nou n.

Wnynes\'ille. O hio



Moyor Rogers is do ing jury duty at Lebanon 'this w(!ck.

L. C. St. J oh n



Mi~s Lid,,, nnn Nl'ltie Oglesbee visited Xcniu Satu rd ay.

count of Jewish holiday.



Bc lt r r


11.a. n

" S .'tl ,· l y L ou t. "

...... ...:.

SH OWS i\L. 1. P RI Ct'S R E GU I. A.R Mr. Will Sl. .John Ilnd fami ly mov~ ~ .. a. ""."" ••• " .""' • • "·" "' • • ....______________ - ~~ -~ - ~~~­ ~....... ed into t he 1~lhnn prop!' r! y on Third ~~~~~~~~~~ ________ __ _____u___ ______ ~trect la st week . Our Mo re will be closed nil tIny [MIAMI S TO MEET Monelny. Sept em ber 29th . on account LEBANON IN .SERIES _____________ nn_.aa.-.II;I::a·_ _ .r~_"I1111__ Dr. Chll • . F:1Ii". o f !'i t. Loui •• Mo .• o f J cwi. h h o li d~ y. Myer Hymnn. '. I i5 the !!,u£'st o f Or, J . T. E llis Ilncl ,' th e r re lutive s hl're. Next ~' ll " dIlY will be t h.· d:T1(' " f I Emerson Ma~l(lO mude a business the fir st .. f u se ri es o f ~n l1l{'" Ill'twc en Mr. and Mrs. G c or~e H a milton [Ire trip to Cincinnati Tuesday. Lebunon a nd the )!i n mi ~ . ,".01 !hi, ' ~ pcnding a few day- with reh~tiv ps lI "rllICln ! con test .\ II I be st nJ(c n lit Milll< Eltu Em ley. of Dayton, spent nt WOJ'lIkoneta. Ohio_ plll"k. Lc>1 " " on. , ' h(' Mi llmi~ h,\\,(' r e-I Sa Lurday he re with rr lutivcs. In f orc cd t },,' Ir li ne-up by ti l(' "c'lu i>iMr. Gf' orgc Ogl e. bee ancl 8istl'r. of Mr. an d Mrs. Fronk Zell spent the t ion 01 )1 ,. Frost and Osborn . of lIar· 1 veysbu rl! , Locol fan s wish inA' to 1:"0 X('n in. spe nt Sllnd llY with the MillS!!" week-end wit.h re latives in Indiana. to Leba " II next Sunday will be ftSOg l<'"u(' ('. on Fourth s t ree t. sured of ,. good gam e. Mr. an d Mrs. J . C. Illlwko were The g., 11 e will begin at 2 :30, ' Miss Martha Dinwiddie. o f Xenia. Dayton vis itors Monday a fternoon . is the guest of Mrs. Be ll e Din widdie llnd dllu g ht e ~. Miss Olive. Mr. Mycr Hyman and fa mily s pent ~~



f\) ·. . .... .~







Rosenthal tCorrn ers and Shre


-_ ..



Sunday with r elatives In Ci ncinnati. Our store will be closed a ll da y Mrs. FIl Y Thompson. wife of J eff Monday. Se pte mber 29th, on [lccount Mrs. Edith Ha rris and Mrs. Laura Thomps."1 . 01 Leba non. was eleded of Jewish holiday. Myer Hyman. Mosher were Deyton visitors Friday, pr£'siden t of the twenty-first district Mr. W. J. Ba ker spent several days . Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee hav e of the ","<I er of the Eastern Star at thclr an n ua l meeting at Wilmin gto n last week in St. Louis. Mo. He also returned home f rom a visi t In northrecently , The district is composed vi ~ ited other cities wh ile on the trip . enl 11Unois. Stanley "Huck" Hurrls. the kid of four tee n chapters and will hold manager of the Washing to n basoits 19 26 meeting at Leha non. ~II team who has tans thc' coun. Mr. J os. Thompson and Mrs. KathMr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips are tr'y over rooting for him to wfn erine Morriso n. of Cincinnati. were moving to thei'r tarm northwes t of For Sal. b, ~lie American League Pennant.. 5till in his early twenties. Harris Sunday g ueste of Mrs. Kizzie Thomp- town. this weell:. NOTI CE OF APPOINTMENT ~ the )'oungest manager In the so n. 'II!' leagu es. Mr. A. T. O·Neall. of Washington Eatatt· of Mary E. Digphnm. deMr. Ernest Harlan leaves tomor- C. R .• Is the guest of Mr. W. E. censed. row for Valpariso college. Illinois. O'Neall and family. No tic,' 's hereby g iven t hat F. M. DO YOU EXPECT TO ATTEND THE where is entered tor the eomlng Bi ~ pha n , hus been dul y app nintl't\ '!lnt.l Mr. Clarence Allen and family. qualified as Administrator of the Esyear. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith spent last tate of ~ Iary E. Bispham. late of Miss E dna Howland and Mr. AI· Sunday at the Zoo in Cincinn ati. Wurrcn Co unty. Ohio. deceased. ,.- . AT DAYTON, OCTOBER 2, 3 and 47 I , be r t Wilso n attendeel the Adams Dated t his 15th day of September. Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter McC lure. Mr . 1924 . county r euni on at t he Dayton Fair W. Z. ROLL. If, 10, you will lurely wanl a copy of tbe J as. S. McClur'l ann Mrs. Jd a Ke lsey I!'ro unds S un day. .Judge of t he Probate Court. we re X enia visitors Monday afterWarren County. Ohio. Save your old carpets and rup noon. Shaw hcln & Brown. Attys. and get "WearweJl" Ruga made. Leverirg C(lr wrlg • of vansSend for price list. Franklin Ru~ ton. 111•• spent the week-e nd here LATE CLASSIFIED Co., Fnnklln, OhlD. with r e latives enro ute to his school Mr. and Mn. Howell PIerce are at Princeton . W ANTED-Pla#n a nd fancy washThill 12S-page book contains a hist ory of the i nvention of the a ir- enjoying a vacation lrom the Frfends ing-reasonable prices. yal!e~ JIIr. and Mrll. R. G. Cross left on pt-; • history of the International Air races ; how to judge 4ir races; a Home. and are spending lIome time P.!.I delaQltion of the beauties of America a s seen from the air ; a descripti on visiting with their children In Toledo. Tuesday morning for Am,Ha. Ohio. P hone 132 -4 . FOR SALE - Two row, wlle"l. where they will spend sllveral days of die U. S. Dirfgibletl; an account of the U. S. Air Mail service; an in terc orn cutter. neW. Inquire J. P. Mr. and Ml'I!. W. B. Squires. Mr. with relativeB. ~ KCOunt of the recently completed Round-the-World Flight: a descrlpCummings.R. R. 3, Wa,ynesville, O. and Mrs. W. S. Graham and Mr. and ;t;ioa. of many interesting placel! to visit while in Dayton, and a complete octS • Mrs. Viola Ha,11II1 and daughter. Mrs. Roy Earnhart left Monday for a ~Dle aDd program of the various events. ' week at the Rcservoir. hunting and Mr ~, Harold E:arnhllrt arrived home The ' book ill profusely illustrated. incJudinA' photos of a ll entrants in fishing. FOR SALE- Tim ot hy Clover or Saturday evening. after spending the various conteets. It is well gotten UP. printed on A'ood pa per. and is several weeks with r elatives in Illi - mixed hll)' lillY is in barn at RO ba book that you will be pr,o ud to preserve. The price-26 CENTS-is ex('I't Andrew" . Fiat F ork. H . H. WilMr. Lee Hawke and family and nois. ceedingly reasonable for such a book. ke rson. Wa ynesville. O. octS ' Mr, John Fromm and family were Miss Olive Allen wus a guest a t Sunda y dinn er g uest s of Mr. and FOR SALE UJlfTIL OCTOBER 1.t BY the weddin g oC her friend , Miss MarMrs. J. C. Hawke. garet Lorenz. of Dllyton. to Dr. HurMr. und Mrs. Jas. E. McClure left rison S. Gogstetter. of Minneapolis. - ,..,So. Charl.lton Cream Station. I; ; & this m orn ing for Cincinnati. where on Thu rsday evening. they will spend the balance of the . ., or Wllynesville people who a LLW the week with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnfinals of the Mid-Western P olo Tourn hart. amcnt at Dayton Sunday were the Mrs. Velma Max. of New Madi so n. Messrs. Lee Hawke, Earl Orndorf, Ohio, Mrs. Wanda Griffith and son. Geo. Wa terh ouse and Ethan Crane. lind Mr ~. Ed CoPP. 01 Greenville • Mrs. Lizzie Werntz tlntertnined were I!uests o f Mr. and Mrs. George Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shack Hartsock. last week. elford, of Dayton; her son. Robert MisR Olive Dinwiddie e ntertained a nd fami ly. MesRrs. Wilber. Webber I ba"e lold JIll' farm. and pe r A4J reem ent must give pOlleuion on or before at dinner. Sunday. in hon or of her a nd Sherman Tinney and Edgar No"eDlber I. 1924. I will offe r lor aale " I my r eli denee. bette. known .. house g uest. Mi s~ MI!.rtha Dinwiddie. Smith. the Him ea farm . 9 milea aouth of Dayton , 1 mil e «Iue weal of C e nterville, of Xenia. the 1I11sses Eelith Sides 5 mile. eut of Miami.burg. on the Miami . burg And Centerville pike. on and Katheri ne Fromm Mr. Fred Burnard and son. Frank. of Alpna. Ohio. spent Tuesda y here Mr. Cummings Jones. who hus calling on o~4 acquaintances. MI'. been spe ndi ng the Bummer with his Barnard. wh.o i)1l.Il jUlit sold his groCommencing at 10 ;30 , harp. the following de.e .ibed prope rty. to-wit; brother in Sy rllc use. N. Y .• has re- cery store in Alpha. will 800n pc loturnod t.o his home in Dayton. He cated at Farmersville. where he hili' will r em a in at his home throughout purchased a grocery. Ford ton tru ck. equ ip ped witb Dayton .teel wh eelt in reUI 4 new tire. the winter and wiJl be employed there. Messrs. C. M. Robltzer. Myer Hy32.4 Goodrich .0 ida in r .... a r . nn d .tock rack. Man. George V{aterhouse. H. A. CorHercule. 3-ho.. e Kerol"ne EDline. equipped with W eb. ter Magneto Miss Ola Hartsock s pent the week- nell. J . B. Pence and S. D. Henkle an. lo"ernor •• almo.t new; 14 feet Line Sb,aft. with hange.. a nd 6 Pulle,..; · end with L . M. Sears and family. in arrivlld home this morning, after 32 f ....t 4.inch Belt . .. 1923 mod ..1 Ford.on Tractor. complete with fende... top. pulley. J effersonville. Mr. Sear's .80n. How- spending ,. couple of days in Akron eluteh pedal bolder, and Ir0yernort-u.ed yery little. and new Fergu.on ard. who lives In California. was hon- attending the Instituting ot a new Z-bottom Plow •• 2 exira .har.,.. Thi. i. the only plow that make. ored with lit dance on Friday evening. Shrine jurlsdic:~ion. A bout sixty ot his friend. and r elathe Ford,oD a ain,le unit. Mr. and MTIII. Jprry Orsborn enterOhio Rake Corn Plante •. with fertilizer attachment. John Deere Corn tives enjoyed themselves. . tained SunnilY at dinner the followPlow, Troy Farm Walon. witb 50 bu.hel bed. Ha.y Laddera. O.born Ha,. Mrs, L. B. Hall entQrtalned at a ing guests I Mr. Ban Thompson and Ra ke. Grayel Bed. Palata Digger. Double .• hovel, Slip ScooP. Ha,. Fork. Trip Rap ... Grindatone. 2 Ladd ..... Poll Augur, 2 Scythe•• 3 Fork •• Shovel •• mi.cellaneous IIhower In honor of family. Mr. Idward Smith and tamTheT..... SedaD Fence Stratch.r •• Wood Screw Vi .... Mattock. Dinner Bell. Doubletree.. Miss Margare t Clark .. who Is to be ily. Mr. Cbal. Collins and family. Mr. Chainl. two.way Pump for Water Tank. Lard Pre,• • Lard Dip •• BUlche rin, an Octob er bride. About ftfty were Elmer Gilman and family. Mr. SamTabl" alld Scaldinl Barrel. Bentwood Churn. 2 Vinelar barrela. about 20 , prese nt and the af ternoon Wa! pleas- uel Collins and family. of Dayton: lallon Polarin Oil and Drum. 4 larle Feed. Boxe •• about 5()() pound. of antly s pent in playing gamel, after Mr. Albert Collins. of Wilmington; AM Charcoal for bo, •• about 100 pound. of Sah. B.g of lime. which refreshments of Ice cream and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Orsborn and . I'orti-s-ta. C588 80n. Bobby. and Mr. Thos. Collins. . 1111 pound. Reed'. Y..llow Dent Seed-conI bed• • helled Corn, ' 1922; 32 cake were se rved. The brlde·to-be ,.,~ po,,"do ~to""r Sud, 8 pound.' While Sweet Clover. ' received many beautiful and useful A very pleall8nt reunion was held ........" .• «adS Home Comfort Ste.,l Ranlie. good •• new. \?etroit Vapor Coal Oil g ifts and a s the guests departed .they a.t the home ' ot Mr. and Mra. J. M. , ...... No . .1,16 Clermon,1 H ea tinl 5 to..,... No. 60 Clermont HeatiDI' SloYe, wished her a very happy life, »II Keye SUIl,day. Those who ena _pal't.... nl C.lorie Firele.. Cooker. new, t2 ' Crockl. EIa".. C ...e. 15 old H en .. 60 70llng Cbic ke n., and man, other arll. Mr. T. B. Foeter and family, of Joyed the day were Mra. Frank MorBu tterthworth·s. Dr. J. T. Ellis and ri son, of Los Angeles. Cal.. Mr. and ·· ,....~lO.OO ..... lI~d.r, cub. OYer $10.00. a credit of "ine ,Wife. Dr. Chas. E llis. of St. Louis. Mrs. Montgomery Howard and son. :,!~.;~""",wld. ........... l-nt,. 4 per c.~t of( for ~a.h. . Mo., Mr, J. E. Junney and wife. Chas. Robert. of Ge r ma ntown. Mr. A. H. E llis and family. W. E. O'Neal and Terrell and family, of New Vienna. . family, and Mr. Walt er and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sellars Bnd !laugh family , of Kingman, spent Sunday ter, Una. 01 Lebanon. Mr. Amos / with Mr. John McClure and family, Cook I\nd family. and Missea Addle , ~D~ OD Gro.Dd.. o~ near Franklin. and Clara Kel..

Strong, Durable, Safe

. .. .


J.E.FRAZIER, Waynesville, O.

International Air · Races


VE~I ~


Of the Dayton International Air Races


I I,

The Rosenthal Husker has w it hstood the years of n::lrd service un der all conditions and ~.ta nds out tOl:;IYas the fo re l11ost - lll ~kcr o n the ma r ket Made In SlZC ~ Id'll'table for ;.ny size tarm ~lnd Cl ny si z~ e ngine. Hardwa re Harness

-FRED ;\1. CO

.'\1 1( \


IH nc htnery

Wa y n esvi ll e, Oh io


. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ua~.~. . . . . . . . . ..m. . . . . ._:"

/ 1


, ~






7, 1924

Implements, Household Goods, Grain

-590 c-.. . .







""""'0. ......>=',........-..


AU-Year Utility

.t Lowest Cost ~ body l}'p8-DOW widely I'OP'I1u-was created by the Ford Motor c;:.,mpa..J. Into h has been buUt all the

..,. 1\xb

.me, . . aQJ lisht·weigbt cJosetl car can .JJMIda. Ie " combtable. lOODly mel am·

....... . . , 10 ~ aDd ~ and instmdy adapted to varyins weather condhiona.

~AlN-~~ . ~f{5~t

Wayneaville Motor



Seven y-Sixth Y ar




Jc wi ~ h

S h o ll u)

New Your's dllY (Ro, h


~ erv i Cl"

~ y IlH~nlCH(' ~ ,

f1 lJs p r\'~ d


wit h ('h ang-l' tl f L'iBI vi !"it :.

an d was

~w l l'm ll

!·H; I ' ,· il·l· ~ .

~1'l · c tin J.!~



in ull

M Ull -




us he r e d in n t· s unduwn

SllIlllllY wilh sp('cilll



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with e Xand ~o­


c ard ~

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~U h0I1 0 1"(.' 11 \t. it II l h l ' p r'l':{e l1l'{! IJl' Jl llly Gru n d M."tcr. Bro,

a l-

"Tht' T en


P Clwt c ncc,"

(h" lici o u ~

wa ~ ~ pl·\· (l( 1.

l·\'erylhiI lJ.!


Th e



cntHhl t'~ .

Meetin gs Named for Bestow ing Prizes On Winne u in the ha, ;'hall Wl·r., cn jllYfl1 by t he y"lln~ pl''' l'l e HII II Ih (· phntnv.rllJ,h,·r County A fll)r dinner gam' ~ vf h o r ~c~ h +t(1'

P:I :-\:-O heflin' (; 1111 il l :0- 1111:11'

))ay ~

l:"lmp ri ~ l·d



ta m ... and you ca n jUf.;t irnal!'ill h .,\,,· pll'u~t.' d l'\' l'rylHl t!w lr '( )~H.· d f!lr /I li tt lc " I, i I," Th o I' '. ..:h l l l· qjOY" '! lh l cla y \\' ('1"4..': I

til e . II, hp ju d/!I·t1 !!c"onlinl'( In theIr Clll \\·, · dllt '..; ~lay <'VL'/ll rl l! , Sl' l' l , ' m~ l'n nduct durin g Ihe Pllst Yl'lIr, They l!('r :.! .\. Llil' 111l' 1111I( ' r ~ o f \\'yll ll1ln~ 11I·1i1·\"(· t hnt till' ju !il!l1lcnt flf I'ach (' pd j' I ' :~d . I tI...! , Wl lh t l, "'i,' f: l1l1i l w !"i P" )")-4 (1 fl iK l'll l ,' r pci in th l' n uok o f Lifp :11111 If lrlt(.' d t'ri . lid !' . nll't at th c 1. 0, ( S" ph ur C hyi l>l ) IIn tl that thi . h,,"k O. F . h uH t ill' Ii h C1 1I Il' .. l' omi ng- an c.J i!-' clu~ c d nt S lIlIcln\\'l\ J\1 on tiuy, bu t (11:-; 0 III I Jl HIU I' 01 ~I'alld M Il:-;. t C T G. F. i, left un .cu l ·d fur te n dill", cull,·d Un "\II , \, f I ...-, I I; I IIOI\.

('\ ' ll t l ' r \'i l liJ ,

Oh io. Sunda y. ~oI'U'", hl'J' ilh, ,\ftt-r Ih l' a <e (· ml>la~t · of th p I! ur ~ t ~

Int'fl U


t tl

/1,' HI"

a n l' \;tiw ratL' d in flL' r

AIliOIlJ,( Orl hodox J ew. t h;'. holi Gra nd Ma s t er Brown and D epliuy j .. o h .... f· n t'rI nll t on ly as tht far ~ t uty G ra n o l'.lns ter H e ffner d ay .. I' II,,· ,, "11 1'. hut nl,o as the' I )"y W r o f ,llId':"" ' nt (Y O III 11 11 Di ll). ,, 1tC'11 Presen t n Il th e I nh a l , itl l! : t~ q f th r' I -HI't h :. r l'

}" .Ii evl,d


1\1"' 1

of Mr. anti


Bur nt·tt .



'rill' Burnett r,·union wn !o' hl'ld al

..tOvJ ·'

"J"u:n) :~


:-11', a" II ~I r'. Il a'I"Y H ,~n wn. ~Ir , 1111(1 ~ I " , (. I J. y da u ~h\'· r Hl'tty, ~I r, :. ,,01 ~Il I t,, ~· ""1"1 ,' II, Mr. u nd :II". F. c\ II :lrbnek. Mr. " " d Mrs, Ray mo nd nllr ne ll. Mr. unrl ~ I r", Frunk Bll rllett, Mr. lind Mrs Owen Uurnplt . ~I r. Rn.1 ~ I r' . W m , l'h illi l' ~ . ~lr. W. II. ~ I i ll " . Mr. un ci Mrs Tho• . hernd, Mr. IInci ~Irs El"IlI'st Bu llr-rworth . M e s~rs , Dur net Hullc rw o,·t h, Ih.l ~,cll Lewis , Gilbert Rr ye . GI " nn Frye. Cn thrine Whi taker, 1I l1 "old Whitake r. Homer ' Ilurnett . Che Rtl ' r I Durn et t. Mr. an d Mrs . Shl' rI1H\ n lJy ke. Al vin Dyke, Rh eu Dyk", Mr, an d !\Irs. Forrest Gr nhnm . Kllthhry n nnd Mi ldred Graham , Mr. and I\1rs , Cliff BUl"I\ett, Ruth lind ' Horll ce BurlI e lt , Mrs , Hul dah Durn ett. Wa lter Burnetl . Chas. Burnell , Mr. a n d Mrs. Har ry L, H H ~ ti n ~. Trent L , .11I111"son , W ilbur J umeson , tl l r , an d Mrs. Eur l Jl li ller, Al1lll1 nluy li nd Dun Mills, Mr. unci Mrs. Will Pine , Murie Pine . Mr. o'nd Mrs. Ross Hartsoc k und sons , Wilton and Owen,M r. !l lld Mrs. Andy Elli s, Therm u und Le la Elli. , Mr. lind Mrs, Harvey Burn e tt. Mr. and II1rs. J as. Odell, Mrs. Mabel Dinwidd ie . Ru e Dinwidd ie, Mr. a nd Mrs, Russell Burnett , Gene lind Eile e n Burnett , Mr. and Mrs. Don Hartsoc k. Kenneth J . Hartsoc k, Sarah Kath erine Ha rtsock, Annit Louise Hartsoc k, Joseph W. Hartsock, Mr. and Mrs . Clyde Lewis, Ronald an d Velma Lewis, IIIr. and Mrs. Osca r Wode, Mr. lind Mrs. Willillm Luke ns . Ma ry Cnrolinc Lukens, Jllr, and Mrs. Am os Coo k, Ruth, M url:nret, Ernes t a lld Wurrell Cook , Mr. nn d Mrs. H. C. Harvey , Dori s lind A lvi n Hnrvey, Mr~ , Clem Burnett and daughte r, AucJrey , of Miam i. Fl u., Mr. an d Mrs. ~lilton Key, Mr. and !l lr ~ . B. F. )Iill ~ , lI1i"-S Cu rri e Mills, Mr. und Mrs. F runk Colm cu n, Floyd Co leman, Mr. and l\lrs. Charles Cornell, Orville Corn ell, Mr. and Mrs. Sa muel Bu tt erworth.




I n III'hnlf nf Iht, Cluh memhH " nnd \V an-e n (' fl unt y , \\' P hr-g

Ipa d\,' r ';


t o thank ynu f"r yo ur in tl'rt'~ t and i,.'()- I,,'(' r Hl i o n in co nt rihultnc- pr b",(!!'.

('a s h "n, 1 11wrchHn cii, e w n ~ cnn\ ributl·1I hy bu sin ess me n u nd other ,pi "ite <l citi zc" , of th e counly. Leban "" c,, "ll'ihulc d $ 1 ;j~ 1.I0; Franklin Hll d Spri n~h llrn $!I (J.lJ O; Wu yncsvi lle a nd Harvl!ys burl: $·);; ':,0' Milson nnr! J.'Mtp r. $IiO.I)O: Morrow , $~ I .f, !), The Fui r hoa l'd added to thi s I GO. OO, The Leblln un Nlltitlnal hHnk. the

of t he perill d of grncc u ll owed for s inc"r~ ' Gco r),(u 1·,'pcn tance . I M. c\l'lrl ,l r. "f ~l' \\' \' icnnll , 0' 1111, On th u tt'n lh clay- Yom KiJlJllll' I 111'0. 1'\1'lf '"'I' i, nexl in linc 1'01' li J'H11t1 ( lJa y of A ton!! men U - it i" hl'lie \'(.,11 M" . lH, ll1Mt God IIgain Ol)(' ns the book nnrl WY Olllin ),( lodl(" fu lt very high ly :-, h o w ~ 11 i ~ III trey nnd ft' rgivunc !o'~ by h' "I1'1' ·d ,,~. h"1I I~ privikd),(ell t o h:t\" e C'xtc ndinl:" c lcnw ncy 10 those wh o th e l Wu hiJ.( lll's t Grund Lod!!\! o fli,'c rs Citizen'! " N at iUlw l bank o f Lcba:1dn Inll y repent ed. lind thRt he changes i'n th,' ~ t:lt,· wit h them: nbll Si~lc r H,';d til<' Fra nk li n Natio~1\1 blink ~ncl; tht· ju dJ!ment ngl tin "t them . Yom Illl .... b . of I\," g" Mi ll... wh" 1" ' 1 reclJnl ril ,tlt NI !i' IU in clIsh: tIll' Wurren 1\ ip pur is regarde d liS t he most so l.en ts the I<I' h 'kal" 01 Ihi; tli'l" ic t Nutionu l hun k, of Fra nkli n . and thp. c nlll !lil Y of Ihe yen r nnd is olJse rved in th c G.. I1 .·.. " I """em l"y , Spl'ingh oro bank each $5; IIml Ihe M.lch wit h fu sting and prayer in the syna credit. for th l' "' UC Cl'SS u f t h e c \' c J~ illg other bu nks of the cou nty udl" ·d I!OI!UI' throul:ho ut th e do y. At sunhi du~ th e cO ll1mitl ~l! ill dWI'K C. T he e nullg h to provide ' a fund of $J8 d"wn the hoo k of life is clOsed by r l' \:op t ltJn CUllIm ittee con ~ i ~ tc d uf wil h which elle h boy anu girl \l'h G!ll l until Ihe f oll owing New Year'. Ihr,·" " ," I e r~ of t he ItellCkllh urn:lch fini , hed hilS beun pro vi ded n ncat dllY, it is believed . of Ihe ur.l er, whu welcunw d ea ch une and Illtl'uetiv c ·111 Clu b pin, Th e The julil(11Icnts entered , it i. belit the door. pil'" Hlld ud d iti ll nul cash "ri les will lieved, determi ne whether life or The pr g rulll of th e even ing con- clea h" d isll'ibute d to tbe club winn ers th. health or s ickn cs~ , prosperi t y sc iMtcd uf Illu "ic by t he M . E. Su n- or ut the fo ll owinJt seri es of meeting s : ndve rsi ty, will be the lot o f eoch day Schoo l orc'hus tru, lind r eadi ngs pcn;on. MundllY cv~n ing, Septem ber 29This be lie f is the basis of Ilnd 80ng~ . ull of whi ch wero well th e Masu n. nt Reibol d's hall. inscripti on on the J cwish New rendere d, fi ft H which Sister Harris Tll c~duy cvening , Septem ber 30~ Year's card s~"Le Sh ona Tovo wu s in trodu ce d und gu\'e u f e w r cWaynes ville, ut Grange hllll. Tickosc v." This mean s, "May You YOUN I G LADY HAS mnrk. 011 Ih ~ worki ng. of th e ord er. W ednesda y evening , October 1~ be in scribed f or n good year," r eLECTU RE WAS Bro. NcfTne r wus well liked by his ferring PARTY Mo rrow, at Maso nic hall. ANNO UNCE MENT to th e. judgme nt e ntered in WELL ATTE NDED hellrers an d le ft Ho me very wa rm Thursda y evening , October 2~ th e book of life. friend s here. Grund Maste r Brown Franklin . lit Masonic hall. ' ~---. .... ~~-WIIS next iatroclu ced and after voicFriday evening , October a- LebThe Misses Alice and Suella Sheeing what hud ulready bee n said. he DISTR anon , at Gran ge hall. Quite n g ood-sized audienc e gRthhan entertai ned a few friends at their ICT MEDIC AL ga ve a hea rt-to-he art tll ik . He spoke One hundrc d girls who complet ed (01"(' d at th e Gym M I1 day eve nin!!: to MEET S h ome Saturda y, Septem ber 27th. SOCIE TY of his app.rccil lli on of the hono r that the Clothing Club work; 76, Food The lI(ternoo n wa p spe nt in playi ~~ Plans for A cti\'e W<>rk W ('re 111':'" He \·. 1'\, L. Lin l1 l: bn ugh, of DllYwus sho wn him lind pointed out m!lny cl ub ; 18 , Poultry club; 7, Pig club, t "" . di'c u ~, "The Pub lic Schoo l P ro bga mcs. th e last one bien g II nut Laid Ou t f ur l p 'cm ing gool l poi nts in the order. He also a nd 23 CalI club mem bers will sliare I, m ,n Anll'ri ca ." The spea ker, who puzzle, The gue.ts were i nvit~ rI inThe Five County comp li mente l W yu min g lodge on Dist ri ct . MediclIl in th ese pri>ws. Sixteen Calf club . Year' I i. I.a. lor of the E a~ t End Un ited ' . . t o ano ther room, where th e ~' f " dnrl t heil' improve men t in t he lodge socloty. cO":PrlSlllg th e. phys l c~un . of II min iulure Ir me mbers wh n e xhi bite d at th e Stnto , H,·"I hr~n church, [layton. held the Cl' fill ed wi th nuls. A room ', lhus muk iu g them compllre Wllrren , IlI ghlllnd. fuir, won abou t S:l50 nnd the Amerhnton. Gr~C1H' lanllde r ril b do, ... at tClltiol\ (, f his audienc e f or d II I kIC a nd Fnyelt" . ., , cll unti,.~. will mecl in 1{(Ullllln ) 0 11h nn fuv urublt: wit h vthers in the sta t",. • a na s ma ican ct Jersey Ca ttl e club is giving $3 lr11I enc otlc:\ m e w)00 u." at . The weck~ b~t\\·(·t.~n 1\1' .j ' : "- Pa y t 11 111n' t hata ti ll h o ur. The cum mittee in chu rge then in- Lebanun , \\ "dnesdn y. Octob r I . (tn- ta ch •. cl t., eHeh nil\' W h,'n th e nuts nn d T hnnk,gh each t o the Jersey Calf club mem' in ~ /lr .. re ,·"~,. , I ;;, Afte r a brie f re "ume of th e h i.vited t he e o mJl a n~' to the ba nqu et dIlY) . when the .. ttl·nding phY>lcian, W" l"p o I'" nl·'/. each 01\1' hel d a par't he l on/!in~ be r s. Our Co unt y Food club team pl'nllinl 'l" In tl ,,· 1:,,01 r "I. ;' 1 1'''Y of public Echoo ls and o:her " dr uom , wh e ro un e xcellen t lu nc h wu s wil l be cntcnui ncd at n cOlllplin1(>n- Olf 11 pU 7.7,le, wo n secon d pluce at the State fair, \\' he n Ihc pU ::7.le wus ns th tinw o f i " ;Lllllual Lln \' •• hlJl h ueatin nnl ill ~ titu tionH in t he Un ited servcd by th e comm iltee . th e ladies tnry tlin ne r a t lIufford s, by t he comI I . wit h 56 counti es co mpeting . d [or ne w nwmhcl" ; 'IIIU mittec compo_e el 'o f Doct ors N. A. ,:omp (' Il·I. It nnnounc for re ll(',\V'II." S ta te" . he madc a strong Il lcn for the u p- 'of being gU CSt.l;. proachin g ma rriage of cMissth eSuella Afte r u socilll time A t each of the ab ove mee ti n-gs , f orlll"!" plcd~c s, ' lIy thi. Ill eons full,·,t d"\'elop ment of our public spcnt togethe r, 1111 fe lt that it hud Hamilto n, Frankli n; He nry Brown. Shee han and Mr. El lis McClure . Oc- the greu ter g r o up~ of club mem be rs will give part of t he nHlIlCV f" r sl'hoo ls, fre e to all, a nd attend ed Kings Mills; Edward and Rohert tober 14, 1924 . by been nil evening well s pent. n clot hin g club demons tration nnd carrying on thi, most worlhy' work 1111, rich and poo r, hi ~h and low, r eBlair, The address of the afterRefr(>shm erits were served to the is secured . It is no smull a playl et, entitled "Clubs Arc --~~--.-- ----~la>k whic h ~ardl ess of sex. creed or race. The noon will be d elivered by Mr. C. D. foll owing /!uest s : Trumps. " A mot ion picture film Misses SueliR fac es th e Counly Bpa rd in t he o r~an- quotcd stati stics compil&<! by the BEGIN S THE SALE Selby, of Toledo, presiden t of the Sheeha n, Elma McClur wi ll illustrat e the educatio nal and e, Mildred izlJ'tio n of the wo rk of th e ~olidlor s 1'\al ional Bureau of Educati on (a SUPER INTEN DENT OF SEASO N TICKE TS the Ohio Medical assodat ion. He Dunham , Rhoda and Elsie Cleveng er, that every "I'cr caliona l nd va nta ge" of Club family in thc county mRy S U I)- d IVlSlon ' , . WILL PREAC H 0 f t h e Depar t men t 0 f will speak on the "Future of Medi- I nis Davis , Irene Harbau gh, Gladys ca mps, be invited to b(>c ome n pa rI of the the Interi or) proving the defi ciencies cine." Dr. G. D. Robbins , of Chil- Rickard , Cleo Stacy, LaVern e Tullis, These pro g rllm ~ nrc carried out Amer.icnn Red Cr oss. of our present system and showing licothe, will. talk on "Public Hea lt h Clara Cleo Crocket t, Alice Sheehan ' as is the club wor k t hroug h the volMr. C. S. M O UD L~, th e cou nty chll ir the need f or greatly increase The Lyce um Course cOlllmi ttee d and and Mesdam es Cheste r Crocket t, 'man , certainl y fou nd untary effor ts of Ihe various club (l 1lI0,t plpu, ant met last FridllY ni ght. and IIppo int- Problem s." bctter fuciliti es. He urged th e esThe first quarterl y meetin g of th e memb er s LI nd le Deor th Sheehan, E lliott William son, way of calling the membe nders. In tbeir becd Mr. C. W. Yo unce chairma n of r8 o f t he tubli, hm c nt of, a Nation.u l Depa rt - year will be he ld at the M. E. church hulf, we IIgain thank y ou Ruym ond Mill er and Elmer Sh eehun. j c?unty b oa rd t Ogel he for your t.h o ticket sclling committ ce, and Mr, r when he i n- ~llcnt? f EdUCll tl on \\"I~h dl~ect r ~p re- on Su Mrs. Euphem ia Hou ~h returned bbath October 5. The Sucra- co-opera tion lind cordiall _ __ _ • _ • VI ted them to be hi' guests ut a din- "ntutl(l n on Ihe PreSIde y invite you F , ?II. Co le chninllull of t he IIdvl'l·tis - home Sunday evening , after a twont S cllblllct. menta l se rvice will be he ld in COIlnc r given at the Cedllr City res tnu- He IIlso made a s trong tu atle nd one of the above meeting s_ ing committ ee. There were fifteen we eks visit with her dou ghter, Mn;. plea f or laws nee ti on with t he mornin g preachin g r llnt, on Friday e\'e ning of , Illst compc lling the da ily tick e t seller~ IIppoin ted, wh o started Guy Kibler and family, of Dayton. r eading of a service by the pllstor. Rev, J. C. THE SITUA TION IN wee k, Ten me mber" wer c present, pOI'tio n of ,thc Holy thei r work TuosdllY . Bible, without Roberts , the District Superin tendent , There are ~-~-. --~-LOCA L BANK ADDS EURO and PE after AT THIS enjoying TIME the delightf ul commen t, In each 6chool room In will preach at 7 o'clock 300 tickets \0 be sold, alld all scats and tile busiho, pitali t y of Ch airnlll ll nnd Mrs . Am e rica. EXTR A E~UIPMENT wi]) LJc rese r ved on Novemb e r 1st. ness of th e QUllrter ly Confede nce Mo unts, they repaired to t he Red Approp riate m usic for th e occa- will foll ow the evening The firsl number will be t he Boyds service. All ros~ omee li nd hlltrll till' r epor t of s ion was furni sh ed by the M. E. and Katherin e Gutchel l, Concer t-are urged to attend the se servic es The foll owi1111: pxc rpt wus th e xcc uticc ~l'ct"t. t:lI'y of t he WI'l'k mal e cho rus , und II free Rrti \ s lind el1 tertninc rs in Fo ngs , in-will offering nnd e ~ pecially to be prese nt to hear from a letter t(' a promi nent Always huving in view the safety of th e pnst " Nlr , TIlt' lIulIlhel' un d w"~ tuhn ,for the Hi .trumen tnl music and humo .. ous g h Scllool Ath - Rev , Roberts . cian nnd farm e r nea l' here: of th e securitie s belongin g to its cusvariety of t he a~p. rl' l'~M('d "nd t he . l e l~ U. OClaUon , skctcluis, on Novemb er 3rd , _ _~~_==;-~-~--_+~..lI....nb... ~~~-~~~~~~~~~.~~~.~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~ a v"'CC-Jbwewc",n~o.~or in Europe thr e ~~~~ ~~~~~~ '1'herl1 will be fIVe number s on the bank never passes a n opportu nity~~~~ mOll t hs and I mu ,; 1. sav th a t our r esp nse an d aid J,! ivc n eBeh ca::.c , [ to • - -. - - - Lyce ulll c o ur~ e thi ~ year. Manage In Order to Prepar e for the tr oub les In th e Un furni sh add 1I1l1plu t o its equipm ent nn y devic e thnt pro uf "f thl' !>"cd of it ed' 'tnte" fnd .. t u sec on" o r th e ticket "elle rs und wi ll ndd to th e s trength of its vault. in to oblivio n being- over t here th (' Red Cro,R in Wa lT!'" c" u n\ \' , YOUN G MAN BIT Electio n to be Held Last get a scason ticket. The bank is nllw having installed and contemp lnting- the Hiluali on that The Il\embe r.~ ., f thp honrtl d wn l"l:k [ BY VICIO US HOG of Month ~-- --- --a system of the Anllkin Loc k Works, the people of Europe ha\'c to f uce , u p th e tll"k of prcJlaril\~ fo,' thl, l Chicago , where by if the vault is Th ey hupe to Ou r troub le hel'e cOllies fr olll hidl un nual n>11 enll. MOTHE R'S CLUB WILL MEET blown or cut by an acetelyn e torch wnl!es f or hal f the pcople nn el tOll r(l~\l' h C\'t' r~' pnl' ,in th e co unty and · thc), COnnd('IIII:; l'xpec l th e u"ual Member s of the Miami Valley To- mu ch food disturbi ng the three vials conta ini n),( three differen t ' I nlin Mu lford. so n of Mr. and othe r hili f, rca dy and The reg ulllr mee tin g of the. Moth · bReco Grower s Co-oper ative ):~"o .... u ~ n'<po nse. ~Il" , Haym ond lI1ulford , and a prom- New Presid ent Makes J!'8 ses flru rcJcn ~l' d, m nki l1 J! it impoBasSo- Wh en you hitch th ese two troubl es Addrea a e r' s cluu will be he ld Ilt the Gmdc cia tlon in seven counties in 1",;11 d,l". ' , arc III'itI'Tit l" mlln"J ur- in"" t youn;.: fnrmer living on th e silll t' for uny onc t" cll ter t he vault .... the vi- up togethe r-really it's n ot a \;cry -Two Excell ent Papers On bu ilding , FridllY, October a, at 2 : J fi cinity, of Dayton are prepllrin gent ncc,k .I u" t Il t pr ese with snfety for n uuut thirty- ~ ix h O\lI·~ . nt the fllr lll of hi . g1"lll1d g for serious situatio n, nnd it doesn't see m fatchr, Mr. James most press ing nl'l' d i, fill' clothin/!" Will", ,, {'{ll' Doo ds, wus p. m. SYBIL LEMA Y. Pres. the first annual meeting a nd election very serious to anyone , All th is is add ed to th e prcse nt fine attack ed by n Travel s Were Read contemp la tDONNA EDWAR DS, Sec'y. since the associat ion started opera- ing equipm ent with burg la r ulur m . people wh o hRven't enough fo od especiall y for ch ild ren' , c1o lhe •. Th e ' vicious ~uw une day last week and little garm ents whkh yo ur childr en I badly hu rt. The young tions. The annual meeting is an- or any place to work at any price_ mlln raised n o lo" g-e r U FC \\' ou ld ~iv (] wllrmth his f oot un d ki ck~d nounced to be held in Day ton on the sow in the The people of Europe think that The New Century club heh! the lind comfort to ot her childrc n, n ot so mouth whcn ~h e t urned TAKE S POSIT ION Novemb er I , 'with pre!imin ary elec- this is a yery fortuna te nation, on hi m and first meeting o f the yenr lit im- f ortunat e a 5 thc ynu ,·., PleRse , won't I bit him Ihroul!h Ihe center of the tions precedin g it. mensely rich and prosper ou s, happy AS NEWS EDITO R p lellsa nt home !If Mrs . •Ioh n Il uwke you n ,"pul1d \.I , Ih e nl ,,, d '! The first mee tings prepara tory to and content ed, enjoyin g th e M n~u- : foot, bl'lIisi n!; hi m so badly that he best gov- zin un Friduy afternoo n. cs for di . trihul illll amo ng t he sick t he election will be held in every ernmen t in the world, and u~l~ulu .t o do a ny work or attend The Wes tern Star of la st week , if all th e will The new pres id e nt, Mrs. E lbon , FERRY CHURC H II I ~n It .. J.: ladl y cll l1l' J f or. townshi p in which the associat ion has "ki ckers" in the United to hI, dulles on the farm. States w01l1e1 called th e mecting to order and in 1\ says: Bihle Scho ol at 9 :3 0, Rnlly Dn y. member s, on October 4. Delegat es just take a trip to Europe S ucceedi ng :-1 adi son Hutchin so n, they would (ew woll-cho se n re marks, g-ree ted next Sun dllY mOl'ning, AI ~o preach, will be chosen by the growers , the ent attittud e toward their ----- -- - own counthe club. Twen ty-on e member s re- whu rcs ig'llcd his 11Osil ion a s news i n~ services C\'ery Sunday mornin g number dependi ng on the amount of come back with a wonder fully diffe rsponded to roll call by giving n de- editor of t he WeHte rn SUlr, to enter nnd evening by the pastor, Nathun 'tobllcco going through the. associa- try. We will always have "kicker s" scription ot lin interest i ng place they iJ ruwn uni\'l\1"::3 ity at Prov idence, R. Johnson. Everybo dy welcome , ilion from each townshi p. Delegat cs but they are n ever I., Ethan Cra no. of Wayn esville, has in the nlajOrity ,\ had see n. so chosen will meet in each county and I know the Republi P ER RY THOMA S, Supt. can ticket is After II short bu sin ess sess ion, the joined the :::itarr staff , Mr. Crane is seat ,in the seven counties on Octo- go ing through with a whirl thi s year. program for the afternoo n was giv- the son of D. L. Crane, for m a ny ber 28, when the delegate s will nom~ 00, Two interest ing papers were years publish er of The Miami GaMETHO DIST CHURC H CHAS.· ~RAND, 'i nate director s, the election taking read, the first by Mrs. Adams , which zette, at WUyYles v illl', He has b een Sabbath School, 9 :15, a , m., preach- pla,e at the annual meeting . she called "Lookin g Backwa rd." It associat ed with his father for the Ing at 10 :30 n. m_ Wednes day evonApplica tion has been made by the FERRY CHUR CH was a very pleasing account of a trip pust several years, and goes to the i,'g service at 7 :90 p. m. Epworth Miami Valley Wareho using corpora which she and Mr. Adams had taken Weslern Star office with a thoroug h League 6 :16 p. m. Preachi ng at 7 :00 tion for CALLE D PASTO R the bonding of eight wareknowled ge of the newspa per and many y ears ago through the West . p. m : Everybo dy Ia cordiAll y Invited houses being used by the anociaMTs. Jann ey's Bubjeet was "My printing business . He entered upon to these aervices . tion, under the United State. WareWinter in Florida ." In a very en- bis duties Thu.rsda y. .. , Rev. L. A. Washbu rn, Paa~or, h,o use Act. Applica tions have alao 'fhll FClfl7 ohuroll. ' which hal been tertaini ng WilY Mrs. Janney describe d ••• been sen t hI for the licensin g pf gra- without a pa.tor for 'nearly a year, their journey by auto, their camping ders, weightifS lind i,uspeotol'll who has now scoured Rev, !iT _MARY!S 4lHUR~H BIG BALL OON ,experie nces and told of th e many ' Nathan JohnSixteen th Sunday after ,Trinity , are .hanlllin g tile tob81l4,l0 of tile 8S- so n, of Groenfie~d, who wi \1 opel) his interest i ng pillces which they visOctober \ 5t)1, ited' iluring their stllY of several C~urch ' Sehool at 80ci8~9n. Tho , Wflreho uses bon dod servlcos next Sunday morning , Rally A ·' large dirigibl e from Dayton months in the Southla nd, 0:30 a. m., Regular , Morning Prayer lire Cfpec.te.d to be u8ed by the 11180- Da~ . " passed over Wayncsvil~~e day last After adjourn ment a Bocial hour week_ It' was flying so . and Sormon a~ ~O:45 a. 'm., Rev, J . clutlon for storage of hlgller priced The people of this chur~1i have low tha t oue ' J. Scha~er, of!\elatl ng. Everybo dy tobacco , an~ that which wiQ he -held been able to ha.vo Rev. John ~on with was spent'd uring wbich t ime' delici(luB could ~ery plainly \;tisting.u ,iab the ~ so me time · before sale, accordin g to them several 'times ill cor~ially welcome . refreshm ents were served. by the hoa-I people 111 the baske durin" the Pa.~t t. · Its directio n offiej als. lOl'agc of the tob a cCQ In yellr, and they are very glad to tess, Rssisted by M.ra. Fromln, Mrs. was wtmtwa rd.. b)1t ~ts destinat ion '¥U VSi",,#iTc!t I have bond ~ warehou ses Is expecte d to him 88 their Hawke and thl) ' Missel! ;Kather- unknow n. . new minister . '. CHRIST IAN CHURC H ) ' make fiMncln g of the marKeti ng opThore will ' be ptcnchln~ services ine Fromil1, Elsie and 'Do1'i8 .H8Wk e·l' groupin g of elephan ts\ shQt by former Preld, Sunday School at. the Chrlltla n erations easier . ----.,. ~ ~ lnc o lnte~medlate ~very Sunday morning and evening Kermlt and Carl Ake y, has jut been comThe guCIIIs of the hoBteS8 were Mrs. , Ml'. Gay Dakin Chura/! every sunday at 9 :80 a. m. Credit bankB . may . CJfITayt()~ ~"'.". "'a-'nIl will tDe the ceDwal grOup In the African ' be used when to which ever)' one one is 'c ordially Murray, . lira. Marlatt ; Ill'll. Fromm Ipeadin , a taw da~ Evef)'bo dy cordiall y lnvlted. wltla bill ' WareboU16 recelpte ltCMiII8" elt l\emorl avaUable. al • Nft York. . invlteclo and Mn. Lee Hawke. . .... . JIn, . . . . .~--... I)aIdD.






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Roosevelt Elep

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NEW- SUITS Alta I ! 'lllfJ1l IlIl, PllrL "I' " I ,'. I ill , " 'i ll io lll .1. 1,'k l11il1l,: '11 1<'c(1I1 ~ \l l ,n .·11\11 11 ~[u t·"t.'Wt ,,1. '1\ , fm \tlll n p l l'a~ c\., urt n).'!'nirhlt l , n ('. 1'. I\ro hn, t(l 'umant hu SwiJl," 'rt I ' r" ll'",il\~ ~ I III, rllr (lnrt;ti!11\ nnd '('t ,: l" li\ I. I , It ~ . tlHH" .~p it' f' r . (,Il t \ 'rr d Il it Iy<i' CldJinj!ton , GO !len' II I ~1I1 ' 11\ fh~ nr:1I1l"- t "\ IL.ll \\'(° it ...,. , f U I' in j'dlc, 'r l\'\:. lsh ip,: 1. , Ell'\f" ' JUl' h'lb W l 'll' ll l~ lIl .l d by t i'lIl. I'h ili p Won t! to . C. F ruzc", "11\011 I. ! Ib tl' n n urt th C' " ' 1\ 11 \' 0 ( 'pu rity ';l'lIl l d JlI l"Y c f ~II ' l W:I < ,' Ilterr <l ill c' lIIm on 1'1.'11" tra"l in F ra n;di n, $1 , Tn l h en,'l' " f I-. Ii \ 111 1'1'1, 1, :t' I IIf till' p rOC "j 1 " , l un h W ibu ll Iu Butll'r an d .Iart ha th\.· ~1. ' P l ' m ll l'r ll'rm of ~Ull l l. whe n l" "lr by IIl'lI ry II. I unham " ,;, Th~ ,\ 1 1I: nt ~ \, ~ . Willi nll1 A. ~ I ' l\''''' " <, , 'h,, 1'i,o< ( . l'Il ~' in t hv .Iv:'"'' 1\ ' p ll·.... Hlli lliul j: n und SHV· 1) I{,,,,' . Ill t N o , (jG in F m nkhn. $1 , it '·I' !l\ lr l ,·,l. T ht' L'U"CS In :-' lInll.' il1 ~ 1'1 11 1,,,1 ( 'ri:-.t I i , , CIl,rn i'lo ~lI, tl", n, u rt ,' rd,'r .. <1 ,h'lt tl'" F.u wa r d Ma rlin to Juhn Gr ovcs, illl:~ C'III I'I1I1 )" ll f Lebanon, for eq " tnll\'\.:" "I.:r~ hva rd thi ~ 11I ,;1 we ' k und At thl' Tl'qUI',1 , t' 1'''"l1 lilr ill t h~ sheri ff distrihuh' t hl' 1' 1'1ll'I." \\ ~ of lh c 1t1\ No. 18 ill F rllnk lil1, $1. l i n h ' ( t"lf trinb Wt' r I :-;(I t. Onl' in dictt'\' , tr~l' ('nll'red I. ~ Ilw .\ Il\ t'r ican \ n· uilab lc l'< ,lil'f. sale "I' r eal eR tll tc in th" l' Iii i,'n. ~Ii s~o uri lind John Grov ~ s to Ed- mt:n t tUb nil t Y.l' t h l'(' n m;u lt' p Uhlic. TI", Clevc lnnl l. f'"wi nn,,' i Ch k ",,' •. j u llurH\ ~ ~ h "~ fll i " : d ( \,. \'~. L . .\1. wll r d Martin, lot ~ o. 1:12 in FrullkPROBATE COURT Rnd S t. Loui< HailwlI}' (, "'"1''' '' ~ I',,· I' d ll ' Y & Sol O, n l'f \ , p n rtnl!r~ h ip i IIC. ,


NEV'S' Glf~ EO

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Packages Sold in a Single Year

co n i thl1 l! t o put it t o an y olhl' r US('," lh e l'(!oro r t l" P 1l1 i!1lll' ~. "~\lf t. f n)~ tl·d t:n r n j ... nil IlI f,' r ior f~"\ l\ d , In


lutt' s(,u. ons it i~ h ~" t l" 1,'1 l'l, rn stulld u nt il II fl<'1' I hl' f r," ' 1 Il,all ,' nsile it t ou ),!T C l ' ll , for u :-.a ti =- fal'1\1 ry

ThIs Is the bome-building y~ nr. As 700 travel over \be country you sec tbouIlandII 01 homes being erecled

PIiopIe have come to the ",alization thai It is true economy to put lheir

MARRIAGE LICENSES Thomn J a mes Lee, paper mnker o r Mi ddletown, and Miss Cecelin Rose Graham, bookkeeper of Franklin. Theodore Bishop, s teel worker, of Monroe, and Miss Dessie R. Snyder, clerk of Blue Ball.

.-......... ---.---

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Nancy McBurney to Ladorllh Guttery, 0.27 acres in Lebanon, $1. Rollie W. nnd Ida 'M ay Kaylor to Gle nn W, Fcaly north part lot No. 4 1 in Hurveysb urg. $1. Eltn Emley to Lafayette Nicholson Jot No. 3 and pat'ts of lots No, 6 und 6 in Wuyn esville. Willinm J. and Nellie Trnck LO Wa lter P. Denrdoff, east half 0 flot No. 744 In Franklin. A lfred Swigert to J ohn R. and



Pocahontas Lump or Egg Raven Red Ash Waco Block--E attleship Block Consolidation Millers Creek Egg Ge nuin e No.3 Vci ...

Semi-Smokele .. , Sne for hot h hea ling nnd coo king,

• I

Clea n, Free Burnin g.

A Presbyterian church 10 Now


----... ..---Do your tradlnll In Waynesville. ..._---



WI! have to UII(! the proper bait In ftsbin' for a whale, and unless wo fish In eames_tJ we 4to ml"hty opt to fall . . uJl!ess a Celler p.r\dcs hisself In knowin' mo rc'n the fish, ho mar sent hisself at supper-time, beside an em pty dish. While IIOme may lozo nlong the crick. and never land a thing, thero'll be others woddlo by 'em, with a dOlen pn their stringl Thct'c's only one condition that eompela tho ~rch to bite, and th e)'11 yank tho bobber u~der, if yer hook i8 baited right. There's tragedy in flshln' same R5 any other Ilrt,--due to ignoronco ellld elothfulncs8, which can't Ixl told Ilpartl But- the chap will fllCQ a platter tuU of savory beoutles, fried, If bis heart ~8 In tho balt-ean that nestles by his side. And thnt's the Bolemn principle thnt underlies the sport, whIch Is jest es truo In enterprlRO of any other 80rtl

Be.t for Cook Stove Ule.

Call Phone 25, and place your order for future deliver,.






J ersey spent $4 ,000 In Olle yea r, taking core of a hugl:' OJlk 400 leors old. The oak 1110>' be worth It. But thut sum wo uld huv o plan ted several th ousand neW trL'C8 along New J ersey roads. Or, if fOU don't resent dragging in religion, it would havo dono a good deal to help somo of those "littlo oncs" that are supposed to be more important than many oaks,

Vcr)< good new. for the Ullited States la thu,: Above the baso at Quantico, Va. The President la eoaalderlni the flyin g machines arc practicing, on ~ relaUve vo\lIe of battleahlpe and on the gro und our honest U. S. alrplanes_ Marirles, In deep amazemcnt, ",,'>Tholle thot sell battleships at sel'veJ that Q flock of bu zz"l't!~ , fortf mflllDn dollars apiece wlll t ell afte r watching t he a viators, imithe President that tho country can't tated a1l their fl ying trick" in th e " survive without plenty of battle- air," ships. You remember th e gcnllemnn Manu facturers of hansom cobs wi th his house on fi ro who guthwould IIlso havo aald a little while ered in his arms nil the furn iture ago that the tax1cah couldn't be a he could corry, fih ally picking up real success_ · the baby w ith his t eeth fastened in the little dres s. As ho lifted tb e bnby he sa IV a Before the Presldont bullde another battleship let him ask the cat wfllklng across the fl oor holdIng a kitten In her mouth, and 81dd1 builder thill question: "Are you willing to build that "Lor':; at the wondorful imitation or ship for torty million dola rs and thut. cat." guarantee that It will be afioat ten W. L. Douglas died in Boston hours attqr being attacked by one hundre<\ tholl8ond dollars' worth of last week. His name will be rem embered am ong the butlder" of fightIng alI1lhlps '" great Industry/ a mong those that If the President discovers, 118 ho helped ~ free numanlty from s lnvwill thnt a hundred thousand dol- ery, by making m a ~hin c.q do th o lars\ worth of nlrs hlps, manned by , work of human hands. He begOll life driving pegs In t en men can destroy any forty-million dohor battleship with more shoes for his uncle. He lived to than a thousand men on board, he make machines do the work of will decide Dot to bund battleships. thousands of humon belngn and distributed Americun-mado IIho08 Governor Plnchot has signed the throughout the world. death wnrrant ot B young colored Those that consider Preparedness woman who knJed a colored policeman nnd pleaded sel! defense. She and Dc!enso Day R menace ~ penco pleo8o notice this: will be the t\rst woman executed In Jack Dcmp"ey Is prepared. It the State of Pcnnsylvanla In thirty. t\ve yellt'!. Governor Plnehot signed you doubt ItI puIJ hl8 n080. As he tho death warrant when he was In goe. tbrouin thick crowds everytho hO!lpltal. When he comea out., bodl knows him, everybody ill entirely recovered, It may occur to PO ITE. Nobody slops him or Inhim that puttlni a negress to death sulta hlm~ Bnd he docs not hit or instend of locking her up la IImall insult an:{Dody. HE'S PREPARED and ptlople let him alone. He leta b0 81ncR8 for a great State. The queltlon II not "Doetl she them alone unless they get In the desorve death' II It Is "Doeft Penn- ring with him. As It Is with Indlvlduals\ so with sylvania deserve dlBgrace '" " and people let him alone un ess they There are DOW recula, quotatlonR nations. When they are propal'lld. tor cr .. ~ tertelt DOtee. The average they have peace.









YER WITS 1'0 - GE'THE ~ t=oLKS Ali'

' SI;:E I~ 'o'ER

1(11'01 GUES'iI w

WAY THI$ 1$ -, •



I·:. Hi " plt :,I1 ,. I ,'I

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\\' . '/" HOLL, ,' f Ih .. 1'1'I ,hll ie \, lllrl \\' ur n' n ('!' llll l y, Olt i... .'hllW hll ll 8: Uruw ll. Att)" " 08 . 1 1I d~l'

f r us t C O IIIC ~ . If till' l'TI'P i" " tll,'1I by rrn ~ l. it ~ h o ul rl "'i thl' r In' t\ l1 ~ il,,· d qu ickly or " h"{' ked I i ~h ll y \" 1'1', " se rl' e il f r 11\ th,' wl'a Lher. If s hocked properly, it will kl'"p in K""d conditi on until lifter th e lir>t llf the yell r und Clln be usecl to refi ll the ~ il u ofter it is emptied th e fir, t or "eroll d time. " One of the IW \\'t'" t Rnd most suc c ('~ ~ fu l method " o f " U "in~ i< to .n"p the cnTS and en,. il" t lH'1l\ oll) ne. wi th hll ~ k !". Th i... m akl' .... :1 l'o nc(! ntrn.t cd feed and t> e rmit~ [, '111111 1 , Uo ('apll c,

price Is $25 for $100 wo rt h of hogus bills, The mudi.£' : il; ,l.ulllliz "d by the demand f r Luch mu ncy , lli!I.'lI by bootleggl' rs In buying li'lU tOr from the ' rU in tl cet , 8 ell \ by our Brltillh broth ers. The mana ge rs of the boota oro good boo t1eg ~\! rs . but nut familiar with American Olune)', and munY I It soom ~ , hI, ve b('l!n U1 k ing baa mODlll Lor wors e whiskey- which seem:. !Iur enough.

~I " r y

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\\': L!T, II C'lItlfl l y , O hH ' . d"l"l';I"' c, d

si lnJ(c ('nn be Sl'c t lr t', i f!'t 11l1 f l' \ I" l (' d

This Week


:\ l dH '( ' i:-. h ('t'l , b y ~·h·f· ll· lh ll l '" 7'. 1. Bi .. ,tlwlI\ Ita!'> hl" ' 11 dltl :,' HI'PI TI , II · d lil t! q ' llI!ifit ' d Jl~ :\ dmilli ", tt'lI l t' l' lIf 1fi t'

c o rn un d t h e c r u p mny m a tLll'l' t tl II c u n ~ idcl'uhl (' {' x tt: llt ",,' f l)l't, /1 !-'('\' i ' rt'

109t Home nmu While you need it!

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will 1'111)' hilI'''" wil h Ill<' ( ' '' I'll <'I'I ' \' , " h i ~ Ul'tt l'r t o f'1l~ilc the fr ll".; t{' ~


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F ralll, C. '-\ 1101 "" ," II , .-\ IIY

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ut..'!t. i ~ i ll d iellt l'd i n II l't'l'l' 1I1 rl'pp rt o f l he to . ~, Ill' pa r l lll t'nl ttl :\ 1-~Tlt ' lI \ ' tu n' , w h ich !'\t at c~ l h lll u n l'arl ), f l \I~ t

Over 250 MillioD

-w. H. MADDEN & CO.

I. .l lIdIP " 1.( 1JI(' 1.' 1'1 ,11; 1' " , ' , IIrl,

H Vt 'l' U ),!' l '

It steadies judgment, sustains energy and arrests fatigue.


~ .~

co\ t ' !'

~h l, , '!I ; '.ll no l)ll:-- h t:l!" a~ CIl ll l pH n ·d w it h

BEECH~NUT Chewing Tobacco

. . . . . . 00IWb:e you thai you can _ abama IDbbIe b yoor . - ..... It ~ with}'Oar . . . . . He Is • p'.tItbier In building. H. knowt ....!I••• ' bIs cq;eiience ls vaJuabla' ., J'IIIL H. WIns 10 gi.... you the .ald........ dw wi! maD. rrieod d,..

i:-: '''\ H, II . I lI lt 11 01 f o r I'rll\ ,·r! " II!" ~ pa ll 1.

I , 1.1' j ' \,f 1 II it .I.t l ll· 1\ I' I . . . . · .\' , .tl·· alll \\I ... t ,'1 !"l:, 11l ttl ht ' ,' au f, lIt I.y fr ,,:-- l \\hih· .. 111 1 111 11'11' 1' , " t ' :' '' ... Ii \:0111 ., I" h l ' l 1· 1 ., I 1\ , ' 11 11' :li ("hal'll'~ \I "'" lit' Ill ,· ~d H ItlLr ... :1 ItW ; 11 Il f t·:, h\ ' I ~ I ) J; : h , '1 d I I ,\' :tI'P llll l tl 'tl S; i\l n g- l tl l' IUI' I1 II ' !' )1 11 1: \ ' .. \1111" fl f I H \ lll t\ ~' til fl ' vdl ll ~ ~ ' ·:t! III·... I t ' '" III1: h - Il ld ql l: l ii li. d :1'· \d ll'l l! l t futll l .. I' l 1w Iy i lJ1 l' lI rt :l ll l ltl :- a\"v thl' mil\l1l:11 11l I,: , 1:11 1' "I' 1': 1, '; \ .1:11 11' h l ,l "' l ' Y, 1,, 1,' fi r f rp lll t hl' 1'/"" ;-'l ' 111 \.'1'111', H:- llilil'ia l n' ~ " ' .11'1'(,11 ( I tl tl t.\". (lI llI ' , tll ·e. '; 1 I d. I I;d \ Ii I h , ~ I : th d .ty tl f : ~ \ ' I ' li r1 1,, · 1', P UI b d llcbl't,.' O H ' t ·t,," t , ',\11.1 ,111 '11 t tl

work with head


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farll h'r .... ill " ":C ITll l \ " 'l l ll l y t h l" ~l·: lr . :i l'l'lo! .\IIH.!'

When hard at

ADBtcan ramily spirit has ma::h to do wItb It. Every child • eaIIded to • naI borne. People whe Iba... · ~ want their boys and IfI1I to mow wbat II is 10 live in a - - . wida • yard. A . . _ _ wftb • pencil and

f1 1 \I' I' ~ tt,\' ,



H ermnn ond I<ln B. HctzlH to Cl .. n

d b mbs,l"d " ft h .

IDOIlqlnapcrrnanent building, rathe r tIMID payout 80 m uch 10,. "'nt or fo r b.rd and lodg ing, w ith nothing left tD IbOw fair 1& in !be end.

<:,'~ ;:::'",) '~ "'::I>:_l oI;:,t:,~ , "/~I~~

~1a tl '

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. ,"t,d T h,' ra<l' " f Clilf "," Smith vs. I ",s:; TI1l1 i'. t' l , ,1 1 r l"l·f' l'll.

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1 Id I I l ' l t I" " tt l' ,. d t L'-i 1' :11 1 , .. t Ill -' lIl , ' 1 \\'t\ \. , ' I'r' ''' ' 11 11 r I f

lin. $ 1.

I nL tht..' at t ndHll ('n l wn~ di~chHt .: (' d :,' d Ihl' t' r,' pt' r t y nltnchc-d wns I'e· I


I lJtu\h',. h ·,t. 1111' ("' ''' l- \\' Wi \I U I) t." I 1 \' ~ I' ( ' Ip i 1- 1,1 ' Ct ' .Ull'. li lt' "ti' U~"UI'ln \! li t ,,,11'1 'I " , 11.. " mld t 'u. t~, .t ,'lf r .. : II IIL 41l ' r \.' 11 I If 1:4 I." ~(\ hl Wit f r , t Jtnilty :wd "t, 4., HI t :, ' .'w rvo 11\ I I" d. :t '\'\~ :-t : Int) u t l .. I' tJ l 4 ·\11L,. Jd " H llt l ll) 1",,\ 11.\ , I I' '1I I1t: 11 1 l'h\ n I lUl· · • ' 11' 'I If' t , )JU)' .. th e ~'IIUI' (" ~ , ~, 1" ( II (' P I" 1'1 " ~ \ ,II A 11\ Ulbl" 1'1 I .I>(I'~· \ p r" 111\,(,,·: t i · I I : .", H,',' ~nh.' d h ~ tlh' l"':dld J u t) Pul I W ti th er I I: i i, I .'1

whil to

' " h"l'rihr f n r th r IIIl lIm l c,nzPlte.

MON E Y LOANED llO:\ EY LOt\:\E LJ 01\ !.l VE ChHll t~ ls ,

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lIl f) r t '!' :' ~ ""' 9,

.John lI a r uin.,. All e n Ohi o.

,Farmers, Atten ti C'1 1! Fa l'llI e rs (, f " 'nr re n and odjn ini nll' nun t il:~ n .J y .. bla in m on cy o n JIi IlJ;t lirllc lunnt. III !I I',,: p e r cent inturp~ t . I., ·u ... t ~ I i ::C(' ul·ln ).!' lilt' ~u mc i, \' c ry rca .. l.

" ma bie ,tltr" ul 'h The !-,,,de rn l Lund ,la n k. For fu rLlt er in fU l'llI uti un call '"I or address II I. C. J)RA KE, Tr f'lIsli re I', phone 3 J G-X, Le banon , Ohio.

c. -


WANTED- Pllljn and fancy washing-r ea sonllble prices. Vnll ey 08 Ph olle 132-4. HOUS E I''\I~T I G- I n, idt' and lilli'll wood fini s hi ng u s pec inl t)' ; uu t(JS I'l'poilltet! unt! r efini shed. W. H. Brituin, Way nesville, Ohio. 0~t::!2 . FOR RENT

FOR RENT- H o use o f fi l'e r"r: .s, Wllter IIlId electric li K hl ~ , 11I ':lI.:·e uf i\l r~. Willillm s , III CUl"Ifl' " of ~1~Y~k-'r~,-----CO='and Fourth s treds. " LOST

LOST- Lurge brown cur d, ;: , " gq nhout 7 yenrs ; ho ld" hi ' III 'u La riK l1l "ide ; nn swers Lo the II lI'"e of !jhirlc)'. $20 .00 reward, if r etu rned lo j . A. lI a rris un , l !l Farm Ave., Frunklin, Oh io, phone 2!lO H 0 ·0 1 FOR SA LE- A large hull tree and n ~ mu ll tubl e, nil in good co nd itiun. Mrs. Williulns, Fo urth slreet, Waynesvill e, Ohio. •0 1 FOR SA LE- l !l23 Ford Coupe , For information conce rnin g Cllr, cull 2 J-:1 at Harvcysbul'g, or !15k at Gn01 ze tte office. LOST-A Tan kid g love, Monduy, nig ht, between WayneSVille and Le b1 an un. J . F. Snook. 82~

'-'- - --- ----- == ~

FOR SALE FOR SALE-A lin e Peninsular Henting Stove, lG-inch bowl, good ns new. Inq uire of J. H. Co lem nn, North street, Waynesville, Ohio. FOR SALE-Timothy Clover or mixed hay. Hay is bnrn at Robert Antirewsr }' hit Fork. H. H. Wilkerson, Waynesville , O. oct8.


FOR SA LE - Two row, wheel, corn . cutter, ncw. Inquire J. P. Cummlngs, R. n. 3, Wo,ynesvillc, O. oct8 -, FOR SALE- One male bog and -< sows. Inquire of John Beach, R. D. 2, Waynesville, Ohio. . 08

HAD 'IT- "

F OR SAL&-Male Lambs, Ram, bullett, Hampshire CroBB. WopI3-_ grade, and haa\')' fleeced. ",11 Way..

alnille pholle d 8




The Miami Gazette, Waynen'ille, Ohio

.. .. T HE

M lAM- I

G A Z E TT E .... " "g

Mll i I ~

\1 ("'11 Ill.


~I Jc h h H I S 1lU I/ Ili n ' 1 1I~ ~lrTol'. T t.l' t ' " ie L t " t it\.. IlH ',t !--' a Lul d n y H ft t' r llu ll n.

'il b

D. L. CRANI:. , Editor "nd Put,li. her. Wnynuvi ll,, : Ohi o. S u h~ CI" lll ti (l n

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be cn quite

ill th, s week . Th l' w\l r k nn the bu nk bu ilding is pr (l~:r' 1' ·.<illl; nie( Iy. W . r. M~ Curre n was in Duyton on IHl ti illC~ij, TUL",dn-y. WEI1Nl::SI)AY . OCTOHEH I, 1!124 Chu". E. Gurdon wu ~ 0 Cinc in . -~~ ================= nuti lru, ines" vi sitor . PridllY. .Iuhll Fen ly Jr ., of No r wo od. spe nt GAZETT E CHANG ES H A ND S t o henr t ht' se nntn r ,h' li ve r pr/!. mien.! IHJdrcJo; s unci LhH t Kr eul n\'~ J' - th p wl'(·k ·enu with his parentH , h 'r e. ~11·s . Clom Conn c r and ,Iuug ht e r, Art(' I' lll'lIr l)" h" lf II lTll tllry tit" 1I ,)w cr owd s w!J u ld "UI'rllulltilhe hu ild . :\l i:' 111 1 ( ;II, ,'l l,. n ~"lI in (' hu r 1J.!'t'~ 0\\'11 - iul.{. Ac('o rdilll: t o nd\'iceH from New M,.,. I·;thel Smith, have" new F ord ,·,.- IIi". III lhe " "" Iy HO" " th.· Inl.· York nll ly 1\ P""li l> 1I o f tho s\' prl' ~c "t <..' a T. ~ I r . lin d M rs. Will . Moo ney, of T h~, ~, ,I , n ,'PW Ti h"l'nn\(' th~ ' oWn l ' i" lit ,the nH! l,tin~ W(' r e finnncinl con " I' Ihl' C: ~ " 'l t\ I " li n d it till !" h l ,,'n 1\ \\'1\ ' trih ut o r :-: t tl the thi rtl puny ~ lrllll~ ­ Wll ynhvi ll e, vi"ited fri en c.! R he re on t,d 1\' th l' fa/li lly \ \' 1' ~ il1re . S b:tf'(' n ' h ox, LnFII II(·ttc·':-o :-: pt.·l·(' h WH ~ f a r :' und uy. \1" . L. Sm it h. u f Leban o n. s pent I , ll' I ' L' Ih, ' pr l':-' (' ,d /) \\f}(' 1' p f t ht, 1" '( 111\ t h ' i ll~ l la ' ci rn nHlti c: efrort tha t j '~.l " I , II ',~" d t h" " tlk l' , Hn d la t. : t ,'ut - h i:-; fldh ! \\'p , ,,, ha d ('x p4' t' l l' d , Ill' d id SUll d n.\' wit h Mr. all d i\!rij. ('Ju,ij. Gray lI" t j'I ~: /,, -" :. ' 111 ' th t, \1\', II~ ' J {rhe pH , n('t ta lc l' \I H' l'S r" ' ('t l ' d l 'l'lIl ' k li t thl 11 111 f:tmily . .~ ... \,. II \ .h ', HI '" " " H ~ I ' r '· .. .. n t nll \ r l i t \ '111( '. f.~I / Hl i',.\ ·"' ,(, I ~ 1 1 \.




,I" h n h , ' nn t' dy \\It =-, out flf school /IIT " lIll1 q f 1l11l I ' ~:- . th l' latter purt I 1h ,' t \ t · ~ 1. .

Pl ' l' ha . .: , Ilk" all l' II Hl l t ry pUIH." ·S , had lnr d f thu t Ww. . :l nt ldp:ll t'd : hi' did i ':, lIl "; alld dll \\ II ~ , hilt it ha s a lw uy~ ' HIt "" P II I '(':t) l !o. l ' hi ' I l '; d llt ' d "' :1 1 "'i, '.! t o nlHlI , tal n H 1 11~~ h ~ tHndll rcl u f n~rit- lI l tl d.d II lI ph ' lI l l 'II t ... \1."' 1' 1 "Ii 'I i i .I I1 U rll1d i ... " 1 , t ri "d It. h, ' jll ,' l t o its f rl ' [' II " \' )' , 1, u g- I' i(,ll lttlral [1 .. 11. , r ~ ; l d,'r ... , IIlIcI h :l ~ t'h rnll il"li ·d ti l.... ti t, - Wt' r C' I q q t l " t " I I ,y Ill" ! ;, nI1, 01 "11 , 1

IrI ~ ;-.


t h l' l'\'\Jfl ll'y ~ idti in t h e 1 ' l' ~ t

IHUIl/It' r

it l ' l lul d , 111 111 will t ry t o Ii"!.!

lhat h oi

,dd t d

hl·lp l' ~ 11 11

\'\ ' 1' )

1,, :,1

fUll lle r ,

T h"



lIl' 1\1 I hll t :-- l all d a rd a ~ fur U ~ p( ' ~ s i­

rt'II H

h ll ' i ll t h t, f Ul un' .

bil l f h,~ t g-H\'l' thl ' JIl jlrut t''.' I IIII' ht, \ ' I L,d ; IJ~ aifl ~ 1 t tlt' Illil I h


ill\'l· ~ tftlt'nt

hUllk('r ~

ii:; t ellcO

will , 1"I', pl' ctr u l altl'lI l«" , lrut wi t lt ~ " 1 1I ,.' 1 hil i}.!' of a ~ n liil ' urll ull d t Ii" ('o t' llvl':-; o f th l'ir rn l) uth ~ wlh..· u ( 'liar I..... F,

J)P \\\'y , A s~ i t aJl t

Tn':tsll ry.

t o ld

S t'l'n'ta r y

th l' lll,




tllflVl'fl t i l .n

th, ' U rll t l' d S tatl':-; l' XPl'C ll,d h) r,'t ll"l' t ill' IIl1ti ,,1I1I 1 dl·\' t o r $ ~1 . 5U I 1.. 11111',ll( IO ill thl' Il l' ,t t W"llt ,, · fiv ~ Y "" '~ . ~ Il". Ih·\\",·)' ill" i5t.·d t h,· 1'(' ti rt ' mt' U Clluld Uti t! lfl 'C l t.: d . lll~

I hILt

p~ l if\\" ll d u u t.

th at t h l , KU\' CI'Il IlH.:! l1t h ud pa:..' 11 111.' uilli ull d o ll a r s U Yl..' u r , prHl' til-ally 'Jtw - f"urth o f i t ~ t!xpt·Jl .. diu!'tl ' , in int ert.'s t on iL~ pu u !ic d e bt, til

und t ha t thi" dn\i n mu" t bc cons id · (' rub ll' n·t!ucl·d ir th· prin cip le HUn, i" to h e Clll dll"'" . Prt! ~ um:tb l y th iH fo recus t. nil elf .rt nt r c fund ill ):, tht.! retiring o f tn u t ur ill ~ lr ol1(l. by th e substitution of ~ h o rt e r

l e rm


iss ues

ut, lo w(\r

rute o f interest . JIIr. De wey made i~ clenr that t o curry out the gov,'rn ment ", llIn t o cOlllp l · te co· ope ra t ion o f all factors ill finnnce. purticulurly thnl o f ill\'cstme"t han ke .... would be "" ry. ann thol nu effo rt n)u.t I" , mud c to disturb the monetary ~ t a tu " hy see ki n!! t o swing the muney fr om mu lul'in~ bo nd" into the chan · nels o f indu sll"Y. Su mml',1 liP. th is muan s that i ~ ~ u ellt


to h e n lHd t:! in th e nHti ' "ud

d"ht t.h,· prl''''ll t hold er, of O1COllt ~(I ('tl rit iC" s

t hC'm,

ntU ~ t

mu s t

~ "v"rn ·

l' tl lhH: ut t o

luke in l'xc hn nj:l'

h,"I! nl' \\

~c ntrili ~ II I lowe r in ter est lind .;it Pllt un t il th e governmcnt ha s cl ear"d it, throat; all of which is no t eftI'I the mann e r of the bllnker. As Il fnct neithet· the ban kers n or Lht:> publi c will be deceived into th e lr c lie f that twenty · fi ve years honce Am e rica wi ll awake f r om its Rip Van Winkl e s lumber to find itse lf cieRI' o f debt, T o hold t wenty·one and one· half bill io ns o-f do llars o ut of i ndu strial invest ment for t wenty·Iive years iH quite a n amb itious t ho ug ht.

_____. _

4. ~---

R E FLEXES IN HASH FORMATION III Ne w Yor k stn t c we hellr of th ,. po lice mlln wh o. huvin!!, capturl'd n lr 1t" ~llI r he fo unc.! t o he his so n, now intelldR t tl tl"ti fy a guill~t th e boy and if Iltls,ihlc ~ e ncl him to pri so n. I n lIIi nnt'so tll \\"e reati of t he Re v. T. M C. Uil"ltlitlg hll m de nouncing hi s so n, who i ~ II ('lIndidIlLt:> f or t he Unite :1 - t.nte' Scnlltl' o il II wille IInc.! beer pl a t fM III , ILnd lI,kin g the vule rs t o

,1 ", 1'

t ll •.d

flg-r i ('l dtu r a l

h, '

\'!I I~· d

i llll'tt' r nl'lI t l'i


'1' " \I,. lin d \I" ,. H: dph Fo • " ~',

, II I I ,oJ


'i' I

\\ ;\

t I. l

t hu!- I '

prlld lll t

,d' thl'

Hlt' l l



f a rllll't'.



I, )',,1



JHir \'

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hl ' 'ltlil itr y, T'H ':- I' !JI'(Jd u l '\ ' I' '- " f fuud "'l ll f1\ Ii:! vl.' 'II', { i;(LL' 1I anJ \\ 111 nul I'l' f L!C dl d b y any lo w tanH' Iqlld..

:!" ,

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1'1 .



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Ii ~ t. I t \\ IIS ilPI'<Jrl' l1l lh tll L u i' , III ~1. I't\uli 'l\' d th ut 111 :-" l il l'Ill' \'It ' W ~ iii J f ItT fl1 l 1 et

1\ It! 4


:-- ( ,[, 1 ,

I l l do! \ ,

lllll ,



0"11 1

0 11



I,' nu ,t\'


Ilf l! "!IIIi "



" .,

lH' d ~

Your Babv Can Be Wonder Babv Too, if-



Ly t le ,

A Niost Itnportant

Thursd" y. .\Ir. VUllce S huw , of Grntis, is viti, iting hi ~ ~ is tel", Mrs. William BrowlI un d f um ily. Mr. Jose ph Hawke, of Sabina, ~ fJCllt lu st w(!ek w ilh hi s 8l1 n, J\lr. Bl'II lI IIw ke "lUI fu.-IIily . Lytic t rain s c h nn~c d time S untIay


anti ul'e runnin l: onc h our lut er thu n

WILL be carried

du rinl:" lhe sum mer Ill unt hs. II I i s ~ Mildre d Clark r es um ed he r .eh .. ,, 1 wo rk lit C c nt ~ r\"i ll e last .wcc k u S tcucher of th e second grade. ~ Ir. a nd' 1\Irs, Iydc Wharton lind ch ildre n s pent SlInc.!ay with Mr. and Mr ~ . Arthur Grea th o u.e, in Da yto n . Mrs. P e rr y Kenri ck and daug hter. Mi ss Berthn, of Wayn c,v illc, ,pe nt Wedn esduy with Mrs. Walter K II · rick. Mr. Ilnd MI·s. E. J . Cnrmony an c.! children. of S pring field, visited ~1r. lI11d Mrs. W ilb ur C la rk UI,c.! fnmily. S unduy. Mr . un d Mrs Walter Kenricl( wer e undllY g Ul! s l!; (If Mr. and IIl rs. J u· s I)h Gr u ~· j uud duughtcr, Nurmu, e cO in Duy t o n . M J I Ch . th Mr, und

I r eturned



Vl S Jt





Watch for it !

l!110 \\ C



U)' ()

Thin .,. Ma d" It a Whole."le Robbery Thieves wer,<' in Lytle FridllY night, nt fiv~ diffe rent plllces. They broke 1\ wind nw IIntI cn tNed the of · fice o f Ev cr ett ly . li t thl' c le\'II' LO r, b ut 't:cm~ "th"y didn 't tin, j nn~' · t h ing' lhey wnntl' d t he re. At William

side, hut 1<-:lvin!!, th e COllt in t he yard . T h en lit II. M. Clark'" lh ~ y enlered by \I'ay uf th e pllntry wind ow. IIl1d ha c.! l"IIlI""ckcc.! cvt! r yt hilll! down s tn ir ~ t ~l\ l'u r i nJ.! u watc h , ~hot-gun , k nife and " th er s mall articles. lIun nlso tll ken a scr .. cn nut at t he ho me of P r ank H Oj!NS lind t.ri ed t o ra ise t he wind ow with n t ool. It wa s locked. T hey were fri~h te n c d awuy by Everett Eurly nt the h ome of Geo. Scott, ju st as 1\ m nn was ente r · ing th e din i nl? r oo m win dow. -------4.. ..._______ ~

O;'lon th Storm Maker. In Orlan th e IIncJent. BOW n mI ghty

Myralllle AileD, 18 InOI1tha old, of CovinjJtort, Ky .. alreed)' lID4WI the alphabet and ldentiAed and plain I, epote ftch name when ..ked by dltJerent lpectaton In a recent _.tenalve teaL Educ~tol'1l "1 oine·tenlha of aU American bablee eould do the If mothe,. woWd . .rt ..sucatlon a, lOOn ae babl. betrln to ,bow Int_Hlt. Pboto Ie of ar,rallne IIId her mothet_


1I'8rrlor nnt1 h.unter. of 1I1'N-p ule among clall8lc IlI> rttet'W, Bal'li NlItnre Magulne. WIth hll appellJ'nnce thq al80clated the Itorma whIch were 18 prevalent at !hili time 6f Jeer &1l4 .. danrerou. to teamen.



believed that Jan musle, .properly introduced, would become popular and be detennlned to make It 80. A week !liter be resigned . and formed a d~ orchestra wIth fif-

hi 1917 while he wall uting dlnne.r In a cheap r Cllt aurant on the Barbary Coas t San Franclleo, Paul Whlteman'resolved to ril e from pOverty to woalth and to mako hlB name fam oull throughout th e wor ld. At thllt t ime he Vias a vlollnl9t In 8 cheap CIIle orchestra _ part t ime violinist at pn rt. t imo pay. As h e ate an outlaw quintet entered t he reR~u mnt and . began to plllY a m edley of Jazz from t ho African junale. l'o hIm It lleemed that Jan .... merely a ',tate of c..~D 4 \fIIOOd. whJcb ap~" to

teen pIeces. ,H18 musIcians were f ollowing year the management of fired with lill enthuaiaBm and, the P al"ls Royal. III New York, got agreed to work ' without pay for a the jan l ever . lind Paul Whi t eman time. In addlt~ to bla horns, wa s engaged. Bill !'Ala ry was plano and drum 1141 added two double that of t he s(18slde 1'C80 rt. v{oUne, a cello~ and a lIIIXa phono Today, at the age of 84, Whit&nn!! P~eeded to hold public eon- ma n III one of the .most popular orcorte on st reet com ers and In pub. che.tra l eaders In America and Groat crowds g.rthered to wateh hla Europe. Leat year, w hOe !n Lonantics and 80 popular did he become don, h e plaJed be~o n9 t h e. Ki ng aDd t hat !1.1a fa me swept E astward. A Queen of. England, al1d a r eekt la~ y ear later he waa olferecl the poel- the ~tlllh Wb'too ~ t lon of orchMtra leader In the new American jan. lteman ~ Amhuudor Hotel at Atlantlci Clt7. w.-lth today II to Dbc In e~ . ln H, - - " "" I( fOQI'o~ CIIntraat !l~_reL He.... , .C1"!~ I!I I

to""" I

II! at • ~ Mrr. ~ -. ~' ,t., • ___ _


, __







~ .~

",: . _'



GermBuy used nearl,. twlee liB mudl

!lutter al margari ne before th e "'ar, bIIt "nec th e WRr butte!' Dnll moriarIDe ha ve prnctl ca tl y changed places.


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. P hon.. 8



Human Ino-rwtty. Meat of th e humnn In ~nlllt y 18 t1~ \'oted t o ihll klng more mlu~htn"r y: V4 'ry Hille to th lnklu!: out Il method to Ie&~e n crt m<l.

F.T. Martin Auctioneer


· tJA LL'S OATARR H MEJlIOINl!l hilS been D. t" ,.ou r • • Ie. with I ~~~o~rrt~CC0 8a(uJlY In tho trClltm ont or a.ti.faction or char •• __ H ALL'S OA.TARRR MEDIC I JIo"E co n .

ItSla Of an Ointment wh ich Qulc.k ly R t}Il ~ ve8 by local a p plicatio n. a nli t ho Internal Medicine. 0. Ton le. which acts Ihrough the Blood on the Mucous Su rfa ces. t h ug r edu cin g tho ln tla m maUon . Bold by a ll druggl8tJ1. F. :r Che nev a: Co .. T ol. "n. Ohln.




-:' - - - - - - - - - - - -. .-~


The Eye Sight Spe cIali st

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00 a. m. to 4' p. m.



Waynesville. Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Roo m TELEPHONE



govern in!!' t he retu rn to the owning railroad , or to a poin t r ea ched v ia t he own in g r a ilroad, or t o II point in a di r ect s ho r ute to th e owning ra ilroad, of all f oreig n li ne equip. ment. Exam pl e ; Any box car belonging tt10TARY PUBLIC to a ra il r oad West of C hi c n ~o or St. VACCINATION OF SWINE Estates Settled Louis arriv ing at Cincin n ati und e r Willi Drawn lond should be p lnced by t h e ra ilrond A SPEC IA LTY Waynesville, Ohio and londl' d by t he shippe r to or . in the direct. ion of t he ownin g line. If National Bank t hllt bo x car WIl8 loaded in the oppo· Phone 44. site d ire cti o n f r om t h e own ing lin e it woulcl meu n a constan t drain of HATHAWAY eq uip ment f r om t he W eeler n terr i· Hane,.bura. OhIo. tor y, greate r emp ty mileage, or t h e DENTIST necessity of speciul instru ctio ns gov· er ning th e u se of equi pme nt East of And X-O-ORAPHIST Ch icago or St . Lo uis, wh ich would mnteriall y affect our own t rnnsporta. Waynesville, tio n co nditio ns. Telephone 114, No greate r contribut ion enn b e Dentist made to t he t r ansportution s it uation OFFICE: HAT H AWAY ULDG . Ilt th iij t ime t hun II dn il y o bservance Waynesville NatIonal Bani, Bldg ON MAIN STREET o f t hi s pa r t icu la r r ul e by ever yon e concer ned, and will preve n t th e is· s uing of a service orde r r equir ing thi R eqll ipm e n t m oved e mpt y to tha t to rritor y.





OhiOiDr• .John W. Miller

Public Sales On decidin g t o d i~ eonti n u e f arm· ing, I wi ll sell at public auctio n, my stock and impleme nts, located abo u t 3 miles west of Lyt le, nbout 6 mi!es Bo uth of Ce nterville , just 1 mil e west o f Dnylon and Lebanon pike, on Ly. "tIe a nd Five Points r oad, on Ly-

• Idetts change, people ehani"O, with each chan,.. eomllll opportunIty, Some of UI capltaUse opportunlty and grow rich. Others ue blind to ~pportunlt)' and remain In

}IeIIIp ~

tn this

newspa per next week, which will tell of a tremen .. dous storewide event held yearly \'Jhich means cxceptional savlngs opportldnities for every man and woman.

S unu uy evcnlng, after u tw o " . I I t' t D t n

B r Qwn's t ht)y r ~ d ~(' d a wiuet!)\\' a n d took n cnat frolll a couc h just in-

u ri \' ul t't' SUHlI'nn t, u n d yet we com , plll ill thllt the A mC l'il"l1ll peop le lire

T he thi rd party socia list candi. date d id not receive t he wclot me his su pporters expected w he!l he made his initial .Bpeech of the campaign in New York. It was expected and p re· dieted by some of h is ardent spciaUs. tic supportel'1l that a riot would en, u e .. a result of an lnteue desire

'. S titz I, (I f



o r hi ~ co nki ll!!' lind dared l O ellt il.



Rl' V. nll d Mrs. S p r lllgli (JTo , \V~.-o

- --- - ------



lP J l,


restu urn ll t clu' f hCllting his I,rid"


?he RI.- 'E- KU

J.\'C\ iu - " " 'm Ull nnd Le· ' p" ' '1t W.·t1I1l'~ J:l Y in Day


of t w o w ee ks hrru u8c s he grew w e nr y


dlln, c~


him u ~u ll d squu re kno ck-o u ~ bl o w." In CUl1n e cticut w e r ead o i

losing t h"ir 1I1 0 rnl fibre. P l' culi a rly ill l'nrh of t h e Re CU!i(!:; the re is hell rd nil word ' o f CO lll pllli" t ut the IIttituc.! c nS~ lImcn by " th r opThe boy hll l'~ hlr says hI' position." wo uld no t r es!, 'ct hb f!lUw!" if Ill' "'e ld led 011 hi" joll "",I showed him · se lf ye ll ow. The candidllte for Un itec.! Stute. Se nuror BU YS the po · s ition tak en by hi s min isteriu l fath · or "i ~ 1\ con s istc l{t Ulle f or him to tu ke," ulld ti nnil y th e Conn ectirt, t hrid e exp reSSCR t he upi nion th ut it wn 8 ri!!'ht in her lurd un d mas ter to fight for his lr usi ll ess bu t asks how sho cou lei cat his hush when she no longe r loves i t~ lIluke r. She would hnve r egurd ed t he a s~u ult j usti tl ab le ha d she s pe nt her husbu nd 's money in this rival rest uu rnnt an d t hu s used t h e cu pital of her spouse to und ~ r· mine his business. · She bou gh t thllt hash, howeve r, wit h her pin money, tha t t h ir t y cen ts r emnant of t he dowry which she clung to a8 an an· chor in' case of st orm. These cases presen t a new and perha ps a m or e useful opport u nity fo r the exercise of the reuson ing faculti es of o ur grent s pecialists in r efl exes, complex. es lind other stran ge understandable phenom e na .


and Troy. ,.rC I,t.- , ~Ir . .,', 01 ~I r " ,\ . L. Ken. T h e Dist rict Superintend en t of t he

"~i\'~ II


n" Wh !lI·t"

HillHbo ro c.!istrict, will preuch at Ly. ~Ir _.. ,d ~I r - J: " y 1': lI i" un d Miss tIe church mlxt S unc.!uy aftern uu n Hh , :'. :... 01 " ",. I.J" 1I0 wI' [I nc.! Mr. at 3 o'clock. urn h y LuFu lJ('ll t' or any Il l ),,' " I:-- l', II nll ~ II '\\ ' V I... lt t d Ll·!Jhno tl re la . . Mr. Prank Smith , of nea r Frank· [ 1\ ' 1' :-, ' Illltl;IY. lI e ;tI ~ o I'ec di zl.-d tha t b hot' I ~ I1 ~J t li n, was a gue~t at th e home of his ~ I r . ,",d ~Ir " .. In.· B o~an a nd son , J..:'oin): h i ~ UPlhJf'l 1111,:.' t'Hllffid ';,le wh ll daughter, Mrs. Ra lph J ohn s and fam· ,'Hnnd :-- f ,II' 11, \ \ tariff , \\ 1'1Ch w"u l d \\" .'Id,," , aI'" lIlovinj! illtu ~ I rs . Mad- il y, last week. nll'a ll, n ." !l h:l ~ 111 t h l' lJ a ~ l. bl l ' u d d" ,'. property. r ucI'n tly vuc ate d by Near on e hundred guests enjoyed litt c :-t, ~\I U P kill.'i I ' II S, li tll e If uny :IllS. :'\ c llic Ben l .. lid fU!IIi ly. th e socilll meeting of the chu rch at GIlr! GOI'de n lost hi s watch while wor k, IlIw wu ).{cs - whl'1l the re s h ould th e h Ollle of Mr. und Mr' . Cnrl Duke h·a.ppen to be any wo rk. Luck o f haulin g gruvel thi s week. We hope on Friday evening. go me one will find nnd return it, as wo r k "",I Ivw wUlCes lire thi nKII . t hat P r of. lind M:r • . J . R. Fe nstermak· no s cns tlde Am e ri eun wants. Socia l. it was u gi ft fr om his moth e r . er m otore d he re fr om t heir cottuge Mr. and Mrs. Guil Go r d o n lind li tis ti c , c." lHnmuni s ti c o r ~ o v i c t d lJctrinl:~ at Chautauqua Thursduy, and wer c will nut be vtlw d for I, y th e vote" tle Margaret Marie , en tertai ned 011 ca ll ing on Lytle friend s. thi s fa ll. LuFolle tte's s peech wus Sund ay. Mr. and Mrs. W m. T aylo r Mr . and Mrs. Allen E m rick and devoid of the se n. utionlll feat ureij ond fumily. of Wil mi ngton a nd the da ug hter, G ladys, we r e Su nday din · At th e r egulnr m eeti ng of the t hat wer e ex pected in an oth er r eo Messrs. ChaB. a nd C le m Foley. ner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ohi o Valley Sh ippers' Regio nal Ad. 1IIr. and Mrs. Wm. Lukens an d "peet ; nllm e ly, hi. utlnck all th e S uo And erson , at Wayn es ville . vi so r y board held at Springfield, 0 ., preme Court of the nit ,'d State> little Mllry Caroli n e, entertained to Miss Ma rg u ret Cook, of near September IG, 1924, atte ntion wns dinller Saturd a y, Miss Murtha Lu· was not whut IIny o ne mig ht cu ll II W a ynesvill e , \l"n~ a wc ck·end gu est dir ecte d by th e Car Service Divisio n decided su cceS!I. For the peo ple of ken ~ , Mr. Kubl er, of West Al exunder at the h om" of ~I r. an u Mrs. Charles o r the Am e rican Railway a ssociu. Mr. I\lId Mrs. Lev i Lu ke ns, of W il· the c,'untr;; rcn lizl' thut th e Su preme J ohn s. Mrs. J~ hn s untl Mi ss Cook ti on t o the n ecessity for complete co· Court i. fo r the pr o tection of each ming t on, and Mr. E . M . Lu kens. operati on between "hippeMl a nd car. The mnrriage of Miss Mu r t ha Lu· spe nt Saturday 111 Day tOil. an d eve r y citizen of the country; t hat Mr. Charle. Fox hus purchased riers in a ll sections o f the coun. and Mr. Frank Kabl er, of West ken s with o ut it no o ne could be assured of pro perty in llT"ookv ille an d with his I try in effecting t he prompt handling adequate onll cont inu a l prot ectio n. Alexan de r, wu: "o lcmnized by Rev. fami ly will mo ve t o t he ir nrw home l of eq uipment u nd er Car Service ~. E. B ~ nnet t at Map lehurst , Satur· Once ugai n is brlJ ught to lIIind thnt thi ~ week. Mr allc.! Mrs. Frank rul es to insu r e that th e peak fa ll day afternooll. They r tUl'n ed a t fam ous saying of Abraham Li nco ln's : Kenty and ~o ns will IlIOVl' to th e Har· ; bu siness wh ich has deve loped through to West Alexander, where t hey ,,"Ce "Y o u Clln f ool so me o f the peo"h' nil Ian propert y. . . l o ut nil te rritori es will b e handl ed uf thl' lim\!. an c.! all o f the pl'op ll' will make their home . Mrs. Ru th SlIVll!!'e ulld ch'.'dre n, 111 I with d i.patch und with a s li ttle car some of lh l' timl': but yo u can'l f ovl company With M " . Ul·llc n,uwld dl e, stringency as p ossible. <I ll o f lh ~ peop le ull of the tim e ." and d a ught~r. Mi ,s Oli ve. an d th eir Of prima ry im po~lllnce is a co m· O DE TO TH E H ORS E We IIrc II Ch ri ~ tian nntio n. n God. guest , l\Ii ~ < Manha Di nwid di e . spen t plcte m ove ment of th e grain an d 10 1'i n~ peo ple unc.! such we will r eo "0 !-l or, ,,, you urc n w on c.!erful W ednesday wi t h Mr~. L~a h S trouse I· potato crop of t he State s of Wi sco n . mai n . sin. Min llesota , North Dnkotn, South .n o lruttO l<8 to push, no horn and fllmily. of nCllr Fin' 1'011ltS. th inll!!' Tho usund" who hav e not voted f a T Mr. and Mr,; . .'a~ . .J (1 hm. ~I r. and Dakota IInu Mon tana. W hile t he ca r. to hUllk; yo u sta rt yourself, no clutch . d M years thi s fall will vote for Coolidge Mrs . Allen Emnek, lIIr. Ill ' rs. riers as It whole in t hat territory n ow becnuse he s tunds f or t h e Consti t u· t o sli p: no sparks to miss; no genrs Berne J ones Mr. and lIIrs. Frunk hove prllclica ll y 100 per cent of t heir to_ Jlttip ; 110 l ice nse·b uyi ng every r t ion of t he U ni ted States and the Roge rs, Mr. Frunk S mith ,,!.tenll ed ownership of box ca rs on their lin e, protectio n it gi ves t o a ll t he people. yea r, with plates to screw on fr ont 1. O. O. F . banquet at Waynesville hi story wns sh own that a s quickly Il nd reur; no gus bills climbing u p H e stands f or a tariff th at means Wednesday eveni ng. . as t hei r cr ops commenc e t o m ove in plenty of work and high wa ges. The each day, stenli ng t he j oy of life vo lume tha t those ratlroads rapidly vuters will not be fooled by the aWIlY ; no speed cops chugging in Child W •• B.dly Burn ed. lose t heir cars und er loa d to thei r yo ur r ea r; yelli ng s umm on s in you r .. Reds ," the socialists and others, Do nald , t he li ttle ~O ll o f Mr. and co nnec tiuns in t he East. Th e co m· l'8r. Yo ur in n e r t ubes are all O. K., ... and, thank the Lor d they stay t hat Mr• . Orol Surface, w n. badly burn ed plete mo vc ment of t he tonnage fTom F ourtee n Ohio f arm ers have so way; you r spa rk plugs never m iss nbou t th e limh" la.t wee k .when he t hat t er r ito ry wi ll be de pendent up o n fn r t his year raised a litte r of pigs nn d f u.s ; your motor never makes pull ed the p lug fr om n washi n!!' maC a pro mpt I'e t urn of box ca rs bcl on/!. to a t o n of por k in 180 day.. Thnt us cuss. Yo u r frame is go od fo r chi ne containing boili ll )? wil tcr. lie ing to li lies W est of Chicago nnd St. Illakes t he m e ligib le t o the Ohio T on· ma ny a mil e; yo ur body n ever is su fferi n!!, a !!,rcllt uea l fr om the Lou is to their own er s. This call o n . Iy be acc omp lished by a r eeo!!,ni . Li tter c lub of 1024. changes sty le. Yo ur wa nts nr c few bu rn s at thi s tim e. Miss Sere pt a Stall"cl is very low t io n on t he part of shippers ill t hi ~ alld easy met; you've some thinng on at th is writ ing, ut her hOl11e in Lytit'. an d other terri t ories of th e neces.i ty Subscribe fo r the Miami Gazette'j the auto yet."-Exchange. t he result of a stroke of parnlysis, of th at ~ itllatio n r esulin g In a strict Mondny mo r ning. observance of t hat part of t h e Ru les '!

----__. _



)1, '.~ 1 101 " h,·,,,,,'d, · ",,, I frtends'l k' !' 1 ', y t () !" \ \\:I'l' \\' C 'l'~' ~l lld ~ lIC sts of Wl:~ S



'_ ' " - - -

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14,1924 Begin ning ' at 1 O'clock , t he fo llowi ng ; 3 horses, 6 ca t tle" farm implem ents, f eed. and a lot of sma ll articles. See lar ge bill for te r ms. .MRS. ELWOOD OLEV E NGER. F . T. Mat·tin, .j\.uct..

. -.

CIYIJlIIl\lon. l> Clvm.uOll \I IImpl1 • aloW IlI'OCt!81 at learnIDJ ..U·rl!ltralnt. The most cUU11e4 m_ are the ealmeat.

STRAW We are in the market for your

B-aled Straw Write or phone our buye~, . . .


The 'Hager Straw Board and Paper Co. Cedarville, Ohio


_. 'rh(,11 lind. ' n MI" • . 'nnf 11 In ... n"HI\ •• " I I h t' ,. rduH ('III lIlt. ~'t'.' '" '·.f I " , If It('. ~4 ( ,. I II' I \I t f . 0 (!II. ,rll l II. HJ1.1 I If j




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th~ ID-

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Clermont Heaters, 1-' .. ' ' Ranges an d ,'I,' ~ I ," Furnaces I'


p:.i l'


' , 1..;1


" ..





w, ,·k, \lith

Gen. John J. Hincs is now Chief of Staff of tho U. S Ar my . Photo Rhow. him lit th ~ desk in the War D('pt. lJu ilding made l'acnnt by ~ho retIrement of Gen. Pershi ng.

(\ l flt

1I "


:-- 1.1,,111. 1 h"ll l' 11 -:;

I ,! .


" :lyn (·~ \' \, llh· .

I ~"hlol

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i4.'Hti i II},!' liH' dt 'V4It Hl n :-: .




~tl" . M t1llmaw


~I i "s


rlla~ t

\ II w pifl l 'r

Kt'b,·y .


I'n· ndt.' q.!H~ t .~.

Bndlln an . ~l i ," "" d Mr •. M n(l lll a", .

\I r . lI il'lllll F:yrl' , ,'f Rout,' 4 . i ~ 'I"lI l' ill. \1" .,: ~ all!t ' ,Ill Y i:-o y i:-: itill): in J1 nyton • I

of thl' lli>:h sc h00 1 tea"h er, of t ill' !l is J OB. II orm el! itor. Monday. I tril·t l'm·>day c' ·l' ning.



~ HAAR~E~ 1

,.-!It' 4- • • "4---

For S.le by

correct Intemnl troubles, stimulate vital orgnns. Throe .i,es. All druggists. Insist

J.fE.FRAZIER, Waynesviilt, O.

on the: origin al ccnuine

........................ .................. ~




'I ~'U~n h~~e~e f.~mi.:s

Get your orders in for your "inter apples. ,drop. of above varieties at bargain price •.


Price. range from $1.00 to $2.50 at orchard.


dl... .< .. "


The Normals have organi zed th eir Mro. Walter Williams, of Kingman; clnss, th e preside nt ucill J! K a thryn visited Mrs. J. E. Janney onc duy Fromm, s ecretm'y, Pau lin e Moo re, last week. trens urer, Melvyn Bllnta . \\' e are looking and workin g" towa rd n very Mrs J. G. Rogers, of Dnyton, spent successful year. Monday with her grandmother, Mrs. -0-Hope Stiles. Every Monday ond Tuesday mornings we have a class of kindergarten Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas, of pupils. They take a grent interest Dayton, 5pl~ nt the week-end with in the work and we enjoy having heme folks, them w_it_h__u_ s.__••____••_______ Mrs. Mary Rye is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, at Clevelnnd, Ohio.


/lt t ~II "

th e

Pri nl Z 11110 IIr. ,nI'l '\t' ''e ill I)ny t on Mon da)'.

1. (\ 11

11 ' 11 -

~I r. and MrM. Wult er McC'llIr(' nrc n S pringfir ld vi"- >r " ndin~ this wee k lit In ,tin n lake.


I j


Mr .

Tho Ext" IISio ll Me",- r, . L. Bogon nnd On'i1le Gray n,..1 a",1 '":,, organ ized I:,>t T hursday W(' rc in Dayton, MOII""Y . IlIi,.: hl . \\ ,,11 ~I", Fergu s, of Wilmington (,,, II ," ! ", n" in stl'uct or. Thi ~ IIIrs. Qui nt Buckles, of [lu yton, ' COU I'$(' i. op"n to 011 ten chcrs lind will mC'c t rCl!u lur ly eV{'ry Thursdoy en' ,1- wa~ II Sundny g uest of Mrs. Viola ing' tit o·cl ock. Mi s~ Laura McKin se y lind Miss --0Lillu Benhom were in Duyton, SuturThe NOI'mol class enjoyed 0 we ill er J ay. rOIl,t ot St ony Brook farm Tu csd"y eve ning. Thi s was If get-ncquain ll" i Dr. A. T. Wright attended the Dismeeting, and the time wos spe nt in trict MediclIl association in Leban on, learning class so ngs a nd yells. todny.


Talpahawkins ~ Baldwin Wine Sap Smith Cider

Northern Spy. Rambos Belleftower H: W. Greenings Gano Russets


. ['





W {O ft'

t} ll '


lIt Ilh. u nd ~ t,.". I· ..., ,, 1< Z,' II.

~l .. ,'r". T. H. c; .. i,· ... ,>ld n"d 1(. (' .

l\'It'~. Il arrv P : l l' l' arri\' , d

Mrs. II. B. F:nrnhnrt ond Mr. 1\!RrlEar nhnrt we re in Dnyt oll Fri dny,

180 n

Mr. a nd IIIrs. H. R. F:nrnhnrt sprn t Sundoy wilh Mr. nnd Mrs. Burton Enrnhn rt . Miss Ka t hryn Clark and Miss Annc Bnchmnn wcre shopping ill Dayton oturdny.


:, 1.1 1I, ' l lIi " ,'II ti ll

' ,I

pll La ,"t' I I P t 'l1 I ' ll \ 'L I ·:1I 1 I'i t ·~ at dtp

l 1.tfl'Y !"-: :IItI 'r th l\"! IIIl' ,t .II !tI l ' !' :--'u., "" :\1,., a lte r ,\ 1! , I: I,: fl:lI'l': IlIJ~ h. ~l ! . ;111 11 r t IlI li\'( ':-:. M!', PH("I~ h:l:-> :-> t'l'I Il"l' d a :\ I, ' ~., F , ;; I~ I i:!!!.: ' h, l · r. l ~ l' I j, Ri nd po :-> iti o fl n t (" i\ llI l1lhtl ~ . lin d \dll 11111'1':11 ,' II "'1\1 1' ,/1 11 \' " 11 '1, IU' h , f J'(1 1li

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ma d t,


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:-'1t~I' I \ , \\:: ' . ' ,

I I' \ . t :,1:11" •. ~lId I ~I,

who l: .

'1.. ,' oil'l l .'I.h.'



IMIAMI.. T"-EA.T!~i ~ayn~s~m~, . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . ....




.. ...,-- . . . . . . . .


. . . .".




2n d

Baby Peg gy ' in

u~~~__D_a~I~~g=-- of Np lAT Y (\~ ~ "


SATURDAY, O CT OBER 4th "The Ghost rea k er " WALLACE REID



: •t




"The Fighti ng American"



Mrs. Will Norton spent last Tues- :. dny with her dau ghter, Mrs. Vern " Armitage, in Waynesville. !'

All thre e , bo w . ,an" rf\ r 1\,l pC't"io r to th


t •~..




Da yton. were Sunday dinner g uests

Wl · \ · h.:

\: ' ''''

~h llrt :-4 tay i f! \\·aYII\,,' -. \II I,' , 11 ~:",. I 1\\\: ' '1 1 lind ;,\ 1\ , IlI nlh t o S l ' l \ dw m )!'o H\\ . lY Thl' Y 1 1 ~ I .. l' v, I! / ' I~ " l l \\ III hi' ul I! 0 IllC' t tl tllt· ir fl'h ' IH I:-: at (' I )" III' t nd l ! I II '.\' : . \ " 8 1;7 E. FIft h A \l'. . "llllll h ll ~, ') lli u'

Mrs. Vinson and Miss Fcrguso n, of : Dayton, were Thursday guests of • Mrs. J. W. White. :

uf Mr. lind Mrs. F . 1\(. Cole.


fl'h ·lIl !....

t }Il' ir


!If r. lind Mrs. Creagor lind so n, o r


:l lId



Mrs . Mary Adums was 1\ guest las t ~ Thursday of Mrs. Frank Elbon and ~ Mrs. Esther Stout. :

Miss Edna Howlnnd, Miss Mollie Howla nd nnd Mr. Ed Burton WHe in Cincinnutl, Saturday.

~l r

I\t H ri~ ql , t) hh,. ~:.I 1 1 1I'dll \. I It ~ I' I'lI dillg' H ft· w d:lY ~ tt ll!' L' \\' i ~h 1:ll ld

I ' : l l ' l "..;

Air Rul'l' ''' in Dorton thi ~ w('l'k .

haarlem ' oil has - been 1 a world-. ' Tlh ~ clav .1. C. Hawke is in [lny ton toclay . wide remedy for kidney ,liver and \ \".p' I:"; ll'~ f"r '<'''I' for Ihe hot IUlIl' h· bladder disorders, rheumatism, I,., Ihi, will tPI·. Mis> II plt'1I Hllwke waH in Day tOil lumbago and uric acid conditions. -0MII"dHY.

~\:D );f1E~lil1A1 h

h I" \\, ('k .

:-;P "t'I' n I fr onl her(' will

t h,' 11 i ~ l'hn(l l huild in).! In:-;. t on ci cann e d ::ixty qUH r b o f

I(' nll''1' 111'rl ai \l'n"r!adwr~ 1111'



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ot~ Xt·nin, W( ' I'l' SU~l da.\' '.11 11 Ih'l' g'lh. :-t!'-j

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:\t tl t h ,·r ;-. ' duh c Ul1ni ng COIll rni lt t'l' nw t in l}ll' n()nH' ~ tir S('it' tH'C' at

B Uc..' k ll lL:'ha lll.

!\Ir. an d

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w ·11 tht"\ fI IIIt' l ' l al th l' hOIll! ' n r M I' :ll l t ! 1_. E is it) Huw k", TI ll' t'X:tl' t dllH' \\ 111 ~.!L\' t '.I

,lark and ~Ir . i ('hapl'rnnill).!. T h l' u ~ l1a l )!lIo d limp . w:" ha d Ity ull (l1'I' ''(' I1t.



( : 1" :" \\"l d,1 :11'" I l\\"i fll! t lu' l\. il r' :dtil' 1" T hc.' rt' will h l' ' U' IllI·t · tillJ.!' tlf t i lt, l.' r, " ,'I! . It '1' I I ' ., ';1\,\ \\ 11 , ,'P,' 11 II (,I I1I I'c h !-\dHltd ~(' I '\ It' v It 'HlZ' lIt ' IIl il ll ti ,'\, !lrtd h :lt l ..;,'y d \"I' PI' 11h' il' ~ .\\ rt lh l' fi nn S nt urday ill i\' '''',,' fllll\'I". 11 1ill 1 1'1':11 '1111 .\1' ·...... 1 .... (; ,·o q .:'l' Z l II

LO:-;T - ,\ I c.~t hrr · 1in (> <1 gl o,·c . ' , prin,.:~ "O nH'w\wrr ltN \\'~(, 1I Condn an d Hus- I - - 0 -:0- ... 11 ~nlihhll, · y· s . Find l' " I'I~ n"! le·tI"e T h,' S(' niu r CIa."" of \\" . II. S. hnd ·. tt t hi .... d1 i l' t


"/I V

{', . 1r. Jil ;'T I . ,I .. I 1""'1 \\ ,IIi I,. I .,. ' , :~ I



",,; hi'l'

\1 '1

l \o ... ..·I1II111I. I ~ t It l'l o; t , ' V i ~ .•

t r il Jlhjt..~ \\nll at th e e" "" 1\' Fit-I<I ml'l' l III 1.,·""I1·lI n Inst

I PI'(, =' (' 111,-t1

II ", ~"I r I"~'

Mr. J ll~. II I1Wk(' , of ~Ilhin:l , ~1 1· ·I~t il ' t, "I' ~I r. ",,,I M,',. F. ~ 1. 1',. 1,· J.· , "C Senr. lInd f"IHi ly. ,"f ~"hi ,, ". 111 ,,01 r:lIl11 ly. 1",. 1 F rida y II"d ~"I lil • un ci MI'. 1l 01'UCl' Zl' lI 111111 ~ I r,. h ,';" . ' d''''. .

\\ \ ' TVII I a n !l ll,\\' I'r\ ' pl1 t't tl to d o l ane! :\'n1'l1lul. TiH.~ SL'n iol' ("ll1 !oi.~ had -, q ki nd .. o f !'O t'\\ Ill).!' . . M,.~. L" C. J 1'\wn: t' o f lh t' pr olJ,:' ran l, (lla H il l"t :-:U t' K 1


I i. 'l'\

tlllll \!II ' :; 0 11 \\11, ' a nd "jl~. H I; fr, '''' ~l id '"I'I."'•. ;" ,':"1 _,1,,, h. cd 0 11 M :·. IIltd ~ Ir , . .1. I'. I· r:,;;r, I"j \1 ' I .\1 r"~. I., 1\ . rI . 111\ I I . r. lIlI( \. ' I l · und:iy. d" u_:II',. , a" t! !t'lI s ba nd , M,'. :1 1111 ' I ,'::.

,\ lt ~.

C ,·, •. I I . • t ill. . \\' ll ~" l..,i. " · .



t: l h T, lld. t'

!\I I'~ ..In l.u

b,u childr

~ 13 lI. e \ '" II Lagt Fridny tIll' H . .,.. went tu Monroe IItHl WI\ S deII() I ' ~E F( ) 11 HF:'-iT--Six I'oo m~ on fCII\ l)d. ~I : "I' ~I ... ·"t. I 11 >luiI'(' (I f Frnnk, --a-I ~l tl l .... . W"y" ,o< ,·,Il,· . nh i". ,>tr,LnM FI'id ny m" rning wa~ thl' f\r. t C"nl'm l " " "llIh l" "f Hi gh "choo l ) '


I 111:

tt ~t '1"11

Ph': ' " ' '

1r.' . •'l·"",·

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'·II(I ~ dIlY .

lw d

~ I'. :1 1111 .1 .~. 11(1\\'111' ,II' H,}.\I1 " .J, Th ul' ·,Jny, '.. ; ; 11 ~ I. H !"J.{ CI .

Horn· '1'/'

Mr. ~j l m(>T ({rut' n, (If Bnrb , I ., cullin!! on fl·i~lId. 11,·j·l- l\t-,11IJ.'1 .

\\' , I~

Tea c h ers Extension Course Is --. Organized-Lot of Fruit ,,( I tll1 ..... ~ r ny !" d k I 15 Canned '" "" " ""'" IIh lin d I

. ,P '







=.= ~-.-~ -=RECULAR PRICES , 20 .; nn d 10c ON ALL SHOWS


Two s bow" f!Ol c h n ig h t . beginn in g at 7 : 00 p. m.

Mr. Russell Salisbury is at home , ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ..... a t\ c.#.. ........ .. '. 0 . ............ '1- ,.., ••• •• Mrs. Mary B nr la n and Mr. J ohn Mrs. Jacob Zimme r and children after spending everol days with re lnnd Mrs. Emerso n Dill were Xenia atives in Cle velnnd . Spra y, u f N,!w Burlingt on. \\' ~ re IINnIII_nwtmOtil!!mi!li",i_ _ _mtUII_.n __1111 One-half mile east of Waynesville g u,, ~ t" of ~ 11 ·s . Vio la I1 url n n, las t r.tI_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _llIw . . s hoppers last Thursday. Phone 74-6 Mr. J ohn Zell was tllK c n to the Thursday. Severa l from here attended the K K K meeting and PllTade at Bellbrook hospital in Ci ncinnati last week ,for a serious operation . Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb alld so n, Friduy evening. Dean, and Miss Jessie Toboe , of Xen~~ ~~ Tho y_ P. S. of Mt, Holly church Not be ing able t o Ih' c 011 I1Ir fUI'l.I . I have d ec i" ~ d to scI! th~ sume Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Washburn in , spe nt Fridny with Mrs. Burton met at the home of O. B. ~qrlatt at auction. Sal e to be h(;ld at Court House, in Lcbullon, Ohio, on were visitin,g relatives in Adnms and Enrnhart. Fridny evening. Brown counties lost week. Mrs. Emma Crew from h,ere. ntMr. •nnd Mrs. Myer Hyman were turned to Dayton Sunday. /Iofter Mr . .IInIJ Mrs. J. C. Hawke were in Cincinnati Sunday and MondllY of COOPER AND KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRES AND spending a tew days at hom e. Sale at 2 p. m. Sunday IIjnn!lr .1r!1,!lsts of Mr. and this wee k, atte nding services at the Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent . LOCATION-F.rm i. 1 mil .... ut of Or."onia, 1 Y.a rna". wut TUBES Jewish synagogue. Sunday the guests of Mrs. Dill's fath - Mrs. Carl lil.wts~, lit pp.~~on. of Wellman,S Y.a mile• • outb of Wayneaville, and 2 milel from cr, on the n.yton and Xenia pike. Leb.noll •.. WIND SHIELD GLASS FLASH LIGHTS Save your old carpots and rug~ Mr. Frank Kellis and family ell- Carey and daughter, Min Allee. ACRES-2 0 acre. of good Innd all in culli.ation. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alle n and Miss and get "Wearw e ll" Rugs made. tertained relatives {rllm Reading, IMPROVEMENTS-5-.oonl Iiou.e, with front Rnd bllek porch . REAR CURTAIN LIGHTS Ohio, for Sunday dinner. Mr. Kel- Olive were Dayto n shoppe rs Sntur- Sen d f or price list . Franklin Rug cell .. 12,,22, barn 26,,30. gar,,8''', chickon hou. " •• good well snd day.' Co., Franklin, Ohio. lis' mother returned home with them . .apraDI . . Farm ia well fcncf!d. SHOT GUN SHELLS MJ"lI. Frnnk Kellis entertained for Mr. and Mrs. Balsley and Mr. nnd the week-end her mother, from Bellst. ~I ury ' " Gui ld will mee t with Mrs. Thies, of Day ton, called on 1\1 r. FREE AIR mont. OPEN EVENINGS Mr. Jacob Zimmer and family spent and Mrs. J . W. Whjte Sunday after- MI·~. ('0,1< ' yo n Wedn esday uHerTERMS- Buyer will anume t he pre.ent morl ga,,, of $1200.00, noon rot 2 u'clock. Note' the change Sunday with relativetl of ncar Xenia. noon . paying tbe b.l.nce in c •• b. Title perfect. of doy. from Thursday to . WednesMrs. Rebeccn Dill had for calle rs Mr. and · Mrs. Ed Hancock , Mr. duy. Sundny, Mr. and Mrs. Richnrd Moo re and Mrs. JO}II\ Zimme rmnn, of Day- Cuin nnd Miss Cain, of Cincin nati. FRED L. PERDUE, Auctioneer. visited Mr. llnd Mrs. F. M. Cole and to n. 9 Boltin An., Day tOil, 0il'o" . family, Sunday. Mr. a nd Mrs. Joe Dodson, ot . lnMr_ Jncob ZImmer was in Dayton dinnapolis, Ind., wero visiting friends on a bURincss trip, MondllY. The J olly Matrons fintl their hus- in Wnynesvillo, Sunday. Mr. nnd Quite a few from this community ar c planning on go ing t o the air races bUilds, wel'l) ellte rtainoo a t th e home Mrs. Dods on hnve been touring the of Mr. allri Mrs. J. O. lI rtwright, East by nuto. a t Fa irfi e ld. --------~ ~, I\ l i ,~ Clara Daughters visited with Saturday evening. Severnl of our cltlzllns Wjlnt to r~ l lIti \' es at WlIyn esvill e the Inst few J Lave sold my farm, an d p e r ag r e emen t mu s t give pO l le •• ion on or before days. Mr. and Mrs. J~/lIe~ McClure spe nt Lebnn on Saturday afternoon and N ovembe r 1 , 1924. I will .,if l , ," for aa lc at my relidence , be tter h:nown as (l uit(' " numbcr from here nttene!- last week in Cincinnati, the guests evening to se e the picturc, "The Ten th e Him el f a rm . 9 m i lc » so uth or Dayton, J mi'le due welt of Cent ervi lle, l'd u weine r r oa st at the hom e of of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. r e- Commandments," a~ the Lebanon 6 mile. east of Miamilbur g , on th e Miamisburg and Centerville pike, on Opcro hou ~ . turning home Sunday. · ~'I r. Fran k Dakin, Friday nnig ht.







Frank LeMay, Owner


............. .

.l~.u.c ~



Possession March t, 1925






.............. ---.. .. Rosenthal Corn ..--------------.P~-----~





Commellcill, at 10:30 .barp, th e fOllowin g de acribed property, lo-wit:

Implements, Household Goods, Grain

H EVER IGNOR.E A HONKING Ford tall truck, equipped wilh Da yto'n Iteel wh ee l. in rear; 4 new tir ea A\I~OM O~ 'L£ ON ~5 -mEa""Y 32x4 Goodrich .0 idl in rear, an d . tock r.a ck. TWIT GARI<JMG COGS 00 foIQT 6 1TE. Hereula. 3-bor.e Kero."ne Engine, equipped with Web.ter Mllgneto .nd I'o ... er~or., .Imo.t lIew; 14 reet Line Shalt, witb hange .. and 6 Pulley. ; 32 feet 4·IDc:b Belt ... 1923 model Ford.on Tractor, eomplete with fen den, t op, pu lley, 'dutcb peeI.1 holder, alld governora-u.ed .cry little, and new Ferguson a-bottom . 12.iD. Plow., 2 extr•• hare.; Tbi. i. tbe only plow that makeo lb. Ford'OIl a .ill,le unit. Obio Rak. Corn PlaDter, witb fertilizer attacbment, John Deere Corn Plo~ Troy Farm Wa,on, witb 50 bu.hel bed. Hay Laddns, O.born Hay, Gra.el Be<I. Potato Di,ger, Double-Ibovel, Slip Scoop, Hay Fork, Trip Rope, Grind.toll., 2 Laddere, Po.t Au,ur, 2 Scythe., 3 Fork •• Sbo ... el., Fence Str·e tcbe.., Wood Screw Vi... M.ttoek, Dinner Bell, Doubletreel,, two.way Pump for W.t.r Tank, Lard Pre .. , Lard Dip., Butchering c .nd S~.ldinl Barr.J, Bentwood Churn, 2 Vinegar barrel., about 20 a.Uon. Polario Oil and Drum, 4 lar,e Feod Boxea, about 50'0 pound. of Ch.rco~1 for hoal, about 100 pound. of S.It, Bag of lime. STATEMENT 99 pounds Reed'. Yellow D.-nt Seed.combed, .helled Corn, 1922; 32 POland. Clover S ... ed. 8 pou nd. Whi te S __ t Cloyer. Statement of the ownership and Home Comfort Steel Range, g~od •• n ew, Detroit Vapor Coal Oil mnnngenlCnt of the Miami Gazette, Rail, .., No. 116 Ciermont He.till, Slave, No, 60 Clermont H •• tiDg Sto",e, -published at. Wa7JIesville, Ohio, as 12 .Crocl... 2 compu.ment C.loric Firele .. Cooker, lie required by the Act of Anguat 24, £I""ell G_. e , IS old Hebe, 60 )'nunir Chickene, and m.ny olber a~li. 10 12 . ..I.. ",at Ill.Dtioa.d. . Editor, D. L. Crane, Waynesville, T.E RMS-$IO.OO alld Dnder, ca.b. Over $10.00, a . credit of lIino Ohio. Owncr and Publisher, D. L • .... _atlo. with .p~roYed leflIr,i tj. 4 per callt off lor ea.b. Crane, Waynesville, Ohib. • Bohdholder, mortgages and other 8eeurity holders, lione. ~1IiI_...U" OWe. P...... 111o. 2 Sworn to and SUbscribed before me this let day Df October, 1924 • ........ B••• ERT, Clwk. L. M. Hendereon, Notary PubHc.

----- - ..----

Y. ·MARTIN. Auet.


ers and Shredders

Mr. Chas, Lewis arriver home trom Mr. and llirs. Jtllymond Williamson and son , of Cleveland, Ohio, are Springfield, Thursday, where he hlld spending a few days with Mr. lind "pent several ' days attending the Knight. of Pythias · Grand lodge, he Mrs. H. H . Williamson and family. being a delegote trom Crown lodge, Mr. and Mrs. John Whitaker and of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitaker, of The Friendship club will meet Centerville, Ilpent Sunday with Mr. nlld Mrs. 0 8car Stonfield, of near with Mrs. R. F. Manus, south ot town New Burlington. Wednesday afternoon, October 8th. All members nre urged to be present, 141'11, Lindley Mendenhall and as it is the election of officers and bz.b bzb daug1l~" Hrr" A-lice McKinnsey and the rcportoflastyear's MiBS LiJUe No/Jr.y wllrl1 lI'ucats ot Mr. the report o:t last year's work will and Mn. CJ~tlror/J Melpv H f;h.e. 1t1l11!l- be read. Bessie Tinney, Sec'y. non Farinen club, heleJ .~ tf)elr "qm, last Wedn.esd.~}'. Dr. I. T, f;1li1! Ilttlln9!!~ the fun~r!l~ of Dr. ~as. a.wt'e" "'~8 pie~ !1~ The women of S~. MarY's p,rjah his home in Marion, Ohio, VeF" Sfldare aske.d W bring l,jIe tall Cllferlng denly, last week. During the World for the Unjte4 'l'han~ Otrflrjng, to War Dr. Sawyer was a Brigadie'r the church Dn Octob.e, 6th, ~ th.a t it General, and made quite a record may be laid on thll al~a, .t tfuj mom- for hiinsel~. He was a!so the late ing serviee, PresJdent Har<!injr'jI J1~ysiclan, !iur~ ing I)l. 1~lIt Mr. C. D. Ridge, of Columbus, son of Mr. and Mn. Mahlon Ridge, of Mra. Edith M. liarris and 1ob. R. thl. place, with hili wife, left ·Iast F. Mosher attendlld the marriage of ThUi'l!day for . Sioux Falls, S. D" their brother,.Mr. Charles F. Mosher where he will be IltatiDned 8S manager to Miss. Alma Schwar.bcrg, on Thunof that district, :to.1' the Delco 00., Iday aftternoon, September ~enty­ of J)ayton. He will- have compleie fit~ Cincinnati. The wedding charge of several counties. and will was a ' very quiet affair, with only have seyeral fie ld men. This is q.u ite near relatives preaen,t. The happy an advancement for this young man, couple left immediately for New and hiB many friends here will con- 'York, from which port they sail Satgntulate hilI! upon hiB good tor- urday morning on the' MaJestlc tor a


trip around ttle worl4i.


.D urable, Safe

The Rosenthal Husker has withstood the ' years of hard service upder all conditions and stands out · today as the foremos t Husker on the m'arket . Made in. sizes adaptable for' :I-n y size t'lrm and any size engine. Hardware Harnes~

FRED MI. COLE WayneSVille, Ohio

And Farm Machinery





eventy-SL·th Year





, 'TIT~!"

--- -- -



T he lI "I''' l y- l, urg- " ul, lie "ch .. ,d i. l\ I' U li ll i ll J:' in fu11 ff l r e(' , fl notlwr


y \'u r o f hI gh !'o.choo l \\.' o rk hadn J! h ct· n

" d"l'" "il)l'o h" l yen ... I1> lIkill~ i

H' l'lJn d - l!l" n d e ~I.' h o " l. :0 1< '

Hwu t'clc-d .

J'('au ul1iel' ,;l L, ' IHlll nn . t o o u tlin e pl u m.; fill' l lll' C o un t y (' u IlipaiLttl t o-

W III ' cI :-4


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1'0 1' II U ' "

own (' d und fnrm e r

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Li v C:i l u c k ( 'H ltllt d !'1 ~ i ll n h u ll "; " a t ( 'j n cil1 l1l1 li , an d

In "I. " hnve t hl' cllttl e o f Wurren

l' o u n l \, lcsl C·d f o r lU Ul' n: ul o :, i ~


t h l'

Stu te:"'c I" '1'II 1 Acc red itL'" Areo 1' ]11 11 . II . C. ~ "' ~~l c ll ll r. o f Ma"u n, chlllt''''lu n


!)e VP )'i d

yt·HI' "U Cn a "


t h i nJ.:''\


111 "1'",

Vllcn l rn \l ~ic i ~ tau l!ht I/Y ~ h~s E lj:r,abc t h Ankt'ny , u f Xen iu , a r C('f' n l J: f'a du ut l' ( If t}hi o S tat l.' un i ve r "l ;I ,'{ ,

g n g-uo d tim e with ttH ~ if" clt.l cl"s , t he y wont huvc tim e f or ... pu o k

ish 1"·II11Ks. ~ uch It H th e re n! 1\',, 1 , f ,vl'J' ythin):t l o o ~e . th e burri clld ing- o f roud s. lind many .. Ih ~l' 1.l nn nyun ces. \.'· l ·~ ge t b... hirod tn e move me nt. li nd /III b~ yuun/:, tn/:'c th cr o nc e llI orc. At t heir m ee tin~ Illst Frid uy eVe n· ing th e o mm e r~i ll l dub vot ed ur SpOnSl' l' this propoMit in n li nn Pre~ i . " ~nt Ox ley hilS up,". inl ec\ th .. f ollow. inK co mmitt e es to wo rk out th ~ de· tnils: Ex ceuLi ve- Huwu r" A rchd ellc,,'I , F. M. Co le lind ROH" lI urtHo ck . Finance . O. Cnrtwri g ht, MI' .• IIco\e n lI uwk e tint! W . O. Haper, Adverti sing- F'. M Col e, Edw"rd Bur t" n und Ke ller lI o ke. . ))ccorati ng- C. M. Robitze r. L. A. ZimnWI'111U n und Ru ym on Hatfie ld. Pll r ude--J . E . McClure , Frank Ze \l a nd Sid Ellid. ,Jud g~ H- !\IrH. H. E. Hathaw ay, Misd Ed nll Howhtll d lind Mr>. S. S. EIIi •. Music- Dr. Elli • . Carl Gray ',nd Pror. Wutkin s. Prizes - F. E. VanOfl en, W. C. St J ohn und C. L. Alle n. Publicit y- T om Pierce ,Howard Cook und \\fi ss Ednu Kel sey. Fi re Works -Adum Melloh, Myel' Hymlln lind Wilbur Sta nsberry . Chas. S. Burnett is cha irman of the entertai nment committ .ee, which will be a nnounce d next week. This co mmittee will sprI ng se veral plells. ant durprica .


w hu

C O ml\ ~ V(' J' }r

nnd the Orrhl:'HLr H

we ll

f(' (' II I11Ill L' f H h , d .


f un~ hn ~


Iht! l'(1 h l:l' lI n '. imc wh e n

m uc h illtcl'l'M is in llI u!'l ic.

bt' il1J.C

i ll

ma n if(! KHHl


Both Men Are in Jail at the County Sca t-Goo d Work of Police

i ~ IJe i l1)..!' clln d tlct l'. l

by M r . ntl ll ] ,e w i ~ , o f 1. 1 ~ l)ll n n n. \\ h r. ce rtain ly kIl H W~ how t o n TJ'{n ll iz c a nd (.'Oll d lH.' l an o fl.' hl.·~ t " lI, Nl!v t·r he-



l! luhr·: . p i(' t un' ~ a nd ~ (\ \' l' I'il l Iln"k ~ f or t h l' lihrur y , ind ll di l1~ a :-. t·t o r ", up pl \\lll c n taI' Y )' \.'lId t"l',!-l. f ur l' a ... h j! I'ud " .

Someth ing o f (h iH !lo rt . we belie v ' . Tu b erc ular Cattle , Work Done will he n g r ~nt ho o ~ t f or thl' (,' , :-n ~ mUl d l y un d will IH' "sihl y " U v~ Ih p I by Va riou s Bureau Clubs hnth e r cllu 'NI hy huy i"h pru"ks , ~ ­ cu lin l' tu thi. occ ll~ iol1. If th l' h,,\·. 1 This fa ll nrc hav in

n ~r: , 'n I H t i \,l\ 11\'t' ~ t ljc k Jl r lld Urc l '~ a nd 1"la d il1 g' r ll r n1 {I!' ~ f 1'o m \' ari n \l ~ nflr L~ cd' I bl' ~.' n Ull t" nl{, t i ll th l' Fur m Bu -



Plun K lire fll ~ t ta kin\! RhllPl' fur 11 bil( communiLy Hall owe 'e n ce l 'ul'u, ti on iu Waynesvi lle . It i. th e h" pc M E ETING SATU RDAY EVE· o f th e prontot e r. t fl . tuge n \\I nrrli Gr n" with u big mll"KCc\ f1l1 rude NING TO DE~IDE TESTI NG muny other entert.tlining ft'fl turnncH.d Qui tl' /I nu mbe r of prilo cs arc to lJe

S li t U l" d uj" " ,'pning- , ()c loh l'I' ,1, r c p-

r; 1 )

Th e


t" wn of 111 11 on wa s

t hroW Il ill l o Il ~ t.nt(· of con!" t e rnnt io n In -.; t 1"l'ill ny . w h fl n it Wfi R an n oun ce d

The "chool I,M""I "" well os Mr. Ihat Iht· ViI·, t Nati on,, 1 bo nk

O~d c n i~ t il

\\" H~h i n Kt oll SC lw lors -FrOI\ t row, I ~f t lu ,·jKh t : Z.Hh IHsc r , S pc t e, lI u rKn.l \, ~, I. ic b u lo, !\1H~(,ul l\ nbi n S UII . :schlldH. ~ l cNc~ ly . Altroc k, l(u l· 1 lin d T r~ ine l' Mll rl in . Midd le 1'11 \1' left t " rlg-\Il ' £Xtl' , ~II BI, t1 g~ l'l ·ddlq nl,ul!h , !)t a n lcy Hurri s , m Ullnge r •• l ud .l;e , i< icc , Tall: and MHgl'i dg~, Bac k r uw , It' ft tv r ig h't : !\ lu ~~ beiTY. Mdl e!', Ogde n, Mart

e ff o rt in sUtn dard

he l'(J T1 ~rllt ul ntl' d ill tlwl r Hc h h ul t o tht" o f U !'I<ccll nd -gnlde hi J:h

lJ t'i llgin ~ t h p

"'t'f ' !lP

H. L.

of u I'tl i itwry a t

1" 1'~'e ,


t he

11 :-10 u, m .

,'",hi,· r nf th,· hnnk, was HPJ'rtllil.' hcd ttL l h i ~ ho ur u t t.h rt win sc hoo \. II nr \'e~'" I HII'~ i ~ ,,,,titl ed t" .lolV f,f the hn nk. nnll asked tn chan ge II", Ma ", ~ an d "p tt ~ r Ht ill II fir. t I!'TII r1 e a !O il l. After g-ctt ing the cha nge , he I:l OOH t. don't knu ck . l Ul'nrcl II l'0un " a nll W ,," meL with two

infl , Zac hary, .141 hll",lII, Gus lin, Shirl"y , Len" .. IIml T uy lur.

Th f.· ('o rp:.; o f t cnc he l's



P r in -

I' l ' \'o lv C f S '

fuc inJ,: h im,

H e im nwd i-

ci plIl, \\' . \I ohn rt Ogden ; As" istan t n l ~ ly threw up his hnn ds :tnu on e of p,·inc ipa l. \\Irs. Lillia n Carr; :';event h tl,,' rob be rg went h" hind th e co unte r li nd I:: ij:!'hth Gmd es, Miss Merle E llis: nlld forced him in to t!f(' vau lt . a nd B8I!e bl1 1\'s clllssic is proving to Le ulll to throw a game. O'Con ne ll for th e Giants each tua m u ~ inj? fou r Flo urt h. Fif th anrl Sixth ~ r "d u • • Mr. , hil t th e ooor. li e i lll ri1C dill t~ ly be a relll thri ller this yellr. The se r . claim ed that hi ll acti o II was instiga led pi tche rs un d n,uml' Rurn,' t flu ll c l'wor th: Fi r<t S ~c n rrd "(I1lnd'" the a la rm urlll t he 1'01111('1'5, i e~ is being played by the New York by r <J Us su bs titu tes. Dolan . lind • Third at'l er g grudes, r n lo bi n ~ Mis the Imogeno nUl ne,' in " i ~ht , Gray. The four Gi a nts, r eJiresen ti ng t he Nationa l g a mc pla yed aL N,' w - - - -- ~ - firs t g Ulllc played ut Wa8hi nK' Yo rk Tu o~ dth rnn olld j U1111w d intn an Du tn. Thl' ) bl,. "lI \' in!:$ to be ohlu ine d leag ue, und the Washing ton Senll- tonThe ay nrt.c rn oo n, Wu s w o n last Saturda \V y, 11 1'.1 \\·,.s im meoin t"'y sent nnl to thrn \l~ h t he :u-o pcru ti vc M R I ' k ~t iu ~ WII . a tw e lve· in n· uy Wlis hingto n, 7 to 4. Goslin's FEDER lOrs, reprsen ting the Americu n. This ing ATION MEMB ERS s Lruggle be tween th e "rcat Wul· hOnl(" diff ~ re nt p ine o!' , Hnd lh e J'oh hc rH we re IIf Li Vl'''(IO ck \\ li S iOI'cilJ ly poililoo) lO ut is the tirst time the Washin gton team tel' t'un with tw o run ne r's o n b u ~ t.! J ohnson, ill t lH' Ilud iln r !'l rcpu l'l o f t hQ Fnl' m tra ced to lIIidol et own. Wh en nNir pitchin g hi s fi rst World feaLu r cd this g um e. \\I og ridl(o a nd has ever IJurti ci pate i in a World Se ri TO ELECT DIREC TORS es game in eig htee n YC<lrs, " nd Mn r burl'Y th at city, Ilt 1.1 ,.Iace called okecoUn, ."'~ l'o -u]w r u ti vc i11'1ll ill !..Ill' C h ic 'l J..!"V .'eri es , while their oppon ents have Anhur pitch "d for th e vi ct"rs , va n ts , wln' r c , (I u r i n ~ tllt' lw ( · l v l~ til 'i l' mnchin e collided w ith " bus, Jus t Won th eir fourth straig ht pen. Giants Ne hr, whi ch Neh f a nd the whi l~ Burn es , Ba ldwin IIl1d n ea n .by t he score of 4 to :1. On d re w th e !lssignm e ;l1 ' . n th ~ C:ll d ill~ Ju ne 30. 1924, \.I", whi h di tched them. On e of th e rob· nn nt in th e Nlltio nal. A day or AO Sundl1Ywon nt for the lose rs. t(lt .a l ne t c n m mi l!l:\ iu n ~ curn ed w e ro herR <'Rcllped but tho other wns a r· be fore th e se ri es bega n, Judge K. M. ingt on , the second g am e a t W .. , hwe g o to press, th e fifth ~ u m e Official notifi cfl ti on o f the (>xpirl1 ' reNte,1 hy Co nstable res ulted in a 4 to 3 vic to ry 1''' 1' is As $~ · I ·.:t!> '1.ll4. Af ter d educ ting nil Willi nm Simpucin g pla yed in New York. ./ fl hn. rati nn o f t he \.e r m. o f eig ht Landis burred Outfield er Jimmy 0'. the dir ~ c to Senator r s opc1'll ti ng expe nse". includ inl( ga In· s, Zachul'Y lind Mnrbe .... y "On Imd Bentley ~o n. who WAs ncar th e "ce ne. Co nne ll und Coach Cozy Dolan, of pitchi lire doin o f th g .. Lhe Oh pitch. io F'lIrnt Burcllu fede rntion ng ( or ri e ~ und ext I'U h ~ ll', ad ve rt i~ i ll g, di· th .. vi ctor> . while B(' nt- i ng-. Aft er s Th" mnll II n ested gave hi. namp AS the Giants fr om organiz ed bull, after ley hurled innings of pIny th e hll R I",e n Rent t o County Fnrm h u· for th e losers. T he t hird "cu re stund.: ix r e clo r s r c (' ~ . in tiuruncc . travelin g ex ilford Bowling, aged a bo ut 20. t he forme r had confe88 ed thllt he had gume New YUl'k 3 1 Wlls hing- rNlUS ill t h" diNtric tN front whi ch l hey T was play ed pense . posLuJ(e , ~ tlltionery, telephon e , 1\ at e New YorK, 1I1 0n· lon J. tried to bribe a pluyer of another day , and e Ollubert . of th e Heds, is lire ch oHe n. This notiticnt ion fr om b was l,rtJulrht to Hamilto n, and the resulted in II 6 t o 4 vict ory thoug ht Jok te le!!l'u\lh . etc., th o net income was ro u~h t to Lebanon , after a prelim. lo U() dying in Cinci nn ati. Federllt iun hendqul lrters lIaks th e in a ry he $ 1118 ,0110.38 . The Bourd of Directo r~ n rin~ before t he mayor nt electio n of a director to till the VUC IHl l\iRson. The third o f the Chi cag o Coo p. uuthori zed a re· degree WDS give n cy nt lens t fift ee n dllYs prior to lhe hi m hy Prosecu tor Attorne ... fUlld of 30 pt!I cent of all commis ,;ion y Don DilIInnuul meeti ng of the F edcruliu n IItu sh at th e Lebanon cn\l "cl ed from its me mbcrs whic h re· jail last Friday next winte r, evening . He denied all knowled ge fund t OLn led $ 103,461 .55 f or the HIMES WINNE R QUOIT CLUB The men whose term s expire and of his u[lO ve yeu r. They a lso gllve $6,142.· er, and also de nied that co unti es they represe nt are : George he hnd pardn 71 118 bo nus t o emp loyees , p\tl cod anythin~ to do with the robL. Coo ley, Dover Centor, Eric, Hul'· bera $25U 5.95 in an ~clucati ona l fund, und that the man who es· o n, Lorain and Cu ya hoga counti es ; caJl ed saying The Gem City Quoit Leag ue tourn· "ct ov('r $30.000 as surplUS. Le ad e r~ had done the work. Thl! po. H. R. Brown, Willoug anl hby, ent Lllkc, drew Ash· lice found over a tbou sand dollars t o 11 cl08e last week. Mr. in t he Cinci nnati Coop. moveme nt tabula, Genugtl and Trumbu ll coun· on his pel"llon, expect t o bring about s imila r savi ngs C. K. Rimes, of Centorv ille carried a revolve r and some ties ; PAul P. E lliott, Seville, away Medina, the honors. whisky. of commis sion charges yet t hey real· Summit . Wnyn e and Ashland coun · ize t.hat mllld mum volume of busineRs On SlIturd li . ; Harry G. Beale, Columb u s, mlWl in the ay evening th o secon d OR n ecc ~~n r y t o ins ure JlreutcMt. s uecasc, and whom the polico Franklin , Union, Delawar e and Mud· CC"H. were And so ns to gUll rantee till' REAL ESTAT E DEAL was the right mAn, cap· i. on countie 8 ; W. N. Scarf!', New Car. tured sure Edward Bishop, of Kings Mills , vo lume of busilless III t he Cincian ati IiHle, Darke Miami, Champa ign and at the home of Coo p, fllr mers will be re quired to Higll Carl McDani els. of Clark coun ties; O. J. Bailey , Tacoma , Newpor t, Ky .. while a con trnct desig nu ti ng the approxi . he was eating Mrs. An nn E . Sheehon hOB sold her Bemon t, Nobl e, Monroe IIT1l1 Wash· supper. Hidd c-n ma te nu mber of cattle, hogs . shecu 01' in ·Bishop' s shoes farm" sout h o f t ow n to Mr. and Mrs. ing ton counti os; D . E. Dunha m , Leb· was $50 0 ill currenc culves thut th ' y expect to market Fred y, while anoth er Whitne y, of Cincinn n t i. We I1 non, Pre ble, BuLler , Warren an d $5 00 a nd sOl1l unnllull y, with reaso na ble exemp tions e change was f ound in nr c Hn g In" milton t o w(,lcom C'oun tieR e th ; cm nnd to G. C. Evan ~ , hi. pocket• . this com· u\l uwed. JlIckson, Pike , Sciot o, Lawren ce an d A s ~ r i e8 o f twe lve meethlj? s I.vcr muniLy· This Bis hop ndm itted, wus the split J ackson counties • . of the loot which he and Bowling di. Wu rrl' n county was decided ' up on ex· Four of t hc8e c1i r~ cto rs arc also vid ed a f te r robbin g the blink and on t enoi llg from 1\I 0n da)" October 20. to memb ers of th e F ederati o n's execu· th e ir wily to. lIturda y. Novemb er 1. ~ al1lilton . The am ouut, At these tive commi tte e. These l ntm arc a ccordln/:' t o Cashier Frye, which wus meeting " th e plans for Co-oJle ra ti ve Messrs. Cooley, Elli utt, Ben le and Lives tock mnrketi ng will be fully di s· t a ken , wns abou t $2500. Evans. ie _ • CURsed. Both me n a re in the Lebanon i un a t the prese nt t ime a Wlliting the tiC· FERRY CHURC H Tubercu loai. Eradica tion. AI.o. l iol1 o f t hc' ~TlI lid jury, which will WEATH ER PROPH ET Bible School at 9 :30, Rally Day, New York Giants- Front row, left to r ig ht: Tl'l1i n c r Ir vin At th ese meeting s II four.ree l film probabl y be r ecl1l1ed. , p .. I1n., W ilson, S~ uthwor.t h, PREDIC TS COLD WINTE R O'Con nell, Huntzig el', Ryun. Middle r ow, left La rig ht : N ehf, } ack.~" will be s hown featurin g the erndiCJ\- next Sunday morn ing. Also preach· Bi shop, wh o hus recently gotten Dolan, F ri sch, Burnes, MsQutll an. Back row, le H to u g ht. n , Kelly Lo uches Hu ~ hl e J e n ntn gs and . Coczy tion of tub ercular cattlo on the area ing services every Sunday mornin~ ou t o f the pen, ia th e man who sho t Lu nd. t, 0 111 , Meusel , J onn a rd, Groh, Ben tl ey, Maun, Gowd)', Young, T erry lind Trainer Bowe. ba.~ i s . I1t Mars ha l Frazier, of L ebanon, Dai r yme n und cattleow 'nen will be given a n opport u n ity to have lind evening by tho plU!tor, Nathan tbrough a door, when the officers "Be pre pared for a severe winter J obnson. Everybo dy welcome . the ir herds tested free of charge this if this display of tha aurora borenlis went afte r hjm for bootlegg ing, near f a ll, if se venty·five per cent 8ign up PERRY THOMA S, Supt. conti nu es through t he autumn ," was Kings Mills. REPUB LICAN 1NEW EDiTR ESS S AT reques ting same. This area plan of the warning given by Prof. J.H.WiI · testin g hIlS beon going on in anum· LEBAN ON THUR SDAY lillms , Urb a na, ustro nomer and rep· FOR THE GAZE TTE YOU NC &-CL ARK ber of up·state counties , so the Farm METHO DIST CHURC H r esentati ve of the U. S, weuther bu· Bureau olllcials , Coun ty Age nts CIII MS r eau, nfter being told of an unus u· Sabbath School, !l IU a. m., pnaeh. and Kiz" r lind II numher of leading a liy brillian t display o f the Norther n dairym en und li vest ock farm ers are ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednes dayeven · The Rl'pu hli ca n campaig n will Mr5. ll Jl J'" lll Ea rn harL to ok up her Iight.~ tha t occu rred recently. The striving to make Warren county the ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth open in Warren Warm all t umn tints furni shed the lights fl llshed, wavered and shot hi~h C!'u nty nex t Thurs____ _ d UlieH Mouduy U ~ <"cito l y cditres of into fir~ t in . ou ther n Ohi o. Bl"Iidcs the LeagUe 6 :16 p. m. Preachi n g at 7 :00 day nftel'no on, October 9, when li a r. the sky from the Norther n hoI" setting for th e wedding appoint ments . II' n"ru l herd improve me nt thro.ugh p. m. of Miss Murgar et 'Clark, daughte r of l he ~ T in mi G nze tte , o win g to t he res - izon . Everybo dy Ie cordiall y invited ry . Da vis, Relluult call candld utc f o r th" rem oval of ti iMellse d cattle, th e Mr. and Mrs. W . F. Clark, whose Monro e T akes Second Game on Iii!lln liun " f III I'. Ethan "The aUl'om govern borealis or , is Hon. charllct Chll er· l'le. C~une, B ,: a n ~, cun· who Is ,Iu llge r o f child ren co ntrllctin g tub er· to these lIervices . is tic of tbe Arctic belt. If you go marriag e to Mr. Cou lu8 Wheele r gressma n of th e Seve nth dIstr ict a nd Accou nt of lIIum e rou~ E r · 11111\' wi th lhe Weste rn StUI', nt Leba· Rev. L. A. Washbu rn, Putor. eulo, is front the milk sUPIJly is IIlso fnr e noug h North you \vill nlways Younce , son of Mr. lind Mrs. C. W. \\Irs. T ha nH'" Mllx wc ll. f Cle \'clund , non. i n th~ ca pAci ty o f ne ws edito r. sec it. . elimi na tcd. And hogs from othe r ron by Home Team Wh en brillian t di sp lays lire Younce , of Salem Ave nue, Dayton, will be li t Leb ulI (l l) lind I11 nkc uddrl' s~ , a ccr e dited counties have invariab ly Mrs. E nl'l1l111l't, wir of lIlr. Ha rold visible her e, it indicatO R that the Arc· Ohio. took place at half after s ix, cs Bot h of th ese ge ntleme n nre ST ,MARY" CHURC H belm g ive n a IU'(' mium of 10 ee ntH g o'od sp c "k cr~ a nd eve l'y R~ pllbli(~a n I~a l'n h U rl' ma nagc r o f th e Farmer' s ti c belt has shifted to the South. No Saturda y eveni ng. per hundred by the packers . ceremon y was perform ed at ----Sevente ent h Sunday after Trinity, ill th e cou nl Y oUl! ht to got oul lind Co.o perati ve C,ea", staLi on, will be one knows when it will go back, but theTho The local expe nses will probabl y hom e of the bride , Rev. L. A. while it iH here it will quite mate· hear th ~ n 1. ·Mrs. Mll xwell October is said 18th. t.n Th e Church !\I om'oc School al High Sch olll bn, ll l emp loyed full li me lit this olll ee, and ri a lly affect bo poid by the receipts froril t he th e climatll an d mllke it Washbu rn officiatin g, in a 8ett in~ of an unu sllll ll y /:'0 011 tulkor . tea m e r~ p " ~>~n; "" 1 wi l h II hn' ~ b/l l l I U UY onc cllllin~ here sale of ChrlsLmas Sea l stamps next 0:30 u. m., Regular Morning Prllyer be Congl'es Just such displays visible Jahns and folillge , agninst wbich with Il news co lder. s mnll 81'an,1 hilS rec ~ ntly Il'tl1ll C w at the Hit!h Sd , o,, 1 ):troll1" I, 1" ,\ item shou ld su bmit it to her Decemb er. Dr. Edward Blair, C011l , ' and Sermon at 10:46 a . m., Rev. J . return ed to th e United ood out vividly in hu ~ of yellow ns she here precede d the severe win tel' of st Slates lif ter henlth com mission er a nd t be hellith J , Schae1f er, officiati a nd oru nge. twin blls kets flll e cl with y by th e I" nre "colr e o f ~O W :; . will hu ve f ull chll rge of this HlJ7- 18," sa id Prof. Willinm s. ng. Everybo dy making a l) I'x lcnsive and in te n ~ i vc Frida d pa rt. Be fo r t' Uw board j oin in endorsin g this plan. J,!'nmt· :-::t.nrtt·d. (· very (lIlt' " I make no predicti ons, bu t I ex· marigol ds plumas lind golden rod. st udy of r:u l'u)lcu n conditio ns , a nd f avored \\'. II . :. to win 111<' co "t, ·.t me nt. And to this end County Agents Kizer is cordiall y we lcome. In th e brida l procession walkod pect a severe winter," he said. he will be nbl" t o !;Ivo the vote rs HS ou and Class attende d the ten counLy r hub hc:l d the ]l UI "'I" In" I II t il th e groo m Ilccom panied by the best so me in formnti on t hat will be of !I FClIrc t h · confere nce of workers to promote the , u ""4!jllll~ mtln, Mr. Claude Riggs, of DlIyton. F rid ay on t hu grcat benefiL t il t hem . CHRIST IAN CHURC H sn lo of Christm as senl sl.l\mps held Nex t in th e proces. ion Clime the DEATH S '1(I". By thgl·" In Middlet own \I, st W ednesda y. Lust ~ cIItT" Sunday School at the Christia n hride's . i"ter, Migs Kathryn Clllrk, ns rts " I' SUI' ~. ~I "l' m.uw with the nid o f t Ill' tc nc h(' J's, th e IlI J!' h year over $1200 WIIS obtained Church every Sund"y at 9 :30 mni d of honor, wh o wore a g own of n. m. through th e sule of these stump" Everybo brocnde d chiffon and n corsage of Schoo l b nnc\ dy f,) cordiall \I pw <' c \ y by Invited. e pupil s largely due to the efforts of .Miss of the entire buil din/!, th mnrchel Earl or Reeder, 80n of Geot):(e butt.erfly ro"e, . The hdele made u l Reedor, Tnyl age 33 yen rs , died nt hi. charmin g pietIl Tl' , 0 ' sh,· l'·undcrb urg. Tho loca l co mml Ltce uround th e din nwn c\ sil1 t:( ing ~ o n g" tered , in home on th e Upper Springb oro pik ~ /I gown oC whi tl' gco rgett e" nan hopes to soli e\l'ep n larger nm o un ~ and fi hou tin g :",.\1. uhout (i vp n1illute~ d sa t in Thursda y, October 2. Interme nt in f.rimm ed wi th ru\\' ~ of narr ow Cha this yenr a s 80 P!ll' ce nt of the re · befo r e th I!'am c \\ n ~ cul)" d. The Centerv ille cemeter y IJiturda y Oc- lilly Illce. She wll re 11 cor oneL neeipts cnn be kept here in the cou nty pliment ed the local Club lellders High school bund nnn pupl's arc. tn of Lnst Tue. ni~ht t he teachers t ober 4th. . ' be congrat ulu.t!'d for thiS guon SPiri t I of t he High day , oranjl'e bl o ~s ,, ()\ s with t iny clu"ters for usc of having the cattlo test ed through out the various parts of the School building , delight· , county for their splendid co·opera tion shown, and With thnt k.'"d of support fully ente rtained the Lytle nt oither . id e. HoI' bouqu et W II B a a s above outlined . in giving of their time and efforts in W . H. S. 8hould . win. ".K,cep on : Building tellcher. . Muaic and GrAde A meeting Albert Wurwic k, age 8!1 yenrs, showe r of brid,,'s ruses li nd v" llllY Work Done by the Club. nnd in ter. behalf of the boys and girls. Like· hall Tuesday W08 held In the Grange Keepln' On' . with thiS fine sJI.n·IL. The li\h·s. $622.19 in cash lind merchan di se wise the public spirited citizens and All of Wayne night, Septem ber 30. team needs It, and yo u owe It. to your , cgting contests were a part of the died in Nnshvi lle , Tenn October 4. Their rnt ran cI' Wa " , i /:'n RII ~ d by t he leven ing'S entertai nment. The pl'ize 'ervices were held at the Chllpel Mon townshi p boys' and was dis tributed to the 226 boys and merchan ts were thanked for their girl.' school. brida l ch nrus from Lolt e ngrin, pln yr d The scho,,1 IIlso wl s~e. to winn er s of theso conLests were clubs received their prizes for da y morning li t 10:30, OctolJcr (1\h . Miss g irls who complet ed club wo.rk ut /l .c ontrlbut ions for prizes. hy ~ Ir" . Hu >se ll Yo uncp , of Ncwnrk . thank !he. b~s driv~rs for their helPILil e, Mrs. Moo maw and Mi~s complet ing their year'8 work. Alsll Hev Washbu rn, officia tin g. B ow. 1nter· series of fiv e meetings held In Wnr· Oh In i() mak . TIl(' nll mb er inc lu ded \I PI·O· tng thiS pOSSibl e. the . Clothing club from. Ma!!8ie town· Champi on. Co To C;:olumbul lund. The color WIIS ye llow in Minmi y. rcn county last week. ~ r UJJl w hich ope ned w it h "T o Y ou," With W. O. Rar er lind H. Burt.on . lIncl whit e. AHerscheme ship with Miss Helen Graham , leaJer, u period of rcul At each meeting the (ll'ogrllm con The county champio ns awarded a "UII I!' by Mrs. Herbert Gelle r. >i< t" r the Clothing club under the lead. as ump ires, t~e ga me ~ tllrted With enj oyment , ,Ielici ous I'efreshm ent..< sist ed of a dcmons tratio n by a cloth- fre e trip to Columb us, Novemb er 17 and Donoho o workll1g f or W. II . S. The wer~ served, cons isting lIirllm Eye r di ed Sun day 1dgh t . of th e grou m, Dayl on . an" " Sil,' nl ership of MI'l!. Carl Duke. The of total icc crenm, in~ club tea m, two act play, entitled to 21, were as follows: Calf club, number October 6. Services were he III th is /I S Nil!'ht," s un~ by Mr". IL C. \' uu nce who fini shed the wo rk 'll/a$ first two men w e re ~a sy uuts ~nd It caKe a nd colTee. "~Iubs are ~rumIl8 ," nnd .a motion Clyd.e Kleinhe nn, Frankli n; First aftern oon at the h0111 e lit 2 o'el(lck, of NewarK, Ohio. --() _ _ who received $60 in cash and $18 looked liS if WayneSVille was gomg to picture . ho~lI1 g th e ed ucatIona l and Year, Food, Marie Dunham , Orego· 38, have an cnsy da y. The ne xt batter . A receptio n and buffet ~ uppl ' r fol· Rev. Washbu rn, officiati ng. I"t;cr· merchan dise. Last Thursda y evening t ho mem- menl in r ecr eati onal feature of a club camp. nla; Second, third and fourlh . year in The flied to rig ht fi eld line! it ~ I! o llld hav.c lowe d the ce remolly . Th " I.H·id,,1 ta· Miami cemeter y. followin g are the Waynes vllle retired bers of t he Club songs lind musie by club mems group. Myrtle Beltz, of near Spring· clubs and orch es tra and in vited the sid e, but Mcl\!t ll e n let It ble WaR ultractiv (' wilh its app uint · ---winners . guests enj bers was also enjoyed at some of boro; Clothing , Edna Cleveng er, of a weiner r onst hell r mellts o f bride's l'o~ e" a nd whi Le Ca n· Clothing Club-F aith Tomlins on; pop out of his hands and went for St John's. oyed It WIIS well two utle the meeti\lg tl. Pleasan t Plain. bases. nded, a The next mnn up fli ed dI es in crystlll hold er •. ESCAP ED SERIOU S ACCIDE NT $4, leader, Mrs. Kenneth Hough. lovely Miss Alta Kizer, home agent, re o ht night and plenty At the Wayne8 ville meeting on The youn~ couple le ft f or a wedCalf Club--J e6se Menden hall. '5, to Hou gh wh o tllso duplicat ed McMil· of cots.moonlig The eve ported one hundred dresses made by Tuesday night the winners in Ethel leader, ning len's Wll8 catch. spe nt in Donohoo in/:' trip Ell st, the ir il inc rury includ· retired the Mr. Harry Stokes. singing songs and the girls in the Clothing club at a Menden hall's Food club were a8 fol· Eve l·yn next Cartwri man ght and held ing them Washing 'ton D. C., li nd 'other to one run . Mr. Poultry Club-M argaret Coo"" $4, Snlisbur y and family cost of $94.30, with an estimate d lows: Faith Tomlins on 96.6 per centi leader, Hits by Hou gh and Gons tied the favored us with a dance uround the narrowlRussell points of interest. y Mrs. escaped Ben Il Smith. serious Accirien t blazing fir e, while Mr. Watkins ac· . value of $397.13 . She al80 said that second, Edna Shaner, 94.9 and thlro Sunday afternoo n. While out driv. Food Club-F aith Tomlins on, $4, score in Way nesville' s ha lf. the 76 girls in the Food club call1w<l Irma Rich, 91.7 per cent. It was the seco nd inning that WII S co mpanied with his v iolin. The crowd ing, when leader, Ethel in makit!H the turn from Menden hall. went home 1443 pints and 1669 -Quarts of fruit ver y The winners of the first place of we fatal ll satisfied With with th e uid of severnl MASON IC NOTICE errors _ _ __ a the Xenia pike to the New Burling · ••- - -woth a cost of $581.61 , and .. value the Clothing club, led by JoIn. Carl lI10n~oe scored tc n run s in Lh is inn· both eats an d ente rtll inme nt. ton pike, Mrs. Snlisbur y, who was ing, and Donoho o LhinKinl? his t enm· of $1393.~4. Alllo 1169 pints and Duke, Mn. Kenneth Hougb and Mill - - 0-driving, lost control und the machinl mates would not su rport hi m , left the 963 Quarts of vegetab les were canned Helen Graham , waa Dorothy Wlcal, FORM ER S~~OOL Regular commun ication of WayEvery Fl'idu y 11l 0rni n~. hel!'innin g ran down the' stoop emban!t fl ,ont,' ga me. They l'cgister eo ollly four M 8 :ilO, a .s hort pro/:,rum at II cost of $317.26 and having 11 96.4 per cent; second, Faith Tomlinis give n by breakin g down the fence nnd into a nesvi lle Lodg e No. 13 F. & A. M., TEAC HER MARR IED bi ts that netted c leven run s. value of $1004.5 1. The 367 glasses son, 96:2 per cent and third, 96 per the differe nt e1 l1sses corn field. Strange to sny, no 01l~ Tuesday eve ning, Oetcber 14, 1924. The visitor s were able to hold our and Normu\. All thatinu High school was of jelly and preserves ha.d a value of cent, Edith Friend. , hurt and the machine was only There will be work in the M. M. dere interest ed boy" in check In when $116.20 . the at Calf the club bl\.t ~tnd are cordia ll y invited .to attend. Jellle Menden haU . gree. All mem bers of the Cx-aft are s lightly damage d, Announ eement of the marring e of prevent ed much scorinlr' County Agent Class also explaine d won first with a grade of 96 per cent urged to be there. Sojourl ng broth. • AI • -o~ Miss Ru t h A. Probasc o and Mr. Rob. now pItchin g for WlIyncs I.ra pkln.s , the econom ic and educatio nal ~dvan· and Heber Ellis, second, 93. ren and visl tors are cordiall y welvllle. d,d La 8t Friday mOl'J1 ing duri ng' the In the Poultry club Margar et Cook ert M. S)d lllming, ot Wilmins -ton, we ll con. idering his ragged s upport cha pel hour, tages of pig, calf 'Brid poultry club8. comed. W. F . S. ME;ETS t.h e J uni ors gave tho folEldon RetaJ Ick, a 15.year .old boy, stood first with a grade of 81.9. Ohio, on October 1, 1924, has been Rnd experie nce. KENNE TH BOUGH W . M. progrlllll : northea st Of Lebanon , who just com· and Thelma StJohn second: .w lth 80.1. received by .f rie nds of the 4ride here. Substitu tes F'il~l' a nd Tinney did lowing L. A. ZIMME RMAN, Sec'y; " Scriptur e Roading ":'-'Mildr ed GithThe The wedding Women 's Forein Mission ary took plllCc at the exceptio nally we ll fO'r W. H. S. Nev· ens. pleted four years of Pig club work, The Waynes ville mercnan ta con~ home of society tho bride's' met futher, M.r. C .. A. branoer . of Mon r oe; play ud an 'excel· at the· home of Mrs. C. M was mention ed &8 having made $300 tributed $29.26, with money and mer· Piano Solo-R heR J iln et Cartwri ght Probasc Robitze o, r, 0 with 605 Mrs. N. Spring street : lent gam e· h the ~ e , co v ecl1).g much i Raymon d Conner SUNDA Y.SCHO OL ASSOC IATION net 'during' this period. Ths Gulf ehandi ~e as stated in the Gazette last Rendi ng- Doris He nderso n. assistan t hostess, last Wednes day !If. Presidl\ nt J . Eldwil, J u t ' of Willning · ter.ritory lind mtl klll gl od spec~cu club member s were complim ented in week. lar ro n· J okes--W illis P enltiwit. ternoon . d ning clItchil . Gons playe d best , October In Harveys burg $16.25 was re- ton collcg sonding the county exhibit to .Ohio 1. , f or Voc,ll Sol E lsie Hawke. e, of oth ilre gt'n .. th e loca ls, getting two double~ Mrs. L. A. Washl.lUrl1 wns program State fair, where about $850 was won ceived. . $5 contribu ted by the Mas - uates, Rending- K on neth Retullic k. . lender , !1nd also conduct ed the devol:d the ceremon y in tbe single wi th no errors, at second.and n in competi tion with . club exhibito rs lIie TownHhip · Farm bureau i the Har· presencperiorm Sho'\'.t talks given. by the teachen . tions in a '(ery pleasing e 6f the b nmelliat e famililes. mOIll ,er. A .. ._ ._ _ _ from all over Ohio. But their spec- veysbur g bank and the Commu nity Hi"h Schoo,l Song- By school. Mrs. Skimmi ng was .u very PQPU ar 'WoOd .rea dings were given by afternoj )n, Octo~ , .. ial State fair winning s could not be club each $3; G. B. Dnvls & Co., C. teacher ill ou,r 'Hlgh school during I M hi . M J This 3111<: R nd1d prog.ram L A. _ ...w.; wus g reat., rs. te, ra. Ilnnoy an d MJ!III diJltrlbu ted lIS the. money haa not E. Leviey, W. A. Merritt and W. L. the years of 1918.19 . and baa a h"Pot Mr. Abijah Collt~!r spant ge\'ernl onjoyed by nll .and the Juniors ev.. have Stewart. A la~ ePowd· was in at- ville Will gt.,."~""yet been received from Columb ul. . EllIa, each, ,,1; Welch II' Dakin and of friends here who wish 'for hel' a J days last week w;lth Mr. and Ml's. proven the ao.... til mselveB worthy entcrtai n'- tenwc e, and a very pleuan t life pf happln ea -. Both Mill lUzer anclllr. C_ com F L. Barrla aIIIQ ~tirUnl."d,. IOClaI an the Ichoq" wfU Will Norton. ' en. . hoar ... bad top&laer. .' eel at tJdlllIII!~" pf l ll l' m e eting.

li s t u f t'l-ur ti l' Il'l ll n' f u r ll 1t'r ~ i ll pa ch tu w ll r hip \\ h u Wi ll f IJ-ofl t'l'ut ", i n ~ n c h l u wn r hip in huv if) J.!' h is lwiJ.,: h uul's :; ig n u p t he nUU'I{l'li ll g' u g n 'l'lI l l ' lI l a lld th u poti l iv ll t o h uv e Ull,i f cut lie:' lC!'I t cd . s t..:c ul' t \ d H



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-..- - ---


M on l'''~







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lit,' )liulll1

"Cazelte, Waynellyille, Ohio


' 1 FOR OVER 40 YEA as


(,.1 7.,'1




' ' ' RY

~~ I

\ , lib I. . '111

u , .... . ('\ .\ H.'ltU ~1 ~JJleIN'.! l in \ Uth:11 .sU';I ' \·".i I U )',,~ tn t ilt' fr,'ltlLtl'



~ ' rtIH



"~ •

••• •


. . ..


"O. 4!

"Lively" Place '


L B S·


n hand-pkkod,

Strictly d ..


(,om b l. mi,h.

'I p: 111~1\\ ' I\ .\llS 1;1

Northern Spy ./


Ranlbos '

B:lld\\'in \\'ine S:IP S mith C ider

Belleflo\vcr· N. W. Grc e ni n~s


G et your orders in for your wint e r app lE'S. ,drops of above va:rieties at barga in price~. Prices range fr om $1.00


Edward McCullough:





'/ '.







.II. t:1O




.,- \".

r. !1.! to.




,lrt:\ E Y Ln .\:'\ I·: 1J \:h utlt· I ~ .

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11 1"1 l ' \ '

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Phon .. No. 2





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,. '. ~L C. 111: .\ h I';, Tr,' n ~ ­ ., l'~ ~. L \., I" LI ' . 1\ d ,




\\' t\1':T J'. 1l

1 IIll t !HI \\ pr" I ',d.-o\ I u ti l l I f :- ,.\\ 1'1 \ ' .\ f L, C. .; t.lohn. pl lPtll ' 11 ·:{ I:.!, \\ .1;-. ' I \'\ III" ,



11 11

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I'!:o, " :11 111

\\, .\:,\'1'1': 11 It

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l 'hull\' I :: :.! - I

Harvey.burll . Ohio.

I''\I:-';TI ~; ( ;

1I0L'S r-;

1" " .["

1I Ilrd\\' \I \l d li ll l:- h ,rl:..!" Ii "' 1'\ \'1; j ' \

_____ =:1


"\' I' ai !!t l ' d

I I ·J l!I I .. tll d

Baled Straw Write or phone our buyer, MR. E. S. HAMILTON,

The,Hager Straw Board and Paper Co. Cedarville, Ohio

FARM AT AUCTION On aeeount of the death o r my husband, I will se ll my farm at auction.

Sule to be at Cann,


.TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1924. LOCATION-Fifteen mile. .outh of Dayton, three-fourth. mil •• weot of Dayton a nd Lebanon pike, on Lytle road, 11 mile. north of Lehan on, 8 mile. ea.t of Franklin. ACRES-l00, all in cultivation, except 2S acre. in pa.ture and ,..opdIanci. Runninr water, beal of ,urar and walnut land, well tJl~. Farm i. well fenced, cropped tbi. 1ear to e1oTer. corn, wheat _ b aDd ooy he..... IMPROVEMENTS-SeveD-room bou.e, witb botb waten in, .Ieetric Iirhe., furDaee, 4-room te nant hou.e, botb water.; barn i. 32&60, .bed OD two .ide. for tobacco, .maH barn, garage--on e .in.le car rarare; 1 double c1~icken bou.e, bog hou.e . .. A good orcbard of hotb larlle and .mall fruita.

Possession November 1st TERMS--$2S00 on day of .. Ie and s ufficie nt more March I, 1925, to equal one balf of purchaae price, th e remai ninlJ one half .....ured by mortea,l!.

MRS. ELWOOD CLEVENGER, FRED L: PERDU~ Auctioneer. .9 Boltin St., Dayton, Obio.


Build lOW" Home


While you need itt h

01 homes being


Tbe Amertcan IBmi!y aplftl has IID:b tI do with IL Every chikl II .aIItIed to • nal home. PropIo wI» .....c:I*nQ WIItlI their boys and .... ..,!mow 1IIhal .11 is to live in • bill-. with • yard. A .,. mIauIIes witb • pencil and ...... WI! COIl\'Ince you Ihat )IOU cnn _ .. boiDe lllltable for )'OUr needs. ,... It O¥W with your deAler. He is • ~ In buJlding, lib JcnOws ft •• : .... apedeuoe .. valuoble)

He _ _

10 give ,.,.. tbe

IItiDd oI...a thftt_iD malta a ttmd If,.. .

Hu bby - "That Mrs. Snupkill8 1M an uwful e~o ti st. " Wite- "What makes you think

Mrs. Silas Rolan d spe nt th e w('('k- ~O,?·, en t! nt Lebu n on. 1.lub b~ - "S h e pulled her hand nway Mr. Ed C,rcw iR s pending II few qUIck ly In shakIng hands when Ididn't da ys in Dnyton. huve nn y inte nti ons of sqeezing it. " COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Mr!\. Rebecca Dill hnd callcl'!' S un dny n rternool' fro m Be lm oll t. ED PURDY'S PHILOS In the ca~e of the U. S. Fidelity Mr. Martin Sims , of t hig pl ae o, is and Guar nntee Co., o f Baltim ore , not ve ry we ll nt this W1" " Comea tbe time and DDW he,.. Mary lan d I'S. Char les J ones (\t nL, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stephe ns enterwhen woman'. petticoat.41 neitb. th e court ordered that the plu inti fT ta ined relntives from Dayton the l u~ t er ae e n nor beard. r ecover fr om Charles J ones th e sum f ew days. .... of $2564 .8 2 with inter est at the Mr. Frank Ke ll is r eceived word r ate of 6 per cent. Monday of the death of his siste r at NOTICE OF ELECTION Willard A. Benge was granted a Reading, Ohio. di vorce fr om Marie Benge on th e Mr. John Lucas, who is working grounds of gross n eglect. Notice is here by given that a propin the country, spe nt the wCQk-end J anette Bretney sccured a divorce at his home h ere. osition to levy additional taxes for fr om Edward S. Bretney on g rounds Miss Lulu KellJs and brother, Har- sc hool purpORes for and during th e of g ross neglect of duty. old, of Xen l,a, spent Sunday after- Ileriod of five years, at a rate not The coUrt granted Vivian Marie noo n at their home here. exceeding three mills in addition t o Trump a divorce from DeJay Trump , Mr. and MI'Il. Emerson Dill vis ited the maximum rate authorize d by law the defendant having been guilty of Sunday IIftel~noon with Mr. a nd Mrs. will be submitted to t he electors of w ilful absence. The custody of t he Ft-nnk Belt, of n ear Xenia. t h.e WU Ylle T ownship Ru ra l School min or children was g iven to the plainMr. Otto Michae l and family, of DIstrI ct at an e lection to be hold 011 t iff. Dayton, vlsit.ed Sunday evenin~ will , In th e case of George G. Perrine his brother, Elvis Michael und wif ~. Tue." the 4th Day of NOTember, ' '24, vs, Abe Probasco, et aI. on motion Quite a number from here att e nd - A t the us uul polli ng places in sai ll the plaintiff Is granted leave to file ed the Air races at Fairfield Frida y district, between th e h ours o f 5 ':10 an amendment to hie petition with- and Saturday and enjoyed th em s elve ~ o 'clock, forenoon, and 5 ::1 0 o ' cl~ck in fiv e d ays. Mr. and Mrs. George Marlatt Sll cn t ufternoon . The aeso of George Francis et at. II fcw da)'l! of last wee k with theil' L. M. HENDER SON, vs . Grccn Peggs, et at. was dismissed daught er in Da yton a nd attended the Clerk (l r the BOllrd of Educ at ion of withol\t record. Wayne Tp. Rurnl Schoo l Di ~ trict . Air races. lIIrs. Roy S haw a nd family, of T re- Bonrd o f Deputy State S u re rvi ~o r s (an d Inspectors ) of Warre n Co. NEW SUITS bains, spent th e P'l~t week with her By M. A . BU RKF. , PRES, mothe r , Mrs. Dora Morgan and f a mOzo lla Gil bert en ter ed suit aga inst ily, o f this p la ce. 029 C. B. DECHANT, Clerk. Leslie Gilbert f or divorce on Mr. and Mrs. Em erso n Dill enterg rounds of g ross n eglect and a sks tained f or supper Saturduy evening , that she be g ran ted alimony and cqs- Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Osborn e and tody of the children . Mrs. H en r y T oms , of Xenia. H enry A. Marks enterod suit a gainst Charles C. Houser, et al. for r will ofl'er at pu blic sale at my l ate $7,OUO, interest, protest f ees, costs, residence in Harvcysburg, Ohio, on BOY,OH,BOY $376.71, interest foreclosure of real Saturday, October II, 1924, estale mortg age, sale appli cation of Soph- "Some kids kicked a f ootproceeds. . Beyinnin g at 1 o'clock p. m., th(' The firm of Gross & J:n"ore cn - ball through the window, and hit entire lot of household and kitchen Gladys right on the ribs." tered suit against David '" ,I .l l':II,ie furn iture and garden tools. Other Soph-"Did it hurt h er?" Rolfe f or money and eq uilll i)lc re lie f MRS. ELLA NOLAN. Soph"No, but it darned nea r Am out claimed is $157. 5/1 with inlerW. N . Soars, Auct. busted three of my fingers." est from December 12, 1 !J2 3 , On deciding to discontinue farmPROJ)ATE PROCEEDINGS 4~OING SOME ing, I will sell at public aucti on, m y In the matter o f the estat e of Perstock and imple menL. , locat ed about Mother-" Did that youn!! mnn put 3 mil es west of Lyt le, abo ut 6 mil es ry II. Rue, d eceR'~ed, Milton C, Rue was app oilltetl a dlninigtrut or . Bond his ann. nround you last night 1" Dau~hte r--" Y e. , mother, th r,1 e so u th of Ccnte r ville , j ust I mile west $1 5 ,000. He n ry W. Meeke r , A. C. o r Dnyton find Leban on pike, on LyVa ilnnd HowlIrd S. Conuve r wcre np- times." Mother - "Heavens-what long tic und Five Poin ts road, on Lypuintcd uppraisers. H. E. Ha tt un, cxecut o ~ of ' he ·s· TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 14,1924 tu te of J. J . Hnltun, de :c."cd. I, :cd his first and finn l aeco un :. Beginn ing at 1 o'clock, the f olOscar J. Edwards to Clarence Rye, Portin C. Hufford , I(ull rdi lln of lowi ng: 3 horses, 5 cattle" :farm ~ . 6 acres in Wnyne T p., $1. Ciurct.lce Cochmn, im becile , fii d her Osca r J . E dw a rd s t o Cillrencl' Rue, imple ments , f eed, and a lot of smail firs t and fina l acco un t. In th e case of Ethel Li ndel' vs. 3 , acres in W ay ne T p., $1 . arti cles. Edw in R.. Woo d lo Mnltic 1'. Chn •. J . Wn!!Jlo ner, trustee of th e Sec large bill for terms. llstnte of Will ia m McK inley Brow n, Fra" k9, lot in Lebanon, $1. MRS. ELWOOD CLEVENGER, J ohn G, Va il to Ro bert Roll. lot the court Ilnd" thal r::l hcl Linder is F. T. Mar tin, Auct. t h e on e e ntill ell to li d minis ter the in Lebanon, $ 1. Arch Bishop to Arki e Bi shop . tWI , ,,"wte "f s>lid Will ia m McKinley Brown I\ lI d ordere d tllfl t she as ad- lot., in Deerlleld Tp., $ 1. Le wis and K",te Lena hri nk t o Ches· mi nistrnlor plly oUl u f l ir e muncy beNOTICE OF APPOINTMENT lon!!in !! 10 t he .. s tal ~ tI](' cosl of liw tor Ca mpbe ll , a bout 50 acres in Sa· lem T p., $ 1. proccedillgs. Est a l e of Mnry E . Bi9pham, deChes ter Ca mpbell to Howard Ivin s, The will uf AII{!'0Iilll' II . Dakin, de· cease n. censed, lul e of Turth'Crt'ck t own ship. about 50 acrcs in Salem T p., $ 1 Vi ola E. WugllCr to eG o r~c Wilwa s ord ered filed and ndm itt ed to Not ice is hereby give n thnt F . M. limns, IOl in Leba non, $1. pl'Obatc . Bi sp hnm has becn dul y nppointed A, D. Iln d BcsR ie Blackburn t o Ed Fred J . St. .J ohn , cxec ut or of the estllte of Mnri on F. 1'ro\' illo, d c- Lierm a n, IIb() ut 1040 0 feet of un d in a nd quu litled a s Adminis trat or of the Estate of Mnry E. Bispham, latc of Sal em Tp., $ 1. censed, fil " d his fir st ncco unt. Ann n Shnehnn to F red W. and Wllr ron County, Ohio, deceased . Just in W. Hll rding was uPllointe d udmirrislrntor of th e estute of Saln- Bes9 Whi t ney , ub out 61.48 a cres in Dn ted this 15th day of September, ut'I B. Wllodw" ... l, dccensed . Bond WIly ne Tp., $1. 1924. $GOO . W. Z. ROLL, Chur les E. Ke lsey accepted th e COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS ap P(l intme nt a s administrator of the Judge of the Probate Court H. E. Dilntush, cor oner, inqu cs t e~ t l\ l e of E li za Ja llc Ke isey, deceased Warren County, Ohio . J essie M. Eyelt, $5. 05; inquest PerBond ill th e gu m of $2 ,000 with the ry H . Hue, $6.65;; inquest W. L. hnwhan & Brown, Atty's. S Fideli t y an d Dcposit Co., o f Mary- Wells, $8.35; Dr. Edward Bla ir, post CJ8 lun d, was fi le d a s ~u rcti e s .· morte m all W . L. Wells, $25.00; G, W"lter Kru er , Allison Tny lor an d Ledermall , suppli es f or r~corder, $1. Frnn k Snyd e r were appuirr tcd up- 70; The Johnson Wntson Co., s up NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT prui sers of the estate of Eli ze J ane 'plies fo r county treas urer, $16.90; Ke lsey, deceased. W. D. Anderso n Co., books for Pros· Eugene H. Fos ter, execu to r of the' ec uting At t orn ey, $30.00 E . B . Estate of Eliza Jane Kelse" does tate o f Jun e W. B. Foster, de- Thirkield Sons Co., 2 cot pads for ceR sed . ceased, filed his final account. jail, $9.00; ~If. Kohlhagen, 6 badges Notice is hereby given that Charles Thomas S. Brandon, ns adminisSheriff, $12.00; Blind Pension for tra tor of th e e.~tate of T . J. Thomp- for Quarter, $767.50; Clint Cleaver, haul E . Kelsey has been dulf a'PPolnted so n, decensed, gave th e report of his ing gravel, :~47.50; Ennis Donnell, and qualified as Admlnislrlltor of the proceedings und er a former order 1st estimate on contract No. 799, Estate of Eliza Jane Kelsey, late of of the court, and which were found $250 .00; E. K.Reeder, installing sewWarren County, Ohio, <lecensed, satis rllctory. a nd repair, $12.50; Oregonia Dated this 26th d!'y of .SQPtembef, The will of Anna Geering, deceas- or Bridge Co., bolts for bridges, $5 .69; ed, was ordered filed and admitted R 1924. . N. Haynie, furnishing and piling to probate . W. Z,ROLL, stone, $187,50: Gus J. Miller, gas, Lillian Mo on, administrator of the and repail: on truck, $16.39; East Judge of the Probate Court, cstate of Harriet Wood, deceased, oil End Garage, Mason, spark plugs and Warren Co~nty, Ohio. filcd her .econd nnd fina l acco unt, tape, $1.90; Frank Sherwood Co., Frank C. Anderson, Atty. 014 f ork and on.e fork handle, $1.75; MARRIAGE LICENSES P . O. Monfort, surveyor, August and Walter B, Stoltz, salesman, of Co- September expenses, $S .66; Harlan ~ lumb us, and Miss Dorothy Irene Whitacre, shortage on August 15 pay roll, $64.80; Samuel TrovlIIo, same Pence, clerk, of Lebanon Harley J. Riber, dairyman, and $2.80; Elijah Trovillo, same, $2.80; Miss Bertha L. Snell, hous8worker, Walter Varn,ar, same, · $2,40: J. K . Spencer, bridge lumber, ·$223.76; DENTIST ' both of Wellman. Daniel Frank. Kabler, farmer, of E e&ley Milling Co., cement, $27.00: Camden, and Miss Martha Lukens, Morrow Feed and Supply Co" mateAnd X-O-ORAPHIST rial fo r bridi:e repair, $28:96'; Zain ' housekeeper, of Harveysburg. .. Armitage, gas, $8.00; Ed Bowyer, Ohio. furnishing and piling stone, $1 00.00; Waynesville, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Ralph Winterll, same, $210.00; Holt Telephone 114. Charles A. Graham, to ·Luella B. Mfg. Co., trllctor repairs, $86.S0: John so n, lot in Ridgeville, $L Geo. Benham, furnlabing and piling OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, Harvoy Rye to Olcar Edwards, stone, $66,00 l: Clyde Slmp1dna, eame, $66.00. __ _ ,98 !,eres in Wayne Tp., U,

----- ----

Walter McClure F UNEI~ AL




Waynesvill e , Ohi o



F( II ~

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WHI,-'r II ll d

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DR.H.E. HATIilwt\l'






1'1\1 , rd 'l\ nl-l ,


IIJ! ht.....

\\' dla nl ll ~ , H l

i ll'llJi ro iL'r

1.,' 41 1' 1I 1'r I)f T ~

\I,'" •

F ourth .. t I c pt

1).<\Y OR NWII T


l.usT - I:II.l"h " li d all d II ddn.·!"o:-o HZ :L

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Leba nun, Ohio

Ik wuru . Ohiu .

Every Tuesrlay I p.


hm, tld,


collar , H,' g-i !"otl' r r-;o_ O.


Slmwn, o:! ~·

LOST - A lellthe r-li ned ~I ove , "u lll eW hl' rc b c'l. e"rwill a nd Ru s, ~ II ;-;lIlis hury '.. FilldC'r Jll ~ a " e Il'lIve at lhi ~ ,,!lin'.

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Ill. ( 0

, I ll

W uyn~ s ' ill~ ,

The Eye ~ll:hl ::ipccia\i ' t

8 : 110 n.



.\ tll!1! :-; tl'lT t . I nqulrt' o f Frullk . .\ 1"1.' 1'. Wayn" " ·il,,,. (\["" . "I~ '

Fully Equi pped fo r r. ,o()d Sc rv icc . L a rge Disp lay I<U(II11 TELEPH ONE





~'\ J.E - Ont' lI "nll' Co mfort l" UlJ.!C. 1 Ellll' in.' J :~ t;'l tl' }H'utl' l' , 1



""1\7. t,I ,.·c t ric "" , Iw r .


UU I'g-c , \ Vn ~' Jl(' s \'i1J c , O hio .

IInrold u28 '

F(m SAI.I':- 1< h. 1'. G,,"() lillo en1" \ 1' (' F',\r furl htll' infllrmHt inn 111 qu il'l' ilL t ilis o Ilil'l' ,



. . . . . ' - come III the relllization II tnJe economy 10 PUI their ~lnapennanenl building. mrher ct.q PlY oat so much for rent or for tx.ns 8nd lodging, w ith nothing left . . , . , . for It In the Cf¥I.

... it

., JiUIL



\h't :..'. ~ ·

F OR SALE- T illlothy Cinvc.r at: mixe d h ny. Hny is ill bllr n a t Rob ert Andrews, Flnt ,,"ol·k. 1'1 , I I. \\, ilkerso n, Wa ynes vi lle, O. actS,


FOR SALE - Two row, wh eel. corn cutter, new. Inquire J . p. Cumming ,R. R. 3, W ayn esville, O. oct8 "\


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phone 8



FOR SA LE- One mnle h og nnd ~ 'OW". In quire of .J ohn B,,"ch, R. 11. 2, Wn yn es vi li C' , Ol, io. · 08


Athletes and



KeyW to top pftc 1 :m It when every ow'.ce c:-of energv and vitality is needed, then nothing belps like clenching the teeth in a chew of BEECH.NUT Cb~.... Tobacco.


'!!III. the horD&-buikling ,,~ _. AI JIX.I1ra1llOl 0_ the rountry ,.,.. _ ... _


I\ l\ d ,4


Bl'l tHill, \\" HYIII ,:-\,:i l.. , )l Ilt ,


~I •


I )l ll t l.

••••••••••••••• •••••• o • • • ¢ . . . . . . ~~ . . . + . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .

We are in the market for your

, " l·

. I J~ II Til l' F, ·dt· ' lIl 1.:l ll d t u rI hL'!' ill f n rp l Ht j.m l'n lJ


I.,, ' 'I '



\ .\' I'L l)



11 11l ).{



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Il1u l' l ~!I~cs .

llllrldlH' , AUli n

,J llhll

I ~':I rmcrs. 1\ t t e n tion!

c h nn.,p_


Diamond Hill Orchard

1.1 V I': STOCK ,

() :'-j

:il 'C'und

I:"il ol i' ll':, X,,"ia , (lhi",

:• : •

$2 .50 at o r c h ard .

.;~::~'n~:;~ ay.

\','k, I ITl .



RlI~s cts


t h n HltH1(t



nn I-lttl • III v lo"'t! Jl I '" (! tl~' I"


ln Ct.i, tI, '.' Sul \l I'" F. J '

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Vlly nesvl ll l! PlllltlUll.I l Itlll l,


I,I.'S C"T"rtllJ1 ll f:T)lfT --

Rl11!~ \('!1


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Real Estate Auction Not being able to live on my farm, I have decided to sell the same . at auction . SlIle to be held a t Co urt Rouse, in Lebanon, Ohio, on

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, '24 Sale at 2 p . m, LOCATION- Farm i. I mile ,,&It of Oregonia, 1 ~ mile. we.t of Wellman, 5 ~ mile •• outh of W .. yne.viJ\e, and 2 mile. from Lebanon, .. . ACRES- 20 acre. of 'lIood land all in c'~ltivatioa • IM~ROVEMENTS-5-room Hou.", with front and back porcb, cellar 12x22, barn 28x30, lIarage, chicken bou.e~, lood well and .pring. Farm i. well fenced,

Possession March 1, 1925 TERMS- Buyer will a ..ume tbe pre •• nt lUort,ale of '1200.00. payin ll the h"lance in cub. Title perfect. .'

MRS. EVA A , SHANK, Owner . .

FRED L. PERDUE, -'i 9 Boltin Ave., Da,toD, Oli,o •..



The MIaI!U Cuette, W.7iMlYDle, Ohio ~--------~~~"""--"""~~~"------""~~~~~~:--. .~~ ~~.w~. .~~~~~~~~~_~-=~~::::~::::~~.:~~.::::::~;;~~~~~~~~_~~~_~_~_~~~~~~~:~~~

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D , L. CRAN E. Editor and Publilh"r. Wayn"oville, Ohio. S~sc riptlotl

P rice, $ 1. 50 per ycnr • .

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Mrs. William has hoen Mr. nnd M. ,. Kl. lel' Ornhum nnd quIte sick but is aumewhut iml'roveo.l uuughter spent Sunuuy wit h Mr. lind at this time. . Mr•. Arthur Whit" Bnd chilo.l" en, ill P~of. W. R. Sprl'igel, of Detroit, Duyton. . called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns Soveral fr om he re attended tho The Lnll i.,s Ai.1 met at th e home Of lind Mr. und Mrs. Wilbu r lark Sat. surprise party for Rov. an d Mrs. J. Mrs .•re~" I'J LOII l-(ncrt' o n ' 'IedI1 sday. u"dn y Cv ning. · . . Stitzel lit the M. E . chul' h lit Mr· u III! Mrs. Guy HOIlt. Zl\ hn aurl Mrs. Frnnk Rofters \VIIS called to Springboro Jo' riday evening. .Iaught!!r " j it"d rela tives neul' Troy th ~ home of he r pa rt'nts, ncar Hidll'e. Mr. lind Mn. Rlllph Archrlcac')II ,' unduy. . ville. SlltUrrlllY, hy th . IIlne"~ of her were Sunday gue~L' of t he lUll )'." .MI'H. n, III' 'cott, En' I'p( I':u rl y ,wd f"Lh ~ I', Mr . Willia m Cllrt·y, . ist .. r nll d fllmil y, Mr. LInd Mr. GI"', 1\1 1'. Hirnm Eyre died ut hi. home Denrd afT, ncnr Fru n klin. chllrl!en, pelll l:iund uy with l'l'lalivc. lit tllddl~ I OWII. west o f h l'c', Sull,du y cven ilJ ~. ufter MI'. and JIll'S, Will Pine Bnd duugh · II'. nnd J\IJ'H. GI nn IIrl )c k Ilnd u s hon iIIne " ~ of ..Ioubl c pll!:umoniu. t el', Marie . nnd Mr. Ilml Mr'>', Wlll t~r Ullu l; htcr , Ilf Ilidian ll poli., \\ 1.'1',' wee k. F'unhu l sc rvi£e Ilt the •. side n 'c Ke nrick were Sunday /l:u est. of 1\11' , . end ~u c> ., of D" . lin d Mrs. L. G, W'dnesdny a·fLe rnooll. Bell e oo n' and daughters in Da ytol . il rock. Ell ri R eede r, Ho n of Mr, nnd Mrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Orown cnte l · Hey . •f. C. ltober tg. <Ii ~ LJ'icl ~lJper· r. I'O I'I;C Heed cl', of Route 4. <lied (l ll r. tll ined to dinner IIIRt week . Mr. un ,1 I~l r lldellt . ,l'rl.'uclwd a t LYII. , church Iy T hul'srl ay morning. The flln l' l'nl Mr". Ferd Shaw nnd dll u!:ht ... ", Mb. Sunuuy IIt ta nuUII TIll' qual' lerl y w,," he ld at the resid ence Saturuay Ituby, of Richmond. JIIr. nnd ~II' :'. cuhnfcrcn cl' wus h(·ld uflc r wll rd. to afternoon con ducled hy Hev. J. C. Perry Kin g and daught"r. Mi" Hllth, w leh un li mbe r frol11 the l:ipringboro. Stitzel. Inte rment ut Centerville Mr. and Mrs. Orville W y"o ng . und chnrllC Uti ·n ded. cellmctery. I Hon , Perry, oC Broo kvill e.



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Mr. Il'nrl Mr~, Iydo Wh rtrttJn ond hom e of the bride · ~atur.IRy ." .. nlnlf ch11dren w r£' W I,k·e nd ~uo ~ t. of at U ;~ O . '1' h o~e from /I di Rta. t I who 'II'. lind 1'11''', Lee· (i l'I'athol! ~, in Day. utt ' IHI,,11 til' we cldi l1lt We"!!; 'flL IlIIfJ tOrt. Mr". '. W. You ll ce , Mr. Ilh d I'~ . Ir. The Su hoo l bonrd m et InRt L. G tt r, of Dayton: Mr UI I 11'11. Wed n ~duy even ing anel t' lecl('d !.he R, . YnllncC! "nd chilrlre n, , ell'· folluwihg on1c"r": ,lIp eri nten delJt , ' lII'k : ~1r . nn d MrH. F. lOo Yo IIrl' . nf M r .;. J ~ i ' Longaer\!: II . ; is uult ~ u · ' ulul1l uUMi Mr. und Mrs. Eo r . fl l'. JI ~ rt l1tell d lit, M",.. ~Inl'lhll Cruhal1l; 11I 9ny lind childre n, ,nf prl " tI" ld i "eel',' III·Y . .'111'. 'I' h"r[,. ,11111,.,; Iren •• , Mr. I",tl IIlrH.lI " rne rt Hu zI>r. QI ts ronk lin" ', ~t l ':-C. Jo:',"a lill1halll , (I r 'Hlli .... t , ,H ll': Ih' l/lIn n L Ul'US, o( :\lilt n .i , urg-; ~I ,"" EtllI' l BI -hi,p. ' I' mllk SLl nll.'l'" nlld 'Iuud" HI ~s, oC A"I ""~ thIJ 'l' "'hn nltelldl'd Ihl' Air Ilhy lo n. rncr, li t \ ilbu /' W l'i ~ ht lic ld "'1.'1'0 ' : I - - -~11'. an d M r. . Clyde C(\x . M I'. IIml ' BLOND BESS OPINE . ~I r •. n "ht'I'L Bur lle t. Wi lliam Bert-: .j dull IIlI d , b u~hl . , I' . (il ll <ly, . Mi_", Sil l" If women w er;e wi_er, t h ey ah " , hurl l, Mr, II lid ~Irs . \\' :Jil(' r wouldn "!. complain wh e n h ei r K " lt l'i ('~ . E \"' I'('l t ('j urk. 1(" l ri ll .1"1",, . hUlbnnd. go 10 a bmll gAme. No U<:II 1I ;,,\k,'. \\·,,It,·1' M I lIl'II~. W" , II'Y man can ro to th e dogl wh il b .. J3 cll hlllll lin d Wi lli ll m ('" .~ . i. e.tina peanut_ and rot. ting Mi " Murguret C1urk ull d Mr f' ". for ODe more run to win the lo u."'i

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Evcry school boy interestcd in an d whut school boy is not-hus hcu rd since he cou ld remember UbOUl Wushillgton beinl-( fir st in wllr nnd lust in Imscbull . Co nseque ntly the vi ctory of this W ushingt on tcum , ~o 10llg the hutt of th" ba.eball fon. is hnil",1 with u j uy lhat knows no ~eo~rnr hica l boun os. Eve n th e Congress of th e United tlltes lind th e I'I'cs ielcnt of th e nati on hav e shown lheir inter est in th e victury . Th u pluck und e ndurunce of th e cop· ital sportsmen . lastin g without inter· rupti on f or now theso se venteen years, und finally IIwurded with vic· tory prese nts a lesson that grown up s as well as boys and girl. may well take to heart. \,Jnquestionab ly the backbone of the Washin gton tcnm hns been Wal· tel' J ohnson. His ability und stam· ina have been so needed that It Is fitting his nom e shou Id be inscribed on the tablet t o be erected in the cap· ital in recognition of the value to th e coun try of the nlltional sport. J ohnso n has s hown grit and a loyalty d eserving the highest commendation. It is easy t o fig ht In a winn ing game, No braver or more during soldiers ever strod e th e flnld of but tic thall th e G"rlOan hord es when they were "ve rrunnin g Be l"ium and drivit'g the Brilish buck wiLho ut let 01' hinder· IInec day by duy . The ncid t est of tenacity lind determined purpose, however, comes to th o.c wh ose bucks urc kept t o the wall , to those whose morul e is put to a lmost impossible tes ts. Thi s hus been the position of J oh ll "on, the Icud e r, th e in"pirution of till' Wa shin gton.. Fucing deJeu t for "(' ,' cnt ee n years yet ulwuys hupe· . ftll of tigU l'inK us u fuctor in u wurl d 's sC J'i c~ , thi s' intrcpid Anwricun ncver fultcrcd. He resisted a ll l' f. f ort" (I f other teams to e ngllge his ~ervicc s , turning his buck Oil IIl OI WY us well us Up OIl th~ opportunities to be one o f the urmy o f succ ess. Hi, nllme will long be remombered in th e wo rld of sport; it wi ll stay g ree n, t oo, in the henl'ts of all men wh o honor plu ck , loyalty. abi lity und hun dred pCI' ce nt Americanism . ~ p orts .


MILLIONS FOR EQUIPMENT An e xp enditure of $60,000.000 for n(Ow p lunt lind equ ipmen t , is plnnned during the n ext five years by lhe Ohi o Bell Telephone Co., which i ~ preparing to instull 133,000 new Lelephones in the state during that period. The task of rai sing $60,000.000 will be u big ' one, says the Ohio Co m· mi ttee on Public Utility informution Th~ company's eurning powe r at pl'esent is on ly 4. 19 per cent ,and It points out that in order to attract new capital to meet the increased demalld for t elep hon e service thi. corning power mus t bo IncreaBed. While labor and material charges have advanced greatly in the IMt few years, rates have not kept pace. Taxes, too( have increased from $1.71 per telephone in 1919 to $4.42 P'lr telephone in 1923. an Increase of $2,71 on each telephone, or 160 per cent. Last year the company's tuxes totalled $2,180,000. The company's system reaches a total of 876,000 atatlon. and" it hlUl 4,300 stockholders. With 11,600 employes in the etate it has an annual pay roll of more than $14,000,000. ~--~-.~~.~.~-----

This Is the Event We Announcled Was Coming! In Last Week's

/llId M..s. ChllrlcM Mudd " n ha ve

Court II f ~ \lnl' t u Cilltillnuli Cu l d \q'I! I:1 \\ hich I.)' Ii \'ntt' pf ft "l r Ht UY , tu tilrt'l ' dt'lit - lh l.' \" :-.IIl':-; IIf n : pll'a Quitt· U JlUmUl ' r

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Hlth c Air rnee:; in Dul'-

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Clar k "nw th e bulloo n I'UCeM ut Wugh· t"n C. H . Tu . ~dIl Y· The Daptis t Mi K. iullary circ le will huld th eir nnnual all .day sowing ot th ,' chu rch. Frida y. Octobe r 10. MI·s. K. 1-1. J effri e. nnd MrR. W . P . :ll cCu rl'l'rJ teJOk din,lIcr with Mr. and Mrg. C hurlc~ Rudduck ond family . Ml's Amanda Starr passed th e Int· te r part of the week with her chil· Ilrell, ~II' . II" ti Mrs. W. !II. Mllthi a~, ill Duytoll. Mrs. Ethel Smith lind Miss Ame lia ('urr motored to Dayton Wednesday und spent the rest of the week ot Ihe Air ruc" •. Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Boerstler a nd Miss Nellie. of Norw ood, wero week. end ~ue.u; of their mother, Mrs . LouiKu J e8~o p , Mr . nnd '11'". M. E. "herwood en. " lurtllined to di nn er last SuturdllY, 1I1r. nnel Mrs. Myers. of Duyton and 1111'S. Pri ce , of Los Ange les, Cal. Mr. und Mrs. Fred Sherwood and duu g hters, Ruth lind Florence, of Co· lumbu s, vi sited their/arents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Shcrwoo • last week. Wm, Bates and sister, Mi88 Nola, of Co lum bus~..urc visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Doster and 80ns. The Bates family lived where D08ters do now, Beveral years ago. Mr. and Mr8, Bern Carr and dllugh. tel'S, Mu ry Elizabeth and Evelyn, motored to Spring fi eld Friday to viIIit Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Beatty. On Saturday they attended the Air rac· es. Our sc ho ol Is going In for mUBlc this term, A young Indy from Xenia is voclIl tencl;ter and Mr. Ben Lewl. of Leban o n. hus charge of the or. chestra, which gives promise of being someth ing really good. The High School st udents planned and carried out a clever Iittlo surprise on Mr. Ogden Wednesduy evening. The f estivities took the fonn of a weiner roast. Need less to say all enjoyed the occasion. Mrs. Alice Mc Kin se y, Mrs Mary L, Adams and Miss Lillie Nedry, ot WlJynes\'iIIe, were overnight guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. W . Welch, last Wednesduy. On Thursday they were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shidnker. Karl Shidnker has movcd his bal" bel' shop from Mrs. Conner's room to the rooms over the Township house. which has been newly papered and painted {or hift occupancy. Mrs. Co nner and daugh te r, Mrs. Smith, will open a novelty shoppe in their room in the near future. 0


ERE now, with all its great savings possibilities. An outstanding savings event for the entire Miami Valley! Share these tremendous economies the first extraordinary day! Here are three dominant facts in the Festival that are particularly em,p hasized!-


1. It is the outstanding Rike .. Kumler event for Fall.

2. Everyone of the 94 departments of the store are represented. 3. . Every offering featured is new, of fine Rike.. Kurnler qU8.1ity, definitely marked at savings.



Mr. Warren Cleaver Is spending his vacation here with relativea. Mn. Bogan and Bert visited Mr. Ra le igh Bogan and family, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Lowry and 80n , John, ntte nded the Air races at Dayton laat week. Mr. Clint Juckson a nd family called on frien ds in Harveysburg Sunday aftern'o on. The Sunday·School convention will be held at the F latfork church next Sundny afternoon, October 12. Mr. and Mrs. AIr Whetsel and children were here 't their home Sun rillY. Mr. ·Whetsol's eye is improving slowly __ , Mrs. George Ellis lind daughter, Miss Vesta, enter toi ned Miss Stella Whetsel a nd g randson, Howard, on Friday, Mr. a nd Mrs, Frank Hartsock en· tertained a number of relatives on SU{lday in hon or of Mr. Warren Cleaver.




NEW BURLINGTON James L. Conrad is driving a new Ford. Severnl persons from heJ"e attend. ed the Air races Saturday. Dr, McCray ia able to be out again ufter ae veral weeks' illness. Miss Alice Reeves, who has been working in Xenia, has returned to her home here. Mrs. H. B. Reeves and daughter, were here last week for a short visit among friends . The Friends S. S. observed Rally Day Sunday. Rev. Pramer and Dr. Lackey, ot Xenia, were present and gave interesting talks. ' Although Vernon Stiles Is im· proving nicely, he is not yet able to leave the hospital. It will be reo membered that he was badly burned a few weelcs ago in Franklin while filling a taree gaaolinc truck. The P. T. A. held an interesting meeting Friday__ afternoon. MIBIl Mary Mills, of Wilmington, wal prell ent and gave a very instructive and entertaining adClre8ll. MI18 Eleanor Haydock entertained Sunday a party of her former pupill of Highland High echool. Mr. Alan Mendenhall and MI8Il Katherine Conk lin, of near Xenia, were alllo preBent.

I ,\~

32 Pc , Porce lain Dinne rware Se ts, $].1)8 50 Pc. Porcela in Dinnerware Sets, $().?8 Ft . Mill Muslin St:lmped Bed sp rc:l ds, $1. Girls' Urushed Wool eClat Swe;l rers, SoS.1J5. Wool Sweaters, 2 t o 6 Sizes, $2.29. Ivory Mirror, Brush, Tray, l3oxes. ;H SI. Children's Pin On Supporters, 2 P~irs, 25c. Children's Sew On Supporters, 2 Pa irs, 25c. Sateen Sanit a ry Belts, specia l a t 25c . Silk Sanitary Rubber Apro ns s peci ;t\ ()?c. . Madi80n Elas tic, 1/4 inch width, holt 75c. Clark's O. N. 1'. Thread, 6 spools for L;c. Triple Strand Re a l H air Swit .-11es, $4. Side Waves o f R ea l I bir, ' peci ' 5'.t 50 . Nut Topped C:1ndy, Figs widl C ll'rries, 4,k. Bibles, bound in gcn uin e leather, $1..65. Bibles, bound in cloth , special, Q.5c. Popula r Copyright Ficri on. spe.: i:J! (1)c. Real Linen 68 x 68 Dam ,1 5k T ablecloths, $3,t>5. Re a l Linen 68 x 86 Tabkcl(J th:-.. $..L45. Real Linen, 68 x 108 T abkdnt li s, $5.45. Madeira Hand-embroid ered :\;ll'kins, $-1.85. Madeira Hand-embroid ered N.lpkins, S4.98: Gray Cotton Blanket s, speci a l $1.59. Pequot H emmed Sheets, 8 1 x 90 inch, $1.59. 400 Yards Sotin Dc Luxe, per y.nd, 98c. 1800 Yard ~ Fant'y O u t in g Flan nc l, 21c. 900 Yards P eggy Cloth, 32 in ch wid th . l8e. 300 Yards Plaid All Wool Flannel, $1.51), 200 Yardll All Silk Satin Canton, $1.98 SO Boys' She~p Lined Coats. special $6.95, SO Boys' All Wool Two Trouser Suits, $1.'.95. 800 Boxes Fine Stationery, spedal 2'>c. 1800 YardA Attractive C re to nnes, 22c Yard. 800 Yards Art Silk Net Curtaining, 5(Jc Yard. Men's Pu))..()ver Sweaters, assorted co lors, $4.95.

Men's Whit e :I nd Colored Broadcloth Shirts, S1.50. 25 1 ~l' I(I( ;ji : , ra n OriellLi\ Rugs, $19,50. 25 !\xmillster Ru gs, 9 x 12 size. $2/).50. 1'1 ;1; n : lic \),lI1l'crs for Ph oll(Jgra ph s, 69c. 10 Sulid Ma hoga ny Co nsole Tables, $17.50. I mported C har ac ter Dolls, 12 inch, $1.48. 2-1 l3Ia ck Enameled Hat Boxes, $2,50. 150 Men's Society Ilrand Sample Suits, $48. 72 Elect ri c J lea ters, very special, $4,48, 1000 Yards Iri sh Pi(,ot, 5c Yard. . Women's Fine Linen llandk erchi efs , 2Sc • B"ys' '1' :111 Calf Crea lll Vamp Shoes, $3.95. r..1 issL'S ' Tan Ca lf Lace Shoes , $3.95. Childrl'n's Pat ent ;Jnd Crey and Tan Calf Shoes, $1.95. ')2 Yards Colored Cirl' ular Trim, 89c Yard. Piqlle Vl's tees for First Day, ?5c. 36 Nl l'n's Felt Hats, $3.25,

Economy Offerings From RII(E'S DOWNSTAIRS STORE 200 Sport and Pleated Fall SKIRTS, '2,95, New' . Sport and Ores!! HATS, Special! $2.45. C( MTS for the (;irl from 2 to 17 years, $5. Girls' Fall DRFSSE S. Sa le Priced a t $1.95. Mcn! BROADCLOTH SIIIRT S l l sts a nd 2nds), S1. All \\(fol l' la Jln cl MIDDI ES. specia l. $1.95. In S,lie! Women's Flann cle tte Gowns, 85c. SWEATERS! Samples low priced, 99c and $1.69. BATH ROBES of Lawrence materials at Sl,SS. Pure Silk IIOSE-- 12 Strand - only 69c, PoplIl:Jr South ern Ti c Sf·IOES at 52.49. Sm ;trt New Fa ll SHOES ill Sale :It $2.95. Iloys' \Vool Suits, T\ lat'k iJla ws and S heep Lined Coats, Special th e First Day . Each a t $5.

floorrnen Will Direct Yau to rhe .oepartrnentJ Ad . L'rtised

This great event starts Saturday, October 11, at 8:30. Greater details on this merchandise are to be found in October 10th issues of the News, l1[erald and Journal.


CO EASY HERE He-" Have you cver been on a CRAZY-LIKE A FOX petti ng party?" . . She-oil most ccrtalnly have not." All of ' which so undB 'very proper What do you ·think of a man, who telling you ;hat HIS name was Not. gets out of bed at midnight when it is pouring rain and goes horseback THE MiLLENNIUM riding! . I think he'. eruy. · , Customer (entering guage)--(Ull H'm..:...our friend, Paul Revere. would like to see. flrst·clliBll second· hand car." . ..... Proprietor, smiling -"So would ., brot~er." ~.

( \

Shop' the First Day-Early!

.- ----





•'01 "


~~ # .

", ...... .'.


President Starts Seriea

'11~ 'ar"'" Hli tn" \~ J'




t' '1111t. I I


lfhrh •',-hOlul 1'"II,II,ll' l olll''' J I I h. . Dr. W. I'. n U1'1'L" ,,' 1111 " ,.·1" I: oilcl" • I Ilh""',i ~... (" '"jl 'I';, \\1 ""'1' he tilt' principII I ~p, ,.11'. I th(· ".,,,., th erll 01 th ,' 1" '''' '''''' 1 '"'. IIi ' •

Attn K i~ r, '~ U Il1~' I i i flI " fJ,'11i frnlh.l n AJroll : 0 , '{, \ fO th ;,! , F Mutlug(}nl t?nl E~ I I

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:-. hoppilll!' in

Central Committee Meets to go Miss Be t t y Buml'tl, of Ccdnrvillo • Over Plans for the Coming cullcf( t'. "prllt S Ull clny wilh her aunt, ~ Election M .. ~. Id" 1\ c l"py. ~

I I'

R. U. ; n r Cpl 'C!H..'nlnd\' l · dl III t'll' ' ; tall' ~1l" . Hl1d 'l' l: II-,!'-.,'ll lk lltl •• } '~' , I'C rl epnrlm n t. i ll XI 'n tH ~IJIHIHY . There w ill n bn lH' :t I\ t'lll, d Tnh lc ~ . I 1 disc li ssion . Mnrni t1~ · t'~ .. illT1 I t'ld l1~ ~lr ". ('y nt hia E.:III-'; \\ n:- the g-Ul':.. l ! ut 10 o'clocK. T h" n( tl!:"I. \\( II\ :'al .. illn , f I fl l' nd~ III X, ' III.\, ~\lnduy,

begins at 1 ,, 'chlc k ALB ERT M. (. \ 1.1.1 1:\. I', I.U I1.LI·: :-;:\,10 11, . :'," '). MARK L'J I 01' I



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I III'm), " " " 111 111 P ay tOil.

A f t e r din Tl,-"r wus o ver, ~{ r . Chn ~. .1. \V (Hr ~ rnllt."' J'. riwinnull llf t h l.' hUlln !. in hi!-t ,fig-ni lit,d lind :-. unv t.! l1l11tl rH'r, vlly t? II t u lk of ttw wo rk h e \\f ()uld


111 \' ,'" t I \' nllln a n d ' falllily :- \1(' 111 ~\I 11 dZl\: wit h r:l' la l iv(':o\ in 1O N


M,·" . .J II . :\I n .. t,,lt Id l I" da v t o \ i ~ 1t h,'1' da tlg hll'I' , MJ~. M"r1t, K ~· r n~. I ,f l ', \ llImhu :-: .

U'itY'IH, duri Ill! Inn:.·I.\· " l tt'lI d " ,1

the pll~ L \l'l'r k. \I' ll " by citizens o f thi s cll nllll llll i' Y. '1'1,,' ..aces being n novclty t o thi s "" "Ii" " of t he country ntlrllcted " !:It !"I' crowd. The one . CIIU ~ UIt )' \1" " t II l it' condoned, but i1 is M iel tha t t he 11\ · intors were lucky thnt more W t~ r~ n~,t killed. The races cost II ):r(,lIt ,"·,,1 or mone y and it is ,t>.l,·d t hut tl l~ affair was u finuncinl s uccess.

------ --



P ...",ldtnl Coohdgtl ~bruwlng

,I . 1.. li art'sI, t.· k.


th e firs:!. bbU lo "tart the wurld :;"rle! gnmca I><.",....:"n tho. W.... hlllC;' lon, AmerlCAII I~ ebttmploos, and the Now Ym GieIda. National

f··mnk T n ft, o f CoIUI11I."". li re ): u c~ t s of Mr . und !'ttrs. J. W. Whit l', t oda y. 11 11 .1

~l r'.



Mrs. Gc v r~e S mith is vi silin!:, Mr. = == = = == = .- li nd ~1r- ". Th,,,nll" Fetter fi t th e Ma'O llie hl1ll1(" . pringftelrl. See th ., flr h!ht\'iIlc Ind oo r Chau · Uluqua F'ri dayn ij(ht lit th e Gym . Mr. >J 1Il1 Mr". 1I0weli Peirce ret u rner! ho me 11I.< t week, after II t wo lIt ~s. J.W .\Vhitc W/18 visiting In Dayw<~,· k ~ · \4 ~ i t in T bledo. ton ~e \'t'T1I1 dnys Inst week.

Manager Prcmler)::., t 1,,1' ma d e nrrnngemen ts for " st'I'i,," f lhr ,(. Mr . . a lii ::-m ith and fn mi ly . o r gumes with J. B. Will , ' Leam, \\' nthr· r RIl ut e !i . were Sunday gueRls of lIIr ~ . permitting . All o r Ih e~ t' gllm c~ wi' l Hu ld" h Burnel t and fllmily . b e played on Ihe lural 1,, 1. ('0111(, 111 ,,1 see these ga lll(,s. T hl' b oy" ha.1 " Mr. lind M, ". H. C. Cole llla n. of lay-off last Sunday. li nd nrc ju st ril!'ht Norwood, nrlB I' uc sts of Mr. al1u Mr~ to take the fil'Rt )!ume of the se l'ie ~ . J. II. aleman for a few ,laY3

DOIl ' t mi ' " It. Wh al? Play to be g iven for M,lthers cluu, Octoher 17th . Mr. nnd Mr~. \. S. Alle n attended Kt'i lh 's then t cr ut DUYLo n, Sunday night.

Mr. and Mr~. Harry Thompson. of Mr. and lII ,'II. G. D. lIIi1l ~ spent SUllday afterll pon in Wilmingto n, the Dnyton, werc calling on friends here g uests of Mr~ . Joslo Co mpton and Monday. Among the canrl idate~ nppearing son, R. The Messrs. Raymon Hatfield and for the Xenin postomce arc : Will Orndot'f and granddaughtcr, Burnet Butterworth were in Dayton Cla.rence Ftnzcr, shoc me rcha nt. Dorothy. Were ' Sund ay dinn er guest~ on busincss, Satu rday. Mel Barrows, in . uranc(' ,,!:,ent. with Mr. li nd ~ Irs. Ge orge Bocock, of John 111. Da vidson , mall llfncturl'f. nenr BeUiJroo J.. . Hownrd Little, g r ain h roh r. Mr. J os. E. Ljl.e, of near Xenia Erskine Winter~ , andi l" r. cnlled on Mrs. Anna Cadwullader and Walter L. Denn, Stall' ,·,:! miner. See "Th" . outhern Cinderella," a Miss Clarn Lile, Sun"ay. George H. Eckcrl e, p rint ,'r. ploy g'iv" 11 f ,,. tbe benefit of th a Arthur P rrill, Jrruin hl·"ker . .' Mother.. ell/b. at the Gym Friday e"e Ml.s Marthll O'Nenl1 has again reC. H. Barn , schonl ~Ul" in tc ndcnt. ning, Oct" I" r 17. sumed b,lr duti es at the National uank, after /1 tw o week' va!=ation. Don' t " ,'I ' 0 see the "Brightvillo :Mr. nnd Itlr!'. Jc": \\" 'i)!ht, Mrs. Julia Donovnn allli ~lr . )1 "11. Bo'i rd I ndoor bU LlluqUJl" tridny nlJrht nt Mr. find lI{r". J. E . Jljnn/lY are were dinner gue"l, of II!r. a nd 1IIr~. the Gym. 1;' Vl'n by tlJe Queen E sther s pe n.ding the week with Mr. and Mrs. gorl s o f ,I .. ~ 1. E. church. E . S. Baily, today. WRite r Willia/lls und familY, .t Klngmao. Dr. ll ll il c'y t:n mllbe II and wife . who have he,' " \' i< iting Dr. ancl Mrs. .T. Mr. C. III. Robitzer and fumily wer \' E. Wi thlllll f" r the pnst two months, cal\ c·d 10 Sarrlinia, Ohio, last week, ~ L:tI·t 1'''1 ' Ik l Iho ma . today. o n acco unt of the death of Mrs. Wi csbrodt. The Woman's Auxiliary of St_ Mary'; church will meet with Mrs . Miss Ruth Newland, of Miami lIlIl'riA allli l\t." . . Mos her on Friday univ ersity. ~ Jlcnt the wcck-c nd with aftel'noon , Octobcr ]0, nt 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen und Miss Olive. . Rev. J. C. Robett.s, of Hillsboro, Ohio, District Supe rintendent of the A large number of thB loeal Klan M. E. church, delivered a ve ry nhle members nttend ed n county meeting ser mon S unda y evening at thc M. E. of that artier in Lebanon. Friduy evchurch. eni ng. WANT POSTOFFICE BAD

Clermont Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces

For Sale 'by

I. E. fRAZIER, Waynesville, O.

.'In ri .h(' ,·nu t ion,·.1 thelll tu be very , ' !ll'l' fll I who lh l' y V01 I' f or Ihlg fnll li o n Fran ci s ~1. Humilt on !lL", " "111(, n good 1!l lk, n ~ did !llr. S. S. T iiJ uuls. editor uf th e FrHnklln Chron irle, who is known n ~ I he s ilvcrl ongued orlltor o f th e Mia mi \'Ilil ey . Jurll'C Watl" Cushin g . of Cincin!luti. Ill ude u (i" e talk, us did Mr. . lr. Hoy Monhall. oC Xenin . _ Th e la~t sI' ellker of th e even ing WIIS Il oll . Chlls. Brantl, of Urbana. ~! " . Drund· 'has Ju st wturne d from .In Euro pean Lour, lind, li S ho said '" his talk, he ·mnde 1I study of the ,'o udition s ns they e xl Rt in .f;urope to·I uy. whi ch arc bad enough. The contr411 committee went into t'xccutlvo 8e ~'H loll Ilt thl~ time, nnd t hc visitors hud a socinl half -hour with each other. The meeting wns a n cnthusinstic ono, and nil declared their Intention of working to the end for n Republican victor., this rail. Those pre&'ent from a distance a s guests of the meeting, werc: Judge Wade Cushing and Judge Francis M. Hamilton, of the Court of Appeals, of Cincinnati; Congressman of the Sevent h Congresalonnl district Churlel Brand, of Urbano; Senator J. Lowry Miller, of Middletown; lIon. Justin Harding, State representntive, of Franklin; Mr. Roy Marshall, county chairman at GreNle county; Mr. S. S. Tibbals , of the Franklin Chrollicle; D. L. CTane, of the Miami Gnzette, and Mr. Harry Wolter. representative of' Fred'8 Advertiser, ot Lebanon, .



Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Elzey nnd Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elzey spent Sunday with relatives in Dayton. Mr, nnd Mr·s . L. E. McMakan and so n, of Detroit, Mich. , are visiting Mrs. Viola Clllrey and daughter Miss Alice. . '


Mrs. H. V. Walter, Mr. Don Wnl·ter, of Lebanon, Mrs. J. H. Colemlln and Mrs. D. L. Crnne were in Dayton Monday

It give. furnace com fort tD oman home. of t .. r .... to six room ••

Seats wlJl be re8erved for the "Brlghtville Indoor Chautauque," Thursday nOOl1, October 9, at Ule OxleIY-Pace drug store.

It burno an)' kind of fu ..1. It looko like a mahogany phDnolraph, Inot_lIed In one of the living room •• ..

Save your old carpets and ruga and Iret "WeBrwell" Rugs made. Send for pric:e list. Franklin RUIr Co., Franklin, Ohio.

Let uo e"plain how .we inotall th.o .. on trial.




Mr. and .;MrsI. Charle8 Lefl'erson and daughter, Mary Virginia, of Latonia Ky., are spending thle week with Mrs. Mary Waterhouee and. family. Mr. Cha •• Edwards and family Mr Chas. Sherwood and Mrs. Ray~ond Conner and ch:ildren visited Mr. Howare Sherwood an4 family at Dayton Sunday. '

Phone 32

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williamson and lon Robert, of Cleveland, and Mr8. Waynee';ill", Ohio. T. t . Cooper, of Dayton, were Sun. . . .~~. .~~~~~~~~.....~~~:-~••~. .~__~________~______ . . . .__~. . . . . . . . . . . .~ day dinner gue8~ of M~ and ~ H. H. Wllllameon and famlly. .




Mrs. Alice McKinsey, Mi ~~ Lily N, dry and Mrs. Mary Adam s we re >:ueats of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weich and other relative. lost W edn csduy IIl1d Thursday, at Harveysburg.






(\ f lViiles Standish"

Thi. picture coal ChAri • . R" y $8(10.000 to mak e.

==--=----= REGULAR PRICES, ZOe "nd 10c ON ALL SHOWS Two .howl night.



7:00 p .

nt .



SCIIL' will he r cse rved for til(' QUl'e n Esther Girls pillY, "Th e Bright vi II" In do()r Chuutauq ua" Thllr ~d llY Iloo n, Octoher 9, lit thc OxleY-Pllce drug slore. E. W. Co nove r IIl1d wHe, of Dayto,,; Mrs, Jo:dgnr Emfield. of Kings Mills , and 1I1rs. D. A. Crane. of Wcst Jeli erson , W t'n~ SlIn cluy gucst."! o f Dr. 1111 01 Mrs. J . E W itham.




............................................. .... .........

Mr. nllt! :\lrH. G~ o rge Smith ~ nte r­ lllit"'d ::; unelll~' oVl'n in !:" Mr. lind ~tr" . Ph ilip Z~pf lind ?ll rs. Joe Tho mpso n, of l'inc illnnt i. unu Mi ~~ Emma II l' i~h ­ wily.






The Mi88es Martha and MarC:'llret Wllrner, who were at the Fricnds home during the IIb.cnce of Mr. and MrH. Ho\)'ell Peirce ,returner! to their home in Selma Friday.






Mr. und !'ttrs. Jnmes Stoops. Mr. Sli d Mrs. Holmes Stoops and Mr. Frank Holmet!, of Vnn Wert, Ohio. ~I' e nt Thursday nnd Fridny with Dr. n" d Mrs. J. E. Witham and 11k A. 'lOOpS.


f o r \ ictory th ca ter In Dayton, last Wed!I ,·sdny cvening.


It luppliea warm rno;.' air to eyery roOM.



l ' l' intz saW uBl ossom Time" nt the

"Thc Southern Cinderella," benefit of Mothers club.

The Parlor Pipeless Furnace ·


"The Heart Raider"

Mr. G. D MiII ~ was in Hamilton T uesday and Wed ncsda y , IIttl' nding a stute secretaries nssocillti on m eetinC:', of the I. O. O. F., rc pl'c"c ntin g Wyoming lodge No. 102 . o f lhe 10Mr. and MII'8. Howell Priece were in cll i lodge .. Selma Frid!l)'. Mr. and Mrs. Myel' Hymnn, Mr. Dr. Thos. Farr wns a South Charles u, d Mrs. L. A. Zimm crma o , MI"s ton \'isitor last Friday. . ' ella Daugherty lind )\11'. Luul. N.

The Estate Heatrola


l' vC"nin~.

The Mi. ses Dorn D"j(j.!'ctt. Pa ul Mrs. Rnchel Campbell is seriously i ne Moo re and Deb ornh Wal ton enill at the Frie nds Home. ll· rtnin cd the Messrs. Melv yn Bnnta, See th e "Brightville Ind ooT Chau- Hnym on Ha tfi e ld Ilnd Burnc: tt Butterworth at II 6 o'clock dinner TuesdllY tauquu" Friday night at the Gym. evening. April 29. Mr. and 1111'S. J. E, Janney spent Mr. und Mrs. Kenneth Hough, Mrs. Sunday with relutives in Franklin. Jennie McCurdy, of Springboro, MI'!!. Viola Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. BurMr. A. ' H. EarnbflTt and family ton Earnhart and Mr. Madison EarnMr. and MM!. Stanley Stevens or Mrs. J. B. Rammage and daughter, New Burlington, and Mr. and Mrs. Nuncy, of Holyoke, Mass .• arc "" c :ld · spent Sunda.y afternoon In Center- hart were Sunday guellts of Mr. and ville, H oward Hurley, of Wilmington were ing a f ew weeks with hcr m other, Mrs. H. B. El\rnlJllrt, Sunday dinner guests of Mr: and Mrs. Eva Miller, and othl' r rc, btiv()s. Mr~ . Lloyd Dllvis lind son, and Mr:' Mr. and Mrs. J .• Rogers, of DayJesse Thomas leaves today for Diland 'Mrs. Jos Davis. Mr. Pe rry Kenrick and fnrnil y en · ton , spent the week-end with home lon, Montana, where he will spelHl n folks. couple of montha hunting nnd fi shin !; t ertained Mrs. Be lle Dinwiddie lind Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnett. Miss daughtc l', Miss Olive. lI"d M,". Url n His rendevous will be on Sage cree k. Inn 13u m ett and Calvin ongnc re wera i<ille n, Thursduy, of lusL \\c ek. uL Mrs. J. J . Schaefer, of Dayton, was and he will hunt nnything from u g u est~ of Mrs. Bilrnett's [Fiends. Mr. di nnc r. the guest of Mrs. Mary Caskey. Inst dcer to mountain lion. lind Mrs. Ge ruld Kc lley, lit Wilbu r Wednesday. W,·.!:'ht (i t·leI. Friduy and SaturdllY . The Octouer meeting of the Huppy Mr~. George Mllyer returned to und saw tho races. Mr. II. Fi t zpatrick and family. of Hour club will be held Tuesday, Ocher home in Newllrk. Ohi o, after Frnnklin, vis.ited r elutives here Suns pc ndin!:' se ve rn l d ay ~ with her rlaugh t ober' 2 1st . Mrs. Oglesbee nnd M1'8. . Mrs. Lcl'oy Hurd anrl da ughter, of t er. M'·8. Arthur Zell, tit thl.' home day nfternoOln. Gons. ho stcs ~es, at -the home or'the P, q ua. anrl Mrs. C. p, Ellis and dnu g h of Mr. J ohn Zell. in Cor w;'l. f orlner. Eve ry member try and be l C' r. of Wayn es ville, tonk dinner wfth Mrs. Jam E!S McCurdy, of Spring- pres ent lit thi s meeting. Mr. and Mr~ . ,fns. H. Curti s of HlIrMr. Will . R. .' preige l • • f n ,·trfl it, boro, was thE! week·end gucst of Mrs. veysburgo. I~idn y, lind in tilC afterformcr RUll e"inte ntient (·f Wayne Kenn eth Hough. Mr. anu Mrs. Charles Ellis and n OO n Mr~ . Hurd, Mrs. Ellis and MrR. 'l'wp. s pe nt Su ,day wil h so ns. Roy and Irwin Mrs. Jennie Mcurti s called on Mr. and Mrs. Chll ~ . III'. A. schools. T . Wl'ight alltl fu Ii ' 1 . ~ : ... Miss Ruth Miller, of Limn, wa s the urdy. of Springboro, Mrs. Viola Curtis. of Wilmi,fgton. S preigC!l rn me to LJ uyton . "'1. ... ~ ..V g uest of her mother. Mrs. Eva Mil- Harlnn and Mr. and M..s. H. B. Earnt o sce th e Air I'nces. During lh e late ler. the past week . hllrt wer e Sunduy evening guests of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Gray entcr- Will' Mr. Sp" e i):cJ wa " in the aviation Mr: nnd Mrs. C. M. Hough and Mr. talned last S undny in hono r of the servk e. C"ptain Burt Skee l. who lind Mrs. Kenneth Hough. Mr. lind Mrs . Wm. Hoy s pent last form er's birthday anniversary, 1111'. wa s kill e rl II I Day tOil Sn turdu y , WaS week with tltteir so n and family. of an d Mr • . '~. T. J ord nn. of Hnrvevs - II ve r y dcar fri (, lld o f Mr. ::;prc igel's, nenr Harshmanville. A numbe r of friends spent Sunday burg, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schrader, and hi s d" uth ell"L u g loo m ove r hi s evcning with Mr. Dan Morgnn and ~f Lebullon, MI'. nnd MrR. Charles fri end. nnd nlll ti e hi s vi"it to Ohio Miss Debornh Wulton and Mr. ,f amily. Those present were Mr. lind m e" I~ . of Dayton, Mr. lind Mrs. J. un e n<,vel' to be forgo tten. Mr. Mrs. Ho~vurd Stroud, of Lebllno n. R. Buker, of MIddl etown und MI'. ~Jl .. eigcl left Sunday evelling 10 sp end Burnett ' Butte rworth att ended a show the Misses Eldll, Jenevleve and Louelnnd Mrs. E. F. Earnhart alld child- I u fe w day s with hi s pare nts in West in Dayton Sunday evening. In Biggs, Messrs, Wal ter and Willis r e no Virginia . Mrs. C. K. Himes, at Center- Biggsl • of Oregonlll, Mr. Ilnd Mrs, RIlY roilier and 80n, Marion, Miss ville. has returned to her home and Pearl Orndrof, M.,8srs. Henry Ornis getting along very nicely. dorf, Fred Simpkin., Ernest McCray and Wilbur Hannah8. The Messrs. John Cummings, Harris Mosher and Frnnk Robinson were in Dayton Sunday evening.




!o" p\) ke main ly t o thl' wo m en p r c!:5l'lIt ..

!\1r~, RHt H'r t \\' alt o n, (\ f ll :ly t ~"l , i ~ \ i:-..l t ing- iw r l'ar t ' 1 1L~ , Mr . Hll d l\.lr". !II ...


: "The




:o :... •..


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•• •

in \\, ill11ilJ },! t dl1 all d ;\l11rr\' w 1 a ~ t weck, I




MI'>' . .J l'l1 ni.· ~l "('II ,·t1 y nnd ~lt· ". K. N . " " uKh \'i "it<·t1 MI'l<. Vi ulll lI11rlollll

Slit u n l n ~' n fh' j' noon und


~ .)

> like this co nllltitt l·· ... to perform d u r· i n},!' t h o Bl' Xt. [ ,)\11' \\, (, (' ks bt'fo n .1 th u .\10-. nllcl 1\ll's. Wnltt' r I\t('CIIII'.· r e1 U 1''' NI h O IllC' Ttl ,,"clll), (, \"'ni,": "ftc' I' I'ntl ""'rt i(l ' 1. ~I '\' t' ral- \'i ~ it ,"'!l r r" l' ~ nd e d t o th e "1l1· ndinj.!' II vc ry pl cnsnnt \l' cl'k nt dl ail'tl\a n' ~ r c qul'=-- t f o r ~ p c t..\ th(· ~ . thl' In dillll Lll k,·. fir ~ t bt.' ing Stutc Scnnto l' . J . L owry ~ I i ll l! r . \\ ho ~a\'(' a tnlk rt' ln ti y(' l O Mr. II nel 1\lrs. Rlli ph Mill.' r ""t~r­ : t h,· poli t il" (1 f th e 11 1I ~· . IlIill, ·" II I ,linn er S lIndllY. Mr •. EVil IJ ull . JU I" till II Hrdill ~ llHUlc u f e w .\l ilk r. ~Ir ", .J. Il. Ralllmll ~ ~ li nd : r(, lIia l'k~ ,d onI-! the ~n llle lin e , nnet hI.' dllll): hl,')'. Nn ,\{'y. nnel ~ li " Hulh Mil : wn> fullu\\'(!ri loy Mi" Lid .. Frost. whn IcI'.

~1 1:-;. l ,thl t'" (;, II'd lill \'i :-- il t'" frit ' I1(h- '

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AIR RAC ES A T [ ' "



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:-:11 I}II ' 1 ~ 1 1I'1 \ ill.· Ill dildt' ( ' hn u -I Illllqun " F ti tlllY n ig ht at tl,,' . y m .

·:A ·: ·.

Wh en? Ild" h"r I II nt 9 II. llI . Wh ere ? ,\ t f i , ,.,., \ Wh y? Tn ,,,01 '" 111.11

present ~ t· 1'\ it ' " ~ Hlld rian bv th" (il"'! .. 1'



Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Z,' pf, o f Ci ncinnllti. ~ p"nt ' u'l(luy wilh MI'. ull d Th e Ce ntrnl. F.xcculive un d Ad vis- ~Ir ~ . Georgc Sm ith . ory board of the Wurren County Rl' I'lIbli cllnR m ct at Lebnn on Friday l\l ,.,.. Arthur hl' lIl1lld chilolrpn. Mrs. ewning al 1.II1ffo l'd'~ n·slnurn nt. nucill'1 Z(·II lin d Miss LuuTII McKinsl'y At 6 o'clock n , umptu o us fri ed W(>l'e in Miumi ~ bu rg SundllY. chi ckc n din:tH'r wn s se r vrtl to th e hourd lind u lIumber of vi$il Ors anrl [\1' . IIIHI 1\lr.. Rolph Va nc,' : of tlw pr l'~~ nf t he' county. I'lat e ~ w,e re la id f or f ll rty, nIl of who m Wer e pre,· PlpII ""nt Plain . wer e Suncluy ):IICSt.s \If ~l r. IIIIU MI' •. J . C. lIawkc·. e nt but o nc.













MANY PEOPLE WHO WILL BE ONLY TOO GLAD TO HAVE THEM AND YOU, AS WELL AS THEY, WILL BE GREATLY BENEFITTED The Miami Gaze tte will se ll lh c m for )'ou, ut u very small cost. Try it once.


I I '


I I I ,


Why Have -Our (;oal Sales Increased? Our 1923 Coal Sales increased 60 per cent over 1922. Our 1924 Coal Sales have increased '300 per cent over 1922, with three months to go yet,



) ,

~ venty-Sixth






WEDN ESDA Y 0 TOBE R 15, 1924


~~~~~~-~ -~~~~~~ -~~ -



!=; JlOrt s IlH.'1l


t eum

um bLr 5Gl:3

~ --~~----~


Cuun t up nnllth~r winner for our Minmis. LasL Sunduy uftcrn ou n lit Phi ll ips pn r k they met u nci defl,"t: I'll Ii t ellm pillyinc for .1. R. Will, TOO MUCH POLIT ICS FORD tl Jncl o .lim) one \Of Wa rren counl v'" III . t public spirited citi z ~n " 'I'HI PROCL AIMS k ee n est


Till' \\·ayn ,·.,,, ,I1,· II Ig- h ~ r h(l ,, 1 ha 'l' ha ll IO 'U II I j "lI Tf1 I')'cd I " ('(' nl cr\' ill e


la ... t F ri da ~: :t ne! w o n l h t.-' i l' fi rs t gonnll ' III' till ' ~ "II )ol '1 1l l, y t !l ,' sc o r t-l o( 1·1 III 4 , " iJ llt ra r y t Il t l1C' ~ l' \lr< ' , h o w(' \, (' l'. t he OPRA TED FOR SOME TIME 1! ami! w :\ ... i ll t rrc!'ling . MUST BE RENE WED

w a!i

pTllcti cnll y Ihe e lll1non teo lll with III fil·.' ill nill \! 11 " "1.' 11 ' illP:l,· d tw o or three t hnn j!es in th(' lin e-u p I hro ll g h ~hllrt h ut \\a ~ f, }rc c d at sec ~ Will Distill By-Pro ducts from und, u h. ye~, t he sc ure WU H: Minmi ~ . IIIId Wh l' J1 T Ur l1 l ' r ,,:Tll ll ndl' d t o :ih o r t. I r> ; Wills. 12. 1I 0 pl in ~ h it H h o t C' ,"" u IHI.., 1' t n :-; h o f t, Coal Which Will Be Mined Al't Ull e xhibiti o n o f how lht~ ~ r l' nt 'I' urru: l' (!"tlin}.!' t t l third Hrld 101l 0 J'JlY'' What the Count y Comm issionNllti n nlll pnHL lilli e I<h(l ll in 1I 0t I,e in Kentuc ky t o ,", Ptl' n d . G on s rw). l up :-; I' n l a ra -= l pili yen tho .nlfair Wfl R a howling s ucs ionen Have Done With O ll l' thl' o u ).!' h ~ h (lr l, !-i c nri n ~ T U rll l' T" l: ' ~!oi , Twonty -~e v e n rUII S, :10 hits , Tax Money lin d "lI Il Pll Y". C l,l n~ !'.t o l 'ri n~ at ~ P " ­ 17 en Ol'". 1\ hulk . R PIl ""C~ , I Ii stdk e· on d. T he ne xt t wo bll Ur rs gJ'O ulld · " uts ""d lIumUerleM" wild pi tc hes li nd l' ,1 out. II cn r~' F ord . tI1 a ~ tc l' m ind o f p r o- pu""cd ba ll s mnd e II cornbi llu lion t hll t I n Cl' ntt' rv illc', hal f. wil h th o " " I d u(' ti "n. wear y u f t l' yillg to cupe with '.!rew ra th er t ireliume be fo r e th e rH 'C o f un 1' 1' 1' 1) 1' th ey f;l urcf' l' <i ('d in PII :-, I1Th c o m m i ~ ~ i o n c r~ o [ Wa rren CI)Ilg' I'C':-\!ol- io n u l mclhod ~ wh ic h h ave. 'gS!lry two hours lind twC!nty -fi vc ing- o n r' (} \' \"' r til l' r uh h l'r. ?\II m , q' \! co un t y ha vin g d (lc id cd to ~ lIh li t the \IIinut e~ hud ,:)\1 psc rI , Lunwd n hu ~ ill('~~ Ilfo p tll'l i Lio u il~ t u u ~co rin c W II H dOli" 1I11ti i th ' fo un h. qu p..: ti u n of Ihf' lw n mill lev \' t (l l hcA f,,"ture of the ga me ..vIlS th e rec" nlpli cal(.d poli t ica l atTai r . h ll ~ wilh· tllrn of II forlTlel' \\' n y n" Hi l l~ nd d.·t1 olle by ~(>lI d hi l - Pl'l) ll lc at ttH' No\'c ml,,' r f' l ~ '<.: t in n, n n loca l pilchin~ I.., ro t ing' , \\ h i h ~ Ce n l c r \'il ll, ~co J'c d t h",-.o eX loI un atio ll ,' f th" opc .... lJo" o f the d l':\w " h i ~ " ff er ru l' the purchn. e u{ to lh" gU lllc- th is lime i n th e caplle , n n (' rr u r~ b ~' II n pki ll .~ a nd H Oll j.!h, 11I w und the way in which the mon ey ilY of um pirl'. .""Ico W. Z. Holl. M II sd e ·h,utl •. anrl til(' dr u II' , in " ~ ,; o f Mc Mill an , i, ' PC lIt i ~ ',f in t e rest nt this time. hetter known 0 ' "Bi ll. " wh e n he \\,11 . T l li ~ im pu rt ont I 1(JWS u nn ou ll c J11 l"lll n""oh oo. th e' " I" ' l r " (o f W. II . S , TIl(' eomm i s " i" nc r~ ex pillin the propitchilll( . dividNI t he umpir e ' ~ joh will he mlllle thi~ w~ek by Mr. F ord wit h Wulter Brilain, ri t c h l' ,f ~ u p eri o r ha ll in t he I'i nc h (~ !'l . po ~ i ion a !'; fu ll ow !'! : and guve good TIll' two mil l levy hus l"'('n iu opThe s(' lI re " "'" , t uo tl ·1 tn 3 with Ihe lhl'o u~ h Co llic r'~ Wl' ek ly. whi ch in slItis fllction. ~" 'j" His bnsel.ull decis ions " rll t inn live yeu r". Till' las t i""t.I1I1oPJl ( l lle n t~ icn di ll ,l:. a rl'llllll'kable intcrviow with tb e wiz· were on th e same high plane w ith \3oth t earn " Il lay ·,1 err orl l'8s hllll flU' lIt f IJI' th is peri l,d \\ a s, made Ilv:li lnt'd o f I1Il1nufuctul'e. di sc loH (,~ Mr. hi. co urt decision s , und no greater a nd li ttl e h ill in\! \l' a ' dnn ,· u ntil t he li ll ie Septl' ml '('r hL • . I, in the e\'en t praiH c could be g ive n. Come a nd Ford '" plulI" fur the de"e lupm enl '!f ~ ix lh . wh , n \\'ayn,," ,·ille "taCl·d \I hil t · tlu· h 'vy ~· llr· l' i l''S , i t would ntl l l1H'u n power 111,,1 chc mica l. fr om COIH III ,<e" u" again . Judge. you a r c always a ll i ll l ' n 'H !'t ' u f l Hxathm. h \l t Hill y u t i ll ~ I',d ly which nett ed nin e ru n ~ . cl e an miniol: l o w n s "in my o wn ", .t ".l we lcome . T lw l\1f ' rl t~ o lllcry c o unt y lads \\' ~ ' r c co nt illu a nt l ' of the l'ull' th ;\l has I~ X · Th e s eco nd gll me o r the series will nnd ou t>ide of political m uddl i n~ . " i. ll' " f o r t hl! la ~l fi ve yc n l ·~ . II lIa lo ll' to hit "" fl-Iy t h rou)!h nllt , he "Mu :\c!C ShuII1"'! " . nid Mr. r ol'll. bo pillyed by th e same teams at the lI y t ho.' pruv isions of li n uet of the rcsl n l' lh p CH me, T h(' Inca I. S or ed uThlil is not n live iss ue w ilh U M Itr' Y '<ame place next SundllY. The score !.cglslut urc pus>ed Apl'il G. 1!l2 :J, fur tw o Ill" re in the ir lust f \'U l1\ e. lo nf,:' ur . More l h ull l wn ycnrs Ui.:'0 by innings: tilt' pUn1V' of mnin te nnn cc . th o The "" t s la ,,din ~ fClItu res o f t he R H E we III. d~ t he begt bid we knew how Clim e w ere th e hilLill J.: (I f Hopkins , ... ""b of II,,· co unty lire divid ed into Wills . 03001 3014 - 12101 2 to ma ke . Nu dcfill ile acti on hilS Miamis Lh rec Go n dU8Se" ... Evc rh nrt li nd Tin ney. und the : 2 0 4 5 3 0 1 0 ' - 15 20 6 bee n tak en in it. A . implc uffair ot 1- l nter. County Highway s nnd fi eld ing o f Go" s 11 ",1 Turner. bu sin c"s which "huu ld ha ve been de Main Market roads . . Bnttcrie s- Wills, cided by a ny Oil \! wilhin 0 week has Gould" Roll, --'11....._ - - - ... 2-Coun ty Road s. bccoml' n cotnplic utcd puliticul uf- Coyne unn K . Dakin; Miamis , Crane, 3- ']'own Mhip Roads. ERADIC ATION OF nnd H. Burton (both pitched and fllir . Und e r this clussific ation we have . BOVIN E TUBER CULOS IS "We arc not in politics and wc lire both caught) . Plnns will be Illude Monda y even- in I hi" cuunty 102 miles in th e first in business . W., do not intend t o inl'!. Octo her 20, at thl' Gran~" ha ll elll SS a nd 185 miles of t.he county be drawn in to POliLics." in Le ban on. Ohiu. which. i f carried roads. the remaind e r nrc Townsh ip "We hu ve b"erl, und still lire. deep· out . will be of great benefit to Wll r· rOlld •. Iy inter('st ed in Muscle Shoa ls a~ a The CI)unty maintai ns all th e Inre n cnunty, lJoth fr om It hell ith lind ,jll t ionul usset. There is s mall prom· tor-Cou nty Hig hwa ys nnd Main Mnra n eco nomic standpo int. ise noW that it ever will be a nlltion ' R" pre"entn tives of the F'nrm Bu- ket r oads whic h have not been r enl a sset- more likel y it will be only reau, compris ing tw o work er s from built in some mnnner an d taken over un expe nse. That euncern s every enc h sch ool di strict i n Wurre n Coun - by t ho Slate for mainten nnce, and one of us a s citizens . nl! of the co unty roads, a total of ty, rep r e~en tntivcs f r om the Grunge. BAND ORGA NIZED " In the Ford business . once we 246 miles. the Henlth Board, Men iclI l society, SHOW ER IN HONO R make up our minds to do an ything Women 's clubs and Civic associa- twoAll the money d erived from the Friday morning the. Sophom ores IN THE SCHO OLS we go rig ht and do it, with {he lea st mill levy is uled in the malntction s of the de lightfull county. OF A y will BRIDE e nt meet ertain -TO-B e d the High and E pos. ible waste of time. energy or plnn II cam pnign for the 'eradi cation nance of tbis 246 miles of road s, nnd ;chool, faculty and Normal with the " lO n ey," of bovine tubercu losis in the co unty. const.itu tes abou t 86 per cent of all followin g program : At the same meeting the Co-Op- the money that haa been availabl e Ar., Moying So F .. t Scriptu re Readin g-Vern on Manus A moveme nt of general Interest for that purpose. H •• e P... ed Sho.lo Vocal Solo On aturdllY evening , October 11. erntive Lh'estoc k Commission hou se Ruth Earnha rt whIch is creating much excitem ent Th e townshi ps being r elieved of plnn will be ably Recitati prcsente 1924, o n t d he by Misses Mr. in ,. Inis school Myra Dnvis Pence circles , Rhoda this week. is the "W e !Ire movi ng so f nst and the this 245 miles. constitu ting the prinJ. R. A Igyr e. Li Vocal nnd vestock du Elsie e~Dor specinli Cleveng organiz i5 st Hawke of e ation r entertai and of 8 Lillian ne s chool d at band. Last sctltem ent of Muscle Shonls' future ciple r ouds of the county are enabled Watkin s Wednes day morning an enthus iastic Have Interes ting Progr am- 3 mi ~ce ll an eoJl8 s hower in honor of the Ohio Farm bu rellu. seemed so far nway, tha t we had to District mee ti ngs tu whi ch the pub t.o devote a ll th e ir fund s to the townSue lln Shl'eh nn, who. wil l become ... .. ... . Martha Nickles meeti ng WII S held at the lIigh schoo l find othe r meuns to do th e thi ngs we Reading s hip rond s. lind thus the benefits exWife of Recto r Descri bes h .. hrirle of Ellis . October lie is invited. are pla nn ed a. foll ow" : t e nd to the Therle Jon es building at which time obout twenty could have acco mplished nt Muscle Drum Solo less importa nt roads. Tuc ~ d uy , Odoller 21, nt 7 :30 p. I, 1 u2 ~. -Clyde Everha rt one stu dent s sig ni fi ed th ei r willin g· Recent Trip Sh o n L~. In fact we have passed Mus- Jokes The f o il winl!' are some of t he h School SO Il ~. The bri do's r o l o r~ . lav cnder lind nl.. at Moson , Reibold 's hall. n('ss to becoml' membpr. of the orcle Shonls. Pruduct ive busine .. can· Hig things that have been ·a ccompli shed Wedn e.dny. Octob e r 22. a t 7 :30 wh ile. we re u"(' 1i in Lhe decoruli oll s ganizati on . Prof . Wutkin s of course not wuit on po litics. Therc.f ore we Ann oun rem ents by facu lty. with this fund since Junu u.ry 1st, This proj!ram wa" very mu ch e n· will direct Ihe or gu nixniun. of In rg c boulj uel, u [ dah lias n nd as· p. m., Jl!lI inevill c. at 'c hool ha ll. of th is nrc withdrn wing our bid." yenr. Thur,,,lflY . Octoh er 23. at 7 :30 p. A t prllse nt th e instrum entlltion is The Woma n's Ailxilio rv o f St. II "', . This ~Ir. Fnr'd said meant he had joyed by alllll1d the Sophomore. have Th el'e has been fur nished and put m., But.l e rvill show e , T ul h.· th church. eir !'V e il ing w as plellsn ntly spent t.1I1ent in cntertai nil1!!'. IlS f o 11 I\ II'S : S" \'en or II . two Mllry 's chu rch wa" etlt t' rtll illl·t1 withdrn wn fro m Muscle Shoul. a ud Frid AY . October 24 . a t 7 :3 0 1'. m., upon these rOBd ~ 2817 cubic yards of i n ploy inl(' c nmes. ----n- rornb ones, one bUl'u lo n e , one nltu, Fridny aftern non. 0 1'1" hl' r I II. on Th e brid ~ r eeve rything thut pertuine d to it. stolle ancl gravel, notcrush ed 9476 by Harveys burg, lit Tow l\ hall. Next ceived F ri day n splend morning t id nssorlm ont of beau . beginni ng hree saxn phonfs , one r1nrir'w t, one Mrs. Hll rr i. " nel ) 1.. , . ~ l fO ' lH' r, The ruhic ya rds of crus hed nnd screene d "W c havc made our bid," "uys hc, Satu r da y. at Octobl'r 8 :3 0. the 25. tifu Pl'Csh a l t I' piccol 7 men rc :3 <e 0 lll will give th e ir o. 1.11' 0 s nure drums a nd two day was id ~ al lind the at tt·tHlll ncl' II'n ~ p. gru\'el ; ~. 1 "now let them make us 11 bid. And Thos · p .. c ~ e n t werc, Su ella Shee- m., Washin gto n towll ship. at Silver ship ped. 28 14 tons of cr ushe d stono good , thcy will not have to watt three years firs t progru m this yellr. in the gym- bass drum s. Grove school. nasium. ha n.Elmn All those McClu Five interest r e. of Cleo, the se studen ts nre memed are StQcy. Mil· The meeting ' wns opened by music There is nuw piled in vari ous plafor their nnswer. We can' tell them co rdially invited to com e-. bers of th e Waynes ville band. while n pill no solo , "Etude in U Flat Mil·. I'ia nnil Allf' lI. Ire ne Hnrbuug h, Glad· ces ill th~ count.y 1600 yur ds of stone in five minutes ," y ~ - -0 Hiclturd several . Mildred others Dunham are familiar with th eir jor-Lis zt, " beaut , Vaden which is being crushed and placed Mr. Ford expluine d that due to ll y pla yed b~' nn Atl the teachers of the Wayne instrum e nts. thus insuring good mu- Mrs. Ruth Hartsoc kifuWalton, d Bess ie Wa de. Alice Sheehan , REVIV AL upon the roads. There are also sevthe exigenc ies of war the GovernMEET INGS Townsh C iai'll ip schools Cleo sic Crocket in met n short in t. special Mrs. time. Stacy, ses· Mrs. of Cndwnll led t he dc\'\)eral sectio,, " o f r onds which ment sp ' nt much more money ~n HELD AT LYTLE not .yet ·been reach ed on which have The mus ic hilS been ordered and tional service, a ll j Oining in r('pellt· lJuyton , Mrs. Wnrd Shults. of Akro n. Muscle Shoals than private enterprt ae sion at the High School building , on it is Monday Elli s !\IcClure afternoo , Wnlte n first at r 2 practice :46. Sheehan was ing . Fre Psalm held d this 23. rully intende d to pllt work and mat omorning f ollowl!d hy prayer. would have spent, and that lUI are· . Rickard . The Carl organiz Crull. taion Wa is ltL .... making Scriptu All e n. a ral great r ial quot.llti suIt of the investm ent, nitrates could which wi 11 add greatly to th u too wcre given Thie week ends the flnt Ilx week. eft'ort 0 be ready to make their in- ill r espo nse t o roll·c a ns tul umount of mfltel'ia l so far used_ be produce d by the Governm ent only ll ,nnd a sho rt Luther Ha rbaugh. Chas. Kelsey and of the school term. Testa will b.! itial appeara nce in the big HallowI!:evcrett McCull ough. Mess rs. a nd 'T h e ann ouncem ent w a~ made pubbusiness session wus !w ld. for war purpose s, bQcause in .peace given Th'ra arc ce r tuin t hrough streets In the Grades and the report e'en parade. Miss Lucy Eml~y. wh o was in fille Chester Crocket t. Wm. Null. Henry lie yesterdn y that tll(, s pecia l 0\'1111- ill MIl,on find Le time they would be too expensi ve t o on which havo cards will be given out the ftJ'!!t of The idea of this organiz ation orig - voice. sang " Chri st for tl", World Hackm llll Oscnr Wude, Ellrl We I gelistic se r vices at th e Lytle Moth· been repaired andoan sell to the farmers. ed; these inated with a member outside of the We Sing." accomp nn;.·n by Mr~ . WIII- bllum. Dearth Shee han, J ohn McCu l- .. dist chur ch will be begun next rcquired in the wayr esurfac "Our bid" he suid, " was intCflde d next week. of mute rial !l80 ~ school, which indicate s the backing tfl.n . Mrs. Cadwnl lud"r th en intro· lough. Johll Mc('J u,·c. Hll rvc y Stet- Sundu y eve ning. Octobe r 19th. lit to ns of torp edo gravel to develop ' u method by which the nn d 2 0.eOO The basketb all boys have nearly the entire cOlJlltlunity is givi ng our ducocl Mrs. J ohn J . chnetTe public's llIoney could be made pror. wife ~ o n . El nH' " Shl·(' hHn . IIncl I\Ir". El- 7 :30 [ I. m .• lind co ntin uc for n n in - ~lI ll o ns of MT t.urvia. A like 1'1'0mpleted their schedul e for th e sc hool. It is be ing g rea tl y ap precidefini te t ime. There will be servi· portion of this fund of the rector, wh o J:!UV C in co nver-sa · woo t.! Clcveng c!:.:.. _ ducti ve lind eve ntulllly re t urned to co ces e v!!ry n i ~ht ne xt week except (or a ll other incorpo was set as ide the public treasury at n profit, while ye ar. Basketb all time will soon he ated by me mb ers of the ban d,, ' t.he ti onal style n \'cry in :\ll'uc t i\,c 11 11<1 inand We hope the boys will h av~ stud en t body und the entire faculty. ter esting t lJlk on hvr r"cent SlIturdn y night, thut even ing being There hilS bee n spentrated vill ages. Stump ing Northw est lit the sn m" ti mc we should produce herc trip f a good twm. reserv ed for th e con g reguti on t o ditch ing and drnggin g or grading . nround the wurl d. Mn . Sc hue ITe r's nitrntes at s ufficie ntl y low cost to on theso - - 0 -- re H t . mann er of ad dl" '"' WII S nl(,. t pleas sell them to the farmers at ..n frac· . road s, $8900. A moveme Hon. Chllrl nt is e ~ now ilrand Thc on has to public ot been to ing will orto her heare r• . lin d , ho he ld theil' be inter est ed t o ti on o f what they now hnve to pa)· ... organize With a ll t he vast amount of maa school band. The Comdered to the WeM by l he Hepubli can It no w that th e pastor. t.h e Rev. J , C. terial rapt attenti on to LlIl' r lo; e. Appe a rancea Deceive. and lubor ex pended up on these mercial club has given its hearty coNuti Wanted to Do onal conllni Stitzel. t tco wiil a nd be left a ssiste Thurs· d in Mr~. th e mnsi,: road s thero are few tbaLw.o uld say; WlIlton th on rl " ~' e d two ex· NC\'cr tic t oo s Ul'e ot nJ'l"et\~ operatio n and with Mr. Wntkin s as Somethi ng for South day evening by f ol' M Minnl' i s~ Ine ota z Stalcy. to help quisite of i n mu Oakwoo sical nU lll he r ~ . "Valse" d . t hnt they do not nee d mor e atten· Thnt Sli d . glOlllllY fellow ngnlllRt. 70Il Ohio . Miss ~ta l e.y is not on ly wpll lion. rather than 1I1r. Furd said if it hlld not been lellder. it is positive it will be a In th e ~I reN ('nr \l Ill Y be a profl!8ldonal Levitzk a and "Musica l n ox" Liac!ow. the light t o e lect Mr. Coolidg e . less. but if th ig levy Mr. Twenty -two nam es hav e a lBrand says qua he reg lified l'ets to to She dir leave ect r es ponded th e musicllI 1Il li n fol' the possibil ity of doing so me- success. prll c nt - should f uil it would be possi ble to husillst ic e nrelldy been enrolled and prospec ts bumorls-t. - - _ his di stri ct gra at m this of time. the campa but core wants ign, by playin but ~h g thing f or the South he would not 'arc e "T is urk I give i"h ••- -__ Mnrch "- lo serv them only very ~ caJlt attentio n good. e whore he wi ll do the most a n all-arou nd work er in revival m,·('t and they Bee thoven . have wllited on Muscle Shoals so long wou ld r api dl y dete ri ~o-Durin g the ",,";a l hnu r de lici ous g oo d. He expects to be home by ings( being especial ly apt in dired· n nd the greate r )lllrt of whutorate. Hc ndd ed , ~ignificantly. however , hus Last Thursda y mornin~ the Narefreshm ent , \I ,'r e 'l'l"\',.,J by lhe the 20th of this month. n ll n s pend ing work with th e younr: pcop le. She be e n gained wou ld lle lo, t. thn! Muscle Shoals is not the only ture study class and t eacher. also the balance of his time in his own served in one of the largest ch urchc" ho s te ~e s . " " i>l,',J I,S hope of th e Sou th o Then he an · Mr. Hllrri A vote ~ li .'s Emma f or the two mill levy is not • • who journey ed to th e in Fort \Vayn e , Ind .• as dirc~ t o c llf n vote to incrcllse Heighw uy. Mrs ..1. \\'. Ed\\, lI l' rl. und distrlct ._ __ ... _ ••_ _-...,. nounced that while the politicia n s three tnx alion, !-rut t u bridges and St. John's wood. young peop le's work und )lllr; " h vi .. continu e whut wu h;" Mrs. ROll a ld I {"wh. were deillying the Furd mannge. ment observin " Io cc n pnying g and learning ito m!\ny r. her differterm of scrvice eX 'l'nuin~ " Th e county mlli n ai ,,, The f oliO ll'i ll 1! g'lI ,·,L, \\' '' I'C pl'esen t : was purs uing its orderly busllless . ~ 15 m iles of kinds of weeds and trees. Havover a period of severn l ycnrs. Fee l· r oud s, lind "t,0ut R:; MeRdaml" J ll hll .1. Sdllll·f f"r "li d "A great business Cllterpr ise.'· he ent pC I' cellt of the ing trampe d through woods and ing t he cnll to go into re~u l lt t· 0 ":\11- fund s f or nlloi ntll ining them iM 1' 1'0 Rob ert Walt on , ,.f I.lanl'" , Clyd e saicl, "can never stand still." fields for quite Jlwhile. they became geli sti c work. s he res igned her ,)nsi- vidcd by th e t wo Col e m a n, o f t\lI n\"rlltd~ .J. L . lI art . . Here Mr. Ford di. closed the fact tired and mill le\' y. hungry. It was t ion then there they tQ sock, tnke A. up the lntter fotm T . Wrigh t. Lillll IIc \'itt IIl1d t.hat he hilS succeed ed in buying All t he m011CY wi sed by thien joyed a weiner of service. roast to in the which th e fullest M i~s field cs ~ I ay \\' ric hl. T rill"I'" EnMemb era Qf Queen Either Soof service mellns iM USI'.! 'I n t hesc roads. :ond about one hu ndred a nd sixty thuu· At l ' o'clock they returne d " he has conti n ued to th e presell : ~t.T(- ct" in illc" q",rntcd word s, Lu cy Emit·)' :l nd Ih c little • snnd lIeres of conI lands , in Kentuck y extont. • villng es which for classes. having had a very intertime. clety fo G4Lve lks. Mnrjo"; Very .. Dehrh E'\\\,;\ r,I.·. Pa ul Zim· dir<'(' tiy l''' " Il (: ~1 with th em. tful about two hUlldred miles from Mus· esti ng The and Lytle enjoyab commun le trip. ity is t o be merman con . and \\, iLh pLl l till' two F ran k lI " wke. Entert .inmen t c1e Shoals. gratu lated upon buing able to sccl' r" n r ~ n t' ll1 e:\II, II vuil uhmill ll'vy Ih,' I'I' "We find from our experien ce at lt· to tuke Cll rl! A Monat er Parad e and Other th e' hel p of "uch a tal en ted li nd g Ollly o t' Ih,"c the River Rouge that we can ge n· r,,~ ~ s ; c"n , ~q u entl y II".), C h l'i :-; tinn w o rker n ~ M j s~ Stal ey. OBITU Any \\' 11 1 era~e electric al power in these coal CENTE RVILLE CANNI NC CO~ -': \10'1 ~t't HI : uc h l' lllltl l t lO,n :1 ' \ 11 Attrac tions Are Billed for The en tire public is c!)Tlli ull y ill ' II(' 1I II pl" a"" "1 fot· l und~ to any extent We may need and HAS A LAROE FIRE trn,·,·1 r1 11 l'1I1l: l1 ,,' The . Brightvi lle Indoor Chautau vite d to 'at.t C! nd the mceting 'foI dur in;::, J :: Urt1 IllC I' , ~ c w:;o This Occas ion ut a eheuper rllte than we could unn ulld , Pl'l'h qu~ given by the Qu ee n Esther cirth(' period o f th~ conLin'lillle(·. hi,· d Ul'I lI !!, th e ~ prllJl: HP~ 1l 1l P .lS..,i.\ der au" bid at Mus cle Shonls," he cle of the M. E. church. at the Gym l\l' )l1 t h,. Hiram, son o f J ucob and Muy EI· Thes e s ervic~ s nrc or th n ht' n,-.fh Il r Th e to wn s hip t suid. on last Friday eveni ng. was a de- il~ n Eyer. \\' 11" uorn nil , I'CgnnJlc Hs or d, lJ um illn t inn 0r nIl Ii. , ' v (~ ll of th l' ~O rondr u.-; l ee;o; l l t·i n J.~ l ' l " 0 11 n fllrm lIear Centerv i lle W8S brought Into ac- clded .. A nd a l.o we cnn generllt e in our H c. ' a !! J.!. iVt ' :l t ~\ ' I\~ SUCCC S8 Much crcdit must Springb oro. Ohi". Septemb e r 10. The vn ri (l ll ~ co mm ittees in charge cl e nominnt ion. Our tirs t a im is t o t lU n to thO Se und e r heir 1Jl\ lll eJ la lc own way entirely ou tside of all polit- lion Monday noon wben the new be given Miss Edna Howlan d. unde r 1844 . and d{'p" r k muko cl I'r en om C nning hl'i thi s life o f t he dl' t ll il ~ of our propose d Co ms liun s ' of thlJ SW wh o B I' C cu r e . factory caught fire. caused wh080 directio n the play ica l influenc e or political meddlin g ." was givcn. on October G. I : I ~ I. 80 yenrs 1l1 11 t1 it y lb llow e' en celebrnt ion, arc nnt a lrelldy so. a nd to del'!,l' 1I the Co nsef')ul' ntly a vot e f.-,r II conlinhe added. "Thut is why we have presuam ably trom defectiv e electric The pro~l'Ilm was suppose d to be nnd 25 na \' ". lI r W II S Jlged spiritun l life the light. of th osl' who IIr!! ""IV Il unce of thl! I wo mi ll levy men ns eld wiring. u"t son [!l·l li ll!-" iJu ~ \' nnd pla ns are fa st takThe lOBS has not yet a five session Chautllu qua, given lost interest in Muscle Shoals." a in of this u walking n(oll l o \\ in hi" f aith: h was born bee n eight estimate illg d. s ha pe (or one of the biggest IIfbut It will certainl y one evening . Monday night the vole for th e gen e ral wotr uro of the "W hen we bid for Muscle Sholl Is _____... _ . first chllldrc cOullty n, . _ llil _ __ wh o _ hllve _ _ pnsse!1 be a on large f lliJ sum. '~ thi s co mmun ity has ever stnged. a s the warehou se and program was the Chautau qua Conwe collld hllve used it. Now we can The ti na ncc cunl1l1it nchiev\' the I16me results in another two carloads of corn were eomplet e- cert Compan y con sisting of seven to thu Grellt Beyond, except OIl'C brother and U' I\' s i ~te r , Wilfred Rush h"B,·ty rO·llpcrn tion of tee report.~ the ly destroye d. the m e rchnnt.~ Birthd ay Anniv ersary )luung ladl es delighte d their aud - and Mr~. Susnn lllackbu rn, of Leb- in VISITS SPRIN G VALL EY Owing to the fine ftra equipm ent lence with sowho th'c ma tt et· of financ ial backi ng. 'It used to be that we could not los, ducts. full choruse s allon, Ohio. Th is in. u,'c" the utmo't ~ u eccss of se nd electric ity very far, but now recently installed . t.he firemen were and readings . The dec ease d was united in mnr- the proj r ct. "W ht'n Waynes with high tension methods we 'ean able to save the remaind er of th, ville Tu esday eve ning conelate d of Liv- riage to Miss Emmn About sixty loral Granger s met A jolly crowd of neighbo rs and send it hundrde s of miles. That will buildlng e from total losl. ing Pictures . portray ing "the seven Februar y 28. 1874. T. Elwood, in docs IInythin g , she cl ocs it right." with th ~ Spri ng V:rll ey Grllnge at To friends this union gllthere d The lit be the basis of our operatio ns in th ndverti" e home ing of commit Mm. tee r e pom ages of womanh ool." th eir r Cl! u!:,,' meeting l on TuesEspecia lly was born otle daughte r, no w Mrs. thnt the bills con tnining the IIn- Robert. Furnas and plea suntly surKentuck y. good was little Sarah Ann Miller, rep Mrs. Warren Surface , who re.ides nouncem en t, th e p"ogrum nnd a list pr ised her. it being her birthday an- tin y ni ght. Octobe r 7th. conduct ing "In the coal fields we shall 'erect resentin g "babybo od," and Louella at home. the s o~s i u n and furnishi ng ' of the prizes to be comp eted for , will nive r!<ary. The evening was spent th e business whateve r size plant seems to be nec· Woalcl Cllard . William son a8 "tbe old maId." Mrs. prvgrnm for t he lecture He leaves to mour'n his loss a be forthcom ing so me time essary. • . We shall not burn any La •• 1oD next week. in playing rook, t hen deliciou s hut The Spl'i nJ.: Valley commun ityhour. Frank LeMay sang Bongs appropr i- wife, one dau~hte has r, (Olle grandso n. The judges arc busily preparin g weiner sanwich es. pickles and cotTee raw coal. It is too wastefu l to burn ate to each pict\lre a8 shown, to the Oral D. Surface . one great grand- quite a varied progrnm of events lind were served to the f ollowing : Mr. j us t re cen tly organize d their grange, Mr. Ford said he wanted to em- delight of the coal. We shall distill all our coal. hearel'll . and had requ ested the officers of . son, little Donald, and many rel- prizetl. which we will but we have not decided what pro- phaslze the fact that all of these publish next and Mrs. ·Leonar d Tinney and fam- Farmers grange to conduct Wednes day evening a Musical atives and a host of fri onds. an exily. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Lawso n and cess of distillat ion to use. At the develop ment. were not going to hap- Compan y. compose d ofwas week. emplary Mildred m eeting for their beneftt. Hole Cud of Thank. Rouge plant we shall extract am- pen at once. The celebrat ion is t o take the form son, Donald. 1\11'. and Mrs. Honier as pianist, .Levi Cpatel, trombon e, A program of music. We want to thank the many friends of a Mardi reading s and Rhoades and daughte r. E lmo. Mr. disc "You mean you want to guard Roy Ellis. ' aaxapho ne and monium sulphate which we aha II lell ussions was tboroug hly enjoyed . Beatrice for their kindnes s and a ssistanc e in masked paradGras, with a monster and Mrs. Robert as fertilize r. We 'sball set a large against land lPec"l.t ion T" he was Robltze r a8 reader. · Tbey Werntz and da ulCh - liS wus also th e and all its other hibeld e excellen their the t Iu.nch served" bereave ment of our loved one. larious features _ There quantity of benzol ·for motor fuel, aaked. will be ter, Leada. Mr. lind Mrs. Herbert audienc e from the very beginni ns' Especia lly do We thank ,Mr_ and Mrs. booths fo), the 8al~ of confetti and Meredit h lind family. Mr. and Mrs. too 1 08 member s present. and we. may adopt a process. well.. yes ..·• he answere d, "I ' do not and respond ed VIIry graciou :Visiting OthOl' gran l/:es sly to the Pope, the Kearns famlly 'and lIlr: and various sorts not only known among chemist s. by, which we want the people In that section ·of encores. refreshm ents, and Clarenc e Edward s and daul/: hter. Re- e n j oyable but adds Inte.ris Mrs. Burnett . the pall bearei'll , the the spirit of of est to our ba. Mr. and can recover gasoline frpm coal. Then the country to exrect a boom. We Mrs. Raymon the occasion Wil son will and be Thursda y evening was Farmer '. funeral director s, Messrs. two daughte rs. Mr. and Mrs. Davis own grange- ism. Fanner s. Grange McClur e', carried out in the decorati ons. we shall have creos9te . tar, gas and have practfca lly al the availabl e land Night. which was exceedi No. Ill. we lcomes visitors, at any time. ngly well and the minister . Rev. WashbulIII. The proceed s of th e affair. over Furnas and family, Mr. and Mrs. crude light 011.. These should elve we want." . carried out by Doria Hawke actlne MRS. EMMA EYRE .AND FAMILY . and above actual expense s, ,are to Thos •. Hardin and family, Mr. and Finally .Mr. Ford express ed th"e as chairma n. V88htl; Beckett II profit 6n the coal before the resiCelebr a"te Birtha -;;' Ev• ~--'be given to the support and equlp- Mrs. JQe ' Tinney and ,family. Mr. dues arc tu.-ned in under the hollel'll hope ~hat MUlICle Shoals would no~ elyn Ungles bee a s speakers _andThey Frank Crew. be ment broken up Into unite" as its tii- deserve great credit in Mrs. Rilchol Crew and of the newly organiz ed Wayne las fuel. And so' our fuel will coat this MARKE T FOR UBRAR Y TowDsh ip Scbool band. Thla orp:_an- Mr. and MI'II. Robert Furnns and falJlus verY little, and perhaps notblng . trates product ion could be our great one of the mo s~ enjoyabmaking le evening s . ization is the Il't's t of its ki'nd In"War- ily. "Tbe ftl'llt use Qf this power will est guarant ee for ' peace~ aDd a bless- of the Chautau qua. October 18 beginnl llll!" at 9 a m ren county, and richll be' to run the railroad ." Mr. Ford tnt to the ' farmer. He beUeves the deserve s the On Friday night the audicnc o were explaine d. "And It will be very arm?! enf;n;1' II could work out the entertai ned by the Coo n ville Jubt~ee at the Libr.u!y. All k~T\d8 of ia~~ bearty co-opera t!on 0 each and evHALLO WE·EN . SOCIAL bles ale solicIted Tlio IIbrar:lt be- cry Citizen of thIS commun o em aelven a free hand. "But," cheap power." he .ald, "so cheap that lt.y. Slngel'll. member s ~f the circle 1Is- longs to the pub·lIc . .I;1l>on't . fllll to we hope the Intersta te Comme rce e co~cl~d. p~obabll the beit al.ted by Levi Coates, A more detailed ac~ount ' of the orA . Hallowe 'en ~oc\al wmille !riven Roy Ellls and cllntrlbu te IiberaU r. jile henelt, to ganllllti on appeal'll In another col- in the vacant House ot H .M. Clark, CommlaSion will then permit un ma- f~:~t ~ .~tec1_bJ the PreI· Jo MtlIer, u reader. Thill wu the commu nltJ cannot' me..u~ Jumn of this laue. Tbe band will near K. Qtaham '. l'I'ooel7, In Lytle, teriaUl to re.d ue.' our fnicht. ratea." Ual ... _1_'_ " apJ!O¥'\ ~ IIIIIIl'- aMary ~ttlnr clill'lax to the cleUchUI11 e,,- by dollars abel cautll. LibnirJ II'0bab ll lIIItke Ita ioitlal appeara nce on Octp1!.er 1'1. Good ..ta IUUI a 10UIat Iaad beID pwza. . III to pow In ftIII8 aa4 ' III tile 1ifIr


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S tH .nO ; L ingo lI n TWllft.' l' n .• s lippli(ls for r ont! nn d h ri dr:<' r <,pni r, $ 1 :1 . lf'; ,I ohn \\' . .1" 11('", [lnittt 'illl! h, ·i"!!l· :- ig-n:-; . $fj.;) O: J-:ll1lt.~ I' \ \, h itll~r{'. ~ tl lfl l.' .

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,III ' 0, 7 :':' . $1: ,, 70 ; \ , \\"

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ThIs III the home·building y. ar. As J'IIU travel o_er the country ),OU see ~ids or homes bem, erec ted. PwopIa haw cane t o the rea llZlltion " 1 It Is true economy 10 pUI their ~ln apermaneot building, ralher IIIan . .y out flO much for rent or ror tJc.rd and Iode-ing. with nothing left to sbow for it in the end. . 'tile American family spirit has a.x:b to do with It. Every chnd is eatitled to a real home, People who have children want their boys and ph to know w ha t It i. 10 live in a bocIe. with a yard. A few minutes with a pencil ond l1li*' WiI convince )'Ou that you can own .: bame IUItable for your needa. Tall< It over with your dealer. He is • poa:dtiu;_ In buIdIng, H e knows OODdItIooa; his ezpM'ieoce Is valuable I ., ,.,.,. He _ to ct.... JOU the 1dDd~"'" tb8l will mab . 6ieIId fill,..,



.quar "

ZOO YEARS haarlem" C)U - has"been~alworld.

wide remedy for Iddney. 1iver and bladder diaorden, rheumatism; Iwnbqo and uric add condition.:

~~ C .." \ I ' S U L E S

This CTlliforn in decision will bo w orth a great deal to thoRe who b,·\ievr t hnt the public ha vi ' ;';power to Pllt judges on t he ben ie , s hould 1! 1 ~0 have the power to t..1 " them off .

c:on.ct llltef'rW trouble., ltimula~ vital

Or'flana. Thrt:e .ue.. All druu:iau . l nalst OD &he ori&LnaI IIcnuinc GoLD Mm.u.




J ,

w. H. MADDEN & CO.




Laymen. out at rl!8pcct for th e courts, 6\lBume tha t th o Supremo Cou rt Judges of Caltfornla interpre t ed the law accu rat.ely when, by 8 majority at only ono, th ey d<>cldod tha t La F olletto'o elector s, althoug h duly named hy pe t ition, Mould not go a D tho ballot In N~ vember. The people do Dot lUte to be told by a Judge, or anybody, that they U\BY not vot~ for their own choice. F or a cocrt by a mnjorlty of ono. In dlBr('gard of eetablllIhed cU8tom, t o Bay tha t State electors are tho s ervnn18 a nd agents of political C(ln Vl'ntions , nnd t he refore the lXl~ pic ha \'e no righ t to name their own (' h~ to l'8 by petition, ta DA N GEHOLS.


Olive !limes to Seely K. and Mary W , ~ t... phenso n, lot in Leban un, $1. J oseph J . Brann on t o Char les C. F T!t 71' C, Il!l in Frunk li n , $ 1. J ohn \\" nnd Amy S hn l'key t o An . t on Fuel""t. abo ut 20 ncr es in Hamilt on Tp" " I. Elizabeth a nd F rank Rickard t o E ig-ie and Ada Colebank, 34 ac r es in Cleurc rce k T p., $ 1. .John T. Borns t o A n n n L. Gr een fi e ld, 48 a cr es in W a shingto n T p ., $ l. Charles Frazee to Charles N, Dea rda fT, 48 acres in Wa shing ton Tp. , $ 1. Howa rd S. Wilson t o Ro bert C. Mab ray, a bout 40 acr es in W , T urt le cr eek T p" $1. E ll a Baysor e to In ez nlt d Ora l Morse, 2 lots in Mas on, $ 1, Anna S heehan to Fred W. and Bess Whitney, III 'iii acr es in Wayn e Tp., $1. , ; Ma y .wIkoff e t a I., to F, E , Saus· se r, lot In Maso n, $ 1. E lb e rt D. und Mar y L, Russe ll t o

Lo ui sinn:t followg Callforn in by r efusin g La Follette eloctore n place arc t:'(' ba ll ot . P resident CI'Olictge, " lll "h to his c ret1 lt, eltPll'RSl'S 1" ' I! I ~t Lh a t any A merican 5ho ~lId lx, {",I ".j le n to vote for t he rnflll of his 0'1 ,,, "", The ~side nt's stll t"l nenl w ,ll he a pplauded by nine ty-n ine fJ" r cent of A merican "o ters ,

F or Seer.tary of State


(ReJ:lubliCaD TIcket) -A stitch In time _ _ nlnp, " Ie

So mebody is saving money bt this countli', b eca use of highe r wages or prohibition, or wha t eve r you choose. Sa vings deposited In 1923, 88 r evealed at the banken' convention In Ch lcngoL.,. amounted to mor e than EIGHTElSN THOU. SAND MILLION DOLLARS, While t ho population of the 00lmtry Incrensed fourteen [leY eent, savings bank deposib Inlressed 108 por cent.

old familiar saying. 8eeretary 01 State BroWl~" prompt dl.tribution 01 a utomobile tunda baa made puaab1e


road, for tIbe people and laved mil· lion. to the tax poyen 10 Ohio. He has r 'c an able. ellleteDt and ~nomieal admlnl.trat1on of tIM oftloe ot 8~:r.tary of State and de· serve. "our vote and Inftuuooe tor I

I '

BURlneas men that put Detroit --t tho ma p and Det roit products

aecolld "'rm.


--(ODI;AL o-AYI 0 N

\vl-l t;~~

I W heatley's" 0.-







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TOWN Maggie is , Surely

Insulted How

CoaliAuouo Perfor Prio... 2bc and 3Oc ,

w, Povth 8t.


Tu .... th e 4t h Day o f Novembe r, '24, At th e u. ua l po lli ng places in said dis tr ict, bet w...... n t he hou l's o f /; :3 0 o'c lock. foren uo lt , an d 5 :30 o'clock af te r no on , 1- ~f. H E NDE RSON, Cle r k o f the DUll l'd of Educnt io n of WUYIl U 1'p, Hura l .Sc hoo l District. B oa rd of Dep u t y St a t e S U)le rvi sor s I (nn d Ins pec tur s) of W a rr en Co. I By M, A. B U RK F~ , PRES, 02!! C, B, DEC HAi-I T, Cle rk.





ID Dayton

Resources $18,600,000.00

Surp'" $870._7.32

Ow.. 330000 Acc:o.Dts

c _ .......... a-.cI _ _

•B iii

IleInaIlI, Itlabw-d ..... bued up ..... _


. . . . . . . pub

co. C - L""'-. ~ A_ THE IIIlEEltEll MPG.

"'ood , WI", . ..




I ,

!!Iedate Three Cheers. Conte rrlog a deg ree 0 11 some dl. IlngulHhl.!d pen oc II! Ihe sed nle wf11 Lbllt col\eao prof essors give tbree choera.


II\., Ill "

'tbll' •

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yo ur I Ale. w i t h rr.



!'hOIlI' 44

Hn r vc y. t.u rrr , Ob io.

di rt.'('t Jun.

A II t hut w good news fo r thoso In t cr\J5ted 10 t h;s ClJunl.ry' g indopendence of foreign domina tion, Two thou,,1l!l(\ yea\'8 ogo t he Innd

In Valcstine wa g ul,,"v, ll ous l.'· f ~ r­ t ilo, a r onl ea rthly puruJ iso, lI"to,, ~)" wCl.lld reston' t!tAt lty, and etr aogcly onoUil " tho mo!!uy{ mor t' than Pulest !no ~ v ... r un'um,,- of In a ll Ita glory , muy be"n out of the Derul Sea. Thut tlrcnt body of Int ~ns"'y Ifllit water \s fouo d to b(' bl'llvii)' d un ged wit lJ pot.'1s11. It "/I n b~ got C'ut eilltl,l ), • .Il l Q co,, d :Sf> n ton, ODd Dlu!'ket e<i In \:.\ lr ul''' "t I l iS a t on, TIC''' i:,,~t the n,IW pr,·va:l Ing pr ice of $JO, T h",,' '" t: challU.!

t or cnl (1rprls ing

'Wal ter [vl ce l F U'IJr: ~ ·\ t




m l~

Wayne s vill e, O h io -=-=-==--=-=.--- -

FlIlIy Eq u ip pcrl fo r G ood Serv ice. La rge D is p la y 1' 1':1. 1-:1'1 111:<11-:

I ~oom


A ni.~ricblIB .

Ame ricans wUI watch with inter es t yo ung Tboodore th o Second, f oll owing In his fll t h~r's footsteps. The orllChlal T. H.. went to t ho Now York Leg lsla turo, flO did hi. eon. The oril:ln:.l T , R. ran for Goveroor a ud was elecW , fi is eon i6 now r Ullni!lg tor Governor , Whether he will be elocted or not remains to be seen, GOOl'gCS CI<lmenccnu celllbm tcR his ei \fhty-t hlrll birt hday in hi s little hoas o on thl' F r. ,wh cons t, look. Ing o ut on he ,," iI ,1 waters wh or e a ncl,'llt n , ' lues :.J.~"I to catch ' whall·s. Cle moll"' , I 'S hell ' t h '" goOd b<>ca ose ht ; '" isc, . Ii , iIter nll hiR

Hfe. he

tn' \



l: u rt LJ'O\'l\n;y n o w .

An g ur p1'1 !-\ liS I'll" ulwuys. and in old ogtl It ki lls th e m, Pick ing n roAO in his b'llr den ho says , " I Iikl' Oo,vcr s ; the:; h n vo a n nrloount.ugo over men, t hey a rc s ilent," The nv crn pc citIzen in this cou nt ry POl's less u ttt'll liolt t o new s of the wa r In China thun he would to new ~ about _onl(il! nr. (nlling off a horse, Ye t the ro aro f>00,000 mon lin ed up for th e decis ive Chinese battle t hat ta Clt pec k'<i. And thul Is flO child's pla y . T he Ch lnesc like th o Ja~ ese are bull dinjf filJ ht ing OyIng h ines. Let t hat be r eme mbe by elderly navnl ge ntlomen dozIng Bweetly , c nconscioUB of t ho ta~-t thnt th e bnttlo ~hlp Is obsolet o, out of dalo n j ok" in war, Tho flying machi ne fs the now weapon, th o O NLY ono thut ~ oun ts, Th o nlr i~ t h ~ NE W OC EAN. Who ' rul es thot OI.'''"n , rulea t he worl d.


MON EY LOANED LOANED 01'\ LIV E ST OC K, a lsll ~ t ' CUll tl In n rtg:u).!"cs. .'"L,', l)()u g-h t. J uhll HIlI' ''ine. AIl ~ D lluildillg, Xenia, Ohio., II O:-;~:Y

dwttc i!",

F;l rrne rs, Attent ic n! l'III"I" ... rs (I f Wa rr e ll nn tl a d j t.:ll ulllic ~

i n i n~

IlIn y t.j JLu i n mo ney o n lon g

t i n lt.! }U1! IIS. at ;11 4.l pe t· ce n t inte r est . C(I :-. t o f :' ccU ri l1lo: t il' :-\u rnc i s , "o ry Tl'U "

"(lila ble ,t hrotl J;th T he Federnl La nd Uo nk, F or fu !'ther inforlttH ti o n cult on or address 1\1. C. DHAKE , Trens. urer, pho ne :3 11l·X, L eban o n, Ohio. , WANTED WANT~; D- r

nm now p repared to do 1111 kin.t ~ o f e wing , Mrs. L. C. SlJo hn, pholle ,1·j·:3 'I.. , Wlly ncsvville, Ohi o. 0 15' H OUSE P A I NTIN G- I nside nn d I1 lll' dwood fin itih ing 1\ sfleci ulty ; IIU10S rep uinted nnd re fi ni ~ h c tl . \y , H. I:lritu in , Wuy nes ville, Ohio, Oct22 .

. F'ri end-," \Vh "l'~ t lw iet c!l of Ctl t· t tlt · 1111 01 th es \! lI utc il cs (I n you r '== -"-= =-'-.-- - - - I " tc c ri! , ~ lI'.hecl? KCl.'pg .,r,C'Ilt' hlln ds FOR R EN T front . ltppIII J;t. I S UPP" SC, -----_ .. ---- - - A uto is "Nupe - W(O M" rn hobit o· Itt ~ ne . Ever y n~ : ch ..- aIl I! Lhcr " ::. \!_. fJ-'''''''....S E FOR....U.£i:NT-Sffl-roon·'· .. n d es trl "n run dOll'n . 1\ luin St reet. In q ui r e of I I'OII K, _______ ... Mill er, Wuyn ('sv iUe, Oh io, "I f,'

FOR OVER 40 YEARS IlALL 'S C AT AIUlIl ME IIIC I :\,E !I n. been used Bucce ss!u JJ y In t h o l rt.:a. l m c n L of

:;alArr b,

HAL L ' S CATA RRn ~1 F. m ('l~E con,(sts o f nn Oi n tm e nt w tlich !.J ll lt' kly Reli e ve s by local npp l!cnl\', n , nllt l t ho (nt e rna l M edi ci n e. n. 1'onl, whk h ne ls th r oug h th e D lood on t he M U('OUA Su r ... fac cs. t hUe r educin g tho In ltn m m a. tlo n. 80ld by all drugg ist., F. 3 Che n ey &. ~n. T nlp.f)O O hln

.- ~

DAnoN, 0-

c-traUy Lc.cated-Beet

42 Nort b J eff e rl o n St,




17 W. Fifth SL


Cartoo.. Pape r.

1'- Death W • • ,.. taL n oy (to stran d ",I motnr1I1t) - "'J10111 dId YOU ge t th e 1l11llctnl'(' T Antnl st"R1l~ over. ch ickI'D with pin fl'.J\t hM'!

Sheepskin Lined Coat.. Boots, Shoes, Etc.

WhIle ~ In PaJt.aa Bicycles and Velocipedes ' Store Y-r Caw In Wagons and Automobiles HUBER'S GARAGE.

r • r , MIll< BottI... aod



Not ic\! is hereby g ive n that a pr o pos ition In levy ndditi ollo l t.nx c~ fo r sc hol,1 purpos es fur nnd ciu ring th e pe ri od o f five yeurs al a r ute n ol ex ceeding t h ree m ill~ in uddition t o th e mn xi mu m r llt e auth orize d by law, w ill b... "ubmitted to th e e lecto r s o f th e Way ne T own sh ip Rura l Sc hool D ititrk t a t an electio n to be he ld on


c.a- ..... Oacp. .nd 8nI.It. .. DaIry a


Enti .... cb all8c 01 protlram mance. from 1130 to 1 ..30 E .. e n nln g . 30c aDd SOc.

27-Z9 WaMington St. DoA. Y1"O!'t,

6 Big Vaudeville Acta and F_ture Photopla,e

B. F. Keith's 0"',.,.

"Get It At


all Qvcr tM world t propose to IIdd cHn c.,d u f t hl ' i.lll !t; u.achinc in · d H~1 1''' t o tb~l r x u :.o r n "b i l~ In t1 uf"lry . . E !!I,' I Ir u ~, 1 sa pI ,Ii,'" tnOf1l')" " f 0r oirl'b m' rf'~~ n ,,, h, und puts a , tl ytng ti~!.J 0 001" his l1curo.,,·, pla nt a t lit",. I!C.rv lcc of e.ll wu r kin~ on me:,,1 'lltt-p l:Ule:>. Tho ll cd"on u n,1 P,\du....i nlUtur t.:tHl1 J1tU I iL;.3 ar l.' tipL~ uS!n g n,on. 'y gt=.rH .:nJUbly in tht."


101' 11 b e t t h e man who i . t ryi n g to p e rfect a m e th o d o f l e n d in g Ii g h tt around a c orn e r go t h i. iden (rom try i n g t o ge t i t

Fronk S t anl e y We is, tru ... k dri ve r of Muin c \'ill c, nnd Miss Ali ce Edit h J oh nson , ins pe ctor a lso, of Mnine,·i lle. Chnrl!!s 1'. LaViell e, " Al e ma n of Dn yto ll. Ohio, n nd Miss G ladys B. Mooro, F r a nklin . fl urry E. Ross, la bo rer , and Mis s Sou I h Le bA no n. Mlltti' Vir('s hou sew ife, bo th of Cuu lus W. Yo unce, feed nnd grain bu si nes~ , of Waynesvill e , nnd Miss M ll r~are t Clark, te ache r, of Lyt le.

By Arthur


" n il

Ittl ' til h "

Dr. W . E. FRO T

8Wll l'



While you need it!

This Weel{





-------~ ....

~. 1; 1>111 II H ~ l~bl' ~" ' r,

. omeboddy ' .

I Iii

Pho n •• No , 2

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t hrou g h h ead ,"

oj, t·'"

t'. I'm f~l~hl."



F . .J.


!'"- tl

A" l i.f., ction o r c h a rRto

pa yrllil fllr hal f Jl w nth. ,: .-, ,;:!.. ' 5 ftncJ F. 1\1 . C ldlill~ ... aUll' , "' ti li " ."l-,

n le nt c,f udl1l1l1j;."Ua t l' ix o f the (\:-ilate /", ( \I' lll illll1 McJ\ illl,' y Bmw n, I,,'l' . , UIII\'" 10 III' .! I'cell, ,,d . BOIII I $(;011. : ~ I il t ,, " C, Rue , a,lmini s tr at or " f Ih .. ,."t. )\ " 'I f I'c rry II. Ru ... . IlcrCH"('IL till'd hi" illl'l'ltto ry It'll d app rnisement. Th,' !!\'I" S \'n lue of th e "st a t e of • Carrie J. Sco \'illC' . deceas~d, was · fuund to be $ 10 ,5';8.4 L



sa llH' , $17 7.~ l tI , Ur\' ),!fl II IH Brl ,lJ! l' l \l ., J' ~ I' !li r " u d " :,'; I :! .I;I) : .\ . T l!"ltig- ,

, ,,. tate of tI,.r0a" ... d, tit ~d 111. tinn l acco llnt, I III tic .. "I:lt\('I' " f Lhe ( " !lIte of An. I"cl int· Dak in , ,il-I',' n'L· d. Ilarn!.HI C,


). I;

II I)u ~ h , ~ an·' · ' ~~(j :: .n l ; " 'alter I tl 'l. '1111lt', '--. 7 t HI :11 d $" ' 1111;; '!

I l akin W:t:-. .q ll 'c II :l lt' .j (' '\ t · clI l llr . B O'1d S:! ;' u., T ilt..' ;l )1l' l'ui"' l'r ..; :tp p oin tl'd Wl'rt..' l'. IV . I II",. \I '"ld, oll c:, Gd n)(lur lin d l ie llll!p I ,. ."dH,! II(' k, 1-:1 h l' l l. indl'" n rc(.lptcd tlH' np pc) il! t


Th ,


)'tlu 'r e r, -hl. I '





#Z;.~."P7 '


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: ft~l c i(lilee r

Single Year

' l'

flft' 1,'./ Ill llll th , ,~ I i _ Tefl' \" . :--U l1lt' . $ .il-; ,~ ,-I : {

!"'o tH I. ] Iay

1rt t hl\ l1l:dl l l' I f t h t l ·:-. t Oltl' o f f.: li zu ,l u rl(' 1\.t'1 ~ ( V, t! l ' n ', i ":l, d , ( ' h as. E. K be y \\,1\, :;\ ' III+i lili d :Id mill i ~­ [Tltt"r H Oll d. $ ~1l0(l, \\" 111 " ,1' J\r u. e r , A lIi ,,", THyl o l· Hn d F rall k S ll id~ r \\' l'I't' H p p .dl ll t ,; 1 a..: nPPI' H i ": t ' r :-;.


I 'u , nd, ti, t " :--' Itlllft t" III IInl l ,"' UO, ::-IR O.O II; !.I lld Ii 1111 I {, ... ti ll

S~, OI\ .

The Hager Straw Board and Paper Co.

t I'lil}\ 1' 1 I'; air~ , $1 \ -1. ' t I; I . I

~\ I

\\ :11', 1,

I II thl' 'l:lll .. I' (,f t I ' , · .... ' : It" .... f ~ Im ­ tlt'1 B , \\ i'". dward , d l "'t.' :I"l , d. ,I u .. t i ll \V . lInrdin L!" \\o·a:.;. u J1P" i ll t t 'd nd mird;o;. Iratll)'. g- iv ing- llllll d in Ih i' :-:11111 If f

rI t e or phone ou r buy e r ,


.It·n ,\ ( '1 1., l ', I t ' l l l Hi l l lu' IJ"I', ~ I ' j. . . 0; I IrT\ II 'I . ~ u ;l l l d d , :;; 11 ~ ,,: B I H ir~~ i. t\rl~·1 :-: l' IH ' r ItiP' . $1 " ': Uh ip l' o rru t.!':l l\' t! l'Uh'l' rt ( " I" e ,I'" 1gatt.'d H ' W _' I'''' , ~2 fiH.70; I h 'r"ch . , !.'.

eI , ,·('n,. · d , 1:1\,0 .. f l,' r' lf,J..) ,1I t owlI , hip w,,"


.1 III

Packages Sold in a

\ ' an ~1t ' ll · '· . :- . Wl.' r 1"1:p:d,', A l :~ : ~ ;,:' 1I .lI llt"· H" kn ,fl , ' :HIlC $7!1.~tl 1,.1 " ' 11 I .• :11'. ~, \llI l ' , ~ I f) ~I " , \ \ ' , :\ , : l ' {l tt, hl'itl \.!: \· r l ' pUll'. $1 ', ; ('Jill ". lIill, "1 1:"' , ~ l.ii7 : Clltl', , " , (' ll ll ll l ,' I' , .' 1111 " , ~ I :U'": II". II. ~ I I·

T lw rl'P "l'l flf Th (\ma~ ~, Bran . rl il n . a dllli fli .. t "Hln r o f t hl' e ~ t:tt(· Il f t·, .1. T h t 'll1 l' ~ nll , d' ·l' l' Usv d. Wit .... n p-




I;;';..- ,'.~~n~rtb

Overzso MilIioD

$ 1f;, OO ; ll H IT\'

l ' '"\. t ' l ,I'C' I ,

11101 111

I I.

ut lca~ not (acton s..:rap. A pure product manu· f a t U[ c J and Bea k.! witho u t one human ro uch. In c re as ed o verhead ha s n ' t r e du ced t h e ~'cig ht or raised the price.


P '" ph ' .. 1

1'11111 \"

r. [ "

( I . I ,. \ ·1' I'hr 111,1,

CO M MI SI O EnS PROCE£D INGS •' l l~ll· U \\· lhalll , !- h r iff, hlll tl ',j HnJ wn h ill J! t r I /1 'I t .. .. ~, ( Uf' !!l'pb'lllill-I, $27 ~1. ,I . In Ilnt.-i , II p r o,) f " I' I'tllo li ',.. il 11. :$:' " 1; F. :\1 (;"'111 , bolt , . r vpail' o n 11,'OI ICt' II I , h"I·ifT·~ r l" H1011 l'\, ..... I .f, O. l ;.ll l 1I ill, i(~ l\'l l " !\ l" l h n u :-' I"", ~ 1n.:!n: 'V . I L. n mll.,(l Co., MIl'l' li,," f ur a ud it o r, $:;;UJlI. n lld bi lld, r f or II ltdl II r , $ 7. ;'0 : Il" y. 11'" H!UII1, B Ull k ull ,l 1'11! . C,l .. j llu r n III f" r dl'ck of ~ o urt s , S4:!.7/): F. ,J, L WI " • • tamps fQr cnUnl )' c i<'rk, $6: Dil'i <io l1 Stutl.' Clt nl"itil'", " UPPllrl 2 cri pple d !'hild n , ", ~rl;!.7H; Will llll\l Rnr:erg. h uulill\! I!TltI'(' i. $ 'I~ ,7b: Ot · I(, l'h(lill H O Ill ... , IIllltl.' ri 1\ I ro r bred!!('


• 'av11IJ"o..; ," ,.,' I l I I.. HIII'l lh, lrt I :.1 ..

rdt' n ri t hllt

bo]o r.,il1 g

t hp



COM ON J'U I n lhe

--~~.--~-----------AT 01.0 MAI'I· YN IC'S H)U E

l a ul rind l llll! 'rln' HuriJ lH1 l! h, 1.,1 in , :prin).: l'd rot', ;

1' · ~ill1 '"







Dr. .John W. Miller

FO R RENT- HIllI se of fi v" r l \ "I)I!~1 wa ter an d e lt'c tric li g ht s. i I', quiro of Mrs. Willi nms, nt co rne r o ( 1'ylot: und F ourt h st r ee ts, .. S" LOST

- - - - -- - - - - LO !:lT -Blnc k lin d tn n hound, nnmo nlld udtll'es" on co lla r , Rcr: ist el' 1\0, Hew lI r d. O. A, Strawn , 8 2 :J. 022. WUY llcsvi ll e, Oh io.

E stat e of E li za J a ne Kellles.,. deL OST - A leather -li ned g lovo, ceuse d. . Den t ist some wher e bet . Corwin nnd RusN" tice is here by g ive n t hat Cha rles "e ll Snli"bury's. Finde r plca Re leAvo E. Kelscy has been d uly a ppointed Waynesville Natl una l Illl nl( mdl/; I at thi s otHec. .- ~- - ~~~ and q ua lifi ed as Adm inistr ato r of th e ~~~~-~ Estntc of E liza J u ne Ke lsey, late of FOR SALE War rclI Co unty, Ohio, de ceased. Dated th is 26th da y of September, ftOTARY PUBLIO 1924. FOR SALE- UHite" Type P o landW. Z. ROLL, Willi Drawn Estates Settled Chilln Boars , Murc h pigs and e lig ible to r egister . Wm. A. Lukens , Judge of the Probate Co urt, Hu rveys burg , Ohi o. 029· Waynes vlllt!, Ohio Warre n Co unty, Ohjo, Fra nk C. Andeno n , Atty. 014 FO R SALE - Fo rd Coupe, with stuI" Na t Ional fla nk te l', in goo d co nd itio n . Inquire of Mr 8. Ed Morgan, at J OB. E val1 's reeidence, R. D. 1, Wnyn esvillc, Ohi o. · 02 9


. ...


F OR S ALE--A c hild 's iron be d und n buby carr ingo. Inquire a t L, A. Zimm ermn n's g rocery. ' 02!l FO R SA L E- A g oo d J ersoy cow, will bc fr es h f irst of Decemb er . Infj \l it·(! of , F r unk Br addock. R, D. 2. Wa y nesville, Ohio. ' 029


FOR S ALE- One H o me Comf ort range , l ' E mpire Estate heater , 1 H oi tz electric w8.her. Mrs. Harold Burgc ~ Wn¥nesviUe , Ohio. , 028" FO R ,SAL E--8 h , p. Gneottn e , eng ine. For f urth er Infor mati on inquire at t his om c~. 022FOR SAL E - T Imoth y- Clover or hay. Hny is In ba rn at Robert Androw_, Flat For k. H. H. W U. kenab, W _)On. ville, O. " ~~


t '


....1· H E MIA M I I S S\Jlo~ n

GA ,Z E TTE ....

t ,\ "'· ' ,. 11 , ~ r! "' · ~ ' ... 'n ¥ n. t: I /f!· "·l n ,,~I .\,. , · nL ~

,\ '_ "" '('1."



19 ~ 4

HAS HON ES T, CLEAN RECOR D ; T hl' \ '\l t t,' r " i ll' l 'f\

the (' uulltry w ho hu\'c up n\(, 1'('1..'01'(\ :-:; of lhe

(I f

IIIUlil l1'-!

di ll' . rV1l1 t· a" d l· ~ hH\' l', no ri .,lIbt , Il la d " lip ti ll 11· 1 111n d ~ fo r w h oll\ t llll)'

n r v 1.: 1I 111J.! tit , ' IIl\", Tht , ~

III~l '

hun' f p un d that Cn h 'in Coo \-

I ~·:t s :l rt hlJtH ':: t

Ilw l!l v

\I .. ·.. 1t

h i! :"

l't'dlh' I ~!l II ~


I t· dll l t I, 11:->

t ' !'

('( (' 1111

", 'c'd /' il

(· our ~ 4.' '\

ill ht: ~n t urdltY c\,~lIinJ!. Oc · t u hl' " 11'\, I t i s a mu s ical number . :\11'. "lid MI·s. Orie lt uhl!I'LS und ·Mi",·s (l ldh" a nd Thclrll". of LeI>·


t tl{'

('/tU"l' .,f "!Ttut :lnd 1,t!\' ,'call'-.; f u r lh 1 ha t tw hn ~ ~ t n p ;ll' ct

th . , \\: 1 I , · .,r tht' I1t'II I " ,' ", tlHtl H'Y t h'lt II ., hil ~ h rHiJ,.") ,t Illl1riu, d l' (' HIl II llI y I lIt" v n '( ,\' t in 111\' alfl li r s II f the ~ t'\' t lt'lI nll..' l \ l t llHt lit, h;l ~ \ '1.1I"IH,tl y

dhr v iJl(', !'o jlt.· lIt the wee k-e nd thl. i l' ~r Hll dp:tn!Tl t s , Mr. an d

of Lnl-'tl ll " t tl' c.' unnol d(·n y I\w,;(' th t,y poi ll t til any h l ' l p-

I' ul 1:111'.- l hat 1"':11' L"I' I, I\,'tll"" 1111111(' yt ' H!" ~ t hul h l ' hH~

I 'l" '~; ill r ' I I I )!I'l' S:-: , hi !" l' lI ur!"i(> ha!'\ IH'- l 'n lhu t p f 11 f ~luh fil1d ~ r ; whult ',' l ' f : I tly " Ill ' vl ~ t ' di d \\' H ~ wrllllJ.!": h e III \"I,.' r :IPPl·; I f\·(1 I II "" 'I ,k t tl tll' l p bllild tilt i~

lik, '


:\I' t l '"


I h ,' \ "' f'



nI l ndll \ l'r if t hl" IlItH' !" 1" H :-t al' Hnd d~ ~t' n' ,' :O 1,." II111nl PIldn t illn , I-:\'t'n \ ,' 11 · liap \ , L ' I) rd llJ,l ,~ Hn' an .. aid lIi €."l' th :nJ.:':" ahnll l J ,dil i" a l p o'I<·III.." if til l ' )' llirl !"~ ) IllL' th ilH:: t lw t til.' enn l'li dt'rl' d IIf u c.' o r."\ U·lll't iVl ' lIillU I·I'.


r:\'l' r v Il .·ig-ht '''l' ho ud of utly

h", " ir h


~ i 7.t:

illtlivioill al who fillt! ,. fau ll pf t il<' nWII lind an- if h~


\\'h111 1111' \'t ' lItt'n n t! iJ! hl1flr ~

('!III Il(ll



ehlliT'llIun n f (1\' \ ' J' y ( 'O ln Hnd the p r in c ipal :o1 IH. .o,akl'r 0 11 bl'

'H.'(,H :" ioo ;o;.

Fu rluflnt.l' ly f ur tht· ~Clll " (, f (\ UI' {'ulln tr \, llu\ ~'Htl'r!'i think oefo l'C they

ell"t lllr' il' IoI111 nts ,tr,,1 the best f riend t hnt E U!' '' }lt·, wil h hur low slHnd ; ~ r rl s of li\'iflg', ('vc r hud lo C~pUU f\ ll h e r tHU .' l '

i. !lo t ycar.

nt t he expen Se of o u r peo p le I( u ill~

t u foo l tho peup le t his

- _.- --

---- .


"lth Mrs.

!-" ""Ik S hiclakl'l'. :\Irs. Laura Shidllkl ·r hn s return cd hume a fl 'I' spen ding ""\'c ra l weeks w/lh 'MI'. ant! Mrs. lI .. rbe rt F it e, a t \\' " sh illl(l un C. II. . Mrs. Ed 'lurk lin d du ug- hte r , F:I a·

dUl'in,.: tt ll ' ltliLlIY




Oreg'on ill,


o\'t ' r- n ight

gu est" o f Mr. an ti Mrs" Sab in Mllc Dunul d a nd fam il y, Fridny. Misses Clara lI utlon , lI e l n lind Curin ne Wdch altende d II par ty at l he h ume of Mrs . Keller Huke, Sut urdu y even ing, honorin g Miss Alice Ca I'l!y , of W a yn esville. Mr. und Mr s. H. H. Broo ks and duughte n!. Mr. and MrM. L. A. Ken ned y, Mr. and Mrs. E . W. Ross an d l\I iss Est her, we-r ~ amo ng t hoKc from hcre in a tte ndacn lit th e H nmil to n coun ty f"i r Thu rs day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grnham en t er Ul ined with u su r prise f or th eir daughte r, Miss He le ll, Slllurd uy ev~ni n g. T he gues ts wc re form e r sc huol mates from Kingma n anti a f (,w fr om Wa ynes\'ille. Th e even ing Capt. H. Flemml ni, . Chief PIlot at tho new U. S. D\rIg1ble ZR-3 in passe d pleusnnt l y with music · and Its flight ac:roaa the Atlantic 0Cf:8D games. De licious le mon icc a nd to ddiver it ben from Gemwl y. wh ite ca ke we re se r ved . (n trial tripe the creat airship baa Wh ul mig ht ha ve bee n a serious accid e nt occurre d at the lowe r bcnd ew:eeaafulb !DIll aU t.&a. . of t he " S" hill Thursda y even ing, wh e n " sal cs m.h ra n into W. B . Silve rs' F ord us he was coming up th e hill. Mr. Silvers was trying to mak e HE LOSES the turn on th e le f t side of the rond , a s it was snlooth oot. Both cars wcr e dama gcd hu t th e occ up nnts wer e unHubby- H I refuse to join t hat • _ 4._ _ __ dnnc in g clu b. You know good and harm ed,._ _ _ _ we ll I'm on my f eet a ll dny long." Wife- "Thut's no e xcuse--you neve r dnn ct! on your own feet any· how."

The co un try will loo k t o Jttdge Lan dis to muk~ no hult un ti l t he lr ulh o f t he bllscba ll s ~a ndal i. s moker! out on d t he pco pl e definite ly "!lli.licd thal the ~ port i,. clennc. \ of on\' "c mb lancc of crook dncs". ;fI ,el'e shou ld be no .le lllY in p ros· eC ll linlX tl "('!lr chi ng inq ui ry in t o t he . • il uution und Ie"" de lay in the CO II dr m notion of evcry pl uye r or pns<i. - - ble cxecuti\ 'e who IIl BY , in th e s li " ht · cot d eg ree be ta rred wilh th e iJl'UBh of corr up t io n RED EYE AGAIN' Baseball mu st r e o main clean unlcss th e wholc fa bri c Frank Rog ers is ill, th e res ult of of A me!'ienn 'p"rt i" to be torn in to huv ing u n Ullloer 'of tee th pulled last "H ic !!- I kn ew zcr Wll S n cntch week . t ul ters . Indccd, it sce ms /I pit y thut o co m p le t ..• 1'('(lr~Hn i zn ti o lt o f o u r in it somewh e re I" said th e drun k as Quitp 1\ num be r a ttend ed the Roll y e t hics uf play is not b ru u ~ht uIJuu I hc opened th e d oo r. Duy se r vicc of Lytle S unday-s choo l f orth wilh. Sunday. Horse I'uei"" has dHelope d in l 0 Mr. und ~Ir" . S. H. H uines lin d ltt1e short o f u gamblin!!, ~ntu r nulia. ED PURDY 'S PHILOS III ",. W "h"r Ke nric k spent T hursda y t hc h onesty of which i< questiun cd in in ~prin~ho r o. plm o8 t c\"u ry ruce; b ox ing i~ ge t t ing H. M. Cla r k is visiting- his son and UFi.h do not pre.pire .... alm os t us notor iou s m·; w r e8t ling . wife , Prof. "nd Mr •. Gco rge Clurk, -... whic h 110 1011g-e r ho ld. u . hred uf pub. in Ci nc inna ti , t h is wec k. . lic cOllficdence : even coll('g c foo t ba ll ~ I rs. Li da Trua x, of Klnmnth Fnll s , Subscrib e for the Miami Gazette , WURh., rece nll y visited her broth h os devclo'pl' rl to npoin t where young er, men a rc ta ke n int o uur colleges be· Robor t Hun t a nd family. --cnu se of th e thicknegs of their skull. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles E. Johns a nd t he oll'ility of lhcir limbs rath er spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. thnn becuuse of the sta ndard of their Glenn Johns and son, in Dayton. inte llects a nd educati on. Many find Mr. and Mrs. J. L . Sears and chiltheir pilices o n th e campus be causc dren, of Sabina, were week-en d they n rc able athl e tes. guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hawke . Without that requirem ent th ey ncver could Mrs. Jam es Johns IIpent several Mrs. Lou Stephen s spent the week days pok e' their noses within a mile ot a in Dayton last week with Mrs , colleg e lecture hall. College execu- end in Dayton. Harry J ohns, who has been quite ill. to give B ~hicken supper this comt Ives, howeve r. close their eye R, adMrs. Frank Kenty made a business mit thm to the roste r , and thcn th c ing Thursda y evening . trip to Columb us, Saturda y, and Mrs. Weiche r and family spent spe nt Sunday with relative s in Green t am g oes into th e fi e ld us an hones t offering 1.0 co llel(c ability and s port. Sunda y nt Lovclan d, Ohio. ville, Mr. Bern ev Dill. of CI"yt on, s pent \'/ c hll\'e rCllcited r! th" t point where Mr. a nd Mrs, Arthur Greatho use a fe w minutes with his mothcr, of nnd children , uf Day ton, were Sun vi ctory i. lIw ubjec l i \' l~victo r y a l U,i, p lace. all Y p r icc- I'ictnry wit h a ny sac r ific e da y I!' ucsls o f Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mrs. l3e rn e J nnes spent nil dny of mom l stllnrifll'd" nn d we need to Wha r to n. W ed nesdllY w ith her mo th er. Mrs. 111111 C II changc. 'If Mr. and Mrs. Jess Em swiler, of t he na tio nul gnme of bllscbnll is n ot fi t to be th e RehccclI l iill . Dnyto we re wcek-cn d gu est s of th e Mr. Haro ld Kell is , o f Xen ia. spent la llcr'sn, pare "ccQnd husban d of Cuesa r's wife , \\'c nts, Mr. lind Mrs. Sim ~ might as wc ll take thc word spo r t ou t Su nday with h i" pa n ' lIts. Mr. nnd co n Brown. Mrs. F rnnk Ke llis. of our dictionu ri es. Rev. lin d Mrs. J . D. Wian t and . ~11'. J acob Zi mmer nnd fn mil y tw u so ns, of Me dway, visited JIll'. spenl S unu ay nl Sprin!!,fielr! wit h and Mrs. S. H. Hain es o n TucsdllY ROBINS ON CRUSO E DIDN'T QUIT Mr. Zimme r' s fllthe\, . of Inst we" k. Q u i te u n u nl he r a r c p ln nni n g o n JIIr. a nd Mrs. Clyd e Wharto n, Mrs. On e of t hc Ill ost 11c rsist e nt acl ve r- goi llg to th e I3ll r tllnc Med idn(' >how Will. Co lem a n , Mrs. Jnke Reedcr and at !'prin !: Vall ey , th i ~ wee k. ti sl'r, in lhe histor y Gf su ccess \\' 11" Sa c l Smith atte nd ed th e Hamilto n Th e Ladies Aid Society nrc I!'"i ng fa imu Hoh insun C rll ~o c. · He k nnw whllt hl' l', Thursdny . ~I r s . R,'becca Dill enler t.n illcd a t. wnntc d - a ship- and ho put u p an Mrs. Ruth Weir, of Chicngo , anr! nd f or une. li e flu n/! 1\ shi ,'t 0 11 a dinn e r , unday , Mr. lind 1\11" . Emer- Mr •. Ad a ms, of Dayton, wer e r ecen t so n !lill Iln d Mr. und Mrs. Ha ynwn d pole li t t he top nf his islnnu ; that, gu est.. o f Mr, li nd Mrs. Willinm Bergin th e langullg e of t he sea, was p lnln Os born c, of X.. nill . dn ll and duughte r, Gl a dys. Mr. F l'Ilnk Kellis a nd dll ll!!,ht e r. 10 ev r y sc n.furin/! mall. Willia m Elwood. of Red Onk, lown Miss L u lu, und "" n, H"rolo, u f Xe niu Th e c irc ul ntio ll was smull- t he r.· e d th e fun eral of his brotherallenl kd l he fu ne ral of Mr, Ke lli s' uttcnd Wfi S n o olh er me dium in-Inw, Hirum Eycr, lust week, and but Cr uso e . kep t at it , dc~p it " th c fuct . t hll t he. siste r Illst Wcd nc.da y fI t RClloi nl!', will r e mnin n few dn ys with the famgot no in quiri es fur 11 lung tUll C. lie Ohio. ily. cha nged his copy- us one garm e nl Mr. and Mrs. Seth Furna s cntera fter anot her wus f l'llyed out--a nd tuin ed to dinn er S unday. Dr. and in t he en d I:ot what he want ed. Mrs. Ma rtin .T . Ye ncer and son. Mr. and Ml's. John T . Hill , of Richmo nd, Suppose Crusoc hnd lllken cl own Incl. th a ~ sig nnl uft er II tim e nnri dcclll l'ed " Adve l'li. ing doesn' t. pay," Whc re Mi.s Alice Hare, Mrs. Francis would he tl n cl his 'tory be n ow ? Null, Miss Annn May Null and Huber Olll' !'chool!' wer e cx rll.('d Thllrs- Null were Sunday Pu t up your sil!'nltl an d kee p il n guests m ornin g t o atlend th e fi lm .plny, at the home of Mr. afternoo thcre. Cru soc ndvcr t iscd und er vcry duyMrs. and MI'II. Walter A. W. Turner lind daughle r, Kenrick . di scourul"in g circllm stanc es. You' vc Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kinl(' entergot n surc thing- it is on ly n cee~ · Agn es. li re vis iting with rclative s in Cunt on. tained to Sunday dinner, Mr. and sary t o ha vc th e pa lience , pe rsi•. J umes L. Connrd lind famil y Silent Mrs. Ed Berry and S<Wl, and Mr. and t c ncc and plu ck of Rohin so n Crusoe -fi nd th e gou d ship " l3et le r Busi· t he wee k·en d wi t h r e latives in Ger- Mr•. Louis Poland and three children mu ntown . of Dnyton. ness" will soo n up 'Iongsld e your N. T . Whita cre, of Callton, is a __ _ Mr. Ilnd Mrs. P . B , Hawke and pier.-E_ xchnng e. _ 4._ _ __ gues t in lhe homc of A, W, Turner children , Mr~. Ellen Copsey, also Ilnd family. . their guests, ond Mrs. J. L. Sears, Tr evo r C. Haydoc k nnd famIly were Sund a yMr. STATIO NS SELL MUCH CREAM dinner guests of Mr. wcrc guest s of E . 0, Shidake r nnd and Mrs. John Hawke, at Waynes Totnl butterfa t sales of 37 co-op- fllmily ; SUlltfny. ville. Mr: and Mrs. A. W. DeHave n, Mr. erative cream stations in Ohio during Mrs. Charles Johns Mrs. Allen EmAugust as reporte d by the Ohio Farm and Mrs. W. C. Smith spent Friday rick and daughte r, Gladys, spent Friat the Hamilto n fair. Bureau Federat ion, nmount ed to day in Centerv with Mrs, CathRev. W. E, Bogan, of Spring Val- erine Johns andille $102,63 9,40. acordin g to IInnounc eMrs, Bertha Thomment received from the Federat ion ley, fllled the pulpit of the Friends as. Mrs. Johns is much improve d offices. The average amount of but- church! Sunday evcning . from her recent IIInel8. terfat handled by each station was "AmerI ca" in Xenia. Being the stoMrs. Charles Clark, who has been 7,060 pounds as compnre d to nn 8V- ry of Revolut lonnry days, it was very quite poorly for lome time, was takenrage for the past. twelve months of instruct ive for children . . en to Miami Valley hosplta on WedThe Misses Jennie and . Josephm e nesday, and underw ent 6,295 pounds, The total snles of an operatio n thcse. stations during the past twelve Reeves are conduct ing the T elephon e Monday morning . She ie getting months, amount ed to $1,148,6 75.49, .e xchange busineas in Harveys burg, along fairly well at this time. The average price received by the while the operato r Is away on a vacaProtrac ted meeting will begin at co-oper ativcs during Auguat was ti Lytle church next Sunday evening , 0~7 De.kyn e Bnd family were week the 19th. Rev, J, C, Stitzel, in charge 39.29 cents 88 compare d to a Chiend 'iuelte of Mn. Deakyn' lI brother, He will be 818iated cago extra butter price of 36.58e. by Misa Staley, ,. The avera~e eollt of handlin g the S. W. Stephen s and family, llver the 'a very able singer. Every one corbutterfa t' glven by " the 8~tron~ week-en d. dially invited to attend these serDr. Hutton. a State Anti-Sa loon vices. amount ed to 2,7 cents per pound. ' . The co-oper ntive With the largest League speaker , delivere d an InterElmont Snyder and friend returnvolume 'handled 32.441 ' pounds of esting address at the lit. E. church ed last week from a throe-m onths butterfu t during the month at 'a cost Sunday 'evening , " tour in the wheat of the Middle The W. C, T. 0,. in union with the West. They werebelt o·f 1.01 eet\ t~ per pound, . .Rebates to in .twelve states pa~tonB amount ing . to 1 ~8,700 were Chester society, held an III1-day meet- nnd also vLlt ed Ye llow Stone park. inil' at the beautifu l country homo Report tha t the wheat reported by .elevlln Btauone . of Mr. arid lb•. Howard Hurley, on . is v ery poor this yoar in that aeetio,! and work wal Tbunda y. .' rather scnrce. Wm. Blair and IIOB have inatalled DUMB DAN AGAIN Rev. J osepb Pine, of Great Falla. a Delco U,httne .1IItem In their .tore Mont.\,. visited hili mother and alabuildln! r. The)" 8ft &lao opentl u ·terB. IIU'I\. H.', 10 . . . . . II. tlalab ••" ~ aream ltatioll In ~ (111ft 01 JIanha lI ~_",",=_ . . .wbuaia..... ... ...... _

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l i. ~! " I leM' , dlld, cJl !-i u oJ :--('1IIH ' hUlI ",,'lI uI J ' Voir\! f rom crllwr!- " Il ll:; h- Lld i- g-vu d,.. 1\1 ns. ~IATTIF: CHA Y pop- he call lick you ." J cS>,' Slallley. Au tl.

III 1 p.




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to cuptur e l h u ~c truin ruhb\' r :-:, " . Fric lI d- " W lhuti With thut litt le dog? Yo u c/ln ' L cutch Irn in rohbc r. wi th n poo dl e." Amll le ur Dct ecliv('- "Sh-h.h - nol so luud - he th i"b he· i; u Cn'ut DlI ll e." _ _ __• _ _- - O llt

- P olitico l AdVCl'ti ,en1,' nl J




D i&tr ic t


O h io



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Nomi nate d b y R epu bll cn n PAr t y

Citizen's Tick et

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phon .. 8 HA



Rcp resc ntat i\'c to th e Gelleml ASH'm!> ly CHARL ES A. HOPKI NS Clerk of r "u rt> JOSI E WILLS


Can didnLe for Hc· Eldti r' n

F ur Cou nt . · Commis . ione l" CHARL ES R ROCER S HARRY S. SMITH F or Co ro ner GEORG E p, WALKE R -Po li t kn l Ad ve r ti se mcnt




I Ele ction, __ _ _ _Tu __ _ _ _ _Nov. _ _ _4 _, _1924 __








Telepho n e 114,


R ik e -K u O ll e r' s




t alk ;,'1 <1 til(' 11l111.(ld lfl r :·




LH ' t ~ 11111" f.'a li

J,!in' allY ,' n ·dit t' l n llllth ~' r pt: rfUrT !h't',


"H e li n th cJ'(' . Y"lI'l'e Mr. Addi · 1111"" cldl"ll un friend s he re Su"dHY . "on Si ms , o f St'uttle- and Il lthf)ul(h :\1; . Hll d MI" . II c rbert FiLc a ll d I h n ve l 'l s een y ou in l ell Y(':u'''; J rl 1!UI , y d a\l~ lJll'r. v I' \Va ~ hillg't on " me mbl'l' pcrfectl y lhllt I Ina lied yuu II., 'P CIII S untluy wi t h M I'. lind MrM. $5. 00- " I"ru"k \\·i" uli. I\",F IIrld Wll ync ~ hidukcr , u f Sc.

WIII' I;., 01 1, ,1' th ,' il\h'l ' ( '~ 1 td' ttu' w :llde Olltl lll1, ":' ''' 1 t Ilt, WHr llll':-. t ~ lJPI )l, rl­



You th- "U: t ha t nlllr. .C ri ll!';t, chlln!';e> tl "'g'~ mup h ' II · ! " I \ II , ' I' " . ,- " \\" ,1 1 , lIg!lil '. 1111./'·1 ,.1 ' " ",t, III.' ,,, III, ••\pt rHIlc.: .. ! • ) ' , ." , I l1uhll(.' ' IP I ' lilln lit tll r f" ,].I J"nc(' in g \', Iu r lsh ip 'fHI l: lk an d 0; 111 ' 1i"'; [ · 1 . IIltl l ':-': i ::Il'- t li t' ( JrpV~ln l : l , fou l ! '11" • •Aftt' r nH. J'I'I11gc "Ill' t n ll," ,, ":1; ·h't •..•~ \\,.,t o f !l a l".'('.I· . I.III·I!, yliu 11-.1 (In . T ht,/,. lal··" you ll1 l1 n ""I. ~ · II,

J Ll ST L IKE HU MAN S She . - " \\'h y ' 0 1c.: .'r\'I,,;~ t ... rL n ·J an th c FU ll!" He.h in/!, re m"Ii1 ' . ~ ·"hThcy nrr blu b CTIJ) ow ~r cc rt l i ll'y \\'l cre i In JC S pring " • _ •

P hI" 5 I


---- --- --

l it·". ,\ , S. ( '(>! leLt rn t crlui ncll with

Thtll'<da y afl le ' '/llUl l III Ihl' A liI pal'lol' . . 1 he C" lllrt 1U1111Y luo I(flV" a Rllg Tu t.( parly WcdncHduy ,·v('lling . Mr. and Mrs. Char'le" C r ll Y nn d " lid fa mily vi>iled Ouytun I'e lalh'cs SunullY· ~l !' s. CIru:<L- Conn"r, Mrs . Ethel ~ntilh und su n, ~dwin, were CululllhU !i v i s iturM F t'idny. The Bllplisl Mission ary circlc uc· cumpli she d II quantity of wo rk at th,· ull ·duy sewing, F'ri tl IlY. ~ I r ~. A. S. Co ll ett, Mr •. II . E . H at10 /\ an ti Mis~ Cla ra Hattu n we re ~ h' lp p iJlS! in Ci nci nnn t i l\1 nnOay. , .\ Ii ~~t·~ Nelli e lint! r.ra l' i,· Goudwl n (,f lktlt,·I. w .. re r ecent di nne r I!'UCs lS "f H,·\' .allti ~ I I'". N. ~. !Jennett . Th e lil', t n UlIlh(l1' of \lUI' lect ure

.:> u bsc l'ipt.i nn P ri 'e, $1. 60 per year. ',·1 \ 'H r:·A ....'

Clovl'lun d, uut will ,,·tUI n u fe', OltYu vi it.. 11,lO Ug r t') . atives .nd fr' r c nd ~ ' iJefur!! hi K r! 'pnr( ure f ,.r t h c ,, ~ h or e f , '

n l UIII.: h flo ll TUl·s da~'. 1'1", ~l. J.. . J Id lIlel

D. L. CR A N£, Editor nnd Publ i. hcr, W a yne.\,iII e, Oblo.

ayneavi1l6, O hio

tion u



E n~c r c d /It t he Pos tnf' icc a~ W" yn l'~v ill n,. ()'. , t 6 Sc 'ond ClaSH Mai l Ma Her





Th e Se co nd Gr ea t Sa tur da y

144 Rarrett s, Stone Sets, 3Sc Sutor and Crea ms _____ $4.50 Smart New Fall Bags ____ $2 Chtlmo is Suede G lu vcs __ 95c 24 Men's Velo ur H a ts ____ $S 350 Men's White Shirts $2.35 ZS Men's U mbrella s __ __$2..85 SOO Y ds.. Linen Lace, yd. 5c SO Loce Modes tics __ ___ _95c 1.000 'K£rchi efs. _-.2 for 15c 16-buL Fabric Gloves $1.19

THE tremendolls outlay of

Festi val Savin gs the first great week broug ht is equal led only by those of the second Satur day! Here indee d is Ope portu nity!

, •

Novelt y Gloves . $1.45, $1.95 Men's A rkuy Hose. 35c-65c Men's Wool· Sweate rs, $4.95 Worn's Silk Umbre llas, $4.95 1.200 full-fash. H ose __$\.65 ROO Pro Chiffo n Hose, $1.65 600 Lace Clock Hose, $ l.~ 120 Childr en's SOx _______ 50c MiroD ena Toilet Water, 85c Silk Vest, $1.95 Panties , $2.50 Women 's Union Suits. 89c

84 Warp Satee n Pettib loom ers ____$I.50 72 Crep e Hous e Froc ks aL _______ $2.95

40 Prs. Miss es' Tan Calf Shoe s ___ $3.95 Child ren's Smar t Lace Shoe s ____ _$2.95

Men' s Two- Trou ser Junio r Suits $29.50 54 Pairs Men' s Tan Oxfo rds ______$6.95 58 Pairs Men' s Calf Oxfo rds ______ $4.95 50 Over coats for Boys, price d _____ $9.95 24 Royal Wilto n 9x12 Rugs _________ $73 40 Anat ol (Orie ntal) Mats _______ $7.50 142 Seare y Ann Dolls, in sale ______ :-34c 360 Miro -Den a Com pact Roug es ___ 45c

Boys 'Tan and Black Calf Shoes __ $3.95 10 Childr~n's Crep e·de- Chin e Coat $4.95 25 Silk Toqu es, 1 and 2 years ______ $I.25

144 Miro -Den a Com pacts (Pow der) 45c

288 Miro -Den a COmpacts ___ ______ _89c 96 Glove Silk Chem ise aL _______ _$1.95

200 Yard s Flat Crep e-de- Chin e ___ $1.59 200 Yard s Wool Cant on Crep e ____ $1.69 120 Slipon and Coat Swea ters____ $3.95 1,800 Yard s Rom per Cloth _________ Hc 300 Yard s Sunbloom Broc ade______ 45c ISO English Broa dclot h Blouscs ___ ___ $2 1,000 Yard s Bleac hed Tubin g ______33c 1,200 Huck Towe ls, in Festi vaL _____ 9c 10 Maho gany Telep hone Sets ____$17.50 250 Poun ds Stuffed Date s __________ 43c . 25 Hand some Fur Coat s __________ $125 40 Wom tm's Fur-T rimm ed Coat s__$68 30 Girls ' All-Wool Coat Swea ters $3.29 Wom en's Dr~ Hats , n~w~ --------$15 Black RDam el Trav eling Bag's _____$9.39 All-~Ool Suits, ___ ~$10.95 and $13

- Boys'


WiD Qirect Y

OK' to

60 Wool Sacq ues for Infan ts_______ .$1

In Rike 's Dow nsta irs Store Offerings Tha t Mea n Savings! 300 New Fall Dress es at __________ $14

300 Smar t Coats , Special aL _____ __$24 Wom en's Shoes at Two Low Price s ____________ ___ $2.49 and $2.95 Special! 75 Pro Boys' Shoes _______ $2.95 200 Pro Child ren's Shoes at ______ $1.8S 100 Girls ' Warm \Vint er Coat s ___ $9.95 100 Girls ' Smar t New Dres ses ______ $6 Men! Wool Hose , very speci aL ___ 39c Boy's Two Pant Suits , Satur day ___$7,95 Men' s Flann el Pajam as__________$1.39 250 Dres s Hats , rema rkabl e at ___ $3.29 Sale! Sma rt Chap pie Coats~---..$3.65 Speci al of New Blouses aL _________59c New ' Broa dclot h ·Blouses_.., _______$l.95 Satur day I Rubb . . er .AproDs aL ____ ..23c New AproD Dres ses in sale aL~ __·_$1.95 Perfe ct Fittin g Cors ets __________ $1.59· .Wom en's Flann elette Gow ns at. --_8 90

the Specials

Adwrdsed Abcwe




V('od ol Oira and Grc8 e A, lit till' Mrs. AJam Melll' h " ao s h-IlPin..rJ . Wuyn svilte 1\10 or . 0.'11 ill Duylon Mondoy IIftel"I1Oo n. '8 II'll'. an d Mr . B. \ . SmiUI !llld lIun . Haru ld, W 1'(1' in Xenil\ SlIturday. Mrs. W _I t''T ~I c ,Ium vi. itl'd n ·l. IIti"es In B~ ll bro k , Prl uay. Ii'. II. II. Will illll1 ~., n nnd fnmity " iFlleu r clulivlls in LchLln o n, 'un. dll )'. I1li ~s V era Pricc', (, f W ilmil1l'tllll. B I) li t t h e w c~ \;.cnd with Mrs. D. R. S . h Imt . 1I'1r nnd Mrs'. J . P. Kyne, o f Xenin, spe nt Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. G.

!It t he"

' r,rc\ I



'IL > II lJb \, llI ·

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, ;; r"I'1'I" \ l1 yn r, o'f Belllu'ouk wns th" :rUt' t {l( :\l i ~s Ln\1on l1c RUl ~P !l • • ' 1IlIdllY

Genuine 10'01'<1 PllI'ts lin d ace 550' 1:11 1\ 11 111' . .. r I'j 'I' ~ lill~. t·, _1" '11 11 !'ic, III til\' W,IY'I ~ IIIe I11010r Cu. i, W (I i lV ( 1 I Iy~' " ll h I' ls mot h" ". ~ 1 .. ~. ~II· . .l lid ~I I" . I '. q C"I I' ;lIlt! ,ltil L). I' . ""ttl'!'. Ilr'lI \,h;; lt'd 1·,· 1 1\ " in \ 'aslllllif f Dun 't 1Il 1~< ,t. \\' h, \ ' 1:11' 10 tt 'l C' H" S. I' I .: I.e ~i\'i ' " fo r ) 1.. tlwl·~ lull. O,·tob<:1' IIt r". Char J.·" C"" "',', ,· r ·lIih" I,.' I· • , ., I '(' tl t ' ~ f t , ,' " " I, ::t o u. m" 17th. nh i:o . PII .• i ~ \'i "ilil" Mr , , t ~ l r' . 1I1t l .l ~

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Mr. IIllci Mrd. H ira lll 1II orn ll on ll iIlr. a lld Mr". Clydl' I ·:~ l, .... t. ,,j ~ l , ' q l . j,t'HIIlIIl . ( .hi p , fUlLlil y ' 1"' lll th e II' cek·ell d in Ke ll · XC lliu , ~ punt S u nday wit h ~lt . alld tu cky. MI'". II ntln ~ hcoh nn IInti Mr •. II I· ill rs. W . •1. Bnk·r. :\'(1' '', Fil 11 n it' ('a tT IH l wrs IIJI ~ l' fl l ltl'ti vin i-:nrnhllrt were Dn'y w n vi"ilo rs th l' \, 1l\' lI nt I' PO Il1 S ill th e L. A . Kin J! Mon d"y. I\lr ~ . 'V iula II nl'llIll IlI l t! "" 11. ~Ir "t\tIWlty, o n :\ ol' th ~1n in ~ t, nnd D. Mill •. Eve rett 11111' 111 11, \'i , il('d l'l'll1ti v('" lit I I IO \ ' \ , d in In!'l Fr id uy . Mr. Tom lIill. uff Mid illet"wn . WII" N<.·w BUl'l ilH.!' t OIl. ~l l)llday Uf lC rl H\\lfl. Mr. and Mr N. F. B. Hendcrson IlIlt! M .. , lin d ~I .. , . .1. J . F romm lI11d :ltr. Mr • . J. H. Colc mun were Dayton vi s· the ~lI es t of JI1i ~R Lillian Fnrquur, o n l;unuu y. IIfr. !lnt! MI·8. ll . 1\1. ~ l ll r ).:lI n 111101 "li d ~t .., . ('h:lI'I ,'" (,ha m bers. o r J) IIY itor. , Monduy. th .. c~ uau g htl ' r s o f L~' n d\1I1 , Ohi ". t tl n, w . n° ;--' \l n d llY ~lH 's t !-\ (If Mr. nllcl M r. nnd Mrs. Jo ~ cph H ormell werr Mr • . "'niter Kilb (l n Hn t! Illlu l:"h tc·l'. w e re wL't.,k · t.'nti \'i~it () r!'i ('If .1\11', :l nt! ~I .., . .I .. hn F .... , 1I 1l\ 11" ,1 fllmily . Sunday I:'UC Ht..~ or Mr. nn fl JIIrs. L . g. I\Ii. s GIcHly. , "pe nt SUllday wit h r ~ i . ~I rs. F . It. iIl, ,,' I1\:\w . . trr Po tT. of Dayto n . at ive s h C' I'C'. .\11', :,," 1 Mrs. 1\ . P. (,l y1ollrn ... f Mi s" OplI l 1):o \'i, I". (I f .J('tTcrs n · HI!v. MI' . \\' illi lllll ' ''". (If ~I i.ld l,· \\' a , hi ll~ I "" (' . II. . ~ I .. " . 1':lIa 1111 1> 11 \l t villt' . Ohio. Wli . till' I!'UC' :lt "f Mi", ~I r. O . .1. AIt' xlIndl'l' all d "lin. o f l,H\' Il, pn'B{'lH''' B IU I H ~ l tllini!"O l t ' I'I ' d t i ll ' 111 ' .1 ~ 1 1' '' . F al1 l1l l ' M"l\l' c', of ~l'rill~ F.t1l1n Hll wlnlld. Su nd ay. 1\111 1~ '!'< , ' :d !.· \ . \. dl l' d 1 111 ~ Ii ~:-; Clal'a I. ilt, Hn d J)ayttln, \\'(' 1' (' g lll' !o\ t~ at L illg'c r Lon,::· Jl ll ly C0ll1ll1l1l1i,11I at ~t. \1 i '.... ' :\ I I Il: t t'n d \\'lll lad l' I', !-' lIlId ll ~ Hf· churl' h S unday IIh l l'llill g", Mr. nnll Mrg. J ohn 1.C'llll:o rc!. of c r. Sunda y. hl'"i11111. Ki nl:'" !II il l. . "i, itl'd Mr . and Mrs. ~ Ir. lind ~tl·'. ( '. 11'. Y(l ll ll" l' "l' ri l'l'd S(>" ,'r a l t('nc h er~ fr om here nttcn ,l · Cn lvin Ru rn. , Sunday. II .. , :"I d 'f l':·. .1" hll Mr .'!'il. ~I I'. cd tht· 'I',' I1!'1I <' I'" 11 :l~t)c il1 t illn nt Leh. h o mp S unda y ,'venina:!' afl t' l' a pl c' :I!" MI'. find ~1 1·s . \\'. n. 11 11 11. ro f W es t all I I" \ ' 11'1 ' \\'0..: , "f F" IT \ ' , IlIlt trill to \\, ,, , hin.:t o ll II. C , :11101 lind :\,1·' , O Il. :::;a tul'day , Lufllyctlc, art' " i"ilin !! Ilr. lin d Mrs. ut he r EH ~ tr l! 1l p ui lll ~ o f ill t(,l' l ' :'; t. \1 r. Ilnd M rs . DLlviu Arllls t "''' ' . L. H. Hall IIIId fllm ily. Iluy tllll , \ \"1 " ~u l\( IHY dlll ll (," gll l' F l!'oI ~lr'. }\I ic" Mc Kin sey lind Miss Lily Mrs. Vi,,11I II UI' IIlII "1"' lIt SUll dll~ PI' ~lr . " li d !ll r •..1.>\0 11 BCIIo:h . .. r H. Mr. a nd 1I1r, . J . O. (' a r l wr i)C: ht li nd l'vtil'V Wl'n) g"lI(1 ~ t s of 1'l·lutivc:-5 in with Mr. Il111 1 ~ l l's . C. (; . ~klll' rllllt. \I , :.! , fumil y sn\\' "(;"I1I1):h('r lI"d S lll'lI"" in 1)lIyt: 1l1 I n~ l w eek , of !layton. I Th e (,vt'ni /l~ "ull"r' W" ,'l' Du ytu n, Snlurd ay c '·e nin ~. M,·. II"d ~ I r ". 1': ll(' r 1It\lI ill ~' '' \\' '' rth Th l' II' lIvl1",, \,illc Motn r Co . enrr irs Mr. ulld IIII'M. I!. 1". Md· " llIn. and ~ I r . Mr. unll Mr• . M. G. ~{'hlltz m lln, of n larK(' a ~~o rtm (, llt. o f It' irl'stonc CU l'd V. Kin >: . o f J.nk c \ · i,·\\, A \'C' .• MI'. Inti dall ~ hlj ' l' Hlld :- 1111 , Hilt! i\ii ~;.. 1:11111 Cincinnllti . , pent th" \\,o ,· k· c nd with T ire" IIl1 d Tuues. unci Mt·s. l\l ari oll ~J Ut ' II " ~ alld ~tl lI , :'tIl'. .\Iar' hli li. " II or I.udl nw Fll ib. 11: 1' '' . Mr. lind MrH. W .O. Raper. !lllc! ~l l'" . .J. G. It".:",.". ~ t I',. n. ell" alld MI'. 111101 ~ t,·" . .1. If. 1l1" '\\, II. t.t' Mrg. St Cllli r Fife and M il. of Wit . IIIr. uml ~ I rs . Ross Hartsock vi.· kill an d Il u lI\!,ht.·r. ~1:o r y , un d Mr. alltI \\' l' ~ t ~ ti h ll ll. \\ l' l'l ' SlIlId H\' d i'"11'1" l:"lh' '' l~ or .' 1,·, all d ~ I r" . "'iii NOI·t"II. min!!'t on, llrc uJl"n,lin \!, thi H week with it ed lIIr. C. H. Den thC'rlll:"c unl l fnm· Mrs . II. B. EarnhHl'1. MI'. nn d Mrs. 1-1. II. WilhrHo n. i1y. of Ore!!,1l II in, :-;unday . --.~~..... - -- -- - .-_."!"' . -~-~-"!!-~--!" -~ ----~--. ~ . ~ 1I1t·s. Snrah orry "prnt th e wcrk · ~ I r. li nd ~ ll' s . RobeTt Crew and 1111' e nd w ith her' hro th er. lII r . N(' wtlln Phi nell " C"o k vi siled l'cllltives in Wilkcl·s on . I)f n('lI r Sp ri n\!, lIill. Suuth Charkst oll. S und a y. _ _ _ _. JIll's. L. 11 . Vin son and Miss IIII'. alld Mrs. lI arr y Cooper. of .Icunne Fprgu so n. of Ouyton. wcn' Chicllgo . ~ pent StJn dny wilh her !!,uest.q of Mrs . •1. W. White, Friday . . , -=-. _. - - -- --: mot her , Mrs . Hes ter Robinso n. Day Phone 105 Night Phone 73-3 1-2 !\lis. Nevn Con ne r. of Le bnn on. Mr. K. N. l-I o ll~h left Tue~dny t o wa s vi"ilin~ her ~rullUJlnre n t ' . I1lr. att end the Grnnd Lo d~e. of Mnso ne find IIfrs . Lnfe Nichol, on, Sunday. "> DU STIN "A RN UM ' f Ohi o. ill Clc \' (' lund t hi s wet'li. Mr. nnd Mrs. Demp"' y n enn i. lind in fnmity, of Ric hm ond. Ind., visi t" d Mr. tlml Mrs. M. A.-Corn e ll a nd Mr. a nd Mr • . H a rry Smith. S und ll Y· .l lr. and lIIr ~. Er}lcst Butterworth nt~I i ss Alic ,' Cnrey WA S a Duyton "The So uthern Cind cr('lIa," fo r IIlr and M.1l'S. J . E . Fra zier. MrR. ended th t' IInmn toll co unty fnir F ri· , h"l'r er Snt u rdny. benefit of Mothers club. Herman Conller Dnd Mr.. Will Sh('r· . Iay. AI .o Comedy wo od were Dayton shoppers. MonT he Misses Vivian and Gladys Har· Mr. li nd ~l rs. C. L. Allen were in Miss nhe l Cook. of Dayton, was duy. Illn lind Mr. Ru e Dinwiddie, of Day· the g ue of Dr. Mllry Coo k, Sunday. Dnyttm S un d"y e vening . IIt r. and 1111'S . R. E. White and Mr. ton, called o n Mrs. Lou Harlnn, Sun· : - --== -=---===-.. - .t and Mrs. Le\v is Kehr, of Dayto n. \'i ~ · .t oy afle rnoon. Vee dol Oils and Grenses, at the Mr. C. n. Jones. of Dayton, vis· ited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elzey, SLIt· Waynesville Motor Co.'s ited fri ends in Waynesville over th e urday. Mr. and Mrs . R. K. Davis and son. Come LInd R e the play und h elp week·e nd. Do nold, nnd daughter, lIfiss Julin, the Mothers club. GLORIA SWANSON and fLlmil y , nnd lIfr. Ed Thomas nlled on Miss Margaret Edwards Mr. SChal' les Michener was in Coin, lumbus o n b llsi nes8, Monday. Miss Cleo Hull, of Toledo t • spen t Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas, of Day. Sunday afternoon. Alf Bogan ana famil y we r·e Day. the week·end with Mr. and Mrs. J . ton , spent Su nday with rela tives in Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Earnhart anil Sid ney, Ohio. t on vi,sitors , Sunday. Mr. a nd Mm . Ken neth Elzey vis- O. Whitaker. .<o n, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee E . Earn • . lIfr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and '1o art and daughter, were in Wes t ited with rel at ives in Xenia, Sunday. Mr. Melvyn Banta sno nt the weekALSO KI NOCRAMS Mrs. Murray and son, and Mr. and daughter, Jenn, of Belmont, spe nt Liberty, Sunday, e nd in Indiana~li s, Ind. Mr. Or an",e Emley, of India napo- Mrs. Thomps on, of Dayton, Bf.ent Sat urday evening with M~. and Mrs. Mr. and Paul Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure. lis, Ind., is visiting r elatives here this Sunday with Miss Belle O'Neal . II. M. Sears and so n, Harold, of Miss Estbl)r H enderson spent the week. Mrs. Ola Smith, of Dayto n, and Greenville, spent Sunday with Mr. week-end with Miss Edna Mullen, of Mrs. and Mrs. J . E. Frazier, were W. N. Sears and family. Ferry, No. 2220 Sunday diftnl~r guests of Mr. ond Prof.J . G. Graham and fnmily, of Mr. and Mrs. E . V. Barnhn rt, of Mrs. Wm. ShE!rwood. Xenia, W<'I'e colling on friend s here Several teach er s of the Dnyton Sunday. _incinnati, M!S81ltS Trillella nnd Mar· with Save your old carpets and rugs sehools ~l'ere g \1 C~ t~ of Miss Margn" nret Edwa rds were dinn e r g ueRts Of t h e Condition of the Waynes- and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. ,f l\Ii,s E mm a Heighway, Saturday. MARY CARR MARY MacLAREN ret E dwards last \\ eLk . Mr. 1111(1 Mrs. B. V. Smith and ville National Bank, at WaynesBURR MciNTOS H JAMES MORRISON • Send for price list. Franklin Ru~ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Willia mso n nnd Mr •. J.,. C. • tJohn we re shopping in - =- .,-, - -.--- - - - ville in the State of Ohio, at the Miss Rowenn Wrighl, of Red Li on , Dayto n, l\Io ll day. ,on, Robert, left Saturday m orning Rf:CUL,. R P R IC ES, 20< ., nd JOe ON ALL SHOWS close of business, Oct . 10.1924. Co., FranklIn, Ohio. spen t a day rece ntly with Mrs. Mary i or their home in Cleveland, nfte r .... Two . ho WI ea c h ni r. hl . lleg inni ng at 7 : 00 p. m. E dwnr ds and unu!(hters. R8EOUHOE8. Mr. and MrtI. Charlel! Norton, of ..pending several weeks h ere with JIlr. J os. Ch npman and family were Dry Ridge, Ky., w ere vi sitin~ r ela · ~fr. an d Mrs. H. H. Williamson ond Loans Ol1lt dllCOunte, Including ~l1(,sts lIf Mr . Ernest Butten vorth redl"cOllDLtr .. . .. . . 281. U 3.01 181.UI.57 tives an d friends in this neig hb or. family. a nd f a mit y, S unday. O.onlr"' .... u~ured . . . ... .. . 088.16 hood over the week·end. U . 8 . (Jovonlwon, &!c UriUM ownod: The Waynesville Motor Co. carries Dopo.ILOO to secllre clrculaLlon Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Burn et Dnd .\ lar~c assortment of Firestone Cord lIIr. I1l1ti Mrs. Calvi n Burns were (U.S.honlls par valueUO.OOO.OO Mr. a nd Mrs . Harold Whitaker, of Tir es IIl1d Tubes. wee k-cll d g- uests of Mr. and Mrs. All oU,or Unl tod 8'&11lI Govora· m. m Securilles ... ... 062. 00 60.862.0 0 Conter ville, s pent Sunday with lIfr. Dollie Black, of Franklin. Ot.hor bUIh.le. stoCks, aec urlt,lol, Th(, Rev. V. F. Brown, of XeniLl, ap d Mrs. John Whitaker. etc.. . .... . .... . .. ..... ... . 92 •• 28. 18 I form er mini st e!' of the M. E. c hurch TIOllS• . . .. . . . 1 8.000 00 IIfr. Mrs. Arthul" Zell a nd Miss Lnura BonklnK and Mrs. Myer Hyman and VunllLuro and FIJ(~u_ . 1.029.00. here, W8 M re ·clected Grand Choplin 9.019.00 McKin sey R(lent Sunday afternoon Lawlul ro..rve wllh Foderal no· family and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zim · of t he Grand Co un cil, Royal and Se· 1ItlI'\'e nauk... . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 1• •au.7I merman and !family were Sunday L1f. in DLlyton, visiting friends. lect Muste r Masons of Ohio lit Cin· Ouh In vaull and amount due , tram natlo nll banka... .. .. . 41.'01." ternoon visitors in Dayton. cinnati, Tuesday. TOlol 01 !t.em. O. 10. II. 12 and Mrs. Osenr StD nfield and children, Dr. and Mrs. Gale E. Russum and ,Miss Edith Sides , who has comple t· U ............. .. 1'1.807.71 of New Burlington, spent Monday MllCollan oouscuh Item' . . 10 59 .6 1 dnughter, Alice Jane, Mrs. W. B. Ru s ed her business course at Miami·Ja· RodempLlon lund with U, 8. with Mr. and Mrs . .I osep h Hormell. TrouUf()r .. • .••.. 2.00n 00 s um and Miss Margaret Ru ss um, of cobs college, ill Dnyton, is now emDayton, visite d relatives here Sun· ployed full time as bookkeeper nnd Total. ... . .. .. .... ....... Il0 3.803. 19 day. Mrs. Belle C. Wi lcox, lIfrs. L. R. stenographer at Mr. Fred M. Cole's Consisting of Junior Yearlings, Fall Sows, Spring Gilts nn d Snunders lind Miss Audrey Hottes, of LIABILITIES Hardware store, of this place. ,This Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans enter. Spring Boa r s, mostly s ired by Dnyton, called on Miss lIfnrgLlret Ed· OaplLaialOCk p ..ld la •.. • • . '" . 'I IIO.OOO.OU tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. and is a good beginning for Miss E<lith, WLll'd ~. Thursday. .0.000. Ou Mrs. Jack 'Wilson, of the Bartone a nd we wish her success. . ~,!:,SII:t'd.!J~~ili• .'.'.' : :i.:S·S·8:ia Comedy Co., :and Mr. William Kelly, fA,." c urrent. ftllpe ll .... 101.01"81& A. L. Hendrick, a former resident Mr. lind Mrs. Harry Vaughn and and ltu.. paid .. . . 2.86 • .•• 12.02( . 30 of Middletown. of Wnynesville and Harveysburg, OU, Mr. LInd Mrs. Robe rt Taft, of Col. gl~ul~~~l~~~~~t·§~~j:rlal Mr. and Mrs. Forrer, Mr. Ru sse ll died at Miomi Valley hospital, Day· Th e Bree d e r and Prizf' Winn e l' p l'ove n by th e winn i ngs of sev11mbu ~ , were S undLlY g Uctlt s of Mr. banko . .. .... . . .. , . . . . ..... . 10.000.00 Funernl I SIC F . and Mrs. J. W. White. OorllliOO chock. ouLBlandlnl! .. . . 10.00 Stalkstil1 and Miss Velmn Cornell, ton. abo ut n oon Sunday. e ra tate ane ou n ty ' mrs of Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. sen'ices ,i'e r e held at the Belmont ToL.1 uf Ilew. 21. 23 . as. 2& oUtI 2~ . . .... .. , .. 10. OU . DO Cornell were Sunday dinner guest s of church Tu esday afternoon, in charge Mr. and M~ . Ell lJ u llnrd, of Xcn iu, 11I~ l vl'lll al do""ollo 8ulJJccl to of the Maso nic order. Interment in U B.60B .:, ' Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Corn ell . check • .• , . .. . .. .•.. ..... •. nnd Mr. R. R. McC nll um and fnmily, certlflcDtes Mi nmi cemetery, the Jr. O. U . A. M. olll o""llt due In leu Ilf Dnyto n ( were SundLlY guests o f Miss Gertr ude Ti etzmnnn , Mi ss in charge . "Iu~n 30 uar». 301. 30 1 ~ .I , O Ruth Gr('en wald. Miss Rosettn Gif· Dividends unp.ld .. .. . . .. . . .. . Mr. and Mrs. Eli Dcan. Total of d emand dOJlQlllt. (olher Mr. und Mrs. J. C. Hawke has as ford and Miss Jnn e Ferguson. of Day th n,n Uo.nk dflpoalte) subj ecL to ton, called on Miss Ma r gnret W. Ed· dinn er guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H.,.orve. !t.oms 16. 27. l 8. ~g . Mr . and Mrs. J. E. McClure reao and at . . . ...... 2~9. e 0 1 08 J esse Seors an d family and Mr. Jos. wards Friday cvefling. turned home Sunda y eve ning, after Other 11 .81 ~ ;. ume dellO'U., . . . . . . .. Hawke, of ' Sabinn, Mr. Geo. Hawke, having' s pent sevend days in Ci ncin· To'.1 01 11m. uel1081t1l lublocl to Mr. Everett P. Hnrla'h i, spe nd ing of Cla r ksv ille, Dr. and Mrs. R. H. S a l e will be h e ld on the farm, :~ mil es west o f Xe nia, on the r... rvo. Item. n. n. a•. and nati ntte nding the Tnces. n few days with hi s moth er. 1I1ro;. Vnnce a nd so n, of Pleasant Plain, Upper Bellbl'Ook pik e. Write fOI' catalogue . 33 ..... . ...... 121. 8 711.00 Vi ola Harlan, before going to Mid· Mrs. Copsy and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Llnbilitio. other Ihan tbol8 .Ia· too llbo.e. , . , , .. .. •.... ,. , 18. >2 IIfr. LInd IIfrs. 11. B. Earnhart wer e dletown, where he has a nell' position Hn wk o and fumily, of Lytle, Mr. and Sale Starts at 12.30 S und uy dinner g uests of MI'. lind T oLal •.••.•...• .•• ••.• , .. uoa.u a.19 wit the Ohio Gas nnd Eelcctric Co. Mrs. F ran k Zell nnd Mrs. Minnie This is our sec onrl Annual Pure Bred Dul'oc Sale and it is wi t h; Mrs. J . G. Ro~ers, of Day ton. The Mrs. Charles Leffe rson and da ul!'h. two couples spe nt lhe a f tern oo n in St~~oL~'~rtH~n~~:~~~~l~ t'M~f:rre:, ~:e abo vo. mm. great pl eas ure that we off e r t o t he p ubli c this bunch o f I'(' a l ter, Mary Virginia, le ft Friday f or FroLast Springfi e ld . S unday 8 surprise Wns ten. 0 &11100 hunk . uu tlUlumnly KW'tnt,r t ha t the abovo their home In Covington, Ky ., aCte r stalUme n t I ~ Lr uo to Lito best o t m y knowledl{o ~ ~ Jl en ding a plensn nt week with her de re d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dyke in :l1t-. mId Mr~. Hu r to n Eanlhart. !Loll btllld· L. M , lIEN DE IISO:'i. Cubler of lIfr. Dyke's birthday.. Din- 1 m other, Mrs. Mary Waterh ouse and honor ner was ea ten picnic style and en. ' t n , 1111'. an d Mr s. Ern es t Earn har t alld S ll b..,rl bo~ '" 111 oworn W boloro 1110 tbl. tamt\y. joye d by Mr. and lIfrs. Sherman Dyke "o n, Bo bby, IIlr. nnd Mr,. Chnrle, : titll d.. y 0 1 U el. I~ H . Mahlon Rldgo. WYoming Lodge No. 102 I. O. O. un d Miss Rh ea Dyke, Mr. and Mrs. ==A:;=='·;=====:C~O~L==;I~G:=:;L~E=CH~A~R For Sale by "" ·T ===d =:=C =-O ~ L=:W :::-:E::::I~K '='E == R'= 'T -L('l1I mi ll /!, a nd Mi gs Dorothy De Voe, ll"rrect A L""'t: Nutar, Publk . ucboneerll" an . F .• will have work In the initiatory Forrest Gra ham ane! family , Mr. nnd W<' re ~ lIn d llY dinn e r /!,uests of Mr. ELIAII OOLI::BIJEB de/!'rec, on Thu rsdllY evoning, Octo. Mrs. Harry T!lompson, Mr. and Mrs. nn d II1rs. K:.t l'i Buhb and Bo n, of r.ea r w. H. ALLEN bel' 16. All member, of th e order Willinm Dykll and family, ~rs. HulXc, ';u. _ I. shou ld be presen t. Th" work will hab Burnett and sons, Walter and Charles, Mr. anI! Mrs. Clift Burnett I be p ut on by the Lebanon tlUlm. f nmlly, Mr. Alvin D>,~e and Miss The Jolly Matrons lind their hUB. nnd Esq uillne SlI\ley, XENIA, OHIO bnnds were entertained Saturdny e V' ening by Mrs. J. B. Chllpmo n, at the hom e of Mrs. Eo S. Baily. The eve n. inS! was spent in playing cards, after which delicious refreshment:! were se rv ed. l\lr. Paul C. Stetson, superintend· en t of Instruction in the Dayton PlIhlic seh oo ls , Mrs. Stetso n, MisS Margaret Heme nway, Miss Genevieve WhnlJey a nd Miss Ruth E. Williams ca ll ed Sunday afte rnoon on MilS THE FIRST THING TO UNDER· MargLlret W. E dward s, who is ill at STAND ABOUT THE HEATROLA her home on Third street. IS THIS A birthday surp'r ls. WPi tendered by Mr. and Mrs . Clint Ross to their It giv"o furnace comfort to oman bom"o of three daughter, Miss Ethlyn, Monday evenIng. A delicious supper wal served to ,ill room •• and the evening was spent In games It lupplie. warm moi.t air to "yer,. roem. and music. They all wished Mis. Ethlyn man more happy birthdays. It burn. any kind of fuel. Mn. J. E. Janney and MI'\!, J, W. Ward celebrated their birthday anniIt looko like a mabo,. pl>one,rt.pb, inotalled in versaries toge t her at the home of ODe or the liying room . ... Dr. and Mrs, J. W. Ward, Sunday. Those who enjoyed the festivities of L e t u. ""plain bow we inotall thele on trial. the day and partook of the bounteous birthday dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney, Dr, and Mrs. J. ' W, WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARD, Ward, Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mr WARE, H~RNESS and FARM MACHINERY I'nd Mrs . •Walter Williams and children, of Kingman, and Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Hough. '


u<en a lease on the 'building form er , n ee pied by the Kilpa trick-French M otorcar Co., and moved into the building, av !


last Monday. We w·ill now be better enabled to take care . . of , r a ,lid y Increasing trade in the new place, a ~ we have more room and better faciliti es for work. Your Patronage Solicited

V LEMOTOR CO. Your Ford Agent

MiAMTfHEATER:~way·neSViii~~··O·:·1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16th



"The Man Who Won" "0 ancp or D'Ie "



"The Impossib'e Mrs. Be'lew"

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21st "On the Ban ks of the Wabash


•., •




Clermont Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces











Bonnie Brae Sensation

All Hogs Immuned












Friday, October 2.4, '24

Durocs or Farmers Breeders and Shourvnen



J.E.FRAZIER, Waynesville, O.




W.WHb1!.so1'l .



Why Have Our 008:1 Sales Increased?

The Parlor Pipeless Furnace


Our 1923 Coal Sales increased 60 per cent

Ask Your Neighbor


WaJ'll.I"ill., Ohle.

MI'. and Mrs. Kellar ' Hoke enterteined Friday 'e vening in honor of Miss Alice Carey and Mr. Irving Welch, whose wedding 'was announced for October 25. Those invited .were. Misses Alice Carey, Helen and Corrinne Welch, Martha O'Neall, Helen Hawke, Clnra Olive Alle n, Messl'\!, Irvin Silver, Wilbur ~lI.ornl~lil.l.and




.4 -


n , 1924


Seventy-Sixth Year

W tile Num ber 5614

~ - ~~~~-~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~[~~--~~~~~~~~~~-~~ - ~~~~--------~~~~~~~~--------------"-

HmO~:~~ G~A5

,~, i


ito~~ri::t~~I/,romm A vo t e


Wll S

ina! to mnk e!':)s .


tht' u ffuir u gnlnd s uc -

" \\,h~ 'n \\' nyn(1 ~ \'il l e d ca"!'l a ny -

thill K. :: h t, th.l ti:; it rig-hl." Main ht rct· t will be closed to traffic pllr kinl:' f rom Minmi Htreet (Wul te r Me lurc·. corner) to Tyl(>r . In' t' t (J "S"" BUl't " " ',, curli e r), alld he Cl'o "~i nl:' ut NU I·t h Htree l (l he Bu nk co rn e r) will be closed tu cross t ru me. th.. mll. lcc rs and me rry- mak e", may hnve f ull possession of the l W,' "'1UHl'e8 in pCl'fect sufety. . Th e h" 8ines" me " and res idents II10ng the line hHvc Iwen requested t o d ec o~ ut (· th e ir pl'e mi seH fur th e occllsion a nd hl\vu K.. "crn ll y sign ified th eir in' ~ n ­ ti on o f coml' lyi n!! with the r equest. Ellough liKht" will be lidded to , urn IIh: ht illt .. dllY. within the cll rni va l

""Il "0





, ,,,~II:i'II~~:~;,';.~rl ~lJu i l't,"


fur th e Two -MiU


Lev y

mcun s progruM8.



spent SundHY at Oxford. Ohio .


JlIH l ll ull

wn ~

in Dny-

~' ridH Y.

iltu" Thom l"o n


in L,·b ·

bu sin l'!oi!'; , Th urs d n y .

A "u ' c f" r the Twu -:ll ill Le\'y fo r r ql\ d ~ will ~a\' \! J!nragc ldll~.




w,," in Ilay -

Lu vu nll t· n u rton

1)11 hu~ iJ 1I't;~ ,


Ru s.e ll Ben tl ey visited re lu tiveH i in Xeniu S Ullduy .

n pc de d t il B !o(~\I n.: th e (' omp lelc su cMr. nnd M r. . Alvill Enrnhurt were ~l''' ~ (.f Wil Y"" " ille', li " t lIull nw. l,'e n l\ IHl'di (:rll ~. Everybody S (' (1 01 9 Duyton "hoppe rs. SIIturdllY . t o hn v(.· l'l1l1Jd l 1 the ~ p i rit and everyh ll dv ci t i z p n~ of thl' tOWJl uno the Mr. J . O. Cllrtwrig ht und family i s work .


a Dayton vis· i

Mr. Ross Hurt...oc k und family spent Fu ""l'll blL· \\cuth"r i" 1111 thu t is SundllY in Cin cillnuti.

~ u1"l:() tlfld il1J! (·,) utlt r y ulik u-


E. M. (),h'y "pent ~ nl u!'llay II·.d ~ UI"JII )' WIth hum~ f o lk~ in T r!lv.


Ikr ~ I "<O)II .

H ~e.! .

,\0·11 kn own fllrll";J' of

was l<tl ll·.!

l u~t

W l'dlle ~da y

11I1.rlline. \\ h ell lh C' n lBc hil\ (' in which ht, wa ..: r idin l! \\ ith hiR wift,. \\' th\ I ,tru, k 1.y n mail truin Ilt lho ~·k. lind ~!,. ,. Ern" ' l A. Ell rnh" rL E il! (-, fl )lr "I'O"'linlr ut MIlU " '" t.h ree I1nd son Wcrl' I)u y t nn \i~it o rs , Su t u r · mill' , "' ''1 Iwast o f 1II a ~o n . i\1I'M. Rc:(· tI


' lilT, 1'1,,1 a -cal l' woun d lind pu~~i t.l e II lt4 ' I' I1;1 1 ill ; u r ic~, Thl' mnct i ne was

d HY·

A vote for the Two-M ill Lcv y mcuns better streets in our town s .

LI"' Y ih-mldl :!h\·«l. '1'1 ,,' " " UI)1e w"rc e nrou tl' to Cintho <'Ianll,i lin.! hnd ollly 0 few minutes lid",.. , the tru~ e d y Idt their home ~I ..,. . Milton Thom pRon vi , itl'd Mr. lit ~ 1 "'<ln nllt! we l'e tllkinJ! th e r ua d nnd Mrs . M!'r l,' .I nhn "n n, of Ma" "I. l h" "uJ!h ~ l nll' l' s , tat i"n to th e Day· l"n- I ·in('in,.,,( i pike which Ilu r all r l~ FridllY· lh,· HiI:' Vulll' rO llroad to Cinc innati. ~ I r. B," '" \I ho WlI S drivinJ! dill nut ~ li KS Pa uline Feicht " ,sit,·,1 Mrs. kllow uf lh (, approachill\! truin until Mary L. Edwurds un d dau ~hl ers. hi' \\'a~ till t ht, lnlC ks. Then h • matl(1 S unday. :l d t's p P"ull' I'ffort. to sw i ll~ hi ' cu r c len r of thl' right o f way. Mr. nn d Mrs. Howell P e irce nn d Mr . Rerd was tldvi"g abo ut 2 0 Mr,. Hu ntingto n sp ' nt Sun dny in mile. un hou r dOWI! th p st cep g ra de ( ' i ncinnn ti . t o t he railron,1 cross in g , when n Mr. Fu r ml'f tried w ullract his attention ~ Irs . Ne lso n Kin!!, of Tndinn upoliM , hUl cu uld not. Imm ediately nfler Ind" is viHitin/! Mr~ . Wulter Elzey WII rtf he cru!'5 h Clun e, Both Mr. und Mrs. Reed were an<l fllmily . lh" own out o f the ca r. and Mrs. Reed Mr. Ralph Stout and f umily, of wus t hr uwn unde r u ha nd car . Her WC5t Mllns fiel d. visited Wayn es ville Ilscap ' fr om lIl ure se riou s injuries wns con.itl r red mi rllculous. Mr. Reed fri e nd s S unday. W/I S 1d'lI ed instantly . it is thought. Mr. Reed wus well known throughMr. lind ' Mrs. Harry McGinnis . of out W urr en cou nly, as h e had held Lyt ic, were Sund ny g uests or Dr. L. c ount y olliee lind made one or two B. Hn ll and fnmi ly. IIttcnllJt... to be re-e lected as commiss ioner. He be long ed to seve rlll seMiss Marga ret Merritt, of Moun't cret orders at his home. The funenll B olly. N . J .• is vis i\ing Mr. J. O. WIl S he ld from his late home FridllY Cartwright lind family. IIfternoon. A ,'nt"


me a n s he tt er coun t y.

Market at th e T ownship House Saturduy , October 25th. lit 9 :3 0 u. m. Frank Robin son and George Hende rson were in Dayton SundllY eve ning. Mrs. Annn Clldwallade!" lind Miss Clllra Lil e were sh opping In Xenia, Saturday. Mr. Barri. Mosher and Mrs. Laura Mosher were F ranklin visitors Sun· dllY afternoon .


tl1l' Two · Mill

r nl Hl ~

t hr o u ~hllu t

The vi lluge official s have pr omi~e d IIlIIplo policl! protec tion f or ladies an d Mr. lind Mrs. C. W . Younce spent ,·hildren. There are II few mi sguid ed individuuls whose Idell of a good Sunday with Mr. Wilbur Clark and time seo llls to be th e destruction of family, of Route 5. the hllPpin ess a f others. Such IIrtiv. Mr. Lawrence Sims and famil)', of ili es arc striclly ·p rohibited. lind therc will be plen ty o f men on hand to Lytle, Bpent Sunday with Mr. Har. old Burge lind family. enfo rcc this ord er . Q "U,ec. •• The newly orgllnized Wllyne T own · shi p Schoo l bli nd will be on hllnd t o The MISBeS Kathryn Clark, Edna leod the grand mask ed pllrade, whi ch Kelsey and Louise Smith were visit· wi ll probllbly 8tart abou t 8 o'clock. ing in Dayton, Saturday. and will trllverse the entire length of th e cll rnh'lI l IIrea two or three tim es. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Miller, of I A 1\ mas kers , whether competing f or Greenville, were week·end guests of prizes or not, are urged to join th e Mr. W. N. Scars and family. Mr. Fred SllIgle und wife, of Rich. pa rade. In add ition to the School mond , Ind., spent SaturdllY with Mr. ba nd, the School orchestras, both Ju . lind Mrs. J. C. Hawke. ' I Mr. N. P. Blatt and family, of il iaI' and Se nior, will be on hand t o Monroe. were visiting friends and give a public dem on. trlltion of the Mrs. Arthur Zell lind daughtel'll reilltives in Waynesville, Sunday. sp lend id progreM they are making. To th. Citia"na of Wayn"... iII" a .. d The secon d "Rme of th e J . B. Wills and Mrs. Violll Hurlun we re s hop· All of the boys tllking Smith· V' . . ~ Prize. Civ... Mr. lind Mrs . Isadore Bloch, of Hughes work have decided definitely IClnlty. • - Millmi Re ri e. lit Phillips park la8t ping in Dllyton last week. To Maaqueradora. . projects . f or t h e yellr.. W" hope to make Hallow .. '"n th. Sunday afternoo n r es ulted in a 15 to Spring Valley, visited Mr. and Mrs. <'n t h elr Miss E lizabeth Stewnrt r et urn ed --0moat enjoyabl" occaaion of '" II Ihe G vi d"ry for Ihe Millmis. We have Suitab le pri!:e. will be awarded by Myel' Hyman and fllmily, SundllY. The form nl ope ning of the new xe" 11 hetter games and the preceding h ome , Sunday. nH er a wee k's vi. lt the judges for tbe bes t costume listed A fine new cnb in c.t has just been year. We deaire that eyery peno n ~trul:'j! l c (? ) wus c'<irtllinly Wor"". with relativ es in Duyton. U. P. Keith Co lon in] t hoater lit tho In th e f" \l owing clllsses: Mrs. T. J. Rogers , of Dllyton . is i~stnlled in the Agric ult ural reci tll .\ reel that tbe organi zation will not b. I'IIIy ill).( lim e wus reduce d by f or t y corner of }' if t h and Ludlow street.~ , For Children- Best Indian, best spendin g this wee k with her sister, complete without th eir help . minull's, on ly one hour und for ty.five Mis8 Lucy Sq uires. of Cherokee, Ilayton, wi ll be ,,1\ a uspicious eve n Hed Ridin", Hood, best Little Dutch Mary Loll Putton. o f Bridgeport. Ill. tlOn room. . -0There will h e enl[)ugh cl e an e njoy- mi"u tc~ b e in g nce ded t hi s tinl c. Iowa . was th e Kuest of Mrs. l<. N. EI. fo r Sunda y. October 26th. The ~o­ girl, best Little Dutch Boy, best (o' uiry lon illl will mark lhe fourth enterpn so zey ,eveml days Illst week. ~Ir. Crab h~ spe nt Thu r silay a nd ' ",ent to go around. '0 lei Ih er .. be .iu il).(e I{o ll f a i\ 'd to a" (luu r. best Kewpie, best Brownie, mos t urMr. lind Ml's. Chas. Huffer, o f W est ill the city o f IJ:l yton , the others . Hurol d Orsburn "itch ed n !!ood tistic costu me Rnd most comic cos- Man sfi eld, Lo!!un co unt y, wer c g uests FTlday at Ibllsboro and Green fi eld bein~ the B. F . .Keit h va udcville theat te nding the Stnte Se ctionnl Con. no untoward act. 0 1 yandallim or J!n lllc . hlildin!: his opponent. to six tu me. 1\' 1 1' •. . Jose ph Shutlf; spetll Monday of Mr. lind Mrs. Lee Ellrn hart, S un - ference oC Smith -Hug hes instruct- : rowdyiam . E xtrn po~icc hnv ~ be.. n hits. on' puss an d tw o hi t ba ts men . with her son . 11'11'. II l1rold R u,se ll. ut ater. t h., Statc and St run d motion picFo r Ad ults- Best Witch. bl'st Mar- day. ture th eaters . (>!'S . I.mployed to " .. i,t in th e re lt ivitiel wh ile nille o f th em reti red t.) thc the home of hi ~ g'ra ndp llr en t..~. t ha WR8hingto n. best Geo rge WlIsh, I n eve,.,y way lh e new Colonial will - -0 ' and to prot .. ct you if needed. be·ne h ailc r lh "oe fut ile efforts to inl:'toll. best lI1i s~ Co lumbia, best Un · Mr. und Mrs. Nelson Thorn e and ex(' mplif y th e prin cipl es of service , ~ mitl' th ~ ball. "Peck" SlItterthwaite cl e Sam. hes l Hip Van Wi nk le . bes t dRug Ml' ~ . Leg ler nnd Mrs. Li ndsey. o f The long IInticipat ed hay·ride came I In ... much AI a c:ommillee or cil. ulld "P utc h" Burton wi elde d the hell v Mary Lou, spent SundllY ~ om fort , cO lI l'en ie nce lind attractivelown, hest Gipsy, best S pllnish I>n n. with hter, Mr. J. S. McClure and Mrs. Ida to reali ~y llIst WednesdllY ni g ht. wh.en ixena haa aaked ror Ihe ule of a por- il' ·t buts for our boys . th e form er se - Dnyton. were guest..' of M r~ . F. M. tIC"" wh ich Il l',· parts o f t he B. F . ee l'S, PC"t pui r of Twins. TallcH t Per - Kelsey. Cole , Wedne,<luy of Illst wcek. th e ma)orJty of the. Normllis and In· " ... I(c.ith idenli" ms fur its patro ns. The SQn •• hortest Perso n. most Artistic vited g uests loade d Mr. Jones' truck hon of Main atreet f or th e felllv,tl el, cured a wa lk , two singles. II double Co lonial is be in g t horou!!h ly renovlltr ostum e ond most com ic costume. and started on thei r journe". It WIIS I I hereby grant pern,illio n to the laid and n tri ple in five trips to the plate. JIll'S. Mary Hllrlun lind Mrs. J ohn .. d from r oof to basement. Inter• d' wh ile t he latter regi st ered a sacrifice , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle, of Rich· After the purade th e evening will lively crowd of young people, an I<'ommittee to rope off and cia • • to t hr('(, ~ ill g l e~ und 8 double in II like Spray. of New Burlington. spent la8t ior ,/ ecorators huv c been at work for be devo ted to Il general good time, mond, Ind ., were Sunday dinner 8t~ey. could . be h eard chattering. and parking and traffic th ai portion of numher of attempts. Each scored F riduy Wi t h Mrs . Viola Hurlan. ~e vera l week s uddinK to the attrucwith speciol attention being given guests of Mr. Wlliter Janney and fam 8mgmg thelr so ngs all th e way from M ' S I' b h - h two runs. tivene"s of t he aud ito rium and tho t o the children, in whose hon or the ily, of Route 6. Wayn esvilile to Lebanon and fr om aln tred yang etwee n t e nor I Mr. Wills' tenm urrived minu s II Mr . and lI-1rs. lIIorris Shnrw ood. o f lobbi es. A new modern nlp.c orglln th e carni vu l is bei ng given. Ample Leblln on t o Oregonill. In a lovely :aid" of Miami atre.,t And th e South ca t cher. owing l o the brok e n promise Han·cy, hurl:. ~p c nt th e week-en d has been in: tall cll . New motion picprovision will be mllde for dancin g Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and dllugh. place a mong the hills of Oregonill, ~ide of Tyler alreet. Permillion il alia of two pl uye r. . Our old fri end , .Iim. ure mac hine, 1111"0 arrived and tho 80 approprillte to the occasion. both ter. Mi.s Olive, spent the week.end they stoppe.d 8nd lI~e their ref~e8h. araDted to cloae to croll traffic lhe my Gibb ons fi ll€'d t he vacanc y Bnd with Mr. W. J . Sherw ood lind fllmily. tvery la tC Rt sc ree n is h~i n g installed, old·fllshioned square da nces a'ld qua· with Mr. Jacob Strouse lind family, menlo, winch con sIsted of CIder , . ht 'd . II . f Mr. und Mr •. Ernest I';urn hllrt nn d so that putron s of th e Colonial aro drilles and the more mode rn fox trot. of nellr Five Points. doughnu ts a pnles popcorn and clln. cro .. ing at the interJ ection or Nortb cll ug "goo game. espe Cl8 y or II dy. ., Street and Main Stree t. Tbele per-I plnyer wh o hus nc,t play ed a gUIn : for son, sp en t lu" t Su nd ny with Mr. G. assured from th~ be,::inning thllt the In addition to th e two scho ol arches. _ _ _ _ ._ , " two yenrs, and thell plnyed 11 d,ffer- H. Ki s~en gcr li nd fa mil y, of Kings policy of perfect ion wh ich is a cartras, a jazz band lind an old·time fid . Mrs. Arthur Zell and daughte", mlta to be In effect betw een tbe bOllr ent position. dinal part of the Ke ith enter prises dlers' orchest ra will furni sh music f or left Friday for Newark, Ohio, to visit Mills. will be in effect lit thi s home of super of 6 o'c1ock p. m., and 12 o·clock. The sco r<! by innin!!s: the dancers. with Mn. Zell's mother, Mrs. Geo. EMINENT JURIST R II E photoplays. midnight, on October 31. 1924. At un ell t husill8tic meeting of the Mayer, of that place. Mr. Frllnklin Pllcker. of New. The opening on Sunday, October Wills .. 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0- 6 6 4 ASKS RE-ELECTION committees lus t Wedn esduy evening, With my blo .. in g upon tho child· Miamis town, Pu., is spending II f ew weekB 26th will b e an event of interest not 6 1 0 0 3 3 1 1 ·-15 167 it wus decided to tllke t he School band wi t h Mr. J. Lindley Mendenhllll and ,en, our hop e of the r" ture. I hand Mr. lind Mra. Carl M£Clure and only to Dllyton but to all s urrounding on an advertising tour of the sur- daughter, fnm ily. Jelln, of Belmont, spenf co mmuni ties and t erri to ry liS well. you the keya of tl1" village. . Batteries--Gr egg. Knox and Gib· r oundin g towns so me day next week. Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Wh en ever the B. F. Keith circ uit bons ; O"bo rn and H. Burton . Sillned, The boys will be mllskcd and \vill play Mrs. Walter McClure. Judge Wade Cushin!! is a candiMrs. Roy MacBeth and son, Wenopens a neIV thellter it is a foregone T. E. ROGERS. Mayor. date f or re-election for Judge of the in each t ow n while advertisi ng milt· de ll, oC Washington C. H., were Sun. conclus ion tha t the re will nothing Court of Appeals of the First Dis- AUeat: t er Is being distributed. day guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Hllrold lacking to mak e for attractiveness Mr. J. T. Flack, who has been in trict of Ohio, comprising Clermont, L. A. ZIMMERM AN. Clerk. It s hould b e r emembered that all Orsbo rn and so n. and superiority in the presentation r eceipt s from thi s project, ove r and North Dakota the past two months, Butler, Clinton, Warren and Hamo f entertuinm ent. • ab ove th e actulIl expenses, arc to be looking after hia busine8S Interests, ilton counties. The first pic t ur e t(' come to the Mrs_ Arthur Zell nnd two daugh . The electorate of . this Distri ct devot d to the equipment lind sup- returned home last week. tel's lin d Mrs. Vi olll Harlun and Mrs. Co loni,,1 will be " Th e St'll nlllVk," by need n o introduction to Judge Cu ~ h­ r Ol't of our School blind. The stu· Chrystie McKinsey we re Wilmington 1\1\ odd s onr of th e f oremost photoHe ~e rved liS Judge of th e dents hnv e mud e ,; sple ndid start and The Misse8 Margllret Swanson. ing. A very pretty wedding to ok pillce visito rs Thu rsday afternoon. plays of thi s or uny (O t her season. eve ry citize n of the school dis trict is Glenna Martin, Rosetta Gifford and Court o f Co mm on Pleas in Hamil ton F I',;nk Ll oyd, th e pr~lIli t' r director, Thur, da y e " eni nlr, October 16th, IInxious for thcm to s ucce ed. If you Margllret Billings, of Dayton, clllled county, und is now comple ting a very Ohi o'" T,·n- .'\ cn· WI",,, , t'''nt,· ~ t be- 'IIt half nfter se ven o'clcok, at the .uill II ft e\" " Thl' S ' Il 1\"" \.." lI"d been have n ot mud e your contribution to on Miss Margaret W. Edwllrdt, Thurs- successful term a s Judge of the Mr. and Mrs. Brice Smi t h lind Mr. Court of Appears of this district. g ins i ~" . rl' lI nd )"l' :II' ,hi. filiI. . En· coulltry home of Mr. and Mr a. Elmer lind Mrs. J ohn S heets und g rnndson, comp leteo Ihnt in hi' jmlj!'ment it th o good cuuse. please see Miss Helen day. There is no doubt liS to Judge Cus h- tri(' g h o y£, :-o lnrtcd t.. co me i n . nn d Sher hlln. n car Sprin gbo ro, when t heir 1111 of Springooro, were Su ndny g uest.. waf.; thf\ Clll111 inl\ t i ~' 11 fl f n I~l'c at nrt lI lIw ke . Mr. J . O. Curt wright or Mr. in lhl\ moti on .I del \ jn'~' 1t j ~ a ~to ry W. O. Raper. who will thankfully,. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, of ing's pre.«:minent ~tn ess for . th.e of · will be ~h" ,·d bv t ilL' mid d le o f No- e ldest dnu~hter. Suelln. became the of Mr. Ernest llutterwor lh and fnm- ,) f th rillin i: 1'''"10: ·'''' o f th,! pirate ceive a ll donllli ons. Up t o 7 o'clock Dllyton, Mr. ' F. Bo' Henderson and Iflc~.. He IS recoglllze ~ a8 a Juris t o f vemb er. ill lh" i,~ II..r "f fnnn cr ops bride o f Mr. Ellis McC lure , son of ily. an d Mrs. J.ohn Mc Clure. ho rn", ,,1'H11:' ",, ' 1I",.I>" ry co as t, uf Mond a y morning the f ollowing sub. family, Mr. lind Mrs. D. L. Crane a~tl~ty and VlUlt upen ence. :vho has extcn ~ i oll II1l' lI at tlH' Oh io ~ta t c u nj ~ Mr.The lov(. and ItIU' i):Ul! wit h n\oJ'(! th a n s ingle rin!!' ceremony was perscrip tio ns hud been r eceived : wer e SundllY dinner guests of Mr. dlstmguished hlmseII by a Just nd· vcrsi t y. T lw~c nre ,b, ' c,lOdltions of form ed by Rev. J. C. Stitzel, IImidst The Misses Florence und Gertrl1d~ :l. O()O r"""" '" 11I'''l!l'd ill mak in!! t.h" : lind Mrs. J. H. Coleman. ministration of the law. Judge th eCoCOllt""t nt cs,an t, m u,t 1", Ohio fn rme rs a background of fe rn s and fl owers , W.aymir" nnd Mrs. EdWin O. W~ ~ - I' il'l,,, .' . Ih .. 1II ,·"t "o lrls""1 photo play Dr. J . T . Ellis . .. .$5. 00 Cushing'8 record" both in the tri a l mor e t hun 19 yeu rs 010: t he contest· with la ven der oncl white decora t ion s. m l re, . o f Oukwo()o, call ed o n M1 8 ~ I h tlC (· .. ... :- I,r t h, ' . . '·:lS OI1. F. M. Cole. .$5.00 Mr. lind Mrs. H. H. Williamson and court lind in the A~'p.ellat.e cou~t. wur rguret W . Edwnrda Sund ny ufter . ( '< oJ .,ni:.! : '''(1'0 11 " , th'·l' e fon'. may T. Jeff Smith . .... $5. 00 family entertained at ~unday din. ranu the favor'!ble. co!,slderlltlOn by ant rni . ing t he Inrgest I\ mount of " I Love You Truly" was sung by Mrs. Mll enLllI1 th t 11l:- l'ln's fo r lllllatc ill lot , il l}.!" wheal on 10 ncres shu 1\ he d eclared Elm e r Graham, cousin of the gruo m, noon . 1... A. Zimm erma n . .. $~. OO nflt', Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Cooper lind the voters of thIS dIstrICt. 1I1 11l' [" ~ l ' L Utili p h ot o play 8m. II H! I htl lh . winn er ; 1 a ·ac re pl ot must hnve anll the wedding murch from L(1 hen· OxleY-Pllce Drug Co ..... ... .. .. .. $5.00 • - • Mr. lind Mrs. Prunk Zell and l\11'~. .....t.n· 11r....:l ('ilic:;; in t he rn id dle \\' I\l'o l. regu lnr sides so it Clln casil y be ac· grin wus played by !II iss Alice ·hee· D. R. Smith .. . . .. .... ... .. .$5.00 son, J. Byron, of Dayton, and Miss cU1'l1 tely meu ~ 'Jr e d . but it may be purt han. s i_ter of th e brirlc. The only Frank Fll rr attend ed a poli t ica l rully It i~ 11 prlJ ciuctio n th at iH t l'l'nl (l ltlioluS J . W. White ... .... .. ... ... ....... ... .. . $5 .00 Dorthea Collier, of Wilmington. They. h" Hrd 111'. in it s !-o(' c n C' ~ . int e r pl'clH ti o n HIle! ut.' lof a 1111'",er fi e ld : " ".ri el ie" eligible to nUI' llIlanl. wrre t wo littl e girls, t he in Xe nia. Friday. W. H. Madden ............ ...... ....... $5.00 co m pel<' will I", Iimill'" teo red will - Ma r y Helen Tay lor un ll Fran· McC hes ney, of Cedarville. lind Se ll a- ing . !\:umbel'ed IIllI OII!! th e t',· k l.ra tWulter McClure @ Son .. ..... . $5 .00 Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough, Mr. r es E.lli s, cou : ill ~ o f thp. grOO nl, who tor Fes •. chnrllcterc wi ll he· fnull d ~! ilt, 'n tcr wh eut of !!o od milling quu li t ies. C. M. Robitzer ... . .. .. ... . ....... .... $5 .00 Rnd MrR. C. M. Hough, Mrs. Viola : til<. WIlII"ce Beery un d Elli ci Il,'nF,uch county to h un' its own con- car.-i ed s ma1\ h,, ~ kct~ fill ed wi th lav· Wh' H •. AI~en . .. .. .. _..... . .... ........... $5 .00 Harlan, Mr. Everet.t. Harlan aDd Mr. e nd er chrysnnthemum 8 lind white nell. a ll of wh om hnv<' acqu il'l' ,1 disM·r. lind Mrs. Floyd Davis an d son, test, and one ",u n ill cnr h co unty T c MIamI Gazette $5 00 and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were Sun· Adllm Melloh ... ..... .. .. ...... .5'00 day guests of Mrs. Irena McCurdy, SundllY, Octo be ..: 26, haa been set will be entitled to the county cha m- carn a tion s. Th ey pret: cocd the hride Cecil. Mr. Claren ce Edwnrd R nnrl tin ction in th e ~ ih CI- . cree ll world . .. ... .. ....... .. ........... ~ . IIpart by our State Counselor 115 Me· pion~ hip medili. provide d his yield is as she entered with (he I': ro om. f a mily, and Mr. Chas . EJ wnrd. nnd ~aYHeEil:: rotor Co .. ........ .. .. $5.00 of Springboro. morial Day for ·. the Juniors of lit lellst 25 bu shels an acre. The bride looked love ly in a !!own Camily were S undny di nne r g u ests Any r. . . at IIwlly .. ..... .. ......... $3.00 Ohio. In respect to this request the Ohian wh o prod uce . an ave rage of of white crepe wi lh bead ornum cntB. of Mr. W. E. Stroud and fllmi ly. H. F. Burton .. .............. ..... .... .. .$2.00 Dayton papers, Sunday, carried Miami Valley Council No. 103 wi rlilt. bushels an IIcre, o r 401> bushels on and a corsage bou quet of white cllr· Ellrl Conner .... .. .... ...... .... .. . . . $2.00 the death notice of Ben Frank. Mr. tend the morning service at th6 M. E. 40 nati ons an d va ll ey lillies. th e 10 Ilcres. will r eceive II Bpedal Miss Trill enll Edll'lIrds e ntertained Milton Thompson .... .. ................. $2.00 Frank has been in the Produce busl· church In Wayne Mille to hear Rev. 40-bushel wh ellt club medal, and the A buff e~ supl' er W II S served to over Lee Hawke ............ ...... ....... ......... $2.00 ness for yean, and formerly mllde L. A. Wa8hburn preach a epecial "er. stale sixty relatives nn o fri ends. The sis- us dinner guests Tuesday, Mrs. Mary winn er will receive a grllnd R H Haruock .... ...... ................ ... $2.00 weekly vI,iu to Waynesville, where mon appropriate to the occasion. ALL chllmpionship cup. ters and brothers of the bride and Hopkins, of West Carrollton, Mrs. Roy Pigott ................ ...... ........... ..$1.00 he W81 well known and respected. Juniors are earne8tly urged to meet groom were seated a t the bride's tao Stanley Sellers , of Lebanon, Mrs .•1. II aWllrds will be made by the A Mrs. ·Mary ClIskey ..... .............. .. .$1.00 \ at the Council r oom in the I. O. O. F. Ohio Stllte university during Farm- ble. C. Iluwke and Mrs. H. H. Willillmson . f r s. ~m~a Ra p er .... ......... .... .. ...!1.00 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sontalf and son, building at 10 o'clock sharp, so that er's Week. The " oung co uple left f or a wed. Each conte8tant muat Miss A lice Carey. who tis: being IIsse ur on .. ............ ....... ..... ..... ... 1.00 of Hyde Park, Mi8. LetitIa Schatz· they may march t~! the church in a ag ree to keep a r eco rd of the labor din!! trip to Akr on ~ Ohio, lind several Mr. Rona ld Hawke lind fllmily enCash .......... .... ....... ..... .............. .. $3.00 )nan, of Madisonville, and Mr. Elmer body. ., points along th e Lukes. Th ey will tertained at Sunday dinner, in honor mu ch fett·d be fure her wedding, Ocand other expenses involved in pro· M. D, Balrd···................ ...... .. ... .. U.OO Sontag, .of the O. M. I. Institute, (If By request of the be at home to, their mllny fri en ds at <>f Mr. G. W. Hawke's birthday, Mr. tober 25, to Mr. Irying Welch, of ducing the 10·acre wheat crop. ll ur v('ys bur~. hus a dded another par· E. L. Thomas ........... .. . ............. .. 'uIO Cincinnati, were Sunday guests of . COMMITTEE. Full particulars ~.f the contest are the McClure home after November 1. Wilson Edwllrds and family, Mr. G. t y . to h el' list ill tile last few days, J. C. Hawke .. .... ........ ... .. ..... ........ $1.00 Mr and M W 0 Raper --~ W. Hawke, of Clarksville, and Mr. a one· o·(·IIlck luncheon followed by In the hands of County Ag ent Chae. FTllnk Stanaberry ....... " .......... ... .. $1.00· re... , • -[lind Mrs. J. E. McClure. Class, of Lebanon. "600," nt the Ilea.~tiful :country Wilbur Stansberry .... ............... .$l.OO M~, W. "'. Ra~burn, 0 1 St. Loul., TOBACCO GROWERS' ELECTION Lavonne Burton ... ..... .... ... ... ...... .. $2.00 • n" • home of 1I.1 iss Clam Jane Hlltton, of C. W. Henderson .... ... . _.... ........... $1.00 Mo., arrived here Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. Chas. GrllY returned H ll rvc~'s bu rg, O~ober 18'th.: . CAVE A FAMILY DINNER Harris Moaher ........ .... .. ... .......... . $l.OO for a two days' visit with friend.. The primary .e lection for delegates hom e SundllY, lifter B Pendin~ pa rt Mi ss Oli,·" A,lIen enterta~ed on C. W. Younce ....... .... ..... . _.......... $1.00 Mr. Rayburn, although not in the to the Miami Valley _Tobacco Growof the week with Mr. and Mrs. J . R. Tu esdu y cvel)inc !I t 7 o' do . :with a Mr. and Mrs. Ro y Ellrnhart enter. John Doe ..... .. ..... ... _ ..... ... .. .......... '1.00 bettt. of health, fully enjoyed his stay ers' Co-Operative aBlioclation, will be Mr. George E . Riley' enriched the Baker, of Middletown. Mr. a nd Mrs . mi. cellllllcouS shower, h~n the J. E . Jallney ... .. _....... :........... .. ..... '1.00 here. He will !fo to .T oledo for a held in each township on ~atu~IIY, tained at Sunday dinner, Mr. Clar- library materia lly by d<:>n ating a ,val· Baker also entertain ed 1\Ir. Cillrence' brid(l\.e lect, Miss Carey. '-. " ence Hormell and f.amily, of Dayton, Albert C. Wilson ....... ........... .... ,. $1.00 ahort visit with hIS sister. October 25, 1924. ullble collection of books, among Baker and Miss Mill ie Baker, of Ken· On' Wedn es day . afternooJ:.i. . Mrs. W. A. CIBrk.:···: · .. ····· .. · .. ... .. ... ·· .. ·U.OO . The deleglltes thus' elected _will Mr. lind Mrs. Cillrence Heitz, of near which will be found interesting vol- dllllville. Ind., and Mr. lind Mrs. Chas. Rye and Mrs. Walter .lIcCluro Springboro, Mr. S. S. Ellis, and famJohn Fromm ...... .. .................. ...... $1.00 Mr. and Mn. Ed Woollard cele. m eet on October 28. 1924, in eaeli urnes of history, travel, explorlltions, .David Ba rnes, of Elkhllrt, Ind. ' are entertnini,ng at the home ,of the . former, with II miscillianooQ,jl &howexbr.ted their thirteenth wedding annl. district to nomblate , the number of ily and Mr. Charle,s Ellis and fain· biography, s cillnce, n~tural lore, etc. ily. Total... _.. _........... .. ... " .. ...... _.. '105.00 veraary Sunday . . Those present were ·directors to which silid di8tricU are Mr. Riley hilS at vllTloUS times con· Over 210 nll sw ered to r oll call at ~or lM~ss Alice Cru;ey, the gqeat of , • Mr. and Mrs. Alva Woollllrd and s on, re~pectively entitled. , ' tributed tn the library, und the whole t h e M E Sun day-seh ool Sumla y, It o~ot:. TEMPEDAliURE DROPS Frederick, Mr. Henry. Woollllrd of The members ~hus I)ominllted for c~mmunHy i~ ind~btj!d to him for being ' Ra'lly DaI.-· A ~ery fitting -- • DEA1:HS "'" Hagerato\\\n, Ind., ?Ira. SteUa Con. directors \vill be elected at th e. annulII hIS ge nerosity. . program was given during tile. SunVISITED .EI:.LBROOIt rn...... way and daug-hter Helen from More meeting o[ the association on Satur. aay·School hour. It was at thlS aJl' • , Mrs. Rach\ll Cam'Pbell passed away A sudden drop in tem~ratDre c!!me land, Ind. t Mr. and Mra. Georp:e Wool day, November 1, 1934, in Memorial The mlltket for the library on last propriate time that l\fr. and Mrs. C. Mr. and 'M1'II. ,!llmer at the Friends Home this morning lit Monday afternoon and the mereury l iard and aaughtera/ Paullne Bernice hall lit Dayton. Ohio. 10:30 o'clock. FUlleral servioes will Saturday, yielded almost ,60.00, and W. Younce hecame the ' reciplents of daua:hter, MillS Jl.:d1Ia, ...:~=-,-'Went down to 82 durin the DlPt. . Mary JaJle, DorotDJ', Hr. 'and Hn: be held Friday at 2 o'clock the trustees take t his otltlortunity to Iseveral beautiful and useful weddinlt ·Mm Penea anel Lowe There WIIS R heavy frost. Un 'L U O'I4o Ott Woollard ad clalllrhter Bertha , " thank all thole . who contributed by. gifts, given them by tbe memben of OD 1&. WaJter..:Well4lr. AlbVt Slae~, Mr, S, S, Ellis mIn Cl'.incinnati aerv- at the home of h~~~E:¥!~;: : Mr. Mil- donatlou p~ OJ clay nlsht cloudy weather prnaUecl of Da~LIIr. and the Sunclai·S~oo1. .. ~oIra ~.

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= ," The MUmll Gazette, W &~e..i1Ie. Oblo ItI"


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ROS ATI' P ROC,EE DI NG! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS C. 1(\\" ... 1 lIi lli~ II'tor <'i 1lllw,r i ~lIr"y " Cnrt it' N,'wm:lII , 1.1 I \.! p l" ~ H n ~H' t dec ! 101 III nitllt \·1 1I ~ . $1. 11h ·,1 hi ill '·"p l tn l'Y and app r niSl'lJ nUlI1~ Ihll1 h .~11\ t o W illin m C. 1111 11 \ . - • I . II1I nl h l ' I't \VII S aPI " I Nell i,· Phillip • • trucl of 20 a ' re. in ' Il·:,,'c,· .. ~ k '1'\1 •• : I , ill!' .!'t I'I\ Hf t h l.! ~~t..fl tc of :': \,8 :--;.,. '101 I' . til'Cl.' USCtt. Bo n d W ll ~ ~; iv .. II. T . rlll d Ma r y lJlIl'rlS to Thomll. ~' 11 in t h,' ~ \lm nr ~ :.! O O . M. II l\ rI la rn A . IcGla ,I(', a ppro"i . \, I. ~ lil 11 :111, Il l!ull rilln of H 'I,ec- llI u loly H nLrl!~ i n l\ l u:;:< ie T p., ..:~ I , l'~1 PP:II~ Ull. 'In incul1\p ull·ut, fi lt'\ , his f;"e ly K, Sleph" I\, ,, 1I to II rmc n ~l' \.· ' H HI Hnd fllln l n ·co un l. /l lt U ~ lI l'1l h A ua l\\ ~ , :.! lo t. in r'rullk lin, J II \ he" m utte r or th e ustu l(1 of 1'1'" 8 1. P a v id F o x , I h.'(' c n~e d , J ohn F ox . th e l::lin D. Itholl <l e" to Wall er L. Ilnd ntl llli ni"'l.trat ll r i Iil l'" hi ~ tin~ l and fi n n l Eli zubt'lh )o;"rllhll rt, Inl in Lcbun on, -;; , J. '"



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(' . 1 ro viII ,). rie· $1.

~ l'l' ly K. :l IIU ~ I nr y W . l:i lt' phl' nM oo n , ndminis l ruLrix "O il 10 Oli\' e H ; 11 ('_ . IlJo uut 35 at'r c" in - _ .. w it h wi ll n n nt! xC' d (I f t he cs t nt l ' of Turtl l'c rt'l'k T I'" $ 1.




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-" lI ur ril' l W" ,) l' cO' a >cd. !'"rr y fl ul1,.,hr t" Lure n .1. II l1rd· On Separate Judicia l Ballot . . G EUJ!c lll' 11 , F,,"tf' r. ' e xl.'<: utoor o f wi r k. lo t ill P h' H!"Ullt (' la ill , $ 1, lh,' ,·"lale o f J une W , l.l . Fos u". dc. J ulia ~ k G rn w I.. I,, " h n. \VII. nn , C l' H~t'd . et n i. , lot ;n F ru nkli ll T p., $ 1. ll :Ol'lI", n C. Da kin . II cl mini ~tr" tor For Judge of Court of Common Plea 3 lO r tIll' ,·~ t n l (' l'f :\ II )!e l;lll' Ii. !luk in, COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS <1""" "",.<1 . ti led his inve ntory npBills a ll o wed: Morrow flrnnt, pU l'isc· mc nt. A rlhuT ll nmilt(ln W IIS 1I1'1'"illlcd li S Ilpprlli ~ (' r in the plnce Illll in Le nall ce l'X I'Cnsc fo r qu arte r end · " f (3"" I'~ e I., Schcnc k, who Wll > not ing' S"ptc mbt' r :10 , $5 7.08 ; J)jvi ~ i o n lI f Stllte (, ha l' i l i , '~ . SUPPMl crlp liled IIh l... t o n tl"IIc\ t o hb duli cs. In th e mntler o f th e Nltal,· of child, $4S.0 0 ; T Il(' Wcs t" rn St l\r, ~ up · ~ I IlI'Y )0;, Bisp hll m, d('censccl, \0' , 111. pli es fo r tr ~nsure l' Il nci SlIl'vt!yo r, $5 0, Hb l'h nm, II dministrn w r, til ed h l~ in· 5 0 ; Willi um Mc Donald, de fe ndin g Arthur Mou re , cnur)!" cc\ with sIRI1I- I " c'lI tory lind n PJl rui ~c l11cnl. W . A . Ml'rrilt Wit " II l1 med ~. l lIr­ ing , $50.UO ; Jno. LuI\' & Son, sup uinll fol' En.rl E. and Jnm es M. (' line. plies f ur ~ c nl c l' o f we i"r!II H lin d mea.ures, $1.1&; J ohn La l\' N Son sup· Bonrl. $·10 00. I II the matter of tho e. l.IIle or J . plies f or she r iff. $ 1:1.~ 1 2 : B, F. Xuuf. lIIan , Slim e, $!I . 70 : I..·IJl\ lIo lI Lum b'e r lIn rt ... r , hi da ke r, dCCl'""'d , till' a c· CO l\~. r'" lnt of S. D. Chunc ('llor. e X"" ulo r, ;:;0., 8llme. ·1i c; Cla uuv Reed and Son, settlemont of dll lJl age claim, WII S ap pr o ved , all owed Dnd confi rmed. By \V . L, SlI('milt ill )!, ,'l' ry . Til the mu tter of t he esta t. of $ 150.00: J olnl Law & So n, suppli eij J oh n William HlI r k, doc cu.ed , of s urveyor'. car, $27 .82: S. C. Al ex· " 1' n th e npplicu ti on of Fran,·i.· A. ander, brid ~~e rcpDir, GOc ; Banghnm Hurtsoc k, uclmini. trlll or, the c" urt Motor Car Co., lab or li nd flln pulley, 50c; Monroo & J ohnson, muterials, 1 fou nd the account cor re ct an d up· J $2 1. 70; MorTis Rogers, ha uling grav. I pro" f'd . a llowed nnd con firmed . Ap pli ca tion t o Dclmlt tho will of el, $68,75: Columbus Oil Co .• Sept. J ona th nn l\I cCurdy, decellsed , t" pro. bala nce, $6.75 ; J no. A. Blnir, supbate , "'liS produced und will be h.·ard plies, $6.05; Orogonla Bridg e Co., before the court on October 15t h, at blue prints, SOc : Ohio Cor. Cu lve rt Co., Bewer, $16S.50; W. S. Grnhnm 10 o'clock. -Political Advertisement estimate on contract No. 704, Chlls. J ones, estimate on contract No. 80 1; MARRIAGE LICENSES $426. 00: H. S. Co nover, su pp lies, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... w.. . . . . .DE~. . Harley W. Stephensoll , truck u riv. $7.60: Orego nia Bridge Co., settlement in full contract No. 8 02, $1i90 .. BLONDE BESS OPINES SWE ET OF HIM. 00: Morrow Lumber C., s uppli es, Political Advertis ing. $117,26: L. G. Anderson Sons Co., "I like (" lIo wi who lay I look Th e mt)~ i cOII!'-i Jc r n t c. P (' T ~OI1 in Tindl\!, bridge supplies",:, U O.~ 1; .weal enou g h to "" t - b ecA u se I the worlu ha" loe" 11 {uund , Hu !,ot $7.00; t;d fr~alp¥, 1II\J1l@, 17.(1G; W. A. kn o w Gyc r y good r ea t ll Ur&nt ' in kill ed ill froll t (.r un ulldcrtn her's Scott, sa me, $9.50; David N'u8s same tow n!' " ~ LnbLi . hm e nt. $7; Freg Krlowlton, sameJ $4.6 b; Ed. MONEY LOANED Grady, 88H]:e, $16.S0: Jam es Beel, same, $3.20': L. B. Angar, cru shin g stone, $76.10; Philip Helse l, pay 1'011 dO NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, ! BE fo r hDlf month endi ng Sept. SO, $23.chattels, aleo second m ort~llJ1.'es. ' 90; Hllrlnn Whltnore, Slime, $97,20: Notes bo ught. John Harbine, Allen and J . W. White, S gallon of oil, Building, Xenia, Ohio. $3.26.





We are in the market for your

Baled Straw

• Ig

Willard J.


Write or phone our buyer,


Election Day Tuesday Nov. 4tll

The Hager Straw Board and .Paper Co.



Cedarville, Ohio



-0 N N I }1:

. ... .



Two men were crossIng a street. F irst One-"Wliat is a "Jay walk·


Last One-"A "jay walker" ;s a guy that tllkes a shor t cut to the

ho ~ pltnl."


First One "Wrong. A " jllY walk er is a pr eBon that- " Then cnme a taxi.-


Farmers, Attention! 1 Farmers of Warren and adj oining counties may obtain mon ey on long 60

time loans, at 6'h per cent interest. Cost of securing the same is ve ry r ca· sonable ,through The Federal Land Bank. Fo r further inform a ti on cull on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treasurer, phone SI G-X, L ebanon, Ohio.






Republicans Have Selected Leaders of

Sterling Character and Safe Juclgmeat Assuring Economy, Efficiency and IntegrUy in Nation and State.







COOLmGE lor PresldeDt DAVIS lor Governor DAWES lor Vice-Presldeat Accomplishments-results-not promises nor excuses are demanded of men holding our high public offices. The affairs (If good govem.ment need men who have the capacity to act with wisdom in th e considera, tion of governmental affairs, men who have refrained from small practices and petty jealousies. V oters who consider the qualifications of their candidates demand honest and efficient servants. The record of Cah,jn Coolidge in the nation b paralleled by that of Harry L Datli" in the State..

A few of Harry L. Davis' accomplishments 1 Sla.hed .tate tnxes $12,000.. 6 Bui lt 1,800 mile. of new 000 .('0 annu ally - boldly .ubslantial roadwav Ilt on aholished Slate tax levy, the...,. average cost of $4,000 Ie .. per A State hy mile th an under Ihe Dunahe" o( m oney (or people of Ohio regime, a. com pa red with omy Ticket of e"ery year. n few hundred r,1:\es con8trw:t2 office At the close of his term of cd under Donahey. Strength turned ove r to his lucce..or the gigantic cash bal- 7 Paid Ohio cx-.ervlce men Por Gooernor adjulled ai' ance $20,500,000, unpresaving


POt' &erda..,. of SlCue

Thad I L Bron-n Por AMdltor of Scar.. Joseph H. Tracy


Por ~Treasur,","

Harry S. Day Por AJtomcy Genera'

C.C. Crabbe For ;"dg,. of


)ametl E. R\) binson RevnoldB R. Kinkade.

cedented In Ohio hi.lory; and this in .pite of a deficit left him by the previous admlniltration. Overcominlf odd. of giganlic opposition, Installed the fi rst 1>u . in~.".11 ke form of I':0Vtrnmcnt in Oh io, abolishing h Ul.ld l'ec.iG of aln ccurcs and d eItroy iojl wAstefulnr .. under whi ch public funds had beeD squandered In the past. 1"",,,lIed,, monthly budget




~,.. s t v m, u n d t"r \.vh lch c :lch d ep a r t men t nUI :>; t sh ow I l t.i nl c'I yt'l rl y It h as not . ptn t m ore, than a twelfth of It. 01'1,ro p ri. otion, nla kin s: sho rt ",,,' rk ;

reckl" sne .. with pu blic fun d •. By large rond construction Pt(lgnJ m, aldc.J to bring the ( nrm e r and city dweller In a cI 8ec co nla ct, en ub ll n ll the (nrm n' to market hll pro<luctll more pro6tabl y.


greaating 5)2.500,000 of which $7,500,000 was tak"n from the .tate trea. urv, thlo having been made possible by tremendoutl laving!,,;

8 Reduced unlettled worle.. m~nt!ll


compensation clalme

(rom 9,000 to 2,000 and Incr.,a•• d th i8 fund $9,000,000. Interc"t " lnne on the fund \rtCW (wer $1,000,000.

Cl': Mncle Ohio a l ead~r In I"w ;)1 cn forcclnent w ith nrresu

and conviction. In nca rl), 7,000 ClUes, whIch n e tted t he . tatc 52.S00,OOO In fines or IlS3cSlCd liquor ta..~es.

'10 administration, G:.veOhlo a buslncs.-llke a


d eal , th e sort of good II vem. m en t that hlSI ly,recommcDm h 15 rctul'D to oiji~c.

'REPUBLICAN STATE CAMPAIG . . . . . . . . .' ........0


Citizen'8 Ticket Representative to the Gene ral Assemb ly CHARLES A. HOPKINS

uaNCE .I. DAL, Cbalrman


All Hogs Immuned /3JlI~


IBoroes for Farmers. Breeders and Showmen


- - ---,--- - - - - --


trllveljng ~ag, be- l tween Lebanon and fdt. JIo\ly. It , con tained la~les weAring IIPparel, al- I sa a pencil with Edna H. on It, Return to S. Ii. Roland, R. D. 1, Waynesville, Ohld. ·n5

Auctioneers, C-OL. IGLEHART andCOL-: WEIKtRT-



LOST-Black and tan hound, name lind address qn ~ollar, Regi ster No. O. A. Strawn, 823. Reword. Waynesvllle" Ohio. 022·



FOR SALE-Fresh cow and Spotted Poland China male hog. J . C. Cummings, ' R, D. 3, Waynesville, Ohio. 029· .

Public Salea

Write fol' catalogue.

FOR RENT- House of nve ,ooms, Sale Starts at 12.30 water nnd eleotr ic. lights. Inquire , 'fl ' . A ' . . f M W ' II ' f T I li S IS o llr ~.· cc ond nUlIal Purc B I'L'd Duro(' S :1 lt' ant! It IS wi t h at o d Frs. , ~ IIlms'ts corn er 0 8~ c r g r eat p leal; ul'c lhat we olTe r to th e pu b li (; thi s l~ lIl1 l' h of r ea l an ourt., stl'ce . 0

F or Co unty Commissioners CHARLES H. ROGERS HARRY S. SMITH

. .. .

will be held on the farm, 3 miles w est of Xcnia, on th e Vpper Bellbt'ook pik e.

Clerk of Co urts JOSIE WILLS

For Coroner GEORGE P. WALKER - p olitical Advertisement

Friday, October 24, '24


FOR SAL~Fancy Roman Beauty Apples. ' Price at the orchllrd, $1.60 to $2.00 per bushel. D. B. Unde.rwood, Valley phone 34.3, Har· veysburg, Ohio tf

treme ndous Ilium


Charles H. Lewis



Th c Brcedcr un d Pri ze Winn t' r prov en by th c win nin gs of sc v. cra l State and County Fili I'S

. .. .



Bonnie Brae Sensation



sows Al':D BOARS

C onsisting o f .Juni or Yc a r l i ll ~''; . F nil Sow !'> , Spri ng Gi lts al d ' pr i ng 13 o a l'~ , Illo"l! y sire d by

She-UDoes your husband take you into ' his confidence in regnrd to his HOUSE PAINTING-Inside and busineB8 pro·blems?" Hardwood finishing a specialtYi autos Wife--uYes; indeed--every time I repainted and refinished. W . H. buy /I n/lw RIIl~, I . Britain, Waynesville, Ohio. 0~~22· NOTICE Of' EJ.EC;'fION Notice Is hereby given that a proposition to l,evy additional taxes for school purposes for and during t he period of fiv e years, at a rute not excetJdillg t/1ree mills in add iti on to the Illllximu/D rate au thorized by IIIW, will be submitted to th e electors of the Waynll Town ship Rura l School District at Bin election to be held on Tuea" tb. 4tb Day of November, '24, At the usuol polli ng places in said di strict, between the hours of 6 :30 O'Clock, fore noo n, lind 5 :30 o'clock afternoon. L. M. HEND ERSON, Clerk o.f t h!? Board of EUllcution o f Wayne Tp. Rural School Distri ct. Boa rd of Deputy State Sup ervis ors (and Inspectors ) of Warren Co. By M. A. DUR KE, PRES. 029 C, B. DE CHANt, Clerk.


FOR SALE~Winter Apples, Jersey Cows and ~potted P. C. hog.. ' K. E. Thom pson, OregonIa, ,W arren Co., O. R. D. 1, Box lOa, Valley ·phono 19-1 %, Hal1'eysbllrg ' ring. 1 -. 290·

FOR SALf,:.....iReal .J !lnijeJ\ ·JiY}l .P.UP·S, ,. pealgrlled, J CII)J.-n lie,,~/}em, 0,_ A. St John;b, D, ·5, lIyntlivll.1l!, 0, Having rented the farm I will sell (" , n~· II ' , at pu blic auction on what is known as the Dean Shannon farm, 4 miles FOR. SALE--"Rite" TyPO POl.nd~ from Harveysburg and 2 miles east China Boan. March pigs and eli· of Oregonia, on the Harveysburg gible to register. Wm, A, l.ukena, . and Oregonia pIke, on Harveysbur&j Ohio. ,, ~29· :'. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1924 FOR SALE-ford , Coupe, with star· ter, In good condition. Inquire. of The follow'ing described chattels : 4 horses, 19 cattle, 17 sheep, 26 Mrs. Ed Motgan Ilt Jos. Evan's reahogs, farming implements, harness, idence, R. n. I, Waynesville, Ohio. ·029 grain and hay, engine, truck, etc. ') ' Sec big bills for te rm s FOR SALE-A child's Iron' bcd, pnd W. D. WARNER. a baby clll'rlage,. '· ' Inquire atl L,·' A. Jesse Stanley, Auct. _ .Zimmerlllan(8 erocery" .,' '029 Having rented my farm, I will of. FOR SALE-.rA good Jeney cow, fer at public auction at my residence be fresh fi~t of 'December. In· th.ree miles east of Oregonia., four 'quire of Frimk Braddock, R. D. 2, mIles west o:f Harveysburg, at tbe Wayneavillll, Ohio. , 029 Flatfork Schc.ol house, on FOR --SALE-One Home Comfort Saturday, OctD.b~r 215, 1924, ' range, ~, Empire Estate heater, 1 Beginning' at 12 :30 O'clock, the fol- Heitz electric washer. Mrs. Harold lowing: One horse, 2 COWl, calf. 2 028· hogs, farming imI!lmentll, grain, har. Burge, W.lyneaville, Ohio. ness, chlckenlS and IIOme household FOR SALil-8 b. p. Guollne en16 tons of hay. sine. ~~r further information in· roodl. MATTIE GRAY. . J~ Aqct. .$ PIa-

'nita ill tIM home.bundin g y ..... As JOG travel over the coontr,. )IOU tee ~ 01 Ilotnta ~ erected. J>ec.,a. haft come to the realization that ,It,,, true erxrnomy to put their .IJI!l'Ii7In 'a perrilllneni building. ral her ~ ~y qut 10 much fur rent or for boa"s lind Iodglng, with nothtnc to Ibow for II III tile end. . TI» Amertcan family spirit has much to do with II. Every ch~d ill ,tmdtJed to " real home, People who , have ctdJdrer\ want their boys and I~ to know what II Is 10 live In ... hoaie, with a ynrd.








A tjtw mlnutos with a pencn end papec ~I convince you that you can , Q~ Ii home IUltttble for your needs. T~ It over whh )lour dealer. H~ 1$ ' a 'pact/tioner In buU,hng. He know. coodl\lOns: his expetience valuable


10 you, H e' wnnts to Kille you the ItlDd 0I1eI'V1c:e that will mab a frieGd


w. H. MADDEN it CO. -- -- - _.. ) '---- -


n.. Miami c.~Zette, Wayoe aville, Ohio

.~..~.T~H-E·~-M-I-A, --M~I~-G~·~A~Z~~~T~~T~E~..~.:~~-~~~l-Y~lL~E~~~~~~CE~O~ -AI; - V·Al- lE '--l ~~~~,~~~~ ,:~~~~-f OROVERd " il~ n I ' :; En J::VEItY WED NESDA Y I l o I... e In.t I I tUl' lfr un , .~huu l." "'. .~'\',



Fril llQ'

It Y('.


' ~I oj




i)' . E. M. U~)OI?H

JUIl! , UJU I L:. I , '" 1",,, 1..J1t)' 111 '1. I tr. Ul1 J... :d .... [

Fono Mothc l··- "Y rn, h,' \VJ'i / 'S .' hr ' ,<, .. I n . , . Li ll ie blJu tII"r Lewis is "lhe L I, J. t ' , r.lnrlUl undfn nulY 8p ' nt Sull- m u ,uI £!~ II lCscruu u r,t.l'!!I C AT .\ nnn ~Jrn l:\"' : f ' r " I' t enlll. .j .. s, rh e E) L! :I)! ht SpeC ial! 1 , i k li. 1. or •. u Oh'Ir t ll1 \I~ tr '. 1 1 .." I\~ln day in l\lid d Jctnwn . I ' D. L. CRAN E, Editor an d P u bli.her, W ayn"ovil le, Ohio. I" ': '..~" 1' :·' 111 1 \ ' l~',I.<:;.:1 r. . I ~ t lu'... II r, ,," d ;I I 1'4, (; h"rl ~ " .1 "hil S " pe nt n• I • Shumu kl' r wus n bU Min c SR \'i 8 - . . ___= 1' 1I1'r 'n! t\J,,1I (" IT'" ,. II,' 1,1 to; T hlll's ct a y i ll, Ha ylo n , I 't r ' l l , ' " r1, .~ 1J 1"" rt 11(I JI 1''''d''' it or ' ill Dayton, Thurs ~uy . ~ Ih. · 1' "' " \.; , r· Mr, ,,,,, I ~ I n. \\,i ll)ur Clt(rk cnt<!l'I ~nl"' ''' l hl ls r c<lll(\l1~ tI"I" l! , i l" tt l r' l " I'1llfj' ::; ubgcript i" " I' nee, ~ 1. 50 per year. T. Dnn,"ll and \ml ly W l'I'~! ~lll':'il:" FRO Wi lle t! tu u fm lli l,' di nllcr SUll da y. ~T I ~ 'l lt I.' hl1 drn l ;I"!" . t (' /]a n (l ll. OhIO of Cr i c nu s in XEmiu ·u ud uy . ' I I . • • ...J F' J C),. "'If-V ,"I: " \ I\l orr i. "'harl" n b " U cll din~ nig ht T ,I.rid ("J"" , ! I rl ., 1\ \ V t 1 11011 , Hr I' H· ...· llil\ \ I' ,. Li ll iun Fusler, of Cinc inn a ti, opt'n l ' schuol ill JJaylllll . :~ I \'; I ' H ! : ~ :; ' .- ,( " , takin g nn e lect II ri cal fe w dny s with home f olk . , t(lU r:;c. EV.<Jl'ett Clllle , o f New Vienna, wa ~ 1\1r. F rHn k Smith is s pe lluinj! thi s n vi sito r here Sllturdu . • ,~:fllJ n. Il l. In I p. " 1 ~'. I VACCIN ATION OF SWINE week with hi ~ dllug hLc r, !lJr~. Rnlph H nrlan Cantrill , of Berryv ille, is WI.;J)N";~ llAY. UCTUI:lER 22, HI 24 J ohn s ulld fam il y. spendin g a few days with his u ncl e, A SPECIA LTY HAVE YOUR EYE5 HAMil ED Mr. li nd M,'". Wilhur Clnrk vi sited in th i .. vi cini " ty. Mr.. Chu •. Clnrk nt IIli nllli Vallcy Joltn .Win~ro ~--~-------s" , o)f Clllr hv iJl s, THE W ORLD'S PROC.R r::S' enterta ined III tht· hlJ mc o f e,Chwa "com e bnel; " in the h IStory of the h o ~ pitul , Weun eKday. a5. ~_--Mr. nnd \lurry McGinn is were FORt er nn d family. S unday. \·:o rill. Th Cl~(, wh .. UI'(' C I 0~ C t o th e Phone 44 SUlllluy din ne r I(U~ ~ t " I) f IJr. a nd Mrs. Thn I ,, \\ li t n fin\' i ~ nn in lr' t' cR lin l! ~ i t.u atio n .b l ' li"ve t hat Ih'e YC l\r,~. will L. ll. lI ull nnu chilurcn , in Way ness tu dv . \ . Ite 1,. Fr;"Il" '. lil ,'!": II'\' e m ~ :- ~c her fnull y u n h~r f ATTA- CIRl,-R UTH ee t. l'~very vi lle. h od lill (\Il t D ntc yo ur a .. lel with m ) FO ll d Mothl' ...·-- .. I 'nl very much .I 0 /11 1011. PH" . " \'U r,L" (H' rman factnry 1 ~ Intm:I, II Ot. o ne Mr • . \Jora Whit Tlt ' H t e und childrcn , of surpris ed nt 1 1ut:h -s he '~ never lik ed I.t \ rI l't l' .. ld"'!f 1 ~ l1 le rit\l o. : I lllll ll' l hltil' hm~ tnJurfld 1'0 much nH a HarveY lhur,. Oblo . loll .nll ,.; , ' ( ' I . a ll .fac tion or c h. Ar ge • f' ) l I' resl ch, cken house ns n !'I" lIll uf til e \\ ar, [)a yLOn, spent Bevcrn l dny" last week rt.·lI tl ~ • ! I 'I ' , ·... I C I d ' WiLh her Hi ' tcr, Mrs. J:;vu Gra ham und cit'n t of ~II ", " P' ·)!l' . I f Ioun d d ('ul j I tint , ll'lllll~1I an IS, 1"cr ll 1"' 1 UP S PO I' 1e d fu mi ly, in Io"d. I', ', . ," I·: J. 1.111 kill . th e u!,d Illt" I,.,,·,' ly c ult,vate ISSU E D BY WADE CUSHIN G, CIN CINNA I, OHIO d .. 1I (' r ollly JIII'~ . Clarenc e Smith is huving CENT ERVI LLE, OHIO wo r ld fll ml' '' .I t n " " In t r. 1l 1I' , . t !i th,~ ~ <.hmctllt y ha s bt 'l' n on e ! of hnullt'c , u!ld qu ile u bit uf lr lJ uu le with une of her lh e .""1at , dn . 111 1" af t ,! 7. yecl rs Ithat 1 ~ 11 0 \\: IUl'g (· ly tt'm o \·(.' (1. While "ye s Phonel No.2 Ullel i, under t he cure of a s llCCof \: -,,(,, 1 I I,.. \ ' Ii " " " .. , . .t nl~ n \ "O nH' fl'ul' WE GET THEM QUICK LY O\ND he ld lo y th o ~ " w ho ha,,:e iuli ~ l ill LJllytun. rmh ilt r I tit " ' l , b " I , o f IW .. t.' IY, Hufrl !('<! l-il'v, ' rt',l y bythc r \\h r,bc ll c fI8 FREE O F CHARG E lVIr. !lnd 1111'S. P. B. II nwke nnd chil , . held I , J (I I I '. " 1 , ' 1', II II ~ II , I'L' I'I II t , "r I.';' t liH t (le u(ll., now ~' C li rt' t! , CI, 0 U IlU , I it f II thr e (, INI1lUII ' I h . AII)el't, (knt I 11 1' 1'1 1' , ... , II II 'iI' \lI l d U I ,\\ I r ~ ity " lid 111 1'S. ~ I­ CALL US ANY TI ME AT OUR . le " Y II Ulli lIUnPl , ntH Firat Di.trict or Ohio r t' l u d 1.1" rh, ' l it \ r " 11 1' II l i t· ," c a l be m Ull)' a d H~t he for e tl u'Yt at tL w ~1l len CUP" ";' SpCllt S IIIl<lIlY with relaare I~guln ti vl" ill ~,iddlt · t u \\,H . J E XPE NSE ~ Icd h llll d ly " ,t,. w , ' f l' 'lla l l I_1( . 1I " :111 I II H., 1'1 ':- t , 11 11 '"t~ r ll "tlOnal tJ'tl' lc llir. alld Jl lrs . Clare nce l:)m ith en· S Ul'h 1I 1 1;11 ' " \\' " .lI d hl' ullU lI ll k. stru kt'> ~_ _ _ _ • _ __ _ WARRE N, CLINTO N. CLERM ONT, lCrLll incd to) S undu y uilln c l', II1r. We i· nb h '." ~ W' El i. I , lI\l t lilli l1 ~ hi~ llllglO n SllIith, uf Lus Anlole les, Cu I., FUNER AL DIRECT OR llwug-ht rl'}.'hl ' din ~~ \\ hat hv lJl'l ie \' I' ~ ttl Phone 8 BUTLE R AND HAMIL TON HARV EYSBU R' 0, O. Ullel Mrs. An n L. S m,th. . h ll a n l'(' l' :-:--Hl' Y fll "', n' l l~,doll, P il r" l\ ~ COUNT :\lr. "lid IES Mr •. Frallk lI eckatho rn th etically , Wt ' I ' B llll o t 4 ('l' tnu rh nl 'ed Wayn esvill e, Ohio un d chilu run, o f III illmi sburg, wel'c o f II rw w rvli ~ · h ll l . Ol lr hl'l i,' f n ~ :l(! S unday dinner g ues ts nt the homc of lh nt th t' ( ' hI': 'H ill n, l il i llf1 ", lit p r ll \ ' \' Nomin" t ed by Republi can P a rty Mr. Illld Mrs. Ralph Johns. J{-, E.llA THA " quil l' a !- Ill' , "":-: \ Ilt ' l l it 14 l r illd, Mrs. Fully Equip ped for Good Eelwin Lilln em" n and child · T ht· PH ....... II ,' ,r th .':-Ov I.! rt ' hl 1;1 ' ,1" , ) 1"1 Der t Dog-an hus u ne w cll r. Get r en, Huth and Jllck , u f Dayton , spen t l iJ,rht ... \ 11 tbt· \I,'V I hl' ~ I'ruJ.r r . ,~ ~ h ' l w ~ rl'ady , gi rl :-:. ! DENT IST Servic e. e\'l'!' . . 1\\ , f d' n h uh, l',lil tJ)'ial l'lI · \\, ill" ',," (, Iilll' i!< llllclIO illf{ scho ol purt of lust week witb h'r purenl. , Mr. and Mrs. He llry Foulks. For Judge, Cou'r t of Appelll" d p J':'wllH'H t- I n 'cl ' i \'L' ci by Llw )Jul lTie in I [ u TvC'y !" huf).{, Large . D isplay Room And X-O-G RAPH IST Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Broc k m ol ored with littlt., t . r 11(1 l' Il T111lll'nt. Ha f!" 'r The Te r ry fumily e ntertain ed Dayt o In d ianapoli s, Ind" Friduy morn· i:-;. il ~ ,,' poi!ln fixe d u n th e c.l i ~ c veri·: ~ Lon com puny, Rundn y , TELEPHONE 7 in g , f or several dn ys' vis it with th eir Waynesv 11le, nAY on NIGHT of th e mUt1H--flt . As one ~r c at nlind T ho Ferri. famili es were shoppin g .0 Oblo. 11, Mr. Glenn Brock and family. f 'C U ~ l'!" t u f\lll~liul\. Hn u t h cr lUU 1Ul1 11(,' , in 1.e bun on on Wedn esdny. Telepho ne 114, The many fircnd. of "irs . Chnrles 1' ::\ Ih(· ~o l uliu n of the ~m\l s!1!!in (! E. C. Mll nnon "Pc lit lus t week at Clark a ro pleased to lenrn thnt she CUlldidllte for Re-Elec ti on I' r ll h ll' tIl lfj/ a ll X .. r uy n1 uc hi ll ': 'i\ i l lch hi. farm nellr Wilmin ~lo" . OFFICE: HATHA WAY 8100, t1i ~ cI ,,> (· .; th ,· co nll'n lS of all b"~~"K I'. I':. C. Mllnnoll Ir) ~ t a fin e r egiMeI" is ge ttin g along nice ly s ince a rece'nt operatio n a t Miom i Vnll ey hospital . Ano the r ('xI'",·, tl, lI. U" he ,'a" ,·"w cd J e rsey hc iffer un Illst Wednesday ON MAIN STREET Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Grnham and ti x his mnchille ~o thnt an ou • .,r "er night. VOTE FOR HIM daughte r, IJernice , BUenue d a surIIlIl Y peep intu 1lllY homc throuj:(h lhe Lon Brllnnon and wiCe spent Sun- pri . e party Sunday at th e home of NOTAR Y PUBLIO ON NON.PA RTISAN wn lk tln~' wilh C. V. Hnrness 'and CamllY, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whit&, in DnyWilh its "I'n Se of th' grot('s'llW Ill · in Xenia. \V1l1s Drawn JUDICI AL BALLO T ton. Estates Settled way s o n tnp the Am e rican sny s" "so T he F. S. Sherwoo d Co., of OreAmong the Dayton shopper s from I'a""l·. t he I,ol!t h'ggl'l' ," nn d wi l h h,m gonia, arc doing so me repairin g on here Thursda y Were! Mesdam e6 C. Wayn esvill e, 'Ohio _j (l ur !l l' lL i n ~ pllnil'" Il ',d midlli~ht (rol 'thei r f nrm here. Denti st Jucl,e W.cI. CUlblDII Election , , No". 4, 1924 A. Thomps on, Mary E. Carmon y, Elie • . " .I .,vill l liS Is thi" Ihoug ht it ha" R. E. Th om pNon nnd wife were In len Copsey, Elsie Hawke and Cora Nationa l Bank in it the g~rJ1l o f greater truth. It X niu on l:)u ndny, the g uests of How. Waynesv1l1e National Bank Bldlt J ones. heru lds th e compuls ory perfecti on of !lrd Cnrr nnd family. Mrs. H. M. Clark returned home I he race . Mrs. Mattie Gray spent the week. Mnnkind must perfecl it· H!lf. It is the inexorab le law of nn- end with her BiBter at West Alexan· from Union, 111., on Tnueeda y of last week, after an extende d visit with der who Is quite sic k. lure. daughte r, Mrs. Neal Dunham and K. E. ThompBon wns in Greene her county near Xenia n couple of days children . Mr. Welling ton Smith, of Los AnWITH THE FINANC IAL PROBlas ~ week, ins pecting register ed hogs . Wm. Warner has r ented his fann ~ele8, CaL, arrived here Friday mornLEMS SOLVE D mil' for a couplc of week's visit with here nnd will hold U public sille on his mother, Mrs. Ann L . Smith, and War like politics makes strnnge Jo' riday. Our Ladies Aid will serve other relative s . hedf ellow!. · The United States put lunch. Miss Mildred Cln rk, in compan y The Misses Jennie and Josephi ne v.'ith German y out of commiss ion in the Miss Ada Mi chener and !diM !"reat strull'gle for world freedom , Re eves, of New Burling ton, are our l:)hoemaker, of the Centerv ille school, now she leads In r .. st.,ring t o (;er · new "h ell o" girls at the telephon e spent the week-en d nt Miami univermuny h er pluce in t he sun, it is uffice in Hllrvey sburg, sity, at Oxford. Waylan d Jordan and family, of ho ped with chasten ed spirit. Mr. and Simeon Brown enSimu ltaneous ly with th e floating of Cincinn ati, Mr. and Mra. Howard t ertained to Mrs. Sunday dinn er, Mr. and the I'!'reat German loan in this coun- Mesker, of Columb us, WC1'e Sunday Mrs. Edd Brown, of f'ranklin , and t ry th ere started fr om the other side gUC8ts of the Jordnn family. Mn. William Young and Bon, EdThe Prisc!lln club met with Mrs. ward, the ,:: rent gia nt Zeppelin ZR 3, built of Springfi eld . in th e Germlln yard s for the Am er· Balleng er on Isst Wedn esday. The Mr. a nd Mrs. H. M. Clark had for i nn gove rnm ent. The contrac f or next meeting will be with Mrs. J . W. their Sundny dinn er the buildin ,:: of this Il'rent monste r of Edward s on the afterno on of th(> and MrR. George Clark, guests, Pro!. of Cincinn nti th e nir iN lo oked at asknnce by th e third Wednes day in Novemb er. nnd Mr. and Mrs. H ezekia h Evnns, Our 1.adies Aid will meet with Mrs. son and lann on th e stree l, who, conside ring duu ,::h tel', of Cednrvi lle . " th e t erm s of our ponce neltotint ions, Mnucl T err y in the afternoo n of th " Mr. and Mrs. Ern est r ccnlls l he stipulut ion thnt t he Zeppe · secon d Wedn esday in Novemb er, an d doughte r, Zelph, nnd so n,Brown and Bert, Ml" li n wor kg shou ld be Jl ut out of comm ie with Mrs K. E. Th ompson in the af un d 1111' • J ess i::mswile r, of Dayton, sio n Ilnd Ge rmun air cra f t protluc . ternoon of the second Wednes day i n were w ck-e nd I'!' Ue Rt.~ of th e ir purt i'l n be lim ited to craft suitable on ly Dece mb er . ents , Mr. a lld Mrs . S im eo n Brown. f or comm l'rcial usc. . Some f olkf Mr. un d Mrs. Glenn J ohn s an d so n, WIREL ESS wonder if t he Zel'oelin trip ncross the Paul Turner, of Dayton , spent Sunocenn to our sh ores is just a tes t .of day with the former' s pnrents , Mr. HOR tcss-" Ohh, Mr. Smythe , please p ossibilit ies. and Mrs. Charles E. John s and were hnve another helping of ment." It mny be regarde d ns ccrtnin now Mr. Smythe- "No, thank. - my joined in the aCtern oo n by Mr. nnd that German y will stage the g rcntest wife's heckling me under the table," Mrs . John Turner and son, Ricbard , of Bellbroo k, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sackett and family, of Waynes ville. ' ,lie , 0 ., uR ScconU Class Mnil Mnttcr




Dr W E

At .Lary's Jewelry lOp



1--- - --- --- --- --


Eve ry

F • T • Ma tIn ' A uct.loR eer ______



u esd ' y







Wal ter McC lure


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.

\-n H.



x Wade Cushing


Dr. .John W. Miller


Ends Saturday, October 25!

great 1924 Fall Festi val ends Satur day. Endi ng two week s T ofHEsavin gs unpa rallel ed, we believ e, in any previ ous Festival.

The treme ndou s savings oppo rtuni ties these thirte en days have broug ht, the unus ually large crow ds that have boug ht, the ex' cepti onall y large numb er of peop le in our store at all times attest the striki ng success of this mom entou s even t! That all may partic ipate , this mess age is being broad cast to you.

------- --


HARVEYSBURG third of aD the tobacc o chewers in the Unite d States chew BEEC H.NU T Chewi ng

0ger one


That'ub e reucm wtr.., there MIll

Ow:rZSOMUJiOD Packa ges SoIcIIn •

Siqle Year


m08t 01 the bed for tOe.



Lebanon Oper;iIH~;;;:t October 27th at I p. ' •• 'S!



III, ,.

III 11



Memb er of the Ohio State Indult rial Conun i..ion and

MRS JOHN ·MA""r.r. of Sp~in~field, Ohio, will delive r addrea lfll. Every wom· an . voter of Wayne and Mallie Towna hipi Ihould ' avail themae lvel of thil 9Pport unity of hearin l( the illuel of the campa ilfll' dilCul ied 'by thele able women . Thil meetin l( ii ,aiven elpeci ally for · women , but every . - . voter il invited . CHA5 . J. WAGG ONER C. C. COLLI NS CHAS . MADD EN, Campaign Committee.

Miss Lida Kenned y, oJf Dayton, was at home over the week·('n d. Ed McFarln nd was quite ill early In the weck, but is able to be out again . Capt. Chns. Gnrner, of Columb us, spent the week-en d with his mother lind bro th er. Mrs. Puul Reaso n, of Dayton, spent Thursda y with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heason. The I thicnn Qu a rtet ()J1tertnined at the Hull Saturdn y evening and were well received. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Thomps on and little Glol'in HerreR called on Mrs. Mnry J. Fi nch, Thurs day. Mr. und Mrs. Briun and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Dlly t on, called on Mr. and Mrg. J. C. Grny, Sa t urda y. Mrs. ChUB. Clark nnd Mrs. John Clnrk, of Columb us, pnssed the week . e nd with Mr. nnd Mrs. J . W. CiaI'\( and Roy Clark. IIIrR. Inn Shane is taking a wel\ earned vnclion, the Misses Re e ves, of New Burling ton, nre attendin g th e telephon e exchnng e during her abse nce. A number from here attende d the funera l of A. L. Hendric ks, of Dayton, nt Miami 'chapel, Tuesday , afternoon. Mr. Hendric ks was a fonner resident of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlan bave resumed propriet orship of thc News room, after a year'8 rest, during which time Mrs, Ida Howe Bnd Mr. Harry Howe have had charge. Mr. and Mrs. Chll8. Gray and famil)' entertai ned to dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and 80nB, Virgil and Gorden, of Hamilto n, and Mra, Amanda Starr and daughte r, Miss Mabel. Mr. I. N.Mille r and Miss Lula entertaine d on Sunday honorin g Mr. Miller's 84th birthday , also the blrfhdny of hi s grand-d aughter , Mrs. Turner. The guestl! Included Mr. Mil· ler's childrM l, grandch ildren and great grant-ch ildren. MI8l! Clara Hatton entertai ned with a 1-o'cloc k luncheo n alld cards on Saturda y afterno on at · Pleasan t View farm for the pleasure of MiM Alice Carey, of Waynesv ll1e. Covers werc laid for Miss Alice Carey, Miss Helen Welch, Miss Corrlnn e Welch, Miss Olive Allen, Miss Martha O'Neall, oC WayneS Ville, Mrs. St.ClaiiFife, of Wilmin gton, 'Mrs. Warren of Dayton, Mrs. Keller ' Hoke, Mrs, Oscar Stanfiel d, of New , Burling ton, Mrs. H erbert Carr and M!S8 Hatton, ---'-


---_. - ..

CATTY THING Co-ed- "FIow long . were you In the far north?" Freshie -"J wasn't in the fnr north." • Co-ed-" E)(cuse me - I thougbt you ",ere dancing with your snow 8hoes stil\ ~~::.. _ .......... . __ ED PURDY 'S PHILOS aD,. • I.rd. twixt eM .,l ~ ~ !o\!~.. •

"na"'. ...

Co me -Bu y-S atu rda y-T he Last Festival Day!

6 Dozen Bob Comb s, Festiv al Priced , ____ 35c 15 Silver- Plated Platte rs, in Sale __________ $6 . 30 Siilk Bags, Smar t Styles , ____ __ ______ $3.50 12 and 16 Butto n Frenc h Kid Gloves, __ S3.95 Wom en's 2 Clasp Kid Gloves, _________ $1.95 Wom en's Fabric Gloves, ____95c, $1.45, $1.95 Hand and Nail Brush es, in 'Sale _______ _15c Wom en's Silk Umbr ellas, _____ $3.95 to $7.85 Full Fashi oned Silk Hose __ __ ___ S1.15 to $1.95 Vene-tian Perfu me Vials., in Sale, _______ .45c Hand some Perfu me Burne rs, _________ $4.47 (Rike- Kumle r-Sixt lt Floor)

Tan ~o Powd er Puffs, Very Daint y _______ 19c " 'omen 's Silk Vests , ______ S1.65, $1.95, $2.50 Wome n's Silk Bloom ers, ________ $2.65, $2.95 Wom en's Glove Silk Chem ise, _____ _$3.50, $5 Men 's Broad cloth Shirts , _____ ___ $1.85, $2.95 Men 's Athle tic Union suits, ____ ________ _79c Men 's Silk Socks, Festiv al Priced , _______ 50c Men's Pull-O ver and Coat Sweat ers, $4.95, $6.50, $8.50 100 Pound s Assor ted Stick Candy ____ 29c lb. eRike- K umJer 's-Stru t Floor) Men's Two-T rouse r Suits, ______________ $33 82 Pairs Men's Clapp Shoes , Black , Tan, $10

(The Stortfo r Men)

200 Yards Canto n Crepe , 40-inch,_$1.89 yd. 1800 Yards Fancy Outin g Flann el, __ 14c yd.

Brief Cases , Practi cally Fitted , ______ __$2.35 300 Yards Merce rized Satee n, 36-inc h _23c yd. ' 1000 Yards 40-inc h Brow n MusJi n, ___ 14c yd. 2400 Turki sh Towels, Whi te Only, __ ____ _19c Child ren's and Boys' Shoes , ______ _____ $2.95 25 Boys' Wool Lined Overc oats, ___ _____$7.95 Boys' Suits in Sale, __________ $10.95, $13, $15 (Rike- K um/cr' s-Second Floor) 6 Hand some Carac ul Coats , ____ __ ______ 5225 150 Smar t Hats, Festiv al Priced , __ ______ __ $5 50 Very Smar t Blous es, in Sale, ________ $3.95 Child ren'sR ompe rs, I to 3 Years , __ __ ___ 69c Child ren's Sleep ing Draw ers, ___________ _6?c Child ren's Creep ers, in Festiv al, _________ 69c Girls' Wool Dresses Reduc ed for Last Day (Rike- K umler 's-Thi rd Floor) 238 Lovea ble Chara cter Dolls, __ _______ _$1.48 (Rike- K umlcr' s-Basement) 10 Solid Maho gany Occas ional TabtE'..s, _$17.50 Axmi nster RU~9, Size 9 x 12, _________ $37.50 Velvet Ru~s, Size 9 x 12 feet, in Sale, ___ $42.50 Sale of Inlaid Linol eum, aL ______ _ $1.20 yd. Beloo chista n Orien tal Ru~s, __________ $24.75 200 Yards Color ed Dotte d Marq uisett e, __ 29c 250 Yards Terry Cloth , in Sale, ______ 75c yd. 200 Yards Color ed Repp, in Salc_' ___ S5c yd. (Rike- K um/cr 's-Fift h Floor)

Last Da y Festival Ec on om ies fro~ Ri ke 's Do wn sta irs St or e Chinc hilla Sport Coats in Festiv al, __ $16.75 BCslutiful Fur Trimm ed Coats , at ____ $25 New Fur Trimm ed Dresses, Sale Priced _U5 Smar t 'Hairl ine TwUl Dresses aL ____ $9.75 Black R08h anara Pleate d 'Skirt s at _____ $5'8,Smai't1y Styled Shoes _$l.49, $2.95 ChUd ren'8 High Shoes at Savin gs , Price_ '1.19 . Boya' Sturd y Shoes , Very Low Price d,_'l.8 5


-- --

. Sweat ers and Chapp ie 'C oats at · $2.95, $3.65 Boys' 2-Pan t Wool Suits in Sale aL ___ ,7.95 Girls' Winte r Coats in Sizes 2 to 14, at",_,5 Speci al, Satur day, Sporl and Dress Hats $1.69 New Satin Hats- Smar t Millin ery at_54.95 ChUd ren's Warm Bathr obes at . $1.95; M.8S {



() , R CT ' I .,'






\" l



", I

, \ (~


LI'n!t1l " . nI .

II .·




Sr h:tl1tr, "

:&1 I i' ~1


Trilltly .


'; oh r l'f:l'.. 1 j . :1. IH •• I:, I i. II " ,. I '" ~ 1.· .. 1' \;\'

III t u\' :


CHRISTIAN C IIL RCII Sunday S'(' h~ ,o l :Jt lIh' ( 11f'1 .. 11, ln Church cvury ~lIl1d!l~ a . " , : 1 "1 .h.'veryb od~· cll l'd"dly ;III,·,·,!.


0 ~S o~






EVERYBODYINVIITED Ca mpaig n Co mmittee.

Alnazina Adventu re.

Firestone Tires-Tubes

Politicnl Adv e rtis ing.

M b~ Edn" II nwl nn d lind Mr. EoI · wa rd Burt o n ~ llc nt th e woek -cnd ill

The Estate Heatrola The Parlor Pipeless Furnace ' THE FIRST THING TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THE HEATROLA IS THIS It riv •• furnace co mf ort to .mall bom .. of thr. . to .ix room • . t~

l u pplicl wa.rm m oist' air to eve ry roOm .

It burn ... nJ!' ki nd of f u e l. It look. like a mahoga n y phonolrraph, Inllalle d I.




Fred M. Cole HARDWARE HARNESS FARM MACHINERY Phon. 32 Wayo.... ille, 01110.




x .....--

d il L' , ti l





1 ." 0 1


- -- - --- - -


- -- - -- - - REY NOLDS R. KINKADE

- --

F o r ,Iud/!(, of th .. (' " urI o f Apl',' nl s


------- ' lH~f .. ----.....-----PIf',I ~ (V" t<'

F u r .lud ·" p ,I f


r . ,,,(,\

t '\1 11 1' 1



C . ' llll ll n n




_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:(..;V..;Il~tl' fol' Oil , )


Nllmc!'l rotate on unllo( ". Take thi!'t list with you and put an X uefore en h of thc nuove /1nm e!'l. BE SURE AND VOTE RIGHT


Warren County Re publ ican Ex ec utive Committ e, CHAS. J . WAGGONER, Chairman.

Clermont Heaterst Ranges and Furnaces




Sove your old carpetts and rugs and get "Wearwell" Rugs m ade. Send for pri,ce list . Franklin Rug Co ., Frnnklln,. Ohio.



I, •







If you have 8 little fairy in your ', orne, or a big one for that matter, ~hat' s just the' place where a sub scrip '.io n to The 'Youth'8 Companion wi ll '.t in, When the youn g folk s bring ,ew acquaintr!nces to the hou se you :Ire mighty c8,reful to find out ab out them before Ildmitting them to inti· macy. In tho Bame way you should ma ke sure wh(lthe r the m ental friend s that they malte through reo ding ure of a kind to inspire them or to de· stroy all the ideals 'you ho ve been ot so much pains t o im pla nt. Try the Younth'8 Companion for a yeor. Se e how quickly it becomes an indispensa ble member of the househ old ,one of unfailing chalrm and con8ta nt ins pirati on. The 62 isllues of 1926 will be crowded with Is erial stories. s hort sto· ries, editorials , poe t ry, fact.~ and fun. Subscribe noW' and receive : 1. The Youlth's Compan ion - 52 is· s ues in 1926. 2. All the rElmoining issues of 1924 3. The Companion Horne Calendar for 1925 . (Sent only on r equest. ) A 11 f or $2.50 . 4. Or include Mc Coll's Magazine , the m onthly .a uthority on fa shi on • . Both publicotion s, on ly $300. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Common wealth Ave. & St. Puu l St ., Boston, Mass.

\ \ :1.\'I h'~

(\ " te fOI'


Mrs. Violo Harian is spendinl!' this wee·k with her daug h ter, M rs. K. N. Hough an d Mra. Irene McCurd y, of Springboro.

- - -...


.J udg',' o f t ht· S" " I'('I1 I'


Genuine Ford Parts

F. !

one of the iiving rOom . . ..

Let u . exp lai n how we in.tall thel.



IIlr. and MJ!'S. J os. Dovia lind Mra. Llo yd Davis a nd 80n, Cecil, visited Mrs. Mnud, of Xenia, SlIturdny.

Mr. a nd Mrs. Richard Lonlr and children a nd Mrs. Miller, of Middletown, were Sunday g uests of Mr. M, Cole an d j/amily,

1H'lIli uL!

( 'al l

the Voters of Wall'en County


Mrs. Elmer' Rogers is r ecovering fro m th e effe,c ts of a fu ll which oc· curred the firllt of lust week.

Mrs. Editb Harris is home again afte r a visit .~f sever a l days In Mil ford, with Mr. F . C. Hamock and fumily.

Ioi ~

:. I:: ,


THURSDAY, -OCTOBER 23rd . '-Flaming Youth" OLEEN MOORE ELLIOTT DEXTER SYLVIA BR E AMER MILTON SILLS MYRTL E STEDMAN BE N LYO N f he Stnr tling Society Expole to wh ich' th a ut bor d n r ea n o t .ian hi. renl nilm c. 2 S how. , 7 :00 a nd 9:00 p . m .

AoI mi .. ion, 2Sc an d IOc



.J"/~A .

'T~ /t'·

T e Logical Choice of the Careful Buyer The

Tourlns Car


The Ford car deUvers more

useful. care-free.

economical service per dollar invested chan any other car. Its sturdy, rigid construction is striking evidence of enduring materiala. Every minute operation is scientifically tested and accurately checlc.ed. . Control of natural resources and complete mar.U£acture in large volume' have made blc value that is the one standard by which every motor car must ~e.cessarily be Judged. Th e Ford car is the logh:al and . neces.ary cho ice of the buyer who wants to _set the .utmost fr~m every motorlns dollar.


~'ff-~~. ~~tl'Oll "


Waynesville Motor Co~

_Mrs . Bert Marlatt entertained f or the week·end her nephew, Harry Shu make r, of Xenia. The Ladi es A id societ y were· well p leased over their proceeds from ·the chicken supper, Thursday nig ht. Mr. Martin Sims is not able to be out of the house this week. jIbs. Emerson Dill, Mi ss Ruth Kel. lis and Ml'8. Jacob Zimmer were Xenia ehoppel'8' Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rye entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Evans and daughter, Marjorie. Mr. Harold K ellis spe nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellis. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Sunday afternoon ot Waynesvill e. Mr. and Mrll. Ed Crew entertained fri ends from Dayton Sunday after. noo n. . . Mr. and Ml~S . O. B. Marlatt and family spent Sunday in Dayton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adamso n. Almost al\ of ' the pllople this community s plmt the ti me well ·thhe past week at the Bortone show at Spring Voll ey, . Mr. J. B. Plmce was in C incinnati Monday. C JIIr. Max Barnard , of Spring Valley, spen t a few hours in Mt. .Holly Sunday. Mrs. Emerson DiU spent Tuesday jn Xenia with her mother-In-law, Mrs H enry Toms. Mr. John Pence and Mr. Ed Crew have painted tbelr properties here. MiIIII Ruth KeWe, wbo 'b.. been III


. II much better,

i , "





·'The Gentleman of Leisure'''



ALSO KI NOGRAMS Firat Show .tarlo at 7:00 p. m . Regular Pric •• , 20c and lOc



I· i i


I i Sh.~~~:~~ :~;:~~c~~,. !:':7J:~::S!:' . I 1. E. FRAZIER, Waynesville, O. •..._ ........_ ••••__ ••••••_ ...................... For Sal. by .



...... ...................------..--................ ~


COUNTY ROAD PURPOSES Below we give a copy of a sampl e bal10t that will be submitted to the electors on thi s proposition. Mar~ yes or in favor of the levy.




Sub.criptio.1 received at thi. office.

---- -_.----


---------------_.._-----"'I "

- AND-

Mr. Wm Orndorr W :Ul a Sunday dinner gu est or Mr. J ohn Orndorf and family, o f Houte 3.

Mr. and Mn. Howard Archdoaco n, MI'8. Hannab Antram and Mrs. Mary Caskey vislt edl friends in Xenia, S unday.


l 'I II H !\til l l!

rOH " .\ L~; ~. ' n, e nice 2-y,'H r. old 1I "if, r, "h" -s b y sid e. Als,,', AI' !, I t.~ , )~", . d kL\\ I crs ; Rome I ('l lllt y, \l""IIlh .. l. \\·hlt .. Pi ppi n. un d \\'i lll' "" i". .I L. ~ l ~ lIt1 c lJh r.lI. R. U. :I.

IIn ti gll ida l "'l' t hi S l i~ l is I' ll .1I;;IIl' .I.1


W"st Uni un.

Mrs. Sarah Cory s'ulta lned a stroke of paralysi. one day last we ek, and is in a critical condition at this timo.



Cut ou t this List f o r U se at the Polls

Mr. and Mrs. J l's~e Wright, otSpringboro, spe nt Thursday wit h Dr. a nd Mn . A. T . Wri ght.


tntimatc in Romane,' and

Mr. lind Mr.;. Frnnk Zell Wl' re th e l, f Mr. und Mrs. "m c r~ on Mn· ~() n, Sunday. I:u cs t ~

lo 8~e snmt!-

The la\\' of ()h ill 111<1 1\ " , lh,' "I ('d in n o f jll .!).;' l' ''; 111111 parti san a lltl Iha l 11:.rlle~ 1'0 \1:11.' Oil lh. , hallut \\'hic h is ~ l'para ll' 1'1'(0111 Ih" ).:" Ill' l'a l dall ol. '1'111' l"'l' lrI, It,.:t11 :1 11.1 Ik ilIi O[' I' :t li,' pH l'li.'!o\ h: I\" lICi mi jud ge,; 1'01' II ,,· 1'( '~ IIl 'l' l i \'(' .ill( ' i, · I.'I1 .\)· fi ,,\,,; . \\'i lhullt l'X('l: l'tioll th ,· IIOlJli lll" 'S fil l' llw \' :t riol\ ~ jud g l' s hips :1'; III:1 d l' Ity t l.... 1-: ' p ul ol l, ·.'1I 1 pa l't,\' :11' (' 111(' 11 who na l'c ~ (' I'\ l ' d ill .illdll ·i ;1I cal' 1t'11 .1· :I ii .! \\' hll ~l' ('(: . o rtl s ful' e ffil'i ' IIC.'- a lld iltll, ,~ l'ity :I I' , Ill' :' Oil.! _jl:"'" ,n :,_ Voll'l'S l' ;1I1 t hl'r.,f'tll·P ,·Il I. ! id l ·Il I.\· " ,. (,\ ,. til" jll" ' ~l3 Il Ul11 illat l'd 11.1' thl' H.' ptlid i, :111 P :l II ) 110" :1,;,; lIl' alll"

- AND-

Mrs. Nelson Kin!!, Mr~ . Walte r Elzey Dnd Mi ~l- Lu cy Emlt'y wer(' Du )' ton vi si to rs, Satur dllY.

ill d iscu s" the issu es of th e c a m pa ig n. Every vot p,· in W ny n c a n d M a ~si e .To w n s hi sho u ld n ttend this meeting.


I To


Mr. lind JIII' ~. tsr a('1 Satterthwait e "pe nt SlIturdny with Mr. Harold Burge and fami ly .

of Le banon , Ohio,

"The Sea Hawk"

)Ir . 11 11<1 Ml'!'.. f( 'J\l'l' 1l ri ('rcl' IItWlld· ed u wedding in Sp ringfield, Thur, dll Y

'I lti'tcrlluotl .



To: t:l' ,

r·, e.. · 6 1·2

Ser"jce Dealers of

Mrs. Ma ry H opk ins , of West en r. l'oit u n, i ~ \'i s ilin ~ fri('nd ~ h(l r\! lhl ~ ! lI'l'ek.



I" : 'I(J :~ (' .! 1

vi siting Aman Bld g-


. !rnIH'


t·: . •'(;,,,,11 r",..! . \\ "YI1~6 vllJe. QhlO ,

SL'~..'IR ,S


i Theater, Oct. 29


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Au \.'\ '\ .. \

nre FuR' !' A 1.1.; .\ ~tll\' I' (; III1 .t

lH C'nt.

;\1 r...



dll~' .

CongrE"ssman from th e Seventh District





I H('/' Uf\M \

ra ('n '~.


I\I r , Grnnt L C' w i~ , o f Ufl~·t o n, WU ~ fri e nd ~ and r C' lati vC'f( ,h l!rc,


1be Or.m.tic and Saccess ol the Year.



I ll . •\.'


S undllY·


" 1'''1 crt :,

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\'i ~ itin J.t



in Da"ton

Mrs. Al o nzo . Titu s. or Routc 3, , vi sited her d a ughtcrs in OUyt Oll, ~ Ull.

To b e h e ld at

Filth and Lucllo" Slreel~


\l'II S



K E'Tlr~,

COLO '1. / L

Mr. 1.lermnn Conner on hU S ln e 5~ , ~Ion duy .

Mr. Ellswort.h Sherwood rclllli\'c ~ in Aurorn. I nd.

at 8 p. m .

B. F.

a l so m any I


l :lepuh II- can · g e e In M M t . •• • 1 •






is c'orrlinlly ,,,,,ko nlt'.


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t::;.1 f.J V I I

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Votor s whe, \I 1:1 l" ,lJ.Plit lit the An ic,lc!I 1~ II ~ta l l ime of lhe \,i·" IJII." d,'cLio n may the· bruin. ,I. C. U: 'yL' by moil If l l)l')'





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'\ 'I .nall, . . , lH'fl t. .;1\ t', t '1I l ·l1e r~. t' It Ruoste r v o te f ur th e T wo"', '. 'n~ [; "1'.1 d \\:" I T l w wp rR i~ ~xp('cted t t ) I t.' com- I Mill I 'Y!t' f ur r()l:d!o'. I ,.Ii\\· ! \" (1'\11; 1 pi, "\1 11l1 h' timl' (lHri y it Dece m. . : F our ~ 111 ( . .," . ;,,., " I " _ _ _ _ _ : ~Ir. ·U.... 11 ,,\\,('11, f P ort Wilh nm, ' ,'.ri cL'.! t n '~. . . 1 1 ,·...:1 ~\ a :i i n t u w n t oday . hr t ' I"I .... " 111 1

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kt'f,lfl I hllir l'X l.UI'i r in pt!rf\\t" condi ~ I' lli' h>:h ls, li re to b ,' 10 .cun i ,II" 1''''' 'I' "hleh ,~ ;! (l0 ca m1, \l() \\,cr I It 1 t°'- ' I ". Pi' tlu.' p l'l"~ on t un t~ lt ~ at



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"H" n L,I',""' 1\

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HTSj'i'-\1l II Ii II;" IIlso '. They .11'" ,. '" tlH "uql'd t hat. t h e ,",in will

',."'( /' .. ,... \,,,, ' 11111:' II '

\ . 1'.1,


L Ji. \.' ARD LI

For an additional levy of taxeB for the purposes of con~tr uc ti n A', reconstructing, maintaining and repairing county roads, not exceeding 2· mills for n ot exceedin g 6 years. For an additional levy of taxes for the p,urposes. of constructin g, r~ c on stru cti ng, maintaining and repniring county roads, not exceeding 2.mllls for no t exceedin g 5 years.

The reading of"this bal10t is som ~ what misleading and may cause many to think that s-n increase in taxation is contemplated whi ch is not t he case, as we have had this levy in effect for the last five years, and a vote in the affirmative give the Commissioners authority to continue it five years mor e, a nd wi ll not incrense the taxes above what they been . . Further if other sources of )'evenU C for this )1tl1' p OSe becomes availab le the ,d omn:tis, . sioners may decrease' the amount of th e levy to such a mount as may in their judgment b'e sufficient for the purposes mentioned. . . . '-The total amount of the levy is us~d for the purpose mlTlled ·and no .gther, and con stitutes 85 pel' ce nt of all the money that ha s beenava,ilable f or that p urpose. , The' county at present is maintai ning 2115 miles of road with this fund . . The Town., ship Trustees being l'elieved of this amount of road, can give mOT,: attention ~o the less importa nt roads. Political Advertlsln8.

"'even ly-Sixth Y ar


~~ !

- 'All READY fOR





.\ II r" I"l y


l'\" ,


wuv .

.I . II'. " ·hit,· i - " I!"yl "" it ll l t ll dny.

~lr H.

Il. R. Smi th Wl're in '

\Villllillg -lo n FridHY .

~Ii ", Ed ll ll \l uw lllnd wn8 l1lin J.:t() !l Munday aftf'r nulI Fi .

~It.· "

1·' 01 ,,:1 II "w l,,"d WI ,. , k - Pll d ,n ('iI Lcinllltt i.



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in Wil ·


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I all 1' :1 ~T o ... h( ·r i ~ y h.iti n)! 1"1, 1· nth't" ... ill ;\l J1 ft. rd th i~ ",e'k.

IIiI )' "I"'''t ~ "'lI rJ,,y ill {,,,I,,m!.,,". :\1" ,

\\' l.'l'e

S 'vNn l loeal Odd f~ll o w s Ilttcncl ed lo<i l! " I1 t S prin l( l,o r", Saturda y night.


Mi ," Lillu n ~n ham .pent the wcck . yuu'lI hll ve , on d with J\lrs . •le nnie Mull in und [Illll ill'.


!- 'III !"Int '! ~1I 1'( ' YOll hr t ', H il t! ... , I ~ 4 .' \' \"'.d ,,,d y I,l ... t ', (;.dllJ,! III I I' u ~ k Hllti lI ' ~' fllf o Ill' tit' 1hl' p J' i :'\'~ , to, an t I 'l .VUIl'! Il upt· you' ll win Cl ltl' (If t ill' JlI i/.t· .:: , l ,u t jf you d tlll'l \\' in

ill, t Ihi nk of clll'


You an.'

c'PInil! .. , li n'


M I'. Hn d


:.! .

Mr . J . T Fl ul'k IIl1 d fu ntil y till' hiJ.: 1I "lIow,··,·n C1urk "vrl lc v i ~ it " rs Satu rda y

:\1 lL l'di l:rns', (' \:l Frida y



H~llOWElN - 'O/!Pl!: '\ Mr. George Hunn a hs II ncl fnmily. MARDI GRAS with" uut· CIt'


1I.,tl rv

\V " :--lr>rmlln lin d


f HI Il -

nn Of'I .. I"'r 17th . t ht·

.\1 1" . St alll,'y :-;, ·II<'r" . (I f I.c·hon on,

~e \'('>r;d

I ri ... h

l owit lt:

frllm h er" : ttt~ndl ' d "AI ,i" M in X "' ll lil, T\l f'~da y n ig- ht. ,·l

H U S l' "

MI" . .) " hn I.n mmr ,

bef ore hU !i Ow l' Jl t.i l'l: t o m mUlIity taken a kee ner, mon· w IHl l(!Mrs. Ha chel Pugh, of Lebunol l, was ~ Oldt. d inl crc ~ t in n ceh... bralion than the KueHt o f Mrs. Annip Gibllons lost , ':\l' Vt,'r

H p~nt





t\\.:~l~~e;:smaeg~\·,tl'~ R~""'~~'~:'iil'~ . th~: I~~~~f:



Bellhrno k, Mrs. Mil to n




"rac'c' ll "ck-

- - a--

- - 0 --

The Commu nity Civics cluss und the cln.qs in Americl ln Democl'Ucy nrc plannin g for a mock election , to be held Tu esday morninl t. Novemb er 41 at the High sch oo l building. Part 01 tho plans are to IIrrange the stu~ e a s a regular voling plnee. Election 'official s will be nppoint ed from membol's of the classcs and samp le bnllot" will be provide d. The officen ~n churgc:> will conduct the e lectiOll



.- .


:-';0 ) /1 (;CI\(>VH Aul l. ll (' adi n~ - llllr vey SurfrH· ...


is ""'" bl!illg mtu,ifc" Led . Eve rybody weck. i" wu r ki ll l( for tht: s uC<'eM" of t he "f(Ilil' olld ~veryllody is comi ng. You Mr. C. B. J ones. of Dayton, spent sa w t h.· trig c .. owel ut thl! LIIL ul' I )IlY the week·en d with Wuynes ville ccleurut iul1. I1 U W cume unci Met! It fri end s. I l"l'g-c l' cru wd al th l! ll allowe'e n MllrI di Crus. ,'t.u nny weBther is the ol1l y Miss Huth Eurnha rt spenl the we ek- I thin l( t hu l will keep the crowd III en d with hUlll e, and in CIl'C of min on friJay Lebanon Miss Gludys Kilbon, of neur . e\'cnin!! , t he Murdi Gr~s will he held O il Saturda y eve ning. Everybo dy i. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and gn in l': to huve th e t ime of their li ves. " Wh en WayneMv ille dOCK anythilll :, S OIt, Hobert, were in Cincinn ati Sun dl1Y nnd Monduy . slw docs it right." The pllrude committeCl r e<lu~ s ts Mr. Haymon Hatfi~ld and Mr. Burnil who will lake parl in the parutlc In III ' et Ilt the !IlcClur e corn er a nd nett Butterw ort h we re in Dayton on he \'t'u dy for th" !f rnnd march t o busin ess, Saturdu y. ~ tllrt ·,r olll ptly nt R 0 clock. The line o f ma rch will be olong Main s tree t 1111'S. J . L. Menden hall and Mrs. fr om Mc Clure's l'orn er t o Jesse Bur· R. G. Cross were in Lebanon on busit o n ts cOl' n c r und back uJ,:'nin two o r ness Thursda y afte rn oo n. three times. Thc maskers will pnss in review bef or e th e judges' stund ..: Mr. C, T. Hawke and dnughte r, so thut the prizeM Illay be award ed . . Min H elen, ....,'fO(~~T~ .... . spent Sunduy with Mr. And don ' t forget our new Wayne F. U. LeMny and family. Townsh ip School band, assisted by two or three memher s of the Premier Mr. lind Mrs. Philip Zepf, of Colband, will lead the parade. In addition to the Scbool band, the lege Hill, were guests of Mr. und two school orchestr as. both Junior MI'II. Geo. Smith, Sunday. and Senior, will be on hand to play Mr. l1nd Mrs. Merle Johnson of for you. If you huve never heard either of these orgllniz utions, yo u will Mason. were Sund ay g uests of' Mr. be surprise d at th eir lIcco mplishm cnts and Mrs. lI! ilt on Thompso n. The musicu l tulent is in our s chools und is being rapidly uevclop ed under Mrs. Kurl Bubb and son and lIIi88 th e splendid direc tion of Prot. Wat· JeMie Telo nc, of Xe ni a , vi siteo fIlrs. Elsewhe re notice is kin s. Represe ntlltives of each of the BUrton ElIr nhort In t Thursda y. SundRY, October 26th, having been givell of a vote to be had at the Nofour ciusscs ill the H igh school will be set apart by the State Counsel or as vembe r dec tioll for Rnd RgRins t a in ehllrge 01 rllce ptucles for contri· Mr . nnd 1111's. C. W. 'Younce of 100fhe!llOr~I~1 Dla y Iflor Cthe ~ul nNiors 100~ butions to 1\ fund for the equipme nt Itayton 'pent Tu eSday of I t ' k proposit ion t o levy taxes for sc hoo l 10, " lam v a ey ounci o . 'th ' M" L d M C r y "" wee .1 in respect to t his req uest attenc led ' ast·F rl'd ay aternoo h und sup port o f the School band. Thie oses at the \'Ut e of three mills n t e Center- purp r. lin r8. . W. u U II C,· Jr. the morning service f or II period of fiv,' yeaM<. is the only contribu tion you will be WI at the M. E. ville Hi~h School Basoba ll tpllm, ac: ITlllSn\'uC 1'I us th is proposit ion will church in a body, and heard Rev. L. compam ed ~y seve~al asked t o make- the dancing and othstudell ts. C3me Mr. Hnd appcar MI'lt. on ChBs. the bllll~L W k~y liS a n addition al li nd A. Was hburn de liver II very able se"- ' to Wayn er amuse men ts will be absolute l.y free esville hop ing to Kct \'I" 'en ge I~vy , it is thought t he matter \ 0 1111. Ybu ure justly proud of our so n, o f IlnyL"" , spent Sun clay with 1I10n appropr iate t o the occn~i on. on our boys who dc f lllltcd th em 14 b,. explllinc d IlS oth e rwiso Il1ll shoul rl ny well schoolH and their IIttainm e nts, now Mr. a lld MI'". Chlls. AnderKo n and He spoke of the Junior orde r ill to 4 two weeks IIgo. . famil y. lII eaning voters might be misled. show yo'u r npprec iati on by a contribu · r.ollllect i(," with th e school, th e Bible W . H. S WOII .the ,ba ll ~". "'(,' lout n Au~u Rt . 1!12lJ, thi K ~alll (' levy and the fi ag. 1n belief ti on \.0 lh i. fund . Th c Grunge wome n will serve d in- ry should flont 011 every that Old Glo- w~s . left far behll1d 111 fi PIl'l t. The wa, ' lI hmitten ul n "pC'~ia l e lecti oll The dllncing wi ll sturt immedia tely sc hoo l buil.l- ~plnt of Ce nl rvli le WII S np\'cr Illek- teo the ,·oler. ncr III the Grange of the hall. dislrict, Tuesday alo t! cur, in g in the United States, and the Holy !ng •.althoug h they ne," lifter the partld e "ntl nil lire urged ' r w(:r,· IMd- ri ed by n win ... ma rl( i.. of v"te, . Thi" to tuke port. The two Sc hool orches· ElecLi" n da y. Novemb er 4, at 50c Bible be r ead in eve ry s choo l room. , lO g.1O the sco!'e book. T hiS exall\- tax 1\lI~ , ince be('n puid euch yell l·. t rns, 0 jazz band und un old -tim e a plnte . He also spo ke on the . f ou r corller- 'PIe IBu~ trates the part .that W. Ilnd ha s fUl'llis hed a vcry materiu stones on \vhich to build a success [ul 11 . S. hus not Just l orchest rn will play for you, and th e lind IS sO I'cly In IIt'\·d. pllrt of th· funds wi lh whi ch t he A ftCI'll p lcllsant week with Way- ' lite, namely, per~o nal dnllces will be vnril!d tu suit e"cry liberly -.-perW e. have the Illlllel'I!" I, untfm:m ", ~c h oul s hnve bee n operate d . Th e p'nes\'ille friend s. Mrs. Mary Hopkins Monal service. persolla one. l exalllple Ilnd e~ulpm ~n d C\ eryt~lI n l': to mllk~..n I'i " d f" r which it was vot.ed, Main street will be II blllze of light ret urned to her home in West Car- Jesus Christ, the head corner-s ton e. \\lI1 n~r ellt ex pires but thnt e"Hlast lll!! "I;IJlt befor e lhe I':eneral e lecti on of 1925. rolltOIl. Sunday . and red tire, and no pllrking or trafI' These were very fitting topics which t~llt III many cases tur ns dd cllt 111 10 ~J1 eci al e lectio n s for this purpose lire formed II sermon of great interest to I' vlt:tory. Let us. profit fic will be IIllowed betweell McClu re's f rom our no lo nf;rer permitte d, so tho questi on '1 d • . I B large congreg ation corne r und J ess Burton' s corner: nClghbo r and furlll sh II f ou ndllll on up "r. an ,,1."8. James Curtis and ' 1 1 b In b the ' evenin d t h Re~ Washbu rn de- 011 which W . 11 . S. can win. The ~lu - Wt . Neither will CI'OSS truJlk at th e Bank Mr . Lew Wash, of Harveys c BU mltte ·u t C conllng N 0burg, I' d g . h Th K' dent body corner be permitle d, so you may spent last Thursda y with is not nlto ~eth er tf) blam' \'ember Mr. and eleclion Ivcre a sermon on t c r e e . s , C Mr h ' C 'I P k Ell' f . · .· " M .h f' drive away dull care Ilnd enter into -An nne " of tall". i. not a.k"d much to the Interest of the congreg a- or t ts ac o . " plIll. s. . . u, n t (or. but me.. 18 . rely a continu ati on of the lion. He di sc ussed and trun s lu te d ~ho uld ~e cr.edlted to the festiv~ spirit of the occasion with lhe Is. ' r k of a ra te now in force. This i ~ absolu te ly with well chosen words, the laws and gymnas IUm III th e pa~ perfect safety. t. !\II\\'. l hnl n<'c e' BUI'y if t he scho ols of tIle' <iiMMr. ann Mrs. Henry Satterth waite bellef8 of th e Klan The pri~!l winnIJrs will euch be g iv. •. portra~ing just our reat commul and f~ l thful t ri ct arc t o be : uccessfu lly mainen an order for one dollar's worth 01 entertai ned at a family dinner, Sun- what part It plays III our hves , the sch oo board. hav""lIly ~cn(',;n(\ ~ I~ !'I'C'- tain('d, , 0 I('t cve r y one vo t e f,'r t he merchan dise, which will be honored day, in honor of Mrs. Sattertb waite's commun ity, the home, the sc ho o l and ~entcd . li S With II n ~) r: , let . u,. tn c,lIltinu alico ll t o yo un!! manhoo d a lld the church. at nny sto re in W ayn esvi lie or Cor - .birthda y anniver sary. tu~n. ~Ive the comlllul lIty II ~\,I1I1'\Il~ young \\',,,,,unh ond of tha t'xcc llc!l1twin. The prizes will be awarded Special mu sic was render ed uot h SPIW ... te· hllve Inf l nur , \I\)J·('(.t, III ,t we ,.',Ii.I,·a liona l au va ntages Mr. Will Rayburn , of St. Louis, mornin g nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. H. All en and as f ollows: they n ow eneve nillg by the Men 's ~ F or hildrcn- Best Indilln, uest Mo .. and Miss Emma Heighw ay were chorus of the M. E. choir. daughte r, Miss Olive, were Sunday thought it lin opportu ne tinw til im- jQ} . ned Riding Hood, best Little Dutch dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H . press that poin t nl 0 1' llu r IIlind , . gu ests of Dr. and Mrs. S. S . Stllhl • I girl, best Little Dutch Boy, \)est Fulry Allen last Wednes day. Pranklin . best KcwpiQ. beaL Brownie , most ur: tislic costume find most comic coscules" Burton hurled for W. II.. S .• Mr. and Mr8. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. Mrs. Rachel Trice, formerl y Mi ss a nd was v ry effe cti ve u ntil the s~v.John Fromm and Mrs. Lee Hawke tum e. B elen Sherwoo d, of Cnlumb u . , was F or Adults -Best Witch. best Mar- :attende d 1\ Republi can meeling in visiting friends and relutive s in Way\\'h,,"I'UIl three hil " IInel till etlnlh rr or inninJ{: th u Washin gton. best George Wash- Lehanon , Monday afternoo n . nette d foul' S. I n thl' CI!!hlh nesville over the week-en d. ington, best Miss ColumuiR, best Uninlling n trip\c pluy ~ H\' c d 1110 "i~ lead of W. II. S. I n tlw ,a lll e inn cle Slim. best Rip Van Winkle. best Messrs .Orville Gray and George ing Centerville mack, n dau bll' pIny Clown, bC6t Gipsy, best Spanish Unn . Henders on heard a fine Miss Stella Bishop, of Xenia, enconcert givthat stoppC'd nul' , (·"ri n)! mac·hinc . cers, pes t pair of Twins, Tallest Per- en at Memori al hall, Dayton The limit of th e Inw was handed tertaine d the Xenia Mu.icnl club Mon Wednes In the ni nth (cn son, Shortes t Perso n, most Artistic dllY e\'ening , by the Marine t,' n 'ill e ~ cnr(' d two dOW I1 hy .Judge Will a rd Wri!!hl when day afternoo n . Miss Rltca Jllll et A most e nj oYllble afternoo n was band. f ostume and most comic costum l'. spent by th e me mbers and gUCRts of mnre. W. H. S. , co l'ed nlm ost. ut \ he "ell lcnccd Edwonl Bi~h np. ·:12. and Cartwri ght. being her guest. Will . . In t}", first The School band, assisted by the fra me h it~ lIy Ev- Tilf(l\'(1 Mrs. J. D. Marlatt returne d home the New Ce ntury club Ii II J.!'. I!l to t we nt y-five on FridllY at erhart, Hop kin ", Burton ond Coo k yen 1'" in Bow Messrs. ~'ral\k Brnddoc k, O. M. Ridge Thursda y, after spendin g a pleasan Jl ri ~cl\l nftpi t hey hlld pleadMrs. N. A. King returned to h l' r t the home o f Mrs. J. E. Janney. and a wnlk to GOll " I(lIve W. II. S. u cd gu ilty IIf hold and one or two oUte rs and the adver· two weeks with her daughte ing up B . L. Frye, home in Indianap olis. Ind .• Monday , Mrs. The prog ram ~as opened by a four-run lend. More were .. dd eu as Ctl tising commit tee arc mnklng a boos- Merlo Kerns and friends of r, 8h il' I' 'a l th e Fil'$t Nlltiona l Bunk after s pending a pleasan t week with Colum- bea~tlful vocal by Mrs. LeMay, the game c,' eclcd until the l utn l lit Mason, lind looled the cash drawt er tour this ufternoo n, which in · bu ' e n t i t l e d , "The solo Mr. Wnlter Elzey nnd family. Holy Hour," set to reached tw pro s. e lv!'. cluiles Harveys burg, New Burling ton, l'r of more thlln$25 00. Bi shop was the music of "The Rosary. " Mrs. The features of th Spring Vulley, Bellbroo k, Cenlerv ilt.· e gam e w.' re t he sentellc ed LeMay was accomp anied by Miss t o th e Ohio p e nitenlia ry Mrs. Mnrtin r eturned to her home hard hit t ing of Wllyn c,v ill e , th r pit ch li nd Bowling heing Mr. and Mrs •. Walter McClure , Mn. Mary Lewis. and Lytle. 11 minor, was senin Willium sport, Tuesday , after Up to noon today the followin g Ida Kelsey, MI8S Betty Barnett and \ The subject for the afternoo n was in~ of Tom, th e f,,~ ldinJ.! o f Gons, Mc- t o the Mans fi el d r eformat ory. spend Millan inlr II Cew days with Mr. lind Mr. J. S. McClure visited Mr. and Astrono my and twentylind Ul1ug h, Il home run by eontriuu tions had been received : Within th'e minutes after BiRhop three memMrs. Fred Cook. M. Co le and family. nnd the sp iri t o f Centen·ille. Wll5 ~e ntc ll c" d Wednes day Previou sly ucknow ledged .. ..... $105.00 Mrs. Ohmer Barnett , of Beavert own, bert! re sponded to roll call by naming mor ning, E. C. Crane' .. .. .. ..... .... and describi ng one of the constell a- 12.The score : C. 11 . S., 6; W. II. S., he waS el1 route to Columb us {or in .. ..... $1.00 Sunday afternoo n. Refiners Gas Station .................. $2.50 cn rc c rnti on. He had boasted thlll Mrs . Viola Carey has tak e n II suite tions. - - - - - - --Mrs. Mary A. Kenty and son8, of Frnnk Zell ........ .. .. ... _.. ........... . $1.00 he n ~vc r woul d be returne d t o the of room ~ wilh hoI' s iste r, MrR. Ch", . Two excellen t par.ors were readOhi o Iwnite nt iar y Illvie. W. F. Clark ......... ........ .. .... ....... $1.00 Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller. of "Our. Solar System, ' by Mrs. LeMay He had Hyc. Mr . RO SA I1nrtsilck lin d film se rv ,'d ti me at the in sti tution a yellr ily will occupy Mrs. Cllrey's ho use on· George Waterho use .. .... .. .. .. .. . .. $1 .00 Springb oro. and Mr. and Mrs. How. and "Our Neighbo r, Mars," hy Mrs. 1tJ!'(I (," II serious cha I'ge a mi had bee n iNorth street. nrd Archdea con visited friends and O'Neall . r (' lells!'<1. Thi s is th e first serious Total . ..... .... ......... ... ............ $111.50 relalive s in Dayton, Sunday. Remnrk s were made ~y several of nO'" ir Bowling had b" e n mixed up in. the out-of-t own guests, nlilong th em Quick j ustice wa, I1l1'tl'd out t o the Mrs. Stnn ley Sellers, presid ent of th e bnndits who, on October :i . he ld guns Woman 's Literury club, of Lebanon , 0 11 Mr. Frye whil e they scooped up II Mrs. Mary 1-\6pkins , of West Carrollli t lIc over $2500 and mode theil' eston and Mrs. Lewis, of Kingma n . clt pe in nn old Ford touring car. After another song by Mrs. LeMay, On IIrri"ill!! 11lI 1lll' " f lcr att e lldin g Bow ling WIIS cuught. within three the meeting adjourn ed and a pleasun t the Mem se rv iccs o f th e J. O. U. h ours u ftcr the crime neur Hamilto n, Bocial hour was enjoyed . Refresh - A. M.• atorial Woyn cs" ill,' , S unday morit- after till' maehin e collided with bus. ments were served by the hostess, ing J. B. J one' . o f Lytle , was Bishop wns arrest ed at Newpor t,a Ky., assisted by Mrs. Coleman , Mrs. Ellis, gre ~tcMr. d by a host o f r e latives. wh o on Sutunlu y eveninl': followin Mn. William s and Miss Mary Lewis. Cllme to g. Both r emind him of hi" 50th birth- confe ~scd the hold up anr! r obbery The Cincinn ati Times-S tar says: Guests of the hostess wore, Mn. day anni\'crs but ary. After The old bridge acrOS8 the Little MIgreeting beforo s Bishop was IIrraign ed before John Coleman , Mrs. Elvin Fires, Mrs. were over we wonded our way ami river on the Wooste r pike, which to the ,Judge Wri ght he attempt ed self deFrank Zell, Mrs. Anna Sheehan , Mrs. dinin g room. has served resident s of Milford and Chas. Ellis, Mrs. Sid Ellis. Mrs. John groaned undcrwhere the table fairly structio n. Within less than three its lORd of good Clermo nt one\, Warren counties fol' things weeks both are behind the bars with McClure , Mrs. L. A. Washbu rn, Miss to ent , of which each one did ample twe nty-five more than thirty years, was dropped yellrs' impriso nment May Wright, Miss Helen Hawke!. Mrs. Into the stream at noon. Monday . ahead of the~_. _~.___•_ _ Walter William s, Mrs. W. R. Lewis justice. Thoge wh o enjoyed this occasion A single-a pan steel and con~rete and daughte r, Miss Mary, of King- were. IIfr. structur e will ruplace the old Bteel man, Mrs, Stanley Sellers, of Leba- Bellbrook. and MrB. Siden~tricker. of DEATHS bridge. It will. be 260 foet Ion" and non, Mrs. Mary Hopkins , of West mermnll , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Zimand Mrs. Richard will . have a concret e floor. The cost Carrollt on and Mrs. Bywate r, of Moore. Mr.Mr. Mrs. r . n. Cleaver nied at her und Mrs. Alfred Jones, of the new bridge will be '90,000 . Locklan d. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dill, Mr. and ·Mrs. home in Hurveys burg, Tuesday mornD. P. Foley, who has the contrac t CARRIE W, ALLEN , Sec'y. Ralph Sheltoll, M:r . and Mrs. J, D. ing. The funeral will be held on to build the concret e abutmen ts, waa Bratton , Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. H. Dill, Thursda y afterno on at 2 o'clock from required to remove the ' old superMisses Alice Jall(! William 8, Mary, her late residen!=e. . e.tructut 'e. For several da)'s work Jonos Bnd Frances Dill, Mr. James , men have. been cutting through tbe Bratton , all of Dayton, 1111'. and Mrs. Mrs. Euphem ia Wilson died at her steel girders with electric torches. Bert Weir, Mrs. Om Brij:kel, Mr. and home east of town t Tuesday evening . As soon 8S the bridge la dropped , ·Mrs. Raymon d 0 11 borne. tqe ' Misses The funera l will be herd Thursda y work will begin on the new .tructur e. Zada Weir and Mir'him Brickel, Noble m'orninl': lit 10 o'clc;tck from her late County Enginee r E. A. Gait laid , Last So.turda y nftc,,;,.o' Weir, on Chlls. and Willlar( l Brickel, all residence . Interme nt in Miami cemat her that this method, utilized by Foley ..Louise Mc DOI,. .:.::., 2~, San FNDpleasan t home so uth of town, Miss of Xenia, M·r. and -Mrs .. Luther Hart- etery. · Is ,unique in county history. As the deco shbp t:i., who In'helite d Katheri ne Prender sock, gast of entertai Spring ned . Vnlley,. Mrs, Effie girders will be cut into short lengths f86. 000. says tht,t she wlU keep OIl · the Church Scbool Servlee league. Crew IInil AQdrey as aoon «a the bridge I. ,razed, the of New BurMr. ;John Robinso n died at his workh'lg · nt II departm ent store. ' "'!ter the 'busines linll'ton. s session Mr. in which and river, which is shallow at this point, D'ill, home in' Price Hm, Cincinn ati, Tuesglo~e COllnter. Hall of i he mon., plans for the winter work were dis- Miss Claro Re- day, October 21, 1.92.. Interme nt wltl not be obstruc ted. abe will ~rv cr to hll r mother and cusled. the tIme was Ipent socially . becca' waR in Spring Grove cemeter y. Mr. \ lOme of the rcmainc.1er will be .u.ied The cost of the new bridge will b" 'rhe deliciou s lunch served by - the At delParte d for Robinso n Willi n nophew of Mr. and . to educa~e her ),ounpr broths l ,hated proport ionately by Hamilto n, ... hOlteN, added to the plenure of the home, wl.hln .. )Irs. Howell Perree, of the Friend' i and sisten. Warren and Cl~rm.gnt co~tieI. oeeaaloD. . 'happy birithcll i-. Home.


JiI'/'t:!Tt~rn :

1)("" li " "1l1

I'ill"" Ill! lr- ~ I clln Il oc' k~tt Ilild 1':" (' 1;'" t ·'lgI (" hy. H" nd ln!! - llclllric, ' Rot,il zl' r. \ ' , ... ,, 1 Due T hc ln", Sntk l·thw nite Mr-.:. en,.l II pll d l\ r~ol1 a n d ~Ol\ , nnJ (;(,I1I'Vll Aull. O(\ orgl', W(' re ~hllppift~ in Day tOil, H" adil1)!W il linll1 l."n g. Th un<duy . H,' adi n),- E\'l· lyn \Jnl( l,·.h y. Saxoph onll "'ull)- I{IlY EI Ii". Mr. Ilnd M... Se th Thon", ". of n,,\,· Th!' Orange un d Blnck . b y school. 10 11 , SJl~1Il !'u nday wit h ~lr . Ed Th" o,'" lin,] fllmil y. - - 0- l.a. t Pri,by mClrni n!! t he Normal Mr • . Dr. ~!lIrtin. "f W illianls htlrJ.: . "cho,,1 ' ·II 'l'Ct l1 i" .. tI th' lIiJ!'h "chnol i~ ~ 'l(! ndinJ:: u f\!\\' day!'i v.rith Mn~ . Illi d gnlrl .,:-:- f !lr th,.. first tim e thi s Frt·" :.I. l·ule. ~' ('ar. Th e (·nt(·rtai n m cn t w,,:-; g-i\' ('I n in t h,· CymlHl . illll1 und th e prog\'llll1 ~I i s ~ Mi ld red Clnrk, oC Centerv i ll e, wn ~ n ~ f o llow ~ : spell t lilt' "" ,,,It-end with 111 r. and M rg. !levotion al R e uding-He~ter J UIl1CR C. W. Yuunce. Pinn u I Iud- Mildred Ivins and lI e len Gra ham. Tulk 01\ "What n T each er Should Mrs. Lou Hurlan visited hl'r daug h. l ~ rs . t he Misses Gladys an d Vi\'illn, lle ." IJeblora h Wulton. Quarte t-Edith McKibb an, Kath ero f Uayt on, ~ undIlY · in e Fromm, He rbert Ault and Levi Mrs. Fred III. Cole is spe nding sev- Contes. J okes -Melvy n Banta. eral duys tid " '\'cl,k ill Willium " burg, Pinn o Solo- Helen Grahum . th e g ue st c,f fri e lld, . Trombo ne Solo-L evi Coates. Normal song by cla8s. Mrs. B '"Hi" While nnd dau ghte r, ~ GCl'n ldin e. uf Dayt on , spent S u nda y with Ill'. Mnry L. Coo k. Last Friday evening the Seniors delil!htf ully entertai ned the High Mr. Harry E SLe ll, of the Friends 5chool. Normal and faculty at a Halh ome. motored to Richmo nd, Ind., lowe'e n pllrty. Saturdn y to see his mother. Th e first part of the evening 's progrnm was "A Trip Through 'tbo MamMr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke \" c' l'e moth Cave." Out of this lonlr line Sunday dinn e r !!uesls of 1111'". Lida of disguise d people, Eva McMilla n Smith and Mi ss Clara Keys. waR given the pflze as' best masked, Herbert A ult for the tallest and AgMrs. llr. l\Iartin and MI", Roy Fuhr, ne" Longacr e fnr the Ilhortest . An interest ing gh ost story was given hy of Wi llil\l\1sb ur ~ . ~pent Sundny with Mr. MoomRw. Stunts by the FreshMr. Fred JlI. ole and fnmily. men proved to be very entertai ning. The color sch eme was orange and Mr. und Mrs. B. S . Howell, of P ort Refresh ments were served, William , left this week Cor the Sun- black. con"i~tin ~ of cide r, doughnu ts. candy ny South . to spend the win te r. and apples. Th e remaind er - of the eve ning was spent in dancin g. MI'. and Mrs. Ail·in . Burnett and - - 0-- ' son . (I f [1aytoll. were week-en d g uests or ~Irs . Emo lll Retallic k. Miss Doroth y Colema n, of Duyton, wlls a Normal visitor, Mo.ndny. . MI'. li nd Mrs . W . S. Graham spent th E' week-ellil in \\' PRt Union , Ohi o, t he g uests of Miss Sabina I-low land. Tho en tir e J1 igh Kch ool was Borry to lose Mllry HUtlL, who has-gon e-to Orego n to live with he r uncle. Sents w ill be r ese rved for th e Lyceum Co ur .• e at the O"I('y-P m'" Dru g - - a-st ore , Thursda y Il oo n, October 30th. The Senior boy" and Sophom ore The Mi s~es Kathryn Clark, Anne girls wert! victorio us in the High Bachm un , La u\'ll McKill "ey lin d Lot.l- school tennis tournam ent lost week. ise Sm ith wcre Dllyto n shoppe rs, SI,t""---0urdllY · Doris Hawke. Elsie Hawke, Kath- ' erine From m, Lilli un and fill' . u nd IIfl'S. Howell Pc.irce atte nd- Ruth Eal'llhlll'l hiked toWutkins Elmer K eled the fun era l of their ne phew, Mr. se y's wo ods lind e njoyed J ohn Robinso n, in Cincinn llti, Illst roast Wednes day even ing . n weiner Th ursduy. . ·n t ur dftv

~J'hllnlI HHHL


FI'I'~ hml\n

f· n l r dH l r1r ·d Ih0 lI i).!'h ~,\(·h n .d :tll d C\'q rIII II I ill t i ll ' G\'mnll l'·d um \\ilh tht' fo l-

I ~ Pl' l ' l 11I'-t WlTk wit h f" it ' lltb ht' n' ,



vote. -


u- -

Th e J-li",h scho ol stlldellts alit! facully attende d a forew,,1 1 purty ;11 hanOI' of Miss MRrv lIu nt. which WIlS helel nt he r h ome'Th\Jr~d"y nig ht, Octob er 23rd.

--- -

--- ~--


l\l k Alice (u rey, the chormin g dllll g ht er of II lt·H. Vi ola ClIl'e)" W IlS 'Ioi"Llr nlll lTi pd to I\! 1' . 11' \' illl( IJ; 1I·" kh. tit" so n of Mr. W. C. \\. elch,

\\hu Ilve~ two nlilns Ll(.l~t of \V urlles ..

"il ip. Th e wedc1il1 J.! ClIok place ,it tho hU III \! of the bride at G:30 a ll Uetobe r ~5 .

j ~24.

Thl! r uo m wnfi heau tif llll y decoratI' d with fern ; all(i ch rysun th e mu ms. Mr. Wilbur Th orllhill . t1f Xenia, w as the beMt I lOll nnd 1I1iss Cnrin ne W elch sis; le r "f t he} I.(l'fhHtl . was lh l o hrido' s Itluid. The bel\ utif ltl ~ inl!lO) ri ng cere mony WB S used . He" . L. A. Wllshburn, plls to r o[ til\' I r itl e, perform ed the ceremon y in Lho prese nce 0 the imm ediut.e fUlIlilie >. Followi ng t he ce remo ny anq congrntulut ions 0 deli cio us Hupper was surv od. .f Th ' bride is II gruduu~ of Waynesville High school lind for six years has been 1\ valued employe e 'of the Waynes ville Nationa l bank. The· groom. wh o also attende d the Waynesville ~chools, Is a prosper ous young former. , Mr. und Mrs. :Welch nre 8pen'din g their honcymooll,; in West Vll'Il'lnin, and Il ftcr ten days they will. reside at th e Welch homeste ad east· of Wayilesville, where ~hey :will be .ill. ·e1ose touch with .t~e lr manl: ;friends. • .



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7 "crOI, 6 ' " rn 11'''''' '' , 2 ~ r le ver.1 (r,\il ' r.'(, ...... ncC"' 17t




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T e rm •• o nl v $ 28 0. If you ,. r e loulduR' for n nil" . Jil . tie hom.-·, ·r i " ....' ..' I.J "t f ... . \ ' j ' I ' 1I

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Alon zl> C nl t,'t', dI'U)'I!I~):: .. :~: ~)(J; W', Grahnl I, P'" rl.1\, ".~ , . " ' , I',d e n l'er ry, Slln.,', ~ ..' J ~'!. I :--.. \\1u llior, \ lI nnl " . 1til .1 .. "" e""I, , , '11. '!j O, Ir. n \1 rI" . ,,11\'1' 1 -4 7.00: t. iI"" :'ur crll ,I, r, ~ - II.




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L EA S , Q0 CEEDIN GS 'I'll" ,',' ,•. of Wi lit: m II. ea,,'" " .

'E:u'l t'~ I ~ ~ · t W I\!". tl it-lId ... :-(·d \\ lih(lu l n '(" ' nt . l ' urr i,' IJarl'\:-. \\',, :-. crll ll ll d n di " "'(, ,, ,in' 1l1 ~~ nrl lIatT b ,' n th., ,'lllt'Y will gThll lld~ "t t' x trt: lllc (·nH.'l ty .

- --




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told n ic k he w ns set li nR better Ic,--.Lt lll ~ rvf' r' Y rl" y n nd he a.i J lhnt wa. a ha bit h,. hn.d cvc i' Y YL' .-l.r s h o rtl y b e (ore C hris t .


Centerville, Ohio


. I



Judge W' a J. Wright

Admitted and

wdcomed where



On S e para t e Judi cia l Ballot.

. ci~




m" •.

TIll' dl,rl' ndant .'n tl' red a pIca of ED PURDY ' S P HILOS 11. , I,,· in,i ' I' "" II ~ orr uPYlII g glll ity in t h" I' II S~ " f th l' S tut r of Ohio 'rl • • , UCt" d)\ \ '"<,n,' ~ltl\iI' , 11 11 .1 .. --0-, \ w , Tilfu rd Bo" ling. chu r!;cd wit h I . nun':- l ' IHH I),!h . t, ,, y ~ h. ," on the r uhhHY . "Many of th eae youn g men I., .. t la p ." Phon •• No , :z who go ilO for th e jayelin Ih ro w I n th t:' rose llf th e State of Ohi o . -- ·v~ , Edwnrcl Bish.>p, th e cle fendunt at colI eg ,e t .. !'e after their old m ll n ---eJtc ep t thal th e y lublta. ~uh .crib. rnr I he "allll i\!, . G guilty to the charge o f rob.a1.(' t to , pkntled bery. lut e a javelin f o~ II n a t i ron . " I n I he cnsc o f t he Stot r of Ohi o !!!!!!!'!!~!!!'!!!!!'!!................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. \' s , E \'n Brown. indicted f ur hndn)\' PIGSKIN POETRY ai ded 111111 a het tcd n nu lh l'r In mn k .. On I1s' II,<l1 wit h intl' l1l to ki ll, th e court l".t'll t ~ 'H'(:' d t he dt'f(,ll ciHl1t to hn'c Tht· rl· ft~ .. ec hu !'l j u s t n llt,' ruic" m o nth ~ in th e county ja il 'n nn ''''"t<. 1I f' U S l'~ ill fn utl ilili. This ""!lte ll ce t u be ~ tI , p cn .j,td in T n Iwn :l li7.c ( 'tlf n wn ))011\£1 tcnm, CUSt' rll' fl~ ndnnl Ica vc~ 'V nrn\fl Cou n ~ J-: ' Il th uu gh t in' " c'n" ells fn ll. ty. In th' cuge of the tRte o f Ohi o \' 5 , EVil Brown . chllrg'0t1 with adul. WII,' lionoos Inc ..... . . " . ter y. th .. d.,(endonl Wit " H' rv ed to Wt1d ht) r t~... In t fl r \' kl lll l y ll r npnt\. • .,r v" thre e Ill on th , in th., Warr 'n coun t y .illi l an d fin{,d $200 und cnsts . 0..8 .. b !)Xf! In '· r .... " ... ,. 1 Se l nqdd ly thut Thi ~ ~(! nt c n cC' d u{'!oI, not r u n COJ1{'u r rhe)' UTO b l~o mlll ,"" Ii HU lnH III ' \' Kx · r l'nt with t hat in th e ca se in which trcmcty l ow I.I rh."'~!-O fll r h nr"," rt"~u lt e d 0I.ew BEECH. NUT defe ncla"t is chnrg ,'d with nidinA' 81111 In the rnoc her8 lurnl" ~ ,It .'1n 0111 InlD Chewin g Tobacco nhcttill)\' an oth er to mak e a Rsnu lt with lha moont.o l .... to ~Idf l fpr I h(,lI1d(llv,," inte nt tu kill. while at movies, the-



- - -<.1--



mnnot enter

atre 011: on factory floor. Quieti nerves and sharpens wits; s timula tes IOOd work and cI ear thinking.

NEW SUITS The KrOA'er Grocer y an d Bak ing Co. , hus e nte red s uit ogain"t the South Lebano n Pueking Co ., for speci fi c pe rf urlllunce injunction ond equi tal .I" J'\ ' lid. Da" iLl S ta ndiford entered quit again ' t JIIi lli,· Stan diford 'for di\' orce on I:'ru'"ICI. of abse ncl' .

CMrZSOMillion Poc:kages Sold in a Single Yeer




Political Advcrt.ising,

r----------.:..;..;.:".:..:.:..:.:.:.:.:;.::..---_____________ •


Charles H. Rogers Barry S. S ith 00'the C·tizen

eket at the'Ge erai E ection, November 4th

Th,' ~rM~ "lI ll1c o f t.h e l'sta te o f Li 1.z il' , ',," r hi", d ecea eil. wns found to 10" $ ~OU O . In Ihl' Ilmll,' r of th e sett lement of til " I'<la le of Annie B. Dillltu sh, decf' II<l'd, th e !!ross va lli " of estat '! WII " fOlln d to be $17.89Q . 19. J lImes S. Wild, eiXcc utor of th e estllt e of·J o"e ph H . Wil d, dec ease d, filed his fir~ t lind finn l acco unt. ('arrie H . Buchan a n . ndministratri l{ of the estat e of George M. Bucha nnn, decease d, fi led her first and final Rccount. In th e muttcr of the estate of EllUl J one Kelse y, deceased, Charles E. Ke lse)l, as admin istrator , filed his inventory a nd appraise ment. The f ollowing estates hove been fil ed for settleme nt a nd will be heol'd on Novembe r 3, at 9 o'cloc k. Wolter R. Fitts, admini ~t rator of th e estate of Th omas J. Fitts. decensed t John C. Death. administrator ,f the estate 0 f Louella C. Death, deceas('d. The wi ll o f Jonathan McCurdy, dl" admitted to probate, ceused . Iren !' A. Mc Curd y was nppointed ex· ec ut r i x of the estate an ti Georj!'c Beck, Wnrre n ~ . Pence and E. D. Ru ~s ('lI . a ppraiserR. In t he mntter o f t he estate of EImer E. Kee\'er, decense d . the court ord erl'd th nt Clara Spence, a s ndmin i ~tratr i x , mig' ht "c ll cert nin pro pI' rty a t pr ivate sale , The Lobuno n Nulio nu l Bank and Trust Co., wns ap pointed ns admin istrator of t he estllte 9f Mary E. Sta rry, dec eased . Ed S. Co nklin . 0, S. Higgin" und L. S. Sha whun were app oin te d appraisers. MARRIAGE LICENSES

Build !OYl" Home


REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS .- B. And er son and W , G. And e rson to A. C. VlIstDinder, lot in Franklin, $ l. A. C. Vastbin der to Carter Reynolds. lots in Franklin , $1. . -Garter Reynolds to A. C, Vast.. bind el', Ilbout 45 acret! in Clear cr eek Tp .. $1. S mith F. Watkins e t Rl., to Alfred G. Wutkin s, about 90 ac n ,g in S,,lem Tp., $ 1.

While you need itt ThIs is th e home·buijding y~ ar. Aa 10U trevel 0'"'' the country )IOu ... Ibousands of homes being erected P80pIe have QOI1le to the realization that it II true economy 10 put Iheir IDIIneJ' In. ponnanenl building. ralher tI*I payout 80 much for rent Or fllr botttd end lodging, with nothing left to . . . . . . . It In the end. The American fa mily -s»rit has and! to do with it. Every child Is entitled 10 a real home. People who have ·children wanl lheir boys and 1Iir1s to knOw what it is 10 live In 8 house. wi th 8 yarcS. A few minut1!S with 8 pend1 fUl d peper will convince you Ihat you CilIl own a home euhoble for your n l'Cds. Talk it over with your dealrl'. He is • practilionl'1' In building. He \mows condhions; h is experience Is valWlble III you. He wllOls 10 give you tho kiDd of-..b thft l will male. a &lend


-w. H. MADDEN & CO.


---_ ..- - -

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDiNGS Bills all owed: Western S t.n :·, pri nting, $8.25 ; S, F. Fetter, r eplli r drllin, $ 10; Barrett Bros" s uppli es f or $/i,50; W , H. Stanage Co., tax duplicate f or nu di to r, $175 ,00 ; Columhu s Blank Book Co., suppli es, $23.40; Ruppli ($ for recorder , $10.00 ; Columhll ~ B1n nk Book Mil!'. Coo. , supplieR f or th e sheriff. $1.75; Bernard DnytOIl Blank Book Co" mortgage ,,'co r" , $1i8. 75 ; Stakalto Mig'. Co,. AlI ppl i"R fU I' s heriff, $1. 7 6; Bern nni Bnt t('ry stut ion, supplies, $2 .50; F , 111. Greuth ouse , repair of gas stove , $ 1.00; S. Fred Co., cots and sheeting fu r jail , $5 8.75; E . S. Don nel, pay W. G, Th om pso n, final e"timllte contrac t No. 800 , $27,90; Howard Ayer g, fur nishing and lliling sto ne, $ 100.00; F . H, Ap!;a r, crushing stone, $67 .10 ; Ore!!onia Bridge Co ., bridge r e.pair. $14 2.R-1; P. 0, Monfort .. engineering "{'rvice at Franklin, $13.00; A. C. Vail . in ~ p e cti n g road work, $16.00; R. M. VonHorne, per contract on Oxf or,1 road, Franklin, $2 94.60 ; H. W , T rovillo, painting bridge , $71.60

Willard J. Wright x '--_...&.._------- -------- ,--- .,

NOTICE OF ELECT ION Notice is he re by R' iv l'n thlll n prop· ositio n to iev y additi onul tox('s f or ~ c h oo l Jl Ul' POSCS fol' lin d dur ing th" per iod of five Yl'a rs , nt a r nt c not cxceedi ng three mill s in additio n to the mnx il1tum rate a utho d zud by law. w ill be su bmit ted to th e e l"ctors o f t he Way ne T ow nsh ip R UI'llI School District at .un elec ti oll to lH! he ld on Tue ... the 4·th D ay of November, '2 4, At t he usual p olli ng plllc e~ in saicl d istrict. betwee n l he hour" of 5 ::W o'clock , forenoon, and 5 :30 o' cloc k nfWrnoon . L , M. HENDERS ON, Clerk of th e Board of EduClltioll o f Wayne 1'p. Rural Sehoul District. Board of Dep uty Stute S upervisors ( an d Ins pecto rs ) of W"rre n Co. By M. A . BURK E. PRE S. 029 C. B. DECHANT. Clerk.

JUDGE WRIGHT CAM P,A IGN By W. L. Su!'milli ng-,

- P olitical Adve rti sement


fk('~· .

Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 4fF


Crow 'rom tile TIp. EYvgTceo tree. mny be 1'eC01Ill1r.ed DJ tb e distinctive for lll of their Inmlul. In moet of tbem. Bnys Nature Mnltllzlne. th e mnln tMlnk or IE-Bder con· Unuee t o grow from the tip and doe8 not divIde nnd sub-dI\'lde Into hr"nr hea " nd brunchleta.

'J tA, Don 't D.lnee . III 'I'u rklsh @nl'lul li l lI, wher e repre-



aenl ul h''''' of olh er 111'1' not prCRl' llI. R bell or tl I IllH~ r· !lll nce Is not



Wh en Worda Flow Wi th Ease. IIONE\' Lf) ,\ NED ON LIV E T O 'K, WI"I I(,Vf r we w ~ 1J 111l " " r~llI nd ,~ . cha tte ls. also second mortgllg'e8. <" I· e,·., el.'urly. nnd w,m ls !low wlt b Notes buuS' ht. ,John 1I111·bin e. All en I'lIS\'.- ilntlesu . J uildi ng, Xenia, Ohi o, •




Perry Mounts, restaurant propri et or of Nashville, Tenn., an d Mrs, Vivian Marie Trump, of Or ~go nia . John Ellis McClure, f a rm er nnd Miss Suella M. Sheehan, both of Springboro. Jo e B. Warbington, la borer , and Evn Wallace. machine operator. both of South Lebanon. Dav e Mason Jr" claerk, and Miss Consuelo E , Ballinger, both of Oregonia, P uul Browning, farmer, of Amelin, and Miss Mube l Mardi s. pook agent, of Muson,

For Jud ge of Court of Common Plea ,

Cail You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle?

- Farmers, Attention! "·urlllers of Wurrell lind ud jo illing long . I . tm, · loun s, lit 5 ~~ PCI' ce~lt Interes t. l O~L nf SCC Urt ll 1:' the SlIllle IS vc r y ren," 'lI ,thruu!(h The F",IHul Lur:d Bunk. For further info rmllti on ca ll " " or lIudl'(lSS ;\1. r. DRA KE, T" cl1s, urer, p h'o ne 3 1Q-X , Le ullnon , Ohio. r-( llI flt i o!o1. lIlay .. ,bla in m o ney on


A New Feature for the Read e .. of t" lIiul iOI1. Th, 'Y art th e vcrllca l unci hOI·ir. .. nta l " Yll',,"~ Il," of t he hirld cn The Mia mi G azelle ":'>1''' ', \\' I1(' n I'",n plde t h e puzz le Bc lo\\ is pri nt ed t he first of th e " ill rl' :td COI'l' '~t ly :·it hc r. up o ~ down I'o pulnr cross-we, rd pu zzles wh it'h will "r ~ "II'\\' ny~, r ry I;. ' 0 11 WIll filld b(' featur cd in thi s newspa p(ll' f roOl it 1:'1: ~ "t spu rt, lime to time. Un dern eath thc puzzl e .. re printed the "keys" t o its corn., c~ CI1~:'il; c~"f..:·.~\, c'I;";u:'~h:~' ~~I{~e~~ MI',


WANTED Mn. Katio Seheffel, R. F. D. No. 5. Lowell, Ohio

• "I have been suffering for years with female troubl e. Was operated • on five yea rs ago. It relieved me , some but I did not regain my strength. Two years later was taken sick and bedfast several months. I treated a long while without much relief. I was discouraged, my mind affected, so Dervou5 I could neither eat or Ileep aDd DOable to cio anything. We tried several doctor s but ODe after another g~ve up my case , lIS hopeless. Finally a good friend • advised me to try Pe-m·na. I d,d. It relieved me almost immedialel y. , Your medical department sa id I was suffering from chronic cala rrh of the sys tem. 1 began taking your medicine in March, 1914, and con · tinued until Aug ust. I took l ell bottles of Pe-ru·na and three bOI ties of Man-a-Im and fel t like a new pennn. You r rr.edicine seemed like a gilit from Heaven, It was like coming from dar!.ness into light. • .We ha ve used your medicine since for coughs, colds and grip · with good results. We will al ways keep it on hand. I weigh twenty-, five pounds more than ' I ever did. cat an d sleep well and can do a good day's work. Everybody says · I look fille. Even the doctors a re surprised. 1 can not thank you enough and will always recommend Pe-ru--na to sufferers from catarrh." MRS. KATIE SCHEFFEL. R F . D. No. S. Lowel~ O. Mrs. Schdfel is only one of ma ny ' Ih0usand women in the world, who owe Iheir present healt h 10 Pc- ru - na. The record of this mcdicille is a proud one as Pe-runn has held the confidence of both sexcs for fifty years or more. If your trouble is duc to a catarrhal inflam m" lion in any orrail or pa rt of the body, do like Mr •. Scheffel, Try Pe-ru -na. Insist upo n haying the origina l and reli:.!>I. r<mc.!y for catarrhal cODdi. tic " ., You won 't be sorry. A.k Your Dealer About Tblt Old- Ti.".



1I 0USE PAINTING- In.ide lind Hol'tlwood fini shi nlC II specilllty; uu tn s rcpuin ted and refini shed: W, II . Britain, Wnyn esvillc. Ohio, Oct22·

- - -- -_.....


HENT-Ho use of five r oo ms, water and electric lights. Inqu iro of Mrs. William s, at corner of Tyle r 08 · ond Fourth streets. LOST

---- -- - -

2. 6.

11. 13. 16. 18,

ao. 22. 23. '~ 4.


21. 211. 30. 3 1. 33. ~ 4.

35. 37_ 38. ~O.

42. 43. 4.6. 47. 48, bO o ()1. 02 . 64, 68. 69. , 60.

HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Work 1. Avarice Machine 2. Cove r 3, Ma n' s namc (u bb rcviatiun) Kind of fence 4. Correct Guardilln 6. Co nc erni ng Delicate to the touch G. Pronoun Finish • 7. Otherwise 8. Bone Proceed fl. Take illegally Formal affair (French) lOt Book of geography Latin conj~gatlon 12, Insect Exist 14, Se lf Sacred 15, Polish (abbreviation) Toward n higher place. 17 . Remote Sun god 19. Joyful satisfaction River mouth dep08it 21. Execrating French capitol 24 . Suitable for Girl's name 25 . Stag8 German minin&' district 20. Belgian Battle T own Pretender to gentility 28. Ta trent stintingly Leg of mutton :10. Excavate Legal Expulsion 32. Drlfhkard Preposition 36. Small r ock Th o ma~ (abbreviation) ' :19 . Tree T ake~ out 4 l. Si ngle A stat e (abbreviation) 4 4. Connective That is 45 . America n uuthor Canadian Province (abbre). 47, Islnnd (Fren ch ) Negation 4 fl. To draw li quid from Advanced in years 5 1. .Poem Whisky straight (slang) 63. Late Prc8 id ellt'~ initial ~ Mammal with 2, rarely 4, in 54 . British Art Instituti on (nbbre.) eisors 5 6. Hindu religion ejncu loti on Thought 66 • Continent (abbreviatio n) Father of Hector 57. ' Di~easo ( slang) Diminish '68.. Pronoun

, R£CkOti 'IOU TwO



\"'oCK. WORcoe·,., 'THAIi 'THAT 'I>o4ITMoUT



.. MRs .' GAL.LAG+tEQ.


elfiN "tOU GUGS5 rr 1$ ?




1;'OR SALE--Immun ed · Big Type 1',, _ land Chin n Boars. Price I'U".',,1. able. Perry Suckctt, Bellhrook; 111 .0 ' Ohio. FOR SALE-A nice big h(luti ng Stove Good co ndition. Cull ot Mrs. Maud Crane 's to see same. U. E , Standiford, Wayp esville, Ohio. n5· I~ OR SALE-Somo nice 2-year-old Heifers. calves by aide. Also, Ap ples, good keepers ; Rome Beauty , .: Jonathun, White Pippins and Win c Ij!BpS. J. L. Mendenhall, R. D. a, Wnyncsville, Ohio. n6 ' FO R SALE--Faney Roman Benu y 1 "pplcs. Price at t he orchard , D, 1:1. :$1.60 to ~2,00 per bushel. Underwood , Valley phone 34-3, Harveys burg, Ohio tf FOR SALE-Fr esh cow and Spotted J. C. Pola nd Chinn male hog. Cl1mmings, R. D. 3, Waynes ville , Ohin. . 029 . FOR S ALE- Winter Appl es, Jersey Cows nnd Spotted p, C. hogs. K. E. Thompso n, Oregon ia, Warren Co., O. R. D. 1, Box 108, Valley phone 19-1 t,2 , Harveysburg ring.


S ALE-Ford Coupe, with starIIFOR t er , in good condition. Inquire ot Mrs , Ed Morgan, a't ·Jos. Evan's res-

~ ·LAST \HEel(.·



FOR SALE-Real English Bull Pups pedigreed. Call and see them. 0: A. St John, R. D. 5, WayneSVille, O. . n6· FOR. SALE-uRite " Type PolandChina Boars, March pigs and elig ible to regi ster_ Wm. A. Lukens, Harveysburg, Ohio. 029.


LOST-Blnck truv elin r; bag, between Lebanon Ilnd Mt. Holly. It con tuin ed ladies Wen ring appa re l, ,, 1so a pencil with Edrrn H . on it. . Ret urn to S, A, Roland, R. D. I, Wny. nea ville , Ohio.



id ence, R. 0 .'1, Wayn e~\'iIIe, Ohio, . ·020

FOR SALE-A ' child's i;on bed und , n baby carrlago. Inqu~e at L, A. .Zlmmerman's grocery. 029


F0R good Jersey cow, w.iJI be fresh first of . December. , Inquire of FronK Braddock, R. D. 2. Waynesville, Ohi~ 029 " FOR SALE-One Home Comfort; rl,tnge, 1 Empire Estate beater, 1 . Heitz electric w8IIher. Mra. H.' }

Burp, WQDenille, OJilo.



The MIami GaDtte, Wa~e, Ohio

..:.T H E MIAMl



LYTLE . ---

P hI" S I U _~c . a es







l'ur hurn 1" oU8Iy) - "I1 (,v! G~t nulta ill(' r"nd D . 1' En tered lit the 1'''~ lOl1k\' a l Wa )"lI"W illo, 0, 119 ;oi l' nu ' lu ~R Mai l Mnt-ler ' cH ing " {lsrn ntrnll e to fa r lll. I with' tlmt \\:hp~ II"' r' ,. Y , . Ml·~. fl ll rry Gmhllnl WOR a Duylo n IIlr . aocl :II , •.. To.' ROf.!ol1 f' lItertuln- will ~cll In' 11"/1\' (I I' l'11bl .. IU dillll Ill '" I h ' n "f ' OU ft' <0 v, sit'lr, Mon ti ,,),. E-d rclt~t i;l.q Sttn rl ny. , h\llI~(' ho ld ' t!"t)~dl.l 't ("Itk ~ l1d irtl pll:. · fH~\~',,\,I,',\JU 1I 1I i tH "pu BIU' H hahy , D . L. CRANE . .E.d itur and Publi . h ~ r . WnynLlv illc, Ohio. Bnrn- T n JIll'. aile! M ~. Wnlter Mrs. I . B. leave ,: IS ,.t'r,. ill 01 1I1 "l1 t '''~111 .. u I ', I1ti ll"- \\' . .. I' L)' I, tll:I ' ,' , n _ " :'UIl' I C u Y. ( In Tuc lidny I ClQOC1' 2 , 1D2 4, h ~r hom. , on En st M t ll n ~ tl'P.(' t. flrld y ou nug,ht I ' / . ndlt ....·: IIllth Hi l ('!1\j ' r \'il ko , ti ll tit\! t il t,c iudi " twi ll g-ir ls. Mr. und 1\11"8. H. II , ,Jf"fff~nc ~ (> ntc r - l' aytll,1 arlci I. l,!lal1l1 ' 111 piltt' . IIIl ' _ _ _ _ __ 1I1i;" -\1 il<ll'ul Ituk II I" U wee k- tn ll1(' 01 III 'U,"II(,!' r> f reln t.i "" s Sunday. I C!,d gu,,.t (If 1\1 ,.. an ll !II 1':; . C. W. Mrs . IJ. I';. Co liI'll Itnd M,'s '0,.1 T u , dny. N ov~m l "r I . QZ>1 , ' tI 't" 1 h 1,,1\' ·tHIMf! 1( 1 P h ' .. '.1.1\, .... · GCE- yeS !! " o unr e , at Waynesv ille. I I": \ '\1 •• U ,C,.\ \' PU I ' !>S" .." , ( ' t ~' l tt " " Haines , o f ::;abi na . a r e J[U , ts o f hl r". . HUI!II ,"illl( ,,' III a. ' ": . t hl! f,oIl, " . Mr • . Ellj: 1I (''' !''''Y is ' IH'nding u Frunk L, Harris. l,n g- pru p( 'f"ly: :~ li nl":"H':O; , tl l' ut l lC', :.:.:-:. -=--.-.-- ._--.. - - =--=--=--~ '=-'-====-==-. cotJpl r (I f weeh wi ,h Mr. nnd M rs. ( ' If'rlt l 1 1, 1.. "" "'fi t ' nd l ! ' " h y Mr. unr! Mrs. HArry II " . ie ,· (On ,·r. larm IIl1 p l,'m p " " . hUl'n p." fo'd, "I l"'ltll r Anh u,' hech e r, lOt Ulue Ball. tuill ed to dillner S undny, hi ~ pll!' ~ nt s hou "ch,i1 c1 1I11.! k1t l hell J!"l1\J(b; Illfill n 1,ln _' 1I1 1! );,IIII HI" r~,\'l W I';DNESDAY. OCI'O HEI{ 29. 1 ~~4 yllUllj! II ,: II ! . \\ 11.\ d t\ '·t j'u lJ t:aI\l' lll:ll Mr, lind !>il':;. 1/. M. Cll1rk entertuin. s i ~ ler nlld brother. fL' \\' Ant iq u e I 'i , 'i.' \ ·~ , tH/I'! Itll .' 111 1 \\; \ 111 I n J.!l't t hr' \\',,1"1.1 ,·d 0' er SUllduy, thd,· cou sin , Mr •. ~fr-. I1l1 d 1I1r-~. Chus. F. . C ordl'n lind ,' ce lal'l.( '· L,Il , for l.e r"". JflllC ~ noith, of Ric h","n d, Ind. 80 n. Ho hert, wer", we pk-cnd J{u <'"t" , GF:()HG I'; S I'l ' H GE()~ , \\ II It a (111 1\' ( ' . tr·"'Jll d if fill ' It lIi{"k('J"~'· Ho y ' " Ji lil f d, 1...I' t' := S t'C 1[''' F , r . Ma r tin. Au.'!. Rev ,vul Inl'etin/.: is now in pr o/:, r ess ('f DlI\'llin !'(' Iotives N E WSPAPER ADVERTISING at L.vll .~ church . Rev. ,J. C. S tit ze l Mr: nnd Mr~. Clydc' CleAver. of und :; in !:e r, Miss Inez Stu ley, in Chi ' a~o, nrc hel'e Ilt the bedsid .. o f C. H. Ro u. te r, .a l e~ pl'omo ti un COMIN G SALE DAT ES chlirgc. th e ir mothel'. Mr •. P. B. Cleave r . mU'lJl/.:l!r for th(' S ld"~,"alltl Di.c uit . Mrs. A lie n Emrick, in compa ny of Fort Dodge. rowa T om We lch, October 30-11 . Cr out . .j rnile~ we>! (' 0 . • ill U ~ p,'"c h h~fu,'" the r o n,','nWlt.h JIlt·•. ('has, And erso n o f Way. s pent a few days t hi s week with hi; of (;,'rm:lnl o Wtr . I • •• .'J li ntl elf Ohi o I{ptll il (;1' ''':''1''1 IIlId ~lt-llt Mr. J ohn Pe llt'e WU" ~ ick for Il few lIes\'ill(,. vi ~ il c d thc N, C. ri., ut Day· Jlarl' nt ., Mr. tl nd Mrs . W. W. W('lch. Nov e_rnber I - ('nyl,," lIu nling n og Ill' all' r's' lI ~:-- o t.: ialiHIl in t'i1u·innati . rl'- du ys la. t wee k. The Eye S l~ht Specia lis t t Oil , MOlldny. The Ba ptist Mi"sionnry circle nr .. t Ha le, 10 <l ng', l'll lltly, :iBid : Miss Anna Hollln d wa s unable to IIII': \\" c lli'H~to n Sm ith left Monday wi , h Mrs. A. S. Collett a t .. " " Ie in November 4 - nr()wn nr fl~, ~t rJl: k "T il l' n ' luil('r~ of lo rn o l'row will ntte nd sdw ol, Monday . for h l!~ hl,/ ml' In Lo:.: :\l1 gc l (!~ 1 Cul., u r. th e Woods," W c dll~ s d uy aft(! rn()on. " dc . 1 l11il,' ~Il~ t .of Fllrl11 rt"vill r. VAC C INATION OF SWINE h H\' I' H dl' li ni tl' plan f o r C/)~ls . Ilia I' . III r. Jat' ob hillllll('r and children t '!' H brilif vis it Wilh r e latives und 1111'. and Mrs. ChIts . Marldc' lI sl'"nt Novembe r 8 - I. n rgc :luetinn in Cpr b ,t Il l lH ly :;i~. d i:- play (I f gUI \ d ~ , t urn - nrc sick with tun sililis. A S P ECIALTY fnt' nlb h t· "u, the past w ee k in Ci ncinnati , Itnd while ll1illl to Wll , 2 hOll ~l''' lin d lut!' and h \.Ju ~ t· Lebanon, Ohio o\'l'r hilt! dl',li \' l; ri(.'~. T h l' ha phu zard . Mr. utH l. Mrs .. ,Juco b Zimmer s"ent ' "M 1'5 •• Ada ChCII O\\'eth, Mrs. Eth~ 1 t here sa w "The T e n Co nrm ulldnocn ts.' hold go .. ds al " .. th places uh,tlH.d .... o f Yl' :-> tl ' l'cIl I Y l ' U11 IUlt Hl r - Sunduy with frll'nu s ne ur Xenia. l, tkc l'I ll J!" I1nd duuJ!"htcr Inll we re lIIr. nnd Mrs. Hllrl'y WiI . on, fl f November 1 I - A t Gen rJ::r Spu r vi ",..., PI'l'!' (·l1t. duy f'f'qllin'1l 1l'nt !'i. Th l' Mr. u nd Mr~ . George Murlatt nrc hursd I1Y dill" " r J!"u es ts or' Mrs. Duyto n, wore Sunday g ueRts oC th"ir J.(C( H l ' ~ , ')n UHy loll n nd I.t-han on pike ",·tailr r mtl~1 ht, 1I11l1'l1l1,l.d'd y o r'}!Htli zC' ci cnlertllining the ir " nug hter from I" . "·~·!"anl{ HClh'"l'J"I'", Phone 4 ·\ r>a r (! nt ~ , M,·. !lnd M rs. Frnnk Wil - 5 mil es ~o uth nf (' 1'1I1I'r"ill,'. ' 8 :o() n. tn . to " p. Ill. und ti d .. ~! I'Jlll l d zHti( "1 :, hlluld inc iu d " cli ulln. M,· . Hn d Mrs .. Iuscph Anderson und sun . Novembe. 20-.John '<, n Uro •. cl oRth e t"lIl" lIllll', who Jl n .dul..'t't' lh l ' f ~'n d Severnl from thi. commu"ity lit. family, o f Lcha ll vlI, 111<.1., were wf! l' k 1111' . and Mr •. E. D. Dakin e nt erin/.:· out H al ~ . . j miles we,l IIf Hel ltill' n'taill' T whtl d l:-l lt·ilt ult.·~ it lInj tend ed the 'l'ulbntt sule close t u Bell· ('nti I:uc~ ts o f Mr. an d Mrs. Eli Ilu s. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED tailled with dinn e r Thursduy, ho nor - broo k. th l' llI anU f Ul' t lll'l'l' who I' r tt\, i lh' s ItH' bruok. Tuc ~ tluy . se ll und Miss Screptn Stunse !. in/:' Mr. Tom We lc h, of Ft. Dod/:'e , Harv. Ylburrr. Oh io. No vemb". 24-Franc.' Un s p l\\I~h. ",antrf,ll· t ured IIrtid(·" "uPl'lihcl t l' till' Mrs. Uert Mar lllll und 'on, Eddie Mr. urod ~I rs . Fmnk Rog"rs wcre Iowa. 2 milt.. s wes l of i\l iarl1i s l 'llr~ , retnil e l· . \\' it h Ih" H' thr '(' cia :."., spcnt Su turduy with Mr. Bu rton Ear~ S unnilY di nnt'r guests of Mr. allel Mr. nnd Mrs. Cliff Hawke had liS Novembe. 25-A . R. Ro'e , 6 mil (" ""aleel aro und II curnUII'1I tll blc the hurt and fami ly. lI!r s .. S herlll un Hoge rs nn e! fath e r, Mr. th eir we ek. e nd gu es t.~, Mr. and Mrs. ,;outheas t of ( 'l' nt "rvillr_ I'.r(l10 h'lII. uf distril,uti oll . ro f ex '(.~. Miss Ruth Ke ll is, who was con- I::nll1" RIlgers, nCllr Midrlle Run. II n"ry Shiduker, Miss Bess and .on, Date your sa le wi,h tlo o man Ih nl FOR OVER 40 YEARS HI\' r cost" ami cu t ·thr,lllt tllt"lic" fin ed to her bed the past week is Ilble Mrs. Corn Clark, ~Ir. Ulle! Mrs. Wi l- Wayne, of Cedarville. ge la the price .... nd .Ali .fi e., could Ill' su lvt,<1. lJelll'littili/.: the ," il. t o be abou t. aga in. • ItA 1I, Io'S c .\ ·r " lUlU lU';UIC I ~ ..: tl Q.8 )I.'(' n bur Clurk. Mrs. Will Ucrgdall vi sit.ed Mr. a n d Mrs . Bern Carr nnd "augh Sbawen'l laic, ~a . t or Centeryitl , h Ull:' whu d e p l'nd U II thl'SC th rt 'l' Mr. ~rllnk Kell is went to Rending Mrs. Chas. Clu"k ut Miami Vall ey ter, Evelyn , visited Mr. lind Mrs. Edd week, cattle aVl'r8ge d $91 p rr =!C~~ r r~j,CC I'S s t U I1Y tn l !,(: ~ rca lnH:mt ot c!U R:-\ l '!'\ f o r f oud. lust Frlully IInu mov ed hi s mot her ho spitul lus t we ck, and repor t her Ca rr und ramily, in Kingmun, one hea d. II AL!.'S (',\ 'rAnnll " 1-: 01('1;111'; • ' n- I "The ret.uilt-,·s will huvl: to e"'pend ill home with him. Il ~ mending . Iowly. day this week. ,llIlS o r Q. n Ol ntm rmt whh' h Qull k I y : SEE ME EARLY FOR DATES o n Ile w:-t pHpl'r ad\'(:rti :oii in ~ l o m ' l Vl' Mr. a nd 1\1 ,.,.. John Rye, Mr. a nd A numb~r of r~ lll tivc8 of Mr. Berne IIlrs. H llro ld Gillam lind chil dren R e l l4~ \'e !j by local Ol' l ·U.... l1fu n. Bnd tho I th pir )("ouds fr um Ih"ir shelves. T hE Mrs. E lton Evuns and duughte r spent J onO!< te nd er ed him 'Iuite a s urprise Lois , J ean and Wilford, lire spending Intern a l 1\t cd tc- lne, u. 1'1I :1 i('. w h tC'h n c lS T , F. MARTIN , Auctioneer. modern family J{l'l s it s illfu rrn n iun Weunesduy in Xeniu. t hrou gh t ho nlood nn t h .. ~ IU COU8 :-:\lr.. I S u ndllY w hen th ey IIrrived with well. "everal days wit.h he r mothe r and sis- C.. Dte ... ille, Ohio, rac: ~ a, thu B' n-duclnt:;" l ~1U Inll:un m fJ 1t. I W E GET TH E M QUICK1.Y AND Phone No, 2 fr olll n~w " Jlllp C r ti . ralher Ihun frulI! Mi ss Cluru Uaugl1lers and Mrs fill ed baskets tu r e mind him of his ters in Newport, fCy. Sold by nil drug ~t ", . . th e old mllrkH pIIl CCM." FREE OF CHARGE himnll! r uttended u play at Spring 50th birthday unniv~rsnry . Do you know th~re i. II "cry enF. J Ch en pv k e n. T .)jp!1n Ohln u,llnd WO", O" Smal l. Vullcy , Saturday evcning. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and joyable pro/.:ram ~yery FridllY mol'n. CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR The women of 1.•1 1I IIIId , 'I' Mr. nnd Mrs. E lvis Michael had for chil dren, in compnny with Mr. a nd ing at t he gymnas ium ? If you nt. BIRTH CONTROL ., ~XPENSE. t he week. cnd J\Jr. Michllcl'. sister and Mrs. Gutherie, of Lebanon, were tend Ol)CC you will go again. The the 8mnll ust In ,t,,· \"., , II.! husbunu, from Samuntha, Ohio. Sunday uinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. numbers ure Qu it e e:><c IIl! nt. onl)' four fO< 't " Ill' '" Mrs. J oh n Rye "pent lhe wee k.end Lee Greathouse, in Dayto n. A nd now We hav e th e propu",,1 t o Mrs . E liza Tho mas f ell FricillY evlic ense pn rcn thn od ju,t 1\ 8 plum loc rA with he r, /If rHo Howard Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenric k had ening an d tore the 1i/:,llmentR loose in I Phone 8 HARVEYSBURC, o. neum , of Ihe Ri chland neighborhood. IInoi b a rb ~r" mu, l be' IicclIscd to pr oCor theil' Sundu y dinn er gu ests , Mr. her IIrm. Owing to her ad"anc ed Ilge FOR SALE Mrs. Frnnk Dakin" Mrs. Minnie lind M rs. Ru ~se ll Bine~lIr and two 'recovery will be slow. H~r daughtec t. thc public "gai n,t lhe imprope, FOllr /.:o od I'ro pl!rtir~ , th ot nre ,, ~rforll1nnce of dll t ~,. The idea Murllltt and Mi ss Clam Duughlers chIldren, of Hamilton . Mr. and Mrs. ter, Mrs . Will McGrnfT, is caring f or 1-:' price,l to >ell. ,hown try- np"uintm l' nt. ",!cnt last Wed'1l!sdllY in Xcniu shop. C. R. Binegal' und Miss Minnie Rec. h er. c O 'n c~ f rom Dr. lI orne ll Hurt I' l'(l . fcs~or of Socia l Ecu'I<m,y a~' llrYI1 p1l1l!, ord, of Jllmestown. Mr. a nd Mrs. W. M. Milthins and T hre ~ s mall farm, wo r t h the m oney, HATHAWAY Mrs. Rebeccli Dill, Miss Clara Mllw r collcge . Dr. Hart' snys lhul Mrs. Chns. E. John ~ is now at Dr. ~1i ss Marga~et Stll~ r , o f Xenill . s pe nt I1 lso many lurge farm s. Dat e your ...Iel with m ' 8ueh a meth od of IIbt.aining " ~ killed Dllughters lind Mrs. Emerso n Dill Hatcher'" ho s pitul in !Jay t Oil , having olllturdny IlIghl With th e,r moth e r, W. N. SEARS • parent " mu, t SO(ln he adupted. "Th ~ attl!nd ed II surpri se at Lytle Sunday. und ergonu an operation th er e last Mra. Amandll Starr'. On Su nday they DENTIST .ati.faction or char,. _. rut' c ," he s:lid, I'i!" fU =-' l )(UinK d uwr 0 11 Mrs. Dill's so n ·in.lll w, loir. Berne Thursday. A ucli o neer and Rea l F:statc H er man y fri en ds are all m otor ed to Hllmilton lind s pent . pleaaed to learn she is r e ported as the dny with Mrs', Sturr's brother Aman Bldg. Phone 61 ·2 hill, and the dct~ r iurliLion cllnnot br- J ones. And X-O-GRAPHIST doing nicely at thi s time. checked until scienllic met hods of ' Mr. Dave Smith a n d family . CENTERVILLE, OHIO Dr. an d Mrs. Lorenza Truax, of reprod ucing th e rllcc are rcsurted Capt. Chas. Gurne r, who is spend. Waynesville, Oblo. PROTECTING THE INVESTMENT Klamath Falls, Wash ., visited last ing two w.eeks with his mother, Mrs. to." Pbonea No.2 week with Mr. and Mr.!. Robert Runt Mary J. Fmch, t ogeth er with his broT h ~ profe""o r Sl1y ~ thllt a s l1Iat: I'l' Telephone l 114, Abraham Lin co ln hum oro us ly said and family, and left for their home ther, Rober t Garner, motored to Co. stan d perso ns least Ilb lo intellcctulllI,' and ma t c ria ll~' to provide for chii of a poo r neighbor 's ussets. "He by motor FridBy morning accom- lumbus F riday an d returned Sunday. OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG , dren arc having "raft. of lhem" nnd has a wiCo and two chi ldren which panied by Mi88 'Mqry Hunt,' who will Mrs. Finch accompanied them as far hould thin k were worth thirty thou I . ON MAIN STREET spend the winter with them. Vol! Dayton and passed the time with persons qua li fied t" . urro und th ei' - ANDMr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mah an. children with t1w pro ' Jlcr envi ro nmen l sand dollars t o nny man." II lamily i, indeed a go ld on investore huvinJ: v(' ry f 0 \\ . Mr. a nd Mrs. S. H. Haines entertain- . The Civic league m e t Sa turda y af. NOTARY PUBLIC It. i" difficu lt t () i",al:ill " IIH're ~ ub ment and needs the sume protection ed to dinner Thursday, Miss Uenna ternoon with Mrs. Anna Harris. The lim e h,oI.1 erda.<h ,1(".i ll)(" frol l11 ' th, lind ca r e l hat nny investmen t reo BrcSCIl\l, Mrs. Celia Hathaway, Mrs. annual election of officers resulted Wills Drawn Estates Settled Jane Langdo n, Rev. and Mrs. J. C, as follows: President, Mrs. Sadi'e bra in o f U cldh' lo: prl l f es:-.o r . F'UJ 'Iuires. ree I!cnerati ons t he editortl Fo r lh Stitzel, oC Springboro, Mias Inez R~a.son first vic,e-president, Mrs. the 11I ""t plirt tl1(,I" hll\'\' 1\'.' kno wl Waynesville, 'Ohlo Dentist cdg ~. of hUl11u n f" ,·(·.·> . "Xl' ·pt lI !o n ~ of The Youth' s Comp nnion have felt Staley, of Oakwood, Ohio, Mrs. Allen Lillian Carr; s econd vice-pr esid ent Mrs. Margaret Tucker; secr etary' Rpec r:oI l7.l'd educutiull ul li 'h" , th"" D till! slime r~~ p o m, ib ili ty to th e fam- Emrick a nd daug hter, Gladys. N Iltlonlll Bank :lies of subscribers as if tho se famWayneSVille National Bank Bldg boot hlllck . Mrs. Mnry Ca rm ony entertained Mrs. Winifred Cook; treasurer, Mrs: L'ndH Ihe' li nn pitln We wo u le' ilies were th eir own. In taking a to dinner Sun day in honQr of the Oba W ~ lch . The officers _ ne d hot nev e r havt! a Linc.' d ll1. Ha 1hc r w, >u"scription they hovc ac ce pted a hirthdllY of her son, Mr. E. J . Car- cocoa and wafers. ISSUED BY WADE CUSHING, CIN CINNAI, OHIO wou lrJ ~pell d \ Il! r li III II pflH lu cin ~ :- ucl :rllst; tht,y huv e dune t.he ir purt to mony, of Springfie ld, the fo llowing .« ·c thllt t.he family inves tment in- g uests: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce S p e C ll11c n ~ as Lcop(dd fin d LC) l'U, put" creused in " nllle t hruugh the de veland Miss Kathryn Clark, of Waynesent~ whu \\ ti ll Iii he ulJh, tu . lI l'ruun r' th e l 1 with "t il(' pr' opt'!" l!ll \"iJ'url llle l lt .' ,l pmen t IIf ('hurllet ('r lin d n tuste for ,; lI e, Mr . and Mrs. E. J. Carmony t he good things in Iif, •. Rnd childre n, Marian and Robert, of Pr ofe ~: ur Hart IIlZl>' hl • ptlsst... .,l'd 01 Th e 5 2 i"sucs of 1 !l25 will be S pringfiold, M iss Mildred Clark, of o brillillll l I11 ln d rit[t,d f"r the 'c llI .. ed w it h ~e ri a l . t o ric ~ . s ho,·t sto. crowd Centervi ll e, Mr. Claude Riggs, of r oom, bu t wh e ll h" a "':-.\l IllC":-; to r\lj.! Firat Di. trict of Obio u.1l1t(> nlltur,,1 IIIW h~ is >[('JlPi1l/.: ut ries, editorial s. poet ry, fucts and fun . Dny ton , Mr. anel Mrs. Wilbur Clark Robert W e bb li nd fnmily hllve ' u bsc rib e nu w und r ece ive: li nd Mr. Ever~tt Clark. sld l' th~ re,!11lI of hi" I'rof,,"" io n line:' m oved to Trebe in's. l. Th(' Y () ut.h' ~ COI1l\lllnion- fi2 is. mak ing hil1l:;elf r idiculu us. Fellow ~ hip Cln.s of Frien"" SunWARREN, CLINTON, CLERMONT, ,.ues in l!)~5 . day -SchOO l held a markel in Xenia :.1. All the re ma ining issues of )924 BUTLER AND HAMILTON SlIturday. ' For Secreta ry of Sttlte 3. Thc COIl1(Jaliion H om e Cale ndar OF " SLU S H FUNDS" Wm. Fletcher, who has been fJuit~ COUNTI ES for 1025. (Sent only on r eq uest.) ill for seve rol weeks, is ablo t o be All for $2.50. out again. Regard less of pnrty. becllusc the 4. Or include McCall's Magazine, Nominated by Republican Party Floyd Waldren and family hove custom is genem l, th'c ex penuitures the monthly authority on fashion •. SE COND TERM Mr. Garrard, of n ear Mason, called moved into the p rop~ rty of J. C. Car· made for the conduct of o ur national Both publication8, only $300. ter, in South Burlington. . on R. J . Murray recently. election s have r eached the propor· Oscar Huff an d famil y of Xcn ill THE YOUTH'S COMPANION K. E. Thompso n was at New Bur. (Republican TICket) tion of public disg race . It is little have moved into the property he re less than shomeful whe n million s on Commonwealth Ave. &: St. Paul St., Iington and Oakland on Monday. For Jtld~e, Court of App eals • A stitch in time nIne," b cently purchnsod of Rob ert Webb. Harold McKay heard "Dusty" Mil. top o f mil lions mu st be :;pent to pre· Boston, Malll!. The minstrel /:,iven by the Blind ler at Beech Grove, Clinton county, an old familiar smylng. Secrotary 01 sent properly beforo the public cun · SublcriptloDI rae.lud at tbl. oli••. Monday nig ht wns n great success. on Sunday. didates who ask th oir suffrugc. Once Fred Smith, of Jonesboro, Ind., the boys played th l'ir pn r ts w~1I and State ,Brown's prompt distribution 01 let our men of g r ellt wcalth withhold wall the guest of the McKay familie s every number culle, d forth a gener · automobile fund s has mad e plIsBnble their finllnci ll l sup po r t lind no can · ous applause. on FTiday night. did ate, no mutter how worthy o r well Con didate for He-Election roads for the people and lOved milAlf, George and Miss Hannah Jar. fitt~d fo r otlice, hll< II poss ible chunc" ' (Delalled) lions to the tu payer. fo, Ohio. dnn were Sunday guests of Richard of e lection. This Clln mClln on ly one Brown and family, near Ferry. Mrs. Mary Mills spent last wee k condition- thllt the candidllte must VOTE FOR HIM Re haB r endered an able, efficient V. A. Hansell and wife. of Mid- with friends 'in Dayton. be hlllf, if not wh oll y, hamsb-ung Charles H. Rogers and Harry S. dletown, were S unday guests of their Born-To Mr. n nd Mrs. Howard before he entors th e ruce. and economical administration of the Smith arc cBndidlltes for commission· ON NON·PARTISAN McClure, October ) 6th, n dau /.: htc r. Wh en the Hnrding ca mp"ig n ex- ~rs on the Citizen's ticket. Rogers uncle, K. E. Thompso n and wife. JUDICIAL BALLOT Rev. and lIfrs. 0 ., M. Seller, \\' e r~ office of Secretary of Stule and dc· Mrs. Edith MeKny entertained her pe ndi turc~ bCellln e publi c it wa. I. a well-known farmer r es idin g on f oun d that, plus this sum, app r oxi. the Wayn esv ille and Lebanon pike, a un t, Mrs. Clara Pagget, of Jackso n· guests of r ~ l alives here 11 part of last serves your vote nnd influence for a mutely three milli o ns of debts hlls lind is a 80 11 of the late Ed Rogers, ville, Fla., n couple. of duys last week. week. Election, Tuelday, No,v. 4, 1924 Judlr" Wade Cu.hing E. C. Mll nnon an d family spenL Wm. Fletcher hn ~ becn confined to aeeond term. b e~n pil ed Ull. It. nceds little im · who served severnl t erms as county Po litical Adverti" ing. at Tippeca noe City , the his ho me severn l doys with n SC\'e re agillll~ion t o se ll se the plight in which co mmissioner .,Smith is u residen t of Sund llY a Pres ident find s him se lf with su ch Maineville wher e he has been engag· " uests of Mrs. Ida C. Mannon and uttack of ne ur itis. Mr. and Mrs . W . F. Kinlt und ~o n, obligllt io ns. ed in busin ess and commercial pur· iJaughter, Ethel. E. C. Mannon, Lon Brnnnon und Otto, of Akron, wcr'e gue.ts of J esse The e lection of n P resiue nt is II 'uita f or IlIlIny years. K. E. Thom pson attended t he Earl lIill an d family Inst week. nnt io nal and nut a party cu ncer n, and Political Advertisement. Mc Clellan r egistered hog sale , n ellr Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Steddom , Mr. th e uxpenses uC such clllllplligns Xenia on Friduy. and MI1<, C. D. JIli nrs ~pc nt SundllY sho uld be pnid by the governme nt. J . B. McKay, wife ond son, May- with relath'cs ncnr Richm ond, Ind. Co ngress should npproprilllc fl r ea· Flnl Bla Game MOVie.. nard, of Wilmingto n, came down on FTiends d id not ho ld a prcac hin g sonable s um of moncy for cach Ie· The 111 11' I"lIlIl J. Itnlney, the explor· SlIturday und spent the day with the service Sunday morning, on accou,,'t ga il y n Ol11i n at~d ·candidate. Each of anniversary sen'ic es at Chester party c ould havo assigned for its \lse er. wus tI'e first mon to get mO"lnll McKays, of this place. M e8dll m e~ Anna M .Brannon, Ma- church. u titting sum to prese nt its IIrgu · pictures of hlg I:,"no hunts In Afrl cR. The Fellowship cla ss of the Friends men ts in frankly s igned newspaper Also. h(' ~tl1lk. · .l lions In Afrlra tor bel F. Terry and Bada Lewis and adve rt is ing which would strip every nw first lillie with Uisslulppi hpsr thildren were S unday afternoon clIlI- ' Sunday-Schoo l met ut the ho me of ers on Mrs. Bertha Eakin. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Co mpton, Tuescnmpaign of any semblunce of un - hOIlDdR or AII'l ',lnlea. . Ja ~o n Biddlecum and wife, of Or- lIay eve ning. herhand proPllgandu. Our presenJ, egonla, R. B, Barrett and wife, and Spring Va ll ey High School p upil . system is an outrage on decency. It Moody Price, of Wilmington, were who rid e in the truck enjoyed 0 should be brought t o an end without Firat U. 8. Ho.pltal. Sunday afternoon callers on R. J. weiner roast nt th e h um e of Miss Eliz delay. abeth Evans, Friday evc nin g. - - - - - - - - - ,. ""I,;. The IIrtlt hospltul C!Htul.\tshed In the Murray', wite and sieter. · Among those from a distance Who Miss Mirll Hnydock ente rtnin ed • '. _, .. ~.II_ United State. Willi Ih .. l'ennaylvanla the Warner and Gray s al ~s with a slumber pll rty MOl1dllY eVenClinton'. Bunker H,II Mlp. hospital, which wns the reMult of 1Ie"- attended here on Friday and Saturday, were ing, Mi ss~s Mil dr<'d Noggle, Ruby A m\lltary mnp nnel "I lin. UHP.(\ hl eml rears of errnn hy lIenjllrnln Frnnlr:· Dan Morl;al1, son and two daughter~, Smith, Minnie Pet erson and Ruth · th o Jlrltl ~h nl the " " tt l.' ~ I1unk~r :In ond Dr. . ~homns nnne\. It wa. L. D. Ch,les, Wm. Ray and Col. W . unn a Curry. N. S ear s , Ira Rich, of Waynesville. V~rnon McCray, who has been in Hili, hns heeD sold nt nnt'tlon In Lon'l 'pened In 171i2. Mr. Morgan bought the high.testing McCle llan's hospital for five weeks, don for SOW, Th e O1I1P. (> Ight Inch es • - • cow at the Warner sale. as results of burns received in u gas. IMlnOre heurR th e shrnnrure ot allIjOI' D t d' I W , '11 oline explosion, come home Thursday Belo w we give a copy of a sa mple ballo t t hat will be submitted to the (.' 1C'e(o!':< 011 Oener~1 Sir H enr~ Cllrll " n. 0 your ra m~ n ayncsV1 e. His many fr iends a r e g lad to wei. this propmlili on . come him back. Mr. a nd II1rs. G. A. Phillips, Rev. Mark yes or in favor of the levy. and Mrs, Curless, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. P eterso n, Mrs. Mne MendenllUlI and 'MI1I.. Merl e Mclnti:re atte nded the For an ndditional levy of t.aite~ f or the purposes of cunstructing, recon « ru r lin g, nl ui ntaining We, the following fllrm owners, Hillsboro' Di"t. Minister ial confernnu rep ui rin g county road s, no t ('xco('c ii n,:; 2.mills f or n ot exc('euing 5 'y ,'urs. positively forbid Ilny hunting or trap ence at Ripley, Monday and Tuesday. ping on our fanns. Any vlolatill:1 of the same will be prosecuted aeFur nn aclclitional levy of taxeR for th e purp oses of con gtructin g . l'~cu n stl'1lctinJ.':, I1I l1i n ~ining ~ording to law and to the fullest lind replliring county r oadR, not exceeding 2-nli ll8 for nol uxeeedinl( 5 yeul's. ell,tent.






At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday



I !

------ ,

F. T. Martini Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Auctioneer --=~ - =-=======-= -- ' -





Firestone Tires-Tubes WAYNESVILLE



Dr. John W. Miller





x Wade Cushing


----- .. ---


---_. - ..----




---_. - ...----


Citizen'. Ticket '


--- ...


She was eating in a restaurant In her old home town; Relations? Nonc, not even an nun~ , . How ravishing her gown When she sat munching corn on cob ]n her old home town. 2 She munched it and She crunched it; Carc8sed it up and ,down, Her ruby lips were busy In her old 'home town.

3 Thl8 is the group on the Senatorial luweatlptms Oomml"" which is probing ehar,.a and eGunter-cliaqea of the rI~. who anr that bap 8uma are ~ ,.1Md to but tIM ... LIft ' to rldtl Sea.ton Barud, 'I. a. GuMNrr.

_S'" ......

'l'boIIIaI' '. --~


-- - -_.,.


w. .. . .

Lenvo,' And then I drove ber home; Re~d her In the barn;

She had


colle from latin' cora 1achDe~

Representative to the General Assl!m bly CHARLES A. HOPKINS Clerk of ,Courts JOSIE WILLS For County Commissioners CHAI,tLES H. ,.ROGERS HARRY S. SMITH For Corone r GEORGE · P. WALKER -Political Advertisement

--_.- ...----

. Illfl •. Ane. Around Orant cab,!, A teaee at rU1e barre.. C'OlIecteCI from ' tile battlefleldll ol the 01.0 war surround, the III whleh P... IdeDt GhlJlt llIIee wJIG f be pet. wood . . . .



The r eadin g of this ballot is som ewhat misleading and may cause many to think ' that an increase in taxation is contemplated which is not the case, as we h a ve bad this levy in effect for the last five 'years, a nd a vote in the affi rmat ive give t he Commissioners authority to continue it five years more, and will not increase t he taxes above' what they been. . Further if other sources of revenue for this purpose becomes avail~bl~ th~' <1Qp1~ 'ssioners may decrease the amount of t he levy-to such amount as may in theirjUdgment·l)e . 8ufficien for the purposes mentioned. ' , . The total amo unt of the le\tj" is-u-cd for the purpose.named and no ot~er, and con stitutes 85 per cent of all the mon ey that has ucen ltvflilable f(lrtbat purpose. ,




~und. 1he

The county at presen.s 240 of road tbJs To,VJ1ship Trustees being relieved of this nml) uut of road, can give JIlore attention to the leas important roads. •


,.... Miami Cautte, Y'I ayneivale, Ohio

Iidt'1I1 orG th,' tlr )! \\' . Will illm~ , Vi<'''-lll'\'S-' 1"I)III·tll :,11(1 ('1' 1111'11 1 'I ' l'l'~l (I':







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For Sa lo by

J.E.FRAZIER,Waynesville, o.

Correct ALI "'"

N ohorY


O. E , LEV l OY


o. n . OOOK w. L. 1\ II VBY


DI""'l o"


Ha • • tood tbe te.t of hou.ewi.e. and that i. th e beot lI uarantee we can ' . i. .. ,ou. A product m"nufactured in th .. bulk .ome tim ... 10 . ... tb e in. d ividualit, a bou.ew if .. ca n .i ..... it.

THOMPSON'S BREAD It not .ucb a product. Wbil.. we bak.. la r ge quantitie. we prid.. our...Iv e. in a loaf th . t equa l. "home. b ak ed bread ."



Haa the endo r • .,me nl o f tht' fo ll ow. in " well·k nown cool", w h o all)' th at our bread eq u a l. t h e ol d . f ashion " d S ig n e d ,



Mr :" ~lIl' !'-l,\ rH I d " d fa ntilv . n f B,' lit' "il1l' t hat Il h ' p l,p p l l' h :l\'t' :\ O r('),!oniu , ~lr. 1-' " d (" \ , . . :In d fll~lil y . u f Mi,ldl l't(m , , ., ,! .\~ , II .1. :-i1", 1' - ri g ht t" 1\1 11\\' \ \ h:d t hl'~' !\Jay l't ' a ~,lnn l1l) 1·~P" 4.'t in t h t, W: I Y H f ~I 'n' rt'e won d llHrl r nUl il~ \\ 1 ' .' ..... 'llld. LY g ll l's t s f r Hl1i ' "I'> \\ h ll :I ... J... ... tlll·i r :- 1IJ1J1n r t fU I' o f Mr . 11 11, 1 lIl .. ,. ,I . I ' i" 1';1. i,' r n )l lIl dk "m".'I' . ti lt' tol lt) \ \' 11 1J,.!' }:, tatt' . tth.'n t ma\' bl' nf i llll ' I't · ~ t : :'\ [ r , HP I .! '1 r.. . , ', H,,\\ It tTl un ci :\ :-' i~' wl' l! knllwll. n t' amp aiK ll fUnlil", .. f HI :llh·hl·:-.l"I . a l"j ,\11'. lind pn 'lll i !"- t' i~ l'a :-- ily Illlltl!' nrHI frf' ft lll ' nl l\1 n~ . ' .I . , ~ 'p h \ \, ,,11',, :ull i (:lIll iiy . o r Iy hn!l(I ' n, 111 11 p n~l p l' rf tlrmalll' l', C lurl.:",vill". :O- I' l'rlt :-:11 III I;L\ \\llh ~ t,. . rr np t. r1y ~llb ~ fan t iut {' d, will ~ j a ncl un d \I r :--. ()r \,i ll· l;r lt~' :tlld d lLlI~ ht c r. t h •. h '!-' t of a jUl-tt ~t.: ruliny ",h" 11 ap . I pl ;( d ill n 1'(' llIli ve ~ I\'!'. Beill/.!' a



FOR SALE-S. C. W . Lel·hllrn p l' ! ~ lots and eocke rels. Alsn a B ui ck tru ck. Mrs. B. V. Smith, }'hone 37-3 W uynesville , Ohio. n 12






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M rs. Alice IItd';in , ,·.\·. ~t i " Lilly cu"rlidnlt' fu,. \{('p re sl' ot.lltivc t.o t he The mn llag,'me nt · of th~ Int crnn - Nedry, Mr., Mary . Arl um' , ~ I r. a nd C(' ",· ,·,,1 ,'\ '"(' lllbly, I inl'i t e 1111 il1l'1' . tioll ol Lh'e St.ock e~ p o g i'i o n i. mllk - Mr", n. ;\1. I~id /.!' , ' "".I III I'. ~ . L . ."rt- ti ~nli" ll o f my 8ervi ce" in tlH' lute in", g r ellt preparnti Oll " f or the 8111g- wri ~ h t w er l' !" lInday di lll1{' t' J,!\ws t :l ll r ( tlll ~l iluth'l1tl l Co nve n ti on, wh ich i ~ u ",,,tter "f rel' ord and the duti,'s ing of t h (l quurt e r .c('ntcn n iul c e lf.!~ 1\11' un d ~lr' . F ru"k Z,' II. nit'flg :--imiln r leg is lati ve li n es, F orbrnti o n o f t hi s. world~ f nm n u ~ (!t!U C1\tion a l in s titutinn fit tho C hil'lI,ro 1Itr. lIn el 1IIn' . ~. 11. Cha nce llu r. ty .tw ,. p roposal" to amend the cun · ,., 11ninn St h ck yard s , N o v.:- mber :l !)t h MrR. L(' nll T (l O l)(' ~ a nd twu chil d ,·t' II, sti tllli lHl were "d opted by the I' un· t ~ I) ':C(,nl 1lOr, 6th ' . F r o m I,d v n Il cc in - tlf ncar Xe nia, MI". !t ll'("H'" Su r· v ~n l ill" a n,l ~ ubmitled to t he elec tu rs Of this num l,e r, dl c utltHHi, thIS \\,1 11 be the I llrgc-~ t fo ce and tl l\ll~hl!'r .. II'. lind ~lr _ . ~1. for thei r npproval. ),: nlh t.'l' ill ),!' o f the uS!ricultura l inter('!-t t s L. Par. hall. l\lr, L ei' It a\l'k ~ flll d flllll - thirty- four were appr oy(' d nnd n",de u f Anu: rit- a f.! \·cr bro ug-ht t ogethe r il y, w e r e "' U(lo!-& t s o f Mr, Hlli l :\'trs. C LIO. 11 pnrt "r the ba sic luw. Tw o of th e~e wr.- re l1h .J. ..,urcs introduced by me, one nllt! ma ny :5 Jlccinl occ.a::sions wi ll mnrk Dokin, Sund"y , b e i,,~ Itl ~h'e greater pro tection to thi:-: h hq or y · muking event. Every f'nC' in (,l'cRl(' d ;n an y way in the bR ~ ie Th!' fi l'gt num brr of th e co ur<" is bank depo"its made in Mme State bunk. nnd building and lonn n""nciui ntiu~ try s hou ld make n ~ pecinl jr- " T hp Bov ds nnd Kath eri n(' Gu tchcll , fort ttl IIt ll' n<l this gr eat r ound -up con ce rt ;~l'thl,t g and t' litl·t' tairl(.' r~ . ~i\'­ tion s wh e re the se~c ur ity was n c ~ligi . !If tht' u'-tTar iau r esources of the c o n- e n in t hl' 111 . E. ch url'll a"dil nri llll1, bl!', also to r cquire inspcct ion nn d lim'nt '"HI ('njoy n we('k of plellsure Monday night, NO",'t1\!ter :l rtl. ~ ~ Hts regu illtion. This receh'ed " Illll jority lind pr"tit Ilt thr metrop olis. . res erved T hursdn y nou lI, OI'I " lw l' :1O, at the potts of 22 0,000, the other nll'H 5Ure "'ItS to l'e5to rc Stute. [n com me mornt,on of th e Impar- at th e OxleY ·· PII~ e i1ru!( .tOI'C. co un ty, t owns hip nnd mun icipa l bond. t.U IIC C vf th i. " ven t, C o n~rt' S~, by spect n laxation . Thi ~ carried hy u In"go illl \1 ('t, has auth o ri~ed the United Mr. Leo Lem mon, of Dn ll\;lIe, Slat", Dl'!ln rtm cnt of Agric ul t ure t o W ash" i ~ hom t' , und vis ill n/.!' h'" mn j tlrity. A clnu,e ttl l'l'quirc utt Ilward " n1cinl meda lR to 011 winners mot her, Mrs. Mnry Le mm on. Fourth bonds to be regiMcred where ' so ld of t\r,L pri zes Rnd c hampio nshi ps in . tr eet. Mr . LCl1I mon hn ' 1"'!'11 in tre and th e tax made o lei n on th e inth" Ih'c "tock com petitions a t th e West fo r th e past fi ve years, an d is te res t, in order tn catch t.he for e ign comill j.!' shu\\'. The d epa rtm ent Itse lf looking fine, \) ut t.(t.HI tu 0 1' lJ al .. holder , was r ejectod by the convenlion , on the excuse t hll t the legiglawi ll iiI! nn entire exhi bit hall with a home aga in to greet old fri e nds. ture could do thut, li nd th at the of its various lines of act ivvolume of matter must be kept t o ity. Preside nt Coo lidge and o ther Espy, of Cen terville Mrs , Warren th" minimum, lest it wo ul d all be r ehigh government officials are expectde t o be p r ese nt during the e xposi- M rs. He nry S atterthwa ite, M r s. Fred jected us was the case in 1873. T he Braddock, M:rs. Fra nk Farr, Mrs. Enrl 0 11, 'I undred and nineteen members tion . Br ill iant eve nl n~ entertainments Hockett, Mrs. An na Cadwallader , Mrs convened nt Columbus Jun unry 9, will be held each mg ht In th e arena, Mary Caskey. Mrs. O. M. Ridge, nl rs. 1912, th e sessions lusted u ntil May f eatu r ing a society horse show and a L. A. Zimmerma n, Mr .and Mrs. l O, 191 2. T he e lection. fo ll owing pr ogram o f exciting and entertaining Frank Zell a tte n'ded a politicul meet- wus held September 8, 19 12. We , the unde rs ig ned, hav ing bee n events. There will be s omething of ing in Le ba,non, Mond a y afternoon. membe rs of th ut bo d y, do hereby ce rin te r est ond value during ·the InterMr. a nd Mrs. Fran k Zell anrl Mr. tify tha t the above s tatement is true. nationul fo r e very member of the f amil y, hoth urba n and rural dwel- and Mrs. C. E. Earnh art and su n, STA NLEY SHAFFER, lers. R"duced ra ilroad rat es will be wh o intended m otoring to 111 i. how,,Delegllte f r om Buller Co. in effect during t he week of t he show. ka, In d., Tuesday , to vi. it lItr. lin d STAR BUCK SMITH, Mrs. Verne Britta in !lnd fllmily, re~.------Delegate f rom Ha milton Co. ceived word t hat the Brittai n furni ly - Politi~a l Advertise ment was qua rantined fo r ~ cllr l e l f Hl'r. t herefore delaying their vi sit.



Su bltulh . 'd",r, I,

.1"0 1'"


home-ba k ed pr odu c t in exce ll e nc e .




Th e Queen Esth er g irls 0 f th e ]If. E . chu rc h g a ve their pla y, "Th" Brig htvil!e Indoo r Chautnuqun, " lit Centerv ille ha l!, Saturdny n ig ht. A good crowd was the re to wclc utl'e t hem, and t he p r ogram f or th e t!YCIINovember 1st will wi tness the larg- ing prol'ed to be u nothe r s uc cc ~s . est meeting of to bacco g r owe rs ever The society netted" nea t little 'U Ill . held in the i\linmi valle y when t he Toba cco Pool members m eet in pay.Mr. o nd Mrs. Howa r d Hurle y, of to n at Memoria l ha ll f or their fi r st J{' 'Il: 'Tl an, Mr s ·,,1 Mrs. Lloyd DR"is ann ual meeti ng . ailellon, Cecil, Mr. a nd Mrs. Burto ll A t this meeti ng th e p oo l office rs r. • " !II ..~. J oe Dn"i will mnk e a report of their steward- , lIr. anel Mrs. Erne8t Earnh art nnd ship for the past year, and a board of ~ U'" _,eue rt, a nd Mr. and Mrs. H, B. thirteen d irector s will be (·Iccted f or Ea r nh ar t were S u nday din ne r guests th e coming year. The m ec ting will of Mr. Alvi n Earnhart a nd fam ily. be called to order at 10 o'cloc k when it is expected a nd hoped thut every soot in the Memoria l ha ll will be fi lle d. The ma in attraction o n t he prog ram i8 a s peech by Mr. J . C. Stone, pres ident of t he Burl ey T o b" c ~ o pool, or Mr. James Kehoe, t he vicc pre~ i de n t. T he Bu rl ey Toba cco po ul is the l ar~c 8t pool in the world and thos e t.wo me n are la rge ly rcsponsible for it s ou tsta nding su c ce ~~ . ' tobacco g rower ca n we ll ufford tu lay aside his work a nd g o mi les to heor ei ther of th ese, m en tn lk on cooperative marketing of tobacco.

in j u d gmo nt of good br r a <1. liy t b o a ro ma, the feel "n ~ the Onvor .he kn ow. it i. good bread .


\1,.<. l:1tlip ('rl' w, . Ir ~

Cnr'l'itt M il('~ und ~ tl ·~. A manda l';l' ~I' fI , :H1d O fl, 1'11'-';, (' a l*l , r .I I1" ~ . ~1 1'~ I Illt'!'\ i n4' At. 10 ::; 0 H. m . \\' 'd" , ... dt,y (' \'('I ll· uf ~l''' IH, l, :tlh, tt 0 1\" I ' I", E IIi!" C' lIl1l' t\ln Htld . ~ll' ~. 1:", 11)"'1 .IUI'(" , n il i ll " :-: \'I ,h.l':\ -:-.l il I. I 1'.1'\\01 It '1'1 I " / ll f J ( . " 1ttlr ht1:~ ! "". Wt' l't' I!ll(l .. t~ " f ~ . • ..... I I lHII I IY, I all( Hln.. t uy a t h .'I' n, .,'! \. )1r .. .11'(' l la\1 4, "d;\1 I "yll 1);n\!-I L l.' lI g"lU' t _ ,'11'. ,,, I i I~ ,III : .. I l otH \\' l d I1l':-. tlay I J l' Ia:H \\, ... 1 . 1" Ill. }',\ \ ' r~ Ih'tI ~ I \'1.'1 11 \.tlly 11 1v I Ll'U S8\"\~ y \lur 011..1 c ' a l' l )et~ Iln t! ru g s t\\ tlll':-< \' :--,'1"\ Ill' !'.. ~ nlld l~P t "\\ ' eu l'w c ll·' HlI J.:~ mud . Th e t id ,(' "' 1' ! l l"'~ fu r t il t..: Yl\Hf:"I. Ht'\', I. . A , \" 'I- hhul'lI, Pa ~ tll r . Send f o r 111"ice li st. FrRnkli n Hug LYl' \ ' UIl1 t ''' lIr :-' ' ~ ll11'l at t h t' .\1. ~ .. ., d1 Ut"t' h :\l ondHY l '\'I ' l1inJ,!' I n tilll .. 1! ttH: Co., Franklltl, OhiO. rC'po rt fl f t h <' \\ !l l'k . Tht ' Y ( dtllH I S1' ,MARY 'S C H URCH :\11'. EliH U";' Cnrll lltny nllt! fnll\ i l~' , 11('udv HII III' th" l i('k<,t:-:. \ \('I't ' "' 01.\: '1' \\1 '11 11 1' 11 1 .... ull da \ ;L ' . 1 r r l ll i ty. "f ~ J1 .. i" t: lh· ld , ~! r . " " d M..,. C. W. hUI n'n\, l\ll l' \\i l" hiIH! t o plI!'('ha:'''I' any ( ,'lU I'I 'Il ' ~dlll\· 1 lit 1 Younce lind M r. \\' llh u l' l'la "k lInd ,) f t h . 1' \ 'fIlHillil1~ lickl' l ~ (.'a l l till "'0 ~" )\' l' 11l1 1l1 ' ~ lId fom ily \\ rre SUlldHY .:," '"ts o f MrR. at th e Oxl ey -Pac!' IJI'\' !( "I" ,.,·. ' I ;;' U n. Ill. , 1<I ' ): l1l:II' ~1 ')I'IIi I Ig" I 'rur ' I' Mary Cnrm ony . of I. YII '. ,inn :' l ' I'I1I LI Il ;Il II ! : ~I i1 Il l. . j .: , , \, . .1. ,I . Sc hu t.,tft'r . p lli ,' w ' i Ill ". 1': \' 1' 1 · ~· I",dy '1' 1... 1\1 i>~I'" 111 11,'" [, .. " h Edward " b ,,'ul'dially w\· I\· ,\IIH . Rnd l'la r \' ,In ~ 'illl' r ' l'nt , ' ('tn inpd C'i l!h t e t' n or {hl'i !' 1'1 i t.' IIII .. I. H lI :d lnW l'" fl p a rt ~· at til t, It , "II' \If I hl ' f 0 1'1111'1" , .n S ut urduy t ' \'l ' l lI lt L:, I)," 11\ r :!f" CHR ISTIAN CHURCH By J . Milt un Enmh~ r t


Wo m o. n ', tnale and to u ch nrt' I c e o


'I'I Mikg. of Ch i 'n~I'. Mr~.




M E TH () OI ~



h. ' \ 1, \\ II .... I,,' II


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~ ••• Osi erly

j.t~illiner:~ .....

Another W c ek~( nd Va lue Eve: '"


N ew c lH


Trimmed Ha ts - AT-





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11111 7

of th e Harv (, YB bur~ Nali on "t HRl1k lit. Har"eysll ur ~ , in th e Stale o f Ohi o , at I he close of bll S illll ~ S, on Oct . 10, 192-1.




illci nnllti, 11 11\1 .11,. I,~ lI)'l'CII Ll' ba "ot1, \\l'J'I' ,'"lIv "!· lit l ilt' \\ 1I )' 1Il' \,1111' :-;"li"' IIII ).,,'rI , I",luy. 'Il .•



finllli Gnze lle.


'1): 11 "I' ," t" 'I' Ct'lll o f rlltt ll' OW ",·,· " ' " fll " ""in~ th!' IUlll'" 1'111". ~t)licit · " I'~ will "I , ,, I." IlI'Pointl'l1 1(1 l'in'u llll,' ,·,,,,lruct~ fo .. th" l.i,-" gtct" k Il ~"(l l'ill lio n.

CJerman '- w, .~ters, .: Rang S du d



a e

FOR SA LE - Three S. C. R .1. R. cock e re l5. I nquire of Mrs. J ohn S. T homso n, R. D. 4, W aynesville , O. n12





It g ive. furnace comfort to .mall home. of thr•• to


auppliea warm moi.t air to eyer)' room. It burn .


kind of fuel.

It look. lik .. a maholau)' phonolraph, Inllalled


'one of the Ii.i ng room .. .. L e t u •• "plain how we in.t.ll tb ••• 0. trial.



• Cole





world In general, including would. be mono'poIlstll at rtlllio ",r ivilegee, that nobody will bl! " a:ic wed to monopolize the air." Thai'a \1I'e!come. Ordlnal"11 !M)nopoUee the people rCC"fl" .. e ,,_ national .I1~merlean InatilutIU,\... ·electrlo llght, raUroads and o ::: ·~! things. But they WOULD like t.:,"! air to rema in free, If possib'e. Even In front of gasolin e 8tt. UO r. ~ you see th e sign "Free Air." T he President s hould be congra tulated on having , put that sljpl up outside the White House. What Ia the matter wltl! ·tho Church' Many old -fashioned preachera lLllk · that Question. Clergymen, secure In their pulpits, like the distinguished Dean Inge, of St. Paul'B, in London, calmly tell you that one of the greet Apostles 11'&.1 lIot Inspired; he only had epileptic lita. All this ISII't IleW. Cltlrln'II\ell are making every ef· fort to restore rellglou. enthus-


In New York's Cathedral of St. J ohn the Divine, sixty Bishops, magnificently robed In brillIant colors, accompan ied by "Honora ry Cnnolls" the c:\ergy of th e cath ed rull the choIr, etc., recently paradoa through a building that east millions of dollars. That Was most Impressive. But perhaps n aif a do?:en fishermen, !littlng In a rowboat that cost le88 . than '20, discussing reUglon ('umeetly, might do mor e for faith thaD any teD-mllllon-dollar catha- ' drat. WomlUl, in her hount of ease, contlnuee' to be eoy and uneertalf\. In Pa ris, aIle III having her shoulder l . In London, a rtiste paint frecltles on w()m· eD'S and arma.



- ._ _ -

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T!~ '" ~~~~~~" k~,fth :~~~I~~~r j~~~~!~



"0BlISl1ED WEEnY. s..oo PER YlAJI 8 1 I CIt.LI8T8, ~ lit, 0 A • Pilon ' 4 .. 0 'sua 8ERVICI: C.... • ., UIIMO ITa ADVERTI. · ... e ·. ,1 LUMN f



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" .... ,,(Ut., CLIPPI: R .. . ..

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partisa 1l H1I d that na m es l''' l a l .... o n t!~e ballot whic' h is !;eparate fr um t he g e n e ral ,a llot. Th e rt cjJ 1Iblil nn l ll d IJI tllllll'nli e p a rti e;; have nomi judges fol' lh e I' c,:pc{' tiv e j ll dicia l offil'l' ~. WItham excejJtio n tiJ p nominees for t h e various judgestJ ips as mad e by th e He publlcnn party are men wh o !lllve se n 'ed in j udicia l capacity anel w h o::;e r ec ol'ds fo r effic ie ncy and in teg-I'i ty a r e ueyond ljuest ion . VoterH can t he r e fo r e con fi d e ntly vote for t h e judges nom in ated by lh e Rep u b li ca n party and f or ass ura nce a n d g uid a n c t his list is furn is h ed yo u-

Tbero Ia m8lUlbl. In all thl. puzzling tenoLu,nl oonsense. Ol7l1l,nas, mother v! Alexander, dolllg w!ld dances with anakes wr8~pcd around ber, no other clothmg, and your great grandmot.ber wi!:h her hoop .kirt trailing on the ground a nd lIlIlel1ing sal til, botb represont progress In so me mys terious way. Woman Is n being I more cumpllcated than man. Her evolution is longer, more Intricate.

Cut out this List for Use a t the Polla


Anatole France dies, caU~ for bls mother. The jp'e8t French writer had Uved 80 yearll, acblevod fame, a great name. · All that seemed amall in tbe minute of the 80 years. The memory 01 bls motbu atood out above all the



At the beginnlq and at the end. the mother com_ ftrat. rn ' tween, othere have thel7 tu... ...

The bi8 Zeppel1D ZB-8 '"rt cd for Amara to the tw;u 01 "Deutachland ueber AD.." U that bii unwtaldly . sa- hai N . ,1 I<,.\l. vc Gormanyon a Konday ttl ' :. i!'L" and land In LakebUl"lIt, i , t!I'JU~nc1 mll611 aWIIJ. on tNt Ii,.} '

I ~ wll'l li W OOJlII~t!a . y morttl~g, j. ..,' ",' !vn g d" you !.bie k 1t. will t .. ~e I:i;; h· po " "1'<'<1, hea . lfl.t' - than - air u ,u,.: .1,1.1 8 to crose the Pacific or the At I "" ~l C w,th TNT and polson Ir88 a i n ,' )·t llrs from now?

Big bankers, lhoUllanda at them, ga thered In Cbll'U t::O recently, quIte happy, Tho)' sanS' aonjpl waiting for the speakf:t lt t o start, and told each ot.her, "Dnlnesll Ia ftne." But one little crumpled rose leaf Is 'In the Boft · financlal mattress, "There Ie among the bankers uncertainty over social un~c8t." Sorry to dlsturh ballkers, but that uncertainty Ia a sood thing. It makes hankel'8 and other im· portant men think, It always hal made them think, and It'. about the only thing that DOES make them think-about the little peo. pie. Who notlcea a mule tha' doesn't kick' There was much ,incertlllnt.y among the "better element" in the. dayp of the Gracehl before 'C hris t was born. Thel'il has been. more or lesll of that uncertainty ever. lIince, ~ And wh ere ' the uncertainty has been ~CKING 'there bas been trouble• . You can't change ' a n7thlng In this ~lIaddllnly: 1'ou can!t even chan,.-:-a - eaterpillar Into-,r butterfly in live minutes, Argu, Ing wltb a caterpIllar; beggln~ him to be "clal8 conllcloulI" won t d It. Setting a match to one end of the cocoon ma , ruin that cocoon, but it won'\ brlDa out the butter·


x x x

Fo r Judge of thp Supreme Court (Vot,' fol' t\\'o l ----------~-



REYNOLDS R. KINKADE FOI' Judge of th e CO Ul't of Appea ls

WADE CUSHING (Vote for one )


x x

Fo r Judge of t he P r obllte Co urt

WILLIAM Z. ROLL (Vu te for one )

CAUTION N a m eR rotate on ballots. T a k e this IiRt with you and put un X be fore e a c h of t h e above nam es .

BE SURE AND VOTE RIGHT Warre n Co unty Rep ub li ca n E xec ut ive Committee.

CHAS. J . WAGGONER, Chairman. Po liticnl Adve r t is ing.

Keyed for the Younger Crowd A NEW IDEA IN MAGAZINE MAKING I

The Op en Road, the magazine to r youn g men ' by young me n, is proving t hat a magaz ine cu n be vita ll y a live a nd absor bi ng ly inter esting from cove r to cover lind still b e constru ctive and cleu n as a hou nd's t ooth. A n a ler t, upstanding pub lica t\:on, endor sed b y such men a8 Calvin Coolidge ; DrEliot, Preside·n t-E meri tus of H a r vard : U. S. Commissio ner of E;d uclltion T igert : reRd b y 11 gr owin g company of up-nnd-coming readers, yo uthful in age or s pirit, or both. Artic les on whut l ho t imes arc 0 penin g up in fields of opportunit.les - Hu mor, Fiction, . Spn,:t, t he Ou t-of-Doors. Pr ~f u se ly ilfus traterl. Write for free ' sainple copy or send a dollnr f or six isslleR, $2. r,;O year ly . (twelve issue~. Attractive spare-time m oneymaking prop tlsitioh lor clubs and in dividu als in _ your. community. Ask _ f or details. ! -_~

THE .OPEN 'R OAD 248 Bo,.l.ton Stre .. t,


'. ·ho l.

WAYNESVI LLE, OHIO. WEDNESDAY NOVEMB ER 5, 1924 Seventy-Sixth Year --~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~ - ~ - ~~-~ --~ --~~~~~~~~~-~ - ~~~~ .-~~~~~~~---

~~aQ i



I. i'; !OWN

wn~ in Dayton ,


t t;! Jldt~ d

tu t h el'll. From pre~c nt indiCOtiUI ' th o' Re-

puhli ca n J ud iciul cl!ndi,l U ': . , i1\ a ll br r le" led, IIlthoug h 'Iuite IIl?hl wns mud e /I ;.:ain ~t .Iudge Cush; II:' f ll" the Cuurl of A ppeuk Hon. C,Yl" llra nd will be rclu r ncd tu Co ng rc:;,(. f rlllll the j Seve nth di slrict. It is vCl'y gra ti fy ing thul th t" Illcnl sc hool I ,vy curl'ied with a j:!ou,[uy mll ju ri ly, IIlso th e co unty \'I' lld lro vy. "oll ow ing is th e re.ult of tIll' ,·Iec· t ioll ill Wayne Townshilr F or Preaid e nt

' Col1 lidI:'C Dil vig LuFollelte

~' 11ARm GRAS

list. .'tlis. E,ln11 lI owla nd wus in Leha • nn .. n Suturday.

Mr. and Mrs. RIlY Mi lls wero in LAST REPORTS SHOW GOVERN. Dayton Thursday. OR ELECTION STILL IN DOUBT Mr. and Mrs. James McCluro wero in S pringfield, Monda:;:. Th .. elec tiun pUMNcd off very quirt Iy in Way n(' to wnship , 1I1th o u~h th ~1'(' WU K I]ui~(' II lu rKC vote ca8L. Th,' r,,"ult. of the coun t show n this . nW I' n in~ i. thut Coo lidge wi ll huve ab out ~ 1 8 elel'lu rul vot .. s. Th e reo s ul l uf the guverno r vo le is st ill in d ou l,t, IIlthnuKh 111«' r eports indieute t hllt n uv is is leading by a very sma ll nUlj urity . In the county t he vu te wn ~ Inrge rl ura lilic" fol' Ihe n l'p u b li cn n ~ . T he " . id e" c undidlltl'~ fll iled to ti ~ IIny good, nnd 1\ ,'l'ry s mull \'ule \\'H S ex-


i . !- ,

j r.:/..'

'~' I Mrs. J\da Courtlll!Y Saturday.

l\'l a!'ltcr r cl:lt i vc~

,., . N! CI·n h ''' :; 'N JO YEO BY A .A R ~,j : (' I' ,. n - IlOTH OLD -, YO UNG

G eun!'C' Ed \\ u rds v i:' I" (I in I)u y to n, ~~!t ll u'day .

Miss E . .W. Nut ti tl ~:, .. f I)II)·t,, " , Hpent · lI lId".I" \I it h II ,·. ,I\ ary I.. C" , , .

Mrs. Ad a Co urtn cy has tllke n a pouition in lIymun '. store.

I ), t " j

Ih ,



, 1,\, ,1( III I I. e Jl a t '~

M i s~c8 Trill ena lind Margaret Ed. wurds spen t Saturday in Duyton .

lilt· \\'l.)(·k -(· l1d :!.

M r. Milton Thompson made u bus· iness trip to Masun last Wednesda y.

~'ib IlJl




h IlIlL I ' . 11 1

W(' fI' Ila yt'l[ l \ 1~lt~,'



M i "~

J\licc 1'11111 " iI"l1 l T tI " , duy i" ))a yto n with Iw r ~ j ' II ' r. ~ I I·". Will 1, it l' hcn.




Miss Stella Daugherty Rpent Sun· day with 1\11', and Mrs. Ernest But· terworth. Mr. Ellsworth Sherwood has returned froll1 A urorn, I nd., wh ere he vis ited r e lntives. •I

Mr Murio n Cortie n, of Harv('y •. burg, spe nt the week· end with Mr. an d Mrs. Les ter Gorde n.



Mr. Myer Hymlln nnd family and

NW . · W EW NC SC Mr. and M,·s. Her mlln Con ner were las (;6 11 4 151 68 DllyLon visitorK, Sunday. 74 a2 66 37 33 r; 7 t! 2 20

' l'


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du y.

MI"!!. J . W. Edwurds entertained· th e " J oll y Mutr u n~' l::iuturdllY afternoon. i Miss Mnry Stokes, of Oxford, spent Ihe w ~e k ·o nc1 wi th Miss Kathryn Clnrk.

ber 5016




lili \;l. a d day . " q ' desigoH in the bu si-

d inJ.;ctluity . ,,1, ,., l\I a~lIueraders 111'_ F r azi(\1" wert' ill 11 ar ll tll 0 11 11l1:.: i l w;- ~ lw a lv d ' HI :!" :'n't't, Hrl d by 8 o'clock JURt I~ri dny . II". h" "r ",., : .. 1' \h~ pII l'Ode. to start, " If "!ll cr, ··.,·,1 "I' I-(ro tesquc fig ures Mrs. nn d MrR. F: . A . Ea rn ha rt li nd , ",.,." tt , l' d,I, ., wL. 8011, spont th e w"ek- 'nd wi th Kin g" ! TIll' !, ur a.t,. "I\~ headed by the :->ch",,1 ha l, d. '"' ~ Ill"llted by severlll Mill . r elntives. frul,ll th ,' I'" "ti"I' I"md, followed by Mrs. E . F . Brnnstratr,r an d lI li uri i,;t k III,n t pl·epared by the f nll1ily ~ pc nt Sunday wit h I"Ol ati v (' ~ :-> mith- Ilu g-h. ,,; "t uolents, nnd after li t ~I arti n s ,'i ll e , Ohi ll. tIIn l'c hi l1J,: a ,, 01 counte rmarching, puss· cd before lh,' judges, Misses Clara Mr. Ilnd Mrs. C eorg!' Smith >pent Lil" , Ed"u JI (l wlun d and S. S. Ellis. th e wee k-end with Mr. and MM!. After 80m ' d cliberation the follow · Philip Zepf, at College Hill. ing decisions wer e made : Shortest person-Earl Earnhart. Mr. and Mrs. John Sheeley, of Ger . Shortest Adult--Mrs. B. V. Smith. mantown, were guoots of Mr. and Tallest Person-Geo. G. Ankony. Mrs. Adam Melloh, Sunday. Most Artistic- Minnie Pyle. Most Comic"":"Ada Weller. Mrs. E. N. Oxley and SOI"ll, Morris B e ~ t Gypsy-Stella Daugherty and Paul, of Troy, Rpent the week. Bext Clown- Ernestine Hough. end at the home of MI'1!. liMY Call· Dest pair Spanish Dancers-Pearl key. Mul10rd and Irene King. Best Pair of Twi\la--:-.Tulia DonoMr. end Mrs. Frank Zell spent van Bnd Elizabeth Bailt. several days last week in Arcanum, Best Uncle Sam-William Long. the guests of Mr. an d Mrs. Wm. 1\1 0 t Artiij tic-Evelyn Beltz. Thorpe. Mo~ t Comic- Hugh P ickering. B,'"L Kewpie-Milpred Henry. Mr. and Mrs. D. D Cerreta nnd Miss U,--l I'ltiry- llelen Evans. Mary Marj:!aret Miller, of Dayton, fl ,," i Lil tIc · Uutch Girl- Anna we re week-end gu csl8 of lIlt-s. Pannie O' Nell ll. Carothe.n!. B ' S·. l.i Li.J~ Dutch Boy-Mary Jo Mill", At St. Mllry's chu rch nex t Su n111 ·C l Hod Ricl illll g Hood-Ruth day Mr. Ford Agen will Idvo Il tulk II"d ,l't t . on the "Near East." A!I olferin g Ucd Ridi ng Ho od-Ruth I" .. will be tak en. F 1101 ; I • 0 1'"

Itlr. l :('c Lemnlu" II"d M... J . I·:.

IW IJ"l"

I:"r" r ..



Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter McClure spent Sunday in Dayton, th e g uests of their Davis .. 78 80n, Mr. Carl McClure and family. DOllahey 69 For Commi •• ione1" Mr. David Evans will go to Christ Beedl e .. 113 59 106 126 93 hospita l, Cincinnllti, Thursday, where Co rwin 110 55 102 11 6 99 he will und ergo an operation on · his Rogers 22 20 32 11 eyes. Burn ett Butterworth Is at Miami Smith 18 17 13 8 Va lley hospltol in a very serious eon· Mr. and Mrs. James Z e llllnd . dll ~h­ dition, the r es ult of an uut omobile For Treal"r•• Simpson ..... 100 56 9 1 109 D3 ter, MiHS Cla rn, of Yellow Springs, accident which occurred Sunday ev· Hunter . "'" ... 103 42 88 G{) 52 were Sun day g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Next to your bome town the Ireat one million. The city is th e nallon 's ening about 6 :30. He, accompani ed Frank Zell . city interel" you mOil . A Roat- mllgnetic conLer, the f ocal point of by Raymo n Hatfie ld, Misses Ola Stat .. R"preoenteU.e ina population of a million . An its trllve l. Mo re perso ns vis it it than Hartsock and Debo rah Walton, was Harding .. 96 64 87 106 Mr. ullll Mrs. W ill Watt Ilnd Mr. iD.ide view . bowin g bow it i. po· go to any other pl uco on this earth. drivi ng to Dayto n, whe n a li ttle way Earnh art .. . 99 43 79 61 97 39 Will Lnfe\' cr, of Franklin, were lie..! aDd ho w .thia r .aeta Db tbe Next to you'r -holne city or town Nt!w thIs side of Centerville he lost con· Common Pie.. J"dce guests of MI". n nd Mrs. Ceo rg-e Hart· nation. York probably holds secon d place in trol of the mllchine which p lunged Wright '.. . ... 121 48 122 116 107 sock, Sun dl\Y. you r in lere~:t. into II diteh and turn ed completely 62 SO 48 46 27 Christie Ninety pe l' cent o f those who rea d over. The ot her t hree escaped with School Levy PRESENT COMMISSIONER OF PO· th is do join t he g reut ,trca m. So me 8 few bruises and shocked nerves; Mrs. Emmll Bal·nett has rcturn ed LICE PREPARED FOR JOB Yes 96 60 97 109 109 from a t wo months' visit with relaco me for .tl'ade . so me for so cilll ad· but Burne t t was pinned und er the No fl , r "dih · '~, "i -Hr Snd th. ' J 95 35 66 63 26 tives in th e Ellst , and is s pending a IlIl1chine. His parents were immeIIlr. B1lrku;""ut Spri nl'tl...-tct;-MI'S. ntNO T E---Many men, f r om Theodore vllntage. ~ : :!1 cI ", ~ ,,' II n tI e program Co"nty Road Le., few days in Way neSVille. Rooseve lt on through a long list, have Day of Peril diate ly notified. Dr. Keever, of Cen· to Furr and Mr ~ . Taylor, uf Wh"e lYes 93 66 93 104 106 tink er ed with the New York po liee. Now Palled ten-ille was called and lat er Dr. ing, W. Vu., ~ J1 e nt u o: tl a with Ilr. '1 J It l ll' .... 1 No . .. ... .... .. .... 96 41 69 66 31 ; 1l! ][ig h Bchool Mrs. Chll8. Ives, who has bee n vis- Honest, wel!-~eanin~ men I!'0st of , Th ere was a li mv when <o me PiC- IEwing, a surgeo n of Dayton , was Farr, at the Friends h " ",, . u l t I.:d r~ lI 11.1" .< cam paign for iting he r uncle, Mr. Harry Murray th ese com~l ssl o n ers ! but WIth out tured the Metropo lis liS a pla ce of su mm oned. The young mall WIUI und erstandmg. ThClr t erms of o f.. . . I . . .1 t.l ~ u lle cted as f ll '· th , lind other relatives here, left Friday fice have Ilveraged about fifte en penl or pOSSible dl sll~tel'. Thut day, ta ken to the hospital but hiS condl. Miss Kathryn lar k utt",. d,·t\ " I I' \ . " -; . evening for ber home in Phillldelphia. months each. r be li eve, has pussed . To-dIlY, Arne r ti on has been such that the doctor'8 Sigmu Ka ppa lunchl'on at Hik e· Kum- ;-.i'·Il ·....... $3.48 :vt':-;· Now has c,!me a chll!lg? One mall ica ns ge ll e n~ lly recogn ize thll t ' ew could not make a thorough eXllmlna. ler 's, Dllyt n, S ~urd ll Y, lu :d tho Mi· ... ....... $1.67 .1 IIi-U·. Mr. lind Mrs. William G. Grether, hyas kb eeC~ POlflce CommISSIOner ofdNehw York is th e s af est, the most su nitary tion to asce r tain the ex t ent of his in- umi · Denni ~(lIl I>otball gUl lie in lho Ity Or seven years--an (' ... ... S l p ii Cl ll ll rl'r' S ............. .3.~ Ruth Horri~, of 610 Kenwood avenue, is or t he only tra ined policemlln who has !lnd tlw uc,t. g Ull rd l,d of cll les. ThiS Jurlcs. afternoon. I I e, hilI( , ........... .~ Dayton, announcing the birth of a son ever he ld the post. The on ly IlIlIn city ~tu nd s s u prcme ill the sa fety It wag r eported Tu esda y eveni ng October 28, a t Miami Valley hospi. in f orty years who has bee n prope rly of the strc(!ts Ilnd of th e home , in thttt he had take n II little n" urish. SnturdllY morntng Mis"es Louiso , ! ,w I .... .. ...... $9.16 prepared for his job. He wor e the g ua rdi ll llship of th e puu lic heft lth and ment during the afternoon and that Smith E lsie und Dor is Il a wke III rl Specilll e vangelistic lIervices will tal. blue with a gold bar on the co llor the ' . . . . . Il! 1:1Hn(' l a I',·;·.' rl of the comlr ty .. I speak With authOrity a n eXal~lln a tlOn would pro~n h ly be dny he was IIppointed. In mo;n begin in the Waynasville M. E. Olene Henry hiked to Harveysb~rg "li'l cl' fullo\'o's' ·Mrs. Harry L. King. Mrs. 9vorton So great has been his success thllt on th iS suuJe ct. No need to quote made thiS, WednesdllY, mornm/:. church on Sabbnth morning, Novem· where they a te their lunch , rcturn llll( C,,, h ~ l1b~c ril,r. . . ..... .. $11 2.50 Burnett. who is t he Bon of Mr. and in the afterno on . ber 9. The Sabbath school will be Heston and Mrs. J. A. Smith, of proba bly never agQin will a Muyor the st.ati sti cs "' ith thei r inevitable J Ii. h urscm Cl,t,· . .....$ 72.93 Kings Mills, drove up one day laet of New York appoint a COnl l· compuriso ns. Mrs. Ernest Butterworth, is o n ex. held at 9 :16 and there are clast;(ls other than from the for ce he IS to . . d week and gave Mrs. J. E. Witham The people of the city hav e ( Co nt inued on pa ge 3) emplary young mnn .. He ~ra'luate Mrs J ames Ram u~e .o.nd li tt le l :d nIlN' rule. At 10:30 tbe pas· . for all grades. .. ... $39.67 ·a very pleasant visit. learned the difference. - -_ _ • from Wayne T ow nsh Ip HIgh school dau ghter, who have been VISiting ]\1 111. "I tor will preach. ., • J l e \-~xp I :::. \ \ e re appor tioned uS Probably it is this ver y und ers tond a nd the Warren County Normal in Ramage's moiher, Mrs. f :va MIllO.'.' ! fo ll(,wM : The Epworth league will bold its of the ,force-;:-:-eom bincd with.a L~I CEUM 1!!2:J, and hIlS bee n tcnc hing in the left Illst Thursday for th eir home 111 f" ' . ., J meeting at 6:16, Harold Wl11iam8on. zSt. Mary's Guild willllleet with Miss ing ... $21.00 mre cxecutlve ablhty lind mUII l\"net,,· b h I H . h Itl-m-h,n __ _ l l a Pti IlWII ,.u'·' Emma HeighwllY on ·T hursda y after· will be the leader of the topic, "What quality of . leadership- that has ellll a ,.ve~s urg sc 00 . (! IS. e , Holyoke, 1\11 aSK. J' f "t ing '12.00 noon at 2 o''clock. . A full IIttend· Ilbled Richard Enright to d u wh aL Ih e highest esteem by hIS many . ! d o I need to be a Christian." The 16.00 f ,l'I ,"Lo n .Taz z lJ:,' i ance is desired, as there is work t hat all. his predecessors, ~r e llt Ilnd sl11 u.11. h 11 fricnds wh o Bre shocke d and saddenMr. and Mrs, Li n dl ~ y ~I''1l1 ll'n 1\ eve ning preaching service will be 14.20 I:,· . fir e h d 1 should be fin ished at this meeting. fnlled at. J:Ie . as c ~an e tiC city The fir st co nc rt of th e Lyceum p.d by the tcrrible IIccident lind whORe had the plea~u re of cllt"riail ,jll i! """,. 1. \I I\' C" ' 11 11 sm held at 7 ,00. 1.13 vice' lind ser"pc nS CO Ul': e waS IrI\'e . n lit t h e M . I'... c Ilurc II "y mpa . .t h'ICS arc Wit . h h· d evot e d par- t h e wee k·en d ,mr. .. G " " . 1<'1 ~' " I" 11 II1I I• I' ol ,ce of commerclllhzed gambling. He has r ed uced io li . IB , Lawrence D. Ensley, an evangelis6.00 Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Lucy entertain- crimes in New York m ore than fony ~1 "n d IlY night. cots. Mrs. Jan'e Binghum, Mr. IIl1d Mr5. t '1I a nnl . :"· !! t rl" tic gospel sin ge r , ' of Dayton, will be _ _ __ 1.00 ed Saturday night and Sunday, Mr. per cent from the aggregate of t he Mr. IIl1d Mrs, Boyd. with Miss Wilbur MendenhllIl, 1111 of Za nes· 1 11l! ~o m li ," " present to lend in the silllfing. Mr. 1.60 and Mrs. Warren Lucy, Mr. and Mrs. IllBt pre-war·year, 1916. Cu tchell n" pia nist, glln, one of th e ville. I J. A. Trllyscr and daughter, Martha, directions im)1rov cd In 011 other the best recordshe ·of has oth er dn y~ . must enj(J.\"uble cllte rtni nmcnts tha t 'I' " t:·1 . $72.93 of Dayton and Mr. and Mnl. Harry Everyone can see the change in t he Waynes" ilk hus hcc n pri viil'dgcd t o Judge lind Mrs. Walter Brewe r, I n ,.,. " ,,11\ , oj he prize vouchers Lacy. police ..,ttitude and the res ulti ng hea r f or l11uny II dny . 'rhe 6010 wo rk of Pa.-is Ill. ., and daul:'hte r ' . .Mi ~s 1'\' 1)1111 11 11 II l' U II"1" .1 ,I,", t ho do II nr t Il ey ., . I . Miriam of OhiO W csl<'rn we re SU II- . h change In the public attitude. The of Mr. lind .1 I·s. Boyd WIlS of a vcry t! ' I ' ""pn ' ( ," " III I,,· tu r ned ove r to t e ·Mr. and Mrs. Archer Hartsock and spirit of the force has change d- ac. hi gh cln"s, a s well 0 8 the muny drll. days aftern oon caL\ers of Mr. a ni 1 I ·lh th other tually has improved under strict er Mr. and Mr. Robt. Walton, of Dayton discipline than it ever knew-and th e ma tic ~ k ('t(·h es whic h they gll ve. Mr. Mrs. Walter Clnr0 lind fam ily, o f ~,It , · ,, 1 l!tll' 1\ illi g WI e n. (· t'll't~. "pent SundllY with their parents, Mr. percentages ef crime have steadil y Boyd prove d to be a very entertainRoute 6. Il" .• icl ,," t h(' cash dllll nUone receivand Mrs. J . L. Hartsock. Mrs. Walton declined. New York is the saf est, in g hum or is t, an d many of his short One week of intensive evang.elism .. n. "d. til 're Wl"'" " C \'I!\'Il I dOD. a tiona of cleanest and most moral large city stori es kept t he audie nc e In a spasm remained to assist in, the care of her begin" at th e Ferry church of Christ IIwlt"riul and h, Il"r. a mong which Mr. and Mrs. Chus. A I\{I 'I""ITI in the world. And except for the in. mother, who Is seriously ill: Sunday, November Oth, at 9:30 a. m. tertalned at di nne r F; un,ltI y, the f.. l· . d ternal warfare among law. breake-rs of laughter. ts Mr. li nn M:" CI · \'. werc 1\11'. I~. F. UI'III1"lrntor, who o· and bootleggers it has less violent A little on e-act play entitled, "Mrs. Services ellch evening lit 7 :30, and I , owrng gues : I 'I Ed Il a t" d th e f,"l cl er lI lId de livered It on The first Issue of The Gleaner, the crime than any city of any size. The Gadabout," given by Mr. lind Mrs. at 2 p. m. each day except Monday ence McCrllY nn d 8"n. It", " . ·11 lk Ed Mmn stre.. , , "It" ;\11·. Uryon P ren d erHigh School paper, appeared at tho peaceful citizen of New York walks Boyd, WIlB especially IImu sing, and and SlIturdny. of Centervl e, . ' . ,::n"t whl> k t lC'l'l'd the big ad,{ertislng Bowman In safety, well.guarded, pleasantly Bchool Monday morning. It wal reo protected; thanks to RiehBrd E. En. showed a very high type of drumlltic Evor y member of the congregation Hopkins and f nm ilv IIlt d 1\ 11," l,ucy . , d I. 1 b d th' p b J III bll l1 n(' r u~c uy t. 1C .In on ell" u plete with flne articlell from the pen II rlght.-Editor. and all th e people in the, com munity ability. Emley and Mr. . . urt'IIY· li c it~. t rip. of the students. and many itema of Miss Gutchell proved t o be a pian· arc r equested to IIttend every ser· The committee wi. h us to sincerely interest to the schools were printed. ist of unusual ab ility, and her num· vice. So ng and praise service each Mr. and Mrs. J OB. Honne ll enter· By RICHARP E. ENRIGHT thank euch nnd every Individual who be-rs were equally as enjoyable as the evening. Police Commissioner, N. Y. City tained at dinner, Sunday, Mrs. C. H. Mrs. Viola Harlan entertai;;~d at Some of t he sermon topics will be Sarber. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. John contributed to the splendid Bucceaa work of Mr'. and Mrs. Boyd. alTa Every doy the seemingly impossl_ir. _ _0 _4._.:.....__ dInner Sunday, MT. and Mrs. Homer "'rhe En thusiasm Born of Convlc· Whitaker, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whit· of the _ Te auditorium of the church was McColm, Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. MaBry. ble happens in or to th!l City of well filled lind the audience showed tion." aker and two daughters, Mr. and ant and Mr. Vern King, of Dayton, New York. Perhaps the most r eo its appreciation by giving the enter· "The Fundamentol Fast." Har~ld Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mr. Everett' Harlan, of Middletown, markable of such occurrences is thnt tainers enthusiastic' applauses calling "The Grellt Salvation." McMillan and two Bone, Mr. and Mrs. Mn. K. N. Hough and Mr. ~nd Mrs. which happens regularly every twe n- them back ti/ile after time: ")\ Map Who Listened to Reuon." Oscar Stanfteld and two daughters. ty-four hours and which directly; in · H. B. Earnhart SpeCial service for . young people. Waynesvi.lle is fort unnte in having volves most of you who read this. The services of B."·F • .Guille have booked sueh a hlgh:elaS8 Lyceum Friday evening, November 14th. Mr. N. L. Richmond, auperlntand. - The cordial hOBpltalltr of Mn. Every day a city the Bize of Anon, course and the four remaining num· NATHAN JOHNSO N, ent of the Shot-Gun·Shell department bee n securcd for Wednesday nig ht. Edith Harria and Mn. Laura MOlher Ohio, moves Into' the metropolis. bers promise to be just as en joYlible LAWRENCE D. ENSLEY Mjnister. of Kinp Mills nnd wife, f rom Love· The dAY will bn lIpent in the achools Wlla enjoyed Sunday by the follow~ There it· unloads : its people on the as the first number. lend ,Mr. ' Charles Young and wife, lind nn entortainment at the GymnaEnsley haa been a leader of many Ing: Rev.• and Mrll. J. J. Schaeffer, aiready . crOWded New York. It is _ _ __ e _ ....- - . . of LebanQn, Mr. Frank WUaon, wit! sium in the: e~ninlr. , e~angelistle services. When you heaz; guest of hon,,: ,Mrs. Anna Cadwal- .Ilke ,the rising of the mornl!lg tide . Mr. Gullle iii" a bird lecturer ~nd . dllughter, of Kings Mills. ~oro. Sunhear him once you will want to hear lader, MisseB Clara Llle, F,lmma 'Belak Later thnt 8a~e day this more than day gueste of D~. and Mrs. J. E. bi rd imitator, as w,ell u a whistler, ' , way and May Di-lgbt, a~d ·Kr.. and one 'hundred t ous~nd persl?ns leaves . ..him again. . , of IIblllty. Ira spends much ti'nle in . Witham. ' . .. the metropolis It is as dally an , . These serVIces are being held for Mrs. D. L. Crane. . this. lino" of wo·k. Several of opr . . ' even~ as the ri ·ng ' of tha tide along the good of the entire comtnuntt)'. . , The Mother's cluJ) will hold their Mr. a hd IIIrs. C. 1\( ' Robitzer en· teache~ he til bim. at WUmi'l1gto· Mr. Wm. Chenoweth and ·wtie, Mr. the 5'76 ' miles )~ the cit~'s water " It il hoped that tbe entire commun" Regular ' communication I of Way. November meeting, FrIday, Novem- tertaiu d with clir,l r Sp t " ~h even· last summlll ond w I!1 enjoy heariC ity will rally to ita lupport. A lOod Roy Carr, wife and daDghter, of front. When y ;u yourself have vis- nesvllle Lodge No: 168 _F· t & A. M:. ' ber 14, instead of the first FrIday In ing T he iIJ<!RU were, :Mr. and him n ain tbis time. - -- . old fuhioned --revival meeting . will New Burlington, Mr. Howard Lacy, ited New York :rr u have participated r~lelsbday 11 , T hl8 :the month IUs. Moomaw will talk. E. v. Barnhart, Mrs. J . . ~hapmanl h pl'Qeeecls "of the .pubJJe~'" -:e t e time or e annua1 e l oc· P rto RI All mothers and oth. Mr. ond Mrs. Fred M, C Ie, Mr• .and ltaiDJlleDl win be uaod to;rafd· . do" the entire communIty a world . of wife and daugh~r,. of Merrittstown, in this miracle, Jrhaps, without r eo Wi · d >'L . t f d W . on 0 co. waa the th,ng of tlon an loIle paymen 0 . U l!!i. , .' e . tereIted in the 'lChools are uqr. Mrs J W Edwards, Mr lind Mn. J. ·ul1d to ,paint the eym. ..' rood, Every penon hal a loul to be Mr. Earl Youn, and family and Mn. aUsin« how would like to lee every member of. ers inbe t. ,.-ved or lost, w~ieh shaB it heT , Pre· Emina Leot. of Lytle, Mr. Frank which you were Cartwright: Mr. and Mrs. Ba1pb 'l:i II. Wl'dt<' ¥ the lodge out on this night.. , ed to preIID . Fed hy dliI .eo:D\rtant pare to meet th1 Godl Yoa "" uq. Cook and wife 1fV8' caBers .t the Miller and MT. and !!rL aoNld . KE:. NlIlE1~B BOUGP., W•.Jf. SYBIL LeMAY, Pruident. ad to attend Ivorr aervice whUe tbe home of · lIr. and JIrI. E. T. Laq, comen there Hawke. t ZIMMERMAN. Sec'J. DOlUfA JmWAltDlt .... 8adal· . YoU • l.tII!Il:;~.l1IAatlOII ' .s: JIlMtiDp lut.


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The Miami Gazette




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Corn'c Ans\ er to erOS" \Vurd Puzzle



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REAL ES TAT E TRANS FERS l. u,·II" n. Bnl11"r y t o ('lllm ,T,mlnn , I" l in I.l'h nno n, iS l. .r. I. ·'ter ~ll1lr ol' d to t ho Kin~ I' (, \\'d ,' " Cn .• 2:1. 7H /lerr s in i1 rl' rfi('l d

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dCllnL-o. p :.ckeJ and

~·;)k·d wtdh'UC th e tuum hUlnan h ll n.d&.


0ver2S0 MmioD Packages Sold in a Single Year

~~4;-P7 I

r: I.: ," 111 111 r:-

Wbile you need it! 'nib .. lhot bome-buDding As J'DII travel over the country )O'OU _ _ _Idol of homes beiD& erected. People ban axne 10 the realization Ibat It .. INe economy to PUI their ~ loa permanenl building. roth..dian .., out 10 mach for renl or ror board anoI lodging, wIth oothing left tolbow ... It In Ibe end.

!-l uit Il J,!'Hin .... t divor{' 1' (11\ till'

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1"0 1'

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Can You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle? TI1i ~ i !o-

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Catarrhal Deafness

n ted np pra i!"vrs.

1" tile malter 1'( the estate o f Perry I I. Rue, deceased ,t.he r epo rt of Mil ton C. R ue, udmiJ1is trnt ol', wag np"rov~d lind confirm ed. Cunie O. Dakin was nam ed as guurd illtl ur Forest J. Dakin, " mi -




no r .

F lore nce H opkins, admin istrnt rix of the est.ute of Warren J. 'Dakin'l deccased, fill!d her first and final ucco un t. Frank Pence was app ointed IlPprl1i~er ins tcud of Webstcr Kirby in t he mutter of the estate of Niles Kirby, deceased.

w. H. MADDEN & CO. '--0-...........

1.8 otlen cau.ed by an tnflam ed condlllon at lIlo mucous lining or th e Eustac hian Tub.. Whe n thlB tube ts lnflamed yo u have a. r u mbllng sou nd o r Imperfect Hea.ring. U nlCB8 the Inflnmmntion can

bo redu ced, your hea ring Ina)" be deslrOyeJ forl: '\Oe r. n .' I .I.'8 CATARItH MEDICINE wtll d o ,,' hllt we clai m t o r it-rid your sY8tem 3~tn.~*,arrh o r Deatncs!1 Mused by

Ro ld by all druggl.t8 t or over 40 Yean!. F. J . Cl,e" oy &. Co .. Toledo. Ohio.

-========================== Dr• .Ioh n. W • Mil Ier Dentist Waynesville Natlunal Bank BId,


WI-I ,~,,: rOl; Or:AL IN 0 Ay'.T O N



6 Big VaudevUle Acta and Feature Plaotopl.,.

B. F. Keith's

When an Dayton Vleit

Entire change of prOllram ewer, Suada, aad Thuud.,.. C_thl.... ua Perfor mance. from 1,30 10 11,30 P. M. Afternoon Pried 20.. .nd 300. E .....h.;nll. 30c .nd 80c.

n... Doole


BICYCLES Children's Vehicles Tires - - - - Repairing w. F. MEYERS 411

"o. ...,'.....on


DAYTO N . 0 _




HUBER'S 132 W. Fourth lit..

DA.'YTO", 0. Centrally Located-Be.I Senice



Wi th broken bottles, c mpty t ins, I 'll strew the rood YOU'H got to '1

take; I ~ha ll not pass this wny agaill, 1 do not care what mess I mah·. .,

Reaources $18,600,000.00




Over 33,000 Acco.nts

Co.." .. Main ••d Second Street.






~"' l '!

F:" r'.Y, 'ttIv ~ ..,. 6~. '·I" '\' · ~ """~"" !, I:' ; ~ GH'T1IReO f"'H ....0. .




Lined Coab.



t J .. ha n • •'I! pik. I' , 1111


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' . ~'edll c .dny. NOvi-"mher 1 2, l ')..! L


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n l'utl tlf h () l! ~ : f' cpd alld l' I' :l in. fH l'm inJ,r Ifllpl c n ll' llt :, tlflt l lilt \I f ('hi('kt'l l~ ptc. ~I'l'

hi ):' hill" r"I' lI· n\l ';. D. W. GOHIl:\~1. ,It'"se Stulllt:y. :\ u,· l.


HORIZONTAL an automobile fig ht part of "to be" true a man's name therefor e one of 0 s pecies of mammnls Docto r of Divinity (abbr.) ~1 Pennsylvanin (abbr.) ~2 so ft 23 m anlier '! 5 offer '!7 get up lS II t o rtoisa .to I (sc lf) giver 12 to pos t 34 mouth of hircl 36 Mi ster (lIbbr.) :17 a ch n in lIsed for [ns teninf.r " wh ee l to provent from turni nl,( .'I S huc k ;t9 "tree t (ubbr.) . .t 1 ~('Il bird of the Alca f~mi l y 4 ::J an d . (fr.) 45 Theodore R oo~eve l t (nubr.) 46 II pluying cord 47 a large bird 49 pust participlo nf f eNI 5 1 11 musicnl in strum ent fi2 haughty 53 nationality 55 U. sma ll bird 56 sick 57unl\ uccess !ul 58 yes 59 N ovi a Scotia (abbr. ) III u flow er 611 110 ~ood (abbr.) ()4 u drink 66 a t oc hnica l man in tho British Nuvy 117 to ' possess El9 s ti nt 71 dull 73 a youngs t er 74 a speck 75 to employ 76 end of month 2 6 12 11 15 16 17 t9


VERT ICAL tTllet ot Ilind (Pl.) beforc /I co")r 5 fathl'r 7 onward S n lInt(' n,i l r"r wns h in~ floo r s U II cry 0 f sheep 10 un eXl' l:!l1l ati o n II n clolh nsed rn,. wi" i ll~: hand . 13 pri nci pII I 3 4


Harveysburg Ferlilizer Co. Phone 8


rll.~ahl ,·

pllir indica lio ll


fa s ten a ynun ,. hnw k (' xis t

:! ()

t o ('X ("',' utll


loud (' I'Y !-l imila r


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I"'" len"(' nf li j.:ht \\'nj!' c l' cn~il1c

n stornl


a ha wk we ij!'ht (a bbr. ) II religi ou s mnn nn evil spirit II m essenge r fr ee from moi.tur ll North ha st (nbbr.) So uthe rn stntc (nbhr.) revcren<,e to p or fo rm co nclus ion n s ing le lInit before a dir ection (nbbr.) a preposition a verb a preposition


49 fiO f;3

54 59

roo (;2

G4 G5 67 GS Ii!! 70 71 72




FOR RENT FOR RENT- House of five rooms, waler an d e lectric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Williams, lit co rn e r of Tyler anti Fourth streets. oso LOST LOST-Bluck tra veling bn g, be. tw een Leba non lind 1I1t. Holly. HI contained lutii cs wenri n ~ uP i' Il ...,I, lIlso a pCllcil with Ednu H. on it. Rc~ t ur n t u S. A. Roland , R. D. I, Wuy_ n esvi ll c , Ohio. °11 5




Farme rs of Warroll lind adjoining ro ullti es mlly obtuj n money on lon g timo loans , lit 5'h per cent interest. Cost o( "ec uri n~ the sl1me is very renson"blc ,through The Federal Lnnd Dl1nk. Por furth er information call on or Ilddrcss M. C" DRAKE, Treasurer, pho ne :lUi-X , Le ba non , Obio.

n ""Idier hrl"nginf.r t o n nob lc corp R in Pt.' r~in



l~ armers,

1I' 0il d



Note" lJuu~ht. John ll llrlo inc, Allen Huilding, Xenia. Ohio.

rlt . tie (1'1.) 10 . heltrr the l o n~eg t part (If. n p iecc of




No v(' mb"r 11. 192.:;, at III a . Ill" th v f.d} ,, \\,I fi ' I' I"t .. h d ' SI ~ . ,) ("nttlt',


A GIFT THAT IS A COMPLIMENT sure that anybod y ",h" t hi nks slightingly of The Compa nion as a gift 18 In the gift you receive you can him self ma kin g Ii fo n game of sk itsometimes sec yourself us others see tiles-and very li ttle olso. you, and t he view is not alwa . . flnt- ! Th e 52 i ssu e~ of 1926 will be 17 W. Fifth SL tering. It mny be a jnzz record, or crow ded with serilll s to r il's. sbort 8tna gnudy tie, or a book that y{' u would ries , editorinls, poetry, f nctlf nnd fun. 'Wbecl8 of All Klnola hate to hav e found on yeu if an auto Subseribe n ow nnd rece ive: • Rebuilt, t:\abt.-.d ...d trued up bumped you into dreamland. And 1. Th e Youth's Companion-u2 isI! alao - rima aad parta of you cnn't really blame the givor. slles in 1926 . : Knowing you well h e concludes that ' 2 _ All th e remnining issues of 1 !!24 THE MEEKER MPG. CO_ 8. The Com]ln ni o n Home Calendar • you crave that sor t of thing. On the 3118-3SZ s-th MellI 9tr.!:I'o,,;oa=-. "' "'w"'·'-a:::re.~o:::r:-t§r.t:::ce::1I'""'D;trac:::-"I\l'Vbce&Li:r. other hand hi s gift may convey u sub- for 1921). (Se nt only 011 r eq ue;t.) tic com plim e nt-a gift of The Com- All f or ~2 . 50. - -- - - -- - pan ion f or in stance. It is n tribute 4, Or include l\fc~nlJ's Mllga~inci 0' . . I the monthl y authOri t y on fas h, ons. JOHN LONDON WRITES ~o your good tast~, to a certain Ideal - I Both publi cations , on ly $300. I s h u ll 1I0t pass this way again; Ism he has .percclv~d in your make-I THE YOUTH'S COMPANION So it's no matter what I do; ~~' ~o th~ Im/resslon YOUd give that Commonweul t h Avc_ & St. Pnul St., I'll m ess the pusture, spoil the truck, e IS rea an e~rnest an not mereBoston , Moss. . I do not care a hang for you. .1y a game of skIttles. You may be. Subacrlptioua rec"h,ed at Ibi. oflice_

Boots, Shoes, Etc.

11 1/.

I! : 1' ,q ' l i Tlllt '


Ht·L. I ; Idll ..

f e n ~ c llf ~:" II Urown. $5tJ;.1. K. S pt' tl l' ('f , Wl llH I. $!l .':;-, ; p, 'nn ~t t! l"t P I1,

Gl'al'e ~h i;lkl e e nll'l' J ~ui t n~lIin t j llnitu r se n 'ice , $70 .1)0 ; .Jlllll l·~ F o lle n, Rllym ,,"d . hinkl e ftl r divurce I) n the slime $1 [,.0\1; F .... nhl in ('. cl' lIImi"s it)ners . ('urt' ur pntiPl1t ill ( u hcrcu· . ~rolln d ~ (I f ~ l'II ~~ 1lt'J.!' It.!ct. I,,"is h os p ital. $;j·15; \V . II. Stl1n u)((' PROBATE PROCEEDINGS (' .... s uppli ~, for a udil " I', <: I :;; StmHI· In Ih., mattl' !' (l r tho l"tn t e " r Mnry 1\1'(1 Oil C o .. gus IIlId oi l. ..: ~7 .2M; E. S lal'l'Y d C l·l· a ~ .. d, Ed S. Conkli n ~l. Mc(,l u n~, gruvel IIIH I b ridj{~ r\! O. S. I!i ):'~in, Illid I.. S . S hll wh lln were pair, 45 " ; H. D. Carroll. ~aone, ro ik; H. E. Nu'll. samo . $ l. ~(I; ' . E F o x, nppoint l ' d Ol p prHb (· r~. l::lla H. Hr.,wII WII S Ilpp ninted IId- grove l. S I 55.00; Waites Gnrage, ren lini"'l r ntr ix o f, thu C!olLut£' o f . UIl1 - pairs. $!J7.!l5 ; L. r. Al'~"r. cru s hII I I T. Brown. d('cl'llsI'C1. flulld wu s ing stO Il C. $6 1.00; J . K. ~ p e ncI' r, $!I.OOIi. Will lIUll, Wnhl'r ~ ('e k l' r bridj!c lum bl·r. $~:jl.." I; A. T . Le\\'is. "nd Grltl\\'i\I c 111'ck ' r Wl're ap poi nt ed dennin!! and pnintill~ "ri,I~('. $ :10; W C. Lewis . ~amc. $aU; v. \\'. 1'UIIII'IIppnli"t' r ~. T he wi ll \lr Dert Reed, c\ecN,s ud , was ki na, payroll. $ 1!) 1.15 ; Y. W. T ompprodu CI'd ill ('o urt for prob lltl'. Ap- kins same, $22 .fiO; P. M . C,) lIin ", I pli~ ati"n to adm it the will to probute s ume, $185_76; A. T. Rettig , Rome, will lo t: hcu rd on Octobe r 20, ut 9 $ 662.75; Clifford Hough, snme, $; Walter Easte r, same, $IS2.05; o·doc k. Glenn Hollingsworth, udmin istra- P. B. Monce, sa me, $40.14; S. E. Cuttnr of tho cstllte of Alfred Hollings- ler, same, 0232.77; Harlan Whitac.r e, worth. decensed, filed his first and same, $129.78; Philip Heisel, Sl1 me, $66.60; W_ G. Thompso n, estimate on tin al I1ccount. Jonathan M. Cook, exec utor of the con trn et No. 79S, $417.80. ' I "state of Mllrin Cook, deceased, filed , his fourt h acco unt. WATER BUCKET, PLEASE In the mutter of tho' estate of .. Clnrice knew u g r eat denl m o r ~ I Thomus S. Wi lkerso n, d eceased, Ed" bout automobiles thnn footbnll. . he ' wnrd Wilkerson, t r ustee, fil ed hi s first '~te nd e d 11 gl1me last Saturday. Wh "11 aCC ll unt. he vi , iting t eam showed up nt tiw The \V'ill or Niles Kirby, decellsed, fie ld s he looked nt them . nnd t h.'11 W!' ~ adm it te ll l, ) pru bnte_ turned t o her escort. , A "!"1 111. 1\ irL, y w ,,~ up pointod ex" MHcy- thcy carryon "wfu l I" t i ccutl'll( of th e ,,"lutl! of Niles Kir- of ~p "re s-do n ' t they?" hy. J ·,·case d. Webste r Kirb y, John ! New ," "" an d W illil1m R. Lcwi H were



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A .... IIIirtuIa with B pencil and .......... oorJYinoII you thai you can OWD .: bome aJJtabIe for your needs. Talk It 0ftI' with yom dealer. He is • pK'IItb_ In building. He knows uaidllba: .......... iaM Itt valuable It, J'DII. He . . . . to gift J'OU the !dad fIi-.b tbIIt ... mUla frte.d ~pa.


Public Sales

It is our su~gc~ tilln ~ , ' I n i l t lh '"I ' l"1 t ,'; d \\'",'11 ... an d II ·t thl' I ~ r~ l tllld " ~,f \\ ilful a h~ (' n cl' . lil t in Ll' hll.llllll , :5 1 . . hu t uur rt' H dt ' r~ l"u t out the qllt::oo ti ~ln IHIj-izPtl lal ' \llld ... lu h. ,· ,':,r, ' l i t ttll'm111"" ;(·,, 1' ;lIs is s lIillg Li zzi e I'i tt , '!JHI ~ H\'t' it, Ht't c r it hu ~ bet'li ~Ul"l·tl , .. t.'ln':oo , Hnd dp !!lll \\!II ' k th ,' )ulf·i z llllt : L1 fo r d i,' ol" ' P 011 J!I'u uIHl::; (If ~t' OS:5 Il l l!'- COMMIS S ION ER S PROCE£ OI NC S lIlItil t ht' HII~Wl' r hn ~ b c(.' n publi:oo ih 'd . \":n n! !' It I t lll l ,·\d tl .. !1I1l " I' t ilt' \'l,nll'n l Icl'l. 111 our IH,' x l i!'\s ue w e wi ll prillt the lin t 's. \\ ,,1'1\ t h"lI l 11111 It t "L:" I' UH ' r. all d HnY llwli d L. Da xl l' !' entc l'NI s uit ~ \Ip jl lit ':-: $Itl,:hl; L e ilano l1 Put I I ·t t ~I msWcI' tu thi ~ puzz le null Ii new PU T.- yu u w ill flll d It ..' il,.. I, · 1" lI11 d jus l as "gllill s t Sa m Sp icer fo r money with pl'c)pf o f p u hli cfl tl (l n of lllc (·t io n ~l"- .: r-; lIIul'h f Ull, ll~. intl'I'{,. t f .. I> 111 Sept rl11be l' 2G. Rul !' h H. Cal·(·Y . II ('f"lI se " f " if'd l Ih ·tlio · ~! al'tin is su in ~ Edwllnl Ul" llWfl , $fll' : T h l'':, ~ . Br:IIHII'n, til'·


TIM American family spirit has IDUCb to do with It. E~ child Is entitled to a real home. People w he ....... cbIIdn!n want their boys and piI to Imow whal it is 10 live in a bot-. with 8 yard.

" ,\ ,I ,-li


w .· will l' r illl it.




l'I1T11plitll l'II\ , I, 1

J'i l !It Hil l' a d H11,1 W111"\ li· ,j, h ' I .. d Y" II' Rkd,' lt t l \ ,h iS l \t'\ . ., l l 11' '!' UIIU


Build !OW' Home

1' ".,1

\ t l'. t ' pdrk , : j're'h h, wh n d e I I ' I .t ).:"1\ V1..' y ll u ~; I...' \· l' r~ tI " t' ry tl ' ,. . \ ' t '1' I ", \ 'rl . ~: I ' ! P'"! !" ' 11 II nw w: ' I t t r ,t r-

n' Hi

J oel E . S mith. Jr. , to Emmn F. Smith. t,"net ill Wayno Tr., $1. Mntildu I-Ia milton t o Willinm II. \I and'1I C . B "l1I hl' r~ e r. Il\t in Frl1nk\\' pn' 1"1'Hll tl d lc'U\' l-' t o hh· al\ ~ Wl'I" . lin, $ 1. T Ilt' ,'a "' {' il f tht' l ' h C> lu' y Ph ' lIl q ~ O. S. Ili gj! in . 10 .l llme, DI'''lI'n nn,1 ; I:1j h :-:'.d~':-:, ~ ·I'. , \'~. L. (i , Kpnll. 'tt :\ lk t' C I Il' dt ·:- C r uut h, ll'Ht ' t ill I."uNE W S UITS

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JH HlIt!' h,', 1 thIS \\", l·k . If Y.I'l \ \'u rkt' d 'hl ~ II'.! I.:' " (' n r-

a n n!1, $1 .

I,f c h"i,' c di~t r ic ts, c ut





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M~IRRIAGE LICEN ES . i\Ill' ,·t B:cr~l' r, 1" rllwr,




IIn ,1 Mi~l< . J 111i 1l' ~I"ri, ' Fu rl~'t. P {IHtl'r. .. , 1 ,. ;arnctte Lell!, r.n ih·Ml d . mnn , I I tl.~ b u~·g , I' ll ., :1I1(i ~11 ~~ 111m \. \ " Ih," .Iin~, f'1(,""lIllt Pla in . C OM M IS , 10 'FIlS PROC EE r' IN CS I r\'i,,~: n. W"leh, rllrm"I' , u( Hllr-

Ami , ' ) - '.






FOR SA L E-'1500 bu. of app lcM, funcy R ome Beauties, hund-picked , g'ood (or cooking und eatinlr long \(e('pel's; price at orc ha rd, $ 1.00 to $ i r,o; dropped UPI'll'" aec ot'ding to quul ity. D. B. Undcnvood. Vulle y phune 34 -:1, HIl"veY Hhllrg, O. tf L OST- P ocketbook, bctween IlyI1\nll '~ "tore' lind the I:lnkery. Finder plensc leave nt the Gillette offic e. " n1 9 FOH SA LE-Potutoes , extra nice: nlso n lot of good sea soned wintcr wood. Walter H. Whitaker, R. D. 1. WuyncMville, Ohio. +n19 FOn SALE-S. ·C. W. L eghorn pullets lind cockerels. Also a Buick truck. Mrs. B. V. Smith, P hon c 37-3 Wa yncsville, Ohio. n12 FOR SALE-Four S. C. R. I. R. cock crels. Inquire of Mrs. John S. Thomson, R. D. 4, Wayn e~vil1e, O • n12 FOR SALE-Immuned Big Type Poland Chinn B oar s. Price reason. able. P erry Sackett, Bellbrook, Ohio. n12 ~ 'F OR SALE-A nice big heating Stove Good condition. Oall at l\fJ's. ]\fa ud Crone's t o sec same. D. E. Standiford, Waynesville, Ohio. n5, J~On. S'A LE - Somo nice 2.year-old' Reift!r s, cl1Ives by sIde. Also, Ap. pIes, good keopers ; Rome Beauty, lJQnathan, White PippIns and Wine. saps, J. L. Mendenhall, R. D. S. Wa~e8villc, Ohio. n6 FOR S~Rea1 Englla)1 Bull Pups. pedigreed, Call and ... t1iem. O. A. St John, R. D: 6, Wap...w., O~




The Miami Gazette

••-..-T H E MIAM I

GA Z E TTE ... ~

ISS ED EV E RY WED NESDAY l-:nter cI li t the P ostof11clJ [I t Wayn (!flv ilia. 0 ..

Second Class Muil Matter

Il S

D. L. CRANE, Edlto.r and Publi al' c r, Wayn elville, Ohio. !::iuhscriptlon Price , $ U,O per r"


--\d ... .· III .. '·\i:

y~ur .

H"I .rt," r l; llItl \' f"

r . l F" \~IFHWA'-.;I 'H I; "S"'"f·("I I''II '''


5 I v24


Whil" New Yor k is uccupie d in the ge ntl e urt o f hou tieggilll:, fl n(1 Ch iclI1:0 .. tte ndinf to il" d ivorce and holdTiffin Free la nd hUM purchased th o up tluti ,' ~ . th e country iH uwait in g with unxie t)' th e uppo in tmen t o f n Jam es JucubH prope rty. M iss Mae Hurlan is so journing in Sec re l liry of ,\ g "ic llltul'e: There is no Inure impor tu llt p o ~ t i ll t hu Cnb Florida for two mon ths . Mrs. Eu phernill Wil~o n died ather il1l' t. T ill' Sl'c rl'tur y " f Ag-r ic ult urc IH "' l'r l1l anH ~ L':-; to I,rcnk vig-tJ ro l1s ly cou ntry h Olli e Tuseduy, af ter a long ill lo the publi c prin ts. lIis du t ies illn ess. M ra. Lllura S hidukcr re turned home lurk t hat c1rlll1lutic IIPPclI 1 thllt IIllllin K to thl' activilies o f th e !::iccr etllri es W~cl n('sdny fr om a Jll cllsant vi . it in (If t he War nntl l\ ",'y d ~ pllrt tn en ts. Dllyton. Mr. lin d Mrs. Evere tt Villars, of T hl' )'IlI lIU,lll'C u ud m yste ry thut s ur round t he " p<' rution s (,f til(' Sec retary Dll y ton, were w eck- ~nd guest s of Mr" of Stu t l' ul ~u pl'ovi dC' !oi un UV~Jlu e Llluru Shidak cr. Mr. und Mrs. Chus. MaLiden utte ndt h\'o ul!'h whit-h t hut ullk iu l ,"uy keep hirn "c lf befo re th e I'" hlic eye. Th e cd a political mee ting in Lebu no'1 mu n u ll wh um "0 mu ch of OUr pr08· Thursdny eve nin~. A number f women from here atp c r ily «il!IH! IHb , hu wt. ! ver, th e m an who mu st s upervi se the bewilde r ing tend ed th e Jl uliti cal mee ting at Lebil\uu ~ tr y o f fHr ll1i~l J.!" mu ~ tt uf nl'C CS- IIn on Mond uy a ftern uo n. Mrs. Wulte r GrllY "pent th e lutle r sity, hide his li l:ht lIlIde r u ou, he l. 11 is luhu l'. PUl l' lIt th uul:h it be. mllke. part o f th e week with he r chilLireu , litt le Ilppeld to t he illllll:illlltiun lI ( th e Mr. und M rR. J es"" Stanley and fnm. till! I'eorle unci "" he pl uds his weury ill'. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke and wily u" he rulded lin d 10 0 o Ct. Ul\H Un~ . Th e re i. no indiell tion lit t his tinl!' children huve re nted 1I1rs. E. H en,y'M p r uperty and will move there li S to wh e re th e li g htllin~ will ,'tri ke. Cllndidates th ere nrc ple nt y. 0'1' soon, lI1i ~s Goldi u Gr oo m. spcnt t he latco ur"e , but to clu te Ihe re haR nnt "hown un th e horiwn lilly s haduw l l'r part o f tir e wee k wi t h he r cousin H Il Mr. un d Mrs. Wes t lind fllmily, nea r like lv to Li omi nu te th e pictu re . i•• i;\ce rely huped th,' udminist ration Wilmington. Cup t . C hn•. Garner has returned will g ive se ri oll" th uug ht t u thi. ap · p uintm e nt unu nut ma ke it o n e of to his home in Columhu s, after a gooj:TUphicn l polit ic lil expediency . pleasant visit with hi. mother and Am erica \I ced. a s her Secretary of ~ r other he re. Mrs. P. B. Cleayer passed a"'ay Agr ic ultu re th e aul",t man in th e na · tion, one with a sy mpa the tic vision. at her hom e here Tuesday morning. of the farmer lind u pruetieal knowl· Funernl services were h eld las t Thurs edg e of his prublem s. but more than day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Messrs, W. A. Merritt, J. H . Bathat one se nse. the great job of fced · ing America und who can aid in ad gan, H. S. Tucker and Nate Gray mojusting our agriculture 8 0 that It tored to Dayton Tbursday evening may find ready and profitable mar- and heard ex-governor Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Altle Roberts, and kets in the world outside. family hnve moved to New Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roberts and family are moving from New BurOUR NAVY 'S RANGE lington to the place they vacated, well There is material for n comic opera known as the Amanda Gray place. On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. plot in n eWH of th e uIJ peul of tb e Secretllry of the Nuvy. Wilbur. to W. Ross and Miss Estber entertained Congress, asking t hut "subject to the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. the constructi on o f the Treaty [or Ed Ches ney, of Norwo od, Mr. and th e Limitati on o f Armnment.s," thl' Mrs. J oe Lewi s, of Lebanon, Mr. and Nnvy de partment be permitted to au · Mrs. Walter Foster an d daughter, thorize the elevation of the gun . on nIunch e, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wade Morlutl American battleships in order thaI s.nd so n, Myron, of Middletown. Mr. they may be efficie nt as to . rllnge. and Mrs. Clint Ross lind Miss Eth . Grent Britain, it appeul'l!. has raised Iyn, and Mrs. Lawrence Shephard and the que ~ lion of our right to mise the s ons, H er bert and Robert, of Waynes. elevation of our guns. Indeed, tb e \'ille. The school gnve a very interesting "bright little tight little Isle" ha. even gone so far as to advise us we Hallowe'en social at the Hall Thu rshave not the right to convert ineffi- day evening. Prizes were given for cient coul burning capital ships Into the best masked. A good program oil burners. What would Ge orge was rendered by the school children. Music was furni shed by the orchesWnshington say to that? It is a matter of common report tra. Delicious refreshments of sandtoday that the British fleet, or at lenst wiches, pickels , doughnuts. pumpkin one or t\VO of ber capitul ships, could pie and coffee were offered for sale. Bink the whole American navy by the There were also a fish pond and cansimple proce. s of fir ing and running. dy and popcorn booth. Over $20 Tho ship with the superior speed and was cleared, to be used for the adthe greater firing range naturally is vancement of the orche8tra. in command of th e situation, 80 it is evident Brittania hns jockeyed her· self once more into the position of ruling the waves. W e have renched a pretty pass, when clap-trap pacifist cart-tn il orators cun so impress the American people through dramntic Mrs. Emerson Dill spent Friday In and super slop up peal, so to bind our Xenia shopping. se lve ~ oy treaty that we find our· Mr. Frank Kellis and family spent selves hamstrung when it comes to Sunday at Belmont. hOllle defen se. All we need now is Mra. J ohn Levi hlld callers from t o be told by Great Britnin that we Harveysburg. Sunday. mu ~ t limit our g unnery practice and Mr. and Mrs. Emel'l!on Dill enterthat it is "against the law" for us t o tained r e latives from Xenia, Sunday. point our weapons eastward ,until th e Mr. and Mrs . .Jacob Zimmer "pent navi es of the world have se rved no· Inst Sunday with re latives in Beavtice on us that they IIro aIL set and ertown. r eady for attuck. Incidentally, how Mr. and Mrs. Weichers and Theodo es it come "bout tbat the g un s or. dore motored to Kentucky, Sunday. our capital sbips were placed lit n~ Mr. and Mrs John Rye and daughinefficient elevlltion when tb ey were ter, Dorothy. spent Thursday ill DayInstalled? ton. shoppin g a

---_a _____

---_. - ..---MY. HOLLY

- - --

- ..


THESE CAMPAIGNS He-"Now thot e lectio n is over eve,'y one will get bacli to busi nes. ,' · She- "George, dea r! Won't I have to feed the pigs any moteT" - 0- -

MARVELOUS Wuiter (solicitous ly) - " And how did you find the chop, sir?" Diner-"Why, I moved the potato . and there it was I" --0-


......Iow )'our own horn II,. all ••• n_IIut c1on't talr. )'o.r IUlIlI" off til ••t.erln. wh..I."

.. -..----


Mr. and Mrs. "illl Brown s pe nt sevc rill r1 nys lust we 'k with r clntiyes in Dayton . AlIl' lI Smith. o f D~.\·tun, WlIH u Su n dill' 1!'1I('~1 " I' his JI" rl'"t_. '\lr. nnd .\I I'H. l ' l:lrenec Smith . Mr. lind ~l l· s . All ell E mrick alld Ilt herinc dllul:h tcr. vi ~ it('d ~ [r N. J oh ll '. at C('nh'l'vil1(, . Su nrl ny. Mr. and Mr.. Glenh J ohns and

desk liluatrat tbe jlre~e llt-day police spirit. A pntroln1111 " f tli" 'I'raffic Squ l\d a ks r.. 'i \, .·,,1' . leuvl' with. ,I ""y. , 'hi\;,


fr om

Pit!!!.! ))

unu flu:d ~o I, l'll. ll . I , w}" ," ,. .. .



I 't ! lfutn

L_Richa t'd



Walter McCluf I' U EI(-\ l

' Jl\P' 11-. ' .


There criminols u 'a l crime> in \ill aynes vllle, Ohio Now Yor k. That is i mpr ~ HR ·Il nil yo u }li foI' '' \\' • " _ - .:c c.===because w, " here li ve in th e lim elil:h t "f Ih , . • " . , an d yo u ,. ·ad of nil me t rol'olit "" rni s- so ,n I ... ,. d Fu ll y r:;quippc d for Gc ,n ri deeds. Th t' y seem num era u, s imp ly and h . :ervice. ," I \ I" becnuse YO"k is 80 h,, ~u. lI ul. I'i(') I , ,a rgf' J l . ~rll] y I{ooll per ,o n f')I' p erso n. the inci iviLiun l is H I . • r "u fer in N~w York tlHl n in uny oth(' r o }' wl"i l " 'I"I!. :'llI dlll : ,\,\\" q k ; I I.<\Y Ort N ). ; UT P luce of la:rg' p Ol' ulat;,, " O il I liS t''' 1' I , dl I I. 11 .1 I I" , I" . ,, " I ' ",1 I SO rl, Puu) Turtl(l r , of n U ~l t..on , sp unt con tinen t.-probably in t he wO 'rld hl' "".I 1.1 . ' , . n " .. k . I S undll Y wit h :VIr. and Mrs. Chas. E . Let m, · mak e a spec Ia l pOint o f thh 1 1,," , I !' ' I, WI'" J ohns. sin ce some w ho h u\'(! n ot. hl'l'n h t "~ ' I St l ,lI ' I t I • a: :.• "' I \ ';1 , Mr.. El iZllbct h Fuu lk H has ~o ne to or n year or two ,nay not kn c, w hl. w r' l lIl l eI I I I " II ' , : . II \\ UI1 IlI I ' I;" t il Middletown to "pe nd th e wint er with fconditiu ". hll ve chan ge d. Th"'e \\ ho her dn u ~ ht er, Mrs. Marlin Mothod, sec k te mp tati on in New Y"rk ~"n Cop to R c,"u,' ; a nd fa mily. find It-l, ut t.emptat ion will ,,·,·k n"n e Cn uldn 't Swim I h" l ~)'e S l~ht Sp~ci allst Sever n I pe r,o ns fr om h ere attendout. Th e public vice in t il l' pll ~ t t.he nCt.'n nlp ll:- h !!l I :11 :-' tau g hl ITI tlll r ed the Mi um i Vullcy To bnccu Growa ssociated with th e wio caO IH'11 ',,\\ n l \ d i(,c- tr'n ill lll :'; :- t h ll( d, H('h ll id ti ll" o;. rH n ll· ,' tin~ ut Mem ori a l hn ll. DayhilS been bani shed fr om tIl(· "1I'eCIR 01'01,'1' lay 11ll' all " lIlp t a I11'1 1\' c· 1,,01 ton , Sal.urduy. Leballun, Ohiu of this c it y , The lo n e wom un "all goo in hlur- had o .al1,. tu r CS('Ul' H W(J IllUIl 1\11'. un d Mrs. Be rn e Jon eR lind Bo n, t o und f l"u aft. any h o ur of th ' " 111J·dlt , f l'o m dJ' P\\n ing" ill ~ \\'irlifl ~ I lurlt'nl ~ , -..... ~ """ ,.Th erle . we re (·n t crtilined to S undllY unlnolest t.,d, unperturbe d , RCII 'fl (, Il r ri\'r l', 'I'h" f'L.... ult w .a ~ lH' ha d to Ill' T Jh ' m all ,~' h ., ,':1'1 , I l jl t t', 1 dinnl'r a t the hOllle o f Mr. un Li Mrs. .~ :\1') a. III, to " 1'. III. mind. 1'1' :O: t 'IH' d n l:;, Now t h e r epor t s Khi tW rnnk :-t t I.l hi ad thl' p' hr" '.: • k:.ltl J. onl:uc rc . world '~ gn; \t l ':i t \ I ' ',' ,\.\',r . Force or 13.000 tJ wt Ihat sam e Iud wu cH lh'ld t h e o th · Hl' hll ~ doni ' m ore' J' T ',\'\" \ ', 1 I He,'. an d ~Irs . J. C. Stitze l und Miss HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINE D l ' r . Ia ,' In the rc~cuc o f Hn(l t h er W pm ti nH' ttwo ni l pl·l'ti l.(·t ..... 11 ;-- 1\ , t" ~ Inez Stil ley we re W edn esday even- Fil'htinl' Cop. The sm o o t h , (J utward mnn Oj!l'li1l' flt all W il O w ns caug ht neck dow n ill u th.- d. pnrt.UH'I nt t o it ~ I I' (..... Jlt I I ing J(uests of Mr. li nd Mrs. Ed d Longthat mak es this cit y of six milli"n mixlufl' of mud and wat" r fur ,' ul elulI ';lIrd of emr l ~II'·.v . 1\ , I. ,s ueI' . lind famil y. r es id e nts ~o attruc t ive- l o yo u is not i ll thn ~ anle r iver. m a d .· ~ ll W Yur k s afc· f l': th\· !"tt.lnMr. and Mrs . George Gray return- achieved with out Rwca t o f h ro w (11' '.; lld back yo u can 't make it." _ ...·Il'· "Sta _ _•. ', I u\', rld.,d b :\' t hu t'n)()k ed home Suturduy , afte r ~ Jlelldill g a muscle. In fact, bcc'" use of th e mi x- ,;Il id u c·" mru tle t" th i" Rti ll u nskil h l wee k \vith t hei r da ug ht e r lind fam~d charal'ler of Ne \\ Yo r k'" popul,,- "\\'i mlll " ,-. " St"n d back ''''Ih it,v.'' remu" .1 10 :-iI'''' York . Thl'_" ," 'U .<ily in Ke ntucky. li o n, the task is prt d1 ably th(· lil US t \\'a ~ tht ' a n 8W l'I' n ncl ,, \ '('J I IlHl rd W t lit Mrs. Char les J ohn s returned to her difficu lt o f its, kind th e world aroulld. ,I,.. t wo ,, ( l hl'nl. It ..,.~ , hard to ~ 4'l in s, \\'1 " WI ' f"(' your t ,·, f l~ m ('11 11 111 : VA CC INATION OF SWIN E hunw t he lust of the we e k from the So there i. a ~rippin g story of many t () th e \\'om:ln a nd th e t ",o r,f l}I<'I, \ )'f' s tL'f' d:tY~ lIJ:d.; p lip th" d( .mi lla tin J.: hospital in Dayton, a nd is getting men wor king to mak e the WilY "af e could n ot move h~r thl'4lul:h the llIud. majf l ri l: o r :\ l ' \\' ~· Id' }..l' \'~ f o da ), A SPECIALTY P c)ss iLly tom o rrnw YIJ11 will h~ nn Hln ~ ulonl(' very ni ce ly. for you, a nd for the New York er. Th e c.ha p whose innuility t" ~wim Ih 111. Mr. and Mrs. Kes ler Graham and Some of this work is done at risk of had cllu Red the se h",,1 nru e r Rt.llyed duughter, Berni ce , we re Sunday din- Iife--at Ihe. pistol' s mouth. War by t he "'omll" hold ing- up hCl' hcut! Phone 44 ne r gue s L~ of Mr. and 1I1 rs. Carl Al- never end< for the police. It is (If a wh il e his cOllll'nde swam fif ty f H BLONDE BESS OPINES bright, ncar Springboro. happy, snap py force of 13,000 llIen buc k fo r rop"' . Wi th 1I11"e th ey Mr. und Mrs . Alle n Emrick enterthat I 8hall wTite. c~cntuully ha u led hr'r out of 1\ ri sing "Ability to tell Ihocking Ito tain ed Rev. and Mrs. J . C. Stitzel, I like to v'islo n our 13,000 blu e- tid e. It was nll in the dny 's work. rie. ha. never yet ma.d e a live Mrs. Co ra J ohn s, Mig. [nez Sta ley to coats as a vast gen e ral committee The,e nre r,nly two o f the incidents I wire out of an old m an office a G-o'c1ock dinner, Thursday. welcoming- thll gene rn l muss of visit in th e g r eat d" ama th at i. ('o ll ed N,'\\' Ibeik." Mr. a nd Mrs. P. B. Hawke spent ors to ou r commun ity. safegua rding Yor k. I n thi s se r ies I propose tu S unday with relatives in Middletown. them in "trellt and home or hotel. introdu ce you to the huck -Kln ge "cMrs. Ellen Copsey accompanied the m They furn i.h 't he firSt lin e of co nta ct c rete , show yo u how th e play or th e ORIGIN OF STYLE hom e. after an extended visit there. between t he municipality and th e vis - pu!;ellnt is ke pt " mnothly movin /: ; 1'40TARY PUBLIO Mr. Frank Kenty, of near Co- itor, and they mak<l it a pleasant con- t o reveal so me of th e thrills thut Cus tome r- "H1H'e you /:,o t ony Wills Drawn Estate8 Settled lumbus. joined his family here las t tact. Gon e are the gruff days of old ma r k the task of keeping thing. saf e leath er be lt.s ?" week and will spend the winter here. bWayneSVille, Ohlo. J never to r eappear in Ncw York . for yuu and your neighbors and for Shupkeeper-"No, but wo hu vo Mrs. Kenty Is teaching In the Lytle T wo repo.... hat bands." ...,1 th a t J'Ie •\.0 d ay on my thoKe cou sins of yours who are twice some colle"'o Co National Bank Bchool. Rev. Joseph Pine returned to his home at Great Foils, Mont., last week after visiting his mother, Mrs. Lydia Pine, and other relatives In this community. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick spe nt a pleasant day Sunday, at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer Montgomery, .: in Dayton. Relatives from here attended the funeral of the two-months-old child ;. of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Warrier, of Middletown, Monday morning, at the chapel at Miami e(1metery. Messrs. Milton Sheehan, Samuel Pine and Chas. Sheehan, of Centerville, hud a narrow escape one day last we~ k when t he car in which they were ridinl(' collided with a southbound passe nger train at Lytle, cross ing. Mr. Sheehan turned the car along the track, the engine hitting the front wheel and fender.






111 . and Mrs. Will Curl, of Indiana, the week·end with Mr. and Mrs. E lvi s Michael Mr. Otto Marlatt and family. of Co lumbus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Ry e. Quite II number from here attended the Hallowe'en celebration at Waynesville Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. O. B Marlatt entertained relatives from Bellbrook and Spring Valley for Sunday dinner. Mr. Timothy Marlatt, who spent a couple of monthft visiting his 80n at Columbus, returned to hill home here Sunday. Mr. Martin Sims, who has been quite poorly, had relatives to call on him Sunday, from Cincinnati and Dayton. The Y. P. S, held their regular meeting lind masquerade Tueaday night, at'the home of Mr. and Mn. Howard Sheehan.

~ pt)nt



Pe,..ln.nt ......

I'or 20

re.... •

''''arm of beee lIaft We, ; the tollowing :farm ownen, oeeapled ·the bIt~1r of tile ~bool clock positively forbId any hunting or trap at · Hlchetde.,er. England. alld 110 It. ping on our farms • . Any violatiol:1 tempt at' removllll them bu blMlll _ of the same will be pro.IICcuted ac. -.tuI, ltatea a rvaJdenl of tbal to_ cording to law and to the tullen fte lWarm had beeD lhourllt d. 'extent. Itro7ed lOme ago and til, _ trallH the IIt>ea bIId made wa. eement. R.O. CORNELL iii lIP. but ..ell ,ear th." ha,.. , .' ROMINE SHOEMAKER tanItd, IDd tbIIJ ..III borecl • n. . ROBERT PATTERSON



llll'OII&b al. . . . . .




At Cary's Jewelry Shop

... ...... ...

E v ery Tuesday




----- ..----





••• _








- ..----

- - -...

BEECH GROVE 111 rs. Luther Ferris called on Mrs. Ella Ferris on Tuesday. Our cboir met nt the home of E. C. Mannon on Tuesday evening. M. M. Terry and K_ E. Thompson were in Waynesville on Saturday. We are expecting a series of meeting s at the church here in the near (uture. Coleman Jackson and family, of Harveysburg, attended church here lust Sunday. Sherman Ferris, wife and daughter, Lucile, were Sunday guests of Cecil Villars and family. Chus. Fealy. Clem Foley and Mrs. HURton, of Hnrveysburg, and Mrs. Ella Ferris, of this place, were Sunday guests of the Jordan family. Not much news this week. Everybody is getting ready to attend the Friends Quarterly meeting at New Burlington on next Saturday. Better come along. W. H. Terry. K. E . Thompson, G. W. Davis, E. C. Mannon, Thomas Rich, Frank Brown, Clint Jackson and farnil,}' and Harry Cline and fam · ily attended the Republican rally at Harveysburg on Sn turdny evening Last week was quite an enjoyable week at Long View Stock farm. L . G. Pimm and wife, of Atlanta, Ohio, spcnt Monday night there. On Tuesduy Miss Ro sa 'Johnson 'and mother of Spring Valley, spent the day there. On Friday, Iva Gerrard, of Mason, spent the day there, 'and Sunday J. E . Frazier and wife, of Waynesville, were there. The Quarterly Church SundaySchool birthday supper and entertainment was held at the School house here on last Friday evening. A large crowd was present and they all came well masked. Mrs. Ollie Jacobs and K. E. Thompson won the prizes. Mrs. Jacoobs represented an Indian 'and K. E. Thompson represented an old woman. The judges were Mrs. MUrray, Mn. Harvey and Mr. Davis. After songa and other amU8ements, supper was lerved,. conIlatlng o( plenty of pumpkin pie, doughnuts, apples, popcorn and .c of· fee. ' The houle was' woll decoratlld for the occaai,on. . ••

----~~ -


~ 4.


Toyland Is Open. Bring the Children to ' See Jumbo, the Great Elephant -To Meet Jolly Old Santa -To See the Magic Wonders of Toyland! Come! , .~




From the jungles of Imagination, we have brou~ht this giant elephant, cqu~1 in size to ~he bcas~s roaml~lg the

forests of Africa.

You may see hun now


our wlIldows

attended by his Hindu Keepcr. So faithf~I a~d life-li~e it the reproduction that onc's first impresslo~ IS that thiS great hulk of mechanism is a living, breathmg elephant. Later, he will go to Toyland .


Cedar' Chests



opeainc d.,..

Clwxter ctoIl. wida ftIY lifHike rICe&. Oahreabble ~ .. COIIIpooitioo lep. ".-:d, U ~ higb. Say• .




Toyland is openl That magical, thrilling land , where Santa reigns, wcll'OlIIin g his little friends with ~ifts he brought over land and sea tD l\il;c-Kumler's. ('nl~ll'! IN your -child join in tho merry laubhter. the CXd:ulldnUIl~ o f 4e1ight and wondcr as n~w lind uncxpected Dov(·hl~. gifts and stra.nge wonders unfold themselves before then sparkling eyes.

Mamma Dolls Patured · ... TOJIancl'.

"lb...... diniDnly;


Jail the tbin, r«

.tell,... dothes.

Child's Rockers

$1.95 FSD-

iIh.d ;UII like Mother'. ttd.r .b... Very Itranely. DIad ... Genuine (:ed.r. roolDY 20 iochee 100 ...


,, '

Built !aree mouch !Dr Iicda _ el 18 IIIOJIth. to 6 learL o..k ...., tery durably macIe. Sata· bc.cIM tbe.o with hi. tod oa Ilia ~...,.


The ~iami Gazette, Wayne.vtlle, oblo

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. :lli ~s Mary : nt t" !'lhwaitc , o r 1 ol1lo 2, WIIK l he \\ 'l' k· 'nd g llcst. 01' !I1i"~ I3culrice I " ilzu r ,

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MI'S, Edith Bllrker, of

ew York

1'11'. t ;uy Dnkin, u r Duyto n, s pent 1110- " "nolay with hi " " "'Lher ~I,-~ _ Elllnlll City, und J\\J'_, N, Thltl'kur. of \)ay. " • tun, vis itl,d Mrs . Fuull ic rl:lrut hl' r~, " 'lin' (If th,' fl'l!'lIll1r", 1I ",,)!h ,h,l !Jakin, . Fritlay. 1,1\1' '.· .. C'l' I\·I IlK nll d p J'fw l' d wl.:'1 rth y lIf I II 1 II I 1_ I I I t I 'I I 'I \\' " O'N II I r ._~I,.' .1 " ': , a1' :-:Hfti p u,~,'(" .:.. lor niH n r. un , 1'1 t'~. ' .~. ~n e t I' 1I11lP-," t h In; I "11 tI pPY "'ron t lnI f t IC C l h c We(' k ! or u triP ' to Mr. anti 1\Irs, E, V, Dllrnhurt IIl1d t ' , lll' i1 t~ l u i\ll'~ , J, B, Chltpmlln 111111 fO lllil y CIIIIIC \\h ich 1:0' II'H I)"h' ~ rt '~1I1Itr Pt'~ iLi,)fl. Ca nnuu. 11I ' ld . . l hl·1' 1'

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HI', HlI.! Mr-.;. J. ~ ,HI ~ " r". 111' LillY. . :1' . l:II =--~ l~ lt SalisLury m aJ~ n bu ~ i · 1,'11, ~P" "l ~(I" d" y " ith ;\11'11, H upe 1 111 '.-" tl'il' l" I,,' nlm'ky Fri(luy, r et urn ~ttl " " ill'; llllmc ~'lllIl'lI IlY ni!:ht,

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C' H' j d\ I"t' Y n hli i , ' : 1 1" . l e h l ',llll l :-O t d t h,' h OK be e n n n · .. jd"lIl 111 I lnr n-'_\'~ h\lrt,..r ~ I ;t h' .thp nt t' t-, Il: tvt P fl. tJl(' \ \ '(\ p k cl un for NCVf't' :11 yP I I1'~, :!nl! hi ..: cl~'al h will IlU"lC ll: t! ~\1ndl1 ". . N n \ ' P lllht' r ~l th, l'(' m O \ 't- 011 1' Id' tlh' il' 11 ' .. t rl. ·"'I' f'('t t" G :".', 'w:-: pnpt' " (' III'I,:~ p o n d (,1l 1 :-. nt ttw c itj z.~n s. TIl(' l '"U :-;t' "t I,i ... ,lJ ·"r h Wus Whil,' II "l"" n ,latl' thaI ," ' t Hil ly ,Ii acute in rli J.!'ll:- ll H'1. l'n·:--i d t·ll t ( 'p" lid ~t· ('O il fl' r wi t h Gri fjith :dunlt I h l. ' mni, il1).!' nf l' Am(lrirn,'t litH tll 11 t t}lI' 1111 . . ~ pr (' lin d ~ i1 (1n l Chi ef


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t h ol ·l'll ,, 11 "h 'II , r t ;h ' :-I' a · I'Ll ,' ~t \a , 1 I, dd .. ~ nl, t h' I i i I ,' .I ,.l I.~·I\ ~ t ' l \ \' , 11 , ...;, nn,l

I hi 1:1

lht , l3o~-




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lilt·, un<l IIlr ~ . C. 1\'1 . Hough lIud l\1r, K . :-<_ Ho ugh ""c"~ Sun'-! IIY fo:UC, of Dr, un d 1I1r- , J W , WIt,'d


Jl Hlt' ht' d - up

II . ~ , nlt'Hllt hI "in tht,

:Ln d lii... t' \\' i"'"



up from Ci ncinllllli Illst F riday f. 'r i\lr, nnd Mrs_ C, I. Mille r, of Spring- Ihe Murdi Grus lin d r CllIuinl'd until 1i,' ltI , culll'd ti n Wayn c~v il1 (' friend s, Sunday,

~iIllP~tl ll,

Mr, li nd

th. , J,il l!l l1an h tlrl ,'I',

Mr~ ,




METHODIST CHURCH 'l' h" IIcei d 'IItll l Nho"till)! ill the leg Su bbat h .' cho I, 9 :15 a, m., Ilreuch- e. r ~lIl l1 ucl L( , .. y I .'ai!', 1'[ W:l y n e~­ i ll ~ lit 11I :;1(J ,I. m, Wudnesduy c\'cn - viII", hy J\ J l"Jld ', l' (II" H ~ h l~ r i rr' H pU1' if . . ~"'I \ II'" II I j :uO r , I'll . Ep\\~o l ·th ty I r ~ i,l): tto h 'T ' " I hi \I I1ootI l' Hj.!lI • \ ~ I f, p. Ill . l 'I'l.'~l(.: hil1[t I l 7,00 1"J;:l:i II: lad ""I,rt: 'II'Y ~ • lh(, bll~i ~ p _ nl. . J.'\ ~I'yb, ' dy i" cord ially illvited nf I ·u il for da1H;l),.! , ,,~ lu, lt) ~ ht lu !'I, t ttl t h 1"l' fl\.~r\' icl 'b . ·Ttll· .by I 'j 1,. 111 111 11\)1\ ph-.t;-. l' \.I UIL i Ru,·. L , A . W" , h\'urll , Pus tor , X"I.i. ' a $~:ll l lh t ~:h 'l'i.r ~ hHl'P Il l\d h i ~ b Ull d i ll J.{ ," HI1 I" IH)" t he Fide li (y Hlltl 1~ 'Jlu " i l C,,_, " I' ~l l1l'y l:t 1ll1. fnr $ 111.ST _MARY'S CHURCH Ol) l!, An ,,1T;"I'r ill tIll, pu rty IiI'c(1 T Wl'IIly -fi l" l ",,,,, Ill Y aft er' Tri ni - til r l'i g- hll'1I f :'\·: tir ". he ll lHo' r-.;oru~H.'d to Iy, 1\ O\'I'lII u"r 1- tiL (,h un'h : ch o,)1 III hult whl' fl l.:O mIllH IHIt· d til cit ) :W, whiJ e l' :ao n, II I., 1! ('l!'ulal' Mo rnill l!' I'J' I\ Y~J' IIceill'" tr' ('" ~"I"' ""I'('"t 1I11 t! II build a lld Scrn", " lit 10 :-I_u II , Ill " Re\', ,J. " tru~k him in th· ri)!hl lo)! h(' low th .. ,J, S dlil,'fTl'I', ol1kin tinl!', F;"eryhnd), kIl C" , II c (,\"i ", . Ill' WII " permanent· Iy illj UI'C'1. A Chll l '~(' III ad l' in tl\('


p C't ili orl th: l t t.I11'1'(1 Wll!';

C, IIl1rt .o rk , o f

i I\n il 1 ~' H wulk t Mr. Ilnd 1\1 ,-., liff Himc ~ , of Cen. Milford, r umC' up todllY til " Cl' Mr, Illunhpf' n l ~ till I'il.' t lll'l' )ot o f !iC l'tH'!'4 C P T!>:' Hn d :t !lfll1u' 1'111\ hy l\h' M il lan tl' r l' ill,' , ~ pent SUllda y with Mr8, An- lI urL",ck 's llIolhl' r. Mrs. J , L. Il lt rt - { ' hul'('1I ('\,pry ~ul\d,ay at ~I : :~ II :l , rl fr o m "t\Il1 f' r i,·n," tn .. h nw th e' h OIllf' g- :\\' , \ \' . II . :--;, :t ("'I I - I' UI1 Ipnll. n on- ni e S lw e hnn. sock , whu hus plleum oll in . Th ey t: vcl'yb od y cordia ll y invil ed, Th ("I) un dl hi! " t·r t-I'I,·II :\ ":·;j l cnt f(llk!' u p in \ ·,,·r mon t. C"untl her vcry lIluch be tter, I dl Hn : 1t! :l1I1 !'t · t ,,'('<I K ill1!'m an in l.' I' d l,l' , ____ _ _ _ _ _ '\·lH.' n ( l il t ' ll·arll~l h owt" vl' l'. th :l t policcmun" nl 1111 ' n" II1; ~ """,' r , IL III tilt· third ) lutwllt)o fan tHlll f o r Mi,s SlI liu Krl "e y att ellded a was e r ected hy :111 Bth. I't i"'I),:! (' 1I1n- .. ..\ lllu l' icn" Wll :-. f11nu" d urlfl l'r th e C lllr{) IIC~ . E. Pickett, of Earlhu", I Ill' fil',- I "u L I! ,, " ~ h w, " "'I f ~ wh~J1 Chi OIl1 C ~1I IUli chc olI lit Gray Mano r , SubH·rihl' fl1 " Ihc Mi alll i Gu zette party . n nd i ,~ '1uitt' a n .'!'n :.lr1l\ nt t o J,;Ui tlH I1(,t' (I t fI ~ prc' illl ("t1rp~ o f r e o the str(1(ll. Th(, hU~t, t" \.' ,I ' ll·I'l' t e , nb out thrc ,' fVI ,t ~qllar l'. Ab tJ \l' the f o u ndati (,n a r ~ f t\u r u ci\' t·1'\ i~l') lI('n ts , " 'hich "ro wc ll li J!"hLcd n 11 <1 at I hl' I,' P

sf'a r c h l'X lwrts fin d h i~1.oriUlls, in cludillg' r cp rt' ~ l' ll t ut i\'l '::=: nr u ll t hl' patri-

111 1111'


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collcl!"c, Richmond, Ind ., will gh'c III' Il ddr c~s lit tho l~ri\!nd s Medin g huuse !III', nnd MI'~, Ke nncth Elzey we re SlIturday afte rnoon III :! :110 O·CIOl Ck. Je u('sl;; of Susie Co rwill, ncar He will nl. o be present at th e IlI cd ing for worship Sunday 1lI0mill)!, ulld Lebullon, Su nday. the Youllg Peo plc's mecting in th ~ ?Ir,;, Ha nnn h " ntram and Mrs, afternoon. j\f,II'Y Caskey visited relatives i~ Mrs. Raym ond Conner ent erta ineu l'o, Mond"y, th e Clover Leaf club last T hul' ~ <1I1.\' The decorutions \\'e r e Mr. lin d Mrs. A , H, Earnharl nnd afternoo n. fnm ily "pent Sunduy with Mr. 81HI suggestive of Hallow e'en and the scheme wn. curried out in the deli Mrs, Burton Earnhurt. ~ious t\','o-course lun ch, Invited guests of thc hos tess we re, Dr, lin d Mrs, 1-1. M. MIl Hley, of Dayto n, spent Sunday with Mrs Mory 1'o1rs. Coulous Younce, Mrs_ Ll oyd B, Hall and Mrs. Chas. Edwurd. , Edwards and daughters.

hi" I"nl( fly, \l uu)! h Day ton.

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J.E.FRAZIER, WaynesviUe,O. :

The Estate Heatrola

The Parlor Pipeless' Furnace -

Fred M.Cole

1118117 fri.rra. bert.

IItI. ... DW»IOW.

d \·: c, 11 tit l Ilt,

d l ' PU lic:- i ll

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t hl' pl' rfllr'l11 uflc e

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---------Waynesvil e Motor Co. - --. ----,._.. ,--...-

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Clermont Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces


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,'1111 till1 l





) ~ 2 ~ ;:-drd Touri j'g Sand 0 1923 Ford Touri Ig S a ,~. d 1.1 ~ . 19 '- '3 Ford CO Upf ' Sand D 1922 Ford Tout ' g Sand D 2 1922 T ouring ~) 1922 Sedan S 1921 Touring 1920 Touring San'" D 1920 Touring D 1~'24 Ton Truck Continental Closed Body, used 2 months 1921 Ton Truck 5 and D 1921) Chevrolet, 490 Tour Sand D And Others



11h '1\ k t.•\\\' lIol1 i llj..!' 1) 1' ! h,' ,',,(, 'iVL'd II _tl' I,'ph"nl'


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" r r l hHl'- Up"

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" T" x,,> h'lIl!'u"r," Tinney ntit' ~wcit't i (l~ alld ~ imi1Hr (l r~an i z n­ lioll ' Ih at S~CI'~lnry oC ' Va r W cck~ <in J! lvu "I' ,' r lir. t "('.. ";n~ lI ouj:!h, Tu l'll"'- ,t ,oJ " info: lit Ihi rd an d Tinn ey it i ~ s urm ounled h)/ II I"r~ (' J! lohe_ a ~~ i ~ t ('[i by tHrn itl)! nYf' r \' ar i n u ~ r{1g_ l:t kill!: " '('", ,,1 un th l' thl'"W, Gons' vcry plainly, an d lit t hc IllP on ea ch ular ul'ln y IIniL., wh o appear in cos ,-' 111 Ivfl ,c ured Turm' r and Tind,-i i!I surmo unl.c d 'j,y a I n r~" I!' lohC'. tume in t he ma"ivc ba ttle "cen cs ' ncy. C """ ,,,r,,ly rc ~tin l( on third. Elec tric lights makC' lh" J!"lli nc shnw IInn 'lhlll Gri nilh \I ~NI hi"l(l ric h ou ~C's: \l ol'h ill" I, f t"d " hifo: h " li e t o dee p very )llainly, and lit thc 1,\1' "nc cn ch net ulI l halli e Il'rolll\{l ~ amI t he s hrill c~ I"f t whic h C" II "II r." Guns sco rin J!" side "WaYll es vill e" ill Inrl(<' lC' tlc'rs " C Am cr icllll Iib.rty for the SC CIIC_ ; " lI opJI), " HoI.' " " ('u lI(L Har t.s(\ck ne'cen nlln t$ Ol C th e l ead in~ fa mil ie. tells thc passersby where the~' are, "'" " cnll,'cl \J Ut. McJl(illnn tril)leli to o f I{l'\, u lutinnnry <l ily!' as f' xtrn p eo r i ~h l , "11 01'1')"" Rco rin~, Cook doubple, IIlI d d rull1 ~ , I'i ~ t o l " . fli ntl ocks led to cen ler, McMi llan scoring, Cook nn d even ullifl; rm s whi ch !">uw ~e rvice st oic thi rt! nn d we llt home on an crin th e War of Inde pend ence! as prop1' 0 1', 1Ioll ohoo made th e third -out. ;'~. '~-:;; '~T' • I> rti ('", Ihc in t cl'''~ t of e,'en th e Pres1 4. Kill~m"n C" i1et! 10 score in their half. " !! 11 idf' nt bl' <'omc understandable, j' "-.. ., Both si des wcre reti red in order in The story (I f "Am eric a " -w ritten T HI:An: R L..<-9,1 hy Hob~ l· t W. Chambe rs, t he nove l- th e Cuurth , Kin/1:mon scored three MI'!!. Mary L, Edwurds spent Tuesin the fif th, onc in th e sixth, and doy in OilY ton the guest of her daug h(J AYTON, O I!I _' i~ t . \\ hosc earlier books dca lt with nne i n the seve nth: WaynesYiIle's ter, Mrs. W. B, Ru ssum , Ihl' Iic volutioll ary pe ri ud. and who ~ ? ~ : 'l' krr ,('r.cine~ i. rt'ga rd ed u" an expert on th o his- scoring mllc hi ne start cd agnin in the sixth whe n two more wcre registered. Mis!! Laura McKinse y was a weektory 0 [ t hose days, is t he story of The "('ore- II to 5_ Death an uninvited and unwele oml: end vi:sitor of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lef :',IJ i} 5) iJ. t.h c 8u 'uggle "C the col ollies f or libg uest, has again come within our borferson., of Covington, Ky. erty. f r(!m Puul Revere's ride until I ,' , ~,. .. t , r \ ~ .Jtest dcrs. We are ass embled to pay the Geo rgc Wash ington b e c~me pres iIt ,' t 'l1 t;nt last tribute of res pect to the mem Laura Moshe r is homo after a Mrs. denL All of t he dram a tic incidents pleasant week wilh Mr, F. C. Hart· ory of Euphemia Crumley Wil.o n, of t he war a n,1 its majo r battles fign l~; 'j ~ ~:I l ! ~""~ re who was born on a farm near Xenia. sock 'aDd family. of Milford. ure in th e fil m, Ohio, January 3, 1848. She was ~', This is the first time that this re. Lust Friday morning the Eighth ·:~-u 'ar Pr;~!~s Mr. and Mn. Howard Archdea- the youngest daughter of William markable phot oplay will be shown at gradc delightfully cntertained the ~ W r'_ " r , , 1.. con at,t ended the funeral of Mr. Ed and Minerva Stanfield Crumley, she popular prices. i l j. , • LIT H, '~ ! I High school, Normal and FaCil Ity with .. _ __ __ having two older sisters who are deNull, lit Springboro, Monday. th e following program: PRf.8t:"IT' ceased, and one brother, Lewis J. Devotional Reading-Emma Mc. Mr. John Lemmon and family, of Crumley, now living in Xenia. She Cray. Dayton, were guests of Mr, Ernest received her education In the public Reading-Mary Etta Gray. schooL~ of her day. HartSOCk, and family, Sunday. Song- Marie Dunham, Martha Hay On Morch 2, 1871, s he was united A ' brOl ln2. ~ (O of 'U 'I f" n nd roMartha Coates, Mabel McMillan and T omAn 'li: \oo ,:!, C , lOt. '1 . ' :! '~" E R Mr~. Euphemia Hough leaves this in marriage. to Isaac Wilso ll_ Our' liI,r:lI'y is the recipie nt of a A Ime<la Walton. NU t 11 ""11' T":o>, 1,11\:\1.( ', IRRY: copy 0 [ th,' " Life of Governor Evwee k to spend the winter with her ge ther ~ey bUilded a home in Ule M OU, k, c..:n '. H,l 1-_' MACk ;"'1J 11 com. J okes -Boyd Henderson, PIlfl:l I ~( ,\0 .(;<'0 Caesar's Creek community, and- with da ughter and family in Dayt on , ans: ' T Il\' older citizens will rcca ll So,, ~- Theodor e ContI's , Mary Et.whom she lived happily until MllY 10, lhat J ohll E"a ns, son of David E va" . ta Guy, Boyd Hendc rso n, Thelma Dr, and Mrs. J_ T. Ellis, Mr_ ChaB_ 191 8, when th e Angel of Death visand bro tlll I' \O f ,Toe l, \~ns born on u lI urt:.;ock . Ellis unci family s pent Sunduy in Day ited lhe home and took the hus band fnr m nenr \\" uy nesl'ille and s pcnt his Itcmlill g- Ennn Hend e rso n. and father away. Two dau g hters lon, g uests of Mr. JIlIIICS Cornwell. hoy hood herc, He became a docto r Pluy- " Turllillg the 'rabies." came to lirighten this home- Minnie, of medi cinC' , "pent 0 numb er of years III tC'au of our usual progrom FriDr, J , M_ Miller li nd Mr. George now thc wife of L, P_ Vandervoort, ill hicngll . Evnn st on, Illino is be ing duy morning, we will have an Armnllmou f ur hi m_ He was appo inted Waterhouse attend ed th e Miami- of Portsmouth, Ohio, and May, now istice Day program Tuesday morning Denniso n game at Dayton, SlIturdny, the wife of Joseph Disbrow, who live terr itorial go vernor of Colorado by beginning at 8 :30, This program on lhe home farm and who, with her Pre, idc nt Lincoln, and probably was \"ill be giv&n by the Athenian LiterMrs, Chas, Anderso n and Mrs, Ad- family, tenderly cared for her mother the most distinguis hed cit izen this ary society. Every one is wc lcome_ <lie miLh wcre in Sp rin g Vulley Tues during her last days. community evel' produced. The "Life She is survived by her two daughday, to sec Miss Minnie Coo k, who is is cxceedingly interesting from n hisIt'. the Way of the World. ters and their husbands, one brother, "ick, torical st.und point, is of high literary The worl<l Is full of peoplc whc' III'{' three grandchildren and two greatvalue' and th e volumc is handsomely wllltng to hclp U8 out wh~n wo dOli'! bound. Mr. JaB. Sale, Mrs. Mary Water- grandchildren, who, with a host of need nny Ol<SISllInce. house and Mr. Geo. Waterhouse spent friends and neighbors mourn her goTh e community i ~ indebted lo Mr. - - - - - -.... _ ,..--L ::sunday with Mr. Wm. Boodle, at ing away. Edgar C. MacMechen, the editor, of It Speake for HIIn At an early agc during 'a revival Denver, for this invalunble addition Ot'"IIII,- "Do ) ' OU think III v su it t ~ Troy. at the , Richland M. E. church she to our library. too Iuud 7" Gcruldln(t-"ll I~. If YOII - - -_. +-- - - - - wllnt to do ~- "t" own !nlkIDII," Mr_ and Mrs. Russell Wagner, of found the Christ and united with the Dayto ln, were guests of Mrs. Lida church there, remaining a consisten t TO THE VOTERS OF WARREN Smith and Miss Clara Keys last Wed- member until 1879. This was soon COUNTY nesda)r. after she came with her husband to establish a home in the Caesar's I wish, throug h the medium of this Creek community, when she moved Forrest Crane and dsught e r_ Mr. paper, to ex press to you my sincero her me mbership to the Friends church Mall" "y and Mr. Jewett Lantern, of ap preciotion of the splendid vote Cincinnati, spent Sunday with Mrs, here, and was nn honored and valued tendered me at the election on Tuesmem ber until her death; always in Maud Crane. day, Novembcr 4. the church services when health per] IIsstlre you that I will endcavor Aftllr a visit of several weeks with milted. This privilege she greatly to bc worthy of the confidence you relatives here, Mr. ond Mrs, Jesse missed in her last days. hllve ploced in me, a nd that [ will, Although she was so timid and reWright have returned to th41ir home to t he best of my ability, perform the tiring in disposition, her words of in Spr.ingboro, duties of the office t.o which you haye testimony and praise were all the lignin electcd me. Mr. and IIfrs, J, C. Hawke and Miss more impressive by the deep feeling Respectfully, ,Kathel'ine Fromm were in Plel1l!ant that prompted them, and she was evC. DONALD DlLATUSH, Plain, Sunday, guests of Dr. and er ready with her means to assist in Prosecuting Attorncy_ Mrs. Ralph Vance. the work of the church. H er words were words of love, For S.le by Great Com!luBlol\" \ SavEl y~ur old carpets and ruga counsel and sympathy. In hel' No COIllpll!l81on hi j(renter thon that and get "Wear..-ell" Rugs made. illness she expressed a de -i~" to go .. : " klrl(l-hearted mllll towllrd n boy Send for price list. Franklin RUIr and be at rest and with the loved who ought to hnve hett er clothes, Co" F'lranklin. Ohio. ones on the other shore. She often said to those who cared for h ~T , OIl Mr. and Mrs. Walter Underwood love you and I love everybody.'.' Thus this life, fragrant with good hove moved into Mrs. Emma Dakin's house, lately vacated by Mr. Ross works, made heavy with weight of Hartsock and family. years, like a fully ripened sheaf, has been lifted from the harvest field of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benson, Miss earth to the Heavenly gamer abovs. Hazel Salsbury and Mr, Henry KofsWith her, life's fitful dream is end· ky, of Delaware, were Sunday ed. Her Buffering and pain are things guests of Mr. and Mra. Harve7 Rye. of the past. She has fallen asleep in the arms of her Savior whom she THE FIRST THING TO UNDEROne of the inspiring features of loved and whim she trusted. STAND ABOUT THE HEATROLA election day wall the parade of High Our 1088 is great but to her, it is gain. IS THIS School students, headed by the School On October 28, 1924, at the age of band. They carried placards urging 76 years, I) months and 26 days, BurIt giyea furn.ce comfort to .mall home. of thr •• every (>lie to vote. r_o unded by loved ones. a8 the shades to .ix room •. -o f the evening began to hover about Mr. F. H, Miltenberger and fam. the door. the cable that moored her luppli c. warm moi.t air to every room. lIy, of Lytle, Mr. I. N, Lincoln. of to the shore of time. broke. And our It burn •• ny kind of fuel. Dayton, and, Mrs. Ruth Daugherty beloved wal in , the preaence of her were dinner guests of Mr. and Mn. Pilot, in that deathless land where It look. like .. mahogany, inlt.lled in there Is no suffering nor sorrow, John Smith, Sunday. one of the living roo'P" " Funeral services were held at her Let U I e xplain how we in. tall thele on tri.1. Mr. Morrell will interview Olle late home on ThuMlday morning, O~, married man in Cincinnati on Novem- tober~30 . Her p,a!l~r, Miss Mary C. ber 16th, for a sales ·posltion with a Antram, assisted by Rev. W. E. Bo. WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARDNational organization to fill Waynes- gan, f Spring Vaney, in charge. InWARE, HARNESS and ':ARM MACH~NERY ville territory. Write 512, B. F. terJ.nt in Mi~mi. cemetery. Keith Bldg., for appointment statII, C. A. ing qualifications. C.rd of TII.nb e ,hereby &ictend sincere thanb The announcement has been re- to our friends and neighbon,for their HARDWARE - - ceivcd lfy Wayncsville friends of the sY!I1pathy and u.latance during the HARN,ESS marriage, October 26. of Mias J oe- jlJnes8 and at the time of the death , FARM MACHINERY ephj/le Andrews, of Conneaut, Ohio, of o ur loved one. and to an who Illand Mr. Ivan Thoman, Mn.Thoin the aemcu at the tim. of Pbone 32 mnn WiLl, a few yean ago. princIpal funeral. of the Wayne Township B~b scbool lira. Mlnnl. VanDervort. W.,...••YlII.. OJalo. T U I'I Il"" "


Iltl' , hd'itf all d "" 1.11 "),:,1'<1 CHRISTIAN CHURCH I.. ,,,t l, ' C·, r '10 1,,, ,1'11 1I1'lI il' i, " lIIp hat S llnd ay ~l'1IO,,1 III tlt t.) Chr is t in!' il illl) d" " .1 It" ~h t ' ril r S hotl') l. 'lItH' 1" '1"" ,, ' II

THURSDA Y NOVEMBER 6th "The Eternal City"






i • •


"The Ne' er-Do- WeU" Thi. i. Meighan' a B".t Picture, ALSO KINOGRAMS


t •


:• Co

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"The .Trouble Shooter" Alia, CLYO E COOK, in

"The Cyclisl" All Show., 20c and 10e

Firat Show S tarto .t -7,00 p. m.



ThoDlpson's Bread I.

It i. the better Bread. 2. It i. made hnd b.ked in • cle.n ••• nit.ry .hop. 3. It i, with Milk, Malt, Sugar, Salt and pure Lard, nO .ub.tltule•. 4 , W. ule only Ilrot.cI... Sprina Whe.t Flour. II.

Gold Medal Flour exclulively. It i, b.ked f relL e.,er)' d.y. 7, We c.ter to the public by .tayina open every e •• nina In the week. ' . ' . 8, . It i•• home baked produ ct. 9.... It J. delh'er~d frelh d. ily to ,.11 leadlnR Groce,.. , 10. We .nythina 'rD.m tl.dy Rineer. · ~o the Weddina•. ' . , ' . , '







• Seventy- ixth Y(',) r






Thr l'lltire l,' nching co rp" of the W" y n,,"vill(' "('h oo l ntlen,lcd th e er n. Iml Oh io T £'lIdwr. ' IISHocili tio n in AR FA P I.AN FOR ERAD ICATI NG (;" itllllhll H on Friday IIl1d Snturduy , TUBE RCULOSI S IN CATTLE Novem lH' r 7th ulld 8t h. All r e purted MEETI NGS " v('ry prufiluble und entrrlll inin)!

Tlw \r , ) m a ll' ~ }·'o r l· iKI1 ~ l i.!'i~ ion:I f' Y "f t h · ~1. Chtl'T h nod III

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T he nbove cu mmittel'

no t ollly louk an nr live purt indi vi(lulllly, hut n l ~ " " .~c u r ~d th e n M" i ~ ­ tUll e(' o f .ev(' rnl ot he rs in the vu ri ous ~c ho,,1 di.triL-tM who ('xplnill cd thl' prop,,"t io n to the caltle OWm'r,; nlld . for th .. "ig llilll!' (I f )l<' tition ~. Th e nth!!r. who nre h" lpin g in the m ove· m .. lll nr<, Will Munning, GUlli Grov(' Frnllk Everett I1nd 1I (' ,·hel·t Rn q . , Si lve r Gruvll; H. II. RUl'nhlll·t, ~li ll Grove; Alb"l't Prloll, Oa k Gr"vl' ; GI'O Plymirl' a nd Fred II nl!'(, lII <'y.'r, Rpl'illl!' Hill; II. P. McKay IIll d Mrs. Mllun Clin e , Flul Jo'''''k IIlld O"l'gc",i,,: II. A. Mllla nl. G. W. SI" ·lIi).!' ht 1111.1 Lewi " KIphn rt, Oliv(' Bronch . I n Ihe Oli"c ilrll "ch . Orrl!nniu , Sprinf:" lIill ,,,,,1 Sil",'r (;1" \\'(' (' <> IlIlI1I1 . nities 1110tt.' than '7:. )H"l l' l'l"lIl or t h.·

c·d lli l,!., It '"~ ,, " I" d


the c o mmilt t,p (,xPt~ c t ,!ol lu l1luk · H morQ dl'flnitl.* ellll1 llUi!!,11 !'In O int loln l for the' to wn ~ hip will h e llIorc thllIl 75

pcr ce nt be fur e th e e nel o f t.l1l' wC llk. The Co.Ol'<'rnti,·e Lh'('sloc k Com. houl'e nt Cinc innali YUl'dR wu s likewil'c disc lI l'Red ut Mllineville by Mr. D. E, Dun hnm, who pointed o ut the SIIvings a lr eady brouJrh t nbout hy th e co,ol'crotive firm s nt Cleve land, PiU ~h ul·).!', RII/fu ln, Chi cn!:11 nnd other ynrds, lind e mphllsi7.ctI . imilnr savin!:>! Ilt in cinnnt i. Pllln for fin " ". cins::- incinnuti firm Wll8 II lso di s· cussecl , meLho,IM olltlin od for sccu rinl': t h e furm ers' slg notures to the contrncts. Mr. Du nha m nssis ted Mr. S. A. wllnk, of Hamilton township o nl! tiny lu.t week in promoting the Cin cinnali Co-Opcmtive Com mi ssio n firm, a nd met I~ith Apl<'ndi d slicceRs. Pl'llcticnlly eVl' ry fnrm e l' con sulted concern ing t hi s projecl ng r eo. t hnl m'II'I< C'ting li vc:\toek Ctlst.~ ilL Cillcinnllt i 111'l' entirely too hi gh, IIlld fe e ls thllt the fllrm ers thelllselvc. mllst sturt II eo.operutive firm, yet but few f'lI'm CrR (cit t hat th ey cll n lend the t ime and efforts necel'snry to do the prelimillnry work t o insure th e suc· cess of the nssociation. mi s~ ion

At the Farm Bureau meeting in lI1ninevilie ,lust Wednesday evening, the plan for tubercu lin test ing o f ca ttic in Hamilton to\vn ship WIIS f ully diNc usscd and the following leaders Rclected. Al va Hill, Cozaddale di s· triet; Frnnk Mount, Cllmn rgo; Hersehel Big!:s, Murdock and Pleasant View; T. B. Foster, Foster ol1d Smiths Speciul ; E d Grimm, Hopkinsville and ZOIU' North of Montgome ry pike; A. A. Burroughs, Maineville; Herbert

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Tu(' sd n ~' mO"lIinl!' lit 1 11 : ~ n, the A Ih (l l1iull'I'Iu' y ~ O('i l 'l.\' (,lI t(\ rt jlin-

rl''''s hilS " <" ' 11 t he medium Ih, nu )!!. wh it- h "UI' soldi c"s have >('<lI r,· d 11I""w lr t hl' government what " ".I " : ,101" t lWll ' in th e Wil Y of bo-

As th (, 1'1 ~ ul l 11" to '~ U1g' 11.11 I" , • " .. t i llil clt\im ~ , .llIcdic~l l ow e'en nig ht , 11 \ \ a lT :ln t \\ u:-; S \\ 01'1 1 ,:: 1'/ , Jill- PI' It I I "II I1lt' nt •.etc Th tH has In to by th e fat hl' I'~ "I' ){ " I,.·1'l I:l I'" W" , "II c·,·" .... 1> ,./ ,. "",' wl t hou t n ' ,y ex-


"U lilt' lIi;!'i, "' h",, 1 lind 1'\",.111111 with

qu estion the accuracy and reliability of t he method (or . d etecting tubercular cattle, just because he docs not und erstand It fully yet, which has been en dorsed by the lea ding sci entifl c Investigato rs not only in the United States but of Canada and Eu-


w ar,

'1 1

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Co un t y Age n t Cln s.q di scussed the Arc'll pilln ror erndicn ting tuber culosis in cattle at Mainc,·iIIe meeting and nn swer ed a number of quest ion s. A f ew fllrm er s arc r e ported as being .keptical concerning the accuracy and Iinbllity oC the t est. Co ncerni'ng this Clnss r e ports over a year ngo he addr 'RRe d n letter to th e Stnte Veteri· nn ry colleges of Ohio, Indiana, Illinoi., Mi chi ga n n nd New York. The r C plil!~ wCre unnn imous in upproving the r eliability of the test lind in recommending the nrea bas is for Carrying on the work. Clnss nlso co'mmen ted concerning the marvelous development of radio during the last f ew years, the aeroplane, flyin g around the globe, and a number of other marvelous scientific developmonts, any of which would not hnve been be llevcd by the layme n of R few years ago, 'So s hould any farmer


t\'1 1 1\ ~

1" 'lI el ire " flirted I".t Tu" • •I" y "v"l1il1).!' and till' nr. t . f:"11 me will be FridllY l,ight, NCIV "II,ucr 14 lIi ~ h Hc h .. ,,1 v~. Alumni.

s hip, ho weve r, so me of the lende rs f e lt dl' lny mny he neccRsnry du e to lhe I'ush of work incidentn l to cor n shredding- in 80 m c co mmuni t ies.


d ll d

'1' ; 1\ , ,'



BII " k~ tbnl1

Devoti on ll l [{,'a.ling-Bert O' Ncnl l. Gil'! Sco ut'. prl'~ cll tat i o ll o f their fla g to II igh "chool. Ta lk- " Why w'b' Cclcbrnte Armistice Murmy Hopkins I uy Pall' jotie Mus iclI l Sclccti o n~- Rh ea ,/1111,,1 CllI·lw ri ~ht., Will Illm T homa s, lI owll nl (,,, o k, Ken l1eth St Joh n. \' uclI l Duet- Kll th ryn Tun",r o nd Edi th McKihblln. Rending. Oln Har tsock An ot her Musicul Se lecti"n. Pr c ~ ~ntation o f Bllsketha ll Ranners. Miss Bachman SonJr- Stu r Spnl1gled Bunn er, School



I,'r", t ,\"1 11' i1l1p !I I.. . • tn !" t'r v e the wh ich Jlo l'lr ay, II II II' I '1'. 11.~ q f th ' mi ~~ ionl1ri( '''' ill l,'uc hl l! J,! hy )..:i( n,' , \ " I I ' II ~' 'III \ 1. d.". 'I. · h e sixth year >illce th~ Mrs . . \ rchdcut'ld l !'l.'a d 01 !o\1 I" l" 1101 1 :t I I... " '. ,I.,. ,nll i ~ sl·UI ,"·J.: (·n t. and ~lIt itl e d , "Ill " " (jl'chiol ."

t.uil1i llg nnd in ~ trucLivl!.


Armi sti ce


.\l r H. (;, ... . ~Iill ,. It.·". Wllsh. I,,·.! (·"',so I (,II Call und i,: Ihe one ' 11 I I dr. i",. f" r fUlld , hund one oll ly, wl,ich J.!;.tV l' ILfi I u ~ tf"at (\( La k u n the .

w ( ~rdl "H ajfdH '~."

Mr. Guillll, the bird imitntor, ·"n. \.l'rtlli ned th e Hchoo l Wedne Hda y und Wedn('sdoy cvcnin g he Icctured at th e ~Ylll n ns ium . Mr. Gu ill o is a re l)ro'e ntntive o r th e Anduhol1 cluu Il nd Illc. t rnvl! led exte nsiv ely in th eir Intere"t~. Hi . lI'c turo wa s both en te r.


fl' c',"

Y,'al'l \' ,

1,( . C .



""k, .

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ropean countries?" County Agent Roosa Oak Grove and Zoar south of Class ul so reported that many other pike. 'All except one of states are working on this sume counthese leaders were prcscnt at the ty -wlde plan-Iowa now having over m eeting, and sentjment was very fa· " half her counties ready for work to vorable toward cattlc owners 81gnmg I th' hard petitions throughout Hamilton town- I c ean up elr 8.





pray t· r' h ~' H, ,\', \\"a ~ hbur ll. T II "n b~i l' ill g- !lay 't he AnwrH'''1I 1!l,r1 I Th t, 1('~ S tlll ~ t lld ~'. Mink 1\\\111 11 ).:'. l ' lty t ·r u s,:.. Inv ites 11 11 the peop le l (1 ~nH ' r Til,: ;;:; cu lled the Annual (I f th e "U HI I'I II 11J,! li ~ ht." WII S uuly g-i L it ,: .. I · r u~:-; .

cnu te HW n l'1':o( have IIln·u d y ~ig nt · t.l Jle - IIIl AJ'm i:.; t ict..' IJay pT()J,: r nm, \\ hich waHl . t itio ns. The Illtl"Hlan cc wu s Illr!:,," t IIR f " lI o w ~ :

rrom these cli st ";cl" II I th,' ~I n Picture m('(' lin l! Iwltl III S ilver Grove , HO th o peoplt' fu ll y ulld erstand the pr opoRit ion nnd ' 111'(' m o r ~ anxious t o pro mote th e project. Additiona l d r· culnrs ure heing "upp li e" fr om tlw Form Burellu ollil'c tn the kadel'll in Nc vcrlll of till' KC'!w ul c1i ~ lrict. , u ll d

,/" 1,,, Whitak,,',.

Il fl ~ ,.n IlV Jl, NO \'£: llIh e J' 5, ~lus . .1",· 'I'i " n , ·~. ~1,. ,. 1-:1 1I1<' r K I' I ~ c ' y, ~lr!'l. (' fl us . JI ~ l lI J.." h . n -.t.s i:" l Jl l1 t h fl~ lC:-' ~ c~ A In r g(' nUIllI It", w el"l: p n ·:-"t:!n l. All i n tt'n '~ lilll"..~ prog ram W l:-l go iv(' It (,() lI :-1 l,:,tin.l: o f s i ll~ inJ.:, an illu :-: t r'ut . \\ ' C dll( '!-> d H )

1111'. I':n. lc,y, t hl! evn ll)!(! listic " inf:"l'r lit th" lI1 e th",Ii"t church, (llliu II shurt I·i. it In the ""h"n l MondllY nft" r ll,," n "lid "Iltl' rl ll in pri till' lIi g h "c ho() 1 wit h II fpw "ulm. lind 11 . hort talk . li e ul.II u'H'pune ,'d thllt Thursday nil{ht, Nov ,'m lH' r I B, WII H lIi g h ~c h o,, 1 niltht lit th e Mrthodist churc h and ('VI' ry olle wn~ urf:"etl to btl pro"cnt.

n1('II1 .

bl' I'~

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the h,JllI., cr f'


Th" W,u:hill f:" l<lIl Township ""mmit· t"", ('" '''1'''"(''' ,, ( II. A. Milllll'r1, "h" ir 01"". Mr •. M"r y lIu ffmlln, AII ", ,·t I ' r· I" n. F. ,I . II lIJ.!'r llll' Y'· ,. IInci Il nw llnl Md';"y, in .. Io nr).!'(' of th., '·:lm plli ).!'11 til hd" J.!' ah"ut tht! teslin).!' .. f cull l ~ fo r tul"·l'cul ",i • . 'HlIIOIIII C," (;;' I'l'l' ""nt of t he Clltt I, o wn (' r~ ~ hrll in l! up in Oll'il' 1' >\" lI ship, t her eby leu ding th e

Whole Numher 5617


l!l , lind Silh, y Bakl" ', I !I , fur , h,.' I'l"l' r wllllt"" "r "l he applica"t. An a rrest of /{"\'. O. ll . Aller, P<l " tOl' "I' ill <lh' idll,,1 "' rki ng- " utside the Red




William Albert Mel'l'i U, son of Jam es a nd O ~ec Merritt, W8 ' horn near Merr-itt, t o wn. Ohi o, Oct rr hc,' - -Unless prope l·ty own e rs /liong the 14,1852, tlellc<' sed Nove mber ·1, I!J ;!·I BlIs~et hall pl'aclicC' Ktnrted last Cincinlluti pike, intcl··county hi g h- uge d 72 yellrs, 21 days. \\' ,'ck a nti nl'''lIt thirty boys un swered \Vuy No. G, og ree to uccept the s um ' Two brot her s s urv ive' him , .Toel nnd call, /III o f whic h lire taking ' llueh offer ed by county commissio ne rs f or Edward, of di s tunt Califor nia lind interest . The prospects this yCIt~ ure lund ne eded fo r a road r ight-of.way Wash ingt on states, t herefore will n ot brighte r than they ha ve ever he..,,, be for e the sc he duled paving of the be ab le to attend the last sad ri tes Lust yeor W. H, S. won the pike starts , cummissione rs will n ot for the,'r brotlll'. r. . . f th . f mUJ onty 0 e ,r games a ter a '1ery . Albert Merri t t was uni ted in mar· late start. They have the S'1Ille li nestart t he work next spring a s ann oun cc d, but wiII transfe r t he plnns rillge to Clara Isobelr Crllft, Novem- up t his year with lhe exception Cor e nd appropriation to the Xen ia nnd ber 26, 187,1, To t his union two SuUerthwaile who grudunt.ed las t Fairfield pike , commissioners say n ow daug ht er s wer,~ bol'll, Emnlll nnd year. Th e co mmissioners hnve $ 72,000 Osee , wh om with th ei r mOlh.!r, sur· The muterial is better than many F~dera l nid io: pavi ng th e Cincinnati viv c him. Quite n go od deny of hi s la rge r high s chools and with tTa ininl! p,ke .. Accordlllg lo t he s~oLe la~v" ea rly life wus passcd in lInrl around nnd coach in)! W. II. S. sho ul d nt lea ~ t he p ike mu st . be GO fee t WIde whd e Utica lln d ,·ici nit y. Com ill g tn Hur- br thl> Wal'n'n Cou nly chunl pi"n. thi~ the present wltlth 's 4& feet. Lalld Iveysbul'i:', Ohio., ubout 188 u , he en- I ycnr, Our sc he d ul e is a lm" st fIJ I! ? wners Il~r?ed last spring, by sig n- gnged in the hn k ' rs t "ade, fl'o lll lh at und some fast gUllies nre fl S' UI',!J . The first gnme is to be play cd llI. x t lI\g a petItion , to allow the county t o t" e g r or er y busine ss, co mbined y to .bu seven and ~ne-half fe et of w ith the otnrc of poslmnstcr, bOlh FI'idIlY night belween t he W. H <: . the,r Inn~ on eaCh. of the road-I of whi ch he has clIl'ried 0 11 vcry ef. IIl1d Alumni. The Alumni Won III~t way. No.\\', co mmiSSIOne rs say, th ey ficientiy f o r n g-rCll t numb r f yellr. yellr, 14 t o 4. Come o ut and sup poJ't arc r e (u 8111!?; to nccept the price of- H,. wns nn ncti\' ~ n1<'ml", ,, o f th e your team lind schoo l. fered, 1\1 . E; ch urch, to whi ch he ~n\'e his Th l! pruLu ble lin e. up : Specificution s cu ll f or pav inj! the bl ' I . d I' c ll Ss ls t,"nc ~ \I' H'lle"cr r CCIU II' • I W. Thornn" I. J.' C r~nc pike with mncndnm from the Xeniu He ab" was" IIll' nobe r u f th e K. of ' '1' I' co rllo ration lin e t o the Warren P I d 1 0 I I' & A l\l I ,unon H F .. Satt.l! ,· t hwaite county line at Mt. H oll y. In the . 0 1:'<'. lI ~f)I1' C "el': ' • . ·' Ir.!clIlillall .C M Thomas tnr, 111 . . No. :l 12. Ocldfcll () w ~ . t:ustcrn meantime t he Xen ia and Fairfield " . I b I "n,ou s L G .. Water hou se Pythllln S, "t(',"" IIncl o mrnu illty r u . H C k R G .Duke pike h,L, bee n rilllde on inter-co un ty whi ch . holl's hi , -la nding ill th e com· IJ ' k~o highwny and property o wners on that . ~op il lS Sub .... V Reta llic:" Donoh oo pike lire said to b e anxious for the mumty. d d h. tl Sub . Wilson .. : H e hil S roun c (' ut 's . co re , Ie G paving. Therefore, commissioners page is clo,ed , not only will he be on s ..... ... Sub ... .. H e nderson may change the appropriation a nd be mi 'sed UV his sorrow ing f amily, - - - _ ,Plans to 1>lIve the Fairfield pike and but by the 'co m lllul~itY a s well, to drop the Cinc in nati pike project, wh om he hn" l!'iven ,;0 lIluny years of - - • fuithful , ·r,,;':(,. - - -By h is )!1'II11<i sl) ns, I!l'nn ddnu!; hters a nd will he be Wh ere ns , God in his mercy has remissed, whn II':l S sn l'C'.I\dy t n extend d f d h . I 0 move r o m our presence un er a he lp, ng hlln d !I S Grandpa No. nc. I io ng s ufTer ing" our be loved .s ister, A life we ll 8pc' nt, Il work well done. Mary E . lli aphum, May h" !'l'st in p"ace ! Reso lved, By th e ord er of the E as. Oh Time! the inexo rable hand of tern Star No . ]07 thut even though Th e Ohio Canners a ssoci a t ion will Time , we dep lore our loss, we do n ot forget hold its annual meeting in Columbus, We ,,'11 fthllll hoI\' to Thy f:"r im decree , t he grea ter loss s ustainetl by those Decem ber 9 and 10, in response to a Soonl' r 0 1' lut cre th e hig h an d the low, nea r el' und dearer l o her; l hot we call lie nt out today by the president, All shn ll CO lli e under the hund of cxtend our very s incere s ympnthy t o Arthur Hamilton, of Lebanon. About Time. th" be renve d broth er and hereby give 260 p erson s are expected to attend Caul or Thank. i cxpr ess ion t o t hi s sho rt tribute in Only four states in the union produce W e wi, h to ex tend to our many appreriution of her quuli ti es, so pera larger volum e of vegetables than fri end s lind n"ighiJ ors our s inecre and n.lRnentl~ precious thut their m e ~ory Ohio. The Ohio eanneries , whi ch heurfelt thllnk. fur th eir symputhy li nge rs III the heuds of her f riends are nil equipped with the mo st mod. and kin dne ss B.hown u s in t.he sudd en nnd climes at the biddin g o f ussociaernmachinery, and are inspected reg- loss of hu s bund an d falher. Espec· ti on lik e t he fra gra nce from a rare ularly by the Ohio dairy and food ialyy do I\'e thank Rev. Moon, Ma- old casket. commission, give employment in the sons, K. of P., an d Oddfellows for ~h e stood hi gh in th e Easte rn Star course of a year to 10,000 person s, their se rvi rrs, Eastern Star a nd Pyth- and did mu ch to ussist In building up Officers of the Ohio Canners ,a sso. ian Sist"rg li n d th e doners for the our wonde r ful organizlltion. Be it ciation arc: President, Arthur Ham. beautiful flol'ul offerings, also t he further Ilton , Lebnnon; Vice-president, J. si nge rs. Resolved, Thal a copy of these re s. Warren Wood, L eba non; Secretary, MRS. CLARA MERRITT, olu t io ns be sp read upon the minutes; Roy Iro ns, Clyde; dircctors-£.Howard A:>1n FAMILY. , copy se nt. to the brother and that A. Orr, Circleville; James Stoops, they a lso be furn ished the local paVan Wert; J, I. Sm ith , Circleville; A. per for p ublic ation. . L, Sh arp,. Celina; T. E , Dye, Urbnnll. Ada S. Courtney, Mab el P. Farr, Amelia E. Willia ms, Committee.







..... ".IW

1'1.-" ,,(

B cs id e~ this the f ollowing services were rendered to civilian faOlllies /'Oyally .cntt<' l'e<i througho ut the count'J...

Th" H appy Hour club \VIIS cn ll" 'La'i ne(f /lllhe htl me or ~frs. II I\ I·­ N u mlle,' of cases reported as needry :- mith, '"veml ,,·,· 11. ~Irs . Fred ing help .. .... ... ..... .. .... 129 13 r'Ildduc k, rl <s iKtun t host I: SK. of chi ldren--aometim es W" W ('I'(' entcrtailwd )' 01' u shurt Fllmili e~ five or six in fa mily needing t ime by Miss Ki ~e r. o f the Ohio Stllte dothi,,/), Iln rl s h oe~ ...... .. .... .. 32 ulliv er "ity. ll cl' "cJdl'c ~s W" s Jrrcll tiy " Jlpn:cillted u nu enj oyed by n il m em- lJ om es in which Hick. room lsupp)jes W(>I'C place,1 ....... .. ........ . 37 but's pt'cscnt, nfter 'whi c: h WI' \V(! TC SC"III'ed nU I·Res . { (lun d em ployment, ~ f' l ' vc d 11 l\\'ti · c()ursc lu nch . Vt' '')" l1i~e ly madc Investiglltions, rendered inpr (l pal'(,d hy thll h fl ~ t(' !i ~ p s . for mationa l ~ rvi es, otc ..... J .... GO T he . ·ecl'l'tary. Thl: ca paci t )' fo r sO.r vicc in the Yl!u r t o co me, is limited on ly by the ex tenL tv which th l! Red Cross is supported in t he jll'eHl!nt roll cnll. Th ' 'iLi~en K o f Wayn esville a nd Wayne. Town ship ure lIaked tu give as A t th e rcgu lar-eom mu nicuti o n of g~ne"ou : l y as possible. The Red Wnyn'c sville Lodge No. 10 3 F. & A. Cross needs. und s hould have your M., lhe fo llowing officers were e lect- heurty support. ed for th e ensuing yellr : No p e",onu l canvlIss will ue mado Geo. J . Waler h ouse, W . M. t his yeul', but n il ul'e u r).!'ed to enroll voluntar ily. Th l' annllul member· J CRse Prender gast, S W Chns. BUrnetl, J. W. chip fco is one d ullar. F . B. He nd e rson, Secret.ary. Ellrollment lII ay be made at tho •. Wnlter McClure, T rcusurcr. WUYll csvill o Nllti ullnl bunk or a t tho horn e of th e ",wi l'mu n. Give your Chns . p, Brudbury, S. V. con(jd('Il('~ :!I,d " OJ' po rt th rough memEa rl F . Thomas , ,J. D. bCI-s hip. Cu rri c W . Alle n, F. H . Farr, Ty ler. Chai rman Way n e T ownship. D. R. Smith, tru stee for 3 year~ .


GOES TO O' S. U. . Entering what promliea to be the most suee_Iul year in itl! service of ~ ,. more than' half a eentUl'Y to the state of Ohio a.nelto the nation, the Ohio State university this fall has an en. t ollment of 8910, the ' Jereeat jn' ita bl8tory. ' Waynesville Ja nlprel6llted in the .current enrollment b7 Jolm

oon.c. of an:,.

l:Il'I"'C' c! II




A t U: I' W o :,,- H l' r ai 1! III' d

000 bond pcntlinl! helll'ill~ . 1"" '11 J.!' iv. ·" t , ,·,--,' ,·viee II\en in \VarFri.endg '.If Fu~her. Aue r. Ul'(' V" ,'Y \ P ' " ""lI lIl y, liS f ullows : fi rm III the,r belief III h, s InnOC(,IIC C F i li n~ " nt! f ollow ing up compenSAin th e sh ooting. I i" n' 'Iaims ...... .. ... .... . ... 69 - -- - - - - - V(, cntiu II HI trn ining c1aima ........ .. .. 10 1I 0; pitul o r other medical tr~t· m ~ llt ............ ... _......... .. .... 6 Other Federol I!erviee........ .... . 80 In vesli!:lltion for otber Cha;>~el'll, hospitu i" ~ tc ... ... .......... .. . .. . II


In looking through so me old keep· sakcs, Michn el McDonald found what he thought might. be a foreign coin. He had picked it up . ono time when he ' \l(as digging and ' put It away and 'lorgottcn about it until he uw it among his relics, . A reading glll8ll was ulled and the nlWles S tephen Dougllll!l a~d He~'schel V_ Johnaon and the aate 1860 were d eciphered. Douglu WillI pres-< identisl candidate and Johmipn candi_ date for ' vice-~rasldent In J860 ' And &be baelre or buttOn ... 8,'fIdeiItl,

( ' ",,:--s Ur L"'H rlI ZlI llf 'l1 CQuld n llt. (,btain

la,f" r\ " ! II+ ,'\(-; (' 1' \ L I :~ HII , i n addition t o ob.. a" ;"f!' 1-" ,. '" 1t aid. not gui l t.y n n rl wus .. e l<-' lI ~ {'d l in $ 1H,S i 'h".· Ch '~I ' I 1~ J 2:~, assi stance baa Father

-----...- ---

Miami Quarterly meeting held at Wayn esville last Saturday and Sun. day, was ~ell attended and traneacted 80me important lIu'ineM, In addition to those of the local membenhip, Friends from Indiana c on. tributed to the servicell.. TheM! · were Clal'en~ E, Pickett, of Earlham eolloge. Mrs. Sims and daugbU!r, of Richmond, Mrs. Hosldn. and dauCh. ter, Ruth, 'of India,!aJlOlia . On .sunday John AUen, Edith M"r. edith and Robe.rt WJUte. oompOlecl th. group of Earlbam .wilDa who 'WeN


May or Cult.·.· li nd



Co lu mbu n u:- j'h ul'('h , Lu vt,.. Jll nc.L

The boys ~ny t ha II,,'), wn lk. , I.l·" · "' I" ' i , "'~ w ithou t a C'f'(!Cl t C.(ing nea r lhe church /," P (I"J"ty Ill ~ t Fl'i. J ~ I 'II~ l\ of t i lll ' I Hd mo ney. day night, \\, he ll. \I "",,"t \VICI' I I II ' ~ Wh ",·" lie"') , ,I . ,·.. Iief has bee n glv. Ro me on e shut il L till" " . ' " I,,· ti ll' I:, -! I I',,'S, to tho fam il y of



... ,


'Fhe Miami GazeUe


('all''' In 01\(,1 Hf the gl'liatest of, our hnn!;"' t1l1'rt,\ lwd iain onc lIrt,e rnoon " IWlll PII kc l of ~fjUO bilJ ~ , Strul» > d \\ illl I'I1IWr lind pill II I'd , nA \I ~ III1I, l hp .'· 111:1,1 .. ;I l't,\Il\' l' ni"nl Ih>ck(' l pa,>k;I)!:". 'l'hl' lah('1 1'1\ l hr lll ;'l'llll ~~U,­ 'Ili ll .

Can You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle?





lon~c 0 tread ~dvcrb tI1Nlnln /! tiL

W e nre P l! bliKhing l h is wee k > the 22 nn >lwcr t o IUKt we k's cro~,, - \\' o nl PU1.- IW r. le alld "I so u n~\\' puz?I, 'I'he UII- 2(; :! ,I ~ W" I' 1(' t hc Ite w pU7.zlu will b prif,tl'd 27 nl'.xL \\,(, .. k, TIll' n~ w plnz ll' printI'CI ' :!H t his 1I'('~k WIIS COlll pn"l, J by Druce :!:I (" iiI' ull d clll\t"in~ IIlnny ca t chy wUI'tb :10 \\ hk h, hUW L' \'('r, arl' \\'l·1I kllo\\'n t 1 ali I :I l OU I' I'e",!.' r". MI'. Colc hilS td l' d Il l, lIi'w stunl ill hi s [l u zz i,, : he uSl'd :t2


whnl I in\(' ' VhIlL 1!'0If" I'~ ,it'ive f l''''11 Ahlll'(" '. [ ,ot' " N,' I\' 1':lIl:hlllll "tat.' It""!' I'''I' ,1 A 11111', fol' t1li~ t·"" ,ot I' ~'

\ Vhal YUill' »(ot (" o t'li 'J,!" I' ti,\' :-;: n il CO MM ON P LEAS P RI)'EE DI NGS It h .. lp" h" ld " 10''' 1'.1 L"L:"tiH,r III th" ra Sl' f Mollv E. J OI'M' 1l \" ~, ()l1l' wll n ~ pl'a k ~ tht, . ' b \' ic bn · pnd,,·t wllh \·P\· l· t"u~ I' ~ l·~. Till" hi ll ~ Ori,' Jllrdal1 the di\' lI~tl' prH~lll ,1 fO l' g-uuJ.!·c H~ hi!" I Ull i \'(' tIlJl l!th' I ,~ I hl' ,il f",,,l lIl) l WIIS l'('fu "l' u lint! it lit )\\' ~ht, Illl lt y lT il· . . w l ll'1l )'uU I' \\t ' r'!' f t1l'I"t' :1 Int i", h (' f n l't~ l'iH :-t ill~ \\II ~ I1l'1ll"'l'd h\' till' court lhllt , :ti d wanl It 1(\ t-O tol' SI.ulh S t orl .. fr om' re .. 1 li f" s ho w lh \,11I :il (' In'''lll)!, t l llil'. \\ h\,I 0 th\! l , ' lI'-'r ~ dl'fPtH lunl pay ;I\'t' l' (,' th e pla in Iii!' " " " -hat an\' =-' I'hll ~d bpy r ail 11 II d'd , b ow I Uardiftn a of lhr> I.. "" now u ae ' h .. \\ t , , ~ , I', 1\1 .. \'\' It. • h. \\, '1'(' fl'l'\' I.' d 10 ht'~nll td hllal up thl'ir hnlHI\('l'~ tlwy nlilnullV hh, irlll' I'l'''H~ in ho u!whnld wheo l ca~h('~ I"'" had\ i:-- tlll'lH'd i .do neo and p ayc.l, oloID t o "olvc .... pd, ~ . \ I\ I " \\ II)' II~ \\ hh' h 1", "plil d \'\ "1"1' J.!(\I1 P! \\ h ll had Ink "" tllt'n,'! ~\I()d .. ill1<1 fUl' l\i-.thiIlJ.!~ Whllt'O t h ey words that dl ' lH.'fld l lf lll ii t'ul'h (IthP I' : :CI \\' 1\ ' ,.(. Y o UI' fl'jt'lld ~ lllp~ Yll U . f'II'n"'!'i\' 1'(_, .. id,,\1 Bu d ill add itioll " :{t) f o l' jll ~ tHIH'l' . hi s IlllIHb ...· '· 2 0, hpJ'izo n 6 ;;!j m y.'erie.. Seco nd..,r aerics. by Lt .. t, '11 tt l ,'I ill t' 11I11 ~t· H . \\'haL III'I' f"lh, ' " I" "1'1 I" ' '' )' I Tllt ' l't, wa~ Ill. :111 " ,," \' 1" tn that 'l Ul! ~- PI ' I' II11,,; th _ llll, hns " di n'('( 1'I'lali''I1 10 '1U," WI14 '11 Y ,tllI :I ~ k I',i(' h~'1' h a~ ~ d h ead of N ew Yo rk Poli(' ~ .I f' ll"" rt, t )'h ' ci l! \' :, 1,,·\\ -..1" \. , ':1 1 I : rtf" i I ~ t 1\1111. H~' 11).:' I'I ' PflH'ul fir Ih,· Jlnl'tit ~!'O in ttw .. \I Ji ll', lilt' "Hnt! ~ \, t"r'th. ti ull 1:1. m en l o 1, 1" " II l' \\~;l"I" I' \\ I~ ~\'l l ; l " l~ ,'llt., d" Till' (>1,, :"0 (':-\ o.,:~ l al'('h fai1f1d tn ,'p\'pa l ,,-'n ~ t · IIC B"l lil' ~ l artill \~. EdwH r d :\1:11'1 ill. th .· I t' 1t1l'ot'n ry J"t· :-t t I'lIil\ill~ 1'1'· till ' 111it "-;-- I,b \~ t ' •. 1' l' Il.';'lIl e :-" . \ ,,1 t'li :1I1Y 1l':le t' o f Ihl ' 1'111... Tit .. PIHp lo y - dt't' hl' rb,fol'L' j.!'l'lIl1tl, d Ih'n'in ig d i:n : lnll' ,\1. By Rl CII ,\IW I':. Uiltl(.IIT h ., Ivl l JlI th. all l ' I'Il! 1111I T ~ I\ ' pal"' 1' ", ..; :d l , "holi! lid til :-:t':1ITh 11\1 ehll' .... 1\ \" '11. I li,""> o f IIt't'kwl '-411' PolI(le l 'OIllI IlI« " " " 1' , :\. Y. I It)' :! A l!"I" "'lIhhttl· ph'a:-: a ll t \\ I'" tilt' .\l Il' 'Hlr ~U~Pt rt. \, :\~ at'· n',"I I," i. In t h ~ ca"c IIf \\, il lillm C. Ph illi p" fl ,\ t I'ut It \'< , () .. \'i l l~ .1, l' hil lips , minlll'. :\IId ' u . . t ll lllt· d tl' huy a n d IH' lI :tlllt" ,d ly (: ,\ ~ 1Il :d l iI L"' l ' t' t T h" " ml'; " I, ,'1111. ,.1 ill I hI' ""Iic!'. \\' ,,11,'" i.;,'nric'k , l!'u lI l'dill n . t lw lIl \lliv n 7 _'\'bb l' . I' H I' l' c'I' I Jli4': I' l ' tlf dl' JI""1 1 Thv dt · ll ·l... tI YI'~ "'1\1111 fotlrll l tlwm :.t ... h ·.... :: ('I' pluill t ilT to ~t.' t :I:,idl juti J,:' lI ll'n t WH~ ~ - \\'Iwt \'011 I-: l'pW ('\ l ' n ' 41 : 1\ UCClllnn t at ,\f H prufl.':o-:-i .q :11 llULlI·! llll'll ~U\\" llim :-- lnrt at' ~n' h t ,.1' t t·w uJ.,:ai n ... t I I ) .]:tl l k \\ all. T h,' r, ' Wl'r,,-' tI\ l'l'l't1h ·r1 . A k illi:- 01' Il ld",'; : tI ~ 1I :J' ',"1 ·q-ll \1 Un l c~s you vi e w him /I ... !-oUt'll ruu hH\l' IlI' W ~ t hat \\:\ :-- :-, pl"( ·n ll iwf"I'I ' him 111 hl' nl ~ I ' ( I f ' Villiam n. S t (' wart 1\ 11 1'1 111· .... )111 I H q- I' r !II' II I I ..:, TloI thillL"' ! ~lIld l·l.ill ,· \I1"1'. 'nl III :-;1'''' :11 1 1 \ .~ ,1:llIH':O- \1. ('rH ig- , .. t nl. , tht' ,'o urt little co nccptio ll o f th e cha, gl' tli"l il\ lh~ 1H': "l\ ill "~. " \;1' ,,111 ,'1It'",)' 11,,_ ill Uw :;, ! II :llld Hitll .I · ltl l ' \. :--. O tl l 1l : 111 I ,. I , . , I d il '\:t ~ an hag come o v "r tho plillct...' bU :oO.II11\:O;., In po~ it. Y :lUll LtJ u! t,tI, " o r !'olll1\l' t h ill,:! !-it1t., ".I,' "', 1"1111' d I. d t.v "" llll ' .. ,tI,1't ,d lh at ill furlh er 11I'ot:Cl ' Clall }t:-l>! 'fhi =-, i:; a h ;11 d li lli ' Ill' lhl' CH lI :W, 11 11 ,'\\ d t ' ~ ("ri p li') 11 of t ill' 1 III :\ :-:ultix the hig c itics in the I"" f, \\' d., c- to tha t t.' lrl.'c \. Till' s t u ry WI li t \III ttl ('111) " 1.\1'1' \, 1'1 '1'111 I 1111\ . T)' l s thl'- I'r\ · n 1i:-\t.:~ l It' :- ( 't ("II ! th in I'l lIi lltitr'~ pl' · 1 1 A I. atlll \ '.1 I'd 1I1t'; illi ll~~ .Ill! . ·1 .iu~t Ihe remedy to aid ! t,11 thnt c\·... rr :o- i ll~ It' VHUIt III H l, ·ad · ,H'y ,~II ,t, 1 d II;, l 'oIl l h. 1 1 1ti('i i d ~. IIThat tl lion. sdeH, ~'i.' ith( ' 1' l it" i ll\' pal' t il'~ ,' h 'c l · I :.! /\1I 11 !ht,t' I.ali u \\,ll'd 111 \ r I II},!" I I It e system in th rowing otl E du cation of th e publi(' , till' ~1i1l1' 111g' ba nk 's ~"r l't~ (lI' l hl:-- ll d l' j 1;lI ' ' n "n l FI l l' !" . " ' . ( ; 1 I' 'I t I · 1111 w"rI,in g' illJ.!' l(l tak(' ~u l d 4' '- \ al,' , it WH ~ II nlc'n'd " g-ulld. " 11 /1 II1 .d ll.n p I II I I' I'L tin titr. thlll ~l\id C"I., rr" ,,1 waSIl'S. he lp th e In ation of t ho " cOnll'-PIl ," the " h ic'k," ha d h( 'l'll I 11I\ I\ n ,I II ) " ,~ - { " 11 1I 1I !' h t' I', 1:1 T il IIIn1.;p fl d l \\ . :1. II Ill, I T ·,'.Ji hi" " ':, 1 h. I !I ' I" 1'1111" , " l' ~I\I I I :1, I' uhli(' allcliclfl, fUll cIll) n:>.1 o rgan s, res lo re t t ( ': '1 11t1 , 11' II f d" 11Il!'. nnd t ho "uns us peClin,::- dLi z('n ," h[wl' lTi ,ninul ... . 'I'll" "" 111 40 "!' I II' I ;I' l k " II ~ ("1'11 ) 01 hi,\ I ' ' d . tit,!· ., 1''1 1111'11 . a ... If. dig " , llon u nd brin g bac k \ViIa l II hunl,' !" dllt' s 1,, ·1',,1'" hi ' broug h t in the bruillY CI'O,,\;, Kel'l" Ih)t J!'iYl/ fl thl' :- l . ,[ ). lHi~ llt holH ' ap- \\ l' 1I .1:- :;·id l.PUO . " \\ .1 :-- tlh'it' 1· \·.i ~dlld ".' I' . 1 N EW SU ITS fi l·,·s 1 I he pr d ec t bala nce. ing pace with that incli\'idua l thl' po- Jllicd ttl half .1 d l.h II 1 ,j~ l'i1I1 I\~ d" \\tl I II \\' hl 'I' I ' \lI l1 111'1 ' .;. id, Tht · rll I J.. \ \ l ' n ' II I II f, ' 1 n l ~ '!l t :lnd :,\tllry E lIP H FIT .' r t' nt r>r" d :-;. uit Ilnll l ZO:'o;TA L lice ha ve h ad to dev~l op I he scie nc e ' .... wn . :?O Alt 1 -: lIl"ii :-.1I ri \,·1' tI . . u:t!l,r Ih" lIl" ht r~·r u - na me et~ the need a,_ptlll ~t C IHl't!tJ(,\' i:. Fr Yl'l' f ll r di all \\ f'l' t ' 1II ' J'\(l\! :O: Hnd :lP' to d u th ll1 J,!to I A , h" d l' ,'f hl'" wn Ou r llla n ~ ( 'l' IIH ' d d :1Z\"\ t1 fll!' n mo* t hat \\I) uld li HO k :o-u:, pil'illu:-l. uf itt rtl lllh ', ' l!,ln \\ lth ~ h: th. , ·'" of crimino logy or s techniqu e fu r wh ic h ' we :111 {eel a t this I':"c ry \ u ri ' t ' on ).!TI' ll l1d :-; llf J.! l' u:-;:-\. 11t'~Il't· t (If ;j ('(Hl j U IH' t ion l'xpl'l\~!i il1g a d o u h t 1" '" I't'. I catching and han dling c rimin als. Th e m ~nL - Ihl' lI hl' h U!'l'i ,,'] I" Ih, ' Saf et y o ne WH ~ I'll J:u urd ;J)..:ai!l ~ t l ' \-l' n ' one dllty. ..QSO n of the ye:>.r. Th(' rtl~ult o f U l'UU:-;C. 2 1 ~ I t'ta l~ ill tllt, 1';1\\ .... la:'· '\ r esul t is , that such forc es us :\ ' W I )t'p u::oi l VHIl II IIf 1I1tl.' lIf UU[- lun":-l's t (,1»' 1'_ It \\' ;L!"o thal ~ ta t c nf u,,-:r vo u s \\' h('rC' m ost t hi n)!s nrt...' "Huh,. <!:! 5 Acl\'('l'b n1l·lwill.L!' Ht 111.' 1 1 t illl!' PROBAT E COU RT Lallks, AIlI \\l' I,ncw whl'l'l' thl' Ill is"- h'l1~it'1I thllt \\' t' !'ol! uj.!" h t. T ht, thl't'C York's are , to duy t r ained forces. :! ,! 12 A ItI tI ~ il' J\ 1 tll'}!uni zutiutl A J,!TPwth ~ ,,' tht ' ~ k ill. I !"" llI l'hlly .sold Everywhere Ed C, Junnc)' wn ~ appuint ed IId - 1,\ A ll im J1 f1I)H'1' l ' lll1lrU(, t inn (It' l,.' u l'l' i ll),! O il Ih" JH':tu iI!' IH'rh. P e rhaps illu st ration o f sOlli e o f lh" Jill!' M'curitil'!" w~r c hidd l' ll. It wus mc'n \\h u had ac tually 1,(1(' 11 in t he mini"tl'ClLOr (,I' the ('" llI t l' "f An nu 15 1r vu ll di d n't J! l1f'~S 1·1 " l' r tie- al ~ · 1 :\ pn' pp-", itiUIi n ewcr form s of d etec t ive \\' ol'k will ea sy thl' n t u le arn t.he th'lil iollS IIH llle ,,· II (' r ·s ,'Ill!'c' all lh e till ll ' lhHt t h(· E, Cnlcntun . d~c .. n"l'd. William AIit ~ ' lI() 11=-1' In dlJfll1c l h is tm e Ill" :lti Fal (1'4.101 tH 'cf best show how criminology h", ud - he had J.! i\'t1Il . t o fOJ'Cl' n c llnfl'",»' io n h illR 1\'(' 1'" thc' n' . hud bl'clI inlcrrof(n.L- Il' n, lIarv(' y ~ l lIttl!'~I' lind Crtilll \lev thp v arc i, h\ntieu l , T IH' III'P" :-:i tl· \It" hUII\..rU! l t (' nJ.,t(' 1' wc t'c u.anwd nt. Hlll'l'ni:,w l'S. 1 G vance d aDd has made use of ull th!' and n ' ~il in till' ~l' (' uriti('~, f; ick A l"lll; dl il l: illl:d th:t L hl lP-': (~ d withoul r(·~ ult . Th e r Ci>0 r l uf Owen ~ . Ili.:.:in", 1111- 17 Objecti ve fir "t p c r~ol\ ~ inl!' u ltlr 2\ 1 A , ' (1101' The puin l in t his Hlll ry is th nl the other sciencell in i ts progT(,S'. On e One uflel'Tl oo n th n ne wspaper l' mini.tratur of t hl! "s(nle u f ha rl es 311 \\' ltnl, t it" ~ I I'<. It al l'" III .III I'll of our favo r it c m o d el'll l"ycho Jogy c'n py o f th" nt>w"pupcr wh il' h OUI' s us- cn nl(' out wilh II Nto ry th ut th e bank A, Ludlu m, d eceased, w as n pproved 18 pronou n Wlttl t VO ll ~e nd w it h t h p IRun d r y 3 1 Th e III :-- t :-i \ Ihil li e ,If u \\dl · klhl \ \· 11 ~vi c e8 is to "~et' · thl' crook to c' uteh Pl'ct read wus t he ol1ly ull e nf its lhefL mys t .. ry hnd b'c e n solve d, tha t and co nfirm ed. 19 E"l' ·,. l,Ptle r h" lf putt'nt rlll:di l' ill(' In the mlltter of l he cs tnlc o f Mary 20 One o f Lhe "u n'" of 1\) hori7.o n tlli :I~ Th " r" II!'1h 1I1 11 , k,, 1 "' 11 ,, 101,, himself. T wo recent cn"es illll, I""I(' kilHi. We hud h ud it pr inted b y o ne lilll!cr-pdnls hud ueen found (yo u 3,t :\ my t hiL'1I1 hi .. d "r , \',," il ,n of the ufl el' lIo o n pap~ rs by arr:IlI)!:C- will r CllI l' mUt' r tha t t h r e were n one ) F.. !)Lnrry, ,Ieccased , l h" Leb an u n Nu- ~ 1 Tit , OI'P,>"ilC of unLier the method. ti onu l Bu n k un d T r ust Co. , fi led it. Olen t with iL, manng in!\, e ditor - wh o C.ilty Mall nud that "nn nrrtlF\ t was immi nent." in ven Lory an d n PPl'Il isc mc n t. 1",.1 I!lmlly ht'lpcd u" .fu rl he r lht, en ds Cure WII ~ L.. kell to see t hnt Ihese paE lme r Shee ha n wus a ppointNI nn T rapa H imaelf o f j us ti ce. T here had bcen a h II vy l o~s of 5 ~ ­ pers I'('u,'h"d the thre e m!'n w ho we r c min istra l or of th e es t u t e o f Ru chel Pine Cu mpbe ll, d ecen.ed. Bon d $1 0,curi t ies from a n estnte lllld u nwmbl'r An Insid o jlrinl'ipnlly under s urve ill llnce. -----------------------' ~ OUO. Frank :Ze ll , Elius O)!: II'"bce lind Job of the execu tor's fam ily WIIS sus A fl e r the th ree hu d hud j us t tim e J . Lindley M(! nd e nhll il we r e u!,pointA noth~r examplo: I n a l e ll~ r 's 1. 0 rcali7.' that dnn)!: " r im pended f o r ed npp rniscr., Upun application o f E Ui!'cn c Fos"o rne ulle the d C' lct'liv(!s called t hem t er.execu to!', the finnl HC COti n t "'UM NOTAR ,( PU BLIC into th e IIi~rclO r" ' r oo m for a no th e r confi rme d i n t he matter of Ih e e. tutc que.tio n. T he tmy in w hi ch t hc r J a ne \y , B, F OKtcr . dcccns t!ci. \\ tl ls Ora" n W illiam H. Whitac r e , ns. il!nec , til J11tl'kcL or uills ha d rested t() ~ e th c r e( 1 hi s first ami fin a l ucco u nt in th \\'ith n llwr n r ticle s t hn t hnd been in \-Vayn ,:sv llk, O hIO aSH i ~ n me n t of J oh n R. W ilso n. th c 1('lll'r'~ cage, lny on t hc tnble In tIll' ma t te r o f t hc e"WlLe o f ,I. iU "1 o ut o f rcuch of th e l hrce_ lI a rt er Sh itia kc r, d l'Ccase d, !'i. Il. Chu ll ce ll or , exec uto r, fil e d h is di" t ri uPsyc ho logy A ga in u tiv e nccount. U. e d by D et e c t ives In t he matter of t he est atc o f Be rt , , Reed , deceased, Grace Ree d \Vus spOf t~e lhree m e n be lfl j\' ques h on- po in ted excc ~ltrix. J o h n G. Vuil, (> d j us t 0. nc Rho we d nn inte r es t in the W illia m H.utTo rd and. Ed S . Conk lin tmy un rl the nth(>I' artides. Ht, in - Wl'rc, u PP O tnt ~~ npprur sc l's . , ~ i ~ tcd o n han dli nl!' t hc I 1 0k' th Ann a 1\1. . i.; nr b1. a R cxecuto r o f Ihc • n, ~ In': .em cs t n te o f Niles Kn'by, d ocea~cd, fi le d O,'CI' cardully, 1 hl' d et ec tt ve~ dlsmlss- hc r ilwl!ntory Ilnd up pmise m ont. c d he t hrl'e , Ra ti.fiecl that the m ys- I In the m utte r of ,t ho estulc nf tCI'Y hnd bcen so lved - not bef ore, but Ruc he i P ine Ctllll pbe ll , dccell"ed , it a [lc'r th e I ' ws 1 bl' t· r " ' IlS ord ered t hat Elmer Sh ec han . u. Lc wi s O. !ln d Frnnc". M. Kli vn lts J , nn)\\ n, l' ITOr in ]1llyin g- d clin l] u,>nt W E G ET TH E M QU ICK L.Y -\ I't D , 'e. I ape r pu, IClI Ion 0 admi n is trato r g ivc un a d d it innu l bo nd F REE OF C HAR GE th e "tory of thl' fini!'c r -prt n ls, 'of $500 0, Add itiona l bo nn \\'n~ g iv to Ida L. HUludt llm 2 lot~ itt l.eb:1- tux . Hf,c; \\'. II , !'Wllttl!'l' ('n. , gUI'l'l i.. ; . ' $ t 30,OO ; A, T . I.l'wi _, "uint in.: Uridt.:'l' , no n. $1. 'I'h (' man who ha d pi c kc d up the euu nd Ilp pro ve d by th e cou r t. CA LL US A NY T IM E AT OU R r:. Trov ill n to Frank C. Anderso n , : , 2i) . IIt1; . 1. T . , ~Inrl n tl , <li me , $:)5 .: !>; tYllY remurk ed to anolhe r d e rk t hat E XPE NS E lot. in L('iJn,otl , ~ 1. , I '!(llll"~ .('Ull r- , ,~ u y a rd s o f f.!' !·nvel.() ~I. ~ "flernLPun Lhut eve n if th <,y fo u nd MARRIAG E LICENSES Waynll hlll'l$ Lv Ca rn e E. iShu rls . \,,(l; I(,"I Ilru!i' tort', , "pplt~" $_.1" , 1', B, Hl'll n noc k, lllu,ki lll!' iii I. $~!l.IJO; his lin gl.' r-p rin ls o n t he trllY it \Vo u ld Lnwren cc HI. Br own, ss lesmlln , of lo t in ' Leba nu n $ 1. Anto n B. nnd Rosa Koh ler t o J os- Or el!o ni u Bridg\! CO,", repll irs ,In "'tHi ll not mcun n nythin g, s in ce he hud han- Lo ve land a nd Miss Ethe l A. Schrive r . Phone B HARV E YSBURG. 0 , seph li nd Ann n Grc(' n, n bout 15 nC I'e~ l un d ~ h ll t' pellinl!' I!'ra<ier,, $ IU,:!7; W , b d "teno)!:l'Ilph er, F ost e r , d ll> d it " in fu ll vi w f C. l3 ~ t'l!dnll 1>11 )'1' ,, 11 $ I,, ~, ~n; .I . II. Y'. Gu y Brow n, tl utoll1 obilo d en Ier, o f ill C l ell rc l'e~k 'I'p., $ 1. , . e ,0 eve ~y Flure nce 1:1 . !iin swol't hy t o Ida Ma y ~lill (' r. ~n nt l' . sa Ul:I,7f, ; \ :l 1I ~y I'h unl' 1ha t re mut' k wus Ilts und orng. Ills Cincinn nti , and Mrss Ve lda J . SpikSibcy, ap p rox im a t e ly :1. 8 U ncr<'~ i<l Co " I 'l' ttt. ~ . $ 7:l .Hf>, co nfess io n an d the return of t he bills , u rd , in spectur, M,,"o n. --- - - unto ul' hcd, fo ll ow cd c lose after. He ,Robe rt L. Knig h.t, f a rm e r, nnd Turt lccrcek T p., $ 1. Lin co ln H , G regg Lo W a d e Ow(' n. hnd t ruppcd hi . If MI SS B lan che Wa rW Ic k, c le rk , both IN R EBUTTAL mse , o f Le buno n. nn d Willillm Rce\'c~ , ubo u t 6 1 ne r es As a Illenns of e x to r t in g a co nfesJ o hn W ilbur Sc hrack, r CR t ll umn t in Clclll'cree k Tp .. $ 1. Ma ry B , I>o nso n t o Charl es C, !; io n, in te ll igcnt a nd pr o lo nged qu eB- l p r~p ri e t O I' a nd Miss E mily E lizuucth OpL- " Ci\,il i1.uUoll is (' c l'lain i), proMONE Y LOANED Frazee, lot in F ra n klin, $ I . ti oning- by re lays o f detec ti ves- is Ca m, bo lh o f Morr ow. g r ess i ng in r a piri . l dd" ., 'I'h .. ,,!Ii Wal te r R. qu ie r to ~; dwurd Mn r ' I V · ' rn ic H. Wa rdlow, dairy man a nd ?IU Ch more e fliIcnCIOUS tha n. nny phys- I Mrs. Amber E, Minni ck, both of Le u- lin, lot in Frunk lin , $ I. cie ll ey of mode I' ll mttn i. trul), re· ,1O:--JJ:: Y LOA~ml) ON LIV E STOC K, Ica l uLtnck could be, It IS the cul- ' a lw n. Julia McGruw Lo Innh B. Wilson , murkn hle ." ChIlLl"'" , al s ll s ccoful mo rtgngcs . p ri t' 9 mentu l rc crve th a t wc wunt Wayn e Wilson Ke lly. mus ician e t a I., lot in Fran k li n, $ 1. T r ut hfu l T ont - "Y e h! Our I""" l\ "tl'~ b<p lIg ht, .John HIlt'h ine , Allcn Lo br enk d own . Ques tio n ing until o f Mid d leto w n , and Mi"s P CI.ll'i l~ l'IIn ­ lllUK C' I'S h ave m n d ' 741l ,:Uil ,2!H') la\\'~, Hllil di l1g', Xcuin, O hi o. he hilS r Cllched the poin t of m entn l , ~~~I, Wll f, facto ry wo r ker, of Leb a - COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS ..\ ln l l "$':' Ihp..:,,-\ \\lhl ,' ll t~l(t find wc'nt il;l l l'al~l' . ~Hm (' one yeti tho







It Build.


"," *




,' ~








rl HV eysburg Fertilizer Co.




ex ha us ti on a nd NO hus n o r e5istnncc le f t , br cnks the r escrve , This has IICc n fo un d hig hly va lull ble.


bUl [

aa.,bapumaneru bulkUng. ra lher .... pay aut 80 much for renl or for baud .ad ladeinc. with nothing lert 10 mo. u it ill tile ax1. Whe D In Darton V iall



A few mlnut~ with B pendl aDd p.per wlI1 ronvince you that YOll can own .: bome suitebto for your ~ TIIIk k oYer with yom dealrr. H e is • prac1tt1oner In baidtng, He know. aD!ItIor:a; his eaperiooc:e 18 valuable ' . , }'QO. He _ I S 10 g!w ,.,.. l he I IdDd of.mea tbat wm make a frieod

w. H. MADDEN & CO.


Eatlre cb....,. 01 _ram .Yew}' SUada,..... Thuroda,. Coatl... _ Performaace. 'ron, 1.30 to l1r3O P. M. Aft.moo.. Prteee ZOe and 300.



Fa rnlers, Atte ntio n! F:l rl11l' r~


r \\' al"I'Cn


u ti joining

counli,'s ma y ob tain nWll ey un lon g t i lll~ loans, a t 5 1 , pll'l' cent inter est. Ctl~ l of :ilJcuf'ing lhe Sfllne i:i very rcn . s(llIaulu ,lhrll u!(,h Th F c d ern l Lund Balik, F o r fur Lhe r info r mati on cl\ lI un or nd d re R~ Ill. U.j}.RAK E, T rc tls UI'I' t' , phone 31 (i-X , Lebauo n. Ohi o_ FOR RENT \..-

1"uR !tENT- H o use of fi vc r oon lR, wuLe r Hlld o lccLr ic li)!: h lR . Inq uiro of !\I rK. W illiam A, I\t corn c r o f 1'y ll' r oS" a ll d Fourth sLr ee ts.


& L.eAHOQl:: , wI:! ...... cQE:

"A\.KIH • jI>~\JT' LA5T HIGH!' - !.!:." ·S T AIoCE 1-:" Ft II"!:;;" ":' $:~ -rO -DA~ -


Sbeepskin Lined Coab. Boots, Shoel, Etc. ARMY STORE

3(J~ ..... SOc-

17 W. Fifth St.



BIIC YCLES ChUdren'. Vehiclea TIJ'ea - • • - RepairJng : 411 .... .I~_ ...

LI NE S T O SPEED BOYS DI HI! a l,,' ut your m O,tor car, l l' "peed an d its e nduran ce. Brag so ni c m or e a n d " s tcp on it" Yo ur wife can s pen d ins urance.

6 Bill VaudeYille Act. and Feature PhotopIa,.

B. F. Keith's




i mprOV l\l11f'llt.


n. Amertcan c.miJy apIrtI ha3 mud> to do wttb ... Bvery child is entitled 10 a real ~ People ~ bave <:hiIdml w anl their boys and girts 10 know what It is to live In a bouIiIe, with a yurd.


H ll y


~he bome-building y~ar. AI J'OD travel over Cbe country )IOU aee t""'-'t of homes being erected. . , . . 118ft oome to the realization a.t II II true economy 10 put their


ca n 't sec

Bi lls a llowed : Dr. R , M. Rlll il', 1'1'0 - th e le n cOltl m lll J(l m(' nt.~ , " fc s. io na l sc r viccR fro m J u n e to Oc toR EAL ESTATE T RANSFERS be r, $ 1 ~4.7r, ; .J uh nso ll WUtsO Il Co., Curri e E. S hu rts to J ose ph Dc bllr s upplie s, $5 ,75; nles Dept. Ohi o P Cll Do y ~ur t rndin l{ in .W ll yn esv ill e, lot in Le ban on, $1. ite nti ll r y, s u ppli s for Il uditor, $45 .7 6


WhIle Shop"", Ia IIton Y""; C- Ia

HUBER'S GARAGE 'C'.,~'" .e~o.


Reeourc4.. $18,600,000.,00

...".... $870,S87.32

...... aa,GOO AUI

c -....................






• ReIoallt. trued Ill> a1ao _ rt... .....





, re. or





ED PURDY'S PHILOS "Times ch a nge, but truthful .dagos live for ev e r. The w olf at th o door to-day i s a n a utomo_ bile."

FOR :-; /\ [,~~, - Gu um nt ccd Il o. iery, 'n mp les yo U!' ~Ir.e f>'lle to ll~ 'n lll. W i'lLI.' fOl' pr opositio n p uy ing $75.1J O wl'~k l y full tim c. $ 1.50 lin ho ul,' Rr,arc t inl e. se llin ~ g uarantce d hosie r y t o W('(ll'or ; mm"t wea r 0 1' r e pluc(>d f: (l8 Q uir k slli cR, Tc pe at o rd cr . . In L ~ I'n l1 Liu ll ul S Loc ki ng Mills, GUG!) N O;'l'is tOWII ,

... ....,





S AL E-Icc box, lOO t) p'llln ds capacity . Co mputing s ca le >', lIl e llt clllli ng b lock. Hoba r t POWCI' ;tt'il:dl,r, I nq ui!'C of C. E. Edwll rds, Wn Ylluo·26 vill e. Ohio. F O R SA LE- Potutoes-Fine , h O/lleg r own Iri sh Cobh ler , Gree!1 Moun .. lll in " nd Bo nn e r; $1.00 per bl;sh,, 1. . S trousc Br08., R. D. 6. W ayner.\,!llc, Ohio. ·n20 FOR S ALE- 1500 bu . of app les, fa nc y Rom c B ea u ties, hn nd-p icke d, good f or cooking Ilnd eati ng long Ilceper R; p ric e ut orchard , $ 1.00 to $ 1.5 0; droppcd IIp ples according to q uality. D. B . Und e r w ood, V alley pho,n c 34-8, H a rveysburg, O. tt FO R S ALE- Potatoes, extra nice ; u lso a lot of, goo d seas on ed w inter wood. Wa lter ,R. Whi taker; R. D. I, W !l ync~\' iIl e , Oh io. . " n 10 FOll SALE~'S. C . W. Legh orn pullots und cockerels. A lso n Buick tru ck. M'ra. B . ;Yo Smith, P hone. 37-8, W ay n svi llc, Ohio, : n12 FOJ~ SALE-Fou r S~ C. R. I . R. cock erels., Inq uire of MrB. J oh n - S. Tholl1son , R. D, 4, Wayne,ville, O. n 1~


FOR SALE-Immunod BUr Type lan d China Boan. Prfce 1'eU01l-

able. Ohio.

PIll'l7, Bellbrook. DlI'

trb,a Miami Cazett.


--------------~------~--~~--~~~~~,~,~~~~~~--~~~--~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~------~+~--.-~--~-------------,----~ The r.~d(cs Aid 8o cioty of Mt. Rol. GA Z E T -T E .... ..~ THE MIAM Iy m t " h'e - hom e uf Mrs. Minnie



t. ' ''UI~ 1) 1':V I':IlY W F.nNF:SDA Y

Enlpl"pd ut th e 1'0Rlnlll cc ilL Wlly rwsv 1110. 0 .• II.' SI!coml Clu.s Mall Matter D . L. CRANE. E'. dilor and Publi.h.r, W.y""ovill., Ohio. S u ',~cl'i pLiulI

Wm. Brown i: (I n lhe s ick

Th o La di c's Aitl !'IlI't nt the home of Mr ,. MIlY I.l""la, Weclfll'.duy n fl r-

!' I' ice, $ 1.[,0 POl' yco r . ~,


nOIi Il.

J . K. I.t·wis i. imprOving, li ft er being RNi"us ly hurl lit schoo l I n~t



-- -=- .:.= .

Mrs. 'ntherine J ohn s, of Cen t e rdiil ', ,·I , lteu-·Mrs . Chus. E. J ohns, Thu r sday. ~ I r. and Mr •. E ve r ett Jl ui ne ~ , of


THE REPUBLICAN VICTOR" Th,' It'· (lul.!i,·a l1 pUl'ly hils wnn u !'. Il1 Hs hil1 g' ,v i(,lury ill t.he c h!cliun (If I !I :!.I. Thl' c\t·('Uu n o f PI",·:o\ id p!"'. t Cul\'ln COll lid g- l' IHld (jen. C h uJ' lcK C. llH\\e~ i ~ H \'i~to l' Y in B III llj lll' ha t ti e n ( t he 11t'\\' \\' UI' (or t he pr t' s l'I' \'uli ( Hl uf th e

I(,' pub lic. II i:-;. u vitlnry fur nlililunt unu ('tIU• tru,·tivc rl' (l uiJ li chn bm , a l r iu lllph

Fra nk lin,

HARVEYSBURG Mrs. J. D. S tewllrt is very p (l riy lit th is wl·iling. Co ullly Su pl' r in tend e nt lIurri. visited nul' ",:1""" t hi " weck Mrs. Hubc rl SlUlllp und Mrs . Karl ::ihioluk e r w 'r~ s huJlpin.r in Wilmin gtU II, T ue.dIl Y. Burtl - To Mr. und Mrs. Wilbur

It Vt' r ht'H i l anl'Y in polil i('H, U rl1p lldia . Lt'w iH un ~utlda)', N o vember 2, un 1 i,," " I' t h e .t ..."IJling u f vitol iK" UI'S M \lr pou nd buy . _ l" lll: h HR 4.'h al·ul' tl'l·iZt,d the mi ... ~uid


w ure

cn llin g


L ytlt


r e lllli ves SUlldIlY. Mrs. Harr iet McGin ni s nn d 1111'S. Oll il' Routznhn nll o! dau~ hte r We r e Day tOil v i s itor~ , FI·id"y. 1111'. 111111 Mr..<. Frllnk Rog e r" w e r e Sunday gues ts'o f Mr. lin d 1111'S. WiIlill", Ca r ey , uL Ridge vi lle. Mrs. Cum CI" .. k and Mr• . Mary Curmony vi sit.e d Mrs. Chas. Clark at Mia mi Vall e y ho sp il"I, Wedn e8duy. Rev. lind 1111'". J. C. Slilze l and Miss III c'z Staley we r e G-o'clock di nn e r gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J o nes, Thul·sduy. Mr. nnd Mrs. H. II!. CllIrk r et urn ed lI1 00 duy eve ning ufter a cou pl e of days vi, it wilh th e ir so n, Prof. Georgc Clark and wife , in Cincinnali. Mr. lind l\\r'H. C; uy Rnutznhn a nd dllu ).(h ler, atte nd ed th e funel'ul of lhe lutter', brolhe r-in -Iaw , Mr. Marion Jackso n, nt Tippecan oe City, SlIturday. Mr. und Mr s. Glenn C. J ohn s li nd son, uf Duyton, Mi s" Mary Cook and IItr. Parry Cook. o f Waynesville. visIted Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J ohns, Sunday. Mrs. May Ke nty nnd Miss Bernice Pe nnin glon attended lh e State tellchers mecting Ilt Columbus Saturday and r e mained ovor until Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr·s. S. H. Haines and 80n. James, Mr and Mrs. Walter Kenri c k were entertained to dinner S un doy nt th e ho me of Miss Ue nn a Briscup an d Mrs. Ce ll a lIuthaway, in Spri rwbo ro. /\II'. and Mrs. J. B. J o nes enter. tain ed t o Sund a y dinner, Mr. and M... . JOijeph Miller, of Springboro, Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Archdeacon, of WlIynesvil\e. Mr. und Mrs . C. S . Lnmb, of Dayton Mrs. Re.becCII Dill. of Mt. H o ll y, Mr. and Mrs. A ll e n Em _ rick lind dnug hle r, Gludys. Mr. Frank Ke nty lind lWO M il S.

MurlllLt' lflRt :rhll nidny. A n 'w bullll boy WIlS horn to IIfr . alld Mrs . It"y ShflW, At t he home of her moth.c r, Mi r ~ . J)o ra Morgan. The lit 10 ha by of IIlr. nnd Mrs. 1Mi'll!! I SCUlt, o f t his place, who WU 8 quite ~ic k th" P'''t week, is much improved. Miss Lulu nnd lI aro ld J{ e ll i. , of Xcnia , sl" ' nt S unday lit tht· h(lme (I f lh e ir parents, Mr. arrd Mrs. Frank K clli ~ .

Mr. O. B lII urllllt und fa mily and Mi," ('J a ra nnlJ~ht e r s ~ pen t S undllY th e I(u" ot, u f ;\lurlutt an d


wife, o f IWllr ruir!icld.

and Mrs . .Jacob Zim",I'r an d fnmily s l){' nL S und ny II ft e rn',n n t he J.:u"s ts of rc lnth'c s Ill':~ r BI'Il IJ rll,',k. Mr. a lld ~In' . Em,·I·.ll rl I hll hll " cnll cr. 1'1'1 1111 Xc ll ia Sun day " ft e rn ll"" und cvullinJ,{. l\"!r-.


.•Public Sale..l

, I· I: J.:~L UIfl,EC roR Havin g docid ed to 'di sconti nue \ Hc· d , "I PIiI . ]l1uHUn' : II I'l'ude ... ;<; t .. ,.1 1 fnrming , r will FI' II hy Wil Y ,, 1' publi<' WIl", 1 i'" w Fra me , Wh(O(·I),arr" h' . .Inll Wayn esville, Ohio uuction , n t my r C':tidcI\C l' , !! I~ miles Ilt'l l l' Cultlvatur, Ol i :pr ulL lvlllor, wes t of II II brook, I ",ile ~" uth o f \ lillyl " n Cullll'utu r. :! ""c-ho r,,' '1IItifully Equipped for Goou Whiles C OIIl~ r , :1 Y. mi les cast of Cell- '·IIL,·r" II nul,I,· ('lI lti p,,"'; r r 1" .. ,,1 a " lcrvilla, Oil the Dayton und Wilmin~' I ""w, ~ Jlilll'l':"l l ~ ' ul l\' lIt" ~· , . :! drll).(~ , Service. 'lllll pike, ,' n . I ll ay 1: "l'c', 1,,(1 leCI . li llY r OI ~ . l ,-1'1 Large D isplay R oom '(HURSD A Y, NOVE~BER 20, 19 24 Il ay Lu d" "rs Iii f t. I",,~ . II ,, ~ I li l,· ... Beginni ll g lit :.1: 30 II . m ., IIrOIll]ltly j.\Ji l\\,u llkl''' "111\\''''', GJ:ulli. S."'k" ,,'1 ' lhy on N lmrr lhe follow ing : oI ou l, I" L"ddl' '''', ~ .La"ds ,,!, II",·" , d FOUR HORSE S 11',,\\ 1'" 1'llJ 'I" " . I. ,, ~ , lIai " . , ;,,1\ ,.1,· .\ 11 Good Wl) rkl '''' II ,, ~ I « ,d,·I'. 11 "1'1 '" Ch il i" .;:! ' _ _ _ _ _...._~~~~~~~~!!!! 24 HEAD CAT T LE I!t.' ! t~ , :.! ,-;o.g-:t! . U i l I ' rtlm ~ , \ 1, \ iI. , - - - - - -'!!!!!!! 14 heud 'o f Milk Cuw " " h ... nu lo f 11'" .. ).(,·. \·i ~ ... \I' "rk lkndl, " '''' 111 '''''' , Yearling I\ eifer s , I !jlt·('I', F' lI l1 -hl" r,d 11"",,\,s, \\'1'1.,, 1'11('" SIt,,, ,·I, II ,,,,, , II ll d cd ho rthtl l'll Rul1, 2 ~r e HI':: o lt!. I llan y. nlhl' l' oil t idl.·.- tOil IlUIIII I'lIlI 'I 5 7 HEAD HOGS 11I'·11ll\' ". 2 Brood . uw s , Wi lh I i young Pir.:~. 1 ~ I il ki ll ~ \·l,·", il<- Buek ,·t, . Straill The Eye Sight Specia lis t S Brood ::;o WH utld ~ tI Slt tl a l>. "'1'1).(h \ ,... . ~lrI" r a,, -. ~ld k (" "IeI' . !-;ltari'I,· ~, ubou t 40 Ihl ulHl s. 1(' 11.:1111 Sl'pal'a tlil'. FARM IMPL EMENTS l;asoli",' J-: n~ il\ "' . :!'" h. 1'., 1'I,wc r Lebanon, Ohio Ford t o" Truck, wilh cu t ll,· ruck Wus her , "W I'lllan'~ Friend." in ~ood sh ape , F o rd sllrt Trnell.'" u ~l' d T~ ~c~c imph·flll..' nt~ a r t.' in ttu' hes t




~1 r. H nrlan , wh o hus been RuffNinJ.: k .. luli \' cs here hu vc r eceived wor 1 fr om ~ cjHti ('u . wa ~ aide. tCl tu kc up ,.d nPJlOl nuni. 1ll OIr l it " J),'nlO crnt ic pur h is schoo l \\, Il r k III Mild erl ll, Ohiu. Iusl Iy " IIU it is u LoJ y bl"w to Lu F"I · ur th e birlh o f u 80 n to CIiPt. and w (·c\;. 1111'8. Chll~. Garner, u f Col umbus. h·tt i ~ llI (lnrticulurly, nuticu lis m Collt' ('_ Th,· COI1lJiliOIl of Wm . FII·tcher d oeR Mrs. Floren"" ClIrr i. s pe nding se vtivcly and pul1l i<-n i r cne)(ud c~ l'l" U t 'l" not impr ove us ' Il(' colil y a s hi , fri c·nd R ull y, wheU",r t1ll'Y I,,! nomi nall y He· " rill dllY" with hl'l' chi ldl'cn, Mr. alld wilu id lik e. Mrs. 1J (, llry MUI·l'hy. lit LI'i)lIllo n. lIis trllll!"" is c hi"f1y puhli cHI1M (ll' n u minull y J) c m ocl'n t s. m (· ntal. Mr. Gludlll lln I·: lli" , of Waynes ville, I'res i,il'nt Cuu lid!:,' lind G" n"ral ~I iss El e nnor IIlI yd oc k atte nded the Huwa.. hllvc b,'e n Kwc pt inlo ojl; :e ny "P,, "t lh e day Wedn es dllY with Mr. m ee ling or th e Cen t rn l Ohi u Tenc hers n plurulity ,' ven ~rt'n ll'r th 'I'1 n,I.: IIlld JIlrs. Jus Cu rti s, of n eur here. a ssoc ialio n in Colu mbus Fridny un d Mrs. Hurry S hidukcr lind childre n, with which t he Republican" un cl,' r t i,e Saturday. of Cedarvill e , spe nt the week -e nd I" ud e r shil' of W lI l'ren G. liar Ii Ill: l! ownrd McClure and family huve with Mr. und Mr.. Frun k Sh idakcr. W ~I'~ vitlo riuu s fu ur Yl'urs UI:U . Wilh 'm oved to the S mith property lind G . . Mr. and Mt'fI. William F.cton lind II pUIJUlllr vole uf nu I,,"" thull 17 ,OU')H. Butts and family t o the property OUO, lh" y hll ve regl. t ~ r~d u tnl •• t r e· ~o n, l>fanurd, of New Bul'lington, took vacaLed by lhe III cClurN;. morkubly d cnr majorily U\'Pr tJoe diun e r Wilh Mr. and Mr ~ . Lew WlII\h, M"mbers of Sp r ing Valley II. S. , Sundtly. c,,,"iJillcd KUllpo rl accurd ed Delllowh o ri dl' in the t ruc k, tendere d a Mr. und Mrs. KlIrl S hid llker enter.' crutic candidates , Me"sl'll. lJuvii lind s urpri,c to Carl Conurd Thur. duy ev Rrynn, and the vuri -colored candl- .tu irll' ,I PriJuy, MI'•. Zudi e Ven8~le, e nin g , reminding him of hi s birlhd uy. dnteM of I he man y-shnd " ,1 hucs o! I'ud Mr~ . W m. Frazie r und Mm. Walt~r Miami Quarterly me(;ti ng was he ld Will ., o f Dudds. icnli sm, Senator" La Fullette . and he r e Fri day, Saturday lind Sund ay. Mr. tlnd Mrs, Chu s. Gray and two Whe eler. Rev. F red S m ith, nf J ones boro" Ind. , The Re publicnn pnrty hM been r e_ smull children lire r esidin g in Mor. wn s prese ut a n d deli vc red three very ruw Ic mll orurily, whil e Mr. Gmy is t uill cd in conlro l uf tht! admini.trn· ublc nnd 1lC' lpful sermnn •. ti un o f th e g-o\' {, l'nnH.:! nt tl!i th e re:; u ' t ,'ngllg'ed in ~ c ttin~ o ut g rav cl for lne rUfldM. 1111' S. l-\ellie . Lack ey has ~u"e t o of li n uVlIlllnch e uf pr o l es t. Indiunapu lis, lind ., t o ' pend th e win Th o Baptist Mi Hs ionllry cir"'e held It wu ~ not t h e It vlllunch e of proll,,,t t e r with her uunt, Miss Lauru Sm ith. wilh whi ch t he LII F ullette orgnnin- lin npro n sucia l al th e hull Fridll Y "v1111'S. Suruh Lytle is th e g uesl of lfnillg . An inter l'~tin g prO~1'1111l fi nd ti on and the Dem ocratic party hoped h e r d au~hll.: r, 1111'S. Dais y l luilles, of delicious r e tres hmenl.8 c ntcrttlined to delldlo c k the electi on. Wilmington. It WUH, nn the cu ntrary, an avail- lho se preRe nt. 1111'S. ur less is r ecove ri ng nicely Mrs. lI e rbert I~it e und bllby dau g h_ lInch e of protest ugninst governmcr.l fr om all Ilperation for removal of t on. by bloc~, balllnce-o f.power obstruct· ler have retll-rned to their home in sil s and a denoi ds , perfor me d in Christ C. H., after sc ve ral i o ni ~ m, intimidation and Illegal in· Wn shin~ton h o.p ilu l lust week. S he is a~ the q ui ~ iti o n, s lund e r and defamation. wl'c kM plensnntly spe.nt with h er pllrhome of her fut he r, Mr. C. H. Sl eventH. 1111' . fI"d Mr~ . "' rank Wilson . 'A nd, more than all clse, it was .1Il -----ens , of C leves. Ohi o. Mi s" Mnrgflrct Stn r r an d Miss Mllr. Ilvlllllnehu of prot esl nga inRt polit · Rev. Cu .. les s deli vere d an ins pir~ur e t Ro ers t , of Du yto n, we r e WC(' kical r e ncgudcs whu sI!ek nnd obtain ing a d d .. ess S und ay eveni ng Il t the eJoc tion und" r the tulse representa- end I:'UI·, t. of the forml'r' H m othe r, M. E. c hurch. Dr. Paul Vall Del' tiun thlll th ey urI! It 'publicun" or Mrs. Arnundu Stllrr und 1I·l i"" Ma hel Vo ort pl eascd th e audi ence wilh a Democruls und lhen proceed to ' re- 1111'. und Mr •. W. M. Muthills were My. Marlin Sims, of thi s plnce, well-rende .. ed so lo, e ntitl ed, "There vudiu t c their purty obligutiona and Sunduy Ilft e rn oon calle rs. i n o death." The voluntary was Mrs . ('lara Conner and Mr". Ethel s tays abou t the sa me. clJn llC'ctiuns Dnd engngc in bushMr. Hen ry Wi echers and Theo- rend e red by Mrs. Van Del' Voo r t. whuc kill g {'X Ilt'C\itio ns IlIl'ainst the pllr- Smith c nte rtained on Sunduy, Mr. -------.~~ ------ties thut hllv o hun or ed th e m and tak- and 1I!NI. ,Jllck Co nn e r, Mr. lInel 1111'0. dore spent Monday in Springfield. Miss Dnrothy Rye spent the weeken thl'ir pre-elcction prDfc88ionll of Lou Conn e r and Bon, Mr. lind Mro. TRUTH WILL OUT loya lly for granted,-The National Stanley Wutkins and two Mns Mr. end with he r sister. Mrs. Elton Evans. lind Mrs. Ow('n Conner alld three Mrs. Lou S tt!phen s had for her Re publican . NoseY-" I'm ~u rp .. ise" lhllt lIfr. 8(1nS all oi Lebllnon. wee k·end guesl. her daughter, of Doug hLllg hasll't u radio in his home. Mrs. Goo. Belich, of Cleveland, was Dayton. HO\II,1 C O Il:H~ '!" home ovur IIls t w('ek-end. On SunCONFIDENCE RETURNS Mr. and Mrs. OUo Michael s pent Kn owlllI- " S-h_h_h! He 's too proud day s he and Mr. Beach were enter· Sunduy evening ut the home of Mr. ·to Il~\; lIny of lhe li ttl e boyx in hi s Now "a long, s trong pull," and tnined at a family dinner at the home Bert MlIrlatt. neighborhood how t o fi x one u p." busine." revival will go over wilh a ot he r pllre nt.a, . Mr. lind Mrs. Wilson Miss Ciai'll Daughters spent a few wuUo p All cco nomi "t R, except the at Fairfield. It was the 66th wl"i~ days last week the guest of Mr. and '0 . pro fe9siol1al pe..., imisls who live on ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. WU Mrs. O. B. Marlatt. BLONDE BESS OPINES cJislIste r and hard time8, aro agreed 80n. Mrs. Rebecca Dill is spending a few Our community was greatly griev. days lit Lytl e, the guest of her dough. thllt tht! country is rcudy for a boom. "Say ;1 wilh bootlell' .... Tbe Some e ven beliove the boom will de· ed by the news of the automobile ftC- tel', Mrs. Be rne Jones. flower. will come." velop into II sen slItion, but eve n the cident ,in which Mr. Burnett Butmos t consc rvotiv e thinkers are SlIt- terworth was so Aeriou"ly injured. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----isfi ed that the d oo r of good times is Mr. Butterworth has put in two n nw oJlon . The nlltllral th(htening months of his school term here and up a s n roault or pre-election fCllrs had completely won the hearts of 'l'be Gmmlment, W1Iftlt touJd I!O IDnDJ' b1IUOIl8 f~ the wars ot other lind woeful tllies hll8 vanished. The his pupils and the e steem of their petDple lD mut'OPC, ougtJt to find 0 people holel back fDr a month or two elders. We hope and trust he will , tC1W dollars te. Wlld.1llg the eunals before election, predicting all kinds 800n be restored to health lind can that tb18 roan't ry need&. Ono CIlIIIll or trouble in the event of victory fail- re8um/,! school work here. would IlDlte the LIlkCII aDd the MI&The sudden death of W. A. Mering to the party to which they are alaslppl Yaney with tho Gulf and the Pacific via Panama.. Another I)PPoRcd, but os soon as the die is ritt, Tuesday evening last, caml.' IIR canal tor eblpe ualte tho LIll<e fllst they join the sane Americans a great shock to our community. Mr. country with Ithe At1a.Dtle. "Every and r elllize that no mlltter what par- Merritt had served on the eleetioll b~ Amorlcan cltt a 1MPOl't" IIhoald board all day and in the evening conlty wins lin electioll in this country, be our motto. nothing can stop the growth and pr'l9- plained of feeling ill. This illness of ubout two houm' duration, resllittlol perity of Am ericlI. Within twuty-tov hoUl'll, a rtrl ot tourteen. 1IIlOl00d by her father The belief that good times al'e in death. Mr. Merritt had becn P?!t Ibot heraelt 10 denth. An etghlLocnhere, however is bll8M on more than mast'or here for several years, IIrd CONSIDER JOE. CHIMP~ZEE. 7ear-old boy, '-teD by his falber, Nenti ment. Comfort is found In th u had kept a grocery for thirty ye a rs killed hlm8elt by tanililg on tho EDUCATE THE EDUCATOR. fllct thllt there Is a better balllncc or moro. He wns well-known. wellp& THE S1IS OF tilE OIILDREN. betweell the prices of merchandise liked Ilnd will be greatly missed. Strange that mnn, sald to d&100II12 from the "hIgher apes" 01' and lI~rlcu ltural income. Next, emMEAT EATERS RULE. 80UIe anImal Ullte tbem, sbould troat ployment shows improvement. WlIgcs b18 own children with a hrutallty of have not taken any drop to speak of. which DO gorilla, oranglH)utang Or Another faetor, Europelln s kies have chlmpanzcc was ever guilty. A man thot would not II110w allYbecn cleare d. There is no doubt thai. bod1 to beat his YOung horse or the Anlt'ricnn Nulution of Gcrmnny's dog tor or "brcoklnll Its spIrit" ditlicultieM \Yill pruve most helpful. will bredl'''tho _10ve splr1t or bIB Then, 1.00, it is puinted out, the mil· bWQ ch.Ud. roads are in a better financiul con:!i. tion than they have been in some Moden) ~lIIe turns an ancIent test upside down. In Exodos. 20th ycnr~. But best of 1111 there Is a resc:haPlir, 6th vcrae.. "ou lire told tive desire for explIllsion and activity Uillt the Illl'lul~ of Uw ratbel'S Ie on the purt of the people, .11lU 'IIwlley ,1st ted tqIOtl the CIb lid f'IUI "un In . the never has been so plentiful, which • t!IW and fourth KeDeraUoo. ~ Now tbe crIme 01 tho child la meons business expansion neud 1I(,t Learn ttlat wbeu 7011 odmlro. vtBlt.d upooUte fathC!'. Albert wait the loosening up of clIpital. prtJIl'lftahter, roo admire 0017 a poor Loeb, wbose 1I00D tilled the Frllnk8 imltatioo of a <tIlm&JfUlZOO. and a boy, Ie dood, killed b7 I!Ol'rOW aDd W()r!Kl imitAtion ot a IOrin", that dllllrfat'8. That lIboulil Slltlst» tho cc.t1d Mal any tIriIreDt$ 1Ir1aeClcbte1'8 bloodthirsty tlIat demandlld "8om~ tD forti -.cooda. hody blloged.." Learn al80 from Joe. tile elttlOThat unfortuDllte tnther died a I)8D_, that troedom dependll not thousand deaths to atone tor bIB OIl bew bard 700 c:an BIT. Put how fIOD'lI bldooua c:dlDQ. well TOU CIIn mINK. loe. the We, the following farm owners, ehlwpan_ J'(lee. kDOClkeci down his ITa,'\) 70u· noticed brow I1ttle men po sitively forbid nny hunting or trap k~, and walked out of the cage, ping on our farms . Any violllti..,:1 hot he aldo't kllOw what to DO 8eC!p to think about their 8011]11 ",bill. thoy arc aUve, aDd bow much of the same will be prosocuted acnut. . -rbere'. the rub..~ thl\Y thtok abotlt wbat wUl bappen cording to law and to the fullest extent. An ""lK"IItot'" of Mlnllerklta III to their bodIes Ilftllr they arc dead? W I'«'...."d ot Pt11l~ boy. in 9. Illgh A rorl)8C lett behind 18 no more ImR.O,CORNELL ~h('l.ll callahlli tbelli to tilt lD an portnnt than Il pair of worDout 1a..a-··iI __ I , Ilboee thrown Ilslde. Yet men of ROMINE SHOEMAKER rlt«:tr ...-1', ca"",ng . IIDftl'e power from thEl Pharaob tbat hullt ROBERT PATTERSON . . • ~I~. . Yortt Stitt. Inbtber "eel- the first pyramid to ml1llonnl~o Bunnell lind Start L--=-'em'oIInCAtor" ell tbe IOrtDa ........ wlt~about bla OOD.,.q gra9C, L -- .L~ J. W. Creswell . --, .... _ .••'world. . llUIIe be! ..,.... Cone worrlO!l tbelr bodl . . have wide remedy forkidn-,'llver t'Quf~ that be had .ten a U~ The quClltlon Intel'Clltlnr to ooe Frank BrAddock -J ~ tlu IIt!PO rtrl ~a .rub. boee: thinking of death llh4)oljl be. ----~ 4_~.~----. It mlrht 4:Ure tbe wtt,b the ;"Where do I o ·trom herer' not HELLO HEN rubt. boee to let him tPeD4 halt 'Who IlllOlng 1:0 IItMlIll1 IIod.Yr In hour In' I dD/!Ild tOOIll 'With the n~ · 1Ir~ter. the latter George l\8I'IJIll'd 8baw,.· tIelt-ap. You may CUll tb~ fool ben tor in. ~ Ibo equipped wtth a . lI'- of 1'11~ pointed V'1ce-R'\lIf8nt 01 Omnlpolllating upon . clOB8lng tbe road Just HAA .. L.... 011_ . bel' boae. tence, thlDks 1I1ttle of meat eaten. • Tbe Xlcneaota .!lIcator eoald be He'. Wl'OIIIr. He l1li78: "Annlea fed ahead of your .penlng automobile- . enlljthtened b7 a brief !ltal ID a OD burlll)" hare IlODQUllrod bait the



tw o se USr.II:-;, .oIl in g-on d :- l1 ap(', I ~ ' ~ l! Pll'\\'s

I ·'

of J ohn


I,·orltiluun .

Every Tuesday

IJ .. ,· ... · Tract" r'

ill, bottom s . ci l/u hl('



TI'(1~lt"l' I

Cun s is t ing"


t ',

:-. id t·s of \Vor k


til .



p. m.

=---------------....; HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED

ll iskH,. 8 -f l. J Vh:l I lee;'." \l'1H' I~t ""~ ,, . lI arn!!ss. I S(· t IJu ..: ).(y \l arness . Co l- ) cr , Mllwu ll kct' Co rn I dndp l' , Su rw rl n r lars, Line s , nritl lL':- , lIu lte r~ , 12 di sc \\' Iwul Drill , (;al,· C U"" ll ri ll , SOME HOU SEH OLD GOODS I __-=~~~========~~

~;.~:::~;~: :~ ~~ ~~e;I~~;<~~I'~~:~~~le~I·,: :~I~~



ti on ,Sup(' r i" r l -ho ,.~ (· \\, i1\'ut I lrill, lwu-horse Oli ve r Hrca\;il\~ - up PI "",,,, set of D,. troil ~lulldl1rd Plat furm cui"., 2 farm WII~"n " with beds . 1 !jp ring \\' '').(0 11 , Buggy, 60-tuo .h 11111'_ row, POlH ' " Plow, S pring-looth lI a rrow, Bu u Su w, Hay Teddl'r, Gru\'el

lon~ CI' ~~~~lay.




4U bu ndl(' s Fodder. :!f>O bu <hels ,)f Co rn.


TERMS- $ I O or und 1', cas h, in han d ; ov"r lhat amount 11 cr edit of 12 month s t ime. 5 p!!r cent off fur LUNC H SEHVEU UN GHOUNUS ens h.



F.T. Martin Auctioaeer


OURS, TOO Beth- " How

Phone 44

Cen terville, Ohio, Phon e No . 2.

COL. F . T. MARTIN, Auet . W o ods & W eaver, le rk s .


Young Wifc - "Ge,)r~ e , r "'unt a firl ess cooke r. You ng lI ubby- "1'1i ge t it fo r you, li n deu ri e, jus t as soon us I can lind a fir e less employer." Dale your .ale. with mllo_ •.! n l ••


ma n '!"


Ruth - "Not so good . II I' my n e rvc ~ . '· B e th- " H ow so?" Ruth- " He's my dentisl."


.. tidaclion or char,. _


Catarrhal Deafness

be r educed . your hearin g mn)~ be de .. .troyod t orevor. BA.LL'S CA.TARRH BJEDICINE w tll

do what W U claim tor tt-rld your 8Y8t.1;m of Calnrrh or Dearness by Calnrrh . Bold bl' nil drumsls t or over f() Years. F. _:t. Ch eney o!t Co.. T oledo. OhIo.



la ort.n cnu •• d by an Inllam ,I con dition ot the mU COU8 lining ot the EUslllc hlan TUbe. Wh n this tube 18 Inllum ed )'oU have & rumbling sound. Qr I rn lJu r(ocl HOILrlnc. Unl... th e Inflamma Uon cnn

l And X-O-GRAPHIST Waynesville.



Telephone U., OFFICE:




Dr. John W. Miller Dentist

\ wUYl1esvl1le~atlonal B.ok mdg

?Se RID-KUMLER co. Our Great Serili-Annl1al Silk Sale l.s N o\v On! lID. ~ "'Cdioa with Our FqaaDy lDter l:atiGI Sale of Woolens



~ en:ut oj iutaea t.oevay - . a D widJiD the . . . - 01 ~~. adiwit-y. A sale ol siIke---GE ewsy ..... ' - ~. • itt ill a ~ .,;ay oi IIIIl'WeR ..ct moet f,'

, -~

't ......

........... " ...... JIU.r 0, .

RlI •• pl.

n.e . . . cimdy cLe oppGft'UIIity

M'aoged to



. Foeateen Beautiful Silks, Formerlv $2.25 to . $3..50, Verr Specially Priced

CR?e*a.a.e Co ••• en:"e Silk R.adis. SilkDuISja



SClllaill Call'.


$1.88 (]wa .IWW5e

Wasc,lMe Miwd~


Knit Tubing 18 IRdi Velvet



Ta/Iei4 . Striped aad CJaedc Broaddoch

. . i.

,. . . . . cI Bar.aay a - d .. _ _, diffa-eOt D . . . . b~ $3.98. ~ in sale to JI.69. AI are 54 iames .,....

--------NO HUNTING


. b,


. . ~bad:,~~~«:,~h=:: lOIN......





~1:..., . FGr " ~ PI . i " , SlwityJl


bllt in dollag 10 do not foraet that ' :~~5;~~5===~=L I't'III e1«trle ebalr, but dIIt wo:u1d worl4." the enam.... of the ' ''Ezpni." baa t too draBlAo. "~ for Uaa& klD4 eat iDfat . . . . . opbdoa . . . . . P!Io;§m~~· IIn&aIIIir. .1t'QBU)~

10. but IDeO thlt THE ENTllUI --

aa-.' "



. ~


Phone. No.2 '





. JOHNSON BROS: Harveysburg, Ohio



1 ,

At Cary's Jewelry Sho

rn odd, "1'1

.. - ..

Walter McClure








Mrs. Am elln V i lliams wna s hopping in Du>1;on, lfo'ri duy. _

Mr·... s!,"llh 1. jppincoU was s i [; ~evIIral 01.1)' III ~ t we k. .

~li .. "nth, "ill" 1" "' ,lIn, wu ~ a Pn y- I .'" "L'I'" I IIIc nl nddf"I1<:,"~ IIltl·"dcd "", . Friday. 1.,·I, anon h,( l~(' I:I ~ I l' ri <tlll' ni)!hl.

. Mr. and Mrs. J . ]~, Frazie r spenl Sundny with r lnti\l('~ II ul n, Ohio.

I \


Mr. 111111 i\h·•. WIlIt"r • III. Robitzer WIIS ill Dayi"n, X"l1 ill \ i~it"I'~, T\1~" ,lny .

Mr. Pri~~

Mr. Ed win hu ndler with pneulllo nia .


Ir . F. H. 1, ,0'< ' '''

"' h

11( . ,'


~\c(·ItI1·P "'<'I'e \


:\li !'O~

I wu~

Mondny. \I


.J \ "1 1l F('rJ,!'tt !o"on . \I f T'luyton, th' ).: .•·~ t lIf ~Ir". J . W. While I MUlld!\y. '

Hnd (alllily

"it.r" Frid .y

Mr. My ... r Hyman and (nmily l'i <l\· " 1,, ·,, 1 !'u ,iday h, '"'' t'd relatives in X"nin, :"lInd ,,;.-.


Mr. lind 1I 0WI1I':1 Ar('hdl'"c'nn :"unduy wilh fri('ntl" nt Lytle.

1' "1' 'n t

:\Ir ~, 1.llta Jh-\Ilt 1:0' :-' l't ' lIdln ~ the Mr. Wm. S ht!rwood was in nnyt n ll \\' (\(I ~ \\ ilh rt"'l lnt h 'l '''\ 111 t ' incinnnti.

(11\ bU 8 in ()~8 ,

;'1[1'.'. H . Mad,lell is n i~i(nr ill DI\~·ton, today.


The Estate

I r. ))1I\,e Young. n f Dnyton, \\'Il~ gllt) ~ t o f lIlr. W. N. ,onrs, 1111 day.

it h hi" "IOt "I·• .

It givet furnft ce c4lrn (ort to &ITI " II h o nll'~



., :, t.



........................................... "


..}.J\PPLES.. 8tdetly clean hand-picked, free from blemish . . . '"


Belleflower N..W. Greenings


Talpahawkins Baldwin Wine Sap

Th e Dorcus .ociety of t he M. E. chu rch wi ll have II rnnrket on Wl'dnCgdllY before Thllnk' giving Day. I' urth e r particulars next we e k.


Mr. Fred M. Cole and family are ;, viSiting relatives in Beloit, Wisconsin. They le ft Friday m orning by auto and ex pect to be go ne nbout a week.

Smith Cider WUl have above? varletites for a short time at the rate they are selling

HILL ORCHARD Ohe-half.mlle east of Waynesville Phone 74-6


For the plells ure of MI'1I. Emma Barne t t , Miss E mma H eig hway entertained at din ner last Thul'!!day, Mrs . Ed it h Burris , Mrs. Laura Mosher, Mrs. Annn Clld wu llndcr , MI'1I. W . Allen, Mr •. Ella Mered ith and Miss May Wright.


Mrs. Vi oln Cnrey entertained at dinne r Sunday in hon or of Mr. nnd Mrs. I rvin/( Welch. Besides l he guests of ho nor there wer e present, Mr. W. C. Welch, Misses H elen and Corinne Welch, Mr. 'AlIie Hole and family, Mr. J a m es J ohns and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lest e r Ke nrick, Mr. and Mrs. Chu s. Rye, Mr. Frank Thomns and II1r . •Jcssc T homas

..................................................... I - -_.!.-._-_._.- - - .

. uppli ~,


t' Y'-, ,v

ron,,, ,

ru ~ 1.


It Innlc:a lik e " mnho r.n n y pl, ,.,, nr rnl1h, in :-: ''''Ill r·.1 i n o n e of t"r li vln~ rooan " ,

Lr.t u a e;x ptni n h ow

w t"

ira 1nll Ih.· " on t t' ; .• !





II1r g. MiIlnn Th o mp~o n vi. ited in Bellbrook, S u mlllY·

MrtI. L ou Harlan ~p e nt S unday with Mr. and Mrs. Harl Harve y, of n~nr Le-banon .

Wn yn".vi ll e. O"io.

Way nesvitle


Sales and Service




Telehone 150 Subsc r ibe for t.he Miami Gazetl,'.

SC'vC'rnl m onth~ ago II conwnitl ce from the Men of \VnYII(' ~I' ill e ce", · r"rred wilh the Li t tl e Mi nm i n ni l_! rnn t! Co . ill r ogn rd tn placing siJ.(nuls at the ~rn ss in g in Corwin . A rter so me rlelllY th e co",pany cnn· "(' rotc ,1 t o ' I-:Tllnt the rl'111l\'~ t and hftl'(' , pluced the Iigh t.~ ut the crossing. \ They nrc oJlerated by th e move ment of ' Lhe truins a nd s how wh en an(1 1 when n ot to c r oss the roilr oat,!. These sil! nals will be of l!r cut bonefit to the communi ty. This hn s a l. I WilY" been n dunl!ernu~ cr()ss in ~. Th e view frnm t he Eu~t is ' nb~tr uct ccl hy the depot nnd from the South by fre ight cars un the s idil1l!. The lig h L. sh ow as plainly by d ny as by nigh t, t hu s le~se ning l he d nn- I ger of accid ents.

Tetraethyl lead is a poison, as are manY\faw materials which enter into the manufacture of harmlesll compound.. ~thylized gssoline consillts of 1300 parts of ordinary gasolin~ containing lelll than one part of tetra~thyl

lead ...

Mr •. Cy nthia Evan s received w ord Tu esday t hnt MI'. David Evnns, who se eyes were operated on lust Friday at Christ hos, was gettin g along very ni cely and co uld r ecei ve callers u fter lust Su nd uy. IIfrs. Mab el Dimyicldic, Mi"s' Antha Din w id die. Mr. Rue Dinwiddie, of Dayt.on. ?III'. Ro ss Hartsock lind family nncl MI'. Dun Hnr tM ck nnd fllmi1y, ' Were guest.q of Mr. an d Mr3. Frank Hartsuck, o f Route 3, S undllY. Mr. Ford Agen, of ClevC'lnn tl, wa s lit St. M aI'Y'" ('hul'ch, Sunclay m orning in the inlcrcsl of the "Near Eust." Ho m ode 0 strong pIon Cor t he Arm en ian s u nd lhecongr cl!atio n r es p ond ecl with u generou s contribution.



This Italement i. issued to make plain the all-important difference between tetraethyl lend, the raw material and ethylized ga.oline, the commercial product.


Ethylized gaaoline is more than an improved fuel, giving smoothness to the motor and elim'inating knockll; it is a scientific discovery which, in its ultimate development, will contribute largely to the conaervation of the world's supply of gasoline.

All tho ~e interested in an independent bas ketball club, will m eet at Th os. Pic r cc '~ ereltm station, Thursday night, November 13, at 7 :30 p. m

Exhaustive teata have been conducted which have established the lIafety of ethylized gasoline when u.ed al a motor fuel. These tellt. have been c$»nfinned by the United Statea Bureau of Mine., which ia Inaking additionalstudies to determine whether any possible injury can rellult from continued contact when u.ed for other than motor purposes. Scientific data based on tholle atudies will be lubmitted to any health commillioner or other public health official on requellt.


Refiners Oil Company ~~ytOD, OJt~o Sole Di.trib~tor of Ethyl Galolille in Ohio


AT THE CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9:16 a. m., preaching at 10:30 a. m. Wedn..dayeven. ing se rvice at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth

Lengue 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7:00 p. m. Eve!,),body is cord~17 invited to thes6 serncea. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.

ST .MARY'S CHURCH Twenty-second Sunday after Trin_ ity, N ovember 16. Church School at 9 :30 a. m., Regular Morning P.rayer and Sermon at 10:45 a. m., Rev. J. J. Schaeffer, officiating. Everybody ia cordially welcome.

CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sandal' School 'at the Chriltlan

Chllrcla eve!')' Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. , Everybody cordially invited• . Rev. HUea E. DawlOl\, of Columbus, a former pastor, Will preae); at the Christian church Sunday mominc, November 18. ilYe17body cor-

Heaters, Ranges and Furn ace!l






W ayne sville was without electric· ity all day Monday, th e cu r rent he - ' in g shu t ofT from about 10 Il. Ill., un- I til G p. 11\ . Houso wi ves with e lectric wu" hl'rS lind bu s in~ !<S h o u ~es we rc co nsiderably handi cap ped. Placin g of new p oles o n the se r vice ab ove Centerville wus the Clluse of this inconve nience.

I For Sal.


J. E. FRAZIER, Waynesville, O. •


------_0 _ ••-----




Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney, Mr. an,' The many fr ie nd s of Burnet ButMrs. J . W . White, Mr an r! Mrs. Harry te rwo rth I1I'e rejo i c in~ over t he r e· MurrllY and M·r. Ells worth S he rwoo(1 port from t he hn"pitnl th at he is r e~yer e dinner g u e"ts or Mr. and Mrq. cove ring ni ce ly from the effects of Frank Zell, Sundny. his rece nt accident.

Recently a distreslling accident occurred at an experimental plant, where a new procels for the manufacture of tetraethyl lead, one of the constituents used in ethylizing gasoline, was under development ...

.\~ [) .

FARM r,i ACH i;.. F R Y


About 200,000,000 gallons have been used by more than 1,000,000 motorillts with complete safety and lIat. iefadion.


WE ALSO CA RRY" FU ! I. 1. " '1'. OJ '

The regular meeting of the W orn · Mess rs. E. III. Oxley and Thomns an's Auxilia ry will b e h e ld at lilt' home of Mrs. L. A. Zimm erman "n Peirce w('re in L"bon on Friday. Mr. 'Frida y afternoon, Novemb e r 14, a t Oxl ey drew the $165 Coffi eld Washing machin e giv en nway by the Ameri 2 o'clock. con Legion.

For one year and nine monthll ethylized gasoline hall been on lale. It is now being distributed through about 20,000 filling atationl covering one third of the territory of the United States.

lia r lJl!

Fred M. Cole

Su nday dinner guests of Mr, and Miss('s Ayleen Mainous, Cla ra H e ld a nd Mnbel Aylstock, or Ham il- Mrs . •Ius. Mc Clure we r e, Mr. a nd t o n, Ohio, wer dinner guests of MrA. Mrs. E. V . narnhurt. Mrs. Emma Barnett and Mr. J Wilso n Edwards :.IIJ Ray Mainous, Saturday evening. family. Mr. and Mrs . Coulou8 Younce enC ro sley No. 61 2-tube Radio Set tertained at dilliner, Sunday, Mr. an ,1 Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Misses Kathr yn in gtllll ed compl e t e with 2 head ~ets and Mildred Clark and Mr. Clau d e ot t he low price of $3G. 00. Sec Wnllar K ohlhagc n, Lcbo non, Ohio, phone Rigg s. No. 179 A.





lIIi sR J ennie H ard in, of Leban on. hns be en nppo inted governess of a cottftge li t the O. S. & So . 0 hom e at Xe nia . Mi s., Ilarelin, II few years n millincry store in WIlY-


warm mOl s t ni r tn

It burn. a ny


St. Mary 's Guild w ill ho ld a mnrk<!t un d uI'ron ga le at the Township hougr o n :llturduy, Decemb erl 3th , c o mto the r oo ms Illt cly vacated by th e me ncing a t 0 o' cloc k. Wayn e~ vil l o Mo tor Co. Mr. J esse Th omn . nrrived hom e Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Chas. T obins, of Dny _ Friday fr om 1\ hu nting trip to Dillon. to n, Mr. and Mrs . John Staley, (If M,,"t. Gllnl(! WIIM pl e ntifu l a nd he Miumis burg, were guests of Mr. nnd "u ceceded in getting I'lk, ,h'cr, noh, ·ctc. Mrs. J. II Cole mnn, Sunday



to tix r oom •.


, '.



Mr. I'Ted 111. Cole nnd ramily vi,.· it"d rt,lnt iv('s in 111\. Or~b lnsl Thll,..· tillY unci f'ridIlY.

'Wi~;r.~ ~~,::"p:::::1



j\lr~. l'U ie :S pray a nd ~I,·~. Waltl'r K illion ' I'C Ill Ino( Thurslla y with fII ..,. Earl Urnd urf.

Mr. and MrR. lI 'lI'ry St,)kr,. 1111" . ).t :t"tl' r " ': dl {' r !,(d1ihtt L" l'U Wil ~ fI\(' Hnymnn HatfU' ld vbit"d Burn r t ('J II "(,lIn' M"I1,h'lIhn ll nnd lit{l p "on . BUl\.('rwtlrth lit Millmi Vn lh'y hORI,iMI;II. RII~h~1 Crt'\\' \\'''' t ),.. I"tlP" "",·k·,· " d ,· u", t .. r ~I r ..\I )' ,·r ' lI)'l111 I1' 111'(' vi :-= itin J: in na~' lon . tul Ins t ThlU'sclay. or lIfrs. Maude Crlln", !':nnol!1)·. :1,' .1 Inl1l1ly. M,:. nnt! MrR. K('nnrth El zey and 1I1,·s. Mllry CII ~ key Ir(t F'ridny for .\\" . ;,," 1 ~Ir<. 1~1,," ,' l1 Cam ph " ll lll1<1 ~Ir" . Wnlt"1" F.Ill'Y were /l ayto n visTry M,·s. onk'~ hOIl ."111" .! '· I ,,'I. Wa shington D. C. , to s lwnd a month OI'y nu Cllndi!\s On . al!· al :'111'1"', l' hll,II \' I1 , pf Xt'llill , \'b:i tt 'd n · lHti\'l'~ it"r" SlItunlllY (·V'·ltl lI!:. lu'n' . ' und""y. grJcery. Mr. Ilt,d Mr,. Lllth .. r nuddl ~ . of : : ::::::" who i. nt· Last Frid"y lIiJC:ht in l 'a, k ~II , "11 ~IT. ( ;, "' r ~ " T hll lllpsnll, o f L" v,'- Mndi :otn n\'illC' \\','n- j.!\lPs t ~ of Mrs 1 t·n tling Ohio Slate uni\'('r ~ ity, \ \U S Hunnnh A nlram, ~u l1 dny. Jl1'llclice, Fo r est IInu " h hlld II , ,,,,,lI l l. , " d. "p"nt ~ l1 nday with hiM Ilwther, l1u11Ie for t he \\·(·"k·("HI. I> uno in his nrm brok<'n. i \1 1'" h 11.1 11 ' rh')llll's(' I1. II'. lind Mrs. ,I. \\' . Il:ckpr "pen t ~I r, IIl1d Mr,. lIarn·y Burn~t, pr Mr. lilld Mrs. 1/nrold Wh ital, ,-r, ,'f ~1 r". Il oward (irnhl1lll. of llarn·ys. ~lIl1dllY with ttll'ir ,·hiloln·lI . Mr. IIlId ("·lIl,·r"ill .. . "' .... ,! !:U,·" tR o f Ilr. nll,1 C{'ntervl Jle, Rp~nt :-ulld BI' wi l h ~I r. 1 . "r~ . wn s th,' ~ll,·. t o f IH' r cous in, Mrs . Clrd,· I':,! h"rt, "r X" nil1 Mrs. II . •;:. Hathuwuy , ~ ulld t1 y . .1,.hn Whitaker nnd fllm ily. I' Mrs. I{uy lIlills, TUl'"dny. Mr. and M,·". \\' . ~ . r; "lIham alld J\I iss('R Kilt hl('''u II "II,kr,oll ","1 Mr. Arthu r Anson IIn,1 f"lIli ly. of 1\11'". Max Knhlhn )!l'n find so n . (If l\ti s ~ Emmn 11 t' ighwHY \ 'il'l'll 1I 1tr·V(ly~ . Edith J\I.·Kib ban "pent t he w,'ck ' (' lId lIit. Healthy, wero gues t... o f Mrs. Lehnn"n, w,'''e guest.. of hl'r'r, burg' vi s ilul'~ Sun tiH Y aft('rllllon. in 1111ytOll "isit iug n-Iuit VI'S lint! L ucy Prnll and fumily, ,·u ndIlY. ~hs. My .. r Hymnn , lIt on dllY. Miss F.li7.!ih., th ChllnellN. o f Grp~n . (ri'· lllis. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hymnn llnd Miss MIlY Wright hu" closed hC'r fil'ld. lind M i.. Huth l'hllndt.·r, nf Sc I. Save you r old carpets and ru J.:~ daughter, Mrs. L. A. Zimmcrmnn und I home for the winter nnd is plensun tly ma, W(\1'1' ho na' over th e w"ck-cn d. and ge t "Wcarwell" RUgM mnde. d nughtcr, were in Cincinnuti, FridfiY. ~i tunted ut the Frie nd. Boarding Sen d for price list. Frank lin Rug Lhom c. Mr. lind lIlr~ Chus. A. Fi, hl'r und Mr. Ethan Coleman, of Toledo, " hil d rcn, o f ('i11d11nllli, wcre guests Co., Franklin, Ohi o. came Sunday for a two dnys' visit Miss l\Iurlha uf\d Mi.8 Margaret of Mr. W .. II. All 11 1111,1 fl1mi ly, Su nSt. Mary 's Chu r ch Scbool Scrvic(' with h is parents, Mr . and Mrs. J . H . W e rner, of Selma, were w eek-end duy. league will m('c t at the home of Mi s_ . oleman. gu esL~ of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Pie r ce Kathlee n lI en der"o n, Saturday , No \o f the Frie nds h ome. Mrs. E ffi e Sm ith, Mrs. F loRs ie Cn r- vembH 15, at 2 o'c loc k. ey Hnel ~nn, nnd Mi." Lucy E ml e y 'pent Sundny lit the horne oC Mr. Orndo rf & Sonis have moved lh" ir Ha rry Emley. gOTnJ.(C from tho E lectric Light pl" nl


The Parlor



Cindy" Kilh"'l wa. t he guest .\li," Knt hll' Nl H"ntl('rslI n T hur s-



ThoDlpson's Bread 1. 2. 3.

It ia tbe better Bre.d. It i. made a..d baked in a clea .. , .a.. itary .bop.

It i. made with Milk, Malt,, Salt and pur. Lard, no .ubditute•. 4. We u.e onl, firll-c1 ... Sprin. Wheat Flour. 5. Gold Medal Flour 6. It i. lbaked freoh ever, da,; 7. We cat.,r to the public by lIa,in. 0P"" " ....ry evenin. In tb" we.le. 8. It i. a home bak.. d product. 9 . It i. deli~ered fre.h da i1y to all leadi". Grocer•. 10, We bake .nytbi" • .from Lad, Fin I"" to tb. lar••• t of Weddln,' Cake•. PATRONIZE




Seven ty-~


ixth Year




Th., Ih·>t SeJ" (I1l

bn~kctbllll ~omc

Wa" pluyed la. t F l"idIlY



(If th,·


brtwcen th e Alu mni and W. H. :'>. SCHOOLS ARE OBSERVING EDU. Afler 1\ hittt'l" st"ugglc A lum ni won l>y " 8111ull nwrldn o f :!2 to 16. It CATIONAL WE EK . WUl't (,'V ic.J l'tlt lhnL luck u f cxpcri~nce : \VII" the CUU He of th e down full of W. R e porh from the D,'If" r"nt II. S. Had W. II . S. mu de hulf Cor ' t.heir freo throw", th ey wou ld },1IV O ror the P •• t Month Show . g- l h c nu mt1r o us fi e I d wun, nnl l'ounlln

Whole Number 5618







Xl'nia Lh"r ' i" n




111 It I H'\"' ~ di ~ Phl t'h

\\' i\:oh in),.'"ton la:-t wt.:(·k,

~i vi l1l!

.. -


th t· r lig-illl(· Ibt oflhrt·" ('andid "t,,; MATTER S OF BUSINESS TRANS· ( \ Ir nP P"i lll rll(' nt tu tlw P(' !'o l ma~tl·r · ACTED sh ip c ~l'tll;t·d t Il th e " ,,' l m,"I(' r gen · (·ra l lly till.' civ il :-\l!r"il"l' clImmiS\siun. It)(' nl Ih' pu hl1c-lt ll h.' l-HIl' r!oO w ,'r,· ~ i lt' nl M,.. J . J . Sc ha~rr.' r Cav. Continued 11M to whom th e PH "t:.' " <'! Hl in' fo r Ih,' Talk On H er Trip Around "flice WOll 1<1 be. Ih e World lI arry I':. Hi c(', \) ('n H,r ru lic in cu", ·

th ey hud . Alumni storted of1' with II \' oom I bent ill tht, I H)Rt nHl ~ h' rs hip for OlUl'(' sco ring the fi r>t fielder ill lhe firsl I lhun (·ig-ht yeHrM, IWH<I . thl' ('lig-ibl" The Woman' " Auxiliary of St. Ma· Record of the aUpn dnnce for the f(. \\· "ccoml. uf play. by /In oloJ pillY li ~ t (If three ca ndidal". ry', church wa H entertained by Mes· oeeond schoo l mo nth, 1\124, ut tho Illrenc e S. FI', cll rried uver f. rOIll th ei r for.mer High \ Ja mes L. A. an d Sarah Zimmerman, Gratle buldlng: ~ c h uo l dIlY R. The nex t one. howeve r. rn e rChHllt, i~ second, anti Geo rg e H. un Friday nfterno on, Novemb er 14, Boys Girls Tolnl wus mor e diflicult, U 8 the .t ron;: de· Num e of teach er Eckerle. hcud of till' Eckerle Printi nK :tl lh· hom,' or Mrs. L. A. Zimmer. fell se put up by W. II. S. "topped th e Co ., thi rd . L. T. Mllr, IIIIII, chuirmun U3 97 06 MI "~ I.ile man. Alumni frorn getting lhe bull clOKe "f the Gre e ne rount:.· R<,Jl ubli cu n 84 !l7 01.5 Mr. IIlltfi,!ld :'lr8. Cudwnl lader opcned the meet· to their bu.kel. W. H. S. scored th(' oiL t N·. <lIi d lh ul he EXl'cutive cu mll .. !l7 9GA 117 in g by r end ing Psnlm 9 1, Bnd eon· next field.'r by some guod offe ns i,"!, would prvbllbly cull thl' executiv e 03 92 .!l4 Mi!<8 Ben hum dueted t he d evotional Bervice, n il work, A II lhrou g h th e cont('st th!· co mmIttee together ~ithin a week for Iii 97 Mi ~8 ' Rolu nd jo ining- in repeuting the Creed and HiJ:h sc hool showed more ten m work the purpose o f laying the mutter be· !17.5 92.5 %.4 M iss Berryhill Lnrd' , Pruyer: fore it. It is expec ted t hut an in· no 91 90,6 lind pnss work thun the ir opponents. Mi"" Allen ~CI'iptul'IIl qu,)tution were given in but th e expe ri enced Ind . mnde s un! d orse mcnt of th e committee's choice response I" r nll ,clIll. Best r ecord f or boy~, Mi Rs Be rry· more of th eir goul~. The score ut f or the upp ointmenl will be mnde at At the ' I o~(! or the business meet· hill's du SJI, Lhe end o f the first hul f WII S 6 n il. this meetin~ and forwarded t o Con· ing th e r emainde r of th e afternoon Best record for girl. , MI"-" Lila, Mr. Alumni mnuo an early stort the ~ressmun Brund wh o hns the putron· wus spe nt in ~ew ing and listening to Hntlleld and Mi8ft Rll iund, next hul! by scoring some lu cky ovu· Il~C reeom me nullti on for the Xen iu Mrs. Schaeffer give a continuance of Best general average in uttondnnc(' heud shotH and somc brilliant paRH office. her tu lk 0 11 hcr trip uruun d the world. Miss ~cKin 8e y' 8 class. work by CrilIlC nnd Thomn.. Duke Either Frnzier or Eck erle. both 'She brout,:ht her hearers to the gates --0-nnd He nd er"o ll put up u good r(umc at prom inen t Republicun busi ness men, "f 1'1l1 stine und co nfined herself The monthly reports, second sc hool defense considering t he luck of pruc· are suid lo s land well in th e es timll' wh o lly t tl that sucred gro und She month, show the foll owing percent· tice. The third quarter ended 14 to tion of the committee, t he politics of disp luyed muny curios und interes tage of nttendAn ce in the High School 7 in Alumni's tnvor. Postmlls ter Rice who hendR th e eligi. in' mementos nnd a ll were loath t o ~uilding : In the laRt quarter the lend or ble li ~ t bllrri'll! him from indo rsc· heur he r bring her tulk to a close, Alul11ni was e ndnngered Revernl ment by the con.miuec . Boys Girls Totul Nnme of tencher A ftel' uuj our nlllent delicious relimes by the good puss work nnd floor XI! 11 ill po, toflic(" b,'co me n f, rst !W.O 96.4 93 Mr. Wilso n freHhments wel'c sC I"Ved by the hos· ofT, Burton, M. Thoma. and work c lnss oflicc tast Ja nua,·y. Th e salnry 98.4 95.7 97 Mr. Burton .. tess(,s assis ted by !Ilrs, A. T. Wright is nuw $3 .200 u yea r. Large inc rells, 06.0 93 ,6 95.2 McMillun. Manu. held down hi . e nd of Mr. Cutl er Iln d Mo.·y L Oll i ~ c and Paul Zimmertho d efense while J10pkins ut r unninJt e!'; in th e vu \ump o f bu ~it1 C5S truns97 91. 7 B I 2 Miss F euly n )U I1. g unrd showed good form. Hud . the acleu by th e Il ffic (' liI'(llJl!ht it into t.he Th e f ()\lowin~ guesL~ were present. BeRt reconl fur hOYA, Mr. Burton's game been pluyed luter in th e seuson fir st cluss d ivi, ion, und cuused the M"sdnmes J ohn J . SChaeffer, of Dayclu88. lhe soore would hnve probably becn increase in su lary o f the pos tmllste r Lun , A. T . WI'ighl, G. J. Smith, Myer Bes t record for gi rl s, Mr. Wilson's revened. f rom $3,OUO to $:1 ,200, Th" bu sin ess lT y nHII. , Miss Olive A llen and little clns.~. We hav e a good team this year and of th e otTice hus increused by lurt,:e Miss Mnrjorie Edwards. BeAt general avcrAgo in attend- they sh ould be supp or ted. Let's go proportionH dUJ'ing th e incumbency lince, 1.1 r. nUl·ton's clnBs. Rc e W. H. S. defeat Kin~s Mills next o f Mr. Rice. ---0-Th e hunting RN,"O Il opened la st Thl' M" s~ i(' Wu, hinglo n T ownship Fridny niJtht. - - --, ~.---1' . T . H~Fo{"iation . compo:-, cd of !-Ocvc ral Saturdny nnd Nim!'Orl~ fr om thi~ vi· Schools ure observing Educutiona l "choob, ,,1\ the evening of November rinity were ou t cu rly to get so me ra b· i week . MOllduy WUll onstitution bit line! ph '''"u nt. Sc\'crn l bunt e r~ BUSIN ESS AND PLEASUR E WAS 12th, a g-rulip lOr interested per sons Day. Mr. Mo omnw hnd the Ameri· brought in good bng8 of rnbb it s and met at th Olh'e Brunch School COMBINED Clln history claSH working on the Con· Mis., M ....y Bnk er, of the Ohio house to further t he oJ·gn ni 7.ut ion o f ~c\'erul ph(,H"tlnt.~ were shot. 8titution. At tho Grade building eV· SLate liIJI'ury, spe n t last Wednesday the !lla ss i~.WH shin g'ton Lo wn shi ps H is sni rl that phen~nnL~ are num ('r· ery morning this week th ere will be a t our public library. She made ous , but the hunters are taking tuo The Cla,. Made a Gencrou. Donation Purent·Teachers a s~o cilltion. Tenta· a short progrllm given. Th e sched. num erous suggestions w)lerebx, tbe tive dates for r egulur m eeti ng ~ ure many. The seaso n tor shootin g the to th e WByn,c lown.hip S~ool ule fOT t he week is as f oll ows: Nervice mlly be improved, and it is pheasunt is short, and it is hoped "rrulI){ed us follows : Three of t he ftv~ hundre d und fifty Band from Their Fund. TuestluY- Plltriotis m OilY. Warren County's dairy cow popu · thut nHllly M the birds will s urOlive Branch churc h, November furm boys and g irls attending th e an· hoped that by the first of the year W edn esday- School und Tencher's Illt ion in incre u ~l n g , ' uccording to 628th, 7 :30 p. m. nuu l Cl ub Week at Columbus, ure >u ~h chan ge mny be mude. Mi88 vive. Day. g ure~ announced by the Blue Vall ey Flnl F ork ch urch, Jnnuary 9th. Fishi ng i~ unu sually good j uAt now. The Fr,iend ship Class of tlw M. E. from Wnrren coun ty. Ednn Cleven. Baker commended the work alreadY Thursli ny- Illi tcrncy Day. Creulll~ry Institute. T he statement Severnl tine bass \\'e1'C tuk en out of Sunday .school he ld th ei r regulnr Olive Bl'1In('h chu rch, Fehruury 20. ger, of Harlan t ownship. re prese nts nccomplished, and wus enthusiastic Friday-Ph ysicul Educational Dny. cov('rs an nrell embrnci ng npp roxi. th e Clothillg clu bs ; ~lllri e J)unhllm, o f over the pO liS ibiJitie~ (or the future. th e ri ver during the past week . e s p~c · I monthly meeting aL th ~ hO'lle o( 1111'S. Flat 1'1l "k (' huH' h, Ma rci, :l7. Saturday- Community Day. mate ly one eighth of th e state in this lull y "f tl'l' lhl' gOl> d rain s. The la rg'· ; Enw rso n Mu son , Wcd'l('stlay nfte r· Pl.- asp r. ·nH'll1b er the dates lind pin. Ea st Turti pc reek, th e fi" st yea r Food Snndny- God und Coun try Duy. section, and is believcd to hold true est bus, tak"n thi s r.. 11, us \:u a s we n(Jon, Nov mbe l' J~, the ho"tpsscs be· ces. K. E. Tll OMPSON, clubs lind Myrtl~ Bellz. of ncar Books make the best possible Everyone is cordially in vited to for the county proper. Pu blicilY Committe e. Springboro, the Secon d, Third nnd Chris tmas gi (tH. But there i8 a wide kn ow, w"" abo ut 3 % pounds. I, ing Mesdame s Muso n, J. B . Rich, J . visit the schools this week. A three per cent gain in the num· It is po",ible thut the extreme cold O. Whitaker, Muude Crune and F. H. Fourth Yeu r Food clubs. var ioty, and to cboose wisely one ber of dairy cows two years old und will l'IK'ck the fish ing to some extent • . Furr. ---0These yo ungstcrs will be the g Uests Illu ··t know th e worth·while from the Lust Friday morning the Seventh over, is no ted for th e district over the nlth ough unglers werc at t he river I A(ter the di,sposu l of quite un ue· of the Ohio Stote univ er sity fr om illane or trashy oncs. At the public grade delightfully e ntertained the preceding year, while the increase for the tir. t of the week , cold us it was . cumulution of bus in S5, mostly chnr· November 17th to 22nd, ut t he Tenth libm r y nr c Ii s t.~ of books . recomHi school, Normnl al1<l FJlculty, with the state as a whole wus 4.0 per Annu al Club Week. Euch o f the 5[;0 me nded by the Slatu Liurary. The - - - - - .. ituble work. a short pr"Kru m of mu· a Klllllndid program, which wad 118 fol . cent ns compared with 192:3. The is II county chnmpi on i" one or more Iibruriull in charg e w ill g ludl y show s ic find rendinl;rs was J,!iVll ll. en tire United 'States s hows nn in· lows: of the fou rtcen projects undertuken these lis ts to nny patron and a8sist One item of bus iness of inte rest crenso nmou nting to (I per cent, gov. by th e furm clubs. ~ u c h liS sewing or in muking suita ble selection8. Failure to the general pub lic wus u don ati on Scripture Reading- -.. - Reva Sears ernment figures show, cooking for the girls, nnd stock or to se cnrc the books d esired may reto ou r new VI ayn c TO\\'nship Seho" l Songs ........ .. .. .. ...... ......... Mr. Ensley The number of heifer s one to two sul t from waiting too long, band, of $ 10, pruct icu ll y one f uu rth Forty·three hundred Methodist crop raising for the boys. Reading- .... .. .. .. .. .. .... Virgin in Hardin yenrs . old a8 eompnred to th e totnl T.his year's prog-rulll (or Club Week of the proce eds from tlw refn' shlll cn t m ' 11 f!'OOI all ports f Ohio and Ken. ..... Qu~rtet-Norn Wardlow, Mildred numb er of cows in this district. see m booth which th e ladi(, R conduded III tucky will fill Memorial hall, Colum· diffe\'8 radically from previous ones , Graham, Hele n Gu\lady and' Gladys to be below the average, indicating bu s, NOl'elllb 'J' Z;l to 25 , a t the ses· Slate Club leade·rs say. Particularly the Hnllowe'en Mnrdi Gras. Adam8. the Intention to bring less young Approximately $3,000,000 wos Aftel' th e pl'ogrum a d(' lij:(htful so· ~ion 8 of the Cinc innnti Area Metho· for the girls, there will be instruc· Reading- -.. .. .. .. .. - Mildred Graham stock into milk In t he near future. paid g,·OWCJ'. of vegetublcs and fruits ciul hour wus 'spent, duri ng wh ich dc· dist j\l un's coun cil. accordi ng t o Bish· tion in folk duncing, singing und Piano Solo-.... .. .... Bernice Hyman In citing these figures the In sti· lhis yenr by Ohio canne rs, IIccordin ~ licious rcfrc, hmenls were gervcd by op Th eod ,'rc S. i1,' ntie rsofl, of Cin· guides to dr ess. For the boys the re Vocal Duetr-Berthu Filer and Vir- tute calla attention to the fact that to estimntes made today by Arthur the hoste55u,. Fifty.five me mbers cillnuti, r c,i dent IJi, h01' of the areu. will be ulong with t he generul pro· ginia Hardin. the United States nee d8 320,000·more Hnm ilton, of Lebanon, president of nnd friend s of th e class elljoyed the The ~ p(,lIkcr " 111' (' n il of notionnl gram dem onstrati ons in rop e work Play-"In a Doctor'8 Office." cowse very yeur if production is to tile Ohi o Cunner~ ussoci ntion, who i ~ meeting . and in SO Ill C ease~. illternolion nl r ep· and in building a rnd io. Next Friday Mr. Cutler's room, the keep step with the normal growth o( making' Ilrrnngemcnt.~ for the annual The youn gste rs will be divided into Tho Church School Service league utnti oll: G ll \·. eif1'ord Pin chh ot, Sixth and Seventh grades, will en· demand for dairy products. There conve ntion of t ho ussociation to be Penn, yl\'llniu. li on. Henry J. Allen, groups for this in struction, for met at tho home of Mi ~s Kathleen tertain. lire 1, 412,000 more mouths to be held in Columbu s, Decemb er Oth und form er g{)\'l'I'no r of KUII SIlS, Luther gumes and for stun ts of their ow n de· Hcnderson Saturdny Il fte rnoon. Af--0fed in the United States with every lOth. A. Weigle, prof."s,))· in Yule u niver· vis ing. ler the devotio nnl se l'\~ce and bueipassing year and with the in creu8ed Perao"al Not •• "Fl'W peo.ple rea li ze," said Mr. sity, J . S ti tt Wilso n, f orm e r IlIllyor o f RcJtu lur s ight "eei ng tou rs uro und ness session th e followi ng. program con8umption of dairy products per Hamilto n, "the ('xtc nt of the canning of educn . Berk eley , ('III., li nn. Simeon I) . Fess, th e city and the Universi t~ camp us \was rendered: Mi!lll Howland spent the week-end capita, this added numb er to the na · ind uMry in Oh io. There are mlJrc In the recent cl\llIp!~i~n U S senlltor f rom Ohio, E. Stanley Bnd illustrated truvel Icctur es by in Cincinnati. . . . f I I' F d Denn Alfred Vivian, of the College Piano So lo .l\lury Lo uis~ Zimmerman tion's herd will bare ly suffice to meet thnn 50 canneries in the stote with t ion 011 the \'o lue of '11Itk a s the per· r I I "Tl M ' Ik J ones, greaL cvu n~eli st 0 Jlll U, re Miu Clark s aw "The Ten Com- th e increased demand. Ie I B Smith chairman Jlutiona l move. of Agriculture, arc also on the pro. Reud ing ...; ... DorIS Henderson an investment of about $10,000,000 f eel fo od, u Itt e p ny, ma~dmenta" in Dayton last week-end. " wus put on by the school L' J . H H h b' h Piano Ductr-Mlldred Hole and Esin grounds, buildings nnd equipment, Furies .' A h b I ment for luw, 1:.( Will . ug CS , IS, g rum. ----- ~ ------=-th er Henderson. , f the Ch icngo urea, William S , Bnd these give employment in the chIldren of .s ta u n. Mr. J . E. Janney visited the schools According to th e Ashtabula Star· 0 1 0 . course of th e year to 10,000 person s, Monda,. • lIJ • . .f K' Bo va rd. corresl'onlhllg sec retary During t he Bocial hour a delicious tto "C I" SC Y s uo . ~ I W I mOFtly m(' n, a lthough many wom en Bencon ' MJ8S IrlcnrJc lunch wns scrved I?y the hostess. I ' f h '1 board of educll tr on, 1',l'I\e~ t ·Y"" a· . Edna Mullin was 8hopping in Day. nnd g-irls nrc empl oyed in th e busy perviscd thde'/lfs e echon o · t e Id'UPI" I ford ' bis holJ o f the Kan sa s City area, -. , ton, Monday. from the I eren t r ooms an as· ' . , C I ocaso n, . . h d' t' f th I I Fredenck [' . Shan nu n, plI stor entra e pay, church, Chic ago. Weare clad to .report that we have "Very few cnnne rs produce thei r slsted III t () Jr~c Ion 0 ., . . d The Annual Roll Call of the Amer· four men working today toward the own ruW mnteriul. The great bulk whi ch wns a dec,ded success. . MI ~s RegJstralwn s ar .. h ell1~ mode III a ican Red Cross is now under way, McKinsey is n primary supervIsor of vanc e by huntln' tl s o f churhes through eompletion of the gymn8lllum. of it is purchased from growers and The meetln~ continue through the can ned immediately while it is ripe Ashtubula sc hoo l. 'l out the uroll. Th e first 4300 men to Eve ry person in the county is asked ----.~~--week at the Ferry church of Christ. and wholesome. 'If ita in the cnn, - - - - - .. - - _. r cgi!'tcr wi ll b~ udmitted to the ses .. to beco me a member of t his great The attendance and Interelt are grow it'll fre Rh,' is the 810gan of th e Ohio sions. Afte r t his numb er is regis· body whose mission is " service" t o ing. The eervicel are bhpreniv, and 8uocint ion. rr , tered, Intel' rcg-i strution s will not be others. the Bible drill, the prayen, the sonp It is YOUR Red Cross-i f you Canni ng in Ohio covers a wide \ accepted. ___The Portlan d and Brocton a re most and the earn eat ' preaching all con· tan ge Beans,. baked, string, lima and have been a memb er re.enroll; if you promising neW white grnpe. in the tribute to very profitable meetings. were not a mem ber Inst year you are kidney), beets, sweet corn, . saUQrvariety vineyard Ilt the Ohio Agricul. The SundllY s~rvice is at 9 :SO, and kraut, peas, pumkin, succotash, spi n. invited to add your name to the list turul Experi ment stAtio n. These va· the theme wl1l be "Our appointed ach tomatoes, catsup, peaches, cher· of th ose who aTe. r ieties nrc of re ce nt introduction and for the uason Task." In the evening "Yielding to ries' and various kind s of "berries are E nrollment for Waynesville and are being cn refully co~pared with IIvlRnl,nlP about 6 p. m., Reason." Wayne Township may be made at t he can~ed In thc" Ohio plants. The canmore thlln a hundred o~her varietiea A cordial welcome awaits any who nin g senson is now over for all except the' ground Waynesville Nationnl bank or th e in th e experimentAl -plots. thls came may attend these services. hom e of Mrs. W. H. Allen. sauer kraut and ·pickles. Sundusky W. F. Rofkar, assistant horticul. about 20 leads the state in, the mllnu· -~-- -~.~--turist ut the Stntion say!: "Portland The m eetings at the M. E. chu rch facture of sauer kraut. is the earlioijt ripe.ning varillty in the i nre increasing in favor each da y. vinevILl·d. The fruit is of excellent In tq . ~ve The singing of Mr. Laurence D. Ensqunlity for a n early grape . . The ripley, a ssisted by thc lar~c choir, is eni ng season is long. An attra,cti,v e uddi ng much to t he se rvices. ye!lowish white color' is ,d eveloped iD Th~ Dor~8 Sp!!illtv' D .t ",e 14. tJ, Thur!!day night will be Men's night t ho frui t at f ull ripeness. '(Ib~ bun., *. church Wil} h.old ~ Th~n\clg\vlng M~" Friday 'night be ChIldren'S es ate usually long' but 10o~l!l)' filled. ke~; W.cSn.l4a)', November a6, at the . ' The annual meeting of the Ohio night. "Bt-octon ·.ripens Mfon the ,Con. hoa,e, ~rlnnhlr a~ ,9:80. Farm Bui-eau fedeTation wll.l be, held u nday night will be Qverbody's Rev, a~d ' M rs. Mil es E. Dawson , of cord. The berries an of- tnecliu:la y orden ~111 be receIved by Mn. night. . on February 2 and S, it was 'announcColumbus, spent the . ·week·cnd in 8ize, ' juiny and have a pleaainr aro. Il0'l•• ' . lI"l!I1I, .1oI1i_.JH!1P7 l4urra),. ed folloWing a m~eting of 'the board You are all welcome to these · ser- Waynesville: Rev. Dawson preached inatic ·f1avor. rn quality, ,the BJoo. . i;.DITH EDW AR S, Sec)'. · vices. Come, lind you' will be great~ Sunday morning at the , Christ.inn 'ton ·can be sllfely placed of directors' of that orgn'rHzation Inllt Iy he.lpe_d_.______ -:-,__- - . Mila Ramona ' Trees, of WIn. "eek. The meeting, to which every church, where he "Was a former paa· very best white grape!!. ~ ba_ _ fteld. WOn over 181 contestants ia " Emm~ R4l.1llllck eatertal.n.d county in ' Ohio il expected to aend the tor, and was warmly welcomed by a are medium to Iaip Iliad Wtlll-lq pnttiest lirl in Kansas. She and Jln. L. A.. waib- delegates, will 'be held at Columbu!, fa to rQre1Ient her atate In a Mia. Mr. Orville Gray and family vis- large number of hiS former pariati~ and the Vince are 1liodeNIe~ ;Mr. . . ., the datell coapnl III ,",ng 'FlU'lDen IOUrl Va1J87 .-r-n\ at 'l'alM. Ked relatives in Xenia, Bunday. ionen. 0 . ." dlUlI CCR





-.-----~UBRAHY NOTES - - --





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Ohio S.c-Pli~Q

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_The Miami Ga.z ette ' __!!!L!22 IU"U~\'


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como bnck hero:.-you know whut you ynu tel ,· ,rn tllllt ~I'O IIpt to get'a8 U Hocond olTelloerIh .. 1'1 i~1I1I "1I111II\'iti/'~ ill tlll- HII.\ th- " l u n~ stretch." .. . ..r," U'i " 1110' pllli",' III ' no tic I, f '1 ' he "Kid"look the nt\vice in part. " h,d':l r~ .. , t' p " i~l""'~, T he nlllRt Il l! w('n t ttl a new pillce, but the r eu· " .. I ,. r l-r-i n\in"I~, " '"Il U t im >S [SOIl in t he bnck of his hend WIIR thn~ ""., .LI, , , III ,j"I' I"hl .1t l .· ir UtlOI', he didn' t milan to be co nvicted. us 11 I , :" 1 1 1 1"1 I \\ I' hl lli l Ow tn I'll wh o at' secu nd off )Hle r. H e ·ru8.N ,) th~ HudNE W SU ITS 1,:11',,- r ~ \. til '-lit 1 11( ' l l.' ~li"l l of lh~ :-\1 " to N yu k. jou rneyed to 'l'r Intnn, Will ia m p , MeCHI'rell hllg ellll'rI'd i . ii I h.'1 III ~ :I ~. II Jlrl.l r- :Xl' W .Jcr~~y . in :o;ccll l'ity, u ~e (l up tho , uil n~nill sl . llIri~,' McCnrrrn for <Ii . , !" , IlI't i LI II II I l h4,! ll , . f wn t ~ h mu rll'Y Hw wurd e'n hnd handed him, I I h,' \ :"1 ,1, .1' , l \ · fI, I' nt il W t\ t !'it'd iU('1T('c tunily to gl't wo rk t o hi!" VIll'I'e ,'II I!r o llnd ~ of nc!!lect. \\', A, Howitl hilS ~n tel'ed suit ,'" Ih . '" II ,, "'" II • .:.. luwl" K" lalY liking', n lld l h t' n flHlntl hillls"I! ,. " -, ,,illy .In' ,,,, I know pCllni lc"H. lie u'irrl lo "lift n Irol h- "g'lI inNl Emma fI nd Lc"lic H. I "rlcr I'" P .I('",. n mall ' ~ p o e k t - - J{O t I' II I 0 I f" r m'"1~y n" d rO I' ec f nwrt· L 111 r h I I ' 1'l ' ~ lIml d ! he il' p \1I • l o~_llr 'l' ... "II fl1! ht li nd WH !'. ('l ll1llht. , . I: , II,' I :llliql" or nt.t . gll J,r0. Am n unt ('1: Llm l~d I ~ $ 2 ,11.30


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bill fu nd WHy S lo h ..g ui le judg{'g. lie I I .... I ' 'i, 1 t , ~I' II . b 1"ld the l'OU l't he W"" fro m Lllkewo ... u I"" It , I.. ,', > , .. , ~ n'~~ It'r il ,' eRln n I I) ...... 11, :,: It ~ .. . II ,-It ll ,.· "t " I' " "/l li(,na l I', Ike Bu - ","I thnt II(! hlld II",',' r dune nnythillg n m .\' (, pin io n till' ~h '~I ' I, ... t ·Il P , " ! \ 1 It;\4 .1, i . , II j... ~ .1 " I-.. h t , ! III 1' .... 1 ; t I lUlU . H "" l\ tr: 1I Illlil' l ' in " ,I .. h iu ,.rlflf l wrong in his Jift.· before-und he toWard the ~li ' ninnl1ulI 1'1 lUI tlila co u ntry whu'h (' Jill I,l' tah, '1. ~ :o \", lU II\ t f ~ , \\ " t 111 1" , ... ;111 111- II h( ' ,, ~ fi' ":"r 1,,'11, ' r" r t h,' 'I h"le nn - won n Stl" rl ' nll ~tI "cn tenco. Imngine In tho I'~ lnlolbhll\t'll t ..r " :-;,,{Io 11:.1 1,' ,' lI ar; II il l l'l l h'" Hur, 'all. :' lllh liP ti ••n \\'lI lIld bl' "''I lI p:\n,d It l'd ~ urh d e- - at th .. Ill O nl pnt h(' ~ t oo rl ~uilty o f \rin inti"n n f pur . " l l... in I ~ nvi n g Nl' W Pollee 'B r mlll III W",IIlIIg't"" P. l ' . II , Hl;UII.11 .... h,,!II, I. nll t! I hope '. l'Vl'II- C,'PtilH \~ pp:-;.:-.ildC'. Y" l'k w it.ho ut 11!'rmi"" ion- nnd WIlM 1-:\ I ' r~' ElIrt'lH' ;' 1l l'o untr ~' hU H one, d nuhly It s l' {' o l l d IItT"llti,'r. 11 , 1111'

ud"pli ", tlr






Can:Hia· 11 :1:-\ nllt'. nll ly the' nit. ,d St nte ~

Gell T en ",ot.o rized Year. Term tTi m inal ... II':tpil1\!' III will I ,.l Ot ~tnlc "Thu Kid " ne-xt ~ tnl .. n mot or car h ' ~ t nlf ·. it i"" nil a h :-1 t»)u ll' '1 t..·('(l ~s ity IIl1el j o urlll' y<,d lIr r" •• th e Dela war" If w e "j' I' olitt' lire l(l fu lly pro · riv,'r int o P" lIn sy l"lI n iu . Tu rning 1" ,·t y ou, ttll' l' ilizl'fl. no rlh he wen t {o Ellslo". tril'd tw ice C riminal 10 find j o b:; thu t were e,," y enoug h Hiltory to s uit him, und th en reverted to I r ... cill· Ih is IJit o f crim i",, 1 hi st(lry theft. li e wus n(,\\' n fllgiliv(' fro m t., illllMra l,' 1\ co ndition lha t II Cl'ds j u"tic e in two s tut l'S, yet by givin g (' o rn'('t i ng, his IIge nir1('tl'I'n lind wo rking o n ·'Th .. \\' nlllli> r,ut K id" """ one of Ihe sY lllpu thi~s "r thr comp in innnt \\, l1mlln' s hnlldha g in n Suh l\" y crush. hI! Illllnugcd to "b<'llt t he case" and IIn ti piekl'ol·k<,t . when he Ill ude the ('scn pe inlo th e interior of Penn "ylIII isl II k,' o f try ing t o . li l II policevllnin. mlln '" hnn dhnJ(' in a . ut'l I\a y crush, Uut why continue, the s to ryl "The T he rt'"ulln nl su n\enc e to .'i ng S ing Kid" und e r hul( u do~en elc,'CT aliaamnzed him. Ah"nys befo ...· he hlld ses , kept this up for eight months be. been nble to buy off the complaintfore II New York detective , who waa ant "beat th e churge," or g~ l a 8 U 8in levelan d, Ohio, to get II priso ner, p ~ nded senlence or, lit mll"t. n thir r ecognized him Il~ onc of a g roup of ly-dllY term in the T o mb ~ , He felt gangster s brought in by the police, fuiriy lit home in thllt pri'o '1 in the The invcs tigutiol1 of fi nger prints becity, but t o be se nt "up the riYer" twel'n c ities r es ulted in "The Kid" b('cnu ~l' lhis com plainnnt could neths tarling u ten-y ear se ntenc e in the ,' I' be hl'il, ~ d o r caj oleel - thllt was Columbus penitentia r y nK a confirmed ~o m c t hil1': ·Ise ag'uin, criminnl. li e \\'IL S n smart lad, and he had nnt been ill Sin/or Sing six hou rs be(u re Ill' hel-!nn Lo lea rn and to app ly wh,,{ h ... learr1L'd. Firsl h e set himse lf l l' will th e ve ry shortes t te rm (l ussi L,(' hy menn " o f the parole syste m ; lI ext he ."t o ut to gain the favor of the ofllcials as u we ll-behaved prie ull er. Ili s success WIIS g reat. Came In creasi ng the feed of dairy cows n dny two y"nrs later when n prison " trust.y" wo~ be in g discharged 011 pa- lit the Ohio Agritculturul Experiment ro ll! . The wll rden, in whose serv ice stlltion n ot onl y incrcllsed th e nnnual he hud been , look c nough specht! in. production but mdded 11 n eat s tl m to te rest in the ma n to speak a fina l t he net p r ofi ts. wort!. U nd er good uvemge f eedi ng, ~ uch as is praclielll on many duiry farms, W ard en 23 cows gnve un uveral!e annu n l production of ' 8,198 pounds of milk and 335 po und s of buttcrfnt. The same cows during t he yea r of h eavier f eedin!! avernge d J 3 ,5 ·18 po unds of milk a nd 668 pounds (If fa t; or an increllse o f 65 per cent in milk nnd 69 per cent in butter fat, On t he ol'd in'~ ry ration the feed requir em e nt fo r euc h pound of butte r fat was 15.6 units, costing 27, 1 cents, On the henvy rati o n the r equirement w ns on ly 13 ,7 uni ts, costing 24 .1 cents, The feed cost, to BUY nothin~ of the extrn labor a nd invcstm ent, f or a ~ivcn prod ucti on, was 12 per cent I!reater for the o rdinllry rnU on thnn for the very libe·rnl ration. In",~,

,\ Il u l " tl ny . wilh




11-. II the bome-butldlnc ,..., Aa JOG crave! over the country )IOU _ tbrceenrte 01 homes being """'led. PettlIe haw come to the realization

u.s fl II tr\1O ecooomy to put their

CDIlIII1lDapennanent building, ralm Ibm ~ out 80 much for rent or (or boans and Iodlline, with nolhi!lll' left to allow . . It in tho cod. TIle AmerIcan f.mily Rpirlt has IIIUCb to do with It. Every child lit eatided to • real home. People whe


....-cIIiIdnln want \heir boys and . . to Imow whal it Ie \0 live in a


. . . . with BYard. A mlrlotes with a pencil and flPetWln corrriDce you that )'OOCBn



iii. bame IIJitabIe for your needs.

1'IA It onr wilh yom dealer. He Is ...cddww in building. He knowa Ocidilloi.; l1li aperiencele vaJuabia t ) JOG. He wants to eftre you the klDd cI..-..b dtat wI!J maD a &iIlIId



-w. H. MADDEN & CO.

.............. '-----

.....u ..........

Can You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle? The ne w puzzle printed this week composed by Professor J, B. Ross. It hus a vcry good design and the re ore muny s ubtle m ea nings in the antonym s lIud sy nonyms fhich m a ke u p th e que stions. Each of our r ea ders. who IIltempt this \>uzzle ,,;11 have t o watc h ve ry carefu Iy or they will find themselves in "over th eir e llr~" with mistakes.

We, t he f ollowing fllrm owners. pOR itivc ly forbid Ilny hun ting or trap ping on o ur farms. An y v i o la ti~ : , of th e s nme will be prosecuted IICcording to luw nnd to the fulle st extent.

The Ford Coupe fe the lowac priced clOlledcuon the marketyet one of the most Atisfactory.

CoIdnc Ie. to buy and maintain. every dollar Invested briDp greab!III IWtUl'U in comfortable, dependable


The Coupe

"525 Ford"" SccID.. 6685

Tudor SedaN Tourlftg Car RunAbout 0. _




modol. d.mcaot... diu and . Utel' an W a t,...

Sturdy, long-lived aDd adapted to all oondldonJ of roads and wuther-it meets f!Wr'J naed of a two~car.

&-lily growing demand and theft90ufcelilldf8cilirleof the Ford Motor Company have made poMible • dOlled Car, at a price millions can aflord. rightly designed, carefully built lind backed by an efficient eervice orpnizarlon in every neighborhood of the nation.

Waynesville Motor Company

VERTICAL 2 City of Ark (abbr.) a Sta'te (abbr) 4 Girl's name ~----Stay away from 6 H o usehold artic le 7 United Stutes (lIbbr.) 8 Small bed 10 Amer, expeditionary forcos Owin g to the d eath or my hu sband 1 2 Nothing will ~e ll my houRe hold goods at 13 Dny of week (abbr.) 15 Obey pu blic uucti on, Ilocllted 1 mile north 17 N ot well of Wuyn esv ille, Ohi o, un t he Cincin· 18 Cuper nnli'llnd Columbus pike, on farm run 2 0 Organi7,ed living body 22 One who disuuins by J oseph EVHns>, on 24 Tiny S.turda)'. No~ember 29, 1924 26 Frllcturl! Beginnin g at 12 :3 0 p. m., all my 27 Boy's name 28 Filthy place hou sehold furniture. This furniture 20 N ext to akin of man . :' is in splendid condition Bnd will be a 30 A month good place to gIlt good, clean goods. , 84 Every See big bills f or terms. . i~ Part of A colorer MRS. SUSIE MORGAN. 39 Frame work ef the body F. T . Martin. Auct., Centerville. O'l40 To hinder View --------- - • 42 Pertaining to temperature Do your tradlnlC In Wayneaville. Long stick

------ - ...

'Public Sales

E /)




c uunt.





C'f'mwd, f'ilt'ri lH' t' :-;('l!on d and {ln ll l ac-

cnnfi rmE'd the first nccount o f the ad- 'I L(' bunon . ministruto rs, Cl ifford and LeRlie S milh, in tho mattcr of the estate of REAL ESTATE TRAN SFE RS Frunk Hm ith, deceaRed . Edwnrd MIl "tin to Wull l'r Squier In lh e o f t ho estate of Ro- lut in Pl'lInklill. $ t. Lo utitia V . nllti J . 1\\. R,' h('r ~\l n . to b"cell pear.... n. deccnsed, up on IIpplicat.ion of Wright H ill, g uard inn D. H, Mcil ll nll ld, uh ollt ·1:; 11,'1'''" in the ~pcon rl and final account WIIS ap- Hllmillnn 1'p., $1 , Mnx [l,'"ti ck t il Ann n provc(i, lI11owod nnd con firm ed. The court approved , allowed an d abo ut 1\16 lIcn's in W""h in,,,{ " " 1'1'., con firm"d the first Ilnd final acco unt 81 , F l o renc~ lIf , nnd Millar, l F. POll r. of J ohn Fux, udmi ni strlltor at the of Cindnnlll i, to C. ColIl'tl u",1 Maestate o C Duvid Fox, deceased. U pOII n pplication of Wlliter R. Fitts bel 1\[. A nderso n, Xrni", lIuoul I I admlnistrater of the eltate of Th orn. acres in Washingtnn Tp" nnu ul "u 11K I. Fitts, deceas ed. the court ap- 8 l oL~ in Ft. Anci ent. Mary M, And l'r ~on to J " hn {In d proved nn d confirmed his account. In t he matter of the estate of Lou. Laure lla Voll-erdi lll-!. 2 lo ts in t hc vi lell a C. Dt'nth . deceased, the court ap- la,:e uf L ubn non.$ 1. J ohn nnrl La ur elln Vo lke rding tl' proved and co nfirm ed the first and tlnal a ccount of the adminis trator, Ednn KnllPP, 2 lo ts in Leban on, $ 1. J. H, and Alice Ford to Leroy and J ohn C, Death , In the mlltter of t he estate of AI· MIlY Jlll'k Ho nn, nbout 5 0 acres in Hurfn·d W, Cook, decellsed C, C. E m - Inn 1'1', $ 1. J oh n W , Tilus to Walt er E , nlld mun8 exec utor fil ed hi. fin al Ilceo unt liS t o Mllrion A. Cook, which is or- Nelli e C. Mou r e, 3 lots in Sa lem Tp., $ 1. dered suspended . G, W. Hackman, administrator of the estate of Anna L, Hackman, de- COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS censed, filed his fina l account which Bills nHowed: Morrow Brnnt, sh er was ordered s uspe nded. iff, board lind washi ng f or prisoners, In the matter of the e state of $3 i,7 1 ; J ohn"on Wats on Co .. sup George M. Buchanan. d eceased, th e pl ies, $44.75 ; Le blln on Icc aud Coal court approved a nd confirmed th e Co., ice for co urt ho use, $5.40; Judge accou nt of Currie H . Buchanlln. nd- W. J, Wright, st lil io nery und postministr at rix , lI~e, $7 .00; Lebunon Farmers Co-op. The eourl npproved the ucco u nt of crnli vc 0 .. COlli for C. H ., $ 17.77; the executor . James S. Wild. in the 'J'ru >. of Public Allnirs, li/orht for jail matter of th e e state of Joseph H. 111111 co urt ho use, $59.84 ; J no. Law & Wild, d eceased. Son. ~ u(J plies $34 .1 6 ; Dakin & Dakin In the matted of the settlement o.f in'tIl'lIIiCC premium, $3. 15; t he Law the estat e of Chllrlos A , Ludlum, de- A bstruct."'Co., 2 Ohio Law Ab8tracL~ , ceased. it WII S o rderod that certifi ed $2·1.0lJ; H, C. Heif, s upplies f or shercopy of e nt ry determinin g inheri- iff, $1. 77; Bllng- hum Motor Co. , lIII me, tance tax , be certified to the auditor $1100 ; lvins -Jam eson Drug Co., sam e of Warren county , $1 .75 ; A. B. Knufmun, 80 me, $1.80;


More Comfort lor Le.. Money

L 'hnno n Welding and GUTuge '0., 'H fUl' brirlg und roud J" pni , 7fiu: II S, 011(l\10r, ~alll O , $:\. 00; I • W. 'l' rov\llu , " "''' Ili ng Hlld Il uintln{! bl'lug , .26.00; ~ W. T Oll1pkin K, puy 1'011, $5:l!l.4 0, I.'. M. r: O l1ill ~ , "1IInl'. $348 ,65; F:l len 1't:!l' ry. ~ IIIll I' , $'IU7 ,;!5; A, " . Re'lti)!" ';'"lll' , ~ 1,t 7!1.:10; Clilf 1-1 fl lI )!' h. HnIllU. ~ '>1 .a:!; Wnlter EUHLcr, , ,,me, $1!i \I,;jf) ; 1', 13 , MllltCC. ~n nle. 101.55; Wil l. tel' VlIl'lIer. ,dllll!, $!I.R O: L, Eo Em'lI rrni ~ plll(· n t. MlLlid M. Sil-! nor, Hdm i lli ~tl'Hll'ix or hllrt, KilnH'. $<!4!1.~11; W S Grllhlllll , I!. tilt' " ~llll" IIf In .... ~l' n u Mid"",I. de - " "1\11', $ 1:tll,25 ; Ph il ip,

C. , Emmons, 1r e utor of t he !lB' tut e of A I(I'erl Vol, ook, rleceused, ti l d h i ~ fl,,"1 nCt:oullt ns t Mal'io n A, oo k. Tn tht' IIllllll'r of the ' u~ tlLte r An lin L, HIlCkl1lllll, 'd"cl'u~ed, the 1It!rniniKtl'l,tOl'. C . W, lIuc kmun, fil ed his finn lu cCllullt. . Wm. Md)ullald. 1L.lmini"truto r of the c. tlll c f C;Ctlrl-!c W. Urllnl . d,'cellsed, IiiI'll h i ~ inventory ulld ap -

with inlt'r,'st frnm Octoher :11, I! I:!,\, In II... mlLtt" .. IJf lh o cstllt e .. f ./tlhlL W, C, Tkhrn " r (lnter('d ""it Il",nin" t ('"ok, til "·'·Il"NI. lIl'''" IIl'plicati oll of L. M. Pen c(' for injunclion. 1'111' at· Arthur. BrYll llt, lIumilli, ll'llto r, th e rncys furc ·t.he efr ndllnt nre ~~ I tz- court ,' rrl l'rcd the "" Ic of bond ~. be· rtoulh. Mnpl nn d dMnple, 101l/dllg t" t ho (\,~ tllte. Th e gro ~. ",rlu o .. f t.he ('"tnte of Amandu Smilh, d ecclI"ed . \\'11 ' deterPRoaATE PROCEEDINGS mi ned ILt $ 1082 ,5\), Proof of publicatio n WIIS fi l('d in th e mat.ter of the cstn t e of .J c." ie MARRIAGE LICENSES F:v elt, d eeea~<,d . Vir g il IT a m(' ~ Rrnwn, 11l(' ("hnlliC". of SlI mul' 1 S. Scov ill e, ndm inistrato r in the estll te o f Cu rri!' I; Scoville , de- l\flln ~ ti (' lti. nnd MrN, EV il A, IIr own, cc" ..·d, fil ed his fi''l! t and fin ll l ac- of Lebllnol1. cuunl. F'r n n ci~ D. L f'wi~ . rue-tory worker, The cou rt IIpproved, allowed an d nncl MI ," Rel'lI M. Wi lkin so n , holh or



146 48

Wager A hu sband I 40 Be reli evCfI of 16 1 Perso nlll pronoun 52 T oward HORIZONTAL 1 A degree (abbr,) 4 Sou t hllrrl S tate (abbr,) 6 lnsllct 9 Not make -believe 11 Endellvors 14 Exc ill mntio n or pnin 16 Fam o us criminll l 18 Act 19 Afternoon r epagt 21 Product o f trees 22 Wro ng 28 Abbr, -u sed in arith. 25 Conjunction 26 Three consecutive le ttel'!1 27 Neat. PI. 29 H ousehold implement 31 Nuval officer 32 Above 33 Like meal 36 }' op 38 All 30 Bottom of river 41 Guide 42 Railroad (nbbr.) 43 Four base hi t 45 Nicknnme u sed in civi l war 47 Exclamntlon of questi on 48 On e who wllrns 50 Again (prefix) 51 Abhor 62 Print 64 Female domestic animal 65 Title 66 Domestic animal

$ 1i 1 .~ O : .1 110_ I,llw & SO Il, I:n ~ , nilllni l

!' tlpp 1i( I~.

,, 11

Sfi H.H! t : Bnrl't'lt, Co" bu lull c'l! IlIn' ill, $ 12f\,:l l ; Ohiu " ". Culv" I't

( ' 0., ~tlw",·r ~ . $.IFQ'(lU; nl'~.l!ulliu Brid).:' Cu" l" l!lvCI ' t ~ L(Il'1 nllu l> lu u pr in t ~ . $ii2,:HI ; H er~c1H'1 F . Jllmes .truck re-

pai,', $ I !!.:H; A, T ,

L C \l'i ~ ,


h.-itl.r c . $~ tI , OO: J . '1'. Marla tt, ~ "" l<' , $:! (i, OO ; I \'in "- Jllnll' ~ "" Ilrlll( Co. , paint

,,," I bnl"h, (i Oc; plIll'irk -Jo'rl'lIc'h Motnr Co" t iJ' (~ S and work on l~Ollll t y Cllr, $ 1:IO .r'll; ,I. W. I.ill go IIdw e Co .• "u pl'li ''; , $ 111.1 :1 ; W, A, ~cu tt, br idl-!" I'I'P lti ,' , $:1.(10; ('I II 1'('n l'(' ~ urrll rp. "tOil" lint! hrid l('l' r('pul r, $7 .00; I'; , C, Malillull. ~ tt)(, e . $2 I :I.tlll ; MIlI'!'is lto~­ I" "" , hn ul ing !l1ll1 ill " tll ll ill~ ",,,,,p r, $ 1\1· 7 tt ; Wnynl'Rvili e Furtll(," s Exc, II citl, ""liS IInti bril\J.: .. n'pnir· . $2 .:1!l; ..1. C . lI u\\kc. s tlppli l'~. $tUJO: W. 11. Mad d"11 C,I" n'''t,'rilll ~ . $ I ~fi ,zr. ; p , ..J , 1l 1I11i"ld, (IXpell "C o n co unty work , $:1.7r,; lI11 d Freu M , C.. I,·, :; upplies, ~,1.117 .

E D PURDY'S PHILOS "Never w ea r a wi.hbone where • backbon. oihould b e."




~Uf eysborg Phou A

Fertilizer Co.


CLASSlflEO ADS. MONEY LOANED d ONEY LOANED ON LlV F: STOC K. chattels , al su Ne cond morlgngeM. Notes buught, J ohn Hllrbine, Alle n Building, Xenin. Ohi o.

Farmers, Attention! Fa rm ers of Warren and adjoining counties may ob tain money on lonl( t im e loanH, ut 5',i, per cent Inter es t. Co st of sec uring th e ~ amc Is very r ~ IL ' sOlln ble ,throug h The Fe'd ernl Lund Balik, For further inform llti on call on or uddres9 M. C. DRAK E, Trella. urllr, phone 316-X. Lebanon, Ohio. FOR RENT FOR R ENT- Ho use or fiv e roollls. wuter und electric lightR. Inquire o f !\IrK. Williums, at corner of Tylcr a nd Fourth stre ets. 08· LOST LOST- Tire cnrrier, t irc licen ~o No, 603 ,1 78, som e wh e l'c betwee n WR Ynesvillu un<l Mrs. E. G. Ivin8, below Hidg'evi lle. F inder please return to VI', A. T . Wright. dS LOST- Between the Ericnds Boarding home ano Librnry, n short "tmnd of penrl beads, Finder pleaRe lenve at Gazette office. °d3 FOUND FOUND-Auto side curtain, on th o Lytle road . Owner enn hllve sumo by clllli ng on Ed Stnndiford, Third Street, Waynesville, Ohio. d3 =-z . FOR SALE FOR SALE-Three PollLnd·ChlnlL mu le hog8. Inquire of Frank Mil· tenberger •. Lytle. Ohio. -d3 FOR SALE-Parks Barred Rock Cockerels, $2.00 each; none kept after December 1. Mrs. Rachel Crew, R. D. 3, Waynesville, Ohio. . ·d3 FOR SALE -- Guaranteed Hoalery, samples your size free to agents. Write lor proposition paying $76.00 weekly lull time. $1.60 an hour Bpare tim e, lIelllng guaranteed hOlllerv to wearer; mUlt wear or replaced free Quick aalell, repeat orden.. Interna· tlonal Stoeklng MIIIB, 6069 NOrTla. town, Pa. FOR SALE-Ice box. 1000 pounds capacity. Computing IIcale11, meat cutting block, Hobart power ;rri'lder. Inquire of C. E. Edwards, Wayn'ellville, Ohio. -28 FOa SALE-Potatoes-Flne, hnmegrown Irish Cobbler; Green Muuntain and Banner; $1.00 per bu.hel, Strouse Bros., R. n; Ii, Wayneo\'"\-, , • Ohio. ' -029 ,~ "


FOR·SALE-.-1600 bu. of apples, f.n~ cy Rome Beaut.\ea, hand.pleked, good for cooking and ' eating ,lollif ,I keepel'll; price at orchard, $1.00 to " $1.50; droppe!1 applea aeeorcilll&' to quality. B. Undll\WOOCl, Vallq phone 8 HarveJlburr. O. tf

atra nice.

FOR alBo



B. 'WIIltabl'. L D. I,

MUD. . . wlDter

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GAZ E TTE ..•.

ISSUED 'EVERY WEDNESDAY Entered ot ihe l'oHtoflicll D. L.



W llyn en i!lo. 0 .• 118

S cond

Clnu Mnil Malter

Editor and PuMi.her. Waynenill •• Ohio.'iption Price, $1.60 per yellr.






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I ' If I ,, >\ \ ... ""' . I I , I I'

WrmN~~\lAY. NOV~; MHlm _

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19. 1!l24


H.ARVEYSBURG MrR. H(lI'll ce Stll1np ho I; bee n on the sick li st. Th e Aid met Thursday nfte rnoon ut t he u6ulli pluco. . Fl'l'u lIurlu n h06 ueell q uite ill. \Ju t IS "I(l wly impl'oving. Mr. IInol Mr". ('has . Madd(' n ar c in (' inC'innati thi s w~ ck. (,h,,". Wugg('ne r , of Lebanon, culled 0 11 (, hUH. Madd en Munday evening. ~ !J '". J OI.! Duvi ~ hu ~ bee n s uffering wil h " gutl1l.!rc d cu r. but is improv.

L Th

Miami Cs%ette FINIS Of all th , humol'i ~ l s u "d\'r tI'l' >un, 'rhe WOI t is lh u \JI,,J({· " hn )Jull~. u pun But we don't cure if hi ~ qu it. i. put. WC'vc liiled this FPIW( fdllRh o!: (l lf hUII ,I<) und thlll i ~ thn .



h('rc \\Ons full


hu n~l'rs .

4" -'~'J.

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. .... , J, • . . .

Chief JusticeWhite ana I Mr.Justice Harlan

W aiter McClur e " Over2SO Million ,I



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THE TALKLESS TELEPHONE And now we have till! Tulkles. Tel. ephone, in vc nt.ctl for th e e O II\'~ ni e~ce of deaf mules. Th t' new in ~ trum c nt convt'ys m C~81l !!:" " hy m('nns of tin al . phabet printe d on clectric light bulbs. The opcrntor presses the keys of a spccial typcwtlte r. electri cally wired. and the corres ponding letters are lighted, Kpelling out th e messllge. Thus. dny by dllY, we learn tn adju st ourse lves anti render mis f ortune less burdensome. The TalkleRs T elephone will put joy into lIlany a heart. ag it will in· crease th£> u "e fu ln ('s~ of thousand. heavily handicllppcd by nature. One of these doys. when humnnity learns more to appreciate i~ kin ship. the blind, the deaf lind the lnm e will find little hnndicap in their affliction. Possible no mnll since time began has don e more along this line thnn Henry Ford. who. in his genius for organIzed e ffici ency has re nd e re d the ellrn· Ing capacity of the mlln with one Inn equal to thllt of the man with two, bring inK the woak and strong on alparity. To da te our thoughti esKness and our porty patronagl' system ha. forc ed into the IJllckgro und Kuch im· portant service. The spoil. theory III 80 entrenched that even the gov· ernment scrub wonum's job is de· pendent on her ability to swing or cut ,the vote. Slowly, however, the government must comc< to Rec that the. world is sufferln!!: a tremendous economic waste In the vast power rendered useletl8 by our failure to adjust It. This fact stimulated by at least a semblance of the human touch holds bright and clear the lamp of hope for thou88nds of our fellow creatures who havc suffered 110 long a time.

.- .

ONLY ONE REAL REASON Why should the people of a coun· try community lIubecribe for their local newllpftper? The country newspaper III a com· munity Institution, the eame as the lehool or the church. Property own· en,arc taxed to maintain the achoole. people contribute to the church either baeaul. they believe In Ita worth or b_use they con\lider It a kind of In· euranee ,against the hereafter. The eountry newlpaper ~wants none of thu. appeala. If It jUltiflee Ita ex1O:,(;§>·~:·;":;.'· lltenca the people of the community ~'~fab'Duld subscribe to It because they an ablolute naceuity. day of the town crier 18 past ~J;ri.:~~.!o?e; worci of mouth communi· it Blow and Inaccurate.. The rJ.~t.I:!t!'ip·l>i, 1IIOplle who do not read their home .r .llinitti...... cannot be genuinely good cIt· of their community, for they know the facta about community aft'~lnj which they need to know to enable them tl> participate 'properly In . the ' lite ot their ' home town. The local neWipa per tella Its readen', wh,t II doIng 'and what will I;>e doln. in ~he, clhurehell, the s~hoolll, the ~e, . the ·)odarel, the villall'e alld It comlnp and PIlIP. birthl and \he nri of evants. It iafoi,u UuI ruderII at re~n tor ... tllIle place evel'1 e9811t


Mt·. ....,. . . 1ta

..,. "

F.T. Martin Auctioneer





---.. ...---


, t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop I IHarveysburg, Oh io. IDr• .J oho W. Miller Every Tuesday Phone 44

---_. _..----





hind our frllnk Amerie"n ~ mil~, h"hinJ /lur whim"lelll wit, buhind our se(lluinK ,'ar,drt,t..' ilidifrcrclll"c, th,' rc standa. reltindk'll in th41 Amcrican d,nrude.. lhllt JlOwer. that courl\lC~, that love of country llIurKt·u 1M tho IIvea of th., Nation'. (oundCI'd, IIl1d upon whkh reat the ~a fety of Arucritlln id~all. Thanksgiving il penhapa th., moat N-ftutlful of AlJlerkan holillIlY' . It 0l><·n. th@ ftoodll'lItcI lit melll · ory. it drowa t"Olll the hell" oar hun"IR luve lI,wl links anew ou r It;".hi" wi lb the Ch ri.t. Yet, what Illy w" ut tho..e 1I1110ltll' us who are lonely at thia hour, tho'8 who try, ~ildt:red. to f.thom the myatery of Almighty r4l050nirllC. th(l~c who in their &u1T01l1lg look with pl"ading cyc" to leRrn whitt, in their time of sorrow. th ey hav,4I I\t hltnd tor whkh to offer thank • . In the .uffering h(,lIrt to·tllIY 1,·( there be thanks tor Jeeul and Hi ... bllit)' to rUIi the \fBRlUt or dillin" (.'ftIotlon to the la ~ t rc.o""nt tonc. God ha. ruiL'll that only from out the melting pot 01 th" lllConic. may CORle the gold rt·r",,·u 011.1 pUTl·. All is well. The nllti 'n lives; 1I1I1,,,,ls kin 111f' .. heek. of sll·epln.: childh ..... I. whil" t ~ '"se whu lo llY" J,tOf1 e to "l'x t r ~ po ~H' in I h,: arltts ur l",lIt- · nl Pl' Ul't' i.('t us give thank.,.

'. ~

Sllturd .. ~·. MI'H. Ell 'n np:;cy is m"kin~ nn e ~.t ('nded WI th 1'I' la lln' ~ lit \'('1' · I ch~cd tobacco in th e HlIllks. SMART STUFF Supremc C o urt r l In Alle n .'l11ilh, !' !' Oll;-t on, ~ I'l' nt Sun I T,'''''h , 1 -"[I;"I11~ 1111'1'" Itl·tides and lived t o a ripe tiny wi th hi ~ 1' It n'lIt~, Mr. and ;\1 1""';', I ,·h nlHini l. " ~ t:l)' 'h:' old .lgc and in full Clurl.!nce :,)mith. Studel I- "Tw o cu tl'. und " c" ll lIl' .'· vigor at 76 and 78 Mr. and \11'~. (· Iyd.· \\'h:l l' t" n altd ~' c a r s respcc rivdy. famil y were Su nda y gueHts of Mr. II n Chew 13el.~h.Nut an Ml'~ . L ·c Gr ·(llh " USl·. in J)a yl .. ,t. remain ~trong an d ~ I r . and \ In'. Guy Il 'OlI zahn anel vigorow<. dUtl A·hl.~ ' · . "II It·I·tll;'''''' \ 11'. a, ,, 1 ~I I". , in~ . Mrs. Gnil Gord en h ns bee n s uffer- Sumuel II a i nl':-5 1\ dinlH'I' o il ~UIIFL ~ERAl DlRE~l ()~ Pcck.ages Sold in a ing with ton silili" uut is better Ilt this ~~ l\11·~. 11. 1. Cla rk sr "nl !';t!tll'd"y II Single Year writin K. W a ynesville, Ohio Mr8. Chns. Ruddick had the mis· nn d S un day ",i lh ~Ir . lind ~I ,'< . •Ia .. \( • ! ~~ fortune tu breuk her unklc. one dny MOI·tin, in Daylo n. ~lr ..\I al't ill IS " ,' . ri o ~s!r il l at th is tinH'. I"st week. Full y Equipped for (~no rl 1, I'wnds hc r p a rl' pi aSf'd t tl I ~H l'n I Mr. un<l Mrs. W. L. Harvey left Scrv ic\! . Su nday eve nin g to. spe nd th e winter th nl. Mrfi. C h,, ~. Clarl., /I t \Ii",," \ ',,1. Icy h"s pilul. is a!.roin impl'( ,\· in~. aft(' 1' in Floridu . Large D isplay 1<00111 Mrs. Ira Syferd entcrtain ed her a rci llpse lhe pasl. wee\(. A numbe r of friend ~ tendcred SundaY·Sc hoo l cluss with u party 1),0\ y on N IGHT TELF.P·J( 0 N r,; 7 Thur_dllY ~velling. Cla ud Lewb q uit t:! u su rp"; ~ e on . "t· Mrs. Annn VanDoren has been en· ur day evening, the 8 th, remindi ng tertllining her cousin for some · tim e. hi m o f his 34th birthday. Shc r eturned to her homc in Spring. Mr. and Mrs. Fmn k K ent\'~. ttlOTARY PUBLIC fi~l d , Saturday. wined on Sunduy , Mr. n nd ~1rs. ,J". VETERINARY Estates Settled , Mrs. F ru nk Wilson spent the past fle ph Miller. (of pringboro , li nd 1\11-. ,, Wills Drawn wee k In Washington C. H,. with Mr. lind Mrs. J. Berne J ones Hn d so n, SURCEON II Waynesville, 'Ohlo.ll Th e Eye Sigh! SllCciall s l and Mrs . Herbert File nnd daughter. Th l' r1 \? During he r absence fire broke out )fr. and Mrs. Haym ond Duvis "nd National Bank nt Hllehc l Wllrd's. Saturday. Luck. children. of incinnuti. and Mr. Hnd ily it wus disco vered and extinguis hed Mrs. Cha rl es l\! iddl e1.o n, of ))ayl.o n. -~ ~~======~==== Lebanon, Ohio b~f{J'" much damage was done. s pen t Sunduy wi th Mr8. Emmll Foulk s and sons. Mr. and Mrs. AlI cn Em rick had 8 :110 B. m. to 4 p. lit. Dentist for their Sunday dinner gU'·SI R. 1I11·s. Waynesville Natlooal 8uk 8141 IIt har inc Jo hns. Mr. nnd Mrs. J o. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED se ph Thomus , of Cc ntPr\'ilic . and l\1 r. The Ferris familiee were shopping and Mrs. Charl es J ohns. ill Lubnnon Saturdny afternoon. Mr. Lee 11111'011. of Mn>ol\ . Wa" n DR.H.E.HA.THA.WAY Mrs. Fannie Davis iB entertaining week·end g uest nt th c home 0 r Mr. her Bister, Jan e. of ncar Pit~burg. nnd Mrs. S. II . Burnett. MN;. Burn . Catarrhal Deafness DENTIST Pa. ett I1n d Mr. lIlaso n ,-;"ited thc IRllc!"" ls o rten cfl use d by an In Un Ilu ·d ('on dlt1on o f th o u ('o us li nIn g Of t he ElItitae h lan J. J. Fishbaugh and wife, of Mid· s isle r. Mrs. ChU M. Cla r k, III ~1 iumi Tub e. m \\'!.I ' n 1hty t u be I ~ intlo.rnud you 'And X-O-ORAPf1IST dleLown, are the guests of the Jordon Vulley hOMpitnl S undny a fl orn oon . hav o 0. rLlInbli ng Buu n ll Or' Imper fe ct Da t e your oal... witb mt'. H earin g. t.:nl t: tHt tllU In flammation en n (ami ly. Twenty·fi \·c r elatives nnd fr i(·nd " bo ("educed, )'ou r h l.·a r ing may be tlC-1 WayneSVille, Ohll. .ati.faction or Charl'b _ _ W, II. Terry. Geo. J ord on nnd K. arr-iYed a t the home of ~II·". I':mn la BlTo )'e d f 01l V r-, DAI.• L· S C ATAIUIIJ ~I E DI( ' ll\' E w llJ Telephone 11'. E. Th umpRon wer e in V{nynesville Lacy. Sun da y, with \\'l·I I· (jII.·d It'IS' do whnt WI ' cJrLlrn f o r Il_,"ld )'our- sys t e m Saturduy eve ning. kets w hile ~lrs . Lacy Wli S ,,[tl',H]ing C~tA~~~,n.rr n or Dcatn (!t)8 (tHoIBerl by CENTERVILLE. OHIO OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG • Sold by nil druJ:'~lst8 f o r oVI"l r 4{) Y ears Way land Jordan and family, of Sunday. Sch ool. The ~lIl' pl'b\ ' \\'(l B Pboneo No.2 F. J. Ch c"ey & Co .. To t .~o . Ohio. . ON MAIN STREET Columbus. s pent the week·end with co mpl ete, t he orca~ion b('il1J.! to ee l ,_ M~ . J ordon's home folk s. at thiB place brnle hcr bi rth day. 't ",. I Lon Bronnon a nd wife entertained 1I1r. Barny Bre wer. o f Dayt"" . is to Sunday dinner. Mrs. Vada Lewis ho lding relig iolls met' linl's ul Lyt Ie and children. of noor Harveysburg. ha ll , over lh e "'cl'k ·l'l\d". 11"01 Iy . and MT!I . Mubel Terry. of this place. FridllY. Saturday and Sunduy ni gh t s Cecil Villars is seriously ill at his lind o n unday aftc l'II Po ns. 11 ., wi ll home south of here. We a ll hop e be 8 s~ i " tcd by t wo si ngers f rom thl' by the time this appears in print. that Westminsler choir. he will be much better and on the to Wellsville. K. E. Th ompso n nnd wife hnd a s their guests . Sunday, A. J . Ellis and wife. of Gaston. Ind .• M. E . Prugh. of Springfi eld. and S. S. McKinley ,!nd daughter. Katherine. of Wilming· Robert Smith b rokr hi s nrm ",hile ton. prncticin g basketball. Friday. Not much news this week. Every. Miss El eHno r Hayd oc k "pent t he body is attending protracted meeting we ek·end ",i th fri en d, in i\ew " il'IITHI at the church here. conducte d by the J ames P eter so n was home fmlll Rev , H. L. Leis ure. the blind evangel. work la st week o:n account o f illlles •. ist. Beller co me a nd hear him. it Floyd Waldron f l'1I wh il e hu ntin g' NCE a thin g of util ity and comfort only, this Christmas will do you good. early Saturday mOl'rlillg lind brokc slippers h;tvc ~ddcd hC';J uty, grace, color and ca reful his leg. wor km;J:lship to their cha rms. Their extremely low prices V e rn on McCray Rpent thl' week· end with his friend. Pa ul Turner. of give them a value seldo m eq ualed . Canton. Ohio. One thinks of comfort fin;t of course, but now one also The W. Jo'. M. S. met al till' hom e of Mr, and Mrs . .Tesse H awkin. , Wed· chooses the coJor that m ;J t ch e~ her negl ib'Cc, the mode t h a t , Relativ es fr om Indiana s pent Sunne"""y aftern oon . Hatters her ankles, ·th e style for wh ich he hal! expressed a day with Mr. Martin Sims. The Fellowshi p ('Ia$~ Illl't at tl1(' MT!I. Howard Shechan and Mrs. pre feren ce. And of the best of tht: yeafli' styles not one has hom e of Mr. an d Mrs. E. R. Sle d· O. B. Marlatt spe nt Monday in Xenia dom. Tuesday eve ni ng. been overlooked in tbe Holid;ty array at Rike- Kulllk r·s. Mr. Emerson Dill spent Monday Chas. McCoy. Ilnd fnm il y. of Ger· aft ernoon ncar Bcllbrook. on busimantown, pse nt l he wCt'k·enci lit the ne"'. hom e of J . L. Conard lind fami ly. Mr. nnd 1\1l'1' • .will Curl. of Indiana. The Mnsonic lodge elect",1 t lou f"I· ' pcnt the week·end here, for hunt- lowing ollice rs at thei r meeting T UI·s. ing. day evening : H. II. Mngee. W. ]\f.; Mrs. Minnie Mnrlatt spent all day H. N. Hurl ey. S. W.: Rny 'I'aylur, .1. Wednesday with her niece of ncar W. ; E. C. Walley, S. D.: C. 1'. 1'\ j!. Xenia. HUN DR ED of theus. OFT-SOLE D felt Ever ett --th c g le. J. D.; R. D ollet t. ' ecy ; W. N. Miss Do rothy Weichers. of Cincin· All convcnicnrly ;manged on McKay. Treas. , I,n d T . C. Haydoc!<, kind m en lik e best. In blue or nati. spe nt the week-end with hcr tru stee. t ahles for easy selcct.ion. May taup e gray with a D::IrrUW li ne parents. here. Re v. lind Mrs . .Jc"se H awkins nt · Hy l 's arK! colon . trimmin g o f red. Mr, John Rye and fomily spent tend ed th e wcddi ng', Thur, dIlY , of Saturday with their daughter, Mrs. Treganna Terrell and Chas, Bond. Howard Beam. Rev. Hawkins perfo mled the cel·c· Mr. lind Mrs. Elvis Michaels and mony in th e prese nce of n f e w close Mrs. Bert Marlatt spent Thursday in friends in the bea utiful country homc Xenia. shopping. of the brid e's pare nts, Mr. nnd Mr, . The Y. P. S of Mt Holly church A. H. Terrell. noor Fairview church . will meet Friday night at the home of Mr. Frank Kellis. Subscribe for the Miami Gnzettc. Mrs. Elvis Michllel entertained at , l Sunday dinn er. in honor of her moth· \..J~ . _,~....,. er, Mra. Minnie Mlirlatt's birthday. Mr. H . A. Cornell and Mr. J . B. Pence spent several days In Dayton Ot' ILTED &ATIN WITH last week. attending the Scottish Rite BROCADES, SATIN WITH FE1.T I·\' EIHTI 1.'< OXcom ry out.:.. La .-end.,... roee, comfy .olCL Roo", ianod er. rqr,\ ,'I, t \ .~ t lr(, H l llf\' !loll =- . ~ 1. 7 5. meeting. delft bhl", ~u,. . black .mb NOTICE ddft blo." bW:k; $3.15. Tltrll ,·tI ."It-, luw hcd. '/.2 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer entet'- . Notice is he re by given U ~ r equir!'d la vmd.,.. Ii ninl; J1.25 . talned at' dinner Sunday. Mr. and by Section 6864 Gen eral Code. tha t lira. Kenneth Soward. of Alpha, and J . L. Mend enha ll nnd other s flied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belt, of near their petiti'on f or the estublishment Bnd alteration of Road No. 229. in Xenia. Wayn e Township d escribed a s f o l· lows: Situated in W~,yne Township. War. TRUTHFUL ren Coun ty. Ohio. in S urvey No. 791. Beginning at a point in the Chaufl'er-"And your luggage. sir! present pike being Road No . 229 and on the East sid e of th e 1'. C. C. Shall we take It with us now'" & St. L. Rail ro nd nt the crossing Farmer-"Luggage. me eye. Say. below CorWin, Ohio, Tunning thence IIOnny. when I button my coot my ( northerly and on the East s ide of trunk is locked.: _ ••_ _ _-"' the said railroad right of way Ilnd VELT HYLOS WITH coYTAN lCID ROMEO SUPF E I.T il Yl.OS. TURNED parallel thereto until it join s a regBrawn, blue. oxf4W pers, kjd liDed; tnnacd lOla; fy tole. soi l' and luw heel; b rown or ulnrly laid ou t SO foot strect in elastic: &OmI; $4..50. gtlIYj clrulrud ~ $UOi bl ue; Jl3.5U. nils DAY AND AGE the sa id Vilia'e of Corwin. Ohi o. a nd there ending. being a lota l di s· less.Snid route being through the Ted- "Havo you a cigarette? I distance of on".foul'th mile mOl'e 0 1' am completely out." land owned by John Zell and oth· Jack- nNo. I haven't--but wait a ers. moment. and I will get one for youThe Board of Comml~s i o n ers hm'o OH. MOTHER I" set Thursday. December.. llth. 1024. at 0 a. m .• as the date 'when w e will view. the proposed improvement. A I· VANITY TOUCHED so Monday. Decc!m.b cr 16th, ] 924, nt· 10 o'clock a. m., as t ho dato for th e . Prizefighter (in restaurant)- final hearing thereon a t the office of our Board , in t he Court House .at "Gimme a baked apple with cream·... Lebanon. A STYL E CHILDREN TAILORED ' FELT IN Ohio. . ,. Waltre_"Whlpped cream1" Ament;'! " RL uty or br .on witb love; American Beaut;}' 01' . bh,,,; By 9rder of the Board of County t she, 5 to 11. t Ilh to 2, J1. Uti coilnr; 8 h to 11. ~L6S . . Prizefighter (dI8~ted)-"Naw­ Commissioners of Warren County, ~1.2S. Ohio. plain cream- I can whip cneani." . SAl't1 D. 'HENKLE, . -----~ F. B. STOKES, Rill-K..ur' -.&nne4 Floor CARL J. MILLER, accounts ara at Commlsaionera of Warren


l..el ua thanlt God our nalion i. Ilt IIt'II c e 1111.1 oui boy. a .... ftt homc . . Let UK be th"nkful, 1,10. Ihul I",.

' l~ .. l .

eral public co·operation and unity of action . People read thelle things in their local pnper nnd nrc accurately lind Intelligently Informed, When they obtain this information over the telephone or by personftl conversation the distribution of knowledge is infinitely more limited and more or le88 unre liable. Every local n('(\vs paper can and Rhou ld be a necessity to every family in its territory. Th e loco l newspaper should be In every home. If it were, community of nclion nnd in formation nnd under. standing woul<\ g ive that community a n impetus for progress which would make it rise head and shouldere above its neighbors. This is the only real re680n the people of a ny eommunity should subscribe for thei r local paper-because they need the information it brings them. When a country paper d oes this and the people of the comm unity realize It they will subscribe.-Lce W. McHenry. in The Auxiliary.


WITIi YC\)R Fn.I.UI'iI1I...·1

RVII/o.I If" '(OV A~


IT - - -

- - ---- --


~~~ RIKE"~RCOMP. ~~~e~~~~~lt®1rtt~


Gift Slippers Feature Both Beauty and Cotnfort--~ O

----_ ..---MY. HOLLY

\Vomen's E .. Z and Comfys, $1.25

Men's Slippers, $1.95



., I


- , '1

Give Her Dainty Slippers in Her Favorite Shade


BLONDE BESS OPINES "Old malol. .hould aot tall. mach tI~. la alala. up a manIt ••0.01. tla• • •a tho .am. op. po.lulIll,..


THE BOY'S RIGHT Inexperlence-"Tell me-what us· ually Is at the bottom of theso family jan'" Experieneed--uHootch." --0-

WHICH REMINDS US Doctor-"--and by .n meanll avoid starches." Patlent--"Honest, Doc-I aln't worn nothinll' but loft conara for yeara." -0--


Dexter-UDreanil 11'0 by contra· ry." Baxter-'.' Boy, you lIald It. Didn't I marry one" .

LAZY LARRY WRIT£S In summer, Iprlnll' and also tall I do not like to, work at all, . In winter, u you may have lfUe8Ied, My favorite In~oo" aport Ii· relt. D SAYS SAM Once apon a time Than~llna ~ bact more to do wiUa m.II'. IIeaIW


OD pD. tbIIl·~_




Give rUm Comfy Slippers in His Own Style

. -.

Comfy Slippers in Styles That Children L~e



Oount)'. Ohic>.





eatrol·a The Parlor ' Pipeless Furnace THE FIRST THING TO UNDER STAND ABOUT THE HEATROLA IS TH IS It F:ivl('l ( urn Ace comfor t t o .ma tl homea of thrtu, t o lix room •. a uppr; e l w"rm moi .. t nir to e very roOm .

II burn s nny

kind of fu e l.

It loo k. Ilkc- 8. mOhOfl""Y p ho no g rAph. in.lll ll e d in one of th e liv i n g room •. L e t u . exp lai n h ow we i n_h. 1I thC' .~ o n t rial.


Fred M. Cole






l\ll'll. G. D. in Piqua,


iH vislUng f rionds

wa ~

ki lled Monday, wh en

J1rC S~

' ci nir tu nk exploded ,


Ll com Gnrcl WI", at wnrk r"llIJiring the Pon" UowlI . Mrs. ll~wc ll Peirc", wn~ . hop ping bridg(.' Over tho Miami r iv,'!", llbnut ill Hnyton t ll.!u y. Ii Leing n pOO L' hU H iLl('''~ Illlln iH th" lwo miles north uf I\tiddletnwn. (C. t of lJ"i'll~ " #': " OU dodoI', I ~l'rtu ill ­ ~ It·. ancl lilt·... li arnld 1':a l'Ilhul't lire Iy ,!uuliry, Therefore, I hllv(' ,h'l~I',· "din~ th wc('k in the cnun lry. LATE CLASSIFIED Ill'l'nll8e of the illnOSB of Mr. nnd I egu t,·d tu un ugen t th~ work "f cll iII". E.dwin fhund lc r, Lhe Wll yne I le'cLing oven!ue' H,·(·n llnts. I hop" \'"u ~ Ii "~ M:l ) \\ l'l):hl. utlo- I,d,' d the' fu 'l',,\\'n , I\l p I,'urnwl's' c lub, wh ie- h WllH1will Lu Il ~ 1'(,It<l y lO I':.l" a ~ I ;\' a~ "'OJ{ :-; ,\ 1 jo' '1' I ' ., . " 71 ' , ' .' . \O , \ \.H, \\t.'I J.! lI ll ,.. ", n il (, f ~I l<s Ca nti:l cl' H:til'll in n ay. let hu vl' lIH' t Ilt, t ho Ch nl II . h . H (' 1 nUl{, l o l't' lld l 'r the ~t.'rv l(· (! \\ IlI' l1 ":11 I,',dlv t . .. . t duy. \\ ' Ill t'lIt (.' rtl\; Jl l. d i ll th ) C .. b ' Id . . ' . I I\ ' UI: ~. t }) 11t1 111b.. J.! 'lot l ft ,, ·t!t' I'S ; UI H' . , d,lllgc UI - nc<'ticti I T 1::1 I 1 : - ; · .. ill ' " iill MI , I'lI l h eh II I ' ., , . " y" /II'I1 I1 ;: llIal l', ,1.,11 " lk ''''I>, It. D. " , ~ .:-.. \ U I I{ l' l' 1t8 ) O:i- .\\ ul'lll '; \, lll\. OI ,·lu. . J :.> .",'ye rnl 1".-,,1 Odd r"i 10 Ol" S tonk u t l L:-t:. l';\ll didatc t o Lt' ontlon for initiltlioll FOJ{ SALE- Abuut :1'''" dn z. llul'I'l'd ~1 " "t1 uy nij{ht. nOI'k l ullt,t. un d ,1 ),olln" "ock .. r· l'b. hllttill'd in l'Ul'il' Ap ril. l' ull .' I· . .\11'. Lee ?tl nson, or 1\I1I,o n. "Ill'n t $ 1.:.!fi; co,'ktl .·..· I ~ . $ 1.[,0. 1\1 ,, ~. " ' , I. 1\1" duys Inst wL· ... k with Mr. lind Marion Coard, 2·1, of Ll'IlIIn"n. Ill' SI ... HlcI, ph o lll! 4~ · 2 . H. D. ·1, Wa YIl I" I",,,e' r~o n Milson , 'd ('hllrh' _. ~I tl.,,. so n of Mr. und Mrs. l' m vI 11yt.'la lIt" th e 01'C'g'oniu IJrid g- I' ell" "ill,' , ohi\) o Ilo rn - ·T u )\Jr, nnd M .... JIIIIH'. ,I. B. ( ' hlll'mllll , wus operllt eel on for Ht·!'J.!c n. Saturduy , Nnvc mL c r If" III'Pl'lldit-iti. lit the Deaconese hos Jli1 :,~ ~ /I dnul{htC'r. tal. (' ill l'iniluti, lus t Wedn". tlay. The ill'l r<' ll(l r t is that his condition is '1 r . W. Il . AII £' n ",o s in Cincinnllti fll"o rnb le. ~I n " dny nnt! 'l'UI'_t1I1Y , IItlpnd ill" fl ban ke rs con\'ention :





. -

, .)



----- ..----

Waynesville Motor Co.


1I0rn - To Mr. anel Mrs . St.Il(·Y l. ull ll> , Coi umb u8. Oh io. Nl'\'l' mbcr 1 I, II oIa ug-ht('r, 1\l ury Ann.

Thlor(' wi ll be an all-day sho ot at Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Grn hllm and lhe hume ur Orlll Surfllce, four miles Phone 32 1\1,.. Morris Gr nhllm "'(' re in Was h· nurt h or Waynesv ille, on the WIlY,,,,",,ill,, untl Lytle road, o n Wedn eRin gto n C. H . la st FridllY . PLUS SERVIC E . dur, November 26. Everything poiQts Wayn e.vill e , Ohio. T he car of Che,ter Brnd.trcel wus 10 II dllY of Jl l ea~ure with the best ,1 .. le n from in front o f hi" ~l'oc"ry , hUh'. Ilnd num"rOU8 prizes will be She lls and lunch on the ,tu "e In Xenia Inst S uturday e"cninl\'. l('i\' (, Il. ground s. M r. nn r! Mr •. F . n. 1I ~lldl' r~(J n Wl' re lilt.. 11 0 \\'('11 Peirce has Leen on the !II r. and l\Ir!l W. R. Mooma w and in Doy ton 1odoy. ~ic k Ibt. Son, of Gr eenfield, Ohio, sJlent the \\"(' eken d with Superintendent lind Mrs. W nlter McClure is \'is i1ing r e lMr . W. O. Rop er wa ~ in Dayton lIlr, . F. R. Moomnw. nth'cs in Gnl cnll, Ohio. In ~ t Thursday.

The Authorized

Sales and Service

Firestone Tires & Tubes ---====-. - ".- --._- -Genuine Ford' Parts AT THE CHURr.HES




I·......···. ·. ··----·..·····M-····.




,! '{

Telephone 105

MnI, Rolph Vance, of Pleasant 141'8, Laura Sides was a Dayton Mr. F. E. VanOnen an d fnmily Mr. W. N. Seors wn ~ in Dayton toMETHODIST CHURCH Pluin , and Mrs . Ethe l McClure, of visitor last week. spent Sunday in Norwood. dllY, on business. Sabbath School, 9 :16 .. m" preaehNew Lebnnon, were guests of II1r. and ing at 10:30 a. m, Wedn.sdayevenMrs. J. C. Hawlke , Monday. Mr Mis. KnthC'rin e From m visited re lMr. Alvuh Cartwright, o f S pring- \\'U ~ in nm uel Haines, o f Bellbroo k, in", aervlce nt 7 :00 p. m , Epworth Wllynesville, Mondoy. ntives in £lo y to n, Fridny lind Sntfield, was in t own, Mondny. Leag ue 6 : 15 .,. m. Preaching at 7 :00 ur,loy. p. m. Everybody Is cordially Invited Mcs-"fs. Slim Henkle and Cnrl Duke Mrs. Lou Harlan 'pent Sun day to these serviees, we re in ,I"rm ont COU!lty, Sunday. A new cement driveway to the with her daug htcrs, in Dayton. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Paltor. White Brirk M(' cting house has just M. P. Lewis, who ha R I>een work- Lee n completed. Mra, J, O. Ca rtwrig ht is the guest illg in Dayton, has returned h ome. ST ,MA RY'S CHURCH of Middleto wn f ri endg this wec·k. Mr. nnd Mr~. D. A. Murphy, of Sunday next before Advent, NoMiss Elsi(' Hnwke . pe nt the \\'eek- Da yt on, \' isited MiR~ :Margaret EdMr_ Charles Shidaker', of Lebanon vember 23, 1924. Church School at en d at Be ll brook, th e guest of Miss warels las t week. II1r. Lowe ll Fess and Miss Mar- !l :30 a. m •• Regular Morning Prayer WIl.8 in to~ Monday, on bu ~in ess . lara Doggett, gue rite Loveless, of Washington , and Sennon at 10 :45 a. m., Rev. J. Mr. Curl Huwke, of Duyton, spe nt D, C., were mlllrried at Green up, Ky., J. Schaeffer. officiating. Everybody Mr. ' Ernest Bradd ock ( of Dayton, Mr. W a lter Penny of D t August 14. Th E!y ke pt their ma rriage visited relatives here d llurday and , I l y on, Sutu rdllY with hi ~ purent~ , Mr. and is cordlnlly weleome. n secret, the husbnnd working 88 8eCSunday. spent Saturcl ny with Mr. Alpheus Bo- 1r8. •J. C. Hll wke. gan and fum il y. r(·tary of the Ohio Dry Go ods associa . F. C. Smith a nd fnmily, of Akron, ti on in Columbus. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mr. J. O. Cartwright and family The F ess hou se hold de nied the r eMrs. Mary WhIte, o f owenSbO r O' j Ohi o, vi, ited his fnth er, J. H. Smith spent the week-end wi th friends at SundllY School at the ChrlRtian port of the wedding, not having been Church eve ry Sunday nt 9 :30 n. m_ Ky., was the g uest of 1\1r . . A. L. Sides nnd wife. on Monday. Middletown. Will have above varietiles for a shorf time 01 the a nd family, Iqst week. in formed of the eve nt, but later ex- Eve rybody cordially invited, rate they are ~l/Ing S"veral locnl Scottish Ri te Mn- pla nations were forthcoming and conMias May Wright spe nl t he weeklII rs. Mllry McKilJlmn nn d d a ugh- . o n~ ntte nded a mee ting of the Con- grat ulations we r e extended to the end with Mrs. Ella Michene r and famSEED TO BE REGISTERED newly weds. ter, Mi ss Edith, gpe nt the week ·e nd sis lo ry in Dayton las t week. ily, of Route 4. with relatives at Ferry. Mr. Fess is II so n o f Senlltor and More than 9 ,000 ncres o f whent Miss Minnie Munday, principnl of Mr~. Simeon D. Fe ~s , of Yellow Mr, Fred M. Cole and fam ily 'reMr. and Mrs. , 8. C. Coleman , of one of the Duyto n s chools, WaR the Springs , lind is known to . lll11n y in sown in Ohi o t hi s fn ll will be (If Re d : Ohe-half-mile east of Woyne.~ vll/e t.urned Tuesday evening from u visit t hat hR. been either r egiste r ed or eer- • Norwood, s pe nt Thursday with Mr. g ues t of Miss Murgaret Edwards, this neig hborhood. :with relatives in Wisconsin. and Mrs. J. R. Colemnn •. Phone 74-6 lh e Ohio Seecl TimJlrovement tified by ------~~-~.------. S undny. II H ~Clc i n t inn a nd the Ohio Stllte un 1Mn. Loren Hudley, of George Even so ft c orn can't be ig nored this y Mrs. A. T . Wrig ht and Mr. Elliott Mr. Chull. S herw ood and Mrs. Em- fall a s a ~ ource of se ed for next .-cr8it ._ __ • Scho.ol, Penn., is visiti ng her pnr ents, Wright visited Mrs. Wright's mother, ma Reta lli ck heard the cantntn given Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Junney_ ~p ring. Caroful drying will mnke at Middlelow n, Sunduy. S uh sc ribe for the Millmi Gazette. ' by Trinity churc h cho ir nt XeniA, it re lia hi e. unday n ight. Mr. and Mrs. Harl Har vey, of near Lebanon, spent Sunday wi t h Mr. and Mr. and 1111'S. Ro nnld H nwko And MI'8. Frank Hartsock, of Route 3. so n, of Route ], spe nt Sunday with lIlr, J ohn Zell h ns gone to BlueMrs. Edith Harris and fami ly. fi e ld. W. Va .• where he will s pen ,1 t he winter with hi ~ so n, Mr. A. M . Mr. and Mrs. C. 111. Robitzer nrc s pending th e wee k in Columbus, Mr. and lIIrs. Walter McCl ur e. Mr. Zell nnd f amily. guests of II1r. and Mrs. Merle Kerns. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and Miss Mnry Thomas were in Dayton, Friclny. Save your old curpets and rugs and get "Wea rw ell" Rugs made. Mr. and lIlrs. James Curtis nnd Mrs. Jac oh Hyman und duughter, Send for price list. Franklin RNg granddaughter, Elizabelh, called on Mr. C, P. Ellis and fnmily, Fri day af- of Xeni a, w~re g uests of Mr. Myer Co., Franklin, Ohio_ Hymnn und fa mily, last Wedn esday. ternoon. W e nre g la d to report that Mrs. Mrs. Ob Smith un d Mr. Hnrry J . L. Hnrtso ck, who has been VCl'y Mr. Abc Hymnn and fam il y, of Xenia, and Mr. Mux Kohlhagen and Gnrd, of Dayto n, wer e week-end sick with pneumonia, is abl e to be guests uf lIlr.' and Mrs. J . E, Frazier. up nn d uro und the h ouse. family, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mr. Myer Hyman and f a mily. For one year and nine months ethylized If.soline has been on .ale. It is now bein, distributed throurh about Mr. \V, n. SqUires, Mr .•Tesse ThomTh e In~t repo r t from Mr. David a s, Mrs. Earl Conner and so n, Earl, E:van . , who is in Christ hospital at 20,000 filling statio~s covering one third of the territory of the United States. Mrs. L. V. Branstrato r was hoss pent th e week·end with r elatives at Cincinn llti, is that the patch hus been i teB8 to the Clarksville Lildies Aid soLena, Ohio. ' About 200,000,000 g~lIons have beeD uaecl more .... n 1,000,000 motorist. with complete safety and salre moved f l'om o ne of his eyes and he ciety, Sat urday. It wus an ull-day cnn sec. meeting and lhirt y-one members were isfactiion. Mr. W . II. Allen hu s jus t been appresent. pris(>d o f th . marriage of his nep hew, Crosley No. 6 1 2-tube Radio Set Recently a distrelling accident occurred .t an esperimental plant, where a new procesll for the manuf.cture Mr. Stell'urt Allen, who i ~ no w on his install ed complete with 2 head ~etg Mrs. Omnr Bnrne tt and ch il dren, of of tetraethyl lead, one of the constituent. ueed in ethyliziDIf ,aao~ine, wal under development ... way to Europe wi t h hi s bride. a t th e low price of $36 .00. See Walnear Duyton, Mr. and Mr~ . Nelson Mr. and 1\1 rs . C. H. Dca t herage, of le r I\ ohlhagen , Lebanon, Ohio, phone Thorne and daug hter, of Fa ir Haven. Tetraethyl lead is a poilon, .. are many raw materials which enter into the manufacture of harmlell comOregonia, and Miss Duris Harvey, 1'\0. 17!l A. Ohio. wero guests .of Mr. ,Jam es Mcof ncar LeLa non , were Sunday g ueHs pound,. Ethylized gasoline con,iats of 1300 partl of ordinary Baaoline containing lela than one part of tetraethyl Clure an d Mrs. Ida Kelsey, Saluro f Mr. Bnd Mrs. Ross Hartsock. day. lead ... Mr. and Mrs . J. E. Frazier, Mr. W. J. She rw ood and Miss Sallie Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall r e- Smith atten ded u birthday dinner, Thill Itatement is illued to make plain the .Il-import.nt difference between tetraethyllead, the raw matetu r ned . home from Canada Sunday Sun du y. g iven in hon or of Mrs_ Sue rial and ethylized gaaoline, the commercial product. mOrlllng. Their trip wus shorten ed Sher wood , ut Oregonia. becuuse of s now and extreme cold.



Belleflo\ver N. w. Greenin~s Gano'


Talpahawkins Baldwin Wine Sap

Smith Cider


- - -..






FRANK LeMAY ...................................................



• ~




Clermont Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces

Mr. G. H. E llis and so n attended Mr .. Raym on Hatfie ld spent Sunduy the funeral of Mr. Ge~rge Carta~ MIamI Valley hospitnl, Dayton, WIth Mr. Burn ett Butter wo rth wh ose wright, at Jamestown, last Tuesday afte rn oo n Ilt 2 o' clock. Mr. Cartcondition is very muc h impr~vcd . wrh::ht liv ed on the Jos. Haines fann Week-end guests of Mr. und Mrs. several yea rs ago, late r moving t o J a mesto wn. J ohn Fromm were Mr. an d Mrs. Elzey H oupt and son, Calvin, Mr:. and I r epresent the Mitchell & Church Mrs. Charles Chnmbers, of Duyton-. Co., the Waisting and Suiting house Mr. Chas, Mo ore, accompani ed by of Binghampton, N. y , See my samMr, J . C. Wallace, assistant chi ef of ples of s uitings , h an dkerchiefs, towth(' Trea sury, of Washing t on D. C., eling, art lin e n~. linge ri e materials, Make nice Xmas presents. spen t the week-end with relatives c tc. Grace Lincoln Smith. h('re, Mr. an d lIfrs. Sam McClure and Bo ns of near Bell brook. Mr. and Mni. Waiter McClure en j oyed a pleasant day nnd d e li c i ou~ , d inner Sunday at the home of their fnther and sister, Mr. JM. Mc Clure und Mrs. Ida Kelsey. The occuRio n was in honor of Mrs. Wayn esville rC'latives hav e r eceiv- Kelsey's birthday, ed in definite word that Miss Lina SeJlers, daug hter of Mr. and 111,'S. , On Sunday, November 16th, quite tnnlcy SeJ lers,.of Lebanon, Was mar- n number of relatives an d friends ried to Mr. Hamler, of Cincinnati, No wit~" well-filled bas kets, gathered n~ vember 8. ,the home of, Mr. Walter McKnight, noar Spring Valley, to remind him lJ'!i. Tom Butterworth, o~ Butter- of his 60th birthday. At the noon worth Station, Mrs" E.ugenia Foster hour a long table was spread, to ' Wbitaker, of New York City accom- which every one did justice, and at a ponied by Mra. Thompson, ot'~ondon, late hour all dopam·d . for tlieir ~nlland, called on relaU,,- here ho~es willbing Walter many more Ilonda7 af~OOD_ haW, birthda)ol.

Mr. Owen Burnl't was taken to Miami VUlley ho.pitn l, Dayton, Illst week for treatmen t . An operation was performe(1 the first of the week but his . c'o nd ition Is not very ho pe~ ful.


Ethylized gasoline i. more than an improved fuel, BiviD, Imoothnell to ~he motor and eliminating knocks. it il a acientific discovery which, in its ultim.te development, will contribute largely to the conlerv.tion of the world's lupply of g.soline.

Eshaultive teatl been conducted which established the .afety of ethylized galoline when used .as a motor fuel. Theae tests have been ' confirmed by the United 5t.tea Bureau of Miaes, whicI!! il makin, addi. tional studiel to determine whether any pOllible injury can' result from continued cont.ct when used for other than Dllotor purpOIel. Scientific data bued on thOle st~die. will be .ubmitted to any health commis.ioner or other j)ublic health official on requeat.


GASOLINE CORPORATION 29 Broadway: New York City . ~


;Oil . Company


t ,.

r \

Seventy-S·xth "Year




WIN fIRST GAME BOY S' AND GIRLS' TEAMS WIN FROM KINGS Both T PI.yed Good B.Il. But the Girl. Were Not Up to Their St.nd.rd In a one-sidecl contest last Friduy e1(onihg. the locals defeated the Kings Mills aggrcgntion to the tUlle of 66 to 4. In the first quarter our boys had a IItU!) difficulty in locating the basket. bu t th~ defense wus like u stone wall. The quarter ended 14 to O. Donohoo substituted for Thomas in the socond quarter and put up a splendid offen siv~ game. caging bnskets at will. Bur!-on dribbled through the Kings defense several times, but was unable to locl}te the net at times. The hnll ended 36 to 2. McMillan wound up his scoring machine in the third quartor and it seemed t hat he eouldn't miss one through,out the rest of the The third quarter ended 48 to 4. In the last frumo of the contest Gons subs tituted tOT Burton and Hop kins for Cook. Both showed good form nnd played thcir positions In neat style. The game ended 06'oto 4. The features of the game wer~ 'the pnss work and team work of the: locals alld the stellar work of Mninous an d Cook at defense.




- -----------, TO CUT OR ··NeT '1'0 CDT?



MY. \.,~t ''''.\-

'at: ~Up.1: ,.0 6tr"f A ' G q: l' f ~O'""



l>o.t"T \. EAVE- OUT AU"'\" MAG61i-- Sit£. Al \.IA'/S <5IV.S "'~ A PA\~


Min ~'" s !



Ch. "

rg Ig ., .. . 4 Donohoo .... 6

Ig .. :

Stevenson . Curran Weber ", ...

Hopkins .. .. Gons ... ,., .. 1 H


1 '; " 1 . :

ciirl~ Win b,. Wid. Mar.ln

Conch Bachman's gi~19 . nlthough handicapped by lack of practice, proved themselves as worthy as the boys, dcfeating their opponents 38 to 6. The 'girls outplayed Kings in every depnrtmcnt and kept the bllll in their g01l1 section most of the time. "Dodo" Hend ~rslln, Doris Hawke a nd Esther Honcl.erson wer responsible for t he small .score of their opponents. " Rubb~ll. Watkins , ~nd Stansberry playing centers. Intercepted several '']laSses U8 well as completing 8Cver \l1 pn.'I8ea to Kathleen He'n derson and St John that went for two points. The outstnnding features of the gnme were the gOlll shooting of 5t John and Henderson. the guarding of Hawke nnd "Dodo," and t he steady work of Watki11s nnd Hubbell. • Following is the account of indl. vidual scgring:

President Calvin Gru)Iil:lg\l, W~hing­ ton. D. C.: One yenr ago, when I was preaching in Charleston. S. C., you honored mo with an invitation to eat benns and brown bread with you and ~lrs. Coolidge on my way home. , I told you then to pick out the colors with which you would like to decorate the , White House. lIS the Amc~ican peoplq would keep you there f our y,ars longer. You said, with a smile. "Do you believe they willY" and' J told you I thought it was a hundred to. one ahot. Thef 8urely made good that prediction. The fattest turkey from my Oregon ranch will be there for your Thnnks~iving din ner. God blelll! you . WILLIAM A. SUNDAY.

----_.....--- ..-----

CHURCH lEAGUE ~ W":J1Ie..llle Girl. . K' Gli-I. , 10 HOLD BAZMR Fi G Fo. GWlrt,· r L. 8 o · .M.

K. He'sn, ri.10 0 St John, If. 6 0 Hubbel, ,c .. 0 0 Wa~'I, rc. 0 0 , D, ;He'n . !'g 0 0 Hawke, !g.. 0 , 0 E. Hen'n.. 0 0 Stansbe'y • 0 0 HopJqns •. ' 8 0

Emtlold: If. 0 D The Oh~reh School Service league Wood, c .... 0 o Stevens, re. 0 o will oWer for Mle at their bazaara11 Crawf'd. rg ' 0 o UIlortment' \If Chriatm811 cards of the Dowell, Ig,. 0 o· best pOl!I!ible value at the price. All carda were purchased of tho Kirbey ... ,.. '0 D Girls' Friendly society in New York and are not found else",here In AmerI~. ,~~Ie, ~ . wiiI meet the need fpr IU~Dl~. ,,~.bnu ~rda not met ~ by ~he ,supply of the ordinary ahop. The iUlol'tiri8bt f.~ ';'r1ed. contains both ~merican 1anci foreign designs. aU ·religious ; a number Imported from England. ~France . Be1wium and Italy. ' I(I ,ana, ' I' l8e , "'" • on dJsplay Corne them at the rC.; S. 'So L." bauar, Saturday.

.. ..------




Deeem~er 6~.



, One of lht> import anl features in the Shop Eurly, 1I1ail Ellrly cumpaign, which i8 bO!in g pUL on throu ghout the country by the Postoffice department HUNTERS ORDERED OFF FARM is the proper address ing nnd secure . REFUS ED-WERE FINED Iy wTapplng of Christmus packnges. When you wrap your Christmas pnckaga R. wrap them securely. put your YDung Man Arr".led a nd Fined for address in the upper left hand corCurling nnd Abullna Officer. ner. so. if uy chance it wou ld go Whil" On Out,. aatrny. it can Le returned Lo you and not sen t to the deud letter office. Th o good folk s of our community lust yenr helped to uring joy und hu p. Since the publicution of our last piness to hundred s of thousands of issue. the local "m ills of j ustice' have postmen and clerks . Let's do our gro un.d out qu ite a grist. ScFlre shopping early and mailing curly this Hathawuy has tried three cases and year. so thnt we may ngain enable assessed flnes and costs aggregatin, the postmen and the postoffice clerks $3 62.80. with warranta out for two to eat their Christmas dinners ut more culprits to be disposed of. whlle home with theil· fumilies and at Mayor Rogers has attended to tb. the same time Ilssure ourselves of case of one offender lind issqes warn. having our Christmas presents deliv- ' ing to others. But be it yid for tbe ered to our friends in order that they fair name of our communltJ that oa. mny be opened on Christmns morn- Iy one of these offenders b ItrieU, iUg. local. the r est coming from IUITOU'" Ing cities to "have a good time," Last Suturday afternoon, I'ft4t Braddock. who lives above t.owII . . , Route 2. ordered a crowd of hll. . . . fTom Dayton oft' his place, .. be ... A handkerchi ef bnzallr will be held lows no hunting. The fellon ...... Decembe r 6th under the auspices of the fence into another 4eld ba$ .... f used to leave the farm, 10 -at the Church Schoo l Service League. ed for Constable Joy. who took ":':7', where you cnn secure dainty hand-· kerchiefs in a ll the popular shades. party before Squire Hathaway. I. Seilner pleaded guilty for the entire as we ll as lhe plainer -white linen ones. w·th dainty and attractive party /lnd wall fined and COHII, edges of tatLin g and laces. Corne in amounting to $18.11). and buy your Christmas hahdkerLas' Sunday afternoon word came chiefs. to town ' requesting the olBcers to come to the Surface nelt:Jlborhood where a · bunch of lIooclluDII wu ca· Mr. W. p, Corsuch. of near Day- rousing and riUalDB • cnat disturbton. was in town Monda,. ance. "Marshall Be.~, pd Conata.


- --- ..-----

---;============== -

ble J oy''-Went to ... ...,. OIl Clarence Surface's fu.. · . . . . ~ found during the wint~ r. eed corn tested four citizenl of .......... wM bad at Farm Bureuu office. so as t o note eviden tly I~. ~ . . . . . ID • bout the actual moist ure content. College with a " TIle olleen . Brew is Legal. but the Governmen t spec ialists advise that when the mois- sllcceeded In ......,&wo of die cuI. STLL WORKING ON INTERIO OF will Ignore the Verdict." This TelTHE GYM ative to the acquittal of Represen. CHECKS UP ON CORN VARIETY Lure content of seed corn reaches prits in Co. . . . auto and pel' eent. no dangers need be consid- sLaTted for ~ . . oa die way the tative ·John Philip Hill. of Mar:vland, TESTS AT HAWKE'S ored from win ter iecring. _ ~'o u nger of ~_ . . tIlln, whQm. it charged with violatin~ Volstead .' 'Ionday aftern oo n a corn variety IS J·ejJo r~d, - F '\t~r ,released Combined Prolr.m at the Gym To- law by making cider in his own home. ,. d.y with • Thanluai.l., urther we are adinilled t hat the pro- Heipi S. D. Henkle Build a - Septic demonstrntion meeting W/l S held lit fTom pnson a~~ ~ sCl\tence the farm ' of Wm. Davis. ncar Mur- intlicted upon ~ ,. a' Violation ot ~ition director, Mr,. Haynes. despite T... k--Oth"r Farm Bure.u Prolram dock. where five varieties were com - the Volstead a~ became llbltreper· the court ruling, "will 'continue to Not". of lnte r".t pared. On Tuesduy morning Lhey ous and assaultecl"tlWl, dfficer two or -4l,!fofce the law." In brief. the govat th e fal·m o( Ronold Hawke three times. choking him breaking -TheFe will be a combined program ernment states it wi11 "enfoTce the nort h of Waynesville and ·on Mondu; ono. of hi~ i1?gers and making threats Wednesdlly afternoon. beginning at law" by breaking it. Bolshevism in Mr. Virgil Overholt. Agri cul turul Ilfternoon ut the farm of a d J . Mil- ngmn st hIS hfe. 1 :16 in tho Gymnasium. t.l:r. Cut- all its glo ry never reached such The pl"isoners were finnlly landed ler 's room and the HI school will e n- heights of bold dictatorship. When Engine ering specialist. O. S. U., was ler. ncar FranJ<lin. Each of these grew on uniform gro und. from before Justice of the Pence H. E. men government officials announce that \vith county agen ts recently to give tertain with n Thanksgiving program. Everyone is cordially invited to they will act in opelll defiance of the engineering advice and suggestions t hree to five diffe rent varieties of Hathuwuy. where they registered as come and enjoy this program with courts it Is time to boot those gen- concerning r emodeling of hou se for corn, cut and husked exactly equal Lewis Her b and John Day; both claim tlemen out of offi.c e without much I Mr. L. M. Moler. nenr Mason. so· as to arel\.S of each vuriety, from which ing Middletown a8 their place' of 'reus. A charge of intoxication provide n grade en trance ce llar way. acre yields arc fig ured . Shelling per id enco. ado.l" -0-cent is Rlso detel'mineci hy selecting was pbtced against Herb and three PreMi ng this silly attnck on the together with stairway to th o second Mr. Wstkins is worKing on:his mu· twenty lo twenty-fiv e ovel'oge ears charges- illegal pOHsession liQ,uor, sical program at t he Grade building, home manufacture 1)£ cider is a pro - fio or, n spacious porch and to other- from tho whole supply (If COl·n und u resisting al)d tHrea te ning an officer cedure little short of persecutioll . wise improve the convenience and which will be given some time befoJ;e Taking from the fa rmer his home- general appearance of the house. moisture test mucic .of th e shelled lind intOXication. wel"e placed agailJst ' Christmaa. --0made C!ldell while tbe great cities in Similnr suggestion s and information corn from oach val"icty. The final Day. lind they Were locked up 1n the both east and west are reeking with was f urnished by Mr. W. S. Melampy resul ts a»e determi ne d after consider- village bastilo to sober up. The' two Miss Howland has IIlso. sta~d to ro tte n whisky and foul bootleg slco- concerning the instnllatio n of' hot,:. ing shelling per cent und moistu~e miSCl'cants who escaped ape kno~ ' to the officers and wal·rants have been work on the. pageant. whl~h wlll be. hols. boldly sold in the open marke t. water heating system. together with test. ' issued for their urrost. given b,y pu.plls of WayneSVIlle s C!hool. makes mockery of law nnd aro uses bath room and hard and soft water. ~requently the lu rge. late-matul'ing , Herb and Day ware arrBij'ned be~ :t BOme t ime In December. ind~atlon in the hear t · o~ every At the N. L. Bunnell and son farm varieties weigh up heaviest ufter the -0-clean-thinki,ng manl. Hunting for occupied by Carl Crane, suggestions husking. but actually proves to have fore Squire Rlltl1nway Monday after• .' Preparotlons for the second term's t echnical terms under whi ch petty were offlll·ed concerning stock water' les8 dry corn t h·Ull some of t he ear- noon, WhOll Herb plead guilty to the ellammatlOns ore being mnde this persecution can be IpreMed is a past- I!upply , system inv~a self-oiling lier 9 nd apparently lighter yielding chnrgc of intox.ication and was fined $26 and costs, amounting in all to • week. time the tax payem of America do wind pump and a large storage tank. se lections. At Wm. Davis'. Boone County $36 .80. Day pleaded guilty to the --0not care to pay for. Everyone knows to be supp)ied to the tro ughs for hogs t1)e objective of our prohibition law. and cattle by meuns of Ilutomatic White yielded three bushels por acre eharge of illegally possessi ng liquor The workmen are still working to- Everyone knows it was lind is in- fio ats. more than Woodburn's Yellow Dent. a nd was fined $300 und costs, amount At the Chas. T. Ellis farm near according to weights of the whole ing in all te $3HA6. this being hia ward the completion of the Gymna- tended to put ~n end to alcoholic Ilium. But as the second conviction for this offense. consumption. to stop the poisoning Waynesville. the matter of heating corn just as husked. • ' , ' 0 I, , of the nation and the undermining a part of the floor of II colony hog Boone County White shelled 12 per Neither was able to pay his finee, 80 , W. H. S. has added a new teature of our national · welfare. Now it is house was considered. so 118 to make cent less and carried 9 per cent moro both were remanded to jail in default to the basket ball games for this propose<! to have Congress 80 modify the raising of a much higher moisture than the Woodburn·s. it ac- thereof. . The two remaining chargea year. Our High School band hal! the -law thpt the mnker of cider may per cent of spring pigs especially dur- tualJy yielded a uniform 20 per cent against Day were held open and will moisture basis 6 bushels per acre be prosecute.d when the liquor chal'lre ,enerous'" agreed to play forall the be thl'9wn' into jaill like a common ing adverse spring weather. ,ames of the seMon. The band is felon along with the bootlegger and Mr. Overholt and other engineering than the earlier and apparently small- has been satisfied. Sunday evening. while ' HaraW ' to be commended, for this 1\ne ·spirit. ~e ,moonshiner. , A:ny such elfort on specialists. assisted county agents er Woodburn's Yellow Dent. Similar corn variety tcsts are being Bentley and CO~8table Joy we" . Iaa~. Our band is developing and the mu- ~e pan of Congr~a will reeult in a with such engineering projects which they· furnish i. well wo~ coming ,public Pl"9 test that; will shake the r equire more technical information. carried on by H. R. Harris. West Tur· ing their last tUMle with the Middlito the games. Let's have more' out country and rattle 1D0re than one of and these p.rojects when completed tie creek township; A. B. Talmage. town characters on lower Main Itnet. to the game ,next Wedn8llday night. our law-breaking law milkers out of serve as demon strations in t he vari· Massie township; Whitacre BroB., In froQt of the Omdorf " SenillUW. H. 5 . VB. MOlTow H. S. " bis comfortable job. ous communities. But owing to I1m- Harlan township; and W. G. Marco- age, Walter Britain, who livN the stt'eet" C8l'1\e out and began e..,..· -0( • • itation s of time it is almost impossl- nett, Deerfield township. ing and abusinll the officen. T.~ Perianal Not •• ' ble for such information to be furday morning he Will! haile,d )iefon nished every farmer requesting the ~r Ro,el'll arid pleaded gUJltJ to • Mra. Banta and 8On. Me'VJ!l. ' en'. same. However. they aro willlng to chua_ of naing vile and profane __ tertalned at dinner. Sunday. the at a. few places over the 8uue in a public place. ea Elsie Hawke. Molly Howland alJ!I county. so 118 to prov,ide demonlltra. A fine of ,26 and costs, . . . . .t, ~4na Howlnnd. : ,: . of the possi bilities in mQre ,C!o· ing tq ,86, was administered, .... .. ___.:......•• _ • _ . _ ' __ • nomical construction of lJouses. barns default of ,paytDent ~'ritai,__ ·I~ . . ." water supply systems. etc. ' . llIanded t o :the .vUlage b~t»t ,.to .... MeMrs. C. J. Miller, F,ranklin. and. sider the elTor of his _,.. ..... . S·; D. Henkle. lIear Waynesville. have in the' day, lIome of hJs , ....... . . • • ,I • L recently installed septic ' tanks for to his relief and pa{d the . . . . sewage disp~sat" from' bath and kitchsecured the fine. , ' en, 'aCcording to plans and sugges"His Honor' iilforma :UI ' Y ... tions from ·the.:" State Oollege Engiis ~nly the begil1n1ng of illIe,.. neering specialists. Septic tank bulcutions unless 'the ~~~~;~:i.~':~ letln~ gi~·rig compiete · plans and . in. ........,,, ... . 'Tlle f\lrmation .are available free at the County Fi.~mBure~u qfti.c~! ' .. Wallace E. · Han r er" Farm Exteil ~ion Special[its of the State A.aeC!'ueglf Was 'Wltll Coun~ A(ent Ol8ss Honda, 'a nd "Tuelda, of this . week ' to . .1st. io. ebeckinir up /lOme com - varletJ tuta. .ObdaX m,omlne· d~ta wlIf . obtabled .t die farm of Everett 'Run,.n, ' nC),tttle81lt of ,Lebanon. Honday HIUIpl' and . CluI ' Ito~tped,'·"· Dod,a CIulniM W!tD_ •

Billy Sunday sent the following telegram to Pr:esident Coolidge from Nashville. Tenn.. after the e leC!tion :




If . 2




Kinl.·MIII .. H. S.



----.. ..-----ITEMS Of INTEREST GUNNING fOnl , ENGINEERING Fi Fo :Fi . ~ 'Fo G BillY ·SUNDAY Burton:-ri .. 8 2 Gomiel!. ~;~ . '2 fROM HI SCHOOL THE CIDER MILL SPECIALIST VISITS "homas. {oung. If.... Himes, McMillnn.c.12 . · '5 VERY HAPPY With perfect. if not impertinent. Macdle. rg .. Kainous, AND' THE NORMAL serenity. WARAEN COUNTY we are told that "Home Cook. Weber. W.,.ne...·m.



t Ju5'T

The announemcnt that Pre sident Moderwell of the bonrd of education will retire fro m office at the beginning of the year is occMion for 8incere regret on the part of the public. Mr. Moderwell's regime has been marked by intellige nt and conscientious devotion to the work of the board. His progressive spirit. his wisdom and tactful leadership have been potent for good. It is disapting that just as experience In the affairs of the schools is becoming an increasing ly valuable asset in his presidency he should find that he muet abandon the task because of removal from the city. . . Reforms and innovations have been lauched under his presidency. programs of expnnsio n have been contemplated. which we· wish could be developed with· his continued presence in t he chair. It will not be easy to find a succe1lsor commanding so widely the confid ence of the public. The position calls for a man who will be M f ree from political Interest a.nd control as Mr. ModerweU has proved himself . and who combines sound judgment and strength of conviction with persuasive meth od. The above item. taken from a Chicago paper. is of Interest to many of our readers. Mr. Moderwell and family are very well known here. having visited Mrs. Moderwell's un. cle. the late Rev. J . F. Cadwalladep many times in past years . Mrs: Moderwell is the daughter of the late Horoce Ca dwnllader, and is also a of Mrs. Mary Leah Adams.

, -$



\.'C.'~\i& \o(~~

Whole Number












Th. Miami c..ett.

n HI fE HOUSE -,~r t~o \'o:t~,oo~~~. CI~';~n:OP~ 1 2 LE T1'O1

with honor

capable guiding hnnda


M.d. OwD ' CampaJ ...

P '!lula lon of 200,000. Mrll, 1iriom F rguson, nee ' plln c, was born in B'ell County, h ~r I'" e nt.~ boing of Tennessee moun ' llli ne r ·.tock. , Writee. for' Th. Miami G....tI. by . tall:' j!M" wOlllc n ~u lTrag(' in 1 70 I H er early lif~ W~8 !.he ordinnry wh en womrn first voled fiftv- 111an la , lOll I'outln. " ho IIttendorl ROMrl Fuller, tll",,, .. \ A",ofour ),oal''' ngo, . . II" \twa l rllrll~ . ~h"nl, 1H'1."l· I ahout 4ut.,.,.at •• S .. n 'ice. in c 1hnl lil1ll' ~ulfrn!re , womnn t !1l' he Hl' and III cl1ll' r~onCICS wor~l'd Now thot 1ll0rQ iha , ' five mithnn suiI'm!:'", hllen h,'('n ll\k~1I murt' .),.' i I Ih : " ,1<: , l .u l~' " " hI' we ,t 11 BIlYof twq omen I\lI Oovorltors of 80vor - l~~s tiS II maile r of cUU1'~ '. 'l.' h ~ 1'1' 1,,1' "nt\'cl~ lly wludl Wll~ sttun tcd II n(ln will be ruled by womon go v- "'" little or Ilo oppositioll t l' tho nnm f~w Il\ il e~ fr om the Wall nce homeer~lIte, many people or 'wondering, ' inntinn of Il wonJUn cU ll llitl"", r l' l' ~trnrl , As II Htud cn t she was known They aN wondering if the lecti nn l!' uh rrnA lnrinl honors in th nt st'l le, lor Iwr t h o ro ughl1l's~ ond nccuracy of two women as Govlll'nors f sovoel'- lin Ii ~II'~. Ro~s hod only hl!l' uPP.,::ing "a t, hl'" lI~l1n for. hl'Plltnnce, To the eign states is an indicilLio n of Whitt ' "o,l'di dn1t 10 tll:ht in I-he recent cllIn- 11t" l!h J,.~r ~:. Mlrtnm Wnllnce was "n may como in the futurc. I'oign, I!'oo rl Inri, an d thllt told the Whole .: Th yare II!!king tbemsclves, "Will l it T(>xas "~!u" F~ rgu so n hud II • Lory , Marriel Ferllulon • there orne doy be a woman Presidenl j diff"rcnt '<I I'I uf fi rrht on her ha nds. I t .. _ __.,........._




• It i~ interesting lo realize that IIcither woman CIIrried on their CIImpuill'lIs with their husband's records all n IIIfcrence. The~ both' gtood firm ly on their own feet nn~ ouLlincd c1eurly and decisively; their plat(O rnIS. , III rs. R o~s made :no personall y acliVe campaig n, H~'r sil nce was a s de llp !I S h C I' mourning for her husbond. Her mnnngel'S did the work.llIrs. Perguson difTers in this respect. Alt huugh much of her cnmpaign ing was done by her husband ., sht' herself took the stump on severa l occnsionll and told' lh~ voters just where 8he slood. It is underslood thut both womon will de\'ote ;lnost , of their efforts lo I In ISDa she married J ames E. l~cr­ the prob lems of education dU l'i ng gu~o n, farmer, later banker and ranch their terms liS the Ileadcrs of the Iwo : man. Th ey have two daugh ters, the sta tcs, younge r now being her moth e r' ~ secThey al"O not only lenders of their I rotary. two Sta tes. but the leaders of tho The late Governor Ross, of Wyo- vanguard of Amer ican women wh~ ming, landed in tho town of Chey- are climbing highcr' and hig her in pocone in 1901. He opened a law office IitiClll life. there and it was in the West that Will the women 'of tilis counlry go he met and married his wife. "On to Wllshington" People ore Wondering.

I~:~:~~:;~~;ar::n:~:::s~~~ i::~


THEN THE FliGHT STARTED ha in 1902. She hns three sons. Two of them are in tho University Becker- "Gosh-- l had some night l of Wyoming and the youngest is in mar e last night." public school. Fctters-"Yes, I Will! at the movBoth women arc "home bodies " ie8, too- I saw he ir." . but they have alwoys watched their husbands' careers with interest and intelligence. Neither will go i!]lo DUMB DAN AT WORK th State House with no understanding 0 f their duties. olh have the Employee- " BoSiS, I gotta idea." mental equipment to carry the ofBos8--"Be good to the little thing. fic'!s to which they hove been elected It must be all aloDe."

----_ ---...

• ' t' • ' •


, Both q( the above are mothers, b ousekeepers and wives ~f former Gov' 'emora of the States which they will n ow rule. Mrs. RoIlS hns three 80ns, Mrs. Ferguson has' two daughters. Both will ~ ~to the State House with a very good knowledge of .states <!overnmebt;, each having been tbe confidant of ber husband . • It ill alleged that they will both devote a great deal of their time as • , .GovernO?~ to the probloms of educ tion_ ,- . ' . Many beHeve that they are blazing the way to a woman President at . '~nie future time. ' ",

NEWS GLEANED fROM COURT HOUSE PROBATE COURT A wrilten application was presented by W. N. ThompMon for adminsion of It Cutright into the Ohio Hospital for epileptics. The will of Willillm Ellery Carroll, deceased, WIIS admitted to probate. Rebecca S. Carroll, widow, !.herein, was elected to take under the will. In the matter of the estate of William S. Carroll, d~ccase d, Rebecca S. Carroll was named as executrix. Bond $4000. The appraisers appoint ed were John Vandervoort, Harry Schell and Henry Giehls. In the matter of the estate of William A. Murritt, deceased. Clara I. Merritt was appointed administratrix. Bond $10 ,000, Frank L. Harris, Charles D. Cook and W. L. Harvey nro the approisers. . In the matter of the estate of Rachel Pine Campbell, deceased, It WIIS ordered that Elmer Sheehon, administrlltor, proceed to sell personal property belonging to soid estate. In the mntter of the guardianship oC Earl E. Cline, et a i, minora, the court ordered thot Fred Harlan be ap~ pointed guardlon. Bond of $4000 was furnished. APt>IiCiltion for admission of Violetta Evans, adjudged Insane, was accopted by the Dayton State hospital. (rena A. McCurdy, widow, made application to 'take under the will of Jonathan McCurdy, deceased. • In the matter of the estate of Rachel Pine Campbei1, deceased, EImer Sheehan, admlnlstratol', tiled hie invenlory and appraiJement. The will of E. A. N~ll, deceued, waa admitted to probate. The will of 'Klute Hutchlnaon


these United States? ; Will a'wom- were In generol opposed to woman's 8ul'trage. ' It WIIS necc's snry lo Instill ' . . JV~blngtOJl and ~ up the rei~ of The citizenry of thut sovereign state j ~ the governmenU" . , the thought, "A woman is equal to a t Bo~ of the' W9.num :po"etJlora~e man, politicnlly," in the mi nds ~f mothern. One ill the wif. and,,1 hJli;lth- 'rexans before her candidncy would el the widow of a f!l~1I1' q:o 8I"nol' be tak~n seriOUsly. " of the States whieli theJ be lected When Mrs. Ferguson came out and ~ govern. ' Both are we :elluipped placed her name before the' people of 10 ~ on the dQ,t iea re pved of the state and told them just where them. ,' .' , she stood, they began to listen: Her . ~ They are .Mra.. Miriam. " . " Fer: race for governor wne taken less 1\8 guIOD. Go~~r elect of Texaa, and .a jest then, and more lIS a reality. ~ ~e~ Rolli, of WJotnlpg. Her enemies bitterly assailed her Map . . Wo.... Pr.. liI... througbout the whole campaign. In . , ' Wyoming, Mrs. Rosa faced no such, On. to Washington I and people are obstacles. wondering jllit bow long it will be In Wyoming women hove held mi1'!t0nl ~ woman will ~t in the White nor jobs in the State's political om~oulle. _ , , cse ever since thelY fir,It began voting. When wUl the nation elect a wom- In Texas the.r e have been very ' few an .. Preeident ' of these United women in the political1imellght ever. State" ,When WiD a woman, b:v popla~ acdaim~' be honored'by $is great Will R.I. Fin MillioD ' olllee' PeOp~ ·Ve wondering. \ ' They have both been elected to the ' , ' In ~e pepuUu lItne~ of thi~gs governorship of their reBpective political. in ' tbfa country, it is right atates, and now, for the first time in that • woman ' should be elected to the history of this democrncy, more the Govemonhip ' of W,oming. The thaI) 5,000,000 people will be ruled

We print this pUlzle this week ,be-cause it iB a good puzzle, but it ill a violation of the crosa-word puzzle theory. Tho puzzle was made by Min Emma Wilson and It possesses so many good combinations thnt we beUeved our readers would enjoy ving it. When you try puzzles in the future try and have all the words interlock. If they do not, it is not a correct




,'I1iE DAnoN ARCADE MARin ~n..o.-..






Isainh F. and Ella M. Green . to Stella W, Fudge, about 68 acres In Wa8hington Tp .• $1 . John H. Fish to J, K. Morris. lot in Frnnklin, $1. J. K. Morris lo John H. Fish .10 acres in Franklin Tp., $1. Jennie E. Vinson to 19naz and Julia Ma ysum. nbout 47 acres in trnct known as I\lilitnl'Y Survey Nn. 4329, Endora Tyler to Pendleton Morton, lot in Lebanon, $1. Ina E. nnd Lewis Clnwson to Ada William.son, lot in Mason, $1. Eorl Kirk to George and Lizzie J. Barnhart. about 32 arcs III Clenrcreek Tp., $1. George and Lizzie J, Barnhart to Earl Kirk, 2 lots itt Frnnklin, $1. 'Sareppa Stansell to Emma I. Ruaecll, lot in Lytle, $1. D. A. Harrison and Jesse Men tz

puzzle. For example, take tho puzzle by Pincus Hertz, whieh we published in a previous issue. On the four corners there are abbreviations. These are entirely cut off from the reet of the puzzle. This makes the puzzle wrong. If the four corners were blocked in, the puzzle would bo right, because the words in the cen tral part of the puule interlock.

$ 1.

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDIr.GS Uill. allowed: ~ 1. n. Oswald, burinl of JII ~ , ~ 1. n rynnt, $100: Jas. M. Snouk , ~" r vic l'~ 0 11 burinl Co rn., $1; J "". Il llc kr l1, ~ nllle. $1; C. W. Jllli n, Suf!' ('O IllPiIl1Y , r ~ Jlllia's on lock, $15: Baldwin Lnw Publishing company. Code f.lI' rrnbnll! ou'rt, $10; Me G r lchil1 '~ Phllrlllllcy, !<uppJi es for j uil $!!. :.!O; Wes trrll Star, prin ting, $27; Lewill & Druke, supplies, $07.35; 1'. O. ~l n nf"r L . October ex p!!n"c, $2.13; Wm , ~1t.t ()tL. rcchurging atlll rental of butteries. $1.76 ; Floyrl Bur LOll. bridge rc!,uir, $6 ; Clydo Whita ern , ~n nlC. $:!6.r;0; JIIO. Urton. same. $~Ii.1li; E. B. Simpson, Inbor on urveyor's C!l r, $2. 10 Lewis alld Dra ke. ~e wer pi pe. $5.7 0.


zooRABS haarlem oil baa been -a worldwide remedy for kidney. liver and bladder diaorders. rheumatism. lumbqo and uric ~cid conditions.

~~ (

·"l ~~ l J L I


eaI'I'Ct IDtemal trouble.. atlmulate vital

cqana. Three aI-. All dn\ulIb- IMiIt CD the ori&\IIaI ICDuiDe GoLD MUJA&.



LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, chattels, also second mortgagell. Nolcs bought. John Harblne, AlluD Bulld.!ng, Xenia, Ohio.

Farmers, Attention! FlU'mera of Warren and adjoining counties may obtain money on long time loans, at 6 ~ per cent Intorll8t. Cost of sccurlng tbe Ilame ill very reasonnble ,through Tho Federal Land Bank. For further information call on or address M. C- DRAKE, Treas· urer, phone SI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. FOR RENT


FOR RENT- House water and electric of 1\11'11. WilliaDlll, at and Fourth Btreets.



of five rooms, lights. Inqulr. comer of Tylor . 08'

LOST LOST-Tire ClImer, tire license No. 603,178, Borne where between Waynesville and Mrs. ,E. G. IvlnB, below Ridgeville. Finder please return to Dr. A, T. wright. d3

6 Bir Vaud••ilIe Acb and Feature Photopia,.

WhIle SIwwIaa ... DqtIG &0... Yoai Cu ID '

Bicycles and Velocipede. 42 Norllo Jeff.noD St.


j) ~cdic l.t T ]J~ "



aDd Automobiles W. F. MEYERS



Eati... chaap 01 pl'OlJram e ... rJ' s-dq and Th• ....t.:r. CoaIlD_ Petfor _ from 1130 to 11130 AfteraooD Pn- 200 and SOc. 30c aDd SOc.


MARRIAGE LICENSES Ralph S. Bphm, bank clerk. Lebanon, and Miss Mildred Ayers, of MaBOll. Albert F. Mahllthll ,superintendent of Norwood, nnd Miss Eva L. Bercaw, bookkeeper, of Mason.


B. F. Keith's


NEW SUITS MarUm Bruce hnl! en!.c red su il ngainst John Bruce. for divorco and cuslody of the children.


VERTICAL 1 A sharp blow 2 A three-loed sloth 8 Suffix 4 Stomach 5 To 6y or move rapidly 6 Used In making varnishCII 7 Preposition 8 To succeed or gain 9 Child's name for father 11 An open woven fabric, tied with mCllhea 12 An enemy A malicious old woman 14 16 A passing fancy 18 The imaginary world inhabited by fairies · I H 20 A fiver n ungary 22 Abbr. for graduate 28 Goddeu of the Earth (My_th) 24 A large shrub · of the Mallow family , 25 To cry: plaintively as a child 26 A boy s name 27 Road (abhr.) 8 Samarium (abbr) • 29 The wing of a bird


to Wlllie J ervis, 2 - Jots in Fnlhklin Tp., $1. Lucy S, II nd flll!!),ic B. Oroll, 111111 Ly(lia E. Bru unk\J r 1.0 ' James and ~lartha Hopkin s, 5 lots in Franklin Tp., $ 1. John n. , il~ o n, by 1llS.~i g nco to FI' ~ d " W olf, nbout 59 UCI' 08 in ll ariAII Tp., $1. ChllrlrH LCI'Pl' I't., by shedfl', to R. R, ,hlldwick, tracts in Union and

Can YOD Solve This Cross-Word PUzzle?

, ' p, bJ popular yote, some. ti~e go to

W1Moa In

Cochran, decilased, wal admitted to probate. The net value of the estate of 01; indn Bello Bowers, deceased. was valued at $281;7.44. William L , Sucmcning, oxe 'uto r of the decensed. o/ 'I\ enry W. Su mOiling deceascd, /lIed his Il rst and fi nu l uccount. In the molt r of lhe est.ate of F. Imor E. Keev r, deceused, tho "lI1ll't .ordered Ciai'll Spence. adm inistratrix, .to sell bonrls belollging 10 th e estate at privlltc sa le.

HUBER'S GARAGE 131 W. Fomtb at. c-~




Resources $18,600,000.00.

Su-, " - ..719._7·.... •--




Boob, 8110es, Etc. ARMY STORE



30 32

17 W. ,Fifth St.

34 37

i ;



er-.. ..

.... _ ...... .....

38 41 42 ,43 ,44 46 48

THE llEEKBIlIUG. co. C-- ................. A_


22 24 26 28 37 81 33 35 86 87 39 40 42 44

Philosophy of morals Medieval trading vell8el Used in oaths To consume food Silver white metallic cleme.nt (abbr.) Silence b:v force To Boak in liquid Gloom , A thick sweety liquid To 60at aloft through the air A seaport on the Southern Coast of ABla Minor. Central PlI1IIinllula of Southern Allia . A IImall shrubby evergreen plant (AnJ p~t of the genua geum of the rOBe family) A State (abbr.) Roman antique mone:v ,made of copper 01' bronze . Personal pronoun ' Literate In arts (Form used when degree II (liven women) (abbr) A elone wbieh Iplits readil:v A native Hawaiian food

i~~o~r:,fo~~~~~~ce of wood .t A town of Alessandria province, Piedmont, Italy A gr&say field or plain Derived fr lom a Greek meaning other


Aptitude, cunning Sermon (abbr.) A period of time Any 110ft food for bablea Each (abbr.) Them, then , (abbr. Archaic form) , -HORIZONTAL 1 To wrench apart A defect 9 Pertaining to ever)' cia" 12 Befuddled (old liang)


13 15 17 19 21

c_............ecoM....... ........0tIIe i ,~~!!!!~~~~~~I!!!~~=,~~~~~~~:;;;~~OY;;";:~~:::~;:~Ac::C:O:.~DtI:;~;,;,;,~~~~~~!.!!~~~~!;!I!!I!~~;;~~(;~10:.,p:e:r:ta::ln:l:ng~to:::a~n:c:IEe:n:t~::~o:m:e~,.~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~

LOST- Between the Friends Boarding home and Library, a short strand of peorl beads. . Finder please leave at Gazette office. -d3 FOUND FOUND-Auto ' aide 'curtain, on the Lytle road. O~ner can- have same by calling on Ed Standiford, Third Street; Waynesville, O~i~, d3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Twenty-two Shropshlre breedln'" ewes. Bred to lamb .. April 1st. Alao five cows to freshen soon. Lyman Silver, phone 49-2 .. Waynesville, Ohio. ," -d'1O FOR SaLE-A velour covered couch, price $5.00. Mra. G. D_ MUI_, phone 28, Wa'"'eaville, Ohio. ~ •. -diO ' FOR SALE-Pure Barred Rock cockerels, Bradley strain, up to Jan. uary 1st, $1.60. After that they will b $2 00 F A S'd R D I) e '. . • III er, . • , Waynesville, Oblo, -diO ~

FOR SALE-White Plymouth Rock pullets, fino ones. Inquire of Davia Furnas, R. D. 4, Waynelville, O. , . I. . -dlO ' FOR SALE-Three Poland.Chlna male hogs, Inquire of Frank Mil. ten berger, Lytle, Ohio. -dS FOR SALE-ParD Barred Rock Cockerell, ,2.00 , eacb; none kept ~ D ' m be 1 ... Ra h I w, R. D. 8, Waynes:rWe, Ohio. a r eCe .uri.; ed8 C e r " FOR SALE - Guaranteed Hosiery: IIRmplea :voW' elze free to. qenta. Write '!lr proposition' paJin, ,76.00 weekly f,ull time. ,UiO an bour, apare time, selling gua~nteed hOllery to wearer; PlUlt wear or replaced free Quick ..lea, ~*t ,orders. ~te~a.­ ,t i?nal. StOckiUC MUla, 6069" Nom.. town, Pa. <• , SALE-Potatoea-,.,Ftne. bnmcgroWJl IrIIb CojJbler. Green Moun.

taln and Banner; ,1.00 per ~aaJieL StioUIe Bros., R. I); 6, WaJlleavllle,



J!'OR SALE-UOO bu. lit appl... fHc:r Bome ' Beauti.., ~doplcQcl. aood tor Hd' Jcmc


coo_ Dnb"

prl~" at '


Tb~ Miami c.zet 1""

·... 'T H E


GAZ E TTE ..••


I 'S 'E Il )O;VF.RY WEDNESDAY E;r, le r cll ut th e

p,, ~Lorncc

at W a yntlSY iIIe, 0 ., as Second ClaBB Mail Matter

D. L. CRANE , Editor and Publi.ber, W."ne."iIle, Ohio. Su b~ c t' i )J Li o n

PTic c, $1.60 per y,ear. "

-. - -


.,.. -:-:-'.- --. '-.'-- =.-.-=~ -

WI':UNJ.;:-: I)AY. NOVI!:MBI!:R 25 . 19 ~4

WE ARE ON OUR WAY Olle cnla mity how ll'T may now retire while the f"rwartl loo king business men of th e nution go into executive session. The day of better trtld e i ~ no t comin)! ; it is already with li S. There has been' lIn increase in our cotton g innings for the yellr of 2,100,000 bnles. There hus bee n an advallce of $117,000,000 in building in the month of October. The production of sh'el ingots has taken alm ost u sensational jump. while steel bookings arc more than u million tons ahead of last yellr. The man ufact ure and distributi un uf ('orUand cement, which tells th e Mto ry of good road construction und of building, aro mot'ching for ah end of schedule. In brief. the basic industri es have taken on now life a nd now I"a d the way to the wave of prosperity. Perhaps local mere hunts may be slow to take advantage of th e chllnjte, but thos e of keen vis ion, who boldly take advantage of the times, a rc dcstiJ,ed to profit... unknown in ntllny a yenr. The laggards will wait, of CC) UI'!!C, un til they must buy lit hi llher prices bound to C(lmc in response to g reater d emand and increased consumption. The report of tho Deportmcl1t of Commerce shows the Balcs of the two lellding mail order hOUSCH IlgI gr gated $41,036.000 in October . - as against $31,448,000 in September and $37,743,000 in 1923. This show8 the improved condition of the pocketbook of the tarmer, who, unfortunately, hIlS not yet learned that he can buy at home the 'same quality of goods an d at us low prices as he gets ., by mail and havo back of his purchase the knowledge of what he is going to get and the reputation und service of his local merchant. Anyhow. tbe bes l th i n~ Charles M. Schwab ever said wa! , "The man who is n benr on Ame rica i8 a fo ol." W e arc on our way .

MT. HOllY . Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and Miss Ruth Kellis spent Tuesday in Xenia, shop. ping. Mr. J acob Zimmer spent Monday with rellltivC!s on . the other side of Xe nin. Miss Anna Roland, who has been q uite sick with throat trouble, stays about the 8ame. The Y. P. S., of Mt Holly church which met at the hom e of Mr. Frank Ke llis. had an enjoyable evening. Friends from here received word Monday of the marriage of Faye Stevens and Earl Marlatt, of Dayton. Mr. Max Bllrnard and family, of Spring Valley, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. Bert Marlatt. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Soward, of Dayton, spent the week with their granddaughter, Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and family. Relatives from here received word of the death of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart's little baby, wihch was buried T UDsday. Mr. John Rye a nd family spent Sunday afternoon with their daughter. Mrs. Elton Evans and 'family, 01 near the Owens church. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Osborne. of Xenia, spe nt a few minutee here Sunday afternoon, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill. Louis and Minnie Cruwford, chil· dren of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford, of this place, have been quite sick with bronchial trouble. Mrs. Emerson Dill entertained nt uinner Thursday, in honor of hel' 25th birthday, Mr. and IIf1'1l, Elisha Soward and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and family.

----- - ---...




Mrs. Rose Carr, M. Bruce Carr and wife, of Harveysburg, ' attended church here on Sunday. Mrs. Ruth Murray attended the funeral of Miss Effie Grace Conley at Ceda;ville on last Saturday afternoon. The L dies A.ld wUl meN with Mrs. K. E. Thompson the afternoon of December 10th. All members are requested to b& present, u it will be a Christmas meeting. Our protracted meeting will continue until Sunday evening inclusive. An invitation la extended to all to co me and hear the blind evangelist. We know It wlll do you good. Don't forget the Musie-Washington Tps. P.-T, lUIIIociation will hold their , first meeting at the Olive Branch , churclt this coming Friday evening; A splendid program hns been pJ;epared. Our quiet little community WitS draped in sadne8ll and sorrow· on Thul'llcia,- ~ ornlng, November 20th, tbe tal\iand heart-~re~king news came liu hing over the neighborhood that. Miss Effie Qrace (Jo.nle y ha~ me\ with' an accid ni\at 'a ' railroad. oro,sing at Cedarville which caused her sudden death. She attended church here on Tuesday evening before, singing, praying and testifying in an impreaaive and heJpful way. Her last 80ng ahe sartg 80 beautifully was, "Good night here, and good morning up there." We all sorrow with those who moum In thla 'their darkest hour, and extend" our .ineere sympathy. to the family.


Tho Department of CommerCD has completed th e preliminary orgnnizo• tion of the fi eld work on the Census of Agricultu,re for the s t~te of Ohio and announces t he names and addrcMes of the supervisors of the six districts. into which the state has been div·ided, ·for census purposes, together with the probable numbe of enumeratol'll, number of farms Ohio in 1920, and the names of the counties in each district. District No.4 comprises Brown, Butler, Cham palgn, Clark, ClermClJlt, Clinton, Darke, Greene, Hamilton, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Warren. Supervisor, Ra lph Q. Wilton, pos'l:office bldg., Dayton , Ohio. Number of enumerators, 98. Number of forms, 1920 census, 42,676. --------~.~~.~-----

PURDY'S PHILOS "T•• f.ller who II ~fr.l. of bioi.. ~Il. ODce ID • whUe .lU lta~ ri•• t--w.ere . ·e b."

Contracted Cold at 8 Bill y Sunday Revival "'oped Into S)'.temic Catarrll B~DiU PE-RU·NA




.,. el'l ba"e pOY!lrty . tbnalt ap' OD' tbem, otb~\ .o an. b ..... tbeir hair bobb...." ----:::---- ~ ...---,~--



WO ITI IUl Di .:r-" 1 ~~e by the' s ignM 'lI'o1,Hul tl t lirs II "I! r,.rbi dd n hll t·e."

Wai H.' l'--"(.r o II

IU" Y":'-'80

Aheal ... ,


and economic H ' hi --

n Th n nk Hd"'-j.~! IlWl'k~' 1 nl th· T nwfl- 01' tho m ut' OUS .. lInln H" of Ihfl J:luHtachhtll TI ,bc. \\'t "n thi s t ub!,., Is Inrlamct.l YOII hhi p hou " , \1\ ,·\.It. · ;I:. I VI! (i n . 1\ 11111'11..:- A..: .... 'tI lO r Ilt l l l "I' fl" t

sa t

Quiets t ter'It'S - ' S /wr pens WiLSP n 'SL>rVCS the tecthAids d ig<!'s tio II. -----\'-i"7.'~i/-+..,. 'Chew B EECH. NUT Chew inf: T obacco. First .aid to e fficieL1cy e very· where and costS 80 litde. Have you tried it?

l1uarln~ . ...: 11 .... :.· Lh u I '\,., 01' ,111 " ;j l .n I Mr. all ll ~JI'~. I·' rank \\,il ~ <lll \\"(- re bo I'educe". your h n r int; tit !"! )" Lo d O- \ Sunda y l'u(>"t~ of their hilrll'ell, ~Il·. s t r oyed t o r ~v r . ll A 1.I.'S C A 'J'Jl.nn n ~IE D [(T"E will a nd Mrs. !l aITY \\'i l, on, in Duytllll. do wh a t we cln.l m to r It-rl.t Y'1,.r H~·.· lt·m ("Rtll.rr h or [ c[l(nc~9 tll HMJ by MI'. Il l1ri 1111'S. W. II. () ~ dc'lI and of CBtnrrh. Miss LU t'JII ... T uckel' lI11 end ,'d " COli· Sold by an d.rug~tste tnT' m'r r .1 " T( a TS. F. J. Cheney &. Co .. 'foled u. ( i>10 . vc nti on " I l'\ew Philadcll'hiu ~attfl' . day aud Sunday. Mi~s \'e ldu Lrm nll eliI'd at th l' PQCkages Sold in a home of Xe ni a I'Clll ti v~5. Fl'i(lay . •' \1 . Single Year HA.THAWAY ner a l gCI'I'ices were he ld at the J onah's HUll church" M on d u~· . ~'a; ."" &"-1"--:/ DENTIST ,/ - - . ' V' Mr. W. P . McCa rren nnd dnuv; htel' IIccoln panie<l his mo th el·. wlw ha:; ~ And X-O-ORAPHIST bee n visit ing t hcm this w("'k , home to Dayto n. Satu rcl £lY, an d rrl11a i ned Ohio. Waynesville, Sun day. T e ll'phone 11 4. The H igh schoo l will prc'cnt "The Bashful lIIr. Hi bbs," a t th e T ow n holl OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLOG. Frida y evening. Nove mb er 28. The C. C. COOK , Pool Room , Cigara, Tob ncco and Ciga rette •. ON MAIN STREI!:T procet!ds i ~ f or th e benefit of t he BURTON & GRAHAM, Pool Room, C illnra . Tobacco, Cigarettes. Rchool orch es tra. It is saicl ~hat t hi s is II ve ry funny a nd de lig htf ul enterta inment. and it be hoo ves e\'e r y one in llarvp.ysburg andl the s urrounding I t"rritory to go lind see it, a nd ulso ' help the schoo} orchcstra al ong.


0ver2S0 Million

DR. H.E.

We Sell Beechnut Chewing Tobacco

Walter McClure Dr. W. E. FROST

_ _ _ _... -


"0--:- -



Waynesville, Ohio

F. T. Martin


Date your •• Iea with mOo ' .

Th', hum of th e shredd er is hea rd every day now in t his vi cinity. Clayton F oster called on re la tives at Clarksville Wedn osday a ft ern oo n. lIarold Brown IlI nd f amil y wer e e ntertain ed by rela ti ves in Da yton Thursday. Mrs. Groce Brown enter tained friend s f rom Ci neinn llt i O"C I' the wee k·end. Chas. F oste r W3S :1 business visitor at New Vie nn a an d Ca reytuwl1 one day last week. N. C. Ha zelbaker', of Wi lmington . call ed on fri ends in this plnce one day this week. Several men frvm DaY Lun have . be~n hun ting wi th fri nd s of this


Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room T~LEPHONE 7

Harveysburg, Ohio





Wills Drawn

The Eye Sight Specialist


At Cary's Jewelry hop

. Lebanon, Ohio

Estates Settled

Waynesville. Ohio National Bank

I Every TueSday' Dr. :John W. Miller



nti.f.dioD or ehar.._ _

Phone 44


HA;t;;~Rm'E~~S4 ~A;iNED

Dentist place the past Suliscribe for the Miami Gazette. :.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..; WayneSVille National Bank Bldg

Phonel No. ·Z


Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. HARVfYS BUR~,

Pbotl(' 8


NOTICE Notice is hereby g ive n as required by Section 6864 General Code, that J. L. Mendenhall and others filed their petition for ,the establishment and ulteration of Road No. 229, in Wayne ' Township described as follows: . ' Situated in Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio, in SlIrver No. 791. Beginning at a point III the present pike being Road No. 229 and 011 the East side of the P. C. C. & St. L. Railroad at the crossing below Corwin, Ohio, running thence northerly and on' the East side of the said railroad right of way and parallel thereto until it joins a regularly laid out 30 foot street in the said Village of Corwin, Ohio, and there ending, being a total disdistance of one-fourth mile more or less. Said route being through the land owned by John Zell and others. ,Th e Board of Commissioners have set Thursday, December ·Hth, 1924, at 9 a. m., as tho date when we will view·the proposed i~provement . AI~o Monday, December ~~thl 19~4, at 10 o'clock a. m., ' IIS tlie <rate for the final hearing thereon at the office of our Board, in the Court House at Lebanon. Ohio. By order of the Board of County Commissione1'1l of Warren County, Ohio. SAM D. HENKLE, F. B. STOKES, CARL J. MILLER, Commi8l!ionel'll of Warren County, Ohio.


Art Gifts Of Distinctive Beauty For The Home .


JuSt A Few Suggestions, Of The Myriad Gifts Awaiting Yoitr Choosing In The Art Department A FIVE-PIECE ~MOKing set con~;sts of CIgarette box, pipe rack, match stand

I3RONZ E SMOKING set, consistin g of a handsome tabl l~ with lin ll decoration a t base, wi r h as h tr a y, ' hllmidor, cigarette bo", and march holder placed on top, $38.

and ash tray on ' a bronze finished table, $18.


or flowe rs, S18. Others, Sll to $20.

Novelties--combs, brushes, mirrors, trays an d trinket boxes specially priced for thc holidaYli at $1.95 and $2.95.

Sketch I.- Wrought Iron Can· in colonial .tyle. with places for thrL>40 long WOI uper• . . each $lel. . _

S"etch 4.-A Lamp coord, of crystal, witb prism drop. (or boudoir, rutWC room or ball. '15.

AN OPlUM BOWL QF orl1:1te bra ss 0 11 a teakwood base to use for fruit


FOO CHOW LACQUER is our own direct importation from China. There 3re trinket boxes, trays in a varicty of sizes and shapes. They have handsome inlaid decorations, typically C hinese--pine trees, b u tt erRies and h erron~, SI to S50.

'. ~

FLORENTI NE LEATHer, heautifull y hand-tOoled

and bright e n e d ,w i t h tou ches of gold. T here a re book covrrs, trinket boxes, cigarette boxes, calenders, scrap baskets and other attr active pieces. $2.50 to $48.



four linen handkerchiefs, ip rose, blue, orchid or white. $1.50.

set with match case 00 o ne side and ub tray 00 the

otber, $14.

S"etcb 5.-Handel Tabl_ LampI are lamp. of beauty and di.tinction. Bue. of bronze. gold or verde antique hov e decorated . h.dCll of eaqui.itc beauty, com-

Skctch 6.-French Dreller Lampo in quaint sh. pes and unUlIIII coloring.; .ome perfume ""r,"," . . . e11. , •••

plete, 135 10 190.


Sketch 2.-Lamp. of lu st.r . pottery in blue,


,'" '\

We, the following fann owners, positively forbid any hunting or trap ping on our farms. Any violatlol:1 of the IIIIme will be prosecl1~d ac' Personal: J~ke' boolittle, who cording to law and to. the fullest deserted his wife and baby 80 years extent. ago .r~tul11' 'Ule' bab~ will knock H. O. CORNELL him for a row ' of tombstones." ROMINE SHOEMAKER ,,'. • ", , ~. I • ROBERT PATTERSON , BUNNELL AND STARR A~PR'CIA.TE' J. W. CRESSWELL ' " MRS. ELLA. MICHENER. ' • FRANK BRADDOCK • MRS. RACHEL CREW LEONARD TINNE Y MRS. ELEANOR V AN, TRESS ·




BALLET DANCERS wilh (rilly .um (orm the bari. of adonble lalllpo tbac the )'OlInger girl ..111 eujoy. Ia IWC and bhle, 15.

Sketch -a .et of three to en' hance hall or living-



Sketcb 7.-Mina Tor maid. wi th puuola for t boe cbiW'. r--. S3- 51.

orchid or tan, with parchment . hadu, rose



IIrtC !,

Miss I\melia r urr j ' I\l llt· il l. wus appl,,~ itt the Gat·Jen of ]'.11,,0 .• J . w.. Clllrk b>t~ OPWl d a ml'at ma rk et ih his ~ h c ". The . ivic Ic nu~ l11 <t S"l\H<lOV with MI'> . 11 . S. ru .~k('1' Catarrhal Deafness 'rh e M i l{~iu l l 'Il"S !'Iol'i(.·L,v \\;ll l",IJ Is orten ", usod hy nn Inllamu " cnndltlon 'l



BLONDE BESS OPINES "Some .I.Ia' ••• born


111 I'll. 1\(,8Iul' Gm h»m spen l Thursda y ill the Gem City. Mrs. Willia m Bc rgda ll a nd duujtht el'. Miss Gl adys, wcr c Dllyton shoppe .... Salurda y. 1\11'. am! Mr •. Guy Rou tzahn IInJ da ug hte r visitt' d r elatives in Tippe· ClU tO" ity, :;un dIlY. MiH" Ile lcn Uu ke. or MiUlll i Vlllley hospital. Da yto n, was a we k-c nd gu est of hOlll e folks. JIll's. Fran k Roger s spent Wedn esda y wi t h her pare nts, Mr. a nd Mrs. W. H. Cllrey, near Rid ge ville. 01'. fi nd JlIt·s. L. B. Hull and child · re n, of Wa yn cs'rille, visited Sunda y with Mr. lin d Mrs. Harry McGi n. nis. The protracted mectin gs at Lytle church closed on Thurs duy cvcnin g. with Hcvet'ul acc essions to the church. Mrs. Churles Ande rso n, of Wa ynesville, and Mrs. J. B. Jones were Friday g ucst.ll of Mrs. Allen Emrick. Mr. Mahl on Rooks is very low at this time at his homo north of here. Willium L a n~ is the nurse empJoyed. Mrs. Robert Hunt and son, Warren, and lIIrs. Emma Lacy saw "The Ten Commandments' at Victory theater, Dayton. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Greathouse, of Dayton, were Wednesday visitors at tbe home of their daughter, Mrs. Clyde Wharton and fam ily. . Miss Condace Baird, 0 former Ly. tl e citizen, died in Dayton, Novem ber 16, and was buried at Springboro on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. S. H. Haines lind Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended th e fu. neru l of Mrs. Charles Nills, ot Spri ngborn, 011 Wednesday of last week. 111 r. and Mrs. H. M. Clark visited Mrs. Chas. Clark at Miami Va lley hospital Thursday, and report her improved and hopes of getting home the last of this week . Fri ends here are s orry to learn that Mrs. atherine Johns is ill at this timc at t ho home of her daug hter, Mrs. J. B. Thomas, at Ce nterville. Mrs. Cora Johns is helping care for her. The meetings at Lytle hall, conducted by Mr. Brewer ,of Dayton, a re interesting and well attended. The Singing of Mr. I;:cklon and Miss Gladys Brewer, of Wes tminster choir, is greatly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns entertained to dinner Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomas, Mrs Catherine Johns, of Centerville. Mrs. Allen Emrick and daughter, Gladys. -------.~--



room tel.


prism drop', SCI $60.





Owing to the death of my hu!lb01~1 aytay from .thAt, SIHnner. ~rL ·, What I will sell my bOu.sehold , goods you see, ~ut bb, .apyhow!" . pubUc ~uetion, loea~ l ' mile Son-" AU the other. felloWs." of WaJll8IYIlle. 'Ohio, Ob the "rn'ClD111 ~ '~! • •t !;Iatt &l\C\\Columb\~s pike, QD ~ HOW TO BE pop~ by JoaePA I!MmI on .. • I .' . SaI~~, tt...... lt24 I Boo.t.your country and ~ur, bUJiniIN JeIbuIlna at 12:80 . .,; 111., all Dfy . ·BOost the' people lit JOur to~ r will Uslak lOU wile Witty. houaehold f1U'Dlture. '1'hIa fum 1t1lIe pin • wide I'Ino",. . lila aplepdlcUondltion .'Ad will be to clo lour booItiq, pOd ,lIee to ca' pod, eIeaD .ood& I



Bee In. bUll for tenu.

CorDclia .ill glldly


Cbristnu. packa,el pMrelu sed at RihKaml t r'. "ill be de-

' help with ebriltmas

Publlc S.les Mother~~'I •wish :.J,oti

Cornelia Will Shop For Y01&


sh!lPping. :1 f' you are' pu&zled ·about .lIat to ",. t; . , • • hoOie Ot .if. you Ife unable to Come 110" and make . your 1c1e«loD., ~I~ pbone ' .or c~ll 'upon COrD'eli~ She ";!l glldly ~c1p YOli. Her ollice il on


wiebo"t chor ge.

- -'


The Miami Gasett.. WIl7Dernn.. OhIo


eaJ Estat 1 .".........d, f.rm of 25 .cre. ,ood bundi ...., .to tude for a la.,•• farm iD .ood 10clI-


T... .c.... wltb D •• rly lIew .Iectric at a .......alD. 711 .e ............,. d.,irable lac., at ......,. ......oll.ble pri" •.


~.lIdl ....,

- -------

Public Sales



I will offer fOI' slIle at the corner of Third lind orth streets, Waynesville, Ohio, on

Auctloaeer and ~eal Estate .WAYNESVILLE, OHIO

·Saturday. Occc mbcr 6. 1924

WANTED! .To hear from owner having

farm for sale near Waynesville. .. WARREN McRAE, Loaaa.port. Ind.

. Clermont" Heaters, . Ranges and Furnaces

R. C. Barnard, superintendl'nt of the Penn sylvania railroad at Cincinna(.i, IIn lH>1I11ced the foll owing changes to b('comc effective December 1: G. W. Om'ling, to ~"c c«cd W. G. Folger, who died recen tly, as Supervising agent; R. C. Althaus, to su... ...- - ceed Mr. Darling as Safety In spector n lid M. J. Cossey, to succee d Mr. AlIN THE CALABOOSE thaus ns Assista nt Chief Clerk to the ew Arri vnl-"How long you in Mr. Harvey SacJcett and family, of Superintendent. for?" Route 2, spent SundllY with relatives --Prisonc r--"Two weeks.1t at Bellbrook. New Arrival-"Huh - easy f'l' DEATHS yous e. What you gonna do ' then?" Mr. H. G. Fitzpatrick and son, RayPrisoner--"Hang." mond, of Franklin, visited Mrs. Cyn. Donald, the two-montha-old son of thl' a Evans, Sundalr. MT. and Mrs. Emenon Earnhart, died Sunday morning at 6 o'clock. Mrs. J. O. Cllt'twright returned The funera l was held at the home home Saturday after a pleasant week Tuesday at 1 o'clock. with Middletown tl'iends.

Boginning al 1 o'clock, " lot of Household Goods, cooking uten~ il s lind ca lmed fruit. • ('II big bills fo r terms. MRS. LIDA SMITH. W. N. ellrs, Auct.




Mr. and MTB Kenneth Elley visited Xenia 'relatives; Sunday.

IMETHODIST CHURCH . SaBbath School, 9 :16 a. m.,lIreaob. Wednesdayeven. Mr. and Mn. Frank Zell visited ing at· l0:S0 a , ing .erylc'e at 7 '0 0 p. m. Epworth friends in Dayton, Sunday. League 6:15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m. Everybody is cordially invited MessT8. Ralph MilleI' and C. W. to these services, Gordon arc in Dayton today. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. \ Mrs. Gl'nce McCune, of Lima. is visiting her mother. Mrs. Eva Miller. ST .MARY·S CHURCH Firpt Sunday in Advent, No· Miss Lillio Nedry spent Sunday vember 30, 1924. Church School lit with Miss Annie Mathel'. of Rout& 4. 9 :80 .11. m., Regular Morning Pt'ay r and ~ermon lit 10:46 a. m.• Rev. J. Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, of Cleveland, Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Scliaell'er, officiating. Everybody is visiting ber children here. E. Brown, TuesdllY, November 26, I. cordially welcome. 1924, a son. TIi~ regular election of Sunday. . Mr. Russell Salielbury made a busi· officers will take place after ness trip to Clevelllnd Inst week. Mls8 Mollie Howland, of Middle· the <;hurch School services. town. spent the wcok-end with Miss Purchase your Christmas Cards of Etlna Howland . th e C. C. S. L. bazllllr, December 6th . CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School at the Christian Mr. and Mrs. Le,1!' Hawke and Mrs. Masters Charles and Meredith WhitJ. C. Hllwke were in Dayton, Mon. aker spont the week-end with Mr. and Church every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. day. Mrs. Jos. Hormell. F;verybody cordially Invited.

The '"('01 ,' Mnte belo n~ing to the lato .'11111 R Allen WQ S so ld at ClCCCUtor's public ~uJtl lu st oturduy. Tho Mrs. Chas. Brews ter was in Dilyton In In 'rllrl1l . cI'nsi& ting of J 04 ncres, nturdny. "'liS ~() I,I to Mr. "Bllng" Burton, of , I'ri ng Va ll e),. for $ 100 per acro. Mr. Edward Burt on was in Gincin. The RllInll "lncC', cOlllmon ly known Saturday. nat! II~ t ho "O(1ot jnd,." ..... ". so ld to the widu" (/It. t"", thirds ,) f the appraiseDr. Cnrl Render~lon and family vis. mOllt. li nd MI', /lnd . Irs. El:r.a Scott bought th e l o wn propHty on Third ited in Dayton. Mo·nday. ~ tr et .fur J ·100. Dr. A. T. Wright and Howard Bur. ton w~re in Dayton, today.

Tho ('ard p81·ty given y thtl Wn . . nd Menns 'ollll1\it\~c of tho l:nslern St:ll' lodge- [u'st J;;'idll)' nig ht, w:'\ ~ II very pl <!IIMUL ociul ofTui l'. 'evel'll l members of th e Lehll non Chap ter wore pre~l'n t. A /lC'liCioliR lunch wus . en'cd nt th... 10>0 of the evoni ng.

.n l..aI,


Mr. S. L. Cartwright was a Leb· anon vi~itor, Monday.

---_.- ..

.. .


Kenneth Kilbon. of Dayton, was the week·end gUCtit of Dr. Carl Hen· derson and family.

~Jr. and Mrs'. Arnold Collett, of near Hnrveysburg, visited Mrs. Alice McKinsey, Sunday.


FR,IUAV. NOVEMBER 28th .'iUncle ·T om'. Cabin" with 'When Wile' Ducks Meet" . , Ad"".D ~:2S pD. 10 ....t.. .

!· 5kTURDAy~ NOV~MBER 29th. " THOMAS MEIGHA'N. ID ! ""Back Home ana 'Broke" . • ~



KINoci~MS '

Admloieoll 20 .Dd. 10 ceDt.

, "The to,e~ W~on" is commg Saturday, Dec. 6th ·1 .................................... ............ .. ., ~.

. '

We wil1 make

TOBACCO BOXES at the following prices: $2.~5

36-inch Boxes at 4O-inch Boxes at ..

$2.45 $255 $2.65 ,$2.751 ,~.


Mrs. Nathan M:onroe and daughter, Miss Geraldine, ' of near Lebanon, Mrs. 'tdelissa Redfern. and daughter. Mrs. Vigo lIfille:r. , of Daniel, Wyo • George E. Mainardy, fol' many mingo were calling on · relatives and years associated with The American friends here, tow~y. Tobncco Company. and one of the best known merchandising and adverThe Church Schbol Service league tising men In the country, has or. will meet with Misses Eisie and Doris ganized 'the Mainardy Rubber Co .• Hawke Saturday ~fternoon Novem. and is its president. ber 29. at 2 o'clock. Eve~ member Thousands of p1/-blishers a.nd pub. is urged to be present to arrange for Hshers repl'esentatives will be inter- the handkerchief' bazaar. ested to know tltat MI'. Ma'inardy has Miss Emma I'eacock, of Dayton, !lmbal'kcid in 11 business of his own, ~'hich will give bi~ a ' greater 0PPOI'- and Mr. Harry, ~nthony, 'of Edge) tunlty to exprell8 the se'M ce Ideals. water, N. J .• called on relatives here always thl! basis of hi, day's work. Sunday. Mr. AlI)tbony, a brother of An entirely .new plan for manufac· the late Napoleon Anthony. own~d a uring, slUng ' and advertising tires caigar store here .. bout forty years and rubber ·goo.d s ie forecast \iy the ago, and wil1 be re~embered by many Mainal'dy Rubber CQ. .' of our oldre citlzeJlS. '. This. new plan is the combined work of experienced rubber mantitactur" . Mrs. JOL . 'POII', Mrs. Somh Mr. and and exper.t tire merchalldising. Whitaker and IIlrs. Ida Falber of, advertising men. ' .• DaYton, Mr. andl ·Mra. Walter Whit'.. product is 'represented by ' eev.: aker an\1 , sons. lMr. 'and ·Mra. WlIlls brands .of tires. All aTe of stand·. McMman and Mr_ and Mrs. Osqunliflc4tion lmd· chjoy larg~ pat- car Stanfle14' ~aug'bten. of near 1'\111I'~re . lln local Il~ds. ,'. . ," Burlington, and' Muter Harlo'n W)nbl •.:er:were .S,u nday gueits.of Mr. . !' The plan pi:~sent,s . m,an1.~ and much needeii economies. both °Mt'!. ios. J{onaell. ' manufactul'ing nnd distributiOn ~OlnmeU1oratlnlr " the birtbda1l of tires. It promises gnat 'aavinp cost to the corl~mer.- -"=----~-HIHIIIT'-Robert> Croaa: IIn. E. ,J.. ThoDl. , Mr. ' Malnardy is dolne . '- needed as and Mn. II. B. WOlfamlAll....hleh pu~Uc job-hI a line of mallUfaetar· fall on. the ~me qte.}'fto ~. lag .. which affeCt. the' poe~k of entertained Saturd&7 8ftnlnc. A nearly everybody. Hucla. wID be deHcloUi cUD~er in u.,.. co. . . . wu beard about lIr. M.bual'd'. IJad. to the to......: . . ., IUld ll--.tO the pmaonal .It. G. I&. ID. L.




Phone 105 Veedol Oil Also Genuine FORD PARTS




PYREX WARE I .. plain Di.I. •• and Ca••••


CUTLERY Of .11 kind ••

ELECTRICAL GOODS T_et.r., lro.... Grill., IIlc. .'




CAItPENTIER TOOLS Of all kind •.




.. , ~I ..~

Waynesville Motor Co.


Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterworth went to Dayton Sunday and bl'ougbt theil' son, Burnet" homO' .from Miami V alley hospital. He is fast recovering from th~ effects of the automobile accident.

= ; : = : : : : : : : : : = = = = = = = = =,.- :=

a Used Car


water 80 far tbis week. The weather The following guests p.rtook of conditions according to several of the best fans, was not in a good con. a delicious dinner at the home of MI'. and Mt'!. Frank Braddock, Sun• dition to get that distance. day: Mr. and MT8. Harry Murray, Mr. and MTB. Chas. K8ull'img, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chaucey Bunn.II, Mr. . Mrs. Ch~. Hinkle, Mr. lind Mrs. and Mrs. Wanen Braddock and Ira Melloh, of Hamilton; MI'. and Mri. daughter. MI'. and Mn. Fred BradEd Gloeckl!lr, 01' Springhorp. spent dock. Miss Nonimfa BUIlllen and Mr•. Albert Wilaon. • Sunday with MI'. I~nd Mrs. Adam Mel. loh and fl1mily. .


Ilk Elliott Wright attended the Mlsa 'Caroline Jordon, of Springwedding of a friEmd at the Central field; III., spent 'the week-end with RefoTmed church in Dayton, SaturMr. and Mrs. Fred M. Cole, day evening.



Gifts Of Utility


Really good religious Christmas Just received a bane! of that Oak Oil. Just the oil you need in cold Cards at moderate price8 1\t the C. S. weather. Fred M. Cole, hardware S. L. bazaar, December 6th. and Harness. -------.~ -----Mrs. Chllrles Lell'erson. of Caving. . WI.h of Llttl. Accoullt. Ky.• is visiting lIer mother, Mrs. To wish Is of little aeeount; to _ MTB. D. D. l-el~llt'!on. Miss Mary c-eed YOII muat enmcstlr dea1re; _cl Left'cJ'IIOn and MI'II. Kendall, of. Mid- Mary Waterhous~ al)d famiiy. this desIre muat shorten ~ lleep.- dletown , were SUlnday guests of MI'. .Save YOUI' old carpets and rup Ovid. • _ • A J. O. Cartwright IlInd family. and get ''Wearwell'' Rugs made. NATIONALLY KNOWN ADVERTIS Mr. and Mrs. ' Seigle MosabaJ.ger Send -fOt' price list. Franklin Rue and Mr. John A. Moomaw, of near' Co •• Franjdln, Ohio. ING MAN IN NEW BUSINESS Gl'eenfield. Ohio, spent the week-end MI'. and Mrs. Walter Roberta with Superintend.ent and Mrs. Moo. daughter, Opal Elizabeth, and Mrs. maw. Bertha Lewis and daughter, Op/f spent Sunday with friends in Nor_Mr. and Mrs. Rusaell Salisbury had wood. for dinner guests. Sunday, Mrs. W. P Salisbury. of OIeveland, MI'. and 141'8. Mr. Kenneth KUbon returned to Harvey Rye and MT. and Mrs. RonDayton Mondar. after a visit of Sev. ald Hawke apd s~'n eral days with I'elatives here. Ken; The rodlo "bug'S" around here did lleth has a position in t~e omce of not get anythinlf from aCross the the I. C. E. traction company.

before buying


FOR SALE- 36 shouts, weighing ncar 86 pounds. good feeders: one yearI'mg rna Ie. J ohn Dcach, R. n. 3. Waynesville, Ohio. OdS


FTarik .Jack,on. of Lake Worth, Fla., twice wodd ehlUnpion horse. shoe Pltcher fa out to win hla title back from i 7-year.old Putt Mossof Iowa lit. the national meet n orida 800n. ~ .__~'~______~ I~Fln



Mrs. Walter McClure returned Saturday frolll Galena. Ohio. where she FOR SALE-About a ~ doz. Barred visited several days. Rock pullets Ilnd 4 young cockerels. hatched in early April. PullctB, Mr. CarToll Brown. of Dayton. $1.26; coc.kerels. $ 1.60. Mrs. W. E. Mr. Bishop Willitenon, of Monow. Mahlon Rooks died at his home )'lear Centerville, Tuesday evening. spcnt Saturday night and Sunday spent the week·end at the home of Stroud, 'phone 44-2. R. D. 4, Wayn~s. Mr. Frank StansberTY. The funel'al will be held Friday af- with his sister, Ml's,. Sarah Corry. vl,lle. Ohio. •d ternoon at 2 o'clock at Owens church. Mrs. St Clair Fife and son. of WilMr. and Ml'1I. Froed fleaTd and famInterment near Bellbrook. ily, of SharonvillE!. were visitors Ilt mington, al'e the guesta of Mr. and the home of Mr. R~ y Malnous, Sun- Mrs. H. fl. Wilkerson. Mllrtin G0118 died at his home cast day. of town Tuesday evening, at about C1om. son of Mr. nnd MrS. Lop 8 o·clock . The funera l will be held Titus. of Route 3. fell, last weck, and Misse8 Mary and Anna Carsten. Friday morning at 10 o'clock from sen. of Tampa, Fla., are visiting their suffered a bl'oken aTm. his late residence. Mr. Gons is one sister, Mn. L. A. Zimmerman Dnd of Wayne Township's ola and reltIlss Mollie Winner, of Monow. family. spected fal'mers. was a guest. Monday, of Mrs. Alice MI'. and Mrs. Carl McClure and McKinsey and Miss Nedry. daughter, of Dayton, are spending Mr. nnd Mn. John' Cronin. of Cln· the week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter cinnati, were gUeJIts of Mr. W. H. McOlure. Allen and family, Sunday. If being 8 poor busineJIs man is the test of bei ng a good doctor. I certainly qualify. Therefore, I have delegated to an agent the wOl'k of collecting overdue accounts. I hope you w£V. be as ready to' pay as I was to render the service when ao badly J. T. ELLIS. needed.



l ~ACK








Echoes from Thanksgiving ,Day



... "' ............... +: • .

Whole Number 6620,

POPULAR YOUNG (THE TUBERCULIN COUPLE MARRIED TESTING Of CATTLE Most uenutiful unu of inl ' r csl TO BEGIN SOON th e wedding '1'huI" doy evening,

WII ~ The basketba ll game betweon Mor. r\ u· row lind Waynesville here last Wed. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall wer o Mr. and Mrs., W. H. Allen and MSB Marthll O'Nenll spe nt lhe dny vcmbcr 20th nt 7 ::10, of Miss Mildred nesda y nigh t r eBulted as fo llows: guesls of Springboro fri end s. Miss Olive Alkn spent the doy in Cillo with Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Elli,;, A FIN E PROGRAM WAS GIVEN Burton opened Lhe game with a ' --(0)-Dunhom and Mr. Wnl:er Lamm' Shel" I FEDERAL OFFICER . DISCUSSES cin nati. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. - ( 0)-LAST WEDNESDAY go nl and later he again fo und the ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rye were Fisher and family. littl e dltughter, of Wnynesville, find hall, of Ileal' cntervl ll e, son of Mr. IT I N THE COUNTY busket with a field goal. Donohoo : di nner guests of Mr. and Mrs. hilS. - - (0) - Mrs. Lizzie Pnrker and Mrs. Lew Elmcr Shcchun, which took pillee at one fou l, McMiUan ulso mllde 8 b 8S. : Rye. Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright and Mr. Wosh s pent lust Wednesday wilh IIfr. t hc bride's purcnt., Mr. ullcl Jlll-s . Hay. Tractor School Courle to be Given keto For Morrow, Lilly and Duck. (0)-Elliott Wright" IIttended u fami ly din· I and irs. JaB. 11. Curtis , of neul' Har· mond Dunhalll, IIcur Lebanon. In Next Two Monthl- Other A smllll compuny of rcll1lives lin d In Many Countiel Farmero Are Payworth each scored a baNket. Mr. Isaac Lincoln, of Duylon, ner at th~ hom.e of Dr. and Mrs. Dud· veys burg. Important Notel close fricnus, numbednr; pcrhups six· Second quarter, score 7-4 W. H. S. spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. ley Keever, in Centerville. inw a Bonua r or H avi n g - - (0) - Brant for Morrow, basket on sign,a ls. H. Smith. --(0)-At Ih e home of 1I1r. and Mrs. ty, were g uesl" ilL th!' cCI'emuny, Cattle T,,"ted Lewis stopped McMillen. MOlTow Guests of Mrs. J. D. Marllltt were Mllurice Silver th e following gueMts whi ch wus rcnd in 0 prelly setlillg - - ( 0 ) -Lasl Wednescln y the entire afte~ · dribb led for gonl, Burton in scrim. Mrs. Etta Printz und son, Joe. of Mr. and Mrs. Met:le Kern s, Miss Edith were entertuincd : Rev. Ilnd Mrs . L. combinecl of smilax , fern s lind potleu nOOIl ,,"us taken for II ThankNgiv ing a~e guardlld by two men makes ba8. Dayton , were g UCKts of Mr. and Mrs. Kern s, of Columbus, Miss Emily : A. WlIshburn, Mr. L. D. En.ley, Mr. plullts, wi t h long ste mmed chrY ~lIn. W ~ dnc Rduy, November 26 , Dr. A. program givo n by Mr. Cu ller's clusHcs keto Donahoo bu.ket on second: J ohn Taylor. Dllvis, of Cincinnati, Mr. and Mrs. ' and 1111'S . Frank Zell, Mr. George thcmums in prcUy baskets lit eith· J. DeFosset, Fed eral veterinary iner side of II trelli sed urch of pink and und lhe TUIll Corwi n Llternry society scrimmage and clean pass. Donohoo - - (0) - C. M. Robitzer and daughter. Ri ley, Mis" Blanche Hiley, Mr, C. T. whi te o\'er the fire plnce, where slood spector in churg of tuberculin testot Hi school. The program ran as basket on Burton's dribble from scrim Mr. O. W. Hamilton, of Dnyton, - - (0) - Huwkc und Miss Helen Huwke. the best mUll, Dearth Sheehan, broth · ing of cattle in Ohio, conferred with follows : mage in Morrow t erritory. Lewis was t he guest of his sisLer, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J . W. White enter. - - (0)-Cuunty Agent Class and some of the Devotional ......... " " Rev. Washburn makes exce llent basket on signal, Amanda Mnffit. tained at dinn.e r, Mr. and Mrs . F. H. lIIr. and 1111'S ••Jerry Rogers enter· er of t he groom and Mrs. DCIII,th leading f armers of the county con· 1I1 lss Rea Stacy. her elf a Sheehan then repeuls on oppos ite signul. Bur· - - ( 0 ) -Farr, Mrs. Emma Dakin, Mr. Guy tained Thanksgiving Day nt the horne Reading", , "" Myra Pence cerniug pluns ror tuberculin testing Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Ball and fam· Dokin and Mr. 'l'homas Perce. IO f 1I1rs. Hope Sti les, Mr. ancl 1111'S. recent bride- as matron of honor. of cattle on the Coun ly.Wioe basis . Piano Solo"Mary L('ui ~e Zimmerman ton basket on signal and scrimmage . who wore a bec om ing fl'ock of pink Lewis basket on scrimmage. Burto n lIy were dinner guests of Mrs. Hall's --(o)~, Ray Miller lind son, IIfrs. Morris i.og· Reading .. Myra Pence III the aflernoo n Dr. DeFosset dis· basket on signa l. Fou l on MuinouB purentl In Lytle. Mr. J . M. Schatzman and wife, of era ond sun, Horold, Mr. und Mf'l!. cr ope trimmed in ostric h, and Re v. cussed lhe m<wcment before the mem Song- "When the Frost is 011 t he Brant for Morrow gels 1. Score at Cincinnati , Mr. Will Schatzman and Erne.t Rogers and Betty J ane, of Benjamin Franklin Judd. Next came be'rs of Lebanon Farmers club, at the " --(0)-Pumpkin" ", , "". Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enjoyed family, of Madisonville, were guest.s Duyton, and Mary, Edna and Lizzie Rebecca Dunham, Rister of th, bride, homel of Mr. A. K. Day, near Leb· Pilln o So lo, ". _. ,.... Helen Evulls end of fint half, ) 9 to Hi , os flower gir l, clnd in white net and Third quarter. McMi11an goal on the day with Mr. and Mrs. John of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper. Elam , of Spring Valley, Ohio. Jokes " ,' .". "."" Irmu Rich Illce. She carried a hosk et of prim. anon. Burton's dribble, from MOlTOW terri. Fromm and family. - - (0) - - . - - ( 0)-Pilly- "The N('wsboys Thanksgiving" Dr. DeFosset stat ed that approxroses in which rested the !"ing. tory. Donohoo passed to Burton for (0) Mr. and Mr!!. E. S. Bally, Mrs. Ju , A family dinner at the home of Quartet-Elsie Hawke, Esthe r HenThe bride enter ing wilh the bride. imately 30 counties in Ohio have 76 bBllket. Barnett 8ubstitute for Brant. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. King, of In- lia Donovan an d Mr. Mert Baird were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coloman was en. derson, J ohn Kersey and Levi Morrow goal on double scrimmage. dlan.polll, were guesta of Mr. and guestl of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chap. j oyed by Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter, gr oom, was a vision of youlh Ilnd PC I' cent or more of th e farmers Coates. beauty, in a gown of salin back crepe signed uP. or are working on plans to man, of Hyde Park, Cincinnati. Mr. Dan Wait-er and Mr. Etha n Crone trimmed ill pearl ban dings, her brio secure slgnotures to have their catCornet Solo " ....... " " .. """ .. Carl Gray Burtqn mi88ed to Don ohoo for bas. Mrs. Walter Elzey. keto Burton on signal mis8cd to Don. - -(0) - Jokes ........... " ........ " William Long - - (0) - of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tur· dal veil of silk net fell to the floor lie tested for tuberculosis. The inMr. and Mrs. Fred M. Cole and Reudlng " ... , Vashti Beckett ohoo for goa\. Time out, MOlTow. Mr. lind Mrs . F. C. Hartsock Iiild nel', of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. fr om a coronet of silk net and peurls, terslute Hearns stronger in Northern Snxo\>hone Solo _". .. .. ,. Roy Ellis' Long 8erimmage en ds with blocked family spent the day with friends family, of Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- Henuerson, .Misses Esther find Lo uise and in her arm s she carried u great Ohio, where dairy farming more genVoc .. 1 Solo ... _" " .... , Elsie Hawke dribble by Mainou8. Burton missed in Washhingto C. H. aid Hawke and 80n, spent the day Henderso n, Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Crane. cluster of bride's roses and ferns, erally predominates. TKe percentage - - ( 0 ) -Piano Duo ""lher Henderson and bllJ! ket on long dribble. Cook does with Mrs. Edit h Harris and family. --(0)-showered with white ribbons. of infection is likewise higher in the tine guarding of man holding him to Mr. Frank,Andrews and family, of Milclred Hole. Bef~l' c th e ceremony, and during 11001.hern Ohio counties, according to ( 0 ) Mr. Lemley Curlis, of DeLroit" lit· one goal the entire game. Morrow Wapakoneta, spe nt the day with Mr. Plny- .. r.t .... Moomaw's First Thanks· Mrs. Em ma RetaUick's rlinner tIc lI1iss Winifred and Moster Ru s.~e ll the servic,a Miss Marian Lewis sang DeFosset, beclluse u nRcrupulous dealmakes 8ubstitution. Morrow misses and Mrs. George Hamilton. ~iving Dinller, guests were Mr. and Mrs. 'Robt. Crew, Curtis, of Wilberforce Master Rob. "0 Promise Me; ' and M ,. Wi ll Lew is ers in that section, several years ago --(0)-Shurt Talk " .. Rev. Washburn goal, ball passed to W. H. S. terri. h" brought ill curloads of cattle from Mrs. Rachel Crew" Messrs. Fronk crt Curtis, of Wilminton, Mr. Le~ter at the piano, the "Lohengrin IIf arc. tory by Burton and Mainous. W. H. other states which carried the infec. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sackett and --0Crew, Phineas Cook and C. H. Sher. Curtis, of Cleveland, Miss Geneva A bu ffet supper was ser'ved the as· S. ball out at end of qua rter. Score family were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. This Willi II splendid ' program and sembled guests and a bridal table was tion. Before Ohio had laws requir· wood. Curtis a nd Mr. Eugene Ellington, of 26 t o 17. Perry Sackett, near Bellbrook. seveTIII visltnl'll enjoyed it with U8. arranged in the dinin g room, where, ing 0 t uberculin test certificate ,to (0) Doyton, Miss , Esther Curtis, of Chilo Fourth quarter. Mainoua, Cook' - -(0)-Next Friday morning Mis8 Fealy's lIIr. lind Mrs. Carl McClure and licothe, spent the Thanksgl\';ng vaca· in addition to t he bride's party, were move cattle across her boundary lines and Burton stellar PMS to Donohoo, Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. room will entertain. Everyone is who missed to Morrow. Burton r eo Howell Peirce were Mr. and Mrs. J. daughter, of Dayton, Mr. a nd Mrs. I tion wiLh Mr. and Mrs. J as. H. Curtis. seated MisB Elheldra Col1ett, of Day. our state was considered as a dumpcordiolly im'ited to attend. The pro· ton, and Mr. Clifford Slagle, of Cin. ing ground for tuberculosis cattle Jas. McClure made up a family par· --(0)-covered and made grandatand play of E. Janney and Mra. ~ren Hadley. gram will bo as follows : cinnati. The table bore a beau. from New York and other sections: with a field goal below center ty at the homl: of Mr. 'and Mrs. Wal· Mr. lind Mrs. Ralph Miller enter. --(0)-' tiful pink and white decorat ed bride's From 15 to 20 per cent of reactors Devotional Exercises Morrow'8 territory. In the last few Mr. Jail. McClure and daughter, Mrs. ter McClure. ' tained at dinner Mr. and Mrs. E. V. cake as its cenlerpiece, while smilax, lire being found in Summit eounty, Welcome Song minutes of play Burton mad e one, Ida Kelsey, were guests of Mr. and - - -(0)- Barnhart, Mrs. Emma Barnett, of ferns and carnotio ns were scattered 20 per cen t in Cuyahoga county, and Reuding "'''''''' ...... Elhan Lewis Cook one, McMillan two, Donohoo Mrs. Ohmer Barnett, near Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. Carrington Ellis and I Cincinnllti, Mrs. Grace McCune, of over the cloth. Pink candles in silvcr 25 pel' cent in Geauga county. , In. Upside Down Drill three, running the score- up to 41, town. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Earnhart cnter· Lima, Mrs. Eva Miller , Mr. and Mrs. holclers slood at either end. A cos. fccli on in our own county will not Violin '010 .. Dean Walton while Morrow came back with the - - (0)-tained at din n er, Mr. Elmer Earn- Morris Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. tume of g ra y broadclolh trimmed in run more than 2 to 3 per cent, aeDiulogue- "Dot Entel·tHins." following: Barnett two, Lewis one Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart and hart, of DaytQn, Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Cornell, nIl'. and Mrs H . A. Corn ell, SOllg by Girls -Bothenmme Broth· lind Lilly CIne. At end or the second Mrs. Viola Harlan spent the day with Earnhart and son, Clorence. Misses Mr. ond Mrs, Russell Slllisbury aT\cI fur ove r a frock uf crepe lind che. cur ding to DeFosset , ba!ed on esti· nille WIIS worn by the bride on ber motes from upwards of a bundred ers. half the score was 41 to 23 W. H. S. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. an d MT. and Mrs. Ruth and Lena Earnhart and Gladys family, Miss Amy Hopkins and Mr. wedding j ourney, whic h will include herus which have already been tested Roaeling . ,... " "" .. " .. Ethel Lawson In the girls' game the girls were K. N. Hough. I Kilbon. Harry Prater. a trip to Florida. On their relurn in Warren county on the Accredited Jokes" .. .... " ........... Paul Eve rhart even Iy matched but in the very first they will be lit horne in mid.March at plan . "By completing the county· Reading ... ".. . .. Meredith Whitaker quarter Morrow took the lead and Woynesvill e, where Mr. Sheehan has wide test of the cattle at this time, Drill- "Stllr of Liberty." kept it un ti l the last quarter. When will thus involve on ly minor 10llSes, purchased tho beautiful home of his St John and H enderson, who had had while if the work is neglected, the ' uncle--the latc J ason Sheeha n. Preparations are being mado for a great deal of trouble in finding Th e bride uelong. t o the old fam. tubercular cattle \vill contin'u e ~o the operetta "Twilight Alley," of the thc baske t ill the curly stages of the i1ies of Wanen County, tlnd is a grad· 81lread the infection until losses ~I~~ Grade buildinA', under the direction gallle, awoke and rallied around tbe Jf'19 h Scl100 I. of the be equally as large as Northern OhIO, ' tt un t e 0 f LC b l1non · b d of Prof. Watkins, to be given Mme sta ndards of the Orange and Black, But now they eSlre a, e er counState Normal and attended the Wi!. said Dr. DeFosse~. .. time 800n. . , nll~k illg four field goals in the last try, that is, an h eavenly; wherefore mington college. Sbe had taught ' The formers In Geaug~, SummIt, few mlnutee of play. Two of Mor. --0-- ' 'God Is not ashamed to be call ed their tl t t Xe i Oh' o l!.'rie and Hancock countIes ar.e ~o Gov. Donahey officiolly launched God ' for he hath prepared for t hem ShoAkl'n'" ancl sadden,'n '" to the com. Ie pas yesI' a n a, I, . d ' h' k d . The followi ng classes and names row's players wenl disqualified on ac· S I I ' ~ .. ... Th e bridegroom is a grad uate of mtereste In t IS wor ,lin 80 anx· of those who wer e neil-her absent nor cou!lt of fouls, while Waynesville had the 17th Annual Christmasd ea ~ e a city.-Heb 11 :1 G. munity clime th e an nouncement of Centerville HI"'h school and u young \ous to have. the ir cattle tested, that in WalTen County, Satur ay, w en Edwin Chandler third son of Da- the sudden <Ie nth from heart trouble " lh 60 cents '0 $1 00 per tardy during t he first twelve week. none. mnn of sterling, worth lind has been , ey ~re pltymg . ' / '. . The team as a whole played fine Mi89 Kizer, C~unty chalfman, was vid and Lydia Ann Mu llel\ Chllndler, of Miss I sabe lla O' Neall, daughter of IIssociuted with his farmer in farming. heu d m order to rUlse su~cle~t funds of school: entered into rest · Eleventh Month, Mr. lind IIIrs. A. T. O' Ncu ll, lit her to pay the snlnry, tl'aveltng expenses SENIORS - RnYIllOlHI Braddock, basketball, but one question we ask, sent the followmg te legram: - - - - - ••- - - hotel 'bills and all other charges in. 'l'h Imn Grohanl, J ohn Kel"!ley, Edith "St John and Henderson, where was " To the Christmas Seal Chairman in TwentYollevent:h, 1924 .. He was bom horne in East Market Street, \Vltsh· McKibbon, Marga ret Morlatt, trma your pass work?" Everyone is back. Ohio: on the old Cha ndler homestead:west ington C. H., Sund ay morning, De· cidenal to the testing. Tuscarawas " Monday marks the opening of t~e of Waynesville, which he possessed cember 23, at 12 :30. But twentyand Wayne counties have elich ' five 'Shutts"Frances Wotklns, Harold WIl· ing you. Show us what you can do, We think Miss Bachman has a team lth Annual Christams Seal sale 111 at th e time of his decease. thr ee years ' old, an only child, yet men now working on this pi/in-all llamson. JUNIORS-George Bunnell, Lucile to be proud of and also the team S.lute and Nation. The .~appie~t Being united in marriage with Sid. singularly ullspoiled and unselfish in expenses paid by the farmen' cd trio tIme of all the year for children IS ney Pettit Ninth MQnth, the Sixth, disposition, bright and responsive and butions. ' I Clark, Emma Cummins, Eltber Hen· should be proud of their "coach." Warren county farmers wiil have The score wall 15 to '22, W. H. S. Christmas. You. are doing a ~Ig wor/<: 1872, they have been priviledged to a favorite with her many friends , few derson, Willis Pennlwit, Kenneth Ro; for their health and hapPIness. I travel life's pllthwoy together slight· I18dder deltths hllve occurred in Wash an opportunity to' get their cattle taIHck, Lucile St John, Mary' Stan8· wis~ you ~od.speed and a Merry Iy beyond the half century .mark. ington aud sympathy goes out overThe second number on t he Inter. tested a lmost entirely ' llt public llxberry, Annn Thomas; Alice Winston, ChrIstmas. To this union were born two 50ns whelmingly to t he parents 80 u n· state Lyceum course will be held in pense, according to Dr. DeFoSl!et, SOPHOMORES....:... Elizabeth Hen· kle. ' and two daughters. Lewis W .• AI· spcllkable bereaved. the Methodist church, Wed nesday, who is wlilhlg to usc our (!oil.nty< as • (Signed) Vic Donahey, Governor. A state wide committe.e whl~h fred E,., who d ied In infancy, Ru th A. Coming here with her parents December 10. a demon stration in Southern Ohio, to FRESHMEN- Vaahti Beckett, Joe sponsers the sale of the OhIO Public and Elizabeth W. One granddaughter from L on don eight years ago, when Th is will be the Caveny Co mpany, show what can be done in eliminat- . . Keney, Edith Cram, Elmer Plonck, Health associatlen, is ~eaded by D.r. also shared thE! affection lavishhly be· Mr. O'Neall beclI\l1e superi ntendent consisting of S. Franklin Caveny, Mo. ing the tubercular cattle quickly and ' Herman Surface, Carolyn Swartzel. W. O. Thompson, preSIdent of OhIO stowed upon his family by an indul. of the Washington Water Work.s.lsa. rie M. Caveny and Pauline Woods, at small expense. H e felt ' that they State university. A committee .of gent husband, father , and grand. bello entered the loenl high school Mr. Caveny is an artistic cartoonist would be able to start .four or /lve The following letter was received -Mr. Crabbe baa , planned to atart representative newspaper men of th.e father. graduating with the class of 1919. well known all over the country us a state and federa l veterinarians to a short course In Tractor Sehool 'w ork by Mr. and MrfI. A. L. King from .Mrs. state, headed by A. E. McKee, lUIIIoelReared as a birthright member of She afterwords attended Hood col. painter, clay modeler and Chautau. begin testing in 'Warren county soon' King'. Bon, CIIIJord Bilzisk, who has Bome time In January or February. ate editor of the Ohio' State Journal, the Society of Friends, the principles lege, Maryland. H,!lr lavish gener· qua entertainer. after January 1, 1925. During De. There are only /lve men in the state been working on the dam acrOS8 the has al~~ been named .to prom~te the of that body ,,(ere espoused as his oaity of spirit and interest In her Marie M. Caveny is noted for her cember tho township organizations Dix river since April: of Ohio who have specialized in this campaIgn of education which IS can· own and were exemplified in his daily f riends and their happin ess won for beautif ul singing and charming per. ' will corry on a personal canvass of Burgin , Ky., farm p,o wer. We ~eel very fortu. ducted in connection with seal sale. life: In more recent. his voice her unusual popularity in her schoel sonality. each fllrm , so as to get 75 pe, cent November 26, 1924. nate' in seeurlhg one of them to come Pauline Woods is a solo pianist Ilnd or more of t4& cattle:own ers to sign Sale of tbe penny Ileal haa Inereas- has been lifted In our meetings, both life and her chief characteristic, both to WaYnellville. This is a great Dellr Folks- . . ed steadily since 1910, when le811 than In exhortation and coun~el. He has in her home and in outside circles" accompanist. petitions for the testing. In m~y portunlty for all those Interested In It has been 80me time sIDce I Th e Caveny Company has appeare d townsh ip~ the sale of luberlosis this work. ' . wrote YOIl last, and ' I have bat lit- 560,000 worth were .old to more than rendered valul~ble service as a mem- was her forgetfulness of Belf in doing tle , to w~te now. 1 am well and $226,000 last 'Year. This year's sale ber of the Boa rd of Trustees of t he for others. She was a charter memo In nearly every country on the globc Christmas seals will be carried on ,a t ~ working ever. yd,ay.....have not lost a is expected to exceed $300,000. Dur· Friends home. The local Grange and ber of the Chi Delta Chi sorority and meeting with great popularity. This tho same time. Eighty ,per cent of PerHaat Note. mlnate Binee I eame back, September ing the same period of time, the death Farmers' 'c lub also bear testimony of had just taken out papers for the should be one of the best numbers the reCeipts from stamp sale remain in Wlnren county for the, promotion " MIA Smith spent the we,!lk-end at 5. . Am doln"falrly well, but am not rate from tuberculosll baa been reo his eifortl to promote . progre89 in Daughters of the American Revolu on the course. " tion. She was a member of Grace ____ • _ ••- - - of tuberculosis campaign nnd other Deftanc& college, her alma mater. !lBtlsfted. Wonder If I ever will . beT duced in Ohio from 1150' per 100,000 their organizations. Ml&8 Bachman spent th& Leading chllraeterlstics of hiB life Methodist church. health projects. . •\ Tile ~I* riot t. '1vf.r and everythln, population in 1919 to 85 In 1928. • • were Industry and geniality. His cor· Funeral services were beld at the • The county plan for eradicating, ' in Dayton, Ohio. is quiet ~d ,-.4l!ful·now, on the Dix dial greeting waa exte!1 ded to all and nome Tu~day afternoon at 1 o'clock. tubercular CIl~tle and the annu~1 Mr: and MI'II. Moomaw ware visit- dam. It cetil l rather cold here In will be greatl;y missed by a bOlt of Burial was made in Kirkwood cem· -- stl\mp sale waa disCUSBe4 Saturday Ing In South Salem, Ohio. the mornlnga ',.but the weatber II friendl ewry at London.-Washington C. H. The Motber's club will hold their by Mr. Harry Moastene~, Count y .,., Mi811 Howland apent the week·end not bad, "We live in deeds, not years ; in Herald. December meeting in th e Gymnasium, Grange dep uty, and County Agen ~ at her home' In West Union, . .. Il'hls job·,I1': "ih,' alo~ and \though~, not b~ath; , • - ---Friday evening, December 5th, ,at Cla811 at a meeLing of Pomona gr,.ng~ The New Century club met at the 'it ,wI~1 be p~t»- , w.lI , ftn'lihed by the In' feellnga, not In figures on a dial." 7 :30. Edith McClure Lebanon, where it met with general " eountry home of Mrs. E. L. ThomlUl cO/rllnc ilP~h«. ' It ta be~1' done Three quart.ers of a century traly chairman of the Budget Commission approval. The Farm Bureau, cij.rec-! ' ., " te¢ble prlce ':ln butt\&~ ' Ilf_four on Friday, November 2,8. I Although , of 'the Federation of Women's clubs, f h mark the deed - of E alwin Chandler. tors and rcpresenta~l;yes q Qt !U(!or-,,, 't men killed today fro"lli a prema- a ' very wintry d"y ' thirty 'members deeds of love, self-tlBcriftce, loyalty-' will speak. Mrs. Pattereon will also ganizations . Interested in Heal~ \i,~i~~it~~( ~ ture e~lolion, going ott right under and guestl W&l'e present to enjoy the . toward God and all ..mankind; show a series of pictures--a Tropic stamps 'lI8le, met in the Fat;m~ ,. '.'1'; them . .. 'hIe1, wertiblown Into atom.; Thankagivlng ' program anil' alao the aacrlftce, unlimited, for loved ones, Travelog·ue. ·· office, Lebanon, •' an,d were ,atnered ' In b~keis-­ deUeacles prepanld by the ho~ ana and' loyalty to' e~ery , IntereBt ~or the Everyone is invited and urged to December 2, to .';i!-i.~:1!o;,~~: could not' even tell which WIUI which. her daurhter. ". : • attend' this me'e ting. No ad.tniasion. tas distri ;t~lvertisin~ Mrs. Walter J(eClure. reael a mo~t welfa~ of"thc~ community. Nearly tHe me~ hete are rettlng Th~ 'eelloe" (If his voice have ecarceThe Church School Sel'Vice league ' SYBIL ,LeMAY, President. , and to ready" to ' ~ home for, Christm..... I excellent paper , on "W~y WI! Are Iy died, witliln the.' waU.' of the moet- will oifer for 881~ at tbelr bazaar an . DONNA EDWARDS, Sec'y. d~n:t know whetbar 1 wiSll' lay olf or Thankful We' Llve In Am~rica." Mrs. ing house, ~. h~ repeated ~ UII, only aasortment of Chril~s .cards of the • - • not;. I ,may 'h ome .oolter. ' . ' F. H. Farr read ian :Brtil1le, on "Ply. a 'few ween Bince, "The Plialm of best possible value .~ ,tbe price. . ' • . 1 hIi,:!,n't ~ithJftf 'mor. ,~ Write, mouth Rock and ' the Joh~ . J.lfe" In ita en~h".ety. ' ,A:1l carda were pu1lChased ,of·.the ilp win ctoee. , ' Home.'l · ." ,; ~eDt and D,e t aorroGirls' Friendly soc:lety in ~ew York I I • • 'I '" ' '..' OLlFPOBD BUZICK• . ' . ·One of the outatau41n&' featura ;'N·o t ~"'..., and are not found Amaro: of 'the ' aftel'DooD~theai*l!'l ',I. our dNtlined ehd :o~ way, i These carda will JIleet the nNd W d ~..._ t1 to. ur hlenda ca. . " d e aen .~ID gree De, . 0 .,.. '~ of . the aftemoon WP. the apeelal .or- But to act tlIiat each tomorrow , Fiaid ' fal'tlter thaD todiI • for . lU~ta~le Chriatmu earcJa not m who live bOth neai and' far. ehe.tra" auilc, eoaalaibll 'of lin. ~ , .: .7 oy the Iupply of the o~~ Ihop. • And 'u k their P!'tron... ' 'Tho,m a a' the .'-ne, ~r. W~ theil, III "fl'1l'7 lbt~. was The aaortDUl1lt "18 fttIect. COlltalDa At thl.. our Annual Buaar. Thonuil. ctram.. Mr. Boy ~ !IDwatel!woM. Sum,. we cal! pa~ both AJII~ alld fonlan ae~ ophen. and ¥r;.Jlcrirard Cook, YloUJl. no mater b~bute tbap to emulate all ~oaa; a Dumber Impo~·tro.. If our fnends will each. buJ' 'one . . eDmple. r II. S. E. England, '1'ruoe BeJsIwn and llalJ". It ~ be to,III .. b~r, . • Come 1B . 4 lee tile. OIl c1iapIQ As DOW our lIeed IIIud 0.. U i1ae 0. S. S. L. 1IUaar. ~. Are 411ite ~.










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-_....._. - ...---'--








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The Miami Gazette


fROM ;COURT HOUSE ,' of JM~~~~~d :;;:"~~~;~;~a~~~:8:t: Iwus horn September 1924, ' and. COMMO N PLEAS PROCEEDINGS died l\'oyember 2:J. 1924. 11

Two months one 'week alld five days th lcnl;th of his stay on eartb. • . .ulln , ,II . , . flo brought with him much JOY and Henry II . Buruhn:t ut IIi. , Ih~ ClIurt Isu nshi no into th.~ home, and dUring tinll s WHit th,' ~IIl InUrfldiS edntflU"dd nt~ t hi~ ~hort tim~ hji~ light blls gleamed judJ.,'"1l1c nl u~alll s L sa e en a -, b fi1\ d e , . lh f ~G 0 9 until IIInny hearts bave een l~sH'I.11I M. h tlSC III e sum 0 , .- wilh love fo r him . 20 wllh mter!'st. B t d 's ito OlJr love nnd all our 'R u I", 1'1 Irvi n Wngner was mode u e. p . . 'III cust' 0 f I ,' osa p l cuJinf:~ t hut he nllf:h t su,y WI I. f 'urt v de ell( ant . u s,d I . h on \' 5 . R osn M. cu C t e h con / s I the . Angels cnmo from on b,gn an ~le('ut • . f It b tAM ut h early III t he mornIng bode him come ('xt' ·utl'll( 0 0 cr . c c - with them to liv e in t hn home of the I con, .loceased, et al. AnH1s Binkley is granted leave t o Heav enly Father, where cterna peace file reply in lhe case against Georgo joy and r est would be his portion. He lea "e8 to mourn hi s loss, hisf Frybur~I!T. as exoculor. Thl! plaintiff wns nwnrdcd judg. pllrcnl.-. istcr brother olld a host 0 rcluti ves nnd friends. men t fr om tho defendant in tho sum Aunt A. and Uncle E. o f $ O in the case of Kirby Smith \'9. The Paul A. Sorg Papor Co. Card of Th.ou As plninliff fuiled nnd refused to We wish to express our grntitude give security in tho cnse of Hnrriett und tha nks to a ll our frie nds and Ellinwood vs. Jesse R. Ruffner. was neig hbors for the mallY kindnesses dismissed. ~ Iiown Lo us during the illness and In the matter of the state of Ohio, death of our little darl ing. ex rei, Dorothy Smith vs. Ralph E. E. F. Ear'nhart nnd Family. Deem. the mo tion by the defendnnt for a new trial of this cause is heard lind granted on the ground of newly discovered evidence and the verdict of the jury and judgment thereon are vacated lind set aside. I'

Bi d



. I

In till' ",ntt~r lIr t he l ...·op e 8 g. , ~ S "lI lg~ u. Lt'bllllon, vs. I


A. L. H ndrick., son of· Nathan and Mary Hendricks, was born Juno 9, 1864, at Oskaloosa. Iowa. At the age of t wo and one·halt years, his parents mov d to Kantlas, whero ho spent his youthful yeur ;' . H o WBS tho youngost 1\ family of eleven children, a ll of whom precedod him in Dr. LOllis Pmrteu r • the ", I. c:n,bc rdt!uth. r,)('~;' hil. 1i r~t death. ne had tbe advantage of n c u e tro nt wiele ,1ft \,.i\·tl ..~t"1 Christian home, his fathor be ing n wh, ' tu","..1 til ... , '1fl C t.' til Methodist minister. tou rrst rrc\I("n \ 1\." 1 t ' " ... II~ C g,· r lllsiJrl l Oh a l." I;\ .Ii ..,\· , • C \ 'I He was uni Lc d in marriage to Ida B EEC H . N u 'r ' hndnll L. -Davis, of Xenia. Ohio, OClo ber 23.\ Tohan;o aod 5tay hc:..!l.hy. 1888, in th e city of Topeku, Kanslls. Th cy moved to Dayton in 191 Q, and . Ovel'ZJ~ M;llio~. IIbout threo YOllrs ago came to Bel-l PuCkdges Sol(j in a mont, their })r('se nt home. • Singh~ Yeer 1n 1922. on Nllw Year 8 Day, he, witb his wife, joined the Belmont United Brethron church, upon trunsfer from the Wllinut Hills Ohris· tilln church. Brother Hendricks was a congistent hristian, rendering sp lendid service in the visitation evangelistic campaign last February. Ho died in the triumph of faith, at th e Miami Valley hospital, Octobe'r 12, 1924, at the ago of 60 years 4 C. C. COOK, Pool Room, Ci,a•• , Tobacco and Cigarettea. BURTON 4 GRAHAM, Pool Room, C iga .. , Tobacco. Ci •• rette •. months and 3 days. He lea ves to mourn, an affectionate ~'!!.'!!.!!!...~!!!"'!'!!'!!'!!'! _!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!!'!~_!'_ !!!'!!2!!~~~!!!"'~---------"'----­ wife, a step-daughter and one grnndson, and ml.\ny fril·nds. SIMPKINS SYSTEM "Blessed are the dend that tlio in the Lord." J OIII's-"BiI1 Simpk in ~. condu ctor C.rd of TbaDu 011 the jerkwater 10cIl I, hilS a grent We wish to extend our heartfelt cash Rystelll ." MONEY LOANEu" thanks to those who rendered such Dcckl' r--" So? - l hllven't h(,llrel kindness and sympathy in this sad nbout it." .IO NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK. hour- in the death of my dear husJones- "Wnl1, Simpkin ", col1ccL. chutl"I. , nl ~u second mortgages. band-to Rev J . M. Comfort and Rev. quite 1\ f ew r a.<h farcs on hi ~ rlaily Nolcij I... n"h t. J uhn l-tarbine, Allon Amos Cook, and .for the boautiful trips.. .To d'e te'rmin o jest wh" l he Buildi lll! . X(' lI in, Ohio. floral offerings nnd to the pallbearera. mon ey heloll/:ll tn, hI' t1iP R 0 coin . I r MRS IDA l{ENDRICKS, Wife, It's hends, h(, )luts il in lhe left pocket. If it's t.ui1 ~, h" !, uts il in the DAUGHTER AND SISTERS. rig~t pockct--lIl1d if it lan d~ on the Formers of Warron and adjoining --bellcord lind balances tbere- it goos counties mlly obtain money on long lime lu"n8, li t b lAo PCI' cent Interost. to the company." ABSOLUTELY Co. Lof ~cc uring the same i. very rea· Ho nllble ,through The Federal Land . ED PURDY'S PHILOS Mrs. Maggle--"Beth is suing her Balik. For further information call Tbl. appca .. to be tbe borae· husband for divorce." om or IIdtl l'I!KS 111. C. DRAKE, Tress· Ie.. age .11 right, .11 right_ven Mrs. Sarnh-"J am surprised-but lureI', I1h"II" :\lIi.X, Lebanon, Ohio. then again I guess I need not he- I to the lack of hor.•" .en.c io driywho elso could she sue." . in, .utomobil ..... FOR RENT


on eve,'}' murder, ..or. a" • Broa" C..... I. Needed. · expert kllowled t,:c . III UI'0Ie I' tD Wear St.r i .. 'M ald"l • Mod.ra that solved lh G\I Id (' n~ Ul lpc '. Bt. Cit,. S.f. (or, Yo.--Proialo. througb one of lho strnngcst clues of PoU"I... Co.....,''' Ce.. ever develoJled. " ., R•••lt... I" D.....\op .....t of Group. I So t.b orougb was the c!etccll\'C' \\ ol k of S.....l.lI.te to H ••dI. V.nou. in that elise that one of ~ lIr lIlon no· ·P ...... of Cri•• , H •••" SI.... Too. ticed a whit du ck wudd llll!;, up from a pond with II wide "p lulch of r"d on its breast. The red "'''s humlln Written for The Mi.mi Guette blood and part of t h . body, together By RICHARD ·E. ENRIGHT wit.b tJ.e clues that Holved the mysPollce ColIlDlluloner, N. Y. City t ery, was foun,l In the duck pond. Ever)' hOllrt..' lring must respond to A new let of .torly of One Thou- the work of th e lItissing Persons Bu und and One Nlrhta might be writ- renu. The story of the runaway girl \en, with each talo dealing with a who Is f ound jU"t in timc to slIve different p)t8ae of the. myriad duties her from a lifelime of sorrow Lhe sloof the Now Yorle and other big city ry of the victim ot aphasia who i. poUce. A dladpUned force of twelve r ecognized and restorcd to waiting thovsand men functions throughout lovcd ones; Lh e story of Lh'e "Wanthe many Ne. York departmens with dering Boy," of the song wbo is dismarked uniformity in its smoothness. covered UlOusnnds of milcs from Whether it ia dealing with a hus- home and is se nt back to the sorrowband .... ho hu pNtrJ'8saively poiaoned ing mother; stori es tho Missi ng Per'"' wife, or .It ta in recovering for sons Bureau might t ell of its work Uttle Mi.aa Slx-Year--Old her 10lt pup- wore not confidential. py, the OJ'IrIUd..tion '!1'orkB with pre· In the Radical Bureau the Bomb dalon and .tong certain definite woll Squad has the ticklish task of prelaid-out venting the "practical" Anarchists, The hwnahop Squad not only wbether organized or individual, from NEW SUITS cheeb all the money-Iende1'8' pledges attempting to use infernal machines In aeareb of .tolen property, but also Horace Throckmorton has entered bom)NI. The other day the police Announcement hilS been made that ftIr8ina loet article., the finders. of or suit against Ethel L. Throckniorton r.dio recehing station caught and the Methodist Episcopal church at whleh ha'le paWDed them. Does your for divorce, alimony alltl equ ita blo relayed the il1'8t radio fire alarm In SJ)ringbo ro will begin a series of recoJleeptlon of a poUceman In hil rerelief. hiatory. lation to the putJUo At in with the Ella Bilhardt is s uing Andrew Bil- vival services in that church next Co1Joctiq ' Babl,. facta! Do)'Ou lmqlne him merely hardt for divorce. Sho charges cru- Sunday, Decemti>er 7th, and contin~e f or nil indefinite time. The pubhc • forblddlna .mbocllmWlt of the terThe Safe and Loft Squad, part of elty. will be 'plcased 'to know that tho puIIAl ClTboua Shalt Not'" Dr do JOU Bee the Protective Bureau which is entor, Rev, J. C. S:titzel, will be ably allhim a BIc Brother, with a ready gaged.ln preve'ntullr depredations by PROBATE PROCEEDINGS sisted by Miss Inez Staley, an evanfrien~ tor thOle who need him, criminals. spont five' montha recently , L. H. Fo tel', guardian of ElIza. but with a toueh of parental .tern- watching the operations of the last beth Foster, imbecile, filed his sccond gelistic singer of Oakwood, Ohio. DNI for thole to whom that Ii best "Mob" of known safe-craeksmen. account, which is ordered suspended. Miss Staley Is well qualified both by training and eXlPerience to render inetted. ThIa Iat.t.r fa the _co~ pic- ret\u\t was that the "yeggs" were In th e mntter 0 ftho estate of Robvalu able ai d to the cburch durillg her twe of the modem pollceman-of caught in a body. ert M cClu n~, deceased, Charles J. stay in the community. New York, at l...t. The humaD aide A few years ago a class of burg- Waggone r, trustee of t he will, filed It will be remembered that sho waa •of the PoUce ta often on e.xhlbitl~n. 1a1'a known as loft workers were ac- his second accoun t . for so me time t.he assistant pll1ltor of customed to break into manuCacurThe gross vnlue oJ the estate of the great First (!hurch in Fort Wayne, JQ..~Hoartod Cop. FOR RENT- Hou so of fivE! rooms, era' lofts on Saturday nights, pack Elmer Keever, deceused, was deterInd. During the past ten years, wuter and ell'ctric Iighta. Inquiro Tbe poOr mother of JoeJ i.a a' case )1P the goods over Sunday, and then min ed ns 25 ,4:J1.1 3. however she nns devoted her entire of Mrs. Willi ullI", at corner of Tyler ill point. haul them away on Sunday night. J. H. Bogan was appointed ' aptime to 'evangelistic labors, these lao ,und Fourt h streets. 08" . Fou IDOntha before JoeJ )lad been The Safe and Loft Squad has made praiser inslend of W. L. Harvey, in bors being attlended with 1lI0st un· Corria L. Prior made the puzzle I soh'e it will finel the wo~ds contained ,bOrn JaIl . f~~, had deserted. dis. this so unprofitable t hat it is sev- the matter of the estate of William usua l success. The puhlic is to be which we arc publishing this week there in very curefully h~dden. WANTED tzaurIat~.. After Joey waa born eral years since such a leisurely job A. Merd tt, deceased . congratulated upon having such a and, although the design is quite simThe correct unswer WIll be publish. _ - fo_ .ork. aDd for two yean has been reported. In the malter of the estate of Ansinge.r come among them. pie, we think that you who try to I'd next week, W AN'l'1::1 Au.'~t one dozen Delaine ........t lOfJ 'fared, if not well, at Automobile theft WIlS for merly or- nia E . Coleman, deceased , Albert talented The services will be held every evPhone 7lI-2r. Waynesville, EWL\:<. IMIt , . . , w.U. ganized on a large scale, but a special Hoston was appointed appraiser in. -d17 Ohio. Tbeia came mlSfol"tu.n e--no work, squad has stopped the wholesale steal stead of W. L. Harvey, who was un- ening for an indftnite time, except Saturday nights, beginning ~t 7 :00 no mo..,. StUvation followed. ing. It occasionally uncovers a small able LO IIttend to his dutios as such. WA'l\ TEll_-A good second-hand li· WIleD Joe" .had ,b~n without food band engaged in this work-one of In the mnttcr of Mattie R. Cut. o'clock Central Standard time. bru ry lab le, oa k preferred . AdtIaNe red in the Mor- its greatest achievements hav ing been r ight it WIIS decided that she is a suitdress I:'rank Jlnrdy, R. D. 3, Wnynes· ...... ~ court with him. tho discove~ of an automobile able person fo r treatment in the Ohio "d iO ,'i lll' , Ohio. STATEMENT TOO BROAD SIleleft her baby, warmly wrapped graveyard-a deep place in the East Hospital for Ep ileptics and that hor LOST OD .... co~ .te....' She wallced away river, where fifteen cars had .h.e en disease WIIS dcveloped during the time Father- "I tell you it's an outruge ~ ".. cleapefation. run overboard to get rid of them. sbe has resided in the state. the way the lI~odern t1nppcr corries 81M ~'t clrive the thought of In conclusion let me cite just one The court approved a nd confirm ed on .. Modesty nnd innocence are LOST- Tire l·ul·rier. tire license No. 003,17 8, ~"mc where between Way. fN.. her, ~d. little Item of statistics. On a recent the report of Clara Spence, adminis- things of the past. They can no KnMr loYe Wu sUoncer than ev- Sunday the Coney Island police, be- trntrix of the estate of Elmer E. longer bc found." nesville and Mrs. E. G. Ivins, below Rid t;cville. Findor please return to - ~OL sides shepherding a crowd of 500,000 Keever, deceased. Daughter-HOh, yes, they can, dad_ III twe~~ mbautea ahe wu back vlsitora to that resort, collected, fed, In the matter of the estate of dy-in the dictionary." Dr. A. T. Wright. d3 at the CIOUn-hou.. .tepa. Seeki~ entertained. guarded and restored to Charl~'ttc E. Beachy, incompetent, ---_0 _ ... _--l oe7 1 ... their parents no fewer than 160 lost the court approved and confirme d the FOUND The po1leeman .ho J:1ad been lOt childnm. And f$ome of them had account of W. C. Bawyer, guardian. But Who Are Qulltyf to . .tell for her poalble I'8turn had heen lost on purpose in order that The account of Edward Wilkerson, American V18ltor (In Lonc1on)-"S." FOUND- Auto side curtaiu, on the to arnei ltV. , Vagrancy waa the the parents might have a good time trustee, was approved, allowed and wlIller, d008U', anybody ever' laugh lD Lytle road . Owner can have same ....t ~ the., could make. The unhindered by little ones wh om t h ey confirmed in the matter of the estate tbl1 bot~17" \10"w·ter-"Well. re.. 81r, 6 To engrave by cIIlIing on Ed Standiford, Third HORIZONTAL ' • , we have bad compllllntB."-PIlfIIIIn, law " . til. law. . knew the police would take good care of Thomas S. Wilkrson. deceased. 1 Grief ~ Sum Sl.reet, Waynesville, Ohio. d3 10eJ ~4 hli mother were reunlt- of, The account of A. Glenn Hol1ings- Show. 6 Dissolved 8 To mnke dark ad. And here comea the ~ng that - - - - . - ...- - - worth, administrator of the estate of 9 In regard 12 A minute particle FOR SALE Th6 "'V7 "poUceman who DUMB DAN ABROAD Albert R. Hollingsworth, deceased, 10 Preposition 18 Measure of papor FOR SALE- A lew bushels of good L_~ arreeted her came to her In the was approved. William Cha.ney, executor, filed his 11 Pers,' an H,·...I, Pricst 14 Part of a harness b ..... . " 16 ' Consequently seeda potatoes. 76 cents per bua etadOll-bOllll with a rift of ,29 that Dumb Dan-uThe Russians are a On application of Jonathan M. fifth account in tho matter of t h e J 13 Railroad (abbr.) Also, J rsey cow. Strouse Bro01. •. , hacI beeu n*ribed b7 themaelvea funny lot. I was riding In a train Cook, executor, tbe account of the cstate of Mary Constable. deceascd. 16 To supply food 19 Magnificent, dignified R. D. 5, WuyncsviUe, Ohio. -17 ~ theIr'ferio. . In the ltation. The there and a big Russian got in and estate of Maria Cook, deceased, was In the matter of the estate of John 17 Consumed ;lQ Grasped law ia the law-llut humanltJ ia lOme- put hili feet right up In my lap." approved, ellowed and confirmed. Cook, deceased, Arthur Bryant. IId- 18 Oration 26 Fissure FOR SALE-Barred Rock pulleta and In deaeribb,g tJrla Friend""":'''And what did you do?" The account of Florence Hopkins, ministrator, Jiled ·his invontory and 21 A famous house-boat 27 A beverage (Pl.) and cockerels, '$1.60 each. ¥rs. one iIldde~t I , have told the Itory '. Dumb Dan-"What could I do?- administratrix of the estate of War- appraisement. 22 To sound 29 Meas ure (abbr,) Otho Hend erson, ph(l1l6 7'1.3, R. D. of.:budredl. . Warm hearte beat be- I couldn't speak a word of Russian." ren J. Dakin, deceased, was allowed. 23 A bird 30 , Disordered type 3. WaynesviUc, Ohio. d17 th. lilae C9Ata and the ahin1ng ... .... The coutl; dir~cted Frank Gallaher, M,-\RRIAGE LICENCES 2'4 Seaweed 32, Pari of the vorb "to be' SALE-A Clermont range, .ane1aa:, PAY DAY administrator de bonis non of the Nelson R. !Crockett ,salesman, of 25 Port of the verb "to be" 33 Regarding Quick Meal gnsolino stovo and an TJMre .... thouanda ot men In this estate of Eunice J. Ridge, deceased, Cincinnati, and Miss Verona Mary 26 Small part ot 'auto wheel 36 A receptacle n, all in good condition. Inquire COWlb7 who will ~tifJ that when Doetor-"Your bill is $660. Now to sell promissory notes which came Bradley, operntor, of Waynesville. 28 Preposition 37 Elder Bon of lsane lit this office. d17 the, .e~ dcnm and outen, they re- if it will be more convenient for you into his hands as such administrator. Myron R. J'ohnston, carpenter, of 29 Unsealed 39 Not any FOR SALE-2 BourboD ned Turkey eelvecl their frelb upward starts at wo can arranlre payments of $100 In the matter of the estate of Jo- Lebsnon, and Miss Inez Garl Mengle, 31 To rend 40 A horse'e gait ,1000 f .- bl ue. B'tg down and_y, UO per month." d W . H . All en comptemeter operator, Morrow. 41 An Indian tribe 'roms,Call eligible to regietel'. • the banda 0 men... Sel) h G . Keys, d ecease, 84 Metal euch. 144-1lAt, Wl'lyne8ville, Brothers! Yea. bta·ltearted brothPatient--"Gosh. It sounds like buy- and Frank B~~ndoll, oxecutors filed Walter L. Sheehan, farmer, of 35 Arrived 42 A tailor's necessity -d enl ing a plano--or a radio set, or some· their fourth account. Waynesville, and Miss Mildred !rI, 36 To exist 44 Part 0f a fl ower Ohio. 1~ IIaq o...rta_. . . . Work. thin·... Mary E. Ross, executrix of the es- Dunham, teaclner, of Lebanon. 38 Fractions of one hundred 47 Neat FOR SALE- Twenty-two Shrol,>shire The variegated cbua; of the Doctor-"I am--all of them." tate of Mary E. Roberts, deceased, James Graham Marshall, truck dri- 41 A disinfectant . 49 Fish breeding ewes. Bred to. lamb thlnp the pollee do, from utillzlng ----.---.....- - - filed her first und final account. ver, of Middletown, and Miss Ruth 43 Egyptian reptiles 60 To put away April 1st. Aillo ftve cows tq freeh. aeroplall.. In aeveral serried, to In the matter of the estate of Lucile Meehan, of, Franklin. 46 Learning 66 Toward . en Hoon. Lyman Silver, phQno "~-2.. Grnce Bishop, deceased, first and 46 A piece of land 67' A Canadian province. Waynesville, Ohio. -dl0 • plnlr their men In the ranb of the actin Anardilet organization, final account was filed by William F. REAL ES1rATE TRANSFERS .48 A college fraternity .(a.bbr) FOR SALE-A velour covered eoucb, famIaIIee a .hole lIeriell of InterelltBishop, administrator. Clarence D" Furman to .Elmer S. 49 Church councils A•• weI' to We.k'. Pugl. price $5.00. Mrs. G. D. ,Milll, ......... Th I f I ta James O. Mitche ll , executor of the 61 A great general Inc ere B, or ns nce. We, the following farm owners, f M . B dl d d Durrell. approximately 89 acres In ph()ne 2.8, Waynesville, Ohio. 6L_ of 6Le ' Narcotic Bureau, poaltively forbid any hunting or trap estate rat ey, ecease, Denrfield Tp., 1. 62 Used In gold beating -dl0 WHO ""-,WI I d h 0 fi arIa ~ • ........ u'_.a_-~. C·-Ieton Simon, the I fA ' Is tl ,):, fi e er rst accoun . 63 Conjunction (Lat.) ',': -IIUCr UT P nr on our arms. ny VlO . 1B k d Tr t Lewis Burns to Wilbur and BeauO -',' ~- man who hall been admit- of the ume will be prosecuted acLebanon Nabona an an us 64 Cornered (colloq.) FOR SALE--Pnre Barred Rock cockIU -. ted a d millIS . . tra tor f lah Dunlap, 1.57 acres ino Union Tp., 6" . Prepostion r ted to . . &'NAt Chlneee secret so- cording to law an d . to t h e f u II est C 0., was appoIII o ere Is, Bradley IItrain, ' up to Janelo.... tile Hlp Sin," Tonir, Is constant- extent. the estate of Lucinda Sublett, de- $1. 67 Negativo uary 1st, $1.60. After that they will ." .ceased. Appraisers named are J. G. to Richard S. and Hannah .about Schwartz, b e .~2. 00 r R. D. 6, l)' at war with the drus habit. whethH. O. CORNELL Mary Ellen Thompson, 106 . . F • A. S'd III e , er ChID_ Dr white pnetlcli It. This ROMINE SHOEMAKER Trimble, Harry Smith and George 68 An Ohio cl£y Waynesville, Ohio. -di0 d ... for ...·e dr g Ji nd ROBERT PATTERSeN Knapp. acres In Salenl Tp., $1. 69 A southern rI".r .. _ _ v _ a." WI u e , Luella Belle Bowers, admilustratrlx Walter and Vera M. Humbert to FOR SALE--Whlte Plymouth Rock redIMa of all conMqaencee and of the estate of Olinda Belle Bow- Thomas L. an.d Eva M. Gorsuch, lot pullets, fine ones . . Inquiie of Da. JaIl aUrlat .oral ..DBe complete y ers, filed her first and final account. In Springboro, $1. 1 A musical compollition vis Furnas, R. D. ", Waynelvllle, O. bl_te4 b, the Ie often ' MRS. ELLA MICHENER In the matter of the estate of Jol;dward Bowers to Luella Belle A cowboy 'exhibltlon .. -.UO "-ed, aDd .. u irreaponslble 118 an FRANK BRADDOCK B th dl 'dod h If I t r 8 Spherea ::'-:-e -An ·. scph P. Owens. deceased, owers, onen e FOR SAL'" 'Three Po'--d-Chlna ...... ..... .....MRS. RACHEL CREW I d h LaDora fi t S. d est in and eteunrealVI estate In aLebanon, .. Pronoun .:r.... It ... the Homldde Bare.n, whose LEONARD TINNEY Owens, cxecutrix, fi e er rs an $1. I) Mother male hoga. · Inqulre of Frank.llUapeeIaltItiI tum the limelight of their MRS. ELEANOR VAN TRESS finnl account. ten berger, ,J..ytle, 'Ohlo. ad3


. -.


un",. '


We Sell Beechnut C~ ewing Tobacco


Farmers, Attention!


... ...- --

Can You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle?


w.. ......


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• .,

S~Parb B~d

FOR Rock Cockerele, ,2:00 each; none kept acter December 1. Mrs. H:achel Crew, R. D. 3, WaynesvlUe, Ohio . . ad3 FOR SALE:'" Guaranteed l{o.lery, _ Hamples your 'size free t9 a,ent/!. . . Write for ' proPoB"tio~ paJtDF. $76.0.0 ' weekly full time. U.60 \art hoUr ap~'re I selling lrIIaraDteed ' h'oitery TO ; mUit wear or.:l'epl,aced jree . . eales, repeat orden. IntAma- . ,. Stockmg ~ 6089 No~ town, Pa> ... FOR SA~1600 ·b u. of appt,r.. faD'. OJ Rome ' Beaatl.., band.plcked, Irood for coo'tlnlr aDd _ _ 10q keepen; price at orchard. ,1,00 to 'l.~O,

uaonPq to


The MIami Gazette t


GAZ E TvE ....


I'lllter~,d ui: the l'osto


at WHyn ~Sv llIe; 0.,





Mail Matter

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hrjstmaH L"lis ure ncar to lingling 80 iet 1I ~ look in to the awn. Like eyes of 11 ' lIVCII , wlltchfu l throu~hout the nig ht, Lhoy seem to smile upon us fro m th(Jir silent piaCOtl, glistenin K with tcar. of sorrow lit the frui h y uf our lIoor hu manity; yet look IIguin! There iH one that shines in greater " randeur, one t hat lights anew our hope, aile that bllckuns U9 , 8M it !J~ckunc d the wise men of Judea, on to t he mango r where lay the inCant Jellus, bringing the mell8age of Pea co on Earth, Good will to Me n. We ll nig h two thousand yoars have passed since those wise me n matched onwnrd to closer understanding and contuct with their God, 'but the glory of The Light remains. Still It leads the way to harmon y with nature, forever it make martyrdom lIublime and turns sufferi ng intu triumphant g lory. J esus brought to U 8 the all eternal gift, the Death of Death, the Lite of Love. ChristianMawake: Salute the hap·py born I Arise from your slumbers t.his Christmaatide with hoarts of children; mingle with their sweet si mplicity and liste n to tho angels singing in your heart.--be one with him of Nazareth. Let. us place atop that Christmas tree the Star of Bethlehem, let us wind ita swaying bough8 with threads of silver and of gold, and hang upon Its limbll In radiant coloring our 8himmering 8pherell, lIymbols of our faith, our joy and our immortulity. Again wo can be one with Him who note8 the sparrow's fa ll. Each of • WI call ,;pread life all He spread life, for Life is Love for all who strive beneath that swr of Bethlehem. The embers of the Christmas log may fade into' dust and ashes but that Star of Hope will a lways shine, ever i1Iuminuting God's golden refuge of the soul. Look into the stars and r end again about lh· Death of Deatb; the 'Life of Love. ·SAM GOMPER'S JOB

pt:r year.

PI~ E.S SA!OS ~ ,{":


--- ..---

~1.6 0

lifts·. Samuel Haines is o'n the lIiek


D. L. CRANE, Editor lind Publi.her, W.YftuYilJe, Ohio.

SuiJscl'iption Price,


xo mu (olks to thinking. We nevcr have been a nlatch for the fo reign diplomat and soemingly diplomacy. , Unclo Sam is IlUfcst when he attends I to his own business and leta the Euro: pean crowd work out their own IlOlvuI tion or theu· own d estr~cti on , whichever they p.ra for Amencnlls clln protcct Ame raca whenever they set out t o do it, and that is about a li we wo nt.

---------..--BEECH GROVE

Our series o! meetings closed on Sunday evening, wit h te n or twelve accepting Christ as tbeir Savior. On Monday evening the evan gelist and his wife gave us a talk on t heir Tennessee trip, where they h~ld a revival, after which the churcb and community gave them a farewell banquet, and on Tuesday thoy r eturned to t heir home at Grassy Run, witb the best wishes of all. The Massie- Was hington Tp., P.-T. nssociation, composed of 12 8chool. held their fi rst meeting last Friday evening at the Olive Branch M. E. church. About 75 or 80 Interested persona wera in atundance, regardless of the bad weather. A tlplendid program was given, among the intereating things of the 8plend id program was Miss Bernice Merrill, the Olive Branch school teacher, told the children what they should eat t or their hot lunch in school, and Miss Hazel William" teacher ot the Camden school, told UII what she was t hank:tul for and what "katy did " an d what "katy didn 't." Mrs. Milligan of Clarksville, lind Lewis J effer y, ot OUve Branch, each aang a besutiful solo. Thc debators were Prof. Milligan and Rev. Moon, of Clarksville. Howard and Harold McKay, of this place, who handled the que~tion to perfoetlon. Tbe excellent music was rurnished by the Oregonia orchestra. The next meeting will be held at the Friends church here (Flatfork), the evening of January 9th. Tbe offic ers are : H. F . McKay, Frank Everitt, H. L. Settlemyre, Fred Hagemyer, Mrs. Annie Ferris, Miss Clara Botkin, Mrs. Florence Jeffery, Mrs. Jennie Graham, Miss Bernice Murrell, Chas. Br'adbury, Harold Gillam, Miss Eva Willard, Mrs. Maud Cline , Tom Rich, Mrs. Grace Plymire, K. E. Thompson. Miss Pearl Moore, Mrs. Ruth Sherwood, E. C. Mlnnon, Win. Manning, Miss Alida Gray. Mrs. Ruth B. Murray, Mrs. Clint Taylor, Miss Merle ,Ellis, Mrs. Mamie Retallicle Mn. Mary Huffman, Miss Mary Cowan, Harold McKay, Mr. Bradford, 1.1188 Mary L. McCra,., Miss Hazel Williams and Jamel Moore. , The publicity committee. I ha~ been asked quite a num.ber of timea, what it is? What It means and what it is for? It is true it i. something new with U8, just in its Intancy. The way we u.ndentand It fa this: It is for the benefit of the children to make better men and women of our boys lind jlirls every day and every way, and help those wbo are not abll!' to help t.bemselvca along this line, and put them on an equal buls with the rest of ~ur boy. aDl~ girls, a~d If' ,!e can accomp~h this. it will be a wonderful thing in tWe future. Not only tor our boya and girls but the com· munlty u weil; Now this ls the way we have it worked 'out and if we are not right will some one pleese tell UI. The Publicity Committee.

Mrs. Carrol King and son, Robert, spent Thursday and F r iday with friends in Dayton. Mr. A. T. Haines, of Dayton, spent Th!lrsday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haines. Miss Mary Cook and Parry Cook, of Waynesville, spen t Thanksgiving with Mr. and MI'II. Chas. E. J ohns. Friends Dnd relatives from here attended the funerD I of Mrs. Charles Wade, 'at Spring boro, Friday afternoon. Mr. Dnd Mrs. Frank Wooll:cy and children, of Dayton, wero ThurlldllY g uests of Mr. and Mra. William Brown. A num ber of friends from here attended the funeral of Mr. Edwin Chundler, ut Waynesville, Saturday afte rnoon. lIir. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis ontertained Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Hall and children, of Waynesville, to dinner on Thanksgiving. MI1I_ Charlea Clark returned home Friday afternoon from Miami Valley hospital where she has spent seven weeks. She III slowly improving. Mr. William Long, Mr. and Mn. ForeMt Graham attended the fun eral of the latter's uncle, Mr. Mahlon Rooks, at Owen's church, Friday afterlloon. Miss Clara bel Hunt and three girl friends of Cedarville college, spent their Thanlcsgiving vacation With the former's parenta, l4l'. and Mrs. Rollcrt Hunt. Misses Mildred and Catherine Graham spent the Thanlcsglving vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Dyke, In Dayton, and were joined on Sunda,. by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Forcat Graham.



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: n.tfj rrh

lIltll 'J~J) ronr:m

Mrs. Be.rt Marlatt spent the weeke nd in Xenia. People in this locality are 8uft'ering with the grippe. Mrs. Emma Crew' spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mn. Lou , Stevens !pent Wednesday &tternoon in Xenia, Ihopping. Mis. Ruth Kelli, and Mn. Mattie Zimmer spent Saturday afternoon in Xenia. Mr. Ed Haley, ot ;Xenia, who spent a few days here, returned to hill home, Friday. Mr. Henry Weiohers and family entertained relatives from Cincinnati Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mn. Emerson Dill ,pent Thanksgiving with Lucy Craig and family. of ncar Xenia. Mr. Martin Marlatt and family, of Aleron, spent the weekend with hls father, George Marlatt and wife. Mr. hank Kellia and family entertained for Tban'b giving dinner, relatives from Belmont and Xenia. Mr. and 1.11'11, Emenon Dill motored to Xenia Saturday evening and took supper with Mr. and, Mrs. Raymond Osborne. The Ladies Ald lociety, ot Mt. Holly church will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry Welcher, Thursday, December 4th. Mn. Burgett and aTandebUdren, of Belmont, who apent 'the w,ek-end at the Kellis home, returned to ' their home Sunday. ,Mrs. Berne Jonea and ~n, Theul, of Lytle, spent Friday ~lght and Saturday with her mother; Mia. Rebecca Dill, of this place. Mn. John Levi; had 1)er daughter, Mrs. Ellsworth Smith and children. of Dayton, Mn Effie Crew and' lion, Audrey, for Tbankagiviq dinner.

L \I.L·S t':;I.1'AIUtn ~tEOJOll'fE on<:t ~n Olu an.n t ,> hle/\ Qutcll lf IntlnmnlMJon. An oS Iblt Inter ""l M diet"", a Tonto. ",hle;.h lc ts rouJ:h t If. B lood on i be Murou. It"j~j

, (,11 0"-)9 th ~ eAlArrllllJ

';u r tnees, lhul!

lio n.,

r eBt o r l n ~

no r ma.l (Ollth ..

Sold by t'lrll ggIGt& ror ovor ~O Yeare. f', J, Ch~no1y & 0 •• T oledo. J)Il,to,


In surance Agcnt.- OIAre y o u lookin ging for II permanent investm ent? " ' Prospect--"Well- not Loo PI' 1"111 1\ncnt. I want to get nlY mon ey lJack gO niC time."

Dr. John W. Miller

I 'F T •

Auctioaeer D.ta your •• Ie. witb an t'


... tl.faction or ch.rr.. _.

Wa ynesvillo National Bank Bldg

Walter McClure


Phone. No.2



And X-O-ORAPHIST Waynesville, Tel ephone 114.





Dr. W. E. FROST Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


Phon .. 8


At Cary's Jewelry Shop



Every Tuesday Harveysburg, Ohio


Wills Drawn

EJtatea Setlled

.. Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 44

National Bank



------- _.._-----








---.. _...----

Gift Handkerchiefs of Beau~ ROM all over the world beautiful handkerchiets have been a&tembled tor your ~hrn;tmas gift giving. Many come fro~old-world (oom's ;'tht;ir ma~ing art hand~ down through the years, from one geperatlon t~ another. ThIS antstry IS reflect~ JO the un~s.t,Ial kerchiefs to be found in our vast hohqay st~ka. There ~re handkercllle~. ~ ~~hty. The prices asked are exceedingly . foe kerchlefs lof 8uch exquISIte datntmess, , moderate '


_'e .ith quaiM O ~CHID ~checl . hem, iMet with

wolle keKhid .ith lIufl cd peacb BLUE A DAINTY black Det edge appliqued on. linen. .hite net. and , black .titc.hinl! with appliqae

w~ite linen kerchief . . With Jlr~n I!ne!, c';nter bl'.'ti[ JOined Wltb .poke henaoteh,"g. 5Oc:.

F linen

_ ; in !III ..allted colon. 11.50.


.hite linen with V.,..

, · i.i" I.ce edae and e1ibonitt .yeaiie lace C9ro~l. 11.50.



in white. In "'!lilted cOlon.


LOWER kerchief 01 greea

a!ld net, pet_I,-an unu lual and e~armil)g ~ift; aI! !,olors, I\.!G. '. . ,ACtONE embrOl,dered. M chiefon .hetir ••'''' ba'tiMe; aU white, lk. i"


moor, $1.50.


lie ' 'Rquirtd, 1heae WIll be

tak~n.. • "re' ~ II


..,apprn. _ _,08 the thilll and .treet


a- at a IIlImiaal '




Y • r:oI"oJ~]lc~ott~ a~t border.

E LLOW crepe de dllDe with

~' M AN' 'whi te



kerchr~l .

YOile ' n nped with gray; Bray and orango bord.,..; , . hand rolled hem, 1'.50. , ".


Rii~Kumlir' ~~m FJOf)f ,

Pm Wrap.Pb\lr

Arode. purchuhecl hert .will be wrap!led in -tift p1da,e.. .nd'er ardiuary coadiHoaa. Shquld Chrin- __ t., ribbooa, hoIl" etc.


t OT 1\ -rIll 'your e)'B( m Dentrtcn8 -, caWlad ~,.





"1 ",ay be • liule older th a" I w •• lu t year, bilt I haven't rel\ch. ed 'that dOllnw old aKe of ll up my boauty clay maklnll mud

Alice and Robert Gray spent t he week-cnd with their parents in morIN ARKA NSAW row. An automobile tourist \Vas atepJ oe Davis a~,tend c rJ the fo otbnU ping on Lho gas in a h ng, straight game at Wilmington Tha nksgiving lane when suddenly a ma n appeared Day. directly in front of the car. ApplyMott and Ea:rl Cline, of Dayton, ing the brakes he was just RiJ le to wero Thanksgiving Day guests of rei- s top. ativcs here. "For heuvon's sake, where did you 1.1111. W. A. Haines hus returned come from?" from sevel·al d,ays' visit with Cin. Stranger- " I'm sorry- but do you cinnati r elatives. know that's the fifth t i",," I've fllllen Mr. Tho mas was scolded about the outta my cotton pat ~h thi ~ mor nin g." lace While a~ work with Monroe Hinkin's shredding outfit. Miss ' Goldie Grooms was the Sunday dinner g uest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Clark and Roy Clllrk. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Gord on lind fa mily were Thanksg iving Day 'guests of FUNe~AL DI~ECTOR Mr. and Mrs. L,~w Foley and fami ly. Roger Gray was struck in the face Waynesville. Ohio by a glenci ng shot Thanksgiving Dny. The wounds are painfu l but not serious. Fully Equipped for Good Mn. Susan Dawson entertained in Service. true Than ksgiving style, her fllmily of chlldren and grandchildren . SevLarge D is play Room eral of them (lime from Chicllgo . Mn. Ama nda Sturr and Miss Mabel l h 'i on NIGHT TELEPHONE 7 and Mr. and Mns. W. W. Mathias and Misa Margaret Starr, of Duyton, were Thanksgiving guests of G. Clark Starr and f amily. Mr. and Mr8. Frank Wilso n spent Thanlcsgiving DillY in Washington C. H., with Mr. and ltfn. Herbert Fite The Eye SIght s,.IaUst and daugh ter. Miss Isadore Squires returned home with them from a twoweeb'vlait. The home ot Mr. and Mrs, Lee Lebanon, Ohio Stratton waa c:ompletely destroyed by fire on Thanksgiving Day, during ' their abllence. The fire was diacov8:00 a, m, to 4 p, m. ereed by hunte'rs who succeeded in saving a f ew pi~! ce9 of furnit ure. By HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED _ the time a crowd gathered it was too L _____________

Samuel Gomper!! is w'lse in his gen,oration. Recently he mode his report to the American Federation of Labor 8S to the s tand he believed the organization shou ld- take on politics. Ria recommendation is that the Fed~ eration should adopt a strictly nonpartisan political policy. This may be locking the stab le door alter the horse has gone, but it is very sensible. A vigorous effort to line labor into a machine vote was made at the last eleotion and the attempt failed mis· erably. Labor will not be led politieany by the nose. The reason is that one Industry 18 best served by another. Consequently those forces neVer are willing to act together A selfish in terest is back of every vote from the man who works with his hands to the girl who playa the piano with her feeL Labor is an important factor in overy election but no Qne can deliver the labor vote or any other vote for that ma ~ r, and it will be a dark day wben any one . ea~. No one knows this better tllan Samuel, Gompen. Gompen has kept the red flag from flying in the ranka of labor for many yean. liow long this condition will continue no man ean fQretcll. Gompen ia,growing ~ld-very old. Moro Important to this country thon any side political wue Is the q\lest!on of who is to lIuoceed this man Gompers as head of the American Federationof Labor. The right man will prove a blessing s.y.,.... When silence lends Wm. Harlan, of Maderla schools, to tlie country; the wrong man a consent it sometimes doesn, lend was home for Thanksgiving vacation8. Millll Mildred Compton, of Xenia. CUT8C. Allo make up your mind to ·much. ~ ~--was ' the gue8t of relatlvea here last thl8--there will be a great scramble week. for the job. A called le88lon of Miami Quarter~ ly meeting was held at the FrIends THE PUBLIC'S PURSE church here, Saturday. School was closed the fore part of the week on account of illnelll in the When we want to learn how many NOTIOE Notice is hereby given 811 required b minutes it will take a flying 'torpedo by Section 6884 General Code, that family of Prof. Step eu. . to reach Saturn our scientific· work- J. L. Mendenhall and others ftled Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith enter en grab a few delicate instrumenta, their petition for the eatab\iabment tained with a tamll,! dinner T,hanbbottle up little atmosphere. whip and - alteration of ROad No. 229; In giving Da~ in honor of their 80n. Townahip described as fol- Carleton aM bride. , II sliding rule out ot their pockets, Wayne Iowa: and ;il1 a month or ~wo they tell us all J. S. Learning a~d ~~ Gaddis Situated in WaYJIe TOWll.Bhip, War- were married Monda,. of 1aat week abo'u'tA t. The, problem of a gIven Ohio, SUl'Ve, No.h in e Wllml The'!..... lim , .." in object of a certain denaity traveling 791. Coun:ty, • .Beginntne . at in a point in ·t .· naton. . present ·tllee , being Road ,No, 229 the' J. W. Haydock,Pl'I!perty. througb another force of another and "On tli. Eut aide of the P. C. C. W, H, Reev. u conb.,ed to bia denilty ' appeart' like simple arithm.e'" st. L. 'BaUroad at the eroain, lao used b tic. . B\lt when it cornell to finding below Corwin.. Ohio, runni.n g thence home with blood po n. ea y a out whether one of our shells of ..• northerll' ana on the East Iide of splinter in his thumb. RIa .c hildren, the sal'd raI,road right of and Ruth and "Buddy" .... -al8o ill of ,certaiu density, traveling at a given ,paraDel thereto until it join. a rer- throat trouble. veldCity, (lin IIlnk one of our Thia 'co~muniti feela a ,reat loa. , ' ularlJ laid , out :8() fbot 1Itnie~ in shipII' With' Armour plate C!f a th~ said . VlPaIre of Comn. Ohio, ~_... thlcknCIIs. thon we must put up and there eridina', bellll' ~ tOtal.dls- in ,the death of J .. W~11¥ Fl" ,36;000';000 ' tanet and lIend to. the . distance of>one<fourth mUe more or which oec:urred ,MoJiday of laat WI!8k. 18IIi.Balir route rbetn~ through the H~ ' was one of ,o.ur tliftuentiaf 'bottom df'the ocean one,of our latest upright cltlsena. H, ~..V8I no "tyP,?, , of' protecU~e machinery. ,Of hmd· oymed ' b'l"John ,zell' and otb-· ers. , ; ;, l', .- , I . TI.m.II.... Oltcept an aced "mother. who COline,' thfa III 'a jlTeat tflil)&' for the sym~iIty 91 a bo,at of ~riandl, r :plate ,'e r.o kd, , Jf w~ (lin .In~ ~hls sJtlp with present' shellll, then, , Earl ~~I~d,; wbo '~ ''! ,~ck w. C. Smlth, elC&ped ..n01ll! ~tn­ , COUT8C. we need tblC!ker armour plate ja~ when the ~ ~ broke .'. for our na~. If can'f then '"' "and allowed the track to uPMt dOWD need ~r and more powerful Ihella • embaDkment, 'Buclmm School . and thicker armour' for our forts. Th8 ,eab iii the tnCt wu deTbe p!1~llc pune i,~ caught between J,1DC11ill:1ed,',but otberwiH wu not clam· the nether mlllltonu. -. More impora.mat deaL· \ tant tbaIl the publle pune, bo,",VIII'. . pubUe ,protection. Sinkiq Olll' -.;;;~;.u.; nder ,. o..t in~atlonAI ' --'_._....~--

-----_.--- ..---------.. ..



" '



Jas: McCltit:e a busineSs trip • !Ts. arl Henderaon and JIlr. Gieo. ,.~~~~ to pl'l\l~fiold , Tuesday: Hendel'l!on, were Dnyton shoppers, Mnr. Am08 Mendenhall is visiting Friday. r eliltives in Franklin. Ind. Miss mdred. Hnrtsock . spe nt tho I , • 1IIr-, J. L. Hnrtsock went to Day. week-end with lIlrs. Edith Hania und family. , ton, unday, 'fo r ' treatment. Mrs. Mary W ate~&Llf;e lind fllmily Mrs. EllIm ~ Dakin was a business ~li ss Dorothy RY!I WII; shopping ill vi ~ i to l' in Dayton a nd Xenia, Sat- movcd i nto their lIew liol11 u on Main X ~ n i a, I'I'iUI1Y, au et IIl~t week. urduy. MI'. hnd('s flu l! 1I wns a Cincinnati Mi ss Lilli e N d1'y ' Iefl Fr,iday for Miss Antha Dinwiddie a nd Mr. Rue ,·bit" I' . SnturdllY . . wilh . Dinwiddie visited r 'Iutives here at- Troy. where she will 511 nd the win• M i~. Ellnu Mullin wns shuppi n!; urd4lY. ler wi th rclutives. BEN.ALEXANDER in [11l~· toll, \·'I·idny. Mr. un d Mrs. Wnlter Pen ny, of Mrs. Dav is, of Corwin, was shopE.ARLE WILLIAMS 1\Ir. W. . S(,II I'S \\'a ~ in Dayton pin,," in Xenia nnd Dllywn l"l'iday and Duyton, \V er o SUndllY guests of 1I1r . A ,Iel~ for ...... ry wif.. .nd eyery hu.b.nd .< UI1 lIU ~illPSS , Fridn~· . A. Bogun and family. 'llturday. , , ~11·. '1Il1f1l1rs. n. B. Earnhart ~pellt MI'. Ge orge Ol(lcsbce nnd Miss BetAdmi.i.oD, 20 and 10 cent. .lIlaster Robert Adams, of Dayton, ' un dR Y with M.. . ioln Hurlllll. is visiting his g rnnd mothcl', Mrs, Da- li e Og le.bee, o f Xeniu, visited relnli ves on Fifth street. Su nday. Purchuse your Chri stnllts ,Curds elf vis, o[ Corwin , • : the C. . ~. L. bnznnr, Decemher 6th. lilt' . lind ~lrs " COl'win Hnmi lton. of Mi ss Eilla Ben hnm spent)h holi• Mr. John Hninelt, of pring fi cld, clays wi tb Mrs. J e nnie Mullin and Wapakoneta, Rpent th e week·en d with Mr. and Mrs. Gco~ e Hamilto n. THE CREATEST PICTURE EVER PRODUCED W IIS the week-end g uest of r elatives dnught.el'l of F erry. hrre. Mi ~s Dorothy Stolzcnberger lind Mrs. Harry Ritt{~ r, of C l e\'~lond, Mr. nnd !\I T!<.' J er ry Rogers are vis- is the guest of her ~iB tcr, lIfrs. L. A. brother, L cw i ~, of Dayton, spent the w{'ekend wi th Mr. a nd Mrs. Hubble. Itin g N. C. Illld W. E. Pull on, of Zimm erman and family . Mr. B"ernard Brewster and Miss DetheL FOR FORDS Episcopal market. an, l Apron sR le wltb • Mi ~s Edith McKibhan was a guest in lhe Funk ey stor e room, December Clc o Edwards, of Dayton, spent SunLILA LEE AND J. WARREN KERRICAN 5 8,,1100n Tir... ... } day with lIfr. and Mrs. Chus. Br{'wof Mr. nnd Mrs. Seth Couk, at dinner, 13th 'c ommencing nt IJ :30. S B.lloon Tube . ... ...... AND AN ALL STAR CAST Sunday. PRICE M~. Carl Duke and Mr. . . Ellis ste r. 4 B.lloon Wheel; Mr. nnd lI1r~. C. M. Hough lind Miss Gladys Kilb n, of Ll'banoll, were in Ci ncinnat i IIIi of thll pa~t 5 S. S. Rim. 1\Ir. 11 11 <1 Mrs. 1\ . N. HouJ;h werc Su nwas t he ~u cs t o f Miss Ru th Earnhart wc('k ~c rving on the Federal ju ry. Flnt Show Slull .t 6 :3 0 last w('('k. The oyster sup per t o be given at day g ll "sL~ of \Jr. and Mrs_ J. W. War d, 25c A••I.. A4... lt. .. ............ .... SOc Childr.. n und .. r 12 ,.... ra Th e D. of A. lo<l,,"e a ttende d the the !lL E. church thi s even in \( , has Mi ss Katherine Bowman, of Blanuntil Satu rduy night. heen postp oned ..........~M<. . . . . . . . . .~M<. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,....~............... 111. E. church service in a body, lusl chestor, \Vns t.hc week-ene! guest of CLINCHER TYPE • Sundny mor ning. MI' . Owen Burnet WIIS brought he r sister, Mrs. Orville Gray Ilnd Miss Clnra Lile spent the Thnnks- home from Miami Valley hospital, STir ... ...... ..... .. . ) 0 family. givin g holidays with her si.tcr, In FI'jday, His condition is not hope-' PRiCE .. ... .... . .Mrs. Agnes Gray, of Dayton, I. Wn~ hin glo n C. H. f ul. 5 Tube. .................. .. here carin g [or her daughtor, lIfrs. A, Mi ss Belle O'Neall was called to Mr. J oe Thompson , of Cincinnati, Bogan. who is sick. "pent the week-end with hig mother, Wu"hillgton C. R., lust week, on aclIlr. and Mrs. J. D. RogBl'8, of DayFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 1&6 8. t ..tol'Y houle. with furnace. of the Budden denth Df her count Mrs. Kizzie ThompRo n. ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. ~ GOdO. allo hay barn 60x80, Morning services begin at 9 :30 a. Mr. Harry Hamilto n and family, n~ice. B. Earnhal·t a few doys thi8 week. mile, poultrJ hoUM 20dO. and all m. Evening service at 7 :00 p. m. of Dayton, spent Sunday with Mr. :avo your old carpets and ru~ OtMr ntctIIIU'J outbuildings. Best Subject of sermon at monling ser- and Mrs. George Hamilton, Miss Velm!l Cornell and Miss Grace and ge t "Wenrwell" Rugs made. Pbon. lOS .. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO of 1011. 8.. woods, balance level vice, "Why the Church Has Lived." of Duyton, spent the weekReisinger, Messrs. W. N. Sears, H. C. Pen- Selld for price liat. Franklin Rug end with the former's parents. Mr• • d all ·Wlable. On fOOd road two Eveninc topic, "Which has more VIII.. ~~~~,~~._ JI Ohio. ~ ~ f: ' ' ' ' ''''''' ' ' ' ' ' '' -'--''''~ ''''''''''''''''''''''''-''-''''''''''''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~ ' ' ' ' ' -''' rI' an.. from Sprlnr Vane,. Price '80' ue, a man or a sheep." The e:ntire ninglon nnd son, Howard, wer e in Co.,lItrs.Frunklin, Ade\1a Tibbals, of Wilming- and Mrs. M. A, Cornell. on business Monday, Blanchester per &ere. community invited to attend the scrIn reporting the dinn er party at Geo. F. Weller hns sold his 10- ton and Mr. Will Tibbals, of Colum- the home of Mr. Melvyn Bllntn, on AlIo. other farms. .U Ilzes. Come vices. . bUS ', werc g uests of Mr. Maurice SilIlcre pluce on the Wnynesville lind .... 1Ie .... Sunday the 23, we full ed t.o get the Lytle rOlld to Homer Romby, of Day- er and family, Fridny. name of Miss Katherine Fromm. Mrs . Gracc McCune left, SlIturday, METHODIST CHURCH ton. Mr. Ramb y will t.uke posseBChas. Chapmlln, who wus operated for her home in Lima, after a pleasSabbath School, 9:10 a. m., preach- sion J a nul\ry ] st . The sale was .... P ..... 38Ftl ant visit here. Her mother, Mrs. Eva on for appendici tis at Dellco ness hosina at 10:30 a. m. Wednesday even- ' made by W. N. Scars. ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth Miller, aceompnni(!d her to Dayton. pital, has returned to hi ~ hom e in SPRING VALLEY, OHIO Hyde Park, Cincinnati and is well on League 6 :16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 Mr. Charles Leffers on, of Covingthe road to recovery. p. m. Everybody il cordially invited ton, Ky" joined his family here on MI'!!. Earl Dodson nnd twe children, IEJIII) THE lllAMI GAZETTE TO A to these servlces_ Thanksgiving Day and wns the guest of Toledo, are guests of her parents, Rev. L. A. Washourn, Pastor. of Mrs. Mary Waterhou se and famIQLATivE OR FRIEND FOR A Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Marquardt of ' To hear f rom owner having ily. CHllI~TILU REMEMBRANCE. Route 4. The children are quite sick fa rm for sale near Waynes.• Mr. Elmer Holden and Miss Madge ST .MARY·S CHURCH with Whooping cough. . 1~ J~. Titus, of Dayton, Mrs. . Carrie Titus, Mls8 Henrietta McKinsey, of AshSecon~ Sunday in Advent. De- I .. WARREN McRAE, Mrs. Nella Phillil)S and Mrs. Mary eembcr 7, 1924. Church School at Logansport, Ind. Brewster were in Lebanon Thanks- tnbula, came home Wednesday evenTHERE IS NOTHING MORE PRACTICAL FOR A 9 :30 a. m., Regular Morning Prayer ing for Thanksgiving. She returned giving Day. and Sermon at 10 :4.5 a. m .• Rev. J, Sunday morning, accompanied by ber St. Mary's guild will meet with CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAN A GOOD J. Schaeffer. officiating. Everybody mQther, Mrs. Alice McKinsey, who Mrs. W, S. Graham on Thursday afis cordially welcome. will spend the winter in Ashtabula. PIECE OF HARDWARE ternoon at 2 o'dock. A full atcelebrate Mr, Frank Zell's birthTo tendance is desired, as this is an imday anniversary, which fell on Thanks CHRISTIAN CHURCH portant meeting. We have a full line of Useful Gifts. !luch as g iving Day, a few neighbors gave him On Saturday e'iening, December 6 Sunday School at the Christian a surprise in the evening. Oyster Spring boro Grnnge will serve lin oysOhurch every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. PYREX WARE COLEMAN LANTERNS soup and ellndies added to the pleaster supp er beginning at 5 p. m., at Everybody cordially invited. In Di.b ... and C.lleure of the occasion. ThOBe present the 1. O. O. F, hall, Springboro, Ohio. MAN TEL CLOCKS roles we re Rev. Rnd Mrs. L. A, Washburn, Everybody welcome. Mr. and lIIr8. Fred M. Cole, Mr. Rnd FLASHLIGHTS . EXPERIENCE Mnster Earl W. Conner entertained Mrs, Alvin Fires, 1I1r. and Mrs. J. E. CUTLERY Masters George Edwards and Leo Janney, Mrs. Anni e Sheehan. Miss AUTO ROBES Of .. 11 kind • . Junior-"It's a great life if y ou Conner las t Wednesday in honor of Trillena Edwards, Miss Helen Hawke, COOKING UTENSILS th e sixth and eighth birthdays, re- Mr. ChBs. T. Hawke and Mr. L D. don't weaken." ELECTRICAL GOODS ·Both Aluminum .nd Cr.nit .. Senlor- "Yep-but if you wenken spectively, of Earl and George. To •• tera, Iron., Crill., ole:. ' En sley. just a little- it's greater." Mr. and Mrs. W. E. O'Neall, Mrs. CARPENTER TOOLS Of .11 kind.. George Smith, Mrs. Le&ter Gordon, COLEMAN LAMPS A subscription to The Miami GaMiss Belle O' Nea.1I and Miss Marthll COASTER O'Neall attended the funeral of Miss zette will spread cheer to a relative KIDDIE KARS Isabella O'Nellllat Washington C. H. throughout the whole year. WAGONS Minmi Chapter No. 107 O. E. S •• Illst Tuesday. SLEDS EVERSHARP Mr. and Mrs, <::oulous Younce had will meet in regular communication LATE CLASSIFIED ' SKATES Pencils and Pens for their week-end guests,. Mr. and on December 8th. A full attendance Mrs. Russell Younce and family, of is earn estly desired. Installation A 11 Eastern Stars lire FOR SALE-30 8hoats, weighing Newark, Mr. ane! Mrs. Leo Younce of officers. OUR ENTIRE LINE WILL SUGGEST TO YOU THE near 86 pounds, good feeders: olle lind fami ly. of Columbus, Mr. and welc \'mc. By order of EDITH HIME8" W. M. THINGS ~HAT r-tOTHER OR FATHER OR SOME ye4rling male, John Beach, R. D. 3, Mrs. nerbert Getter, of Dayton. SUE HAWKE, Sec'y. -d3 Waynesville, Ohio. MEMBER OF THE FAMILY NEEDS_ MAKE THEM Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke enter-~'~ \tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. lind HAPPY BY BUYING SOMETHING THEY NEED AND FOR SALE-About 3 %. doz, Barred Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Dayton. Mr, amI ~ck p"llets and 4 YODDJU:DckerCAN USE ... Mrs. John Fromm and family, the els, hatehed in early April. Pullets, in oharse of occasion being in honor of Mr. and ,1.25; cockerels. $1.60. Mra. W. E. Mrs. Fromm's twentieth wedding anTuesday evening of last week. Rev. Stroud. phone 44-2. R. D~ 4. Waynesniversary_ 'buJ4lI"8, 4th .. Main • Dayton Bnd lIIrs. Nathan Johnson, of Ferry, ville. Ohio: ·d . Buy her a Vit al Vacuum Cleaner were agreeably surprised when about for Christmas. Requires no elec- fifty members 'of the congregation tricity. No expense after bought. I\ssembled at the parsonage taking Docs the work of the Hoover at only with them a liberal donation of good half the cost. :Easy payment plan. things to eat. Agent, Anna Giraham, dressmaker, •• corner Main and Miami streets.. Chicken supper and Christmas beTHE MIAMI GAZ£TTE WILL MAKE A FINE CHRISTMAS PRESENT zanr Saturday, n.ecember 20, 1924. to be given in WayneSVille in the store Paul Duke was the victim of a bad room formerly occupied by John A. Funkey by the ladies of the Ferry fall last week. He was on horae back Christian church, Everything to eat. driving cllttle., When his Kone aUp{'ed lots of pretty ChrlstmW! novelties. and fell, catching the young man's home-made cllndles. ete. Supper knee under it. He WW! laid up for a few days but It proved to be notblne 6 :00 to 10 :00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and more serious than a twist and bruise. Mr. and MI'!!. J. 0. ' Cartwright entertained last Friday evening at the DEATHS home of the former. for MI88 HenriTHIN~ OP WHAT IS BACK OF IT etta McKinsey. The guests wore: Miss McKinsey, Mr. and Mra. L. A. Atter an iIIneM of aeveraJ 'fhIeb, Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Edwin Chandler died at hlB Ii'o me 6n HIS note Is beadquartera for Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Edwards. Third .treet IWlIt Thursday ·mortllng radio satisfaction. Firat b«aUJe and Mr. J. B. ~Emce. about 0 o'clock. The funerai""''' A1WATI!R KlINT Radio, which Maryelknit H'Gsiery make beauti- held in the White Briek Meeting ~ 1\,0 peoT in workman.hip ful Christmas presents. Wonderful house. Saturday atternoon. at 1 :80. wearing quality. Over 500 new Interment was In Miami cemetery. Rlaaertala, or performance-and samples of lovely materials In silks, 8ccondly ~use we thoroughly inMI'!!, Mary Mahala Henkle. died at woolens, crepesl, laces. kerchiefs. struct each purchaser in the fine sCllrfs: also lovely scarfs, ties shirt- the home of her 80n, Mr. S. D; Hen:~' points of ItI opemtion; ing and bathrobe material for men. kle, Route 6 Saturday morning. No-· Order early for Christmas. Anna D. vember 29. after a long illnen. The In order to begin enjoying as lIIOOn ~ Graham, dressmaker, corner Main funeral was held at the home Mon.· as pos8ible the fun pleasure of this lind Miami streets. day morning at 10:30, Rev. L. .A, " . remarkable set, we recommend that Following are those from out-of- Washburn. officiating. Interment In . you have us In.stallit forJt>u. In this town who attended the funeral of Ed. Miami c.emetery'. . .~ way you save time, an are Chandler last·Saturday: Mr. and l~tely ~ured .of the fineet results• . loll'll. A. T. Fife, Mr. and MI'!!. W. D. Chandler, Daytori. MI'!!. Lydia Chan.. ',' The next time you are in our dler. New..Vienna. Ohio Mrs, May neighborhood, ,come In and talk to I will offer ·f or iale at the' corner Harrison • . Cincinnati. Ohio; Mr. and " qa about it. 0_ T. Bannion, Mrs. W.S. Boone of l'hlrCl and North atreet., W.JJi__ . _ Mr. and Mrs. J!oward Smith • . Mr. vllle.Ohlb;-on Sat....~. D_1ter . . . .14 and Mrs. Elton Tindall. a(r. William Beginnln, at. 1 Q·clock, ·a lot ' of Smith, Mi88 Gertrude WII80D. ·S~lma • , Ohio; 1tfr. Ralph Howell. Yellow Houaehol4 Goods, eooJdq uteuUa Springs Ohio; Mr. and Mra. Reuben and canned fraIt. Wayn.vllle, Ohio. Roberts Mr. M·e rrltt Roberta,South See W. bUJa for teraI. 1IB8., LIDA JDIlTIL. Oharleston. Dr. R. J. Michener, Lebanon, Ohio. W.N.a.n.,

___,_;-._1 TH~ATER,


Wayn¢sville, O~.






THtiRSD~Y., i)ECEM~ER 4th

• In

,"Jealous H\1sba~da"

Winter Driving

Use your car this winter. Equip with Goodyear Balloon Tires, :md find out what driving C0111fort is. VoJ c'll put them on for you at 'way-down prices. Like these:


"'The Covered Wagon"


29x4.40 Goodyear Equip'm ent


$110.00 -


31x4.40 Goodyear Equipment

Farms For Sale



Waynesville Motor Co.


Gifts Of Utility



Clermont Heaters, Lag... and .Furnaces

. .

How Am Tur Eyes?


---_.- ..---





N.L.LeNontree Trallafs Optical Dept.




'FRED M. COLE" Hardware, Harness and Farm Machinery







-_ __.--...



.Public Salea

W.yneaville Aulo & Machinery C~mpany

TOBACCO BOXES at the following prices:



We will make

36-inch Boxes at 40~inch Boxes at 42-inch Boxes at 44-inch. Boxes at 46-inch .Boxes at

$2.25 $2.45 $255 $2.65 , '$2.75

,nest ue' the Tobacco Growers' AssociatiOD Prices'

"w. B~ Madden & Co.






OBITUARY HI Murtha Ellen Hnre, dau ghter oC II"d Brown Hure, lOSfS 'THAEE 1,,>I'n ill Mon tgomery co un ty, Ohio. r.i illlJli pburg. August 1850 , this Ii rc at her honl!! BASKETBALL GAMES ""II ell. t of Springborn, Nove mber

.~ -WAYNfSVlllE


Whole Number 502



Martin Gons, t he ~o n of J ohn nn d C'indel'lllln Conns, Wl\~ h orn MII I'ch 7 , 1842. nell r Leban .. ". Ohio , an d d e: . I ":11' fl , pa rted th iM life nn Xo,'<'ntb' r 2fi. d ~ ""l'tud 1 !12-1 , ut hi s home nelll' Wayn es villE! . 26 tit the I1ge of 2 years, 8 months and I ~: ".:( . " (J 5 yr urn,. 3 month~ and TWO 1"0: ,\MS AT MO RROW- ONE 17 days. 1R d ays. H e was one of five br oth. CIVE THEM HE ALTH, IS THE SLOCAN el's-Frank nn d J nmeF. who li ve nenl' AT IIA RV F. YSB URC : h,. ,'JI\" united ill Illllrriugo wi th Le bllnon , Ohio , J ohn and Ge orge hav · l 'ha r/ ,·" !I i1t" 'Y W,,,le un Occember in g passed uway. t·I, 1:17 11. 1'0 t hiN happy uni on nine Mr. Gon s was II velm'a n o f lhr Buy Your Chriltmaa Seat. of the On Aaco unt of Bad Lillhto th e Cam e I' hildrol1 were born, fou r duughte l's School Children-Hi.tory " f , I d I! V I' ~UII" . T he r!nu~hterH a l'e Civil Wnr, havin g served three yenrs Woo Not Int cre.tina- 'Ourg an d thr ee m ()n t h ~ in the F oul' Lh Ohio I ~! I'. FI (\l'Il n(\ ~~ lind Mm . hlu navis, Came Was Good C hristmas Sea l. Cuvlliry. He was ma rri ed t o Ann uf Miumis blll'g, Mrs. lIIullie Witteman Elizllbeth Goode in lRi 8, at Lrbau r Spl'inll:uoro, und Miss Clarn, Who I non, Oh io. To this u nion were born , t ill 1'l lIi,Io'" lit home. The ~O n R ure T\\"cn ly.on~ y~ar' " .. 0 on ChristTI1 MtCllI1 of the light " bccnmiolg 1J(·t · (;('on: e Willium , whose untimely Lhree chilclrell-- Quin cy, Fred and Eva. T he dllu ~hte r, Em . died when mnN Eve a youn g mall stood at his h' I' nrl ,'r lIw " irl. gll m". lIw y enn· \ .t r ul h Oil March 23 , 191 6, shocked th e abo ut unc year of flg e. till,,",1 to gl.t W()I·" ' · . llnnohoo opc ll ed \\'h&)le cO l1lmunit~' ; rerry IIl1d Ruy. wlJl'k' In n p"Htofficc in far·away Mr. Gon s ",us ncver demonstrative . V mOl <I. ,)r Lv tle, ONc"r, or IWIII' e ll " ~ tho gu me with ~I f~ .. ld ~? u l for \ . l(' rvill l). und Freet, wllll liveR /.It home UUL reserved. He has born e with De nlll a r lL ·T hou.ands of Ch";stmllH gr eA t forti tu de th e ~o rrow that {·unl(· l<'tt.c l';; IIl'e pOlll'in g thro ugh his ha nd ~ ]10. Duckwol'lh Tl' ploed wllh II flc1d l'i lh h i ~ fllther Blld sis ter. Lo him in Septem ber, I !l05 . whe n God .-'I nd as he work ed he thought how gnul .fol' MOlTo\\,. Mlli,,,,,,,, "hoots It wou ld be difficu lt in this brief called hi ~ faithful wife to hpr EL.' rnu l \\'o ndel'f~1 it would IJ" iC 1111 the hapa foul gon l for W. Hi. Duckworth .,biIUUI·Y to. ito i u stil'~ to MrH. WUd,,'K home . He has been rn t ient throlll("h L' ,mlnV IIdmlt'ablc t rul t~ of character . shouts 11 foul for M ol'T( IV . Illy get. :-IIIU;inll: ~tull d ~ Ollt. 11I0re clearl y aM we(,ks of ~ uffc ri nll: LInd ever mindfu l py people who we re se nd ing glad II field goal for Morrow nn d Brn nl \\'~ try to hulrl he r hf(' In pel'llp('cUV I! of t he welfare of others I'uilrrr that! Yul etide mcssagcB wou ld add a s pechimself . get. R foul f~ou l f.-.I· Mor row. Coo k thll n t hiM: lhe full mensur e of joy iul Chl"istlll as ~ ta m p to th eir letters He ren ecte d well the spiri t of his utld CDrds. T hal extl'll money would geL" a fiell l !!,onl fllr W. Hi. Lilly \I ,d . nlisfu(· t ion Khe found in perM u ~t .. r. He WII S quict ann I·!'tirinl!' gclll a fie ld g01l1 for Morrow, Bu r- <una l service and devotion to he r in di ~ po ~iti(ln. loving hi ~ IWlIle a nt! "lIi lt! n hospital in his town for th e he was II t r ue helpton gets 6 fnul g01l18, lil'ing t he ~core 10ve·1i on eH. family Rnd a s t e nd er ly loved hy children sic k wJth: tuberculosis . The ul 13 .. t cn d of the first half. " Cl't 10 her hlt 8ban d. Rand in hll nd lhcm all. H e lellves to mourn his young mun too k his id ea to the King I udn ll: th e second huH, a s th e fOI' 4R yellr.l she wulked by hi. side, I("o ing, two sons, their wives and four of Denmark. His' p lan was enthusili~ h t.< continued to fail the I'Cfl'fl'C (lnd, altho ugh fo r yeurs frail in body, g randchildren , ·two boys and two astically greeted and the first Christ.. could nol or did not sec a ll the fouls he . hlrk ed no duty nor shrank from girls, tw o brothl'rs and A host of mas 'seals app'eal'e8 In HI04-and the committrd. Burton made tbree long lilY tnsk however hurd. She was a friend s to whom his life was char- little children· got .their hospital. shots nnd wus the stnr pill yed on the vnma n of noble qualitles of hend lind Fro m thi R siml2lc beginning grew IIctl'ri zed by kind, thoughtful an d !luor. Uruni, of Morrow, made t WII heart·; of 8trong, sterling character, the ,vidll8pread ' ~u 8 lo m of selling . lovin g tlcls nnd that long shol.. The score wns tied at ~et of a modest and r eti ring nature. " Far bette r und erst ood by acts than Christmas seals to fight the Grent 10, 18 anrl 21. ,he WIIM bnplized in infa:>cy in the White Plague. . words, was simply doing good, On account of the lack of rroper Washington church, near Ce.nt.erville, Plain live voices are calling to So calm , 80 consta nt was his recti Ii~h~ WIlyn llsvi lie forfeltet the 'lnd Illt er becllme member of that you for help. Will you help t hem? tud e, ga me to Morrow. The fl oo r wns in church. She took Chri"t for hre Tha t hy his love II1 0ne we know Its Let 's all get toa-eth er t o help rid t he line cundi tion, but t he building was Counsellor in bring ing up her InrC!'(' world of this drend disease that shows worth. - - I'ollrly ventilaterl nnd no water was ramily, nnd today her childre n "rise And feel how tru e a man hus walked no n1ercy for rich or poor. h I t he buildi ng. 'l'he Tereree had to " P anr! clI II her blessed I" . '1·ueslia.y . murked the opening of ,vith us on eart h." hove ), is utteulicm culled to sovol'lIl A (tel' ten long wee h of pain and the seven te l' nth • IInnua i Chri8tmas • of tit, rules which he !lua!!y o(ilnlt· suffering the weary body is at r e"t. Selll sal e in Wuyne tow llship. Let's In the sn irit of a true di ~ci ple she tl''' . boost nur local Mothers' club, who . uffered without a word of complaint. is launchin g 1 this slIle, by buyi ng till I f, like Chnst , the Christiun clln be it ma~e8 you happy, Thereby you "pertfect t hrough Buffering." The Girl'. urc g'\ving 'the g rcutst g ift of il t,' On nccount of the poor lights it Mn. Wade has won that disthe g ift of IlI.'nh It. ' wus impo"Rible for Waynesville to tinction. T hese'eull< mny be purchased from She is survived by her hUlbBnd, get in to it.:! u sual strille. First field any gchool child 01' fit the Waynes goul was mudc by A nderson, of Mor- eight children, who lovi ngly and ville Katinnnl Lank. I'OIY. AntierM n mlld e s ix more field tenderly cared for her in h er lost " ' Mllry Mahala Hergdnll, daughter gouls and four foul!!,oa1s in 1irst half. ,11ness ; eight grandchildren, one The Wayne T ownship Mothers club of Aaron and M~lry Sites Bergdall -HawnI'd, of Mnrruw. nlutilJ two field ~rea t-grandchi1d, a Mister , Mrs. Nettie was born near Petersburg, Grant Mr. FTed M. Cole was in Spring- held t.heir I?ecember .meeting in the gUll Is. Wnyn esv i!!o plnycd hard but Lineham, one IJrotber,. George Hare wero unable to tie the score. St and one unc.le, Neal Brown, of DayGym last Fnday evelllng. The meet. Mr. Howard Burto n WOll in OilY ton county, West Virginin, July 29. 1838, field , Monday. .Joh n, o{ WnYllc ~vi !!c , mude threc ton, b e~ides a host of frien ds who Tuesday. ing was opened by Rev. Washburn, . r and departed this life November 29, field goula IIml olle foul gou!. Hen - mOurn their lOll. 1924 , aged 80 years, 4 months. BeMr. F.thnn Crane. of Lebanon, was rea ding a Christmas lesson, followed We shaJl nil miss t·he cheery voice derso n made two fie ld r:oal~ in the MillS Lilla Benham has been on the ing the last survi'~or of a Il1mily of home (·\·er the week-end. by prayer. Minutes of the last meet firRt half. Score at end of Rrst half, and loving words of coun sel of OUI' departed neighbor a nd friend. There sick Hst. ing r elld an d approved. 22 to 10. Morrow. four, two brothe rs and two sisters. Second liIlJI- A nderson, of Mqr- is a vacancy In the hOllle that non e On January 3, 1867 , she was uniMr. and Mrs. F. 13. Henderson werc Mrs. O'Neall, chairmlln of the Mr. Elliott Wright WOll in Middle- ted in marriage to George W. Hell- Dayton visitor s, Thursday. row, made Ilve fi eld goals und one but motheT enn fill. H unters of this state ar e w.rned lunch commi ttee, then told of t ho vog town, Sunduy. foul gOIl!. Howard, of l'ilorrow, two) kl~ and soon th~.reaf te r they came ) 'The lights are all out that lhey canno t hunt on or after eatab les cann ed this summer, lhe field gouls. 'l'he lights -kept getting to Ohio, first l'elidin g in Gre en In the mansion of clay; Mr, Alvin Earnhart lind f!lmily dimmer and Waync~l\e W811 unnble Mr: Joel Stokeil, of Route 4, was in county and ' then ' 10'C iting 'In this spent Sundny with Mrs. Anna Shee- things donated' lor the hot lunch51', January r, without a -1~21i ItcensC1. The curtains arc d.m \m, a moun t of provisions purchuscd, whllt With the rabb it season cia ing on t hl! to get any fie ld goals fn the nst half_ community, WherE! she has lived con- hlln . DaY,ton , Monday. • For mother's away; had· been served last week lind would Sl John mude two foul goals a nd tinuously for more than fifty years. She silently slipped be t he next. The club is servin g 185 Il rest day oC the new year, wardens Hendon<on nlllde one foul goal In the To this union wer e born fo ur chilMr. H. A. Hershey was 8 Dayton O'er the thresh.old by night, over Oblo w ill be on thl! lilrt for children this year. Mr. and Jlfr ~. Lee Earnhart and last half. Score at end of the gllme, dren, three of whom, with her husTo make her abode visitor, Saturday. The progTo m for the eveni ng fol- hu nters t hnt attempt to take the field 37 to 13, Mon-ow. band, have preceded her, lellving one l\frs.Ern t'st En rn hnrt were In Dayton, In the city of light." lowed, givcn by ~1TS . Edit h McClure for the extra ' day with out t he new Thursdny. Near the end of the gume It beMr. and Mrs. Ross I:IlIrtsoek were son, Sam, and hi s famil y an d other Pa tterso n, thrift un d bu dget specialC.re1 of Then'" came evident thnt the referee had r elatives and fr i(mds to mourn her in Dayton, Frid ay_ ist, n noted club wOlllJllLlllld speaker license. In preparation for -192,. · difficul ty in seeing all the plays. We parting . Mrs. Lc ~tel' Gor(lon nnd Mi ss Mnr- of We wi sh to express our thanks and Dll yto n. She was a'Mi. t ed by lIfr. 400,000 licenses are now being ., want to give our tea m great credit grati tu de to all our fri ends aud neigh The deceased was of a quict and tho O'Nea ll were shopping in Dllyton Flicke r, showi ng pictu res lI ij she telk- sent out from the offices of the Dl- 'I Mr. Virgi l Ret-alliek, of Norwood, reserved disposition, whose g reatest ' Thursdny . for 80 good a showing even under bors for the m.ny kindnesseR shown ed. The first on the program WIIS vision of Fiab and Game of t he de· Sunday. wns in Waynesville, these handicaps. happiness was in lIiding the needy us during the Illness .nd of " America," sung by th e Iludience, We want to give Wayn!lsville han. our wife an d mother. and maintaining her home. Mr. and Mrs. ChBS. Austin, of with pictures. Mrs. Patterson then partment of Agriculture. These go orn b le montion to th e playing of Mcssrs. HaITY Sherwood and ~ . C. Card o,f Thank. Bellhrook, were Sunduy g uosts of took her heaTers on a t ri p through to every ' part of tbe state !Utd will Hubble and Hopkins, as centers. CHAS. WADE AND CHILDREN.. . ' be immediately placed 011 sule. Squires were in' Xenia last week_ We wish to e~:tend 0111' thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeit the t ropics, starting at New York, These two players interceptedd a Since itcense8 were firit· sold " In all ou r friends for their kine! nssis· crossing the U nitcd States, through number of plays of Morrow's long 1913, the , number . annual issued Mr. C. B. Jones, of Dayton , spent tanee in our late bereavement. EpiscoplIl murket nnd Apron sele Mexico, and Central America, the has mcreased by loaps lind bouni18 pnsseS and thull kept Morrow from the week-end with friends her e. THE FAMILY. in the Fu n key st ore r oom, Decem ber Panama cunal, Cu ba, etc. Most of until 1923 seli a high record \vith . gaining a largel' victory. t hese picture woro taken by lIfrs. 342:786. Fgliies , for '19 241 'fI.1I not r 13th, commencing at 9130. MI'!!. Edith Harris was in Milford Pattel'Ron on u recent trip thr ough IJe uVllilnble unt il a ll UBsold llceIllles and Cincinnati Tuesday and WednesDEATHS Episcopal mllrket and Apron sale these co un tries. She then gave a III'e r et urned, but t hel'!! is little Uk'e - l Boy.·_ Second Tum day. in the Funkey Rtore r oom, December s hort talk on the true meaning of Hhood of ,lhe figure iallln&- below : Waynesville Hi Bchool sccond team "Thri ft ." Those who missed th is 400,000. This means ' y~r ,· 13th, comm encin g at 9 :30. went to Hurvcysbllr <t Friday evening. meeting missed a treat. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Elze.y s pent just · closing will 8~O W 011 i'l(\r:~as _. The game was all follows: ~. Mr. J ohn Saylor died las t Thursthe week-end with relatives near dny night, December 4, lit hi~ horn e of 30 'Per cent over any pl'1ivfous"Tec- , II1rs. H. H . Williamson is visiting Hartsock, of \V uy u .:~v i1le, opened Representative farme11l of Hamil- Xenill. ord.' Toe num bet' now being sNit the ga1De with a field goal. Cart>lick nl!ar Owen 's hurch . The f une ral at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. out {or 192& i simply the first in. BuUer and Preble counties will of Harv(jYllbIJrg, made a field. goal, was held Monda y aftern oon ot 2 Mrs. Lee ·Cooper, in Dayton. stallment and is, not lJJ(.pected to s u.f~ Mr: and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart, of o'clock . Burial wa mode in BellThen'"cHartsock mude two mOTe field meet ' with the farmers of WaITen !lee. Llcensp.s sell for $1,1,,1 5, one goal~. " SD1.i.t/t made one field goal. county, Lebanon, .t Grllnge haU, Fri- Cincinnati, were here Saturday and brook cemetery.. Mrs. Matilda Hosier has gone to dollar of which goes to the .:Qivision Sunday. At end ,o f the fint half the score -.--::::.......-nati to s pend the wlntQ,r with Cincin d.y, December 19, beginning at 10 of Fish !lnd Gallic an d is )lsed .to was 7 t:o 7. • . Afte r tl long illness, Mr. Owe n Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hart.,ock. The annual meeting of t he stock- protect Ilnd propagate the \ViId life The 'score continued to be tied un· o'clock aharp. D. E~ Dunham, presMr. ChllS, L Dean and fl\mily, of Burn et di ed at his home on Muin .~ of the Waynesville Nation1l1 of the State. til the last few minutes of play; when ident of the 18th District Farm Bu- Xenia, were Sunday guest,s of Mr. and Rtrcet last Friday mOl'1ling, Dec ember Mr. and Mrs. Wulter Williams and holders Blink, for-th\rpurpose of eleetj-ng ofSmith made a foul gaul, making· t 5, ut 8 o'clock: . The fu neral was falllily, of Kingman, spent th e week- ficers reau, consists of the above counties Mrs. Eli Dean. for the ensuing year, will be .\ Bcore 7 to 8, W.ynesville. Then held Monday mo'rninrr a t to :30, Rev. elld with Mr. nnd Mrs. J . E. Janney. held lit their banking rOllms on HarveY1!burg made a field goal just ill calling the meeting, at which time Mrs. W. S. Graha m wa~ a victim of L. A. Wu. hburn, officiatin g. In terTuesday January 13, 1925, between before the whistle blew. ending the F, G. Ketner, 8tate leader of the. Co- the ice last week, hav ing received II ment in Miami cemetery. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Enrnhart and the hours of 1 ;0 0 and 3 ;00 p. m. game. Score 8 to 9, Harveysburg. operatlvli Live Stock Marketing activ- hard fall. t.. . son, Robe rt, spent sever a l days last We were very much ploased with ities, of .th!\.. Ohio Farm Buronu, CoL. M. HENDERSON. Cushier. stroke of paralysi3 several wee ks ,,"' eek wl'th r elatives In Kings Mills, A beth the floor and referee, at Har. lumbus, will dlsculI8 plans and pro· ----.~. The Bible school at Ferry Church ago res ul ted in· the death of Mrs. vcysburg. . jects 'for opening Co-operat ive Live. I, plllnning to give a ChriBtmas en- Snrah Cory, at he r home on Third J Mr. J ohll Turner and family, of stock Commillion firm on the Cincin- tertninmen t, IItreet, Monday n'lght at 9 o'clock . The Bellbrook, were Sundoy guesta of Mr. na~1 yard li. As Mr. Ketner has had funeral will be I~e l d Thursday after· and Mrs. Harvey Sackett and famconsiderable experience in organizing Dr. Mary_ Cook apent Sunday with noon at 2 o'c!ocl< at the home of he r ily. The S.mith-Rughes' has almll.r commillion firms at Cleveland her sister, Mrs. Beslie White and fnm brother, Mr. H. H. Wilkerson . Bu.rarranged to hold n tractj1r school for Buft'.lo, Pittsburg, and other mar- fly, of. Dayt.on, Inl in Mia mi cemetery. A special communication of WayMr. and Mrs. Gran t Lohnes and keta, every fllnner Interested In the . - ~ ~- --famil y and Mr. Chas. Peterson, of nesvi \1e Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M., Lhe benefi t of 0\1 th.08e~'"f¥hp : rfl .i~:<' I~ve stock m.~rltettng should be presSEND THE MIA.MI GAZETTE TO A Dayton, wer e guests of Mr. and Mrs. will be held Wedn esday eve ning. De- 'teres tcd in trac tors. Tli state de· Mrt!, Ronald H.wke, of Route 1, ent. . . cember 17. Installation of officers. partment ma intains 'iN tr&ctor specA representative of the Qo-ope"~ entertained the Jolly Matrons Satur- RELATIVE Ollt FRIEND FOR A Ray Mi lls, Sunday. KENNETH HOUGH, W. · M. iulial" who are .avaHable ,to t only B ., CHR.ISTMAS R.EMEMBRANCE. tive Pure MilkUlocllitlon, Clnall,- d.y afternoon, Mr. Harry Murray slipped on the L. A. ZI~~~MAN, Sec'y. limited number of seho01li:'elfChl year. At the regulllr meeting of the Easi- natlt 'Is also , expected to be prtisent ice and f ell Inst week, dislocating his Throu gh special effol't ·the services . ern Star lodge last Monday night, the to ctlecu.. m.tters of . chief concern shoulder. On Sa tu~day night he sufto dalryDien .. of these four counties, following oR'cen were installed : of one < ~t t~c ilo mel} has \beEl{) p!:o.lIl· fered a heart attack. particularly· the . JIl'OgTell8 of the coised to WaY9c 'l'owrlahlii'" SmithAda S. COul'tney .. .... .. Worthy Mlltron \Iperative ' ftrIu, 'and plan. f.or Cow Charlel Brlldbury Worthy Patron Testing auoclatlon 'to be curled out Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ro gers have reHughes department. t . ' : Luelle Armitage Associate Matron thr.ough lOeaI atatlone .t rnctlc.U:y turn ed to their home in Dayton, afThrough the c;ourte§y, t?f. the water .Sue Hawke Secretary nl) coat to tlIe dalrym.n. 'l1he elecReport ror nlrel School Month, 1924-25 ter a pleasant visit with friends and We will be at the following plaees Works board of directors,' the Power Bertie Mills , Treasurer ti.on of • director for the 18th d\a.. pr et a't pr ct at. pr ct at relatives in and around Waynesville. on dates and times me nt ioned f or House has been secul'ed in -which 'Minerva Hough ConductresS · trict win alao be. held at thla meetthe purpose of issuing Dog Licenses hola thli" schbol. • - , . ..' ~ "- . ~ - - .:..• . Boy.,' Girls Gen. Teacher c Gr~e Boya Girls Julia Bradbury ASBO. Conductl'Olls ing, ' Although t he patronage of the oys- for the year 1925: No definite date has been settled b . ~ _ ..._---:-~_ 92.06 . , 96.66 " 64 94 .85 Edith Himes . Ch.plain ter supper given at the M. E . church upon but the schoo~\"i1' pr{ij>a)Jly be· ~~~8 ~~:::~::: ·.: ::·::·.:::·. :::l~' ~.~ 88",6 ... ' 00.8 89 ,6 17 . Sarah Zimmerman M.nhal saturday night was not up to the Thursday, December 18 gin on January l ...h ; and c6'ntlnue 96,6 97.2 20 96.8 Mr. But1on ............... ..·.. .7 14 Marye Thomlls .... ........ .. .. .. ;...Organt.t throughout lb'ree weeks. of Diflcrnoon usual standard, about ,60 were reali94,1 94,7 94,4 28 · Mr. Cutler..... : .. .... ·.. !:.. ,.6-7 11'. Luella Miller ..•........... ..... ......... ,.,Adah Orelonl. ... .... .. .. .. .. ...... " 8:00 ' •• m. only. ,, ;., " ..", . ~. zed. 94,8 17 92 Mlu .Fealy .. .................... 6 ' 17 96.8 Laura ·McKlnaey.............. .. .; ..... o:.; Rllth H.ney.burl ....... ....... .. .... 10,00 a. aD. The course is open to' any' and 98,6 98:9 98.4 1iI 14·. MI!s Llle .. ..................... ... 6 D.onna Edward...... ....... .......... Jlilther Mr_ and Mrs. Burton Earnhllrt and Wa.blulton Tp. Hou.e ...... 1,30 p. ai, who oro interested ~ tl~ Une 98.4 14 86.7 --91.8 Hr. Hatfield ......... ...... ... 4-0··· ·18 Edna Rldge. .... ~ . : ........ ............ M.rtba Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Earnhart and Middleboro........ .... .. .. .. .... 3:00 p, aI. work. 17 98 91 ~r; MiM McKinsey... ........... " '1 4' Minnie Fromm...... ' ............. ...... Electa Particulars in BOn, Bobby, were Sunday guesta of Butleni1le .......... ................ 4100 p.m. 96,8 1'8 96.5 96.7 tliiS8 Benham........ .. .. .... ,3 22 Mildred Smith.. ........... ........... W.rder Pleio..ant Plain ... .. ' .. .. .... .. .. 1»<00 ........·1.•• -- th e courie nll~;:::~~;~tl:.,;~t:!~~i~ Mr. and Mrs. Karl Babb and son, of . 93'.4 94;1' MIN R'"01Iin'd .. ,: ...... ~ .. .. : .... 2 .... 28 14 92.8 Kenneth N. Hough.... :....... .... Sentinel Morrow ............. " ........ .. ... 7:00 p. aI. • B. Crabbe, Mli""lI'''"'',I.!\':I& near Xenia. 94,9 85,8 ' 91.2 11 • .,. Miae Berryhill.. ,..... " ... .1-8 16 ' JohnC" Hawke ........ Truatee 8 ye.11I Hughes Wayne 1)7.6 14 94 · 96 Pe11l0ns who cannot come to the Mr. Harry MIU'llh, fteld repreeenta· Mlsa Allen ' .. __ .. r .. . .. ...... ~ . , l . 20· Jelll!.ie ;Robitzer ...·..: ....Tru.tee 2 , Following are those fro m out of Auditor's office or be at any of the School.- --eo 12 95 91 96 Maliel Fai'r .... :........ ... Trustee 1 year ~ve of Ame~c.n: "91116Y Cattle. I' Hrs, J.!lpW.: .j .. .. , .. .. ... .. 7.4 . -6-8 14 ' 88 town "who attended the func.rul of above named places elln secure tag 14 83 93 club; and the' Ohio "Cattle club,' ex. Milia P'enlllngton .....,....1.2-8 13 Mr_ Owen Burnett, Monday: MI'8. hy sending 1'equ~re d fee, dell!!l'il'tion wit .Tenej breeders In w.r·1 per'cnt or ~".n"'ne. in "I pecta Mary J . Wade, Mr_ and MI'8. Alpha of dog nnd postage .f or return of county FrIdai Saturday, .De5"hcot. . ' I",,lAv",.,. Wade, Mr. and Mrs . .George Smith, license to County Auditor, Lehnn II, Mt1I. Mabel Dinwiddie, Mrs. Jllmes Ohio. I ' M ..... ' . __ :12 alid tilth: and will h.o)~ • • .... , B~YI Odell, Miss Anth. plnwlddle, Mr. All d.ogs three months old or over " ' meeting of interest to all '. MIll Lile ........ ,.......... 1'.. . 98,' ~ilil DInwiddie, Dayton; ){r.4and Mrs. must be r egister ed and their · license bO~terii in the Farm . Bu.reau Mr•. Burton .... ..,....... H .. ~ .. ~7,2 Alonz'o Wade, Mrs. Harry Wade, Mr. secured bef ore Januaf Y 1, 1925, or a Lob ' . ' Mrs. Kenty ......, ..........,.,.96 Glenn Wade, Miamle\)u.r g; Mr, Owen penalty of 1.Q per ce,nt will be ad~e4· anon, ~tUrdaJ' Hia ·Pennlnaton ... : .:., ... ; . ' All owners .of dogs should MOW Burne~L~(jJumbU8; Mr. Frank Kin~~:~.!~~~ der" rra~ldinJ . Mr. 'J.mea Lauren., the requirementll .01 the ' law pertainMt-s. Mary l"eqruaon, Xenia r ,:Mr. ing to dogll If JOU, fail to fIIIcu.,. Jam. Wade, ~tenburc,' I"d.; Hr. y.our licensea to~ 'all tile dop you .nd ,Mft. Clie.ter "hitteman.}.lr. and own or harb.or YPU must n~ b~ Mn. Roaa; JrIiP Olara wade af. the oftlCel'll for fatuN cODlcq~enc... '~pnl!(boro; Mr. Olear Wad... , Mr. as t he inaUlidlonll bam. .tate authorand ~. 1, Eo Blm~ lIr. anll lin. itIe. are that the dog Hcenle tilw ClIarHe KIndle: JlrB:'.will Philli,P, Kr, must be atrictly enfonMid. Frank Sl11'Ile,,- Mr. aDd ~ .Harold C. So ~r. lit. _ . . . ~ Bar.111 111 1

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F nirfirld , \\('rl' cnlh'rs hIT,. SUIII\:Iy'l Mr. nnt! )11'". J~n rl 0 \\' :11'11 1111r1 1 , . 11', l\ pnn(,th ,," \i\l'el I, u\; ;1J']' nl'/' PIli' , \\':n"'''I1 , "I'l· nt SundtlY "Hul'n oon - - -, W\l h hi ' s iHI' I'. ~l l1ltie ZIJlll n I' :111 ,1 : : ~t ti ,' 11\01111' .. I' .IIIC,lll Zimn,v l' lin 1 \ P RO BATE PROCEEDINGGS CII 11\11 ,', 111l1l 'II Y' lumbaaoanduricacidc::onditlona. ~I,r , und ~ 11''' . .11I~(\ b Z l111 mN 111111 .\1,'. :1 11 ,1 '~h ~, 1~ 1IH"'~on Dill ntn. III Ih ' matlcr IOf th o estnle \I f W iIC"\\lll~:. "P"lIl T uc; <!ny III DII)'WI1, llI il1 ~d C,'r H I PIH' I' :;UI1.IIIY. M I'. IIlIlI lium 111, ' TholTlpson, deceascd, il was . .' "h' ,I,' P IIIg'. 1 . MI'~. H:1) 111 .. 11<1 OSI>'I'I1t! :111,1 ~It·. li nd II",I,'/'l'<I lhat c~ l'tnin , lock belonging . I' . alld ~h·". , nh n Ry.· IIn,1 CHlllIl y !lrl'~, La cy I 'ra i~ 111 ,.1 ' flintily , h b Id ~p {,J1t ' u,".l ay :11\"1'110011 with I'~h"n . I" l (' C'<lIIlc c so . HAAM.EM Oil,. ~v8ns und family . - - - - - --I Ed C. J llnn"y, lIeln Jinis lraler o C the ~Ir. 1111,1 ~l l'" , ,\ 1\, 11 11:1I'1,,, ,' k, "f '''~llI t' ,.C Alina E , Col" man, d (" clIsL i'\ " Sl.l l l S .. , ; . I ll~is cOlllmu ni ly . art' IInn"II''''illl! Ih!' bll'lh of a d:llll!'hl~r, I . liled hi. iJ1\'<'lItory nlld apPl"li' . se _ CIOn'frllntvnal troubles, ittImulat'e vttal ~!I' , ]I ,' ",.y W" i h('I'~ ""d f"mil)' . ml'nt. GrIl- Three aizes, All druggim. h ulat l'lIl el'tnilll'<1 f,,1' tIl\' wCl'k .•'n(\ l'\' la· I To h (, :1I' rrom owner h:\\,l ll A' I 111 lh t' mali 1' 1' (I f th" ~stut.! of _ the oriainaI &enulne 001.1) MaPAL. (.i\'l'~ fl'olll incinl1uli. , , farm fo r sa l e 1\(':1 1' \ VaYllCS- C hal'll'~ A, LudlulTI, ,dcccnRc d, 0 , S. Mr. I1l1n IIlr~., lI "wl\rd Sh"l'hnn I1l1d \,jll ~ . l1igogoin;l ndmin is lrnt ul' til e I his Ii t 1\[rs. In'',,b hllll m!' r a lll' nd t·c\ th!! I WARREN M RAE . , l It'S c, nnd final nccount For Christmas. eend the MiamI Ga· f unera l of Mllri on Burrell . uf Xenil', Friday. Logansport, Ind. The ~ rOSK "nltle of llll' !!slute of sette for a year to 80me friend. Ann Phillip~ , dec el\~l' tl , WIIS de termin cd to be $6,902.08 . HobeccII S. Carroll, ex.'cu lor of tho mJlltet' o f tho esll'lte of Wil1ialll 1::1Iny Cn r rn l1, dece:!"",I, ti led he r invento ry un.1 uppl'lli ,e m~nt. The will of f'runk f', Huffmlln, de· c~n~ c d, was udmitted to Prul!lllll, The g rosR " lIlue Olf the eslut e of .lnmcg N. Conove r, rl c ccn sed . wn ~ foun d to b(' $9 ,000, 00, A. A. Burmug hs was ap po inted nn HPPl'Iliscr in the matter oC tho l'Sla tl' of Lurillrin SublC'lt, o.l eccIIsed, in . stend o C Hurry Smith, ,who is unnb le 10 do his duti es, In the mutter of th e 'e~tJltc of Lu· cinda Su blett , dec e ll~o d, it wa s o rde rcd thut the administrator, the Lollnn o n Nutionul Dan k an d Trust 0 . , sell prope r ly of !.h e es tille lit pri vtlle ~ u l c . Effedhe o.:.lIDb. 2nd. the Ford Motor Company It wa s ord ered thut 1\ wurrant for ........._ _ DeW low pric:ea on aU Ford Can. A reducthe con veynnce of' Muttie R. Cutright ~ on the Fordor and lower prices on all to the Ohio hospit al for epileptic,s be issued t o Morrow Brnnt, sheriff. Ford cart even greater value. J ohn N. und Harry D. Huffman were a ppoin ted as executors of Frank P. Huffmnn, decensed , Geo. W. Spaeth, Wm. ROBS and Ed. J effr ey were uppoi nte d appruisers. TUDOR SEDAN RUNABOUT Thc g ross va lu e of the estate of Eli zn bet:h C, Mili cI', decenscd, was det e rmined at $28,428,83, FORDOR SEDAN TOURING CAR In the mlltter of the estate of Mary E. Stokes, deceased, it was ordered thnt the Lebonnon Nntinnl Bank· CHASSIS and Trust Co., as administrators. sell personal property of the estate at TRUCK CHASSIS private sale, Clara I. Merritt. administratrix. of the estate of William A. Merritt, All twfca F. 0. 1;1. Detroit deceased. flied het· inventory and ap· prniscment ' are the lowell prIcee ever offered In the hiltory , In th e matter of the estate of Eva Simpkins, decea~! d, Vera M. Hum01 the r Ford Motor Company. The, create a new bert. administratrix, flIed her first ........... of oraIue f(W motor car lraDaportation. and final account.

L_- -] .... ' oirbas


· ~. a'world.


,ride remedy for kidncy;llver and bladder disoMer9, fhcumatism.






All Prices Reduced


oIW .,... make tIaaa ..... w...




$190 COUPE


. $520


'$ 366

lorence M. Mason, farmer. of Highland, 01,d Miss Aimie ' L, Wood80n, of liarveysburg, harJeN Rnymo nd Sheets, truek driver, of Spring boro. I\nd 1\1 iss Anne Blanche Schooley, of Franklin. Arlhur' Pickclheimcr, carpe nte l', lind lIliss H elc n E lizabeth lIul1zel, both of Sout h Lebanon.



REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Georgo I, and Blnnchc Gerurd. to Glen n 1\1. BlOyd, 10 ncr('s in Deerfield Tp" $1. GI"n n ~ 1. Boyd, t o lhe United Stotes Playing Card Co" 10 nc res in Ucc\'tlpld 1'1' " '1. M , E, lind Ella Dllvis to Tony lind Mabel L. Rittn r, lot in Milson, $ L Uom R, and 0 , W. Murtin to C. W. Tuylor, lract pa rtly situated in Wurr ~n co un ly Ilt Lovelllnd. $1. Mury Brlllll to Frank Sims, about 15 acres in Salem Tp., $1. Me lvin E nn d Mnry M. Wilson to Phillip Whi ta cre, two tracts in Salem '1'\>., both containing 15.3 acres. $1 --' Ed and Idu Pres ton to Stephen J. and E"l ht' \' Fox , 8mlll1 trllct ill Turtlec rcc k 1'1'" $ L Levi und Mnggie Lnwson to Lonnie Hull, nbo ut 87 uc res in Union Tp., $1. D. Edgar lind R. Virginia Eltzroth 10 J,Ohll Cnhi ll, lot in Cozuddnle. $1. Jnllll'" A. lind ldll B. Purdom. to ~le lla Pitzer, lot in Morrow, $1. J, F. an d Olive E. Jncobs, to Tifnn lind J o~i o F'reelllnd, lots in Hor\, eysburg, $ 1.

Ol1c (,f th e higj :)b in hog rai o; il1g i" to gL't th em to tlll'l l1;t rkl't-qlli e k! Th e I, ll)!:,!, it t: , ', "; t put IO() ]'11 : 11 ' ! ~ IIf 1");'/'; Oil :l


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Tu.e-Uo Ch ic " T.lwedu nutt e r mllk Stlt r1 cr ant! Orowlna M R.h T u .cdo Deve-lo l'M TUJl ~do

P oullr y ..... th·u t" r . (" c.



COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES Waynel ville, Ohio Dr. Ed Blnir, services. $50; Remington 8ypewrilcr Co., repairs, no; Western' Stur, publishing Common Pleas Court Notice, $10; Le\Janon 4lL.~~ra Plltri ot, publicntion of Court of Appeals, $12; Scofi eld's Grocery. 8U P. \ plies, $8; Valley P hone Co" phene -:'~======:":'~:-:::-::-::-:-=---=:-=:~~=====~_-:and rent and lolls, $76.00; Sco. -= fi eld's Grocli:ty, supplies . $14.90; bridge, $70.00; J . T . Mll rlr.l. "-.:no , Bert Reese, filin g SIIWS, ,75; R. H. $76.50; C, C. Enston, Inbo r nn d 11111· Gregg, bridge re pair, $5.QO: 'J. T. terial. $81.1 5 ; Milo Beck, team alln ! Gregg, same, $1 3.5 0; Gilbert Krat- laber, $82.25; All en Laycock, "'"11 v, MONEY LOANED ze r. stone, $137 .50; E. B. Simpson. $50.50; Hnn'cy l\'\ urrny, "lime, $ .1~ . · . ________ . _ __ . _ repairs on county cnr, $4.05; Harry 75; Elmer Crame r, pllyroll. $221),1\0: ! .l ll'\; ~Y LOANED ON LIVE STOCK. Hill, gas and oil, $9.2 0 ; Ohio Coru· Frank Watki n." burial o f William ,' hllll~ls . IIlso second mortgage~. gatd Culvert Co., sewer, $25. 00 ; JIIO, ,Thacker, $100 ; B. D, Welto n, mem- NOles olJught. John Harbine, Allen K. Spencor. bridge li mbe r, $771 .20; ber of burinl committee, $1.00. Buil di llg', Xellia, Ohio. A. T. Lew is, cleaning nn d painting





(1 armers" Attention!

Can You Solve This Cross-Word Puzzle?


Farmers o f Wurren and adjoining euull lic8 1ll0Y o btain money on 10flg d mc I Oll n ~ , nt r; Y.t por cont intores t.. Co>l of sec uring the 8ame is very rell· sOllll ble ,through The Federal Land Balik . For further information call "II .. I' 11<1.ll'os, lit. C. DRAKE. TreM· lIr.,,', phune ~16-X . Lebanon, Ohio.

MARRIAGE LICENSES James Otto Rhodes. farmer, and Miss Eithel Lena Garrison, both (jf Le banon. Chester C. Nott. factory worker. of Hamilton. and Miss Marcella Evnns, of Franklin.

FOR RENT FOR HENl'- House of five rooms, wule r and e lectric Iighta. Inquire of :\I rs. Williams. nt corner ef Tyl~r und Fuurlh strcsts. oS· WANTEP


\\' i\,\;TElJ- Alloul olle dozon Delaine " W(.. . Phunc 73. 21', Waynesville. Olti .. , ·d17









Sheepskin Hoed Coab. Boots, Sbioes, Etc.


. . .aIJr. chan•• of pro,ram' Sunda, and Thurada,. Continuou. perlo.1.llDaIDcI" from one-thirty toeleyen thirty p. m. Afternoon prieea 20e and 30e EYenin,. 3D cento and 50 cento

ARMY STbRE 17 W. Fifth St. Wheels or All Klndll

WIlDe SItou;;Aaaa Ja Da)'toD Bicycla ud Velocipede. leoN Your Car Ja ud Aut.mobiles HUBER'S GARAGE



ItMake-Ldek . AlbUDa



J'GOD_ Pal

Bt.nIwp P••db


AW ·........... ' . . "Bu' . .

, . . . . . . . . MIl


.... e-. . . . ...,...... ,",en_ (wtIeM aIDt . .


IeIC1om. '

No deubt mea u. jUllt WQ U WOlDen, bUt you seldom ~)-"V.., Uw., It die plctoJell &t man eulna .. womlln ten . . are outheaU.... promise,




a8 1'oollah Ill!IIr of II breach et '

No Turkl.h Act ..... es.

'l'h" temnle roles In TurkIsh ~ IJ.tcrs nre nearly O"~8Y. pillyed bp Armenian octre88eB, 8S Turkish w0men nre torhl<'lden nny lIart In Ihe th. atrlcal performllnces.


Fir n.l, 1.1.



AS ONE". U. . .dr "100 D.,o Caab Price PI .......








THE SHAW & MARCHANT CO •• 24 N. Jefl'erson Dayton, Ohio

or ~t6e1 f)18Q


1&3 &.N'TM ST.'




.......,. memb.,. of the family can . .J.,. F.ra1hlre U ldealJ!': Our ,r••t buJini J:'W'. .... e. l,"" to buy lor 1.... t throqh' th. a.oodate. ":US ORESOPERATI G I

Incre.... your •• 1... by uoin g beU... are work and printing pl.t el . Here i. tbe place to I'.. t tbem-tbe plant of ito kind in tbe Middle Weot.

'6&Yrmf. 01110



GI.... .ometlUar f'Dr tho home tlaat



THE MEEKER MPG. co. 3~ s-II Mol. 5 _

lin Thm

Ow., aa,ooo A_ate

0..,...,. Camera' Shop

.Rabuilt, tigbt_od aDd trued lIP abo _ rim. and putI


THE MUTUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCI AnON JIIe'-l..c .. ....... - ,. . .1.8,800,000.00 SUr........ 7O'U7.32 --....................



lSI W. Pourth 8t. DAYTON, 0C-trall, Located-8iNt Serrice

42 NortJ. Jelfenoa St.



ACRO SS A Southern Stal e : A Mid-West Stnto 14 Flood , ' 16 Turfed 17 II n old slIying I ~g Has been Small bones 'attached to the jnws 21 Solicitor at law (a bhl'.) 221 A ch nractcr ill Shuk cs p\\C~l'e . DOWN 24 An ind r finitc arUcle 25 At all times 27 Work 1 Slow (mu 'c) 29 A single unit 2 Influenced 32 Trellchery 3 ExcJnmation of sorrow 84 A kind of grllin 4 A musicIII instrument 36 A Vine 5 Mature years 87 Also 6 Pronoun 88 Given name of a pres ident ( . k' 8 A Cllnadian province (abhr.) mc name) 9 A smnIJ spot 89 The edge of the road 10 Fnnciful 11 Prefix to words relating to dis- 43 An ' omnibus (abbr. ) 46 A step in walking eases, etc .• of the glands. 46 To begin a voyage 12 A snare 48 A Southern Stale (nbbr,) 13 To stick fast 49 Not late 15 A vegetnble 51 To exist (abbr,) 18 A thread of metal 58 Together ]9 Drunksrds 22 A raised level platform of lIarth 56 Regret 57 Disturb 23 Twelve o'clock in the day 59 To pnrticulorize 26 A New England Stnte (lIbbr,) 61 Depart 28 Not out 62 To have expressed gratitude 80 The point of ' a pen 68 A month 31 The first woma n 83 Reply (abbr.) An.wer to Week'. Puzzl .. 34 To steal from I 85 A pronoun 88 Sum 39 Wall (Scots ) 40 A period of time 41 A smllll body of land 42 East Indies (abbr.) 44 One who kills 45 A metallic plate 47 Language ,(slang) 48 A kind of bean 50 A mat / 62 An aft'ected person 54 Nahum (abbr,) 65 An animal with homtl 57 Aged (abbr.) 58 A 81ngle unIt 60 You (old form) 61 A Cllnadian Province (abbr.) When you try to upuU the worded" out of this deep one you nre going to have the job of a lifetime on your hands. It is one of the best that I we have published and are sure that our readers will hnve several Pleasant hours working on it.


W ANT ED- A good second-hand iibrn,'y tn ble, ollk pre ferred. Addrp ~~ I"mllk H nrdy. R. D, 8 , Wnynes· viII!', Ohio . 'd 10




SALE-A ' range, in good con. dition. cheap. Inquire at the GIlzelte Office. ~ d24 DUCKS - Mammoth White Peldn Ducks. Warren Hunt • .o R. D. 5• Wnynesville. Ohio. ·d24 FOR SALE-A few bushels of good seed potlltoes. 71) cents per bushel. Also , II J ersey cow, StroUlle Bros., R. D, Ii, Waynesville, tlhio. -17 FOR SALE-Barred Rock puUeta and nnd cockerels. $1.60 each. Mrs. Otho He nders,on, phone 74-3. R. -D. ;1, Wnynesville. Ohio. d17 FOR SALE-A Clermont range. Quick Melli gasoline stove and an organ, 1111 in good condition. InquIre III thia uffice, d17 F' OR SALE-2 Bourbon Red Tur key Toms, e ligible to register. $10.00 ench. Call 144·1 'II. Waynesville. Ohio. -d10

FOR SALE-Twenty-two Shropshire breeding ewes. Bred to lamb April IHl. Also five cows to freshen SOO I1. Lyman Sliver. phone 49-2.. Wayne.ville. Ohio. ·dl0 FOn SAL~A velour covered couch, price $5.00. Mrs, G. D. Mill8. phone 28. Waynesville. Ohio. -dlO FOR SALE-Pure Barred Rook cookerels, Bradley IItrain,' up , to January ] st. $1.50, After 'tliat thel WtU be $2,00. F. A. , Snider, B. , D. 6. Waynesville. Ohio. .cllO FOR SALE-White Plymouth Rock pUllets. fine oneil. Inquire of Davis FurlllLS. R. D. 4j Waynesville, O.

-dlO FOR SALE - Guaranteed Hotditry, , samples your Illze ,free to !I81'nte. ' Write for prOPOlltion,.payii!&' " "6,00 weekly full time. ,1.60 an '!lour inare' time, selling ,ruaranteed hOllary to wearer;, mUlt wear or replaced flee Quick Bales. repeat ordere. ' Iitti!m.. tion~l Stockinl MIIIII" 6069 NQrriao to,!n, Pa. '

b~. It! applel, fan. ey Rome ....utl.. haDaoplebcl.


good far eo~ ad


.. ueiIal'4



nie Miami QazeHe



GAZ E TTE ....


JSS l!:U EVERY W EDNES A. Y Entered ut the P(l~l(llIic· at Wayn


ili e, 0 .. as S cMd Cluss Mall Mntter

O. L. CRANE ; Editor and Pu bli. her. Wayn .... ill". Ohio. ·ubscli pt.ioll Price, $ 1.5 0 per yeur. \ :., ,I " " ' 4 HI' " 'I H,p i .... " :,' \ I ' U I , ... \ _~ t' " , I --:.--:,.-:-=-:-- - _ . _ - - - -

-.. -


:~:-::.-::' - -

- - =--=---== =--=

- ---=---

THOUGHT AND FOOD DISTRIBU- perrected, will cnab le mUll to ri ~c TION slrl1 il!ht upwuru f rom t he ground IInti 1't\/l1uin lit a s tate d alti t uue t~ hm'c l' there without moving bac'( (IT The trn nsm i_s ion by lI'il'l' ie83 rrnm LOlld on to New YUl' k tof phulo!:l'tIphs forth. or up or down. We do ))ot '"f I'res idel!t Co"lidg-l' "",I vi he r 11 0- fe('1 ~ ufficiently grounded in econta bles i ~ the lust nu ls la ,"ling UCCn/ll- iCH to express valuable opinion 0 )) pli. hment in "'''. l'Il','\ ric Ul':". It Mr . .Ed i ~ ol1' s pilln for the go vernn,e" t tcuc h c~ I.l great I"."u ll . J\v;u in it :ltonng of f oodstuffs. but when il d e lllon s tl'Ut,, ~ lhut nuillre holds no comes to t his he liCOPter bu siness, we secret mun cltllnot wr"st f rom hH e nthuse. We sce pOSl!ibilities of greal boso m wh e n he mnk,," up his n ind pith /l nd moment. Fancy, for exa mlo do so. We nl'e now nulL· t. ) liG ple, being ab le to hitch all our r eprctl y near what we will lh l' ,," ~ h the flll" ne rs, c/lr t-tail po liticians Ilnd lIir. Why? B clluse nlmo st us SO,)1l oth e rs to he licu pLcrs shoot them ~tl'/light up ill tho air ~nd give them !IS till' uerial impu Ise Wus disccovel'cd, t ho wur ld's urllill " tie l "buut to brillV; perman en t "Clliu encc in etherial Ihe dist ribution ur "fill unu now pic- splice. Also or gorent mom ~n t. ou r 10l'ial expressio n. I n II short timo soclnl scale would be rend ured de we wi ll be ~ending wire less motion VO id of doubt. The position of th e I'iclurct!. All of thi_ hlt H b('cn nc o upper ten as aga in ~ t thut o r the lowI:omplbheu uver nighl, alld yet in th e er fiVe wuu ld be lIHliMljUtable. W I! Push it 192& years s ince thl' birth of th~ are for the helicopter_ Hedeemer. we hll ve lI ot been "hlo tll 1I101lg. must er even the AB C of l uo d dist ribution, over lu nd, Ove r Meu, by t rllin. ship air. hip, truck or ill J\ny MAYBE SOuther wily. Apples /lctuo ll y r ot in Bilkins- "Suy! Have you seen New York sUi te while the people so close to the m 119 Droadway in the Clem Hllrriso n's wife si nce she got g reat metropolis fami"h for lhe Cruit her hllir bobbed? " Dcxter- "NG--but I guess in Il li nd pllY extortionllle prices. 0 1'unges rot in th· Ro uth becu\lse th e WilY that accoun ts why hi ~ nrize airproblem of d istributi on hus not bee n dill e pup has run awuy rrom home." Rolved. Corn li es WIINte in the West while t he East fnm is hes {or food . BLONDE BESS OPINES What is the an swer ? The problem is not unsolvable . "Talk ma,. be cheap. a. i •• ometim . . . aid-but Dol when you're . ll :H " a traftio cop." WHAt I THINK ABOUT 1925

----- -


·,r·- -----


With Ame rican hoving possession CURE FOR SPEED MANIA of more than one hll if oC t he e ntire "Drive as fast 118 your one-cylinWorld's gold supply. with the World War proble ms substantially all r ead- der brllin dictates to the nearest filljusted. with Labor oil employed Ilt ing stalton buy 10 gullQJls of gnaDline and have it put in a was h tub useful work a t which you have brought with you. profitable wages. Then Btick your head in it three with the pruducts tlme&--llnd take it out twice." of 'the fnrm at lus t commanding rcaso nable p ric 0 8 , with inte re"t on o ur foreign debts, ' at least /being part18l1y paid :w ith o ur taxes dimin i.-hin g: with the cost of Govern men t graduaUy decrellsin!: f ro m the World War """'==;..:..;=~ oriod; with tre- JoIr I/. IIIL_ mendous orden.. .,.,JY heretofore h'ld in abeyance now ueing released by retailurs a nd distributors, with pessimislJl dead; with opt imism alive and' vibrant, 1925 is going to be the greates t yellr for businell.~ in the history of Americu. The above W88 \\Tit ten by John H. Perry. olle of America's great.. publisher:; llnd editor of the Autocaster, which service we have been using for ' th o pnst_ twelve yea rs. I _ _ ... _ e





Clark's' new:: ~Ieat market is doing Il t10uriRhin g business. Miss Amrlla Carr remaiaR in a c!'itical condition , to the regret of her fri ndll. Mrs. J. W_ Fealy has been very ill th e pust wee k. but is s lig ht ly improved at this writing. ' Mr. und Mra. Lee Stratton lire living in th e Lizzie Sears' property, until Mr. Bryan can re build. ' Miss E mma Whetsel is spe nding this week in Dnyton. the guest of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ira Hartsock. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Frank Wilson were Sun dllY gucsl8 of Mr. Ilnd Mrs_ Herbert Fite Ilnd daughter. in WashingLon C. H. Mrs. Lllura Shidaker has gone to ~ushington C. H. to spe nd Born e time WIth Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert Fite and daughter . , App licants for the position of Hllrveys burg postmaster will take the Civil service examination ut Xenia January 17. 1926. Hirllm Poore lind John Stewart hllve gone into the butchering business, kill ing hogs. They do satisfactory work. Give them a call. On!! eve ning recently Dr. W _ E_ Frost, Eurl Cline and Cyrus Debord w~n t coon hunting to try the speed of Lhcir dogs. While on the N_ L. Bunn el place. occ upi ed by Cyrus GrllY , n bull discovered them Ilnd decid eu to try their speed. But t hey outrun him nnd climbed a tree. where their tormenter kept them prisoner.{ utlLi I n Illte hour. Needless to BIlY, the coon hunting WliS called oft' f or thllt nig ht.

Mrs. Simeon Brown is ill lit this time. Everett Early made a business trip to Cincinnati on Tu esday of las t week_ Rulph Miller. of Dayton was a Sun day g uest of his sister Mrs. Frank Kenty and family. ' A, numb er of pCl:9ons in this comm'!nity hnve been victims or the grip pe, th o past two weeks. Mrs. Charles Gilisc r. of Li ncoln. Neb.,. was the g uest of Mrs. Walter Kennck a nd family. SaturdllY. Mrs. AlI ~ n Emri(: k vis ited her s ister, Mrs. Catherine Johns who is quite ill at her home in Con~rville. Stephen Burnett was called to Waynesville, Friday lIIorning by the death of his father" Owen Burnett. Mr. lind Mrs, Willia m Brown spen t Saturday with their daughter. Mrs. Frank Woolley and :family. in Dayton. .Mr_ and Mrs. Sherman Rogers, of MIddle Run, were Sunday dinn er g uests of Mr. and lIhs. Frnnk Rogers. Several relatives and fri ends from here atte nded the f un e ra l of Mr_ Owen Bunlet. at Wayn esville, Monday. ' Jame8 Haines re t urned home SundllY after un extendeu visit with his brot her, William H a ines and fllmily, at Belmont. Mrs. Wm. Bergdoll and daughte r , Miss Glad ys. Mrs. George Graham and Mrs. Frank Kurfus we re Duyton s hoppel'll, Monday. A number of member s of the I. O. O. F. {ro m here atltended the oyster s upper given by the order at WIlYnesville. Th ursday evening_ Large crowds have been attending t he Barney Brewer meetings at Ly t le hall over th e week-end. He will continue for a couple of· weeks yet. Friends of Lawrence SimB t e ndered him quite a Rurprise Wednesday eve nW_ ·H. Reeve is IIble to be about ing. the occlISion celebrating his 30th aguin. . birthday_ Thirty or more g uests were \y, F. M. S. met· with Mrs. Ed Sted- present and enjoyed! the evening_ dam Monday afternoon. .... S. W. Stephena and family spent the week-end with relatives near FAIR QUIe:STlON Hillsboro. . J. S. Learning hM purchlllled H_ D. H_"What do you think of tri a l Carr's property adjoinging the M. E. marrieges?" parso nllge. She--"Not 80 ba,d-but wh o gct.~ Wm. Mills i8 In very poor health. the radio set w~len the split up H is advanced age makes his recovery comes'" I very uncertain. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Miller entertained guests -on Sunday in honor of Mr. Miller's birthday. Mrs_ H. G. Curless and daughter have r eturned from an extended visit with reilltives near Cincinnati. Mr_ an d Mrs_ A. C_ Rhodes have sold their place west of town and moved to a farm near Spring Valley.

n A M.'S t; A'1' II nIf lIIlOI tl'III ~t11 10 whnt we olnlm tor It-riel your .y.tom ,f Catarr h o r Deatne'3 ' ca uaeel II' ':nt '1 rrh. " A U.'S CATARRH ~IIilP IOINm co n'I> ts ot nn lu l m ' fi t wb lnh QuIck ly 1t ~ lJev e8 tho cnt Jlr r hu t Infla mmRtton. a nd "<t, Inte rn n l Medlcll... n To niC. \. hICh \c la through th ~ Dl ood on til . J\IU ~o UII Ur f B.rCD, thus TEBt o rJn,r n ormal condl.

Walter McClure Fl.\NEIVH. DIRECTOR

Waynesville, Ohio

Ilon a.

S."I ~


I'. J

Large T ELEPHON(; 7

by dru ggists tor over 40 Yeate. Ch ene & II.. T o led 0

a rtin Auctioneer T.


Dr . .John W. Miller

Dale YOUI' .a le. with. m..


lall.faction 'or cba-:gb




And X-O-ORAPHIST Waynesville,


Tel ephone 114.



Subscribe {or the Millmi Gaze tte,




Karveyshll rg Fertilizer CO.


At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday Harveysburg, Ohio 8:00 •• m. to 4 p. m.



Phone 8

Tbo Eyo Slgbt s".Ialllt

.- ---



Willa Drawn

• Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 44 .


Estates SeUled

National Bank ,





" ....


W elcon'le to Toyland . A . Wonderlal~d ·of Gifts

Estate of Martin Gonll, deceased_ Notice is hereby given that J. Q. Gons has bee n duly appointed and qualified as Ildministrator of the. e!!tate of Martin GODS, late of Warren County/ Ohio, daceased. Dated this 2nd . day of December, 1924. W, Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate Court, d24 Warren County, Ohio,

. .

Dring the Children to See Santa and the CJ.o...vns




TOYS for every child of every age. Many of the most popular

Thomas A. Edison Ra ys tho next great invention will be the helicopt e r. A 180. h e hIlS Il novel plan for the relief of the farmer which he oyel'll is quite a simple matter_ One hllif the population, dec lares Mr. Edison, is working in the soil, and the other half is composed of manufllcturers and middl emen. All the government needs to do. a ccording to the inventor, is ta sto re foodstuffs as it sto res gold todllY and pllSll thorn out for use as n eeded_ Our mind. however, is attracted more to lhe helicopter. that device which. when

Estate of Euphemia Crumley Willion, deccnsed_ Notice is hereby given that Minnie W. Vandervoort has been duly appointed and qualified at executrix of the eSlIlte of Euphemia Crumley Wi!_ IOn, Inte of Warren County, Ohio, deceased . Dated this 4th day of December,

toys are n w very specially priced. Bring the children in and let them see these wonderful toys.

Flexible Flyer Sleds, Priced $3 to $8.50

------4.____ ______


I .. plaiD Di.he. and Ca .. eroles


Of all kind•.

ELECTRICAL GOODS Toaatera, IroDa, Grille, etc.



Bolio 101...1.... _ . GN811.










Pencila and Pena




We, the following farm ownel'll. positively forbid any hunting or trap ping on our fanna. Any violatlo:1 of the same will be prosecuted according to law' and to the fullest extent, H.O.CORNELL ROMINE SHOEMAKER ROBERT PATTERSON BUNNELL AND STARR J. W. CRESSWELL MRS. ELLA MICHENER FRANK BRADDOCK MRS. RACHEL CREW LEONARD TINNEY MRS. ELEANOR VAN TRESS


:$9 Electric Train Set, Special, $7.95





Situsted.ln W~JJl. TOWDIhtp. Warren coU;t 't , OJdo, m Survey No. 791. B nnina' . a~ a Point in the . present j) 1:e belnlf' Road No. 129 and on the' Eat "lie Of ~. p. (l. C. & at. L. RaiJroacl ··~t~ the eroealnr below Corwin, OJUll. rminine ,thence northerl, and on the Eaat lid. of Ole uld railroad. rWht of- way and parallel thereto untfl it Jobla a, reg. ularly laid out 80 foot atreet in the said V1Uqoe Comn, Ohio. and' there in~nr, being'. tOtal dildletance of one-fourth mile 1IlQ1'e.or leu. Said route beine t!irougb the land, owned by John .Zelland oth-

of .



Very stron .Iy bui!t , Painted r c\and roller bearings. A very healthfu l form of cllcr=iSc.

Set of dishes- complet e in hand. some g,ift bOll. A set of which any little girl would- be proud.


' '.

All-Steel Scooter, Yellow and Black, $4.75

China Tea Sets, $1.75

NOTICE Notice Ie hereby given All required by Section 6864 General Code, that J. L. Mendenhall and othen filed their petition for the . eatabliahment and alteration of Road No. 229, in Wayne TownahJp deacrlbed .. follows: .


Very durably bqilt_ Handwme red disc whcels. roller bearings,

What hoy will not be proud and happy at this marvelous set _ Consists of engine, three cars, large oval tra,cI, and battery rheostat.

Velocipedes, $4.95 Strongly built. Strong wheels have

thick rubber tires.


Coaster Wagon, $4.25


We have a full line of Useful Gifts, such as


,.. ow e vel J h..,y and girl can enjoy coasti llg. A st eering sled makes It much



, 1


W. Z. ROLL, Judge of the Probate Court. Warren County, Ohio Eltzroth, Maple && Maple, Attys. d24



.:1~~ s=


Gifts Of Utility


Waynesville National Bllol, Bldl:

- -----



. ,

.~ Boalil O)ffe~=~~~~~;.;~~' ThUl'IIda,., D

Cedar Chest, $2.95

Horseman Mamma Do~ $2.89

Large enough for all of dolly's wardrobe.

.Cleverly dressed_ Genuine Horsman doll. Says "Mamma" distinctly.


Very sp«ially priced. Naturallinish.

Educationel Board. $130 .painted bright red.



Child's Chair, $1






To f~l SAM,",






Schoenhut Piano, $2

In,. bea~tlfunY 6nished c:abinet. 12·, keya. .

'Gc!od qJab ., ty ~a~ ·· . . 0 0ber with coQnhac board, IS.5O. ., " / ' . .

EVE~Y Rttle·bof

IlDd girt is invited towme a letter to Santa ~ You Wl1l find the P1ail box In . Toyland. Santa ~ ever, letter ho.



" ,



Don Buggies, $3.95

S~ngly built buggy, painted dark

blue. rubber tira.


Sewing M~~ OVYl';:1':i;'~~!i!'~ ,,~>,; Sews like Mother's. 00 make dolly'. clothes.

The Miami Cuette, Wa,.....tlte, Ohio


;Why ' ~ Not Gift for the Whole Family Thi. Year?

1\11'. un o MI·s. W . N. l)ay lull , l-'.I' iduy.



1[ /l n "', '




"'n ~ ~h<) l'l'in~

Il ' \" ill


• 7'

. } ~of .i'taadiug Estate

ra in \ in

Dur t !)!), 1··l'iu ny. ~ I I·".

I '

the Chrisbna~ Store


I'c turned

home from Cill cinnilli.

Charm For Everyone the Family

M,., . . 1a1'Y lIIcKihhnn ' ,pent Sun. cla y \\'ilh r"'u l ,,'t'" lit Ferr), .

1\11'. and Mrs. II. n. Earnhart spent SunrlllY wilh lIIr~ . Vi" ln lI ul'lnn.


One visit to

Mrs. Mary J . Willi e, o f Dnyto n. is spending Illl' w('t'k witn Jll,.~ . Mag. gie B",rnet. Mr. W . .J. Ra ker 1I11,·"dc,1 tho In· t erna tional Stock sh"", a t Chicago , over the we('k·end.


Miss Ruth N wlnnd, " f Minmi uni. versity, WH ~ th e ",(·c k ... "d guest of Mr. W. H. AIl('" Hnt! fumily.

Miss Ellnll lTowlull rl nlld i'llI'. F.rl· ward Burlon spe nt Sunday in Bow. ersville, guc61s 0 f M i s~ 1l,'1I1 .Jl1I vids. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. hapman and family, of Cincinnati, W(' 1'1l gUt'" l~ of Mr. and Mrs. E . S. Bnily over .' un· day.

A Bathrobe

May we s u g-g c~t tbHt 11 R at hrotH' is j\l:<t what

Born- To MI'. nn ll )\ rs. Ah'ah Hartsock, of Houte 1, Friday, December 6, 1 tl2~, II daul; htc l·.

Now Ready for You

you will without

store and

ques tion our state m e nt that San tll Cia,,!! h as mad ... this store his Waynesvill e h ea dquarters. G ifts o( qua lity an rl dis tinction for e very age, which you will b e proud of. Selecte d to make Christmas !lhop p ing It p leasure for all.

Messr s ..J. C. Murrny nnd Ed lI op. kin s .. Hendel! n fune r lll in Xe nin In~l Priday.






your hu sband. fath e l', mot.h pl·.

Mr. and l\£1'l\ K. K. 110ugh. 1111'S. Viola Hnrlan an,1 ~lt'5. H. B. Ear n· Mrs. Alvin Ea rnhnrt was shopping hart were Dayten ~ h OPII 1'8 , otur· in Lebanon, Friday of last week. day. . Miss May Wright was in Lebanon Rev. Nathan Juhnson, of Ferry, Is last week, the guelst of Mr. and Ml'II. What . .tter time of the year th_ Christmas, to in Cin cinnali this week. attending a Stanley Sellers. thrill e"W7 m ....ber of the family with an automoConfer ence on Nll\V 'fes t..A mc nl Evn ngelism . y OQ caDDot hope to drive a better car for the Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward left Mon · ~ ·thaD the FO~D. The new 1925 is the acme day for Long Beach, Cal., where they Mr. ' cal Suydllm, of I OWII, h:ls will spend the winter. OI ...cb••lcai perfection. Give the car now . . There been visiting Mr. and MI'!'. Geo . .... maa,. belautiful motoring days throughout the Hurt ·ock. Mr. Suydam is a cousin Episcopal market a nd Apron sale .ad iil ..rly .pring. We will drive it, apic, of Mrs. Hllrtsock. i n the Funkey stor e room, December .pa. .ad ahiDina new-«ll bolly bedecked-to your 13th, commencing at 9:30. Save your old carpets IIl1d rugs tIeor OIl Chriatma. mom. and get "W urw pll" Rugs ' made. Mr. a no Mrs. Emmor Ba ily and Send for price li. " Franklin Rug daughter, of Lebanon, visited Mr. E. S. Baily and family, Thu rsday. Co ., Franklin, Ohio. Mr. L. F. PI~rkin s and family, WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Mrs. Vaughan nn d daughter, Mrs. of near Dayton, we re guests of Mrs. Sanburn, who have 15een li ving in Maud Crane and :ramily, unday. Dayton, have re tu rned to the Friends ........_ _ _~_ _ _ _........ ' ....N................... At the meeting of the Farmers club home for the win ter . Thursday, a t th e home of Mr. J. W. Mrs. Mary CllJ;key returned home White, Mr. Harry Darst, vice.presiing at 10 :30 • .'I'D. Wednesday even· FridllY morni ng from Washington D. dent of tho Citizl!ns National Bank, Dayton, will speak on "The American . ing service a t -I :00' p. m. Epworth C., alter a months' visit with her Ideals and their Rela tion to the FarLeague 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 son, li'red, and fa mil y. mer." p. m. Ev(,rybody Ia cordUJly invited " Mr. Walter Williams, of Kin gma n, A meeting of the Woman'sAuxlllary naayl CHURCH OF CHRI.S T to these services. Mr. a nd Mrs. J. E . Janney, Mr. and will bo he ld at the home of Mrs . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. .Mrs . J. W. Ward we e Sunday dinner Anna Cadwallader, on Thursday af· 'l'IdI1I aD uel.nOJDinational congre· gucsts of Mr. and 1\1 . C. M. Houg h ternoon, Decembe·r 11, at 2 o' clock . ..doD.' All .... welcome to wor.hlp and Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Hough This will be strictly a business m eetben. 1Ifbl. mel,. 9:80, fonowed by ing nnd n f ull att.en dance is desired. POOR GAt. eo,.aaaralOIl anel sermon. Evening, Mrs. 'Lina Devitt, Mrs..Julin Don· ).. 110l1li aerrice and termon, at '1 :00. He-"You are as beau1'tfIlIF as a ovan a,n<l)drs. E. S. Baily gave Mrs. JessjI ~fit: of Spring boro, a pleas. great white Illy." '.' .: :;l ,,_ .. They took She-~ ' And true to form-1 usu- lint surprise T uesday. their provisions an d spent the dllY ally have a dead one holding me." De· with her, ce lebrating her birthday. --All membe rs of t he Jr. O. U. A. M . in this community are cn rnestly reo For Christmas, send the Miami Ga· Mr. Ernest L. Harlan , of Valpa· quested to meet with Miami Valley tette for a year to some friend. raiso university, Valparaiso. Ind .• Council No. 103, next Friday even· has made the Alpha Epsilon frater. ing, Decem ber .12th, at 7 o'clock. ni ty, whicll is the oldest fraternity T!lIJre will be work in th e First and at Valparaiso, this being its 24th year Second degrees. It is national, having a chapter in aU EMM1~TT BELTZ. C. of the smte univer sities. ROY PIGOT, R. S.

d a ll g'ht p!,

n ceds. from

From 5c to 75c _


In LoxcR, 3 and \ 5 in Il box, f!'OIll .

J (,lI nn e and Georl1e Neely De Wolfe , of Ma r ion, O hiO, ~ hil<lrell ot Mrs. Warr 'n G. Hurdi nl5's SO li hy hill' firs t murriajl:e, Will rccci"e most of thl! $500,000 fro m the Inte PrcRi,le nl'A estu te, as wi llcd • ,"" I " f(linl: before her •

S Oli 0 1'

$3.95 to $7.50

50c 10 $1.25


. ...ter



'.1 .,1•••••• ••".,.. ,

. -.

Dress Shirts




In perca le, English broaclclot and si lk strip es, from

For m en , wom en and children, f l'om '

In silk an d word. in }lure s ilk, fr om

Tn p ure ~ ilk, and s ilk knittcd , from

gac to $4.00

50c. to $3.95

50c to $1.25

Men's Rnd Young Men 's Overcoats, a ll new s had es, SPECIAL



TO '



We will make



at the following prices:

36-inch Boxes !at 4().;inch Boxes at 42-in-chBoxes at . 44-inch Boxes 'at 46-inch Boxes at


9& to $1.95



I $2.25

Wayoe.ville, Ohio - . ~""'~---.----.----~-----=

YOU are 1l1ce the J[Faverlllil! humlln bdna you are inrercsud in

$2.45 $255

ndio. Come In today lind lonk ov.e1:.our A""'A'na KI!NI' ](.c:!io. fed how smoothly th~ dial. tum. No~c how t-utifully II

'$ 2.65

Anilhed. eon,,,.re the d('u, tull muRcal tones ~ aD? omn r.dIo yOu have ever ~rd.



the n:aadoet tfaht now or

~ 111 tile rebaeeo Growen' Association Prices

.' WS)'Deavllle, Ohio

Towel s........ ...... 25c to $1.00

Mama Doll~................ 50c to $1.00 Envelopes i~ Christmas Boxes from ............. :........ 2SC to $1.00 Vanity CaseB ....... :........ 3S to $1.50 Men's MuffJers ........98c to $3.00 Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas in all shades, in silk and cotton, from ........$1.2S to $7.50 Swea era for t e entire family from .................... $1.25 to $7.50 Ladies' Slippers Children'S Bobby Boots, with Red tops .............. 1.95 to $2.45 In all new shades nnd Traveling Bags and Suit Cases c,?lor:s, from from ..................$1.25 to $10.00 ,

Whethlef yoa are to

w ..B. Ma.dd~n &


Men's Initial Belts .... 50c to $1.00 Be~


Clermont Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces

Purses ' l:;:rrlieA' o*&Iib90~: - in • a ll III her a)· bead d fr om $1.25 10 $5.00


Chicken supper and Christmas beNle. 8 room be..., e.ll.r, .Ieetric lI,hle, ler,. ,enl.n, priced to aell . .zaar Saturday, December 20, 1924, to I Shown b7 appointm •• t . , be given in Waynesville in the store room formerly occupied by John A. Funkey by the ladies of the Ferry , Christian church. Everything to eat, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lots of pretty Christmas novelties, Pho•• 61-3 home-made candies, etc. Supper 6:00 to 9 :00 p. m.

w. N. SEARS '

to $1.50

)~r'/( q)vercoats


.. - ..- - -


not, we want you to haw

dle~jo,rnent cL Inspea. to" thl. ·I••t wora In ~~I~



, :" ~ " "



For Sele h,.

.........--~........- - - -...., J.E.FRAZlEJtWayoesviUe, O.




HER REASON I NATURE STUDY . Fat Lady Motorist (rilttling up to Li ttle bits of clover filling 8m tion) ...... " A hal t ga lion of "If you're satisfied with your lot Little drops of dew, gasoline, please." -build a house on it." . Make il horse roll over Man at Pump--"Aln't going fal', Or a cow say "Moo." are ' You?" FLOWERS Fat Lndy-"Oh. ye8; but I'm putting this ' car on a diet." Oh, heave a bi« Bob For poor Jacob MUilI, IT'S POSSIBLE By mistake he took three OIty Man-"I underBtnnd there is Little T·N-T pills. a great deal of money Jcn farming." . ~griculturiat-"Wel1, 'there ought Very highest quality feed to be. I for onl! .am ~uttinng in aU the market at lowest price. ED PURDY'S P,HU.O~ I can get my hanile on. ' WISDOM OF THE SAGES


------ ...---

"It'. heeD m7 obion_tie. tfa.t the wle.ed ,Eol'" are th.1Il .1 the tIll.,. ,op••I:'w"'t ·. 004


0 ••• "0


.""tty... ., .

- - - ,....

DO' YO.U KNOW A sUbscription to ,T he Miami Ga. zette will. spread a relative .throughout the whole year.


on • Takes the place of corn to ==~==~=======I fatten out hogs and cattle,. and twice as high in digestible fat as co,rn. Make special prices on ear. lots, also in ton lots off the car. INSURANCE AND



We,nolYille, Ohio Amen BI.... Phone 61 . 2

C. W. Younce & CO. Phone 148


. _:_

. Ohio

Seve n t.y-~ixt h


YeH r

Whole Numb er 5622

/.!Ila l. SWohn gou l nn clever paSR. P f" u l nn Ud tz. StJ ohn fuil " to Hhoot gOIl I. S. gets th e f,lul. He nde l'S bull In cent er. W . pa ssc~ to fi eld. S. r ecovers untl th en loses to center . S. Illllked goul on ('level' PIISS after drib. The opel'l' ltu' "T wilg ht All ey." g i,,Hund ul'so n Illllkes fine utte mpt ul a. hy til(' Third. Fourth li nd F i fl h n e houses bUl3iness Waynes ville uut loses thc n re covers and ma kes lin d e r' t he d il·t.' ct io n ( t f P rllf. s.rnuh.lH Jt \\":1.,"1 ha ve put on Christm as a ttire and I,(onl. S. geLH bllll on outside but los " I" utki n ~ t W a s U bi", s uccc ~ s . coa t5th urvey, the S rt hom was '1'ranspo et o A \'(' I'Y in te res ti Ilg nn d m uc h onT he Ohi Owe n J. Ilurn es th en pusses to territory and mllkcs !lO th T 'Jllstiuy "he rn oon 11 11 <1 joyed n th e hrlstmll s spirit is in the IIiI'. i\'c f! Boy. Second Tr"m ied d d all 4:1. 18 mt'I! ting of Ih (' Wayne Tow n. ited h. Un ont Ill the th ur Fo betwe'n of ny d project c " t ell opcl'llti 11 a noon r fte 6. a W. he t 10; Tn S. . d ing n I' Score, (·" arrange Window s are artistiiclllly Fi rll t <l lIlI rtl·I·- I.(l ng' ~cl'im111age goul. of Public Roads and li th o f T we lft h 111 0 111 h. 102 ·1. ag d liltl e !' lI m "f ~ 2 7 . 8:J wu, Inken ill al1 <1 " hip F III'IHCI'S clulr wa s hdd at the he t cau flur t(·~ Stll bull. rst fi gets ---'-S. qual-ter nt! Seca " IHI" with J!"l a l li y ~Jll'in J!' ''O)'n . Sec. egUn to Ilttrllct ~ h oppcm who arc r e8 1 ycurA. 7 months n nd 10 dIlYH. lI is II I nirr ht S:I.I,f.7. in u ll maki n!! II t n- 11<1111<' of :'>11'. J . 'I". Whi tf' on Thursr, r e cover s un tl 1\'[ UI'. the Ohio lJi\-iAio n of Hil!hWLlY!ibb 1· 11th. ",11 1 :o4('I'im naa~c Itlll ~ I' fu u l UII l\li ~!'\ il . LO~l' !i to ce nte fi rst ma rria ge was to Kilt" !) ~ lllin g~ l' . 1:.1 of 51; 2..J11 s Monduy mOl'lling. ecemhnt th er e arc on ly sev n t ed npC'l'atio nlind ry. rrito te into A pll r t of Ihi. n lfll1 r V <I n ,\'. 1l.' cellal"· ll uu j!cts S. 1. 1:'011 ll sta Misdia.., . S. ",'O I'I'S nnl' fuul !;hllt. A ftel' " " ull us"" Uy good di nn er, and will ex tl:md over II '1'hird month. 186 7. One "hild, tl' Jl h- i, t o s;:o t n t h(' M o t h ~ r " Cl uli. . 15th, he t b"r until top. on days out mes hopping co s W. more nd li en age Scrimm lI!isfuul. " is i rrl uy .' a nta C l a u ~ . who "i ldin e g oa l nn C;n1'l' i."u lI·~ I' WI' ',\' ,. , . en H . Burn et, s urv i\'i ll g . H is wife ~ and recov- pCl'if)d of oll e year. . T h.· J1 1 ~ t "f I h" pill y i, : Dnlll r J!'!I\ .. " g if t. t he cost or wb icb . hou ld great annual fes tiv~11. .• dtlitlc J!'u:al Oil siJ!' 111I 1. Scrinllllag l' Hende rHon uJ!lIin Ultulllpt W. J!eta ba ll de parted this life th e 22n <1 of the !\(I'pd A scientifi c e/Tort will be made to g-(\ fHlllii y . liv,'d ll' h r hp g01l1. h a Wit . y makin!:, ll, ba I'l! C ne Mi""i1di !"el« ot, mllk<·" P fuul. T hird mOllth. l SG!!. li e wn ~ t hen in "'P lll' Ol d ~ h o ('l , " a t l'H f ' !)H ' lI t ' " nol I·Xt·e ,·d \\'ell ly lIt.· CI' lIts, til each not count all ac· meusure the umount and type of high pe rso n P I'{-,:O: C l l t. " 'u reM on fll II I , 1"' 1.. S. J!',," 1 hy G,"'- into bu,, !tel but does highway State Ohio marri ed to Cathcrl lle MOlIge l'. 2nd "f he t on truffle wuy S. s;:cLH ball but loses iJ!h t A III' Y." ~ I ,." Wa, 1I". "IdI ;snn. Missiltli n,' I' foul. Score , ~ ~uunt of ste p". Thi s \\ ,,, J",I1(,\\'ed hy I.he p rogram \h e Second month , 187 1. To t hiR "(· !'Tt wii W. recovers sys tl'm lind to reco rd slIch !nforma. S. ball e id cl;'lIg h ttl l'~ . nn d .Jac k th ~ ht Ollt..~ ej~ 1' 1) W. to ul" Jl born til 5. were n d ai till' "ft,· r " ,."" , wi th MI'. Ha r ry will childre "f as ix s traffic union this g reJ!ardiu t,un al1 b l' ~ cenha at u tl r r ecover~ e r. Mil ' onl y SOli, wn Q, cu p l Hin ~C. itti Wh . S"co nri 4u II I·te l· _ Dunnell for but lose8 to S. nwW. Ada prob. . of I )" I·tnn, I I:' th .. "p enker . Ho Howllrd 1>1I1'8t. highwuy M., Stute vcy of solution ... inti IlH li '" .. g-t. ll A ign M ll a ·.1 n goa l wh om ure st ill n ine uf btl )' :' h i". f) W II of our f ~; m ith . FiI ... a lI.l' lll pt uy (;llrriMon . tel' nnd Hen de h, t u us llpOUI "Am e riclHI Ideul s ·d Sara ll' la nnd IJel lems. W. to in l e8 R i('f IO ~ Wa h" rritory. w h il d ~ ('I'il1lmng e N (· I~,, " plll Ys ill I,ud IlIck S. t ukl!. ball to te lovi ng wife lin d moth er , wa s u n (, llI i,.!'THlllCIcIl'" ob· be '1'he all d T he il' 1{ ~IIlLi u lI t o the Fa rm ers" will ving. li that t~ fuc e th of Sume I Thl' t. " emp nt tt Y a ll e <I fin ll a e mad n a me Ne e,ly', ,, 1,,1 lost tine chan ce f(l)' 'co re. Scrim - territory . SWohn n ! l ll irltl ing- u s, fiR c jti zcn ~ , o f our dut v S U I' Clltheri ne M., le ft us th e 6th of t he 0111 recove rs. H " II ' l ta i n ~ d us u res ult of this Ohio high!'lhoe ." whil (· he r mot he r "" ,rk "d ' n ' h", Co nst ituti on of th e Uni t ecl He wu_ " ""IJ~, fl . dlll's fille pussing fl' ol11 W. Bull to cen ter.gouW. of lcve n t h mOllth, l!J 06. n Ee divisio e th elluble ll wi I' , vey t. <lnu!!I,' he t IItlemp " II W · y third Lil on l y. or t fne tl' l'I'it OI'Y. P foul (I n Mi"s ildill c. S. del'son milk". th en marri ed to 1I1uggic n. Wilde, oillf aII we ll -to- <l o p l'opr rty own('r. l h,. S lu t.(! s . . gots ua ll fro m cente.r but lose" to wa ys: llIis~1'f1 Stllllt(ln I' fllui. Rllnn ell shot II I' te ll , us thut ever y Nat ion slan ds Se pte mber 27 , 100!!. the Ohio Stol ,' c1a88ify '1'0 (II) Shllner on oul f T .. d o f "'1'110 Olrl Sht)e. " One .. f - f" .. so me g reut id ea l to which i ts cit. y. ndl(, IlI territor j!Oll t t.hat t il'd scnl'e. Missildi n e makes W. 18'13-19 24 is a long s pan of years industri ul. high. us system y hwa g hi v cit e~ " th tuk in W. y wn foul. r he shoot lust to ly s Li fllil oon rn ize n. Rhould be loyal. Tn spcllkin gdevel' drib ble lind I:'onl. P foul on Mllrstllll more thull eis;:ht decndes gi\'en to our sis;:nal8 but fa iled medium or low type routes, based Orville Riggs . 2:1. 1626 W eav£' r fri end to work ou t his des tin y. lie s t re~ b n nd wn nd cred in t o a te nelt1 e n'l nf our fla g he sUl(gest ed thll t the blue ~ l. lIer". li llY shllt nlld missed. Lonle .bu ll fro m centerS.ofgets bull buck. Mllr on (1) . passeng er cllr de nsity and mil n. p" y l I'Rr~ "hine sun he t Ilna! n d. ere ee wh goo Gr urt he t ('n make f o 1:.0 c un employ" he lI ag )'(·prese nted t he blue sky scrimmllJ::t) in fl . tl' l'r i,tory. Mi •• 11 Jlllssed th rIJ uJI h all ern fl f wonoll'r flll tor truc k den sity. (2) Motor truck street, to 14. se nf th ", ~nt n k~ . Shr nnff tfreedom nnd prot ecti on ov r us. .Iine ItI O" S long ~hot. Sc rimmag e ill stllll ~Oll i. Score 14 goal by Mars t.nll cll pll ci l y ; J!ross loads and wheel load • . Gret'n compan y of this c i~'y . who wa ~ e ve nts -pe rhaps n ot in the history I·t !'/ltcll . hee('nu Tblrd qunrter -S. the Reed hospitul , Richmo nd of th e wo rlu- be tw eell t he bir t h lind I' it ied th ,,~ "twilig ht d\\' e ll l' ),~ " "n. 1 T h.. whi t£' sturs remind us of our gonl W. h ·,·ritol'Y. P fo ul for Garriso n , ( b) T o estima te future traffic all taken to llge 8nd pn... y nig ht, unid entified. death of ou r fri end much importu nt i" dted I hem to he r o\\'n I O\'I' I~ ~n r . or hil( h Uilll8 as citi zc ns. The red o f Sdturda Ind., I lart..<ll('k mak !'" aliI' foul )!'oal. Ball in first piny. SCl'imlll system. highway tat;(· S tly hlld goa l but Ohio followi ng a crash b etween h is a uto- and thrilling hi st ory has e\'c ,' bee n dpn. Whil o Dame Needy wn . '"slvc )'l t hl' li ng r epresen ts th e sllcrifice whi ch o t t" S . T foul 0 11 BU II" e ll. GArrison Hende l'soll uppurtm extellt the ate estim '1'0 (e) uut i• • topp~d ~tt) l " a wuy wt ih he r t o 111)1' we mu st make. mobile and a passeng er train at "ho t foul JIn/ll, whi ch wns lost by ste p los t. S. )'ccove rs bnll too k his pn rt in life til<' g irl. th e hilltnp. improve ments of old or th (' Eton . Ohio, will re·cover , ac co rding a chi eved. li e it home un !1ITiuge e r·. H,;,~"I~.~'c·S·oovn e· rs ~lIclrlimllnn'UdgCF'riy" lJwhieh 1l1 By ll. we He 41'gcd us to forg et unplea san t r(orll",d pe ecois lind routes traffic I·ing out uf cirell·. P fo ul on Giu bi" . ~eYntD new of illlC lJ ~ n u ~ OUl'ins;: th " ir a hs" ncc the boys rl" t hi n!('s and adversit ies, and to remem to reports received from the hospital CO lllH:! Cti Olls we we l'e thrown togetlwr 1Ill rt~llck HcOr!'s lIne fou l g01l1. Scrim· stified. Ju llly 'lIllcll nl in live terri W. takes ball to a t he ing com[lr ll cd to nilo!ht ( S und ay). he r un Iy th e g ood ond hllPpine ss . "'''11'1' in S. tf' rl' ilury. Turn e ,· fo r ntllkl''' J!'on l. on \'cry early in IJoy hood. Our inhe l" he ll ed (u) '1'0 know the type and volum~ lllstRiggs passes. Cartwri ght suffered a broken left t hi g h itance in the Quake l' fnith \\,8. th e " The Old Sho ..... all d dedd ed t o IJurn MI'. !\fOl'ris Co rn e ll was th e leader ~ li"8 i1rlin o. Cle ve r puss a nd Hart. . lory but lo"os ys highwa State Ohio the in tl'lIffic of ed eturn Snook r foul heN< T bone , frncture d hip I1nd II br oken jaw. same. W e stud ied from t he same it. bul Li ly nnd t he nt of the discuss ion of t he "Far mers I n. ~uck " ets gU1i1. Scri lllmage in W. milk,'. fine recove ry. high of on allocati the to index in "" on tel" soluti W. er ppi ng e foul. tim l' to a fT er 0 ha stit ute a nd its benefits to the comt " rri toI'Y , i'flM~ 1'11 to S. Scrimm age lind St./"hll ~ h ll"ts D.thHend erson made wily cO llstructi on and mainten ance '1'he road.ter which he was drivi t ext books. uelonl,(lHl to the Ram e po- in S. reCovers was de molished when struck by t he Iiticul pers ua s ion, ad opted th e same lin d all en ded well. mu nity ." t/\ e nd of oll e half. Score, W. 11; ritorystop s. fund W. kins. Wat to P8SS and fine S. 6. We adjourn ed to Illeet in January s ou r ln s te~ an d feelof vari- car. Thu cost . the e vocation compar To ) (e Beltz on foul P ge. marks Unconsc ious and bearing no Owe ll hud a Third qUllrter - Scrimm af'e in S. loses ill scrimma at the home of Mr. Frank Elbon. mutuIII. mentl' were gs improve in highway of types ous W. shot. out f to one taken makes n of Identificlltio n. Riggs was u close obse rver , territory . uack to W. S. makee goo - Hellder Ko ....:...-- - --ain we ll-balanc ed mi ndli, nd goo d under· son .coring . T roul s uch as relocati on, grad e reductio ns. 1 1I1~8 t o their territor y. Long scrim. on signals. Hend er fails to J! et fo ul elimina tion of grude crossin gs anti the hospital in Richmo nd by thc tr riellr perce ption SWohn crash. he ltz. t .. g n crew fol1owin m/lge. '1'urn er mnde nne attemJlt for lOll . ta nding , his judg ment and a d vice eliminat i on of traffic. bottle necks. 17; W. 18. Having regained (!onsciou sness sev. we re fr equentl y Hough t and fo llowed, I(lI al, but mi ~~ed. S. Jlassus to th eir I(oa l. Scor e, S. saveing in transpo rd estimnte ter with Capt. S. of foul '1' himseli made qUIlr: ggs Ri r. Fourth te la eral hours ell l!rs makes P foul. nllY ted. 1 served hnsket. . ho?t the foul. tution cosu resultin g in such im - known and WIIS sa id to have explain - whic h was seldo m regret Last Friday morn ing the Se niors s hoou (Inc fou l gonl. '1'urner travels He ndtH'8on fa,l~ to on Signals. with him in several pla ces of trusts me nts. prove W. h. approac scores the see not nderson He . did . at he fine that a ve ry good progrum , which ran ed gave e th to l ua eq him ill attempt ed driubl" makes found valalways earning and the e compar o T (f) y. loses to cening trnin un til l oa late to Ilvo id the e mergenc y. H e never uns um ed an a s follows : system t,·mJlt. to hllsket. S. llIukes fill e bas- from ce~ter to e.territor highway state Ohio the of The United Stutes Civil Service ue W. recovers and .. .. Eva McMilla n cru~h . - I;. t hy Se llc,'S. HarLHock mud e T tel', sc rimmag obligati on neg lecti ng the require- Devotio nal Reading commiss ion has announc ed an exam(On passeng er mil es nnd freigh t bused . to Marstull d by iell r f th. d 90ul gi Ka a S. rato ken ta loses Orthest hlld t~en Senior Riggs rim by S n of shot. Selectio ce. As a member f oul. Ne l. (lll llli ~" .. " foul ination to be he ld at Xenia, Ohio, on y goal !IY Mllr· to n miles . with the present wor t h of her home no rth of Eaton and was me nts of th e offi leen H ende rson, Carl Cray, Ra y- Jllnuary 1, 1925 . OR a res ult of which r Ill llge in both e ntis, /.!oul uy Ne lson . l3. from center territor on th e Ohio State highwa y system, us ing returnin g to his home in Dayton the cemeter y boa rd he had superio terl'ltory to Cook, center from Hownrd W. k, ~~11. Bruddoc long mond nHlking S. admirain Sl'l'imnllW(' (' lIds qualific ations. His love and e nt valu e minus depreci a. it is e xpected to lI1 uke certifica tion to Turne r sig nuls, goal .by SWo~n. W. fr!,m replucemthe en th e crash occu 'Ted. it w as said . tion fo r beautifu l things soon develKe nneth StJohn a nd Willi nm '1'h om ti ll 11 con l;(,mp illted vncallcy in t he poP IIRS to ~ec (l llri Acrimma ge. basis of computi ng pres - wh and nllss· tiOIl us Signal on . rr,tory e t Journal ~ as. Dayton center in 10sIl d of all re ca buck e es th ned dribbl ssig S. uLte mpts oped. H e was a sition o f (ou l' t h-class p ostmast er at T foul of Mina. S. ent worth. Mr. Riggs wa ~ formerl y a r esiden t Our beautifu l g round s, which r equir. My Id ea of an Id ea l Se ni or ...... shit, line. Secund Ac riOllllu ge ends ill es. Scrlllllll age. foul of State the ne Ohio. a nd other vaean· determi To ) (I!' rimSc e l. goa es\'iII yn Dorothy Rye !iul'\'ey bueyrg.mny hCl'e . and a ttend ed th e \\'n .. . .. .. ical eye and IIrtistic I' foul un Sl. .Tohn. Gorriso n sh oot~ John shoots one occu r nt that office. th ~ry gets goal. Ohio and foreign passeng er car and Hi g h s chool, and has mnn y frie nd s cd bo th a mechan e nd c r~ on Ed ith ('ies 8 8 lI n ee --Kathl Quartet eOicient and ul faithf was buth gout ~. I' fo ul on Turner . Gil. mllge double repass. He hway hig decided in the in· tnste. be state sholl Ohio it of nless lI usage truck to k bac , terrItory to here. MeKibb an, J ohn Ke rsey, Howurd t e l'e s t~ of t he s ervice to fill any vaLi II fnil. to mllk e foul goal. S tan ton W. from centerW. paMes on ball out Bystem. decline of his health forc ed the until ----------. Cook. Tbe com· Ill a kes .1\'(\(1 1 0 11 s ig lin Is . l\I is.i ldine ce nter again. him t o r esign. Ho was a likable, I h) '1'0 sec ure informa tion con. From censon ca nc y by r einstate ment. ter at this f,· ,· 1·[II·nel'. Scol'e. Spri ngbo ro 13; pass to Hellders on.W.goal. shipped postmas friendly mall, al wnys reta in ing the Reading ... .. .... .. Harold William he tonnage t of of ll value he t pensutio cerning pas~ out ball on rritory te ock S, to Bradd te l' \\'nYl1c~ v ilie . 12. intimac y and confiden ce of a friend Eariton e Solo ... .... Raymon d office was $785 for the last fiscal by motor truck; harketin g methods ; Score .24 to 24. Wayne~ vi1l e in 19G5- Thelma Gro. yenr. Fourt h '1lI IIl'te r- Long attempt by to W. terri ~ory. over when once his trust \\'as assured . of highway tran sporrelation the and from . time-S nllnutes Three Dakin. ham and Lois Al iAA ildi lle. Scrimug e in W. terri. Whil e he held tenac iously to bls Applica nts must have reaChed their y. T foul on Mar- tntion to the other form s of transt· . y. ""I I !l ut ~ . f' fll ul NehiO ... . Mi ... center to territor -.0first birthdny on the date of he culti· twenty. eligion, r of tion. tn views por d get. cherishe S. one. otM sho '("I StJ'qfn taU. ~ Ri 'd in e s hool... II ll!' ffl uf. Mi ~~i ldine voted a broad. liberal fi pirit toward s ·the examina ti on, with the exceptio n To dete nnine the mileage put i) ( been ll a has effort ecovers, of r . deal W great A center. from U ha foul on are denlll k,·. P fo ul. NcI;w II "(' orcs other denomin nti ons, finding much or tr uck hauluge an d toward the t uber cular cause. by tha t in a sta te where women St ' erimma ge. Stellar plays uy Hend l'r- zones o f motthe Tu rll l'I' for Mi ssildi ne: . hot. pleasure nnd enjoyme n t in associating fOl·thselling of Christm as seals. Th" c1 ur ed by s tlltu e to be at fult age for typ e of commod ity relation e th tel'· to nter ce from S. goal. he nnd son fout. P means ,,'s his tll nt" J .. hn g <ti d on n y eaTS, womwith t hem and contribu ting ma kPR gall I. T huuled in . uch zones. Seni ors purchas ed a $5 henlth bond a ll purpose . at eightee . r r im mage in both territori es. H nl't. ·,torr where MBrstal l e n eig hLeen years of ugo on the date The Womnn 's Auxilia ry of St. to the ir support. During the cours e of the survey sta mps. iling score se to to nils f addit.ion StJohn ill k. Snoo on l fou imScr un· misses. of but man Mllck tl'i"s fill· 1:,,"1 Owe n Burnet was a r of a motor vehicle , Mary's church met at the home of of the exu mi nntio n will be a tlmitte d. - - 0eliers olle on fou l ~hot. S. frolll center. P evt'fY operato and veracity . 1I1/1l:'e . . P foul nn li llY. Applica nts nau ~ t reside within the g lit t he ll fails whether he be a passeng er car opera - Mrs. Anna Cadwa llader on Thurs- question ed i ntegrity mornin Marsta n. nesdav rso e ed W nd He Last D. 011 foul olle bond. Sellers his s a HlLY. on l good ou F as . fo ul gonl. W histl e. to r or a tr uck operato r wiJ) be asked day afternoo n. Decemb er 11. Mr • His word was the lives of so many, us ua l music hoUl:. a Shol1. mu iC1l1 terri tol'y su pplied by t ho postoffiee for s hot..~. foul the on l'e ~co to both to ge scrimma Fnst l. into by illut /.!un lie came which th e exuminn tion is announc ed• • tl. slop mid give Lhe informa tion de. Cadwall nder opened the mee ting l'am wus glvon: P fnul ' n til II hlll. Tu rnc i' . COl"'. W. 2 ~ ; S. !!6. be a valuable friend. His prog and to 2. l !f l ~ . proving tuk states Sf. of other in '1'he examinn tioll is open to all cit.,. portion • nce B ht Experie eading g r ired. Cartwri , et Jan ) 8 Rhea .. Solo (Colltlll ued on page fil ii. 10 !'CQ re 0 11 fuul gua l. '1'uylor council has alway~ proved good. He PillllO .. .. ... .. .. .......... Frances Hinkle ize ns of t he United Statee who can the average time conduct ed the d evotiona l service. that d indicate has but Reading r equ irement s. ' for S ta ntoH. Scrimm uge to sid e. W. Scriptu ral quot.lltio ns were given t hought quietly. talked gently, betrelluired to secure t he informa tion Vocal Solo . ............ .... Ruth Earnha rt comp ly with lhe frankly. He was j ust a li ttle bWllks Fonn 1753, and ' call. )!'e t..~ bul1. Hnrt"o('k g etS g01l1 on fi ne roll plication to Ap nse espo r in in nt spe was e tim nds the seco of e fiv rest ahout '1'he is from the driver !('e full informa tion coneer/l ing t he reElectio n of officers resulted in the ter than his wor d , a little mo re liberal plIlY· Sellen! /.!~ tH 11'0111. hn'crimmu in th e cnse o f pn~so nger cnl'S an d n ot with sin ging Christm as ca r ols. " atte mpts. Wntk in " for Ha y. , ' Wo qu irement s of the exa min ation can be o minu t('s in tlw case o f re·elect ion of t he old officers, Mrs. t ban his pr omises in hisfridealings fiv than more - - a- e ndH a lm ost Gnm' Ol'e r. ' core l(j W .• 18, S. ured f , om the postmas ter at the sec An nn Cndwll llndl"I', pre"id"n t; Mrs. men. T hus he Iimves motor tru cks. - -u niform ed E. L . Thoma" , vilc"·p r{,Riden t ; Mrs. as num el·o tls as th e inhabi t.nntS of ~ o ciet y to . ing on the pill ce of vacancy 01' from t he United. be ral ill w cho A orces f d l ~ fi The M. A. U. O. Jr. e th of rs muc All me co nsider Eve wn ' Ill'opose d. Smtes Civj1- SeTvice commiss ion . at Girl. Gam. s so t hnt th e Luul'a Mosh 1'. ~c c r (' tn ry-t l' ea s ur er ; our cOllllllun ity. Whe n we MSY f o .. street" Chr ist lll lls it in thi s co mmun it y al'e ('a r ne<tiy re- in dark grey uniform ' " Washin gton , D. C. them. It w ill be M . Anna Cad wnlladc r Uni ted '1'hank a ll his v il·tues. it Illa kes pay tribute. Fit'St quarte r- So gets first goal on qu{'stccl to me at wil h Mi umi Vn lley publ ic enn identify th e writcr nn d speuke r to Applica tion s should be properly exth e memb ers of On'er ing t.r eusurcl'. e nam scrinrml lge on t hird bllll. '1' foul on Cuun~il No. 103, next F'riday ev('n - ina presst'll u pon all the I shall ch el'ish and r evere ecuted and file d with the eommfsi lron courtes y is a n Several mutte,,,,, of bu sineRs were Mina. St.lohn fail s to make free ing Decemb er 19th at 7 o'clock. the fi e ld f orces that Owe n J. Burnet 8 5 I go down to from a at Washin gton D. C., at the earlie,t HtJohn There will be work in lhe Th ird d,,- essentia l fcuture of the work. Each attende d to and a lettel' r ead I' in J a· of . thl'Ow. P foul on Mina. : t he s u nset of life prac t ical date. motor car operato r stopped will be Unitcd Thnnk Offering work aguin utt omp ts bu t fail s. S. bull out . !(,ree. nefre~ hments. purpose the ng pan. explaini card hllnded a EMMET T BELTZ. C. S. geb goa l by lIIors tuil. S. gets boll After a djournm en t dain t y re fresh· I'd li ke t o be t he sort of friend of the survey. ROY PIGOT, R. S. T fo ul 011 Mina. Fry, of S., one fi eld '1'hat you have been to me . men ts were served by the host ess, asThe K nig hts o f PythiuR electe d the 9isted by Mrs. D. L. Crnne and Mrs. I'd like t o bo th e hclp tha t you've followin g 'officers at th e ir mee ting be. . heen a lwllYs g lad to J. E . McClure . last Wedn esclllY e l'ening : Herm an Mrs. Mary L. Adams was II g uest I'd li ke t u meu ll itS much to you T he lIuppy H ou ,' club was entcrnn 1', C. C. ; L. C. St.JD hn, V. . ; Co day, the Ea ch min ute . of of the aftern oo n. Lee Ha wke tai lled T uesday, Decemb er 9th, a t t he C. ; S. R. K. n, a Hym l' Mye mas mine of Christ friend until old As you hav e meant Our Store will be open every night . ; O. homo of Mrs. Jen nie Davis. with Ml'!l. ? G. Cross, M. o f ExMon 111. of. To mo along th e wily. . Eva Da vis. assis Ung. Th e a fternoo n" C. K ; A. of M. llc. MlsBeldl O. hings, t ly nd ki the Y SII I'd like to Earl Ornd orf, 1. C . ; was g ivc n t o rea llings allli xchangi ng P,·e!.; denhall, heal'd, ve hu oft so I That G ; E . L . Thomas . gifts. A delicio us lunch was a's erved Mer. And f ee l that I could rouse your soul M. P. Lewis, O.McClur • Lodge dep· and on depa rting wishes .for tl'u ~ t ee; Walter The way tha t mine you've stirred. a Happy New Yeur uty; C. Lee Hawke, Rep. Gr. Lodge ; ry Christm us and You've gro\Vn old II10ng with me, were exchnng cd . O. O. Missildi ne, Alterna te. The communit:~ pageant , "Amer. The best is yet to be. ica's Child," will be given ve ry earl y The la st of life , for which the firs t in the new year. The cast will be was mad e. com posed of High school, Normal s Our times are in His hand who saith. ~in. and a nd from each of the grades "A whole I planned , youth s hows but dergncte n. The coachin g will be half; the under s student done by Normal '1'rust God, see all, nor be afraid. Miss and d Howllln S. L. C. directio n of Miss Kelsey. Tbe music will 'be in charge of Prof The funeral of Owen Burnet was Watkins . There will be about one held Monday morning . Decemb m- 8, hundred and s ixty in the cast. '1'he at 10 :30, at his late home, Rev. L . program will be made up of songs, A. Wushbu l'll, offic The music, drins and folk dancing . The bearers were, Ernes t. 1 costume s will be beautif ul and the Stacy Burnet, Harold Harvey. ' less on will be onE! that will make for Walkins , Charlie Kindle' and Glenn SILK HOSE TIF.S. better citizens hip . KERCHIEFS HAND with in Miami cemwas Burial Wilde. HIEFS KERC HAND SUSPENDERS eLery. ANNA Q. NILSSE N CAPES BLOOMERS TULLY .MARSH ALL SILK SOCKS JAMES KIRKW OOD BELTS S PURSE S WOOL SHIRT A Romanc e of Pari. and the African V.ldt









.. - ...







- - --- --- -

-- _..


- ---



'las t .minute



For Men


For Wom en



Extra Special in Men's Suits and Overcoats...$19.95

l.. ........... Men's Suits and Overcoats. regula r $27.50 ......... .......... .......... ... Speeia ........... .. $22.SO l... Speeia Men's Sui~ and Overcoats. regula r $32.50 ....... ......... .......... ........ .. l.. .............. $24.95 Speeia .... ~ . Men's Suits and Overcoats. regula r $35.00 .......... .......... .......... ... ........ ..... $9.95 Speei.I ........ .. .... .. . Men'i! Sheep- lined belted Coa~, regulil r "$12.50........... ............. $19.75 l... Speeia .. .......... .......... ........... Men's Gabard ille Rain Coats, regula r $25.00 . _$7.75 ........... l... Sp.eeia ........ : ........... .......... : Boys' Suits. 2 pair Pants, regula r $iO·.50 ....... $9.95 ..... ........... l Speeia ........ .......... .......... .......... Boy.s" .Suit:;, 2 pair P~nts, regula r $13.50




DECEMBER ~18th ~"


For Chil dren



"Po njol a·


fLIVVER TWICE STOLEN fELL OUT Joy riders evident ly like the sen· sation of driving about in the trig little Sedan which was the gift of Henry Ford to his sister-in -law, Mrs. E. R. Bryant, of Xenia. Ohio. For the second time within two. weeks the car which was p~Lrked in front of the Bryant home on East Second IItreet. was stolen early last Tuesdny night. It was found by Patrolm an Fred Jones the followiin g morning on Shep herd street In the south end of the city. undamag ed!. The first time it was atolen it was recover ed in the same vicinity . 'rhe car was special. ly built in the FQlrd factorie s for Mrs. Bryant at her br other·in .law·s order.



fRIENDSHIP CLUB MET The Friendsl iiil ~Iub of the M. E. Sunday- scbool hel .-their regular ednesda y in De~eetlng the seco·nd Wash· cember at the home of burn.It was voted durin" the .. sl)8sion to buy $5.00 worth of hris tmas Seals · thr~ugh tbe Motbel'll club• ~ . program"o.f . .readingl! and mus.l.e ,!aii U,ten .lfIven. , During the Bocial hour dehclou ll .refres/l menta· w,re served by our Jwa~. aul,ted by Me8da:bell W~ter ·JlleOlur e. O. Raper


d ~~:!::::~~ ..Sl:ij~e =1·~l~ .' ~ • .. - t SPRING V"'LL1E!_-'-~~~~~


John S. '1'homso n, who lives on the Waynes ville and Lebanon ~ike . south of town, fell out of his IDO Satur. day ufternoo n, and suffered a broken hip. He was u nconscio us for a couple of hours, and his folks thought he was out in the field. When he was found he was still unconsc ious. After throwin g down hay from the mow. he had started down the ladder, when it turned witb bim throwing him to the floor. On account of Mr. Thomso n's age it ia thought that his injuries wi\l keep him housed for some time. He was taken to Miami Valley hospital f,ionday afternoo n. and it is hoped by his many friends that he will soon recover from bis injurie! lind be at. h ome again .


.- ..----


"1'1: ..

, "':




W' ; '..



BETTY COMPS ON .... RICHAR D DIX Crook picture. Dl87 come 811d crook plctar. . . . .,. .._but one tbat will" lI.e 'or ••• r I.. 79"'1' aaCl1)ory.


• Allo •

"K.i..ograma" REGUL AR: PRICES .. . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... " - ..... .


at... . .

l1rIt!I to atte.... are '1:10 10•.'at: PafiroQl bu


li -Four Filc~s" "Th e ' Woman Wi't witl.


At tbe next retular meetinl r =:::mng~tht. .~= o bel'll 'of tile Ja.venU e .~e. AU mem


"Kin ogra ma"


Lytle Sunday. sehool wishes to announce the change in date of their Christm as pageant • . On account of .other Christm a8 activitie s on Tuesday night, .the Sunday. school will give t~eir program on Christm as ~ve. De. cember 24. Everyon e . come • ., .' . · • _. , XMAS




0...aceoaat 'of .Ielm....

the ' !adi. . .. f the

....I y •


F.rr7 C~Ln.I~l!'\~c~ilP.i".,lt

~lr , ·,,·~~""''!!< .,~. . .Cit. &i •• tJ,' chicb...11~"'r. I>lIt win~~

.. .. . .arlited,


. '~aturday,' .D8c;.mber.~20


: Comme acill. at' 8 o·ciock. la III. r~.. •• I F~.k.7 " C1!ria.... aoyeI..... ~o .... ma

~••I.... ·.......IIit,

.... caaa. FRIt. lIta_ t ~. ,_.rirdlllq""'''''~'''i:''''~






~. .. ij 11

r '-1




W AYNE~VILLE'S· NEWEST UP·'fO-IlATE GRO( -~ERY In Store ROODl Forlllerly Occupied by Edwa~ds Meat M~lrket •

P ,R EE!




The Opening ,D'ay Only TURKISH TOWELS


To be aoH at the unheard of low price.

Limit, six to a cUlltomer


s ,. ".



.~'~~~ 'B eaDs ~ ' '':r-:-

A ..,plar SOC value.


. .,:.. . . .. . . . . $1.99

• Na~

Hand.Picked, 2 pound..... ..........

ll!!!c U


Potatoes Soap ~~~.!!',


Fine.. Quality, 15Ib••peck ......... .


Lard Milk ~

6 lbara .. ................................


:::~...... ............. ........ ........:............. 18c


~~::~:~:: , ........ ,........ .... ,. ....... . ............. 8c

.'.A Full Line of Fancy Groceries for the I-toliday Trade, Including Nuts, Figs, Dates, Peel., Currants, Candy, etc. ,



We are the Largest Retailers of Teas and Coffees in the World.

One Trial Will Convince You Why.

~~_______~_:_1:_~. . . . _. . ._. . ~....~. '.~. . ~. . ~. . .~. . ~.3_5_C~al.~8~_~_~_~_~._. . ._. . __ . . . :~. . ~. . .~. . _. . ._. ._,. ._. . ._. . _. . ._4_1__C__I __Il_e_· d~C __lr_c_l_e~~~~;~~.~~~.:. .~. . .~. . . ~. . ~. . .~. 4__7EC

The Great Atlantic and Paei(ic Tea Co. THE OIliGINAL RED FRONT STOI;UfS

_~IIJIi!Rli!RR!Rfi!fiYi!fi!fi!l~~~ IN THEM YONKERS. N. Y. A safety sign to speeding motoriats reads: "Fools used to blowout the gas -now they step on it."


NEWS GLEANED fROM COURT HOUSE against ~va Claude ~:d:r~;T!ntered su~t E . Wonderly for dlL.






7.our coming sales with me. I am conducting I'the le1lira Jlorae ilalesln Xenia, Ohio and the A.. S. James '~rJet.~,e ~jl :~ayton on Saturday. I have conducted ' JIQOI'e. abUe aales this fall than ever, and have several .•iIio,.· :dated. .f , "t ) see 'me early and 'get good dates. I guarantee to o . tilfY. 'you or. charge you O. I take this opportunity to --tJiink who have. helped to make my sales a success. rf .~



' ~. ~,..,. -,.rtin "lUCTit)~ER OHIO





COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS On motion defendant is gra nted 15 I . . I . h tId' .d I(nys m \V IIC 0 p ea In sal . cause In the mnt~r of the Kroger IGrocery und Mnkl~g Co,. vs. The Sout h Leban on Pnckfng Co. In t he c.a~e of Al lie C(.OS.S. VB. Walf dron C. Gilmour, as udmll:lIstrator of f the estate of . Robert. Cllm!lur, deI c()~se d, on !lIobo!, defendant IS 10 dllYs III which Lo plead the cause I Defendan t. was grantod leave to . file answel' m t he cas? of Chester Campb II VI;. Anna V ~ssl e c: t at. , The matter .o~ the Frankhn Nati on. , nl bank VS. Wllltu.11I und Mn ry, B~rton u1'!d Saruh Kesling wus dismIssed I w~thout record. . In the case of Amos Blllkley vs. George E, Fryburger, executor of the estnt:c of Ma.ry E. Yo.ung, d.eceased. I the Jury ~ec.lded the Issues III favor of the plnllltL!T and amount due to be I $288 3.83. . l Veda WhItacre. Mary Parker and


Phone 2



Ivorce. She charges cruelty. Nellie Haynio has entered

suit against Rebecca Hiatt et al., for pnrtits ion: h b d b J h W Ult as een entera yon . McDowell, trustee in bankruptcy of Avery Co .• nguinst Charles W. Wills for money fore closurc of mortgage and equitable relief. Elmer F. Schrader has entered Buit against C. L. MilJer for replevin and damages. . Zelpha Sprague is suing Thurman Sprague fal' divorce on the grounds of cruelty. Corn D. Gra nt has en~"red suit agai nst WaIteI' B. Grant for divorce. She charges CI'UClty, Eli zabeth Mill ~r has entered suit against 'Georgo Eckert in action for damages. Amount claimed $10.000. Cburles T. Ellis ha>l entered Buit against K S. and Anna B. Shroyer for mohey. An~ount claimed $1800 and interest. Emi ly J. MinnieI' has entered suit against Minerva and John Cox et aI., fo r partition of real estate.

to OI;;AL


!..r;~~ Harley H. Adnms entered suit for divorce from Blunch e Adorns on the' ground of wilful abse nce. Charl es F. Phillips is suing S. O. Phillips et aI., for purtition of r enl estate and relief.

P Y Co., for Sheriff, $3 1.48; Volley Pholie Co., phone rent. $47.25; KJng P owder Co., bridge I'cpuir, $41.25; Kilpatrick-French Motorcar Co .• tires ~ 247. 94; Reid's Drug store, lIn seed oil, $2.50; P. O. MOil fort, express charges on crusher I'CpuirS. $.1_ PROBATE PROCEEDINGGS 34; V. W. 'Fom&kills, pay-roll for half Frank C. Miller, as administrator tl\C °ln,th ondlllg ov. 30,.$36. 40; F. M. of the estnte of Elizabeth C. Miller . p hn s, 8amo, $146 ,90 . Edl!lI Terr y, e, $23 0. 83 ; A. T . Reltl!!, ' slIme d -:c~ase( I, W~R o.r d e re d thut SIll'd a d'- s8m '~0 5 .2 0; Cliff Hough, sllme ' $~64 : mllllstl'U tor dlstnbute th!, notes, mort- I 4iS; Joel Stokes, Slime, $26.40 ; Wnlt~r gage and stocks b ~long!ng to t he cs- Easter, Bailie. $93.60; H . W. Trovill o tate to Frank C. Miller III kind. ' same $5375' Walter Varnor ' In the ma'tter o,f t he estate of Bert $89.40'; p'. D'. Mo nee, sam!'. $3~.8'O~ Re~d. deceased: Gruee Reed, as ex~c- W. S. Graham, same, $a 1.1 6; Hnrla,; utnx, ment filed her Inventory and appral~ Whitacre . • same , $8660' . , II . E . 0 I' 1ucoroner. inqu!'st G. 0 Fre e· Th'e court approved, allowed and tush, man, $6,46; Kurl MInt, supt, ~tone confirmed ~.e account of G. W. Hnck- crushe.r, .$63.96; L. H. Brown, gas. mon, ndnnnlstrator of the estatc of I 65c, Columllus Oil Co., gas a nd 'oil, Anna L. Hnckman, deceased. $32.16, Allee Shawhan, lot rent. $15; .The first and ~nal account o~ Cyn. Lingo Hdwe Co., s upplies f or crusher thla ~ off, guardlaJl of Sarah A. Nix· $lO.a~, . E . S, Do'nJ:lell per W. G~ on" IIlcompctent, was fil ed and or- Thompson, finnl estimate on contrnct No •. SOB, ,109.00' Miller' Hardware dered suspended. . Cl\arles J. Conover, admllllstrator Co., tac¥, 42c, Galion " lron \Vo"ks of the estate of . James N. Conover, and Mi:g., repairs for crusher. $42.24; deceased, filed hIS first and final ac- Blair &. Leroy, bridge material $173 .• co'!::t. 80; Robert ROBS, repairing equipm ent t~e matter of the. estate of John f4; Jeaa Hamlin, bridge repair. $14.W. Mille:• . deceased, It was. ordered 75; Herschel Jamoa, truck repnir. that a~mml strator sell certam stocks '87.113, Jno Law and Son, supplies belongmg to the estate. . , tor county car, $la.7\); Oregonia . J. Q. . Gons was appointed. admbi· Bridge Cjl. blue I;lrintS, 16.90; Frank Istrator of the estate of MartI,,! GonB, Jones, tooi repaIr, 16.61, Waynesdeceased, Bond $2600. Ehaa Og· ville Farmers Ex., cemen t, $2400' lesbee. Chauncey Bu.nn ell and ~ank H. S. Conover, material. $11; Col'um~ Braddock .were nppomted. appraIsers. 'bUB Blank Book Co., supplies for Sur he WIll of EuphemIa 9rumle-y vpyor, $S6.75; Alon zo Carter, drn _ Wilson, deceased, was adn;lItted to iring roads, $10,60 ; Harlan Whitllcr~, prob!lte: , bridge lumber, ,S3.72; A. T. Rettig Mmllle W. Va!1dervoort . waa a'p' payroll, ,237.90; Division Public WeI: pOinted4 executnx of. the estate· of fare, IIUPPOrt Thehila Kearns $42.80 Eupheml8 Crumlsy WIlson, deceased. . • _ . ___ _' . J, O. Cartwright, J. Q. Gona and A.IW.I' to Lut Week'. Paule Frn.nk Braddock were appointed appraIsers. ., .


MARRIAGE LICENSES M. G. Sumner, laborer, and Mrs:. Margaret Surface, both of LebanQn. William Ed~ar Sellers, nursing: snd Mias Nettls Rich, both cif ,Leb. anon.


. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. F. and E Tif. An and low lh

ltONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK chuttels. also lecond mortaagea. Notes bought. John Harblne, Allen Build ing, Xenia, Ohio.



358-382 Soulh Mal" Street


FOR RENT FOR RENT-Houso of five rooms, water and electric .lights. Inquire of Mrs. Williams, at corner of Tyler and Fourth streets. oS·

~~~~~~~~--~~WANTED WANTED-A good farm to fann on thirds. Inquire at the Miami Gnzette office, Waynesville, Qhio. • ·d31 WA NTED- About one dozen Delaine E W 0!1 . Phon e 73-2r, Wayn\l,Yille, Ohio. -d17

= -

. _ - - - - - ?--

FOR SALE FO.a SALE-A range, in wood 'Conditio!l, cheap. Inquire at the Gazette Office. ~ . d24

SALE-Barred Rock p\llleta and and cockerels, $1.50 each. Mrs. Otha Hendeison, phona 74-8, R. D. a, Wayne,ville, Ohio. d17 FOR SAtEl-A Clenno~t ' range, Quick Meal gasoline stove and an organ, all in good condjtlon. Inquire at th~8 office. : .' .' d17


".., ' aI.I.",.

. . No Turk'ih AetNaee. as foolJlla The. female r olee In !I'urk:llh ta.. Jilt ,.,a Mldom ·beel' or .... atAlrs are DeIlrl, alwa,. pl~ _ ·_"" "'IIIiI~ · . WOIIWl tor .breach ef ArmenllUl actJoeues, aa Tur'klab WOIDo . an are forbidden nn,y part III the ~ ..... Ill..

a~eU ·~v_

Rome _uti..... hiuld.pleked;


,or .co~ aDd ...... lone

life J\lBt


FOJl. 1UDNT--Oangei":cIOH to Kaln $1.60. ' - - -. . . .~~~~~----~




Farmers or Warren and adjoIning counties mny obtain money on long ti me loans, at I) ~ per cant interest. Cost of securing the lame la •• rea· sonnb le ,through The Federal Land Bnnk. For further information call (,n or nddre8s M. C. DRAKE, TrellBurer, phone 3IG.X, Lebanon, OhIo.

DUCKS - Mammoth White PekIn Warren Flunt, R. D. 5. Ducks. Waynesville, Ohio. *d24 FOR SALE-A few bushelll of good ~eed potatoes, 76 cents per bUllhel. Also, a Jersey' cow. Strouse Bros., ~. D. 6,' Wayneav~e, Ohio. -17

c-' _

Farmers, Attention!

JAnna lIary lot in ,Franklin, Daniel Craig B. Howard, ·lot In Pt.,a .. ,.nt Hiley . GIbson to Mary lot in Mt. HQllYf $1. Morrow Brant, she.riff, to Ed. , M. Lukens, 2 tracts in Ma811.1e Tp., con- - - - - - - - - - -.........--~.,. FOR SALE - GqlU'anteed Hoatet , LOST samples your sizl! free 'to akenl8: taining about 65 acres, ,1. . Write for proposItion pa]dn. $.1 6.00 LpsT-Beaglo' fethale hound, blaCK ,,:~ekly f\lll $1 •.50 1I0ur lparo snd ,white spots"red ears. Finder time, selUng guaranteed h!l~el'Y to pleaae ' re~urn to Corwin Grocery, . ' -d31 ' wearer; Il)Ullt w!lar or 'replaced f,lle . Quiek Bales, r.epellt ordena. :'_ Intlla:na' " LOST-G9)~ ;pencU · with "Tl:le Home ' Stockini -'Wa,. 6089 ~oni.. , InBurance:,(Jo., New York," in blue _• on the .end. ReWlU'd. J. O. Oart- t91m,.'Pa. --:r.'". l .. wrigtlt. ." , . • d8! . FOR SALE-IIOO bll; 'f# appt.. fan· ,

Rebuilt, ti,btl..,ecl .... t. .ecl ap at... OD rim. and paa1a THE MEEKER MPO.


of·R. Bo.Bartaook.. , 8d11 'I'IIwc:r.



.. . T.t:t-=.

A {\1 I



- Games 0f 8asketball Thr""

THE MIAMI CAZETTE WILl. MAK E foul aho t. Scrimmage. S. gets ball. _ ::a:::: s::::a: .. r fou l on Burton . Rogol's .fnilli t,) make the foul gMJ. - Scrimmage_ W_ ALL-AMERICAN TEAM gains on ball out. pass to territory. (Continued from puge 1) lose ~uardinl!' S. recovers bllll. UALL ' 'l',UHtJl MElIlIO,llOD til 10 "'hUl we e l"Im [or It-rid you r .,..Ie m F irat Team Boy. Stitzel P fou l. .?tiuil1Ous fa ila to make Selected by Dumb Da n end " ~l~ ;~~rrb or D~[nCBa ~ "'au oed bY J ourn eys Fll'lIt Ijuarter _ Scrimmng with it. ' COI'C, S. 14: W. 6. Sccond .Third qunrter- Llg h weh bad by F ishing bnll out in W. territory. .. , . .... tackle 11"','. '8 C TARRU IIllUI CINIiJ odo- ' Intrn('nt whlc.h Qui k ly ....... .. ........ .. .. ..... c:uar d .lnUl r IlB scri mm age bull to center. P f oul on eight blilbs burning ·(l ut. Long Coast Ilolle'· ·ft th o cal,,,'thnl In/1ammatlon. ' nl1 co. ; nter Marstell. Mninous fa ils to SCOI'O on "crimm nge with no ndvuntage t o Railrolld ... .................... . I 1100 [,lIernn1 M e dll"l n~ . n '1'onl6. whiCh t he foul. Scrimmago with close either. tcso m. S. m~kes goal by S!mJl- SuhwllY ... . .. .... . .. lIlIJ'( , trl. lhrou!o(h the Rloo<! on th e Mu rau. gunrding toss up. W . makes fin o 80 ~. P foul o',l SlmpsolI , !I!<;Mdl nl~ Flyloll! ...................... tackle "rrnc... lhUlj rOlllorlng norlOn l con~ l­ I "mo. nttempt h ut loses th e bllll. P f01l1 foils to make either fo ul. Stlt7;cl I HiU "y .. .... .. .. ... .... ....... ? Il( !'~ I<I by IIrugy!at s ror OVOr 40 TeAl'S . on Si mpkills. Burto n fnil s to score f ot:1. Burtoll mn kes f uul s hot. A F{JI"eign ................. .. q UI: rtel' I·'. J . Che n . ~· & Co .. Toledo. Ohio. . . ... )C1ck on either f oul shot. Scrimmage ill ·crlm mngc. W. I'~c over" \\ Ilh P " ~" ­ Druw ' . ........ ... ... hnck W. territory. S. lIlak e~ l!'olld pa '5 , C": Donohoo mn~ s fi ne . )('onl. Mc- Answer hlll'k but W. recover s /lnd McMillun shot Millan . P fo u l, Stit ze l rall s t o mu ke Come wild. Scr immnge In center of tloor foul gOIl ~ . W . pu sses hull t(l t er l'!S makeR dever pass lind Christ mlln t~r~. TIme ~lU t S.. Ma1'"tllli h lll'~ ' gets gon l. P foul on Christman. Scrimmage With good attt'l\lp t by S. Burton fo ils to sco re. P loul on W. gets ba ll Hnd pass for l!'onl by Don Rogers. Burto n shot one foul gaul. ohoo: Good pnBslng by. W. Don " h S. pass for time. Held bnU S.' Cnl'- 00 mls~ed. P fo ul on Chrl"tman. Blll'ry to territory. W. recovers and ton . llllsses f oul shot. GarTi Mn r" r . F ~ER "l DIRECTOR passes to baske t but S. gunrds spoil ChrlRtman. W. pnsses to [(l;rnt. )t· y. a good shot. W. pnsses to t erritory, W' . bull out. P foul aT! H O~PI" . Date your .ale. with m f' ..,i ... nre closely guarded nnd fnil to s co rc. Maln o~s get.~ foul 8h0\.<. l'c 1'1 lIlW aynesville. Ohio Ma rstall l' foul. Main o u~ fails to mage In W . le rrltory. ~ .? " h:1I1 u~ . ;\ti. fllclion or chara" _ score on f oul s hot. Scrimmage pass pass to W. te r.rl lory. ~CI'lIt1Ill ".)!(" I to Donohoo good for basket. S. fou l on McMllll\n.. Slttzcl ralis to Fully Equ ipped fo r Good from center to t erritory. lo~t baiL P get f oul SCrimmag e l( ~ en d or CENTERVILLE. OHI O f ou l o n Rogers. Burton fa ils to scor e quarter . Score. S. I ~ : .W. ).,. . Service. on foul shot. Goo'd P /l~'; b y s. F ourth q'!u rlcr- ScrlmmllJ!". With Pbone. No. 2 MainouB guards well and stops ma n. n I.ot of spIl ls und 1\ tine tnul hy Large Display Room P foul on Christman . Burton fa ils Maino?". l' foul nil ~lul'Btal L Malllto make foul shot count. S_ pass o,! s f!u!s to ~e t r01l1 goaL SCI' lllltrlal!e TEL EPHONr,; 7 D.H on N IOHT for goal by Christman. Score S. 4' With wild paRS to nUl't~ l1, wh o lllnl,.rs W. 3. • I goal. W. takes ( 0 terntory, bnll hits Second quarter-So on Rignn l t ook beam !l nd goes huck to ce nter. \V . ball to territory . missed basket, and on scnmma ge and PUS.e" ~ u~. l ose on W. recovers' and carri~" toward l!'oal bnll Qut. P r01l1 on. Ro gc". Burwith good passes. but lose on side ton fall s to sc ore on c fo~ 1 shot. lines_ P f oul on Mainous. Ma1'8lall Nel Ra n f or Ro)!crn .. Sc rllllmolge r shoota one of thll foul shots. Sc rim - fou l on HO\1lrh . Gnr~lson Illllkes. Loth mage and pass to Cook for goa l. gquls. Scrlmm ll~c III W . terl'!tory. W E GET THEM QUICKLY AND Dentist Stitzell gaul on eignal. Scri mm age P fou l on Nel go n. BUl'ton ratl ~ to FREE OF CHARGE at both ends. Burton P f oul. Mar - mu~ e fou l I!0nl ~. p fou l on Mnt·~tnl1. Waynesv ille National Bank Bldg CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR stell gets on e fO 'al goal. Scrimmage MUlIlous fatl " t(~ n~ake gon L 9t1p e ~ up and down lIoor_ P foul on Simp - f?r Maratal!. Scnmmng~ In S. telEXPENSE son. Burton fails to mak e foul shot. Iitory, pass to W. McMlllull mnkes. Scrlmm8g"_ Burton nttempt., but goal. P f o ul on Ne l ~ nn: Burl~n HA.THAWAY misse.. Scrimmage to S .. Stitzell makes ~ne foul goaL Sc rtn~m./lge In Phone 8 HARVEYSBURC. O. gonl from g ua.r ded fl our. Houg h for W. territory. nurton llI akes fin o atCook. Scrimmage i n W. territory tempt. P fou l on HoulOh. N~ lso n DENTIST Close guarding S. on long passes re- fa lls to make foul sh ~) l. Flllc attempt covel'll an d Marstnll mak es goa l. by Burton. Sc.ore t1 ec\. 18 to J 8. And X-O-GRAPHIST SCrimmage. . McMillan loscs. Boll . Sprtngboro, ~fuses to piny overout to W . S. r eco vers , dribbles . but tlmc. and f orfe Its the ga me . Ohio. WaynesvIlle, i8 guarded. W. PIlS 8CS and attemptR NOTARY PUBLIC Christman dribbles for goal. P foul Telephone 114. on Christma n. Burton mnkes one NUT STUFF Will. Drawn Estates Settled

G A Z E T 1: E

the door. If further difllculty were 1~11 •••• experienced lit thill point. t hen the operator could draw -from bis pocket I:-;HUEU EVERY WEUNI!l SD~Y a smul! edition o! "The Secreta o~ Houdirli" and relld chapter fou~ for . .,... 1" ' , " u~ ~I,t! j'o. tull:ce at Wayne.. Ille. .. IIR Seconrl ltl-q S Mall Matw~ furth er in8~ruction8. We have nQt rexBmined the com· pi to text of t he opi ni on of t he Ohio D. L. CRA NE. Editor .nd Publi.her. W.yne. ville. coruner in the Sh eat.~ le y caBe Bnd we don't 1I'01lt w: but we can now beli 've a humlln bein g can crowl thl'lJllgh 1\ keyhole whcn we hn ve s uch 1)I'oo f thliL 1\ humun brain cun ruttle • I. I ul'Ilund in a h uman head atte r the __ _ - ---.==-- ---0 ---~_ :---==-=-- mllllllCl' of Ohio . without cracking t he skul l. The word "grotesque " docs not begi n to describe t he official tlnding ill the ShClltsloy case .





I MAY PATTERN OUR GRANDCHIL. ! cies nlay be reproduced with a ll its OR E N ANEW . imperfectio ns. only to be perfectell by t he application or natural forcl!" F ig ureR givhl g tlw denth rate In that await the harn essing by science. th e Un ite d Stlltl" f n l' I ~ ' ~ :I just mllde - - -- - .. - - pUblic. Kh nw II mortali ty o f ] 2.3 per thousnlld as against 1 J.l1 for 1922. OFFICIAL FINDINCS Sevell Kt ll t~ •. hnWeVI!I·. Khow lower 1lI0rtu li ty rnLes thun obtuined the preIt .has remained f or Ohio to proceding yen 1'. I n yeurs to come. sta- duce a eoroner who can nssu re th e ti Ktics " uch as thcs o probnbly will public one can commit Ruicido by be I·CgIU·tll·d mllre with curiosity I crawling into n home-heati ng furnthun with in tel'l!~ l. Whut chnn ges ace. lIis bcliof. a s record ed in th e in long(lvity t he hUllllln race is de s- llewspapers. is that Mrs. Sheatsley t inued to exp'riem'C in t he next fi ve antlll'cd the f urnuce in which her hundred years. cann ot even be s ur- i churn· d "emninn were found. fee t miscd. hut that Homc l'Il<1ical change first. holding on to the outside of the wj\l be brought uboilt Ree m. certain . . firebox while she worked her bod y C_ M. Child. und el' professor of the th ro ugh the door. It this nS8umpDCllal·trncn t of Zo olng)'. Uni versity of lion be true. then Ohio must be very Chien!:'". hns heell expe rimenting with mu cl\ behind the tim os in up-lo-dale the h.wer n nim lll ~ und with plant li f;:> me thods of s elf-cxtinction. (or the rust twenty yen rR. F innll y An expert on furnaces na turall y he hll ~ proved it possiule artifi ciall y would go in hend fi rst. of coursc, to a ller the genernl putterll of an ur- muk ing su re th ....uuls were good and gan i>m. Uti inl( chemicnl ugonts, tom- bright . If entry of th e body were perat ure and electric curre n t.~ . ani - burred by the width of the s hou Ide rs, mnl ~ have been developed with s ma)) th e e ffi cie nt .f urnnc e climber would and incomplete hend, . othol's have then grasp th e hot conls in his lecth. belln developed wi tho ut /lny heads. se lecting a well solidified lum p " 0 he anc\ Ho me with abn or mally Inr ge h eads mi~ht have a good purchase with On' of these days the hu man spe- which to f orce th e shoulders th roug h




PYREX WARE In plain Oi.he. and


c ......

ro le»

CUTLERY Of .11 kind •.

ELECTRICAL GOODS Toutera. Iro .... Crilli. etc.







. Both Aluminum and Cranil.





Hardware, "amess and •




_ _ _ _

Dr. John W. Miller

PII,on8148 Wayne.vil"~ -:-


Sw_, ..

T D. I,y · Yu ••40 Chop T ';.edo Holt Roll,,"


't ... ado I'lu~n Tult.edo I~~ u Muoio T u-'-lleL1u t "111",1, .

concentrated feed,,nch in mineral and.protein1al)d easily d' d h l'll· , . Igeste - t en, . _gtve; you more and richer milk and make you mor.~ mOD. ey." -,.

" , Bu~:~~'~ lIk' . Tuxede Dairy,.24%, is'mixed to . ~.~~!owl"" • rt:'eet ,these.teq~ire~en~.• T!"y it. I


-.a..D: ..






Lebanon, Ohio '

Every Tuesday Harveysburg, Ohio 8:00 m. to , p. m.




,ir. 0. ' cORNEU:


aflj .IIplB tPl,OENAXIlR

Phone 44

• .



Mufflers The popular pb id. imported from Scorbnd. $1.95 Silk Sc~rfs. 13.50 to $S


SttJeate1's The poruiJr pull-over style in nuvelty plaid$ an d chec ks. The id e., .wea ter for ,h e golfer, $5 ...

Imported E.'lBlish- '"lJ#!' actoth. . ~1 . G5 to " ... ~...

Beltl and Buckles

Gifts for Mother, Aunt or Grandma .;I:,



PajamtJS In



S_lin. Bud V - . a &ad $3.M , Sil.w Plated Veeeuble •



.. P11~ Matt, to ~ Sudwida TraYlo 13.95 toSS

BnlldTn,..a.95toP .

sa- .PIa~ Salt





Handle Pie Senert,

R6h DiIb~





$1, $1.50 a",1 $2 Interwoven lI ose in Iide and pure sillt . 35c ro 11.2~ pair. McCallum full-fa.hioned .ilk


. '~.' :

sa ,

StTiped Ties

, In coll.go. or -,,,~rd .•trl~. In: :' I: I rep p, m6l1adoril . nd "I k ~nd . woo l. $1, $1.50 and $1


fl ond-made. R.,.ilio :Silk 'lies. $2 to IS ,. Knitted n~. $1.50 to 15 .




Gifts for Baby J~1


Silver Daby Locket.. ,.

hose. $1_50 anJ


aatb.:obce, H yra, $l.ts Paot, PlOCH, 2-6 zro, $150 _ Creepera, S-a-1 yn, $1.60 Baby Q.oca, 0 to l. $1 to 'La Girt Rattle", 25c: to I' Soft Doll., ~ 100 11 .. .Comb-Bfu.~ ·~ ,$' ·t~ "',~ Silver Ha by Pi..., 11 .

. Flannef Shirts .DOW

worn for bath , bll.it3 to U I


Miscdlaneou.ll Cap and Mufller Set, U.95 Leather nncc ea... $5

l i d ~ '.... lAIl fold., IUt toP

Leather Collar CliO. U



Leather Handkerchief Ca,e, 13.50 .

M"lUcute . S~t in Leather Case.

11;75 .

. . Toys for Children "



Mechanical Train.. to $5 . Gamn, 750: to 1l,!Ia ~.. rlt."'St toM . Structural Set.. I' to·p VdoCipedet, ..... ··

&coot.ent a.5t to ..... PaietSca.25ctol8· . ~ricb, MiD



J?lItda Halder,

Beacon Bathtobes. $t.'!

TeIlbit Raden. $4.95

Modelinll Set.. $1 to $3 .. Carpet Sw~"p.ra.l5c to $I.!!O Colored Ball•• lOe to $1.50 StuWed Animals. l5q to $5 Pict'ur.. Blocbl.."~ to 12 Ualll'euk oble IJoIIe; 25c to

Jl.95 ·


Bodtl!:DO TOft, Ito .to 98c ..., tQ " •• PIela· T lie 10 98c Boto .. • . ··Tu.~:Uc co 11~

E ,.O:~....... ' .... _ ow.. ......... •

and Peppen. ·

.m. wool , nd mixA V:UiNY flf patt e rns,

t1J rcs.

Gifts for Brother



NOCIelty Hose In lisle. .... at $3 Black Raincoat, 13.50 Fotliifaina, P.nou. $1 to I" Cuff Linb.ll Small Pocket Knife, II Kid H Oll80 Slippers, $4.50 Feb Comf'y.. Sl4lpera. $1.25

- v.,.cuum .Bocd.,.. 11.75 to IS

tB.... Smokinc Stand.. ...., Alarm Ooc.ka, II to SUI Tnya, II to Sf . Mim.I B-t ~ 95c Steak Se!l, SteriiDI HaDdle, I&.5t Sterf;', Handle Salad Set, 13.50 IDdi.idual S.1t and PIPpen. SteilillL SilYer,_ .' _pro ia bOx.



In natu ral Buclt and DuttCl'" nut color. Sol and $5

Perfume Burner Boudoir Lampa, $f.nd $f.n ·

Boy.' Bcln. It $1 Knit M Cut Sill:.

~ Tabla,.$195 to $5

bro.delo! h or

Je_y Vesta. 11.65 to 13.95

Sil~fttna to watch, $1.65 to


. ; $a..,. R.etera, to fI.2S /.

Genuin e IC!:I ti,er belts in Ibe wider .hapei . $1 '0$5

and Less

,JlcdIcs,Ooc:u. "'. I



.i Jo-

Gift ShiT~"



LIIO~ . • .,.u~

GIfts at

SIhw C.......... N JIIIr


Batb Towel Sea. • to $3.118 Irub lineD Towcl..-Me to $1.50 Line.a dl. Set.. 13.98, $8.98 Pilla.. . Cases, M' to $3.49 Wroul·h t troD Bridce Lamp.P.75 Shell FIow.n. llIe, 5Oc, $I CouoIc Seu. ' ~$5 Brocaded Dre.ttr .0veJtI.,.. $1;95 and $195 Lunnt Ponery La....,., $1.95 Pyres C_roh and Fra_ $1" toP•• PJiex, Pi. Plates, .., to il." Pyrea Tea Pot.. 11M to PM lird c,... 13 to IS





Jaw and



Gifts for the Home


We, the followinr farm ownel'll. positively forbid any huntlnr or trap plnll,' on ,our fal'lllll. . Any 'rioJatJO:1 o(tb!l will be prosecuted ac_co~1' fci to t)le ' fJll~t extent, .. ..

lOut JU.QDr. -atn

The eye SIght Spe.laUlt

"Ma.,. • hard.bolled bird i. tenderer .fter comine off the fire."

Pleated Skiru.l3.95, ss..s Pajamu, 't.75 to $3.25 CaP. Scarf Set.. $3.25, $t.'1!I Kickernick!. 75c to $1.85. Silk Knickcn, $l.ts to 13.'1!1 Silk Vuta, $..,5 to $l.t5 Pune Perfume Flaccon, $1 A Bolltooniere, 39c to 13.'1!1 DoiDt}' Lace nandca.u .. $1 toSS IGd GIovu, $ to $5 A Terri Vanil" 54 DuBarry Beaut}' Box. IS Campana, SOc to $1.50 Cappi· Gift Bo.. $3 Ooyx Pointer Hose, $1 '1!1 Ga"V Oo<:k Chiffons, $1.50 Oecorat:in -Powder BoU&, $1.50 to IS Pead' Necldac:l!l, It to 13-'!! Pearl'·o.okel1l. '1 ••5 to $3.95 Compoaiti~n Bracelets. $1 to $3 .St.rlinl Ban,le Bracden.$1 to13 Sterliua Bar Pin •• I' to U Silk Net Hose, $t. 95 RbiDOftODe H~;rband. $17S to " Bell~Cd Bap. 13.5& to IS



.. - .


For Da~bter or Sister

Estate of Euphemia Crumley WH80.,. deceased. • Notice is hereby riven that Minnie W. Vandervoort has been duly appointed' and quWlfteil at executrix of the estate of'Eupheml4 .crumley WilBon, I,ate of W~n County, Ohio. de_ ceased. . Dated thla 4th day of December, 1924. . . W . Z. ROLL, . Judee of the Probate Court, Wanen pounty, Ohio Eltzroth, Maple " Vaple. Attys.


• •



'j' c.......

At Cary's Jewelry Shop


~~~llfll~ ~Clt~~ ~fhlTrn§~§ ~ft~ ~

Estate of· Martin Gone, deceased. Notice is hereby givell that J. Q. Gona has been duly appointed and qualified as admini8trator of the es. tate of Martin .Gon•• late of Warren County. Ohio, deceased. Dated this 2nd day of December. 1924. ' W. Z. ROLL. Judge of the Probate Court, ____ _ _ ••_ _-c:.; Ohio. d24 County,


Hi-dc-diddle. Sam and his IIddle. Are knocking 'em cold out West. His 0 1' man laughs, as Sam the ham, Poses as Signor Ve Fest.


.:.'- - -





) }.

National Bank


---_. - ..


I.. Waynesville, Ohio

Mnry had a little beau. I ts fle ece was just pillin dou gh. The y spen t it all in trying to See--the las test movie show_

C. w. Y(.unce & CO.

Mrs. Henry Weichers is spending a week in Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Emel'llon Dill spent Thursda y In Xenia. shopping. Mr. George Marlatt and ·wlfe entertained relatives from Dayton, the week-e nd. Mr. Clifford Smith and Karl Dakin attended a prize fight in Dayton Monday nig ht. J ncob Zimmer and family spent Tuesday with hi. brother and family, of Fairfield. Miss Lulu and Mr. Harold Kellis "pent Saturday ni~ht and Sunday at their home. here. Miss Clara Daughters and Minnie Marlatt spent Monday with O. B. Mnrlatt and family. The Mt Holly Christmas entertainment is to be December 24. at 7:30 o·clock. at the chureh_ Emerson bill and Mrs_ Mnttie Zimmer and children spent Fridny afternoon. near Xenia. Mr. and Mrs . Kenneth Soward, of Alpha. took «linner with his sister. Addie Dill and husband_ Mrs. Earl ~arlatt. of Detroit, Mich. apent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Ml'II. Lou Stephens.


• •

Very hi g hest. quality f eed on the mark et at lowest price. Takes the place of corn to fatten out hogs and cattle, and twice as high in digestibl e fat as corn. Make special prices on car lots, also in ton lots off the car.


uNE OF FEEDS grass or Silage . •Feed me a good


Hail. oh hail. the g lnd New Year. One-nine-two-five is a lmost here. A larger load we wont to pack. Just ' watch us on ou r inco me tax.



''You can't expect me- ~o pr.oduce ~maxlmUm THE-TUXEDO quantity .?f gQod, ·I;ich _ milk, .po




~~l!.e ~~~ ~a 3,~~~



Bilkinll-"Did you hear that Adolph the butcher was shot by detectives who mistook him r" erance-' Perfectly natural mis. take. I'd ..,:'

! -


Klrveysburg 'Fertilizer CO.


---_e-_ ....._---



Walter McClure

}sllac Honks is In very poor he.a lth Miss Amelia Carr is s lowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dakin entertai ned g uests Thursday. . e has: Edwards nnd J. C. Gray were on the sick list. blolt are improving_ The school will give their Christmas e nt~rta inment at th e Hall. Christmas eve. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Madden attAded the Symphony concert in Cincin nati. recently. Bern Carr's are improving their property on Second street. by the addilion of a second story. Mr. nnd Mrs. J . C. Gray have ad ded u new ro of. porch. windows. d oors nnd fl oors to their reside nce on Main str ee L The Jonah's Run Sundayschool will g ive a Christmas entertainment a t t he church Sundny evening. Docem. bel' 2 1, beginning at 7 o·clock . MI. and Mrs. W. M. Mathias Miss Mnrgllrct Starr. of Dayton, ond Miss Mabel E. Starr. of Xenia. WHe Sunday guests at their mother . Mrs. Amanda Starr. Mose Bogan sent his son. Willard, who Is In the U_ S. Navy. stationea nt 1I0nolulu. an angel fo od cnke f or his Christmas di,nner. Willard's fo ndneS!! for this especial cake is well known among his friends. Misa Goldie Grooms and Mr. Ray Clark were quietly married Thursday afternoon by Rev. Moon at the M. E. parsonage at ClarkBville. Thnt evening they were treated to an oldCashioned belling. On Friday morn: ing they went to Adams county to spend several days with relat ives of the bride. . The M. E. Aid m et Thlll'Sday afternoon at the mual place. The annual election of officers res ulted &8 follows: President. Mrs. Mary Tucker; Vice-pret!ident. Mrs. Emma Ellis ; secr etary. Ml'II. Eve lyn Shumaker: assistant Se~retory. Ml'II. Bertha Gordon: Treasurer. Ml'II. Margaret Tucker . The sooinl hour was taken up by a miscellan eous shower honoring Mrs. Frllnk Kabler. nee Martha Lukens. of Camden. a member of the Aid. She received a number of useful gifta.

• Marti


.. '




~ - Ga~


l __


T!IIJeo I5e co .....

. MecbuialTCIIJIt 25cto lUI .......






to 1&11



Llllolc ..... n

Da.ket B .ll~. $3 Golf Bagl. '1.50 Golf Oub.. $l to lee Skate-. 11 to. ~ ~ ,..' Boaing Gloves. U

ru .


.The Miami Guette, Wa:ns-viU.. ~hfo ,



II ••••••• • ,,1 •• , •••••••••••

Why Not

PUBLIC Mr. Chll£. r.!ich ncr Thlll·sday. · Il'~ . lu ~ t

Wayneaville, 01t.lo Mr. and Mrs. Ronuld Hawke were Aman Bld g. Phone 6 1.2 in Xenia, Friday.

HUr\'py Ry c wus in Ll' llllllon

Mrs. J. W. Whit iR in Dayton for n . couple of days.

W .. rlnl·~duy.

Mt .. A. B. ~ hn ne r in n 'lylon, M on du~· .


",a 5

Miss Helen ' Hnw ke onc dny lnst \\' eek .

wn ~ ~h()pping

y'oar Eyes? I IfHow An mffer the

1\11'. K . N. Hough \Va. ill L!'bnnon


hll " ines~


~ .tnJn 100


1I1i ~~ Marthll O'Nell1l hll" bet' n r onfin ed to th" hou s(' wiLh It d l'pe.

1111'. Mnh lon Ri,lJ!'c W lIS onlinl,d t o .hi A homo last w('ek with g rippe.

abou1d con-

Mr. 1I1IlI Mr • . Frunk LeMIIY IInrl fn1l1ily w!'re in Dny ton, 'I'u c~day.

defect. ..; Ma.t Reasonable Prices In . Dayton.

no Yflu r hri "ttnaA . hopping nt Myel' H Ylllnn'~ , un d . nvc mOllcy.

~~:. ~~~~.~.: $3.00 N. L. LelMontree ohillrge ot Tra118~S Optical Dapt. 4th Ma1n •

Mr. an ti MrA. Ray Mills anti MrA. Ma ry Cas key wcre Day ton v isilors, ThurMdny.

~h .


Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward spent th e week-enll with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hough.



nIl you r Christn,,\!! ~ h o pp in g at JIlyt!r II Yllllln'8, ",1<1 "11"(' money. M')i. J . O. Cn rt\\,l'ight lind dnughte l's ,,·he l1uytl)tl HhOPI"'rs Suturduy. • Mr. WCI'('

LOST- I'ocketbook. Pinder will plclI"t' 11:'11"" lit t.;u ZI' ll(' otlice a nd r eccive r ewll l'd. s on. ( 'nrluneJ fllmily, ill Day· ton , Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hnym ond Conner and Mrs. Harry III u rm y "'He Dayto n visitors , Tu esday. IIIr. lind Mrs. F.d Thomas nnd Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Mc lure spent FridBY in Dayton.


lIfr. and Mrs. Younce spent Sunday with ~r. nnd Mrs. Wilbur Clark and fllmlly. ' Misses Ruth and Le nn Earnhart are guests at the hOllle o f Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellrnhnrt. Mr. and Mrs. n. V. Smith and Mrs. L. C. St.John were !Jayto n vi, itors Thursdny of last week. Crochet nnd tatting thrend, emb. silks lind cottons , houp.. crochet hooks, tOte. Grnre L. Smith.

1111'. Alvin Enrnhart and family spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. -Burton Eurnhnrt lind fam ily.


MI'. Fred Hal'ris , of Middletown, clIlled on und tOllk dinn er with Miss I Lillinn Farquur, last un day.

, r r _ ."rr ·rrr. ·r•.• rr ••• r' ....' "

Mr . Walter Un dHw ood, who hnd a severe nttack of hi ccoug h!i Illst week , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is ub1e to be out again. . T he Sunday-school a t Ferry church will give nn ente rtai nment on Christ· mas Eve, at 7 :30 o'clock.


Mr. and Mrs. F red Braddock, o f 2, .pent Su ndllY with Mr. J. D. I. Route !Hch and fn mily, of Route 3.


Mr. Perry O"b ornc, of Lebano n, was the Sund,,), J!' Ul!st of Dr. unci Mrs. C. W. He nderson lind fa mily.

Do yo ur Christmas shopping at My er Hyman's, a nd save money. .


, Mr. and lIh.,. Hownl'd Arc-ndencon ; snent Sunday with lIIr .•lIId lIfl·s. HurIley Archdeacon, of Int'ksville.

Miss Abbie Graham and Miss La· verne Tl,lllis , of Springboro, were week-e nd guests of Mr. and M rs .. Ray Mills.

l\[esdnmcB I_ina Devitt, F.mmor Bui· ly, Julia Donovan nnd Mr. M. D. Baird were in Dnyton MonelllY.

Dr. ancl Mrs. J. W: Ward left Tues. day the 16th, for Califor nin, where th 'y will spend t he winter with 1'el· llti "es.

Corwin Grocery HIlI ......quart.... for Candi.., Fruits and Nuts thi.


a.n.a-... . He will be there to

meet the children and ..." .• ~treat for them, Satur"ay, December 20, from 3 to ~~


F. E. Van Often


Miss Mnry Hankinso n, Q former teacher in our High school, is in the Midd letow n hO"pitlll, where she was operated on for apo endictis.

1111'S. Davis, Mi 's Ra chel Da\·i8,1I1rs. Chas. Davis, of Corwin, and Mrs. Nettie Kepler spent Tuesduy with Mrs. Peter Demas , at New Vie nna.

For S.le by

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cast and , Mrs. Charlie Zimmemrman and chil. , dren, were shopping in Lebanon last ..w Wednesday. r


Mrs. Mycr Hyman and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman were guests of Mrs. Raymond Davis , of Duyton, at supper Friday evening.


If you want something in stamped goods, see my line of gowns , aprons, pillow tubing, buffet se~ , towels, etc. Grace Lincoln Smith.

We Will 'make

Save your old carpets and rugs "Weanvell" Rugs made . price Ii~t. Franklin Rug Co., Franklin, Ohio.

and get J"E•FRAZIER,WaynesVi"IIe, 0..Send for

Mr. and Mrs. J ames McClure attend ed the ' Fune.ral Directors' banquet at t he Elks hall in Xenia, Monday night.

fOBACCO BOXES 36-inch Boxes at ... 40-inch Boxes at 42-ipch Boxes at 44-inch Boxes at

46-inch'IBoxes at

I $2.25 $2.45 $255 $2.6~


nese ·m. dIe Tebacc. Growers' Association Prices ,



' 1·

w. 'B~ Madden &


Wayn~JIle, Ohio

,j !i I• •lli1lfii~i!!!ilJ£lES;~=:.Eie==aUilL


F YOU arc Ulce the ][ avUQ_ human bcini you are Interested in ndJo. Come In today and lonk ovc:r our A'-WATD Kllrr R.ildlo. Fttl how smoothl., the:: dial. ttml.. Note bet... bcaodluJl-t it I, fln.l.hed . Compare the clear, lull m\,llical tonee ;0 IDl ~r radio VOI.l have __ beard.

Messrs, Myer Hyman, L. A. Zim· mermnn, J. B. P ence, E. L. Thomas, G. J . Waterh ouse, C. M. Robitzer, and Walter McClure attended the Shrine ceremonial in Dayton, Friday. The First and Second grades will give a short musical playlet, "Santa Claus in Mother Goose Land," at the "Grud e Building, Wedn esday af· ternoon, Decem ber 24. No admis. sion. The Miamis, the independent basketball team, have won their first two games with Spring Valley and Green lind Green, Dayton, respect. ively. They have several games schedu led wi th strong teams. Foster un d Murgaretta Blackburn H eacock, of Bedford, Pa., will be at the Friends meeting, First Day the 21st. Ther e will, be a lect ure on .. hristian Citi zenship," nt 2 p. m. the same day .. Everybody is welcome;

' ~ElI:'==-:a'I!JEI==-:Jll!Ji

WbeclRt l'O'I aN to tIM marlret tllht now or not, 1H: ,IHftt you IX) have dlef!l'lJolrtnent ~ ~DipeCt­ thin lalt word ID radio elDr:elJeocc.

The American Farm Bureau feder. ation closed its annual convention at Chicago last week with the re-election 'of Mr. O. E. Drndfute, of Xenia, as president of the organization. Mr. Bradfute, a prominent agriculturist of Xenia, hns been associated with farming. problems on a Ilatlonal basis for many years.

.- ..----

DEATHS Mrs. Caroline Boger, died Thu1'll' day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her daughter, M1'II. Jametl Bergan. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at I :30 at the Chap. el, Rev. L. A. Wuhburn, officiating. Burial in Miami cemetery.



• I &

..- - -

Party taking the chair from South Main street will save trou ble by the prompt return 'If the same. • -----.~-~





Portly Gent--"Sambo, your a cyn· ic." , Sambo-"No, boss--a gin-hic In



Will F.







Is opening an Opt ica l office in


The Rest Room,


And will be in attendance Wednesday of each week, be· ginning December 17th, to scienti fica lly examine eyes. Hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Prompt attention given to repair work. All work guaranteed to g ive satisfaction.

L. Woodward, Watchmaker Will be a ssociated with Mr. Young, the Optometrist. Watch ea and Clocks Repaired Prompt Service

r .

For Christmns. sell(1 th~ Miami GII- zl'tte fot' n ycat· til Rume fri e nd.





Kroger ' Stor('~ nr(' storked with tll,' fi'"'s t of lIoli,lny Foods. Ynll will litH\ "" el'y h ill!,: fl·" 'h . I'u ... · a nd of ullslIt'pn!'s('(1 'l ll nlilY. Prices , lou , a r (' bl'yolld (,"oll1l'ari!1nn . · omc ill! Lot us perso 'lll11y . how yuu ou t' vn l'i"ly till.! wish yo u. v;reelillgs oC lhis joyo us "e.!'son.



Kroge r candies are nhsolute ly PIII'(' nn(\ fr~"n.Lerflin (!-rtlnl;;tc-:-.- - -I---- - t=-'" di es'~ hovo their lill. Quali ty i, l' xccll~ nl -- pl' ic '" s urprisingly low.



RICH-PURE CREAMY Sib. Box, 90c C~ per pound Assorted Chocolates--aich c ent~J's ; Ii-lb. box, $ 1.; per lb ..... 20c Fudge- Rich and deli cio us; lb., ! 6c. Pcanut llrittle--Ib .. 15e Cut Rock- The old-fushion ed hard candy, mll ny shup es, coloI'>! und flav ors; lb .... 17e Am ericnn Mixed- Over 36 tiiversifi ed shap es in 8 brilliant array of coloI'>!, muny fi ll pieces, Ib .. ... . .20c Holidny Cl'ellms-'I'en\pt ing mix o f colored fl avored creams; Ib ..23c .. Creams and Jellies--A rich, colorf ul mixture of fine flavored soft candiGl! ; Ib .. .. .. .. . ..... .. v.. ... .. .... ... ..... ............ .. ..... 20c .. .. Orora--A 5·lb. tin of fin es t filled pieces, an ideal preso nt .. $1.75 .. ..





• • •• • • •







200 aize. dozen . Celery- Large s t.alk ........ .. .. 10e L(,lIf Lcttuc ~- lb .......... 1Sc .Jonathnn Appll' -lb ... .. .. .. 9c

Grapc(ruit-3 for. u . .. , .... :·.25c CranberrieS-::-per Ib ....... .. 17e Potatoe8-'-16 Ib8........ 27c

FIG S p~:n~~"~: ~:';:'~~~~~.~ ..

.. •


Smyrna Nutural Stewing Figs -New crop, Ib . ............. .... 13c Dates--Golden Hallowi\ New Crop, low price, Ib ........ .'... 10c....... . Stuffed Datel!-Sugareo. Very fancy; lb . .. ...... .. .. 3Oe Raisinl!-Country Club Cnlif. Seed l e~" or Seeded', pkg .. !lc .. .... .. Imported Malagn Cluster Raisins; lb. pkg ... .. .. .. .. . ..... 29c




Diamond Brand New Calif. No.1 Soft She ll Walnuts--lb .. 34c Walnut Sorrento. Will nut Ments-lb ....... ........ ... ........ 66e Mince Meat--Country Club, pkg. 10 c. None Such, pkg... 16c





AsparaguJt-Call~.; per can.3ge ~I!rn-Country Club, can .. 27c Peaches--Country Club, can.27c Fruit Salad- No. 2 can .. ..33c Plae.ppl_No. 2 c......... 27c



75c . .,

Peas-Country Club, e-'n:~ ltrc . Spinnch- Calif, clln ....... .. .15c Prune,;.-Calif., 2·lb. pkg..... Zllc Pumpkin- Large can ..... ... .. lZc Apple Buttcr~uart for .. 2Sc ..

47' C


Frencb Br.nd-Ha. ao aup.rior in quaJity-'-ao equal in value-lb. plr•. Jewel t:offee-A rich, genUine Bourbon Santos ; per Ib .. .. 39c·

__ ::ss::z

.;.....;,..-.'~F I N E· GlEE'I!!EI







> :0

Announc'e lnent!




J(/mes E. McCllIre

Waller McClllre



. . . . . .. ' . . .IIIi=!ilGh




Our cll h'll tillr~ \\'ill be really for di ~ l ri h lltion I'" ~lIt "l'dIlY, cemh l'" 20 th . Wl' hn\'I' 111H' fIll' yu". ( ':lIIIIIIt! J!'"t iL



Messrs. J. W. Wurd, Kenneth N. Hough, G. J. Waterhouse, F. B. Hendet'soll and D. L. Crane attended u communication of paRtma~ters at Middletown, SaturdllY afternoon.

_ ___


.- .

Mr. and Mrs. Will Tullis, Mr. and Mrs. Che~ter Crockett, Miss Abbie Gruham and Miss Lcverne Tullis, of Springboro, spen t Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. RIlY Mills.


Mr. D. C. Ridge, of Sioux Falls, S. D., who comes to Dayton this wee k Ito attend II convention at, the. Delco, will make a short Yis it to his pal ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mllhlon Ridge.

The annual meeting of the stock· holders of the Waynesville Nntional Bank, for the purpose of e lectjng of. ficers for the ensuing year, will be held at their banking rooms on Tuesday January 13, 1926, between the hours of 1 :00 and 3 :00 p. m. L. M. HENDERSON, Cashier.


Mrs. Howell Pierce went to Selma Sunday to eee her sisters, Miss es Martha nnd Margaret Warner, who lelt Sunday night for California, to spend the winter.

§ ~nppp ~etn

lilt·. nnd lIl l's. Wll ltl'r l\'\cC,lure visit-

"t! th~i ..

Mrs. Viola Hurlan and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were s hoppi nl!' in Lebll non Wodnesday of la st week.


0",,"' Smith Ull d MI'll. 1I11rvcy , h"l'pi"" in P ayt" n. Thul·.duy.

Great lI olida y Specill l ~ in 1111 Millinery, (" · NY . hill 11 [",rltllin. Grace L. Smi th .


Mr. and Mrs. H ar ry Stoke! nnd Mr . Enrnc!;t Hnr~ock were in Dny· to n, Tuesday .

in Troy on wllck.




\\,Il s

bU :-l i"c:;~ OUl' dllY )u ~ t..

Clermont,. eadter." Ra ngles an FUrltlaCeS

Mr. and MrR. U. G. Whetzel and gron(180n, were L('hanon visitors. Wedn esday.


Mr •. tiert II nr tsl1ck, o f Roule I, w as sho pping in Xenia, Friduy.


MI'!<. H owe n Pie rc e nnd lIfiRR Mny Wri ght werc shopp ing in OilY ton , Thu rsllny.

W (' wiRh ('Vt'!·v tI n r ~" ,. n rR-::v" il1:I<:-'::u::n:'it l--c';;;'Ir;;c"i1;iu" ty;;-;n:-;n::1,r;;'n~=;---j-<!,,+-------­ fl'iend " ill the ~ Ut'\'()ulldi llg 'ct> ulI lry

UUR;lett Ilull urw ot·th wns in

M r. A. H. Shllller

poor health and old age quicker than any other

Mr. Jnm ('. McClur!' mncl c' n bu"inC SR trip to Springfiel(I, Monday.


ill OilY to II

L(·I"'''"II Illst \\' L' dll l·~ llay .


It wiD pq you to have us examine your eyes all It may mean t.he dtfforeneo btltween simi" and health to you. Poor eyesight wfIl bring

in Dnyton Thurdny uftemo un.

Wlaat Mtt_ ·tim. of the 7-r' thua Chri.tma., to thriU eyery member of the famii, with an automo· ltiJ.. You ~t hope to driye a better car for the --..y tIaaa the FORD. The new 1925 i. the acme ., ~aaicaI perfection. Give the car now. There are ~7 beautifUl n;aotorinc da,. throu,bout the what.. aDd ia early .pring. We will drive it, .pic, . . . aDd ahinia, new_II holly bedecked-to your dear 011 Chriatmu morn.



MI'. nn,1 Mrs. I!. B. Eurnhnrl wcr('

Now Ready for You



W~dnl'sdHY ·

Mre. Rnlph Smith Rpl'nt MOllliny with re latives in Wilmin l!'toll.



Mr. nnc! lII t·~: I. n. Hirh \\' (,I'e in XClliu one dny In. t week.

lIIr. ana Mr •. 1· red Hradd (lCk wcrc Wilrnill J!'ton \'i,itor. , Fl'idllY·

at the following prices:



in Dnyloll


lII rs ..r. o. C:lI'tWl'i!!ht in Dayton, Tu esday.




A Real . Gift for the Whole Family Thi. Year?




Seven ty-Six th





Ma and Pa Take A Rest and Go Traveling




Lust night, TU\!8day, the Jun 4lr s : delightf ully . entertai ned t he High school; Facult y and Normnl, wi th II Christm as party, in the gymnas ium. The evening WII8 spent in playing contests and danc:ing. The color scheme was red and green, tend Ing to give 4 real Christm as spirit. Delicious refreshm en ts were served, consisti ng of jello, cake and candy.

S e nior T eam

Wit h Cord ial Gree ting s for a Mer ry Chri stma s and a very Pros pero us New Yea r


,Iu.iora Gi"e Prorram

En Toute: Wednel lday afternoo n the Juniors Middle-ng ed )yomell on this train have beautifu lly quiet, pencef~1 fa- Will entertai n the High school, Facu 1t y and Normal wi t h the foll owing ces. program : Conside r -the couple sitting across Devotio nal .......c.........Velma Grisham Duet--Esther Henders on lind the aisle in th e dining car. They lI1&ry Margare t Un glesby. come from a farm, the ir hands and Piano Solo ..Rhea Janet CartWright complex ion show it. ding., ............. .. Frnnces Hen kl e . The lights and fi re arc dim in his pale gray eyes. Man~ wellry miles Piano Solo ............ Esther Henders on his feet have walked behind the plow Dialogu e--"Un expecte d Compan y for . Christm as Dinner. " and the harrow ; mony miles ho has drive n over b ad roada ' In a slow. Vocal Solo --... ....- Elsie Hawke rocking buggy to and from the town. Reading .................... Doris Henderson His shoulde rs are bent by heavy Distribu tion of gifts--K Retallick..nd Adelber t McMilla n. weight! . and worry hll8 left de.ep wrinkle a. But that is over, the hfe o of hard work has. brought itA reward . ....,'•• ,on of ':14 The children are aettled. Lorrain e Branno ck-War ren County Normal . She sits next to the window , lookBurnet Butterw orth- Te.cher at Hal' ing out at the kind of country veysbur g. she has known for flt.ty years. Big grown field s, stretchi ng awoy to the Esther Corwin -Teach er at Otterbe in Melvyn Banta- Warren County Norhori~on . Stacks of straw thot would mal. be \yorlh $30 a to n in the _city, but it do esn't pay to sbip them, houles John Paul Bolton -O. S. U. in t he hollow where the cold Bettltls, Helen Randal1 - Wilming ton Obll e~. t r ees pla ntcd to break the force of Levi Coate_ Warren: Co. Normal. Hester James- -Warre n Co. Norm.l. wind (rom the north. Everett Cam.ha n- At home. '. Her f ace is peacel ul, happy u ~he Beryl Cook-W ilmingt on College. r flltt. with her hands in her lap: For Carlton Cook-M I.mi Uuniver sity. the fi rst time in her life there Is Helen Duke-T aking Nurses Training COU1'lle. at Miami Valley hospital nothing that 8he ought 't o be doing. George Hender lon-W. yne Town· ship BUB Driver. Earn est, potien t, calm .nd be.uti-. ·...,uelll• .. Longac re - Warren CoUl1ty ful is her face, 0 8 she looks out at Normal. the changin g sceno. An.d still more Raymon Hatftel d-Teoc hor at Waybeautifu l her exprellS ion, 811 ahe takes nesville . t\)e thin \ liat'the ' walter bfUilll and Opal Le~e:-Ai' home. arrange s her husband 's breakf~ Clemen t S.tterth waite-F arming. She will not, while she lift!!. 1011e the __ -habit. of t,aldnc care of him. G,.m .. )(och time lind effort hlUl been given Bere is not the face that launche d 'bulldin g 01 our gym, but no a thousan d "sbips or burned an)' tow- to the work haB been done than that , ers, anyway . It's better than that. of the past f ew weeks, which finished It's tho face that weaned a thousand calves, cooked thirty thouaap d the ,buildin g on t\)e inside. It is now meals tor family and farm hands, a eomplet e auditori um and buketBowed and mended and washed for ball ball combine d, wIth drell8ing a fnmily of children. caring for them rooms arut all necessa ry addition s. in sickness and health, he.i ping them -..."...- -•• - ......- - - . with the chores and cconom ized on herself.



"Tho little girl with the curls and the plaid dross, she Is ou~ you ngest," grandda ughter . Our daughte r will be lonely without her. Dut they are letting UB take h er for a little while pn Thursda y evening the boys of 80 she con see the clOl,lnl:r.y while she the "l;lmltb -Hlghes " departm ent banIs young. ' We had to w_it a long queted their fathel.:!', the mem~el1 l of while." the School board and ·a fe"" of the proprie tors of farms where they have Every dollar . they take with th\lm, made "eid trips this' a to .provide 'for a well-esr ned olil age The occasion proved to be a big of .peace. and rest, i8 ~ dollar raised eucceM. Howard Missildine acted.8 by hard work. Crops'rai4l!d by their to8lltmo ater ' and' proved to be a gen,hands have 'fed tbousan ds. For ev- ius ' ln thls line. He Introduc ed the ery dollar they have' had; ~he publ.ic speaker s in a very capable manner, hu bad ten dallal'll In value. tackling each from a differen t angle. The followin g men respond ed: Mr. . " ~ S. S. Ellis. ·Mr. J. W. Edward s. Mr. ·Happy is this nation in p088e88i ng Branstr ater and Mr. L. Menden hall. lucK .. States .. 'Califor nia ' and Flor- A,1l express ed their apprecia tion of ida, 'in which those that have worked the advanta ges offered the boys in hard .. may IIJIClfd their latte~r_,y•.e•.a,rs ••_,•., thie depa~ment. Mr. Moomaw outprolonc ing ,their livea and lined reuonB why a "Sm£tb- Hughes" the reaul~. ~fbard ·ad UlefuL ·work. ·deportm ent .is practica l and advisaTho.s nolN living will lee in C'U- ·ble. Mr.. Crabb' stated why "Smithforn!a and !in Florida cities greater Hughes " "departm ents bave been elthan any· ,.. oti earth. The1'wllJ 'not tab~iid in Ohio.' Joe Kersey rebe cities wind,. strota, spon'i1ed 'for the technica l. Hill subbut cities will .cover millions -of was' "Our c1allll-room instruct ion . , spreadin g over hilla and • teClmlcal vieWpoint.... Therle beautifu l . roads • ., for the 'p raetical aide ..., .. _ ..... ... 8eI4 a for ' ftying.' maInatruct ion. Luther bring .s wiftly tJirOlig'h ' pve • ' p~ thoroug h ellaplUlSel",e ", that the tnhi."now eWion' of .field tripe arid their purp~, -aDd CharI.. ' 'Bay explaine d . ~etii!al; ,~m • farm..ahop

ViewpO~ ' Herbflit



Edwarde, Therle Jontlll ..nd

W~ ~.t.oq .

'up the



they certainl y Boward MlaallHaltiiilell: .alld j_lIe n. on ~' entertatnment .• 01 indoor hUew'ere th~ prind- ' .,

Whole Numb er 5f)2S'




W. T. Frame Grap hica lly D,escribes A M.eeting in California In. letter from Wm. T. Frame, who is spendln lr the winter In Calif omia, to Mr"llnd Mrs. Davis Furnas, he IIBYII, in part: Some three weeki ago it W&8 ,announced in ~he East' Orange Grove Friends meeting (Hlckai te) that on Sunday, Novemb er 80, the young Friends of all the differen t branches (rom Long Beach, Loa Angeles , Whittier, Pasaden a and all the smaller towns, would hold • . meetit:tg at 11 o'clock and a confere pce in the afternoon .t Swiuer s, on the foot trail to Mt, Lowe. That autos and bus~es could go as far as Oali: Wilde. nine miles up the Aroyo Seco, from where it would be a hike of fou r "liles to Switzer s Camp. none were too old w~o eGuId uk_e. that.bik e. The regular buues wetll to start at 8 II . m., and ev~ hour ~tet that. Some of 08 wanted to g9 a little early so it W811 arrange d that a . bus should go at 7 :80 if we would have a party of ten, so 1 al'oae earlier than- comman, ate a 'hurried breakfa st. prepared a pocket lunch, and W88 at the bUB stat ion some three miles away nre,mt,t1v at the hour agreed upon, but 10, .nd heholdl there were only nine of us when counted . The bus driver grumble d a lot and we a !fered to chip in and make up the extra fare, but he would not hear to that, just see~ed to ' want have. a chance to growl.


n.. ·Traii


stone to another ,. so I chose the bridge but coming hock, for the sake of VBriety,I crossed on th o ston es. At one place the !ltone had slid dewn from above almost ob8truc ting the way. one natural ly r ejoi ced he was not there when the slide occurred . Lar,_ Tree. Gruwin r Out of Solid Rock Other times on the trnil t he lower side of the trail had slipped until it was advisab le to watch one's steps. It was a great E,urpN,se to me to see the large trees growing apparen tly .ye~, 1 think sometim es in reality) , out of the solid rock, and seldom were they uproote d. I cOunted only two. And &8 I looked at these great piles o~ atone and II'ranite i~ was no troUble for me to believe tha t this earth is millione of yeal'll old instead of six thouaan d a8 we ~Ire taught, when children. No'" &8 I near Switzer s Comp I am up against it, for it is up, to me to describe the beoutif ul scenery and that un ique Chril5t Chapel, lately built (I think mostly by Friends ) . There it sitA · rigilt on the side of the mountain. built out of the stone taken from the mpunta in, st one undres ed and unlike any~ undress ed stone I ever saw. There were sbarp edgcs and sharp points ; they were not whi te nor gray, but rather a light oStraw. and in and around it the meeting was. held.

MHtiDr Wa. AD .I.tere. tinl One W~lI, we started on the nine miles I will try and d escribe the meeting ,

To Oak


ride. and.I wish I had the descript ive fi.l'8t by saying it was just such 0 powers of Jack London , 1088 his pow- meeting 8 S one ,expects in a meet ing er to exaner ate, and I would let·you cOlDPosed of al1 branche s of Friends . see that trail to Oak Wilde. We lI1ade There was as much oh more uni ty an d trip In thirty minutes ond there good feeling or fe llowship , t han wea always barely rooni. on one side er experi enced in an y one bran 1 avch. It or the , other . of the stream for was announc ed that Dr. Ira Frame a good road, or at least Qne could be (Conser vative) and formerl y from made, and they seemed to have Jol- Bornesv ille, Ohi~I , would have charge lowed the line of least resi8~!lce and of the meeting , but' he rather objectwhenev er they eouldn ot go on one ed to putting It that way, and said side they cro~d to tha other. I thnt In a Friends meeting that plnce wis~ I had countec fhow many bridges is professe dly given to The Great we cro8841d, but did not". Eight or Head of tbe Church. He threw the ten at least, alw.ya 119tween high meeting open to any Olle who had mountai ns, .. .. anythin g on theilr mind. they felt they Arrivlnl r .t Oak · Wilde then come sh.ould deliver. There was som& sithe hike. I found I "'•• not· drell8ed lence. not much, conside rable apeakfor hlklnC, liut I wb not alone in lng, but no music, exc4!pt the chimes that. The woman m08t~ . all at the' beginni ng .and close. No vocal dreaed in lIIeli'. 'c lothMi but I laW no mUllc but a young English Friend man dreaaed in women '. clothe'; yea, (Hickai te) said sifter meeting he had and tbe women nearl)' all had their felt like he ought. to sing. hair bbbbed. '. . After meetln&, lunch, then the conSome of oar part)'. lta:rted on .lin. ference , which was quite interest ing. mediate ly, but I h"'t.ate d ;....t,hoq llt TheD down the irail four miles to 1 wourd &,0 Wtth t Ja. ;erOwd- l-but . J Oak Wilde &pin" and tt· did not seem changed my mitld aft,r a Uille, and nearl111;O far. A, bus was just about .tarted alone. .• Ilcr.·••v~r ",d reason to start for Pasaden a. I r.e /luested to regret It.:. fo~ they .aeetUd to' me the driver to drop .me off at the. cornthe lon.e st ~l ~r traveled . But er ,of Llnco\J1 avenue and Montan a now I wiahed for the deicl'fp tln po1'- etreet, whldlli e did, and after. ahort er:'_bOt,f d"~~':~~ t ~~t~~' ~~, J. walt ·· °t" ~~ el~:.:: block8 Il.tWtljl!l hagilin m.. a lone . n my 0"'1'" cozy ) e ome, narrow foot· trail, ml!l8t' of e time .w ha t I illUJiediately proceed ed to not wide eno!l&'b for ' .b ro .l·to, ,walk lJl.liiP," . ' .u~~tW meal' (l wea abreast, due out of. tb8 moUnta in ·to'.call it Ilupper, but. now thl!Y mucb of ·the ~.y: thro1l&'ti lOUd r~ dlnQer) , of which I ,felt very .t looktit&' " almost 'neea ' After a .hurried atraljrbt . ~. pocket , lunch~~ eighteen drive ' and- ~u. eight mile . hike. thUl' end~d another day in won.d erlol, ".lliilniiiH \l.eau~,l, . sc~~c Callfom ia, . l,t ~ ~o~ fo~ .~ldil~ h~Ctcl!t IlODI'. I woWdll U


ftGn""'........ · --



.• uto ~p ,i'lll8lil~lYU",


A very sad ond shockin g acciden t occurre d last Friday morning , when Mrs. Chorles Brewste r, who lived in the old Bonncville' propert y on Ma in str eet, f ell to h er death down a stairwa y at her hODle. She h ad prepar ed d~nner, and the supposit ion is that while waiting fo r her husbllnd had gone upstairs 10 r earra nge Borne house . plants, and in doing 80 ste pped either back to far or became dizz y and f ell. Earlier in the morning she was in F. H. Farr's st ore and comploi ned then of dizziness. Mr. Brewst er, who works for C. M. Robitze r. enme home, ond not finding her ther e, thought she had go ne away. He a te his dinner, but before returnin g to wl1rk had occasion to go up stairs. When he opene d t he door his wife's body f ell out at his feet. His cry for help brought W. L. Matthews, who has a r oo m In the building , and Wm. Clark, who was in the cream station adj oining. Dr. Mary Cook was call ed a nd life was found to be extin ct. The botly was still wnr m, and it is without doubt that death was ~ n stan tan eous. Besides her husband , she leuves one son , Bernard , of Dayton. The f uner al was held Monday morning a t 10 ::l0 , in the church ut Martinsvill e. Brown county, Ohio, her :Carmer' home. I

-----_ ..---

JUNIOR ORDER INITIATED CLASS Last Friday evening was quite 11 gala occasion for Miami Valley Council No. l Oa, Jr. O. U. A. M. The third degree wos conferr ed upon 1\ class of fo~candidates In a very impressivv e manner: After the ritualistic work, Bro. G. E. Strouse gave an intercst inng and stirring address to thc candido tes, laying especiol stress upon the principl es of the order, and showfng the need of them today. . At the close of the meeting an appetizing repast was served by some of the ladies of the D. of A. Visiting brethere n were present from the Councils of Osbon). Troy and Spring Valley.

________ __----.1_~.


F irst quarter- Burto n gcts t o /l0· in g at first, mnkes LIVO fi eld Ilnd one fo ul goal. McMi ll an makes one fi eld goal a fter sever al atLc mp t.q. Coo k gets goal on quick recover. Spring· bora haR several chunccs , but f a il to scor e. Score is , W. 0; S. O. Second qu arter- Springb oro pl ays ha rd an d mak es three gall Is. Mllr· stall wa s t he pla yer t hut made the goa ls. Wa ynesvill e had several good ch ances but McMilla n was t he only one who scored f or Waynes vill e on t he seco nd qu arter. Third qU llrte r--Sp rin l{boro' o pe~ 8 quar te r wi t h g oal by Ch ristnulI1 ,. who foll ows with a not hcl·. Stitzel muk es a f oul goal and Simpson gets th rough with a field goal. Waynesville plays har d and McM illan makes two fi eld gonls . Hough fi nall y get s n goal. Scor e, W. 1 7 ; S. 13. F ourth quarte r- Cook misses a fin e chanco but BurtoH comes thr ough with a good goa\. Marstall makes a foul shot. Christm lln gets f oul shot. Waynes ville chan ces .to get two goals at t he end . Game 'and scora, W. 22 ;


Ma tt era of Impor ta nc e W e re Oi.cUlle d- A Good Att e nd an ce of Me mb er. P r e lent .

Ove r a hundred farmers , chiefly unu lh·esloc k produce"", attended the 18th Dist ric t P orm Bureau meeting held in Leban on, Grange ha ll Friday, Decemb er 19. A goo d rep: resenta t ion from each county in the distr ict, exceptin g Hamilto n, was pr(, Rent. Tn t he, fore noon , Mr. 111. B. Ji mison , Field sorvice man, Co.oper ati\'e P ure Mil k IUIsocia tion, Qincin-. nali, di scu sse d t he co·opera tive mil k marketi ng with chief emphasis upo n the situation in the Cincinn ati di8trict. He explaine d that the preva iling low price in Cincinn ll ti territor y is due to surplus milk brought in by ' indepen den t deu lers who huve come out gr eater distances from Cincinn at i and induced d men who .were form erly S. 17. shipping cream to supply them the whol e milk. Points in Indiana were mention cd as supplyin g much larger Junior Team amount s of milk, while other secFirst quorter --Missi ldine plays in t ions are losing their trade.. luck getting on e field and thr ee f oul The adva ntages of co-operl ltive orgoa ls. While Springb oro is able to ganizllLion through more e mcie~t ma ke only one fi eld goal, by Garristrucking and handling of milk was. son . Sor e, S . S; W. 5. pointed out by Mr. J imison, esp e~ally Second quarter- -Severa l f ouls com if each dairyma n in 'Cin ci nn ati t er~itte d by both teams. Only goa \!! ritory wer lined up a nd .loyal tQ made are by Nelson of Spr ingboro , th e co-opera tive. Then the 11880eioand Missildi ne, of Waynesville. The tion wo n ld be a ble to protect t~e Cinscore, S. 6; W. 7. cinnllli market. The possibili t ies of Third quartc.r- Missildl ne gets one d evelopi ng an outlet ~or cr eam and field goal. Gons got one foul and one other dairy produ cls in the South was· fi eld gaol. H opkJns gets a fteld gOlll. deal t upon by t he speaker , who g$lve Sprin gboro piny har d but is u nhis exper ience of disposin g of S U~ r)J.o 3 able to raise tbeir score. Score, . S. product s as form er ma nager of the 7 ; W. 14. co-opernti ve plnnt at Co vi ngton, Ky, F ourth . quarter- Hopltins . Missll· Cafeteri a l unch was se~ved by the dine and Thom as get goals during this $ocin \ cQnlmit tcq 9~ Lebft:no n Granlt~, quarter . Spri ngboro pJnys hnrd but The nomina ting committ ee nlso met Waynes ville guards hold them t o 7 dq ring th e Iloon hOUl', consisti ng of points. This is the fi rst game t he represen tativcs fro m- Butler lind se'cond team has won . But we are Preble counti es, eJecti ng W. K. Swun, ready now. of Bu tler couuty, as director of the _ ____ r, tli district to succeed Mr. D. E. Girl.' T e.m Du nha m. who has held t his position First qua'r Ler-SWohn opcns gam e for t he past four years. with 11 f oul shoL a nd follows it with In th e afternoon, Mr. F. G. ~et.. a fie ld goal. Hopkins gets 0 fi eld ncr; director of Co-op erative Lh;-clrO a!. Springh oro comes bock wit h st ock Marketi ng, Ohio F arm Bur~a\l . gOll ls. two fi eld Score ,S. 4; W. 7. f edor a tion, r eviewed bdefly the <lifSecond quarter --StJoh n gets one l er ent co-opera tive marketi ng .el).ter~ foul goal shot and because of hord Priscs a nd Impr ovemen t activitic s pluy ing and good pass work, is ablo ~~:~O~~ \'~f b~~~ ~:r~~I, l;dul~~uco::d to get three field g oals. Hopkins 10entes basket late in quarte r. Spring- extens io n se rdce. He sho'll'ed ho",:- , bora makes one fo ul goal, because smll ll savings . in differen t cha1ll!-elsJ, of Way nesville 's fine guardin g. Tho amount ed t o c0nsider able suma, 'C/!- • pecially in co mmissio n charges In m~ . score, S. 6 ; W. 16. k M )' t h Third quar ter- Ma rstall sli ps in keting farm sl oc. r . ...e ner 118 had persona l experien ce an d .&;e. two goals and Frye one before our l'CsponsibiliLy in e~ta~lis iling large ' guards settle down. Only Hopkins chonces to s core for Wllynes ville in co-opera t ive commiss iQI) fi rms lit ~uf'fal o, Clevela nd and Pitts.burg. and .is this . Score, S.l!.12; W. lB. ~~CI;_~~~~~~!!!!:~~~~~""":~;:f.~~~ Fourth quarter -StJ_ h n and QIIJ,t:...f-n_0:-c\_\' r-_ f or kins each get a goal. Spring horo co-o firm at rallies but it is too late in the game. the Cincinn at.i yar,ds. He describe d They make three go a ls, which makes th e oppositi on and str uggle encount ered In opening the fi rUls at the 0~J:l- ._ the score, S. 18; W. 22. d We have a r eal g irls' team , wi th er points, yet showed lha t b th y e en , Hubble as center and D. Henders on of the 6rst year caell ell ·ope.ruti v,\ firm as guard. StJohn and K. Henders on hlld r ebate d f~om ~5 t o 05 per cent ·, forward s. The most exciting pla y of of t he commiss ion ~h n l'ges to t he far- , the evening was WatkJns and Chen- mers !'rom whom slock hod been s!)ld . . Mr. Kd nec sla ted lhat $600,00 0 . o'weth's scrambl e on all four' s after the ball. were r eualcd by a ll the co.opcra tiv.e cOlllllliss ion firms in the United. State!! lll st yelil', li nd he allsul'ed t)lC a udionce . thu t ill time this amoun t · would be :'cnt back upon the final a udits' of the 1924 busin.ess. Co mmissio n chnrges on th e Cincinna ti yards ore higher than at any ot~~ ;,. er place in the United Stale; , exce~ting one, accordin g to Mr . . Ketner. Waynes ville wlll have a State This he showed was du e partly to al} , Institut e this year, and urrange ments arrange ment gr adually brou ght nb~ut . _ being made already. . Ilt Cincinn ati, wher by conunissio n The followin g dates · have been an- firms sell to butchers .a nd packers wi~h , nounce dfor other Warren County in- practka Jly a weeks time for ~ttl~- ,. stitutes : Waynesville, January · 16 ment. This conditio n a lso ~Ia~e~,. it. ond 17; Morrow , January 19 and 20; necessa ry f or the co.ol' era~v:e flriris Carlisle , Jonuary 21 and 22; and Lebto have at least $40,000 enl.'itaJ subanon Fehruar y 11 and 12. . scribed before they attempt. Omcers for Waynes ville this year in business . And in· order K. N. Hough. preside nt; Carl L. antee sufficien t volume of Duke,. aecret!1 ty; MrL Kenneth N. to pay tho overhea d. OP'Bl',it(lllr"'~llII~~' Hough, lady corresp ondent; John es nnd insure Sb~ltz, Walter · K~,nrick and Burton ical operatio n of the Earnha rt, executl~e commit tee. stock marketi ng COlrltrOlij Circulot...,d. ' Mr. Feltner . firm should least '26'00

_______ __----.4_~.


... .

<'Al M. E·CHURCH .'




d ll ir y m~n






tal. o~ William H. N ewport, dccll:lIeI , fil d hl'r ~\!eol1cJ~ WId /\11111 a ccou n~ Rose orris, ~ecutrix of tho t st nlc o{ James C. Norris, decons d, til~u her (1n:l1 accou nt. Louis D. Null; executor of th e esL.;.;;...--------"---------~~:-------ttll of E. A. ' ull, decra sed, file d his the Brooklyn Got a notion that this machinery can Written specially for thc i\linmi a- whether the pl'ovilliotls tlr e the solo inv('ntory unci uppr"i~emen t. 'Spoopoodyke" be mov d f rom here to Hnckensack The will of Owen J. Burnet , de- zl'lte, by EdwlIl'd Percy Howard . ill.. cEcation of Mr. Curry, hut t hel'll is , .wrie j which w re Vol')' populat' at without scratching UIlY puint off the every l'ellson to b ' iieve the ~ r sid nt utocaster Service. CCu>lIl(\, WIIS flied . that time, The following "Poop n- farmhouses along th e road 1" und looks with favor on th e movo. The COUl't found tho gross vlliu of dyke" .toly wu taken from Tho flli- concentrnting lrimselC in 'One last efUnless the politicllI dl't'g'oll ~1I (\WR France hus 50,000 U "'oplancs in the ostate f WllJi nm M . Tho.mllson ami Goette of Aug.ullt, 1882.- Ed.] fort, Mr. SPoollclldyke turned the its haad s uch n mCII"nre ' Hta nds II nctuul servico. to be $-1 20. crate over on the machine a)ld J al'an ha s "evente~n fnclories wOI'k- strong ehllncc of IHlopli oll. Ct'ruli nly "~Y. my dear." .abllel'Ved Mr. breathed hard. ill g dllY an d nip:ht turn ing out II r eo- Ie will leud 1.0 II 11'1' ute r lIt1iflcll tioll NEW SIlJITS "You've done t hat splendidly," of t.he 'uu' ser vice. T he P"csidenl $poollendyke, Itraightening up and pillnes. J ennelle M!lCY~ bO!; rntered suit for .'.cratc hilli' hla tlU'," "what did the cooed Mrs. Spoopendyke, anxio us to EI1Jtlanci hu ~ an nil' Adm iruli ty ancl ~c()ms dctermil,cd no longer t o PCI'· Mrs. LBurll Bcrborick, ' over 70 di vorce fl'om Hayes lI1aeey. man say about boxing up thIs eew- restore peace between Mr. Spa openn stlll'tiilllt' IIl' li olllll devc lol)me nt in mit the service to romnln " l' tho un · y~a rs of age 1205 Willow Avo., • The Lin~ o Hdwe Cu. entel'",1 "uit a r nn nnutics. dyke and the wr eck of her scwing- tlllYs. IllSI' machine , .. IO'l'tunnle vel'llIifol'lll nPPl"l<li x or uti I' Hoboken, N . writes: "A sever~ T he matler of John C. Dow vs. EI- ajt'ainst E. s. Shroye r for m n<'), onl y "Why be laid take the Cover off mllchine. "It isn't G.XDCtiy the wily Am sri cn in ve nt"d the nero plane, other I;ovc rnm unlal hOlliN' to be clIl IIltack 0 La vrippe leFt me with and slime in lhe ~cad a hoarseness binger Shoe M (Il. Co. , n bankrupt, The White Slul' Oil 0 .. h aH cn- bu t A mel'iea hus 110 lIil' service wor- alit wh neve r a flnllllcill i pnin i ~ the man snid, but I know- " and- " and thr oat. I had chronic cntarrlL was el ismissed without record nt lhe tel'l:d ~ uit Ilgnill ~t Wi lliam Adami> for "Oh, you know nil about . it I" folt. "I've ,ot the cover oIP," IInorted thy of c o n ~ id cru Lion. It grew worse. I could not lie down .money. Amoun t clnimed is $352.!l2 Ilr. Spoopend)'ke. "Did he say to howled Mr. Spoopendyke. "If I could costs of Lhe pillinliff. The nnvnl policy o ( the JWvl'I'IIment or sleep a t nig ht. I was always Tht's.. fnct. hu \'e burned lhemThe matter of Mllrie Defossel \ ·M. with Interest from July 25, 1924 . take It off twie.! Ain't once blnd- build a front door nnd a veranda to selves in t o lhe mind of President seoms £nirly well detinet.!. The IIIIVy both ered by the slime, pain in t he back and a terrible headaches every your infonnntion, I'd stand you in a Edwnrel W. A IlIil' lind Emmu n. Alllir In, on thlI machine'lo Coolidgc. Qul~ t1y he hnR been · di· will be kept Ul' to th(' full tl'euty morning. • MARRIAGE LICENSES strength, "Certainly," replied lin. Spoop- tub of salt water nnd start a summer was dis mi!'sed III the cos of Lhe but no more. This it i~ gesting thl' growin g comment of .the Finally I bought a bottle of plnintiff. resort l Oh, you're pOllted on whnt end1ke, "then you take the top off nlmly IIncl fe lt will pe rmi t of r{,1Is(\ nnbl ll ex pcn- Pe-ru-n a which was of gTeat beneRoy Quinn. candy maker. of Cin · press on thi" Bubj,'ct. 'I' he court fi nd ing the defendan t cinnnti II lId 1\1i.s Huzc l M. Le Forge, to dol You understand mechnnies I and-" wit.hout !lny "1)III. h he hn. be en nn diture fOI' the developnH'nL (of OU I' IIiI' fit. It cave me blood and slrenrrth. I have no pai ns in heari or bnc k, "Did that ~an ~y anytbin, about Some day I'll fit you out with n price- guil ty o r wi lful nbscnce for the pn"t of Oreg-onia. nlyzing tho Kitu ll ti on relntive to OUI' Mcrvict:. nor noises in the head. The slime boldnr ~ . thla machine! That's list and a etrlke, and start a rolling- three years gl'unted rii vo rcc in thu \Vhethcr the eXPlIlIsion will come, has noy R. Clark , I"bor er und Miss nutlonnl dcfcn~c. Now , with out uny gone a nd I 'can sleep. My wbAt I uked you ... · voeifeNted Mr. milll" and Mr Spoopendyke went. for case of I)avid Eo Standiford v~ . Mil - Gll ldie Le o Crooms. both of Harveya. dramatic mo,,"uge he has set out t.o ns sUR'gest ed, throu ",h the m»l'o cx' weight haa increased. I am cheerlie t.nndifonl. Spoopendyke. "llrnow all about the his hat and tore out of the room. ful and hllPPY, thankl to Pc-ru-ml.. burg.' Kive A me·rica her propel' lind tionai· t"ns ive use of Ilel'oplnnes by th" The maller of Sam uel Peorer VR. "It's pretty well scratched, but eoTel' and top. You ean'a teach me Postofllco departm en t, is not kn own. which I 5hll1l always keep in the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ble vlace in lhe nil'. hou!e and recommend to my tnyth)DI abollt the top and cover. I otherwill8 _it is all right," commented Meh'in D. umming was comprollliRl'd Jo: dw lIrd nnd Chndcs Strou.c to Th e Pre,io.len t ;. disposed to be· though so mo of th e n1cmbor~ of th e friends." Mrs. - Spoopendyke, examining the IIntl di s lll i ~>o d lit du fclI, lllI,L, co. t. · .an~ lOme information about ~hill Robert II . Strouse, 8.75 acres in lieve the n~rnplnne is dcsti nllou t o Congress wuo ure st rolig-Iy in fnv.rr For every fonn of cata~h CII~O nf Ear l J ('lrc' r eoll \' ~ . .rohn dod-lUted bird-ca&'e-Iooldng arrange wreck. "And I'll get the man to box W"ync T p., $ 1. s UPI,lnnt the bnttle ~hiJl as our first of n vigorous nerunautic progl'all1 Pr. -ru · nR meets the nc ....I, COIII;'I,., it."-Brooklyn Engle. W. ill'l1,'!' et nl., di ~ mi "~l' d, Ild,' n.llIIel1\1 Drd he wbether I wu to Coids Na ~ al Catarrh, II.l! lae l tlon, Edwa rd Strou se t.o Charlcs Strouse lim' II f defc",,,. lI e is det.' rmillccl to believe this would be 1\ wise WilY t.o lint paying the costs. Do\\ ~ l disorders are nll lorrn. of take' tbahtr of anJthinc'" 8. 75 acres in Wnyne Tp., $ 1. kllow wlwlht'" his judgment is cm·· meet the situl\tioll . They cOlIl(>nd cal ~ rrh. Til Illullel' of Anna Mae BJulltll n ""rIte machine roea tn that," aut.. Ber t ha E . Stephenson to Brice and rott. 1-1 0 has pul. lhe s ubjl'ct before that a g reat nil' mlLil ~ c I'vicc ~ hl)ulci B lIy it any where in tablet 01' vB. Willilllll J. Dlnnlnn W/IS dismissl'd Ethel E. Smilh, Ilbout 2 1 IIcres in 'un L' X Pt'l't boa r d IIIHI urdl'l·pd u thOll'. be cs~b lis h ed und bl'ing to tl'" go v&eNCl k ·Spoopend)'ke. "And then liQllid form. record at. th .. pillintiffs costs. without tbII iIM COYel' aalIa over ito" ough illw'stiglltion alld 1't~ "Ol't. Whilo ernment such incom e "" it might be Cleu rereek Tp., $1 . "No.., ·t hat'l the ".y I like to George E. li ll lJ to Mary M. Thom- the wlir expHtR lire working out t hC'ir rensollable to c~ pc ct. Tho unlnncc PROBATE PROCEEDINGGS 1iNr a woman" talk," remarked Mr. as, lot in Franklin, $1. pl'olJl.'m the Presid('n t h l\ ~ Bt'nt to the of th~ cost could properly be chllrged Pl'Oof of publicnti \)ll- of l1utice of Spoo;ncbke, ~ himMlf cheel'.1I,mes S. Skinner to Henry Fred Budge t BU"ellu rOI' fllcls 111111 fig ur es to the cost of peace. appuilltule nt of Hcbecca S. 111'1'0 11 and Bnrney Uhlon brock, 2 lots in III ,to hie ..ort. "If ,ou'4 alwaYi . ~ · ~t up, we'4 have been COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS ns exec utrix of th e estut (' or' Wil- Prnnklin, $ 1. r-------..,'''''N~-...,Lo=------:A:---:~=--v'":':',--------, liam E ll ery /ll'ro II , de ceased " wus .. 0 ·.... 0 aOYed .....11: 11&0," Frank F lora to Elizabeth Kohler. ". The c.ase of Wm. A. Hewitt' VS. filed . ..Bat JOII lllait. acrew the top on nbQut 29 acres in Salem Tp ., $1. \1M! bottom of uHi top, aDd ' Ue the Emma Poner, et aI., was set.tled and 'I' he will of Pntrick Burke. deeoas- Elizabeth Kohler t;o Margaret Wund ('d, was ndmitted to probnte. about 29 acres In Salem Tp., $1. ebftr said MI'L Spoo':' dismissed without ·record. In 't he case of Lhe State of Ohio, In the mnttet' of the settlemen t of . . . . . . who, 'baTlnc 'bftn' .compl1Frank W. and Lillie F : MlJIer. to . . .~ ft .i iletail. &,at.ermlDtd.. wom· ex. rel. Dorothy Smith, vs. nnlph the estate of Ann Phillips, tic enge d, Fred Koh ler, about: 99 acres in MilE. Deem, W88 found guilty as charged \VIIS ord ered that n certified copy of iblTY Survey Nos. 3790 and 3799. aD ~. \ ' bo all abOat it. -wJiiat-wtab18'uve 'ou been board_ in the cnse, and ordered by the co urt entry be certified t o th e M u nty audWilliam Eckel, et aI., to Emma • . Eckel, 2 lots in ~banon, $1. IDe ia ~ow," 'roared Hr. Spoopend.Yke ta pay the complnintunt the 8um of Itor. The first nnd finnl account of Flor- , Co rtinno C. Blair to Frllnk W. Tay cIroppIaa t.tie ~Ier on hla foot. ,700, Dnd costs of the case. Tbe mntter of B. F. Hale. VB. Geo. once Hall, g uart.!ian of Daisy Evelyn lor, approximately 10 acres in Tur"What aQiam for Indilent jackauet TRY THE CLASSIFIED did 7Ou_ tta,.t IlUip~aJ quotation K. Bl!6uden, wns ordered dismissed Hall, millOI', was fi led. t lecreek Tp., $1. COLUMN FOR RESULTS On nppliclltion of Mary Bender, ~.., llow'Pl~ I ,olng to aerew the without record . Geo. E. Young t o Frnnces I. Ratexecutrix of the estate of Flora LongYOU CAN SELL ANY. m...l7 toP 011 the dod-gaated bottom E;Uas Oglesbee and Charles B!lrnliff, nbout 2 acres in Turtlecreek Tp. of ItHlft Where's the acrew that does ett were appointed Jury Commi!lSion- str et, deceused, nnd M. S. Rosen- 1. THING T '1l0UGH THE tllatt '1_ jerk )'our thumb in the ers for Warren coun ty and were or- crans lind Edwin F. Rosencrans, exLuella King to Oerres H. Long, AID OF THE MIAMI c of the intareonvertible dered to proceed to select 300 per- ecutors, thc co urt ordered t.he sale of plat in Hnrlan Tp., $1. that win acrew'& thing in ' tbat sons as electors from the severnl stocks lind bonds, in settleme nt of GAZETT~'S COLUMNS. Annbelle anti JII.mea. Bufo'rd to C. ~I" town ships in proportion t o th eir re- said estate. Collett an d Mabel M. Anderson , lot Mary E. Rose, excc utri x of the es- in Ft. Ancient, $1. ~. JOu Jut .turn, the top over . spective populntion. OIl . . bottom.. the man said, and Citizens NntionD,1 Bank and Trust ...., It to the toP: that--.. ' Co., to Walter H. Surfnce, pint in "'Collie ~erll'~ Jelled Mr. SpoopAudrey A. Foster a1'l'l1nged the 47 - A 50ft lumpy mLxture Lebnnon, $1. James Allen, b~, sheriIP to Ange~ ~ . at the worla! from brain twister th is week and 48 A snare , wtaIcb "'bad neglected to take the isn' t word that ill not well known, 50 Minute drops of vapor line Allen. smnll p'lat in Wayne Tp." tl!~w. "Come OTeI' the way As a matter of fact it would be a 51 A .iress fabric $ 1.00. tile . . . Iald for .you tor Rear me? good test to try to 'find the corr ect 62 Rudio broadcasting st illio n co.. o~t'l'la.,. can't aD)' dod-glLllt.. words this week without the use of a Down COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES ad ..... Of -*YeJlt)'-clolIar Jnl8nuity dictionay. 1 Pertai ning to do!!, Morrow Bran t. · sberlff, board nnd .., tbe lINt of the manufacturer ThiB puzzle is an exception to those 2 Anno Domini (abbr. ) washin g for prisolners, $347.46; W. covering t.he smnll appropriations alHere and thel'll' complnin t is heard H. Stll nnge Co., auditors dock et, . ....... BpoOpelld;yke'a within reach I wherein a number of three letter 4 Near 'eo.. Ofti"' ahd acre... on the bottom, worda are used. The three letter 6 To turn, as a wheel $42,50; Dayton Bhmk Book Co" sup, lotted to tho va rious government de- that the development in aero nautics partments for aeroplane purposes. lib ~, lUIl ~dl Comini over'" words hid here are all common-w.ords-·I-"U-.-fi.-mcadol",_ _ __ plies for Recorder" 75c; Jno. Law &. is so electrical that al< -!Joon as .-:::~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tyJ,e of neroplnne is built It is obso~~ 'Spqqpend)'te'll haDda sUpped, and well known and you will 'observe 7 Thnt isSon, gnsoline for Sealer of Weights Wanl Air Department lete. The Pr esident, howeve r, pays 1aIIded' IIbii 011 the baek of his niclt Mr. Foster hns the perfect croSl\- 9 To tack on nnd Measures, 85e: supplies for and Secular, in Cabinet Itl ~ crate hie wife had purchased word arrangement where the words 10 Fellow of the Royal Society sheriA', $17.86; Mrs. Nettle Vail, care Peculiarll', while the President is no nltention to s uch arguments. to Ia9z tIIe' maClilne in.. are interlocked throughout the puz(abbr.) of epileptic. $30: Dayton Stencil thus pressing his inqury, Charles F. He knows t.h ut the scrnpping of IIcr o"Nnll' , lIIblll. dear," laid JIra, zle. The answer will be in ne.x t week's 11 ' Point of n compnss Works, s upplies for Auditor. $4.66; Curry, Representative from Cnlifor- pillnes is as nothing to the cost of LOST He senscs tnIIttbHDir with .Ppr.. paper. , 1 2 Part of vemb "to love" (Latin) The Western Star, supplies for Audi- nia, has introduced a bill providing 8crapping battleships. • beiUIoll , . the ..r.t)' of the maAero.. 14 Wooden pins tor and Pros. Atty, $13.6; Ed D. for the c.reation of a department of the fact that one daredevil Americnn LOST - Bengle Iemale hound, black cWae; ' ~ the 1IlaIl eome aDd 40 1 An Ill-bred fellow 16 A tag Thompson, repairs at jail, . $28.98; aeronautics t.o be headed by a Sec- witb some high exp losive and Yankee and white spots, red ellTS. Finder 1t'~i~H'bcn.. liOmUehabout 8 Long piece of metal 16 Modern . ut C. H., $17.84; Ed O. Smith, shoe retary of Aer onautics who would pluck cnn sink a battleship with its plell$e return to Corwin Grocery. '. ° d31 '·1 ......' .' ' i . 6 Small boy 18 A sea eagle rQJ)air for prisoners, $1,76: Dayton have a place in the cnbinet and dil'ect thousand Ql eighteen" hundred men ~' \he IIIaJIr' bowl.d Mr. 8 Little child 19 Decay . Steneil Works, SUID . plies, -1.15', Bar. the entire aviation plnns of the gov- in the twinkling of nn eye. It is safe LOST- Gold pencil wlt.h "The H()m(l In surllnce Co., Nil\\, York," in blue ~ 7~~ ~ne.. tO hla feet 10 Marsh land 22 River in Italy rett Bros., deeds for she~iff, $8.80; .ernment. It is not known whether to say that now the President has set :~ m~ . .orb once more. 11 Ocean 24 A vegetable H. S. Chenoweth. shortage on payroll this measure comes as a result of himself to this Investigation it will on tho end . Rewnrd. J. O. Cnrtwright. "d31 "'l'IdDk''1ie break thIe meuly old 13 To rap Jighth 26 Covering of seoos of certain $6; Morrow Lumber Co., mllterial. conversations with the President or be penued to its logical end, r!!gard~ ' imitation of an inebriate 15 Drills plants $78.25; Welch and Dakin, supplies. indirectly at his suggestion, or' le88 of, influence or politics. FOR RENT qQiCJteio'n '1 MIlT" and he 17 Scanty 27 A color $4.10; Oregonia Bridge Co., drag, ~~ tIte' top of the lnetrument 20 An adverb 29 A rodent $00; payment on contract No.. 806, FOR RENT-Garage, close to Main aDCJ bauJea .a_, until hla ')1111 hunt 21 Town in Rhode Island noted for 80 A shor t song $780; Hnrold Smith, dragging, $7.80; street. Inquire of R. H. Hartsock, IN TENNESSEE HEAD OF THE CLA~S oat. " "Coat. over to the dulcet bot.. its magnificent s ummer homes 31 Railroad (abbr.) Fred Knowlton, bridge repair, $6.40; at Postoffiee. ·dU to -.DcI be 'aerewed 'on. Ob. come 23 P&118 from place to place 32 Street (French) 0 B C· $1426' Herbert Another Cross-Ward Fan-tlSay, ~.....- eI9l'J ' OJ. ',.' being e&eWen ' , ,, to 24 All inclosed seat in a church . . sam",. am, ~me, Sambo· ambl' "~ d up to the cashier's .-,:a-. . _ ....... 83 . ,.!,fan w h 0 utten d s to h orses at Roosa, $19."8', Ed. , Grad'y, the ' d I ~I Bill, what's a six-letter wor mean; MONEY LOANED an inn. same, $9.60; Enrnest Lewis making window in th~ Fint National bank. C. Qae 'IIOtUm of the top 'aWalts thee. 25 A eatmint (Botony) Past 34 Possessive cllse of she ing mouse-trap?" As he fillhed out a check fr01fl his . qam. , oYer aDd .·..e 'thla mir¥le of ' ,":_;;;"a':;_ ...L! ' . ..... _ ~ 37 A ' . fill at bridge, $4. 66: George Lewis, (More heavy thinking.) .poeke • ..· t".e w'I'ndow slammed shut. 1f0NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK,top and b9~wm of the 32 5% yards CIrCUIt same. $6.55; Lee F'eters. same, $4.S0; Another Cross-word Fan-"Z 'h ave """" II d d chattels, al~o second mortgage., ..ail tJdM'·topUier u performed by 35 A man'. name (abbr,) 38 Orten Chns. Beil. mantaining lights, $6.26; It--it's T-O M-C-A-T." He rapped on the window an wante Notes bought. John Harbine, Allen ~pead.J-" the 'apollUe of ImpolIIIl- 96 Fragrant 39 Texture of thread·like materi nls Jas. Burton, samEI, $5.26: Standard _ __ •• _ ••_ _ _ to know what Willi the matter. Building. Xenia, Ohio. bUkieeI'. Comi to the dod-I" But 99 Plural of I . 41 A metal vessel 0 C d '1 $ 8 83 J "~he ban'k is busted," said the .:,. I· tM Ulumb-ierew broke. driving 40 Neat in appearanC 1 43 To drag A NATURAL QUESTION ambled away. but ;U8t aR he ~~pendyke Into tIM closet like 42 A bond of htndrnnce 46 Ante Chrizitum (a bbr.) lin. labor, $9: W. B. Collins, clamps, • • _ _ .., where he . beholdin, the . A A Exclamntion of disgust 49 Note in musica l scale · Hill, gas aqd oil, $8.96; Bills-"Divers now talk over the reached the do~r, he WILlI heard Farmers of Warren and . adjolnin, .. ... $1; Hnrry ' tli ••..-o ••p in ....- -_. -"d look- A6 I I t' fly! mal 50 To a ct radio from the bot·nm of the ocean." mutter· counties mny obtain mone- on lon, ~II n naec IvorOU9 ng mam . Minmi Vnlley hO!lpital, care of paloU • tim e loans, at 61L per cent' in".reato ti ent, $602.00; Division State ChariWebb-"Sol What wave length'" . . "By gollies, 'be heard 0' bank an r .... _ -. "Are -. ' 1 l h.... dearT .... ' ked )(n. busting ' I but blame me i.f dnt ain't Cost of sccuring the lime ls~'l')'. re'a. , . «...... tics, treatment of pntient, $114.29, BpooJIIIDibb, ruab1ne toward him. 'nnd Burroughs Adding. lIIachine Co., the first time I ever had one bust sonllble ,through The Fed.,..! Land , . ·'.Him!" lIrrIeked Mr. Bpoo....n~ right in rna face." Bank. For further Info~tlon call supplies_for Auditor, $1_ .76._ ~ ;~Am 1 burt' D'ye ..e r~t ___ . ..._ ••_ .. • • on or addrclls M. C. DR . ,TreuWalDb-joblt. hanJIng to that meally ~r, phone 316.X. Leban" .O hlo. ~, _ Wow·...•.. I.. BqUealed Mr. FIGURE' THIS OUT BLONDE BESS OPINES " 8poO_~ danclq to hII feet alld J - - .. • FOR RE.N T ~"'~maehinel'7 Into the crate. Lortl Aigernon·-"I was in my of"It', AlII ri,bt to CODIUJt ),our ~ ·· ..Cht"t11 ....' qulckr' and he tumfice when 'a big American and a littlc baarlem' oU haa ·been, .·world· moth.r .• bout m';rria,e, but it FOR RENT-House of ~e roome, .. bW tIit'~ of tIM b~ ... in after. Am erIcan came ' in. Now the little .wlderemeciyforJridney,liverand _eem; tb. modern ,irl baa made water and electric lightJ. Inquire ...... 1I .~ torber.wile in spite .... Americl," was the son of the big l)1adder 'diIordera, rheuma~ it pa,. .~ littl. more b, ~aitin, of Mrs. Williams, at eornt~ of T7ler of IdI Worta rto drI... It In with hi! American but the big American was JUJDI:Mt&o8Dduricaddcoadi~ a littl• . ·Ion,e.-..Dd 'conlullin, and Fourth streets. 'r oS..... ~ .. .....bat the IIIBn . .Id I" not the father olthe little 'American," . . a -Ia.."..r." . It· Ud .•• at It with both feet. Sherlock Holm4.'8-"Impo8sible, my _"'D~' WANTf;D , IN8ottoa , ~ ' ~ be eomtDJ any man, impossible)" ~ . . I. aliperJo. . . ~ ~. ~ere you Lord AlgernQn-"Poob. for your HAARLKM OIL ' Felt a Tart.r hwentlon. " . ~~...... be ;~hlrled the uate reputation as a great .deduction1st. "elt wae 0 Tllrtllr InvcDlIolI, and WANTED- A good farm!to farm on UOQII 'UdiltMiI klck.d 'lit the corMost certainly It was pOllllble. . The . eaneCtflitlemattr6ubla,atlmutateiltlll ,eea" bic~ thousaad ~ ur . y~!IIrll: In thirds. Inquire at tb~ Miami Ga01 ~•.addn8: I"DoN tiaat a~rew big American WWI ·th~ · mother of the ClfPI\II.1'htee .... All ~1DaIIt Nortl) Alia, beds. elothol8, hOUSC8 and zette office, Wayneeville,!.Olllo. I


of lalla Willlnmon e eC'\ltri of \lUI ·st.uH) (If . .G. WiIllall\$on, deceased, YI!. tella ' . Wlllium (lll, et al . , the I;OUl·t ~pr l'ov­ cd the ,'Ollo.L of the ex.ecutrlx concl'l'ninlt th proc('cdlngl' und sa le, nnd x cIIlrix order eI t o on"ey deed of pr milles to lJ\lrc hll~I!1', R. E. Adnmon:!1' (' of dower o! ~nld lellu A. \v'iIlIAmso n. Tb ' lise of .1\1h11 M,\l101l vs. Elmer' 1':. ' Yhit!lCl'e wus d ci rl cd in fU\'or of the eI.' fellt.!un l , Ill. CO :il s of the plaintiff. In th lllt1 lLer of He rbert ox \ '5. J . 1I. Shl'clR, on molioll, defendant is g rn nted leave to pleael wit.hin 30


Thanks To PE·RU-NA






dInctIoa .r.w






.... '&iI,.







L~ly, ~~~!U!o~~, :J~12~ T~o~1UI ;.H:~~


.,.....:=::'! -

- -- -


Farmers, Attention!





-----.. . .---



· ~~::::.:rva~~. ~~;:bud;~~~to: . . ~:;~::.~h:O:~:'~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::~!:li~tt:le~A:m:e:n~.c:a:n~\'~~~~~~~~~aa~tiM::~::~:n:a;'~~::~:;.~~~~I4~8D::~~~m~:~6~Ch~·el;~~·;a~~~.~a~ll~.o~t~f~e~IL~·~~~~. 1 , ,-' •

.~., ~



WANTED-About one d zen " Delaine ed3l Ewtie. Ohio.

Phono 13-21', ' i.ayoeaville, . , "dlT





. Th. MIami Guetti

G A ? £ T TEl'•••




t~e p~8tQmCO

D. L


" 1\ 1


''''',10,-. ', I I'



Prico, $ 1.60 per year. I

r -,'


,' I l


v.. U Gll nfll1

K ('11 'F-Ill on the r('cl'nt "\lopu lur" ~O l ' g , "h i... h in \\'urds. sentimcnt nnd music i. ubollt n a par with thc av. orngc " poplllllr'" ~ Ullg . ThjH. pllinting tho' dl' li,rhts of Brnadwllv, and con~idol'il1g th fllrlll FlS u culd storug e lllnnl ("I' 1111 joy. i~ populLlr in Ule cl' nwded center•. The tr ut h is UIII~ flll'mrl's ' childre n generally' hll VI' morc ,'('tlROn to I,.. hnppy, und 11),0. lhan nny city chi ld . Childh" ,,}1 luvllA the outdoors; it love , Igrowilll! things. nnd unimuls, und going bnrefoot, LInd fl shing with a bent pin. Ullrl Kho/.ting rabLit.s anel mothering kittons in ~ telld of doll A, Any boy would rnth ~ r huv e II do~ than go to a movie. Any girl wou ld profl'!' a p<' t 111mb to a kcwpie noll. Fa~m chi"lren live the nu t urnl life of ~hildhood . Th fnrm bo~ who hns hi ~ ow n SlId die horse. and hi s ow n little drove of pigs. and his own herrl of heifers, has Illore-to keep him huppy thnn any city (·hUd call ha ve, and thl! fnrmer who iR a wise futher will se to it that his ehildren become parin rs with him at an curly age. City minded ju ve nile~ who must feel Llsphalt through their tight shoe ,a nd who must have. a movie mellerdl'nmer a day will be of no value on the {arm, nor IInyw here else. unlil thev have l earn~d the art of Hvlng Oltionally. simply and. therefore. happily. (1IIt'ric ~

as Second Olnu Xall

CRANE. Editor and Publi. hcr,




at Wayneav ilIe,

~uL~c l' il'tion





I. ... '

,"'I \


I I " ..



,,. . '

I tl

the White House for conference. This hilS 'lOt happened sillee the beginning ' of the Wilso n administration. He hus in vited parties oC congressmen to . two White House breakfasts at which there have been interchanges of opinion, lind when the project to override the ' PreBident's veto of the posta l pay bill wall broaChed. Pres 1(lent Coolidge culled into conference II lrroup of Republican Sen ale lead('t·s lit which a program was considcrud which q ui ckly ended t he plan to PII ~S t hc uil l witho ut provision for meeting the additional cost Involved othe nvise than from lhe present revenue of the govctllment. President Roosevelt and President Tuft frequently called congressional Icucl cr~ into eonference at the White Hou"c. President MoKinley was perhapK more popu lur .... ith Congres8 lhun IIny otller mo dern President haa been, not only because of his long service in Congress and ' his winning personnlity, but uecause he made it u habit to confe.r with senators und repre.ntatives individually anti In group's . He enended this courtesy even to Democ atic members when non-partisan questlonB were involved. President Will on uBed to 81)cak much of commen counsel. but be ne ver utilized the idl!6. The President ing close relations between the execmust take the Initiative in cstabUBhutlve and legislative branches of government. , This President Coolidge has wisely und ertaken to do, nnd the plan will contribUle greatly to the eft'ectivene ll8 and the popularity of his adm,inlstratlon.

----_ ----



An exciterl disputch from Berlin te lls you ' that American bankers are s upplying !unds for experiments that would obtain gold from basor metIlls, 'rhey hope th:\t gold can be produccil as cheuply ns t in or copper. Hope iR benuLiful. considerably more beau ti(ul than tho gold that guillible AmericlIn 'gentlemen \\ ill get for their atLemrtt at trul1smutntion of metals. When II scicniist looks into an ntom of pure gold . counts the ciectrons that I' volves utound the nuclcus nnd realizes dimly the unutterable power. knowl dge and -pl'ecisi'on involved in n single n~o m of any of the lements he kn ows that no li ttle human being Is going to mAnufacture ~ uch atoms fill' himself offhand. Perhaps in a mnlion years. but not now. Wiso Nature won't permit man to decide in advance the sex of one unborn child. To do so would produce too many boys. too few girls. And Nature 'WIOn't allow men to change the elements thnt he rOldly needs. iron or hydrogen, Into gold that he docs not need. Don't invest your money in any scheme to manufacture Igol<l.


M..... C~arle8 clark is much imp~ov­ ed at t his time. Mr. and Mrs. W'alter KenriCK 's pent Fridny in Dayton. Mrs, Harry McGinnis and M·I'S. Guy Routzahn were Dayton 'shoppers, on Thursday. • Allen Smith; of Dayton. spent Sunday with his porents, Mr. und Mrs. C_ S. Smith. Mrs. Rebecca Dni of Mt. Holly, is visiting lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Berne J ones. Mrs. Ellen Copsy returned home Tucsduy 'after an extend ed visit with relatives ut Versailles. Mrs. Margaret Johns and Mrs. Eva Graham were Dayton visito1'8 on Tuesday of last wee k. Mr. und Mrs. Lowell Thomns hnve mo ved in part o,f th e Hurlan property with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenty_ Mrs. Ralph Johns nnd Ben nie Smith attend.Jld the fun eral of their aunt, Mrs. ,B en Clevenger, at Dayton, Tuesday. F'rank Smith returned to Miamisburg Monday after an exlended visit with his daughter. Mrs. Rnlph J ohns and fnmily. Mr. und Mrs. H. M. Clnrk attended the funeral , of their friend, Mr. J ack Martin. In Dayton, the first o( last week. Charles Kelsey left last Wednesday Cor Ft. Worth, Tex .• where he will mnke his home with his son , Frank and family. Sherman Dyke, of Dayton. Willi a week-end visitor of his daughter. MI's Forest Graham and family. . Dr. und Mrs. C. W. Osburne and children. of Dayton, were dinner guests of the former's sister. Miss Saruh Osburne, on Sunday. the 14th. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Grnham left Sunday for Canlleld. Ohio, where they will spend ~he holidays with th e latter's sialer and hUBband Mr_ and Mn. Jamel Nash. ' Mn_ . Ralph Archdeacon, assiated her lister and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Gill~land move, Tuesday. ' :They are moving froF the Charles Kelsey farm to Flat ' Pork neighborhood_ Frlenda here are pleased to ioIear that Bernnrd Gephart, of Miamisburg, a former Lytle resident, is improving nIter a very serious operation a week ago nt Miam~ Valley hospital: Mr. and M.r s. Charles 'Johns viaited the 'former's mother; Mrs. Catherine Johns . at Centerville. Sunday aflernoolJ. Mrs. Johne' condition remains about the same as for several wee.ks. ¥r_ and Mrs. Carl Albright, of SprI ngboro. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ·Kesle.r Graham and were joined in the aflernoon by Mr. and Mrs, Arthur 'White and ehildre'n, of Dayton~ MI'. and Mrs. Frank Rogers visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carey near RidgeviUe, and also with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Bosmman and daughter of Anderson, Ind .• who have eomo t~ apend the winter wi,th Mr. and Mn. Carey. The evangelistic meetings held by Charles Barney Brewer, at Lytle hall over the week-ends, • closed Sunday evening. He was aaaisled by Harry Ecklun and wife, of Dayton. and Mi!!8 Agnes Brewer, of Centerville. The meetings were well ~tlended and proved interesting and profitable.


REAL CROSS-WORD Cr'uss·\\'tJ rd l luz zh· PUrJ - "Sa y, Bill,

whut's a

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( lIc'n,'y Cr(':-i


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II AL L'S OA 'l·.\lllUI lIunOll"llyEl 001\Ul of un Olllimetlt WhlOh Qult ~ly

e"tlltl'hu l In n{U ~mAlI o,, : nil Inle,'lI nl lIIed lclne. 3 Tonic wIt eh

.... I) " ell \h o .. (0


'W rM throunh tJI(l 11100" on ~MUr.O'l. . tlln","'. fh lUJ r fltt)Tl n r" nnrnul,l tlo l)d\ -

l.m 9.

So ld by ~ruggl.ts tor over . 0 YCRl'l'o 1-'. J, C IHme), & Co .. Toledo. Ohio,

• Mart"n


le t t 'I' wonl- lIIcu lling

fami ly qlln rrcJJ ? "


by bolh,)

Puzz l e



h u\'C


lales witb

0'. ,

l ot il faction or charlO _

it- il's B- . D-U-E-T." C E NTERV I LLE, OHIO Phonel No.2

PALMO MIDDLINGS Very hi ghest qua li ty f eed on the mark e t at lowest pric e. Tak es the pla ce of com to fat te n out hogs 'and caltl e and twice as hi g h in digestibl~ fat The tact that tllree lleJDdeer ot the clvlllZlltloll If lbla sUlB II ;lark race can as co rn. Iklnta OIaua "arJmy. und bdng th~ be I!llld H, have civili zati on. It see tU~ Mak e . pecial prices on car only onell In the Uolted 8t& tes a .-I! to hU"e t , E-CD ulso th e uasls or troglo· lo ts. also in ton lots off the car.

DOw at the OIncJn,nuti Zoo nnd will 1p00d t'be1r first Chrlstmus lbere. Is the caUHe of unu81lal Interest "nd cur· losI,Qo, OD the part of InrICe Ilumbers of children, wbo aro hopplly lookln" forward to the ObrJatmu6 holldu)' 6"U80Il In ellger expeetllUou or WbUI Suuta OlaUI as In store tor Ule CD. 1be clIlldren who ha ve ulready vlew,d th_ Reindeer. ore Ihoruugbly COIIvlneed that notwlrbstandlug the more iIDOdern metbods I>t travel, the ndVeDt of the automobile Ilnd aCl"Oltlnue, thCllO animals are aUlI 'tlsed by Suola Claas tor hie yeorly .. ls.tts. '1'11_ Re1ndeer 'Were secured la Nor_ , IIOOIe loonthll alIO. ODd brought direCt to the Clnclnnutl Zuo. They are the motit In tl3resltng ILIId hlstorIcu.lly the mos! sl8:nltlcnnt of all membe" ot the "idelBDread deer rnlnlly. It II the draught nnimlll and food anlmul of the Ar'cl lc und 6U'b·Arct!e rc&iOU8. It Is th(l basil! ot the Lapp

dylu c ull~rl'. If the e!l" elllun clln be Stlld 1'0 bu,'u had a cult ure. It figurell In the \\·,,t rd mythology of thl.! S.lmoyPhone 148 eds. T he In trod Uction ond propaga ti on of th e Elu..nDCun reindeer among tho Wayne~ville -:. Ohio nomudB of Alnska Il! the one reill aeltlevcm'm ot American governmentlll polley In all that great terr1tory, Th8118 reludeer are the onl y species of which both the male and female are provided wIth antlers. Tl!e Ulroo DOW FUNERAL DIRECTOR on exhibItion at the Zoo were captured In the Raros dl8tr1l't of Norway. Waynesville, Ohio With tile approach of Chrls tmal, addi tional Interellt 18 beJng mnnl1ested In theBC "SuDta Claus" ReIndeer, nnd Fully Equipped for Good parents are being deluged wllh numerous requell ts of their chUdren 10 brlag Service. lhem to th e Zoo to eee thelle Reindeer, Large Display Room which u d on exblblUon dally In ODe of the open pella IIOt far tram Qae TELEPHONE 7 nAY OR NIGHT maln eotruDC8.

C, W. Younce & CO.


aH~eyshllrg Phono 8

Fertilizer Co.



Wills Drawn

Estates Seufed

.Waynesville, Ohio Na~onal





Lotta follu I know are Ihouting a welcome '1 0 the New Year of 1925 fOr no e,ther r'ealon tban there are fi ..e S .. turday pay days in January_

Mrs. Mattie Zimmer is ill at this time with the grippe. Mrs. , Henry Welchers spent the past week at Cincinnati. Several from here were shoppiDg in Dayton the PlUlt week. Mr. Frank Kellis and family ente.rI tained relativf!S from Cincinnati Sun Gi ...illg tbe COIII.,nt of the Village duy. - • ' ''to the Impro"ert,eDt of Main Street. under tbe Supl!rvilion of tbe DiMr. Jaco b Zimmer and (umiiy rector of Hie",way. and Public spent Sunday_ afternoon 'near BellWork. · . brook. WHEREAS, th(! Director of Hig h_ Mr. Israel Scott wns ill the past ways ond Public Works is considering the matter of the 'improvement und er week with t he g rippe. )lut Is much his supervision of the public highway improved_ known as rnter-C~u nty Highway No. Mr, O. B. Marlatt and family took 6, Wnynesville ; nnd ' dinf\er Sunday with their da,u ghter, .wH~REAS! ~ain Street, within thl8 Village Iles In wh ole or in pa rt Mrs_ Howard Sheehan. . along the line of said Inter-County Thill community is lOrry to learn Highway, said street, or section of of the death of one of Mr. and Mrs. street. being more particularly deJohn Adams' little girl. scribed as follows: Mnin Street from South Corporation line to t he North . Mr. Walter Murray, who ~ III Corporation line of wid village, ' and the PlUlt week, is much Improved lind WHEREAS, It I S proposed to exis aille to be out again. tend said highway improvement into Mr~ and Mn. Elvis Michael are within 01' through this villnge nnd along the aforesnid street, or scction spending Christmas week with Ihls of street. now parents in Highland county. ASSUMING LEADERSHIP THEREFORE, Be it O1'dain cd by Mr. Bernie Dill and lIOn, Charles. the Council of the Villnge of WaYncsof Clayton, .. spent Satllrday and Sunville. statt;.. of Ohio: President Coolidge, looking forward Section I - That i~ is declared to to Incumbency IlII presi de nt in his own dny with his mother, Mrs. Rebecca b. in the public interest that the' conright. is IlIIsuming lead ership in the Dill. sent of said ViUage be, and such de,velopment of national policlCll. not con~en t Is hereby given . that suid In a dictatorinl way, but In the friend Don't a.lleve HIm. Mr. Walter Gray is suffering with MaIO Street. or so mu ch theteof as is When you encounter II lOon 'll'bo a badly cut hand_ above described, lying nlong the li ne Iy fallhion which made the McKinley tells yon that ttJiI ,,'orld Is " "ro,.ln, .Mr. And MI'1I. 'Roy Clark have re- of said I!'ter-Coumty !3"lghwny No. G. administration such a success. , WaYl,esvi ll e, may be ,mproved under He has been inviting groups of Sen- worse give hl~ the IIOrro",!ul look turned from a . trip to Adams county. supervision of the Director of aton and members of the House to Ilnd l:!'.~~'----:;;--;r:;_imiiiiiiiiiiR_t;~~,::::~";J~w.teJ~lI--lip~mdli~~a-f~~~.~~~~~ und Public Works. ." ' r'ftImS_ f k . 'X i h ion 2- 'I'hnt the Clerk be and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ciJ!~~~!!!'~'~ ew wee 8 In e~ a, t e guest of Mr. he is hereby direct.ed to furni sh to the and Mrs_ Floyd Anderson. Director of Highways lind Public Mr_ and Mrs. _Frank Ulher, of the Works and ta thle Board of County Dayton Telephone Co., were. recent Commissioners o:f Warren County guests of Mn. Clara Merritt and fam Ohio, a certified copy of thill Orel'i~ '1 nance immedintely upon the takin g 1 y. effect thereof. Mr. an~ MI'1I. Scott and family hnve Section 3-That this Ordinance moved from the U. G. Whetsel farm sha11 take effect ulld be in force from to a farm near Bellbrook. Hia broth- and niter the eurllest period allo\ved by law_ er-In-law will mov~ to the Whetzel P888ed, December 22, 1924. farm. T, E. HOGERS. Mayor. Friendl and' nelghbon tendered Attest: Mr; and Mn: Lee Stra~ton, Who reL. A. ZIMMERMAN. Clerk. cently lost ,all their belonginp by - - - -...- •••- - fire, a mlaeellaneous Mower. They NOT.ICE OF APPOINTMENT I. . received a generoul IIlIpply of canned fruita, jellies, vegetables, towels, taEstate of ' ,Owen J. Burnett. deble and bed IInena, pillows, bedding ceased. . . diahN, alumi,num and enamel ware. Notice is hereby given thot L. M. Mr. Burnet Butterworlh visiled hi. Hend!!TSon has beep duly appointed qualified' as executor of the esroom at the aehool, Monday, Mr. tate of Owen J. Burnet, Inte of WnrButterworth baa been ab.ent since ren County/ deceased. the ftrIIt of No'!Cmbc!r, lufl'ering from Dated thiS 19th day of December, the efl'ects of an automobile . • ,ccl.dellt,. 19U. W. Z. ROLL. Keep in mind the ' high price ~.£ com, th~n lisWe are glad &0 report he will nIIlUnle.1 Judge oJt,the Probate Court. · h i d " W, l irren County, Ohio ten. to lhi:--r-"300 pou,nds Tuxedo Hog Ra,: h ~ I ,C. o~ , ~ .. ~ ~e : ~t of year • ~ Blrd ~ lieitn bls eflldent t.i oll ,,:i11l ~'qduce 100pou'n~s~fpork. It


Dear weet Patootir'I ' Where 'hu v!! you belln? Don!t :vltU carrot a ll fO I' me ? My h .. nrl buet. iastel' when the ~un s hin('~ on you r rarli. h hair nnd gli nts ptf " ou r tu rnip n(,. c. If you c·nnl(.[nup.c' ldl UC l! murry. We will make 1\ happy pellr, LOt's ' oran ge it t hat WilY? \"Oll f ' wc~t, ('orn Onl " Co bb.

HOW'S THIS? "HAUl!! 0 .,.'1;" ,lnR 111»01 IIIl,HI ' "'Ill Jo ,,' hat we ala «),. It--rld' l ' our IIYllttm, '1.t c: tn.rr h or Deafn.8S Qll-ulIOd lIy

...._...---Ordinance No. 1\39

---_._ ..--HARVEYSBURG

Dr. John W. Miller




We. th e following farm ownen Waynesville National Bank Bldg p~sitively forbid nny hunting or trap ping on our farms. Any violatiol:J of the same will be prosecuted ue:cording to law and to the fullest extent.



The Eye Sight Specialist

Phone 44 DR.H.E. HATHAW AY

At Cary's Jewelry Shop


Lebanon, Ohio


Every Tuesday 8:00 a~ m, to 4 p. m.




ch:vca bll:c;hds .of 'corn,~r' :ov~t 600 poun d!; to uo the si.m~'j'~b. , And Tuxedo Hog ,Ration, .fed '. 'iR ;1 'sel (-feeder, Will do itJ~ half. the tithe."



'ubllii~u~, ·




• ...---






';. '.'

starts Friday, December 26th







In ~~ny cases prices have 'B~;' cut fully ~ne.;ha]f. See Thursday's Dayton newspapers for full details of ,this great clearance. .', '__' .~ , .tif'~.~- .' - tc: ~;: ;';;~ ~-","_"'~~~_.f





Included in this sweeping clearaway are-Women's Dresses, Coats, Suits, Blouses, Millinery" Shoes, Corsets, Lingerie. Men's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats. Girls' and Infants' Wear. Ready-to-Wear, Millinery and Accessories from the Downstairs Store .



Esta~ of MartlD' Gona, deceas.ed_ THIS IS NO JO~ Notice ia hereby given that J. Q. " "' . ·.been duly appointed and " Diekaon:-"l've rot a great Id~ l , q'llalmE~Q all adminlatrator of the esfor cutting the COlt' of. doin" bwd,of Martin COns, late ' of War. .. ren County, Ohio, deceaaed. next I :ani' going to C\lt .Dated. this ~nd ,day of December, ,. .\ . 1.9~' . . ' W. Z, ROLL, JU~Re; of the Probate Court, , Warren COllnty, Ohio•


Waynesville, Telephone 114,


Blgger:B OI ~rollu. ·



, ' ,




ShaTe-~hese Savings~Come Ea1'l~.! -


.. ' : ~ J ,.


""""'--,--Do JOur tradln.c In Wayneavill .

D. S. U. fARM



Ne.wYear's Day

lIn\' yo u C\'er hen rd , " I have Will be a a ood da,. to .top parin, worked ha rd nil year an d whlll do "Ill. ' 1 have t o show for it?" I kll',),," 1 I h.... for .al. a. aood .i". room didn't wa t e a nything, but I don't hou ••• ceUar, electr.., lia hto , both kn ow wherl~ my money hUb gom·." It • • t... I.. "0".0, lara. coal hou ..., 0'" ' is pO~8ible to p lan so a~ to " "oid thnt tra ,ood rarden. Po...... lon at Once. feeli nliC of di~""ti"faction. T 11 Y()UI' Prlc'" to .eU. .. money where to go n vc r ask it whL'l'e it wen t. The Farm H ousehold Acco unt ho ok preparod by the tll te Un iversity, UI'(' Pbolle 61-2 noW rend y fOT di ~ t ri b u t i o n, >(' Ih nt WAYNESVILLE, OHIO lhe ac counts may be stu rt ed at t he beginning of th e year. T his boo k n ot on ly pro" ides SPO Cl' for c1nssify ing th c am O\l nts 'pent for {ood, clothin g , operati ng ex pense. health, r l'cr,'ation. chu rch IIlI d llrgan · iZlllion dues, but also f or r eco rdin/!' the money received from th e ~u l e of milk, eggs and chicke nH. The purpose of this book i. to en · uble th e wome n to keep an OCCl) Un t of their income and of t heir expendi tu res. ~o t hat they ma y kno w if they are ~pe nding a dispropo rtiona l amount on one OT mon ' ite m,. The finan ciul welfare of the fll mi ly de· p e lld ~ upun bus i l1e~ like spennin g liS well ns ('cono mi cnl produ ct io n. Any womnn in tersted in keeping


Clermont Heaters; Range. and Furnaces

nccu unl!'i fllr n year mny r (! ('cive Otl c.-,

withou t chart!e, by cnlling or wr itinl.: MisR Ki zer, Home agent.

----_ ..

- - -


J.E.FRA.ZIER., Waynesville, O.

To Our Friends: We wish you a Merry and Happy Christmas and·a most successful New Year. May we also at this the close of . anot er year express t e appreCIation felt by us of the part your friendship and patronage have played • In our progress. You have our best wishes and the promise of our sincere cooperation during the months. to come.

w. B. Madden &

Co. -

The Rush pODld is !rollen over' and knting is nne.


"Oliver Twist"

-========= =




..................................................... Our Advertisers Extend Greetingl

Comas and Mrs. John B each for a IIII'. and Mrs. J ohn Fromm we re in few oranges sen t to them by Mr. and Dayton, Monday, to attend the gold. Mrs. Thad Zimmerman. of Texns. en weddin g of Mr. Fromm's pllrents. In addition to t he oranges there was .11lso a quantit y lof lemons in the box Mr. Alfre.d WriJ(.ht, of C~orge they rec eived. This fruit was raised S5hool, P a. , 15 s pendmg the h ohdays on the Zimmerman farm. with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. T. _ -- Wright. • -.




This firm wishes you l)t1

Usefulness and convenience IlI"e the two things aimed nt in The Companion Homo caJendllr for 1926. Embellishmen t, however, has not been forgotten. It is beautifully printed in red, blue and gold. On each monthly leaf is Il rhimed aphorism by Arthur Guiterman or other rhimster, \vith a cheerfu l lit tle vignette BUgg~ sted by th e mon.t h's fe stivals or typical weather. Each leaf. moreover, carries. besides the calendar of the current month in bOld, readable type. a marginal reproduction of the calendars for the pre ceding and s ucceeding months. nils calehdar will be sent, if requested with order. free to every subscriber, wh o pays $2.60' fo r the 52 numbel'!! of The Youth'. Campanion for 1926.

happiness for the New Yt'ar alon~

with its M«!try Chri!!t-

was Greet ing.



---... - ..--DEATHS

K. E . Thompson, who has been so seriously ill at his home ncar Ore· gonia, f or over t~vo wee ks, is thought to be some better.


Martin V. S ims .an aged r esident of Mt. Holly, died December 12. at

0 : -8. u. will hold the winter sho rt course in a irricul.turo as fo llows: First term, Jllnuary 6 t o 30; Farmers'· week, February 2 to 6; Second term tn be held from Febru· ary 0 to March 6, 192 5.


Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke had their children home Sunday for the an· nual family din ner. Those present wore Mr. Rny Hawke a nd family, Mr. nn d Mrs. Ca rl Hawke, of Dayton. Dr. Rnlph Vnnce lind family, of Pleasant Plnin, Mr. John Fromm and family. Mr. Lee Hawke an d family. .


hero in Wa,.ne ... iJJe.

co",. In and ha.e thelll .".mined.

~ _IMiIo .. f _ _ o obUaation ••

·EvBtI W.nadag

9 a. m, to 5 p. m. Rqalr work given prompt attention.

Last Saturday afternoon at her cozy home south of town, Mrs. H. B. Ea rnh a rt entertained the Good Cut Clothing club. A Christmas tree. adorn ed the r oo m and Christmas present s were exchanged. Delicious refr eshments were sel'Yed by the hostes8. Thos who enjoyed the a fter-

The Reat Room, Cranle Building


1100n were Mrs. Kenneth Hough. Misses Ada Shaner, Edna Shaner, Ir11m Rich, Dena' Rie.h, Elizabeth Branstrater and Cn thcrllle Branstrater. :

'L Woodward, Watchmaker Wetch ... and Clocl.. R.. paired.






fORM FEDERATION . ~:~ ~~~e ~U~;~I n~~cepI~~n~e~~~~:t .rf

Ho was a bro ther of Mrs. Hope Stiles of Corwin. . One of the twin daughters, aged 6 years, of Mr. and Mrs. John Ada!»!, of Route 1. di ed of convulsions Sunday night. The fune ral Willi held at • the . home this, ~ednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Burial in Miami cem- 2 etery. ~ The funeral of Milton M. Hudso1'l, who die d at the home of his son, Geo. E. Hudson in Xenia, Sunday, was held Tuesday afternoon at the .Hudson A Merry Christmas wish to you; home. The body was b~ought to Waynesville and interred in Miami A wry Happy New Yealj too! cemetery. Mr. M. N. Douglass, real eltate dealer of Spring Valley, died at his home Sunday morning at 8 :30 of heart trouble, after a sbort lUDI;88 The funeral will be held 'at his late WAYNESVILLE. OHio home Wednesday at 1 :30. Interment in Spring Valley cemetery. He is BurSubscribe for the Miami Gazette. vived by his wife, who was ,Misa sie Cook. daughter of the late W,m. Cook. DDODao DaDO aaao-noclIlI;oooaooooao aoooooo 0 a aooa •• ID 100100

Save your old carpets and rugs ---and g et "Wearwell" Rugs made. At a meatlng he ld at Lebanon Send f or price list. Frnnk'in Rug early week. Rev. E. S. K eller was Co .• Franklin, Ohjo. e lected presidllllt of the Wa~~n Mr. and Mrs. Louis Collins. and County Council of Protestant milliS' Mrs. Sollie Cowgill, of Blanchester, ters, Rev. W. E. Ewing was elected were Sun day g uests of Mr. and Mrs. secretary. Several matters of importance were Howard Archdeacon. brought up at this meeting, which inMr. a nd Mrs. Emmett Sweeney, eluded the s~th annual State Pasof Dnyton, and Mrs. Veda Sams and tor's convention, to be held at Coda ughte r, Velma , s pent Sunday \vIth lumbus January 26-28. It was nlso Mr. lind Mrs. George Sams, of ncar thought advisahle to make a county survey. The ' nI!xt mectinr will be Lebanon. held on JnnuaTl' 12th. Rev. W. <\. Mrs. John Linton, who went South Washburn. of the local M. E. church. 'with Mr. a nd Mrs. B. S. Howell to was present. A light lunc~ at the spe nd the wi nter. was taken sick and close of the mee ting was enjoyed by hnd to be brought home. The How· the ministers, with Mrs. W~hburn. ells are back at their home in Port Mrs. Snyder and Mrs. Keller, serving. - - - -•• - - - - William.

Mi ss FrnnccA Jann ey, of Trenton, N ..J., and Mr. LOl'en Hadley, of George Scheol, Pa., arrived Friday morning t o spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. E . J anney and Mrs. Loren Hadley. They mnde the journey of 625 miles in about 26 'h hours.

AuoolatH wid! Mr. YOII....



"The World's Applause"


-~~ M.e ,.o~r eJe- .cientl6ca.ll,. e.allll ..H


Mary Fr~nccs. daughter of CyrtJ~ and Rac.hel Cochran, was bill'll at· tho Miss Kllthl'yn Cla rk was in Rieh- " old home" in olem township, HighMI'. \lIr!'nl'C l enul!nha ll WII S in mond , Ind ., ·nturday. land county, OhiO, December 14,. [layton , l\j.lIHJUY. 187 0, and di ed lit her home In WayCHRISTMAS DAY E rn eRt L. Hurlnn , of Valpnraiso nesville. Ohio, D ' ce m\;ler 10, 1924. Mr. ond l\!t·R. W nll~r McClure wer e · un ivcrsity, Ind., Is home fOr th e holi- at the ag e of 54 years nnd 6 days. JACKI E COOGAN .11' in llnytun . Sunday. days. She WIlS united in marrillge with in Charles, F ebruury 7. 1808 . Mr. ,llIllles 111cCIurc was in Mll rt ins· ]lliss Clllrn L ile nnd Miss Lilla To this union wus born one son, ,"illl' (111 lJlI~in (\"s , Suturcl ar· llcn hnm we re shoPlli ng in Xenia, nt- Bcrnllrd . J oscph, 1I111Y 28,1894 . ·l. u l'liny . She \vIlS the old est of a family of • Supported by an AIl ·S tar Ca.t, headed by Lon Chan ey Mrs. L. A . Zimmermlln all(I chl fOllr da ug hte rs , onc s ist er, Relta. wilh i" dron w('r e in nay ton . Snt urdny. l1n dllY, tho :! 1.t. Wll" th e shortest the rill her IIlId lU oth e r, hnving preREGULAR PRICES, 20 a nd to enla li ll Y of t he yell r, nntl th o first day ceded her. Bes ides her husband and Mr. ll11 l1 Ml'~. F r!'eI M. Cole ware of wi nt or . SOli she leaves tw o s isters, Mrs. Ag=- ~ in Wil nu nl.:ton , Munel ny afternoon. n c~ Fowlc y, of Tllyl'H'!! villc, and Mrs. Mr. K e nn ~ th Kilboll. of Dnyton. ~lis!' l1 el.. n Hawk.- hilS been co n· \Vn s th<' wee k.e nd j:rl1 c st o f Dr. Cnrl Chll rl es ll ro l)'n, of Lynchburg. She ull ited wilh th e Disciple church fi ned to hl'r ho me th <' (,list week with Hc nd e rso n and fnmil)'. Il t Pricctown, Ohio, at an early age, I.:rip po. Iut ('r t.ransferring her membership Messrs. E. L. Thomus, Burton Ellrn- to the Christian church nt Harwood .If with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. F,nrn hnrt Rpent hnrt and H . A. Stokes wer e in LebChupel, of whic h she was still a mem- • BE BE DANIELS and LEWIS STONE Sunclny wi th Mr. lin d Ml'~. K. N. un on on bu. ineBs, I~rid uy. ber. ~hc wus also II me mber of the 1I ough . Dllu ghter~ of America, at MartinsA' f.r above tbe a ver_Be picture MI'. Lee Hend er so n nnt! family lire ville, Ohio. r.lessrs. Frank Zell, .J. E . Janne y now 1;lcllsuniJ y locn ted in th eir now AI.o, The ,iecenscd was of a cheerful nnd Lo ren 1J"lIll'y we rl! ill LelJU non, home, r ecentl y co mp l ct ~". dispo. ition and Il lways ready to lend Satu rduy. a helpillg hand wherever she was Mr. Bernnrd Brewste r, of Dllyton, needed . lind will be ~ud l y missed hy REGULAR PRICES. 20 and 10 enb Dr. Ilnll M I·~ . Tllte, nf Dayto n, wus called h('r e IU Rt we(' k oh Ilccount her love d ones. s pent !':u ndn )' wit h Mr . .I. W. EII \\'nl'(l ~ of th e deulh of hlg mu th n . nnd fml1 ily. Card of Than'" Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrold Whitake r, of We Ilrc ve ry gratef ul to all who Mr •. F rllnk CII l'n1l1 11 , II r nayl o n, Cen ter ville, were S UlId a)" J! ucs t• . of lI<sistl!d u" in our g rcat bereavement, spent :l1tunl:!y lind SUll d"y with Mr. und Mrs. J . O. Whit uker. t he 1088 of n Ul' dellr wife, mother and. fri e nds hel·l'. s i ~ tc r, espe('illlly 8 0 to Miami Vlllley lI~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!IIJI!II!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~---II!.L I!!!!'-~!!!!! -~~~!I!!!!!!!!!!~~ Mcssr s. Elias O!!,l e~b ce and Charles Coullcil .Ir. O. U. A. M. : - - - -Mr. and MrR. Onll Cl'I'cltn, ro f Dny- Burnett have bee n appointed j ury . THE FAMILY. ton , wer e und a y J( llcs t" of Mr~. Fnn· co mmmlssjo.ners for Warre n County. • _ • ni ' ,nrothe r",.


Wayneevllle, Ohio

I; ~ .,... 'bother JOU


Mcssr s. Lindl!'y Mendim ha ll, Chns. Mr. li nd Mrs. J ames McClure lind Michener and H. A. Cornell attendThe Ohio Canners A ~s ocialion. Mrs. Wllite r McClure were in Dayton n fa rm Bureau meeting in Lebanon. Friday. which held its seventeenth annual one dny last week. convention at Columbus last week, Mr. Alvin E nrnhart and Mr. MadMr. and Mrs. Merlo Korns, MiBs elected tho following officers for iso n E a rnhn1't w('re Dayton visitors Edith Kern s and Mr. Kahn, of Colum1926: Mondny of Inst week. bu", are g uests ,of Mr. &nd Mrs. J. D. Presiden t, J. Warren Wood, of Marlatt. Lebanon; Vice.president, J . J. Smith, Mr. S. L. Cartwright cntcrtn ined of Circl eville ; Secretary·Trensurer, Re v. lind Mrs. J. J. Sc haeffe r Ilt th e Next Sunday, December 28, in Rov Iro~~ , of Clyde ; members of the Fri unds hOll1e, S unday. Ch rist church, ))ayton, at the 1 0 :45 Bo~rd of Directors, Arthur Hamil ton, service. Rev. J. J. Schafi'er will be of Lebanon, Howard Orr, of Circle Robert Vand ervoort, of Ohio Wes· ville ; A. L. harp, of Rockford; leya n, Ilnd Cnrllon Coo k. or' Miami, ordllined to t he pries thood. The local congregation a nd Lebnnon will atJames Stoops, of Van Wert, and arc hom e for t he holidays. tend this service. Thero will he no H~rry McDonald. of ~Iyrin. church School or' service at St. Mary's Mrs. Amos Mcndenhall return ed on this date. home Monday, a fter un extended vis· it with r eillti\'es in I ndiana. We nre inde bted to Miss E liza Me·

For Sale b,.


Dr. Mary Cook wu In Dllyton clay last . ek.



& Cartwright



---... ....---fRIENDS' REVIVAL


Years of Faithful

Service And acal. w .. este"d to on. arid all th.....a.on'. cr..otinc_. . with,. trood, wi." for

A Merry Chriltmas A H . ,a..d liPPY,

PrOlperOUI .

New Year



There will be tn eight day revival in the Friends Meeting House, at; Harveys burg, commencing Sunday, December 28. at 10 :46 a . m., and con- ~ tinuing until Sunday evening, Janu· :Ii ary 4. 1925. t; There will be services each jlveJllng ; at 7 o'clock. The meetings will· be :z: in charge of Rev. Sam Mosher, Super- U ten dent of the Evangelical Work of >Ohio Yearling M e e t i n g . ! A general invitation Is extended to :Ii all to come. Let'a make all that 1. possible out of these meetings. REV. AMOS COOK.

---... -..--.......


The anllual meeting of the .toet. holders of the Waynel!viUe National Bank, for the purpose of' electing officers for the ensuing year, will be 'held at their banking rooms on - Tu~a)' January 13, 1925. betweeu tlie hours of 1 :00 11Id 3 :00 po' m. L. M, BJ:NDER~ON! , Cashier.

J W W.h.-te . .



Ii,i'~tl. • l1i~'

, ~IWSAL~· 3E.~R~ .D I A M·O, N.D S:-~G 0 ,0 O·

MAIN AND FOURTH .8TREETa "~I.E&.mE5aame==a' .8&EaIlIDE . .II. . . . . . . . . . . . ..~"""""I


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We wish every one in Waynesville and vicinity and all our friends in .. tile , surrounding co untry .

§ ~l"trrp ~fJristmal AND

~ ~.appp Jlttu





.' .................g-aE.553

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. ,~ -' James £. McClure " ,

Walte~ McCllire

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We ..ha. . . few: Calendare loft, and if JO. did ..ot .• et ,.our~. call at ••c. and cet it. . ,


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~'1535;fm."'''I!!!! !I_,.i~i.:::::J8,a:::::::::551n:Jes:::GJI====:J'8e.=:'::::::lIe, CHRISTMAS PROGRAM COMING fARME~S' " ON OE OG ICA L EV EN TS m AT 'M. E. CHURCH , INSTITUTE TO BE " Of ~ fut Y~. !~ friml ~e Fa~ of ~e Miami ~e as Interesting hems ~ • f~~'!::~~d,:~::':";::':~'rh; ;::" I INTEHESTlN,G .

'"iii 'die.lssues mwhich ·They Were Published ,



What railroad mlln will first realIze whllt what the flyi ng machine b:e whllt the fiying machine means? What railroad mnn cspecially will first realize what the flying machine will 'do to the passeng er traffic of the great railroad s on !III long hauls? The first capable man, IIct-ing on thoroug h realizat ion of the flying machine's future, will establish, for his stockholders and himself suell' a fortune 8S would make those of the Vander-bilts. HUls· and Hunting tena look · }Ike flna'ncial crumba. . You tllink about tlfe flyin8' machine ou~ west rep~esenting the buslne88 · ~n ~y of ' the whole Western countrt; :1'0 IrQ. there noV!o 'you travel four ~ 'on trains adiiilrab ly equippe d , and. mal1aged. "_ . In less than twenty years the trip win bl! made by flyJng machin e. in sb: hours and -.)\lith absolute eatety. · Jio,," many AmerIcans will four railr~ad' da)'\! to n lIilt-hour flying trip, ~~t many.


-,,--., --


lowing excellen t Ohristmas progrum: Hymn, uHark the Herald Angels THREE GOOD SPEAKERS e55 Jn:J I- =tmli '==31 f!J COMING UElE'==5111:1 1:'5551 1 a Prayer Sing." . .... ....... .. . Pa ~ tor ., Jaaaal'7 ~ Anthem -uO Night of Holy ii'atrOD of new Gym- April 16'-Col e's hardwl!.re store i8 viii A'uau.t 27.-Rcu nion of the ~47th In. naalum; dJilh of t.; .B. 'whIteman, Memory" ... . ited bY .b.l1tgla nl thleves enter Km fantry at Findley , Ohio; canning Wilson Local Enterta ine ... Will Delisht ·the at Xenia. . So lo- "The Prince Imnwrta l" ... -, patrick- French garage. factory begins season .. In.tituto By Mu.ic anel nk 'Zen- eluted .(prU 2l-Wa8~ paper' sale by pupil}! S.ptam ber 3-Labo r Day celebra- ... .. ... .... ..... . .. ...... . . .. MoBle,y Readinl l' . by sto,ciiho1den of. Wayn~lIvlne ; a 8\10ce~; cantata give!' Mr, C. W. Younce tion at Phillips park; Coun ty club at M. E. Quurtet - "Thc Birthhd ay of OUT National , B~M to flir vacallCY made wins prizes at State fair. eburch; · Lord ....' r~.ti~DJ9f· O: T.Jilaw kei Rt. April:, ~W. H. ' ~arJey address es Septem ber IO--Ma rriage of Mi s.~ Mabel North Leah Smith and Mr. Philip Zepf; Mr~ . Irene Bird. Mrs. C. W. Yuunce T. L, ~. b\llio.p of, flolitbern· .00.nmez:cJal cl'l-b'; Cllrwin grocery Ohio ~Ited St. Mary's malTiage of Mi sll Helen Hawkins Miss · KuLherine Fromm. Mias nole n ' 'Changes , h.,nds • • Hawke and MI'. Se we ll HUl'ris, J....ry 1~ . 'M.,.'7.....:.nev. ]L.. A. Washbu rn preach8010- " A \'n Marin .... ble on ateo\l~~t of hig~ Bac h . ~eil 'baccala ureate _ sermon i farm Septem ber \7-0r, J. T. Ellis enterMiss Frances Janney tains Montgomery County l\I dical dlnr of 'MIBI ~ta . e home 'of 881m D. Henkle burns. society; Red Stur Bu s Iille estab· Anthem- uShcpherds Hail the WonB.r?ld WIlitia br. .• . M.~ l~Fred Hawke caught in cydrous Strange r ........... " .... Reyser lished . ~ ~Death of I. A•. FlinbJ , • ,~ South Carolin a; Township Septemb er '24-lIft. Holly Home·C Solo- "O Little Town of Bcthle· om~oneel' ..,-.o. rem.l - I c)lool boord elects teachers. hem" . ., .. ....... . ..... ...... Hall ing; report of the tirst Buhool VICes ar K; Ii. CD1Il'Oh! • ...,. 21-:-Forlty-1lrst annual banquet Mr. C. E. Earnha rt month. J~.. aal'7 3~ .~D;t'o 'K. M High SClhool alumni; the High October I-I. O. O. F. Home·Coming; "0 Royal Gift............. ........... Heysor L. Panhal l, ~ 01 Ora4"Il!uUdSchool l commencement. Mcn's Chorus first meeting . of. the New Century tnCi JUr )(~ fatJaer o'f Ma,. Z8-El. Li. Hough's barn bums; Solo-UT he Angels Song...... Fillmore club. tel' KcG1lU'8, '~ke, marriag e of .Seth E. Thomas and October 8-Murr Mrs. I:i:. B. Earnha rt iage of. Miss Roth ~""'IU',. of .JUs. S" i.. Millll Bee WIlton. ' Pro basco, former school ttea.cher Anthem-"And There Were Shep~t1 ~ .'Pt:I(ltz aeee,Ptl ~MemC)rilil Day observed by and lIir. Robert herds.............. ...... .. ... ... .... .. .... Kratz Skimming . wedding po8IUOD ; ' ~fll!a~ birge ~ow~i Milton Thompson pur of Miss Margal'et Clark and Mr. Hymn- uJoy to the World" y......~ I.~e clab Jlu'te oil . chases ..bskery. Coulous Younce. ' "8e,.nt ein"I .of :Wl,IIston J"pe. tl-Mar ringe of Kenn eth Elz'ey Odober _IS-Hig h School band orRic... " ; anq. Miss Alveta N,etherton; Wayganized ; Higb School and Normal p~ 'ao.,;.,..q ~e~ k.e'l1>e o- nesville vi&ite.d by I)eavy rain storm ~otes of interest . • pili tffiloOl'll' p. . . . Of F .)uuo IS--Ma n:JIl\te of Holmes Stoops October 22-Be rt Reed, of Mason, ___ ._'" · lnItIt1Ite.~ . 7 . ID • armen . and Miss Mary Bernice Howick; kJJled by train; wedding of Miss , ........... ." Waynesville Mills suffer heavy lOBS. Suella Sheehan and Mr. Ellis McJ,.ae 25-Mal 'riage- of Miss Helen Clurt!. Marllltt lind Mr. Merle Kerns i of Octob.r 29--We dding of Miss Alice Mise Leona McGinnis nnd Dr. L. Opey and Mr. Irving Wclch; specNext Sunday , January 4th, there B. Han. ilI1 service {or J. O. A. M, at M. E. -will be all-day' services held at the Jul,. 2-Mr. and 1>trs. Edward Stroud . cl!urcb. Ferry chul'Ch of Christ. colebra,t e gordon wedding ; death of No .... mber &-Hllll owe'en Mardi Gras, Church scliool at 9 :30, followed by ltlartin Harner. Burnet Butterw orth injured in au- Communion and sermon by the minisJuly ·9--lttr. N. P. Blatt resigns as to_acciden t. . ter. head of scho('\s; Miss Susan Wright No....mber 12-The Miami Quarter ly After the lunch hour an afternoo n and Alvin P,ay/Ie murl'ied. . m e~ts; death of Albert Merritt, of service will be held at 2 o'clock, in . I6,-Berb.~rt Ed~vards ' and MiSs Harveys burg. ' which service difl'erent ones wiJI take Oanfie)d .iD·arrie d in Colorado; the Noyember Iii-AlU mni wins first part. Some plans and program may council maKes budget for year. . ketball game fTom W, H. S.; ftfirst be dtacu8se d and the meeting will Jul,.. Zl-Fl'j el1 ds ' celebrat e Tercen-· eno'l'( ot, the SOIlSOD. close with a special consecr ation ser, ten~ of George Fox; death. of NoY.,mba. 26,--(\r rest of peace dis- vice. UnJi:lli!tlb,fb ]b)y :Van Tress. turbe~l!; e~glneering. speciali st via~t Is desired that every member of Iy .3O-Ne w tilling station comple. ite township. . the congreg ation be presen t if possi~. Opal Davids, eigh~h grade Dec.';'' '''r l-Deat hs of Edwin Chan- b)e, aqd the entire commun ity 'is inu ....cru.r ·resiglDs. . , . dler and Mrs. Mahala Henkle; Mr: vited. There bo no mohey to ,'"" •• un ,8 -l'tIn·. J . . D. Marlatt and Paul Duke injured. l1Iiae, but we aro plannin g a devoBarry Murray entertai n at D.c:emb ~" to-Mrs. Patterso n addres- tional and inspirat ional service. Linger Longer; Miamis win •.es Mothers club; death of Martin Come, bl!irig your lunch and spend Ooilfi. the day with us. ~ec •.l!be. t7-Trib ute to the late O. . J. tsumetj John 8. Thomso n falb frOl)'l pay mo,W'. o.c.mb er 2~uddeJi death of Mrs . CW. Brewste r; I?aving ordimlllc~ paSacd bJ .council. j





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puzzle craze

ltf-r. D. E :-- Standiio rd and Mrs.. Annil . ~. ~inl!f were quietly Saturda y m.otnln:g, DecembeJ: 27 the MaIn Street. Pl'esbyterial\ ' in ' Lebano n.the Re;y'~ B. F.Julld , of,fleiating. ~ Mr. '<fharl~s Satterthwol~ and Mrs. Ea-r1.Conner and Bon,-Ea rl ,ft.•: witnl\ssetl, the. ceremony. ' The hap.llY couple will r~lde ib their home on Upper Third str eet. Their many friends, jojn . In. wishing them much happiness. .


The Miamis lost their first gahte to an indepen dent team Sat urday evening at Spring Valley. Having beaten the H. S. team 22 to 20 in an over time game Friday evening, they inwiled ' Spring Valley with too much confidence. Their opponen ts hnd. ·a rUl· .. nlt.lV strengh tened team ' arid they caused no end of trouble for the MI-' amie. The game was exceedhigly rough 'all the way. Spring Valley won, 80 to 27. • Gaddis and ' Com'p ton played stellar game for' 't he winners 'while- Peck Satterth waite and Eddi~ Burton ' were the whole worka fllr ' the Miamis.

- - -...









Charles E1Us, qf BarveYBbut'lr, was namer' coun~y a~dance oftic:el" to fiJi the' vacancy caused. by the resignation of Howard FulkeTth on Saturthe w'lInen .,CPUlIty Board oj! Educs,tioil. ' CqnaideratIon of the many applicat ions ' for , the Job con'8umed 8eve~llioVn. Tile. final cholco" of tb,ll .boa'id' wSs· Mr. Ellls, .a fOl·m,',."j member gf.,the · board .. . The':oe w-'trua nt 'olftcer will serve 'untI1 ~tpe. 'e nd .. of' the. I.'rele!lt ' ~~I!, ilccotai n,.t& r!!porta, the 'Will 'affect' re-ot'lrarllzation till! 'office of If .






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You have our best wishes ~lnd the promise of our SIncere cooper~l ­ tion during th e nlonths to come.

W. H. Madden & Co. Way n etJv llle, Ohio

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New Year YOU R S TR UL Y ,



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~ W e. h ave A few C a lendAr. I ,.ft, An d if yo u di.d no t ge l you r • • cnl1 nt o n ce And ge t i t .

Wa lter McClure

James E. McClure








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The n n ntl n i m cctillR' of thp stock · ... holelN s o f th e WnY'H'H\'ille Kntionnl . Bank , f o r t)1I' purpo,;e of d ecti n>: of· ~ fo ce·" ror t he pn"tlinR' yell ", will he hl'ld




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, ' nt' d lJv lht., htlfot.~ ; \d, ,·r,."':d ,d tli{' afl, ' J'4 1 ~!

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po ~s ihl e

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Merry Ch rlstmas . o u t fir AMOS COO K , H ... A 8 PPY, I ~ ProsperOUA NOTICE, SIOGK HOLDERS x

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SuLscr iLc for thc ?IIillmi Gazette . in Sp l'ill!! \ '" II"y Cl' mc tel'Y · li e is Rur \·j \,,·d 11:-; hi ~ wif .." \\'ho was Miss SU4 , i" (,,, ,,k , d:Oll~hll'l' ,'f t he b LC Wm,


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If Jour eye. bother yO\J co nte in ."d ha ve th e m tn CIl Jl1 i n l, d.

Our A dve r tis ers Exte nd Greet ings ==r=

und ~'lal11l YH IIt·y

Ih t' h"'"L' "I' h ,' ui""t' , in Inuianap"· I", Ind . H," !.,I:o: l 'l"i nl;" lrl. Ind .


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May \ve also at this the close of .ol d another year express the apprecia~,' :--; " 1,1 f, ,\' :i I ( , . , I k, 1 1", . tion felt b y us · of the part your friendship and patrondge have played II :\1,· . :0 ".1 .\\1' 1'"",,,011.l. .. lIi"I'.'

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To Our Friends:

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Happy Christnlas and a most ful New Year.

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Clermont Heaters, ,:.: ,: .", I' :'1' :';•.:' ,:'11 .• ,'h::r , l. Ranges and . - , 11\, \ 1... ,h , Y 1\ , .1 II . " Furnaces I ' ll








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New Year's Day

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Who le N'll mber 5fl 'l4


~ Of the Past Year, Taken from the File of the Miami Gazette as Interesting Items ";~:I':~ ~."~\~::'Ii,(: : .I, " ,I.' .::~I: ',It"; h: '~'1<: in the Issues in which They Were Published

A hu " t Iw e n l v,fiv e of S t. Mll ry 's nn'd s overn l of th e c on ffi, I! n 'I:ll ti u" fr n m Gracc church ,' Lcbll' I\U II , hrave d t h e l e r O weathe r a nd IO WIII~ ,'x,· " II ,·,,1 \ ' l1l' i, tll \, " "" ' ;11,. at· li ,,, d l' d Ihe o r<ii naU,, " s ervi ce" o f 1I ~· mll. " 11 ,,,'1: II ,,· 11 "1: 11 1 .\ 11; , I H,',·. ,I, J , S(' hllc ffc r , a t Ch r ist ch u r ch, 8E ~ ~r:'Ir.:o.r."I I [!II 1[:)1~ l f lJ..~ .· · i B t = 3 r!1l Ie" ~~ I IL!J I I ' ay tl )lt , S un d a y m o r nil1 g, I e.. 1' r a : I"r r' Thl' , ('r mOIl W /IS pl'l'llc h ed by Re\', J a nU Ar y 2-Ded icnti :\ I l lllt'lIl on o f n c \v G yrn ~ A pri I1 6-(' l..I l~.' ;{ ha 1'dw Hl'c :o: tU l"l' i s \' i~ " , I ,\ II .: J I A u ~ u . t 27 - H~. tl ll iHIl 111' till' 1,\ "7th 111 !'h il Po rt 'r, r "et or u f Ch ris t churc h, ;\1 ' <11 111 / . " nu;,iu m: dcath of L, II , Whi t e m ulI, ite <l lJy b\l I'l~l a n' : t hi (' \'e ~ l'nlc l' Kil ' II I "" t 1'\' il t l'II I,II,'\' . ( Ihl": "1I1111 11 1! \\' 111> "llIp h ll ~ i z cd th e du t ies a nd pri,,' at Xen ia. t lll· t (l ;·\' pa l rid\' )"J'(II1i' h J. n\ r ilj! c. I 'f ' I"IIl "'~ l ·~\ "'( " 1. \ :--1:" ' 1 1,1 " I I I " J "I ,.. ,I"..:" , o f thu h iJ! h " nk e o f th e min , J 9 M F k Z II I t ·1 \ \' \' I il l' I'lIl, i! -.; Se p t e l1l ber 3 - l.ah ll \ Il ltV (', I· IIIH .1 a nu a r y r. ' r n n . f' C t' C eu Apr il 23i~ t r y w l l1 d. \I.'US bc s l "w~ d upo n R ev , a s lL' pape r ~ II t ' f J1111 :d l '1111 !. I':-- I' .\ ! I. : \ ':'UIII", {lll!' hy Klock h o lde r s u f \V tJ. yn e ~ v il1 l' · ~I I f \\ . I',' H ~un: c ss; c a n tata given ill ) 1. ":. Sl' iIHt't fl·" . . l\ntio nu l Bun k t o fi ll Vil n nc,v tl1H ll t" t ~ l:,,1 I 'I . 1: 1 /, !I,!!.\ ('hlll"l'h . , t ,: \\ I n"" pI IZ ' " .11 ...... t : I I I' 1. 1 11 TIll' Ilnluill i" g b i"h .. p w a s th e Rt, I \ 1. I, f l ' l ' II I),Y n 'Sl. lot nu t ' k Ilt S I 10 \1 11' 1,1 ' 1 ... . ' , \1 ," ," 1 . ' l) Jo " I p 1 c n l )" .r n 0 '1... . • fl \\ ' e ; -, : 1/ n:l l ' I' It" ,·, Th l '"d,' r ~ lI'vill l! Rec. e , u f t he . April 30 - \'V . II . F lI d (' y •. \ ... "" ... - I 1.1': dl ,'" !nlll :111 " ,\1 1 I' hdq 'I'lf Rc\', '1' , 1. Rcc s c, bi Hhu p " f ~ " uth r l l\ ' ,I J, . / 1 HI I .! , \1 1 \\ . \ ' (:om nw r c i:,) c lu h ; (' "rwi" J! r,,(· ,' r.l' e1i,' ''' 's" " f So u th crn IJ hio. \1 h· ', " . ! ' , I nl. t "" I Ohiv \ J,l Ii , 11'/1' b it cd S /1 l.. ".11' Mur y' H . chu I r ch d .H , Ch /:,1'. , .\ llllgC" h all(i>-. H,·,', ( ' I<n on ChilE. J . !I ea ,l e, of Ci,, ;. ,.1 ' I " Ila,d,( r i ll ll llt i, n lift ' long frie n d of n cv, January 16- Cor will uv e nu e im pa . . ·.n- May 7- Hc\' , L . A. \ \' a:-.ld,u l' ll pl'l:td S (' ptf'nd .,. ,. I : 11f .J I,! ,~ [., ". \ .:1 .\hrJ. . h ie on 'H.' co u n t o f hi J! h wH tc r~: w e d ~('hal'tr" I" p rl'Sl' nLc d I he can did a te , cs l WCl' ll l aul'l'n t l' , ( ' n l1l1l1; f: lIl: 1"I! , " , Ij- -.1,1 .1 1 :'\J j. dl\ l .. '/,tlll. l ',' d i n~ " f M is~ Cat he r ine Bur ne t anu It ,· ,·, A. W, ll rll7.l!ll, 1., ssis La n t ha lli e u f :011111 )I , 1I "l lk l" 1'[11' I: "'" /. ,' ,tI" I,ll I' "I L "·-I.'·IIt "d, 11 ;,11 I'" II nru l'l Whi t take r, Illillblp r uf Ch l'i !'O t ch ul'ch, OSs lst Ctl i n II M ay 14 I-'I' I'1l1 ll i1w l", \ ·;t\!~' I , · ;1\ ,il .~ 11.1 :.. ' I ,, I ,,. ; h ,' (' prt.· m ()f\ Y. Januar y 2 3 - De a t h o f .r. A ,' F u nk e )", l' i Olll' in :-';; ' Ul h. { ' al' . dll , ;l : ' I IIH ' I S ('IHt· " I,' r 21 ~t~ JI.11 Ii. I ,', ~: 1 !' i uTlcl' I' bUHincss · man ; r evi vul ~cr · The lIIu . ic b y Uw Illrge cho ir W8 ~ !"k hopl i,pa,l'd (.JI·(·t!' t. ; ,~ 1. , I I' " 11,,1 1'"," 'I'\'lIl li nd beau t if lii. \' lC('l'i at M. E . church. Ma y 2 1- F\.rt y lir:- t :"" 111.11 I :! t'll" II",,' T ill " u r d in n l iu n i, 1111' nr"t in s ta n ce Januor y 3o--An a ppr e cia t ion t o M, "f lIi l!h ~d\ •. ,.J ,,1'1I1t ' , : II, ·' IJr ,'1i Octob,. IIf a bu ~ i ll(!l"R ma ll t Hk :ll g fu ll ord e r M L. Pa r sha ll, janitor o f G rndc h ui ld~( ' htof,J f ' tlI/1I1 1I ' lh'/ · !1l I ' lIt . t ll .. 1 I" '1' ..: "t III t hi ~ di ucesl' , ll nde r t h e ne w c an o n ill l( : J us . Mc Clure, l a t h cr o f W III- May 28- E . L . 11""1. '-/" 1,;, 1' '' I, " r< " ,lui ,. p r u\' ldlid in s uc h c n ~ (1' :-;. tc r McC lure , s uffcrs s lig h t stro ke , "I' :-; ,'11: 1-: , T h"lIIa ,,,,, I (lc lob, .. .~ - \: "1'".' , ,,' ~I " I(ulh Foll o w illg thl' s" r vices , t he Pa ro, Februa ry 6- Deatr of 111 " . S. L, ~ I i ," Il l'" \\,,, 1: ,,, ,, I', . , " , f 'n,·' ,,1., "I 1'1 '; 1\'111 ' '- . \ I I I h, tn ":\1 111 Th l" " \\ \ ' I t ' :-';i! '"j1t hin I soc iet y () f l hc ,' h ureh s crv e d Cart w rig ht ; L. N. P d nt ;' n cc~pt~ Jun e 4 -!\I lm~' rt ; d ! ' :I } 1 1 ' I ' d ~" Y 1", t ' l "V, ,j I I ~ ,d i d ,\ 11 I: , :,t r' , I:' II !)!, " ; \'0\ d d i n~ h l' II tz 1I IUllch e-on in Ihe pllri, h ho u.e t o t po. iti on witb Mye r H y ma n . he I;II,)! " er""d : ~ l i ll"li Ti,,,,, i '-" " I,u r \\ " '1'1, 1' , "r ~ll .\1,,1" ,I , I ' I" .. : '" .J ,\I r. fr il', ul s o f n"V . Schu e IT e r un d t o the Februar y I3-Dra m atic club p u t~ on ChUh'" IHtht r y . 1 · 1 1 1.~ " u 1 '''If cu nJ.{rt'~u tiom) fro m \~ ay n~Mville and "Sevent een"; d eath (If V\I' l n slull Jun e 11 - .\1 a l'I'i;I~(' o f l\ l' II I " \ h 1·. I 1. I · ~· Oc t o lH' r 15 - ' ! n! II ~' I L, II' I ! ':lll d O f Ll'h un on. R' k i. l n d ~l i !"...: Ah lin .'I'l lli '-l,ll \\ ;1\. ,-" atll;. ! II: Jll l' l! ~ r hl'\ 11 Ol! n ! .\"1 r lllil I ('u n o n Re nd e I\('teci ns t o nst.- m ru; l cr Ie R, IH'~\, I ! !t' ,i .. itl ,d h\' h " :I"\ I,U' 1" ' 111 \: ' tl:'" "f U I,', .. I, Februar y 2O--1 cy w eaLh e r kcep" )I e" , I J Hn d ~ hor t ~ Ih.'\' thc !t w" r e mad e by ' Ih rn ' f II ' , ' ... un c 18 - .1 :1 r p II "d ill' :---'11' 1'.. Oe l oher 22 I: , n I :.,. d. IIf ~1 ; 1 ;' I ' ft , Bi>ho p \t eCH' , Mess,", Mah o n Shank, r!:t /~~(~~~ rs ; pl'ogrn nl o f }' nrlll Cr l-alid 1\tl ~:- ~1 :: 1'\' H"!" 'I \-' 1I'1 \\ it'i... ldllc d !,.'. ll':\,) ; \\ v ddlllJ.' (,r :\t i:--:-: 1 J .lhn Do h n,' r , uf Chr bt ch u rch, J, O. . . . ,! \\a :.nt ·,,\'I1I ~ \ l l l1 ~Hl ll , ' iI,oI\ ~ 111 ..... !"l1t~ ll a ~1I1' ~ h, ,,, :: . .1 :\1, . 1':lli;-i ~ t c CIl t'lw r iKht li nd W , 11 . All e n, Wayn e"- Februar y 27 - W ny-n l· sv ) 1I ~ Jll W I us Ju n 25 - ~ 1.-\i 1 \ I t! \ ' II ' \1 II,'!. rl 1I { ~ IIIf'\ ' , " il l", C. t;. ~ l a rv i n , " f Le ban on, alld thir d p lace in bu>ket ha ll t ou r na , , \ ' ,,1'1 .1' : :"d ~I,. ,\I ,Ii. 10. ' 1'11' ; " f O, l o ue r 2!1 \\,,1.11 1'" \J, Ilic(' n ~v, Sc h udT,' r , m cnt ; d enth of ~I r" . Elb wu nh Rc' , Por ler clo. cd , ,J, ~, L"p ;'" ,\1 , 1;1'"" 1'1', L. I I al'l ;. :. . ! .,Jr, Ir'". ,. \\ " kh : p~~ _ ~' t's t , ' lIndtiY • •l a llllHry . I ~ h , t h ,·f' ,· wit h a bCIH>d ic t ion , S hc l'w oo ri . , fL 11 11 11. I i;d " , '. i" I .1, II . . \. \ 1. " l ~ 1. I':, will lit· nil-tin\' .... ( ' 1 ', J('\ '," h,·It! .11 l Ilt' March 5-nl r , A , S. TI10 m~ " , hunk,'r Ju ly 2-:'11'. ",' d ~lr 1·: t1 , 'd Sl r "u d c l'"Il' h. F l . rry rhuf(' h ~lIf ( "l rj " l o f M ~. S t erling , acl d rl '~~l"" l\l PH IIf '· l· ll' I,)': . ,,· ~,dd \ '1 H( '1d" , li..': llh tlf I N ovc::mlw r 5 Jl; dl o \\ 1 '1 / \1.. J' dl I ;t'a ~ . ( ' hu r rh t-:C' houl :It :1 :: ;11 , rtdl r,w ,·d JI}' W a yne: v i llc ; S . S. E lli'i ( 'lI l" r t:.Ji ll~ ('Oll1!T l'g"lll ion


11\ '



w h ll l

j '/ I'

\\ ' hlll til' ~ t


h i lt

I' t' n ll 'l I '


f1~ IIII.!'

t Ill'

r :li1r o ;ld

IlI nr h ill l '

1l1:1\ ·hil1 (·


h:1t t h l ' n~


111 1' ; lI l "

!,, ·.·i :dl ,\'



\\ ill

iriL" lH:tdlilll '

J.!'r , ';at ,,"il r" : II I ~ li n idl t Ulll~ hlt11 1....1

T Ilt' til' t

t h l ll'1' lI gh


:H ' l i ll~

111 ;111 ,


It · nli /. : ll i"'1 ~ l r

,h. , 11 .\ I "~ 111\1 {' hlllt" ;,: 1'111111'4 ' , \\ ill t ' ... I :d:li ... h f(. !' hi ~ lUllt, 11 :0\ ", ,, lil t! 1I1l1h l' t !ill " \· "I' t flt ' " an d (' r llllh, Hill ... all d I I1u l tllll.:-\nl1 !-\ lll l,k ii i,\, lillltrwiu l l' r lll!lh::. .

t ilill" nholll th .,

)" /i ll

I\\'i,,~ o WI · hillf'

Il u t WI ' 1-l- t n :-; rl' IH·\·;>:O I,-'llti,;g-· t h l' hll .. i n t':-.~

l' lI l' !'l!Y of lh l ' ", ho h' \\. \':-. t l ' r n ('oun · try ,


g' O th l ' '' I'

cl ay s

n nd

(1 1\

t r a ill~

Y "U

t 1'0 \ \, ( . ) f (J ll t,

u d mi r uld y

t·qui p lw d

n m I1 HJ! l ,d . I t'~ =-'

In ~ix

11I 1\\' ,

th an t Wt ·n ty

~' I'a r~

hH u r'" all d \\ ith atl ... ttluh·

II ,, \\, flltl l'

[I'll' .


'\n wril'H II'"i

1':ti ll'IIt ,,1 dl\y ~ to r\"l 1twny.

Tl h'



th t, tr ip ~aft·t y.

will dcvu h '

:-:ix · llO lI r t1 y i ng'

I1I l1l' him' will II p>c t t he -

tll' i ('~ . h:d ,it s and vnll H'~.

L alH i "" l' h\lt\d J't' d

m il es ( ro m n

J.!r l ·:tt I'II,\' \\ 11 1 Ill' r . ';! t' hl ·d mn r t-' q u k k I y th:l o IH ll d ill t il(' "' ul l\l l' b~ t Wl' n t y -

' h 't· mi l l' ~ FI )' i,,~


ny i:-:


II n ow,

ru l' 1111 In ll r! .i "nrne),s w ill

d j"' I' I!l1' 1' r:ti lt'na d in)! l" Im p lettl ly w it h · i n t h .. Iin'i' "r l11iddh' ~Hg-(' cI m e n n o w

li nng'. .:\11111)' l':till'1In d Ill f'n, o f

('O llrS (' ,

ali 'l ,' that a

~ I't'ut

(' h allJ,ll' in





r e-

l r fl n ~ pur -

WI' II 'Ian'

~ Jl r (l td4 "

p1'(' :" id <' lI t o f lhl' S,\ ut h e r ll I ':ll' i tit' r a ilrn'lIl. ~:l id y t'' rcia tha t \\ lUll (' hu s" d hi m ttl d o ~O nH'}' 111\1' 41

t hillkil1~ (' i ~ l'(J

wu .... tht' tan din ,-! i n Sa n F r ul1 o f a Illall t h at hnd fl llw n f r o m

. I I b l\ ,' ''' Yo rk in "lie S ill": e ''' y ct w ce n , ul lI';,e "lid dark.

If " man elln d o

I hu I ," pc'rim ,'n l n lly fo r th e Gove rn nll'IlL no w, h ll w In ul! he·for e th e thi n~ w ill be dOll(' p \'a (' t ic nll y by u p-t o-dute t r lln ~ I \( I I' ln t i o 1t

men ?

Trall ~llIl r tat j ll n thrCl u ,:rh the ni r o n n ~ n' '' 1 comm erc ial ~ c ul c prolm hl y w ill I", de v(' lnp c d fil'. t in t his part (lr t h. · ",,, ri d, fo r here t he n eed ,i >

g-n: al l'!"t.

l e al I'a iln)n d Jnl'J1 U ~ r cgard 8 Jl r e~­

(Ont e ll l'llin g ". wi ll n ot f" ul' th e fly ing m nc hi llt" ove ll 8ho ll1<1 thcy fujJ t o uti lize it. Thnl fl yin g mu chill e , t ak i ng' lo n g · hll u l pn :-;.~c nK e l'S Cn .) )n rn i lI'(lu ris , wi ll so g r ent ly inc r e" H ~ fr ~ ig ht curr)' i" .. ,, ~ to mn k\! railroari l'i (!'hlS o f w ay u nd te rmin lt ls m or e \'lIl ullb le

THf!t. f




with ,l~ G o 'c lock di n n e r ill ht,rto r tl f Mr . I hum a s. March 1 2- G C" " rgc lt al·ts (H' k· .~ hand in j u H .... I by t:ill' u lnr s a w; t:lt ' rk ~ d . ,· f e n tl' u th t' ( 'u ITIUl c r cial t.:lub in H hn sk t' thn ll J:' a l1l(l at GY Ill , I G t.o 1 L March 19- \\ .1l J1(" r~ i n t h\.' PII~ tt' l' • c o n tl' :-. t nf !';lnllcrs ' In:'l it llt(· , ( ':11"

Abo u t ~j o' clock l!Lfi t night ( Tues· ,iuy ) , t h e c l ti z ~ 11 8 o r ou r t ow n w ere aruu:-,cd b y the c.x plosio n or b Onlbs. o li n l ' :-O;WHrl / ,' 1. r.n'iY Il I ' II,L: I,,:-: il y In v l's t lgat iu )1 r cs u lt l,J in t he di sco \,· nnd n d yd Ilpnd t' .'son; lIi~1t ~ d lt'i,} 1 ~ r y o f " li a liling ,' r v3S al th e cp rn'e r .e nt .·rL:l in (,,'anI; , Il f Mui n >11'l'L·t lind Frank li n r ou d, March 2 6-~ la rr i uge of ~ I ,. . Alf l' cd T he c ro"' wus s urr uund erl hy n ci r cle W a Lkin , . Il1u , ic instl'l,ct " r III IhL'

o f whi l t-,

r uh ud fi gu r e5 , pres uma bly

n1(' m l lt' r ~ lIf

t he Ku Klux Kl n n . AfLer :o: i ll ~ i ng a \·(t r~· c of " 0 n wurd l'h l'i ~ l iali :-; " Idi crs ," on l' of l hei r n umUl' r " If cre d a pl'll ye r IIlI d t he Icnd er llll nollll l 't' d th at t hl' l'r O~!; WUl-' burn ed

'V uync T"w nship sc h oul~ a ll d :\l i::...:

Ed il h Tri :. ; ll.!r ; e lim innlh ltl


)111 1'1 111

11a 1'1 ll .


J u l y 9 - ;\11. ~:. !'~ I, hl'. ld II I .. , }. '" I .d a:, .: " \lI, IJ :I)'~ ' J \.oJy 1 6 11 ' 11 1\ I t 1,,1.


l ·:u, ' , l. 1 t

,'f,I;' ,'11

u l )'






I , "'H "n~:I ~ ;. I i \\' righ

I "


( • "I

H Ul l


B II lt ! !" w", ·t L II, l. ",·d II lItI ..


T~' rcl'n-

<it ·ll h

tJ f


~ ky

JIlin .

('I !)!'> l.· \\ith II

}'1 1·:-. lI alTY :\l u t' )' a~' 1' ! , t1'l·tai n :ll I? ecc lIll_H! ,. t o('amp Li llg-I ' I' L u llj! \' I' : " 1:l llli =-, Wi ll \.' ~ 1\ I u l h , 1

t ' l·utOl' i ·

r l1IH' ,


u r t'


Mrs. Clare nce Rye bas been hav ing n painful e xperien ce with her l' ye, S h e wcnt to a Dayton s peciali ~t lus t S aturday , but the trouble co uld n ot be located, She went again MOIl(hlY bu t the 'dotror was . s till u n c c r tain obout it. He will see h er ugnin t " day; wilen it Is hoped- sM will ge t p ' r man ent relief, . ,

T hv CI·O"' ~. \\'lll'd I'll /il l · \' r n71' h ll> hil t lb ' pu lpi t. Th l' H '\', CIt:'l rl, ,:- 11, I tllllllHit, or II,,· S'I',,,,, I \: 1., " d 1' 1'''' byt e!'i"n .. hll l'l' h 110 '\ "11"" lI li n ou ll cl·d t ha t lw \\'I l\l ltl d, l in'!' hi .. p lI ~ to r

S un d H~'

t.·\ 'pni Il~


1'1 11 , 111

1' ,. ,,11:


t e xt nrJ'nn~{ d ill ti ll (" rl h ' 1 i l\ ' CQJ )ulal' pu zz1 ,' , 1111 :l ld :i! 1,1"':JI'r\ b a ek (If t he pU lpit.

b u:-o TU I.~ s rl a y , Mr , Lp st"'r ~. J v in ~ . of air {rom now Oil , \\'rill' yo u)" t wu K e n t .' late 1'l'uchi.!1'1'1 c( dlel!l~ t wn~ Renn tor s unci yo ur (' o ll g- r l'!"s ITI (, 1l urJ.!- e1l'cl ed pT(' ~ i " e nL " r t hc Teuch ers ing nd e C]unl e lI c!'i,,1 ,I<,fl' II "" --, nut hu If Trai ning d c pnnm e nt, U ~ lnun y fi rs t . c la !'~ m nc hin e~ llA UIl Y other nu tioll 1t f1 ~ . II1It l w ic~ c fi !'\ mnll y.

Allno unce mment W II~ marl c in the l.ln yto n pop el'. of IIl"t .'unday, of the Samuel C o m l'CTR Ii cs in I.h e S le ep y II PPI'ollch ing wcddll\g of H oward S , Hollow cempte r ), nt Tarryto wn, N. G u ~ tin, a fn r m(>r Waynes ville boy. y" not fa r fr om th e f~rn \' e of Andrew t" II yo ung Indy of thut city, . No <In t ~ hnu becli nrra nge d ( or Lhe wedCllrl1e~i e , Thc nHl ch , tlll kL'd -,, !' "commu ni ty di ng. of intercRt <" lind " eq ua li t y" be t",,,,'n Mr. lind Mrs. Chas. Rye e ntertain cupit,al nn d la lJ() r IJl'l'Ulll t' )'c lli i'n the ed Chris tllIus Day, Mr, IUld Mrs, Ellrl graveya rd . On cur l. h, ill till' , ,,,, ,,hill<' e qulliity McMllka n and son, Blllt, of Detroit, of capi la l IItid o r III hoI', is nut ye t M IC,h " Mr, and Mrs, Ed liartsoc k and . r cality, Labol' i ~ lab ol', with worry ~un, Harold, of S»rlng Valley, Mr, n~(I'; un cc r Ll\ i n ty ul laehN I to it, u su - and Mrs . Clurenc e iyo, Mr, end Mrs. ally, Alll.1 .- CIlJl itll l, wi th all its wor - , lrvln~ Welch, M ..., y jola Carey and ries, n1ca l~H s om e Il! isure and n "ys- Mr, Jess e Thomas , ,j t\m,ati c s hu l'e in w hat. I.nb a r produ ce!>,

----., ---,--

POLITE R~SBERRY ' Bill co nditi ons arc be ller thRn thcy were , It is no longe r U crime for w orkm e n t o unite, [ I. WI\9 a crime H ~"[ notice -oncc', And they n o longt;lr brand eating c~~dY1" wiOl iI red -hot iron nn )' workma n con ..-abe...-... Yes, Oh!iltm. ", vioted of leaYing his own parish to , life, aeek employm ent in another . awa,


mi nt rll


Cdn l-

p ut nn i n


H'..'T k ult.urnl


I, ·~.

ii i.

Il l' 1:-;

111 ( ' 1",

a wi d e 1.1I 1~" .1\ " I.I IIt' l' n St:.~ · : , g 'J" h'Ult U 1'1', '1' 111' I (· ... lIlt s ~ l l ow


1" 1\ ' ( '

Hlt·<· {· ~:;. r u l far-

a nd

pIH\' t ll',, 1


;1 11 .1: ,

j ...

U\· "

lI ~ l' I ( lill' t ,

1!l;,\,i l ,1.."



C , R. I , rn old, ',! t,

I t , I )'1' ,,} \ e: :'k ulltlru " 11 It . I". I 1\' • I I. lIdtna ~ e~

r ll


I Hl tll U

I '.


Illt 'l lt I 'XP II I

I h. I '\,II"~ I ' 'I f agTi .. .1" 11;: 11\:111 )' ye ar" 1,I, l II , 1 111 1'1 1/.11 ~ .U !l U I t lil' CI \l t, iIl C}:S 1.1' f:iI· lI lllll·., I, tlt 1 '1 til(' ... ·lll!:. II I' I he tt l' ! u ~ d 1'1 .,'" , d \If,,, ILl "' ~ 1.11 m ~. lli3 :Il

II ,·

I' uh u r ,',

! I,I

l' lIi . I,L·

" \)lI ' rh I l' I '

i :lg' :,n·il r:t ('.\

ili ll t \\ 1111

111I1 hi



:, urprh.·

II HL.,l' r 01} lhe

k .'" 1"" II I 1"1',·\ \ I II Itl' \\ nil



Ih.:' \' O -


1'1 • \' 1' 111 t.' Il l.

t !Ul1u l bin i ill :'l'il'htill llal ~( '!'\' it' I " , ' I)JlJ( ' , I I r i Il J,! yll HI IU!H.: h ill • .! ~ J't nd

th, ' day' wilh u'

~I\' ,.

M .. , M a ry Car twri g ht ,\I:i1'Y I '"rlwl'I ): ht, Dc la\\'nr,',


' ILl" . i~ H .1!T iI ,j 'I: Lt( ' II I' (I ili r, 'V l' :-:. I ~ y ­

1,lli\' I,,,.., it y,

. 11 1

]-' .. ,. mll n ~ ' YL' o r s ~ hc

Ji l, t,l \\' (,rk "1 f ' I ' t Ill' \\'011\.11 1· ... \' (ilwli ona l d i, i:-oJ ,' 1I or lill' ~ t.ntc ,t" I''' I'I Il ICIIL \l r 1" ': JiIIt , '1'111- "'I r k hnH ~' /' 11 I\I '!' "11';-.1 1I'·n .) k'lt \' !l' d ~C' and n


I, I'

II L"' 11

\\ 1 :l1t h Ill' l! ; a1H rt '~ a l' dll ,g Ill' nj 1h con-


H '! ,';



If ,~'


v \'::- t 11,\'f' LJ :,! h l" lIt t he

II \~ ,.. : I l't,' i·



it a l o n(l ,

It t " ud!"

t il

t lil t i l l' " I' " \'t /"): CU ItlIllU· lil l y ,I t,.1 d ll'l'tti.' . If d I, i' l ly of 0\' 1' / j Il.d l \ Hlu "i " t1 m:tl1 r1s un l iltl. I' t::: t \ · d h (,I ,,· tll~: ,. h I Il"d' r ~ hc g-OCti,

;\1 1 i l . d··f ' f' l d tl

t'l ir , ~ . It

li t "'· .1 11 ::a 'II d .I,\ ( '\' . :-:111"1 111: " :111, .' 11:1\ il iV Lt.' nt


l'll Lh ll I t. !'-! . tt ' :l lil ~:! t o :!U III a ll II\ L'l' ~ 11' , I ~ I,:, S talldif q r d H n d !\Ir!". :\ 11- l imp ~HlI l(' F,. idn v (' \' I 'I IIIH~ . tt ll'\' HI E , Ilultll':-' WC I·t..' ql1lt , Lly TlIl1t ri(·(1 " HciL' d ~I"'ing- \ ' a'lhY w it h t ro ll ~nl 111' (111), Illornin,. ;, nC'(' ..' mhel' 27. Il l , ( ' P!I fiOl'J!(·\. '. Th .... ir llPP IiIIl..-'tl :-0 hHtl a



~ h(" '\1~~ in !'tn' ('~ Pl'~' ~hYtl'.~· i:ln llHt n :-: ~' \ l-!'t'('1I11 Y ~ l. I't.n~ hh:Il('d tt':lIlI ull d .th l':\' " ' r.~1 "Ium. Ihe Rev, II . I . .Judd , ,,1 - <, a u -eu II " end "I lI'" " hl .. f ' d' II ,.. ~ l l ' tll · i:lli Jl j.!, j l r , fhaI'll' S Satl(\rlh wilil l' ' t llll .... 1 Ill ' l!:IIHl' \\'u" \' \('\'hiIl H.!i \' ; lI ld ;, 1:- . . . 1-::1 1' 1 (:011 (\ ( ' 1' illH I ~O IlJ E arl )'ull ~ h all lil t' way , ~pril\\: ,1r " \'. l ll l " ~" l' d ttl(" Ccrt' m n n v ,

"' II :l' ~






, ... I , 1'1,,· ,,'q' I' ~ l'lJ upl l , \\ ill r l' ~ i dl' in (';nd d b and ("oIlll ' tl(rt plll\ l'd -t t J1 : ~r I L , i l' h'l Il L' H f\ ( ' I 'I H' I' T lti l' d !- trt i.'t. }.!anu' ftll' Il-w \\' illlH' I' ~ , \', hl h, P, ·d\ 'I lti Ir' lll a ! I ~' f r·i t..'n d "i jIJi! ; in wi ... hillK :--: attl' rrh";I,I11 ' and E d d i" Btlr ! (1/ 1 " t'n ' t IH' \\ h u lt' w\lrk !" f u r t h <' ,\ I I,l nti :...

T iI(, \1 all/lual

I·:. Su " dlly ,,;c h, .. d ( · liri !-otlllH ,';'

til" c h un:h l;r ..: l

~ .I "

" tliei r

t ' nt vll:ill: l ll" lI l

\\ ·I:uI ' I .. (Ly


('\ l' ninK,

( ' hri :-: ull ll:; l'Vt~.

wl ·at ht


I II ~·I,01t ( , he co lt! the I u:-:~ l i'lh' 11l \.'idt! ntnl

the dUll' ala r )! ,· /J I dH' I H' 1 \\'a~ J )J'C ~ ­ l ' Il ,!!):, \., d ;, ~ ; d t' I \ Lltd III' Vg' fi lll1 J..d \,(,·n Id l1 ll1 ·t l 'llllrl 'ly Ly ti ll..' jU lli ' l r IlH___ ml lt' I ':-

., 1'

tj' l ~ \' h 'H

I. pro,;r:tm ~:ll\la (,lali ~ .111 , d : 1:l d 1)l' IJ \lg- h l JIIY ~II I hl' hl'HrI :- " f \II" j' \I Ull~ tL1'~ , .d ..;q th,, 1' ;. /,lI t!:1 1 tl " .It. A h atH.l:-;\ lllll' ' !'lIt, \\i l! ( ' h a l'lt- ~ J':l1i~ , of H ar \'(.'y~htl r J! . \ \ ;1 " lill , - II ·.)..: \\ a .. taken . whid l \\ Ii." d hlt it'd nam c' )' (' (,\l illy a tI L' n d a l l('(' II 111 (' t,' I' l l/ ! I'l l ", I ' l l t h l' ..: hu r c h lilt ' 1 .. 11 1I 1·. I'd I t he \' lld\ I ' L' ~' c n u l'l'd hy th n ' ... i g ~ 1 " h;I: . :1I ~ d ll g- l ,d 1' \ 01 " I". ;11 1' .] ilL I tl!lti tl ll cd 1I 0 \\'1.1 rd F'u lk l,rth Oil !"at ll l [I \\ ' J/·t h d l gtu ll Hno <.' !II ' I: . : a i l. l'f 'SPf' L.'

yu~ l>ot-\'T KNOW A t>~'1Uf TMe$~

i tl lli

·nt a nd






Mc l\a y,

Ih l' cnl\ \' l' nti tln of th e Ohi o

1)1' ( ' 11

Il l' ha ~ ha d ~ l l r'I ' (' ~'i [ ul expel'll tWi ' \\ ilh c( 1l1!"l ll w() ,'k, hi ,." ", ' Hll d g- il'l .. ' dul, \\ lI rk . l· x pc r il11cnt ..; tatinll \\ (,11'1, Hil t! farm h u n ' B U work. I


Mr., W , II. A ll cli were Mis" BQlJ c l; a l t h , " r Xc n ia, 1I 11t1 Mi s" Lc litiu



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~I ~ lH '




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~h . "lid Mr". Iln ..v,, )' :';"ckett " lid him t o ~ o an ywlwn· unci l 'V( ' I' Y wh e re wi t hout r( )a " ~ "' 1' t el' minul ~ , fa mil y IIn ,i MI'. II n ,l Mr., Harr y Turn er ' )I ~n t ~un(I II Y with ~lr . un d Mrs , c russin)! n co ntin en t ill ha lf n da y , ,llI l'K Turner, II I Bell bro ok,

dfd that. III BqlaDd . Jeu1! qo.


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cal c..: on l c:-<l. frPll1 Pil l' t \\·i llb ll i. Gill ' April 2- lIi ,Juniu rs win h o nor , ill Au ~ u ,t 13- ,l lI dg,' ,,', k ht W ; 1I5 n OIll- D ec c m L~ r 17 -I' Il I," tl ' t" It. ,· la[ H I I. t ou rn am 'm: Mi ~s Belll' 1-: u lll';o ill ill al ;' ' : , 'I" lhi n r! ..t .1> 1",1 >1 In l' cl , ,J. l :ul'I lI't: .I "lil: :" '1'1 ' "" fu ll, jured a l F r ie n d s }(o m c. i llt! . fn 'II ' h :1Y IllH \ \. uc clJ r d i ll).!' tu th t-' I r TL'g- ul a r cusl om April 9- Ncw linotype in st alled in Au g u . t 2 0- 1 Il ' ~ l t h . , f :,\lb ~ ~la r y E , Decem be r 24-';,,<1 <1,' 11 d" " th " r !II \'< U II IJ ee,' mbH 3 0th " f e ac h ye nr, in Mi a m i Gllzettc offi ce : P e rry P ~ncc [\i' l'h"I\1 : '1 h" llIa ' alll i :-;'IIIi .. ,," ell~o n Il Il C Ill " I'at i on o f t he lJil' th o f J cs us (,hn:-.. Bl'l' \\ !' tt' r : i'1I\' ill l! tll'dina/h 't! f o und d ead in McB eth bukegh ;,p , le I' , 11(,,,l "t Il:\ ~· t ,, ". pa. . . :;,l:'.! loy ", l ' \ d J I , L· iL t' hr i ~ t , wh um Klnn . men luk e as th e ir ~ rit e r i on, The d i" plAY o f n bri lli u nt

But tJH' hn n::. o m fi n d

Most imllol·l.u n l o f UII i, Ih e fli r t thn t th e flyin j!' m" chin, ' :!I " n,· .. 1' 1'1'1"



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the c.andlc we re r c n ll~' llt lt " I! ontl thing"." Wa lc h th c flying tlI 11('hi lll', It wi II m n ke c hn n~c ~ p: r c tllt' r t hn 11 t ht' ~ t.t ' IUl'l

I II, ,iI



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Mr , and Mrs, L , A , W ashburn , Mis8 Ill' len Hawke und Mrg. Jam es Va n ,Ic r voor t a nd M.r. Hil bert Vandervoo rl atte nded the annulII ho liday I'e uni on o f Oh io W~ g lc yun stude n ts nt th e Mllrilyn r estlluran t, in Le bthllil ever '. II IIIH\, M UIIlI!> IIi ' hl. R cv . W " . hTh nl'R pn r t (If t.iw wi ",I" 1\\ o r n i, bu rn pwsid e nl o{ the oTgan izavin c j ll "ti,~ (', No r Cll ll y 1-:'" ",1 Ih in g li on , l' v~ r di ~ npp l· nl'~ wi t h u lt ntiH'r th i n ~ "Irend y ,'x i. lin g , The u txi wiped (Jut t h,' hlll ,"om cuh I{~ g ns n nd l'lec t,ri cily w il' l'" tlu l lh e t.nll n w cnudl e ~



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VALUABLE Aoom ON TO t~UlPMENT T Ilt.' \\·:tyJlt·... dl l..· l\J llt .I1' Co , ha s !u i<i ,'d " \' l' ry ndua l lp w l'L'eking c u r l u I heir nll'""d y linl! "nrage o ulfit,

'I' hi !'i

.:MOTHER OEAO IN GERMANY Mnx Ko hlhng('n , jew el er , o f L eb,

It(' \\'

cnl' \\'n f' use d flll' t h e first

ti mc' la ~l w,,<,k, T hc CIll' hil S tt de rr ick " 1 1",.JlltI~ n L, fi nd it is Il l) t r o ub le t o pull ;' \\'rc ckod cal' ou t of 11. d itch. Wh f'1l -"Uti ~ " ~ iuto tro uble , d o n't f"I'~" l til cal l th e comp /Illy, T hcy wi ll hcl ~' y II 111\.1 n ot dltln ago

('11 " •

- - -- - - ...- - - -, a nu ll who is " " n ' we ll kn own he r e , f l" ' eci 'vcd wUl'd the d ('a t h of his , m o t he r, lIfr , . En/I! tine KOh)h llg e.n , ., ~, "J~~PS':;:;".;r.;~ a g e d 8G, ut t h e old fm'ni ly hom e at ,_ " / ~ \-.'" I Ham burg, Ge r man y . De a th occurre d \ ' I No vc m bnr 26, uccordin g to the be lat ~egu at '. c d m ess llg e r e co ive tl her e , The d eath . G r\ln~~ I o f Mrs , KohlIl agen w as unexpee ted 'l :11.,...


WILL IN STAll Offl '


bY' member I country ,



thc f umlly in tbiJI let ter "

~l~. ~o$, ~~c;.~J't!r;:..'~~~~~ -




NEWS GLEANED ,~_ _ _ _ _ _M_'a.·r_rI_Oag_e_ - =' . FROM ,COURT 'HOUSE CHAPTER 1 Ludu8 Fitzgcrgerald walked up I\nd down tho breakfast-room ..t Abbotscraithe with his handl in his trouscr.! p~kebl, jingling hi s roqney. We ll, he WRB perhaplI hardly al yet accustomed to the souna. His you ng wife-they had been married 11\..11 months--eat at the table behind the tea and coffee par· aphernalia. watehing him. while she .ary . .iduously knitted a coarse knickerbocker stocking. Something' had evidently produced a twist in the skein of the ir hitherto untangled blias, for the breakfast was untaated, and wu getting cold. "It IS the first request you have ref used me; but) s uppose you do not think me good enough for your swell atqualntancell." said t he lady at last. Iwallowing a little 8ob. "Really, Amelia, the w ..y you put things Is too ridiculous. Not good tIIouehl Because I objected to Lady Conatantia Verulam and her daug hter being lnvited to Abbotacraithe. What can they bave to do with you! ) !limply do not want them." ''Yet they were your moat intimate friends before your marriage." "Perbpa I bave quarreled with


" NonlBnael· I RaW on envelope addrelaecl to ,.011 in Misa Verulam's writ ~ OW ,. week or ~o ace." "n ... merel,. a line of eoneratgJatlon. TQ Verulams were ..broad

wlt..t We mamcicL"

And Ki.. Ffb,rerald,a deep flush 1Il0unti,,* aU -over hla face. aat down oppOsite hla wife ..nd beean to bUB)' bimlelf h, uncoyerlng the dishes. "Weo.'· abe penlated, "let them come and eoncratulate you in per' IOn. It 11 YBI'J Ul-natured of you not to haYe them here. You know ) want to' 8.nd II nice wife for Percy, 'and he 11 coming for the shoot ing on

the lotb." "Confound P ercy," muttered Fitz"Well, do U JOu pleue I'll make no further oppolltion." And, flattering himself with the lelea that he had striven h is utmost do t1Cht. he now resigned himself dellCh~y to wrong-doing. • Ame}ia Fitlgerald is the daughter of a north country manufadurer, who left her 'm any thousands of pounds in bard cub. with part of which AbbotsCralthle baa lately been purchased. It Ia .. handsome atone house, in the eeDter of • fair Lowland estate, ·bon· DIe WIth moor and forest. Riches apart,.,abe la a lov.. ble little woman enoueh; yet Lucius doee not love her, and for DO more valid reuon than that ab, ill not somebody else. Then wh)o l!aYe married her? The question ~, onll; too 'pregnant, the ..nllWer too 9b'f'ioUL When.. mutual friend, a ptch-iaaldJ!g woman, bad flrIt ~ the jubjec:t to him, he ..n.;.ered"at once: "Can J'OU uk met If the young ~,. Uj 'fpol enouah to marry me, here I am, and let', wute no more words *out it:" " AmeUa Uugrina wu not long from the aehOoHooom. and full of sweet ~ol-rOomlah vle_ of love. The JOUJIIer IOn of Earl, five feet eleven, bandaome and apparently charm, eel with her; what more could ahe want! • Now, Luclue · _ no abandoned ~ He 'W~ slmp1,. a young man ftOM.p or etcht yeall of life had him. of about double the number of ahouaands which had ever ~~ to him~h, .. vulgar miracle •• the tlnle~ co-nd he had 1atterl1....!th.t is, for the Pllllt year or two:-e&ddhid himself with a deeper.ate paUsOD for Bertha Verulam, and *Jilch. alaa, abe full returned. h neither of these Ill-starred loyen had any moneir, or even a reason,ble expectation of being left any LueiUl felt no 80rt of aeruple in offer~ hiS heart to the willing AmelIa. Calmly colllidered by an impartial obeener, the transaction might loook like Belling an eltate with a "u"Y: andeclared mortgage upon It. To . the bOnorable. yet impecunioUll, Fib,reral!S, however, it appeared but ba the liPt of that time-honored COline, ''The only thing to do, by

.....N. behind bis mustache. to





, ..



And 1M would do hia duty like a I11III, Ite wOIlId. No more flirting now. Of co_, if the, met much. It would be .w~euced dangerous, with another '11,. JOftr'. Well. they mUst Dot meet. that', aU I You ... ·.Ladue thone"t hims If quite a , ~ man. I don't want to a .Wont aplut 'him, only if he II


one then t here are plenty of good men about, thut Is nil. 0 much th better that there should be, of course. Bis youllg wife. t.huug h hardly of " 'hat you would cull strong churacter, Inhc.ritod from the lat e lIig~in~ t\ large Rhllre of that pe rtinacity which he had s urn ed to s uc h good accoullt; and she pours out the co ffee this morning with un a ir of innoce nt triumph in her blue eyes al hnving curried her point. "And so 1I1rs. Fitzgerald insists a ll Lady Ver ul am and her daug-h te!'!! beIng invited." mused her husband. "The Verulams of all people in. the world I For Percy, tool A ~ if Binlie Verulam ( n.~ she wa ~ familiarly called. h r real name b"ing Bertha). would marry Percy!" Percy is Amelia's brother. olde l' than she is ' by four or five y ear ~. Rich of course. Huggin R Seni nr I!'fl his thousa nds equally dh'ided. But the 80n had not acqu ired nny of thul gentleness and good breedin~ which seemed ttl h ave come to the sister us if by magic . . In Luci us Fitzgernld's mental phrase. " he is an in:;ufferab le young cub, talking s lnn~ by the yard, and only fit t o herfl with bagmen and shop boys." "Yet he is his brother-in-Iliw. mus t be made the best of , a nd i. ovcn now coming on the 10th to mpet Lady Co nstantia the fastidious and her delig htfully fine daughter! If only th ey would send an excuse ! But no I Clrc1Jmatances would never go and risk their cherished o ld disr eputation for spitefulness. How they must smile now-that is, if they ever do s mile." So cogitated Lucius ; and his little bu rsts of wicked exultation at losing the battle rapidly gave way to everincreasing doubts and fears. He was s uftlciently "grand seigneur" to remain un crushed by th e Percy trouble. "Va pour Ie bcau-frere;" but the other matter seemed, as he reflected upon It, to hourly contain less and less of wbat was sweet, and more and more of what was bitter. Granlting that there is always something of rapture In meeting our soul's ideal once agaln, so long, that is, as she is not on the arm of a s uccessful ri v. aI, what good coulu possibly come out of this untoward enco unter? And for a momentary thrill. a joy that was first cousin to a sorrow, was it worth while to jeopardi ze even s uch very gray colored do mestic f eliCity as now be longed to him ? Yes, th e more he thought of it, the less he liked th e prospect. Visions of st range heart-rending ljce nes. tragic duets and more tragic trios, began to Ait across his brain by night and day. After all. he had s uffered marvelously li ttle for the lack of Miss Verulam's society since his marriage.. Indeed, this had often been a s ubject,pf wonder to him. He was really comfortabhi enough with Amelia, and as to romance, passion, ecstasy- was the whole thing worth while! Was he not getting j ust a shade too old. or. to put it plainly, too fat and lazy, for these fatiguirig toys? All thl! time Amelia was perfectly happy and serene for when Lucius was with her he was more than ever .... ux petits 80inS," and then had she not gained he.r own way in the matter of inviting theae. Verulams ? And they were earning, too. "Were going to pay other visits in the neig h borbood, and should be so delighted," Lady Constantia's note had lIIlid. For aome days before they arrived Mr. Fitzgerald bad a good deal of spare time on his 'hands, with which his wife did npt interfere. She was so engrossed in her first hospitable preparations, and in adding touches of beauty to the somewhat hastily furnished rooms, that she had little leisure to bestow upon her husband. The quittance would have been. perhapa. something of a mercy at any other time but as hour after hour passed on, and the time approached nearer for the arrival af th e Verulams, Mr. Fitzgerald grew more and more dejected, till at last even Amelia was comp elled to notice it, and she inquired with some solicitude what ailed him. Of course he brisked up suddenly and said: "Nothing." How could he own that he either longed for or feared the arrival of these people ? In point of fact he Willi absolutely beginning to dread it. (To be continued)

COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS I n the case of Bl'lI EVllns vs . cwton I~ . Bunn '11, th e Co \1\' t fin<l ~ till' mot! n of defondllnt tl) b~ w~1I al.en amI ~ u 6tah1~ til "li llie. Plaintiff i ~ gran ted 30 du}'S in whi ch to fil o um ended I'ctiLion. The case of Mab!'1 E. lroll. \', Murt ha II. Shields ct nl.. WtlR (!;omi ss d without record . For "'Rllt of prosec uti on , the Ctl. ~ of L, W. Wilham \·s. J . IJ. H opkillt: was dismissell without rccord. The case of Ivy Comb5 vs. Frank Combs Wll8 dismissed withoul reco rd on the courl's own motion. Tho court o\'erruled tlll'll mur"(·r to the petition in the euse of Wil lia m Ro.,f vs. Vir!!il Fu ll cn lind 1I10rro w Brant " . ~h eriff (, f Warren county. De fendants J,ri\'('n ton da y,· in which to file

nnSWt' L

On motion of plaintiffs. the ncti(ln in lh,! l'~ tt e r o r Churles E. Monr",' . an d Frank Monr(lc. trustees, \'S . " scar J . Monro· ct ul., wus dis missed wi thout reeo,·d. Fi,alin!! the dcrendunt guilty of gro~ s neJ,rlect the co urt grantt'd Grl\(, ~ Shinkle divorce 1'·0111 Rllymolld Shinkl e, NEW SU ITS Lorin Hayden hilS enlered suit again st Fred Heinel' et al.. for money only. Amount claimed ia $l71.58 and in tcrest. The Mutual Buildi ng an d Loan o. has enter d s uit again st H. A. T hrock morto n et a l lor money . Amount claimed $1500. with interest from interest froo m May 1. 1924. FOl'e~ closu r e of mortgage and equitable r elief.



COMMISSlONERS ALLOIAAN·CES Blind peneion, $762 .•• ; W~ B. Stlln age .,90., top fat Rec()rder's desk, 24.; Dayt II tencH Works, I<tll nIlS. 10.86; Roy Brandt, posting not j co ~. $16; . Fred CP., advol·tising. $17.26; Juda:e W. J . Wtight, p stage, ~;; ; Alfred Bmnt, repairs on county cur, $1.45; Bell Pr e8s, supplies. $1; J as. FolI'n, j llnitor scrvice.$16; P ell il Mor tOil . sumo 70; Bobbs Mcxrill 0 . • law b ok• . $75.00: W. C. TurtulI, COlli, $).1 .8.,; ~. Fred 0 •• clothin g and pud $G.8 0: C. A. Oed",'. g rll voI, $2.U&; C,llumbu ~ Oil 0 ., 1.(11" lind oil, $2:1.75 ; W. II. Myel' and !:;o n ~ . lumber, $77 .[,[; ; Good [{nurl. Mnchine Co., grader repoi r", $:1.25; H olt Mfg. Co .• t ractor repa irs. $27.2 I; Wuyn esville 0 1'1' •• oil for streets. $587.60; Chus. Jones fi" st e"timate on contmct No. 805. $190 ; Barrett Bro ' .• 8uI>plies, $4.30 ; E . S. Donncll per W. G. Thomp ~o n, es timateo n co ntrn ct No. 80 ~ . $~ . i1 0 ; LOll Sti\e~. righ t of wuy m ound bridge. $15 : l-IRI F.. Si mpso n, g-tll'llgc I',,"t. ~;18; P. O. Mon fort, (reig ht !lnd I.(UTngoc ren t. $ 17.23; Howunl K Ivin s. oi,1 IIl1 d goal< . $2.20: Ohio ol'1'ulllllt·d Cu lvert Co. , sewe r , $22;).40; J . H . Kil'P, IUl11 ber. $7U I.6 4; V . W. TOlllpking. puy,·o ll. $56.'15; F. 111. Cullins. " Ime. $ 112 l. 15; A. T. Rettig ~Ulll~ . $ 170.05; Cl iff Hough, SII I11 " . ,120. 65 ; Wll lto,' EU Hle r. "lillie. S95.10 W . S. GrahullI. sa me, $8.75; Eden Teny. ~a ",c . $ 11 8. 2; Morrow WhitlIerc . britl"c rel,ni r", $3; Clyde WhitAcre, ~a", e. $9; J. Urton. Ma ille. $5.25 ,

Thi. Week'. Cross- Word 'Puzzle 1

One of Imr reud


who wants to words, tho sol\'er Of t he puzzle moy

n ITan!!,!' ' a cross-word pUll!zlo a sks us as well start tit tho lower l'ig ht-hlllld

to cxp lllill 1I\0re fully wllut is m~nt by "1\0 interlocked units." No doubt such ('xplnrlllti (l n will be welcomed lJ~' oth"l· r('u ud':!. A" lin '~II I1\Jllc, this week's pUfzle b~ l" w. U ~ 11I'I'1)l11.(0d by LiIIlulI Middled itch. is all l' XCc llCllt desig n. It will tl<' oh ~ (·r\'(·d lhllt thl' blllck Sllnces arc so nl'l'nll!((' d ill the uesign that lIO wunl ur g'1''' UI' ur w(lnl" i. lock ed off fron'l th e ol h I' words or gro ups thruuglw ut the puzzll!. In other

corner tiS ut the upp er loft- han d cor nor, or No . 1. An arrangement of t llis kind »erlll lt~ a ide approllc h to t ho correc~ SI, llItion , us there nro keys uvailable ,!II ovor the puzz le. Miss Middle,litr h's pU llz lo is fill tI with simple wo r<I~. bu t s till ('untllin. Ing enou)!h "t \\'i~ tcrs" to mnkc itR w§lrking wry i ll 'Cl·ost i ,~g . Work il n&w- t hcn ~n\'" It ulllll nl' xl week when th e corn·,·t nIlS\\'el' will bt, publi shed.


Vi"it or - ' ·1 lIndc'·~ talld bl/ oth'gi:-: I'nmp llllt Iw r l', ll on'L YUli l'V-

J.('i ll g

el· t r y

:-;top it

ll )

Sh" riff

.~ "

·'N". IJrnth(· r. [ don·t. You

with bil!' hUHint'ss." POOR OLD J . J .


3 5 7 8

ACROSS Article Cough (Prov. ~ng.) Exu n explllnlion (abbr.) For some rouson A body of individuals regarded ns one

A liquid To ''iPger A form of Crochet An epoch Pronoun A parent A hardwood tree Form of verb "to have" Opposed to· left (ubbr.) The nominfltive plural of second perianal pronou n A girl's name A lazy, irnl]lo r al fe llow A falsehood In th e metr:tc sys t e m A dwelling place Resting on Form of votb "to be" A s u bj ect Obs erve DOWN Since Purt of the neck T o cut wilh an axc Turkey (a bbr.) Wharf A t horoughfare (abbr.) A prepositio n A brirl's cap

12 13 14 16 17 19 20 24 27 28 29 31 32 3a


Com Growers Should Act Now To Save Profits on Grain in Cribs

f rozen t he grIMn appears dry, but investigations prove that it is not. From the time when sever e cold weather first arri~es until it begins to warm u p in fbe spring, 80ft corn will dry but little, 'especially in large cribs. , •. Tho first effect of wanner weather on sott. e! rn will be to 1Ihaw it. Thet:eaftel' drying will PTogress rather rapidly in well ventilared cribs. In cribs not provide d with ventil..tors, however, fermentation and heating will set in, molds and -fungus grOwths will develop, and flll"ther 'damage will be dbne before s umciimt evaporation of mois ture will have taken placl! to mak e the grain' safe to leave in storage. Cribs that are ' not weU ventilated should therefore be kept under careful observation. Better still, the qua"ntity of soft corn in excess of fann ani! neighborholld feeding requirements should be di.sposed ·· of. Corn that is frozen win sl!tlU quite satisfactorily, .and on .thil account the temptation to shell it and place it in grallaries and 'elevatOra may be . diftlcul~ to resist. Woald "0..1... To C.row~ '



And (Lll l i ll) Co lor Anythillir tha t is spin y Frllme on whic h Ilrtist.s place piclurc" PcrtllillinJ,i' I.' the axi s To con.ullIt' foo d A mont h " I' lhe year Un less A minu te pn rt.icle of malLeI' To have <" ha cnee Myself Pe rson 10l'cd and hon ore'd to lIuoration To COIllC tOl:c ther (post)

Now Uv(' r hor e Li e" J . J. Drake ; II " had fuur wl",,, ls


II u ~ (' l esl\


CAN YOU GUESS? " !Icy , l1u ke. whal mllkc of Cllr i. thllt you're tI"iving?" " Irs II Cl'm<•• -I{ollds Puzzlc."

T o r e p ent 'If

An ellclllnlUtion Negativc An.wer to L.,t Week' . Puz",)e






easy to obtain . It require~ on ly a very . slight in cren~ ~ in t he air temperature to stllrt what grain dealers refer to " as the t1 ~ " ir e to IP·OW." SoIt com, therefore. i, Slifer before it is sh elled than ufl Hwn rd and she.lling sh ould be done only wh en ' it Is certain the corn CIIII he cared for afterward . Artificial dryi ng will go a long way toward putting curll wit hin the moisture danger li ne ; bu t in years like the prese nt, when l li ~ quuntity of soft corn is ve ry grent, the drying equipment of country IIn,1 terminal elevators is not equal to th o task of caring for all of it. U every own er of Raft com waits until late in the will t,'r. or even carIy spring, to begin mo ving his grai n the result mny be disastro us. The DON'T SHELL CORN THAT IS STILL WET, EXPERT'S . ADVIC E "Farmer. are nd"i,cd not to .hell wet corD; put it in ,rain el. evatonl and hope to get awa,. with

out lo ••e ...... ,.. C. A. Lowell, .,ri. cultur.1 e"'pc rt. He .d.; .... dr yi ng of the corn OD the cob in crib. with A .• haped yeDtil.tor• . thAI allow. air p .... and pre"enla th e grai n from mal'in, ia lar,e lumpa. "Th. re"l tim'e 01 d"Dl(er to ooft corD will come with tbe w.rm day. of .prin,. Prepar.tiono .hould be now to co pe with the .itaation tbat will .. r i...... a,.. he. ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I


CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST LO S T - Rea~ lc f ellIa le hound, black

und wh iLe spo t.q. r ed curs. Finde r plcase r~turn to Corwi n Grocery. °d31 LOST- Gold pencil with "'I'he Hom .. IJlsurnnce Co., New York." In bluo on the end, Reward. J. O. Curtwril{ht. 0d31 FOR RENT

FOR HENT- Garage, close to Main street. Inquire of R. H. Hartsock, at i'ostoffice. *d31 MONEY LOANED

110NEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, chattols. also second mortgaflell. Notes bought. John Harblne. Allen Bu ildiug, Xenia. Ohio.

Farmers, Attentioh! Farmers of Warren and adjoIning coun ties may obtain money on lonll time loans. at 5 % per cent interest. Cost of scc.uring the same il vary reaso nable ,through The Federal Land Bank. }'or further infonnatlon call on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treuurer, phon e SIB-X, Lebanon, Ohio. FOR RENT



kA'IE 'I15IT6~


driers will then be "Wamped with we't FOR RENT- House of live roome·. water and electric lights. Inquire corn, much of whi ch will go ou t of condition very qui ckly when enclosed of Mra. Williamll, ..t corner of T,ler 08. ShelJ~!l eorn.,however. is eYen more intlgijt binI and hux cars. H eavy and Fourth streets. likely to go out of' condition than ear 108lles will be unavoidable. corn b~caulle propef:,vent!lation is lellll WANTED A much better plan would be to

. R£MAflAA8LE· SoHH'i SP.EM5 1b




WANTEo.;...A good farm to farm on thirds. Inquire ..t the Miami Gazette office, Waynesville, Ohio. ··dSl



s ee I'm oll ly ~ tll'ri fr n~ It ~i d(' liltt, . IIh' r"j!u lllr hu " in('~R is thllt unde,' l o'ker t ·~ tH hli :;tlll1 cnt yo u S~(! cl ow n ~trec t t)u ' !"l Bu d I c1.ln'l inlcrft'rc

This is an un denominational congrega tion. All ar'e welcome to worship her e. Bible st udy 9 :30, f ollowed by {) comm uni on and sermon. Ev, .ning, 13 sOllg sem.c e an. d sermon, at 7 :00. 15 16 18 ST .MAIItY'S CHURCH 20 econd Sunday after Chri"'Lmns. 21 J anuary .I, 192 5. Church School at 22 ~ :3 0. Sermon lind Holy Commanion 23 at 10 :45. A cordial welco me is ex- 25 tended to all. 26 REV. J. J. SC HAEFF ER, Rector. 28 30 32 CHRISTIAN CHURCH 34 Sunday School at the Ch~istlan 35 Church e ver~ Sunday at 9:30 a. m. 37 Everybody cordially invited. 38 39 METHOI)lST CHURCH 1 Sabbath School, 9:16 a. m., preach- 2 ing at 10 :30 a. m. Wednesdayeven- 3 ing service at 7 :90 p. m. Epworth 4 League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 5 p. m. Evc.rybcldy is invited 6 to these Bervie(!s. . 10 Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. 11

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS The court lound the net va lue of th e estate of WilLi a~ A. Eckle to be $4 50. and that estate and successions to be cxempt fr m inheritanc e. S. C. Phillips, administrator of the estate of Ann Phillips, deceased . filed his firs t and finn l acco unt. In the maLLer of t he est.~te of Mllrtin Gons, deceused. J . Q. Gon. fil ed his in~entory und a ppraisement. Cn rr W. Hon drickso n was appo in ted ndmi nisLl'llt or of t he eSLll tc of Add" C. H e ndri ckso n, deceased. Bond. $ 16.000 . Carr W. Hend ri ckson WIlS appointed ndministl'1llor de bonis non of th e estllte of William P. Hendrickson. deceased . Bond was furni shed in th e sum of $5,0 00. In the matter of the will of Charles G. Williamson , deceased, Stella A. Williamson, widow, elected to take under said will. In th e matter of the estate of Euphemia Cr umley Wilson, deceased. Minnie W. Vandervoort, as executrix, fi led her inven tory an d appraisement. Albert Sheehan, William Hutt and Charles Mills were appoi nted appraisers in the matter of the assignment of Edward S. Shroyer. The account of W. H. Allen and Frank Brandon, executors of the estate of Joseph G. Keys. deceased, was approved, allowed and co nfirmed. The report of Carl J. Miller, adm inis trator of the estate of John W. Miller, deceased, was allowed and confirmed. The court determined the net value of the es tllte of J ames Allen, deceased, to be $11,257.35. B,. C. A. Lonll. Emma Eckel. administratrix of "the Through !'-utocaste:.Service. estate of William A. Eckel, deceased, "', . fil ed her first an d fina l account Rose Grehl, administratrix of the The year 19 :~4 gocs down in agriestate of Albert Grehl, deceased, filed ' cultural history' as a new dating point her inventol'Y and appraisement. fro m which to figur e the pllssage of time. It was onc of those " soit-corn MARRIAGE LICENSES year s" that;. IIrise period ically -to Edward F. Woo d, plastere r, and plague fa rmers and rob them of the Mrs. Dora C. Kagey, housekeeper, fruits of their to il. bo th of Leban.o n. All ear corn Btor ed on ftlrms should Geol'ge D: Tinch, paper maker, and be in cribs fitt ed with ve nti lating deMiss Myrtle Kohr, both of Franklin. vices, and " ,her e cribs are not so equ ipped the winter months may be REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ut ilized f or doi ng the work. provided Edward S. and J ea nn ette Bretncy it is pMsi blc to m ove the corn aboutto .Tulia Stubbs, lot in South Leba- T he familiar A-s haped ventilators or non, $1. " h or~es" are about as good as anyWi nsto n and Cora West to A. H. thing th e farm'~l' can adopt and may Roberso n. lot in Frunklin. $1. bo made of scmp lumber. When placE lizabeth and Muurice H. Oswuld ed in cribs thE!y will keep the corn t o Earnest and Valura Eltzroth, a from 'b ecoming massed in large piles trac t in Lebanon, $ 1. an d the lIir that will pass through Gertrude Leona Minar to E . I. Sco- them will .serve to carry out much of fie ld . lot in Mason, $l. - - -_ _ _ .. 0 _ _ __ th e water held by the ears . Edmon and Alma Booth to E mmett Most of the soft corn that went E. Harris, 3 lots in Franklin, $1. into farm cribs at shucking time is YOU SMILE. BUTLudwig Fre ndcnthal to Joseph Er- now frozen, and on every hand there Sign In front of Employment Bu- tel, about. 50 acres in Deerfield Tp., is being heard the time-honored but reau : $1. erroneous assertion that such corn Why Go To Hollywood? C. E . Lewis and Bert Drake to Jno. will "freeze dry." - I f it's work you want--we can L. Studer, lot in Lebanon, $1. George King to Emily Jett, lot in Fro",eD Cora place you. Cooks, Maids, SeamNot I)r,. stress, Nurse, etc., etc., etc. South Lebanon, $1. _o:, .•~~t~:f@t Freezing will not dry corn. whn~

IriPve part of the curn while culd wcather contlnuc~. Tho practico of solting suH corn In t ho oar ullduubt(tdly is helpful, but suIting In not a cure-nil. , }t r etnrds the forma tion of IIHlltis. It brings mu'ch Qt the wator fr(lm t.h e· intoriur of the CIITS to the su rfnce. whe l·e it rnay e"upomte more readily. Dut ~u l t d ONI not "dry" ('01"11, aud the nr cre fllct tllll t a crib h:IR been salted i. IIOt 8ullleicnt r('" 0 11 to neglect it lh urcaftel" . alting is or a ver y dllUblflll vu llle in th e CU ijC of ~ h ... lle d co rn unless t he ~" illIl\ ry wh ul'c it i ~ ~tO ,.ct! I" (" pdp \>cd lo "iv,' thor uug h \'cnt ih.liu n t hro llghout the mll~5 of the g ra in . Th' !'cill tillle of dlln ger fol' Nu rt C O TII will come with wllrm spring dIlYR. Prt'p ul'I\ ti o n ~ should be mude now to cupe with the Rituntitl" that will lI";se ut thu t tim,'. LOGIC






.. .

- ' - -.- -

FOR SALE--Hav.lng ~eiite(jpart of my farm, I have a surplu$ of lIt:Oek for sale. Grade .Jeraev ,Sp'r in .... ra " 8 ' " , ....'J reg. Holstein Snrlngiirs, hO.J:8eB,liheep and bro.rid 's owI!. L. V: ' Oranatrat'er. phone 115-2. Waynesville. Ohio -In FOR SALE - Guaranteed Hosie.,. R8mplea your III~e free to Write for PropOIIltioll paylnc ,n.oo 1!!,ekly faU time. '1.60 an hour lIPaN tlml!, ..IUne cnarantMcl Ja"e". .. .wearer; mlllt wear or rep1ace4 " .. Qulde eaJ. . repeat oiden. lat.....


:..~ JIWat



to: '

< '

, D, L. CR ANE, E d it o r and Puhli.h ..... Wa,n....iII... 0"'0. Subscri ption Price, $1.5 0 per year• •



.. ..,. I



, ;l ill,! H II " ~ "I.'"


f 'I( F.5~ '." SPL' t . \lI'

WE I)N "-;~ (1AY. OE C ~ MBER

31.1 924


Wc r ellll'l11hc r (I R9fi) wh e n egJ!:R were three d oz('n ror 26 cOll ts ; bu tt er 10 ce ll lMII 1.0lllld,: mil k wns 5 ce nts Il qu urt. Th e butcher g llve nWIlY li ve r, und l r~nte c\ t.he kitls with bolognu; the hircd ~ir l received $2 a wI' " k, DIllI did the wII. I'; n!:, Wume n di d not p owder und painl (in pu blic ) , sllI oke, vole, play pokl' r. or . hllke lhe "hi m· n,; e, Ml' n wore Loo l. , " hp,wed Lobue · co, RI)il 0 11 the Hid ewolk. Ilnd CURsed. LubOTl!rs wu rk ed ten hou rs II ti llY • a nd neve r wen l o n " ~ t ri kc. No t ips we re gi ve n to w!l ite r", a nd th e hat chec k g rafter WII $ 'un known. A kerosmic hallging lum p II II(J a Ntefl' scupe ill th e I,"rl or wurc lu xuri es, a nd Un. gue ntin e WU8 an inra llt. No one was ever ope rated on ror appendi citis or b o u ~ht J!: 1~nds. lIf i. crobcs were unhea r d o f. Fo lks li ved to a good old lI!!,e an d every yea r t he y wlliked miles to wish thei r fri c ndMa Hnp py New Yenr . '






LYTLE Li ttle Bernice Graham Is sick with th 6 grippe. Mrs. Lelia Smith made II business trip to Dayton , Silt urday. Mrs. Margaret J ohns visited her sisler, Mrs. E. J. Smith, ill Dayton , Wed nesday. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Corneil were Christmas g uests of Mr. lind Mrs. AIlun Emrick,


Messrs. Wil hur Clark, Walter 'Kenri ck and Ed ThomM attended court in Lebano n, Monda y. Miss Cl a rnbell Hunt nnd Morriston Hu nt ore home f r om Cedarville college, spending th e hoildays. Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Kenty and sons spen t Thu rsday with Mr. and Mr><. Ralph Mill er, in Dayton. Mr , a nd Mrs. Willia m Brown spent Chri slmlls in Da yton with Mr. and Today-1925 Mrs. Frllnk Wpolley and family. Eve rybody r i d e ~ ill lI ulomobilcs 0 1' Mi "~ An nll V. Bosman , of Anderfii e R; plllYs g olf; shoo t.- er ups ; pial'S son , Ind., s pellt last week at the home the piuno with their fee t ; goes to t he of hel' aun t , Mrs. Frank Ragen. movi es nig htly , s nlO lt,," ci gufl'l tcs ; Mr, and Mrs. Lee Greathouse, of dr inks Ruku8 juice, a nd bl ume. t he H, Dayto n, were Sunday guests at the C. of L. on th eir neig hbors neve r go home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Clyde Wharto bed th o sam e dllY Lhey got up, lind ton. think th ey nrc hn vi ng II JI- -- of a Mr. and Mrs. Chall. E. John. took lime. Christmas dinner with MillS Mary These are the days of suffragc t . Cook and Mr. Parry Cook, at Wayting , profiteering, r e nt hogs, e xcess nesville. ta llcs li nd prohi bition. George Scott returned home MonBut it 's II p retty good oid world dllY lifter II few days' visit with his , after all, lind we tha nk you ror' our daughter, Mrs. Minnie Floyd and son, shore of the goud of I!J2 4. A t t he in Cincinnati. clORe of 1926 W ' hope yo u will have Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Rogers attendmi".cd all "r t.he bud, lind had some ed a family Chrislmas dinner at the of lhe good, home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carey, lIe.\r Ridge ville. Mrs. Clyde Cox returned Sunday LOOKING FORWARD utter spending ChriatmllS and several The yeur I tl25 iR beginning under da ys with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. au ~ pi ccs which urI' ve r y fnv ornble AO Shoup, at Ingomar Mr .. and Mrs. Pe er Banta. Melvin far n~ the United St.ntcs is co ncerned. A yellr ngo W e WI II'C On th e verge of and Merlyn Banta were Christmas a bitter politico l campai g n and the dinner guests of IIr. and Mrs. Edd Pau l T u rner, of Cu nto n, wnH home Raymond Edwards is home {or th e Miss Cia I'll Dl\ ugh te l'S spe nt Sun day country was tor n by 'churges of cor· I. ongacre and family. Chri"tmns. f or holidays. at tho home of 1I1r. O. B. Mllrlntt Mr. and Mr8. Carrol King and son, rupti on in pub lic offi ce, in spired by Mr . un(1 JIll'S. R. E. J ones (O r. or: Mr, and Mrs. Karl S hidaker and and fll mil y. Robert, 8pent Thursday with the foreampllign el(ig ~ n c i e~, whi ch hnd 0 tained with n f nmily dinn er, Frida y. family entertained r lllatives Christ Mr. o nd Mrs. J ncoiJ Zimmer e nter · de leteri ous effec t on th ~ nation's mer's pa re nts, Mr. and Mrs. David W m. Harlan d, of t he Maderi a mas. King, of Yankee Street. tain ed n few r elalives from Xenia businesll. Publi c schools, is home fo r the holand Mrs. W. D. Hll rlan enterMr. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, Mrs. for Christmlls din ne r. Now th nt lhe cnm pnjJtn is over, the idays. tain ed to Christmas dinn er, Mr. a nd Sranli lll mongers hm'c been repu diot Rebecca Dill lind Therle Jones were Mrs. Rebecca Dill is spendi ng u fe w Mis>! lIfury Coll ett, of th e Be ment Mrs. Cliff Hawke. unday dinner guests of Mr. and days at t he hom!> o f her daug hter, (Illin ois ) schoo ls, is home f or th~ cd a nd th o bURiness inte rests of the Harris, of Columbus, spe nt Owen nat ion nrc ndju s ti n~ th e m sc~v cs to Mrs. F rank Kenty lind sons. Mrs. Bern e J one", ot Lytle. he lidays. Mr. and M rs. Guy Routzahn and ChrIstmas with his parents, Mr, and the r ellso ning fllct that th er e are head Mr. and Mrs. E merso n Dill spent Willis Marshall has so ld his fa rm Mrs. F. L. Harris. for them two years of constru clive dau ghle r, Geneva '?Ibe, were Thul'llMr. and Mrs. W. W. Mathias , of Christmas Day in Xe nia .. t he g uests t o Ge orge Evu ns nnd will SO O Il move day dinn e r guests of Mr. and 'Mr!!. legislutioll and sound econ omic policy. t o Sprinrc Va lley. Dayton, were Christmas eve cullers of Mr. a nd Mrs. He nry Toms. Business in all li nes is mllkill g n Kerr Routzahn, near CentArville. Miss Loi, Wh itak er, of Dublin, 0., Quite a numb e' r f rom' here atten d. Amanda Starr. on Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. H . Haine. and Mr. graduol r ecovery rrom th e d l! pres~i o n . Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Gray an d fa m- ed the funeral of Little Margar ot Ad- was t he g uest of Miss Elea nor H a yand Mrs. Wa lter Kenrick were Christ . of last spring , whell th e political born dock over l he week-en d. II,. were Christmas dinn er g uests of mns, last Wedn esda y morning. bardment W IlS al its worst. From ev· mas guCllts of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dr. Rob in son, of Cinc in nati, delivMr. and Mrs. F. C. Gray, Mr. J a ck Levi a nd family s pent Campbell and family, at Centerville. ery hand comes t he report that conered un in ter estillg nddress in the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reason, of OilY, Chris tmas Day in Dayton, the guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis reditions lire gettin g' bllck to nOTmul ton, were Christmas dinner g u e~ ts of of Mr. Ellsworth Smith ond f amily , 111. E. chu rc h Sund ay evening. and t hat usual produ ct io n is being turned home Friday evening, after Miss Ella Shll muau g-h, who has bee n Mr. and Mrs. E. E: Reaso n. R pending Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Al be rt ' Mnrla tt a nd resum ed in all bra nches of industry, in Ca lifor nia for se ve rll l m on th , hilS The ,school gav e a very intor esting son, of Daylon , spent Christ mlls with The. situati on in tht' a l,"I'iculturnl L, B. Hall and children, at WaynesChristmas prog ram at the Hall on his p ll re nl~ , Mr. O. B. Mnrlatt and re l urned to her hom e hel'c , portions of the coun try has shown villtl. M,'. a nd Mr~ . Fra nk :wn ley enter · Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johna, Mr. and Tuesday evening, which was well a t · family. decided improve ment d uring the post ta ined their e ntire fnmily ~ n Sunday. tended. Mrs. Ralph Johns and cblldren wefe year: Prices ad von c~ d materially Miss Lulu KeHl s, of Xe niu, nnd Forty-two persons wcre presenl. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stratton and a fri end, spent Chr istmns DIlY at the dudng lhe s umm er und filII. In th e entertained to a family dinner on Our scho • rend e red a n exce llent baby, of Wilming ton; wer e Chris tho~e of Miss Kellis' pa rents, Mr. and progra m Chrlstmos Eve. west ern whel!l country thousands of Chriatmas at the home of lit. and Ther e was maa guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mrs. Lester Kenrick, at Ferry • . farm ers were put in a position to Mrs. Frank Kellis. olso a la rge tree, whi ch bo r e presents Stratton. Mr. and Mrs. Kellier Grabam and pay up arrcars and e njoy a surplus lI!r. and M 's. Chri s Michael, wh o fo r a ll th e ch ildre n. M~ Margaret StatT, of Dayton, in the bank. Only II pO'rt ial fllilure daughter, Bernice, were entertained ha~e been visiti:ng his pa r e n t~ in Misses J ennie and J osephin e Reeves and MI88 MaJlol Starr, of Xenia spent Hi g~land county, r e turned home on n~'e prcpal'ing to move to Wllynesof the corn crop in certain states pre- Christmas to a family dinner at the Cbristmas with their, mother: Mrs. latter's parents, ' Mr: and Mrs. Carl vetfted 'lin almost complete recov ery. Sunday evening. vill e, wh ~I'e they will operut c th e t elAmanda Starr. Mr . Jack.Levi lind f nmily a nd IIlr, ep hune excha nge port of t he time. That the forme rs of the countr y Albright, near Springboro: MillS Hehin DeBord and Mr. Chas. The pageant, "The Light of tbe - - - _ _ 4._ __ _ li nd Mrs. Ed Crew spent Sunday t he see better tim es nhelld is indicllted Smith, of Beecb Grove, were married g uests of Mrs. E fI1 e Crew nnd so n, by the fact that the wheat acreage World," under the direction of Mrs. at the 'home of Justice of Peace WilED PURDY'S PHILOS Audrey, of New Burling ton. for 1926 is showing an increase in - May Kenty, given by the Lytle Sunson, Christmas eve. day-school, at the church Wednesday 1Il r. John Rye und fa mil y e nte r tainstead 0 f a decrease as wns the cllse "Men 'kid them.elvu th.t WOIIIMrs. Ed McFarland and Mrs. J. od a t Christmas din ner, Mr . a nd MI·s. a year ago. It ia regnrded liS fairl y evenin g, was well rendered and wa. an h.ln tt any aenle of laumot', W. Clark entertained with a miscelHoward Beam lin d Mr. nnd Mrs. E l· certain that the price of corn ' will enjoyed by a large audienc~. whcn .. " matter of fact nine laneous shower Saturday aftern oo n Relatives and friends here are sorton Evans and daughte r, l'ifa rjorie. stay up during th e next season, nnd out of t e n wome n tak.. a hir in honoring Mrs. Roy Clark. The Miss Dorothy Weicher, 'of Cincina bumper crop of this important com- ry to lellrn that Mrs. Stella Rose is joke at th e altar when they bride was the recipient of a numbe r very low at this time at her home nati, spe nt Christmas at her honle 'modity will make J 925 II good year marry." of 'beautiful and useful gif ts of whi ch ncar Troy, She has been an invalid here. He r sis ter, 1I1iss Mar y, is ~for the farm ers in th e corri states. she Is ju"tly proud. spending a few days in Cincinna ti. All predictions are to the effect and quit t' a s ufferer for Borne time. MillS Lida Kennedy, of the .stat e WEEK'S BEST AD Mr. Frallk Kellis lin d fomily vi si~d that Live-stock prices will be even bet Mrs. A.S. Cornell returned Monday h~pltal, Dayton, and Mr. Wilmer a ft er s pending several days with her. relatives in Xe nia Sund ay a ft ern oon. Wn nted- Singl e bed by elderly tel' In 1926 than in 1924, In short, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark enter- C. ,Walker, of McCook fi eld, Daytsm, Mr. Jacob Zimm er an d fa mily spent man with wooden head a nd f oot ' box the farmers of the country a9 well as w~re quleUy married Christ mas Eve. tained to Christmas dinner, Mr. and Sunday the guests of re latives of ncar springs lind fe lt mattress.-W'~ekIY the manufacturers, have no reason At ' 6 o'clock, on Chriatmlls Day, her Gazette, Mich. to lool( forward into the new year M~. E. J. Curmony and children, of parents entertained to dinner in their Xenia. with anythin g but plensant anticipa- Spring field, Mr. and Mrs. Couioul Mr., and MrS. R. H, Brooks and I'!!!!!~:=~~~!!'!!!!"!'!'!'~!!'!!!~!!'!!!~~~~'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~'!'!'!~~ tion. And when the factories are Younce and MiSll Kathryn Clark; of honor. cbl1dren,. Mrs. Eliza Carter, MillS Lu----Waynesville, Miss Mildred Clarl. of running and the farm ers are in good clUe Tucker. Mr. Rania aCrter, of Center viI!E>, Mrs. Mary E. Cannony condition, prosperit y is alwa ys genDetroit, Mich, Mr. Tbos. Tucker, Mr. and Mr. Everett Clark. eral In the United St.I\tes. Mr• .and ~rs. Albert Stacy enter- R_ll Wi1~on. John and Robe1t So far as the national administrlltained to a family dinner on Cbrilt- Kennedy. On Friday evening III'. tion Is concerned the country rests mali Day. ThollO present were: Mr. and Mrs. Will. Lawson entertained assured of the fact that the efforts the bride and groom and Mr~ Carter to erduce expenditul-e~ and federal arid M'n. Will Null, of Springboro; to 6 o'clock dinner. Mr. and Mra. Dearth Sheehan, of taxes will be ' continued, and that ,Centervine, • Mr. and Mra. Rusaell there will be' no rocking tbe boat 80 Burnet and ·children. Mr. W. C. Corfar I!B forei,n or domestic policies are DUMB DAN SELLS 'EM nell and MillS Cleo Stacy. -"oneerned. : D}:ATHS .' 'Mr. and Mn. H. M. Clark had for It Is to be hoped that state and lotheir C,h ristmu dinner ,U8Its. Prof. Produeer-"Your comedy is cal officials will follow the national Dnd Mrs. George Clark, of Cincinnati· I'elr'funl~y--but I'm inclined to think administration in a program of Mr. ~ Geo,," M~tlien ' O"rk, ot Phil:' .coane;" economy lind lower toes .. 'If tbls Is adelphia; MI!. ahd Mrs.. Milton Sb... W~ter- "wen, won't done 1926 ought ~ , stand out lIS a han, 6f Cellt.rVllltI{ 'Mp,hElmer' ~ before the pubile ban!)er year ,f or Amerlca. -The Nae1'8 and eranddaqhtel'.,(: IIat'PJ;8t, tional Republicah . . Rolf,~I'tI, of .wa)'ll~ , ahd aiad .;, ";" ---"-':" IIfI. Oharl. ~ .1 , . I Fifteen ~ , iDO penqu ,' illet BLONDE BESS.; OPU'IES ' ~: r ~. the hoU8e' at II : alid' Kft.·· C,!I1ri)1~ Smith Saturda, ~lq. "Moth.,'o f •• t at•• y. (~.ft'...i po.. of-' oriraDlIIq: a _ I" "I wllan ,It j"ain.. M,l a. .....·t~ _tudy. )(ro• •~ 1IarMJ. a-,_,,1. .... t my compt•• loa do..... yilt"'~.f ~




-----. - ..----





' .



a~ Tftethe \:IOIUa~ 'Ill " ;V=~:7:=~~l::~

clr a~ , hi s Ill'a d <lro"I'S and hi \ C)'(~S a rcd im a nd t. red, yo ,,'r'; I;! kill g I" ,r\e I () Wl'l' out of th e ho rse TH E T UXED O a 11.1 11 t o u t I) f t he f" ed he gti:t ~ . Gi vc UN E OF fEEDS I> i m a sack or t wo o f T llxedo C!lor . e e· ,. ·" · II,, Sweet . '~.atc h h is head come U I' , his l') l:S ~~:::doo~;',I:: bri g h te n. Th a t's bec a u se T ux edo T u .. do H o~ Rotlon Ch up i s careful ly mixed and h a la nced Tuxe d o Plilenn F end . h . T u • • do T; gU M •• h to g i ve t c g rea tes t passihl!! po wer T u •• du S". tch for th e leas t cos t.

If Ili s. feT t


~ Th~ A~f?~

Tu xedo e ll ielf. T u xedo Du tt e rm U" Sl o r ' !:' o ud G rowl " " M o .. h


TUJ[cdo D c ",el oper T u wcdo Po ultr )'

R. D. 4 ,

F ntt e n or, e tc

Waynesville, Ob io



Do your trading In Waynesville.


NO HUNTING We, the f olIowl ng farm owners p.osiUvely forb id any hunti ng '0 1' trap ping on our fa rms, A~ y violatl":1 of the same will be p rosec uted accordin g t o law a nd to the fullest exlent. R . O. CORNELL ){OMJN:r: SHOE MAK ER ROBERT PATTE RS ON , DUNNEL L AND STAHR LEONARD T INNEY J . W. CRESSWELL MRS. ELLA MICH E NE R FRAN K BRADDOCK MRS. RACHEL CREW MRS. ELEANOR V AN TRESS







,. , T OUR

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phone 8



• Marti


Estale of Owen J. Burn ett, deceased. No tice is her eby given thnt L. M. H en derson h as been d uly oppoi nte d /lnd qua lifie d us execulo r of t he es- Dat. your eal... witb m f', tale of Owe n J, Bu rne t, late of W a rr en Coun ty, decease d. aali.faction or char... _. . Dated this 19th day of Dece mber, 1924. W . Z. HOLL, CENtERVILLE.~HIO Judge of the P I'obote Co urt, Warren oU llly, Ohio Pho ne. No.2 ----.-~

Ordinance No. 1119 Dr. W •


Gi"inr the Con ... nt of the Village to tb .. Improvem r nt of Main Street, under th o Supervision of the Di. rector of Highwa,. 'a nd Public Work :


WH EHE AS,. th e Directo r of FTi rchways an d P ub lic Works is conRidering th e matter of the imp rovement un der h i. ~ upervis i o n of th e public highway k n o~'n as Inter · Cou nty Highway No. 6, Wuyn esville ; lind WHE RE AS. Main S tl'cet within t his Village lies in wh ol ill pu rt nl ~ nS' the Ii ~e of soid Inter· ounty H ig hway, saJd slr eet, or section of K S tr ~ct, being mor e pu rtic ulu r ly de· sCl'l ued as fo llows : M.nin Stre et fro m 80mh Cor porat Ion li ne to the North Corp orat ion lin e of suid vill age lind WH EREAS, l t is propose d t~ exDENTIST .. te.nd Ruid hi g hwuy improvement into, Wi th in or thr ough thi s villnge and And X=O-ORAPi1:ISTa long the a foresa id street, or section , .1" of s treet now THEREFORE , Be it ordaine d by Waynesville, Ohl~; t~c Co un cil of lhe Village of Way'nesTele phone 114. VI lle, ~ lnte of Ohio: Section 1- That it is decla red t o OfFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG. be.'11 th e pu blic interest thllt the COIIsent of . sa id Village be, and such <2.~ MAIN STREET ' co n ~e nt IS hereby given. that said Mum Street, or so much ther eof ns is a b o\' ~ described, lying alon J!: th e Iin a of sl\Id I!lter -County H ighway No. G, W UY ll esvJ11~ ,. mlly be ith pr oved und",. th.e sup crvl slon of the Dir ector of H Ig hwa ys a lld Public Works • I ~e cliOI1 2-:rhllt th e Clerk be. and 1•• P-UN-ER,AL DIRECTOR h,: IS her eby dIr ected to fu rn ish to the DII'eetor of Hig bwIIYS II" d Pu blic Ohio W orks. a!ld t o th e B" uru u r Coun t y Co.mmlsslOne ra of Wa rr en Coun~, Ohi O, n cer tified co py of th is Ord lnance imll1 ediately u pon tb e taking Fully Equiplied effect th ereo f. jO Service. Section 3- Thllt this aha II lake effect ull d be in forc e from , Large Display' Room and after th e earliest period allowed by la w. ), . Passed, December 22, 1924. TELEPHONE 7 Attest: T . ~. ROGERS, Mayor.


O.K. H.E .' HA.TH :A:W: ~iY


Wa.t~r~M~Clure Waynesville, ~.

L. A. ZIMMERlIIAN,. Clerk.

Dr. ':Johrl W. HOW'S TillS?

10U:hLVI ()A.TARRH . MEDJOINE will Of C a~t claim ror It-rid your system C.t9.r~.


D~arn esa

",,"uscd by

UALL'S <lA.TARRU MEDIOIN Iil conr,!"U or ali Oint ment Which Q uicklY tb"HeIV~8 "the '.!"'tarrhal In8amma tlon. " nd


ntecnul Mod lcln• . 'Il 'ronlc. wh lob

. 0 8 throug h



on the


Su r face.. '.bUS ,reBtor ln/t nor~1 eODdtbfbdrilm.ta fOI' oVllr ell Y.,., C enei~....

Co.. '!'oJeda. Ohio.

Th. Miami Casett., Vla,....9lD., ~I' ! Miss NlIttin&" of Dilytoll, Dr. Mary !--. Cook.


"isi ing

MT'. W. E. Cornell was in Dayton. TucadllY. "

' Yes . ,'

Z,lra. James Kerrick hIlS been 811f1I1r. ,rUlnC'; .Kerrick hns hnd the fering with tonsi1itis. g l'ippe fo~ a few days. Mr. Allum ' lo n,, ~ is ~ utT ring with MI'. nlHl Mrs. . W . Younco vi,litcd Misses Edith McKibblln and ' Edna eye troublc. rt!lnlives in bill' tOil, Sunday. Mullen were in Dayton, Tuesduy.



have many cOO<l buys on our floor. for quick .. Ie.

Priced '

Touriogs Coupes Sedaos Road.ters Trucks

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

R-.. ~ ......f ........ ••r ••re .... t.

hn. la till.



Co ... th.m


11 Happy and PttoSP~ttOUS



We wish to thank our customers and friends for the generous patronage and loyal SUPPOlt they have given us, and which has made it pos~ Iri Ie for us to close a most successful year.

It is with an earnest desire to give the best poaalble service and satisfaction to our customers that we start the New Year, hoping our relationship will be even more cordial and strong than it has been in the past year. With every good wish for the New Year, we remain, most sincerely,


Calendar Day we will be hancin. up a DeW Calendar. It ia always a creat ealiefactioD when performiac thia taak to look back on a coocl year. TOIDOI'I'OW

·N. . . . . hundred twenty-fout:' haa W. ... . . . . abaeteeia hundred twenty-five wUI ......GOd or better. All indicatiGIU .... fayorable. . . . . • . - year to aU of ua.

W..... prepared to help you aolve . )'OUI'·.'SaUdm. Problema. Now is a ..,ocI au.. to talk them over with us. aad . . neely to !Dove the work along . wb_ SpriD. ~...

W. .... at )'Our service. beIai~ , .

We can



Mr. and Mrs. nurton Earnhart 11k E. M. Ox ley spent Ch r l ~ tmas Mr. lind Mrs. Il nrr)' Sink,'. wcro were Day~oll visitors one day last Du y with his fa mily in Troy. in Ilnytun, 'r ,u sday, week. Mr. \Y . A. Il er~hcy s pl' nl Christ. "Ii , ~ JIIudllri~ II l1hh le WII S " Cindll' 1lI11.' with his do utrh tcl' ill !lay tOil. Mr. und Mrs. J . G. Hogers. of ' I1Hli vi !'. itol'. Ttl s tlny . Murion . Ind ., were hOllle for the ho ll\lis ~ .· . 'i'dllcnll. MIlrit'II),,,t and Ma- idal' •. 1111'.. F .. ct! M. "Ie IIml chi l<il'clI )'y Lc nh I!;tlwllrds wcre nllytoll visitwe re )) Ilyt~n visitol'M, Tu e .• Iuy. Miss Hele.1I Huwke ~pe nt Friday ors, TlI (I~ tl HY. with her sister. Mr. F. U. Lelliuy. on Mr. and Mrs. lI arv ey Ryc nrc A cllse of s mallpox hu. been re- Route S. spelldinj! the holidays in Clevclund. port ed ut Corwin. The victim is lIlrs. Master Morris Oxley. of Troy. JIIr. and Mrs. B n Parker, of At-- George McKeever. spent Suturtlny with his father. Mr. lan t.n.GIl .• arc \'isiling reluti ves here. Mr. a nd Mrs. KcnnE'th Hough. Mrs. E. M. Oxley. Mr. Adllm IIIclloh anti f um il y a t-- Violll Harlan and Mrs. lI. n . Ea rnhart Mrs. n~ss i e White a nd fam ily. of tended n funerlll at Hamilto n, Mori- were Dayton visitors. toduy. Da yton, spent Christmas Day with dill'. Mrs. Viola Cllr ey and little g rand- Dr. Mury L. Cook. Mr.l. J. V. lIllrbock Ilnd dauA'hter, so n, Billy McMakan. have been very Mis8 Ednll Mullen, of Ferry, is nf Akron. arc A' uesls of Mr~. Emma sick. and IIImos t had pne um onia. spending II pllrt of her vllcation with Retal lick. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blutt un ci fo m- Miss Edith II1cKibblln. ill'. of 1\1011 ro e . wer e guests of Mr. Mr. C. T. Hawke nnd tln uj! hl cr, Master Dona ld Carting. of ColumMiss Hele n, ~Jlent Christmns with Mr. Oukley UngleH by and fllmi ly. Christ· bus. is spending a month with lIlr. Ilnd milS Day. F. U. LeMu y lind famil y. Mrs. J a me~ Kerrick. Mr. and Mrs. Jam~ " StoOP". Mr. Mr. Guy Dllkin, of Springfiel. l. was The Mothers Club meeting hilS b een th e guest of his mother, Mrs. 1-: mmn and Mn;. Hol:m es StooP~. of Vlln Wert. were w(!Ok-e nd g uesls of Dr. postpo ned from Friday of this week Dllkin. over the week·end. to Friday of next week. a nd Mrs. ·Withll m. Mr. an d Mrs. Walter Chandler. of Mrs. K. N. Hough, MI'. ond Mrs. Dayto n. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ea~nh8rt. a nd the Messrs. ErnFrnnk Elbon, Christmas eve. est nnd Everett Harla n too k Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Hartsock had din ne r with Mrs. Vi ola Harlan. as their Christmas guests, Mr. and Dr. Earhart and daughter. Miss Mrs. Ernes t Hartsock and family. Eleanor, of Georgetown, Ohio, Mr. Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and daughter, Blaine Earhart and fam ily, of Mt. Miss Olive, were Sunday din ner Oreb. Ohio, Mr. Cr eage r and fa mily. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. of Washington C. H., spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Archdeacon's brother and famil y. in DayLATE CLASSIFIED ton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas McClure enter- FOR SALE-4 0 stock hogs. Inquire of John Ro1J.erso n. R D. 3, Waytained Chris tmas Day, Misses Emmu j14 Heighway and May Wright and Mr. nesville, Ohio. George Hawke. LOST- Folding pocketbook. with OxFinder please ley-Pace m!lrk. St. Mary's Guild will not meet un- leave at this office and r eceive reward. til the first Thursday in February, as · j14 t he meeting in January would fall on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Penny, Mrs. A lLEADER Agnes Gray and Mnster Harry Bogun . of Dayton, spent Christmas Day The Christmas rush is over with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bogan. But we're still upon t he task, Getting out the orders Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shanor and That always seem to last. fami ly entertained at- Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and Come around Bnd kno w t he reason, children, Bernice and Robert. Sec the work without II )loer. And you're sure to be a patron Miss Grace Johnson. teacher of Throughout the coming year. French in the High school at Beaver Po.. is spending her vacation ' with DOWNING'S STUDIO her parents. Mr_ and Mrs. 'Nathan Xenia, Ohio Johnson. at Ferry. . Mr. and Mrs. Willter Clark, 01 R. D. 6. entertained at dinner S unday, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Bolton, Mrs. Visa and Mr. J ohn Paul Bolton. of Ohio State university. Mrs. J. V. Hartsock and daughter, of Akron, Mrs. Emma Retallick, Mrs. Rachel Crew and Mr. Frank Orew were Christmas dinn e r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew.

100 Gals. Old Time

The Ferry church gllve a splen did Christmas program IlISt Weunesday &vening to a large assemblage.

.A sumptuous Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Baily and Mrs. Lina Devi tt, was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and sona of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Baily and daug hter, and Mr. and Mrs. David Dunham, of Lcban(ln, Mrs. Julia Donovan and Mr. Mert Baird. Mrs. Edith Harris a~d family enterta;lIed at Christmas dinner, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and family of Milford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke and Bon. hTe family received Christmas g reetings by telegram Crom Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, of California, .and by cablegram from Mr. and Mrs. Charles ' Mosher of Nice, France. . .' Mr. , ~;'d Mrs. ·ehas. Robitzer and daughter pleasillltly entertained ~n' Christml\lI Day, and a delicious dinner we .8e~ed to tb,e folloWing guests: Mr. and Mrs. ' Merle Kerns Mi~ EdHh Ke~n8 ·and . Mr.' Edward K:ahn, of Columbua, Mr. and lin. J D. Marlatt, Mrs. Amelia Williams' MIse Mary 'Louise 'Zlmmerman, Dr-.


W. lliller, Meura. Lou Printz and

CJau. BueU.


.Waynesville Mill Coal &. Ice Co.





itb Bebe Daniel. and Antonio Moreno


Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright, Messrs. Alfred and Elliott Wright , attended a family dinner at Springboro, Christ mns Day.



: :



SA T~;~~~:s~~~ii~RY 3rd "The ' Exciters"



Mr. and M1'I!. Clll!' Himes, of Cen. terville, and Mr. Alvin Earnhart and family spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Anna Sheehan.



IIfrs. Lou Harlan went to Dayton to spend Christmas with her daugh~ers, returning horne Friday evenmg.

Mi~ Vera. Fleming. of Wilmington, III spendlllg this week with her cousins, the Misses Edna Ilnd Ada Shaner. .


"Potash and Perlmutter"


Mrs. Veda Sams lind ' 'daught~r, Velma, spent Chris tmas Day with her father, Mr. Charles Ellis and fam ily.


We ...... t.rlin. tbe New Year with an exir• •ood picture.


Miss Mildred Hartsoc k. of Milford is spending a part of her vaeati~~ with Mrs: Edith Hurris and fam ily. • Mr. Ernest S. Harlan left Monday for Valparaiso university. Valparaiso, Ind., where he is attending school.

JANUARY'- '1-=t i



Mr. and Mni. Geo. Smith's

Clermoilt Heaters, Rsolge4 ' and Furnaces


Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kin g. of India napolis, Ind., were Christmas guests , of Mr. Walter Elzey und family.

mas guests were Mr. and Mrs• .Joe Per Qt. ~ .... 30c Thompson. of Cincinnati and Mrs. Kizzie Thompson. ' Per Gal..•• $1.10

Misses Shirley, Madge and Loretto Titus, Messrs. Elmore Holden and Estle Mefford" of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. W. ·C. Phillips and Mr. Orville Phillips were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Titus for Christmas dinner,

;Miller's Creek Block

Mr. and Mrs. Earl l\tcJl1akan, of Detroit, Mich., a re spending the holidays with Mrs. Viola Carey.

Mr. E. D. Henderson, of New vienna, andM.r . U. B. Morgan of Sabina, with t heir families, spe~t Christ mas Day with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan .tohnson, at Ferry.



Miss . Mary Carstenso n. of Cincinnati. was the Christmas gUE'st of Mr. L. A. Zimmennan and family.

Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hawke were Christmns Day g uests of Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm lind famil y.

"ave you

Gem Lump Coal

Miss Maud ~ennington, of Berea. Ky., is spending her vacatioa with her parents, at Ferry, Ohio.

NewOrleans Molasses

The following were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ·Hormell, Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Lesten Poff, Mrs. Ida Sarvis, of Dayton, Mr. Willis McMillan and family and Mr. Oscar Stanfield and family.

We have the Coal to 8uit your requirements. tried our

Mrs. Anna Cadwa lilldcr and Miss Clara Lile spent Chrislmas Day with rela tives nt S.pring Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker had for thllir Christmas dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Egbert, of Xenia, Mrs. Hilda Planck, of Middletown, and Mrs. Fannie Carrothers.

Now BrInK Your Jug

In The Country



' ::!!~ ~~~~~!~ .~!!!n" ,

We .re •• ttia. thl. back bec.u.e we Wer.. not .ble to take n 're of' .11 p.rton. tbe fir.t time .hown, . . Admiuion. 50 .ad 25 cent.. •



.................... ~ .................................

-,... _-. A CI••• ISed Ad will brin. JOU lar........It •• if pIeced in The Miami c..,. tte. See if we .rr aat rlpt

Ghrist- ~------------------...._...:.-----_

. Save your old earpets and ruga and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send for priee 1iIIt. Franklin Rue Co" Franklin, Oh~o. Mrs. Emma Retallick entertained at dinner. Sunday, Mrs. J. V. sock and daughter, Messrs. C. E. Sber wood and Carlton Cook. Mise Ellen Kerrick, of Dayton, and Mr. Orange Emley, of Indianapolis,. Ind., are guests of Mrs. Flossie Ca. rey and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell enter• taine~ Christmas Day the following:

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cornell, Mias Velma Cornell, Mr. and · Mrs. H. A Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MUler and family, Mr. and Mrs. RUlllell Sal. Isbury and family, Mr. and ·Mrs. War. B.raddock and .daughter, of Spring boro. and Mr. Hatry Prater. Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Sackett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harry .Tum. er attended a familY '. dinner "at the hO_me of Mrs. SaekeWa mother, 'MI'II: Caroline Barnett" at Belibrook Chris~mas Day.. . There were twentii . seven . present, ,I Including children grandetlild~n apd' o~& peat- grand: child. " -" .


MmDS••,~ ·

Government Anal,aia--fe 'per cent Protein, S :;'er ~nl Fat, S per cent Fiber

. .360 pounds of Palmo Midds fed in ~ Self.Fe~der, wdl prod,uc~ 100 .pou~ds of pork. ' At the present price of Palmo Mldds, It wIll cost 7 % cents per pound to pro'. duce pork. . Fee~ ' Palmo Mi~ds and increase

your- profit....

C. W. YOURee . ·Co.'.· Phone 148 . . ~' . \VAYN.ESVILLE, .oHio .


' /

.. ,


'; .~~);:..-----







Th~ New Century club was delightfully entertain ed by Ml"!!. Walter Mc lure on Friday, December 19th. The house was very attractive in its '\ ChristmaH decorlltions of wreaths, rustoon s and r ed carnations. The Yuletide ~ ug ge s tion was also carned nut in the delicious two ·course luncheo n- the t a vo rN being small red bas-) Kat. fill ed with bon ·bona, while the icc cl'eam ha d for its center a Christ ; mas bell. Twenty-one mcmbers of the club we re presen t , and respdtlded to r ollall wi t h quotations from the Bible. rh e progrllm of the afternoon consist ell of t\~O papers of much intcrest--I "The Madonna in Art," by Mr. , Mosher and "Interesting Facts Concernin g th e Authors of the National lo Anthems," by Mrs. J . W. White. Soveral selections appropriate to the season wer e played on tho Victrola. The guests of the hostess were, Ml"!!. Chas. Rye, Mrs. Viola Carey, :Mrs. Amelia Williams, Mrs. Harvey Sackett, Mrs. L. A. Washburn, Mra. I. D. Marlatt, Mrs. Frllnk Zell, Mn. [da Kelsey, Miss Mary Thomas. Mise Ml)y Wright and Mrs. Jas. McClure. Carrie W. Allen, Sec'y.

Whole Number 5624



Mr. Galchollse, of Marshallvill e, Wayne count y, Ohio, has long been a promi nent figure in agricu ltura l circles. He hus had slIcccs. fnl ",xperience wit h counly ngent work , boys' an d girls' clu b wo r k, ~x pe T iment station wo rk and fa rm Lurcau work. He is a pract ica l and successful l armer , and us sue h is making u wide use of t he t eachi ngs of. modern science in ag ri cu lture. The res ults ' show thut scientifi c fu n ni ng is money-ma k· ing f ar ming.

of InI' ll! (,mee,", oll Wne of Activ ili(·,. by Alta Kize+,' Home Agent; Lnntc rn Slides talk by CO ll nly Age /i t Cln~R , a nr! an addl''''" by Atrl'{,u Vivian , Denn Ohio Coll ege o f Agricul t ure will be chief f e l.' III'CS III th· nn .• unl mCl'l il1g of Wan cn COlln ty I~urm Burcll u. Lob· 8I1I,n , Grnnf(e hull, Wcdnpsdny, .Jn n· uary 14 , ' A full dnY'5 prngrn m ha~ hoen nrI'IInged, b ~Kinning III 10 o' clock. Mr. C. R. Arnold, a l'roll Hut hnwllY, Lehanon , will leud Mr, Ar nold, Co\1 ege of Agricu lt urQ in the singinliof community songs, Columbus, Ohio, i. the far m mana ge· e~pcc i l1 l1 y arrnnged for the mpetinf(. men t expc r t a t t he col1ege of ag ri- Re po r ts of the past ycnr's \york, linn cul tu re. He has spent man y yellrs plnns for the coming yenr will be not in th'co ri zing about the business oUllined. Miss Kiser's di s cu s.~ i on of farming, but in t he stud y of the will be of speci" l interest lo fann act ual record s of busin ess farms. Hia wo men, while County Age nt ClasA experience e nables him with surpris- will show a nu mber of lanter n slides ing accuracy t o put his fi nger on the to describe the work dori e a nd ilIURwauk spot in your husiness and to trate the variOllS proJects f Ol' the fuoffer valuable suggestions for im- ture. , pr ovement. Warren Co Uh ty farme rs will ' havo an exceptional opportunity t o Ileal' Mro. Mary Cartwrllht Mrs. Mary Cartwright , of Delaware, Dean Vivian ' lit his best. Havi ng Ohio, is a graduate of Ohio Wesley- traveled a ro und the wo rld II f ew an university. For many ycal"!! she yea rs ago, and huving more r ecentl y has bee n fi eld worker f or the wom- been in close contact wit h agricula n's edunliona l division of the state tu ral instit utio ns Ilnd farm or ganizadepartment of health. This work has tions in vari ou8 parts of the United given he r first -hund knowledge und a States, the De ~ n will have a messuge wealth of data regarding health con- of vital inter est and concern to every dition s a s they exiat throughout the one in Warren County. To stimulate a ttendan ce at the state. Her message is a vital one. Estella Elva Roae, daugbter of Mr. It touches the lile of every commu- 1'ol'enoon session as well a~ the after and Mrs. Albert Cornell, was bam nity and directly or indirectly of ev- noon, th e County Board of Directol"!! Feburary 26, 1881, at the Cornell ery individual. She commands an will have 8 plea 'un t surprise fo r th e homestead, one mile north of Lytle, int:ATAAt:Ad hearing wherever she goes. people of the township hu\ing the Ohio, in Warren County, Ohio. The High School Seniors will serve h ighest per cent of thei r farmers Sbe spent quite a period of time present. At exactly 10:46 the atdinner. with ber Biater, Mrs. Ella Cecil, of America's Child, the pageant to be Bee.-Warn er Hay, Wa yne Smith, Conner, M ar~' F.llen Edwards, How... te ndance by townships will be taken ard Hail, Bobby H yman, Margaret Dawson, Ohio, where she became ac- presented to the public Tuesday ev- John Sears, Eldon Ellis, Richard 'Satdu r ing which every mall, woman ana quainted with Mr. Minor Roae, of ening, January 18th, is one of the terthwaite, Charl es Tompson, Wilbur Earnhart , Ruth Con.ner. child will be counted. AttendilOce The Craduat_Frances · Henkle. New Po~, Ohio. They were united biggest affairs ever attempted in 1'ompson, Raymond Van Often. ' percentages will be figured on t ile Ba.k"tb.n Boy.-Vemon Main[n mllJ'Tlllge by Rev. Circle. tben of the schools. The proceeds f or the BUI' - Arthur .. Hopkins, Ru'sseJl basis of 1920 census, so that the ous, Adelbert McMillan, Thomas Dur_ Dawson, Ohio, January 22, 1902. pageant will be used for the benefit Stansbury, Donald Foulks, Bernard' smaller townships will have an eq ~ al ton, Eve rett Donohoo, John Gons, ro thi8 union were given five bOJs, of the gymnasium. The following Mell oh, Clyde Fromm, Robert Thomehunce to wi n ,\8 t he 18rg01' ones . Lu ther Hartsock, HOward Missildine. Leonard, aged 21 years; Lawrence, program will tell the whQle story: as, Milo Hartsock, Robert St ubbs. Though t he com mi ttee does not care B .. k"tban Cirl.-Amy Hopkins, Laurel, 16; Kirtley, '14; Harold, Trum .... ter.-Irwin Ellis, Shennan ButterOie.-Evelyn F' urnas, Merle to ann ounce lhe premiu ms offered, all of whom site leaves to mourn Tinney. Plank, Frances Watk ins, AIda May Lucille StJohn, Thelma SatterthThe Misses Elsie and Doris Hawke yet t hey declare tl18t it will in clude waite, Ada Shaner, Ma rj ori e Hubble, lhe loss of a devoted mother. Spirit of Pro,re..-Debornh Wal- Richerds, Juan ita Brannock, Frances and Kllthryn Fromm cn tertain ud at something r ur every man, woma n an d Lillia n Walkins, llfol'Y Stans bury, the home of t he f orm er , several At the age of 15 she wall converted ton. " , Ellis. child in t he winn ing township. lind united with the M. E. church at Father Tim":-Melvln Banta. Flowera-Murgaret Rogers, Roma Esther H enderson. friends at a New Year' R Wntch }Iarty. A cllfeter iu din ner \vi ll be 'served by Cirl Sc:oullGertrudc Chandler, The evening was s pent in ' playing the Soci al COlllmittee, of t he Grange. Lytle, Ohio, and remained a falthf,,1 Spi~it of Brit-in-Rhea Janet Cart Hardin, Ruth Hartsocl" 'Ruth Fra zier member until moving away. wright. Catherine Cook, Dorothy Orndor!, Frances Nuliss, Ed ith Cram. games, contests an d da ncing. A litBoy S06ulo- l rwin Friend, Wade tle befo re twelve t be gi rls took their This will be in the same building . She was a constant 8ufferer for E.,Ii.h Maid.-Evelyn nglesby, Lenu Shuler , Elma Weller, is inv ite d, farmers and the last f our years and although ahe Sarah Missildine, Imogene Beckett, Spirit of the Home-- Mild red Ivins. Tur nel', Ev"j:ctt Hunnas. lust chl/nce a t Leap Ye nl'. At '12 business men, whet her members 'of The Spirit of the State.-Lo uella everyone IIssembled all t he f ront the Far m Bureau or not, are urged {ought brnvely for her life, the pain Pauline Green, Gladys Ber gdall, MarDutch Clean.era- Orene Henry, became more and more intense until garot Edwards, D ~ na Hopkins, Thcl- MIlI'ie Dunhnm, Mabel McMill en, Ma- Longaer . porc h and ill the yard t o let every one to be present. State.-TheIOl B Graham, Lois Da- kn ow thllt it was New Year's , eve. death clime as a relic! to her weak- ma Satterthwaite. rietta Guy. • • The invited guests w ere the Misses ened body and the heart of a dear PiI,rlm.--John Kersey, Herbert Bread Makero-Bernice Hyman, kin, Oli ve Ca rnah an, Grace Hockett, wife and mother was stilled. The Aulh Levi Coates, Ruth Earnhllrt, Helen , Gulladay, Th,alma StJohn, F ailh T omlin son, Ma ry Weichers, Mary Margaret Ung lesby, Ruth Ellrn Lucille Clark, E mma Cummins, Alice hart, Kathl een Hendel"!!on, Esther end came last T\lesday morning, De- Mary Margaret. Unglesby, Margaret Mary K. Wilson. . . cember 30, 1924, just belore the Marlatt. Card"nera - Charles .. Hay, .. Law- Win sto n. Hendel"!! on, Luella Williamson, Rhea Columbia- Lou ise Hen derson, J anet artwright , Do r is Hen derson, dawning of tbe new day, while all Quakera-Anna Thomas, Eva Mc- rence Cook, Maynard Rich, Carl Hay. Uncle Sam- Willia m Long. Mildred Hole, Lu cile StJohn, Sawas in perfect' ailence. She had Millan, John Gons, Hllrold William- , · ,Spirit of the School-Miss KnthAmerica'. Child-Sarah Anne Miller. ruh Missildin e, Frances Henkle, reached the age of 43 years, 10 son. . ryn Clark. The !(ynopsis of the play is as fol- Elizabeth H enkl e, Lilli un Watkins, months and 4 days. ' Spirit of France-Katherine Fromm The Three R'I-Eileen Hal1, Leo The annual busin ess meeting of lows : Ol'enc Hcm'y, and Oli vc Carnaha n. St. Mal'Y's parish was held in the " She w~s a. devoted mother and ber F~nc:h Cirl.-Lucille StJohn, EsThe Messrs, Melvi n Banta, WilUa m church Mo nd uy evening, with ' Rev. hlgheat ambition was that she might ther Henderson, 'Ola Hartsock, KathTHE SYNOPSIS Long, Pau l Yeu ng, Joh n Go ns, Leon - John J , Schnelf r prcKiding, There raise h'er boys to be good, moral men. teen Henderson, Dori s Henderson, ard F ox, John Kersey, Willian\ Thom_ was a VCI'Y gO,od reprc8en'ta~ion of Besides a faithful husband and Doris Hawke. The Herita ge as, Raymon Hatfield, J oseph Kersey, t he parish. Wurdens and "e stry mcn ~ tbo five bOYI' mentioned, lIhe is lurPioDeef.-Dena Rich, Mary Stans. The Spirit of Progross prays for Herbert Aul t, Adelbert McMillan, were elected, liS ' fo l OWS : W. H. Alvived by an aged mother, ' Mrs. M. C. burY. Elsie Hawke, Willis Ponnewit, a justice-loving people. Father Time Therle J t)ll es, Vernon Muillous, Ken- len, senior \~ Ul'd llll ; J. H. Cole!l1l1n, Corne Ii, Da~n, Ohio, 82 years old; Kenneth StJohn, Kenneth Retallick. is sen t t o ' an ~ \\"e r her prayer . H e neth StJohn. F orest Hough, Bert jUilior warden; E. L. 'l,'hqmas, p . L. three brothers, Mr. Albert , 90rnell" Spirit of Ireland-Edith McKibcaBs ' on the natio ns of Europe to O'Neall.. Kenn eth Framm, Howard Cran e, W. S. Graham, O. J. EdwarJi,s Waynesville, OhiO, Mr. Pearl Cornell, bam" Ridgetille, Ohio, and Hllrry, of Waylri.h Lallie.-E dna Mullen Dorhelp. The Spri t of Britain responds. Missildine, Harold Willia mson and a nd Lester Gordon, vestrymen. Wi snow and sleet on the streets The Morris Dan cers. The Pilgrims. Roy E llis. Il~svi!le, dhi~. Three sistal"!!, Mrs. othy Rye, Irma Shutts, Kathryn TurThe tl'ea surel's 0;£ t he differ ent soand roads, it is apPr,opriate to cauThe Spirit of Frnncc respon ds. The Delicious r efres hmcn t8 were se rve d cieties r ead their r e po~ t fo r the Ella 'Cecll, Dawson, Ohio, Mrs., Ocena ner; Elizabeth Henkle. tion motod sts in drh<i ng past in terLewis, Centerville, Ohio, and Mrs. Spirit of Norway-Luella WilliamFrench Danccrs. Early American about tho middle of th e evcning. A pnst yell r, till of which l>howe d a neat sections of highways or stree ts, C8 Pioneers. TjlC Dutch Dancers. The fine time was re)lorted by all. Fadora McCray" Wapa1coneta, Ohio, son. balance • . Committells \y ore appoin te d pecially in th e ul:ban distriCts. Norwell.a Girl. - Vashti BeckSwedish Dancol"!!. American Solbesides other relatives and a large by the rceto~ to sen ;e dul'ing the Coasting being a p opulnr pastim e diers and Sailors. number of friends who very keenly ett, Jean Hockett, Elsie Bradbury, coming year. with the youths of tho communities rflel their great lo@ s. Caroline Swartzel, Ruth Cook, ElizDelega tcl> to the dioceball convenwhen conditions lire ideal for thl\t The Country ' And ,now since kind hands have abeth Branstrater. tion to bl! hdd In Columbus Jansport, the drivers of nluchines cannot .lone all they could do, and h)lman The Spirit of Progress for a land uary 27.28 wer e elected, as f oUo\,Vs : be too careful in opera ting their cars strength has been overpowered by for America's child. The Spirit of J. O. Cartwright, O. J. Edward s, D. so that there will be I~O serious accideath, the body of Mrs. Rose will the Woods rC6ponds. The Wood L. C)'a ne ; IIl ternates, L. A ..'Zimll1~r­ dents. Nymphs. The Water Sprites. The be laid to rest in . the ' cemetery of man, E. L, Thomas, J. ,Edwards: It is true 'that boys should not Lhat ,community where she Willi born Birds. The Spirit of the Fields reDelegutes to the Houso coast on the 8treets, where traffic is Both Hi School teams journcyyd and where she spent her girlhood sopnds. The Fruit Maidens. Tb'e Women, which convenes at ;~e heavy, and this is discouraged ",herdays. Fruit Maidens. The Grain Faries. to Mason fo'riday night in spite of the place, January 2 7, lire: /Mrs. ever it prevails . . But youth will be The Garden Elves. The Spirit of the ice on ' the roads. The Mason Hoar Harris, Ml"!!. Anna Cadwillacier, MM:; ~' youth and where coustln g is ideal, Through 1111 pain .at times s~e'd amile Plains respond. The Flowers, The was 80 much s maller than the one F: B, Hendenon;' alter~tc8, ~rs. lEo , the matter of safety sometimes is our teams have been used to that A smile of Hea~enly birtb; ButterHi es. The Bees and Bugs. L. Thomnll,' Mrs. 'Les ¥ -O<U'don, Mrs. not 's eriously considered by the s port they were greatly handicapped. Since A.nd when the angels called her home D. L. Crane. ,I" seeker. the Hoar had heen recently ' oiled it She smiled farewell to earth. Tbe Nation Rev. Schaeffer'S tlilk to the con~e­ So when driing past hilly streets, Heaven retaineth 'now our treuure Father Time has answered the was with great difficulty that our gation was full oj good advi co .and remember that you, too, once was Earth the lonely, eaaket keepe, prayer. The Spirit of Progress bcgs teams stoop up at all. encouragement. ... . young, and drive with care to avoid The girls were able 'to hold Mas6n J\nd the lunbeams love to linger, for a nation for America's child. The any serious accidents. Where our-dear beloved ,Ieeps. Spirit of the Home responds, The the fil"!!t half but were left far be- - -_I - ••- --Cleansers. The Bread Makers. The hind in the second half. The Bcore . of Thaw, Gardenel"!!. The Spiri t of th e School being 37 to 7. Our boys bad dlfBculty in getting responds. The Three R's. The goals while the Mason boys found Basketba ll Girls. The Campfire the basket with ellB!l. On'e reas,on Girls. The Boy Scouts. The Spirit for the large Bcore was tlie fact that Regular communication of Way- of the ,States responds. Columbia none of Waynesville knew who hiI and Uncle Sam. America's Child. nesville Lodge ,No. 1.63 F. & A. M., man was ulltil after the .seco~d ,qia"rTuesday. evening, 'Jall'lla'ry 13th. Soter. Although our t~am" played hard, Director- Miss Howland. journing btetbren.'l.. lu~d visitol'll are we were dellfeatod, S~o;re~ 38· to 10. Assistant DirectorMiss Kelsey. 'Cor,Mally 'l'nvi~d'~to " present. Come. to the game Friday night"at Stage Manager-.Charles Hay. "!', G: 'J. ~ATE~()USE;_ W. M. the gym. ' • ." , " Assistants Harold WiIliamson, F. B. HE~E.~ON, Sec'Y. Jesse Mendenhall; Mr. Crabb, Luther , ~ ~--­ .."" ,... Hartsock; Carl Oonner. ' NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Pr?perty-ldisa Bacb~an, .. ~. 'r · . :. ~ E sther Hendel"!!ort. ~stilte '9 f Elbrin ., Chandler, de:'. " , Make.up-Lc)lli!lla Longacre Mia ceased. Clark, 'M1~8 Smith; Edlut Mcj(1bban; Notice"il bereli~ given-'that ' SidneY, Miss Berryhill, MIU LIle. . Chandler Iia8 been dui, appointed Busine.. J4anagera=-:l\fi: Moom.", as '6xect\trix of thee' Howard Cook, Rhea Janet C;:~t of Ed:trin, cbal'ldler ~te,' of Warren £stller Hendel'llOn" Levi Coate.. , coun'7, ' Phio, deceased. , ' PubJicfli7-Edltll 1t.K1bllan. KenDa\e4 this 8ilt of December, Beth. St.John, It.,,H~WM ~~• • 1~~ ,




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The Community Pageant

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and living of the meeting. secretary twentymat~



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NEWS ·GLEAI~ED . Thi, Week' i Cross-Word Puzzle . . FROM COURT-HOUSE - - - - - , - ; - - - -

OlI.ward from tb sh r s of TthaCn. ~h lItamp \If 11 blight d love upon it, A !)I)"~' porter olll'ned tho cllrril.lgc dool'. and Luc1y uns tl\ntil\, ~l\I, l'ul!Mrs. H . A. J ones has tltis week has been so l" d- bu t you' ll flnel N\>. iCUIHI lind nO. ClI mc tumblillg ou t. nrrang d 11 c ro~s-word pm:?le, eo r- 5 horizontal, docs not automnLicllil y , "n ow do ~'ou d o')" -in A' wit h ","~y fu nnX"iou~ thnn the othel' to ~h;\\\' a~­ CHAPTER 11 siduily lind a tt n~ion. And IHllUr;d milillrity. He g:'I\'O his hand t il th .. COMMON PLE AS PROCEEDINCS rect ill design Il nd with enouj! h twiKts work itse l! ou t. 1l1st('nd you' ll hnvo '~11ou ' wiU go IUld meet t h\1m lit ' ~l1"\1gh, t on. lltlll'r peo l'lp n , l\ ~· be girl. She did lIot IIlll'm pt to s peak to do a bit of thinking. Fillding the defenda nt guilty of inlerlocked to make it inte resting Anllwl'r to this pu? zl\' will b' pub. ~ the' station, Lucius? It luoking ou l for fricllll, wh\\ llI ur be liS ~ltc "It'ppcd .l Il WII ,III t hl' "Iutfol'm , gross IIcl!lcct of duty liS stu ted in · WQuid be 50 uncivil Lo leI f,.lse. for r ehltiollS whn m t hl' Y mny th<,ug-h h"I' hlll1ll s(' nwd 10 linr:e r in the pet ilio n, the cOllrt g runt ed di- a nd insll·uclive. There isn't ' 8 hurd li,~ hed nelft week. A l~o anot her dllnthem come up here a lone. Bu t 1 th in,k nnt love ; but these h o ne ~t f,·How s hi ~ j u ~ t n lH onu'nt lUllJ;l·r thHI1 \\"H ~ word in lhe wholo pu zzle-after it dy ne w J1u zzle. \'o rCl' in tho matter of Oze na GiII had better atay a nd receive t,h m in lire wclcoming s ilve r ch un ,," m o~t Il('c c, ~at' y. l'er hn p!' it w a :t the whi s· be\'t y ~. Lc!<lie Gilb" r \. the hall ; that is t he way, is it not. unlik Iy tu pro"e fal• ..,. an d of whose prrrci "My rial'iill,.!·' whit-It I~ utte red III the C"",, f W. I I. Mlltldc n v -. In your world?" clnirns up on till' hN1 tt 1Iot e\',,11 shep- in II \'l' r~' low tllne a ~ Hhe tood b ~­ Chari" W. li nd Eli7.:tbcth Fryp, thl' " Yel, yes. You a lway" hit the tics are k p t iql. No o ne, howl'\'cr ~ idl' hi m. whi ch so "urpri, ed her that COlll·t cOH~ i<lf'r~d thllt plaintiff reco\,right mark , my love ;" which was emp!'('SSl' they all Sl!em, i. in M great ~ h c r(Hg~lt t u he COJ1\· \.... ntion nl. e\' (\,,, 1\1 d~f c ndall t$ $30U .OO wilh illmore tha n he did, for he bobbed dow n Whll t l'i/!'ht hlld he to Cllii 1\('1' 1\ s Lllte of renl nll~tet liS th" master or tt'l' ~s t (,' >1 111 October 2, 1 D23 . and kissed her plump on t he nose, "the hou se" him se lf. I mJln~sh'E' n ~ "lIal'iin~," with AIlI!'1i1l ~ ittinl: fit The ell:'" of Bettie Martin VB. Edand barely smiled at his mista ke. he loob, standing Ihel'e all l he plal - }lC'Inu~' for thl' nl, find in Hpitc With thi8 he dashed out of th e for m, his usually long, pale face just of Ilw fa r -o ff plIinc ti hlli k ill lhe ft \\'('ct w!lni i\J llr tln \\' II S dis missed witho ut l'~c o l'fl . room, leaving Amelia a litt le bit disa little. longer und pall!r than e\'er, Bit'die', ey<'s. which sho ulll hnl'e Fo\' wllnt of prosec ution . th e ca 8~ concerted at his ill-eoncealed excit.c- his large durk I'Yl's bu rning ju st u Ihru , t tlw w,'rd bo~k 1I11l' pl1 kcn into of LigJ,!e tl Bros. COlli 0 . • " " . F uel ment]· A moment later she heard th e ' 1 It did lI (l t brinR' n ,.111<1 his h('ltrt Iil tle mor e br ightly in thei r d ccp setullcI 'urr ly ClI., wn " dis mi...oed wit h llOund of whee la, a nd looke d out of t ing .of heu\'y lash. look int o her (nr c, liS "durlill,." utout record. the window. Mr. Fit zgerald in n At last the bell hus rung nnd thl' ten·d b~' Ludll ~ F it zg'e ndd !'t ix months The mutt,,\, (o f H!trlnn O. F udge vs. ;"hitecllapel, was going down the tra in pu nts with a slow dignily into IIgo wvuld hlt\'(, dO IIl'. All th ~ un ­ F: ~ tc' lI u linn J ohll L Il ose . was elisdrive, shin t' 1I11l1 joy had l:tlllC out "r Birdie lIIi ~$ c e l without record Ilt cogL. of the "Gone to meet the Verulams in t he stati OIl. Still Luc ius Fit1.Kera ld \ ·c ndHIll'!" Ii(t'. ~hC' tUrlH.. d uwny ot movo, but l ea n ~ on. n. does n plailltiff. that thing I Impossible I" cried his th ough wo tchi ng t o be l·ecognized. rrcllll him lind s p"kp to hN maid Th e court overru led the motion of wife_ "I ordered the carriage." .. bout th e IUl:l:al!'t' . li S th ou,. h s~e k i ng But Lucina Fitz&'erald had gone to ogoinst the office door. A second rcfll ,.e in II tri\·i/llily. Why hut! she the plaintiff for an 0 .. <11'1' to r e insta te meet ·the Verulama, and BO had the more a nd Lhe brIght color mounls La come t o Abb ot s '!'/lithic? EVl'n Ame- th,' CII USI' !lnel givc sec urity for cos ts barouohe. Hu would just drive him- his brow, the n sud denly fu d e~ owo}' lin. hilt! . he bee n ot the stlltion thaL ill the elise ()f Hurri (·tt E lle nwoo d \'s. ..If to the station and see them into into a so r t of bl ue )lllllor . He wa lks day. could not ho\'(' f!ti led to n"tice .I e s~ e B. Ruffner . 11 Double nothing ACROSS T he dcf~ndnnt bcinj! in defau lt fo r It, he,thoqht; after all, it would only forward to a ca rri age, but wit h 110 Ihllt Birdie Ver ll inm hnd be n to Lu14 Necessllry g roce ries A I'propriate wrongfully haste; yet , f rom that ClI rringe Willnnswc r ('II" dCOlUrr(' 1', lhe co u rt. or de r be courteous. 16 One of the IIpprollches lo a housll dow is ga zi ng on him II rlli r young cius in t he pn~t whllt evcry Illw tl f eel I hilt " lnintiff r~cov~r fro l11 sa iel 5 1II 0. t high (Mohammedan) 'Hall-past three, and the little sta17 Pointed a t hono r fOI·bod· t hat . lte cou ld be st ill To chop olf, tion at Abbotecl'1llthu is in a Btate of girlish face , a face such as even nn in the futu re. Like Luci us, Bir die ddl' llc1 ullts $1 I n.8·1 nn d costs of t hc 9 E lectrical unit. 19 Air oguin. Clutter, for the train from the south indiffer e nt passe rby in a cro\vdt'd \\'I\s lIcc<lmplishin g her des t iny; like "uit ill t he elise o( E. Raug h a nd SOliS 10 21 Observe 12 Prefix for thor oug h fo re wou ld tu rn to look Ilt ; ,2 2 Anger .. duel rialtors, too, are expected up Lucius. Rhe bod n flrm helief 'in her Pe \' tiliz,,\' ('(I, . agRin"t ~'m nk 111. Fox 13 A diseuse (slang) at "the hoUle," and porters are run- s uch a face as a pai nte r might hove o\\'n strengt h. How utterly weak they et a 1. 24 Eve ry one In the case of Amos Binck ley vs. 14 Lurk about Iliq hither and thither, each more chose n for a Colypso when looking both were perhaps t hey di scovcr ed 26 Raw hides 16 Mother 28 South Americlln onimnl wilh start ling r ea li t y n. t hey Rlood George E. F'ryberg'er. executor of the Devoured ~state of Mary E. Young, t-b e c.olirt 17 30 That by wh ich a pt'l'!<on is dosig~ide by side on the Ab botscraithie ordered thot J11ai nt iff recover of de- 18 N~gative nated. vlatform. 20 Cvuntry in eastern hemisphere 31. Other fe nd a nt Lhe s um of $2883.88. Ta peruse l.ia dy Constantia was Birdio's stepMllry Ellen Fryer wus gra nted a 23 33 Gumble mother, a nd the gi rl wos depende nt d ivo rce fro m Clare nce E. Fryer, after 25 Pe rtaining to experience 35 Pronoun on her for foo d, shelLe r and clothin g defendant was fotlnd guilty of gross 26 Remove outer coverin g 36 Method of address - utterly depe ndent; and her fo t her's neglect of duty. By John Thomas Wilson 27 An elevation 38 Continent (ab br.) 29 Small room. chnttering, good-natured, shallow40 Eltstern State (abbr.) 3 1· Ever pa ted widow was calculating , though NEW.sUlTS 32 Pound (abbr. ) kindly, ond hod, moreover, a limited Victory, where III thy thrill? That income. The Pure Oil Co ., VB. J . B. H opping 34 ' On ships wi thout Rteam Anlwer to Lalit W .... k'. Punl .. II the queatfon one aaka himself "fter 86 Contin ent (abbr.) T o marry Lucius Birdie kn ew was for money only . ailncHn.r~ with baaeball powers in J oel Stompe r, Chestcr Neal ey and 37 A number utterly imposs ibl kn ew it f r011l t he thejJv Dud-winter confabs, ' Bince the Dnbe Kilborn. trust ees of the Church S!l Highlands (abbr.) moment the fi rst love fluttered ~Wr DlHting at Chicago, wher e agnins t her heart.--so she r esig ned of God lit Sou th Leba noll, ex pa rte, 40 Energy lu. ODe ·~eroft B. Johnson, presi'11 Rai.ed platform f 'I\ thcoter hi m ,gave him wit h her own f ree \dll to inc um ber rca I es ta te. aent ~ tht! American league, was 420vor anel abo ve whot is re CJllire d to Am elia . She ha d a morbid longilap,.. do1t1l by the club owners in ing to witncss the success of her work PROBATE PItOCEEDlNCS hlI I. . . . . in lustalning Judge LanDOWN lind ha d accompon ied he r m.other t o , -4110 lleeekll'. dictator. In the mo tter of th e estat e of FloA bbot.scroithic. de lud ing hersell with 1 Extre me ·Iii'tnatlt, there is no thrill . There ra Lo ngmeet , deceased, t he cout nu ~ tlfe ielell thaL she wo uld he nceforth 2 Cry II Wleptn-. There is a f eeling th orized th e sa le of certain bonds boenelure the "aid in her life with less 3 Op po~cd to down tllat ~. ba~e is not yet ended. The bitter pa ngs iI she were but aUowed longing to the estat e_ " An evergree n t ree "lee ·of· the tan ill beginning to be Th e \\;1l of Owe n J. Burnet, deto see Lucius rich, ho ppy and eonI) Soo n bMnI .onaldOl!. And when Mr. ceased, W lIS a dm itt ed to probate . .tented. 6 Left pagc (abbr..l PUI .pe.a. then bueball powers mu st In the matter of the' estate 01 So when Lady Con.atanti a to ld her 7 Part of the anatomy ~d make satisfactory reply. that she had received an invitation Owe n J. Burnet, deceased, L . M. H e n- 8 Sa ve money It _ . that making reply in this from I\[rs. Fitzgerald, and in h er de rson W IlS appo inted executor. J . lutaD~ is the very thing bllseball blindness li nd her love o{ living at O. Cartwright , .SBlmue l Butterworth pow.e n clo Dot Want to do. It would other people's expense s uggested thot an d O. J . E dwards were appointed be ,better were nIl detaill of the al)praiscrs. the estate of Edgur Stinsori, deceas- tb e village of Ha rveysburg, $1. Ban B. Johnson President of the they should IIccept it, J3irdie had ofmatter dr9pped right now. St eUa W. F udge to Samuel H. Albert G. Hu nh!l'. ndministrator of ed, fll"d her fir st and final account . America n Baseba{l Leegue, humi li- f red no OPllOsition. Fac\ of the matter is, baseball pow- at ed by the club owners of hilt Mool'e, allout (j hc res ii, Washingto n ~s':nte of M~I!'~a r,\! t . !"Iu ~ter, de= __ • ~~c.d, widn.w, ..w8a elected to t he he ~ot into t ho carritlJ::'e nnclllcet' .. II1'II are Dot at all pleased with the league In ~u sta ini ng olttdK\l ~dis , . cease d, Illed is fi rst and finnl ac- take under t he will of Bert Reed, Tp., -$ 1, III s Itting t1~ht and a wa itln~ his ed herself by'fiady Constant ia 's side, count. • iCtlODa UlTohD80n Blnce his huMor y Belle Sheeley to Ernest deceased. the maid opposite. Luci us I)r eceded hour .• Those "In t he know' SIIY mlUa~ ofdeal at Chicago, when Proof of pu blication of the notice The court determin ed the gross Stanley Slleell.fy;- Iot'"tllj"rtmk:U!l $ 1. Ban knows what he is ta lking them in his car t . H e had Cohosen MYtn of the eight club O'l\'Tlers he Samb und E lizabeth n ti l,; to John about and bnseball will yet be of t he a ppointment of John N. Hu!- value of th e estate of Bert Reed, dewisely in 1eavi ng Birdie to her re fl ec:' d iad ,, ~ aue_fully served turned forced to clenn house and put son Myers, smull tract in Hurlan Tp. ma n a nd Ha rry D. Huffman, as ex- ceased, to be $13,770.34. tions fo r a while ; f urt he rmore, he honor. back above the dollar mark. ' 1IM1l,him. It wu expected tbat the Milton C. Ru e, administrator of the 01. went up ~h e bock way into the stable ecutors of t he estate of Frank P. · ....t ehlettaln would atep do.w n Bnd G. R. Crosson, by g ua rdia n to Lu Huffman, deccosed , was fil ed. es tate of Perry H. Rue, deceased, yard t o avoid being prese nt wh en .oat -rather than lubmit to such public ceUus B. Scudde r, 3 tracts ' in HarH onora Burke accepted the trust was authorized and directed to s ell time American-and it is a trait that Birdie a nd Mr s. Fitzgera ld should binlt: \ . as executr ix of th e estate of Pat. certain stocks, bonds and securities lan Tp., containing apJ1roximately InltMd, BaD Johnson fa sitting they will not stand for unfairness, meet. 232 acres, $1. ri ck Burke, deceased. No bond re- belonging to the estate. crookedness, a covering up or t he H e could easil y make an e xcuse for ~d aaWi,* w9OO, Therein Lucellils B. Scudder t o H. E, Minquired. In the matter of the estate of Ankicking of a man w hen he is down. not being at his pos t to f ulfill th e ccrt.fIa cauae of pntaalnen. _ J ohn W. an d Harry D. Huffman, as na Kelly, deceased, the court order- ton and R. J . Holadoy, ubout ~ 32 Perhaps Ban Johnso n did not have cmO:1Y ,of intr odu ction. P erhllps ·" ltiIl't It poulble," aaked a leaexecutors of the estate of Frank P. lid that J. l.indley Mendenhall, as acres in Harlan Tp" $1. ,. ~ned bucbaU authorlt,' the other the rank and file of baseball's fan s even in the ob t rnct, he Wlls right, Rufi'mun , deceased, fil ed the inven- executor, distribute notes, certificates · ~, .. that wben a man is right and behind him during all the yeors that alth ough his oction, or ruther inac- tory and apprniseme nt. and stock belonging to the estate to COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES , .bon whereof he IpeaIas, that he ill he was putting the American league t ion. in the mutter was due on this In th e mattet' of the estate of Eth- Mia mi Monthly Meeting of Friends occasion solely on its feet and making it the gr ea t to his incli na t ion, H. E. Dilatush, inquest Mary . , ~ ~ to defeat! Perhape Ban Where perso ns a re bound nolens 01 n. Furman. decca sed. Citizens Na- and the Friends Boarding Home of Brewstcr, $6.70; Remington Type , JOhDlOD JrilOWII what he II talking organization that it is today. It is a tioll lli Bank a nd Trust Co. , adminis- Indiana Yearling Meeting. , about when he epeab of baseball fact, however, that since the "Chi- volens to ma ke th emselves acquainted trator wi t lr, th e w ill annexed, filed The will a fMary A_ Sieglred, de- writter Co., typewriter repair, $26.cago muuling" the reaction has all the forma lity of an intro du cti on is 45; J. O. blitcbell, amount paid to ., havtnc put the dollar mark ahove its account. ceosed, was admitted to probate. Dr. Blair for treatment, $50; E. 'B. · .no~d that thore has been been in hiB favor, and many support.- ver y likely better omitte d. At 011 Anna Carr oll Stinson, executrix of John Ritz Siegired was appointeven ts, in this instance the nffair Simpson, tepait1! on county car, $2; · <ciu- mal put across' in our big ere are found on every hand. ed executor of the estate of Mary A. Fans cannot overlook the fact that passed olt comforta bly enough, and '·....... iaeea. Seigfred, deceased,. George P. F. C. Hauck Mfg. Co., supplies for Johnson was bitten b ythe mouths he the impression on all s ides WIlS fa vorsheriff, $7.50; Adam' H. Day, install~Jj ~ ' crooltednelll In baaeba01 "Oh, tha t railway carriage- I Gates, Wm. O. Anderson and Pal ing Bewer, $21.62; Menzies Lumber Ii Bari: 10hDl9D . right in the things had fed for these many years ; that able. But this fnet by no menns Hazelwood were appointed apprai&' Co'., lumber for bridge repair, ,72; h6l'hu c~" If these facta are in some instances the men he had tended to me nd matters a~ far 08 thought I ~ h o uld have died of ont era. E. ·B. Simpson, repair all county car trUe, then ·Isn't' Ban JohnlOn correct, lifted up to place, power an d wealth danger was concern ed, and Miss Ver- apoplexy, un d th nt horrid old-yo ng tor surveyor, $4.90 ; Thos. Hamlin, that NOW 11 the time to clean up in baseball, turned upon him-not ulnm WtlS too wise tlnd too honest to man- ridicul ous creature, ·he must MARRIACE LICENSES lIibor; $22.50; Claude Kelly, same, ~baIl, rtprdlesa of the cost at the because he was proved wrong-but deceive her self into a contrary belie f. have bee n 50 a t leas t-would insist When 0 woman a llows he rse lf Lo up on ha ving th e windows up all the Harry E . .Adams, electrical - work- $2.75; John Loy, labor and team, box.elleeT I thl.Qk so-and until the seemingly "because it was the best whole- "air' is rone into thoroughly thing for basebaU"-whieh in this love a married man, she mny tell her t ime, and Birdie would not snub him. er;" of Norwood, and MI'lIII Iva M.a e $28.8ts; Lee Fogal, same, u.6oi Philco nsc ienc e that every fault from ' the Why would you no t, Birdie? Oh, he Morgan, electrical worker, of Ma- ip Whitacre, same, $18; Que!!n qty fairl),; ~l the facta made Itnown; day is of course the gate rece ipts. Jo .... &O. Ma, Yet Be wife J101li a tes her guilt; but she must wos go od looking--very; but not my son. Crushed Stone Co., car gravel, $87.,qae callt,' thrvWn out of baseball and be morally blind indeed if she imog- style; in fllct, quit e onc of Lhe "havo Leroy Eugene ROBII, farmer ' of 73; W. H. Seigfred, cement, $3.75; proeeeuted, I for one will never be' Di••eat Fi.ure in Came It is not amiss here to point out ines that all th e qu alities of all tbe bee ns." UUi' samll enthDilestie Bupporter of Waynesville and M.l1II IIda Halel S. E. Cutler, payroll, $75_96: Elias She was something of a rattle, was Bunnel, factory, O{ Lebaf Oglesbee, service as cominissioner, that Ban Johnson has not as yet su b- ang-els ce ntered in the wronged one tile aame." _ scribed to the "Chic.a go deal." In a would ever htl\'e weighed with her in her Lad yshi p, and not over-particular non . . .,. . . . J _ _• $50; Charles Burnett, Mme, $50; and way it bas olfered him the opportu- tbe indulgence of her unlawful pas- about being liste ned to. This the Charles M. Smith, farmer, of Wil- the Bobbs-Merrin Co., books, $30• .... tM Eu.t-ce nity to prove bis greatness_ H e is sion. Birdie had long since ascertained. mington, and Miss Helen Deboard, .l..:.:.:.J~''''''''''" SucK .. 'tbe pointed talk of the sitting tight and awaiting his hour. There was some t hin g a rtless -an At that mom ent she was dreamily of .Harveysburg. IT'S. THE MEOW faD. And It is the very talk that Those close to him say that he knows evident desire to like and be Iiked- conte.mplating Amelia. "How a man might love that sweet mak_ the feel that that hour will come. It . promises aboul the woman in J1ossession which REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS went straight to Birdie's heart and litt le 'woman, if she had only got pouibl, the death knell of Ban John- to furnish some startling news. Flossie-"Oh, I had the most wonEva Hildebrant to Charlel Hilde- derful Christmas. Loads and loads If Ban Johnson is r ight; if there di sol'rned her-disarmed he r of ony the first chunce of him!" was the IOn baa Dot ,et been sounded. brant, one hall interelt in 3 lots in of gifts and not one duplicBte in the Followers of eport, "those in the is crookedness in the game and our ill-feeling again st Lucius' wife- mutual ejaculation . Dinner that nig ht was a not alto- Maineville, U. know,' ~ say that Ban Johnson knows great national pastime has been com- thn t is to say-no more. lot_" . Fern B. and W. E. Littlejohn to "That is the fir st tim e I have ever geth er success ful attempt lit being wbat he is talkinl' about; that he has mercialized to the point. wherein all Ca~ Thing-"I, too, had a woneve", bit of evidence he claims to hon or is lost; if Johnson stands by met any re:tlly great friend s of my f estive. Percy hud arrived jU8t be- Myrtle Clark, about 2 acres in . Sec- derful Christmu, but 1 did get quite . have; that the mqnates are afraid to his guns and with the fan s' help can husbond," said Am elia, pourin g out fore, and. decidedly second-rate as tion 25, U. a ' few duplicates (shrug, shrug)tat Idm talk; and that ' In' man)' deci- force a showdown and 0 clean-up; th e tea, "ond you don't know how I were his jokes and general behavior Leona B. Kindred to John Long, under the mistletoe." ~ done the dollar mark iii above honor then he will be the greatest figure the hove been looking forward to your more than one of those present felt lot in Franklin, Albert F. and Mary , Ann Lewis, grateful to him for keeping up the game his ever known-and will have coming." In baaeball admlnllltr&tion today. Says Sam-R.8ilroad ties would'nt Lady Constantin declared herself conversotlon, his brother-In-law, per- lot in Fral)kl,i n, fl. · . All of this I'osslp II brewing a big served all baseball, as h.e conceived, Dallas T. and :May ·Brown to Geo. lut long if they didn't give ' a lit. ahowdowa In ·buebaU. Fane of the launched, fought for und made IUC- delighted to be ther e, but th e jour- haps, the most of all_ and Minerva GarlingtOi1, tracts in ney(To be continued) mat are ftrat, laat and all the cessful, th e American league. T


"~itzgerald ' s Ma r riage

Tt h.11I1

Baa.ball'. Scandall Still Brews Ban JobDlon Awaits His Hour




· .u.


.. -.----







Seventy-Seventh Year

This Week


Within a short time. say' C. D. Burne,.. aviator espert. and member of the British ParJia'ltlent. the farth· eat !)Glnt of the Britbh Empire will bo within twentJ·four hours of Lon· don bl ftflnl' machine. Unele Sam. plaue take notice. Tbla alao b an empire. II it as far IrOD tile lOuth pd of Florida to the nortli .nd of Aluka. and from Bar Harbor. Kalne. to San Dlee o ? The counlrl' Ia craduallY waking liP to our ftflnc machine eituatlon. pd it NEEDED to wake up.

s.cntar,. Wilbur ei... this In for· mation. Fl.. liQnlired airplane. of , the ~av,. an \lHle... And even the n..atnlq II' that can I,.. mon or lea. are all alit of date. Do lOU keep chickelUl1 Keep tIIem awa,. from other chickens if JOU can. Europe Au .. nt here a poultry placue for whieh i. no known cure. Con...... voted $100.000 to ftcht it. Rlc1d quarantine will help th@ ait· uation. '

Secre«ata your cbick.n •• and be· ware' how you eat raw vegetables. unl... cl.aned with cr.ateat thor. oua:hn.... wblch bn't eaIIy. Be tautiolP, eepeclally about raw lettuce. The Franch alone know how to p"';'pare that plant, crown In open Beida, often with barnyard m.nure CUl7lnl' typhoid cerm.. Every leaf ahould be leparated from ' every other leaf and carefully washed. Tbe aalad ebould be mixed In a bi&' bowl. turned over and over. "well fatigued." as tbe French put it, until every part of every leaf haa acme of tbe vinegar on it. Vinegar kUla renne. • " , With vegetables thoroughly boiled. there Is. of coune. no caaae to fear typhoid.

MENU FOR THE INSTITUTE DINNER The Senior claK8 will serve dinner to tholle attending the Farmer's In. ItUate, ~riday al d Saturday. The menus fOl: the two days are 1\8 follows:

FRIDAY Rolls Jelly PicklCII Creamed Chicken Mashed Potatoes and Gravy Pea Patties Penches and Cake Coffee

The New Haven Railroad wanta


J elly ~ Pickels Roast Pork cause they compete. That seem. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy quite . reasonable. Baked Beans While respectable gentlemen in Pie ColI'ee Wall Street were gutting tho New Hav,n railroad. robbing old · women and children that had all their money Invested in It. they squandered mU· lionl. on trolley lines. etc. That Wall all right. becaule the Last Saturday evening at 7 o'clock railrbad did it. Mn. Emma RetalJick and Mr. Chu. But now private individual. that H. Sherwood were united In mar. own their omnibules want to carry riage. The ceremony wu performed eiti••1II1 that own their pablic hi&'h· by Rev. L. A. Washburn. of the M. w~" and want to be tarried. The E. church at the home of the bride, railroad aaya you musn't DO it; it in ~he presence of Mrs. L. A. Wuh. Interferes with us. burn and Mrs. M. L. Parshall. as wit. nellees. W\lat about flyin, machines. which Later In the evening the couple wiU ¥Ion &'iva REALLY cheap trane- were treated to an old·fuhioned bell. po",~ont Will the New Haven de· ing. cld. :'\hat It OWOI the air. and uk • ".enient eourta for injunetlone to 11.... the people of the United Statea fl'Oa It"q on their own atmosphere!

to stop bUll linea in Rbode Island be·




.....t7. 'ften Ute, will develop Into real ..n ud wo..... n. Vaited Statu . wiD ..... Ita own .troq people, no ....... tlepe~ on Earope u It


081' . "OGIItaiu will .uppl, Uae freIIl 1IloOc1, uel ..,.. an'"' tIlere Win IUPpl,. tile Worke.., lIot handl.... of plcD ~d . "'o.e", but work.... wItJI ltnl.. alid aadtfa... TIl. bill to ra.... the pa, of harct· .orldq poRolIce _plo)'eeI~ ..ay be d,f.ted beeaUM' lOa,ltod,. .. ae· ewred of trJiDt to pt It ijlroqh by

. . . . . . ·.

...... ofllela

year. Til L' !'- l 'U J'l' \ \ Jl~ 7 to 5. Mi s"ildin.· AII<I lI ay ," Cf, ... ·.! f or \V uynesvi lle. Thi s tC:t1ll is ~ h o\\ ­ in g impl'ov(-1n ·nt. It will h. · \I .·11 worth while t o f"I1()\\' lhis l.·"", thr oug h th e rl!f1luin<icr of t I." Yl·.II·.

The Girl.' Ga me Th e Otte r bei n gi l'!" \\' ~ I'l' much larger than the \"' . II . ::;. ,", il'l:-t und t herefore our girls W l' r~ at n g reut disadva rllagc. The hcorc \\'U~ ti ed

a great nUlIlber of time s ill thl! firHt hulf. In the second half Otterbein forwurd s jllst pilud UI I th e score. while all our fo rwllnls could do wus just wu lch because lh y hurdly ever got the bull. The S COI'O at the end of th e ga me was 2: lu ~8- 0 ttc .. bein. Firat Boy,' Team Otter bein !Jut II renl fil'~ t teu11l 8gai n ~ t





ABUSING FAMILY Charged with failure to provide for hll family. con.lating of a wife and five children. ranging in agM from four to sixteen years. and with abus· ina: them. Lealie Kemple. Xenia ave· nue. W811 arraigned before Mayor H. D. Pennington at" o'clock Saturday morning, Kemple pleaded not guilty. and. through his attorney. I. Q. Jordan. ..ked that trial he postponed until he could summon witnesses for his defense. The court set the date of trial for Tuesday morning. January 13. at 10 o·clock. JCemple was arrested at his home by Chief of Police Ben South Friday n{ght at 80'clock. after th e latter had been summoned by Mrs. Kemple. who moaned out a plea for police pro. tection over the telephone. after enll· ing the City Hall and getting Chief South to the telephone.. The officer dashed to the Kemple home. fearing murder had been com· mi'tted. When he arrived there. Mrs. Kemple told a tale of abuse of her· lieU and children at the hands of Mr. Kemple. who was placed under arrest and token 'to jail. La~ in the even· inc. he furnished bond for his ap· pearance in court and was given his freedom until trial.- Wilmington Daily Journal.


Followinr ia the prop-am oj~ the Fannen' Institute •. which ,will be held at the Gym. on Friday and Saturday of this week, Jan~arr l~ and 17. FriAr-to a. ia. I . b Invocation .... .. .. Rev. L:-A... Pub. ~rn Music ..... '" .... .......~ H. S. Ol'i:h.e stra Minutes of lOAt' meeting. A Message to Our BoYs and Girr". .. .. ......................... D. W: Galehouse Music .... .............. ....... H. ·S. Orchestra A Talk .. . .......... .. .. ...... Prof. Momnaw "Shall I Move to Town or 'S tay on th a Farm? ' C: R. A:rnold Appointment of Committees Mu sic._.... ........ .. .. ....... H . S. Orchestra


The Womnn's Auxiliary of St. Ma. ry's church was entertained by Mrs. F. B. Henderson and Mrs. D. L. Crane on Friday afternoon. Jo:nuary 9. at the home of Mrs. Henderson. l\fn. Cadwallader opened the meet. tng by reading a portion of St. II. All joinued in repeating the Creed. followed by prayer. Scrip. tural quotations were g iven in reo spon se to r oll.cnl!. At the close of the bu sin ess ses· sion the following program was reno dered:


TI,r CAit H.d O ve r Two Hundred Pupi l., and lhe Gym W na Crowd. e d t o Ita Utmoal

Friday- l :00 p. m. Music ... " ... " ....... .. ....... " H. S. Band Feeding the Soil .. D. W. Galel~ouse Discussion Solo ... " .. ......... " .. ........ . ...John Kersey Price Chunges; ' their Significance to the Fanner. .. ..... C. R. Arnold Discussion Drums ................... .. .. WilIiam ' Thomas






...., ., .

;~~;~tlif:"="'=itn&=:u...· .~"_~1Il


will. . barn eoue fa tile cont71D 1924, 11 . . lilt CIOIIpIe to be IIIU'I'1eclID

a-. :

res ult o ur




The secon ci schedul ed mecl inj! ot the Massie.W ashington Purl'n t.T"llch ers meeting wa held ut lhe 1"lalfo rk church th e el'eni llj! o f Jnll lHI1'~' !Jth. A ~pl en d id pI' gram w as' rl'lIuel'NI before a la rl'e lind ap llI'ccia tin' uu ti · ience. The hh,..h p o int~ in th e pro· gralll we re: lIIusic by 1I:1I'\'cys IHl rg Hig h Sch ool urch csl !'n, , ,,I .. by L, wi. Jeffer y. r euding by E ~ lhel' J elTery. current e\'t'llts by Ill,.,;. Kenno n. cros . word puzzle by JlI, "s lIlurrell, hea lth lecture by Dr. Edwllrd Blnil·. 1' .. 1'. "dure"" uy Prof. [lnllan!' The next meeting nnn oullccd CIJ I' Oli ve Brun ch chu rch wil l IJc Febru · a ry 20 th nt 7 :30 \' , Ill . ' I Prog ram w ill be un no unced Inle l·.

----_ ..- - -

Saturday-10:OO a. m •



l· nj!(·:tIlL. "Amcri clI ' ~ Chi ld ." t hc Wu ynes\'ille ~ chool ~, IH'''\NI lo ],~ (Inc o f the biggest nn d he'd l·l1l ... · l"inll1<'nt~ !'V ~l' hel d in t his loy

J lu\'iJl g'

(·lI lll l1t lll l l ty.





l\\ " hUlldl'l'd d \lll'llcl(·I·s . c\'(' ry one "Cll'U lil,,;r part in u very n ~"t and IIltracti ': t· m alllh'l".

It Wa>' l'sti lllal~d t.hat h un d,.~d. peop le c rowd ed

fi ve into lho Gym . and 8evernl were f orccd to ,<[3n d. The dOl'ornlive committee a r e t o bc cong rn tuln tcd upon their settings. Th e s tage Wa H an array of American /lags nlld the background was of pa· per. hUI' ing bcautiful contrasting co lors. Th e cost um es worn by the high schoo l j!irls were made by' thnt · par· licu lor gro up of girls and ench show. ed the individ ua lity of that pe rson. Other costumes we re ma de by m oth· ers und t he Normal class . The various dances given by· the Dutch. Iris h. Norwegians a nd Scotch were typ ica l of t hat particular coun· try. The COHUllICM of t hese gro ups were ver y ballutiful !tnd fu lfi lled the co lor scheme in s plendid style. arah Ann Miller. agoo two yeal'S . who loo k lhe pUI·t of "Americu's Child." acted her pa rl I well a s the , grownups. The mu sic of the H . S. orchestra under th c leaders hip of Mr. Alfred Wul,kins. was 11 pleasing feature. Tim e an d space prevent us fr om giving u deta iled descripti on. but we fee l sure thut all who we ro there en joyed c\'ery minute of the perfonnnnct'. l\Ji,s Jl owlalld Miss Kelsey " nd the Normu l c1l1 ss who were t he c..,aches. are lo he hi~h Iy commend cd Inr lheir wO/luerful piece of wurk lind itd s ucc ess was large ly duo to the m. ')\'Cl'

----- ..---



Friday EYeDin.~7 ; 30 III Concert .. ... .. ....... ::.... J Men·s Chorus My Responsibility to . My Community .... ,.. , .. ...... ....:..: D.· W. Gale~ouse Trio-Elsie Hawke, Esther Hender· son and Edith McKlbban f Trombone Solo .. .. ~George Hend'e rson Base ball Chorus from "Twilight Alley" .... .. Grade School Solo .. .... .. .... . . Mrs. H. B. Earnhart Reading .. ..... ...... ....... Mary Joe Mi11er

Musical Reading .... .... Martha Nichols Some Marketing Problems .. .. ...... .. ............... ........... .. D. W. ' Galehouse Discussion Solo ...... .. , ....... ............... .. ,Elsie Hawke Home Environment--Whieh. Ol~.. .. Both ... ..... ,... ... ...... ,: ,Mrs. Cartwright Discusaion Duet .... Mrs. Le:rtiay and Miss Hawke

o u,' buys HIIU us

team mllde II I'uo r " howinl(. In the first qu arlel' W. !Ii II'Ii S /lble t o j!e t two field goals. the o nly ones made dUring t he gume. W. Hi 1J0ys' pass wo rk jus t wouldn't work out. and sinCe> they failed t o mak e long shots Otte rbein bent them . The scol'e was 7 t o 23 . A few weeks ago Ott rbein uln yc d Steele Hi gh choul. of Da yton . The sc re WA S 26 to 13- Stecle.


1( ; " ' /1

Pian o Solo-"Indian Lument" .. ... ...... Mrs. Harry Turner Rendin g- UInto the Hills .. " ..... " ... .. Mrs. Be rt Hartsock , Reading- uJewels at Nowgong. Assam . " MI'll. Edith Harris Reading-HEveryday Life on t he The opcn inl{ j!ll llleS ill tho new gym. Arctic Circle" ... Mrs. J. E. McClure n,, ~i lllll were pl ayc d last Friday ReBding- "Mountuin Mis.ion Mile lIi~ h t hpfo l'e II lurge crowd. Both Society" " . Mrs. Mury Caskey pl ayers an d ' l'edlltors werc hi g hly Rending- HA ri ght Spot in th e pk" s ~d \Iith th e !,:ym, the co urt being Durk Contin e nt" .. l\IJ-s. W. H. Allen ulmo, l idolli. and the eleva ted seal>! Piano Solo-" Se l ection~ frol11 ins uring each s pectator n comfort· Stephen Fostcr .... Mrs. Hnrry Turner After adjournment a ' plcasunt so· Jnnu ury 5, tha following new COUll ub le sea l and n clea r vicw of tho en· cial hour wns s pent during which de. ty officials took th e oll th of onice : tire gy m. Thi s is the first year thut Mo nroe Iicious refreshments wera served by -Alfred C. Brnnt. shcl'ifl'. and his dep· the hostesses assist ed by Mrs. John uty. Hownrd F'ulkel'lh 'rh cy arc hns had bashtl!UII fOI' n.) holl was avai lab le un lil th e new gYlllnasi um Coleman and IIlrs. Harry Turner. The f ollowlug guests w.rnr"TTT""":m1.,..+==-~~~~,.,.:::rr-:......,:.~:..rn,.:.:..,,.c....;.,:.::.:....t-w':r!<'-=mt1-,tt.i=f:----­ Th e $ccond lI i tcum defeated ' the Mesdam es Devitt. Baily. A. T. Wright win nr c now in the Commiss ion ers scventh und eig hth !,(rude Leum . 9 to Harry Turner and the Misses Trille· chairs. 5. lJot h tl'Um:i played we ll but miss. nn Edwards and Muy Wright. --ed many shots, due to luc k of prac· Subscribe for the llfie.mi Gazette. ti~c . The first lIi t eu m lost to the Otter· bairl J unior team. 13 t o 23 . the Otterbein boys being morc accurate in shoo tin g baskets. The Monroe boys G_ooo_ _ dis pl uye d some goud team work an,d with mor c pmctice will In ake a good showing in the r emaining gil meR. The nl!x t gUlli es will bu pluyed on Thirty.two buildings belonging to Friuay, January 1(i. agHi llst the the Hercules Powder Co .• at the aban strong Waynesville boys' team. There do ned Goes Station plant. three miles will be a g irls' preliminary game be· , north of Xen'iA. nnd scattered up and twe en two Mom'oe Hi teams, begin. down the east side of the Little MI· ning at 7 :30 p. m. This game will ami river. are being burned by the be followed by two ' boys; games. company to remove ·lhe danger of fire Since there will be three ga mes, ad. caused by them. missio n will be 15 and 25c. The buildings are all small frame We nre hopirlg thnt lhe Waynes • affairs that have been used for pow· ville school band ~vill accompa ny. their der making or storage. The office teum to Monroe and render some live buildings and powder plant and other ly music during in termissions. bulldiogs at Goes wlll Jlot be de· The Monroe boys defeated' the 8troyed. Several months ago the Wayn esville team in two baseball Hercules company which bought the gllllles Inst :faU, and tile Warren c~un,. ,·, Goes Station powder plant from the ty boys are out fo r revenge. As a Miami Powder company a few years result. some hotly contest ed game~ ago, dlscontlriued operations at tbe are expected . AIso.- Mr. N:' 'P: Blatt, Greene county mille. present head of the Monroe scbools, For more than flfty a pow. was superintendent" of, Waynesville der manufactory was situated on the sehools for the ~t {our' yeaTS. • GOelt Station lIite and it Wall an 1m. Mr. Karl 'Kibn; ,o f the Hamilton Y portant industry in the vicinity. and one of tbe ~I!~t Meree's in ButBlasting powder was the product ler coti~tYi wilL. omp~te. • .

Mr., Alfred C. Ayrea .lId Miss Esther ' Corwin, both of near ' Muon • were quletli married In ' LeJlanon: 011 New Year'. Eve! Mla Comn attended Count)' Normal Ichool bere, . and duriJIC her reaidehce here r.elluoa ...... look «ltd. aetzO.. JUde ~ 'rleiuS.. A romantic poHtu. Wet ~ te.tve 0' thIa ftdcUq .... that the, ... bo1aInard ............ t1IrDecl OD were Jut couple to 'procure .. 11·




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thi"..dete rminal io/l in l11ind. t l,,·y h""l One ru" in in one o f th c lJ.·" 1(11111' " if /l ol the uest g-.HlI {· , play ed 011 llll'

_______ ____

lUll"', ..,... Ida ienutI properIJ.

l'"rH.' Pl'lIirq!

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;what of that! ThoU_liM of un· d.rpald poatai .illploy_ kno. DOth· In. about the ,bJiltery, and had noth· ' I~fo d, oWitii It; 'rhe brib~17 .tory lOuncla 1111,. , onl, qQ_tiOD:Jor CoJlP'lll!l to decide II "hetMr, or not the men do the Iwi work III the ,..to_co D~"BaVJ: daceDt )a" .hetller or lIot VDeIe . . . . . . . ad a JON a·

. n,'

F l1 l1 ( l will~

kClh .. 1I ~alll t:'


doa 80" tor COIIltant IUPpl1n 01

. ~rilte".



A coon dog which wu the com· panion of C. A. Icenhour. of New Burlington. when Deputy SheritT Jo~ Baughn arrested him in WiI· niintton on Saturday evening for paeaing bad checD in Xenia .• Friday. . . . given into the custody of Dep· uty Sherlft' George Spencer. Depu· S.t.rAy-l,oo p. III. ut)' Sheriff Baughn took Icenhour. the dOl', a Iltunk pelt, and other belong. Piano Duet--Rbea Janet Cartwright and MildNd Hole. , . 1l\1'li Icenhour bad with him to the Report of Committees county Jail in Xenia. Ieenhour II charged with paulne What Improved Seed Keana to Farmers ........ ...... D. W. Gaiehouse a cheek for '1& at the Reliable cloth Dlscusalon Inc otore. The cl!eclt drawn on the Rai'veyabura bank. Inquiry devel· Reading .... ......... ............... Edna Mullen A Talk .. .......... .. .. ............ Prof. Clrabbe oped he bad no aceouDt there. • Several weaks aco Icenhour tame Nqro Comedy-Rhea lanet Wapwville and boll8ht a lot of . Wright and Edith McKlbban. peha fro .. IncUvidua" bere. He gave Increasing the Span of Lif_How Young Aro You Goipl" to Be ...... ~becD Oh ~he Harveyaburc bank ......... .... ,....... " ...Mn; Cartwright IUJd after the bo)'ll fOQnd out who Muaic i. • 1~lIhour WM, . they proceeded to 1'0 , after bl.. AD the WallleeviUe bo)'1l The Senior c1a8lI H1'V4! dinner. I'Ot th_ mOllo,. Icenhour wu adjadged lnaane an4 ~' co_ltted to the Dayton State · hoepital b,Probate Juclae 8. C., Monday. ' ~i,alninInC, ph7-lclans . Aid . ~u .u~ertq fro. d~.e!'tia pre... \


III ,,'neratiolUl to co..e. men and COftI'll_ntA lIIore nearl, clrill..d will allow ao children to develop bodiee and deformed minda I. elt, .. IUU. The, wlU fty to the IUIII lucia ot Nenda, Ne" Meldco. Colorado, to all parta of the AlIlerl· tall aoantaiD paradIa, ot h ..lth and



WAYNE TOWNSHIP fARMERS' CLUB The monthly meeting of the Wayna Township Farmers club was held at the home of Mr. F. S. Elbon. on Thursday. January 8. 1925. The day was ideal and the otten· dance unu sually good as only~ three families failed to respond to the roll call. About fifty.{\ve members and gueata enjoyed the sumptuous dinner. which was followed by the program of the afternoon. Two piano duets by tho M\88ca Mildred Holo and Esther Henderson were much appreciated. Rev. 1.. A. Washburn gave an in· . tructive talk on the "Unity of Churches." He reviewed the reo cnt mooting of the Federatd Council of Churchs held in Atlanta. He also spoke of some purposed meeting •• both of Stnte and Co unty organiza. tlons. in order that a united etTort be made to increlUle church attend· ance. Mr. W. R. Lewis led in a lively dil· cuuion on our special topic. "Is Our Lecialature Likely to PaBa Any Law. at thia Session that Will Aft'ect the Farmer in Any Way" Well~bosen words of greetine from our new president. Mr. S. S. Ellia. expressed an optimistic out.look for the future welfare of the farmer. Guesta of the bost at this mee~i nl wer,: Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Wl18h· bum, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hockett, Mr. 'and Mrs. L. W. Chandler. Mn. Anna Cadwallader. Mrs. Mary Ad· arne. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elbon. We ndjourned to meet in February at the M. E. parsonage. with Rev. L. A. Waehburn.

Whole Number 5625

---_.- ...



manufa~tured. ~-----.~


QUEEN' ESlHE6' . 1'he QU!Jm EIther society of the M.'· E. cJlureh met at the .home of 1tI.... L. A. Washburn, Saturday after· noon~ January 10th. Seventeen me~ bera anlWered to roD calL After the bUh_ HAlon and PrGDam a

the ~ pleaAllt social hour WA enjoyed b,. cbatbIc which be daIatJ uta.... ~ :tM . . . . .

\_ ......




~:l~ . ~"~;




'lb. Miamt Gazette




NEWS GLEANED ~__ _______ M_ar_ria_gE'_ -= . -fROM COURT HOUSE

W ' RS"TO "0 (; D AYT O I

;o My darling. I dicl my IIlm,"\ t )\Teve nt it hnt · :iht! wnft v l~ ry p lH.. itl\{l COMMO N lind I- well. vou hnd!' nil' mllrry Iwr



PLEAS PROCE ED INGS Mr •. :'>li,w n ·o· lJuuj:h WIl> app"int. T .tid Ilot th illk 0d t , u'k,' " f till· Orphan '.; A~~·lum 'J l1W llOld C'un' l"Q \'(!ry l1I l H' h : ' .. h. LuciuR, I should lU1Yl' l'W«it!' ""d t·ld!d rc" ·' honne. fullo \\i IlJ! th e nu 51lcrificc for y u if I h"d m't ,.,.:\. n_:"oI~l1l1 l 1tln I.lf J I. .~t.'p l\l ne U,)ll ~t' Uth.,lIy cnr,'d, hul I Ul o\l~ht I WII S h1"ll\('r l' r II H"'l,',,::- aPI111in\(ld wert.' lL llw:lrd If only Lndy Con~lantin would br H. \ 1111 . 1"·\1:1 and .l lI hn \\ ' , ,r ib-I"IIl. I , 1. ", .\,·re el that oIl'fC'ncll1nt ul"I ;',· pCl's unded lo tnkc tne hOI'\l"-" "hl y poor, poor, s weet love, HiI' - mL s \ ,l 1'1"11111 l·t1~tl!(ty upon pnYH\~nt die!" WIlS ull Ihe Illall c(lu lLl mllrmur . "f ;;1~O t' , plai ntiff. i" the .as.· (Ii Th ere wn t: n o ('onSol uli oll to OfT"' 1' Lnurn 11. ,,:,1.'1· ' .'. Willilllll H ,,~s.

EXT day two or thn!e men, in- IIml I- well, ;'(\U "~l',

vited by Lucius for shoo tin g, put In an III>pcarnce, nnd th o maste{ of Abbo wcrait hi<" in doing the hOIlOI1l or his mole friend s, avoid ed a ll a ll occllSions being bro ug ht in· to anythin g Ilke cloBe compnn il",ship with the ladies. Only he would look . at Birdie sometim es with such a long. lng, wistful look in his large, flaming eyes that It made the girl more than once creep IIway up to her room, and ~e nd the eXCUM of a headach e. Mean while Amelia !l&W nothi ng, except th ut l'ercy'& attentio n s weTe receive d by Miss Verulam with cold disdain, and t hllt Lucius loo ked sadly wearied and jad~cI, which she entir ely asc rib· cd t o his bavi ng ovenyalked himse lf in ~h ootl ng on th e m oors. Thus a week passed, and Birdie suggl's tl'd to Lady Con8tan tia tbat it was time they took their leave and went to the house of some other fri e nds ; but Lady Con. atantia was comfort able a nd co ntented In luxuriou s A bbotscl'llithie, an d ehe would not be hustl ed. Birdie must end ure her torture a Ilt tle long.


Sh6 had gone out alone one lovely iieptemb er afternoo n, taking a vol· 1Imo of Shelley to d ream over, not to read. In Birdie's fra me of mind all the lines were one blurred mass, all the words were Indistin ct. She Hat d.oll'Tl in a little arbor t hat ha d bee n bullt at the edge of a wood, ha ng ing aver a n extenalv e view of beath. ery moor, and there, till the dre68ing . bell rang, ahe fe lt. she could weep an d think in peace-- at least , BO ahe hoped; but a Quarter of a n hour had ac:an:ely pUlled away when abe beard a mali's fo otstep approac bing the ar· bor, and she almost sprang 1IP, with a litUe f rigbtene d cry. Not Lucius, no not L1Icius; then! alone ; ehe could not bear it. It was Percy, and she IIBnk back in· to hel' seat as thoug h relieved from a IftJIt · fear. Not that she wanted Percy'l compan lonsbip --far f r om it ; and had he beeD a man of tbe world and a gentleman her monosyllabic repli es woald apeedily ·have ind·uced him to· pUl'llue bill way to the house. But Percy, like his sister , was not easily daunted ; he could not under . stand tbe word "no" unless it WIi S written In very plain letters before him, and he actually h a d the audacity though he had never r eceived at an y time the mOllt remote encoul'll gement to "mue Hias Verulam a formal ten· dB!' of hia band and pOSlleBsions, looking Quite 8urprise d, too, when abe rot up and told him that sl,e r eo gretted he had made 8 0 great a mis. tUoe, 8uch an alliance being impos· Bible. "1mp0llllibtlr1" he repeate d. "1m· poeaible that yOU should ever care for



Perc1, whose belief In himBel·f _ Immena e, looked at ber In abao· .ute utoniab ment. , Under happier a1l1l'p1eee Birdie would have laughed . As it was, IIhe turned froID bbn with a IIOrt of dis· gult, lIIerelJ ..yiq very quietl1: ......... lea"e me. I would rather be alone." A hot flush rose into Percy'a face &II abe' epoke. · Thill son of the people irnaclJafd that Birdie, belug the daugli~ of a creat h01llle, wall 80ut ing _ and ·he reIIolved to be revenge d. . Poor Birdiel Of the social cha8m ____ ____tha _tla,. · between tbem ahe never thought . onl,. if how utterly Incapa. ble a man Ului Percy was to 8upplan t uclua in her aching heart. BltterlT anarJ with bimeelf for evoldDg it, and with Birdie for oWer. inr what he W&II pleaaed to ('.all an inlult, he left the arbor without an· other word. walking rapidly along the path toward the house. When be _ about ball way lIome Bound attraclie d hia attentio n, and he looked around. Luclna, etrollin g back, gun In hanel, and alone, had reached the arbor and ltopped ; another second ~ and ha had pueed inside and out of



18, lad,! 'Please leave me, I wo1llcl rather be alone I' Of eoUrH ,011 woulcL But you will not ca1TJ Oil )'oar UtUe pm1!S at AbbotaeraWUI If lean prevent it." In 1_ than five minutes Amelia, forewar ned b, Percy, was creeping aIoug thro\I&'JI the bushwoo d to the back of tha .arbor, In order to learn, If poeaIble, h8J'!le1f unheard , sume· thlq of what ..... going on between her hlllband end Birdie Verulam \ "I would never have com" if I had ImoWll; but, ob.. Lucl1lll, 1 thought 1 ecnaW have borne It. Why did 1011

let 1ier inn... na'"


n ow,

"You mu st kiss me, Lu ciu s--wcll. only thi s one (', my ILlYc. Now g o. I cannot stand it if you stay longl\r- I can not , indeed. Beside, it i. nol ri ght t o your_o lf nr her." He took her in his arms f or a mo· me nt, lef t on h~r lips one more forbidd en burning kiss, a nd wus gnn no t towa rd th e house, but <1 l/ WI1 the hill on to th e moors, wh er e, with nH ture reigni ng in " i ld beau ty 1111 around him , he could fi ght u nchidd C'n wi t.h his ral:"ing lovo In the urbo r, for n long ' pllel'. til<' soft, buzzing , lazy ~ umm c r sO \1'lCl. were dislurbe d by Birdi e's sobs; \\" hil ~ siLle , with n olhing between them but the thin, ba rk· covered woode n parti . tion , Slit Ameliu on th e g round .among tbe und erwood, her head on her knees wbich were s urround ed by her clasp. ed hands. he heard it nil un d wns thi. king it ove r , bit by bi t. Whnt would she do? Tl]e future, which but un hour ago seemed so brigh t to her in Luci us Fitzgern ld' s love, had s uddenly beco me dimm ed by a mist wh ich look ed etern n I. Sh(' cou ld not sce th rough it; it wns thi ck as t hat which gathere d nbo ut the . ummit of her own north country hills Still she m ust try and see throug h it; a nd as she sat there motionl ess, listening to the sobs within, and thi nk ing more earnestl y th an she hnd thought in her life before, a depth of f eeling was a wakene d in Amelia' s heart f or whic h no one who knew h er only in th e light comedy of Ii! e wou ld ha ve gl ven her credit. She W bl! the fi rst to move-v ery ca refully les t Birdie should hear- and go slowly to t he house. She met Pe rcy nt th e door. "Well, what was up in the arbor?" "Nothil lg. I believe you purposeIy sent me en a wil d.goose chase . Lucius has gone down towlird Rn e. burn' sfarm." What a n invalu nb le arlic le is slu. pidity in the proper place ! Two hours later the husband and wife met at di nner. Birdie had one of her us unl headach e! . No one eould bave g uessed t hnt Amelia had learn ed l he lruth ; only, perhaps , Lu. cius noticed tha t she was evcn mo re tende r a n d woman ly in her mnnn el" t ha n she had eve r been bef ore. For man y days Birdi e lay ill up8lairs i n a darkene d r oo m. Amelia never intrude d herself unb idd en inlo the sick girl's presence , but all that love co uld thi nk of and nttention carry out she gave to Birdie, and with no demons trative ou tbu rsw. Nor did she ever te ll Lucius t hat she k new a ug ht of the past, but helped hi m qui etly with soo thi ng tend erness to bear t he anxi ety a nd irritabil ity produce d by Birdie's illness. Arne· lia had seen her wa y th rough th e mists, and the r oad alon g which sh e ha d elected to trav el was that of pati ent sympath y. cicatri zed t he wound in Lucius' heart As months passed on and tim e that. destiny had made,· was not much of its healing due to the woman who loved bim we ll enough t o bear si· le ncely and unmurm uringly her share of the burden with which he wa8 so hea vily we ighted? Birdie Verulam had never married . She went a broad with Lady Constunlia for· a while ; on her r etu rn she studious ly avoided all meeting with Lucius, and pointedl y r efu sed t o p ny an other visit to Abbotsc raithie; bu t she ie always on fri endl y, nlmos t lov. ing terms with Amelia, who scarcely ever underta kes any s cheme of importanc e without first consulting Bir . die. THE END.

111 t h,· ('H:-- l ' IJ ( l{nymon d L. Baiter \':-:. !'am Sp i t' l " ', it i~ O l'tiC'I'l'ci thAt plnimilf n " " ver f l·,,,n ,ld"ndn nL the

sum of ~:!I r, . o o. On nwti " " of pl nilltifl· th e Ctl"~ of Elh, l.llllhltl"llt vs. Andr~w Bilhnrdt

wu~ di sm i ~~t.·d

w illhHll record .


Yak1ItII)[, ~I\>er\a.

olin wttb -M

Decemb er 23.

lD2a. lbe thenuomet4ll' nct.tered -4W


---_. - ..----



• • Da ... "~.

0ItIb poIQl out what the pubUc IICIPt DCIIIflo Ilk-. ·.....4 after tbnt a gooll - r at the ~ ~ 011 preteDdlna tlHrI 8011....



Chll rl ('~ D. onvin it; ~ llin R' Ed na Cu\"\\ in f or divorce 011 g round s of

go,·o ...' neglect of duly u nd extreme cru~lty .

A Il]llicatio n wn s fi led in thl! mn ttcr of th,' purc huse of II nt'\\' auto mobile for the use of the Coullty Sher iff und C o mm h.~ j o IlC1"S. Frunk P. . tJlrtinge r ntere cl suit agninst Ers ki n(' and Edna 1\1ny Rob· in~on. Action cognovi t. T . C. Gh ris· ti e is nttorney for the plaintiff lind Ge o. E. You ng for the deferida n ts. Rebecca Murgure l Ga lla her enter. ed s uit Il jruinst W illia m C. GallBh e~ for n divor ce on gro unds of gross neglect.. Mury Oliver has ontered suit for di vo rce a guinst Dan Oli \'er. She charges g ross neglect.

PROBA TE PR.OCE E DINGS I n the matter of the settlem ent of the estate Bert R eed, deceased, it WIlS o rd el'~d thut a copy of entry de· terminin g inh eritance tax to be paid, be certified t o the Aud itor of War re n coun ty. In the mllller of t he ass ignmen t of Edward S. hr oyer , assigno r , it is ordered that W. G. Thompso n, assig. nee in tru~t Miter into an arrange · ment t o Cll re for, preserv e lind pro· tect th e prope r ty of said ussignee un. til furth er orde r. ,The court finds tha t th e gross va lue of th e estat e of Annn K ~ l1y , decease d , lo be $9!lG7.07. The court IIpprove d the ncco u nt of Mil ton C. Itu(', udminis t l"ntor of lhe es tll te of P rry 11 . Ru e, dec eased. Robe rt W. Brown, g uard ian of Healh Eston , lu nalic, fi led his fl rst und !lna l account . Wi lluim G. Thompson, liS a ss ig nee o f th e estate of Edw urd S. Shroyer , ns.<>ig nor, filed bi s invento ry a nd ap· prlli.ement. Th e court granted the petition of adm inistr ator of t he estate of Martin Gons, decca ·ed, to se ll persona prop· e r ty belongin g to th e estate at pri. · vate sale. I n the matter of the will of E d· win Chan dler , decease d, Sidney Chnn. dl er is elected to toke under said will. Sid ney Chnndle r accepted t he trust as exec utrix of the estate of Edwin Chandle r, decease d , E. L. Thomaa, W . H. Drak e hnd C. M. Hough wer e a ppoint ed app raisers. MARRI AGE LICENS ES David E . Stan diford, car penter and Mrs. Anna E li zllbe th Huines, bo t h of Waynesville. Tinny A. Dixon, electric ia n, of Bhll1che st er, nnd l\1r~ . Ettll T. Whit· a ker, fll ctory worker , of .i\lorr ow. Alfre d C. Ayre", farme.· of Maso n, and Mis" Eslllcr Z. Cor win , t euc her , of Lcua non.

'S .TheofShow ,B• F• KEITH ' : ~lace Qayton





.JU <l"I1H!l1t ill fav ol" o f I he pl"i l\t ifT wu . relld" r",1 in th e cnse o f C. t..cIlow St. 4th 51. s..I 51. ~: . McCune \"~. J ,\hn H. She ley , Mllr y B. She ley n"d Joh n n. !'hcle y. In the Cll ~ (' of F rank P. Hurting er vs. ~ ; I·" kin n(' R"bin~o n , it is orde red 'ce il Fletch er "to Ed \\, fl rd "n d Ma· tha l plai nliff re""vcr fl"unl de f" 'lIlnnt r y A li n Kohr. trlll·t in F l"Illlklin '1'1'., the "um of $ltI:1.3, . Til,' l'uurt I'{ l"un ted di\·Ol-CC in Ihe $ 1. Canoll W. Ilnd Ed win R. Sch'H'1l C(\ ~C of 1 ohert. lJoni vs .. Jl'lHimn n o r~ . to Hul'l"Y E. SchplJ, 11 1",,,t ·11 l1" r e" in SnlulI1 Tp., $1. NE W SUITS

REAL E STATE TRANS FERS Sylvan A. Lewis und LeVern e Lew_ is Co ude n to Ke"s a nd Stella Bec kett, nbout 55 ucres in Turtlcc rcek Tp., $ 1. o.IdMt Place In W.... Samu el McCluin to Shc rd and J en'nIe ool 4etrt ~ace In the world. e~ ....t!1n,J to weatber bureau Irtatlstics. ni e Kirby, 2 lots in F ran klin, $1. W . H. R ola nd t o J . W. Lnmb; lot .. YerkhoYIlDsk. In oorthe..tern 81· bena. where there II a recorded tem·

pel'lltun ot~.

Wb .... In D ayton


THE MUTUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Reeoa rc.a $18.6 00,00 0.00 c _ .... ___ _

surp.... $870 ,687. 32

. ADV F.RTlSE RS l b Y u • •· n I h oHtter It\ e.

Incrc l'lae y o.ur

o r e w ork and prinliuK p l.h·. . l' r e i. th e pl ac e to g et th um - the lar ~c . t pl an t of i ts hinrl in l h l..! M id dl e W elt.

T H E SHAW & MARCH ANT CO., 11:Iyt"11 . tlhi o r-----,W'[ ~ . ....,~;';-;;f -

The crO!!JI·w ord puzzle this wC{lk hr self with n wutc h a nd poncil and see Magdale ne Tuc k it! a t im e limit tes t . how far you cu n break the r<'Cord This puzz l" should be worked in not of s(" ·en mi nut es. For cvery minute " under the pre~cri bed li les8 th un seven minutes . Ther a rc YOU I"FI'> lf 11 plus -whichme mark score mellns YO UI1l only two sey!! n lette r \Vord ~ and two is bette r than the ·cmlte in telli · five lette r wor ds, and lIot u hurd or gen c~. For in stance, ir yo u work di fficult word in the whole puzzle. it in fh·e l1lil1ute~ , in st~nrl By Edward Percy Howa rd of the al· Th e soem ing L1,)tor min ntion of the The re is no need of II clietionn ry- us lowed ~('"pn min ut '. , your intell i. Fre ncb gover nment t o IIvoid ns long all you hnvC' to do i~ to wrinkle your \I:"encl' i" plus lwo. 9n yuur as possiule , it" not altogeth er , the brow Il l1ci thi nk 11 bit. Equip your. Get set . GO! F rench debt l o America , hns reached a point thnt mak e:; it imp ossible longer to coneeal offi.cial irrilalio n 1n· deed, no appal' li t effo rl iN bcin g made to keep f rom t he public the go vern ment's state of mi nd. F ooling is general, th ut in the debt dodg . ing me morand um jus t deli ve red. in th e nntiona l capital, F rance has piled all but the lnst straw on the cam el' s back. F rom this tim e on , unl ess all s igns f ail, France may look f or cross lots di plomacy , for a stateme nt of th e Amer ican posi~io n 80 direct that it will stand no looph ol e fo r further dodging. The re a r e just a few f undame n tal facts that stand out in the sit uation, and th ese fucts must be f aced ngard. less of consequ ence. First, France owes lhe United Statlls between four a nd five billions of dollars. This mone y W !l8 suppli ed to France out of ACROS S 7 A s tate (abb ~.) the pockets of t he America n p eople 1 A mal e member 9 Fru it (plura l) . of the family. whe n F'runce was in extreme s, with 12 Part of the very " t o be." 2 Nqt the tru th: the exceptio n of one billion dollars, 5 E g'yyptia n 'sun god. 13 - Smull st one (abllr. ) . . . which was le nt to the F rench r epub- 6 M ineral. 17 . N"ot written". lic afte r the war h ad closed. 18 To watk thrmigb 'Wa tei-:-\ 8 To perform . , Second, France must pay this debt, iO · Nam e of shrubb~ 21 - Editor· ·(abbr.) :.. •.: ry. without question . 2S ~ A pro» p"int. II Govern esa oe the family. A· Third, America must know exact· I S One th at pays the 26 '. Th~nMng. bills. Iy when ahe is going to begin paying 14 Ge nius. it, without equivolc at!on, how she ~8 15 A numb er. going t o pa y it., il~ what way she III 16 A point of the compass (ab tr.) . going to pay it , a nd what ra te of in- ] !l The own er of Spa rk Plug. . . terest is t o be eharge d !1u.ripg the 20 A: f a ttening prodi.\ct . run of the insta llme nts. 22 Exclnm ation. It can be stat ed on strorg autltor. 24 Enla rge.. ity tha t all conside r ati on of cancelli . 25 A verb . . tion is out of th e qu estion. What... ! 2~ Somethi n g that lives in wafer:·· : ever mlly have .be,!n the accompl ish- 27 To keep fro~l starving . . , .. ... me nt of F rench propaga nda looking to t his solution of her difficulty, that. DOWN · accomplishment is now definite ly reet 1 Bleet. ing in the discard. Cancell ation , ·. even ago. of part of the . debt will not receive 2S . Long A: metal. the least COllJlidel7ation, So deter· mined is the official mind on t.hiII 4 A man's nicknam e. point t.hat the publi.e oftlcer who dares .6.• fA love pact.


I~::~:;:::~::~:~::~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!r~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~~r- I



THE M EEK ER M P G. C O eon ... U.d.n a HuffmaA A..


Wood , lit~. .


This Wee k's Cross-W ordP uzzJ e


alao o n rim. and parte


0.., .3,000 Aoco.n ta ..

intimute s uch u possibil ity mor e th an One'ih- t wo o ( the mon' p"l'omine nt likely will be 8"ked t o walk t he of· .,f nUr nlll iOll ul l eg i ~ l at o rs I·cgal'd the fk in l plun k. or be booted. u ncerem o· clIlilmun icut1 0 ll u s litLl· shor t o f 111 nious ly uut o f office. There is every "suitin". Thllt it i ~ II plnin evasion indicatiu n th~t Preside nt Cooli dge o f the Frcilc h ob li~I,t.i o n , d busic i~ now fix ed in his .dete rminatio n to muve hu ving U ~ ils mlll ivc t h ~ luyinl:" PI"(,S5 11 gtl"ictly Ame rican policy f OI" "r I:"round work fo r hurter lind diploCOMMI SSION ER.S A LLOWA NCES A me r iclI nnd t hnt he will not to lernto malic ,j('bt· ludl:"i ng i~ Iwyol1ll '\"~ •. H . E. Dilntu. h, inq\1~ ~ t, Will. I1ny slll:"gesl ion thllt curries th e color tion. Cnm pbell , $3.00 ; n oo k Shop, supplic's of Eurup~lln advanta ge. $2,1.30; Dnyton Bialik Book ami Pt g. ; S eem. F r e n c h Acti o n Co ., docht. , ~ .1 2.00; Reid', Drug L a t e at M em orandum MUll B e F orced Ston', s upp lies, ~;2.3 0; MiliCI" 1-1111"41 - Little Le .. than I nlult \\' u<hir ll:"to n is II OW L1 cte rmint' d lh nt wllrc 0., stove , ~q6 .85; H. W. I vin 8: Cl o~e eXlImin ulion of t he memor an. u notlh·i"l ('x" hnnl'{'" "f thoug ht !"eln· nttor ney f or. Frellch · Bro. B au~r & dUfll entrus ted by the Frellch Mi nister tiv e t u this Fn'l1ch til'bl must com e Co., a nd Otte r~Cin · ,somc, ns pc r of F inunce," M. C l cme nta~, to .Ambas- to 1l1I ··lm nll'di ntc' l'n cl . These imit ll. agree men t· for : 'n ght a nd pow.l¥ . nt sa dor Herrick fo r t rtm sll\isHion ' to ti nn pou '·1"11·1(,1·" h(·gall yeltt"li ngo wit h Otterbe in nome, $200 .00; Juc!ge W. Was hington .. d ~ l oseil the faet that M . Purm c nti,"·. Tll{'Y hm'e c(\ ntin J . Wrig ht, pOl'hlge , $2; FTitnklin tbe docume nt is lIS menn ingl<:88 a8 the ued without interrup tion, and in all Chronic le, noUce, $2 .52; A. -T. Ret· nQtoriou s German 6 c r~ p of paper. It thut tinu'- th c French gove r nmen t has t ill', Il'aruge rent, $:1 6 ; Galion lrQ ~ is not ·an olre r, i$ Is. ·not ·a ,gua ran tee ne ver·· sa iq one word r ~gurding h ~r Wo rkfla·nd Mfg . Co., r oad maintai ner !t is not a pro mise; it is not eve n an debt to America. I nsLcnd, the Fr~nch' $285 ; Perry a nd Wilson E quip~e n t official Co ., supplies , $37.67; F. L. Squires , bind . c~inm u.nicatlo n . It doel! . not \go vc~nment. ~"'.hi I C ,,""U "inl:" a puli? France ' in any particul ar. It or sHfe·ste pPll1g, qUl ctly opened In gl'llvel, $3.60; Hersch e l James, truc k sim pl y expr esses th e hope t hat the New York lin olli ei,,1 Lurcnu of prop· r ep nir, $156.34 ; W. A. Scott, bridge French gove rn men t may follow · ~h e uganda whic h hilS b"e n worki ng in-' repai r, $4.80; WlIlter Varner, sa me, co mmunic ation with un expr ess ion of cessllnll y to put the' Fr('nd. viewpoi nt $2.4 0 ; Ede n T erry, payroll, $l57 .64; ill<. willing nells to refund the liebt, int o Ih e minI!" of the Am er ica n peo. Stntnlkl l iii fg. Co., s u pplies, ·,36 .00; bu t th ere -is n ot t he slightes t int ima. pi . Village of Frankli n , H : V, Ma rtz and tlon t hat eve n th.i s will be dOt.e . Th .. t im e hilS '1(\W arrived w hen Blair lind Le roy, $3252. 1; Oregoni a Br idge Co., repa ir on s tone cr usher , $52.86; E ugen e Harper, bridge reo pair, $8.'10; H erbe rl C. Roosa , drag-I ging, $6 ; Ohio Co rrugate d Culvert Co., co rrugate : s~~v:r, $61.60. \,;.; ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _":-"_ _ _ _ _ _ _.I_,.___ _~---....

''" - Kl.d,

Rebuilt, l i, ht . ne d aDd true d up


or Stf! . 1 rusc y. " ,..,. ',

French Bl,t. inn I1ltl ~ l I,u fu rl''' '1.

htc", Coolid ).!I', it

P rl.'~

1:0- kllilWU, rCl'ogni z-

e ~ lhut u II ·1Jl "I' th i ~ lH u,.:ui LUcll1 . CHIl 110 1 l.w paid n il t h, ' nWtlH! IIt. J It·, ha s

nu bbj (!rliull tU l iUnt,



,)nf' ra ·

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~tullll(.' nt f \\'b\"11 :l nci III)~\' S ill"' will lll.i~' huck .Lo AllI t' ri,'a UIl' IIwnl' Y ~ 11t,' wA s .so et\J~\~I' ttl borrow , In l"roof, Uncle ~Hm i~. li(" d ,, ( bO!ill1; till!

gont. Tho 111'" llidu I Sug':l's ti on .lhnl . '. France bl' !ll"lIllt' J U i ull·.\'C1U· morn·, . to'riunr I1UlI lh'·11 uegil\· " II ying on In . .1 . t.ullment... (ur e ighty Y"II ;:~ , th e. 4~bl .,. tll' ue/lr interest at olle hulf of one JJ ~ I' cent, hut' Ill'(,u:'t~d l~ fe.cling •. ,o f

pfal n ' r esenUl\l}l\t, Il r"~tment. 8))•• . docp sea Led 1.hll t it iR .I,('rhups wrtu- · . . haw tiruJ ",, "g,,~l i," \ d O~jl I ~()l r"""h ., ; . . tHe Un ited Stote. ill lin ofliciul COrlll, NOTiCE O F APPOIN TMEN:r .. (

' Estate · or J!:d\\"in CbuTl dl"f, de. ceased. : ." .. Notice iM ller eby ginn that . Sid ne y C ~I.lIldlcr hus Ul" '" duly. uPlJn i n l~ d n!!d qunlified as execulri x o f tho catato of Edw in Chundl(· r lute or Wnrren co un ty, Ohio. deceased . Dated this j l Hl. day oC D..ocemb er, 1924. · W. Z. ~, . J uclge of the Probate G"ourt, Warren Co unty, O)lio ' C. ·Donald Dilatusb, 'Atty.

-- - -





EXTRA VAGAN CE This is a "Pat" IInci " Miko" joke. T hey we nt h unLing' one day. Th\l-y' wero ou t a fter . qu irrelR. Finally PlIt spotwe! 1\ littl e ·guy squirrel high in the brul1 ches of a ta ll ~w., mp oak \,\·c('. He took cllr efu l a il)l imd Irlazed 'Iway. The S<:jui!'r el drollped . Mike IMkcd Il ,·s t· li t the lIead "qui rr I then lo th e topmol\i branc h of the tr~. ' "'Pu t," ho said, ..~ou w~d yo ur · a inmunlt ion. The fall woul d Imve kill ed him."



dONEY LOAN ED ON LIVE STOCK . chatte ls, also second mortgag ll" Notes bought.. John Harblne , AUeD }JuUdi ng, Xellia, Ohio.



Farm era of Warren and adjOinin g coun ti~e may obtain mon ey on long . time loans, at 5", per cent interest . ·' Cost of sccuring the saine is very roa· sonable ,thrp ugh The Federal Land Bank. fo'or f urther infornla tlon ' call 011 o r'dddres B M. C. DRAKE , Tr~as. ure r, p~? rfe BI 6·X, ·Leba non, OhIO".· . ~~.==============

. -.





Fo n·' RENT......:Hlitf do"uble :f1ouse . in th e counlry , betwee n £jYthi· llhd· ; F e r ry. Re nt i'ensonil ble. Inquire a t ' t his office. · ' ~ "'j,j1\28 ·· , , : ' FOR R.EiNT---,flouse ~f a~~~ ~~~~~ watll'" !!AlI s lec tric Iigbt,s. In.q.uire _. of Mr." Wijli.l!ms, a.t corn,ct ~f 'f1~r .: Tnd .Ji'Q\Kth .strcota. . . '. "' q.~ . " , ..: a=r= - -~. :., ,: . • , 1:.051' · · ... ;..,." ...




WST-- :Polding . pocketbook, with; Ox, ! 1e,~Pace '. !lin-riC F inde~ ! please. affie e·nntl-l'cceive zeWJIrd... ·'r " .' , • • j-104.. ' : cI e : ' ,,,

.. "




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:WA'NT£~Woo"ti· fot " cook stO V'O". ' ~. . ·c i6· .rot" uu' rma'tiari· fu<ttiiro 'at thill ' o'ffiea. ... ' ~: " ...:., .: 328. '. •

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Er'ncst Gillam is home for a few ST .MARY·S CHURCH Mrs, L . G. Brock Hpel\t Wedn esday wee ks. in Dayton. Second Sun dllY after Epiphuny T . H. Bryan, of Wilming ton, called D. L. CRANE, Editor ancl Publi.her, Wayne.vill., Ohio. The Ladies' Aid met at the church January 18. 1025 , Chu rch Schl' ol at ' on J. C. GrIlY, Sundny. Wednesday afternoon. 0:30. Morning Prayer and serm on Subscl'iption Price, $1.60 per year, John F enly, J r., of Norwood, was Mr. lind Mrs. H. M. Cl.ark were at 10 :4 5. A cordial welcome is exhome f or the weck-end. Gem City visitors, Friday. tcnded to all. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Gordon and famHev. J. C. Stitzel' held communion REV . J . J . SCHAEFFE R, Recto r. ily s pent a few days in Dayton lust seryi ce ut Lytle church, Sunday after--:-" --.-- ----=---=----. -weer. noon. WEll P.~D AY. J ANUAHY 14, 1924 The third numb er of the Lyceum METHODI3T CHURCH R v. lind lIl rs. J . C. Stitzel, of cour~o will be given Wed nesday ev- Spring boro, were i n Lytl e calling, Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preachening. Friday. ing a t 10 :30 a. m. Wednesday even"CAN " THE DIPLOMACY I SAY clothing nnd dry goods nnd groceries ' Samuel Mosher closed a ee ries of Mrs. Wilbur Clark served several ing serv ice at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth DELIVERED TO GR OCE RIE S THE SAME D A Y IT IS BAK ED and other commodities at less than meetings at the Friends church last days on lhe grand jury at Lebanon WHEN ! League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 cost, thc business being carried on in Sunday. the past week. p. m. Ev(;rybody is cordially invited Protracted mecting will begi n lit Eve,'y ll'kk of dipl" '''"l'Y is bein ~ 1\ pU,blic place visited daily by the Mesdam es Clara ThompRo n and to these services. 1I , cd to .· ,,'; ure dela y ill t he pa ying bulk of th e peo ple, with overhead and th e M. E , church Sunday c\'ening, Mury E. Carmony spent FridllY shop' Rev. L. A. Wllshburn. Pastor. "f th o !o' .. e nch I n'n to AU"'1'icll . Wenre nil othe r oxpe nse abso rbed in the P 08- J an uary 18. ping in Daytoll . Mrs. W. A. Hain es is in incinnnti flUW Li i,<'p plli ntilll!ly ,. ud unofn clll ly lui deficit, and t he n the printers will James J ohns has becn s ick with CHRISTIAN CHURCH nd v i ~ l'd thut FI'"noo i. wil l ill~ to pay ha ve th e l au~ h on business men who at th ~ bell side of her broth r. Harry griJlp e an d Nelson ''''atk ins ru n the _ whi ch is cu n ~ idorn IC - if II mOl'a- tu lk "bu y at honw " for the benefit Smart, who is critically ill. schoo l truck for him. Sunda y School at the Christian Mrs. Myrtle Clark a nd fumily, of tu riU nI of t en y.'urli I,., "I low~, l an d of th e ir fa rnll'J' trud e, hut who cross Mr. and Mrs. Gle nn C. J ohns a nd Cli urch eve ry SundllY at 9 :30 a. m. (heir finl:ers when it contes to buyi ng Germuntow n, wcr Sunday guests son, of Dayton, were Sundny dinner eil!hty Y l! u r~ of lim e I .. l!i \'cII to "If,,'t Everybody co rdi ally in vited. gue s l..~ of Mr. and lIIrs. Cha s, J uh ns. th" ob lil!ation, UncI<' Sum mcnnt i",,' t h"i,' uw n s uppliee.-Gi bson City of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Clark. l '"ud",., in The Amcri cnn Press. Miss Nellie Cutright, Mrs. Lee JIll'. and Mrs. Harry Grnlwl1l spent to dra w the mun inc,· "t illte "cst IIf _ _ _ _ _ ___ Stratton and Mrs. I. N. Han ks were SUlld uy with t)lC lat te r's pHrc"t.~ . ~ !r. F ER RY CH URCH OF CHRIST nbout ollc-hulf p CI' cellt. We ",ollde r shopping in Wilmington, Saturday. an d Mrs. Sayl or, of ncar SprinJ( Val _ if the F,'c nch bllllke,.,. \\' ill I"nll mO lley Th is i" an unde nominational congreAMERICANS CONSERVATIVE Mr. and Mrs. J oe Dav is and family ley. to Am 4.· ricun s , l' V en hadcl'd LJy (J UI' gnli ,,,,. .II 11 Ilre welcome to wo rship spe nt New Y ur's Day and lhe rcst b est scc uriti et;, at ~lI('h·a rH l p o f in Mr. lind 1111'S. Clyd e Whar t,," !llld Thl' Am rica n peo ple a re at bot- of th c week in Dayton, the guests of children and Fred Lacy \\'l'r ~ week- here. Bill ie study 9 :30, followed by terest? comm un ion an d sermon . Evening, As WI! lel>rn 'Of lhi. J(cnf'rO U" uff"r LOlli a con~crva tlv e people, in virtue Mr. an d Mrs. Ira Hartsock. end guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee song se"vice un d sermo n, at 7 :00. lIolh uf the dee p in ~tincls oi l hei r Dr. H. E. Hatton has returned Greath ouse, in Da y tOil. there r ..aches u ~ the nnn 'I Unr l'''H' nt Thirty or mo re we re in atte ndance th'lt " Shylock is no hllW('r in Ven - ruce ll nd of lhut po liticul shrewd" css fr om a Cincinnati hospital where he ice." \.Ve . w id ill' ig in Washing- which rccugni zes the va lue of penna_ was trente d for gall stones. We are at Mr. Burn ey B" e wer's Bible class ton, a nti thnt hi ~ nDlIle i ~ 'enll lo r. nence find sulidity of in s ti tu tion •. glad to 1''' llOrt he is nicely im proved. Saturday even in!; ut the home of Mr . Th Indics of the Civic Lea ~ ue will and Mrs. Frnnk Roge rs. This insulting bit of pl'opal!n ndn Th ey arc co nse rvalin' in th e ir fu nda Mr. Enos Rugers has r eturn ed fr om comes with 1! 00 4 graC(' f r\llll It nalion mental bclil'fH, in th e _U' ueL ur" of ~ e r vc a ch icke n pie dinner, Tuesday C. W. Hoblll.o n is co nflllcd to his thllt on its kn ees begy(·d A ",eric" for thl-i l' 1:'0\' C I'I "t";IIt~, ill tlwi l' sO"i,,1 un d eVCI';" I:, January 20, at th e Town Middler un to the homl! of his son , \.. . .- salvation . It co mes wilh I""'" ' I' I! "UC C dOI1l t'6ti c uSllgC". Th ey II "C li ke II hull, bel:illn ing at 5 o'clock. Din- Frank Rogers and wife, where he will hOllle with j:l'ippc . Everybody spe nd th e r emllinder of the win ter. Mr. nnd ) Ir". G ~o. Hil l' huv!:: moved IJIII_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • • • • " from a co untry thut c ha r~. · d Amei'icu trc,· wh o"c pendu luus shoots quiv er n(.! r will lre 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs . .John Fite a nd dllug- h_ to thl·il' properly in South Burling-ton full to ll for every fUOL "f Fr<'II ch 'ln ,1 ru ~ tl c Wilh Llw ~ Ii~ htc ~ t breeze, cO"d iu ll y invited to come. Muv in g seems to be the ord'e r of ter,'of Pleasa nt Rid ge li nd Mr~ . A man Leo W hit.:;olIl ig not ah le tu IH) in soil over run ' in our eff" rt t tJ snv(' lhe whilo it. roolS ('n fo ld the rock with Do YGur tradi n~ In W,aynesvill e. HE COULDN 'T RESIST land for the French pcoplp, und it /I I:rn ~ p wh ich Rtorm s cann ot loosu n. the day. Mrs. Amanda Starr hae da Middleton, of Dayton, spen l Sun- his place of husiness, on account of 11l1IeS Bryce . moved from the Hanks property Into day with Mrs. Emma Foulks and so ns ill ness. comes with poorest gruce of nil from j{ 0 I' !:i'U f I 111 W ,fe- Hen ry, arc you s ure c\'cry - - --- - - - - Mrs. Ida Howe's rooms; Mr. an d Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Re eder and , ev. r. Ie the cou ntry that nctuul ly mnd e An'l er_ :Irme , ., thinl! is s hu t up f or the night" Isaac Han ks and daughter, Ruth, daughters, of Route 4, attend ed the , ~ cunductlng r eVlvnl 8eI'V' CeS at the H bb (I' b' 'I ' b d) ica p~y for the graw·. in whi ch tQ EXPLAINED U Y c ,m lIlg weurl y Into e have moved from the farm in to their fun eral of Mrs. Reeder's father, Mr. F n·cn d s C Ilure I1. , • bury hill' '-aeae! soldie rs ' whose lives 'f he P. '1', A. met Ilt th e schoo l - ' Yep-cvcrythi ng bul you . ' were gh'en fighting f nr th e French The 6weCt ~'o ung thing visited the town property; Mr. and Mrs. Harl"f John Cotterman, at Cente rville, Monhouse on Wedn csday eve ning. An hO' pitul. She went to call on Tom. Tolle and Bon have moved from the day_ r epublic. . Mrs. Morris Mi\I\!r 111ft Sunday for interesting session was he ld. France owes Ameri cn between four Reckles@ Tom they called him be- Dakin farm to the Hanka farm; Mr. lind fiv e billions of doll,u·s. One bil- cau s e he a lways believed that his . iIIy and Mrs. Wilbur Hawke and children Zanesville, where she will visit a Miss Dor othy C Ul'l e s~ slIccesF fully . HaU's Catarrh Medicine WE GET THEM QUICKLY 4 ND )ion of this. gigllntic Hum was lent six conld beat any he-man locomotive have moved from the fann into E. couple of weeks ,with her sister and unde rwen t an operatio" 'Wcdn eHday, Thn6e who are In a "nJn-down'· cond.-. FREE OF CHARGE f or removal of t onsils :mcl ade noids. tlon "'Ill notice that Catarrb bothe" the m family, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn C. Whitafter th u war h'a d ended. These bil- to the grade cro88ing. Tom was con_ Henry's property; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil W. H Ice nh ower of Wnshingto n much more than when th ey are In !!,ood lionll cli me ' from ·tlre pockets of the si4erably wrapped up in bandage. Hoover have moved to the Hawke lock, . , heslt h. Thts ract proves thot while CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR EXPENSE Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn enter. C. R ., spent It part of last week wi th Cato rrh 1ft Il 10enJ dl • • " .e, It I. !:reatly Americnn peo ple, no~ grindhlg und er As a matter of fact only part of one farm . This week Mr. and Mrs. Bern h Il' h In"u " need by eonetltllUonnl eon~ltlon 8 . · IS Plot er ret urn ed R A I.1.'S C ATARIlIl MEDI O INJIl t. B Carr and daughter will move from the tained to Sunday dinner, Misses Dolly r e Ia t ,ves ere. high ItT ing cost., and nbnormal ·tax- eye could be seen, _ I.Coml.lOed Treatment. both 101' RI unO In'!Oh, Tommy," said the sweet young Shumaker fann into their town prop- Jackson and Mary Boitnot, of Tippe_ homc \\;th him 0 11 Monday. ation :~ :'Let the r e be u d6ftnite date tern Cll , Ilnd hna beon .u t .. l In the Phon .. 8 HARVEYSBURC , O. !Ilr. und Mrs. J osep h LCllming ha ve tren"" ent of ('"tarrh ror nver forty yearB, erty, and Mr. and Ml'1I. Rom ine Shu. canoe, and Marvin Wel ls, of Ging~et fOl' . .repayment an e! a rellRonable thing, "was your head hurt?" . d ' th . I S old b y all dn.g g lste. mo ~e Into ell' property recent y F . J Cheney & ('0 .. Tolello. Oh io. inte rest charge tix.~ d, and n.nId yearly; , "No-no, indeed," said Reckless ' maker and daughter will move to the hams burg. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark and purchase, I of H. D. Corr. Harold Either I"l:cl)ch ~ltpayers mus t repay T om. "Only my ankle was hurt. farm. The Allen reunion met at the home Mrs. Mary E . Carmony attended the Scaml1l uhorn and f um il y hu\'c movc d \!!!I!Z!!!!!!!__!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . this debf or·tbe · Ame:rican' tIIxpayera These bandages slipped up." of Mrs. Ida B .Howe, Sunday, Janu- Farmers club at the hom e of Mr. and .. pcrty Vacnted bythc LeamY (lay it. The F'renrh lll sj.lllye l·s should ary 4. The re were present : Mrs . Mrs. Frank Elbon at Waynel\ville, • be com pellod to ' pnf il and to do so - - - __• - .0- - -DENTIST Marietta Carpenter, of Harveysburg, Thursday. ~ promptly. 'F'rl\ric ' toduy is tb e richDUMB DAN IN ACTION Mrs. Mary ALIen, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham had est cou ntry' 1n tlie warl a per capita. And X-O-GRAPHIST Keever and family, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. for their Sunday 'dinne:r guests, Mr. VETERINARY Her ba nkrup\Cy 8eell18 to be only in Friend- "What'e the matter, Dan. Howard FuLkerth and family, of Leb_ and Mrs. Arthur White and children, the mis.<i ng nASet'<it gratltude_ ... ' YOd look sorta all in today. Didn't Waynesv ille, 01110. S URCEON anon, Mr. and Mrs. Peck Branden- of Dayton, Mr. and 1II1rs. Carl AlThe A m~rrcah 'ho h;'~ tM h~t-erest yo u' sIcep well last night!" Telephone 114, burg and daughter, Betty, of Wil- bright, of Springboro, of his co untry at heurt w ill waste Dani cl- "Gosh, no. Pete Perkins Miss Lida Murray is quite poorly Mr. !lnd Mrs. Allen Emrick and at this writing. no tim e in" writlrtg ' to' L1ie ' President to ld 'me I1mt feathers made 80ft pil- mington, Mr. and Mrs. Jessc Webb O FF1 ,E: HATHAWAY BL DG, an d plainly t ~ l1i qg hiro. the peop lo lo_but they don't- [put a feath er and daUghter, Phylli8. Mr. Johnnie daughter, Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. J_ B. Mrs. Ruth Murray spent last week ON MAIN STRE:E r Began, Mr. Will Allen and sons How. Jon es and Mr. Therle J o nes ,ve ra en. wi t h her home folks at Leesburg. lL~p ect h im ' to ' R~lOd fii ni ' fo r t he ..up- und er my head last nig ht and I ard and Herbert, and daughter: Max- t ertained to Sunday dinner at the ill rcpllYlllcnt 'bi tM \;or .n ch debt. couldn 't tell th e difference." The Glen lJavis children ut Welline, Mr. Wm. Dyke, of Dayt on, Mrs. home of Mr_ and Mrs. William Bergman hllve bce- n huvin g the measlcs. Frank Bevan, daughter Nida, and dall. '. ~, The Lowry's have sold their gro· HOW THE GOVERNMENT HELPS 80n, Carlton, of Clarksville, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Glregg, of Cen_ eery property in Wellman to the Gray DECEMBER CONVERSATION Mrs. C. L. Allen and son, Preston, of THE PRINH..R te rville, spent 'I'uesda)' afternoon Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis with friends in Lytle. Among them Bros. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Pccldlnr-"Buy II Xmas trec, lady. J. Lce T a lmage and \vife, of South The governnient hrut just contracted buy a Xmas tree. Make the little and daughter, Rhea and Harry A: were Mr. and Mrs_ Eli Russell, Miss Leba non , were Sunday guests of A. Howe. of Harveysburg, Mr. and Mrs. Sarepta Stllnsell, Mr. and Mrs. ,H arry for twelve- biUion stamped envelopes ones happy." Dentist Waynesville, Ohi o B. Talmadge lind wiie. Rnd papet 'wrappent which It will Aged Damsel- "Ob-but sir, I have Ray Harrison, who are wintering in McGinnis and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Mary Mannon and daughters, W aynesville National Bank Bldg Florida, sent a box of oranges, which Haines. sell llt IT tail for a trifl e more than no children." Ruth lind Glenna, were shopping in were enjoyed by all present. Fully Equipped for Goori the '~ost ' of the stamp~ and then throw Rev. Dwight Wiant, of Medway, Peddler- "Buy 80me mistletoe, Ia. Mr. and MnI. Chas. Madden are called on Mr. a nd 1r1rs. Sllmuel Haincs Lebn no n on Saturdny afternoon. in the priJlting for !,.notb 'r time, beat- 4y. Beautiful mi8tletoe." Service. Mrs. Fanni e Davis has return ed to spending this week in Cincinnati. ing the p~i!lters lind s~tio llera out of Saturday cvening, on his return from her home here after ~pcnlling a ----.~ Large Display Room Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson spent Cincinnati, where he had visited Mrs. millio~,:o"!dollars' worth of business the week-end in Washington C. H., Wiant at Christ hospital. He reports month with her aged parents in Pcnn which mould properly 0 to them . ED PURDY'S PHILOS PAy .on N IGH T T BLEPHO NE 7 with Mr. and Ml'1I. Herbert Fite and her doing nicely, after 11 serious op- sylvania. One of .1 hese dnys so m.e clerk in K. E. Thompson who ha ~ bee n seTlte Eye Sight Specialist daughter, Ellen Jane. eration a week ago. the Postal department will persuade "Tb. d •• I.n III automobila liriously ill at his home near Orego n in, Uncle Sam that it will be a gTeat ceD.. plat.. clolI't ._m to Itave ~-------for the past six weeks, is still COllconvcniencilito' Lhll pnblic to. sell them mucb tro .. in ••IIi... for cub." Subscribe for the Mi"mi Guette. fined to his bed. Lebanon, Ohio ' Miss Andromeda Thompso n' has " returned to her 8chool duties in DayNOTARY PUBLIC ton (where she teaches in the Lin· Estates SeUled Wills Drawn 8 :00 B. m. to 4 p. lit , coin school), after s'p ending a few days at lhe bedside of her uncle, K. HAVE -m1lH--HFHHM-ImH+-~1' ay nesv.iller-Oh io E. Thompson. Natiunal Bank Entered at -the Postofficll at Waynesv iIIe, 0 .• as Second Class Mall Matter

--- ---_._---."..

Thomps n's ea from Y ur G ocer • • • Always F'res • • •








Insurance and Sales


Satisfied Patrons, Best Reference


Phone 61-2 Aman Bldg. Waynesville, Ohio


I . "

III'. ',,,



Har veysburg Fertilizer Co.

;~g~~e pr



Harveysburg, Ohio


Phone 44

Walter McClure

Dr. John W. Miller


....- - -




-----. - ..----


At Cary's Jewelry Shop


Every Tuesday

..' ~

" E. Clemenial,-Fr'ench Minister of Finanee, whose failure too list U. S. War loana of morc than $4;000,000,000 amongst hia natlon'lI Inventory " t debts, has .tirrcd AIII'e rlran taxpayer's Ire. They now want to know, in blac1c and wblte nnd 0111eially WHEN tbe wIll be paid nnd how much 1


",r ,


.. .. \

----_0 ••---_


..? "'. ,I






MlISher-"Say, Cutle, you've cer· tainly got beautiful b~Dnde wavy h~ir."

Hard-Boiled F.lapper-·"Y ou said it. Dad dropped me on 11 hot waflle iron when I was a Idd."




"Ev.r,body ....cI. ...e .10"•• for Cbri.tlDa•• . Of colin. I aID pl...ecI. But if aD,.ItodJ' eYer .....cIa ID. the rI.ltt .l.., I'll ha....



a fit •.'!




F.T. ¥artin . '



Aoetloaeer '

Date J'DIIr . . . . . . .tit ••-

.' .....

....' .......r ....... _

. ...........




Yes,j ust exactly that. Every ~ :;f laid by a Tuxedo fed hen is trade marked GOOD, b C~:.i l: SC Tuxedo Eggmash contains all of the elements, in correct proportion s, necessary to keep your hens 'strong and h althy, producing good eggs and lots of th eni. Contains flO flnvor' tain~in tankage. EVERETT EARLY R. D •

.t, .

W~p .."lU..



U ~E t

e -!,t . n. lI n Swe,.u '1'.1 t udo Dulr)l T uxedo C hop

:- lxod o He" R tlt! o n ~ .~ K~do

P1eeon Feed

T xed a Ei: ' M ntlh Tu xed o SCratch T u xado Cht ek Tuxedo Butt Orml lk S l a rter and Growln.


,. ~ .cdo Deve:loper 'tu.ado Poultry Fnltener.lEltc .

The MiuDi Gahtte, Qit"'lt'rhll

k ~l'~. Hnrold WilliamsOn an d l< ..,nnetll · t John arc il\ Le banon this




U rLlll'fl OOTI.

condition of the' l!it ~\·...s hll~jl Natlollal Bahk lit ,I ~u.rv .'sbu r' II the State or hio , lit II,~ d, .~ " I buarn • on" ee. 31. W2 4.



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~I UU8&Tt.lrotl. • ••••• V.'.Ooyorllm6l1t S&r\l rl tl M OWHOd DellOllHKl.n _11 11' clrculat ton (I ' •



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DIIl.t-. owuQrt

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C.-rul - . . wUb I'OOor .. 1 I O' Bank

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. fIIom Oa\IOoet benln . • . • . • • . . To •• mat. 10, 11, 12,llnd Jill

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Un' lIvld ...1 proD •• ... .. . . . .• 1 ~.2 0

LMa CU.rf"OOl-


tulcre.... " .

a ud. ' Uelt patd . . .. , .. , . . n Ollo I UUj OC' t.o ~I~a~ ·o" ci~r.o'i\· ;1,,;; i';

11I1I1\'llIu&1 tlepO.Olt"

tllao so da,.. (o'ber






ti •. 797 .h6 ·


Mrs. Ma ry Clllrk of Indinnllpolls rled f ro m nn automobile ll nr:n ll Fit'l ko ., WAS hu struck by u t .. ain . IlInditlg on ~~ It. ,r, i 'l ,·.; Hlkn l ('tJo l jdg ...·~, l'Llui . cowca tche r, wher o s he cl ung. H c t It,,,,:-, th'l !! H UH' mllllt h H, hn bet'o the n t seriously inju rcd. for 12 miles. 1 1 : ' Uil t, ,! Lv nJ(~ J' I.'sidunt t " the She 8utre red frorn cx posuro. aa the l . .' ::'11;11. l~ H I l 'o UJ't b ~ n (' h t'v su~. wea ther was nea I' zero. Her l j, 1;llt' .J u:·n i{· c J os(" J.Ja'. Me. mot her was' kil.led. but a baby "d H'I,oi . ,... J who r,'t il'(ls dU l '-0 ill nep hew aleo mi racu lously eac:aPlld }h... t:1 death.





mODOT borrow I) ... .. ..... . TOklot 1",,- n . n . 29. SO. al aDd .2 . • • . • • . , .• • ,., 8 ~. 191!'\ ,ot



TI H" (' n il e IlC' :;


To'al ... . .. . ..... .. . . . .. .. . l l li . 1 16. 0 ri

61'A.TIIi OF OHIO. WARR E N 00 NTY .SS: I. H. 9. Tucltor. O... hle, of the 1>1>0" 0 nuDed bani:. do eolem" t,. . wear tha t tho

.bo.... 'lelOaleO' Ie mle l<l tll. beat of 11\)' Imowled.fe and be~~f8. T CICE R. O.ohler .

end ....oro 1-0 boto.... ",0 ~hl . d,., 01 JaouarT'iA1iNK WILSON Oot'I'Ml l\" '''. Nohlr)' Public.

Illolht' rs, a s:; i ~ tun('~



l"' ,.: i:dly (.'1'

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s ucc es~ .

Hardl y Ever. .A

s t n-n ll flt1 f' \tlllng I lia n whn



11(' \'-C;~ lI prll l



'in m :d,i r\}.! th e




Lit'uh' n n nl l; . J. \\" " I.. ,.h" I",



. I1 I' I II1:111 I(

" J'"

tt...'Ht lH' r s,

dl',I:tt't.~s ~


hI s wl\ll n;:n,·.~ I.. . h l~ I" >! d r"'ll I ot bl ol',1 for II )1 lrl Is Ill' vel" III :I )'tlny to she,1 t1.r firs t drup •





Mr. W. O. itu!"',, is on the sick Ii:;L lilt·. lIty rr HYll"ln ll is confin ed t o lhe houH' wilh tI SUI"(' foot.


~==~====~~~~======~~- , !If ... a nd Mrs. Wul ler McClure w er e

Well becoming to your features, yet filling your every Optical need. This is the place to get them. '





~1J '~ . •1.

E ..1anllt'y h /l ~ ha d c-ripJlc.

~ I r. LOI'l' n li ndl ey hn s r elul"llt'd to Pa.


I George S chool, i,

Mr. Adam l\f(' l1 oh was n bu.ineAs visitor in Dnyton. t h is mo rni ng . Mi;'~ He len Hllwke is aguin fin ' d to he r hom e wi t h grippe.


JIIrA. ,\rla Courtney hn s bee n c onlim' l! to he ,' hOllle with g rippe.

lIll'S. J . G. Rogen;. of Murion. fnd .• is spending II few days vi. iting r ela,. Mrs . Anna Sheehan was lhe S un- t iv es he re. dllY g ues t of lIfr. llnd lIl rs. R obert Crl.!w. Save youI' old carpets and rugs lind get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Mr. tlnd Mrs . ' Y.. YOtlncc .Apc-nt Send for price list. Fran klin Rug S llndn ~' with MI'. Younce's parents Co .• Franklih. Ohio. in Duyto n. I beg to announ ce t hat I hnve seI\[('ssr s. C. M. R ob itze r nnd J. D. cured the ex clusive ugency for the lal"illll w e rc in Co lum bus o n bus i- popular ~'Peggy" A pron Dresses, nellS Ills t wook. Slips and Blou s~s . Drop me a cllrd und samp les will be s ubm it ted for inIIh-. n nd Mrs. H. B. Earnhart spection. lIlA R Y E . COOK. s p<' nt Sun da y with MI". and Mrs. BurMr. and Mrs. F u ~ te r Coffeen. of ton Eurnhn r t alld fUlH il y. Springboro. we.l"(' !-; un day g ues ts o f Mr. and Mrs. GI(,n n Borden. Mr8. J " Itn l\lcClure. of Springb oro, i. s pcn t1il)K n fe w days nt the home " f lItr. J . £ . J a nn e y an d fam ily.



THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th "Why Men Leave Home" . MARY CARR





A fl e l' /I p(' l"iud "r I n Illonlhs of ,','lIs lr u("1 i(\ lI. the lir, t wheel in the ~ ncw Illode rni zed lind "l ectrifi ed Frank :-; mit h papN mill l ur ll ed toduy. The lir, ! pulp wa~ plllc c ,1 ill the new ly c l,(,(· t ed machill!'s at ~l o'r1ock Ihi s By IIH' l"lIillj!. Thi , mill mllk es Middl " . JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD ~ town' s futlrtc"nth papcr ;\lill. Feattirinrr ~1Il<" hilll' ~ we n' h 's t ed fln,1 1"'uvl'd slIt b fll (·t o l")' . Om(' ia l" from m nlly of t ALMA RUBENS thl' pap" 1" plant " in the rity vi, ile,1 AI.o. KINOGRAMS th l' IIl'W m ill loday and in spcctr d IIH' fir , t o peration of the ' m l\chi nI'I" Y. Admi •• ion 20 and 10 cent •. which in volved muny ncw idcl\s o f plll',' r mill ma chine construction . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ •••••••• 4 C() J1 s trucl,'tl u, II cos t of 52 ,000,· ~~~~~~ .-~~~ .-.. 000, th~ new FI"(1nk 'mith mill proo . /lul.v i. th mu"t oll tsta ndinllg illdust l"i ~ II I deve lupment ill t.his <'ity for yeurs. Mun~' of th e new device s -Oil th(' Illachinery we re ('oncu h'cd u nd de s i gn~d by Frallk Sm ith. wh ose nume the pla llt beurs nlld whu i. u IClldillK me mb er o f the P. A. S orl,; Co .• in tel"_ cst.:;. Wh en he Illude till e xten sive EYES EXAMINED research t our of Europe two yen r s ago he gu the red mat e rial ideas GLASSES FI1TED whi ch hl' inco rj orated in n large d eI,;rce ill hid ,,\I'll plllnt. PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE It wu s w ith mod esty thllt Smith. r ecognize d geni us of the modern tmde. s poke of th e lI ew mill. He said simply. "W e bu ilt the best we know how." The new mill has bee n built on WAYNESVILLE, OHIO n spot w hich seven years a go WIIS , unrec laimed flo od di s trict lan d. wh ere t he s lig htes t ri se of the Miami rive r Main Offiee, 924~ South Brown Stnet. Daytcm, Obi.. would flood the low lands. After thi s Over Si,ma Theat. land had been r eclaim ed by the bUild_ ing of levees and draining systems t he lltill \VIIS built......:.. The Middle town Journlli.

I• :, •• • •• ••• ••

SATURDAY, JANUARY 17th "The Valley of Silent Men"



Will F. Young

Every Wednesday 9:00 a. m. io 5:00 , ... Rest Room in Graage Boildial

------ - ..------


At he l" home last nturday morning, Mrs. Emmo)' Baily fell undd s ustai ned il bruk <lll allkle. A ho •.,. ~ ha d Buy. 7 acre. ' wi th good build ing •• gu, t r n down in thl' stllblc lind in 118 .istinl,; he;: hus band Lo get the IIn iaood location. Mr. }j a n), lI a millon lind fami ~v . mal UP. Irs . nail y was pullin/!" o n the o r )\: ,ylo n. were ' unday g uests of hlll ~ r which 0 1'0 \[1'. letting her fall. Mr . li nd MI·~ . Geo r ge Hamilton . T ho larl,;!! bU ll e in the ullk lc was broAUclioD Per and Real Eltilte ke n in two plac es lind the s mnll bone WAYNESV ILLE. OHIO Rum or htl H it thn t Mrs . Emma Dn\\' ns bl"lJkon in three plRces. • in ha ~ s t, ld he r p ..... pl· l·ty on Third Dr . Wrig ht WIIS cu ll ed . who t houg ht ~ lt·c e L. lo 1I1r. De Hrth Shcelwn. it bes t to remove her t o McCle lland's hospilu l. lit Xenin , where the bortes 111 rR. Veda SII III S lind dllu ~ hler , Velwer e set. :)ho is at hom~ IIrtd rosting mil. werc S Uml"y dinner guests of liS we ll a s cart be expected. Mrs. Maym c ITlllfield und so ns . :lfr. U'".1 lilt·• . F. C. Schwa rtz, of C .. llimbu s, wa"r g uest.. of Mr. lin d ~l r ~ . '. M. Hob itze r, lIlondlly.



Daylun visitors. Sun dny.






. . .... . . . . . . .. .

pin. stllrl<l"d


.• , •• •.• . •.cull • ••... ... ..• . "'9 . 7 •• t " "'1' •·.•'1 1'· ...·." •• 111 \ ' : ( " , : 1 \\It' M,,-Uaaeoul It-em. . ,h3 I ~ ..9.. 7';0 TotaL ..... . , .. , . . .. ....... iil'i'.i ifi.;;: ,1 " ti'H iH' d :ll t' i~ IHI \\' :'l'i all~1 \\\' ... 1\1,),11\1 LIABI L ITIES . Ila \. 4. ' nll cardf: in a t :.' a .. t n \\ . . . \. k Capl"' II<H:k pII ,IID .. . • . . ... . . • n ~ . 000 00 hl' f nn ' Lh :1l t imt.·.

l urplu. tUlld

Om c).I'n

w it h p (lurb . Pilule!" p)"[\ . ' ret.urn t.o I':dna L. K l' l ~ t'~· . a nd n! l' l' i~t l' n ·. wanl.

~I IO' I! \ \ "'':'':1 .TH'Ut.\I · .. " :,d ,of ,In . :,',\ '~l1h . :t"4 \\11'1 1 I 102 : ', ., . Lt o' • ~ ll. . t~. !I. , 1 1 {,HI' 19,O :,, 3 ...t . ,' " lit ld 1 .'\\ I ~ 1.i1 '. h 1.:1" il" l'IIH1113 . 0il: . I U 1\" ~1111" 1. \\iH . tlh' .. ' l l.! l ,.,.d lll,· I (il q l l)1I 'd r 1 Il,",' 1 ••111I 1\,; ,~ l,l\'t, I' :--~ b.p , I I I " 6 ,!i2 b. ,'I, I , ;V': gi\l'll a"'~, " .. - n. P I' lh' t ' \<.II l-! \ .....10' I" Iv. .

men'eecuntl"" , . ., ( 111 2. '.' 0...,. l)('U1(1_ , :.1 n r fffOil.o tt· JlulluDr OOUN .. . • . II 7 <0 11


\ ,' \ I ~tu 1,,'

l l;\ 4:1:

•• 'bobdlv ,ar ,·,\lue ) ... nout! .AU oU1,r o f toll ~ IQ.U Oo \'ern·


IIlrN. Violu 1:IM lnn took SUllllay di ll nCl·. wilh Mr. a nd "Mrs. . M. an d ~II". un d Mrs. K N. H o ug h.

$25 00


MIDDS•••• ·


h a by.product! in the proeeu of manufactuPin, tin plate. The Pal~ Oil .t~at ia ~ middliap comea from palm tree. In Bntiah Africa. and la 99 ~ diaeatible fat. There are 8 to 10 pounda of Palm Oil • •YM'7 100 pounda of Palm Middlin... which adda 10 per ceIIt ta .the food value. Palmo Middlin" can be feci to alla~1a 011 the farm. It keepa t~em in .ood condition. F or producing growth and fat 011 ho... PalmD Midd. haa NO SUPERIOR. for it ia the I;a~.heat qual. ity feed on the market for .t,he price.




W. Younce & Co.

Phone 148




'THE JIFF ANY JEWELRY STORE Jewelers and Optometrists,


'l:lI" c nc c lIl endc nh ull is in Daylon. a~ s i ~ ti ng in t he care of her neice, w ho \\'1\ ' in ju r ed in It constin g accill ('nt.

Witb the purcbal" of 3 b a ro. 270 will


a wonderful ".Iue. 4 b are for .. . . . . .

.... . . ... . . . $1.89 .Bread ~;!:~JbL~af~~.~:.....................................,.... . · ... 6c BREAD ... .. ......... _.. .. .


Bananas Fourteen Other Items Pancake Flour ~::k.:;~ ~I~~~.... .... .. ... .' ................ ..9c 1 . ,81' ue K'aro Can~ ...... ... ... ..... ... .... ........... .... .. .. .. 1 ,. 5 BIue Karo1.\0. Can .. ... .... .... ...... .. . ... ..... ..... .32c t Country Club. ' 0 QUICK a • 3 package. fOr .. .. ............... 25c . Ro'nedOt . a ·s 6Bulk. poalltt. for ... .... ..... .... .. . . .~... ....... 25c Coaeh7 Club. Prune. 2 pound package .. .. ....... ..... .... . . . ..... ..... .....28c Sugar ~b;:!~~:·f~:.~~: . ........... ...... ...... ...... ........... ....... 69c Ri~e ~:::~. ~I~~.~..... .... ,.. :............ .. .. ........ ...... .. .. .... .. 9c . AJlple~ ~o:~:d~ai~.. " ...... ........ . .... . . ... :... ... ,... ... ... ...... .. 27c OraDge. ~!~.:"::;~....,..... .........:. ........ ................. ............:.28c Sweet· Potatoes'·~o~o.~.~.~~: .........,............. ............ 15c a ' . '.~" ." . 29 . . . ·ota~Oq :......:...........,.......".......... ,........ C 1


Mr. nn d Mrs. N. P. Blatt and two of th hiJ<'h ~ ch oo l teache r s, of Mo nr o· . WOI'C p resent Tus cdllY ni g lt t at t he 1'\I~ol\lll. Mrs. H mTY Turn e r. of Dn yton. s pcnt R('vernl clays la s t wcC'k nt t he home o f Ill' r 1>:"·CIl's. ]\f r. li nd II It·s. F. B. H e nderso n.


one bar fr ee, makin l(

1 ~ pound Loaf..... .... ... .. ..

The Miami

Mr~ .


]\11". a nd MrR. C. J . E g bcrt. of Xenia , ~)w n t ~ u n d u y with 1\Irs. Egbert's pllren ts, lIh. I\n d Mrs . W. J. Buker.

i\ lr. a nd Mrs. 1\. N IlllUKh. Mrs. ,,'io lu 1I"rln l1 lind lII,·s . C. lit. H ough called 0 11 1111". "lie! ,\Irs. II . . Earnhart SII,"by (" ven ing. JIll'S. Vi c, ln llurlan is s pending this w(', ' k wilh he r du ug hter. Mrs. 1\. N. lIo uJ! h, <It t he horn e of Mrs. Irene Me ·· unlr. of Spring boro . M r. und Mrs. Will Stro ud and son, :\[1". nnd JllI·R.· \Vilbur Hawke nnd famil y. wcre i:i lll1dllY dinner g uests of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Underwood.

Gazette For

Clasis ified

Ads. They Pay!


Custom er--"Hcy. barber, that razor pulls like everything." Burber--"Don't worry. I'll get the whis kers if t he handle don't break."

-----_. - ------

HI. Ide. of It. J<JxplRlnlng I)(~redlty to hIli little "olll\lonlon. ~Ohh.\' sR I<I : "It menns that It your grnncltulher !lIes without 'any children, your futher won't have any Bnd you won't bave aDY."-BD.toD


IIn'ltt Mohammedan 1lI" ~ .. .. -, III ('OIl Hl nlltlnOlple. \\'1\8 built n~ II ( ' III'I ~ I I "n dlllrch fourteen centurh!s 1I~0). ~()phill.



Have 200 bushel. of: ~lood, sound Ganos for .ale: .!

A Grade, per bushel '.~ .• .. $l.Scj 8 Grade, per bu~heJ< . • $1.00 '.,: i

St. Sophia 1,400 Yeara Old.




Diamond BIU 'Orchard Frank LeM~,

.- .

Why Worde Were. Inv.nted. Because Ou r IntentI ons connot be mnde Ollt If we be silent. words have been III\'ent e<l, not to be a curb but to poInt them oul.


How Many 001 !II uny n fll th ~ r hr cu rhes II sigh of reIft' f wh en lit '-OImn ..,nct"'lenl he tlnl8hea workln~ hIs S IIII 'S WILY through collee..




lItr. Elliott Wright made II busit rip to Chi cago Illst wqe k. While th e re Ite WU H I ho g ues t of Mr. and M ... . C. II!. Ca rlwright. of Evanston. ' IC, S


For L1UIlber

II1r. nn d Mrs. Burton Earnhart. Miss Annn T homas and Mr. Madison Eurn hll l·t w er e S undllY evening guest s of ' Mr. and Mrs. Alvin EarnIIm·t and fllmily.


.. see

.." Mrs. D. D. Lefferson. Miss Mary L e ffers o.t", Mr. nnd Mrs. Driver nnd gra nd da ughte r, of Middletown, were Sunda y call er s at t he hO/lle of Mr. J . O. Carhnight an d fllmily . OW.lng to th e r ad io s ervice several of ou r !!ltizens heard the address of Arc(tbisho p Glennon, ' of St. L ouis, delivered lit the f uneral ~ ervices 'o f . Moen er. at Cincinnati. ·Tuesdl\Y -morning . . Mrs. lillrl'Y l\Iurrny-has received the nnnj'tllnc:ell'lent of the arrival. on J rinua:ry 2, of Martha Ann, daug hter of JII)'; nnd lIfrs. Harry E. Leppert, at 737 E. 17th ·tre e t, Eugene, Oreg. ?o-lu. Lcppal't was formerly Miss El. aill Zell.


B. Madden' & .Waynetvllle, Oh,o


. Se~enty-Seventh





The Loc:al -ral ont On the Prog ram Cave a Very Credita bl" Prow , Am of Sinrinr and Readin R'




Whole Numb er 5626




WINS 3, lOSES 1 Th e Wuyn e'v ill ~ High school bas· kclball t eams j ourneye d to Monroe last F r iday night and brought back two victorie s. The first team eas ily defeat ed Monroe firl<t Learn t o th e tun e of 36 to 6. W. H. S. Hhow\!d fin e form . nd pasKwor k. Our first team has ~ee ll mu ch hundi cllpped by th e loss of Hough, who has q ui t school and Tho mas, who Quit to pluy in the band . New me mb ers ha ve be e n add ed to the first squad and with more practice W. H . S s hould res um e 'her stride. The game between W. H. S. Re,erves nnd Monroe 's secon d t eam was ve ry thrilling to th(l spectato rs, the score being 10 to 0, It seemed that Monroe' s new gy m, which is one of the best in Souther n Ohio, dazzled th e eyes of our boys and they could not locate th e nct. Mr. Blatt has so me promis ing mn· teri al alld in a not her year he will have strong teams. The W. H. S. blind accomp anied ~h e t eams nnd f urnishod some "flep· IY" music between the halves. • Monroe received Wnynes vi\1e in a 1eat style a nd eve ryone was well saL islled. Saturda y night our teams went to !Jellbrook expectin g t o play in a new ~ym there. When we arrived we ...ere Informe d that the new "gym" "'as not complet ed. W e played in a barn where the rafters were scarcely eight feet high. Our finlt team could not overcom e the great disadvan lagell of hsving to Lake blind shots over beam II and be· :ng crowded into a small space, and Bellbroo k took the game by a small margin of 12 to 9. The Reserv es won their game de· ~pi te the great handica p, the score '.Jeing 17 to 12. Cook and Missildi ne starred for W. 1:1. S. Bellbroo k Is to have a new ~ym in the ncar future and If possi. ole W. H. S. should like to meet hem on an off date.

Th e mid · y etir p x:ull in u ( jfl n!'J,!'i\"n la/"l l Wl:4.: h. i l l Itl :-.d lllU l.

Th t' !\nrm ~ :.,.,'(! \'C' !'Y IHI :'Y lhi :; wCl· k JU '{I )J:ll' itq,,!


~lHt( '

(' XaminH '

ti lltl", Jalluary a \'\h . \ \' e




.scholl I lWIl

til \ \l·h;tJUll '

into our

!o-dlHlars , Chur . lott e Hlln ,lo y , "i Pll rker lIi . ch ool lJ ll d E:dwill Hunt l,y , uf S ti\'cr~ II i ~dl l\ 0 1. I l e\\'


Report . Show That The Hom e A.ent H as Ma d e Great Headwa y in County Activiti el

The Wayne T UlVnHhil1 Furm e1'1j In· lJllytun, Ohi u. s titut" , which wa H held at l hl' Gy m Fnrt y·tw" la ntel'll slides were s hown Friday alld Saturda y ot In' t week . Th o S(' uiOI' ('I ils~ wi sh t o l' S IU't ' :-;li hy CUUl1ty Agen t Cluss to illu strate wa ~ woil attende d a nd wus n M UCceSl! .t.h ~ iI· g'l'Ut itud e and IIflp reciutiu ll to ll .~ \' I\ri " u ~ "ha ~ e ~ of work accomin overy sense of the word. those "hu 'u kind ly 1l""iSlc d nlld paL plis hed dll ri ng 1 c/ :-! 4. Soil Fertilit y Friday morning , the Hehool .c",.ion, I'Qnized 0 11)' l llstil uk uillners. The work hClld"d tIl(' series beca u se, as WR. opened with pruyer by the Rev. money cleared will he l" t o der\'a )' Cla ss slatl'd , "i t is al th e bnsis of our WlIHhbu r n. the CXPCIl'C ' of lhe co mmencc ment " r o ~perity. To grow mo re on t ho In l\l r . Galchou ses's int ruductor y eJ<:erci st!s. ~ nJllC or few er ac res a nd with les8 ta lk he stressed the Imp ortunce o"f In bur, 1 0 \\'el' ~ the cost per unit, and each pupil sec uring ail the , r huo ling The foll owing qU cstionMWere gh" lhu ~ inc r eases our chances f or a prof· r O ~M i b l e with the r easo na!JI" ex pec· en in His tory las t week, liS 011 1' mid. it.. t ation of profitin g thereby in IIclunl ye:U' examina ti on. lI ow many CUn Summar ized stateme nt f rom Town dollars and cents. H e ul'ge d thut ud. yo u ans wer? s hip Lcadel's ~h owe d 485 tons of acid vanwge !Je take n of club wo rk as ] C l lIs~ ify t he 15th , 16th lind 17th p h o~p hlJt" and bone meal; 286 tons well, in with Furm urvc y ngures to cen t uries in Ameri can History. Gi ve co mplete hig h·g rade fertilize rs; 13,· bllck up the a rgumen t. Olle evunt in eac h century t o j ustify 150 pound s ammoni u m s ulfate a nd Music thi M·session by tit<· School yo ur C I ~i~ Sj(j cuti o ll , 17,1i0 0 po unds mur:ate of potash for orches trll. Rema rks by AI r. Moo· 2 How did He lig ion effect lhe ac. ho me mixing \Vas uscd and ordered mllW, thon C. R. Arnold, l he secolld ~i \'ity of " The Sell Dogs ?" What co·opera tively. State speake r 011 U Moving to Town e ffect did they have on Am. His.1 Likewis e over 600 tons of ground or Staying on th e Farm." I:e r ecit· 3 Wha t conditio ns in Europe fil- limest one was used during 1924, and ed res ults of the Slote BUrvOY on over vored colon izutio n in America dur- pi ctures showed ita value especial ly 1000 Ohio farm s and pointed out ing th e 17th ce nt ury? on clover, alfalfa aIHI sweet clover. so me vital differ ences bctwcefI rais· 4 T he Con stituti on of the U. The importa nce of soybean s and their ing most of the living anti buying S. was the res ult of growth in the special adaptab ility to the heJlVY clay • SA..".tiR"I~l't> ..... it all. • AUTO c:.A' T'Q,.. ideal. of Am. Democr acy. MentIon loam was poi nted out, and Class rec· Preside nt Hough appo ill ted the fiv e instuncCl! where this growth hud ommend ed that they be more exten· usual commit tees and we nd jollrned . been displaye d before th e Constitu · sivel y grown on s uch. soil, where ' clo. tion . vcr, alfalfa and sweet clover will not Aft.rno on S ••• lon u What were the effects of the thrive. More legume hny should be In the afternoo n session Mr. Gale· Treaty of Paris, 176 3, upon France, grown, especially on the dairy form. house apoke about "Feedin g the England and America ? Why should we have such high feed Soil." The Friends hip club of the M. E, 6 'the period bet ween 1763 and bi I\ ~ for concent rated protein feeds The last meeting of th e Adult He spoke first of the cha nges takSundaysc hool met the second Wed- 17 76 was one of political Clothing club was held at th home friction be. when a leg ume roughag e grown on i ng place aR to fcrtHity and mechan nes day in Jllnu llry lit the h ome of twee.n Eng. anll Am. of M rs. Stella Give causes Lhe f lU'm might be substitu ted," con· Butterw ical conditio n, with the increasi ng orth, January Mrs, Margare t Yo unce. Af ter the and res ults. cluded Clas's , who r eported over 160 20, 1925. uncerta inty of profitab le crop yields business session 0 rrogrnm of read· 7 Name th e complic ations in the farm ers as growing soybean s in 1924 During th e f orenoon Miss Ki zer lUI the Boil conditio n becom us poorer. ings and mus ic was e njo yed. reace negotia tions at the end of the showed and explain ed differen t melh· Corn "aTiety tests have shown We may eJlpect phospho rus to be firal Thirty member s answer ed to roll· Revolut i onary Wa r. Give solution po&sibili ties of increllsi ods used in seam and neck finishing s, ng the feed or limiting factor, but should not only call with three new members and of one of them. ---=--~.~~.-----=grain per acre , yet wiLh less fodder bringing forth many helpful de· use fertili&cl'II and manure , but also I five visitors. After the program a 8 Loca te J efferson and Hamilto n, and m oisture which thus cuts down vices. lime, cover crops and tile as the hu· pleasan t social hour was enjoyed by Nationn l Bank, State At noon the Debts, Tariff, the labor r equirem ents. Future te8ts hostess served a mos t mus is worked out of the Boil. ;; c: a1l, durin~ which t ime da inty r efresh- Publi c Land s, State Right!\. will give more reliable data coricern . bountif ul (lin ner, which was greatly This brought out a good discUIIIIlon ments were- served by th e bosies!, asU Trnce the rIse and fall of the enjoyed by all. The afternoo n was 500 AIRPLA NES .A MONTH these poi nts. Reports from the of various fertilizi ng practice s. THE U. S. A. JOKE sisted by Mrs. H. B. Earnha rt, Mrs. imporw llt Politica l The tractor school will starl next devoted to a discussion of Par ties from township leaders indicate 40 pe r cent th e fin· Mr. Arnold dlscu88e d t he signifiFLYING SHIPS FOR TROOP S Crawfo rd and Mrs. Hole. Monday , January 26th, at 1 :00 p. m. ished dresses and plans were Washing ton t o VanDur en. co unty wheat acreage seeded to Trum made THE cance of price chanlce to the farm· The next meeting will be he ld the COUNT RY EDITOR All of those who have register ed for for continui ng the work. 10 The Jackson Admini stration bull or Fulhio, which at 2 'A1 bushels er, We cun think of our prices aa second W edn esdny aftern oon in Feb. brought ab out a numbe Fhe course will meet at the power These women will be willing to r of changes increase per acre, means 10,0 00 being high or low only b)' compari ruary at the h ome of MI'~. -Glenn in Po litics lind Governm house at that. time. help any interest ent. Men. bushels more grnin. Similar gain s ed woman in th eir lion with thos<I o~her prodUCla . He The spokes man for the Mikado an· B orden. . A goodly numbe r have already en. neighbo rhood . The tion three of them. are being derived from Fulg hum oats leaders nnd their prese nted in a seriell of in tareetin g noun ces that Japun's relation with all rolled and reports are atill coming assistan ts present wer e and certified seed potatoes. as follow char~ the course of prices since s: treaty • po wers, includin g this country , in. II you have not already enrolled Stella Bu tterwort h, Kathryn Livestoc k proj ects included the Cornell , 1910, showing that farm and raw wer e nc\'er more f ri endly. We are for this course, you had better get Lottie .Stokes, E lla Cook, eradicat ion of worms in about 2600 materia l prices go up fint and come Irm a all g lad of th a t. We have for Jap an busy. This is the last ca1l. pigs , the organiz ation of Pig, Call O'Nea1l , Elsie Ellis, Geo r gia Menden · down ft rSt during a war, and that und Poultry clu bs, the tubercu losis hall, Lida Branstr a tc.r, P earl Rich, only the most s i.ncere feeling of kind. probabl y now Is a good time to begin At th e a nnua l mee ting of th e stocktesting of cat.tle and poultry improve . Blanche Grnhum , Ne llie Bunnell , Mo; ness and adm irution. farmnie '. us he believes the farmer' s At lhe I. O. O. F . meeting last men t through holders oC the W uyncsd llc Nnlionll l nimia Bunne1l, Isab el Co r nell. Lucile demons tration farms Secreta ry- Harvey Sackett . conditio n will gradual ly improve . At the so me I.ime it is intet'est ing, bank , he ld January 1:1, the election Th u'H luy nig ht , t he f \l owing offic ers lind certIfied flock s. 'l' he various clubs Executi ve committ ee---L. V. Bran- Fires, Eva Earnhar t and Lucile Arm· wc rc inswll ed: li nd not amusing , to conside r th ese resu Ited us ·fo llows . E .... ain. Se•• ion acti vities were ill us trated with slides. .trater, Lyman Day and Dallns Boger itage. . G.- L. Nich olson. .facts : J apan builds 600 airplune s Ml'mb cI's of th e !Junl'rl. " .. 11. AIAt the evening session, Mr. GaleIn contrast to the av eruge f arm hen The Institute also went on record V. G- ,Jnm os J ohn M. each month, k(!eping seventeen fac · IC'TI, W. ]0' . Clark, Elias Oglr· ~bt·e , .J. house spoke on "My Respo nllibillty a& opposed to the la ying 65 eggs per yeal', the 28 6 birds Child Labor amend_ Scc!'etll l'y- Gco. D. 1I1i11 s. tor is !Jus y nig ht and da y. Accord- B. Pence, G .E. Riley, J. W. White to My Country ." He consider s each ment. on Lhe ten poult.ry demons tration TrNI"u)·cr-Ch a •. Strouse. ing t o our Briglldi er Gene ral William nnd FrnnK Zell. commun ity hus three nceds-for ed. farllls IIvel'll1:c d 1:13 oggs each, at a The conclud ing talk by lIIr. Gale. '!'!'\lstt'e Gcorgc Mitchell, a sound au thor ity on air Hartsoc k. W. H. Aile , presiden t; G. E. Riucation, for recreati on, and for relig. house stre88ed co~ t of ~ 1 .02 per hen, an d lit a total the use of good seed. Tho insta lli ng officer was District service , t his Go vernme nt own s, in all, ley, and J. 0, 6rt'wrig ht, vice· llresi. Ion. He praised the "boo ter" type We have to grow cost of 18 1-3 cen ts per dozen eggs. the best crop we Deputy Grand Master Mor ris. of only 700 airplane s, big and little. d c nL~ ; L . ]\f. Hendors on, cas hier. of citizens ruther than ' the "boaste r" can or we will not The Wllrren The average receipts from the t en County Ministe ' ria l as_ get very far. He Franklin . And of the 700 on ly twenty would type of citizens , and pointed to the encoura ged us also sociatio fl ocks was $1 ,;{15,08 ; expenses, $765. n is to make ... 11 canVlIss of to help clean up Followin g lh e installat ion several hove any va lue as fighting machin es. "booster " spirit as exemplified in tile the state of bovine or;. These expcnse s included value of tubercu losis by the co unty in the in tcr es t o'f , the Th cref ore, Japun speec hes were made Hnd II fi ne s UII · bu'i1ds each month, West. Advised everyon e to have a complet ing the f eed grown on fll 1'111 , leaving a net campaig n in tbis coun chnurch es of t he county. The Ohio twe nty.five tim pe r w n ~ s(I )"\' p • es as ma ny s erviccab le radio. Council oC C inco mo of $730 .2:1 per fl ock, or an hu rch c~ has the work ty. Vi sito !'s were presenl from Fl'Ilnk- income of ubout Solo by Mrs. H. B. Earnhar t; trom· in hand, a nd t he work in Wa rren plnnes liS we have altogeth e r. $2.75 per bird. Sim. Reading by Vashti Beckett . And we have in Ame ri ca on l~' 460 bone 8010 by George Henders on, and Rep!' se ntative Justin W. Harding lin anu SpriuH'b oro. ilnr improve ment i ~ expecte d through Mr. Crabbe outlined the work un - county will be done in tho first week pil ots ihllt coulo !Je use li f or air bal. hns been mllde ch ai rman of the Ju· Basebal l chorus from. "T,,1lig ht ' AI· der the Smith-H ughes ---~ - tho certified fl ock project, aa ex ~ ' law In agricul. in F ebruary . ley," by the Grade school. Each clnlrch will hnve work e l,!, and lies in t im e of war. Japall, !:;ngla nd, l iciury commit tee of th e prese nt gen. plnin ed by Ins~ . ture, also th e coming tractor school. • Fl'unce, hllVC thousan ds. l' ra l usscmbly, and was nlso chosen a Co-oper ativc Illllrk etinl'(' of wool, Saturda ,. Morai. . In Mrs. Cnrtwri ght's last topic, the di strict around Waynes vi lle will m om!Jc r of thl! commit tees on insurthroujZh th e Oh io W oo l Growers ' co· "Increa sing the .of Life," she be cover ed thor oughl y. Eve ry fa mThe Saturda y lIession opened with tated that whileSpan The rich thn t. fi ght taxes and yell IInco , milita ry affairs, state !Juildi ngs, operath'c associut ion, Cul umbus, and we are steadily ily in the to wnship will be vis ited, A towl eclipse of th e Hun whi ch a musical reading bY' Martha Nichols. gaining more control over contagio us and a question aire will he fill ed out for eco nomy f ellr one thing evell pa rk s a nd public works. takl's plnce n ext Satur day, th e 2·1t h, o f L1vc"tock t hl' oujZ h tho Co.Oper a. Mr. Galehou se talked on "Farm diseases by antitoxi n treatme nt, we giving the family's church hOllIe alld more thull the loss of ,their dolla rs, wiil be pa rtinlly visib le in this sec· tive firms wus give n du e co nsidera· Organiz ation as .a Means to Making Iced by cureful, tempera te living to where the children attend Sunday . /llId that is talk of revo lution. tion of, th e coun t ry. As th e eclipse tion. CI,,"~ r e l1lurkcd that tho ex· More of a Success on the Fann." J ust one tbin g could bring !Jlood y try to prevent disease.' rather than school. Why must we wnit fo r };ul'ope to !Jegins 8t 6 :5 1 a. m." it is no t prob. ten s io n "crvic c is in te rested as much He · thinks that While the Farm bu- cure, and advised thoroug The idea is to obtain a full and r evolutio n an d updsin g in t his COU11 - estnb li. h h examin a. n flyin g se rv ice uc r o8S the a ble thaL lIIany of our citize ns will in improveme nt of th e murk t\ting reau has blunder ed at timet, it has tion at leas t once a year system s aR in more econom ical proby a com. complet e list o f th e church-going try. And thnt \vould be shamefu l ocenn '! If 0 \11' bus iness men. that talk be ab le to see it . In a big way made good along many petent physicia n. defeat in war, with horri ble loss of and the non·chu rch g oin'g people. 0 milch of supe ri or private own erScientis ts ' tell us that "a total ductiun, yet we must be very su re lines, and that it is to be expecte d life Il nd property , du u- t o luck of prep. Music. shi p, Inck en crgy nnd COII1'age to be eclip se of th e s un will be visible at that our propose d sys te m Is r eally that it should encount er a continuo us aration. Miss Kiser and Mrs. Class each pionee rs, t he United States govern- allY oll e point on t.ho earth's 5urfaC(l belter li nd 1II 0 l' e econom ical before DEATH S fight. Believes as it prospers the Jave sbort telks relative The very rich me n and corpora to "Keepment should do it. on ly once in three and a half ce n- we proc eed. folks who left it are going to come ing Househo ld and Farm tions. that controi this n ation. di cl."lte H orticultu ral improve ment through Accoun ts" tu ri es. Seeing a total eclipse is, back. after which tho institute adjourn ed. Town ship Ot'chnrd demo nstratio ns Hurvey Moon died at the home of its candida tes and its Inws, sl:ould th eref ore, a chnnce to be had only Solo, Elsie Hawke. In st ead of merely se nding out of bear that in' mind and not pu sh econ· No adjectiv es Qualifyi ng the music his son, William , Thursda showed so me of the most striking y morning , Our lady speaker, Mrs. Cartwrig ht, !o generou sly supplied date !Juttlesh ips to cruise in the Pa- once in seven lifetime s." omy too far. and outs tanding results. Trees which have been January 10th, at Sandusk y, Ohio. gave a typical health departn ent talk ciflc, we ought to send half a dozen b d d fiv c or six year s \lgo were about to The body was brought to Waynel one wor -fact. straight froUl the !boulde r, used above,II ecause The Dl'l' tl' sh, creators of tIle s u' per. dirigi !Jles, bigger than anythin g Eu. I d'd 1 0 h tre· ville, to the h ome of his daughte r, be cut down were sh own with a sple·n. it a --liP en 1 rc es a, In conside ring the In 11uenCE\ 0 f h e· scribes chorus,' 110108" reading dreadno ught, rulers of th e sca for rop ~ has, each carrying its cargo of did crop of fruit, due to systema tic s, trios, duets, Mn. Horacll Bogan, Funeral SOl'· redlty an d Ir fl yin g' machine s and fliers, to make com h Id t th Oh env onm enla a n pr un ing, fertilizi ng and spraying . IS d generat ions, are not nDa lecting their . .1\1 showed not only real ability, but .' were e a e ape un ay air fleet. They ing generat ion, society for have o;'ganiz cd a fly. fri (lndl y demons trat ions in fiying' own a sparklin g quahty of youth to which vices afternoo ,n . Ilt 2 . o'clock, Rev. L . A, The Bethany church cemete ry will Orcha rd men used last year, 6000 . sake must work toward the ' igheat from t~ moth er ships, target prac· Waahbl lrn officiating, ing service separat e and apart from tice Individu al ' develop ment po receive a yearly income from a trust pounds of ammoni um sulfateo.ll fer. Ie, aa we all pay tribute. It waa real Cl&lll, with imi tation bombs against ',A rmy lind Navy control, unhamp ered orily throllgh proper en,,; nment and- that applies equally fund establis hed accordin g to t he t ilizer, 28 I battels of. lime sulphur , to the dhi. Carel of Than". by precede nt and old.fash ioned ideas. moving an d stationa ry targets, etc. wishes of t he may we make up for lack of ontrOl nel'll served by the Senlon. late John M. Bradley, 1225 pounds arsenate of lead, 1800 AJI thllt would be instruct ive, create We whh to extend to our many Britain is building of the laCltors of heredity b which airship big whose will yas recently execute d by pounds copper Bultato; and 160 gal· Now th.t It III oVer, 'If&!' the Inlld· friends and neighbo rs our 'SIncere and enough to carry bodies ·of troops, r\l. t hought in foreign countrie s and pro. the Lebanon live IItock Improve ment Is rought tute a luccea ' I was Nationa l Bank and Trust Ions oil em ulsion. Milch of tb'1s wea , told,·tha t It heartfe lt thanks for their aymp'a thy placing thEl mo te peace . . purchas ed co·oper atively. The comold, slow fioating troop compan y. was. The estate is said to I,le Why1 Well, everybO dy help- and kindnes s .sho·wn us in the lou about. ships. Offi These and ships, ·omml each t·-with able five mil. ' , il _' _ " T.I~ul va lu ed at approxi mately '7',000, and bined crop harveste d was over 10,000 s.eB Haw , ~c· . cen ... u III c ~ ""n,schoo'- of our husband and father. ,' Elpec. lion cubic' feet glls capacity • ~_ D The editors of coun tr y we ekly ... 'Ate bushels 'o f apples. kers preu and , will make newspap ers are the most influent ial each year the sexton of the cemeter y Henden on, . The county agent showed how the 1. :hole will receive ' th e income. from this in the y;olioie . AftarDo oD S... usc of his level 'had been invaluab le men in the United States. E ach one mn ount. Both Bradley commlln lty, weather man included , ' and his h wife .. ' , . hI ' d . f' . can in flu e nce at least one Congressth ft in helping With two ' drninng e sy,. lrits, Mi8B Emley for t e oeautlfu l 8 p.' . The a1,t.~noon 's eulon :oyol\ wlt1'\ witne~ ~900 t · . atten ance or e ve .Aongs rendere mnn a nd t wo Senator s, more than were Illid to rest in the little cem· d. and Mr, McClur e ' I The . tems, se shiPS six water supply systemil; two " will be{put to";ork at music. , "t8eIB on.. half a dozen -so-called "big editors" etcry. for his kindnes s in conduct ing the , once, ,.ca~yinll' m~ . cellar drains; loying out 'terrace s; and · ~asseng ers As, to ,h ow, 'It Is 'hard 'to 'put Into lu . .' Th.' e com·mit tee. on , the POlbr ·con· ' neral.· , . :.1 .!rom"E !nrlanii to India' .nd othe'r dis. c'o uld infiu~nce them. rd' septic ta,!k!\; building : foundat ions• 1'd teat announe e\l .warda u follO~: ...... . wos: b II t to:wn. f o. an COUll...... , Mni: liarvey' Moo.n and Oblldl'e!l. m.~o thousan d of t hese editors pub. . . , • t.nt Parta ~of the EnlplN. .Thua they 00 etc. He also gave 'informa tion eon. ~lteri .nd teache" " all A \ lit prize-W !I1. ',Oonne r, .. _ 'l!2~ ' " " ... rtba 1'.u cerning the ~eas,urement ·(;lf logs: bi,na . '1 00 'Ifill ,pay their meet on i!ommon 1I'O~lIcl of iii p a!l8,' IIDd be Ush this article, sen'ding It int o 11mil· 2n d Pri _De - d f er,.... . • ""f~,od,.WlIl ~Md..••"D"'-..... 'Ia lions' of .. on. . .farm and----gl'anaries , ~e •.Plannln r farm, .ho.~ses " prJse,.1..MaraaretII Cook. Anno~n and' vi ce~e age _ nt _ 9 the . death.p . f .1i0 I. . f the rea "I or war w, en It ~m. . ~ .... w '". ..prize- X.neth ·fro homes. 'They $hould take this qlles"art B. A. Wnl1\1ce, of the 4th steads, houses, .Idtel:tena, etc. :r.::-~_... lit"le da....bter of MI' .n d v.... ~.. m ',' .40 'I' o. prob.~ . . .rere IlJaCU • _, " ... • ,- . , . 'of a'r ' ., ...,.... de"ense' in hand. and p'ut A"";C\lIt\lTe, Ohio 'State '. _---.+I ' 1..___ .. It. 'lVU voted to ,bol4 an . ~to~ ..... d CIIlII8 ~Jlreas'ed keen ' apprecia tion . --, • ~ 'of. . Detro" __ou .ltC~ .1I eom.... " .. II Dot this ~ ... a. Spn·...-I . '1 , "9J:~t*, -~ ~ . ... Kiob,. ' came throug...n ·• as they ·... ut .through ·the Mrs. . n u t -••• towUcl .whkIl p'U1f U viaitiDi dem.. aIIo,.1 Vernon fQr the varlolJa local 'leaden and C91iU-': ?o!anmd ale, 'l'roy. .. I4 went tofrilD dalaat. week. Death .... du ... -lIgenlrt•.,._., "_ JalHi-;';d ... foJlcnr lq . . . . were •.., ~ DIPt NfhIIIied and to pneumo pUe~ , P08t. mitte~ CQaalatina" ot, 0VW!l' 18~ ailea · , H. P. Mliler, -Sunbul T, Ohio. nia, "Hr. SJlriep l "... and n.~'.I Write to y,qur COD~an and 'p rincipal speaken and oalen , ; coun*y who ..... at the with • aDd JdacUr former17 luperillt eDdent of Wape iDe -1hiII '~;;;;~~iill . U. .... ToWIIIIIIP eehooll aDd HI -a. boIIt 'of 'If8 lit walt~ Sen.torB , Urr1ng them to ley Farmers ' MoilHllil. CooUdce's earnest Tuesd.y . han will ~ tAt ·4eteIoP to give thla 'I.bee- betllreen ~. ._ . .. force. teatunl 1IiY~





This Week






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The Miami GueUe

' NEWS GLEANED Farm Bureau's Y e~r_1_R_e_po_rt- o\ fROMCOURT HOUSE The Dean dcclared Ihal Ihl' furm I' be prouQ of hi. bu. in,'.s, outlinod to r th e all8ui ng )'CJlr . a nd \\ nich cOlllribut('s th\) rn od 'producls Ut"t with T 1\tlwed int rest a nd co- Qr :,11 c.,)thcl' "lu~~e s , ruw m nl c ri;jl ~ operation of n gr a ter nUlllb \' of for much "f our nu\nufJl<'lure~, nlHl local IICoplQ still g l'ellter ncco mpli. h- ooci (l" l" rllnt of the freo y" un l! hl" oo menta n be bro ught fOl' t h e im- which invigo1'l\ es nl1 ll ~ tinllllnl ('H the provemen t of W orr en county. citic, to (1:1'cat('r devc lopllIent. Fh'I' Co unl y Agent OIoss visited about pnint ~ w(\te 1llC!llti, l1l!d us pri me (' ~. 200 fllrm s and attended ovor 20 0 ,; IItinls fo r thl) farmer. hi s wiCe amI meetin gs during 192 4, A SU1l1J1lllry childrcn: Fir!',t, inc(,," e e'lui\'ldent of t h office a ctivitiea showed ubout to thnt u f lh" ci l Y laborer with equul 8000 co n ~ ulllltion s ; 11 00 let tenl 1'0- t rM ini ng; ~('conrl, h 01ll1l com forI: UIIII celved, together with over 1800 ci r- eon ven i nees, compara ble t o th(l ~ e culars, pape rs, e t c. The office sen t of the city; th ir d, Rch DOIs equn lIy liS out 1204 origlnallottcrs and 118 dif - good ; fourt h , altrllct i,e un d p lea <ill g ferent circu lar letters whose t otlll social life; fif th, u wh oleso me mo rnl edition was 28.828 copies. Cr edi t atm osphe r e as slIti s fying r e ligio us for much of this work was exte nd ed life: Th e~o ('sen ti nl. wer e gllthered to the office stenographer, H arriett f ro m over r.O(l bllYs Ilnd gir l ~ in a Steward, and to tbe Farm Burell u Ru rvey t il fin d out why t hey were secrelllry. th inking of leaving the f a rm . (OonUnued liom pug 1 )

~ hollid

Mill Ki •• r'. Yaarl,. Report M iss Kizer. the Home agent, aided

by lantern slides, gave a report of toe act ivities of the Food club, Cloth. Ing club, Home Managem ent, Expenso Accounta, School Lunch and Clothing projccta_ $2,898.16 wns the vo lue of the 1448 pinta, 1669 quarts of fruit and of the 1169 pints and 963 quarts vegetables canned by th e 76 members of ten Food clubs in Warren county. In addition to this the girls canned 109 quarta of meat. made 367 glasses of jelly, bILked 1312 bakings of breads and quie.k breads, planned and prepared 78 meals. At the county elimination contest of the Food Club Demonstration te1Ull8 the team representing the Sunshine Food club was givef! first plaee and at the State fair were awarded second place out of 68 competing teams. Tbe 100 dre88es made by the girls in the Clothing club were valued at '897.18. In addition to their dresaea they made 81 aprons, 19 pllir towels, 18 pair of pillOw cases, 20 d ress covers and 67 sewing hags. Two hundred and eighteen kitchens In the county have been scored within the past year with Dn everage of '19,6 out of a possible 100, Lantern .lides were used to show mlluy inexpen8ive oha!lges made ' such as a more co~y en lent arrangement of kitchen equipment, a dumb waiter in use, and a wilidow box which can be used at leut six months in the year. .' Nine In the county have been kee'ping home expense accounts and a s a result' a new book, especialJ,y adapted to the farm home has been compiled and are for distribution to any' farm woman wlio will agree to keep it for

a year. Ap,ProKimately 400 sehool children over the county are receiving a bot diah at noon. This dish In most of the sehools Ie preps red by the children working in committees. Seventy-tWo women in six townah.l,pe acting as local leaders in the Clothing construction work. These women are williDg to BllBist their nelahbora in altering a pattern to fi~ their figure8, .and in cutting .a onepiece house dress from this altered pattern... Plana for next year were explain, ed, wbereby through leadership, greater reaulta may be accomplillhed.


Deu VIm. GIn. Leel... Alfred ViviaD, Dean' of the'"OIiro Agricultural college, Columbus, delivered one of the moat outatanding addreUe8 ever given a farm audience in Warren county, at the Annual County Farm Bureau meeting, Lebanon, Wednesday, January 14. Over 226 people wero crowded into the hall, '\ho Ustened most attentively to the Dean's discussion of the economic s ocial and civic problellUl of the farmer and his community_

"!,(u1n"t If\ in ,llul(ol'n f llr ,Ii U "" \ 0 11 '~ 1"(\1.I 11 d~ Il l' ~")-o~. II 'j!'Il'( t. Chnr lo 13,1\\'11," C'lllcl',',1 ~i il OJ!', nO'! It ll lh H owk,,11~,'r IliI'lIl'~. 1' hl' /11' ion iM xj,re1l1c ~1'\1t lt~, . Fdith t'1':'l'~(' Y i" >tlill)!' 'rh ' .Io n· ,l"~l }\M I',~

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F'rul1 ~lill 'J'P., S l. 11,1 l'LL ' \. , $21.~ t; \101l\)\\ Hn\l1 t: CH l'~ An,I,1 !lnd 1'''111 V'I~sie t il . hl'~l r " '11>1HIUlI.1. ,t dm:~ fili' 1!1:': I , ~ii, ", 11, lli1l1 ,Iw ll , al10llt 28 "el'l'p in 11 II III il \ I':'" r! fJl~lIIl, dwdfl'. I',,"tnn', , I ; T p., $1. ~:d" 111 to\\ 111.1111' 'I' q,,\l"", w,l l'k 011 G. r. ){Ilwth I'll " , E IIII \V" lfrml1. 1" /1,1. ~,I I ':'.I~; ,JlI". 1,11\\ Iln,J :-;,'11, ~a~ .' lo t ll i n r'·l'uuk li'll. S J. 1.1 cI (til , $:, {,O:;; .1 nn. ],; 1\\' , 1t · ,Ht I1':'4 ,

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c1'\l\'IIY II ll d nc,rlcl'1. Ira F. lI ig\}I1 Y 1\, Wil li ll lll II . ~/ c- ,~.,' ll; Li lli''' li ard" ",.,· (' II. , ~ UI 'I' Ir·'" CO MMON P L EAS P RO CEED I NGS 1fil t'l'Y E, ~ h l.· J' l'l'\', LJ'u:-- l t"', f 1( (" ' - GU llh . u\'1 1 t IH l't:-- r Ullt,lir ' in).!' u i ',lut " ,r' ll , t ' I). \\, d l, ill :- , ).! ·I':L\t ·l. $1 ~I ;J. ( ' 0· 111 \ 111' nl"e "r .J " hn W . :\lc()U\\'I,l1 , cd ~ lI il ug-ai ll: t AI'", li" 1.. 1'\ , i ' ,l'l ;,5 :\c ru" . 'i 1. )r::II'Y E, l.;'h'l' I:lHilH ,d id itl .... l'li,· ~. !lIn In::- \ 1, (\1" J~l1 ~ ; \pt! 1111. ••~:';fL:l:, ; Lru 'I 'I'I' ill l<:t nJ..l'll(' I~~ of . \'l'I'Y (,,,. a L t'i\ l' 1llUlh ' Y an d f(q'\'t"J,''l ll l'' hitI'I \\, ,11' . 1. ~\1Pt. ! .,I ,tllt ' \. 1'11 ... 1111', H\I~hi" rH IH' \, :.\- I'l d !'>-uit :If!"a i" . . t B l' o wn tt l t )\\I' 1i C. l;)'o:-:-'. :o.1l1 all tra l' t \'~. L' hu1'l", W . )l ilt", it " "rd"I'\ ,d '1;. 1 ' \ lL (' pili" , " t' P:III " , ,; ,,: ,:,:,-, ; tha t un h~t-:": , l~ ff' ndtll t p: l y:'lo h i pl ai 'l - Th ol 'l : 1:- l '~hl f' fIll ' .t:\I!l:&ll· .... ~, \ 1111) 1l nt ill .... ra n l,!in Tp .. $ 1, tifT wilhi n :l ~I H Y ~ o f l ' Jl I' Y }H l't·Or . l'billl"Ii, :;;:;,OIJll, tlll . 1! " l u',l'l' ;:t 11:l l'p t' I' .'t nl., tot !\I t' lvlll h tj':lI l'!c:, I 11'ld ·h ;\1, t, 1', ' , \ 1' , 'p" li ~ t'!'I t h e ~ ' II11 n f $1 Rli7. I~, " it h l n t ..· I' !'t aud C(I..; t nf llll' :-lu il. ehnlt(,1 p rn Jw l'ty

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, l ' :IIIII',. dl'·; LI·~.' llI l'" ;.; t : fu scll in Lhe _CII ~e o f t hl' ~ tnt(· of Uhi ) \\' illinlll p, Jl cl1 dl ,.I. , ,," , d ll'l a:-l'd~ I"I'III ' ~lInH' , ~' 7 ,;;;I , ' ' ' . ha 'lOI1 \\ . I i1' 1, !l Y, 1'Illnll ,.",.\ .I a I ,. . I" ,1 I·· I · /'. ,t d '11"1 Iql (.1' \, .... ,\.: 11.1 .... 11'.' . JI I I-; t ex reI, LJo r othy Smil h \.,. Hlllph E. .' \ I III .,1 (' , I I ~n l rl\.t\.~d l. ~ \ . t , \"l ~. i·ul !\ l"hl l·L{ )' lIt('!'o I J( t:D..:tl l'I)I, S:!li l, ;lli ; I ' . ,. . ' , De,·nl. I II t hl' ma t tt ' )" III til " , "' l .,h' n f O W I' 11 \\" ,':-'It ' I'J1 ~tlll', .. a l,H', :-!:~i~,I..;li : H 't'!-- l . . \ d ·l lIlltI ·" , ..~:.! 1I , 11 " . \\ .tltl r ,\ , I I'IH ' I . III t he cu"" of Enl 1,. Wnnd rrly \.". ,J. BUI"PI I. &I(' l 'I ' :; "; ( d. 1., ,\1. 1I ~'l1 d l' I" I' "f! ~I al' , .:\l I ' p l h ... . ,.':.!7 1 ~, o : ( ', dll lll h u..;: I .1'\ II t .. : 11 I I"I,I,,\' d ll l' h. , ' ':" I ,. d . C lau d" E. \\' on d C1· I~·. o n n\l,tiull the !'oO Il. u :-: (':,\\. \·u t I', fl h'd hi~ il ' :l' Htp l'~' Hla,,(, 1 :"ll~' ( P' I ,:-;ul'p llt .... :' l H . :.!.-I : \\'. -'1 I'll \',' \'1,\'1, ' ~"I' I '!! ~'.' l :, > ,. I ~ I , As t o econo mi c pl'oh ll'llls the Denn defC'11dant is ~rnn l , ' d ;W dllY: nrldi - 'anel nPI 'l'ai:":(! 1l) ' lit. I f , . ~;\r, .I :~ I ' l'II • • ,-allll'. ,:-; C,-lll ; l 'lI d t' !' - - Irn F. Higolly , n d ' ld I'J~ t\:ltl'r ll f tlw i ""OId !~I' t\': l' it r l' C" . , 1 I~'p(. \'.,.il\t l, co m pnred the fllrm t o II fnc t or y. tiolla l t ime in which le' Al II'a d to A IN ' T I T ' O ? J ust ns Ihe shoe mllnu factu rer studies pluintifl's IJI' t iti<l l\. "~~t a t l', o r ,~\'I~\' E : (, 1 t~I'~\ : ,d \'l' t: :U-'; l' d, 1'~IIJ:.!.:q) , 1..1:11 E. ,~il ll P'''O Il' Ilt' ~'~' l1lhl'l" Oh't rcC' \\'n~ grnllt(!(1 on groun d !'!. flied 111 .... fil.l ,l11d h n l1l d(,'l; O ,IIIL.· l'.\I ', ' lI:- t ' , S 0 11 : I I'II "' I~'. , ... I ' " h il .... r\f . hi s m a l'keis , produc ing onl y wh llt the I n th(, mUllel' o f th e a Pl'uillt l1 \1 ·tl l f:ll l':--, l i Lrll ' . ~~:,O:l: H l'id'~ 1 11' u:.! "11,11". I I Ill . htl\\'!'o ~ \l lIr :\111,,11\ 1' mnr ket wnnts, lowe rs h is cost of pr o_ of J.:'l'O b~ TlC).!1\·ct of dul~' in th (' ca. (' o f EVil L. Won derly \'~. laude 1-:. (It u nHltl ·01l f o ," th L' " ' Ul'r" l1 ( 'lI l1 lJ ly :--: 1,' I'l', l'al '\I, (' (' d lh. ~ :.! ,lH I : I l l' . I:,d)t , Iql, ~ 1!:l\ il iL" l l ll ~' tl'Pll ld " I b t' :-- t' ducti on t o th e lowest possible ma r Jnil. l\I H!'Y M , H t'unt \\a ~ lI pp\ ,in tt'd I: !.· \l r, \1"lt tn tlrpl\lt n~ lI (l lHl' , $:.! ,fl \): \!;I~:-O'?" g in, produces a uni fo rm a nd sta nd- Wo nd r l'l y. The cou r t over r uled t he motion o f to l-"\' l "' (' il1 ~tll ~l(1 uf :\In!'thu I..:r nlll. \\' . H \ IId l ' I':- lI n (" 41" l ~t\\, In ",,," t\ ,1' "Y ., , i !!''' lI t IIf \ l ' . ' i:t l\lo l1 tl1 1 hn'. a rd qu uli t y produc t , a nd Illerchandizth e pl;\ill ti fT t o ~ct II 'ide j udgmc ll t wh o hn s l 'e:.:i A' IH.' <'1. pr· \' ;-OI,. \·"' I 1' .!! HUIlI' "t '\' , S7,:, O; ,J ph il qlltt(' . , tll l ll '. " cs th em 1ll 0~ t econ om ically, so the Bnd Clltry o f d islllisHll1 i n the case Thl~ CU til'l ''It'clrre d thut ndtn i H ~t l·:I . 1.;1\\ ;1',.1 t. 'n" ~l1 pp l ll'!" , $ 1. -; : \)a ~ , I " { ;' ." th llt o..:t ' ~ "' h a t'~ l ' ;t\1 l.; j HJ.! fnrmer must do 1i ke wi ~e . As to wh eat pI'odu cti on , th e Dea n of B. F. Hu ls vs. Gcol'l~" K. 13es udcl1. tri x ~ l.d ll'(' nl l'~ l t\ t l' uL'gc rilH!d in pe U .. 1. 1 1 :! il1 l k Iln ld( :l I l t! (' I ~, ('". , Saltlt..' , Ill! th ., u\.uld,,'!" I n t ho mlltter of the Clu \'e!an d, Won at Ilt'i \nt.. · :-:a lc i ll the mu t t('\· of ~::~L I O: SLli~H l la ,\lfJ~ ' ( 'II . • :-'l1 ll h', ' 'I'i \' I l a) II I "l l t~ ." decla r ed th a t t he tim e is l llst aphicllgo lind st. Lo uis Mnl'y Il. \\"a l"o n, ut\mil1 i" lratrix or I inc innnti, proac hi ng when 1111 far)1lers o f the . - - --:.-...,,~=,,-===~~ -----::- -------,---" --:--o.-~-~ _ commu ni t y must g!' wa un ifor m h igh Rail wny Co. , "S. }' ra11k lin Board 11 ,HI tht, r~ tatr o r ,Tuhll II . \Yu b ,"I . de-I- o-~ - -yie ld ing va riety whic h has good mill- P uper Co. , lea\'c is I!l'an t e,1 d fcnd- c.. a ~~ u, a nd lI cl'sc lH'1 M. \\' 111 ';1)11 , II ~-.-ing li nd buki ng q ualities, ~o t hnt car ant 10 pl ead Iwr"ill within 15 {hIY ~ . m illO I', ,Jl'fll1nc lle May nl i- I 1 Dtlfc ndulIL is grunted leu\'e t o plcad ' ''' I', li nd :\Iary B. Wut·'''I\. IS S UZZle lois can bl! shipped diroct to l ho big h el'(~ i n w ilh in 20 day~ in Ihe cu_ e Ed C. •Jann ey , U ~ udm i n i !'t l'a l t..u· o f miIl~. Lik wise in Lh'cstock p rod uc_ t ion , t he !i."l mC ur eod of catlie nnd of j\l ich ne l Brew('l' e t Ill. \·s. J . A. t ht, c. tll te <If Annah t,; . (,,, It,,,, ,, ". d(· c n};ct.i. was a UL h o ri zt.! d to s dl h und~ hogs might we ll be gro wn o ver t he Hllrtm an. I n t he ca'e (I f l\l ichllt, 1 Ilrewer et b e l o n~il1{?: to Ihe eslntc. ge ner a I arell wh ich w ill thu s attra ct Th!' CnU I·t appro \'cd the aC Colln t buyer s f or g reat qu an tit ies. lie il- 111. vs . Cbnu llcey R. Bunll~ l1 et nl, lustrated t hi s by sayi ng th a t car l ots def en dants ure granted \cavc he rein of Hu ~e N'oni s, elwcu t l'ix nI th t' e 'tat e DC ,JUIlIl!S. , Norris, d l' (' (I U ~ ( · (,1. of cattle have b ee n brought int o W a r- t o plelld within 30 days . In th e case oC Mal'!rllr(\t A. KirtTh ... accoun t of ~ I nry E. Rn~", ,, ~ ron county f r om Wiscons in, not hecause Ohio lind Warr en county far- ley vs. Ollie C, G a l ~, Lu cile Turk and eXt'cu lrix of the estnt~ of Willilllll me rs do n ot produce goo d elLttle , but Snmu el Tur k, o n motio n of pla inti ff I L !\('wporl , wus al'l'ruH·d und cIOn· because Wisconsin h as a gents be tter it is ord ered that snid e~ tate be so ld fi r med. The accoun't of S. C. rhillir ~, u~ organized for producing and selling at pu bl ic auc tion. Th e cou r t ove rrul ed th e moti o n of ad milli~ tl'l1l"r of th\' ~~ t:l t c "f Ann dairy cat tle more systemlLticall y. dl'flln dn:lt that Ray Cro~s be mnd e Phillip. , .d~Ct" ~t'd, \O.'n ~ a J1pro\'Nl lin d A. to Farm II pl1 r ty III t he case of Allie Cr oss \·s. conflrmrd. Or.aolza tionl. W ald ron C, Gilmo ur , us >ld ministl'aI n the m nl l('l' of the e~t " le of GihA s to farm org unizations, the Dean to r of tho estalc of R obert Gilm ou r ~on Lowe , dt!rl'asc<i, t he COllrt Ill', pr oved Ihe >lccoun l of Ha rold G. declared that th e m embers must be d eceased. On IIpp licntion of plnintiff, t he case Lowe, t~"x~ cul o r. patien t, jJay their du es gratuit o us ly , and they should no t expe ct to see all o f William Wllrd low ,·s..Johll hel'Hl'u I'cen S. aTl't,l l, CX i'c utl'ix of t heir mon ey come back with in ter est nlan Rod)("el's and Elizabeth Hodgcrs th' (!~tllli' of Wm. ·lI.cry , ;lTl'oll . de cell",d, tiled I Ill' "ale bi ll. in the first lew years. Members of is dis l11i s~ c d . t he organizati o n mu st t ake un active T he cnurt judl:c d tl1l' o ~ tllic NEW S U ITS Nllr,\' Oli\'c AI'c hd cnco n, d N·t'ase.l, t •• interest in its work in order to get 1[1'1 C' i" ': c ro ~'- w ord pu n l" ~'r-l l1111 llYI'I1:' 1. I" " . .~. " J ll uht YI'U \\' ill SIJl'n d W i llia m Wll r dluw hu" e ntered s ui t he rl"'e fl'um i nlU'l'i ta nct' t:1X. results . . 1'.l) 1)!1 ti by h.C' \' . 1 , A , l\'!oY"'r , \\' hl(.' h Illan y:l dlfll klll 1{ ht lU T' O\ll' " thus }JU ~· J\ . C. \' lIil, Jhhn :"\ 1IJ!'\'nt "lId An- will g h ·c WIj .'eI chnserR l\ melT Y r tl u nd lie, IH.t dOli l . td:l.\ iL'" linal so lu t ion In closing the Delln m e nt ioned t hot flgnin ·t .Tohn Shc r mun \{ orlJ.:prs lIIHI othe» industries o nd bus inesses had Elil'.ubeth Rodg e l'B f or m on ey on d iil- J r c\\' Hi h"p WHe Ilp p in ted nppm i. - h"I" r,' it j ~ finally "olv"d. It i., :, I L,' o 1",, 1' ill' c fil .•e Ill'xl week - with t' I'" o f Lhe l'stat of Patri ck flul'kc, P"l'rle l 1'117.;' 1,. wi h wOl'd ~ in erl o c k~ d "" "Ih , r 11(' \\ l'ul.1. II'. wc will \1 ttbli ~ h suffered economic l'eVC1'8e during th e ter c ~t , readju m ent variod yet t hey are Cy n~iu Lnw i ~ Fupin!!, '\ 1l(!I"t Lllw d "C' l' U!'ocd , hnlllJ:hnul the 11111.1.10 1111 d en " ug h ' Ih e elOl' l'I d an s\\tl' l u t1li ~ ul1O. T ho \ . il l of J niln ]l ,.,rll y, rlccl'U!!- Ion!! \\" 'I'd, t!, break t he 111 on ~'to ny n f working ou t t h ei r proble ms through for d i~o rcl' o n the I!r,, "n Is of gl'n s~ organizations and so u nd econom ic neglect, ext reme Cl' tlt,It..,. a ud in lo l\1: l'U, \\ C' ;; ,dnd th d tn rl'ObOltC. ll," , hnr t t hre e· letter word ~ or tw o 1\ A " mall b ll. T Il.' I. d.lIll.,ll N,ltionn l Blink !11\d principles . 111 like ma n ner, he de- pcte ncy. G T ill' ll' li g i ~'1i \, f ' ~\t " J lH mmc d , P ea rl Mu lford hus ~nte1' d su it TI'usl Cn .. \'.'11~ "p(Jo i " L~ 1I e xecu t.or of clar ed, that Am eri'cnn fa r mers must ACROSS O ll t! u f "l'olly':i p nl:-l> ,11 7 the HUt(· "r J , hn M. BI'adl ey , \lC'organize t o stud y a nd impro ve the ir H O~ cd to t Oll lll·...· l " Ol' <ls .u lf s e n· fi ne o f Lhe A I'u ~tl,, " . censIHI. I:d ~:. Co di n. n. S. 1Ih:-bUSiness, to protcct a nd promol o th eir l'IlC'l' S. country ur A ~ ia . g'ill~ :"ln d A, n, l,u u(rnun \\'(lf C : p" JA\ slarp;c home li nd community lifc a nd to A kind of eiIlY. o rt o f cubbagc. T he a tte ndanco contc"t showed 1 (I II1lLi nta in our tru e Am erica n t ype of abou t HiO people PI'cst' nt whe ll the pointPlI IIl'p rn i",crs. A gamc , UIll' "r th,' la ke s tllt~ S . The \1111 o r Will ia1l1 Bu,·tr,n, ri c· I I farm, insteud of Ictting agricu lture A S"l'lt)I11UC " hol iday (IlL,u r.) T o d ispntch. count was comple ted a t 11 lJ'clock. ce[l~cd , w:\ " Dl lm i ·tclI to pl'o bale. I;J revert to a peasantry as has hapA bona. Til ~Ih)l'k wil h te lT I'. The pri ze was won by twenty-two Bvyd H. Hlll hf.!' ebe1' Wll S np poil1 tc d Jr, LIlI'~C city o f II UII',,1('1' J O. pened in many of the E uropean counAn. ill hllbitllnt of the a il'. flll'm e rs from East Turtlecreek tow nexecutor of I he e ~ tlltc of W ill il1111 I i tries. M II Il'S tl l'st rcs idence. To annex. ship, ellch of wh om was given 26 Bond $12,000. I R Invoclltion lit opening of meeting cen ts t owllrd s th ou: l unch. A t t ho Burton, deceast' rl . A wu kene d. Tu ha ve cx i ~ lc l1 cc, was by Rev, Keller, of L ebanon M. close of th e m eeting th c PI'oposed A ppl'"isor" app olntod UI'C: Ot'{ll'!rc ~(I _\ rulli llj! in' lrllment. ) nc or the sma ll es t "lUtes (nuur ) E, church. ' President Mendenhall ,F'e dl!rnl Amendmen t on Child L "bor B. POllc la', Gu s~ Millel' ul1,l J . W. 2 1 1T:-; (.>cI t o ·\ stt. l1 sh u (\~ . I llili ll is o f fo unrl' l' o f '01'11 ,II l! :1 'r o be hOl'llt, on sn mct hi nJ!'. gave a brief address, commenting up- was dis cussed and wi t h prncticllll y COBtcS. lIi ve l' ~ i ly, The court a p »1'o\'(:1\ t he nccuunt l!ii on the activities of th e year, es pec- unllnim ous vote the sec l'ctll ry was in_ 20' Jl\ e n sk ill,, " in U"I! l)f gUllS. A ~" g-e I' r I he en ~ L. ially t he starting of Home D emon- structe d to te legraph o ur Sen ato r o f F' lorQl1ce JII . Hu ll, gua r d ion ()f t he 2 7 A lJoy '~ nl\l11e . Openi ngs. estate of Dais y E\' Iyn lI a ll, mino l·. :l stration ngent. C. C. Meloy gllve A jcwdlcd head -dl·uss. To poin t. and r epr esentlltive in Colum bu s, r eThe gross value (If t he ustato o f secretary's r eport and financial state- questi ng that thoy work toward th e A n;)l1Ie ~i\'e n to Cc rm a ns rl UI'- ~ ~ To rc ~ t. J osep h Wal ki n s, dcceascII, wns demont, .community singing was lead defeat of the proposition . l~ sUIli;, in g th ~ war. t el mined at $15,91 1. 25. 31 by Mr. Carroll Hathaway, and elecA wil1j!'ed fuote d Ilnima l. Xe~ative . School far Edit ha n url son, A S admillistrntl'ix :l l! tion of officers r esulted in D. E, DunA COllrt of itinc rant judges. [n thi s 0 1' t hat m a nner. of t he es tute _o f Chm'les W. Hud son, :I:l ham, . L ebanon, president; Kenneth Accounto .J2 '1'0 pull . Dominu s N' os t' l' (lI!Jbr.) Hough, Waynesville, vice-president; Ther e will be a SUmmBry school deceused, fil ed her firs t an d finll l I c- :;.1 1n myl h oI o~y t ilt' da ugh tol' of ·15 A not ve ry seri o us ~i c kl1 css . secretary to be elected by the board for fu rm crs who have been keeping co unt.. . A t l·ad cr. Inll ~ hu " lind iSll1cn . of directors; r epresentatives to the farm nccounts in the cou n ty at Coun :JG A c<lrdlmill'fl int or compas" l Ull} ,HJ N o 01lC else. MARRIA GE LICENSES Stllte Fnrm Burnu meeting in Colum- ty Agent's office, Lebanon, on Thlll'1>1) A province of Canada ·(nbbl'). .J" il1 .' d LOg'c th cr . bus during Farmers' Week, are, How- dlly , January 20, from 9 :30 II. m., t o n ol> I't nror ~ . la bo l'cl', ol: d MI·8. :l ii i or Lhe nil'. L""d erl. ard McKay, Orego nia, and Howard 3 :30 p. m. There wer c twenty-e ig ht A n ne [[Ille)" IlI uI IIIl'Y wo r ker , both o f :1:' A \\'(,1'01 (' Xp I'o ~~ ing c l'(un lity. GB A P'l11. of chur ches. Null, Frllnklin, delegates ; N. A. Gil- men who secured accou nt hooks fro m Franklin . G5 HOIl1!! of l\1inis turs . ti D r ni l i l1 l ~ lIt' It lal(' p re" ide nt. bert, Clarksville, and J ohn J ack, of t he co unty agent's office n yenr ngo Helll'Y Lre Ba ker, la bol'e r nn d }'Ii ~s .1J One w lw ,,<li t, (nu ul'.) 5 7 Ini t ia l, of LiI1 ~o ln's Sec. of Wa r. Morrow, Il lternu tcs. be ~ id cs those wh o IUI\'e ' ~c e llfl' d t hom NO l'ma O. Stel'lu' ns, bOlh uf T wc nty ,I:j I n IlH ISic , 2 n d :-t ~dla b l 0 o f ~ca l c. 5 ~J A .child', nn mc for moth er. fr om banks an d th e Uni versity di- Mile S tand. Gt A t erm used to indicate married Pt"i n'i c l" s mea SHl'Clll c nt. rect. Any farm er in the coun ty who womun 's maiden 1111 III e. IG rit, t of Icnll. REAL ESTATE, TR ANSF E RS (;2 ha s completed hi s a ~ Couflt for U) 24 Child, 48 L UI'l; e city of Asia-MinOI·. (J ~ including inve n to ri" H und fnnn rcMay McKi nley to A rm in u l\1 .1i'n71 r, L 1'1'(' ~Cll t l cn HC of VCI'U to be. .A n unexJllodctl shell. ceipts nn d eXl' cll ~(!S is invited. u4 A meas uremen t. Willi lllll O. B u ll, abo ut 37 uC l' e~ in 52 A date on Roman cnlondm·. MI'. Cr. R Arnold, of th e Stllte T Ul't\ eCl"ce k 1' p ., $l. Epoches . ul1i v er ~ i t~· , will be hc.r·e t o o ss i ~t nil J o~~p h P. Schn eck to Cuthuri ne N. i> & 'fable land. wh o uu ~U(1 th e m ce tin g in su mmar- St" r ~ l'. olw-fift h intere~ t in 1ao a cres {j l; On e ~ f ilion key fumily. An.wer to La.t We .. k'. P.uzzl., izin g ll1<' il' 1'('cr) r d~ so I ha t. eve r yo ne in (i'1'Ilnk lin Tp., $1. l n it inlR of inven tor of co tton gill . ./ <l hn W, ulld Slll'llh :;;wil""lll·t, to ~! , To "poi l 1'(1 li "h o n furniture. \\'ho I"" InKrn ·the Ll'lIubll' to kc,'p n',''''·''" hroug'h t he yea r may g et Ih e Chu l' leg Il nd Flo1'(\ll u St~p h cllgl) n, IiO T u ~ k n Ull f or sC I·vice. full I ('n"lit fmlll till'l11 . Th e n, ecl- .iI,,,,, t GG :tC I'CI\ in Dee r fie ld Tjl., $ 1. Of "l i tJn~" d en" fam e. ill).!::-o. alt ' S tl l'o ll d ucl c rl Lh nt t ll p Jlf'l'C;t'ol'gC' A. an d· Ag'nc~ Lcwh, to U" /! Ike t ani l11 nl. or ;.. 1 hu !'irh·.. s o f the fu ell w h o at· Ed win ll . nn d Chm l S t umpf, ,,;ll1 11 Gil (\ 11 ~ IIf Ihe H"",ui ia ll 1""IIHls. tt I.d b 1I0t g- i\' Cll .to (,thers. 1\ u cl jl)ll, ll'ael in I-Iumil to n Tp. , $ 1. Ii i Otfw r met·ti ng'" wi ll he h elrl in L"l'l: tt" V. Stowc to W . n. Tn vin, (i8 l ' rl·iJ!'ht. ()!) To r csid e. V;/lyne;.,\· ill~, F rank lin, Milson, Mor- lot,; in Le uanon , $1 , HOI vd Cdd w_ vd U. 01 a.. .John n. Stowe to Willinm 1-1. 11'roI\', Mai nev ille and Butlerville to D O WN SircIt ~ • $100 $150 .lOO 1 A Ilative of JIlPlln, , t:1l·t flll'n l a ccllunt s for 1925 by nll win, lot H in LI·bnn o n, $ 1. ~. . • ),SO, 4.00 U> llI en wh o wish to begi n this year. MI'. Willi a m nll d Kllte 'Hurley to NOllh 2 Of t he ca m,,1 tri be. ,.... "-~-• S).oo ".SO wn A r nold will co-opel'ute in h olding lind A nna Kent, auout 60 Ilcres in 3 A ge neral of the Civ il War, DaubIt • ~ 4.50 c.oo mee tin gs "'hero twelve or morc far- Franklin TI'., 4 What the SUIl is someti mes called 1. ....... _ W. JOI1NION 0UMf m ers ag r ee to attend. Wil li um ond Kate Hurley to Eliz- letter nbbrovintions , 80 comm'on In

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.tONEY LOA Ell 0 LIVE STOCK, chntte ls, IIl su :mco nd mor t.gagos, Notes bto ug ht. J ohn Hl1rbine, Allen Building , Xenia , Ohio,

Farn1ers, Atten tion! l?lIrm el's . of \\' UI'I'en an d adjoini ng counties may o bta in mOll9Y on lopg t im \!, loa ns, li t 5 % PCI' cent interest. Co»l of securing th e 8amo is very rca. . onllule ,throug h T he Federal Land Bank. For f u rther informution call on 01' address M. C. DRAKE, Treas. Ul'er, phone 3 16-X, L ebano n, Ohio. FOR RENT

Fon RENT- II 11 lf of , alouble house in tht, CUllntl'Y, betwecn Lytle anti Fer ry. Rent !'e"sollllbio. Inquire at thi s " ffi ce . • jan28 FOR REN1'- Ho use of fiv e rooms, woter nnd elec tric lig hts. Inquire of Mrs. William s, at COl'llor of T yler and Fou!'1;h stl·eets. 08. I

WANT} ::::T:: "., .10..,

, For Idformlltion inquire , ut this ':12 8 office. I

FOR SALE DO '/DO ~Ml::Me.E'R. 'TItA" S4TH 'Tv8 1 SouGHT FROM 'feu LAST .TUNE ?

iHlS ,9 'C)u) 'POp" ORAW 'A PICl'UAc OF HIM AN' WIN. A

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1..A4ii+.t QBAI- AAQO'~ D'lAW IN IN.c. ' CoNTE~T OP.&N -ro ~ .AIiJ..' SC:H£, - A6&& : 8 :n~ Ie. , r· .• ~'~'6~ ~ @§

~J;~Awe,'f. • ~

W~4 ' oak dinin g chairs und 1 bras!! bed, wi t h springs. ot Ida Githens apartment n, Ohio ,o r inquire of Wnyi1!!sv illc , O•. ·f4

.,,,,JJJt:o--L;OVIHl Ulrll ng Brooder o~le . senson, ' ILt Lytic, hous e '~'cst of 8cho.ol110u8e. ,.Qf SUl'Uh Osburn, " "f4


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ST .MAFIY·S CHURCH Third Rund uy nfler Ep iph any, J altll ll "Y 25, 1 :) ~ 5 . 'hurch ·School 9 :3 0. lIf or nin j; l'rnyn line.! serm e n a t J 0 :-1 5 . A cordia l w e lcome is ex. t cn e.! cd te nil. HI~ V. J . J. SCHAEFFE R, Roctor.

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0 " 'Ihllr .. d ll ~.

Sabbut h Scheel, 9 :1& a. m., preach. in g at 10 :30 a . m. W ednesdayevenin g se n 'icc at "j :00 p. m. Epwo rth ~l1 " ,~ t', [,L Lt' Lm n o n , Fl'i lla y , l ~ ld l l' a 11U t lll, .., .. ft' lIll'l II l' l·t' r- n j uyt'd Lcngltc G:I G p. m, Prcach ing at 7 :00 thl P:I)!',:UI t. " ;\ n ' l l' i l'H':-- Child," a t p. III, E"(' ryb ody is cordiall y invite d lo these ser vicel,. t h .. '\\" : ,)' 111 ';' \ ill~ I ,Ylll I ,, ~t \\ " ,' k. Itc\'. L, A. Washburn, Pastor, T l li~ j ' v mmun i t,'l \\'.:t:-- W t , ll I'l'Pl' c. ~C1It , · d ill till' Fnt'l~H" I"~ ill!'\ titutl! at ~j l :- ,

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1 un(II 'I'; t,,"d Ill y F"r<l pe l'fecLly, I ((' ur CIvil. fll f' it ha:; a ld nwo ut in th e pr l'~Cn Cl' Hf mi nt' l'llcm il'!". J unoin t ti", llloWr with oil; th' rucliHLo l' IJnil. elh uV (' r . ~ "I'I' ly tlli< thinl.: \\'ill not PI' ~ 'dl l11t'rp l() l :-i : 1 g- lLill ~ t ll u' g'II V l' l'fl · Iltl'nt ," p uti ,,' n Liy t u s uhrniL t.o th l.... r.d l.. ", "'" "II till' "a y~ or my life , 0 1' l ' i\'i l II\:1JdHt r utQ!-" hoth su p r(,IIH.' llnd 1 will till ., 11 in lh., hOll ~ (' o f JlO\'l l'ty ~lr(;inlli H . !" uli ,,,"d illutl'," to " be t. r ue tIl l hi: l' tlU I1 ~ fllrt. '\' C' I' , Mr.-. F luyd Sal' a ~l' nno m il , 01'· ~ I. " " I Equ ip YOU I' F or ll with o ne II'Y" in "hi l'll ib; lIl l' rn l 1l' r ~ r ~'!-i dt.' . ] r il ll· , ,[w il l Fdday wi t h ~ll". B, ·II ,' it bt, hOJH,'d th is Ilulrllt.;t IIU~ ba n or t il<' ,, ~w (' lI"ko o d OCK ", WI", ,, the w ill l' ng-n ,n- ~ yllJP itt hy i ll till' ran k and thi llt:: r,'"du's u ~ pel II o f twc llt y ",i l ~s Di uw iLl d i<' :lIId ,ill uJ,(h t cl . ~li ,~ O lin" li lt.. uf t hl' Cul h ()lit'~ J th l'll :I;' a in an an h Olll' thl! bini wi ll C j,nH' 1) 11 1 11 110 in II·ll )' II" H ilie. ]\11'. und ~ II'", F rlln l< Ro"ers and UllfH\ \ll'u !dc l'c u c l in 1l i s I' , r ta in. f or ,i ul.:, "Neur~I' JIIy God In Th ,'('." ~h''' . ~I\tr.l' Ma l",hn ll nttt'lld ,," the Be· Fn"c1l1u s lIl1r y hn:-;. i ll it 11 11 "pp~l:->it io n I'c un 'I a~s , oc iul a t F.'rry ch urch, ttl a ny t' (' li ).{ iuu ~ bl'lief.. I I dl'lH !l l u l l'i STOR\' WITH MORAL 'al urday c\'t" lIi ug'. unly n In: Jil' f in a :-; up n "U t' J h·illl~. . 10'1 ur Ih e- I. O . O. ".'s III' thi s pfC' !ot C'I'\' il1 t; SJH': l"l'd to ib oH' mL c r s c01ll1ll un ity ll ttl'I·d t h() i nsta llu li (l ll t heil' ulI Lridl ·.1 rig hl lo 1'.. (1"", hun · lll lc,' there "' tiS a " " p tn in (If n I,nat. all" UlltlquN of lhal o!'d" .. a L W;l yn es. l' ~ Uy th\,' uic tHLes uf l" )Il~'l'p net: li nd li e didn't lik e hi s j ub , vill e TJllu'sd a y (,\·(' Iling . I'l'li).!i u li s l:un,·ic t iol1 . It 11rlthi lJ iL5i ] 11 lh(l ~n lll(! b u nt \\~ S un cng i llflcl', 1\l!'. ChH ~ . 1': . .rohn " vi sit,,,1 hi s ('''t' ll the d i~ (' u :'ls iull uf Jl"lllh ' :-' \ \ it hill II .. d"l n' t like, hi. j o b. molh el', M,·s. Cllth e rin e J ohn s, at Cell it.'-\ \\!1 11 ~ , u J"t,! ing- only i n l, I'\.'~l Ll llU Th.,y ""l to llliking. te !'l'illc, S u nday. i\!t·s. J ohn s ' con· IHl l1(·1\~ y ill th e pCl'flUnHl lIl't \I C ci\·j · li n d each t hou l.:h t Ih e othe r fe l· ditiull d o('s n ot il\\ ]l I'Uv c ntu ~ h . duly, ']' h r' I"t.' i ~ IlO S ll(' I'e i1 ~ I II \\ h er e low '~ jil l! WH l'i ull I'ight. 111'. Hobc rts , di strict s u pe rintend· F n-l' Ii\ll~ (Jn,.y s la IHI ~. i l.:" 1'"l1 il' r iyiIlK S t' II .c'y tra de d. (,li t of th e I1 ill"buro di s trict o f W es t prilll' lp il!St t tl he I (.' at~n\! d I ly II ny mfln Oh io '",, [ or c l1ce , till e d the pu lpit al T he capta ill went below. \\ hu w ill r~IH I , ~ll llal'l' :-11 I'l' r fl' l.'lly T h .. " " bi n,'e r went lo t he wheel. Lytle church, 'ulrdny uftel'l1oon . lI'ilh I h~ prindl'l l's of lilt' .\IIl ('l'i Call A ud th ... h,,,.1 IIl o" e d ulT. , The tobucel) me e ti ng at LytIC h'\ll, t'OW.. ll tuti llll , t h al l. jb('r~~' all d P re l' · . l' II 'lll ly ti,,· cn pllltn ~ a 1ll.e 0 .. deck, 'W (:d n e~d/lY even ing, cldled by t he I1\H ~ \ .rl ry man.'h hand in h Ht!d tt lld ~ hll) I'tI.'H' d a." " , p.eI"I'I,~'Ug f r ee l.y· 1 poo l offic ia ls" WnH Inrg'e ly nllcn d cd uy ~id(! in th.,it' elTort. lo IlWh\! hUIIIUfI lI ll..•jhc· au t mnke el go, he adnut' l llu ri muc h il1le r cH was m a llifestce.!. uru t l'l' rht IlHI I. ri ng " b uut a hH Jlp ic r .. ,. ' , Sd h ' Jr., h litt l ' sun of Mr. nnd ,," u rl d. . Ill t'rica ns l'o n1 t 'l)!h p ,' thll t k(~, t <'. II: .. eng'~I:ce r. I I cl,.1 .1. "ltlc h, .,nld th . e n· M " ' cl h Furn u3 fe ll. Tu esda v o f \\' a ~h j ll Jr hltl wu~ II F n' ("";''''lI n , t hil t I-i .. c,(· ... .. ~j lll" s uStl'tlun d ." i lu st wc e k hl'cnJ,il:l: Iii ' 11'111 al lh e H VOM '.: clt wn!' a "', (· l'IlUC .... ll t l . I ha t Ed .,jlll·," -, (Wl i (' in I,'<so n leu,· .w d I l!llw \\' . l i p i" ~'lli n l! nl o ng nicely at Wa rt , l\ ill~!" nf F. 1\ J!,l nh ll \\ ;\, Il F r {'l'- h(,1 c) . _ _ _ _ ___ thi s ' tim ' . m rtS\'II , 1I1 hl F d "'U f',,), 1I 1,.~\\ i 'rin l'l' o f M ,'. und Mrs. Ed d LOII J,(uc r c \\'ere \\" uit':oO. i:.t n F re\.'tl1 us1,n, H! ..) tha t lh e Mrs. ' NEWS I N VERSE in Cincinna ti. W (' d ll " ,l ay. l\fa8,'n ic f l'llt.: rnity hft< Ihullllel'l'e.! L o nllac r C' \'i ~i t(lt1 MI' ~. ,J. Il . Winllt Itt e.!o\\' u th e. "r.-"~, h old ing t h, a, ll"lltin" \. OU (' 111 "11- t :-lIlg ' II10 () II\ s onJ.! ~ , . C l l'i~l hlJ"-pitu l. ;.LIll I re )1 o J' l~ he t· doing ;, " I ·" llIll r:tI, II " I' Ihl' wurld " J!r~ ut· , , I nic,.l y. . ' . I ,n u It .n- I.1 ( ' 1' 11 ~1.11J!.111J! , J PI' , ('~ t. l d ln d s , mll, d s. of n u n \\ h it w oul d Tloc- ill "' tallnh'lI t hlUll CHnl (" ro un d to· Th u Bi ble clll ss met at the home ~ hll n illllll Nll Itel ,' lIuyt h i lt~ LlI Ilt h:td I Ill,,.. of ~ : l' . u nd lilt·•. Williu m Cl'ei~ht on, \\ ith il it \' \.' n t.ho putc l~ li tdi l)' of tli s~ r\ . (1 ~I nk ~U r 1'll dh . Su tul'd a y el'ell inl: , nn e.! w ill mC e t with IIl Yll lly ()l ' th llt Idli ch ' H"II t! ..,st r iel )11'. a nd ~Ir., Guy H"u t whn nt'x t ·ut. Illlln ', d !,ltt flO w,' r ~h ip h i~ C;n .t n~ he ut'dll Y (, H'n illl.:. ~(.·C ~ Ir~ . 1 .\Ju!oos(l li n i is. 1 11 11 1~i llK ( ur a Ltn Ylu r l. jH d in ~t ill UY'H: vii i:.!. ~I l' . F rallk ' mit h r ('~ um c d lo his . . 1101ll<! ill Miumi,iJ urv S un da y, accom· ';4':::;;' _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _•_ __ -------------------.~--------------------~----~~~~ pa n ied by 111 1'. " lt d ~lr~ , F a lph J ohn s anu ch ild l'cn. :'11'. S lilith hae.! mue.!e I1n e xte n d e d vis it here , ': Mi ss S e repta Stans ell, who has I, bec n nn invalid fo r ~ (' \' cral' menths, hll.! a "v IIlJl e Su nd l1 Y aftcmu"" an e.! is ~e ri " u ~ ly ill at thi s time. lIIiss Sonic Sm ith, o f Waynesllill e, is car· :.1 illg f UI' hrl'.




' Il




rs & Jartw ig t ..


ce and Sales

~ rl

Best. Reference

Aman Bld/g,

Phone 61·2

Waynesville, Ohio

~------------~--~ ....



is l'e~(lV· o f scar le t

S unda y ScllQo l at the Ch ristilln Church evcr y Su nd ny at 9':3 0 a. m. .11 1"" II ·1"11 Il ul,,·. ti l ~!il ~ m i \ ·alh·y Evcrybody coni inlly invited . h o· plt,d, \\,U, II I'. e(''' ' '' nd g ucst of 11('1' IIlII·(' nl , . )11'. 111,.1 .\f,', . CII I'I Pu ke. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST I.~tl (' , w ith ils Tnll ny U 'c CS lind s hl'ltl >', I"u h,·d IJ('a Ul i rul under u This is an und eno minational cong'TC, ltell l' Y cUI",illJ,( o f HIH,IV Tues day gati flll . All ar c wclcom c to worship 1ll.H·1l i II I.:, hcre , Biblc 5lu c\ y [I:' 0, folloll'cd by III'. " lid r.ll's. L. B. lIali uno child · cOlllmuni o n ane.! sCl'm on . El'enin~, n ' II, I)f WayneHv ill " , Were S Ulld a y "01) 1.: sen' ice a nd SCr nltlll , nt 7 :00 . - - - - - - - - -dill " ' I' l:'u ",L~ ur ~ l r . 'lII d !llrR, Harry l' f i l l)!

til t'Plllll r y IIH :-' l H'tlll I h,' bUh\ al'l< Fnll ' l l1:t,· V 1, I·Y :-. i/l\'l' i l:o: i Ol'l J! l jll : l . Thc' fI' U l ll'l,j l ~ ~ l:l ll d .... (' IH" Iy Id,·dL.rl' d 1)('· j'ql't' l.hl' \\ urld I' n o l tu (' 11 ).;::).:1.' in pl Ul S




7heTUDOR Sedan admirably meets winter driving needs Tudor Sedan

$580 FordoT Sedan

Edward W. J I u ~Ill' R , whu )'ea,'s hll ~

Let'n hAidu l parlllt!11 cnla l'ia n or

Lhe Ohi ll G"Hl' ra l A~g(, l1l b l y fit Colunlh u ~ . Oh i" , hu ~ b('C IIlIll' a Klate dc· 11I1I'lmell t in hiltl se lf. . H ug'lwfi hilS Lee ll g-il'cn th e title of .. .. ta t c Parlillm c l'ltnri un," with which ;roes th e.!uty o f an swcr ing ull qu os· tiOIl H a ll p,u·linm e ntnt·y procecdin gs which l11a y com e to h im f l'om o Oicial 0 1' ·c mi .o ni 'inl o rgan izatiun s through uut the s tat e. This will not be a nc\\' duly to "Ed," ns ho hIlS been d oi ng it unofficially for ltlany years. Th e ne w State pnrliam entarinn got hi s cUJ' Ii ~ st cducation and cure in the Xenia So ldiers li nd Sail or s Or[Jhans home. 11 1' is a Quake r by birth and lllallY yClll'S 1l~0 he URu d t(l do a little preaching in thut faith . Lalul' he W<lS munic ip a l cl erk of W ilmington, ,,,,dl on ce published a n"w ~ Jlape l' at Ulan chaste r. He has becn connected with t he Ohio Hous e of RC'presen\.uUvl's fa t' 25 yea r s. Hc ~(, l'ved a s messall'e c le rk d uring sev·

Coup e

Touri", Car RunDbou t

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to purc:hue this inexpensive, yet


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FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil ' has been : a ' world-I wide remedy for kidney ,liver and bladder d isorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions!

HaU's Catarrh Medicine Th o8o who &.re tn a Hrun-down" cond t .. tlon will notice tbat Cl1 tarrb bolbera th em much more than wben the)" are In good health. ThIs fact proves Ulnt ' whll. Clltl1trh 10 a local dl seao., II I. greatly

One EWfOY Twe ~I'L the mulltllrd plaltft do you IlIIY IlQOd, Drldget 1" ')dRieS""l"es, but. mu'om, It de bite the tongue." MUltrc=s-~Dtd

i n ftu enced by eonfltttu ti on&1 con d i ti ons, .. AI,L·S CATARflB MEDICINE I. a

CombIned Troatl"ent, b oth locllI I1n (l In· t ernal, and hae boen lucee •• tul In tho treatment of Cata.rrh tor over forty y oarB, Sol d by ,,11 dru'IfI"ts, F, 1 . Cheney '" Co.. T oledo. OhIo.



Dr. John W. Miller

er a l sessi on s,

H ig hes is a m od cst Illlln und it was nr~e ssn t'y to get a va luation of his sen'ices fro l1l Cuplkill J ohn P . Mayna rd , c lerk of the H ou, c. "1 con , id~r E d Oll~ of Lhe Statc's mo s t I'll luabl e lind I! sen lial a ssets ," ~ l "yn a l'd suy •. "I-I b co u nse l h a.~ un tangle d m nny a difficu lt proccdurc and h is boo k, ' Hu g hes' PllrliallJE'ntllry Guide,' is the llCSl work publish cd o n t he s ubject. "Although hlln d icappcc! ( you know ,E d is partia lly pal.'a lyzed ), h e has sel0 0 111 uean absent from hi s d esk. His wife hlls been very h c lpf ul t o him . ' h o has the kindness and cons iderati o n w hich Illu rk mORt Vi rginians. Hu ghes k cps in constant touch wi l h procedurc of a ll the Icading law_ 'making bodie in t he w orld. Ii e has c ast ns ide in s ome ins tanc es Revi l' ll l se rv ic es s larte d n Su nday t-edi olls techn ica lilies whi ch tene.! to cv 'nin g Ilt 7 0' 'lock. ,lew tho work. H ughes is an enemy M r , ntl d ~ I I·S. Em <n'so n Di ll werc to useless r ed t ape. X Cllia s ho ppers ut urday. "The idea of s llconding motions is 1II\'~. Silu s lloland is ill ut he\" home foo lis h," Hu g hes says. "I t on ly gives f" /l!lJ " n l'I'O\lS Ill'eakdown, t hosl' persons who hnve nothing e lse Miss ileLty I1ul't ~o c". o f noar here, to do Il ll excllse to get on their fect." ha s bee n r e po rted s ick wi th ten s iliti s. "Lik ewise s conding of nominaMr. U1111 1\lt·R. Rnym o no O~b (l l'n() , lion is o n ly cUlll pli mentary." u f Xenia, s pc n t Sunduy cI'cn inl: here, III ce nseq uen c t' t hese two moves Quilc II n u m be r fmlll hen' a tt,· d ha\'c bccn e li min a te d f rom Ohio's leg· tl1(' Farm",.,. i ns litlll(J at WII YII ~s\'ilie ' is lll l ivc p l'oce<iurc. jo·";day line.! Sntul'llllY . lIu~ h c s and his wi fe li ve at 40 S. llir •. Reb ecca Dill is s pendin g II fo il' Fou r th strc et, CO.lUlll 1.t US: Ohio. nlo n ths in Dn y t oJl, th e g'u er-:t o f h e r - - - - - - --duu J.\'htcr, Mrs. J ohn Zimme r mllll und W e Wonderl fa III i 1)'. An nrllM )fN S It s I nu~ h hcnrtfelt en. iiiI'. unt! 1\1!-s. Elte n E\,IlIl ' ull d J O ~' IIH ' 1l1 nlll \I I' p :li ll ltn g n .,letuN QI daughtcr, o f neal' OWCIlS chnrch, IUI" lher ,," ,n 11'1 11 g •• ( (,ut of 1.'01t. ~)lenl Sunduy w ilh M!'. un d Mr s. ,1 01m H)'c ' und family. Mr. '"ld Mr s. Jaco b Z immer sr,'nt :5l1n<lll)' in DlI)'to n, th e g ll~ ,t ~ of 1\11'. nnd M,·s. Will. Hy u n and roll'. a nd I will otl'cr nt pulJ lic sale at the l\11'~ . E li. ha Soward . re" idencc of th e la te 1111'S. Corry, cor. ncr o f 'I'h il·t! Rit:.'ct unci Franklin MIGHT IS RIGHT r ond, on

The wide utility of this popular body

con'tttintemo\ trouble! , stimulate vital OIltIlllS, Three sizes. /1.11 druggists. Insist on the orlgina.l gen uine GOLD MEDAL.


Jud kins - "r ete 1IJuz7.lelop jus t committee.! su icid e lly hanging. " Perk in s--"(o"j' Illn<l ~ n k es; 1 wender why? " Judkins- " Didn't ya h ear? He tri ed to beal th e f a st mail to the crossing- thi s m o rni ng in hi s silly s ix and Ills t by six inches as t he la t car w ent II' hiz zing by."



Wayoesv/lle National Ba~k Bldg


Dar veysburg Fertilizer Co. The Eye Sight SpeCialist


At Cary's JeweJry Shop


Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00

B. tTl.



PhoD. 8



to 4 p, m.



Florida, Land of Gold 'for Them





F.T. Martin Auctioneer

. !

Walter McClure


Waynesville, Ohio

D a te your a.lel with m (

tatiafaction or char"" _.

Fully Equipped for Good Serv ice. Large Display Room




Subscribe for the Gazette.


Saturday, January 24, 1925 . ....


THE. RADIP' ACE '6 ,6 Stitdy, practiee, think MId Ptab, Make yourilelf a better maD. --It another clIn, you can ' Get ataQon "X'YZ'" At PingviU'e,

C. Donald Dilatuah, Atty.




Public Sales

Tho ~r:ty -h~ired veternll cnp; in ecr Brgoinn inl.: nt I o'c lock ~hIlTP, a lot elllne <lut 0 f t he D ivision Supcrinten. or h,,\l:;l' h IJ Id I.:oo ds, etc. Se~ bills for d ent' s o ffi ce. lIis s h ould~rs drOOl>' informali on. cd. Thel'c \\' IlS a look of dc s pa ir in H. H , WILKERSON. hi ~ eyes, W. N, SEARS. Auct, · "What's the matter. Bill?" asked n f e ll ew workman. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT "Canned," said Bill. a dry sob in .his throat. E s tate of Edwin Chandler, de· "Gads- CANNED-ufter these for. ty yeiirs ' of sel;vicc Why. Bill. what ceased, for?" Notice is hereby given t/;\nt Sidney ' ''Oh. I didn't knew that I wus be. Chandler has been duly appointed and ing w atched. 1.1-1 tried .te bent ene qualified as execu trix of the estate of them big 1926 Twintwcnty auto. of Edwin Chandh!r late of Warren mobiles to a grade crossing .this ceuntY, Ohio, deceasad, morning- and the big chi~f snys 'i f Dated th is 31st' day of December, my train had bee n stru~k · there 1924.' W. Z. ROLL. weuldn't be II splinter left, II :' Judge of the Pro bate Court, Warren CQUn ty. Ohie


For Lumber SEE


B. Madden & C,~ .W ayne.vllle, . ( , Ohio 'I.

n. MiaaaI c...... W."....m.. Ollie

I ~ ~ .........................~..~..........~............. - ~~~~. 'nd~


VI'. GIU)rlt H . I'In Uid hI.... Kurl Btlbh, of n. O. 4 , bURin 1I ,1n L bpnplI, alurdllY. , ." nin Oil day tlst we k.



i MIAMI THEATER, Waynesville, O. !

n~rl ~Irs.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elbon were MI'. a nd Mrs. Robert l'l. Walton, of milh w'e re in Dayton, were guests of Mr. and Irs. ill Lebanon. Thursday. J. L. Hartsock, Sumla),. Mr. Burton Earnhart was in Lebafnmily Wllrl! Daynon on busincsa, Saturduy.

\\'. ""~, ::"i::'::,~' ~'::,:," ,,' n, i



SI.'IIri! 1111.1

t :





The Comedy Dram a Xlraodina r y

REGULAR PRICES, 20 and 10 c " nh .


Mr. 1.1.' 0 11 S a li""uI'Y, lOf lel'dullcl, d,itt'd rl' llIti\'('~ here last W"t'k. l\li s~

I::dwll rd,

"'IY. M i ~~ fll'tt il' Ogll', b('(>. of Xenia, is


Wl'l·h with he l' sisters

hC I·C.



MrH. Lulu



KROGER'S our Feature Items ~--.

Ricber tban ever 1 ~ lb. Lf




. .... .

lb. Lf . 3 package. for ..

IS paunch

Peck ... ..... .

·1 !4 pound. Package .....


... · ... .

..... .... ...



···· ···29c · · ·· · ·:··9c

Fourteen Other Items G.anulated, 10 pound. for ..... ... ....... " .. .. ..

Sugar .....69c Club, Prunes 2 pound package ... ... ............ .......... 28c · F· p.,. Stewmg IgS Pound .. ..........13.c Relied Oats :u!~'unda for .... ... ............. .... , ...25c or Yellow, Cqrn Mea" I White lb., for. .... .... ... ...... . ....... ... . . ....... 15c Country Club, A,ppIe Butter Quart Jar ...... .. ......... ... . ," . .. ..... ... 25c COUlllry

Pork and Beans ;oc::~yf:.I. ~~' ... .... ...... .... ..... .... 15c Butter ..~~~~.~... .... .... .. .... ....... " ..... .... .... .... .... .. ,.. .:...44c

.Nut 01eo £atmore, Pound ........ . . .. ........................... .20c Lard ~~:-nhd ~~.~~~~~~....................... . .. ......... .. ......... .. ..... 19c

Milk ~:;:r:a~!~~ far ....... ..... ... ... .... .. ... .. . .... ...... ...... .... 25c Chocolate Drops :::nd..... ..... ...... .. .... ... ......... 19c Dates, Dromedary :ack.le... : .... .... ... .. .. .. ..... 1 7 c Glove• . ~;I!i~;:;-........... .......... ..... .... ..... .. ... .. .. .. .... .... ........ 25c

OLASSES Well becoming to your features, yet filling your every Optical need. This is the place to get them.




~r~l r. ·

- r"




A nother cold s nnp clime Tuesday eve ning, and COlli piles arc rapidly disnppearing.


Messrs. Carl Duke and S. S. Ellis were in Cincinnati the first of t he week 011 the Federal jury.



Miss Elizabeth Chandler, of Greenfi eld, and Miss RRuth Chandler. of Selmn, spent the week-end with their mother and aunt. Save your old carpets and rugs and 'get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send for price lis t. Franklin Rug Co., Franklin, Obio.



Mrs. Sid Pope, who is seriously ill, hlUl been taken to the home of her mother, Mrs. Isaac Jones.

W O l1Uln'• • Ild Min ...' $24.75 Late Model

~:;;.T~~.~ .~.~~ ..

$9 76

Miss Elizabeth Stewart has return_ ed home after a visit of three weeks' duration with relatives in Dayton.

Women'.... d Mi••••• $29.75



Lined. , Sui" ...... .. .. ..


Mrs. Arabell Dinwiddie and daughter entertained at dinner, Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frazier and family.

$6 t·S9

Wome..•• •lId Mi....• $15.00 Boli ..ii. 79 Pola_ re _d Coa.. ....... ....... •

Mrs. James McClure spent several days IllIIt week in Cincinnati, the guest of Mr. and Mra. E. V. Barnhart.


Women' • •1.d ' Min ••• $19.75 Lualrou. BOli .. 76 ~:;t~~II.~~ .... .. •

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gordon and Miss Martha O'Neall were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure.

Warne ..' • • ad Mine.' $.29.75 Velyetone. and Velour Fur Collar .nd . 5 1 3 . 7 6 Cuff Co.ta.


Mr. and Mrs. James McClure attended a meeting of the Quintet Fun_ eral Directors 11880ciation at Greenfield, Monday evening.

Girl.' Fined $15.00


Cheap for Cash. Lome In and Look Them Over

Tourings Coupes Sedans Roadsters Trucks Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Mr. ~alter Williams and family, of Kingman, and Mrs. Hadley, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with Mr. J. E. Janney and family.

76 •

and Mine.' $7.95

Several from Waynesville attended the ali-day se88ion of the Warren County Farm bureau, at Lebanon, Wednesday of last week.

Satin C.nton Dre ..e • . ,.... .. · .... 5 3 . 7 6


Every Wednesday

.9:00 a. mJto 5:00 p. m.

Rest Ro~m in Grange Buijling WAYNESVILLE, OHIO'

WILL F. YOUNG Main Office,


South Brown Stre.t. Dayton, Ohio. OverSig~a

Women'. and Mi .. e.' $12.95


. . . ..



Mr. an~ Mrs. J. G. Rogers left Sunday for Pittsburg, Pa., where they will spend a few weeks, as Mr. Rog'h ers' work calls him there.


Women' • •nd Mi .. e" $19 .75 ' Canton Crepa 7 6 Al Rev. J. G. Roberts. superintendSatin Flannel Ore..... . ... . • ~ ent of Hillsboro District of West Ohio Conference, preached at the M. E. church last Sunday morning. :hildren'. $1•. 25 $ 2 7 6


~~u~:'.:~·.. . ... . ~!I~ren'.


39 !:f


$!;.95 $ 2

Sweater. . .... ... " ..



Loolc: for the


Boston Store Big Liq~idation

. ' . Sn:lbbury .was eav. I-I'l~---' nday evening for her home In 1·'-'ICVelnna. 6herecelved a · me~ge her mother, Mrs. Luce, who hall staying With her dsughter In De,lIe~ru... Ohio, bad had a stroke ot apoplexy. Ma. Salisbury immedi. ~W7 left for BeJlma.. .

Farmers' Grange No. 13 will meet in special session, Saturday evening, January 24th. Members of degree team especially urged to be present. Mrs. Arabell Dinwiddie and daugh. ter entertained at a 6-*lock dinner Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sides and daughter, Miss Edith, and Miss Lilla Benham. Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Earnhart. Mrs. Viola Harlan and Mrs. K. N. Hough were guests of Mrs. Ir&ne Me. Curdy, of Springboro, .t a 6-o'eloek dinner, last, Mrs. Chester Graham, of Spring~ boro, who wae oPerated on In Miami l Valley hospital last week, Is in a 'l!ery serious oondltlon . Mrs. Graham Is a nelc~ of Mr. Frank Elbon. '. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gra'ham laat Thursday for T~~, where: they Will viait dltrerent.· plaeea of In·. tereeL Their ftm .top Will· be with 1Ir. and Hia. Thad ZlrAmerman,' at

,P harr. TeL




Waynefivilll', Ohio


Miss Marye Thomas and Mr. Myron Thomas attended the funeral of Master James Thomas Short, at Sidney, Ohio, last Wednesday.

Children'. $~r.95 5 3 7 6 Velour Fur . Trimmed Coata •

Coat., Newell M.ter ial. .... ..... .

The me mbers of the Happy Hour club held their annuul banquet in tho Grange hull, January 10, 1926 • . A good program \\;ns rendered and music. and gal11e11 was enjoyed by all. Several visitors were present. .

Mr. W. W. Smith, 01 Indianapolis, Ind ., spent Sunday with Mr. J. O. Cartwright and family.


The Messr s. Milton Thompson, Wilber Stansberry, Harris Mosher and Frank Robinson attended a basketball game in Lebanon, Friday evening.

Mr. Geo. D. MlIls has been honored by being elected representative to 'the Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., of the Sixty-Fourth District, which wiH meot at Mario n, Ohio, in June.

Mrs. Mary McKibbnn and daugh· ter, Miss Edith, spent Sunday with relatives in Ferry.


Children'. ~i9.75$4 7 6 Larle Fur ' Collar Coat..... .. •

Mr. and Mrs. Geo Smith 'Cnter tained at Blipper Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf and Mrs. Eloise Thompson, of Cincinnati, and Miss Emma Heighwny.

of near H!U'veysburg.


Mr. Bennett Meredith, of Madisonville, and Miss Tulsa and Mr. Bennett Vitti two, o.f Dayton, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ella Meredith.

Mrs. Viola Harlan returned home Friday evening, after spending a pleasant week with Mrs. Kenneth Houg h and Mrs. Irene McCurdy, ot Springboro,

Miss Kntherine Fromm sJlent the r . week·cnd with Miss Helen Graham,


Mrs. Jam es Shumaker, of Harveysburg , visited Miss Louisa Neal, at the home of Dr. Mary L. Cook, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bown, of South Charleston, spe nt Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. llowell Peirce, of the Frie nds home.



Dr. J. W. Miller and Mr. Donald Henderson nttended tbe automobile show in Cincinnati last Friday.

Mrs. W. P .Salisbury, of Cleveland, was called here last week on account of t he illness of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Rye.



Mr. Horace Fitzpatrick, of Franklin, visited his sister, Mrs. Cynthia Evans, llUIt Thu rsday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and daughter, of Dayton, spent the week. end with Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter McClure .

Mr. Ross Hartsock and family s pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart..~o ck, of Route 3.


Dr. Ellis Smith, of Cincinnati, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smit h, of Route 1.

Mrs. Veda 8ams and daughter, Velma, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tiet. meyer and family, of Harveysburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hllgemeyer and family.




Edit h McKibban nn d Kathleen Henderso n were shopping in Duyton, WeJnesoay.

Mrs. Edith M. Harris, Mrs. Laura Mosher, Mi ~s Emma Heighway and Miss May Wright were entertained SUllday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, of Route 1.

Jewel.... aDd Opt...etriata. ·

Miss Marthll Nichols, or Route 4, week-end wilh 111 i8S Ru lh


Our Pocahont •• Furnace Coal rave auch g ood ."li.radion thi. win .. ter that we nOw hav e .evera l ord e r . f or next win te r ' . coal .

IIfr. lind Mr •. E. A. Ellrnhart und fami ly took dinner wilh Mrs. Anna Sheehan.


~li s~es

Mrs. Harvey Rye, who WIUI taken to Dr. Dill's hospital, in Lebanon, last week for treatment, is much better and it is thought she home in about a week.


IIlr. E. P. Harlan, of Dayton, spent wit.h hi. mother, Mrs. Villla Ilorlnn .

Now at Full Blast

f, ~)

IIlr. lIno Mrs. Fred 111. Cole and fami ly spenl S un dllY wi th I r i e nd~ at WII. hington C. ' li.

Get .Our Delivered Price


~ undllY

Boston Store

Brood~rs and Incubators

Miller's Creek Lump Miller's Creek Egg Gem Lump Blue Grass Egg West Virginia White Ash 4-ioch Lump Pocahontas Furnas Coal 6-inch Forked Pocahontas Lump

1I1r. nn d Mrs. Ralph Agna, o r T ro y, w!!re guests of Mr. E. M. Oxley last Friday.

Mr. Thomas Manningto n, of DIlY' lon ,was a visitor in WIlynesvillc, Saturduy.

for ~

1I1r. and Mrll. Vern Armitage and were Lcbnnun visitors, Sun.


haH been Rcri ously

Mr. and Mr.;. Ern('st II . Earnha rt a nd so n vi"ited r elatives in Ki nl\'s Mills, Sunday. .

AdminioD, 20 .nd 10 cenlt.

QUICK Cook Oats Potatoes PaDCake FIour

li\'(' l'l hl' T.




"prllt Sun dny wilh reln-

ill with " , overe h art uttll ck . but ie

"Fog Bound"


Mr. :llld !II!'". John Leonard, of

l\ il1/: ~ Mi ll ~.


Mrs. Carl Henderso n and Ro n, Von· Dayton sho ppers. Thurs-

Liquidation Sale of Dayton's

Tri ll ena .a nd Miss l\fn rga r l't \\'~ I' C in ()nyton In 1 Thurs-

F P(' Il(li n~ 1\ f e lV

Hard CO.a l .For ·S ale

Mr. and Mrs. E. W . Earnhart and son, Bobby, ~ere in Dayton, Friday.


\'I~ i t l' d l'r /lltive" il ne l:lst week.

"Galloping Fish"


B lll'n- To ?ill'. ,and frs. J. C. Hi~tr. and Mrs.C larence Ryo . were s y, Wedlle~da y, JanUury, 2 1, 19 25, in Lebanon, Mondny. a l daughter I

Ralph Ci ndnl1 uli . Fl:ida)·. ;III'.



. Waynesvill& IIi goes to Oilol'b in Mill8 Edna Howland wu In Clnclo. Friday nril}l; {Ot ~ree games. nati,. Saturday.


s ....

II a by-product uled in . the pr.'IJC:4'I'IIUT manufacturing tin plate. The Palm in middlin"l . comel from palm treel in Africa, and i. 9911 di ..eltible fat. There are 8 to 10 pound I of pounds of Palm Middlingl, which the food value. Palmo Middlings can be fed'to fann. It keepi them in good cOI~dilqon. For producing 1P'0wth and hugl, Palmo Midds hal NO SUPERIOR, for it is hilrhelt qual: ity feed on the market for the price.

Phone 148


SeventY-Seventh Year



Delerate. and Vi.ilor. Have Choice of Many M.... liDI •• E"ibita and Demonltrationa.

Approximately 60 farmers, farm ers wives nnd yuung mon who plan to be future f"rmers of Warron county aro expected to attend the ) 3th Annuul Farlll~rs' Week moeting. at t he Ohio State unive rsity. February 2 to 6, accordi ng to annou ncemonts from Form Buroou office. Last year thirtyfive were present from Warren county, so the committee expects the number to increase to one half hundred this year. No spec· ial certificatos to secure the reduced railroad fare will be requirod this ~ear.



JANUARY MEEIING Of :WAYNE TOWNSHIP NEW CENTURY CLUB HIGH SCHOOL· NOlESI Mrs. H owell Peirce and 1\Irs. Mar y AND COMMENTS Adams were the hostesses lh e

WHEN DAD WAS A B O Y - - - - - - -

Probe oJ: graft charges at the Ohio Soldiern' lind' Sailors' Orphans' home will start February 6 and wiU be held at Xenia. Startling revelations were forecast lhe other dllY nt Columbus. when the Senate committee on the home. headed by L. T. Marshall. of Xenia. began Ilreparations for the investigation. The probe was authorized by unan imous vote of the Senate. after Govern or Donahey had recommended a Culler and more complete investigation than that which was made under his direction by two high officers in ~he National Guard. ' Although Senalor Marshall said he would not r eveal all of the charges made by the governor's investigators. he did assert that it was indicated certain supplies for the institution have been purchased exclusively at ex horbitant price~ form a certain Xenia grocer. Other charges. according to statehonse reports. include cruelty and immorality. One of the governor's investiga tors it was learned. Will! Colonel L. S. Cono lly, CI.e veland, whose work at the time of the Niles riot brought him high prniae from the governor, and Major General Benson W. Hough. The senatorial commjttee will have rull power to summon witnessel and 3upoena records. A fund of $1500 is provided for expenfteft and aid of Attorney General Crabbe's office will be used.

Whole Number 5627

L. at Janunry meeling of the New Century club. on Friday afternoon. On account of sickne.s in th e Friends Home. lh e me ,ting \Vns held at the home of the presid en l. MrH. Frank E lbon. The program waA opened with u very pl~as ing piano se lectio n by Mrs. O' Neall. Nineteen members answered to roll call by givin~ th ei r New Yea r resolutions. Some had made very excellent ones ; olhers had grown tired of making and breaking them nnd had made none at all. On e lady of unus ual courage r eso lved never lo work any mo re cross-word puzz les. while another of eq ually slrong moral fiber, had resolved to drink poslu m for her health's sake , The topic for th e afternoon was Australia. that strange continent. 80 remote. and of which we know so li ttle. Two inter esting and in structive papers were read: "Tbe People and Country of Australia." by Mrs. Harris and "The Plants and Animals of Australia." by Mrs. Mendenhsll. After adjournment a pleasant sosial hour wna spent and dainty re freshments were served by th e hostesses. The guests of the hoslesses were: Mrs. Amelia Williams, Miss May Wright and Mn. Esther Stout, the latter being the recipient of much attention and many congratulations. a s It was her eightieth birthday. . Canie W. Allen, Sec·y.


An Opportunity School Hat Been OrlIl\o ize d, (or the Bette rment Of Backward Scholar.

The first progrn m giv~n sillce vacati')n Wu s rendered la st Friday aftern oo n by th e ,·n pho rnol\os. The Sophomllrc girls took f ull cha rge of th e prog-mlll . In a little piny the male characters were taken by Doris IIllwke , Faith Tom linson and Sar a h Miss ildin e. These chll.racter~ could not have be en ~ urpn8sed by the boys th emse lves. Howeve r. the boys \vill pe given a chance later on, to display th ei r talent lief or e the school. The program ran as follows : Scrillture Reading-Elsie Bradbury, Vocal Solo-Ruth Earnhart. Classical Dance-Martha Nichols. A few short readings given by Mr. A, C. Elliott. a former r esident of this community. added much to tbe program, play-" Advertising for a Wife," Hi School Song-By the school.

County Agent Class and a number of Farm Bureau representatives will probably drive to Columbus Monday of next week. if favorahle weather prevails. D. E. Dunham. Lebanon, Howard McIGty, Washington town ijhlp and Howard Hull. }i'ranklln. oft\OME - ficial delegate8 and County Agent Opporlunity School Cla8S plan to be in Columbus early SCHOO'The semester examinatlo'n showed Monday morning. IlB the Stote Farm a number of pupils were lacking in Bureau meeting will lie held the tint their work. In nearly every case in --~.~----two daY8 of the week. Grades 2 and 6, Arithmetic and Read Delegates from Warren county and ing, were the subjects giving most other counties to the annual meetbother to the pupils. In grades 6 ing of the Ohio Farm Bureau federaand 8 Aritbmetic was the subject tion will largely ehape the policies of causing most trouble. the organization in the atate for the The Rt. Rev. Boyd Vinc~nt, on last In order to bring as lIlany of these . coming year. Ten group conferenSunday, observed his thirty-aixth pupils Ul' to standard as possible ,an ces. held .d uring the sessions. will conyear as bIshop of the diocese of Opportunity School bas been organsider the problems of marketing liveSouthern Ohio. A lIJIecial program The Church School Service league ized. Teachers for this school are stock, wool. dairy products, fruits James H. Scott, commonly known in honor of Bisbop Vincent was given W. P. Hay has sold his place of taken from the County Normal class. of St. Mary's church. held its regular and vegetables, poultry and grain and as "Jake" Scott. was arrested in Leb:\t the morning service In St. Paul's meeting at the home of Mlsa Lilo, twenty-six acres west of town, to These teachers will work under close general questions sucb as legislation. anon last Tuesday after having at:athedral, CincinnatL Saturday afternoon, January 24th. John Lowry. of Wellman, who will supervision by the superintendent home and c mmunlty. service organtempted to pass a check with the The President, MillS EBthel' Hen- take poseB8ion about March 1st. Mr. and the director of the Normal school izations and co-operative purehaalng. name of H. C. Stoakes written on it. By ArthOl'" derson. called the meeting to order Bay will move to bls othe.r farm east Some extra teaching devices and Every delegate attending the meet Scott had made a smllll purchase at "'_ _ _ is at 2 o·clock. Fou.r teen members an_ .of Corwin. s uppleme ntary texts have been orh ing will be assigned to one or more Kauttman's store and gave the check '!wered to roll call. During the busi_ The deal Will! made through the dered for this scho ol and the classes of the iroup conferencea which will ill p~yment. He. had evident- It. WHI'f~ HQlJm .JI~4KFAST ness meeting the electiOll of officers office of W. N. tears. are already at work. be liela -on the first afternoon of the ly intended to make the signatul'e of HEALTHY ANID WISE took place. as follows: The Opportunity Class is already Vllthering. Those attending each H. C. Stokes. Ilnd the misspelled n~e AMERICA ON WHEELS Presiden t--Do ris Henderson. so popullir that several whose grades conference will draw up recommen· aroused the suspicion of the clerk. THE VEGET AlilLE FLIGHT ' Supervisors -- Esther Henderson were not such as to require them to datlons on each subject which will be Scott, who gave his residence as and Elsie Hawke. take the work, have requested per. brought before the enUre delegate The fast Otterbein basketball teams Waynesville. was turned over to the Secretary and Corresponding Secmission to en t er . Several pupi ls who E. H. Gary. head of the biggest body 118 a basis for drawing the pro- defeated the Orange and Black last authorities. and taken to jail. He retary- Mary L. Zimmerman. were so backward in their regular industrial organization in the world, gram of the farm bU8ineBB for the Friday night at the former place. WAIl token before Mayor Higgins on Treasurer-Rhea ,Tanet Cartwrigbt class that they seldom offered an an. coming · year. ' Otterbein's fast offense and Wednesday morning and was bound and John D. Rockefeller. Jr .• repProgram Committee-Bernice HyIIwer. are gRIlling confid ence to the Mr. H. D. SilVer, speaker of the stonewall defence easily accounted o¥er to the grand jury. His bond r esentin g what ill probably still the man. Louise Henders~n and Evelyn point of · showing signs of leading biggest fortune in the world, had House of Representatives, and Han, for their victory over the W. H. S. was set at $1000. Arnold Drewes, 24. oC Spring Val- t heir new class. Cartwright. breakfast with President Coolidge J. T.' Brown, author of the proposed lint quintet. The game .tarted ofF A second chorge was filed against After the busin ess we adjourned to ley. prineiplil of the high school in If thc plun proves satisfactory gas tax, are speakers for the legisla- with a whirl. W. H. S. making the ~cott by Chester Gilmour, of near at the White House. meet the third Saturday in February that community, was seriOUsly injur. enough other classes \\;11 be fonried They discuss, e d law enforcement Morrow. who alleged that Scott gave tive committee. first basket. Otterbein made good ed in .a constlng accident there last for those whose grades are extra high ,with Doris Henderson. Warren county vi8itors to Farm- a foul shot. Score 2 to 1 in our fa- a worthless check signed B. H. Smith and the finding;!! of a citizen's comWednesday night when the bob sled in order to g ive them a chance at exDelicious r efreshments were then ers' Week will also have a chance to vor. This score stood seven minutes in payment for raw hides valued at mittee of one thousand. served by the hostess and a delightful on which he wae riding with eight tra work of a sup plementary nature. attend their choice of 341 different when Paul, Otterbein's 'center guard, $16.60. His bond on the second social hour was spent. Every mem- other young men and boys, crashed The whole plllll has for its aims meetings, exhibits. demonstrations or caged one from back of center. The charge was set at $1600. Those tbree men make an Interber should take it upon themselves into an iron fence. the encourngement a nd 'traini ng of Scott was recently married in Ken_ esting break1ast combination. Gary conventions to be held during the quarter ended 4 to 2 In favor of OtFive (oLhcrs were painfully hurt. backward pupils and advanced mato be present at our next meeting. week. The state·wlde exhibit of terbein. In the next quarter W. H. tucky and has been living in the became head oic the great steel conCome on. members, help the new of- Drewes was taken to the McClelland terial for the very strong and at the eggs, apples, potatoes. com and other S. had five fouls charged to> them. tenant house at the cemetery. cern when he was past fifty ; Rockehosp ital at Xenia after receiving first same time practice for the Normal ficers boost the club this year grains will bo held, as well IlB exhib- No field blll!kets were made on either feller, Jr., born to own and manage nd treatment. His left leg is broken Training class. Its of rural new8papers through the side during the aecond qU{lrter. Only the world's greatest fortune, is rebetWeen the hip and knee and he also Buckeye stote. The lectures will be two fouls were called agllinst Ottermoved by only one generation from susta ined serious injuries about the given by leading Experiment Sta- bein the entire gam,e, which netted a little farm. in the bills along the Inez Bardin, the Mississippi girl chest, It is thought that he will rction and College workers concerning us two points. oW. H. S. has one of Hud ~on. and Calvin Coolidge in one chosen as the healthiest girl in the cover unless com'plications develop. every lIubject of Interest to ,t he men, the strongest defensell in the county generation is p'r omoted from a farm country. is descri ber as a bundle of The five others hurt in the acciwomen and young people of the as WIlB shown wave struck us 1I10n- in Vermont to the White House. hold sunsh inc. Hea Ith all~d~s~u~n!.:s~h~in~e:.......!g~o~w:U....lIU! in Apparently, ' 'careers .are s till open together. farms. wns followed by ing them Spring Valley after re.c eiving medi· County Agent Cla,II8 wilt be glad to half. a he11vy fall of snow and the tem- to talent," us Nnpolcon put it, here The young girl is a bundle of com- cal attention. They were: Robert engage rooml near the Univenity Shortly after the second half be- perature fell rapidly. Tuesday morn- in America. mon sense nlso, a nd says, " 1'11 Marry Crites.10. nose mas hed nnd lips lacfor all who attend from Wa.r ren gan, Burton, Mainous and Hopkins inc the thermometer stood at 4 Ilbove when I'm thirty. N ot until then." erated; Ernest ReevcH. 19. foot Our independent basketball team, A curiosity interesting to women Some healthy boy mny change hC1' crushed; Leon Mills. 20. foot injured ; county If they telephone the County were removed from the game on ac- In ~me places and hovered around the Miamis, sprang a great surprise Farm Bureau office by Friilay, Jan- count of personals. Without these 10 and 12 during the middle of the is thus announcI'd. "Twins Born in mind, but ~he would be wise to stick Earl Quearly, 19, and Joseph Le on the community Inst . aturday evthe defense was shattered and Ot- day. Tuesday night it went down Different Yeam,"- One. Thomas Don to her plan . uary 30. • _ __ , Frnce. 20, scvere cuts about lhe ening. wh en th ey took the fast Bell-~---. Heallhy mothers have their best lIend. terbein broke through quite often for qain and Wednesday morning ranged iel was born in ) 924 , his brothe r, brook In(\t'pcmlents into camp by a James, was bo r n in 1925. two hours babies aftcr thirty. and in fact after a fielder and of course increased their from B to 14 below zero. Three other members of the party 30 lo ) 8 score in a ru ther rough, but and fifty-five minutes after his older thirty-five. Plato knew it. more than escaped injuries beyond shock and margin. The last quarter was prac---' ... fas t g~m e. plnyed at the local Gym. tically played by W. 'H . S brother. 2.000 years ago." minor bruises: Curtis thompson. of The Miumis won by rath cr betler team. Xenia. teacher in the Spring Valley pass work. and by u dete rmin ed fight The score : Otterbein 2B, W. H. There is a new plan for teaching We know that America rules the 'high school; Ernest Knee and Orville for victory, so mething Wuyncsville little boys how to grow up. This is world in automobile use and produc. Benson, of Spring Valley. S: 4. , , teams do not 111 ways do when a rrayed The game between the H. S. girle lhe "Knighthood" plan, to teach lit- tio n. h aving more automobiles than The accident happened at the toot agains t Bellbrook . Tim es without and the Otterbein glrb wae :quite intie boys chivalry and guide them all the rest of the world combined, of Cemetery hill, where the Cincinnumber have Bellbrook teallls, in vaClifF Hawke and lion, Wilber, of teresting for the first quarter. Otter· away from evil. with millions of machines to spare. natl pike winds into Spring Volley a riOUB sports, coml.' down here nnd dcHarveJ1lbtirg, had . It narrow escape bein making a basket and then WayIt·s a good plnn, presumably. but This country in 1924 mamifactured half mile descent. Since the recent laat ,i'hursday aftomoon, wilen the nesville. Soon after the first quar- James Patrick ("Big Jim" O'Leary. it is possible to overdo schemes and 45 million tires. Allowing on aver- sleet and ice storm the hill hos been feated the locals simply because the ftyer, 'train ~o. 1240, hit their ma- ter OtterbeIn kept the ball at her whose mother's coW is credited in plan s for showing boys how to act Ilge mileage of 6.000 miles. which Is crowded nightly with coasting par- locals were beaten before the contest began. Waynes\illc can defeat Bell. chine at ,the crossing below Corwin end of ~e floor moat of the tjme. tradition with having kicked over the and think. ' low. and dividing by four, you find ties. brook in any sport: they have no bet: at the elevator. They were going to .~ "'v", .. ,aimollt at will. The forwards lantern tbat started the Chicago fire They necd some time in which to that tires enough were made in one Drewes and his campaniano had the eleyator when the macbine Will! of W. H. ·S. fulfUled their part by In . October. 1871. died January 22. think exactly in their own way. It year for more than sixtyseven and negotiated the iey incline .,·e veral ter athlete)! thRn ours. but they stick struck. Both men claim they ' did caging II- b8llket almost 'evCU" time at hiB home. for years one 'of Chica- Is the thinkinl~ that a boy does on a: hillf billion miles travel-twenty- times. but In their last descent the ,~ogether and never give up. Local baseball tossers, please toke notice. not see the train, although they· were they had the ball In their division. go's show places. his own account alld of his own free seven hundred thousand times around bob sled skidded after making the Miamis alao defeated the Sabina going towar~ it. Just as t.b~y were Had ' rules ' M.en ob..rv~. h\lw.e ver, O'Leary was renowned ae a spec- will that counts. the earth. turn into the village and crashed Into Independents by & 44 to 2 scQre in driviug , o.n the track the train hit W. H. S. would have made a , tacular and , versatile gambler, but Little Newton, called a dull boy, One scientist tells others that the the fence in front of the Harlan a rather lop-sided game at ,the Gym theD/,' carltinc t\l1I machine a .Bhort The lame' ended 63 to· I? allo w.. remarkable for his philan- was thinking out the law of gravita- potato vine is deadly to tobacco and Badgcley residence. The forco of last Friday night. They will enterdistance' up ~e .traF1t, , , \ The game between the W. IJ. S. tbr~ple. amon, tHe poo,- of ,~e stock tion. Napoleon, called a Bulky hoy tomato plants. to both of which the the impact tore out a section 'If the . Altb'oucILlulrerinc' IOveta' lerateh- 'R eserves and the Otterbein Iccond8 yardl 'district; Asaociates l18id he at· his military school. was making pota~ is related. The sap from the iron barrier and the occupants of tain the Wilminillton Independents at the same place this evening. We - el, nelthe ~an w~ .oriously· . wu the belt. of the evening, the ,ICOn would bet on/anything on 'elthel' side, plans that surprised hia teachers lat- ordinary potato plant will Idll the the sled '''ere strewn, bleeding and would like to Buggest to the manage,The machine 'wu a total wrcck, being 10 ' to 6. InablJlty of MIsaU- to any amo\lnt. Once he lost a $200,_ er. Let .children alone, at least part two other plants. bruised. about the yard and eide. ~ent that they make use of their cept, tbe tirell. · .... , . Combat and destruction extend, walk. dfne to locate the net from the ~ 000 wager 't~t a certain May would of the time. ,t ' lank bills and let the public lrnow , , It wu a ve.., lucky escape as ~e throw line aceounted Iqel.y fill the' :would bave 20 rainy, daJII. Hia widyou ace, froin proud man at the top when they have a ' g~me scheduled. It' "'..,' a 'vry lucy escape u t~~ defeat of W. H. S. M.1~lldIDe play- ow 'three lonl, two diiurhten,and Sugar companies. oil and railroad of creation the way down to the A better attendance would be the flyer lI!a1ntainl;a hish ,'rate of; I!P,~~ ed a ' fast IOoor pme ·and niclatered a llater lurvtve. ' 'I ' companies are organi~ing great met- a,bod~ o~ the pot;nto bug. probable result. along the .. l!ne .wh'li!r.e . they . field, IrOBltI, ~g four of t.b.i j • ' , • gers, bigger and bigger industrial ,~. • s~eIL <: ' , , . ~ • '. units are coming. In the end, perTobacco ,men, rejolqe, saying' you points. Otte~belr\'. 1t-J,'01ll . de-. ,haps, single units will hichide entire have _bONd 'our tobacco, and now fen.e ktpt ,t he otber 'l eoring ma~hlne ,", • ;' , . Indystries. , , I, It'l your highly moral potato' that W,ord bas just" been ,received of i~le. · • ' f i ' " ' . . ' ! .~. ,. I '. .., ,:1 .No need to worry about it. The ' doe. the p'o~nlng."· . ' the deal th of Mrs. .J·IH·DeLlnton , 'at tlh e . ' bilnrer the , bet~er, if the public ,eta The Potato fanner aUlIWer8, 'To- Wilm ngton h oSPlta, cl!m b er s, " He1ll7 Clark, lectUrer, ,... the lts share of the savings, the pub- tetoes may dutroy tol,Jacco plants. of heart trouble. Mr. ~to.rt . died. at II; Eo cl1~ Tb~ alirht. is not intelligent-enough 'to watch. But remember that pica destroy-rat- several months 810. tbIrd Damber .the ' COImIe and regulate on\! big' conc;ern, It tlesnakea; yet plea are leu pollono~ Mr. an!! Mrs. Linton were l'88idents , ~ the utNme- won't be able' to watch and control than rattl'etllJaltee." of . W~esvUle aevef81 yeaJ')l qo, Ir GOld, • lI1Iaia;.e. the lecret Inslde deals of a do..n \itThe Interestinlf. thlnr ill the proof .and m~de man7 friends here. ~n. ..... II . , new ,mao... tu n. ad idptj a~ The tle concernB. that ID the ~til. world the~ are. undton _apt muai~ ::~ ~pl= I Very URCnllve Ia the' overhead In fights u bitter .. In the world of ~D ,... vwy pop P1l . b, ~ I81Id the what we are pleuecl to qD "IDte1Jl.. ad teachen. 8M 'WM a ..... of pIllS tile 1IID.aftp. . . ~. & a. ~ "








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lecthr. "' tlalr' " '-.eIsH














Th.M.... aa.eiW



-~ ,

Cheste r A,. Campbe ll to WilIlmn B rnard Japse n, a!;lo'u t 28 ucrcs in TA : " .\\ Hllmiltoll Tp., $1. Joe Tudo r to hu Fi\lch, I(lt ill Lebnm SQUAlS, J"I ofllna4..~ at 1...111 WHt 4.5lb Sinel, NEW 'fOI'X IInon, $ 1. Much Favored . b, · Women Tnveliq without Elicort her ;...wT.. -' 0-1-'1, -o-],- t -hC -' -'-"0 - '-' E ugen ia E. B ench to Will in", J . onQ Ayers, lot in Morrow, $1. \"t' I~tlcr~ " rd,. ."~f' oi,~lll ~ , ., ar", ill th l' pUZ- "is,' ~ () U ~ h u 1,1 otlt bl' H quitter on COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDI~GS An HOlel ot'; quiel diani'Yl litrord mit\! t .. Le nllrd II l1d Jan e r le Rl'I'ang rl hy M r~. ('"h'in P oole lh i, l ·x~cll l'n t onnn): f llH lit of words. ny- one f he1" w having the atmosphere ano 'rhe en"e of th ~ Ri chardson C,' \' 8 . lllltfie ld, tl'al'l in Frail ·!ill. ' 1. t his "" ek. W o ",ill [riv(' ~" "I n lip It I_ nit-p ly i ntt' ri tl~k('t1 thl'ouAhout David W. Bishop was dis missed vith· appolntment~ of A well conChurle s H t, t z l ~ r I't Ill. , tn l\ cl'mlln on No.1 hori ZlllIlu i. li re: lI y ~hOllld li nd \\ ill !-:,i \' ~ YUU I thrill uf :illli~ ruc. nut reco rd. ditioned noll'e. (' lind Id n B. II Nkr. lut ill 1"l'lllIklill . nui h . u~cci II ~ on~ \HIl'd-or al I"list l i(l ll ttl hnn ) ><.I\' ~ ,] it. ... In the> case of Lhe Co-opc rativc $1. 40 Theatres; ·. all' principal u hyphen bcl\\,'e n the ' sixlh and , Pu rc lit i11k associatio n \'s. W . . Rev· E mma S. Shor tie 10 FloH Z. ~(I'l· k shops and churcha..3_10 5 nnnugh 011 mution o f plnintiff, lellve er, " lotH ill Fl'Unk lill , $1 . minutes' walk. I vf cOllrt is her eby lrl'8nte d to tile Geo r!('e \\'. lind Gertr ud. Orr to ~ UId Coa:I W .."rt &nd u. r# &sh 2 minutes of subWays. ~l" nmen<iNl nn~ \V er within 20 days. Jay E. lind !ll nry B. W ~Il\'cr~, nbout Sinalo f\.ooms • $2 .00 $250 alOO 'roa<h, surface cars. bus 1Ines.. Thl' Cllse of h". tl'r Campbell VB . 140 nct·,·s in CleH ren·l·k 1'"., $ 1. Double ).50 1.00 4.50 ~ ~w;hPn.... a..h A nnie Vll ~ic. ct [\1 ., WII~ di stni~se d E. W . nu n hmn to tl'llSt(·"S <of LebWithin' minuta Gran!( ,.,.,. P.ooms • Sloo S'-SO '4.00 without reco rd . GIlIl n Lodge '0. J 5. I. O. O. F., purt eCentral. S 'minuta Pennsyli 00ubI0 • 1.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 III the cuse of tho People's Build- o f 3 lots in Lebullon, $ 1. vania Terminab. W . JOH~ON OUI/IIN ing Loun lind Savin!(,s Co. , ,.~. lIe n· ry H. Burn hart, et 01., lhe cou rt un COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES fin din !! the plaintiff the purchas er ~f Reu be n S. Frankli n, od Olr•. , settle sn id premises, ordered t he s heriff to nHmt uf C8~e No. 12878 , $ 13 00.0 0; BLONDE BESS co nvey soid premises to pluintiff on William Sti tt, se ttlement of cose No. cnlled th,· Grl'ul \Jilin " fln g', nn" wu s rai ~ t'd nt Cu rnh l'id),!'(" in ('amp . pay ment of costs an d taxes. 12880, $ 150.00; Sarah L. Stitt, setThe office . hi ..1c lays I couldn't Th e clI~ e of Ow en S. Higgi ns V8. tlement of case No . 12870 , $300; JUll u:!r;- 2 , 177G , IlIld t1<", teri \'1'(' 1' th" tell II li e in II yen r but I 'm"w Elizabeth W. Hufford was dism issed R, J . Shuwhon, 'a lty f ees in ca se No. Virld nill ('on \'clltion whi<-h hud de that wnl one th o moment it W'H cillJ'('d th e c lJ lulli' ~ tn b' frN' and wit hout record. 128 78, $20 0 : R. J . Shawhan, f ees in uttf!red." The court overrul ed the d emurrer CII~(l No. 128 79, $ 100; Delln E. Stnn- indepl!n d Cllt thr<'~ week s before th,· !)t·cluratiull uf IlId(·pendcllce. ill the cllse of Stlltc ex re!., Eddie ley, atly fe es in cns~ No. 12878, $500 On JUli O H. 1777 , the Amerielln Ifuu s~n vs. William Grllhum, IIIar- Dean E. Slnnlc y, fe es in cuse No . OTHER USES COIIg re"s rc"u lvNI "thllt th e !l ng of shull uud Turnk ey F r ul;klill jail. Smn ll (j () y " I wllnL a ll olhC' I' 10(')( 12880, $200; Dean E. Stun ley, fc cs The court ord ered t hat the title o f in CUllC No. 12879 $30 0; J ohn son- IhirteclI Uni tl'ci Stutes be lhirteen al. of l'illH fill' my mulh,, !' Ii" .. I ~ "l y ... tho de fendants to lot in Frllnklin Watson Co. , supplies f or s urve yor, te rnll te strip 'S , r e d aud white ; thnt lerdll y- nne! c hllr~c ·em." ACROSS be quieted og uinst claims lo plain. $24. 35; SUllkMtu Mfg . Co., sanll' , the u nio n be thirtee n stu I');, whi te 011 I)rug,rist,-·'Cc rtllicdy. Pid you r liff in the cllse of Hnrl ey Me rr itt vs. $8.40; The Western Star, pub. of no· II bluc ficld ." 'I'his WlI S Ih" first leg· n llll h(ll' lik e t he m '~If An officer (I f a prominent Secret islativ e !lction of whi ch there is rc c· Emil and lmo Schu.bert. Small BO~' - " I dUlllH' lice of upplication, $3.75 ; Co lumbus Society. ord for estnblishill~ u lIaii unlll nu~ fit Illy uiJ'g ull." f'l uintifi' was OIrdered to recover Blunk Book Mfg. Co., sup plies f or Jl MIre dark. the s um of $1277.42, from def endant janitor, . 1. 60; McGctchin's Pharo for the United Stutes. ]2 Blu ish ·purple. From hi slory we hu\'(' lenrnlld lh ut in the case o f People's Building Loan macy, s uppli e~ f or jan ii or, $2.7 0 ; sup 14 Third person , singular, neuter Mrs .. Ro •• "'ns t h(· muk " r o( and Snvings Co., VI;. Hen ry H. Barn. ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW pli es (or sheriff, $3.90; Chnrters D. prono un. l h is e mblem . H er {ather, Mr. Sum · hart, et nl. Maple , defe nse fo!' Jno. Moo r e, $50; 15 What t he Kaiser would like to FALL AND WINTER COATS The coso of Reu ben S. Franklin, S. E. Cutler, payroll, $9.80 ; II . S. uel Gl'iscomb, \VII ~ ono of th l! bu ild be doing. SUITS AND DRESSE S NOW The R. J . Reynolds Tobacco Co., admr. , vs. Cnrl J. Miiler, et n l., was Grover Mill, bridge mate rial, $2-1; er" uf I n(lepcIHl e ncc HilI \, On t he on the fo'otba ll team A position 16 flug which . he mo do the ~ tars IIppeal'_ throug h its vice·presiden t, Theodore dis missed without :record. Emerson Muson, bridge repair, $2: SELLING UNDER DRASTIC (abbr. ) c MON EY LOAN E D H. Kirk, ye ~ t el'(lay bought 50. 000,. The case o( Sorah L. Stitt VB. Corl Morris Graham , sume, $1.75; W. B. d in u circ le Oil II hllle ti"I I\ ill th e ORDERS TO SELL AT COST. ~g 17 A kind of liquor- not rye. THiM uunUpPH left ha nd corllel'. pounds of lhe 1924 crop of Bur. 000 J . Miller, et al.; wns di smissed. Squires, sn me, $6.00; W. S. Graham, Notes of u dove. ri ON"; \, LOANJ,;D ON L IV E STO GI<, a sc of William Stitt vs. Carl J. somc, $2.50; KlIrl W. Min st, lab or, n er flcw lit till' uualt' "f SII!'lItO):!:l, Icy tnbacco from the Bl\rley T obacA commo n metal. NEAR COST-"YES," LESS dmlll!hf, U i Nu sccotl ,1 flW I' t g Uh CR, Octo ber 17, li77, a nd nl the . i<,!!'e "f co Growers' a ssocintion, at associ a Mille r, at 81., was dismissed. $20; Fred Ft'nnz, sam e , $3 .50; the THAN COST. "NO," WE 22 A man's pettico nt. Y",·ktown. Octobe r Ill, 1711 1, lind un · NO lu. l".IIV ht. Jo hn lI a !'hi ll c, AlIulI lion pr ices, nccord ing' to nn an no unc e Mason Lumbcr Co., bridgu mlltoriul, \¥ hat unscrupu lous I)oliticians del' its fo ltl ~ ' Wnshi ngton Ilccuplc<l .uuitJinj:! . .\cn ill , Uhill. ARE NOT GOING OUT OF 25 mcnt made r ecently by Jos. C. Stone , NEW SUITS $94 .33; Western Star, s upplies f or seek. the surrcn,i e r o f Lorel Co rnwall is, und salesmanager of the president Scott Little hlas entered suit coroner, $1>.50: Oregonia BJ'idge Co_, BUSINESS. WE ARE SAC. .. 27 A boy's plaything. Th" : tllI'S lind S ll'ip ~~ W~I' P til"\ un Burley association; who represen ted again st Rose Littlll and the People's bridge r e pair, $ 164.30; H. C. King, RIFICING TO SATISFY OUR • 29 Child's na me for father . furl ed in lhe b[ttLlll of Cuuchy'" I,'anll c,', of Wurren IIlId ndj,,jn lnll the a ssociati on in the deal, th e secBuild ing Loa u an d Savings Co., for hauling gruvel, $12. An obstinate perso n. Bri dge , IJcl uw nl" ', hut th e fll'81 im on d sule of 50,000,000 pounds made divorce and alimOl~y and injullction. CREDiTORS. ~, 31 CUUlllle. mlly ob Lnin mUlley 0 11 IUIIII 32 Who t we used to ge t 'o n occo· portunt un llie wh er e it Wu " II ow n \VII" to t he R eyno ld ~ Co., through Mr. Charges gross neglect. tim o luan M, at 6"." per cent inLerest. sionally. that of Bru ndy",ine, Septe mber 11, Cu:ool or rH.:CU l'ill g' Lh e KUlne i~ very l 'ea· M. J . Kellner has entered suit 35 H ow most of us are, at s olving K irk within forty dnys, a tota l of 1777. 100,000,000 poun ds to this one man· against the Tom Corwin Canning Co. sO llllbl' .t hruu Kh Thl! F ederal Lund cross-wo rd pu zzles. Th e United Stat('s flag w us fir st ufacturing company. llu llk. Fur fUl'chur in"forlllHlioll 'Call for money only. Amount claimed, 37 - Doctrine. , FOUOWIN.G BARGAINS_ sullll"d ~y Prance, wh"n a French ad_ Early in December the Reynolds $141.75 and interest from Sept. 16, on 01' ntldl'ess III. t'. OHAK(,;, 'l'r'lllIA ministcr's residence. 38 miral snlu ted the Ruil!!c!', commandCOME FOR YOUR SHARE. com pany, boug ht 50,000,000 pound. 192 •• Utl' r, " hun e :lUj ·X, Le ba no n, Ohi ... 39 By, or throug h . ed by John Paul J onoH , in 1778 . 1t of tobacco fr om the Burley Co-oper=- - ~====-": - -40 . Preposition, denoting place. wl.'" fi rst cor'rico ar ound the world by ative, including a ll his holdings of A lovely lady in Spencer's PROBATE PROCEEDINGS FOR RENT 42 th e s hip Col umbia, which sailed from Woman'. and Miuee" ~24_75 the 1922 crop , a mou n ting approxi. "Faerie Queen ." Proof of publiclltio'n of the notice • Wh en the first se ttlers of Virginia Bost!)n in 17i!7. The firs t AIll ~ricun mnta ly to 17,000,000 pounds, ready What Abraham wos pleased to F(IH HF:N'I'- Hllif of do ul. le h UIlS( 44 of appointment o:f adminstrators or come to Jam estowlI in I G07, they ti n):! to be hoiste d over a n Am ericlIlI for manufa ct ure , the r emaind er be· behold in the thicket. ill th" cI,unll'y, iJt' t \\'een Lytl" nnd ing ta ken fr om the redried crop of executors were filed for the follow- brought with them the r oyal stand · I wa r vessel was that whi ch tl outed Ferry. itenl "'·:I"l'nll blu. I nqu ire 46 Mountain s of Certrtral E'urope ard of England, as did also the Purovcr the Bon Homme Richa rd, Puul ing estates: Mary E. Blspham, Eu· H123 . Delivery of the 1922 crop, (spelled bnckwurds. ) at lIti5 oftiCf'. • jnn28 Women'• •nd Min ...' $29.75 1 which started Dece mber 8, has been phemia Cromley Wilson, Owen J. itans when the y founded the Massa · J oncs' sh ip, on which he defea t ed Fur Trimmed Crepe de 48 Sums up. almost completed and will be finish· Burnet, Martin Gons, Elizabeth chusctts BIIY colony in 163 0. This the SCl'Il pi:; (I n SClltember 26. J "/' 7~. FOit RbNT - l1 ollse of fj'e .-\JumB, Simplelon. emblem dates bock to th e Piantag· The des ign o f t he fla g we arc nowwll te l' an d eJcc~ri'c li"ht>!. lllquire Chine 49 Uned. . ed this week, when calculations will Scott nnd Patrick Burke. Suile ........ .. .. • 51 Short poems enets, having bee n carried a t th l' bntusin g has been th e same since April. of l\I l'g. Wi1Iillms , at co rner of Tyler The will of Willa Alexander, de· be mude on the 19 0,000 participation Ahvays. tie of Cressy, in 1346, and at Ag in - 18 18 , when Congress passed an !lct a nd F ourth slreets. oS ' 53 cer tiftcates and th e checks will be cease d, was admitted to probate. On who opposes (rar e ). court in 141 5. To this devic e the eSl.abli shi ng the official f1ug III lbe Fred L. Klbhey was appointed ex· \~'ritte n and mailed to the gro wers '5 P lurn l for you. M$iU '9 '00 ecutor of the esbite of Wella Alex. Puritans udded a pine tree. Th i~ wns Unit.ed States. Ther e are on it t he LOST He fr eely udm i L~ winn ing the of the 1022 crop liS soo n a s the calander, d eceased,. Robert Lewis, still in usc . at the beginning of the thi rteen stTipes, altern ate !'ed and cu lat ions afC finished. Delivery of wnr. t he 1 923 crop will start immediately, Harry Smith and It.. S. Shawhan were Revolution, and today Moine fli es it white , a nd forty-eight suus ill ro \\'s ~~f-- C II P f" olll gusoline tunk on Gets up. as her state flog. on a blu e fi eld. ul ong with the delive ry of thc 50,- appo in te d a pprais.e rs. I h)dgc Cllr. Fi nd.... pl('ase I ~ ave Wom.n' • • nd Miue.' $19.75 61 100 per cent Am er icani~m, 50 When the Massachusetts tr oops Bu t the chief r enson why we speak at t his office. Robe rt J. K oogle, executor of the 000,000 pounds of t he 1924 crop f 11 they sny. Luatrou. estate of Mary JIW1e Koogle, deceas- were s upplemented at Bun ker Hill of our nn ti nna l ba nner us Old Gl o r y, taken in the p urchase announced. on IJune 17, 1775 , \>y 15,000 men is its g lorious history. Whenever it ed, filed his first and finol account. WANTED Th e account of the Lebanon Na· from New Hompshire, Rhode Island was hoisted, tyranny hud to g iv() wuy and Connecticut, the Am erican army to fr eedom; de spotism Was sup erce dtional Bank and Trust Co., adminis Wom.n' • •nd Miaae.' $29.75 DOWN trators of the estate of Lucinda Sub_ required a flag agreed upon by all ed by liberty. It had its origin in WANTED- Wo od for cook stove. Vel .... ton •• and Velour Fur For inf ormation inquire at thH! let, deceased, was approved and con· the colonies. Accordingly one was that long and' tedio~s con flict that 1 Tho funman a lways. has one. ColI.r and j 28 chosen, a blue field with a red ond broug ht ind epe nde nce to the coionies. omce. firmed. ( slang.) Culf Co.t. ... • white cross ani:! a pine tree. This In J 8 12,. it il!!mon strated to the worl<l The court approved the account ~f 2 Railroad (abbr.) J. Q. Gons, administrator of the es- was the official flag when Washington that American seam en cunnot be FOR SALE 3 A tir-d city.Ohio. took command of the American army com pellod t o se rve on forei g n ships, tate of Martin Gons, deceased. Claildren'. $7.95 4 P oetic for never. V.lour Fur . -'-' In the matter of the estate of Mary under the elm at Cambridge, on July In 1845, it gnve libe rty 'to Texas, and Trimlll.e d Co.t. • . 5 Whnt most prohibitionists do. Quee r things happen in all com· LIK E NEW-4 oak dining choirs and 2, 1775. In the war · of the Revolu- in 1861 it carri ed fr eedom to fOlll' 6 What heartless landlords do to munities. Sometimes they are- good E. Sta.c ry, decea.sed, the court ap· taule, 1 brass bcd, with springs. tion, under the pin e tree flag, Capt. millions in bondage. In the Spanish proved and conflrmed the account of unfortunate tenants. Ca n be seen at Ida Githens apartment and sometimes--well, they just build John Manley, commnnding the schoon AmericaJl war it spreud abrond the Children'. $9.75$4 ..... rl. Fur Col. 7 A race of people indigenous to upour hopes that they will be good. the Lebanon National Bank and er "Lee," won the first naval victory :IIpirit Arcnde, Doyton, Ohio ,or inquire of tru e libe rly in Cuba and th e Trust Co., administrator. lar Co.t..... .. • certnin parts of Japon. Rig ht now, how ever, it will be quite Hal ph Miller, W nynesville, O. . 'Alice E. Gustin accepted the ap· in which the British fiag was struck Philippines. S A Russian noveli st. a di sappointment to Jesse B. Poe to American colors--the ftag which ' Cnpt. C. F. Hall curried our na- FOR SALE-Coal. burning Brooder pointment of administratrix of the es 9 ·Lord Lieutenant abbr.) Girl" Fined $15.00 who is anticipating supplying natu· stove, used one seaslfll, at Lytle, tate of Hannah Adams, deceased. had a noted place in English parlia- tional emblem in the Arctic regions; 10 The puzzle maker's favorite fish ral gas to many hOtl\es on East Love· fli ed his first in vlmtory and appraise· mont during the famous address of and Rear Admiral renry hoist ed ou\' Ohio, first h ou s ~ west of se hool house. . Co.t., Newe.. 11 A finger. land He ights if his gas well gives out. In q uire of Surah Osburn. ~ M.teri.I..... .. .. .. • Bond, $1500. Howard Ivins, Ralph Edmund Burke, making his resolu. national colors ot the North pole, and 13 What cross-word puzzle docs to Mr. Poe has the gas rig ht in his own lions for conciliation with the Amer· on the Smithsonian Africa" expedi. -f4 Gree n und Elmer Wonderly were the brain., ya rd , and having piped it into his ican colonies, befor.e the house of tion, under the direction of Mr. named a s appraisers. Women'. and Mi .. u' $7.95 FOR SALE Guuranteed Hosiery, Ferrous s ulphate. house , intends to make good use of S.tin Roosevelt, the Amedcan ftag was carBoyd S. Rathgeber, executor of the commons on March 22, 1775. somples your size free to aienta. The was h woman's fri end. it for light a nd fu cl. CantoD At the close of the yeoI' 1775, ried into the dork continent. estate of Willinm Burton, deceased , Write fur proposition paying $75.00 A lis t, as of officers or men . Drellel ... .. , " , Mr. W. H. Shuve r, who drilled the . And on November 11, 1918, the weekly full Lime. $1.50 an hour Ipare filed his firs t invI~ ntory and apparise· Benjumin Franklin and two other Ditto (Latin abbr.) we ll las t week to s upply water for "-,en were chosen to consider a na· Stars ond Stripes brougllt "ictory in time, selling guaranteed hosiery' to ment. A Southern state (abbr.). Mr. Poe, WIIS very much s urprised Women' • •nd Mi .. n' $12.95 The court appr oved nnd conflrnled tlonal ftog. They adopted the com· the most gigontic war ever waged wearer; must wear or replaced !I ee A sea'port of Belgium. a ft er he had d rilied 140 f eet to find Silk .nd the account of Clara Spence, admin - bined crosses of St. George and St. among thl! natioOB of the earth. Quick sales, repeat orders. Intp.rn •• Whot made Milwaukee f a mou ~ , gas instead of wuler, a nd cla ims that .Andrew, with thirteen alternate istratrix of the estate of Elmer E. tiona I Stocking Killa, .6069 NOl'riaA s mall in sect. 30 the gas pressure at this time Is Do yc.ur trad!,!" In WayneaviUe. Keever, dec eased. She also fl ied her s tripes red and white. This wae town, Pa. 33 Reyal Nuvy (abbr.) . en oug h to supp ly at least half a dozen WOmen' • • nd Milles' $19.75 Y; 34 An inse parable componion of families wilh light nnd focI. Nat- fir st; final and distributive occount. Sidney Chandler, os executrix ot Ucetera" urnlly everyone on East Loveland the estate of Edwin Chandier, de Contraction for " I am ," He ig hts is ve ry much excited over Du.. n .... ...... • ~ 35 ceased, filed her inventory nnd ap :lG Ind efinite article. thiM rich find, and plans no doubt 30 !\. cyanogen derivitive o( guani- wi 11 be made to drill at other points praisement. In ·the matter of the estate of L. :::hildren'. $6.25 ~ dine . in search of a larger supply.-Ex, A. Behm, deceased, first and final ac· ~:l."."t .. :... , • ~ Cigar boxes bear the stamp count of Vella Behm, was filed. (abbr. ) . In the matter of guardianship of The uv e l'll ~c Warren County farm· The thirteenth le tter of the :blldr"n'. $5.95$2 er's income in 11124 was $16110, ac· Dnisy Evelyn Hall, minor, Florence Greek alphab ct. :-:eO~t"ra .... .. .... . • Whnt remains after a disastrous cording 10 lhe Blue Grass Valley M. Hall, guordia n, fil ed her distrib. ADd Tbed Crramery in stitu te. This estimate uted account. fire . They Clyde Whitacre, guardian of the AND HUNDREDS OF OTHCharlie Dawes can tell you is uased on th e mos t accurnte nvail· Laughed esta te of Wood row WhitacrB, imbe· nble daw,. covers the yield, acreage a bo ut her. ER SENSATlONAL No More 46 Leaves wafted by theslightest nnd animal prod uction on farm s in cilp, filed hi s third occount. INGS. COME AND CONLebonon Nntional Bank and Trust this section of Ohiu. VINCE YOURSELVES. breeze. This is the best indication yet that Co., as administrator of the cstate 47 A wha le of a fish story. the state's a g l'iculture is aguin head- of J ohn M. Brn.dley, deceased, filed 48 Ethel·eal. ed toward IH'osperity, says the Ins li- it. inventory and appraisement. 50 An . eastern state (abbr.). 'I'he court ordered executor ot the tute. 1!ll9, one of the two peak 52 A mild "cuss word." years in th e purcha sing power of lhe estllte of Georgl~ W. Byers, decensd, 64 An animal ot Central Asia. Am erican farme r, witnessed an av- to se ll bonds beloning to the estate at 56 Affirmative. 58 . A famous writer of comic sto· erage income of $ 1,819 per farm in priVate sale. C. J. Watkins was appointed od. th e s tate. The ave rage income per ries (initials), ministrator of the estate of Mary Ohio .farm for the past season's proSunday School (abbr.). 60 , duction will . run up to approximately E. Watkins, deceosed. Bond, $460. $1,400 . An ••• r to ~t Punle MARRIAClE LICENSES 'An o utstanding f ac t brought out in the studies of lust year's farm rce. C. H. Sherwo~,d a~d Mrs. Mary Reord s is th o '. steady rise 'in ·the per ta~lick, both of 'Wayn~vill&.. , acre va luc of the leading O. S. crops. CharleS . Anloll Robinson, ]abore~, The va lue per acre for the country os of .Springboro, Emil 'Mi.. MarY Ell... . a whole in 102l 'was only $14.45 . beth Hildebmnt" of Franklin. • John Honley, barber, and Xiii This ' jumped Lo ~2 1.52 ' in 1928, and of in .1924 it amount!!.! to practically Addie Bodine, liouae)teeper; $24 'p~r acre. Improved farming ' Lebanon. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS l11ethods advocate d by the state col-' Ol\C8r Boward and B9Wleg~ of agriculture wall a big factor in moking this gain and in the more ard to Seth R. 8nowdeD, Jot ID TID'"fficien t prod,uction .per cow, sow ond tlecreek '!'p., Norman L. lliehmoDd · to "..te B. hen nnimal unit lies further Increues in the net profit. of Ohio larma, RlchmODd, about 10 .... ID JIaadI. taD Tp., conelaclea the Inatltu~

r::" ~I:~ I


This We:k's Cross. Word Puzzie

h-(!-t,;.\ '-t!-h'-(). . ,~I·-t o--,.-\ -1-I -H-I-f"O-U"I'-$-,.-\.-e-l-lh-i-~t";L~"-I'-"








Liquidation Sale of Dayton's



Now at Full Blasi

I' ~~

GLA551fltO ADS.


Farmers, Attentiuu!





. ..$9.76

514 76 m ':"ii:~:':"dnd . , ·' $7 Yi ~~ 6 . ~:.~~ BOliYia59•76 ~!t~~~~.~~ . ....

. . ,... .; I :

.. - .,---GAS IS STRUCK - ---

$13 76 $3 76 76

58 76


----- - - - --




$3.76 $6 •76 ~!~~~e. ....... .... ~:ti~oFI~~~~j

$8 76 Yi


$2 76 39





'Look for the


Boston Store



Bi; ~iquidation ' ale Signs



,I. _





.... T H'E M~AM 1 GAZ E TTE .•.. ~: ,' t

.. ,. ,II




Removal Sale


I-Farm lJoya to Rule at White.Houae




- - - -- &!!4F

US'ed Cars

(he Pus tollicl! nt Wuynesv ille, 0., a8 Second Class Mall Matter


EVI'rett Early and Mr. Fox have new Fo rd coupes. 0 , 1_ C'~AN E , ~di l "r and Publi. h"r, W.yn"., ille, Ohio. Wh e n E\'erett ' ullders r eports us derR is not: Sanders could have been Mr. and Mrs. Se th Furnll~ , of R. . (Nothing Reserved) priva le sec "da ry \ 0 Presiden t 00\ re-elect ed to ~ongres8 fro m his dis- D. Ii., ho ve instnlled a hell phone. idge ut th e Wh ite House next Ma ll· trict last ruu but he d eclin ed to run, Mrs. Sim.e on Brown is very ill at 1924 Studebaker Li gh t 6 Tourinlf tluy mOl'ning , Fcl.lI·ua ry 1 , our na- ann oun cillg tha t he desired to get the home of her daughter, Glenna, in r . " ' ,l ll ·\ d v ... t ,,., l h C It, 'f c n·" t n ~ I\ " III I \ l1: U ,\ · ~ I' I{ f.SS i\ · Sf)C IAl i " ti nn's ulflli rs will be in th e hand s of buck to 1m,', [lnd a tt uin a bi t of fin a n_ Dayton. 1923 (2) J e w " tt , 6 Coup" 4 -p .... -=- --~ - .-~~-_ -=-=-= t wo f orm e r fprm \.IOys. cia l indc pelldcn ce. Mrs. James JOhns is spending this 1922 Buick, 4 TOuring - - t--P-,..,oidl'nt oulidgc f rom-tlrTrt-'blellk nnde rs' fa th er, Re v. J a mes San- week wi th Mrs. Ca th erin e John s, in 1922 ·Hupm obile Touring- '.\I I: I) N I~~UA\,. JANUARY ~':l . 1!l24 New Eng lund fal'lll ncar Plym outh, de r •• W !i" a f:Lrm cr, whe n he was not Ce nlerville. 1924 Ove rland. Touring :- . --.- -:.-:-. ::...::-. Notc h, \ ermont tl ntl hi s secreta ry, preachi ng in lndi ullD. The boy work Miss H elen Eurly hllH bee n quite 1924 Overland, Blue Bird Touring Evcl'!! lt Sund t' l's, from th e wlIvin g cd, und worked hurd, on the furm sick the past week, but is improved WH RE OUR MONEY GOES 1924 Overland. Touring cor li ti c hlM nellr Coalm on t lind Te rre II nt ll he wus fu ll g rown . He gol s uch ut this tim e. Huute, Indiana. schooling as was possible in th e in1923 Overland. Touring The Bible class will meet at the '1'1,," (:' '' '~ rl'~ S hu" ~ ,,"\ " h e d all Both \.I" yhootls were s pent o n th e tl'r l'ld s belwee n plowi ng, sowing, home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox 1923 Ford. Coupe rf-c u r ds f O I" Lulldu g ul l d fur prinlinK. farm ill th e hurd work of sowing. l'eUIl!ng un d other farm work. ne xt SlIturday night. T he t,, ~ pll yc r H ~x IJ ~ l1tl c d $2G,OOO for 1922 Ford Coupe "euping ulld the Illun y other hurtl But hI! was ambitious. Finishing Mrs Lydia Mendenhall, of Dayton, th o ~" I c ite m of prillLil1g the teHti1923 ( 3) Ford Touring . rounds uf long da ys , from \.I cfore the di strict Hch uol he managed to is making un exte nded visit with h er ma ny in the Teupot !Jome UI\<I Duug' h 1921 FOf d T ourin g su nup until uft er s und own . No scra mble throag h t he Slute Normal sist er, Mrs. Chnrl es Clnrk. Cl·ty i",' e" lig' lIliul1 ~. Inde!!,I , th e puLExcllvolior. ill progress for six doubt nluny wh o reud th t'se lin es school, tuu ght school fol' three years 1922 Ford Roa d.ter were Mr. und Mrs. H. M. Clark lie 1''';lIler inform" us lhut "the I,";nt- months in Ophel. close t o the ureu now kn ow the fUl'm day li nd t he de- a lld th e n . \.Iy wu iting on lubles and week-e nd g ue.1s of Prof. nnd Mrs. 1917 ( 4) FOrd Touring. ing of the Hccord ullli J ourllul for ~\'hcre stoud the Je wish t emple, see ms Illulld ~ ench new dawn mll ke. Pcr- other such me niul work, he managed Geo rge Clark. of Cincinnnti. both h uu.C:i ex ceeded nil fU l'Il1 ~ r vol- to have revelllcd this liS the indis1921 Old . mobil e, 8 Tourinll hups th e y CUll gllin illspil'lltion in to get Il luw edu cation a t th e Uni vc rMrs. Ed FurnuB, of Wllynesville, um os uf IInnuul llrutOI'Y with u tuud putable site of the city of David, llC1922 Overland., Touring spcnt severnl days last week with 1)( I U,47f, pages." cording to Rev. J . Gnrrow Duncan , 1917 Buick, 6 Touring her . on, Seth Furnas and family. Then we n!'c t uld thut 25 ,000.000 director of the Plliestine explorution 1918 Buick, E35 Road.t er James J ohns is out ugain after u New Secretary to copic~ of PUiJliClltiulI" hllve been fund. of lhe grip. Everett Clark relnpse 1919 Maxwell Tourinr wIIs tcd in fr ee dis tribution by Co nHis explorntions have led him to hu" bee n dri\'ing the schoul truck for j:rcs" und the dc purtments in ten what he is convinced i. the castern AND MANY OTHERS him . yeor~ ul 11 10'" uf flUt less thun Hide of David' ~ city. where he has ··"l . •.. .. Mrs, Pet er Banlu is now at the '$600,000 u yenr. Thi ~ , of course, discovered not only a wa ll 27 fe et Everett Sanders of Indiana, bedside of Mrs. Bnnta's mother in CONV E NIENT TERMS CAN BE Hums up the direct IOtis. 1't docs not thick and which he has tru ced for 200 who February 1 becomes private Leba.nun, who is seriously ill at this consider the cluttering up of the yards, but also u mal:nificent tower secretary to Prealdent Coolidge] ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR tim e. to aucceed C. Bascom Slemp or pos t office dcpllrtmcnt and con~e­ of Duvid. CONVENIENCE Virginia. The latter retires to Mr. and Mrs. A. W . Cop and famquent loss th ere. Seemingly whenHe is certain h" has discovered the ontor buslneu. Mr. SlIndeu ily moved to Dllyton Monday, after ever a pos tul deficit is drugged \.Ie fore r oal Jc\.lu silc Wil l! of the forl which "'11' boomed .t the Clove land li vin g in th e Wulter Clark property convention a. a . vice-presidenlhe pu\.llic, denunciulions are heuped was slunding when David took it in till running mate with Presi'here a yeur, on the backs of the newspaper pub- the year 1000 B. C. (lent CoolltJge. Miss Al mu H" rm ell and Mr. Ralph lishers, who, liS II fact, gi ve the benThe discovery of rcmuins of the Stowe , of Springboro, were 6-o'clock Across from Fred's.} efit at their redu ced rute of carrier anci ent city of David is of great indin ner g uests of Mr, and Mrs. Kesler service to the · public, selling their terest to IIrcheologi sts, who have long Phone 39 Grll hum, Friday. LEBANON, OHIO product at II. actuul loss. debuted the loclltion of the originul M e~dnmes Jessie Longacre and The nilliun would be bettor off if site of ancient Jerusalem. May Banta at te nded un all-dny quar. that $GOO,OOO wastefully eX\lcndedMr. Duncan cillims thst in addit erly meeling . of the County M. E. nod II great dell 1 more- we rt! applied tion to finally Bettling this point. he churches at Lebanon, Wednesday. to loweriflg the death rute pnrticu- h88 bee n able to prove that the site Mrs. Cleo Stucy spe nt lust week larly llmong the women in America. where David's city stood haa been In Doyton with Mrs, Malvina Stucy, This could be done if these waste continuously inhubited for over 1i000 Rft'I. R. W Crawford oJ the Con· und Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Williamson. moneys were put in to the intellJgenl years, Bome of the pottery unearthed ,reglltional ~ht!rdl at Mlnneapolla Stacy hilS been quite si~k, but is Mrs. hu ~eated :. bi\ of iamlly comdiRSeminalion of educational IIdver- ut Orphel, belonging to the cavenow on the mend. petitio!!. P.... ton, 9tu.~16 Aod tiscmc nl6 uddressed to young und dweling period of 3,000 yenrs B. C. Mr. Ralph Williams, of Wabash, hi. d:l~ht~·, Marlon. 1 alter. to pruspecti ve mothers, to spreading and before. • 'tlw. nate wtth h.;'l1I on CODNCN V'e 8u~ Date your ..I.. with me. Ind., was the overnight guest Tueslight on sunitation and to safeguard· The' site h08 yielded ai, ,, basket,1&.... ~t II ~,~d the Y01IJIpt.-s are day, of his cou!in, Albert Stacy and ..tialaellDa or claar•• _ ing the people against the medical fuls of Hebrew pottery, und nny num knowing that Calvin Coolidge and ~ l:ln" th·' eAU reb peWI better than sitl' of India na , gl'nduut~ng in 1907. fumily. Mr. Williams was attend. the rllt<IW. ~ent1J', 600 _~ 'luackery from which the people Buf- ber ot jar handletl with Hebrew in- Everett Sunders know irom first Then he took up the practice of law. ing an Oil Refiners meeting held in turn ~ ''''ay M,rion prl!ll~h­ fer, particularly in the sparsely pop · scriptions dedicated to Jehovah. CENTERVILLE. OHIO hand contact all ot these labora, haveo!. ;;'!,/f 1;:;'),' ."1:"..,": hafr Is womlln'll Finully he ent'e red PQlitics and Dayton last week, of which he is Ida led districLs. The tower or'Duvid. with its clean ~ng struggled In youth with the same gained first state otlke as IlSsiatant 11':'1')' . , tlId ~jll 1I0t have her'a bobpresident. PIao... No. J surface of white Iimelltone, is now exacting lusks. Attorney General of Indiana. Then Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Mr. --------.~---once more exposed to the light of day The retirement of C. Bascom Slemp he uspired hi~her and finlllly entered and Mrs. Berne Jones, Mr. and Mrs. S OME THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT lind visib le from every part of the as Secretary to President Coolidge the ruce liS r epreselOtutive of the Filtb Subscribe to the Miami Gazette. Allen Emrick, Miss Mildred Clark, city. and the selection of Everett Sllnders Indionu district ulOd was elected to Mr. und Ml's. Wnlter Kenrick and Ono news writer auviacs us thll t The Pal e ~tine government hos dc- came as the result of Mr. Slemp's re_ Congress. He ser'ved four terms in Therle Jones attended the dedication nn untrll ge1'lIl, so small thnt It c·a nc1ared this part of the ancient wall solve to get buck to private business . .Washin gton. of the new M. E. church at Ce nter. not be detected under the stron~p. s t Ii nuti onnl monument, and the tower HaU'a Catarrh Medicine It has been known for some time Sanden Popular ''lith villu, Sunday. known microscope, hilS b""n disco v . ia being restored. Thoae who are In a "run-down" contU. 'that our first millionaire secretary G . O. P. Leaden. Mr. and Mrs . Berne Jones enterIton will notice that Cl.taM'h bothera them c red by a medicul college professor. more than when they arc In Cood ~o u president wos tired of his job All of his congressional colleagues tained a few friends Saturday even- milch nn opticul nccomplishment of (' ," 1health. This prov.. that whll. since thing. politically had fuiled to are for him. He was a regular ad- ing. Those present were: Mr. and Catarrh ta & local 411l... e, It I. greaUy s ideruble merit. A second news writ. WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND Innueneed by conwtltutlonlll conditions. move as he had hoped. ministration man at all times and wus Mrs. Allen Emrick, Mrs. Chas. Johns, er tells of still another college proHALL'S CATARRH MltnrCINEl 18 a FREE OF CHARGE Combined Treatment. both loenl nnll InIt is no secret thnt Mr. Slemp asune of Nick ' Long worth's most reli- Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGinnis, Mr. ternal. an4 haa been au ceeesrul In the fessor who alH\Uunccs that man i ~ CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR pired w a place in the president's able lieutenants. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick and Miss treatment of catarrh tor over forty YUN!. " bou w lose his leeth, his toes, hiM Sol4 by all 4rul'lllalJl. EXPENSE family us a cabinet member. It was He gained first nationul Ilrominence Gladys Emirck. hllir, and his finger nails, and that 11'. 1. Cheaey A Co .. Toledo. Ohto. thought thut his ability to line up during thc Clevelllnd convention whe Friends here lire sorry to learn of his head is to become larger to acSouthern delegates for Coolidge during th e Cleveland convention the misfortune of Frank Creighton, commodate u bigger brain. Still Phoa. 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. another news writer records that l' With hog prices averaging more would be rewurded with a highcr when llfter Lowden and Borah de- who lives five miles nortb of Dayton post. However, muny things interclined to accept the vice-presidential on the Troy pike. His house and the third college professor announces the than $10 a hundred pounds at the age of the world us 1,600,000,000 furm the highest January overage fered with that program. Wmm. M. nomination, a \.loom .wos s t.nrted for co ntents burned to the ground MonNOTARY PUBUC YClll't!, und the progno~ticated change since 1920 has been reached. Thi.s Butler beat him out with the presi- hilll. Senator WaLson, of. Indiann, day morning, on ly being able to save BA.THA W A. Y in man is to be finished in about 71j,- is practically the highest average for dent as chairman of the Republican an as pirllnt f or th e presiden t ial nom- one piece of furniture. His brother, Will. Drawn Estates Settled D~. Then Harry ination, refused to spon ser the boom, Wm. Creighton" of thia pillce, went 000 yeun. ony mOllth since that yellr. Sheep National committee. ;jWaynesvlIle, Ohio DENTIST It behooves us to get bus)' with and lamb prices 'also sh'Owed big up- New decided to remuin as postmaster so finully as u compromise, Dawes was t o their assistance as soon as hearing of it. the barber. engage a manicure anI! ward movements during the month general, the job it had been assumed nominated. National Bank . And X-O-ORAPHIST Everett Sanders was born near ..... s tart at oncll .with our ballet steps as did aU the graina but farm hoy Slemp aspired to. COlllmont, Ind., March 8, 1882. He to keep our toea in working ordcr. prices reinain around five dollars a Saader. Ha, St~u .. led Ohio, Waynesville. Up from Po... erty will celebrate his 43rd birthday, just Fortunately theee thinga we can .10, ton below last year's level. Sanders has experienced a romanTelephone 114, four days nfter t lhe inauguration of but when it comes to the poor germ. The farm average hog price of we feel hopeless. We are not even $10 . compares with $8.70 in Decem- tic career of poverty and must hnve President Coolidge!. He was married OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, Dentist able to see and smile upon him. If we ber and $7 a yeAr ago. . Beef cattle been reluclunt to interrupt his plans, to Mi ss Ellu Neal, of Terre Haute, , which at last promised much, to be. ON MAIN STREIDr Ind., in 1903. Mrs. Sunde'rs is very call him up and say, "Are you there?" averaged $6.66 which is not far from Waynesville National Bank Bldg Miss Dorothy Rye WIlS in Xenia, os likely as not \lie will get no an- Isstyear's Januory' price. Lamb pri come secretary at npproximately the popular in congre!ssional circles and s wer. These handicaps must be ces have increased more than $2.60 same Hillary he was receiving as con· lliready has a host of friends in Saturday. Wushington.-Robert Fuller, in AuMrs. Elmer Royer spent the week worked out witho~t delay. Fortu· per hundred pounds during the past gressman. Whereas, Slemp is wealthy, San- to caster Service. nately ou~ hop e lies in vision of the month and ue now more than 40 end in Xenia. Mr. Jacob Zimmer spent Saturday bigger IIkull to accommodate \arger per cent above last year. Milk priCI!lI in Xenia, on business. brains i b~t on the other hand our are below lust January but show an FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mr. Frank Kellis and family spent fear is'.. that with larger and mor:e inc'r ease over December. Eggs av. The Eye Sight SpeCialist 'Complicated gray matter implanted erage 16 cents above last year. Monday in Lebanon . Waynesville, Ohio Mr. Lou Stephens spent Monday in the human skull something may Corn averages $1.26 a bushel, and in Dayton on business. happen, and without our college pro- wheat $1.86 8S compared with 71 ST .MARY'S CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent fessors what would the world do cents and $1.02 a year ago. The Fully Equipped for Good Lebanon, Ohio Saturday eveni ng in Xenia. The signs ' and portents for 1925 oats average for the state is 60 cents Fcbruarly I, Fourth Sunday aftl'r Service. Mr. I~ rank Kellis and family enternre realfy disturbing. aa complll'cd with 66 cents last .month Epiphany. Church School at !l :30; Large Display Room ---"- ~"" tained friend s from Oregonia, Sunand "46 cents a :fllar ago. Prices for Sermon and Holy Communion nt 8:00 a, m. to 4 p. 111. Odd-colorerl beE(ds, rings, fraternal day. WASN'T, WAS. COULDN'T, DIDN'T rye are the same as for corn. Hay " I 0:46. Everybody welcome . pins, jangling bracelets and other lhy OR NIGHT TELEPHONE 7 There were several visitors at the prices are stationary at from $11 REV. J. J. SCHAE!FFER, Rector. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED bric-a-bruc of f eminine dress are all to U6.60 IL ton. , revival services at Mt. Holly Sundny . A man patted II strange bulldog right in their place, but be sure you Bran, middlings ' and other feeds night. to Bee if the animal wa.~ affectionate. know how to locate that pluce METHODIST CHURCH Miss Lulu and Mr. Harold Kellis, are up from 82 to $3 a ton 'from last It wasn't. At least, thut 's the wuy Ann Bie- (If Xenill, spent Sunday with Mr. and ~ Sabbath Scbool, 9:11i •• m., preach- brieher, a clothing specilllist at the A man u sed a lighted candle to month and fl:om . $4 to $6 from last Mrs. Frank Kellis. year, though the State averaee tanking lit 10:30 B. m. Wedn..dayeven- Ohio State univ,~ rsity, feel s about soo if his gas meter was leakine. It The little children of Mr. and Mrs. age price of $66 is the same as last inlr service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth was. it. She explains her point of view Jacob Zimmer have been quite sick January, and is a decline of $2 from League 6 :16 p. m. Preaching at 7:00 A man speeded up to see if he this wily: Cottonseed meal is $4 p. m. EvC,rybody Is cordially invited with bronchial tro uble. could beat the interurbun to the December. "Some women ," says Miss' BieMiss Dorothy Wiechers, of Cincinlast yeur.-Ohio Department below to these services. crossing. He couldn't. bricher, "weur jewelry just because nllti, is visiting with her parents, Mr. of Agriculture. A man' struck a match to see if his Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. they .hllppen to have it. That often and Mrs. Henry Weichers. gasoline tank was empty. It walln't. ruins the effect of a dress that would UPHOLSTERED A man touched a live wire to Bee \ otherwise be an nttractive garment. ChRISTIAN CHURCH if it was charged . • It was. , "Cllrclessly worn jewelry generA man cut out his advertising to Sunday School At the Christian ally indicates a cllrelessly dressed "Guest (chewing hard)-"Say, see if he could SIlve money. He did waiter, how old is ·thill cl~icken 1" Church every Sunday at 9:30 a. m. womU ll, one who fails to realize the not. charming effects which can be obtain~ Waiter-"That'8 a spring fry, sir." Ever),body cordially invited. ed from II tasteful choice. Varioua Guest--"I thought so. I've been colored beads, rings ond piils olfer Subac:rlbe ' for the MI•.mt GaSctte. chewing on one of the springs." FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. Charles Allen Is gradually many ways of int roducing the proper . l . This is an undenominational congre- color harmony t o be worn with a ,growing weaker. Elam is recovering from Miss Bessie gation. AII!U'e welcome to wonhip certuin garment. But is the beada here. Bible study 9 :30, followed by certain garment. But if the beact8 an attack of grip. Mn. Sarah Anabee is visiting her . - . , communion and sermon. Evening, mony, it is much better to omit them daughter, Mrs. A. C. Mendenhall. song service and. sermon. at 7 :00• entirely. Mr. and Mrs. Russell . Hiatt and "If II little thought is given to ~--children were Sunda)' goests of relabeads and rings when the garment .... .... DUMB DAN IN SPORT .. .. is planned, these ornaments may ·take tives in Wilmington • Mr. and Mrs. Clement Mendlesohn the place of trims to give lin inter. Jqolend-"How did you like the and' son, Olifford, of Troy, were Wayneevllle, Ohio' esting uccent to the costume. basketball game!" , . guests of Mri. Anna Andenon, Sun. . "Emblems, Buch as class and fraDumb. Dan-"Nothlng to It. I lelt day. tern a l pins, have their place; but Mrs. EVeline Luce. of Bellevue, after about ten minutes. There '" as they are sym bolicill and sh ould be i ., r .: r aU them' young huskies nitne to eet formerly 'of this place., it in a ve~, tb. ban ,in' the baaket-:.ailCf biame me worn lIS such. .A fraternity pin worn critical condition since sulfering from as •a brooch lac.k s both modeaty a,!d a paralytic .troke a short time ago. if any of them noticed there wun't beauty." . . a boUom in either b8aket." t' . _ The victiml of the coastinr' acci· dent lU'e- dom. .. weU -.. eouid ~ - - - - . - ••--;.,c-W:HEkE IT IS expected. Arnold Dnw~, Bich NOT IN ;3chool superintend.nt, Ia III the lie,. Hibrow-ILWhat we need Is Dlon; ' Clellan hospital at.- X.1lIa. Malter of the milk oj hU1;naD Idndn~ In the Robert Crit4!a ill beiDc eand for at: world." the Crites home, ThOll lIderlq from minor lDjariel an to be

- ------ - - ----


Lebanon Motor Car Co.

F.T. Martin Auctioaeer




--- ..----



Harveysburg Fertilizer ·Co. •



-----. -

_ --

Dr. John W. Miller





Walter McClure

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday

............................. .......................

.- .


. -..----



For Lumber SEE



••Sears & Cal1wright••

w. __.

1'Insurance alitl Sales I. l

'. Satisfied ' Patron~, Best R~ference '

------ _...----






\o.1' !C'; '



Madden & Co.



Mrs. L. D. Chilea b u been 'sick with Mrs. J. Cartwright was a Da yto n grip, visitor, Monday. '

Sale for

Brooders and Incubators Get

~Our Price ==

Miller's Creek Egg Miller's Creek Lump Blue Grass Egg GemLump West Virginia White Ash 4-inch Lump Pocahontas Furnas Coal 6-inch Forked Pocahontas Lump ALL THE ABOVE COALS ARE HIGH GR ADE

Our Poe a h o nla . Furnac.e C oal gBv e auch good •• t i. f act io n t bi a w in .. ter t ba t we nOw have se veral orde r. fo r n ex t winte r·. coa l.


fr. nnd l\Ir~. Dert Hartsock, of 11ft·. 1. W. Lincoln, of Dayton, spent SundllY with Mr. und Mrs . J . H. Ruut!! I , W l' I't! in Xeni n, 'l"ucsdIlY· Smi t h. iIIr~. L . A. Zim men nu n wns the wt'ek-en d g Ul'st of fri ends in Si dney, Miss Edna Howland visited Miss Ohio. Mollie H owlund, of Middlc to~vn, Sunday evening. Messrs. L. M. Hend erso n. George Zell und W. N. 'eurs we re in LebEl· !\Ir. Elnd ~f rs . El zey Scott atte nded non , Frida y. the f uneral of a rclutivo at Mason, lust Friday. Mrs. Viola Carey, who hus been confi ned to the huuse ~cvcrR l weeks, 1II r~ . Grace Li nco ln Smi th is in i ~ ~ Iow l y improving. Cincin nati thi~ week. nttending the lIlilli ne ry openings. Mrs. 1I11l1'y Cn.key spent tho week. end wi th Mr. und Mrs . E. M. Oxley Mr. and lIfrs. C. W. Younce were and f nmil y. at Troy. a t the dediClltion of the new church li t 'enterville, ,S unda y. Miss Ednll Rowland was Lhe week_ end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed HetalMr. lind Mrs. Ray Milia a nd dnug h· lick, of near Orego nia. te l' LI nd Miss Bernice Hyman we re in Sp rin gboro SundllY after noon . Mrs. Bishop Wilkerson, of Morrow WIl S the 'guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. R v. and Mrs. L. A. Wushburn at· II. Wilk erson last Wednesdny. Lended t he dedicatory s er vices of the

Ce nterville M. E. church, Sundny.

Miss Olive Allen, who was out of school seveI'll I days on IIcco unt of Messr s EdwElrd Burton and Albert "ickness, hus r esumed her work. Wilson wore di nner guests of Messrs. Virgil and Vivian Reta llick, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chambers, of Dayton, we re Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. J ohn Lilmb and Mrs. Mildred lin d Mrs. Jo hn F romm and family. Smith, of Bell br ook, wer e g uests of


Come In and 'Look Them Over

Toorings Coupes Sedans Roadsters Trucks ' Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Mr . E lliott Wright left today for Waukegan , Ill., whero he has taken u lucrative position wi th the Cyclone F ence Co. Messrs . E. L. Thomas, A. B. Shan. er, M. P. Lewis a nd L. S. St John attended K. of P. lodge in Lebanon, Saturday night.





Phone 148

Public Sale -OF-

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harl Hllrvcy, of near Ut ica, celebruted t heir t wenty-fi fth we dding IInniversary last Sundny. Mr. li nd Mrs. R OKS Hartsock li nd chil . dre ll. a nd Mrs. Lou Harl.illl werl! among those prese nt.



GETS GOOD .offER Steven Phillips, sccrl'tary. Xenia, has been offered tho starter's posi-

tion a t the Grand Circuit meetings at Not1h Randall, Clevela nd, Ohio, this season, Win H. Kinnan, president , a nn ounced yesterday. Phillips has officiated at Ohio Short Ship and fair races in this state for sever al years , and two yonrs ago acted as starter at North Randa ll.



only a few open day. left in Februa,,.. my .&Je. and . .... my work- that'l be.t ad-


'W'erti • .,me nl.

C.1l or writ ...

Blessings on thee, little dame, Bareback girl with" knees the III1me. With thy rolled-down silken hose And thy Short, transparent clot hes ; With thy r ed lips, reddened more tal in Lebanon, r eturned home Tues- Smeared with lipstick f rom t he store; day . . With thy make·up on thy face, And thy bobbed hair's jaunt y grace, Mr. and Mrn. Chns. McKibban and From my heart I give t hee joy 80n, of Springbor o, spent Sunday Glad that I was born n boy. with Mrs. Mary McKibban and daugh... ... ter, Miss Edit~. . A CONTRACT Save ,.ou~ old carpets and rulrl and get "WearweU" Ruga made. Now listen, dea.r , quit pest ering me, Send for pric:e (list. Franklin Rue In April I'll plant those seeds. Co., Franklin, Ohio. . If you will only promise now



Phone. No.2 ..


In June you'll help pull weeds.

Are You Giving Your Eyes Proper Attention? •

Whetber at bome b.... ine ... poor e"el iebt i. a detrimenl ' 10 elIieienc,. e.d .ucc •••. . N." , beadeeli ... end man, olher ajlm " n" are eliminat~ b,. prOpe rl,. 6tted .Ia ..... .

Genuine K ryptox .invisible bifocals, Toric Lenses . . .. . .. . . . . $10.00


.. - .. 'Public' Sale


--- -.-

Her e ar .. lome of my com inc .alo dal".. If are conlid e rin. bavin. a public auction, . ee me. I , u.ranle .. to a. l iar, or cba r S;; notbin,. 1 ba ...

--- _.- ..- -TO THE flAPPER



JANUARY 28-0ne half milo wco t of B"llbrook. . F E BRUARY 2-One· balf mil o .outh o f Bell brook. FEBRUARY 3- Two mil". louth of Beavertown. FE ~RUARY 4 - T hre., mil". wo.t of Camd en, Ohio. F E BRUARY S-T wo mile. we.t of Fra nklin. F E BRUARY 8-Two mil", .oll'b of Sprin, boro FEBRUARY 7-Sellera Horae Sa l". Xe ni •. FEBRUARY 9- 1 \ft mile. Northw e.t of Centerville. F E BRUARY 10--T wo mi le. we.t of Rid,evill... F E BRUARY II -Ed Shroy.. r'. bi t 1.1". 1 m ile nortb of Rid u ville. F E BRUARY 12- BII( Clo. ine Out .ale, near T r oy. Obio.

...- --

Smyth_"Nevcr borrow trouble." Jones-ItI didn' t--I only borrowed ,60 and the trouble '\!Va8 thrown with twenty-four enro\led. A specMr. O. E. Liebel, of Cincinnati, ial instructor f rom the State Normal in." --- -representing the Cincinnat i Branch department is in charge and much in of t he Ford Motor Co., made this of- terest is shoW1n. fice a pleasant call, Saturday.


advantage of the price.

Mr. Robert G. Cross, who has been confined to his home for about three we eks, is Llble Lo be out Iwain ,



Special Prices 'off the car_ Place your orders now, and take

Mr. a nd Mrs. Elvin F ires an d daughter, Miss F lossie, spe nt a few day last wee k in Dayton.

Mr . and Mrs. C. H. Sherwood, Mr. nnd Mrs. Cilas . E dwa rds and family were recent· dinn er g uests of Mr. a nd M. Robitze.r , Mrs. Mr. and llis. Mrs. Rnymond Co nner. Annie l;jheehan and Mr. J. D. Marlatt wer e in Centerville Sunday to attend Mrs. Earl IIfcMaka n a nd little son, th e dedication of the new M. E. after n visit of sever al wee ks with church. Mrs. Viola Carey, have r etll rn ed to their home in Detroit, Mich. The tr.a ctor school opened Monda,

Waynesville, Ohio

T hree cars coming in; wilJ be here in a few days. We are makin g

Mr. J a mes trllwke lind fami ly, of Limll. Oh io, ~ pc l\l Sunl1L1 Y wi th Mr . and Mrs. J . C. Hawke.

Mr. a nd Mrs. lMilton T homp8on, Jut Mrs. Mary Edwards will spend the. week. rest of the winter in Dayton with her da ughter, Mrs. Will Russum and famMrs. Cora Baker and Mrs. Wilily. fred Crites and son, of Wilmington. were guests of Mrs. Ida Stokes, SUD Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mrs. day. Mary Caskey and Mrs. D. L. Crane were shopping in Dayton Frillay af· Mrs. Harvey Rye , who hill! been te r no on. taking treatmemt at Dr. Dill's hospi-

Che.ap, /~ .f or Cash.



Mr. alld Mrs. Walter Coat wer e in • Mr. Lyma~ DIlY lind fam ily. of Rou te 4 , visite d in Blanchester, SunLebanon, Silt ur day. day. Mr. lind Mrs. F . R. Moomaw we re 1\11'''. ora Mucy is visiting r elatives Chillicotho visitors Saturday. A germination test on seed corn in Xl'nio. plakes a pretty go od 'in surllllce pol· Mrs. Milto{l Thompson spent Thunl- icy. 1\1 rl'. W, 1I. Allen WII8 in Dayton, day with reiativ'es in Bellbrook. Mon Iny. Mr. Ed LeM ay. of Sheffi eld, Alu.• Mr. John Lowry has sold his store is visitin g Mr. an d Mrs. F. U. LeMay i\lr~. Chlls. ZimllH'rmn n, of ~ o ute lit Wollman to Mr. J ohn E . Gray. and family . . 4, is q~litl! ti ick. 11'. B. S. Howell. of Port William, Mr. a nd Mrs. Edwin Bllrber, of ~ I I·. lind 1IlrM .Ru ssell Sali~ bury wer e Wll~ in Waynes ville on business, Man_ Norwoo d. were H'cen l gue. t. of MY'!!. Lcilllnu n "isilo l's las t T hu rsday. day. Cynthill Evans.

Shelltex Frames. Gold Filled bridge and cable temples . . .. . . .. $2.50


Mr. Frank le:lbon attended a meetJewelera and Optometriata, Messr s. Oakley Unglesby, Jacob ing of tbe Wa:rren County Fair board DRED PER CENT. TRY US. I ""II sell at public auction at my Stro use, Georl:e D. Mills and Chas. at Le banon, IIl0nday. Several coun· XENIA ,OHIO Sat te r thwaite attended I. O. O. F. ty officials wer'e preaent in whoso hOD. residence, 2 % miles 8OUth'eGlIt aI !!'!!!I!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~~~!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!~~~~~!!,!!!!!,!!!~~!!,!!!!!,!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~:! ins lallation at Spring boro, Saturday Waynesville, Ohio, and 9 miles north or the board lrave a " llslt fry." east of Lebanon, on ~~~~".,.""••" ' . " "•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nigh~ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1925 Mrs. J. D. Marlatt went to ColBeginning at 10 O'clock, the folA meeting of the Waynesville Com umbus last Thursday, ha ving receind mercial club will be held at t he a message thnt her daugh ter, Mrs. lowing : 4 head of mules, 15 cattle, Township house tonight, at 7 :3 0. 5 2 _ 8h~ell, farm implements, hamCll8, Merle Kern s, had fallen and sprained potatoes and straw, 200 bushels com. Business of importance and election her a nkle. See big billA for PBrtiCUJan. of officers . , W. E. O'NEALL. Mr. Fra nk LeMay has been Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Washburn, Mrs . C. T. Hawke Auct. ou sly ill wi th ear tro~ble. A specJ . W. Wbite a nd Mr. Fred M. Cole .... ... inlist was. callied and it was found .ntte nded tho Coun ty Quarterly meetthat an immediate operation was nec· ing of the M, E. church at Lebanon essa ry: · His condition was reported last Fri day. bet ter this morning. in % lIIrs. C. M. Robi tzer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and Mrs. Lee Stratton has been quite : t he J oll y Matro ns Sa turday nfter- family, of Kingman, Mrs. Eugene iII _with tonsilitis. : noon. I nvited guests of the hostess Foster, of Butterworth Station, MI'. HatTY Hough hf;18 heen in Dayton ~ we re Mrs. Fred M. Cole, Mrs. CoulouB 0 : : , fo . .. .. ...... . and Mrs. Lewis Bevin and Mrs. Bev- to have his eyes treated. Admission: 20 and 1 0 cents •( You nce an d Mrs. H. E . Ha thawllY. in , Sr., of Wilmington, and the MissW. P. McCarren has presented his 4 es Anna and Emma Hadley, of Messrs. Harris Mosher, Wilbur Clarksville, were guests of Mr. J. wife with a new Ford Sedan. Mrs. Eliza Carter Is moving in with Stansber ry, ]o~rn nk Robinson, Walker E. Janney and family, Sunday. .her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Kennedy Hatfield, J. M. Thompson, Lee Hawke .. .... .. .... .. .. .... and family. Rayman Hntfield and Earl Orndorf Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stump were saw " Bringing Up Father," at lebaSunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Karl non, Monday night. Shidaker and family. A COSMOP OLIT AN SPEC IAL Mr. and Ml'1I. Will Kenley and famMr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis and son, 1 lb. Lf .. .. ,... ....... .... ....... .. .... .... , ...... ~· ily were recent Sunday guests of Mr. of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. George GilA loo. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker, liland, Mr. aTld Mrs . Forest Graham FARM AND TOWN Mrs. Clara Merritt and family were and daughters and Master Milton PROPERTIES Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and .Mn. . GrLlham spent Sunday with Mr. and Fred Harlan. . Mrs. Clarence · Allen and 90n. W. T. Jordan 'h u been quite--..ill. Adrnission: 20 and 10 cents Ha"e .e"erl.1 low-priced Hou ••• in Lu st Wednesday evening, at their Wayneaville . ,nd Farm. from ODe to Mr. and Mrs. Don Hattsoek lind Gold•• Santo', po••d.. tamily spent Sunday.,with them, _ home east of town, Mr. and Mrs. 250 acree. ( . Mrs. W. A. Halne. has b'een . I~ Ha rry Smith ga ve a " Five Hund red" , -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:: pa rty to which abou t twenty friends Lebanon caring for , her neice, 'JIrIi. Ernest Oswald, who hu been ill. ' . were inVited. Delicious ice cream . Mr. and Mni. Wilber Hawke lind cake ndded to t he enjoyment of AUCTIONEER AND the occasion. family entertained to dinner rec.:nt: REAL ESTATE Iy, Mr. and Mrs. CII!! Hawke, Mr"aDd In h'o nor of Mr. J. O. Cartwright's Mrs. Weldon ,Heller anI!' da._, Office A~an Dlel., Pbo~e , 81-2 Maxine. ' birthday, whi ch fu lls on t he 24th, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO . We are glad MeBll'll, OIilr and Mrs. Car t wr ight invited II f ew fri ends EYES EXAMINED ~O l' the e vening, to m'a ke up several !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bur Hawke escaped 10 ' mil~C1Jlo'JaI1,1 1 when the train struck 8n~il ! demo~lIuid. la bles of "Five Hu ndred." FollowGLASSES FI'ITED '. their Ford at the croNin&COlr,rJ~jH~J :.i.::~--,--.,....,--.:.---+-.,....:.~ ing. t he games t he hostess , assisted Pa,OMPT REPAI~ SERVICE last Frida,.. " ' by her duu ghter, litt le Miss EVelyn, ~ J. ' C. Gray and rranclliim, ser ved (J'Clicious refreshments. have boon on the lIielt liBt. 111.,1.0 ....··'1 !,ufrerod with ·liver trouble anet. BobMisses Trillena a nd Margaret EdRoo~ - - -- ..-' -.-. . ert bad chicken pox. ~oth are IftIPwar ds and Mary Leah, daughter of improved. ?jlr : and Mrs. J. W. Edwards, left W A.YNEsVILLE; OHIO ". ' SE~ Mr, and Mil. Gall, OorctO)l: an4 1t{QndaY'for a trip through the South. 1amD, entertalDeci to dlDD• .....Dtf.,They will go by the way of Wash. WILL F. YOI' ~U" Uly", I ington , D. C., to Baltimore, wbe~ 17. 111': and lin. W... ~~~~~JI 8011, Ronald, Mr. and 11ft. 924 ~ South Bro... Street, Dayton, Ohio. I the), will take an ocean liner for Jack dalIPta-• .....,... .... OYer'Sipaa Theater . ' 8ODvilIe, Fla., and from there .... bv ~ ~ - - _ 'i train to Miami. ow •




- ---

Four Feature 1......·Potatoes ~;~I~. ~:k. . . . 29c


Katherine MacDonald "Chastity"


Oranges :8:


" Kinograms"

PORK- & BEANS ~0:·~:yfo~~~~:


"The Pride of Palomar"




W. N. Sears




:Every Wednesday . 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p• .0. Re$t in f;range Building

.. . . .__-!l--------__

,.':. 15c ~~):. r;~_.~~e.~. . . . . . .. . . . .ge


....................................................... Will F. Y~ung




36 C


s '




'Seventy-Seventh Year

Whole Number 5628



Wa. Dinner Gu eat


_._= === H. G. Wells worrie. about the American system of public 8chool ed. ucation. He is much afraid that our manhood will be damaged because our school boys are educated largely by women.

It L8 kind of Mr. Wells to worry, but he is wasting time and energy in thlll case. If he will look into hi! own book or history .t one of hiB ance.tol'S with the big teeth, low forehe.d .nd he.vy jaw, he will lind th.t human bein,. hllve ch.nged. And he ought to know that they have ch.nled, thanlul to the fact th.t men · been educated by their MOTHERS.

Several slcig hs were out Friday, The SIXth and Seventh overflow played the Sixth Tuesday noo'n. Th. .nd Chull. 1-1 nugh, 'has, Elli s and score was 6 to 9, in {Ilvor of the Ronald Hawke gave th eir horses a good chance t u t ry their sPl'ed. SevSixth and Seventh overflow. eral brushes by th ese horses utt ructed a Lig crowd o f hurse lovers on Last Friday the, Freshmen enterSouth Main stree t. There was no tained the Hi Kchool, faculty and judge 1101' jury connected with th eije grades with the foll owing program: little spurts, and no t im e wa " take n. Scripture Reading, Charlotte Romby of these h or~e s hud bee n Reuding . '.. .. .. , .. '.. Ruth Cook worked for somo time, ond th e ownVocalDuet.--Curolyn Swartzel .nd en did not keep them out ve r y lon g. Geneva Ault. More sleighs were out in these Reading ........ Edith Cram two day~ , than for many yoa TS, und SaXAphone Solo ........... .. .... Roy Ellia lovers of this kind of spor t onjoyed PI.y- UBiIly's Mishap"it to the full . Evelyn Unglcsby, Thelma S.tterth. waite, Elizabeth Branstrator, Imogene Beckett, Harvey Hole. Hi School Song ............ .... .. By Scbool

Total Eclipse ~.r.,.,.

AB yet this year the literary societies have not done so much of noted importance in Bchool, so next Friday beginning at 12 :30, the two literary societies, Tom Corwin and Athenian, will .how their ability in debatinl. Resolved, 'That the National Child Labor Amendment ahould be pUlled A'ftirmative-Tom Corwins, reprelented by Fr.nces Henkle, Irm. Shutl.! and Ke~neth ReUilUck. Negative - ~thenlan, nprelented by Murray Hopkin., Howard Cook and William Thomas. Everyone III cordi.lly Invitod to come and hear this deb.te.

Who" !III'. W. II. Allen walked out 1\1 .. ,. Am pli" Wi lli ams was Lho dino f th e Wayn e~\i11e NutinTlu l llUn k C M nl'I' ).:11(';; t of Mr. on cl MrR. . . lllst Sutul'<lay Hl'lli llJ!, I e hacl roundn ohilT,('r, Slln rlny. cd oUL half a ,ccn t pl'Y in thi~_b.u s ill c"s , hOuse, Oil I' (' br uary I, 1R, n . he ell, te red th e Lan l, '" a buok keepor, alld I Gran dl'nrc nl . Ente rtain for many yea rs h,," l' l'('11 ut ttle heud ~I i<s I\ nlh" n lll' Fromm li nd Maslers of th e bunl< a < it> prc"delll. ! 1\ " lllll' lh nile! l 'lyde Fromm s pent Wh ell he flr ~t en t ercel lhe 1.lU<ine s~ :;uII,I,,; "Ill" Lhl' ir gran dpurelltij , Mr. Ihe bunk \\'a ~ HiIU"lC" 011 the corn('r Ilhd .\11',. J. IIl1w kl'. in th e Lu ild in g wh ere thl' puhli c Ii· Lrary now is, nt'lc r wunl,. mov ing tn th e r oo m now occupied by Burton's H.d a Fam ily Dinner restaurnnt. After t he di ~ustl'o u S tire Mr. an d MrR. Chas . Ed wurd" enuf J !l OO, the bunk uni ciu ls boughL the properl y nn d erected th e buildi ng Ll' rtain ~ <l III di nner, Sunday, Mr. lind Mr, . Ed [.Iwards , Mr. and Mrs. Clar it now occupies. From book keeper 1111'. A li e n \\'118 ence Edwards an d daughter, Mrs. advanced to ca~ hicr, and frum cashie r (,hrY" li c lI\cKin s£'y und l\1i s~ Laura to preside nt, which pos iLion h<l h (\~ ~kK ins~y. h Id for ab ouL thirty years. Under his Hupervision and with capabl e as- En t ertained at "Tafl'y Pull" sistants, the in stitutiun hus been of Th e full owin" c nj oy~d a "tnffy unusua l usefulne ss to the community. pull" a t the hOllle of Mr, R. L. Frazier Mr. Allon is s urely to be co ngrni-- und (alllily Thursday evenin g. Mrs. ulate d on hi s long lind s ucc essful ca- Irene Bird, Missel! Mary Margaret reer in the bank, lind mny many more and Evelyn Unglesby, and Olive Dinyea rs be added to his usefulnes" in widdie. the business.


Twepty yean ago 8. GtSford of Salem, ~II8&, went to WOl'k u pay-roll clerk for the Western Eleetric .t Cblcal[o. Lut week be was elected presi~lent of the Am~ lean Telephone aud Telegraph Op" the biggest publJc Mrvlc4' corporation lii the U ~I. Ht" 40 yean

I. Mn. WUaon Today


---_.- ...- --

Wom,n haYe educ.ted not q,nlY the bo,.. but .Iao tht men, Ifl'adually tak· Inl' the brutalit,. out of them. And tllafa wh.t they need. On the lap of hla .o~her, and a~ her knee, m.n been Ill\anged from the troglo. dJ~, lUt ~d to eraak neighbor'a WIly Should Vi. It S"Ia_1a ",Ii'll bon. to get .t the marrow, Into 1. To keep In touch with the work Ollr Pl1lllOnt lm4tation oC civilisation. at \heir children. 2. To the teacher. Women c.n the aehoolboy 3. To get first hand information Justice, Idndn_, coura&'e, p.tience about the work of the achoo!' and concentration. •. To ahow their wUlInlneaa to eo· Wh.t other ' m.nly characteriltlca operate with the .dmlnilltration of does the m.n! Som~body representine the r.ll- the aebool. 6. For the moral efreet It will haY. roacla will have to dO'llome \h1nkln,. .nd plan lIomething, or our Yer)' re- on the pupil to know that p_ta specUible United SUit.. raiboacb an .nd teachen .re pulling to,ether in ,oin. to lIuff., no m.tter bow mueh hil training .nd dlacipline. 6. To become acquainted penon-the Gov.rnment may do for them. Motor . truck.e are robbl~ the .Uy with te.cben .nd principles. ~Qrt _!II ,fnlaht. and \he 7. To learn li t flnt haoll the con.· Ion I h~u! IW~ plore ~nd mon by dltions under wbich their ehildren p*n~ w~jar:eve~ it CBQ.. Mr. Tbom .pend fiVe houl'll a day. 8. To le.rn the problemll children fOF th~ ~d RFII H, Do r.Uroade Intend. to meet new mu!t meet (coune of study, easy conditi~n. or Just die 9Ut, like the ,tudie8, difficult 8tudies, time scheddinosau.r , when time came and uica, ete. 9. To make it more poqlble for tho r.ta h" ble feet The motor truck and ftyilll m.chine aehool officials to interpret to p.rwill be the rata of the railroad dino- ents the policies under which the achool operate8. saur. 10. To advise IIcbool authoritlea as All the world reads .bout the m.r. to the needs of the district as Men velous racing' Finn, Nudmi. He broke from the parent!!' atandpoint. 11. To know the conditions .nd two world's indoor recorda. He's.n Iron man. He ran the mile in 4 min- needl of the IIChool so that they may utes 13 3-5 eeconds, cutting a second intelligenUy defend the repuUition of the IIchool and 88lliat in keepinl th" off the world's record. Ichoolll from beinl commercialized ' Honor him, his legs, heart, lunea and propagandized. 12. to view their children from and courage, but honor still more hilhly such men as the late Stein- an angle other than that of the home.metz. A crippled hunchback, he could and thus be able to guide more wisenot' have run five thousand metres ly their development. 13. In order that parents themin two boun. But hill brain ran .. well as Nurmi'. legs run. If, by the lIelves may undel'llland and .ppreci..... y, Steinmetz came to the United ate in coul'Se of Itudy. 14. To eec:ure an accurate Idea of Statell today, • crippled Jewish boy, as be did forty or fifty yeai'll alO, he the objects of modern education' .nd to find out how these objectives are ....ould be llent home. beine worked out In practic:e. Why doel the crowd p.y to Me fast '. 16. To aid In developing tho real lep .nd care Ieee for a thlnkilll school apirit in the community. brain' BecauBe tbe crowd c.n .n run. Not all can tIIlnk.



Tho tractor school Cl pcncd !IIonday, Jnn ua ry 2(jth, with nn e nroll - \ ment of t wentv-f oul·. Mr. W. A. • Cr ulllley. who has be e n wilh th e vocutiollul dcpnrtm ent for the pas t two years, is in charge of the wOI·k. One week has bee n spent on pro t~hle engin es a nd lhe ,group [lrc now stu dying tmcturs. lIIr, Ralph Ri chard son, assiRLant Stil Le Director of Voclltionlll EducalIOII , visited our SmiLh - Hugh e~ de pal'tl11ent nnd ulso t he trncto r schoo l. He ex pr e~sc d his apprccilllioll of the 8UCCCSS and good work Lhat lhe deparLlIl e nt is doing' here.


Here " the IIIOIIt remarb· ble pkblre . . keJI 01 tlle total edtpIIIi __ 01 the ~



Were D"Ulhtfully Surpri ...d Mr. J. L. Mendenhall and family enjoyed a surprise last Friday, e vening, when about 40 of their neighbors came in for the evening. Games and conversation made the time pass quickly and the visitors served BUnd. Last Saturday night the Orange wiches, cake, popcorn and candy, beand Black took th eir teams to Cenfore departing. terville to match th eir quin tets, who have been playing 8uperlor basketW .. Surpri ...d on Birthday ball this year. Tb e contest between the Centerl'o1l'11. Wm. Coleman was greatly ville first team and W. H. S. first surprised by a party of relatives in team WWl a battle throughout the honor of her 62nd birthday annivergame, Waynesv ille leading until the sary at her r esidence at Lytle, last last quarter , whcn Centerville's run- week. Those present we r e, Mr. and ning guard made good two long Mrs. Roy W. Proud, of Cincinnati, shots that put the game on ice for and Mr. and 1I1rs. Enrl J. Proud, and the Centervilians. W. H. S. fought fnm ily, of Read ing, Ohio. All ento the finish but inability for them joyed a wonderful time.. to locate the net at a distance kept them from a victory. Gons WWl the main Bcorer f or W. H. S. McClure In Honor of Birthday played best for the opponents. The Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke enscore was 12 to 10, Centerville. tertained very plellSant1y last' Friday· The W. H. S. Reserves lost in a night. T he affair was give n to celonesided affair, the score being 11 to ebrate Mr. Hawke's birthday and sev2. We do not care to mcntion our eral tab les of "600" werlL- lIlade up. alibi for this game, as our sportsman- Th(! game was followed by deJjcious Ilhi p honor prevent!! it. Use your refreshments. Those present were : imagination. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell, Mr. and MI'~. Woollrow The W. H. S g irls, in spite of a Mrs. Ber t H artsock, Mr. and M1'8. our "'ar president. at dedlca· great handicap, overwhelmed C. H. S. D. Henkle, 1111'. and Mrs. Quincy tlon of the Wilson Memorial Tab· S. by th e score of 28 to 17. A su - Gons, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards. let at the Central PresbyteriWl Church In Wwblngton las t weele perior b1'l\nd of ball displayed by W. Mr. and _Irs. J. E . McClure, Mr. an d H. S. accounted for this victory. In Mrs. Russell Salis bury, Mr. and Mrs. par L of this gumc, girls' rules were Fr ed B. Henderso n, Mr. and Mrs: L. cd by th e Amcrica n J er sey Cnttle ubandoned by officials. A. Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. club WII S di vided lImong the 13 J erCartwright, Mr. a nd Mrs. C. M. Rosey Cu lf Club me mher s who ex hi bitbitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Co le and ed at th e Warren CO'lInt~· fnir , $,1 Mr. Harris Mosher. ~8ch \\'as likewise given to the nine 'milking ShOI·thorn Calf clu b memEnte rtained at 4I5oot. bers by the Americllll Shortho~n Bre'eders association, Chicago . Thus Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell onter• total prize money, won by Warren tained at their h ome 011 Routel last Thursday evenillg. "600 ," a pleasCounty Calf clu b fronl othe r sources Last Friday eve ning, t he Millmis, ant socia l time and II. delicious lunch out3ilie 0\11' own Co unty fair, amount our independ ent bas kctbll ll tenm, were enjoyed. The invited guest!! ed to $660, III addition, club memLer!\ and journeyed to Leba non, and held the were, lIlr. and Mrs. Ernest Butterthe ir parents receiving th eir deposits f ust indep enden t team of that place worlh, l\'Ir. and lIlrs. Joel Stokes, Mr. which was put up as a g uaranty fund to a 38 to 34 score. Lebanon won and Mrs, Morris Cornell, Mr. and to take care of eXPllnses incidental the bam e in Lho fi rs t qUllrtcr before Mrs.H . A. Co l'I1e ll, Mr and Mrs. R. t o State Fair exhibit. Ove r $100 ou r bOY8 had s ucceede d in gaging G. Milll' r, Mr. 11 0<1 Mrs. Harry Smith, insurancc money is likew ise being r e- UIC dis tnnce t o th e bll~kot, the scorc Mr. >tnd Mrs. Bert Hartsock, Mr. and fund ed to tb e Calf Club members a t the end of thi period being, Leb· MI". Ho nald Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. S. wh o dep o~itcd 10 per ce nt of the IInon 17 , Miam is 2. Aftel' this period S. E ll is, Mr. and Mrs. Ru ssell Salisoriginal cost of their calves when the the Mialllis shook thcm He lvcB togethel' bury, Mr. and Mrs . Jllml'<! McC lure, 'd ub was started about three yoa,lI and threw quite a Hea re in to th e Dr , and Mrs. H . E. Hathaway, Mr. Lebanon players and their fri ends . lInd I\1t·5. Lee ElIrnhll rt and dnughter, ~go. The score at the end of the ha lf Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cran!!. The names of club members and the tota~ amount. being distributed stood, Lebanon 23, Miamis 13, and --~.---'at the end of the third quar ter, Lebato each, 8re lUI follows: non 25, Miamis 18. The aame teame William Sibey, Lebanon, $19 .10; frank Sibcy, Lebanon, $27.76; Ar- pteet at the local Gym tonight, and thur Sibey, Lebanon, $27.10; Lester our Miamis orc confidently expecting Chenoweth, Franklin, $20.46; Jesse to gain the victory.


811& . . pIeee,

at . . ~orlr. ha. ... teu A••• '


yo~, DI")'



til Hena, W., who Ihot doW!) ID the latest riot at that place. a, leaves a bUnd w1Idow, who 10Bt bll

alght lD rioting last year. TM town Is again upder ~ law -.:L

profitable lines as well a s his least efficient activitie!l. And with this knowledge he can plan to increase his profits an d eli minate his losses from, year to yea'r. On Thursday t he 29th, a nu mber of farmers from various parts of Warren county, gathered in the Farm Bureau office where Messrs. Arnold and Class assiste d in summarizing and analyzing their 1924 r eco rds. The final stat ement showed that farmers averaged l30 acres, with 73 acres and crops, from whieh grain receipt!! amoun ted to $622. The farm s are operated by an average of one and one·half men ench, with 54 crop acres per mnn. An Iw£'rage . of FARM ACCOUNT RECORDS WERE 4 ~ horses were required, with 18.3 EXPLAINED BY EXPERT crop acres per horse. Corn yielded 40 bushels per acre; 0 at!!, 39.5; wheat, 22 bushels lind hny, 1 % ton§ P... fit. for the W.rrltD Count,. C.1f per acre. 'I'he a ve rage re turns frQm CI.b Wu DiYided BetwltltD th~ livestock fo r eaeh <lollar 's wo rtll ot feed consumed WIIS $1.43 , wh leh wae very gOOd COl' 102 ·1. nccording to Mr. Arnolu's report. Pl'oHts a re dete rMr. C. R. Arnold, farm manage- mined la rgoly by Lhe efficient use of ment IIpecialist, Ohio State univer- man labo r and hoI' e power, high Kit;, 88IIilIted County Agent yields pel' ncre, 1{(lOC~ volum e of busion Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- ness and efficient management of live da,. of last week, in holdln. farm stock, 1111 of which were brought out • ccount book meetings. On Wed· by the Warren CounLy farmers sum1. The eaolwy condition af the needay the 28th, at the WayneSVille amrizing th eir !iCc"u lIls for 1 024. Further Information would be wei· Centralized IIchool, the keeping of pract ically ever!v man present was come concerning the motives of In. .school building. 2. The general discipline and man- farm aceounl.! was thoroughly cx- keenly interested in figuring out his dividuala that oppoae the President's • ",..... ,.,,' and the men were given in- own farm r ecords, which r epQrt hll appointment of. the Supnme Bench. agement of the school. 8. The .ttitude of tile te.cher to- atructions concerning the making of took back togeth er with ~he average What dilturba those that oppo., w.rd the children. Inventory and the keeping of c:o!'\- of an present. Mr. Carl Miller, of the nomin.tlon' •• The attituda of the children to- plete recor~ o~ ~£\llpkll\nd IIXpllllSeS Franklin township, who completed How much of the oppollition is due to the f.rm bUlllne... On the summary f or his third consecu- Mendenhall, Waynesville, $&7,85: to ttie f.ct that u soon .. he w•• ap· ward the teachill'. 6. The aiM of the el...... a similar meeting WB8 ti¥O year, declared that the meetings Nina Chenoweth, Frl'f\klin, *30.36; ~In~d , lIr. Stone proceeded to lIe6. The supply of supplementary c.ned at the Farm Bureau office and alii becoming more inter esting and Herbert Ellis, U\lrveyaburg, $7.30 lect competent lawyers, to die into the war fraude, inste.d of tett1n~ the matertala, all, dictionariea, ete. on Friday sessions of farm account valuable each year."This has been alrealiy r eceived '$40 from Circle W 'T. The pb,alcal conditions under .chools were held at Mainville and one of the · most interesting and pr.of~ contest at State fair); Sherman araftel'll relt in ,peaet' whiCb teache.1'S .nd papua are work- Butlerville. itable days of th!; y~~rt" Sl1l\l IItr. Beam, Franklin, $24.86; Warren . A 30-page book, 8 ~ by 11 inchP, Miller, at tit'! ~11l'\! (,f the tummar- Hunt, Waynesville, $21.26; Clyde And how much of the opposition In,. . 8: Fac:IlIt1e1 otfered for the devalby the Farm M'anagement !zing meeting, 1:hursday. ' " due to Attorney Gener.l Stone'. Kl einham, Franklin, $36.65; MarjoUpwards of 60 men have already rie Hubbel, Wayn esville, $16.15; Vi.ttitude toward the cOlllbination of "pment of the ftalth of tIM children Ipeclalist!! of opr f?1:!l\@ -.\(n'iQ\lI',,·rai h.rvelter ftI.nufaeturen .nd other -pl.y eroundl, nlirn.' qu.rten. ete college for IlIl4l of lannen throughout secured Farm Account books for vian Hagemyer, Clllrksville, U7.&&j 9. To what exttlpt tilt" obit.. Ohio, is being dl.tributed by County their 1926 reco r ds. Many of these Gertrude Hagemeyer. C\Ju'ltsville, eone4!~ that do not 1l1e to be ,-ilI. dren participate III _001 aethitl8.l. A,ent C\aaa to .11 farm en who are their inv(mtories and lltarted $11.10; Winstone CUne, Oregonia, tWheclf lC~, Equlpaellt of aebool, lI,eeIn keeplnlr ncord. to malt~ their records of Janu.ry 1, while $3.1Q; anll Harold Spalght, Oregonia, Ai~etlndo Po-¥oUO, OM- a ,,--wealt trrand bo,.•.elves a bUalne.. for lally .. nlatet to Ubr&l'7, IYJIlnui. lOore Intensive IItudy of their o~ othen, especially the tenant., pre(~~ 14.70. ,7,000,000 to Ilia ·.mpioyeel. eha"'..." um, sho. inltruetional m.terlal. ete. bu&lnesa.' The book ~u'tlines' spac~ to start March 1. 'So it i8 ~ikel' ~at for inventory 'at"beginnirig and end two summarizing l1lee~inga will be . Ut.Ii' "Dot ' to .,. elock ,,-atlChen." of ~ on leparate pagel for keep- held next year, ,o ne· e.rly In Janual")' IIJ..Porttolro nHd 'Dot 'WOITJ'. The ~ ncelptl .nd ~X~!l!!I!!\' fa; IlfCiPe. the otber one in March. Anyone worken ' Will ' atop eloek 1fBtChfnc; . now that ttleJ own , the "bali~_. To ~ttle,, Ib"" hora, poult~~ Interested in se(:uring Farm Account .»!W'''' boacht. labor.' and other farm boob to make (L systematic study of the oWner,boa.n ..eo proflta; to t)it their 1926 business, should :wqte \l~ lIAlarted, .an, ,lIoun lII..a a nearer RecUlar eommuDlea~on of W~• nuYIUe Lodee No, 4: A. M•• approac" to freedom." ,. ~n.ion . .enta are not ask\nl call County Agent ClMs or ' ~~ hlldai eveDilll, FebrUU7 '10, So· fanneta to keep detailed cost ae: Bure.u onlce. , biethnin anc!'. ilaiton, ~punta wlalc)!, wo~ld' require a · 19~ 'o~ Net Prllfl,s frorn. U~3,~~ winntnll' eo"IU~II" Invited' \0 lit· ~JlL .. ~e , and', tllruring; ~ut mer!!ly ~q" of t~@ W !!rr!!n IlO\lPo/ <)al1' Club ellThe , officers' al)d teachers .of the -, G. l~ WATE~Ol1SE, If. conciae aatementa of ~eir fann !X- "~ii'. t~e Ohio Slaw fair hUit .~all E. S/inday-School held their an· F. B. ~~O~t sr.!~ ~ fiQm-, ~~~ ~, " being mllUed to exhibitors this nus.!.. electio~ at the borne of Mr. and . .. , Ie "if the f~~ t~c;o~.. wee~; The ab(lve amount W!!' WO'll -Mrs: C. W. Y ounc~, ~,ue8da" I)V~. IPIlI "~rDl on tile !la. by .Ix~en Ca~~' Club '1IIemb'el'l who Inl. The present officei'll ,and teach-' ~fD& ~ J>f "~i1 'fia'un<\. III made up the '1Pte1a1 txbllilt, conmt- ers were re-:,elec~d to lerve for ana44i*0, IPI ~~ of tile book inr of mi!Jdng Shorthornl, ' Jerae,a o~her year. the' ctole of .... 1'V will revl!al • • Holstein callvel. U~ 0," the above Other bulll~~ pertaininJ to the NJa~. ~ boDi.tliJI dairy, hop ..... won at D.,yWn: ~alr, whete the welfa!:e of .tbe Bchool wB4 trauacted. th.e vartoua erope, c:alvea ' were siaown before a· At the elOlle of the buain_ Haalon. will . . Ida lead. at the " " Ill .... nfI'IahmeDtawere aerved bJ til_ boll





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Aft(,I' the heavy rain 01 Sunday night, th e river overHowe d its banks, and flooded the bottoms. Somd distance below th e big bridge tbe Ice which the rain had caused to break, clogged, und backed up the river for nearly half a mile. Ice was piled up abOVe the big bridge and for some time it was th ought that the bridge would be washed away. Large cakes of ice were piled up ten or IIfteen feet bigh along the . river.

It I~ a grave question with many a e to whether the ground hog saw his shadow or not. However, there was just a slight show of tbe (lun Monday afternoon, and it may be that the old boy saw his IIhadow but decided It was \ime to end hia winter nap. If. on the other bond, he got cold feet oarly In tbe morning, and ~ did not come out, there will, in all Probability be a few woeks more of winter. . We well remember that just a few years ago the groung hog saw his shadow and had to go back into his . warm nest, because winter hung on for at least sUe weeb after he came forth, Hope. that this etate of ,afThe Busineas Mim'. Fellow~ip fairs wiII, not bappen' this year. club wiU' luncb at the Burton Hl!tau.- ~t 'I1li~)' ' (tomorrbw,) ~m l 11 ·til 1 o'clock. The dinner will'''' followed by talb IUId ' a . reDeral pod felloWlllip time ill. expected b, thinJ. or more of the busfil_ IIltD _ ,'W,_ _ I' willh to thaIIk all who wen 10 DenU!e. !>on't __ lt. IdDd to belp when lIlY ho_ caaarbt time to __ ... JIBS. MD.JD . . . . . ........






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T. III.\RY' - ~lIl'clen rI\ L. Hin. hl\ ~ rallRl'C1 u\'t t'(!()(ll'tl to he 11\1:,,1.. u r ":1111\" l"'I'$t'I'vo 1"I\Re~ of GOO I .• " ... r~a in \' all W,'!! c(\un ly and 1<100 :\1'14'" ill P"d,l' " " L1n l~· . liu nl c on lhe ~ ': I'" n"d t--j ' l·c.itl('(j i ~ t" he pt'utcclcc1 fnl ' a tt I U\ of Yl1n r:... ~ul' h wild Hf .. ; th: \la1'll ~ u n ' L l ' l ll); uhtaint' -.l by th • ton




the r<'p ott of Clill'ord and Charles B I'll nt, x cutors of the ostute 01 AI· bert Brnnt, deceased. RUl!M lI)\ L. Drllke was IIllllointCu adminisirntor of tho elltute of W ill'. r(' n Druke. tl ecellsod . BOlld $75 0. E. . Dllnhllm, A. J. he Ufer Illld E. Illlr ner wera appointed orpl'l\i~ er~ . II l1l'1'i ~ DCll nt·tt wn ~ Il(lPllilltrd ndll1ini ~t l'l1tOI' de b oni~ 11 0n Wilh lh' 1\' ill annexed of till' "'la Ic nf K Ma r tin S imJl ~o l1. dccl'I\~I' ,L BOlld $ liUOO . la lit· I11I111er of the $!ull rd illllKhip of Corwi ll Il. Cr oPI",r. II Ii 1101'. il was ll l'd(-'t'(' d that Ceo, \ V. C rn PPl' r , U~

NEW SUITS ~, ' ', Etlio '('wmllll hns (' nten',1 ~utt IIJZt1il1 ~ l William O. Ncwmon r,,1' diOffie.. r. In.t"!lI,,d P ut i n Ch "("l\L~ U )",:. \ :1 (' rl han d b"1\ 1lll' ....· 1:... 1nl\ in \'uVCl\" C lin ATollnlls of cruI' lty 1111e1 nCI;~ .~1l1 A 11h B tI).!'~·:-II1·I'\lh'l frl_'," 11. d <t (', ' \1n th '~ " ~~~ \' ('rHl ~ \lch h ave 1\ 1. G~ MILL~ --I Mt.llllation of ofIceL tlc!>rs <I f KinJ!A fills I.oyn l L,IlI!!l' r. Port .... ,Yh , l,th. \l h i\l, iJ lii,. I. II ,,1,,1,· 1111 f p l l\ hIU :- ly nl'lI l'dl'd 11\ ,\ u )!:uli::::c 11<'<t<' r ('1l111\11",11 has enterl'd ~ uit i lH! ~\f ... -' 1.1 ~:t "',,I \\ 1' , I,dlil" II "'L,,,· I l·" ',lIl~' . . u. F . , '0 . 7[)·1 Wll~ h 1,1 1" , 1 w(' l'k. 1I)!"" inst J. n. ~Ik lli,! ua cl Fannie ::;111- - --,Alvn HinH's WIlS in sulil cd n 5 1'\',hlr .1' \\\' 11 III IILl I>" I·h . , ,,'1, a I ":" 1\11"' ,1 li" for "" ,iN' tIlH n t , P ll ~~ t" ~ h 'lI ld rlJnl Grund Hlld K . 1'. j IU lchin . 011 . V ii'," 1,.; "\'l'n t' n ' l .' \'ill l:"Wl"l' \I~. "n I Commi tt ee V'i 5i t . Orpha n '. H Ome l' :; t n ie and t''1l1ilulile I"l,lit' f. ),{ua rdiull, ~e ll Cl1 rtuill s t o{· k $. Gl'find. Gr'und !lltlstcr Brown \\'11 < ' lwil' liigh. I. :-'l'l'i l1; ti 1.1. ~'I..-r,' II.,·\' XI·: ~ I. \ - ~1 ,,,"IIl'r. "f tl\(' nllanl'l' ---L. ~l. II CII d ,, " S ll 11. ud 1l1i l1i. trllillr of I'rl'R('nt {,)r 1I1" cl'rcmonit·,. nls,) Dl'}'- \\ j ' l , a l'l','.;.h .! , at l' . I f I1Wll :,l'lI l l1 \.' ,\ cC'l mmiltcc of the !"l'Jlnt ,whic h is n Ulk PRonATE PROC E ED INGS lhl' ,·, tal,· of .I>II11C" All en. tl ecl·a!;cd. uly Gmnd lIIl1KIt'r St{'venson. of Lu\,(' hn:-: h 1$ W;' ~" In hl' put i'l th. 1.0 \ ill ).,!" a tour of ~t:tlU in "d ilu tions f or .1·O!'!!l· K li n II \\'/1 >' al'puilltLld up - til" ,1 his ,<.. CUI1t1 /Inti fl nl1l Ilccount. Lco pl,ld l'Jn,"::-.. 1'1\1'- a't, I!H,~ , I'l'. th (' purpo~c of d,.tl't'1 l i n l tl).! l'cen1l1. hwd. prlli :ol. l· r in~tcn d of .1, Il dr ~\\' BhdlO P in t :,LilH' d j...: JI "I':u.',. ,:'tz tl .l I'tl .• ,1 :"l' PIl g- · 11ll1..'IH\at i ol1:; f u r thl' ~' t' nl' . \'i !'ite ti thl! MARRIAGE LICENSES thL' l11allcl' o f til(' "SllllC of l'lIlri ck ii,~ld . wh " h \ .. g'll ll H d f: I 11\ I' , :I t'rl1ll nhi,1 .'n ld i (' r~· nnd ~lIi ll ' l'':';' ' Orpha ns l Diu At Morrow Bu!' !. e. decease d. Hal l::. :-iimpslln. 1I .~ i sla nt survc yor Jl1!l l la\ y , 1'. ~ta fr,q' d ha :. II'I 'ady h" m e.' hl' l'l' . l a~t Fri da y llh't'1 H II,L!' Hnd The l '(I\lTt unh,),p d that l'x(lc ulri x ulld Mi ~s Dollie ~tU 11lJl. tench er. both MORROW- l\Iiss Adn SInrkl'y • • 1,"iclIll·d hI' ,"11 nd , I" 11',' , 'l:I rl'm'" \l' ilbl'rf"l'l'l' Itllhl'I', ity ill Ihl' nflt'rl('r of MI'. A. W. allli !lli ~. Fillrll Stnr- in lind execut urs ""II iIl Yi'l1tot'icd ~ t oe k of Leball on. Il:1r1' (t W l1 h' th ll (l ~ in l'Olld ll l " \l 1L!' t hl" Ill,lutl. T lu' y W (1 rl IlInt'ht'll l1 ~Ul· ~ t~ bcl' .n~in~ 10 t he c'st :t ll' o f Flora kl'Y' llU ~s ed awny nL he l' honll' in :-tllr1I 0ward C. Reif, e lcctrician and o f ~ ' lIll('1"il l lClldl'l1t a n d :\11':-'. Sylda rllW Junuurv \! 1st, al t he "hI' of ~ I LUlie ' tree !. d ecc"'l'll. Mi!;S Ladornh Gutlery, book kee pl?r, Gu!'\',' t' nL till' lI\\nll'. TIll' c"1l1 lllilt eo Yl'nl:s. He;' fnllerul \\'1\ $ h Id in . t.1ll' AIIIIII .lnnnl:Y ~ I illl· r. udnti l1is trn - b"th 0 f Le bunoll . WI 'ut (1'( " 11 X,' ulu tp P ayto n to \bit , It'b: "I' tl1l' ('stltte llf ~ I incn(\ Cri st, M. E. I:hu rch ILL .\1 0 IT"\\' • " f whi ch In CUY Dho"n Co un ty S. C. Burgess, fllrmer Illld Mrs. .1. tit,· stnle ·h""p ita!. dl· (" 'lI:o. l ' ,I, fileu lit ,!' ti n. t Hl'(' ltunt. she hud z 'I'n n I11cllll", r i"r G5 Yl.,n; . L E13.\:-'(I~ - .II1 "~" Grace G. Sh illkle, both of Mor row. Wr il!' ht, ,,1' h (' ('01)1I11\\n Pll'a" cU II!'l. It WU s ordt'!'c d Ih/lt \\'. I; . Thomp Miron A. Shults, In borer of Lel.>, .( WII IT"1\ ( lI UlIl,., i ~ ill 11'\l'lal1d. n,:, iA n c, }In'cl'l·tI l u "e ll tlte per- UII O II an d l'oIul'Y hristille Wilso n , or Grain Eleva tor D Clt ro ycd \\ here ill' i .. h o l,lin $!" (' lllllm u n J) l ca~ ~nl1 n l prnpl'rty 1I f Edwnnl S. Shroyer, Mor row. XE lA-The gl'tlill e h~\,lltor nllll COUI' \ ill '1I), :Ih(J t;'a ClIUlllY . n s;-; i J,:'IH)l' , warehouse of the En'ill 1I1i lling 0. , 111 IhL' nlllUl'r of LOlli:! n. Nu ll, ex. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS and its co ntents were d~~troye d by Pa renti Con"e n ed eC lltor " f the estulc "f E. A. KLl Il, de. J ohn A. Kellcr et Ill., to Lucy. Char fil'o Jast woek with a l o~~ or about cI·,\srd. "~. Frank ' ull d aI. , Arthur lotte lind Dorothy Ke ller, about 73 $15 ,000, ha li of which wu s CO\'l' r ed HI'Y:t l1 t w a~ npl'OilllC'u j!LI!lI'ti ia n ad ncre ~ in lI a ri un Tp .• $ 1. by insurance. For II tinlu t hc south- Di,lI'icl " ,, "fl'!'l:nce of llll' :\atiollul lill'111 "f I\ a tlt ('rillc alld 1I 1' Ic n Null, ollgr (':-- .. \If Pare nt:o:. 1l 11 (1 Tench r~ J ohn A. Kell er el Ill.. t o Charles eastern s ection of the city wa t hr('a l llIi nl' r::. was hel d 11l' l'l' 'J'hul'!'o d:1Y o r l;\..: t "~Cl·k , Kulle r, ubou t 94 acres in Harllln Tp., oned. In the cle\'Ulor und wure'I' ll" i-:I")'~ ndul' o f the estate of $ 1. . ~l"t~"n. SI1}1cl'i 11 l ' 11 ,it'nl IIr house were stol'ed 1,50 0 bushels of Pl1ul ~ I ii " ·...',, Crist. decl'ns"d, W IIS found J ohn A. Keller ct u!., to Edw!U'd wheut; 500 bushels of corn; 400 bush Dayton " d l"Q I ~ adur",sud tl1l' l'on f er[., h~ S:l52 1.19. K. Keller, ubout 56 IIcre~ in Harlan els of oata; ·JO tons of mill feed; 150 enco. C h llt!. l ''' r pc, t ru , tc(' o f the es tate Tp., $ 1. barrels of flour and 150 ton s of baled or Gus h\"e P oppe. dcccnsed, filed J ohn A. Ke ller et aI., to EdWard He ld f or Burglllry hay. h i ~ fourl h accoun t. H . Keller, about 9 acres in Harlan F RA NI';U:\- Eddi n llu ~ (>n , who Glenn Hollingswort h WIl S IIppoint- Tp., $1. .In City Nine Minutea wns nr r("~ tt:d h I'C severn l wCl,ks a~11 cd g'l1l1rdi nn o f L . VIIU!!It" HollingsOscar and Emma Howard to Frank worth. min ur. Dond, $ 1000. MIDDLETOWN - Alighting fr om for Bilo).i lind Gulfport. "riss., ,,(The g ross va lue o f tlw estu te of Big Four train h re last weuk , Miss ti cers, wa s relensed la:t SUl ur dllY . FOR SALE BILLS AND GENERAL MUI'y E. Sta rry, decease d, WU N f ound Elsie Halsoy, of Powell county, Ky., Sh('rifr I-'unlycl' of Bilo" i C3me 'to was in .the city nille minules when Frunklin la. t Friduy aft(' r il llllsen. ~R I NTINC. CALL THE GAZETTE . to 1.>0 $ 16310.39. ~ ll1ltli e B. S hiffl ett , guard ian of struck by an auto driven by John but wa s unabl e 10 sccure extradition papers fr om Co lumbus. Hausen 's II len Shifflett et al., minors, filed Burton, of Broad street, II f ormer Hau sen was nr- CLASSIFIED ADS. PAYS THE AD- he r thit'd acco unt. r esident of Waynesville. The g irl re lease f oll owed. res led by Murshu l Gra ham on charge In the maller: of the estate of Su· was not badly hurt, physicians 8lIy. of burg lllry !lnd held f o r thlJ Missis- VERTISER MORE THAN A HUN sa n Smith, decease d, Les lie and CUI. Numbera 14 and 16 down ire si)lpi officl'R. The young mnn ins istecl ford Smith, administrators, filed their the big boys in this puzzl ~ . They Farmers . Institute that he was th e victim of II :frnmeup DRED PER CENT. TRY US. seco nd and final account. are both nine letter words-but find BELLBROOK - Interesting pro· an d was not guilty. As the evidence Leslie and Clifford Smith, admin. them and you have keys to wor!' out grams have been prepared for the was 110~ sufficient to warrant holding t1'lltor8 of the estate of Frank Smith, every other word In the olover artwo days' sessions of the Sugnrcreek Ha usen. Sherif!' Fordyce was .am· decease d, filed the ir second account. rangement. Virtually nIl of the wordll Township Farmers' institute held this pelled to r eturn to Mississippi alone. E li zabeth Todhunter and Mattie week in the B ellbrook High school Ho llcraft, administrators of th es· auditorium. J . Jo' . Gordon, of James· SPRINGBORO-Prof. Miller, suo tute of Ida Crone, deceased, filed town and Miss Geneva Steiner \Yill be perinte ndant of t he Midd letown lnvento ry and appraisement. the speakera nt' all sessions of' the in- schools, addressed the mem bers of the I n the matter of the estate of Alstitute. e Springboro grange at their regular bert Brant, dl!ceased, Clifford and meotin g last Wednesday evening . Charles Brant, 88 executors, Illed Prof . Miller took for his s ubject, "Lit the ir tlrst and lfinal account. BroWD'.· Tobacco tie Jack Horner, Sat in a Corner," J ohn Wall, E!Xecutor of the estate '. BATAVIA-Will Brown, one of and those who we re present to hcar of Nellie Hill, deceased, flled his flrat Batavia township's noted tobacco and final account. misers, sold part of his crop ove.r lhe the IIddress felt limply r epuid ofr having uttendcd this meeting. The cOllrt approved and confirmed loose leaf last week that brought him




••" •• " " ., .....,••••",., .. "

·HOTEL, .ST.' JAMES" row IQUAq, J.i ..;......, .. '.10 .... 45.. ~ mr JOIl

Mud. FaYored ~ ~~ W"';" Tnteliac without &cort ofl quiet·~ atmosphcre~ ari4 appointments 01. weI .eooo-: An

ditioned hopIe. ( 40 .Theatres. '. an. . ptfncfpeJ shops and c:h~.'_IO .' minutes'



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2 minutes of aD subw&YIt'1.7 'roadt. surf&ce ~ bUs line&.

Hat W c.Id w ........ Boob SInaIo I\;I;caw • $too 12.50 ~.m

Within , minuta ~~

, . . Po.oomo • SlOO $150 S4.OO






having the

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S 'minuta vnnia i enninaJs.

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It oppill!:". r nt. $30.00; Bell sur plic ~ for s heriff, $4.110; Lo bUll (" 1 !'utriot. subscription $Lu O Duk ill & Dnkin, ill Nurancc, $3; Joh n· Ro n lind W"I . " n Co., Rupplics for tho p rnbll te COUI·t, $30; Columbus 11l unk Uonk Cll .. su ppl k s, $l6.25: !~ t !l' ld ­ Ill'll oii ClI .• ga" !ll1d uil. $7. 17 ; F' . M. C" lIin ~. puyro ll, $11.60; Eden T e rry, Rame. $121.1i8: Walter EWlter, snme, $:.J2 .05; J. H . McCarthy, slime. $oB. IO

Gei, iitl1 l1l1 , lut ill TUI'Ul'cl'llek Tp., $ 1. Kn t' l S. IlIld J l'n ni l! 1-1 . Cowun. to J . Alhert CIIWII II. lIuuut 34 ucrc~ in l!lIioll Tp .. $ I. Andy nnd Lilli!' B. Curp e ntcr to Ch"rl,·, G. lind F.:ll1 nlll n. lI ickl'y, flO IIl'1' l'S ill TUI·tlccreck Tp., $1. l\Iol'y A. F:1I~ll'hu1'llt t.o Wm . Edwllrd lind Chllrlott e M . J-IlllItings, IIbout :1 ac res ill Deerfi e ld Tp .. $1. L" C Greenfield to Ira E. and Bar· burn A. Mili c I', uboul 20 ucres in Tur. llec rl?ek Tp., $1. Louis F. Wall to Ed Meloy, lol in South Lebanon. $1. Ward Lehmull t o Amolia Eckert, trucl in SlIltlJl1 Tp .• $1. William anll Ce lin Wulker to Geo. Moo rmeiel'. ubout \) 7 u cre~ in Har. Ian Tp., $1.

Prc~s .

._---- .. - -RUINED

Pel1 l1ybrllin- "No mo rl! ad"erli8 in~ for 1111' . I'm through with thlll kind of bus ine!l.', I lIdvertisoo 1811t yeur lind it durned near ruin ed me." Friend- uHow COOle!" Pennybrain- "Why, hang it man, COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES a m ob rU RhE'd in and bought nearly ,Pendletun Murton. janil\lr Rervice, a ll the good. I hud ." $70.00 : JUII H'S Folkll . ~O Ill C, $15.00; BLONDE BESS OPINES "The ho .. oa;d h. 10.01 • "old .or aomt lblDI iD bit h •• d. I did Dot •• y & .. ,thl"l lout I think It w&a a cold."

Thi. Week's Cros.- Word Puzzle Bre CUlly- and of lhe 69 in t he brain tease r O1ily 11 vt!ry s mall per cent of them will caURe you to thumb the leaves of a dictionary. The re~s an evening of kcen pleasure wrapped up jn tWa II tnall pacliage. Try it out.

FOROVE'a ZOOTEABS ,. been ·.



baa ·worId· wide remedy for kidney ,liver anet bladder diaordets, rheumatism. Iumbqo and uric acid c;ooc1itiool.

cP!!~ ,

\ 1

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-reet1Dt.mar troublee, If!rPIlL Three me.. AU ~ InIW _,the ori&lDd cenuiDe 'Qou; U.-... .' . .

good returns. Sold 1510 pounils that netted $426.29, ranging from 20 to 23c, averaged 27c plus. Few farmers in this section aro through st ripping, delivering part of their crop at a 'time.


C to Crime

SPRrNGFIELD - Virtual confession that he nnd his brother, J ohn, are the bandits who sh ot and killed Deputy Surveyor Barry T. Magill, of Higll1and county at Hillsboro r ecently, has been m ade by Dun Boggs, lic· cording to announcemen t by police. The Boggs brothers, who are from Jackson, Ohio, were arrested here in connection with the crime. Ac· cording t o police Dan Boggs broke down and made his admissions to De· teetive George Abele lit the county jail. Later. lit Hillsboro , tho Boggs brothera were indictcd for first de. gree m)1rder.

A Sound Investment Now and Always A Ford Closed Cnr, purchased now will be of daily use to you throughout the year.

It will serve you filithfully in the ',\forst weather-even wlten you would h e s itate to take out a larger car. Requiring the smallest investment of any closed car, a Ford assures you complete comfort and certainty of travel

And with the coming of warmer days. your apprecia· tion of it will increase as you learn how fully II Ford meets all your motoring needs.

Struck by Train

OSBORN- Ray Grice and .his wife , who live ncar ' Osborn, escap ed with s lig ht bruises wh on the uuto t ruck which th ey wero ridi ng wus de molis hed by Big F our passe nger truin, No. 19, at 8 crossing one mile so uth of Osborn . T he truck was wrecked and hay wus strewn f or severnl yurds nround the crossing by th e Cl'as h. Ford. Xcnia-

XENIA-Mr_ and Mrs. Henry F ord nrrived in Xe nia last Thurs day morn ing on a spe.ciul truin ove r the D. T . and I . railrond and were g uests fur luncheon of Mrs. Ford's tlro l hc r und s ist.e lnw, Mr. and Mrs. E. R . BI'Yunto Th ey left on the ir special soo n uncI' lunchcon. Died in Cincinnati

C1NClNNATl- Harry T. Sma rt, form er ly of H a r'veysb urg, di ed last Tuesday at his hom e in Cincinnati, lit the a ge of Go. Funeral services were held last Fr'iduy at 1 o'clock Crom the. W. M. John80 n funera l home at Wal. nut Hills. Mr. Smart was we ll know n in Warren County.




FoN/or Sedan • Tudor s..dGII • Cbupe On Opua

$660 580 520

Tourinll Car Runaboat •

• $290 260

A tJ prlc•• I . o. b. Detroit

c..... Starter and D.mcnmtable Rim.

ar. $85 &tra

Waynesville Motor Co.

1 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 81 32 33 35 38 40 41 42



40 48 50

52 54 55 66 57 58


Mark left by point of pencil. Term of respect. A buddy. Preposition. Decay. Money. Preposition. To dis charge slowly. Press. 1\ sharp, sour taste. Insect. Uniform. Result of extensivev alcoholism (abbr). Mohammedan prince. For example (abbr.). ' An eJCclamation used by horae. men. I Distress clll. Walked on. Number. Ship's number. Constructed Offer. A wild revel. Move_ Bitter plums. Half an em. Cunning_ Conclude. German (abbr. ). The young of a goat or sheep. Preposition. . Prefix meaning double_ Conjunction. Load dice in order to .cheat. Prelix meaning down. NegativG conjunction. Placed rumself. To unite two or more numbel'll.

6 6

7 9

11 13 14 16 18 20 22 26 27 29 30 34. 85 36 37 39 43 44 46 47 49 61 63 56 .

Part of a book.. Note of the scale. Make 1 8 c~ with a hand shuttle. A meusure of we ight (abbr.). Means of transportation (abbr.). A co lor_ Bclie f in doctrine. Alwll Ys fresh. Bustle. Pr.efix mennihg recent. Self. Re ult 01 59 horhmntnl. A num eral. Also. , 24 hours. Past. Mixes together. Substance resulting from de· composition by electrolysis. Take away. An animal. A passing fancy. Period of time. Worn by ancient Romans. Cravnt. Indeflnite article. European river. Preposition. Minister (degree).

ADswer to Lut W..k!, ' P.....



Act. Horae's ·galt. Pa8SeII off In vapor. Roa~ traveled.

Farmers, Attention! Farmers of Warren and adJoin In. countics may obtuin money on Ion. time loans, at 5 'Ill per cent Inurat. Cost of securing the same Is very r ••sonable ,through The Federal Lanel Bllnk. For further information call 00 or addre88 ' M. C. DRAKE. Tn... urer, phone 316.X,j.ebanon, Ohio. FOR RENT

FOR RENT-Half or' double hou .. in the country, between LJtle and Ferry. Rent reasonable, Inquire a~ this office. . • jan28 FOR RENT-HouM of five room•• . water and electric liCht.. Inquire of Mra. Wllliama, at corner of Tyler and Fourth street.. 08. LOST LOST-Cap hom gllJloline tank on Dodge car. ' Finder please leava at thl8 oftl~e. fl .t




WANTED--Wood for cook ltoVD. For information inquire .t thh omee. j28 SALESMAN' WANTED for lubrlelr . Ing oils, irreasee and paint., . Ellcel: lent opportunlt7. salary 'or' cotnriiill' CO.• 8701 BurweU Av6., ' Cleveland, · Ohio, ' -"


1 2 8

\lONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK. chattels, al80 second mor~Bge•• Notes boug ht. . John Harbin., AIleD Building, Xenia, Ohio.

' ..

Man ·Wanted'·

'f . ,

', ,/,

.,11 ' .' .


T~ ~...... 1 P.~ '8 .....

,i:••: .-:

lit .Wap_.u~ . ~"....., .. .. . "_'!Ow a",Ylclal.,. ~~ . ._ _ I 20 ... 31. A• ~ I~'''' .. J. D, PARK, _ _I ......, Cue.... .








- _ _ _ _ . X!!£!!!2SiL_

...• T HE MIAM I · GAZETTE.••• ~






_2 _.





Mrs. Leora Bergdall .was a Dayton ST .MARY'S CHURCH • Mrs. Nathan Hawes is convalesnaitor. Monday. cing. Septuagesim a Sunday, Februnry 8. rhe Lyti& Wnrehouso Co., held D. L. CRAN E, E ditor and P"bli.her. Wa, ......m•• OIIIio. Miss Alice Powers has purchased Chur ch school nt \) :30 a. m. Morntheir annual meeting Saturday even- t he Molone property on Pike street. ing PTayel' and sermon li t 11 :00' a: Suu8cri pt i" n Price, $1.60 per year . . ing. Mrs. Anna J ense n, who has been Little Geneva Moe Routza hn has ill the post week, is much improved m. Everyone wclcome. RE V. J. J. SCHAEFFER, Rector. been on the nick list for a couple of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Anderson, of wcekR. ne'a r Xenia, were g uests of I\1r~. AnMr. and Mrt!. Lnwrence Sims and no Anderson. Sundny. METHODIST CHURCH daughl}:lr. Margaret. spent Sunday The CO lTlm '~llity club will give 0 . Sabba th School. 9 :16 a. m., proachin Dayton. .-"'::':: __ ' -_-.;. ' ..::-==.;-::....:::c:..;-= ...=.-= piny entitled. "Th,~ Adventureo of A number of men f .. om here at- GGrnndpu." in the Town hall, Thurs- ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednesday evening service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth CHANGES IN MAN'S FACIAL WO° 1", WOl. F I AND T P.E RE WAS I ended the tobacco meeting at Brook- dny eveni ng. Fe brua ry 6th. League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 ADORNMENT ville. Thursday. NO WOLf' Mr. George Rey nolds died a t the p. m. EvC:rybody is cordially Invited Mr. Harry Prio r. of Norwood. vis- home of. his son, Charles. Sun day afto these services. The styles in hair for men are al- ited Sunday wi th Mr and Mrs. Claude ternoo n ot 4 o·clock. POI' III or e. thnn t hree ht)urK promFuneral was ' Rev. L . A. Washburn, Pastor. i/lent Ill en o f th e stage last wee k dis- most as changeable as those for wom- Lewis and family. First dro p in a nd get fr ee plans for building held Tuesdaymorning at 10 o' clock, en, The time wRft when any man Several from here attended the burial at Waynesville. CU Rsed in New York the subject of n Tuxedo self-feeder. You ca n knock one torudio in relation to the thcll tc r, and visiting London with hair parted oth- Farmers' institute at Ce nterville. FriCHRISTIAN CHURCH ' Word was r eceived here Monday mosl of them- olle 80 prominent in er than straight down thJl middle was day and Saturday. of th e death of Mr. John Durner, of gether wi thou t a hi t of t roll hie. Then, fill it Sunday Sch ool at t he Christia n faeL as William A. Drudy, 80unded a regarded a8 hopele88ly rural. says a , The Bible clasa will meet at the Dayton. DeatH was caused by acute nole of warning. expreRSing the belief London paper, Also no t 80 very many home of Mm. Mary Marshall next indigestion. F.uneral a rran ge men ts Church every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. with Tu xed o l-l og Ra ti on . Kee p it before them Everybody cordially in vited. thut the radio, the phonograph and decades ago a mnn without a beard Saturday evening. hud not been made at this writing. Mr. and MrH. Albert Stacy a nd th e stage arc in a bottle 80 sever e was .hardly r egarded as a man at all. con st :lIltl y. Feel this way, hogs do not crowd Master Robert Crites is recov erthut one of the three at leallt 1M like- Thi~ is apparently the c1ean ·shaven Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lewis spent ing from the coasting accident in a FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST or shove each other out of a ly t o be destro yed. Actors. mana- age. The slyle is by no means new, Monday in the Gem City. HIE TUX EDO remarkable manne r. The broken This is nn undenominational congTeMr. and Mrs. John Fite and daugh bones of his nose WeTe set last week gers. piny-wright. . lyrici sts and oth- and centuries ago the Roman masters U NE OF FEEDS meal. No r is there any d a nger ers allied with tho world of mum- of tne world wer e cleBn shaven, leav- ter, of Cincinnati, were Sunday and the doctors have hopes that he gation. All arc we lcome to worship Ce-r e-Q- lIn Sw ee t . here. Bible study 9 :30. followed by me ry joined equally in the chorus of ing heurdH and mustaches to thJl bar- guests of Mrs. Emma Foulks and 80ns will not be disfigured. Tu. ~d o D otry of OI'er eating. Each hog will communion and sermon. Evening, Tu ."do ChOll calamity-truly an amuBi ng specta· barians-the word, indeed, meaning The Ladies Aid of Lytle church There will be a Civil Service ex· song oervice and sermon, at 7 :00. Tu xed u Ho" R a Uon "bearded ones." are planning a Valentine social at amination at Springfield. February cle. eat j ust the amount he needs TUJ'f'do Pigeon Yeed A century or 80 ago every Eng. the hall, Saturday evening. February 28th tor rural roule 'currier for R. Gatherlngtl of alarm Buch as thi. Tu x edo Rail M o"h to keep vigorous and put on Tu •• do S C f u.t ~ h arc as amusing 88 days when old tim f IIshllllln was clean shaven. and only 14th. D. 1. of this place. Mr. T. C. Boyd, Tu .. edo Chick printers sought to destroy the type- a cava lry officor or a foreigner dllre Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham were who has carried the mail for a numTu .edo Btlttermllk weight-fast. »ettlng machine., fixed In the bellO! appeu r in u mustache. The fashion entertained to Sunday dinner at the ber of years, has been retired on a 9t.,to r and Gro wlna: M".h that the monater was destin ed to put chunged and beards and whiskere be- home of M'r. and Mrs. Kealer Gra. pension. . \ '. ' Tu.edo O.,,6Ioper lin Industry to 81eep and throw thou · cam e the correct thing for even ham. Tu ••do Poadtt7 The tuneral of Mrs. Eveline 'Luce EVERETT EARLY P a tt ooer, etc. llOnds of men out of usefu l- employ- young men, and one father. who In Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banta and 80ns was held at the Methodist church. LYTLE. OHIO dnt. Today, by reallon of greater his will forbade his heirs to gTOW attended tho funeral of 'the former'a Wedneaday tit 10:80. Burinl at possibilities of produetlon and ecn· niustaches on the ground that they mother In Lebanon. Friday after- Spring Valley ceml!tery. Mrs. Luee School teachers of Ohio are all nomic savinI' there are ten print""' were "foreign" and, therefore, im- noon. I\!aves thre e:· daug hters--Mnl. Win greatly interested In the bill of Sene mployed to one in the "cood old mot;ul. found few succeSSOR. M",. Louise Wilson. of Dayton, via· Salisbury, Mrs. Charles Evans and ator Wm . R. Com1ngs, of Lorain days." It w.. all a matter of adited her children, Leora and Rue, Mr•. Eugenu Kent, and, two sons. county. which would abolish all ltate, Monday, at the home of Mr. and Robert Luce \and Clinton Luce. JUKtment. county and township boarda of eltamCAUSE AND CURE OF WAR It la quite tutlle for actora or any )(1'11, Clarence Smith. Mrs. Jack ~Reevel! was removed to inations, Under the provisions of other group of men and women to Ill'. and lira, Sim Brown returned her home he~e trom the McClellan this prop OIled measure the county and About 900 delegates. representin. to their home here from Dayton, Sun. reAliat t.ll«l adv~ncc of r~dio, ""hich is hospital last week. and is recover- city boards would be abolishoo imdestined to prove the greatest civil- nine national women'8 ol'1tanlzationl, day. Mre. Brown. who waa very III, Ing nicely. mediately, Senator Comings said, and BOOST APPLE JUNCTION Izln. influence in tbe memory ot man held a conference In W..hlnJrton to while vLalting there, Is tmproved. The Bi8h School boys are jubilant the s tate boards gradually eliminted Catarrh Medicine determine the cause and c~re of w. a r. - and it Is equally lilly to IUPP01e The teachers ot Lytle sehool are over their b..ketball lame Friday as the term of each board member Tho"", who ..... In a "run-«Own" eoD~I­ "What do you mean. Bill. you ' r e tlon will 1I0Uco that Catarrll bothera them that radio ever will lupplant the /liP, ADwng the in\ereetlne penlonapi to ananelng tor a patriotic entertaln- night in the Town Hall, when they expired. In place of t he present more than wben they ..... In COOd peal to emoti~ns aD I\lbtlpy handled addr!!.. them .was Lord Thomlon, who lIIent to be at the Hall on Friday played Jamestown With' a Icore f)f triplicate Cltamination system, the going to move to Applo Junction? mucb he&lth. Th18 tact prov", that wblle Say, that's the laziest town In the Ca.tan1l .. a. local ~l_.... It .. lITeatJy behind the footllrhta. Transmlllllon wall aecretary of atate for air In the eveninr, February 20th. SO to ' 7, In favor of Spring Valley. Comings bill would centralize the is- world, I drove through there last lII"uen....s b7' oontltltut\onf\l conditione. MacDonald cabin.t. Himaelf a vetof sound may reach perfection la Itl! Mrs. Emma Lacy returned to her While all their r-lnea this year have auance of teacher's certificates and I14LVS OAT&_a 1lED10I1'RD I. " Treaunent. both local and Indelitacy of shading. but until aueh eran of five wan, h. apoke .. an home I.. t week after an extended been close this .was : their first vic- make proper training qualifications week. Tbe only Bign of Iifa I saw Combllle4 t .. mal, aad h... been lucc... rul In tho waa a dog chasing a cat-nnd they ardent paclftlt, but ... .,. the woman tr_tment of CatalTh tor over forty nars. time .. the radio Is aynchronized witb atay at the home of her daughter, tory. I ., ;mandatory. . 8014 by an 4rU1'~. ta. Wero both walldng.' the motion picture, the ataie need lound advice againat being too ideal )Ira. Earl Youne and family, west F. ~. Chen e,. '" Co., Tole40. Ohio, The tuneral of Cprlea Allen was This feature would be provided for have no fear. Elven then onty th~ Latio and dealing in abstractlonl. ot toWII. held at the Friendtl '~hurch Saturday by having all certificates losued from e::z: "An out·and.out patillo attitud~" "ham" actor need dread the ' hour. IIr. and Mrs: Ralph Arehdeacon afternoon, eondullt<!tt by Rev. W. E. the atate department of education, At wout it will mean lIu,r vlval of tbe Lord Thomson said, "doea not help entertained to Sunday dinner, Mr. Bogan. A quarlelt.t e', . composed of under certain educational and trainlittest. Rembrandt with all hi» ttl'eat the cause alonl'. In fact, I have known aDd Mrs. Hense Drake, ot Waynes- M~S8rs. Arch anc~ 'N!I~ Copsy, W. E. ing specific~tion8. Stringent educanrt never ha~ taken troin man ttle inll\enccs ""here It has done poaltiye ville, and Mr. and Mrs. George Dear. Crites and Lee SPlibr.,: Bang two lIe- tlonal requl~ments could thus be delfil'e to ga"ze on beauty In the harm. Avoid abstraction. In dealing doft' and lon, ot Franklin. lectiona Mr, Allen \s aurvived by his maintained. and blame for poor mawith so enormou II a queltlon, for f1eah. ·Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Mi.aaea wife, who WIUI befor e, fier marriage, terial in the state's teaching staff when we talk abstractions In deaUng Kathryn and Mildred Clark, Ill'. Ev. • 111&8 Fannie Kinney, J',ne son, Floyd, could then be traced directly to the ,.ith a concrete aubject we but lead erett Clark, In company with ' Mr. and of Dayton, tl.lree irrandchildren and state educational Institutions. SenBAKERS !oND BUERS' PRICES ounelve. into a mue 01 meaolll&'l"8 lire. Couloua Younce, of Wa1Jlu. two aiatera, Mra. · Martha Bell and ator Comings estimated that elimina- Date ,o.r ..... willa _ . ' -'yO WE GET THEM QUICKLY -'ND phrues. What wa need is a ' happy ville, were entertained to Sunday din MI'8. Emma Ludington, and .one broth tion of the examinations would save FREE OF CHARGE _lII'acU. . . . Mar,. _. Newlpapera all ove.. the eounby eo~h1n'a'tlon of Idealism and COIa- n~ at the home of Mr. and lire. C. cr. Mr. Ben Allen, 1111 of Dayton. the state approximately $76.00 yearmon sense, a combination. how.v.r. CALL US ANY TIME AT oua Bcem to be carrying items concernin. W. Younce, Sr., In Dayton. • _ • ly. EXPENSE ndvaoee. in brul prices in their re- riot to be effeeted by Ideallsta, who proximately $76,000 yearly. C'NTEIlV 'I LLIl, OHIO spective localities. AI usual, In .plte only make phrases, nor yet by comPlio... No.1 of the fact that the public prell8 has mon lIense people, who lIometimes InPhone 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. gotten away to aome extent from u.· list upon ltanding on their heads to lug a raise in the price of bread aa prove that·they are hard~eaded. The n catchpenny means of imprell8lng thing most needed in the world toThe ground hog ~lldn't Bee bis IIhadpeople with Ita endeavors in their be- day" Is lome detached, dlslntei'elted }fra. Israel Scott iB sick with ow on Tuesday. influence working incenantly for hnlf, nothing il said about the fact pleurisy. R. J. Murray hlUlrented hLa lower ftOTARY PUBLK, DR.H.E.HATHAWAY that: bakers are paying several dol- peaee." Mre. Stacey Craig, of thil place, tarm to Ben Trayler. Will. Drawn Estate. Settled .... lars a barrel more for their flour than is .Ick with ·qulnsy. Not much newlI thi8 week-cveryDENTIST they were thi,s ti;"e last year. Yet a Mr. Jacob Zimmer and family body is getting ready for their spring At last som e good has been found A COLLECTION LETTER ~ Waynesvllle, OhIo drop 'Of a dollar or oven half a dollar are all ill witb bronchltill. work. for th e cross-word p ~z z l es . The good And X-O-GRAPHIST a barrel generally .calls. fllr queatio08 Mr. Deadbeat- .• )fro Emerson ·DilI, who was sick National Bank John Lowrey ha.s bought a farm comes through the ability of in sane as to why the. I,?rice of bread docs not Dear Sir-}~ho bought a ridiJ1g th'-p..t week. is able to be out araln. nenr Waynesville and will move on it and feeble·minded per sons in state Ohio, WayneSVille, refl~t the price of lto'ui, Neverthe- plow MlIIII Lulu and Mr. Harold Kellis about March 1st. institutions to find somethin g that U8 la8t tall You. Who said Telephone 114, les~ it is a fact tlmt people judge they would pay ~or it 'when the crops apent Friday night at their home The Gray Bros. will take pOlses- will occupy the ir til)1 e and nids in the baker's bread by the price he lUlU were sold You. Now, what we want here. . olon of their new grocery in Well- the cure. The I' port is made by OFFiCE: HATHAWAY BLDG, Mr. and Mre. O. B. Marlatt and man on or about March lat. for it, and an honest, ·buslneu-Iike to Iinow, who is a dirty, no-ac~ount. several mnnnging officerK of stul e illDentist ON MAlN STREElr statement of facti regarding the cost good-for-nothing bumT Youre, truly Miss Clara were shopping in Spring Don't forget our Ladies' Aid 'Will stitutions for t he insane where· the of everything that goes ' the loaf Valiey, Thursday. Wayoesville National Bank Bldg 8erve the dinner lilt the Gray Broa. plan has been 'actually put in to oper. . Samuel Maguire. _ . --';'-'4> ••_ __ will u8ually get a hearing from his 16r. and Mre. Kenneth Soward. of big sale on .next Tuesday, the 16th. ation, and it is claimed t hat the puzED PURDY'S PHILOS near Alpha, spent Sunday with Mr. cUltomera. K, E. Thompson, who hUll been lIlea are really equivnlent to so much . "01. DqcfBr<lwa ••,. la••riy •• In fact, he can interest them far and Mra. Jacob Zimmer. confined to hiB be,d with sickness for medical attention. lIfr. John Rye and family apent the past nine we~kJ8, is able to 8it up a BI .. ftr .ad thoa lal. . . .ici ... morl\' by auch means than by a!'y of So successful have the puzzles been the apectacular d!,vicel adopted in ara all woll .hak•• ·h.for.. taka.... Sunday with their 80n-in'-law and 80me. in the treatment of the insane that fUNERAL DIRECTOR untair eompetition. Many bakers a,r o daughter, Mr. and Mra. Howard The Beasons ha ve rented their they have been estab lished a s a part worrying about the stablllty of their Beam. The Eye Sight Specialist farm ncar Port William to a man by of the regula r treatment f or a certain Waynesville, Ohio . Word was received here Saturday the name of Wood, who takes pos- class~f pati ents. It is said that the bread business riJ.h t no~, ' bee!'use of the operations of powerful com.tha~ Mr. Joe Clingan., of Dayton, wao session at once. . concentration of mind of the patienis binatlons against which they feel deaa. Mr Timothy Marlatt, of this W. D. Warner and wife will move on the puzzle works for their good Fully Equipped for Good Lebanon, Ohio helpless from the standpoint of com plaCle. is a brother-in-law. into tlieir tenant house nnd Herbe rt and is helpful in their treatment. Service. merclal operations. If they only ~8S Mary Weichera. of near here, Fitzwaters will Il)Qve into the big • _ _- - knew It their patrons will respect entertained !l bunch of her sehool- house and farm th e place. Large Display Room 8:00 m. to 4 p. m. them if they have the courage to matea from Waynesville Hlgb school Frank Jordan hILS returned to hia 'at her home Friday night. stick for a fair 'price even if It does home here. ufter spending several DAY OR NI GHT TELEPHONE 7 HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Mr. and Mrs, Will Curl and family days with friends in Dayton. entail some temporuy 10811. It from Indiana, spent the week witt: play fair with the public and as~ Little Opal and Berneda Lewis are I wll sell at public nuction at my Mr. and Mre. Elvis Michael. Mr. an. added to our sick list this week. the public .to' play. fair., with. them, residence, 2?1i miles southeaat 0( Mrs. IIlchael returned home with they: will nev~J YJek. tr~ll. Sherman Ferrill Ilnd wife and Mr~ . Waynesville, Ohio, Ilnd 9 miles north them for a week's visit. the buia ot price. Llilio VlIlare attended the PomoM Mr. am' Mra. O. B. Marlatt enter- gTange at Harveys1i>urg, on last Sat· east of Lebanon, on A price too'~Io,j"" to ·,represent • THURSDA Y, FEBRUARY II. 19211 tained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and urday. profit for tbe l,aker Is just 811 unfair Beginning at 10 O'clock, the folMrs. Albert Marlatt, of Dayton, Mr. al aprice too high to be just to hla H. F. McKay, ·the expert crOOIl· and Mra. Howard Sheehan and Mr. word puzde worll:er, presented It lowing : 4 head of mules, 16 eattle, patrons, and if he takeB them Into 62 IIbeep, fann implements, harnees, Lacey Craig and lamily. hiB conftdence and ..b for a square cr08ll-..-d paIlle to our church, and potatoes and atTaw, 200 buahels corn. deal he standi' a gooel show .Af getBome of the membera who were tine, See big bills for particulars. ting it. The dividend hound will keep worked it out to p·e rtection. It WIUI W. E. O'NEALL. to cut pricel as long .. those pilcel enjoyed by all who were at our birth_ C. T. Hawke Auct. repftBant good ad.,ertlalnl' investday ente.rtainment. Rev Ranaome .... ment, .nd there la a limit to the peoOf Tennessee, preJlOnted a movil.g riod. Atter tbat, tbey lIettie down picture show of the church In TenTHE GREAT TRUNK MYSTERY In memory of my dear huabud, n_e, which wu very interesting. Into re.. onable competitors .unleu .Jacob. lAci,. wb9 died two yean qo, they bave iu"eeded '.In aCari", ,other Our birthday . Sllpper and social, Thl. woek'a .hort ator,. Januar; 14, 1923: bakers out.-"Balt.ra',; Halper. ' ,beld at the church last w,ek, w.. a It was exactly midnight. In Miami ~ftly' lIleeplng complete lIuecCIIII lIvery way, except He IItood under the window, waitWhere the 10wel'l'ceDUy the radio . entertainment, wblch was ing. !Jell the"olle we to.,ed io deUq; a "flull!." Tho~, Who wer. reSbe threw her trunk out firat. • In hll lonely, "Iil'lt aponalble for the good eata were the Then ahe waited. $EE McKa,. Brol., Lon Brannon, R. ,J. And Waited we UPOD y,ur Pan, Murra)" Colemab Jacbon, LawrenCe And waited. K.y wItIiH &Ii'cl deeD,.' .tacobe, Edith McKay"Anna Brannon, -The End-Bat .tlle love aAct memo!')' of m, dear Inel Rich, OWe Jacoba, Grace Rich Int.~nd, and Rath Murray. , ' D. . . . &de. .....,.. THAT'S IT "-•.•," __~ Ie 80m. 'one 'Wbo wlU lliIcer Waynaville, Ohio yol1GUU~ 'Rcililnld' ~"e 'lJIot wh....' JOu ~ 1iU'd, Loudvolce-"Good old Blnb. Quite fto~ · a m~~odl~l i!,nt.. Why, 'Would you Raatu.-,II~ w.. 'vited · ~ut. to the ~eJl,ye! lie: keepa a' d1a17 of evo17 .... made. '!r(t. ud .well"~ din'lier JC8terday. . U-m.m, Ji~e ~ aald "U'OlUId home, ,Wbat' lIoy." ' -LACY. hie" wtfe laid; what Jie aald, etc." Praetleal-"Some ~p book, I'd EPb--"sO. .., ~"I jeat didn't Jearn tha aay." .'

1<:II/ ,.r(!!l

the f'tlilolllce at Waynelv \lie, 0 ., al StKl""d Cla811 Mail Matt.r

Let 'em Feed Them elves




----_ ..



F.T. Martin Auctloaeer

---.. -_.--Ml HOLLY




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


----- ----


Dr. John W. Miller



Walter McClure

At Cary's Jewe ry op

The Remedy lhlt Has Passed Tbe Jest

Public Sale

Every Tuesday s.


------..-- ..-----


------_.-- ------

For Lumber




ftcnrer1. "




TOUCH Sym..,

6DJI_'"8~. . ~ .


we'B'S.W., Owe. '. .




BID 1IUka .... ~.. . . .io



..... ., . ............................ ~


~AIUl~ . . .


famlb'....... I tIdDt It' wu "Pan. At ,JeiaIt thal'. dae name I Do&feed all UOlUld."






B. Madden ~


. ,,

Th. Mlaa. Ga~ W.J1i-.m.. Ohio l\li~s

tun W

Subscribe for the Kl&ml

Lovonne BUlrton was in Day~d IlY.

?lfi's. E. S. Boily i8 spending tho Mrs. J. O. rll'lwright was n n ny- week with he~ son al\d fanlily, Bouth tl'n Yi~ltor, Mou lio)". of Leullnon,


II I i;;.~ I3Inll he Rilc ~' is ill al her 11. t\ . lI ('r"'Il'Y wus in Dt yto n, hUlII(, n\!ar I 11I1<," dl .". I G. ll . E lli cn lled on Dr. West Dud ~II . a Id ~I ..,.. Il L' I'man ("on lll'r weTe f umily, ur B('lIbrook, UII <IIIY. I in [lit) tUII. TUl'suny. li% Gladys Ilnrlun, tlf Dayton, ~"'>- <. I' 1':1 Ilk Zt·1I lind Eldn Fires " I'" nl ,'und"y with her n",l hc r , Mrs. ( \ \\ f'rt.' in Xl.' fl iu, Fritlny. Luu IIl1rlun. ~II·.

Friday and Saturday Only




li ~Ir. \\l'I'(--

Any Overcoat in the house at

tln,1 ;\\1'''. 1I ,,\\'(\rd ,\ rehdl'nl'on ill

!-iprin~b() I 'u , SLllld:\)".

JIl r. and ~ll's. J ' lcub :tr ousl' lind Mi g" Oli v/,' Ilill ll idtlil' w l' r~ Duyt on

M b , Penrl Hilr y (lnd 1111'. Lymlln Wt'n' ill r indnlln ti, Fri tlny .

~il \ t'l·

1..11'. 1111 .1 M r •. l'os5 Hnrl"ock lin d rnll1ily and ~ I I·" . FI'ollk I! Ul'lHIlCk, of ~I n'. L. A. Zilllm l' rmnn IIntl )11'0. I(ou le 3 , wcre in Duyton, Tuc:lc\u y. . :-.: .A . I,in" Wl' n ' in Dayt o n. TUl'~ dlly. JII ('~'r~ . J l' SSC lind Howard Burton bll"ilH'!'s vi ~ ilLlt· S in l)l\yton , Slit·

WCj 'I'


wht) h,,,·(' uecn serv ing (lll the Fedl'l'lIl jury fit ineinllnti , were di smiss. l,d III , t ThursdllY:

1I1L,....,. Eli,," Ogl",by , Prod Gons 1111'. LeI' A . ll ll l'le y, tlf DCI\ \'er, :lIltl C. II . ll nrt ''' ''k wen' in Ll'lllllhll1, Col., l!nt"olile fr 01Yl U CUll\'l' l1ti nn at ~ I " ndn y . LOllisvilll' . Ky. , 5p nl Fl'ilI IIY uud Sill· unlny \I it h 1Il1·. lind MI'". W. II. Al1111'. filld MI' ~. RIlY MiIl~ nnd Llaugh- Ien. 1111'. Uarl ~y is u brother o f Mr~. t<>rg lind lI1i,s Ednu 1l0\\'land w ere in A llen. Dayton , Sun dny. SL M n r>"~ Guild will mect with lIlrs. Cudwllllnd er Thu rsday nftllr· noo n at 2 o'clock.

The Original Price $26 Overcoats $30 Overcoats $30' Overcoats $40 Overcoats

$12.60 $16.00 $1 7.50 $20.00

MYERHYMAN Waynesville•.Ohio

Whether .t hom. or In bu.ine .. , poor eye.irht i. a detriment to ..fliclanc" .Dd .acc.... Ne,." he.d.che. . Dd other a.ilment. .re elimln.ted by prope rl, 6 tt ed If la .. e •.


Genuine Krgptox invisible bifocals, Torle Lerues . , . , . ..... ... $10.00


Jew"lera and Optometri.b.

KROGER'S Feature I ..a ....

PANCAKE' ~~'u~"" .............. 25c .. 9c M t-Ik .·25c ·.. ·.... ··; .... ·...... 15c F I 0 U· r $1.35 ..

COUDtr" Club, 1 ~ -lb. pk..

Country Club, I.rre aize, Jean . ..

COUDtry Club-;-;;;;;.lI ~ize:-4 cah • .

Country Club

24 ~ .pound Sack

3 2 ounce packag e .

... . . . . . .25c


~~I!~~n~~~~. .25c Head Rice F.Dc, ... " .. :.......... ....... .... .


.St.......... . c ...........:.. .......

. ,. 9c 12c

henrd the Cinciillll1ti Sym phony 01'chestrll nt Duyton , Monday night,


. Soda .nd Butter,

t";p~~+.~P=.e::a::I:::ca.a=,.~. ..= ..~. .~,. .~1~2~p-r.~~!~e:~~eFr=ur~.~l~b 25c' J.r,




Battle Ship CofFee Old e C.offee

I 45c Your Choice,


Mr. A. B. Shun er so ld a piliI' of mul es Inst week to a party lit Casstown, Millmi county. Thcy brought n g ood price.



Miss Kutherine Gibbons has been sick s ince before Gh ristmlls wit.\l a n infected han" and rheumatis m. She is in Miami Valley hospitul. Eldon Ellis. of Routc 1. very UlCcess fully s ub mitte d to an opcrution for tonsils and aueno id. lit Spring Va lley, last Wednesduy morning. Mr. Griffy and family hllvc moved from Dodds in to the Wilkerson prop· erty on Third street, f ormerly OC, cupicd by Mrs. Sll ra h Cory, decellsed. The Young rl'iends meeting will be held lit the- hom e of Mrs. Anna Shechlln next Sunday, February 8, at 7 :30 p. m. 1::\'eI'Y one is urged to come. Mr. Ken net h Kilbo n has resigned his position in Dnyton and expects to join his fllther a nd family In the South next week. He is visiting Waynesville relatives and frien ds this wee k. The Rev. Edm und Buruso ll, of Ba.. tAYia, State Com mander of the G. A. R., a form er pa stor of the 10cIII M. E. church, conducted the services at the Soldiers' Home, Dayton. Sunday morning.

'Well lit..... 2 for ..

25' C.

Mrs. W. S. Grahill" wrote Ul! from Fort Worth, Texas, last week that the weuther was just like SUmmer th ere, but had .a "N'orth'er" two ciaya that w eek. They are now staying a few ~eek8 with the Zimmerman's. nt Pharr, Tex. Pomonll Grange held an all-daY meeting at Harveysburg Sa~. 'J anullry 31. All subordinatae rrang. ell in the county were repl'fteJlted except Mason. and the meetinlr " .. very interestinlr and profitable. A basket dinDer IU'¥H .. ~


Miss Sophill Cross ond Mr. Elmer Middleton ,of Xenill, werc Sunduy guest.s of Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and daughter. Miss .Olive. The Fricndshlp OIuss will moet at the home of Mrs, Gll!n n BQrdan on Wednesday afternoon, February 11. All members ore 8sked to be pres-

ent. M.r a. Frank LeMay and M1'. J ohn Frame went to HlImilton. Sunday. to see Mr. LeMIlY. who was take n to the hospital there last Thursday. He was operated on for ear trouble. and is getting better and hopes to come home , Saturday, . Mr. Walter McClure has bcen under the care of B physician for seYeral days. At the Busine88 Men'. m eeting last We dnesday night, hill nose bled 80 profusely that he had to go home. No~ Ir!ltttnjr reYef. tte went to a specialist,in Dayton. Saturday. who, after an examination, pronounced. the trouble not serious.

Zl'l'fJ"'I.Jglft~I1'I.-..II"'l.I~"""-~I-H -e_is very



Our lubrication knowlq. eams

The Ladies Aid society of the Lytle M. E. church will hold a Bazaar and oyster supper in the Town hall Saturday night, February 14. Special mu sic by the Wayn esvi lle orches.tra. We will be prepared to take care of orders for so up a nd sandwiches, as ellrl y as 6 :30. it any \lne wishcs to buy for their family supper. Come and invite wour friends to come. COMMITTEE.


y01LU" pa~

Some garage men will HI! you an oil merely becau. . they think they can make the most profit from it. We ·pie.! fer to sell tOnly the oil ' will best IlJlbricate your car. That oil is Sunoco Motor Oil. .,. We specialize on it, because it saves Our custOmers money. andl they come back to us for more. Let us d.rain Y9W ~­


case and refill with &sooc». Then watc:b rasulta. Tb1t .service ill free. - our only charge beIni for the oew oiL

A. F.Melloh WaYDE'.2ville, Ohio

Only $1600 Will huy • Cit-roODl lIIou... celi.r. ,,~"'~, Ii.lllt•• . both w.te ..1 ia ilciu ••• t;_1 !Jon... • •• tr. fiDe ........ n • . po.._ioa a~.


w. N. ·Sears AUCTIONEER' AND REAL E S.'J'''- T E



·D. R.



"Painted' People"



wi th






or' lutEs



Al.o, COlne.d ,.

"Nightie Knight"

Admission: 20 and. 10,centa :•....................................................



Will F. Young _Optometrilt

- ..----

Mr, George Reynolds Sr., died, Su!'day. at the home of his son, Charles, at Spring Valley. The funeral was held lit the home Tuesday morning und burinl was in Miami cemetery.


Adnlisaion: 20 and 10 centa




Every J'edtesday

9:00: a. Ill. to 5:00 p. m.

Rest Room in Granse , . , WAYNESVILLE. 6HI6 10

Mrs. Evaline Luce, mother o.f Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, of Cleveland. died Sunday at the hom e of her daughter, Mrs. Kent, in Bellevue. Ohio. following a stroke of apoplexy. The funeral was held this, Wednesdar morn ing, in the M. E . church at Spring Valley, where she hall been s res1dent for many yeara. Intermllnt tn Spring Valley cemetery.

WILL F. YOUNG Main Office. 924 ~ South Brown Street, DaytODa._Ohio. OYer SilJDla Theater .

l!l•••••••••••••IiI. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

---.' .~"'---


MOTHERS CLUB MEETING The Mother>s club will hold their February meeting in the Grade building Tuesdlly. r&lbru!l? lQ, !!~ ~ :16, ins tead of Friday afternoon. MIaj! Kiser. County Home Demonstra~~1l agent. will be the principal speaker. SYBIL LeMAY. 'Pres. DONNA EDWARDS. Sec·y.

------..-. ..------

0, E, 5, NOIICE Miami Chapte):'. ~Q. 107 O. E. 8.. will meet In regUlar c:om,munlcation ).fonda, !lven1lllr, " "bruary 9•. A '1uQ attel4l~nce ill ~~, 4'!8lre!!. .I ADA COURTNEY. W. ~ tJU~






_ _ _ _ _

- - - - . -- -





Change of Bu s schedul e, commencE D PURDY'S P HILO!> in K Monday, Februury 9, 192& . The fil's t bus tyiJl leave Waynesville .. t "The world ow e. you. livin,. 5 :;1 0 II. 111., 8 :30 II . m., and 8 :30 p. m. alriaht, but I'ye found ODe ha. [.('avinJ:' Dayton lit 7 :00 .. . moo i :00 p. 10 ... in collecliD, to rei m., and 5: 16 p. m .• except Snturd uy it." und Sunday. Will I'lln old ~c h edulc ~ --- --S"turduy Ilnd SUlltlny, Illst Lu s lellving Wnyn esv ilh, nt 6 :30 . Corn. Gue>lll-work never will tell whother muter rotes to working people. or not 8 c d corn will grow.

much better lit present.


Mr. Wilbur Clark and fonlily and Mr. and Mrs . C. W. Younco spent ' un day in Da yto n, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yo u nce, Sr.

J. O. Cart\\Tlght, J . T. Flllck, W. N. Sears. and so n, Everett, were in Clarksville , Saturday, where Sllar~ & Cartwrig ht conducted the auction sllio of the property of the Inte Carrie M. Linton, decensed.


f Silver S". ColFee




Mrs. Dr. Hunt and Miss Osee Sol. isbury, o f Spring Volley, were guosts of Mr. lind Mrs. RU 9 ~c ll Salisbury, last week.

Tulip Coff"e The best in town Mr. lind Mrs. Glenn Ilordan were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ; PURE LARD, iD J .Dd 5 Mrs. Harold Borden, of Miamisburg. : pound Det weilfht. no cb. r .." for, Ib ...... 2Oe Mrs. Rosalie Adams, of Topeka, Kan sas, was the guest of Mrs. Mary DAYTON BISCUIT CO •• L. Adams, of the Friends home, last CRACKERS" onl" lb ... .. lSC week. CHURNGO,-D, 001, . ../. ... ... .. 30e .Miss May Wright WIlS the guest of 3-pouDd CANl~ED SWEET Mrs. Stanley Sellel's, at L ebanon, last POTATOES .... .. 20e waek. She r eturned home Friduy evening. FIG BAR CAKES 2 pound. f·o,.. ~.. . ............. 2Sc Mr. and Mrs. N . A. King, of Indilll1apolis, Ind., visited Mr. and Mrs. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Wolter Elzey and f llmily se veral days POULTRY OF ·ALL KINDS lust woek, C.1l UI b .. for. you aell.

Save your old carpcts and rugs and get "WearwelJ" Rugs made. Send for price list. Frnnklin Rug Co .• Franklin, Ohio.



Mr. ' nnd Mrs. J ohn Rich and son,




4 Bars for ...... . . .. 2~c


Ruml educlltion lind the tminlng


MI'~. Ollie Davis and dllughte r. Miss Rach!!I, atte nded the Naliolln l Cllnners convNltiun III Cincinnati last

~~!.'!!:?!~!~ b~~~~




I'cport on the number of. ulllmllls on I OU f • • ., scoro 0 f b 00 ks on '''rh e N a t urc farms by :;ta tistlCIIlIt \\ cs. l , of th~ d" sal'd th Il t . lilt(1 N ~ e(1S () f CI \I'Idh 00. Siale r e ll el'lll (' 1 '01' 1 {(' po rtlllJ,: ~c r\' I C Il I 1 . . th e mos t i mlI1i~s Bernice Hyman >pe nt the t Ie hrst SIX years urc week·end ut the hum e of MI'. A. 13. ,Th ere aI" on ly four-fift~ s liS I11llny I ort.o nt in th e lifo l,f an individual. h llg s on the ["1'1118 uf Ulllu liS II year p '''' h t I . . I ' " n ' Ie 'IS or Clln be co m e . n ft e r Shl\n er a nd fomily, of Ruute I! . :11(t>. 11 0 r ..'. 1111\' (' dccJlJlcd 111 num · I . . I l ' .' l i b th ( ' r ~ b :! er l'C'n l H1I ll milk (,H W ~ ! ~lX l l" 4 l' l'rlllH1Cu very nrge y y . ~ Mr. Guto n, stut o mustcr of the y V ltv 2 Ih' r ce nt. S' hee p 'I Wily hc hit s beell trlluted before SI X. . g ruu g c WII S th u prinl'ipIII spcllkcr lit hll \'U incl'cHs('·d . ~. . lhe "du('lltol' cOlltlllued. h fl\"(' Jllc l'eu sed :.! pC I' cent s til et! .JanI I ' Ik " T I " A" the Centcrville }'lIrmcrs ' ill stitute. ) Th I . I I II 118 til on Ie een ge, l" l' c 1 1I1I~e S. III I h~ I Pruf ~~HUI' {1'Sh eu lIut~d t lmt "Amor. ua ry I, 1:1~ .1. ( 111'111 unlllllli populatloll uf tillS stat u I . , t d Mr. nlld 1111'S . N. A. King, Mrs. OUS mol \011 pIClurt!s , ex n : me nne .. III hlle With t1w chungos thr uugh - I · 1ft d th - Uk Wult('r El7.e y ulld Mrs. K enneth El • 111'(' Ollt t he corn bl.ll. \ lII g , t 11' USe 0 (lU o~ un e e lIro ze<y were Duytoll vi~ itors, Fl'iduy. !lur yuung "eop lc too curly · t (IS cu II f llr roubltlll' ... . . . Th e pl'(' ~e n t ,.~ t InUl 000 h d '!:l OUO 1 of lhl'lr Sim pliCIty, dOC Ility Ilnd enthu • 7 lu, orscs un .', tllU (IS o n . . . . 1\11'. Robert Vandervoort, of O. III Int ullcc tuul t.usks. It 18 1'1l (, l'e Ul'e '! SIO~1t1 t )le furml-i u (tlh ' ~ t n t C. . • W. U" l)elllwllre, sp~ nt U fllw dllYs 1 0 I 000 ' Ik . d 882 000 dl~u ' tI'OU" for .. boy or g irl to go the .1, 1111, COWS. un ' 1 1'1Ic~ so fu st in the cllrly years liS to lust week lit hi ~ home on Route 2. <l thrr clltl lu. 1 he CHt lIHlltCtl IIUIl1UCr . . . 'niH 1 .f ur I l Ug'H ,' IH'.l'III11I' HoplllHucatrd .or •blnso III the o f ::; h ce ll l.~ 2 , 1r.a 7 O"() \l l\1i s.~ Ruth Newlund, of Miami uni · t ,· · ·) I" ') 000 I mIddle tecns. But. It 18d bett~ r to ,. ' • ill "c l'!;it)', \Vus U guest of her aunt, Mrs. l IIe cslllllll C I" ~ .. V~ , \ l-!Ui dP LlluH to rt'prOHM, an espoc 8 y W. H. Allen, and fumily, Illst we ek. I to nUl( or criticize. At this timo. j ll10re thnn evcr, udult". should try Mrs. C. W. Younce is teaching to be fri (' ndg nnd compllni ons with schou I in Dnyton this week, sub stitu. hllY" lind g irl. so liS to gain their ting for Mrs. Herbert Get.ter, who confidence lind good will." is s ick . .. -.

Specials This Week

1I1rs. John McKnight. of New Burling ton , s pe nt Bevel'lll days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Carrington Ellis, lind family.

Shell/ex Frames, Gold Filled bridge and cable temples . . . ....... $2.50

Country Club.

Mr. and Mr ~ . K. N. BaUlCh find Mr. li nd Mra. H . n. Earnhnrt spe n t Sunday with Mrs. Vio lu Harlan.


f OI'cd II d islocnted s hou lder.


Are You Giving Your . Eyes Proper Attention?


Mr. B arry Kitchen nnd family, of Springfield, spent Sunday with Mr. Frank St.nnsberry and fllmily.


The d f linu Il ( Ohio's It og )'I'oduc. oC c'hildroll from ittfa ncy up were ~i o ll and t.he n~"id wiltler. lilltrkclin g til l.' bll si~ o.f severn l l~l\rm OrH' Week 1 I' I'll. f M. • V . O'Sh e II • f Miss Mnry Conk fe ll down 'I he sluir III .ord e r lu nVOld the fl·~ . th n~ I of hl!!hI I a d (reSMes. WRy lit hm' h~mc, Sunday, lind Buf- prlc('d CUrti, , It ow ttP III t II.'. IInuua I. t IIe U III' vers.1' t y 0 f W'Iscons In. au th0 r


l\l ,.". ("hns. l.c fTc r~o n and d u u ~ ht e r, of Covington , Ky . • IIrc guas . of Mrs. Mn ry Wulerh ouse lIlId family.


S('verul from hore oltend'd tho fun erul of Mnt. E vullllll Luce at Sprillg Vnlley, today.







Goody,e ar "




Seventy-Seventh Year



WfI±KNOWN fARMER Ge urge Reynolds. so n of Barney WAS MISSING FOR and Elizub eth Reyn olds. was born ncur Nich IU Bvill e, Ky .. July 21. di ed lit home of his fORTY·EIGHT HOURS . on. C. Rey nolds. in Spring VulOBITUARY-



Susan Wood Shl!rwood. the dllUgh- . t e r of Joel amI Zel'unh French Wood. I WIIS horn ncar Sm ilhn old. J eff er so n county. Ohio. on November 16. 1840, and deparLed this life February 5, 1!J26. aged 84 ycnrs, 2 mont.hs and SEVERAL FARMERS FROM THE 20 days. Sho WIIS the sixth of a family of COUNTY WERE PRESENT te n, and is survived by only one of these. a borthl!r. Edwin Wood, of The Time Spenl al the Univerail, West Texas. Well Repaid Tho•• W1l0 Were Both her childhood and young woIn Attendance manhood were spent in J"fferson county and Belmont county, in Ohio She taught school II few years lind Mrs. Paul J. Mitchell. Mr. and mllny of her pulpls have pleasant Mrs. A. D. Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Juslin memorieg of her work with them. On May 16. 1872. she beenme the Hardin. Sherman Beam, Ralph McClure. Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. wife of Jo' rank Sherwood. Their life Dunhaln, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young. together and the home they made. Mr. E. J. Beedle, Alta Kizer. G. H. was a happy one. She was the moth_ Townsley, Mr_ and Mrs. C. F. ClaBB, er of seven children, five of whom Lebanon; Mr_ John Jack, Morrow; -four daughters and one son-nre C. E_ Michener. S. D. Henkle. Harry left to mourn her los8. She, together with her husband, E. Hermes, Waynesville; Howard McKay and Mary Field Hendrix, of were charter membeJ'll of the OregoWlIlIhington township; Hubert Hag- nia United Brethren church and their gerty, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Whitacre. home was always open to ministens Mrs. E. B. Enalow, Mn!. Grace Whit- an<l othens who enme to the commuaker, Blanchester; Mrs. M. Conover, nity from time to time for religious Mrs. ChaB. · Hause, Mason; and D. B. services_ On Janu"ary 10, 1906. twenty yeal"8 Underwood, of Harveysburg'. were tbe people who attended Farmers' ago, her husband passed away. The Week at Obi a State universlty~ In twenty years have wrought many addition to attending Farmers' Week changes in the family, but the home Mias Alta Kizer, home agent, was aI- has been maintained and she, the de80 In Columbus during the week of voted mother, has always been the January 26 to 31 attending Confer- center around which the children and clustered. She hae ence planned for the twelve Home been , indeed. a remarkable woman, Demonstration agents in Ohio. Official delerates and County known only for her kind words and Agent ClaM report Interesting and cheery s mile. Her sweet disposition enthualutlc dbcullions along the was ,unchanged throughout her old line of ~arm production and market. age and has gained for her the love Ing. Thl Annual state Farm Bu. and friendship of many. Life was reau meeting which ia of chief Inter- dear to her unll she has tried to est to the Warren County delegates. make the most of it. Her keen minI! has enabled her to keep up with curSome men place themselves in hiswas held Monday and Tuesday. rent events and to take a great intertory by what they say, others by Resolutions adopted at State Fann what they do, and still a few othens Bureau meeting favored a gll~ tax. est in all things about her. Her faith in God has been un- by what they both ssy and do. I debt limitation and budget system, for taxing dilltricta, The gu tax bounded and her greatest interest, have thought that the author of "Sartor Resartus" never need to have resolution paMed at the Federation'. the study of ilis Word. meeting urged a 2-cent tax with no ··So u,.. .Ita& wbeosb, .ummODl comeo klJoID done anything t~ have placed himself I·h. l..... C..... ~D lb., mo.,," . in history. The same might be said reduction in present license fees. To &be ..... "' • .". 01 ahade. • ...... . &eke 10f the author of "PICkWICk Papers," The matter of debt limitation and Dle ell.mller In tbe 1IIIeD& bo'" ol'd ..tII. f h h f "J u 1·IUS Caesar." budget systems for taxing districts, T tl, 1110 oat lUco 1110 q uur, .• I••••• ulabl. or 0 t e aut or a as written into the farmen' program /Iouur::::,~'lo ,Iu_o. but....&aJoed OLd : and "The Merchant of Venice." Y ." uur. lteMulI , ...... 'PJIW'Ida tb, Then, on the other hand, a man who included both. lllw enacLme. and 8LIke ODe who "rapo the drapory of bll coUch h I· h h h z\buul. Utru. Ilutl lid duwn to pte_u, dream• . " as accomp 18 cd w at sue men aa . constitutional amendment. _ __ __ • Edison have done would never need Roads are of a much interest to to add to his accomplishments by farmen ae any other claes, and those anything that he might saYJ for he attending the Federation meeting would be remembered. not by what took action on aeveral road matten he said, but by what he did. in addition to urging the gaB tax. But in the case of Abruham LinThey want the useasmenta for road coln, he fixes his place in history by building on abutting property reducwhat he has sa id and also by what he ed to a maximum ot 10 per cent, illhas done . The mun who said, "A stead of the present 16. They would The Springboro United Brethren house divided against itself cannot also like to ' see the roads claesified C. E. society will present the threeso that traffic may be forced onto IlCt comedy, "Brown-Eyed Betty, " at stand." proba bly said what would the roads that are built to bear that the Springboro K. of P. hall, Satur- fix for him a permunent pluce in history or "Broken by it I. too. may particylar class 01 traffic. day evening, February 14th, at 8 :30 The Federation a\&o urged a ru- p. m. Throughout the entire play be · but. bow to it 1 never will," that ral police to be paid for out of a there is a bit of humor well present- would also have given him B pluce road maintenance fund; general re- ed by Hiram Whjtcomb. the local can in history; or when he said. "Fondly appraisement of landa not recently re stable. In Miss Letitia Starbird we do we hope. fervently do ' we pray. appraised; better law! for the erad- find the so often unwanted town gos- that this mighty scourge of WBr mlly ication of bovine tuberculosis de- aiper, Mr.. Jonas Hutchins, who is big speedily pass away," or when he manded economy in building and in money and his own esteem, il in said. "With malice toward none, with , administration of schools; requested the end given a better view of life. charity for all. with firmness in the adequate provision for re-foreata- Cyrus Hardy, the minister, has a right as God gives us to see the right. tion. and urged study of the com- typical partois life to live and he, too let us strive to furnish the work we are," he uttered statements that miaion form of county and township Ie ltiven to mistakes. Bettv•. the would permanently fix his plaCe in government. young heroine, fills the audience with history. These are but few of many EducaliOil" Actinll •• delight 88 she brings the truth to that might be recalled, anyone of These characters; with a which is s~g nificant in historical mean The general educational activities, light. exhibits and demonstrations, arrang- number of others, will present a play ed by the Agricultural colleee, held well worth your presence. ' Just preceding the play an oyster the interest and attention of the crowda from early morning until late supper will be served by the ladiea. at night. Demonstrations tn rope The supper will be served from 6 :30 .pliclng, babbiting, Boldering, re- to 7 :8 0. Music by Fry's orchestra. pairing' farm machinery; building home-made radio, etc., were mam SUBJECT TO LlCHTNING feature. of the AgrIculturaai Engineering department. In the corn, Oak trees are more subject to light emn and potato 'show, which occuQaite a good-sized gathering of pied 'an the lower Soar of the Hor- nlng than any other kind, according the men of the Methodist church atticultural building, Mr. S. S. Burdge, to obHrvatlons by the Federal De- tended a banquet In the social room Franklin, won fourth prize in mixed partment of Agriculture. of the church last Friday evening. corn and W. T. Sample, .Muon, won The meeting was called for the purthird prile in Reid'. Yello" Dent. polO of organiting a Methodist Men's The Apple show occupied two Jirge brotherhood. The main address of rooma In the Horticultural building, the I!v4,!ning was delivered by Rev. E. S. Keller. pastor of the church at while the en !!how fined one wine of the Veterinary clinic; for the Lebanon, who explained the purposes womln a special uhiblt showing suiof the organization, its methods of procedure and Its construction. table clothlnc for pre-achool children After short remarka by various and Bchool ehilcken, aa well ae suItamen prelent. Uie fol\owing tempoble typee of ,hoes for children and ra!"), officers wert! choaen : F. M. adult.. Food exhibit diBpla"ed ICVCole, pre8identj' F. R. Moomaw, viceeral wen-planned mealB .ultable for prelJdent;" W • .C. StJohn, secretary; .ehiJdrel!; !l. nUpiber of recommended )(. S. Hain..~ treafltlrer. boob for ehl1clren and ' ll'own-nptJ , ~d a , aocIena"and completel), built: AI~ I!~",ent ..siirn,<I, up, exprealn~ 1i('.1dt.eJ!1II· cabtnet , and worit tallie, their desire to become memben at propoeed organludoll. · . . - wai aIIo~ of. lntenet. . ,. . "At S, o'clock' _ah I"nina, came. and O~"I dUe.. ,were carrijd oot . In· ·tu . Grmaaelnm -'or- Out 'Ncteadon of the Fu1nfll'l' Week vi.iton, after wblch a - public entartain!Dent, eollllltinr of p1&110 anta .and m~p . • PJ;lde of . WaJllellvnUe OounclUJci. ..lMtiou were Ii"n 1n tb8, U~"'1ril­ 'III .'D. ttl 'i...~,. held 'a t1 ••lret .:......1. at ,.,............ t)' haIL Free " educatlo~ motion 'hall: 0), ' Wednllday evaDinr, iI.lctDm were ~bOwn eontlnualq ey. '·FltlmW7 ,til. VW~ were p~nt , .,., dv durlac the lloon hour. . . ~bano.. .and. Bellb~ok Alaoq , tile out*alldlq ~ .1Io1l,t 40 .i n ·n.IUIlMr. AIIo, tIiere Cout,. ~ilt' ~ t.he 101.... HV~ .,..... Uloq..... 1~: .. ..:.•P. G. KiaJ; of Pant...



18 '1 1. aile!

.' .

P'''' '


.. :

---.. -...----

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ltadoa; lID. Ida ~, BOOIe hold H\Or ·of .. . , PellM)'lYIWa .....r; ...... . Allllr~ h.


- ---


The Woman's Foreign Missionary The Lebanon Independents desociety met at the Parsonage in reg- feated our Millmis by the score of 82 ular B.ession, F,ebruury 4, 1925, to 21, i na game at the local Gym The meeting was opened by sing- last W\!dnesday evening. This was ing "Work for the Night is Com- rllther a disapp ointment to the suping." Mrs. Lizzie Hole had charge porters of the Miamis,. who had exof the devotiolnal. Minutes of last pected a victory in view of the splenmeeting were read and approved, did s howing our boys had made at Mrs. White was appointed to secure Lebanon the previous' week. a speaker for the thank offering serOur boys started off in the lead vices. The Le.8son study was divid- and maintained their advantage ed into a number of readings. The throughout the fi.r st half, then the first was read by Mrs. Farr, the sub- superiority of substitutea and a little ject 'being, "'rhe Bolter Uprising," more accuracy in goal shooting a&describing the Ibomes of China. The serted themselves in Lebanon's taaecond. wae read by M.n . LilUan . Milia vor. The' Miami's star forward was on "Hospital' Work." "School Work" extremely unfortunate in his goal was read by Mrs, Madden and "The tossing. during thll entire second Least Encourq:ing,''' bp ~rs. Borden. balf, mial!ing several splendid shota Another paper on "Government Re- by the smallest of margins. Better fQrms," wu read by Mra. A1-chdea- luck nut time, bo,.. . can. Mra. 'Joaephine Earnhart then favored ua wlUa a very pl~lng vocal 11010. Mrs. Ol'1lbbe rave a very Interettinr story ' of "LitUe WItelt Wlich and SW.r," which told of Ichool and hOI.pltal Ohlna. M ' W · hi . d th to ' f uTb . All 'th , ~ IIcbool chi.ldr!!n, e.xc41pt tbe . n. . t.e rea e , IT 0 e Woman Who Did Not Believe In Mi.. Hla'h ' JchoOl, J!uplls . in Sugarcreek Ilion.... . ' . toWnahiJ;l are inviUd' to the /leW builci' We then adjoJmled to ' meet' with ina at 7 p. lb., Feb~ · 18. TeachIIJII He1m\ Hawlui in March, With ..en IUId puent. are I~ected. Ea~ ' lin, Lelia" lin. HoUab. Ilia Bell i thild JIi aeked to 'briIIr • ~dlul of O' ..... AUla, .. hO!Iteua. ian~ TIle time wlll be lJIent IarreTJdrt,.f01ll' . . . .t luid the 01- ly in 8o"or ,pm.. b. wIdch au are to

JlhanW &p.1deW. of ~ II ....... ,SWe ~, ud ferillc JIlt. I ... WOCMIIiIaa, of lIB$:. · AfW ... ~... ~wu ·.







The Franklin High school first team def eated W. H. S last Friday night at the former plilce to the tune of 33 to 17. It looked for a while tbat the two teoms wero evenly matched . but the failure of team work and pass work cost the Orange and Black the game. The strong defense of W. H. S.· wus a minus quantity. and their 'Offcn se was little the better. At t,he end of the first half the score was 20to 6. In the last half some second s tringers replaced the regu luI'S an d held Franklin to 13 poin ts uguin st 11 for W. H. S. We defeated Franklin lust year both he re and th ere. W. H. S. will toss pills. with I"rnnkiin again. F ebruary 20 at High school gy m. Our first teum en tel·cd Lile Tri-Stat e tournament thi s year. At 11 :30 they will play Martin svi lle, Ohio, at the Univcrsity of Ci ncinnati gym. If W. H. S. win s we play Woo dward of Cin cinnati. The Reserves outclnssed Franklin H. S. Reserves in every department, winning by a 17 to 6 Bcore. Missildin e played Les t for W. H. S. These boys have lost only two games this year. The girls lost to the State Champs by the score of 55 to 2!J. The Frank lin girls s imply outclassed W. H. S. both in basket shooting and floor work. The score, however, shows improvement over lust year, being (ill to 6.

ing. But wben we add to those will look from here. the seat of powbeautiful delivelrances some things er and the arena of influence, back that he did. we have additional to those da~s of sorrow and impogrounds for assigning him a great tence; his birthplace, where he lived place in history. the first seven years of his life; the Our capital ciW of Washington will farm over which his parents trod and always be remembered u the place ,on which thy labored; and if loday of his greatest utterances and his We could transplant ourselves back greatest deeds. The sixties. will be in Kentucky to the year of 1809 and the time to whi,~h the historian will had the vision to peer into the fuhurk back for Lincoln's achievements ture 80 as to see the road that he History will delll most widely with traveled, what a vision of opportuhim as the great ~resident. the war nity would open to us. President. Emsillcipation will be reI know of no picture 80 touching corded as his gr..atest victory for hu- as when the li t tle family of four left man rights. · Th.e preservation of the this home and started for the Ohio Union must be written down as his river. which t hey crossed and went crowning glory. But on the birth- beyond seven teen miles there. today of this grelit man we will turn gether-the fath e r. tho mother. the back in our mind. away from the little brother, and the sister. tw o Capitol at Was~ington, away from years his elder- built the little ' cabthe sixties in time. away frum th e in in the woods with their own hands . civilization a8 we knew it ill the city a cabin of but three sides. in which und in the old'c r co untries. to the th ey dwel t thllt first year. This picrealm of the pioneer, to th e state of ture of privalion loses its sting In Kentucky, that hod only r ecently the wonderfu l years of opportunit)· been settled. We turn away from soo n to open lo the boy. the time and place of his notable utI look upon Ahl'llham Linco ln n~ teranCes and famous achievements the first. the lust, the best, the greatto the then unknown western coun- ost in comprehension, the broadest in try. We will think not so much of s tatesmanship, lhe sweetest in dispothe distinguished citizen as of the ~ ition . and the deepest in humanity babe in tbe state of KentucJ..-y j not of all this western world . History - - -.... ... so much of the head of the .grandest will care for his memory. His car epublic _on earth a of the child of reer is ~ecure. His achievements the wilderness; not so much of the arc cO.mmon kn owledge. In the famo us emancipator as of the boy words of Stllnton, hi s great Secrestrickcn wi th poverty; not so much of tury. "He now belongs to the ages." the preserver of th e Union as of the - Senator Simeon D. l~ess , in The U. S. Deputies from the office of one with unversal in spiration to ev- National Magazine. Chas. M. Dean. Collector of Internal ery boy lind girl of America. We Revenue, Cincinnati, will tour the District of Ohio to assist taxpayers in proparing their income tax returns and also to receive r eturn s. The deputy will be in Waynesville at the Waynesville National bank, on March 3rd.




I. Icy , Oh io, Ft'brunry I. I !125. at t he ug C o( 83 yCllr~ . Q months, 10 days. He wa s confined lo his bed sevell mon th s. Il " bore his su ffe ring well and tru st ed in th e Master to cal1 him wh en he was ready. Il c was ",urried to anni e Cormun. JUli e 7 1870, und lo this uni on were born ten children. five boys und fi ve girls. Three boys i1ied in infnncy. Those left arc C. 1\1. Rc:ynolds, of Spring Vall e y. George Reynolds. of Lcbuno n. Mrs. Mary Walsh. of Los Angeles. Cal.. Mrs. Bert Bar low, of Wa ynesville, Mrs. Wulter Surface. of Lebano n. Mrs. J . D. Casey. of Day_ ton and Mrs. Curl Os born . of Harveysburg. He leaves to mourn his loss seven children , twelve grandchildren. four great-grandchil dren, und one brother. Frank Reynolds. of Worthville. Ky .• and a host of friends. Farewell. deur fath er, sweet thy rest. Wea ry with years und worn witb pain, Farewell 'till in some happy plilce. We shall behold thy face again. THE FAMILY.

Senator Fe.,' Tribute to Lirlcoln, in National-Republican


Whole Number 5629


to '8.4t~






~_-:-' _ _ .~~---,._ • ... •



w ...

Found at the Hom e Df Relati"ee Five Mil". Away-Mind W ... an Entire Blank

AILor bein g missing from his home thir ty-six hours. J ohn RY e .of Mt. Holl y. wa. found hy his so n-ill -Illw, Elto n Evuns. neur Cenlervi ll o, when he went to his harn Monday morning_ As E"allS open ed the barn door, he ,," w Mr. Ry e coming do wn th e ladder {rllm th e hay mow. Hi~ wrist had beo n cut and after first aid had been give n. Dr. Hartinger. of Spring Vullcy. wus called . Mr. Rye' s men tul condition seemed to be normal nnd it is surmised that he cut hi. wrist while temporllrily deranged. Saturday night. when Mr. Rye's horse and buggy app eared at his home without II driver. search was sturted at onCe and continued througb the night. Sunday morning a knife was found near the bridge, about half a mile away. The river was dragged one hundred feet each WilY from the s pot where the knife was found and the search was kept up all day. Mr, Rye is being cared for at the home of his son-in-law. It is thought not advisable to remove him to his home for several days on uccount of his weakened condition. Hundreds of people from the surrounding towns were at the sce ne, Sunday, all ready to do whllt they could to aid in

-------.. -. ..-------

WAYNE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL ITEMS, Last Friday after noon . b~ginning at 12 :30. thc two Iiterury societies gave a s plendid . de bate. R esolved, That th e Child Labor Amendme nt Should Be Adopted. The Tom Corwins took th e affirmative sid e. the speukers being Frances Henkle, Kenneth Retallick The Athenians lind hmu Shutts. took the negati ve. the speakers being Murruy H op kins. Howard Cook and William Thomas. The program was exceedingly. we ll prepared and given. Although tho Athenians lost, they put up a very good argument for their side, and Frances Henkle and Murray Hop~ kins ure to be commendod all their splendid arguDlents for their respecti ve sides. The j ud ges were Mr. J . E. Janney, Miss Fealey and Miss Lile. The dcbllte was greatly appreciated by the school and visitors. Wuyn esville's fi rst team of boys lire to be the guests of Cincinnati university at the Tri-State tournament, Friday. Wuynesville and Mar tinsvillc wi il pluy th eir game Friday forenoon. . The second gro up of the Normal Rchool students slllrted th eir work in the Opportunity School this week.

The second semester work in the Mr. Harry Missildine, of Wichita, Teachers Exton sion c1nss from WilKansas', was called here on account mington college, begins today at of the death of his sister, Mrs. Ray 4 :30 o·c1ock. Smith. He will visit a few days with relatives before returning to his The characters in the operetta. home. "Cherry Blo88om," are working diligently Oll their parts and it will be given before the public ·some timo soon. This is being prepared for all . music class work, and no time has been taken outside of class. Mr. Janney has been painting the interior of the , Gym. It certainly improves the appearance and ia being greatly appreciated by the st;hool.

. -.


The number of: auto lic~n8e tags issued In Warren· cou!lb' ujJ to ~...,' week totaled 2892, according .to. J. A. Kilpatrick,'ar 'f or. this .county, ,. excilpting Frimldi!l: Tho fees accruina ~.m tl:!1\ sale of tho. ta~ tota,l a ~8.094.78.. . .Mr....Kllpa~ck 8a.~~ I'Df theiP,u ober.,o.l taar!I ..~ued 2612" were for..J'a&: ' Mplg... ~ ~d. 280 for ~c1(l; Lut fear there were ·860~ tap out 0.,. whloh. wodld indicate <that


_boat aoo can






.25; , . l-I. Stunull supplios . l' IlUtUtOI'. 24: Wm. n. Ropln~oll , ·N· i<' p on burin\ 1!1I1l111Iitt(IC, ,1; .I, .'y' . W~Qdw"l'd, Sl.1111(\ 1; OTcr;Qn ill lrid~c fl., I' pnirin l!' r.,u,1 Ill-nil, -~'; 0; P uul hufT"r, hnu1inlf I!' I':\\' I. Sol: W. A. SCIlU. bl'i dg(' repuil·. ~ . 80;

H. G. LuelH;, hot s h ot ( or mix e r, NEW SUITS \ 2.00; R obt. Rops , l'ellllirillg rhnin. Ivy Combs has en tored suit .$ 1; H l'l's('hcl JUIII CS , truck l'l'p air, again3t Frank Combs for di\'orc e on $32 .51. grounds of Il"'oss neglect. ___ __ _ - - Mary Shilling, Jllnlntill' in error v~. the State of Ohio, dofnndant in cr· ror. Aclion - e rror from Probate court.

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS i'ubllclltlon of notices of nppoint. mont of admlnislrotrixes of the es· late of Ida Crono, deconaed, was filed Publication of notice of nllpoin t· ment of executrix of the estate of Edwin Chandler, deeell8ed, was filed. Thomas S. Brandon W8S appointed guardian ad litem of minor ' children in tho matter of Louise Weller, ad· mlnistratrix of th e estate of J. T. Weller, doceased, VB. LouiSe Weller, William Boyd Weller, Earl David Woller, minor and John Edward WeI· ,er, .a180 a minor. Chesler Barkalow, executor of the estate of Zebulon D. Barka low, de· c_d, filed his lIecond and final ac· count. Alice E. ,Gustin, administratrix of the estate of Bannah Adams, de" 'ceased, filed her inventory and ap. praisemont. The court approved the account of Emma Eckel, administratrix of the ostate of William A. Eckel, deceased. The account of Albert G. Bunter, administrator of the estate of Mar· pret Hunter. deceased, was con· firmed and approved. The court approved and confirmed the account of Anna Carroll Stinson, '~eentriI of the estate of Edgar Stin Bon, dec:eued. The court approved and allowed the account of the Citizens National Bank and Truat Co., administrator of the estate of Ethel Ii. Furman, deeeued. Frank Dafton was appointed ad· mlnistrator 01 the estateof Marga· ret Dafton, deceased. Bond $1000. George Knapp, J. G. Trimble and Chas. R. May were appointed apprais--

en. Wi'll. J. Ayers was appointed appraiser inlltead of A. J. Scheurer in the matter · of the estate of Warren Drake, deceased. In the, matter of Louis D. Null, exeecutor of the elltate of E . A. Null, deceased, VB. Frank Null et aI., the court -or:dered the sale of certain real ~tate belonging to the estate at pri· vate ale. Fred L. Kibby, execiltor of the es· tate of Willa Alexanier, deceased, 'flIed bill inventory and apprllisement. The court ordered aale of stocks belonging to the estate of George W. Byers, deceased. Clark Van Camp, admInistrator of the estate of David Van Camp, d e· ceased, filed his first and final ac· count. ldary E. Wood was appointed executrix of the estate of Edwan k. Wood, deceased. Lewis C. Guttery, Harvey YOUIIg and Daniel Lind wore appointed appraisers.

MARRIAGE LICENSES, Edward Paul Casey, grocer, and Miu Bernice G. Shafer, both of Loveland. 8;ylvester C. Schlink, glase worker and Mias Lottie Marie Duncan, both of Franklin. REAL ESTATE 'FRANSFERS George F. Woller to Bomer A. and Anna F. Ramby, 10.37 acres in Wayne Tp., Citizens National lIank to Douglas Hollingsworth, about 101 acres in Turtlecreek Tp., $1. . Laura Stubbs to J. Milton Earn· hart, lot in Lebanon, $1. Samuel Combs and Kinie Combs to J. E. )(itch, 2 lots in Kings Mill,


Experillle nts I""'iug . hown lh nt white numernls on a dllrk brown background arc visible for II grent~r distance than alm ost any other com · bination, Secretary of Stille Thad II. Brown has selected th ese colol1' for the 1926 auto mobil e license tllgs,he Ilnnounced today . More than 800 tons o f mplnl i. used. in manufacturing th e tllg • . Approximately J.600,000 RCt.q will he used In 1926, according to Secreu1· ry Brown's estimnte, bus ed on statis tics of last year. Secretary Brown has alrendy de· posited about $7,000,000 in the s tate treasury for 1926 license!!' fund. Seeretary Brown estimated that au tomobile license revenue<! would up· proximate $13.000,000 for 1926 . This money is divided betw,* n the stllte, cities and taxing districts, one half of the amounts being re. t urned to the districts for mainte· nance of local streets· and highways.

Samuol Combs to John Roard, plat in Deerfield Tp., $1. Hayes and Josephine Leach to Ida Christopher, lot in Springboro, $1Lebanoa Leaf Tobacco Co to A. B. Kaufman, lots in Lebanon, $" Arch and Arkie Bishop to George G. King, 2 lots in Kings Mills, $1 .

! ~




II''''.''' II ....... 114.' •••• , ••, •••••••• ,.,.",..., •••, ••, •••" .".

T hirty Member. Initiated 1.1':13.\ :-;O:-': - On Th lll'Mlay night of I",,~ li t Mt:'lllo rilll h ull , a cia .s o f ,,\lOll thirt y Ill'\\' lIIe mb ers were init i:l\l'd in " til(' \' lIit of Ra lph P. Sno,," I',,, t ~,'. 18 1i. AllIrricnn I.e. ,,1<," :\uxilian.'. A ~ "ci n l h uur. with ~ rl'frc.,I"'Wllt~. f ... llv\\',' d th',. iili tilllion . Qua;\ Looked ACt e r BATA \'lA - The qllnil, n hi/.:hly Iwi l ,'tl bini hy t il<' rfl rm~r, WCl R Kin'" prompt. nth·nti oll I,,~ l wl'ek durill~ the hrnvy S IlOW. Fl'l'd WII S sCllttered br uadra. t by mnny whn ure th ought· ful in ~\1c h cnses. wh il ol her s found th l'ir fri end" th e q\lllil up nrollnd the harn s n.sociuting with the ~hlck ells lind r IIdy to be fed . Few rl'ports IlIlI'C been mad c a~ to dellth of hink '1'h e mhbils f" I"cd beltl' r aR tht,), were h o1t\~




aPl)C'nri l1 g for

It is o f the type calTi~ , 1 by boys and Mur~hnl 'l'Ilhnm is satl.tied thlll 10'

cn l tnl~nt is r,,~ ponsib l e. -___ "Wo manle .. W.,ddinll"

SP RINGBORO- Th e " Womunless . Wedd ing" g il'ell In th e K. o f P. hall ullder th e lIu spk e~ o f th e P. Ilnd T. a ~~" c illl i" n In, t week, lind under the ,lin','lion ()f Mi!ls FloAAie 'S"ker Ilnd ;\Irs. Ruth Buk(ll". of Somel'l'i11c-, 0., w"s n ",·cided. "ueee"s und fUI" beyond lh,' cxvcelllt ion"' of 'Jn~' ''' nc lhe bouse ,being pack ed bilth nights. 1' h18 wns tru ly th e mos t success fu l perform· 'wce ever g ive n in prin~b o r o by 10' cn l lulcnt. The caRt WII S co mpo ~e d of sixty mcn of pringboro and vi· cinity, most o f whom curried their pU I'ls vcry \\'1'11, making it difficult to choose IInri impossible to mention tho most pro Cllinent chllrllctCl'R . A nice s um Wa H l'eulizcII, which will go to· wll rd kt-cl' ing mu sic in th e ~~hoo ls .

tIl1jourtt ~ d.

City Ha. Smallpox X EN 1A -- AII outbreak o f small. pox in U l1Iild forlll res ulted in ~c\· · HCl I XUllia hOllle R beillg plnc ed ullci(' r ' lI ' arnntill e Friday lind Snturdny by Dr. R, I!. Grubo, coullty heal th COlli. miss ione r. Dr. Grube ill looking af. ter heCllth matters in the absence of Dr. A. D. Del! :l\'cn, health onice r of Xenin, wh" is i I Dnltimo re.

- -- -- --

The puzzle this week by Marths Wa g ncr is conventional in design but well woi-th the effort in workillg. It Be-"Dear--our home life will be might be culled the "Four X" puzzle. idea\. t will come home at evening Th eTe are onc or two stic klers bidden and we will sit by the fire-I'll read n the seemingly .easy three and four the paper and~an you darn s ocks?" Sweet Thing-"Oh, s ure, that's one of the first things I am going to teach you."

letter words , but by the well.known system .of fillillg in from all angles they mosl likel y l\i11 work themselves out. Why don't you timo yourself on this puzzle? Speed in accurate ~'thinking" is a valuable asset.

. . ,..

JUST LIKE DAD Friend-"Does the baby tllke af· ter his father?" Proud Mother- "Oh, yes, ind eed,why he is -he is simply crazy nbout his bottle."

----.. - ...- - LEAD ON, McBETH

Tourist-"Say, conductor, will I have time to run over there lind get a drink before the train leaves?" Condudor- "Yep--go ahead." Tourist-"You are sure 1'\1 have time?" Conductor-"Crying catfish, ycarm going with you."

67 69 60

ACROSS An effeminate b ~y. The Rocntgenays. Light blow. Old age (poctic ) . Tool (Hewing). To fasten. Splash gently. Preposition . Central state (nbbr. ) . Preposition. Editor (abbr.). ] love (Latin) Willingly. Behold. Stuff. Narrow Woven band. To remove entirely. To cultivate land. Sand . . Send out. Fruit bearing part of cereal. Prong. Plump. Note of the musielll scale. To be. Negative (Latin'. Nine (Roman). Covering for bead. Tool for boring. Southern State (abbr.) . Deface. Shelter. River in Va. Animal in South America.

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 13

DOWN Pronoun. Weaken. To eject from the mouth. Peruse. Chain of Mts. in Europe. A unit of measure (abbr.). Wading birds. Chemical particles.




13 15 17 18 19 21

"I ha •• no authority for my thoulht but I will bet my wllekly chocolate. that a Scotchman wa. the de.i,,,er of the Sprinl .Iyle. iD .IEirla, if 7DU ,et what I meaD."


22 23 24 26


:37 41

43 Having comelied with the require· menU! of the Utility Commis~ ion, I am goi ng into the Truck Business agaill, lind will be able to do ail kinds of hauling at reasonable rates.



47 48 60 61 62





properly fitted Il!t".e •.

Genlline I( ryptox invisible bifocals, Torie Lenses . .. . . ..... . . . $10.00 . She Jltex Frames, Gold Filled bridge and cable! tempie$ ... ...... $2.50

THE TIFF ANY JEWELRY STORE Jewelers and Optometrists,


'--------------------------------------------' r------------------------------------~~

-HOTELtil......,ST. JAMES· nw rau Mad! Fuond hi W... TraYliinc witl.oat . Lcort at ltf-IU Wilt ... Strt.t.


In a


...... Public Sales


When he is told he can keep the Sal. Dat.,. of F. T . Martin tramp dog which has follow ed him home. When the do~tor SO YR he has meas. Fllbruury 16- 3 mi1e~ . W. of Way. nesvill Rny Mille r, les and must s,ta y home from sohool, Wh en he ellms his first 10 oents. Fcbrutlry 17- 4 mile" E. of FTl\nkl\ n - Arthur Pllrl 8. Wh en his first little girl friend ebruary 18-2 mil es S.E. nf Lytle, sends him a note with a lock of HER - W. Brackney. hair in it. February l!i ~1 miles S.E. of Cen. Whon he hears tho d entlst is ill. tl.'l'vill Ed Humil to n. When hel gets his first bicycle. Februn.·y 20-2 miles S. of Bell· 1D Hia Father'. Life brook- Suylor'M Big Farm Sale. When he Is "allowed" to keep lost F. T. MARTIN, Auctionee,. ' yellr's old felt hat, Phon" No. 2 Centerville, Ohio Wh en the doctor prescribes "com· plete relnx" from bu siness and"plon. ty of golf." Deciding to discontinue farming, When he cllrn s hi s fir st ~100 a ] will sell hy way of public auction, week. my stock, feed and fUl'mlng ImpleWh cn the blonde widow secml~~~ ments, located :J miles so uthwest of Iy doe sn't notice the gray hairs and Wllynesville on lhe Township give him a "googley eye." and 6 miles north of Lebnnon, on the When he keeps lin IIPpointment at Cal'oline Rogers farlll on the dentist's-and finds -that he is ill MONDAY, FEBRU~RY 16, 1925, thnt week. When he gets his first automobli~: Beginning at 10 o'clook, the fol. lowing: 3 horses, 3 cattle, 8 \tefld of shoats, faTming implements and har· Reduce Baby De"U. Rat .. Springfiel d nod Cumllh('11 lownltil~ ness. See large bills for informa. ,r Groen county. Mlssonrl, reduced tion. RA Y MILLER. ' lielr baby <fcath rute 42 per cellI F. T. Martin, Auct. \'111110 the aboM ~ .. nce of ront ;year&.

.-.,- - -

5 10

---.. ...----


Mail Carr 'er E.a,,·. XENI A ,'. n c:.':"lm-'-In-a"!'t"io-I-'-I-o-r" ·, , purpose of fillin g the posi tion of MI. ml mllil carri er out of the Spring V"lIey pO"tamce will be held Ilt SpTingtleld, I~ebruary 28. by the United States Civil Service commis· s ion.




I (j 17 18 20 23 26 28

30 32 33 34

35 30. 37 38.

30 40

42 45 47 49

52 54

66 58

Forty·one (Roman). Sense of smell. A n evil glance. American Medical Assoc iation. to prmit. Craft; cunning. Note of musical scale. Company (abbr.). Equality as to vall1e. Instru"1El11t for propelling bOllt. Be worthy of. Adapt for 80me purposc. . PrepOSition. Assemble. Seize. Pronoun. Soft white metal. Long sellot. Boy's name. Number (Latin abbr.). Unusual. U. S. u n it of money. Socono 80n of Noah. Beverage. A parent. Printer'a measure.

An.wer to Laal W.ek'. flaa.l_

Greene County Baroe Jersey Breeders' Assn.




Monday, february 16, 1925 SALE HELD IN H. E. SELLAR S' SALE BARN,SOUTH COLlER STREET, XENIA, 9HIO, AT 12: 30 p. m. This is the Third Annual Bred Sow Sale. We think we are oll'ering a useful lot of 80W8 and ' can hardly see any reason why they will not make money for the buyer.


LEWIS E. FRyE .. .. ... ......... "",, · """" "" "" .:, ..... " "" "" "" S~i,~'TLIST OF CONSIGN'Ott'S

~;~.?' .







Huvlng Bo ld the property, will sell at public sale, at the store In Wellman. Ohio, on

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1&, 1925, Beginning at 1 o'clock. a lot of groceries, water tank. tile, glQ88 ean., lumps, otc. See big bills tor detllils . TODD f:, LOWRY, John >\. Lowry, Agent. W. N. Seara, Au~t1on~l!er.

--- _.---




CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY LOANED dONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, chat tela, also lecond mo~e.. Noles bough~ John Harbin., AileD Building, Xenia, Oblo.

Farmers, Attention! Farmers of Warren ~nd 8(ijolnln. counties rna)' obtain mone), on lon, time loans, at 5'A1 per Cent Inte....~ Cost of securinK the-sam, is very ...._ sonable ,tbrough The Federal Land Bank. For further Intormatlon Gall on or addre81 M. C. DRAKE, Tr.... urer, phone 3la·X, Lebanon, Ob,lo.




., (


t , ,,i.

FOR RENT FOR RENT-Bouie of fin room., water and electric ~hta. Inquire of MI'I. W Illiaml, at corner of T;yler upd Fourth IItreets. oS. LOST LOST-Between Oregorlla and Ferry, a tire and rim for a Ford car. PleaSe return to this office or to lin. Jennie Mullin, Ferry,- Ohio. f26 LOST--Cap from gasoline tank OD Dodge ear. 'Finder pleue leave at this office. . fll





Whether I\t borne or in bUlin" •• , poor eyeai«ht i • • detrin1~ht to efficioncy and au ceCi l. NervoulncII, bendac.hcI and man)' oth ur

ailO1"nta are eliminated

Club Mem"b"," Mee t LE RAJ';Ol'.'-- Al hHlt fifty IllCmbl'r" of th" FlI l'lI1 el'" ",,,It tII et nt tl1l' hom e of Mr. lint! Mr~ . J, ~li lt o n Elll'nhnrt 11I~ 1 w(I(· k, cOllling with well· filled bu s· k e ~ to cll joy II s umptu ous spreud. This WIlS II called m c~t ing und an ill, ltl re prog-ru m w n~ r e nd ered. Ira Bigon), gave n Iclngt h)' di~cus s ion 011 .. hil d Labor.", A mu,icol program follo wed. lifter whkh the comlllitt e!l


Are You Giving Your Eyes Proper Attention?

Firat On the Li.t SPRl N<.iF I~L Springfi e ld po~t. omcc, wh os e pos tnl rce"ipts PCI' yenr nrc hnl f tI million rlolln rs m or" th ll ll th o,o:> "f 1lay lllll, has uet'll pltlced fir"l on th e list fot' II new I'llstotrlce buil.l· jng.

This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle


: ---

Gold Di.coverc~ VF.LA TJ- It is reported 'thut gold in co mn1l'rcilll qUlllltitic8 hilS t;"cn fo und III thl) vicinity of Nine Mile, Clermont co u'nt y. Dr .•' "hl1 Blltt.e nlld A. 1'. Hillock, of N ·w Rich 111011.1 , nrt ' Pl'ulllo ti n/.: II mining ,·cn· tllrc, LCI\~ c~ (, o \'t~l'it1g ulh) tlt 400 lines of land hlll'~ "1'1' 11 sij!'lIlJcl.




.- ..


COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES Dr. H. E. Dilatush, coroner, inQuest Nellie S. Allen, $6.46, inquest J8II. V. Hankinson, $6.85; W. H. Stanage .Co., supplies for auditor, ,16; L. C. Smith Bros., Typewriteer Co., 8upplies for clerk, $9; Dayton Stancil Works, handcuffs for IIherift', $20; E. B. Simpson, aame, $11.86; L E. Kratzer, picture of prisoner, 11; Valley Phone Co., phone rent, $47.26; tolis, ,Ui.66i Columbus Blank Book lIfg. CJo., lIupplies for coroner,


I ••••'".. I •••• 1..~... ,"•• ·,'###I····f"'·, .".,•• , •• "'.',.........

'0 I111·th ill/.: t o' eClt wou 1(1 rC"Cl rt to bark I.n youn!! tree". The cold "pel! WII S or "hor t duruli on and IlO ti llmnging roport" r ece ived frol11 loss of bird ('01. MBU One thousand Ohio hnJ'(lware d en ier s will come to ColulIIlife. bllt thiN wee k for the thirty· first lin. H'cum . Brother Tib? nunl cunv I'nli on of the Ohio Hard. FRA NKLIN- At the omc e of the wnre nssocintion ill session four days Frallk lin Chronicle lost wee k, bur. l'~ lIi n g T uesday IIlld continuing ~Inr~ e ntered by cutting the throul!'h Friday. Bus iness meetings scrt'c n ill th e rest r oom and forcing will be at tho De~ hl e r and a mam· th e window. T ools were take n from moth hurdwnre ex hibit will be show n th pres-~ rool11 and the door of the in Mem orial hllili. Pret enti ous plnn s --!la fe in lhe bus iness office WIlS open· hnve. been made for this y or's I'd by us ing a henvy s ledge. A small exhibiti on of th., InteRt hardware f ellSOME LATE SONeS HITS "mount of small chnnge and a pack. tUTl" in Me mo ria l hull. wilh displllYs age of unprinted pos tal cards were valued nt man ", thou sands of dollars "Her Birthday Cake was H eavy, t.Ilken. The only clue is II Illrge knife. IIlready promised by lending exhibit· which was found on the window sill ors o f the country. ..but the Candles Made it Light." "My Horse' Never Misses th e Sun. shine, Because He's Used to Reins." "Bring the Potato Masher, There's I,1l Fly on Baby's Bead." "We Feed the Youngster Onions, so We Can Find Him in t he Dnrk."




'I1Ie Miami c..eft•

SALESMAN WANTED. f~r lubrieatinK .oila, gre.... and paints• .Exc.e L .. lent oppoa:tonlty, Salary or comm\a:o yO., 3701 Blirw"ll, Ave., mev.eland. . , ~fll .'. Ohio.

Man ·Wanted ' .

To ........... "- F.ll. . .~... Ce. I. W.p_wl~", ~"••r'i ... Morrow 'aa. yiaIaIti; lie........~ oi 20 a ••

sa. '

A .......

:r.... "U4" 'to

J .. D: PARK, ......f ~ 'Cali..t .. ,




- l

FOR S~ :_-





t. j

.... T,HE MIAM I






ST .MARY'S CHURCH Mr. George Scott spent Saturday in Dayton, Sexagesimn Sunday, February 15; Mrs. Cora , Clark· has been quite D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publi,".r, Wa,n.lYme, OIllo, Church school at 9 :30 a. m. Morn. The enactment of the gas 'lox bill sick for several days. ing I'rayer and sermon a t 11 :00 a. now be Core the Ohio Legislature wili Sullscription Price, ,1.60 per year. Mr. J erry Himos, of Centerville, m. Everyone welcome. probullly stop the paving of roads was in Lytle on business, Friday. REV. J, J. SCHAEFFER, Rector. t,I' ' I' .\ ciy" , · u l ,, ~ H' · I'\j t "C'It tt. l h,' ~ ill OhiO, says Congressman Charles Remember the Aid Bazaar at Lytle r l l!" ','I:n 1l AS p n F'.SS ,\ S~O IA t 10 ... 8rllnd. The meas ure provides for hall, Saturday eve nin g. the 14th. -- . -->-:::.- = - - =:-=~==========- maintenance of th e state system by METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Emma Lacy and Mrs. J. Burthe SUIte, but leaves construction half son were Dayton shoppers , Thursday. WE()N~~~ \)AY, FEijRUARY 11. 1924 Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., prellch· to the state and hal,f to the counThe Ladies Aid met at the home ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednesdayeven. ties. of Mrs. Jacob Heeder Wednesday af- ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth With the roads maintained with ternoon. WHY NOT A LINCOLN CHART1 good 'roads enable the wife of the League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching lit 7 :00 farmer to shop in the nearest big gravel t1nd stone by the state, it is Mrs. Martha Graham lind Mrs. Jes- p. m. Ev('rybody is cordially invited Not even the r ecent eclipse with city. It should be remembered how. hardly likely the county commission_ sie Longacre s pen,t Monday in the to these services. , 811 its thrills lind wonderH tires im- ('vw-, that the road that takes people ers in ' any county will bond that Gem City. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. Mrs. Cora J ohns spent last week aginution in the Amuricall 1I0y as out of th" villugea al80 brings them county, lov)' upon the townships in Centerville at the bedside of Mrs. doc ~ the mllgic namo of Lincoln. The in to the villages. Whlle undoubtedly and Ilsse~8 the property h olders for O U R NEW MAIN OFFICE BUILDIN G CHRISTIAN CHURCH JIlYRtcries of nllture mllY appal UM, some traders have Buffered from the o paved roud, but wiJI hold the atate Catharine Johns. Third and Broadway Day t O il, O .uiu Mis8 Helen Olivia, of Cincinnati, but it is the hum ll n tuuch that .tim· competitive appeal of the city plus rosponsiblo. Sunday School at the Christian We have had a long su ccessful spent Sunday with her grandmother. jJlateB to acliun ull Intent qualities the good rond, the answer of courae ASSETS OVER Church every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. ' of the soul. To the A merican lad is ollvious- beller merchandising and fight in Ohio to get the Highway de- 'Mrs. Emma Foulks. Everybody cordially invited. Mrs. Charles, Clark is much imLincoln embodies the greutest com- belter and more IIdvertlsing. Trade partment to build all kinds of roads bination of churacteris tics ever found need not leave the smllll town; as a in Ohi!), including grave l and slone proved at thitl time and able to be FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST "yithin th., breust of single mun. He fa ct the small town with its lower roads, where traffic is light. Sh_nll out calling on her neighbors. Mr. Jacob Reeder and fllmily emJlhasi zcs the s)lirit of tolerance laLor CURt and lower o~rhead can we go to the other extreme now, and This is on undenominational congreand human l<mderncss, of undaunted give the city merchants quite a run adoI,t a plan which will limit th e moved Tuesday to the farm of Mr. gation. All arc welcome to worship rest 'of the system to gravel lind stone Frank Zell, north of Waynesville. for their money. If the merchants ~ournge, . of flrmn es" and rigidity of here. Bible study 9 :30, followed. by Mr. Joe Smith received painful in- communion and sermon. Evenmg, illlrl'OSe lind pcrhup". "bove u ll. the adjust themselves to the changed maintenance? The ga8 tux bill should be amendconditions they can draw all much juries, Monday, when a scafl'old fell s pirit of tolernncc and human und" rAS SAFE AS A GOVERNMENT BOND song service and sermon , at 7 :00. s tanding. Little if unything may be trnde ftom the cities a8 the cities take ed 80 that the state takes over the where he was working in Dayton. PAYS b% COMPOUNDED SEMI.ANNUALLY state system for ~oth maintenance Mrs. Ellen Copsey left Tuesday Kaid of Lincoln thnt has not cum- uway from them, it not more. and construction. Securing half the The world's advance cannot be for an extended visit with Mr. and mllnded th e expre8.~ ion of the world's "Where Saving.. are Safe" gl'cat minds. All humllnity poys trib stemmed, but the world's, tradesmen funds in the counties for road cen- Mrs. Arch COP!ley, of Spring Valley. struction hBll proven most unfuir, can at lellst keep step. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kenty ' and ule at hi. shrine. and the rural people have for ycars sons visited Sunday with Mr. and It Is recorded that when he was walking to the nutional capitol one FARMERS AS MANUFACTURERS on that account lIeen fighting road Mrs. James Miller, near Miamisburg. Dr. Randall i. ill. building. The rural people have Mr. and Mnl. Edd Longacre lind llay he said the great regrut of hi. Isaac Ha nks has been 'suffering been lead to believe that. the gas tall family were SundllY dinn er guests life was that he had been deni ed the with the flu, Henry Ford, who makes ten inESTABLISHED 1887 DAYTON. OHIO udvantage of a college education . dtclld of two blades of graB8 grow is intended to spreud construction oC Mr. lind MI·s. Peter Banta lind IItrs. J . E. Shumuker hilS been III MAIN OFFICE-THIRD AND BROADWAY What an inspiration in those words \I here one grew betore and Bome- costs equilably over those who use sons. the past two weeks. Mr: and Mnl. H. M. Clark Chas. for the youth of to· day showered a9 times where none grew before has the rOllda; bu t the gll8 tax bill is not Mi s" Mullcl E. Starr, of Xenia, Brandle" 510 E. 5th St., 25 N. Maln &. (3rd Floor) he il with educatiullul opportunities. ~ lIid that farming should be done In ~o written. The &arne old olljection. Clark and Mrs. Mary Carmony lind the week-end at home. able laws remain and the rural pea· Mrs. Clafll Thompso n moto red to We wonder it the boys and girl8 in lwunty duys; and this coupled with Mrs. R. H. Jeffries lind son , Kirk, this town have learned a lesso n from Edison's vision of twenty yeara ago, pie will pay all the old 88l1essments Dayton, l~riday. were Wilmington visitors, Saturday. RUe Wilson fell while playing lit the life or from this thought o( Lin- which disclosed a manufacturing ru- and levies tor construction lind the Wilbur Hawke has been ill, threat. school one day last week, fracturing ened with appendicitis, but is better. coln, or do they think of him on ly in rul c,ommunity, plua the present con- gas tall in addition. A computation of the counties' a bone in his riight limb in two places the terms of his immortal Gettysburg dition of the farmer, brings sharply Cold ... Placa In Warfel. Mrs. Ellu Brooks is entertaining Hall'. Catarrh Medicine 'lbe ~ldll6t plnce In the worlft, acaddretl!l. What a wonderful thing if to' the front a situation of signifi- share 01 the coat of a thirty thousand He is getting a,long nicely under the her neice, Miss Ella Eno, from IndiTho." who are In a Urun-40wntf cont1ldollar a mile road built under prl!ll. care of Dr. Brock. COrding to weather bureau etaUstlcB. tlon ..III notie. that catarrh bOthe ... them We used the legacy he hBll left us, if ana. cance. more than .. hen the~ are In «ood ent la..,8, from Cincinnati to ColumII Verkhoynnsk, !II oortllelUltero S!- much Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick visit. each of UI took mell8ure of the man, health. TIll. fact prove. that wbllo R . Foley lind family will move to Every day the farmer is being I. a local cJl_.... It la rr",t1y \!onaillercd the churucteristic8 that chased out of the fields by his own bus, shows that each person in Ham- ed, on Sunday, the former's brother, the Tom McGlade farm, about March berta, whl'!'1! there Is a reeonlcd tem - Catarrh perature ot -DO. Yakutat, Sibert a, Intlu ene04 , by eonetltutlonal oon41t1ons. ilton county paYB thirty cents to such Mr. Charles KE,nrick, who is very ill RALVII OATA._B MEDICI" Ie a made him great and then by close machinery. Due to improved meththe 1st. ~me. om with -84. December 28, Combined Treatment, both local an4 In8~ lf-il1lIlminlltioD found out in whtlt ods of . operation he can raise more a road and each motor car, $ 1.60; in at ~he home of his daughter, Mrs. EIMr. and Mrs. Robert Stump were 1923, the thermometer l'eliatlln!cl -ea ternal, aDd ha. been eueee.. rul In the treatment of catarrh for 0".... forty ,.ears. proportjon those ,ciulructerllltica rest- food the world can, eat. The Wa~en County each person pays $16 mer Montgomery, in Dayton. Sunday gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Karl at EnJle, Alalllla. Bold by_an. llrulfgl8ta. Mrs. Mary Carmony entertained Shidaker. ,-ed in Ilurselves. Perhaps we niight reau-It is he 18 always selling on a lind each machine, $76; in Clark F. 3. Chon.,. '" Co .. Toled o. Ohio. each person pa)'ll $3.76 and to Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mn. E. "ense love oC hunlanity 88 the dom- gluttcd market. Finally- ·!ul rushes Miss Nellie Murphy, of Lebanon, inl\n~ notp, unl\ then strive to meas- into the city and the city man would each machine, $18.76; in Madi~on J. Carmony and children, of Spring- is visiting her grandmother, M1'II. ure !IIlmewha~ to the standard. We rush away from it it he knew where county each perlon pays $9 and field, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Younce, of Florence Carr. each machine $45; in Franklin coun- Waynesville, Everett Clllrk, Mr. and lIIigM ml!ke ~ liula chart and eaam- .0 go or what to do. Wayne Shidaker, of Cedarville, • • . ty each person pays 50 cents and Mrs. Wilbur Clark, Misses Kathryn spellt the mid-year vacation with his .jnl! I~ frpm month to man th to lice Thoughtful review of the farmand Mildred Cl:ark. ' ~pw our pcrcentages are getting er's situation leads one to the be- each machine $2.60 • here. Yet a computation of the traffic on Mrs. Emmll Lacy entertained seve grandparents nlong, giving IPO to Lincoln 88 the lief that hi_ main relief will come Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shidllker were Pennaylvania roads shows that rural eral friends Friday afternoon In Nl!\njlard gf It reul American. It tlot in palliative legislation but in recent guests of Mr. lind Mrs. Chas. machines are only 6 per cent of the honor of their Sunday-School teacher Moore, at Clarksville. migh~ prove more interesting than .he adjustment of hia hUll ness Robert and Alice Gray visited their Da'. ,oar ..... IM'. , - ' " ' even itJe cross-word puzzle and really '.0 ' the electrical age which la DOW total and 94 per cellt are city ma· Mrs. William Creighton. A twoWE GET THEM QUICKLY 4HD The grandmother, Mrs. Amanda Starr, A'lve I!o meaning to hWldred per cent 'Jeginnlng to take Ita place In 'o ur chines. A census of Ohio roads i8 course luncheon was ser\l'ed. FREE OF CHARGE now being taken. hostess was assisted by M1'II. Lulu and Miss Mabel, Sun dill" Americanism. ,!conomlc lite. There II only one an· CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR -r • ...,. .... _ ••- - The way to overcome this absolute Burson. Those who enjoyed the oc. Mrs. Florence Cllrr has returned dwer to the poor condition of the CENTERVILLE, OHIO EXPENSB unfairness is for the gas lax bill to clISion were: Mesdames William home, after spending a fw weeks rarmer plus the high coat ef living NOT FOR ONE·WAY TRAFFIC turn over the state system for con- Creighton, Floyd Savage and chilo with her daughter, near Lebllnon. ;or the urban population, namely the struction and maintenance Including dren, Clsude Lewis, Clyde Fox, Wil. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin Freeland and Having in mind a continuation of Jlimination of the idle hour. The yes, including 18 feet of the city Iiam Brown, Allen Emrick, Robert HARVEYSBURG, O. Phone 8 family will move into the house rethe Federal Aid road policy, there is .ime>l of , Jllantlng, cuttivating and streets which are extensions of the Hunt, Harry Graham, Berne Jones, cently vllcated by Mrs. Mllry Bennet, now bllfore Congress the Dowell bill, harv·esting. For the rest, his time, state system through the cities, which Peter Banta, J'lIcob Reeder and chilo passl!d by the House and recommend- lind investment are waste that must will tllke care of the No Man's Land dren, Johnson Burson and Lawrence this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stratton eq by ~he Senate committee, which be spread over the volume of his between the end of the state roads Sims. lind baby, eC Wilmington, spent Sun. ~OTARY PUBUC wou ld authorize the appropriation IIf product. If our farms were equipped and the beginning of the city streets, It. H.R:lTATHA WAY dill' with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. with small manutacturing planta that $76,000,000 for each of the two Will. Drawn E8t~te8 Settled and also provide financial relief for Stratton. Lee years of 1926-1927, the money to be could be kept busy producing aland. city streets. To meet this expense DBNTIST Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davis and Bon, :a Wayne.vllle, Ohio sPent ill . conjunction with the seve urdized neceBllitiell, such for exainple use all the gas tax and all the tag 'spent last MondllY and Tuesday in as screws, nails, balta, shoe laces, crill atates for the prod uction of bet_ And X-O-ORAPHIST lice nile feell for this purpose. Thus National Bank Dayton, the guests of Mr. lind Mrs. ter highways. During 1924, 9,900 knife handles and a thousand and and thus only can Ohio build a sensi[ra Hartsock. miles of Federal aid roads were com- one other producta, then the rainy Ille road system without friction and Ohio. Waynesville, Mr. Chris Weichers spent Monday Mrs. Mllry Mooney, of Lebanon, ~ pleted at a cost of $171,544,600. day would be one of activity and unfairness. in Cincinnati. Telephone IU, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mooney, of 'fhe roads under construction will profit instead of one of loafing at a ... Mr. and Mr-s. Emerson Dill spent Waynesville, called on Mr. and Mrs. I cos~ approximately $396,000,000, of loss. One of the'Be daYII, Mr. Ford OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, Sunday afternoon in Xenia. J. c. Gray, Sunday. will work out the problem and the wllich tile Federql government will Dentist ON MAIN STRE:IDr Miss Lulu and Hllrold Kellis spent Mr. lind Mrs. W. M. Mathias and idle hour will be abollsheq, PAY $176,600,000. Sunday at their home, ,h ere. Miss Margaret Starr, of Dayton, and Waynesville National Bank Bldg Fp1", in til!' small communities Mrs. KelliS, mother of Frank Kel- Miss Mabel Starr, of Xenia, spent !!\Icll -liS ours fall often to grasp the REASONABLE lill, is bedfast at her home, here. lust Sunday with their mother. Mrs. 8ignificance of acts like these; yet Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sowards and Amanda Staarr. Wnfe (glancing over theater adll *her h~v~ a real bearing on comson spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Allie Dakin hilS returned home ,"unity development lind prosperity. in newsp8per)-"What do you think Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer. after a ten-weeks' stay in Lebanc}O. 'fher\! are two ail\es to the raod ques- 'Abie's Irish Rose' is still running." The severest strain on the farm Mrs. Israel Scott is able to be up Mrs. A. L. Ke nnedy has been very FUNe~AL DIRECTOR Hubby-"WHATT" Uon. In smllll tpwns while good treasury comes during September and around at her work again, after ill, but is impl·oving. Wife-"J say 'Abie's Jrillh Rose' Is when mothe1'll arc buying books and a few days' illness. rOllda l1"v~ boen we!oomQq by the While in Cincinnati to attend the The Eye Sight SpeCIQIiSt--t.".--+tt_~ Wayne8Yllle. Ohio average man, In- lome places local .till running." winter clotbing for the children, and . Mr. Frllnk Cornell, of Dayton, for. funeral of her brothel', Harry Smart, Hubby-"Hell-I thought you ad in April when lIummer clothes are merly of this place, spent Monday ,"lIrqhants have l ufrered from their Mrs. W. A. Haines was taken ill and '''lIIltruction. Tile complaint is that NOSE." afternoon and night, visiting old was unable to return home until Satbought and paid for. Lebanon, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Geneva M. Bane, extension lI,pecial- friends. urday. . ? Service. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stephens had 1st who la in charge of the household Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Welch enter· Large Display Room account lI)'lItem in the state, says that tor their week-end guests their tained to a 6-o'clock dinner FridllY, 8:00 a. m. to , p. m. In farm homel where some sort of a daughter-in-law and husband, Mr. Dr. lind Mrs: H. E. Hatton, Mr. and nAY OR NIGHT TELEPHONE 7 budget is not put into effect and a IIlld Mrs. Earl Marlatt. lIfrs. E. B. Dakin and Mr. lind Mrs. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED certain amount of money laid aaide Mr. Henry Weichers and fllmily A. S. Collett lind son. for books and clothing, these oft'- are planning on moving to the old "eason expenses caulle considerable Talbot farm near Bellbrook, which Ihardship. they have rented for the coming year "Any extra expense is a dead Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michllel reEYES EXAMINED weight," 8IIys Mrs. Bane, "even when turned to their home Friday, after GLASSES FITrED one is prepared to meet the obllga, spending a w.e ek In Indiana at the tion and when there is no forethought home of Mr. olnd Mrs. Will Curl. PROMPT REPAIR SUVICE the experience is doubly hard. Mr. James Sowards, of the Green Mrs. Mary Spitler is Buffering with "The household account B)'lItem County Children's home, spimt a few quinsy. DL which ie now in operation in 12 coun. minutes, Sundlly, lit the home of his Little Emily Barnard is III with ties of the state. haa already proved daughter, Mnl. Mattie Zimmer and pneumonia . ita worth. Deftnite flgurel are not family. Mrs. Anna Ande1'll0n la lutrerlng yet available, hut from the reports . Mr. John Rye of thie place, was with some ailment in her footl W A.YNESVILLE, OHIO which we are receiving from time found Monday morning after a day Mr. Clinton Luce '11188 calling on ... to time we are, already able to tell and two nightl! search. He '111811 found friends here orie dllY last week. WILL F. YOUNG the time of the greatest IItrain ou at the home of his Bon-in-Iaw, Mr. Mrs. 'Nettie Wilson, of Troy, vie· 'Maio Office. 924W, SoUth B~WD St....t, Darton, Obio. tbe farm home treaaury. Elton Evans" in his bam. It Is sup- ited with Mrs. Anna Jensen, Sunday. . " The greatest expenee comell dur- posed that Mr. Rye had attempted .. , . ~'~' , .. __ ,''Ow .' er ~ . . Mr. and Mrs. Ed E,er were guests Ing September when ·mothel'll are buy , committlng suicide, and later wan· Sunday ,of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Moore ing boob and winter clothing for the dered away. Quarterly meeting will be held at children~ But durin. the f.n HalOD ----.. ~ • Frienda church the 18IIt of this when · tile crope are being IOld thM'e SEB week. ED PURDY'S PHILOS II Ulual!,. enough elltra cuh to take Xr.H, Brown 'and family are mov<;are of the ellpense. It. la, therefore, ing to the Hiatt farm near New Bur. ". alway. _ar a ....... "rl••• lington. ' dilrinc April that the ' greatellt dlf· wll.. I oat a .... ftcultlel arlee. MOlt of the crope' are Mrs, Charles Scar1f; of Xenia, apent wit.. a.y of ~J' It .... IOld and thE!' children mUllt have Bum. Beversl da)'ll last wee~ with Mrs. An.' lacta tla. .a... ... . ' . . mer cloth... If a certain amount of na Anderson. Wayneavllle, Ohio , ... wla .... i.I.. :" mane, la not put u1de for thill emer· M8IIter Robert Crites has been But· fering with lagrlppe, Which has gency lome one usually .ull'ers.'~ -" , " . cauled lome trouble' to' ,develop . In Orill" of, . .Iii.,. 11. . .' hla' lilce again. . . " t~P~lENCE "S-~- IIpQIa Bille bldocl Ie a tiUIIatlOll of ... The "law ~ven by the Comm~nit,. ~ ' ali1ll;" attrtbat.. tit ~ ., & ,' , , , ' old.. UId prouclelt filii. club lut Tbunda., night, WIUI a de· You'" -:-'·E1i4J..h.h:' ~p's ',ou ___ of bow' that I am 10011 to be married, DI.. et cUtue, .110 dabMd ~ ' .. clded wec_ from aU .-.,apoillti. J'roaa JOlar u,.rience haft )YOu iii.. WeD taatamta ,te4 bl lloorSIa, ' "'" . - , ~~ l~ .... to pat JOUr 1rit. 011 ~ ln111a or 0lil. fvn!Ip .~ GaTTIIIC,IT ITRAICHT 'l'II. aplWlloa ,roIIalll7 0I111UW4 .. till ,1IhIeD_ 01 at ..... of: people If ~ , 014 1III'd-''I teD JOU, ~ ea~ . . .pI. . . . . . . ~ wD JOIl the machlnilt In IRe 10* tiae . . troub- fair ~., .... *IIa. . . eue." ~ lab)" ' ... ~ ..EntOlred Ilt the Postoffice at Waynesv ilIe, 0., al Se(,nnd ClaA! Mall Matter


---_.- ..- - HARVEYSBURG


The West Side Building and Loan Association

F T Martin





Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.




-----..- ---

- - -


Dr. ,Jon h W • MOiler



Walter McClure

At Cary's Jewelry S Op

Every Tuesday

Will F. Young






., I

Every.W~esdaJ 9:09 a.:ia. to 5:00·p. lest 100II in &age Buildiq s·

For Lumber


... .ut

..,.---... .........--"--',.'-:AR:?I .






'----.. - 4._____ die


M,'.,....athI ....~·IIIIP put,o"


. Wl--.-''Nt!l


*, ... Mae-


Mad__~n &


Mr. Konneth E lzey is convalescing hue. M. Brown was a Dayton visMr. and Mrs. Jacob Seibold, of Miumisburg. were among those who from a .sovere atwck of tonsilitis. itor Ills t 10k. uttended the burial of Mrs. Ray J Mr. unu Mra. P. D. H l\nd c r ~o n and Mrs. W, k Allen was a Dnyton Smith, In Miami cemetery. today. daughters we r\! in Dayton \ Thursday vJlSitol'. Tuesday. The Wuyn /isvill IIIit>nn l bllnk afternoon. will be cl o~e d Thur. rln ~· . Fo:-hruary Mr. und Mrs. J. O. Cartwright were 12th nnn l\1ond~y I' cbl llt I'Y 2;)('(\. ~I 1'_. Aldn Earnhart hus the grip. in Dllylon, MOllday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamby, of DnyL. M . HENDERf; O,\, (' n. hio' t'. to n, SPe nl ' uttd!ly with Mr. und Mrs . Mr. Rulu s Watkins, of Routo 5, ~1 t·. :l nd Mr3. Wal ter McClure were WIIS in Lebnnoll, F ridny. in Il1I yl.Il1 , T\lesday . DEATHS Hyne, of Be llbrook,

HELP WANTED Man Wonted for driving

truck,' and wo rk in mill.


WaynesvilleMill Coal &Ice CO.

This Week

.. - .. - - -

III r. Ke nnet h Kilbon left today Lo (; rue(' L . - mith was in illMrs. MIll'Y herwoI}(1. wi do", M clll ttut i, I"st week. join hi. father and family in J ackthe lu te Frunk herwotHl. of Orc!!'o~ oll\· i1 l e. FIn. nia, fl ied Thursdny. F,'hnlllry 5 . . MI'. and ~ It'" . F. R. Moomllw were The funcnt l \VIIS Iwle! nt Ill' r lato:- in GI· c.'~n fi('IJ , ~n tunlay. ~[r8 . Viola Harlan ann Mrs. K. ho mo MondllY lit J 0 :30. with TI e" . N. Houg h spent Saturda y With 1\Irs. Cro"s ofl\ciuting. In lerll1l'llt in Mi . 111 t·~ . ~ Ia ry .J. Wildt'. of Dnylon, 11. B. Eeurnhurt. ami cemetery. i< tIl<' ~ u,," t or Mrs. M,,!!,~il' Burnet. IIlr. lind Mrs. Robert Tnft, oJ DayMrs. Chester!' .. ! ,li ed nt Hll l'n - TIl ~1I' . nnd ~ l t·9 . Hichnrd lon, spenl Sunduy wilh Mr. J. Will Espy hospital, Xe nia . Sunday. after Cumpbe ll, Monduy. Februury 0, 1!125 Whi te nnd family. a f ew days' illness from heart trouble a son. Miss May Wright was the weekFuneral sen-ices were 11I' hl thi", Mi" Clurn Lile visited he r uunt, end g u"st at the home of Mrs. Ella Wednesduy. aftern oo n aL Trinity I. Mrs. Ella !:luLb, in Sll t'in!!' Vnlley . lichener und fnmily. C. church. Xeniu. Burial wa s in 1IIi· ami cemetery. Mrs. Brad sLre('t was ~lI t\l!'(l uy. Mr . 1I 1' nry Weichcrs and fam il y, a ncice of Mrs. Hannah Antl·om. 1II1'. fi nd i\Iycr lI ymnn lind of Rout .. I. nrc moving this week to MI' . L . A . Zi 1ll111CrnU1t1 were in Cin- 11 fnrm ncar Bellbrook. Mrs. Ray Smith, nee Stelln Mis· eltlnnti. 'l'hur .. d uy. si ldine, died Mon day m o r ll i n~. February 9, aller n long iIIn e"s. The funeral was held this. Wednesday morning at 10 O'c lock , at the late home. 544 Brightwood Ave., Daylo n. Burial in Miami cemetery. ~II·~.

Stop at our sign! .





T MEANS \hat tWa Is 'a S"rvi~ Garage - that we've made it OUI' bualn. . to find the beet lubricant on the market lor can brought to ua. That'. why w. eeIl SaDOOO Motor OiL Cars lubricated with Sunoco rUD better. 1at.t 101\1er and Kive If_ter &UOIlDe and oU mileage.


It ill a atral&ht-run oil. free d heavy cyliDder oIla that cau" c:arboa troublee. It abecl'be wa"'-doinI away with econd qllDdert, broken oil paIDpe_aDIlc:NCbcl


Ore),..... S ...ilello.. b,. Lat.

Spr.,.. ia ...U" accomplia"-e. b,.



.. WaJDeaville,lOhio



Frank B. Kellogg. of Minnesota. I, on tbe high IIllIS enroute to Washington from th e Court of St. Jam t!ll at London where he was aerving as U. S. Ambassador. He ill to succeed ehas. Evans Hughes (re3igr,l.J ) as S cretary of State. bel{innir,g March 4th.

ER'S 29

Van Camp'. Whit.. Naptb ..


10 b.ra for ..... ........._....... ......

QUICK Oats ~::::.:I::> . . . . . . .._. . . . ... . . 25c APPL~ BUTTfR~\I:~::eC~.:, 25 c for .....



Potatoes Bulk Oat. 25 C ·15 6 POgD.............. ...... ....... pou" .............. ......... .

~~u~~ f~~~.~

15c Cream of Wheat ...................... . 22c .....

Bananas 3 pound . ..... ............. ..

22c .. 25c 35 C-

Apples ' CookiDII or Eatintr, 6 Ib Oranges

NOl. 200 and 212, doz ..

9C !~t~~~.d. KeBoggsCornFiakes 10C ~~o~e~~u~~

KeBoggs P.cka.. .Bran . . . . ... Flakes . . . .. .. . Pacbae .............. ......... .

pound ...

... ........

25c 43c 20c

Post Toaslies 10C Milk Pack•••..._........ ..... _.... .... CO\lntr, Club, lar.... can25C

. Classified Ads. Pay If .Published,in


15c 28c

Many humun beings - imagine a God somewhat as that little boy imagined him, with a beard that might need trimming. boots to be mended, etc. What is the Right Reverend Bishop's idea of a Supreme Being managi ng such a universe as this , with time and apace unlimited. millions of suns and planets. constant chunge everywhere, with everything whirling and fiying around and nowhere any comfortable stablllty1 Can any human mind really have any but a childish conception of such a being? Our Navy heads might' give the country i!lformation on a statement recently published by English papers. The British have arranged their ships so that they can take in water ballast on one side or the other, and thus, by making the ship tip over, raise the guns to the desired elevation and increase th eir range without actually changing the mechanical adjustment of the guns.


I i

. . . .M'' ' 'A'.'.N''''·





ThollJPson's Bakery



r·MiAMiTiitlTEi·i~y;~;iii~~· ·

That's interesting news to bond bandits and holdup men. It lltabil· izes their industry. It guarantees .them $100,000 of good safe cash on a million dollar bond robbery . . But what about the laws against com. Rev. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. pound felony? E. Dunham, of :Lcbanon, Mesars. W. R. Kersey and Harold McKay. of OrIt is proposed to create an "airegon ia, were . e n tertained at dinner, port" for New York by roofing over SUl!day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the yards of Pe nnsylvania railroad. S. F. Elbon. Temporary landing and leaving places for lliers might thus be provided In The Mother's club will have a mar- many cities. ThB't ought to be done. ket Saturday, February 21. E': ery Automobile roads, without grade one is urged to donate generously eroBsinggs. could also easily be provid for the benefit of the school ehll- ed, making a roadway above railroad drcn's hot · Iuncb fnnd. : Remember tracks running out through city sub· the date. urbs. Railroads sbould be properly compensated, of course. Sunday, February 8th, being G. H. Ellis' birthday. the following guests enjoyed II lovel, birthday din- I "lllluMna'ok,lllIwnh.lft ail'j1Orta wil1 Boon be ner: Mr. and Mrs. James Curtla f.\ bowever. - Before you die, and granddaughter, EUizabetb, Mr. in every ble city. ~he week-end will Hiram Poore, Jr:, "Of Harve)'lliUl'lr. see tboulIUld, of 8yiDg "club eal'B," with ita lead of puaenge.... Mrs. Leroy Hurd and two. daugb~ inif' mounWIUI, or Hulde. In ters, of Piqua. Mnr.; M. 8. ~etlt and children' and C. P. EUiB and· fam- lummer; to Fklrida, Caltfornia. etc.; -Wm. Eeton and In winter. . . iyl. Mr. and son. Maynard .. of New BurlingtOn, were callers in tbe afternoon. '




'. . .Z"" . ..

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Mills attended the EV'a ngelistic services at the First M. E . Church, Xenia, Friday eve ning, being conducted by Dr. Geo. Hugh Binney. of Cleveland, a noted eVBt;!gelist. There was II full attendance and many seekers at the Mra. W. S. Grabam writ., ver)' altar. . intereatingly from Pbarr. Tew; $he says: I ''Thill is the prettiest llpot oi ~rS: Cy~tbiB · Evans entertained eartb 80 bere. wblle .JOu poor creawith -two tables of "500" 'J.lueada)' turell ore freesing. Orchards evening with Mrs. Howell Pierce as full of fruit, corn Ie uP. beanI PlantgU~8t of honor. The o~her gueBts were Mrs. Edith Hanis, Mn. Amelia William.. M1'8. A. T. Wrlgbt, Mia Emma Helghwa,. Mise May Wrlcht and 1IrtI. D. L. Crane. The bOBtns, aui8ted by lin. WDliams, eenlll a

cialnt7 laach.

. Ii i



Fred Smith, a minister of Indiana. YeurJing Meeting, addressed the Friends Meeting last Sunday morning. His message was much a~pre­ ciated by those who heard him.

Mrs. J. E. McClure entertained tbe Clover Leaf club last Friday afternoon. Nearly all the members were present and enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. Dainty refresh~ ments were served by the hostess.

Carquine:a Pellclt e. , can, onl,. 25c

: I

lIlr. and Mrs. Howar d Archdeacon, Mr. Ira Rich and family, Mrs. Mary Cas key, Mr. 'und Mrs. ehas. Sherwood attended the funeral of Mrs. Chester Bra dstreet, in Xenia, today.


15c •!

i N~w

Miss Katherine Gibbons, who has been taking treatment in Miami Valley hospitul, is better and Is now at t he home of her mother, Mrs. Annie Gibbons, on Route 4.

The Woman's Auxiliari· of St. Mary's chul'ch will meet with Mrs. J . E. McClure and Mrs. Bert Hart. sock at the home of Mrs. McClure, 011 Friday afternoon, February · 13, at 2 o·clock.

Ii I 1

That seems to be highly ingenious, hut, of course. we can' do i\ in Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hockett. of this country becnuse probably someRoute 2. enterte.ined at dinn er, Sun- body in Europe would object. day, Mr. and Mrs. John Rich and son Mrs. Ida Hocket-. MillS Naomi HockA great surety company advertilles et and Miss Orpha Hoeket. $100,000 reward for the return of a million dollnrs' worth of bonds1to--raMiss Edna H I~w land attended the len. It says it will pay ten per cent Normal Direot<)rs conference at of the face value of nny bond stolen, Kent State Normal schoQI last Friwhene ver it is obliged to make good day a nd visited with relatives in Akinsurance on 8uch bonds. ron Saturday and Sunday.

Last Saturduy wbile chopping kind ling, Howard Archdeacon stepped on a smnll nail which penetrated almost through his foot. So far he has felt no bad effects from the injury.


10C 12 c

Large Ca n Aprlcob, onl, .. .. 19c New Comb Honey, only 25c Mr. nnd Mrs. Myel' Hyman and • Bulk Macaroni. Ih " ani, ... 10c thilnren nnd lIli," Ste ll n Dnu!!'hc rty Churn Gold, lb., only 3~Occ Scientists ~ tudied tlw cur th' ~ mu~­ Wl're Duyl on vt" ll o l'~ Sunday nfLe rHerohey·. Milk Cboc. .., 110U II . netic currents . n~ "fI\'clcd by th e Kiaa ...,lb eclipse.. Eve ry ~ hip ' s cupluin noliced Mr. and Mrs. Hownrd ClIse nnd i Fancy Slrin. I.... Green t hul the ec lipse hud nn eff ect on lhe ·1 L"Illn I on, were g Ul' ~ l" 0 f • F Bcan R .,ea nR' . compa ~s . Science do ~s lint know why. f al1lt y. of .nc~ "d · Iver Earl, Possib ly some scicnLi sl !!,o ~ fr om Mi ~s Emma lI eighwuy , SUIII I"y IIflernunn . OhiO Potato"•• pk lhis eclipse the most imp orLant inforSaDIe a . above. bu.b ..1 $1.00 • mat.ion of 1111. which has lo do wilh lI(urvin Huy an d fnmily arc moving i· i. -tbe time to buy you r S-;'od ; t he umount' of radium ill the sun . I'olalo ... and GarJ .. n Set·.:.. The s un's lengLh of life lind the in to th e property of Les ter Gordon, Iivcs of this and other plnnets depe nd ~c cently purchased from 1,.. 111. Hen- • Fr ... b Ga~ den Seed. ju.t rectli.,on t he sun's rudin." ctivc force. If e rson. • ed, and ani, 5c a paek•••.• the sun wer e merely burning up, us Don't pa)l IDe- buy b.. r• •nd Mr. David II l\ n· i ~ . of Lebunon. is ~ •• ve mon ey. w as once supposed, lhe life of hUllInn -- --- - -----~-. beings heJ'e mighl be cut down to a lhe guost 01 Mr. nnd Mrs. L. V. few milli<. n yeul'1l, whereas it will Branstro lI'lr. lI Rrri. i••111 un- : Hi ll he •• Pric,," pai d for PO\lltr, an d Erg •. Two truck••t '0\11' probubly go on for several million d e or Mrs. Brnn ~t l'l'L.. r. •• ., .. yenrs ,aided by radi un;- energy in tbe L. M . Hendersun "o ld his Pfnperty SUIl. I""M""'M~"'E'''R ',. on the con,cr of Nllrtb lind Fourth streets lo"t Thur~ duy to Legter GorTHE GROCER Bishop the Right Rev. William Montgomery Brow n, of Cle"eland, don. Deal wa~ made by W. N. ~oal'l! . _ •• _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Mr. Oakley Un~:lesby hIlS purchased Save your old carpets and rugs Mr. Hershey's intere.t in the Refin and get "Wearwell" Ruga made. ers Oil Co.• and lhas taken charge of Send for prico I\st. Franklin Rug the local station. Co .• Frunklin, Ohio. Mrs. Huldah Burnett, Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Mrs. -Stenley Cook and Burnett 811d daug bter. Ruth, and Mr. Master Leo Conner were recent din· Chus. Burnett, of Route 5, were leb_ ner guests at the home of Mr. and a non visitors. Friday. Mrs. C. H. Sherwood. Mrs. J. J. Fromm and Mr. and Mrs. M. S. West and children, lert Mrs. Frank Dupree and family, of Sunday for their homo in Springfield, Dayton, spent th le week-end with Mr. ufter spe nding soveral duys last week and Mrs. J. P. J l romm. with Mr. G. H. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hartsock and Mr. und Mrs. C. M. Brown a nd fam- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton, of ily and Mr. and Mrs. Kendall, of Dayton. were g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Dayton, were guests of Mr. und Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, Sunday. J ohn Whitak er. Sunday. A Deputy Collector of Internal Mrs. N. A. King, Miss Lucy Emley. Revenue will be at the Waynesville Mrs. Sarah Lippincott, Mrs. J ohn O. National bnnk on Tuesday, March Whitaker and Mrs. Oscar Smith were Srd, to ossist in income tax returns. Dayton visitor s, Thul'sday. Mr. und Mrs. F'red C. Schwartz and Mr and 1I1rs. Karl Hawke and Mr. daughter, Miss Grace, of Columbus, and Mrs. Henry Zeiger and daughb~'" spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. of Dayton, were calling on relatives D. Marlatt and Mr. alld Mrs. C. M. und frien ds her e Sunday afternoon. Robitzer. After a very pleasant ocean trip. Miss · Trillena, Miss Margaret. and little Miss Mary Leah Edwards arrived at Miami, Florida, last Saturday.

Rio Coff ..... only . 28c Fir Bar Cake. 2 lb. 25c • V',rlf,n,a . . S Weel• P C FI our packalle . .-.. ... . I Aunt J emima P C Flo.r ~ . packa ge .. .. Auo:>l Jemima B W Flour. packa tr e . . .. DelMont., Peach ... , can, only 28c

of Mr. \Vm . S herwood.

Mr. and IIfrs. Luther Huddle, of IIfr. an d Mrs. Fred 1If. Cole enterta in ed Mrs. Anna Cudwallader and MlldiRonvillc, wer,! Sund ay g uests of Miss Clara Lile at "lIlch, Sunday ev- Mrs. Mllry Ca"kell and Mrs. Hunnah is put out of the church. Accused ening. Antram. of being unorthod ox, he protested, "I believe in God," But that was Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Salisbury, of Mrs. John McMillan. of the Friends not enough, and he is out. home, was entertni ned at the home Clc\;cland. and IIfr. Clinton Luce, of Bishop Brown's exact description of of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Mills on De nver. Col., vis ite d relativcs here God in which he believes would be Saturday. last week. interesting. One small boy. asked to describe God, replied instantly, Mr. Frank U. LeMay. who was in Mrs. John Wolcott, of Lebanon. He's got a long white beard, and visited her mother and sister. Mrs. Hamilton for treatment, came home high-top boots." That was perfectElizabeth H[lthaway ond Mrs. Laura last Thursday. His condition is very ly respectful. It described the bOY'1I Sides. Sunday. mucb improved. highest ideal.

which guafantea8 eoaiDe power. Gmt 8QDOCO a trW.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ ••• _ .

~I",._· I ~!~~~~S S.!.~f.~~~

Mr. H. J. Murray, nJ 1,I umbu s, ''' Wl'l~ k ·U Jl( I bUC~ I, n t th e hUl l' '"

wus a



l\l iSRes Bcntr ic(! und Bellie Lou t . Ma ris Guild will hold two Crnddock, of Dayton, w .. re week·end morkets duri n/!, Len t. Re member the guests of 1111'. and. Mrs. Clurence AIdates, February 28 und Murch 2 1. Ion.

It til III ~ to at . every CU'. It ill heaYla'type b type,

A. F.Melloh


ill Union City, Ind, lind Daylon.


\\s·i rth., .\nsli S,.,",

Mr. J . N. Squires s pent th w<."k .end ti t till' homo of his brolher , Chur1('~ , ncar l\" llhrook.


Coming Home to be Secretary of Stale

wl~~i:I':;,mso :~~l~nlnr~. ~~rt:·~~k-l nu

" SIIIlI 1II1'1'('<lil h " nmi Va lley ha<pila l, whe r" he will . ullJel'go att IlllcnlUlln.


Bunoc:o Ie wholly cUatIllect. tharefore ' .blOlutel,. aII4 uniform.,.' Social IlIetlnctL lllv r nOtice t lial thO 1II"8t ; clll'l'rflJl thrn l( tl hu h~' 1"nrIl8 til 8 11y 18 "Oood by"? Its ~n~11l1 In~ tlllcr s ,levelop ellrl y.




_d •••od,



Admission: 20 and 10 cents


"The Rustle of Silk" witb


"ALL WET" Admisaion: 20 and 10 .ce"ta




Seventy-Seventh. Year

fATAL ACCIDINT CO-OPERATIVE AT R. RI CROSSING COMMISSION OPEN of New Burlington, fOR BUSINESS whoClyde Ewing, 8eriously Inj un!d when his


Whole Number 5630




~WUP'I1G, At4t> 1)0



rriend, Russell Conner, was killed 81 THE COMM1SSION HAVE OFFI- a last Pennsylvania passenger train .truck the roadster In which they CERS ON GROUND were riding at the crosllng in RoxIIn na, Io'ridny morning, is r esting easCorn Will B. T ... led Free of Char•• ily at the Espey hospital and will recover, phys icia ns say. His most S8a l Farm Bur.a,,·. Ollie. at Lebrious Injury Is a bad fracture of the anOD, for Iho Farmer Icrt hip, which was set by s urgeons, Friday morning. The body at the young victim of County Agent Clalll received a the cr08sing accide nt, who di ed at letter Friday, Irom Mr. P. O. Wilso n the hospitlll ot 12 O'clock, Friday, manager of the Producers Co-Opera- was r omoved to the home of llis pative Commis!io n association, at Cin - rents, Mr. nnd MI'II. J a mes Conner, cinnati, which explains the opening in New Burlington, Friday BIterof the co-operative firm and cha rac- noon. ter of the salesme n, as follows: Young Con ner, who was In the ga"The Cincinnati Producen Co-Op. rage business in New Burlington, eratlve CommilJllion a Moclation 8tart- was the eldest ot three Bons and bis cd bUliness Tuesday, F ebruary 10, family is prostrated by the shock of with a good run of live slock, and hill death. His father, who has been arc now ready to receive shipments in ill hea lth, was placed under the from your county. care of a doctor and is confined to "We are ol'\l'anized as a branQh of his bed. th e Na~onal Producers, and are opThe young men were o n their way erating the aame on this market, as trom New Burlington in a car bethey have been operating on the In- longin g to Connor to Mt. Holly, for di ll napolia, Chicago, Cleve lund and the purpose of looking at a gasoother markets where the producel'1l lin engine belon ing to Ray Smith, are located. We expect to handle which Connor expected to buy. It the produeers live ' stock fn just as is thought that their view of the efficient manner a8 pos.s ible, and all croBBing was obscured by the bulldprofits that are accumulated by the inra of the Farmen' exchange, and organisation, will be refunded to the Connor drove onto the track directly patrone at the end of the year. In front of the train, which was No. "Our sale. force In elodea some of 1206, east bound, and due in Xenia tbe very -beet m en obtainable. Mr. at 10:45. The accident occurred at T, W. Fife comea to UI from the 10 :3 0. Connor's death wal cauaed John Ola., Co., of South St. Paul, by a broken neck, no other injuries Minn. IIr. Ed sdineider, formerly being found on the body, excepting with the J. N. RicheyCo., of Cincin - :lbrulons. The automobile was earnati, and hu been at the Union ried about 100 feet up the track. at.ock yardll lIinee 1905. Mr. Wm. The victimll were taken to Xenia Grothus wu formerly employed as 'ln' the t rain which Itruck them and hog aaleman for the J . H . Richey Dr. W. A. Galloway met the train Co., of Cincinnati. Mr. Fred Gn!en, ~ the station with an ambulance. alJllietant hog aalllllman, come. from They were taken to the Espey h08St. Joseph, Mol Mr. H enry. Teeters, ',ital, .... here Connor died at 12 bog yard -man, formerly with the- ·,'clock. He leave. hI.. parent/! lind Carter Comml88ion Co., of Clncln- ~wo brotbers. Ray and Rufu .. Plltl. Ollr nI~Ord8 in the ofllce will -- -~ Illl kep~ by 14.... Henr:r Beekman, of




'THE 8£1>5, THiN I'\.L ' TAI<~

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ranged lO entertuin ou r Rehoo l tench THE NOM AL S ENTERTAINED AT c rs ut th e pi 'US8nt h me of Mr. IUld GYM, FRIDAY l\Ir~. Frank Elhon last ThUl·.day C\' e nin ~ , Fcbrunry 12th. Mrs. Ida Kec" 'r, s pfiulker of th l! ('>vt! ldn g', gla- OlhH lot~r~.t in g Not e. Regardinlr l ~ d that lh" lIl ain obj ect uf I he 1I .<,cLth e Act ivitie. or the School aDd ing was ll') s t udy th e \'ari lills plll1l9 th e Teachers uf peace which IIr{' fund amental lu




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CLUB ENTERTAINED FALL PROVES fATAL WASHINGTON·lINCOlN AT M. E. PARSONAGE TO PROMINENT BIRTHDAY PARTY The Wayne Township Farmers' months ago the SpringTOWNSH1P CITIZEN boroSeveral club was pleasa ntly e ntertained by Methodist church adopted the Rev. and M rs. L. A. Washburn on Thursday, February 12, 1925. The usual good dinner was served in the chureh basement , after which we repaired' to ~e Parsonage for the program of the ,,{temoon. Seventeen families respond ed to roll call. After a ' short business ~es­ sion Rev. Washburn introduced Rev. E. S. Keller, of Leba non, as essayist of the afte rno on . It being Lin coin's birthday, Rev. Keller yery appropriately directed our t houghts to the many noblc characteristics of the Great Emancipator.. A ~olo by Mrs. Josephine Earnhart and a readin g by Mrs. J. W. White were much appreciated. The special top ic, "What solution have you for t he farm' help problem was discussed by Mr. Elias Oglesbee and Mr. Carl Duke. We adjourned to meet in March at the home of Mr. C. T. Hawke.

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confront 'us o n eve ry hand . Pe nce has not come. OU1' military nWII tell us that getting ready f or Will' is th e only way to peace, so their duty is to prepare the nation f or wur. This meth od ne ve r has and ne ve r will bring nbo ut peace . It will only hasten another world war, which wou ld fawlly weaken our civiliznt iun. T o possess pence wit h jusli ce UIIU "ccur· ity, we mus t creale adequllte plan" to settle all international disputes that might cause war, and we must create behind these !Ilall s II world opinion so strong no nation will defy it. Comp eti t ive armaments must be progressively aboliRhed by internat ional agreement. "Intern ationa l und ersta nd ing and good -Will mus t be co nsisten tly cultivated, beginning in the schools. For machinery to successfully carry on this important work we shall require a court fo r our legal disp utes and a town meeting of the world for the r est. I favor imm ediate adh erance to the existing World Court with the HughllII reservations. These 'plans can succeed only when the natlons are willing to be just, have a reasonable appreciation of one another's problems and are actuated by a fair degree of good-will. This deve lopment of good will must comme nce in the schools." After this most. inspiring nnd educational talk, light r efreshments were served and the rest. of t.he evening was spent in so cial e njoyment.

plan of 'bringing the entir e memberThie commun.lty was · severely ship toge ther once each mon t h for shocked, Monda,', wben word came the purpose of recreation. In acthat Elmer Kelsey, one of Wayne cordance with this plan, the church Township'lI eat.e.lme.d·j citjxena, had has announced Its progr am for the fallen down the cellar steps at his present month, which will bo in the home and fractured his skull, which nature of a Washi ngton-Lincoln res ulted in his death Tu esday after- birthday party. This wi ll be given noon. Thursday night, February 19th. Mr. Kelsey arose early Monday Every mem ber of both the Springmorning,a nd hl\d gone to th e cellar boro and Lytle Methodist churches to fix the furnace. It is not known is expected to be \,resent, and each wHether he tripped going down th e family is r equested to bring a "dish." s teps or not, but. he fell, striking his A " pot luc k" supper will be served head again.t a large crock at the at 6:30 o'clock. After the supp er bottom of the steps, wi th t he above hour, games will be played by both result. After the accident he walk- young and old people. Following ed up stairs, but soon becllme un- the rccl'eati on period there will 'be a co nscious. prog ram of mu sic, mainly patriotic; . Mr. Kelsey has bee n a resident of ster eopticon pictures on t he life of :\'ayne township for severa l years, Lincoln, and ~ome illus trated patrihaving purchased a farm ab out 2 '>fI otic so ngs, bcsi d e~ a de monstl'lltion miles north of Waynesville, and has of flag etiquette and a numbe r - of since lived there, ma ki ng a host of othe r profitable features. friends in the county. The funeral will be held Friday DEATHS afternoon. A Ilhort service will be held a t his late hOltle at 1 o'clock, Mrs. Catharine Johns died I\t the after which the services proper will take place in the CenterVille M. E. home of her daughter , Mrs. Joseph Thomas, at Centen-ille, Friday night, church at 2 o'clock. Mr. Kelsey il!aves to mourn their ufter a long illn ess. The fune ral OS8 a wifo and daughter, besidcs no- Willi held lit th-e home Mon day aftermer o)18 relativell In Gree n and Mont- noon at 2 o'clock. Burial in Miami gomery countiel~. In terment will be cemetery. .. .... made in Centerville cemetery.

Fr iday u ftcrnooll t he Norl' lIllftained th e Hi school, '~ lind (acu it y with the follow-

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in g prog n.llll :

DC\'nl ionlll .. K. nthcrinc Fromm Vocnl lJu et- Edith l\tcK ibban un d Her be rt Ault. Reading Mi AS Howland TI',)miJonr. Solo Levi Coates Orig ina l Play-"The Valentine Box" By Lorraine Brannock an d Melv ilt Rantn. But th e best valentine was the Teceiving of a telegram from the basketb,,11 boys saying t hat they had won over Martinsville Ohio. Hi Schoo l Song .. .... ... .. By the School Lllst Fr iday night a very intcresting a nd entertaining education al show and a two-reel comedy was given at the Gym by Mr. Harbach, of Sprin g boro. Tucsday afteploon the SIlme slww was given at the Gym, so that all thv school children might have a chance to sec it. The Orat.orica l elimination contest wi ll be held in Waynesville in the near f ut ure. The basketba ll county to urnament wili be held in two weeks at Franklin, Ohio.

.- .

The Normals had an old-fashioned taffy pulling at the home of Miss \ Kathryn Fromm last Thursday evening .

The Waynes\;lIe band, Hi School orchestra and Glee club, all under .Jl!aJ"I' Btln, Inll. the direction of Prof. Wa tkins, have j'W" will IIPpr,t:1at.e your ~vine been IlBked to broadcast from ststion Chll J n form ll~hlD tp the newspapers WLW, Cincinnati. The school fe els lind Anno\lnoln~ the fact at 'your greaUy honored by Mr. Smith (the township meetlnrs tbat we are ready announcer .at WLW) for his invitato receive shipments. and will be tio n, for it is t he first rural school glad to have YOII, as well .. your to broll~ Plans Ilre emg made A very enthusiastic county instiTh e .w oman 's Auxiliary of St. Mafarmer, visit our office It the earto go Tue~day, Msrch 24, and a spectute of the W. C. T. U. was held at ry's church Wl18 entertained by Mrs. liest conve,nlence." the hospitable home of ·Mrs. Walter J. E . McCh;re and Mrs. Bert Hart- ial excursion is coming through at Mr. H, C. Moesteller, chairman 01 12:00 p. m. Rockhill, of Orchard avenue, Lebasock on Friday afternoon, Pebrua ry the Warren County Livestock comnon,· Ohio, February 17, 1925. 13, at the home of Mrs. McClure. mi~e, !lnq a number of other Farm 1I00t all of the loeal organlzatlona P enon.1 Note . .. .. The meeting was opened by Mre. Bureau leadeN" have been worklnlr were represented. Visiting ladies Cadwallad er r ead ing a portion of St. Miss Edna Howland nnd guest; Miss for lOme time to promote the co(rom Xenia, were IIrs. Carrie L Luke, 'S. All join ed in r epeating the Opal Dsvids, of Bowcrs,ville, .' were operative marketing of )Ive stock, Flatter, national lecturer and organCreed, fo llowed by prayer. the above an'nouncement should be Sunuay di n nor gu ests at the Friends Scriptural quotations were f:h'en Home. met :Ri'th general approval 'by hun- izer and allO president of Greene county now for 19 years, IIrs lIattie in respo nse t o roll call. dreds 01 farmers In Warren county. At the conclusion of the bmi ne.lij Miss Fenly spent the week-end in And it is hoped that producen In Smitb, vice-president and lIiss JenDayton, Ohio. ____ a ..._ _ __ session the time WI\S taken up Warren counLy will immediately tum nie Thomas. ]n the morning session Mrs. Flatter sewing [or St. Jam es hospital, AnkMr. Wilson attended tho Tri·State their busine88 to the co-opeiatlve lIpoke on "Basic Evils," encouraged ing, China, and St. Barnaba3' Mls- tournament in Cincinnati, Saturday. firm, al all leaders claim the larger slon f or Lep er s, at Japan. Miss Bachman and Miss Clark tho busineBB the greater tho savings law enforcement. She emphallized working the department of Chri.tlan Late in the aftern oo n rJp.licious spent the week-cnd at Miami univerto be aecompllsl)ed. citizenship. She also urged conaer efreshments were served' t,..y the sity with frienda. Saturday night crated secret prayer and meditation. Next Thursday evening, Fe bruary ho stcl!.~es, n ss i~tcd by Mrs. J. W. Ed- Miss ' Bachman attended the Kappa So many reporlil and rumors_con- ~ay we put on the whole armor of 19, the members of the K. of P . wards, Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Be:ty Psi Delta sororit y in itiation and Misll cerning -the ~ed com situation are will celeHartsock and Marjorie EdlVllJ:jw!"'~Jl,C+'''''''.LA-........=.......w.....o.w:'''''';;LI!> · rna Kuppo 80_ being circulated over the county !IIIid the time would come when the brate the anniversary of the instituproximity of Valentine's Dal WRS r ori ty initiation, at Miami univer. that County :Agent Cla88 Is about to lion and the lamb would lie down to- tion of the organization. A basket charmingly brought out in t he rl cco- sity. carry out a survey of the actual con- getlier:prompt, after which they will be en'rations. Miss Ed lla Howlund was in Cindltion of com throughout the averA pot-luck. dinner was aerved, and tertalned \\t the picture show. Guests of th e afternoon w('re , cinnati, Saturday. age farms of the county. A larce a social hour enjoyed together_ ......- - Mesdam es Walter McClure, J . L . Miss Smith visited friends in Dayelectrical heater generator box was The afternoon session opened with Hartso ck, W. E . Cornell, J. O. Ca r t · ton over the we~k- end. made a few yelU'll ago by County devotional, conducted by Mn. Ruth wright, Myer Hyman, Miss Mny Miss K e l s~y was ill C~l1tervi l1e , Agent Class and Secretary Cowan, Murray, evangelistic aecretary. Wright and the little fol ks , Bettf Satur day. In wbich over 12 bushela of corn can Reports of superintendents of vaHartsock, Marj orie Edwards and Mr. Moomaw was in Franklin Sa~. be tested at. one . tlm~. The first 65 rio us depart1nents were given and Frank Taylor Hawke. urday, nttending a meeting a r rangm"n who bring In com will have It Mrs. Flatter again addre88ed UI on -~--ing for the girls' Tri-County tourn-' Our High School basketball boye t..ted free of charge. the lubject of "Child Welfare," ament. made a very creditable showing in , Rulel and instructions concernlne which was Intensely Intereitlng. As fur as we know Mr. Crabbe The Friendship club of the M. E. the Tri*State tournament, held at the t~ teat require that the owner pick More earneat prayer and a If!88ter On Saturday e venin~, February stayed at home and behaved himself. Ollt 50 ean of the best com from ralth In God was Itr_ed throughout 1(, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emley, near Sunday-school met at the home of Un iversi ty of Cincinnati last Thurshta crib. and remove two grain. each both seesiona of the - inetitute. Lebanon, cele brated their 25th wed- Mts. Glenn Borden, Fe bruary · 11. day, Friday and Saturday. They for ·the tell, or. 100 ean may be lIeThe closing' prayer wu offered by dlni' anniversary. A very delightful After the business meeting the fol- won th eir first game Friday mornin. dcfeating the Martinsville (Ohio) lect.ed from which one crain each Mrs. Flatter and we deParted feelin« evening was spent with cards, music, lowing program was enjoyed: can be taken. Only 100 crains will it was indeed cood to be there. and dancing, . At cards the fortu . America ......... ' ..... By Club ijigh !Ichool by a score ot 12 to 6. be telted for any farmer In this pre______ • nate playen were Mrs. Zaidee Ven- Reading .... .... ........ Stella Butterwo~1I In their second game, played Friday Waynesville came home frllm IIminary lurve)". The number of able and Mrs. Chas. Wills. A very Solo.: ...... ... ......... Mrs. H. B, .Ear-nllart evening, they held Logansport (Ind.) Kingman with the short end of ti re Flames swept the Oldtown mill of gT!dDa ((erminat.lng from the 100 pleuant fcature of the evening Wall Reading .. ,.... ..... .. .. ....... Mrs. McClure 14igh school to a S5 to 10 score. acore, 3 to 11, last I''riday evenin g. the DeWine Milling Co., at noon, on crains will be tetJted for an,. farmer the mock ceremony performed by , Thirt y-five members anlwered roll When It Is reme mbered that LoganaThe loss was partly du e to the Monday, with a r eplacement loss esiDt,&Ida ,preliminary lurvey. The num Rev. Cliff Runyan, ~tten~an~ cal! with four I1ew members nnd thir- port was one of the crack teams of small fl oor and n few Irregularities timated at $50,000, with a small _._. . tl"" f the • - - .-... Mr. an" M~. Ern8!t B,!ltter" t he tournament, and was figured by in tho lin e-up. The team Willi un- amount of insurance. ber 0f ......... teen vioitora. ,ermlna... rom Carl Edward, ~ yearl ol~ IOn: of 1l The fire was discovered on the 100 crain umples ' brought In from Mr. and Mrs. ·Ru Bowermaster, wortlf, 'who. alao . cel ,,~rated their ~6th 'J;'he nex~ mlletlng will be the sec- many to win the Tri-State cham- ab t o get s tarted, as usual. Car.... 0 f th e COUl\ty,w. 5' -'ve 0' -I Fran ann,iversa _ rv, A YOJ'Y deliCloUi lunah ond Wednesd 8~J( in March, at th~ pionship, it will be seen that our ter, who has played on Kingman's socond tloor of the five-story huildvari OUi pane ' kiln, wu drowned Sun"';.., ill "T"' ,~ boys did splendid work, even in de- first t eam f or four years, ·was. put In ing by Manager Howard Mumma, a' fair Indi~ation u how '. wei lIerved to the following gucata. an excavation. which . . . ,putl)' fill- - Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Ent, of Hamil. home of Mrs. 'G eorge Mil.\s. . d feat. Wa)'llcsville and the Otterbein on t he second team. He went In on who saw smoke comiIlg frOm 'the win During the Bocial hour dainty rethe ertb coni has been injure by ed .... th .Iurfaee wa.-. .... ..:.... .:..... . ,'.' .... -ton, Mra. Ura Rogers, IIrs. Della frellbmente were served by the hoe- Home team were the only teams the third Quarter and until this time dows. He telephone!l 1:9 · J91}n De-' t, .....nter ~ ....e ..... ! . '. ~ ebtlcrr.---- .... ft1'IIt 'N ... " .... - ~~ '_L 14 L:" ' 1irouC'-t "'~p" y·7.....~lllpa·, ·Messn. 1I000e ~Irby, Walker t.e88, )Ira. Borden, 8!8iste~ by Mn. from Warren county to win a game Kingman had not made a field goal. Winv, president of the com pan a\ • 0 .av... · "!lIn' _ou.... 'n n.....c-.. a"":"'t II' o.el-.... 1ft the . .crna. _l.~. B .. , . .... v .. " " UVOI"'" Kretaer' "and Oran«e Emley, of Leb; Three games at the Gym Friday Xenib, and a fire truck' ~u Bent t o':' . Hathaway, Ehrie Ellis, Mrs. Crab~ In ~he tournament. Our boys made to the ..-arm 'ome., 'AI " Wle In'.., "ut th', mother tho"~ nothlnl' -- 161..... t L ....dB ... ' d' J.rG1ndllq U ...... 1Ul0D, lIi...1I Ollie HO)'lard and Ethel !l Iplendld showing a~d the entire· night with Franklin High IIchool. Oldtown. The mill was one of' Green ' cIl and Mn. Cr08ll, : m.L~·:-f ,d'Utt~ Dlr· .D It, lupp'oslriC' ~e ;~ . d cona aetoei Zeck, Of Miaml.burg;'·'Mr•• and I(n.: " !lommunlty is justly proud of them. __ ..._ __ COUJltY'8' 1andDl8r~, b~1f ~ ~ Itb~ ,illl. ~" maltIIIto' hll.· ndmother'L. ' Much of the success of the team,.. The 100 1r1'1.~r\.ampll. Era_t B,utterworth and' lOn,Jlurne" . eigbty years old. . !looD it .... Iquia4 that the ..d' lIiII LUCT Em~ey, o~ warn.@!,Is due to the unUring and efficient can. be , I!i~ed ...,attN III,~. '~' II ~. work of their coacll, Edward J. Bur:-·· on Sa-n1_...... AI':' ..ule, ·l Ir. and 11 _ n. Chu •.,, ' Yt'IUt, Mr. 1~w. r.'~ -Ieh. . ~"'. _ 4D ~ ~ ton. Himself altar pll\yer of the FA!JD B_~-,~ P4Ji.onlllly -:.!. IuuI 1-'_'" and lira. W( )fl'. an 4 JIrt. game and deeply Inte~sted in the be maUed tP Colln~ ~ - noJ !#~ ~..~ ~arl ..~ Harvey,.; Mr. and 1It:a. '~~' ~ . No .ni"p,~" .ot ~~. ~~ . ' ~ _::':~: . ~r,· IIr..... ..nd lin:. lla,r ry.. l4niteri The "ayn,esville PrelJl~er . ,ban" welfare of hie home '1Icllool, Eddie The Happy Hour club. met at the """'~ ltI"rO~ , ,F "'~ ~U"'-1~:~td:~ "'t ... .:;, ,"~d iii.' , Geci.; ~ahan, Mr. ~ i rive ., : Il,on~ert at t~e ' Giw n,- hu worked faithfully anli hard, re- home of Mrs. · ElIas Oglessby, Tuell;:;., ' 0..... Wbi~ ia delilr;eCi '.I ft .~ ~ ..... -.." ~ GUIua, ~" ~ O~ um ' Wedne!iday rugllt, ¥ebruar) eelvilla no compenutlon 'and haa ov- day, F ebr.uary 10th,. with .Mn. F red thII au"e),. . . tile PIlllJW8 II to 1lD~' about tw,0 lf~i Ii~ Phoebij,. Kirby. ,,",26th. The ba nd ·has' been under the ercome m~y. qhatacl.. to obtain the Gone, aealstlng. Beine a .,beaotifu,l chronicled above. Such dey, moat all of the member. Clut \he ~D of ~ Wt u:~ " .. • Venab(e, I!I~ ~~e au~ Iplendid 4ii~U0!1 ~l Prof. Alfred ftne PQMd tile I~' ~_ BYDOria . ~. · QUve Watklna and fa prolJ'l'U'in« wonder- loyalty. 8I\d devotloll to his alma ma- present. A nice program ..... R-r tbe 1~ . CiIrniaha'n WUUcUii. PriIitr, G1acJJI' ·faU,. The, a 1'0041 e,.en- t4tr richly de,erve the emulation of ran,ed after whicb a deUciou. l\IDOb ituden'ts of our w .. eerved IIJ the ho.~. . i. _,.., llaould ~ .... to lift" TM Wa;.imDe CUnd.. GOa,.., RIlIlpri altd ~ A..... &rftJ..I Iq'a ' ana would cna~ hil esaDip]e by • !8' • ..... aU ...--. ...... II taIdac ...... ad 'p , Butoa ~.. DoiaId ......., ....... 17 a Jarce attendlUle8. ' 1ICh00ie, ad the h.ny colD mim4atioD and eo-operation of the e~ ~ r.,II ..... uc1 (lOIDII"lII1tr. not oa17 in aWatt. . 1nlt· lin. Dudlq 1[....., ,of CeJltlll; I ' ..... tie . . . . pertabdDa to DIli' YII1e; .... the lUll of Dr. . . lin;




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I II lh~ 1I\I\ LlC,'

NEW SUITS J ohn Harbine Jr., has entered suit ....ln8t Wlllinm G. Thompson, II" a ~ ­ signa f or t he benefit of the crC' ri Itoi'll of Edward . 'hroyer. Actinn of claim a nd other relief dcl1l1lI\d(',1. BCll t riee C. Young hos ontor , d ~ uit qninl t William F. YOUllg fo r di · vorce on the ground of extreme crue lty. Valley Telephone Co. h ru! ('ntered ~u it against Pa ul Stuckl'Y, J . P. Larrick and H. Lowenthnl fo r injunction Deleo Lig ht Com pany blls anter"J But agalnat F. M. H ut chinso n f('r money only. Am ou nt c1nimed is for $1886.50 and in w rest. Clin ton N. RlIt liff has en tered suit against Andy Carpenter ior money ,!nly. PROBATE PROCEEDINGS In the matter of the estate of Wa r ren Drake , decea"ed, Russell L. Drako, administrator fi led his inve n tory and appraiseme nt. E ntry determining inheritan ce tax to be pa id Willi 'ordered certified in tho matter of the se ttl ement of the estate of Chas_ F . Thom ~ , d eceased. In the matter of Lo uise We ller, administratrix of t he estate of J . T .




th c~ l l\ c o f M"ry I,:. S Ln r .·~. d cen ('(I it wn: ,"'«Hell that (' II II', ,Ivlll l'IH i "in~ ill hl' l'i tun C(' tl x l(l b ' pa id hI) cl' rOH l" 1. In t he mllt! .. r of th" ~ \<lt (' n f hi" \" ~ , 1II111'y Shilli ul!". Il,,. c,'"rt ,.... le r',d a .1"' ,' "f ,'xc'cuti" n f,lI' I U d:lY~. In lhe O1lllt<'r ,)f IIII' \. .. 11IIII(' n 1Ith' n,,1 blink un d Tnl. \ cmnpon)'. admini, trll l"r o f til!' ,," Iale ('i f LIIl"in dll Subl<-tl . d(,c(,ll~e d , I"'!< . Mu rgllr~t A. Kinley A,,,l 11 'uben Finney, it was orderl' d Ihat ndministrat ol' ~cll rcnl ~s Lnte at pril'ul c sllle fo r not less thall the nppmisl' u \' Illu e. R. S. Frunk lin, IHlmilli. t l'lItnr of the ,~tu\c of Lucy Ada ms Frunk lin, decensed , fi led Ilis finnl Ilccount. The will of J nmes V. lIallkinsol' . deceased, was Ildm itted to p robnte. The court authorized Ed C. Ja nney, ndministrnt or of the estll tc of Annnm E, Colemun. dCCCIlRl'd . to sell cer ta in stock helonging to the estutl'. Addu G. H ankin son was nppointo, 1 execu trix of the estllle of JlIlll es V . Ha nk ins on, dect-ased, R. C. nllrrllh , F ron k Howe an d Lyman D. Black were a p['oi nted npp ra isers. Carr P. H e nd rickson, liS ud ministra tor of th e est ate of Adda C . lI endri ckRO n . decen"ed, fil e d his invento ry and upp rni ·cment.




R EAL ESTATE TRANSFE RS James nnd Murtha li opkins t o Jas D. and Lucy Kerby, lot in Kran', lin, $1. J oh n C. Ilnd l in n ie L. Mulfol'd tn Ray mond nnd Margaret Pr yor, abou t 60 acres in Turtl ecrc e k Tp., S1. Geo rge W. Rickard to Ollkll!Y R. Un g lesby, tract in Way nesville, $ 1. Ca rric B. Willia ms 10 E lbert W. an d Muy A. Irons , lots in Lebll no n. $1. J ohn' S. V anH or ne t o Benson P . Blair and Raym ond E. Leroy, 6 lots in Franklin. $1 . George Hall t o Henry A. Burg. graf. lot in Frnnklin, $ 1. John The iss, H_ L , Whiteman and A. E . Ly tle to C. H . Berg e n, lot in Franklin, $ 1. George E . Hall to Jerry Colema n, tract in F r a nklin , $1. William H. Lueders t o Thomas Owens. 5 lots in Deerfield Tp ., $1. Stanley C. Willo ughby to Edwar d S. Bretney, lot in S. Lebanon, $1. I. T . and Susa n Craft to Martha W, L aycock, tracts in Cozatlda le, $1. Clifford Smith to Teul Sutton, lot

in Frank lin, S 1. COMMISSIONERS P ROC E EDING S Wl·, t ern ~tllr, p"oof of pu blicn ti on s. $:J .75; Bnnghnm Motor Co. , securinl!' s l ~ er i ng Ilnd showin g t ra ctor ill nan Hnbinson cuse, $14. 00 ; Dean Stanley, office r ont f or Pros. Atly., $8 .33 ; Bell Pre. s. s upplies , $16.00 ; All en li utrmnn, servi('es, B5c; Miumi OffiCe Equiplllent Co ., typewriter, S L50.00 ; Doyle lute , Cn rlisle , Brah am Co., s upplies, $ 1 !1. 00; H. C. Re il RUlne, $2.4 8; Orego nia Bridge Co .• burning I -b ea ms , $1. 95: L ebnnon Lum ber Co" strips for s ig ns , 25c: J no . Lnw a nd Son, uppli es. $40.96; MiII l! r Ha rdware some, $8 .75; . Lin go H d\\,. Co., snme , $ 10: A. C. Brnnt, s heriff, boar d Ilnd washing f or pr is. oners, $26 2, 04 l Book Shop. su pp lies, $l a .25. Th e Lingo ll nrd wllre Co msup plies, S3.S t ; F . M. Colli ns, pay r oll, $43.45; Eden Te rr y Slline $2B .52; Wolter Easter. sam e, $3. 05; Wa lt er \Tu rne r, sa me , $7.60; Bernard Butte ry Sta ti on I,lUttery, $ 14. 95 ; F . C. Lew is, postage, $" .00 ; Cliff Fla ugh, puyr oll. $11.75.


Conlde!!ce inSVift lbjiJnnance The Coupe



The owner of a Ford is never in doubt as to what he can expect in service. He knows what his car will do and how sturdily it will do it.

When bed weather and roadsJ)ut other cars out of cnmmlRdon, the Ford car will stay an the job. It will enrry through slush and snow, over frozen ruts, newly constructed roads-anywhere.

Yet Ford benefits can be yours for the lowest prices ever oltered. This·is made possible by the efficiency of Ford manufacture, the volume of output and pracdcal1y limitless resources.





E xcf! la at P iano FHA KK J. I ~ -- Up on

Wayneaville Motor Co,


Sick ,f or Ten Years The W k" C . W d P I • Gained 60 Pounds . II ee I ro~sor ' uzz e~ . :.._______...;_____________________..:...J by Use of PE-RU·NA

Th is cross-worll p u zzle ,,;as urrn nged in Great Bend, KansnH, W e . ## • • • 1 . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • •• • • • • • i 4 • • ~ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do not. huv~ t.he ~l ul~ e or th e orig!nator. Howe ver , It un exceptlOnGolf Club Elcch Elect .. d Tr ..a. u rer lilly fin e d esign, li nd co ntains 80mo 1 " IL\ ~ h LIN- At the moeting of Co lumb us- At t he recent cOIl\'en- excelle nt w o rcl ~, we ure pn~8ing it tI 'I' F rank li" " " If cl u b. held M,'nrl IlY tion..o.Lthe Ohi o Lu mber associa tion along t o ou r r ead ers. ni l!hl. in th AnH'ri~nn L('gion rnoms held in '1 ve lllnd, W. G: Anderso n, - Few of tho wo rlls lire re/Illy dif~1. T . lI a rtl,')" wn s e lected pe ,.,. idcnt; of Frn nklin, WlIS elected tre a surer Ad:! ", Hridl';l', vice-president ; L , G. fo r 192G . Mr. And erso n is w l'lI l' I' n' '''I\. S"C,'I' WI'), . nd t rensure r. known Iw r e und h.1 S been in t he lu m1'. II . Ro/o!"(!r. WII S el ecte d chllirnlllll ber b u ~iness ut F:ranklin f or se ver"l o f th e I{ rnund" cnmmittl'c, which' is yenrs. mnd e III' o f th e follnwinl!' nll'mb ers: J. K Thornt o n , Frnnk Dun~is upll T homaa Ba rlow VI{"lker XEN IA- Th omlls Bnrlow Walker , n . E. 1."'1"y. timber king of th e n orthwes t. ninth Re tir e. hom Offi.e I'ic hcst mlln .in t he worl d and a nuLO \o" I·:1.;\NI1·-0n Fl'brunry fI, Pro- tive of Xe nia, hilS mude tentutiv e bllte Jud (,(c (" Inl'f'nce N. Young , r e" pl a ns tn presen t t o Xen ill, h is ellrl y ti.-., u f l'II'" ofli c ~ a s prounte j udge. hllm o, II me mori a l nrt gallery, to be Durin/! hi" ~i !C lo l Y Clll' S a~ judj!e he locnte d in some co n" picuoll" pluce in hn s n" \'l~ 1' bl'I' n r~vcrs l' c1 in h is t1 eci- lhe hen rt o f th e cit y. Tho cos t mllY be IInywhCl"e between $250,000 an d f' io n s l) ~r th~ UPP(l r 'Oll l't S. hal f a million.

the occas ion ,'f II ".,n C('l't give II by t he Musicnl Art Soci .. ty o f Spokllne. Wu" h .. t he Spok c~ m a n Heview hil S th ~ f a ll,''' ' ing HI > Il~' : "One of the triu mphant npp clIrunc,' s of the en'n ing was that of lI1r~. Honor ll ul ~ cy Orebnugh , who gUY!' tw o move ments of th(' McDowMARRIAG E LIC ENS ES ell Sunntu OPlIR 19, No. 4. She J oseph Villi Winkl l', fnrlll e l". nnd plu~'" Illugn ificen tl y with br end th a nd Mi ~, Cill'O Map L nm hert, both of fo' rllflkli'\.

HAD·LII,S Havi ng c omplied with the requirementa of the Utility Commission. I " m rolng tnto the Truck Business ~n. and will be able to do all Irlnda ot hauling at reasonab~e rates.

.....,_,..........,.•_,...,_...........'N...' .................,.'...,..,..,.., ,,...._......_."'!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ ...._I'

' ~#"#"#"'#O#"#"'_'''' ''''''''_#.'''_,

____ :z:::::e

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fic ult. Howeve r, the r ' nre some r CIII !.estel'S ill t he pu zzlo, j u ~t to UroU HO yo ur intcrC's t, ulld t he ~ross-w o rd pu zz le f an ~ho lli d /o.:c t II I;rll ut dell l o f e n joynwnt out o r ~o l vi n g it. Lonk ut .11l horiz o ntal. I t i ~ tin IS -leUe r wurd.

Read This

Mr . Job Wick No matt er how long )'ou haVe hl·t n sick or how much ),011 have ~u(fe red. yo u mu. t not gift ap' hope. M r. John WiCk, of Monomon~ e Falls, W isconsin, did not and i. a we ll ma n today. In Scp t c m b ~ r, 1918, be wrote: "I have be~ n a usc r of P e-ru-na for near ly tw~nt y years, I had catarrh of the stomach for ten yean. Noth ing did mo any good. I grew wor.e ulltil a fr iend adriscd me to try P e-ru-on. While usina the fir. t bott le, I fclt 1 had found Iho rig ht medici n... 1 am ent irely cured. My weight was d own to 135 pounds an..! now 1 wei&'h 195 Ilouncis. I havtl us ed very litt Ie lIIedicine for the last ten yea B.· The condition kn own all catarrh. al i. not confined , the n08C and throat. It may be iound w hereve r Iherc ar e mucoue membrances a nd is rcspon.iblc for a multitude of trou bles. Cough. a nd coldtr arc (Ma nhal al well as tlomaeh a ne) l>owel disorders. Do as John WICk did. K~ P cru-na in the hOllIC. It Itimula tclIJ igl:5tioll. aids in throwillQ' of( th l> l)oi501l 0UI secr etions. enriches tho hlood, ine rene. the re.utance t u l i~c asc and pl'dmotes good healtle

fir(' nn d h ilS a n lIuthority that onl y

hn rd work lind mu ch tn lent nlllY b ('She is a we lco,f'oe a eld iti~n to lhQ rnn k ~ o f piu ni!!t. he re. " Mrs. Orc \)uu/o.:h·8 pare n L_, Mr. a nd Mrs . J oh n A. H nlsl!Y, we re former re~ id 'nls ' ~ f \\" IlY nesv ille.

~t "w ,


O'l(' who wund e r~ . 6 T o Brown. 10 Kin g of Psul llls. I I Fumou, pre s. (init . ) Refor e. tat ion Propo ... d 13 1'0 k ilL He furestatlon of p rivllte lan ds 15. Be for e. which 11 1'0 u n improve d n nd non-..g ri - 1(; TUI1 I ~ t f (ludh'l! un inlnl ~. "ultu rnl upon which f or est g l'o wth 18 1' rO}UlR i I iou . hilS been des troye d, woul d be made 19 T o d~ d"c r. co mp ulsory s houltl the legislution e n- 20 Time of yeul·. net a bill in t rodu ced Monduy by 2 1 E xcuse. He PJ'e~e nt ll ti ve V. D. E mmons' oC 23 Prepos itio n. SUlllm it co unty. Refo rested lunds 25 Negative. cou ld ue exe mpte d from tll xution f or 27 Pertaining t o (nbbr. ). u peri od o f thir ty yea r s. 28 Ind efi nite article. Begi n New Terml. LE BANON--Last week mllrk ed t he beginning of new terms of office for both Judge Willard J urey Wright of th e Co mmon P Iens an d Judge W. Z. Roll of the Proba te court. Jud ge Wrigh t begins his thi rd term While J udge Ro ll s tart:etl upon n second term. No New Cue. X ENIA- No new CMes of smallpox wer e reported to Dr. R. H. Gr ub e, IIcting henlth officer during the last two days . One hundre d nnd tw onty-'#\ve chlldr en were vaccinate d a t the free cli nic T hursdny aIte rno on by D r. Grube, assisted by nurses. Other phys ician s were bus y wit h vacc inations o f l!hildron not seeking the fre e inoculation . No opp osition to the vaccinatio n order of school Itu tho ritics has so for been e n co un· term!.

29 30 31 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42

45 46 57 58 59 60 62 63 114 65 66 69· 70 72 73 SPRING VALLE Y- Scott Cleven- 76 ge r, a c lerk at the Copse y grocery, 77 in Spring Va lley. r epor ted that a 80 clever stranger had swindled him Out of $6 by working a short change 8 1 trick on him . nt the grocery lust 83 Thursda y. The !.a me man previously 84 tried t o w ork the trick at the Har. 85 mis ch buker y in t he village, but was 87 uns uccessful when the p roprie tor r e- BB fu sed to cha nge the bill he proffered g9 o f or a s ma ll pur.:hase.

Implement ( he wing ). Per sonal prono un . Scent. A defini te epot. A uoy's name. Little devil. , Co nj unction . A separllte e ntry in an a cco un t. Preposition. , I n epite of. Ed itor ( abbr. ) . An ca ster .... s tate (abbr. ) Thus. Memb ers of a church boely. . To tolk. A European black bi rd. Short lettors. A curved bo ne. Nickname of n f amous Press. An eagle. Boy's nickname. 'Same a s 62 hori zon tal. A g ir l' s name. Army order ( abbr . ) . Boy's name ( abbr.). Boy's name ( abbr.). A step. rossessi ~e form of u g irl's no me T o be ab le. To c ur e, a s her ring , by salting a nd smoking. Cuts. Allowance ma de for waste. A lock of human hair. To shun. Main thor oughfare (abbr.) . La rge quantities. Wide.mouth water piteher s. At an angle.

Ril!'hLQ (lIb br . ) Prefix mcu ll ing th r .. e.

I :! I ,. I II 17

A mngn z ln e. T hll ~ .

I'n tll ng l,'. Not approllch nb le. A l!"irJ's lin me. A r O ll ~l'd t o lie Iill ll . A Ringle u nit. A b o y '~ nUlll e.

19 22 23 ;! ·I ~6

32 ;!:l

l'rc l'o~ ili o n .


Incorpol'Ul,' d ac co untant (a bbr) P rtug lll (nub r ), A conjun ction. T o nct. A crili cnl Illll rk. De pur t . Rc pl'lIt. A mallo's Il ume. An I ta li an provin ce. ~cnc ra ll)'. P rep os ition . .. In sist upon baving genuine P eW ell known. • ,I ' -na in either tablet 01' liquid Guide d, 10 fllL Your dealer hA 5 it. Purt of t he verb " t o be." Characteristics. THE CAT T o g o (Scot ). Be th-"How is Fre..!, your swee tie An in scs:t. l hese days." . A girl's nam e. Gllidys- " Won dert uJ." Artless. Beth- " I'm g lall to . know aOl"i! Remote. one t hinks 80. " T itle g iven t o an E nglish peer. Pnst te nse 01 sle ep. T o th row ahout . 'fa pu t awa y. t nit of mens ure (alibr.). ... A note o f t he m u ~ iclII 8cale. Conrse Ou te r ' coat 9f cer ealll. MONE Y LOANED Yo u ( German polite for m ) . 1l0NEY LOAN E D ON LIVE STOCK. A beverage. A medical. m lln (a1;lbr. ). chauels. a iso second mort&'alf1l •. NoLes boug ht. John Hubln •• AileD HOUSe of Lords ( abbr ), Bulldillg, Xenia. Ohio.


38 -1 3 47 -1 8

·19 60 61 52 53 54


67 '61 G7 68 70 71 73 74 76

78 79 80 82 84

8G 88


Farmers, Attention!

An.wer to wt W . . ..•• Pllul.

F armers at Warren and adjolnlnl counties ma)' o btain mop ey on lonl time loans. a t 5 ~ per cent intn•• to Cost of securing the IIIIma is very realIonable ,through The Federal La'nd Bank. For furthur Information caU on or addrellll M. C. DRAKE. Tr.... urer. phone Sl G·X, Lebanon. Ohio. FOR RENT FOR RENT- House of five roolDl. water and e lectric light.. Inquire ot lIlrs. Williams, at comer ot Tyler and Fourth· streets. oS-

DOWN Excban ge Fail. L ONDON-Ai ter struggling for 1 Uunusua!. several ye ars to make II s ucc ess of 2 An adverb. the bus iness, the London Farmers' 3 Six (Roman n·um. ), exchnnge, an cll-operative .organiza- 4 BOy'8 name (abbr.). BLONDE BESS OPINES tion here,has fil ed a pet ition in t he 6 A bone. Madison Count y Common Pleas 7 An Exclamation. "Fellow at our boardlnl bo.... cour t a sk ing tha t the corporation be 8 ~ couch. clrel.. the glob. .e.eral tim •• dissolved . The p etition w as filed 9 An implement. eyer,. da,.. It'. Mi.. _tb. gold· hy t he directors of the company 10 A precise description. including Jam el! P. Foody, L , R. 1 A beverage. Bostwick, R. C. Rea, J. Clark Mur· ray, J a mos W.Wllson. C. K. Woosley and George Willis. . T he petiti on states that the assets of th e corpor ation a re $20,720 .92 und t he liabilities $39,97 4.46. Att orlley JlI mes F. Bell has bee n named a s referee nn d ' a h eatin g will be held in his offic e on MIlY 12; 1926 . T he compa ny operates a g rain elevaWbetber at bome Dr in bu.I ..... poor e,•• lgbt i. a d.trim •• t to t or, fe ed, coal, lu mbe r, f ertilizer anll ellicienc)' aad .ucc.... N.n-Du.n.... b.aclache. • ... ma., o".r s ee d sa les and a lso has dealt in m aallm.nll are ellmlnat.d 10, prop.r),. fitt~ 11... e •. ny other IIrticles for use on the farm

----_ ..- ---


,!/ANTED ASH E S 'w ANT ED- Inquiro at the Waynesville Servicu Station. m4 SALESMAN WANTED- To 80licit orders for ~'-;.rr;..... and pain ts. Salary or commission. Address THE llARVEY OIL CO.• Cleveland. Ohio. f26



W ANTE D- Man wanted al AlI'9ncJ to handle Farm Buyera in thia !IeCtion. Write Smith's Farm Ageric,.. 1407 W. York St.• Phila. f26

Are You Giving Your Eyes Proper Attention?

FOUND FOUND- Auto License Tag No. 160,340_ Waynellville ' Service Station. m4


---~ ,~ -~---

ED PURDY'S PHILOS "Aft er ."eing that new .al.... · lady from the city, down at Seth Thomp.on'. D.. partment tore, I'll .ay h ..•• got a counter attraction'"

. -.



Sheillex Frames. Gold Filled bridge and ,cable tempks . . . ....... $2.~0

LOST-Between Orcron!a and ' Ferry, a tire and rim tor a Ford' ear. Please return to thif offici. or to Kn. Jennie Mullln. O~o. · t26


, Boss--"l'm smoking II terrible lot Jewel .... aDd Optom.tria~ FOR SALE of cigars these dllYs," Stenog- Urll say' you lire - I f 'X£~UA ,OHIO . .' . that's one of them." ......_ ...._ _ _ _....;;...;._ _ _..:..~~---......- - - - - -.... IFOR SALE -Recleaned Mammoth Red clover aeeel and 'Y"I~1If ' Dent aeed com from·\eatad ·d la..... tree leed. varlety adapt,d t:o thla tlon; L. ~~, WUmi~ phone 1784; " . '- -·-m4.'·" t


FOUNO-:..-Aut o Licen~e' Tag. No. 162,211. Owner can have the earn. by calling at thill olllce. 014

Genuine K ryplox invisible bifocals, Tarle Lenses . ... . ... .. .. . $-10.90







FOR SALE -;- Pare·hied .Bourbo. Red : turkey gobbler; . Calf ' phone 4.9. 2. Waynesville. Ohio. . . ' me





FOR SALE-;Four Ewel. I~ 'ellod con' dltion. < ~nquire of Wm. L. Gra"~It!. ~ D. '4. WaytJeeville. Ohio. • " ' -f26



D.o.r ...


• IIirI ....

FOR ' SAllE BoeI"'• ~~~ JOUI' .... fne t,o ....... fRr .proJJCllktoa pallq

wrne." "I." ' ""kif flill time. ',1.10 . . lIou .,.. ...... 1IJ1bIc .1'Wan.........ry to


"""J - . . . . . . . ,1WpIa1•• ft.. QaIek· ...... "Plat ~ Ill. . .


........ I11III. . . .....

~ ~ ...


-.... THE·, M I A M I -G A Z E T T ~ .• l'. lSSU(i}D EVERY WEDNESDA V f.nh'red


the 1'0sloHice lit Wayneav m e, D., as Secnro d Class Mail MaUer

D. L f~~ NE. Editor and P .. ~Ii.her, Wa,u.. il!,/ Su\)scription Price, $1.60 I

r., :"




I\.'v;~ ". ';:' y R e p •• • • n' ....·•


llt k. \MI:. I( I. AN I' R ESSAS!lO IA 11 0,>

--------W ED N ESIJ AY, FEBRUARY 18. 1924



-==============~=============== EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW? Mitch e ll, ass istant chief of air aero vice. arc not to the liking of powerWhen our nlltionul legislato rs fin· ful infl uences in WIIMhington. When ish th oir p!)litic,,1 juggling uel. in the fireworks have died down it is cunn ec tion wi th Mu scle Shouls, t' ,•. l)oKsible that General Mitchell will country wi ll fi nd it hus been treated find himself man ipuillted into the tu nn acrobutic ex hibition in which official discard. Ge neral Mitchell has perCormed a the gover nment hus rec eived a nasty bu mp o n the hel\d . Had common groat public se rvice in druggin g into sen "\.! prevu iled, the gove rnment by the light the chaotic condition of our t his t im l) would have bee n rece iving air defense ,and moro parti.c ula rly a hflndso me revenu e fr!)m Mu sc le in poinling out tha t the army and ::ihonl"; we wou ld ha ve tur l1 eu ,·, r navy departments, if pe rmitted to liab ility into nn 1I s.~e t. partil:" lur· continue conlrol of national aviation Iy "" asset for the farmer. The are calculated to kee p it n s ubsidiary Ford proposll l "'liN concrete and uf th e two arms that hitherto the pral'lical. Moreover it pa'llInised ac- ~ ounlry hILS looked Cor snfety. We a re told that $.13 3.000.00 0 has lion, for th e Detroit man knows the been spent for the air se rvico in the valll ~ of time. It ly qu estionable if there :l~(' n last five year", find lhat "we ar e not hal f doze n me n in the nation cnpu- Ketting a nywhere." We are tvld ble I'ven of 11 vision of Muscle Shoals " 'e uru spending $65,000,000 n yea r as lin Industria l proposition . Cer- now a"d still not getting res ults. We tain Iy _there are nul t hnt mllny wh o ure advi~ed we huve not a sing le airhaVe the abil ity to wrest profit from pla ne thnt could lIl e~t the foreig n'er the bewilde ring plant lind lit the in th e co mba t without meeting quick The onl y thing that Ba me tlJ1IIl; provide a powerful snfc- deNtr ucti on. "8\'e8 ue is tlfe fnet lhnt the f oreign g uuru for the nation. Cumplaint was made t hat 1111'. Ford airplane has not yet been deve loped would pro fit f r om the enterpri".). Of to the point of making non ·stop Can cou r~e he wo uld huve made u profi t flighls acrOS8 the Atlantic. and of course he wou ld ' be entltl('d there be any doubt that non-stop to profit, but that his operntion tlights nre only a question ot It t ew wo ul d have l)rOVeu of incn1cu lu ble .years nt best! These are Rtartli ng facts, bu t the val ue t o the co un try ' no rna" can public wantR these facte. It docs dou bt. . We ha ve no comme nt to mnkr on not wnnt to be deceived into leththe Underwood bill either in its a rgy or become the victim of official original form or as amended, but it speeling alckness. It will resent bit1M 8 K plain III! a pike staff that when terly any attcmp~ to turn the aulsall the fi'reworks have been, shot 011', tant chief . of the air service int9 the the government will find if it nCl'd chief of t he grand linn of ollicial goats. , . , serve the public inter est , it must issue III;nals .(If dbtrellll, reopen ita negotialions with Mr. Ford and see if he will not be generous e nough to drag our law makers out of that mess, and save th eir fac es. ' The two big outstanding requirements are nitretes for tbe nlllion a nd baarlem baa' been,.' worldfertilizer for the farmer. Pettyfogwide repledy for kidney; Uver and Iling politics should lI o t lie allowed bladder diaordera, rheumatism, to sland it; ilie way of either. '



zoo YEARS on


Iumbe&o and uric acid o;mditiol&



While no official word has been spoke'II ' theTe are indications that the dise,losurel of Brig. Gen. William

ClOI'I'IlCt IntemaJ troubls, etimulate 'PIal

__ Three _ _ All clr\IuiD.lIIIIIa _ the qiDal Iteuuine GoLD MaD.u.





METHODIST CHURCH The McKIlY Bros, were nt RichMr. Enos Rc)gers Is very ill at tho mond, 1nd ., Wednesda y. home ot his so n, Frank nogars. Sabbath Seliool, 9 :16 a. m., preach. The Lewlll children still remain Miss Ethel Bisl)op ' accepted II po- ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednelldayevenpoorly, with henvy colds. s ition ~t t he N. C. R. in Dayton, last ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth Lou Brannon and wife were Sun. weck_ League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 day dinner guests of the T erry famMr. Frank Sm ilh is ngnin n resi- p, m . Ev<.rybody ill cordially Invited ily. . dent of Lytle, having moved from to these services. Milton Gillian has moved on t he near Miamisburg, Munday. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. Ed Gray farm- and -\viIWaml-it this Mr. Isaac Lincoln" of ·Dayton, was year . n Sunday guest at the home of Mr. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Charle y Michener, of W1\ynesvillc, lind Mrs. Frllnk Milte/l\)erger. WIIS he re, Friday tnki ng the statisMr. and 1111'S. Carl Pickering nnd S unday School at the Christian tics. children m oved last week to the Church every Sundny at 9 :30 a . m. Jame s Jacob has r ented the Wm. Greist farm , north of Centervi lle. Everybody cordially invite d. H. Blaine farm and will farm It this Russell Burnett is slowly improvyear. ing at Blair's hospital, Le\)anon, afFERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Our Ladies Aid did fine with their ter nn operation one day last week. lunch stnnd lit the Gray Bros. aale Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gr en thouse, of This is a n unden ominational congreo u n NEW MAIN O ffiC E DUILDI NG last week . Dayton, were Sunday gu ests of Mr. gation. All are welcome to worship T huJ and J:3ru uJ w8Y Daylun,Ohiu Mrs. Lizzie Fee is spendin g this and Mra. Clyde Wharton li nd fam- here. Bible study 9 :30, followed. by communion and serm on . Evening, week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Sher- ily. ASSETS OVER wood, in Way nesville. Mr. nnd Mrs. P erry Kenrick and song service and se rmon, at 7 :00. A Mr. llcnnett has r ented the J. dau gh t er, Miss Berthn, of WaynesW. Cr eswell farm nnd will move ville, vis ited Sundny lit th e horne of ST .MARY'S CHURCH there th e flrst of Mnrch. Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Quinquagc, itna Sunda y, Feb. 22 . The Gray Bros. will farm the J. Mrs. Lydia Me nd e nhall r eturned W. Thompso n fu rm and W. T . J or- 'Lo her home in Day tun Monduy, af- Church sc hoo l ut 9 :30 a. m. Mornd un farm s, this yeur. ter spe nd ing several W CC k R lit th e ing Prllyer and se rm on nt 11 :00 n. ," Mrs. Ann M. Brann on was elect- hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. m. Everyone welcome. REV. J. J . SCHAEFFER, Reclor. ed cor espo rfuing.scc retnry at t he LaThe Bible class will hereafte r mee t AS SAFE AS A GOVERNMENT BOND ... dies Aid meeting last week. at the Hall on Saturda y eve nings. PAYS 6 % COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY H. H. Wilkerson, of Waynesville, Mr. and 1111'S. Guy noutza hn and wa s here one day last week looking dllughter spent Sunday with r e la"Where Savings are Safe" tives at TippeCllnoe City. after th e interest of his farm . The mnny fri ends of Miss Lida Miss Al berta H emphill, of Illin ois. Murray wi ll be g lad to know lhat she and Mr. Paul Brown, of Massn chuI\Irs. Lee Strutto n is , Iowly immsetts, uccompanied by Miss Clara- proving. is some better at this writing. Forest Tillbull. has rented the Jo- bell Hunt a nd Morriston Hunt home Frank Wilson wns a \)usin es8 visseph Carroll farm and will take pos- fr om Cedarville college, over the itor in Le ba non, Saturday. BSTABLlSHHD 1887 DAYTON, OHIO sessio n about the first of March. week-end . The oflicers of tbe Fnrm JkJreau The Gray Bro~. will take possesProf. Rainbow, of Dayton, gnve a met at the bank, Saturday afternoon MAIN OFFICE-THIRD AND BROADWAY siO'll of their new grocery in Well · very hig h-class e ntertainmen t at th e n obert and Alice Gray IIpent the Braocbea JI0 E. 5th St.. 15 N_Maln St., (Jrd Floor) m un on or about the first of March. Hall Monday even ing, consisting oC week ·en d with th ei r parents . in MorFrank McCarron and Ben Traylor reading8, lantern s lides, illus trated row. took a truck load of tobacco to Ken- songs, etc. It was und er th e direcMiss Isndom Squ ires call ed on tucky on Thursday, for Mr. Traylor, tion of the Ladi es Aid. Mrs. Fmnk Wi lson one even ing last It Is whispered nround that E. C. A patriotic e ntertainme nt by the week. A DIRTY KNOCK Mannon and family will mo ve tCl Lytlo school will be given at Lytle Mrs. Luura Shidnk er is vi sit~ n g HaU's Catarrh Medicine th eir new farm ' near Wilmingto n. hall Friday even'ing of this week. The her s iste r , Mrs. Chns. Py le, of ner,r Those w ho are In a "run-down" condl. Cynic"What do you think of Wayne Township High Scho ol orthis fall . tlon will notice that CAtarrb both ..... them Waynesville. this col umn 'of hum or you arc now mucb more than wbon thoy are In good Sherman FerTIs, wite and daugh- chestra will fur nish the music. A Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edwards and h_ ltb. ThIs t.ct prov... . that w hile ter, Lucille, and Mrs. Lillie VilIaTH, small admission will be charged. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown were shop- read ing" atnrrh 18 at. local dl oeaa. , It Is ~ea.UY Diplomat--"W ell, 1 would say that Inllueaced by conetltuUonal con"ltlon • . attended Pomona grange at Sligo, Everybody comE'. HA.....11 CATARRH 1II1llDIClNI!l I . a ping jn Wilmi ngton , Saturday. anyone with fever blillters and nlso Combined Treatm ent, both loca l a nd InThe music at the Bnzaar Saturday Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will McGraff, of ternal, anll hae been euoc... ful In the The Lowry's will move to their evening. by the Waynesville High Olive Branch, have been visiting cracked lips could read it wit hout t ....atment of CAtarrh for Over forty Yell'" Bolli by all 4ruu".t•. fea r ot pain." farm, recently purchased of Wm. School orchestra, WAIl much enjoyed their mother, Mrs. Eliza Thomas. F . 1. Cheney a: Co .. Toled o. Oh io. Hay, near Waynesville, in a couple by the large crowd. Also t he male Mr. and Mrs.A. Z. Hartsock and quartet, of near Wilmington, com- family were Sunday g uests of their of weeke. Our Beecb Grove correspondent posed of the ha llowing yo ung men : parents, Mr. and "Mrs. W. T. J ordan. received quite a number of valen- . Meul'!I, Frank Lundy. Charles BrackMr. and Mrs. ThOR. Sherro d and tin" of all kindll, on Friday and Sat· ney, James Lundy and Harry Light- Mr. and Mrs. Wymer, of Wilm ingto n hiser, who a dded greatly to the en- CIllled on Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stratton, urday. Herb Fltlwaters will move to the joyment of the evening. Sunday. Wm. Warner farm and farm it this Mrs. Catharine Johns, a very high Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shidaker, and year. Mr. Warner will move .in the ly esteemed former r esident of Ly. Miss Bess and Wayne, of Cedarville, tle, died at the home of her daugh- were Sunday gu ests of Mr. and Mrs. Date ,our ..I.. with m .. . _. ' 'II•• tenant house. WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND L E . Thompson, who haA been &e. ter, Mrs. Joseph Thomas, in CenterKarl Shidaker and family. FREE OF CHARGE ..ttar.cuou or char.. _. rloualY III for nearly three monthe, ville, Saturday, February 14, after The case of the State of Ohio VB. lIull'ered a relapse last week and I. an illne88 of many mon ths. A num- l 58n<: Owens, set for h ear ing before CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR confined t o" his bed again. ber of friend s and r ela,\ives from Squire Wilson, Thu rsday, February EXPENSE CENTERVILLE. OHIO Mias DaleY Traylor, who fell and h ere attended the fun eral, which was 12th, was dismissed nt t ho cost of P.ou .. No. J hurt herllelf while playing at school beld at the residence Monday afterthe State. noon. • one day last week, ill gettine along Phone 8 HARVEYSBURO, O. The M. E. Aid met Thu rsday nfA few friends and r elatives of Mrs. ternoo n. The socinl hour w as g ivaa well as could be expected. The Ladies Aid society will meet Emma Fo ulks Jre mi nded her of her en to a miscellan eous shower for at th ~ home of Mrs. Mary Wilaon, 70th birthday, Monday, when they Mrs. Wilmer C. Walke)' (nee Lida on tbe afternoon of March 11, 1926. entered her ho me with well-filled Kenn edy), of Dnyton. She received AU members a~ requested to be baskets. Mrs. Fo ulks has been a NOTARY PUBLIO a number of use Cu 1 gifts. Mrs. " shut-in" for several yeara, and Walker was secretary of the Aid for Wills Drawn present. Estates Settled Howard Mesker and wife, of Co- grelltly enjoyed the day. Those presDENTIST two years. i. Waynesville, Ohio lumbus, Wayland Jordan, wife land ent were: Mrs. Lucy Fite , of Blue The basketball team journeyed to daughter, Claire, of Cincinnati, W. ARh, Mrs. Mollie Davis, of Ci ncinnati And X-O-ORAPHIST Morrow Friday evening. The girls • National Ban k T. Jordan and wife, of Harvepbullr, Mrs. May Banta, Mrs. Jessie Long- were overwhelm ing ly defeated. The were Sunday gueste of the Jordan ncre and Calvin Longacre. Ohio. Woynesvllle, boys had better luck. . The game family. Telephone 114, ended in a tie and in playing it off Richard Nebon and wife, of Leb· they lost, 18 to 15. When they r eanon, were the guests of K. E. OFFI CE: HA1'HAWAY BLDG, turned home Mr. Ogden t ook those Thompson and wife, one day last Dentist ON MAIN S1'RE:8r living across the creek , to th eir woek. Mrs. Nelaon is a cousin of hom es. . On r eturning he got into Waynesville National Bonk Bldg Mr. Thompson, a rut on t he S hill and ber.t the axle Mrs. Kellis, who has been sick, reBen Traylor has rented R. J. Mur an d broke ' th~ radius r ock of his raY'1I lower fann and will move there mains about the same. Ford. It required most of Saturday Mrs. Jacob Zimmer spent Thursin a few days, and a Mr. Bishop will morning to repair it, bu t whe n finmove to the Frank Wilaoh farm, va· da~ in Xenia, on business. ished Mr. Ogden, Ham Bogan and cated by Mr. Traylor. Mr. Emerson Dill, and J. J. ZimHarry Howe motored to Cincinnati Elmer Schrader and wife, of Leloa- mer spent FridllY in Dayton. FUNERAL DIRECTOR to the Tri-state to urnamen t. hand of Mr. J ohn Rye, wh1eh Tho non, Frank Montgomery and wife, The Eye Sight Specialist -----10 Ralph MOntgomery and Mrs. Myrtle was so badly cut, is doing nicely. t+- .,Miss Lulu K,e llis, of Xenia, spent Taylor, of Franklin, were Sunday afternoon callers on their uncle and Sunday with h,er pare nts, here. Lebanon, Ohio Fully Equipped for Good Mr. Is rael Scott is able to be out cousin, K, E . Thompson and wife. We have been informed that John again, after a j1ew 'd nys' illness. Service. Mrs. Florence Barnard is quite ill. Mr. Harold ]Kcllis and sisters atRobinson has rented the Ed Lukens Large Display Room The little S~)II oC Mr. nnd l\1rs. farm, near Harveysburg, and will tended a Valentine party at Orego8:00 8. m, to " p. Ill . Russe ll Hiatt is very ill. move there about the first of March, nia Saturday evening. nAY OR NIGHT TELEPHON E 7 Emily Hiatt is visiting her grand· Mr. Jacob ' .Zimmer and family and Alex Diskey will move back from HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED parents at Wilmington. spent Sunday in Springfield, guesla Dayton on his own home farm, va' Mrs. Louise Carr, of Xenia. ie visof Mr. Zimmer's fOlher. cated by Mr. Robinson. Mrs. I. O. Peterson. iting Mr. Freeman and family moved Don't forget our next P. T . !e Rev. Fred Smith prenc he d at the meeting and entertainment, will b. Monday to the Elbon farm, fonnFriends church lust Wednesday eveheld in the M. E. church at Ol,,-e erly occupied by the Weichel'S. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill spent ning. Branch, on Friday evening, February Corinne and Emily Ba rnard are 20, at 7 :30 o'clock sharp. The flN · Sunday afternoon at the home ot able to be around again after their gram committee has spared no pain~ Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Craig, of near severe illness. to make' this the best meeting we Xenia. Mrs. Marietta Oxley bas returned Miss Edna Henderson, of Day. have had. A special invitation I. ton, is staying with her aunt, loll'll. home after a visit of several weeks extended to everybody. Silas Roland, and attending Bchool at with her daughter, at Jamestown. Rev. Edward Ransome gave a leoWayneSVille. Mr. and Mrs. John Rye and fam· .ture at the Friends church Sunday i1y entertained at dinner, Sunday, evening on his work in the mountains Mr. Otto Marlatt and family, of Co· of East Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of Having sold the property, I will lumbuB, Mr. Elton Evans and ' family Washington C. H ., and Mi88 Ruth sell at public ule, at the etore In and Mr. and M:rs. Howard Benm. Clyburn, of Portsmouth, were guests Wellman, Ohio, on of Mrs. Ella Babb Saturday night rtiURSDAY, FEBRUARY I., 1.U. and Sunday. FINANCIA.L SUGGESTION The Friends Quarterly meeting was Beginning at 1 o'clock, a lot of very well attended last Saturday, SEE groceri.., water bmk, tile, elaaa cahe, Hubby-UDear, you'll h(lve to give lamps, ete, See big bUla for detallL up that idea of • new spring Butt representatives were present from TODD E. LOWRY, ' thla month. Money at the bank ti Xenia, New Burlington, Caeaara Creek, Harveysburg, Flatfork and John A. Lowry, Agent. awfully low." Waynesville. Bev. Edward Ransome, W , N. Sean, ·Auetioneeer. NewlJWed-"I know you are a of Belltown, Tenn.,. preached the good bU8ineila man, honey buncli-Quarterly MeetlJ1g sermon and Rev. but if I were you, I'd certainly put Wayneavllle, Ohio Wil.llam Jonel, of Columbus, also YES, . INDEED., .. our account in a bank that bad plenhad a prominent part in the meeting. ty of money." MilIII' Hazel Hartaock and Mildred ------~.~~.~----, Crou.worder..::..... Glve me ten letHunt gave a Valentlne party at the tar word meantn": a country Without A SPECIAuST Hartsock home Saturday . evening, any ' w omin 'In ·I(~' ·. _ entertainlne a number of tbeir young . Smart Guy-''That'. eaey--lltqFathel'-"S'onny, boy, this ie the friends. A spedal feature of ttie natIon," . 4a~.~--~~ day' ot SP~aUite. Learn to do on. evening .... a candy heart hunt. Va· !', +. ~ t.hlne ao ' welf that ,.OU CAn do It bet- rioue ramee were PIa7e4 and dainty IN THE HOSPiJAL ter than an,. ODe .... in the world." retreehmentl WeN . .ned,'




The West Side Building and Loan Association

F.T. Martin Auctioneer


arveysburg Fertiliz er CO.



---.. _4.____

Dr. John W. Miller




Ma~kedEgg Yes,justexactlythat. Ever)' c~~: laid by a Tuxedo fed hen is trademarked GOOD, because Tuxedo Eggmash contains 'all o f- theelenients, 'in correc t pl'Oportions, necessary to keep your hcn~ strong and healthy, producing good eggs and lots of th em•. Contains no flavor taintin IT tankage.


I '" .: O F' FEEDS .c," ;;:;;::110 's;;;.;- "lIIccdo" Tu.woChoo .. " _cdo .ICC R.UOQ ': II aoc1o PI.eoa P.-.d "u lCedo Eel( ....ll T uxedo"h Tu ael10 Ctdcll Tu .edo fl uttermllk ~h.rter .nd Orowinc M •• h . Tu xcdo Developer T'.tlllledo Poultrr

F Ml ener. elc.


..---_ ..------



Walter Mc Clure

Cary'S Jewelry Shop

Every .T uesday



---.. ..----Public Salea


Will; F~~~¥oung Gptemetriat "




E,el'J.. W"~J ",, IRest

~ 9:00 a. m. to 5:()O p•.m.' . ill GriDp BuiIdiat






For Lumber



----... ...----



I'rfeml-''DId tile cIoeton

S9DDJ-"Then rm alna4f a epee. rnlOft IaUA,ff .

JCMII' ........, ..

Voice fI'Oa Cot-'Taa--thq re.

~"""'r.lII..f C''''I.~''

. Mn. L. l. W~Dbura upeete to ~d., Ohio, tblI week, to ... her mother. wllo baa been nq IU there wIaIl. on • vfaIt to heJ: daqla·

ro to

_. lin. . , boDi.

B.. Madden & Co.


·.~uO ' C'IM ' a~. - ~. , ' $1 35 .

Country Club flour



Same, 12. lb. Sack


Van Camp Milk E:~ ::n Country Club Brea~ ~::~;:U::·nL~~vfer 9c Layer Cake ~:::::e, C:::b 2Sc ~~~, ~1~n.Milk..25c Butter

Van Camp's

l .lb pkg., per pk . ..

in Xenin, in

n.' Lel'R'hlll ,-isilO rs, l"ri-

L1 1l)' .

1I1 ~ ",q rR. ~ } HlI' \\" l l l rl

t "'rI,h Z"!I an. 1 EIJ ~ \\' orth \\ l' rl' ( ' jlH'inna t i vi !" it.o r s

1,,,1 w<,e k.

11'. nnd M" .I . C. Ro!!('r s, nf No r·


W l.'h'H i,

!:.- Pl'tlt ttl(' w('\·k -e nd with ~I rs.

11 ,,1'<' Sti les.

Mr. an d lIfr ~ . Rnlph Dyk e ~ pent th(· w('ck ·cnd Wilh 1II ~. Frunk Thom,, ~ IIlId fll lll ily.

Fre.b Rendered, Ib

Mi <~ El izab.,t h Burn t' l t. of Cecl nr"ille .·"II,,!!,·. Wa" th" \I'""k·(' nd 1!'1Il'sl of Mrs. Ida Kd ~ e y.

L.,.e CaD·.... .. .................

Extra larle, Ib

Wil bur ond T"d CI!'llver, of l)u)'to l1 . visit.Nl rt:!ati\' es lin d fri e lld ~ her c, SUllday.

~~!~~~I~.~.C.t. 24c



. 23c . . . . . ·.25c

Cookin g, 4 lb.


200 lize, do .. .. .... ..

SPRING .. about here, and

The \VaYDesville Service Station "HiGit" WsPEE;D"

Mrs. Frank Shidaker, oC Harveys· Mr. and Mra. L. H. Gordon -and Miss Martha O'Neall spent Thursday burg, WIlS the guest I of Mrs. Mary in Dayton. L. Adams, Tuesday. 1\1r and Mrs. W. H. Allon and Miss Mrs. Li zzie F oc, of ncar Clarks· Oli ve Allen Vi8it~d friend s in Frank· ville, is visiting lit the home of Mr. li n, Sunday. Wm. Sherwood nnd family. The Bu.inl'ss Men'a Fellowship Mr. C. W. Y oun r~ .1' •• of Dayton, spent Friday with Mr. li nd Mrs~ Cou· club luncheon which was dat.ed for Thursday, t he 19th, has been postlous Yo unce. poned. Mr . Earl GrIl Y, nf BatQ\,;a, has Mrs. Allie Dakin, of Harveysburg, bee n tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. is the guest for A few days, of Mrs. H. Sherwood. lIIary L. Adams, at !.he Friends Mr . a nd Mrs. Ruy 1IIills and dough· Home. ll' I'S vi.ited relati ves in Sprillg-boro. Because of the death of Mr. Elmer Sunday nfternoon. Kelsey, the busketball gam .. adver· Mr. and Mrs. Rlll ph Mill er enter. lised for frid uy night, have been w ill<'d tho " J oll y Mutroll"" and their pustponed. hll slmnds Saturully ni~ h l. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McClure at· Miss Lucy Em ley spent the weck- ten ded a banquet given by the FUll· end ut the home of Mr. anti Mrs. erru Directors, assoc iation, at Wash· HaTl'Y Emley, near Utica. io.g- ton . H., Monday night.

M.·". CnroJill c Ilnrncll, of BcllMr. ~ oy Chenow eth, ot Xenia, visbr ok, iH visiting h ' r dau ghter, Mrs. Harvey Sll ckett nnd family. ited his mother, Mrs. Curolin e Chell' oweth, of Route!., Sund ay. Mr . und lifTS. Milton Thompson I\h·. and . Mrs. 'Philip Zep f, of Cin,.pont Sunday wilh Mr. ancl Mrs. cinnut.i, were SuudllY g uests of Mr. Geo rj!e Thompson, nt Lovelnnd . nlld Mrs. George J. Sm ith. l\liRses Edn a Howland und Opal lIfr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Dyke, who Davids attend ed Ill(' bn ~ k c lba!l tour· ha ve been living on Route 4, lire namcn t ut Cincinnati, Saturday. moving to Dayto'n this week. lItr. an d 1111'S. Frank Zell, 1\[rs. Mr. nnd Mrs. J . B. Chapman and Emerso n Mason und Mrs. Ma ry Cas· Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart spont key were Dayton visitors, Monday. the week-end in Waynesville. . Mr. and Mr8. H. H. Wilkerson and • Master E. r l FitI' spent Sunday with Miss Edna Howland and Miss Opal StClair Fife and family, of Wilming. David s spent Saturday night at the ton. Intter's home at Bowersville.

18C Apples Peanut BriHle '15c Oranges . . . . . 35c d................... .......... Chocolate Drops

Mr, ChaB, Amnn; of Dayton, \\lj}s Mr. Harry Linder, of Dodds, was in Waynesvillc, Sund~y. fn Waynesville, Sa turday.

111 .. , . 1\ "1<I,, h Burn et.t and 1\11'. Chas.

lObaro ..

Po ••d...... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. ...... ..


This is the first t ime our names have a ppeared in these columns. May we hav e your attentio n n few momenta while we introduce out'tle lves a nd make mention of our work.

B III"H ' I I \\

44c 29c Lard ... 19c ~!~~ing Figs .13c CalumetBakingPdr. 29 C Prunes . . . . . 14c • . peck


',', ~tr8. Howoll Poirce and 80n , ttlr. l\fr. Ellis Ivins, ot Plcar Ridge) Irs. F: lln ~I e r c d i lh is visiting her Raymond Peirce were in Dnytoll, t o· ville, was a Waynesville visitor, Tuea day. day. .laug-h ll·1' ill llaytoll.

\l' II S

:II ,.". AlI ni,· She,·han sp<, nt Satur·

White Naptha Soap

Fre.b Cburned, pound

Mrs. Anni CadwAllader on th\l sick litt.

Glad To Meet You

~11". Ru ~"l'i l BC llt l~y

day ""d Sund"y in C"lItcr\·i!l c.

3 for 29 c

Cluster Raisins


) I undllr·



Mr. alld Mrs. F. L. Harvey and dllughter, Miss Ma ry Louise, of Leb· 'lIIon, and Mrs. Lou Harlan were recont gUl' :' I~ of Mrs. Mayme Hatfield.


May we have the pleasure of ser vin g wh en in need of our services?


Co-operative Commission


o. R. Unglesby, Manager



Public Sale.



Wilkin & '" itkin, Optometrists W e thank you.





Our exact location is 26 South Detroit street, tltuirs next door to Woolworths five and ten, Xenia, Ohio.




Every day fro m eight in the morning till five in the afternoon our entire time is spent in making examin ations of the eye a nd correcting the de fects of vis ion tha t a re found, with glasses gro und a nd mad e up here in our lnboratory.

Mrs. Ross Hartsock was hostess at 1\ qu ilting -party lust Thu rsday. At noon the guests e nj oyed a delicious The postoffice will be closed Mon· dinner. Those invited were, Mrs. day, F ebruary 23 . Tho Genersl de· C. H. Deatherage, of Oregonia, Mrs. livery window will be open from 9 Hal'l Har vey, of near Doods, Mrs. II. m. to 10 m. The carriers will Mary J. Wade, of Dayton, Mrs. Mag- lIot make their trips. . R. H. HARTSOCK, P. M·. gie Burnet, Mrs. Saml Butterworth, Mrs. Esther Stout, Mrs. J. M. Keys, Mrs. Frank Hartsock, Miss Lucy Em· ley and Mrs. J. H. Coleman.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrl McClure and Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Kilbon, Miss (Cont inued from page 1) daug hter, of Dayton , were week·end Gladys and Mr. :Kenneth KUbon are gueHts of Mr. Dntl Mrs. Walter Mc· now located at J'acksonville, Fla. A nation-wide aeed·corn week, Clure. March 2 to 7 inclusive" is being anMr. Raymond Peirce, of Toledo, nounced by Sears· Roebuck, agriculMiss Jenni e M, Gatterdam and is visit ing his prurents, Mr. and Mrs. tural foundation, for which $17,000 Mr. Denn et t Vi ttito w, of Dayton, Howell Peirce ,01' t he Friends Home. in pri~es is being olrered t~ corn' were gu('sts of Mrs. Ella Meredi th, growers of America. Every farmer Sunday. Miss Mary Carstensen, of Cinein- in the United States can lend in an nati, was the g UI,st of Mr. and Mrs. exhibition, which consiats of only Miss E lizabeth Chandler, of Green L. A. Zimmerman and family, Sun- one ear. $1,000 In gold will be field, and Miss Ru th Chandler, of day. awarded for the best eat of seed Se lma, spent the week·end at their corn contributed. $1,000 In gold home here. The Mother's celub market will be will be given to the county organizaheld at the Township house, SatlU- tion which sends in the greatest Miss Glad ys Harlan, of Dayton, day, Fe bruary ~H, beginniug at 9 number of entries. 01 fR MOTJ'Q---:.Satisfaction or money back. and Miss Mary LouiSe Harvey. of o'clock. And a $6.00 prize will be given Leba non, we re unday g uests of Mrs'. for the best ear of aeed corn in each Lou lIarlan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Edwards, of R. county in the corn belt from which D. 3, spent Sun~lay ill Harveysburg, fifty ears or more are submitted. Born- To Mr. and Mrs. E. StClair the g uests of 1.11'. and Mrs. Frank Lettel'll and circulars received at Fife, Wednesday, February 11, 1925, Shutts. the Warren County Fann Bureau at Wilm ington, Ohio, a daughter, office lltate "no string!! tied to any Miriam J ean. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Elbon and Mrs. of thele prizes. No IIpecial entry Mary L. Ada ms attended FrIends blanks aJre needed. Wrap up th., eu Save YO'Jr old carpets and rugs Quarterl y meeting at Spring Valley, carefully, put in a slip of paper, givand ge t "Wearwell" Rugs made. Saturday. ing your name, address, state and Sen!! for price list. Franklin Rug county. Mail it to Corn Show, Sears· Co., Franklin, Ohio. Fnrms and Town property wantet!. Roebuck &: Co., Chicago, Ill., that it 3 % commi ssion. Write for blank. will reach there by February 28th. . Mrs. Thomas Calver t nnd daugh- Smilh Farm Agency, 1407 W. York ter, Miss Helen, were weCok-e nd ' t., P hiladel phia. DO YOU LIKE STAR BOARDERS7 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Peirce of the Fri ends home. Mrs. Viola Carey is eonvalesclng A persistently broody hen ought n!ter a long illness, and, accompa· Mr. and Mrs. James Zell nnd nied by Mrs. Chas. Rye, was able to mean a eulled hen-un1ass you daughter, Miss Clarn, of Yellow to go to Spring Valley, last Friday. like to feed atar boardel'll. Springs, werc Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fl'IInk ZeIt. Mrs. Loren Hadley and little r1uu ghter, left Thursday evening for Mrs. Linn Devitt, Mrs. Julia Don- their home at George school, Pa. OVlln, Mrs. Emmor Bally and Mr. and a rrived there safely Friday evAs I am going South I will offer Mert Baird visited Mr. and Mrs. ening. lit public auction at my residence, Jesse Wright, at Springboro, Mon· day. Mrs. Alice Carey Welch, who has 1 ~ miles from Waynesville, on the been seriously nick for about five Harris farm, on MONDAY, M,\Rf;lH ~, The Friends Quarterly meeting at weeks, is III uch bettc1.' and her family , . . - -_ _ _ _ _-.r-- -.. ---.... ¥~_ _~ Beginning at 11 :30 a. m., the folthe White Brick lost Fridny, Satur- and f riends arc hoping for her speedy lowing: 8 good cows, and a lot of day and Su nday, was of unusual in· recovery. ASK YOUR GROCER ABOUT household and kitchen furniture. terest. Prof. Farr, of Wilmingto n FRANK SAMS. college, was the principal speaker. Mrs. William Michener and little F. T. Mutin, Auct. son, arrived Friday night for a Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Borden enter· month's visit with her parents, Oil account of my wife'! health, I tained at Sunday dinner the latter's Mr. and Mrs . W. E. Cornell and otham leaving the farm and wUl sell at parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. J . E. Monger, er r elatives. public auction, on the larm known u of Lebanon, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eyer and Mrs. Emma Brown, of Messsrs . . McClure, L. A. the George Young farm, B milel N. 'IT'S MADE WIT~ MILK Springboro. Zimmerman, F . H. Farr, E. L. Thorn· of Lebanou on the raid known as as and D. L. C\!JltIe attended Still· the Droke road, 1 ~ miles west of KEEPS FRE SH LONCER The Chu rch School Service league watcr lodge F. & .A. M., at Dayton, Waynesville pike and 1 % miles east of the Dayton Pike, on will meet with Miss Doris Hender- Monday evening. FRIDAY, f'EBRUJ\RY 27, 1925, "on Saturday nfternoon, F ebruary ' BAKED BY Commencing at 10 o'clock tile foJ. 21, nt 2 o'clock. Every member reDinner g uests of Mr. and Mra. qu este d to ultend . Remember, we Frank Zell last Thursday, were Mr. lowing property: MULES-7 head, all good wowltall wa nt t o boost the club this year. and Mrs. Harvey Sackett and little daughter, Mrs. Cnr.oline Barnett, era, one team 9 yeara old, weight • • • • • • • • • • • • •,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. : A program appropriate to Wash. Mrs. Ida Kelsey and Mrs. James S. 2500 pounds. One team,S years old, weight 2700. One team 3 yeai'll ington's Birthday will be given at the McClure. old, weight ' ~300. One 4-t1ear-ol~i Grange, Saturday night; February 21. For the refreshments each lady Mra. W. E. Stroud entertained at extra. CATTLE-Five milch eoWII, tour i~ !l8k,ed to bring one-half dozen a birthday dlnn'!r, Tuesday, Februcookies and each man a sample of his Bry lOth, ·in . hOllOr of her husband, to belresh by day of sale; two of favorite fruit. and son's birthday, which both fall these are' . extra ,ood Holsteins, ellDon't Forget to have IIOUT Insurance 1 rans(erred on the same day, the following: Kr, Ir!b~ to J'O,PI~" On. ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ricks (nee and Mrs. E. T. Siroud, Mr. alld MR. heifer and one 7t.,lln. Holstein bulL Reva Wa lker)', of Westfi eld avenue, Otho Henderson, M1'8. L. D. chiles PIGS--80 'head of Pia'I. lV,ijrM about 60 pounds . each. I Dayton, Ohio, announce the birth of and Mr. Claude Stroud. a SO li, Richard Frank, Saturday, FebHAY AND' nED--G tonI bf 80eHI . ruary 14. Mr. Ricks is man,ager of . The Adult Clothin~ club wil1 ' lr!ve mixed hay; 100 bushels of . the Great Atlantic and Pacifie ' gro- a demonstration ,of the work they ed corn; 10 'buabela .of '' - ' baled, hay: . " " ',. , cery store, Wayne avenue and Clov- have done, next ~turday evening at and .. lot er str~et. 'IMPU;MENTS--,i;~ lC?t of ,.u~ Gr!lDge hall, durlpg the lecture hour. All ,interested ue c;ordlally Invited to date fann implemelttal, .te, 't ' . HARNES,.S-Work harn_ Mrs: Leroy Hurd and two daugh- attend this demonatration. horses; 1 .. t. of breechlna Iaaiii_ ters, 'Of Piqua. , and Mr. and Mra. C. . -Po Ellis, son and daughter, of M·n. Ruth Kuna TomUnlOD II1Id and 2Hte 01 hlp· map ban_I 8 W!1YDesville, took dinner With Mr. Ky. and MI'II.. Ed:Wtn S. FIU'II&I call.. rood 'coBarL ODe lIolIDe Tractor .d· ,10., and Mrs. James Curtis, Sunday. Xl'll. on Mr. and .1'11.. EIlha Underwood, T__ made kDowa OD _ of ..... Minnie Wash, of HarveY8burg, and WedDelday aftenoon, It belq 1&. OBA8. ·UAIlDJNO. Mr• . and 1111'11. Sherman Slngleto~, Unclamrood'. Be ftCIIIft4 SIIbr • JIartbI, A.... 01 .Lebanon, were c:allen In the af. a Iarp blrUauJ ~ ternoon. ~ and at ... dar.



Mrs. Mary Caskey visited relatives Messrs. Howell and Raymond Peirce were in Cincinnati, Tuesday. pringboro, Sunday afternoon.


24 _-pound

Mr. Myer Hyman and family Sunday in Olncinnati.

.-- - --"<


'" anted for drIVing

truck, and w().rk in mill.

WaynesvUleMm Coal &Ice CO.


The fll'llt distribution of 'Cash to the various municipalities of the st.ate from the s~te autOtombile liMiamisburg, Oh io cenle lunds will be ma(le during the ned ten daya or two wePQ by 001. . ... Phone 282W Thad H. Brown, sl!cretary 'of @tate. Pfll" '" ••. Just what the amp'Int w.ll\ be Ilas not Phone (:o . . . . . I.. yet be8l\ de~rntlned, b.u ~ it' is Qer_4 tnin to 80 well in~ the mnUona. In spit.e pf the delay beacuBe of the alleged poor finishing Of t.he tagl the sale baa been the greatest in the· histoty of Ohio for the lil'llt BO daytt, N ow I. tlae tilDe to ..I.. t )'O'AI' an d' immediate distribution of this money to theclttea and villa~;---­ SPRING WAI:,L PAPER the state means that much important road work may lltart as 800n as the SalDpl. . .1.41,. S.o•• at Your Ho..e weather conditione will permit. PRICES REASONABLE Secretary Brown indicated that WORK GUARANTEED the fil'lli diatribution would be greater than the first a year ago, and that the second would be even greater Bol\ 32 W.,...e... UIe, 0l0I0. and prove a surprise to many amall village. which have impo~nt · highway improvement programs iii view for the coming year.

A. B. Swank tJo.,

Painting and Paper Hangin,


W. H. Britain


UNCLE PETE'S THOUGHT "Mebbe Chris Columbus' crities flat were who said the world right. We now know for a certain. ty that Germany and France are that way."


PURE MAPLE SYRuP Everett Stubbs R. D. I, .t BorrJhnI'. Coraor

Wa11lf8Ville, Ohio Pho•• B.Jlbrooi 22Xl

Late ClaSSified Ads, FOR SALE


FOR SALE-Seed oats, Home nice CLASSIFIED ADS. PAYS THE AD. hay and baleli oatil II~W. Good teAm 91 bQ~es, Ell F!1J'nl!l, VERTISER MORE TH,\N A HUN DREP fEfl ~E"T. TI\Y \IS. 'mill Waynelville, Ohio.

"Golden Twin" Bread

Thompson's Bakery


Notice to Mover.

••Sea... . &

Cart~right ••

llnsoranee and Sales I


r,r ...

Satisfied ,Patrons, Best Reference

ban BId..

Pilone Si-2

W.,De1ville, Ohio


...... .....



--~~~~~--~~----.~-~~~--~------~~~--~-~---~~------------~-------------------~-------------~ ,WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25, 1925

Seventy-Seventh Year


ANNIVfHSARY EXTENSION ~~ERVICE DEATHS The 'lI('mbe r s of lhc K. of P. }( ubi nso n died at his WilL ORDER CAR honwL" f:lYm'utter Or('1(oni:l. ludge . "ith Ihe ir families. ('njoyed T h ur"duy, Feb· fin e t ime Thursday ('vcning. r Ullry Dea th was du e t o At 7 o'c loc k nbou t one h und red lind uble. The fun(' rlll Wlls held Of PYROTOL hea'.htTrt trohome twe nty· li ve women und children Mon dny uHernoo n. BurK, Of



Whole Number 5631




1!J . 1!l2 5.



~~ i s~ I. ury F:mlt' y WII ~ n din ner !(ue,t of ~Irs . Sallie .Joy. :"nday .


Slit duwn lo u Ion)!' tab le in lhe Fun key ~ lo r c r oo m. laden wit.h everything lhat WIIS good to cut, and l hc"e \l'a ~ JlI ~lIty of it. Af ler ~ u ppe r wag ov r the entiro company proceeded to Miamit hellter . wh ere th ey enjoy ed t he pictures. HOW RICH IS AMERICA? Everyuody cla imcd to hll ve hod l he 100 LITTLE PIGS best ti mc the y eve l' had. Th e oCCIIsion ALSO VASSAR GIRLS lime lhey eve r had. The occasion WORK AND LIVE was l o ce leb ru te t he an ni versnry of the lodge. li nd t he c ntert.uinme nt was How much do you think the Unit- in ch nr1(c of BI·O •• Myel' Hymu n, Lee ed States is worth. all together. in Hawke an d Earl Conn er. thousands of millilons of dollars ? According lo thc Census Bureau, all the property in the United tates three years ago amounted to IIbout $320.803.862.200. 'I'hat means 320 times one thousand million dollars. with 803 million8 to spare. It's a great deal of money. but you may be lure that it's much less The m e m b~ r s o f Rol ph P. Snook than the United States Is worth. Properly developed, the State ot Post No. 18 6, will give a din ner at Texas will be worth more than the Grange hall. TuesdllY eve ning. March total "wenlth of the United States" 3rd a t 7 :3 0 for all ex-serv ice men of Warren county. as now estimated. A moveme nt is on f oot to win a Nobody has the faintest idea what dinner from ft uasell McElfresh Post, the real wealth of this country of Franklin. Ohio. lhe ng reement beIImounts to. In ten years the total i ng between the two p o~ts that th e wealth. according .to the figures loser in the membership campaig n above, has increased more than sev- con test e nt erta in t he winning post e nty.two per cent. Give this nation to a good dinner in the near futur e. The Legiondrum corps will be on fifty million more inhabitants, intel· Iigent, willing to work, and th ey the street leadjng a parade at 7 would raise the value of thll nation's o·elock. Prominent Waynesville busi· property fivc hundred per cent in ness men will be present. as well as some from Lebanon. and entertainhalf a generation. ment a-plenty - has been arranged A boy sends this information to for. A good time is expected .by all. It will not be possible to get invithe United States Agricultural De · partment. Five yeara ago. ' when he tations into the hands or all ex-serwas In t.h e public achool. he bought vice men because of an incomplete a pure· bred pig. female, eight weeks moiling list, so all ex-service men not uld. Since then his pig has add ed receiving invitation cards will plell5e 100 am all pigs to th e earth's porcine get further information from George ~ upulation. The little boys wriles: Waterhouse. 'She paid for my clothes. three ycarR in high school and gave me spending money alBo. [anl now in my second year in colleg e and she is still doing ~he same."




iul in lI1 iu mi cemet er y.

II lr. Willium Th olli lUi (It'li ghtf ,, lly T HIS WEEK entcrla ilH'd ~e\'cl'll l of his fl'i .HI:; W. S. Bo nn eville d ied at thc Wara l u ('hicken r \lus t lu,l Tlt ur",I" y ev· W~yne . v i ll" Boya a nd Girl. W i ll Be Th. Se •• nth at the Hi,h re n nunly h me 1II 0nday nig ht., afeni ng. l er It long i1 ln es~. The body was T here. li n d Ex p ect To Make School BuildiDl, Will EDtertaiD broughl hore a nd lhe f un er al is ta kn Fine S howing Th!. Week To the Farmer. in Warre n County, i ng place th is llf teTlloon fl t 2 p. m. Mrs . .J. T. E lli ~ \\'as l('lIci('I'P<\1I ~ \lr ­ Who Are Blaolit.g and Cl e arin g' a t t he il'lcC lure F u ne ra l plII·lors. n ev. pr i. c lust Frid ay evcninJ,( by r einWUKhburn. uflic ia l ing . Burial will t ives an d f ri(, lI ds, the occlIs ion be· Wny n('8ville "Ii >:, h schcol is conLast Friday afternoon the Sevonth Their Landa thi. Spring ing he r birth rla y. "i<ic r{'ti on(' of thl.' likely co nte nd ers be Ilt Miam i cel1l~te r y . grade gave the following program ftor honors am ong lh e eight t eams of Mr. 130n ne\' ille wus !It one tim e II before the school: 1I-1r. a nd Mrs. F ra nk Sh utts. Mi'" th p coull ty ellter ed in t he tournaHaving jus t completed t he d i ~tri ­ mercha nt of Wa ynes\·ille . co nd uctScripture Reading .. .. .... .. Reva Searll bution of 1[-,00 pou nds of P yro lol, 11 ing a dry goods store in the Ama n Naom i Il ockett an d Mi"s Orl'ha mCllt whi('h i" lo Lt c played at F ra nk· Reading ...... ..... ......... .... Joseph Kenty surplus wa r explosive. to Richard buil d ing . One KOIl, WUliom Bonn e· Hockett were S unduy dinner gue. t. li ll 'JII Fl'iduy and Salurday of th is Song-Gladys Adams. Helen Gullady we lk. Brown, Spring Va ll ey: Stan ley Illy- vill e, of Los A nge lcs, ~ 1.. an d one of MI'. and Mrs . Dan lI oc kdl lind Nora Wardlow. The!ma StJohn. E.g ht <c houl. huve entered both duugh ter . Ml's. Chas. B~b c nu . of fum ily. en, of Pleasant Pla in: C. L. Du ke. Reading ......... Mary Kathryn WII80n "uy~ ' a nt! girls' teums for the county ' Wenzel He rres. Wal ter Whi ta ker. Duytun . 8tt r ~ i vc hi m . Saxophone Solo .. ........ M.ynard Rich IIlr. a nd Mrs. Clure nce Ed wnrrls to urna ment to be he ld li t Frnnklin, Chas. Hagemeyer and has. T. E lRellding .. .. ...... .. .. . .. .Virginia Hardin a nd fumil y an d Mr. lind Mrs. hilS. Fc hruR r y 27 and 28. lis. of Way neSVille : Frank Clevengor . Plano Solo ....... ... .. .. .. Bemice Hyman Eig ht boys' and ten girls' wll\ be Edwa rd s lind f umil y wcre Sunday of Pl easu nt Plain; C. R. Ma y a nd Violin Solo .................... J08eph Keilty fr om the eligibility lists sub· "e leNed g of Mr. lind Mrs . Ed Edwa rd s, Wa lte r Kellis. of Foster: A. B. J enJokes ...... .... ... .. .. ...... ..... Mabel Planck mitte d by eac h sc ho ol t o r epresent nings. W. R. Lewis and A. O. Ha rof Route 3. Mr. Wllson'lI room will entertain thllt Bchool lhroug hout the tourna. baugh. of Lebano n ; S. A .Swa nk, o r next Friday afternoon. beginning at men t. Thesc names must be give n Loveland; E d Re·tallick. of Orego. Mr. lind Mrs. Hnrl Hnr vcy nnd 12 :30. t he local ' mllnager before the first nia; Geo. Knapp. of Foster: H. L. fa mil y and Saml Butterworth and gllme is plnyed. Smi th, of Mason ~ Jesse Gross . of wi fe un d Gilber t Frye spent Sunda y The pupil. are having their eix lI'1 a r~ h a l Bent ley and Consta ble T he boy's teams finishing fi rst and F ru nklin; Tom Hollon and Carl HowJ oy arres t ed Ed Van meter a nd Geo. with Mr. alld Mrs. Ern est Butte r- seco nd are entitled t o enter the regweeks' teat, this week. ard, of Morrow. worlh and son. Burn et t. iona l tournament at Dayton on County Agen Clllss announces that Shan ks, fr om over t he river . They ppeared Baaketball County tournament will in t own und er t he inlluence Ma rch 13 and 14. th e State Ag ri c ul t ural Extension be held at Franklin next Friday and Had Family Dinner of liquor. and were tryin g lo trllde On Friday the girls' teams from se r vice is ex pecting to ord er nnother Saturday. hor sl' s when th e offi cer s appeared on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Archdeacon Kings Mills. Waynesville. Sprin g boro car about Murch 1. ~o thnt all farmers in Warren co unly who wish to the scene. Shan ks rlln and esca ped, en te rtain ed the fo llowin g a t dinn er. and Franklin will play in the a fterThe law states, concerning phys· ciear land of stumps and sto nes can bu t was af te rwa rd s appr ehcnd ed. Sunday : Mr. and Mrs. J os. Mill er . noo n and Ottarbein. Mason. MorIcal training In our IIChool!. as fol· In Justice Hathaway's court. ilion- Mrs. Ada McEwe n. of Springboro. row and Lebanon will play in t he ta ke IIdvantage of' same. lows: Pyrotol. a mi xture of 'rNT a nd nl- day, they pleaded guilty, and were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Easton and son. evening. These drawings were made All pupils In the elementary and lrate of so da, \Vus made f or war pur· fin ed. ' After pay ing the fine they of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank at the meeting In Le banon. F ebruary secondary IIChoola of the atate shall poses . and has beE!1I put up in sticks were released. Kenty and two sons, of Lytl e. Mr. 7th. The final drawing for girls' receive .. part of their Instruction Wenzel Herres, who lives on Caes· lind Mrs. John Geiger and IIlr. Stan· gum es will be made at 1 :55 p. m. and or cartridges slime size and shllpe as such physical education as may be ordinary dynamite. These are par· ar's cree k. south of town . was ar- ley Mye rs . of Butlerville. Mrs. ·Han. 6 :00 p. m .• Friday. preaeribed or approved by the direcresled on a search warrant. and the nah Antram. Mrs. Mary Cas key, The drawin g f or boys' gam es will affin ed. so material can be used in tor of education. and the physical wet soil or under water with entire officers, after a thorough search. Misses Jennie and Josephine Re eves. he set promptly at 1 :30 Friday. A education .hall occutty not leas than found a bottle o'f whisky. Mr. Herres re presentlltive from each schOol satisfaction . 100 minutes per school week. Modshould be prese nt bu t in case a school Government oflllcials state khen was arrested and brought to town, Entertaincd at "500' Ified courses of instruction may be is not r eprese nte d l he loca l mun!lger present 8upply of surplus explosive where his hearing was had before provided or approved by the diMr. and Mrs. Jam cs McClure en· will appoint some one to draw for is exhausted no more' will be availa· Justice Hathaway. He pleaded not rector 01 education lor pupils unble. The 1500 pounds recently reo guilty and his hearing was set for tertained a g roup of fri ends Tuesdu y suc h sc hoo l. 1n the second r ound the able to take the course provided for March 2nd. He was placed under evening. " 60 0" and a deli cious tell m at t he top is l o play the next ceived costs Warren cou nty farmers .normal children. Credit! and penlunch 'were e nj oyed by the follow. one be low an d so on dow n t his round 10 cents pe r pound delivered here. $2.000 bond. alUee shall be . applied tor succe88 a nd one cap was furnished free for ing : Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edwards. T he succeeding I'ounds will be con· or failure In phY8ical edulllltion Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mr. du eled lik ewise. This a ppli es t o both use with one pound of expl08ive. counes a8 in otber school subjects. Material is packed 50 pounds to th~ and Mrs. F. B. Hend l'rso n, Mr. a nd bo ys ' and gil' l ~' ga mes. The basketball games. which we have Tea m num uer is to be determin ed Mrs. L. A. Zimmerma n. Mr. and Mrs. box. and County Agent Class does at noon are for this purpose and Mr. not like to accept ordel'8 for smaller Myer Hyman. Mr. and Mrs. Bert by lot ; first tcum drnwn to be No. Burton h88 charee 01 the boy!' phys_ Ha rtHock, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. H en. l ; second tea m No.2 , a nd so on. amounts. Gover nment Extension Ical training, all of which go to make A Il gam s will be pluyed in 8·min. Calherine J ohns, da ug hter of Jo· age nts ha ndl e th e distri.bu t ion of the This boy has joined the "better kle, MI'. and Mrs. W. Eo O' Neall, Mr . up the 100 minutes per week a8 is . ires-be tte r stock" cllmpllign. and siah und Fe ba H ough. und next to e xplosive which must be sold withule qu a rte rs wilh 2 minutes between nnd Mrs. C. M. Robit zcl'. Mr. an d required. (IUurte rs an d len minutes bet we en will work hard to improve t ho pig the e ldest in a family of t\\'~ lve chil· out uny ext l'a cha rges to fnl'mers or Mrs. J . O. Ca l'twrig-ht. T hro ugh the solicitati on oC !l1t·s. ha l"es. drcn, \\'u s born nc ar Lytle. Ohi o. Sep- profits ndd ed. breed. Geo. O. JIIills. s UJl ~ ri nte ndent o r le mMiss Edna Howland la one of thc te mbe r 26 , 1846, lind depar ted this All schoo ls should bring soap and . If it were possi ble to im prove huHa\-ing use d some of the P yrotol eran cc wo rk in the Sunday-Schoo ls Cele brat e d Birthd a y delegates to the TeachefB' Training mun breed a s easily It S we improve life Febl'ua ry 14 , 1!l25, aged 78 years during t he past \\'~ek , Cou nty Agent P towe lti fol' s howers. A room will be of Wtll'l'en ('o unly, IIIrs. Car rie L . convention In connection with the cattle or swine. civil izlltion would 4 mont hs an d 1!1 d uy ~ . assig ned euch te am fo r qu a rters dur_ Clllss ad vises' lhat it is very e ff ective Flntt er . nlllin nal It-cturer nnd organIIf r. Ha ro ld Smilh was host at tl National Education _ &88oclation. impl'o ve rap idly. U nfortunately. eu· In the year 1 66 she was married and economica l mea lls f or farmers izer, of X!'nia. an d 1\ "pecia li 5l in the par l y g iven Feb ru a ry 17th , celebro- ing t he t ournam ent. which Is being held in Cincinnati. genis ts mak,· HUll) progr ess. But to Thomas J ohnK. \\'ith wh oin she of WUlTen co unty to c1ell l' la nd of The Moth er's club of Franklin will va riou s brunches of t he wor k of the ti ng his e i ~htcc nlh birthda y. The Sho will attend the annual dinner some thin g might be done. co nduc t a caf cto ri a in th e Domcstic was permitted t o live, s ho ring lif c'~ . to nes. and st umps. T he ex pl os ive \V. C. T . U:, spOKe fiv e lim '5 in lhe eve nin g WIl " de\' oted ·t o ga mes and given by the Teacher Training deThat proud mo ther of 100 little joys an d r esponsibili ties of home un d is equa ll y li S sa t is fllctory for d igging home an d churches o f ou r village , danci ng. ufte r wh ich deli cious r e- Scie nce rooms of the school. Coacbpartme"t of Corumbla unversity at pigs in li ve yours neve r smoked cig- parent f ol' 2 1 ye ll rs. when death, in dilches. blnst in g l·ocks. et c. es m"y hllve Hpec ial orders for the Sunday. Fe bruu ry 22 , th e day being fr eshmen ls W(' I' C served to the folthe Gibson botel. Wednesday cvcn· arettes or dl'llnk cocklnils. And the '87, t ook him Cr am her side. leaving An y one wi ~hin g to take advan ts ge T mp 'r:lIlce D IIY in lhc . un(I IlY- lowing gues ts : III isses Su ra hJl{is~il . teams if ordol's arc give n in advance. ing. A dmi~~ i O Il tu ~a ch IIflc rn oo n and fath er or fath ers 'd'id not set before her thirty·eight Inng y~a rs to Jive of this offer cn n comm unkllte with Schools. d ine. Fran ces Henkle. Eli zabcth Hen· eve ning session will be 26c. their Bans t he example of bootleg ill wid owh ood. Co unty Age llt Class, inclu di ng their Duri ng l he Sun d" y-schoul hour kle. Ed na III Ullin, Lillian Walkins. Co mpetent offic i a l ~ have bee n se· To thi ~ union we re born six chil- check or money or der for th e umount law breaki ng and <;ontcmpl for the she spoke brie fl y on La w Enf or ce- r,ve lyn Ung lcsby, Luci lu SWohn. Escured f rom l ho University of Cincindren, four of wh om still survivc her . desircp , at the rate of 10 cen ts per Constitution. ment. in th e M . E. church. Durin g lhH Hend erson. Frances Watki ns. nati. F oll owing is t he checlule of Mrs. Be rth a Thol11 l1s. of Cl' nter- pound. All orders shoul d be in Ilis the hour wo rship at th e Frien ds lII ess l's, Vernon Man us, T homa Burgu nles. D ear youn g ladies of Vassar col· ville , Cha rles a nd James, of Lytic, hand s by March 1. church she guve n m ost inte resting ton, Kenneth StJohn. Fo r" cst Houg h. Friday lege with beautiful, tall foreheads und H a rr y. of. Duyton. .' und helpful ta lk, closing wilh an 01'- 'Wa de 'rurner, Ne ls on Wutk ills, Ed· In very tend er years she heard and nimble fe e t and nimble minds. tell dent pra ye r . At 2 :3 0, at the home \\' in Ro wl ey. H owa rd Missildi ne und I :;{ O to 2 :30-Girls • what they think of tobllcco. 433 say yielded to the call of her Mllster. :! ::10 to 3 :3 0- Boy~ of Mrs. Mills, wh ere she was being Willio m T homns. Final planR for bringing the leg· they like cigarettes, 524 never smoke The M. E. chu rch of Lytle being her :1:3 0 lo 4 :30- Girls <l ntertnin ed, she s poke informally to islature to a close by the end of next No matter what .you may think of church home, ull her life un til a f ew 1\ :30 to 5 :30-Boys a grou p of Indi es on Child Welfare. Complimentary Luncheon month, were mapped out by leaders women smoking. how would you an· yeurs ago huving moved her resi· 6 ::1 0 to 7 :30-Girls In the Epwor th leag ue she tnlked tlence t o Centerville she trans ferred Co mplimentin g Mrs. Cli fford S. 7 :30 to 8 :3 0- Boys yesterd.y, a. the bars went up to the swer this question? young people to inspirin g ly t o th e Ridge. of Chicago . Miss E mma 8 :30 to !l :30-Girls Introduction of new bills. Which will be married first· .the her church membership to the M. E. make the best their opportunities Hcig hway lind Miss May Wri ght cn· !J :30 to 10 :30- Boys Sinee last nlght's BellSion which 483 girls that smoke cigarettes, or chu1'ch there. lier whole 101lg· life to becomee llicie nt citizen s und ke el) Gratification was expressed by' tertain ed, TueRda y. a t th e horn e of swelled ' the total number of meas· 524 that don't smok cigarettes! wa~ .lived in the Lytle community. th emse lves phys ica ll y. m orally and Sat~rda)' urel Introduced this 8ession · to 804. And which will make the best moth· with the exception of the last few Secretary 'Brown at the low cost of spirit ulllly fil, lhu s roundin g out a the form er, a t u delicious a nd welldistributing the auto license tags in years in Centerville. The people of in te d three co urse luncheon. a ppo 1 :30 to 2 :3 0Girls new bUls eannot be introduced ex· el'81 ~hcsc communities know he r well and Ohio. The cost amounted to only useful and perfec t chal'Octer . Those who enj oyed this de lightful 2 :30 to 3 :3 0- Boys cep* by • two thirds vote suspend· The c"~ning address was very cd. Men have spent most of their time join in sayill~ that she was a womlln $2.30 for each $I 00 collected. Cost ucntional on th e evil effects of t he occas ion nrc Mr". Mnry L . Adams, :3 ::10 to 4 :3 0- Girls ing the rule.. of manufacturing the tags was in· a. ! storling character and noblenel!8 Mrs. Annll Cadwaliltd er . Mrs. Edith ., ::10 to 5 :3 0- BoY8 Georce Bender, of CleyelaDd, on eartb fighting and murdering each c1uded In this Ilmount. The cost for u ~e of the cigarette and whllt is go· HUl'ril!. Mrs . Lllul'u Mosher . Mrs. W. 6 :30 to 7 :3 0- Girls con801lltion eauleel a stir iD the senate by intro· other. But the real job of the hu· of 80ul. She was fa ithful as a wife, as a 1922 was $3 .3 0 f or e a~b $100 col· ing on In the Legislature at the H. Allen. Mrs. Howell Peirce, Mrs. 7 :30 t o 8 :30- Boys' consolation . dueln, a bill entitled "to dri'te hypo. man race IS to fight against and conpresent tim e. We feel it WIIS Quite mother. as a neighbor, as n citizen. lected. George Smith and Mrs. D. L. Crune. 8 :30 t o n:30-Girls' finals crit~ from public offiu." It pro· quer Nature. a privilege to henr one SO we ll in· Following is a list of the amounts and as a child of God. A diligent Mrs. Ridge will be r emcmber ed as !J :3 0 to 10 :i:l O- Boys' finals . Every canal dug, desert iiTigated, Yid_ .,bat any public official who f Ol'med on these s ubjects nnd many tak.. a drink of liquor u a beverage swamp drained, i8 a victory in the worker in His vineya rd. She had credited lo Warren county and dis· good Impressions we re left upon the Miss Annie Sweet, da ughter of the learned from Him with whom she had tributed liS follow5 : lale Drew Sweet, wh o w ns for many .hall be 8ned not more than $6,000, really important war. Butlerville. $68.63: Corwin. ,82; hearts and minds of the hearers. years editor and Jlublisher of the ~e lve s. long·hand. walked and talked and in whom she ""e one t9 fty, yean in .,rllon and whi ch will not soon be forgotten . "Ja mes G. Blaine was then the Miami Gazette. Canada is growing rapidly. Up had put her trust. the art of living Fmnklin, $1.!l84 .34: Harveysburg. torte It hi. olBee. Mnny pledges again st the usc of $224 .67; Le bllno n . $2.879.22: Lovebeautifully and so she loved and . Mr. and Mrs. Ridge are spe nding Speaker of the House. He had no The Collistar home rule amend· there they welcome-good immigrants. intoxicants, tobacco and opium were smiled and helped and hoped and IlInd. $40; Maineville. $148.50; Mil' the week with fri ends in Cincinnati. parliamentary expert or Hines' precJ:IIent to the' motor bUI. laW, WIll tbe Here we dlscQurage immigration. signed in the Sunday-school and leaf. son. $675 .77 ; Morrow·. $691.11: kept herself young in body. Boul and where Mr. Ridge is attending a con- edents to guide him but he decided What .111 more important even than cNet "'UI before the houae yellPleasant Plain. $93.10: South Leba· lets dis tribute d encouraging and yention of lhe Nat inal Education as- every question out of his mind. He ~pda,. BJ' a moUon .iQ ree~nsider, immigration ill human happlnllM and spirit. played no fnvorites. Every day he She had so lived that when she non. $259: Springboto. $253.62; teaching us as good citizens, respect sociation. advocate!! of the ' bill, "'defeated by iDdependence. Canadians attend tei for and observance of the lawl\ that Waynesville. $6 14.86 . Total. $18.· would havc to settle a scrap between knew the final summons was very two ntea, ~t weiek, wijt.attempt to that. In Canada 92 per cent oi farhelp to keep us a Chri8tian nation. 27. Ben Butler. of Massacbusetts anll revive the . mers oWn · their own farms. In the ne'a r at hand, bor work was done. We des ire to thank any and all Sunset' Cox. of New York. ' No dismay, no hurry-just smile United States. qnly 62 per cent ...,:..~-who contributed to the 8upport of "Alexander R. Stevens of Georgia, I their land, the othera are teDants snd wait. and then "like one who the work. who hod been vice-president o~ tbe ' WraplI the drapery of hi' couch paylne rent. confederacy. was a member of the The nations In which those that about him to lie down to pleasant . . ~... \. House. then. He was the interesting cultivate the land own' the land on .d reams, she went to sleep, having type of ante·bellum statesman 80 had her starry piniOn! on dressed for which they live grow in strength. The Proteetln and ' De~Uve .. ... prominent in Washington after the Th~power .of France Is due lara-ely the fli~ht and ready to be gone. soc:laUon . tor Wayne tOwnalifp, will Representative Isaac R. Sherwood . war. There were seven majoI'" . .~ Her Ijfe, WfUI like' this: the faet that Frenchmen own 'thelr hold their .annD~1 ~eetln, 'Saturday The Miamis played the West UnSeveral business men have pur- .of Toledo, Ohio. now in his nlneti· erRls In the CongrcBB and any Jilum • . , • afteriioon ' 'at.' tlie Township, ho~se: land. That IImal1 cou~try hu more "Be swift, dear heart, In loving ; ... ion team at WE!st Union, Satur'd ay chased, ticket,s which will be given eth year and the oldes t mlln ever to ber of brigailier generals.' than six mmlon iatid owners, a great Annual election of ollleera, and' other Fo!: time iii brief." serve in Congress. will retire from "Back in those days there were ; , night; and were defeated 36 29. to the school children for the PreImport4ai bunne. ,pll be attended improvemer\t en the' da)!s of monShe leaves to realize their fosS, one While at West Union the teaqt, th~ mier band concert. Tbe names and pabllc life March 4. General Sher- good old s ongs and everyboBy sane .• archy, when a handful of noblel, eeto .t 'thls-Illeeting. wood first canle to Congress in 1873. Julia Wdra Howe's Battle bymn of Mellsrs. Edward Burton, las. Lun· the amounts follow : The old olllean' :are .nxioua th.t clelllstlCII and .royal, princea were the sister and two brothers. Mrs. Emrick, dy, Myron Thomaa. raul . Duke, VirDr. Ellis .......... ,........... ... :.. .' .. ... $10.00 the same year "Uncle Joe" Cannon the Republic, 'Just Before the' Batland owne~ •. ' of Lrtle. Amos Hough, of Harvey,. al mai\)' of tile ..embers .be present 'Lorenz ,Koeni(,. aged' lIe! enty.t"!'?, bun, and. qh... Hou,h, ot nllOr \V~7' gil and Vivian Retalllck, were gues~ c. M. Robitzer" ... ....... ..: ......... .. $10.00 became a member. During these in- tie. rtfother. ' and 'Tenting Tonight e.n~':\' - , ·Mln Edna Ho,w~and and her aunt, E: M. OxTey.• ,.... ... ; ... ... .. ......... :.$lO.OO tervenlng yeanl he haa ' served in on ' the Old Camp Ground.' Now all . his worldn/f -hours to atack-' neByilviJle; tour ctlildren who Mve . ' Archdea.~~n ......... .. .'.... .. ...... $10.00 COJlgr~8s ' off and on. his whol~ life . w~ he.a r is 'sucl\ trub '~ "N!. Coons • .hl'ng:l es : iri .a lumber Y~rd ·'1tt · 'have been P1entIQne~.; 4Ilve -Jran<lCibi~. Mias Sabina ~o"~land. M. COle .~ .. , ........·.. .... ............ $10.00 service covering .only elgbteen yeara. Look Ali,ke to ' Mel' 'Hall, HlUl, thO! ·un,.rna_ . H. InJi~~ ,116,1>110, ' but ~ren, tour . ¥Nt-arandcllll4na, an>~ --~ "Yes. things wero different then," Gang's All Here,' 'and iyea. 'we. 1 .... '.11'6. McClure ................ .. ... .$10.00 /fo. on ,pacldne Ibin,l... "If l ·qult. a very larjie acquaintance ' of oUaer .' A, F. Mellob" ...-:-":': .. .......... .:7.... .. $10.00 remarked 'Mr.' Sherwood. "In that, Have No Bananas.' ~. I ' I'd die," he ~ and hl'1l gin the . relatives .,ud friends. " . _ c day we had 242 membel'8 as . .alnet "Then people would :'fill a ~ 1.. W. Wh.lte ...... ,., ..................... $lO:OO • ihe bam .00 the fanD of Q~ Ar- moneT. to b1I c:'hUdm. Ped)"plI the Thr,ouch all ~n at time ahe'cS amile D. R. Smith, ..... ... ....... ... ... ,.....:. ,5.00 436 now. I don't know.'how ·we did auditorium to hear t18r1ous and Khol. thur . ~ortb of J.,de, bow. .. the habit of ~ "l'Ort hasn't rot .. ftnn A smile' of baavenlf ~; ., A. Wat1dna .. . ........... ,.. ............ $10.00 it. but 1'.e had no ataedlq eomtnit- arty lecture.. , Now a no.. ~v iI~~lII'tItli our .eriat apfaraI, ... b.umed to a, bold on them ~. It has 011 btm. . '. A~ wllen the an,.11- eaU~ IaU boille fo-e . . ldndDcu of aU J. O. ~ht .. , ............. ...... '10.00 tee, no mejori~y or 'minority leader, . 'Uke Jack Delllpeey ceta '100, 1I0001..,.aftentocm. Two Our life 4epeada 011 the ~ ..Janda. She IIIIilecl tarewe)l I pnlUaltioa no omce POOblB for lIlelllben and no one ni/fh,'. w.,rk, whUe ...mat ntlli.)lbon, foV0wlq our Our. ...,.... Oil habit. W. IJ_YeD Ntablftb ROlf ••• • olBce buDding. We had no . eterb form . .ton have • liard lIP JIUtIa, IcIDeI7 or aecretari-. no tnNwrlWn ..4... • , _ ONE CAR OF PYROTOL ALREADY GIVEN OU T





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iND ",0' "MEETtlO' .P. L






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wrote an ~ oar COIle.)! D8IIe'i-.



T h l' PUr-PIlS!'! 01 thi!l xhibit was Id · m tlly til ~I1(I\\' Iho! ~UP ri OI'ity of An tl l'ic>lll" \l n,J,. m at ' l'i1\l~ un d fn~ h· I .. n ~. T hllt (l ,,) II W !'pl'ill J.:' ~ t )' k : w ill !/.' [I \ ' (' nn thi"!! 10 hI' d(', il'<'<1 ill crt l· CH', (nbri nn ,1 tl l1 ~i C' 1l \\'n :{ ,1' 1'11 \ t' ll very C'nllc1u ~ i\,l' ly,

All the n (,\I' " t fll ~h i 'll df'\, 1,, 1"

-- , n" lll ~'nlly wi t h Il hi -h collnt'-are

ll~ill!!' ~ h!l)\'fi. Wors l"d nnd C... hm e r c RIII ~-SI, o'rt Mode l. T hl' '\I,",irer (I f :;P(1l't nl r d 18 p ro· ~l' l\t ".(l ill t}H' li l"ht w('i,l! ht w l1r'd flntl ~ (I ft. '~:I "s. h n1f· t't' ma t l~ l'ial ~ 1 h ('l t h


d l'r« ( ~ 011l1 1,,'" t: . \\'ou ld illtlic~ltC) th ut COMMON

PLEAS PROCEED INGS Oi" ul'e' WII S gra l1ted ill t he c>:so o f llll'Y will I ,'~ ,I ' th e nIlH t.· ill sport mu· \\h jeh lQu\'c !'l n u IhHlht th a t A lllrh'u n tC'riu l.. , Th ,· l11 u ~ l di 'Q il1 g'l1i ... hrd cha r - Cum 13. · Grllllt ",. Wa lter D. l: rallt. made mal ria l" UIIO fu"hi Il ~ un' lin· tH'1 r+..: t i~ ni" th l ' :-:l',,\ rt nltJ d('I ~ ~ h o \\'n The court rou nd the oef e lldant B7 Emma Flo WiI.OD J.o tl rpa s:-'e d , '1' h e 1"(1 " ' l' n' I fl llmuth' l .; ' .l.H " ,t IP t x L'l, ll l'n t 1j11 !, lI ty a ll d the I!uilty " f e xtreme crl"~ lly . Even if one hod noL con te l1l plntl'd F"(J ~ tkl'(' pc..' , It i ~ Ja\" i!'- hlv L' 1Il \n' l l jd fil ll ' t ( ' \ tu l't, P I' th t' Il \lllt.' t' s' \I :':; ('( } . .J n m ~ :< F oll en wa~ 'Ippointen co n· the Immediate selection nn e! purchll"c h om th" you th ful llIi, " I n II1\' 111 '''' .. " II .\ nh·ri(·lI n Ill" .!,·. s tnh l,' "f I he cO ll 'rt mHI too k hi. oull. 01 new Spring clothes the clever w,, · ma tured mut1'on. L,f ollir r H < pl'rsc'I'ibcd by IllW. Tl w l'(' an' Ill' \\' l ' lIl n }' t rl'lIt IlH'nt s ntan will keep abreast with the fn sh· 1.' ·H\'l' was grunt ed tLl fl l,· Ilnswer 11 111 f l' ll lld ill 1:ls t ~p rtl l g- ' ~ r n~ tillllC-!-; , ions now being presenteo for Spring Ens e mb l e Coatumea and Summer wear. Mnny women In stead of Gowns Tlw L' lIh, r. III'( ' ~ " ft a lld h n rllh uh\ lI:-l. \\ il hin fiv e dH~' $ in the rll ~c o f Ben devote Februnry and Marc h t o choos· Th e not ie,'nil l" ah,,·n r,· " f "ft,·r. 1I 1'''' t' \ P I' , :, I.d 11\:1 ) ' tw W lll' f1 wi thout Io:\'an "s. t\cwlon L. BU ll llcl1. . !.c lI\·e " ' IlS g- rllllt ~, 1 t o fll ~ rcply ing and muklng their Spring al\d nO OIl fro cks \\' ll ull l IC'nd onC' ttl n , · f ":11' hy I hu ~ ( ' , \ lll l 'll \ \ hll mu s t wilh ill tl'lI dllY~ ill th .. cn ... o f Mi ch· Summer clothes, and bl'cnu se of the 811m(' th ut th(' ensl' ", hl,' Co, l llllW dh\n" , ' tlH ' ir hia '=' " i tlt ("' II't.' , advanced fashion Bhows for the ben· whic h con , i_ts rtf coats whi ch mo\' T h..· 1-: n:-: (1 1l1 h i", C " l'l l UHl' \\'a ~ pr£l - Ilpl Bn'\\'l'r ct Ill. \'~ . Chllu nccy R. 1l 1l1l1ll·11 et Il l. efl~ of tho"e who go to winter r eo Iw worn se parntely 0 1' with malch. "' l' lJtl, tl III :-o ,,' \' I' ral \' \'r y il1h· rl.·~ t i l1 S! 111 t he l'IIHC o f l\lichl",1 Brewer. ct. eora. it is not at all difficult t o make ing frock undern ea th. is Cust l llkin~ JlIPlh, I ~ , o n t.' rlludd :: h ~) \\'n is de\'~ I ­ (lp t.' d u r "h itt.' .J ":-'U ,,' ll i i. The d J' (, ~~ i!( al. \... J. A. Hartman . lellv c was made \.I f Yl' lI o \\' fai l !(, nnd 1:-1 lrirnmed ~rnn tc d to fil c re pl y within t"n dn ys. , Amuican Styles fur Soring "ith all IIp p l i'iu~ <i ",. ign "f Ih~ \\' hit e Th l' cns ' of Mnr y Hol"o ll. vs. Hud· --~----~~~~==~ ,In :-O l,,, II IU. T ~ (' cual i ~ trimmed wilh Ie ), R. F rnn klin, NU l., WIIS di sm issed Thll very unusual str~et frock o i f "x at th" h ll lt ll n! II ll d III the culTs, with out recorn . Commande r Bluc Seraphe~n hJS ~ [ II th,' CIl ' C of th e Ru l'P alld Witt· \\h i<: h g-n ' a l l )' I H ' i g- ht(llI ~ t o H d vllllla~1! simulated Etoll jacket. It i ~ wo .... ttl\.' l'ff l~ d II r li r htn( ' ~~ nlL ci g-n Yl't y . ~"nfc!t l (' 0 . \·s. R. A. Sal"ollry, Lew. a waiat·coat of white pi que SlI< p'·Il,I,·d f ""1lI Ih,' "lwlI ld,"'s qlli tl' O ~ .J H (~ (l h ;-. o n and I>ll\'id I\ u h ll, the "q'(J (' I'l' d jUdgl1ll' ll t hC' t' t' ll dc r u np Xpt ' l' tl' d l~ a 1'(: (lUlll'r~ of lh .... )'(,1- ,c.' lI u n " r! a l(ain" t defend1\llt. lo\\' faill ... Th e I'll ' " o f Effie l': p\\,nHlII w. Wil· A n" tII\' ,. En "(' mble cvelll ",,' i ~ de· JoI ig-lI cd oj' :\I w'"ll ston,,' :-;cl'uph cCIll Ott. liBIlI D, ' ll\\, lIl all \\'H ~ di :t llli~$ c d \\ it..hmun .. T Ill' hottom uf the ,'oat is "lIL rccol'll. ba ndc.(j wi lh lWO·t Ollc pill inum f ox. III th p c a~ e o f th c ~[l1tl1I11 Dll ild· Th e fro ck i~ of hcnnll an d ~r"y 11I ~ nn d (,onn Co., of Miumi"u uq: . \'s. pI '~ ",' nt - a 'nud c fol' e\'l' l'y s Ly 11'II . A. Thl' lIck lllo"( un ,·t Il l.. it i< or· e rcd with conll'abling' col(ll" . T he dl'l'e d thut plnin lHT I' N'(j\'cr fron, d c. helt, lied at th" fl' lI li t, is a dec iJetlly [elltian t the SUIll of $100 0.11 2. m \ nl!~ " . t'C' pl"c rL n ( ' (( ill n

m :l ll ll f' l'


t l

tute of Chorle$'W, Hu dson. decejUled.Thc. eourt approved the account of .Rob er t J. Koogle, exC)cutor of tho estate of Mary Jane Koogl e. deccnscd. The accou nt of Clara Spence, administrotrix of th e e8talc of Elmer E. Keen e r, docellllCd, was app roved. The court npproved lind cOl1 tlrmed the account of Anllll ,lunney Miller, ud mi nist ratrix o ( the esta te of Min . en'a Cris t •. dcce used. MARRIAGE LICENSES Floyd Billl\ a ll, (Ilrmcr, of Dunlap, lows. lI lICI l\li_s Im oge ne McClun g. t('nchl'r of Milso n. Willilllll .J. il ngedorn, ("rmH. nnd C"rrinnll \ . l.o\\, lllnll. bo t h of Pi ons. :lnt l'l flin. Onal Hunn e ll ~. f arml'r. Monroe, lind ~ I i," Lillilln Wlltson. of Leba. non . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Ma r y McArdle to Wolter Dakin , "!lIu ll tmct in Wnyne Tp .• $1. f·'rllnk C. and [rene HnYllor to Frank und Car rie Spencer. lot in S. Lebn. non, $ 1, Adam E. Bridge to Harold V. !lnd ]{uth M. JI1 nrtz. lot in Franklin, $1. Citiwn s Nati onul Bonk to Hllrley T . and ,\ lIl:U, tu s C. Peck, about J 03 Hc r es ill Clcarcrec k Tp.. $1. Will ialll J . and Hote l Flem in g to \' e rnc' 1.. und Oli ve B. Small wood , tfllel in Frllnklill Tp., $1 . Lucin da Am elia Martin to EdWard E. anti Glenl1a P. Bnnmater, trnct

in MlIssle 'tP .• $1. Florl,,Jla un d Chnrlea Stephenson t o LU CllS and MuriQ Weolund. lots in MI\ $o ll. $1. Fred W. Wudswol'th to Hugo and Marj ori o Lowcnthlll, npprox'imately 53 IIcres in TUI·tlecreek Tp .• $1. COMMISS[ONE.RS ' PROCEED[NGS H. K Dillltu8h, coronor, inquest Sarah E. Burton, $3 .76 : Division of State Cha rities, s upport of Thelma )(ollrl\ ~ . $08. 6(); support 3 crippled childrl!n, $ (j().:l l; Dept. Public Welfare, s upport Wm . Skidm ore. $20.94; BUl'rHt Bros. ,upplies for she riff. $7. 60 ; Ell st End Coa l Yard, coal, $1 ~ .!1 7 ; Bl' oWI\ lind Bunne ll . coal. $<I2·U l.i; I':. S. \\' OJ'le y, Dodge uuto· muoil,· fllr , lrl'l'itl', $1225.00·; 1'rus· te,·. (I f Public Affll irs. water rent, $ 10.00 ; .J no . Zl'll, rond work, $210; West(' rn Stnr, suppli es. $85; Southurel Novelty Co .• Slime., $5 .86; G. Led-el'lllull, "" me, $3.50; Chns. J. Schwart z. slime . $1l . f>6; Valley Phone Co., nml. $47 .26: to lls, $20 .66: Dr. Robt. Blllir. nnti·toxin tn·ntrnent. $5 0; Ol'eg- ollin I3ridgc Co., bridge repair. $6 I .n; IIllrvcys burg Fertilizer Co .• sn it nl\d pos ts, $8.7 Jj; K ilplltrick 0.. repuirs on I·'reneh 1Il otorcul' ("h'·\'I',)le(. $1. 20; S. B. Cutler, pay · roll , $29.\18; A . C. Brunt, sh(' riff, (>OS tu ge. $1.

Demands Immediate Attention


Th e Stre et Coat Wi ll be Popular T he ~ t'· Ci.· 1 cout which will I'ro \'c nH)~ t

Jl(. pubu· f r om

pl'ndicnl.ility is


~lH lldp j) il l t

d"\' ~ I IIp~ d


lIl t t"I O II Cll hUllllh

"f MII"n ·

It is u wrnppy. (' lc-

I(nnt n" " h'l, \I itlr " f ur c" II11 r of fo x. TIr ,· on e Illrl( ! p" cllCt i; Iwauti fully cm broi,ll""'d ill goni ly c, oI o" cd wo ol.

." wIIItt

I ~ '~~m'::.•.










!! iv,'~

Developed of Wh ite Jewelton.


Itl oaly trimming , wide band 01 black mqnkey furl t"- whole charm of thl' day C:OIP,' Ifl In ita e lega n t

_ _lIQlijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;t



0 l'ellow trimmed wi White ID &Il appUque dellgn.



cuff. frock Ir (he

i: , \

·.lmp1lclt)'. AU of these models Ife b7 Amerl.can . d eal~ners :lIld made from American materials .

eo.tumea now that will be exactly l'icht when the time comes to wear them. What the well dreSlled American woman will wear this Spring and Summer was authoritativC)ly decrecd at the American Fabric ancj Fashi on Shllw held recently in New York.

HAD LING Having eomplied with the requ ire. mente of the Utility Commission, I am rolne Into the Truck Business ....n. and wiU' be able to do all Idndt of hauling at reasonable rates.


the I'iace of th " e l u~o rut e afternoon gown . l\los t of lhe conts a rc slightly flareo . One interesling felltur e in nil model~ s hown wus lhe num erOl1S fleeting pane ls. One wos ne ver quite sure when or where one of the fl oa ting lengths would -a'P}mDr n ext. Sometimes they are suspended from the shoulders ·it.her nt th e fr ont or back-and Il t other lim es th ey a~ · pear a t the hip line. However. they are s hown as an additi on to th e straight lines. and do not in any way tend to obliterate the simple boyiRh lines of last year. New and fem· inine touches grea tly enlmnee tht! charm of sim ple. boyish models. T o be really smart. t he sport cos· tume. wbich is absolute ly indispe n. sable to the well-dressed womall's wardrobe. mus~ be of utmost simplicity of line and of impeccable cut and finish. One of the most dC)tect· able differences between the spo rt costume of'last Spring and this is the absence of the brightly colored sweat er of last Spring. Instead, gay little blouses or jumpers whicb fit snug ly

it " novc l tOllc h. The scal· I pl'd Ctlg-C5 "r the jHcket an ti t he , ki rl ure hOll n d \I ith ~ilk bra id. A , i"" ,·t fr ock- "cry prl1cti Cll1 for th" hu ~ ine -~ 0 1' th e collCA'(' g i" I- is tl~\'cl''111' d .. f Jl·\\,c lto ,H'. The fr ill down th (' fr,' nt i" f ace d with 1\ co ntr,,"ting' ~ h n d('. The hUll()lI ~ d"w n the f ront !! i"l' it un 1\d<l~d ai r or luil. l> rC'l1 "il1l l' lk it y unt! chllrlll. It has II Ill'W "kick plcnt" nt the s id e. Ano th er strec t fr ock- more elub. oratc th'\1\ lhe others- is designed of Am her He li o har meen. It has an ill ·(' t ,"est lind cutTs of rros lk rcpc in It pulel' sha de. The cu tTs nrc shirred to fit s nugly aroll nd th e w1'is t At first g lunce. i't hHs the ap 'p cnrn nco of un ensemb le cost u me. II is, howuver, mere ly n !leW ve rs ion o f the tun ic whi ch was so popu lar a ll win. ter. 'rhe s lig htly ci rcu lar ctTC)ct fr om th (· hips down is shown to bes t a dvantage wh en W O I'll by the taller woman.

The range of colors a nd the bea u· tiful design s di splaye d. prove in a munn e r most convincing thll t Am er can stylc creut ors a nd Am er ican fob· ric monufactul'c ,' nrc o'~ a pa r with th ose f ound anywh ere. a nd that the French influence of American tra, le has been unwarrant ed. This dis play - th e first of its kind -wus spon sel'edby thc Nationul Garment Reta ilers a ssociation, and by ex hibiting firm· Iy establi sh a dis tinctive American school of desig n in t extile' fabrics and in dress modes. '

N. L. LeMon tree

ADVE:RTIS£RS I ncr".'e your ...le. by u.inl betler are work and pO'intinl plate.. He .. e

Wh.... In DIl7tOD Viall

mE DAnON ARCADE .AR~ET Under The Doone




is the place to let them-the lal'le.t plant of ita kind in the Middle We.t. t1.!!.l'-~~-=L-.~



............r _

- _ .. -- lil6 .. UIlO P. It(.


-wy -.loT'"

- - prt.M

JOe &004100.

THE MUTUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCl~TION "be ..",..., I. o."evn R....urcu $18,600,000.00 Gy.,

c : -.... _d ,_coaod .treet.

Surp.... $870,687.32

3-.000 Aocounta

THE SHAW & MARCHANT CO .• 24 N. Jeffel'Son • . Dayton. Ohio Wheel. ,01 AD Klndlo


RabuUt. ~bt,.....t aDd .naeel . . aIao on ~ime aad pub of THB MEElKER MFa. co.



char!:,) of


1' rll:rI,·r'. 0,,11,81 Dflpt Trnrl,'r' • . ·It .. & !IIntn - 1)';),10"

CLASSifiED AD J. dONEY LOANED ON UVE STOCK . chattels, also seco nd mortgage •• Notes bouJ.(ht. J ol1ll Ilarbine, Allen BUilding, Xenia. Ohio.

1 his Week's Cross-Word Puzzle LYlln Arlhur hn ~ cooked up this f or puz z l(' fnns U.i~ w('uk. H('rc's WhUI he hllR t o suy ""out it ; ';'A ll th e wurd . ill this cru Rs. word, with u ne exceptioll, !lrc used in Eng. lish conve rsatiull ant! should give cros~·\\'nrd

Farmers" Attention! Farmers of Warren and Idjoininl countios muy obtaill money on lonl timo loana. at r> '" por cent intereat. Co~t of sec uring the nme Is vuy rea· 801l llbio .through The Federal Land Bonk. For further Intormatlon call on or address M. C. DRAKE. Treas· urer. pJione lIlG.X. Leballon. Ohio. FOR RENT FOR RENT- F arm of 80 acre;. [nqulr e of W. N. Sears. Waynes· ville. Ohio. · mll '" \ FOR RENT- Houso of live rooma, water lind electric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Williams. at corner of Tyler and Fourih atreea. 08· .

/l CCO UIlt.



.uu •• Il e".,u l" b ... ,·"e••• O.yton


mi ni t mtor of the ('sto t e o f Gl'orge O.cllr Freeman, d,·ccllscd. Bond $5 00. J. Lin tl luy Mend enhall, executor of the l' slute of Anna Kelly, deceased, filed hi s firs t. final and distributive I n the matter of t he es tate of E. K, Snuok, deceased . the Lebanon Nutivnul Bank, trustee, filed its first ncco unt. Proof of publlcation of notice of appointn1ent of administratrix of the estole IIf Hannaih AdlltnS, deceased. was fl Ied. Proof of publication waH flied in the mattcr of the "estate of Mary E . W Illkin s. deceased. Ho use hold goods and bond was ordued distributed in the mattcr of the estllte of Ida Crone. deceased. The gross value of the estate of ldn Cro ne, decease d. was f ound to be $3888,33. Th e g ross value of t he estate of Frank P. Huffman. deceased, was detel'min ed as $4411 0.10. Gross value 0:( the estatc) of Everett P. Dec ha nt, deceased. was found to be $3447 :00. The estate oC' Ernest WC)st. dC)ceased, and suc eessions were found t o be Cree from :inheritance tax. The ac couijt of Ira F. Bigony. administrutor of t he estate of Wm. ,Clark. deceasC)d , was approved and confirmed. The court approved the account of Editha Hudson, executrix of t he eB-

ttlc kn eAM

)'IIU ,

Pvu r O)' I·NI,.hc '''' III brln.r p oo r h CI" lth U I\.] .. hi flY''' Qul c kur lhnn I\l L)' o lh ..• .. (" ' ( v e t ,

UHo-hum-Spr-ine i. near. The Christm.. jewelry i. turninl .ree n."

i!i II st r ('{' t ft"lIc k I l f C n mmuntfi ' l" h l ue , i OJ; u G~cnce. It h,, " a "1IIIlri lltC'd Et,," j nd;l't ove r H wH i ~ l ~ euH l IIf whilv piqu('. Two PROBATE PROCEEDINGS I'OW S u f tiny ~ o ld bt,ltlllls dowlI th~ 1\1. 11 . Oswald was appointcd nd· frulI l of lhe white pi qll e wni ~ l·cn 1\t

'"" ~ . . . Colt\lme En· ........ ODed of While •1~ .d trllaMd wilb band,

h OI W N 'l1



NEW SUITS Mn,'Y Re('d hus c llt c "cd ~ uit lIJ.:a in:<t n ~ i\'(' y R('(' d fill' din )rce. ~ h e chal'~c:< n u(·lly. Th' !'all'l1l T rndillg IIIl I rinallc e Co ., is "uin~ C. G. Alexan der for rllllnl' Y on ly. AnlUunl cla im ed $~ t G, nn d i<1l l· I· ~ s t.. .1t·IOni c Miller hus ente red s uit o!:,ain st f runk C. l\lill(·r. Ac ti on PilI"

little difficu lty to cr08s·\\'o rd~ fans. Time YOllr.",1f on it. If you con solve it in ao minuJe" you Ilto p"etty good. And h"l'e is II t ip. No . 46 acr oss is F or lht, m i s~ who is luoking fOl' tition, the e~, . ptioll t u ease und sma rtn ess. so mel hi ll!:' \,l'r)' uifrc r ~nt fl'lIlll t!1(' .J u hll Hen ry hilS ente red sult (or [t's a ,·.)rker," ,," ulll 5lra ig-ht· line l",y i. li f l'Ol'k there d in'rec frolll ~Iltmll 1\. 1I (' nry. ehnrg· s t OIlt.' Jl lH1 t' IlH ,


It will In\.)' you t o hu.vo U8 esam· I Il l ' ) ' U ll r "')'uH U N It lu t\.)' menu th 6

new tl'llatmell t.





1 4 7 10 13 14

16 17 18 19 20 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 33 36 36 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 60 62 63 66 58 60 61 63 66 66 68 69 70 71 76 77 78-

Offspring . In time past. Legume . Short Cor Alonzo. Unit. Breaking of day. 1. Did. To terrify. Fondle. Sincere. Fixed ·chnrge. Boy. Open (poetlca\). Period of time. EvC)r (contraction). Round objects. Long time. Ru ssian national drink. Abbrevlati~n for Russian. TG use (1lS a sword). Form of "to be." Conjunction. Abbreviation for relative. Musical note. Note of scale. Spike. Close to . The same (abbr.) Latin. Bird's home. Spills Period of timC)., . To sing. Kind of tree. Dolt. Author of modern "Fables In slang." Girl'B name. Penlonal p08seB8ive pronoun. A wrong. Degr ee of Doctor of Laws. Adverb of place. Steel plate. Sorrowful. Incl.i ning. Talk. Charitable donation. Never (contraction).


Southern Stilt", (abbr.) .

7 8

Greek lette r. Ha lf un em. J unc birthstone. F oliuge . Mythical monster. City in AIllsku. 1'0 puzzle. To bellow. Elongated fish. Large brunch of Mississippi river. Mode of travel. Reddis h coloring ' matter. Like an elf. . Enthusiasm; pcp. Anatomy (abbr.). Happiness . opposite of woe. Father. Round flat body. Repose. Rubbed out. To make insane. Sacred hymns. Posesses. Formerly. Rest. One of the senses• . Proverb. Athirst. Demonstrative pronoun. Burden. Printer's measure. Like. Into. Point of the compat!8.

9 10 11 12

15 21 22 25 28 29 32 :13

34 36 37 40 41 48 49 51 64 55 67 59 61 62 64 67 72 73 74 76

An.w... to

La., W ....•• P.asl.


FOUND . ' OUND-Auto License Tag No. 160.340. Waynesville Service Station. m4 FOUND-Auto Licenso Tag. No. 102.211. Owner can have the by clilling at this office. m4


- - - - FOR SALE-A

t;a~f ,ood ho';;;;' or mules. B. V. Smith. R. D. 4. phon e 37-3. Waynell'9'ilIe. Ohio. mll

FOR SALE-Seed.,.oaa. lome nic. clover hay and baled oata .traw. Good team of horsos. Eli' Furnas. Waynesville. Ohio. ·11126 FOR SALE-Player P iano in neigh. borhood of WayneBvillle. which can be bought by responsible purty / by paying balance due the manu1ac- . ture. Terms i.r desired. For con . (../ tldential information. write Box 116. Dayton, Ohio. Aprl FOR SALE-Mixed hay. English strain White Leghorn egp. $4 per hundred. L. V. Branltrator. phone 116-2. Wa),nCBville, Ohio. .mll F OR SALE- Two good frelh Jeney cows: agel 5 and 7. Inquire of John Roberson. R. D. 8. WayneBvllle Ohio. -mll • FOR SALE-White Lethorn. large strain. English ·Hatchln, E«&'B. guaranteed 90'70 fertile. ".76 per' 100. Fred Richards. R. D. 4, Waynesville. Ohio. -m1-1 FOR SALE-A' few loads of ,ood timothy' hllY. Inquire of S. S. ~I_ liB, phbne 74·3~. Waynesville. 0,



1 2 8

ASH ES W Al\TED- lnquire at the W uynesville Service Station. m4 SALESMAN WANTED-To ,ollclt . orders for lubricating 0111. greases and paints. Salary or commiftsion. Address THE HARVEY OIL CO•• Cleve[and . Ohio. f25 W ANTED- Man wanted a. Agene) to hll ndle Farm Buyers in this ,oction. Write Smith's Farm Agency. 1407 W. York St .• Phila. f25


FOR SALE-72 ·a crea. 2 miles out of .• Waynesville.' on WayneJviU.' /,nd Ferry road. 1.roolD how with all .modem linprOveiJena. Mrs.' <Arilla .Kelsey. • emU.

Toilet article. Formerly. Irritated. Summed.





eg,~ for hateh~na', '[fic per ' dOlen.


Mrs. ;Rac:hel Crew, R. ville. Ohio.

. '

D. 3. 'Wayne.,at

FOR SALE-For.d Roadater,i , .. new, only used 4 'montb ' iit&r.t4ll' demountable rIin•• · cOrd ti~ model fenden. · lnquiN at tblt -of, flee. .( / .". -·mif .


Recleaned ' ilamm~tb . Red clever ..e4, an4. ,YeUow !kilt




lee'd corn 8I'OWD ~;tUted


me leed'.lv.net1 8ifapte4 to tJu.'iection. W. L. WlllIainJ, Wllminp,,, phone 1784.



FOR · SALE...,.. ~ Boarbo.

tarte, lObM"r. c.n "'J'OR-Red I,BAlI.B--..... W.,.....w.., OJdo. ·-.;... clltioD.




.... THE ·MIAM I



ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY tlnl'lrl)d at the P08toffice 'at Wuynesv ilIe. 0 .,



C la~s

Mail Mutter

D. L. CRANE, Editor .Dd PubU.her, W.'n .... iIIe. Ohio. Subscription Price, $1. 60 per yeur. 1" . . .. ·.n ' '-\ ,lvt'I I •• in w: III /



" \ tf, ,,I, ';""

H('rH~· . C' nl"l"' "

I' I H:'~~

-\ f': -;.x t .\ 1 11"

= = = == == = ===

WEDN~~ ";IlAY. n : BRUARY 25. 1924

. AGRICULTURE IN EXPERIENCED HANDS The only opposition heurd in rei n· lion to th p appointment of Dr. Wil· Iium 111. Jardine, of Kansns, us soc· r"tsry or IIgriculture. · wns In the statement that "he is R Hoover man." ThiH will be t.nkon by the people, If not by th e po\iti~iun ~fi us being rath_ er in his favor. Dr. Jardine, as head of the Kansas State Ag ricultural con ege, has a backgro und of 8plendid accomplishment. He Is a you ng mnn with a W o' .tth of ugricultural experience. 'I'he uyes of the country will be fixed on h i~ work boca use of his deep intil rest in t hl' s ubj ect of co -operative marketing which has engaged the Berioul attention of the President. While the country recognizes prOAperity of the farmer 86 the rocK on which rests the noli on's progress and busineSll stability, more and more it 18 becoming evident that the ili A of the farmer arc not tn be 8S8uaged by political cure-alia or legislution spelling governnwnt Hubsidy. .. In brief, the prublem of the farmer 18 one of intricate economics, and it is to t he solution' of this problem It ia hoped Dr. Jardine will a"ddreaa hlmsell. Co-operative · murketing mllY pr ove to bo the answer. Only time 'can tell. Howevor, the whole nlltion will' wish ' for the · new aec retary of agriculture an undisturbed· and 8ucce88ful administration: _ _. __ _ .. _ __

CLIPPED fROM OUR EXCHANGES Office .. Cho.en for 1925 I,.EBANON- At the closing of lhe Leban on Furmers' institut e, held at Memorial hnll last week, C" C. Meloy was e lected president ; George E . Young, vice-president;" Mrs. Effie Surface, secret.ury and Miss Marie Benh am . lady corr es pondent; execu· tive committee. Eli McCreary, Roy Bradford and Mrs. A. K. Duy. Will Ha .. Cit,. P.rk XENIA _ The Xenia Recreation association will laun ch its campaign for fund s to fina nce the work of converting the len-ucre tract in the north end of the city, donated to the organization by P. H. Flynn. local manufacturer, into a city park. at a joint meo ting of the Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. to be held March 3. according to announce ment made by City Auditor T .. Zcll, president of the association.

LI ht C

E d omp.a,. ' WASH INGTON C. H.- Purchase of the Washington C. H. gae and ele' tric company by the Dayton Power and Lig ht Co., was announced at Wlll!hingtb n Court House last night. The traJlsa~tion ' was one· of the largA BIG BUSINESS-UNDERPAID est and most important made ·In Oh io HELP this winter a nd is reported to ha ve involved mor e than $50 0.000. Those ·who. eomplain against the Increasing ('Ollt of gove rnment, probably will voice strong abjection to Found Guilty the action of CQngres8 in trying to LOVELAN As st.nted in the Ci n raiae ito own pay· as well as the pay c illnali j!:lIql,lirer .tha t Rev. o. B of the me mbers 'Of the cabinct. A8 Auel' WILS recently convicted on a II fael ·(he proposed incroasl's would charl:'c of Rhooting t o kill wlls' inc or make little difference in the public I'ecl. Futher Auer was not convicted expepditure. It is proposed t o in- on l he ori!(inul dlllrge but WD S fin ed cre~ the 8Il1aries of members of the olll 'a charge of nssault a nd battery. Hou8e and 0 the Senate from $7,600 to $10,000 per year_ The vice-pre8ident and members of the cabinet Boaot V., Bo,.. would be paId $16.000 a year instead LI,; BANON- A race for member of '1 2,0'00 . all at pre8ent. It ii true ship between the Franklin Post. and that America WIUI nuraed to strength Leba non 1- ost of the Americnn Lein the crndle of frugality. It It true g ion is 011 and the entire cou nty will that we huve large ly departed fr om be solicited for me mbers. The lusthe honest work and thrift of lhe ing side \\'iIl buy the winning ol)e a fath,rs. At the' same time we can- supper. not. be blind to the fact that our public offiefals, particularly in Congre8ll, A,.ihol Re-Appr.i •• l In the cabinet and in the diplomatic Bervice are treated in a niggardly XENIA- After but trivial interest manner_ / had bee n ti hown by t he Public. CounThe average man fn civil lite finds ty Commissioners Wednesday afterIt diffieult to get along even with noon voted agnin st re-appraisal this his salary double what it was a few year in Greene county, which would yean ago. . The salarlea of our con- cost $25.000 or so and which money gre88men and cabinet officers have the county would have to borrow. not kept pace with the times. The In public hearing J. A .. Bi shop, FairAmerican government i8 the biggest field. Horace Anderson. Union road businellll in the world. It ~hould be and George C. Stokes, Xenia. favorwilling to tor men in tbe market ed re-appraisal while County Auditor of commerce and trade. Weade opposed it.



Mrs Chloe Sides Is on the sick Itst. Hev. Johnston , of Ferry, waK cull: inl: on Lytle friend s Saturday afte rnoon. Mrs. All en Emrick and Mrs .. Walte r K enrick were Dayton ,'isitors. Wedn esday. lIUs. II. M. Clark spent Wednesdny and Thursduy with Mrs. Ja ck Marti n, in Duyton. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark were Runda), dinnl)l' guests of Mr. nnd ;,{ rs. H. M. Clurk . Quite n number from here attended the indoor picnic at Springboro M. E. ch urch , Thursday eve ning. Mr . and Mrs. Martin Method and chil dren, of Middletown, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banta spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. Robert Bantn and fnmily. at Norwood. Mr. und Mrs. Sherman Dyke and daug hter, Miss Rea. wer e Sunday guests at t he home of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Orahum. JIIr. and Mra. Robert Friend, Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Kenrick attended t he K. of P. banqu et at Waynesvi lle Thu rs day evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Johns and children and Mr. Frank Smith moved last week to t he H. M. Clark farm. j ust north of Lytle. Mr. and Mrs. George Scott and grandchildren entertained on Sund ay Mr. an d Mrs. Hnrter Pres ley and family. of Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and daug hter, Bernice, attended a family dinner, Sunday, at the home of t he latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Albaugh, ncar Springboro. Mrs. Jacob 'Gabclman, of Norwood, Mrs. Adelaide Minning, of Cincinn ati Mrs. W. G. Hain es and children, of Belmon t, were Sundny dinner guests at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Wal ter Kenrick. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rogers. of Middlerun nnd lIfr. Elmer Rogers. of WayneSVille. spent most of last week at .the bedside of their father, Mr. Enos Rogers, who is very ill with pneumonia, at the home of Mr. and lIfrs. Frank Rogers. A very large crowd enjoyed the splendid patriotic entertainment given by the school at the Hnll Friday evening, under the direction of the teachera, lIfrs. May Kenty and Miss Bernice Pennington. They were as_ sisted by the Waynesville Hi School orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Samue l Haines entert.nined a few friends on Friday in honor of Mr. Haines' 84th birthday. Those present were: l'I{r. and Mrs. Charles Clark. Mrs. S. H. Burnett and daughter, Miss Ina, Mrs. Mary Carmony, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ken rick and James Haines. Miss Thelma Kea rn s has r eturn ed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. William . Cole man. after spending a week at Christ hospital, Cincinnati. where she was placed in a new cast. Little Thelma has bee n a sufferer of spinal trouble for over two yelU'8, and haa been cared for by Mrs. Coleman.


SPRING VALLEY Mrs. Vetters was calling on friends here. Sunday. Rev. E. C. Walley ' was ill with lagrippe lust week. Little Billy Hiatt is r ecovering nice ly from his illness. Mrs. Belle St John visited relatives in Xenia. FridllY. MrH. Fanni e McKee has been visiti ng Mrs. Sam ue·l Knee. The Osborne D. of A. lodge gave n play here , Saturdlny night. The Bl'll brook W eJ[arc club will give a pIny here Februury 2. Little Jack Walton is recovering s lowly aft er his severe iIlne... Mrs. W. M. Hartinger underwent an operation at the lIIiaml Valley hospital, Tuesday. Mrs. Ann a Anderson called on Mrs. L. A. And erson in the Miami Valley Friday . Mrs. Fannie A. lI en is lit her home here no w, and ill plann ing to go to live with her son. some tim e this spring. Mrs. C. 1If. Fuiker so n l'n Lc rtained the Missionary society of th e Union M. E. ci rcuit at her home, Th ursday afte rn oon. 1I1rs . .E lizabeth Hartsock, of the Maso ni c Home.. of Springfield, has been vi siting hel' s on, Mr. Ed Hart. sock and family. Mrs. Alice Johnso n entertained the Sund ay-School c.lass of the Friends chu rch, of whic h she is a member, nt dinn e r, Thursdny·. The Comm unity club play, given here so me time ago, met with such s uccess that they have been usked to give it in two other places. The P.-T. A. held their r egular meeting at the sc hool building Thursday evening . Judge Wright, of Xenia. guve the add:ress of the evening. Miss Rut h Benson entertained the King's H eralds missionary society at her hom e Tuesday evening. After th e lesson dainty refreshments were served and gamE!S enjoyed. The Grange hc!ld an open meeting Tues day evening. . The Ladies Ai.d, of the Methodist chu rch, enjoyed an all-day meeting and covered dis h dinner, ut the Com_ munity ro om. Wednesday. The Indies are sewing this week nnd preparing tor the Easter mar ket. of which they have charge, this year. Mrs. William Copsey e ntertained Class No. 3 of the Fri ends SundaySchool at her hcome Thursday afternoon. This eillig the month of the birthdays of tw,~ patriots. the program for the afternoon was on those subjects. Mrs. G. Val read a paper on the Flag, Mrs. J. Todd Walton read a paper on Washington and lIIrs. Sam Holland read a paper on Lincoln. The president of the class, Mrs. Geor~:e Benson, then read an original poem describing two members of the class whose birthdays occur in this m on th. lenving the members to gU(!SS who they werel Delicious refr~sb m ents were served • and all voted t his m eeting the "best yet." -

HARVEYSBURG Mrs. Nellie Beal was a Dayton visitor, recel)t1y. Mrs. Ida lloWI! was n Lebanon visitor, Tucsday. Mrs. Eliza ThomlUl celebrated her 86th birthday, Jo'riday. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Tucker and family have bee,n visiting K·entucky relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Gray and chil_ dren, of Morrow. were home for the . week-end. . Mrs. Robt: St;ump and foliss Bess Shidaker called on Mrs. Karl Shidaker, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Mathias. of Dayton, called on relatives here Saturday evening. Mr. Ray Stan:. of Lansing, Mich .• called on his aunt. Mrs. Amanda Starr. Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Conner and family are entertainin g her mother, Mrs. Burgett. of Belmont . . Owen Harris, of Columbus, spent the week·end with his parents, Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Harris. The bll8ketba,1l game scheduled for Saturday ·: ev.e ning was called off on account no lights. L. Kennedy and Mr. and M~. sons were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. W:allker, in Dayton. Mr. lind Mrs. Paul Rieh and family, have moved from his father'8 hom·e to the Bun nell· farm. near Lebnnon. Our electric lighting system hall beert out of ordE!r for the past week; some nights thEI town Will! in total darkne88. MI8s Pauline B1aekshaw, of Du-

Mr. David Lucas and family moved baek to Holly. We dnesday. Mr. John Adams and Mr. Jacob Zimmer spent Monday in Dayton . Mias Clara Daughters spent the AhDual CODY.alioa. BLON,DE BESS OPINES week-e nd at the home of O. B. Mar.C OLUMBUS- More than 600 dry latt and family. good, merchan~ from over the lt4te "I .sa,. I.e as .. u.. Mr • •0. B. Marlntt nnd family spent wiil attend the a nnual convention here Sunday all day at the home of Albert ...... ~,.•• lout I bo': am •• w"o i . . . .,OUoIlcaJ tI.ia't, .......tart March 3. 4 and 6 of the Ohio Retail Mnrlatt and family. Dry Goods association, according to •• ' lakiaa h.rp I...oa. her. OD Mr. and l'Ifrs. John Rye spent FriLowell Fliss. secretary. One of the day at the home of their son-in-law. ... ~ inetresting features of the three-day Elton Evnns' and family. session will be' a midcsenson mnrket. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Soward took '''Swat the fly." will Boon be the which will include a display of up- supper. Wednesday. night, at the cry of the good house wife. wards of 160 lin es of merchandise. home of Jacob Zimmer and family. ---'-Mr. Harold Kellis. of Xenia. and sisters, Mi88 Ruth and Leona, spent AND IN ·JUNE Sunday in Indiana, the guest of relatives. Father entered the door. · He Miss Lulu Kellis and friend, of heard sounds of joy and glee in the Xenia. took dinner with her parparlor. Slowly h e removed his hat ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kellis. and coat. He WIUI a tired business SundllY. man . 1I10ther en me through the par. Miss Reed. from Harveysburg. and lor door to greet him, a smile on friends from Minnesota, spent Sather face. urday afternoon at the home of Mrs. "What's the matter!" asked. the Mattie Levi. father. Mr_ Hugh Burgett and family. of ·"Dlamond jubilee," said mother, Belmont, spent a few minutes with squeezine bis arm. "M1gosh-J" ~e:aid' llitlier. ·"have. we ' his sister, Mrs. Frank Kellis and family. of thill place. been married that long." . ' # Mr!!. Jacob Zimmer and Mra. Em"Oh.,ir!' not UI," aai~ m.other• ."It·1I eraon .DIII apent several daYI In Xen.Grace and her young man friend Ia the pait week. Mrs. Zimmer was ~e'8 jUlt eo~ ~ogether enoQ&'h mQneV for the first payment on a diainond ' having some dental work done. Mr. Otto Marlatt and family, of ring_" Columbus. took Sund.,- dinner witb ·Mr; John Rye and family. Mr. and luth.KtJiD., InIdUq .......... Mra. Rye raturned home with them uncle, Miss Floramond' Reed and W. tor a week'. viait. D. Yuner• Miss Harriett Tucker arran&ed a LAUGH THAT OFF surprise on her mother. Mrs. Chas. .one of those hlgh-p.owered Buper Tucker. Sunda,. evenmg, honoring aaieamen entered an office, and, see- her ·birtHday. A number of friends inc .• freckled-face office , bo.y euard- gathe'r ed and the surprise WIUI comIng the manager'. door,' a'ttempteCi ~ plete. Mrs'. Ida. Howe aullted Min strike up a fl'l~ndly convel'llatlon. narrlett In makine and carrying out "Y9uli potteCl ' plant over ~ere looka her,' .. ' kin~. ~Jlowt 'aald the ealesman • . .. 'At" alricht," laid· the boy; COUPLA CYNICS ·"Mayb. It's orange tree." "J aon" thinJl you'Jl iret mucll of' a crop," ....d the ·..18IUI&J1; BIg-''Well, .rack Dempsey hu re"Don't. expect . to~" IIlid the bol, ,Igned hli title, qDit ftchUn" ad "It', • eelltUr, plant :.... thaD: ·ODe W mamed." . ,.... 014." · .~i"Yep, that', right to a "Bo,," ulcl the 1I&IetnuD, "Then eetUta ~ . Be'. nelped hII fah't mach cUl'ereace _tweeD JO. title and Aa tor the nat; ad , ...... ~"'tJOu! . tIdI

--- ...- - -

- - --






.Al THE- GHURr.HES _ ST _MARl"S CHURCH Ash Wednesday, February 26 . Confirmation class instruction at 6:30 p. m. Service Dnd address at 7 :30. First Sundny in Lent, March 1. Church School Dt [I :3 0 a. m. Sermon and Holy Communion nt 11 :00 a.m. At the Ash Wednesday se rvice an offe rin g will be tuken to be used for the Len ten work f OI· the hildInstru ction every r en' s hospital. Wedn esday evening during Lent lit G:30 p. m. Service lind sermon lit 7:30 p . m . REV. J. J. SCHAEFFER, Recto r. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Nuthun Johnso n, Ministe r Morning service lit !I :30 . Bible Lesson, "Christ Before Pilate," Matt. 27 :11-3 1. Morning sermon , "The Model Church." Evening ser mon "The H iden Man of t he Heart." A 1\ ;"cmbers urged to attend every servic e. A II /!Iro inv ited.

o un


Thud a nd Brondway


Dayton, Ouio








METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m ., preaching nt 10 :3 0 a. m. Wedneadayevening service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth Le ague 6:15 p. m. Preaching nt 7:00 p. m. EvC,rybody is cordIally Invited to these services. Rev. L. A. WlUlhburn. PlUltor.


"Where Savings are Safe"

The West Side Building and Loan Association




Sundny School at the Christian Church every Sunday at 9 :30 a. m. Everybody cordially Invited.



Branche4llS10 E. 5th St.,

Public Sales

New Title for Jerry Hg.ving decided to ' quit fa rming, I win offer for sale ut pubiic auction on what is known as the Wm. Taylor Set h - "G ood 01' J erry Simpkins. farm, 6 miles south or Wayn esville 2 ~ miles northeast of Oregonia nnd H e's eert.nin iy a man of parts! ' Duke-" What do you mean" 2 ~ miles northwest of Wellman, on Seth- "Didn't you heur. He tried THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925. t o beat the express to a grad.e croS8Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., the ing in his "Silly Six!' following: One spnn of muies , 3 hend of cattle, Armieder truck. harness, tobacco and g rain . See large bills f or terms. H. FITZWATE R. W. N. Sears, Aud.

F.T. Martin Auctioneer

I will sell at my residence on 3rd street. Wayn e.sville, Ohio, on SATURDAY. MARCH 7, 1925 D.t. ,.our •• with . ' "II". Beginning at 1 o'clock, a lot of household goods, dishes , etc. eatiefactioD or cbarl. _. MRS. EAfMA FARR DAKIN. W. N. Sears. Auct. CENTERVILLE, OHIO


I \lill sell at public auction at my place, abo ut ~ mile wes t of We llma nr on th e Harveysburg and Oregonia pike, on

HaII'a Catarrh Medicine ThOBO who aN tn a "run-clown" condition will notloe that ClLto.rrh bothera them muoh more than when they are In good health. ThIs fact proves that whUe

Cnlarrh 18 a local dlsea •• , In nuanced by





Dr. John W. Miller


As I am going South I will o~er at public auction at my resid ence, 1 ~ miles from Waynesville, on t he Harris farm. on MONDAY, MARCH 2. 1925. Beginning at 11 :3 0 a. m ., the f-;;ilowing: 3 good cows. nnd n lot of house hold and kitchen furniture. FRANK SAMS. F . T , Martin, Auet. On account of mY' wife's health, I am leaving the farm and will sell at public a\lction. on the farm known as lhe George Young farm. Smiles N. of Lebanon on the road known lUI the Drake road, 1 ~ miles west of Waynesvill e pike and l1Aa miles east of the Dayton Pike. on FRJDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1925. Commencing at 10 o'clock the following property : ltWL.ES-7 head. ' all good workers. one team · 9 years old, weight 2600 pounds. Ono team, 8 years old, weight 2700. One team S years old. weigbt 2300. Ono 4o/Year-old, extra. CATTLE-Five milch cows, four to be fresh by day of aale; two of these are extra g.o od Holsteins, eligible to register. One yearllng beiter and one yearling Holstein bull PIGS-30 bead" of plg8, weight nbout 60 pounds each. "HAY ANp FEE.D-6 tons of good mixed. bay; 100 buahels of hand~ort­ ed corn; 10 bUlhels of leed com · and a lot ·o f. baled hay. . IMPLEMENTS-A lot of up·ojt.o• elate farm Implement., etc. HARNESS-Work baiileae for ell; hol'HB; 1 Nt .·of breechlng barn_ ad 2set-.· of hlp map barn_I '8 ,ood coDai'L


Is ..

WANTED Phone 8

As I am discontin u ing farming, I will scll at my res idcnce, 4 miles S. of Centerville a nd 4 miles N. of Springboro. on Dentist THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925. WayneSVille National Dank Bldg The f ollowing : 4 horses nnd mules 7 cows. 18 sheep, 12 hogs, 48 chickens, 30 tons of hay. baled straw. 12 bu. Little Red Clover seed, farm implements, harness , lence" household goods and misce llaneous. ELMER SHEEHAN. The Eye Sight Specialist · Martin & Stanley. Aucts.

...... & WUtIa, Aut&. ........... CIIrb.


CombIned Trentmonl. both looal and Int em.1. and hae be.1\ .uoce.sful In the treatment of catarrh for Over t ortY year!!. Sole! by alt d"'lt," st". F. 1 . Cheney'" Co .. 'I'ol@do. OhIo.



0.. 1I0b. Tractor 04 plo...

It Is greatlY

Harveysburg Ferliliz er Co.

Plaoa •• No.2

SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1925, Beg inning at 12 :30 sharp, the folj\JOTARY PUBLIC lowing: 3 h orse s, lot of Hamburg Estates Settled hens. fe ed, fnrming imp lements and Wills Drawn household good s ; als o 11 lot of anWaynesville, Ohio tique furniture. JAMES CRESWELL. National Bank C. T . Hawke, Auct.

T . . . . made aoWII on day of Ale.



Waynesville, Telephone 114, OFFI CE:

Every Tuesday 8:00 a. m. to 4 p. m.



ON Mt\lN STRIi: Er


Waynesville, Ohio

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio


Fully Equipped for Good Service. . Large Display Room TELEPHONE



For Lumber SEE


B. Madden & Wayn~lViIle,




~ . ~ l' o ca




Every Wednesday 9 .a. m. to 5 p. m. RestRoom in Gran geBldg Wayne.ville , Ohio

~(!~J I11'~n'I, ~l)(,l1 t '




I\Irs. 'F:mlna DU ~' lo n ,







IIJ t'Sl· rs.

G orrw 'l'hompMn. of 40 v Sun,luy heft' with r Ia-


Mr. C h nrl c~ Atlfkrso n has been confll1('ri to h i ~ homl' this wc ek with the grippe.

- wh en it comes t o r eAponsibil ity. whatever you do, neg lect t hem.

E. I I. Oxl.,y all.t ,l " hn \\'(Ore in Troy , 1' uc~ dny ,

:11.' ""1'", ' . .I. \l' ll t ~ I'II"lIse nnd Et hall Cra tH' w,'n' Dlly l o ll visitors Mr. W. n. Alit-II lind lI1i ~~ Oliv!' ~lll i da y ,·velling. .l\1I(' n WC,',' ill C"ilicinnnli , Snll1r.tIlY· M... ann Mr~ , ~l nx };ohlha gcn a nrl Th ~ Moth r~' d uh rl'1IIi ?Clj II b,)ut ,I ... E lhall Crll ne, of L(' lJll11 on, were $1(\ 0 from th ei r llI o r kcl Ins t Sntur· ill InwlI , Sunday. day. ;\1... nml 1I11·s.•1. E ••Tunn e y s pe nt Robert Moshc r, o f Cn rclington, • Ul1dll ~' wit h Wal tt' I' Will ia ms \lnti Ohio, is spcnding the week with !Ill'S. fll mi ly II I Killgn lun. Edith Hurris und fumily. l\Irg. .1. . Hawkc ~pc nt scveml Episcopal markct in th e Funkey dll Y~ ill.t ",,,,·k wil h relativcs in DIIYstore "oom on SuturtillY, Fehruary lun IIl1 d S p rill ~ (kld. 28 th, com1l\encing at H :3 0 II. Ill. n. c. Ridgc , " f 8 iotlx Full, S. D., The state .>f WYO nt; '''red the greatest percentage of gain In EpiscoplIl mark t in Lhc Funkey visi ll'li his l"II'<'nl" ~II·. and MM<. vote8 at the nationnl el· ·. d faI l and , tho trophy offered by store room on SnturdllY, February Muhlon Rid Jr", 8 ulldllY. Collier' s, The Nationnl Photo s hu . ;overnor Nellie T . ROlli the a ward n~ il receiving '" a~ uavelled by her 800, Bradford Roaa. 28th, commencing a t (1 : ao u. nl. a boy scout. ~lr. and !\Ir ~. Chas. herwood Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Mills were ' pellt Su nday \\ il h Mr. and Mrs. Ed entertained nt the homo of Mr. an d ,Tclfric. neul' Orcgonia. Mr. ulld Mrs. W. N. Scnrs were in avo id od for tho opposite reaso n. Age · Mrs. Thos. Kyn\', of Spr ing Valley, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. Colemlln , of Xenia, Tuesday. brings on a loss of vi gor . Monday. No r wood. ~ pc n t Tucsdny with Mr. The eggs t hat are to be Ret should Stlm sh(, I'r ~'

924X South Brown Street, O ver Sigm a Theat" .

Dayton, Ohio


A. B. Swank Miamisburg. Ohio UI.

nnd lIf rs. J. II.

For h el'e in the Kingsbury building is a high

c lass Hnd co mpl etely equipp ed Optica l Parlorex pert eye exa min atio n-th en if n eeded, lenses g round and g lasses ntnd e th e same day. Bring your eye troub le and broke n le nses her e. Satil'faction agsured .

Wilkin & Wilkin 26 South Detroit Street


Optometrists- -- - Eyesight Specialists

IIIr. ond Mrs. FrE!d Henderso n were be gather ed frequently. When tho ill Doyton, Monday. hen deposits t he egg and lenves the , Jl(t" and Mrs. J. W. Huth»wy, of nest t he tenl perature s torts to drop. Route 5, un d Mrs. H. E . Hllthllway lIIr. J . H. Coleman celebrated his If the drop is very gr eat, th e tiny bit were I uyt on visitors, Monday. seventy-ninth birt hday lost Saturday: of life mny be weakened, or even killed outright. No ... i. the tim .. to . .. Iect y our Dr. Farr was the guest of hi ~ son lIfr. E. V. Barnhart is confined to T emperat ure Is all· Important. At SPRING WALL PAPER and wife, IIlr. and Mrs. M: J. Farr, his home in Cincinnati, with grippe. 68 degree. the germ begins to develin "'prin gboro, lust wee k. op, hence the eggs sh ould be kept Slmpl .. 1 ,Iadl)' Shown at Your Hom .. IIIrs. Lina Devitt visited Mr. and somewhat below tbat point. Below R. D. I. at B.rr,.hm'. Coraer Miss Th er ese Rync, Miss . Lavone Mrs. Jesse Wright in Springboro, last 65 it is too cold . The range of temPRICES REASONABLE an d Burton and Master Bobby Burton wee k. WORK GUARANTEE D perature should be between 66 and Wa71lelville, Ohio wer e. in Middletown, Sunday. 65 degrees, since beyond either of Mrs. Mary Caskey spent Tuesday these points 10lllles creep in to rob Plaoa. B.Ubrook 22Xl __________________________ -, ' Box 32 Mrs . Emmor Ba ily is spend ing 'a in DlIyton, the g uest of Mrs. Ida the poultry raiser of the fruits of his W ayne." iII.. , Obio. week with Mr. a nd Mrs. J, B. Chap- Githen s. toil. man and family, at Cincinnati. There is · only one way to know Miss Pearl Starry , of Lebanon, W8lI t emperature abso lutely and that 18 Mi sses Ruth ond Margoret Cook the guest of r.irs. A. T. Wright, last by the \lse of a reliable thermomespent Wednesda y night with Mrs. Thursday. ter. The man or woman does not Ern est Butterworth, of Route 4. live who can guess temperature acMrs. Susie Morgan and Mrs. Chas. curately enough, whne a thennomMr. an d Mrs. Ross Hartsock and Rye were guests of fri ends in Leba- eter that does not register properly sons spent Sunday in Orgeo nia , the non, Sun day. Ia about here. a~d may give a false sense of security. g uests of Rufu s Kersey and fam ily. Tbe limit of time for keeping ' Messrs. Karl lDakin and Miron hatching eggs i8 about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Smith attend- Keeler, of Leban '~n, were ift Way.- For the bes t res ults they should not cd the funera l of Mrs. Smith 's neaville, Monday. be kept more than one week, a fresh gra ndmother lit Wilmington , Saturegg always producing a mor e vigorII ~ere to a~e you with The Refiner. Oil CO. Mrs. Harvey SSlckett spent a few OUII and healthy chick. Thie does day. days Ills t week with Mr. d Mrs. not mean that three-weeks' old eggs Save YO', r old carpets and ruga Harry Turner, of Dayton. wi ll never hatch. But If they do the and get "W carw eU" Rugs made. chicks from s uch eggs are handiMr. Da!, Wal ter and Miss Mary capped at the stsrt. It is such chicks Send ' for price list. Franklin Rug Elizabeth HoUy, of Lebanon, were that run up the high mortality noted .\ Co., Fran kl]n , Ohio. WlIy nesville visit(lrs, Thursday. in the opening paragraph of this arFarms and Tow n property wnnted . ticle. Ep iscopal markel in the Funkey 3% commission. Wri te for blank. Turn the egga occasIonally while I Smi th Farm Agency, 14(J7 W. York st ore r oom on Saturda y, February they are held awaiting the start of 28th, commencing' Ij.t 9 :3 0 a. m. St. , Phi ladc lpbin, Pa. the hatching operation. Once a day Robert D. Pllhllcr, r eprescnting' is a good rule. ' The yolk of an egg OUR MOTrO-Sati.faction or money back. Justice H. E I Ha thaway Constable settles toward the shell, and if left the Clllud e Meckcr Investme nt Securt ies Co., of Columbus, was a pleas C. B. J oy a nd Marsha l Bentley were too long In one position it may adin Lebano n on ofticial business, Mon- here at the lowest point. The result nllt ca ll er at this office, Saturday. dllY· will be a weak, crippled, or dead ~ Mrs . Currie Flatter a nd so n, Warchick. Mr. lind Mrs. L. V. Branstrato r ren, of Xenin, and Mrs. Fluke, of It is not a good plan to keep to o Ycll ow S"ri I1g s, were the /l'uests of li nd fumily and their house guest, many eggs in the same basket. The Mr . lind Mrs. Geo. D. Mills, Su n- lIir. David Harris, of Lebanon, s pe nt shell seems very den se, but as a matSunday with rela tives and friends ter of fact it is porous. Both air day. in Cla rksville. and moisture can pass through. PilMr. a nd Mrs. Walter Jnnney, Mr. ing up the eggs so that the air supply About · 30 mend ers of the Wesley is cut oft' eontribu tes to t he disapand Mrs. ,Tacoh Strouse and family were Sunday di nner guests of Mrs. clllss of t he 111. E. Sunday-schoo l, of pointments of hatching day. InBelle Dinwiddie and dau ghter, Miss which t he late Mr. Elmer Kelsey was stead of baskets, usc shallow trays, a 'me mber attende d · his funeral at just deep enough for a single layer Olive. Centerville, last F'rlday afternoon. of eggs. lloat u ... of headache. that COm" to tI • • re directly Mr. G. J . Waterhou se was in LebThe size of eggs used for hatchtraceable to ddecti.,. e,... i,ht · or weakened ",.e mu.· anOn Monday nigb't, where he was ing is important. They should be cl.l, ... mllde a churter member of the 40 uniform , neither too large nor top o..r ."pert .er.pc. will quickl,. r.lie". ,.ou, .hould Homme 8 Chevea u, newly chartered small. Two ounces is looked, upon ,.oar e,.e. be c.ulia« thel. headache.· Voiture. as the standard weight. A small egg may yield a weak, under-develQui te an illtter l!sti ng patriotic proMr. and MrR. Howard Archdeacon oped chick. Even if s uch chicks g ram was pu t Oln at the Farmers' and Mrs . . Mary Caskey atten ded the win through to maturity the punets Eats among them wilrbe likely to lay unGeorge Wllshin gto n social at the GtlI ngs" Saturdalf evening. Springboro M. E. church last Thu rs- were abundan t and a goodly assort- dersized eggs, a nd s mall eggs are not ment. dny nig ht. wanted by the markets. Visitors were present from LebOnly clean eggs are fit to Incuanon , Harveysb urg and Clarksville 1\11'. and MrR, Myer Hyman and bate. Dirt stops the pores in the child ren, with thei r guests the Kohl- g ranges. shell and hinders ventilation. W sah-------.~ ~----hagen's, of Lebanon, spe nt Sunday ed eggs are worse, even, than the Jewelers and Optometriats, wilh Mr. Ilnd Mrs. ISll dore Bloch, at dirty eggs, since the washing make. XENIA ,OHIO Sprin g Vall ey. it priuitically certain the egg will not hatch. We nrc so rry to r port that 1I1iS5 Galher hatching eggs frequently, All markets 01: the country were select those of uniform size from Mumc Brown , of Columbus, is confincd to her hcd. Her ma ny close d Monday in observance of healthy breeding slock, keep them In fri e nds here arc hop ing for her 011 Sunday. Th e Chicago grain and a well ventilated room at a temperNew York stock and bond markets ature between 55 and 65 degrees, sp eedy recovery. we re closed in observance of t he hoi- turn them once daily, 'eet them be. MrR. Viola Car ey and IIIr. Jesse idny. fore they are a week old. The local National bank and the Thom ns Rpen t Sun da y with Mr. and Do these things and the counting Mrs. Irving Welch, ncal' Hnrveys- postoffice were c1os~d . ' . of one's chicks both before and after burg. Ml·s. Wclch, who hilS been hatching is a more enjoyable proeevery s ick, i ~ conval cRcing. dure.


ol('mn ll.

Painting and Paper .Hanging

W . .H. Britain



The Waynesville Service Station



............... -................. O. R . Ungleshy, Manager



Sql1are Layer Cake'~::~::eC::: 25c 9c ·B read ..

Couatr,. CI.b, Richer Lar,.r

th... EYer, 1 ~ -Ib. Loaf ... . .... .....

· He~rlng VanCamp's White Naptha

Geuuin. HoUnd. 3 6a. Flab........ ........ ......... .. ..

10 C

Soapror.. . . . ..29c lObarl


28e !~!~C~~I11.~~~.~~~.32C r.!~.~.~~~... . . . . . . 15e !!~t~::~ed, .44c ~~~!~~~~. . ·. . ....25e I ~~O!~ua~~~~ . . . . . . 20c ~~!".~~~~~..~.~. . .6e Country Club Milk 25 C ~~~~~ !~a.~~~~. . 13c Lard d.18c ~~!?~~~.~a«, Ibl25e


Instant RelieF

Our Advertisers Will Treat You Right TRY' TH EM


Everett Stubbs



Anyway, why should you?


Main Office:

.en Phone 292W Plao.. COlllmuaieatioal paid by

Mr. lind MrR. rOl1!e 'Rnrtsock wer LebllllOIJ vb itOl"3, }'.ndny, .

I' .



pq ..


3 lar,e ce .. 1 for .......... ...... Rendereel. potl ..






. l1r". Annie Shee han, who suffered a s lig ht str olle lust Friday, at t he home of he r dn ughter , Mrs. Cliff Him es, at Cent ervill e, is better, and has return ed to her home here.


USeD CAR SALE Cheap lor Cash. Come In -and Look Them Over.

Mr. and Mrs. Mye r Hyman and ! am il)\ and Mr . und Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman and fnmi ly atte nded a social given . by the Lebnn on Chapte r of Roynl Arch Maso ns last Friday evening. Mr. Raymond Peirce, wh~ has been visiting his po rents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Howell Peirce, lert Thursday for his home' in Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Peirce accompanied her son as far ;s Selma, 'leturning home Friday.

, Mr. Frank Somers, of Dayton,

....,..I1i,iI~ii:l:r.~-.HsPii'iittnc -wee -end '~th Mr. and AirS. C. W .Younce. On Sunday, beaides their house guest, Mr. and Mrs. Youn ce entertained Mr. and M1'II. H. L. Getter, Miss Gladys Brown and Mr. Hennan Lucas, of Dayton, MIA

Katlu7n Clark and Mr. Everett Clark.

About hlllf the e!l'gs. lIet' each year do not hatcli-ahd about-.. half tbe chicks t hat are hat~hed ' die in the first few days or weeks. Part of \he story of Wa year'. poultry experience was written when the breeding stocelC wu hatched and while it was bein« raised. That last year. or the·'year before. ,It i8 in the present m(lment, however. that the eggs are bE~ingproduoed. witt!' every egg a ' pottlntlal chick, dependent in a luge me..ore for Ita IUCCBS8 in . life upon the ~ that happen to the eO' befere incubation begins. Only in ex.eepti~nal cues Ihould young pUllet. be ' URd to PJlMiuee,1 hatchIng egp. Y01U' old beu an better. A mature 'beD eaft tNItaIIt more ltamlna Mel YltaUtr to tile germ witbiD eadl III t.IWi . . a plIeL Too . . . _ ' _ . ~


to Iulve your Insurance Transferred

Don't Forget

••Sears & Cartwrigh_••

I Insurance and Sales I S~tisfied

Patrons, Best

. ...

Refer~nce .


Aman ·Bldg. Phone 61-2 Waynelville, Ohio •


NT--A farm of 48

WAN-TED--A man to worl Must be Industrious and st IIble to do anything on the Admu Box 316, Waynell

acre. in

art of • cood nela'lIboJtlood a «God lIdlool. ApP!7 to I Guette. for ~~tron.

LOST--A fur coat. made of . of mink, somewhere betw and Corwin. Finder pleue • MiamI Gazette ol1oe,

Will aurely bn... ....Its

.tp , the adyertiaer. .




--A IIIlIli place near the ad'fUIUpt toacbOol and Adclr'" 80lL. B84; Wa,0_

I 'I

FOR SALE--A good ' au '.' A trial Will . conVince aDY .Il.ot ueed more than elgh , ~.. . ana in ,the prime of eoncilt one that t"i. ia' tnte. of A'. L. Dewire, 'or leave AI Guette, W:aynnvllle. Ohio: FOR SALE--'I'wo '«God co ~e mlltters and wID ~ of milk both momlDC and For Information caU -Ifhe .ette, WIIJ,DeaviJ)., Ohio.

Notice to Mover.


Tlae Miami G~• .e.!fe . Pllone IJJ




cents to work for . a repre..~tilll" 1heI~ "Of iall ;OIDmllll!'n Is ....e· pooP " fuD tiM.. Addnll ~ lI~oGuett.;




ta Sev('" , y Sevellth

WAYNl.:,!:)VILLE, OHIO WEDNE DAY, ' MARtlI 4, 1025



This Week


Whole N umber 5032




\ I liB t nd,, ·:ilhllkr ; \1 1" \ 1i ~~ Cla ra J.,i ,· , ', Il' ,'i. ,," " f'I" ,,' ~Ir', ~T,,· r y (' I'" Y ,'\I "da)'.


Enjoy ed Maple


It is suggcKtcd that Income tax payers be allowed t o deduct from taxable income what they have to pay doc tors. If a man makes his IncoriJe by using machinery h e is allowed to de duet from income whatever he has to spend to keep the m a~ hin ery in order. The machinery used by a lawyer, merchant or mechanic is his own body and brain. If he has to spend money to keep that machinery in order and fit to earn revenue, of course, he ohsuld be allowed to chllrge that to "repairs" and deduct it from income tax. And nlso he should be ,allowed to deduct f or each year of wear lind tear II tair charge for depletion. A coal mine owner charges oft "depletion" because hIB mine 1M worth les8 each year. What about th" man whose mine is his brain? That also Is worth less each year.

Fashion can do what other thlnga can't do . For' instance, the tashion In s hort skirts has made fashionable r estauranta and night dancing \l'esort.s in London, cut down the height of tables and chain. It is impossiFirlt Round-Boy. ble for women with skirts up to their _MaBon .......... 16 Morrow .. ,...... . 10 knees to sit gracefully, not to . say, Franklin ...... . 30 Springboro ... . HI modestly, at the regulation high taLebanon .... .. .. 21 Waynesville .... 16 ble. So th e table legs are cut oft. Otterbein .... ... .41i Kings Milia ... 1

Firlt Rouncl--Girl. franklin ... , ,... 65 Waynesville 14 Springboro 18 Kings Mills .... Ii MaBon .......... 87 Lebanon ........ II Otterbein ..... 37 Morrow ....... ... 27

- - - -.



Mrs. Mary Pottorff died at her home in Oregonia , Thursday morning. The funcral was held SaturThe \\' omlln's Civic I ~ ague, of day morning at Turtlccreek church. Hnl'v ey~ burg. gave th ei r annual parBurial was made in Turtlecrcek cemty Monday even in g, February 23rd. etery. with a Inrg<' atte ndance of members Mrs. J . A. Run yan, of Lebanon, died lind th eir families. A ftc I' a I'cri od of social conversaSunday night at the Blair hospital, af ter several months' illnes . Funeral tion the stolte was set f r n fo r mal serveces held todny. Wednesday. lit wedding with an 1J!1l-~h iine M st of 2 1' . m., at the r,eRidcllce on outh characters, a ~ foll'Dws : Burial in Leban on Bride ,



Europe, poorer and less efficient than the United StOtes, suffers for lack of cnrs. Some of the millions we spent for trucks, to be used car· ryin g fr eig'ht. That was educational. Enough trucks competing with railBoy.' Final. ronds a nd cutting railroad frei~ht Otterbein .. .. .. Iii Franklin .... .... 10 prices 'Will make some of the oldfashi oned rnilrolld mcn think. Merely relying on the Inter state Com· merce commission to raise your rates, when you need more money, is not scientific railroading.

.- .


The recent purcha88 of the Dayton Power and Light Co., by the Columbia Gas and Electric Co., brings .t ogether two of the largest electric light . and power organizations in Ohio. ThIB la one of the fint development In the formation of a !!Iuper.power . ')I.tem which will attempt the dlatrlbutlon of service on a more eeonomlcal blliis. As a reault of this merger, gener· ating stations of both companies Will have a unified management and a connecting operating syatem. THe two eompanies have, in the past, bftn serving eOlitiguoul terri· torle.. From the Columbla'lI main IltatJon at Cincinnati to the Dayton org8lllution'. transmission lines at Piqua, Ohio, fa a atretch of territory 90 ndlejl lone. __ Aa a result of the ulIlon· of the two compAnies Into a alngle operating orgaDlutlon, this entire territory will be taken care of by the one comp8llY' Sueh a syatem II expeeted by official. of the company to result In a better aerviee In supplrlng both power and light. .

-------.. ANNUAL ,. ELECTION ' ~~.~ . -----


Last. Friday afternoo n t he Seventh grade gave the f ollowing progrnm: Devotional Readi ng E mmll l\IcCrny Reading ( School Days)-Mnry Etta Guy. Girls' Quartet - Thelma Hartsock, Martha Coate s, Or ene Henry and Ednn Henderson. Piano Solo ., ...... " Ahnedn WlIlton Reading .... "." ........ E dn u Henderson "Tom" Lawson, author of "Fren· Voclll Duet- Mury Etta Guy, Mario Dunham ' r;ied Finan~ e " ond an active figure .. .. "The Stupid Witness in much fr enzied finance of his own, Play was buried last week close to the Received word that Centerville magnificent estate that he once own· ed. Will Istreet gave it tohim. definitely r efuse d tu return the game And Wall street took it' away from with Wayn esville here, next FridllY night. However , 80me game 01' pnhim. tertainment will probably be arrnngWh1i'n he was sixteen he made ed for, Friday night. $40,000 in Wall street. In twenty Proliminary oratorical contest, to yean of Wall street life he made forty millions of dollars. and Wan select winners for the county meel, will be held Tuesday evening, March street took it all back. The old crouper at Monte Carlo'! 17th. Time allowed will be fi ve gambling house said to this wrlter minutes for elemen tary pu pils nllli long ago: "We don't have to worry eight minutes for Hi school, a nd th e about pr.o/lta. While they have the winner s here go to th e county meet money, the strangers stay and gam. at Lebanon, April Srd. ble , or spend It In our hote18. When P,Inona l they haven't any more money, they go. The money Itaya with u .... .. Miss Kelsey is s till out of school So with Wall street, if you gam· this week, but expects to be back ble. next week. . ., Misses Howland, Bachman, Fealy, ,Mn. Tennal, lady editor of the and Messrs. Burton, Wilson and CutSabetha Herald, In Kanaaa, tells ler are the members of the faculty Kansas editors at Topeka tbat ev- who attended the basketbalL lourn· ery woman needa three huabandlamont last Friday night, at Frankone tor BOeielt. one to make mone;; lin. one to took atter the houlllketiping. Mr. and Mrs. Seigel Mossbarger, "Preaent-(by hUlbanda are eatIBfae.he eaYe, of Lyndon, apent the week-end with tl,lry, al f8l' .. they Mr. and Mn. Moomaw. but they do not go f8l' enough.


----_0 _ •.----




""'f:.';'; '-:' '. ~ .-..:~

Mury Tucll<'l' Uerthu Gordno GI't'H,m SlIdi l' H~ asl) n ~riTli s tCl' Brid Rm aids -Mary Dav is "'111 Merl e Ellis. Best l\l en-Clnrice McCarren und Ida Howe. Ring Bellrer Evelyn ~h umak er F lower Girls-Emma Ellis and I mo· gene Gra y. l\' OI'B Hawke Bl'ide's Mother . Surnh Clurk Bride's Fnther . Groom 's 1\l other . Elizabet h O~den Cu s.' I'e· Col le tt Groom 's I·'ather Bride's Grnndm oth er.E\'n MacDollnld Brid e's Grnndfather . Lillian Cllrr Amcl ita,.-Glllli Curci- l\Iurgnret 'fucker. Gov. Donahey S lI~ i o Gillum Mrs. Donahey '." .. . Mnry Syfcrd Miss Sqllnsh ... . ... " . IIfnry Do ster O.·cbesLrn- Hclen Graham . B ur r] Tu~kcr and Howurd Coo k. Director of Wedding .... Liua Halton



nlt.!nt uhPut hin).

M,·~ . C" 01<.~ go \' c nn I~b l ,l writte n pape,' 011 ''''ocial Cun.liti(lns in Wash ingto u's Til1'l(,." Mrs. E"an 5 follo wed with nn i llt('l'('~ting dC'scl'iption of LIlt! Lin colll ~lcl11 ol'ia l. clos in ~ with the immol"tllI WOl'eI " of lh t' Ge ttysburgad d,.,·. , . Previ o u ~ t o lh e e ntrnnce of th .. Guc·.·t" ,II' the h ll:' tc ~" w re· Mrs. bri dal couple, Galli Curci fllv ore(i tho,e prc:'cnt wi lh "Oh. Pr o mi ~c Me," r\ JOUIllH W, :\11't-! . A nll ' Hn \\' iliia 1' 1:-' , ·M i~!4 anel ufter the ee" mor. y till' gro olJ\ '? !lI ll y Wrild I . ~Irs. ~l:iry ('·IS!' l·Y. !III'S, mother sting, "\\' hl' n You a nd I J, T. Elli ~ . Thlr .. J , n ClIl't\\' ri~ht, 1I Ii .~ eloru i.ill! un.l , 1i··:, Emnlo Were ¥Ol\ng, M"gg i ~ :' The wechlin~ c ~ rel11ony wn s f ol· Il cig hway. It was wit h 11 ('.·1""( re g- I'd thut lowed by eongratulations and Il bufthc cJ.ul) accep ted tlie r c:,i~n Jlliu n of fet suppel·. A ftcr t he depnr ture Of the bridnl o ll e o( i t ~ 1lI0st belov('d and vn lue,1 couple the bridesmaids nn d ring l11 ombe rs, Mr~ . Howe ll P"irce. whose hearer s sallg II love lIo ng and were eurly removn l to un uth .. l· eity 1I eclC:'sitnted the ~c v c l'ill g of hel' r eIn· onc(lr ed. The guests were served with sn nd- t.ion with the c1ub.l\l iss May Wright, wiches, . salad, cofTee, icc cream m'd a fonneT mombe r, was ('led OlI to fill the \'acancy cnu ~ d by 1I11'B. Peirce's cake, lind depnrted nt a Inte hOllr. rosignnlion . F. R. Carr'ie W. Allen. See'y . ---.--

----- -

Dinn er



----- -

.......-- -- -

PHEASANT BREAKS· GAVE GOOD GONCERT Waynesville Pre mier band GLASS IN MACHINE gllveThca delightful concert last ' Wed-

Flying against the willli shield of th e automobile driven by Earl Short, deputy 'clerk of the courts Ilt Xenia, a brightly colored mille jlhen.l;lI t shat· tered the gloss, lost a large a mount of its gay . plumage, but fluttered away apparently !Llnhart. The incident occurred while Mr. Short wall driving' back to tho city on the Wilmington pike shortly before Regular cbmmunlcation of Waynes- dusk. He saw t he pheosant ahead viUe L$ldge No. 168 F. & A. M., will of him in the road, and 'j ust· before be held Tuesday eVllning. ,Mareh 10: he rel,lched it the confused bird arose 'Me/DD8l'8 are urged to be preSent. and flew straight at the car. .Seeing Sojourning brethren and vislton are' It strike t he ,w indshield, Mr. Short 'c ordlaJly welcome. clolled his aye.s momentar ily and G: J. WATERHOUSE, W. M. reaehed for the braklls as the colli· 'F . B. HENDERSON, See'y. sion ~ccurrQiI. , When he opened ', his ______•• _ • eyes he sal4 he 1.I11;W nothing of the bird. The Interlror o~ the ~r W/1.S filled with sha~~red glnaa an.Q lots ACTUAt HOLD·UP of featRel'll. 11fT'. Short sustained' a Smlthajln-"Were 10U'¥ ver belel llight eeratcb on the hand.

, The learned ~. b;OWII The Protective and Detective ... ,that polyandry, me~nlna' . ~~eral hu( 'a oclation met FebliUary 28th,. and b'ndl, ..~ . onc~ ~e . .rule .among eleeted olJleera' .aa lollowa: m~y n~tlons. ' It lltill prevalll among E. S, !lally,' presldept. , e,rtaln "m.~~J'baro~. peoplea. Perry Kenrick, treuurer. And the. ~uilbinda mannee to get J. Hawke, secretary. along fairly ..eU • .. Ge.orge mirtaoek,' Frank Braddock .. . ', .. '-,:/ ,'. and Frank IrIU'l'll. ·trUstee.. . Polyandr.yj howevet:, no.t tiolva a88ll1In:;ent of one dlll1ar .per. the . proble'!". Tlie ' hatband ~uat; member wu made, which must be . inultiply hia accompUahmei1ta, whUe paid a~ once.~ Increaling hit tend!l1'Cll' to ftdeUty. _-'--". _ . The -American bUlband makea money but dOlll not-lmqw ~o", to pat ciimpJimenta. ~F Europeu men pa,· l1IarvelouIj complimenta, but , caD't ManariDc Eclltw-''Bave 1011 read mAke mone,. The combination. or "tbree-ID- 11"" • "The LoIt llanuaeripU" becker - "Yea-bo I 1 -took . Cub Repo~"NO. air. IaO'\II' eo1lld one." bab.... will ~ ill ~ _~ pa1.o dbm~ ~o. ." ~1IZI!tf ~ 1. "1" , II .1_



\lC'r e au Iv tu sec ure fOI' the me eting. After America was s ung by the audA hll!'l'Y famil~' rell ni,lIl wn> h<' lt! ic·nct:. Pres . Ho ward McKay in troat. th\.' h l.lI1,. "f ~ lr"·. I ill. it, T homp- dlll" u our Re prese ntati ve, lion. Jus~unt ~~,u n d:lYt th e "I,.'i,'aS iHIi !l\·jnJ,: ill UII !larding. ~1r . lim'dill g told us h"n"r .. I' )"'" !-i·lill hinllday, T he pf tll(· Ch ild Lubor Am end ment and f(lllnwi nJ,! "~'1" Pl"l' :-:i I ' tl t: ~( " . nnd (he r eUhv n of his stnnd . ~lr:-:, ' Pau l lI ui rH':-i, 1\11':5. Li uuic L·.lTluTing 'Iuc ~ tion tim e Mr. Ha rding m orel ;\lr, Ji l l' ThdlllP:= IIIl, !\Jr. \r ilIJl'r Sllid lI b" ut ~o u Inws had been pnssed l\ ail1c, . ~I,.. E lm .. re lIinklvy. Miss an d 'j ~ were vc toed out of the 118 N o rma K4,·l ' \. ,' r , LIt' (' IIH' l nnatl ; ) 11'. Ia\\'~ Lhat WNe brought to vote. MoGeorge Thompsu n . or Loveland . Hnd n;' of lIwsc wer e Illllcndings of preIIlr. an.1 Mrs. illil LOIl Th ompso n. \ ious ly puss cci laws. lIe r eiterated Lhl! statement or ou r third speaker, . ' uJlerin t ~ndent F . n. Harris, thot Birl hdny Surpri.e Oh i o'~ already having dras~i c Child On Tucsdny, FcbrulIl'Y 24th , 1\ few Lubo r la ws at the present time was fri en ds lind n l' i~hl>urs und er cover of th e re0 60 n of her cold reception of yurkness mlld ~ th eil' way to ~he home th e Federal Child Labor Amendment of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ross and th ough i~ be not as rigid OS Ohio's .. ~ATT~~I~t:>_ dau ghte r, of Houte 3, g iving )Ir. Ross pr~ s ent enuctm ent . Both speakers IAVToeA~Tc:.g t n quiet sU I'prise to r emind him of his emphasize d th e fa~t t hut it's not bil·thdny. From w II fill ed baskets more la ws we need, but more home 11 s umpt uou s Oo'clock dinner was trainin g tu r esp ect law. served . Those enj oy ing the occasion Hev. J. C. Ro berts, D. D., of Blan_ were, Mr. and lIh·s . Trumnn Gillam ch (:~ tcr, was th e next one with ames. nn d son , J arne~ , Mr. and Mrs. Ruy Bil ge ( or us. lIis theme was the Foley an d fr.llli ly, ~lr. nlld Mrs. ClifT child (hul neve r was , the child 'that The Mnthc r: l'luu \\ ill ho ltl t heir I1 awk c nnd lIIr. an d . l rs. Walter was, th e child that is, the child tbat r ~uln\' meeting- at the Grade build- Grny, and the h onol' !:ues l.8. Mr. und is to be. The hearer reso lved that ing', Frid:t y ('\'cninlr, March Gth. at ilIrs. Emery Hoss und ss Esther. he wuuld give e\'Cry child a fair 7 o ' cl o~k. TJ1C prop;ram fo r th e evchull te in life's dcvc lopm(lI1 t. It was e nill ~ will lConsi~t of music and n nn "ddress that on" cannot fully r eFarewell Party short play , e"titl~ " . " T h",c hus bands port. lie su id tha t the world is inSnturdny en:nin~ , F'el ,rual'Y, 21 sl. of Ours. " Thi ~ i ~ nn \lpe n mepting f1ue nccu fu r go ud by th" child that r-. l r. Wilber Brackney nn d fnl11il~·. of a nd all f al1lil i< ~ of tllP "ol1l l11ulI it y ne\'er Wit.; Ollr live" ure better and Rou t" ", wCI'e f':ivC II a fn r ew~1I party arc wl'lc()mc. mc morials Ilrc enne ted in memory hy the ir lI eig hlJ ol's nllil f ricn d ~ , be · ~YB IL L~MAY. P rcg., of tho child th ut wu s ; we nrc all tryI ol' l e a\' i n~ f(lr tllL·iL· now home ill DON' A_ ED WA rws, Sec·y. ing 10 accomplis h great things for Ullyl"II. uhin. Th o,e \\ 110 enjoyed the chi ld that iR, a nd we should train thi~ ()cc'",icill werc: IIfr. Cllrrey Hithe worl d a nd ruc\! for the child that ~lCy und fnm lly. All'. 1I '"lI ~I' II nrl'ison is to IJe. I alit! inmil),. ~I 1', "lid M!'s. ('a r! HiII'f he Rpeech of Supt. F .. I:l. Harris illt-f, ~lr. II Ti d :\1 r~. (Ht.u B~lc r nc r, 11·, hns nlready bee n noted. lIe disc uRs('ulli 13 0CI'I "'I. Mil." ~[II I"'1 Brackn ey, ~ d ,h" I~lfal age for entering school, 1\11'. 1: l'I1e. '. J.r!l,'hll \ Y IIII '! fa ll1i ly, ull ninny requirements of the teac her, of \Juylon ; .11 '''. a ll d ~ I I'S . Churles the working ugc laws of Ohio, and P ope. ~ I r. t:: a rl II c rb~ t /t nt! family, the responsibility of th e home. The r, l. l' lIJ1 l'Y ,,,~p li n g of th~ New ~ Ir. PelTY W" ,lt! UII,1 f amil y. Mr. Earl We enjoyed also th piano music of Century clu h WII ' h('l <I nt th e home Win ston and family. r-.I,·. Curl Duke Mi sses Milured J effery, Ruth and o f Mr',. W. 11. ,\11 .' 11 Oil las!. F"idny an d family, 111 ,'. Bl'n YuUlIlr IIlId fa m- ~I en na Mann on. uftc!' noon , 'fwl!nly-lw,\ n H: mh(' r ~ ily. ~Ir . "lid :III'S. DUhn DI'a~kll"y , T hl' nex t and lus t meeting Qf the ~11' . and :111'>. Eu rl SIII'l'hll n, !\Ir. F. ant! "e \'cra l vi ~ i to l's wCI'e pl·t·$C Ilt. ~enso n wi ll be IlC'ld at the F' lat Fork A pa i rill lic pl' I~Tllm II' L1I' I!i \' en. S"II"r:; "lid fal1lily. ~ Ir . {;enrgc SPU I'"hurch the cvenin!,: of Mllrch 27, III r""pOII"" to 1',,11 <:nll ('a"h Ill Vlllltr r g(''' n. !J I' L. ,I"IIII'" : Clia rl .·,< \)elll' th, I'leuse remember the place and date. Clitfo l"l \\ II ill' '' \\'' 1'(,1( :'(01 a nd Duris gave t he nRlIle of a pr"Hificlit ulld 1\.. E. Thompson and viccp r p,i dcnt eof I,he l niLl'd S tut es Sh'II /S'1Il IIltd Willlulll (·ul\i". li rll ce Plym ire, wil h g .) I11~ i llt(' r('~ting fuc t or CO Ill Publicity Com. Ha p py Farnily

Second Rouncl--Girl. Last year this country paid out Franklin ',.. ~O Springboro .. .... 10 three billion dollars for aut omobiles. Otterbein .. .... 1i2 Mason .... ........ 13 That's a large sum, but no mon e y wns better spent. To economize on Secollcl Round-Bo,. Franklin " .. .... 13 Mason .. ... .... . 1:: automobiles wouN mean to econo- Mechanic street. mize on fr e~ h air. henlth, happiness, cemetery. (Five minute overtime period) Otterbein .. .... 26 Lebanon ."" ... !\ and it would mCIITl waste of time more than offset ti ng the saving in Gir'" Con.olation money. Mason ............ .26 Spri~gboro .. " 22 Boy.'. Conlolatlon . Lebanon ...... .. 17 Mason ......... ". 12 Girl.' FiDa11 Franklin .. " .... 23 Otterbein ........ 22 (Three minute afte r time period)


Mec" In liS Third Se .. ion L eat Week ~Il:. and :\1,'" E'( T h')il"" cntt'I" li nd Hen .. Splendid Tall" from tui llt,t..l a ft ·w rJ'i('n d ~ Shtu r duy c\.'e n4 T hr ee Good Spoake"". ill~~. ~ 1 :Ll d(' \\a \ ~a ::." a \"('I'y dcl i).!I,l· ful ,. nl ul :t!l ii a ~ltI'i:d tit": lf ' W :V'; P ll. ,i1l)'L,d by till ' j',dl!I'., in l.!: .\ 11". and Tlte Muss i" Wa s hin~ton P.·T. A. ;\1, :,. \1', I·:, ( " ,.,:0·11. ~11· ". ,\:try I'",. l:. y, JI I' . 111111 .\1,,>, ('I'lL"I,'" 1-' 11 " " " ,] ~1II 1\ '111·,1 ut Olive Brandl church fo t" s,,';. 11'1'"1. Jlr , and }II', F . n, II., ,· It" third H's~ i (m Friduy ni g-ht, Febru .,ry 20 . \\' e urc to ue C()Il!(,l'lltulalkl'''; 1'1l at"l d t ,u)"dl~l\ r , :\1j .. :-: Lil\li ... ·. t"d 1I1"'1I th Hpl ndid s pen kel's wo

Wa,ne.ville Boy. Eliminated by tbr L.banon ...iII. THE DOCTOR BILL Girla Lo.t to Franklin 13,000.000 FOR CARS'



Entertn in ed Rt Dinner


In spite of lack of practice and the absonce of Hopkins, our regulllr center, W. H. S. held the Lebanon }l. S. quinte t to 11 21 to 15 score. The game was interesting and one .(It the best of tho tournament, the score nt the end of the fll'llt quarter being 6 to 6. Tho Bcore remained .\lalanced until thoJast quarter, when Rhota from the center of the floor gave Lebanon' the edge. The W H. S. girls drew the winner of the tournament for their first game and were defeate<l; by a 56 t o 140 lICore. The girls showed Bom€' good pasa work and team work, bUI tho experience of Franklin proved tQo much for W. H. S. The Waynesville High School band accompanied the team and rendered lome lively mUBic. One aeriouB accident occurred duro Ing the tournament, thiB happeninR to Smith, of Mason, who suffered twc. broken bones in his limb. Smith W'as one of Mason's best men and the morale of the team without him WIUI much aft'ected. The scorcs tor the tournament ar as follows:


neMlny evening llt the Gym There was a capacity ho use, and all enjoyed t he concert. The cornet'solo by· Mr. Orville Gray and the quartet of horns were special features, The hllnd will have over a hundred dolInrs after a)) bills are paid.




AMERICAN LEGION RALPH P. SNOOK POS1 WHEN MAIN S1.IS PAVED Whe n lIlain s tree t is paved, when Main Street is paved. Will t he Henries and t he Dodges All d the other C/lrs be saved, i-'rvlll the c(·u. ' Iess strain of j olting, Ove r 11 11 th e bumps Ilnd stones, .... 5 we tmvel 011 our highwuy will t.he I acillug Lea ve ou r boneH Will tl lc henrt s of the Ilatl' cnt \VI'th A balm be allayed, Wh en our council gets a move on, And 1\lnin Street's paved?

Wi t h a fanfare ,,1' Irlllllpt.t~ and tht! rn llh' "f dl'l llll". "I ''''I L ;J:; IIIC'III' I)t' \' ,,[ till' HlI!l'h I'. ~Ih , u k Post . IIr Leba ll ull, Ill a rcli" d illt., tow " Ins' lIi~ht, "lid w,' re juined (0)' \\'nYII(' 'r o\\'''~ IIl. P 11l ..~ m bcr:-: .-,• 1.H' 1' n SIlU l' t . . I pa r aJe ul1 1\Iill ll ~t fl'l' l , l Il' \ ' \\'Cll l Lo ' I' . I I ' th" Grilli!!" .II lIII , 11./-:', \\ h, rc II" :Hil eS of th ... {;ra" ge had Jl r~l'lt r ' J Il fi ne cll ick ell 811 PI'l'1' rul' th"III. Aftt!r sup per till! cl'll\" d adjo arned to tll c h II u p> ta i r~ . Severlll songs lI'e l'e HU Iig', I·d by C0111. Ernest Earn- Whcn Muin Street is pn\'ed, hart. The ~()I11I11!l Il<lcr .. f th e Pos t, Will the strllnger come to town? Anu criticize our pII\'ement COlll. l\l ir ul J J\ ('(' )u r ga\,(..' a very i nWith harsh com ment and frow n te l'sl ill !,: tall, un what th e Post was uuin!,;, what loenetit: \\'vr~ to be' d~­ Dcclnrinlr we urc behind t he state PTocession of the blest. rived fr III it, and wh y each ex·ser· In t hnt OUl' pavement is not vice nlll11 sho uld h ~lo ll g to it. ECjunl to th e best? Com . D'llln ld Uilll lll Fh, t he inimitWill Waynesville's beauty able, nc",d as tuastlll Hstcr, and it O'el' which th e world hilS raved, was ,lone to th e queen' s lUstc. He Be cr umpled like Pompe ii gllve a fine intruductory Uille, and When Main Street is paved ? was very happy in hi ~ manner in Introducing the s ~veru l spcakers. When Mnin Street is 'paved, Co m. 1'0111 Burke nnd COlD. L. K. Will John Pence's property be 801d Hall sa ng selections which were well 01' will he think 'tis paradise, reeeh·cd. Tal ks \\'e re made by sevAnd pave our streets with gold? eral of the visitors prescnt. And will the city councilmen, Honor guests from Lebano n were With shovels, spades and picks, Hon W. Z RC/ll and Mr. Carroll Eu. By electric light go in the night, In.~s. ThoBO from Waynesville were And dig up these gold bricks? Messrs. E. 1\1. Oxley, D:' 1,. Crane and Will the present city council Dr. J . T. Ellis. (Providing all are saved) • Look d own with smiles from heaven . W hen Main Street IB paved? U


.SUSTAINS .BROKEN LEG FINED FOR POSSESSION Mrs . IS1'ael Satterthwaite , of DIlYton, f 11 last. Thursday in Springfield, breaking a borie' in h r I,e g just above the ./irikl , he was a lighting from ' tl street cat' . when !'he stopped on a piece of ice, slUlpecl and- fell it\ such a manner to clluse the abov " r esult. Sbe...lVaIl taken to tho hospital where the bone was !let and later waa taken to -the home of her brothor·in-


law. Mr. Chu, Ridenour.


The trial of ' Wenzel Herr es was held Monday morning at the Town· .ship house before Justice Ha,thaway. He was found g uilty of having ItliUor j n his possession, and .fin ed $760. He was remanded to the county Jail in . defnult of -paymen.t. Later the fine' WIlS r educed to $460 and he was glven GO daYIi in which to AWe. which he promiled to do. '/(,

When. Main Street is paved" Oh, basten ' the. happy day, For life is sh'ort and mortal man Will soon be turned ,t o eliiy I Maylulp 'Bc>me future councilman Mayall objectil>ns -meet, ..\. By moldIng t1:ie same clay into bJ'icb ,T o llllve our businees atreeta. And when -b y "Lizzie's'" cruel tire,, ' Our sides lU'e -wtllJ eocraved, We'11 thing we're t'l\ther lurk)r ~t



_....." ,.....,

paved. . ~

= .'



JOLI:ARS BUSY M "ls t (,l'C' 'k ha\' ~ to ·w II k hnrJ an d lIsistL'n tly to a "(u,l1ubr mon ey. Yo u Ill :, kc SlI(:c"CSS more ...!d" cult if you neglect to in\'\.~s t in l h' \'(1 cst Side, wllC:n : ('vcr y hdl' is t' tended . . N o other institu tion is :111\' safer or more ahk to pay YO Ll h igh n:turns on y('\u r m o n ey.

H und reds nf ollt-of-town (X.'Ople belon g to The West Side.

6% • .-



Main ofli.,.- Third nnd Broadway 510 &.,Flhb _


DRANCHES - H North Mala - . IThJAI FlOOf'I




In the malter of Z('lpha Spru~ue, pragu e , was di sll1 i~s e d wilhout r ecord . In the matter o f Horllce Throckmorlun s. Elhve l Throckmor to n. on upp licntio n defe ndant is g iv(' n lea ve tIl file her an swe r s nd cr o~s petition fOl·thwit h. T he ('ase of Willia m P. Mc arren



----. ---_.-


"H" who h".itatel lelo bl" ck an d blu e imprint. of an auto mo ·

bite on hia- •. "

,Iroll C. Gilmour, ntlministrutor of lhe cstute of of Ro bert Gilmour, deceased, in favo r of ~h e plaintiff and Il ~S('S~S the amo un t due pluintif!' $a924.!l0. T he matter of the Vall ey T elee pho ne Co., vs. :raul Stuckey et al. II'U S co mpr omised and di smissed with

West Side- Building and Loan Association Batabliabed 1887

ENtnte of E lmer KelsllY, dece~sed. Nolice ill herll by gi von Uill t Edna L. Ko I ~ey hll~ been duly nlll'(l_intetl and qunllfled us IIdminl Mtl'u t ri l.: of t he cst.ule or E lmoI' Kd ~ "y. lut u of WII!'reI! Co unty, Ohio, deceased. Dated this 27th d uy (I f F"bruary, I U25. W. Z. ROLL. Judge of the I'robtltc (lU I' t, Wllrr' \1 Qunty, Ohi o.

\·s. Truman


"When SG";np an Saf."

. HaU's Catarrh Medicine Thoao who I\f"G In a Hrun·down" condl .. tlon ... 111 n otl c. thaI CnlJlrr h bo thera th~m mu c h more than "hen th ey aro In «DOd health..

Sheriff's Sale

~ .

Mo.t ca.e. o f headache. that come to ua are direc tly traceable to d e f ecti ve eYelight 0. weakene d eye mu.· cle.. '. Our ezpert .ervice will qu ick ly r e li eve you. Ihould your .y•• b e cAuling the." h eadach e. '

n ,\ I.'o's C'ATARIlIf

tr ~n tment




F. T. Martin

Having complied with the req uireme nts of the Utilily Com mission, I am going in to th e Truck Business again, an d wi ll be a ble to do all kind s of hauling aL r ellso nable rates.





Telepbone 114,

Oat. your ••1•• with m r


Phone 36-4

~i ....


•• tl.fac:tion or c:hare" __


from PILES getDr_ Immediate HllefOlntmeJ)t.

Phon •• No.2


!l:OOD's ~Lt2lt


Good eervioe-as tho Ford Motor Company lees it-is an essential

e\aY lid

part of goodcarvalue.

~ benefit by an Organization tbat ~ to every community, every ~bood. Wherever the famfU,Ir Pard a1gn is ~ p1aY*l you are ~ ci pD$e Pont eerv1ce which BAILOO~ IDe6D8 «andudlr.ed low prtoee both fOr puts BDd labor. .Equ.tpment No JDBCteI' when yoU live there ~. Pord ServIce lPuJJ 8be(i9X~ Dealer h~ your lO<lallty. Throu, him you are ~2wSo::.~ ~I~~:~ ueured ci depeDdable yoar 'l'oun tt,neportation 0 .. opeD Ity:"'a" . at a pdce lOU am aifmd to pa,. d .. 4.... d .... o..... "-.: 45 ' Ford


. . "...


•. ".0 opJ6 _

0... - ....


1WIw ........

'NJ.!Sma .ad . . . IN . " . . . .


.u"... I.

l'oNors.dan 6. betrolf





PROBATE PROCEEDINCS Stanl y lIf. Selle,r a, trustee of the estate of Joseph G. Keys, decensed, A fi ve-Ietter word, meaning confil ed his fifth accoUint. sis tent - - wou ld no doubt mean I n the matter of Glenn Holling8- "Barnes"- if Webster defined propworth us g uardian. of the estate of er nam c·s. Certai n it is that Walter L. \ aug hn Hollingswo rth, a minor, R. Barl ~S . who this week cooked up vs. L. Vaughn Hollingsworth, a mi- the croSs-word puzzle below, is the nor, et a I. , it Was or dered that lands most cOII. is tent puzzle builder at all, described in the petition be Bold at if one wi1l pause long enough to etudy privu te sale . In the matter of the estate of Wm. P. Hend rickson, dec eased, the court ord ered th e sa le 0 ;( certain Btock belonging to the e8t:ute. The account of Charles Poppe, trustee of the e's tate ' of Gustave P op pe, deceased, was approved. Tbe account of Mattie B. Shifl'lett, gua rdia n of H ele n Shifflet, was app r oved and confirmed. Th e accou nt of Leslie and Clifford Smith, administrators of the estate of Frank Smith, deceased. was a pproved. Willinm G. Thompson was app ointed adm inistrator of the estate of lI1 0lli e Wor nell, deceased. Bond, $1500. Ira Dixon, guardian of the estate of lI1ary Edith Dixon, minor. tiled his firs t a ccount. Alice Chenoweth and Emily J. ACROSS Millll car, administratrixes of the esAbility or genius . tnte of Amanda Smith, decelll!ed, fil- . 6 Fat. ed their first and final account. 12 A fruit. The g ross valuH of the estate of 13 European crow. Euphemia Crumley Wilson, deceas. 15 To annoy. ed, \~as found to be $15,739.36. 16 Dainty. --17 To lay again. MARRIAGI~ LICENSES .... 18 Among. L. C. McGee and Mrs. Leora Me. 19 Prophete. Bdde, both ot FrIlnklin. 21 Full valuc. 22 Liberated. REAL EST A TE TRANSFERS 23 Within. Charles M. Leslie as receiver of 24 In old time. the Interurban Railway and Term!. 26 Countenance. al co mpany to Andy Newfarth, tract 28 Prefix moaning again. 30 Adult male. in Dee rfield Tp, $l. Frank Schnell to William T. and 31 Before. Mary Cra mer, about 118 acres in 33 To wait on . Hal'lan Tp., $1. 35 Narrate. Charles E. Mull to John C. and 38 To run away . Minnie L . Mulford, lot in Lebanon, 39 Quantity of paper. $1. 40 Spears. L. M. Henderson to Lester H. and 44 List ef business to be done. Nell ie M. Gordon, lot in Waynes- 48 Skill. ville, $1. 49 Part of head. Emma Farr Dakin to C. D. Shee- 5 t Pronoun. han, lot in Waynesville, $1. 53 Ce lestial body. Noel F. Fox to James S., Mollie 54 Wild apple. Lackey, N. and J ospeh D. Hatcher, 56 Business group (abbr.). ab out 127 acres in Harlan Tp., $1. 57 Snares. F ra nk and Emmu Fraxer to Chas. 69 Old Testament churactcr. E. lIIull, lot in TUirtiecreek Tp., $1. 61 Drowses. David E. Easton to Perry A. and 63 Prong, Mary E. Easton, about 102 acres in 6,1 Prepared. 65 Trim. Cleurcreek Tp., $:I. Frank Archdeacon et aI., to Wil- 66 Black. liam F. Michel, Ilbout 46 acres in 68 To bind. 60 To rent. Wayne Tp., $1. 70 To contribute. COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES 71 Small roller. DOWN H. E. Dilatush" ceroner, inquest, $6.05; The Western Star, delinquent 1 Gland of throat. tux certificati on, $67.85; James Fol- 2 Foreigner. a V cry small parlUlites. len, janitor servi~:e, $15.00; Pendlcton Morton, sume, $70.00; W. H. 4 Each one. Stunnage, supplies, $242.00; L. C. 5 Point of compass. Smith, typewrite;r repair, $28.62; 6 Mirth and festivity. Sanco Sanitary Supply Co., supplies, 7 PrepoliUoD.








Goo' BYe &oDAH -SEE 'tE~ 'N Ga-l00L TO·MOQR,'Q




~lIenlr ll'll!l

10 "

n lht In · I" 1'1\' o f C"ntarrh for OYer rnr lY 'I- :1 :-IJ,

Bo ld b)' ..11 dru,,,,, _t • . F. I ,

~h ('tnl! Y ~


lo l ~ i1 1 Our.C~ H tlr\ I

~n l . l1 o

('01- 1 ,


CASH. ALFRED C. BRANT. Sheriff of Warren County. Ohio. Hobert W . B!o~n.;. ~tty~ _


LAZY LARRY AGAIN .tO NEY LOANED ON LlVE . T .W \', Zek()- "Say. Lurry. I'd like to lak. chattels, IIl so ICCO llti Illorl.gttglls. you ill with me Oil th e prom oti on of Not ••, llUIIg ht. J ,lhll lIarbin e, AlIl!lI thi s IlInd," Building, Xonia, Ohio. L"rry- "Nop c. t hullks. Two third. o f pr olll otio n is m o't ion lind it's not for me." Furmers of Warren and adjolnlni co un ties may obtain money on loni till\ ~ loan s, at Ii 'rio per cont interest. Cost of securing the samo is vory ren· . onable ,throu~h The Federal Land Da nk. For furthor informution call on or address M. C. DltA KE, Treas · u.rer, ph ollo 31G-X. Lobanon, Oblo. the uniform desi!:n he s ubmits. To start with th ere li re eilrht word s of FOR RENT six le tters eac h. They get shorter from then one-but there is all equal FOR RENT - Farm of 8 0 acres. number of the samo letter words Inquire of W. N. Sean. Waynesthroughout. No word i8 difficult-- vill e, Ohill. Om II but you'v e got Ul kecil plugging to s olve it. WANTED

Farmers, Attention!

This Week's Cross- Word Puzzle

Jewelers and Opto'm etriata,



QO~~ '."#1- "'4__


p rovell

t ernal. nnd hnB bCf'n

ou t. r(lc() rd .


tac t

Com hln of' Treatm e nt . both

IN PARTITION the matt er VB. J ohn Hen ry vs. ~mma K. Henly, it is orde red that ~ Warren Common Pleas " ' '''icc of publicatio n be made, it be_ ing made to appeur thut the r esiEmily J. Minniear dence of defendant is unknown. It WIlS o rd ered thlll partition of vS. Cuse No. p r ll pe~ty be mud e in the nwUer of Minerva Cox et 01. haartern ' oil -has been f a' world~ Emily J . lIlinn iear vs . Minerva Cox. By virt ue of un order of sale, duly wide remedy for k idney ,liver and I't 01. i R~ ued from ~ aid Coart, In the above III the mutter of George Osborn bladder disorders, rheumatism, slated case, an d to me directed. J lUmbago and uric acid conditions: \'S. G rovc r 'tll nscll, et II I. , on motion, will olrer for sa le, by way of public plaintiff is ~ I'anted 30 days in which a ucti on . on tho l, r emi ses, in Wayne Township . Wurren Co unty, Ohio. to filu 11 rep ly. Su id premi scs li es imm ediat ely west "f the Corporntion line of the VilNEW SUITS lage of W nyn esvi lie, and on the south 1 Char les E. Kesling hilS enterod s uit west s id" of the west side of North correctlntemal troubles. stimulate vital alrain"t J ohn W. K esli ng et a I., for organ •. Three sizes. All d ruggi.ts. Insist pllrlition. Mahlon Gebhart is att oron the oriiilllll Ileouine GOLD MEDAl.. ney fo r p lain tiff.

Instant Relief from headaches


Cntareh 18 a looat dl>..a ••• It 10 g r.a tl y Influon co d by con.-tltutio nBl ("onf11(1onn.

[ II

. . . -...


_-r-L .



F . ...s

'POD'S GE NIOQto.l..

5 'i0RE


t55 Do7.EN E565

' ''l\Xl-\








PecKo PIlI'Thtoe

A"r THIQ.N Cl:~ .



FOUND FOUND-Auto License Tag No. Service 160,340. Waynesville Station_



---_._- - -

T o obtain knowledge. Crippled. Kind of willow. Marri ed. To Tely. 14 Botter. 20 A part. 22 To sc nse by touch. 25 Hastened. 27 Anger. 29 To rob, 32 Very hard meta\. 33 The whole. 34. A number. 36 Large ancient boat. 37 To consu me. 41 Domestic animal. 42 Period at time. 43 A highway. 46 F'or rowin~. 46 To stuff. 47 Acrid. 50 Large ad. or bill. 52 A clan. 63 Dispose of money. [i5 Framework of body. 56 To quit. 68 Quickly. GO Placed. 62 Decomposed vegetation. 67 Pronoun (old form). 69 Note of 8cale. 8 9 10 11 13

Ani ••• 10 La.1 We.k'. Paz.l.

SLIGHTLY used player piano, Baldwin make. Will sell at a sacrifice. Cash or tcrms. R. T. care of Miami Gazette office. ·m 18 FOR SALE-Folding bed and Oil Heater. Inquire of MI'II, M~' Hatfield, Waynes .... ll\e. Ohio. m18 FOR SALE- S. C. W, Legborn eglN. U and ,6 per 100; al80, 36 S, O. W. Rock pUllets. laying; alell 3 S. C. W. Rock cockerels. B, V. Smith. phone 37-3 , Wa)'llellviJle, Ohio mla FOR SALE-On acco\lnt of poor hculth and scarcity of help, 1 will Bell my herd of Jersey cattle. c;onsiat. ing of 4 milch oow~ lind one bull, Also my herd of Spotted Poland Ohl. na hogs. K. E. Thompson, Oregonia, Ohio, R. D. 1, Box 103, phone 19_1 ~ Harveys burg ring. ·m2& FOR SALE-A team of good honea or mules. E . V. Smitb. R. D. ., phone 37.3, Waynesville. Obio. m11 FOR SALE- Seed oats, Bome nice clover hay und baled oats straw. Good team of horses. Eli Farnas, Waynesville, Ohio. ·m25 FOR SALE-Player Piano in neigh. borhood of WaynesvillJe, which can be bought by responsible party by paying balance due the manufacture. Terms if desired. For con. fldentlal information, write BOll: 116, Dayton, Ohio. Apr1 FOR SALE-Mill:ed hay. Engliab 8train Wllite Leghorn .egp, '4 per hundred. L. V. Branstr~tor, phone 116-2. Waynesville, Ohio. ·mll FOR SALE-Two good fruh Jersey cows; ages 6 and 7. Inquire of John Robe·r .on, R. p. 8, W"pteevil_e, Ohio. .11\11. FOR SALE-White Letbom, Iat'lre strain, English Hatching Egp. guaranteed 90% fertile, , •. 76 per 100. Fred Richard •• R. D ••, Way. nesville, Ohio. -m11 FOR SALE-A few loaila' of good timothy hay. Inquire of S. · S. EI· liB, phone 7U~, Wayli..viUe, O.


. emIl

FOR SALE-'12 aerea, 2 mil.. out of Wayneevll1e, aD WaJII_ville and Ferry road. 7-room bOUH with . ail modem improYeDi'Dt.I. Mra. ArtU. Kelaey. · emil. FOR BALE-Parb Barred Rock eggs for batc:hiDg, '16c, per dOlen. Mra. Racbel Crew,' B. D, 3,. Waynesville. Ohio. .-al F,OR S~LE-Ford ·J lbadner, iood as new, only uaed • monthe; .tarter demountable rima, COrd tim. ,late model fenden. IJIqulre.t thll 01Ice. -mil FOR SALE - Recleaned Kammoth Red clover ...eI 'anel Yellow DaDt .ced com grown from te.tecI ci........ free _d, varlet)' ~ to tbIa .eetlOD.

W. L. Wuu.... WilmiActo.

phoae 1'184. . . ." FOR SALB- .........

lied tub, _ ,...

..... W..-.,

.m4 ~

c.a .......




' - --

..... THE


Enl qJ'uit Ilt the ppstomce JAt Wayneav lIle,


., as. Seeflnd Class Moil Matter


MrA. Mary Corm()ny and Mrs, Clara Th()mpson spent Wednesday D. L. CRANE, E:dhor and Pllbli.her, Wayn"lVille, Ohio. the Gcm city. . Mr. Everett Clark was Ii Sunday Subscriptio n Price, $1.50 pet year. dinner gucst at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. R()lIa Bolton ncar Ferry. . ," •.,., ·t!\I:t·, I I "Ir;w k 'II'''''~I I"rh '' .1':;;. \·.\· I·. ·.. ' · r \ ~. I) HE.!.t~ ,· ,.'II~I .. Miss Olive Dinwiddie, of Woynes-:.-=..=-:=:.=--~-==:::.="'-=-."'-=============-=-=_::_=-=-=-=-=--=- villa, spcnt a couple of days last week _ -1f-W.I.l.ll-llICL- aister, Mrs. Ruth Savage, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4. 1 _ and f amily. Mr. Enos Rogers, who has been quite ill with pnaumunia, is much OUR PRESIDENT Planes Itnve just dropped corned improved. Mr. Rogers was 91 years beef in lhe Alps lo save the lives of old on Thursday. T'l'p.sidenl Co olid ge ul lust . The' lhroe slurving climhers. If they hod Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and entl of th e long ll'ail of pl'cparation dropped som e Am orican arm y bis- daughter were Sunday visitors at the hUN been ren ·hcd . Now with the cuits on the Gcrmuns lhey would have home of Mr. and Mrs. Kerr RoutInliug urution we hnve in the White saved the li ves of some Amerieuns. zahn, near Centerville. iii HOU RC a fullfl odgetl. wcll balanced Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder atexperienced mU ll holding th e reina A Pen sllcola cop has slopped tended the go lden wedding of Mr. of g"overnmcnt und eq uipped to his Charles W. Brynn for speeding in hi. and Mrs. Jonathan Ritchey. at CaInd ivi duul liking. Up to thi ~ hour lIutomobile. Next t hing some cop tawba Drive. Dayton. from 4 to 10 the president hOB been kept will stop W illiu m J on n ings from run- Saturday evening. hOllr th e Jlresident hos been kept ning. Mr. and Mrs. William Coleman enbusy trying' to ~ hape and modify the tertained to Sunday di·nner. Mr. and legll('y left to him. but neceBSarily It is now proposed to Inocculate Mrs. Harold Gates and two chilt!!en, hamper ed by the clutter of official - oysters agliinst typhoid . Good. Ev- the latter's mother, Mrs. Maklie and dom and the bewildering mu:te of ery oyster should be compelled to Mrs. Davis. all of Dayton . polkieB which In no se nse were the comply with the law. Mr. and Mn!. William Col~an r echildren of his own creation. The cently entertained the latter's motheltu ation is now changed. For months New York hM been succcss{uliy er. Mr. John Proud, wi fe and little President Coolidge hOB been putting defended again st theoretical air at- grandson. of New Richmond, Ohio. his official house ill order. As a fact tsck. Horizonta lly this spells Dump- Mr. and Mrs. Proud, of Cincinnati, no president ever has had better op- mitchell. and Mr. Earl Prou·d. of Reading. O. portunity to Ihllpe a government that Quite a number of Lytle residents would be ready to function with full Frnllce would now like us to lend are on the sick list. Among them intelligence And understanding the hl'r an other hundred million Qollan. are, Mrs. Clyde Cox. Mrs. WiJliam Instunt he stepped into otllee. The That chap LI\{ayette was a costly vla_ Cox, Mrs . Chloe Sides, Mrs. Nettie people look forward with confidence itor. Emrick. Walter Kenrick, Miss Stanto th e real Coolidge in action . No one sell, Charles Clark, HJ M. Clark, Th e New York Police band. 102 and Mr. and Mrs. William Creighton. Iulowa better thAn the president that with . the aS8umption of complete policement Alrong. is to tour tile Miss Thelma Kearn was taken to power he must also bear the full bur- West. That'lI the way to protect the Christ hospital again last Wednesdon ot responsibilit.y, but the people, city. day.and returned to the home of Mrs. ever generous, will stand behind their Lydia Coleman, who has · cared for Why not move the previous quel- her for nearly two years. national leader. For the next four Little years t.he.r a i:an be no parties silve tion and begin the Muscle Shoals Thelma Is now able to sit up and we those that Ktand for a united nation argument all ove.r aguin. are glad to learn sbe will walk in a whose IIspiration III peace and the few days. prosJlcrl,ty that {allow" in Its wake. Mr. and Mn. Floyd Savage and ED PURDY'S PHILOS family moved on Wednesday from the Stllcy farm to Walter Clark's FIVE NEW FACES IN CABINET "It loob lik. the ne"t Wllr I. property In Lytle. Mr. Savage is conDa Ii.. a banquet . ney k"ep now employed at the Early elevator ·Secretary of State- Frank B. KeltallciDC abollt hot doc bomb. anti having the position vacated by Lowlogg, Minnesota. mu.tard , ..... ell Thomas who recently moved 0 --_"._4"___ • Attorney General-Charles B. a farm nnr Centerville. Warren, Michigan. SHERLOCK SNICKER IN ACTION Secretary of Treasury- Andrew Mellon, Pennsylvania. SlI icker- HI think ~right mUlli Secretary of War-John W. have been born and rl\ised in LonWeeks. M" t\8 uchu sc t ~. don," ·Secretury or Navy- Curtiss D. Snee- "Why. London?" Wilbur, Cnllfornla. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Bogan are Snicker - "Well. they have lots at Posunaster General - HOrTY S. viaiting relntives at Lebanon. {rags over there." New, Indiana. Mrs. Russell Hiatt and children Snee- "\\ hat have fro gs got to do ·Secretary of Agriculture-Wm. are visiting her parents at Wilming\"iLh Wright?" M. Jardine. Kansas. Sn icker- "Well, he's always go- ton. Secretary of Commerce-Herbert Mn. Anna Anderson visited Suning Rround blowing his own horn." Hoover, California. day with Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ander-Secretary o{ Labor-James J . Da80n , at Xenia. POPULAR DEFINITIONS ie, In'jiann. Mr. Curtis Thompson and Miss ·Secretary of Interi or - Hubert A bachelor is a man completely Esther Thompson. spent tile week-end Work, Colorado. SUI·rounded wi th holey socks to be with their parents, at Canton. ·Selected by Coolidge. darn ed. . Mr. E. R. Naslund, the substitute teacher for Mr. Arnold Drewes, spent the week-end at Antioch, where he is a student. There was a mistake in the items I&8t week from the all-day meeting at the Methodist Ladies Aid. It was .• hel<\ Thursday, inst\lad of Wednesday Rev. Barnhardt, a State SundaySchool worker, spoke at the Friends church, Sunday morning, and at the Methodist church in the nfternoon. A county institute was held in Xenia, Monday, to which delegates from both churches were appointed

. -.

-----_ ...---




.. -----

~~~~ ; ~o:r.o..... "~~'~q

The Tuzeclo Weigh to


-----_ ..

Two-hll nc1red'and fifty pounus ofh igh-grndepork in less than six months from farrowing time! That's the record for Tuxedo fed hogs,



Tuxedo Hog Ration, fed right, meets every need of the hog for quick growth, full development and nne . finish. Buy Tuxedo Hog Ration 'todayand tryiton the runts. Watch them grow up! EVERETT EARLY LYTLE,OHIC}

~<t'r,!,,~· II. sw"'. T'I~o<\l! PaIr, T~ ••"gChOp

Til!'" JiotIl\plloa Tu t''-~~


Tuxedo E&.....h

T1O.o<Io 8cr.tclr T •• o<IoChlck Tua4Mto Butt... mllk

It.rtor C~wln. T1O.ocIo Dav.lope, T . Poultry P.".ner, etc.

C. D. Miars and B. A. Miller were business visitors in Cincinnati, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgo Mitchener moved, Monday, to the Isaac 'Compton farm, west of town. Mra. Je88e Hill entertained a party of young people Saturday evening, in honor of her brothe~, OUo King, of Akron, Ohio. Clyde Ewing, who was injured when a train struck an auto In which he was riding, is improving as rsp~ Idly as possible in Espey hospital, Xenia. The Aid soe!etl of the f,(. E. church met In the Qhurcb parlors Thursday afternoon. The second section entortajned. An interesting program Was rendered and refreshmenta were ee.-ved, Hllrry Nickerson and family and Mi88 Eleanor Haydock were among th08e who attended the basketball tournament at Greenfield, Saturday. The Port William team brought home the honors.

-----_a - •.---


ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH' S unduy, March 8, Second in Lent, Church School at 9 :30 a . m.; Morning Prayer and sermon at II a. m. Confirmation Instruction at 6 :30 p. m .• and service and address at 7 :30 p. m. every Wed'nesday 'evening during Lent. Everybody welcome. REV. J. J. SCHAEFFER, Rector. FERRY CHURICH OF CHRIST Nathan J ohnso n, Minister Perry Thomas. Superintendent The morning service at 9 :30. Bible school, communion and sermon on "Automobile Heligion." Evening service at 7 :00 with song service and !lermon on "The Mission of Jesus." All are we lcome. METHODI!IT CHURCH

An Exhibit of Dayton Industries

Sahbath School, 9:15 a. m., preaching at 10 :30 a. m. Wednesdayevening service at 7 :()O p. m. Epworth League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m. Ev<.rybody is cordially Invltod to these services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor.


CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Chlls. Brewer, evangelist. will preach at the Christian church at Waynesville Sunday, March 8 ,' at 10 :30 a. m. The singing will be in charge of Harry Eklund. Both evangelists are from Dayton .

Will Be Held at ' This Store Beginning March 14th


Be Certain to Watch Next Week's Papers . for Full Details


Harry Smith. air Dayton, called on his cousin. Mrs. Amanda Starr, Wednesday. Braddock, of Waynesville. were afternoon vis:tors. V{ednesday, of M1'II E. E. Reason . Miss Jeanette Murphy is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Florence Carr, Mrs. Earl Hockett and Mrs. Fred A number of :friends gathered at the home of Amos DeBord, Thursday evening, and gave his children, Mr: and Mrs. Chu. Smit h, a belling. . Mr. Grooms, of West Union, visi~ ed his sister, Mrs. Roy Clark, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A . Z. Hartsock and family were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jordan. Miss Frances Klein and Mr. Will Bogan were united in marriage Sa~ urday evening. They will go to housekeeping at once in the cottage at Miami cemetery, where Mr. Bogan is employed. Miss Pauline Blackshaw, secretary of !.he Teachers' Pension bureau, 01 Duluth. Minn., after attending to her duties as delegatE' to the Educational convention at Cincinnati, departed for home Wednellday evening, February 25. Mrs. Sabin MacDonald invited in a number of little folks Saturday afternoon to help ber daughter. Anno, celebrate her seventh birthday. The time passed quickly with lively games. Delicious refreshments of chicken sandwlche·s, fruit with wbipped crenm, cake and candy wero served. The Civic Leal;:,e met with Mrs. Ola Welch, Saturday afternoon. Most of the mem bers were present. Mr. Sorensen, rel?resenting the Sorensen Entertainment Bureau, of Lima. was present and presented a splendid collection of attractions for the ensuing year. The school nnd league will co-operate in putting on four excellent numbers. ------~.--~.------

MT. HOLLY Mrs. Lulu Kems spent Sundny at her home here. Mr. Frank Kell'is and family were Xenia shoppers, Saturday. Quite a number surprised Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael, last Tuesday evening. Mr. Ed Roland, of Xenia, visited his brother, Silas Roland and family, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Michael moved Monday to the tEiDant house of Mr. WlII Evans. Mr. Chris Weichen, of near Bellbrook, spent Saturday at his old home town. The Ladies Aid society, of Mount Holly church will meet Thursday evternaon at the home of Mrs. Mattie Levi. Mr. George and Raymond Smith of this place, who are working in Xenia, spent Saturday and Sunday at their home, here. Mi88 Ruth Kellia, Mnl Mattie Zimmer and Mrs. Ad.die Dill attended a play at Spring Va1lcy. Thursday evening, entitled "The Poor Old Married Man." Mr_. and Mrs. John Rye returned to their home Sunday, after spendIng the l'ast week In Columbua, .vIaiting Mrs. Rye's brother, Mr. Otto Marlatt and family. . t Mr. 'and Mni; Emeraon Dill and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer .attended a birthday p~rty, Sunday; at the ·home . of Mt. and ·M n. Frank Belt, of 1Iear Xe.rila. ·it was Mrs. Zimme.!"s birthdaYI

This Ie a tear when it will pa1 tarni'ers' big to drlU their leed oate rather than to broadcast ttleql, Nfl the Research De.partment of the National Alllociation of Farm Equip. ment manufacturers. The Iowa State Agricultural . Experimen.t statton ia authority for the .tatement that oats drilled will yield 6 bushels more per acre, wllich means an extra 100 bUllheia ot hlah-prlced feed a' harveIt SHE DOES time for 'each twentJ acrel, ' Th.. lavine on and the better qualltJ crain from an 8"frier ripened field "Before I'd paint up and Imirk at with fewer Ildps ~ aJao Itema worth the men in 0111' oIIc8, IMlltioalDc. . I'd forever," 1a1ll


•- • the ................. a..... ......... _


Now read



NE of the most interesting exhIbits of products manufu..ctured in Dayton will be held at this store starting March 14th. More than 7'1 industrial inBtitutions of Dayton have arranged to exhibit their products within our store at this time. The progress and advancement which mdustrial Dayton · has uncieI:gone is phenominal We are proud of Dayton.. We are propel of her industries. That is why this store is giving over its space to such an exhibit.

Come-see how industrial Dayton has grown-We grow-by growing together!


. A f ool grumbles whe n his wife


storts spring house cleaning. A wise NOTARY PUBLIC man g ets called out of town on busineBS. Wills Drawn Estates SeWed

Painting and Paper Hanging


:;, Waynesville, Ohio


National Bank


Now i. the time to • .,Iect "our



BOil 32

H. Britain


Dr. John W. Miller Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Phone 8



Waynesville National Bank Bldg

Wa"nenille, Ohio.

Poultry Wanted!



At Cary's Jewelry Shop

A. B. Swank Miamisburg, Ohio Ben Phone 292W Phon. Communieatione paid b" ue.

Walter McClure FUNERAL DIRECTOR Waynesville. Ohio

The Eye Sight Specialist

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00 a.


to " p.

In .


Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room , TELEPHONE 7


Public Sales


Having decided to quit farming, I will alter for salll at public auction on what is known as the Wm. Taylor farm, 5 mllel south ot Waynesville 2'riJ miles northeast of <Yregonia and 2 'MImiles northwest of Wellman, on , THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1925, Beginning at 1 o'clock p. m., the following: One span of mules, 3 head of, cattle, Armleder truck, harne88,' tobaceo and grain. See lnrge bills for terma. H. FITZWATER. W. N. Sean, Auct.

For Lumber

I will leU at my residence on ard


street, Waynllsville, Ohio, on SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1925 Beginning at 1 o'clock, a lot of household goods, dllhes, etc. MRS. EMMA FARR DAKIN. W. N. Sears, Auct.


B. Madden & CO~ > W~yneevlllet

Aa I am discontU:luing farming; I will seU · at my reelden~e, '4 miles S. of · Centorville and 4 mUell N. of Springboro; on • TIIURSDAY, MARCH S, 1925. The foUowiq: 4 ho..- and mules 7 cows, ' 18 sheep, 12 hop, 48 chickena,' 30 toni of hay, baled ~w, 111 bu. Little Red Clo,.r .ad, farm ~­ plementl, harneD, fence" hOUlehold 800da and milcelJaneOUII.

. . BLIIBR SBEEBAN. ..... AIJtulq. Aut&.




Th. MiamI Gautte, flce \." ndminl!'t red by hief J U. lict! Ttlft at - pre is Iy 2 mlnutos of I:! o'l·loc.k, olle tim. This i ~ Ih,' l1rs t i1\~lullcC In th hi tory DC our PI' ~liQn~ oolidgo's In u ultuml 1If1. l'O\lIltry thll" nn x , p,·,'~id nt ndmin· d:" • wu~ henrd in 8 vcrn!- Wn)' nCII- i~Lerct! the nth o f otllco to' th' in· vttJo hDm lodn ),. Th ' " t.h Df of· (," millg \11' siden L.

fro Ernest Earnhart Cillllllli 'U1)day, I



' ~~:::;:::::~~

Wall ·Paper Time

lI'1iss Kntherine Fromm Npent the week-end in DuytDn,

M I'~, H, Y H ilt hII\\' 1\)' is on th ' sick Ii"\.

Mi"s £n1l1111 the ~ ick list


. W . Hcmle rson und son , !ill'S. George, were Duyton visilors, SatuTdill',

hns bel'11 on

l\lI-a. J . G. lI a in" ~ i, contined to her b"d "'tih gri p, ~l,·. t' ll

. M. Hobitzer lJu s in(' ~.



lIIrs. Em ma Farr Dnki n has moved into II part of Miss E lizabeth Stewnrl' s house.


lUNt wl' e k.

Mr. nnd Mrs. ' Russell Benso n, <,>f Delnware, were g uosh of Mr. und M1'8, 11 1ll'\'cy Rye, S un day.

MI', allli j\\r~ , Wilbur nl'nrkncy. of RoU l t' 4, hll\'" nll)\'1'(1 tv Dayton.

M I·~. R. H. Wilker'8on is "pending n few tl ays with her dllllghtn, Mrs , StC lnir Fife, at Wilmi ng t on,

Mr, .-\Ibel't \\, iIR(ln lind Miss Edi th Kibbull were incinnnli I'i sitOrtl, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long, of Co. lumbus, are g uests at th o home of :\11'. H. H . \Villinmson Illal fam il y.

!III', fin d Mrs, Forrest Gr/lham, of RDute I . visited Dill' tOil rl'ln tives, Monday.

Mr, Earl Clnrk, of RDute 5. spen t the week-end in Columbus , the g uest IIf his friend, Mr. J o hn Puul Bolton .

Come in and take advantage of our helpful decorating .s ervice. If it is a new home we can make lL special price for the job complete. . The agreeable surprise then is, after selections, when it Is learned that our prices are from 10% to 30 '70 savings.


111 1'S. \ iola Harlan wns called to Duyton, F r iday, on ucco unt of the serious illness of her so n, Everett.

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Seig!ricd, of Springboro, celebrated their fiftieth weddi ng ann iversary at their home in Springboro , Sunday. Mr. eigfricd is 74 Bnd wife 70. They were married March 2, 1876, in SpringbDro, by the Rev. Shumaker. Five children were born to them, four of whom are Iivin,g: Mrs. W. V. Crew, Dayton, Dr. J . W. Seigfried, Miami, Fla., E. C. Seigfried, Marietta, Ohio, and Dr. W . H. Seigfried, Franklin. Mr. Seigfried Is still nctive In business, being the proprietor of a genera l store at Sprinl:boro, whic h he hus conducted for the IlllIt 85 years.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Isadore Bloch, of Spring Valley, were Sunday guests of Mr. und 1111'8. Myer Hyman und family.


Miss Kathryn Clurk und Miss Edna Howland wero din ner guests of Mr. and 111m. Coulous Younce, Thursday eveni ng. Mr. Frank Snms and family , who have been living on Route 3, left 'this morn ing by auto for Mi sso uri, where they w ill locule.



TIRES VeedolOil WayaesvUle, Ohio

KROGER'S Country Club Salmon

Cheese Bread

Cont..,. CI.... 1


~-Ib Loaf"

. . . ".... 6c

6· pound Kit . .... " .... " "" .. .. ".. .


Si" mo a tb. Cur.. Cr_m, SOc "alue, pound" "" ."" ., "" .. "

32 C

9e !a.~~rnip~!~p~~~i 1Dc

25e ~~~~IU~~~~ Pk, ,25e 9~! ~~~ 2~~,e25e

£~~~Y~~c:L. " 15e

.~21~ . : . 20c .ft.!'!..~,~. 25c

~~ ~.~e~p27c ·

~~~~. ~~~~~~. .:4e ,




Vancamp'" White Naptha ....~~~~~~~. ._ _.II.I_O_IIan_.f.,o.r~ : •._'.. ..._.. _ ..•_.. _ ..._.• ~ .. :;:;;.;;...:;..! :!!

fi ,ZIMMER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . .;"M . . . . .AN'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... t SeedPotatoes

Save YO'Jr DId , cnrpets and rugs and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send f or price list. Franklin Rug Co., Franklin, Ohio.

The Murch me eting of the Friendship club will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. 111 ills, next Wednesday, the 11th. A full attendance is desired.

Waynesville Motor Co.

per c.n .. " ,.

•••••,•••••••••il •••••••••••

Farm s un d Town property wnnted. 3% com mission. Write f or blunk. Smith Farm Age ncy, }.107 W. York St., Philude lphin, Pa.



Mr. Russell Satte rthhwaite left lllSt week for WashingtDn D. C., wh er e he has n position on the Un iter States Police force.

Mr. und Mrs. Walter Williams and children, of Kingman, and Mr. nnd Mm. Howell Peirce were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney .

And E.-ery . Catarrhal Ailment The Family Standby for Over Fifty


TIll'S: FI'i"n lll y--"An<l do ~' ou want yo ur hul l' ~v ll to follow ill his fllth t.· .. 's

Cv ul:.;;tcps ?"

Mrs, Trulhful - " II ~lIvcl1 . no, If he doc. he will fetc h up ~\' c l' y dllY at .omc boot l ~i!"g" r '8 duo r,"

.- ...---




T.blet. or Liquid


Sold Everywhere

Try th .. Miami Ga."II" ror Job Work '!" .-~~~~~_ ~~~.!!'!.!!!.!!~ _,!!,!!,!!,!!"'.!!~~~~~~~~~".!!""".!!~!",,!~~~~

- - --- - -

-- - -

- -- --

The Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co. II The Original Red Front Stores Chas. E. Edwarda, Local Manager


A. & P. Family, lb. sack .. - . ..... . , .. , $1.331 lona Brand, 24~ lb. sack ... .. ........ , ... . , .$1.29


Sunnyfield Pancake Flour, 3 large boxes.

At Inauguration

Rolled Oats Mother,' Premium O!h, La.,e bo", for ·"

Pure North Dakota Red Ri .....r Early Ohio an.l Red R;"er, Iri.b Cobbler Seed Potatoa., fre .. from froat ancl .uro to arow Speci.l low price t b la we.k..

$2.25 a sack


l'fIrs. E. Mendelssohn and daughter, Mildred, Mrs. J . Bloch and s on, Joseph, and Leonard Shal\ot, of Cincinnati, were week-end guests of Mr. Myer Hyman lind family. Mrs Chrystie McKinsey, Miss Laura McKinsey, Mrs. Rachel Crew and Mr. Frank Crew were pleasantly en te rtained nt t he home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Crew, Sund ay. Mr. and l\i~s, Lawren ce Shepherd nnd fami ly ur e moviflg into th eir property op posite the loc k·up, f orm_ erly occupied by Mr, nnd . rs. Wm. Bradley, \\' ho ha ve moven 111 to , the King propcrty on North Main street .

Now i. the t im. to buy. We will oIore the m until ;J0u .re re.dy to plant."" .

"".~8C i

Rio Coffee, lb., ODI,.." .. " .. Dromed.ry Dat"., pka " .. ,," ISc Virainia Sw_t Pa~ Flour, pka,., ;" .. "" .. " ...... .. " IOc· Del Monte p.acb~ can"" .. .. 28c Palm Olivo Soap, ' 4 for "." .. ,26c Old Re lia ble B.ttle Ship Silver Sea only






We n"ed 5000 .. and YODna Chic""n.. Hlahe.. t Price. paid r or all kind. of Poultry and Ea ••. Call ua be,fore you .en. Garden Seed., pk.: " ,.", .... "" ,, 5 c

f """~"""""'.~""""""". i ZIM~~N~~AN'S


Sever a l relali ves an d friends of the Ki1bon s hu\'e r eceive d cocoan uts from th em durin g the pnst week . The cocoanuts clime in the mail wi th the tags fa,~ t e ne d lo lhe husk ~ with tacks, The Kilb uns 'ure located at JaeksDnvill e, Flu.

Will F. Young

~ h e :eg ulal' meeting of St. Mary's


GUIld will be held at the home of Mr~. Caskey on Thur~ day, March 5, at 2 o'cloc k. A full uttendance is desired, as we commence our Lenten sewing f or the Chi ldren' a hospital at this meeting. , , ' Announcement of th e marriage of Miss Thelmll Ardcl Stokes nnd Mr. Harry A. Byrer, on February 21, 1025, a~ Warsaw, Ind., hns been receive d by fri e nds here. Mrs. BYI'er is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Locke StokeR, form er r esidents here, lind n granddAughter of the lute Dr. St okes, who r esided 'near Lytle. During th e IN. E. A" nt Cincinnnti last week, Miss Edna Howland and ,Mr. Edward J , BurtDn attended a giVen I)y the Teacbers' College pf New York . universitx, John W;Wi th~s', fDrmerlyof the N. N. U., ot Lebanon , now dean of New York uniVersity, WaS ohe of tbe principal .speakers. Another IIpeal!.er of , In terest was Jl\s. J. Tlgert,U, S . Comml68loner of Schools. Mr. Burton had the unique dilItinction of lit lag the 10u~t educator PNMDt.




Sultan. Br.nd, "The B .. at of All", per caft """,.,., ,, "

" . " " .... ..


" .... .. .. " ., ....... ...



ch.oe of 3 •.

1.0\JC lSc

Canned Tomatoes 2 c.n. for "

We.k.t. ,. 10 b.rt for


Hi1I.~oro" ,~~~~' , 14c

~:a c::~n~" ".

25c a

25c : !.~: fo.", """ "" " " " " .. , 25c P.lm Oli"e, 27C for " ,., ,. "" " ."". 1Oc .. cak .. FREE with e"e.,. pur-

~::k~:" , ,, .. ,, , - -- -- - Canned Com :::dec.:',


Soap 32

A & P 0 .10, 3 bon. for "

Col. John Coolldg1! Df Plymouth Vt., who by the light Df a cDul·oil lamp and the DId famny bibl e uIImhllstered the oath of Dffice [I) his son at the (Icnth of Pres. Harding made the trip to WlllIhlns-ton (0'; the InauguratiDn this week .


'Flour Flour Flour I


MIss Stella Da ugherty spe nt the week-end at the home Df Mr. and MI'Il, Ernest BuLtenvo rth, of Route4.

D. ·E. Standiford

Low price can witb key,

tr Ih('I'(, is Ill1yihing in ~ ign ~ , Marc h will go 'out Iik ~ u lnmb. It, clilllC in I\~ liete ' u ~ u 11'11', with rai n turning tu sn u\\", lind Mundoy und '1'11 ' ~du \' [h" th 'rmonwl!'r flllIgcd from ruu'r [0 tWOIII)' IIhon', ()lIl' ill~~ TIIl'S,I IIY flight 8nUIY fell, hut with I h(> wcnth " r Illodllruting' . . 0011 ,lisaPJlcnl'cd.



10: Cents per Roll

Phone 105

Elevl'n flgllting planes pasRcd ove r Wnynesvil1 e SIl~urc\I1Y morll ing nhout o'clock headed Ho uth fr um I)l fr idgo fleld , Mit-hignn , Cllr(lUtc lo MiIImi . Fin .• to h r ~ <i otT li n illl"gina ry attnck on the F lorid a canst. H oppin g ufT III Sr lfrlllgc Held , Mich., sho rtly nncr JII"'n wit h th e temp erature hov" rillg IIround t he ze r o mark, [hI) Il(· t hcut!"d directly for Detroit II nti Du yton. The fli g ht Wll~ made I\t lin ""erage speed or IIbout 140 mile. 1111 hour. for [h e 200 miles. The plAnes go t olliy us tllr LlS Mu· con, en" Sutu!'!l" y night. The sq ulldr on did not r<'Heh the seco nd sto pping pluce until RO lute th nt the commander decided it would be un unwarranted ri sk to fly down the Florida coast afler dal'k.


1111'". R05etln Edlmon ~ nnd Mrs. Mia mi Chapter No, 107. 0 , F.. S., Mr, und Mrs. Myer Hymlln and Anlln Fi te. of Lcbnll.on , we re Sun rluy will meet In r eg ular sesion, Murch Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman were in ' in· g Ut·st . o f Mr. a nd MIl':! . Howard Arch· 9t h nl 7 p. m. All members urged cinn!lti, lust week. dcucll n. to be pr('sent. Visiting members arc welcome. Will be work. lIlr. lind Mr~ . Fred Staup lind Mrs, E lln Meredit.h, who has been ADA S, COU RTNEY, \V, M, d uughter hav(' mDved into !\Irs. Ame· visiling her duughter in Dayton, hu ~ SUSAN H AWKE , Sec'y. lin W i\I i ulll~' house, retul'ned to the hDmo of Miss Emma .... Hcig hwllY, wh er e sh e room~ Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartsock and Mrs. H a rvey Rye were In Lebunon , Snturday afternoo n, President's Dad

You will be pleasantly surprised at the low prices we are asking for new Wall Papers this spring. The seWe are lection is wider and prettier than ever before. showing bright new patterns as low as



: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1I1r. nnd l\lr~ , Donn Brackney, of Route 4. s pellt Snturtlny with 1111'S. Li,l" Smith.


ill Cin-


Mi~s Anno Bachmnn Rpcnt the werk· nd in DlIyton.


Wayneavill.• ,

w., Chi. -

A & ,P N.pth. Soap Powde"18 L a r ,.. bo" " .. '" . S t.r N.ptha per bo" ' G old Duat, p"r bo" ..

. 4C!




Large c.n ,.... "" .. ,. ,.", " .,."" 15c Sm.lI can "", .. , llc 2Sc 3 l.r..."..,1

10 C 25C

;~;~~~I~.:~: ..... .....~ ~: I

--------------~~::a ~::e.d., ~o~,~ ,~~,~..~,..~.~. 18c Sauerkr.ut, • Larae N ... 3 c.ft" "" " "" " "" .. • A 8t P Macaroni, Spaahelti Noodle., TOE.• i"e, 3 pk,




THEY ALL DO Smyth c--"We ll, there Is muc h to be . said on both s ides of the question." Dickson - "Thnt's right--nnd my wife said it."

2 p . in for


,. . .. " ... " ... , 25c



~~it: ..~~~~i~~~: .. ."' ."" ... .. ",, 23c I::: ~~:7::"" ",,, ",:,. ".'" ".... 30c


- -- ... ...- - -

I P er

Per 2 S.c.... , .... """ .. $2.30

2-bu. ......

..$2.4 0

CHAMPION FARMERS Coffee that suits the taste, ·per lb.. ~ .. ' ~ ... , , Bring us your Eggs. We will pay the ARE TRACTORIZEO Cash- or Trade.




The grand champions of the live and grain world were prodUced by the aid of tractor power in more than four out of five cuscs, says the Research Department of the National Aesociation of Faml' Equipment manufacturers in a surve y of the past three Internationnl Live Stock expositions and hay and grain show8. For the past three yearS the grand champion wheat of the world has been frDm the Canadian wheat farms, on which the tractor Is used. The Bame holds good for the corn championships, both 10-ear and single ear awards, Illinois and Indiana farms producing them. The grand champion ste ers of tbe past three years have been from Kentucky, Illinois a nd Colorado, each being a tractDrized farm. The grand cham pion carlot of lambs for the last three successive yea~ bas been from an Ontario farm where the tractor is given high praise as a time, labor and feed saver t hat! permits the fitting and showing of the greatest collection of fat sheep ' in t he world. Oats, rye, hay, barley, borses, sheep, cattle and hogs carlot and single animals; enst, WtCst, nDrth and south the story is the same. stD~k

Our Advertisers Will Treat You Right



,~--------------~ Notieeto Movers Don't Forget to have your Insurance Transferred

•• Sears &


IInsurance and Sales I Satisfied Patrons, Best 'Reference

Aman Bldl.

,Phone 61·2 W.yne.ville, Ohio

Every Wednesday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

RestRoom in GrangeBldg Waynesville, Ohio

Main Office:

W ANTED-A man to. wor' Must be Industrious and I( ablo to do anythlrtg on the Addre•• Box 315, Walllesn

Classified Ads.

LOST-A fur coat, made o.f of mink, 8(1mewhcre betw and Corwin. Finder, please Miami G~ zette o.ffice.

Will .urel, bri... rMult• ., to .' 't he advel'tiaer.

924Y. South Brown Street, Over SI.l'ma Theater

Dayton, Ohio

FO,R SAL&.:.-Tw.o goo.d CD . ftmrmilke1!! and wlD ' 1it of milk both mo.l'IIinw and Fo.r Info.rmatio.n 'call The

Everett StUbb~ I, at

Ben.,;.w'. Con...

WaflleaviJle, Ohl. Pia••• Bel. ." .. UXt



FOR SALE-A ' good au not used more .- than eigh and in thil prime of condit of' A. L. Dewire, or leave Gazette, WaYnesville, Ohio..




~ette; :waJll~~ville, Ohio.


The-Miatru,' Gaz,ette

.._ _ _

T-A .malfpiae. near ~. tall advantage. to ieho.ol a'lid Add~ell8 Box. 26', Wa,0. '


A trial ,will convince , any oalli that thia ~ true: '


NT~A farm o.t' •• aertl In art o.f a 800d "I!.rhhorhood a gooil .choot; Apply to , 1 Gasettefor iDformation. '

Pltone 112

~_~~..,._~_ _...._


. , ' t ~

~Agente to work for a reprellenting lhO", 'Of all , ::ommill8lon I, Jarre .nbu'b ' y fud time. :A.ddrtit til. lie Miami Guett.. ~ , D-A man 'for firm ,pork.". r ' rOOd cow, 'red front f.-t.~ bite spote OD lIBeL TIl. '· I pleue llottfJ Tbe III&mI ....










Seventy ·Seventh Year


This Week

FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The W. F. 111. S. nlet in r egular on Wednesday afternoon, Murch 4, ut the home of Miss H elen Hawke, with Mrs. Sybil LeMay, Mrs. Chus. Houg h, Miss Be lle O'Neall and Mrs. John Shultz, nR hostosses. The moeting was culled to ord er by thl.' Ilrcsident, Mrs: Washburn, and opened by a selection on thc Viclrolu. Devotional ncv. Wus hburn, topic, "Water of Life." Song .... ... "Jcsus Lover o f My Soul" Prayer .. ... .. ... .. ... .. Hev. WlUIhburn Minutes of the lasl meeting were reud und upproved u.~ read. Mrs. Whi te has secured Mrs. Christman as Kp eaker for our thank offering meeting, to be held at Mrs. White's home thtl flrst Wednesday' in April. Mrs. Vandervoort read a leUer from our cOI'r~sponc1ing sccret..U'y, urging us t o attend lhe gro up meeti ngs. Mrs. lrene Bir,1 then favored us with a b"lIutif ul vocal so lo. Le sson in charge of Mrs. Anna . Williamson. A number of letters from Chinese missionaries were I'ead which told of their .work in Chi na. n eading by M 1'8. Cross. Mrs. ·WushbuJ"l1 conducted the mystery box, which Willi very much e nj oyed by all, alter which the offering \I ' lUI tnkun, which amounted to $3.84. Number prescnt, 38. During the Bocial hour deliciou8 re.froshm e nts were Berved by th e hostesses, afte r which we ndjourn ed to mee t with Mrs. Amelia Whi~o the first We Jne3_ tluy In April. MRS. JOHN WHlTAKER, Sec'y.


8e s~ ion

,-. -en


' T


. ~


A man in the Sing Sing death house, se ntenced to die next month, hangs himse lf. Doctors work over him for hours, trying to bring him back to li fe. The interesti ng fea ture of this d ellth in the death house is the violent effort to r ecuscitate the man alter he had strang led himself. The Inw said he must die, why not let him di e? What do the higher powers above t hink of t he corpses that we send up from ou r gallows, electric chnirs and lethal chambe rs? How much b&tter does our civilization seem up there than t hat of the ancient Mexicans that rip))ed out the heart of a livIng human sac rific e, ofl'e ring that Ill! a welcome gift to their gods? . How do our gifts t o lhe goddes8 of justice impress real justice?

.. -...----

In n \,e l'y "xcitill K' contest, W . I!. S. firRt t enm a dd cd nnother jewe l t o their cr own \\'h ~ n th ey defea ted Bellbrook " " t Frid ny nighl t o thl' lun., of l :l ttl 7. Both t ellms foug ht hnnl, but l he GreC'ne cou nty lad. cou lJ iHJl pierce th e sl roll g d e fe nsc of W. 11. R. In th e first 'luurte r W. II. S. had mu ch diffi culty in loc ntin /! Ihe ncL, altlwugh thc!)' s ucccpdccl in breu ldng l hro ug h th e dcf cn~e sevl'ra l till1 l's. Th e quurte r ended 5 t o 0, in f" vo r o f W. H. S. Thel'e wag vcry lillie scu ring in the seco nd lI unr tcr, buth t('UIlI S co nce nl l'llling " " lhc ir defense. The half end ed 7 lo O. In th e t hird qu urler Ho ug h sui slituted f or Gons. Th e Orunge and Hlack ad ded onc more fi e lder in this quarLCr. The qu a rter e ndoo {) t o O. )n the fllIlIl quart er W. H . S so confident of vi ctory, weakened on Iwr defense lind allowe d Be llLroo k three field bas kets, and lhree free throws, which nette d them 7. The score stood 9 to 7. Feeling rnther uncomfortabl e W. II. S . displayed s om e " gnllppy" pllSs work and incr~use d her lead. The ga me en ded 13 to 7. The W. H. S Reserves de f en te d Bellbrook for t he secu nd time lhis Hea so n, lhe score being ) 3 to 5. This game was no less excit.i ng than th e other, the sco rc b(' ing ti ed seve ral timlls. Every onc come ou t next Fridny night. W. H. S. vs. Monroo 11. S.

----- -..

YOUNG GIRL MISSING Doris Sprague, 16-year-old daughter of r.{r. and Mrs. Truman Spra~ue , who OOCUP1 the Marshall Harlan property ,on Main street·, is missing from home and her whereabouts are unknown to hcr parents. She started to school, Monday, and when she dirl not come borne at th noon hour, an investigation W(l ll started. A Mr. Vinson, of Morrow, has beer. calling on the girl, and after miMing her yelterday, the young man was called, but he was in Kentucky. Mr. Sprague, who works for Harry Stokes, is· at a 105s to know what haF become of his daughtor.

----- _---...

Off His Perch


Floyd Collin's ButTering is over. ThIs man'H death illus lrates the power and thc weakn ess of human imag.lnation. A hundred men ri sked their MaunaI'd Wl'ltz, Wil minnoton, ' en ch nrge of the locul Kroger ,.. lives to Save his. Doctors went' t o hus tak Itis r esc ue br flying _mac~ine , ~u~ .tore in the place of CIIII'c ce A II could do Ilothlllg. The entire nation "· . ' d _' Th h n _ en , 'tesigne ; ,. e c tin ge took place, follow ed closely the tragic story. th I ' llonday. . t ' h d . I mag ma Ion s o\~e e man ymg Mr Allen will be n' s d by afl ' f 111 tho low ca\'e, hIM leg crush cd by . K I I se . a the 14,OOO-pound rock, existing day ~atron B of ~he . roge r s~o rc . He h AH g after dllY for nearly two weeks in een . ~ere s ince Its Ol! en rn , a nd has , horriblc agon" and di scomfort. by hI. ~OUl-u.\Q U S tl entme nt, made ,., mnny frr ends wh o Ilre lonlh to huv e him go. 1II.r. Weltz, wh o is nn experie nced It was possible to imagine clearly that dreadful situn tion. And the Kroger man, comes to Way nes ville nation sympllthized. A ny legis lature with th e best wishes of nil . anr! we would gladly have vote d $100,000' to welcome him to the ranks of ou r bu ~ irieS6 me n. IIIIve Collin s. The SlIme nlltion, through its legislatures, r efuses to puss the Child Labor umendment that would free tens of thouasn.ds of chilllH n from yenrs of slow tonnent. The feeble public imngination cannot see clearly t hose children In the mills. Virgil M. Retnlli ck, a gruduate of the W. H. Sand W. C. N., \l OW teach,The Prince of Wales, whom' Amer- er in Norwood, Ohio, haM, fOI' the icans recently made very welconle, second time in three years, coached is interested In' II pla n to s!'lld Brit- the boys' haskelbnll t ea m thut ha ~ ish students to this coun~ry: That been the chnmpions of tho city. J-li" is common 8ense, as well ,Ra a pleas- boys have a lso won every gnme pluyed ou ts ide of th e city during 1924 Bnt compliment. . . . The Rhodes achol~rshlp system, 19 25. that now sends American boys to British universities, will be reversed in tbe new plan, . The way to e8tnblish peace ill to Increase intelligence. When nations know eaach other, they will compete instead 01. fighting.



There Is dlsappoinpnent because the British church can't find a way ,to malto ' a saint of Florence Nightingale, and s~ppy her ~jth a halo. The an.wei to that is that Florence Nightingale is a lIIIint already, and needs no halo, When she went to Sculari, with her grbup of devoted nurses, to save frOm needleas death the weunded men in the. Crimea, sticking at her work, although prostrated with lever, she made herself a saint. Nothing that the Archbishop of ,C anterbury might do would 'make her saintIinOM ·mora genuin~ than It Is. " _ - - " ,- - , - .. , . ... • .

The Wa yne T ownHhip Molher'" club mel III th e Gru!je Building, Friday c\,(,llin ~, JI1nr~ h G. Thi ~ wus nn op(' n II It'~tillg-. anti 'lllilc a crowd hut! :l~'(,l1lb l ed loy 7 : ~IO. A ftl'r se vera l "l! ,"cli oll~ by thl' II I/!h ~ehn.1J 1 orches1.1'11, R ~I·. Washbu rn OP CI1<'d ti ll' mel'l· ing with n Bibl(! I ~"soll ulld prayer, ~ Ii nulc ~ o f l he last n,.." lillg' "'«I'C I'ca d un ci nppru,\,(' d. 1111'''' II "" k('. ch ui r f'llun of Lh e finaJl cl' t'41 II I III it tt.' (.. , re porLl' d th e ma r- Ilct h ·Id t w" wC!·ks fl g-n , quilt,


HUC('f'!--s , t.he Ilc'l I'r (1 l'('(' d ~

bl'illg $!)H.2'. The \'a rir, ns c"'lInlittees ga l'" their I'CPO l'll' lind the· Ireasul'r r ... ·pul'ted II uaiullci' .. f :fH! ' .~~ in , he tr('",u ,'Y ul'\(· 1' pa yill)! ,Ill' Fellruary hill ~. A ft(' I' ,·;.;le din g nil inl'itllt ion lo nil wh o \-Itl' fl' I lf.ft IlH'mU ,4f , til 1)lI1 ' lImesuch. t he pl' c~i d c ll t "p pnin t('J II committee l o rc:po rt al lhe Apri l tnf.1ctil1f,r.

Mrs. l ren Bir<llhclI BllIq::" .a \)clluli ful s 10, nftcr ",hie-h II '01,,· · a('[ far,·c wa o g-ivcn l,y se\'e n of lh,' d ub m mLers. 'l'lll' y t,lll ked of " Tho,,' 11 lI ehnnd s of O urs." and

eV (' l' \' (,II('


in lown. T o hll\'<' hellrri tllc l1I YIIU would thi "k II hu, han d a bud in \' e. tmen l. Th i. "'118 quite II chanJ!{' fwm t h ' ugunl progm m lin d l he a udi ence enj oyed il imn1t'n .c ly. JIll'. Mooma w then invill'" ('vc r y one lit th e m"'('lin~ to nlten d 1.1'1' I","· ke thn ll . g'al1le~ be illJ.!' held lit th e G,m, Hnd 4u lle a numbe r did so. - - -........ ,~

- ~-





11 ,

Whole Number 5634

' f?Ociifu't





The French Ilrmy has tested and approved a new stu bilizlng device for airplane'!l, wit hout the use of a gyro_ sCQpe. Tbat mean ~ one step nearer to absolutely safe flying, lIafer than nny mode of travel on land. .r Ten to t wen lY years should see Wo are ' g lnd to 're port that Mise the end of long distance rail travel Ke lsey is buck with UII again. and of ocenn surface trBvel. Wise reai estate invcstors will make th eir Jesse Thomlls , W. B. Sljuires, G. Miss Fetl1Y'8 room will entertnl r ..,IIlIIS with the flying machin e in th o Hi School, FaCUlty and Normu l min d. J . Wl\terh ouse, Jus. McClure and Friday a:ftornoon, beg inning at 12 :30 Oml Surfac' , local gun club memEve ryone is cordially invited. The British worry because th e na. bers , attended II shoo t nt Ce nterville tional eyes ig ht g rows weaker. One Snturday afternoon. Last aturday evening the' Soph- hundred and fifty in every 1,000 It was well attended and so me of omores delightfully entertained the lack Rood sight nt the Bge or twcn ty the best shots out of Dayton und nth_ HI School, Fuculty and Normals with und ten at the ·age of four. er pl.aces partici pated in th e nffa ir·. a purty. The Gym waR very beau· The human eyc, like the teeth lhut lIlr. Th omas and lIIr. quires were tifully decornt ed wilh their class col· nature gave UR, ill de tective, a poor- both high men for the afteJ"l1oon, ors and color41d ligllt.8. ly made inslrument. Our teeth cause each breaking 92 out of 100 . . Th .. y A lnl-gc crowd enjoyed very much suffering and death. Teeth be tter did not shoot the tic off, on accou nt tf!e conteata, gamea and dancing. planned would not do that. Eve n of lhe Inte hour, bu t di vided thc DeliciouR refreahll'entl! were then our five-fingered hands, would have hOll ors. lIe rved. The party was well chap- been much Improved by adding one Thomas ana Squires hu v" both Ilroned by Lbo faculty and all de- flng er_ With that extra finger we made good records the past yC?llr . an d purlell at· an carly hour. . . should use in arithmetic the s uperior lhe ir inte ntion is to enter t he big -~-duodecimal sysw m, instead of the in- tournam ent at Vandnlia, during the feri or dec lmnl Ry:<tem, and we could coming summ er . - - -"Jle was 'a bold man that first ate "IllY s t:ringed instrumentl! of a hig1!er morc complicated kind. An opler. "--Jonathan Swift.




DEATHS Funl'l'lI l '~n'ic es fOT Robert DeraId Dau~hl"I'S . G-month s-old so n of Mr. and MI'R. F'rl'd Duug hl er s, who died at the home o f hi. parents, nt 4 54 . BrollJwa y, Dayton, Ohio, Fr;d ay mOI·ning. w('I'e conducted nt 2 o'clock Snturd ay a f ter noon. Burial was ill Miam i c(!mcter y. And re w B. f\1ur phy, so n of Mack lind 'IlTllh Mur phy, f or merly of Bellbrook, died sud d enly al hiR home in . t. Pau l, 1I1 inn., on Friday . March 6. "A ndy" a s h e was. known to all hi s fri e nds, li ved (or scve rul year s in the fUl1li ly o( his c ou~ i n, t he late ThonlUM J. Browne , and wus conne('led with lhe Gazette f orce du ring t hat time. He \\'a.~ always geni a l, fri en dly and f un luving, und hud many frle nds. He was an expe r t linotyp'ist, and fs> lI rJ\ved that line of work until his d eath. He lell\'(,s a wi fl'. II sis te r, Miss la ru Murphy, of Dayton , and a bl'othel', Gnil, o f ow Yurk , to mourn a much beloved r elative.

I n onit·l' l\~ d i:- cl' ".J th\· nl"",t 1'I'!Jf·

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ilHl ' llt Statioll !i . I H·t! i lil1 ill ~' til 1 ~ 1 Y\(ll' \ ',. f" t I I ,I,~ .. 1' 1 I . yh., ld:-- ill \\hidl ,~j ql.l I' f, u lld ' .\j I' "I I I 1t"'II,11 II ~11' :!Flt! uf atid ph(l~Jl h :ltl~ Hil d !t (t 11\1 :lHI ~ III' ){, - \\ . ,. ~II' .r" 'I 'j :' H at'llll!.


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were ld.Jlnill{!d (Ill ultly l'l'rlulfl (1'1' :-: un d until ·,. (' l ' rtnill :-I pl.' c ial ~n il l'f,n -

diti (,n8 . ",hidl I wi ll l' xpillill iully at the n1p(,otillg'}:. " Wed'H·, cla\, Mar('h 11- , ::\ IJ, ,'\'ellill!! - Wayi l (,~I· illl'. (;rangl' hall. T hul',J'I)·. Mu rch I:!- - I ::: U I' III Oli", ' Hrunch ::; ·h"" I. \\' 11 "hilll,(t .. " l Oll' nhhip. Th lll' ~day. ~ l llrch 12 7 ::l O e\'" ninl:' - Sp rin)!b ol'o lIi ... h sc hOll !' Eve ry l, )(ty i s in viL ... d t,l th e meetin g-s wi th lIlt·ir qll(' s ti,," ~ IIlId pr"bIl'ms, \\ heth!:r Farm BUI'eau IH l'IllUt'I'S ur II OL


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American Gi r l. an d Men

" llldt lhll hOIoi \1 ,,,\ !'<\'rvl,·d u d,d id o u~ hUH'h. Thl' frdl, H\ i l1~ t,. "ll' pl I'sl' ni :

Olive Carnahun E\'a McMi llan Frnnces Walkins Lu lIa Williumson G racc Hockelt \!;lizubeth Branstrntor Dena Hop kins Amy H<,pkins jj;dith rum J ean Hockett Alico Wi nston \ a Hhti Becke tt Im ogen e Deckett Chllr lotte Ramby Eve lyn Ung lesby Mildred Hole Agnes L onga ne Sara MissilJin e Rulh Cook Gcrtrude Chand ler Ada Sha ner Ge neva Ault Priuline Green Gladys Berl1:dall Luci\Je StJohn

.M !'''', l.i n:1 PP\'it1 . ~lr'"

,"",1\\11 r Uai ly, ~ i,.,. Ecl it h \lall"l ' . ~Ir '. r. ,' "I' ~ \I ... h(' 1. !,d r . . . J, it. l ' ,d,11l1.111 .~ 1 r!". Anll' lin \ \il!ianH, ~fl", ~ '~· 1l1t.i\ t:YitHS. :\Irs. ,J. I'. UIr .. . ;111' .• ,I, n~c" ~Ic\ ' II ,', ". ~ 1r"S .

F . IL I t· l ...h·I' ", ..\11':;, L, A, limn er 1,1"1, . ~I I' . .I. \\'. i'.,'" ard ..\11'-. W. E . ( ,' " i.l.I, :,11 '. ( • ;\1. Illtl,j:~.( I :'. ~ ~. !tall'h ~Iil l, I, \lr , . .r. tl. ( ',, 1': n,~ lit, :llr~ . It ""ul.! U awkl'.

~I 1" E ~·th ( r

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hOIl1(' nf:L'1'

,\d Hm~ :'\1'('II di!\ ~

Kl' nneth St.John Tho mils Du rto n Ne lson Walk ins \t oy E ll is \(clI.l lelb Retallick EJwin Rll lllby J ohn GOllS Vc rn on ?llninolls Wnde 'l' urn~ r ,J oe Kerse y Cu rl Gray \:lert O'Neoll He rb ert Edwnrds Ray mond Bmddock Ade lbert l\[cMillan

h., '"' j'''''' tlll'ned wvcle wilh


\Viln.illl:lllll f! ll·nd:- ,








\\,cArt"' di f Ill'r I tpr.: t s (If' Fl":lok l,p lL \\' I'd UL· ...:d. :


~IJ'. nllr)

r. lr~ ,

ELIMINATION CONTEST Thl' Il'ruut f, .. tLl ( ', . , t y Olntur-

Jnpan e • ., Girl. ' Cborul

\\',1) I,,· 11" 1.1 ;,1 lilt, GYlll T tI~':o\dllV ,'\',11111." ilt -; ::lO, AIread \' a ltot;! ',it. ,·.'I! tll l \(' ('rllt 'r e d :\I\ d a Ih· L'(,t,l ' :"It I I)' I' 11\ l'~ 1:-- ~lI;lr·

Mllrgnret Marlatt Ula Illll'tsock LJorothy Rye Fuil h ' I'omli nson Elizabeth II cnkle I·;dn n Shan er Cllruly n Swurtzcl

H(l;'. l


Hnl I·CI.

At th t' I,' J'vlid.

On Ilcco tl nt of t ho (Ull ral "r ~ l \' . ;o:; u l t Ro), E IH'lI hart this nfqH nllon, the Fri endship Cl ub 10 'cling \\'us postponed, nnd will be' hel d at t he hOll1e o f 1\1 1"!;. Geo. D. Mills , FriJay III' ter1100 11, Murch 13. t


}o:11I1,' tll ~''''l '


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fl 'P''''h'' ) .to ~.IH! It,··;--, !.~. "'llt \' , !'-)ulRloiativ: ".I .. I... ,c' Ill' ~ UIl~I " I~

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whith C'''lIl1',·l l,'d lU111 1,' :~, .; .)url1 to nat il C;lli 1111'11iii fi \" ) 1, 11' .1'.'1', ,-lun k ('I r·



fll ;; t01'

How ard Cook Thc c ll(\l'u~ comprised lhe Geisha In 11"11111' Ilr ~Ir · . 11 '1\\/1 11 PI 'in'l'. 1\'11':-: ••J uli' l I II .n'I,·a l. IIl 'HJL,I, 1,,:,:,·tll(l (" Gir ls. American Girls and Me n, tho II fl'" 1, .... ,, 01 I. c., I' 'I'hlll .Ill Y af ler - ~U\l s t s of Mr. Wor lhinglon, Japanese nouu llt:d , iJ 1g' l\\ I' uti.], ·!" ,d' .i e,u· d~. " Girls and Boys' chorus. Gei.bll Girla A cJt' I" l'lahll' t wu-f' l lllr.:(\ lunrh fo lI t)\\"l, d 11", vn I1 H·~, 1 h i' S!"lIC, t s \\'l're, t;ls ie Bra dbury ' ~Irs . P.(·i,c" ~ " '. . ;o.f;,\' Wl'i ~ ht. ~l r5. The lma !:iatlerthwait e r\1Il ~lil\ \\, illillll1<. :III'" 11. E. Ha th Frances He nk le a way , ~11'" . LillO lIl'viU . :llr~ . I': nil II or Ma rgaret Edwards flll ;ly, :llr_,. Gl'" rl{ ~1l1;th. Ruth Ellrnha rt Lilliu n W atk ins ~Iurtha Nicho ls L a~l !'- aluI'I L\)' II ftCJ'lli' (H I at h r Esther llender80n pll' ,, ~ u"t IhilU' I lll Hontl' G, ~ r~ . S. Ina Burn ett D. 11 'nkl(' (·lIll' l't .1I11 1' " the "Jully i\laryMargn ret UnlO!'lesby Mulrf,ns" alld a f,·\\' friend". Five h nnoll'l'd ",a ' 1I., ' cll :or-ioll, a ftc)'



by her

'·lIml· d · v. .. .... VL' I·Y we ir pt)l'tl'ayed . i. l • ill ~ iCl~ c,r tilL- ('hu " u~ WaS fin o. l.l' '..':1:- l o f c h ll Ll CLf." I'~ \\' l're a s f o l..

T IJg'1l



.I i lH::iI,~ '~\ ~ l off and a JopI" kill)! cll r c of her claimed her ...'11 ,"ltl~ht~ r. An Americnn

lenl l!ttul,·... t

Ang' e lc' ~ is much mor e of tllrin~ city thal1 I hatl

1,,1' (11tC so ~tuung, i~ t hat uf an A m er ..



.W.yaesdli Senice SIaIiaI

'II' " til l"

.. \ I'hl'( , , ' \ )"'", I II l" \\d Il :,,"" d 1 11< IT\·ld" ...... t1n l El ~ ic lI u\vkc ~II·. :lnd :111-. 11 ",,',, 11 I', il'" .. I' "" ""I., II' " ll crL' rl Ault Fl'i (:/ld~ h(>l II(' I y 'Ii,' I 'II I.. I "r .•il LJ, l!"llry S Il1 :Lh Lev i Coates ;ltn i :\1( ·,· tir,L" : It ,h"it 11' il " I,i \\,.r I r ~ I '~lIT ,11 ,111'5 ,Jnhn Ke r Jo1cy , hil' ,." I ,.i,1, \" c· \,' I " ~l:lId, .;. I! ·r,,,·,· \\ " I'lh inlr Harold " 'i llinrnson ( ;;If1H '~ , l'(·fl(':-. t;IHt II • ;P tI " dl ~ 1.(' .I :1I11'!-; Y (I!lII}.! \\~ illinm 1"homns l'upil'd 1h4' "\4 1, I"l·. ~Ir. !lnd :\1'·.. : . ,Ii ~:-' i c a \ 'j rltJ c rt)\·I)l P('irel' ", II I,a,,' in ,,!. .. ,t '"" I" ', k.. . Khthleen H end erso n


A ~ p ccin l comm uni cation of Wo vnesv ill(, l.odge No. 163 F. &. A. IlL , on Fri day evelling. lIIarch 13. Thi" will be the' IInn ua l inspcctioll, lind ull mem be rs UIl.1 sojo urning- bl'cthrc n ure curdiull y invited. Supp e r will be sen 'c d nl G o'c lock pl'ompt. G. ,Y. W ATERHO US E. W. 111. F. n. llENLJERSON, Sec'y.

1a ki ll t.! their par ts very ,"; )Jl'cia J ,m e ntion enn be

",~ ,LljHIIl in-{('arc h of h e r, tin a l1;., II', h l' f, hul sh e wa s t o marry a

~ .t l lt It h •• \l11t


M :,'N "ST'RElS CO-MI~ th~ ~~ri~~jnrn ~L~:hA;;:~~'




lIIr. Roy Earnhllrt di ed ~atl y S undu y mor ning, Murch 8, 1925,' a t his hom e on l"Iflh Hnd Tyler st\'(· !'l~. nfte r lin ill ness o f 5eve m l w,'ck_. The An other h('l'o "f ~an d Cal'l' i5 g llfun ern l wus he ld this, Wed nesday, ing on thr' s U~l'. :-\.'xt '1' hurFrIIlY, IIfter n"on lit the hOllie, Rc\,. \\'ushburn conductin !~ ti ll' ~en' ic(' . Hur- lIInrch 12. nl Illlrnilton. Ohil" EJ ial wus in l\[iami cemetery . Brenn e r , fir~l nllln lo rcal'il Floyd CoHir1s in his \'lI l o1~I'I!I'c'lln rl t omh, " 'ill Mis" Ser (' put Stl.lllRcll <lierl cu rl \' b('(' omc II \,tlud ·vill., IIctor. Tucsduy lH orlling lit the home of Before Brenner, lh' <'twe \' icti m'" M I'!C. E li Ru sse ll. in Lyt le. . The fun- fnth r and bn lilt.' /' nnl1l1l1}1('('(1 tIll...." ern l will .ill! held III t h£' hon\{' F r id ay aHern oo n at 2 o'clock. wilh E lder woultl ca pilnli l.c· -'II Ih._ ,,' c', 1"'l'i~n~{'~ Radcliffe.. oflicin l ing. Budlll in Cen- t h rough thc thea'er. Brenner will IIppe"r in t ill' sa lll e lel'\'i1l e ce l1l£'(,(>ry. clot hes he w re wh l' ll h , ell ~I'f'd the 'c r a \\'l wuy fllld hU I1 ~ heaJ down til r euch the prison cr. lIi act w ill be n "i x-minute will Ilbou ~ the ca\'e tfll l(edy.

11'1 ,1',

i\1 i:-: -t I':l l" il' H awke, as uChcr,' I ).",!., " ,\h" hasurClnUl')<llbly

STORE AND BAKERY BURNED AT MASON Flam f'~ swept tho K rngc r 's grocer,\' company store, Kordm a n 's Lllkcl'Y and a r e~i dcl\ce properly 011 ~lnin street Inst ThurRclny morning lit MnM n, Ohio , with a loss of Illtproximlll('Iy $25,000 Plll'tinll y cll\'e red by inFit e d epal'lm nls were s urance. cn ll ed f r om 'Lebanon, sov n miles norlh of the vill ng;' , LO\'l! land nn d Fos ter lo nld th e 1I11150n firemen in cl ccki ng the blnze. A cha n ge ill the direction of the w ind hl'lpe d in Jlu ltin g out the fl ames. The nr c startcd in lh(' IJIl I,ery when a kettle o f !!rea~e u: ed in cook ing dough li uts becume igni tf' d. The houses burned w~ I'e o\\,lll·d by Miss JIl a l'tlill Plllrner. lI arry 1\ U 1'<1man o.ccu)..oicil Oil H ~ a hO llll' ul1 d bake shop ul1 d Mrs. Clllh l'ilW Y" UIlg' Ih ed in lhe olher.


1l'l,'dH !ll ,•• k

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", I', I:, '''1'1' .1"1" ' "' I' l'oli ti~iall . One flf t he 1,,,. , ""I. \1,- I: ... \" ' .1'"" " PUl't,- f~ 1l in Inve wit h her I .\11',,\ , :\1,1,,1 'I,u I ,l 'd : I I .lIJ.! Cri 1111 f' l QP~ ml'nt., whic h

.Ii 1.

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: \ g(I Od -~ lzc d audie nc e d tU (' prc:ic ntutio n. l"" Wll~ \\l' ll se lected, the

i'I,'+ " ,



n· ll1onufnc_ gl'oves of orange. Ic mon, wHlnu t and 0ry Clean'cr:] a nticipatcd , oli ve tt'cl' ~-pll ~s in ~ Un'ou/!h th e cilclaiming- many hundred mnnufnctur- ie ~ of i\l ol1l'ovia, Ontari o. Whi tti£' r. ing est.n itlishm ell t.•. Burbank. Glendnle , all withi n n ra- .. ~~~- ' '#>a. '''' II Los Ang e l e~ harbor will in a short diu s of u few miles of Los An geles. time be one of the finMt hurbors on Have seen t housnnds of · oil we lls the coast. They shipped the pu~t which are producing imm ense quonyear Illn ny cnrl oads of orllnges, lem- titi es of oil, and with lheir large s up ons , wnlnuts, raisins, oli ves, dates, ply lallk., pi po lin CH un d pumpillg figs nnd lima b(lR ns, nnd is the chief stntions give employment t o lhoupetroleum port in the world. san ds of peoplc. Pasadena lies to the e a ~t and the My brother and I took n trip to north of Los Angeles !ind they are Frf'sno, a distanc e of 2,10 mil(·s. GO so closely connec ted thnt you can mil es of wltich wcre nve r th e 1't,h:\hardly tell wh e n you go from one to chapi m ount.ains. It WIlS 0 wondel'dtno, called "Th\: Gateway City," )' lUI , It is the entrance to the large the other. PaF:ad e no is the city of ful scenic trip ' and 1111 OV~ I' paved beautiful valley that lies between homes, where pe ople who do no t care road s ; abou t 30 Illilc ~ ( I'om the fOilt Cor the rush of cily li fo, find a very o'f the mountuin ~ ' Is Bnk e l'8 fi ~ ld and , I on tho at.tractive place to live. Many of near here one of the large~t oil . :: . .' twenty-third day of twelfth month, our wealthiest people have palatial fi elds in the world, Oil is piped from In the afternoon, and the drop into homes in this city of about 60.000: to the Los An!(cJ s hnl'b ur. . ,. ·the land Qf sunshine and flowers The city is overlooked by the moun- Abou t 25 milel' ft'o m Bukcrsfi"ld we '1' ' ~ 'seemed like fairyland. Los Angele8 tnins. Here you can see the obser- come in t o lIll a g ricul t urnl di stl'icl, ", he Mlnllt~1 show Will is a city of about one million and you vatory on lift. Wilso n and ..he inclin- lind from' here to Fresno fi nd th ou·appear at the HiKh School Gym Sat- are impressed at once with the busy ed rnilwny running up to ?tlt. Lowe, sa nds of acres under cu\tivtltion . • Gutlon ' Borglum. "Amc:lienn . u~da)' nlgbt;-Mareb' 21. Thli ·.attnt- .s treets, the laryre business blocks; an interesting ti,'ip r wish to ta1ce. Cotton is "a.ised in la rge qu a nti ties ICblptor, emplo~ to caJ'\>e a great r have spent 6everl\l 'dIlYS 'In Long and we passed n nunrbc:r of truck tion .eoneilta 01. 30 playen ' BOme of many now ones III the course III coneonfeder"W "~ml.. rial\ oll.Stone ,. ! 1 " - truct.ion apd a genel'~1 feehng. o ~ Beach. This . is a city where many loads on thei r WilY to Los AngelI'S. find Wjdo to urists spend ~h.9 wln',t:er; It Is ' a . It is al~o a tla'l1:y >\lu ntry, so wo Mou'ltaln, l\\lal1ta. ·Ga.. Iia" been . Whom ,were ormer ,y ~,.n~'. ,AI_ G. ~fO.perlty. In general .FielcJa~· ' tmln.t~II..: , It ' eom~~, here ' pa"ed'. slteetli, trees ' o~ ml\n'¥ vRrie- cily of beautiful . homes ,and the fiud . larg\l fi~l.tls . of nll alra, mnny clIP"barged;by the eCimmlttee, ' He Is ! llarli"e.1 ' with ' de~~roylng model ' cattle ' a~d' shecp. This i ~ highly 1'tIcommended, Buy tickets of tl.e8 used ,for, parking, ~he Plllm, Pl/P- ocenn is an ' a'ddl\a attraction. The herd~ ~ .... ~. \~ ,. \~ .: tbe. BClI:tool children. A,dmt.&lon, .:ilic ll,r, ~Cll~ia, campf!er and ·many oth- usual entertnin~en ts are found along ..also tl1e home of tho. S~II Maid rnisin 80 the beach Illid the two open-air band we saw hundt'ods of acces of vineto school childnln''''an~ Ik to adule. era used tor, that .purpose. , Proce" win riO to de .Giletic lund. Many palatial homes With. green concerti! giv~n-' each day add much ya rds, llU'ge orchards Qf per,l ches, . -.- .--:...-.. _ • . ~'fII. and beautiful flowen in lome to . the pleasure of the , visitors. -l aprieots, and figs arc found bu-t clo. Try:' O\lr QU 'aqd a~d. 'Gase.• .~ diBbicta, In othen the modern bung~ also enjoyed tbeIr publiC library very ser to the mount~ins oranges and ,~Jhl1m>' ·-O'c..~mell" thu outfielde.-; . ," _ Lettet WIftetleC?'" alow, which appeals to me as being much. The' hundreds of oil wells lemon groves. line ,and 10u'll like them and fQr whOl'l1 the Oiants ~ I \r ~150,OOO I have also hud a tt'ip to the Desthat have been put down in this secA watch tbat CIDI be .utOllla~llr the home fo~ C:onvenieDees and !lAvb\l ,,,be IN III ~t fall Idcked outalso our 8eriice. ootTeetecl twtee dall, b, radiD 'bu llllf of labor for the homekQ4!per, but tion mave jn~a "the populatio" ert Dnel ,found it very Jntcre~ting and or .ho..~~b IlU hI the bribery IICImdal.· more tban· 100,.000. . . fascinating, But I ' muat not write bMo ·1I.,INCI b1 • U. .tlllbt Oftbe still having their IaWIUI anll !lowen, i,.1hi~ , prillg rUllnitlg a "dry clean- _I Ir ' __ FIn. bleh schools and IJ'8Cls I have' hIId auto triPII over more at this time. A' illg shop In San FI'UIdIco. Idoo.. 11ft fCl1llld in tile cit7. l.oII roada that. FRANKLIN P CIUm. almoat perfect, t!Iro' ..H.......... ~O......j • "~.~ a _ ••", " ,

. I'HE".010,DOBEE

t\ l lhl' (;ym Tu esday cvening, a

pt'< ' l )' o pcretta. "CherTY.1101 "'",, 111/ ' \\t" put on I y t he puptls " I' th, l!i ~ It <clt no l, und cr l he diroc\1 . 1\. ' I ti l> " " f MI'. Alfl' ~ d W atk ins , inst ru cr", "f "Ill it' ill tht' schoo ls. He was I ..' of' aid\' ,,-.I"ll'd by )\I i ~s Edna Howland, ... 01 ;1',~ 1'·1' l. .\1." HIt ~..• .J 'lIIet .Cartw rig~t at



Franklin Packer Writes Interesting Description Los Anl1:elcs , Cal., March 3, 1925. Dear Editor Minmi Gazette I find so IDnny things to interest me in Southern California, that I would like to tell my friends ill Wayt,esville something about them I left Denver in a snow storm and the thermometer registered 10 belnw zer,o, e n route over the Santa Fe to Los Angeles. The trip was all full of interest to me. At the foot of the SAn Bernardino mountains is the city of San Bemar-


:1 ,I h, " 11+

r 'll l.',·r-..


.1 L" .1 ~"),, "·lTe r '' . "', " ,. .. ,. ,, "I' ~r l' . , ."


:tnd s .. il ~I!

cond ition s, C ntr l lt y Ag-l.' l!l '\" (' oun ly Ful'rn It lll" 'lI " "flie;,,1


t! .\' f ;,



(, hllrlc ~

umn er Rockhill,

"I' LcIJllllO Il. Ohio, nnJ


naLiu"al aut\",rily nil tu bercu losis, died I'


,\lo ll dlry ill Cin(, innati. 111'. J(,ll'kwell wa~ we ll

known in I ''')' 1 v II Ililli Il freq uellt I'isitor lit the :-;, I1<Ii,'I'" l1 " nll', wh crc he wag greatI\' ill .·I'(·<tt'cI ill the wclfllt'e o f tu~ cl' cul nr (';.;·"e n ·ice me n. l'l'" th was dUl' lo bloo d y poisonIIlI! ",hldl slo \\'ly for me d fco l' yenrs liS . 11' f'n ~ 1I 11 " f II di sc'used h ea rt. The I'hy~i l'i'"1 hncl I", n ut the J ewish hus"iw l in Cin cin na t.i for ncurly a \\ l'l'k su(feri ng fr om heart t rouble. Dr. Roc khill wns 62 yellrs old, ancl hlld devot ed most of his life to the ' ~tu J y of tub e rculosis . Sinc e the Wo r ld Will' he hud practically given up hi H pl'ivaLC pra ctice to aid in the treulment of Roldiers. He wqs known t hl' o u~h his Il bility to treat tuberculosis, as found er of the Rockhill .san.ita l'ium lit Cincinnati and as a miter for medicul journals. Rel1l uining in Lebanpn long enough to filli sh his schQoling, Dr, ·Rockhill \\' cnt to Cicnninati where he gradua te d f l'om the medical college tl\' University of CincinnatI with honors. FIII\CI'III services will be held ~day at the r e,.siJenee in Cincinnati, \



------. nlold .on. an . ear of eom ought to in sp iro the farmer to ,top, .. look and throw it away. .

Th~ quality 'of' our OiI1t!8r--=--:-=-::-,..; should make you a regular customer.

Wajiem,Ie Senice SraIia .




- '-



.-OLD F ASH'IONED Bleeks- UMy wife is juat tikt' tho re~t of them. Shl! Will hnve lh!! IIll<l word." Splffy- "lIllln, IIh('·:. ouutll dille. S1', MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH H'ti th e Inll t shot, tlH'8o IIIY8. " ... S undll~" '!alt'ch 11, Third in Lent, FAIR ENOUGH Chqrch Sch ool at !J :ao II . m.; 1\10rn· FlrHi $tudent- "WI. ,:" \ illg l'rll y ~ r lind se rmon at 11 a. m. I 11m going lu the j lll.g les (I f ,\ frl ca ClInlirmalion ins truction at 6:30 p. to s tudy wild men." lit., lind ~e rvice lind IIddre8s at 7 :30 Second 'tudc nt- "Wcll . I' m ~o n ­ 'I'. Ill. eve ry Wednesday evening dur~ nn ~ lpy ri g ht .hort' in lho U. '. A. mlll sl udy lhe wild wonHl n." ing Lent. Ev~rybody welcome.



. --

Ir. I!: no ~ R og\, ts is sl owly improvIng. M.lss Sarah Osburn spent Thursdny in Da yton. COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS The Lndi c8 Aid mel W dncBdllY nt I'nrt it ion of rell l eslato WII S or- the home of Mrfl. Edd Lonl;'a crc. M st cople havc to \\ o rk h a rd an d Mr. nnd Mrs. Frllllk R('ge r mode (\er NI in th e matte r of I •. Myrtle con s il'tcn ti y to J ccumubre m n~y _ a busin ess tri p to Oil Yt on, FI·iduy. Don vs .•'. Me rri ll B Olli!, ct al. Mrs. E"a Grnh urn lind Mrs. Mny Y u m ake ~ u cc ' S5 m o re Jif11cu lt if T hl' drfen dllnt WIIS fou nd guilty of II cO ill e mlll of eourt in till! lll:l i · Bnnta wc re Da yto n s hopp ers, Friduy. REV. J. J . SCHAEFFER, Rector. y u Iw~I ' ct to inv est ill the W est Mrs. Bolle Coo n, of Dllyton, s pent 11'1' of ~ 1 () 1Ii (' E . .1 0 1"\1111 vs. Oril' J oride, whe re every h elp is ext end ed. dll n nn d is gi ve n un til MlIl'ch 25 to ~e veral dR YS lust we('k with Mr. und Get your Hog Oil nt the Mrs. W ill Pine. pu rl: himself of snit! conte mpt. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST N o othcr in st itutio n is an y safe r o r BOrll - To Mr. and Mrs. Albert I n lhl' mntl er of Nell ie Hnynie "'s. Waynesville Service Sta_ Bring "Where SGoIi..,. crrc Safe" N" lh"n Johnson, Minister 1~ I' h e ccu Il intt e t nl., it wus ordered Bunn ell , TlIc"t1a y, Murch 3, a duughmore able to pay you hi gh returns Lllal (" ta le be sold li t pub lic IIUl·ti" ". ter, Ruth Ellen. Perry Thomlls, uperillte ndent in your cllns on your money. l ' n' l1I i ~ (' Wl' re onkn' d sold lit pub- , Mr. r~ve r e ll Clark left for Darton The Illornin g stlrvi ce lit \} :30. BiMonda y tlI 0rnill l,(, where he has ellllic nucllon in th(' mu tl Cl' of Emily Hundreds ~ f o ut-of-town people belong "High-Speed" Producta ble s c h~ o l. comlllunion allcl sermon J . 1Ilin nc ar "s. Mi nel'\'I\ Co x. et II I. vloym \! nt at the N. C. R. to The W cst Side. Mr. li nd 1I1rs. Carr ol King moved (11\ " Autolll obile Religi on." Eve ning l-'il" ling defend nnt gu ilty of !( r (> SH n" !f leel of dut.y. d ivor ce wos gr ant· Fridn)" fr om Miss Os burnc's prop· se n 'icc '" t 7 :OU wilh dong servic e and t·d in t he mnllel' of Pend Mulf ord vs. erty to th(' Reeder property . Miss Scrc ptll Stlln sell died cllrly se rm on on " The Missio n of Jesus." Irvi n lII u.1J ord. HaU's Catarrh Medicine P h·orce WIIS g ra nt ed in the ca se Tuesda y morning lit her home in Ly- All ar e welcome. DAYTON, OHIO s-bUahed 1887 Those who nro In a "run-down" condt· ,,{ Chllrlcs D. Corwin Vg . Edna or- tle, uCle r lin illness of several months tlon ,.. III notice thM Catarrh bothe .. them MaiD oftke- Third and Broad..... y Mr. lind Mrs. Hllrry Johns and sons will . I'luintiff wa,! gh'cn sole cusmu ch m ore than whon th oy are tn ao04 METHODIST CHURCH hoalth , ThIs rl\ c t proveB Ol.t whll. of Dayt on, were Sunday dinn er BRANCHES to ol y (If minor child. r.ntarrh Is " 10r,,1 dl ••ABe. It I. /IIr.... lly guests of Mr. and Mrs. James R. sao S-Rftb _-~5 NOftb MaIn &cred (ThIrd Fl<>o.) Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m., preach. Inn U6n eed by COntHUu tlon n l condition .. . Johns. RAU .. " C ATAnnll MEDICIIWI" In a . NEW SUITS Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Binegar and ing lit 10:80 a. m. Wednudayeven. Comhlned Tr ftl\tm~nf, b oth lor81 "n ,! tn.. . .. temAI, ant1 hR!I htum 8U(' C(!IIII.!(tI ) h~ th. .):lm ('~ ~1. Janney has e nter ed suit Miss ;\1innie Record, of Jamestown, ing service at 7 :00 p. m. Epworth . m ent of ("nttlrTh t o r ov~r (OI':Y 1(1· . : .... nguin"t Mllry F . Jan n\!y, ct aI., for visited Walter Kenrick, SundllY Ii[- League 6 :15 p. m. Preaching at 7:00 t reat Sold by all dntlf"l.t•. partit ion a nd equilnble n ' lie f. 'tornoOIl . F. J . Ch en e,. " ('~ ""'l.~n , (, hlo p. nt. Ev<'rybody is cordially invited R u~ u J ordan hll.' e nle red suit Mis~ Dorothy GolI, of Springfield, IIglli,, "t Cheste r A. Cnm pbell, el aI., is spending a couple ot weeks with to these services. fur fnr ec los ure . Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. Mr. and lItrs. Joseph Champion, of HIl, mun d . Hnll has e n t~ r ed s uit Social Row. ng- ui nst La urn E. Bnll f or ui\' orce on Dr. H. H. Herman, of Dayton, was IN PARTITION " rounds o f cru elty. ca lled here Wednesday for council NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Mar y E . Pope is suing iune y for Walter Kenrick, who is quite ill Warren Common Pleas Pope fo r divorce. at this time. MONEY LOANED E state ot Elmer Kelsey, deceased .. Em erson-Brantin ghnm Im plement - Dr. a nd Mrs. L. B. Hall and chil. (l mpnn y has entered s uit ugllinst dren , of Waynesville, were dinn er Nolice Is hereby giv en thut KtInu Mn x Boslick for money and foreclo· g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc- L.. Kelsey has , bl'en duly IIPllointed .tONEY LOANED ON LIVE ::.T OC K. Emil y J. Minnienr \ "ure (I f mort gllge. Amaunt c1nimcd Ginnis , Saturday. , chnUels, nlao second mortgag"" 1328 4 vs. Ca se No. $ lU ·12.4 8 lind inter es t. Mr. and Mr s. Roy McKlrby and and qUlllified n5 administ.ratrix of lhe Notos bought. John Ha r blne, AileD Moot c.a .... of beadacb .. tbat come to uo are directly Wurren Gt'uhulTl has enlered s uit childre .., uf Oily ton, were Sunday estute of Elme r Kelsey , late of to defectn-e e, or weake.. ed eye muo· Building, Xenia, Ohio. Min ~ rv a Cox e t 1\1. against H. O. Fudge. Action for dinner g\l esra of Mr. lind Mrs. Ralph ren County, Ohi o, decellsed. el••. By virt ue ot nn order ot 8Il1e, duly m on ~ y only. Amou nt claimed $170,- Johns (lnd Mr. Frank Smith. Dated this 27th tIuy of February, Our e"pert oeryic" will quickl)' reliey" ),ou, obould Mr. a nd Mrs. Clyde Wharton enis~ u ed fr om said Cou r t, in the IIbo\' o I.iO , wi lh in te rest. W. Z. ROLL, tertain ed o n Sunday, Mr and Mrs. 1925. )'oar eye. b. eauol... tbe.e headacbea' sta ted case. a nd to me dir ected, I Judge of the Probate Court., Farmers of Warren and adjoin In" Lee Greathouse, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur PROBATE PROCEEDINGS wi ll offer for sa le, by wa y ot public Greath ouse and two children, of Day. Wurren County, Ohio., coun ti es mny obtain money on lona au ct io n, on the pre mises, in Wa y!'e T he Citize ns Nati onul Bank and T ownshi p, Wa rn· n CO U J1t ~, . OhltJ . Trust Co .. IIdmin ist rntor of the es- ton. tim e IUAns, ut 6 YA per cent Int.rut. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith en· Suid pr emises lies immedin lcly lnle o f William J . Wrig ht, de ceased, Cost of sec uring t ho same 18 very realertalnt'd at 6 o'clock dinner, Sunday of th e or poration line of the VII- fi led its fi r st li nd 'final IIccount.. THEY WENT ANYHOW Mnnbla ,through The Federal Land Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Brewer and loge 'of Wn ynes\'i ll e, a nd on the sou lh l\!u rgn rct Holllngshelld, execu t rix Blink. I<'or furthar Informatlon call west side of t he west side o ( North of the est.ute of I:saiah Hollingshead, duughtcI·. Miss Gladys, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ecklund, of Dayton. He ( over the phon e) - "Say, BeAStre et , of said ViIlllge, on Mon day, d e c ~ ll s e d , fli ed heIr fll'S t and final acMr. lind Mrs. Frank Kenty and trice, how would you like to luke a on or address M. C. DRAKE, Troat· t he Gth dll Y of Apr il. A. D., HI ~5 .. count. sons, were Sunday dinner guests of little spin with me in my new car?" urer, phono SI6-X, Lebanon, Ohio. Redu cti on of bond from $ LO,OOO Mr. and Mrs. Rlliph Miller and little at 2 o'clock p. lit. , on sai d d" y the She-"Fine. Drive righ t over, to S 1.000 in the Ma t te r of th e estate 1" following described relll eRtale, toso n, In !Jayton, IIlld in the afternoon Oswald." f'Qft ~t:NT o f J oh n W Apgllr, decea se d He-"This Is n't O:iwn\d s peaking." Jewelen and Optometri.ta, attended the concert given by the wit: Pruo f of pubUcati on of the. notice Beginn ing Ilt a stone set in t~ e Dayton Municipul band, at the N. C. She-"Tbis isn't Be!\trice, \Jit~er ." FOR R~:NT-~~ ,,<;re farm , 7-rolll1\ XENIA ,OHIO Wesl lin e of the inco rp or lltc d Vtl of nppointment of Mary E Wood, as R. school house. house newly flnil!~e~ and \\ecorl'tex ecutrix of the estate of Edwin R. lage of Way nesville, Wllrren County, Mrs. Ituth Weir, of Chicago, ar· cd; gool! 11101\: . gpod tllfll18 for .tile Woo d, deceased, was filed. rived here Sunduy morn!nlr, being 0 h I0 , on the 80 u th -west sid e oft he r ight party; lmmel\latll pps~ellltOn , !!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ we~ The net value of the estate of called by the serious illness of iler t end of Nor th Street, in said Wh en you are ready to oil See J. (1. f1~w"e '" II Phe be Glenny, deceased, was deVillage, the nce runn ing with the corfather, Mr. Nathan Smith, who i8 porati on line '. 35 degrees, W. 2.27 te rmin ed to be $7'9.42. now at the home of his d.ughter, and grease I,lP your car for an- FOR ltEN'r- F!,rm pt ~I! ao,"os, The account of Elmer Sheehan, Mrs. Leora Bergdall. Inquire of W. ~. Slllln, W~yn e~other season'l:! service, giv~ U!\ chains t o a stllke, thence N. 59 deg re es , ao minutes W. 2. 27 chains to adminis trator of 'the estabe of Rach· Mrs. J. Shoup returned to her home a call. ville, ' O)lio, "tn H a stak e, the nce N. 3 0 degrees 55 min- 01 Pine Campbell" deceased, was ap· in Ingomar, Tuesday, after spending utes E. 3.30 cha ins to II stuke, t hence proved and confirm ed. several days with her daulrhter, ~rs; Mary E. Wood, as execut.rix of the Clyde Cox; who is very il~. ~r. S . 79 degr ees 00 mi nutes K 1.24 ""'ilfh-S~eed" produc:ta chllin s to the center of the Franklin estllte of Edwin R Wood, deceased, Keever, ,of Centerville, WIUI called Pike, th ence S. 9 deg rees 00 minutes filed her inventorl~ and appraisement. Thursd ay evening for council, Havi ng complied wHh the r equireWE GET THEM QUICKLY AND E. '1.96 chllin8 tn the beginning, con- , The account of L . M. Henderson, ments of th e Ut ilily Commission , I taini ng .77!l acres be the sa m~ more adminis trntor of the estate of James FoREE OF CHARGE or less, except t he said gra ntor, Phil- Allen, deceased, was allowed and fOR .ALI CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR am going into the Truck Business lip Hopkin s, r eser ves for his own use confirmed. E . C. Du nham, executor of the esagain , an d will be II ble to do all a lot or sU'ip Ilf ~r o llnd, fifty tcet • EXPENSE I tate of JolJn W, Apgllr, deceased, FOR S,. ... E- praft lIt""e, I\) )'e~1'\I wide, runn ing bllck fr om the Frankkinds of hauling at reasonab le rates. lin r Olld or pike, to ~o u th lin e of said filed his second account. '-_______....."!'.'"',_(....,.(...._--:---__- - - - - - - - - - 0\<1, nev ~r been I\bus~, lind gooel The will of Catherine Rohmer, de· workllr, Inquire of Jobn Beach, R. lot. Being ofr the ea st side of said PIao ... 8 HARVEYSBURG, 0_ °m26 Tbere isn't a difficult word In this the puzzle would be II good test. for' D. 2, Waynesville, Ohio. lot and lying wes t of the west cor- cease d, was admitted to probate. In the matter of the will of Eliz.anyone who wished to know just cross·word puzde as arrang-ed by poratio n lin e of lhe village of WayFOR SALE- A fresh cow, with caif abeth Durig, deceased, application how fllst a thinker they arc. Get a Walter Bllrnes. Every word Is comnesv il le , Ohio. and binding ther eon, by her side. AlBo Borne corn. InPhon e 36-4 he ing in le ngth 2. 27 chains more or for hearing was !let for March 19, at mon in the vocabulary of the liver· lead pencil and go co it. quire of W. H. Orndorf, R. D. 3, 9 :00 a. m . age adult. A time limit in BoivinII' less . Waynesville, Ohio. °m25 Dorsey Lllndllc,re, executor of the HARVEYSBURG, OHIO (Deed Records, Vol. 97, page 687, FOR SALE-Tructor disc In No. ~ esta te of Emanue l Landacre, deeeas. Hecord er 's oOice, Wurren Co unty, condition, good 88 new. AIIIO some eded tiled his first and final account. Ohi o. \ extra good aeed potatOell, both ,early Suid rea l estate has been regularand !life variety. In'Quire or W. H. ly appraised un de r ord er of the Court MARRIAGE LICENSES Wh itaker, R. R. I, Waynuville, O. HIGHEST CASH MARKET PRICE PAID at the sum of Nin e Hundred ($900.°m25 J osie Artist Rogers, farmer, and 00) Dollllrs lind will not be sold for FOR SALE-Good, sound Early Ohio less lhan tw o-thirds of said nppraised Miss Clara l\fuy Gebhart, botb of potatoes. Call W_ E_ Cornell, R. Franklin. value. D. I., phone, 144-3, Waynesville, John E . Kibby, chaufl'eur, of CinTerms: CASH'. Miamisburg, Ohio cinn llti , and Miss Jeanette Myers, Ohio. m26 Dentist ALFRED C. BRANT, BelPhone292W FOR SALE-Good heavy White O.ta Sheriff of Wnrren Cou nty, Ohio. of F'ranklin. Harold Thacllera, farmer, and Also alfalfa hay. Inquire of Jamea Robert W. Brown , Atty . Pilona CommllnicatiollA paid b)' Waynesville NatIonal Bank Bldg Mrs. Myrtle R. Luburgh, both of S. Vandervoort, R. D. 2, Waynesville, -~Springboro . Ohio. *m26 SLIGHTLY used player plano, Bald· REAL EST ATE TRANSFERS win make. Will sell at a s.crlfice. Anna L. and Lee Greenfield to Cash or terms. R. T, care of Miami John C. TicUiworth, about 110 acrea Gazette office. *m18 Mrs. Anna Anderson is on t he sick in Turtlecreek Tp., $1. FOR SALE-Folding bed and 011 George W. lind Winifred A. Younglist. Heater, Inquire of Mn. H.lIle Mr. P. S_ Hudson is suffering from man t o Fred J. and Josephine L. Pierson, tracts in Turtlecreek Twp .• erysipelas. ",atfield, Warn~~~!!e; 'Oh!o ~ ' .. ~i.~ Dr. Frank J . Niles, of Columbus, $1. FO.R SALE-S, q. W, ~lfllPp1 @~I Hazel Nicely, et aI., to Almeda preached at the M. E. church Sunday Reeves, about no acres in Washf4-and ,6 per 100; alllo. 86 i . O. morning. The High school lind tCllebers en- ington Tp., $ 1. W. Roek pulleta, laying: also 3 S. C, A ... w.r to La.l We.k'. Paul. ACROSS J ohn G. and Charlotte E. Holder, joyed a chicken roast a t the BUgar W. Rock cockerel.. B. V. Smith, camp of A. E. Ream, MondllY even· to Marion T. and May Roat Keever, 1 Vanity. phone 87.8, Waynesville, Ohio m18 in Lebanon, $1. 6 Begin. lot ing. Amanda GrllY to Margaret and Ir· 11 Ceremonial. The Richland A i.d society will give FOR SALE-On account of poor Machine to 80W with. 11 pia), in the Town hall next Satur- viII Roberts, about 2 acres in Massie 13 health and scarcity of help, I will Tp ., $ 1. 14 Whether. day evening. Th e Richlund people sell my herd of Jersey cattle. con.i~ Lillian A. Darragh to Harry E. 15 Silluted. have always been ,noted for : th.cir ing of 4 milch cow. and one bun. splendid enter tainments, nnd it is and Ada Phi\)ips, lot in Franklin, $1. 17 Personlll pronoun. Isubelle L. Thomas to C. P. Krohn, 18 Aged. expected thal lhis will be a t least as Also my herd of Spotted Poland Chi· 28 City in Ma88achusetts. good a s th eir e ntertainme nts always 2 lots in Morrow, $1, na ·hogs. K. E. Thol!1)laon, OAloni·., Olli e Mae Milt on, to S. C. and Suo 21 Large wagon. nre . Ohio, R. D. I, Box 103, phone 19.OS Mrs. C o llin ~, moth er of Rev. H, O. sie May Alexander, lot in Franklin, 22 Genuine. Harveysburg ring_ *m25 24 Edge. Collins, eli 'd II , th e home of her 80n $ 1. 25 A drove. SuturdllY moming. Mrs. Collins' FOR SALE-A team of god honN home WIlS in Adllms county , but she COMMISSION"RS ALLOWANCES 26 To deluge. or mule.. B. V. Sm~lh, R. D. 4, hnd been Ih'ing with her son for so me Dr. Frank DllatuBh, Trells. Memo· 28 Vicious l!Oa fish. phone 37-8, w&y,nelville, Ohio, time. Short ~ c r v ice : were held here rial Structure, Trusteel, eXP1lnses 30 Falsehood. Sun day u fternu on, cundu cted by Rev for the maintennnce ot Memorial 31 Circle. . 11111 Wulley a nd Rev, Sca rff. The body Structure, $44 '1.95; The Western 32 Fowls. FOR SALE-Seed oata, lome nice was tllken to Ada ms county for bur- Stili', proof of publication, $12.50; 34 Higher, Waynesville, Ohio ~love~ hay and baled oata, .traw. ial, where services were held, Mon- Un derw ood Typewriter Co., sup· 36 Walking Stick, day. Good team of . horaea. Ell Furnu, plies for court stenographer, $3.00; 87 To lick up, To clip off. ----.-~ --cofield 's Grocery, supplies for jail, 39 Waynelvllle, Ohio; • ltm211 , DR. HATHAW A l' 41 Outfit. $8.75; Yal e a nd Towne Mfg. C~, TRY THE GAZETTE'S JOB WORK keys 42 Analyze (Gram. ). FOR SALE-Player Piano In neia'h. for sheriff, $6.12; Dept. Public An animal. DBNTIST borhood of W.yn,nUlle, wbich Welfare, supplie·s, $635.70; lJerscbel 44 By_ 46 F. James, repail'ing trucks, $269.79; 46 ca~ be bO\lgllt by' relponli.b le pa~ty Cereal food. Wuiles Garllge, repairing tractDf, And X-O-ORAPHIST by .pa;ying balanee .due tbe. ~ataoj $93 .97; Russell F. Spencer, 011 tank 48 Liquid melUlure (abbr. ). 49 Instrument for lewing. ture, Terma if d.alred. For 'eoli~ for sewers, $150.00; Harlan WhitaWayDOIVIII•• Ohio. ftdentlal Intormatlo~, write Box lill. • cre, bridge lum ber, $768.66; Orego- 61 Triple. Telephone 114, nia Bridge Co., tractor and 63 Margin plu.) DaytOD, Oblo. " , ,'. Aprl 64 Stratum. drag, $29. 68. The Eye Sight Specialist FOR SALE-~ed ~y~ 1in,llala ------~4.~_~.~----OFFICE: HArHAWAY BLDG, DOWN , atrain Whit. tecJi~ ~- f4 pe~ .. , Ol'l aHlN STRlLmT 1 Preceding, BLONDE Bt:!S OPINES hundred. L. V. ~tntot.. -,~one 2 Plundered. 116.2; Wa,nemU......OhlO::: ··· ..mll "Many peo,p le I .. lo.,..:-h........ 8 P~raon.1 pronoun, Lebanon, Ohio ~ ~ ~ ~ no rival. for the .Imple rea.o. "Excavated. . FOR 8A,LE:-ft~ · IOdcl· fnlh l.r..~ that the, are in lov. with tke•• 5 P.rt of bead (plu.). !lOW!': aiel ,6 'and.. J: '~t~u,li'e,: of .el •••• " 6 Appear. ;" • JOh!, Rq~n, L I, ~."'emlle, ~ 7 To 8Cattu Pall fol' drying, 8:00 n. Ill, to .. p. Ilh 80TAitY PU.~IO 8 PublIc , notice (.bbr,), O~~; . :, . " . .' ~~v. 'fqll• AN HONEST BOO1LECGE~ 9 Comment. Will."rawn E.t.tea Settled F9~ SAL~'WI!I~ ' ~"oin, HAYE YOUR EYES EXAMINED .. Rclormer-"You have no IJOII.r 10 . Ten~.n~y. Itt:.ln, En.Uih - Batehlnc ·E .... ,iWayneavllle, Ohio scie nce at all. You absolutel,. Ig- 12 To acquire lmowledre. P8r antl,d ,90,, ·, fertll., ,4_76 per 18 Parts pf a · plan~ nore the Jaw." ' 10~. " ,.. Rh:bardl, , ~ D. 4, W.y. National Bank Bootlegger-"You're wrong mt... 16 Old Teatalltent Pl'opJ},t. . ter. All of nty business activities 19 Loved on., ne~vlll!l; Ohio, .· ., . . ure governed, by the law of supply 21 Flower. 28 , River·in· Franee, '9~ M~IiJ..-A f.w iDII~ toad lind demand." . . 26 Musical .I natrument , (plu.) • tfmothy haf' InquJr~ · of' S, : 8, ,; Ill-. 27 Harried. . U., .phon. 74-S~. Wayn.avjlle, THA T'~I FIGURINC 29 Jump or le.p, FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' . _ -mil "Looka like busineSs will be jUllt 32 Lured. fllir to mlddljn' for soap rriaken up 33 lUnd of atone. F9R SALE-72 .erea, I 'mil" out of ~ayne8ville" Ohio ulitll 1I1ay. ThE!re are five Saturdays 84 Overturn. , W.yneniU., on W.yneevill. anil in MIlY. If you get just what we 36 ~ wB:ve. F.rry road, 7-"1'0'1". hoUH with all 88 Wadinr b~d mean." Fully Equipped for Good · 88 Part of body. modern Improy.m.ntL · IIii Da.. , ......... wltll., _ : 40 Jlan'. ~e. 'mll: ' Service. ED PURDY'S PHILO~ 42 Companion.. .. tIaf ...... er ·· ....... _ FOR S~ord ~~, aoo4 " . 43 A ' nobleman. Large D isplay Room "'. m_F _ .......1.1IftI 48. A ,poem. .. n ... ollb' UIId ClDOlltlla· ataau ..I.. tate....t III 4' A meadow. of .... ..,.. ,.rI•• How.... liO CENTERVILLE. OHIO demo1lDtabli ""dmI, COid ~ .... 'J'ELm'HONE 7 For eumple (pili,), mod,l f.Del... IIItuJn WI of. caa a ••a . . . wlW ..te ... III Hear,

West Side Building and Loan Association





Sheriff's Sale

Instant Relief from headaches

--- _. - _.- --



Farmers, Attention!





Waynesville Service Station


Thi. Week' Crols- Word Puale

eysbilrg Fertiliz er CO.


.-P-Oultry Wanted! A. B. Swaok

Dr. .John W. Miller




For Lumber



W. B. Madden & Co.




.. ....... ........... .......... ......................



AI Cary's Jewelry Shop



. .'

Every Tuesday







Walter McClure



,'I '. T .. Martin AuctioReer




....a.e ....... -'_ee,

...... caIa."



.... ..

. ' ."IUa




THE MIAMI GAZETTE . : .._1_ _ SUED EVERY4 _ WEDNESDAY ... _ _. , 4 ,,_ _ _ . ... _ . £ nt.(.J .t Ill. P,,. 'u,N,, • .,jl (.),. (0 .



woy,. •• ",II_,

C l o .. Mo,' "'«lI a ,




S ub.c r :l'tioll Pri. e. $1.50 pe r Year .


Tho mon th of Mll rch entered like P"bli .... r a 1101\ for ,;()me Buckeye residents lind a lamh ror othcrH. One crowd of atate legi. lutors s pent most of th e week in Washington . Another crowd


. !2!Li _ _ _ _

of Fe~eral omcers .p ent most or the ' wee ~ 10 91eycla nd an d Colum buR nn. swer lllg IIldlctments. Twenty· tw o penon s in th e state killed in nccldents durin g' the first lun days of March'. ' Stnte Senator Benn er urgeH ropeal of law whi ch prcventMone frurn tl r iv. iug u j ackllRs [aster t hlln six mil~a 1111 hour PUNt II cemetery. He IIIHO usks r epeal of the hl w pl'l'venting bo"~ under sixtoell from visit in" RII10 0'ns. Suys th ese IlIws urc obs;letc. Ohio penal insti tutio ns are rea ch.

ing a lIew high record i.1I population. S errtllry of . tut.p, Thud H. Brown, ~nys nuto li cense :funds will reuch n lIew high murk this your. . Depu rtme nt o( inuu stria l I'elations declur 's i>uHincRR is improving. hi n lel!'isluti vc committl'cs decide to kill nbo ut 7 4 li t or th l! 804 Lil ls in troduc ed. Govl'l'nor .Doll uh cy does not ~ny nl1yth in~, bu t inuica t iu/" IIrc h I "wi I kill Ro me of the othcrs if lhey pas~. 1II 0l'c I'umors of urreRt. for ullcl!'t'd li' luo l' vi ulntiun R.

'Wh ile Ohio d oc~n' . ha ve' h.. pr,'~' iderl cy, Buckeye r(:si ,l!:nl~ " rl·,tdll 0\' . el' uoth th e SMut!! IInti hnlJ ~~ .Vi c •. .p1·C~. l.Inwes \I' US born i ll' 1II11ri~tln .and Ni ck Longw~r t h COmCS r"c)11I tho ot.ber cxtl'~mc rav~1' 'ounty of th 'tu tc, Ilunlilton. J~lIrth'luuke shnck M or m ~'Rtrl'ioIlR origin fri (( htcn u foil' who ha w' Ill'ell c xpecting the ' l1d u f t he wllrld fOI' nlnll Y y"nl·R . IIlul'ch didn ' t ~on1l' i.11 lik e n hnn - it Cll lll e ill li k!' n I'l'!:!' ul "r ci l'cw 111 ~1l agoril' find lIll l c5~ tMp Ohio le).;i;.lalur •

~('It f.oYrfl)('l·

1\ II.\' -

! I ' , l!,,,· rtli1 pu/it;",, !!,Y "IW .. I,III'







," "I' til ",,"111.'

I IIti,,"

h u\(' a

nm,. nognl f"l n never hilL sa nity a nd ea.nlot in comlllon.



y l'~ - IV' R·lI Hig h-Grad e T ,.:( (,!ol' Oil f ot' F Ol'dsons and

Albnny. C n. IIWO h av r a n CUl rt''''m " t wit"

Ihe bonk . We will c • • " n o c hec ks . Th e bonk wi ll '''I' ve

rol [WI' Illn k H.

Waynesville Service Station·

no m~Dla,"

"High ·Speed" Producb


MA.J{C II II. 11125. J,



New York now has II plllY jury to liecide whether stage oft'erings ure filthy and ubjccti onuble. Alreudy three managers- one no less a per· son than the great Beluseo-have tucitly IIdmitted thot th eir prutluc. lions arc inliecent. Ilnd they have ugr"ed to mnkll them fit t or the pub. lIc. The lact thllt "it is true to life " is 110 excuse for (orcinII' upon public attention the degrading phases of our so·culled civilization. We are not deeply eoncern ed nbout the chur· a cter of entertuinment preferred in the city of New York. We could wish. however. thut a clean minded jury might put th e bun on thosc filthy. entertainments coming Into the country.



Starts Saturday Morning at 8:30!! ·

The Federal Trade Commis810n wo\!ld ban packers owning meat cars. Next tblng they will be banned for owning legislatOrs.

"A pe88lmilt," says John· D. Rocke· feUer, "is one who le~8 opportunity In every dl.ter." Ollr Wall Street mlln art inAJ'lably optimists. ..

~vjlrl! taX'PIlYIli' knows that IIPon AI II!! ,wak\l8 up. Alao he PWII \be Pl90We tal[ ia equally un· \lll~ ,.n4 in · difec~ deftance of the prln!;. ,,plea 1aljl !town ]:>y tbe fathers pf tile ~oUritrrt Evjltentll' we ra. gM-!! ~e 014 g~ntlePl"a ¥ \lelng fl lihllJ Pllt of dllte, ......---

t4pn ,



be Floor


)lr, and M"a. Joe pavia were Dfl),·

Mr and Mra. G; W. Bennett and farolly have mpvecl from the H. E.


KAUlip ·f w ··'II.' tlIi· -ctel~e~1 'arm. . . Mr. al!d !:IfI. Lee Stratton and

Mr8. Laura V. Reed and : MIa Flora· mond, attelld\d the lcenbo~r 18le, Saturday. . . Mr. and lin. A. L. Kennedy enter tained a number of relative. to din·' ner, Sunda)" . ln honor of tbeir lOn, . , John'., eighteenth birbdq. , Mr. and Mra. laue Hanb went to Columbus, Monday, whert Mr. Hanu 'Will undereo an operation for . trouble. MiN Ruth Hanks will eta)'.. wltb Mr. ¥d Mra. Harry ToUe duro ing tbeir · abAllee, The Cinos 'Leque will hold an Euler marut on Saturoa)" . April 11, beglnlliqq~, 1:30 - p •.'III'1 .In .the. Muon room recenily vacated by the bank. All kinds of rood ea&8. Come and .bul your Euter dinner.



Co. U. 'yr·Fyrer Co. he Beaver Soap Co. h. h~k,on Candy Co. ho ·Sfal1l.y Manuf,cfUriAI Co. The Pio"eer Producu Co. The A .on Candy Co. Grtthu Fir. EquirmlDt Co. The Dayton Power & Light Co.



En sembl e Dresses in l\1 nti i<h " ;Iriery __. ________ $28 .75 }o.nsemh lc Suits in t hc I ' • l' , ~tl· l ·c()lors .. _, _... _.. $57 Coats in spring f<lh l ir ~ ; l UI Il "l rll'r ~ _ , '57 Fine M (l hair Sweaters ; cn ;l! ,1/111 ~ lil'(' l l. __ ___ . . , S, . j ~ Sto ne ]\ !arrt.: n CItI )1,.,..I ;' : bl·.Illtirlil ~1 l.;.J t · s __ ___ S27.5 !.l T a ilored O \'t: r1 'I()II~""~ ; whit . . r.l tl itl lll ~ilL ____ $ Silk an d StLl\\ II.,t, : ~ P l i ilJ~ st yl es _ . . ___ _ S7 .50 D oubk Se rvice Di e' .;t·... $1.72 - 3 for 55 Willni l~ \\'ink k ~k i n uf b ., lll ll ir lLi llneL _ __ _ _ S7.75 Gi rb ' Fro(' k s :p rillf~:('n ' I,, ' (k ch ine' ""_" _ ~~ . ' 5 Dia pel's. 27 inl"ill's ~ '1 tla f('; ~ I'l·r i . d , S 1. 50 d 1)4'. . R adium Silk C m l lllll C Slip , ; ;l lll'\ll ( ,r ~ Sl.i2

The N adonal Cash Reli ... r CD . The Dayton Sule Co. Ohmer Fa .. Reciller Co. Brook;". Mlnufacluring Co. The Meall Pulp aDd Paper Cite McC.1I Co, he Ear, Re&ilttr Co. he Srll1dlrd .Ji.trr C~ . T~e Monlr~h Markina SY'lelll



an event of importance, l :i:l is year1R preparations make it by far the greatest in our 72 years' history-a history worthy of such celebration. These three facts are outstanding: The. timeliness of this celebrationEvery iterll is of s tandard R ike..K uml _r quality-Unusu ally intensive buying insures very definite savings o n every itenl! These are but a fE.W of the hun dreds of item~ to be found here Saturday! .

INInted. The&e are the exhibits we spoke of laat week. Products of the firma listed below will be on display in our store from March 14 to 28. You will find them on eVC!J')' floor, as listed boo low.

floe.lden~ Coolidge aa)'1 the inher. 1~Il!lge ~X \8 lIInta!llo~n~ W condlca·

tOll VI8\tol'll ' over the week-Ilnd. Millfl Florlllllon4 Reed was" Way· nt!pv!lIe visitor pnl! !IllY repenily· . WaYIl,.vlne, tdl'll, ~, ... King, Vi8i~d ).fr,. ~, ~. UT-lIy, TI\I"~d,,y. n flip, Il d TdI'1l· Walwr Gray win move bu~J( to their farm tbl' week. Mra. M.rion Shoemaker..t. of Bell· brook, visited MI'tI. J . C. lira)" FrI· day. . Mrs. Chas. Cook and )Ira. E. E· Re8llOn were shopping in Wilmincton Thuraday. Bern Shidaker, of Xenia, villted bis brother. Karl Shidaker and fam· Iy, recently. Mrs. Will Mooney, at Wayne.ville, called on Mrs. J. C. Gray and ·Mrs. Ed Brown, Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Edwardl and Mi~' Amel,la Can · ... ahopping - in Wilmincton, Saturday. Mary Ellubeth C8l'1' entertained a number 0"1 h'e r little friends .at a party, Saturday afternoon. Mr and Mrs: R. Foley and family have 'mQvep' from .t he Walter Gray farm to tbe Tom McUlade fami. Mr. and Mra. P. V. Reason, of Day ton, were Synday gue8t1 of their parent" Mr. and Mra. E. E. Reason. Born""':'To Mr. and ' Mrs. Tiflln Freeland, on Wednesday, March 4, a 11 % pound daughter.! BeU)' Jean. Mrs. Herbert Fite and baby daugh ter .pent several daya this 'week with her parents, Mr. ... and Mrs Frank. ,Wll· .. ,

HE greatest event of the year at R ike ..Kumler's (and in many Miami T Valley HOl1lles) bringing thousands of dollars in savings, is here! Always

Industrial Exhibits ORE than ei3Jtty M Dayton-Made products are repre-

Nora Bayel - Gressing • Norworth· Clarke.Gordon·Friedland hus solved the problem of being happy thougb married. What experience wou't do for one,



ki ,.",·

Gebhart Foldin. Box Co. Th. Weiler Broom Work •. DaVie.· Young Soap Co. Aull Brol. Co. Johnson Aeroplane Co.

5 ·~-in ch


Enalllilin, " She.. Metll Wot'It •.-Univeraal Bru.h Hold.r Co.

~h· Clbtatt Manura",urinl Co. Daytoa Pump" Manu'acturin,

Mra. Rebecca Dill had canen from Cinoinnati, SlIndar a.fternoonl. . Mr. an.d ··,Mrs: B~.nori I?JD lpent ,.veralllaya the past week' In Xenia. Mr. Stacey Craia' and family mov· ed Thumay on a farm near ROllan-

Co. Vail .. ltlllltl Co.


Co. The D,leo Co. PI. tt I rone Wor".

.. ..

---... -...._--


~lIrO Pilml> " Manu~ct"ri",

fltoDlrcll .Eaciaecrin. Ce.

Mr. 'I'llaoth, 'lIartitt, tit thtll_ place,

JarM_ of ...

:'>o fc n·. '!\\(,-Trrlll"l' r SU ib; tine worstcd L ___ ___ _____ $33 ' .1 . p' i l:i l <: ; Ill'.: d, blue ~1l" . 1.11 1 ____ _______ . _$3 ~ 1" 11 ' ; T :I ll (; 1'. it O .\ ~'('l I· ; ~"rt t iT __ ______ ___ $4. 75

$2 .(,<) ;·k

Tlire.It'r Vami.1a Co. , .Lull' PUID,. Teol Co. S·chi.bIe Toy" NdMlty 00.


-. FIIa, -C, Ta.., Co.. .yton •• eel ... ~ult Ce. hon Manur'itunnl Co:

lilith-DWyer Mallufanurin,Co. .Da1to. To.YlcSJ"Cialty Co. . AlDerina Diaplay Co.

Crl.llir4, MCGreaer Il Clnby Co. '. . " Tiay-Toter Manll'act"ri •• Ce. , . r ,.

Mm'.Stor. F. A. Requarth Co. Jam" E. Riclt.nh Co• .



r l,f ."


nem Shirt Co. Domeltic Produch C'?t ltoeb$-Roebm 'CQ,


\' ll il ,' Ihfnrd Sh irt ~; \\e11 t <l ill' red - -- .-- .- ____ _S1.45 .· i1k Stri ped Tie s ; Fuul -in-hand__ $1 f! il. t'I -'-' t"n 'l SIm p

(;<'Il11 i,lc I!lI rs rn .lllll \1amma Doll - ; 17 inchcs ______ S3.80 !: 'I.!:'; ill !Ie.lvy d uck h :r :~s . - -- - -- ___ 53.50 ,\11 C":'llI; r BI,i kl'o: rl'-l'nf');ce cl hottom s - __ ______ $3.45

(; , M

f'\ l'\'Crhc:l k D ress Trunk;36-inch lengt h __ __ __ _. __ S8.25 .... ;) rC"l k \\';mlrn ill' Tr ullk:, _. _, __ 537.50 to 39.50 l ·" ,, ·,. k I'h!Jll og r;lph; Queen ,\ nn e Modt·' .. ... . _$69.75 01 he r C( JI I' (liLs _________ . __ _. _.. 549 .75, 579,75, $89.75 Ra·,.- A u""lt:.r'J --Si\fi: Flou r

,hlllin ': n Rllg~; 9x 12 ; many p attl'l'll" _ ___ ___ .. ___S28.50 \;l' n ui l. il ricllt:d Rug- ; n riuus sizes - ___ _______ $22.50 l \nw '!I ( ' hair~ in hrnca ded l1lohai r ___ ... ___ ___ _ 49.50Rayoll 1 rapery : ilk; ht:Lltl tiful jJ.ltttrr\ s ___ _ ____ 69cyard Rl k ~

K lu·t!o 'j - Flf:h

r ,: ,

R ihc's D O't,vrlsta irs Store ~ ; ('\\'

Sl'r ': lg Fr' l( ks ,, (, Crejll' lIl' C hill e d l ll i Fl:1 l1n el ___ $10 ~i ' rl i l g CII.l r, or jl'll:,irl' :lli d ,' tIl·d,· __ . __ _ . __ $10 \\·"m en·, \!lI .lI ity ( ;i lwll.lm 11'III'l' J) 1l'~"""S _ ' ______ . $1.59 Fin e Kllir Vl' ''b \\irh B()ili l'e T"I)' __ __ .. _. ____ _6 for 81 12-Str:1I1cl Full· Fa sh iolll'd Silk I ll L _ . _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ $1 Sm.:rt Styled Dress :lnd 'Lli lll red Ha ts. -- ___________ $2 Want,·c! S tylc ~ in l\c\\' prill!:; Shoes at. _ ___ __ ____ _ __ $2 liri ·' Sp ring Cllat s. Smart III sty le __ __ ___ _______ __S5 Men' s !\th leti ' Stt its. Fin e qualitv __ _________ ___ __ 75c 13 roa d r1o th Blouses. I n ma ny sty1es __ . ___ __ _____ S1.65 l\ l'\\

Old Fashioned Tea Party to Be Held


H:\ S been customary in th e past, we will hold an Old Fashio ned Te a Party to celebrat e our 72nd Annivers;] r),. It will be held this year at M emo ri a l H:l1I on Wednesday, March 18, a t 2 :30 o'cloc k. Mr. Frederick H. Rike will be chairman and host and many of the older citizen s of the vicinity will be present.

You Are Cordially Invited

K"mlt?J-Slru/ Floor

Tickets for admission are obtainable free of charge at ou r First Utility Desk: on the first "" Boor. Be sure to have your tiCkets.

Fine Triplet Switch; real cut haic ___ __ ______ __ __S4.50 8(4111)1

.., { r .\Jrli

;\1.' 11 '

French Kid Gloves; shorr Fren ch cuP."L __ _____ ___S2 .35 . Smart Kid Gloves; importt cl ______ __ . _____ ____ . $2 .,\5 Small Punch Bags of striped M oire siIL __ ____ . _. _S3.50 Irish Picot Lace; Chin ese sty le ____ _____ .. ____ __ 5c ynrd Women's Pure Linen Handkerchi efs __ _____ ___ ___ . . _25c Fancy Garters; shirred ribbon _____ __ ___ ____ ____ _ . _ 3~l c Lace Trimmed Neckwear; n ew and sm art. ____ . __ $ L 29 Novelty Necklaces wi th Penc.i>!nt s·___ _____ . __ __ . _~~ .EO Mlro Dena Compacts, 79c; Rouge ___ ___ ______ . _____45c M iro Dena Toilet WateL _____________ _ ~ . ___ . ___ __ 79c Combs; half coarse teeth, h alf fine ______ ____ __ __ . _. . 25c Hair Brushes with real bristles . _. ____ _-' ___ __ ____ . __ 95c Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose ___ __ ___ __ ____ $1.19 Women's All Silk FUill F:1shioned Hose ____ _______ $1.35 Rainshine Umbrcila s ; good st " les _____ ______ __ __ _S3.(15 Silver-phlted .Yegetalbk f) ;. 11( ~ __ _ _______ __ ___ _ ___ :_ $5 Handsome Boxed Stationery; many shades ____ ___ ___ 49c 10;,Piece Dresser Set; very handsome ___ __ _____ __S!3.5(i Delicious Cream Taffy--our own ___ ____ __ __ ___ 35c lb. . J~v~nile Books; g.ift editions , __ _.__ ______ $1.50 to $3.78 ~llk Jersey Chemise, $2,35; Step!ns- ________ ___ __S1.9., Silk Jersey yests; pink, peach, l,\Iile,__ ____________ $1.25

. Low. Broe. Co.

Vaney Enrine.rin. Co. Inin Jewellk Vin.on Co.

-II ~ldllJ rin'~Colum""" 1Pth. ~ . Ioll and family. . ~" " IiIf, · "!I:"~ ; annol2nclnc the blnJ, a IrIrf baby, . Thufsda, n~ht. . . .• I IiIr. Frank Kellia and ofamfi" Idler.' . talned at S~n4ay dinner, ,"re!a~~~' , from Clntinllitl.r. . '\ ' •• 1« .... Mr. Jetr M,, of WaJDe.,.llle, IPMI Saturday n.igbt and Sunday With ~t.t1V1' bere. ' •1Ir.. Georp ):UtI~tt" li spenc!~rir a ' few weelfa· in ,Cinolnna\l, :the " u.. of her son, Jacob and wife. Mrs. Rebecca D1ll· retumld 'to her, bome saturday, after a few montha vllit ~th' relativ,. in p.~II'.. ~. Mia Ruth 'KeIli., 'mm baN, ' ~d • crowd of YQ.u nC folks 'rllm Orelorila, .lIPen~ Sunaa), aftemoon ttl Da)'. ton. ' • . ..IIr. Jac.ob Zh.nmer · ad tamlly epent Sunday afternoon at the Mlami ' Valle), "ll,pltal, at DIl)'ton. Mr. ZImmer', ." ~iJl-1aw iI • paUent

"; ').1C)

11 . \\·

Rik,· K. mfr, J-S(( ond Floa

' DeJco,LiIIu Co. .


R ,/' A.- h ,rJlt t' J- -F to llrlh Fl. ? ,

('olnis Silk ;]lId Wo:,!' 1'~("l'~;1ii nl' J2-illl+

I).,)'tOn Aluminum Manuract"" . ' 1111 Co. CollicTd Motor W uhcr Co.



Jl :/ 1/l f,' " J - T IIl ~ d "-((,., r

\\' ,,()I !er.,c:v: if'

Sho,.....-MtUafline Floc~

..~ .Let COmeli~ shcip for You; Ann.iversary Purchases Deli~et:~d Out of T ~wn Without Ch~rge . ,









y,c;r:ythmg 1$ Read;--Saturc1ay Is the First Day-Come!!! ..


I ,

St arnred P illo\\' Ca ses ; bc t q uality tubing ___ ____ ___ 79c Dining Set; scarf, butTet set, cc nterpiece __ __ ______ __ 79c FrcnL!\ Bo udoir 1'-:oveltic ' . _ --. - - - - -- ___ ____ ____ . 89c ' il k Brocade Pillows ; all , hapcL ___ ___ __ __ __ ___ _$1.15 America n PorceLin Dinner Set ; 32-piece:. __ ______ S2.95 SO- I' !l'ce Po rcela in Dinner SeL __ ___ . __________ __$S.9S lh ll ': -Coluroo Pict ur 's ; old studits __ __ __ ___ ______ . 79c Ctn ~ , .Je M i rmrs; Im'dy designs __ . __ __ .. $3.45 to $4.85 St ;ln1pcd Frock s ; gi nghams; choice of colors ______ ___ 89c "1b J..·1~ and 'h erher s ; iridescc nt -- ----- .. ____ _• ___ 2Sc Ik e! I.: II11 P:; f C eorge ttc and Sil k . _. -- ____ _____ __ $1.95 Bbrk Putte ry Lamps; hrnc:lde shade . - __ __ ______ $2.95

Sa tinette : plain Glnd\rril :. r ip pt:rI 3 1-illch P II~s e C n".'·· 1'1 : i<1 : f; ;~': ! L·d J.·k 2nd Floor 32-inch ROlll p.:r <.. ,, 01 :1; phil! " I' r.ln l .\· j !,I C Rtpl RlIbbcrCo. Nor m,11 d ie V(l ilt ill j)(ltrl'd 1':l lt l'r l h -:'),,' Y.le M.nuf"Iurinll Co. E ngli sh Br, la Jl·loth; ~tr iprl'd P,!!ll·! I·.; !'''c - ---11-- -111 - - - - -4 .." Floor Gaze Maf'\'l' l Ti "S llC ; ni.I' IY P :l f t ': lr ,; .~7C CUlter Sptcialt)' CG. Bovs' Two-l'n) ll' .... r Stli i ~ : "\'" oJ _.. ___ ... __ .' .'.:5 Dayton Wire Wheel Co. Dayton Rubber Man ufactu ri ng RO~t \\'o,)d Sati :1 P Ulll i' ; hr: '" I:i"r\ CjIl :lI'tt:r .;t . l.; Co. \VOlIll'II 's,]>atellt Lc:;thn ::.;i j·'J l: _. __ _, ~ ':,')5 Dayron Bronze Bearinll Co. Kramer Bros. Foundry Co. Si lk r~ n vtl()p~ I I f."r,l is.; ; !ll'\': l \ Inr:· 1~ ":' ,t; 3 Advance Foundry Co. R :1 di ll lll Sil k I1I(JlJ lll er..; ; L.': :~· !k l , ~ in i l l ' . •'.:.• OaYlon Dr... Co. H. &. W. Cn;-sns; ; i;·;t'~ n ~ .: -17 .__ [:.L·'5 5th Floor S,~ .' ; 5 Moda rt Fron t L 1C i !I ~; (\ l ·~ ,: t !' ; 22 t (·· " ~ Dayton Martre" M.nuracwri.g Co. . Longa Li nc Br:l""il'l'l:; t' :.b tic ~:, . " '. i .fn Dayton Awninll: and Tenr Co. Modishform Brass!cn: , lVlnd t'! hl ; _ . __ . __ . 'iU c .Buckeye Rua and Carp t t Clean· I Inl Co. Bla ck Satin B0 11d uir '~ oat s ; ,)JllIH .... tlllll " O.J:; Stomp.-Burkhordt Co. Boys' Oxfo rds ; ta n el k ; IT •. (le sn les ___ __ . ____ . 3.95 DaYloll Art Glass Work •. ..0.1 .415 Girl s' Ox forc ' , t an or b\:H:k :.t::' ___ . _. Crume Brick Co. Th, lC!yce-Cridland Co. Childrcn's Ox fords; l11()('cas; ,. We __ , _ . ~' 1 "} 5 Pure Lill C' n Lunch O",h. ; 36 by : C in. ___ . . _ .~'2 . 24 : Sixth Floor White Pajama Chcck s ; in .' n !1iVe r~;ll . __ . _ j _:: v!1nJ All Linen Hu ck To\\' e l~ ; hems t it c h Cl~ .. ______ __ 27c .1 ---lII--A;.;~~o;;;;n.;.~.::m cO_._ ___ H-_ ........,:.White Turki sr; T owc:s ; " "~ vy and L!I.;e . _ ... __ , __ .. Me urI' !-ip cll ·C r:d·l; ! 7- in ~ ' ll width . ___. _. __ ;\7c ya rd & Gr •• n. aed WinR Corporation Co. Din ll t:r Set s ; ci(li h 57 x 7 1 inch C' . ; ser _ . $4.84 KruJ B.ltin~ CO. , .. 97c Full Bieached, ::-~l' . lm l , · ss Shrl'i.- ; F. l x '/11. __ . _ A, C. Electrical Manubcturing Co. 45-in ch Bl e; lch cd Pil! (1\\' Tu bing ___ ,.' _____ .~Bc :\,<lnl Dayton Fan & Motor Co. Zic n .i..ili Bed Spreads ; (\ou b k . izc ___. _._. S:U> 1 ·BI1I1t E)'e Bunty I:< SUl'ply Co. .PhoncrOla Ma"ufactunntl Co. 4()..inch Satin Canto n; t: ight mlors ___ . . .H . 9 . "l l l,i Blonlmel Sicn Co. 4O-iilch Silk and Woo l Crepe; ric\\' s ha d cs. _ __. _. _. $'. % Baaenunt 4O-inch All Wool Crep e; many shat!es _____ ______ _,~~ . 7':'



Toqet he~.

blJ Growinq


ED "I am ready to rot In jail that art may )lVII," saya GutEon Borglum, utter escaping the eherift'.










FARR & WIFE, Waynesville, Ohio


3 _



('I ~pt"r •• ' ""I' . "d j ~llk .

W m. Robinson WAYNESVI LLE, 01110


vice , ll" , Ohio The ho me of QU ll lity ' Meats and Pro mpt ' ervicc is nb ly cond ucted A F~"", o( O ur BU 'l nf' lu £ nh' r rtiH~~ I hy 1'. J ell' Smith, wh l) is an expert Ohio V i.t ci t p4.1 1.. ,- " S p ~~ 'rill l j udge of prime 1I,'e f cllttle Ilnd he III III ,1I1I1\1t1i l'H r ly ~ l'rlllg- C'd iti f1 n " '!lplil" hIS large Cl> rp8 of pll~rons .of 11'. \ 1.lllI i ( 1;1".'1h' . \\t\ ln hl' pal'- with the choice ~ t " f ho th cu r ed und l\l r.;. E l\'in Fir('s is quit e sick. : ci,· ; I. Il'i til' in " .dlI!H! tlU' l'uhli c ' ~ fl'csh lllents Iho ItIl1rket afford s. In· . d', 'ILl! ( I' Ill,' \\ ;I\I,t' .. , dll' ~l l1 ttH' l'Iu ding th e swect.e~ 1 chups, j uciest Mrs. l.i dll Smit h is \'ery ill wit h ~ I I, ,,1 .1 i ll d !"I"<! l, n ~ a h'g und 1'1laHts, ten d,' rest "lea ks. and m ORt W H. MA DDEN :--: t I ', H" ', , 111 \,1\ 1)00 , "l! ' o f lht.' ~T('nt (kli (' illU R c utl eL~. nl ,,, hl1 m, III1C OIl, pl " uri~y. O «!ft 1 'Or. · in Lu mbe r a nd Buil di ng sup· I "1"tiar : ltld 1Ij1 t ,·· d IPl' l' s lahli~ h ­ 11Ird and SIl usuges. Mr. O. E. Standiford is wo rking I I'j· I If th! . ; I.. i!! d iT! \\' arn .. n C'u unt.\" . pli el for Ea rly Spring Building - --Q- in Maso n lhis week . Tt ( I For d I 'a r i~ th(· ~lni \"('Ir:Si\ 1 and Rep Rir in R- C lo.". t E. ti· F . STANSBERRY'S ": 11 . lilHI lIt '· It ',, 1 I I Il l' \'Ill' \" Hiu(' or matel And Ri g ht Fi g uJ'c. lll,' I I :~ \· an d it i~ with in r nch of (l\"- S hoe Re pair Shop for a Square Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janney spent Sulul'd uy in Kin gmu n. The imp (' rtullt. Illml H' r ll"Hdl" (,)f t' q ' 111:; 11, Ho d lilt, F ord tr uck , it'i l1o t~d Dea l a nd Ri ll ht Price., . , I . I • t' IiP '1IIIl:11 tril'l"p lIl't n ll l1 n nn <1 Wayne ,. ville , Ohio \Y :l ~·n l' :-.\' lIh' 1 !~ \\' (' ll n'p l't'~ " lIh' d u~ 'I'I\~ \1 tI lt .. It :1 1'1 ' \ 1' 1:: tt ... l" lll :--;-: , an d Mr. und Mr• . H. n. Enrnharl vis itTh t' pra ctical shoe r epair mUll of tht,' " -. II. ) l ndtll'l1 8: (\ " \\h,\ un'llbl' 1'1'1'.1 ", "':iC'tpl : l il l' 11Idy get!ed r e lnti ves in Dayt on, Sundny. Waync" ' illc is Hl:It o f Mr. F . Slnns:lfllply prf.' pand til rUl'I lJ!'-h wi h rltl ':'~ I ' 1',.1" i',' , I I';\('I .. ,/, 11 I h .. , f al ' !l1 Hllff IIP I'I'Y , who hU H h ull II ! nn d vu l. t' ~ t t. ~li m : ' t l'~ t,1 1ho;\.' \dl, ' (,'lI l l tl" l . I " , P :,1 ,'d, It I In;u.!l' td n ,ll·(: t Mr~. Mnry Ca"key s pent t he we ek, _ , r.~ d"I' I' I , I 111\ Ill" t ti l- (~ 1'I11l1 - (I Il hit, ,'x p<'ricncc Ilt his "I",cia l lill e Thi ~ is hNldqulI l·t e rH f ur ell d with rdut ;"c" in S pring-lield . pl:lt c l'~ ll'l~ l"-1' 1'1 1l g' l HlJ l d ll1}! Ill' rl'pall - r j . ti;~ I l~" Itld IIh'. t~' ... ~ h t'''': t hl' "f tl'll(l.. . ill),!. Tlll ' Y , Il'll l 111 tht" "(' ~t g' rad,~~ I ,,"'i , f ,at I f.:('1 ! ,tll, T hi ... j .. I\ I ~ !I a ll kin.!" o f . huc l· (· plliri ll ~. Rub ber Mrs. J ohn Bl'ach is " POll ding the of lumul' f' lIf nil diull'n:-i un", In t h L\tld i h.·adql •• tl'i l "" 1 .'1" ~ " lIilill " Ford I la rt s h,·c·ling IIlld hllif ·.o ling- ill n prompt wN·k with rclat iv~" in Dllyto n . !lhin~ll'~ ' I' n otin~"'. Cll jlill)!, "'i dh q,-!' , Ht,ll t'\ILI":" autu : \ l',(·l" "~H rll,,., llnd s up a llci Ill"st sut i ~ fuct<' I' y manner. I

Wrig~ ~

Dr. A. T. Mo n day.

I Aut), o ri ..,.l '-or d a nd Fo rd.on Sale. For Quality Meat a nd Prompt Ser. i '\.lWJ,n:l ArC"'hdcnco n, M a nag e r ' :'\nd S t' n ' if't.' , Rep a. ir .. , E x tra. and A cc t.' uor il"', \ Vnynclv ille.,

Haulin g 4.. 1 f nil ldnd ,; a1 sQ ","ill buy your old



\ \

wns in Daytl)n,

Mr. und .Mrs. Ralph Smi th Wl'rO in Wi ll nillg Loll, today.

Mr. (; ro \'('r Knapp. of Leullllon, Jl igh·,.,rrntio . Con i Oil, eSllecillll y ,wa s in 10\\ II, 'ruexdll y n ftcrnu o ll. I' 11I1>1 I'Lt!tI fur IlI cub"tllrs nnd LUIlI I'"' "l J . C.. lIn wke 's Hnrdware Sture. I Mr . nnll Mrs. Alf Bogan were i ~ U,'" ts of rt'lativl'" in n"yt ,> n, Su n· IIidl·g l'lld c CIIIII Oil, ('~ p~ciu ll y dllY. "dllpll',1 f' H' I ll c uhnl\lr ~ IInri LIl III ps. , "t J. '" II nwk " H Hnrdwllr Sll. re . Messr, . Pe rr)' HOl1l oh r lind Ornng(' 1': ll1l ey, l,f Ld,"n"" , Wl're ill WnVll es· 1 A ft,·l' n tw u· mou t hs vis it wilh r('l· I' ille. SUliday. . IIli\',·s and fl'i l' llI ls ill 1'exaH. MI'. nlld Mrs. W. S. (; r" hll lll r clurnl'd I","",. Mr. Gl' orge Ogl l'~ b('e, of Xonill. Sn tllrd" y 1lI0l'll ing. spen l SUlld ny with IIlr. nlld Mrs. Elins Og-I "H hc c ,of Hout e 2. I FOH SA I. E- PI Ilv ,'l' pion !) - h Il s b""11 i (i<'nll)lI ,t l lltcd ill hom(' (If f" mil y. IIII'. anr! IIhs. \V.IIL1' r C"st n Uc n.t- 1 l(nl h" I' tllllil luku hac k t" "to I' " will c d the f Ulieral of C. M . J)ulllful'll. at l «·1 1 III a hi).! S!l\·l'lti,·e . n. T. Cllr.,1 Clurks\'i llc, last W cd II,," ,IIIY. . to f ~I iflllli l ;"zl't t.'. . ' 1l~5

I I i



. '

pl lt.; . \I ; ' Ll ll 1t\II ~


(I II \.1(1\' ll';l I' H ilt!


Cl' l ~

Jlollnng, P ; l1 l1,lt . , J! lns::., bt1~ldl' I·~ h:lt'd ~ \ I r :1tl· ,f t·'II·I'~tn I1 Q t i n' ~ nTld' l ulH'O!", wn rt\ :~n d ltullti,tr' J!' lnlltetl lH l~ In t:'t:I\P \ \ 't"!"} • d:a t: n 'a:-. ..'~ a n d IJl'!'Il ~!n~op era !. 1 h~ / \r'(, I~lls.~ S a l'c Jl1'() \' td e d with ii 't' ,\ n .1 iI, th l' n ', it' w IIC ou r u ll-

M,·". Hen ry SlIllcrt hwllite is s('ri· o u"ly ill lit hcr hUllle o n Ruu te 2.

Read Carefully Ex· tracts from

!-ub:otnn tl n hulldtl,lJ!!"- , inrg-(' ::: he d!-; a nd \\ :1 , ;1 1l,!ll' t' h el f 1nul t' , \\l' 1I1't' p l<'ll !"cd well I'P),!'lllut c: d ofh C(' ~ f "~. lh,' PI' Olll p t t " ,, ""lll' nd the \\' u\, llt';; l' illc .\I oto l' Le tters Rec eive" on Hl l d :--lH·~(' ~~' t lil pt't·::tCC l1ll n o! th("~r ( 'lI. t il (!I ll' !'t 't! I!t- ,,:-. af\~d fu t' a d e nt on Jarg~ lind (,X~l' IHI\!d [l·ndc. '1 h e " . • i rn til, ,, nf th c' f"m " us ltl' \\' Ford or ~L ~ I atlden (0. ha ve b~' ('~ n po tent 1I 1" l hill),!' I II t h al""l' lh ll'<. A ll nrc lactol' ~ \\'nr<l s t he ~pbu Ildlng of th l' c" id lall\' in"i t(' 1 to 'h,' lhulll II cull. co mmuntly a nel I hClr fi g ures will be . (l' f(' und right. - -0- THE CITIZEN'S MOTOR CAR CO. FRED M. COLE Daylton, Ohio _ P ac k .. rd Can I mpl e m e nt.. H Ardware, H ar n e •• , "We do not he.itat,, ·to r~commend Pnint. , "II f o r Sp r ing TrAde . yo ur product. to a ny uler." Phone 32. W ay nesv ille. O. Th e lar~c.t un d ll10st in Ouelitinl THE DAYTON-BUICK CO. 1 1I1I'\ 1 wo l'~ IIl1 d illll'l C' Ill~ 1l1 hOIl ~e in Buic:k Can thi s st'c ti on of \\' orl'(.' n county , is lh:> t "Your Hirh-S"eed Medium all .... (I f FI'cd ~l. Coil' , wh ic h , tunds Jlre· been u.ed 10 th,e ontire IAUafactlon ('Il1i1ll' nll y in l h e fr un t n t ll K vi t rade, Red Front Stores of our .ervice dc:partment ," The "tuck f"r thl' c"mi ll l{ sprin g trnde l 'lI IllIH'b;('s n Jar!:£' nn d well sc · THE G. W . SHROYER'" CO.• h' oted li r, " (of u).!ricultural imp lc · Da ytoD, Ohio nll'lIt...... . f arm machiner y, har dw nl~f'. Cadill.c Car, Ilaiilt s , () il ~ an d slnili". including "All of your High.Speed produc .. - he Ir und hca\' y hardware, ha rness alld horse cl,)t hillll'. Oel>ln d Cr enm have g iv.en u. exception a lly lood .er.. Th e re.ults We obtained ~ ep fll'Ut o rs , Bu ckeye inc ubators a nd vic e. uro " t' l'fl. th e New Idell munu rc from ),our oil. prove to u. that they " p rCau c' I'~ , S up pri or grain drills , Hur· a re thoroughly lind pro""rly refined I'(\\\~, pluws, cu ltivators, wire fenc· a na .tand up under any aDd aU COD' . ill).!. Ii\'e r pl ow goods for ellrly dition., " - prill).! cu l t i\' atin~. \\'u shing machin cs THE JON:ES,GIST CO., fat'11l li ).! ht ing " b nl, and paints , oils Da,.iton, Ohio nlld ~ tH ins f tlr 8prinl{ r en ovating, nnd Na.,b Cara it will he t YO llr inter est t o call and "We want to on reeord to the put ill you r order curly, us pric"3 will be foun d ri ~ht . Quality a nd best r effect that we "a'" " faun!! "our Hi,b. Large No. 3 Can Speed Oil to b ... ntirely .. tiefactor, sC' rdcc, OH r mollo. Small Can . .... . .. .. ...... ill rte ry w.~

"High. Speed Oila"


The Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co. ::


IB-re-~-d-EB-EdWr-.,:-·:-'d·-·B-·g·~-e--a-d I The Original



Large Loaf

. llc Small Loaf Spinach

Salmon LJbby'. Brand, niee red La r, e can


Small can .. ...




I •



- 0--



A. F. MELLOH CIlr"ge, Pre. t. o.U ght Batte ry Ser·

FORD MOTOR CO. CinDi.. aDti, Ohio S ul tana Bra nd, Tractor Sale. Di ..... ion vic.e, Acc e'lo r ie. and Suppliel. Large 30 ox. Brand . • W ay neoville, Ohio . "It moat eerta.inJ" i. Dot oar pol. ICY to an,. p.rticular It i. with mos t profound pleasure bra nd of oil for ..... In car, truck or for th e Miami Gaze tle to make II truck.. W" do, bowe ..... r. atro...I, A. & P. Bra nd, v ry fin e ~ p ~ciui men ti o n of the A. F. Me lJ oh recommend the ",III of a hl,h ,rad.. Per c a.,.. ~arugc . DIlUcl'Y Se r vice und Auto oil in order to pr,oloDa the life of tbe Sup p ly S lation abl y pr ided Olle r by tractor." a n t'xpe rt In hi .. spccia l lin e of trll de . Thi ~ i ' the nckn owl cdg-ed q uarter for A . & P. Bran d ·x )Jer t battery n nd nuta s upply JOHNSON AIRPLANE'" SUPPLY 1 P ound Box . Co., Dayton. Ohio wa n I" , and t he best t ires, tubes , oils Walter Lee., the pilot lA,a, "If g"1'l' '' ' CS alld gon, o line, and the ianllOu , Pr<·gL-o.Li te butte r y. A you Dotice I r<~ mllmber." tl!_ pld spc('ially is made of r e pairing and pro ...erb 'Oil not, ,:,eith .. r will 'Ie "in,' p,c llong in ),!' all kin ds o f batteries in a 80 I uaed .ood (1I1." ! )ll'Cllnpt an d m o~ l sati. fnctory manKNUPP AUTOMOBILE CO. A. & P . Naplha Powder, m' r. Servic c an d co urte sy iR the 18c molto· 1I1wnys . Sid"eJ., Ohio x . d ' A _L&arge " Lo St b Chenolet Motor Care . p, aun ry arc . • - -0 - "We ourselv... 'do not know where 3 · lb, Box . . .. 23c we could buy a b,e ltllr oil at an,. price ORNDOR F & SERVIS

32c : -------------------------- .




lona Beets

Very 6 n e quality : Large 34 ·0Z,. Can


Sliced Pineapple

.................. 9c

Can ..

7c ;

15c i

• Oven Baked Beans

Cornsta rch


9c : • :• • Get Your Housecleaning Articles



.. .....17c

Climax W all Paper Cleaner b x. tl><: O.Cedar Poli.h, boUle ....... 44c Large IS-oz. Mop . . .... 4ge

: •


Krug's Certified



In th e near f uture, WI·11 h. ave a sh·Ipment 0 f

Ge ne ra l Repairin g, Valve Grindin g, Cooper . B"llerie., Wayn e. _ ville, Ohio

Early Ohl-O Certl-fleed Seed Potatoes




at 37 cents per peck Brl·ng US your Eggs. We WI"II pay the highest price, Cash or Trade.

i •

• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~....

Wall Paper Time

, AVE IRY CO. Peolei., III. Tras:tora "We will al.o add your oil. to our Out· ep('cin l bu si ness nlld communl ty wrlte.up wOllld he incomplete if approved Ji.t." The Miami Gac ttc fai led t o g ive nm· pIe RPUC C t o the po pu la r firm nbove KELL Y MOTOR SALES nnlllt'd. Mcssl's. 01'n dorf & Servis We.t LibeJ'ty, Ohio attend t o nil kind s of ,"encral and Ford Ca .. aDd Tracte.. a UlO Tl'pail'ing, va lve g r in din g, i n "We ".pedall,. recommend your n 11I'ompl llnd mnst ~a li s fa cto ry mnnChatter Ie.. oil for Ford eara and ncr, and in J'l'nl nlal('nnnilll OllS " '! l' . truck. and your Hiah. Speed tractor \'i ce o f th t' li l's t d('grce. .Batte ry oil for tractora." work . I'e pairin !!, li nd I'f'char),!' in g' of a ll kinu, of hutt l' I' ics 1111 t he famou s HALL AND TAYLOR COO P"" butt cri,· ~ . U. S. tirc" nnd Richma'Jld, Ind. tllb ~,. ])0 nul fail to cll II. Pri ccs G,ua,e wil l b o fOllnd I'l·HSO IUlhlc. "We offer to .lraiD old oil and re. - -0 - pleni.h with ne .., and eheerfull, refun.d purcha.• e price if not entirely THOMPS ON 'S BAKERY .at ..lied .fter a "eaaonable trial. We H o me or "GoLuen T win" B J'ea d a nd

-""""=:::::----------,--_. ...--.1

ery lIl or ning,

· - -0- -

You will be p leasa ntly s ut'pl'i~(! d at t he low pl'i ces we are asking fo r lI ew Wa ll Papcr. th il; spring. Th e se' lection is wider and prettie r Lhan eyer LeIorc. We arc ~ho\\'ing b)"ight n ew patterns as lo w <II;

THE QUALITY STORE Blue Rib bo n Cream Station, Stapl" and

1 O~Cents per Roll orne in and lnke ad\'a nt"lj~e foul' h lpfu l J ec ol'atiug .s l'\·jce. U it is n new hom e w ca n make a specia l pri e f <tr the j ob omple te. TIH~ ngr hi Burpri e then is. niter s '·edions. wh n it i. le~m.\ d tl1 nt our pri c a re fro m 11)% t o :30 I ' slIving ·.

have never loat •




Bnkcd G ood. in Gen e ra l_ above propoaition and will continue W"yn covi11 " , Oh io to recommend Higb.Grade producta." The th"rnll l!hly " .nitary ho kery INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER nb ,, \'c nnllll' c! i, the 110111 (' o f Tholllp. CO., Chicaao !-i (lI1' ~ fj( ;"l dc'lI Twi n " hrf'ad, 1nude "Report on findinR" in teat all Hi,b wilh milk n nd k('rps fr esh lo nge r, \\' Ilidl 1" ('\lnc,·ded Lv th (> house wi fe Speed Tractor medium motor oil. nn d Ill!' tl'adl' ln hn ve n(l supe ri u r o n Thi . oil i. aati.f .. ctory for u ... in In.. til l' nlark .. !. Th l' V a l,;o tu r n Ollt th e l ernaliona1 enainu of the four.c,.tillclwi c<"t t' r 1'0 1Is: bun ~ nnd bil ked d er vertical t,.p.'. It will be liated l!'n \ d l..;o ill J,!'L'rh'J': t1 n ll d II Unlt'l' O US dcl- wi Ih the approve'd oil. in OUr lit .. ra. i l' a c i t.·~ 1'H r \\'(\ dujtl g'~ , par ties n nd ture." "I" dnl oC(' n " i l ' "~ ill a prompt an d 111( ,:-- 1 sH t i ,"I f ac tC'l I'Y nlU tl nC' I', ~ft· , BORCHERS AUTO CO. Th ll lll)l 'oI lJ rl j ... all (' s pert i n the bak er's Dayton, Obio :II' • a ll d hi, lOll>!, nll d vnluah le ex pe l'. Ford Cara iI'"''' ' hll. l!i\\' 11 him nn (' X per t kn owl. "Your Chatterl .... oil for Ford can ( . <1):( . o f tilt' \\ llJ)l ~ "r .hi s la rge COI'115 hili been more t han aati.faetor,. to ~01 pat r oll , . nil rof whom urc cordi all y u.. It hal ai ..e n ua mar.. .atiafacI IlVI1('<I t" ): IV(> him H call. A nd in lion Ihan any Chatterl .... oil that ,,;~ tl li, Sp"cial i) pl'ingo Rev iew of o ur have u.ed. u I> lI l1'a rd marc h of tm dt'. Th e Mium i t, ~ Gn ze Lt i~ plcu"NI to comm end the T lwIIlP" UlI ha ker y to its many read( ' I'S O(' lh" ' l' ics made to g r ocers ev-



,F a ncy

Groce ri CI,

Will F. Young Optometrilt


and Egg., Corwin, Ohio F . E . VanOnen, Phone 113. . " The Quality , l o re ," of Cor. Win, ulll,. pl'cs ici ed on]' by Mr. F I:. VllnUnill, ahly aXRist(' d hy hi s osU: mah le wi fc ,. who i ~ eve]' alive to the Ill' ~ t illtc l'Cst lOr his large corps of palro ll ~, T.ll e s t oc k is ab solu tely 11"1'0 fin d wl1t»e~u ll1e, and com prises nn exe 'll ent II SS0l' llllc nt of dry goods nn,! M II 's Wo rk clolhes, n otions, a of ~oth s tnp lc and fancy groCCr1!!S, ounn ed /loo ds, bas t teas and cofl'C!!S, spices, condiments, f ruits, c!ludlcs. gardcn Hnd orcha rd produc. ilo n and country vrouuce And he is a lways in lh markct' for your cream products, poultry and eggs and he do~s a large exchll nge busl: nt-S8 with the farmer.


Every ·Wedneaday 9 a. m. to .S p.' ~. ReatRoom in GranreBldr Waynesvill.; Ohio


Mr. Isane Lincoln, of Dayton, was the g uest of MI'. un d Mrs. John S mith, Sundn y. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Falkenburg. or' Cinc in nati, nrc lit the Frie n ds home f o r a f (·w days . Mrs. Nix on and Mrs , Fires, of L eu· an on, wer e guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf, of Ci n. cinnati , were week-end g uests of Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Smith. Mr. Imd Mrs. Ed Ha in es , of Kings spenuing u few dllYII with Mr. a nti Mrs. Dllvid F 'l t\.er. MilL~ , UI'C


South BroWn Stl"Mt, 0.., SIwma Theater

Da)'ton, Ohio




. .27c 25c 25c

Country Club, Halv e. or S!iced, Larlll!l cana, p e r can

QUICK Cook Oats ~:U:~::,,~I;b~kR"

Pancake flour ~.::::: ~~:~'. Same, 1 ~ ·pound aa .. k .. ·

....... _ .... ..


White or YeUow, 4 pauncla for



Mr. Fronk Le May Is able to be ou t uguin. afte r b eing conftncd to the hOl-Be f or s~ vera l weeks. ]If r. and Mrs. Hllrry Siokes hove. returned nom e from F lorida, ","ere they s pent abo ut two months.

Mrs. Merle Kerns, of Columbus, is s pending a few d ays with her par· ents, M1'. an~ Mrs. J . D. Ml\rlatt.


John Stoops, of Columbus, and Mrs. Ida Hockett s pe nt last Thursdar wit!! Mrs. Liqa Smith . Miss CllU'1l Lile was called t o near Xenia. Saturday, on account of the illness o{ller 'bro ~"e~, Mr. JOIl Lila. Miss Mollie Howland, teacher in the Middletown schools, spent the week-end with Miss Edna Howland.

~D~e::~, Bread

p,und .....

COUll try Club, 1


~-Ib ~oaf .. 9C

~~~~D~~~~ ~.~~ 25c !::!r~.~er~" ,..,n. lSc ••


25c fl?~::!:P" ~uq4 39c ---------

C. C-, aquare ,ea!!!!

~~~~i~~!11 . . . . . . .... 6c

.. ...

£~~~o~n~ ~ 49c fw?tff;~!~ . .... . . . . . 43c VanC~ mp'. Soap 29 ~::t~~ . ~ . ,. . . ,.". C .. " .. .. ... .. ....

Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills we re Daytpn visitors, Sunday afternoon. . The two youngest children of Mr. and Mrs. F, U. LeMay, Frank Jr. , and l\lory EVil, were sick last w eek with grippe,



Misaes Lilla Benham, Laura McKin sey Anne Bachman, Kathryn Cla rk a nd Louise Smith were in Dayton. Saturday.


ltiessrs. E. J . Burton anel Albert Wilson were nt Monroe, Saturday night, where the former refereed n basketball game.


Mrs. Fred M. Cole, Mrs. L. A_ Zimmenn nn, Mrs. L. A. Washburn nnd Mtl!. C. M. Robitzer were Dayton visitors, Thu rsday.

Cash. Come In and Look Them Over. fOT

Mrs. Viola Harlan was in Dayton last week caring f or h er 80n, Ever. ett, who WIlS very ill. but is now able to go back to his work. Mrs. Edith HalTis, Mrs. Laura Mosher, Mr. HalTis Moshel' and Mr. George Hawko were Sunday dinner g uests of M1'. and Mrs. R. M. Hawke, of Route 1.



Mr. Leslie Satterthwaite, accompanied by some friends from Dayton, called at the h ome of his parents, ·Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwuite, Sunday afternoon_ Mrs. William Michener and littll! 80n, who have been visiting Mn. Michener's parents and other rela· tives , returned to their home in Pittsburg. last week,


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hadley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lackey and Mrs. Jennle Reeves; of New Burlington, s:rant Sunday with MiAel Jenni~ an .. Jo'tep~ine Reevell. . 11~

Waynesville Mo_or :Co~


,Phone 105.'

Waynesville, Ohio '


~,. anIJ Mn. ~i1ton Sheehan, Mr'. and ~n_ Charles Sheehan, Mr. lini!

~n: Clil! Himel, of CebtervilJe, Mr. and · Mn. Alvin Earnhart 'and child: ren. !!pent Sun!!a, witIJ Mrs: A'nD~ Sheeha~, . •

Mrs. Myers Hyman I. In the .Jewilh hospital at Cincinnati, where she aubmltted to &11 operation. Tu..~.:; morning. The report i. thai .he came throulfh all 'n ght, and I. gettini' along as well aa ponlble. ' Mre. Mayme Hatfteld and Raymo_, attended a family ~~jl:~ at Mason, Sunda,. The 0, marked the 76th birthday . of Hatfield'. mother and' with . ' eXception. all the family Were elJt. A awnptuoUi ~ner ' WAII ._ d.





, .

$a.. old earpeta aDjI iap aDd pt Rap IUd.. Sod tor· price' u.t. :-~kb


00.. I'ruJdba, 0IaJ0. • ,.



The meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's church, haa been postponed until Friday afternoon, March 20, when it will be held at the home ef Mrs. W . H. Allen. .

tinct , ..tuN.

M.ln Office:


. .;


. ?Notiee to Mov~~;:- .' '.'

D,~n't, Ft?rget to have I/our Imut:dnce lratJSTlrr«l ~ <. ,

; "

~ r . . ~"".~' .~I

"....,;iJ \







Seventy ·Seventh Year


Terse Newslets from the 'Capital

St. Patrick's Day many celebraLW!t Friday urlernoon Mr. Cut1er ' ~ tions and ban<luets were held. rnom guv", th e fullowing proJ,(l'I\m: Ohio farmers arc ready. With Irmll Rich Devoti onAl Reading Reading Charles Whitaker corn pri ces soaring and indications Vocal Duel- Irmll Rich a nd Louise for slill higher prices befod> the new crop Is harvested. Hend e r ~ on. Wheat prospl!cts fi ne, agricultuRendin g Elmo Martin rnlists say. Menns much for BuckPIlly- " Gctting t.he \<;vic\E'n co"Judge Robert W ilAo n eye furmel'!l, it true. Fruit trees have not bl!en injured Lawyer. ... Denver ' Barlow Witnel\S .. .. Alex Burson by late freezes, and today prospects P iunoSolo. Mary Louise Zimmerman arc fin e for a great crop. Legislature still In session, but J okea .. Catherine Branstrater Play- "She Could n't Stay a Minute" "the good we have with us always." Mrs. Williams . Louise Henderson Time seem,8 neat: when the members Mrs. J IIhnson Louise l;;'azer will return to their homes to resumtl Next Friday MiRli Fenly'~ room will their usual pursuits of happiness. Early fish ermen report 80 me good entertain . Eve ryone iK invited. cntches. Slate fish nnd gume deMr. Meeker, representatiVe 01 thc partment predicts 1926 wi\l be a banCurtis .'ublishing Co., was at school ner yea r for the 18uac Wultons.. in t his week. He made a splendid of- Ohio . Agricultural Director Truax says fer to the Hi School pupils t o raise some money for the school. By seil- next Ohio Stale fair will be blRer ing the weekly magazine, The Coun· and belter thun ever. Legislature Is going to provide try Gentleman, for $1. 00, fifty per fund s for badly needed buildlnp, cent of every dollar goes t o the . chool. Some of the classes nre con- a.nd when early spring Inquiriea are

being made about fair, looka as tho' Truax knowl what he's talking about Over at the London prison farm they art' going to plant ten acres in cabbage t his year. Think oil the Buu er kraut thllt w\11 make I Will also have even greater acreage in tomatoes. Prisoners openlting canning plant will pack most of the crop and will make several thousllnd gallons of catsup for use in other state instituti ons. Gasoline tax still in the air. House wants one kind of a tax, senate another kind, while Govern or Vic Donahey op poses all additional tax and automobile clubs say there isn't going lo be any gasoline tax. Rural residents favor tax and will eventually win it if they stick together. It Is a big problem ' and ultimate results like the weather lately--decidedly uncertain. "Corn Stock" league, . howing some excellent management, and 'are at preaent holding whip band In thl' conteat. It's a fight worth watching.

Whole Number 563$

WILL SOON BEGIN Local The R. Stone Contracting company, of Lima, expectll to begin work soon on t he W uyn,esville pike improvement which is to cost $92,422.64 , according to a c.opy of the contract recently sent to the Warren County commiSSIOners from the Slale Director of Highwa ys and Pub lie Works at Columbus. The figure subm itted by the Lima company cal\ed for the paving of 4.3 miles on the Waynesville pike , was $5 ,000 under the nex t highest bidder.



Ollicer Was Busy Saturday Eve

;\I r. nnd Mrs. Otis Irons, Mr. and Deputy Sheriff Chal'les Joy had a hl'Uug-ht tn tU\\" n. an d lril',J be for e ~1 ". 1.",lie Shull? an d fami ly, Mrs. merry t ime at Dodd s, Snturdny night. Mayor HOI!'<'I'S, \\'h o litH'd hilll $50 for Li zz ie Hi r h, ~!J-. Edd Ross, Miss Inez . He was sworn in as deputy 8heriff Hl'lIl inJ:' the Idllnl,Pt Il nd $ 1f,U for Weh, Mi "~ W ini fr ed Starr, Helen n week ago, nnd wa s or de red to rc- h a\' i llJ{ intoxicants in h i ~ p q:!i (.' ~!o; i o n . Starr, LeH t~r lark, Ver non, Lauport t o Dod ds to attend t he dnnces T he YOU II ~ mull j::UVl' his nllllle lis ren e' e lind Elme r Stllr r, Mr. and Mra. given there . When he IIrri v('d lit th e fred erick Di etz , and hi8 home n ~ Th o". Hi eh. hall, he saw a man takillg' 1\ blanket Middletown . Il l' pair! IlOlI'l of h i~ out of a machine, who, when he saw fine , and WII R r ('lea ~ l' d on prom ise to 1\Ir. nn,! Mrs . Emer son I\Ia50n enJoy, dropped it, and upon being qtle ~- pay the bn!a nc e on th e insta lment t Ol'lailH' u Ilt 1\ fnm il y dinner, Sunday, fioned ackn owledged that the bla nk- pll1n . MI'. and .\11'>'. Stacy Lllmb and daughet did not beJong to him. J oy imAfter th e t ria l Sheriff .Joy " <'l1t tpl' . " I' Co lumb us ; ]\[r. alld Mrs. Fosmediately plac e~ him under arrest.. buck t o ? odd s, ~"h e re a f ound a f,·ce· te l' ~I ',tl' an d fami ly. of Fl'Il l1k lin, Mr. When the pns~ner spoke or d~,,' - C"I'·a ll h!!h t g'01l1g' on. Il l' arrl' "tl'U an d MI',. ,l os. Pe nniwitl an dson, and ing his own machllle, an examination l one of the youn,:: men , who. u"i"t<'d ~ I l'. an ,1 Mrs. Alva h Hart. oek and was made of the mac hine, and a bot- by the crowd, "uceceded in gettin g fUllli ly. tie of whisky was found. He was awny.


David LeRoy, -son of Ch arles and ================;==="""=====.== -=-==~....,. On Pridny evenin g-, Mnrch t 3, Mrs. Maria Graham Earl,lihnrt, wus born a D. L . rune invi ted a few or h er few miles from Lebunon, Ohio, Augfrie nds in for dinller. Those presust 25, 1868, and the more than 66 cnt wer e MI'S. J. J . SchuA'e r, of Dayyears of his life Wllre Bpe nt within to1l1 , I rs. Edith Harris, Mrd. Laura B radius of a few miles of his birlh. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~l os her, llnd th e l\Iisses Emma HeighHarris G., SOil Churles and E le- WilY, Ma y Wright a nd Lucy Emley. On bolh of his parents' si des of the Sunday, March 22, Fourth .in Lent. anor Murray, was bo rn August 10, house were a large r'elationship. His A most enjoyab le evenin g wns spent Church School at 9 :50 a. m. ; Morn- 1860, At 7 :30 Thu rsday morning chosen avocation was farming and and the g uests departed at a late ing Prayer and aermon at 11 •. m. his spirit t ook its f1i g- ht to the Great in it he schieved success. hour. • Confirmation instruction at 6 :80 p. Beyond, after m on th ~ of inten' e suf · April 11, 1886, he was married m., and service and addresa at 7 :8 0 ferin g. to Eva Pence, with whom he lived A surprise WaS tendered .Mr. an d p. m. overy Wednesday evening durHe was born, nnd hi s life for 6~ Mrs Howe ll ' P eirce last Saturday evein happy companionahip f or slmost sidering the proPllsition ing Lent. Everybody welcome. years, 7 months und 2 day ~ h n ~ been ning by the residents at the Home, 40 years. This union was blessed REV. J . J. SCHAEFFER, Rector, spen t here in our midst. with four daughterll, Mazie, Nettie, al\d the rcgu lnr LJ oard ~ rs, whn call St. Patrick's has the distinction of He was married t o Sarah BreIs· themseh cs " t he fam ily." Interesti ng Elsie and Reba, all happily married having the same birthday lUI Mi811 FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ford, January 13, 1891. 'rh ey have talks were given by Dr. Farr, J. O. and they, with five grandchildren are Edna Howland, our Nurmal instruc· spent these years together happily. Flllkenbu rg and S. L. Cartwright. living. Nathan Johnson, Minister tor, and their birthda)'1l were celeThe wife, one broth er, two sister s, Music and a general good time mado After a brief \1Ine aa, just before Perry Thomu, Superintendent Miaa Chandler, director of the NorDr. John Wriaht ia very ill at his hrated TuetJday afternoon by the Morning service 9 :30 a. m. Bible many nep hews, neiceB and olher rel- lhe evening pass very quickly. A home In Red Lion. mal achool, delivered a splendid ad- dawn on Sunday, Mnreh 8th, the AnNOl'1l1aJ atudents and Miss Howland. Buy tickets for the Oltobocee Mln- d ..... _on the lubject "Good Citizen- gel beckoned- then came the PUlling School, Communion and sermon on ntives are left to mourn lhe 1088 of pu rse of gold was presented to tho A ca\1 on the phone took Mias How. Theae are a few of the statistics "When J eaua Attends Church." Ev- one whose place can never be fil\ed. Peirce's. Light eshments were ship," before the Brotherhood clau etrel. for Saturday nlaht. land from her room, and when she Card of Thanlu also served. Mr. and .Mrs. Cbaa. Chamben, of of the Presbyterian chureh a week usually embodied in an obituary and ening service at 7 :00 p. m. Sermon returned ahe f ound it deserted and 1 wish to thank our fri ends and In many cases give the whole history subject, "Is Any Man Honest!" All Dayton, were Sunday gueatl of Mr. aro lalt Sunday, and It wu ao mueh tL note te\1lng her she wu wanted in neighbors for their kindne ss to us A man ill born, welcome. On Sunday, March 16, a pleasant and Mrs. John Fromm. appr~iated by the lal'K'e attendance of the d~ceased. the Domestic Scljlnee room. Here the during my husband's sickness and nt surprise wa s given to Mr. Thos. Rich, married, hlUl children, dies. But how lhat D. T. Hiser, prelldent of the Because of the ilInua of Rev. John sl udents had prepared a little surthe time of hi s dea t h. of Wellma n, by a few of his friends c:1us, prevailed upon her to deliver little does this teU of the career of METHODIST CHURCH prise for her. Delicloua refresh- J . Schaeff.r, there will be no aenice Mrs. H. Murray. our friend . Had he died ai 40 or Ilnd relati ves, t he occasion being his the IlAme addreaa before the Rolar1 1llents were served, conslsUng of lee at St. Mary'. churcb tbit eYCllin•• Sabbath School, 9 :16 L m" pnaeblived to 100, his life would have been birthrl flY and weddi ng nnniversary, club at the regular noon-day lunchOfficers of Miami Chapter, E. O. <'ream and wafers. complete, for each day was a life to iDC at 10:30 L m. Wedneadayevenand also the weddi ng nnniversary of eon at the Harper· hotel laat WednesS., who attended the achool of in ing Bervice at 7 :00 .p. m. Epworth him. Mrs. Rich's parents, Mr. and Mr~ . day. The winners of t he W. C. T_ U . struction of the 2ht district at Blan Lea&'Ue 6 :16 p. m. Preacbing at 7 :00 The great wise choice that Roy Otis Ir(; n5, of L(:ba non. A d(' licious The Rotarianll were loud in their chester lut riFday night are. Kn. (,BIlly contestll are: p. m. Ev<.rybody it cordt&lly invited din nel' was ser ved to the f ollowing praise of the manner in which the Earnhart made WIUI in the selection Sixth Grade-Ethel Lawaon, Ethan Ada Courtne)" Mn. J . C. Hawke, to thue lIervlc••• of a mate. I know that if living he gU ~ ' I S: ~ l r. and Mrs. Milton Eaki n apealier handled her aubjeet and they Mn. John Fromm, loll.. Laura IIcLewis. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. The Wa yne Tuwnshi p Farmers' and f:lI \lily, Mr. lind Mrs. Pu ul Rich would agree with' me, for in sickness were riven a much clearer view of Seventh Grade - Eva Wharton, Kinaey, loin. J . W. Edwartfl, IIrs. club met in r egu lar monthl y sess ion an d fam il y, Mr. lind Mrs. Le~ te r SUrand in h ealth, in BOrroW or in gladVern Armitage and Mra. Ra,. Mills. the foundation of good citizenship ......: nesa, in prosperity or advenity, ahe G1adYA Adam8, Maynard Rich. on Thu rsdlly, Murch 12, nt the ·home fac e lind dUlIJ:' ht cr, Dor is, Mr. and The Greenfield Republican. Eighth Grade--Thelma Hartsock, Mrs. J. C. Hawke is ICcretary of the of Mr. C. T. Hawke. was always the ~me true, Iovine Mrs. Co l ~ m ulI nn d family, Mary Etta Guy, Thelma Korpn, a..ociation. The att endance was smaller than helpmeet. ,No wonder, then, . that - -.... Maurice Sherwood. usual, du e to sickll ess and variouB {rom a home like thiis should go forth Ethel Lawson, Eva Wharton and other r ensons. The dinn er up to the four young women to make homes Home-mixing fertilizer, including '1'helma Harlaock's papers will be standard in all I'esp"ds, was se r ved of their own with the characters that the use of bone meal , ammonium sul- in the basement of th e 1\1. E . chu rch. sent ' to Leb"non to enter lhe county the young daughten of this union phate and mu rillte of potash, seems Forty-one of th e one hundred anll contest. In the absen ce of bot h th e presiA laflre crowd of Masons attended p088ess. twen t.y-four members of the Wayto be making ra pid gains, accorddent and vic '-Jlr esident. Mr. Morris in8pection of Wayneaville Lodge No. Key's life, and I may be pardoned Arthur Brisbane says: nesvi ll e Fann ers E xchange attendIng to announcement from County Tuesday evening the preliminary The Queen of Belgium bobbed her 18 F. It A. M., last Friday evening,. (or speaking thus intimately, was Agent Cluss, after a seri es of fertil- Corn~I1, chait'mA n of tht) executive ed the allnua l me~ting of the IItockoratorical conte8t WIUI held at the hair, and the re is much excitement. numbering about 144. Fifteen dif- built after the words of the Man of committ{!e, presided ut th is meetinK. Gymnasium and proved to be a auc- Kings and Queens take up new ideas ferent lodge!! were r epresented, and GalUee, when he said, "Inasmuch all izer meetings attended by fnrmers Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Grau "or, of Wa- hohh'rs of that compnny, lut Wednesday. from practically· all parts of th e ce8ll, as everything went olf nicely cauti ously. pakoneta, were !rue. ts of the host The King of England a fine time was enjoyed. During the ye have done it to t he least of these Clarence 'Ryc und Earl Hockett and the contest wa, very entertain- IItl11 dri ves to the opening of Parlia- evening Worshipful Master Geo. J . my brethren, ye Iulve done it unto county. and hostess, nnd 1\1 1'. GruuSCI', in his Class reports on home mixing liB were elected I\S directors to suc ceed Ing. The winnel'll lire as follo\\'l: usual ag reeab le munn ... l' , gflve th e Waterhouse was presented with a me." No day was too long, no way ment in a gilded coach driven by six Primary Group-First, Doris Sal- or eight cream·colored horses. And handllOme boquet of /lowers, the gift too devious for him lo serve a friend . most popular in t he northern part of principal address of th e a fterno on. J. L. Mendenhnll and W. E. O'Neall, whose term of ofllcc had exp ired. the county where tobacco growers isbury; second, Betty 1lartllOck. No one beinJ:' prepar ed to open t he he wears a crown on State occlisions, of several of his friends from Day- He got much out o:f life for he put are making very great savings in The trensurer Kllve 0 'r eport of the In termedlale Group-First, Mary although everybody knows that the ton. di s ~u ssion on the Spec inl Topic, the much in it. fin a ncial condition of the company, mixing their own high-grade comJo Miller; second, Mary Etta Guy. ~ Iub adjourn ed lit lin curly hour t o Tbe work WIUI put on in fine shape My first acquain tance with him crown has long been the property of High School Group-Firat, Ken- the House of Commons. If Carlyle, and' the viBitors were lOUd in their was in busine88 relationships; these plete fertilizer, and likewise in- the meet next month with 1\11'. and IIfrs. nnd the busin ess done during the pa st six mon th s. Th is r ep ort was so nelh Retallick; second, Edna Mullin. creator of ".Sartor Resartus," were praise of the entertainment tender- were always most cordial and there, so uthern part of the county wh'ere on Quincy Gons. gratifying tha t a nllmber of th ose th e heavy white clay soils, complete Those winning first, Doris Salisbury, here 'he would find deep meaning in ed them. as always, he was jealous of his fertilizer is proving most popular. present suhscribed fo r more stock Mary Jo Miller and Kenneth Relal- .the Queen's bobbed hair. Hogh L. Bates, of Middletown, was wor,d and credit. nnd the 10yl\I sup port of Ole memFranklin town ship farmers orde rlick, will enter the county contest at the district lecturer. But my intimate knowledge came ... bers wus shown when the retiring ed three car loads after their townLebanon. The dote for that event after we became close neighbol'll and ...- - -'officers were given a rousing vole of 8hip meeting. will be announced Bome time aoon. lived (or almost seven years in adth:lI1ks Cor the services r endered. dur... ... joining properti03. Here I knew County Agent lass rep orts n let- ing the past years. him best and loved him most. Here ter, Monday, f rom Mr. P. O. Wilson, Mrs. Merle Kerns, who spent last I constantly s ought and followed his manager Prod ucers Co - Opel'otive week with her parents, Mr. and Mra. An ear of corn and a lemon, prodadvice and counllel. Here he was Commission nssocintion, Ci ncinn ati, J . . Marlatt, relurned to her home \lets of the farm of Mr. Thad Zim'Soybean iIIuatrated with in his element, for had he lived in • that the co-oporutive firm hos mad e In Columbus, SundayD morning. merman, of Pharr, Tex., are on dis·!!....!!!~~:'!'!!!!!.....~....!!!!!!£!!!!!!~...P.L.J-.8o ,dalistic conlmunity, his property A goodly number of t he mem bers steady ~ow slll ce 1Is opening, on play at this office. were DTllU,rn< A. could not have been more nearly of the Jr. O. U. A. M. and the D. of Tuesday, P ebrullry 10. Accordin gTh c're wcre over 100 cases of in by Mr. W. S. Graham, who has IBlist of our State Agricultural col- co mmon property. The more you A. and their fnmilies enjoyed a joint to Mr. Wilson du rin g th e first week g rippe IIll1 0ng the stud ents of OtterThe quality of our Oils just re turned from Pharr. The corn lcge and County Agent Class at three borrowed of Roy Earnhart the better meeting and a banquet at their lodge the co-operative hondled 7 .34 % of n il be in home laMt weck, but IIccording 8hould make you a regular is from the third crop in eighteen meetings especially arranged for con- he liked you. His was a life of giv- rooms ill the I. O. O. F. building, last livestock nt· th e Cincinnati IIlll rk et. to Ullllounce ments from the institumonthll, and the leman was pieked venienee of Warren county farmer8: ing and service; hen ce a happy one. Friday evening. ' The altair was in during secontl week. 9.23 ~: ; third tion t he di esuse has been Quelled·. customer. a two-year-old tree. Mr. Gra~ainevil1e School hall, Thursday Roy Earnhart's homo WIUI his cas- the nature of a get-together meet- wee k, 12.35 '7r ; four th w e~k, J 3.91 % ham says the Zimmerman'lI have a evening, March 19, 7 :80 p. m. tIe and his joy, to which his friends ing, and was greatly enjoyed by al\ and during the Ias l week, end ing beautiful and very productive farm. Butlerville ..chureh, · Friday eve~ were Blwaya welcome. Here, SUT- present. "Hilh-Speed" Products March vi, the produc CI's firm sold Try our Oil and and Gasoing, March 20, 7 :30 p. m. rounded by children and gnnd. After all had partaken of a boun- 16.6 % of 011 livestock. line and you'll like t hem and . Farm Bureau office, Lebanon, Sat- children bis 'happiness was evidenced teous and moat. appetizing repast , During t he past week thc co·oper- also OUI' service. urday. March 21, 1 :80 p. m. by his radiant amilEI. an interesting program was . rendered atlve handled 43 cars of livestock. County Agent CI888 hlmaelf exOn Monday. aa 1 stood at his bier consisting of vocal selections by a The largest business so far has been peets to discu... soybeans and fertil- with hia daughtera, I remarked what quartet of High Bchool and. Normal in the hog depurl.ment. "High-Speed" Products ber at a ,eneral meeting at Mor- a wonderful nelthbor he was; one of students-Me88n. John Ke~, Wil row School house, Monday evening, the girlll replied: "And what a dad- liam Thomas, Herbert Ault and Levi March 28. At the ume til1le MIM dy." There ill hla hiatory-devoted Coatea; a plano solo by Miss Edith Kizer, home agent, will outiine Girls' husband, loving f,athill', induIa-ent Sides; readings by tl!e Misses Neva Club work and Health Project, of grandfather, loyal friend. Conner and Mary Jo Miller, and a lpeelal intereet to the girla and worn; "To live in hearts. we leave behind Bplendld talk by Rev. L. A. Washen of the farm. ill not to die," Now our crief ia burn on the Bubject ,"The Intler- - - -•• - ........,,,- - great but as the IaYll and yean come relation of the Church, the School and go we wlU enjoy the happy re- and Patriotic Socletlell." THEIlE ARE WONDERFUL BARGAINS AT THIS SALE, fle~ri upon hia well-spent Ute, lafe THESE LAST THREE DAYS WILL' BE BUSY DAYS FOR US, AS • III ~ .kJlowledge that as lone as YOU WILL WANT SOME OF THE BARGAINS OFFERED. memory laatl Roy Earnhart Uvu. J.U ST ·THINK-YOU BUY' f1_ WORTH AND O",LY PAY US 11e. uavs I placed my' friend on a ped.,:r_ HarTJ Murray died at hi. home -BROOMS, Ai.U~UNUM, HOUSE DRESSES, SToC.cINGS. GLASS .. tal, If 10. it t. tlnintentional, but OD Fourtll .anel lut Thuraday mornMEASURING cUPS, TIN QUART II~A'suRING CUPS, Iq at 7 :80 o'clock. Whil. Mr. Kur- ill Cbia imperfeet tribute I han tried TUMBLERS, . PINT FLOUR SlnERS, CUPS. The FriendJhip club met March batl beea IUl Inyalid for a loq to empbaaise the homaneu, the ..A~D .SAUCERS. ,UTES, ETC., ETC. ' time. hiI aaddell death wu a shock fri.lldUD811 the ilelghborlineu whicb 13th at the home of M";. G. D. were hi. outltandine CharactertSttCII Min... After tbe bualneas ~ion, a to the co~mQnltJ. Th. fuaeral wu ALL ARE MARXED AT oua USUAL PRICE : lUST Plat as 11m." them. • procra", of musie; was given . Thlt4. held iD '&il8 II. i!:. churdl saturdaJ OUT, WHAT . YOU WISH, AN~ WHEN THEY COilE TO Were I to ' writtl the epitaph on ty.flve ladiee enjoyed the afternoon. afttrnooD at I ' o'clQCk. Rey. L. A. YOU PAY US 1~: • . Wubbura. ~1IeIatl1lC. Burial wu ROJ Earnhart" tomb it would be u The house was decoratod for St. Patr wu eald of B.D Adem, of eld, "Be rick'. Day and during the 80cial hour COME EARLY. COME AND LOOK. WE iD IlJamI celJl!tt&l'1. . .. 10Yed hie f.Uow 1II1:D." , dainty refreshments were served, Wlia. ' T R'E A T YOU ' COURTEOUSLY" . '. . , . With thla be~'rved companloD, tbe ' W::rYth8 out the Idea. . dauchten and their huballdJ, the .Mrs. MlIIe wu. aaaiated by Mra. ~ndcbl1dren, to willom ;rtu!dpa wu A~~(eaeon. . Mra. Frazier. ·Mn•. a at. NJglaolaa every .d aJ. ~ thiI Stroud and ~ OUve Dinwiddie• . w...~. ,all. . , . . . . . for ........ ~ S."';' iN. hat of NlaUns mlnale our tears • ..__. - - , ... Ro~aI Ta,lIori. . .f. ~ ~ ~ I. for Jour criet it OUIr-- .' . HAS REDUCED COI~Nn DEBT Ho_1I . . . . . Ioac), ,.. wUI eel . . . . Ie . . ...,.,. , - . . . . .... UlltU IIIMt aPID. rood frieDd, ~ ' . . . .Ul -; ' Warrell county hal reCiaced her i. ...... Ie i ....• n. aIod!, 'u all ..... Wt!A ..... . "Of Mal JJnoen debt over ,100tOOO. Four eoantift ............... to't. AD ....-,..; e... ......... ., .Ia, . ' RtioIl UioqJatNl, .. hell~ eleu 'in the ' state show ~ aecreue :- Cobl'ok. DO pmmIM. Mrftd DO lumbllUla. ChIlJ1lJll!oip, PaaldlDc and Benefit of H. S• ..... of ..... daDahtet. Ifn. prtftte IDd. . W .....n. and ~ to ~ta&e Aud· 'Athletic AIIociatioD W.. B:add. "l'Iaunda.J aftauoD WIMt ....... H dill, uul who . . H itor Tnq'e IUlDW report WarreD








---.. ..---







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---.. - ---

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---- -



-- ...----



Waynesville Service Station

Waynesville Service Station

Follow the Crowd to the

I. Sale -for 1S






OKOBOGEE MINSTRELS Waynesville High School G~

Saturday, Mareh 21.'. ,


30 PEOPLE 30

suitS fOf' Men and Young'Men ;.J



ce., c:w.aa. (..... cw-





,'II \


1·5 "a'nd 25 Cents

... ~ .

I. o..a.

~ "pe.'"U"'i'~.


Th. Miami Ga,.tte __ezL:e _ _ Et




-' .



.F orster-Hegntan Co.


Tlw mutte r of the Kroger Grocery und Iluk in g CO. VB. South LebIU I" 11 1 I\cking Co. wus ,Ii~ misscd \\'ill\ll ut r uconl. Tho muttcr of Puro Oil 0 •• vs, J. 11 . Il opki ng WU II dismissed. The ll1utter o f A munda Reed va. J. F. ~n ul) k wml di ~llIi ~se d at defend unt's co t . Def e ndllnt~ m oti on overruled and H, Jays ·t o file "lendin g give n In matWI ' of M. J. Kellner \' s. the Tom Cundn Cannin g Cll. Divorce wns grllnted . in the matt"r of Edit h Crnpscy vs. The odore Crn pscy. .IJumes M. Janney WEl S made party defen dant ill the ma lle I' uf J ameg II\, Jllnney vs . .Mary F. J a nney et a l.

Third and Fourth Floor (Same Location for 12 Yea r s) 35-37 N. M ai n Street.

We are now offering 220 9x12 Saxony Seamless Rugs Of hi,heat quality.

Rugs that sell r e gu la rly at $85.00 at the sensational price of..

$49.00 While they last.

You may lIelect a rug now and if not ready leave it here ' for 60 days, by makin g a payment. ~.




Ne ll ie Piers ce has enlered ~ uil ngain "l Anron Pcirsce for divorce on g-rnuncis of g ros~ neg lect. l>. 1\1. Woodhou se has e nte red suit a ga inst W. H. McGl'8clh for money on ly. Amo unt claim ed, $160.00 wi th interest. J oyce J ohns on has enter ed suit ngll inst Thermn~ J. J ohnson for di· vorcc. he charges neglect.

Hundred s of out-of-town people belong to The W est Side.

West Side Building and Loan Association DAYToN. OHIO

&tablilhed 18B7

6% .



Maio o!lic.-Thlrd and BroadwlIY

no Eu, Flhb _

• ..

BRANC HES - 1 5 No "" Main _

(ThIrd _ ,

6% .



Kess and Stella . Beckett, ab out G5 in Turtlecrcck and Cleu rcrc ck Tps. , $1. Maurice nnd El hel Kirk to Horace and Ethel Throckmort on, tract In Clcllrcrcok Tp., $1. acr e~


Instant Relief from headaches


Citizens Nationa l Bnnk a nd Trust Co., re nt for deposit box, $2 ; BarThe net valu.e of the estute of Eva reU Bro<. , supplies for county clerk, ~~ n. Frnzee, d eceased, was f ound to $10.00; Judge W . J . Wright, postage ---- - ------$4 ; Fran klin Co. Co mmi ss ioners ca re b~ ,3 0tl :!. 87 . patient , ~ :10 0; J. W. J onc g, repair s. Edn a L. Kelsey wns IIppoinled udHA'fHA l' nlinist ralrix 01 the estato of E lmer $ 14; W . H . Stanage Co. , sUPll li ~s . K"lsey, decea .·ed. Geo. W. Robert- $ 12; Jno. Law & Son, same, $3 1.-1 3; DENTIST , nn. Walter Whitacre un" C. N. Ber- Millmi Office Equ ipm ent Co., same $5; Sheriff Bran t. board and washAnd X-O-GKAPl-li ST I')'hill were app oin ted ulJlJrui sers. 1' 1'00f. of publication of notice of ing ·f or · priso ner s, $236.57 t J. W. Ohio app ointmc nt of executor of t he es- Lingo Hdw. Co .. supp lies, $1.35 ; H. Way nesvi lle, t.llt,· of Nancy J . Parks, deceased. C. Reif. same, $1.40 ; B90k Shop, Telephone 11 4. same, $2 0.95; Jno. Law &. Son, same, was file d. OFFI CE: HATI-IAWAY HLUr. . l'h" rlcs E. Kesling .. a dministrator 79c; Columbus Blank Book Co .• same ON M.-\IN :HR I'; E I' of the estute of Suruh Kesling. de- $11.10 ; U. S. Chemical Co., some, ceased, filed his inventory and ap- $13; Chas. Cramer, work on tractor a nd dr:lJ,rg ing, $ 14; Oregonia , Bridge praise ment. In the matte r of th e setUement of Co., pll1 tes and blue prints, $6.88; Lhe cstUle of Elean or H . Foster, de- Columbus Oil Co .• gas and oil. $31.NOTARY PUBLIC l'l'used, it was ordered that certified 83; Kilpatrick-French Molorcar Co. , [stales Settled copy of entry of inherita nce Lux to repairs, $6.36; J. K ., mute Wills Drawn rial, $19 .20; Jno . Law &. Son ., gas Ul' pa id, be certified to auditor . Waynes v ille:, Ohio Upun evide!Ill' c alld fln dillg t hat and oil, $6.6 B; Lingo Hardwure Co. , dec dent had no pr operty at the ti me material, $16.67; Leban on Garage, I'Ii fltionl\l n nnk 0., repnirs, $1.76; of her deaLh,. lhe administration of and Welding Keelor, garage, work on Chevrolet, the e~tlltc of Catherine Romohr, de$2.35: (;li ve r 1<:loon, dragging, $4 .73 l'eased, was dispensed wi t h. The re por t of George W. Crop per , Karl E. Franz, bridge repai r , $3 .16 : gUllrdin n of Geo rge R. Cropper, min- Frank Wilso n, payroll, $93 ; PROBATE JROCEEDINGS

Uu. H. E.

Most people have to work hard and co:\sistcntly to acc umu late money. You make success more difficult if you neglect to invest in the-W=<~-­ Side, where eve ry' hel p is extended. No other instituci0l1 is any safer or more ab le to pay you high returns on your money.

"wne.e 5......... aYe Safe"


35-37 N. Main St.,





ca ••• of beadache • that come to UI are di ... etly traceable to defe ctive e ye.i g ht or weakened eye mu.


cl••. Our ."pert •• nice will quickly r e li ev. you. . ·h o uld your eyee be cau.lnl tbe.e h ead.chu·


~~~ THE TIFFANY JEWELRY STORE Jeweler. and Optometri.• tl, XENIA ,OHIO



..... ~ - $),00 1'-'0 M.OO 0ailIII • 450 S.oo 6.()C)





or, was approved and confirmed. James M. Janney was appointed guardian of Lucretia M. Janney, co nfined in the Dayton State hospital: Bo nd $8 00. The sule of certai n stock belonging to the elltate of Perry H. Rue , dec ca cd, wa s a uthorized. MARRIAGE LICENSES

Uarold Booth, mechanic, and Miss EVD Jameso n, bookkeeper, both of Lebanon. Guy Olive Danforth, core maker, of Dowling Green and Miss Irene Wharton, sho!) worker, Lebanon. JIany Timker, farmer, payton and lI1iss Fay Mildred Moler, of Franklin. ,JGfid -rfdU091fiG-mafMw,G m m

If you are interested in an easy way to own a Ford now-or at some future date see the nearest Authorized 'F ord Dealer for facts regarding a .convenient Ian of ayment, or write us eet. 8fOiidAl~~~ ::;;..t'j{5 --Detl'Olt



REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. S. Rid dle to Melvin D. Cum-

.. ~

i··································· ........................................

min gs, 30 acres in Franklin Tp., $1. lIlary S. Conov(lJ' to Effie J. and W :A. Rll i nie, about 50 acres in Har lOll Tp., $1. Kess and Stella Bockett to Fred W. Wadswo:rth, about 56 acres in Sec. 11, $1. Mary 111, .Loer to Geor ge J . Feltkolther, 2 tracts to 10 acres each in Turllc reek Tp . $ 1. ' Eliza beth F oulks to J . W. R. Saylor, 3 small tracts in Wayne Tp., $1. Clltharine and Edward Sno ok to Me lissa A. ,Eltzr oth, lot in South Lebanon, $1. W. P. Hay to J ohn A. /lnll Mary A. Lowry, about 26 acrcs in Wnyne Tp., $ 1. William Cecil and Irma Pence to

Ford Motor Company, Dept. N. .

Detroit, Mlchillan

::=ro~ :::'1"=C~r.: Nam8______________ S~·L


- .......... :rOUl' .u,.




State' __________

Sheriff's Sale IN PARTITION

Warren Common Pleas Emily J . Minniear


Case No. 13284


Minerva Cox et al. By vi rtue of nn order of sale, duly issued fro m said Court, In the above lltated case, and to me directe d, I will offer for sale , by way of public auction, on the premises, in Wayne Township, Wa rren County, Ohio. Said pre mises lies immediately west of the Corporation line of the Village of Waynesville, anq on the south west side of the west side of North Street, of auid Village, on Monday, the 6th day of April, A. D., 1925" at 2 o' clock p. m., on said day the followi ng described real estate, towit : Beg inning at a stone set In the West line 01 the Incorporated Village of Wayne.ville, Warren County, Ohio, 'O n the south-west side of the west end of North Street, In said Village, thence running with the corporation line S. 36 degrees, W. 2.2 7 chains to a stake, thence N. 69 d!lgrees, 30 minutes W . 2.27 ollaina tQ a stake, thence N. 30 degree. 56 minutes E. 3.36 chains to a stake, thence S. 79 degrees 00 minutes E. 1.24 chain s to the center of the Fraiildln Pike , thence S. !) degrees 00 minutes E. 1.96 chains to the beginning, containing .779 acres be the same more or less, except the said grantor, Ph!1lip Hopkins, reserves for his own use a lo t or strip of ground, fifty feet wide, running back from the Franklin road OJ' pi~e, to Bouth line of lot. Being of! tile east aill. of said lot and lying west of the west corporation line of the v\11age of Waynesville , Ohio, and binding thereon, being in length 2.27 chains more or


When y ou are ready to oil ~~ (Deed Records, Vol. 97, page 587, and grease up your car for anoth e r season 's service, give us Recorder's olllce , Warren · County, Ohio. ) a call. Said real estate has been rejfuhir-

Waynesville Service Station

IT IS EAtly TO OWN A. CA.R'THROUGH THIS PLAN h ••,... ,' •••• n .... " ... ,,, .........,,.... ,,, ......... ,... ,,,, ............................ .

"High-Speed" Products

\v1-I'R~ TO



Iy appraised under order of the Court at the sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollar. and wi/! flit bB sold for less than two-thirds 0 said IItpprllisll4 value. Tenns : ·CASH. . ALFaED C. BRANT, Sherif! of Warren County, Ohio. Robert W. Brown, Atty. .

-_ ..----



Estate ?f Elmer Kelsey, deceased. Notl~e " hereby ~iyen that Edna L. Kelsey haa been dilly "ppn,·nted. . . " .. . " and qualified as admlDlstrau-lx of t,lt. estate of Elmer Kelsey, late of ,War. ren County, Ohio, deceaaed. Dated this 27th dar of 1925. Z, Judge' of the Probate Wa11'en C6.unt~• .


The Show 8• F:_,\{' KEITH'S ,PlitC J.: Dayton of



gear . driven

ele.trIO ·

pump with enclo.ed lelf·olllnG head. Only 2 o ont. por hour to

pump your woter. 'Attaoh ' to any light .ocket.

M. STEINER & CO. .1 44 8. To,re" . . .t ...... QAYTON, OHIO.



L8rpst .. ...,...

... , . . . $'a,eoo,ooo.OO

..........70,_7.32 ........




f.'OR SALE- Two J:ood work ma r e~ , R and 3 y,'ars old. Da\' i8 Furnas, ft . ft . 4, Wuyn e.ville, Ohi(). a1 FOft SA LE-- ~" · tun Ford truck. In closed co mm ercial body. gooll mo· tal". nil Ul' in goor! Rhupc. No u ~ e for !W Ill C. FirRt ($50) takes it. W. A. Coope r. R. ft. :1., Waynesvill,'. Call be Roen SlIturday or Sunduy nn If you suffer the slightest Iy. ml 8 eye straiq you shou1d conFOn SALE-Parks Barred Rock BUIt us imme.liately. eggs for hatching, 75c per Betting. We are experienced optom- Mrs. Rachel Crew, n. R. 3, Waynesville, Ohio. "a8 etrists al1d will diagnose F'OR SALE-B tons baled timothy your eye ailments thorhay. 23 head of good sheep. 1 oughly and satisfactorily fof you. If your eyes peed fr esh cow. E. II . Brown, R. R. 5., att~ntio n it is best t hut Waynesville, Oh!o. "Il l yo u have them examined FOR SA LE --~h c ~ crvi ~ es pf ~~p immediately. Delay is costPercheron Stallion , Royal Wonqcll, ly. We will lxamine them This is the King's rowder Cu. horae, free of charge. and will make the season at my farm . O. A. Strawn, R. R. 4, Waynesville, MotIt nOO80llnble l>rlccs In Ohio. "' maG Dayton FOR SALE--Good leather davenport. Call or address Ina E. Shan e, Hl\rv~sburg, Ohio. "al FOR SALE-Prairie State in cubator 240·egg, $10.00; folding bed, $5 .00; In charge of 15 tiew egg cases, knock ed down. Mary F. Brown. R. R. 1., Spring Valley, ONo! .~! Trulc r's. 4th 1& Main - On,.t.. n FOR SALE-Old-fashioned b\a~ k. and tan rat terrier pu ps. Lawr ence Surface, R. R. 4., Waynesville, Ohio. °al FOR SALE-White-- Leghorn, large strllin, English Hatching Eggl, guaranteed 900/0 fertile, $4.76 per 100. Fred Richards, R. D_ 4, WayMONEY LOANED nesville, Ohio. o~~ tlONli/Y ~OANJW ON qVE STOCK. FOR SALE-Draft mare, 10 years chllttels, also lIecond mortgllgel. old, never been abused, and 'gooc;l Notes bought. Jolin Harblne, AileD wortier. A\30 Poland-China Male"h"I'f John Bellch, R. R. 2, Waynesville. 0'. Bui~ding, Xenia. Oblo. om 26 FOR SALE--A fresh cow, with calf by her side. Also Borne corn. InFarmers of Warren lind adjolnlns quire of W. H. Orndorf, R. D. 3, °m25 counties may obtain money on lon8 Waynesville, Ohio. time loan., at 6 J,S per cent Inter..t. FOR SALE-Tractor diac In No. 1 condition, good as new. Allo 80'me Cost of se~url!lC the lIame is vllry rea· extra good seed }Iotatoei,- both early lonab1e ,through Th~ fe~eral Land and late variety. ' Inquire 'of W. H. Bank. For further Information call Wh~taker, R. R, I! Wllrn!l8vi~e~fll " on or add;e.. H. C. DRAKE, Tre..· FOR SALE-Good, sound Earl)" Ohio urer, phone Bla-X, Lebanon, Ohio. potatoes. Call W. E. Cornell, R. D. 1., phone, 144-3, Wayne.ville, WANTED m25 Ohio. FOR SALE--Good heavy White Oats W ANTED-Sewing of all kinds. Also alfalfa hay. Inquire of Janlcs Call on Mrs. Adda Kerrick, Waynes- S. Vandervoort, R. D. 2, WayneJIville, Ohio. . . °m26 ·m26 vine, Ohio. SLIGHTLY used player plano, BaldfOR S~LE win make, Will seHllt a 8I\~rin~V' ~OR RENT-Fann of about 135 Cash or term.. R! 'ff @I'!!8 pf, M~!ll!1 acres, on sharel. 1 ~ mlles ·west Gazette office. . .' "mill of FerrYi on R, R. 5, Chaa. Kindle, FOR SALE-Folding bad a~d 011 Phone . 618 Cel'!tervllle. · . lIea~er. Inquire of )In. Marne FOR· $ALE-Ea~ly Six Wellk Seed HlJtfteld, ,Wl!yneavlUe, Ohio. mlS Potatoe~. D. E. ' Standiford, F,'OR- SALEo-$. C. W. Leehom e.... , Waynesville, Ohio. .. '-al . . and per 100: allo, 'lili S. C. FOR SALE-Player plano-hM b~en W. Rock palletS, !ayine: alao 8 S. C. demunstrated In home 01. famdy. W. Roc\ cockerel.. B • . V. Smith, R"tber t,fIan ~k~ ~!\e~ 00 stote ,'.,,111 phone 3'7-8, Waynesville, Oblo mlB se)l .~~ a 'blg '''IIJ1JM~, -R, l~ C!lr! fO~ 6.t'\J,.~Qn ;"M~o~n~ ~, plIor of Miami Gaz!ltte, mg& ' hllltltt\ ~Il"d IIcareity of belp, J """ '11,,11 m)' h'N' of t1 ersey .!:lIttle, Gon_I,t. ':'~t Wee"', ,...;~. Injf .o~ 4 mUch_ .~owa ..llna onv bull, . ''':;,' - . " ..~IBo 'iny ~erd of Spotted Po~and Chi. _na hop, 'K, .Eo ·lhomp4Qn, Oregonia, OhiO, It. n, I, Box 103, plum, lP-l ~ HtrVe 1 Bburg. ring, .mali FOR SALE--Selld Ollta, som, nlO4l ~lover Jlay and bJlled oatt atrln', Good . team of honn, EU Fum.., WaJDenm., Ohio. 'mIG

How Are Your Eyes?

~~s=~.~~~~~.~s S3.0 0 N. L. LeMontree Traxler's Optical Dept.


Farmers, Aftention!





Fl)R SALE--Playn Plano In ..elch• J,orbood of WaJMniw. CIII\ ' be

boVlht b, napoulbi.

b, paJiDl' baluce due




th. lllaln.'ao.


U........ I'w ' IctlDUallDfol'JllatioD wrI&e Bo. ~.


DqhD Oldo. ,

. '


m .... W. A. Haines visited 'relatives i~ THE MIAMI GAZETTE inclnJ)lIti, l< ' riduy. •, .-. " .I SS UED EVERY WIWNESDA y.. , , _ChUR. Mndden wus a Lebano n busl· ~ .-. n e~~ viKitor, Monday. .'. Enter.d "I t h. Poat oJlie. at ' Wcynuufll., Mr. and Mrs. A. L. King, of WayOhitJ , cta S cr o n d C /au Moil ftftltt fl r IHI'",j lle , viKil cd re lutives here. Sun... . ... _... -.. . S ublc r iplion Price, $1.50 p e r Year duy. -. _ . ---r- - - - - Mrs. Marietta Curpenter, of Cenb. L . CRAN E Publilber terville, vi Hited fden ds ht're Uie ------------~--- . ---- pU8t wee k. '


~---- --

._ ---'


: • 1 11',


. 11 \'.! r '; -lltif ... .·p l

, 1'.1l:..R H..

- -


A ~ p ru:.s~'\"i.

Our bu~kelball teams journeyed to Cur lisle recently, and won both gll mcs.

. elll . t . .. ..

;' t.: I: . l l(,

Jt. ..... -


,. . .


.- - - _.. -_._----- _.... -.

-. ... -



_--:_ ..-

P-~~~~~------~Q~~------~~~~~~~ ,

'lhe RIKE-KUMLERca ~'''(.

2 1lq,


RS ~.i.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. silvers------ce-::c nt.-:e-=-r-+----I·--·l----·---~ANJ-~IVE ta ined hi" duughter and family, of Maso n, on Sunday. And nuw they \\'lint the Cluwn 111 ellars. Chas and Walter ThomBII, PrincIl li S President, Who s!lid Ge r· of Miamisb urg, were busincel villjt. man y hud nu Hun se of hum or! ors of J . C. Gray, recently. G. C. Starr and family attended . ,.."..~ . " '~'~ ;._. _;.;:::::~~ Babe Ruth is sued fo r $7,7 00, the silver wedding anniversary of ~ , .- .. .. mon e y he iR su id t o own to a book· and Mrs. Tom Rich, on Sunday. Se~y Second Anniversary Mr. maker rur racing IURS ·S. Ne xt thin g There were no preaching services th.· cuurt. will " " uskeel to udjuelicale at the M. E. church Sunday eve nin g, Celebration is dedicated to Inwhen the bouklcl:'ltc r ruils t o mak e owing lo th e illne88 of Rev. Moon. dustrial Dayton. As Dayt'On has g ood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris of advanced, through the progre96 of Lebllnon, Were Sunduy afternoon her industries, so also have we ~conoDlll' K hu V'\! Htru ek the White iuests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. progressed. To bring a ~reate)[' underIluu. e. The tuw ul nUl'llly has been }o' runk Harri H. . c ul down, ~ h1M " U . huve . u pp lunt "d Mr. a nd Mrs. W. M. Mathias and st anding of Dayton's ndustries to paper drlnkin l( ·UI'. , ull Ul(h tH arc Miss Mnrl!llret Starr, of Dayton, vispeople of the Miami Valley, we have turned du wn wh.' n nut In uso , and ited their mothe r, Mrs. Amanda arranged an Indu strial Exhibit in nllwspupor mon lire II"l .. upplied with Sturr und Mi.s Mubel Starr. our store. Be sure to sec it. peneilH. Mor e muth udl cul unci slow· WIIli~m Bogan hlld the misfortuno er breathing wou It! HU vc UXYI:' · I1. to Call from the platform at Karl which is ex pens ive. Why not tr y Shidake r's barbor shop tho first of that. the week und break his ann. The injury is se ri ous a8 we ll as . painful n~ th e bon e penetrated the flesh. n llilltives bere have received an· Black Patent Leather Women's two-tone, one-8trap noun ce ments of the birth of a son to wJtb tan kid qllmmln(l. ,.1):;, . . . ;: ... . . Dolly Oxfords __ _____ ___________ $6.45 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Surface, nee A very smart one-strap 't~ ~ EI. ie OHburno, at their home near : ....... Boys' crepe sole Orlords _________ $3.95 style. Frunk L. Harris is on th e sick li S L. Frank Wilson WlI S tt Wil mi nglon U tica, on Saturday, March 7, 11) 26. R.I., K ... lns'-SNOU Girls' tan or black Orlords _______ $4.65 ~ ~, li e has bee n named Edward Osborne. .~ '~'-~:. vlal t.o r, Friday. Floo,

MARC il 18. l!-lz5





Dfld.ica'fed_to_ln.d u.strial Dayton

We Grow blJ Growin.1/ ToqetMJP.



EVERAL DAYS of our SeventySecond Anniversary Sale have already become hisrory. They are days outstanding in activity aDd interest. Our Stnre has been thron~ed with people, interested not only 111 the In dustria l Di splay, but in th e remarkable annive rsa ry values offered. Listed here are a fe w of the many savings offert:d you Saturday.

New Two-Tone Pumps, $6.45 '..~

---.- ..- - HARVEYSBURG

F.ancy Novelty Compacts, 75c


Pu blic Salea The undersigned wlll oft'er for sale at public auction, at the late resl. dence of Elmer Kelsey. decelUled, two miles north of Wayneaville, on the Waynesville and Ferry road, on TUESDAY, MARCH 2., 1925 The per.onal property of uid deceased, consisting in part of the fol· lowing : Two bones, 2 milk CO"I, 3 brood SOW8 with pigs. farmin g Implements, feed, boC bOllses and wood. Sale begina at 10 o'doek See bills for terma, etc. EDNA L. KELSEY, Ad mL F. T_ Martin, Aud . .

FGROVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil ' baa been • wor:ldwide remedy for kidney ,liver and bladder disorders, rheumatilm. lumba&o and uric acid conditionL

Having sold my farm, I will sell at public sale my stock, feed and Implement-, loeated 3 mile. S. }o~. 01 Centerville •• 1 mile E . of DaJton and Lebanon pike, on Social Row « "\. ' ~LLt _ S road, on WEDNEDSDAY, MARCH 15, 1121 correctlntemal trouble., atIm~tey{taI cq..n... Three .ue.. All druuilta.lDIiIt . Beginnln&, st 10 :30 o'clock: Ii ClCl the ori&inal cenuine GoLD UmAI. hend horses, 2 head of cattle, farming imple ments, chickens, feed , 'HIr. n,ess, and houae~old goo~~ . See big bills fOf terms, liat:~8 Catarrh .Me~:cme WM. McCONNELL. 'rhose who lire In II "run · down" eq~;II. UQn will nOUee thllt Catarrh botlier. the~ i/I'Ubh more lhan When Ih.,. are In COOcl Col. F. T. Martin and Col. J. Stan. h~Ih, Thle . tac t IIfovea that .. 1111. ley" Aueta.



Opera Cream, candy, pound __ 35c Sandwich Trays, plated ____ S1.95 Conklin Pens, ~een ~old - -- U.75 3-Pc. Ivory on amber seL __ $4.50 Circular Lace for collars, yd. _69c Handkerchiefs, emb., Iln4~n __15<: Silver Thimbles, allelzes _____ 19c French Transformations __U2.50 Broadcloth Shirt8, speciaL_$1.65 Silk Ties for men, speciaL _____ $1

-----_ ...---


CombIned Treatm" nt , both lor nl nnd Intemal, nnd has be.n lure. lOrul In trealment o. CJttarrh tol"'O"~ tom Yea" 80ld by all dMl/ ... ~. Cheney & Co.. 'l'o1"do. Ohln.


Walter McClure I



Waynesville. Ohio

TRUTHFUL TESS Hc -"From beneath your window I will .enmade you at mldnichL" Sbe-"Migosh, don't come 80 ear· Iy. I might not be home yet."

-- - ..---A GOOD POINT

Father-"SUPP9se !\ \}\Ir l/lould hit you; what would you d01" . Jimmy- "Well, first, father-how bilt ~ boy are you supposinC1"

Fully Equipped for Good Service. Large Display Room

.Yes - we sell High-Grade Tractor Oil for Fordsons and o~her makes.


Waynesville Seniee Siatien


"Hi.b-Speecl" , Produ4fU

TJw Start Fo, MIn

Bed 'L amps in An. . niversary, $2.45 lJ~utlfu.1 bed lamps In oval shapes, ~e espe<:ially low priced in Anni-

versary. They are made of georgette over silk, with itcorgette ruffles, and ~e trinimed with French hand-mad~ flowers. In all wanted colors. Jln D't

Q" . .

,,,t-foa,t4 Flour

Molr(! SlIk Underarm Bal~s_S3,75 Novelty Silk Gloves _________ $1.50 Novelty Fabric Gloves __ __ __$1.50 ' Novelty Kid Gloves _________ $3.50 All Silk Chiffon Hose ______ _$1.35 Women's Merode Unionsuits _69c Manon Lescaut Face ·P owder _98c Manon Lescaut Talc _________ 39c Manon Lescaut Perfume ___ $l.45 Djerkiss Perfume, per oz. ___ $1.29 Col~ate Double Compact,_____ 89c -.r- - N\lcreine Nail Pollsh _________ 8ge Guerlain's Eyebrow Pend'- __ 60c Guerlaln's Powdenr _______ _$1.50 Chex SOap ____ ~ _____ I6c; 2 for 30c


Theae Sh,agmoor. coati lire tru'ly wond.,. ful values at this Annl.. versary Sale price. They are made of the well· known Shagmoore wool, in varying .porta weaves and are warm a,' well as wei,htles.. ·4 ~ Smartly uyln ror Ipring wearin.. Com .. fonable, pr:utical coati that wear and wear and wear. Only $17.

First drop in and get free plans for building , a Tuxedo ael(-feeder~ You can knock one to- p gether without a bit of trouble. Then, fill it with Tuxedo Hog Ration.J{eep it b6fore them

Jiu. x..,Wr--Tlt.,tI FIOOI

co~stantLy'. Fed thi~ way, hogs do not crowd . Sweetl Tooedo Dolt,. Tuaedo ChOP

, Tuxedo Hot! Rotlon Tux ~o P"OOQ Fe..s


T" ."", QIIck T"xod, BotlOfmllk


P.tten........ I- "._

to ketp ' vi~

and pqt 'on

AactioReer ... .. "..~"

. '



.tIaI...... EVUETT



Rik- K",nln'I-Til.,d FIot6

Paint Sets, 10 colors, at ___ _______ __65c Roller Skates, ball bearin~ --- ----$1.79 Golf Sets, 4 clubs, bag, 3 balls ___ S18.75 R ikc- K uru/,,'J-Ba ff mttd

...,.. -


C~.~B.YILLB. ~

Men's Brpadcloth =--.. . j. Shirts to Sell at $1.65

Hat Box, 9 %18 _______ __ __ ___ ___ __$3.50 Trunk, Hartmann Wardrobe, at. __ _$45 Rik,.. K u ml,,' r--Si.<tA FIOI)'

Wrought Iron Reading Lamps with Art Glow Shade ~ ___ _____ __$4.95 Pictures, hand colored, 7 x lO _____ _59c English Teapot8, 5 and 6 cups _____ A9c Stamped Buffet Sets, 3-Piece _______ 19c

. SpeclaJly purchased for this Anniversary Sale .. Fine soft quality, closely woven broadcloth. Plain white in collar attached and neck band styles. All sleeve length,s. Slzcs 13 1/ 2 to Choose yours early Saturday I


Rikt- Ku mltr'r--Fo.rth noo, .

Rikt', Mt n', Shop

Luncheons Served in the DinmgRoom

Cornelia Slwps for Yau If you are unable to come to the store to share in these savinll8, make your wants known to Cornelia. She will shop for you, or with you. Write, wire Ol phone M-4301, and ask for Cornelia. Free deliveries are made to any place wlthln the United States, on items purchased here.

Guests in the store need not leave for luncheon, unless they desire. Tasty luncheon. are served in our Sixth Floor Dining Room from 11 A. M. to 2. P. M. And, there is continuous service until 5 P. M. for luncheons, teas and refreshments. Di"'ng Room- S i,. tA Floo,

In Rike's Downstair's Store Smart new Sprinll Shoes __ $2 and S2.85 Chlldren'8, Mi88es' Strap Punips _Sl.95 Boys' Tan Call Orlords ___________ S3.49 Girls' Fancy Sateen Bloomers ______ 39c Men'8 New Cotton NiQht Shirtl ____ 7ge Beautiful New Sprln~ Coat8 at __ • __ $25 Lovely New Sprin~ Dre88es at _____ _$14 Smart Sprinll Dress Hats _________ ___ " Womens' Sleeveless Vests ______ 7 for S' Broadcloth Blouses, fine quality ____ S' Glnllham,. Percale Apron Dre88eS ___ SSe Womens' Crepe MU8lin Gowns _____ 98c Lace Trimmed Dimity Blou8es_ •• ___ $l

Or •

or ahove ~f«:h QU\C'r «»Qt, Jl1e~. Nor is th~re any danae" 'Of ov. .er eating. Each hna wiD -. eat J. uat the amount he needs



During March, a very special prlce wilt \ be made on Permanent Waves. A Complete head, regardless of the number- of curls rcquired, will be waved for $15. We use the Nestle Lanoil machine- a proceu rec~nl~ed as the leader everywhere. Phone or wrlte in for appointment today.

_ore Coats

Let 'e_ Feed Themselves

T ...... T .....sO PMII".


R.kt- K"ml"',.-s"", Floor



Permanent Wave Special at $15 .

Btauty Shop--Mt1<anlot Floor



Smart Wlndbreaker Sweater8 ______ ________ __ $3.95 En~llsh Broadcloth Overblouses, two styles, 10nl1 8leeves ___ . .. _. _____ ___ ____$2.25 Sport satin Costume SlIps __ $2.79 Linen Dre88es, 8880rted ' colors, 36 to 46 __ _________ $3.95 French Cluster Boutonnleres_30c Sports Flannel Suits, in new pastel shades ___ ______ __$23.75 Winnie Winkle En..emble Suits __ __ ___ _____ ________ S23.75 Girls' Coats, 6 to 14 ________ $9.75 Dimity and Volle Dresses, 2 to 6 ___________ $1.89

R.lrt- K.fIIltr't-S"o"J FJOff

Men's Sprinl& Topcoats ___ $19.75 Men's Tan Calf Oxfords_ .. __ $6.75 Men's Caps, silk lined ___ .. __ $1.50


Women's lace trlmmed Gowns ___ S1.45 Efta Blanche Cheml8e ____________ S1.45 H. & W. Satin Brasaiere ___________ S1.95 H. & W. mesh Bra88lere __ ________ _S1.45 Two-tone satin Breakfast Coat, with side tie ____ ______ _________ SS.95 Boys' Suits, two-troueers ___ • _____ _$13 Boys' Wash Suits, 3 to 8 _____ _____ $1.69

Rik,.. K " ...1,,'t-St,,,, Floo,

' CP!!~

Calarrh I. " local dl .""... It II «reall1 Inftuenced by cor•• tltllllnnnl <ondlUnn.


As sketched with blue butterfly on fill~ree mountlnQ, or fiill~ree set with colored stones.

\"I '.." - .

James Haydock WIIS n caller al th e hom(' of Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Ben· nett, Sunuay. We have tw o cases of scarlet fever in our' community . Misses Claudia Gray and Marie Paul. being the victim". Mias Imojean Gray is unable to atte nd to her shool duties, being under quarantine. At this writ ing no Bubstitute has been aee~red.





HAULING H,a vinc complied w,lth the require.. menta of the UtiHt7 Coillmlaalon, 1am going Into ' the Truck Bulin_ apiII, and will be able to do all kina of baullnc at naonabt. rate..


i>ouI""lIi", ~,

All over georgette in yarying patterns f"hions them. Many different etyle. are shown-representing all the popular necklines, button trimmings, and every new manner of jabot. Navy with Tan. Navy with Red. Black with White. White with Black. A very remarkable Anoinr.ary vafuet.


Rilr,.X".ur'/-f'lirJ , ' -

NOT COUNTING THE TIP Sbe held his hand, And he did fidget, She manicured at 10 cents a digit.




AJ41) '





Georgette Frecks $18.75

Fertilizer Co.

A. Be Swank Mlarfll.burg, Ohio __ Phone 292W ~ C.••• "icatlo•• paW ~ ...

.DR. E. M. RUDOLPH ' Tho eyo SI,ht Speclall..

At Cary's . Jew~ ,Slat, .:' " 'ubaiton, Ohio ".

EverY '1 ~Tu~d.y : 8:00.~

m. to

"p. m.


HIE .YOUR EllS 011" _ . Get :your Hog Oil at the Wap.YIU. ·Senlce Sta. Bring

'in :your CADI


r MI"9 01111'1\ l.ile with ~on~i1iti~. MI',' I\nd Ml'~. L "anun "I"Ilo r5 Mr. nlT<1 MI ·~ .

has beon v~r':J 10k

- Don't forget th e Min strcJ~ Ilt the Gym, aturdny night. ,lJr. EJdward Rillil'. I)f )..I'bnn,m. \\'11 Ir. nnd lIfrs. Jnl]ica Me lu re ntin t ow n, r,md ay. u'nd -d the Elks' hnnquet in Lol:)llllon, . MI" IIlUl lIh·~ . \ . H. An !.'n wI' re in '1'u~ ~ t1u night." . illti ll nil I, Tu ~ day. 1\!t.. alld ' !Il I·~ . A If 13ul,: l1n ~pCnt ~undHY in lul.!innuti. Reoovery From Influenza lI()n"ltI II c l itll'l'~o n was . a inei llna li \' I~ il o r. , ~I ' ntlay. . Hastened by ~1l " Litla nfilc ~b ee visited relati \'l'~ in I 1ny ll\n. S"tu nlay. . MI'. lind !III'S. A. L.. King ... isited 1'<' In I i, '" in IInn·l·ysb urg. Sund ny. ~"'," r~ . L<,<, 11,,\\ k,' nnu I{nlph Mi l1('1', \\1" ' ,· P ayton ,·i,itors. ThurAullY. MI'.


ilolc and fnmily were in

DnytlJn, ·rlllll , day.

'i , .. iter n~L "'''1'~ Monday. Adll1l1 lI! oll nh (In.1

ru m lly "i ~ itc<l in Humilt on. S\1ndny.

. MIs.ocs ~: dllh M~K ibb llll li nd Huth F.arll htll't lire IImOlll!' lh g rill \'ic tims. ' t !lt llrv·. Cui-I d \\ 111 1l1('I' l wilh IIfrs. · L . A.' Zinl1nC l'nHIlI on Thur~uny. Mill' h 1 (1, ;,1 2 II' lock. 1isB RlIlh ' hun""'1' is hOllle f!'<l m

Mr. Frank Z 11 I very sick. lIfU'TIlY Hopkins, ot the GI\~ ctte torce, ""I S in Doyton. Priday. EpiscOI)1l1 Olnrket at th e Fll llk l' y SLoro room on ,lIlurday, March 21, commencing lit 0 :30. Mr. Howard Sherwood, of ncar Doylon , was the week-ond g uos t of ·t.l)mn for n ft'w rl ll Y ~ Oil Mr. Chas. Edwllrds nnd fam ily. the ill1u:ss of her muthe!".




~l r .

TheTri-StatePrice, March 10th to 17th, indu.


per pound for


CREAM AND CANS GUARANTEED AGAINST LOSS . Fre .. Trial Cana aladl,. furniabed if cana ar ..

ne ~ ded.


,.... ........ ........ ~~




The Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co. i ThelOrigin~

Red Front Store.

Cha.. E. Edward., Local




. 49c i ~~~:: f~~.a.~.~ ... . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ·24c !

~:r~ !~~.. . ................. ...... . . . . . . . . .........................

~gt~~~~~ .

· l ~~ i Fish

M.c.... rel, 3 I.ra, Fat Fiab ...

.. 25c ~~a!al~ia~~~.~i~~, ... ..· .. .... .. .11 c

~o~;:hd .. ~~~I~ .:~.~rr.i. ~II....


15C ~~!e ~.:~~ . ~I~~~.:. . . .. .13c ~:.. c!:~~~~: ... .... .. .. ... 12c-15c :;:e S:.!:o::' p~:":a:.~~~~: ...23c J.::;. :i:!. ..... ........... ..... .... ..29c :::~;~e . :.n . . . . . . . ... . . ... . . . . .55c Cotton Field Brand COY.. 19C O.,at .. n, "er,. Sae .. ........ .. ~ .. ... Underwood'. Cod Fiab, yer.,

.fiDe. I.rle can .. .... ........ .... ...


::I:a:.·J~~~~ .. ~~.~.~.~: ... .. ..... 29c ~~: !':;·............... . ........ ... 39c

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32c ::;;:-;.n. . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .24c !:::e-=~

Bring UI your E'ggs. We will pay the highest price, Calh or Trade.

.................................................. Wall Paper Time

You will be pleasantly surprised at the low prices we are ..king tor new Wall Papers this spring. The se· lection is wider and prettier than ever before. Weare showing bright. new patterns as low as

10ICents per Roll Co~~ in and take advantage of our helpful decol'ntinl serVice. If it is a new home we can make a special price for :the job complete. . The agreeabie surprise then is. after selections, when It fa leameci that our prices are from 1.0% .to 30'lD savingl3.

D. E. Standiford •




==:1' I:J 6'==:1' EJ






i r-l

~ Down Goes thelPrice oi~oal · ~ ~

Prices on All Grades of Coal Reduced~' .. .... ~.


_ _ Buy Your Coal Now--; ill




rUllIil ),. in ~Iilf " r d 111 ... nnd , II'" .1:1nll" 7.,·11. o f Y('I101\' :prin~ < . 'IW lll :".unday Wi lh !Ill'. and ~h". Fmnk Z(· II . 1'; l'i -copal mal'h l nt Lhe Funkcy Stilt',· ,'IIu lll " n Sa lurd"y. 1I 1 111'l~ h 2 1. CU Il Jl Jlt' lI cing at !I : :~O. ~1 1I " tl'r l.lIma r Ear nh arl. so n of 1\11'. lint! Jl lt' ~. Al vin Enrn h"!'l, hns uc cn sic" II il h quill sy . Hil(h ·!!rn dc Coa l Uil. es pec ially a dnpl ~ d for I nc\llHllur~ and I.nIII I'S. fit .I. C.. II U\\ h 's Il nrd""ar,, 'lon·. Mr. J t>~ . IIl1wkc. 1111'S. Ha ttie Seu rs and two sons, of Su bina, wer e guests lIf Ir. lI11d Mr8. J . C . lInwk c, lust week. Mr. lind III r~. Ross Hllrtsock lind sons . pe nt S undny II I CllI l' ksvi ll e, Lhe gU('sts of Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hurt·

~ 25 cents per ton Ex tra Discount to keep our trucks 8

~ ()ck.


II:) 6'=5:1'

('urlt un Cuo\... of Mia mi 1I1l i ' l' ~n t lit,· 'h'c k-(' lId li t hi ~ lw III II (In R(l\lt~ 2. Mrs . Ellith II nrri , i, sllt'ntlinfi a f,,\\, du)'s with lIlr F l' lIat·I" .ck H,,,I

'·(·'·' llY.

Do you realize whe n crellm I ~ ~old to a cr enm stotl"n for r vcry 10 gnl10ns of crenm Bold, you g ive on e nwuy~ Or. ill othrr wll r.l ". lhere is a TOLL of one t enth or 10c on e ... ry nniry llllllnr. Tn most in stances th~ ton is even grt>nl er th"n IOc I>n the DoJJur \ a im' . approaching 15c nnd 20c Ton on y,)ur DoJJar. Clln y ou ufTnrd il? The hard work is already done. ,hipping is the ca~ i est farm I\'lIrk and pays the most.

I:J 6'5EilU::UE;

Mrs. Emerson Magon spent last FTiday !lnd :;uturday with her sistet·, Mrs. Stacy Lamb und family , in Columbus. JIlrs. Myel' H~'lllan. who was opernted on in the J ewish hospital at Cincinnati. las t wcc wk. is getting 'nl ong very well. Mr. and Mrs. C. K . Himes, of Cente rvill e, and Mrs. Anna Sheehan spent Su ndny with Mr. a nd Ml·S. AI... in Earn hurt. . Re .... lind Mrs. C. S. Grauser, of Wapakoneta, were guests of Mr. C. T. Hawke and daughter, Miss Helen, Illst Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Doug lnss, of New Hollan d, Ohio . arc \'isiling the form er's s ister, Mrs. N. Johnso n, at F erry, th is week. Save YO',r old carpets and ruga and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send lor price list . Franklin RUl/; Co., Franklin, Ohio. Mr. an d Mrs. Chas. Rye and Mr. and Mn;. Ha rvey Rye spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hartsock. of nca r pring Valley. Mrs. Veda Orn dorf and daughler spe nt the! week-end with her mother , near Leban o n, who has been quite sick f or a fe w weeks. Mrs. C. W. Hende rso n, Mr. Donald Henderso n lind the Misses Kathleen and lJoris Henderson s pent last Th ursd llY in Dayto n. The Ch urc h ,chool SI'I· ... ice leag ue will meel wilh J unet Cartwright. Saturday, lII arch 2,.t, at 2 o'cloc k. A Cull attendance is r equested. In vitations hll ... e been iss ued for a Fathet· nnd Son banquet Lo be g iven at I. O. O. F . hall, Wednesday evening, Murch 2!;, ILt 7 :30 p. m. Mr. lind Mr s. F rank .H a rtsock, and Mr. and JIll'S. Wm. Luken s and duugh ler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Le ... i Luke ns, of New Vienna. With warmer days come thoug hts of Hilts. Com e an d see mine. Easter is Apl·it 12. Grace Lincoln Smhh. The Young Friends Meeting will be held t his next Sunday, March 22, at the home of Earl Hockett , beginnin g at 7 :30. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Euphcmiu Hough, who has been spe nding the winter with n er daughter; Mrs. Guy Ki bler, of Dayton, r et urn ed t o her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance and son, of Pleasant Plain . Mr. lind Mrs . Carl Hawke , of Dayton, spe nt Sunday with 1111'. and. Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mrs. D. E. Stand iford ... isite d re latives las t week in Lena, Ohio, where Mr. Standi for d j oin! d he l' Sun day. They return ed home Sund ay even ing. EpiscoPli1 market at the Fu nkey Store r oom on Saturday, March 2 1. commencin g at U:30. 'fhe Woman's Auxi liary will mee t with Mrs. W. II . Allen and Miss Letitia McK uy on Friday nfte rnoon, March 20, nt 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Allen. Miss F lor cnce Lawso n, of near Lebanon , lIfr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts and dau g hter, Opal, an d Miss Eva Lippinco tt were Sunda~ guesta of ·Mrrs. Bertha Lewis and family. Clarencc Allen, late of the local Kroger store, went to Dayton, this week, where he will soon have charge of one of the Kroger stores in that city. We wish him good luck. '. Spring Millinery is s omething to think about. See my line and be ready for Easter, April 12.


Before Housecleaning Time



and team busy until the Ice Season starts.




e E'==' e E'=:3H:l E(=:=l1l3 r=::


_ _ _ _ _ .3. __

Mr. c: A. A1I ~.1, R. n. No. 2, Bondl1t1l11t. Iowa. 81'1'" t e~ llmony to the _Ii og po,,·ct' of l' Infla e"u, I. ft Mill 1I.I,Cit !" UD dowD in h".t1th w ith c:l:&rrh of lb. nos., th eo..! .Hld bro.,ic hn l lube. puncl . uated with altac:1cs of as thma. H.


~TIt". :

"While rCCQvcrlng from the Influen za I "'no so we;.k ! could nO I gnin :lny 5Ire"fol l!1 iot two 'nonth~. T he I ~tt.r I'a l t 0/ tht willter I t'ollgh! 'Lx !let tle. of P e-!' u-11<I ~n r.J bell_It '"";"i' . it. My weigh t 111_ ,·rl·." td 10 /75 pounda. the mOlt I ,.,., ;- wd8iJ~d. _. l ' ." '1!1l~

illter ",eig bt " 155. I I )'(\11 , . It 1141' : h.. ic tl (jf felr ~ ((.. ,J . >'nu ••-e P'I'ri"ctly 11101(01110. ;'._ch ~.irl~n~ c:annCII fI..;;!t' COlivil'c,' ,ilt J " k<.t· uRbelleva' of fhe ...

ct Pc .. ru-lu\'"

Jl lf ri l~

upon bm';ng tJte old and >!inIal rcmedy for catal'rhal concl ,tlons. Sold E.-erywbere Tablet. ·o r t : ~,,; d J I(Fl."


Read Calrefully Extracb from Lette... R.'ceiyeel oa

"High-SJ,eed Oils" 'M THE CITIZEN'S MOTOR CAR CO. Daytoa, Ohio P.ckard C.... "We do aot heaitate to recolDmead .,our product. 10 en,. u •• r." THE DAYTON·BUICK CO. Buicl~

C ....

"Your Hi.. b.Sp,•.,d M.,dium oil b .. b.,cn ua.,d to Ihe entire •• tid.ctloa of our lervice dell»artment."



THE G. W . SHROYER I: CO., DaylclD, Obio . C.dill B C Cara "All of .,our Hillb·Speed produeh bay" aiven u. exceptionally .ood ler .. vice· The re.ulta We have obtained

i [t '==:JI(!l IEl=~ " I CJ [:B==I(:1

Mr. nn d M," . J ohn Hyl' 8~lClnL Fri- \ ~--------------, da y in Duy ton . Mrs. f{ c heccn niU entc l'l nin('d r el- I


IIti\'e~ nOon

Mr .!llld Mrs . E lmer Tldd ha ... e mo v~ d to Xenia. ~Ia s t el' Herbert Goodwin is ill with Lhe grippe. Mr. alld ~11'~. L. A. Anderso n visitcd Mrs. An nn Peter ~ on, SUllday . Mrs. Fanlli<' IIlcKee is ... isiting hIll' 5 011 find lInU l: hlc l'-in -law, in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray hllve moved into the Powers propl'rty on Pike St. Mrs. Albel'~ Lumpkin hRS been very ill, ~ uffcring from erysipelas, fo llowing grippe. Mr. Hurley lI ollon, who is i n the Soldiers HOIll<' huspital, Is r Cllortod to be duing nice ly. Mr. and Mrs. Hillie Stiles and tam i1)' lIisited Mr. and Mrs. Harold ' Goodwin .. Sun day. Mrs. Harley Holton is very ill at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Be nso n. Mr. a nd Mrs. Harold Goodwin moved to the Soward farm o n the lowe r Be llbrook pike, We dnesdat . .

froll l Daylon. SUllduy "fter-

lItr nnd M..,. E lvi s Michael spent ~ull dn y wilh Mr nnd Mrs . . Hez'be rt 1I11l1'1nlt. Mr. nnd Mm. Howard Bea m spent Sundlly with her parents, Mr. and Mr • . Rye. MI'. Leslie mith an d Emerson Dill ~ pent Su nd a y with Mr. Dill 's unc le .o f Clayton, Ohi o. ' Mr. Chas. Zimmer. o f Mt. Zion. ('alled 0 11 hi s .brother, J ucob Zimmer !lnd fam ily, SU llday. R

elli ..... 1 se rvices begon at th e Mt. 1-1011'1 church S un day e"'ening. an d ('ontinuing this week . Mr. Frank Kelli s and family e nte rtain cd Sunday afternoon re lat ives from Dayton an d Xenia: , Mr. J acob Zimmer he lp ed his brothcr, Cha rll's, mo ... e fro m the Mt. Zion neighborhood to the Dayton a nd Xe nia pike.


Will FeYoung



Every Wednesday 9 a. ·m. to 5 p. m. RestRoom in GrangeBldg WaynelVilIe, Ohio

Main Office z 924Y. South Brown Stre.t, OVal' Slama Th.ater


\~~\~~~~~I~la;::2J~I: !fr~N:~g~r;~

lington. The ladies of the Methodist church roya lly ~ nLe rtnin e d the ladies of lhe FTiends church nt the Community room, Tuesday afternoon. Miss ilan nah liarper is enjoying a visit frlim her school frie nl\, Mrs. James Smith. Miss Harper an d Mrs. Smith . attended scho ol at Berea, Ky. In the sc hool contest in the '!rades those callin~ themselves the MonItors, were the winners, and are looking forward to being entertained by the St. Maries. Mr. Arnold Drewes, the principal of the High ~ chool, is not ab le to return yet" as has been hoped. Mr, Stevens, of Wilmington, is substituting fo r him now. Mr. Nas lund. the former s ubstitute, ha ... ing r e turned to Ye low Springs, where he is a student.

- - -...



from your oila prove 10 ua Ibal Ibe,.are tboroullbly and properl., .. fined Mr. a nd Mrs. E. R. Steddom have and atand up under .ay aad aU con. move d into the Icenhawer property. ditiona .' · Mr. and Mrs. Alberl Chenoweth a re confin ed to their home with grip. THE JONES·GIST CO .• Rev. and Mrs. O. M. Sellers, of Dayl,.n, Ohio Nul. Can West Milton. are guests ot relativea "We want to s: o on record to the here,' effect Ihal we bave found your Hiah_ Mrs. Curless and daughter, spent Sp.,ed Oil 10 he e ntirely aaliaf.clor,. la ~ t week with relati ... es near Cinin every way ." cinnati. FORD MOTOR CO. Pro!. Stephens and family spent Cincinanti, Oblo the week-end with relatives near Tractor S .. lea Divi. ion "It moat certainly i. not our pol .. Hills boro. Chas. McKay is quite ill at his icy to recommend AOY p a rticular brand or oi l for lIlIe in car, truc:k 0" home east of town, sufl'ering from tru ck. . W o dO t howe ver, ,tron.l,. liver trouble. recomm end tbe ulle of a hill. IIrad" Ed Compton, who has been unable ' oil in orde r to prolong tbe life of the Lo work for several days, on account trac.tor." of broken arches, is able to be about JOHNSON AIRP ILANE & SUi'PLY again. Co.. Day·ton, Obio Several members of the Masonic Walter Leea, Ihe pilol aaya: "If you no lice I re me mbered tbe old logde of this place att ended the Inproverb 'Oil not , n e ither will ye win,' spection of Waynesville Lodge, Fri1 0 I u ae d g oo,d oil. ft day evening. Miss Marjorie Haydock entertainKNUPP AUTOMOBILE CO. ed a company of friends Thursday Sidney, Obio evening in celebration of her birthCbevrolet Motor Ca .. "We ouraelvea do not know wbere day anniversary. we could buy. better oil at Ila), price The p, T. A. held a farewell social Monday evening for Elmer ChenoAYERY ·CO. weth and family, who are Boon to Peori,,", III. mo ...e to a farm neaT Spring Valley. Tractor. -.:. "We will alao add your oil. to our approy.,d liat."


Dayton. Ohio


~~c~~~~::-~~~=-::_~_~~::-......~~~=~~~=~=~~==~~ .

Macaroni or Spaghetti =:~ . .. . . 1OC QUICK Cook Oats ~:::I:..,f~lu.~: 25c ..... ........... .

Peas ~:::d::: ~:;:~d, 1 Oc·· .Flour ~;:~~~~ ~::~' ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .69c CDn ......... .. ....

19c ~~O!~ua~~~~..... . . . 20c ~~~! ~!c~~. .~~ . 35c Lard poud.19c ~1~~~a~~

.... ... ...... ....

F .....h Rendered.

Bread Couatr,. Clnb,

~-";'!lS Kroger M.chlne.JUCIp W •• h

P.e......~ .. .., ............'.


.C .

29 ............ c... C




KELLY MOTOR SALES We.t Lib.. rly. Obio Mrs. Ed Hough, of near here. iii Ford C. . . . nd Tracto... bedfast "w.. eapeci.U,. r .. commead ,.our Cb.tterl".. oil for Ford c..... nd truc", and your Hjrh-Speed tr.ctor oil for tractor....

HALL ANI) TAYLOR Richmo~,d. Ind. G.n.e "w" olE.... to dtraia old oil .nd repl.,niob witb n .. w aad che....fall,. roo Grace Lincoln Smith. fund purcb ••• p if nol entirel), Mr. a nd Mrs. J . L. Mendenhall •• tiaSed efl .......euon.hl. 1..lal. W. moved into the Friends home Sun-. h.... ney" .. I.... t • cuolOID.r on the day evening, and have taken charge above propoeilioa .nd will contlnae of that institution, be case of the to recommend product••" resignation of Mr. and lIfrs. Howell INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Peirce. CO •• Chicalo . High-grnde Coal Oil, cspecially "Repo.. t on Sadina. iD t •• t OD Hiah' adapted for Incubators ' and Lamps, Sp.eed Tr.clo.. mediulD moto.. oil. Tbia oil la aati.facto ..;, for u.e in In. at J. C.. Hawkc's Hardware Store. ternation.1 ealliae. of the four-c)'lIaThe en ter tainment at the ' Gym on del' vertic.1 .t,.pe. It will be lI,teei Saturday night is for the beneilt of with the .pp.o""d oil. ID our liter•• the Athletic association. Our teams ture.·' .' have done good work tliis season and BORCHERS AUTO . CO. . deser... e encouragement. Da)'ton. Obio M.r: and Mrs. Waltet' MCClure and F I'd CU' Mr: and Jas. McClure attended "Your Chatt:..le•• oii for· Forti cari ' a banquet of the Quintet Funeral ba. heeD lDore than ..t!afac...,. to Direetora IllIsoclation, District No, 10 u.. It bu .I ...n tIS 1D0ro . .dd... tioa tbea any Clantterl... oU tlaat lit ~he Marilyn r estau rant in Leba- hay . . . .eI." . . non, Monday evening. A large crowd &!a-a!__

Goodyear' and


More tUn half the people have that ·tired. IarurpJd. rundown. no-aecount feeling this' Sprin&,. Some of them bave Indigestion, Gu, Bloatin&" Constipation, Nervouaneaa. Headach@~ B~c,,*-~ .. Dinlnese and High Blood Pressure. Do you have any of the above -tl' If .0. natUre'a warning to you is, that your lI)'stem is charged with polson01l8 acids and WBBte matter. ' . '. '( Better H_d ..... tnre·. -W.r.1iaii Get rid of this poisonous wute mU• . ter at once. before· you, pay ~l" for your neglect. There ia ,.~ ter remeo), ktiown for this purpo,ae than Cooper'. N_ Ufo Totaic. Hundreds of people rilrllt her. lit Warren Count, are nO'it taldllif tblI wonderful medicin, and all of them highly recomme l!.d It;. , . . o..·t ... E"ljrl~••t. 02;ro ~ N~. ..... . .





1'_'S New lie ...... w. ,"""'" II _ " . " . ,






Fer Sale at

~ J.~HAWK&.~w~OW'II..~~......~....~~~..~....~~....... ......"


Seventy·Seventh 1lear

Whole Nu mbe r 5636





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hy I'~ , J' , J.:llld i:.:, I, r Friday af ter nuo n, Ma rch 20. by Mr.. Cinc innati whe n hco l' t ion r1 c r" ut" Ih,' pUl·· " ",' lor II lIa-h ~ HrO Hh\ II j' , o ld ", t.. t.dl:l('t'o 1'1 \1' 1 W. H . AII"lI nnd Mi:s Letilin Mc Ka y. ing Ihnt th 1' \\' nY Il ,'" illu l1l us iLEGIS LATUR E W ILL G ET AWAY ing- l igL i ~; ' '' 'w l it- t h:"t it " "'\1('1 nit""! " r .;, I .~ .:g~.:..~ ~ <!: ;) -':=f::a ;; nt th e honle ', f 1Ilrs. A li e n . cians wnu ld be ill tOWII Tu c~\1 ,' , l. 1t'\di~ '\I' "l t' 111(' n tt f, r ill '\':-1 THIS W EEK tht, " .("W, uf lll lh l' f u ll nwill!!, lel t l" · h:1 Il y A dh ••:r Hr"'bll" r. Tlw meetill g Wa M ulle ned by the d . t i t th vice-prl!sident, II1 rs. K L . Thomus, ay e ve nIng, w en ( own 0 e .• "" ,-. • . ~.", lot'c n r ('c('i ved from th ,' ~. a r ' · IY III l h ,": " I ... i ' tl' ll d"llal·.... ('!H h, 1'1' . ; ' 11 -II!!! . . ....-.. '. " .... . -., ~ , h d S M Litt le Min mi depot nnd waited tI . !hl r ..; fu r ~ t'r \ H'" tit' all :e tIlI' II f.' Y -':, W 0 rell a portion of . t . a rk Hi, ~ p (' d o .. n f ( he l' l' o n -.: yl \' :ln ia Hni h' n \ \\"11 Illt.-f\.' I, t' : 11 1) 111 (1("1 ' t'h U ,.~eH· I. ,) Co c ltv i ll e Brick Yn r d Mudd le -S e rlin d conducted t he devot ional sc·r vice. f ul' the m 't o C OIll I' ill. T hree com pa n y : f itl' 1' :' II:-tl'r7 ABOVE THE KNEES, PLEASE Scriptural qu otati ons wer e g' ivc n in nlL' mht'r s of the n R' ~I'e Knti o n nrc v ic e ;n E I(" c li o n L aws-I mporT htir :l1I:-:'Wl' l ' \\ a ~: O ne peN;on 20 MILLION FEET A DAY M (' 11 of W ll y ne ~\'il l ( ' , r esponse t o rcUJ -cnll. min us the ir pocketbooks Il nd t on t Aulo Rulin g only 1'''1'' " 11 (' tell dnllnl·". That iR At the close of t he business sesWuyncs\' ille, Ohi o. SALMON BUT NOT CHILDREN , r enIHlSSes"ors I) f va luab le in forma.lon th (! f 0 II 0 w·\ilK I)rOI,TJ'um \\tIM l il £l 1I J,!'1" t'1' l'Ill'n l 11" 1\\ 1'(, 11 l hl' ('o l'll m i t · H AN OLD BIBLE Gen tlCIl1 t' n- lt hn ~ becn hrll ugh' t l ' l' itll d t he n tt n l' lIl'~·"; . Eu r h pl~ r so n dered : t.i on M t o wh are t o eUITY the ir lu the nt tpllt ioll OI f nUl' ::;llfc' l.y <,, '111 P H)," hut t(' 11 d"lIar, which iM rOl' nil oI ,·-d,) nt th e Cock \'i lle br ick plant in Vocal Solo, "The Fo ur-Leaf Clove r," !locke·tbooks in the city . miLt e th at t hL' dri 'L' l's of a ut l'Il1O at 1"1'111 Y (' ''''' "lid I1r'l tl'J1 do lhll'" [0 .'Ic " ld n ~ um (·n\lnt y. La Rt J uly t he .. .... . lI1iss Olh'e A llcn F rank Braddock, who was the bil es, w h o par k t he1 r nHll'hi nl' s u l" n: v a( h uCl" I'IH' Y !tat " dr cid NI to pu rchllse it lind tho Pari 1 rulers of fnsltion aa ~ to President's Addresa," by Mrs. hellvi cst loser, pa r ted with over the public road O il the ~ I at i o n si d.· .·i~Il'·o.I Bur h har t. li (·,, 11I ao r! d l' ~ d w as TllA d " " li d deli ver ed . But of our trn ck a t Wa ynes vi ll e, III'" oh I' ic·h ' r" !. ~ I all"i , . , 'ra wf"rd & Hil- tIll' Tll O Ilt' Y 10 pu r chaRl' it a nd e t O women all over the world: McGregor, of Spring field $30; Dr, L. B. Ha ll lost ab out "Wear your skirts above your ...... ... .Mrs. Cran e Rt rll cLing t hl' virw " f t he f1 ashill l: 111\~> l y.; !'illl(, I lYl', :-'"ylo l' & C IlIllJ1- oI"NI Wfl R Ill ude anri deli \·('.r ed. But P iano Sol o- "C ouragc"$1Ii . a nd O. M. Ridge. $ 2 . T he \(neea and plAint your earl red." s i~ nn l o n t he nl)rth ~ i <i (' of th e t ruck. l,t'l l. 111<' m"n"V w,, ~ : id ov(' r b('cau sll of And the pathetit tatt Ie that miJ.... Mias Rhea J a net Cartwrig ht wor k \\' 118 done by t he "squ eeze W Cf' t o f th l! cr o!-(!'i n g-. [ t !; e(l m ~ 10 L.' T Ill'r " will h I' n 111 ('('tilll! " f r" ,.1 pol it il'llI ;,IJj (' <' t ion to r ile J1l'o fi tu blo Iionl of women will wear .klrt. 90 He.a ding- "On Iy a Boy's Broken ne t" on th e st re l' t CIl rH. .. t h,> prll et ice o f UlIlo d ri ver~. hll\' irw l'r lJ<~l'g in ill l( · l1 a ll. Th urR,J " y. ' " I,t ploYIlIl'llt of I'r i'llIw r, . T oda y, ahol'\ ... to be lilly, .n4 pl\lnt their Heart" ..-Mrs. Sara h Zim merm a n bu s i l1 e ~~ a t th e s tation, t o park th ci r l ' \ ' l lni ng', April ~lI d. I'ri t' .·.. wi ll ht.' I il l d f ur th e p H ~ l :.(·ilr th (· h ri l'k p la nt ean without \081 of ~iJne, Allo the Piano Solo- "Dream Fuiries" mn chi nes a long th e w ~ s l sid ' of Ih. ' l! i\'c ' n I)n va r iu\I"; l! r n d \,!'o lind .tl u' l' h:h !'-t oo cl id l·. Tht· c;; t ;lt~' (': lll 'l o p !!Y'\!lIds ,,~ ~o be stained dark brown ...... ... .. .. Belly Hur tsock public roud und Ihe y Ill' !,ul'l'n tl y g !\'" IIl ;d h' r~ wi ll ht· ~lInt' i Tlt o . "rat , iL U(' c:aU H \ it j .. n ' l p;lld fllr. n nd \lr ' blu~, ~P" ~yelashea curled, and the Vocal Solo. "A Bowl of no s~s" little t hQII R'ht to the f net thut in ob Htlllt,rt " "'jt'nd, I·' J .. Th u tl1a ~ . \:V . t he- t', ' r n ll' r OW H t' l' :-l l 'U ll 't i l(' ("u li SC in, lde of tl\e no,trlle .\.lIined bright ........ .... .. ... . Miss Oli vc A lie n str uc li llK the view of th e f1u shin ,· C. Hf'I'l! oI llll. Hall'h ,Iohns. W. F. lh .. \· hlln' d c ~ dl' d 11ll' 1' 1" .. : CI, t he <I Reading, "St. Andre w's Huspitlll lig ht Big na l t he y create n dllllJ!'r rO\1 ('lu r k. MIlr lll ' Crallll11. Fl'Il l' k l\urfc'5 ' ~r ,, 't ,' ,,( Oh io. \ Ilri lI'h"t nlllKe" it I'f , Wusih. and the War in China Ri t uati on for [\ machin e apprun c hin ~ an d \ Val l (" i\. (" ;11'''', comll1 ittee 1!1111" 1'1I1.z1I ng than nil Ih(' ailln'" is kl- In reuon II len ................ ........ .... .. ...... Mr". Harris th e l l'ne k f l'n m th e north. fr ul11 Wa)' lll nn d \ '. '(JI'\"'l·o k to\\'I1 - iiI,' 11I1· t t111l th l WCIt'IlI'<' oI"I,"rt mc nt Th • ah 0 rt I... , Piano Solo, "Nachtstuken"We would ask t hat yo u tnke tht' . hips. .'un'l deed t h ' rropl' rt v back t il l ho Ilble, a atap tOWaN common Iflntle, MI Rh J t C t ' ht matter in ha nd with the citize ns 0 r fOr ml'" own ers \\ itho'lI t I cgi ~ l (l li ve - - - - - - --and away from mlerobel. Red ears, .... ...... l1li ea line ar wng . Wayn es ville a nd Cor win , in such II a ppr oy al, a nd ne ithe r' cIl n it pay [or when n.tunl, IndIcate cood blood After adjournment a delightful way t hat th e dan g'erous situali on cre t I". propcrty wit hout a uthoriLy from condition. But tor women to wear social hour was !pent during which Bte d will be forcibly bro ug ht t o t hei r t il l ' M l lllC so urce, lkin. that ... ould look foollaJl on a delicious refreshments were served Congressma n Charles Brand will atte ntion t o t he end t hat the praccbUd, paint artificial health on their by the hostesses, assisted by Misses be the s pea ke r at th e nex t mee t ing tice of parking in IL posit ion wher c eart. curl tIIelr la.hea and color their Olive Allen and Rhea Janet Cart- of the F ranklin Men's club, Thursday Thi. i, g et . nwn~'-w crk " fo r t he the li g ht si ~n a l is obstructed, i ime,eUda. that HQIh. too much. Howwright. l e g i ~ l !1t UI·('. But is isn ' t " sl.aY-llway.. evening. A record crowd is expect....r. ~e'" of It aU there Is a divine Guests of the afternoon were Mrs. ed to hear him Co ngressman Brand mediately d iscontin ued . w,,('k ." Th e t wo brnne hes nrc sche dSa fe t y Inspect()r , wildom, undoubtedly. Woman lion Mary L. Adams, Mrs. J. L. Hartsock, ule d t o) r "cegs fr om F ri day of t his Pe nn ~ ylv n n ia Ra ilway Co. laer way to IIOme crand destiny. Let MI'!. J . W. White,' Misses Olive AI- r ecently attraded wid e a tt ention by \\' c"k II ntil April 1 0 . T hl'll they r eprotes ting Rgainst the bill to intu r n t u puss IIpo n a f, 'w u nfi nished \U1 oblflrve and admire, but not critSarah Elizabeth Blackford w.. len, Rhea ·Janet Cartwright, Betty crease congr.essionlll selari c8 and Til l'O ll !!h till' co-operati on of Coun - ma l.t c l'R a nd r ecess n g-td n f or le n teln. born in Wayn •• vllle, Ohio, November Hartaock and Marjorie Edwards. open ly declare d that he would not t y Agcn t Cla~" . Mr. St " " ley Se ll nrs . dar s. T his fina l r eccss i ~ th e r eg19 1848, and p.ned on to her heav· • - - - -uccept the a dd.iti ona l pay for Iris own u f the L i n ~ ' ) Ila nl wu!'c ~o m pn Il Y , nnd ulnr one to all ow t he. governor to t home on March 8, 1925. ·We can e.ttimate the wealth under enlY npfl l,.,xiIilUlcly twent y-fiv tJ of t he pa,s use for th e term Just ended. ' uJl on 11 11 hill s. The fin nl meetfI'Ound In tIIil country. The BarHer grandparents ploncera GRANGE CONFERS DEGREES Congressman Brand is a live wire, " 'ud ing l'uu h l")'nt~ 1l o f Wa rr II eoun- ing wi ll be Ho me t ime in May li nd land 011 company strikes a new 011 of the early days. having journeyed a good spcakH , and F r anklin is to be ty, 1\ g ig'un Li c PoulllY meel illg will th e n a no l h ~ I' long r ece~s will be la kwell in ita Colorado territory. The welt from New Jel'l1ey to Ohio. Waynesville Grange held their cong ratulated up on ge tting him. H e be held in Le banon, April 12, begi n- en. You kn ow thut if th e t wo boLl ie .. roar of the gal, rushing out, twenty On January 30, 1866, she was mar- regular meeting Saturday nill'ht at will tnlk about the doings of. tho 66th nin)! at 1 o'clock. ad journ : ill l' rli· th y call 't mee t million feet a day, can be heard ried to J. K. Anderson, of Pittsburg, the Grange hall. Ten cllndidates Co ngress. r.l r. Scli arH, <I f t he Lingo Hanl- agai n wit h"u t hpi ne- calle,l hy GlIVfor lilt milea. It gas were worth Pa. To this union silt cbildren were were in itiated into t he third li nd \l'lIr e company, is nr r a ng' ing a ve ry crn or n l)1\ahl'~·. :1J1ri it i .. pn·t t y ~en­ 0'111 dollar a thousand, which is call· born, four boys !lnd two girls. The fourth d eg-rees. and a fter the work The Am er ic an National Ret! Cr oss c ommndi" u ~ ro c)m on the' secn nd fl uo r crully kn "" " ch,l l t!o e Jl rese nt chief cd "II cheap, conftscatory price." how youngest so n, George Blackford. II delicious s upp ~ r was scrv ed. Ad"erti . inll p a y. in the Gazet\e has bee n engaged in aclmi nisl Qring of t he ir ,ture where pl enty o f chairs, e x~cll t i\ l I \l!' Illd look fa \'orably much would that well yield In moncy preceded his mother to th e Orellt Btl" goud lig-ht, hcat a nd vc nlila tion will . .. . ••' &.i.- ~ yond on Ottober '17,1'911'. The h148- ==~==.================================:~-======= re lip f 1.-, t1 i""tQr Ruffe r('T'S thl uug h- be proyirle d fil l' comfo r t und convp- o n l c~ i ~ l a U \ c ~jI!o=-si o n s whidt we ro a u the entir e area Ilffec ted b. t he 1'0- nie nc' of cve l·ybocl)' . Lik ewise, in not call ·d tlcc orllinj! 10 eonHtit ut ional . And tile wealth In the ground is band, five children. II1rs. May Fry. ,wi. ion. , bu t g'1I1hc r nf th e ir OW11 perhape leM than the wealth in th,e of Topeka, ~an. ; Roy And erson. of ce nt tOnl udn, almost f l'01l1 the mo- t he Sll llle r oom the Lingo J-1 111'dw ar u aprcco rd. afro Floating above every farm, walt Oklahomll Cit)', Okla; Mrs. TellSa co mpa n;' \\' ill "rru n ~e a n ed\l ~ at i on u l ment of its occ urre nce. inlt ~ . ~ tilJ(en out and used, Ie Thomas, of Pawhuska, Okl~; ~",. Mr. J a mes L. F eiser , vice-chai r- ex hibit, c nnRi ~l i n g uf h ro odc r • • in cu. enough . hitr~{'-n t'o fe rtilize many Minnie William~ , of ~opeka , Kl\n$:. nmn in chnrg'e of domestic ClJle rn- bnl" ..8. ('0" 1'" , poullr y f l' cds un d ot hECOII 01.' IY a nd ~erncc. In ~h o prolltl ons, a nd I\1 r .Honr y M. Bnke l' , 11 11 - 01' mi no l' equ ipmc nl . nn ll " upl'l i~s CIIt pll'c tll ,n ),"" . o f o hIO .wll1 ho ~he ."~ t!H=mu. WQbll$ nlt~ogen haul~d •..nd MIlII. Inila SahpllIl, of ehl~ag~ I all tb8 ;r.:~ froln 'South Amerlw, an~ three grandc~lldren; Henchel D. WII ti on nl direc lor o f diFa ~tH r eli ef , need e e! fOl' mi Ring bab y chi cks. 1-:1'-\ ob.l. 'd of '1 "I'c'('ml commltt('C which wero hoth in St. ).olli . whe n th o. tor- ('1')'I,,, dy \\'h o i. int ercsLcd in poullt')· will I,.. '"'l'l)inl('11 til rn ak II co mp re~l!ere arp billions of ~n. of it above ham. and E\tzabeth Thomas, of .paw f?~r llea~.. . . huska. Okla., ~nd Charlel RUlaell nndo s truck, a l~eI 11 ": l' lll.eel ~lre ct i~ il1 \' itf'<1 to ,, ' te ne!. WOIl H' n HIl e! !H!lI , ]\·t· , tndy " f t he pl:cHcnt In.w!t Cl uhTh ompson Gle The Wayne,ville Prem ie r band. clHlrge of t ho r ehef wOI I, In Mlss~ lI -1 .. hil,It·,'1l in I'ou ltrv "I uh, Ill'" nrgcI I r hr~ I' . nl('"11.(' r. I, f l hl" JOl111 commit. Itn'd what i, ttle w~alth below the Wil11amB_ of Topeka; and one great" Coml' Whe re t he Li li es Bloo m" ri, India na a ne! Ill in ois, wh ich i, bc- ' to Cll l11 e. All kl mfs o f qu c ~ i ll n H Hncl tee wil l hC' mel11 be r. of the senlltc. WA~fS pf ~hll"ppe~n~, .a ~a~ and lalea, Ifrandehild. He\'8j:l1cl p, WlllIanlA, the High School Glee elub and the II igh School orchestra went to CinGlee Clu b ing administered ns one opc l'ation I proh\toms cOllcC rning haby chick I'n i~. III c mh :r~ of t h,., ~o u st' an d four ~~\ tiilnF ton ll Ilpg"!1~»~ Plrt of th e J.r .• two half brotners lind one halt ""rtM ",ster, of Mllttoon, Ill., arc lett to cinnati Tu esday eve ning. and were " ~i gh tfu U in' Gra nada" .. . I illr will br. \\'(' Ioo mo. \\,111 be llP llllltlll' ,1 hy I hnd. H. B r o \~'n. f rom th e St. Louis branc h omce . .... - - broadcasted from the Crosley Sta- Orchesll'll- March Reli cf wor k in Ke nt uck),. Tl'n ncs~l r. IL Ie. e r ay , Pou ltry Ex t('n~ io l\ Keel'pLll r;: " f "tlltl', 1I 1"!,Chl('f f'lc ~tl on PIlU "lid there, along the Pacific Olo ur n her In66. . ·· Fol·t Gay" eout, ),011 aee 011 w81111 out in the Tht' youngest chIld, Mn. Schoen, ti nn , "VLW, lit NOI·wood. Thi M is Rce und Al nb ulllll IS Ill'ln,,! a<llllllol. - Spl' cinlisl of Ohio Ag ric ul tu ral eol- ,. ,n lc,·" 0 1 th.' · ' t at~. I hl' comm Ittee was una bl" to he prel (l nt, ha ving re- t he first tim e it) th e his tor y of this Orch Rtra- Two Step .' .... - - l" red f rol11 !'\1l 1;"11 :1 1 hel\\\ ' IJa l'le l'" a t le ~e \\' ill bo th r mllin lell de r a n(1 Mr. 1" III nllil( I' I t..~ rc purt not later t ha ll ootan, " Our Favori te Ra g" n. EI1r1 J ohn"l on. pl'cR ident o f t he J a nuarj' 1, 1027. Washin l!lll ll. IJ. l ·. Men .ventaul1y ,,111 elIplore the cel1tl y ber n M' li ,) usl y III and not Buf- ~tntlon thut a II i!!h "c hoo l ha" heen All t'vI IC r ihlltioll " ! ('1r the re lief o f reccntly orr;all iz <' rI. Uhio P ou lt I')' Im- -- ocrean'l bed. ... the, new explore fici en tly recovered t o make the trip. broadcasted, a n d \VaYll e Tnw nshi p The ent erta inm en t wa ~ pr onoun \!e d )fr~ . Ande l'!lon was Rmiatell with is justly prourl of thi . ri i"t inclio n. the d l,a'tc'r ~ u (f, rerK nwy li .. I ~ f t I'r o\'cm t'lI t a '" ciat i" " , will d i s c u ~ B A ra ther im portn nl deciRio n WRS AI..ka, or Africa, and rive to the hy "II t (. he \' I'}' e')1l11l1 enda hh·, and About fi f ty-fi \'e p('rfor mers we ll! w!l1 c n j o ~' d b~; I'CSldellt rad i.. own- wi th Mr. W . II. A 1I,' n. ut the ;\11 ionnl t he 1'I1l11S Il " J poli,'; '" of t It" n- 0 1'- t hllt mnde by the state II tilitieR comtarml, from the air, the nitrogen the Me thod ist Episcopal church and L~ a n i i'.Ht if !!}' l 'tl u ll ry ~l l "nl\n"'t rut i \ ln mi .~M i o n I'(lJrfi t'd in$!' t h e driv ing o f a u t o the, need. Henry Ford would do It was a member of the Forei g n Mis- down on th e nft. ern onn tra in ~111 e rs " li d lIl hel'll .. bou l hl' re . T h" band B a nk. Iionary society. Seve r a l yeu rs ago prolllPHy nl ' C1 utc lock begun tlieil' - .. - .. -f a r m c\WIl CI':-; ('p-O JI\'l al ti ll-!' \\ Il h Coun· h UHRes n t in t(l r u rbH n cr ossings. Un .. now, If ha had MUlICle Shoale. playe d exceccli ngl y w\'lI. lind th e ill helllth (orccll b~[. tp il'iv~ UP '!~t!V@ iln1ertalflln ' ' 111 . Tl1e pl'ogrl\lll g ive n, work of th e Glee c lub an d Hig h I)' A~ (' nt C1 a ~~ . I.. ~ t Y~ llr . ('1l 1't'y illg de l' n rulin g uf .the commiRsion drivA RE AL DRUGGIST work In th'lIo allcH. le. . . fa \1 0"'8 ; " ut Ohi ll'R " Rig- Tell " r ule" fn r rcn r- l' r~ ur c ~ o lll pelled lo stop at nil rural School or(1hes tr a \~as IAbove th e aVIIQI!'I!~' ~Pllf!!: ~ecl!l" that She wil) "be r~mcm1ier~ Btl ~ein" in~ Imh" ('hic' l,g, krp t :1C(' lI l~n C l' l' C- iJl t (,l'urbnn c l'o~~ in g ~ , but i n mun i ci(>rllge. "'~ ,Cl1!iII 'in~ if§" act !~ coniltitutlon- of a religiouH di&poRilion , ~ d e8c ~ nd ­ Bllnel- MA rch ,rout h- hI go to work !>f,)nlla y (Ir d, (,r t he rll lm ber uf chick. ha tch ed pll l rt i l.'~ they ca n keep ri l! ht nn goi nl:'. ~, 'file N!\tlonal governJ1lent there- ant of Quaker I!nocstol'1\, Shl! WM The entiro pr ogram wa~ und er t he ItOfl1oel' or the DIIY" ll urch nHcd. li nd cxa ct HccounlH v i lind while it haH becn s u)!~e ste d tlmt tQre 1I~ p;Wtr. ·,.he~ ,!\me an~ flah fond of h~r dllily BIble re"ctlng~ I\n4 Bllnd-overture .. . . McFall direction or !Prot. Alf red W ntkins. IlS mu nal!cr o f the e rc)w" Drug store. 1)1' ·kcpt.- t' Why. ] d Idn ' t kn ow you the nUl11 hcl' rn isctl ltl I IVO w " ~k H , fi vo lhey " slow u p" the y urI.' not C(l mnssisted by Miss Mildred Hole , pi"The Huntemnn" Art ,g~"ncJa, W prll\'c~ 'b~ \nter- very often !iSke{l her fl'lendl ~o JlI'I\Y wl'c k" " Old t" I, r'" il.· ,· Itj!;,'. T he 1\ - " ,·lIed t c. come to 11 dead slop. Tho bad ,!\'t'lr st.udi eri phnrnlll c y. " Miller n ni ~t. '"'TIle P Plloplll, Flsb Product com- and aing for ne ro A\tnough . ho 6ut- Buno- Serenade ontere), "Love's RC"s ponRc " Youth- "l huve n' t -bu t [' \, 0 hud {\ra ~ " of t hirte('11 d cfl'l' I·l·n L R'rollps de risioll waB g'i v(' n in the case o r t wo Ma ny consrrat ul ntol'Y l ellcg l'ams fel'Cld tor mllny .yean, yet she stili ., Sousa wer e recei ved I'~ l\te statio n d ul'ing s ix nl onl hs' ('xl'<'I'i ence in (he 5 a nd showed : h".. ;1. 1' ~ or chicks wer e 1110 " 1' hus t1 l'h' c rs wh o hll i loeen urpany IIIUlt now dlllContlnu. tllrnlng kept her und yi ng faith In H im and Band- Ma rch . t ·a j~ ... t! \(1 I I1' o il ~ l' U~tl . I' ~Sll' d f ol' lin t st up pin g nt a n intor .. tato f ..tntHl' ftab It for buman tood endured her suffering wi th ""eat pa- ... " Stars l111d Stri pes Fon'vcr" 10 cent stor e. " ~h \l IIUW' t\iej "'ere thefe, ~ lr. L·I·U. ' , :;t " ll' 1 ' '' lI ltr~' s pecia list , urbn n em " in)! wi l h Il 10ud of pns.." tiilnc:e. She WIIS loving, unselfish and hu s hee I ("() lI (ItU: ti ll~ ~ im i1 a r m e~ fr. ~ C t1gCl' !; " What about an act ~ would devoted! a true W\fe unc1I\Wtn"li. ~"q I=o.!~_~;;;;~;;:;~~=;:;:;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;======~====~';:::::::::;;';;;;;;:;;== inJr~. llJld rt~Cll ll'nl(~ IHiin~~ ~a mt"' i!'l' IH' r - .. ~ '----•• - .....- - - vent e I bl I_bor will llbe g~n\l)! ~I~~e~ ljy aIT who nl " ill Ul'S i... :.,,;: knew ef, • i£ Hc!,,,Iiei, r<' t> corL" Ihl, Ltlw 2Sl'~ "'\I'I r. 1 1'l1l~ I·S "r ",-cOh r lb(' iiinf,\n, \p ~hil~r.. n Into protHer . f~Jleral W"I held trom tho State \l'h' foil \l'ed t h ... ll'n rul ea out· ~ 'IJI t ~"at WOJlle t.1Ian Ir!inding home) 82~ OhIo, Rol'lIft, X.M .. Tuea lined by the poul try rkpurtnll'nl of day "fttrlloell at • :110 by Rev. R. O. .9OIt ialmoll' 'n~ fml\lm' tI. . Slntc colle>,:,' . In5t yc u.. raised Pcmlok. pastor of the local MethoI'm. 1 ' , r l h,· chid", \\ hilt' those u ~­ About a hundred yean ago, In " dlst church. lifter which her remains On T ueRday. Mar ch 10th t he Hap.. ing oth,'l' tlwthocl < I·"i"ct! only i 5 ' ;.. Vermont 101 cabin, a ,oun« mother were IlIld to rest In the Holton cemA ~ I·l·at. p~ r c.. nt nf th ... fU1'I lle rS \\'ho uy H our club \ " /l.q r oyall y ent ertain ed rUd . to ' her ohlldren old Bible sto- etcry. ):(' ),'0 no s peci al attontion t o s an ita- at t h" homB of Mrs. Cha uncy BunrIn, .bollt the whale tba~ Iwallowed • She ~eFP~ ~\!\ "e~ .!cep BRall ~,I\~~ ti on. 111 o\' ill j! lhe hl'Oo (h~I' hnuH.,. Ihe nell , wit h Mi .s Monimia Bunnoll. Jonall, EllJah 8Jl~~.Jlh.rlll.t of lire awakenjhg, :11110UlIt ur th"l(ll" sp aC l'. Id ncl , nmoli ll t 3n o1 Mrs. Bern ice Hartm an , 8S8ist~d' "'11 . " tt!ltl ·t ' nlere'd under "--"'---- I -- _ . ... a nd tim ,. f ((" 'din>: , rai"(' sc ul'c('ly in",. Being an a U-da y meeting, the tah le ( a t t he 1I00 n hour w as laden ",~tii·"~"O; ·~I . ~ - 1lI 01' e t han 5 0~ ~ of t heir ch ic h. with a ll kinds of da int y a nd delic".",•• ftlr ious dishes o f f ood. St . P ut.rick col That mother . . . poor and allllell''UII--I-IFt......HlM!i\- ors w ere used f or decoralions. A SCHOOL WAS ClOSED people were POOl', ·and oun . . . a • , won derful p rogram was g iven, and e njoyed by a ll pr ese nt. Children'l Slippers A line of Ladiea' 'Slippe1'll from Th e g-riPJlc i~ s till I'rc m lent in an d JiPe4 Ullen to T he sc hools nr llllnd W U Y I1 ~~w i l l c . ttl. brOad platform bdore the Ca"lwe ro cl osed I Il ~ t Tinlroday. nil but tol, With hit hand on that BiMe, t\\'o o[ th e ll i ~ h f! d lOol t ellchcr s be · CalYln CooHq. awore to do hil duty Soybeans for hay wu discussed Boye' Low Shoe. ing ou t nn cl ahout ,t nc- haH of lhe Men'a Work Shoe. a. Prealdent of til. United Stata .. b, Mr. J. A. SUpher, 11011 and crop pu p ils. He ia the' crandlon of the N_ Eng- .peclalist of Ohio Agricultural colSc hool wn ~ re ~ u m c d Monday mor nland woman that owned the Bible, lege, at Maineville and Butlerville inl!. r. liss Lil ·. pri nc ipn l of the , 100 tan qo. laat Thunday and Friday evenings, G1'Ildo uui lding. who has bec n · vcry Girla' Slippe1'll Men~a Ore.. Shoes About two dOlln lanUll!nB\lde, wt,"" Hick wit h tO Il . i lit.i~ and '1 ui l1 ~ Y, is bet- i< ThIa Is the ~d of opportunlt)' and by. Mf" 81\phe'r ~ IUl1atrjte ler, but. nvt y\!t aLle to go I)n ck il1 to < '. rrowtia. What' will It be In Jean and at tbe 'M alnevllIe lIIeet8c hool. _ __ _ • _ _ - - to come, if the 111,000,000 now here lOY bean tUrns ,' were alao .ork aD hard and hope full, aa men aIId .omen did In Ute da,. of CaiOn Monday eve"I.lIlr, Mareh 23, Coolldp', ,randlllothtrr the .o,bean tUrns were again Illown at Morrow IIchoolhQule and County CluB dlac:ulllled tile rrowlnll' for And at this Mr . J oh n R y c attd famil y spent ~nt, .lao Fr irl ur in [\a yl,'ll. J .)1 1'. GI'OI'ge Marl a tt h ud ca llers ' froll1 Da yt on , Sun day, 1Q1beu ~eetlnl'; 1&,11 ' In pait: SoyReviva l servl('cs wer e closed Sunelpeelally . valuable Btl R da y nig ht on account of so mu ch sick SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY ANI) on . the thin clay 1I'0und nese. _ SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND g.nenlly falla. • Mr. Fronk Kellis and da ug htcr, SATURDAY . S.~1VRD"Y recommended a tourRuth, sp ent Thursday afternoon in 1'01:atiion ot com, lOybeanll, Xenia. W{!ol (lncl Fibe. Size h12, $12.S0valwheat and .hieh provid.. a Bi ernc Dill and son, Chllrles, spent 9d2 $16.50 value...... • . !qume crop ever, oUter 1U1'. .. .. Sat urduy night and S uri day with Mrs. Cre~ 'Ruea, for........... . . . ' . '}(r. Slipher recommended drilling Rebecca Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and the bean. v~, I~!I~, !~ \~tI ~~ ~, • to 8 _"o_1!,; · ~fj ..., p'\1'd1~ 01\ fa mily entertained r elatives. Sunday, the vari.t)'. Ground Illouid be plow of ncar Ferry. ed earl)', thorouply worked 40wn to Mr. John Marlatt and film il y, of prepare .. goOd Ned bed, and the Kil\g 's Mills, spent Silnday here with bean, , .. ded lOon after corn pl8Jl~ his fa th er . J oo Marlatt . Inll'. , . . ' T he I!r ipl'e su re has t aken a hold Perc~le, beat grade, a~, per yard .. ............ .. Cultlvetlon of the lleans, or bar~ in th is locnlity. Almost eve ry fU I1\- . FOR SATURDA ~, ON'"Y: !'owing' with a spike tooth harrow. ily hns 1)I1e ur t wo clIses. or .rotary hoe. when the planta lIo1'e :MI'. Claren ce Crawfo r d an d fa mil y Good Grade Mallin, l' yard wide, bl~ach~d ,1md unbleached, per from three to flv~ inahes high. hQII enter tained Sa tu rday nigh t and Su nTobaceo Canyaat '-~ p.d!, not Only controlled t1ie growih of dRY, Mr. Crawford's mot h'r /lnd sisweeda kbut haa .Iso ~crea8ed .the ter; ~f;)ME . S&& US 'BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE yields 1200 .poun~ per acre. ' . lItr. and Mrs. Emerson DiU eut erThe proper tim. f~r cuttini "9~: tninod Saturday night and .Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. ,Raymond Osborne, of bUn ba1 .. wh'n ,b eans ~f.fl- ~~, ~rm! , · ~;.P ...~~~~~~~~----~----~------------. .------------~------------------........~ed to pown. ,"um· Xenia. . mended the C!lJttl~ with the 1II0wer, . lilr . Berne JOlle8 I4ld family, of c1ll'lu in IIWlIth one ciaJ, then , for Lyt Ic, spent SlIturday night at the hQme of Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. RetWo crap in tile wlmo". The d~q••.,.eIaIly, will 81141 becca 'Dill. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Richard MQore and 107""n haT. the"molt iD,Iportant fae· tor iil eUW1ic d~ thcitr feed bUla Mrs. John ~lllm'el'DllUl were callera t.IIIoqb _vinp lil the purebue of IInday afternoon at the home of 00 mat, " cottODMOd meial or odleT :Mrs. Rebecca DilL 4IOJl~tratH ~

r - .. ~ "'


Lingo Hardware Co" store. 18 years ago, was found under the floor of the oid Evans Lumber Co., building, last week by cllrpenters who we re remod. Th b ' Idl h' h I I eling It. e U\ ng w IC s 0elA ted on the Cincinnatl---plke. below Hill's fllIlnll' station,. Is now the property of Gal'l Hill. The stolen goods consisting of a numbor of revolvers, r azors, knivel and rasor Btrops were deeply Imbeded In the dirt ben cath the floor and were covered with rust. Several yaara ago a new floor WI\B built over tha old one that WQII In the building at the time the goods were hid there. According to 80mo of the older employees of the Lingo company, the theft occurred 18 years ago Blood hound. were put on tho trail but the ~cent waa lost near the building in which the merchandiAe W88 found last weck- It is thought that the theivetl becomIng frlghtoned of apprehenllon" hid the loot under the barn expettlng to return for It later. Rad there been no knowledge of t be theft at the time' It occurred 18 yean, ago, the style of tho revolvers and ra&ora found recently would havo revealed In about what year the robbery wal ltagod. .. _ _ _ •









----_ ..


Wa),nesville Musicians Entertain Radio Fans



t~' f;ifJ~!~;:lIl9.Int~·· ~videnda


Shoes Shoes Shoe

In the latest creations fOJ; spring. We have by far the largest and most varied assortment of footwear ever shown foFmen, women and children.

- .. - ".

yo~"'u,~rlltbi; .... ...... i='t1I~'i~ u" ...,



$2.48 up to $5.95

$1.50 up to $2.50

$2.45 uV to ~4.95

$2.95 up to $3.95

$3.95 up to $7.50

$1.95 up to $2.95

New Rug: Department


We have jUit opened (,ur new· Rug and Linoleum Department in the Funkey store room. Come in, see and lave 25% ()n Tapestry, Brussels, Axminster and Crex Rugs.

..:.:r~ :at







$6 95'

RUI"'$12 95

Big line of Window Shades in all colors, scailoped and fringed. Largelt line of Dry Goods ever shown in New Shades of Plaids, and Stripes. 18c yd.15c at.......... ....................: ................................. ;8c


.D 1&1





'I'1ie MIami Gazette


N o ot h e r in~titution is :lIl y s;}(e r o r more ab le to pay YO ll hi gh returns

o n your mon ey. Hundreds of o llt -of-town people belong to The \V est Side.

!-o l.'l"\ L' {Jil t

III lh" mulle ,' ,,( L,,"h IIIlrt y "., \lll\tl', il W ll" f Ollnd lhut c1 e-



510 But Plfth 8ttt<:. - 15 Nonh M al" Strccc {Thlrd Floor>


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..................................................... . :


cnnte m pl.





n.· f.. l1danl

grantl' c1 le n tlays t n fil<,

a tl :,\\\.'l' ill t.h e mut te r Hf \\'illinm S.

,-\d nlll". ()"t"un.

\' 8 .

Da\' id Pa Lr k k and

rill/'!'. ,




How Are Your Ey?s?

~II "" . Fl uyd SU\' nA'" I1n, 1 slste l' .. ~, ,.s. li\" Il illwhltli , 11'1' .. 0 Duyton \'I S !l · or!!, Fdtluy . , ' Messrs . AII"'I,t Stacy flud Iwc rct t r~ ar1y mo h -'l'lId tu Cincinna ti ~) I\ n

If \'ou lIuffcr t h 11 li g h h'~ t l'yr s tra in y ou :;hould ' (' ou-

tr ip. !\I ollday, , 1111'. and ~ I rs , La \\ n ' nre SlmJll S and


arc tlxpel' i t' ne d op t.o m -

!'t l'i !i t~

.Iaught er. ~1"1'g'II" I'l. III'" sp ending a coupl,· ,,1' wl'<'k, ill Fl ol'i,llI. ., 1\'1i -;:-I I. ltlll ~ '· \\' \ltdh' y' anti t I'H1nd,


, Mr. lind, )I),s . :\llen It H"dy, of.!Jay · t on . Wl' f'P :-;'lI l1 da~' ~ul' :-. Is t.I( th e' lat.:\ 1r!-. :\1111 ;-;ll1ith .

1\ ,



by l"('HlfHlttl ti(mn l ("(\ndl tl on 9.

""I.I .·S C "T"nnn YlF- nll ' I. · F: I. n Combined T r entm r>nt. both lu t n l li nd In-


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H.(~.u~ nllllhlt·

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Gla s,;{'.l


f ittl' d:1:'1

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Al ex n \lr~,, " \\II S badly rut lind b rui ",·d whl' n he fe ll fr ul1I hi" bi cyl'l, ' Ill ol'n i nJ.: ,

Clll'o ut p


<c11110 1.

Sevel'al pL' r:;Ol1~ fru ln h e n." at t.ell d -

"iI t ill' pn/':"unt nt Spl·ill/.:borll ]11. ]0: ,

~ I r.

lu itH'"

.I. (' n ." l;y.



Mrtt. Shoup. o f nl' HI' I n go mar, I ~ "i s itinJ.r iw r dHlI g'h t e r , l\trg, C lytlc Cox , whn ' i ~ :o; low ly impro\'il1l!' Il'um h l' r

J' f'l't' n t

illllt' !"~ .

Mr. an d .Ir~, Uli, Ar th ur n'HI fnm· ily 1111"" Ill U"" .! frul11 lh e Graha", fllrl11 t ll t he U 't>; •• nll nc il;hbvrhoud., ntllr W a YIi. s ' il ic. Mr , a ,: <1 )1" ; . ' her nlun Rogel'S, of Middl e Hun, were riinlH' I' guests, Su n dny , o f ~, Ir. and Mr:' . Frunk Rogers lind Mr. En .. s Ruger •. Mr, . Vi ulll Grussi a nd c1llughte r , Norma , IIlId lilt·•. E"a Ii uines, of Day ton, ~ p CIlL Friday at th e home of Mr, and M IS, \\' ult,,1' l\,,"ric k. 1111.,. . RUlh \\'cir rcturlwd to h ~ r h" ,•. c :n ( hiCIlI:"). Thul'"day c\'cni nJ:, 0.1 .c r a C tJ' lp il- uf w cl\s' st.ay hcrC', h, l]J it 1t: c,:l ~ 1l('1' folhe r, 1111'. I\ath an ~ llll1 h , lIlr", !II lill ie Corron lind Home r C' r y , "I' Dny to n, \'isited their s i.· ter, Mr". Ma r. Bunta, aturcluy. Mr •. Blln t.. IIlld ' o n , Melvy n, have been qu it(' ~ it-k wi t h t he g r ip pe. T he funera l of 1IIr. Nut ha n Smilh WII S he ld at the home of Mr. lin d Ml's. Wi llium BCI'\!'da ll, T hu l's day afiernoon, ~on ducle tl by Hev. J . C. Stitzel, l nler n·" nl lit Be llbrook ,

" lid

~1, '~ ,

Sim ctln Hrown

nle r -

(0 :ulllbn' rliull l' r , M r . an d ~ lr" . Ed B .. own, .;f Fl'Ilnkli n, lin d Mr ,

chu rch, SUllday l'H' nillA', gi\' ~n lu Clllll ll ll· l e lhe binhJay of Fun ny


~II' ",

I-:l'IIt" t HI'll wn, of Delll'er


. •

~ Ir . an d :l 11' ~, l; "" I'g-e Pa vB " nil l !alla ~ h t\' r, 1I \, ll' TI. (I f ('ill c inn al i. nnu :II .. , li nd ~Ir , ..1" llll Fil .· " nd dl\u ~ h ll' r

:\ til lln,d , I. t' l ~ l l1 1' ,\ :--11, ":l i :-:! ~ I't' ~ ~ 1':-: . Emlll a

\\'l" l' l'

.. , 'I ,~ . ~\ I1'~ . .Illhll ~ tn n H tlr~n n

h p:O: (1i t '11



,l ONE \, LOA!'\E)) ON LIVE ST OC K, chult,Jis, " Is" seco nd lIlorlg nl;ua. N"t.·s bU lI /.:h l. .I uhn Hurhine. Alle n Buildill g, XCII i". Ohio.

~ lInduy

Foul k:-; anti

Fanners, Attent ioll! rll l'lll Cr~

o C Wl1l'1"un aud .. JJuininll co unli". lI1 "y obta in lIIoney on lonll time 10."8, I\t 6 ~ p4llr ce nt Interost . Co~ l 0 r ftf'C U ring- the umo Is VeT)' rell· . onllb lo ,lhrouih The Fe deral Land \)I\nk . F or further InCormlltion call on or a ddress M. C. DUA K E, Trea.· umr, IJho nc 3 J 6·X, Leban o .l , (lh io. " - - :::--.-=,:---


UJ·(h·n:. fur w(' nt t o tht." UIlU pn int g,

;11 I luytnll :\l on dilY _, whert'


H. Madden & Co.







WANTI-:ti--- 'l'o IIO licit ) \lhr i~Hl\IIJt

~u l ur)'

u il:-\, K r en sc s o r ctJ lnmasM i'IIL


°111 w d l 1Inth.' r;:I' an fl1ll'I"atJ o ll ~, ) r ," II" ,,,lunci, Ohio, " llfn l' ll l 't. 1JL'1' ' 1)l\ l t h(' r, MI' ~, lJn\'ld - W ANTED- :ewing of 811 kind s. !'ou t! . I1 f 1' ,' llh I. i" :, t:1y in.: nl thl' it' L'll ll LI n Mrs. Addu Ke r l'ick, W uynes· h tH lh' dUl'lfll!' II l ' I' n h ;-: l' lI C' l'. d lle, ~~~ __ _ __ _ _ _: m2(j


P ROB AT E PROCE E DINGS C. 10:. Hil mer \l'a" app ointe,1 ad · mini strat or of t he, e"tate of fle ss lia r FOR RENT F. I , Ch en ey & ("0. , T('I l f"~ " 'I' d tI~r, d,'cens .. d. Bond . $ 1000 . PUBLIC SALE A. S. COI'ne ll wn. np poinll'fl '1' a n II n\'i!l J~ ~ ll l d my fnl"Tll I wi ll sell at nm Id':NT --Furm ot al>ou t 1;{5 apprni,~r of th e ,'s tute of E lmer I\ c l· public ~ lIk , my , t"" k" fel'<l alld Itnnt: l'l':o. , 0 11 sh a r e!, l l/~ ml1c !IJ " l'tSt S('y, dcccaiicd. i n ~ l eH d of WHite r I' I ~l1wnt ~ . lucll l ed ~ I1I lles W . of ~y. Whilnker, w ho i~ u nab le to a l tend to ~ f F erry, on R. R. 6. Chas. Kin dle, t ic, 1 '., l1Iil e~ I, .. of FIve , PO In t Wa , esville, Ohio E D PURDY ' S PHILOS his dut i('s as ~ u c h. "al School. ·1 Illii<'s S, (If Cellle rvll le, :I i-hono li 13 Ce nterville. J. Frank C'U ll lIghe r was upp ointed miles N, (I f I ~ idgcvillc . on t he cor ner '" a dm inistrato r of lhe estate o( " Our m o dern . choal . y .t e m of Ly't Ie lind Fiv ' Point R ont! an d FOUND Horac e I. Galla her , dec ea sed , Bond Dayton Jl ntl L"bunon pike. on. mull b e p ilin g m ore and mor e $20. 000 . lJornc(' Stokes , T , E lwood fO --U-N -n30 - x 3'IN - -Ti;:; und - Rim. ' THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925. work onto th e pupil. . I not ice h 'in s and Oscur Keev('r we re ap poi nt Rer,i nning III 10 o'clock, Two horsOw ner Clln n a\'C Hum e l>y provi ng many of the p oor children ar .. ed IIpp ra i s~rs . e ~, G Cnttle, !l h ogs. aa she('p, 'I d 07.. prope rl y. Ornd orf & Ser vis , Gar· Ed C. J a nn ey, administrnlor o f too t ire d to wa lk to or from Chicko" s, fa rmi ng im ple men ts . Co rn , . 1~ '·, W a yn ~sv ill e , Ohio. a8 estntc of Annah E . Co leman, ,Ieth e hou sl'ho ld I!'ood". . chool a nd bave to ul e d a d ', cell"ccl, til ~ d his sllle bill. See Inr~() bills for par ticullll'S. FOR SALE a uto." In t he malter of Nellie Yellze l, udF . A. SNID ER. judg~ d in stln e, it was orcle rd that Martin & S w nley. Aucts. )o' OR S ALE- Four BOWS and 2 7 plI: B. nn appliclllio n be mude t o l he Supl. J , C. Hisey, R. R. 3, Wayn eK vill", of Ohio Institution f or Fee ble Mind· Oh io. °as cd Y outh for a dm ission. or gene !'ul in for malion yoU should You will ~et mllny Inug hs in wo rkSALL- Ab out 200 busbelll at Tho n \! t vll lue o f the estnt e of J;;d· ing out lhi" crl ss· wor d pu zz le ns a r- hllve recol!'nizcd im medi ately, By F OR good wbit.e com ; also 40 bu. \"el· win Chandler, d e cea ~ ('(1. WIIS det er - rn nged LJy Lll'uce Cole. No l that the nil meun s spend a li ttle l ime on thi ~ low, on IOO-acre farm, Lytle, Oh!o. IN PARTITION min ed us $522 7.01. pu zzle. until yo)' gel il goingt he!1 words Ar'" fUll ny- bul in t he d e ti niPhon e }' .C. llubbcll, Dayion, Oluo. tions-becnu!'e once you huve the we a rc s ure yo u will not sto p untIl Warren Common Pleas as MARRIAGE LICENSES cur recl solulio n LJcfur e yo u, yo u will it is fin ished . FOR S ALE--Team of work horae.. t hllt Mr. C o l e ' ~ k~ys ore facts, see Francis Ellrl - McC lunl!'. f a r me r. , A Iso , so me good locust posts. Inlind Miss Au dr('Y Robert.a Frye r , bOl h quire of Roscoe Furnas , phone 33-3 'no Emily J . Min niea r ) of Ma ~o n. Waynesville, Ohio. °as Geo r.:e WU I·stH. butcher an d Mrs. vs. Case No. 1328 4 FOR SALE-Early Six Week Seed Len n Huu sman , bolh of [-'oslerR. Minerva Cox et al. P otalou. D. E. Standiford, RE AL ESTATE TRANSFERS Waynesville, Ohio. °al By virtue of an order of 8al e, duly J ose ph an d Ella Rosell to J oh n iss ued from said Court, in t he a bove FOR SALE- Player piario- has been stated case, an d to me directed, ] and Lu ' Ilu ~lcChrre, abo ut 17 ucrc ~ de monstrated in bomo of family. will offe r f or sa le, by way of public in learcr eck Tp., s: \. Ra ther than take back to store will E lcan or and Hoy Smith to Alvin auc tion, on lhe pre l1l ises, in Wayne sell at a big aacriflee. R. T., care Moet ca.... of he.dac..... tbat come to UI are directly T own ship, W a rren Count~' , Ohio. II. and Rach ed V. Earnhart, of Miami Gazette. °m25 ,..,",Habl. to defecti ...e e,.e. iebt or weakcned eye mUI ' ' aid premises lies immedi nte ly we ~ t acrc lol in Wa~' ne '1'p., $1. FOR SALE-Two good work marel. Louis Bi. ~ h op to J ohn nnd Mug o f the Corp oralion line of t ho Vil Sand 3 years old. Davia Furnas, luge of Waynesville, a nd on the south gie Long. ~! l ot ~ in Fran k lin, $ 1. 0... ."pert .enlce will quickl,. reliev.. you, Ibould west side of the wesl sid e o f North ~ J ohn Long t o Lo ui s Bishop, lot in R. R. 4, Waynesville, Oblo. at yo.r be ca••in. tbe.. bead.ach•• · St r eet, of said Vi llage, 011 Mo nday, Franklin, $ J. FOR SALEParks Barred Roele Minn ie an d Ann n Sieker l o Myro n tho 6th day of A pril, A. D. , 1925" eggs for hatching, 75e per aettin&'. II I 2 o'clock p. m., on s a id da y the lind Est her Sh eets, a bou t 60 acres in Clca rcr eek Tp., $1. fo llowi ng describ ed real estate , t oMr~. Rachel Crew, R. R. 3, WaynelCha r les Dies h t o J oseph Bcnkley, wit : vill e, Ohio. °as Beginn ing lit a stone "ct in t ho lol in F ranklin , $ 1. B"n ja min F. und Leuru Wrig ht to SLIGHTLY used player plano, Bal~­ W(',st lin e of th e . incorpornted Villuge of Waynesville, Warren CounlY, Evere t t nn d U rsula W es ley, a bo u t win make . WiLl .ell at a aacrlflce. Ohio, on the so u t h,west side of t he 3 I1c rc~ in Dee rfi e ld Tp., $ 1. Cash or terma. R. T. care of Miami L. A. 1J0wma n l o Guy lord Buynf's , west e nd of North S treet, in Rai d Guzette office. °as Village, th ence r unnin g wi lh l he cor- abo ul J!J5 nc r es in Washingt oll T l. , FOR SALE-8 tons baled timothy pOl'l1 ti on li ne S . 35 degrees, W. 2.27 $ 1. DOWN AC RO SS Ad die G, Hankinso n t o R. C. Dlt rehllins to a sluke , t hence N , 59 dehay. 23 head of rood sheep. 1 Jewelen and Optometrilta, Andy Gum p was one be fore he 2 grees, 30 minutes W . 2.2 7 chains to rngh, 2 lots in Franklin , $ 1. Egyptia n sun g od. fresh cow. E . H. Brown, R. R. 5., enter ed collcge. XENIA ,OHIO Char ieR IIl1d Lilli e Ban ta to Ma rII stuke, thence N. 30 degr ees 5 6 min0al nt Lhey lIsed to las h sail ors 3 A s pri te-n ot t he kind the soap Waynesville, Ohio. utes E . a.aa chains t o a slnke, thenc e garet J, Montgo mery, about 4 ncres I) Wh i~ t1"m~ d fo r . to du ring a sto rm. S. 79 degr ees 00 minu tes E . 1. 24 in Clear croek T p. , $ 1. FOR SALETho services of the 4 Wh at yo u Iny out and seldom Alice an.d A lfre d Gr ee n fie ld to !J Simpli fie d spe lling f or th e god chains to the ce nter of t he F ra nk lin fol1 ow. Pe rcheron S[iil1ion, Royal Wonder. o f th e Moh omm edan s. P ike, then'c e S. 9 deg rees 00 minules Henry E. S hafor and Eliza belh An n 11 What you havc in th e back of 6 La nd f ormll ll on f ound in th e This is the King'~ Powder Co. horse, E. 1.!J6 cha ins lo the beginn ing, co n- Shu fe r , abou t 5 a cres in F ran klin yo ur cant. c oulllry Zane , Grey writes about. und will make tho SOWion at my farm. ta in ing . 77 ~1 Hercs be lhe sa me mor e and Clenrcr e(,k T ps ., $ 1. 6 Rh oda E. Oleve nger e t ai, to Amos I II Whut the l. b. m. sa id wh en the 01' less, except the said g r unto r . PhilRegul a r a t tendnnt at al1 picnics. O. A. Strawn, R.- n. 4, WaynHvllle, cu rtain we ll t up nt l he F olli es. V. alltl Bla nch e R. RoL in (!U, ubou t ii I' lI opkin s , I'ese l'vt's for h i" own use A bb revinti on for what goes by Ohio. -maO ] 5 Wha t ove r y IIgri cultu rist has7 00 nC " e ~ in Clearc rec k Tp ., $ 1. I u lot 0 1' suip of g'round , fifty feet ~ , nol a F oret lhe f ro n t of the house-nol a cop FOn SALE-Good leather davenDora Fl'~' t u Roy 11. an d Mll r lha \\'i d,' , run, dnJ: lJa ck fl' olll lhe Frank17 il rn ss i(' res fo r me n. 8 Wha t yo u do with " strap in a port. Call or address Ina E. 1111 ruad " I' pih . to soulh line of sn id ll uri Hon, lut. in Fl'Ilnklin , $ 1. strpct cnr- if you ' r e lucky A. O. 13" 11 ion to George Wursl l! r , 18 Cnnjunl'tion s i~nifyi n A' n ch oice. Ill l. B(' illg' utT Il' e east side of said eno ug h to get on e , Shane, Harvc\y8burg, Ohio, °a1 J!J What Y"U Cll n go ov(' r in a barlut 1111.1 I y i ll~ wen o f the \l'es t co\'- lI'uel in Ha milton T p., $ 1. rp lif' you want to. ' 10 So mething a g rand opera star FOR SALE-Prairie State incubator po n nil.+11 l ilH' of l he villuJ.!c o f \\'ayf.l',:.- \' ill" . O h i .. , Hnd u in fii ng th~ J'eon, CO MMISS ION E RS ALLOWANC.-o S 23 Nonh had on~ , bUl it wa B ~pe ll e d di fferently. II ~n~i~l'~ nnm c- no t Cinder ella. 240-egg, 510.00; folding bed, 15.00; l a-jll g' i l l 1c.· I,g lh ~.z 7 l'Ila i ll~ more u1' c. C. Ili,!htma n, broom ", $ ~.r, O; 24 T hc way yo u f eel when yo ur J 2 Wh nl mo"t tow n ~ pui up whe n Hi new egg cases, knocked down. less, Frank lin T p, T r ustces , care of "01. t he boys co me hom e -not the Ma.r y F. Brown, R. R . 1., Spring mnthc r·ill· la w ca n'l come t o \" is(O('l' d Il<' co rd s, \' 0 1. ~17, p,,!;e (i87 , di " I' ~ lol ill Wo odh ill ce mcte r y IInci yo u. dl·inks . Val1ey, Ohio. -al He cO !'(\to 1"" "fliee. \\'al'\·.'n Co unlY, i\ag 1'''1' sume. SGO: Frank lin Chr .. n- 2G it W hat t he co p dar~ c1 the burgYe" 'WC have n o B in our ba11 Ohio,\ icle , :1<1 'e n b inI!. :)7 .50; W. H. Stnl)luI' 10 do. ]I' OR SALE--Old-fashioned black nlln n to da y. :;Hid reu l I':;la t.(· ha s been r g' ul nr- UI1(! CO" ~ upl>U es f o r a udi to r, $5 ; H. p olitician s 16 What l h e English gentry try to and tan rat terrier JIUpS. LawIy np pr:<is('d under Ol'de" of th e Co urt t; , Dila l ush, cUI·nne r . in qucst Fr<,d 27 Co ng'l'essmen a nd a plenliful supply of it. kee p up. ' r enee Surface, R. R, 4., WayneBa t lho " 1' 111 "c Nil", Ilundrpd ( $\100.- S hl,, · b ~ rt. :> ,1.05 ; Tr ustees Pu blic Af - 28 hnve P len l y o f polil ici a ns th,,1 th e m- 17 Wha l you sec on the t ops of ill Oh' - 1 00) Do llars und \\'i ll nut be sold Cor fil iI'S, water, $14 ,1.27. .. v C, 10. , a public buildings-not fla gs. ~(' I vcs up one sin ce election . less lillln l wo, third" of sui,1 appmi, e d ao Prin cipal ch>l racter in t he j oko 18 Th e ki nd o( an examination ,P OR SALE-White ~born, lar,. vn l u~, IIbou t th e Swede. tllnt's usua lly nic er than a writsl~ain, E;nglish Hatching EaP, Te l'ms: CAS H . THE UNANSWERED AD a l He r'eccive cl lh e s uil case full te n one. . '1 ALFRED C. BRAN'l'. \Vunlc d A ble-bodi ed folks t o l\ kind o ( ru bber. guaranteed. 90 0/0 ferti e, $4.75 per f mon ey. 20 W , JOt1I'&ON 0UN>f S heri ff of W alT an County, Ohio. de monstralc l hnt hl1 rd wO I'k is good ;12 oLate l' t1~a n now . '100. '" Fred ' Rlenarll., R. D. 4, Way22 Grnnd pa courled one. Hobe r t W. ill'o wn , Atty. fur OIl C. 34 Compl ete d es~rip ti o n o f m osl 23 'Wha t F rance was to us duri'ng Il cs ville', ' Onlo:"" .,' 0al t he war. . . " ' -' high sch ou l g irls . P0R SALE--Draft mare, 10 yearl 86 It was a ll go ne th e first of 211 N('gll'Ct of a n obligation , told, never ' bl!'un1, !buBed, and good Septemb er (a bbr, ) . 2 7 The hot air from ~he rec"nt po-. '" worker. Alao .Polana.Chlna Male hog :17 No thi ng fill s lhi ~ spa ce . ~i,iicoJ4'it~fc~~1.W uld have fil~~ John Beadh,' R : R, 2,-,W"aynesvmi , O. 38 The ~ u y lhnt says, "Sec you in 30 days." 2!l A maga zine ,for musiclan;r-npt , .- .~ , ' .. , .m 26 40 To pl'l1ise hi ghly. Sn appy Stories. , , . FOR ~SALE-A' f.resh'-cow, with calf 42 What you find in your sock- 3 ] Wh a t a hutterfly. does. in thO ', ~* 't illr 'liide. I\b.? JlUlne corn. Innot Christmlts pres ents. 43 What MI·s . Dab a cll1ted Mr. Ba- 33 1f~~\,en $:ac,kle; abollt I~. ·_ " " quU;e;·ot- ~ . H :;'O l'lldorf. R •. D. 3, Wayn~lvUl.r Qhlo • ..,l ", °Jl)25 • ba when t he forty thieves were 35 R~~;e~~lI~~1lk e :em.,.-but .o~ 'the FQR SA~.TiietOr\ dllC In No. -l IIsleep. 45 When y ou don't hope to die. 38 Ma h's Inst nam e. ' eortdltiQD,-rOOd 'aa new. AI80 lome 47 What a shiek lives hi. ao What the office boy seldom dol'S ex~ goo~ -potaCOetl, bolh early 48 Inventor of a shorthand sys. to his slIlary. ane{ .late. ~riety. : .''In'4ulre of W. H. t ern. ' , 40 H ow many of a kind ill a :,f. Wh~taker, Jt•. 1,' W~'yneaville, O. 60 Twe lve h ours be fore midnight. n ochle d eck? ' .- '\0' ~, : , ' _ ·~25 62 A t hird of Kipling's defini t ions J\ 1 Whnt t he ~tunt flier loops, FO~ SALE-Goodi:1!" nd Eariy, Ohio of " u ludy f a ir." 42 Wha t [(r a ndpa can't do. ,. potato'18. Call 'W. E. Cornell, R. ,.iiI:I:: ~~ ~. ' \ ' ' ' ' '. . ;~ li 3 Cleoputrn's second hund maid- 4 4 What t h e choru s girl draws llloat 'D. 1.; phone, 144-3, Waynelvllle, en's upton ' was made of it. o ( her sn la ry f or. ' Ohio . · . · , ' m25 55 lie mlld e t he rave n f amous46 usually ,s hady. To'On SALE-Good heavy White Oata NO WELL TOO DEEP not conn ected wi th R ed Raven 4 7 ll'. Whal Pa do cs , when Ma yells Also alfalla, bay. Inquire of "amen S pli ts-a dv. ,., Stein.. goar·drlven . • Iectrlo him. S. Vandervili.lrt, R. II, Waynelvilli, pump with .nclo •• d aelf.olt !nG ' 1 Beam', ADcIes, Ohannels, Pla tH, 56 If you didn' t g et IS across, it's 48 nt It's" gift. -, Oblo: " , T. • .mJ& h.. d . Only 2 o.nt. po. hour to Entire Week March 29th , 8ol~ Tee., PIpes, Flues, Wa.ell no use to tell you t his one, fori 49 ( Every horse has one. " . • pump your w ater, Attaoh . Llhe POlItI. Valve-. fUI.d they' re identical. ' 51 ' An in er t g aseous clement found FOR SAL~Hd oata, lOme nlo. light .ooket. to any , SINGER'S MIDGETs ~ SO TINY. PEOPLE 57 Idiots. , .... HPOACINQ '8TE.L . ' .in the atmosphere--not hot 'ail'. .' dover hay ad ba:led oata Itt-a•• , , Other Vaudeville and Photoplays M. STE IN ER & CO. 68 The way you wear that blue 53 What lis" do when they're out Good team' of ' hO~I: Ell 'F urnn, P rompt Dcll\'ery from OUr neckt ie. I WarahO\llll of wuter. ' ' ... , W III O~ "I " • .. .. 6t.., What Firpo tried to g ive Demp- 54 Ku' Rluekerl!- can eat it on Frlaynelv _ e, nO. . m .... Promptly Submitted Bey. , day. . FOR SALE-PIa,.r Plano In nei,la. Ml1fUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 61 What th e Mohicans stole, from 67 Most rowboat841ave one 01' more: borhood, of Wa-eniW.; which the shoemaker. ' 69 Hw the 18th amendment Wat! "", . TIle ....... , .. ..,... Mh LOCATION 62 One of what t ho Jack , of HeartS s upposed tomako this cduntry. can ' bit boqht b, r.poulble Part, ,......~ Ie",.,. • Smith car 00., st ole from th e Queen • 61 A n abbreviation for a lltate by paling balanCe d•• til. ilwaufac- " .......... $1..800,000.00 . .rp.... $870,.7.32 . .. , . . • Wa""ou.. 1 _ .' 1111 64 A kind Qt fis h which the pel)ple named lifter a , French kin&,turo. TIIl'IU If dllllnd. J'or oon'0... il,OOO .... ats DAVTOH, OHIO of Loll Angeles won't cat on not Minnie-soh-tab. .. lid tlal i .• -.:.:....-.. ..:.... ' 11.._ lIS InlUal1l of a Prog'rell8lv_not on .D.."..-.oa, .In&' __ 1 I Jul~ ard. 83 61) Sidon's slater cit)". LaFollette, Darton, Ohio. > Apr~ t e rnal. An d h RS h(' ('O u RUI ' {"(,9~ ( 1I 1 In t het r entment n f Cn[orrh 'for o ver f t:t rt)' }' l'n r H 8 0 1<1 by 1\ 11 dru"~lst8,



Traxler's Optical 0'pt

HnYIlHlIll1 Priu r, nl Lt'lw-

II ll l' iu.: cO lll plied wi th til l' rC'luiro 1lll' IItM o ( lhc Uti li ty Cum l ll i ;~ i ,' n , T lIl1I gOing illLo t hi! Truc k Uu!l.i ll eHs IIl1u in, und will be Itble to do all kind s of hllulin g li t reUllonllLJle ratos.


PI' I('l'~

N. L. LeMontree

\V ~ r (' w('l, k - l' lld ~Ul'~ts I l f ;'\11'.

Hll d Mr:-. li o n ,

c1 i n~lIo s (,

ll nd 1I'i11

a ilm n til t h o r:,tt )!h l.\· . Hnd sal is fatlori ly 1'0 1' \, ,,11. If YOll r ('yl'~ 'n c<l attl:ntion it is best t hat rOll h av e t h em ('xami nl' d 1m I1wti in t ely. Delay i R CO '1tIy. W e wi ll exa m inc t hem frec o f c ha r g e . YOlll"

o f 1),l\ lttli. !o p "lll ~ \llI d HY " ilh ~lr , und ~ I 'I" , \\' illill lll Brolln, ii iI' . ;lll d ~ I ,'s, 1\ . It :!i!! ." fllili' iiy . ur 1\ L' ltttH: ky , ha\,l' 1l\O\' v d ttl tlll' te n an t lal'l l1 I ( , \ lIu,' l ·t Slaty. tl' r '~ Illo dH' r ,


!' lIlt \11-;

b u s iJH.·~~

\ \'l'dnl' :,d uy

Wmo Robinson

In flu en ce"

1'(' ,)\'

1)11)' 1 0 11.

r h ildn'll

wi l hou l r(·col'd .

NEW S UI TS Minni e I ;; \'''n ~ has brou ght " Uil aJ.:'aill"l A b"l1 loll' 1';I'"n, for di n, re <' , ch n rj!'ing llI'glccl an d c ru e lly. l'u,· t .. dv o C chi ld, alimony, in j un ctio n W AY NESV IL LE, O H IO I1I1(i (, lh er l" llI ital>l ~ reli e f ar c a: kt·J 11'n N, Bowli nI!' hn . ctlten'd ~ ui l ng'a i n~ t J uhn W . Bowli nI!' f<1l' di v ~ rse , ll limll ny I1n,1 ('LlstOtly " f chil dr('n , Danos Catarrh Medlctne I~ ichard IPhi <'ste r has I'nlH<,,1 ' lli t Thn ~ ... who arn In n "run-t!Ot"n" ('oru.1t. lll!ai ns l th e i\!inmi Vall ~ y Pu('king lion w ill not lco th a t CatA r rh bothers t hem cntrlpan y r~lr fore c losure of mortg-a)lE' much m o r o thAn ~' h cn th ey nrc- i n «Dod Amollnt cla imed $3 00 0 h ealt h , Thts fnc t I1rO"e8 tlmt white "f mone v. CB t nr rh Is a IOC"lll (1l 8(,n.~ . It 19 ,::n-en Uy wi lh int~'I'est from F e hruary 111. 'Z ·\'




" 'k in

Hau lin g of a ll ki nd l; a lso wi ll bu y your old pap e .. , ragl a nd j un k.

For Lumber


MI'. nlld Mr~. AIII'II, bml'lck Ul!tl

}'r lil. 1.1 11(1 ,\11' :-. l; ('I H'~l' Cbll·k . o f tn >l Ull h" r <, l.,· \\,, ' 1' , ' Wl' l, k - Llnu g' Ul ·:-: t ::; IlI n' (l J'd c r c u tH he tlai d, until ~ aid C ill cinnat i , of MI', !llld '~II", I I. ~1. Clurk. ""111 ,'f nil1 ~ t .v dolla r < he fu ll y pnid ;'Ill'. an d ~II'~, FJ'JlIll, Sni,ler s(l 1<1 to ('lI l11plni11 11nt. Thl' l!l u t t ~ I ' o f OW"" (;l' U~" and W. l he lr fnrm \\ l 's t of l uW Il last \\'''' 0k , :-.;, H ll~ hlll'l', a 1'l1rtn(' r,h ip v ~ . l'U\; t! tu Mr. \)\iv (' 1' l\illg', .. r Fl'lI l1k lin . lIlt·s. \\,i lli ll1l1 ('l'l' ig'hlo ll "till fl', Hu d .h' f1lt ip 110 lf \\'H ~ d i:,rn j ~ ~e d wit hmnin" quill' ill. MI'~ , S ll ~ II l1 SlI y h,l', !Iut n..'l'nrd. 1'h .. "llI11('r o f Gruss Hnd BII ~o ro uf ' prinl! \ ' nll ~y, i; ca l'ill~ for h e r, Mr. unll ~ll' s. Clau ll,' LeWl ' all d v", ":l'sk iIHI R o L illSU ll w as Ji !" ll\i !"~l: d




wn s ~ ullly nf n

alld il was nnlerct! th al 11<' puy 10 \' lJ l1ll":dnan t th e !'um \.) f nne ct n llar

DAYTON, O HIO Main offiCII-Third and B roadway

Lin: s cntt ' llcc .

C h arJ.'~

West Side Building and Loan Association


Wult ~ r Kenrick . wh o hn ~ been quit

Ill ,

)It·,. B.'t'nc , .l "nes SIll'llt Sat unln)' COII1MON PLEAS ,PR O CEE D INGS Il.,f"IIClnnt \\.,," ~l'nll tl' I 1,,"\'(' 10 file n l1 ~ \\' l' l" H11 11 cfn s.'i· }lct il il1T\ i n th e n,ll1 ltl' l' o f (,htldl'" F. Phill ipR ,, ~ . S . l'. P hillips d nl. ll~ rl'l : daHt is I!I'onlell I(' u\'c III til(' am,w,'r ill t he malt,' r o f Willi ll lll lIus· ,d t \' ~. N. A. lI ami lt on. In t hl' mat tCI' (I f I hI' ~ t· all' of Olti" I'" ~ Charl es . \lkin ~(l n , .!dl' IHlnnt hllvinA' fail(' d to clIlllllly wit.h M' lI l '11<'" o f t lw ('O\lr t WH~ fl rcil.' t'l' d IIIT\' ~ tt ) d anti " lu \'\,,1 ill th c Wurrcn ClIUllty jai l to

o:lsistctltly to accumulate m< ncy. Y0U make sucec s m ore difficu lt if y U neglect to in\' s t in the W est Side, w h ere every hei r is e ' tended.

&cabliabed 188 7




M st pc . r le h:1\'C to wo rk hnro nnd

"Where Stwlnp arc Safe"

. .M I


Sheriff's Sale

.,•••••••••••••••,................................. t-

Instant Relief from headaches


~ ...





- --







.ilea a:

·w . ..


"_ a.aa..

. lUI L ISRAR 00. '







" ~

---- -~-


• 8ubacl'iptioD RIoi.e, $1,50 per Year


MARCH 26, 1926 Vice-President Dawes is now a finn advocate of the alarm clOCk.



. I


The farmer would rather have an Increase in Income than a decrease In income tall, but who thinka abaut. the farmer, The wearing of pajamae on the Atlantic Beach is to be forbidden, The girls promise to obElY without prot,est. Supreme Court Justice CropBill!Y, trying a Sunday selling cllse. hila ruled that ham and egge are not drUg!!. The defendant should have contended his el!'g1l wer~ fert.illzer, Any city jury would have agreed to \hat.

Cornelia Sllops for You

Ellperta say the aafeet place In New York durinr an earthquake I. the subway. Naturally when one oozes into a Bubway jam a little . thing like an earthquake hu no terron. ACTION-WE WANT SENATE ACTION

"Good Homel"

It Ie hoped by the tim. the Senate reeonVlll •• , It may have reeoTered control of lte omcial goat and get down to at.tending bu_ln... of the United States. Ju_tllleation for the attack on the Hcred Institution of the S.nate'. sanctilled preroga·tt.,.., at the handa of General Dawe., ao far a. lte political wlldom i. eoneefned, my be a debatable que.. tlon. Rlrht or wro~. however, the public haa no will to .. e the nation', buain ... lit ulde while the S',late and ita prealdlnr offteer .ettle their dUrerenc... IArialative aetivit.le. In Wa.hlurton HtIIII to ba.,. developed Into a wild Itru"le for penonal and politteal advantar.. •

Highlights of Interest In the Celebration of Our 72nd Anniversary T he Indu lI:1. 1 F:.hibit i. the

m os t imp o rtant and i nlen· ~til1g

d eve lopment of our 12n.l Anliivenny Cd. b"lti on, I r h .. been •• tabli, hed to honor Da yton and th e tre mendous 51 ri d.,. thlt it ha s m ade in ad vance-

Mlu Bel.n Graum, of the County Normal, baa been teacbll\lf the primary room tb. palt week, In the abeenee of 141l1li ImoJean Gray. Mr. and Mra. Walter Underwood. of Wa"nelWille, visited their children Mr. and Mnt. Wilbur Hawke and family, Sunda". Mr. and Mrs, M, E, Sherwood .n· tertained company, Sunday. Mr. and Mra. Carl Blackford have P~haaed Mr. and Mra. W. T. Jordan I property. . Jfn: Alllanda Starr hu moved . from ~. Ida Howe'. rooma to the Walter Gray property on Eut Main

Thr .~

i\ 11



Ea ch wind ow h.s as i 10 back-

Ind ustr ·,

, t, ,11

Wardrobe Trunks or Sa e Day at

:lnd chcchd S;

Afltll-,i1,1 I, .. ,d, ,,I, "I.IlL Lincd $ 2 1 " id, , ' I t 1"11 11(', II:., .011 l hl' feat ure s • o fl igh-g1.lIk tn '"k, ____ _____ __ _


S izc~ 10\'0

l~eckl aces ' .,,/ <!' '-' .50

\ .

P" llIianl I I \ ) , L • 1 '.

W 'Illen's Sil k I'll Ltli isl'

I " I , .. I. ,I,

: 11 11 .a •



..r 'l t a I if, ~

, I :.



Illl"t.d 111 .1 ·.

Slreft FIr.Jr

, :t I

til , ,\... '.

. ' I \ ,,'1/


.,.1 ;1 01

,II 1



I' l ,ll , i r"'I "j II ,,;, \. 1<, .. , 1\.",,, 1, " SII,'" n,~n'


1\ en's ,' ilk Li tl ed C:II'S in S:lic ___ ___ $1.50 1cIl' s Tan

Employ eeo ProJll cu Th e World Market Emplo}' ••• We lfa re Good H omes


R.tail S ru res .

i '. -, .,, ~.


Pro rection Throu~ho " t the nore, on _II ledgu, are placed ,Ia.'ge paper

mache valles. cp nulnln g .pTl ng foliage , They add a ch eery and (Oltive appearance to t he store ,

Re(lroducti on. of th e Indu.trial Polter. in our windows are .hown on every 800 r ins Illaner fotm ,


$30 Perm,anent Wave Nestle Lanoil P erm anent Waves. SpeciaI'during , Anniversary _______ ____ ___ _


French Transformati ons at f<l re Anniversary savings __ _~ $22.50. $25

the Mellantne lloor. A_Breu .. heel, .ym bolizina the "Whee I of Prollre..·; tum. in 'ron t 0 f a lorcefu I painting · repre. entilll the .cope of Dayton'. Indu.tri. .



&auly Shop-Muz4inne


,, ~"" /d .... r'J Sh" p


Out of Town Free Deliveries

In patent le:t rhcr or tan calf with nea t sid e gore for perfec t fit and S 1\1 ;\rt t:l\tOllt patt ern ,

\ ith in tI,l' Unitcd States, on itc ms pur-

R ihf' K"",ler'3-SecOlld Floor

Silver Plated Hrend TraY!l Ann iversary Priced. SI .') 5 Rike-Kunrlc r·s ...:.S trrrt Fluor

Lunch eon ', Served in the Dining Room Gu ('s rs in th e HoI',' nee..1 n ot Ie a V I! rill' IUl1 cheon, un th!'\' - des ire, T as' y lu nd;eon s :t rc serna l in 011 1· Sixr h Fl oor D ini llK Room fr n m I I A, 1\i, to 2 \" 1\10.1 , rill'J'l' is COl1til1UO US ,C I \'i(c ulltil S 1', ;11. for IUll chco n s . teas and refres h-.


me llI' s. ,


I\'cw . ilk :ll1d \\ '(101 Til'S __ ___ _____ ___ 65c.

$7.9 5

Rilu- Klmller 's - Tllird F loor

The Set Piece on the .treet 800r. rerre.enlina I·}ndu.u..,." , i. one 0 th.e molt atriking di .. play. of Anniverury, It me ..• urea 14 feet by 14 (ellL and i. mounted j II at belo.. the balcony, between theulirwly.ludinl to

Saturda)t~ t~

Smart SHpon PUU1PS Only

Voile Dresses, sizes 2 to 6 years, $2.69, $3.69

Lan year'. oil paintings, IUalIeSle d for Da yt"n, ha ve been hun g in th " dinin~ room. They giv e a very fin. pIctorial olltlay of the future Dayton ,

I I r ,\Je/l

I,,~,'-I ""rI<r'.- &rSCl l1m r

Assorted Corsages_ ,_______ _________ _Sl.fiO Peasant Blouses ___ . ___ ___ ________ __~2.2 5 'Silk Costume Sl ips _____ __ ___ ______ _ $3 .72 Gingham House Dresses, $1.72 ___ _3 j. ,r S5 Women's Spo rts Coats ___ ______ ___~i9 . 7S Warnell's Printed Froeb , __ __ ______ ,, 17.75 Germ an Fitch Chokers ill Sale __. ___ $15 .50


~ I Uh'

llcgil1l1ers (;,,1 1' s,l' t, b;l .~ . .J.L'l llbs.3 balls $18.75 l\atLtI.I1 \\'uII,1 Ch :l irs, \ 'n)' S pecia L _$1.85

Rw- K ...nler·s -&cond F'loor


1\1 ;]( k C:rIr Uxfllnls __ $6.75 "i l it'

• Pat ent Calf Pll mp~ . ___ • ____ • _______ _$7_95 H, & W . G irdl es, JlIIW __ __ _ ______ ____ $1.95 Satin Brass ieres ____ ___ ._ .. ___ __ ___ _' 70c Effa Bbnche Gown s ;-I1lc! Ch el1lisc ___ $l..tS 513 Boys' Wool Su its IIL __ Boys' Cp;avenett e ~uit . ;t wo'trnus ' r ', 15, $18 Boys' Percale Shirts. ___ • __ .. ____ ______ 79c

A Cummunity

Amu.e rn e n,~


borde r ___ __________ __ ___ __

rhi. wlr eel contains

Tran .porullen Communicarion) Education

I\1en's F011r,.Piece Go~ uits

h.l\ e

1,000 y ,! ru: pure linen t!'.l ,h ! W hi te \\' i t h r ed 0 I' b I u e

powe r o f


H".·KulIIl. r's-Six rll FlocA-


I\()\'cl t)' i-';d,ri l' \ ;!,,\" < , _ _ ____ Il."'c \~'omcll' s Sports I;,,·c. ___ _____ __ .. __ !:-1. 19

______ ____ _

Hikc-Kltlllkr's-J'/ri rd Floor '



Finance Pbn rs and Buildin gs Raw M""' ri~1 18


col u l" ;\no ·,It: w \l:lt tern. ]' IIIO':' ! nO' ('(). i:Jretl necks,

F I ...~ ,.

m'" j:oh(ll s Jnd Irit1\1l\ings.

P ure Lineri Crash ,At

(,:tinti n g 1I1 u.!Ir ;ltin~


I\I).J rhll~ U -F III III

in r aised lerle rs rh e w o rdln~ "Da y'ton I n,l ustry I'rogresa.'

, Marcia 3ht,

Mr. Clarene. Bacford bu been ill for Hnral daya. Min M&rIfaret SoUen, of Miami unlvenity. Oxford, wu home, Sa~ urday. < MI'. and Mra. Hurh Harper, of Cleveland. are announclnr the birth of a _on. The mother of Ill'. Clayton 80Uera ,18 very III .. a reeult of a etrolte of p .... lyaia. Mr. and Mn. Erwin Muon of Dayton. are announelne the biiih of a daurhw. Mr. Wm. Aleunder and little daurhter, Bitt),. are lulerinr from the rrippe. ' .: Mr. and lira. Rudd 8.,101', of Huntlnrton1 W. Va., .... announcl~ the birth or a ·lOn. ' .' Word h.. ':"en ree,lTed of ~, death of Mn. 'Auriah Adame. of ~­ verlake. 0 .....; 10....11 of,tWa plaM MI'. and Itn. W. W. Whitaker and' ehUdran, 'of Mon;o_. .ent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Ralph AlIundeI'. Mn. Mary ' MiddliRon spent the we.k-end at Wllmlnctoa '~wl~' b'e r daurbter. Kra. Howard BaDb. WIIo 18 .vel')' Ill. ' bo.le talellt " play, "Th, Ad· ,V-nt",,"",if .Gruurp....• wu ,&inn at ,the Ca..,...k ' Btrh lehool, Wed-

Cleifl 'i


mo ri\'c

Ii i · L:r


I I, ,' 1<1.

Rik c- K wlllcr'~

on " rh ..., pt n a)' ~ln clll .. ry , In th e f '1f "J.:rlHi no or (lar h, a massi,'(' wh~'cI t Ufn if1 J,t. i ndi ca -

A ......'... 3Se _ . 200



tion- h'Jrn wil ;n is IlJ :J ~ i n g D 'YIOII and ,his Miami V.lley

t ive o f t h l!'

tl' pl :i'll -

11 ,,111 1"~l lb (!


Novelty 7\'c ck1:1l"C, _____ ____ ____ __ ___S2 .~O M oire . 'ilk Pil I" ," ___ _____ ___ _____ ~2.15

~xh'hiti I1R . cl'rra in 10 vi t,,,, this clC l"n~ i­

g round. "


- Slr«1 lloor

h' ' Hl d n ~' I ' ~. rI! T il _Gi rls' .<;1"./,- Till,,; n ur

list(',1 h ere are t he m ~lntl­

indu stri all y g rC'3t .


L11. ____ ___ _____ ____ _27c


C i;,ghaill ' ! Si;'(' s(, tn 1-1-, withou t bl ll (l 11 1\ IS,

her", ma ny o f whi ch 1101 Vt! r evu hll io ni7.ed c~rra in industri al lin t's- mOlI1V luvc cr ralcd new

facturers "ho

Dr (lp~ ,


;111 ,1' lo\\' pricl',,'

__ ., ________ __ JHc

P rinrs, ' tri ps , " b irr I ;':::\'



Dr es~ing C[Otl1h~

Vlr-; ;lt \

l\ 1nrc Hy l" , <l ot ali ty and "alilt)' 111 ;,n you \\'ould eXl'l"t al 1I, i, luw price. ,\tlractin prints in c,'c ry


prudll ctl :'I nd sc o n'K: uron sco re!


DIXIE MINSTRELS At Te. . Han. T.oe4a,. ET_'a.


n ~ ''; \ l n s !ltrt'.J. l\1inG, .. lHlvc

th e hlllnc, fo r th e fact or y--i n-




d Ulln. 1 a pplication of oci,' n,i fic prin cirl c. which, ve" m.nuhu u ren t h ounnps of dollon, Edi hl.. , . rr ",el. waste !.,.,ng

Ma.... Tow...lp CO . . . . . lt,.

o. .al..-.C.

diJl11etl'r! t':t" JI. <I i, k" 7 and ') i :~('h (-:; t all! T " ~" II H r t h,'" t11 : :I ~l' \'!'a" ll i l ~g 1,,,fI·,,t M·t ; , '1'0 III ~dd d i: .\ " , l1~ ­

R ;t inh ll w l~1.1"' ·' CII\ t' r b'I\', I s, 'J aro.! IU illl'l '" in

Girl's'V\l:as.l ;cirocks • 0a ~ 1· rl1Z • 95 In e '~1 -V (;;I y ~


d Ie

Arnon~ ,hrse ex hibit. wi ll be found "hor sav:in R J ev ice! fo r

Mr. Ieaac Hanks II reported a little better, number of loeal Maaon. attende4 ihe annual Inspection at Lebanon Friday 6veninll. Meillrs. J. C., Chule. and Robert Gray were Muon vlalwn, Sunday aftemoon. Mr. and Mra, W. C. Walker, of Dayton, were Sunday peate of parente, Mr. and MI'II. A. L , Kennedy and limny_ A number from here attended Smith'. aale at New Burlington, Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Herbert File and daurbter,of Wuh1ngton C. H., were weekoend cueate of 111'. and lira. Frank Wlleon. .... 1Ir. and Mrs. Cbu.. Edward. and Kin Amanda Gray were sbopping In WlImlDcton, Saturday. ..



Rubber Sheeting, v:trcL ________ ___ ___ 60c Tr ue Lin en r :l pl'I'- ___ .'___ ____ _ ,, $1.'i'5 IO- Pi ere Sh ell 0 11 l \'llt)' D t:l'(Or: tll'd Se t:. " 15 N cw C; u iIn pc .1:, but ______ ____ ____ ___ S~ .()5 2 L inen Kcrrhirfs ____ _________ ___ ___ _2,;c Me n' s P"c ket <.." II11h s ______________ _... 10c


th rm. i lul i l," :lti\,C' of t h e w0r1 Jwiele '"'' of D.yh>ll prod u clI,


• will

• hi bill

housc,1 in I'\lud ..... i,h

85c Calld,I\', I kks. I>:Jl:


factuftu' prod uc tl a re on rxhi IIi!. Thele e x hibi,. are fuu nd on alm o" every 6 00r. They demon. " .te far more fo rc<flrl ly th ;;t n w ords . why we arc pruu d of I ndu stn . 1 Oayrull,


CanJ le"iticl\ ~~ !

19c 2 Sew-Oil SUPI' Clttl' t '; __ __ _ _ ____ _ __ _ 251.: 2 t>ill-Oll SllP Jl(jrtt'r~ ___ ___ ______ __ __ 25c

Men' s

M o re than nine ty l11 3. nu-

ment .

Flo"ver BOY," Is!

Garter Tubin g. y:mL_ ____________ __




If yo u a rc lm ah le t o ('onw to the srore to s h ar e in I h".c s, l\' inp , m:rkl' ,·"ur walll' kno wil 10 C..,mdi:L SI, ,· ' . i ll hlinp fll r Y O li o r wi tl l yo n, \ \ ' ,:1." \\ire or pilul1l' "d-4 ,HI I , alld ;0, 1, fu r ('"rrll lia,

Frl'c d,l ilt 'lies ~ re madc to a ny place ch,,~cd Ill:!'\! . I.

In Ri1<e' Downstairs Store . . .... Rare Savings

Spril1g Coats at n

sual Savings!

Fine Poln:ls hcen - Ve lvo llI00m$25 S u ede III spl'ings favored shades . the demand " ll sty les. wan t.ed fab rics

Dresses of Pri llted , Canto ll C repe _____ S15 B ()~"s \\""11 T\\() Pant ' \' ests Suits __ $8.95 Cirl' s While Confirll1 :ltion Dresses ___ $5.95 C hild ren '" 3ge Li sle Hosc ____ __ __ 3 P a ir$1 C ott<l ll Crepe Kimollos For - ___ ___ '- __ ()I)c IbylJI1 Striped Sil k Sca rfs For. ___ __ _$1.29 Di qj l1ctiveSty lcd Dress H rt l S ___ __ __ S4 .95 Novelty Sty led New Spring Shoes- __ S2.85

lAst Great Day ,Brin~~s You Quality M erchandise at Very Definite Savings - Come!

• I


, If...

eecIay . " nlrii ' • ~~:.:~l&r



meeUnr <!f the P. ..-rice. win be beld Thul'lldny.. IT. A. .aP "beld Thunday evenlnr. 'nit AII.Day Ill.lonary meeting Tbue nfe.Wira .... 'alwayll an avent' ~~~~~~~~~~~~== in thia eOllllllullity. , ,' ;:: • MI'II. Ma!'Jraret Mltehelt, o( Y!lunr. !town, aria' little'.t 1;olllae Ber,reI', of ~~wn. vlelted a few, aay. ·lut WetC: 'With lriende hwe. , ; lira. E1IIItee Siriltb )In; Ella Babb and IiIrj. JEd{tb WiiIlnburar, '·the E ,'-: J:.UNBItAL DIReCTOR · , , < Rction of CIUI ~o . '8 of the Friendl ;Sunday-ScJioolJ ente~ned the elus _vllle. Ohl~ at the Smith Dome, Thunday after·DOon. aev. . . . Mn. W. E, and Mr. :~ .... C .6cleiJaaU ... PuDy Equipped. for Q,Ood telllN tile Blble " Service. SChool COlttIftDC8 a& WlbDlIIctoa, Display ~oom ,Il

,W illter ~cClur~ Wa",..


y...,. JIee_ Ito....

WeclDudv. ' lin. liarle)' claqlater of Mr. IUId lin. Geozp Beuo... cUed at &he Iao.a of her puata lIoatiq ~,





-AmbulaDce Senice llAYO. NIGHT


Bethem- "Jack Billings is a cork· STRATEGY " .. at the Methodlet chureh ·was well ater/' I-lisJnnn - "JlIy wi fe buys morc tended, and , the apeakers of the day Smythe-"I <kln't know- but from, gloves thnn any Woman on cnrt.h very much enjoyed. ,Miss. West wbnt I hl!ve obse rved I'ccently- I Renll y, she's going to break me yet." spo!!.e In the morning on India, and think he is n better uncorkcr." mal'tly- "Why don't yo u buy her We are paying24c for OldStock Dr, Robison .poke in the afternoon a diamond ring'/" ' on China, ' Severnl eplendid musical 21Sc for Springers numben were also enjoyed. ,The mi"ionary offering for the. day was , , .

Poultry Wanted!




ti Il~ H. E. HATH,,&.'W ·A l' DENTIST ~ .., . And


A" 8. Swank Miamisbul"g, Ohio

.euP~282W Co~.nlaleatJo.. pai,l b,.


baM. HENDERSON . '-....

'Ohio, Wayaeaville, • --, ~ HOTM-Y fIU.LIe ~ Telepbolla , 114. Wills Drawn estates Settled OFFIOE: HATHAWAY BLDG. Waynesville, Ohio


NltlODll BaDk

W',l TED



At Cary's Jewelry Shop




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. .110•• 8


F.T. Martin Aucti.,aeer D, to your ••1... with

The Eye Ight Specialist

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday, Dr. John 8:00 a. m,' to 4 p. m.


w. udl--

= -


., \,. oro

Will F. Young




'I~n;"'" tf B .. K ~ JOI ,

\\ I,Il ln 1\ m:.I tll(8 fI ,.m

Every Wednesday 9 a. m. 't o 5 p . m.


RestRoom in GrangeBldg Waynesville, Ohio

\ ",,'J,' hr,.,[ Get your n h"'l- ,1\ l(.~': .•-~ .• 1. b, .... I h,'ut ,I h't ter of




11,,~ ~ . ftj. • .nt flU


, ;;.,


' f \~ l"


IIh II h·i~ht. 1I>HI'I'. " To

" OlWL'I· n.

<;1'100 . .Jimbe.t ho)'s

,,-', I

I " \(I'

,1\" .,

I hi~







Clerk- "Wouldn't you IIko ono of theHe croJlS-word Il uz:de book.7 They Bro ,,''1' lit to improve your vocabu. lary." Woman hop per- loWe haven't any • to illll)1·O\·e. Only a dining r oom and parlor,"


lind ny, Murch 2!l. Fifth in Lellt. :hur ch ' choo l lit 9 :3 0 a. m.; Mornilll( l'rUYN' und ge rm on at II t a. m. \ mflrlllll tio n instruction nt 6 :80 p. Ill" lind s('T \'icc und ndd rcss at 7 :SO II. 111. cvery \\' dncsdny c\'eni ng durinll' Lent. F:Vl'ryLu(\y welco me. REV . J. J . SC II AEFFEn. Recto r.

l 'rl1 nk ~ i, O IlC of h,· III\ ~ LurtIC ,1 out."

STILL RURAL ATTACHMEN TS "Hello •.l cI!' I h"n r yC'u <old your fllr m IIn rl 1111111 ('n It'l\dng thes"



.. \'ep . I'm ~nin~ to tllt' dty nnd join t}w ('nullt. 1J:~ t~? 1I


Nnlhn n .Johll slI n. Minis Le r PCI'!'y 'l' h u nm ~ . S up eri li le ndent W e wish nil nl<'mlJers nnd people of th e cummu nlt y t o La prese nt ul lhe sl:' r\-ic(' I1 I:' )<t [,ord '" lIay. Morn . ing S(' rlll"n Ull "W hy BI:' u hristinll On ly." ]-:\',·ni n(.[. " Whn t God Thillk s uf Mell ." 1\ 11 are welcol11e.

BLOND E BESS OPINES "The bon would lind n il 01 u.

Main Office: 924X South Brown Street,

bu&i1), Rt wor" more oftrn w h en h e come. in un rx p c t ed ly . • f h e

Ove r Sig ma Theater

would qui t weQring t hOle r u bber hee l• . "

Dayton, Ohio


Only $1.25 a Bushel or $2.25 a Bag The lineal Seed you eyer &lOw. fr •• from

Thursday and Friday, March 26 and 27



Mr. Rayman Hattl eld era l days last week.

A Paramount apeel.l. with a ll the Paramount .t ... from Pol .. Nell rl to W. S . Hart.


Mrs. J . H. Coleman hal b eon .Ick with grippe.

A atot'" 01 the New York Police 11 r...,h for 20c and 10c Firat Show Starlo at 7 :00 p . m .


lIIr. '. Lo".., lI aw ke hilS been very sick with lung reVei. Mrs. Lou Har lan spent Sunday with her da ughters in Day ton.

USED CAR SALE Cheap for Cash. Come In and Look Them Over. i'


Mrs .Lj!ia Smith is slowly r ecovering from a serioWi I1lngs)!. Mr. an d Mrs. Waller McClure werll in Plqufl, WeanesAuy of last week. Born - To Mr. and Mn. R!lrvey Rye. T uesday. March 24. 1921'>. " daught er. Several of the local Masons attend· ed inspection of Lebanon Lodge last Friday night.


Mrs. J e"'lle Burt on was t he g uest of he r sister. in ~JiP. d) e to wn . over the week·cnd. " Mrs. Sa rah Zimmerman and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman were Xenia ors, last week. Mrs. Ern est Butt erworth and Mr. Burne tt Butterworth were Dayton visito rs . IIturdsy. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapman snd sO.ns. of Ci n~'nn8ti. spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. E. 13. Jl'!ilf,




Waynesville Motor Co. Waynesville,I Ohio


.$ 1.25 · ::··lSc

Countr, Club. Small can. 4 for .. Larae can, 2 for ..


Potatoes APPLES

" ,.

Northern Wh i t e ' 2 3 c 15 pound •• peck.

Eating an d Cookina.

4 pound. for . ...

!~~~~..~~. . . . . 1Dc

... ... .. .


Butter .

F ..... b Cburfted. pound ....

Eabnore Oleo Fre.h. pOUftd .. ... .... .... ..

~e~r~nderCd. Kraut

Lon s Shred •• lara. un

silv:;-1 2c .. , .


!lOq -Pou : tr,. alld

- - - - ------

llIu m -

High c.t Prico. for 1:.811 1 . Wa it fO f out tru ~~ . u. be for e ~o u lel!:

1Il ~. i\ln r ch l Ut h. in Il uy toll, II I th~ hUll1e of her - isleI'. !III'S. DU\'id AI'Ill ' "trong. The f unera l was Iw ld ill th .. M . E . church W nY Il ~sv ill c. S n~\ll'll ll\, lI~ t e rn OO Il llt 2 n'cluck , Rc\, . . \,. i. \, n s h b \l~·n. cO lln udin,r the sndCl' • . ulld burta l Wild nll~d o in 1Iflllll1i ce lllell' ry.




"~""""""""""""'~""~" IT P~YS TO TR~P~ -'of


MIs. Ed nn Howland attend ed the fun eral of A. R. Howland. Ilt Bellbroo ic, Mondll)"

sick Bev.


Mrs. Milton Thompso n was confined the house last week ' with grippo.


Country Club •

Try our Rio Coif • .,. only. IIJ

Mr •. •l ohn Bl·l1eh. form eriv i\l iss


Phone 105

Batt le.hip. Silver S .... Old R. liable . Tulip Coff..... oDI,. Ib 45c

Ella Mc Co lll us. dl cd Thu l"'dl1):


~,. : J


CABBACE PLANTS-Will bav. .,.rly cabbaac plaDtt iD • f •• day. . Leave ,.ur order •.


A wonderfu l pictu re with 3.319 p e rforme .. head ed by Enid Benne tt a nd Milton Sill.. One show each night a t 8 ,00 p . m .• 30c an d IS c ADMISSION ..


CARDEN SEEDS. all kiDd •• pe r packa ge

PALM OLIVE SOAP-4 bn ... for . 25a

"The Sea Hawk"


pri.ce .

Sabbnth School. 9 : 15 fi, m .• preach· ing nt 10 :30 n. m. Wednesdayeven. ing scrv ic'(! lit 7 :0 0 p , m. Ep worth League 6 : I ii p. Ill . Preaching lit 7 :00 p. m. EV('cybody is cordially invited to th ese services. Hev. L. A. Wns hburn. Pastor.


froat and lure to .row.

Don 't d.,la y buyinll. a. thi. i. len tha n p r"' ODt who l• • ale





.20c .19c 9c

Country Club. 1 * · Ib Lo.f ..

!!'!~~~. POUDd.. . . . 9c ~~~~~ ~":~~. ..25c

Oni2~:~.2pGund. f~C£U~~~~'~~~ ............ 14c . 25c ~t~! ~o~ ~'.~r:'~~". 19c


t . Mary's Guild wlll meet with Mis Emma Heighway on Thurtlday aftern oon , Murch 26th. at 2 o' clock.

MI'. unn !'Ilrs. P. E. Kenrick and dau g ht er. Mi ~s Bertha. spent Sunday with i\1l-, a nd Mrs. Walter Kenrick. a t Lytic ,

J . C. Hawke has be&n summoned to serve n~ a j uror at the next terJl) of the Federal jury. at Cincinnati, April 7 .

Mr. and .Mn. James McClure lind Mrs. Walter McClure were Dayton Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Earnhart at- visitors, Tuesday. :,1 j " tonded It fllneKlIl1 in Springboro, SunMrs. Floyd Savllgc. of Rou te 5. day afternoon: '" And Miss Olivc Dinw iddie. wer e DayMr. and M1'1!I. Lon Burtol1, of ~'Id· tiJfT ~' illHp",,! r!!~a!. dletown. visit.€,d relatives hero Sun. Miss Esthe r Henders!)" <!pa rl t a day afternoon. few days last week in Dayto n with Mr . • nd Mrs. Ray Mills and lam. he r sister. Mrs. Harry Turner. ily an d Miss" Saijif/ ~ ith were in Springboro, Sund~y. , . ... Mrs. Ella Mer edit h was called t o Dtr)'WI1. ;?u ntla y, on ac coun t of sickdQl\glrl,cr'~ f~lt!l i!r Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Deatherage. of n08S in Qregonia. spe'nt Sunday witll Mr, Mr. and M rs. Ja mes Douglass. of an4 ~'!lI · R\lsS Hartsoc k. New Hollan d. Ohio. spent last week Messrs. Chnl'lea Franlc: and R. Tp!)- with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Madden. ber . of Springfield . rn ade- a plcUillint Misses Lul u t~ ,," ly fl ne! Ellna How. clIlI Ilt this o ffi(: ~ . Tuesday. . . land and ~i1:. Albin-t ' Wil5on vi.ited Mn. J. O. tJllrtWl'lgl)t !I~n d ~d I! the Midd letown school. , la st. Thurs"bridge party" at the I)ol))e of . da)'. Cha8. J. Waggoner, in Lebanon. last Miss Martha O·Nti~lJ. of Mle WayThursday night . nesville Natio n"1 bank force . is tlJkFarms and Town Property wanted. inc II vI1Clition. on accoun t of her 3 'lc commission. Write fo r bl unk. eyes. Smith Furm Agency. 1407 W. York Mrs. Herman Conner and Miss !,.~i!.adelphia. Pa. Stella Daug herty visited Mrs. Myel' Mr. Fl'an~ ~~!!. MIP h.a~ P9t been Hyman at the Jewish hospita l. last· . well for spm!) ~iTllt!. wa,s '~1!er} 'Wl)ie ~ e~ ne s day ... ' McClellllnd hDllpjl41l, X~ nJa. 1!l8t SUII The dcgr eOj ti talf of Walono~villc day eve nlrJlI'. f Dr treatment. Grange weill to Spring Vaney. MOA Among the latest grlpp~ villtlm" day evening. where lhey exemplified r eporte d arc lIlrs, J ames Kerri ck. t he 8cg pnd deg l'cu in thnt lodge . on Dr. H. E. Hathaway. Mrs. J ohn severa l c l\n(l i(l/l \e~. Froinm. Vern Armitage. Mrs. Elmer Bor n- To Mr. lind lIIr~. Ralph Lee. Rogers. F. B. Henderson. of Dayton. Murch H!. 1025, II son. Jr. Mr. Lee. Sr.• se r ved St. M.I'. (I, W,IIterhouse attended a Ralph Mary'S congregation last year 'during meeUn~ 0 ' tt!~ "J [HR field artillery at Dayton, SlIturday. ,At' ~hf~ !TI~et­ the abse nco of Rev. John J. Sellaef ing Wilbur E. Click, w,,11 known Iiere fQ " was elected vice-president tor the Throulfh the klndn esH of th osil who southern divisi4)n of Ohio. own radIO sets. a largr number of our citizens were enablC'd to enjoy the program g ive n by t he band. HIgh School orchestra and Olee clUb. Tuell day night.




THE Sc-lOc-2Sc-$1 STORE

Mrs. W. J. Baker invited in




25c Houa. pre.,,,,, wpl~ P.'~d" $1 10 and trimlDed, ••,11 .... .. ·..... • ;J

f~r ..

.. ........ , .. ... ..... ...... ..


Extra Special PANTS, all


_. .... for SATUR·

DAY ONLY. Per pair ... .. ...... .. ...... .. "" .... ..


$2.00 $2.60

. Mr, Alfl'ed \Vright. of George Somewhat bette'r .............. .... Schoo l, Pn., 111TI\'ed hom o MondllY. by Wil Y of Il ut o. t il spe nd the spring Dre .. Tro!!~.,r! .. .............. .... .. vllca tio n wi th his parents Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright. • .... ed home Tu es day evening from n \\:eek's "l~it in Newa rk. Ohi o. Mr. ) ~ u l1ce mude n Lusin eSll trip to Pittsburg. PA" while away. 1111'. und Mr •. Howell Peirce left Mon ti AY. f or Toledo. where they wui mnke t hcir fut ure home. Mr. and Mrs. Peirce leavc' a host of friends

in Wnyn ewvllle lind vicinity. , Mrs. James Mc Clure. Mrs. L. A. Zimmerma n a nd Mrs. Ray Mll1s ace~ mpa!,lle d Mr. Myer Hyman to Cln. cmnatl I.nst Friday a nd visited MrB. Hyman at th e J ewlsb hospital. 1IIr. and Mrs. George Thompson,

L,?velnnll. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hainee, l\I.IS~ NOTma Keever. Messrs. Elmore Blllckley. J,oe Thompson. Wilbur a nd J oseph Halne~. of Cincinnati. came up Sunday afternoon to Bee M~ Kizzie Thompson.. .. •


clu~ and W~rn~vl!le h&ng p ver the . , , radiO from ClIlo!nnIl U.

T;'mblero. brilli.nt 6ni.h

Mr· nnd . Irs. C. W. Younce r eturn-


y of fri e,\ds Tuesday eveni ng to Specials for Sa'u,da". Mpan hear the Higlj, Scbool ol'chestrtl. Glee

Dr. Rn d Mn A. T . Wr ight nttcnd ed th e I\l u ~i {! Box Revu e lit the .. .. .. . ,.. .. " .... .... .. Victo ry theatcl' in D/lYWn, last Saturday Ilftcmoo n. . Aluminu.m Table Spoon..

M r , alld ~ I rs . Walter Mc Clure a nd ~JI'£, Jam~" McC lure sp ... nt Sundu y III Day ton. the guests of Mr. an d Mrs. Curl 1II ~ ' I llr~' !lnd dau ghter.

No section of this country is Jmmune from Tornado, Cyclone and Windstorm LOlses. This protection costs less than tir~ ,i nsurance. If you are not insured,. call a~. once. ' ,, - .




" \'


SEARS '& CARTWRIGHT Wayne.ville, Ohio.

Phone 61-2


!\Irs. Linnie Elmore. of Cincinnati, Coloni.1 Fluted" Tum. is here caring fo r her mother Mrs. bier. 5c e.cb .... .. .... ,, 6 for Kizzie Thompso n. who is very sick with grippe. Needl. Etcb.d Optic T.ble

Mr. nn d Mrs. , Frank LeMay and children . of Dlamonrl Hill , farm spellt SlI llIlny with Mr, C. T. Hawk~ "nu uu ug'hLrl', Mis, Helen.

• •

Mr, Israel Satterthwaite, of Dayton. visited friends h,'w e. Sunday. He reporll> . that Mr •.• lItterthwaite. who suffered II broken leg II few week8 ago, ,In Springfield. hus returned home and i, getting along very well.

Dp you r~a!ize when cr"am Is !old to a ekea'; atatlon 'oJ 4IV ,


10 gallonll of cream /10 I!!. you givil one In' o~eF 'w~l there I~ 1\ TOLL of Olle tenth pr 100 on ~v'J'1 Dl!i" DoI~f. In most In~Wllllle8 the to ll I~ (lV{!1I fl'rol\ter thlln 100 on tho Dollar approacillng 1611 and 200 Toll on your Dollar. Can you alfer.d .,'





The hard work Is already dono. and_.p8 YS the most.

Shipping is the euiut lann work

TheTrit"StatePri~e, Mar~b 10dJ tq ~~r~ mf.~g,

SOC PB:tt~n;;~tJ ~REA~ :AND CANS GUARANTEED AGAiNST -,"OSS. Fre .. Trial C••a trl.dl,. furnlab.d If e •••••d.


. -


Drive over to the Paint Factory and get your Barn , Roof and House Paints at factory prices. Don 't be mislecl by offen pf "free materia1." Our products gUllranteed and we're here where you oan get us. Eldridge Paint Products Co.. Franklin. Ohio. Save yO'~r old carp.ts and rulrll and get "Wearwell" Rugs made. Sand for price lilt. Fr.nklln Rug Co., Fr.nklln. Ohio.


---.. ..---



Wa,neavlll., Ohio



Sol!cltor-"Oh; pleaBe sir. won't you help the Workinl(' Girls' Home?" Gallant Gent--"Wi1\ I?- I'II say I w111--and in my Roll-Royce. Where are they?"

More th.n hlilit the people hliv, tbat tired lanl(l~id, rundown.z no-account feeiing tblls Spring. !:lome of them have Indig.esUon. GaB, Blo.tlng, Constipation. Nervousness. Head, ache. Backache. Dizzine ~s and High Blood Pressure. Do you have any FOR SALE of the above trouble.? If -la, nature's warning til yOU ia, that your system is cbarged with pol,onoul FOR SALE-Coal oil stove. Can be acids and waste matter. Been at the home of Clarence AI· Better Heed Natur.·. Wal'lll •• 1 len. Waynesville, Ohio. phone No. Get rid of this poisonous waste mat- 117-1~. -liB ter at once, before you p.y de.rly FOR SALE-Durham bull. twentyfor your neglect. Ther~ · is no betone months old. Inquire of the ter remedy known for this purpose Prendergast Bros., Waynesville, O. thaI' <;:99"r·. N.w Ufo Toaic: ·a8 Hundredl of p[I!ople right · here In Warren Count}: ,~re np~ ~JglJg ~'I FOR SALE-Don't buy cheap paint wonilerlul medlcme ' and of diem ~J:!,m Irre~pon~i~le coneemB. Buy highly recommend i~: '. ' . G.u.llJ'!Inteeli Roof, ' Barn and House . ' Pamt direct from your own COUDU' DqII' Tho,.. I. lIIotJa. factory. Drive ~ver' .nd aa_ iaa J ., Go"", ,Get Eldri~ Paint 'P roducts Co., I'........J . - I :l T ' . .Franklin, Ohio. ,;.. "'"'PVI S FaR B.lL~HoUle .nd double i;t, f S~ e~ectric lIgb~ on Fourth It,eet. . qr" Al!!I~ JloJe, Wa1Deaville, Ohio. .


', ',


Late Classified Ads.


McClure and Son tllive r!!ClentJy purchased a ne~ Beven.passenger Scdan. convertible into an ' ambulance car, whioh will add gre.t1y to their buslneu faclUtlel. They were well fitted for bUlhie81 before thu purch~ but · ~ addition of thla c;al'. bMnlrS their equipment up. to that of ·the city establishment. They are now ready to eerve-the public to the be.t of their .~ility. . J. C. HAWKE'S, W.1...

New We



.0..- -

.w.. 0....



HaDD~~s -Lu8tr8.FiDii~ "

Yau cart' give new 'ltte'to okl furniture and scarred Boon WithHanna'$ Luatro-Pfnfeh. It$tains~dvaml.-' .. "tQne . Bmic~tion. M :: l · t·· .• l, ~ lU8tro~. ft1, ! t , ,. , .t.lluL.. Rioa~t~ wear; i~ '. \ ... l.aProaf ... . ~ no~ · f8 . .. ... ~,.' ,.

, .. . Oxley-pae., D~ '~Co. WajneaviUe, Ohio . . ..

~ ...









Seventy-Sevfllth Year

This Week


INSTANTLY KILLED ple~:n~~:u~:~tJ;tm~luobf M~~,at./~~ Mrs. J. C. Blddlec um , 70, of Oregonia WaS Illstantly kill ed about 7 :30 I~t Thu n!day eve ning, when struck down by a Cllr which her hu sband had left runnin g after he and his wife had Illig hted from it, on r eturning from a neighbors. Coroner Dilatush announce d that death was caused by u dislocated neck. Mr. and Mrs. Biddleeum had apent the eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Mu rray at their home on Spring Hill, a nd upon returning to their own hom e, Mr. Biddlecum stopped the car on th e edge of the roat! which is to the rcar of their home in Oregonia. The aut o was stopped in 8uch a way that Mrs. Biddlecum could see to make her way down 11 st ee p bank and through the garden t o the back door of th eir hom e. It i. said that Mr Biddleculll hlld often stopped th e ca r in this mann!!r. Mr. Biddlecum was on his way t oward the barn wben attracted by a moyement of his car, and turned in time to 8ee it run over hil wife, who was making her way down the Bteep embankment. It is not known what caused the car to Btart. The f uneral was held Monday afternoon from Springfleld church, near Ogden, Clinton county. HAr husband and two aons, Homer, of Emporia, Kan ., and Ha rry, of Orland o, Fla., still survive her.





The War Department, TubbinIC its eres and waking up a little , ordets eIghty-five flying machines, mll-:\l' in the United States. For ten maddn i?s by the Curti.. company $260,OOa will be paid, and for seoventy-tl ' J from the Douglos company$883,OOO, about. Th,t's a start and, multiplied by a hundred, it woull gh'e the country a good beginning f')r an air He&t. Fortunately Henry Ford and hl ~ .on Edsel B. Ford are In the air·craft fteld. They will let UI know wlwt a f\ying machine ougbt to COlt, and Borne thing about the theo'ty that the "flying Hfe" of an aeroplane enl{\Ile til only about 100 hours. The For'" will give you an en«lne that, with· oat ellpeD.lve renewal of parta, \Vii! 8y around the world ten time.. They don't believe In all engine aa · Jhor~ . lived .. an ice cream cone,

O'NIlIlII on Frida y aftern oon . Twe nty members, two honor a ry memb ers lind a large n umber of g u esL~ we rc presenl. Ro ll ca ll was r espond ed t o with curte nt e vents . The first numbe r on the progra m was a very pleasing voc al 60 10 by Mrs. L(' Mn y entitlc d, "A n O ld - Fu ~h ­ iOll l'd Gar rlen ," Two very de li)!ht flll pn pers WHe g ive n, "No rway a nd the Norw egia ns," by Mrs. Devitt an d "DuniMh Lite in T own und Country," by Mrs. J . C. Hawk e. DurinK the enjoyabl(' 60ci ul ho ur whi ch follo wed, th" hostess se r ve d u ppetizing ' r e freshm e nts, assisted by Misses Bell e a nd Martha O'Nea ll. Gu eHls of the hostess were Mrs. J . T. f;Jlis , M.,.. Duke , Mrs. Ame lia Williams , Misses BellE! and Martha O' Neall, Mr8. J . B. Chapman, Mrs. Fred He ndeno n, Mrs. Ronald Hawke , Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. Mrs. Ra lph Miller. Mrs. WiI ~ on E dwards, Mrs. J. O. Cartwright, Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and MI'1l. S. D. Henkle.



aft ern oon , closing cumes c l os~ u po n ~n m c , And an y .lUP \\ l w h!ll'o ~ \lrp,l lI:-1 ( It ; I. i,~, 1'1,,1. " I ' ll ' L: i _t' l) ' IH-r' ial ~ , tn ­ t he h et'l~ of t lw establi ~ hment by t he I' llig- hllm O"ts fnl' ":11.· >h",Jlt! hi;!' I,h", I" ,,1 ,,1,· II" " " 11",.,,1 I'llll1' 1'" ,. Kroge r COlnpuny of II Prot ective and W iSl ) li st ~;lIne III til l.' FHr !l1 H U I' PUU 1'1'~:l lli1,f' d .-I,ll, wor\, WI ' I'I' di ",c' U!"-!'\ l ' ci ufliec. \ ill IlIl' H fl l'I""I"1) T Wi"l t v II'h,h' r~

Be nefit pla n , co mpri sing deuth ben- , Th ('.g re nt

P f'l'Cli

",taJ,:'l! II~

wht ' al l H' I:;' '-'HU ~ IIIJ.!' : 111 c \X~

c fit, ~ic k be nefi t and o ld n$!C P n s inn, l u g wlllh'r kdl" .! , hasing the nnlOunl to be puid up on tr~m" dc nllt lld f" r 8,'.' d " al.. Ba rt.h e length o f ~ervicl', Th is pilln hll" ley i ~ be ing cnn ~idl'l' v d h;- su m. · fll l'been put into (l;ffeet a t no COR t to t he Iller" yet (,Ia s~ r .. ellm llH'Il( I ~ ('Ht~ illemp loyee . ~t'<\a d , '1 , \1t~l o ueh barl y mukl's . a The Wed nesday half holiday, liS 1J(:tt el' h o~ 1('<,01 lh n" "al H. yl't II , well as t he Pr otective pldn .. ffel'l~ P \'- yi,·ld prr a (' l'(' ill SU llt IWl'n (Jhi n b ery one of thQ 24 00 Krog e r sLOre's, u ~ lIa ll y not so hil:h. S.~ ill Wa rn'n locnted in Cinci n na ti , St . Loui s, Op- co un t y un acre of lInt~ Wil l, II.S a !,:.ent r a it , Colu m b us , Dayto n , 11ori Oll, e r a l nV(!I'ag c , p l'odu'(I more (Jig CK lIbl c C levela nd . Tole do, Illdiunapo lis and · fl'ed, tb un all ane of ull rl cy ," CII Il· 45 0 Hma ller tow ns. eludes (' t.,,".

Rev. E. S. Keller, of Lebanon M.

tendent of Wilmlnglon schools a nd Perry Polls, s uperintende nt of the Loveland s chools have been selected aa judgel\ for the third annual Wnrren Count)' Oratorical con test t o be held at Le banon Ope ra house, Friday afterno un, April S. Elimi na li on co nteRt.s were condu ct · cd t hl' o u ~h o u t th e coun t y lasl week in each of thl! units and winners of these contests w ill speak in Leban on thi g week in the co unty m eel. It is expecled thllt more than lhirty yo uthful orators will take pa r t. There are three divis ions of co ntestants, composed of pupils from t he lower grades, u pper grades and hIg h schools. Prizes will be awarded. to winners in ea ch scclion , go ld medals f or the hi g h schoo l, ~ ilv e l' for the upp er g ra des a nd bru n ze for the lower

Clothien gathered In 1I0iemn conClave decide that the "real gentlemen" muat have a different necktie for each Ihirt, thul "demonstrating his artlatic taIIte and hi. ellciuaive- grau e~ . . Mu gic is to bc f urnished for the DOB. EsclUlllvenet\ll, dou btless, is de.irable_ But If each young Ameri- con test by t he Wllyne T ownship Hillh can, lor each fancy shirt and necktie school or_chestra. _ _ _... _ 4'_ __ _ . that be .ollld like to have, would develop a nal worklnr Idea, the coun try would be better off than . with eve" llecktl4\ facto" working full blut. A man known only by his clothel belong. in the ~arro h?u.e.

= ===--=. ~.=--



- -

Evansto n public has late ly been received by t he histo r icnl societ y. II ~' i ft from t he auth or, Ed~nr Cnrlisle Mas Mec he n, of Denv er . - It is "The Ufe o f Go"enlOr Evan s," 11 publi ca· t ion o f th e Uni versity of ' hi cogo Press, li nd li ke all t he \'olumes iss ued hy t hi s press it p reSf' nts an I!xcoll ent ap penrance in a ll respects ('xcep t th a t it is wilh out an ind ex. The volu me contains two portra it. of Govern or Evon , one ta ken at about t he age of 35, ano th er in his mnturer years. There lire also numer ous vi ews and portraits co nnected with the subj ect. Covernor E vans ha s a n e specia l in ter l!st f or Evanston people because he resided her e for so me years, tha t is, fr om 1855 to 1862 , a nd a lso beCIl USe ' the nllm e of r::"nns ton wns bestowe ci nn tht:! village a s it then wus i n h is hono l', He

The deed conveying the ten-acre tract In the Dodds Addition to the Xenia Recreation a ssociation for II park, \Vas executed last Friday in the offices of Miller & Finney, attorney.. Mr. and Mrs. F . W . Dodds signed the conveyance and William Kauft'man. of Pittsburg, and his sister. Kate Kauffman, executors of the will of Diana Roberts, executed a release of this tract from the mortgage covering it. . P. H. Flynn donated the tract, paying the amount asked by the Kauffman's to release the mortgage, and Mr. Dodds gave his equity in the property to the Recreation 88sociation. ..

k now n a!" u Doc·

-= ====-




l o r" 3 :i hc' \ 'us a Hl t ' mlle r of the fac ... Illty o f Hu sh Medi ca l co llege in Chiugo ut t hat t im e, ulthoug h a f te rwards on account of his IIppoin tmen t by Preside nt Lin co ln a ~ te rri t orial gO\'e rn or of oi<) rad ll he was ' more widel y known as "Governor." Cove rno r E"an s wa s wcll kn own to Mr. Lincoln a. he WIIS active In the ear ly d ay ~ of t he Rep ublican par ty an d a t om, ti me wus II cll ndidll te for Co n g r ~ ss by t he Jlur ty. On acco unt of his publi c spi ri te d g ifts to the Northwestern uni ver. ity the bonrd of tru stees of t hnt ins titution had




mlH~ l

il1lpot' t !lIlL

co rt ftti tulin n n i


rall'l ' 1' .. 1' u ll (' w(, (O k d uri n),!' J ul\' ' , I' " Ilicin l, . :-itlltl' S~ l\n to rB lind r epre.\ II!!I"t , at "hi ch ti lll" ,,11 hOYH· 'lI '.\ r" "· lltllti vl'H. The am endment a ls o ~ i.-l ' ,·"n,lI .. d ,n ,"ld "" ,i "y u ""'' 'ek·" l'l'oo \'ilil':i f"Ul' year iel'ms for a ll (luting- a nd (t1'l.!IlT1 i H'tI tn lil\i ng' undpr l'OUrl l y om -,'rl-\ a s well ns m un icipal .-i",;" s upe r \' i, inll "f t ill- "" "" 1)' ('.",1. <In ri ". 'h",, 1 IIt1\cia l. tu hp ,'Icct.(·d in " 1'11 as~ i " tl' d I,y t ill' s lut e '.J'",·iali , l<. 1 ! I ~ . f\:o (' }IllIlJ,!t! i ~ JJHJ d l! in the s ix ),"' 11 1' ll' I' TlI!" of l'o mm on p it-as and p r n1':"" 1')' I .. ,y Ull d !':irl in till' coullty f,..,m hnl., cO llrt j uil J!l'". Und,.,. thiR p ill n I II 10 I ~I \ ', -01 1' :-; IIr U),!"P. jl ll' lu ~i \,tl, j ... Il ~ I'rnp"s"d ,·ll'ctio n of ,tnle offi ciu ls illviH.'d t o ' j ••ill Hill' 0)' m Or l' III' t he wplt ld I1 Pv(' r C{\n1 C in th e ~ Utn C year l'1 t1t .'4 in " ;.l tT t ' l , ('O\lU \ \ ·, ( ;irl :-:. :'1'1 ' ," Ih., 11I·,·, id,' nli a l elec ti ons. n l \l ~t illl(i ", ,:- I'd III t tll' t" l ltl l l. el,tthit,\:

and Jl oullry

I'l'Oj ,·c I ~ .

" hil,' Ih ,· h"y<

lIHlicfitiOl1s of n three-co rne red activ e ill p ig au tl calf l' !uh . .1\1.', C , , I'~ u l a ..:.~, r t'p r :--,·t\ l ll lh ,· 4 f COIl(lHq r, J' t !w l" ' titc J St!ltC'~ ~ clln ~ thl.' l..l)bUl1 01l Nnti ulwi Ilallk , ~1 I'HIlJ.!ly Ll1l·. irip 11e XI ypur lire fa,ling with t-n don'l, d lh (' IHI y:.. , a nd )!i rl!.. ' n\(I\" - Ih., re po l't lhat Judge Flore nce E. 1lI C'l1t,Hnd \ ' OI U l lh,' I ' I'l fl 1, \ H~!ii~t lh t- .\l lc n. n Ilwlnuer of t he Ohio Su -



llI n~ l



wou ld b(' r h n< ~11 n .. ,clllllo r fl',ml th l' l!(ow sta te. Hilt li ds " XP N' 11l i'ln W,, "


nllt, 1't.1ulizCJd, hfl \\' (",' l' I', I h ou'!'h h(1 t nuk a h 'a di llg' part ill th t' nn'a h'- t.f thtl ll! I'-

dr\' tlti llJ.!' hi:-

Co lumb u s R eporter


I, .nl. d "t hilj '': (';411' , p i~ it ml ~l1 d ml' nj \\ hi dl \\ ill he' suh mit t:ed 1',1 1' t i"'i , ; lp ~ l nt\ a l 01' l'('j(l dic l n nC" x t a lld p4 ' ai' I Y ('\ d ,.. . "It \h I il1'1 "' lht. It i~ r,n e ttl 1\' llglilen I di " ·U '~I"Il. ~, · Ii",.J sllp ,' rll'tl' l1 ol e l1t ~ ~o\' l'1ll1 t l'. :11111 "" I,,"' <!!I1I '" 11' 1" ,, 1' I lie Leball" " tht.· 11 ' r m:; uf l'Olll1ty and SlHlc u lli,"'1'" The ~() ' ''rnor wou ld haH' 11 '\ hali k, "VI',' :<1 ." , ill\·it,.d. TLI .:-',' Iq'(· ~ ("1 1 \\ t' I't.: :-Ol rl)ll ~ly in (u ~ f, ' u l' · y~ar ll' I·1\1. u,. \\' <t uld the li~ u ­ \ ' ''1' ., 1' Iw ldill g"" "" ~,,"j,.l' d club It'lJ al~t 1ru\'t ' rIl H I' Hnd nil o the r s thto h ..' III't '~ I "

.-- - -----

~ tat(' ,

Prepared by

( '" IU I" hll ", (llii ,, - Vntp rR of Ohio ," ic hl U ~ ""oil I,,·!!ill tu t hink nbo ut


r itn r y und


i....................... i

e lected him IlresidE'nl of Iha t boa rd ('o nt01ittl' I..·L' jn 'j ' l ll l'illl! l ' l)lIt l' i ltu t iflll:-O an d nam (' d Ihe \'illn j!p aft !' r him ilt ' 1' 11 11\ lw 'ui ll ll'l'l' ha n l S lhrou).!'h lh t! Ll·h the early lif t. ies. In I ~ti ~ hl' l'('n1<1\·· Hll lllt Cham her (.f Co mm e re(' , a s prl'ed to Colorado tClTit(lry, alld l'l' nH1in· mium s 111 IIt' half I.f th e huys nnd girls. At Ih l' "h ,,,' (,f lil t' tllPl'ting n com · c d a citi ze n o f t h e tel'l'it(,ry nnd s t.llte m i t t el' o f ('\uh hon d c' t' s \\'H ~ n p po in t(\d. the r<' Ht o f hi R ·Iif(' . li e ('a m ' t o Evun ~ t o n {' \«'ry ~!t - n r nt (,OJlI - I\h " \\' il l ",,>i" t ~ II~ CI,,"" an d i\liss ll1enel' lIl l'n t timl' and tl",k pun in h i1<' " If) U I'l'~II1~,d tl~ f CII' P t' ' m ium E', T b e '·"101I11iltl·., i" ~ Ii ~ ~ ~ I nl'ic llenhalll , th e (lxCJ r ciHes ,·f t h (' o(' {,:t :-- i orl , At th e ul'g illllinJ! "f hi ~ n·,illel"'(· 1."I"<llOn · 11 . I':. :'t" k '. , Wa Ylu'5\,ille; here h" bu ilt ulld oc,' upied n h ()u~l' \\' ,rl i"I' 1'; lli . , 11 <1 1·v(·y , bu l' ~; :11 m. AI· on tlw s ite of the pr e~ .'nt dw elling u f I,,·1'l BIIlld, Fl'll nklin; 'I. U. Wor ley, Ru f us C. Dllw"s. Durin g his resi- Mnrrow, 111111 R. 10:. Crone, 1\1a80ll. den ce in Qenver he wa. often cIIlll· d "The Gra nd Old Ma ll o f Cn lor ado.' · Whe n a move ment was set on fonl to admi t the t erri tor y ns a slnte it w a ~ exp!'ctl" d tllat ' \ \\'in~ to hi8 ",' r\' i cc~ Hs ~"\'(' rlltll' f Ol' ,' ,I IlH ! " f'u t'!;


State. Capital


E. church, O. K. Probasco, sup erin-

Twenty-one year'll ago about 260,000 people went once a week to the , m8vlng . picture8. The price of admialon waft actually five cents. Now between seventeen and twenty-two millions go to I~ tbe picturel regularly, and the pnces run UP. to three 'd"llars a seat. En~r­ pa'ile. &'I'ow rapiClly In the Umted Stateirr when people become really Interested.

" F ulgliu m OR ts "fTpl'S till' IwM ge ner nl sub sLitlltt' ",llI' re " 'lwlI t is I winter kiIINI." . sllY" Clt unt;- " "~ lIt lass, in l'C!~po n ~ l' to nUn1 l' rnWi in-I J\ cn nf .-n ' f\( ' l' II (' ou nly ( ' lu I. ilIad Offi cia ls of the K roge r Gr ocer y and I'l's " a~ l' a ll ".1 I.v 1:'''lll l \' :\ ).", li t L' 1:r ", Baki ng co mpany huve just "nno un c- rt Ul rleS r e cl' lved . ~ lI d .'Ij ~· ·; I, ii"' !': ~\l tfl\" 'It 1.."'1' , , • ill ttll' : e d that a ll of the ir stores will clORe Cln :-:is i s cndt'nvor illJ! to k(,t'll ill . ) ';II' 1lI 1:,I I"' :l1l 1111 (' t ', Tlll' ... II:I ,', :\lt1 I'c' h on W edlle~ua y aftl' rn uo n du r ing t he h iR Offi.CC a l i f' \' of !lU' 1I h nvill g' F l:I- ~ 1 ~II'. ( ,lI\- I ) HWd~I' 4 - I I:tlll , c 'lt~ h g-hullI O ats fill' 8H I ~,:-ov Jln)' (' I Il ' in l .-r. 1 ~ I ' II.t' il 'ad. r, c.( 'III' ,'1 , :-: . I', .. H"" .... I'Hmonths of JUIlE:, July an d Aug ust . .I t, 'l t i l l ' 1) 11' ,1, :-o c'lI '" 1I ,!I - , ~ This fi nn oun,:ement o f Wednesday Ht ~d JlI ay ((-1<' 1 hlll1(, o r WI'!, (. I, II I• ll r \1 f ,I IIII II t i ll' f lil l 0ll ll1l Ih,' 1'\Hl d llll tl

.. .

Interest in g Items fr~m the




Through the courtesy of Mr. Chas. M. Cartwrig ht, wh o thought Waynesville people would be interested in a con tribution to the News-Index, or Evanst on, III. , by J . Seymour Currey, secretary of th e Evanst on Histo riclI l society and local hi. torica l l) uthority. He reviews a book th at has just come from t he University of Chicago Press, "Life of Governor Evan s," by E. C. Ma c Mech e n a copy of which is in the public library here. This book ref er s to Go vern or J ohn Evans, of Colorado, wh o was born In Waynesville in 18 14. He U\' "d In Evanston, III., now the largest Chicago suburb . and the hom e of VlcePresident Chur le. G. Da we., fr om 1~ 5;, til 1 86 ·~. T he then \'ill uJ!e W Il S named after him A lux u rious nrlll lur!,:e fa lll il y hotel is lo be e reeled in Evanston soon , the J ohn Evuns howl. Gu \' ern or Evuns was' bol'll on th e fa r m no w own ed by lIl rs. Hulda Bu rnett, :I mi les nort hw est o f Wllynes\' iIl e, a nd lived t hol'(' fur severa l yellrs hefo r e J.:o i n~ West. li e was lhe e l des ~ brother of the late J oe l ~;\'u n s , decease d , an d wus one of a la rge f a mil y David E vans, so n of the late ,Joe l E va ns, a nd nephew of Govern or E vans, is th e w st of his race in W a ~' n"s v ill e A ne ice, Mrs. Seth Brown , of Le ba non. Mr. Currey's cont ri b uti on is SI S f ollows : A boo k of J!reul int en "t t" tb t·


But f ..hlon really mean. to refOl'm tor the moment. Arms that havo b, en naked from the top of th e Ihoulder down, looking In IOIll E! mot · tlec;! callell Iiko Il butche r shop exhib il . are now to be cover ed with " 80ft mystorlous veiling." Thanks for th a t. with or without mystery And shawl . of , brilllallt colors, worn "lo reveal penonallty" will cover up almost everything. Thus qaln w, learn that It i. always darkeat belore dawn.




Life of Governor Evans Of Interest to Local People

----_ ..----

Juat .. the vlrtuou. complain that .....n leave nothing to the imagination , they luddenl, decide to cover up qain. "Dr_ is to be more subtle" tbil llaaon than In other seaaon • . That ian't .. yinr much, for there ia nothlnr lubt{e about a lady barebacked to her wallt In tbe evening, wl~b a aldrt above ber kneel In the day time,

Whole Numher 5637


chiefly to the cnr! strll ('ti" " . of ndlTh" Fath.,1' :<l Id ~Oll b:lI1quet at 1. roads nllLl d e\'e loplng the nll"lIl ~ Ill- I CI. (). F . hall I",t \\" '1 I 11l'~d"y e""I1te n~ ~t!;. ~r th e t:ew ~Oll1mf) I1W lalth, i ng- , WH !'\ a ~lJeCl'!o1S in every wn y. Th e . Dr : b\'nn s ,h pci I II I !- ! I~ . . afl .' r a r(,111 III ill I'l' in charge, ~I e,s r" , (,hll~. hf e-t lme of .c" ,,,e l,,,, I> "l l" II)" " .nd ,'h ll ll" Hoy " "thawn)' un ll ,JIlI1l~ S l c~vlt ~g a s h iS I nnn llHH ' nt many 111- ,J H hn ~ , It:-: ... i ~l(''d by th1..\ir wi\'ps , t;(lrvl 'd ~ tlt.utl o n s and churchc, the hcnefi r - " Sll Ill l't U'llIS ml·"1. 1\ we ll r e lldHmrl es of h IS hb e ralltl es.. .11 e Was l' ol I'r.1gl'lllll "'11' J.: h·en. whic h follll"": born at Wa:(lleliVl lle,.O I11 u, III l 8 1.1. Ni"on Tri .. , of Le hano n. . aud nt t h(' tIm e of hIS d"uth .!ul.v 3, QU8 rt l' -;\fr•. 11 I n Hawke Misses 1!i!17 , tit II!nvc l', he \\'U 3 sa y~1I 1'~ o f Kll thlll'in o F I'olll m, ElSie' 1I1lwke llJ.:e .~l . :-; "~: I11 " "Y CUIT!'y , III the :11:0 1')' In l'J: arel lJll~ I ('~I ,y. Evnnstoll (I I. I .. .\·~- J nd<,x. Pinll ll :0-;,,10 l\Iildl'c d lI ole I·; "y ltl t 'Ilg lcshy , R{'"ri ill,-" \" H'n l Sn lo I-:! <ir· lI awke l UI.'n'sti ut!' tnl h "'(of',' g ive n by


prl' llll' "Iou r l. wi ll nut bl' n cand i d~te.

It i< su ill that Juti l:l' A llen hall giv-

('n "' riou ,, ron s idel'ntion to e nte rinl( th e c o nt~R t , but th e r en l iss ue W fi S whet her Rhc wou ld run IlS a Oem n 'I'at a n Indepen dent "r a Rep uhlican. Of cou rse. F rank R. Willi, . )1 r CRent a ~nato r , will be a candiel ate for 1\ "e ~ o nd te rm , and u nless Ili l ~ i gns illi l his opponent will bu Clauue lIll'eker, wl'1I known Co lu mbu'; t1nllllcicr or Govc rnor Do nuhey himse lf. Nc ither o f th e laUe r have di scussed openly th e sc nator shj p, but the ir friend. arc certainly busy. No SUCCOMor to the late Mrs. J ohn Gordon Da ll II I', liS n Illembl'r o f the itl'puLlican cI1 lllmi ttl'e will be sclect~ d fnl' ~(l llle li me . Amo nl( lhe names ('e> n ~ i , Il'r(' , 1 fl,I' the place a re th ()~e or ~I I·s . :' !llla S. Todd , o f You ngstow n a n d ~ I ..". \V il m ~ S. LeVnn, o f . ' I" II ill' n \.i ll ~ . SIUl'lillg We,ln esday, April 1, th e fir st (' ut in the pr ice o{ a uto mobile lice nse tug-s wi II beco me effect ive. .Iu st 25 '.'. of the urigin al cost will he BC\' c re,1 Ilnll anyo ne CIl n buy t he samc kind fo r 7 5','<0 of th e first cost un t il ,Iul y 1, when another 25 10 wi ll be slashell otT.

Teac hers a nd 8chool heads fr om othe l' part s "f the Middle West beUhie>, will attend sessions A pril :1 , :I nn d 4 of the F ifth An nual Ed\I cllliona l conf er ence sponsere d by the Oh io ~ t l\ t e un ivcrslty. De lega1J1 ('l11l,vl"s tit' t l1(' I! l'n! ItlcJ L!J! nuu tions .,f s chr,nl men a nd wom en will 1 lIh,,,,.>. fi ill all d ~ l 11Il IlL. of J. eba non . come fr om Mi chigan and IJ1 dillna and S ,-'v l' I'n l new m c rnh en; were g-ain ed p rh:lJ1H other neighboring sta tes to ta ke ad va ntage of the meetings. rl L t his meet ing. , irle ~


JDLLY DOZEN CLUB GHURGHES BfNfflT On Thu rsd ay, Mllrch 16th, th e OUR COMMUNITY Dozen " Sewing clu b was d e-

Ella Irene Mc Comns Beach was born at Waynesville, Ohio, July 15, "J o lI ~ 1869, and departed this life March lightfully en tE,rta ined at t he home of 1n, 1925 , a t th e age o f 66 yell rs , 3 Mrs. Geneva Whi te. with Mrs. Lo ~i s H. Brow n and MI·s. Dulil ney Curtcr , months and 27 d a y~. At the home ns.istin g, De ing un II l1d tly Illee ti ng each lady of he)' sister, in Dnyt nn. Ohin, Mrs. David Arm stroll~ Bnd Miss E li za Mc- took 11 buskc t li nd at t he noo n hour all did justice t o n boun t iful feast. Comas, at 6 : 6 o'clock Thursday At 3 o'clock l he sewin/!, t \ ' nR la id morning, when she heard th e call of the Moster, her tired heart ceased to away a nd the meet in)! wos culle d t o beat an.<! her spirit r eturn e d t o the ord er by the presidell t , Mrs. E ll Simp The r oll was culled , all the God wfio gave it, and she heard the son. angels calling and the Golden be lls IllClnbe'r s being present but two. Aft er a ll the busin ess was atte nd ed t o, of heaven ringing. She was t he dau~hte r of Thom as we udjourn ed to meet with Mrs. LouB and Julia Commins Mc Co mus, of iso R. Brown and Mrs. Ell Simpson , Waynesville, Ohio. She was mllr- on Thursday, Apt; 1 3rd. rie d to J. W. Beach Septembe r 6. 1906, a t her hom e in Franklin, Ohi o. She leaves a husband and tw o sis tem lind many friends to mourn ht' r l og~ She was happy and willinll to go to her Heavenly home. How bca u t iful is death wh en it reach es th c tired soul a8 a ~o ul ",:h050 earthly exist ence Warrt'n county wh eat was seri ously was malllfest In a bus y and use ful , damnged b y t he last hard frceze. allife. There can be but on e f ee.llng mos t a month ago, As a conscqu ence today that God doeth. all t hlllgs many farm ers are discing the ir wh eat well and the heart; that IS lon.ely be- fields and re-s owing th em t o oals and cause of earthly ties broken, IS com- other grain. The dry weather last foTted.. fall also had a seriou s effec t on the Sunset and evenmg star I wheat. And one clear call for me .. It is thought that a Inrg~ amount And may there be no moalllng of th e of oats and barley will be sown this bar .. spring on account of the failure of When I put .out to sea. the wheat. Seve ral farm ers are reBut sueh a tide as moving seems span sible for snying that the wheat asleep d d f crop will hardly average one half in Too full for soun an oam. this locality. When that which draw from out the _--=-__• _ ._--boundleu deep . Turns again home.



Is the li eu tenun t governors hip of Ohio a gain to be th e step ping stone of a n Ohi oll n of g reatc l' honor s'! With tho sac red memo r y of Wnrren G. Hurd ing f resh in t he m inds of Buckeyo voters toduy, they are reca lling his adm inistl'lltion of a ffa irs ns lieuLe nan t gU\'e rn o r of Ohio , nlld eomp orin ~ thi. with the presenl a dmi nist rati on of hnrle ~ If. Lewi s, a nd they ur e ask illg , a~ others, Ilre d oitlg to, lny, who huve f ollowed po litica l a lf ll il'S, wh ether the pathway of Lieu t~J1Il'H Gvornor Lewis cl oes not lead to greater h onor s lit t he hands uf his party and voters gonerall y in Ohio. Meanwhile tnlk of Lew is' fl \'II i1a bility nnd capabi li ty fo r gover nor continu e~ , wi th 'c nutor F ess III a recen t letter to Mr. Lewis, e " I) re s~ in g l ho hope t hnt he m lLy soon ~ec him in 1\ mor e representative position thun he now occ upies.

Li ttle rh, We rcnlize, whllt wOli ld I be t he cOll diti .. " "I' our (' Q'11lI1 u nit y with out the "" ,ml a lHI l'l· li J!i o u~ ill- I tlu.e nco of th ci l' (' h ris linll t.'a chin gs. , /\ ,·" ",ple t" lill c' of "eats " wi ll be WI thou t the r ~"I " a l l1 "(l!' Illfl uence's for RIl le- dre "NI chick(' ns " li d ot h ~ r of ~h esc fadors til e l'vil [o rcl's would n ll' u L~ , "nnll l' ,J f ruit lIll d \-~I!'~lnl ol ~s , r apIdl y J2'a m full . sway alld wOll ld uak~d bellI" . ~:; la rb . fr.· ~h " n 's. ~v c n t u a l ly wOl'k I' UIll. lind dc,: truc tlon e,'ullt ry hull t r. ('I'cll1l1 Iln d milk. hUl1ll' ~n t he hen l't s IInci mllltl.s of ~ mUJ o.r- mile uread "lid roll •. lo t s u [ cook!t y of ~llI r peop le, bu s !llcs~ In Ieglt- I if's. pi 's li nd ('lIk('s, ancl 1111 sorts o { l . HlIste h il es wou lrl dec h n an d prop- I tlLSty fOlldstuff". Th" bnulll eous If your friend hos a bad cold, be e r ty val.ues would drop, io r .<,ve n 111 I ElIst!'1' nll11'I "t whi ch CIl Il Rup ply Y(l U polite, smite, . bow, 1\8)', "I never laW n peculllary se nse fi com mum ty c~n- I t he \. I'y IJl'~t of 1~I1~t(, 1' c1inlll' rs I t u looking better," but don't shake not have any g reat er a sset fo r 1(1- wil l h~ Iwlll Oil A pl'il ll, b gi nnin g d •• creased va lues of property tha n t he a t !I ,)'e1I.rk. Thi" i" '!<)l" nst' r pci It, I, II Ule advice of Dr. Sundwnll, churches. . . th,' .JlIni"r cia," li nd wi ll be used tc of Mlehigan unlvenity. Influenza The AlmI g hty has f~vored I n I~ mllr I c1dray t h., class "XI' ' n"<'" . '>Yuteh Olll . ' II spresd by bandahaklng_ You get ve lous way our uell ut lf ul 11'[1111111 \'al- ' I'u' (''''; for 101 ",." " f " " 'I'kc't. tbe germa ftom your friend's band lev and no P Rl't mor e mnrkedly than tranlfer them to your handkerchief Wa yne towns hi ll. I-Ierc w e luk e adand then to your nOle. the body mOlt sensith'e to cold, the van tage of su nshin e, WUW I' lind soi l. little hollow at the base of the skull. ull God creat ed a n d God g ive n. \\' c Cut your hair that way, then m oHandahaldDIr ia foolilh and arebale l<l!ld up its pr odu cts an d f r om thc mul' tor with your _ back to the drivcr, and anybow, u fooll.~ u Indians rubkl!t s of th e ~ o untry J.: et buck that blnr noJei. PrImitive man stretched fOU have found the short cut to acute whi ch ma k<os it possible t o pr ov\d,' A s " pr elilllin nry t o the fin a ls of out hia right hand to .how there wu neuralgia and pneumonia. the necessities of Ii f'e f or our selves tho g irls ' Tri-Co un ty tou rnament no blfe In It, and to reauure the a nd loved ones. · The Mother: cluh w ill not 1l1 ,,~t \\'hich Pitt-burg , B ut ler county, w on ItnInger. That'. hanll.J DeC_TY, At Conncll Bluffs, Juper McDonOur mer chants lind busi ncs. men un til Friday IIft"I' II"O n, Apr il 10, in - by def cllting Fra nk li n 20 to 9 nt ild, negro, twenty-seven yean old, now. li re de pe nde nt u po n th is wonde r fu l . t en d of A "I'il 3, T he meeting wi)1 F' rn nkli n High School gymn asium, ,lead a guilty to criminal usault and produc tive section wit h its broad be he ld nt the Gym lit 2 o'cloc k, Mor row I:i ris won t hird place by . "The Ihlngle headachll,' 'or "bob- within an hour is sentenced to life ncr es, God's gr ea t g ift to us. We p~o mpt. Bell y Fuidax will be the defellti ng Mllrrni nc Pllrk, Dayto n, 34 imprisonment. That is better than bed halr ' Wleura~a," hal arrived, and rccog ni ze t hi s i n n mea sure and we " pea kct'. Con;e. eve r y one, t o 18. The defea t suffe l'cd by F rank lynching. because of. the eft'eet on wu Inevitable. :'Silly women, not conYBIL LeM/\ Y, P r es . boost o ur mnterial op pol'l uniti('s un d lin in t he tourna men t was t he first ,ublic opinion and respect for law. we certain ly d o well. We cnpi tll li ze DO~,\,A EDWA RDS, SCC th is year. tent to th,lr bair 11Iort, actually - allow the barber to than the back There iI, unfortunately, the pouiwhnt God has placed here for man~the neck, uncovering that part ot bllity of eacape. . kind, but beinl: "God given" we ulso :, s hould have "lIn oITcring to Hi p)," "In order f or relig ion to sppeal to the manufacturer, merchan t and banker,· it must provide something more tangible than material protecTwilight and evening bell tion or prosperi ty . What men havo And after that the duk! does not materilllly in te rest t hem; And may there be no Badness of It eve n tuully pll lls upon th em. Infarewell . . • deed, bu sin ess me n desir e to o btain The Ju nior (·Ia~. ~o li c i t th o patro n- i\Iuinous, Bert O'Nea ll a nd Nelson When I embark; PassIOn Week servIce' will be held spiritual he lp fr om religion," of' the pup ild at their Easter mll r- W!ltkill R Hdl'esh me nls were served, For though from out our bourne at at thc M. E. church. this coming So this commu ni ty is a t the f ro nt III:C ket, A pI'il It. co n ~ i ~ t ilig of cuke a nd pineapple ice. 'I'1Ie attention of all reeldents of , 6, Fin.. will be cha~d for all tim. and place we ek. The ~astor WIll preach on with its churches t o take care of th e d II I dam... done to boob--eueh u, fln- The flood may bear me far mornmg' and . Sabbath ! venllpiritual side of otlr peoplc, t hat t hey :Sabbath WaJ1l' toW1llhlp II 8al1e to t e ru e. ger marlta or other etaln., peneil L,,,t F ridllY nfternooll the High Thi l'd " nn uIl I ('n unty Omtoric a l to see my Pilot, face to tace mg. On Mon~ay night, Apnl 6, forget not God, '.' the g iver of every ·coY"'r tIM u .. 'of the pubU. It marka - turned-down comen, loose I hooe contl,.t wi ll bl' he ld n t the Lebll11 0n sch.'ol, fuc ul ty grn de" and Normal When I have crosled the bar R~v. J. C. Uober ts , of BI~nche8ter, g ood and perfec t g ift." ·blUJ'. In -order tbat all borrowera PlCel,'looHned backl, elc_aeh borIi, t enerl to a VCI"y uniqU e a nd catchy Oper a h,,",;C, i"l'iciu y, ApI'il 3, hCJ!in III pre,!ch.; on Tuesdll Y nll:ht , Rev. Abundlln t opportuJl ity is a/Tordud Card of Th ...o tia, bYe . ~ pri.u..u: and tile row... will be beld relponlible for C. B. FrIsbIe, of South Le ~anon , wI!1 for mll n to wo rs h ip God neco rd ing nillg lit I :2 0 p. m. Ken neth Rctn I· pl'og rn in g iven by Miss Fealy's room_ ~ ;a.d lIIi1ihsln... be ,kept In ~ tile damare. don. to a b.ook, while It We wish to thank our neighbor., preach ; on We dn esdllY nr ~h t, AprIl to the d ictfites of his ow n conscie nce. l i~l, a nrl Ed na Mu ll ~n 8re our Hil:h and frlenda for the klndnesl shown 8, Rev. J . C. Stitzel. of Spl'ingb ?r o, Ie eonMtion. It Ii Imperatlv. .. on bia &d Bible Reading an d Prayer We have five churches , hence We sc hoo l conl estnnts, :I[n ry J o Miller uu.t. 'die authority' 0.(, tIM Ubrarlan , '1" ~ pG!t.a1 card will be lent to UI during our alster's slckneas and will preach !lnd on T hursd ay ni ght would .... .. .. ...... Leona Kellia not hnve our co mmunity with- to r eprese nt th e up pel' grndes a nd Rea d i n ~ ..... ~'. a borrowill' after ...hoOk I, two weeb death, for the beautiful floral _oll'er- ~he pastor WIll preach. Do r i ~ l:; ali ~bllr~' ~h e I" wer J.:rn de~. Pia no Solo ......... . EVl!lyn Gqrdon out its church es which are made ," AppUeatiola ~ are now read., o"relue, he .wijl be expected to pro- inJl and alao tlle· undertaker for his A bundll nce of m ll ~ i . w ill be f urnished A Bu r l~ squ e Doll Drill On E~ter Sunday ~he Sabbath available to all, and nr e g lad to ma in f IJpa.tDnI. duce the book and JMl7. the fine or services and the minister, Rev. C. E. sChoo.1 .. .... .E the l Lawson WIll hav!! a · 81~eclal p~ogTam, tain th ese vllrio us urgllnizations a nd by t he Wnyn e Tow nshi p or chest r a of Hl'nding . ~The Wa)'ll' TORalp Public Li- pay the Ubrar, the price of the book; Turley, for biB conlOllng worda. fifteen inslr ument.s u nder t he direcA Lesson in Geography and III connectIon WIth s ervIce the to provide fo r the spil'itul side of , IIraI7 ia for tIM bee ae of all ftll- no borrower will be p.rmltted to etion of P rof. Allred Watkin s. pastor will bapuze some babies and man's life. Song- UPerrie, Merri e Dixie'" by . .d,nta of, Wa.,.., to~uhlp.·. but 'cureboob whU, there ia a Ane fO Sharma Freeman, Frances Gullady smatl children and new members will So while wc are about the tasks '. peftORI ,~ .eJqlHted to _form to 'dal'lJ~d or over-due boob eharge Last · F rid llY nig ht the Domestic Ev ~ lyn Cart wright, B.elen Be~tz: . be received. • . thllt summon us day by day strivin g ~ .. foDowiil. tala; . to him, h All are inVIted to these s ervIces. f or a g r ellter IIlld bette r commun ity, Science c1aE2 had a weiner r oast Bnd I Refidlll g .............. Mcredlth Whttaker . 1 Eacth 'bonowtiP m\llt an 9, Boob mUlt b!l returned to t e - -.- '- - - let us remem ber th e hearts' need ; .r e- tnfl'y pull nt the ho me o f OliVe Ca rn- Song-Urll Never P lay with '-. hoaUc>n, to 'be re-mrtJieNd eVery ch!lJ"lllng del!'. Fatlure to do thl, Agll in- Nellie Wa tkins and Siler-mcmbul' the. c qu Iet places of pI'ayer IIhan. The f ollowi ng s pent a very 11111n Tinne y. . ", " a nd m ditatio n nnd t urn ' as ide n!)w enjoyabl e evening : Olive Carnaha n, Ollildnin 14 and to r,malll til! the book is dls. ~s. j,(ta!D . . INWN ptltent >charged, ~111 subject tl)e borrower Mr. Paul Gerlaugh, ' beef cattle " ' . . .' . lIJld th en fo\' n momcn't wit h God who Lillian Watki ns, Sura Missildine, 'Phe oo n ville choru s .. ,By the Boya . g ave us this beau t if ul world and f a- Amy Hopki ns, Doris· Hawke, ·Agnes Song- ":roll y P icki ninies,'" by Of."~~: ~. ' on. m~.,~ be ' ke~t to ~Q~nAny one ' IIvi. ng outside th,' specialist, ' Ohio Agricultural college, Longacre, E lsie H a wke , Jack Ker sey, Ralph Mllino\ls, Paul Evcrhal't, , ,........ 'V.L .." . . . . . hi bta b rrower I will be with County Agent OIaM to . " "'' "_ _. l vored la_fl...,;d_._· _ ... _ . . J . E. J . . Joe Kersey, Be.rt O'Neall, Ha rold 'Give ns CI.ark, E rne8t Green and twD " ..1!8 ali~ onll' .. neWed for·t e Townl iJl may 0 III a f Q d 11 visit lix 01\ eight of . ~btl le.a ding eatSmith and Vernon Mninous. E dg ar Snuth_ ~.'.. . . ' "t!l.,...o. be tfan.afll'1'ed_ eard by ,paying the Bum 0\1 0 111 e . 0 relar tIe feeden of WalTen Coun-, and The WayneavDle band .... -hee to ' n-d·., ....... k ma., a year at.nhla'. an app cat on ea .. 1 · ' ..... __ L .L · "'" <l Boo"":pt~.. oia"'~ GaIl- and obtainlnar the l\anature of _""", Mr, W. T. Fife, ea"'1'e Ialeaman of ............... ir Frle .. " tor tue be ~ & _ - - ' - " Elizabeth He nkle ' "'lind Charlotte PenoDal Not.. .... ) ~ - _... Ident bHbol\ier; . the Co-c>peNtiYVe Li'9e1toek CfOIllmia- congratulaw" tel'lrl'8ml lent to Bot - w ....... or ~. 1.._ 11 All¥. book oltier Ulan a ..ven. slon boq.. of O1Dolnnatt alao plans them at Cin~Dn.ti on the enning of Ram hy c nte rtalned the following peoMiu Smith spent the "ee~ at ~. . . . . . . . . . BOt d ina be ~Mrved UPOIl the to be along. - }larch 24th, during.their dinner-hour pIc at the Henkle , home last Fnday ~er home in Verail\1lea. cat .,... .,... TIle CIIl'Nnl ' e . ::J ent 'of D~e ceat for coat of n.. Mr_ Fife <WiU >!Java IOlIIe nIW fe.. proeram, m~lo-cut from S~tion evening, to a cara partl1.: Franeell Mia Clark atten~ed a . of . . . . . . . . ."'·!!.o&ta~ ~U__ ~e~ which win be Mnt .. Hon .. turel cODoem\ne live .toek market- WLW~ Your Idnd reearda are deepAU Ohio will operate eastern ·s tan- Henkle, Gla dys 8ergdall, Mildred luncheon ~t \be SImc... Troy, Ohio, .... • 1ItII lie DId ...... - . ...... .,. the 'book ia returned to the UbrTorJ, ling aDd County ApDt C~ will dia- 1)' • dard tillIe, thus avoidillif much con- H ole , Sara MllI8ildiDe, Lillian WatID.· -:.. ~.:~~ ~n~ A book wID Dot be bald lonPI' tluiD C1IU reinforced manure which II of •• fUBlon, if Governor Donahey tPgnl kin, E ve lyn Ung leaby, LueUe StJohn, • ,... ~ _.... ~ _ : 0 ' " • HIIrar1 0Deiabt£ de",- altar whlell interest to eaWe feed.n. Ever)' .,. the eaatel'll tim\! bill whlch baa been George Iie nkle, FOl'Ut HOI1C1!t-Keft~, IIP"''''''IIi'' .,. ~ - - ... .,wIll.pta "be indIm .....UOD. _ . fMd_ IIlbvited. " ..... JItUd Que",- palledJb7 the lepslat~ ,e~ StJo~., Harold ~mith. vemCln 'T:..~"';..... ,~,,.....


------- --


l .




Rulea Governinp the . Wayne T ~(f.nship Library



An Interesting Report Of Our School Events




=. ,. ,





.u.n un~el'



---_. - ..----


























Most p~op l e have to \V rk hard and cO:1s istCfltly to accu mulate money. You make succes m re di fficult jf you neglect to invest in the West Side, where every help is extended. N o other institution is any safer or more able to pay y u high returns on your mo ney.

West Side Building and Loan Association

6% ...



510 s...Flfth ...... - 1S Noeth Moln



(Thlrd Floor)



~ -.


HAU"LING Having complied with the require. ments of the Utilily Commission, I am go ing into the Truck Business agnin, nnd ,,;11 be able to do all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates.


1'0 On e of the bigj..>h - in hog aisin g is to g~l them tn th e marke t-q ui ck 1 T ht' lo nger it takes to put IOn pounds nf por k o n a hog the small e r the profi t will be. S tart ri g h t now feeding yo u r l itt le pi gs on

Tux e d


H og Rati o n. Keep it before them in a self-feed er and watch them grow into pork and profits in a hurry.




m bay

H.uliDa of .11 lciad.! .1.0 ... your old .. , rai" .ad jllDIe.

Co-re-a-Ha Sweet . T ux edo Do lTY

Wm_ Robinson

Tu xedo Chop T uxedo Hoit R a ti o n


T u xedo PI"eon F ced Tu . cdo Etc" M adh T U.'Iedo Scratch T uxetlo Ch ic k TUXN O Ou lt er mllk St a rter DnO Gr owlna



Tu xedo Devel::»per T u u'd o P oultry


Fa" ~ n t"r , ~t c.

And X-O-ORAPHIST Waynesville, Telephone 114.





Sheriff's Sale

Instant Relief from headaches

~.1'. '"

Oar ollpert .er.,.lce ... iIl quickl,. r.U.... ,.ou, .bould FO-r . ,•• be 0&110101 th.te beadache.·

~ THE TIFFANY JEWELRY STORE Jewele1'8 and Optometrists,






Warre~ Common Pleas Emily J. Minniear vs.

I No. 18284

Minerva Cox et aI.

Mo.' ca ••• of he.d.cbe. tbat com. to II' directly traceable to defocti.,.e e,eliabt or we.keDod .,.e m"t·




By virtue of an order of sale, duly issued from said Court, In the above stated case, and to DIe directed, I will offer for sale, by way of public auction, on the premises, In WaY!lc Township, Warren County, Ohio. Said premises lies immediately weat of the Corporation line of the Village of Waynesville, and on the soutb west side of the west aide of North Street, of Bald Village, on Monday, the 6th day of April, A. D., 1925" at 2 o'clock p. m., on laid day the follo,ving described real estate, towit: Beginning at a stone set 1111 the West line of the incorporated Village of Wayn esville, Warren County, Ohio, on the soutli.west side of the west end of North Street, In 8ald Villuge, thence running with the corporation line S. 35 degrees, W. 2.27 chains to a stake, thence N. 69 de· grecs, 30 minutes W. 2.27 chains to a stake, thence N. 30 degrees 65 mlnutee E. 3.36 chaias to a stake, thence S. 79 degrees 00 minutes E. 1.24chains to t he center of the Franklin Pike, thenc e S. 9 degrees 00 minutes E. 1.96 chains to the beginning, containing .779 acres be the same more or less, except the said grantor. Phillip Hopkins, l\Cserves for his own use a lot or strip of ground, fifty feet wide, running back fr om the Franklin road or pi ke, t o south line of said lot. Being off the east side of said lot and lying west of the west corpora ti on line of tha village of Waynesv ille. Ohio, and binding thereon, being in length 2.27 chains more or less. (Deed Records. Vol. 97, page 087, Reco rder's office. Warren County, Ohio.) • Said real estate hns been regularly appraised under ordor of the Court at lhe s um of Nille Hundred ($900.00) Dollnrs and will not be lold for less than two-thirds of said apprailed va lu e. Terms : CASH. ALFRED C. BRA NT , Sheriff of Warren County, Obfo. Robert W. Brown, Atty.

PROBATE PROCEEDINCS Charles C. GlIIdgeon filed his petition for leave to adopt Thelma Marie Oliver. The will of Alice B. Nills , deceased. was admitted to probate. Charles M. Fitts was appointed administrator o:f the estate of Alice B. NiIls, deceused. Bond $1500. Thomas Miller, Jamos Weidner and George Sellers were appointed appraisers. Anna · M. Kit·bv. executrix of the estate of Niles Kirby. deceased, filed her first and filllal account. The account of Minnie W. Vandervoort, executrix of the estate of Euphemia Cromley Wilson. deceased, was approved nnd confirmed. In th e lllatteir of the estate of EImer Kelsey, deceased, Ednn L. Kelsey filed her inventory and appraisement. Proof of publicalion of the notice of . appointment of executrix in the matter of the estate of James V. Hankinson. deceased, was filed. Charles F. Mounts, executor of the estate · offi Susan C. Hayner, deceased fil e d h IS rst account. In the matter of the estate of Mary E. Tllom nson, deceased, u . C. '" filed his!Ufirst Drake-, administrator, and final !Lccount. Net value of the estate of Niles Kirby, deceascd, was determined 118 $4 776.80. The account of R. S. Franklin, administrator of the estate of Lucy Adllms Franklin, deceased , was approved, allowed nnd confirmed. Th e account. of J . Lindley Mende nhaLl, executor of tbe estate of Anna Kelly, decease d, was approved, allowed nnd confirmed. The account of the Lebanon Nationa l Bank and Trust Co .• trustee un der the will of E. K. Snook, decessed, was appro ved. allowed and confirmed. The account of Stanl ey M. Sellers, trustea under the will of Joseph G. Keys, deceased, was approved. allowcd and confirmed. The court upproved, allow.ed and confirmed the account of John O. Cartwright, executor of th e estate of John A. Funkey, deceased. The account of Aliee Chenoweth and Emily J. Minniear, · administratrixes of thEI estate of Amanda Smith, decease d, was approved. Frank Wilson, administrator of the estate of Nannie Cooper, deceased, filed his first and final account. G. Hutchinson, guardian of Jeanne tto Hutchinson, minor, filed his third account. Cassius Wllliams, executor of the estate of NaMy J. Parker, deceased. filed his first lind ftnal account. Cll8sius Williams, executor of the estate of Nanlcy J. Parker, deceased. filed his first and final account. Wm. G. Thompson, assignee of the assignment olf Edward S. Shroyer, filed bis sale bill. MARR1AIGE LICENSES Leslie L. Sims, laborer. and Miss Mae N. Scott, both of Lebanon, colored. -~ --REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Martha H. Bone, by shl¥'ifi' to J. M. and Mar)' A. Bone. about 162 u~res ill Turtlecreek and Union Tps.,









is in its Durability

Hanna's Green Seal Paint' ~t i8 the

"'Made-to-Wear Kind" FOR SALE BY

Oxley-Pace Drug Co_ Waynesville, Ohio

- - --


NEW SUITS Kate Ste wart; has entered s uit ngll ins t Stella J . Booth, et a.l, for partition. W. W. Buhrman has entered su it ngainst Jay E. alld Mnry W. Beavers for cog novit. Halph Lewis entered suit against Ger trude Lewis charging cruelty. The Embalm.!1'l! Supply Co .• has entered s uit agllinst C. C. Miller & on. for mon ey only. Amount cla imed $104.16 with interest.

____ I

The 'fru,e' Value of Ii Paint

COMMON PLEAS P!toCEEDlNCS [)jvorce was grnnted in t he elise of Hurley ll . Adoms V8 . Blanche Adnms. In the mo lter of the swle of Ohio vs. J oe Mills, defe ndant was l' mand· I'd to cus tody of sh eriff, having fail· ed to goh'e bond of $1500. . In the matter of W . W. Buhrma n V ! . J on }O';. and Mory W. Beavers, it is con sid(>r(>d thllt pluintiff r ecover from defe ndants $ 1006.9 1 with in t .trl!s t. In lhe matter of th e tnte of Ohio \' ~. J . H . Smith. alias. et aI. , defe ndnn l failing to produce $2000 bond \I'll' r e manded to the custody of the . heritT. Cla yto n Clark was made defend · Hnt in the ma t ter of Rosa Jordnll '·s. Harry M. Hawley ot al. l\! ortgllges wore orefercd canceled in th e cllse of~ Marthn Symons VH. Henly F. Symons, et al. Dcfendnnt WIIS given n fine of $35 0 lind costs iln the multer of the 'tate 0 f Ohio vs. Joe Mills. who was chn rg t't! with possessing liquor.

Hundred s o f ou t-of-rown people belonf to The W est Side.

MaIn office-Third and Broad ..... y




Betablilhed 1887


-- --

Co., s upplies for Rec order, $-1.50; BLONDE BESS OPINES for Probate Court, Surveyor lind Treasurer, $48.20; Lebanon lee and ult', • lou a •• ti.faction fel Co a l Co .• coal f or C. H .• $ 10.50; W. low . lIel the.e day. when tbe,. H. Stannge Co .• supplies for audit or AIle. youne ladie. for a ki.I:$ 16.0; Columbus Blnnk Book Co .• Crnmc r. Slime, $32.75; V. W. Tomp- ! ""'!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!~!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!~~~~'!""~!!! kin s. snllle $99.l5; F. M. Collins, '-:: same, 20c; Su pplies f or Probate court and treasurer. $40.50; Vnlley Phone Co.. rent and tollR, $47 .25; Columbus Oil Co., gas for sheriff. $2. U5; P. B. IIIoncc. pllyroll, $lO.~O; Walter Vurner. sume, $22. 0; Chas. MONEY LOANED Cra mer, sam e. $99 .15; F. 111 . Collin s. same. $;6.85; Eden Terry, snme. $179.65 ; A. T. Rettig. sum e. $185 .50 dONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, Cliff lI oug h, same, $147 .00; H. E. chattels, ulso second mortgages. Thompso ll . r epairing culve rt, $11.60; u,tGGfJ IF.fandflc .52 F su PestateG u Notes boug ht. J ohn Harbine. Allen R. H. Sm ith , d l·aggi ng. $5; Wm. Cole Building, Xenia, Ohio. man, su me, $47.50; Alonzo Cnrter, same, $8.76 ; E . B. Simpson, r epuir rmer~, on surveyor's car. $7.80; Columbus ., Oil Co., s upplies, $57.1 3; W. H. r f \V n and adjoining Madden C.. guard rail malerial. 'arlllcrs 0 nrr~ $11.62; East End Garage. Mason, counti es may obwm money on \onll work 011 truck, ~G.53 ; Oregonia Brige, timo:. 10uns, at 5 'Ao per. cent Interest. Co .• truck rcpalr. 65c; Penn. R. R. Co~t of securing the same 18 very re.· Co .• storage of equipment, $2.42. sonablo ,through The Federal Land ----- • B.nk. For further information call on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treae· Subscribe for The Miami Gazette. urer, phone 3l6.X, Lebanon, Ohio.




I------------------------------;'1 ' .

Thl's Week's Cross-Word Puzzle

______________________________ "He llo!" This cross. word puzzl e . (cd I hails fr om NewJlort, Orl'g. I t IS icsted to Miss l ola M'II I en. Long Th I' lU'runger, . ,.' Ir . Be!L~, h Cu I . E ar I \V . " no I' .ll" hl ,C I' ulms th a t 'I t bea ts anything and everything except a carp et. We don't know whether it

ACROSS 1 4 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 26 29

32 33 34 $1. 35 Minnie A. Sellars et ai., to Julia E. 37 and William H. Garrison, about 104 3D ncres In Turtleereek Tp.• fl. 40 Otis and Cleo Arthur to W F. Graham. about 61 acres in Wayne Tp ., $1. 43 Sarepta Roberts to Lillie Stutes- 45 man, 2 acres in Clearereek Tp., $1. 47 Milton W. Moon to Edward F . 48 49 Wood, 2 traets in Lebanon, U. W. H. Drake, to Robert Pattenon, 60 about 7 acres in Wayne Tp., $1. 51 Edward G. and Mae Hartsock to 53 Frank and Elizabeth Thompson, 2 64 tracts containing ahout 24 acrell in 65 Wayne Tp., ~i1. 56 Asbury B. and Jaliah Florence 67 Smith to J. K. Morris , 9 acres in 68 69 Clearcreek TIP., fl.

Bleak. A conjunction. Manner of walking. Nickname of Martyred PresiA noisy quarrel or brllwi. Destructive tree bectlCo. Principal part of a tree or shrub A contractiol) for ever. To secrete. A sailor. Not outside of. . Southern State (abbr.).· A white, malleable metallic el· emcnt. Country belonging to Engl'.md (abbr.). One who races. Ner~hern state (ab\>r.). Back of the neck. Used for covering roofs of build ings. Egyptian sun god. To procure. .. Objective case of I. River in Siberia. A gem. Child's title for mother. The Rower buds of a low shrub of Mediterranean countries used as a condiment. Impersonal pronoun. Consumed. Editor (abbr.). The person speaking. Points of the compass. Boy's nickname, possessive. ~~md~eelte;!~manently. . English (abbr.). Cheerful. Boy's nickname. A J1Iovement of the feet. A narrow beam of light. Small inclosures for pigs.. ACROSS One of the Bocial classes into which society is divided In Hin· duatan.

would beat everything but a carpet, but 'n''1' do kno,,' that it is a mighty goo d puzzle. It's casy, inter('stin.{ . and has a nice design. If you. c"n t work it out in 45 minutes you r r. notI '0 good. becuuse Ule I~ngos t won in th e puzzle has only SIX le tters.

WANTED SALESMEN WANTED-To so licit OrO" 1'8 for lubricnting oils, grease. und puints. Sa lury ' or commls.~i on. A<lilr e~s THE HARVEY OIL CO., Cleveland. Ohio . .


FOR RENT FOR RENT- Farm of about 135 IICI'CS . on s haroH. l;1t I .. II.,~ welt of Fllrry , on R. R. 6, Chao. Ki ll dlo, °al Phone 5 13 Centerville. FOUND


FOUND-SOx3'Ao Tlre and Rim. Owner can have Banle by provIng . property. Orndorf & Servia. Garugo, Waynesville, Ohio. ell




FOR SALE- One Power Wa~her and EnKitl~; 1 Hoollier 8x8 Dillc Drill~ 2 Cream Sepurators. All in guud cOllditiOIl and guaranteed to run. Fred M. Cole. Waynesville, Ohio. a15 Jo' OR SA LE-Coal oil Btove: C.n be AIscen at the' home of CIllfhence N len, Waynesville. OhiO, pone o. 117-1 -.8 FOR SALE-Durh.m bull. twent yone moMha old. lnqulre ' of the Prendergast Bros., Waynesville, O. -a8 FOR SALE- House and double lot, e lectric lil/:hta, on Fourth ·stree.t . Allen Hole, Waynesville, Ohio. ___ D . FO R S A LE-D on 'tb uy c h e.p vumt f rom'Irresponal'bl e concemL B u)' G uarull t ee d R00, f Barn an d H OUII8 Puint direct from your own county fuctory. Drive over ' and __ IDDD. e,.. Eldri~ Paint Product. Co" Franklin. Ohio. FOR SALE-Early Ohio Seed Potatoes, and a few tons of mixed hay. J. P. Cummings, R. R. 8, Waynesville.. Ohio. -.15 FOR SALE-Single cO{llb Wbite Leg born eglf s , $4.50 per hundred. Mrs. B. V. SmIth. R. R. 4, Waynesville, Ohio, phonc a7.3. alo FOR SALE-Four 10WI and 27 pip. J. C. Hisey, R. R. 3, W.ynelville. Ohio.. -.8 FOR SALE-About ZOO bUlbel1 of ~ood white com; a180 40 bu. Yel. low, on 100·acre f.nnbLytle, Ohlo_ Phone F .C. Hubbell, ayton. Ohlo_ a8 FOR SALE-Team of work hon... Alao, 80lne good locust POlts. InqiUre of Roscoe .Io'urn&l1, phone 83-3 '$ Waynesville, Ohio. -.8 FOR SALE-Earl)' Six W..k S. .d Potatoe.. D. E. StaIldlford,


Wayneaville,Ohio. -al FOR SALE-PI.yer bean 2 T o procure. demonstrated in home of tamil,. 3 To look obliquely. than take back to ltore will 4 Any 'place of public contORt. sell at a big ..crifice. R. T., cut 5 Constructor of Ark (GrecK f'Jrm of Miami Galette. -Dl25 6 A piece of mournful music. . 8 An approach into 1\ mIne. FOR SALE-Two cood work m&nlll, 9 An irritant poison. 8 and 3 yeara old. D.via Furnu, ]0 _ To have a particular direction. R: R. " Wayneavllle, Ohio. at lB Keep resentment. . FOR SALE-Parke Barred G. A ell 20 Skill. . ..ot~ 24 Move nlong all a reptile. eggl for h.tchini, 75c per aettlnf. 27 Present tense of the verb to be. Mra. Rachel Crew, R. R. 8, Wayne.. 28 A wide shallow vessel. ville, Ohio. -a8 30 A mischievous child. . . 31 A gruss y field. SLIGHTLY used player, B~ld. 35 Not visible or apparent. win make. Will 8e11 at a aacriric •• 86 Playing card of highest valuc.'. Cash 'or terma. R. T. cara of Miami 37 A natural substance. 38 A tree of 80ft wbite wood (E'J- Gazette olllce. . -a8 rope.) FOR ' SALE-8 tona baled tlmoth)' 39 Companions. hay. 23 head, ot good .heep. 1 41 Venomous serpent. fresh C!OW. E. H. Brown, R. R. 5., 42 Used as an abrasive. 44 Age between 13 and 19. Waynesville, Ohio. -al 46 A shUll> terminating border. FOR . SALE-The lervlcea of th.· 49 River in Africa. Percheron Stalllon" Roy,\1 Wonder. 62 A girl's name • . This Is the Klng'.· Powder Co. horae, , and will malia tbe HUOD at DIY t.1'III • . An.wer to Laot Week'. P.·II~aI~ 0 " A' , Str " a'l'\'n" R , R . 4J W.... vlna, ' .. ........ Ohio. .m.'6 FOR SALE-Good leather ' davenport. Call or .ddress Ina E, , . S~~e;. ·Harv~s~ul'8',.· Obio• . , -al Fok SALE=-Pralrie State "ncubitor .2.0·egr, $10.00; foldlne ' bed, $5.00; 1'6' :ne~ .~.~ ..r1 ulecked down. Mary F. Brown, R. R. 1., Sprlna VllUey, .;Obio. . _ .• a~, . FOR- '8A.LE--,.OJd-f~hioned. pJacIt and tan rit terrier ,pup." .J.4w,. renee Surf.ce, &. R. 4., W.JI\" III Oh v e, 10_ " .~ .SA·y.... ......... _ ' '1_..... . ...... . ,.~ ,• ...;.. .


COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES -.1. H. E. Dilatuah, coroner, inquest ....... kat ~~~~~~~~~~~::::~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~mm~~~sa~m!!!u!!!e~I!!!C!!!o~U~ld~,!!!.~6~.~60~;~S=ta====OO==M=f~g=.~~~~~;:::::~::~::~~~::::::::i:::~~~~~'I ru~ntea.d . att.m, ~neU,h Hik~.·B~ ~ 90% .farUl.. · ''-'16 ..1'_


- ' { f D l _ _ DOl'll

CltnAJS C~$T'

gv, o

"'" lliO









,.HEN 1'ME. ~Aatt!6

_~ ..

100: Fnd' RloJaarGt.1t. D. -','· ·W.,nesvlUfI, .·9h~~. , . ·.al FOR SA~PlBJtr J'lQo.....~ boi-hood' of Wap...uue, ·. can ba boucht bt·."~~,.. ~ b)' paJing balanca du, the ..,.nuUe. ;I tUfa. Tanna if datrad. 1'01' con. . ftdenti •• information, write "80s 1115. .



Ohio: '. '..

~1 •


•~ .. T H 'E MIAM , I

G.AZ E YT.E ••••

ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY EnteHd at tbe Po.tolliee at Wayneav lIle, 0.,


Second Cluss Mall Matter

D. L. CRANE, Editor aDd Pabli.her, WaJllaniUa, OlUo. Sublcription Price, $1.50 per year.


-~======================= There may be a rew darning needles left ill the world, but thy WO'l't be found in modenl hope chests.

C.·L. T I


appoin t ed

A husband's dellnitlon for a wife Albert Stacy spent Saturday. In .hould be--"A woman to wh,,'" I Lebanon. may be a8 rude as 1 wish, without The sick tolk. of this place are being compelled to apoligizc. all improving. . Mrs. JeHsie Longacre wa. a DayThe Senate certain Iy spent. It :ot "f ton shopp er, Saturday_ Mr. and Mrs. H . M. Clark are intime Investigating the 8econd man named for Att9rney General._ Pa- stalling II new bath outllt. Mr. and MI'!!. Eli RU8sell were triotl~m demands conservatism. Springboro vi. itors, }O"'riday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pine. of Route Jf It takt'8 200 padlocks to close 6, are victimH of the grippe_ one New York brewery how Inany Mrs. Margaret Johns was a DayNew York breweries has it taken to ton visitor one day last week. close up one prohibition inspector! Mr. and Mrs. William BergdaU spent Thursday in the Gem ci~y. Miu Sarah Oaburne has rented her What ha. happened to the gIrl who uled to to lUly, "Mamma, havlt I got property to Mr. and Mn. Frank Snytoo much powder on!" ,.nd "Llpo der. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Robert hilt touch liquor shull never tOllch Burnett, Thursday, March 26, 1926. mine!" • a 80n, ReJ[ DeVaun. Mn. Seth Furnas, of Route 6, Is RU181an Communist neWllpapers recovering, after being sick a couple admit tbere are 760,000 children ot weeks with the grippe. .tarvlng to death in Southern RU!lBia James Hawke, of Lima, was the The land of the Bolshevist Is guing guest of his brotber, Ben Hawke and to be r ecognized one way or anoth- family several days last week. er. The ea rly train south and the late train north on the railroad here, will What Could t do, when he w~ .< be discontinued on April 26th. Mr. and Mrs. HalT)' McGinnis 'round the hOUle, and had the money spent laat week with Dr. and Mn. L_ too! B. Hall and children, in Wayne.ville. What Could I do ....hen h~ said Mrs. Lelia Whamn and daua'bter, 'take a ...allk· and all the rent was Miriam, spent Wedneaday with Mrs. due? --Sonaa of an Enl'lish NobluL'lan. Sam Smith and daughter, MiBl Vel·


John J. Murray was a stnke driver at $18 per week before the World War. He lost an arn1 in Lhe Ar"onne. Rehabilitated through the American Legion he was sent to Dos ton Un iversity, an cJ now he ha s been made a pfO'f~sso r th ere In Business a <llllin istrntion .



By Robert Furrel "Never borrow if you can help it-but i f you muat, then from

John Murray, now an ins tructor • pe •• imi.t--becauae he neve r in BORtoll university, who. quitting "xpech to rC11 it back." an $18 a wee k job driving stakes, went into the World War and lo st an arm in the Argonne, has written an appeal to rem emb er t hose still s uffering the pains of lhe great conflict. "I suppose it is just human nature to forget," he sayB. Murray has won both a bachelor's and a master's degree in the last year_ Boston university had plnnn ed to make a saleman of him, but his work in ecomomics attracted attention to such an unusual degree thnt l' S, the university dectided it did not wish \ mao If you suffer the slightest to lose him. He knows what it means Mias Bernice Gr&ham was a weekeye strain you should conVlee-Presldent Bullard of the' )fer- end gues t of her grandparent., Mr. to rea lIy and literally fight for an BUlt us immediately. ehant. National Bank, Boston, NYS and MI"II. Carl Albright, near Spring- education. His letter sent to National headqual'If William the Conqueror hact eel· boro. ten of the American Legion In InWe are experienced optomebraLed lib Hulings victory bJ In · Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jobnl enterveslinl' at compound Intere ~t. tained a number of friends to & ra- dianapolis, is a plea in RUpport of the etrists and will diagnose,077,OOO,OOO,OQ.O,oOO 11' 0 u I d dio party on Tuesday evening, of last American Legion endowment fund your eye ailments th orfor disabled men and orphans of vetnow be to the credit of biB helll"'. week. oughly and satisfactorily eran8. Also b. might have invested 1385 .W. A. Jr., the little son of Mr_ "My observntion and my knowlfor you. If your eyes need 077,0001°00,000,000 In Wall .trcet and Mrs. Walter Clark, h ... been and haa tlMI amount reduced to $1 quite ill for the paat week, but is now edge of the Legion'8 ac ts of kindattention it is best that ness and help to may others prove in much leu time. . on the me nd. you have them examined Dr. Calvin Hunt. of London. spent to me th e justification for its exist· im mediatelv. Delav is 'ORtMonday Ilnd Tues day with hi s broth- ence," he says_ Murray had been workingas a Iy. We examine th em er, Robert Hunt and family, and DUKE SPEAKS A MOUTHFUL transit nHlII, swi ngi ng a hamme r and called on severa l Lytle friend s. free of charge. carryi ng :l su r\-eyor's chain for a civMr. and Mrs . Guy Routznh n a nd The Duka de · Vollambro",\·- wnnii engine er, eurly in 1917. I-I e b .~I"~ I ltell80lIlIbh· 1>r'c:cs III ever he may be-adVises t he i)"nI h. g' daughter, Ucnevn. were Sunday lic ven he could be!:,in a college course nU),lUII g u'!s!.. of th e Intler's brother, lIIr. T. populace of _ Pllri ~ that n e-vcr lI)!ui n the next fall. 'rh en war. Murray will he become engaged tu "" Anwe- U. Boitnott and fa mily, at Miami qu ickly decided he could not st.. y lean girl. They nre l o~ I icl~ l .. ri ll l, City. Ohio. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Joh ns en ter- on the sidelineR. he rc-markJI. "They don' t ,·.lr'3 w~n t He wen t to France with the 11 J th tain ed to ~ullda y dinner, Mr. and a man'H feeling ~ are if th <,y "nil cet In fantry of the 28th Division. At EAS1' SECOND Mrs. Ralph Lewis, of Dayton, Misses their way'" he adds. Am eri<-fI owes Monb lainville in the Argonne he was a debt of gratitude to the I1l1 k ,'. if Mary Cook and Olive Dinwiddie and !tassed and his left f or earm so badly I1ctwpcn ;\-lain anrl .Jefrer)'''" Street.s In (' ltarg's o { he be sincere nnd is not angli"': f"r Parry Cook, of Waynesville. Mr. and lIrrs. William Coleman 8hattered it had to be amputated. another .A.menean matrlm ,nia, l'id. Most of his savings had disappeared. DAYTON,OH.O If more of- these foreign "noble- entertained on Sunday, r elatives of Like almost everyone else in unifornl, Miss Sylvin me n" could be brought lhi ~ WHy the latter They were: he had hardly expecl<'d that h(' wo uld Traxlt', ··, . '-lI h & ~Iaill - lIl1~·ton of thinking perhnps our ~ iIly An,I'T-- Proud, of Tennessee : Miss Anna Dc- he living whl'n the wnr "nded. B.·ican girls might be saved from l!ltir va ll and J ohn and Floyd DcvlIlI. of si des, th (' Ih, ll!lI" U l lll~ hl1.1 shrunk'l're nt~n, 'Ohi ... folly. ' . en. Murrill' cou ld no t r e turn \ 0 hi s Even Bri tishers themsel 'l.·s - in - . old wt')l'k, .mn t h(' cost of (," I'r r thillg' deed no less n person thnn [he (I'rinclurlillg 4.!d u catio rl , hud ri sl! ll. me r British Premier, Rannr.:· !llacHowever. t he I!'overnmcnt 11 ", ,,11Donald, lOunds a warning against. the cles were making that henrtrendin!:, "growing materialism" of Orit3 i-1 ' ~ begi nnin g of th e ('ffo r t.~ to g ive nil beat set. '''The IIOrt .of stuff ' vilich is m en di ~8b l{\d in lhe war ioI (,t'vic(' n now filling the newspaper. ,'· o<ay~ fair oeol. The governm ent lIcknowl lIacDonald, "makl'll you blu~h .. 11;1 Wm. Harlan. of tnt' Madeira schools ed):<,ol that n man who had given lin wonder what is coming over society. was home O\'cr Sunday. urlll for his country was entitled to -rhe pOwer of wealth is enslaving Mrs. Bert Smith, of Madisonville, an education at the coun try's cost. bumanity." MacDonald meant that is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Fletch- So Murray wa s enrolled in lhe Colthe lu.t for American gold, the burn- er. x lege of Bus inesH Adminisu'utinn of ing get something for nothing plus The Aid Society netted more than Bostoll univ e l.,.ily. He now hns comthe o'ervaluating ambition of titll' fifty dollars at their market in Xen- pleted the cou rses at t he age of 28 of OU1 title-worshipping newly rich ia. Saturday. and ha ~ been made 0 professor_ On til creating a situation that spells Ben an~ Billy Buckley, of Wil- the thl'eshold of newer and wider ammlaer), for many an healthy Amer· mington, are guests in the home of bitions. he writes: ican eirl and turnl the Ncred IIIlcra- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. "Certainly if it were not f or the Dlent of marriage into a vile and The W. F. M. S. was pleasantly American Legion . mnllY of II ~ . my~c lf filth,. barte __r._ _ • __ - - entertained in the home of Mr. and included, would have no reason toh e Mrs. J. A. Hartman, Thursday. other than bitterly disposed t owards MiHaes Haze l and Helen Hill were everything, despondent and unhapTHE BRUTE week-end guests in the home of Miss py." ------- .- ...-----Leota Stephens, near Port William. Collections wero taken in both of Cynlul Husband- "And what did SOME DO, THOUGH the cburches Sunday, for the Red 10u laY'" Pest--"Did you ever write a joke?' Cross Relief fund for. IItorm victims. "Wlfe-"Nothlng." Busyed-"Orice - but she didn ' t Cynlul Husband--UI bow that The contribution amounted to twen- an swcl'.;..'_'___... ______ ty dollars. quit. well. dear-but bow did you The condition of Ch... McKay, who expr818 It'" . ..:..:..:......Is confined to his home with liver trouble, does not improve as rapidly as hlB friends would like. .. .. THAT STOPPED HIM The home talent play, "A Poor He-"My, my, IOn__ uch a won- Married Man," was well received by I Will offer nt public sale Ht my derful complexion you have. How a large audience In the .chool bouse residence in Waynesville, Ohio . on Wedneaday evening of last week. On do you keep It 80 ' " She-uB)" talking ofLen to 110ft- Saturday evening It was put on in .... SATURDAY, APRIL 11 , 1925 Harveysburg. ~p fellows like you." When you buy a wed car you want every reasonable assu rance of value. Beginning at 12 :30 o'clock p. m., the following : A lot of hou"ehold goods. plano, organ, chickens, and Any Authorized Ford Dealer oflers you such ~urance. You can miscellaneous. At teh same time I will safely trust his iudgment--because he 15 the best Judge of Ford values. offer the residence and a laTl('e lot. See big bills for information . F. M. B1SPHAM, He can tecure a Ford Car for you at an astonishingly low price. And W. N. Se.ars, Auct. Mr. Harley Hunt and daughtel'!! the car he sells you will give you the biggest value for your money. have moved to Mr. Moore's property. ..,,,- - Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Kennon are Having 80ld my farm 1 will sell at TaIlc. to him now. Find out how httle it takes to own a car that announcing the girth of a daughter. public aale, my stock, feed and imwill give you real service and enjoyment this summer.' Martha Jane. plements. located 2 miles W. of LyThe body of Mrs. Emily Lamb, of tie, 1'»> miles E ~ of Five Point PhUadel"lIia; was brought here for School, 4 miles S. of Centerville, 3 burial, ',uesday, the 24th. miles N. of Ridgeville, on the corner WAYNESVILLE MOTOR CO. Mr. S. V. Hartsock h ... received of Lytle and Five Point Road and , &cked~~ word of the aerioua ilInells .o f his sis- Dayton ana Lebanon pike, on. ter, Mrs. Haines, of Alabama_ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Griffey ' and THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1925. ~ family. of Dodds Station, have movBeginning at 10 o'clock, Two hors • ed Into the old hotel property. es. 6 Catt!e, 9 hogs, 33 sheep, 4 doz. . Tr~tment of A seriea of meetings Is being held i Chickens, farming Implements, Corn, at tho M. E. churcb, conducted ~y household goods. . See large bills for partIculars. Rev. T. M. Scarff. Speelal mUBIe' The 'MIsses Roale Moore, Edith F. A_ SNIDER.. Miller. Laura Copsey. Dorothy Wel- Martin" Stanley, Aucts_ ler and Florence Hartsook entertain• ed the advanced Economic c1U1 and toachen, Min Lewis 'and Mias' HaydQek, at a three-eourse luncheon in their clalllf room, Wednead8;Y evening. eacb ev~I~.",-- ..._ _ __


.. ' • ••

Bedroom, Dining-Room and Livin '-Room f llrn itu Rugs, Floor Lamps, Junior Bridge Lam r:- and Tt ble Lamps; Gas Ran ges, Kitchen Cabi r. ~ ts, Eefrigerators, Linoleums, Radiant Fire Gas Heaten , Ch airs, Rockers, ' Secretaries, Pictu Mirrors, Bed Springs. Mattresses.


How ArB Your Eyes? '

Everything at Sensational Price Sacrifices


---.- ...---

erkell Eand





lleceivers Starts Saturday, April 4



N. L. LeMontree


Traxler's Optical Dept.




.. - ..- - -


-artin Auctio eer


Datc your .ale. with m "

uti. faction or charS'" _ CENTERVILLE. OHIO Phone. No.2

Dr. John W. Miller Dentist


Public Sales

Waynesville National Bank ' Bldg


A Souad Policy Followe Authorized Ford Dealers

The Eye

Lebunon, Ohio


Every Tuesday 8 :008. m. to 4 p.



C.ta,th and



Phon. 8

Will F. Young

Instructionll from "tlle postoffice department at Washington relative to ·the new rate8, effective April 16, of . inOlt intetest to local people, are: . .. Insurance ·rates. LIre raised all around, with a' minimum charge' of I; cents In.tead of ~ as he.retofore. Regi.tration fee haa been Increased froll) 10. to .11i cents wi~h a ..return receipt coating 3 cents. extra. _ Special deU,erJ eh&rpll will be Iii .

•D~=~l:::~. embraclnccafds.aD It

PrInted .

any ~h require ' ft'8I7 2 ounCeII or frac-


of 1 alit, u



'FOB OVE.a zoo TEARS " ,

Eyery WedneSday . ' ~ a. m. to 5 .p. ni. RestRoom in C rangeBldg Wayne.viDe,.. Ohi~

Main Office: 9Z4~

South Brown

Street, Our SI,ma Th.ater

na,ton, Ohio

baarlem"':'o·n has - ~ 1:a' world-, .

wide remedy for kidney. liver and

, bladder diaordera, rheumatism; lumbqo and uric ~4conditions!

DMbk.. '



Harveysburg .Fertilize!; Co.

, . Conditiona




, Half • Century of -.Succ.e•• _in the


SpeCia list

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

---... ...----

Optometrist ·

S i~h t



Poultry Wanted!


are paying24c for OldSlock

28c for Springers


FOR OVER 40 YEARS 1lA.1.t.'8 c,,"l· H uoed aucceostull)' ~atarrb.


lI I!lUII: I NI~ l!R.

a Ule' tr '.

bee n

u ll n~n l


R"-LI. ·S OAT,Utn.n ~mnJCINio con · lists Of all Ointment · w hlrn Q ul·'],ly Rel\e\'e& by local npPIIClltlon. nn t ile Internal M dletne. 0. Tonie: " 'b leb nets through th'o Blood on the Mu ~ou.l Surrae ..... thUD redUCing ~e inflnmmllt on. .. So14 by ' a11 4r;!I&'S-18t8. . F. :1. Ohene.v_& 00_ TDllldo. Ohlo.

SPECIFIC PLEASE I ilIlI tl'ulc love stOJ,jes." She-" Die! you say illustrate or demonaLrate1"

He---"I'm all artist.


Walter McClure ~ FUNERAL DIRECTOR Waynesville, Ohio Fully Eqt\ipped for .Qood Serviee. Large Display Room Ambulance Service TELEPHONe 7



A. B. Swank Miamisburg, Ohio,' . Bell Phone


-' .

Phono Comm\lDicatioDa paid 10,.


L.M.HENDERSON Will. Drawn ~





Stlin ~bl'rJ'y . whu 1111111 ,I

Ii 3-puund ur t'u (. wll' foytu nule In ~dLiI1!( II .t-Il!Jlt uciCI" T hiS I S UII in (. tive fo r the "'Y~ to hunt .Oll t r d, :ll1 d h ,\o k ~ . and hk t o Ih<- rl"~~r A scntence ot not le~s than h o{o bun k~. -~ y aU or mOl' thlln t hree yonr& in the stet I' nltenUary was gh'en tOf \ nt r h 011 1' postcrs l or plnca of mnr F OOLISH Q UES TI ON JRmes Harmon Scott, better kn own k!'t. A I'ril 11. M J ako cqtl, alias J. II. Smith, B. Ci ly ,lick (to fnrnlcr) - "Mi lk· H. Smith ond . L. Dnkin, nftCl' four ;\11' , GI' OI'j:( Hentl erRo n was in DIlYh ?" . Indlcbn nl.< w ro return d aga inst i n l!' Fnrm cl'- " ~ O t !=- onny, rnt just lon, ·:\wrdny. him by tho g rand jury ' In Leh· anon some t.imc 111\'0 when he aU('mpt. fue ling her [lul ~ I'." --'-- ~Ir. A. L. Bognn an d fnm il y hnve cd topassa worth los! chec k on the A D. Kaufmnn store . In l,\·,'d t o Dllylon . AS W E 'H E ARD IT



an li \

'11 1'1

Several local anglers arc e ndea vor Ing to show us that Spring is her e. hief a mong lhese oro Gle nn F rye, conqu e ror of a 20·pound blue cntfi sh, ca ug ht on a throw line; Wilbur

-- ----

uo dny, S undny , April 5. I'alm Mrs Li da Smith Is co n vn lescing a fChurch School a t 9 :::10 a , m. ; Mornler 1\ sC\'crei llncss , ing Prnycr und 8CI' 1110n at 11 a. Ill. Mr. S. . Lam b. of Dayton, was in Confi rmation in stru ction at 6 :30 p. Wllyncsv ille, ' tod a y . m., an d se rvi ce and addr ess a t 7 :3 0 p. m. every Wednesday even ing durMr. a nd Mrs. Wil bur Scars were ing Lcnt. E \'erybod y welcome. in Dllyton, Th ursdllY, REV. J. J . SCHAEFFER, Rector .

I" irs t Wife - ·' .l oh ll writ" , 1,,·, 1 on ito!" in L(' hull o n, l\ \ nn dny . lin ('mpt y "Iom!lch." Mr.nnd Mrs. I~r e d .lI1. Cole and f nmS('cond Wi fc- "JIly , whnlnn un · 1111'" CII I"il1 Burn s \' i ~ i ted r ela ti ves ily were in Cin cinnati, Sundny. us ulI I plll('!'." in 1\ iI1j!S Mills , lus l wrck, Mrs. H . S . Turner, of Dayton, s pent ATTA BOY ~lr 111. F. Welt?, o f the Kroge r th e wee k·end with home f olks Sh<'- '" th ink he i. /Ill n", flll pill ," ~ I Ort' , sp <'nt S undn~ in (,incin nu ti. Mr, Allen Hole lind fnmily are 'h " \V l'il - 1'"" f,)\ IIHI Oth er !\Irs Heb('cell Prender gast i. s uf- movi ng lO the country this WL'c k him sugar·contt>d," fcrinR' fru m Krippe nnd rheuma tism lIIiss La vo nn e Burton is out ag nin Loca l sl ud e nt ~ o f the differ e nt col. a fte r un illn ess o f a~ veral dllYs. ic,," cs IIrc enjoying their Spring vaclIMr s. E lvin mres is s pendin g a few li on. UIIY' Wilh reili tiv es in Le llllno n Mr. on cl 1111'. . Wilbu r Sears ond Mr. lin d Mra. J. L. Hartsoc k spe nt f'llll ily "i sited rc lnt ivc . in Gree n\' ill e i:i undIlY. TUl'sti ny with r elutives in Dn yl on.

----_ .. --

Shoes for Spring For the whole family

Latest Shoes in New Shades of Tan,Patent and Black Kid for Men, Women and Children. Prices from

$1.95 to $5.95 Ju.t received a new line ofMen'sS p ringl Hats, all .hades, from .............. . .... ..... Also, a new Spring line of Caps, from ···.·.... .... ·.. ·· .......... ·.. ·

$2 •95 to $5.00 $1.25 to $1.95

LINOL We have a new up-to-date

Thc ens ies t \\,lIy is to choose yo ur 1111'. ' Richard Lindam ood, of Sp rin6' En tc r d inn cr al t he Easter Illa rket , Vll lle y, was in Waynesville, Monday. Apri l 11. Miss J essie Clark, of Cin cinnati. Mrs. Carl Hen d er son , Miss Knl h- is t he g uest of Mi ss Emmn Il eighway. leen nnd 1111'. Donllid Hend erson were in Dayt on, Friduy. Th e East er market, April II, at 9 o'clock. Place will be unnoun ced In· Mi"s Glndys l-I arlul1 , o f DII~ton, tcr. vi sitcd h ' r molher , Mrs. Lou B urlnn , over l he week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Leonord, of K ingH Mills. were In Waynesville SatA co mplete a sso rtm ent of "cats" urday fr om wh ich yo u can choose your EMtel' d in ne r, on Apri l 1 L The easiest wily to obwln your Eas ter dinner, Come to the EMter Mr . an d Mrs, Perry Bord en, of lIIa rket. Springbo ro, were rece nt guests of ~ l r. a nd Mrs. Glenn Borden. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wo olley and so n. of Daytoll. vis ited re latives here. Mr. Er nest Roge rs , of Dayton , spent Saturday. the wee k-e nd a t t he home of his parents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Elmer Roger s. Miss Helen Hawke entertained the Clover Lea! club at ber home. ThursMr. 1\1. J . F arr, of Springboro, da y afternoon, spe nt n duy last week with hi s fath er, Dr. Gi bso n Farr, of th e Friends home, Mr. Omar Lewis i8 very sick. Mrs· Lcwil! is slOWly recovering from an Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman will leave attack of gri('pe. Thursda y m orning for Cleveland, wh ere she will enjoy a vis it with relSave your time and energ y by buyatives. in g your dinner already prepared at the Easter mllrket. Mr, Donald Henderso n is working at lh e Lewis Motor Work s, In DayMr, and Mrs. H . C. Coleman. of to n. He too k up his new duties. on Norwood. spen t Friday with Mr. and Mo nday. Mrs, J , H . Coleman, St . Ma ry 's Guild will me et with Mr Joe Thompson, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Harris and Mrs . Mosher on visited hiB mother, Mrs Kizzie Thu rs day afternoon, April 2nd, at Thompson. Sunday 2 o'clock. Messrs. Edward Burton, Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Russell Benson and Burton and Albert Wilson were CinMiss Hllzel Salisbury. of Delaware, ci nnati visitors, Saturday. spent u nday wi th Mr. and Mrs, Hur ve y Rye. . Miss Rosamond Reed, of Harveys· b urg, is takil~g the place of Miss Mr. Alfred Wright left Sundar Ma rtha O'Ne~tll. in the bank. morning for George School, Pa .• a te r s pe ndin g the spring vacation with Dr. and M?6. Ralph Vance and Bon his parents, here . of Pleasant Plain, were g uest s of Mr. Lee Hawke and family, Sunday. . Farms and Town Property wanted, 3 % commission . Write for blank. Mrs Rosalie Adams, of Xenia, was Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W . York the guest of Mr and Mrs W H AlSt. Philadelphia, Pa, len and family over the week-end

Rug and Linoleum Dept.. in the 'J ohn A. Fu.nkey store room. Come in and get our low prices on Room-size R~gs and Linoleums. We can save you from $5.00 to $10.00 on Rug.. Our prices are lower than elsewhere.

Specials for Saturday

5ge LI~~~~~~ :td~~~~'.. _ ...... _........ _.. 59c M~'~::?:a~. ~~~~:~: .~~~~ ~~~~'.~~~~~~ .. S5e 15e To:!~;~Z.~~.~~~: .~~.~~~~~............ Be

WINDOW · SHADES, 3 ft. by 6 ft., good grade, green or tan colora, each .......... .

MUSLIN, good grade, 36 inches wide, , bleached or unbleached, per yard ........ .

Come See Us Before Buying Elsewhere and SalJe Money

Myer Hyman Department Store

Waynesville, Ohio

The Kitchen Kook i. a pre8lure feedlgasoline stove, strong, durable and very attractive in appearance.

Absolutely Safe A child can operate it with saFety. It will burn up.ide down without~any danger.

Economical Co.ts no more than an ordinary coaloil atove. Burna lo.w-te.t ga.oline with very low conaumpti'on. Let u. 'dem. on.trate it to you.


a1ao have a full

line of Florenc:e, New P...fection and Quick ,--.......-.t.~.(.....L­ Meal Coal Oil Stoves• .

FRED M. ·COLE Hanlware. Hamea and Farm Machinery .Wayneaville, Ohio

Mr, and Mrs , and Mrs. J ohn spen t Sunday Carl Hawke, in

- - -..

-~ ---

Co unty Age nt Cluss a nn oun ces def · inite u5sura nee th: Mr. R. E. Cmy, Agric ulturul coll"go, und Mr. H. Ea rl Johnsto n, pres ide nt uf Ohiu Po ult ry ussociation , w ill be prese nt for the County-Wide Buby hick Rlli si ng confer e nce a t th e Lingo Hurdwnrc store, Th ursday afte rno on, April 2. Eve ry poul t ry producer ' or furm er' a wiCe wh o is having IIny difficulty whllteve r in ra is ing chi cks should fce l we lco me t o cOlli e nnd present their qu esti ons a nli pr ob lems. Sick or di· sea sed chicks wiii be examin ed fr ee of charge, Special attenti on will be g iven t o problcms pertlllning to incubation, broo din$': , feedin g , leg weuknes8. coccitiius is, gapcs, ' lice, Illites, ~ tc.

----.- .....,....- DEATHS

Dixon Whurton, li n aged Wayn e township residtnt., di ed al hiB home in Mt, 1I011y, Sunday, lifte r a long illn ess. The fun e rul wns held at his llitu hOI1l C! T uesday afte rnoon, at 2 o·clock. In term ent wus made in Miami cemetery, J\>lrs. Whurton und s ister des ire t o thar,k the ir (,Id ne ig hbors and fri ends for t he lllany kindn esses s hown th em in the ir sorrow , IIlso Rev. Scnrlf und Mr. Will tel' McClure ,




-It' ;"


Success-" I burned the mldn~ht oil- a nd I succeeded," First SUH1pnt - " ' s thnt the IIl' lie 01 Youth- "Ydl- I burn it now Bnd the 8l'1I0o l'!" :-:p~o n (1 Rtu tlf'ut- "Ycllh, g-el pin ched f or spee ding," Dumb,

gYll1 n n~ l\lm

s t'Il S(lo ."

KROGER'S COUNTRY CLUB PRUNES:·::~·p~::::. 28c SUNMAID RAISINS ::::::.or 12~G CAMPBELL' S BEANS ·2fic --------------------------------Seedl...


Country Club flour


::~.~~~~~. ,. . . $1.25


. 27e


~!~~~~.!.o~~~~~~. 1Dc ~~!£~,e~ook O~t~.


Buu'e r



"".' ~e

Yellow aDd dr" It.

CARD Of THANKS Eilli J. l'I'I CCCII IlIlS Beach, wife o f J. W. Beuc h, pn' sed a wa y at her sister' s home u t 138 Gros\'cnor Av e., Duyto n. l hi o, \\ I, il e on n visit, March 19. 19 25. We wish to t hank Rev. Washburn for hi s co nso ling word s, lind the singe rs for their benutiful so ngs , Walte r McClure & Son for the efficient mun ner in which the y conducted the fun eral. and to the H"ppy H our club f U1' the beautiful floml o/l'ering . J. W. Belich Magg ie Armstrong Miss E lizu Mc Comas, David Armstrong.


Fre.h Churned. po ••e1

~~~~~ 1_' ... ......... ge

!:!' poanel'1ge ~~:~!~: Soa..'?

,. 2ge

~1?Po~~!kini' 411b.25e



Mr. Frnnk Montgo mery. for many years II residett t of thi s v'icinity who has been criti cally iii at his ho~e in F'rll nklin, is slowly recovering and is a ble t o be up a nd around the house.

One Dozen Farm Gates at $3.50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Beat Ever, are Cheaper

--r-- ' ~_


Wire Fence' at Less Than Car·load Prices



Madden's LumberYard I

Mr. and 1111'S. J oseph Miller. of Sprlllg boro, Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Kent y, a nd t wo SO il S , of LyU ~, Mr, and Mrs. Howllrd Arc hdeaco n were Sunday din ne r guests of Mrs. Mary Caskey.

............ .. ...................... .. ........., ~


Myer Hym an nnd chiltlre.n were in Cincinn ati Sunday. Mrs. Hyman who le ft the hospita l last week and has been at the home of her mother will r eturn to h er own home next Sunday.

Wayneaville, Ohio , .-'






Mrs. Sarah Mnrtin, who is an invalid, and lives south of the ceme'te ry, :was taken to Germantown, Sunday, 111 the McClure ambulance for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Jon es,

TI 'RES ,.~,

Mrs. Irene Bird, who was taken suddenly ill last Wednesday night, was taken to McClelland's hospi~1 Xe nia, Thursday, It was found that lin operation fo";' appendicitis was necessary. She is getting along a8 we ll. 8s can be expected: .


No section of this -.countr.y is _ immune from Tornado. Cy· · clone and ". Windstorm .Losses," .' This protection costs less ~:than fire 'insurance. · If you at~ not insured, call us at once.·, . j

. Mrs. J,. B. Chapman had a narrow escape last week at her home in Cin. "cinnati, when she grasped an electric1ig ht cord ·with wet hande, In falling. she p.ulled the cord trom the socket Bevermg the connectioDl which, with'out ,doubt. saved her liIe. .

Veedol Oil



WayDesvlUe Motor Co. 105 WaJllesvUle, Ohio I........~.................................., Phft111.


- - -.. ...- - -





C. N, Kisecker, of Dayton, was a Come to the bounteous Easter mar- bus in ess visitor of J. C, Gray, reMessrs. Myer Hyman, W . C. St ket, which ctlln supply you with the cently. John lind L. A. Zimmerman attended best Easter dinner you ever prepared Mrs. George Beach, of Cleveland, the In spection of Lebanon Lodge R. is spending her Spring vacat ion with A M., Tues day evening. Mr. and IMrs. Joseph Miller, of her husband. here Mrs. Mildred Martin will move Springboro, visited Mrs. Mary Cu· Mrs. Mlltilda Hosier returned to key and other from her home in Wellman to Mrs, relatives here, last her home here Friday, altei- spendIda Howe's rooms, this week. ing the winter in Cincinnati with Mr. week. A crowd from New Burlington a nd Mrs Byron ·Hartsock. gave a home talent play, "The Poor Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Washburn Married Man,' 'at the Hail, Saturday In Cinclinnati, Tuesday, and saw evening Dr. J , T . Ellis was called to Ter- were the "Pa8Sio~1 Play," at the Grand Mrs. Florence Clark. of Dayton, rell, Texas, on IIccount of the serious opera house. was a week-end guest of her sister, condition of his brother-in-law. Mr, Mrs. Neillie Beal and daughters, Vera Aaron Somers. who will be operated Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaffer, Miss and Ruth. on tod ay. He left Sunday. Lucy Emley. Mr. and Mrs. D. L , Mr. and Mrs, George Varve II and Crane motored to Springfield, Sun· family and Mr. Varvall's brother and Misses Trillena, Miss Margaret and day afternoon. wife, of Dayton, were week-end ' little Miss Mary Leah Edwnrds reguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ell Brown . turn ed Ilis t week ufter s pending sevMr. and Mrs. W. W. Welch entercrill weeks in Fl orida and Cuba, tained on Friday evening. Mr. W. C. Welch, Misses Helen lind Corinne Mr. Harr y Sh erwo od is opernting Welch and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Welch a grnvel pit ut Morrow, and his place On Wednesday afternoon , March nt th e Way nesville Auto and Mach26, the following citizens of this cry Co" is t aken by Mr. Herman ConA goodly number of the officers place were guests of Mr. a'nd Mrs. ner. and membel"5 of the M. E. Sunday- Jacob Hale, of Wilmington. remindSch ool enjoyed a "One Dish Supper" i~ them of its being their 50th wedMessrs. E. M. Oxley, F. W , Moo- in the social room of the church last ding anniversary : Mr. and Mrs. maw. J. B. Pe nce , Hllrtley M08s nnd Wednesday evening. The affair was Frank Wilaon. Mr. and Mrs. E . B. D, L. Crune ntte nd ed B special meet- in the naturE! of a get-together meet- Dakin, Mrs. Ed McFarland and Mrs. inJr of Dayton Ma ~ onic lodge. Tues- ing, and wall greatly enjoyed by all W. W. Welch. present. dll Y evening.

Save 10'.lr old carpeta a4 naa Rues made. Send lor price 111&. I'raDIdID Rae

n oss- "What is your idea in tell· in g IlI C a lie like that?" Ofllce Boy- "1 am trying to qual. if y as a road salesman for this lIrm,"

tIl n

J . C, Hawke and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thomas and Fromm and family family spent SundllY in Dayton, th e with Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Selh Thomas. Dayton.

and · set "WearweU"


METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 : 16 a. m" preaching at 10 :3 0 a. m . Wednesday evening s ervice ut 7 :00 p. m. Epworth League G:16 p. m. Preachin g Ilt 7 :00 p. m.· EVC:rybody is cordially Invited to these services. Rev, L. A. WBlIhburn, Pastor.


First Gon "Pllrdon me, eir, but is it possible to g et Borne good 01' pre-wur stulf ill this town ?" Second Gent - "I'm afraid' not, s tranger- but I can tell you . where t o get s ome. fmo post-mortem wob· w .• bles." _ _ _... _ .. _ l _ ,,_7M.·1-At

Mr. has. Smit h, of Rou te 1 , \VIIS In Lobanon , today. ST. MARY ' S EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Mr. J ohn Coleme n hus 110t been MI'. \\' . N. Sears was n b us ine!'.., vis- we il f or severnl days.

Style Without Extreme





----.... - ..--GOOD fiSHING

has, Auderson Is on t he sick





Seventy ·Sevell th Year


Pleasant Events- -of-- - - - TWENTY ·fIVE School Last Week


- - --- - - -A ," c ry p l cu~nll t Ii\l rpr i ~e


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d:l ~hatl.L'r. .'\ j.!a!lH'~ lin d d ; IIl,~·"l).." ma d e






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L out' ll n

Brullll o(' k ,

LUllgacre . AJ.( nQs Lungune, II ••" ~,· I' JUtn L'N Rh eu Slucy li nd !\t u r Kl lr t. I" dwu rds: the Mcss r,. BU I'""tt Bu tt ,·r· wo rth' Edwin Ramb y. Cle m,," t :at · te l'th'~'lIite , J ohll Gon M, Lev i Cll utt·'. ~~ y e rctt Ca rnllh a n. He r b.. rt A ult a"d The eugenlsL. in tl", birth control M~r l yn Bnnt.ll. Lat e r in th e CV I'II· ronve ntion pill n fo r It u('ttl!r rllce by Ingd e li ci (,u s r efl' c:-;it m rnl!i were ~C' r\' ­ "urtificial sol ' cti o n," which would e d, con sistilll-: of h' p ·('n"Hm an o cak(l ~ . me lin picking the right hu,band fu r the right wife. LaKt Satu rday eve nin g' the Fl' c~ h · You can do t hat with cows. ho rses . mc n I' ntl' r tain,' u lh l' II i ;';<'1100 1. N or· etc. But with the m you on ly ma ls und fuculty. A I nl'~(' numb .. r breed II body. Among humnl1 beings attcnded Ilnd the cve nillg WUif" Rp" nt you produce thnt very mysteri o us ill playi ng I:"mes und duncin!:. Rc· thing culle d a 80ul, and that's differ . frC' Hhm e ntH " ere ~c n'e d, consi"ting e nt. o f sunuwich(·R. fru it sailld nnll Il'IlI' You might marry a John L. Rulli· o nane, and oil d"pllrt ed nt lill cu rl y van to HYPlilia, or a Michae l Ang"I o hour. Mosell to the Venue 01 Milo . and be bitterly di~a ppoi n te d in r esu lts. !lli "~ CllIl'k e ll t",·t.:t i n~d Mi s~ Bneh· On the other h a nd , u tltll . I\.,..c" eountry girl, Nancy Hank x, pr ob ubl y mll n. Mi s~ S mith und Mi ~~ K~I ~<, y t o unable to read or write . marri e. u dinn e r and u slum ber party. MOllday local ne 'er·do-well and the result is nig ht, April 6. Abraham Lincoln . The Lord seems to re6erve for himBelf certain prob· , Miss "Edna H ow la nd s pc nt the wcek end at her home in W (' ~t Un ion. lema.


\"l' u r (l \f( ' ''Y , lu'pud to

n 'pll l't


l\ l'nlll'l h It ,·t,"h"k t" ,, 1t fir"l I' Iac<' III tlll'

o rHt llJ"Ha l

( ' ()ll t4' ~L at

l .l,halw lI,

lu"t. Friday, alld " I"" Mal' Y J o ~Iil" · I·. who t Ullk fil'"l ill t he L' p!'l'r Gra ll" !'.CoCtion.


whole .quare

in th e bU ll in P l1 sec tion , But imOl cod intc l)' bu.ine.& hOUl e, And r c&i d e ncel were r e huilt, whic h

,' )Il' l' \'-

1'1I H1~ 1'Il t C' rLHIJII 1I I ' nt. P P i WI II IIl-' 1'1' fn· ... hn1i · nl~ W t ' lt· ~,'n' ('d :1l1d :l1 ~ d /O

yea r s o go . April 7.

1 900, Wayn e.v ill e wa. vi a it e d I. y n. d i.fu,t ro u a fire whic h de ..

11/['11' "" I·' I·I I.'I II;·~ (lll t(lriai r; - I l ' r 111 ' IH" -":- 1I1I 1 l<hroH .J nll t·t r':\r1\\Ti ~ht t .. . I I '1 . I -t c·ti or CIIll lt.:t-'I !; nnt! g- aIlH' S 1·'1 ar,14))' I(- !l ul.!I " , ~ 1I( ' 1 I' .1 .0 11 11. m,," thf'<> 1'" . lilll'lll).!. ' 1.1'1'.!l ln II'.<1,II' ."1"" J.'.\'.I 1,\ · II l"1 and ~r pI ' i z l 'S "" (,,I'C ':1\,('11 . II~ t .·1 ~ J. f"'Il1o r


J,!\\, t.:n




Whole Number 5638



aster I ,me. i Interesting Items i The Blossom- Time! i from the I State. Capital

' Vhen w e nrc out amo ng lh .. now. I ju dl!'l' lilY f lllo\\' mnn. IT" wh i'III'r~. ulHI g rass(·s. we , h au l" kIlN· I l u ·',Iud).!'l nltl, k 'i Yl' he j tl d L!c d," Iw nl' thei r \\,hi. p<! l· ant! fl· el their li t· i;-; :--'0 J,!'!'('a1 11 (' \\'a lk~ always 'Hl'Cf:.S (,S, \I ith nlt' . I f I aliI I!'l·cat. il i~ I hroll~ h f... Beaul if u l fi o\\'l' l's ! BI'Auti fu l Irl''' '~· H im. If I 10 \'(' my tl ('b.: h lHII· Hs m y· " 's ! d(·w -wet. Gud - ki f'~{' d, y ou ~ Pl'lIk :.... If. it i ~ (; 0(1 in rtH.'. 1(, me s., , ubt.l y ,,( G"d . I ~" t.' h i~ firmnf' ' ;':' ! in the "o(' k~: I (' 1'~


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n n lI 0t n ~ k whn {; o d i ~ . what C nd ~t l ,. l1 i~ t"1ll1d f'~ i n t he h ill s: t Sf" e hi s whf' l' c C;o d i ~. gu kuf'l'i Hmid ~ t 1'.'a- Ill-alit" in th ...· I'n.CT of II Itlo t hl'r: ]

t'~n" ~

Prepared by Columbus Reporter

i i


(\, Iu mb ll!l - Th" r e i ~ g(linf,!' t o b o OIt, ,· t' 11 11ll in thf' laig-h pl nt.'PR. HV,"'n, of I h"u~h I walk I h r ",,~h t ill' vn ll.· )· uf Hllmt' m iJ.:hty inlt' r '~ linl: s(''4~ i onft of tI ,,· 1.'·gi,ll1t lll·C whl!n the 11I(' lIIb er s t ill' i n' l't ... :I l ' ~f1fl l'I" lIg'hll1 ~ LUIH' ttw ~ hadllw . II" i ... ah\j\Y ", with 111 (1," of ttl(> " \ I!d:-. , thpy:t ll ~ pt 'Hk illS wnll· God i:-; t '\" ' I ~ \\llI'rl' ill natllre, H nd I'l'lu "1I Thur, dny. Apl·if Ili , to wind dound . to good. ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;: clc' rful IH IlK I1U).!'l:, Il ~(lr mOIl il1!J11,,'ish - thr P lI)!h lI is \\\'Iks I ndnn.' 111111, Nil up t heir work, II II Is whi .. h hnvc hprn " c tlled by aull·. ullf" r l-!'c t tulde. God \\,1IIk. nil (Ilur \\1l1 1. . . cunfille I lilll . l ie Ill'rml' • I r; I)\' ~rllor II"nllh ey \\' il l o f cllurse bo t hl' Wuy h\'~idl~ us, nla s that WI' Hl l '~ t lH.' \'l' r y .lil' I hrt'i1 t he. - - - - - - - - - - . -- , ho llid he ~o IH,"y wit.h t hc mut l'!'i,, 1 J ~l"l' 11 i!o' "'!Irk .. n \l aho ut me- in IIll for c:onsid C' r ntioJl , and :; (. Il1C of t hinf,!'s nf lif e we filii tl) 8ce t he hi" •. till' kindnl"s o f l'l y f ri,·n d. in t he th",c \\'i ll prohah lr P"S' 0" r lhc ve~'tlll~, fi r inh nl<' t. he di\'ine rruK'r unc~ lu uJ.(htl'r "I' a Iilt l" c hil d. I sce Hil11 t!., llnci !'O n1p of hem wnn't.


A pr0J,tnull. inl'ludinK a sh p rl pl ay ,

will 1,,(. " l' l·,e ll l~ d Fl'id,,)' uy ll... S~n · i"r,. Apri l I U. II I I ~.~O I':\, PI'y (111« i" "oI'(Iially in \' it ,·,1. Tht· G I£'311(' 1' ( ' nn H ' oul Ap r il n, nnd lIn y nne \\' i H hin ~ H l'HI'Y , ~('\' Ilnr-

old Will i"llIs(llI .

n re in g

cre dit to our t ow", II how · th a t o ft e n misfort une re -


!It'u u' :'





tUlle YC,U l ' ('HI' lo t h t'

tl. the 11t1.y

til ' ,HIt'


fASTER PROGRAMS AT lHE CHURCHES At St. Mary'. Church (; ""d "'ridl..... A I'l'il I n. ti o ll I('ctun·. '6: :10 p. III.

PraY(I I' u n d Hdd l·(,l".~:\

T he Hi J!'h Sc hon l ,,1'I'h eHlm wi ll fU I·· ni ~ h t he mu sic lit Ul e Mothl' r' H duh III celill". Fddny. \\'h i('h WIll he h.·ld at the Gym , (lJ!'innin J,{ nt 2 p, Ill'

I :-11 II}!

flay , :"wnnnn alld

Confi nu u·

'j :~l O .

E V " nin~


Jlllly C'l\ n1111U nl n ll

II t . I 1 :llt' a. m. At thi s ~ l'rvice th .. f"II"\\'11I1: 11ll1 ~ ic will I", Hung: I'r (t4" t "~~ iol\n J

\V o rgan " .J(I:;U:-: Chri ::\t i. · ~ir,.'11 T oclay"

o f SpI'ill l-!' 01' 111'[11' NlltUI'U 's my rilld melod ics. ' Blosso m t im e ! mlltin g timt'. A m onK t he fl o\\'ers alit! I" 'es. We are t.h · bccs w hich curry thc po llen lo t he mind s of o ur f cll owm en which f" I'ove r impregnate Lh .. m with that hi ~ hcr natur e which rni ~es mnn nbllve the brut". ('ot ll l ' out nm o l1 g the fl owers and grU!i!"C' s ura l fi n d th l- gT e Ht l('sso n Ea !-;t er would tc nch you- throu gh ynu r sppd an d rtl(l l s yc sh a ll li ve Itg-oi n. T hi. i. My R .. li lrioD G od "'n ih in ~h e fi .. lds , He brcathes th r nu;: h th(' grasses, li e , inJ.(s in t he wind ; He rin CH on t he storm, He s mi les thro u ~h thc fl o we rs. I n m y happin ess Hc iM bes id c me; in my , 0rI'O'" His arm s a r e a bout me · In the darkn ess I see throu!;h Him , the " unshinc is H is r efl c cti on. Wh e n 1 work H e li~htc n 8 my la· bor; wh e n I I'Cst it is in lhc I.h elter o f His love ; wh e n I pruy il is t hrough Him ; in a nge r I forg e t lI im. bu t H e is Gud so highe r thun l1I an. he forg i v ,,~ me . When I err He i. divine lind kn o ..... s thnt I nm human . When

Inw for tHan tu li"l' by in II I, ;';C I·· Illnn on th (' Mou nl. I sec IIi ~ low fo r. mall t o ~overn by whe re llc 5UYS. "nw l·p foI'P. a ll thin~. whnt.Mf'Yc r yt· would thnt m('11 ghoul!! do to ~·ou. (10 y (,~ l ' V(' 1I SU to th em," I spc II is IlIw o f COmpl' llsnt ioll w hen, ut the £'nn f" I"nl!' d ny. lie " g' ivelh li is be love d. " I"ep !" If the hum a n II l1lhl'l' lIl1 ~ of I'n\'y. m" Ii c£' nnd s£'I fi s hl1 ~'s "h ut the st Ars (I'o m nl y ,· i ~ i o n. li e ~\\t·pp ~ tl wlll IIwA y. Vl· rily . III' i" Ill y ( l'il'll<l. Ye s. e fl J is J{J" ca tt' I ' t hu II m UIl g re ate r ('V P Il thull mun' s KpJ d 4.l 1l gou. No. fou r w nll. cu nn ot. co nfille H im. Mo ney CU ll not bu y Him. H c is c verl'\\,h <! l·c . fl'l'" all d without price. savc on ly t.he price o[ seek · ing' t.he great thinl-!'B hi dd n beneat h thu shining' ~tars und humblc grnsses. I f pel ovc r us " II t his time lIis wondr ous be nedictio n, "Peace I lea ve with you. my peacc I g ive unto yo u : Not us thc world .givcth, give I unto yo u. Let not your heart be tro ubled, n either let it be a fraid." CORA A . THOMPSON .

Th .. )!asolillc tax 'C" I11 S su re to be t he I1i)!J.(·. t prubl em Iw(ore the m emher, when the y cO lli e bnck. un d indicntion " nr e thut they mlly pa . s it 0\"' 1' the velD 411' C; o\'(,rIl or Donuhey. If tln·y no . th(' bill wil l to lhe penpie in t.h ,· form of Il rpi.(·rendum . nnd \I f CO U'N) in that. event will not be"II llle op erll ti\'e until uft e r next No"" mb('r If it ~ Ot'S to tL re ferendum it iR " pr etty Mufe gU('"R to say thut it will hc drfctLu-d. T he oppOSit ion will be thorough ly orr;cu ll ized . while those in Ca vor of th e bil l will hnve neither or ganization nor f unds to pugh lheir cuuse. The rea90ns as· cribcd hy Gove rn or Do nahey Cor ve t oin g t hi s b ill We r e so vC'ry ex cellent, nn rl thl'y ill thcm sl' lvcs fu rni "h capital cl1mp nign material that will practica lly assure ~uccess of the opp osition wh e n a n y refer e ndum vote is tn ke n. T he B ible bill is t o bc another big facto r in hol ding t he 111 'rnbe r s tugether ; bitter debates and s tTong term s will be uppHed o n this meusure. Fact is that the merits or critici sms back of the Bible bill are very s mai l. inde ed . The r c nl fi ght is t o whether the KIlln ia or is nDt ho lding t he wh ip or controllin!!, hand in t he Senu te , and the final vole on t his bill. if it is e ver taken, will demon~trB IC this fnct. Th e Klan wants it, a nd the anti-Klanists do n o t.


A IIth('m Cha p ple No , \\'C' I'C !l o t g'oin),!' t o , (,II OU l' H( ' hr is'l Ou r l-'U ;';~H)Vl'r" sc lves . but a lot of good t hing ~ f" r K yrie Goun od yo ur Easter din ne r. Th 8:11.· \\' ill (;i u l'ia Tibi Go un od be hl·ld at th e T O\\'lIs hip hO Il ~e nn Jl ym n R ope r Ap ril J I t.b. Lct's pVi'ry 0111' uon,l "Angl·l · Roll the Rock A\\'ay" thc Ju nior R of lIij!h "chua I in put· ;}nriu Pu t ri Danks ti n)!' 8c r o~s the p rop,," iti on. Ordpt"" \lITl'I'wry A nth e m . " Spe ,:, c~ Miss Bachman ent rt.nine d Miss b" fill<,d hy n (,UfrilIK Hhl'" J an"l \\'ill Harvard will .pend $12.000 ,000 to "Cunlt' \'e Fa i~hfu l . Ru,"" th e S t r ain Do natiun glad ly re· Improve the .tudy of agriculture. Kel sey. Mi Hs C lark. Miss S mith an d ( ·" rl\\'ri J.(ht. lJoxol oJ.( ~' fiT!ll sq uad ba, kctb",11 gir ls. Fridoy re in d. That'll senBible. . Gowen Sllnc t us Englillh-apeaklng natIon s study La tGilbert Al!' nu ~ rh' i In and Greek. The Romans studi E' d Gower l; lo ria in Ex(:c I ~i s Creek. The Gre ek philosop hcrs Neukom m Amen studied the Egyptian In ngullg'c 8n ,1 .. . Gower I'<unc Ilimilt is hieroglyphics. Millio ns arc 81'<'nt .. Rimbault He c('ss iuna l teaching many klnda of knowl ed ~'~ "Chri "1. the Lord is Risen Today" little und after th e ~ttlden t · lon\ t)~ Ichool. At tb.c M. E. Cburch 1t Is about time to begi n ~t ud y i n~ It is prou nblc Lhnt executi ons at Mornina seriously old Mother Earth. th c orig'the Ohio pen iten ti ary may soo n occur Illal Alma Matl'r. from which We S unrise Pra yer lIIeeting 6 :00 6. m. in d ay light hours as a re sult of the , . . . . 1 \1'. W. ('u lp, UII(' ti me milli " t~r unll ~ un llllY S 'hOl, 1 8pring, apon which we depen d nb"I' !l :16 a . m . The W o m~n s Fore 'gn MI"" IOn,,;.) f .. l'III(' r pnstol' r,f It churc h at Sp l' inl!' Eu ~ IH PI'vgl'llln (~ uc h c1nss prelu{el y . during life, and to whieh We Wayn e T own shi p school W a p- action 0 r thc legi81ature w hich perOne hupdrcd nnd fif t y peo pl e guth. MOClc t y m~ t III re~1I 1l1r monthl y 'C'- ' ' ·nllt' y. wh o. in thl' "UI11 Il1 ('r of 1\122 . al return . spntinf:' one num ue r) fJ :46 a . m . ered in the special room arra ngc d on r esen ted at the Orato r ic .. l com ut mits th " worden to fr x the hou r when ' IUn O il \\ (·dn e"Ia) .. AI';, I. 1st . ~l the I c r .:tted II H' II"" lill n h" h('c nm e Ihmll No . 1 6 G the second fl oo r o f the Lingo H a r d· lust Fr iday. lind camc hom e with fl y- t hey s h a ll take p lnce. No t s ince the 1,.>1"" of Mr•. Ameltn ~\ hlt c. wnh nn countl'\'." ide tlll'lJugh hi ~ d nnp r ment · Anlh~1ll Currie B. Adams wnr c s t o r c, Leba non. Thursday aitcr · ing color s, hll\'ing won tw o out ·of the low, passed alm os t two scorc yeurs In Paris. II 'Young ~ I\'I fi!lccn years ~l.t.t.clldnnc(' of IIlou ut hfty m c mber": wi l h II ' \" 'U III!' j!ir l chu rl'l l " " I'k" r Ii\,. ugo, which mll dc the ward e n official "T he Ell rtb is th ", Lord's" -Choir noon, April 2, to hear Mr. R. E . Cray three classics at the contest . old. Irene Luure n l) ev id en tl y of tn" t JU ' Ill, l' ~ltJt: \\,u '" l'nth':' to o~dllr h } I n ),! in };i!o; hum{' , IS aj.!':tin t hl' ~Hy Loexecution oflice r of all firs t-degree I:lap ti~ m of Children larg e crowd was In ntt('ndance A Poultry E xtens ion s pecialist.. Mr. H. Madame Curie type . hns pr oduced a the pn· ."~t'nL Mrs. \I ,,,hh uln . li nd t hari., in a I",'c tan)!'" in Inrliana. murd er ('rs, ha\·e th e men paid the exOffering . from the differen t 8ehools of the Enrl John st on; pres id cnt oC th e Ohio n eW f ue l for uutom o bil c enl-!'ineR. It the (" II u\\'1II1{ pr og rum I'nJoy(·d: .,(',n rding to "dv i,"'s t il the Xenia "W e lca,me Ilappy lII orning," Bung by tr em c pen nlt y ex.cept shortly alter county. The mu sic for th e uffair P oullr~' Improvcmcnt associat io n. lB' mnde from 8u1l'8r. nnd iH Ch PA!l"" I'rnY"r midnig ht. This WM true whe n me n TI <, \,. \VlI. h hu rn I ""th" ... t il·. f "IOm the j uvcni le co urt Me n's Chorus was furni 8hed by the Wa yne T o wn· and th e spccial discussions brought all <l more effi ci"nt th ull IIny " uh. i- :--: ...·11:1 t lpr I'n Vkll'"h - U' \ 'nt c hIll BlI ! td' !--illuth B .. n d, Ind, were han ged . nnd it is tru c t.oda y Talk By Pastor out by County Age nt Class nnd the "hip High Sc ho ol orchestra . lute for gasol illc thu. I'll I' ni ~c .. ve r e ti . Trll ""f the :-\i):h L" C "Ii' . an,ol'dil1j! lu W il lialll E. Mil. lI ymn .... No. 141 va ri ous p oul try leaders of W a lTen The contest was divided' into three whcre the morc m odH n e lectrical dcIf e ve nts justify the pred ict;', n " f "l'velli , :I a l ~ - - Mr.'. Vnn,Jpr\' ort i('r , c fJi r f prnh ~\ t inn l, mCpr u f Uw county . Fold ing chni rs werc p r ovid- parl3--lower grades, upper grud cs vic es arl' ca ll ed into p lay to c nd the P ro fes.oT Halda ne thnt chemi<tr l wil : ' O l' :l} ~~ \ \ ltI E .. ening ' 11"<0 . .'yhil L{ ' la y 11 1 \"1 .h' C'I'II'1 ,If ~:I .. JIt,'·Jlh l'OU!l ly . ed f or com fo rt nn d convc nic nce of an d high school. The fi rst. prize In earthly car" cr of co nvicted m en . The so on mllke 8UJrtl r 11 8 ch oup tl~ gll\\' du ~t ,'uen' : ,I" ~ Ir .:: , .JWIt \J Ili n .... Earnh:lrt I l:.d" i..: UII'\ in Ihl' 1'111 ·1 .' hi ~ S( t ' Ep\\,urlh L · u~u ' 6 :4 Ii p. m. t hc wo m en wh " Wl'rc KlIlh cr ed f rom thc lowe r grR (Ies wen t t o King. Mill ., cour t ~ s hull fl-,,{ th e date when these ~ ho A'll8nline proble m muy tempora· ~U I hUI·,·h '<'I' vice 7 ::I U p. m . practically ,.I l part - of Wnr ren CUUII- h u t Doris S"Ii"hury. who "poke "The men a rt' to be cx('c ute u , bu t the war .. ." J"ll hr y n FI'pm m, 1 nil '· " I't":I.", t \\1 ' 1 J": ', :t l'-n ld rily be ~o l v e d by " suJrur powl·r.' · 7 :30 - 8 :(10 p. m. tv. a nti II I" ac kb ou n l \Va' " .ed t o Over worke d E ioc u Liun is t," "'us sec- de n sha~ I Ilx the h uur, and it may be ~j .. : •. : .. .. ~,II'< .( l·II~Irr. by. II Clt'1I 1<i"t. rl n· ln \\' I ' I'n t h), t ·ldp. th.· " i'. · ~nlll!' fH' I" 'i"c wit.hiu t he firs t hour, a s in the pust, 11:1\\ I," IlIIt! .I'h·l'phiup E:lI'nhnr't. ,\r hi ~ h l'ot 1w l"' , rlil' p f i\Hp pan "t', : r ip tu l' c Rl' urli ng nOint " li t th ,· \':ll' ill ll < I>oillt!> ill Baby ond . O fT l' l'in~ ReligIo us orgtU1,iznlions. con vi l..·• III the u ppl'r g r ude C' >Iltp,t Mary or it mny bc thc twent y.fourth hour Till' PI' "i<l(,1 l the l' i:.' rNI ·II·,·d Mrs. In,': . r I Chi ck I' "i~ ill~: . ;0;0) II'} --"I !\n .. w l it " I : hall Li ve ,( ul" dl ,,,, d h,' '(" , :t " { tl eel that public sch ools . IlO u id i n d ud~ Chrl' l :lH, I'l l''' 1lll' l t ,,' t 11' \\', F . I n (lt t("·ni llj.! th e Ill(' lilll!' rn unt y Jo ~Ii"~ r, o f th e Wayn e T own ship of t he day. The re is a probability :\ C'a i .. " l"n ll . Wi lson Alrcnt C]'''o I'p ,' i c\\'~ u th" po ultry srh o.. I. won fil·st, h" I' se lectio n being thAt thc time will be flx.ed with t ho "fl,,., 1):\ ',1 II 1.,..: Ill" , Wh(l l dllldl(' I I . , ' ' h Poll :d :t! ,., ·h \.~ \\' " religiou s traini ng in the tl nifr " ' U· M. :-: I lib',. l-i)'hil L.. ~ l uy t Il1 j\",. t ) ( t lw tHan I".r l 110 h ,. t!. ht' I' hl1:- ,(I' ,, 1 ; ~f l d tine, demand th llt thc Ten o III III.\" .1 { (t rrt III ':,Y int~r t.l.: if cu ll in ~H , trl'flIoll~ lr ntion -[ann \\'01' 1\ , "The Mustar'd I'I n ~ t et' . " l! u l'llln town· ri sinl:' of the sun, a plnn which is in t \ \ 11 t'l1I :', ' ,' I ;\ [ ~ ap [t :1Il~'(" H('('o t'lll n)." .~(·J·llllln mento be rt'ad to t h,' child r ell Ilt Ic",t \\'o !'I, 111 't hl' fqnd~ 1I lit· I d ..:.. f'1I~ tor cerli ti('d 'fI .c ks lin d specilll I'roj('c l~ "hip \\'as second and Unioll Specinl, effect in mnny oth er stu tes a s well OR in mnny f or eig n countries. Thc bill Th p \," 1I 1' (' :!1I 1 \ ', H !-O th " 11 tn~~'n. :t' td 11\ 11 :1' ' ,I '-'" r " n 11l ,thll l ("!I~' , ,~ n n~ ollc e n woek . C' nngr ej!lIlion which hn\'" nll'rnd y br e!l car !'il'd O\ll Ihi l·tI . f ""t,:i. :' 111 .. :O l, t, r·ll1-ll ',\ ~~ :t I·J'II · d W o uldn't " th e ;';e r mon o n till' t h l~ twin)! n llr I hnnk+ nlf !.' l'iJq! Ill(' l' i..· Th e IIi g h School contl'st wa s hns been app roved by Govern or Donin r carin" chicks an d po ultry manMount" bt· bctll' r l'UlIlli lll: 1'01' chi l It ,).! . h,' Hrfl'l l'l J:: fo r th(' dny umoullL- "Ul tl.· I I' tll:"' t 1,1' .p fI'P'f·l' t th,' ''''· "('f·k s a(.... ml· nt . li e lIlw l,'l it CICH f that th e won by Ken net h HI' tJlllic k. o f the nhc~' and becomes e ffe cti ve within At ail e Ferry Churc h :llH',r h l'Y ,: lI· ~t 1)11'1 n' ll .. (lI !t, h t lHl1 dren t!ran til<' T p:I . onl:lln ndm(ln :~·! L! U ll) $t>U : p l:, ~ c l'vlh, ('Iitlll. ::- J,.1fL " .. ontv IIgClltS lIlili ~tnte Ag' ri cu lt urll l I\' nyn,' T nwn s hi p sc hoo l. "D on' t Die !to days. \1 " 1'llil1J!' ~e r,· ic ('. !J: ~O . peria l t'ull( ·J,:.· S arC' Hot (\TJdeaYorinC' t u stilll- l l ll T hird ." lellrcrec k towns hip was lJ ttllf ' ~ : 1" ~ o C"i:t J hour (!«Ii('j ll\l': 11 1, p lj lh L '~ lId, "": \1 II \' 1" ~ ,:I,rt ' \ t '· In a gl'nc ral wily l V(' I' y child of "'" ::5Cl'lH On Oil uillt.· poultry prtJnul'lio n or )!e t. fnr· secon d lind Kings Mill. lhil·d . kn ows of th ,' 'r ('n ( t , n lll :t I ' dn1l" ' ~~' rf' f r\.' ;-iln (lilt w.'!'!! ~\' I '\ ' t'd L~' tht' h , \ ~- ,':"'d l,l'r 1\1 " I, . :'o ldll I'. At IIt,a t ~1I11t-' nllhl~ an ti l'cadin J!'~ . Th o pos itive announcem ent cnn or a s many as a ch ild ~ lwtl l ,1 untl " I" t. S~. \ \'t' udio un,,·rt tt l i11l"l' l w ith ~ ,Il1p ~ , two L~'u LlH: r s and t h l'lr lam .. "TI ,, ' \Ii n l, t l'Y "I' tho I\I S('n L tl rci ." I11 C":-' b) k e~Jl more c h.icken~, bu Lhey B.. "uti[u l med a ls w(O rc presented hc IlIlid o t hat CU lIg rcssm un Jamcs T. J-:\, l tllin J.! sl'r\'ie,', "i :00. SnnJ; ~e I'VI CC :\~ I :-. :\I:d, l{· 1':1\1'1", till' fi r .,t ,,·(·n n(' ,. dll'~, 11 \11lJ!' Ifl !\ :\'p ~HllIl' f'.' ,\\' ('nl to T h" Begl,: w ill not bc n cnndidate f or the stunt! . arc I. ndeD\' uriog' lo J!(· t th l"' mO:it u p- t h,' winll (,I'8 of the contps t. ~" I' mo n 111\ "Th e C lean sing to·du le und I'l' oOtn IJle ~ysll'lll of ju d~e M \\' c r c O. K. ProbASCO. Wilming Rep ubli clln gubernatorial nomina;"'\1I 1\ 1i1 [;"1 1(1 fO l' J~ \'I~I1; l·. vuiPlnly n Hnd Two or three of l h(' . Com"'IlII(I· . .In\: in IllY. ~II S ..IO Il i\' W IHTAK J::It . S .c· y. ,.,,",. PI' lo\'(! :" Ilr. t. s ~,' h t ,I<,ve lol'".d llJ,'vd." men ts UI·C f I·lunal.·ly Ant n.'C· ., ,,,,,' . po ul try Illllnagemellt put int.u pr ac· tOil : l' e r r y B o tL~, Lovelulld, lind Rcv. tion n e.x t year. Mr. Begg managed bp1\\ ('t' li th~ tnrn Hl l' m IHI ~ lt ' r and hi S to the c hild lip to fifteen . E. S. Keller. Leba non. t he cam paig n of Congressman Long T hc Ber pan 8ucia l la. t Friduy e"'" tic e o n t he ge neral funn el'S of the ~' tltlJ\l!" l'-i ~ t('r · ln-J w , f tl l' du ·y hllt h county. worth for s peaker of the hou se of n inf,!' \\'lI " II very ti ne comlllunilY f un,·· dl'H' l"fflt\ lhl'il' r:\ln ili ~ , lhl'l't' Wl't·kR BASS LAW WILL SOON BE IN ~ Mr . H . Earl J ohn st on . of C; Ipn d nle, repre se ntatives ao well that he ha s Why nOl leny!' r l' IiQ:iu lI t o rl'lig 1C>1I, Int.r. ('\lIp tl l 'o dc,cl'l l'd a jo h whe re t illll. Th e ntt e nu ullc(' wn~ la rge . a nd p re ~ ill cn t of tho Ohio Pou ltry 1m· won a much envied place in Con·teach ers and Jlu blic schoo l cducIIhe <'111'11 .t !1- 3(t tI wcelt. whic h ue hl' llI _11(' pr O~l'lIm excell~lIt. Thc cO llllll i ~· pl'ove men t a ~soc i a t i on . h u\'inK been n IlI·cBS. tion to public s cho,,1 tCl\c h e r~ . n . •1 tcc, IIrc to be congratu lated. It is illegnl t o fi ~h for bliSS durin :!' mol'l' thnn n ,'en1·, poultry dem onstrati on, f o rm eo·o p· kce p the two Se p lI~lI te , which h.'5 t he ~\1 I1\\'ni llg ~CU,l) n f r ol1l Apl'il :,0 Two \\'u'k:~ lat(·1' h ~ v l'<'tu l' lle d On W ed ncsday e vc ning, April 2:!. A rathcr important decision r eboen the Alll ericnn )l Inn thuij for'! hOlne pcnitl'lIt alld \\ "n; l'rin).tlltcd th(' r e will Ill' " popular lecturc o n crat.ol' fOI' thc pas t se e ral yc nt'S . cnto .I lI lte 16. inclusive. garding the segregation of negro Wi'll I hri r fllnlilic~. Culp (' ' plai ned ·'Tongues." d(·Ih:e r!' d by t h!' J!n s~or. dorsed the nr O\'cme nt vc r~' hig hly , At St. Mur:y 's church the o!Tertory lind white child ren in public schools A nlan, just dend, W itS at Ol1e tim e t"fI 1'1'" !I ,. t hat his sbt~r·in..J a\\' at.- Tll i ' will be pl'~cedcd by Ii Qlu s\(!111 a nil co m p lim c nt('d P o ultry E xtl'n Hion ' n clergymlln in t hl' rr oteslllll t E pis. twd"11 'hinl so !!,I'('atly becllu.e she Jll'flgrlll1l. ~"i\'l'1I hy t.he wl·ll.kno wlI "pl'cialist., nnd 'th e co unty agent ~ in solo wu ~ sunK by Rev. J . J Schaeffer, was rendered las t week by t he Sucapal t:hurch. Lat '!I' h.· bclonJ!'e d r . hore ~Udl n rc~t" mhlnncl' lo F sthl' J' ., Il (' n f:lmi l" . T h i. \\' ill be the evellt their effort!! toward. m ore efficicnt wh os e l'c ,\Clition o f "J cru sal em " by prcmc co urt with indications that as and prufi tub le ·poul t.ry mnna gem en t. P"rk <!r , \V a, fi ne, 1111d greatly en hunc- a result of this ruHng segregatio n wilt to the Gr cek Ol't.h odax ch urch . a:-td should. he ll) Ihe NatIo na l go"p rnll1el1~ 1 Il IIL- h.,s ... I' (;, .·.·.. \'ill ••• thp F:il'I wi t h of t he ~ CII F" )I\ at FelTY. Mr. R. K erny. Pou ltry 8xtcn ~ion cd th' s" rvice. be f ollowed to :\ greater extent in the when hc di ed he wa9 ono of t he Gl' W to cn l "r('c t h" dry la\\'. Sc> t! I. ) \\ hO Ill Ill' dl'p l'd \lhtle in Sl'nn~ \llli. s p~ein" ,1 hio A~dcul tu ral co lfuture thun it has in th e past in many Frian in u Rom an Clltholic mOl-as· s!:ou ld , !l ut o f rC~Jl ect for Con,ul lI· 1(,),. Ill' WII ' full of prom i,.", fu r th" Oil ;';un<l,, )'. Apl'il 19, IH'\\' s ~ n~ e. '(c w;: " ~ ndol'se.::d~t.~h"c=r7c"'ff".."r,...tMr+=~':-::"~~;.:...=7r.,,~:.::'S~:r-::r:="-t7"~"--7~LWJ= In Ohio. The court \.. ': " . U 11 1' , I i ' II ' , I iJ! to O ilh: I' r 1\1 dl pl' , tery. . hon k, will I,,' " "'d f'i r th e frl'$t tlllH' Il·!; held that schood bo urd" have .' 0 Bll t whIl e the n ec('s~nry Se \· C ! ll~ · 11 •. t"I" hi s " 'i fl' lint! I)ol'oLll\' tl,I d nt ihc 11I1)1'11in ~ ~e rv i c e . \\'I.lich will be o r th l (". c Puultry "'pro " me You IIdmlre sllch ea rn cst ~ .. eklng rig ht to ke cp colored and whi te chllafter truth and wonder whllt this (h'c pC'r COII~ o f the Sla t es I' II :tfi erl 11<'1' hu ,[. ulld . thal tl",y hat! ' h"" n ~ i V{tll Ul' to u sp~ cia l serVice, ded ~ a ssol'iutio rt. II lI d urJ.(cd the poul tryme n of Warr en eoullt.y t o bu y chic h dre n separate in s~hoo l, but whe n man of threo reHgionfi learned /lbnut the Co n sti t u t ion a l :\mcnclm e.nt, fW II - s l ;,yi n g' toglilll 1' COJ' lWu wt.' cl.. s i ll Chi. i l:ut i ng th t' IWW !'IOIlg' ht)o k :-l to th e on ly of th c uccredited h atc he ries , ~u this is d one special t eache rs and religion when he passed over to the Iy onc .hu~ldr.l'd per cent VIo l." (: " . ca~ ••. bu t l hllt t hey he ll e"f"reh "" ule! \vol·ship !If Gorl i n nur se ndc es . 115 t.o be SU fi! to get ~u p c rio r qualit.y. • _ • classes will hayc to bc pro vidcd for a !' d thell' JUl'le ~ srn,pa t hlze WI t h the b ~ !-,,,,,d. t\ ft c I' O il !! \\'eek :11 hllrn l'. other world. T he ten essentials he g nvc w ere s umthe colored children as they cannot lIwy ,1i ~ lI J1 Jl(' a l'cd aguin, and thi s lilll(' Did he fllld that only one religion " I olnto r~ . mnrized as f o ll ows: Mr~ . Walter Ca st nnd Mrs. Chas. bc di scriminn t.ed against.. and mus t S oOleially r ecognized above, or is tl) k 1111 th e ir cl ol hing whic h thl'Y 1 Ha vo bro ode r hou ses thor oug h- Zimm erman an d children were in be given every advantage of white oite better than the others, or doe ~ Tlfe que~tion f or the P"" Bid "1lt had neg lec tNI to tI " l.h ~ lirKI ti me. Iy di s infected and o n good sod , o r Dnyton, Monday. childre n. It' all depend on how you act toward and the nati on iR thi s: How can th c Cu i" nnu n young ~irl l ivin~ in move to groun d where there i8 go od ),our fellqw man, the Creator o.r thl' use of whis ky be stamped olll ? Wh ll t hi ~ hom e lit _ pring Vall e y eloped Universe not being 80 much mte r - is to be done t o stop dl' unkcnn es~ eUI'ly one morn in" in the lattcr pll rt sod . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Rcar young stock separa te from e8t.ed In what )'OU think about Him? lind open drinking' of b oo t leg wh isk y of .IUIIC, 1:122, go in K hy :tu tl)ll1ohilc. old stock and do not allow to ran ge Definite answera would be interest· among schoo l c hildren? Prohibi t ton T\\'.o o r I hr cc wp c ks Illter thl'Y .wer e togcthcr. ..eem s to ha ve put millions in thi ~ arreste d in lIIirh i!! a n and r eclIt'lll'd ing. 3 Have nt least one square foot of nation on a whisky ·drinkin g bll"i ~ . here by Probati'all Oflicc r J . I::. Aoor s pnce for every four chicks and Wotts. Culp was "cnte llc cti to " PresIdent Coolldge saytl the States What CRn be done about tha t? Thc r cg ul nr bi·mont hl y me eting stove large e n oug h t.o CQre for house y cnr in the Dnyton \\, orkh ous , "lind o f thc YOllng Fri e nd s will be held at capncity. fin ed $500 a nd th c c08L~. which th l' While Bl'ick M ee tin~ ho use, Eos- 4 Hatc h nothing later than May 16 . is a pressure feed ~gasoline7stove, strong, durable and amounted to :p37, on n chnrge oC de- lcr nig ht, beg inllinJ.( at 7 :30. This 6 Fced nothing for at least 48 OIllIllOo-eoOOO~()()O()()()()OOOOOOOO~ s crion an d non ·supp ort of hi, fnmily " a gruu p of l;' o un~ peo plc of ~ oth hours after hutching. very attractive in appearance. of nin e min o r children. by Judge J. I.JI·anche s nf Frlelllls, who meet III a 6 Feed milk in some form for at C. Marshall. study j!ro up t he ,c ' nn d f~urth leos t 8 wcek s. A' few \Veck~ Inter he wus rc lcllse d ,' unday,; of en 'h ·.·~" t h . The arm . Is 7 Ge t chicks out on ground as by the comm o n pleas court of :Mont- to take under co",,,.iel·a t ioll tOPICS soon as we ut her permit.s. )!ol11er y coullty in s ustainin g a wri t wh ich will muke life richer in under8 Feed the Ohi o ration or 80me of hubells corpu s base d on a s lig ht in/ct of prese nt-day condition s. othe r approved ration the entire tec llll ic:dity, to the effect that the stand Wc nrc u lking up a new booklct, s ummer. A child can ' operabdit aflidnvit W II S def ective becllus e th e "The Mee ting and the Commu ni ty," 9 Provide green fo od in some with safety. It will words "Creene Co un ty" did not ap· burn upside down with· pellr tw ice ill it. Hc rejoined his which nr omises to bc very inte reRt- form t hroughout the e nt.ire Bummer. 10 Separate cockerels from pulfam ily lind th e y wcnt to Indiunn. H e ing . We s hould be gilld if w e co u.ld outLany danger'l~ nevcr pa id an y of the fine nor cos ts ha vc oth4!rs- meet. with us and dIS· lets at from 6 to 8 w eeks of age on" cuss th e different ph nscs of life tho dispose oi same except those used in. the case. chapters touch up on. In addition, for breeders. Lntcr-W. W. Culp ia baek home .' Regular $12 00 value for Mr. Chas. VanNess in behalf of IIgain in South Bend, is forgiven nnd we shnll have u short. Eastcr program, gi ven below . the Lingo Hardware company, nlso promises to be a good· boy. expressed their interest In thc poulSon g --Alt After eloping lus t ~'eb ruary with Costs no lTlore than an Mrs. Clco Culp, his s ister-in-law" of Roll Call· -Res pond with quo- try work and their willingn ess in co· tation. operating to ovcrcome the problems .NIlPllUnee, Iud. , ho r eturn cd Sunday ordinary coaloil stove, Minutes of last meeting lind difficulties of poult ry raising. A n ilJht. and wn R hid in hi s horne here Burns low-test gasoline Business few ·comm c nts were also mad e by Mr. by his ... ife until latc M{l nday" when De votional, Leader .... ... J ean Hockett Scote Whitucre, of near Blancheswith very low con¢ s he ob tained Lh e pr o mi ~e of. officials Lesson, Leader.. .. . Fullh Tomlinson t e r, and Mrs. Paul Mitchell, of nenr sumption. Let us demo ¢ th nt h" wou ld not be nrrel!ted. ·W . "The Me'~ ting nnd the Homo" Springboro, both of whom are keeponstrate it to you. I~. IIlill e l·. local probation olli~ l!.r, snid Makes II Home? in g certificd flocks. Cu lp w o uld not be ,pro ecu te d if he . J2 Whplt ~Not more than 1 to a customcr) What .Fonn of Individuill WorAt the close of the meeting, clrwent to work lind .m l'Portcd his wife s hip Suits You Best? eulars concerning chick raising ~nd We' also have a full and c hjldl'on. . 3 \,hDlt Constitutes Family Wor- baby . chick troubles, were given away line of Florence, New . In 'our new ship? . free to everybody asking for the Perfection and Quick 34 .lIow· Does Family Worship As- 88me. A half dozen or more poulMeal Coal Oil Stoves,. .lst the Meeting? tl'ymen of the county brought in 5 HQ"r' Doe!, the Meeting Influence chicks. and layl"g hens ' aft'ected with the Home! " . ,. paral!ites pr di8eaae. After the meet S'ong...}... .. ............ ...... Mlxed Quartet· Ing Mell!lrs. Clus.alld Cray held. POltRepotL of My; Stay at Woolman mokeTIIII 01) these to find - that chick "'rjie Easter Market on l.prll ' 11th, -Scho,!" Written by Ethel Men- lln~umoni.. . Intestion.l wo~ ana nt 9 0 clock at the Townshtp House, ·denhBJU and read by Eva McM;lIlan tuberculotlla were' contributing f.ciii ~iven by the JUnIor C lUB, and Readl~-"The, Oreen G.te .... ,...... . tors 1a 'o ne or more of each of the the t1Toceeds will be tJIIE\d to defray " .. ·.................... ...... F1loramond Re,d birds examined. WaJD~vi1Ie, ~bio W.yn_ eaville, Ohio Instrumllnt.a1 ............. ...... ...... • clau expen.81!lt. Place. your ord.e rs '. D~partm.ent St~re willi Rhe. Jantt Cartwr\gbt. Re- Euter Iteadin~lCoe Furnu Subscribe for the JtI1aml GUatt.. member the Easter market.














The Kitchen Kook

•••For Saturday Only...

9112 Crex Rugs


Absolutely Safe





- - - -""---.

Linol'eum Department








Hardware. Ha.meu and Farm M ~

Ii _

-- j NEWS GLEANED ..........................................


One Dozen Farm Gates at $3.50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

5 ,


fROM COURT HOUSE NEW SUITS Hoy n. Black and C. F. Crnnder hnn: ent(' red sui t against J esse S. Cr(l~. f o \' lIIoncy only. Amount clui1111'd $2 6, with interest. Arthur SrY(lIlt plllin Litr's attorney and H, \\'. r\' i n~ f or defendnnt . ElI,,·1 R Wi1 I~ hilS Mte red suit ""nin~ t Chlll'\c ~ W. Wills for divorce 11111 1 Cl1~ t (l c! y of rhiltin' n on grounds of g-ro"s n('Jl:lrct an d ext rem e cru t'ltr Plnintiff', attorneys arc Shawhun and Urown.

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill sp nt Saturday eVlltling in Xenia. Mr. J ohn Hy. und fu mi1 y spent Sundn'y at th home of Elton E Vl1 nM und fnmily. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert MUl'lutt CI1 tertnincd r e lntiv e~ fl'om Xc nin, Sunday f or dinner. People of t his cOil1lnunity who hnv,' pee n sutTerw's with t ho g rippe, m '(! glud to sre thut il is thinning out. Mr. and ~ I rs. Frullk ]jelt. of ncul' Xeniu, s pell t Thursdl)y nflcl'n oo ll ut the hum e o( Jllcob Zimm~1' und (IIm ily. Mr. Harold Kell is lind s ister, !\liss LuLa of Xe llill, "P""L lI10nduy c"c nin g at the homl' of lI"'il' paren ts, Mr. und Mrs. Prank Kelli •. Mr. and Mrs. Lllcey Crni g, of nca r Xenia, and Mrs. Hu ymond Osborn , of Xeniu, spent n few minutes her e, Sunduy afternoon. Mr. Jacob Zimmor and family and Mr. Emerson Dill and wifc spent Sund l,ly with Mrs. Zimmer Ilnd Mrs. UilL's brother, of nenr Alpha. Mrs. Melissu WhllrLon, widow of Dixon Wharton, passed !llYlly at her home Saturday mornin g at <\ o'clock. Mrs. Whnrton leaves olle son and n grnllddllushler, Mrs. Frllnk Dakin, w!\OPl ~he fai~cd, besides other I' ,1I\tivca, Tho funeral services w'ere hold Monday afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the Mt. Holly church, with burilll ut Woodland cemete ry, of Xenia.

Voubie I't.ion

L e nses

Red Top Steel Posts The Best Ever, are Cheaper)i

Wire Fence at Less Than Car-load Prices



Madden's Lumber Yard Waynesville, Ohio


.............................. .


Poultry Wanted! w.


.'ritil·:;-" A l~ - h:- I he ri ot thickc n ~." she -- A stlrnnJl: i'CC nl'-- c!.Jn·t you are paying24c for OldStock t hink1"

28ciforlSpringers Statc.m ent o f Lho owoorshlO u.11d m&n&8&tbu Mloml urIC.,. l,ubU.hod at

Miamisburg, Ohio lie" Phone 292W ....... Comma.lutio". paid b y a • .

WANTEO Haull •• of .11 killdl; alia will buy ~ur old paper." r." alld jUllk.

Wm. Robinson WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::



WellI<>r. U. L. Cnme.... WoY"08vU\O. OhioPublisher. u. L.Onne. WarD"" ; ville. OhIo. Owner. D . L. Orane. BOlld h older. rnor\gag.... nud oLhor"""url')' hold.... ~IOI'I<OD'".I.r Llnotf "" 0 0. • Sworn to nnd oubllCZ'lbo< oorore mo tbll 8' h dn1 or April . 1915 L. M. [leod.non. Notll.r1 Public MOOOIlflJ'tUld



Having complied with the requirets f th U '1' C me n 0 e ti Ity ommissi on, I am going into the Truck Business



Phone 36-4



Instant Relief from headaches


...... - -.. of .... that come to ........ directl'1 "ac_hIe to def... ti....".II~bt or weak.ned .'1e mu • .



Oar ••pert .. nic. will quic:ld'1 relie.... you, llaould _Uolill the.. beadache.·


1)/ ~k. · .

Bond he lollf[ in f! til the estnte of A. D. 1::nst"n, cI"r elised, was ordered so ld . The wi ll of EIi7.!lbcth Durif!, .Ie" cea sNI, wos uclmitled to pl'obllw. P!'oof of puhlicuLion of not ico of nppOill lllll' llts of Ihe followin g estat.,p Were til",l : Sarah K('sling, dece nsed; Ann n E . Roltch, deceased; HorneI' Q. Galla hcr, deceased, Bess Hur nl'l', dec Nlsed . \. ('0 F. Wojscinski, administrator of the estnte or Ella 111. C. Wojcinski, dec IIs l,d. MARRIAGE LICENSES J ohn York, fa cto ry worker, Kings Mills lind Miss Stella Doane, of MorKel'kley, engineer, Mnd Mrs. Bessie Branha m, both 01 Frunklln.

-7" ...

Jeweler. and Optometrilte, XENIA ,OHIO






On Wednesday afternoon, April 1, REAL ESTATE TRAN SFERS . ". County Agent Class aBIIlsted in dcmonstrating reforestation work on the William C. Sanker to George Weg- farm of Ben Coulson, about one mile hors t, "bout 78 Ilcres in Deerfield north of Mason. The Forestry deT $1 partment, Ohio Experiment station, p., . . Lulu E. and Fronk A. Snider to co-operated in furnishing free of Oliver E. and Elizabeth King, about charge 600 tulip poplar, 600 ash and 90 acres in Clearcreek Tp., $1. . 200 catalpa for resetting about two John N. Shields to Elmer E. Fos- acres recently clellred rolling woodsett, a bout 125 acres in Salem Tp., lot. The trees average about 6 inches in height above the groun,l and $ 1. are very readily transplanted. Lucious C. and Helen C. Mounts to John Philip Larrick, lot inLebThe trees were grown in tho State Forest nurseries in Ross coun ty, and anon, $1. William G. and Nettie T_ Shultz, the Experiment Station offici als coto Allen and Eva Gullett, about 40 Operate in furnishing the seedlings free t.o farmeTs of the State who are acre in Turtlecrcek TJ'" $1. Florence. M. Millar F. and Nel- interested in l'I!sctting their rough, Although this is the lie E. Poor to C ,Collett and Mabel waste land. lIf. Ande~on, tract of. 9acres in first denlOnstrat.ion started in Warren county, Clasis feels that there a rc Washington Tp., $1. Gertrude Edmon to Marion S. and hundreds of farm s on which the work Flora May Hllrdy, tract in Lebanon, could be taken u p to advantage, ('specially the sloping ITelds, hillsides $1 perry Humbert to Isabelle Gra- and other rougb ground where er osion takes placEl very rapidly. An), ham, lost in Springboro, . John E. and Matilda L. Remley, one interested lin this project in the to Frank and Sarah Gay" tracts in future should communicate with County Agent Class or call at the Franklin, $1. Frank and Sarnh Gny to Frank Farm Bureau otHce. ---":.... J. Balon, tracts in Franklin, $1. John Griswold !lnd Mary E. Griswold to Katie Dewitt, tract in Harlan Tp. $1. Roy Schnell to Charles Schnell, about 7 IIcrcs in Harlan Tp" $1. Ida M. Sill to George and Edna KeLtman, nbou t 11 0 acres in Franklin Tp., $1 . Ida J ordan et aI., to A. O. Banion, about one-half acre in Deerfield Tp" $1. Mr. Paul Gerlaugh, animal husbanW. C. and Nettie Cox to Harry C. dry specialist of Ohio Agricultural Hutchens, lot in Mason, $1. college, will a ssist County Agent Fred Kohler to Lester B. Butter- Class in carrying out a cattle feedworth, about 93 ncres In Hamilton ers' tour on Friday, April 10. Mr. T_ W. Fife, cattle salesman of the reTp., $1. Angeline Devitt to William 8, cent)y organized Producers Co-operGrnham, lot in Waynesville, $1. aUv!! Commission house, in CincinCharles C. Frazee to Frank and nati, is also expected to be along for Lillian SanteI', lot in Franklin, U. the special purpose of discuBlling. David E . Easton to C. Oscar and quality of the different lots of eatLizzie Clevenger, lot in Springboro, tie and the probably selling price of $1 each. . Frederick D, Mitchell to Maty E. _ Everybody interested in feeding Woodell, about 149 acrea In Wa,b- cattle is invited to join the trip, which ington Tp., $1. starts from Fall'm Bureau office, Lebanon, at 8 :30 m" and meet first at the feed lot of Mr. Chas. Michener, COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCE! near Waynesville. About 10 o'clock Blind pension for quarter, $765; they expect to be at Milo Beck's, on 'Srokalto Mfg. Co., supplies for pro- the lower Springboro-Fran klin road, bate court .and recorder, $4.75; Penn and they will also .study H. A. BaMorten, salary as janitor, $70; James lon's feeding operations before the Fallen, sa me, $15; Sanco Sanitary lunch, which will be taken In FrankSupply Co., supplles,' $9.11; C. B. lin. In thE\ afternoon, with wellther Dechant, defense of J. H. Smith, $50 and time permitting, the cattle feedDnyton Blank Book company, sup- ers expect to visit feed lots of Ed plies $58 .76; Ed Brenner, furnishing Stoutenborough, Ralph Robin80n, A. Band and Otto I. Augspurger, In aCi d piling stone, $107; lIarlan Whit- D. ncrI', bridge repair, $26.10; bridge the order named. lumber $26 .92; Perry and Wilson Equipment Co., trnctor r epairs, $15 .2 1 ; De pt. Public Welfnre, Ohio EpTHE BOY WAS RIGHT ileptic hospital, suppli es for inmates $ 114.10. . ... Herman-uSee that little speck out there on the horizon. That's • Scotch ship." Healy-UHeavens, man-you don't I will offer at public sale at my mean to tell me you know what flag resid ence in Waynesville, Ohio, on she sails under from this distance. SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1925 Why do you say it iH II Scotch ship." Beginning at 12 :30 o'clock p. m., Herman-"Well; there aro no' ,ulla the following; A lot ' of household following it." .... goods, pillno, organ, chickens, and misccllllneou"·. At teh same time I will otTer the residence and a large lot. YES-OH Y£! See big bills faT information. F. M. BISPHAM, W. N. Sears, Auct. "I went down to Atlantic City the other week, and oh, boy, you should BLONDE BESS OPINES the. Volstead bathing girls there." "The lip. tbat touch liquor ....n "Whatehamean, Volatead bathing ne.e .. touch mine-becau •• I'•• girls" Irot tb. cellar locked." "They're 100% dry."


.. _..---

----- ..- - -


_. .--' ~S~:· . - ·: ::-., ~ ~ _ . -. ". . , ou=a . '

~ ,...-_, (









In preparation for a record-breaking SOll8011 in fi sh lind game propagation and tllstrlb uti on, the plnnts lind equipm ent of the Division of FiRh lind GGame arc unde rgoing thorough renovation. Tho fish car "Buckeye," is 1..0 start out with on initial load 0 catfish on the sixth of April. Respendent in a new coat of paiut, this traveling aquarium is opening two months of constant di stribution. The state boat "Oliver H. Perry," is blling overhauled for the Spring season on Lake Erie, while every hatchery under contrdl of the stnte is being grOQmed for the season. With 1111 eye toward greatly increasing Ohio's s upply of pheasants S. '1'. I ash, of the Wellington Gnme farm hilS 1>~~11 sent to the Roosevelt GUllle "r"ser"e ncar Portsmouth to arrange for propagating these birds there during H)25. It is also intended to establish a minuillt ure zoo at this refuge this year for the benefit of vis ito rs who desire to see specimens of Ohi o's wild life .

AG~: NTS-'l'he

Farmers, Attention!

Icntence for pi, eteali., lot.

ye.r ofT for lood beb.nor, and boy like tilat." ·

LOST- A big, bluok Poland-Chino BOW, weight 36Q 0," 4QO \lound.. Flnde-r please inform RaleiJrh Bogan, R. R. 2, Waynesville, Ohio.

This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle


FOUND-30x3 'Aa Tlr~ lind Owner enn have &jim. by PrQv\nl cl a r and cOllcise, are accur!lte, and 1C0ne of th e words are difti c;ult. In prope.rty. Orndorf " Servl., all.. all uddition to this, the puzzle is II small age, Waynesville, Ohio, un e. Now, let's see whal you can FOR SAU do with it . We lire wlIMling you that you will not SO OIl find another one so easy. FOR SALE-Folding bed; aoli4 0*11. .' with mirror. Inquire II~ 4118 !If. fice. ·~~a


This cross-word puzzle, which wns arranged by M iss E Vil FOB" Smith, should give every cross-word puzzle flln nn opportunity to sny that he solved a puzzle in twenty minutes the maximum length o f tim" it should take for this one. The definitions,

FOR SALE--Several tona of cle.,n, mixed hay, Inquire of Loul. Fire§. phone 144-2~, Waynesville, Ohio.

·.ag .

FOR SALE-Reed baby bum ~..­ Alladin lamp. Ella B. C()j)k, R, R_ 4, Waynesville, Ollio. ·~3 . FOR SALE-Telted /lee4 com, Yellow Dent, both 1923 !!n4 G. E. Riley, phone 42-11,


FOR SALE-Three Toulouse _ .and one gander. Inquire of J, -g, .ElIsey, R. R. 3, Waynesville, (j~h', .!I~.


1 2 'S

II 5


7 8 10 12 14 ' 16 18 20 22 26 26 27 28 31 34 36 37 38

1 6 9 11

13 14


FOR SALE-One Power Washn Engine; 1 Hooller 8x8 Disc Drill; 2 Cream Separalors. All in ~ condition and guaranteed to ruD, DOWN 11'7 A girl's name. Fred M. Cole, Wayntllville, Ohio. ' - - - -t-_ . ~.II 18 .r-wag\!r. - Any small succulent fl>1it. 19 To desire something anxiously. Alisociate of Arts (abbr.). 21 The loop in a lasso. FOR SALE-Coal oil stove. Can btl A fruit consisting 'of a kernel' 2:.1 To fasten. seen at the homo of Clarence AIenclosed in a 'woody shell. 24 A BibliclII character. len, Waynesville, Ohio, phone A 'fl1ug for beer· ' 25 Featured verte15rnte animals. 11 '7-1 'Aa. .'" An "dult person of ~he female 27 Anotljer form of arise.. . F. OR SAL . E-Durham bull, tweD~" sex. 29 Answer (abbr.), d Public conveyances (plu. abbr.), 30 The orglln of hearing, one montJia o!. .nqulre of . ' A point of the compass reversed 32 Steamer (nbbr, ) , Pren!lcrg"s~ BfO~" W",rie1vi \I" 0, .. Worn out. 33 No good (slang) , e •• Possessed. 34 A kind of bO{lt, fOR SAL~-HClIIH fin" 4oq~" Ip" Coming together, 36 An ndult. electric ligJlQl, 1>1\ f!luJ1il t. Opposes. 37 A native oriental drum, as of Allen Hole, WaynOlVtU" Ohio. Couples_ India. e. . Used in the Philippines as war 39 Small crystals of icc falting in weapons, it1'egular flukes, FOR SALE-Don't buy cheap paillt A color. 40 Clear. from irresponlible concem.; But Over (contraction). Guaranteed Roof, Bam and HOUM Front hair cut straight across. Paint direct from your own county Lines of Union. Ailiwer to Lalt Week'. Puzzle factoTY_ Drive over and ..._ •••_ Crude Tartnr. e'1. Eldrldgv- Paint Produ\lta CO., Did wrong. Franklin, Ohio. Skill An Inclination ot: the head. FOR SAL~EarI1 Ohio Seed Pot.An Australian bird. toes, and a few tons of mixed hay. A preposition, J, P. CummingS, R. R. 8, WaJlle.. A state on tho Atlantic Coast .v ille" Ohio. -a16 (abbr.). FOR SALE-Single comb White 14 hom egga, $4.60 per hundred. Jclrs. ACROSS B, y. Smith, R. R. 4, WayollmU., An edible seed. OhIO, phope 37-8. . a16 To force away by violent twistFOR SALE-Abou, . 200 b\1lh.1a of ing. goo.d wliite corn;,.Iao · '0 ' bu. y.Ie The original writer, low, 00 100·acre Iarm LJtl., Ohio. Royal marines (abbr,). Phone F.C. Hubbell, bti)'ton, Ohio. Groups enlisted in sports. New England state (abbr.). Corded ~aterlal, FOR SALE-Team .tort " hom.. · . Alao, ,olll'. ~d loell.~ ~ta. 10quire of Roscoa Furnas, phone aa.a" Waynelvllle, ~hlo. . • .a


· \ ' "._"of... . a.



FOR ,S.u..:-Pluer pluo-w """ d.mon.t.r~tea· lD ~Olll' tall, Bather thaD take back ~ iWre "til leU a' a b~ 18Cri1... B. T " " 01 Miami. GUet1ie, .

FO~ 8A~Parb

~. . . ... . '=F= " . ~.""~ - .e" " ~:-::.. .



• -,,.cr ~


', .... ~ ___ -.,. .......-,. -10_ ........


1"'- . . '-.:x:.."t:"" - '!"





,...., MHo ~.

. '














.:..-.' .' , .,. ~ . , __ ----if , _ .... .....,

~LAa"' .

i ~~ '




....... ~ · e,... . tb.r · hatehl~, Tie per ..~ Mra. Bachel 8, '8,. '. WaJllf..

t~~ .


~~ 19~.,

FOR SALE-Internation.,l ~~. engine, 2'At h. p. Inquire!'t",_ Miami Gazette office, +~3


~ .~


1 wa. just remarkia' what. com" rort it mUlt be to r.i.e a lood





right parLy, lady 01' ge nt , can make $25 to $50 per week selling Ch ildre n's Clothi ng." Beautifu l line ~oilJg' big . Sllmple case, $15. Exclu s i v ~ territory to \light party. Farmers of Warren and adJolntnl Part or fu 11 tim e. Roy J u ngc 18s Tail- cQutlties may obtain· money on LODI ors Co., 65 Sheehan A \'c., Hartwell. time JOllnl, lit 5 ~ per cellt tnleralL Cincinnati, Ohio. a15 Cost ot securlnlt lhe .lImll I. vu., r . .· so nllble ,throulth The Federal Land BalCk, For further IntormaUon caU on or addrellll M. C. DRAKE, TreuDaD Meeker'. bor, Sam, wbo urer, phone 316:X, Lebanon, Ohio. b.. been ler.. inl a five-'1ear-



in many

.tONEY LOANED ON LIVE STOCK, chattels, also aecond mor',ltar u . Notes bought. John Harblne, Allen Building, Xenia, Ohio.







:.~ ~




' ':.r' . ~


It is easy to keep the up-to-date home apIck and Ipd if it ia decorated with Satinoid. For both beauty aDd cleanliness Satinoid far IUfPIlIIe8 wall paper. It II

~ _.~

-....-.. """'--' -.. "'''' 1'<11",

They win not only be beautiful &1Id utlItlc but c:IIID and sanitary





----_ ---



durable and economical.


Public Sales

,. If you w~t walla that are a pleaeure to ''live have them finished with

Oxley-Pace Drug Co., Wayne8ville, 0



A Washable Flat Wall Finish


· L. I N G HAU again, an d will be able to do all kinds of hauling at reasonablo rates.

And X-O-ORAPHIST WayllOlVllle, Telephone 114,


meDL or

.~\~Y~~~2~1,I .i g1~.lo . ... required by Lbe .\cL 0 r


l .liweal

CO UIlt.



A. B. Swank

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS Ge nrge Routza hn. administrator of lhe l'~ tfltc o f Cu lvin Hout za hn, dl'C('IIS,' <I, filed his fil'. t an d final ncCOUll t. In the mntter o r the estute of \VOl . r . II pn dric k<on , deceused, it WII~ orc1('tf'd l huL "tlmin i"irntor di~ tribute Lib!'!'IY bon ds ill kin d to partlc~ entillr d tu such distribution. A I lila 1. JJnrc, ndministrntrix of UII' ,·s tut.e or Willinm M. Dare, deCCI1 <cel. fil ed her im'clltory I1nd appl'Ilisc mc lI t. Will ia m W. NNe l. nelminis tTflto r of th~ <' ~ tllt (' of El i7.abeth Neill. de «'11,(' 11, tlled her nr"t lind finnl IIjl-

vill., .\

objo. .




-'cI »Ia,,,.,pluo. ·....

wiD make.

C~ or


WW..u at .- ~- .

term..' . .. T ...... If .......

GlletJe omee,.-



FOB SALB-Tbe . . . . . of IItaa. PireberoD BtaIUoD, .,.aWo.....

ThIa .. ~ KIq'. 'Powder 00. .....

and wtU ~. , . IIUOD

at.,. ,-.

O.... 8trawD, .... .. . ..........




.&!£! o ••


EIl't .,td a. Ul. POltofuce at Wayn.~v 1118, 0., a. Sewnd Clau Mall MaUer

D ..... CRAlfE, , Editor .... P.bll .......,,

w.,...."m., Oloio.

* ,

. .





One of these d.ys the world probably will be quite familiar with the name, Dan Gla.l. Perhapi it will ahine In the :world of art, thou!rh it may .tand out In the world of com· merce; or in the realme of science, invention or the profeulonL When D.n Glass will be known to at lealt this editorial Is published, however, 10,000,000 people in the United State., and thull begins the career of a boy. fifteen yean old; a lad who wl1\ !rIve pep and Impetus to the vast army of boys and girl., many of whom believe they have no chance In life! bec,ua. they are 1Iv\n&', unheard of. n lOme remote community. Dan Glasa hili! won • prize. Some folllS think there I. not very much to that, of courae. Many. boy has won a priae. nUT this prize come. after .iftin!r out the one boy in the

Smooth leM favor the Prince of W.les on his trip, 80 there is litUe d.nger of him falling oft' the ship. Alao President Coolidge has not had a single throw from his mechanical horse.. Th ey're getting to be accomplished sportsmen in high places these days._ _ 0_ _ _ _ -

SPRING VALLEY whole United States who \lould be8~ Inw!'pret ~hfl chllracter of "0\4 Pop," .. f\8-ure made famous by the nOWIIr.llPep in p\lb\ishing the ~omlc strip, 'If'ol\qlln OUI! Town." .. . "ore. than . three tl\ousand boy, ,pmpetd 'In thia cOllte.~o be ex· ~t, 8, 120. 'Dan GIIUIS won after a competent jury of experienced news~per arti .... had passed uoon Ihe 'iror~ of t,fIe tlontelb\n\l. 'filII win. nln&' of *hla prile means more than ~e a\!llty ~ draw. It aho:,," tenacity Otf PU""i~I II tlet4!rminatJpn to per· 1Im1 the t.;ak illotted' without shirk· nc ~n • "nale de~iL It .bo~s con· n",nc. that merit lIan win Its w~y nO ' matter how deeply it may be hili. den, I" ,om.on""nt, I~ allows !lope, eouAte. the rec"1P'ltion of thll ne· ee"ltf, of ~al~~n,.1J,.paration for the work alle,4. Tilt winner-: I~ii; a~ 16 HarNon, Ark. (II-Korrill ~o"~on, 14, Alamo. cordo. N. II. . <a-.-H~ Bene~ict. U, RO{lk


Port. 1(0.

4-Edward GIIl!!n,




~ohn Stout. 16, Balle., One. . 6-Eurene \\filion, . 13, Denton· viII., Ark. 'l-LaRue Edwarda, 16, WllIlaml' port, Pa. 8-Hlllard Rouell, 16, Kt Holly!

N. J.

.' 9-PhlUp ·Neu.. nt, 16, Prairie Du· Clllan, WIL l'O-,John Conlidln., Jr., 15, Tro" H; Y.

ll-Jack YounCL18, Calhan, Col. ' I2--Herman E. Ha1l, 14, Conneaut Lake, Pa. 18--Glen Smellser, 12, Kan-.

• 0. I



C'. P!.,.


S. C.

~ to-Harold Alstatt, 11, St. PaUl,

' 14l;~:"'W\Il:r

Leiter, 14. DaUas, Tax. liZ-Normand B. Nelson, 16, RolJail M!nn. . 2.-le. DWlcan, 1!, Toronto, Ont. 24-Futlow Reid, IS, Hendenen, Tenn. 26--Wm. C. Jonea, 12, Camden, ~


,ean ..

In to come, pouibly Dan GI... ;nn look upon the simple prll'- he '"CIa Ir, hI8 etrorta .. the baaeon, 1Ic1l~ hI his own Indulltry. What a wlandld irilpiratlon D.a n C.... to · ·the bop of AmerieL GocuI !lOr, Du. Go itt '\ ' ' . ' ' ,.


West Side Building and Loan Association




Upper Left - Mrs W W MILA!\,

Hon MAi\TIN L DAVEY- Upper R ' S~t

'lb. larce8t audience 0( Ohio Bebool youth a,'cr II H"e llll1l~ct In the I1lltor)' o! the State will hear the Arbor Day Hudlo Vnog",ulI Ihll' I> to be from OoIUUlbuM stu lion Frida)' arlarnoun. ,\prJI 17. betw",·n nro and three o'clock "astern· 8tundurd tlllle.



Mai n "ffi.!. -Thi rd and Bruadw,.y DIlAN C HES 510 Ea., Fiftu SUCCt - 2S NUN" M al n S(rr~1 (Thlrd F100r)

. ..

The Ladles A id met at the hom e uf Mrs. Emllla Brown on WednesdllY uft~rnoon.


of the u/.ll l , ' lil lr ll nIt',! t o sonH ~ u r til e vltl" i- ' n lld I " " I;II " -"l r: ll ll ~ 1(1 £:18 of ( ' u s llte. \\ j il l I'I I.~ l lllt d :, 1'\ ' r t.\ ha'-e ht'en oont"lfliI OIU"d til' ~I O t)rtRh. Splln :~h

grippe. Guy Routza hn was in Dayton on bus iness. Fridny. A Ibert Stacy mad e a bu sine ss trip to Cinci nnati. Snturday . Everett Clurk. of DDyton. spent the we('kcn d with home fulks. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. I,amu. uf Day. t on . were L ytl e visito r s. Wl'ullc, du.y. .Iuu!;!; Shawhan. of Lebanon. vISite d Wnl te r Kend ck. Snturday nftcr· nO()lI.

"BI'Je B ood.

Orig in of Bl 111 ' h luml Is

Mrs. Corll Johns is ill with th e



t ", II\:-,llfiI IO


· 'aH n;.: ... !

o !lJ ~ r

(O r

f tJn' I~ 1I

Will F. ,Young Optometrist


The expr('sslon p rol>lIl1ly nrljrlnRtcd In the bltl " lles~ nf ~ e ,' O'l n < ot people at c.. n,p le~l o n " 1\8 l'O"' I'IHcd Ih"aQ flf durk skin.



Every Wedn esday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

FOR OVER 40 YEARS lI.ALL·S CATAJUI U ~ I E 1JIl'DIE li n. b~ en L1sed tfUC I.!\j6sru lly In l J.u lI'lulll lc lil or


RestRoom in GrangeBldg

JlIlI.I .· S CIlTAllll11'JSF: con· of an Olll ll lll' Ot \\' 1111'h lJ ll kk l r R oll evo8 by l nca,j u ppli t':ttlon, 1l 00 t li l t' [nternal Mod lcl ne . a Turdc. w h kh n c ls

Waynellville, Ohio


TIll' three·y ear-old dau ghter o f Mr. through the B lood on lh o Mucuus Sur. nnd Mrs. Earl Young is quite ill wi th race!. t huQ r edu ctng th o tntt n m mn.~ l o n. M ain Office: 8Cllrl~ t fever. 801(1 by alt dMl i\gl.U. 924 ' ~ South Brown Street, A very Illrge erowd attended the F . J . Ch e nev & Co .. T ol."n Ohlll. Tobncco meet ing at the 1Iall here. Over Sigma T hea t e r Thursday evening. Dayton, Ohio Mr. a nd Mrs. Clyde Whllrton and doughters were we ek-en d guests of Mr. /lnd Mr~ . Lee Greathouse. in Dayton . NOTARY PUBLIO Miss Sarah O~burnl e ft Mond ay f or Cen tervill e. where s he will be nurse Wills Drawn Estates SeUIlld (UI' Mrs. Alice Tricke y. who tS a n invalid. Waynesville, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sh um ard and National Bank so n. Robert, of Dayton. were Sunday dinn er g ueste at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Ken r ick. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salisbury and , .; O.t. your •• witb children motored fro m Cleveland. on Fridoy . and spent the week-en d a t .allef.etion or "b.r,. _. the home of Mr. and Mrs. A ll en Em· rick. fU NE RAL DIR ECTOR Edson Burson arrived h ere Satur· CENTERVILLE. OHIO day after scrving fou r years in the Wayne!ivill e, Ohio Pbon•• No.2 Navy. He will spend sODle time with his parente, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn ston n. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank L. Rarris Burso Mrs. Guy Rou tzahn e nte r ta ine d a Fully Equipped for Good " [,"lIt Hu nd ay with their cbildren. )11". nnd 1II .. ~. Puul Peterson, at number of relatives Tue sda y "vening Se rvice . t o a surprise party fOI' )",r hu sband. !'p l'illl; Vn ll ey. Th e occasio n being MI'. Routzahn's Large Dis play Room ~Ir~ . lila Shane hos resignefi her pM ilion in the telpphone exchange birthday. Ambulance Se rvice Denti8t Miss Mildred Clnrk de lightfu ll y en· an d hM ~onc to vi sit relatives. Mrs. [ the Cent er· 1'.1 h(' 1 ~l11 ith i, l e~lI'ning the busi ness. tcrl.llincd the t ead",r, TIU.ItPUONIi 7 nAY OR NIQHT Waynes\'l\Ie Notional Bank ! BI'I ville school on TlI c~ day CV I' lli ll j:! of A lIu lll b" l" frum here nt\.ended the las t we e k at he r t:' l1l1l1U"y h O ' Il~ we st Kilwma ll III '~ play Tu esday and \\' cd n,·~d" \' "'·PI,.; IIg-S. .Jnhn Kenne· of I.own. Mr . und 1111'S . Willkll11 Smilh :l nd dy and J,,'mes Cli ne nrc members of children lind Mr. U CI1 l ;IIUDll'ion nnd th e ('lass. Our cO nllllunity w as sa ddened by nephew. Stan ley hall1)Jion, of !Jayton. \\'1'1'e Sunday guests o f 1\Ir. an d th e ll e \\' ~ o f the dea th of A. H. An· Mrs. Ha lph John ~ and Mr. F r an k ~ o n. III. hi" home in Cal ifornia. the fir ·t of last week. Th e Anso n fa m- Smith. DUI; ng the su mlll el' Iho nths the The Eye Sight Specia list ily)" Ih·ed here until II fC'w years ago. preac hi , _c r ' CI.! und Sunu ay·School ~II·. A nson was a brother of Mrs. uf Ly' C/IU r • . \\'ill ue chunged fr om M. E. ·herw ood.

l'be prolJ'am Ie being "IH)!I S" I't'd loy the Oh io Feuerutlon or Wnllll' n'ft (Jubl under the dlrectloll or Mrs. W . W . ~lIll1 r ..~kro n. criulrlllon or Ihe dlylalClll at cooll8l'Vatlon oC !'aLi unal II l1d ::Hllte rederl" I,,"s. Throlll; h the lGall Ol'1I1lolaaUons. In every eo uDty. 1\ 1\\1111 led Wllh the State o'1lnn· laadoM arrangementa nre belnl( IIInde 10 ha,·c rad io receiv ing ~ .. ts placed III all the puhllc 811d Pll rol'lli II I . .. hn.. l ~ of Oh io. II I. eXp\'cted that more than 1,000,000 Oblo Ho:hool (').II,lreo will IWllr th e program. Goyornor A. V. Dunnh llY will bl'ou tl"U Nt hi d Arl 'or I '" Y procla lURtlon. Hoo. M-artln L. Dllvey. memhe r or l'unjrl"'RH fro III the FOll rtuen tll Ohio clhU1ol, and tlle leading eX I>O llen I In ('onl;rO"" or r"for .. ~t rlltlon aD '( 11 1I0venun.ul Dolley u! '·IInse n ·allun. ,,-III dollnor UI. Utld'''¥8 on f onHerva· UOD. Bhort talltll will tI" IIIBd,· by l'reshlo'lI! W . u . T hompson. or 01111) Blolte Unlvenoity. V.. rll(\n M. Holl!p l. Htat ~ ""pe rln 1end"nt of In ~ l"uclloll. llldwund SeCI'OSI, Slut .. t ureSle r. Hnd ,,/11 •.•• 1'_ or II,,· '1 111u l'edofll tioD or WOlllon's cluhs. Mulllfl\l orgalll :cntilln ij "r (lllill ::\tlll(' un\Yo ....lty Rod OoIUlllbu. achooll will f urn lsb 11I1I81c. The program will he urond"u "t rrotll 11'11,\ V. :'~II mete r •. the Ernei' 41 BOl/klns statiOD .10 ()olulII\llIS. It I. the tlrS! till '" In I he rr of the State Ulal n radi o prOl;I'UUl or ""ch 1I.,,~:nlilllll3 .h n.' I"" n I'r"l'nred tor broad clU!UolI lo the public and I'll rI '.-I" .. I srll .. ,>lfl . ·Cbl· \ >hl .> I,' edpratloll 01 WOlDen's clubs has n mOlllbe ' , hlp Ilr ::I ~I.(l( ij > IIn il h .~ (lI"I!O nl:tIlUODl lD eTOr)' county ot tho Rtn tp.



EatubU. hcd 188 7


Mr. John Evan8 is very se riously ill. Mrs. Arch Copsey is suffering [rom ery.ipelus. Meetings eac h night this week at I. N. II Inks is' ahle to sit up a~ain. the M. E . churoh. Oric R o lJl'rt ~ . of Lebnlltlll. was a Mr. Chln'lIef> Bngford wns a Cin- call er her e. Fl'idllY. . clnnati visitor, Montlay. Mr. and ~1t- H . Ed MacF'ur-) alld Mr. nnd Mrs. Ca rl Sims. of Kento n. spent Sunda y ()U t of town . . . Wllre week-end guesb of relatives. EnH'st Gillam. o f llen nlSon un)· herel. versity. i;; hum e for H f"w days. Mr: nnd Mr.. W . L . lI un'ey huyc Miss Hannah McKnight, of Col- returned home after win l ring ill umbus, was a recent gu.est of her Florida. aunt, Mrs. Sarah Watso n. Miss Laura Cnhn' l1. of Wi lminA'The members of the Jr. O. U. A. ton, cnlled on ~Ii 's Amullda Grny, M., and their fllmilies, e njoyed a ban· Satu rdav. quet in their hall, Tues day evening. Mrs. Geor ge Beach returnl'd. ~ Ht· ·The grades of which Mr. Curtis urdllY, to Cleveland. to r"surnc h" r Thompson is the teacher, had a schoo l duties. weiner roast at the Clear Spring The Community club SUlA'cd n min· scbool hOU9ll, Wednesday evening. strel Tuesduy ('\'('ning. whi ch w~' s ·The regular Easte r market and well attended, bazaar will bo held in the Community lIh·. !Lnd ~I". \\. T. ,I ordan will r oom this year. under the auspices move into the P. U. Cleun' r pro))e l·ty of the IIldies of the M. E. church. in the ne"r futur ~ . Elills HutTman . colored Civil Wnr Mr. L. L. Wittenburg is suffering veteran Clime home from incinnllt,i from a ruptured blood ve6Sel in his Saturd,;y, with a bride. .feft Ie,. A Mr. Siggler, of Cln· Mr. E. A. Reason Is very ill at cionatl, i. sub.Ututing at the depot. the hom a o f his daut;htcr. Mrs . I::arl The funeral of Mn. Frank Peter· Hockett. nenr Waynesvill e. IOn was held at the home Monday Mr. and Mr~. 'Harold Hurris. of afternoon. Mn. Peterson was, be- Lebanon, were F riday guests of lI1l'ir fore her marriage, Mills Florence parents MI'. and Mrs. F'rllllk Hards. Smith. Her husband and three sone Charles and SO'rn Shidukcr. uf survive ber. Jamestown. Clllied on Mr. anei III rs. • Rev. andMn. Fred J. Mitchell, (or Karl Shidaker and family •• unday . merly of the Xenia seminary, who !\fr. and II1r~ . Chns. Gray Ilnd chi 1preached het:e and later went ' to In· dren have I' turned home , aft ('r dia, are in Loll Angelos now, ~n4 are spe ndin!; a f \\' 1110nlh in IIl ul'I' t\w . announcing the birth of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. \ . O. TolIl) Iwd bahy Mmaret Ella. Moat of their friends of Monroe wer e week-end gu(' s t ~ of wUlrelDember thatilley biin·e~d~t~h~e~lr!4'~-"T'=r'='ot·he t' , lIul'l'y Tull e uno f,,\11 ,ittle lIOn in India.

14-.1.... RoHnbel'l'. lS, Burllneton, Vt. • U-Lawrene. Buchel, 111, water. Ko. ; . . 16-Edwi.l'd Durnlny, U, Albia, la. • 1 'T-Crale Spanpnheq, 18, Fair. haven, ...... . . · 1l-Carl Brinkman, 18, Oakwood, Oldo. It-Wood Brown, 13. G.e"


to The W cst Side.

STOVE LEAGUE BARBERING B, Tho ..... W. WUkin.on ' While us and the teat of the folks It seUln here and plannin for the future of our nation we should had ought to get the ladles hair combed out. What I mean II to tettle this queltion . Cauae It keepa bobbing up and It Ihould be cut ahort. For Instunt. there i. a short fat lady. ('d Bay ahe OUirht to have It cut 10 as the end. just touch the wrinkles on her neck and then it should be stuck down with lome kind of hair agrivator, or .he could have It permenant wqve. Then there Is the 99 Ibs. and two ounce. that has to be dealth with. While they is not eo heavy as some, they feel bigger, BO the committee recommends that they get a roof or a .hingle bob or whatever it i8, and thia kind calla for having the neck washed, .U of which is of course pain ful but ita worth it. A other kind of bob that has got no name yet Is easy to remember, caUM it looks like a cro.. hetwecn a feather duster and a Iloor mop, and you can't hardly keep from shakine It out. "The taU &irla ot' and ahould have the bair cut on the aectional plan, like for inltunit. they can get a little cut off- .nd run around the block to see how they likes It. "The wife asked me to arrange a date with her favorite barber, ao aa .he eould get her hair organized, and ( called up the barber and sed to him 'My wife wants to get a disappointment with you to get her hair fixed thia week' and he sed 'you mean appointment, don't you,' and I sed, 'No callM she was disappointed the last tilDe you tried to make her hair loo k like a tumble weed in a storm." "1 Sl'Z to the gals, sez (: Men j)arbers is the best cause they teUs the best stories."



Most peorle have to work hard and cO:1sistenriy to accumulmc money. You make su cess more diffi ult if you neglect to i!1vc · t in the West Side, where every help i extended. No othe r institution is any safer or more able to pay you high returns on your iIlOlle . Hundreds of ou t-<l(-town people belong

APRIL 8. 1925 "'Where Sowing; are


. .: "



Subleription Price, ,1.60 pet year.





F.T. Martin Auctioneer ... 1...

Walter McClure

Dr. John W. Miller

-- _..----

afLenl , ~ II ~ u f o r e no o n. PI~uchiH J.!' at 9 :;\ 0 and :sunday·School lit 10 :30.

ONE BETTER Giddy Girl- "\,Ve have ,i \\'oodenlegl:'ed mall in OUI:' town." Kidd,'r- "Thn L's llothing" - a Jun e hri ck up in our town ha s a cedar ches t." BAC" TO THE OFFICE Hoss- ··No on e produce prlJfi ls ? H

C Ull

ti il q uiet ond

Ea'y ~likl'- "l dOI1' t k no w. soirhow ab ut the he n 7"



At Cary's JeweJry Shop


Th,· "Passi un l' lay" in lal1t ll l'l\ s li des wi ll be givcn by It"v . J. C. :5titzcl a t Lytle church. Fridoy C\'~ning . Admissi n, free . uut n sih'l' r ofTe ring will u ' tllkcn. E\'e r ybouy invited . A large crowd aUended the snle of Mr. lind M rs. F rank Snyuer on last ThUl'>itlay. Th e househuld goods of Natha ll Smith w as so ld III t h iM ~n lc, a nd ab" sonte goo ds of ,I. C . La mb. Mrs. 1Ielle COOII and d " l1ghtc r~ . of Dayt"" . Mrs. Alfrt,d Wolf. so n and daugh t,· r. of F'rnnklin. Mr. and Mr~. E. L. T homas. uf \V lly nl:sv j)IP. Were S unc\lI ~ uftcrll IJlJ n gu c~ t s tit th e home of MI'. an d MI·s. Will te l' 1\'·l1ri ' l<.

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday


8:00 o. m. to t p.

Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Pbone 8

Ill .





Thing; t o W or ry About. Canl"ll. \ 'hi"" , I" slJrI'HundC'd by o f h1'l(' k ; 11~ 1 ~1 n d l (\t W. twe.ot, fb i' tn Itl rI~' f " PI 1.1:.::11 on J ,) lW(l Ot"y teet


\Y; III~

til l"1,.



The l' un ~ hilw ulur IllC' e ting iu th . :-,(,: hool hd U:lI, Snturd ay. MisHc~ I.1l1 d lI elen Hill lind Mi ss Verna CRuh 1i1l a rc honl(' (or the spring holida y<. Mr. and Mrs. Grunt Phillip" und . so n. o[ Cincinna t i, spent th e weekend with re lati ve, he/·e. Prof. Schweikert. wife an d da ughter. of Frelllont. 'pe nt t he week·end with C. P. Noggle and family. The Ladies 1I 0me Missi on nry sntiety of t he M. E. ch urch. hud an all· ' dayse win" lit t he parsonage, FridIl Y. ! M1's. W. S. Smith wus called t o Wilmi ng-ton III"t week by the iIlrl e ~" ! lind dcuth o f her lI1othe)·. MI·~. Mllry Wl't'r . Mr. '"lei MI' •. W , '. Smith lIud "" g lH'sls . Sund >!y. MI'. and Mr><. F;d \Ve er . of Schenectlld y. N. Y.. Mr. , LInd Mrs. Otto Moon. Mr . a nd Mr<. I'lII'k cr fluckl"y nnd Hons, of Wil-



The P. T. A. mct at th e sell onl II 0 IIH(' Fridny "f t'·I·n oo n. A ft er the • hu s inc ~s se" ioll the fo ll owing int"I'I cHin>: r rog rum was r endered : Sol" Mrs. J::rw in Blll ir I itcudingMrs . .L. G. HailH>' D;nlogue- M". B. II. MIlleI' lind MISS A lice Reeves. Puper- "mitern cy in the U. S."Mrs. J . L. Co nard An interesting di scussion folluwed .


lather is weak and greasy. The fabric of gannents washed in this solution bee 0 m e 8 Unl,>regnated with acid·formmg soap curda. These curds lodge in the meabea of the cloth-are not eas-

OJ disaotved and rinsed ·sO".~


Wh, Dwo L«Jh 1. Moisture-proof p08itive aotomatic preaure .witch. 2. Water gauge and pretlll1Jnt gauge without extra charge. 3. Electrically welded galvanIzed tank. 4. Motor apedalJ.y designed for pum~ aae. 5. AutomatiC Inbrieatloo.. 6. Greateet capacity-lo." weigbt. 7. B eat materialI-1IIdIIful workmamhip. 8. Guarantee in writing.

......... "" .............. ,..........



The result is the cloth becomes filled with small soap particles which absorb moisture and cause decay. The garment8 rot. Back of it all, hard water is to blame. Soft water makes laundering easy-eaves time--saves wor.... saves soap-and above all, saves your gannents and lineDS.

DURO WaterSys~

With a cistern and an inexpenlive Duro unit system you can .

have soft water under pressure in bathroom, kitchen and laundry. Automatic - carefree - just like city water service. Cost less than Ic a day to operate.

Duro Systems are the standard Made in many w. and pumping capacities. Prices are Iow-a Duro is a good iDvatof the world.


' 1-


or pI&_ . . t_ '

..... Ii....,.,

~J. W.

BURTON, Agent WaynelVm" Ohio


w~~~~~;:;~~;;~~~~,~~~f:~~:'l-~JQ ~~rvC




And will bo p leated to hAve your p tr nar. . W e ..... 111 reg· "Iar dinner. e v rry day . AIIO, ~ .0.1 ardor lunch ..., Ice Crram. Pop, a fino .el clion o( Can d i.... Cinn •• nnd Tob"cco.


If Waynesv ille, D00 Drop lnn, · OhiO~~

~r ( ! I'~'. ,ClII'ge


f •••••••••• , •• ., •••• , •• " , ....


we will have II Special :\1,1kc lesen':! liou . . for your

Chicken Dinner, Easter Dinner.



. ,• • • • '





t rat,

1111'. ond ~Ir~ . J. E. ill Dayt on, ·un cluy.


f R R .



, .IS

lure wer e

ill Dny t l.lll.

la ~ t w~ek

)Ir. und ~ I l'~. It . R. Enrn hart were \lilY!"" \"isit'.r, . Frill"y. I\h·:--s r~ \\r. :-;. and Morris


\\" ' 1'<'

in uuyt on. Mundny .


~ II·. nnd l\Ir~. F. B. Ilenderso .. were in LdHlllun, TlI e~ dl\~' afte rnoo n. ~I r~ .



A . Zimrner mu n nrrind

Cheap For Cash. Come In and Look Them Over.

Elk ,

E, Mc Clure ult.·ltd",1 the ill>lUlI"tiun lit L"b"nun Thurs·

till) '-' \ eni llg'.

Mr". Iiultlnh Rurnott Ilnd ~h·. Chns. U'"'nell, whu ha\' .. bee n sick with 1-:1'ipl'e. nr{' b.' ttl'!'. ~ [ r.


~II ·". Lee Hawkc. Mrs . .J . [[,\wk,· an d ~1 \'s ,Johll Fromm wcre in IloylOll, Munday.


~[ rH. An ll i,' Shc<: han iR fell' duy~ wilh Mr. and

spl' nding 11 Mrs. Cliff

!lillles, a t Cen ter ville.


Burn - To IIII'. und Mrs. Keller Huke. of Route 2. Tuesday. March 3 1, 1925, a daughter.


No section of this country is immune from Tornado, Cyclone and W indstorm Losses. This protection costs less than fire insurance. If you are not Insure ,call us at once.

Waynesville, Ohio.

Do~~:.i~a~~~::n~;:urI •

24~ Ihs............$L23 A&P Family, 24~lbs.. $1.2~


r:;'" .:::~.~~~~~.'.............:. 16c.

A verT fine bre .. kf... t food, 28 .•&, pa~ kaee lor ............. ..

lona Lima Beans,

Cream of Wheat,


t!~:r c~~ . ~~~ . ~.~~~: . ........... 14c A&P Oven-baked Beans,


28 .. ounce

Packaee for .... ::.:...... .. .. .. .. .... ..

18c 18C

A&P .Rolled Oats,

~i::,.!1f::~. .~.~~ ..~~~~. , ~~~~"~ 25c

Laree box, .. :.... .. .... ...... ........ 23c 3 amall bozel. .. ..... ..... ... .. .. .. .. .. 2Sc

A&P Evaporated.Milk.

Creamery Butter.

~o~a~~.~ .. ,............... .. ......... ... .. 25c ~~; :::~~ ... .................. ...... 54c A&P Jelly Powder, _ ...... '. Gold~nlHue Oleo, 5;Ollllce paekalel .


-pa~lu , fclr " ..... " ......... ,.....

25c .


~!~e;:!lld,\lo~~.~.', ........ ........ ... .. 27C

Sun Sweet Prunes, Coffee, Fine O•• or. ~~i.o':i:~.~~~.~~~...............2~c Per pound

40 C· ........... ....... :.... .


Tea of All Kinds

Mr. Onkley Unglesby and daugh· tel's, Mnry Margaret and Evelyn, and Mr ~. Mary Caskey visited Mrs. Irene Bird lind Mr. Frnnk Zell at the MeCIt·lnnd hospitnl, Xenia, Sunday morning.

$2.30 $2.56 i $3.12 i' Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure Ida Kelsey a nd Mr. J. S. Mc~ . 25c: Mrs. Clure s pent Fridny with ' Mr. a nd M)'$. Omer Bnrnett, near Beaver-


lona StringlBeans,


POTATOES WhiteJMicbigan. IO-peck sack Early Ohio, 120-pound sack Certified Reel River Early Ohio, 120-lh. sack Fine, Large, Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. for


Utt \


In Lebanon

uf HVl\ nHH,ths

le"ves hcr pllr tl s lind "lll' Jittit' ist .... to nWlIrll h£' r d"I'"rlui'''. 'I'he little UIl\! \\'a s laid t o I'l'st in lI! iddle HUll Cl' II1cluy, Satul'day, at 10 :30.

Eat At The

Mrs. Me lissa 1, 111'11 Whur ton died IlII1l'ning, "pl'il II, nt her IWIll(' in M l. Hllily. The fUlwral WIIS helll MI1ndrry n( ll' rlltlOIl tit the M l. H I)II~' dIUI'd!. Irrtl'l'tllclIl in Xl'nin Slltu rdn~r

1\ lex \';1I\ 1.. y dil'd Sunday (·\'~ ning. April n. Ht Bh , ir"~ hos piln l in Lebn· I,,' n. Th .. fUll<'rrd \\'a M hl'ld in tlw Chn p£' ! ilt ~I iami ",'111 ('ll' I'y, T uesday nftl'l'Iwon Rt :.:! (I ' dllCk. Th e SCT'vic{' WHS l'Illtti uclcd uy H\!v. · L. A. \\' ,,,h· burn.

Ed C. R ,'a~ on died l\I on day night . April (i , Il t the 11111\1(' or his dtlu!:,htl' r. M1'". ~; nrt II " c\,,·ll. u" I{O Ul £'~. Th~ f un e",,1 "!' I·vi,·,·" wi tl hl' h,'ld lit till' It""kl'lt 111> nit' Thul'stiuy IlI OI'lIlng' lit 10 u·clu,·k. nudal in Mitlllli n· lIIe· t'·ry.




The 11125 bllse bnll "caso n wili b(' oftid utly opened ill Ci ncinnati Oil ;VIr. ,eo rge t! cn dl'l'~o n hilS be en Oil TIll· sdllY. April 14th. the Il.Tungc· fllL'nl'; huvi llg' bct.·1\ mBci u with. Prcs i· IIII! sick Iisl. ,Iell t AUg'u ~ t Hl' rrlllllnrt to uro/lucnst Mr. und Mr:. J . O. Curtwright were the' ('V('11t dirN·t frulll i1 e<lllln<l fi eld. whrn the C'ineillllnti Ih· d, und the in Cincinllati . Tucsduy. ·St. Loui. Cllr<linnls blltti r for th e honor of \\'illning' lh{· l!:lm". Tdc· Mr. ·und Mrs. W. E. Corn ell were phone lines will (' (llllll'el th e micl·o · Duyton vi sitors, Tuesday. phones ill I edlantl Field with the ~M-~ ;~ . e · ?~t~"W>k! Crosley W L\V "uHion . 'iISS live.'\. en elltertnmc n tew fri en ds SlItul'uay evening.


Stute surv,eyora were surveying in Mrs. Eva Miller has return ed home ufter spending the winter with her town. today. Wonder if they are duug hters in Lima. Mrs. Grace Mc- s urveying fo:r our ne~ paved stre et Cun e uccompanied her for a s hort that wi li come this summ er visit. Messrs. E. '1.. Thomas, Mert. Baird Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Schaeffer. Mrs. Hartley Moss .attended Masonic lodge Edith Hurris, Mrs. Lnura Mosher, inspection at Butlerville, Saturda y ll-[rs. Ronald Hawke and so n. Frank, night. were Springfield visitors, Sunday nfternoon . . Mr. and 1111'5. Harry Stokes. Mrs. Amos Mendenhall. Mrs. Claronce Mr. Myer Hyman and children Mendenhall and li ttle son, Earl, spent were entertained nt n 6-o'c1ock din· T uesdn y in Dayton. ncr last Friday eve ning nt the home of his brother , Mr. Mose Hyman. in Th e. High School baseball boys Lebanon. . went to Mo:nroe last Friday after· noon to p Illy the ten m from the MI'. nnd Mrs. AI! Bogan, of Dny· school there, und were de fen ted. ton. were week-end guests of lIfr. ~"i1f. "'<.t. ;j'~'~" ;~i·t'& .'~ i~ :i, ..t.;, .I~~. ,),.' J. : lind Mrs. On' ille Grny. The two Lost- Small brown leather change fa milie. spent Sunday with relutives purse bearing Ox ley· Pace stamp, con· nt Clarksvill e. tainin,:: $7 and small a mount of chnnge. Rewnrd . See Mrs. Carl F rye Eight yelll's a~o, Monday, April 6, 1!l17, th e United States entered Enroute to Xen ia. Sunday, M.r. and the World War, cl os ing ' on November Mrs. N. P. Blatt. of Monroe. stopped 11, 1918. Sixty years ngo. to day. u s hort ti me at the home of Mrs. IIp ril 8, 18(j5, Lee surrendered ' to Blatt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Gra nt. Ung lesby.

be Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co. I



Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willi ums and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner and of Kingman. spent Sunda y Mr. Paul Neff. of Dayton. spent the children, week·end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey with Mr. I1nd Mrs. J . E. Jann ey. Sucketb and family . . Dt'. and Mrs. Rulph Vunce unci of Pleas,~nt Plain, spent SundBY Farms and Town Property wanted. son, 3'70 commission. Write fo r blank. with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hnwke. ~ ~ . , ~ ; ij Smith Farm Agen cy, 140~ W. York Mrs. E. Fis her; of Indinnapolis, St. Philndelphia. Pa. Ind., WIIS the g uest of M,·s. Julia Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cornell. of Donovan for n few duys lust we ek. Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corn ell. of Mr. Mycr Hyman und children Fosters, spent Sunday with Mr. W. spent Sundny in Cincinnuti. Mrs. B. Squires and fami ly. Hyman l'eturnl.!d home with them. Miss Mildred Clark entertained the Mr. and 1'11:1'5. Ray Mills. Misses Le· fnculty of the Centerville Centralized school at the home of her parents, na Earllhart land Mary Jo Miller were Xeniu visitors, Sunday afternoon. Monduy even ing. March 30th.

,. .................................................... (

- - -- -- W ANTED--Atl kind. of Po ul· try- Hieb ... l price. paid Wail Poultry and EgS" our Truck.

lh ...

t.:l 'l1lcte r y .

Bulk Seecl-Pricel riSht. Pa lm Olive Soap 4 for 250 Rio Calfee. o n ly .;;Uc 0.,1 Monte Peacb.,., can 28c Good Canned Corn 2 can. for25c

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye, Messrs. Miss Ruth Newland. of Oxford, is Frl.!d B. Henderson a nd Glenn Bor- spending her vacation with 1111'. W. den made a business trip to Cincin- H. Allen and fnmily. nati, Saturday. ·

SEARS & CARTWRIGHT . rlPhone; 61-2


Garden Seeds, 5c a.pkg

Dr. and MrR. J . W. Ward, who Mr. nnd Mrs. F. B. Henderson and spent th e winte r in Californin, ur. duught ers were in Dayton, Friday . rived home las t Friday. Mi ss Ruth Earnhart visited ..ela· lives in Springboro over the week· Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Crane were din- end. ner guests of Dr. und Mrs. A. T. f""· ."'~1id'4\\·,'f;·· ; ·l:$!;e~~,iA Wright. Thursday e,vening. ~ I SS Bernice Hyman vistr rela· ti ve. in Lebanon. Friday and Sat· Miss Mary Margaret Unglesby was urday. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Blatt at Monroe. Friday and Saturday. Save your time and energy by buy· ing your Eas ter dinner at the mill" Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chambers. of keto Saturday. Dayton, were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Kate Ricks. of Lebanon. is and Mrs. John Fromm and family. Htaying for a while with 1111'. and Mrs. J. H. Colemlln. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McClure and daughter, of Dayton. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wa lter McClure. Mrs. Mary' McKibban and dough· tel', Miss Edit h. ure spending the week in Day1ton. Come to the bounteous Easter market, which can suppl y you with Mo.sher, of Cardington, iR the best Easter dinner yOU ever pre- theRobert guest of Mrs. Edith HalTi ~ and pared. family, this week.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Another 101 of tho . .. nic e Fro.t· proof Cabbage PI.nll in thi. week Per dozen, C 2 do,.en Ifor.. . .. ...... l oc . Guar •• ntccd 10 Grow


F ~Ir .•J.

) t I 2r.! nt


Cabbage Plants

ti l r. nnll Mr~. 1. A. Hnrtsock. of vi"i!l'u rellltive. here . SlItun lay.


The !'", ie'sl wily is to choo se your E,,>ll'r dinm'r lit the Eust .. r mllrket, I,: AIII'il I I. ..



H IGHEST 'fEST GASOLINE and COAL OIL Th., kind that don't .moke.

c\' ~ nin".



Eddy MOl', the young ~t dllughtcr of J hn lind FI01'I'ncc Scott, calli' to gltHhl{'n h 'r pm' nt~' IWllle on 'O \'£'III R"d River Ear lf Ohi o -R ed (. i v. \)41r ,I. 1 (1:14 . find Jl:l5H(! I uway un~ I ' e1' !ri.b Cobblera-R d C ut EILrly ROle - Triumph. -G reen . a few ,Iuys' i11l1 t'~~ o f' gripPI!, lin April


hulllC )I ,' nriIlY la lld.

Seed Potatoes Mountain • •

Mi~M May \\' ri~ht ~l' nt u fow days


Special- For Sa turd fl~' .




- -- -

- - - -.--


Marilyn Restaurant



K OGE Q , U ICI{ Cook Oats ~O;::~:r~:Ub, . 25c - -- - - - - - - - - - - Country Club Peaches ~::hiCk .25c Wisconsin -Peas-' ~~:d~ ~.~.~·. ~I Dc Genu ineHollandHerring , $ COO -.



P. , ...

Genuin e Holland H e rriDe . 12 for

The ,Jolly Dozen Sewin g club \\'lIS very pl ensa ntly entertl1ined nt the honte of l\! rH. Louis Brown and Mrs. Ell Simpson on "pril 2nd . . Foll owing the bnsincss meeting in the af· ternoon n vl'ry inll!l'csting contest wns held in wh Ich Mrs. Alzorn Ecton won the prize. _ Being fuv .. re d with II duet by Mrs. Louis Brown a" ll 1111'S . Geneva White, we adj our ne d to mere wilh JlIt·s. C. P. Ellis. on April 9th.

.: .. ............. .. .......

~ .... " .... .... ..


17 c ~oare. .~~~~. ~~. 25c ~~ondaleSwe~~~~s 1-5 C Peaches ------._------------ID o wn Syrup. can

32c ~!!~1~, . . .~. . :. . . ..25c Chocolate Eggs . . 25c ,2~~~~:. :. :.:. . . 50c . --------------------Cheese

Ricb and creamy....

WOMAN STRICKEN Mrs. Bert R" ed, of Leban on, had n stroke of opo,)lexy, Fridny, lind fe ll as she was walking down th e street. he was tuken to the B1uir hospital wher e s he rnllied and is r esti ng en y. Mrs. Reed and her hu sbnnd met with un uuto uccident Illst October, when their cur WII S struck by Ii train at Maud s. He was in stnntly killed nnd she was badly .cut on--the helld and has ne\'cr fully recovered from t he effects.



.. ... .. .


l Oc !~~.~. . . . . . . . 27c ~~!!r ~~~~. . . ~l~ .~ !~" . . . . . . . . 15c ~!~~~ :.9c Potato~P~~. ,.~"1 C .. .

loaf .......... .




Andy Herzog. Dayton. is ch urge d with possessing liqu or nnd 10 men whu were with him. faced n cha r!:,e oc. intoxicat io n in pI'ohat!' co urt, Mon· day. followinl:' th .. ir Rl'rl' ~t Rt the home of GcoI:g'e an d .Tohn Munger, ncar Bellbrook, Sunday Ill'lcl'nOon. She l'iff MOI'I'is Shal'p lind Deputies BUllghn und Spencer, who nrrested them. SIlY that t he pnl1.y had been having n drunk en enro usul there for hoours. The oth c l~s pluc('(1 under fir· re.t ure: Chnrles and Le wis Radke. Edwurd Her zog. T1 urry Schultz . und Geo rge Pe tOl'son, all or Dayton; O. W. Hook. Willium. George and John Munger. of Bellbrook.




19 East Secontt' S~. Main an4 Je£ferson. ~

Co; Qhiq.

They Came " ' -A , They- Saw~ . ,',:": They 'Realized!

Re!:,ular comm unicntion of Wnynesvi lle Lodge No. 163 F. & A. M.• Tuesday eve nin l:', ApI'i! 14. There will be work in th e F. C. deg-r ee. So· journin g bl'cthren nnd visitors cor· dially welcome. G. J. WATERHOUSE, W. M. F. B. HENDERSON, Sec'y.

The COUf't Is:Itorcin, i'riimediate ActionTo Sell-Get the 0Mh and Pa: ' thl:l oled.itors. '


Frqm All ov~,. Dayton

Regul ar meeting of Miami Chap. ter Eastern Star lodge No. 107, Monday evenin g, April ~3. A full attendance is desired at t.his meetMr. J. O. Cartwright has been ing. called to serve on the Grand Jury of ADA COURTNEY, W. M. .. the Federnl court in Cincinnati. 011 . SUE HAWKE, Sec'y. th e now famous "Flying Squadron" whiskey cases.

: . _ '.


' .



-by Automobile-by

Tracbon--Orowda of

p~~Are ' Attend-

Ileal &vtng






C. L.appointed TINNERMA:N rcceivpr fOf ' . ~

The Goetz


Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Woods and children, of New Vienna, Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Babb. of Paintersville. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Earnhart and child ren wer~! Sunday guesta of Mr. Two machin es, a Ford Sedan. drivtown. II!rs. Kelsey and Mr. McClure a nd Mrs. Karl Babb. en by George Henkle, SO il of S. D. remnined for a ten days ' visit. Henkle, and a touring car. driven Mrs. SUlliE! Murray spent several by Everett Sears. son of W. N, Sears, Mi.s Anne Bachman entertained days last week in Dayton. collided at the corner of Third and the members of ·the Girls' Basketball Dr. J . T. gllis arrived home from Tyler streets. Sunday evening/ Neithten m Friday eve ning at the home of Texns last Saturday evening. He re- er of the boys "lus hurt, b~ tRIJ Mrs .. J. O. Whi taker. A delightful ports that his brother-in-law went Henkle ma~hine was badly damaged. ,evenlllg was spent in dancing and through an operation very well, and ... gnmes after wh ich delicioUB refresh- is betting along nicely. ments were served by.the hostess. The property of Amanda Smith. Miss Mildred Hole was given a deceased, situated near the High happy s urp rise when a group of her School buildinll'. was sold by Sheriff frtends gathered at her home Thurs- Alfred Brant. last M,onday. The Gail Gordon has ' been appointed day evening. The evening was spent property brought ,800, and was sold His in .gl;lmes . and dancing. after which to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frye, who will postmaster at Harveysburg. commission dntes f r om April 1st, but dehc lous refreshments ' were served make .it. their home. . . . he takes charge today. The change to the Misses Mary Margal'et Un- kiijM~~i1M';:.fiiP" :'.~~_.!!-glesby, Evelyn Unglesby. Kathleen - - - -- -~ in postmnsters was occasioned ,by ' H~nder80rl, Esther Henderson, Sara ' On April' a very ilelightful ev- the c,leath of Albert Merritt, '-who :was MIssildine. Elsie Hawke, Doris Hawke ening was ,spent at the home of Ma- postmaster~ in Harveysburg for sevMessrs. Howard Missildine, Nelson bel McMillan. The following were eral yeare, .".' . .... ... Wat~inll. Boward Cook, William present: Almedp Walton, Thomas, Vernon Mainoull John Ker- Thelma Harl;sock. Mary Etta 'Guy, ENTERTAINS GRANGE sey, Joe Kersey and Adelbert- Me- Martha Coa~es. Martha Bay, Edna , - . . Millap. Henderson, Marie Dunham and the Messrs. Gilbert Frye, Cbarles Bay, Morris Sherwood, lloyd Henderson, . The program and entertaiJpnent Save JO'Jr old ttarpeu and rup Frank Githens. ' Theodore Coatell, at the meeting of Springboro grange week, was furnished by tile memand eet "WeanreU" Rup made. Merlyn Ban ta, and George Henkle. last bers of Waynesville grnng'e. The Send for pric list. Fran....1 After several gam.. wera played, program put on by the visitors fole .. Q Rug suitable J'efreabmenu were aerved. Co.. FrankUn, Ohio. E vel')' one d ePartlld at aD _ _-'_ . , hour. lowed the regular bUllneaa aessioD.




THIS RECEIVER'S IILI I, Order .......... ·

. bffer~ Sftperlor FunUtute at

,'.SensaOoul ....... .-



/ "

------ - - -


.- .

A chance' like this COlDes onee in a lifetime: Come to this we aDd Jet.your eyes be the judge. . " .


sa,.' .-.

Remember, tb8 Coun "':"Ancl ·That Means . Bargains tor . Youl '

--5 ELL I '1!o Not l!elcq-Tah Ad..... 01 TIUa Firm'. PreIli,...." . \


Seventy-Seventh 1rear

Whole Number 5639

Betty' Fairfax Address Report of the Warren AT LAST-··W. H. S. County Red Cross DEfEAIS MONROE Wayne Twp. Mothers' Club


Speaking of economy, Mr. I'resi· dent, what is gliined by Hcnding the American arm)' polo players to compelI' with Great Britain's army players acro ~s th'l! sea ? Six army players, with twenty-five panics and thirteen grooms, sailed on Lbe Atlantic transport liner Minnetonka last week. Arc those groom American soldiers? Did they enlist to bo used u ~ private servants for gentlemen plllY· inK polo? 'Docs it make the army more e fficient, in the8e da)'8 at tanks and IhiIng machines, 'to have omcers knocking little white balls along the gruss?

Sinc<, April 2, na~ional headquar. instanc<'s of: Assis ting widows nnd ters an d the branch offices have re- mothers in applying for Fede rol bonus, and securing affidav its and recccived contributiuns amounting to ords which must aC('ompany the IIpIlpproximlltely one million dollars to plicati olls for State In dustriul claim s. Inves ti gations made concerning be uppJied to r e li ef in the tornado uis lI ~tl!l' U1'CIlS in the Middle West. Med_ needy fllmilies to determ ine the cause iClll lin d nursing work in the e ntire of the nee d and the t urnin g o f the 111'011 i. und or the imme diate dil'(!ction eaHe to the proper age ncy for reli e f. uf the Hed Cross, lind th e work oC Assis ting in working out budge ts t horo ugp reha bilitation is we ll under to meet limited incomes. A S8 i ~ting way. in filing applications f ol' a blind pen_ In the midst of these d eve lopment~ sion , writing leller. and securing in· ultclIt ion was sudd en ly culled Lo Mi- furmation ror ex-service men in their ami, Pia., where a tornado on April contllct with the Veterans bu rea u. 5 killed three persons, injured thirtyThe rccord ~ show that during the five, und caused property uamage of month 86 v i ~lts were I11de, 30 letters $150.000. The Miami chapt er WIlS were written and 50 persons culled Ilt hand Ilt once and ane mbled ade- at the omce regard ing so me part of quule supplies for food and c1othin~. the work. AI·ticl cs from the loull The wurk uf th" Nlltional organ- coset arc consta nty I!oing in and ization lieR ill " ""btullce rende red to out, when returned from service th (!y people c nm usse . while the work of a rc lau nde red lind ste rilized an d ure the Cha pters tooches the, individual. mad e really to send out again. Baby Durillg the month of Murch the r ee- In yetlcs hav e been supplied in two ords of the Warren County Red humes during the month and many Crosa office show the handling of 34 children filled with shues and cloth· cases of vu l'ious nature. There lire ing.

There was great reJoIcing among our High School students last Friday even in g. The Wnynevillc High School baseba ll tell III defeated the Monroe High School teum. 7 to G,in a 8evc n-inning ga me, played at Phillips' park. This is the f ourth time the tw o teams have ml·t s ince the begi nni ng of the prese nt sc hool yeur, and on the thrl)I! prcviou s uccllsions the local Iuds were Illude til vcry much rese m ble something the cals drugged in, helllce r evcl1g'c is s weet. Monroe's main depe nd ence is a crn ck buttery, who had our boys co mplete ly bamed until la~t Friday, when In stead of s at everything the pitcher threw, they waited for him to pitch the ball neross th plate at the regulation height. The r esul ta we re truly gra tufying. The Illuin crl'dit f or the W. H. S. vi ctu ry l'ightly be longs to Pnul Tomlinson , who pitc'hed his first gume for his school team . Despite s('veral di. · heartening errO:rs by his support, this courugeou. you ngster kept s teadily lit his tas k, lind, once his teammates hnd secured a lead for him. held te . nll teo uslr to il. Gu od work. Pa ul, w(" 11 l'Xpcct to hear more fl'um yuu , luter.

The Wayne Towllihip Mother's club met at the Gym last Friday af· ternoon at 2 o'c loc k. The meeting was opened by Mrs. II'l ory L. Ad· urns, who gave u Khurt talk lin d pray· c r. The High School orchestra then ga VI' several selections. After the rending of tho minutes uf the last meeting the vari ous com· mittt·es gave their report". Th e IUtlch committee rt·pu rted se rving ab out 180 chi ldre n o"e hot dish !,V· cry day for f our month., with the provisions required and cost of the



f'resid ·ltt, Vice-I'rl'~ .,

Coulous Younce.

J\I rs. I{mudd flawkl'.




Interesting Items from the

State . Capital £


Secretal'Y, IIIr,. \ e rn Al·n l i t u~<, . Prepared by : Treasurel·. MI'". Fl'ank 1·; IIo'Jn. The pr(! ~ id ent then npP 'Ji nt ed a Columbus Reporter committee to hove charg~ uf the an nual picn ic in MIIY : Miss Mildred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . .


Hol e ,




u very pl c usi ll}{ piano solo.

Bett y Fuir'(ax wu~ thu Npellkcr uf Colum bus --' Wi th congr ess ndth e afLel"llllt) ll . !i hc guve H llulIILer jo urneLi, an d thl' Ohio l ~g i ~ lutur e of h e r CXpl' I' j e f1 ccs whid, Were q ui I c virtull lly thl'o\l~h iL, work, th Hc is vuricu and inlcrc s Lin~. S h · waM ~oilllC to be' mm'e time til <Ii s(' usB polgr~et('J loy II Inrge u udi ~n(· e. thi~ lJeitic~ nnd so me li ve ly issue !" Ilrc to ing th e lurgeRt m (,l'lin~ this yeor. I.e l"IIised in Ohio, <l urillg th next The hOSLI'"st!s for the ufl~l'n(ll\n fl'w lllonth • . same. The trea~urer's r eport showed a were Mrs. R. G. Cross, Mrs. Lindley Mendenhull, MrR. W. E. O'N('all lind nice balance in lhe bank . The nominating committee nam ed Mrs VeTIl Armitage and Mrs. oul"u s &;i.h S~notor~ Frank B. Willis and th e foll owing officers for the year Younce. who served dl!lici ous rdres h_ Simeon D. Fcss htlVe returned to Oll'n'to during the .oeilll hour. th~ir Ohio h o m~9 rrom Wa~ hinp:ton, 1D2b-2G. , us follows: amI for Il tillle w ill be busy filling <Jl Nlki J:: el\gnl('cmellt s. Senator Willis is l' xpccted to o pen an office in 'o lumbu R whure he will huve his cam l1aigll f or re·elect ion next year, with his secretary, Char le. Jon es, in charge.



The Golden Gu tes were opened wide,

The legislature fail ed to produce A ge nLie \' oice su id ItCo nlc." any r en l leaders and the political A nd angels frolll the other side. Welco med "our loved OIlC" bome. ;;ituution in O1lio is just as much in the ail' as bdore. The Womllll's Auxiliary o f St. Mn_ Emley, RO il o f John anel ClaAlex ry's church, IlIl' t on Priday afte rnoon, Strong pres.-ure is being made on April 10t h. ut the home df Mrs. ri ndn, Emley, was born near Waynesv ille, Ohi o, January 19, 1850, und Thud H. Brown, Secretary o( Stute, Mary Caskey, with Mrs. Caskey and Jam.. Diaon Wharton Last Friday th e Seniors entertainMiss Clara Lilc Ileting as joint hos- passed aWlly Avril 5 , 1!l26, aged 75 to be a candidate for governor, but ye.lI I'll , 2 monthM and 10 days. so fnr he has r efused to discuss the Ther e is no Death! What seem! so ed the schuol with II spl(!ndid pro· tessea. gram. It ran as follows: He was unit ecl in marriage to Ma- matter or enter the fray. is transition Mrs. Cadwallader opened the meetWlio authorizes the expedition? Devotional ..... Lois Dakin This life of mortal breath, Ing and read a special Good FridllY ry Sidnlls. Thi . was a ve ry happ)' . How do you think it will stTike the Selection by the Senior Super.sixse rvice, compiled for this occasion . .... union , the tw o spending many pleasOn the Democratic side it is said average farmer? Thirteen grooms Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Kathleen Hend er so n, Kenneth ·St Whose portal we call Death." This was followed by r epe t ition of ant and happy yean together, but that the nomination for the senatorfor twenty-ftve ponies will seem a John, Howard Cook, Raymond God H aW fit to call to his Heavenly s hip will go to Claude A. Meeker, good maoy to him. He and his hired Braddock, Carl Gray and William The Wurrcn Co unty Quarterly con- the Creed and prayer. Jamcs Dixon Wharton WQS born Scriptural quotations were given kingdom his companion and on June well known Columbus financier, unmlln take care of ten horses and Thomas. ference will be held at the M. E. 29, 1924, leBB than a year ago, he was less Governor Vic Donahey decides in Indiana. March 28, 1837, and passin res pon se to roll·call. At the close cows, besides plowing. They don't Reading ........ .... Murray Hopkins church at Wa>' ncsvile on the a fte red on into the higher life at his Piano Solo of the· businesS session the f ollowi ng left alone. The bereaved hu sba nd to enter the contest, Bnd if he does, mllnicure their horses hoofs. . Mildred Hole noon lind evenrng of Apl'il 17. so sadly bereft of hiB wife's love and it is just as certuin that he will not home in flLt. Holly, March 29, 1925. Play- " A Perplexing Situation." This confe rence is composed of program was rendereu: companionship, was suffering and He wns the oldcst of a family of Trombone Solo .. Carl Gray Lebanon, South Lebano n, Morro\\', Readin~-"Seve n Years Among the struggling against an affiictioo which be opposed. There is a strong unA lady of Spokane demands a di- twclve children of whom thre e sis- Selection by Senior Super-six dercurrent of belief, however, that .. Maineville, Red Lion, Springboro and Nuvujoes."-Mrs. Geo. Hartsock. had fll stened itself firmly upon him 'vorce becauBe her husband, at break- ters su r vive: Mr.. Jane fratt, of WuynesvilJe . There will be about Rcading- "Easter Greetings from St. four years previous to hi. 10llAld one's issues, over which he h811 no control, fast, milked a go lit directly into his Waynesville, Mrs. Hannah Coon, of has made it imperative that he repassing away. The Juniors wish to thank the pub- onc hundred people present to repAndrew's"-Mrs. Lee Hawke. cup at coffee. He keeps the gont in Dan ville. Ill., an d Mrs. Hetta Mcmain in Ohio, and if btl listens 0 resent til\! chu rches out oC town . He made n brave and he roic effo rt lic for their patronuge ut their EasReadi ng-"Flint Hill and Fnith."the house. The lady declares that Clure, Danville, Ill. He was united Democrats who sce in him the only Rev. Stitzel, of Springboro, ,viII to "id himse lf of it, but lilliS, in vnin ter market la~t Suturd llY, as it was 1\110 ROlluld Hawke. Buch "table mann ers" could not be in -mnrriage to Sarah SlIunders, and man wh o cun carry Ohio as t he gupr(!och 1\ ~('rm o n in the IIfternoon. Heuding- "St. Jllmes Mission, LyAfter hiR co mplll1ion had passed u big 8uccess. . endured by any person of refinement. to this uni on were born fi\'e childl'en, bernatorial n om inee, he may accept All the Methodi st mi n isters of the away his sister in lhe coun try reachdin."Miss Emma Heighway. "Other times, other manners." Eve \vho, with their mot her, have preceda third term nomination. county wi1\ be on t he program, beed oul with a kind and lovi ng hand "Kempy," the Normal class play, g inning at 2 o'Clock. would have thought it very clever ed him into t. he Grout Bcyond. After adj ournm ent a pleasunt so- lind gave him a home, wel co ming him In March. 1897, he was again uni- will be given Friduy night ut the had Adnm done exac tly the SlIme Mr. E. Dow Bancroft, of Colum- cinl hour was spent during which into her house hold . All the kindness The Republicans are confident of Gym. Don't miss it. ted in marriage to Melissa Pratt, who thing. bus. is expected to be here and give dain ty refrcshments in which the ap- lind comfort possible was given him. uccess agnin in Ohio, a nd the Demis left to mourn the loss of a · kind an address at nighl, and the re will proach of Easter was typified, were trying to r elieve his sufferings and socrats, to the past. see nothand thoughtful husband. He was be a Warren County Men's Brother- served by the hostesses, assisted by make everything as plensant as could ing butpointing News from Paris will interest r ail- a member ot Co. H. , O. V. I. , The success, and with equal conhood organized at the evening ser- Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. road men of the kind that think. For greate r part of hi s life was lived in be made. fidence, of course, the fight will bo Tho followin g visitors were pres· vice. the cheapest airplane tri! from Par- this vicinity. Of a genial, social di8A kind and indulgent husband, a The Ladies' Aid ,viII furnish supper ent: Mrs. A. T. Wright, Mrs. J . L. kind and sympathetic neighbor, and interesting. i. to Ra uen, a distance a 80 miles, a position lind a kindly neighbor, he in the basemlwt of t he church at Hartsock, Mrs. Hannah Rogers, Mrs. a tr ue friend to those needing friendliO,OOO franc prize was offered . will be missed by all the village. 5 :3 0. All arc invited to this inter- H. E. Hathaway, Miss Mary Louise ship'. There are many aching hearts Continuation of the building proDrouhin, a French fli er l m~d e lhe . He was a member of the Friends Zim merman, Paul Zimmerman and and tearful e)'es as we lay our loved gram nt the London prison farm is esting program. trip lit a total cost of C1ghty cen ts, church, lin d some time ago, feeling Frank Hawke. assured ItS a r esu lt of the recommenone ccnt a mll!! for gas and oil. And the inArmltieH of age and realizing one to rest. LAURA H . MOSHER, Sec'y. h e won the prize. He was of a cheery disposition and dations of th e se nllte and hou se fihis foilin g hea lth, said to his failhSome perso n or persons stole a Up in the air there afC no roadbeds ful wife, "The summons would come a great lover of horses, as long as nunce comm ittees. With more than or rails to be k<,pt up, no friction or soon, and when it did it would find veal calf OUt ' of W. E. Stroud's barn his health permitted he spent many 500 prisoner" now at the London {tlrm, lind with t he dec.laration of on Route 4, last Wednesduy night. bumping, wearing out rolling stock. his reudy." happy hours among l hem. Befo r e the Fords get through with "Gon e berore liS, oh brother, to the Mr. and Mrs. Stroud wero in Leb. He leavcs three siste rs, all of whom Gover nor Donahey that there sha ll anon on· that night, and it is thought their airplane building they wi)1 carwill greatly mourn his loss. but God be no idle hou se proposition at this better lund; Mr. Harry Hurlan, I!rndu ate of ry ten passengers from Detroit to Vuinl\' look we fnr another in thy some one familiur with the place took in His wisd om do eth all things wcll, new instit ution, it will be necessary advantage of t hei r absence. At least Kan sas State A;g.ricultural coll ege a,nd Caliromia, or Floridll, for one-qual'· nnd he has o nly tak e n our loved one to install Wl)l'k!h ops and factories pineo tu stund." when Mr. Stroud went to the barn at present officlOlly connected WIth ter of th e present fare, in one-third that he may j oin h is d~al' o n~s and be in which these men may' be profitubly the next morning the calf wu. ,,"on . . U .. S. BUl'eau o f Plant Indus lry, will of today's running time. ready to gre(! t us when "we reach employed. Me'i.. a Wharton Gover nor Donahey hns carefu lly On Saturday night a tire and rim give an ed ucationa l lecture illustratthnt shi ning shore, where pintings laid plans under way for increase d nre no Dlore. tI Melissu Prutt, duughter of Robert Wila tuken from a machine belong- ed with lan tern slides concerning the Young men that perhaps envied and Chllrity Pratt, \vas born at Mt. ing to Mr. Lou St John, who lives harvesting of w heat and othe r grain development of t he property, and the Arthur 1\100n, 70, of Spring VIIIand admired young Wood, so n of Holly, Ohio, October 28, 18.17, and less than Il mile south of town on the in the Mediterrunean countries, at population will be increased just as "Weep not that his toils are over, ley, was injured about the chest and rust os hous ing facilities can be comGeneral Wood, wh en he was gam- died April 4, ] !l25 in her 78th year. Waynesville and Lebanon pike. Mr. 7 :30 p. m., fo'ridny evening, April 17 probably is suffe rin g from inlernal W cep not that his race is run; 1 )lling and winning on Wall IItreet, and pleted for more men. She was uniten in marriage in St John had left the machine stand- in the chapel of the big brick bllilding injuri eF a s a r Ofl ult of being struck God grant that we r est as calmly, envied and wondered more as they March, 1897, to Dixon Wharton. 'Af- ing in front of his home. at Otterbein home. At this meeting by Pe nnsylvania t rain No . 53, at the When our work, like his, is done. read the usual lies IIbout his tremen· tel' having spent twenty-eight years The tire and rim were locked to will bci free and open to the public, Till then we will yield with gladness, While f ew yerso ns acquainted with, dous gambling profits in Europe, of marrieu life together they have the machine and in order to r emove everybody int.erested is invited to Cincinnati avenue crossing at 7 :45 Our loved one with Him to keep, J . E. Russ!!l, former congressman o'clock Tuesday morning. ~hould not miSll this last chnllter ot enter ed the Great Beyond only one them the thie! sawed the chllin apart. attend. And r ejoic e in the sweet assurance, lin d later federal prohibition direcMr. Moon was on hi s way to Xenia the story. . wack apart. She was a membcrof tor of Ohio, expects that he will be from his hOlll e in hi. Ford to uring He giveth his lo ved ones sleep." It· came with young Wood's return the Mt. Holly M. E. church for a cunvieted under the indictments car. The watchman lit the crossing toLbis country in replay to II repor- number of years, attending services fo und in Cleveland against him, the endeavored to stop Moon's car, but ter's question. when possible, taking an interest and nction of the federal grand jury has the aged dri ver threw th e gour in to "Yes," said Wood, "I made it in active part in church work. blusted the hopes of his elese politlow instead of putt ing on th e brake speculation; but what a jackass I was She was a good lind kind neighical friends. It has j ust become and slid into thelocomotive which was to go and lose it IIll t" Thllt's the bor, always willing and rcady to help known thllt sttong efforts were beThe annual. inspection of Miami traveling slowly. Moon was caught kind of jackass thut gambling usual- in time of sickness Ilnd death and ing ma.d e to nominate Mr. Russell for Chapter O. E. S. No. 107, will be behind the stoering wheel. ly produces. Take warning against be greatly missed in the neighsecretary of state nelo.-t year. The He wall taken into the wel~are held Wednesday evening, April 22 . ..t""Ic., J>f)'(1'e \"ace~, cards or get-rich" will borhood where she has speilt her indictments at Cleveland, however, All visitol'll and members of the lodge building of the Hooven and Allison quick schemes. entire life. has e ntirely upse t the well-laid company, near the scene of the acciare cordially invited to be present. Thieves made an attempt Sunday To her were born two children, plans, and has certainly put an end ADA. COURTNEY,W. M. . dent. The car was badly damaged. Mrs. Minerva Keys Mills, former- to his political aspirations, if any, of Xenia, stilLsurYiving the night to enter the Fred M. Cole Secretary Wilbur, according to a SUE HAWKE, Sec'y, ~--.---hllrdware store. Mrs. Hllrris, who ly of Waynesville, but now of Fort in Ohio for many years to come .. dispatch to the New York Times, is mo~her, and a daughter, Belle. The Werth, Tex., writes us: It will be worried. It seemR that eleven war- accidental death of the daughter left lives opposite, was awakened about ot great interest t·o your Harveysships, with all their anti-air crafe Mrs. Wharton with the ' care of a More than 1000 laymen from all burg readers to know that Ml's. Sarguna, blazing away to the limit at granddaughter, Ada, to whom she . ah E . McDonald, aged 76, died at her part.. of the United States and IICnan airerart target (were unable to gave a loving mother's care from er, who telephoned Mr. Cole thnt the . home in Fort Worth, Texas, Sunday, ada are expected to attend the Inter. . infancy. Two brothers, George, of alarm was ringing. score even one single hit). April bth. She will be buried Tues- national conference of the Laymen's Waynesville Ezekiel, of Dayton, one , Mr. Cole, accompanied by Rev. L.! sis ter, Mrs. Ella Chambliss, of Xenia, A.. Washburn, who hud 0150 heard At 5 :30 Tuesday evening a ter- day, April 7th in Greenwood cem- Church league, to be held here May The Secretary has demanded a re- n number of grandchildren and great the ulurm, soon lI~peared on th.e Samuel L. Iron s hos been appoint- riftc rain and thunder storm came etery, }o'ort Worth. She i~ survived 8 to 11. Memorial hall, which seats port, and that Is a good idea. A bet- grandchildren besides a host of rela- scene, but the thIeves had eVI-· ed township tru stee of Turtlecreek o'u tof the northwest, and for twenty by a Sail, Robert, a daughter, Miss 4000 persons, has been secured for ter would be to bdild about four tives and friend s are left to mourn dently taken to their heels when the town ship, suc(:eeding William Shultz, minutes the rain came down in tor- Bessie, and a brother, George Wil- the convention. thouund fast, fighting airplanes. her loss. alarm first sounded, and did not tllke who r ecently r esigned and hus moved rents. A little hail was heard here, so n, and three grandchildren. Mrs. McDonald was born and rearWhat do you think half 'a dozen "Weep not thilt her toils arc over, time to close the window they hud to Middle town. T'h e a ppointment was but south "f town and around Orebomhlng airships would have doile Weep not thut her race is run; opened in the rear. Illade by Squire Fronk Gallaher. egonia the hail was bad. At Ore- ed in Harveysburg, and was a daugh - - - -.... - • ____ __ • gonia the hills 'were white and im- ter at Robert Wilaon. She married to those eleven warships while they God grant we may rest as calmly .. .. were shooting off their comic opera When our work, like hers, is done. mense heaps of the frozen pellets Char lea McDonald, who later achiev antl-naft guns? Till then we would yield with gladness Mr. Ed Dakin, of Harveysburg, were piled high, where the water ed considerable fame in musical circles; She spent several years In . WarshIps are obsolete. BattleOur treasurell to Him to keep; was in Waynl~s ville today. washed them. European mu siclII centers, while her ,hlpe are merly big hulks, easy tar- And rejoice in the sweet assurance, children were being educated. lind He gives his loved ones sleep. rllta for aerial bombs. . had one son, Wilbur, who won conCard of Thank. siderable fume as a musiCian, and A bunch of cavalry men, riding Martin A. Jameson. 78, died sud. In the World War, John Lennroth died several yearll ago while musical denly We sineerely thank all of those mules and horse8, plUl8ed through Friday night at hishome In' Leb had hill back broken, both legs maninstructor in Texas Womnn's college, anon, of apoplexy. His ,vidow and who helpedu! in the time of our beWaynesville at noon, today, enroute gled and Is not dIscouraged, in spite Fort Worth. eavement, especially the singel'!!, the to Fort Thomas, Ky. Just north of step-children survive, Charles C. of. the fact that he has just underShe WIlS a charming woman, and tWo town a young horse, driven by John and others. Benedict, of Vincinnati, and Mrs. J. gone hil eighty-elgbth surgical opera- preacher, Mr. McClure left a host of friends in Fort Worth, T. THE FAMILY Adams, became frIghtened at the Hume, of St. Petersburg, Fla. tion, With both legs cut oft at the where she has lived a number of cavalcade. Adams wall thrown to M!". Jameson was a former mayor ,tum)lai he manllges an automobile, years. the ground sustaining a broken leg. of Lebanon, and had also held office a.pecla \f constructed, and drove as commissioner of Warren county, alone.ll'Om Callfornla to Walla WalThursday a,nd Friday, April 23 and ] 0 :45 a. m.-Mrs. S. D. Henkle, near An ardent Mason, be belonged to the Waynesville. 24, promise t.o be red -letter days for Ia, WUhin~n, on the way t;o operaBlue lodge und Commandery, at hill the farmers and . poultrymen inter- 1 :00 p. m.-C. R. Bunnell, 4 mile. tion No. a .,,' , home town. northeast of Waynesville. That Ia .a tribute to a brave man's ested in Baby Chick raising, accordThe funeral services were held 2 :00 p, m.-A. C Tomlin80n, near eoar"'. 'aJWI till! filet that he still ins: to announcement from County Wyoming Lodge No. 102, I. O. O. Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Harveysburg lives fe a tribute to suralcal skill and F., held an intere'sting meeting last Agent Clus. Mr. R. E. Cray, poulFirst Presbyterian church, of which Kienee, In old days, beforb sur- Thunday evening April 9. Two can_ try extension specialist, Ohio Agr- 3:00 p. m.-H. A. Millard, Washioghe had beell ' a life-long member. Easter .. rvices at the leveral cultural college, will accompany Mr. ton township. geou ullderltood germs and infec- didates received the mysteries' of the Burial in the. cemetery at Lebanon. tion" the chances against liVing initiatory degree. A number of vis- churchell were well attended. The Class in heading an automobile tour 4 :30 p.m.-Henry Oram, 8 miles lIoutheast .of Lebanon. throilah 88 operations would have from Lebnnon were present, in- day wall ideal. Good mualcal pro- to viilit sixteen poultry demonstration Mr, Guy Dowdy, assiBtant State bee~ millions to one. " , Bro. G. F. Brown, Grand grams were given I\nd splendid Easter farms ' during these two days. Mr. FRIDAY, APRIL 24 Club Icader, Ohio State university, Cray "cently complimented Warren Master. who aMisted in the work. sermons were preached. 8:16 II. m.~Frank Mardla, near Leb plans conferenc:e with County Agent .~ county poultry keepel'll for their inAllio a goodly number of our own Class and a special committee, Wedterest 4nd aoed work at the big anon. brothers were present. . 9:00 a. m.-Robert Rockwell, 1 mne nesday evening, April 16, for working poultry demonstration recently held After the work was over, iee' cream out plana for ralslllg money for bo)'!! northeast of Mason. at Lebanon. .~ , waS served. and girls premiums at county fair . Only a very short time can be tak- 9 :45 a. m.-R. S. Witham, near So- tbis fall. • The ¢otpmlttee consIsts of The Friendship club of the M. E. Work in the first ilegreo will be cialviUe, .' en at each place, becauso eight farmgiven on Thursday evening, April 16. one leading club wprker from eae~ .of Sundlly-Sehool met April 8th, at ~he 10 :45' a. in.-Worley " ~ounds, ers are \0 be visited e~ch day, The Me mbers are Tequestlld to be" preaOver 26 feeders, or farmen the .Ieading towns and commullltles home of Erma. Hnrtst:\ck. . After. the Twenty Miles Stand. · . C. E. Wilkerson, of · Orego~la, dle.~ meetings will be 'held right in the . especially intere'8teld ·in beef .cattle ~,nti Visitors alwnys wel~olt1e; of the county: Miss Marie Benham, business s~8sibn music on tile Vie1 :00 p, m.-E. H. F.oster & Son, Sunday moming. The funeral wu poultry yard; gathered under a shade .' Lebanon; Mrs. A. D. Bond, Frank- trola waR enjoyed. production the. au to tour near Foster. held athle late home Tuesday after- tree nearby. Because of (the ahort Mrs. Crabbe gave a' "story of Ne. Friday; under the lin; Mr. It.. E. Stokes, Waynesville; 2 :00 p: mo--Nellie B. Shie~da, near noon a~ 2 o'clcok. Burial ·iii Miami time allotted to each plilce"ever)' qne Mr. Walter Ellis, HaryeylibuTgL Mr_ vada." Mrs. Moomaw ' aave a talk direction CIIIS8 and Murdock. . who wanta to Ir8t the mOlt. infonn~ "Religion in Porto Rlca." · Both 0; Worley, MQP'Ow and Mr. ,1(. E. Mr, Pllul . 8xtencemetery::..:,~_......_ . _ - - 8 :80 p. ' m.--Scott Whitacre, ButtioD-.POIIIIible, abpuJd plan to jolu in talks were greatly enjo18d Muon. In aadition to thelle , Ilion lerville. . vilitfng at leut four or five .aerent Conklin, lecretary of the ,:SO p. m.-RoJ J. Bo. " lbrol4 placellL Tentative acheduJli of the ~~ii.nlil~~:~:r and rtlpreaentai:lv.. from Sharpe, near Windsor. . fair meetinp are ouWned ~low: The F. M. Blaptw,a ule, Saturday, Tllenee to W. B, Shark81's as time the Yariou. ChainbeJ'll of Commerce WIllI attended Ii,. a \Up erawd. Sev. and B_in. . Men'. ~bI of the COWlTHURSDA.Y, ·APRIL 23 permits. eral anUque pieces 'b1Qqbt hid' prtbad ty &h in'ViwcL However, 9 :00 .. -m.--Artbur CoW&ll, a mDM cea .. tben wen IlVenl buren of . roads or pftHnt.


---_.- ..- - -











- ----

- ..----



~h~O c:jlc~·i.e~Yne~h~,~, ~~~~~r. 'k\a:s~;: APPOIN'rED TRUSTEE RAIN AND HAIL STORM






Baby Chick Raising Tour This Week



- --- - ..-----






-----* _ ••----








proe -_mnL""

for 900; the.

sold W. J'ruak


WWa W• • O'Neall

Eutoa, 1 mile may RUM IDttreIted ,_=~~=~. "111 I JIItobaD, .... o8le41 I5l tlMl:rlbii-~. . . . .t;






The MIamI Gasette



It'r\lrll1ll1 nnd l ' ' I'mirllll Co;, t 1I '1 L n. D Ol)lfllrd nb,111t 2.25 ItCI' ," In I .'.'1'f\~I.t Tp .• $1. I,'rlln" 1II1l1 lLllwh('th TllI lll 'P~"" l(\ ~J:lI' lIar l~ock , trllct ill ' 11'1"'I' I'\'I' k 1'1 .. $l. AlIlI' 1I ,J. [)I'ul'c h ttl G.'H. 11 . nd \'r!own , ahout a ncr~ ~ in ~nh.l 1U Tp.,


at $3.50 each

I t


500 Locust Fence Posts


at 28 cents each


Red Top Steel Posts

COMMON PLEAS PROCEE DIN GS In t ltr· n"IHrl' o f ,lllnws ~1. ,Innn" and "Iarlhll F. ,lnl1t1f'Y ct nl., 1'111'I it inn llf land!'! wa~ nl'dcrC'rI on m\)· "'>!I "f nl\nl'nry for th ' pillinliff. l1iv \l n 'l' was ~rnl1tctl in th~ mntt('r n f lh ' Htl'i"(~ y ,," tt ~.

, Y U\lJlJ! \'iot. \\' .lIi um F ,

I ' u ~ t o d)' "f


chi ld n 'lIfidl'l1 I" .

TIll' (,'IHlrt ""dc 'n ,1! thal IIt· s rap , ill l! uSI,d ill rlt 'l,d ttl pun'lm ~ \' I ' hI.' t'III"1 ' ~ ' t.:tl.'tl ill t hl' Illatlt' r uf ~l. ' lIu ,.\ ,

\\'i ll l:l """n, I·xl' cu lrix. ,"s. :,ilrllu .'I. . \V illiHm~tJlI (Il HI.

al'pliCllli'"1 "f <1('('nellllll, EI· E. \\'hl ln<.'rc: is ~l'alltt'ld !t'/H 'C t o til e' hi ..: t H\~ Wl'r and tros~ petiti on f"nhwi lh III Ih e IlI!llU' r of lIan',' E. \) 11


The Best Ever, are Cheaper

Sl'hl"' r<'1', tl'lI :- tl't\ , \'~, ..\ malin L, A r·

~11 ~. l ' l

al. Th,' j ury d ct('rmi rH'tI

Wire Fence

('a ~ ('


Il lHtj(l l'

fa\'f1r nf


i ~stJj~s ,nf Ih l'




lIu g-h ie Kane \'s . Thumas

\ :-o h ,'r,

at Less Than Car-load Prices

Dullimpl'l' lind


Madden's LumberlY ard Waynesville, Ohio

................. ,.................................. .•



I Hll'

are paying24c for OldStock 28c:for: Springeu

Having compli ed with the r eq uirements of th e Utility Commission, ] Miamisburg, Ohio am going Into the Truck Busi nes8 Bell Phone 292W again. and w! 11 be able to do all Phoae ComIDaalcatloa. paid b,. ... kinds of hauling nt r easonab le r ates.

A. B. Swank


And X-O-ORAPHISl' Ohio,

Dr. John W. Miller


OFFICE: HA1'8A WAY BLDG, Dentist ON MAIN STREET WayneSVille Natlon.1 Blink

Bldg '!'

Instant Relief from headaches

Mo........ of h.auGh •• that come to u. are directl,. t ......bI. to ... factl.....,... 01' ·weakea.d .yo ml.. · ~.... b-

o.r •..,......mce

wiU qulckl,.




,.0111' -70' be 0.11.10& th... hoadacla •• -


1,i('(.'(', Hnd cli p f) fT ~ OUl('

o f

wn!' di ~nll!,\h(' Ll f( 'ut\anb (,' u;: t, TIl(' u:O:I.! iJ,!' ttllu ' nt

Ruil m ,,"

If you want walls that are a p\eaaure to "Hve have them finished with


COMM ISS ION E RS A LLOWAN CES Chn n).!'''o..: hun' t a kpn p lal·I.' in thewithout rec o rd, at dpII . fo:. I )iln l l." h. ""ro II 1'. 1', iltql.lC"1 IHl't h ll ci of l' l' n\CI\· jn~ tht' HC'('c,,' fr n lll AIII..' l· ll aucy. $5, ';:-1; in'lup ~ t ~lal'­ Ihl ' '-' ht.' c'I" ~ h lldy. ~h PHri lll-!' sh t"' 1l Uhl o

A Washable Flat Wall Finish

(" '"

(I f 1hl' rllll~t.' \\H ~ lha Biddll'('um, $ :), 1:1' \\'l':-. Il 'l'1l :--\l ar,

" IlCatl'" a t CIIRI, "f thr plllilltilf ill Ill'II"( ( I f publicutioll, .. :{';IO; \\\'~t l'r l1 Ihl' mutt ,· ,. ,,1' "Iizahelh ~tdl l' r ",. t ' u illn T £'It'$!l'llph Co .. LL'h' ~rattl. :I Oc.:: GI'" rJ.!'(' Ec kl'rl. Alfl' l' d (' Bra n t, hU HI'd alld w H:-o ldn g :\l o ll 0 1l fur tht, IIPl' lt intll1l' l1t Id'11 f"I' \l 1·i"" ,..I':'. $~R i; .Ii A: II . C. I:"if. r (l('(' i\'l'r W:, ,, O \' t'rr u It·d in th e.' r l1 l1ll ,')' "tll'lolil" fo .. ~ hel'ill·. $i' . Ir. : II. I':. (\{ l{n>'ll1un d L , nnit c r \'~ , ~n m u c l ''' al'\\ klc f;arlll' , $:.. if. ; Ctd lllllh u :-.:pi cC' l' . nlull k BOltl, ,eu., ~I j p pli ,':-: PI' " l f H tl(~ Th ..., IllHttt' f' of K('u l'nf\ Cual Cu ., (' I)U I' t , $I(i,t!". ' ' I'eco rd uf fI~c.: ~'lJn t ~ . VA. M. W . '~I(,~lllt. J . J. Malutley Utlel $;, 11 .00: A lfrl'd (' . Bl'llltt, I'XI', II"'" H. E. SWOp(' wa , di s mi. ~ .'d fill' wnllt f o r tJuurter. ~;6. tHJ; p o~ tn~ ...·, :' 1,00: o f Pl'o,,,cul iun lit CMt8 of plnintifT. ,,' , B , ('(ll1in ~ " }'('fluidll),! ~nl\'('1 hin IIlld )!Hull'r bl"de, $.1. 7:;: \\' . II . Mndd"11 Co .. cenwnl. $:1; II. E. Th"lltpNEW SU ITS .. ," Lrid )!c "I' lll,ir, $I~.::'O: W . S. Y irr::iI F ulll'lI hu s entered suit ttt'aham . sam C' . $~L~5: \Vaites tia l'uK(: agn inKt \\' S. RI,,,f for money on ly . I'l' pair. $ 11U,:I: L. \\' . l"es bit CII., XiiTiiullt clnillll'd, $2:,00.00. 1'lIll1wr undJ.!' r I1ll1lt:l'illl, . 7:!.1IO: 1'. O. ~I,'n­ ulld Elliot l. allnrnry ~ fo r plninWf. filI'I. ~lIraJ"e relit. $ 15.27 : M. R. O,lier I\ ochc l hns entered ~ uit (jrl'ulh u uSt', IIIHlerill1 IIl1d Illho,', $(,.ugai" , l A Imll 1\ . Adi l m ~ e t Ill., (or 5[.; Y. W . T"rtlpkin ~ . pllyroll, $1 :1 .pllrliti un. Shuwhnn und Brown , ut- !'U ; Ed~11 T el'r Y, Slime, d.55; .. T. tOl'nl'Ys fur plaintifT. 11clliJ.!', $2 18.20; hHr\()S Cl'amer, SH IIl l! , $03.70; Th,,". 1!nm1in, "Hme, $<! U·L25: Columbus Blank Book Co., .PROBATE PROC EEDINGS su pplics, $6.l)0; " 'in,-J ltlt1eson Drug III the mall 'r of the estllte "f Sal'- Co ., 50c: Hc r "chcl P. J ames , Lruc k lIh K~ , lill)! . decells£'d, C har l e~ Kes- repair, $78 : Lingo Hnr rlw a r e Co., RUP lin g, ndministralo r, filcd hi s sale bill. plic~, $~6.05 ; Hllrlnll Wh itnc"e, In the ItIlltter of th .. adoption of I ridge lumbe r , $70.58; W. H. Trov ilThe llllll 1>1 II ri(' Olivc r, deceased, it 10, puyro ll. 50 .50; Hllrl1ln Whit.ucr e. was ord ercd that su id child 's nnme ~nnte . S80.Rn; P . n. Munce, ~nmc . be changed t o Th " lma Marie Gud- $27.()O; F. iIf. Colli ns, so me, $57. 10: gcon. PeLit.ion f or udopte ion made ClifT 1I ough, same , $1 11. 5: J no Luw by Churlcs C. Gudr::eon. lind So n. gas a nd oi l. $6 ,n 2; Kil patJt wus o rder~d that ccrtuin slock. rick -French Mo~orcllr Co., r ..'pnirs, trells ury note and chatte ls bcl ong-inr:: $1.:10; Geo . H. Anderso n , bu rinl ilalito the l'stulc of A. D. Easlon , d c- goe llt sol dicr, $ 100. censed, be -suld ut private ale nt u price fix ed by the court. T he ac count of lI1arr::arct Ho lli ngsIwnd, deceased , was approved , allowcd und confirm od. The occount of Citi zens Natio na l Bank lind Trust Co., adminislrato r, o f lhe estate of Willi a m J . Wright, deceused, w as approved, a ll owed a nd co nfirm cd. William Huffor d WIIS ap po in tcd adminiSl rato r of t~ estat e of Murl hll A. Ro oso , d eccased. Bond 500. III the mlltte!' ,,( t he estate of EIme r K elsey. deccase d, Edn a L. Kelsey. administmtrix, is aut hor ize d to se ll per so nal pr operty belo ng in g t o t he es tate at primtc snle . The court npproved, a ll owed und co nfirmed the IIccount of E C. Dunham. executor of the estate of J o hn W. Apgar , deceased. The uccount of Dorsey Landacre, exec uto r of t he ('stu t e of Emanu el Lunduc!'e, deceased, waS upp r oved , nllowed nnd confi r med. The co urt approved, a ll owed und contit'med the acco unt of Adu Apgar, executrix o( t he thc estate of Charlcs Ap~ar, deacesed, The acco unt of Milto n C . Ru e, administrator oil the estate of Sa lli e J. Whilney, wus ap proved , all owed and confirmed. . Th e lI ccount of Ma ry Bender. /lXFowler MlcCormlck, heir to the ec utrix, Micajah Rose ncran s a nd Ed1-1 " t'\'e ~te r m illions, Is " 'o rklng for win F. Rosocru ns , 'executors of the $~'J n week in a Mil waukee mill estatc of F lora L ongstreet, deceased , nil" Ih'l ng n.t a $4 per week boardwas approved, a llowed and contirmIng lind roomin g house. A fell ow ('d. !'oo mer says'" Mnc hates t.o get up at 5 A. M. but is "gnm~" lind he R E AL EST A TE TRANSFERS rloes," A lice Cooke t.o L ouise M, Serodino, tract in Deerfield Tp" $1. ...- - Augu~t Lau to Cynthia Luu, tracts in Mason, $1. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, Chas_ M, L es lle, r eceiver of the InSEE 'rHE GAZETTE


11 ""\'


I: . ... \"


s inqdt,

("tlllqIHI' ,-·d

with du' nt'd na\, -.; of Iwnd hla d l'f- , ~tcdU\l\in: Ir a ... do'th,- \\·, . lId e' T' S t \\\\'anh: mll il y of thl' fal'm lall n 1' pl' f\ I, ~ 1"111 :'-. T tl da\', Itt' a\ltclII Hlti,,~ ~ h" ! lI' ­

:o"II I\' ill).!'

I ' t',

"ithl' !'

h;lII d


pCl ~'C 'I'

They will not only be beautiful and artlatic but eIDItb 88 welL.


and sa nitary

It Is easy to kee-p the up·to-date home .,tdt am! IlIaD If it Is decorated wi t h Satinold. For both ~uty aDd cleanliness Satinoid (ar BUrpaadi wan paper, It .. durable and economical. Cornea in many ~


lIpPl'a l'd,

i'l'll\id{,;-. :\ I\u kk al1d (,tlidt"I)H nlt 'lh l ,d

I ,f h .tl'\·l .... till~ tlw \\tlo\ trop OIl till' ;1\ ('r: !\_~ c' ( a rm :l ~ \ \'(·11 :1:; nn lh e.' larJ!l' ~ h(lt.'!, rnnt' ht's . Muchillc shl'Ht ' in~ lc'H\' t' ~ Ilt' rid~ ~ n n d !'l ' Ct]I'N- thC' rllnx . il lllltH Hllllltlrit ttf f l ('(\('(~ w hi ('h i s vl' ry

imp orlullt with \\' ( 1) 1 at

Pl'f'~ C'l1t


O:dey-P.1 ':.! 0 • .1 :'; -":0. , Wayn esville, U


\-" ". l)'in ~ III' "11th IIt:ecr. lI " C, if poss ilol,' . II rap,·,. twi' H' .. If bind ,.

t ", i nt' 1 ~ ll ~ t · d, \' xp t' rh' l l('l' ha ~ ~ ho\\'11

that the fib l'r" of tIl\' twine r::ct inl,' the wo o l. nnd O ~ Ih ey cllnnol bl' I'l' mO\, t.'d . tht \' at' ..., :1 dHmnj.!l' til thl' n'~lIlLill g' nlnrl llf:l('UI t'tlri wo o len goods. In pn' parin" w",, 1 for "hipmcnl , lorge sucb which will 1",ld "' ''Hul Repel!<


nrc lI ~cd,

T his W s Cross· Word Puzzle I-------------------------------~ek'

\\' e lried lo find a har der pu zz le, hu t dCl' ided to give you another chunce ut a n ea:y olle. Jl hi s one wn' "rrangcd by Mrs. C. W . Hawll' Y. 1\1rs. Il llwlcy hilS a sens~ oi hUl11or, and , h.. carr ied it right ' with her "h,'" "he sla rled 0 11 this pllzzle.

I DellIJlll, An&1ca, Obannels, Plates. Bolte, 'l'e., Plpee, »'iues, Wnsh

Une Poet.!, Valves, nnd RarftfFORQING aT.EL, _. ; ". Prompt De11'f'eI'J from OUr


;m.t.lmat. ~)' Sobmltted


(Sua co.


"arm.TIl' aamey • 8mlth Car 00. 0III0e


WarehouM I S..t 1B11 DAYTON, OHIO



• BAa Vaudeville Acts and Feature Photoplays. Entire change

of pratrrfUlleve.,. Sunday and Thursday. Continuous perform· IDee ham h80 to 11:80 P. M. Afternoon prices 200 and SOc. __ ~ye!!.~n.(8_ ~.~c and _5Qc!



Barber-HHair cut. sir?" Man- (Sea t ing himself in chair) -"Yes; but don't make it too short, People might mistake me for- my wife."


.......... "7G,ea7.aa

. . . a30000 AocouJlta

nlo r ' I:'111: UII-

FClrmer~, Fllrm()u of Warren IUld Adj. ·ln ln" l' ounties moy ubtuin IH O II"Y o n I,u •• ti mo lon ns, 01 r, "" pur eenl 11I,.rnl

Co.t o f .ecurlllll' Ihe 8um. I. TerJ rll. "UU IILlc ,th l'lI lIl:h The f'~dw rd l I_"d nnllk. Fill' furlh"r IlI f. 'r " .• U,,, . ... 11 un or n.Jdrelill M. C. \)\lA J(E. Tr"ftA ' U'I',.,·, phOIl" 3 16· X. 1..1>. "0", llhl" lOST pu l', white f ron t. legs with brown on thl'm ' white Otl t,I' of l:ul , an swers to nam e of Jak E'. Li bi'rul r c wllrd, George Satterthwaite, phOllll 3(l . :l, Wllyncsv ill e, tlh:o. 1\2 :' s p otR

l. O~ T- A bi!". hlac" Polnnd -Clti Dun't let her humor thr ow you 011' Ill) 80,," , weight 360 or 400 pound .. t hough . You will find all Find er ple u,c info rm I:nld;, \' 1:,1h"r dl'filllt inn" corr ect und interest- g an R. R 2, Wnynesvi llt!, Ohio. inJ.!', a 1th"u ~ h ~Iun(' ~ you m~r , *a22 think lhe,' arc nll s1ca"ln~, we I g-ive yrtu lhirty minutes f ur this on e. WANTED till' truck

__ ___ 1 _ __ _


A form of the verb "1.0 be." (l What (l s mall b oy dOllS when he intr odu ces wll te r to his fnce and 11Il1lds. 7 A 8111 Ull piece 0 f gr ou nd. J O Whllt goss ip createH. 12 [)cl1Ioslh.'ll l's o\'Cl'Cu~ h e Wlllkcd lh e scashu re. 15 A cruciul ti mc for the plll intitT. 18 Wh at ludi"s hlllc ill s k irts . I II Whal the (lI'il! illuto r of a "rlls~ word pu zz le l'O"sesses . . ~2 '['0111 0" 1' nbo ut ull ccrt.!I1111y from pla ce t o plllC~, :!~ A m O llk~ shlt'o, ~5 ,\n Alla'rica ll Illd y I'romillCJlt ill Englund, 26 Whllt we .ill do l oo milch (If. 2!) '1'h(, frie nd II f ellc !' nec"~. 12 U e f(lr~. :H A French coi n,


11 1:1

1·1 16 17 I!)


21 24 :!7

28 :.1 0

33 . 35 :1 6 :.17



80CO ll d

AGE NTS-The right party, lady or r:-ent, can make ,26 to $60 per week selling Children's ClothIng. Beautl. fu l line going big. Sample Calle, Uti. F.xclusive t e rritory to right pan;r. P Ul't or full time, Roy Jungc\lIs Tall· Dr s Co., 65 Sheehan Ave •• Hartwell. Cincinnati, Ohio, alii

Tor('(lnce atreet,


T . . ' - - ' - ' .. .,.,...,

'--------------------------------------TOWN -'-



0 - ...................

OUA...., '4 OUR



WANTED- The party who found t he a uto license tag, No. 792-~43, to please leave at the Guetto office, or with B, O. Fudge, Lebanon, OhIO. a29 W ANTED-Han with car to 8011 com Jl le to line quality Auto Ti rcs and Tubes, Exclusive .terrlt.ory. Experl· e nce not nece!!Sary Salary $300.00 " er month_ Milestone Rubbe r Co" East Liverpool, Ohio. *u 16


A Btetner aur -drtv611 el.ctrlo pump with enoJoled IBIt .o lllng h. . d. Only a oento per hour to pump your w lOttr. Att.oh to a n)' light .oak.t,

t' h llttcl l'l ,

No te" buul:ht. J ohn Illl rbln*. "'II •• !!'·IIS.. l3uildinR', X,'nilt, Ohio.

~=====-'== LOST OR STOLEN- Red bono hou!'d




I 'I ON I':'~ Lc) .-\l\E[) ON I.IV I~ ~'fOCK.

The: pro!!,.um of ~ h ecp (\ Wne r. I'll\( H I': NT - :15 IlCI' C_ line Ul ll ~ should include "Iuns f fl r mo st effec · I':\ ~ tlll" ', I'unni l!g \\'nt~ r , ' ViII tive l,' h urvrsti ng II qua lit y wool. I' (lL l hv hf':ltl or as It whule . :\l rR. Th e wvol crop will he II Inn!' ~"U"{'(' 'Vm . (n)" I l"'ltn i1t,, ~ L'a ~ l n f Hht .~cuf inc ome th i ~ yenr. a s il wi ll be for • n2 ~ ' YCIl,., t o C 11\('. lIi J.!' h p";ees Ilr ~ hr - "illl', ing ll flN d fnr t he 1\125 cli~ and eXtrem~ l y '1IIi" faclnry r eturns arl' URsUrI·d. Th,' c hanl!~ " Ihnl h >\ \'" tukl'!I SERV ICE PLEASE plnce in Ihe nwlhl,lI, of hurvcRling"'001 urc of J.!'n'1l1 \'uilic tu til« she ep indllsln-.- NI·w, Bureua of A!lim al 1 ~'\\'Y(' I' - ( II (J l'il1g- pedr_tr inn li p) Hils b:I!l'd ry. __ I'l'I_ nu' with I!~ll. m y Inun , You l ' HI ; ,~ "t. dnlllag l' s. TH E NEW IDEA l'r ,jcRt dun (r::I'OIl'Il'Y - "H(,Il\·~t1I', Prcddi ~ -" I filii !Coin!! to ta ke Mae ridin g in my airplune. ·tonij!ht." ( mUll, I I'Ot ull th~ d,',II1," g es I wunt. ,J"hn ni e - "B 'jll vo - whut lin id en. Gl't IllC ~ ull'C rcp U lfS. She can't jump out and walk hom e,"

It's mis usc is in excusuble . It takes l1I ore t.hllll one l o make it.

B I n th e eye unci ill th () s ky.








In f £'1'iu )' tag' ~.

H A U " LIN G Poultry Wanted! w.

Telephone 114.

. Th l' r ' hi,,'(' b l' n Illn ny chn nr::"~ ill A. P. ntud,hurn /ln d B (I<~ i~ Bhlt'k hurn . to 1-:(1 Lil;""l r mal1. t ra l' t in Sail'll1 th op('I 'nl.i(lll~ of $r \'u l'in~ th(' wnlll Ct'( lP. It hilS not 1''II'I'U muny ~' un; 1'1'. , ~ J. it W:\ :-, ('tllll.: ic h'n'd nl'l'l'S~J\1 'y t o 1m E. nn.! UlIl u r" A. ~tilll'r t n foi II (.'It'HIi 111l\ \\'I\ l l) ht' f (1n.' it Wll~ Lnk('n .h·~~ l.· 1'. Itll hilL\.!ttt'. ahlll i l :~fI HCf":: in fl'llm lh(' <111"'1'. Thi s u,ed tn he dUIll' 'TlI rll.' l"f(·"k Tp., !j: I. Ida H. >l lI d Wn> . S" .. II I" .I"l1n Hllth hy dl'i\·in ).!' till' tllwk t i l II In}.." 1\1 ' H :-:t n ' :l1l1 \\ IH,' l'l' l 'HI' h Hl1iula l \\ ..I " lh ,l l' UIHHIL :i.~K 1I(.·rc· ~ i n ~lu !'lI ll. S 1. I " ,,.hl' rl I·;. (; i 1>, ,," t" 11.,1' hl' rl E . !l lIg" hl~' \\:I:-; hl '. 1. ;\1"d('l'n nH'l t Hld ~ of Hnd I':<ln n ~1. C' ~ il , 1111. lilt in FJ'ank · W il lI! ~l't'1l1'illg' h;\\' t' mnti(' ~ h (' '''p-\' n, 11 lll l.-~ Ullla'I'I'~":U I' .' , :d.t h t lui!'~' ll\,,"II, II ~-I II" , '.1. l· . l·. "lid Uli\,() , '. 1/,1 "'1'11 III .\ . I' . da y, I I \ I r y /111t y IH'I"' " I" dl:-- c' I'I11 II' I IIlIlI 'd ~lL!'ain:-1 ll)' t lw 1JUYl' t' , (/.hlll'll , lu t ill Ttlrll' ·(·I'I·(, k '1'" .. ' I . '1'11,,1''' Ij r l' l' t'rtai!, " n' l'HultOI1 \; , ..,h('har-Ips C. K ch(l( ' tH l ;\.'\lr~t' H. Hlld I-:llwl I·:. ('" IIi"r, 1,'1 ' ill SlllIth I.I'b· !' c.'r ', I,d 11\' ": lI{'l'I' ,'"~ t 111 I.: hl ' (\11 n\" l ll'r~ al ;--lIl' Hl'ii l ): tillH' which 1m\,(' h(" ' 11 HIIHJI, $ 1. ,\d am Htle:-,c..' h III IIl,rI'l rt E. nnd (ou lid lil illl'I'l'H ~ . . , th ,' ndLh.· of tlw l 'lip . 1,\,]' l' .\lI III I'll" hril!ht dH~';o; al'\ ' Ed "" (;i1>"" II, lol, in I'nlllklin. $1. )It-n !t·)' F, SYIll Ci ll!' , I ly 1" ,tt'i\'t' I' , to ~ \' 1c- (' ll'rl {I n "'hieh to :\h,'HI', H:; thi ~ will H\' .. id niltllillllll!' Il,,\ ,(·piot Wl't with G,·". J . Smil h, u1>" ut I IU acrr ~ in d l'W nr rain. Do nll{ ~ h(' a" }; h(' ", p 11 11 11 11 1'11111 '1'1'. , $ 1. Th o ma ,; W . H~rtl to Fmnk \\'. Mil · thc {rround. bUI ruLh,' r " " l' u dl':lll 1,'1', ,,1"'"1 I ti7 1It'r'·~ in IllImilton Tr., "Iatf"rln "1' 0 11 whidl 10 do Ihe ~hra,·· inJ!' Itpl 11':llio n , l\l'l' P t il\' nt" (\ ill $1.

The mnttt·r of .J(I ~~ O S, ero";,. \' ~.





One Dozen Farm Gates




3 4

To sprcod o nc' ~ ,e lf bo,,"tfu ll y. C .:t.IIVUg ~ h(' l tc ': (pIll.) T o fn()" O slowly. Ada m dill an d w("v ~ hlld i(\ w ork e \'l'r si ,;c". W hal. vou can't slnlld up alHl cl r A ll' In iliu tri unl appc llalion." Limn i, ils larr::,'st ci l.y. Th is 11'01'11 cou ld ap ply t o " Ja ck " he nimble , ,Tack be 'lu ick." Tn pull a lunl(' by mllin f urcc. An agreeme nt. Ete rn ity. A t ree with ch ewey bnrk. Th e un fo rt u nate absc nt men' her uL the J..a di e~ ' Aid . What the b08H did t o the office girl, whil e ghc Wtl S doi nJ.!' it t.o /I bi ll of lad ing . Wha t yo u al'e ns soo n ns you nre o ut of bcd, Wha t Ahc Li nco ln pull ed the p ir:- out of Cupid's b est fril' nd . HlIlf mun, half beusL

01 -= -~--=:.- ---=-- :=,.-

Anower to La.t W ..ek' • Puzzle

FO R SALE-Irish Cobblei'll and Plq. uu Crown potato~., Inquil'i' of Frank Braddock, R. D, II, Wayne .. ville, Ohio. d9 POR SALE- Fine, high-grade phonograph taken back tor non pay· ments, Clm be - purchased by rc!il\blc....jllU:ty !!lL..h!!UItlCC uue at $1.00 per week. Addrcss P. O. Box 142, Duytol1, Ohio_ mil FOR :-;ALE- l~o ldinl' bed; solid oak. with mirr or. Inquire at lhi ~ offic e. "822 I", II: ::;A LE- Se ve ral tons of c1oan, mi xe d hoy. Inquire of Loui. Fire., "hlHII' 144-2 'AI , Waynesville, Ohio. *a22 POll SALE- R eed baby buggy and A !Iadin lall1p, -Ella B. Cook, It. It. ,I, Wnyn e.v ille, Ohio. ' a22 POR SA LE -T,,~led Beed corn, Rl'cd Yellow Dent, hoth I !J23 lind Ill ~ "\. U. ~~. Hiley, phone 42-6. "'OK SA LE- In ternutio nAI gllAOlino c ng- inc. ~ ¥J h. p. lnquh'c ut thu M ill 111 i Gazelle oRice. ' 22 FOrt SA LE- Three Toulou8e geoso ull d OIt C galld er, lllquire of J, C. R. 1<, II, Waynesv lllo. Ohio,

lIi ~ey,


DOWN Whnt dnr! do cs t o th e conI pile with ~ p e culutiv c cye in cold weather_ Whut we shoul d hnte to ride into town on. A sIllall sun ken court In front of a hasement. A very s imple amount or purdele,


FOR SALE- One Power Washer and t;ngine; 1 Hoosier 8,,11 Diac Qrltl; ;! Croom ::;el'arlU011I, All In cood ~ onditloll and guaranteed to run , F red M, Cole, Waynllsvm., Ohio, a16

FOR SALE-Don1t bu, ch. .p paint from Irresponsible concern.. Hu, Guaranteed l(oof. Darn and Houn Paint direct from :(~ "r OWII eoull~' f actory. Drive over ·an4, . . . . . . .. • ,.. J"ldrld,. I'aint Product. Cu., Franklin. Ohio, . FO~



~ wesT IS 1)' ~. 7'01-1~" CtN, ILL..



-;r~ept>4 -


V ••Hog L. ~

"""LA ... e -

- ~AMOA'" -



- .:.PL~""OU'TH • MlCtUPAH

SALE;-...Early Ohio :!oeed Potatoes, and a few tons of mixed hay. J_ p, c..:ummln8l, R. R. 3, ,Wa,p •• ville .. Ohio. ,~' "a U; FOR SALE-:-§inrle comb White Ler horn eggllt $4.50 per hundred. Mra. B, ,V. Smith, R. R. 4, Wayneavill,. Ohio, phon~ 8'7·8. . al6 ~ FOR SALE-Player piano-hu


d.monatnted In home of tamU,.

Rather thall talE. beck to .tore wlU


.t' a bit aacriAu. lliAml auett...


T., u&. • ..Ili of .the

T~""EIGI" ...,TCII."&' - 'WII4'TM1\N - MM',


1lA1oIO.. . .. c>NoITLI.1'. - PR"GU= - OICLA.

FOR ~LE-The . Percbeloa StatU., 80,.. WOlider.

.... Y, ADAM. - "law ' Po8TLAND-~ ..... ~.-Ll.JMUa.TO'" _N . C .

Thla Ia the XI..,. Powel... Co. iap-. aDd win maki the Muon at .,.


A. S&raa, LB.., Wap""'"



....J f1

wi 1


Ellt .. rl!d Ilt tho P (>ojtoll\c

n't Wnynes v iIle , 0 .,


SUC(l1'l d - ' la ss Mnil Mutt e r

nOlllln allllll.

Gail Gordon, our now postmaster, assumed his dut ies W ednesday morning. 'hn ~. Madd c n WM a bu siness visilul' hI Colulllbus, the lust of t he week. III rs. ophill Moor e hllR m oved into Mrti. Mild red E ugles' hous , Otl East Mil in trect. Judge ,"" right, of Lebano n, ad,h'e> , '0 thc Community club, Tuesday .,vcning. A lIumb,,!' fr o m here atte nde d bacclli:J urc-at" se n ' iccs Ilt King man, Sundlly ,'"cning. ~ II ·. an d lIfrs. Carl Duki n Rn d ba by, Ill' Lc hll non, ca ll ed on Mrs. Mary J . Fi n('l1, Satllnluy. ill r . an d !\Irs , W . p, II lcCurr en and dallg hLe r s, Rhea an d El'e lyn , spent SUlI <in y uut of tOWII. ,Jvhn Feuly J'r., (I f I\'ol'wo od , spent I"" >t",, ",ilh his )Jurenls, Mr. Ilnu Mrs. J. \\', F.·all'Y a lld fami ly. ~II·. an d :\l r". W rn . :\1 "h:1O , of Da yt o)). wer e Ea,tlO' r guests uf Mrs. Mary ,J. F i'"'h lind HoL ert Gamer. ~ IJ '. ulld II l r ~ . Frank liurris attcndl' tI t hp fune ra l o f 1111'8. Jo'f'IInk Pe t e r " " ,, at :-: l'ri111:' V" ll cy, IIl on day . Ca rl Anderso n, o r IJlly t un, ~ pent I':a , t" r Wi Lli lI is pare nt s, Mr. un d Mrs. Ga il (jOJl'tlon I1ml Murj:u "ct Anne . ~I: nnl' s \Vou d son suITt're d a se ve re l' l1l tll\ t}u. ~ ea J when a m otor cyc le

Will F. Young

C, E, Gu rd on an d C. II. Gru ,· mude 11 Lu , i'H'HS t r ip to Piq ua, Tu(' sd llY. The M. E. Aid mct Tllursd ay aft(,I'I1<I011 ut the usual haul'. MI'. ulld 1111'S. Willll<' r C, Walk c r. uf !)aytun , s pc nt Ea ster Day with Ill'r rarents, III:r. Ilnd Mrs. A , L. K en_

D , L. CRAN E, Editor' and Publi,he r. Wayn.avi ll .., Ohio. S UiJ sc ril'ti on Pdce, $ 1.1)0 per year.


H o r uh '~

\\'al'l \ ill~~



p c( .p le n( Alll(' r iru , \\ ho;,,(' (' oWH l"tli cc h l' !4uy!,; i ~ 1ll'l'milti ll}..!' l'h:lll~l'.s ill ou r J.! t)Vt ' '-Il111 cnl t hnt lin ' dt ,~ t nit'! i \ 'l' of libcl·ty allti h IiPJl i l'H' ~ s. dl ' ~'ilIrVt·s Ilw r p


pu ~~ illg' (·o ll ~ i (h · l' ali tJ1'.


d l '(\ S

AnVI· lu I,' ull u i het he ('o ulel j um p Unl' IHln dl'I'd l' ( , ~t int" the \I at~r ear · ryi,,1.: 1111 l'J:I-:'. IIlId nil \' hreak I he I'I-:'g', II " \I"", Th ~1I hl' 1 (I ~ t . IIi" h' a" j UII1 )1l'ti him illt" t h,' Iunu iI; l\ ~ y l lln1 \I h ~ n ' h .. Was takl'lI fur I!X amilllltion int o hi s >lInil),. And yet th e CuW j ll llllh'd OVC' I' t he mouu.

not npl'fdy rhllrg'l' til\' l' x i··q " p ,,(, o r ~"'; liI\\ Iy ~ hl )w illJ,!

but ~ un ' ly the :\ci, ' nt.i:; ts art' that. old Ki llK Tut \\II ~ n't

un onwni zcd mo\'c mcnt t" st rip the pe opl e (. r thl'ir Hhl, ,·ty. I,"I 11(' d,,, '5 My rpport s nl' ~ lI c h a pl .. t ha \' e 1.""11 "" lllul' h "rll'I' 1111. 11I1· JJ ot'·" I"," Il!' hrnlld clist in th (' 1'1't .~" 1' .. ,. " " \' " 'al l't'nU' I' of Iht, ~lH ;~I~ Ilfl\\/, It i s f'll l \' a qll l'~li (l n o f 1JJ I \l' \\ hf ' lI lIw IHun :) ~n m , Th o p<!opl o Ill'.' 1'\'~lIll1\.; ' oI t oo ,Il'ot h. \\' n 'Ht h \,,'il l rt. '~1. 1111 lhl' d U IlH' of 1)0The r u s poll ~ ih ility \If th I h ll n\(! is 111'111 '0' PU S h l' tJ on.! ,' 0 11 l h l' g'UV ( ' l"1I I1H' fl t, t h l work or t h,' (·h" ...·h i< , hift(,d t u tile WHAT THEN ? gov(' J' nrn l' nt. Th(, duty of till' ~ l' h oliis t.nk l'~

th .. SH ill" rOlld . Tlit' rt..'s tl lt is pri va t e inl~ r f (' r c ll c t' Hu d offi t' i a l COil ·

tro l of indiv,i\l ua l acti"n to II point that would mak e th e futhcr~ o f th e n a ti on (roth a t the mo uth ." For every ditli c ulty thnt uri ses us . a resul t of our co mplex civilizuti oll we look (or 11 "e mc lly in th" c r ea ti o n o r 80ml! n ew bOll rd of cOll t ro l. Ev ery phuse of bu sin ess I1nd priva te activity is put ill ehurgo o f Sam!! bureuu or commiss ion . Th E!SC bureuu s Ilrc given p ower& far b"yollu unytllillg ev~ r conlempluted by th e frll~' ­ ers of the constituti o n . Th ey t'1ll brace the leg is lative ,: t he judi"i al and the exeeutive functi ons of g overnment und risc superior in pow "r to the govornment itso lf. We are in rather a ba d way whe n we admit the Inw has broke n down and that our courts are n fuilure, but we are in a worse way wh en the people 8l1pinely p e rmi t Czur-lik e power to be handed over to budi118 of pelly dietatara without even so much as n word of objection.

\VtH'JI t h t' \\'urhJlll' tl

'(1\\ II

thl' wOI'k-

~ ! hR

nn d

.r ,d h

1ll1'1t 11 "'1

Al r'xa ':, lpr,


o f (I , N.tllh Caro l i llH

Iq'I . I: t1Uli'f \' ;111 1 .. l d 11(' I!n\l' I' IlU r ~ : Il' 11:1 :-; :tIl Il UUIlCCt! t1 f h(' r ... t :ltt'.

1101' ,can l,lld .,[' j'

f~ ."

l ll ,· lJl'flI uualic

~ h op::

:\ lI d thl' l'IIi ll'olld

the m ils. i\ 1101 t Ill' g' I' I " ' ,' r ~' ,'I""h I hl' 1:1'" 'c l'ir" ,\ " thc II lltil l'lcrk ~ OWII Lh(, llIui l, . 111('"

Wh, ' n th c JlI'I' llcJH'l'~ ow n thr pul pits, A lid th l' P)'('RS ," rn ow n the , ho ps, And t he' d)' ill.- I's UW II tlw l,il \I , · II ~ , And the jails UI'" UWIIl' d by l"' I'S-


When th e c(Onductors th e , t l' el'l cars. And ~ac h lI ,.i vl·)' own s hi" hu s ; W ill you te ll LI S ('"mm " ,,' pr op l,· . Wh"linl' Jrll beronl(' u r US'! Ft. WUY I'" 1\:" lI's, Scll ti nt'l.


It will take old Doc Cook longer to get back from Leavenworth th nn Approxilllll l ely 7&';{ o r the in matI's it took him to get back from the pole, o f COlillty pt h1r hIHI~l)~ ill t il l ' slate but maybe it will be wurme r in Kan - o f Ohi o al'<' fee bl"- Illind l'd. nccurd in g sas. to th e l'l'pu rt ,)f 111 1'S. A. E , Wulling, o£ Detroit, 1I1kh. ' ' Palmer Canfield, prohibition inTh e IJllI'Uen of the CHl'e of rl! c blespector for New YOl'k, would h llve min d( ·d P(' l' ~" Il S is falling' IlIrj:l' ly on Washingto n buy Ull a l1 the whisky ill th e cnunticB Whl'lI it s houl d be bo rnc bond, and take over iL" mll nagement. by the st.a tc in ~ ti uli on.. A POOl'They mus t be r un nin lj Il little short form thut is hllndicnppl'd by suc h a around the capi to l. grellt )J crcc nUl ~c o f nWllt n l in com petents ca,,"ot he (!x!,cl'l"d to fulfill An honest tax icab ell'iv"r has been the end t\l which i~ is dedicated. M r8. Wa ll ing- IIlso Rays th in th " r c found in Ne w York . Th e n ewspapers generally record 'ci the incident are t\\'ie ~ U:i lltn ny 1l'lt..' 1\ liS th cr(' arc wome n in the puol'h(l" ~"'" I'cl' haps " 'o n1l1 u l'e b('tte l' nhl e LII take can! of t.hcllIse l\·c8 th u n m e n ar . Mrs . Wnll ing hus mllde qui t e an e xhuus t ive ~tu dy o f poo rh ouse co ndition s ull over th e SUIte of Ohio. S he i ~ \vol'kill~ under till' uU ~l'ic c" of t he Wc lfal'c d epu rtlllent o f the AmerIcal1 l n~ul'uncc ni 11, u t o lumbus,

l· id i n ~.e n l1jd c J

\\ ith u

wn~ o n.

n edy un d Ro n s.


Every Wednesday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. RestRoom in GrangeBldg W a ynesville, Ohio

Main Office: 924 }~


hi' \\ :l~

South Brown Street, Over Sigma Theat er

Dayton, Ohio

FOR OVER 40 YEARS fL<\LL'S CA'I',\J Lnll ~ l E UI C ""~ hn s lJ_e n U8\tJ 8UCCt:8Sfully In l he tr cauucnt ot

Ir, I. N. Mi lle r lind Miss Ltl\u, wcn: guc sts o f Mr , Ilnd Mrs. II. I·:, W ib" n HIIlI famil y, a t VUlldllIi;.,

,d l





E a slt.· r DIIY.

lIlI·. "lid 1111''; . W. M. Mathias Mi <s II l argarcL Sta rr'. nf ])ay1un, and Miss ~ I nh e l ,' lan. l' f X ellia. s pent East e· r ", it h th l'ir lIl()th e l', 111 1' S . Aman da

A closs of nine wos bnt!ze d and recei ved into t ho M. E. c h urch, S un da m cn'ni ng_ ' " Irs. l'tLn rgllret B urn ett i' very ill, t he doctors gi\'ing very li ttle hope f or he r r ecovery . Jal1l c~ S . onard nnd family utt.cnde d tho fun er a l of II re lntive in N e w Vienna , Thursday. , . Minni Darn e r, Ralph Darner !lnd fnmily, o f Dayton, w e re Ijues ts of J . H. Petel'son lind fum ill', Sun dllY, M rs. J. C. Pickin and ~on, J o hn, R. , of Da yton, s pent last week w it h relaii ve~ her e. Mr. Pi ckin juined them for the week-e nd . Ruth lind Marga re t Vi ck" r s, of Day to n, und R o be r L Sto ut. o f Wilm ing. t on, s pent last w eek with IIlr. and Mrs. Rny !lurvcy. J ohn H en ry Mo rri s, of t his "illnge, i~ n me mb el' o f the graduating c lu~s of Kingmull Hi g h school, wh ose com mCnh' llIl'nt is th is we ek, J ohn M. Hill. o ne n r our m,,,t inIlc ll li :tl c iti z(' n ~ , died at hi S h ome


engt uf t o wn , l\f on d ny (,,,pnin).!". I) f pn euni lln ia. T he COnll ll llllily [(,(·Is g l'ea tly d e pr e"~e d uy its 1" ,,,,

Th" \1'o mnn 'l! H omc ~l i ss i""Il I'Y "0cicty o r the M. E . church h(' ld II lJ1lZUll I' II"d ~ef\'ed ,u cbicken ,; up per' ill the A nllex , Saturd llY eve nill j:. IIIr", Aaron Turne r di e d Ilt her hom<' he re , Mond a y, after a ling-cring iIIn e"". Funera l services wcrp Iwld ' Ved lll',day IIfte rnoon ut the 111 , E, c hu rch , Ru t h Esther Millrs, younl! C!s t daugh l"!' of JIIr. and Mrs. C . D , Mia r s. hn d b"LI, bones of her arm brok"n, Thursda y, when she f ell from u wh ec l burro\\', A larl!e numb" r of members and visitors were presen t ot th e ins pecti o n o f t hc Maso nic lodl!'c, Thursday even;' \).", The East el'n Star "erv",l a de lici." I' " hick"ll s upper. An ill\ (>f (' H tin ~ f<'lIt UI'1) of tbe occas ion ' we re the II d ll ,. <'HSCH of Rc" . Philip T l'O ut, of S pr in J,:'h"l d (u fo rm er pastol' h"r e ), S . D. Ch a nc ellor und G. M. Colvin .

~W l'l',


fJ ,.v 'JI If,,,

Of/trr li Itls." ' ,,


I. UJ.H.y


1,1 /11


h', '; rs t tl l" 1t 1,{ 11


i 't'f ... l. ;¥

j 'rtt'rr!


FERRY CH URCH OF CHR I ST OUt- ~("r\'il" lust Sun d ay wa!" wli ll att"lIdl 'ci . Till' yUUIlg' IH.'I)l d1' t' l lilt ri h ~

tlted lu til" illtun', L \ " ' 1')' 111 lIl' II. Wa~:o .i ll~· ful t hi n~ til h.';lI' "" "11,'

II "011 -

fe~,; their fa lt ll in C'\) r bt.

CUIil" lIexL Su nd ay, At 11::10 Bi. ble seh oul, l e~:;o ll u"d slh:('ial "l'n'i,'" "f d cti lC lniun u r II\' W S""1.: 1"".1," t" U, I' in ",,,r,hip . Ev ~n i"g "(' l'\'ice at 7 :3u. SIIII I-:' ",'r vi l'" Illld "e,.))( OIl un " '1'1 ", H II1I\"" \\,ill. " The rntertuill llle nt ann o ulH'p tl for A pril 2:l has bl'C Il P'''LPofl, 'd LO B Int",· datc. N. JOliN SON, ~ l i,, ' s tQ r.


1I1"j:III' t

"II, )w d iu th " SP llu tor hill ': " LobL" i,.t · "Ill' ,Iitlfl't view it, boss-b"e palllll'J it."

vi ew



Try t he Gaze tte office fa\' J ob Work.

. -.


-----. - ..


:nln rrb.

IIAI, VS CAT RnR ~ IEDI C INIil oon. lstH ot a.n Oln Ut1e nt. wll \t.' h Q\ll <:kl)' R lI e \'c8 by loca l appllcntiotl , nnn ttlO ln t crna.l M ed lt'lne, a Tonic. w hl (' h ac ts through t ho B loo d o n th o Mu co us Su r.



race",. thu8 r educing the infla mm a.tlon.




Walter McClure

----- ..

METHODIST CHURCH Sllbbath School, 9 .1 e B. m., prnching at 10 :3 0 u . m. Wednesdayev enin g servicc ut 7 :00 p. m. Epworth Lc ague G:15 p. m . Prc uchin g ut 7 :00 p. m . E v(; ryb o'Uy is cord ially invited to these services. Rcv. L. A. Washburn, Pas tor.




REV . J. J. SCHAEFFER, Rector.

----_ ..



a . 111 . A full pr oj: I'am .. f Easte r mu · sic will be give n . H v, J. J . cilll('tT l' wil l sin g t he uffcrtory solo, "Rc ~ urrc lio n." Evcl'Y one is welc ome.

Hnd Mrs. Ru ssell J e tT c ri c~ and )'0 11 cntenained o\,pr the week-cnd N EV ER THOUGHT OFTHAT hi s Jlurcnts, Mr . allel Mr s. Pl'll6to n J e tf"ri cs ulld Mrs. Wa nda Moon of Cynil'-"Wom c n mak e me tired . Wilmill gton . · ' J,;. E. Rcaso n passed awa y ut the Look tit the hat styles the}' ar" now home o f h is dau g ht er. Mi·s . Ell rl \Vearill ~. Hat. pulled cleur down Hoc kett, MnndllY eve ning. F unera l over t'h eir e yes and hair." Op timist--"Be wi se kid I Bo wille . Her " iccs we r e condu cted from the their lips aren't h id." Hocltc t t ho me Thul'sd ay mornin g . The IIlassie T own s hip SundnySchoul tl '~()c i a ti o n will m cet at the THEN SHE SHOT HIM ./"" " h·H I{un chu rch, S unday after"oon , Ap r il l !ith, at 2 o'clock. A min i tel' frum Wilming t o n will adDainty Thing- "Have you uny fino Un' •• the meeting. tooth co mbs?" -------.~-Smart Clerk-"No--but we have som e ti ne tooth brushes."

Mr. Vurley Holton is no t nearly UTIl' maD who make. bi. wife so wel l. pre.. hi. auit uluan,. leta one Mr, Oliv"r Griffy is in u ve ry critthat h. d_D't Iik_For c1iSot 11 by 1111 dru gSI8t •. ical condition. ... orce. U F . J Ch enev &0 Co .. Tol. o1o. Ohro. Mr. a nd Mrs. W olter Squires, of ~------.-.-- ------ineinnuti. w e re Easter g uests of Mr. lind Mrs. Edler. DA Y OF THE FREAK Mr. Morris Fulkerson, of Akron, is v isiting his paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Bigg'e r-"Baxter is no man. He J. W . Fulkerson. NOTARY PUBLIC The Easte r ml1rket, und er the a.UI!- hid es bchind a woman's skirt." Fricnd-"E'ga.ds -he must be u - -- _a __ - - Wills Drawn Estates Settled pic e~ of the ladies of the M. E. frea k t 10 do. that these days." churc h, wa s "ery s uccess [ul. M... Bnd Mrs. R oy lwns and son W a y nesvillt!, Ohio BLONDE BESS OPINES Ross, of C ly de , Ohio . were week-end Nationa l Ba n k g uests of Mr. and M rs . L . J. WiIlenburg. "I've found the d ing iest follow in th e world. He drivea hi. 1I1r. and Mrs . Seth Thomas, of For Catarrhal car around e ll co r n er. OD two Dllyton, w er e week-end vis itors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. wh eel. to cut down tire coah ." Cc.utitiou Wil iton . of the Th c lust numb er of the lecture course WI1S given before a full house aud, Nose, EFFICIENT GENT FU:'-IERAL DIRECTOR Sn Lu rdny ('v"",ing, and was the best haarlem.... oil-hM .. been ..a1world· Throat, Stomach. of the co urse th is year. wide remedy for kidney; iiver and Dig m a n- "I h"ur your wifc is Waynesville, Ohio !rowels nnd olher lil ts. A li ce Johnson , Mrs. I . O. P e- bladder disorders, rhewnatitml~ away. H ow are you gelting ulo ng7 " t(.'I·son unel Mi ss R osa John son were OTKal!!. Humphl'eys -"Oh, fin e . 1 g ot lumba&o and acid couditiona! ~ u sts, Thul's f/ ay, of Mrs. Margaret 0.... Fifty V..... thi nlfs down t o u syst em. I cn n n ow full y -Equ ipped for Goou ~1ilchcll und dllul!hter, in Dayton. put on my socks from ci t hl!l' end." Mrs. 1I1ary Mi ddleton entertaineci III the Semo. 01 Service. - - -at dill nc r, S UI,day, Mrs , Clinton Bnithe People Large D ieplay 1':' 0001 Icy, JIll'. n nd Mrs. Russell Campbell LAUGH THIS OFF .... :1,, 1'1 so n, unci Mr. Cha rles Bailey, of A,k your De.reat CI\I'~lILF_ S Ambulance Servi ce LCU UIIOIl. , dealer Blowhard-"I ain't s aw Bill s inc e Th e funprall of Mr. J ohn Evans was TEI ,RPHONE 7 IlA Y () R NIGHT corred:lntemal troubles, !ltimulate vital his wiie bas WCllt to Europe." helel at the house Saturday, conductoraana. Thue sizes. All dcuWsta.lnalMI E ng lishman-iol'o1y word, good fe leel hy t he pusto r rrom Middle Run on the ori&inaI Ilenuinc OOLD MIWALo low. Don' l you kllow t h" K ing's e ngchur ch, IIlrs, E \'ans is in a ve ry selish ?" . d ous condi t io n. D1ow hllrd ~"Sure, So is the Prince i\liss Alice Og lesbce entertai ned Ilt of Willes. " dinne l', Sunday, IIlr. nnd Mrs. E lills Odesbee and Mr. anel Mrs. Fred Gons a nd ch ildr en. o f Waynesville llnd Mrs . Mnry Cdtes. ' Mr. Willillm Fielels died at his hom e S IIIlcJlIY ev"ninl!, aft~'r severnl weeks' ill1w"" wi l h h(Jan t l'oubl",. Funeral W (' d"l' ", I ,, ~' Ilfl~ " no "n ut th e hou se. W ~ GET TH E M QUICKL Y AND Burial Thllr:sd uy , neill' Covin gto n , L' F HEF OF C HAR GE roy. I' l l'. und M,'". Frnnk Hintt ha d for C ALl. us ANY TIM E AT OUR ' d ioll l<' r gU<'SL<. Sun eluy , Mrs, Ste lla E XP E N SE HId., "lid l!ra nel ~o n , II1aynic Prunks, lind ~I 1', nllrl Mrs. Maynal'd F~nnks li nd "" n. Rubert. o f Duyton, und Mr. [lnd Mr". lJ unt ee FrankH. of Lima . "hone 8 HARV E Y SR llIH~. O.


ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Apl'lI 10, FirRt Sundny aft r F:I\~tel'. hurch School lit !1 :au 11. nt. ; Morn in g Praye r n nd se rm o n ot 11 :00


What "Tuxedo Dairy" Mean f () th ~ C(,\\,; \ pu fecll)' hala nced, pal:tt:abh: fl:cdriL h ill m ill.: ral sa l r~, sugar al\d prott:i n in t he most C:1Sil), ciig(;s ted a nd qu ick ly a ss imi lated THE TUXEDO fo r m.

UN !:: OF FEEDS C"'• . fI , )f" Swr_' . ruxedo D ,oI,)· fu.e~o Ch op T u •• do Ho~ Rot lon

Tu .IlCdo Piscon Yced

T u • • ~o


M •• "

Tu .aedo Scnn " h TUJ[ cd o Ch ick Tun· do nuttcnnilk Start e r .mJ Orowl nM. Muah

Tuu'do Developer


T o the dai ry man: Healthi er, h appier co ws wi t h longe r period s o f \ac tatlOn . In cr eased prodllcti o n of r icher milk <>uaral1teed . Try Tuxb ~cto n a iry fo rfo urwt!t:ks a t ou r risk.



~ .,



The bug-a·boo of every w0man's life is dlih·washing. With hard water it is a diilagreeable. discouraging task that reddens the hands, wearies the body, and usually ends with an unsightlY. creasy film over everything. Soft water is the housewife's greatest boon. In it soap lathers freely, harsh washing compoui'lds, are 1,Innecessary, and the dishes dry easily and qUickly with a polish that pleases,

DUR08=:~ furnish soft water from the cistern, under constant pressure, just like city' water service. Entirely: automatic-nothing to attend ta or watch. Water may be piped ta' bathroom and laundry. The Duro way is the modem way. May be installed in either old or new home&-fal' superior to tho old-type, waste(~ ' wa!~11 ' JDOtOI'. P,

.Let u, II" 'you delllClGltldoa .,utpt_

Fertilizer ,Co.

F.T. Martin

Auctio eer

W.yneiville, Ohio

1\11". H, ,,·t :~l lIr lllt t. spent nturday iu XC' uia. J\ I I'". Sil", H ulan d is ill nt her hom e npar

h t·ftl.

~1 1'.

Dat e your .,,10, with


- j .. .

11 10 1',,1, 1 1(t' Jli s. o r Xellia spe nt

a f(·w llIiflllt(' ~; lwt,~, S UlIllny.


~ I I· . Vl'nnk Kt' IIi . 11Il d family :S unda~' :It Bl'lJ1)01nt with Mr.

spe nt Hug h Bu I'g'"t t an ti family. ~11'~. G,'o"l!e Mnrlatt, who has been CENTERVILLE, OHIO in Cill"in nati for a month, rctu rned Phone. No.2 to I",), ho me, Sund ay. MI'" Pmn k Ke lli s 111111 dnughter an d !£!2! ~II'. Ke llis ' mother gpent Tuc Rrlay IIf1l'1'1l00n in Le ban on. . MI'. and M1" . Emerson Dill spent S un day with Mr. and Mrs. Luce y (' mig, of n CIl" Xenia. " MI'. Max Bal'llilrel an,l family, or Spl'lnl!' Vn ll cy. spent a fe w minutes hc l'P Sun rJay ufternoon. III I'. Jaco b Zimm el' and fnmily Haulinr of all Icind.; nllo will buy spen t. unduy nft.c rnoon with relatives ),our old papero, ra,. and junk. nf t ho Ne w Libe rty neighborhood. Mrs. J ohn L evi entertai"*,,d the pa st week h'~r duul!'hter, Mrs. Ellsworth Smith Hn d children, of Dayton. WAYN ESVI LLE , OHIO Mr. Lou Stephe ns and fumlly hl,\d fo r t he ir , wc ek~end g uests Mr_ and Mrs. gal'l Mm'!l1tt and Miss Mildred Morglln . ' Mr. J ohn Rye nnd fnmily e n tertainod lit Sunda :v dinner, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elton Evan's and daughter, Marjorie l\lr. qnd Mrs. Howa.!:d Beam, Mr. o~ The Eye SI\tht Specialist to .r:in rla tt and family, and Mr. Timothy Marlatt, ot Columbus• .ati.faction or charg~


Wm., 'Robinson


At Cary's ,Jewelry Shop

J~W.· BURTON, Agent


Lebanon, Ohio



8:110 s. nt, to 4- p. m. '


Fres'hie-"Good heaven., oid fel. low, that s urrwn lome thin pi lOU had at the dance lut night." Othe.r FreBbie-"rU she "..

=-_________......:.. thin. . She feU


iDto m1 8uIt."

Sold By Authorized Ford Dealers An Authorized Pord Dealer has too much at stake to sell a car which wID prove a disappolntmeDt. Therefore, he wID sell you a good used car carrying the same guarantee as a new car. His Investment In garage and servk:e equJpment, the good wfl1 he has built up and hm ooanection with the Ford .Motor Compal)y are 8Slets too valuable for him to jeopardJze with one unsatisfactory sale. That Is one very good reason why you can buy a used Ford car with full conMenee that it has the value ,c laimed for it.


Mr . .T. To:. .Jnn1l!w hnl' been \'I'ry il] I'll)' ~\'''\')'1l 1 dll. g. •



Rav Mill. und dau(lh· ],I'hllnon' \'lsilOrti, Tt1 ~~ dllY


IIfl'·l'nol1n. .








,. ..

Mr , .I ~IT 1'lIol1ll'>on , "f 1.,,111111011, a hu~ in(!~~ vi s il(lr ill \\· arnc ~ ­

very side


f ... unci M .. ~.

i." r~


_, t .,


W :lfo

ille, I oll oy ,


IItr. Amos M ndenhnll is on t I". sick list.

. " I., '.,,' ''>\.

?II r~. " M . ('nrlwl'il!'ht, of r.\'nn ~ · lun . Ill. , i. 1ht· I!' UI'S I ( 0 1' n ((.\\' day~ . Mrs. Chll~. Letrerson nnd ,1:1I1/{hl\' r. li t' rc1n ti v S h \! t"~. of .Incinnnti • • pent ~"vern l d n\'s Illsl wee k with Mr s, Mm-r Wnt Hh o ll~(' /lil t! :5uI'e Y,llll' old cllI'pcl, anti rugs family. Mr. Le trerso n j nint'd tl wm ali t! g,·t "W"" rw ,, II " Ru gs n1l" lc, Sunday f or the dny, Th"y I' et llnl ~ d :-;"Ilr! (or rric(' 1i, 1. Frnllklin I{u j: home Sundny ('v~ nll1 g. ('n,. F.'nll kl ill , Ohio.

:. f ' \.~



,I .. / ,


Late Classified Ads.

~=~:;:~"''''''''''''''' ~ ''''';'' ~==~ ~*:~.~


Chi-Namel Paint and Varnish

A I.e.lo r


Now is the Time to Clean Up and Paint Up ~ K it ~ h e n

ro r


"l' r :- l t 1i ·;.... fll I·~. c,,·o. C-i ll ilu lld , 1: 4'tl t' 1. \\' hyrH ~ ' i! l ~ . Ohh •.


.......................................-............... ".


We bave a complete a .. ortment of Va rni.h, Floor Paint a nd Hou .e Pai"t •. AI.o. tbe new Kitchen·Tint for


J'ev . ILIlli'MI·a. . - A:--Wushhurn ir. J . ' . Finck Ilrrived home un· Wi'r~ call d to Alhull s county. MO il ' day nig hL (l'um l:hHlth Dllkota, where dllY, to uLtf'll d th fUll cral or t hl! hI' h,,~ bocD fO I' th e past two w Cllk~. fo rm ~I"s 11 ice. II i 8 011, Ill rell ce, w h l> went ivilh him, wil l ~ I)(,lli l Iho . Ull\llIlll· there. The ' or1l1u l sttl/lents will presont u c,).ml!cl y. "Kempy," nt lh e Gym Oil A \'Cry prelly nITair WIIH the 1"l'illa y eYllnilljf'. 'I ' h l~ is suit! I v Ill' qun t!rullic hi,l'lhduy din ner helel at a v~ry good piny. und shlluld b e well till! IWlIle ur )l r. untl Mrs, hurl es I'ntl· o ni ~l' d . "illllrs. ullliny . ;\ l'l'i l 12. In hono r Hamill.o n, of Dllyton, "c h urlc~ \,i1IIl I'S, Cl'ei l Villul's. hilSMr.pUl'eHnrry huMl!d the W. G. Wh et~~ 1 Frunk Til'l meY l'r und Ch"rle" Hu,. pn>pe l'l'Y un I·'u urth st rcet. His fu lh· g-e llll~y(I I·. $ i l.· kn l.' ~~ Hn tl lithe r i ll · (.1' Ililtl n",tl", ... MI'. lin.! Mrs, G ~ O I 't;" t (lIt Vl L' IlCl'~ IU' l,\'tti h,d :- 0 t hut n il Hall1 i1 to n, wi ll occup y it: Mr. lind l"uuld lIu t bt' IH'P=' l ' ut. Bu t th w;, l! wh o ~ll'". Wil l'bld will U" l'UPY n !Jan (>I' WC I'l' f)l · t.·~ l·n l, und {·nj n Yl·d n buunli .. I he h o u ~e . flll clill lH' r un d n good tlml' in gen . (·ru l. wer~ . ~ Ir , a nd ~ 11 ' " . \\' m. Yil llll'". Mr , nnd ;\ I \'~. ('l·dl B,',,"!' r. Mr. IIl1d J\Jl'~ , Ceo d l \ ' illlll'" u'lll ""'1. l os". Mr. eha ,;, Ell i•. ~ I i ,,~ t all l'H (,,,1\\,(' 11. ~ Ir . lI11d ~t". Fl'lIllk T i('l nll'yc l' and so ns. EI · It.·id. Elnll'r /lntl I':llgl'nl', MI'. lind Mrs . \\' tlodnlW I' ylu un d d u u g-h t l'l', FOR SALE All nu Fr:1I1"l" , ~tr , !Illtl ~ I .. s, ('has, \ ' ill"r, und flllllily . VOl{ S :\ l.F.- .\ r ~w rOll m lots o r Wil li I'llI" l' "t u ullrj!ui n pricil. S"(> D. E, Stu l1 <iifor,1, WIIYII l'<vilt.•• Ilhin, "<1 :1 0 J . c. HAWK E. F(lI: S,\ I. E ' P"k in Duck ~:gV.H. 3G,'

and Bath. room W all . ,

It h .. tbe beauty aDd perman e ncy of Enftmel Rnd ca n' b .. w ... hed without marrinl tbe 11'10". It no more than ordinary P a int .

Our Chi-Namel


Pure Hou .. PalDt b.. I;"" n wonderful IIl ti. fac ti on. Tbe proof of tLi. It tbat our 6 .. t CHI . N.-\MEL cu.tom ero are DOW rell'ular u.· era of CHI. NAMEL PaiD t.

~ Chick Feed, 6 pound. for


t ,Scratch

Feed, 6 pounds for . . . . . . . i Rolled Oats, Ib ,4~c

Let .a esplalD ito .uper ior qualitiea to you. We alao have aD a ..ortmeDt of Cold·S"al CODl oleum RUI"

25e 25c

Dr, H. E. Hathaway is sutTering MrR. C lllr p nc ~ M(>ntl nhnll nnd lit · 111. D, Baird an d Charles S mall were in Xc nia, S unday, from an infel:ted finger. tie so n, Enr l, we re in Dayto n. Mon· For Little Chick., a day. Mrs. Childres nnd ' Miss Mild red Mr. lind Mrs, Slim Butterworth vis. Th e Bi ~p hnm properly wns MId t o ited relalives in Wi lmington, Sun day. Henry are grippe victims, Mr. Frank Elboll last Sa urd ny. for Miss Edna Howland saw the "Pas $900. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hllrtsock and dnu l!'h!l'r. Betty, were in Dllyton. Sat sion PIIlY" in Cincinnllt.i, Saturday. urday, Mr , nn d Mr~. Eme rso n MnMo n both Mr. George Thompson, of Love. ha ve bee n qui te sick for the pnst few Mr. und 1111'S. J . E. Junney aUend. Innd, spent Sunday with r elatives, days , cd lin entE' r t.ninme nt nt Kingman. here. The Hig h School Juni or s n(>tlf'd Friday night. Mr. nnd Mrs . Lee Hawke lind fam . a hllndsomc ~ \IIn from th ei r EMter pound MI'. nnd Mrs. Raymond Co nn er ily were In Be'llvertown Sund ay after. mllrk ct. lind childre n, nnd Mrs. Sallie Murray noon . Clem T it ,,", .,.on o r Mr. ILnd 1111'S. spen t Sunday in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. W. N, Sears IIn cl Miss A. 1'il u ~ fpll ' ".! broke his m·m. Fri. Mrs. W. H, Allen . Misses Olive AI. Beryl Cook were in Dayto n Fridny da y ('vening. le n. Ruth Newland lind May Wright afternoon. Mis ~s Ed ith !l!cK ib ban nncl Kath. wel'c Dnyton viSitors, Sat urday. FiDe and lar ,." 3 lb. Mrs. Viola Harlan and Mrs. H. B, I~en Hcnd"nna Kpe nt En~tel' in . Miss J essie Clark r eturned to Cin. Earn hart w"re Lebanon visitors Mon. WII Rhi llR'ton C. H. cin nllti Illst 'Thu rs day, after a pless. day afternoon. Mi ss Gludys Harlan. or na~'t o n , 3 pound. for ant visit with Miss Emma Heighway. ~1 Mr. Frank Zell return ed home was the guest o r he r moth 'r, Mr s, 24 ~·Ib. aack ", .. " .... ,....... .. ' • Mr. a nd Mrs. Harry Hamilton and from t he McClelland hospital, Xenia, LOll Hurlan, SundllY, famil y, of Dayton, were g uests of last Thursday. Lllrle, .otid bead., a Ib . Mr , Geo rge Wllter hou"p lI\tcn<iet! Mr, an dMrs. George Hamilton, last week. Mesars. W. E. Corn ell, Ru ~se ll Sui. the Cara l'lLn -Club donc e at lhe Shrine Isbury and Harvey Rye wcre in Xeniu ('Iuu in Dayton, Frida y nighL Larle bo". (or , Mrs. Mary McKibban an d daugh. Sunday a fternoon. ' Mr. Geo rge Wllterhouse attcn ded t er . Miss Edith, atte nded the funeral of a r elu tive at Washington C. H., Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Munger, of Pek. lin Amcl'icll n Lcdon meeting ill Le\'· Kellle rendered. a Ib last Fridny. , in , were Sunda~ g uests of Mr. lind nnon; Tu esduy night of lust week, 16·ounce ain " Mrs. Glenn B:ol'aen. '. ' Mr. ChaFles Edwards nnd fnm il y Mr. a nd Mrs. Lyman White, of Co. Per pound 40 feet fop " .......... , .. .. , .... .. .. lumbus, Mrs. Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kern s. of Co. wer e Sunday guest s of Mr, Frunk Wag ner, of Dayton, were .Sunday lumbus, s pent. Easter Day with Mr. Shutts a nd famil y, of Harv(>y.burg, g uest s of Mrs. Lida Smith. and Mrs. J. D. Marlatt. Per poun . . . ....... . ..... 2 dozen, for ..... .... . Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Hnlll ilton lind Mr. li nd Mrs. E. A. Earnhart knd Mrs. Rebeeca Prendergast Is r eo family, of Newport. Ky,. spent Su n· son. of Centerville. and Mr. nnd Mrs. covering from a severe attack of dny with Mr. and Mrs. George Ham· ilton. H. B. Ellrnhnrt wer e Sunday guests g rippe and rheumatism. of Mr and Mrs. Burton Eanhnrt, ot ~ Route 4. Mr. Rufus Ke rsey, of Orego nin. ~ Miss Edna Howland spent Easter with her coulsin, Mrs. V. O. Young. and Mr. li nd Mrs. J . E. Jn nn ey were special guests at the Friends Home, ~"• •• ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. M.r. a nd Mrs. Raymo.nd Osburn, of of Walnut Hillis, Cincinnati. Sunduy. Xellln .. Mr. lind Mrs. Frederick Stark and sons, Lo we ll, Vernon and Virljil Mr. Louis Schatzman and friend. of Waynesville, spent Easter With of Sardinia, Ohio, were g uests Sun· Mr, and Mrs, E lias Ogles bee. M.r. , Mr. a nd Mrs. B. F. Osburn. of R. day of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper. nnd Mrs. Fred Gons and children. of D.4 . ' Route 2, spent Easter wit h relat ives in Spring Valley. All memberll of the Junior Order are Pau l Wri gh t and Eve r ett Seal'!! urged to attend meeting next Friday ce!ebrnted t~ ei r birthdays by enter. evening. Special business and eats. Farms and TO\m Property wanted. taming t heir SundayjSchool class 3 % commission. Write lo r blank. At the Pbillip. Corner., on Main Street, Wayn ••.-iU., 0., und a few invited guests at the Sear~ Mr, and Mrs. Carl McClure and Smi th Farm Agency, 1407 W. York Meal. Ser....,d Ever, Day-AI.o Short Ord"ro~ lc. Cream aad Pop home. ~ n Thurs<iny evening. April 9. St. Philadelphia. Pa. ~ fter listemng to music an d readings, daUghter, of Dayton, spent Easter Candiea. Cill'ara and Tobacco Day with M1'. , and Mrs. Walter Me· ICC cream and cake were ser ved. Clure. Dr. nnd Mrs. Lee Cooper and son, of Dayton, who have been in Miumi, Mr. and Mrs. By Hartsock, were Fla., nil winter, nrc expected horTfe cnlled her e, Saturday, on uccount of tomorrow, Thursdny. No. 2220 the serious illness of Mrs. Matilda Hosie r. REPORT The last numbel' of th(> 'Ieeture course WIlS given in the M. E. ch urch Of the Condition of the Waynes. Mr~. Lina Devit and Mrs. Julia Inst F riday night. The Coll ins Nov. v!lIe ~ati on~l Bank, at Waynes· Donovlln are the guests of Mr. lind city Duo. a musical combinn tio n, prll' MAKE RESERVATION FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER : Ville III the S.tate of Ohio, at the Mrs. J . B. Chapmlln and family, of sented' a very good pro gram nnc! was close of bUSiness. April 6, 1925 . Cincinnati. greeted by II large and nppreciative f##"'" ••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• ", •••••••••• ,,~•••, •••• , •• a udience. R S£OU 1I0E9. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Melloh a nd La"", IlDd d IIK'O unt• . IncludIng child r en , Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brnd· rediaco uuu. aCCltpt8ncee o r dock li nd daughter, were in Cincin· olb .. banks. IUId lorelgn bll 8 01 excJlange or drall8, IIOld nati Sun'day. CHARTER NO 11617 wllb Indol'8Omon' ot lhl. lmnk O'ofdi-&;i..', ·u ;,o.;.;u,J 2 ~ U',6.0,7:~~ m·~~u~ Mrs. Irene Bird is recovering nice· U. 8 . UoveruRlOo t. 8ecurl1,lel:l ownOd : Iy from an appendicitis operation. DelX>.ltod to secure clrcul"llon She r eturned home ·f rom the hospi. Of I'ondltion of the Harveysburg U par vIIluo)50.000,00 till last Frid ~LY. AI otber UnHod 6 111108 Oovern. National Bank at Harveyshurg, In men' Becu rlll08. " . ,., (nODe) ~O 000 00 the State of Ohio, at the close of Othor bc,nt1a .stocu.s6cu rl tlea.otc •• Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Clyde Coleman, Dank.ln. Houso .. . .. " 1 8. 0000 0 117.HO.85 bU8inetill. on April 6, 1925. "urnlluN) .nd Flxlures , . , 800. 00 8 80000 of Norwood, a nd Mr. Ethan Coleman, RItSOURCes Lawful I'eI<lrve wltl! Federlll Re· ., of Toledo, spent Sunday with Mr. aerve DIInk ... . ". , .. , . . , .. , 30, 881.21 Laa.. and Dlocount •.• , 67.442. 8 107.'" . 8 lind Mrs. J .H. Coleman. C!lab In vault lind amount due OYetdratt.. unMlCu red , . • ,... . . IDO, 71 h'om nllllonal bank • . . , " '" 31.0". 01 U.8 . OOYemmeol l ecuril l" oWDed Amount duo trom Slale bank., Mrs. Belle Dinwiddie and daugh. bankers acd trUllt companies Dr.':"~:O ::"~~~!~~ tlO~J~e tn Ihe United Slat08 ". , .. ,.. 11 65 6 01 tel', Miss Olive, were ' entertained All o'ber U':.lled 81&1ea -oovern· TOlal ot Hems Y. 10, II . 12 and .. Sund llY lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. men' _urlliea .. , .. , 11112. '5 102. 2D II , ... . . ,", .. ,. , IS2,6 70,02 Floyd Savage , at Five Point. OU•• bondt. otoc1la,aecurWM,,,tc. 21.6~8.'0 !.II cellanoou. cashltelWl .. BU. la, BllDklol Bou .. . " .,. ,. 6894,69 H~ emllUon tund "llh U. B. The drawing for reserved seats for FuruI,ure and ll"tUlW , . 6.0n. 18 18.826. 16 'I roaaurer . . " . .. ... ..• .•..• 1.500, 00 Until You've tried it. you have rio how the Normal Class play, "Kempy." will Real ."a" o"ned oSher Ihan 800.00 TotaL , . , . •.• . • • •• , • •• ••• 1112.861.44 be ,a t the Odey·P'ace' Drug atore, on La,:~:..~~~ac:;I~h· FOci.,ai · so. a coat or two of Hanna's Seal PGlAt LIABILITIE8 Thunday Ilt noon (1~ o·cloek). " .. O="~ Bv~~' . u.d· '&moiiJi, •du;' MOMO will beautify and preserve ~ ~.Pltalal.ock pllld Ill. ....... .. 1100.000.go fl'om nallonal banko •• , . , •. ,. , • •U .... Mr. and MI:'lI. Dearth Sheehan. Mr. I t makes everything look brlSht 8nd neW. 'r.lata otltama O. 10. 11. 11. aDd II u':.".ft~.!FPu,.;,die : ::: : 16 0 and Mrs. Willter Sheehan and Mr. . ..... . .. .. ... , .. . . , . . ....,u Le,a curren' .xpeu.... lilt...... 1Ia-1~\IIl eMIl Ita •.. IU.n and Inee paId .. .. . 1, 211.02 I t spreads smoothly, covers 811 surfaCe 11 ..... 11 Ilnd Mrs. ElIIlI McClure, spent Sun· Qlrcula'tog 1I01ea oUI,tandln, ' . .8 •• 0'. 00 day with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer SheeTohI ................ ... .. . 11 U . O'O. 71 and dries with 8 glossy finish that "moUII' duu to National b&nlra .• 10. 000:00 han. O• • hler·a eIIaeke oUI.landlng " LlAB1LIT1R8 tuu through all kinds of weather. has given Total ot Item. 31,; n . U. 25 , and 26 . . .. .. ... .. , 10. 516,6& Mrs. N. R. Thomas, whowaa called Oapltalltock pald ID •• •. ••.•• . •. good results for 35 years. indIvIdual depoaJ" aublec' $() 1.000.00 here on account of the death of her Sui1>I\IIlfunc1 , . .. .. ·....... . .. . chock .• , • . ' . . •• .• ••••• . . • •• 111.815.12 Ulldl'll4ed prall...... . .. ~rother.ln-Jaw Edward E Rellson, ill ~ curren' e.peuM. InM!...... Certillcate. ot dc'llOaI, due III 1_ tllan 10 dayl ... .. .... ... " .. and oaId ... •. , ., 1.l1o.U 1.161.00 105,05 making an e%tended ,visit with her DIvIdend. unpaid , , , , . IndIvIdual d,poella .ublllCl to 130, 00 relatives. . To'al ot demand depooiii {oihe', check .. .. ... .. .. ....... .... 71. 710.71 than bllDk depooltl) .ubled to or C1epn.I,'due In 1~8It . Mrs. Cora Baker. MisseJI Thelma OarUHcatea It_ r ve , Item. 27. '28 ~o 10 tban au da,. (other tban ror U and 32 .. , "'" 262.6 io. 27 160.00 and Leah, Bake.r , Mr. and Mrs. Wil. m ODe), borro"ed ) . ' •..• , . . ,. Oll\or time dOj)O.II. , , ·8 "1" ot l\ellll a1. 18. 10. SO. II T.oln) olllelle dej)Ollt ••ubi';';,· iO . ,••• U fred Crites and son, of Wilmington, Total and n . . . .. . .... . .. 74 818 .U and · Mr. Harry Ort, of Sallina. were DUIa pa1&ble (1llclurtlDg alt obll· r_ rve. l"m.83. ' • • a~. and B6" " , . ........ .. UU70,llj ,.lloDa fflllrelOOUDg mone, guests of Mr~. Ida Stokes, Sunday. LlablUllea olber Iban Ih~ ala. borrowed plber ,haa ' N lU" ted abo.8.. . . .. .. . •. . . . . . . 78,ag couo Uo .. . . ... . .. . . , •• • •: . • •• 10,000.00 Those from a distance who attendTotal.. : ... .,..... .... .. . . .. 11U. O'0.1I Total ..... ... .. . .... . .. ..." ed the funeral of Edward E. Reason, whieh wall held at ~he home of Mr. SiaM! 01 Oblo. C!onn'7 01 wilma •. IT&.'T& OJ' OWl). WARR&lf OOUN'lI:V.SSl I. L. M. O...d....,D, OUlller 01 ltie abo. . Earl Hockett last Thursday morning, t-H:-. Tueller. Oatbler ot UJi' above named bank. do eoleDlilly Rev "",l ''-abo.,. were: Chas. and GGlenn Reason, .of ~ baIIlI. ' do .,lemnl7 .".... Uaac tbe ,::rm~tla &rue $() tile .,., of m7 bowled.. Germantown; Paul ReMoD and Wtfe, aboft _MI!Ien~'"Ie 10 'he .,.. m, E. C. Mullln and , L. II n.lfDKR80lf ~ IaJow.,.. UId H. 'II. TUOKER; 0 ....1.. ,aDd Mrs. Chu. IIl'-l~ aad .WOrD $() boron me ,I... lIr:~m~ to . . . . . We WatTou., of DaYti•• ! USb da,o AprtJ.oVl\iLB8 MADDEN M C~ SN rs.

- ---------------------------------------------

FRED M. COLE Hardware. Hamell and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

IRed River Early Ohio Certitied Seed Potatoes, a peck .,.


IWbiteMichiganTablePolaloes, a peck



i New Potatoes, •

KROGER'S 21e ,. . 10e

U.S .• No. I Mich. White 15 pound.

Potatoes Karo Syr~p

~~~P~::~I can

'lcaro Syrup. Blue ·Label. 5'pound ca D Karo Syrup. Blue Label, to·pound can .. ....

.... .. " .... , .. .. 30 c S9c


. . . .. . . . 6e

Bette r tLao ever,

I ' pound loa f .. .

..................... .... . .. ,.. , ...... 90

1 1-2 Pound. IAa ....

~~~ . ~~~,~~. . 15c ~:::?r~f~~'


.. ....

1Dc t:~I!~~~ap

pOuDd ... .. ..

•• 3 Iba ,..



~~~!~~e.s.25c ~'!~!D ~~~~~n 20e


Fre.L cburned

. .... .... ,.. ,...

Pkcl ia water. I•. caD .... , f




20c £~~!?: Cheese .,32e T able Apples 25c ~~!!!~Brand,?I,~o 20c' Sweet Potatoes 25c ~r?!t~~0!:'d~:IPleo... 25c 23 4c lona Flour New Cabbage ~lU~. ~cflour $1.24 .: Lawn Grass Seed 3'Oc ~~~TI~,bt .,:. 39c' Fine White Lard 191 C Mop .....,. . ..... ,35e Callie Hams 29& 18!c Clothes Line Be t Breakfast Bacon 34e Clothes Pins



Cash or Trade


. ............•. .... ,.,..,........,.,. ·····'f··

Sunday, Aprill.9th

Special Chicken Dinner, '7 5 cents





Paint-Up With uGreen Seal"·







Veedol Oil r





Waynesville ·M otor (Jo. w.,..mne,



Oonwd All. .:







A'..... 0. D, COOK NoCuJ PubUc. T. r. McGU"", 0. •• LIIVlOY



Jl)Cq)Crty. defects




-»-Doo Drop Inn-<!+-

. ... .. . ...48c PeacheS -~!~~pound ,39c ~!'!!..~'~~D~~'~~ 15c ~F!.~~~·.. ~~~~. ..29c !!r~~ri~i!~Dd, 15c r~~~0~r~'.s.,~,~~, . 19c ..

I :




Seventy·Sevenlh Vern

............~••••••••••••• ATRIBUTE TO

i Inte;:::.n:h~t.m. I


11I0Il> A HE4» L&'nIIa

Pussing aW Il Y is truly a pn r t of eurl h. It lends a deat h-li ke air to our e njoym c ntH and mingles sor row with OUI' cup of bli><8. Those whom we love di e and the old earth e nclos••••••••••••••••••• . . ... ... . .. ~" tlll'm nnd fre eze" the hearts tuned

IL lw; \y..: liP t il d !~ (\ i . . thC' 1 1"1 "''; WI" '!! " z" I" H!-1 ~ n lf' a l1~ tl 1' anl , \'u h' in J! t i ll' l'f· ;.I; ll ~ uf hi .. 1ll 11 l h "" lla l l:-. i lll' I ' n S:l' l: l ,by :11't , ' l l , ltl) lI. \ ,,! ii 1 1 \ 1 .. ' 1;, ' 111 11,

f laJl t np i d

4NI) ~ IO\&:\S Of' ~"S AN\) vtiu MIG"T P1Ct< A Cou1>L. OF CUCVMS&1l'

I COI:;:~:e~e~'te,1 w.s

n(\ \\"


,i :l ll I, ~ 1I' ,


\t r


lJl'Sl in ul1i ~() n wi th our own .

\' II! I.

An oltlt'r on e 1111 5 it' ft liS from our Home. We nil mi ~N . Cl1rolino Smith. Hel·. \Vus 11 mind uf hig h ordor, c1rur . trol1 ':: fictive unci w,·11 bulnncecl. No di"courng (·ntl'l1t cel ul d d ep ress. Il is rare, ind ... l·d . to find "uch m('nta l strength controlled by the sou ndest di screti on IVlln lh e b,·, t rnund IIh out comI110n He nse. A. a tcac her she was u g reat s ucc es • . She WII S a great reader nnd not I",ing abl e to r:('t about very ea sily. il wa . wr ll she hud the reso urce. within her self f OI' comrort lind cu nso lulio ll . I su irl '0 her 0 11(> day, " Cllroline. we lo ve t o he ul o,,,' so metim es, don't we'! " "Yes," . he said . "I cnn trll ly >Illy I 11m ne v{'1' Ie," 10n(,ly t han lit lime'S wh un I Llill ulone. It is th(' n we hllv!! ollly to pu . h ope n tho door und ('liter into lhe oth er room wher" they lire, u n ~c rn by UH, but not un ubi I' to s('e nne l mini ster to us. " Let li S trll ~ t tho divin e laws of Gou. whi 'h work on fOI·ever. creat-

I:. 1: ,· , ;(,1 ..

Between 25.000 and 30,000 men will be employed In the con&truction of BUlte hll(hWllYII, city etreets and other rond Improvment during the next 60 days or sooner if weather conditions permit. This means almoat a. total absorption of common labor which is 50 plentiful at the preaent time. and with buildin/:' activItiea throughout the SUIte n properoua Bummer is expected for a ll kinds of labor . Cities of th6 s tate alone will give jtmployment to more than 6,000 men In hig hway improvements. ColumbU B will have 1,000 men at work 011 new streets; Cincinnati will have 1.600 and C l c~'elund will have In e XCUIl of 2,000 in 8uch work. There is in coul'lle of constru ction through. out the state approximately $3,000.000 worth of contracts. Some of the.e jobs are almost completed. while ouren are just starting. Last week the highwuy depuriment aw-.rded call tracts for 14 other jobs totaling almost $1,000,000. With s uch an extensive building progra m onder way it 8eems certain that unskilled labor will find plenty of employment in Ohio this year.



State . Capital

CollI", bu8--0hi(l will Hhqn hu v(' two more 8~ purnlt! slute institu tiuII ~, but eVen under the"e condi tions there will he no m o,·c rO om for sLnlo wardR. Th(' legislutllrt· pnsspd a bill whi~h bllen upproved by Govornor Donahey, which ll\ukes the Orient branch of the Columbus st.ute hospitul and the London pri son farm se parate institution ~. I n the pnst the Orient farm hus been operated 8 8 a branch of t he main Cor f eeble-lmlnd ed. located in Columbus, lind the London fnrm has been operut ed as a part of the Ohio penitentiary. The present mllllllg ing officer~ o f these two institutions are to be mnd e lIuperintendents and e.c:h will huv e th eir own orguntzation Instead of beillg operated as they have bee n slncc lirst opened. The change menns ve r y little extra Cltpenpe lind gives til euch jnatitu tjon an indlvldunllty which ~he)' wef e denlel! und "r the old sys~ID. It ia prPQable johat commitJlIcn~~ of 4:l0urtl! in tIle future will \I e IDalle ~o ejthilr of these institu trons dlre~t. AI Willi as the older inRtitutiona which will still lead in poin t 01 housing facilities.

\\ hole N umhe r 5640

! 'I"' !"



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1" 11 I

(' n ol lOG E C OMMON SE NSE



r It t:: .. O · MAN" HUSBAND

\ 111 r ')l l ' ... t ~ • " .... t

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d l' \ t ,, ' l)' jPI! •• ,., " fOI'g'oll " li ' llh ' ,', H I ~:

d 'l.-,' - In- h :I\ 1 · 1 , .• L!' ...., . r ' t'

\\ t,j l' h \\ , IIld 1,,· t" 'UI d i li e. 1'" '111. I( l ' r,· I i l l I

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\l ull


'h .. Htli " i ll . ... i. II nd II

Il dfl iat tl l"t " d r r il' I' 111 ' q ,1I1. i,· ,., h":' l' \\' im..~· \\ 11:- tUl,h. , ·d lJ. ,· ,"lrll,U": (' r o~ !-i' \\ \l ld pl ,!.""1 . , , \\l li, ' II , :l ft"I ' hard a n d

tl il il"" l1 t \\, ,:h r" , ,'ah ,d ' III f ,d lowi tlL!': " ~l i r i"I "

~ 1 1I 1\

",,,I ,',,"

It. Ji,I .1I1Icl, .

Jo:Hrl y ,IUll t·, I !l:.! . . , . ..

li llH'S Il I'e nil r il' tn. h u,ill l·... :- is g'nud . nn u t h e r e is

" u ... ·11 >•.11 why il "hl1 uldll' t remai n "'loud. 'I'll ,' r<' ('~ ll t . lun'l) f oll uwed I,llll' h

t (1I 1

!'l;I " l'1J 1: ~

in J..'!' , nf rt' r tht..' l' lc c ..

l ' lIlI .

lI i "h ti, an ,'\' '\ 1 Ii nd ,1 ! I., ~ liI~~ fiid it l: l"tr 1:,' an d 1I1l11(l('1" ~!l- H I'i l y f fl " i , I I ' 1'1 h y La ,', d ll' ll! ': .,: nnd id a cy

IIUIQ ', , I


ing t-'Ver Inu r e IH'W g rowth I tl'nding

to de v"lop high er forms , nobler acti vitie~, mor" sweet and juyful lives. Through deuth we go Into n highor life. M. L . A.



too stupid abuut death . We wi ll not leRrn How it Is wages paid to those wh o (°n.rn


How it is thl! j!lft for which on earth we yearn, To b" sct free trom bondage to t he flesh ; Ho w it i" turning 8ecdcorn into grain How it is winning Heuv en's eternal gain, How it mea ns freedom evermore from puin, How It un tangles every mesh. We a.r e 80 selfish abo ut death. We count our r.rrieC ~r m ore th a n we consider t heir relief Whom the g reat Reap er gathers in the sheaf, No mor e to know the seasons' con stant change ; And we forget that it means only liCe. Life with a ll joy. peace, rest. and glory dife, The victory won, llnd cnded a ll the strife . And IIml\'e n no longe r #IU' away or

PNEUMONIA FAIAL -. , NORMAL STUDENTS MEMBERS ASKED · TO, SIGN LISTS TO PROMINENT MAN PRESENIS COMEDY ENTITLED "KEMPY" J ohn .Jacob Reid, 41 , prominent dru ggist of Leban on, dierl Sunday IIftcrn oon nfter a brief illness from double pneumonia. Mr. Reid WB.!! one of the leading busines. men of Wnrre n cou n ty, nnd had been engaged in bURin~ ss in that city fur many yenrs. He hllcl been ill for a yea r from leakage of the henrt, bUl was ab le to attend to bus in ess.

---The Normal c lass gave their ann u01 p lay. "Kempy". at th e Gym Inst Friday even ing. Although lhere w('r (! seve ral ot her Ilttl'lIct ions in tov:n, a full house was in attendnnce . "K e mpy" is Ii com edy and is one of Samuel French's beet pla Yl'l . The cast was well s'llecwd. oach parL being port ray ed very cre dit ll bly. The sevl! l'a l mix-up s which occ urred throug hout WerE, ve ry amu sing. The duughter. whose parents wi ~ h e d her to marry the ri'c h man. preferred to marry the plumber, "Kemp y." etc. The play wal3 under th c c.fficient direction of Miss Edna Howland, an~ was II: complete success. During the. intermissions, a vocal solo by Miss Edith McKibban and a piuno solo by Miss MillS He len G'1lha m were enj oyable fea~ures of the enter.tain ment. l'\o llowi ng IS !Lbll CIl3~;

At Il m eeting of the ell lil" committee r e prese ntin g th~ di.,ulisfi(·d membors of the t ohacco po ul in Brookville 1:1. t week. the follo wing reso lu tion WII ' plli's",l : "Be it l'eRo lved , Tha t. inn"lIl llc h OR n large and SUb"lalltial n ll mh<'t· of the di ssntistierl l1lernl, .. f U". Miami Valley T oitaccOl p0 1I 1 hn'p signed the '1I11(' lI dl11e" t (. 0 th e hy- I " w~ PI'OP08(' <I IJY lhi~ ~ " H1mitte(!, und, inw;mu l'h II' . ig'llccl nm<'n d u1(: lI ts a r<, com in" in cach UII,\' to lilt· ~" rnnri t · tee,; 11",,.cfol·C, "B e it "csolvctl, T hu L tht' ~tJ llci l.lI­ t ion of signcrs to this a m ' m lm" lI t of th e by- Illw" be co ntinu e d hy pC1'sona l work in (,Reh t own ship nnd county throughout the dis tric t ; nnd , "Bo it furth er r<'"o l\,(ld , '~'hnt n il di s~n ti B ficd m e mh r r~ of the peo l wh o


(;n':ll i.-l th· IHIW l'r () f ~(' iC!l CC , 1I1ay!l waR Ih e day "" L fM Ih, ' a,, · nun I \Varn' n C" lIlIt)· Vi,·ld 111('(' \ a I \\ hi , h hll.• fo u ll d 1\ wa: ' to vr('vent a m C'4'tin~ of th e l'~ "Jl1t y a lhl (·t ie 1\S· Ill- l1L h by .:"" a ~ p h yxilltion. Oil of :-'Pl' Ja tl Pl1 in th e nflh- £': II f r "ull t y ,' u - n .d p ,' pp r r~ is mix ed with the gn;; 1' ("' inl.l' lIth'l1 l 11",..-1 ", nt T."":lII" n, lu ~ 1 in min ut e, in (' xpe l1si\'c qUllntitirR. WCE'k. F ,, ~ u lt y n 'pr"SI'nl:ll i," " "f Whi le I ll e g a8 burns you d"n't notice it. Hut if Ihe I!n" is tur ne'd on unfoi: £>V(' rl o f t i ll ' co unty H' h oo l ~ W " l' l ' Jln"~ I'nl a na " .. ri d ,·1! !lU b ll 0 !! } 1., ,\1 ' hi' li l! hh ·d . 01' Ihe re is a 1<-uk, the peppe l' s N ' ond F,.idn v ill .\1 11\' as tlic' dall' ,\, ,. j.jl, mb: iJl~ ill wit h tho uir, cuu ~ ('s the ('V(' ll t . · . \ i .. lc- nt :-: np c 1.illg , forcing y o u to l'u ~h TIHl:-l-(' nt tl'ln(li nJ.{ t he I'Iwl' t illK \\""ro.. ! G, 11. G (' rk£', !oO\!I' (·ri ntt.·rtdt,,, t " f t ~H' f l·" m I hI! h u u ~~ f or relief. Sim ple

Frn llklin ~ ('ho n l s ; A lhl 'rt <.',,11 011, of :, ,,11 ~ un'. Mus ",,: S . (' . Frll nk. rof Ki m' , ~ I i ll , ; Olh(' r ~c ienti sts seeking t o find m c. )I, '. :-;I~ , · . " ( :-'(Irilld·"r .. : ,I. 1.. ( ;, .. ,·1- lIlI ru lo,,"" thnt will fOrl'v~r resist cor · I' ic h . HI" ()l t l,)·I .. ,ill 1. " "1", : ;.11". F . Ie \ 1"1' ~id n h ll J1 l' tu proJu ce " an au t omol'1oumaw, IIf " aY l lt ., dll', an (\ r . A. , "

Bru nc' I', ( r lhe ].,· j,all"" c l'll (,II I~ . 1.0\. th hl \1111 Il('\'r r weal' (I Ut. T o· II w n ~ d(' ci",'.1 th <> t Ih e (' \' eJ1t wiil .i" y '" auL mohil es answer the descrip agaill IIII!" pi;"·, , al I" , FlIir ~1'" ", ,, l s I Lico ll pretty well, if you keep t.hem ".!1l1 l\(' 1,!'1t1 u l ~ I 'P ~)


('( ' f l l


w il l

h 11\' (1 ('h:l r~ c'


11 1

.. n ll' u d ..

IIf th\'

tll, ' 1 "'''' ' ~lnl..:': oil eu fl 'om

Mt'l lll l \ ' lHi ,I1 J"\ Ii " ld

and give thC"rn d ece nt care . '

I't'n f('~~o r

l"1 vp nt~,

Bonnevic. o r Oslo nni-

n f f 'nt hll ~imqn i!-' \" 'rl'- ity, sa y~ a ma n ne('d not be s o h lli r".! ", hll \~ l1 ill ;i.oId and tr:wk ,.\ ' I) !" \d ~ · u ft er u ll, in ord er to know his in I hf'l \:tr i :, '" 11111\11... th ' ·ol1!.!i;' Ilit "W it ra l ~ e r . thl' count " , ;,,,, t fll' day fur ll1 .. ( ' .. tlllPul e rni t y can he proved. th e pm t v Int 't 't drh" '" 'W : lI' . f",""r sni d, by th e I'esemblance of /I A g-rl'al

H t1IOlln l

dlilcl·. IIn g-crprill ts to thos e of his r,n hcr , P rlJre!,~ l}r


IJon n(' vic , who is n Indy,

C:1II insla ntly idcI ,t i fy t he father of Mr. I~ ... id \\'n~ a World War veteran a llY young baby by the fin gerprints. havi ng bl'e n n membe r of t he 14 7th Ktrnnge. Infantry. Ih' WII M o ne o f th e leod ing rresident Coolidge talked good Their Lent i~ OVl! r, 11I1/~ t heir East er members of the Amel'i~un Legion, Frate rnnlly he waR n Milso n nnd co mmon s e n se on lI b' iv in g prefercllco w on, was a membe r of the Rlue Lodr:e, th e lo ho me indllstry Ilnd Am erican Wniting till over paro d ise the sun Shall rise in majesty. und life begun Communde ry :rm.d the Shril\e. He wo r kmen." Newspa pe rs say he "dealso was II member of the Lebanon Sha II grow in glory liS th e perfect day 0" April !Hh th (' \\' ny n(' T own >hip f"" d<, d" Rlleh prr·fnr('nce. but th ere club. Moves on, to hold its endless, death- Rotary Parm er "' d llb Iltel al t hi ' h""1<' (,f' i< It" nC l'd for defense. lIe is s urvived by his parents, Mr. T he <.Ilrt y of a na Uon, its ~overn· less sway. Mr . nnd ~ I r •. Qui ncy (': (' "S. ntc n t 111111 i t~ chi e f e x('elltivcs is to - By the Right Rev. William Cros- and Mrs. Henry Reid. two brothers and a sister. Mem\)PI'" all d , c I'pm! J!II 'sls njny- w\lrk f or lh:l t nat ion. and for the well DOllne. Mr. Reid was well known in Way. ·d he fi Ul ltptr:uus d illll r' ,·. " ll'l' "'h k h \\'o rking- people th a ha l'e create d it. nesville, and hnd muny frie nds her e des ir e to amenQ the by. lnws be urg- t h o pro~n un f n r tlu"I dn y wnq n p CI1CO who r egret to hear 0 f his death. .. Wh en t he ear he was driving I'd to sign such nm en(lment within loy th e Lnrtl ·" P raycl·. I ~ d hy )I 1's. Funeral se r vices were held nt the The Bri Ll. h a r c not bash ful II bout When the care he was driving East Bnptist church .this. Wednesthe next ten dllYs with the aSSlI l'Iln ee Ann ll 1 :I<I","l1u(\,'I' . g,n ,,!! l he prefe l'e llce to Brit ish crashed headlong into the s ide of the day, aftcrnoon nt 2 olclock, Revs. th ilL, liB soon liS 61 \,l' r cenl uf the I n c very .advertisement 1:h IHI HY S ' !l so n prev<' lIt.,c\ tIll' nt- w" r), e rs. Ther~ has been no rush in the de- seco nd engine of fllSt Pennsy traiil mand for automobile license tag,; at Cincinnati IIvenue, cr08sing. Xenia Arthur Coope r n~d J . P. Thornbor.ry, members of the pool have ~ i R'n e d dan cc uf qu i (' a n umbc' J' uf mt"m - Y" U r<'lld "Briti sh Made," or "British Rut" Benc;e ........ .. .. Kathryn Turner officilltingo. The Maso nic and AmerHuilt." T on many Ame ricans brng ber~, llinro f0l1llil i l '~ f,tlliny, t o r ~s p(l l HI since April 1. when the price was this week, Arthur 1\100n, 71 , Spring Da<\ Bence .... ... .. ... .. .. Herbert Ault such am endment nlHI IIl (' d Ih <' Hallie to lhe r nll cnll. ~ I.I'. G" n. ill t .. orl ll ~­ a holll the fn ct that whnt they offer reduced, Thad H . Brown. Becreta!'y Valley painter. escaped se rious inju· ican Legion services will also be con- Mg Benc;e ............... \'I ester James with this c O lllmltt e~. lha t ""'h filet cd ns essayi st of the .Iu y , ;\11'. C. B. is "i mpor ted from England." as of state and head of the Qutp regIS- ries. ' . . . ducted, Jllne W a~e ....... K!ltlterlne Fromm be announc ed tht'OlI j!; h th e puhlic Dechant. (O f LdJlln nn. In t h(! nh· t houg h th ere were nothing tit to pro· tration department, saId. The deKll th erin~ Beno;e . Deborah Walton ,,'n ce of th,' e lll'I'('nI p\'l'nlH l 'lHllly d uct' or USc ill th is country. If you mans! h1i8 been a steady one and Bell Wilde ........ , ........... Melvyn Banta press lind all iu rth er solid I n ti on r:ive ll Il\' so me' tnrnr \lcr o f the clu lr. IlInke yo III' 1tI0t'C Y in Amer ica spe nd Will be an incnlase ' in the numcease ; nnd, Kelllpy Jnmes .......... WiIIlBJ!l Thomas !lfr-. D.· ~ ha nt r e\ irwed ~(l m e of th,~ it in A mer ica . ber this year over 1924, but it is not pu !(e Merrill ...... ..... .. .... Levi Coates "Be it fur ther r esolver!, Thnt. if mor e stri l ing' 0 <' '1 1I' ,'e n cc~ o C r ecent expectell' th'at the Increase of I~ st Mil•. Monteville .... Edith McKihban there are mem bers who ,I , ir(! lo sign dote . l>eld'and tWo' years agp wll! ~e mam· Miss ora Ut\ycs ' ex perience comExprell Boy .. .... .... Lorrainc Brannock s uch am endment, the y goet in touch The ~\l ~l'illl \lJlic" PII\nlllll!: thr talliea: F!!'n~s ' recelv d from th e Beatrice Summ ers ...... Hclen GMlohom with th e chairm an in t he ir r espectiVe n om!' Ganh',,: ' \\ us ahl\' di ~cLl"se d mands respectfu l IIltentioll . Return!I!~Of license tagS are !ieing diaLouis e Grant............ .. " .. Dora Doggett co unties. by l\lrs. 11 " 111.(11 un ,1 ~11·8. : fl"T i~ '"r- i!'v; wi i h her firth husbund. she says ~rl uteg to' t~'e vlil-jolllJ' polltiCII\ aub, hl' is on ' hor first r enl honeymoo n. Mrs. Wilkins ... ....... .... ... Mildred Ivins Il cll. (Signed) dl iona of the state as (alt 118 reMr . . Shel'man .. .. .... .. Louelln Longacre '1"h(' tn 41(ltill V' tul,i ll nrn (I tn n\(l (' t b"t'ou'll! this hus bulHI is 'I " No-man." ceived and checked up by Colonel " E. P. Landis, Chairmnn; Cha rles '' ('x c mon h \\'i lh . Ir. un(1 ;\1 1'•. W . Th.. 'xpori enced Indy dh' idcs husAct I-Scene in the Bence IivingBrown. E. Steck. LewiR\)urg, Ohio ; 1. '~I~ '-"1',,10,1 into t.h ~ we a k uY e!+-~Ian:' nnd room. A sprin g afternoon. E . Bllke ,·. PotRdnm, Ohio ; A. D. 'I th l' /,U\\,( ' I'(1I 1, lI1 :.inly " No-Mlln." Act II- The S8me. Nino o'clock Last Friday aftcrnoon the W. H. thre e hit.R, one error. Hllrshbarger, Plea sant lIil l Ohi o, 'Th l ' "lI l) ~ fl1an," as you g' UC :i~ t harks Six th inning-Go ns popped to Mo- that evening. The federal prohibition enforce- S. baseball team journeyed to King· Levi Warner, Coving ton, Ohi o; h ;",1< III ~ h(' caVe Ilnd kn ows how to ment olllcen of Ohio are undergOing man to help furnish entertainment ran,Everhart singled, Mac sacrificed Act III 'l'h~.~!: Mi<!night. W. A . Clark, Wayn <'sville, Ohio ; I ~a v " N o." Aworn:ln like s ~o be at the preaent time the greatest for the "closing iHl,y" of that school. Everhart, Harlsoc k's sing le scored Osgood Byrd, Brudford, Ohio; busKe d. suy s Miss B;.yes. Ilnd soon s.hake.up sincc t heir work sUlrted Play was called at 3 o·clock. with Everhart. Hartsock was out steali n ~ . I \V. A. K ee ner. New Lebn non, " i!L'l.< Ur<'t1 o f IJ "Yr ~- l\t"n. " several years ago. The appointment Lemons on the mound for Kingman One run , two hIts. n o errors. Ohio ; Norman Tenfol'd , GreenAn int('I" 'sling detin ition of bus· Donohoo now pi,tching'. Edwllrds of Judge E. L. Porterfield. of Dela- while Tomlinson assumed that reo vill e, Ohio; J. O. Plltter .on. ware. 8ft federal prohibition dieretor sponsibility for W. H. S. ph~yin!J: . right. Simpson was saf~ 011 ~Ir,. Vi" II 11:11,1:111, 1\11'. IIn cl 1111'S. baltcJ ~ . bu t there i ~ sneh a thing as Fann ersville, 0 .; Robe rt J"rlend, In Ohio, was the signal for a numeer K. • '. lI " u ~1c :Uld 11"1 r. Hn d lI1r~ . H. ":lying' "4': 0" to o oft('n. Wh o knowB -In the first inning Bur~n walked McMill1\n's e rror, F. Car ter f" nn~d , Waynes" iIIe t Ohio. Eexcculive B. Eurnh ll r " nd Mr. E"r n~sl b:nrll - blJ ~ No. li may be another " Yes-Man.' of old-time employees to .how more stole second and scored on Hoppy's Simpson stole and came in Oil ColCommittee. On the night of March 14. 1925. real intereet in their work. and while single to center . Ho ppy stole sec· lier's hit through hor t , Kenney flln hurt att l'n,l t'" 1I lectu r c sponser'et! Lemo n. grou nded t o Gons. God callC<! the tired spirit of Samthia has been evident reeently. it is on d and crossed the plate on Dono· ned. A repo rt of th e pro ceedin g~ , sub- by t hl' W ll~ rt·n C O llll~y Far~ll bu reau, ]~owl e l' McCorm ick g' r:U1 dson of aaid to come too late for the officers hoo's single to center . Donohoo One run. one hi t and one error. lit O Lt~rl)(,Il! . 1,,,1 Frld:I~- l1Ig-ht. The .Ioh" D. Ruck" f eller . ' llud hdr to· a uel Cozad, aged 76 years a nd 14 duys mitted by the committee, says: Seventh inning- Cook singled, E dto continue their jobs. stole seclJ nd. Gons grounded out. "The me eting of the cnl1lmill~e was speakl' '' W I1'; Ill'. lIarry V. lI a rl~lI . of !-fa n 'Cst" '· 'r .. os l f orlun e, is working Bootleggers openly solicitin.g or- A . single by Everhart scored Pete. wards fanned, Burton doubl ed , scar· He was born :near Flat Fork, Feb- attended by twenty-eig ht members. Wash, n.J:: l'lrt D. C.. r <, pre",' ntatl\'c \of 1 1l ~ n c1 ,, \' !:tb 0]'" ,. in a h'1.rvestcr plant ruary 28. 184H • . ~d pllssed out (If dera have not been uncommon III Co- McMillan walked. Hartsock's single ing Cook; Hopkins fanned. Burton repr e~c ntin g each co unty throughout the Un lt l'd States .D epartl11 ent of ,g- ~o,·t iu " 'ou L h(o I\V\' metal c ~ sti l1gs . l lumbul and other cities, and the men scored Everhart. Cook's hard liner came hom e on Donohoo's sing le, Gons this life near the place of his birth. th e d istrict. While he 5 1 pe r cent rrcul Lure. I1n <l WIdely k nowlI :1S a " Th~I'l"~ " hel'~ f ur you: ' ~a VB pubTwo run s. He was uni ted ill marriage to Rittie of the pool members have no t . yet world ~ra\' c lc l" have been . .ttlnc away with their s cored Hart.,ock' and McMillan. Tom· .grounded to Kenney. _ lie opini II , brazen violations of the law. If linson fanned. Burton fanned fOr three hits, no errors. sig ned the amendment, t ho commi tHe '" " grlld un: ,· o r lh,' 1\.l1n9115 Moran Wlloved, Bailey was snfe De board in 1887; to this union were tee ex pressed itself 118 being contl- Stllte Agr!cul '.lInd u ni ",,,·. i.y . an n Judge Porterfteld IItOP8 these activi- the third out. Six runs. five hits and tie. he II going to prove mlkhty pop- no errors. Only thre batters faced on McMillan's error . Carter WIl S born four children-Frllnk Cozad. of dent that the r.equired numbor of hilS trnvell'ri in variuus 1':.1l·L' fir !\leI: suc"".-d allli ru l" ~ther men given n free ticket, Stearns si ng led Cillcinnllti; Rosa Ga tes. of Waynes· signatures wou ld be received soon. worlt! . ular with law-abiding population. al- Tomlinson in Kingman's half. llY Lhp u ~ c <if Lhe rn ..,lIta l rnu lns prlll g. scoring Bailey. Simpson flied to Hopthourh the gangsters who have been It was also determin ed that, as 800n Dr. lIa rl H" i_ 1\ t. .. oth ,· .. ·ill;uw or :rhl, .. th r<·e "1·(\.."t'· ~L rulcr" of me n Second Inning-Carter now pitch· ville; Israel Coza.d, of Centerville; enjoying many luxuries. may have ing. Hopkins fanned; Donohoo like· pro F . fanned. One run. one Ind .• and De lla AnsorT. of California. as t he 61 I!er oen t of the sign e M! have Mr •. Vi ola Ha r lan. and , he anc! h" I' hl ~lI"' Y ar". Ale xa.n eler, Cllesar al) d to aeek new fields to conquer. hIt. one error. been received, 11 11 further wo rk of famil y experie nced r: reat . pl 'lIs urc l\ apo leon. j\; ,'nc nf the lll st.arted In wlse; ' Gons popped to Lemons. He Il'a,,08 nineteen grundchildr.en ll11q solicitation will cease" in meeti ng and vii'iti llg' with him. aH a fill nr le "(o\rlic r in the runks. Collier walked, Kenney fanned ; one great-grnndchil{l. with a ltoQt of W. H. S . ...=._._._..= • . __.~~"" \ ~~~~~~~ Hlc:r lit ~hirty WUg ruler of the Columbus II rapidly developing as lA!mona fanned, Collier ~ out steal AB R H PO A E ot he~ reillti ve~ lin d friend. to mourn a center for aerial navigation. With ing. 'c ·;<esnr st.nrl l'd ill Roman po li tica the eltablishment of additional air Third inntn~- arter hit Everhart. Butron. 3d .. .. ...... .. 4 2 l \3 2 0 hill departure. bl' cume II svldi er , went lO Guul and O utes. the govemment has McMillan wa ked. ~oek ~ingl!!d. Hopl<inR, of, .. .... 5 . 1 1 0 0 He was a good father. a hard work m· a' 1\ ' ro \I{\'CW p,,,vcl'rul enl) ug h to frigh te n scoring Everhart. Cook i ingled. Ihe Sl' nute , all d b o ruled the wc,dd. named tile ftyinl' field In Columbus scoring Mac; Tomlinson fanned; Donohoo, 51., p .. .. 5 1 3 0 0 0 e r all his life; he was always ready o 1 2 1 Gons 2b .... " .. .. .... 6 0 includin J< H OIllt' . , .. on. of tho ollletal placel for land- · Burton popped to Kenney. Hopkins to do a kind dleed for a neighbor Qr 3 14 1 1 h Ever art. c ..... .. .4 4 In., refuellnll' and .tojlplng for need· was asfe when Simpson threw wild; Ntll' nll':C WlJ llt to II military o,cad. C ~IlY, sludi ed li nd r ead books. used ed repalrl. Norton Field Is also be- Donohoo sla]llmed a double to deep McMillan. Ib .... .. .. O 2 o 3 0 2 a friend. He will be missed and his 3 0 0 0 Hartsock. 88 4 2 place can nev'er be filled. but God i llS bl'aln, und he ru led the world. Inc u* u . an tlnltruetion state for center, Bearing Hartsock. Cook and NHrYi olllcera and a dozen Hoppy; Gons popped to C.rter. Cook. If .... " .... .... 4 2 3 0 0 0 knows best; our loss will be hia gain. Tomlinson, p .. .. .... 3 0 o 0 0 0 Mr. Cozad waR sick but a. IIhort time lIIIall maehlnes are now located there Five runs. three hits.' one error. ' T o I> II\'e ;1 ~ on worth wh ile, give' Edwards. rf .. .. .... 1 0 o 0 0 0 death following an attack of indiA number of Important ehange. 'are · M ddt B to Cli -n.-mplated In thl. Iplendld landing oran graun e 0 ur n; ne gestion. He has gone to his rest and The Group meeting of the Warren The ladies se rved an exrel\!'nt sup- him t ho bes!' chnllce yon elln . First ~v .., fanned, B :-Ca116 fanned, field, and when these are completed Fourth tnnlng-Everhart singled Totn! ...... " .. ... ... 35 16 14 21 6 4 to meet the loved oneil who have gone County Quarterly Conference Was per at 6 o'clock. At the evening S,'I'- i:ood health, t.hen ed ucation . then. a g nod stnrt. before. ' and the' new all' routes eiltabliahed. and stole second and , third. Mae's Be passed away at the home of hiB held a~ the Wayn s ville M. E . chur ch \'iee lhe ohoir r e nd ered n1<1 t eX l,~ I ­ Coluinhua will bout of one of, the long fly scored ~verhart; . Hartsock K. H. S. beat eqUiPted and the busiest· flying flied to H. Carter. Cookpo ' ppedto AB R ' H PO A E daughtur. Mrs. RolJll, Gates, with on April 17th. In the a;fterno on lent l11u. ic a nd M l'S. Syb il Le1\lay om he .had lived the pnst Courteen very encourag ing r eports we re giv- sa ng ;L solo wh ich w n~ gro,\1'Iy u ppre· fields In 0 io. • • . K~ney. One run. one hit, no er· Stearns. rf .......... 4 1 2 0 0 'J. wh yean. He was 'Veil known around en by ·the pastors of t he various cinL~ <1 by all . Waynesvi lle. "A life we loved is Rev. I! llo r. of Le ban on . g" ve a - -_ . _ ." taken. T voiCe : we love is stilled; A churches of the county. These reo ports showed progteSS In 1111 lines of fillC r eview I LI)'\'cjoy's lJOok, " Stew. place i8 vacant . In ollr ~oJlle that ,. ,. ' . to Burton} Slm{lson .popped to Bur- Collier, Sl .. .. ........ 3 0 1 0 0 0 activity In' the churches. The Sab- al'dship for All of L iI~ ." IIhd Rev. On las t , Sabbath night tho pastor ' , ton; P. CarUlr. fanned. Collier. fann-. Kenney. 2b ...... ... S 1 1 0 2 0 neVer can be liUecJ!', ,., ' a of tho M. E. church at ,oW .. a'"' · ~r". of -n-ailb , I _ _--:,':"' . ed. One run, one hit one err'or. Lemona. p ; 3b:..... :;1 0 0 , '3 l ' ~ bath Sehoola. Epworth Leagues and Stitllel, of Springboro. pr ea eli ' e" .,.. ea'''Ue, Of gove nn in~ercstlng : stereopticon lef;.. W~ wtsb W ~nlt 'o'Ur nekhbol'JJ , Fifth u. \ nln'h T Ii 11" d B HC?ran. lb .,.. ,.. ....... 3 1 1 8 0 " the ' Missionary ' societies are all In a fine se rmon. t llr on' "The Mus Movement in In':Aommunlcation ot Waynes· om nao an u~ CI ne -1 It. () 0 0 I) ancJ friend. for th'elr \dndoe.. aurlnc 8 AI"al -''e vill~'''''' N. 16S' F. '" A. M.• Fri- .ton ~anned. C)ppy was safe on Le~ 1 . '\>4 ..... .. ..... " A,fter th . sernc ~ WUt"\'en ,Con.n. dia.'" , . tile Ilcknet8 and death of our father; ftouri,shing con"ltjon. ' . April 24th 'for the pur- JD,on a error. BOPPf .. The t hing . of greatest encournge· ty Men' ~ nl'oth ~ rh o"d wl)!l orgalllz· On ' L:')xt ' Sabb~ -night, April 26. "'" ,ven ..... lyfYi th E tered Donohoo ~ulldect ~ KenIT'l' ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rev.' WashbUrn for · his kind ' worda, and Mr. Jamee McClure for tile af· ment In · these reports was t lUi,t. .there 'ed apd 1". M. CO lli, or .\ ol'lIesvlUe, the p~tor ~I give a Iccond Iltere~P. ~--..!lIftr.!!em~~~ , -\)f::rtilng Ke~nJ .llI&'led, OOjla mllir~ 'rOIll~ . .. manner In which he eonducted bve 'been n:~arly three- hundred peo _ was elected' pre ident. Rev: J , C. tieon 1~,,~D .':...A1rica," . !~~wiDII ~~ .... d viJ'~n are e~rdi.ny In- UnIOn a ~row for an .a.,. Ollt. Lem- 'l'ota...... , ........·... 1!1I 6 7 21 · . 8 tlcient the tuner'al. 1'HE FAMILY. . f .... l~ Ii to • lOme ....·11 0 .... p ....ureiI on .... ·caDan ... ~- .. wnb . n" cOnI fanned, Moran'. hit Kored Ken1 2 3 • 6 6 7 pie' received Into . tile Methodist Robert , 0 D "'lC ell r ga:vtl' cncour- vas. ' YIMIII fI prese .. ney, Baney, now pla~ center, _ • ~~.~----chtUehes of W.amm countf aince agillg r pot~ {rom the different parts The pubUe la ~ bmt.e4 , O. J. W4TERROUSE.1. H. fanned; B. Carter'a hlt Hnt lIoraD W: B. , .~,, 6 0 5 1 0 1 Z-16 of the dlatrict.. atteD4 . . . . . . . . . 1'.,11. Jl&NJ)USON. aero.. ~ IuDtcL ~ ~ K. 8 ..............00 0 1 2 1 J.- 5 1'rJ ~ au.,.. otllee f . lob Work. September the fint.



Local School Wins from Kingman Hi





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Hanna's Lustro-Finish


I. , I t "I'll J, h\ I I t I ) I ranl.: \t , ., Il t 11'-','" lh' n ''-l 111 Il al ' lll ! !! ,') ! 1'p , ~ I, I I ' ,t! I, _\1 I C' t " , I " Ch4 ' t " . C' ,,,, p I I


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:\ 1\, \ 1, 111' ,

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C' :Ul !) '" n, 1I 11t! .ltd1l1 I., 1f ~ }flul'l'r, :1 I I{ ,~< 111 I I t l'rol' I,1 I~p . / I . I I' :! I h. ; 1' Ii 1. :1 1b n ~: \lIlI'I' til ( ' 1\:1 ~, C , Fr.-, I., ", lil t. III F l'H ll kli r·. ::; I I ~ H Ii I' '\. 1:.1111 til Ch t· ... ll · !' " '.IIlI P - , h' I. at.t til ;.," ~' l 1'1 " i n lIalldlttlT' T p .. fll

1),1 \ ' 1 "n




~ h lll' ,

Ht ltl k

\ .1, F Il lh 11·t. "' t'l . Il i I" III' li l,.: l'ial l'(lfllmittl' t·. ~ l.

. : . 'I:

111\- 1'

Waynesvile, Ohio



I ~r:r-F I C I L NCY

t " It I,,: ,



IkId Head TaHooMl. i'attllolng In r,'<! and blue entJrelJ> eCJnred the bald lIend of 8 mRll me appeared In n London poli ce roDrt r~

peop le are afraid of a utom obile.: lome p eop le are Afraid of airplanea; and lome p~ople

Poultry Wanted!

Bre afrBi d of


d en ti.t.

[T- 'H~-'t:ls hin r.

\\' illia'JI lI ulf, "d \\',,> mif l i ~lrutor

Tr y th e Ga zette ollice for Job Work,

Mis fo rtu ne's Individual in the he shows, - m ostly sing les out his victim when dj~ ­ tributin' hI. woes. Of co urse he's extra capable ill Rullln' o lf his stunt s-and we ncver ke tch him f oolin' with t oo many fol ks at oncc. He 'll likely grab 11 "'jdder or on orpha n when thc r', re sjc.k~r a ny c,th~r f·1l r ha be reckonR he can lick. SometimcH he J,(ets a holt of me and nearly throw s me dO Wll, -but you know we h:we t o beM a cross aforo we wcur II crown, Sometimes I leather i leI him IlS soon as he's In ft lght, allli I'll mebbe put him up a tree alor\! there's any tight; of course there's been occas ions when my hope wa.q nenrly go ne, tJut I f ound the deepes t durkncss j l;.jt afore the brightest duwn, So we reckon night Is darkest at tbe near approncli of day,whIch is' probably t he hardest of t.he truth s we learn to :uy. We should n ever be too sudden in t he j edgements we pc rfo rm -f'lr the re 's plenty of trw.- , quility to foller every storm.



Dr. John W. Miller iDentiat W.y ....vllio National 8ank BJdj.1

Baving eomplied with the require.:nent. of the Utility Commissio n, I am eolna Into the Truck Business ,a gain, aad will be. abl. to do all IdndJ of haullng at reasonable rates.




'11 11'

I :c 'I I !I "

, (' .. , I I"


l'iI:'" ' ' at



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an d , -





•IO:-JEY L OANED ON LIn: ST OCK, chutte ls, ultw HCCtlll ti IB ur ~1If.,.' -' h a rnl' :o\!:'. Notos !Jou~ h t. John H"rl,inc , ,\ l1"n ,' ", "i: hill,: r" r L.' nns, ,IAl'OB A , RCOT'[', D uildi n~, Xcnill, ,Oh io, F, T. Martin ___ unci J, Stn , 1<'Y. Aucls ___ _

I r: l l l l \ l i'},! 111I1'1"1I1l Ilt !'O Bl1 d


wIllI'n"f ul that RlI Ch bi~ n "" 1 ug-ht . ueh cXllctillJ,(


~ THE TIFFANY JEWELRY STORE ,-"':''''':o.''!.


Jewelen and Optometrillta, XENIA ,OHIO



This W eek' s Cross-Word Puzzle

[ "

FOR R E NT V( ) I{ HF. ~ ~T


1: ('rl'S :~,' l' ldlh,'

t· !' I!,\~


t'L \\·nq· I."'; . l'Xt.!('ut.p r 1,( ,Irl ... ~y !li c' " )11/1... 11', and Wt' k n()\\ ' ~- () II p'eft' l' C IH ' " I.H,ol\:-: thl' ( taU.. ( r ~ fa l'Y :\ . St.'a ls , d pC l'Ut-- I,:.r il; u!i g.-t TIlt' Inttx imum l'njl)yrupnt You ' ll lIl!cd th <'m.

cd fil l"" hi ~ '1 ill' " , ~ I eeH~I ' d,



lir ~ t a n ' o)u llt.

o f Th ",,,,,, Smi t h, d,'·

Wa:-: Hdmi u.'d to prni, n ll'.

C,'l, rKl'

It I'

(I' {lm

::i nlit h und

~lal' y


S, " Iii


librury. LO!>T OR STOLI-:N- - Red hone houn d pu p, while front ICj!s with brown "r"L. "n th~l11; ",!. iLe o,. t ip uf tai l. nnswcrs t o nome o f Jakl', Libc'TIlI reward, George Snlte r lhwllile, IIh o no :Hi·a. W nynesvillc , Llhiu, ll~!l




IIl'ui :-:('1 Jlll' ulo

,J , FI,,"k Gnll:dw r, admini strato r or th e ~'lult' o f II I. rae" (~ , (:"Ialll (· ... u~cell,,' d, til e d h is i",',' nt y l' u and ap-


~/.. .

CASH-· For Dc nwl Gold, Plntinum. Si l\'('r, Diumon ds, mllg neto poil' t". fal "e t ee th, j ewe lry, any va luublC's. Mil iI tnduy, Ca ~ h by r cturn mail. Il oke S. & R. Co" Otsego, Mich. WANTED - Th e addr ess of John II, Adail'. Address Peter Be rger, 17:!2 Bn lti mor e, Ave" 'Ci ncinnu t i, Oh io.

pJ'!Iais( JlI ~ lll.

J"rr y Parkhill wu s Ilpp oinleu udl1Iinist ruto r o f th e l"tatc or Mary ,J. Parkh il!, d C<!'lU~e d. Bond $ [:;00 , J. Lee Th o mp son, Hurry Tho"'p <ol1 u nd Les li o Moo r e wer e Upp oiuLeu Ul'-


p ru i ~ 1'8.

~t?:· ~: .. ';

d·,'~9 . p ',~;S" ''

·' lf·~ 1 ~


';:~#/~~{:t :·. :.1~~~Jr~~~~_: . _': ~

,r At N,'\\ Y c ~!kJ l lJ, th t> " -:"n(":\ I" <;; (' ht C .-::. 1:1.


Les lie nlld ClifTo nl Sm ith, admini. lI'lIt or s of Lh e c stato uf Fra nk S ,"il h d ccc. ,~c d , ftldo their third alltl tillul

W A N'l'ED- The pa rty who f ound the Iluto li cense tug. No , 792· 44a, tj) pl eaSe:! 1l'llvC at the Gazette ompe, or wit h H , O. Fudge, Ldlllll on, Ohio, 1\29

il CtHUtlt.

f~,-, " d 'i l.! ' :' ,: : _l or, ":11 r . , t ' ·

MA RRIAGE LICEN SE S ':'-!'I, .1, I',·, ; i! ~ ''' ,' II ,\I " rri ~ G, furman, rUrlner, o f :\Jidp r f",r, ; ' ~. I I ' "I ttl Tl t ;dl("IIW I I , ~ IJl d :\li ~~ Pauline Cuope r' tiollHl I ! i l ;, . ' 1'( 1(,' (.', .. d l' rk , l~cb u ,, ", 1. i}'~' 11\ II • "~' c:. l ' Olllnl;:1 nd, I 1." ,t<: " lIur hu m, cabin ct mal( " ', o f \1'. I' 1'/ ) , ' t ',' . '} of \ V;'lr :. I'a,·t ,," , H' , (\ :I1hs Flu"l' u cc I::liz"ueth i.\.~ l·; \'. d l 1'1.:_.. iu(' . SO lJ"'U \. 1 ]'"'I,put rk k, o f Hlanch c'tU', red u g-reat milit:l ry IH""!' L,,\\i, ll :l l' rcll, 1,,1'0 1'('1', and i\1i ss ,~ t . ' lIa ] 'l'an , schoo l tcacher, bo th of ~ Iill s , 1',", the r('lid of Wa" or phan" and Kill)!"" J"hll N, Ur uc e, tin'IlU IU , un d l\ lr~ , d i ~ abled ntl'I'IlIl H, l\I o l'e th a n 100 I'u .... ie J\il' l,y . uu th "f Fra nklin, " I'ti,\.>; f n'n! all hl'UIICh.:, lit' t" ~ s tug'c .l lI hn Jl pl1ry, Iil·(.·l1lan of P o~ tC t'~l will p al'licip"lC in , the t ab h'lltl X, Juhn Phi li p !Sou sa w ill ha\'e ch~.rge ',111(1 )1 1'" , ,\u r a Ro"l"'s, oj' Maineville. of th e band lI.u sic fill' t he cer~II'lllliul fi e will dil'l'ct th t! nill'ti S tall' ~ AI' · R EAL ESTATE TRANSFERS my bund of \V~~' hing'L (l n , I), C, which Ira 1::, and I:lurhm A, Mille r, t o will be supporte d by f o ul' oLher Ul'my ,Il'",,' Ii, Rob inctte, about :35 uc res in and navy bund s, War -ti me SUIl!;" will be n',-i,'ed by Tllrtlecreek Tp., $ I , Scull a nd !'carl !II. JIa,tillgs to ur che s Lras I' r om th ree New Yurk th e· atcr :' ~ , th e Hivo li, th e Hinlto al1d thl' Ge'H 'K" E, 11:111, pla t "' Franklin, $ 1. Crite rion, plllying' cn ~ cll1bll', I. F, a" d E\'e lyn [t usSl, 1I Lo CorAt u b:lIIqu"t to precede lhe lIi r· "" Ii" W, Ili ttma r , " hOllt 1,,8 Ilc res in p lJdrom ~x('l'ci scs , General l ' l' !'i;hill (! lf a rl:111 1'(1 " S I. liel'lIIan W. Gond win Hll d Mar y :rmnes A. J)rai ll . comma nder of the Am e rican LeJ.:'i o n , an d olh er' lI o tH- ::;, Goodwill to ~1. E. a n d Su sie Gray, LJI,'s wil! 'p eak. Conll Jl andl'r IJra in nblJ lIt &6 at:,·cs in "'mnklin '1"p,. $ 1. J " h ll C, C ood\\in t o Judy E, Tu ckwil! tel! of thc rclid wor k JlnlUng' the di 8uhl c d \'(' Ic rans and orphall 8 of :! lo tR in Wllyne 1'p" $1. fo rmer 8c I'vice me n to he acco mp lish_ John It. Coffman lind Alta I. Cu lfed hy th e A meriean LCg'i on Endow · mun to Alfred Switg'c rL, about 125 m e nt fund, Th e banquet n.ldl'e sses acres ill'Wlls h ing t on Tp .. $ 1. Alfred Swiget't t o Geor gc E. and "Iso wi ll be broadc as t nationally,




1.0!s1'- A bi\{, blac k I' nlnllu , r.hi. I1U so w, weight 350 o r 400 pO\lnds, Fi ,,,h' l' pl ea se ill (o rm ltlli c igh 1:". gu n, H, R, 2, WnYll cKv lll o, Ohi" ,

1' 1"lIi p \\'h itHer , admini strator of th,' l' ~ tate f An nl\ E , ItOIl('h , ,... . ""tlas" d, fi led h is in \'cntory lln d np -

'.~ .'/,


:; I IO II I 12 1:1 1G 17 i !i ~ I ~; I

!,( ,I :! f>

ArROS:::; A n ·la i,'C, Pil'l'f' of fur n i t ure . Cr ucifi x, T hl' h,\\,('st f C'1\lnlc voice , 'Von! (I f nl' goutioll , A d ll ll1l.':-itic nnimnl.


l 'c l'm it.

:l2 3a 3·1

Hu e.


22 2!J

';~ J

l' ul1 Cl l1llliun mark, :\ hravc mn n,


Uth e rwi sc , A tr ce,


Pa, U'\', l.! ccII I:a t cu 10\\'1' 1' part of waJL



:"uulL E xtl'nci to. :1 ;1 A monk ey, P ie ce o f c:ours c fabr ic, :ll; !'5el f. :l8 Spill. ,10 Gi rl ', nallle. ,I I ' r e l't" inillJ{ to l'uniRhm ent, 42 1\1 a Ic' \'oice , DOWN A V(l ~sc l. A Hlipkn ot. :l A kind of bed. Abhrcl' ;alinll for our Sav ill I', 4 An ('xcl ulI1 Htioll , Th e wh o I", 8 Sc pnral~ pa rli cu lnl'S , ~J PULrefy. 1:1 Company (abbr,), 1,1 Ileverol(e , 15 l'rcposi lion , 2R :;0

An.we r to La. t Week'. Puzde


F OR SALE-'rri~h Cobblens and Piqua Crown potatoes. Inquire of Frank Braddock, R . D; !, Waynesville, Ohio. a29 FO ~ SALE-Fine, high-grade phonogrllph taken back tor non pay ments. Can be purchlllle d by relin. ble party for ' balance du e nt $1.00 per wee k" Addretis ,P. O. BOll 142, Dayton, Ohio. rn6 FOR SALE- Folding b ed; solid oak wit h mirror. Inquire at this of: 8c~ , ".22





:1",,1" ';'OONQoo • ""'~ - CDl.oAA.oo r:tA."IMO ..... O W . HOUK - C .. INTO .... - NO ,


11"'i... ,,,,0 O4IFI' - 1oIi11"'~ WI'l, ..... Il00& ......0 - , ........ 'Tl'>SIJIIa. .,,,,,,,,,, =-<'H H

Fort SA L E- Cllbbosre nn. 1 To mato Pla nts, of many vurictil'", Eo W. lI ,?p k ins. WaYllcsv ille , Uhin. FOR S AL E:- Onc MW .rnd 9 pigs, [nquire of Rnlph Milll'!", Wayn esv ille , Ohi o, " !lI 1i FO R SALE- A few ~ OO!ll 101.8 of Wa ll Puper at a burg llin price, SCI' D. E, Standiford, Way nesvi ll e, O hio. · 0:10 FO~ SALE- Pekin Duck Eggs, 35c per setlin l\'. Mrs. Gco, GiIlliand, Route 1, Wuyncsville, Ohio. ,

M ULC,AW-/ h . - WC S,T"""'IOOO. N , T.


v.rlf ..o.. ~ ........ y


"'V, e'l<WJ04 N," •

"Oo.s.II'I· fiT, llWTI1A..aU/b

...~ ~ c."tlL,a"A, I?SI>PU! '" LIHCOLIt •





11....._ 0 MAtlQIS " "'~"!o"O"6 . "-oJ • ......,....

Jo. ,.~

"UIl~T • WII ...'i - ~o.oQ ... oo "",,UIICJaN' • 6A~""1I ... . .;:r • .

1Tll>M "'011"& - ",u""'1" -coi.oA.-oO .Quo,,", " . ""01'1' - (:AQ.,O",-'1I> .. ' ...0. • LMI" a. ....A - ..... ("oAM. _ G""'" ....nY1L' woooevn,. -OIla60", "'fIL TO'" , ...~ . . . . . . ""''''O,lONVIL&.. - L.t\.


.... ~

PI!~ItW' - eL""TON • ~.

. _I.. fell .... ,.. • 00"'4 _ w'U'1+

, wELl. kHS , '111& CDN-nST IS


o .... 'UI_

FOR SALE-Several tonll ' of mixed hay. Inquire of Louis FIres' phone IH-2 'II, W.ynollviIJe, Ohio:

·822 FOR SALE-Reed baby bURY and AIJadin lamp. Ella B. Cook, R. n, 4, Waynesville, Ohio. 0a22 FOR SALE-Tested leed corn, Reed Yellow Dent, both 1928 and 1924 G, E. Ril ey, phone 42-6. • FOR ' SALE-International. gasoline engine, 2 'II, h . p. Inquire at the Miami Gazette office. ' 022 FOR SALE-Three Touloul e ceelle ' and ,one ~ander. Inquire of 'J, C. Hisey, R. R. 3, WaynelviUc, Ohio • ' oa211 FOR SALE-Th.





~6 ~7

.." .., PH



p r' III :-:l' I':i,

.f' .

Our eap.rt .er.lco will quickly relieve you, .bould 70ur .7" b. caulillir theM headachu ·



!\ nult - "!1 " \·ou kn oll' thnt TUr:SDAY, Ar'R IL 28. 19 25. It' t'll t l'· ' u " "t ' d · t \ \ · l' ]Vt· hUlld "l' d ;\ 11 .1 Ht ,tdnl , i1lL!' 1'1'IH)' 1': 1~' at 1 2 n·rlu(.'k . l.· i j.!'n Y -I ··'.I ' ]"'rl':~l1t ~ W i "', ' n'.~ ' d(.c1 tp l lh, ' f: 1! >1;': i l1 g" J hl l r~l'~ , lot of f l' I'll. m~: 1. ,. !


i · ,"

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('la: k llL-nn l'Ll. J o h n \' ,mdl' l'vll rt nnd W, ,1\, Whi tak(' ,' Wl" ' C "I'Pui l1 tl' <1 ap·


Mo.t ca.". of heaclache. tbat com .. to U I are clirectly lra"eabl. to cI'e fe"ti"" eye. ii bt or weake ned eye mUI '



I, ,. I II , "; 1 ,·r 1\ ,d 'd .~ t', ik ~ nO t'th (I f \ Vny' " II :,' \',' :1': l,-,-i ll,' :'! d Ut' lI . ... .

I , ,,, ~ I'il. ,' , d 'II,','I: , t lL\



·I ~ 1'1 I'I' I,:: ~ ... . 11 " InY St ur k

I t ' I 'II"

I' I' t' np)lo intl' ti t'Xl tu t o rs o f lhl' v-Llu' o f ' ( hvtll :l :'; , 'm l lh , d Ct·l'a" l' d .

.' '~t




,j ,

I \\ II


~ ' tl !,hen

" ',

Instant Relief from headaches


1,t't!1I F rlll : U

Ij , .. .


~ .{.



It I

ntt('ntinn tn knock.:rs,"

, \ a ~ turf '. rU ' u ' l l!:" w:: lllr. '·.,' il l ."'mit h, deccasl·d _ , n' l! l b\' ' tl'u d ,I' n ~ ft \\ ho ll' Mr~ . I'rouf LIE pu u licati on of rtllli ct' ,'; (. f I app u intmL'n t Wl'r e fil pd f o r tl1l.' ft. l· :,If' I,"l' YCH 'lIl an J!(lt ~ I h e ('!'t;,dit \,Ul. v f \\ (J rk illj.!' it. Next week, w o " ' 111 . t'.l)Y , t 1 ~ t1 , ik~ (I\ '~ t, f l ~' d~c\' ill t:, , ·H2 ~) ! ' I\'oi ~ f ~-ta tl':':: J , " ', U uw,\o'(' J'. tfl' -!r l'~h.'''I ;.' I' ' ~ lll:':\\' l~' :''. 'ulI'dli! , d , .:I>' J ~ "ilo l! h J J d \'l~ >' l~ U H pu zzle thut ('. n~ l· d: ;\liL' c H, t\'ills , .I t' l" ': I:"' I 'I I: \, 111 It :-: t ytlllf r'II),!'l o lJ s knowledge, \\'illiill 11 ,;\1. Il art'. d t'l' l':bvd an d Ll - ': r, ,', IIU , l Ull Ipll I:l ,tlk:-; j'Jl d a ft ,\\, ; .Iu:. t l~llI lWhl W{' \\' ~l uld Wa r n you, in LOST I~. :-d . t ' , \ \·n iui!'!ld. dl't·l' H!'Ol.'tl. :' ~ · Iath·,,:-i . : llIt out.-;i cic of lh!t t, it'!, n I ,"rti('l' tha t Y DU Ciln ~tt.!t n hnl f dozen

Phone 36-4


WI\ =, IllJt h o ri ~~ t · d

Till' cu urt "PI 'I'Il ,'(' d th" IIl'C,'tI' ., f ClilTor n aBel l.e,li · ' mit" , uti · nlilli!"ll':ltul'S of the (! ~ lnt c to f 'u~an



I., Kel s l '"

E, ll "u·tH·!' were :lPlw int c ri a pp r :li!-o(ll'~ ,



l l('d ti ,I\\


1" ' ''':1' I n the I" n tll'r " f th., (', ta l,' "f \\ . (ii'! " (~l'ti l'gC E, \V hH rlH fI, p r es um ed tl cccdl'l1t. it W !lS o",k l'<'d t hat lI oli,' .. Hu d IT'S THAT TIME 0' YEAR Furmc ,'" ('If WII ' 'T~II and ~dJ o l"I ,, ~ "I'plicalil,n be puhli ~ I",' d tha L the !c'Fl )1 ' 0£ ; ESS OPINES J::d p r c,u lI1pti o n uf th(' d , ath u f , ,,id ~' I'. lhl=- Ilwy lI ul :. i ' l 1IIt'l IiCy 011 lu". I' l"'hi' ~ ....... nv. \\'hHl'~ th e mutter l; l""'J: l' E , Wharl un mlly l'e 'sl nbt .:~· II" ;"I~ , n: ' '.' \lL.'r CC II L in\tln",'. \\ ll !~ ~~ : II T ll mpkil1~ thl'se dID'S!" M u u r!r.e wanted "'c t o b ~­ li ' h ed , .1.,1:11 ol1 - "l1idl1 ' t yuu h ('(l r ~ 11 0 Co ~ t of ~wcul'it l ~~ !}II': IIUII~ U i", ,Our) I' " ,, · con' ,.. hi. d&ncing p:\rtne r in Th e will of ehal'l," Kelly, duc Il ~ ' W:\<.: :-: t Ull;: by :l l'alt1~r." v8.udC" v ill e , bu t J turn e d it down , , (H ilh;t' ,thr u u~ h Tht! F ccJoral L K ,, ~I l ,d , "'as "tlm itt l' d tl) hr"bn tc, I','r l<i,,<, " , Ii ~; () :: h "rnttle'nakl'~ f t o ln J.:1'~-' it was to o ah aky a 1':lIJ,:l'IlC C. UU llh alll was aP l'l'I ill c tl : , lI t , k, F I ll' rUI' II ,l'r \"f(ln tu& t "'" l: dl ,l, .h t:H(IJI - · 'Nu. A used far," LUllin~. ' ( or m e , eXl' 'ut ,' " or th ,· (>, tlltl' (I f C hal'l ,', ' II ' ''' "tid ... '," ~l. t' , 1l1I " 1\1':, '1' 1',' ''.' 1\ II \" , d l' ' ('11 _ d , n Olld, $51)()U, Ed)!" l' ' Ir.'''. 1,1I "" t· :: \ tl \ , 1 .I, j ,u ' • •. . P I ill ==============~== A, Lu dlulll , J o h n 11. ~1" ulll. ' " '"' . ',





;'l l' .. h,'.

Farmers, Attention!




hoh l' h l h",

,( I! ilL pri \'n t l' ,;alc' per>,. nnl pr"JI"rt.l'

U ••

Telephone 114, -

arllt!:l d



Challdl" I', 'III lh t, ma tt.,1' " f th" b l :)! p o f 1-:1· lilt' I' h t·lsl' Y. dl.·Cl·lI:-'l, d, aciuli ll i ::.lrat r1x Edlla

Ohio, -

of th e l':-il,l tl' of

ad ·



' I~

"~ I' , iad ,· " n 't' lied t tl<' InaI' "1 IMl I .. ,tlt 1'\" ',, , Tlti " hnll dag-~ ' ~lip

wi n ('han dler , d '~ll'a ~(·dl lh£" tOll l't Ul'th' r t..·t! th :lt c£'J'tH in L l,n dq hdnt1~iIlK tll tht, e:o:.t ntl' I ll' l r ntl .... rC'1' r .... d ttl Sid-



" : 1'1

.\ , It",, "", tl ec,'",,',1. BUll " .:;,U O, In the Illllttcr IIf Ihe .tll t e o f 1-:.1·

"S h e wn ~Il't to nH', ~ ir," p ulit t.! ly

lieU Phone 2D2W P..... eoamullicatlo". paid by

"l'p" i Jll~ d


,Idl rlv ,li d lad\'



re p lie d thl' c" n tluctor.

Miamisburg, 'Ohio



"( :l! you r ;J1l (,\ " ' ..

t ':x ~ n Illl' cl'llelt y.

:,h( l'h al l!'l's


A. B. Swank

tt l' I.!T\l:'" tl (· g-Iecl. It u1 t l hoi=' l ' l l t ~'rl'd ~ Ui l \\' i ; Ii : ~ 1I 1 lI uitt fnr d i\'u r~l· .

d ll1l",1.''':




,If HII Htlt . lllhl -

h i' 111' { (' i d '''': :11 htl st n !, pl ' ~ 1 hv 11 h' 11 ,' •. :. !If thv .: :tl;:1.... !,l : P. ll:t ll £ld [ I'P" , . li S II \t n 1I1 11"h I IJI! I I rl ,t! 1 i I. ) I ' \ \ lt h p' 1-.n"" ;h ' :t l'

I' l'f lt·

a~~lit l-· t

"I s my wife forwllrd ' " as ked th e We are paying24c for OldStock middl e-'t,g'pd mnJl o f tht, ('onduct OI'. wh ll "JlL('I".,n the club cllr on th e 28<: for . Springers P ~lln~y Limitl·d ."



I :.\




\ I,da ~. (~ l , tI ll l\~ ~ ~I ' tefl' d sui l dl ,. tll'l."l· U)...'": I I t \ ' ; ill~h , l 1\.. (; u'"

t h l ' ":('1'1 1('

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of, the

Pereberon, Stallion, ROJa' Wonder• Thll II the JtI~'. Powcler Co. hone, and will make the ,...OD at my fum. O. A. Strawa, R. R. 4, WapuvUle, OJtio. .....

·' .... TH E M AMI I,'S(J!W fo:VE IlY


GA Z E TTE •••• ~ED

Enlflred at th e . P\'~t() mCO lit W uy neMv iIIe,

.. _...-







to Pole





Socond Class Mail Matter

D. L. CRANE. : Edltor an'd PUbIi.her, W .. yne.vllle, Obio.


'ub Mcriptio n Price, $1.60 per year.

' 'I






If nlly olle o\\'n ~ II t on uf ~o o d rock nul \\'ill ~ "1ll1 it by pu re,, 1 I' ".t t o Mr,


I{ichurd I(odrilln, III' N,' w YO I'k , thr r ock can 1)(' tn' :tte<l IJ Y t he l~ o drill1 1 prdcL"'s and t\\"'nty thl'('f) cl!n t ~ wurth tl f gol,1 (' xtru ctNI. A ft l ' Lh e C,ls t uf minin!! lind . hippin~ \.h" r,,,'k I"," l ll'C Il nH~ l. the CS P l'IHW of l · XlrlU·till J.( t he !!lI ld pll id, and a fil t ill': ,u n, . sd

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fro l11 April 27 to l\lny:L

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A 11 1I' ricall Fll r l'sl 1I',,('k \\'ill be ob-

I'l'upurt tu fl -

lI f tlw l'tl ~ t tal' tIll' ItlHd,ifl · th · O W I H.' I' lif the (' Hc k <: a ll tnk(· th ~ kllau("i ' ot' l h e l\\ l.· nly ,hl't '(' n ollt !" :1 :-: h i!' pndil. \\" h al could lH' KW"C' I ('r tllHII lhal '~ Thi s 1'11111 o\f c(' ltin): .. it' h wilh 'l lil wOl"hinJ: mny not app e nl tll thl' "dull"

att' f l!nl'('


y· , .. k ('ity RIi,'k,' ... 11

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It,,,lrillll "lllrl" d

sc h ""Il1O uf cx tru c tin ~ ~o ld from


re,l to fl y Mac· ~ av s thr noted

( . " I 1'(' 1' , " " ill I't'~ ult .-it!:l' 1' III • u~rr:-.~ ur dcal h on th e' grC':~lt ict.' \\ a :- '-.i , ill' lili lth" T J,,' li.\ I ' I ~ a r '. . , (a h IJ\ " ' ) ,~ . E . ll·bel' od .d A . C. r-; , • .I . ' \ 1 i'~'III " '1 ' - J 1: ..... 1,, 11. I.:.:.: :u ,r! 1.1 c; ,. ( \1 .


h"t, ,, dtH.~ j g" l l :tlt.· d by tht' l)f·( ·~i de"l fo r llH' pa st r U lIt" y l ·al~. Hn d i ~ lInch' r t h(' 11 il'('(' 1iOI! n r the F (!I,(, "' t SC'rvi('c

f"II<" "f tl1\' C" Ulltry, hut II ... id ea t.o

p l ac( ' ~,

Thi s WCt)k

;., d la ll to Ihc No rth Polr t his , umnc r , '\':hich event ,"

hl\ ~


npPl'a ll'd

ill l li p (1. S. ill Illuny


I'oc k i" Yonl<a r. , N. Y. li e go · i"l! to s upply the w"rl d wit h mor e !!o ld thall it eHr thouJ.!ht ex is t ed, :.nd with "' mueh Htnck ill the !,ro ld p l'ufiul'iJlJ;' climpuny us miJ,!'ht \H' Iiolltcd. Quito II fcw "clever" New Yurkers ciropp"" illto the ne t . The n 1110"1{ came lin IInnoying Attorn ey G"nern!. By thnt tim e the plllnt had bN'n moved to Gl o \' ergvill e , N. Y ., whore th e re is jus t UB much rock but not 8Q e U8Y un allprollch f Qr illspec tion. Unfortunately for Rodril1n, th e Attorney General ins is t ed on 1111 in vestigntiQn befQre any more .to c k was sold. A cruel professQ r of C.Ilumbia univers ity began to t cs t th e process, under the dire ctio n uf ){ ndril1n him self, and nHe r n yellr or s" of work it wa s di scovt'red t ha t by carefully following th e ){ ndrian pr,'Ct'HS twentt-three cen t s' wo rth o f go Id CQlIId be extl'acted fr o m a to n IIf rock. hi brie f th e I{oell' inll El ec· tro-Metallurgi cal eom pnn y is ~ huwn t o be fQunded UI1 h ot Il/ir Illld hunk, nnd the' New Yorkers have proved tbat the clevel' city ~ liclu;r Clln bu y II gold brick with m o re cu ~c t han eVI'r rhlU'acterized. such u purch llse a t Lhc hands ' of a po or' fcll uw fron! the count!'}'.

spent Sanday with his uncle, Clyde r'barton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cox Mrs. JQ8. Githens end SQn, Everett, were t Dayton visitOrs, Friday. Mrs . .lohn ~: vn'll\ I>; 110 1ll'11 I' III, Mr, and Mrs. Ce.orge De ardoff and this wl'itiug. aon, of Franklin, were l Sunday guestl! of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Archdeacon. Thl'N! hou""8 IIr" qllllrantin ed Iwn' l Qr smn ll pox, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown and fami ly, of BcuvertQwn, vis ited S un1I1rs. Ida Mende nhull i~ . H ufTel'il1~ day with Mr. lind Mrs. Sim con Brow n fr oll! ple uri s y, lIl r. lind JIlrs. E d LOllgllcrc Dnd Mrs. lIrch Cops 'y is s till ill n wt'v and F:rnest Fou lks spe n t eriou H ·ondition. • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ge orgc The me"tin"'; nl th .. M. E. chur .1, Davis, at Cincinnati. ~ , c lorwd S u n d uy t.'\' ..+uillg'. Mrs. GUy Routzahn and dllu!!hto r, Gooenl, s]>ent the weck-end with he r M,', Willium , pmy , uf I. IlII'1' nc e , pal'ents, Mr. a Dd Mrs. J o~illh Boit- K UII ., is visitinl! l'ol~l ~r('. n ott, li t Ti ppecan o City , ~Ir . und MI' . \\, illillll1 Mnl'l!'an nr (' Mr~. J ohnston Burson wag o perat- prepa ring to tI'1()\'(' t" Nuw YOI·k. c d 0 11 at S t. Elizubcth hosp ital, Day. Th e family or MI'. Pra"l< Compton tQn, last ' .... ed nesda y for catnrllct. and 'n j ')yed It re ulli o" at tt" , (''' I11\1to n is repone d II gett in g nlon!! nicely. ' homp, ' undny , Mr. and Mrs, Albert Stacy en t er Priva t e fu" " rnl s .... \·ices WI: re held t.l.Iined t o Su"dny din ner , Mr. alld for Mr. Oliver Griffy, Ilt tlH' 11U"1O' , Mrs. Will Mull , Qf S pr ingboro, 1111', Thur ~ dlly uft e rno on .. ancl Mrs. HU ~8c ll Burn ett and f um ily. Sl!vc' rul frum h"rc Ill/Plld ' lI t he Mr. nnd M,.". Wilb ur Clark an d fUlwr lll of Mr. J ohn lIill,. III I\,' w Mr~_ lIIury Curm o n y were S u nda y Hur li rl J, tlln , Thursda). .Iinne r !!ue.ts of Mr. und Mr.;. E. J . T hfl n 1l1ml .('rs 41f t' h.1.!-'. ~ ;\1 1. :~ or C.trl11o ny and children. &~t Sprin g- t h l" Fri l 'l t d ~ :--\ullday :-\ I'lI IIO l. (IJ · joy .. d



\)('partml'lIt "f A.:";c ultll l'C'. T he pu r Jl(l ~ " " 1I1'e c hi " ll y t o "ruUR" peop le tu tl", imp llrt"" c' of 1)1' Olcl'\ i n~ the f ..... ,s (s fr"111 lire and to t('neh t hem Mrs. Amanda St arr hat; b,'en ill, All o f llu r sic k rClIlairr abo ut the th e ifll l' (l l·tnnl'l' of plan li n!! new but i" imIJr(}\'iJlt;. same. trc cs to la k .. Ihe placI' III' t hl' uld C. I!:. (;·u l'Il.,1I anti C. 11. Gray were The L"d ics Aid \\'ill meet with Mrs.

t,nt'S thnl h un- li t.e ll dl' ~ ln''y(' d .

hw; ill{! ~S vh:.i tu rs in Il iil :-. liuru, r ·

An na ~l. Urlln n u n , May 13,

The r"I1',"illl~ p"e m. " W hut Do We ,lay. The lJenso n_ , of !luyton , were Su n rllllll?" is !!iv\' 11 1" ,h, \I' "n d t,' II, Ihe Mr~ . 1': lizau (· t h 1.1" ter had tlw mi s- ,lay !,rues t" of Mrs, Eth.' 1 Beaso n. f"nulle to Ion'uk her a rill , Mu"Juy Phil Whit ak e r, o f Morr ow, was wholl' ~ ttlr~' ill 1-l'J,CH ni tu fnru!"t~: 111 11 1'111 fig'. he,." one dllY lus t we,·k. buy ing stock. Mrs. Ali na Stin",n, uf Gud' s lJible Wha t. dll we pla nt whcn \\'1' plant the Our sch uol is getling II lung nicely ~ cl ll)v ll ( ' jnclUIl:1li, i:s h oillc f ur u und e r the mlln ugelllent o f MI'", Mary trce'! W e plant the Rhip which wi ll CTO RS fe.w <luy" . Huff ma n, or Sprin g Hill, thc teucher, 1 h4' ~H'H : Clllemun J"" kso n i. sufferinl( \fith lIIra. lIIartha Gray and Miss 0 10 W e planL Ihe ml1"t t o enrry the sn il" ; u hrokcll nrm, s u~luinc d while ..:rnllklI ul'lsock , o f Wuyn,·."illc, were cllll W e plllnL th e plll nk" tu withRtnnd the inl( '" l:Ur. er , on friends here, Satu rdll Y after"lI leR--Messr s. J . C, and Chas. Umy ulld nuoll. Thl' kecl, the kee lFo n, the beam, the l3 e rni c Carr were Wilnll1\gtun visitkUN! Dr, W, E. Fros t , of Harv ey_burg, W e plant the s hip wh e n we plnnt urd, Tuesduy, gll~ e us n ~ hort but plca' lInt call, one t he trcw. Mr. Tuthill, o f Columbus , wuS a da y las t wee l, . Mrs. Wm. J . S herwood is quite What 00 we pla llt w he n \\'e plant the bu. iness visitor of J . C. und Chlls. limy, Monday. sick at h"r home in Way nesvi ll e. tree? Mrs Laura Shidllker hud 08 week- Mrs. Li zzi(' (j\lunlty) Fl!c, her s iste r, We r lllnt th~ h ou~('. for you nnd me; We pllln t the /'Ilft!'rs, the s hingles , end I{ues ts, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Vil- is at her bed side. th e flo ur R, lllrs, of UII~ton. Karl D~herage lind wife wer e We pl nn t the StuO<1illg', th e lath, the 1I1r. and Mrs, W. P . Mc Carre n and Sunday RfL" rmoon ca ll1' l's at t he home dO(l1'H. daughters enjoyed a week·cnd fi shing of H. J .Mu r .... y and fumily, lit LQng Th l' IWl1m s. lind si,ling, nil parts that at the Rese rvoir. View S~vck {u rm. be; Miss J oscphi ne Donlap, of Ten· Mr. and Ml'8. Henry Murphy, of '\'(' plant th e hn u"e wht' n wo plant I hp trN', Lebanon, visited 'their mother, Mrs. nesse". whu is IItte ndin g Wilmington college, gavc the Easter me ~"age lit Florence Carr, Wednesduy . th e chu rch he r e, Easte r mQr ning. Wh "t tI" \\'e plant whl'n we plant the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Drummond and Iree? The Lndies Aid of this place, will A IhouRand thillf'< t llll' we <1"il v "po . dn .. g ht"r, Lucille, werc S unday hold a lunch and misce llaneo us sale We plu nt the s pire that out-towen gues ts Qf MiSll Nellie and Paul Cut- and. elltert.u;nmenb at the sc hQQI right.. Wn.shinll'ton Thrift NOlte - Th e the crllg; house he re on Saturday eve ning, Wlist e ful wear on shells by ro llin g \V e Jllnnt Ih e stllfT f or our country's Mr, and Mrs Clint Gray and May 2nd . Eve ry body come. fl ng ; o f eggs on ~he Wljite Huuse luwn Camily and Nate Gray spent Sunday may be discQntinued unle ~s the moss W e plnnt th e ~ had e, from the hot with Mr. and Mrs. l''red Gray and It is now Postmaste r Gail Gorden clln .be made to grow th icke r. lit Harveys burg, and Ethe l Smith is ~ un fn'e: fumily, near Uuyton. exchange , D,t Har veysb urg. Both 'Ve plnnt all the se when we plant the MI'l!. Herbert Dostor hIlS recently excxhangc, Ilt Hurveysburg. Both The fOl'lner Kaiser says he i ~ not tree. return ed fr o m th e hospitlll to the arc giving sple ndid service in their ( lI ('n ry Abb ey. 18·12- 19 11.) behind Ih e plot to mak e Von . Uill hUlI1e uf her purents, Mr. and II1rs. new work, <ienburg pr('~ id cnt of the Ge rmll l1 r cFrazie r, in W uYII"8villc. · public, thu ~ prov ing Lhn L th e Hen t Our school carricd Qff tWQ out of MI'. and M,." . J . E . Shumaker have of Berlin is n o Geo rge W as hingto n, A MAN WHO THOUGHT five 0 f th" p r izes a t t he Massie Town recc ntly r eceived word of the seri- ship even though· hll' hB8 I\'Qt the axe. s pelling CQntest lit Harveysburg Ruth- "r hear F r ed has t.uken up ous i1ln es~ uf th eir 80n, Ever<!lt, who on last Fri(ll\Y afternoon . Glenna is wintering in the South. For the edificatio n of brid gc play- clH""ical dallcing." Mannon in the eighth grade, and Robing wiv~ s , Governor Mirinni Fe rgu Fred's Wife-:-," Yes- ho got tho e r t McKuy in the fifth grade. Capt. and Mrs. Chas, Gll.I'ner and son unn OllnC(I'S th e re Ul'C rl10r e w a y s id"ll whil e tryin)C to g'(·t int o a union 80n, Hobert, o r Co lumbus, were M epsr~, Quimby an d Emley, of Mat.o a mun '. hl! llrt thll n by Hum nnd . uiL in a Pu ll man berl h." gUl!s ts of th eir mother, Mrs. Mary J. so n, Hugh Burgett nnd ' family and Eg!!s. Man y hig city wi\'cs agree, I,'i neh lind Hube rt Gurner, \.he IlItte r mo th er an d lIIr, Earl and family, of Th"y hu v" turned Lhi s domc ~ t:ic pTtlh]JUrL of the week. Be lm ont, Lon Bran oon li nd wife lind • lem ove r t.o thc ueli cal ssell man. Mr. and Mra. Karl S hidaker and Mrs. Mabel T erry, of t his place, were Oldesf M. E. Pastor family e ntertuined on Sunday their Sund ay afternoon callers of K. E , A Cll'vl! lB'11d Ohio w'oman sho ots pnrents , Mr. and Mrs. E mcI'so n Fra- Thomps on and wife. her hu s bancl aL the brenk fn~t tub Ie, zier, Miss Re tha Fru ziel' and MI'. Th e Jordan fMlli ly e ntertained on writes a P O(' 11I exp lain ill g that . he Harold Frazier, of Duyton. SUllduy, 1111'S. Lucy Fi ~hbau gh and is a dumb bell and t he n s ho ots he r se lf Mr . .. nd Mrs . W, C. Walk er , Qf "on, Charles, of Middletown, Chas. Truth, likc l1Iurder , will out. IIny1 on. lire s pe ndill g- u fe w ,I nys Ow(ms und wife, of Franklin, Lauwith thi(- r I'UI'cn tJi, Mr. and JIIrs. A. I'ence Brown, wi fe and 80n, Gene, of The Roosevelt brothel'S, Th eodor e L. Kcnll cJ y, -lind atLcnding com Waynesville, Mrs. Ann a ,Iordan n'n d and Kermit, have filiall y suilNI for mcnccl11cnL cxexrci (~H nt Kin gman, daul(h t<: r, Mnry, lor Colu mb us, WayTurkesta n wh e r e they will hunt wild, John Kcnnedy is 011' of the gl'lld - I""d .J ol'd" n a nd family ,' of Hyde game and valuablo adv e rti sing. Pal'k, Cincinnati. uates.



----- ..----




Judge Sabnth, o f Chicago, grants a womnn a div orce wh(,n s he te s ti fillS U",t her husband killsed he r su h)!r4 h~r , lips became aumb ,!nd he -hugged J!cr 8Q ,hard \ hat h~ rIbs b e. come bruised. Valentin o hod better get out Qf the Shick business.


i ,


:Will F~ :Y~ung .~ptometris~



Every Wednesday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

. -Re.tRoom in GrangeBldg Waynelville, Ohio


. .---------------Main Office: ~

9Z4X South Brown Street, Over SI,ma Th.ater

Dayton, Ohio ' ~

The bank is ilnl'l'ov inp; its PI'Opc l·ty by th e "dditi"n of a cc m,' nt curb a lHl gultel'. ~ll's . Chlls. ~h\dd e n is al.. () pulli n!! th e c lll'b und I!uttcr in frollL of he r prop,'rty which a djoin s th c bank, Mrs. A, Mueller, of Ttlledo, i s Ml's. Chas. J oh ns was 1\ Dayton viss pendill!, t he week with hc r mother, itor , W edn e,;dny. Mrs . 1-:11111111 Cli ne, and other r e latives Mr. and Mn . Frank Rogers spent lin d IlllendinK th e commencem e nt cxorciNes Ilt Kill f( l1lnn. J ame~ Cline is Thu,rsday in DaytQn. one of the g raduates . Mrs, A. C. Thompson s pent Thurs· The Dnnu a l in spection or the local dn y in the Gem city. order of M,.Mo ns was held here W ed _ JO!i.cph al~ d larenec Smith are nesday ~ve nin g. Th e re were 27 now working in DaytQn. members pl'egent lin d 80 g uests, CQm· Mrs. Claude Lewis is imJlroving ing frolll New Vit?nnn, \Vilnlin~lon , Clllrksvill c, Ne lV Burli ngton . Way· IIftel' being quite ill fQr a couple Qf nesville, Le bnno n and Mol'row. The weeks. Indies of t h.. Io.:IIs tel'1I Star lodg-e ~e rv · Mrs. Oral Sl1d'l~ e and ~nn, DQncd a de licious lunch eo n. nald, s pent 'rhur~duy with Mrs . Adda A very interstillg community Burnett. spelling contest Wit " h.·lrillL our sc holl Born- To Mr. lind MrN. Earl BishFriday nfterno on .Pupils from Spring op, Saturday, April 18, InS, a Hill. Hi ckoryville . We llm an, Flat, I~o rk and HarveYFburg llllrticipllting. Sevcral pe r som; fron\ he re attendThe fifth g rade pri7.e was won by Hobert McKay, of Welimull; the sixth ed the Norl1lal Illay ilL WaynesvitJe, 1,.PJ'llde prize went to Lcna Smith. of FridllY evening. HIIT\'eysburg ; Evelyn P e nny, of Hick Mr. IInd ·Mr •. eha •. J ohns, 111~. and Qryvill e, \\' ('111 the sev~nth grade \11 r. . A li en Emrick \\~cre ' Franklin prize; and Glenna 1I1annon, of Fla t vi sitors, Sunday. Fork, was winner of the eighth grad e E ldridge Shumlird, oC Dayton, Miss Mannon mad e the beet grades in t he whole co ntest, bein!! p .. rCect in the Qral spelling and 92 in Ih e writton.



r.ev. F.. Stu a rt. age 101 y,'ar:<, 1\1 "Iclcn, M:1 ~ . ., il< til(' ul d c~ t M ~ th "d i s t min b t (,I' in til(' U. S. Tl.i , piC'turc wa s lakcn a~ he "" le r-


",: 111 : -


1 '~. (\"'1,1'/) 1,,.11(""

nt 'R,,:-: L(.ll



Mr. and lIfrs. Frank R ogers, Mr. and Mrs. Albe rt Stucy anel II! rK . Peter Bantu atl<'nded the funera l of Mi.s Es ta Ca rey , at Lebanon , Saturday af ternoon. Mi ~" Et h .. 1 Long lI,n d 1I1r. Herman Say lor were married at. L eba non o n 1I10nd8Y of lust week. Th~y will make their home with Mr. Sayl or 's mother, at C .. ntervi lle Station. Mr. and Mrs. Jac ob Gab,' lm lCn , oC Norwood, Mrs, William Haines and dau!!hte l', Clurll, of Belm ont, spe llt Tu esday o f lu. t week with Mr. and Mrs. Walte r Kenri ck and family. lIfr. lind 1I1rs. ,R. Binl'gar, of J Illllestown, vi s ited S undny "4t the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Kenrirk . Mr. und Mrs. SlIm u el lIui nes accompan ied thern h ume for It sh or t visi t. Th e p lay. "The Minis's Wife's Ne w Donn!'t t," by t.h e Indi es oC the M. E. chul'\'h o f ~I'r inl! borr>, will be given at Ly tle lI nll, Th ursday evening, April ;J U. l3enetit of t he Lytle La.dies A id . Mr. a nd Mrs, Chllrles Clark ente r bained to S unday dinn er. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Milton Sheehan , of Centerville, Mr. and Mr~. E lm e r Rogel'll and granddaughter, lIIar~ar et , of Waynesv ille, and lIIr. lind 1\1 ,.,.. H. M. Clark. lIIr. and Mrs. Kesler Grahllm entertained a number of re la tives to Sunday d inn e r in ho nor of their daughter, Bernic e' s eighth birthday. Those who enjQyed th e o ccasion we r e Mr. and Mrs. C. W . Albright, Qf pringborQ , Mr. and Mrs . J ohn My· e r s and <laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White and sons , Mr. H ennan Albright and Mi ss ClIot harin e Allison, of Dllyton.







It', the - logi'ca,l llaira" .ff! 1(0 , ':'io':"uy yo~J:.

used ca1 S

-U,ed' Ford car ' /rom Yo~




01 Value

11-..,:Pord De.._

A~tllorlzed ---------------------------1

------ -


R UI"IIl+jl,

Su nd" .>' . (,.'enH.'ll'ry

H t.

:\ ( ' \\'

Burial was he n',

~ ll1 r ·

H1Il' li nJ,!{t}n,


IlI :t d,·

t h. ,

,GIVEN LIfE SENTENCE J o h n Boggs, 2'1 y('"rs old, e nt rrc,,1 a pi,'" of ~uilty t u u chal'l!'r of fi r, l degn' c

1l1urd(l r


IlA YTON . 01110

con n('('tion wi lh

: ,\.. ,.". ~

l'4-u e~~ ~,~

t he s l ayi n ~ lit lJ ill .ohor Q lust J alluary, of Harry T. lIhl !!i II , and WII S se nte n(' .. d til life imprisu nm ent in th e Ohi o penitelltiary by J udl!e N. Cr aig McBrid e, of Hillsbo ro, in ommon Pleas cou rt. Severul \\'ee ke ago t he defendant' s bro the r , Daniel, 2 1, was f o und to bc' gu il ty o f fir~t degr ee m urd er and was sente n ced to life imprison ment f or his part in th e Magill s layin g.

I.n't It

Fa ct? An ",ltror 111 1 ~ 10 IJpclIme j llRt aboul 80 (l!!l I... r0l" It , rc'nllll n ~ cnt lr 'ly un. pl'rtnl'~' (''' by lht! tlilk ot 11 n~w p. Iltt rnl p"rl!'. ~

FOR OVER 40 YEARS C A·l'.UUtH !LEUll' l~ I:: h~. bocn uued lIucc8ssfuHy i n lh u trc& UU unt ot


... H.tarrh,


,ISl. or Rcllo\'es (nle rna. through

CATARRH 5IEnIC I Nl'l con-

an OIn tm ent wille n Qu ick ly by loca l llPplLclltlon, n. n,1 t he M edI cin e, 0. Tonic. whi (' h a c ta th o Blood on th e Mucous Sur-

rac •• , thus r educin g the Inftnmm u.tlon,


Botel by all drullglota. F. J . Cheney 8< Co .. Toledo. Oh ln.

The Eye Siltht SpedlUlt

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

F.T. Martin Auctioneer

Lebanon, Ohio

Every Tuesday 8: 00


m , to 4 p.

111 .

Dat. ,.our .ale. with mr<o

, "II••

.. tlofactloa or claarl. _



Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


- ----



MA VBE HE KNEW Dickie-OILoQk Bt Mabel. Her lips arc made to kiss." Jone~-"Yep- she mDke~ th e ~ over afte r .. ach kiss."

. -.

WHERE MASTERS COMES FROM Smythe- IO NQ man Clln servo two

masters." Kin sley-"We ll, r huve no idea Qf committing bigamy."


R....ou . WfI, D .... L..a



I. lIollrv.,,..., ••tlc: ...... r. mtdl:. .. Wot.r ....... ud p~



.It_* utra . . . . .

•• EI.... IcaI\y ....... p!yu. 1..4' tonk. •• Motor opodallT .Ml ..... far IUIIllP a ... I. A gtom.tI. labrl .. Uoa. •• GN ....' •• pacl17 ..... ... t.hL

t. Boot

.o,.rtale;'" MIIIfd

".rk ••nUJp. •. O'....t_ I.


The bug-a-boo of every w0man's life is dish-wasbing. With hard water it is a disagreeable. discouraging task that reddens the hands, wearies the body, and usually ends with an unsightly. greasy film over everytning• Soft water is the housewife'. greatest boon. In it soap lathers freely, harsh washing compound• are unnecessary, and the dishes dry easily and quickly with a pol. ish that pleases.

D"fII~O \WI iN.



furnish soft water from' the c:ietern. under constant pressure. JUBt like city water service. .EntirelY; automatic-nothing to attead to ar watch. Water may be piped ~o bathroom and laundry. . The Duro way I. tho modem ~ay. May be installed in eitherold or new bomes-far auperior ~o the cM,·~e. "u_teIgI ".~ J!l.o~r. . lMall're70• • ' Hli 'P i . ud~_

CHRISTIAN CHURCH S~nday SchQol 'at the Christian Church every Sunday' at 9 :30 II. om. Every,bQdy' cordially invited.




Walter McClure

, . Rev. L. A. Washburn; Pastor.


rr Clli1 hc rfl

Wm. Robinson


;. you,

!'(·Lll i\\,

Mrs. Ada D'ukin spent S unday wIth Mrs. Bert Marlatt a nd family . Mr. J ohn Adams, whQ hod hi s leg brok en lost w eek, is doing nicely. Haulinlr 01 "II kind. ; ,,1.0 wi ll buy Mr. Max Barnard and family, of )'Our old paper., ra ... and junk. Spring Valle y, spent Sunday evening h ere, Mrs. Bert Marl"tt and 8Qn, Ed,!,ul~d, spent 3¥urday evening in WAYNESVILLE, OHIO XC11la. WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND ' Mr. and Ml'.ll. Emerson Dill spen t FJtEE OF CHARGE Sunday in Xen ia with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Os borne, CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR EXPENSE • MI'R. Si las Ro lllnd , who hns been ill with in testinal grippe i" uble to be up and around. FUNERAL DIRECTOR Mr. JacQb Zimmcr lind fam ily had Phone 8 HARVEYSBURG, O. Waynesville. Ohio for dinn e r, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Soward, of near Alpha. Mr. Jobn Rye and family spent Fully Equipped for Good Sunday with their SQ n -in-Illw an d daughter, Mr. lind Mra. HQward Servloe. Beam. NOTARY PUBLIC Large Room Mrs. Frank Beam and Mrs. H,\wAmbulance Service Wills Drawn Estates Settled a ni Beam, of Richland neighborhood, spent Mo nday with Mrs. John TELEI'HONEI 7 nAY OR NIGHT Waynesville, Ohio Rye, National Bank' Mrs. Rebecca Dill e ntertained, Sunday afternoQn, Mr. and Mrs. Berne Jon es, o f Lytle, Mr. and Mrs . Fred Turner, Qf DaytQn.

Sabbnth School, 9:16 a. m., preach. ing at 10:30 a. m. Wednesday evenLeague 6:46 p. m . Preaching at 7:30 League G:16 p. m. Preaching at 7 :00 p. m. EverYQody is ·cordially invited to these services.

TIu. Label

~, t




A tt urni ,!, )' o f

atte ltoi"d 11ll' fil II " "'.! ,'f .\ Ir",


April 26, Second Sunda,)/ after Enster. Church SchQol at 9 :30; Morning Prayer and sennon at 11 :00 EverybQdy welcome. Rev. J . J . Schaeffe r, Rector.


d illll l\l' a l thfl h j,nh.\




d i ~h

Mrs. WI11 . H.", ,,, ,,. T hlll'" I:,,\' .

-=-_..J. . ___ ---

... t. '

'l'bls .Label

CO\t · /"l·d

rr r;l" ,'is(,.'

{ If "

This is an undenominatiQnal eongregation. All ~ welcome to wonbJp 'here. Bil?le atudy 9:30, followed by eomm'u niQn and sermon. ' Eveninlr. IODC

.ervico and


at '1 :00.

Mrs. David Cunningham, Gary, Ind., ja held pending an In· vestig3t1on of t1ve deaths In IMtl family - by polilon, Look at -her e~·cs. Does she ltok thougli she would pOi&gn ber ow. chlIdren T·



ahirt - a ciollege track men. Thll g1ru haYO

I' • .",at"

taken up the Idea with enthualaim and !lOW ita all the rage •• ComJel are hand drawn on the ahint WMIa

plaia ADelia 1Dk.




J. W.BURTON, Agent WayneevUJ., Ohio

. 1I'be ...... en

..... W.,......... Ohlj . •



Mr. lind Mrs. C. 1\1. RobitzCT entertaincCl sQverll1 friends SuturlinoY vening,

Mr. and lin. M&arlee' Noonu of ·Law· 14 .... , don't I'nintl at all In fMdiq mouths tllTee times a dlly,-thelr ten girlll nntl th.n!c boyA. - lIor ever f oun ll It a har,l-hlp.

Mrs. A. L. Sides is in WiIl il\IlI ~­ town, Ky., visiting h r mothet', M,·s. usun BU I·ch. Mrs. L. A. Zimmcrmon entorl.nined the Juily lIInlroll s IInu their hu ~ I"lIId s FridllY ('ve ning.

Born- To Mr. nnd Mrs. Enrl Bi~h· op.of Route · Ii. }'ridnr, April 2 • ~~~~ .. '~ ~--"' ~~~1 1 l\11·~. C, M . ar t ~"rigl\l has rcturll. 11125 , II dllughter. ~ I l 'u tu her ho,"e in EVlln~lon , Ill. \II rs. Maud Clr ane enterlalned Sun~lr" . Flu""ie Cllrcy 11,lId Miss Lucy <IllY, Mr. and ~t:rs. W. E. Stroud lind I Enll.·y \I'~rc Dayton visitors , Satur- 80 n. Harold, of Route 4 . . duy . Severn l locn l Scottish Rite Masons ~1 , ' '' '' " . W. P. SIl Ii,b ury and Hu ~ · lire attending t he semi·a nnulI I cere.e l1 ,," lisbun' \\'~r" in Cinc in nati last monio l in Dayton. this week. Fridll \' . I .' Mrs. Sara h E lbon. mother of Mr. ?It r. G. J. Wal r rh ousC' attended the Frnnk I-: Ibon. iO! very ill Ilt the home fu, \(' rlll nf .Jake It.'id III LC'bllnon . lhi. \It her daughter in Lebanon. 1I ftc·rnoon. Hev. Hurold J ohn •. of New York Oli,'" .'\1I ~ 11 wu. the 1!1I<'" t or City. wns her. MondllY. to uttend the fril'," I" ill Jndillnnp"li. . (Orve the funerul of his UUllt, Cnroline Smith . We ha"~ a compl~te nuortm e nt of VA rni.h, Floor P"iut and HOU le wee k·e ncl . Mr. a"d Mr1!. J. B. Chapmun and P"int •. Mis" n~rni ce Murr('11 wn" the ~ons . of Cincinnati. spent th e weekgu,·,t of 1I1i" Ednll Howluncl. ovcr e nd with Mr. E. S. Baily /lnd famAha. the new Kitc hen-Tint (or Kitchen and Wall • . ily . lhe w~ek . C'nd . It the heauty a nd perm.neney of Enamel a nd eft n be wftlhed without marring tho aloll . It coil. no mor C' t h a n ordinary PAint. About 14 Oddfellows atlen ded Mr. C hnl'il' ~ "tnn~b('r ry. of Daylon. t Oll, ~ P"llt ,,"Iurd o), with Mr. Fran~ lodge a t Leba·non. Moodny cvC' ning. J There was a large ellis. in itint cd at SUII"bl'r,'Y lI11d fllmity . that plnee. 1I1r. li nd Mr, . . 1. C. Hawke "penl Pure HoI. 13 l'nint h •• aiven wonderful •• ti.r.clion.. Th e proof of Sundav with Dr. and Mrs. Ha l\>h . Mr. J. S. McClure Rnd Mrs. Ida thi. i. Ih nt .. ur Ii rat CHI _NAMEL cu.tom "" are now relular u.Kelsey r eturn ed home Sun d/lY •. after Vance: of Pleasanl Plain. II ten~lI~s ' visil with lrlr. and Mrs. era 01 CHI-N AMEL Paint. Mr. Ilnd :'l r8. Waller McClurC' w .. re Om"r Burnell, near Beuvert own . gu c~t~ of Mr. and Mrs. Olllur Burnett L~ t UI e ,. pJa in ita .uperior qualitic. t o you . of ncar Bcuvl'rtuwn, Suu J ny. We al.o bave an .uorlment of Gold-Seal Conlaleum Rur •. Mr. Hnd Mrs. Seth Thomn/!. of Dnrton . were we~k - C'lId guesls of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. L. Thomas and fnmlly.



Ch Nante I


Paint and Varnish

Now is the Time to Clean Up and Paint Up



Our Chi-Namel

Hardware. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

Mrs. Wolcott. of Lebanon. spent Sunday with her mot her and sister. Mr •. F.lir.nbelh Hllthnway IIncl Mrs. I,IIlIro ides. Mr . and Mrs. Alvin EaTnhart and fnm ily. Mr. an d Mrs. H. B. Earn hart "pent. un day with ?tV. and Mrs. Burton EUl'n hart.

Mr. Neal t.1ount~ . ot Wilmington coll ege. adrlre~sed tho HI(l'b School seniors Monday a ttornoon, in ~h e in· te,es t of the college. Mrs. Susie Doul! las8. Mias Minnie Cook nnd Mr. Harry Cook . of Spring Volley. were Sund ay guests of Mr. unci Mrs. Chas. Anderson and family.


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ricks, of Dayton, were Sunday guests of the f omler's mother. Mrs. Kate Ricks, at the home of Mr. t\ind Mrs. J. H. Coleman. Mr. Earnest Harlan has finished his work at Valpal'l\i.Bo university, and has returned home to spend the ~ ummer. Mr. Harlan has been taking a IlIw wurst!.

Waynesville Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio


Tbe Great Atlantic &Pacific Tea Co. Chas. E, Edwards, Local Manager

~~~d ~otatoes

TEXAS CABBAGE Per pound .... .. . J .

.. .

5c ~Ei~. ~~i:~'F~ 25c .4c ~c~o~tfhfo~eed

Mr. and Mr s. Ed Eyer, of Springboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Myers and Ro n. of Franklin. and Mr. Emmer Munger, of Dayto n. - spent Sunday wilh Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bordon.

I i

Mr. Kenn et h Kilbon r eturned last week from Jncksonville. Fla., where h~ s pent several weeks with his fnth35c. cr. Mr. Wa lter K ilbo n and family. He has tnken a posilion in Dayton.

WhiteNaPth~ 3~ ~Ii~~ Oilet~~ap I W~;k~T·~g· .............. !cLhlb.iaf~e~:B!~or~au·;"~CT :y ·sO·o~·I~.~p't· ~·i~~· · 1 5 C ! 1 3c i ... 3bon I' ....

p .G

10 bar. for.. ............ .. .. ... .. .. ...



~!~I!.~d~.O ,.25c '0. .. . .... . .... ..... f.:~·!pake~4~1 ;~~n.ROYal~~11D5C

.i ~o~t!!K.,~!'.~\ld

. 20c 121?~1"!!. t;!ue


25c i


L d 39 Blackeye Beans ... 16c ar K.ttle r.oder.... 2 lb •. for .. .. . Per pound able Apples 25c Rice 9 Fin. and larll'e, 3 Ih •. for...... Per pouod . .. ... ... .. ..... ...... ...




NavY .Beans 23c d f 3 POliO. or................ .. .. ..

Sweet Prunes 28c Fine and larll'e. 2 boxe. for .


!~::. ~~~~ . . . . . . . 'A4 ·!' M· · hi $1'


& P Flour . -lb. Ntck, ,:.. .. .......... ....

Hi~eat' Pric~

Mr. und Mrs. Walter McClure are lhe rpcipients of R box or grape fruit fr om MI'. John Stroo p, of Mercedes • Texas. The fruit is delicious and of a fine variety. We know whereof we speak. thanks to Mr. McClure. J . O. Cartwright reported to Federal Jury in CinCinnati. Monday. but as the policemen all confessed their guilt. there nothing more to do but dismiss jurors on the case.

the last had wn8 the

i'The Minister's Wife's New Bon. net," will be presen te d at Lytle bal\. April 3D, by the Ladies Aid of Spring boro M. E. church . A part of the proceeds will go to the Lytle church. Admission, 20 'I\nd 36 cents.

~lth~°rh~ 'f~rl~:rn:;!l:d A~~~.

18 " JackFrostSugar$6 90 ' . A 100·lb. b., for ... ... .... . James HolUngswbrtll and family. of P t t ' 8 Oregonia, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Lud...... ... ...... .of talliily. Mr. Todd Lowry and 'On. Eu. Jene. Mr. and MI'II. W. E. Richard. for Egga.-·Caah· son. aU of Xenia. Mr. ~d Mr.. Chaa. Lowry AJid daughter, Virginia, of

Whh!.!1 ~.~_.. ~.~.~ . ...~. ~. . ~es



Mr. end Mrs. W. P. Salisbury and son, Clurk . of Cleveland . came last w('e k to visit r eillti ves he re. Mr. . ali, bur y and Clark returned lo lheir home Sun dny. but Mrs. Salisbury \\;11 remain this week.

~;~~~~::~~!~~~.~r.. $1.74! so~rjo~~~~~~:~f:~!t f:~o~~~



lri.h Cobblers Per peck . P.r h•• Cab b••• Pt. .... , doa Tomato Pl .... .. doa G.rden S_d•• pk.

35c $2.25 7~c

tOe Sc


Caaaed Cor.,. 2 for .. 25e Earl,. Juo. P'e aa. 2 ror .. .. .. . 25c Cal a Apricot., 1· lb . c •••• . ... lOe Be.t Country Gent . Corn. c. ... 18c Lar.e Grape Fruit. 2 for . . 15e 30. Rio Coffe.. only

BUTTER MILK STARTING AND DEVEIL-1lPING FE.E D 25 pouad h.,r' .. $1 .20 10 po ..... b"ra ......... !lOc Littl. Chi.k Feed. 6 Ih. 'or. 25e Serateh Feed Oy.ter S".II Grit Hi.Io T •• t Coal Oif .ad G ••olln. n. kind Ih at don't .moke . HIGHEST PRI CES PAID FOR .. CHICKENS AND EGGS C.1l ... before you .ell. or for the Tou"k. IT ..AYS TO TRADE AT




are all to the gl.od when applied to the right column. You can St!lJ your goods quickly by inserting 8n ad. in the

:Mrs. e. M. Curt wright a n<1 Mrs. .J . O. Cartwright were guest s at a luncheon Ilnd a n lifter-noon n.cep ~ t ion nt lhe hOfl)e at Mrs. WiI!orq Jurey Wright. in Le\)anOI). last Thursday.





Mr. are and and

Mr. and Mrs. By Hartsock. who have b een her e helping to e~re t or Mrs. Mailda Hosier. returned SundBY to their home in Cincinnati,. Mra. Hosier's condition is Improving.

The Original Red Front Stores


Mrs. George Engllllh ani! lion. Tom English. of Badaxe, Miuh., visiting Mrs. English's mother sist~r, Mrs. Elizabeth Hathaway Mrs. Laura Sides.



Ma rth " O'N eall lIa" r"" "lll' d

her work in th~ hank. t ion of ~l'ven al Wt·l· k ~ .

14rt{ll ' II

\' n"a ~

Miss Esq uol in e Stnlev Hlld Mr . AI .

~~.~n':i aM~~a~ll\\r ~~:kvi;~':i

~~ ' Trade




c ourac, you are a c .. n,ru. driver----we .U areacci d cnta h "ppen juet th.e . " me.

. There is only one-


Public of


Liab ility


thin g tn do, nnd that i, to car-







s on s,

Ch1l8. Br('wer, o r Dayton. will preach nl. t he Chr is tian church Slit. urduy at 7 :30 p. m., und Sun<1ay morning at 10 :30 a. m. EvE'ry ono is welcome.

On TI·" Tl'cl ny ( . cning of Inst w(' ok the Eigh ~ h grad \! s pl'nt II very delightful l"/C' ''i r .. t lhe home of Miss Th elma Hartsock. The lime wus spent with so me ver y interesting games, into which nil C'nteredo Later in the even il\" light refreshm ents were ser ved . which were ice cr eam lInd cllke~ . The membe rs of the class pre: (' nt were: Misse" Mnrtha Hill'. nral'ie Dunham, Mabe l McMillan . II 11I1~dn Wal to n. Oron e Henry. Mnrtha Cuat~. McCrnV lI nc+ Me ss rs. Ccorl( <' Henkle. F'runk Githon". Merl YII Bun. ta. Gilbert Frye. !I1 o rri ~ SI;(·rwooc\. The odore' C"ates. Kcn nelh P('n cc. Charl C's DIlY. Cuy Hockett, II Ihe r \. Brunnock. Mr. Wil soll lind Mr. Burton. Besides these ther e WC1'e sev••• e rnl old er folk s there .





\ \ ==:;P=h;;;;o==n=t1=6;::1==;::2====3E========;::';V ayneaville, Oh io.

----1 ---


-~---------- .---- .

no you realize when Cl'crrlll Is ~ o ld to n cream staU on for o"er y 10 gall on! (l.f cream. sold. you give lOne Llwuy? Or. III oli,,'" wurth. t her" IS It 1 OLL oj one t('nlh or I Uc un c"cry Dairy \)ollllr. III 1Il(J ~ t il1" t u ncc~ IhC' to ll is ~\''''' g rellt"r thun \(I~ on th ~ 001\1\ 1' VII\UO . Ill'pro nch in~ l 51,! alld ~OC Toll 011 r"ur \),oIlur. Call Y Oll ntYunl It? The hnrd work is IIlrolldy done. Shjppj rr J(' i~ tho \!l\S l es~ rllrm wuril und . puy" th e 1lI0st.




c overa Re .

v in Dyke, o f 08,' t o n, ~ \\' e r(,l Su ndnv gue~tp o f Mrs. liuldllh Burnc·lt

The Tri·State Price, April 20th


per pound for




Free Trial C . .... .rl. dl,. furaiahed if c............... .


W hen In Lebanon


Eat At The

The ann ulil picnic of the Harveysburg scho ol will . be held next Frida)'. April 24, on the school g r ounds. A bllsket dinner wi!! be served at the noon hou~ . The contests will begin In th~ morning and prizes will be offered for each event. This annual event is growing in interest ell(:h year . nnd under the leadership of Mr. W. H. Ogden. superintendent. this one will probably eclipse all former IIventJi. E·very body is invited. - •

- ..---



L. &N.


The Cincinnati. Lebanon & Northern railroad on June 30. l!ll7; controlled property worth $6,281 .943. the Interslate Commerce Commission declared this week in a tenlative valuation of the corporation's holdings. The company has outstanding capital issues with a par value of $3,770,000, while its book estimate of capital investment is $4,196.000.


- - - -.,-- -

Miami Gazette


W o are Ahle to qUOl e you very low r.t o l On th i. e ta ••


Save your old cllrpetA lind rugs nnd Itet "Wearwell" Rugs made. Send for price li st. Franklin Rug Co .• Franklin. Ohio.

Sweet Potatoes

Waynesvill e. Sun dllY .

Mrs. Frank Ke nty IWcI two sons . of Lyt le. w,' re Sund"y .uPFer g uests of Mr. find Mrs. Howar< Archdeacon.

Seed Per peck Per ba • .


Mr. lind ' Mr•. C. M. R<'),II.>Id, . of

Spring VnllcYl \'i ~ it l' d I't· iHti\'l':-< Ilt,ar

..Specials Tbis Week..


Phone 105

Mr. Chnrl<'" Silt t"rth\\'l\it,' i, 1'1,, <1\ h()lI ~c npn)" ~Iidlund ('it\'. .


Clin lon county .


May be hrou ght "!lai na.t you fo~ peraonal in jury Or dam age to prope rl y oC othrr., through a n autoln o bil. accident.

n vi ~ itur in \r nyn('s\"i ll ~, TUl':t llny.

lII..,.. Mllry L. AdHm ~ will 1:'0 to Mo rrow. Thursday. to Illtunt! the fu nero l of a reilltive. Mr. C h nr l <,~ So u lhgate.


A Big Dantage Suit

~prin~fi,·l rl. w a~

Mr. Ilnd Mrs. E. V. Bn r nharl and M.... · Emmn Barnett. <,f Cincinnati. ' IJt'lIl the week·end In Waynesville.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Creago r and 80n. of Wnshington C. H., were week·end guests of Mr. unci Mrs. Fred M. Cole Rnd family.

Cheap for Cash.' Come In and Look Them Over.

Mr. H. Trn:.-I'(' r. of



Miss Edith nlcKibblln is confined to her home with mumps.

Mr. und Mr•. K. N. HUlI!:h. Mrs. C. M. Hou~h lIIr . IIlI d Mrs. I\. II . Earnhurt. Were s hopping" In OilY ton . , Snturdny.

Mrs. George Stiles and dnughler. of Xenia. visited their aun t. Mrs. Hope Sti l e~. who is quite Ill . last Wcdn esdllY·


Tu esd ay.


-" ""',..........,,,..,,""'''''''''''''''',


Mr. Olh" Al'Il ul d. nf Dn YLon. w,w

in \\' a Y lh ' ~ \ ilh"

DEATHS Carolin!! ~P.llth, !l resident of the Friends hom!!. p,.aselt ft'\'VjW Sa,tprpay mornIng. ' deAth follo wi ng ft 8trO~1l of apoplexy. The early yean of her life were pa8Sed at Springboro, where she taught IIcbool. Mr. John H. Coleman rem em bel'll her 88 his first teacher. The funeral services were held at tbe Home Monday at 1 :30 p. m. Burial was In the Friends cemetery.

------.. J.





A.lelaor (or WAYNE


Late Cla~sified' Ads, POR


SA"~ '.

FOR RENT-HoU86 of Beven rOOtnJI and cellars: newly painted and pa.. pered. See H. H. Wilkerson. Way- ' nesvi!ll!... Ohio. . tf· LOST OR STOLEN-Black and tan rat terrier male dog. weighs 8 Ibs.• blind In left eye:' Liberal reward offered. Lawrence Surface, R. D. 4, Waynesville, ~hl,!, -me '

KROGER'S SOAP Peac h es ' Potatoes ~S ::~1

· ...·


Cr,..I.1 White or Kirk. 5 .. .. .

25C ·."21 C.

Counlr,. Club ia h ....,. .,.rup, lar .. c.o ... " .... .... :...


Scratch fee4

wbit·· .... · .... d •• peek .. ......... .. .

Krocer·. own Dli~t.r., DO .rat 100 pouod b.c ... ..... ...... .

no oat. ancl

$3 15 •


9c ~~~p.. .~~.p.~.~~... . . 25c !:!r~.4en4. Ripe. ,.ellow 'rult. Ib


19c Oranges ' 45 C ~r~~~ . .:. ... ...... 59c ~~~~Y~~.~ ....25c ~~~.~.~~~. . 30c lb .. .. .....

N...el •• Size 200, doae. .

48c Beans ' . 15c ~~~~~ .~~~....... . ,·SC :~!~~\!~~~~!.. ,. ~5c Butter

f-...•i'. ~h~;"ed.

Ib ...........

Mlcbl••iI N.~. :I .........



C.I.... iae4, 12 ....


~ ..

25C Bre.d J~po ••4


\. '

' - ,.................. ... ..


J ~...•• ' - , ...... .. :.~ ................ h ,


, , ;

£ Seven ty-Sev enth Year


Whole Numh er 5641

Wavesville High Sch ool F arm Families Learn WARREN COUNTY :······· ······.. Items ...•..1· Intere stin g•••• Win s Ano the r Bal l Game The Cost of Living i JURORS DRAWN from t h e Sta te - Capital I:

This Week


W. H . S. journey ed to Bellbroo k Cook grounde d to Wrig ht. No r uns, Na mes draw n for th e Mny l erm $957.21 is th e average cost of li v- far m product., u,c J flll II S:!I .I. .I:l the last Frida y a ft ern oo n alld cam e home onc hit. no e rrors. of t he In'an d j ury, wh ich ope ns Mon- ing f or farm on th e r ig ht c n!! or a 7 t o 6 score . R. Houston fann ed. f amili es in W lU' re n va lue of rnod pu reh""'I!. Penewi t day, Muy 4, at 10 o'clock, haVe , 'n thr To mlin so n, whu hurled f or the 10- doubled find s to le second. Glotfc been County. am ollllt of f"nd I' r.,dllc,·d """rpa'I 'd t' ller P repare d by Iln noull ccd . The y a r e: als . pitc:hi ng a winning ga me through and Oversta ke fann e d. No rune, o ne lh t: HnHl un l p ll rd lw"'d . \ \ 'u rn' lI Th e f arm wnmen wh o nrc kl'ep i:lg Mi, s Edn a Kelse y, Wayne T p. uu t . a llowing only on e earn ed run hit no e rrur.. (" ' '' nt~· i, tl a l ulIllly rilt"11 Colun 1 b us R eporte r Na than l]ra y • .Massie Tp. hOURI.hold ncco unts met wi lh Mi ss a wi d e varil' ty I_f f" lIi l s Hod tIl,' s:r"w fin d seve n' sc att.c r~ d hi ts. This lad Sevcnth inning- Houg h sing)(·d. .John A. Blnir. Turtlcc rl'Ck Tp. Kiz er. t.h e H ome Agent , ' a nd Mis. bl es nnd pr0d uI' " 1''''' lIry ,"',1 p)! (· tn. hilS al ways ha d t he " stuff" but in T omlinso n ..... alked. nurton will ked. dairy ••• ••••• • • ••••• •••••• •••• • MI'R. F:dna Ridge, W uync T p. Ba ne . Home Mll nllgem e nt !';perinli s t p To du r:t~q whi c h I'UI l !'ilI IHt-' "lid f ormer ye flrs his cuntr ol Wll:r poor . Hopki ns lon g RBcri fice fl y to h II I .I Wm . Ber lrdull . Wayn e 1'1'. of the State Un y. to . ummnr ize ~oo d li vi ng wi th oul i f1 Cl·t ·;\ u f" ult he has co rr ected, all iu go- ~ co r c d HOIIgh . E ve rh urt Kiflgl('dcente r ~ IH': the over H oy ~~ lli ~ , 1'1'. t heir acc oun ts. Thc'se wome n wt! r e co.t. ing at a very f u~ t c lip. Htriking out t hird . 1'omlin son wns ou t wh en Bu r· 8,000,0 00 MORE OF' US ~; r nl· " t Gray, ClclIJ' cI'Ot'k Tp. l ·C' ll1l11h\1~ . nl,io - Y oItrr'S Hr Ohi o " urp"isc d t o find l hnt th e Carm p rodthirty·s evl·n ba t te rs in t went y in n- to n cr osse d t he ruhher in frOllt T ho ( o ll ow i l1l!' W fl lll r n nr l\ k ('(~r' of FORD'S FIRST AIR RROUT E J ohll 1:l nlwr il1'er, Frallkli n T IJ. u cla u"C'd run ge ill v.. [u e fr om $ 11\7 .- in t:' farm hn wtf' hnJd ingN. W. H. S. f ound P. Hous ton him . E verh ll rt was ca ul\ ht Illil! h t lt ~ w{'11 L! "l l'I':ld~' for t he J!n::-n t .. H('('ount s: ~ I r~ . "Willing . OUR POLO LACKE YS H e nr y Ei.e nl1l e nge r. F ra nklin T p. :12 to $:1 ·12.:10 per yenr. Form erly J u h ll J u('k, Mor r for 12 hi t... It too k lin e xtr a inning Two ru n K. t wo hit ~ , n u errors. o w: ~ r ~ . ('hil YOU CAN'T JUDGE YOUTH Bu rhll r a W und . Sa lcm 'r p . t hey ha d no t co n ~ id c re d the vulul! Mnw.u ll; rs . RlI \ll1l llll d Hu t i,· !'-. Jll1ww ,., '. r d l' rl"Hlu," rl!,,·ti"n cvpr he ld in to deci ll e t he game du e to three rank Bowles W II S sa f e on Hoppy's er · r. ;\1:1 .. 01\ Ihi, go""" I st nte . [t will he PIII'hr Chambe rlain , Clearcre ek uf th e good li vin g t hey e njoy from !\Irs. C . M ne xt 1'; 0 _ orrors in a. row. but the boys were 1'01'. P. Hous ton sing l" d. . 1. W ll l'i~' \'. F,,,t. r: . r;"i l V('lIlt.t· r , ;111e! ====~============ " t he f a rm. Th e women express e d Th umpsnn, I."ba,inn : .\1 1" , .1..\I,·s j ..; gt~ i llg 10 in l ud e a confide nt nnd pu shed th e one needed now batting f or R. Houst on, P ierc~ Tp. J" '\[ I·n· wal ke d. Elli. lJu Cowan , T urtlecre e k T p. lll ltp r (.1' imp orltlJlt (r!!i .. latl\,(' nc ts the ir satis rac t io n in kee ping ac co u nts denha ll , Wa yne"' il l"; ~l r' . A. ove r in th e eig hth. U. '1',,1· \\ llid, The populati on o f th e United th" game was playt' F o llowing is how Ed ging-to n nOW batting fo r Ove rW. E . Da r'e . Sal em Tp. and learning whe l'e their mon ey has mugc. Wn Yllc ~ vi l1 ,', Lind d u\'cr thl ' ,·,·tl1 or Go vd: s take, f a nned. Hou gb muffed Crowl's 1\[r,. S. S. pI'T ICl r II ",,~e St"tes has increase d by eiKht million8 A Iber t Burroug hs, Ham il to n Tp . .. gon e. )(lnn l1l' ~" P(' ilinh ~ f r. r t h ese E lli ~ . W ayn esvil le. First inning - Burto n doubled Hop 10",(, fly, Bowle s a nd Houst on scor · during the past flvo yea n!. There 1I1rs. n '( I,'rt'lldUIl Cori nne Bla ir , T urllecre ek lS ;;rc n ow hf'inJ,{ c ircuhl.tTheBe famili es. includin lt' in fants , These are ,·i/.:h l u r the fi f .y W\}lllcn Everhar t ing . Wri ght s ingled, sco rin g P ie rce . T p. are 113,000 .000 of us ' now. Whe n kin s popped t o Crowl. ~d . lin ch ildren. pare nts and g randpar e nts, in nin e clitf ... r e llL co," Hi 'S ill Ohio d mo re will be with in an other w ho ,w.'I·k or the iIl..infor med s uggest thot popula- singled, scori ng Burto n. Everhar t Wright was forc ed a t secu nd wh en ave rllge 2.3 a du l1!5 Ilnd 2 children . ure k eepi ng nn l'xp l'f'inwnt nl rt-S('Il)"ch t W'J . O f co ur"c t he co u rts tion will outgrow the country , don't st ole second an d th ird. Gons popped Barton g rounded to Gons, sco ri ng will h nv(· In d l' tC T"llI inc a h o ut th ~ v: ns The aver age yearly cost per pe rso n is ucc..:u un t lu fur n i!-'h dutu conet.!l'ni nJ;t to Glotfe lte r. McM illan singled, Crowl. Bal'to n st ole seco nd a nd third worry. ol inc tux n ·f(, r c ndunt . hut tax. i ~!-'ues $222 60. the cost ur Ih' illg 0 11 far m ~ in lhe scoring Eve rhart. Mac was out, R. Hou sto n was suf e wh e n H ap py ann nth"r hill~ wh ich filii to plense $2 &&.20 was the a vera ge vnlu e of . la te. st ea ling. Two ru ns . thre e hits , no booted hi8 gro unter . Bnrton score d. arc- l'o Ul'c tu b(' nil th e ~, ovent b c r bulThe State of T eXJls alone, und er errors. e d hi ~ gr ounde r . Hurton scored. Intensiv e CUltivat ion, could fe ed eas · 11>1 . Penn cwit -=== fanned. = Crowl F iVe Ringll'd run -=--'s, no lind stole second. = [ i ~ n'l Itt nil n hnphll7.n rd ~ u e~R to i1y two thousan d million hu man be· hits , t h r re en or H. Wright fan ll('(J. Du r ton fann ed. K. RIIV thot wh pn th .. " ott'rs g.. t II chan ce My dellr fri ends in W a ynesvill e IIlld ings about four hundred millions EIKhl h in ningGuns Hous R ing led. ton wa Edlked. Pe nn ewit doubl ed at ' IIlt'se b ills they will be mMt TIlPr · more thlm there are on ea rlh now. E lsew her e ; . co ring Crowl. Gl otf,' Hcr fann ed. wards s ing led. Turne r sing led, a nd ";I,'~s ly , lllus:h tl'l'ciI Oh i" vnlNs. Gons ~ c O T(· d . Cuo k ground ed La One run, \,wo hils, no e rrors. It is a f a r cr y Crom ea rly in F" iJ· likl' th""I' of 01 hl 'r ~ tn l e~. IUl\'e a hnhAs lor the ignoran t mlln who SIlY S Wrigh t. Edwnrd " WB S out n.t t he Second inning~ Tur ne r was suf e it. ( ) f vllting ~J O 0" m att.\rs on w hic h r uar)' t o laie ill Apri l. t o acknowl . "more populat ion wiJ\ redu ce wllg· wh e n Overstll ke muffed his fly. Cook plate. Ramby batt ing f or Hough, edge the receip th (' y nl' n0t f,d ly inf ormed. and it 1!8 ," ask him how it happens that, t of t he birthday Mr grounde s. E ffie L. d to Crew, Bowl wi es. dow One of rUII. Henthr ee doubl ed. scor ing Turner. l akes a preLt~· cooel memory to r eHoug h hitB, no errors. when there were only four million r y Crew. di ed at lw r bome n ear Rox· cull ca rds lin d le tters wi th which many R III\\' whic h hn~ been np pr o" ed people in the United States, wages po pped t o Bowl es. T omlin son popp· an n a . Tuesday n i~ h t . The f u nera l Bowles g rou nded to T omlin of my ooll. fr ie nds ed r eme P. mb Housto ercd me , a nd I n. Burto n 'lIingled. P. Houst on average d lees than forty cen l.l! II a r ra ns:e me nts hav e n ot bec n com_ by Ohi u Volers when up t o a I'de rfan ned . Cr owl likewise . . coring Coo k. Hopki endum have bee n h oping ""ery day s inc e to ns g round ed t o No run s, no hi vot e tl i <ln . Mrs ha rl es M. Hough was th e ple ted. day, whel'ellCl with one hundred milts, 11 0 (,lTors. Ag it a tion for Mille o f t h e~c m ns\\Ti te to eac h OnE! to g ive some idea bosu ss f or t he Ap ril meeting of the lionll they average close to' four dol- Bowles. Two run s t wO hit..., one er_ The scur e is a8 fo )[ows: ror. u rM will b · mad" by l hose wh o benlars. of my In'atitud e lind of t he joy they New Cen t ury club on Friday afterOverstn ke walk ed. Bowles fann ed· W . W. WeekR. 1. for mun y Y ~llrs f' fit. a nd column s of pr opagand a wi ll ha ve given me. b ut eac h day find s noo n. P. Houston fll~ned W. H. S. Crowl fann ed. a reside nt u f Day ton . di ed at St. P e· 11.' s~nt I .. Ohi o ne\\'~ 1 npers, bu t some Henry Ford has started his first No run s. n o hits, no. errol1l. Nin etee n member s lind tb e fol - ters burg, F In ., F riday, April 24 . 1l!25 h"w (.1' lithe r n " ry la rge ma jor it y of .. AB R H PO A E me unab le to mnlce a beg inning, so I rejtular flying machine rou te. The Third inning- Eve rhart popped to Butron, S8 a m tak ing thi s means to let you all lowin g gu es1!5 w"r e present : Mrs. He was bO TII a t Olive Branch and Buc keye l a xp ay~ r s are p retty ce rflrsl all metal monopla ne or the air Bow le8. tai n t hat t h ere are enough laws ill gTounde d to Bowles. Hopkins , cr, 3rd 3 2 2 1 0[ 0 know th at I nppreci route arrived from Dearbor n in Chi- McMilla n Gons . 3 U ate them more Crabbe, Mrs. Moomaw . Mrs. Bran- lived in WalTen and Clinton coun t ies t he sta te now if properl 0 0 2 singled, stole second and Everhar t, c y enforce d. nil hi. life until he went t o Dayton than cago la.tIt week making the trip in third. Turner lean e xpres. 4 1 in 2 words, 15 0 1 and the strator, Mrs. Vi ola H a rJlIll. Mr• . Em- In 1892. Ser to mect n il governm ent a l r e'l u irewalked. McMilla n Gona. 2b vices wer e h eld Toestwo bours and 50 minutes . same is true of t he 4 1 East(! 2 I r card il s Bnd ers on Earnha rt and little 0 .. .. W IUI out r ying tn s teal home. No McMilla daughte r, dUy in th e chap el li t Miami ce ml't ery ments i f pr operly expe nd ed . n, ~ b Crowds cheered the arrival of the run s, one t hit, 2 0 2 0 U 0 t he beau t iful let t er s and fl owers I no errors. Turner 1st Marjori e , Mr~. H. B. Eurnhar t and wher e burial wa s n\llde. airship. and well they might. Havhave receive d 3 I MORt 1 s 7 ince 0 r..I 0 y. "Hoppy " now playing third, Ed, Cook 'If Miss Thelma Weidne r , of Sp rin g bor o. inlr built that one. you can rely 011 wards MAME BROWN E. 4 1 1 0 0 0 It was the sil1'na ture o f Chas . H. right alld Hough center. Hou~h. rf, cf A very e nj o yable fe a ture of the Henry FOl'd and his 80n to build ten Columb us, Ohio. 3 1 1 0 0 1 Le wi ~ , li eu tennnt g o,·e rn or of Ohio, Wright fanned. Barton gTounde d Tomlinl lon, p IIfte rnoon was the music by the GasEdmund thoul nad more. L . Retnlli , 2 ck. pr0m ine 0 nt • 0 0 4 0 thnt ma de one of lhe most im portant to Tomlins on. K. Houston fa ~. n ed . Edward s, rf kell orchestr a, of Dayton, consisti ng farm er and fruit gr ower, died s udTh~ 10,000 airplane s will wake ...... 1 0 1 0 0 0 lows passe d by th e last genernl a8No runs , no hits, no errors. Ramby, d . of mother. daughte r and son. den ly IIbout nou n Friday. at his h ome sembl up capital. includin g capItal investI 0 0 0 0 0 Fourth inning- Cook grounde d to A program of unus ua l interst was near Oreg on ill . of a popl('xy . He i" line y effective . It was t he ga soed in railroad s. The A meriean air- G1otf eller . Hough was safe when g iven . Mrs . George Smith read a well- su rvi ved by h is wife, !lnt! fo ur gn ns, LewistUX bill lind t he sig nat ur e of Mr. s hip problem will be Holved and the Wrig ht dropp ed his pop-up. T otal , .. ..... .. 30 7 12 2'i 8 4 was Ilttach ed to it, certi fying T omlprepare d pape r on "Old T a pe"tries ." Van, Virg il , Vi villA , li nd Kelln{'th . coun t ry will have the protecti on it inson fli ed het", ean short and tllp fa ct that t he bill ha d passed over le ft, Mr s. E mm or Th Baily e i une ga ve ru.! needs. an intere s~ was h ld at th e home Crowl making a fine ca tch nnd getB. H. S . i'n g descript io n of th e Rookwo od Mond ny a fter noon at ~ o·cl ock. Hev. t he veto o f G"verno r D onah~ y. ting Hou gh off first. No runs , no Shnrtly after th e 8ign e o f the Pot te Allaba r y and ugh; its of produ S[l1'ingl cts ,ol' o, cond uct c,1 li Pll tl'nll ll t· g over n or WIIS alur and in an AB R H P O A E Pos tmnMtc r Gene ra l New announc es hits , one error . altached the e ntertain t he ing seT"ic and s instruct and bu ive ri nl paper WII S in Mium i hi 11 w'" cer tifie , that all the foreign ers" will be enc our· 5 2 Penniwi t s in gled over second. Crow .1 ss :l 1 o d to T had TI. DrowlI, Mrs . Ce.dwal ladel' told of "The Fine ceme te r y. 4 0 2 [0 0 1 a ged to organiz e flying machine GlotfeJl er fnnn ed, Ove rstnlle. pop- Wright, I b , ~(,I'I'l'tl\ r~' o r stnte , and u nrie r t he r u lr outes and o,llowed to carry mail un- ped to Gon s. Bowles grounde d to Barton. cf Clearing la nd of stumps and stones Arts of Anti quity." in 4 1 0 s: II f . he I II l1 0r 0 o ne y gcne r nJ becllllle At the close of the prog r a m Mrs. der governm e nt con tracts" as rail- Tomlinso n. No run s, one hit, no er- K. Housto n. If . 3 0 0 U 0 o by P yr ot ol, a surplus war explosive. .. n·cct ive W hi le mnny bills were ce rEmmor S. Bail 1ifc l o n ~ nncl esPenn ewit , c r Ollds carry it. . . 4 0 3 :1 0 o will be de monstra ted by County W"rd. Mrs. Kenneth Hough, Mrs. H. teemed r esidenl oy,f aWlly tifi ed by Li eut.· C o'·. Lewi . during his rors. . B. n(>s Ellrnhar vill c. di ed t and Miss Thelma WeidGlotfell o e Ag r, 2b .. a 0 0 1 1 e nt Class Thu rsday, April 30, a t That is excellen t news. Both the Fifth inning- Burton RTounded to at his home Monday night a t 10 :30. t er m a s pre ili ins: oflic" r of the senn er aMistad the hos tess in serving Oventa k(', 1 8 rf :30 a . m. on the farm of D. S. Du nPOl\tmlU lter General and PrCllide nt Glotfell er. 3 0 0 0 0 "Hoppy " II:rounded to He ha d bee n in f a iling health Co r sev' atl', nunc of lhem bore t he i mpo r~ a de lici oud luncheo n. Coolidge are to be congrat ulated on P. Hou ston . Everhar t likewis e. No Bowles , 3b .. 4 1 0 :1 o ha m. one mile south of Lebanon and eral months, but dea th wa,s s udden, a lice of th e gas t.a" bill wh ich fo r P. Hou8t on, p , 4 1 1 0 2 o ut 2 p. m. on the f arm oC L. H. Grant their effort to establis h real flying runs , no hits, no errors. mnny wcek s nnd IJ robllbly mon th8 due t o heart failure. , [ 1 0 1 0 o one mile soUthW E!st of Maineville. in the United Staltes. P . H ouston ground ed to "Hoppy ." Pierce, If A short tim e be f ore he was st r ic k· p rom i ~ c~ t il he the most di scusse d On Friday, Mall 1, Virgil Overhol t. Flying machine tl owned by aliens Crowl In'ound ed to Gons. Wright Edgingt on, rf ..... 1 0 0 " 1 0 o I'll, he ha d talked t h rou~h t he te le- picco uf 1 g i ' latinn t hat ha s b!'tln e ng ineer in g spcciali st Ohio AgTic~lwill be barred by the p ostoffice au- doubl ed to dee p center . B",rton then phone to his ~o n . Emmor 0 .. of Leb- Ill ude in t" n law in Ohio i n Illany thorities , a s we ba r alien ships in grou nded to Gons. No runs, one hit Total ... 36 G 7 2 ·\ 7 2 t urnl college, will a Mis t CII\.SS in dlganon . who cull ed up to' an nounce t he yenrs. gin a ditch by t",~ use of Pyrotol on coastwi se trade. no e l· rors. ' arri \'lal of a su n at h i,; home. th e farm of E . S. FurnilS. about one Sixth inning- Gon s doubled . EdT he fun era l ser vice wi ll be held 1 2 3456 7 8Work is to be s ta rt ed wi t hin a Our half public mile wardR northen librnry walk ed. st r of ecentl Turn Waynes y er had at th e hom e ThursdllY af ter noon Rt vcry popped to W . . H. S ville. In Chicago . Robert Preston , only 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 1- 7 A d oze n or more f w weckR on a new indus tr illl the plells ure of Cro chll a ..... rges 1 vi sit who wi fr II caught om he Miss sys_ Gons off third. B. H. S twenty- one. jumps to his dellth in 2 o·clock. Buria l in Mi a mi ceme- building . 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 0- 6 t ematica at t he Lo ndon prison f arm, lly placed where the diteh is Mary N. Ba ker, of th e Ohio St.te tery. lake. Firat he shot himself , aJld all whil e a not her o f the some char llct er to b e, and will be explode d at the library. She commen ded the im· because "life wru; a failu re." Th e is soo n to be fin ished a t t he }\'l a r yssa me instant by m e ~n s of e lectric provem ents made and offered numer_ probabi lity is that he Was entirely caps and batteri es . The ditch in ous sugges tions of va lue. Th e body of Mrs. Will Th ompso n. ville r e fon nntol'Y f or wome n. 'I'hese . mistake n. bllil cli tl KS a rc cr eelI'd t ha t t h ~ }It'isoll Miss May Wright, Mrs. Adlli Court- who died lit her home in Cincinn llti quest ion crosses the road and railA little more patience and courage r oa d about one-hal f mil e north of ney nnd Dr. Mary L. Cook attende d last Friday, was interred in Mi nmi. e rs muy be pr ofita hly employe d un might have broul/:ht him r eal sucrl er 1111 con d it iOlls an d will enable Corwin, at which poin t everybo dy t he Sout hw est District Library meet- cemet ery, Monday morning . cesa. Somo of the ablest men and should gathcr who are inter esled in ing nt Springfi eld on April 2·1th, and Mrs. Th ompso n w ill iJe I' c llt em b ... r - h ll nch'cd of th em to work who are unmost successf ul, have contcan plated .The four educntio nal films were report an interest ing lind helpful ed by our older citizens, A S Miss Hat- ahl e t o stall d t he st rain of ou tdoo r th e demonst ra.tion . suicide at on e tim\! or another . No Later, on Friday . Ove rholt and session. tie Everhor t. a si"ter of the IlI le J ohn work. man can sa.y h e IS a failure until shown to both the Hii1:h school lind Patrons will find a new W e bst er' s Everhar t . Her husband . Mr Will Class will demon stl'ate the breakin g death comes and g ets him, nnd even Grlldes last Friday afternoo n, "The of largo ston es or boulder s by mud Interna tional dictiona ry on the read- Th ompso n. was a n e ng ineer ill th e then he cun't be sure. By t h" time they secur e evidenc e Valley of aThousa nd Peaks," "Just capping Pyroto[ at th e gravel pit of ing table. ser vice of th e Pe nnSY lvania R. R. Co. , satisfllc A Hudson -Six to r y t o 1\11 conce loaded with passen- Clarenc e R,ye, jus t soul Wirte," "How the Ra.dio Works," "Ad gers, became li nd f or several yonr s made t he r un t r uthfu lness of t he s tllte rn ed t o , the h of Corwin. geable on the Here Dying on the Island of St. Hellfar e dethe fr ordInar om Cincinn y powder! fuse lind llti to Columb u s. H e pa r t men t re port of wate rwe ena, Napoleo n said that if he had venture s of an English Collecto r in hill near Prendel"ll:asts Sunday , ran ia No. 6 condit ion s dynami te caps will be used to is I\( son of th e lilte Samuel Th orn I)- 01' the Grurton a fieln over stupms and stones and had the good fortun~ to die in RUB- Canada ." f nrd. p urchase d f or "o n. for many yeurs a respecte d res- II ncW state i nst.iLU t i')Il brought up a t the fenc e , about fif ty explode the Pyrotol . lla" he would haVe been called one , the stn te will Sixteen hundred pounds of pyro· id ent of Corwin . yards from th e road. One of the huve e" of the world's greates t general s, and pen ded more t ha n $17,000 . front wheels WIlS badly damage d, but lol WIIS distribu ted by County Agent A nd t hose wh o Il re a cquainte d with a great success. Class last week, whil e 1600 pounds no one was hurt. conditi ons nt Grafton c1 eclnro tha t He thought he was, II failure, behad been obtaine d early in Februar y; Wyomin e; Lodge I. O. O. F., held when t his m o ney is spe nt the site will cause he WIUI the prisone r of EngPyrotol is a mixture of sodium ni- an interest lllg meeting on last Thurs_ sl ill be lacking in a water s upply. land. Now everybo dy knowlI that trate and T.N.T ., IIl1d i8 put up in day evening and conferr ed the BecThe specia l legislat ive comm itt ee he W&II the world's greates t general Two women, whose names were paraffin ed caa1.ridg,cs, can be used un- ond degree on two candida tes, and spe nt $ 150 0 in & f ew wee ks and t hey and II most extraord inary genius in The May meeting of the Mother' s not lenrned, hll<1 a narrow escape, der water, will and give does the third not cause to two headcandida tes fo und that th e r e po r t of th e welfare the accomp lishmen t of his desires. .club will be the annual picnic, which .Monday afternoo n. whe n their ma - aches. As addition al quantiti es are on next Thursda y evening , April 30. depnrtm ent on con dition s a t Grafton will bo held Fri,day, May 16, at the chine ran into a gUlly near the Math- still availnbl On e, the anyone evening who of haa May stumps 7 there will ..... -t-.-O"I!I"·c i us t nb out 100 per cent per fect. It is all right for the Maham jah Grnde building . There will be no er r esidence , On tbe Waynes ville and or stones interfer ing with their farm, be a meeting of the Past Grand asBu t if t he co mmi ttee' hnd mnde its of Jodphu r to bring IIlItive soldiers meeting on this ).' riday afternoo n. Lebanon pike lind up set. One of the operatio ns, should come to one or sociatio n of Warren County. Grand li nul r eport t he would be abll nwomen was badly Injured , and was more of the a bove from hi,' state to act as servants SYBIL LeMAY , Pres. The r ivers in Ohi o did a rushin g doned .. So t heys ite me etings and 8~ Master G. F. Brown will be present nsked fo r M d setnken to the hospitBl in Lebanon . how easily and chellply while he plaYII polo. But what does DONNA EDWAR DS, Sec'y. and lunch will be served. All Odd- bu sin ess t he lA tter part of th l' week. c ured n,no t he r $5,000 they can be to sink wells a t where her wounds were dressed. Preside nt Coolidg e thinl!: of sendin'g eliminat ed. fellows are cordiall y invited. but a s th~ rain s Ill ude l he wnter "0. l hE' sile. About enlisted men from the United States muddy in Souther n Ohio, but Iittl" a ccorilpli s he d willt hebeonly t hing to bo unother dplay army to playa lackey's part in Engfishi ng WIIS d O li .. be for e th e end of of n yea r or t wo in se curing an other land' Ia that what the farmers pay th e season, May l. stll te in stitu t ion fu r fee ble-m ind ed , taxes forT II .that the work for The scason will reop en June 16, so meth in g th a t is m ighty badly ncedwblcb America n young men are invibut the angler using rod nnd reel will ed r ig ht noW. ted to enlist ' COlDEN DAYS - - - - have to pay a lice nse to fi sh in Ohio waters. This law was p/l.Ssed during Chicago ia trying to select among the last session of the legis ln t ure. Colum bus is rre po.ring to entertai n her bop one t~t can hope to be the Fisherm en wh o will go back t o th e hundred s of Oh, o ph ysicians d _ t uaeful elfuen citizen of 1960. real old way, of f a stenin g a lin e on t o atte nd th e seve n ty-n; nt h expecte m eeting Such a aelectio n is impossib le. The a pole, d o no t have to hnve th e li· o f the Ohio State Med Mr. R. E. Cray, poultry extensio n icill [ls"o ciflboy with the beat brain in Chicago speciali st, Ohio Agricul cen se . This will necessn rily ma ke ti on, !IIay 5 . 6 and 7. At tural college, this meetmay seem the dullest, least promisi ng assisted County the fisherm en go hack to the ing old t wny. he physiciuus Il nd Agent Class in hold _ ns gathtoday. There have bee n quantiti es of bass er to take inventor y ofs urgeo ing meeting s at sixteen poultry demthe progr ess Newton , the ereat8ll t mathem ati- nnstrati on farms, on tnken from our r iver t his spring. mad e in scie ntifi c mr dicin(' du ring Thursda y and elan mind ever born on earth, W811 Friday, April 23 They have be(' n oC unu sual weight, lh" pu,t yell I'; to IInlllyzc and 24. On Thurslind explain called dull wben, as a mer child, he day meeting s same weighin g two or more n E'W pound methods s. . both in t he were held at the followwaa workl~ out mathem atical prob- ing places: It is Il real plea s u re to catch fish of t.a l lind p r uven stage. a ndexpe r iment o ren ew lema t1!at would have puzzled his this size. old a nd ml\k o new fr iendshi ps with Arthur Cowan, south of Frankteachers . ---eollnngu es. lin; C. C. Easton, east of Frankli n; Th ~ problem s of t he Gibbon. before hI' wrote his great Paul Mitchell near Spl'ingb med ical profe~s io n orc fl'ee ly dis cussoro; S. D. history of Rome, WIllI conside red a Henkle, near ,Waynes ed und policies outlined for t he comville; C. R. Bungluttono us, unprom illng, aemi-ml li- nell, northea st of Waynes ing year. Va rious Columb us hospiville; H. A. tary penOD. " tals will condu ct surg ical clin ics . Millard. Washih gton townshi p; HenWuhing ton, &II a young m.n, after ry Oram, southea hll had underta ken Importa nt tasks, Wm. Hackma n, st of Leb~on; and southea st of Lebadeelared hlmaelf a failure. DemoB- non. then........ .te.t of oraton, stuttere d Brief outline of rules to be foland, stamme red as a youth. lowed for the raisinA' of chicks, is .. follow:. Followi ng a custom establis hed 1. Have brooder houae thoroug hly several years ago, County Superin disinfec ted and on good lOcI, or move tendent F. B. Harris and his wife, to ground where there III good sad. entertai ned the membel'll of the \\"ar. 2. Rear young stOck separate, from ren County Normal graduSl ting cIa'S". old stock and do not allow to ranee and their director , MillS Edna How The body of Floyd Collins , who togetha -. land, at a dinner party last FridllY dip.d of expos ure in San d cave, while 3. Have at least one square foot evening . Plajees were arrange d for an e ntire notion follow'e d every move 1I00r space for every four chicks and sixteen, with the menu cards and of tho dramllti o attempt s to save stove large enough to care for houle dinnel'- grams, which served a s pillce him , was recovere d last week from Elzey Seott was arrelted Saturda y cnpacity . cards. The hours after dinner wer e it s natural tomb. after he had run hil machine oft' the 4. Hatch nothing later than May given to unique contests lind music . Only II few native of t he cave • road near the Townsh ip line, coming ·15i;. Feed nothing Followi ng are th e m embers of th e cou ntry an d me mbers of a min e . frolll l.ebanon . The machine upset hours after hatchingfor at least 48 class: Loulllla Lon gacr e, Melvy n squad w ere a t t he 1Il 9uth of the sbaftl . ' and the toP' was torn off. With the Banta, Edith Me Kibb/lln , Katheri ne whe n ~oJlin s body W88 brought up in aid of a couple of tourista he was ' 6. Feed milk in 80",e Fromm, Levi Coates, Lorra ine Bran- a canva.s ~ lin g. form for at . . .d d dri I to least 8 weella. . no~k, all of Wayn e townshi p; Milable to get on t h e roa W . H. Hunt, mine e xpert in charge an ve n . 7. Ge,t chicks 'out on dred Ivins, and Hester James, of of reclaImi n g the body said it Wall town; where Marsh'a,l Be,n tley took loon" as we.ther permits ground .. . him tllto custody ; Clearere ek townshi p; Herbert Ault, in fair conditio n. It' was taken Im. He was taken before Mayor, Rog8. Feed the Ohi0 ration Turtlec reek townshi p; H!llen Grah- mediate ly to the Baptillt c:hureh to 'lie or lOme en, who flned him $60 and colta for other .pprove d ration the ami Massie townshi p; DOrTa Dogett in state untU fun~ plana were ' ftltire .-. drivlq a machine whOe Into:deaMd. me:: Provide peeD U1a Deborah Walton , of Green- co~plete. ' food In eome county._ _ _•__•••_ __ Worker s wbo brougb t tl:le ~ 'Heenle · to ~~e a ~!~ne . . . form throulfO ut til, ,ntir nmmer ' . • ", . j e to the s\lrll\ce l aid tbey found ~eD away f 01' D&A mon"~L~d .be 10. Separat e eocken ll from ~..., ..~~ . puOebi the very brink 'WU eharled to remain , , - . t" , OM. at from 6 to 8 weeb of ... ana cit... MIas Thelma Welclne ... r at Spring- a bundred to ', J~ default of payment of the be poH of aame except &hOM uecl bonI, and IrIr.a. K. N. oUSh were eave which COllblll '__, for peat. lie wu reIUIlcled to the eo~ Jail. bnecIerL of I!4ra. H. B. Earulia rt at & Ida lep Went _ •. . moO'clo ck clbmer. SatudaJ. blcnc :k..-




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•••••••••_..... NEWS GLEANED



oze ' Farm Gates


COMMON PLI::AS P ROCEE DI NGS . 11,., 1111,lI " j· .\ r 1\':\ "' . B(lW 11 lis:' \', l"hn W. B,'WIi 11 I!: , I i ~ ord crc.1 Ih tld,'n,lanl !'II Y 1'1:ti ntilr tc mp'" " I' alilll "" Y .11:. ill.! Ih o pI' n<lr ll "Y o f

at $ .50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts

: • •

1" ' 1


al. ,

,\ mv lia 1..

,\I' C"U"" . l' t

1\',t' t " Itt L'I':II :l' .j l h , t'I ·I\.]H ll t. (" h , t . 1' ( ';11111'111' 11 It : 1. 1' t .. til t 111 \' :~ \\ t r tll 1 .J;III!ltl~'·:-o IlI'titilifl ;lt l ,j nil ·

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th e' (' r, ,~!'l pl,tltiu n n f ~' nll' 1ia I" '1 ~


Waynesvile, Ohio .....

d" ~ ' \'ll l;\I :1 ~~ .f lii-;. ~r. Il il d i l lh' r p!ol. :\1 : Il · ~. h, inl.! !'t ·! i1 ,.. and l ' l' l dib frt ll H t·t. :. ! 1·:o: t:\1 ,. I,f IL l , :-~ ;d t , ,.r . \ ma tHIIi ~11 ,tth. lit ,' , : t ':" h l. \\a..: !I T'd, I',· d J'ai~l tl' ~ h , IIIr ill ti ll ' I lliltl , " " f E mil ,· ,J . :\1 i ll ' Ill , r \ "', :'II ill , '!"'.; ' ~ ',. , C'l :11, . I II th ,· III;, \ 1 I' flf ~lal' \" I ' . 1'lI l h' . \':-. ~ id' t \' 1111 1". it \1 ;\ Hr(kr,' " Ih at d l f l' ld a'nt P; ';o. I Ltl:Lt i lf a l iln ili t y dU ri llg' ! ' t ' l: dt ' lI(,, Hf ti' l ' :, uil. ~ 11+ Ill ,: t'lt:lti (' )' ,,1' Ih' l1 j ami n Fra nk, 1ill 1\ ,J't Ir ~ \ 'I C, "'I'l' I' ( ; . 1" ' f't' iIH' . t ,t I Ill.. It \\ , ... ; 1 ' :.Idt h ~ t d :,Ll d d l ' l 'l'l' ( d t hat p :l p " r \'. I it II !'" prtrdllr. ~ d a t th t, t rill l i;-; tht' \ :tlid ' ; t .. t .\i ll a 1ld tt":-. t :\ tI\C'l1 t ('1 1 .J ob !\ P l' l ,. in t'. dl' l'c a s ed.





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du t it '!-..

f... r'llg


Poultry Wanted!

Thr al'C '", nt "f Frnnk WiI'o n, ad· llIin i.-l ra tl)l' ~ I f thl' l'st-ute ur !'\ :Ulflic



l' C' al' i H I, b int' ! l. I.,t ill Ma scll\, $ 1,

E .~. t. . 11 ,'\ 11' \ I .. 1,11,\\ t ' I,\"! 1 Hn d Hul l!

\\' H.\ lI( '="' l l h,. $ 1,

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l · plll. .

TlIl'tl ~t't' l' t'k II lId ('il ·Hl"l' l'l,, · k T p . . .. $ 1. r a l' l L. II l1d j·: Hll·1 (; , I hl kl' t tl ~ar · l' llt l:' Hn d I tn ), IIIIII H i H ' lhl· rt ~ , a lH lut

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I :.! It er l· .. ill l ·h'arcrt·.... k Tp,. $ 1. .1, \\+, Goddard ttl lI a rold ~\n'IIV, . ~ 1.. 1:- 111 T IJrt lt ·lTl,,·k T p., $ 1. '

r.. r

CHLlh' l'ilh ,' ~fIH "k ttl

:'H' I'l' ill


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Bell Phone 292W



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This W t:ek's Cross-Wor d T hi s ' l' r o,s-\\, ord pu zzle. arra lls:' cd ~I iS$ Eli ,.11 h('1 h Elllbr('c. pre "" nta 11 n(' ''' lin t! illt('re"til1J.: pmell t \lr Ihc cl'Ms-wo rd pu zz le . WI' wllr,wd yu u lust w{'ck Lhut thi s week's puzzle

Miamisburg, 'Ohlo

COt ~ ,


1-:111111n .\1. 1111d ~l' lh I. . ( 'l1l'lwl'i)! hl I':. " "1'1."... 1,,'1 ill 1-'1"II II I<li ". $ 1. ,·1I 1·" ,, !. ~ ! I.llll: H!'icl·~ . Ih,,!! " lO.I·.·. L.. t'. .\1. '". tI .1. O. ("l1rl\\'l'i).(h l. alo"" l (;t1 \, F , \) .. 1'1" ' (' I" l ' I" I1 "'l1t A. alld t .... \lP jl l i l· ~ . ::: i. :t;, · ( '1 n.· ;" ')l dH Bl'lli g- " ( ': " ;,U Hl· rt.':-l ill \\' uyn., Tp .. $1 . J-: \'ll .\-h illi ·.· .. . 1Ihnll l p .. III'T' P "; i ' Tur · h . d s.:y Wi d i. I . .. I' , ~ lu .7r,: M('l. .1· ~ , I.l' \ ' ( 'h rt wl"i g ht lu C. :\1. Hol d .1. t!t' lTI ' I, k '1'" ,. $1. i'.I' '': i.I.W! l', I'~" " :0' 11 1' : I~ll::', $:LC"~Ir, .. .~\~': (. , ( ' ,te· t \\ rI )..! llt . al 'l l ul ;, ItC I' l':-; ill \ . 1 1I1I'p l .) ::.~ . PH~ 1'\ ,11. , l . . I, Way ,,,, '1'" .. ~ I. 1·.tI,·" 'l"1'r,·y. ", " "" . $ :1\1 1.5 :1: :. S . I,,·\" ,, ".1 1':11\11111 M . C1I .. 1II l'I g: ht COMMI SS IONERS ALLOWA NC r. S . I .. "e". ~"""', ~~ : I ~ . :I :': A. T . 1:"lli,: , t u C. ~1. " ,, 01 ,1. U. C' \l'tw .. i".hl. 1.'1 "' p allll' , $:!fi :L f, O: 10' ~ ', (·fl l1 in Jol, ~ :I ,




a bnut

J - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W.:.. re paying24c for OldStock Z8clJor ~Springer8

pain ' : •• the

TlIwlI '

1;1 u .... , ~ in \\'n s hillg:l\ln Tp .. $ 1. Ch a l' lC's 1t " lf \'l al.. til 1':l1 rl and J, 't ill 1 .·\0:11"',,, $ 1.


IIl1ld li ~"Il , l1lin -o r .

thou ~anc:I, o\i,c;~


\ ', :\ . ~tl ut h hm. <' lI t (' t'( l ri ~ uit [nt'd1 - . T ht' ('I.u n appr'(l Vl' d t }ll':'H,' c n U fit Mur y !-:i (,uth Uri J',!"l'tlund s ( ; J! lItc'h in ~tHI , J!' llnrdiufl o f J (1U I1 (!tlc l! s: l l'l' flH' crll c lt y .


wd l be ,troft; .aw,l b ('-;1th,. ,

Al m('.J u I ~t· l· \'t.'~ . t·t HI.. to :il' lld I ' . Hn d l; , L. ~ l Hr ~ hall.

\ Idl t h ,

\\'111 . CHrtl'l ypu a nd Mr~. \ \ '111 . (' ,' rt 1(IY (l ll. ~ t (! (' kh v ldl' r !"! hH ' l' l' llterl' t1 su it

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hl'.,kl·r, IIf C,.· 1I 11 1111i. · ~1. 1(lIi,:hl.

( )hi .l IrHHil llli u n for f( '1 h IlL .John LIn d, r. nh ll llt ;,:t n li n d(ld y outh { Il l' a dmi ~~ jon of :-: u id (·rl\(.' ~ '1'1' . , ::: I , t"

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~f. Fi u ,r. : , Ihilllill i!-: tJ':t t , l' ft f 110. · " ,Iat" •. r Al i '~ r H. Nill ,. dl· .·. :t-l' I. I: .. !I" A . " .. 01 :'.I ;,.J,,·I .\1. \\" unl lu til " tl h i:-: h \\'(' ntp!'y and np 'L l'ni ~"'" \ \ (,llt. \\' . I. Hll d ~1. 1'. St l' \\ ,::,rl, :.! lot ~ i n NEW SU ITS 111 tIll' 111 ull.·,. " r \\'t~ lId " 1I !,:lI lt' lI il f· l, , \ II(, lt' lI t , $ 1. )lnITl, llu :-. " l' ll' ,,'-" n 1 1H~ t' flt en1ci '< lilt \\ :1'" t1 l'dt' I'(' d t ha i Hppli('a t io ll h(' nwJe 11:11'1'" :\1. . 11,,01 EI I... I l.i "oI .·.. I"

l)lI i~ y

bt- ltcr. I couJd wi lhout ellal rtll ,

Now, nh£:1' L.."I.kina ~ , ru . n.:I., T helve Ofl. u :u nps "lid Illll

,·.,,11,,(1. . I I~.'."

.ltou~b .


No'hing hdl"'01 me. I · hAd C'lI tarr h of the 'IOItUh7h .

.\: il p.. J: irh y , d ..'CI ·II:-.r'l l.


a f..!'lIin~ 1

Try the Gazette offiee f or J ob Work.

t'XI' ('u tn \:

. I" i ll . lII"tll'" /If l h.· D,' k" Lil:ht .'1'1,,' il!" <,nunt of ~t. Ilrak ,· . n.!. ( \ 1.. \~ , V. :'.1. I lull' hin:-olll . it \\a~ !l.ll! l..; trat n r (I f tht ' (·"'t at t· IIf :\1:\I' Y I,., , ITd ,· n . d 1 hat plait. itT l'('l'U\'{' t' f ru m 11 1 t1lll p ~lIn , dE"ct.':., . . l' d . \\ a ~ 1\ 1'10'1 1\' ,d ,

I i

Madden's Lumber Yard • • • • • • • • • • • •0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . _ _ • • _

1"\1"1.'\'" , \"-,

:Chf't '-I 1\ ll'h~ .

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lor .h r~ I would

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11c f'Ut . Q.:I.." Tb('r& n~ rackec.l anJ

Itl lI H. n tl""!,' ,rna rdi:". r lIa l"TY 1I 0 \\"l'. mh oI'. til " rl hel' r(llI r lll "nd

FldHtl P. K i rb y \' ~ . lif J,\I\d .. Hn th..:- ill' r W1\ :oo Il, ill l\"oyed I ~" • 1':. l' i,I.\ wa " CllI ll l " ' II lll i!-=- t· t l. Ht l - 1I 11~1 (·ullh rn ll·tl. t lt'd :tll d tl i"' " H-- I, d \\i th li llt !'j' l ' l >l'll. ) h i' (' o u l"l :1)1p n l\ p d. n ll d\\ I,d and I' .tll" "",'11 I I, t lia lT Y 1': . c: lI t1 iT'Ill\·t.1 till' !\(' t'l q~ llt !I f i\ 11 1/1 ;\t.




I t ' 11 . aH. ' )' It'

t: ~ \\ I t .\,.

at Less Than Car-oad Prices

-''I Iwd

Pl'h i Ml \ 1':-; .



Wire Fence

Mr., Rt.~,1j. Kn nili. J9 Slh'cr Stre.rt . I \II DritRin. Conn., b d " Itrrih l.e t Iltri cnC'~ on.. aivu hili credit lo r her recuvllry to -l'e~ l'u · IU' :



The Best Ever, are Cheaper

IIlIcy P al'k ing- 'uoptl r, dt!coukecl, wn ~ IIpprov cd, ul. COl' di A~ul ltt. It of Itlll'l'fl and con/lrm~d. co ,·pll r atioll. M"~l1: ic W. Burnet, willow I ct.ccL Ki ct h • R\(' ~pir ~ hn.q n lrr "'; Ruit to lakv under thl) will o r Owen J. 1I}.'l1ill ~ \. ,. J, I~Vorl c y (fir~t linn\(' un· Burnet. dec,'nsN!. kn' WII) : f Ol' CI ~lIl1\'il,. W:llt r 'a r,' ~· Wil li allp oln l cd ad. n rt hn l',II'M hn ~ " ntc"c' d 'lI it fur mi lll. l,·ul o': of th,' v~tn.t.() ("Ir A 1 ~l<III1 ' cllvor('(' n ~ :lin M I Al\: in S"lIr". h e d ". I ~ ml ,,)'. t1('c ~ ,, "e.J . lloncl, 21>00 . \ . H. IIJnd d 11 . \\': Fl. 0 ' ,' "I II lI d .1. churltl'R l'xl rr u ' lt y. 0, l 'lI l't II' l"ig ht wer~ Il ppoinlNI u.p,

M RRIAGE LICENSES H e" 'U'1I 11 E . ~ :\ y l " ,·. (' lI rp <' nI01', Cell ii i, I l l' P1'l"'(' (· ,lin~:-:. l·\I .~ t o o f Jinal a Ct.'pu nt. 1,','\'11 1<- . a nd ~Ib s Et hel An' HI LOlli!, • rh .: I... ·n g,'aIlL" d 1I'lIll'u rnrily LV th e In lh,· m ult(·,· lIr II", ""lal,, "I Wil· " f Lyt it' . • p I;" ti n . . l iatl ~ BU f,.un . d (' l· t· a ~('( 1. th l." !"I.' p ort \\ illl<111I I'. /'(' 111'''1', ,. ",itch n1l1l •. o f •


Ilgnill~t thl.' 0" IIf ]~t'I\IIR1il1,



i !ltimlli


~--_, -


zoo YEARS haarlern oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid condition&.



puzz · ~




w ould ht., a " ~ t i l· kc l'." :0 i r yo u u r(\ not PI'( rUlI 'N I fOl ' it. y(l U c an ' t I!lantt,' W' . A n ywa y . it wi ll pro \,() t o you

ju st IH-\\, mu ch - or h"'" lillie- you knuw of y" u,' ni blc.

correct Internal trouble., Itlmul.te vital oraans. Three sitts. All druggists. lnallt on the orlimal lenume OOLD M&DALo




dONE\, LOANEU ON LIVE STOCK, chaUels, ul sn lecuml mor .jfll"e• . Notes bllught. J ohn Harbine, Allen Buildin ll', Xunl", Oh io.

DENTIST And X-O-ORAPHISl'. Waynesville,





Wa,.nelvllle National Bank Bill"

Ravine comptied with the require. mente of the Utility Commiaslon, I am going Into the Truck BuRineas a gain, and will be able to do all Idndl of bauline at reuonable rates.


" Chuck" Mell or, 3 1, u Chicngo mecl1!utic, last week W OII the 192:> U. S. Marllt hon Ch nmp,lonshlp by beating Clllrence De Ma r rou r. Lim". wi nn e " In th e Boston b URgle, li e " (' ''h''! , !." OI)"\I1pic di sl :u u:e of ~!fl 1l 1: 1,. J " ., J ,u·i.. in 2 huurs, ~8. 3

j' 11' 1: :J:; t ·)

Ii the sa ill ejo b,

Alid T ttx :: '11 I llig Rati o n, (ed in as If. t'ccde r, wi ll do it in h alf

LINE OF FEEDS C\.-~ r~ ,,-lln 1~ uJl edo

th e time. "

Do you u nderstano now

wh y

:lengC'l 'S as n h umili atioll ,

jUU l' llcy .

ilOS 4

'ru x cdo Hor.' Rat ion

'liuxetlo Chick Tu ~re do Bu tt erm ilk Sturt .:r and Orowta"

Grl'nll y aftiicle d. hnl firnvi n hi s ' .r; ffiilh in (; uol . (j Tille or Chris t in Rev. silrnify· ing "Fi r't." 7 " A chicr rul e r about On\·i,.I.·' '8 !) An ellipse. H" lf shave d fr om David 's m(,8'

runn el'." ;Jcwish PH"~O \' pr m on th. Defi ni te articl e (Fr.). Fir&! '" I·l1ti .)I1,.,1 uf Pnul' s con . verls. lI ou r (ubhr.). All c"lrun c,· o r p'"""s:'e. Capillli of .L!o'clwnin. Visited by I'llu l 011 hi~ til';; l mi"" iol1 a ry


Sweets DQlry

'tuxedo Pil.!con Fud Tuxedo E,," M Ull h 'l' tu cetlQ S <- rtltch



Farmer s Wurron and adjolnin. coun ties may obtlli n n.oney on loi. tillle loan l, at 5 ~!t per cant Inter .. t Co, t of ~ce urlng the same i. very r4!I1' son able ,thruulI'h Th~ Federal Lalld Bllnlc. For further InformaUon call on or address M. ·C. DRAKE, Trela· urer, p hone 3 16· X, Lebanon, Ohio.:'

K ee p in min d th e hi gh price o f corn, then listen to thi s-"30() po un ds of Tuxedo J1DJ Rat i.n \ . : ~ ~ i' ro (~lI C C 100 puun ds o f pork. Tt t:tkes c :\ \ ~ .., I ~I L t : :~ (, f c ~) rn, o r In+lT THE. TUXE DO

Dr• .John W. Miller



Bigger Bog roll s

Telephone 114,


12 t :l


_._- .


FOR RENT -=-'-::,..;:. .---==~ FOrt R F.NT - :!5 Hcres lin e bluc g ra8s J1I1 Rtu r c. runnin!! watl'r. Will re nt by hcud o r ns a whol ~. M rs. Wm . ] ,o y, 1 % milt's ('nst DC Ridge· '029 \'iIIe .

LOST · tl'nl. hog r:li se rs swear by Tuxedo? M ll tlh 15 111. ecl 1I :'<'d by ~ .. lll n."n lo poinl LOST OR STOLEN-Red hon e h ound TII :.edo D evelo per pup, while fr ont legll with brown HIS BUSINESS JUDGMENT 16 Conf u ~(' d type. nn in .t ull ('li(l~ 1 t il ; a dll s tI'Y. Conte i t1 an d talk it ove r. 'r oJlodo Poultr y <pol~ on t hem ; w hit .. on tip o f tail, 17 Conj llncLion. A man wh o had imbibed frec lyF:.s tt cner, e t c . 10 Fa~ I ( ' 11 I "g'L"l lwr. L!) answers t o noml! of Jake. Libera! but not wisely, stagge r ed into a woo Obedient (abbr. ). 18 F,t1"t h/l l/ d . 20 Wh at Pau endured yet g ori ed 2 1 P r o"ir,,'" \'al1 ~I' li zr cl hy I'nul' rewa rd . George Satterthwllite. phone mun' s exchun ge an d stoou sWlLying :16·:.1 . Wuynes,:iIIe, Ohio . ,,29 while the m atron in charge came in. 22 ExiRl. EVERETT EARLY 2 1 Moth er o r H eze kinh. (Sh orL· 21 S hort l11 e ll~ r (nbbr.). forwa r d to se rvc him. LYTLE, OHIO " Is 'is h Woman's Exchange?" h e cn cd f orm). . 25 Paul's na t ivc city. WANTED 23 S lIflix d e no ting un IIgen l 0" d n· 27 r copie to wholl' 11\1' Go"pe l WfiS uskcd, sq uinting o ne eye an d lookin g her ovcr. cr. ti rst preach!!.1. 26 Woman's g irdle. " Rcs," shc r eplied, "It t her e any·. 28 A will ow f Ol' },!I ~kct work. C A~H - I~or Dental Gold, PIlltinUl1l, 27 Giv en nnllle of eomp nni o n of 20 Used in i1 lno." . il vcr, .Di amon ds, m ~gn ll to poInte, thing I cun do for you? " fnl 'e teelh, j ewelry, a n y valu .. ble~. Pu ul 's first mis~ io ll ary journey. 30 lI"lolirnflll. "And ish yo u th' woman?" he 3 1 Animu l of cat t ribe. (Ameri. 35 Co nd it ioll of men r",,"d ill Mar. .Mlli l to dllY. Cosh by return "I1Iull. asked. tl olte S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mich . uy t! s; yes," she sa id. can li o n. ) ket . Ma l t. ~O :3, 6. 32 Atlir mnlive. " 'Zen I g uess [ 'II keep Mary," h e 36 A w in/:l ike "I' 'lin . WANTEDTh e nddrcs8 of J ohn H. :13 Diminutive of name of one o f as Their wkkcd plot foile.1 whc!1 'suid , turning to stagge r from the Adllir. Address P et er Bl'rgcr. 172 2 place. Chri~t's foll owers." d iscovered by Pnul's nep he w. Baltim ore, Ave., CincinnatI, Ohio . 34 One o f the fir st citi es conq ucr ed 8 ll Fa bric used for ell)thin)t. ·mG by Josh ua during- hi s conqu est '10 }llIul's eo rl y nnmo. of Palestine. 42 '~ hat sc rib es and Phnl'isees did WAN'n; D- The purly who foun d the Iluto li cense tng", No. 7!12.44a , to 37 Whut th e woman did with her wi t h the weig hti er mullers o f plellsl' lell\'c ut the Cn zelle olllce, or h"' r to aliI' L ord' s f eet. the Inw. wil h II . O. Fudge, LJ.! bunon , Ohio. 40 Sunday Schoo l (abbr. ) . '1~Ttr:+iii_iA~"',":"r~l.~o;'::-:.C hl'i s lio!1 Worship, . ~2U -I I Y,ltat Pdu l dc scl ilJcd as ' SO " o f llenjamin. inA' in t h... worl d." F,·tli t freq uentl y m enli,, in We ll klluwn tree - mention ed Bibl!'. FOR SALE by HOOl ea. ( 1\'. 13 ) . 54 P r ovInce evange li ze d by Pilul 44 Jacob's brother . dllri nl( hi s fir st l11i,sioll" ry j our: FOR l{P.NT- H ()use of sevcn r00111S n ey 46 Cily uf ]{nn so>r-lIl so fel11i nille and cellnra; newly puintcd and IHI. nam e. 5G Aei,;m's wife (po s~.) . per ed . See U. H, Wilkerson, WilY, 47 PIll ce \\'11{' .. e Pau l ~uw t he "mllll f,G ('unl r nct ion pf " e\'e l'. n tf nesvi lle , Ohio. fl' (lm 1\IIlccdo nla." 57 A " t1ul.nt io n ( Hllil ). 4R Nllme bO l' lle by sev('m l Pope•. LOST OR STOLEN- Bla ck Ilnd tnn liO F(' l11a lu dec r. ra t terrier malo <lpg, ,vcighR 8 \h e., 4U J~ n s t Ind in (ubbr.). li l Same as c )c\;cn down, 1i2 No rt h Lutitude (ubb r.) blind in left eye. Libcral r eward of· fe n' d. Luwrence Sur/uco, R. 11. 4, fi3 PIliU I'~ attitud e toward Chris· tians befo r e hj s conversion. WaynesvillQ, Ohio. · mQ . Anawer to Lad Wee k'. Puzzle 50 Do ne by J esu s before his di sci· FOR S ALE-S weet potalo lind 0\1 pIes to co nvin cc tht'1)l of the 1'0' kind ~ of gtlr<lcn plnllts . A few THE SHuW a lity of hi~ rcs urrection body. A ate' ner gear ·od"veft el ••trlo bU M h e l ~ of 'seed p otatoes, 7 ne per 5 8 Num be r of loaves usc d to fecd pump with enc lt>oed •• ".olilng PLA.CE OF DA.Y rON head bushe l. l:itrouse BI·OS., R. R. fi, cor. . Only 2 oe o tl plr hour to th e f o nr t hous and (abbr. ). net· of Lytic nnd W"yn es\"lIle rOlld. pump your water. Attach • Blir Vaudeville Acts and Feature Photoplays. Entire change M) Mountain in Asln Minor. to nny light aoe ..:et. .. 13 Leve l, s mooth. 62 of PI'OI'l'8m every Sunday and Thursday, Continuous performM. ST E ! ~~ H, ,r. CO. FOR S ALEI mul e hog, yeur old, Anger. 63 &Dee fl"OID 1180 to 11 :80 P. M. Afternoon prices 20e Wid SOC. 24-1 S. Torrene.. 8treet, Big Type Polnnd Chinn. A lAO, fiOO 64 Place where John Baptist work· E_v~nl.ng8 ~Oc an ~ 50c. DAYTON . OHIO . bushe ls of good eo rn. Otho Hemler· ed for a time. . son, R. R. 3, W fl ~ncs vi~l.c, Ohio. 65 Color of . a ho r sc see n by St. J ohn ill his wo nderful vis io n. ·m13 SO THEY DID 66 On e who singg the lowes t purt. THE MUTUAL HOME and SAVINGS ASSOCIATION FOR SALE- CabbaJ('e nnd Tomato 67 Obtain . Plants, or llIuny vllrictit:'s. E. W. T. . . . . . . .' . . .rIDn He -"Como o n! Kiss and make HopkIns, Waynesville, Ohio. .DOWN up," Reeoarce••18,600,000.00 ...,,_ ,,7G,e87.32 FOR SALE- One 110"," lind 9 pigs, lOne of the ~ruit.~ o f th e s pirit She -"Jt's much better to do it 0 - . 3a,ooO ___ah Inquire of Ralph Miller. Waynes· I'n umcrntcd" by Pnu 1. t hal way. . The new rouge I have c _ _ aJ. . . . . . ville, Ohio. .mO 2 , Eggs. . . ru bs off nwfully cmsy!' 3 Popular nam e of the "ForeFOR ' SAliE:-A few room Iota of Wall Paper. at a . bl}t'gain price. See D. E, · Standiford,' Waynesville, HowD'I Mk?5. Ohio. ~a30 WHAT A EDWA.QDSNICE I..ITnAi FOR SALEPekin Duck Eggs, 35c WHAT A per setting. Mrs. Geo, ·Gilliland, '- BeN .. HE NICE t;PRIN(,o Route 1, Wayncsville, Ohio, DAV1.OoKS . a30 .TU&T 1.\\(£; FOR SALE--I.r lah Cnbblel'tl lind PiqHI& McmtEA Ua . Crown pota toe8. Inquire of Frank Braddock, R. D. 2, Waynesville, Ohio. a29 FOR SALE- l<' lnc, high-vade !lho.n. ogrftph' q.ken ~ack for non pay .mentl_ Clln be purchlU!ed. by relillble party for balance due at $1'.00' per week. Addrellll p, 0, Box 142, D~yton, Q!Jio. " me , t.:CVllt ::. ,


An im ag ' e . · A ye lpill~ bnrk.

10 11



STRUOTURAL STEEL I Beams,. Anilea, Ohllnnola, Platell, Bolta. -r-. t>lpee, Flues, Wuh U08 p~ VIIlYM, and "am'OfIOING 81'ltEL • , . :hompt b611""'7 trom oar


. ."'.... l'ramt>t1r



"arm ....)' aamey .. Smith Car 00.

omo. ..






Did He

MeaD t







of the .'

P.rcheron StAUion, Bop) Wonder. TIl.... the K;ina'a Powd.r Co. hone, and will make the ....on at mJ fum. 0, A. · Strawn, R; R;. Wa,.....vUle, O~







I:, lJE n E VERY WffiDN ES DAY Entllred a t the r ORtoffie

lit W ayn~~v


tI ~


Sec., ,,d Olass Mail Mutler

D. L. CRAN E, Edi to r And Publi.h .. r, W.)'n .... I1I., Ohio. :; ul scr ipLiulI Pr ier, $1.GO per yuur. frJl "I I: • II "

\\ I



29 , 1925

Th£' fler t now procee d t o pr.ovc lI cro pltlnes urb 110 goo d .

~ hlll

T ho I' OWl' " ~f II ' " ' Ii,," i,: ill d it- Hl ed r c' rs hing says we must ke('p our by ils birth ral,· 1'1... nll!i,'n wil h 'I ' I'I~' u~' f orce if nccesNu r y .. At ta suun d iJi"11r rill,· IIl way s i ~ till' <tr" r.I:· sli\" tuff J uh n- whe n shull we beg"' ? er null ,," . C" ITL'sl'olldi n).:ly ~l'l'l i"l\ lI l ~ tl'o ngth in II ,"11 i(,n i ~ ti uiJjccl t" t hl' L U LL'~1 advi ces l1,re that mlln IR .Ul1"O In \\' . Th e:tl f act:; url' 11 1l 1l t'~ a il ­ 10.OOO .UOO yon rs old. Those durn tlbl o. Th p ln ~ liLIIl<' "f S'H'ia l II l1d fo,, 1 sci ,' n tis ts hnve spring f eve r and Hc lh:io us Sen·i...c " hu\\:~ C'I~ ' " ' ly wh".re d,)n't kllu w it. Ill<' " tr· ,' n ~1 h o>f A 1111' 1'\(' " ii".. III ,t, Cl' II SI1 S IInlllys i, . ju. t pu l,Ji"h,,!I, Ih,> Those " line Nc il'n ti sts have f ound or~""i z llti"'; tel l. 11 : Ihlll .tlll· I,i r th /I I'lIil' o f ivor y di Ce In th e home of . Tutc in t.he (urnlin$.! Hr \ ' JI ~ (d t he U nt - II 1!(' ntic Ill uII buri ed t.W() lhou811 nd tl'd Stllt es i" 52 pl' r "I' nl I{r"ater th,, " yeurs IIgo- whic h di sa pproved t he In lhe cit i.·". lind :!-I pt' l' ," 'nt I{ rI'atl' r Sill tp II II'II t lhu t lh e Wurld Wnr w"s t hoJ1 In the \'ill ul!" ' - t hat i ~ CO lli mil · th" fi" st ill v"s ion oC nn A me ri eu n Jllti e~ f n ll" 2f, O to ~ , f) lJ O pnpu la t ion. ar my Lt> th e Il ld world . O lh(*..

i ntt' r r' li ti ng

f llct ~


di ~ ­

cl used .

For i n. tunrc t hl' uverag-e 11l,"lb~r of dill d n ' n t o elleh 10 0 Illar Tied wom e n be tween the ages of fif o t ,'e n lind fort y· fi vto yen r. I. ; 128 in the citl,'., 157 In the vill ngcs a nd 1!l ll I n the furmlng IITeO". W o ul so learn t he re arc 109 m en t o every 1 Ull WOr'N' on th e fn r ms . wh ill' Lhe villag"" huvc only U5 men to 100 wom en. Vilill ges huve u di. proportionnle large rtumbrr of old peo ple us co m· pured with the ciLies. 27 .4 pcr ce nt are forty·fi vo years uld or I~a. \'e passed th e mil cllton.. The Clt'f'8 show thuL only 20 per ce nt oC th e women are forty.five or .more. . The stability of America rcmUll1 8 op the farm s tlnd in the villa!:,,'". ~o too is thc purchusing power.



W lI~ hin l! t Q II ann ounces thnt the guv e rllll,,' nt will tmill yo uth s for f or · eign serv ice_ Whllt most. oC our mot hers wnu ld lik l' beller is some

g irl tra i nin g fo r ho mo se r vice.

De forE' marriage-a mun ma y rave a bu ut u W O Il Ul l1 '!-t (' v e~- h e r hair. he r lipg · bul suunc r 0': lat('r he will no· I ice nnd pay att"lIti on to h er chin. OLDTTIMER SPEAKS

O!d bird- " My wife hIlS a big mind - a large mi:ld." ]. ri cnd- " Ycs ?" Oldbird- "'Yes. yes , ind eer! . She's g ive n me a pi ece of it every da y lor Alas 1 The governm ent is t rJlI'In g t he la st fi fty yea r- and seems to down the r e putation of th e b~ "y b('e , ijlill have plcnty le ft. " calling her a loafer beca use It tnkc's li67 bellS u IiCe·time t o produ ce a pound of nectar. Alright- Nuw how WHAT DO YOU THINK? about our legi slators ? Specialist- "If yon Raw a man wi t h nothillg 0:1 but th e brim of a s tra w hat li nd with n cuke. of soap in his ho ndo j ump over Niagara FalL"

--- ------

- yo u w(l ul dn' l "t hi n k he was crazy."

Insu ranc e Lllwycr- "Certainly not. I would think hc waR going ~e Il buth ."

----- ..- --NOTICE

Remember the play a t Lytle Hnll, "Ir. und Mrs. W . M, Mat hias! of ST. MARY' CHURCH Thursday. evening. Da yton, s pen t S unday wi th tn clr .May- 3, T hird S unda y afte r Mrs. Ethel Saylor, of .Ce ll t.c rvillo, mothel'; here. ' lLRstcr. .Ch urch Schonl ut !.I :30 u. spon t · Sat urday with h er parents, L 's ter und :Ray Starr called a t t he m .• :'ormo" lind f1 0ly Co m mu nio n Ilt ht! r~. hnmo o r M I'. IlIl d Mr s. has. Grny nud 11 u. m . F.veryb ely w(:Ieu me . 1 M r. and IIfrs . Born e Jones and Mrs. fami ly, Sund"y. Re \'. J. J . •'dm cffc r, Rect or . hus. E. J ohns spent Wednesday in MI'. nnd Mrll. Fl'nnk L. HIlIl'ris nnd Dayt o n. Dr. C. G. Ra ndull WI!re in D UYLOII' r . Mr. and M,"S. Cha rles Cla rk, II1 r. one day th is " "oek. ME THODIST C HU RCH Gil d Mr~. H. M. lurk were Dayton -R. R. Broo ks and E d Bruw n e n· SlI bhl1th Schuo l, \1: I f) n. Ill . , preoch _ vis itors, Priduy. joy·t1 a fi shing; trill 10 Ad ams co unty The Habit of keeping inlr nt 10 ::1 0 II. m. W edne sday even· Mr . nnd Mrs. Henry Dearth, of o,"er the wee k:-cnd. Leugue 6 :45 p. m. P J' c uch i n~ at 7 :30 a house nicely painted really means S pr ingbo ro, were S unda y visito rs of M i ~s Hutti c Inw ood. or King ll1ll n, Mrs. Mllry CUllll ony. was n Frida y gue'L o f l\'lisses Knth. LeoJ,"Uil 6 : 15 p . m. Preac hill J.( lit 7 :00 more than simply making it look p . 111 . Everyhody i ~ cordlull y invi te d Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Co x und Mr. lee n and Ne il lio G nLl1U Ill. attractive. It m eans tha t it is being an d Mrs. Char les Clllrk we r o L ebu· lII,·s. A. Muell er hilS return oo to t o th l.!sC s ~r· \' i ce ~ . nun vi sitors , Monday. Rev. L. A. Wash b urn, Pas tor. hpr home in Toledo, lifte r u plon.nn t protected against deterioration and Mr. W. C. Curn ell r ece ive d word \' isit wit h r ela tives he re . deca y and this house will continue to Ins t ", (,,' k o f the de ath oC hi s nep he w, Chlls. Ma dd en has been su m moned CHRISTIAN CHURCH M I'. Chnrl ,'s Thompson, nt W urre n, to s"rve on Lhe F ed('ra l Grn nd j u ry look well long after neighboring homes Su nday Sc hoo l ut t he Ch ris Lian Ind. in Cincinn ll t i, begin ni ng April 28 . begin to a ppear" run down." Mr. lind Mrs. Willillm Brown enB_ Y. Co ll ett was in l ow n Tuc.dny, Church ('v('ry S unduy a t !I :ao II. m . tcr tu incd Mr. lind MI.,.. Frlln k W ool- t h e fit~t t ime ~ ill ce In!'l :cptCIl1i1t' T. E \'e ryuotly cordiull y invi ted. If your house should need painting, Now ley '1",1 children, o( Uu yt on, t o S UIl - Mr. C" lI r lt hu s bel' n in ill hea lth . da y di nner. is the right time to paint it, and Mrs. SII ",n D>1"'"oll 11 1111 uauJ.(hle r, i FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Mr. nnd Mrs . Harry Gruhnm we r e IUlYl' r el ur ned hOlll P ufl~ ,. ~ pe," li ng Tll i. is an unucnom inuUonll1 con gre· SUll duy g Ul'sts oC the lu tte r' s pu r 'nts lhe w intc l' with hi ca J,(o relatives. Mr. lind Mrs. Th orn,," Sny lor, ut Mr_ und Mns. Frnllk Hud dick nlld gati on. All n.'·e we lco me to worship Sprin g Va ll ey. \l urace Ruuuu('k were undll Y J.( uestH her e. Bible stud y !J :30 , f oll owed by Mr. li nd Mrs. S. H. Iiui",'. rot urn- o f M ,'. and Mrs. Char i,," Hudtluck co mmuni on un d se rm on. E ven ing, cd home S nnday, "rter ' u week' s vis· an d f umil y. . so ng se r vic e and sermon, at 7 :00. it with their ne ice, Mrs. C. R. Bill· is the right paint. To delay the ma t~I r. a nd Mrs. J . W. Cla r k enter· "I{u r lin d Camily. Uti li I' d O\'e r th e w ek ·cll d hcr sister, ter will not mean genuine economy, Mr. and MrR. J . A. Kil putrick and 111 ,.s. Lou McC r e ig hl a nd du ug h.\.e rs, so n, Edw in, o f LebAnon , "er e S un- of Wil mingto n. , duy after noo n guests of Mr. and Miss Marga ret Sta rr , of Duyton, \lIrs . Walte r Ken rick. hmne Thu ,"day e,"clli ng Jln d s tuid SOLD BY Rev. Cri st, r epresen ting the Meth· ull t il Friday <>vcn in ll' wit h he r moth· Mrs. Mnry Ferg uso n is movin g inodi st Childre n's 1I 1I 1lI " lit W orth ing· e r, Mr M. Am nn dal Stu ,.,.. to her home he re. l on, Ohio, Rpoko at th e mornin g ser · Oxley.Pace Drug Co" Waynesville, O. Mi.s He len Randa ll, who is atvi ce at tho church here Sundny. a ra h Anl\bec i ~ vi siting her t e ndinl{ WilminJ.(ton "o ll ~ l{ e , had a~ du 1I1rs. Mrs. De Witt Th o mp ~o n , of ughter, Mr. alld Mrs. C. R. Bin egar. of her house I{uc~t F ridll Y and Sntu,.day, Mid a leto wn . J tl l1l cstown, Mr. Alfr ed IInin es, o f her r oom· mutc., Miss Brnnt. Uuyton, Werc S un da y dinn er I{u ests 1I1r. a nd Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of lit th e home of Mr_ an d Mrs. Wtllt er Our community was shocke d by Wushington C. 1-1., were Sunday the news of th e sudd en death of E d g uesl s of Mrs, ~: lI a Da bb . Kenrick. E ASY DEDUCTION Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles E . J ohns Retalllck last l~ rid ay . Mr. Retalli ck FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, Ther e will be proac hing servic e went to Dayton, Sunday, to s ee th air was th e Ron-in ·-Iaw of I. N. Miller _ SEE THE GAZETTE lit th e 1\1 . E. church every two weeks " Tell me whllt your W ise Manlittle granddaughter, V ivia,n , who ar. Mrs. Amandu Starr Cell down stairs this sp r ing , by th e pustor, Rev. W a l· poets do nnd I'll tell you whut th"ir rive d at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Sundqy eveninl&' and s ustnined u bad Icy. Gl enn Johns, Saturday, April 26. wiv e~ do." cut On Lhe head, num erous bruises Mrs. Mary Crites and Mrs. Jane St ud ent-UTh e pact I kn ow t,akes The trains on the railroad here and n gen eral shaking up. Sho is Hood spent the week.en d with Rev . FOR OVER 40 YEARS changed time Sunday.. They go one doing aR we ll a.8 could be ex pected. and Mrs. C. N. S mi t h, of West Mil- in nil l he bOOV-lties of na t ure." IlALL'8 OA,'rAJUUlllllilUlOINlll hilI b ... D h our eurlier to comply Wlth the day· W ise lI1 nn" His wife -washing." ~I. d Bucce.IfUlly In tho trolltmoM of t on. Mrs. Romine Shuma ker and duugh _ light saving time in the cities. The ter, Mar jorie , went t o P ort William ; lllArrb. MrR. Belle SWohn has r etu rned to early \.rain south, und the late train Friduy eve nin g:, to spe nd th e weekUALUI OATARRD 1lED1t"INlll CODher home in th e coun try , nfter 8n ,l ata of an Otntment " 'Illen Q u ickly north, were UIJIen dfT Sunday. end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. exlendl'd vi,,;t with h,'r Il unt, Mr •. Roll. voa by locat appllcatton. and tho {olern.' Modlclne. a Tonic. whic h .cle Mill8 Ina. Burnett and Mr. Calvin Hllrvey Gurb el·. On Saturday Mrs. Anna And c~o n. througb tho Blood on the Mucoul SurLon~acre surprised their relatives and Shum a ker und Mrs. Gnrb er moLo red tse• • • thU8 rodu clnK th" lnftllD1l1llltlon. Mr, and Mrs_ C. L_ Tillman and to Cincinn a ti for th e da.Y . friends when they returned rfom In80ld by .11 drutrtrlala. Miss Faye Louise Wn.rwick, .of Piqua, diaoa Sunday, ann ouncing that they F. J . Chenev &. Co.. Ohio. _•.. The annual picnic and fi eld meeL lit r. Jlnci MrM. R. L. Dogun und dough were married on Saturday. They The Eye Sight SpeclaUlt will go to housekeeping immediately was held 011 th e Schllo l g round s , Fri· L~ r, " nd MI'. li nd I\1rs . W . .T. Wil Ro n in Dayton, where Mr. Longacre has day. Th e eve nt WII S. well attend ed and so n . Were guests, S un day, o( Rev. a position. They have the very hest a.nd Lh o"l!u!:,hlv ell joyed. The busi- anti M r ~ . W. E . Bogan. wi.hes of the people of thi s commu_ ness und p rofess ional people we re Lebanon, Ohio ge nerous with Irift. Lo be used as prinity. 2.1'6 for the athletic events an d a bountiful basket dinn e r wus partuken of at the n oon hour. 8: 0U fl . 01. to 4 p. II I.

t7h~ .






Every We'dnesday 9 a. m. to 5 p, m. Re.tRoom in GrangeBldg Wayne,ville, . Ohio

.: Main Office: 924Y. Soutli Brown Street, Oy.r Slam. Th.ater

Dayton, Ohio

.- .

----_ ..- -- -

Noli ce is hereby given that the Doarding Home of the Indluna )" 'n rly MeetinG" of the Religiou8 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer and ~nc i cty of Friends, n c orporatio',' Of aon, Jr., spent Wednesday in DayWayn esville, Ohio, and the MIami ton. .Monthly Meetinl\' of FrIends, an uninMr. Frank Kellis and family spent t orporated religlou8 society o~ Wa~. Sunday afternoon visiting friends in nesville, Ohio, have filed theIr poti· Le banon. E . J . Meinhn.r di, the well known t ion in the Common Pleas Court of Exper t fr" m Chicag l!, will pc rsonWa rren Count y, Ohi o, being case Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Soward and ull y be at t he Miami H otel, DlI yton, No. 13:J{;8, praying f or authority to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sownrd were V1S - Ohio, on j''riduy a nd Saturday o nly, "e l\ t he f ollowing descri be d real ea· itors in Holly, Sunday. May 8th and Uth. t.a te: Mrs. Ellsworth S mith, of Dayton, Mr. Mein hllrdi g>lYS "The Vacuum Situate In tho County of Warron ill s pe nding a few days with l)er Ruture S hield" will not only hold and Sta te of Ohio, being )lart of Sur- mother, Mrs. John Levi . . the Rupture v~) rfe ctly, but will convey No. 791 at Virginia Military tract tlie opening in days on the lund. Beg inning at u stone lower Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zimmer are Bverage case-us ually gh.-ing in stancorn er of th e whole survey 011 the entertaining their grandpnrent_, Mr, taneous relief withstun ding all atrain E\I~ t bun k o f the LitU Miami .river, und Mrs. Elishu Soward, from D~y­ regardless of t.he size und location wh er r a forked Box Elder 16 Inches ton. of the Rupture. in d illmet er bea rs S. 17 ',i degrce.s W. Quite a number of the neighbors WARNING : Every ruptured per62 links , Ilnd n blnck walnut 22 mch- in this locality w\lnt and plowed for son should be Cllutioned against Wear , es in dinl1let~ r S. 60' degr.ees W, John Adam s, who hnd his leg broken. ing trusses with understrapa. These 129 links . The nce S . 36 'h degrees t:ece ntl¥. trusses usually vla ce the pad on the W. 90 .75 chllins to a stone in a roa<\, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Curl, of Indlanl\ lump und not on Lhe rupture ope n. S.W . co rn er of the Whole Survey. This of ten cau ses strangulation The nc e N. 62 '>f1 degreos E. 17.81 spe nt the we ek·end with ~r. and ing. which usually lIece;;sitates an imme· chain R t o a slone where a Beach 2Q Mrs . Bert Murlatt anti IIfr. lind Mra. diat e 8urgical operation or r esults in inches in ~illm etcr beaTS N. 2 d~- Elvis Michael. . suddon death . Therefore, do not ex. ~re es W. 23 links , and n. Beach 1Q Mr. 8.Jld Mra. Berne Jone~ and Mr •. pose yourself to the dunger of wearIn chcs in diameter N. 61 'AI degrees Rebecca Dill und Miss Clara Dn\1g h- ing old-style trusses with understraps. W. 28 links. Thence N . 37 degrees tel's we nt over to see Mrs. Effie Cfew, "The Vacuum R upture Shi eld" has W. 96 chuins to thClsaid ~iami ~ive~ who is quite slQk. no understraps, no s traps around the thenc e down 8I\id Minmi River with body or legs. It is ulso perfectly thi! mellnderings thereof. 1st Welt Mr. Bnd Mrs. Ellrl Marlatt and sanitary a.nd pra ctically indestruct1.00 chains, 2nd, N. 60 degreel W . 5 Miss Mildred Morglj,n, of Dayton, ible, und s hould be worn while bathchains, 3rd. S. 31 degrees, We8\ 4.50 spent the we ek·end with Mr. and ing. chllin s, 4th S. 36 d(lgrees, E. 5.76 Mrs. ' Luu Stopllena. This instrum ent is guaranteed to cbuins,5th, S. 6'h degrees, W . 6 Mr. and Mrs. Jucob Zimmer, who produco results or no payment accep. chains, 6th . S. 33 degrees, W . . 8 have so'ld their property, are moving te d. lIfr. Meinhardi will be pleased chnins , 7th, S. 81) degrees, W. 4 chatn~ ThursdllY, t o a little placc between to demon strut "The Vacuum Rupture containing One Hun~red and Sev- Spring Valley and Bellbrook. Shi eld " to all g entlemcn who ctlll Il t e llty lind four-\tenths. (17Q.4) Ilcre~ Mr. Arch Coffml\n, of Dayton, this Hotel from 10 u. m. to 4 p. m. be t he s ame more 01' less. . Only ge ntl emen ure invited to call Saving and exceptlllg however! t~m wh o was culled hero Saturday 1110rn- on th e a bove dat e a s a s pecial vis it nbove describod tract Twenty.Two nt of the illness of his ",iii be m nde hOI'c at tl later du te for and FjftYJScyep Hlludrelbs (?2 57)-l.llil&lL.-J.!.I.,IJI...,~~~=:","".J:I.j.="-U· fc-\ women ·tllld children. acres, heretofore sold an NOTICE-Do n.o l writ.... king to be by Annu und Hannah Kelly to JIIr, and Mrs. Emerson Dill· filted b)' mail i• • Ihl. i. impouibt" . ence Rye , all shown by deed reC· tain ed fo,. dinner, Sunday, Mr. lind EYer), c .." mu.t be ...en per.onellly. ords of Wurren County, Ohio, .Deed Mrs. Raymond Osborne lind Mrs. If inler".ted y o u mu.1 call al Ihi, Records; Vol. !l8, page 67. _ . Henry T"1'ls, of Xenia, IIfr. li nd !Ii rs. botel on tbe .bo"" date. Bu.ine .. For the reasons set forth in said LucIlY Craig, of near Xenia, d .. mand. pr"""nt .toPpinl al an)' olh. petition and thut the mutter 01 said e .. city in thi. lection. sule as prayed for hi ~aid petition will Home offic e : a!l ;!!, W. North Ave ., be for hen,ring in th e Common Pleas Chicllg'O, ] II. Court of Warre n County, Ohi\!, on or tlfter the 1st day of June, 1925. TI,I! Fripnds Boardln~ Home of ED PURDY'S PHILOS t"he Indiana Yearly Meeting 01 the Religious Sooiety of Friends. "rYe been married 70 year. At Ih .. Churcb IlY WALTER A. 8W AIN, Vloe-Pres. now-aDd if YO&l don't think • GEORGIA MENDENHALL. Sec'y. Our dedication of the new song th.t i. hard 10 do--tr)' it." SA'M UEL BUTTERWORT-H books was a very Impressive service. J, MILTON KEYS Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent a day DANIEL H. HOCKETT As Tru.tee~ of the Miami Mentb- in Greenficld Inft 'wcek calling on ' MODERN friends. Greenfield waH their formly Meeting of Friends. Shawhan &. Brown, Attorneys. .. er home. Hush, little sa~,ings, don't you cry. We are rejoiced t frequent ddi- You won't go ,as tu~es, tiona to our membership. Recently 'Cause I'll lie and lie. five persons have been "buried with their Lord in Baptism."


---_. - ..- - -

- - - _0-___ - -


Th;. LOW.

Mrs. Owen Stolz, of Dayton, recently vl!ited Mrs. Johnson at the parsonage and delighted the congregation with a very effective 8010. Services at 9130 a. m., and 7 :30 p m. Sermon Bubject, "The Sabbath Was Made for Man." Evening, "Safety First." Come to our services. , Miss Lucy Emley attended our services Sunday evening and aulsted very greatly in the eon. service•. We enjoyed her solo and shall be glad to have her come. again. , Our. enterta;inment is to bo given Wednesday evening, 1IIay. 13. A fine musical program by the Allen family and a: popular lecture by the minister of the church. Don't forget the date. _ _ _ . _ ...---'11.-,..



· T II'·. La.el Proteat_. You ,








Ambltion-"I'd like to do Bomeand worth while. Something that would get: my name iii aU the new$apen, etc.,'etc." ExperieDt:e'-.-"Boy - the qulckut way to . the front page of Ye Modem • toda,y -Is through the win ,"







F.T. Martin

Every Tuesday


Mrs. Wm. l\Iill R is qui te ill of liver H~YE · Dat. 70ar ..I .. with _e. ,.... ' ~•• troubl e.,."tJon or ."ara. _ Raleigh BOl{lln is confine d to his _ _ __ E2 home with g rippe . CENTERVILLE, OHIO George Humblo is very ill at his home in South Hurlington. Phon ... No. I The "chool enjoyed a weiner roast n enr the " r cd lr ridge" un Friday af· te rn oon. Mrs. Ne ll ie Luckey hns r t urned Haulinl of all kind.; .1.0 will bu,. fr om I. se ve ra l 1II0nt hM' "Is it in Indi- ,our old paper. t rae. and junk. anapolis . Mrs. A. H. Harlan and daughter att end ed the buri a l of u cou sin, Mrs. Hattie Thompso n, ut Cor win, MonWAYNESVILL E, OHIO duy. WE GET_ THEM QUICKLY 4ND Miss Grn ce Shamhau g h, of DayFREE OF CHARGE ton, spent lusL week tit th e hom e of her pllrents, Mr. and Mrs. J . II . ShamCALL US ANY TIME 4T OUR ba ug h. EXPENSE Will S pray, of La wl'enc e. Kan., wa s visiti ng I4m ol1g fri e nds he'rc lust FUNERAL UIR E~TOR we ek. having bee n called here by the de a th of an aun t, Mrs. Margaret BurPhon. 8 HARVEYSBURG. O. Waynesville, Ohio nett. Clyde Ewing has return ed from th e Espey hospi ta l, wh ere he haS Fully Equipped for Good been confin ed s ince his leg was brok· Service. en in a Tuilro'u d ucciden t, F ebruary 13th. NOTARY PUBLIC Large DIsplay Room Mrs. Fred Ha dley was ca lled to Ambulance Service Wills Drawn Estates Settled Tipton, Ind., Friday, by Lhe dcath of a broLher, Oliver Darton. He was TELEPH ONE 7 R NIGH'l' Waynesville. Ohio un electrician and while about his work cam e in contact with n live Nlltiona\ Bank wire, cuu Ming insta nt death .




Wm. Robinson


Walter McClure

Harveysburg Fertilizer CO.


BLONDE BESS OPINES "Mothe,. ha. ceaaed to worry

about the pric" of coal .0 I told her to think of ice.


A CYNIC SPEAKS Griggin~-"l'oor

w e nk

(~yeR. "

01' Dill. Hl" s got

Truthful Tom- "Wcll. what cun you expec t. The y a re locat..·d in u weak plnce:'

--- - - --

The bu~-a-boo of every w0man's life IS dish-washing. With hard water It is a dlaa~,," discouraging task that - ~ the hands, wearies the body, and u.ually ends with an unsightly; £reasy film over everything. Soft water is the housewife's greatest boon. In it soap lathers freely, harsh waahlng compounds are unnecessary. and the dishes dry easily and quickly with a polish that pleases.

EXPERIENCE SPEAKS Youth- "Docto r, whllt is u good cure for love'"liekness? " Doe- " Sceing her before break· fust." LOTS OF THEM AROUND

s..... _R....", Why D"ra LltMU I. M.t.t..... p ...,

_'tl,.. ••ro-

nlatlc ~ ... Iwtkh.

Knutc- "Bertha i. an awful shy ." shy in lJillikins -"¥ ou're righ ·lothes."

I. Water ..... aftd p, ..aUl'e wlthOQI atta char ...

•• t:1 ...rte.l17 ....Id... pi ..... 110<1 tank.. ' . Motor ."..,1.117 .... I..... f.r PUMP


I. .Autofft.tie h1~rI ..tI'D. '. Grnt .. t ..,..,ttT - lad


"u..t ••t.rIaIJI

_ oIdllh.l ... rk•• nlhlp. '. Gunntee I. ,",liar.


furnish soft water from tho c:i.. tern, under constant pressure. Ju.t

Entirely. automatic-nothing to attend to or watth. Water may be piped ~

like city water service.

bathroom and laundry. The Duro way 'Ia 't he moi!em ~ay, May be iDstaDed ID eltb.. old or new bom-'u ~oc ~o the 9~·~ ~ _ _ P.1o~or.


1M .. Ii"";yo. dlllMai'_"1. '


• J. W.BURTON, Age~t

~bing J)~

------- - - - - - - - - - -


.At Cary's Jewelry Shop






.. Optometrist


Hanna's Green Seal

F,.icnd ~

W-ill F. Young




DA YTON. 01110



A.l v ,· rf h lflll R "I' l r ~t'I' 1 tlv C" I " l"'F f.... ... \":'8t I f ~ /\lI O I,





l~n::.s'~I::t~~~n~~= C

D.wu looJdng on, ,..enl~1d the battlebattl.. of LeJdnltoll historic Above ah"w1inlP the modem minute-

CoI'DniII!. did April 18. 18?&'

Waynesville, Ohio

".. ...... 0. '._


~~ A-

III, .. plIl·b. goo u pro,pccts for n 'frllit ('rop thia yeur. that mnny grow('M! Itll\' (' /llremly ~ivcn three ~prnys . but lhut tho ahov!) appli tltion is I ah." llIt ~ ly 'll'~I'AS1lry t o f(ct IIny good I .~ fr\1 lt nt nil f rom npple tr ee~. . ~,

Mrs. Earl Hockett· and Ml'I. Frank Squlros wertl in Duyton, MondllY. -

0 CI"Y" ~ ~.

- - -- --

-- -

• ~

Mr. and Mrs. Kurl Babb and ~ on with relatives neai Xenia. ,

, ~lle Jlt Sunday _.

. 11'. W. ,J. Bak r iN hn,ving a si ege Remarkable. o f rr ~· ~ ipl!llI H . In a notice just soln t t o 26 o( the A nJ:lD 1'lIt,1 1It1 h l ~ hltls once upnn n leBdlng fruit growel'll of \\ arre n tim" " n~ I .., wnM I:'I'('n l1y ," "prl.cel t o ~lr •..1. O. Cl1rtwril(ht was n Dny· County, concernlnlt their sp rny;nl!'. ilion hnw f e w 1'''''1'1" \\,rutf' to him rllr tllll "isitor, Fridn~· . ounty Agent Class 9ny~: "Ov~r 75 n whnl .. Ul ontl l.- Llre. per cent of. Coddling Moth (nPI'I,' ;\\1'. W. I ; Srn,.,. alld (nmily wer e worms) enter t he fruit throulCh till' Dt\\'tu ll "is itors , Sunday. bl08som end. 60 t hc secret of cont 1'01 I . Jilll! In thorouf.!h spraying with II I'S 'nnte M load before the cnly x CUI'S weckcloslI. Ul\e I' gallons liquid 1i 1l1~ 6ulphur, 11.11 dono pound ",.,;cllnlc uf lead powder 10r 60 It,d ., ' I rlly mat,· - ===============' !II,.. M. F. Wei z in Cincinnati rial. Direct the sprlly chiefly t oFOR SALE . ~lInoillY, to se,' thl' I,all ga me. wards the yo u ng fruit . SIems nn,1 leavea. All parts of c"er~' I('nf , I !>Ir. IIIllI Mr". F. 1.1. Hen derson a nd LE- Oelrn plnnt in ste m and litlle app le IIIUst 1,(' tll .. r- F Oil SA 't' A III pu It 111~ " th e l!'1)~>o, I dallj!'ht(> ,,,, Wl'rt· in IIllvton, Friday . Ctl J1 d 11 0n. In ny. oughly covered wilh spruy IIIlI le ri,,1 ns II protection ngainst mnth, cur- tnn Power and Light. See Frank U. I Mr~. Chll ~ . ('(10k, n f n('nr Harvl'Ys. ker worm, curculio. etc. The trN'~ L~ M ny, H. R. 3. Wnynesville. Ohio. m13 burj? ",a ' a U"Y Lo n visitor, Monday. • hould be dripping when finish ed."


. Miss Thelma ' Weidner, or Springboro, .gpent thE' week-end with MI". K. N. ll ough.


We handle the celebrated

Goodyear and Firestone


T IRE S Because They Are The Best

There Is No Better Lubricant than

VEEDOL OIL Better Try It!

Waynesville Motor Co. Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 105




Mrs. Edith Harris is spending a coupl c of weeks in Milford, on account of sickness in the family of IIfr. F. C. HllCtBock.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tobias, Mre. Harriett Staley, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn Staley and daughter, of Miamisb urg , were Sunday guests· of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Colema,n. About eighteen members of the local Jr. O. U. A. M., attended a meeting in Lebano n last Thursday night. They reported about 300 present nnd .. general good time.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hurley and so n, of New Burlington, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Enrnhart and family, and IIfr. ond Mrs. H. B. Earnhart were Sund/lY guests of Mr. and Mrs. J 0siah Davis and Mr and Mrs .. Lloyd Davis and so n.




Co untry Club , new Improyed, 1-lb loar




\ \ . \~\.. \,~::.i::t:~);~:'~l~-01-~ ..'.\: ..


25c NEW POTATOES 25c NEW CABBAGE 4c DIFfERENT VARIETIES I ~~~:~5~.nion.~ 13.c Of CORN TESTED I Celery 15c

NO . l

u. s. W h i t e , 2 0 c 15 pound., peck .






. . lOc






25c 29c

Highest Cash Price Paijd for



All Kinds of Insurance

The Me ~s rs . Jesse Thomas, W. B. Squires, Wilford Squires, John Squires, Carl Servi~, Everett Thom-· as, Ralph Smith, Harry Prater and Murray Hopkins spent Saturdnr and Sunday nt the Reservoir. Each one brought home a mess of flsh IIIld report a good time.

Phone 61- 2

"WIND MILLS Everett Early Lytlle, Ohio Of HOLLAND" See

Classified Ads.

are aU to the gc.od when applied to the right column. You can sell your goods quickly by inserting a n ad. in the

IIfr. Ed Jefferies and family, of Oregon ill, Mr. Raymond Conner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sherwood were entertnined, Sunday, at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. Chas. Edwards


- - - '- - '- --


Preaching s ervices at the Christian church Saturday evening at 7 :30. On Sunday at 10 :30 a. m., subject, "Belshaezcrs Dream," by Rev. Charles Brewer.


J CAnt for

A Big DaDlage Suit

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brydon, Miss Mary Esther and Master Robert Bry· don, of Springfield , were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane.


. . . 25c



Mr. Albert Cleover and Mr. Edwin Schuler spent Sunday at the home of IIfr. II.nd Mrs. C. M. Brown ond family, of Doyton.



SavQ your old cBrpetB Bnd rugs 1111'. nn d Mr ~. Harvey Snckett nnd dallKht f'r , s p('nt SUlldny til llrllbr?o k. and g('t "Wellrwell" Rugs made. Freah rendt'r. tI, 2 lb. 15 pound., peck Send for price list. Frnnklin Rug Co., FrankHn, Ohio. 1111". J ennie Mullen I\IHI daughter, l' , ,~thy lI eli lll1(I, HI, of Red lII i><s Ednll, shopped ill Duyton, Mon_ I ~ .. h", h,' (.b(',1 hnl r olld Is Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Earnhnrt and I ) dny. son , of Ce nterville , spent Saturday '". • ' OlIlS' to ha,'c n driver's 11Ne \ ton Pippin., Ib 5 pound, Dr . und Mr~ . . J. W. Wnrd spent and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bur- cen _c. 00 . he wulk s foUl' miles to pr.,och In her fBther's chuTch. Her S unday with Mr. und Mrs. C. M. ton Earnhnrt, of !toute 4. Icbool -mates serve In the choir. Huug-h. The Rt. Rev. Theodore I. Reese, . Per pound Heavy ",up, Iarr. c. ... Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman will make his anllual visitati on to ------- --- - ----- -and daug hter were shopping in Day- St. IIlary's parish, Friday. May 8, at 7 ::10 p. m., to preach lind administer ton, F riday. the rite at confi:rmation. I Av Cl n d. Je. tarae can Mr. Dan Brown, o f Dayton, s pent The women of St. Mory's pariah the wee k-e nd with Mr. Edwin Sc hul nrc requested to bring their Spring er. at Corwin. offering of the United Thank Offerto the church on May 3, to be Mr. und Mrs. N. P. Cly burn, of illl~, presented III the morning service. 2 (or Wn "hingt()n C. H., clI lled on Mi ~s CllI Upon reading J:(efmination tl' ~ t s - - - ~-- --rn Li la , Sunday. l'lJondllY fr om n doze n dUTl' r ent lots of seed corn, County Agent Clas" rl'Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Emmor ports very satisfllctory j!'erminatiol1. Fre. h churned, Ib Bni ly, of near 'L Nlanon, Monday, 4 0 3.yo r., c.cb Most of lhl'se slImples were of corn April 27 .. 1925, II, so n. - - - - ----.selected fairly cul'ly. dri ed and carefully stor ed over winter. Yet a f~"\v of tlJem werc of co rn st ored in th e Mr. Lee H enderso n, Miss Doris und was rumor,ed thi' morning 'hilt cribs in the usua l lllol'j1111er . These lIfas ter lloyd Hen derson were Dayton tbeItr oad Frcab. Ib from bere to Lebanon would latter sllmplcR of IlItl' corn did not visiLors, last Wednesday. be closed today" and the traffic go- ~erminat e satisfactory. Yet t he ing south will have to detour either IIfr. nnd Mrs. R. M. Skimming, of to the Dayton II.nd Lebanon pike. or earlier varieties Hcem to oft'er opporWilmin g ton. wcr e Sunday guesl.8 of through Oregonia, the distance from tunities for satlsl l1ctory seed this spring. Mr. Ed Thomas und family. ,~~~~~~~~~~~~ both ways being IIbout equal. Three lots of Woodburn' s Yellow Worle on the mBcadam Toad from Dent,. a newly develop ed variety Born- To Mr. and Mrs. A. Holmes the corporation Une to the Township which has led In the cnrefully planStoops, of Van Wert, Ohio . April 20, line will be comlmenced Immediately. ned vari ety tesl.8 in Warren' Coun1920, a so n, Jumea Howlck. The bridge below town will have ty during the last three years: to be made wider, an~ there will be can be >ec ured (or sced. This is a Mrs. C. W. Henderson, Miss Kath- quite a fill made at this point, to yellow forn, ruth er carly, a smBJI Ma, be brourbt araln.t ,.OU for p""ol>al lajar,. Or leen and Mr. George Hendreson were qualify for the atate requil'8men •• fodder, n" d yt'\ ', utyieldcd otheT 10shopping in Dayton, Monday. damare to property of otber., tb ..... r" aD ••••"'obll. ter vari,-ties wit h con siderable hellvler (odd r. W"ou'lUrn '. Yellow Dent acoideDt. J. C. HAWKE, Mr. and Mrs. C. J . Egbert, of Xencorn of 1I r . Carl )1ill er, ncar Fronk_ or c:~u .. e, ,ou .re a c.r~r ul dri .... r--..e all a..--but ia, .were guesl.8, Sunday, of Mrs. Eglin, test( -\ 9!I.H r ' I' cent; corn grown A ......or fo .. .cc:loI •• to h.ppeD ju.t th. • ..... by Mr. " lI r ! H, ::tCll, nell I' Wuyn esbert's parentll, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ville, lested 98.4 per cent; yet the Baker. There .i. oDI" OI'C' .ar. th,nr to do, and tL.t Ie 10 c..... WAYNE TOWNSHIP Wo o dbur n'~ Ye llow Den t of Mr. Evry Public l.:i.bilit, aad per t, D" ma \!o In •• r ••••. eret RunY./lIII , near Lebanon, wh icll Mr. lind Mrs. H. V. Wr..lter, Messrs. We .r~ ah:e to quote JOU very low rate. On tlli . . . . . . r e main ed In shock durillj!' u great Dan Walte r and Ethan Cr ane , of portion of the winter. te sted 9 ~ per of Coyera,e. Lebanon, vis ited r elatives here Tuescent. Other small er lots may be day night. available a s we il as seed o f Reid's Yellow Dent, Clarage and Learn ing. Mrs. Effie Smith, Mrs. Flossie CoAnyone- interested in securing these rey and son, ·Chester, and Miss Lucy vnrieties should see County Aj?ent Emley spent Sunday with relatives Clnss or call lit the Form Burellu ofnear Dodds. fice.

Mr. nnd Mr~. Chns. Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hay and family, spent the week-end mith friends near Dayton.




Count!"yC)ubBread,new,improved,11 ~ )b.loaf ..... l0c i.

Mr. a.nd Mrs. Elvin Fires, Miss Floa sie Fires. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fires and children spent Sunday with relatives in Dlayton.

Be Loyal to Your


100 pound ball


JIlrs. Albert Cleaver and son, Rob. crt, speat the week-e nd at the h ome of Mr. and Mrs. C . M. Brown, at' Dayton. Mess rs. Ed Hanby and Dane Hanby. of Dayton, Blte nded the funeral of Mrs. Will Thompson 8t Miami cemute ry, Monday .

Kroll ~ r'.

no uat. and no grit


Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bentley hav e as their guest, Mr. Bentley's mother, Mrs. Rhelta Bentley. of Xenia.



Scratch feed

Mrs. Rona.\d Hawke and Mr. Harrig Moghe I' vi~itod Mr. J.'. C. Hart-' sock und family, in Milford, Sunduy.

Late Classified Ads :"n~l~~;t~I'f::;"I~J~~~y J~;~~n~hC




Springboro Hi gh schoo l gnve aver' pleasing operett.a, "Wind MillS o f Holland." Inst .ridny eve ning, April 24, at the Gym. The cast had the co-operation of the Junior class for whose benefit it was given. It seems that Wilhelminh, the daughter of a rich Holland farmer. grows tired of her Holland home and yearns for romance. Hilda, her sis· tc.r , also desires a chonge . An American S4lesman, Bob Yankee, appears on the scene with wh om Wilhelmina becomes an interested friend Bob, through the permission of Hutogenbosch, plans to equip the old mill with electricity, but the wife and daughter do not care for the newfangled 8cheme and overthrow the plan s. . The old mill is good enouyh for them, and they all prove to be true children of Holland. The pl~y was accompanied by a picture show, ' an "Old Gang" comedy.


· ~e~-----

Waynesville, Ohio.

~~~~::::3==~~==~~~ J Do you realize when cream is Bold to a cream Btation for every 10 gallons of cream Bold, you give one away! Or, in other word", there is a TOLL of one tenth or 10c on every Dairy Dollar. In most instances the toll is (wen greBter than 10e on the Dollar Value. approaching Ioe ond 20c Toll on your Dollsr. Can )'ou Bfford itT The hard work is a lreudy don e. Shipping ia the easiest farm work und pays the most.

Tri-State Price, April 20th to 27th. inelo. per pound for



CREAM AND CANS GUARANTEED AGAINST LOSS_ Free Trial CaD. aladl, rur.lah.d If ca.............. .



The property of Mr. Jacob Zimmer ~... ~~:w.~c:. . :~:~.,.=:~::;:;:I=~~ in Mt. Holly Will! sold last Friday to Mr. J. P. Reed, of Oregonia•• The property consisted of a house and lot also a grocery store. The Zimmers will move on a small fann between Spring V'~ley and Bellbrook.




Pl.- III 0.:- .....0-. !'anT, the British I!!Xplorer. waB tile III'8t to NlroUate the ripi'D pa8SU"e hetweea GreeolaDd nnd till' H(>rl n ~ "elL

City Advertising Tax

Miami Gazette

Paint and Varnish !

Now is the Time to Clean Up and Paint Up We h~ ...e a complete ·...ortment of Val'Jlilh, Floor Pal•• a.oI HG." P.iDt•• AI.o, tho no .. Kitchen-TIDI fer . Kitch.n aDd Balh·roo_ Wall.. II hal Ill. be.ul, a.d, of Enam.1 aDd ca. be ........ wlilloal lDarrina .... alo... II co... no IDQ~ . . . . . . Pala ..


Our Chi-Namel

P .. re Ho .... Pal.t Iaaa .1. ., _.d.r'al ..ttef.. tIo... .. n.. ....' .f till. .. tIaa. oar fir.t CHI.NAMEL cutoIDer. are aow re••lar ... • ra of CHI·NAMEL PaI.t.


---. Ohio

~ ..

80f SAIL£O


Lot ••••pIaI. lu .aperlo, qaallt1o. te


W. allo ha. . . . uooFt .... t of Cold· Co ••ol... _ It••••




S,,' P.etersburg, Fla., put Itsell the. map by rBlsing money for city advertlalng .through a tax levy. Mj)fe thnn '1~0,ooo ' a year Is thaI ralse,1 ~ C. C. Can was one of the ploneelL.ln thla - and ·now, .. chairman 01 the Fourth Diltrict 01 0 11

the Alaoclated advertlam, Club. 01 IDM eoavention of that pute or.

lhl World, bfdI fair to take the

,w..tioa to ·bJI ~ .

Hardware. 'Hamen and Farm' Machin~ry . . W aynelville, Ohi~ . . . ,

T.n the Advert.....·that You ....... Hit AlIa In





Seventy·Seventh Year

This Week


What ill the vulue of u guod nllmo? Flnanciera that bought the Dodge lIutomobile company from the huirs of the two able brothers that estllb· !ished it hat! r c-sold the company to the public (keeping 11 lut of stock (or tbe mselves) at a valuation in which the nante Dodge re pre~e nt8 $80,000,. OOO.The public ollgerly pUI'ch"ses the stock and bonds at thut vuluation. Similarly. when Hart Schaffner & Marx made a company of their busi· neu, the name which they had estab· lished, by business abillty and sound advertisin", sold for five times a8 much u the actual anet. And thut pame was probably worth twenty times al much as the I18sets. Build up a name by honesty. intel· licence, wile adver!tillnv.. and you have lomathinl thAt lire, earthquake or tomado cannot destroy. Ruat eOlts thIs country ,300,000,. 000 a year and aeientists wonder how they tan tbat mohey. One way Ia to UIO copper or brlaall Inlltead of iron, for ..aloer pipes, ,utters, etc. You 11ft told that ruat iB caulled b)' electriclt, generated by water and all' combinln,. A way may be found to make Iron rust-proof. Meanwhile whenever all' and water mix, uae copoer or 1J,;cals and , forget )'OUI' troubl•• for • hundred years.






"So live t hat when lhy ~ umn lU n comes tv jo in the innum <' rllhlc ,'urn\run Whi ch move s l u t lmt tll ytit"~ilJ u ~ lea lm When (,lIch . rulll lflk l' h is chll mbe r in the ~ i1 c nt h llll ~ IIf de:l th Go Ih uu li n[ li k.· tllC' qu n.... y .I n"e at lIi ~ hl




-----0 _ •.----

un ·


Prepared by Columbus Reporter

! ..........................

----.. - ..----



-'- ---

- - ---



. .

'Warren County Dairymen Will Have Meetings













Effie L., oldest child of Samuel and Harriett L. Cottman, wa. born in Roxanna" Ohio, MIlY 24, 1871, and departed t:his life at her home With the coming of Ma y Day came noar that villalte, April 28. 1926, at the first of the festivities connected the age of 63 yeara. 11 montha and with each year's commencement-the 4 days. Her early life wa~ spent in and annu al Junion-Se nior banquet. At the hour of seven, on Friday near Spring Valley, where her father night. at the Masonic dining hall, 80 was employed for many yeara .. a Seniors, Faculty. Juniors and guesh cooper, by BalTett & Sons, Wben were served by eight Sophomo~ about ten year!! of age she lIJIent sev_ classmates t o a four,couNle dinnet' eral months in the home of an aunt, prepared by the O. E. S. The ban- Mrs, Rebecca Dill. with whom Ihe quet room was beautifully decorated was linked by tiel of sincere afl'ccin blue !Iond gold, the colora of the tion. October 11, 1890, abe ...... unitad CI8S11 of '26. and vari-colored bal· in marriage with Henry Crew, with laona. Following the banquet toasts, quite whom she lived happily until death humorous and enjoyable, were given separated them, December 16, 1922, by Kenneth Rctallick, class presIdent, During the lon,g months of Q,fiIiction and Rhea Janei Oartwright of the previous to the husband's death, this Junlol\ class, to which clever respon· wife's faithful attention was almost ses were given by Howard Cook, Sen. pathetic in its intenllity. Of ,the unio., was born one 80n, ior class presiden t, and Miss Kelsey and Superintendent Moomaw, of the Audrey V., filial devotion was his mother's chief consolation, and faculty. , The entertainment of the evening she in return Illvished upon him her was curried out in the Gym, which ardent love and car'e. Beside this had been converted into a lovely -Son, who is so deepty berreft, there ball room . Here music for dancing remain also to mourn their loss. two WM afforded by a fiv e. piece archeR.' brothers, Ardl, of Dayton, and Ar· tra, and various !!tln\(~s wer e played. li e, of Belgrade Mont. One brother Punch was served during the even· und three sisters have preceded her to the other world. ing. ~ffic Crew was a .member of the Much credit is du e 't he Junior class for the most enjoyable evening give n FrIends ch.urch ~I t!1111 plage, havinr been recelV ~ d Into memberlhlp on their guests. A SJ::NIOR. March :lo, H114 . She was especially interested In the mission work of the church. While tho organization was sewing for relief among war sufferers, she was on e of the most energetic workers. She was also a loya l member o:{ the W. C. T. U. In every sense Effie was a good !le~ ; , Reg ular communication of Way· neig hb or . One never called on her nelvllle Lad!;,,, No. 163 F. & A. M" f or he lp, either for service or money, Tuesdny evening, May 12. Work in nnd met with refusal. She lib· On motoring tours, throughlJut the M. M. dej!I'I'c. All officer,; and the era lly of both, The chief among United Sta,tcs, seeing America first, are tIl'i!~d t o be on t ime. So· h<> r viI tues W.1S sympathy. Those and seeing America in the most com· .Bcgirm.i!1g with May 18th. the UJ1, team fortable. satisfactory way, Amer· dersigncd ban ks will close at noon 'o utll lllg bretbren ulld visitors Col'· who knew her will rem emuer how hl' r warm sympnt hi es fairly ' permea. leans will spend this year $2,600,000 .. on Wednes days until September 1st. dially invited. G. J. WATERHOUSE, W. M. ted her beillg; not nn ly for her fel000. HARVESYSBURG NATL. BANK F . B. HE IDERSON, Sec')'. low men, but her' kind heart went This gigantic sum will be divided WAYNESVILLE NATL. BANK out in pity wheneve r she saw Buffer · among the various communities along ing umong t he 811illi'~1 creation, and the popular motor road8 of the coun· ~============================~ shc posseRsl'd a purticular gift in try. And pTospcrlty will i.ncreaee ministering to t hem. The poet tells greatlr in the wake of the two and us t hllt, a hal billions of cash left behind. "To him who in the love of nature holds Respect the automobile, the men Co mmunion with hl'r visible lorms, that mak'e them, perfect And cheap. She speaks II various langua&,e." 'And if you have no automobile, go To Effie Crew nature seems to • nd· eet one. To be without it is , have called for help, f or this ahe wal Gtravaca,nee, A thorough analysis of the Dairy i1ar meeting" in a number of other alwnys g iving t.o some Olll! o~ ' someIndustry with chief emphasis upon counties, using the infol'mation and thing; oftlln ov'l)rtaxing her strength Daniel ClancYr father of twenty the recent changes, present tonden- data gathered by the U. S. Bureau oC to do ijO . She was very industriouB, ECOllomic~. The Db· her willing hands were always busy. 1011a and daughters, dra.nk a little cies and p;robable future develop" Agricultural too much In honor of hi. oldest son's ments will ba made by C, R. Arnol4, ject i8 to give the American farm ers So whil e her path was not streW'1 Rural Economics Specialist of Ohio reliable information concerning Itis wi t h roes of elise, she did strew it I'Pproaebini' marriage, ' and waa arAgricultural College, at two meet- future business outlook, as expressed with beautifUl gems of service, whlrn , restad. ' "Go hee," wd the Magistrate; ings ..,.....nged by County Agent by President Coolidgc recently: "In- gliste n alld shine for us as we fol. "the tathe!' of twen. -- Ie entitled to Clus for the greateat convenience a~much as orderly marketing, the low after, in the pathway she hu of aU the dairymen of Warren Coun· well· informed falwer must keep him taken. I. H. H. a little celebration," ty. Dairymen from the southern part self posted months in advance con· Card of ThaD". That'. Judicial w1adom. You ob- of Warren County are Invited to at· cerning the probable production of I wish to express my sincere thanks that It II ulliaUy the father of the meeting at Maineville'School various kinds of livestock during the for the assi8tan,~e given and the \cIndtw.nt,. not the mother, who eele- L('nd Tuesdqy evening. May 12tb. coming sellson, as well 88 concern· ness extended' me in the recent ilIbteta III ihatpart.lcular way. Any hall, While dairymen of the central and ing the requirements of the market." neBE; and death of my mother. obee.trieian will eonvipce you that norUlern 8eetl\1ne will gather In Leb_ As advance explanalton the meetAudrey V. Crew. the J!lotbar of twent,. really might Grange Hall, Wednesday even- ings Mr. Arnold says: "The price __ • «I.brate wIth • " 'od excuM, , But anon Ing. the 13th. ' which we receive for our farm prod. the· mother qf twltnty, or mote, or "These are not merely eo-operative ucts does not depend how much we f._r, II c:otIlWnt to celebrate by set. meetlngl," produce in our community, but upon t I ., a I'OOd eu.ple. "but rather analytical dlacuaalonl of what people are doing In other states ".. 1 '. "+. the dairy sit\latlon from the broad and other countries. The high price economic viewpoint. ,T he diaeullllion of ",· this winter hall not been _ will not center merely on the local due to a short crop h!,!,@, h,,~ · .tta, p"'on -"I 0_ probleml but wUl show how the da~!y world Ihorta&:e." . , w ....... _.... activities of other etates ~d of otli~l: In , agj\llt1ng I'u, (."'1' 1 1 buslne .. to Mot ~'II Day in the aabbe -Scbool • J countries attect our local Ptl!=!IB ~ill\ .cbttng1rilr IlQpilltlonl slrice the war " and tbe putol' wiU preaoh a aPacial future outlook. . knowledge of our number of dllirY sermon In recornitlon ot lIother'1I LIttle Bemard and Billy . M61lob "There ' are ' ovel' 20,000 OOWl! in cows in thla' country, changell In COQ- Da,. . dellsbtfully entartalned a crowd Warren coun'ty, and the dal'I\Y 'bull- Bumption. probable demand from The L41arue wl1l .lect of_ of younglters Friaa,. aftemoo~ ,at 'ness contributell about a2 , .,~r cent foreign c.ountriea and oompetltton fleers at the evenlnir lerviee. the home of their parente, in honor 'of tlie Income of farmeri of tl1e 'lIollll, from ',' others II of yital Importance At 7 :30 th, putor will rive • ltel-'of little Billy'. seeond birt~ay, ty." eo"tjnupd (:11\98, ., IIA ~W fel1'8 to >the dairy fanners' of Warren eoptlcon .lecture on IWi. AU are . The afloemoon was mostly IIpent In 1\«0 "lien hogs anll wheat al),d other., O~\1nty. ' cordially invited to the.. aarrieea. ',nd at 4 o'elock refrelhments produr,t. 'I\ler, low In price', '\:ttiry JIlr. Arnold will show the ' changea ...... io ••!! "r'te~ ~ *"e fOllowlilg 11t"tJ:' products were the old Nndb, ~a, in produetion. eltporta and' Imports, {I.lfae' Fromm. P!lu Hougli, . Palll helped IlIII n 1 " man to ""..the .. tlte b,., the leadinr dairy pl'Oduciq and ~iliimerman R\I",eU Stans!ler'Q' WiI- storm lind mett hla ol!lIptlon.. Re- cOllauminc eountriee and their ' ,I . I ~Oci'k, Bllbby BuJionL, Bobby cently,' tiowever. butWro wtileh Inftueneetl on ' the world triea. . ' , • BIllY Ml!noll and' aernard In a vel')' dlreet waJ', tdunce mllk The differeDe. due to eolt 0 pro,oh, »"'es B~ 8Jl¥doak, prien, have betn 10"", whl" lIc·and duction, taJi« nstrietio.... 'ete., WID At tba npJar D. of A. • lAna llamilut. Lou'" lIoarb, Her- wbe. prices hay. beea ....bIq. on.. a1Io be dftn lOme a",ntlon, o.llT- thllI, Wfln"lI' nnIac. d.-reJIII ftl. s,maD and ~ toulM Zlm- eauIU of tbla, and the WIleD. . N- lUll will lie dven aU thela&eat ialo~ wU1 be eoDhrna 011 ........ _411IDtrIIWI ' hind the.. ehanpa in re1atlolllhlJIII ...tIOIl available to llelp plan their cia.... A dIP" . . froID ~ 8m, 'ieeei".d maoJ bea.UtItIll pHIl will 'be Clat bl lb. Amold." operatlona tor INater penDaaeate wU1 perfollD till. waH, aIld laull wlU

__ _" .

tlurlJ.! con

Items from the

dl't.: u m ~.··

which he r eNided in Silringfield, Ohio, it has be on his hOlll o ever since. Ear· Iy in life he became a mem ber of the Socie t y of Friends, a nd adhered to that faith the r emainder of his life . A fter atte ndin g the Waynesville Rcl- vol and co mpleting the course he wenl tn Columbus to atte nd the Ohio SUIte Univers ity, and had th e distinction of be ing the first student for regl . trlltlol1 at that Institui on. On Jul y 26. 1880. he W"1l married nn u fllrm near HarvcysuUlg to Eliz. Ul.'lh R. Devitt. Unto thia unio" were bo rn two chil dren. Mllry, now M. M. J . B. Chapmnn, of Cincinnllti, nnd Emlllor 1>. Bally, of Lebanon. Although hiR helllth hlld been failing for ~o me time, t he end came s ud· denly Mundny night, April 27, 1925 , and at a time wh e n he was very happy, hn vinll!: but a Ahart time be· (ore bee n talking to his 80n when he was told that u little grandson, th e fifth Emmor Baily had just bee:> born.. Thus does God replenish this world and one life replaces anot her. [n his home Emmor Bally was kind and indulgent; as '" fl 'iend, loyal and tru e. The news of his death shocked the community. He leaves to mourn his 1089 his widow, his two children, his hl'othel'l and four grandchildren, Charles and Rob('rt Chapman and Evelyn and Em· mor B~ily, togethe" with a hos t of relatives an d friends.

=tr" JIr. 14 __

I State' . Capital I i Interesti~g

(,() U I ~ I Fl llS , n lll I - In his vc lo Th,' '\'I.rd" of th e I(reat " "turl' p""t " f til(' Hilll " hill. ( ;ll v~ r' l(lI' Vic 11on reprPHe l\ts th e Iifl' lind 1}(It<. ing 0 f Ed· .. h"y tl itl jll" whn L \llJ flut o f ({very munel 1.. Retallick, wh o, at noo n. IO LJ riti1,p n, "f tl,,' , tllte e <~ llecte d h ,,~c wh o hnvl' f " llowr d \l>gi , IMive Apr il 24th quietly pll"sed to thl' T ll 1Uttl'r ~ l'Io Q(I I )' knt,\"" tha t the pasGrent Beyond, Hl' Wu' th e c l cl~ "t :,u.,: " fir thi s hill \\' a~ l \CJt Itl-' Cll USC of chi ld of William anel Mllry Franc!'" a ll y ~ p ll ri a 1 dt' :- i r(' t n i Ill"ft'n:--t' learn .. Retnllick, and wa ~ lI or., n"1l1' Way . illl-!' of the In<pirc'el \\' 01'1. IJII' WIIS an "n to . I\IIW the SI n ' nJ.!' t h of an nesville . Ohi o, on OctobE'r :1 . 186\.1, L,tI org'Hllizati on t. ha t ncct.'ptc c.i cVl, d it fur On May 13, 18!l, he WnB ma rried to Ihe .. Iecli on of a goo d nlllny ollicials M'l\J'ie M. Miller. To brighten a nd in Oh, o u,d a y, ThiR orJ.!'anizalion bieRS their home, [ our sons were giv. dl, t" rmin r d to pa RS the Bible Bill, en to them- · VanB. , YirJ.!'i l, Vi i" n lI.nel in th e ,-lORi ng clays of t he Res· Hie,ns • f t he J,!'cllcrnl IIsse lllbly made Dnd Kenn e th . lI e", i. a lso "u rvived d e lli s thr uugh whidl it wu ~ uble to by thrcp broth e r", J uhn. Bc.t al1,1 "'·""n,,, li sh i l~ ,wnl. The Bible bill EVIUl, I1nd two sisters, Mrs. J~ s" i e is Hot n pulili('ul mrll.s t1re , nnd 8. Jamesoll and Mrs. Grace Hamilt on. cllr(> rul check o r Ohio papel'9 sho w tluit many Republican and Dem~ In 1893 he uniled with the Christia n cI'atic editof" opposed it, while very church .,t Gl'nntown, and after mov· few openly f nv oreu it , The officill l ing t o the OreKonia lIl'ighborhood, Rel)ublican n ewspoper in Co l umbu ~ he t rlln sfcrn'd hi . memb rship to the in comm entinl1: editorially upon tlte U. B. c,hurch, where he has remained I1ction of Governor Donahey, says a faithful and loyal member. that "there is every evidence that In the community hia life was like the Bible Bil! wna pul through tbo the steady onward current of a deep legis latun~ not by reason of con a nd mighty ri\'er, performing eac h victio n On th e part of the majority day cheerfully and faithfully the duo but. t hrouC!'h fear of KKK reprisals. tiu of the hour, Through his gen· AIso , at least two state sen at ors that tle friend ship he gave strength, hope we know 0 f ha ve Baid that. they votand courage to the he81its lhat lea rn· ed for th e bill Do t becauRe they beed to love him . I:\ut the greatest lieved in it but to place the goven.teat of chua-acter is found in the cr, with his veto power, in an emhome. If it be a calling to be a barassing position and to injure hiB Ifood lather and husband, Ed Retal· standing with a la~o body of voters. lick ~ surely found hiB calling. for Such legitllatdrs bove a strange hift (feates t delight was to make a idea of their duty to the state, i.f true home for his loved once, to make indeed ihey recognize lhat the y have the home brigbt and happy for the any. Of course their s harp little visitor, and a fit place for hi. children thick, os is usually such cascs, deto grow up In . feated its own unfaithful and unH is wu a noble chara.cter, founded manly purpose. on faithfulnes" to othe", to lelf, and In vetoing tho bill Governor Dona.. to God . He needed no long hours bey tekes the right and brave course of Buffering and struggle to fit hi.s and gains by it, rather than 108e8, in 80ul Cor the newer and better life. popular esteem an d political strength. But at the PORt of duty where it had ',: Don't fail to Bee the unive ...lIy pleased God td put him, he was Co lumbus is full oC cever mathepopular story crt "Daddy Long Legs" ready when th e Lorld of Harvest maticians. Some of th em C8Jl figure as dramatized by a cute of twenty· called. The greatest earthl y lemnle ever a pr ofit where there wa.~ a rcal 1088. one members 'of the Senior clallll, of built by man was built without ax That's a qualification llecessary to the Wayne Townahip High school or hammer, for so perfectly weru give them the title of expert accountYou'll want to Me how Judy reacts to colle~e life after being r8-' th e parts . haped that it required no ants, So it i slittle wonder that on8 cued from the dreary orp~lICe noile in the making; so in the life of them has figur ed it all out that where IIhe haB alwaYI lived in fear of our friend each part of Itfe was the farmer really makes money tho' of the unaympathetle matron; also, 10 well Ihaped that his wal a quiet, th e !!asoline tax of two rents per how her benefactor, "Daddy Long gentle Itfe. Every good lifo leaves gallon. Suppose he owns a Ford. Legtl," who hu "never liked glrla"- In the world a two·fold ministry, that He has been paying $8, a year for but come and Me for yourself, at of the things it does directly to ble8!l Lhe li cense places which he must bave 7:45 Tuesday evenIng, May 12th. othen and that of the silent influence on the front n,nd rear ends. Under You are invited to the dress rehears. it eurts through which ahe made bet· tbe gas tax he will have to pay only aI, Mon day evening. should you be ter or are ins pired to do like good $4, or one·half the price, after next unable to attend the main perform. things, Hi. influence continues, 8Jld January. He therefo re saves $4 per the memory ot his life is a benedic· a year. But the gas tax is two cents ance. A varied musical program will be tion softened and mllde more rich a gallon. All r ig ht. The U saved rendered by Mrt Watkinll and the and impre ssive by the sorrow wbleh pays the tax on 200 ga.llon,. If th e mUlicians of the Senior class. You hi. partinI!' has cRused. That which farmer gets 15 miles pe r gallon,can't afl'ord t.o miss it. Scat reser· was mortal haa passed away, leaving Bnd they all su y they do-be can trav· vations at the Drug Store, May 11 th us an abiding vision of all that wi a,ooo miles on these 200 gullon_, nnd pure, gentl e and true. Hi~ life eon- that i ~ much morc tha n 80 per ce nt of at 12 o' clock. tinuel! to bless and comfort us, for- them travel 0. d uring a ycar. ~o Ill! savel $4 in tho price of th e licen 0 "They llever quite leave us, our talCs, pays two ce nts more per gullon fri e nd. who hnv e pasH'd (or his gas, but s till hns a profit loft Through the shlld ows of death to lit the e nd of the year. [ <,'5 :t C" g~ the sunlight abovc: of the mol'c you trave l, the 1Il0re you A thouSlllld sweet memories lire hold pay. No travel no pay. So if you ing lhem fa st don't usc the rOllds at all you don 't 'I'IJ (hc' places they blessed with pay any of the two cent gas tnx, their presence and love. and if 'IOU do, you pay your .shnre. Sounds r easollable, do es n't it? "The work which they left and the Commencement exercises of the b'l"ks which they read Spring Valley High school will be SI" ' ak mutely, though stili, with held Tuesday evening, May 12, and an eloquence rarc; Charles H. Lewis, Ueutenant go v-on, of Oxford, fornler ltate An d t h0 sOllgs t h at thoy sung, 8nd ernor " of tOhio, has been O. T. Co .0 t' t . t . receiving . superintendent of public instruction, the de ar words that they said ma ny III VI a IOns 0 nsslS 111 openl'lg base ba ll SNl son s since he offici'HC,d wl'll be the speaker. There will be Yet linger and sigh on th e deso· t I f b . f • d 'th eleven graduates. The baccalaureate olate air. as Cf\ c ler or a rI c perlo WI address will be delivered by the Rev. the Columbus Am erican Association C. P. Proudfit, pastol' of the Second "And oft when alonc, and oft in the teamb· Gotvernor VdicthDonnhe y wall United Presbyterian church, Xenin, throng. too usy 0 Ilttcn e gamc and Sunday evening, May 10, at the high 0 h ' I II Mayor Thom1\B was su mm oncd II" school. .-:._ _ _ _:.-.--I---=..:.rm-;w~e~ntire;\;;:'.IEi_tr;!'--=:o'-=, r__=:s::;iI::.'~'!:Ii~¥.:i Gown or Lew is accepted , The senior class play will bo giv- A whisper comes' gently, 'Nay, d the challenge to r eprese nt the great en in the high school auditorium on not th e wrong,' 0 state of Ohio, and wns in the ')0 ,,( Thursday evening, May 7, at 8 p. m. And we f~e l that our weakness back of the bolter. 'I'he firHt hull The annual masa d~ program, a fea . pitied on high." is Mllyor Thomas pitched w(!nt by him ture of the closing events of the like an airplnne, but the second one Spring Valley township schools will Governor Lewis Innd~d with his be held Friday afternoon, May 8, In "Card of Thalli.. gloved hand in II mu nn N whi ch incti· the auditorium. A feature of the We dc~ire to thank all our neigh. cated that his eurly ba"cb nll training program will be a pageant, "Mistre•• bors and friends for their many had not been nClI!: lcc t.-.d. -'ince that Mary's Choice," in which children at kindne sses in our great sorow-thl! time a hnlf dozell 01' more " Band.lot all the township schools will take 10SI of husbnd and father. leag ues" ha ve requ est ed him to ofpart. Field events will follow the MR S. ED RETALLICK ficia te at openings. But with the Jndoor program. and SONS. legislature ou t of the wa y he has r"f e rr~d these communications to Go ve rnu n Donah ey .

At th e ug-c of .ix yoUiI'" he, with t.h e oth e r Illc mlH'l'" of the fnm ily,


h i~

Ap prOH t h til t! gravl1 U q 0111' w h n wralHI lhl' orupl· ri .. !'1 l-.f hi:; l"} uC'h About him. ,<n,1 Ii~ s d owll t u pl,'oslI nt

m oved illto this h(lu x" and with the exceptiun ,, ( 1\ s hort time during


scu urJ,!cd 141

But ",, "I:lined alld suo th ccl lt v rlllt~mbl c IrU' 1 .

I'vivt.·s hiJn.

- - - __0- - -



AllIol'lg the pionccl'8 of the Little Miumi Vull ey wore the fnmilies of Bll ilys uno Sntterthw!l ite ~. Emmor S, U"i ly Wa S o ne of six c hildren born III Ernrn ur a llo MIII'Y Satterthwaite Buily. He wus th" eloe r Bo n, born AUlru st 16, 1853 , in a little house t he n Bta ndinJ.'( on Mn,in st "eet of this v i ll " Ir~ . lIis four ~ i s t e rs , An na, who lIic'lI in buaney, Susan, Phebe B .• SIH' I'lVood nnd r: li7.llbeth Baily have III'ccl: d l: ci hilll in to the Great B,' yoml. Hi. hrnl.l1f'r, Gen rge S., of Cincinna·

Oacar Palmquist went down with the Titanic. But he came back to the eurface, ewam for houn in the icy waten, and lived until Marcb 23d lut. Hia body was found in a sbadlow pODa in Connecticut. He had At the meeting of the Wayne wandered into the pond, and drown- Township School board Monday night ed. the following teachen were e lected for 1926-26. F. R. Mooma.w, Superintendent. That w1" CAuse solemn moraliz· Edna Kelsey, PrinCIpII High school. ing. "If you're born to be drowned Anne Bacbman, Kathryn Clark and you'll' never be hanged, a.nd vice verIa," lome will I18Y swim l1li hard u Louise Smith, For th e grades in the High IIChool you like, the water will get you." Albert Wilson, Edward The Turks and millions of other building: Orientals, deeply religioul and super· Burton , ChestCT Cutler and Lula ltitloue, will aAUTe you that the day Fellly. At the Grnde building: of your death waa fixed million s of Clnra !.il'e, P lmncipal. years before you ·wero born. God Raymond Hatfield, Laura McKin· "noWl! eil&etly when you will die and how. Therefore, the hour and sey, Lilla Benham, Gladys Roland, manner must have been fixed from Kathry n Turner, Kathryn Fromm, aU eternity, otherwise God could not Clara Berryhill. At the. Lytle school: Melvyn Banknow. And to doubt that he knows ta nnd Edith McKibban. , all thin", ahead is impiou.s. The spl'Cial teachers 'a\l'e : Alfred Watk ins, music ; J . B. Crabbe, agriculture. Cold common scn~o, however, snys that Palmqui8t would not have been drowned, bad he not wandered into the pond. ' and woula have bcen drowned when the Titanie 8ank, had he not been a strong 8wimmcl', This ' world would be too dull if everything were fixed for us in advance. On Thursday evening, May 7, a And if, B8 th lll Tunka believe, all III . lettled In l\Civance, und Allah and meetin!! of the Past Grands 8ssocia· Mohammed, beLween th em, know ev· lion of Warren County will be held erything, each man's fate and des· in '- O. O. F . hall. Grand Master tination after death, must be settled G. F . Brow!l will be pre~en1:. Ijun~'" ; in advance. In that Cf\se, why strug· will be served al1~ all Oddfellow8 are , ' gle to reach fdOhaimmed 's Paradise 7 conlially invited. - ~-. S~ruggllng would not do any good, if you're sentenced bofore you're


Whole Number 5642

1IoIdiq..... ........




lie .......

Interesting Account of An Old Historic Home Near the Fslls of Paint, In R_ county and within a mile or two of the village of Bainbridge. mnd. one of the historic landmarka of the earIy Ohio Settlements. It i. the houae built about 1800 by Gen. Nathaniel Mallllle, for bis bride. whQ Wat the daughter of Colonel David Meade, of Kentucky. tonnerly at Virginia. The stone for the thick wall. was quamed on Maul.'1 own land, for he owned .. veral thousand .,rea around the Fall. of Paint, but the hand-wrouarbt ualla and aU the , .... and metal needed In the conltrUetlon of the hou.. had to be brought bypa,ek-ho.... t,raln f~m Viqinla or K.ntucb. . Thi. house, a eMltllry and a quill'ter old, must have been a veritable manllon In the wilderne. when bunt The Ipaeiou. hall and broad ItaIrwa:t the wide ftNplaeel In every room, ali IlMIak of open-ballded hospltaU~. '{Hia mat ,era up the chtiDne, roared ' ,The ~nger feaated at hll board." IrIn. MaIIi•• aceuto.ed to the .... lInement of h.rf earI7 home in Kentu~, . . . DO . . . ' boIpltable than bar iIIatiapIiMd la_hand. De cle-


u.t,ated to _teriaID ...... .,. triM" belli Qood!lI!IId CoUII~. YlrPsIil, 01' fro. . . . . KHtaCb __• 1nR alae wu eq1llllb ~.. to tile 111_ bacJnroOc1ImeD

wIao ...


. . . . . ill . . . . . . . . . .



upon his numerous surveying expedi. tions. She is said to have introduced into the new Ohio settlement the cus· tom of tea·drlnking. In the third story of the old house i8 a small chamber with", single window. Tradition has it that this little room was o~e occupied by two Indian girls, who charmed by Mnr. Musie's kind and winning ways, IIv. ed, for awhile, under the roo.! of the rentle "Ifa.letace," and lerved her faithfully. While mltlng the place a few days IICO In the dim of the glimmering lIrht of the cellar und~ the old hoUN, were to be eaen the tomb': atonu of NathanIel Mas~ie and hll! wJfe, 8u.. n Meade )l88IIle, for they were both buried upon tbe flllrnl, not far from the old house. Later their bodies were remo .... d to beautiful Grandview, which overlooks Musie's own town of Chillicothe. . About the old atone house stm eUnp the aroma , of other ' daYI; memories of brave spldte; of a fear.... man wbo, belped to blale th. tritl for va; of a queenly , waman ""ho broqbt Into a , ncw country the eraHI and eulture of a real bome." (General Kuaie mad. the -""7 of the Vi:rPDIaI ~t duIoup ..... toWlllbip, wbieh . . . namea ittter him up Usroup Clintoll and th. eaat ~ hIi~.. Hat ' aM .... 01 . . . . . . . . ~)



Tongue · twisters of sizable dimensions are not inf requent nt the tillnual meetings oC t he Ohio State Medical a.soc iation, the se venty-ninth of which is being held here this week. 1"&8t year at Cleveland "Phenoltetrnchlorphthalei n" the subject of a paper delivered in the medical BeCtion, took first place for a "multi-syllable" word. This yeur, the eye, ear nose and throat section is to the fore wit h "Dacryocystorl'hinoplasty,'" which is a generl\tl term applied to the t echnique of plastic operations on lhe la,erymal sac of the eye. Physicians from almost every county in the state are attending the sellllions which continue thlough Thursday.


GOOD PROG!AM' Lut Saturd8¥ evel)tnr being IUrprise night at our local grange, quite a rood·sized , crowd of about 100 members were prelen~ and were agreeablf lIurprised when alter the business session tile prorram com- . mittee introduced , Mr• .Reet, of Centerville, Grange; Who, In Highland costu,me, nng .everal of lIarry' Lau .. !Ier'II' aelectioii. in tl'ue' Scotland 1Ityle, -aceompanitld on the piano b,. .lira. ·Berison. . FoUowipg this _'JIl'otrraDl a cafeloeria lUDell w.. served. • Mq 'We have anotbel' Mach lIIeetl~I, , A peot ...



One Dozen Farm G'a tes at $3. 50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Beat Ever, are Cheaper

Wire Fence at Less Than Car-.oad Prices


Madden's Lumber Yard



TrJ the Guette


I · i i

N'EW SUITS In Re, The Frienda Boarding Home of the Indinna Yearly Meeting of Friends and th,e Miami Monthly Me et inl! of F ri ends to se ll real catate. The L. D. ]l.e Gear Medical Co., vs. J . B. Hop ping, defendant. Appeal fr om J. P. Lillie C. Canby bas entered fluit aga i.nst Mary E . Messick et aI., for sale of property and reinves tment of ~'roceed8 directed by the court and other r elie! in the premises. Ca rrie B. Williams .,. entered suit against D. W. Williams for alimony and injunction.

oalee for Job Work.

Be Loyal to Your Newspaper ~u dge M. C. Aehley of Wood. brtdgr. N. J: says the automobile Ie a cure for the divorce evil. He bps sent hundreds of hu.banda and ,..Ives away trom his court hCorr tiled-and resolved to go bur a tar,


The Miami Gazette Waynesville, . Ohio

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:f n'd killdies." Judge COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS ; ~1 1\1't ill I.. Ashley, of Wl'odbridJ::e. In th e mu t tol' of l( ith . Klees• N. J. , I~ ih ft' lIlcdy fo r <li,·orce. The pi(' vs . .. ~ . W orll' Y. first nnm e un· 2 uutn i, f" r ni"inl; nlld th!' children k nown, it WII S con~ icl e red by t he ~ourt thllt t he plaintiff r('coV('r fr om • ftlr ('nmmn n int(, I· ~ ~ t. l1 t the S UIII o f $618. 36 lind !. "I'il ,· th e family ill £I II automob ile dcfcndll inll' t'O~.. • I1l1d hik e th em U,'(O r the cuull try. Sullie B. G o r~lIch ttlld Charles W. wh,'!'c tlH' Y CIIII ":l' t " whifT of nature GO'I:' ul'h were mILd " party d('fend· uII ,1 til<' CIIIl"l' of ttHll'i t .. 1 wrall,.:1i111! nnls ill t he mutter of :-.lollie lIuynie i" 1'(' 111(1\"' 1.1. " thi, (' Iot'rly jucll!" II ~ ' vs. He bl'ccn Hiatt rt lI l. FiflCl' l1 dt>lIa r~ Wit " srt as ide for :-;('1 t :;, nl h' c rti ~ i ng pLlrp o ~ e~ in the tll lltt er " Th " >tufTy IIiI' of urn rlcn en t hou.· pf t hl' J::mel'8oll . l3runLillgham I Ill· : l", 1\1t' unl!'\' t'ntfIlIIlPss o f h(: inJ,{ 1''''11I l'Ot \' s. [\'tax Bos tkk. IH.' lIllt'tI in th tl h ll l1 W \\ Ilh IH) th inJ,!' uut Wril o f partit.ion wus or~red iR ' lh,. four wull. " f II h"u'!, to loo k nt. ~ u"d in the mnU er of Knte tewarl m"k~ p ~opl" irr itllhl!' nnd quarrc l· \'~. ::; tel\a 1. Boolh , Hu.lph G. Thomp· ~(} mc. Nature l u' \' (' r 1Ill"llllt th.nt Illan so n, Li zz ie Thompson, gUIl"dlan o f should IiY ~ in thlll wily. G!' I the I rma T hompso n, U minor. fllmily bllck tu tt " t ure nlld fnmily Service of lP u blicaLio n WU8 ordertJ'ou blpH will di~np p l'll r . " ert mnde upon R ose Little. n lIo n· res· This i. whllt JUIIJ,t'p A. h"y prench. iden!. of the s tate. in th e nll~tt e r of "" in hi. 57 th y~llr. prll" ticillg whitt Scott Little vs . H ORC Little ct al. he prcnc hc. Il !'l 1I(,llrly m~ tw cn rl. Oefcndnllt Wnlter Co mer lind In th.· tif t"I'1I J"'UI'- thllt Mllrtill G CI) '\:,c J urclUTI . ti l d an~wc r in t he G . A.hl,')' hn" It..ttl c1 uwn lhe jul> lUI mHttcr of H /lfII' ~ E;. S... herro r. lrulltce .J ud,.:~ nt WO>'dhrlllgc. he Iwo hn'd v:;. A tn nliilo A rlg u •. ot al. el l' WlI more t hlln 1Ii .OOO j udiclll i deei. A. C. Vail waN nppointc(1 refe ree s i (l n~, mun)" o r lhl'1Tl rt')rardln~ mur· in th e mutte r of Will. Corte lyou and ital difl1rulti "". lind in fi ll lh ut l ime MrN. Wm Co rt.ely oll. stockhold ers of .. nol one of hi, diet um~ hilS (' v e l' been th r l\Iinmi Vn.llcy PlLcklng Co .• vs. n\ vc r~d by n hiJ,!h e f court.. t he Miam i Vu,lIey PUC king Co., for T c .Ju"~ " I. II hueh elor . Yet he di ,Rollition ot corporl,ti o n. hilS tl1l' di. cult. roll' (I f S\!ltll1~ hun · C. Wllhur Iv ins hus been appoint· el rc d s o f !Iis pu t e. bctw"cn hu s lllllld cd co mmissioner In the maller of nnd wives lind .I:OlWCl·11 plLrcnts nnd Kate ::;\.cwart VB. Stell a J . Booth, c.t a l. . ins t ead of H. E. Co wan , who w n~ unable to att en d to hl ~ duti es ns Auto vs. Divorce such. .

..................................................... . W ayne.vile~ Ohio


. children .. Wayward boys, Who go wro,,!g, s l~ pl~ because of their pentup hves In cIrcumscribed home sur. roundin gs, out more for a lark than Cor intentlo nal wrong-doing come be. fore him daily. He a lways 'says they ~ou l~ be corl ec ted better by clim b. mg . Into the a utom obile with their parents lind getli ng adventure In the cou'n try than by stern rebukes from a judge. A la rge number of people go be'f ore. Juds,;e Ashley every year. expeetmg . hIm to sturt the, blill rolling for a dt vorce. but, with the wisdom of Solomon, he ge nerally patches up these misu nd ersLundings nn d advises t~ e quarreling pllir to ge t an a utomobIle and seek happiness together in the haunts of natu re. Judge Ashle li~ old.fashioned ideas nbout marriage. He thinks that when . the matrimonial wires of hus band and wife become tangied, they should be straightened out, not cut. He does not be lieve in divorce except as a las t resort. Patching up these little differences between mis ullderstandin!r couples, the rdore, has become qUIte n s pecialty with him . . At a result, divorce is a rtIrt! phenomenon in his jurisdictio n. His automobile philoso phy has !In doubtedly work ed well. This judge is also authorh'rt to marry people. Although hI.' d"es not have a rush of busines& wit.h Cupid's victims, he does soma ~phc. I~g up occasionlllly. He is very pur. t teular about th e job of mllldn:, one out of two people, also. In .j ther words,those who come befl)rP. him to be ~ 'hooke d·up" are obh~:od tu show a clea n bill of health fir"t in the way of previous marriage alliances. He . adh ~ rc s to the principle that marriage I S a very solemn thing, and that two people so joined to. gether should not be lig htly rent as utlde r. Wh en the ma rriage yoke begins to rub the fur the wrong WIL Y, it is fr~­ quently clluscd . by bad a ir and the mono lony of th e f our walls in the average home, says t he Judge and t~ at is when h ~ prec ri bes the automo. btl e cure.-Olrk DcYou nl!, in The !'outocas ter Service, written cspec. Jally f or The Miam i Gfl i'- ctte.

----- ..


TRUTH OF IT . ROlh-"I hear Sam Heath wrecked hl8 auto down the Mill road last ni ght. What was the ca use of the accide nt ?" Graham-"Chicken s." Roth- "B'gosh ther e should be a law against letting chickens run in th e r oad." Graham-"These chickens were in the car."

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS H. 0 McKay, executor ot the es· ,tate of Alon"" Cassedy, de ceased, fi led his twelfth a.ccoun t . ChllS. L. Beck, gaurdian of Curtia and Helen Beck, minors, filed his firet account. Values on certa in stocks belonging to the estate of Margaret Turner. deceased, were fixed by tbe court. Tbe will of Martin James on, deceased , was produced in ope n court, f or probate. William C. l'hillipa. administl1Olor of lhe estate of Clnra H. PhIllips. de· ceased. filed h is first and fi nal nc count. Christopher J. Watkins, ad mini s· trator of the es.tate of Mary E. Watkin s, d eceased, filed his first and final account. Edith W. M,o unts, administratrix, of the estate of Kate M ·.Wood ward, decease d. fil ed her first accou nt. The r eport of Ed C. J a nn ey, administrator of tthe estate of Anna E. Coleman , deceased, was approved a.nd confirmed. The will of John S. 80wer, d eceased. was prloduced in open court for probate. Application for hear ing April 29. nl 1 o 'cock. The will of Mary C. Bower, deceased. was produced in open co urt for probate. In th e mattel!' of Ru ssel! L. Drake, administrator of the estate of War. r e n Drake, de ceased, vs. Harry B. Drake, et 81., it was ordered· that a d· miniStrator sell real estate at pri. vate sale. In the mat1:er of the estate of Thomas Smith, deceased, it was ordered that George B. Smith and Mary S. Miller, as executors, sell personal propel·ty at private snla. The r eport 'o f George B. Smith, and Mary S. Miller, e xe cutors of the estate of Thomas Smith, decell5ed, wn.~ approved and confirmed. The will of Serepta St.n,nsell, deceased WIlS produced. in open court for probate. . GeOl<gC B. Smith and Mary S. Miler, exexcutors of the estate of Thomas Smith, deceased, fied their inventory and appraisement. . Elmer Sheelllllon , administrator of the estate of Rache l Pine Campbell, decea sed, was ordered to proceed and se ll corn. at private sale. It was ordered that a gU8l'dian be a ppointe d for Grace J. Reed, an alleged incompetent. j!:. B. Hill was appointed a dmin· istra tor of thE! eatate of John S. Wri ght decelllSed. Bond, $8,000. J ohn Sydenstri:ker, Burdette Whitacre and William Reynolds were ap· pointed appraisers. :Wl1lter CJlre y. adminil4ratW of the estate of Alexander Emley, deceased, filed hiis inventory and appr.aisement. J erry Parkhill. administrator of the estate of ~y J. Parkhill, de· ceased, filed his inventory and ap· praisement. , In the mattel' of Ru ssell L. Drake, administrator, vs. Harry B. Drake, et aI., the report of the I!8jle of property was approved and confirmed. The will of John A. Hitesman. deceased, was produced in open com for probate. In the matter of the estate of Jno. A. Hitesman, deceased. Frank Hitesman and Wi11i4! Hitesman were appointed executors, Eugene C. Dunham, William Corwin and Leonard Mounts were apf,0lnted apn~sel'1l. George A • .r, eloy was -appointed guardian of Gr·.eil J. Reed, an In. competent. , Bond, $6,000.

THIS DAY AND AGE , .7 0: ~~mml \ Kuter. witnou sam.e, , I; End Gustill, allle. $ 1: J. T. MIIl'llltt. b'idge puinting. $ :1.20: Oliver Proud Dnd- "I never f ltll to ki ~8 F:lb l)n, ~nnl , $,11.30: Ohio Corrugat- my chlldl n g.ood.nilCht. Da YOII !" ,, 4\ (' ul\' ~rt Co .• se w ~r . $6 16.60; erpr"in Guy- "Believe Ole. I ail.'t "~"l' ill nrld j\'c u .. chaills for truc.k, goinlJ to IUd<! a ll that nltl811 waiLln' $7.0::1 : W. S. Gluhnlll, bridge repd r. un {UI' them." .1.:!5; Eugc lI •• Har p!!!'. ~n ll", $·1. 16 i M . U. " "111 1111 Itnt! SOil, IJ<l otl!, $9 ; V... P . Mt'C,;rrl'n, [! a~ Ull d oil f (lI' tl'lIck~, HIS HOUR ':; ,l.(iO: IlIlIir mId T. <,roy. glnvcl, r,fA'R RIA CE LICEN SES ~ l li:1. 3r. : A . \\·ind hor:<l. (.", .~ o f lig hts "1'11\ boss in lilY home Churlia II. Reese. fa tory worker, $ I .:; U: l" inK "ltd JUllIl'Rnn DruJ: Co., "Yes?" tUI' Jl l 'lI ti li ri:'c; Cl'ntl'h l (;l1rt\ ~ e, J;.!l\~ ILlld Mi s~ ~ 1"l'lhn Hill otl . fA 'lo ry "- when th~, wi t o nnd both cbB-· fur lna·k. S 15 .. 1:1: W . S . Tyit' r Co .. WO!'lIC ,' . both f. J< in!!,s ~I i 11 8. li ne twt portnhl c si ,'\'c:l, $:lO.5 U : lifT dren ure ILway. II"u l( h, pay ro ll . $1 5[,. 1:1 : C. 11. . Spen · t OO;; .,....;.,,..-. REAL ESTATE TRA N SFERS c<·r . slim ... $.I.I. R(I: 0 . ~. l! il:l!ins. . .'l:: _ BLONDE BESS OPINES IHUVor . " tl s t llill. $ 10.0;): Thtln\Jl ~ Frll _ Wil~y li nd Amy ~I o ntl!'omery tn S l " ': ma r "\ hul, ~ Utll('. $7 .70. Mo"4'" Bf' f> I, Ub,IUt 50 Hc"e> in Fl'lInk "Oh. I can 'l drl •• out Tu ••• lin 'I' p .• $ 1. day even:na. That l. Ihe 00. J I' hn W . \, ,,1\,,,. tn ~Jiun ti Valley "iahl in I be w•• k we chlJd r •• I3 ldl!. and )."" " A "~o,·i uti " n. hnlt' in· " v~. agreed to I.t Dad . . . hi. \"r('"t ill tw o lot" ill F"llnkli" '\'1' .,

H was ordered thl\1. Gmc" S. Re d, iIlCOIll)1 tent, be temoyed liS cx· (!c ll idx of the cs tute of Ber t Reed, dect'ased. _ The Citizens Nalionul Bnnk and 1',·\. ·t Co.• by htirlc ~ S. Irwlll, trust oflk.'r, WlI S npp ointcd ' adllli n i ~ l\'8tor tI bonis nOli with tho will <I/.tlt!x od of the e tn te () f Bel t Re d, dec 'U8C tl.


-----. - - .- - -

----_ ----




$ 1.

- --- ~

H . G. Fill.plLl riek to (;14'11 A. Tl'u ,

ax, lot ill "'runkl ill . $1. Chal'1es tlnli . ' clI"i~ E . Gt'i""l'" tn Geo,,.:c W. Gri sml'r, II bo ut 10 3 lIereS ill Union T p .• $ 1. Wilbur nnll [lcau luh Dun lap t o Katht'''; nl' SIt ' l'bet, lut s In L Ilion Tp .. $1, J , C. HI"ey to C. I.. /\JI ll Et h" 1 (; . Duke, II bout G7 II c r e" In W nyn(' 1'1' ..


T)' ..




OuR r; L.APPERS ....\{E b\)ING RUST OUT, PAI'ER5 S A'V.. ~""NT V\U~."E';NTS RUST"..

- ..----

Chi I.... "Fllt her , whllt ift n Brusseld ~~ Jlr ·uul ·! "

F"t1"'r - " l l'~




wrong'. mi-Ron ."

$ 1.

J . Mcrrill D o n~ lind Mary A. n Ollc to Riohard S. ant! Annn Kin g. 1.;)8 BCI 's in Uni on TI' .. $ 1. Richurd S. und AnIH~ Kin g . to J. Merrill alld Mllry A. BOIl~, l.a B ItC · U lR in Uni on Tp., $1. Wnltf'I' T . li nd Berlin M. Jurdan to Cnrl Blackf ord, ~ pUl·'· ... S ill Hur· v(! YRburK. $1. Ma x 11 l1 d SlId i!' n crn b1.e in to Kal'l Thien l, uhout 7 nCI'Cs ill D('crlield Tl' . $ 1. ~: nr l n. Pelrine to fna M. nnd Effie 1\1. Pe rrille, ,t,!Jout 111; ac ''l'" in 13 -: TT£R S r! L L Turtlecrrek Tp., $1 . Jnsper N. Burns to Alfred O. nill . 1111, "": d "1:"I!. I h,,,1 ,. g reat 2 lot s in Lebhnon, $ 1.. · ' I' . :1t \\ 11 11 ,. i" t~\O Cil )·. I saw 011(' Ge orj;(e A. Goss mnn to MOlltg,'m · cry R eulty Co .• abou t 71 uell's in ., j th'lII :Ii 1'\ ' 1.'11(' f,·i l"ws ~k y wri t . Union Tp .• $1. ill l·,' 1 Miner va J etl to Wick and Lelha \\· if,· - "11 II 111 ph ! Th"t', ,,, . th :· ~. J ett, lot in So uth Lubllnon, $1. I W,." ll· lin I ' " II)' n il t ill' ", .. "" wh I ~ y(\ll

\\' \ ' 1' (1



I ) ,~. I I . Il; If \ T II .\ W \ \' DE ;'~TIST


.'<. -() - O~"\PHIST

U\tln. r 'f l" IIh,~Itt'

(WI>'! C I~ : 11'1

114 .

HAI'IIAWAY HLIll •• \1 "IN :, '


Poultry Wanted! w.

are rlllyin,24c for OldStock

18c for Sprlngera

COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES A RARE BIRD Russell McElfresh Post American Legion, Me moria l Day allowonce, $25: J oh n Kl.'l1 Post No. 241 G. A. MiamisbufI<r. OhIo \\' hi s k cr~-jol'm pro w.l to ~ay th u t R., .ame, $26; Penn Morten, Janito r ant n n u ld · fu~hio 1l t.' cJ tl tlcttl}'." Bell Phone 2G2W se rvice,'$70: James Follen same, $ 15 I'uticnt - "Whnt do," lhat l11 l'nll . Phoo. Com . . . . . . It,. ••. Mary "oppin ~ office nmt fer Co. Do'c'! " Supt, of' Schools, . 1l80; The Western IVh i. ke :>,--" 1 try my b~s t I" fi n J Star, proof of publicntion, $5; Ray. out .Wh Ul is lhe I11Ulle r with you wit h· mond Hars hbarge r , painting'.,! $24.· oul culling i:. 1\ I, t o r [" tty " t(, el is 90; W . H. SWlt8ge Co., s upplies for C U SR the mutter \\'i th 1l1C . " nudito r . $2.50.: G. Lederman, same ----" for Prcs ' cutin~ Attorney, 6 5~ ; Grall vHle Th tl rslon I' pst, G. A .. R.• Memo· ED PURO'Y PHILOS Oentillt rlnl allcwBn cc, ! 15 ; Ralph P. Snook Post Ar.' crl cnn Legio n, sa me. $25: ,\'aynuvIlJe "atlunal Oa." I\hl. Colum bu< BI:lIIk Book Mfg. Co., s up· "One lhin r,. cer~D ,. th.t plies fro !' she ir:, $25; Sui Stevoll s few c:Iothr~ linea are breot."I. ldn, Post No. :163 G. A. K Memorill l a l· th e.e dAY, from the weirht of lowance, $25: W. R. Hoel Post No. womeD'. clotbe. pinned t ,berlll" 230, G. A. R., Slime, $25; H. E. Oil. on." atush, coron er, inqu est E t en Dennis.

A. B. Swank

tIe.. ..w



Dr. lohn W. Miller


This Week's Cross-Word Puzzte We hope you have SUffi cien tly r ecove red frunt la st week's Bibli cnl pu z_ ~ 1,' t o be ab le 10 sttl,-t on this olle with renewed ~ n erg,' . ·It was a r . ranged ·by Miss Madeli ne Fit.!:l. We nre sure it will aid you in a ddin/r' sev. e ral n ew words to your vocabulary,

tf ONEY LOANED ON I.1VE STOCK, chllttl!l., also oecond mor·...... Note. boueht. John llarbin., AileD or. if you nlreudy knnw 11 11 the warda Bulldh'lr, Xenia. Ohio. included ill th ... pU2z l". it will aid you in di sc ,1\'cring whl'lhcr or no l you have :1 fnir u " der"tiln ,ling of thl' • wo' tis in Ih F:ul':li Hh la ::gllage, and \\'il l giye you 11. fll w fore ign words Farmen of WarNn and adJoin... \ counties may obtain mon.y on loa. to boot. tim e 1011111. at 1\ .... pIIr c.nt Inure.l , 1 Coot ot securlntr the lamo II ver, sonable ,throucb Tho F.deral t.n. i Bank. For further Infonna&loll IIU ~ on or IIddreu M. C. DRAKE. T,...... lirer, phone S16.X, Lobanon, Ohio.

Farnlers, Attention! "a.

=====-==--'-=":".":' ---=


WANTED CASH-For Dental Gold. Platlnun, .. Silver, Diamonds, magnelo pointa, fal se teeth, jewelry. an, valuableR. · Mail today. Cash by return mall •. Hoke S. &: R. Co., Olaero. Mich. WANTED- The addreu of Jolin H. Adair. Addreas P.eter Bertrer. 1722 Baltimore, Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. -mil FOat SALE


1 Patch-Up. 2 Outside diam<!ter abbr.). 3 Dainty. 4 A financial orga nization found in most cities (lust part abbr.) . 6 Latin infinitive of the verb "to be." 6Pronoun. 7 Planl having a ~ingle trunk. 9 Violet ray (abbr.) . 10 Take "A" out of rap and you hflve it. 14 Malignant womnn. 16 Notice of danger. 17 Past tense of run . 18 Prevailing sic kn ess durin g the war. .10 Sa me as 24 down. 21 To lengthen . 26 Flesh of animals used as food. 28 Form ot the verb "to be." (liat.) 29 A leg less invertebrate crawling animal. 30 Prepare ' for publication. 33 Form of the verb "to be." 34 Two vowels. 36 Peraonal pronoun. 37 Depart. ACROSS 11 A planet. 6 To send out. 8 Distinctly different. 11 A State (abbr. ). , 1~ Yielded by harvest (plural) . 13 For example (abbr.). 14 Peraonal pronoun.

22 2:-1 24 25


20 31 32 35 36 38


Evel Y one of a stated number. (abbr.). r,lore th ll n the II\\trippe (abbr.) . A I'licle " thc" de noting IllIISCU. i,le in French. Reptile. A . tat(l (abbr.·. Un ited States Navy (abbr ... A prefixx. A pcrso nal pronoun . A boy's nam e (abbr.). "nn d" (Latin). Rclu tion o f one thing to another A boy's name (abbr.). A Stute in Germany. T o po ur out or empty. To arg ue for and agnin st.

An.wer to L .. t Week'. Punl.

FOR S ALE- Mixed Clovel' and Timothy Hay. in blllJ'n. Mra. Meda· Warner, on the Dean-ShaDnon f.rm, between Oregonia a IJ d Harveysbu:g. M20 " FOR SALE- Orders taken for Wear Plus Hosiery and Underwear by MrL . Grace L. Smith, Waynesville, or Mrs~ Ne lli e Snyder, Lebanon, IIepreeentative for Warren Counly. ·eow : FOR SALE-600 or 700 hundred bushels of corn. See D. R. Salisbury, Wayne.ville. Ohio. -m20 , FOR SALE-300 large atrain Eng. glish White Leghorn Pulleta, 600 a pound. Hatehing eggs. $3 per 100. Fred Rieltard!, R. R. ", phone 37- 1 'At, Wayne.ville, 0.. ..m20 . FOR SALE-Delco plant In good condition. Am puttlnr in tbe Dayton Power and Light. See FJ:ank U. LeMay, R. R. 3, Waynesville, OhiO.


Jnlll' ~

FOR RENT- Hous& of leven rooll'iand cellar!!; newly painted and pa.. pered. Seo H. H. ·Wllkerson, W",~ nesvllle, Ohio. . tf -' LOST OR STOLEN-Black land tJn rat terrier male dOll. we!a'1I1 8 , .... blind In left eye. Liberal reward ,ffered . Lawrenc. Surface •. R. D.' "'W aynelvllle. Ohio. . ·me FOR SALE-Sweet potato and ~ill kinde of gt\rden plallta. ·A " . buehela of seed potato••, 75e por · bushel. Stroule Brol., ft.. R. 1, ' e9~. ner of Lytle and Wayne..,flle ~"d.

..18 FOR SALE-I male ho" ,.ear old. Big TYPII POlal1d China. A~. '1i00 btlHhelR of good corn. Otho Henderson, .R., ft., 3, W~e~'PUe, .ohio: l

' ,. •

r I, I.

~1S #

FOR SALE---!Cabb8p , and Tomato Plants. of many varletlea . . E. W. Hopklnll. Vo'ilitielville, Ohio. . .FOR SALE-One lOW ' and g .plp. Inquire of , Ralph' Miller, Wa1llel. v1l1e, Ohio. ·" m8 'FOR SALE-.Fhie, hl.h·lnd. 'Phon. ograph . lak.n back for non pal menta. Can be purch_eeI br ., ,,Ua. ble party for balance due at ,1.00 per week. Addrea P o' O. Bos 148, Dayton. Ohio. . :. ..8 . FOR SALt-The '01 ' the -Pereheron StalUo.. .Ro,... ' W'o"der. Thll Ia the Kina" Powder Co. hono, . and will malre the ..... aV..,. farm. O. A.. StraWD, ~, .... W",.nill., Ohio. ....



...•T H E









Ben Hawke Is now working at Main Mrs. A. ,L, Kennedy has been ill, To provide for the i~9110 of bonds of ST. MARY' CHURCH . the villago of Waynt'sv ilte, Ohio, The I· y o ~ il:hl Spl!Clall~t but i8 improved. vitle. MIlY 10 , r.'n.Ul·t h ~ "" (Iay L1f le l' in the sum of Fourteen Thou8\1nd D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publi. her. W.)'n .... m., Ohio. Wolter Hnrlnn Is visiting his brothDollnTS ($14;000.00) for the · pur- Euster. Ch ll r!'!, ~"h",,1 lit !J : :~O a. Mr. nnd MrR. Chnrles E. Johns spent er, WlIl Hnrlan, nnd other relatives. poso of extending the time o f pay- In. 1\{oa'lI inJ!' 1'1'11\" ' 1" nn d ~(> "lll cJ n . Friday in the Gem city. Subscription Pric~, $1.60 per year. m e nt of cl'rtnin ind btcdness, BornTo Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Ben Lebu non, Ohio Mrs. Rob rt Hunt entertained her which from its limits of laxation, 11 :()O 1I . 111 . M I'. Ha1l'h Ll'c' , hf lJaySumiIlY' Sch'ool cllllls on Snturday af_ nett, on Friday, May 1, 1926, a 90n. the snid Village is unabl e to pay at ton, will b" tI ' l' I>r ·",·h,·I· . H·o n. C. Q. Hildcbruncl, of Wilmterll",III. maturity. Fri.\ny e vc'lI in", .\I ny R. n t 7 ::10. ington, culled 00 Charles lIfodde:l, De it r esolved by th e Council of BiHhop R e~se will 1' '' .... h :tIl.I ," lnli ll 8:00 n. m. to .. p. 111 . Mrs. Leonard Gray, of Detroit, Is Sunduy nfte rnoon . t he Village of Wayn esvi lle , tate of ist e t' C' f' nli l'm a io u. F: \' I'I'Y 1I 1H.' b wl.! l spend in" a couple of weeks with Mr. Ohio : WEDNESDAY. MAY G. 1925 Misses Olethn and T :,elma Roberts, anti Mr •. George Gray. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED SECTION I- That certuin indebt- COOll' t o tl1('1~l' h· r\'ic,' ~. of Lebanon, attend ed the High school edness he rl'tofore inc urred by thl! Little Bobby White, of Dayton, play here, Friday evening. Village of Wayn esvi ll e, to-wi t: That _ _--j spen t t he we ek-end with his aunt, Mrs. J . E. !' humakcr has gone to incurred in th e iSB uunce of fiftee n ME TH OD IST CHURCH TIME FOR JUDGES TO LEARN Mrs. Kesler Graham and family. Miami, Fla., to be with her son, Ev- (15) Water Works Bonds, each of THEIR PLACE S abba th , "t'I Hlt .}, ~ I t:) n. Ill . , P l'l'l ll'h ~ Mr. Johnston a nd family, of Day. erett, who is s c~riou s ly ill, thore. the fa(l() vulue of $600 .00 bearing in)! nl I (I :a u u . m . \Iv l' d n '';'c!HY (lV(' n ton, have moved to the Mills properf ou r per cent intel'cst and dat ed JuThe autocratic proced ure of .Iudlrc Gail Gorden and Wilbur Hawke ly 18, 1900, and seVe n ( 7) Wuter ty, now owned by Mr. Riley Saylor. have purchased Mrs. Clara Merritt's and Light, Bonds each of the face L e ng tH' fj :.1:) p . 111 . P n ·: It'hl1 l'" Ht 7 ::l; O RaSl1lsky. wh o, in OIlC of the hil( la'lIl n number from here attendFrirnds here are Borry to learn of grocel'y and took possession, Mon- value of '1000.00, bearing f our per L (, II J!'IJ(" l, : I !) )>. m . I 'n·;tc'hil ll! fl.t 7 ' 00 courts of the stu t e of New York, reo ,·d Quite t he funcrnl Inst Friday, of M:rs. th .... ,,1 ious ill ness oC the little son of duy. cent interest issu ed July 18. 1!lO I). p . 1)1. E \' l.' r yl, o(iy i ~ clITdl all y ifl \' itC' u cently l'cbuked tw o junes for bllnl( Ellie ('I'ew . Mr. and Mrs. eLon Salisbury, at H .. uling of .. 11 kind.; .. 1.0 will bUT .. 11 of which {aU du e September 1, t o th t ,~(' S " r-\ il'(' :-'. Mi "~es Helc n, Pauli lie and Lois, illg in ' verdicts of acquital. hilS prop· Mr. Cliff Smith and Mr. Emerson Clevoland. and Junior Evans, oC Germontown, 1925, II,I{gregating the IImount of H ~ \' . L. A. \\' I"hl,u .. " . I' ltst" r. you.r old ' pn pcrI, rag. nod junk. e.!!l aroused rCSl' nlm erlt ul t he hUllei. Dill nllcndpd It boxing bout at DuyThe ball game here Sunday aitn"- attended the IHigh sc hool play, Fri- $14,000.00, is her 'by dete rmin ed and oCthe press. It . huuld III Hpirc in · ton, Munday night. declared to be an existing, ""lid and I'oon between Springboro and Ly- day eve ning. binding obligation o{ "aid Villuge. CHRISTIAN CHURCH MrH. Emerson \)iIl spent Monday t1", rp8ulted in a victory for LytIc. dignnti on in th .., brell.t o f eVl'ry tnlll! Mrs. Emma Cline ond Mott and 2- To provid e means lind womn" in 1hc CltUlttl·Y. Th e "I! r y " fter noo n nnd ev<!ning with Mr. and Score I a to O. WAYNESVI LLE, OHIO Sundny ~c h "o l ut 111<' (,hri , inn F:nr! Cline, oC Dayton, were here for to SEC1'ION exte nd th e tim e o f puyment of sa id de terminl'd lind obvi ou s efTnr ts l,f 1\'1 r • . Ra~'mon d Osbul'ne, of Xenia. the week-end wi t h Mrs. Clara Mer- indebtedneM which from ita limits of Chur ch e very Sttu d" , ' al !) ,'W n . nt. Mr. and Mrs. Kesler Graham and ritl Rnd other relutives. many uf our judges til \'Atnhlish tlll'lIl , M1'8. Reb('cca Ilill hus returnt'd ulx&tion t he Village of Wnyn esville Everybody cnrrlilli ly i,"'il ed . solves as the lI ul' eriol N o f their fe l· hCllll e aftcl' " pending" few day s with dllughter, Be rnic e, spe nt Sunday at While in Ci ncinnnli on jury duty i~ unable to pay lit maturity there low citizens, and to 1L HS Um ~ the po· he" dau ~ hte r , Mr~ . Berne Jones, of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman last week, Cha,Jrle8 Mudden tIIlW about sha ll be i."ued bonds of the Village Albright, in Dayton. siUo n ot diclat.1 '" providc~ cau.e fOI Lytle . FERRY CHURCH OF CHRI ST twenty of the convicted police start o f Waynesville to an agg regate real olllrm in this country. Mr. and Mr.. A Ipha Smith IIIIld to prison. He snys it WAll a very sad amount o f $14,000 .00. T he r~gular meeting at the Ladiell Juror. Ill e sw orn to u duty, quit e Services Hl !' ::\0 n. n,,, Hili! ~ :30 SECTION 3- SllQd bonds shall be os sacred a~ thllt o f the judl(e. Jud~ cs Aid suciety will be held Thursday daughter, of Dnyton, were Sunday scene. rlJNEl{A L OIRECTOR p . m. Mc,lIwr' " lJuy \\' ill h.· \, h",·I'\·· l'U(,~ts of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns the denominution of $500 .00 ench: o C May 7, nt th e hume of Mrs. O. B. alone do not comprise our cour ts of Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin Freelund and shall be dated n ot later than Sep- cd nl tht, rn o lili nJ{ ~p ,. d(· f'. E \"\'lIill~ h,ld Mr. Frank Sm ith. law. Judg es are no mor\' important 1II1111att. family will move 800n into the Liz- tember I, 1!J25: shall draw interes t Waynesville, Ohio h ou r dev o ted t o !'long 'l' n In . ' :.1l1 d Sl' r · in ou" legal pr ocodure duUl are ju· Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Marlatt and Mrs. Rebecca Dill returncd to ber zie Scars prope rty, rece ntly vaoated ries. In fact th ea' nrc not thcir equtll Slt n" Edn,un, Mr. ulld Mrs. E lvis Mich_ home in Mt. H olly, l'u ; after by Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lee Stratton. The at the rate of five per cent per an - mon o n um pnyahle on the 1. t day of March in importance. lIel, Mrs. \)01'11 Morgan and children, seve rul days' vi . it with her daughter, Stratton 's ha,'e moved back to the and Sl'ptember in each year, upon Fully E q uipred for Good The Am{lJ'ican constitution hIlS sur· ThcJma, AI thur an d F red, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Jones and family . farm a s the new house is ready for the presentatio n and surrender oC On W Nln esti uy ~ \· pn inV' . ~ In y 1:lt.h. rounded Am eri ca n citizens with cer- Mr •. Clare nce Cl'll wford and childrcn, occupancy. the Allt'n family will render a fine Se r vice. inc('rest coupo ns to be attached to tain r;ighta and snfeguu.rds, the most Lewi s, und Minnie, and Mi~s Clara Quite a number enjoyed the play mu sical progrum an d th e mini sh ' l" "Safety FiMlt," was pr se nted as said bonds beuring the fac s imile sig- of Large D isplay l{uo m impoNnt of which is trial by jury. fluu g ht,·!," Slll'nt ::)u",IIIY with Mr. Hil- nt Lylle hall Thursday e" cning, which the ,·hurch will deliver II popu lar If we wish this right to be stripped e y Gibsun and fumily, it being n sur- was we ll rendered by the Ladies of the High schOOl play at the Hall, on nature of the Clerk, and shall be due !tecture , entitl,·u, "T (lnt.: "~ ~ ' " T his Ambulance Service und payable as follows: Bond numFrid~ evening'. The characters were from us by petty dictators, if we prise on Mrs. Gibson. the S pring boro M. E. church. lecture hu s been gi\'cn Ill H ny tim~s well calOt and each one acqu itted ber 1 shaU be due and payable March on want to pernllt our juries to be bull~' Hi g h School courH es and is very TEI, EPHONEl 7 l )A Y Oil NIGHT Mr . .I"cu b Zimmer and fnmily were Mrs. Herbert 1. 1926: Bond number 2 sha ll be highly commendNI uS in spiring, elt · MI 's. Lizzie Smith, of Dayton, was himself creditably. rarred and dominated and Il.!low our_ aelvea· to be driven into trials by g;v('n a comp lpte s urpri se last Tu es- a week.end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carr coached 1chem. The school or· du e and payable Sl'ptember I, 1926, t ertain: rg and helpful. nnd one bond of the next consecujudre!. It wilt b~ time Cor us to 01· dllY night, when about thirty o f th eir Churles John s. and th ey accompanied chestra furni shed the music. The Allen family. a ll tale nted m u. tive number shaH be due nnd payable low tltie when we bring the changl' f'l end s und neighbors came t o call on he r to Wilmington S unday afternoon. • sicians, will· furll ish us a ral'e treat. FOR ALL KINDS OF PRINTING, on the 18t day of Mareh and Septhem. Refr~ s hmentl< of sllndwiches . In an oderly constitutional way. The Dayton, Lebanon and Cincin tember of each year f ollowing until Under the l1<U "p icC's o f the (,hurc h la· SEE THE GAZETTE Our' juri.. are aupposed to heur and coft'ee Were served later in the dies. Co me . lIati bus is now running through Lythll total number is rea,ehed. even ing. lIIr. Zimme r lin d family the evidence in C~8 and then to ren -~. ---SECTION 4-Said bonds shall be dll' thair honeat opinion as to the move d lus t Thurs dl\Y to the Spitler l Ie, on 1\ one-hour sched ule each way, prepared .. nd signed by the Mayor rullt or innocence of tho accused. If farm, nb out three miles above S pring on account of the detour of the Dayand Village Clerk, and · sea led with . ton pike. One Every TW1I Hours. when the:r have done so, thcy are to Valley. FOR OVER 40 YEARS lflstr<>:.- "Tllrl th.- mtllrrard plaster John Robins()n Jr., ha~ a new tour- the Village seal: shull expre.s upon be score from the hench, such ac The Ladies Aid will have an open their fac e thejUrpose f or which they III 70U noy r,oml. Brldcetr Mald- IL ~LI, 'S C .~'r ,~ 111111 ~11i:1J1(,1."" " Itn. b e e n ing car. tion by a judge provides a · public afmeeting at the church Thursday eVused l!IuccesBfully i n Lhe t of Orlllh'l of wBlu. Blood.are issued, an the fnct th a t they are front ~dellf!lIrinr the IIOverest repriEd Jetre"Y is quite sick at his home i"sued pursuant to law and this res- "'YeB. but, rna·o m. U do bite the :.!at:nrrh. mue bloo~ Ie a trun. lullon of til. eni ng, to which the ladiet! of the comDland. 1 '. ' IIA LV!! OATAnRH 1IIE1HC"llII'l'J conmunity and their husbands are in- near Olive Brstllch. olution: shall be pa~able bol h prin- (ODllIe." We I wonder . how Judgo Rosalsky SpanIsh "lIUngl'e 111.ul." till rlbuled ~ ,·ilfd. II.~ or an Olntmenl W"'ch QUick ly Rellcve. by Joca1 appllc:o.tin n. and the J. Lee Talmage and wi fe, of South cipal and interest at the Waynt'svitJe ""ould . Uke It ' if at the termination BODle ot tlie oldest ond proudes" falDtn ternal Modlcln e... Tonlr. whIch acle National Bank in th e Village of of a trial the JurOl'II would ariae and Illes of COIl IJe. who ('lalOlccl Denr to Mr!!. George Scott, Everett Early Lebanon, spe nt Sunday with their Waynesville, Ohio, and shult be num· tbroueb the Blood on tho M u cou. Sur' .. due• • aby Oulh "at.. tell him in f]ain lnnguage that they IIn"e heen contnmln nlPr\ hy Mnorl.11, apd chi loren and MisB Gladys Berg- folks, here. r&c... thus reducing the Innamme.tlon. bert'd from I t o 28 inclus ive. Springftleld Bnd a.mpb~" lownsblpe did not like tM WIllY in .w h lch he con- Jewlsb or Iltj,pr forelgll Rdmlltura. dan . '.ited Mr. and Mrs. Perry Perks by .11 drul:~ l.t•. Arthur Long . of Limn, Ohio, was a ECTION 5- That the l)rocepdR of ,r (keeD county. MIMourl. redDee4 So14 ducttd the c~, and thought his rul· The .('xpresslon pmhnhl~' originated \II a"d two children, in Dayton, Sunday Friday F : J. Chen"v '" Co .. Toledo. Ohln. callH on R . •1. Murray, at the sa le of suid bonds except the lnga a' dlaeredit .to tho bench. The Ihe hluPDP88 of l1le \'I'l n~ nf people fit afternoon. Ibelr baby death rsl l.' 42 per ~ Lollg Vit'w Stock fann. premIUms and accrued inte res t therejur)' {~oald have quite as much justi"Illiin the short 8"" "e of toor Jean. fnlr romplellony ft8 "olllpored wttll On shall be placed in the Vi llage Mr. and MnI. J . B. Jones, Mrs. M.a.y flcalio,. in olfllfing Buch crilicsim of ThiB place will be well repre ~e nt­ Treasury to the credit of th,' SinkIho.e of dark IIkln. --------.--~.-----Kenty, MI'II. Rebecca Dill, Therle ed at the Friends Quarterly meeting the jUllle &II the · judgo has in criliJones, Joe and Bartley Kenty were .t Waynesville on Friday and Sat- ing Fund, anci shaH be dis bursed on c!zhl4r the jury. Our seeming t n· proper vouchers for the purpose of Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. urday. dency· to iOdidal . dictatorship mus t lon't It a Fact? r t'li rin r. the Water Work s alld Water Bernie Dill, north of Dayton. be broul'hl to an end. All editor hn s 10 b ecome 'oet alleuC • Lon Brannon and wife had for nnd Light Bonds f a lling du e SeptemMra. Johnston Bunon returned to their guests on Sundl\.y, Guy Bran· ber 1 , 1920 , and for no oth er pur- .. 014 before he remu JIll! enllrel, 1lD. We'learned, in a scicntiflc nMicle, her home Sunday, from the S1, Eliz- non, of Waynesville, W. H. an(l- Mabel pose for which purpose su id money 18 pertl;rbed h~' the t olk ot a D_ ~ the other day, that groase spots on hereby app'r oprlated; anci the pre- DUcal part y. abeth hospital, where sbe underwent Terry, of this place . clothes keep moths alive, that if we Notice is hercby given tbat tha &II operation for cataract. She is - -Hr. Tr'ncy, of Marietta, Ohio, wns mium and accrued inter es t received • ",,:1... atarVe the moth our cothes will be Friends Buarding Home of the Indl- now under the care of Mrs. H. M. D.t. ),our ••1... with m.· here .last week, and bought R. J .. Mur- from s:lid sale shaH be t ra nsferred sef.-o, whon you see a ni(l() little unn Y curly Menting of the Religious Clark. to th e Tru st('c s o f the Sin king Fund. ra,'s tine Per cheron stallion, and .ati.f.ctioD or _. moth in your new sumnl('r Ru it, re- Society of Friends, a corporation of S\::CT ION 6- 1'h.. t Ihe f nith, rev.hipped him to Greens burg, Ind. move th e food s upply, and let it die Wnynesvi\lc, Ohio, and the Miami Mrs. Emily Helm, of Decatur, III., enll' oltd C1'edi L of t he Village of Among thOSE! from a distance who genU, in :a !:'atural D1a~n.e.r. , . . Monthly Meetin~ of Friends, an unin- is visiting her neice, Mrs. H. M. Clark Wu y n('sviIJe, are h<'l' cny pledged for CENTERVILLE, OHIO , corporated religiOUS society of Way- and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Clark also attended the !Ladies Aid sule hero th e proml>t paym e llt lo( buth princi pal on Saturday evening, were Hurry OsPhoa... No.2 Now GA!nn4JllY is sending to ·I\ S a nesville, Ohio, have filed their peti- entertainl'd Mrs. Helm's ci'aughter, and family, of lIickoryvi11e, and nnu illt cl'C.t of the bon d ~ herinbenew aabslitute for alcohol, said to be tion in the Common Pleas Court of Mrs. Inelia Bllrtow, of Richmond, Ind. born fo re u es cribe d in ac co l'danc e with Hugh Burgett lind family. of Bell· non-poi8Qt\Dus ul1 ci lvith n Wonthlr (ul Warrl' n Coun ty, Ohio, being ease la ~ t week. the IllWS cun s tit uti on u f the Slate mont. kick. This kind of Ge:rman invas ion Nil. 1 a :lIj8, praying Cor authority to of O hi o. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Walter Lacy and will be- 'welcomed by the sbaks. ~ ell th e following dellcribed rt'A I eaA little boy . came one day IR5t 'ECT ION 7- 'rhal for the I>urchildren, Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Lacy week to mako his home with Mr. and po~ (' o f pl'od dill g th e n('cessnry funds tate: and children, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wilso n Bennett, on the old J. t u pay th e in tc r es t on the for egoing A m\adelphia cigar manufacturer Situate in the County of Warren talla 'us the girls aro wearing one- all(\ State of Ohio, being part of Sur- Wilbur Lacy 81Id daughtel', of Red W. Cresswell farm, it being the first issue of bonds prolllplly when and aa Lion, visited their mother; Mra. Emblrth in the old red brick house on the same fait due, and a lso to create piece ba~ing suiu i.n Palestine. " I vey No. 791 of Virginia Military w.. ihocked," he IIBld, "~ut W11S ad- land. Beginning at a stone lower ma Lacy, on Sunday. They remem_ the Creswell farm for over ~.3 years and maj nta in n fund sufticient to disbered' her with well-filled baskets. vised .I did not have to lodlc ... · Evi- corner of the whole survey on the The miscella:neous and lunch sale, charge the said bonds at maturity, dentlt theyr'e stepping out in PlII- East bunk of the Little Miami. river, which was held by the Ladies Aid there sha ll he Bnd i. hHeby levied .eIUne· where a forked Box Elder 16 Inches a ll the taxable property of the WE GET -THEM QUICKLY AND at the school house here on IIiIlt Sat- on w : • in diameter bears S. 17 \of, degrees W. FREE OF CHARGE urday night, WIIS just grand. Every Village 0-[ Waynesville in addition to 62 all other taxcs a direct tax annu Re~ Marna S Poulson talking to 1 !inks! and a walnut 22 inchthing was first class, of course, and . . . , . es In diameter S. 60 % degrees W. ally durillg the period for which said CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR they sold high, with Colonel H. F. hi' New ~er8ey cong.regatlon about 129 links. Thence S. 36'A1 degrees bonds are t o run in an amount sufEXPENSE McKay (formerly of Wilmington) on the .aalarles of mhysters, says 1I1l' W. 90.76 chnins to a stone in a road, ficil'nt to provide funds to pny interMrs. Ida Mendenhall, who has been . the block. The Colonel . ne~er con- est upon snid bonds as and whcn the yo~nlf clergymen should be cODlpel~ed S.W. corner of the Whole Survey. dueted a better sal~ In hiS hC~. He S,1me fnll due, Hnd also to provicle a to serve at least. o.n~ yeur u~ pohce Thence N. 62 Y.. degrees E. 17.81 quite III is recovering. , held the large crowd und er hiS coneal1tlrins or prohibition enCorcem~nt chains to a stone where a Baach 20 Phon. 8 HARVEYSBURG, 0. fUlld for the diHcharge of the princiThe quarn,ntine on the homes here .trol until the lust u,rt.icle was sold. agents before tltey stul t dependlllg inches in diametor bears N. 2 de)Jal of said serial bonds at maturity. for smallpox has been lifted. The Question Box has been asked on the plate, ~rees W. 23 links, and a . Beach 10 That sa id tax shall be and is bere---'--" -- - - - Inches in diameter N. 61'A1 degrees ltfr. Howard Haines IB recovering quite a number of times who our La- by ordered co mputed, certified, levW. 28 links. Thence N. 37 degrees dies Aid are, that are doing so ied and extended upon the tax dupTITLE, AT LEAST W. 96 chains to the- said Miami Rive.. ir"m an operation in a Columbwt much good ior the church and com- licate and colJected by the SlItIl1e ofho~pital. mun~ty? We wilt answer their ques- ficels in the same manner, and at the thence down sl\id Miami River with I\JOTARY PUBLIO Dill'lI'en~"Well, Bill, I hear that the mcanderings thereof. 1st West High School baccalaureate sennon tions through t.he newsy Miami Ga- sume time that the taxes for general ),9,U have. .. white-cottllr job." 1.50 chain!!, 2nd, N. 60 degrees W. 5 win be preached in the M. E. church zette. So here they arc: Ruth Mur- purposes for each of said years a re Wills Drawn Estates SoUled BilUken&-'-" Yep. I went to WOJ·k chains, 3rd, S. 31 degrees, West 4.60 nut Su nday evening. ray, Lucinda Edwa.rda, Mary Wilson, certified, extended and collected. at the ,~l}n~ry, : Monday." chains, 4th S. 36 degrees, E. 6.75 The Senior class ploy will be giv- Adda Deatherage, Mabel Terry, Adah Said tax shalt be placed before and Waynesville, Ohio chaine,5th, S. 6 % degrees, W. 6 en in the-new High School auditori- Talmage, Jessie Garner, Patienu in preference to all other items and chains, 6th S. 83 degrees, W. 8 um, Thurday evening. Thom pson , Edith McKay, Ila McKay, for the full l\lI1ount thereof. Alt National Bank Ollie Jacobs, lBertha Eakin, Anna funds derivf!d from said Uu levy chains, 7th, S. 80 degrees, W. 4 ch.ins r Mr. and Mrs: W. E. Alexander Brannon, Mary Ma,JlIIon, Serena hereby reqUired shatl be placed in containing One Hundred and Sev. enty and four1t;enths (170.4) acres have moved Lo the ne.w house of. Mr. Charles, Priscillq, Harvey. Edith Da- a separate and distinct fund, which Scarfl"s, near the depot. . vis, Hannah Bogan, Lena Hartsock, together with alt interest cotlected be the same more or less. Saving and excepting however from Mrs. Carl Copsey is in a. Columbus Helen Lukins, Florence Osborn, Es- on the same shaH be irrevocably abovo desc.r ibed tract Twenty-Two hospital where she underwent an op- sie Brown, Ida Cottins, Inez Rich, pledged ior the payment of the inte rand Fifty-Seven Hundret 8 22.67) eration the firtlt of the week. Grace R ich, Vada Lewis, Martha est and principal of said bonds when and a s the sam e fall due. Gray and MariE! Jacmn . . acres, heretofore sold an dconveyed Mrs. Ed A Hartsock was called to by Anna and Hannah Kelly to ClarSECT10N 8-This resolution shnlt EYES EXAMINED Cincinnati, Sunday,· by the death of take effect and be in Corce from and ence Rye, as shown by deed recher father, Mr. Knockenhauer. after the earliest perSod aHowed by ords of Warren County, Ohio, Deed GLASSES FITTED W. Dare Sa),. law. Records, Vol. 98, page 67. .. .. The .High School commencement CrltlC8 poInt out whot the public PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Passed May 4, 1926. Por the reasons set forth in aaid witt be held in the n ew High school ·OUiht not to llke, nod atter that a IroocJ T . E . ROGERS, Mayor. petition and that the matter of said auditorium next Tuesday evening. mao, of tb. public go on pretendlDI Attest: 1liiIe as prayed for in said petition wilt Every Mill8cs Lela LIste r and Ruth Ben- the, dOD't. L. A. ZIMMERMAN. Clerk. ,be for hCo,J'lnr in the Common Pleas gave violin numbers at Mrs. E. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Court of Warren County, Ohio, on son C. Watlley's recital at the First M. or after the 1st day of June, 1926. The bug-a-boo of every w0The Friends BO!lrding Home of E. church in Xenia" Monday evenSut Who Ar. GUlltYT aald H ..t! Tatteoect.' Re.tRoom in Gl'an~81dg man's life ia dish-washing. With the Indiana Yearly Meeting of ing. Amerlcnn Vlllitor (In LoncJoD)-PSa,., Tatu.olni I.n red 8IId blue eatlftlJ hard water it is a diS8l:feeab1e. the Religious Society of Friends. Wa'n..ville. Qhio The funeral of :Mr. Harley Holton By WALTER A. SWAIN, Viee-Pres. was held at the Fliends church Sun- walter, doesu't nnybndy ever .aul!b 111 "nred tbe bald bClid of • IIIUI .ba discouraging task that reddens tbl. hotel1" Wlllter-"Well, ,911, air, appeared In a LondoR pollw ew.n .... GEORGIA MENDENHALL, Sec'y. duy afternoon, conducted by the pasthe hands, wearies the body, and ".. haTe had cqlUplnlnts."-Paee!q NDtb' SAMUEL BUTTERWORTH Main Office: tor of the Ferry church, of which he 8bow. usually ends with an unsightly; • J, MILTON KEYS s .... R.a ... was a member. £ressy film over everything. 124X South Brown Street, DANIEL H. HOCKETT "'~D Mr. CUl'tis Thompson, of the gram_ Soft water i. the houlewlfe's As Trustees of the Miami Mon'th. On, :rh.a'er REMOVE THE CAUSE w. Wo"d.,1 •• II~"" PMItIn ~.... mar room, and sisler, Miss Esther Iy Meeting of Friends. greatest boon. In It soap lathers An IIrtlllt .eots lUI much b. . _ "III your bOil a crank?" Dayton, Ohio tle _ " owttell. Thompson, of the Clear Spring IIChool Sbawhan & Brown, Attorne),s. L ' •• Wain .......... ,_n "No Indeed. Everybody in our freely, harsh washing compounds ")'nu~n t out of palotllll! a plctaM II were called to Dayton Monday morn- arm is a self-starter." ...... willtwt uVa cUr.-.. another IIllln will g~t out of IOU. are unnecessary. and the dish" .. FJO<VI<81I1 .,oW.. ~ Ing on account of the death of their .... to,,1&. dry eaally and quickly' with a polf"ther. .. " ...r .-Wb' ........ r•• l,b that pleases. Mass Day will be held at the new .. A......... ,........... - - -school building next Frida,.y. The '. O.... t ..t ~IF ..... ....... t. program will consist of the Eeighth World'. Eva ·N~w On. Hindenburg f. IIHi ••...w. - IIcIIuo.I Grade commencement, a special pro••,o.a.h.!». . ,., • 1 gram under the direction of Mr. Say•• G..... _ lit onttlar;. furnish . soft water from the cia-: ers, the music teacher, will be given by the gradea Qf the township, also tern, under constant preaaure. jusc the Hleh school. A field meet will like city water service. , Eatli'elt also be a feature of the day. automatic-nothin, to attend to! d the PQ"toffi~e nt Wayncsv IIle, 0., as Sec!,nd Class Mall Matter

At ·Cary's jewelry Shop

Every Tuesday


w ED


Wm. Robinson


Walter McClure



----_.. - - -

- - -_.-----

F.T. Martin







---_. -..----




Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.



I'W ill F . Young -


----- ..----

----- ..----




.... L'"

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Till • .L • ., ••, p·r ·o teats You

---_. - ..----


Ha. Idea ", It. EIpllllnlDC bf'l'@dlty (0 hI. little compllnloD, Bohhy 8IIld: "'ft mull.l tbat It IODr 'Irandfalher dies wlth.ut illY ebl1dru, jour father Woft't ha,.. aDd yoa ""oo't have a1lY."-BoMoa


,.---_. _...----

It.'. t/ae. J.ii.ical " '"i


tlairii to do '


.Ueetl Ford Car /rom Yoar Near.t




-- - - - -




,Wily W." Wen Itwe......

A1dIloItMd 1'0... D ...... -

or watch. Water may be plpe4 ~

bathroom and laundry. The Duro way Is the ·moc!enl way. May be hUtal1ed In,,"tbec

old or new bom--.fat ~ to tho ~ ~. Mor.


lM-l1n,- ,

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Dollee that the mOlt eb@8.rf1sl thlDI a baby leRms to III)' Is "aoot ..II)'''' Ita IkH:lal tnaUDela de.,~

-to 610" your


aabl ... loala' 1M,t11lCU.





B«aa.. p"r IDteD'IOIII eaaftot . . out If we be alleal. wol'dI haft HeD' IDYellte4. DOt to be. nit! "Ill .. pellat lb_ 0IIt. III.~

J.:~ .BURTON, Agent WaynuviJle. Ohio

fte .... a ;\11'. Flm ' r Nllurtlny.

~h,'l·h"n W!l" in Uuyt

,'••,......... -

~I'".- Kntt? -R :: spont SUnday--;: U'nARRE-N-CO.-RE-UN-I-ON



Mips Lnul'n McKln ~ y \XaS In aoy~ M~ " I '~, l " .r l I~ .•' ~r 'IR o,"i H Qwl\ rd '1n rl,l. \\ "Il' '1,1 .lyt!H1, ~(l l\rlnl·. t" n. 11 \ urdllY.



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An oecount of

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Lulu 1'(. ,,1;' "llI 'n t Ih l' \\" .,'.k. ,

l'lld 111 I )ayttlll . t ill' J..!lh' :-.t 1.,1'. M r< . •I"hll (; ilr·ny.

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l{ uF""11 ~lIlishu r y wu' in Cleve-

P. I ~- 1 1111H I M' \ " ' ral d n \,:; l u~t Wl' l·k.



~ I (· "s r'. C) r\ill " (;0'1\\' II lId lIlITOld I Or, hum sp~1I1 Su nd "y 'in l'lurk. vil lc.



bee" c"" fine d Mr. W. H. Allen Mrs . \Y . II. All l',I. ~li " Ol i,'" 1\ 1· t o th e ho u. .. slIffl'l'ing f,' 111 :III lit· I,'n nnrt ~t~ s, , I , ~J. Cadwrlg- hl Wt.'r\' I tnck of pleuri 8Y· P ay t on n:-O:lto rs. Sa turday , ~ Tilt, !"d l Ol) l ~ hC"'lci ttH~ir plirninAti o n • truck IIml 1;', ld III~/'l th is " rtprnuun. Miss lorn Lile \'isi l!'d Mr. IUIII ~1 1·. Elii ott \\·";)!'ht. of Wnuk pJ,(lI lI . t MI S. N. P . Clyb urn. nt \\',,,hinJ:lulI i II.. \'i~iI NI h i. pll r \' lIt ~ Il r. 11';.1 ~I " . 1 ~1 r". Fr .. d ~l. ",I .. 11,,,1 Mrs. L. A. C. Ii., over th e week~nd. t\ , T. \Vrlght, n f(·w hOl1r ~ . SUllIlny. Z imnU' l' ll\H Il W('!'t.' l)aylllJ\ vis it ur s lu:-; t Dr. nnd Mr~. Rolph Vnn ('c nno ~(\ n, Mr. nnd MI". Wnllcr Wi l liam ~ of Pleosa nt Pin in, 'pent SundllY wilh an d dliltlt (·n. of Kin,"mlln, R}ll'n l Slit· Mr. Dnd Mrs. J hn . Haw ke . lIrriay with !IIr. nnd M r>. J. E. J an lI L'y .

D"rll- T v JIll'. lI"d !III's. N'ul, on Th" rn . c,f Se \,t·" Mil.,. Oh ill. o n SlltMr. lind Mr ~. Ih'rt \Il1rl .o "k an d urday, IIlny l!. u dau g hter, ,I,)nn . dllll)!,ht .. r. 1I,·tty. o f 1{"lIl,' I. w.· I' ~ din lIe r g'UI·. t, " f Mr. Illt" JIl l". J . E. ~ I c ­ 1I1r. Iln d i\l n •. I. Blurh, ,\f Sprin g' Ch,re. S undar· Valley. 1I1 r . 1I11t1 !III'" ]\(ycr H YlIlan nnd family , \\'1.'1'1 ' ill LebRI1l1n ~u n duy Sn"e YUllr old carp ets nntl I' U)(" ufl e rn ollt1 , and !te t "Wcarwell" Hul!" mild I' . Srncl f or prict' li ~ l. Franklin Hug Mr. C. M. Noc h (l l ~o n, of Milwau- Gu .• Frllnk li n, Ohio. k('e, \\,i R" ~pcnt Snlu l'(lllY 1\1,,1 S un dRY with hi s paronts. l\Ir. Rnd Mrs. Th!' HI. He\, . Theodore 1. Ree~c, o f L. Ni cholso n. ' n lumbu ~ . will I1\nk~ hi s unnual ,· i~· itation to ~t. Mnry 's paris h ncxt F ri. Mrs. J . B. Chapmnn . of Cinc in nati . dllY c"('ning, at 7 ::10 . tl' pr elld. 111111 is spending a few days with h er m oth- ndnlini Rter contirml\li on. er and grnndm othcr .. Mrs. Lizzie Baily and Mrs. Lina Devitt. Mr. lind l\Ir~. M. A. Co rn e ll. of Route 4, e ntertained Sunday lh (' fOI. I,.w ing ~\le ~ ts: Mr. ond Mrs. HarMr. Ral ph Lee, of Dnyto n, wiil of . ficinte at St. MaTy's church, n ex l old Fnrra.r, Miss Velmn orn ell, lit ... Rev. J o hn J. HII%e ll Stockijtili. o f Dayton , Mr. IIlId SundllY morning. Schae ffer will conduct services nt IIlrs. ~rn 'Sl Butterworth. MI \ un d Mrs. W. K Corn('lI. Washington C. H.



Mr,. :--:l'll i" Snnle r . o f Le IJ an o n, g u,'sf. MII,,;lay. (O f Mrs. L. V .

Bl"lI u ;-.tralt'r .

Th .. infant I'llil d "f III r. lind Mr . S :d ! ~ IHl n',

pf (,h'\'el alld,

i ~ vC'ry

I Jlll:U!1 I1IT lli l.

M t'» r ,. Janl\" J-:. ~ l r(,llIr(' lind I-:nrl ( 'UH f ll' !" W(,,' rt' il l C ifl t' inllHl i, Tu sdny, on htlsi l\ t.'~!'O .



LOCAL TIN SHOP CHANGES HANDS J . E. Frazier, wh o ha s condude<l

If the wellt her mun i. k inti nnd ~u.llu bl' we Rtl\. e r, tht' flrKt 11II ~\' bnll gUll\c of thl' I<)cal ~c n 50 n will pllly"rl uL Philli ps pnrk n ext unoll)' IIflernooll. Th t' Sou th Ll'bnnon l eullI will Ill' Ih e :IIi · ilurlun \V IInli ·. oPllon<'IIb>. lh.· c.ruck ~O Ulhl iu w pilcher fruln la rksvilll', IIntl his r .. ~ ulur clltcher. nn Li. whl'1I :-I t ' \' 1' II (' nl' ~ (If J\ ~rnve l Dun Os burne will do the IJIIUt'ry work I m ill Wc/'(' e1,·milt·e1 IIl1d ahullt I,UOO for th.· IIli umi,. wh ile Wil.o n IIml f," " o f lmc k IU I'II up . i:)uuth will plobuhly do like "t'rvic,' C\lr vi s iL()r~.


Ttu.-' I\,linmi :-; L' d und e r l he

Prt'nd l"t'g-a :-:t .


"trullg teulll o f fn st I'UIII Igs lc I's in th c field ti.i. yenr. They W ~ l1t lu Suuth Ldlanon IU Sl SUll tluy bUI ra in " hp ~l'h nll l IHl ard ptl l lip n 111 ' \\" nU l! SI<lPlled the gl~lll t' [II' f" r ' til<' '''''',.•. petit· til till' t: rlld t 1'lI ildi Plr t il ::, wCt'k . "" ry live innillJ,(s 1\1111 h""l1 1'111;'".1. A· Tit ., .J lll1 illl" (l llll' I Ilf :\I1H' I'j,';l 1l !'t·t e , pi('u sin){ fl'utur ~ or lit l' ('lInt~ :-> t. was l:h llll it'~ ,L!a \ 't.' tlh' m 1\ nU L!' \\hid, will thl! work of thl' Mi ll ll1i' :-\ r cv uIl111"d hI.> PI'tA ~ " 1I1 ,·d I II I III' ~ l' hHlIl t'li tho' illfll'ld- SuUel'thwllitc lit Ii " l. 1':,lllllti da." " f t hl' ~"'Ih ,'r', ( 'llI b "klli.,. Tom Hurtun lit seco ntl 1\'l\tl , hurl, 1111.1 Go ns at thild. Wi l h It lillie "' PI'(' T ht" ~ h uhh, lr y \', h ie'li \\' a ~ p u n: h:l~l'rl wol'k lind practiCe t UJ,(c th c r. Ihere four y,H.ngsle rs won 't lJe luki nJ,( t Ill' ~ d h y th ,' ~ Il'" td' \Va ) . tl' '; I' Ii It·. 1\11' du s l uf nil \' Ulllulc ul' infieltl c(lIIl I'; l.h,t'll I-ol'l out , lI' d i:-. g- n ': n l.v HP PI'l ·ci a · It'd h y tili ' !"-l'i l t ll r l. nation . ' . J\ nd no n't for-Irel lhat "UI' lJ utt; ·1.1 will hl/ ld up th~ir' ".111 ... 1' Ihe ,t r illg . !'-iay .. !'-inm ~lqlJ oI y Hilt! d t.'lll an d an' too , Alt (,){cthC'r it '~ H dUlld \' ~(lll d l num, and if yo u tJf'ljlly ),.!"LlO ti ha :-. l' ha ll t ht ' ~la llll';-" l' twi ll:-; of thl.' l: ('('l IH'llI i,,' y o u cnn ' t alr(Ird to lII i~~ hlly o f t h e ir eire)" , g'amt' R, ('oUle tl U\\ n . IJ l, xt ~lI ll dny.

lH HI til.




hU \'l' 1 ~{,c l1 r C-() !'J!'H ll i z IllUIWJ,!'t' l1ll'l l l I) f J( I ~~ (' and t ' XIH' c t lo hu ve H

M" . Mnl1\,· II nt n"I" un ci ~o n. Walk- n linners shop hel e fur the pnst sev· alln hp lp 'lII rl tIll' l,,,p

e l', lin d Mi., ~ 1 \l1'l!' ltI'et MllrlHtt were "t'IIl yell,s , hus ~v ld hi. in leresIs to Kemp & Jurdan, of Suuth (,hllrles· ill Da y l"n la, 1 Friday . tnn, who look PO 'Sl,.~ ion Mondny Mr •. N. A. Ki ng , Mr•. Walt('r EI. mo rnin~. "'Y an c\ ~I ". Kenll l'th Eb.ey wt'rc T h e~e genllemllJl come to town . llOpp ill l!' in Da y tun, todny. we ll rec?mm.e nd od. nnd h~vc been • II. the tlll sollth nnd piumblllg bUBI, . oess for many years in diffcrent ~r . .ond Mr~. 1 . I. Wa y •. r.:~. an~ 1'"1 ts of th e slUt(~ :I~I ~ . L y. Bnrnhart, of .ClJlclI1nati. Mr . I'razier purchase d the shop \,.s lt cd [rlends he re , Sunday. fro m J . H. Co l e m~n several years aJ:o, nnd by his courteous treatment LO S T--On e :!o x:! 'rJ Ginnl II . D. tire. lind ~ood work, has won the good Finde l' pleas<' r eturn to Mcll oh's will of his patron. In this vicinity, t:Hragl', Way ne""ille , Ohio. ·m20 who a. e loathe to have him give up lhe work. Mr. Frazier is und ecided Mrs. Lucille Berry, of Lebanon, nt the present time as to what he spent the week ·elld with Mr. and Mrs. will do. JIlO1 es S. Va ndervo rt, of Roul e 2.

A handsomo aign, eJectrlcally IIlhtA brolti'n f\nng(\ of u wheel on Lhe fron t '/1 1' fOf It f n ,ijfht. It'ldn NIUJ<cd ed, )I\'c~c nte d to Wllyncllvillo lodwa 1\ \\l"'l·k 0 /1 llu.' Pc nl1 ~)oIVllnill li ,IQ. by me mbers of Lobanon Lo'd/r8, h .. lI"nl ' J, t, All cic nt, cllrly Mll n.IIIY 111(11'11i~, ixh.' cn Cltl':'; \\",' rc (1~l'nU e d 1\11<1 hecl! p laced lit the I. O. 0, F, ball. Lh" trLH'k \\'II~ tlll'U liP f l' l' II hundred At th rcgulllr meeti ng layt w (Ok, : :rund MnMtl'r G. 1". Brown, Mr. HarfCl·t. T h .. hl'l1k clllflll \VIIS (',,"g lit ill th e;' I y Ifill and Mr. Ru ssull, of Leba(I('lr ri ~ a lit! hi s I" ~r \I'll" hl' ''k~ n in Iw o .. li n lodge, were present a nd Mr, pl l\r~" . The ,\t' t' ill ,' nl cIIII~Pfl II tit, ln y lIill in u vl ca Hing nUlllner mllde the 111 Ih t, IIIl1il ~ 1111 dn\' lIl, tllel UV. " I·{'sc ntation. I. nlc r in thl' d u>' H WI'l", k \\'1\ 5 ro~ The gifl III vel'y much appr'ecia ted purted frOIll P ln lln i ll l', IIcu r Ci ll(· jn ~ by th(' 10cIlI lodge.

DEATHS n. 1'hompsa~died at the home hi" dnughter, Mrs. Raymond Ilnrtsock, ill Dnyton, Monda)" after 1\ IOllg illness. M,'. l'htll1ll'Hon, with hi8 ra,nily, . {'u llle 1ll'l'e s"vl'ra l yellIN ngo and took l'IlIll'J:C of lhe ChriRtio n church. LaIt'l' th ey mo\'l''' to the S. L, Cart" ridlt flll'm. FI·,,,n t he r e they I I.~ !llt\vcti to Lytle, where he tIIught. . 111' s l'lIDO!' Th,' fun£!rnl will he held at the d~. ~glot ,' r· " hum e Thursday afternoon .,l l! ,,'clock. Day to" ti lll l!. Rev. N. .h ,hn s,, ", o f I~crry, will officiute. P.


. A bt'llutiful cage does not feed lho bird. - I'roverbs of Russia.

" f1' \\'il h "


Filml plqns for Iht' 8'1" uul W:trr" 11 County Track anti Field M.'c l l O hl' held at t hl' Lbcano n Fui r ~rou'OlI . , Friday. Mny 8th, wos mud e III II meeting of the fllcully repre sel\ til · tives of schools of the counly. III Lebanon last SaturdllY ufl" :. 1II 0.1 1l . There will be no radicul chan!res from last year in the mannl'r ill which th e eve nt will be conducted. The m ~~t will beKin !If"y 8 . III 9 :O() in the morning (Centl,,1 Stand · ard time) and will be ill ehurl' c of six compet{', I "melllls secured fro m the Regular meeting of Miami Chapter athletic ,, <'nllr ru . lit of Miami UniEastern Star lodge No. 107, Monda)' versity, Oxford . evening, May 11, A full attendance Entrie~ for lIH meet will be divid - I is d esired. ed into t hrc~ ch sea which a: c as .\DA COURTNEY, w, M. follows: I Clas.~ A- A 11 first grade hiJrh SUE HAWK E, Sec'y. schools j . th e Cl t' nty which nre L"b· an on , Franklin, KIngs Mills, Waynes . ville. Mas on, Mor low, Otterbeit. anll Springboro. Clnss B- Th e grades of the above nnmed schoo ls. ~Cash Class C-All other schools in the county including small villag e ~c h oo l s and one-room ruruls. As form erly. CUflS will be awnrded the sc hools winning In clll' h class and medals and Iibbons to i!1 dividuals winning the variouR event~. Lebnnon high school is now in pos· .See session of both the high Bc hool nnd 880-relay cup while ~'ranklin · hn s lhe g rade cup nnd Carlisle the rural cup.



farmImplements "Good Equipment Makes aGood Farm Better" Good Crops Depend upon the Good' Preparation of the Soil. . .ProperTillage andCultivation can be done only with Good Implements. Right now we have a complete stock I of New Idea and Black Hawk Manure Spreaders, Oliver Plows, Oliver Disc Har-ll rows, Black Ha wk and Superior Corn , Planters, Buckeye and Oliver Cultivators, both single and two row.


H a l1V e ysburg\ Or-

undllY , April 1 9 t1" I)eld nt Lo a Il~el,"', Cnl., wns tlnt to 11.. V. WaL ter editor of 1''rod's A vartlser, Lebun ,;n. II few dAYS IIgo b ~ Willium ~ . A nlrum, form erly of thIS county, 111 whkh he llnY ~ : " Ab out 100 former l·cs idenL. of Warren cuunty were in nltl'nd/lnCl', lind ~uch II din ner - fri cd thickl.'n lind a ll th\) trimmi ngs . . Chlls. CIl'ml'n ts ' dllllghler, fon" erly of Way n~ s ville. Wfl , there a ntI May, boy., , hi' finc twin J,(irl", fuur yellrs "Id, t ill' niccst Oln S you eve r saw . Ikcy ~t"ut and wife and tw o boy sI kl'Y i~ /I teu ch er in the Venice s('ho ol. .iuhn Cummin s, of ncnr Orl·gu ni". Oti s HlI dl ey lind f,~mily, Bud Alls .. n ·~ fomily, Bill IIntl J oe Grimes lind tlH' ir fllmilieR and "ther.. Snw C" rwin Suge, formerly "f Lebanon, a few dars "go, alld he is looking fi li I' and',. stickin g wilh the same pl'op lc he ~,a~ be en with fa r yenrs." .


!'ic k w i t h




----_ ..



\\'l' \., k,

L l ' l'll


. Ki n~. of In dinllcpo1is, egon in unci WlI,yn esville bnsk t PICniC provides nnything Iik

~II<~ ('~ Tri llcIlll I\ rfl M·ITj.!ar I ftl· I iF ,· bitin~. 1'~l nth'e " helle. ' , \ d :: \H11' hi l) nytP ll. M (l ll(la y l\tH.l ! Pirr, Hoy Chc n owth, of . Cil ia. 11':, " a WaYIH'."i li visitor, Sun clll Y· 1'1Il' 'Il ny. . 1 M l'~. ". S. Jo: lli s :lnd Mr.. lurence RYl' IV,'! c ill l1" ytoll, t otillY· Born- To Mr. Il nd Mrs. Ha r old FriL'IHIM Qllal'I('I' ly lIl\'('tillg 1I,,, t Or8IJ ur n, Sll lllrdt\y. Mn y 2, 1(J~r,. II ::;"tII1'lIIlY alld :;'" ,Iuy It til<' Wh ile ~h'.,,·~..John ,j lllle" 11110 Philip 1I0p , 8On, Uri k ~lCl'lin)!h,nl :-' l" .hill!' " ... r' in iJuyt ull h.duy.

~I i."



~Ir. K<'n \l('l h 1'lIbon. of nay ton, ~"r~. Grn c~ 1.. , niith wos in Cinelnfh c week.(' tl \ il h I·" lnlil'e~ , na U l a~ 1 w\'l'k.

I' '!I t Mr: . "mma Dak in wu:; in Dnr- h,'I'I'.

Mr. alld lilt's. J. O. Cllrt 11' 1 i)!,ht /lnd duughte r • • 1 1~ nt Su n dllY ill S prill)! ' field . .


f85 00

Weare offering Double Disc Harrows at the special price of... .,

We also have some Used Corn Planters and Cultivators, and one Oliver Sulky Plow These are all in good running condition.

FRED M. COLE Hardware. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville. Ohio

Mrs. W. P. Sillisbury has returned to her ho me In Clevellmd, pfter " pillnsant vis it with her chddren, here. Mr. Robert BU I ton, of Detroit, spe nt the week -e nd with his )larent.. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jesse Burton Md family. St. Mary '~. Guild will meet al the home of Mrs . W . S. Graham on Thursday afternoon, May 7, nt 2 o'clock. lIlrs, Fred M. Cole and Mrs. L. A. Washburn m otored to Georgetown, Saturday, for the week·end, returning Mondny. Mr:. Ge orge Earhart, of Hamersv ille, Ohio. is the Kuest of Mr, and Mrs. F. M . Colc. Mr, Earhart is an uncl e of Mrs, Co le. Mi ss Glenn Whcaleri nnd MIll. Ozins, of Dayton, called on the MiM_ es Trillena and Margaret Edwards S unday afternoon.


BREAD Square Layer Cake ;a~:.nd.rfUI nl~"" 25c Country Club Milk ~:::. 25c Country Club, im p r o " - l ed lu .." 1 ~ .lb. 100af ...

..... ......

Kellogg's Corn flakes Butter

. . . . 47c 37c

Fre.h chur_d, Ib


Fre.h ronelo.od, 2 Ib. .. ...

. . . . ..

~::~:::~~. . . .. 19c

Gingerale Elltra Dry, bottlo .

Beans N .... y, 2pouad. for

. . . . 1Dc . . . . 15c

~~'!~ S.1.65 ~p.~.~~~ad 12c r..~.~~~~~ 25c !~!~d~~P~! . . .,. . . 19c


..... .........

.Highest Price Paid for

Miss ·1.etitia Schatzman, of Ma.disonville . w ho hilS been visiting Mr. /lnd Mrs. W . O. Raper, r eturn ed to her ho mc lllst Friday . Mr. lind Mrs. J es.qe Wright, of Springboro, and l\fr ~. Julia Donovnn were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrig ht, I lldt F'ridIloY, . Mr. and Mrs. David Armstl'ong, of Dayton , Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Kerrick and Mrs. Bertha Lewis spent Sunday at the home of IIl r. ~o hn Beach, easl of town. The Wonllm's Auxiliary wiil m eet with Mrs. Cadwallade r and Mrs. Thomns. on Satu rd ay a!tel'nopn, May 9, at the hom e of Mrs. Cadwalla der. Nole the change of date from Fridsy Those wh o IIttended the funerlll of Jo hn Price, of Xenin, last ThurRd"y, werc 1I1r. J o hn Beach, Mr, !lnti 1111'S. Jo se ph Disbrow, Mr. and Mrs . ,Jn01e5 Kerri ck, Mrs. Lidll Smith nntl 1\1 ... Howm'd Archdeacon . Amonil t~c l'('lutives und fri end s from u dIstance wh o Ilttended the fulIeral . of Em /nor S. Baily lust Thurs. dll Y. wl're MI' . lind MfR. Warner Devitt. Mr. Gl' org e S. Bllily IlncJ Mr~. E. V. Unmhart, of CincinnatI.

Tourlngs Sedans Coupe. ' Roadsters Trucks

Cheap For Cash Come In and Look Them Over


Everett Early

Waynesville Motor Co.· Phone 105

Waynes\·"'., Ohio'

LrU,e, Ohio

MI~" E li zabeth Chandler and her friend, Miss Edna Goode, of Green· field , s pen t Sunday wjth ber mother, Mrs. SJdn ey Chandler: .







are all'


the g(.od

when applied lothe right column. You can sell your goods ' quickly by inserting on ad. in the


-.--, Suit. ..4=


A Big ~Dalnage

Miss Ina Lindman. of Bos ton, Mass. , will be with Alta. Ki zer, the Home Agent, to give a demo nstrnti on in the canning of chicken, at Reibold's hall, Mason, on Thurs day afternoon, May lHh, nt 1 :30 o'clock and at Lebl~non Farm Burea u office on Friday aiternoon, Muy loth, nt 1.30 p . m. The principles used in the canning of chicken nrc a lso appli cnb le t o other meats. Throughout t he ye-ar II" t he c hickcn ~ are cull ed the discllrdcd birds may be c'lInned ready for immediate use durin g Il bus y time. Using the culls in this way e liminates sellin g them when the market price is low. Anyone intereeted In the conning chicken or other mellits is especially urged to be pl'csent.

May be brouaht e ..ein.t JOU for peraoaal I_jury or dameae to property of other., tb .... " .. b aa automobile accident.

Of cour •• , you .re a c.ref ul .U . _ b.., .ccidenla heppea ju.t tb. nm., Tbero i. ollly one .al. tbiaa to ....., .ad tI•• e I. to carPublic Lit bilitr and Property Dama ... I.,uranc•. Wo are able to quote ,,011 .I!ry low rat •• oa tIoJo cia •• of co.era.e. ' . .


--- ----



The Chamber of Commerce, Rota. ry Club Ilnd Western SUlI' IIrc back·

Messl,;. Wulte r Mc Clure, E. 1.. Myer Hymun , C. M. Ro bit. zer, J. O. Cartwright, L. A. Zimmer. nl/Ln, G. J. Wuterho use. J . W. Edwa l·ds.. II. A. Cor ne ll, and J . B. Pellc e nttended th e Sh lin e Ceremonial ut D"yton, Friday even ing. Th o m/l ~ ,

Mr. and Mrs. R. 111. Pin e, Mrs. Watkins, MI·8. Nettie Gilhens, of Dnyton, Mu. an d l\1rM. 'D ellrlh Shee. hun, of ne a r Springbor o, Mr. Carl Cro il, of Franklin. nnd Mr. nnd MrK, Wnltcr Sheehan were Sunday guests of Mr. und Mrs. Elmer Sheehan and dau gh ter. Mr. Dllnicl Morgan and family, of near. Ltlbanon. hud as their dinner g uests, Sunday, the following: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gray and daughten Imogene and Alida, Mr. and Mrs: Stanley Gray and daughters, Claudia and Josep hine, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Hob.son nnd 80ns, Ralph, Ray and q.lenl1, and Peter Bear, Ha;rry Colhn s and Dewey Grooms, all of Wellman; Mr, and Mrs, Rpbert Freeland and Bon, Cecile, of Harvl})'Iburg; Carl Ridinger! of Spring Valley; a!ld Mr.. Mary Wdson and daughter, Elenore of Wilmington, '

-_ ..----


f ..........


The store of- Emerson .· Surface! at Ridgeville, W88 broken into C1uring Tue8day .night. A bunch of auto tires, a lot of BUgaJ!, clava aud tobaccQ were taken, It is thought that the work was done b;r auto ~."ea.


'Spring graena

an' keeping up &be

price of cured ' meata u UIWI1.

Miamli Gazette

ing a scheme to c1enn up their town . Boys will clean up Lebanon in n contest to see wh ich ones cnn colIcct t he grentest pile of rubbis h. There will be six divisions, thus giving the boys in tbe various sections of the town, fair co mpetitio 1\ in their own n eighborhood s, Prizes of $6 in gold will be given· to the boys gathcling the largest pile of trash and rubbish, IJ)lId $2.60 il\ gold wtll be given to thc boy winnin g second place and 011 to:p of all the , Western SlUr will give $10 in gold to the boy having the biggest pile in town. The city has agreed to remove all tradh without cost,

---_. - ..---RESOLUTIONS

Whereu. God in His wisdom, has called from earth to her eternal :b::fo:eub. al:ter Mrs. Ella Beach,



Han..a'• .Lultro-F'mish ut.

You can give new to okl 1urnit\U'e and scarred 8aora with Hanna's ~Finiah. Jt stains and vanuShes atone -'ppUca~op.: M@k~allthin..

Resolved, That we bow our heads in submilllion to th!! will of our .... _..a C"'::: tJf••1 D';;' enly Father. Tha.t we Sincerely --':!'~ -f':'!': ~~U ..." ~~ mourn the 108B of a true and falth,.ista wear; fa ~ ~ ~ ful member of our club, _..111 t Resolved, ' That we, as members of ",~. no - , . 1 The Ha:rpy Hour club extend to her l,uBban and eiater" our heartfelt SOLD Sf " 'l sympathy in their ead bereaVllment. s ' Resolve\l, That. we will ev~r cherish 'W' the m~mor1 of her' life untll .we meet A . • " . agAin In the home of ·the Redeemed, Wa~elvl·II., and , be it ;tllither ' . . ~ . ,. • Thatmlnutea these of resolutions 11!!~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!~~!!!!~!!!!~!!!lI!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!IM!!II.-"" I,t) Reaolved, copied-on. tbe the club, I' at • and a copy be "ent to the family. . Frances M. Satterthwaite, Lydia Vandervoort, Opal Reaion, Com.





0 I ey-PaceD" ' .. Co. Ohio . " .




t ·

seven ty·Sev enth Year




\ hO'\e N umber 5M3


ATTENTION, JUNIORS! CLOSING PROGRAM MEMORIAL DAY NOTIGE CHIGKEN CANNING I from the 1theTheVeteran r eg ular me eting of Ali member s or'the Junior Order Of THE GURRENT s the 87th Division A. are requeste d to mect at th e hall, on vf chickcn will Io l' J ::10 F., walS held at the Leg ion headSta te • Cap ital quarter ill chal'i':" of tl'" ComFriday morning , Mny Ilt 0 s, 320 Broadw ay, Cincinn ati, cillu. B'·lIsh ar" •• "f nttend the ce l'emonic s conSGHOOL YEAR , May at 8 p. m. Cafe- o'clock, i ~' Prepa red by i teMonday nected with the rio mon~hly


1\lcmo ri n l




J :45


...... ...... ...... ...... ..

Bri ef His tor y of the Wa rre n Cou nty No rma l



The annual convent ion of the Ohio State Eclectic Medical Society II belnr h.ld here today. with del· prea!n~ frJrP.l aTmoat every vI th, .ta~, Anothe r conv.nttoo wblob baa .attracte d many from th. rural countle . beIng held blfN thiI week II that of the Wom· en'a Homeop athIc Leecue of Ohio. On June 2, a and , . an attenda nee of apPl10n mately 600 II IXMe d .t the annual _Ion of the Ohio Hospl~ tal ...odaUon .

tiP.;, ,Dlln' ,

Th. tJIhod I.itlnr of oontrac ta for lIIchwa , Improve ment I. IICheduled for Fltday of nen week when approxl.lll atelJ ,1,600,0 00 worth of contracte will be let by the state high. wa, d.partm etlt. New h~hway. in nine. counU.. are Included in the letuni, On. of the provisio ns beln, that *orlt eltall ~rt at ~ce an4 mOlt, of til. jo';, .... to be aomplet ed yet



~II'~- •._·-·------~-


Mr, Paul Gerlaug h, extensio n speciali st of Ohio Agricul tural collegt, and Mr. Lee Palmer, presidcn t of Ohio Woo! and Sheep Growel13 associatio n, will ~ist County Agent Clus and Farm Bureau officials on 'Tuesda y and Wednes day of next week with a series of meeting s of apecial interest ·to eve!,), sheep and wool g",wer in Warren county. Mr. E ••kine Hayea, of ' Wilmin gton, districth dlrecter of the Ohio Sheep and Wool Growel'1! associat ion, is alao expected to be here pa.n -of .th~ time. A letter jUlt received from the Cooperativ e Wool Growe'" lIIoclat ion at Columb us, states that the wool growers over Ohio seem to be talkinr lower prices, and refusin r to con· tract for t,he spring clip on .terms saL isfactor y to the sheep growen . D&talll of the wool market be fully explaine d by Mr. Palmer at the fol· lowing tehedull ; of 1!I"~np; . T •• Mla", Ma,,' It 8:30 a. ·m.-A. lJ. Talmag e, 2 mUel northea at of O~gonla. 10:00 a. m.':"-Ray ~randenb~fIt, 2 miles northwe st of Clarki ville. 1 :30 p. m.-Cly de Whltaer e, near Edward sville 8chool house, Har~ townshi p. . 8.30 p. In.-Ha rry Selmell, 8 "mUe. soutb of Jloq'o\v. ." . . , >

On Thursda y, Muy 7, about twenty of the I~nqing tobaooo growers from the noltther n pnrt of Warren county made a tour of inspecti on through the Dayton office of the Miami Valley C()-oper atlve Tobacco Growers ' associat ion, and some of the warehou ses were visited where tobocco is being received , graded and pllcked. The tr ip was arrange d under the directio n of the Dayton officials, Mr. A. D. Bond, di~ec~9r f~o!JI Warren cO"'''~f Gnd County Farm Burellu offioial8 and County Agent Cia... The Warren County farmers were first 8hown how the samples are drawn, 'claSllied, graded and stored in the central office ' in Dayton. Mr. H. H. Darst gave a brief state· ment concern ing the 1923 crop, which revealed that all the 014 to!>acco has bee" Ipld, but not yet deliver. ed, lind that the' aBlloclation will have ap'proxi mnately $240,00 0 for distri· bution among the pool member s on their 1923 crop: He showed what a complic ated jlroceaa was nece8llllry in oraer to ' aCcurate l)" ~rrlve at the true net balance to each grower, because of the frosted tobacco in· 1923 and the IYBtem of grading- used.. Several of the Warren county farmers were gratitled tp learn or the large W.........F, ....,,20 amount of money still coming to them 8 :00 ". m;-Ral ph Stib~ 2 ~ mtli!1 on ·then: '1928 ~rof" !IOuthw elt of ~l\~\\, ' . - ,,, .. ---~ ~ 10;00 a. ~.-Eva~ Ifa~e\~, ~ ~~!~ A deal wal closed bait week througlf no eaSt of Lebano n. , 1 :80 p. m.-B. V Smith, 2 ml", 10. W: N. Sears whe~by john ·W. Bean, or Warnen lUe. . .. : of Le~n\l~l p~aaed a ' 6kere 8:80 ~nt 1 \SlUt farm north of Lnle;.~aP.lC to W. noriJa of S~IMI", • G~



p: .......:pen,

Hev. c hur c h, ilayt ul1, h a!oi be en s et o null;;(., t ilt! addr '~~, ,an d a

~G racc

mess at G:30. This meeting llrescnt.uti on of a f1ug waH th o most importa nt of the to th e Grade Schoo l by Miami Valley yoa r. Lieut.-C ol. Rll lph D. Co le, of Counci l. Plea so bo Jlrompt, b"e~h~'indlay , presiden t of our state assoren . Wo will. pqaitive ly lellye the ciation, was Jlrt'sent to help with hu ll ut II o'c lock. Columb us, Ohio- Then! has been ul'l'lIngcm(,nts for the Seventh Annual Hcunion , Septemb LYMAN DAY, Coun se llor. er 6, G an d 7, much ado nbout a few prj.oner s fro m ROY PIGOTT , n. S. the peniten tiary being employe d in Lubor Duy, 1925, at Cincinn ati. the making of paving block brick, und as a result some sharp words huv e palllled. Governo r Vic Donahey didn't give the nlleged brick trust a s lap on the wrist, but gave it a kick which make" it much more convenient to cat standing up. The latest objectio n is that it deprives coal miners from work at the indepen dent c1aymal ring industri es. As a The Worren Cou nty Normal class Miss Beulah Kindle.'. matter of fact, it requl1'Jl!8 just as will hold th ei r -comme nce ment on CllLsa of 1!llG- 17 - Alice Carey, much coal for the atate to burn brick Wedn esdllY eveninK, M8Y 20th. at the HeJen Cook, Ednu Cornell, Hownrd as it does the private manufa cturers, School Auditor ium. The spcaker of Gustin, Gertrud e Hess, Etlie Hollings and aa the state desires to work 12 the evening is ~ o be Rev. J ohn J. wor~h, L ouella Jann ey, l'au line Marmonthe in th~ year, It 18 probabl e J . Schuffe r, rector of St. Mary's latt, Bess Smith and Hosctl!! Young. more coal would be uBed than by church. M. Clem de Bruin, who sang Class of 1!J17-1 8- Lillian DuVal, many of the indepen dent manufa c. here a few years ugo, will sing 8 num- Eleanor Earnhal lt, Jeann ette Janney. turen who are lined up with this op· ber of Bo los, oceomp anied by Mrs. Miriam Mull, Van Retallic k, Laura pOlition . The truth of the mutter is Kathryn Tumcr, of Dayton. Ro snagle, Mildred Smith, Mary Thom that the small amount of brick that The admission Is free, and the ns, Row ena Whitak er, Eugenia Whit,. could poulbly be made by the atate public is cordiall y invited, aker and Lillian Wil.kers on. would be .ueh a Imall percent age The prC>lent class conBista of the In 19 18 F. B. Harris wns chosen that It would not be noticeab le followin g : Herbert Ault, Lorrain e 8upeltin tendent of the county. Thl brick trult haa oppoaed 8UCBrannoc k, Melvyn Banta, Levi Coates Clall8 of 1918-l9 .-Marg aret Brant, ceufu'lI y tlae ol'lraniz ation of their Dora Doggett , Katheri ne Fromm, Reva Hormell , Mary Klipard , Fannie own workers , and now oppose the Helim Graham , Mildred Ivins, Hester Lamb, Muriel Leming , Elms McClure , state encacin , In a email way in an James, Louella Longacr e., Edith Mc- Rebecca McClul'C, Edna McCullo ugh, enterpr ile that ml"ht eft'ect their Kibban, K .. thryn Turn!!r and Debo· Leona McGinn is, Florenc e Stephen enormoUII profttl, To employ prison_ rah Walton. son, Lucille Taylor, Grace Walton, ers in brick makin" meane cheaper Hazel Moo re, Gladys F'iler, Maybell e loadl for Ohio tax payers, healthy Hunkins . Hi.tor,. of the Normal School work tor Idle priaonel'1l, and In no The next year 1919-20 , the schoo l Clthvl' enterpri ll8 eould thele two obThe Warren County Normal is was closed, but in 192 0 the third Jeotl bo obtained to 8uch an extent. complet ing itjl .llth successf ul year in Normal Director , Miss Edna M. How. sending out effi~ien," grade school land, waa elected. . Speolal repreaenta~lves of the state teachel'1! for thll many villAge lind 1"\1Clasa of 1920-2 1-Clur a Berryhi ll, fish and pmo departm ent are keep. 1'&1 achools of the \:ounty. Mildred Dunham , Merle Ellis, Ruth The county Normal 8chool at Way. Gibbons , Paulctt& Harbach Inr watch over the streams of Ohio , Frances to see that no ball are being caught neaville, one of the IIrst 6 to be grant Janney, Florenc e Ptlaume r, Virgil durin~ the closed seaaon. D. O. ad In the entire state, was e slnblish- Rct.ullick, Rca St.ucy, Eva Malie Thomps on, state and fiBh game war· ed in 1924, followin g the presellt a· William so n, Hclen. Walton, Lorenn den, Is elvinr this matter his per· tion of a petition by Lester Ivins, Warlick , Corinne Welch , Laura Wort then a member of the State Depart- man, Floramo nd Re ed and sonal attentio n, and has asked the Bernice co-oper ation not only of his own fleld ment of Educati on, lind signed by J. Merrell. men, but eportsm en generall y, and O. Cartwri~ht, of Waynes ville, and C1W!S of 1921-2 2-Edwa rd Burton, baa requeste d prompt reporta from Fletche r Hawke, County supecin tend- Mildred Clurk, Margare t Cia"" Ruth any person who finds another with ent at that time. Dinwidd ie, Alice Ellis, Kenneth L. Miss EllI1a Roberta was the fint Elze)", Lily Egbert, Amanda bau In their poaaeaaion before June Kessin.- It ;1I not'"' at 1111 ufi1Mly ~ that Nol'iilal director . 'Pot'at feW' 'ger, -Barliff i7rrer, Ald'a e ll Leichyears, howe ver , the school has been ly, Chas. Moo re , Alve~1l Neath this year lind next will be the last erton, open season for baSIl in the spring, under the directio n of MiSll Edna Maude Penning ton, Vivian Retallic k, Howlan d, of Wes t Union, an educato r Anna Satterth wail.c, Suella Shee as sentime nt among sportsm en genhan, erally favor, a cloaed season from or wide experien ce. Require ment Martha Shumak er, Rnymon d Smith, January 1 to June 1 of each year. for the ' admissio n to the Warren Ethel Reeder, Eva Reeder, Curtis P. Some favor a flexible season and Coun~y Normal schoo lis a High Thomps on, Dorothy Walton, Orpha would give the state "ame division School diploma , and, at prese nt, an MiJls, Helell Pine and ftfarjori e authorit y to declare the date upon entranc e exnmina tion. Thomas . The clnsses have been compose d of which the seaaon is to open, baaed on Class of 1922-23-Elsa Andrew s, IICientic research , lUI spa wing seasons the followin g: Thelma Brannoc k ·· Hazcl Burnett , Class of 1914-16- Hazel Bone, Chrystin e Crnrte, Esther ar~ differen t each year. Curtis, IIlaGrace Carman , Beulah Coon, Ma~ ry Corwin, Alida Gray, Lc Vel n c linriam Cowan, Alta Hisey, Glen C. per, Edith liarJler, Cummin s J ones, Proeecu tion is to follow the illegal Johns , Haze l Mullcn, E va Murphy , Gladys Roland, TCI'essa llyn e , Loui se UIlO of automob ile license tags, Thad Ina Perrine , Neva Young and Har- Snook, Bernic e Penning ton, Lois H. Brown, secretar y of state, haa old Mills. Wood, Albert Wilson and Mac Wutannounc ed. The fact has ' been Class of lOI5-l S-Hele n Broad- kins. brought to his attentio n that a few away, Pearl Cline, Ella Maude Davis , Class of 1!l23-2 4-Burne tt Butter_ dealers are using their license tags Janie Jones, Edytha lIfacy, Laura worth, Catherin e Burnett" Beryl Cook .for machine s operate d by individu als McKins ey, Ruttl Miller, Opal Mills, . Esther CorwIn, Eljzabp th Clark', Ray: j!n'g the eale~ml!n, In ~ar~ owned Hazel ROBS!:I, Ethjll SheeMn , }t'rlliij( man' Hatililld', Lott ie Leaf, Hiley Saylir \)iemsel ves j!rll \lsjn/,!: tP\l tags of Sqnires, Mllrjorl e Turner, Bcatrice lor, Elizabe th Sheets, Hilda SettleUle dealer which COlt only ,2 per aet. Ullum, Pearl Young, Freda Young, mire, Ruth Tomlins on and Harry Secreta! ')' Brown hN ruled that even The second Normal director wos Turner. ~h9\lgh the oars lire being Uled by tho ..losmen for demons tration ,pur. POlltS thell-,m ust carry an individu al owners tag, and not that of the deal· er, If an), car In stock ill uled for persona l or family pUl'poses, it la neceBBary to obtain regular paaseng er car license tap for them.

Colum bus Repo rter

1ll ~ l' c i a l



" hl~' I1 ~"' ill~

c ured

H \'. Wllshbu nl will ha, e chllrgc

uf lhf.~ buc calul.l'rc a te ~(! I'\'ic 'l!~ , Sun da y ('v ~ ll ill/: , May 17, nt th " M. Ii:. chur ch

fUI' t.h L' r

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On y u t1'uugcn1(!l1t s are

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R<,' ib;lld'!'4 hall. 1 ~1 , and nt. tll<'

"I' lill ' ~"l lll\lng" ~i\ "11 ;,' p.

I\1J1 !\ II I1 .

Thur ... dny ,

1':'\Lt'n",ll l1 ,\).!PIlI ' Fr-idil ~', )I a y 1;1111.

o lli e t'. l. C' iJnl\lI l1, :\I i ~s Ina l. indllI:tn , or BtI!'- I H I I , will a .. l"\ i ~ l J\l if. s l\.i Zl ' !·, 11 ~IJlH' '\ V"llt , \\lIh Ih e dl' 1l111I1 !o1. lratiH Il-:. ' I I .. , l'rillt'ild "

~~ tlr t Idd\ !'1 1 \\, , 11 bl' t'lI app" ill tl' d : J) ('curat ill~ , Mi"" a l ~ 1I apply til IIt iJP I' n l( ' .I\ ~, .\ I all\' ali\,!' A II"II: /lowe l", i\11'". 11. I':. lI:1t h W(,ll1 l 'l\ tnk l ' l'H J ~' lit" tI lt , ("1111 .. in till Ie Il\\:l y a ll d ~I I'~. Edi th Jill''I'i" ; t rhll S' Hock Th c Hi gh Sehou l Ctlll1l11l' nC{,lll cll l ill lhi:-: \\ ltY, :l lld Lhll ... :lIw:I.:-. ""I'latio ll. l't'ullk Ze ll; " p cllk~r's e x~ r c i ses will be Iwld ~I ay ::: 1, at th e ha ve H stl pp ly IIf 1111'11 1 'III hHnd l:q'! ':; LBno, \\, :tiLl' I' C'U :-It ; c1 eCl11'nt in)! Ca ll t'IllI' I ·~l.' rH: y , Gynlllasium at 8:00 p. Ill . Mr. Thl' 1>\11 .111' is l'lIt'd,;dl' ,' I nOli, 1111'S. WU ltl'I' Ca st ; parki ng, JlI\'i h ,d l u all l ' lId ulH' 41 1' lhl' ~ " 111\' I'l · W. Cookson will be th e spcak e r of Frallk 1';lIwlI ulld Wil bur Clal'k. i ng's, lh e cvcni ng . PI·of. WaLki,, " wi ll fut'ni sh tI", mus ic. E 't ryonc is in vited.

beg'inning' at 8 :0 0 p. In.

uS\.' d





~o u dmi ~~ i o Jl .

The Latin cI.nss is putting 0 11 the Him, Julius Cae~nr at the Gymnas ium M"y J4, beg in n ing lit 7 ::10 p. lit. F rcc ... Im i,s iull for schou I ('h ilrlr~n above the Fifth gradc; all 01h 61' t en CCllt~. Mi'M I'hillips, o f 'hilud"'l 'hia . t a lk · cd ~o th~ High ~th u,, 1 un d Ei~hth grade Illst Munday ' on t.he E ll bj ~ c t of " ln ~~rnutional Peace." lIIiss Phi llips exp lain'ed the very practica l plob lem s th a~ are being Lukell up by the Lengue of Nations ., --. -

The Senior cia", uppreciu te the pntrona ge of th,a' eommu nity a~ th eir product ion of "Dadd y Long Legs."

Sen ior Class Pre sen ts "D add y' Lon g On Tu eKclay evcnin g', Ma)' J 2, the Sc ni, ,,·, ' jll"""lltc d th e ir pla y. "Duddy LUIl g' 1.1'1« ," ~u 11 capadty huusc. Thl:' pillY is thu ~ of a POu l' g irl t. ruught up in UII orphulla ge. Besidss being' industri ous and he lpfu l ill Illllk_ illg' aft ' r t he s muller child""11 of the home , Rhe possessc!; unu sual ~"Ient. 'I The sce lle opens in th e di ll illg r oo m of the J GI' ~~ I· h(tIllC, on TI'ustec 's dllY. r.ltss I' n ehal'd , who ha s f or M mc time bcell inte l 'c s ~ed in t he orphml, uppcul ' to one of Lhe I'i eh tru s· tee., whu a t li l'Rt refu scs to help the g ir l, but l at ~ 1' r e lcnt . and pays her W ily thr ouj!'h coll .. gl' IIndc r th e co n,lit ion t hut his hlen ty shall lIul ve

The Normal comrm' llcemen t' exerc ciscs will bc held at th e Gymnas ium May 20, beginni ng a~ 8 :00 p, Ill. Rev. J ohn J . Schnelfel', lIf Dnyton, will delivc·r the address of thc eve nThi s secrecy givcfi rise tu mnny ining . A number of Ro los will he furlIi.hed by 1. C le m de Bruin. Ev('ry- lc r l'xlillg" und umu ~ ing circulllst llnCCB one cord ijl ll y invi ted . No udmissio n. which furnish un evellillg o f good entCl·tainm c nl. The CII Rt was well scA SENIOR . I cted, each charact er being very creditab ly portray ed. A Vt'ry good musical program was given during intermis sions,



IIII·s. Anna C:ulwftl lauer and Mrs. E. L. Thoma:! wele ' ho stcsses to the Women 's Auxi\i.arYr ::iaturei'IlY IIftel'no on, May II, at the ,home or the for mer. " , T he me etin&, ,,~ opened with II ~ idro1:i sclectici'n, "Ncarer My God to Th ee." Th e d evoti on lll s nice was conuuct ed by th e presi dent, Mrs. Cudwal lader. Bible quot.ati v ns were g ive n in response to roll call. The minut es of the Inst meetiJ;g were read and. 1'0Uline bus iness was disposed of.. The presid ent ann ounced ~h e unn ... nl meet ing to be held Muy 20, 27 at Glendale an d nallled as delegllte s, Miss Kather ine Prende rgnst. Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. J . E. McClur e; niternlLtes, Miss lara Lile, :Mrs. L. A, Zimm c l'lllul,l anti JllI·s. 1I111ry Cnskey. Hostcss cs for thc Jun e mccting nrc M18. Ronald Hawke and Mrs. J. Wil· son Edward s. The fo llowing program of music and read!ng s 'WIIS t hen g iven: Victrola Mu sic- "A Dream, " ". " .". Bnrtlctt "He Gives Twice Who Gives Quick. Iy .... " ........ Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man "Trienn iul Thank Offcring of the Women of t he Ch urch .......... . " ............. " ... l\Il'S. F. B. Hend e rson Music"" . . . ... "Abide with Me" " Do You Know " . . lI1iss Katheri n e Prelldel'gllst "Chines e Girls, Bless 'Em,"" .... Mrs. J . E. McClur e "A Busy Parish A mong the Cotton Mills of the Sft u t!l Mr'8. J . W. Edwal'd s Music- "Te Deum" -Dudlc y Buck A ftcr adjoul'n ment Il delig htful hour wus spent socia lly over de licious refreshm ent.s. Invited guest.!! wore; Mrs. J. C. Crabbe, 'MI S, Alvin Earnhar t, Mrs. Ellen Johns, MIr.!. Fred Gons, Miss May W right, MillS Mary Thomas , little Miss Be tty Hartso ck, Mllsten Frank Hawke and Robert Gons. ------~.,~--


W1LL PREAC H BACCA LAURE ATE The bnccaill urente service \vill be held in the M. E. church. SundllY evening , May 17, at 8 o'clock. Special music is being prepare d jlnd Itev. L. A, Washbu rn will preaoh the Ber· mp\!:

GHANGE· Of RATES _ _ -. Be,inni n, !~a" ZO, 1925, the Miami Gautte will ~a~ a char,e of .1.00 for aD Obituary , publi ....d iD It.• columD ., and aa addition al "ba~ •• of S~ \,e'" t, 'O!' a Card '9f TLallb. Tlii. i. in' i '" .., confo~mit,; w ii.t h tl.. other pa· per. of ~h. couDt". ,I.

A c....,. wiil ... macle ID th. Cla..i6e,- Ad- Rat••, t". a •• rat, c. .t per ..r eada 1ae..'tIo..

b.i., 0..




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k il ling ,'oll l l l l.,t itilill unllt' ,\. i , q.{ llJ lhe m, but u. 1' 1 1I1 lo tht· Jlu ldic" I,y illt ",. f r rri ng \\ ilh P1l1 I1il>t1~ l' a":'SCIl~ "1' lila~:-:, 'I' he ~1'I1 I ' lI lt ' i ... t.' l ll\ ,.r1y \\ urh\ 'd " ut.,

TIH' d in:ctc q·, l\li ~~ Edll a ]\ t ' l ~py. t.' ntilleu l(l a g-rl'Ht .1 ("11 1 P I' l' 1' t' d i t fol' Lilt' . uec" ~s "f the play.

J.'il ':- t. I I " I H' !'}" lit' IIll\nilltHi t' R u ~ l n g pllloI. ,· 1''''''' ' \\ ",lid I> l' ""Illl'e lll'd to )':"L ~" . ti lh-al,· " o f PIII,li,' necc ssity


Jo'o ll tJ \\'ill~

is the cas t.:

J l'l'vi s I'end ictt. n Jal1l e< Ml' Bdci<: Cyr us W yk .0'

tll St .John Cal'! Gray Gl'iJ,;gs l\lu.rny Hopkins Walters JI e r b~ l't Ault .Judy " nthll,,' n ll ~ ldcl' s"" ~Ii ~s Prichard UOI'o thy Ityc Ml's. Pcn dl ~ toll Mar~llr{'t MII. lntt J uliil l'~ndld u ll E dlin Mullen Sulli · Mc Brir\C' Ola 1I111·tRock r.l r". !-il' mph, Thpll1lll Gru hun l Ml'ti. LiPll ett. Edit h Mc l\it.bull :;uciic 1<ate ~~\'a McMilla n Gladiola L"i~ Vakili Lorctt.1l Mildred Hole ilI umie Fron ces Watkins FI'cddie Perkill s Howarll Cook Samll1Y Sill1pkin s ,l ohn Ke rsey Currie In na Shulls Dr. Doles RaYl110nd Brlldd"ck J\ bncl'

j 1al'sol1

Otterbci n I-10m" nelli' L" hnll (l n, has just rcc('ived 1\ ·deed to a farm of 387 ',IJ ncres, valued at $50,00 0, located at the edge of New ll oiland, Ohio accordin g to a n ann Ou ncelll e nt made Saturda y by ~l·u stees of t he home. The home is opera ted und er the jurisdictio n of the United Urethre n chu rches. The doners. Mr. and JIlrs. Charles Pe"sing er, of Washi ng t" n, '. II., presente d th e farm to the home nfte r they hnd made SeVtll'1I1 vis its to ~he in stituti on lind had IH!cu lll e int er. csted in th e work being d one. Nci th· er is 11 lIl emb~ r of ~h c Unit ed Bl'eth· rc n churc h. They huv e no childl'c lI. Ac cording t o lhe t erms of Ihe gift,. Ihc home will not t.uko O\'CI' the fa rm until Mllrch I, 19~ G , a nd thell will not rece ive 11 cll'al' title un til thc death, of both Mr. nnu r.l1·S. 1'el'8ing el'. Du r inl{ thi s ti nlU , the tru st~"s of the hOll1 e will wUl'k th e (urm anti !lilY Mr. Persinge r u yea rl y I·ental. The home takes cm'e of orphullll , a];('(1 Ilnd sick persons of nil dc nomi nll~i o n s. This is tho largest sing-Ie gi ft eVe r \'('ccin.d by tho home , uccording to the u ·ustees.

- - -...

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II 1'g'l'1l ey, T I: .1 l i SII ' ~\t \'''' I'Y (lanJ.:'(\ r o w~ . bc -


lIuro ld \\" ilJinm ~n Jl (' U U 'O:f' l'lIhh~ ppinio ll whid\ \\' otlld '\, illinm Th o ma !" dl'nlHHd H cu i l\'cnicnt omnibu:; . ser v i ce cfJulti b l · ill ~ lll' t.!ssuro lo bear on " enllc


Thc W oman', Foreig n Miss ionary Ho cicty met wi~h Mrs. ~abcl Farr, Oil \Ve dncsduy nfternoo n, J\Jay 6, 1!l!:!5, wilh all uU.e llullnce of ubo ut f orty lIlembers lind a number of vis.itors. 'fhe meeting was called to order by th e presiden t, IIIrs. Washbu rn, and oJlened by s in ging "Crown Him, Lord of A il." The (oil wing III'og rum ,,'as enjoyed: Selectio n on Vi ·tl'ola- "Lct the Lowor Lil£ht>; Be Burning." DC\'ot iona l Mrs. Archdea con .... r nj.'l! t· I{ ev .Was hbunl I ~ "dill g' Mrs. G ~orgc Smith Song- "AtIlcri 'l\ t he Bellutif ul," by a H I" ·,,'nt. It"lllii ng' Miss Hache l Pettit AfWr I'epeatin g th" LOl'd's Pru yer the lesso n for the day wus taken up, Mrs..'\ melin White in charge. Mrs. Washbu rn was mad e n life membO! ' of th e soci ety. Minutes of the last meeting were read and stood approved as r ead. There being no busi ness we adjourn ed to meet with Mrs. Anna William son the first Wedn esdny in June . 'l'he collectio n f or the dny amount, . cd ·to $3 .Bl. During the social hou r deliciou s refl'e s h!,, ~! t ts of ieo cream Il nd cake were ~erve d. Mrs, John Whitake r, Sec'y.

!'. :l L,liIJ.

110"1 II lt ~"L':-.t l JIt': I ,~


ADA ELIZABETH GOO DILL We nrc '" ~ se lfi sh ~bout dcath. W c count " ur /: I'icf~ fat· more than we co nsid er till; relief of those whom the Kl'cat Hca pc r gat hers ill the shellf. Ami w e f org et that it nwall s on ly life; li fe WiLh all juy, peace. r(' st . And this is so true in ~h e pll~sing of Mrs. W. M. Good ie , wh o', un the mornin g of Mny 6th, lit hel' home in Detroit, quietly passed to ~hc Great Bcyon d. Ada E li zabeth was onc of a f amil y of , ix childrcn nnd wa ~ ~he daughte t· of Elliott and Elizabet h L in co ln Wal'wi ck. She was born ncur Wllynes ville, Ohio , .January 6, 18G2. She WIIS lIlLlrri ~ d t o Willia m Goodill, Aug ust !I, 1 8 ~. Threc dllugllterll were g iven to thi s union, who, wit.h th eir father, two grand children , two sistel's and one brother, s urvive her. Everyth in g that could be done for this loved one wns done. All that is mortal of Mrs . . Goodill has passed away, lellving only the mem ory of her who· was 80 patient, gentle allll true, The remains was brought to tho home of her sister. Mrs, Ruth Daugh _ erty, at Wllyn'e sville, and was Illid away in beautiIu l Mimi celll ct(' ry.

Althoug h Sunday, !\lay l Oth l WIIS a dnrk and dismal day, it' did not I>revent the 8un s\line from l''Cigning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'ietmey er when their r e la tives gather ed at the noon hour with weli·fill ed haskeLl! to r em ind Mrs. Tcitmcy cr an d her littlc so n, Eugene , that an othe r mileston e would be r eac hcd 011 the fo llowlll g day, May 11th. Co vers were la id for the foliowin~; l\1r. lind Mrs, F red Tietmey er Sr., Mr, arid Mrs. Ed Kusz lcr, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H oover, Mr. Chas. E. Ellis, Miss La ura Caldwel l, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Villars and children , Ch,l\s. Car~oll, William , Wayne, Lau ra. Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tietmey er, Jr., Mr. and MI1I. Chas. Hageme yer, nnd children , Estel, Jnmes and Myro~, Mrs. 18Ilac Mastin, Miss Helen Tietmey er, Miss Irma Ellis and Mr. Halph 'reitmey cr, Mrs. Veda Saml and daughte r, Kl\thryn , Mr. and Mrs. Clift' ri~~lIIoqcr and 80n, Gordoll, ~f. and. Mrs. Chris Burk-' holll Iltld Elwood , Hilda anll Evelyn . Boward and Rut~ Lee ., Mr. and Mrs. Ha~'ry Mehne and chilqren , Mildred , Alan, Alice Mae, 14lph,' A.:l,mll Helen, Raymon d and Edward. . Mr. Olarenc e. Hnrvey, Mr. an\l ~ Frank Tietmeyer lind o'hildren / Eldrid, Elmer - The annual meetln!>,of Mi~ml Cern. and Eugeoc . etery. Associa tion will be h'lld at the • .. • 'Chapel, Monday , June 1, 1926, at Mr. aud lin. K. N. Ho'ur h apent 1:80 p. m . . ' S~odQ with relatiye s in CeDUnIJle. L. JI. HENDE RSON, Olerk.

. -.


th,· Lt·J,;i.,I.. t u rc .

Bu t it wltuld also be IIcec s"" .·y for a ll hUln iiJus line t o g'cL


pe rmit from

the loca l authorit i es of evel'Y little t""," a nd villal(,' th ro ugh whieh it lIli~ht p ll '~ . Wi t h such a law in forco il would nly ve necessar y for the !'Iii Irull d to huy one or two little 10 (',,1 bodies -and that wou ld n' t be diffic ul t. Th e r ailrolld~ need somethi llg to Wilke Lhent up, and they ought to be i':' "lCful for mild omni bus compeLi · Liu n. By an d by they will have r eal " (I III pet it\c,n in th e airp lnne routes. And evcn r a ilroads will hardly sugI!cst lhll~ the people haven't a right t o Il y throug h their own atm osphero wil ho ut s pecia l pCl'miss ion. Th e omnibus linc ns a medium of Inl1h.... di :;tallce tran:;ro ltntioll is an c. tllbli ~ hed fncl. You lIlay ride by hn s 11 11 th e way fro m Sun Diego to ~ell lll e, the who le length of our Wes. Lei'll COlLs t. If busses wear out the roads, Jlart o f thcir earning s shou ld be used t o ke,' " lh e ruacis in I'epail·. But omnibus lines 81!ould be encoura ged every· whe re.

Four nution s ar c rac ing to r cach t he North Pole. MacM illon hOJles to ul'rive first with the America n tlag and his two airships . A ny",uy, whntcve l' hUI)pens in this rue c, the L' lIited S tutes renched the Pole first. As to "o wlling" thnt territor y th el'e lI ecd be no '1unrl·e l. There is oi l tlwrc. withi n th e Arctic. The Hocl(efe ll crs have actulLlly proved it "ltd PI'OIrillc(' d it, althoug h they do not meun t o bring it out. Alid a K the l'lI le shif ts , the differellL SllU'S une IIrt'I' unothcr become nu I' NOl'lher n : tnr, which is not a t ail "fix ,d l.llld IIllchan "illg". Today's Polar la nds \\ ill lose th"ir carpet of itoc, lIl en will li ve t hl're, on fertile li eld~ , and "I'olal' nigh~" will he 10"u ll' d cl" . cwhe re. Bul Wha t . hy Lhat li mc, will havo lH' t' ulIle of t he lIul itlllS nil", d uiming 1'<) 1:1 1' l and~ '! They \\ ill huve van ish· " d nWI" "olllpl" t('ly thn" the 2 2 sepa ra te kinl!u oms that m eL th o Con'1 11('1'0 1' wh en he landed 111 Britnn. Ane l wh at we ca ll civil ization will l h ~ n be a JlllI·t of Il di,ngr{, Ollblo past. "t!ldie d, ,,~ we IIOW sludy the Bushma n, African pygm ies, lIud Ihe " head hll n t t..'lo"

or B orlle o ,

~IHII l. y n"tul'C delights ill strugJ,;lo. A~ Co lombia, South Caro lina, IJ csid e t he ntilroad tl'uc k, f our barefo ot cul" red boy" frulll lifleen to s ix ycurs uf Hg'l' cnll<>d out, "Throw n a nickel in th e ui l' alld we'll tiJl: ht f or it. The s u~gcs ti u n tha t t.he s n.allest voy wou ld ha\'c .little chalice found II " fu,·o!'. All foul' bOy$ were disappo in ted wh~1I ellch rcce i\'cd his n ick e i without a . trui!'g'l c. Eve n the sma ll est boy s.<dci, '·Yo. , Sil', we'd I'ather light fOl' it."

Th ere is a morn l fOl· employe rs. Give YOUI' men on salary n chance lo mak e s<) llI ~thing extra by "fighting" rtf ]' extra bus in e!18 and e xtrll pt'o fi~ . Ullly proflt·shul'ing gets the IJ es~ " tlt o[ a n.all. A salarY, no nluttl' I' how big, seems like an insult "fte l' a few mo nth s. The French d~c1nre t he election of · Von Hin del1 burg to .be Gennan y's . challeng e to tho world and to Frllnce especial ly; But .t h.e French ' should. be the last · to criticize the German s in this selectio n. . .. Wh en Napoleo n waa Ihamefu lly beaten and ran ·h ome from· ·the Ger..-+. -~- "'. mans to. save his skin, as thii Kaleer ra~ away from German y to hla >skm. the Frenc'h elected .. Preelde nt MacMah on, the best lab&tion of a mUlta't7 hero ~ nub.

PROCE r.: Dl ~· r. ~


If Y.

. hllW " lilt " " h ~ hr -h" 111,1 11'" h" " u nish(', r, I' rllllirur 0 (>, mpl~' Wllh 1 fill " I' , ,1('1' (If Ih,' ~"url, Tn I'. I " ' 1' ( ""'rl 11 \\,, 1 linm", .... 1\ \\. "' UHm,,", it Iq ord,·r· , t1 Ilml .\ frndnr t ~III~' III plnlntltT ~h . Iillt ( : 1:.! I'Ul' wc'ck n~ 1I1ill1l I ~ I ,'lIfl lit f I' mj li n l, " ;lncl' of \"' , 1 \ q L .\., , .. , '1"1' , f Iln /rhk Knl1C'

hI t h mJl t or uf IInr! y. E. 1-;1;'1"". I' I1'U8t '/1, I·~. ;\111.1111 1.. ,1" • ul./ for nrl'!il1hl1(l nl, "f 1'! ... tak ch l' <If I'rrnll~es 11""'1 \1 " '11 , the pC'tili n. tIm court ~IHI< nll ·no ·· ilk n IUI(\ LI\lp(1l1l1 ~ ,I ltl'u! woll Brnni s uch r~i'l'I ,,~ r. Fillding dufcnJllnL A' ullty o f tTos, ncgl('cL oC dut), ,lil'orcc \I'll" )f1"!I II" (1 ill tile 1111\ l('r of Ivy C'tlll1bH W. I' I\"h

'<"'" - '.

(1 - .


r rI I:t:~. I



-\1' d "f! lH" (,,; tl , mf.t ll"


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twill.'!' di Hfribull'" ill "U~llIc wllterl! ril l' Ih ,' 1",""l\l "f th,' I'ublu: lit Inrj.!e. S pt.d ,,: i1' L'I\ldt'd 1\1'1.' bh,ck bll8.Q, b Illejl!.. "1'11 11 jll" IIl1d Cllt II. h.

il ' '

33 fj lltAioms G"l,~rllvhy ant! HI. 1111 Y lOll

lHhllr I,rtn a uu')lI llthl,(r l u _ t OUI nf . .I. 'JIIU Al n !1i lu tithlrn Uunn l C'1.JO lt: ,,'I'll l I''''''~­ hut l), nll\' \\ hC' ,.o, • fin O ~t lun O fll ' II t IIf !L\W • fil II nl f.·~ 1\.11 " clrcu h\r. Alhlf't & ~tlll m(11d

LBI",'rn I "'l"~. II pc I.

\l com Ulhw tH .


.,11l "!leh


·hil d l'l'n. tl lIr II;': pl·fHIUIll.·.· , l 1; S UI•.'tl\ n. I I t11l' 11 a' h' " •. HC'tl t l Liull' \ :-. .\I~· L ut l. ~ :·t . l h ' \ ' IHII't d l:' ~lI h(t1 o m,b~. " d lU lfd :-- ·,r .:IU· d, l :h ro ili j\tlt~ li n ll T h,\ cuurt il l ft·\di n~ th,' d..r O'!,rl lp' , ',, 1'''1\ ,.;. r :lI ' h · HJ ~ t1 :dl 1'~II·tif l~ nn L !!,ull1.y Il f t'"",,. lH'j:!'l " Cl ,'I tI" ,.I. ;'1· l'1 "tl l.y :--.uid ll1jll l H lil l 1'\ :11'(' h,'n' IIf

lllJl ln r


di vorce WM ~rnnl 'd ill ,h,' l1Iul\1 r .·1 Mnr" Reed I'S. I (''''''Y 1:.",,1. pi .inlitT wn H ;.rnanl, 't! di,"n'l' " " ,I cust"dv u( ,· h ild In t ill! ", ,,\t "r OIf :\ ,·1 · Ite J'ic'Nlcr w. Aa w n l'ic I'SP('. In UIC mntll.' r of Mal'l hu S)-mlln' VB. IIcn lr,y Symon~. jutlj: nll'n t' "'"_ r end er ed ul!ai ll ~1 Hen ley Synll'n , I ' ) fnl' or o C Th o "'lII ~ A. H inck . fllr $1606. nnd th e c ost~. I n t he mutt~ 1' of E1lIily .1. Min n ienr I's. l\Ii nl.'t'v" Co x r l III.. th,' ~Il\lrl "1'proved an d t ontirnh'd f1l' o (',,"l din ~'" and "/lIe !ln d t ho s hl'l'ifT i. " " 0" 1" ' 0\ to conv<,y SHirl pn'm iH's \0 ('url H, and GI" lIn n Fry". by d el'd ill , i", · pic fcc . Th e cn llso o f 1\1. J . 1\ ,·ll n o1' "s. thl'

til dillmnt..r bean N. 2 ,IeW. 2:1 lin Ie •• 1I11t1 II Heuch III illcht's In di'I! J\,I,' r . Ii 1 ' lJ d,'· .:.". \V, 2 lin k~ , ;'lit.'''' ~l ..~: a 'i d' r • ,i W. !l6 c hu it ls to lhl' enid Millm i Rh·.'!" th~nc,. d own ~,\ i tl Mill u i I !I' I' l' I i' l\ ~' h llt lh(' nl'plII' lnll'lll .. r Alt l'i('ult ill" I'n t ' li d" rln· .. -t th l',,·vf. l s I \ r 'I~t. 111'1',. ill rlnl "I'III;,w ,1 I I> " ttlll'l'(,RM t Il!' l .I'iO ~ h" i1 >! • • lId , . 60 dl'l!TP(,s W . 5 \':\[1 I';,('r ,,' n: 1t i" "I'itl C' ltl·1.'I1 hy ~{' v ­ ('hni ns, :Jl'tl. ~t ~i 1 't c~ l' el'~t \V~ t tl ,r, o chni \\,;. ~Ih S. ;{u ' h ·v. ··~ " ~ . K 5.75 'utI ' p~ ('M'(' U illo }1 I hut h:I\',\ r ('(' t' tl inehe~


, l)'d s



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M ar'y


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Th e Citizen, :-;"V illJ:F 1l'\lIk lind '1'1'". 1 C(\ .. of H llmilt"n . ha.< "li t 1'1'(,,1 lI u: !.·y , VI a l.. ro urt Oil cons ide r atio n (1Y(, 1'I' u l e~ lh ~ "u it Il ):,lIill,L ChilI' Snnll' alld ao day:; is ull"wNI de fcnd- f"I' Ill u ney. A 1II "unt claimcd . $ 1000 nn t in w hi ch t o tile nllswr r . "lid in ter(·st. In th e ma ttl'r o f Cllrrie Harri s \' s. Earl n nrris, it WII S or dl'l'ed I.hllt ri o PROBATE PROCE E DINGS tuti oll be iss ue d to d cfClldll nt 10 li P' The nut v u lu e u f t h ~ cs tnlc o f p~ar before th o CO Ul i.. !\lay 4, to



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Poultry Wmltrd!


One Dozen Farm Gates


,\ :-; Tnl :- ll'(';\ IIf , Itt' Mi:tlll i 1'1" " lh

:w:'li n.t . J amc~ V. I h'", hu r" t fcor tli·


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Cror gc K. Illid A Ib ert Mill e r h " , "Inered Rllit 1I!!,,,i ll" l II ,' r mll II 7.,·tf fM "Cl ion u p pell l.' d by .ldl' nLinllt. .I . ( ' . H ill hWol t· ntt' I'(·d :5 uit ag-:tiJ\ ~ t Fra n k .1. Munit!'- fill pll:-, ~ es :-. i \l ll II!

T o m Co rwi n Cunni ng' Cn., W H~ h t'n r d on d~mll rr ~t ' to t h l pet iti o n. t he

W. 6

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tI (·!{'·l'C~ .

Illla' lI 1,1 :1,','. ,\1. Kin)!" lilts u n ci c h aill~ . (1 lh • . ;1 ;\ dc , I' U. W. S Hi ...·; '\1111, >1). lIr' I " '~ I ~ W l' 'L' mil d" tlu,. d lft im .. 7th. S. ~ I) d " I~ 1 ,'f' . . \\ • .: <'hu; '):\ in ~ thl ' I':t~t "l~,'k . tll1l'~ lll'i u ~ irnpu sc d c!" .t ll ini llg On" llulI,h"'" ,\I ,d 'Sp,'(1 70,4 ) lI CI" ' S , l mll 11\\l1I).:~ hi S~" ) :Inti (' ,I ,l S in ('He ll " t\ /111.1 f o u ntcnLlu he 'lh~ ~lI m(' 1110 ..... o r I .. s~, illt:t:l l h' l '. S;w i ll J.; IIlI d xccl' liJlg III)WCI'CI' fl' om /lOo ve " .',· u il",,, Irni'l TW"nty,Two nn tl F ifh·· S L·I' ~1I Hll ll d l'eths ( :C 2.fl 7 ) Ih.' r,-'~ . Ill:.' ' tufu J"e bo ld u n th :()t, \ 1\ , : ,I by Anllll II nJ lianJluh 1\ l.' l1 y I n C I;Ir l ' IIC t ' l{~' l · . ;1\. Hho\\" LI,'" ti ~*: I' ...·4

I I'n)\ d' "i l h"ul hI'" ,in ,' I ' \('"df 1 d " li~I'lhn ~('a·~' . ,'., ," U l'd , "'lld that 4it'

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at $3.50 each





" \'




We ;:., yi n g24c for OldStocl. 28c for S p l'inget's

A. B. Swank

500' Locust Fence Posts

Miami!'hurJ!'. ( h 'o

at 28 cents each

B ell Phone 2 9 2W


Ph o n e Com municatio n . p 13 id by UI.

,l ohn lI a nry Or nd o rf. farmer. and Miss Beulnh J osep hi ne Barlow, both o f W ay n cs" illc. El' c l'e ll ~~ . [n,"" . f llnner. lind Mi ss Edith Luci lle !:lnook . both uf Ll.' ha.

Red Top Steel Posts The Best Evert are Cheaper


P r ellc hi n g u t lh e C hrist iun c hurch · und fiY . Ma y 17, ut 10:30 u. m . Mr, n U ll. ~: klun d a ll d hi s ch o ir will Sill!!,. Be ~ M. EJllIont . n id er, sn lcs man. o f t he r c . . W uyn esvill e , lind Miss [on a M . Coo k, - -fac t ory w orker. o f Leb anon . ' John W. Tn y lor , sh eet me La l worke r , Il nd Mi ss Li llia n Irons, bo th o f !:lou t h Leban on . . Mne Glancy. p owdc r work cr, und Miss Currie Loui sl' or w in . bo th of ~ I o rro w. A UU UI fu l l y '"O llnty fa rm bUI'CUlIS in (lh,,, hnl'c np p roved th e li fe 111 ~ 111 R E AL ESTATE TRANSFERS hcr~hip :q..~ r e(! men t fll r u St' IlInO p g Chnrles W. llnd J os ie Da rn e> l o farml!l'~ or their rl~~ pccti\'c (,oulltie~ , F rank L. Ney in., "bout 1 U ae l l'S ill "ecuntinl!' to nn n OllnC~ III ClI l lIluli e by R urln n Tp., $1. the Ohi u F urm Dlllellu reli,' ra tion. E,ll11und L. fl cLl1llick t o Ma mi e M. I· Clllll ick . a bout 107 ncr!'s ill Wus h· The lifl', 0 1' ~" n t.i n u o u ~ o nlnu.: t pr o_ nde s lIl'I'I,HlIle'nt I1lcllluc r" hip wiLh inf!lull '1'1'./ ~ 1. F . ·1\1 .. lco llll Bi.p hall1 t u F l'Ullk S . I he pcr,"I . s ioll .of w it hdrll lVa l uL eel'· El bon , I" t in Wuyn c svill l! , $ 1. la in i r,';rl'lll ~ year ly. a nd Wus first T ho mils E. W e lc h t o J am eR T. and u se d in n ' l'c nt mCI1I i1C'l'ship c n l1l p n i~ I1 S ~1 1lI y .1. lI e lms , lot in Morrow, $ L DOI·tic and Clurl' lI ce H un te r to C. in t C'n co u n ti c5.

-----,- ...

Wire Fence

· I i

at Less Than Car-oad Prices


Madden's Lumber Yard


~'his \'-/ eek' 8 Cross-Word Puzzle This CI'O!'s-wo rd pu zzle co ntain s , ac cordi ng 10 ;lill rgn r et lI l' y ll11u lI, o llly vc ry sim l' l~ wur d ~ , u~c ll in 01 lIin llry l" 'e ry<l ay ",, " s en·atioll . 1>li ~s lI e~' I ­ n, un oUl!'h, l O kn o\\' . I ou . OCC UU 8C she is t he o l'ig- ina l vr of thi ~ in l erc:till/! design. B ul in fll i rn c~ s t o you , w e

YOII berO l e hu n d t hili il is 1", 1 go in g 10 be DS ,' a sy 3. yo u w ou ld {'xpcc l fr om her sta temcn t. Wc HI'C >ll l'(' thul after w O I' ki n~~ thi s 0 11 1'. y ()U \I ill hUI'" nd d· cd t o yo ur l'ocn u:IlIlI'y seve rn l WO I cis fUl'm er ly 11 01 inc l." led in y<>ur el' e r yday co nse r vlllio n . We did. unywuy.

, .~



~TO ..


AI" STHlJ C1 U!'AL STEEL I Bealll". A n ~ It" C:llll1lnelll, Plates, n ults, Tees, I'!Pe!I, Flues, Wash 1.1116 P08t.oJ, Vulvc8, und RBINFOROING ST~EL . , _ Vrompt l)eli~&1")' from lJnr


8 BIg Vaude~e Acta and Feature Photoplays. Entire change 6t proQTam flgerr Sunday and Thursday. Continuous performanee from 1:30 to 11 :80 P. Me Afternoon prices 20c and 3Oe.






c ...............__




;) 1

P Ol'.


A c omm on d ye . Rl' m o ve s faulls fr o n'!. l?hlmes. r-:cgalil' c. Cl os e fri en d. l\" e w ' Eng land Stat· (abbr. ).

1'1 I!l ~J

22 23 2J


40 I~

'-It... 1ft D.,-ton Re.oureM $18,eoo.000.00 Surplw $870,687.32 . Th






D.Irt-. Obi.


.i I

Work Clothes Shoes Sport Wear Goods ~

Alwllyl 8avo Money at


THE ARMY STORE Dayton. Oh io.

11 W . ,.Uth 6t.

M.a', Fumiabinp and Work Clotbel Fifth at.

Dayton. Ohio.

HAT CLEANING I Ladlea (" nd G. n'~lo~:e~. clenned a nt Our Speclalty-Panamo., \3 a. J.ff.....on Stroot. ("pltalr. 1

We make and

Be ll


ElectriC Fixtures

wrought Iron work and mount lampl . Wo copy , but do not handle an· tl qu el.




f· ·~

G:l :4

56 :i ~ )



Mllln 2429 126 N. Ludl ow St , Dayton. Ohio.



Woldlng, Cylinder Regrinding. Valv.,.




lMqel ..




LA...,~d .. 8~!lE~~t aHe.!'~~·NED


411 N•


SlOe Da ..... n. Ohio.

·FOLKS \INOUR .TOWN The Blarney Failed


Ground. Corbon removed from Cylln· d..... Pitton RI ngl "lted '" Plttont a nd Conneotlng Rod ..

HARRY A. GROSS CO. 41 . 43

Oarnold 153


St. ClaIr St.

I KNE.W rr WOUL.D COM6 10 ..,..~ - HAvE U5ED UP eVERY CENT

~VlN' CLOTHE& BILL& ... \-lAD "10





Dayton. Ohio.

·1 5 DEMONSTRATED "13('11 I'i,' " l11ani c d a Count th'c "N nw J knnw what th e cyn ics. 67 yc a r" a go- und , h e hn s hnd to ~ up · ml.' nnt wh r n Lh cy said I wus joining 8 po r t him e\'l'l' s inc e." t he BlIw l an ti J a ne gong." sa id t he !) "Wcll. "'I l' lhinK ~ ure. hc' s n r eal nc wlywt'd, wh o!!e w ife made him 11 Counl. " walk lhe fl oo r all niltht wi t h the buby 14





A 1'IH'a: l.OOK.lN'

\lOlJ HAV£: AMC6"




rrngl'a l1 c ~ .





NlW LOOATION POftI1l1'1y aarney & Smith car Co. . 0fII0e & Wa,..hollM: IRit 1811

\6 18

purf o f ui r. Fla l · fi sh c • . Greck Il.'lter. N . Eo Statc ( /lbbr . ). L C HI n. l\I u1h l'l'. ro rm e rl y. Fin ish. Fl cHh o f vcr te brate nnimn ls nse d a s men t. Ri g ht A nne x (abbr. ). DOl II. So uth e rn S tlllc (abbr.). T I) be ill nb lll1riu lI CC. Ag rc c llblc flavur.

2t'< 27

lIIItlmateB Promptly Submitted



I'I. . ~


GLA~S lfl t 0 ~ OS,

--..--, -


Farmers of Wnrr ell and Adjolnlnll counties moy o bl.n in m oney on Ion I lilll ll 1011 liS. 01 0 "2 p e r cent Interest. Co ~ t of s e curillg Ih e same i8 very rca · sonnb le .throug h Thc Federnl Land Bu n k. For fur ther information call o n or ocldrellS lit. e, ORA KE. 'l' r eIlB' urur. phune 316-X . Leb"non. Ohio.


£_~e.!l.I~gs ~O~~!'~Q.c.


:,' , I'

FarmerR, Attention!

6 12 13

A SteI ner g ear . drIven elec t r lo pump wit h en c l<>.. d .elf · oiling he . d. Only 2 c ente per hour to p ump y our w nt el·. Attach to any Ii ght Goc k et..

M SIt.:, .\


,I ONEY LOANED ON LIV E ST oCK , ehlllt"I ~ , nlso IIceo"oI IIlor ~ "I'e~ Not.c~ "" "lT hl. .l(·h " lI Rrhin e. "1I<!11 Bui ldi ng. )("111". Ohio .

A HO,"

.... ~~ I·,C.;.····


':I " , ;: 1 Il k

: 1, ~ t






\v. '\Il,lJer

fohn I) ~' I

believe II'C ou g hL t o warn

.. .... .......................................... Wayne8vile, Ohio

\ Dr .

He'l.l. ~UQE. HAI4l SOME.[)l>.V ..


'iES 51111 " SOME

FINE 80'1-

C n ptu l cd .

Be f o re. A l1 imlll of go at fumily . ' !l a lf nn ('01 • Co nl. r l1c ti n n m unll il1 /r nlw 'lY,:. A'1d (Fre nc h ) . So ( I , hctll'Y 111 e tlll. A m c ntal imllgl' . Hc, c lllhling 'n It.


2!l :to :12

On e of the AI'uh illll r,,(·c. S ingle. Lllmp. Opl'n ( poet.). Ve s~ e 1.

WA NTE D- Th o ad,h'(' s~ of .J ohll H . Sligh t bow. ,\ cl air. A!lIlre~s P e nl.'rl~er . 1722 T n wnn de r Crllll1 Ihe tr llth. ;13 1'0 utle r tha l which is fnl se.. Baltimore' . Ave .• Clnci nn llti. Ohio . · m6 :1'1 1'085 ss ive pronou n (n {o ut.). To puss fr om wit hout to the lin~-~-=;;;;::=;;;;;;;;;;~;;::;=_-:-=-::::==== t cri or o f. --=-==""'" - .- -_. - - as )f!!nl'c n ly bod y. FOR -sJ\:LE Nimble. I. Q.<.;T--C hick on CO(\(l , h~Lween t (\ wn ·10 C l c r ~ ymnn . II l1 d Co ll cg-o Hill. ReLu lII tl' ~ im · ·11 A wo ody P[u ill wil h II su pp ort'n c l 'nwll 'M Grocel'Y, ull d 1'£ceivu r chll!' trullk. W.lI'U. ·ln 27 I" Numb e l·. 4i. Par t " f v<': h " t n be." 1 ·' \) 1; ~:,., ;,t;. ~li x c " C lc, ve:' IIl1tl Tim · .IS CII I" i1.('. u t hy lIay, in b"orrL Mr~. Mcdll 50 A lho ug ht. WI \'. cr . o n the Dcn n S han no n fnrm , 54 fJctini ic Iln icle , (1"l'c ll ch) .. .lI t \','·. ~ II (Jrt"':OIli:l 1I! tI Ilal'veysbu g . I l n'~ l' l1 t. M20 E x,·' ' : ute. \o' () It SA LE- - Order s laken for Weill' Li ke. Pi ll S lI os ie ry a nd U nd erwent' by MI'~ . Grnce L. Smith . Wn yltesvi\le. or M I·s. Nellie f;"y <ior. Le halloll. :IeproscnLa: il'o fol' WUITe" Coun t y. ·co w t o LBat Week'. Puzzle [,'Of' ~ A L E- 600 or 7 00 hUlldrcd b u.he ls of corn.. S!;C 11. R. Sali, ~u ry. Wllynesl'ill e. , lh lU. ' m20


FOlt SALr:- 3 00 Ill r~e stl':UII ~"I:- ' l!" i ~1t WI' ilc {.cgh o: n Pullets, GOc ,I 1", 111: 01. II nh!hh ll! eg~R . ~:1 1'('1' 100. Freel Ric hllrtlN. R.· R. 4, I.h on e ~1,'7 -1 Y~ . WnYllcsviUe. O. . m20 F o rt S A LE-Delco plaut in good co ndi tio n. Am putting .in the Day· ton r ower IIl1d Light. See Frank U. LeMny, R. R. 3. Waynesville. Ohio. . m13

~' <·us h o r e .

DOWN Rll ilror.cI (abbl·.). A ki ln t o dr y hops. Po<'sc,··sive u djcc t iv c . Ri se. I nstrument for winding. I n tc rj~cl ion. T o make n otc of. Mu s ical n ote, Mu sicnl f orm of drnma. Trap d oot'.

- Psf! l..aAN

COUI-C 't'eR



iEti 5POT.'

CA S H- For Dental G old. Platinum. ~ i1v c r. Diul1lolld~ . m llgnoto po inIR •. ful ~ " leelh, j e we lrYl a ny va luahl e • . 1\lui\ today. Cush Oy r oturn 1111111. 11(11ce S . &' R. Co .• Ot8~gO. Mich .


RENT- Houso of seven rooln~ nnd cellars; newly painted and \1101_ p ured. See H. H. Wilkers on, WIlYIIcsv ill e , OhIo . tt

I G,..JUL.

NoT "" "'HI& 16 ME 'NIFa'.s SON SV




l! OR SALE- Sweet< potato . and aU kind s of garden Jllantll. A few b ushels of sced potatoes, -76e ' per bushel. S tt'ouBe BroB .• R. R. 6, eQr_ n er of Lytle and Waynea.ville. road.

. ~: . 18

FO R SALE--I male hog, .ycfU old, Big Type Poland China. Also, 50'0 bus hels of good corn. O.t ho lil!nderSOil, R. R 3 . W~ne sville, 9hio,


~ml8 ,

FOR S A LE- fine: Ihigh-grade ' pb6nogrnph ta ken baek tor nOll pay me nts. Cun be purchll,ed by r olial,J[e porty tor ' balance du e;;:~ $1 .00 p'm' week. Addren p, O. ~ x· 142, Dnytoll, Ohio. mB FOR S4LE- Tb'c IIIlrvlcea 0(. the PorchoJ'on ,Stn11ion, Royal Wondor:' Thl~ II the Kin,,'. Powder Co. borao, lind will make tht seuon-.t. my f.mi. A. Strow n, R. R. 4, Waynesville, OhiQ.




.. '


.....T 'H E

- D;- L. CRANE, Editor and Publi.her. Way"".viIJe, Ohio. S uhSCl'iptlon I'dce. $1.50 per your. ..

\ 1\" I 1.'111 Hr pl ' .r .. l HIII.'I \. \ 11 II It ,""., f ' nl'''' ~ A :-' Sl' ', .., Il f ' "


II ,

.::::_-:.--=-- - .::::..

----- -, .


1I ,



THIRTY YEARS OF AUTOMO. ~ p cciul lu xea l.dun c am uu llt to 42'/~ BILES AND TAXES "l' t he l o tal. 1n ~C V~1l yeHI ~ l he au ll'l1" . ~i It' i ,ulu ,n ry lIaH paid $8 00,OOU,. ]n 102 Jj f tl lll' alltum(thi ll'~ W\'J'C ,iUtl ii' Jo'" d",·"I. ,·x cist· l uxes , l nx c·s nulllVfll .... lIl'cd ill lill' lJllilPd Sl al, 's. w hil' h Il'\' Jl:<.i m; Wfi r JlH.H1SU l'C ar c untl jll ~ t f tHI !" \\' ,, 1 \' n 'l.d stl' )'r d n ~ if! hig lll'r lII <l a~' l hall th e y were duri ng U Se. I n I !)2 I th l' (I"IH illf'lillll \\: 11 :01 Ih e Wa l'. a.1i 17 ,I;(J ~ "III'S, lI'l ll l lll' r l'l.!'i" tl'llli "n Th e l" I,1I hi g hwuy ux p e nditul" ~ uf (~Il r f: Wu s 17 ,f,!. I ,! I, ' 1. TI lt' wiil l'- 1'''1' 1 !1~ 4 I\'e l'e $!J!JO,4H;J,770. or Sp l'(lud h C. ' ll l· fi l :-. t' l' ~u Jt illJ.!' fl't lf 1 th e thi~ Hll' :lUlttlwti, il e illd u~t "y pai d gr'l)\\' t h II I' thi :-t ill du :-- l I'Y , "'!l ith n ow ~::.!:L"J , · I ~':.! ,V V O in Cl').d s tJ'at.i u n t Cl'S ; I Hllk ~ Ii ,.", t ill t h. · II HtitlH ~- 1I1 HI~.,.' s Ctl ll' .> I:l~ '. :'! U :! ,U(I U in Fe.le'nl cxcise lax· \\' 0 luj t' I' \\' h y }.!'o\'c· l·nm l ' ntnl tlt :'o:Jllioll Hlld .. ~ ~ I.I:~ 1,000 Oil g'il : -ioliu c la X(':-i , of t·Vl·l ·ylhi llJ.:' ('onll f'l: t (' d ,dt h til" ; 111 . :1 [(,t al \If :;; 11, ·l i x ,OOU . S II H.:C lI i)lIll t tUlHohi k .. iliid par ti cul a rly IIf t h o~(. 1''' ''1)' Pl' l' " ,.rt\ " I' tI ,e hi j,{hwu y ~ Xpl' l1 wh o lH \' can... i ~ PI'I," ' s~(l d til the Jl~ti llt djl t1 !'l:~ a I' \..' IlIvl I. y lHJ rnJ\\ If lf.!', Lhe of crall q d ng thp inclll ~ tr y qllite apHrl l illie i" lI, al' at ha ll d wh e n s pe c i:d fl' o m II,,' inju,' t ir ,· <If thu sys ll'nI , 111< ,11)1' II ,·hick la ,,·s wi ll eq ua l th e Th e I Hill'unus I'l'ccivc nn ll v c'r ug-l' Lo thl cxx pl" HlItul'c ::) (.I n hi t.;lnvu.\':) , Ll oth of $ ·I I1'I.~ 180,OOO in fl'~i~ht l'e l" ' IIIII, 1' l'ill la l'Y alld 10 ' 111 fr om curn'nl laX fr o m llllill mobil e prodll c t~ every yt' : tl ' , " IL'l(,tS. SU l'ely it is t ime 10 ('11 11 a Yet r nilton J laxuli oll going l o h ,~h. 'Iall. illl1unl"b ll e 1,,,,,,lio n is l :,ce, · wuy p ll rposes is on ly 3. [; '" S l\' C , L' ,.! c·'s 111\'1'<' ,hall be u cha llge th e t Olal hi ghwlIY bill. Motor l'('hi" I,. ii, t he !'ill,,,hly w, th whic h illlJ, vS lS " rL lIX,· d. lhe Jl I" ' s~ U I'e wi ll ~uon ~ e ' ""' lie d ' ·til l' uctil'e . It rc·clu,r,·, li l t le im ag'i na li o n lu gl·t (\ s id e I'i ew "f whut lhc m utcH' cu r m elu lI' to Ihe lI 11ti on. I t m eans thc elllpl vY llI e llt "f :1 , 1 UJ,OUU work· I

'. .' ~

;{ ,

c l'S a t hig h

of the Heael, No ... Tlaroat, Stome

ae'" Bow."

or othe, I •. t - t Or.....

B.aeked by more than half a century of successful service in the American home, Yoar Neareat Dealer Cv~ riea Pe-ru=na Tablet. or Liquid


Every Wednesday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

b ufc ~s I' '. M. ' hilu l e ll s u s that u worlll li ves IUII ge r wh(!n it is s lurv. cd. l( P"CJ;t' ll l I,,:iceti keep up , wurm glun cl upl'ratiun s lI'ill ~e co me p opu· lal'. New Yu rk '. Police C(l lllmissio ner dcclul'es thel'C lire tou many luxi · cabs in th e big city. lie ghould stand on a slrcd CUl'Ile r un u I'ainy dUy. Ask tho visitors. A N e w .l el'sy m ag istrute--o f the wron g p u liti.c al purly, of cu urse , has b.'e n ulr cs tcti ill 1\ liquur raill. Cau · Li o ll is lid";",·" ill u n ealin g "f the judiciury. Tlll're ~ hu ulcl be no eX· euse fo r s lu wll ,g up ~he CUlll'tS.

II I/on .

"I I'S. II. ~ 1. (, llIl'k OIc'·"rll( 'a, .iL'" hel' 11t'llll , l u J ~ il' I II1Wl lli , IIId " hl ~l Wl' l' !;, ali ,l vi oil ed I'c,lalil'e, tl le' l' \! s evcm l dllY " I'elurlll Ig 1,' 1illay

;, Ullt. 1\II'S, J'.lluJy

e\ l.' l1iug.

.11 1'. u ll cl ~ I,·" . (;II Y HUll I.:a hn und (; 'nel' U, were :S und ay I-:Udts uf the lalt er 's 1\;1I " lIlS, 1111'. a" d 111 1'S . J ",iuit lh .itllul, 1'1 'J'iVIW. "anue Cily. ,III'. ulld Mrs. Wi lli am C,,' a\l e lld. ,'d tlie fU' I!'!':1 1 " f ~lI·s . Wlil ill"l Good ill "f l' cLl'uit. 1.1 1 lhc h"lll e uf ,,,., sibtl'I', .\]1':;. All11a L1au~ltvl' ly , ill \I'aYll c'''' li ll c , Fl'iduy aftern uo n. t~ui le U ' IU nllJl' r [rlO m h{'l'e ,,, ,,llIl,,u

dau~ hl e r,

'I hurs day en'n in g at the ' ilu rc h, a s g uests o f the La die s Aid . I, 'c CI'elllll und ca ke We'e ser ved after 111 1 inte l'. l',lIng p l·og rnm . 111,'. und Mrs. E. J. Car mon y and children, IIliriam un d R,d'l' rt, u f ' pl'ingfield , 1I11·s. Lou e lltl Ill)n ce nn d Mi ss R u be rls , o f Wheding, 1\' . Vu " Mr . and Mrs . Coulous Y'Jl IIIC e und Mi dS Kuthl'y n C lll l'k , of W ay ne sville , E ve rl· t t C lurk, oj' Duyton , ~li ss Mil· dred t;lurk and III I'. un d ~l l's. W. F, .Ial'k WCl'e Mol he l" :; Day j!lIcsLs at tbe h ume o f Mrs, Mu,,. Carmony. • - - -- -

Public Sales I will sell lhe fo ll o wing dl'seribed property ut pu b li c uuctiOl1 III my r es. idt' nce ti l whu t is kn ow n a~ ~ h c li en. I'y C re w f linn , 1 mil l' u ll d n 1I,.If fr om Nc w HUrlin g't un an d I mi le fr l' lll Rox. anna , on Wedne.d ay , May 27, 1925,

Rev. . E. P oll e1', :\'CII' \' O l'\" ~ !:I'c al Cnmm cnci n ~ at 10 :30 , l h,· f ollow. mod e r nist, 'lu it till g the chul'c h, tol d ing: F OUl' h c )r ~l' ~, 60 h ng~ . H) he a d hi s cun K I 't!~al i un t hut thl' 11l'lIl'it' Il1u~t o f ,I el'~~)' Cutl ll·. fUl'l1,i1 ' ~ i'I! l' lc men t s " . betle l' edu cat ed IJd ,H'(' 1l1111i,lt·I'S f cC(l . haf'lles~ , e l e. l:UfI ue of mu ch u !"c. 1\Jus t. We p a ::.s 'ce bi f,( l>ill.' f or l e l'l11s. :.1n e du c" li' >l la l tl' s l (\I wurs hip A U D RE Y f'ltE W. Slu nley & :Il artin, A ucLs. We nrc waiLIng a ll'ITilJly I ' II I ~ t ime tu he tu ld t hu t th e wnr g ame I"'U IICS we ne e d mul'l' n,'m o ul' p late. 1 will se ll at publi c s:de II I the lute It ill r e poned Co lon e l lI ol'\'ey ha s been r ece ivi ng $76 ,000 f or hi s ed i· ti olla l w (lrk "11 th e IVns hin glo"h P ost. b lh(· l'c any wundC')' we sti ck tt) n c \\rsI'l1p(, r work?

RestRoom in GrangeBldg Waynesville,' Ohio Office~

Ove .. Silrma Thea ter

,Qayton, Ohio



~('t5 -.;~TROIT---,---·-r

••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

~: Fo~ Moto~ Company, Dept. N-4, Detroit, Michigan P l _ ...... l .... tullpartloulan ........I... ,.our • ..,.planlorownl ... an.utomoblle N~,







. : . Town..

:\11'• • WilllUJ;' naw lo ill ~ufforing wilh u iJlhthc ri' l. . J uhu I!' Illy J .e., WIIS h omo from ol'w()od, lor ilie Yo' ok-en d. . .Mrs. L nur-a S h ldu kcl' entertained hoI' 'hBdl'en und families, S~mday. ,I. 1'. ::;hum!!kel' l o~t u valuubl c CuW lu.l "cek . She II' U~ c lover d. 11':;: J • U. J ' JI'rilS Illld 1111::,8 Ameliu Can' Wel'e 8 hujJl'in ~ ill Wilmingt oll , Hll e uay t hb \\ ee lt. ,\Il'~. LlllJ1la (;111 " is bpclIJ ing the ,,,,,,,1, ill Tul edo Wilh her ehiluren, Mr :Il ,U ,\I rs. A, l\1ueliu. 1>11. a n d JIl l's. !'. V, Heas on, uf 1)";'1"" , vi ,;iwd lh .. il· ll'Iol lwr, Mrs. ,'·· 'll l i\..'

1:l'I I:i IlIl,


.li r . ,,, ,\I ,\ In ;. A . Zo. Jlart . llc k ulld rai llily We I" . · uno a y g'ue. ls u[ th e il' P"I't'I,t" , ~Ir. alld ~ll's. W. T. J urd a n. .111'. all u l\ II'$. llU ITY Tuckc l' a nd i' lllltly \\ ' f e ,'ai led Lu 1\" IlL lICky, ~HLU I J;I)" by th l! f ~ l' ntILIS 11IIll'ss uf hi :! IIlulhc· I'. J\ll !" ~ .M arg-un: l ~t al't', III Dayto n, '11Id :' l i s~ .' Iabel :;:, tarr, ul X CIlIU , ' I"' nt th e wcek' l' nd \\ llh t he ir molh. l: 1 , Mr:,. AIlI:.tll du Stan'. :'11', . J . t::. ::,h u mak .... ha s relurned h"me fr" ," FluJ ilia, uflel' se n dillg' h e r :'1 l JlI, L \~ J'l!ll , un lu .'\ ri z unu , f ur the li clt,'I'I1IC'l t ,,[ h !> heu llh, ~II'. a nd . In. 1- 1'.t1,k \\'I bull en ter. IUII,ed ,," Suntluy Ih,·,1' chi ldl'ell, 1111'. and .11·s. lia r : y W,loun, vf lIa y l un , ,II I'. "lIll . 11'0. Jl ~ r b(,rt l' il~ ull d d uug h. Il·l'. u l I " , h' I'I; l"" C. II, .111'. all d ~ll's. VI'Ul,k L, Harri s huu as .~lIII UU~· gUbl ; lIl e ll' chil dl'e n, Mr. H' ," ,11 1'" I'a ul 1" 'll' rhU ll, Il l' S P ' ing' I' ulle y , ,Ill'. und l\!l's. Ha l ulJ Huni ;, ,,1 Ll'b a"un UlIli JIll'. Uwen Jlllrri3, uf l u luIII IJU:i.

~J 's . . Ial liu Grit )' fe ll, Tues day,

s ust'"I1Ctl 11 di. lucaled Hilu uhl e r. \\h,ch i, c" us ill g her greul pain . ltC I'. an J Mrs. ilc nnc ll we r e w ined l O di nner IU bt Friduy at the hOllle of .\11'. and !It 1', , li a rvld Gillam. HilI'. unu ~Irs. N. L Be nnetl muved on Wednes day tv l\' ilming'tO ll, where they f urmerl y :ii\'e u, We al'll son'y lO lUbe l hesc two g uu d fl'iends fr o m u ur mid s t, bu~ IIlr. lk n llCU's health wiil /l ut permit him t u cUlitinuo his wo rk a s min ist e l' at th e J u nah 's Hun chu rch, uml we 1<II 0w th t Wi lminglun IS we lconllng' lhem wilh ope n urms. Wh a l mighl huve ueen a ."rious acci d ell t occulred at the home of R. I,'. ::'bullIakc r, Tu esday, when Mr s. :Shumak er buckE,d th e Fo rd truck over thei r se l'ell·year-old duughte r, Mar. Juric . It seem .! the chi lu hnd climb. cJ u n t he bu ck of thc t r uck unkn own to he r IlIu lh.,r and thell jUlllped or lllllllJ led ul l' alld Wa s rUIl uller. :She s Ulfered paillful bruises and the skin Wus r ub be d uff olle ann. but 110 bOlles \I CI'C br uken . Th e little mis s was Ilbl" t o be out III S unlluy-schuoo l, all .::. u n dilY mU'·lIillg. d UU



01'11 .

With prices and terms the lowest in history, there has never been a better time than now to buy a Ford car. Perhaps you do not realize how Httle actual cash it requires. You can get quick delivery with only a small partial payment. You will find that the Ford meets every BALLOON motoring requirement. It will deliver you EquipmQnt and useful service at years of dependable Full Size ,19 x 4.40) comfortably low upkeep cost. Investigate NowOptioniiOn AU Ford Can I. the easy Ford plan to buy a car. An Utr. Coot 01



1111'. Frank Kcllis a nd family we r e !"l'sidcll ce o f D , Lll £\Oy Ea l'u hart, de- ;:; u nduy din ne r g ue sts u f r e lat ives in ' in ·innati. eeast·,l. un t\", to :' ner of Fift h nnd Mr. and M1·S. ({aym oud O sbo rne, of 'haJllllUn s ircets, Wayn l'sv ill c , Ohi o , Xe nia, sp ent Sun dlty uftc l'll oo n and on ol'e nin g w ill I ~ II·. u n d 1111'S. Emerson SATURDAY. MAY 23. 1925,

Deginllill!( at I u 'clock, th " foll ow· ing PI·u pc,t y. On e h o r sc , 2 c ows , ON S ID E WALKS OF N. Y. automobi le, fe" d , t oo ls alld h uusehol d "F'r\' d i ~ doin," a ~taKgr1' ing b us igood". FOI' t erlll s sec bil! hill s. 11('SS the se (fI.lYs." CliA S. 1'. ELLI~, I\dmr. " Ye s - Whnt' ~ his li ne?" W, N. Sen l's , Auct. "Bootleggi ng."

924Y. South Brown Street, ,,

1\11'. nil I MI ~ . r.alHOUC i ~ il1ls hu v\! ' h"I'I'\lI('~ c,JUjlo. t nLhu l":S .JjHY iva:! olJs cl' vod ut Ly. ~Ic chul'c h R 'l'Vice nud ' unc lny, ' cJloo l • lIpdllY morning. . . It·. Willi am Hlli nos. of Uclmont, K(lcnt Mul'h ' I"~ lIny I\'i~ h h is I'I\I'enlS, II'. IIlId Mrs. S . Ii. 11 tines. 1\li,,:; S :lI'ldl lls lJUI'II , U[ cll lcnille, \VII " a ,,"el·k ' l·lId ~Ut's t nl th e hUI11" u f ~I,', " li d . 11',. \\'. Ilter Kellrick . .\1 1'. alln ~I I S . '. E . Juh n; Spel,t SU,lilay \\il h' ~ Ir. and lIl r s. (jl e lln .1"I. "s a nd d, ild1'(·n . IIf IJ"ylo ll. jIll'. allli } Irs . Chllrl 's l ' III I'k !lnd 1111'. E II\ls HUg'" rs vb i\eu MI' . nllll M' H. )'.11111'1' H ugc l':~ ill \f HY IH.' S Vlll l ' , Friuuy . !l1 " s lil o "l'u Clul'i\ I'ulllrll ·d h Ull le F,.,d"y, "ftl' j' U succl'~s fu l yell l '" teach ing III the 1'l'imu l'Y dvpa l'l n, vlll "I' (' l"l l"r l' ill e schu ,, 1. Ul' \", Hil li Mr~. J. J), \\' jU llt, o [ UI :u i lold, l."allt·d 011 ~l r. a lld ~Irs. ~ . II. 1I 1I il l" S alld fa,ui ly , alld ~I,·:;. ulld ,\II·~. 1;. dd Ltl r q.~·tH"'l' . Aloll d " y ui'u.! r .. a II\'\\'

\\a~l: ;-\ ; It mean::; 2,uUU, - the ~ I H·IIIJ.:UlJr(J l:lin J'g~ Cl lJ IIY l'U 0 11

UU U cu,' I"ads uf frei l,[i. t each y e ll I ; It llIeau s lhe cllIpl"Yllleut of (JO,OOU hU S.~8 llnu tIl ' Lran sl1 (Jrt in~ of thuu · sall d_ vf cloil d1 e ll lu lh ~ J!u lJlic sclw u"; W it h lI lI l ha t Hn d morc lhc m ot u r Cal' b s Li l1 re pul'll'cJ us u 8ix cylindcl' bu a t.



GA ZE TTE ....


i ................1••••••••••••• , ....................................................................................... .



• '$280

eo..". • • • . . . 620 r.Jor SttJon. . 680

FoNIorS.dan .


Oa """" .... cIrmountabl. d1M Mel Iluta an sa, uti.




al l'. anll Mrs. Ea rl. Ma rla tt !Uld ,I I i,s IIlildred ~ l o rgan, of Dayto n, s(le nt S ll ll day with IIII'. and Mr~ . L, , I. . ·t eph e ll s. The ML H o Uy church will ho ld u mar ket in Xeniu , S atu)'dny )Horning, May 10, in nlr. Itlllph Neeld' s room, 1)11 l'lui n s treet. !Ill', a n u !ill'S. Eh'is Micl,u"'. , lilt·. and 111 /'" ll erbel'l Jllarlntt and so n, I';u m on, spellt S undll Y wilh Mr. Mich. lIe l' s pa r l' nls , o f Il eal' lllunchester. Mrs. Ellswor th S mith and chi ldren hu'I'\' I'l'luI' lIcd tu thcir h omc in Day. lU ll ufte l' sp e ndill g n few daYR with be l' 1u\l t ht' l', Mr s. John Lcvi IInu fnm_ ily . Th e Llltlie~ A id t""k \ll' ll · fi ll et! lJa s ile t., alld spent. 1.lh! day l u ~t T hu rM. <la >' wil h M r. ""el lIlrs. El vin Mich. H(' l~ , it uc i llg' a s Ul'pl'i:;c on Mrs, .ll ic hucl,. MI' . Ullrl nIl'S. F re d Turn e r, 1111'. ,J IIO. Z int lnl' I' IlH lfl and ~J f'. Fra u K 'l'urnel, .. I' n ay l" n, Mr, Ulld Mrs. William Nced"' ~ , ~ I: ., ~I,·. ullel ~ lr s. Willialll Nee· ,1I" s, .11',. and SUIl , Billy lind Mr. lind ~I :~, ( ' lu reH ce Cu rsu n, Clf C in e inna~i, S llt ' llt ,

!') uud uy

II ftc l tJllon

und l'vcnin ~

wi Ll , r,.; ,.". Rt'bl'(" '11 Dill . .

SPRING VALLEY 1111". Li zz ie H o lly is s uffl'l'ing from gang l'en e in hel' foot. S"vcra l It"l11C ~ ill this vicinity nrc Clll1l 1'lInti lll'd be<:l1u'ilc of smu llpox. . Mrs. W. 111. llaril1Ker and children a rc vi siti n g he l' s istel' in P omeroy. . A number fro m here uttcnd ed t he I"l"iends Qutl lte rly met' Ling ut Waynes\'ill e , Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willium Copsey yisited Mrs. Carl Copsey, who is in a Co. lumbus bospilnl, Sunday. Gond· Will Day will be observed at the Friends church next S unday, ",iU1 11 speake r from Wilmington co llege . A 11 of t h e closing exereises of the school yenr were held at the new schoo l building. Large crowds were present at c lleh of the exercises. • Postmaster Ii ieU , and . wife had 8S their guests on Mother's Day theIr two mllthel's, Mrs. Perry and Mrs. H urley, nlso Mr. Hiett's two sisters, Mrs. Annbee and M!1J. 1tflddleton.

-c---- ·- •.----

Try the


office for .Job Work.

BEECH GROVE Hurry Cline lind flilllily utteIHled church ilL Hlll'vey~burg SundllY Yeniug. George E llis. of ncur Hnrveys burl!\', mnde a bU B ine~s Lrip h ' re o n Sunday morning. H nwll rd i\l c l\ ny nnd fllmily Bpe nt Su n day with r~lall\'es 1\ d fliends in Wilmingto n. LOll L(!isure und SO li, ot Gra s~ y HUll, W C I' ~ lo'riduy lIighl gUe st,; uf lhe McKay f~ndly , Se veral frull' thi s pllle c uttellded lh ~ funeral of Will. McGuinn, Ul Wilm ill gt"n , un lus t 1Ori<1 u>' . The Laui es Aid meets touuy (Wed. I1 c~d u y ) at. l h e h Unie o f ~1rs. Anna M, Urallll(ill, Il e al' lhe c hu rc h. Th eud ore S mi lh and sisL.e r, Flo ,u, \I f Lt'UU ll UJ1, were Sund"y eveni ng ~ue~l s "f LOll UI'unn o n u n,1 w ifc. l.(HIiH Pin t! nlld wife, of At.lantu, t;a. , 'Wl' rt' Frida y lI iK hl fi nd S ntunJuy ~ue~t~ " f n. J. Murray, w ife '111(1 " is. 1 l' r .

\\~ urc.l T lly lut' lind wife, uf Middl e. t UII'n, and Mrs. George Martill, of Hitlgevillc , w e l'e :) t1nduy ultl'r . noo n gueslM o f K , E. Tho mpson and wife

.T( I I' ud n(ls~



hut'I'lfH III.

ViIllll!'c I) i' WllyJtc .,' iJlcurrC' c\ ill Ill!' . ' (15) W"\<' I' \'·,r t h e fne (' \ nlo, O' ft1l1 r pi l I" (,~lJt illt,· l '! I :1 ly 18, l !I(I(I.Il'I<1 ' ·11 I, ' \ lind Li~ht H .nd s l'lll'h , t' til( vlllu e l) f $ lI) OO.UI). It,· ,1' 11"- f,, 1I 1' C" I cC'nt i l1 ( (lI·('J< t. ir~IH',1 .:111\' I. . 1111 1.11 (If whi ch fnil du!' "")1 :i'o lll" r :' I /, 1!l2r1, nggl'f'f,(I<UIlf,( Pw 1..:1",11 14,000.00, is h"I',' I>),. ,j" il'i'lIl :, , " \ . ", d ecili red lo b" all ' xI,li lw . \' 1' i· 1 ,I\ ,d binclillg " hli ~," ill II of '11i' l i 111. 1 ,. S F: TrO t.! :!. T \' pl'" ,·i '\. ' ... . II to xtc nu th p tirn t· flf I I't: "tn '1'1 I I inu elrl('dnl' s, I'.'hi.·I, 1'1 'll' " .I ta xlltion lhe \, ilia)."c· " f \ ;, ill




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p. 111 •



ut1tibl c to )l ay at 1\) :, ' 1 t. ~ Ji all be h: :nl(~ rl IlIlIIII ... "I' it. \ .: of \"\·ovII N;v ill ~ 10 11 11 a:· ..· • . 1' , · u nl(\UI\ ~ 'o f ~ l · I.(lII I' , \Jo . - - , ~E(' TI ()!\ :I :;,dd I, ""d s ·,It "11 I•. · of t h\· d('l1 om in n jqll (.t' :"':"dl :I, !1 1J " 11 ~ hHI1 hl' cl nt (\d not !:t I I ' I' Ihilll !'-" 'I' ll'm l ,('r I, I ~I~!j ~ ~ h : d) dl':I ,1 jllh t·, I ut the ra te of fI Y(' I'l' l' f'l ! I pc ' 111 1

o J In ul i n ... (.C nil kind A; a l l o will buy I

num l'uY Jl hl(' nil ll lL' l 't t d . \' , . 1' '\ l t·.'; l HIlIi S "pt('m l lt'r in 1' : Il'h ,\ 1" 1'. It l. thl' Pl'C';'; {'ntHtiufl Hn d . \ ;1 , ; d, r I il1h ·n :H L (' (llIPII ' Hi t l, 1. (. I ' ~ I ," I said bonds 1!t'ar"iJ1 L" I I Il r. t j nu l ur e of tilt' ( ' Ic'rk . :I' l d I II .' d 1 Hil t!

pa ra l",. l\ ~ fullo \\'!-"





your (It! P ~ JH'I' '' , r ll J:& nn d Junk .

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bt, J' I !\ ha ll Itt' dllt , IIll d Pll \' 1<1 . ,\ 1:.' l , l~J ~Ii; H UI1 .1 11\1 J1 ~ I' l ' l .: ~ h: ! : 1 du e lLl1 d pl1~al.t" ~ l l' jl 111 : ' 1 '1'"' :: . :





NE ., "· LLE, O H IO

-' . -- -

''1!/ af' ter M cure CI

and o n" ho " d ,., ,I,,· " " T, i live lIu IllIJ('r ~hall 10,· ,(1 11' 'iI." I ., 0 11 lh e I ~ t dllY "I' ~!.'I" h " . d " I U, TheJ'e n c\'c ,' wa s a funeral held at tomb (' r o f euc ll \'('11 1' f" I!,.\\, .. I. , the t o ta l ,ulml H' l: i ~ n ·; j4 ·I It''\ Ohio the church, he re, lhn l wus Illueh s ud. SEr·l'l O~ I ~ai d I. ,,, ,.. \::. 11 I., del' thlln Mo the r' s Duy wa~ on lu sl prcp!l l (' d u nd !-- iJ.,."I H·d Ly ! 11I ~Ia " 'I'1 ,= S lIllday. It see med lo effe d ellery and \ · ilia~ .. ( ' 1, ·, 1; . li lld ,·,· 1,0\ 1; ,: 1, I-':Illy 1': qui p Pf:ci fo r (]ood th e \ ' illug c ~ t'a l ; ~ I I' dJ t .\ p r l''''';' t 1" "1 U n e rr,,~e nt. their fa c e llll' Jlllrpfl ~ l' fo r \\ h il,: h t l l\ , ~ 'n ' ice . Will. Wllrn er, our new s t uc k buyer, a r e iSSllf' d, a lld I hl' fHI ' t t lta t tl lt ' " :, . hil S boug'ht ul'e l' $70 ,UOO wurth of i SRlIc 4 pur,:o\ uH n l 111 lu\\'" a lid tI d; I ' 1.1 1'hl: l> :sJ1 la y Hool11 sluc k Il nd ~(' nt to th e sluc k rards nt oiutio n; s h ull b" i' ;I~;ddl ' l " ll h pt '"ill :\ 111 / 111 hnce Se rvice Cind lln ati und lJuytun s ince the flrs l ciral ulld ill t.-,." t at Ihe \\ '''.I' '''·''' ill,· Nati onlll Ban I; in the \ ' ill up' ,01 I ii \' O R NIG HT uf ,Ianuu,'y this yeur. Wnyn egv ill e. (lhio, lll,t! s hnl l ~ .. n Ul I Mab el T e l'l'Y, lI a McKIlY, Mnry bered fr o l11 I t u 28 in c lu s i,,(·. S\';CTIUN f)- Tha t lh e P I'"cc'NI ~ , ' ;llllnnull li nd Alida Gruy wc r e nppoinl sul u or Rllid h O I HI ~ I' X" " pt lin, ~.' d on SUIIUUY U ~ 11 cu mmittee t o muke the prel1l, u ms und uccrllcd ill t 0 r0~ t th,',·,' , OR AL L [N OS OF PR INT ING. lIfl'un g" lll cnts f ur C hildren 'R Duy, ul on shull be placed ill th " \'i ~l a l' " S E E THE GAZETTE th e c hurch h er e , in lhe n etlJ' fulllro. Tre usu ry l o lhe c r edit nf he Si "" Lewis Pin~ an d wife, of A t lunta,O., ing F un d, li n d .hull be d isu u l1'c'd , a nd Mrs. Ruth Murt'ay, of this place, "roper l' \I uc h e,.,. for the pur pose , f retirin r. th e W,d e r Wor ks And \\' 111 (1' fV l t U '\'b R 4 YEA RS s penl SUllday (M other's OilY) with and Li!(ht B ond s f a lling d lle S l'rl ~1l1 ' I "' .. i.'Jot l \.1 \ HIl U ,:\l iJ:,U ll-' l l,\E tins bee n lhei r mothe r, IIIrs. Harrett, of Le es- ber I, I U2 f> . c ll d f or no olh er pu r ' " 1 !, II' ·L'", .. !Sl .lI Jl ' Ut l hu;nt of :,urll. iJ urg . Mltl. Barrett has reached her p ose fo r wh ich purpoHo su id 1110 n l'), i, he r eb y appropl'illtecl: n nd t he pI'" 1/ \ 11>:; C'\'f \RRfl ~I E I} H INE con. ti 6th mi lestone. mlul11 lind UCCI'u(·d intl' l'c ~ l I'r ceil'('d ~I:-r"t rtf 1" 11 I H ntn1 t' nt "llrh Q u i ckl y d I o r t h' IJU II Lewis and f a mil¥ hu ell' tram M id s ule . h u ll IH' t1lln~fl'rl'l· J I ~ I I" \.· I · I 1) ~ 1" I'al OP l l il ~u llv n, a.nd the. .·t n.t j 'J, .lI ·· hw. n. 'r onk. "h ld l acta to the Tru ~ ll' 'S o f the S inki llg' E ~ II 'i. 'Irhl'Vllg g ues ts, S unday Ch a rl es Wooten and t h o U ltlfHl on t h e l\tU C"IJ UH Sur_ S\,;C'l'J(J (i,-Th at lhe fRilh , 1'\' \' . ~a \. I · :i, hlli us 1'I..! ltu cllu; the inflummo.tlon. wife , of Munci e, Ind, Penr! Aims and enue lind " r ed,t of l.h e Villll ge o f 5 ",14.1 I;y at l urH ~Ni9 t !t. fumily, Lesler Ramey and family, of Wnynps I' ilil· , nrc 11l'l'eby pl e dg'o d f M F. J C'hcn.v "" Co .. T , OhIo, Lon d o n, Ohio, Robert Lewis and fam · the p r omp t pU,I'men l (If uo th pr incip:!1 nnd int eres t "f th e bOlld" her illb l'. ily, o f ncar Harveys burg. Tn'onty·two out of twenty-four del fore d escribed in accord a nc e " il h ogates answer ed the roli call at the the Inws a nu con_til lll irJll o f the Sla le of Ohio. Friends Qunrterly meeting at Way. SECTI ON 7 - Th a t f o r IIh e pur· nesvilie last Satu r day. And Ulose po~e of P1'OI id illj! lh" 'lI"":ssllI' y fU lids two were ab sent on account of illness. to pay th e inl l' r e~ t '; 11 I.h" foroyoill!( issue of b Ollds p r \)I11I>\I)' 1\ h(' " nnd ' I' The attendance wal large, estima ted the Sllme f a it clu e, ti l1 d a lso t o creale between 160 a"d 200. and maint.ain II f tlnd ~u llkicl1 t t o di ~­ Richard Brow n and wife , Morlis charge th ,' said bOlld . li t mlllullitv, . . ""I •• Brown and sist e r, Miss Mary, of near there s hall l'e lind i, h l' rl' hy levie,1 n .. le ,.O u r ...1". wIth m a ll all tht· 11l\ ll ld .· I I, ; r rtr of t he .a ti.faction or chari" _ Centcrv;lle, Charles Owenl and wife, Villnge of \I' ''Y Il C·SIl I. ,I ,,,Id ili,," 11) Clarence Leman and wife. of Frank- nil ot.h e r l a x (' 's a di ll l ta'i :1.: 1I1UCENTERV ILLE, OHIO lin, were Sunday dinne r guests of the ally dur ing the p"'i " . r 1\ hieh Sil l,1 Phonu No.2 Jordall fumily . They all attended the bond s are tv l' lIl1 ill il lI dlllll UIlL :i U [ _ fident t o prov ide r u, d I" I':' V illt" , fune r al of Joseph Wutson, at C la r ks· est upon said bond s, .. ' I' d w'nen lhe ville. s&'m e full du e , ilnd n ]" I l u lrov itlc a Haro ld McKIlY and wife, K, E. fUlld fol' ll ll' .Ii '''' h;o1 l ' ' . , 11. ' Iii ill d · Th o mpson nud WiCe, A. D. Tu lmllge )Jul of s ai d ......·ri a l !lUI i l a t ' ' ;\ !lJ'it J · , ' T hut ""i d lax Khnll 1.1' .",,1 is h l' n '. a n d wife, Mes dames Roth MUlTay by ord ered COll1 pu led . "" 1' IIil' d, Ie,'· Mabe l Terry. Ed ilh McKay, Lucinda ied lin d exlc llu eu 111'''11 lil e la x d up· Edwards, Anna Brnnn nn , Mnry Man· licate utai cu ll ec L-l'd hy t Il l' t-\a", 11 l' fl i . n o n and Hnnnah Bogan uttenued the ficci s in th e ~1I111 0 11111nll"I', a lld nl l he same tim e t hn t the l ; I ~" ,\ ri i}' ;.!l· lJ L! ,, 11 Friends Qunrterly m eeting at Way. p urposes f u l' each " I' sll id 1', " " ~ W E GE T THEM QU ICKLY A.ND nes ville, Satul'day. certilie u, xtend e d "lid ·" "l lel'lL' d . Said l.lIx s hull be pluc vd lJ('[u l'C ll ii d f' RE E OF CHARGE in prefe r encc lu nil uth ' l' it e lil" 111,,1 CALl. U S ANY TIME A.T OUR for th'e full .unOUIIt th ~ I ·C"f. ,I II fund. deriv~d from sn id Lt. x levy E XPENSE h CI'eby re 'llllreu s hllil h" pla" c el in II scpurul c alld d is t inct fund . II hkh t ogeth e r wilh all in le rcs' c o lle ct,'d Pb Ob8 8 HAR VE YSB URC. O. William ilarlun, of Medina, clime 011 th e sume Hhllll lo e i ' 1','' u cub ly pl edged f UI' the puym ent of' lhe in te r. homc for the week.en d. est alld prinCipal of SlIid b()lld. wh ~1I Mrs. B. W. Kelch, of C hicago, cnme and ns the S III11(J full ull e. to s pcnd Mother's Day with her moth· SECT i ON 8- Thi8 l'e80 1llti"l1 , h:1I 1 luke effect and be in furce fl' 0 111 li nd el', M 1'8. J os ephi ne Elnir. aCle r the cllrlies t periud alloweu b&, N OTAR,( P UBLIC The infant sun of !Ill'. nnd Mrs. lull'. Chest"I' Whil.c di ed uf indigOBtion 1"l\ >lScd MIlY J, 1925. \viII~ UrawlI Estates SoUled '1' . E. ROGER S . 1\IJlYul'. :::iutllrelay at lhc homc of the g rand· Atle s ~: (lllrelits , Mr. and lIfrs. J. C. McKnight WaYll esv ille, Ohio L , A. ZIMlI1ERIIIAN. Clru·k. S. W. S tephens and family spent , Natinna l l-lnnk t h e week·e n d with relatives near Hi llsLu ro. Mr , Stephens has been re. e lllil loycd tu teach th e grammar g rades here another year. Mrs. Willi a m Mills died ut her h o m e here, Thursday morning. This is the seventh denth in n radius of two Illiles within u lI1onth. As these itcl11'4_ _ _ ---, I,

" aynesville,


Martin ctloneer •





Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.


go to the publisher, urr ange me nts hu vc nut been mudc for the funeral. Dr. McCrny, fo r m any years a reNo ident of oUr village, died, T hursdny m o rning' nn d W II S bur ied in the cem · e tl'l'y al Spl'ing Vulley, Sunduy . H e wus well res pecte d and will be great · Iy l1lis~ e d . H e \\IllS nn Oddfe ll ow, Musoll Hnd l11ember of ,vari"us Illed· ica l IIss ociatio n s. Our "c huol closed lust weck, A uns ket din ncr was serlled in the scho ol ho u_e, Wednesduy. In th e Ilfccrn'lOn /tn inte r esti ng p rogl'llm was r cnde r. cd. We had five gracluntes from the gl'nde. yeur : Myra Hayd ock, Arthur Mcint ire, Frllncis Bogan and Curl Pete r son . Myra Hnydock tied with a pupil fl'om Spring Va ll ey f or highes t ~rades in the town ~ h ip,


I :lm n s m outh·sli ck d ime. I a m too s mall t o go to t h e m o vi es. I urn snubb e d Ilt a 80du (ountain. I huve li t tl e prestige in a candy store-b ut o'boy. when I go 'to l'm 1\ hig league per· former.

RESOLUTION T o provi de {or the issue of bonds of the village of Wayn esville, Ohio , in ' the Bum of Fourteen Thou8and Dollars ($14,000,00) for the purpose of extending the time of ' payment of certain Indebtednesl. which from lte limit!! of taxation, the saJd Village ia unable to pay at maturity. ' Be it rellOlved by the Council of t he Villaa'e of Wajnl!lvUle. state ef Ohio.:

The bug-a-boo of every w0man's life is dish-washing. With hard water it is a disagreeablv. d Wicouraging task that reddens the hands, wearies body, and usually 'ends with an unsightly: · greasy film over everything. So ft water is the housewife'. grea test boon. In it soap lathers freely, harsh washing compounds are unnecessary, and the dishes dry easily and quickly with'a polish that pleases.


s.",. ROM. . . 11'11, D"ro Llikh 1. lI.fot.....p ... ol poilU....... ... tlc pI'UIIIare nrlteh. t. W.C41" n_.e aad Dr.N1Ire nne wit ........'te. cur.... . , EloetP1eallp ....140<1 .......-

•. 11:1.:-::;""11' 11" ....0<1 for a.... " • •p

I , A.uloD,. .tJ. l.b.I..U. ... t. Gro.",t. . .poeitT - IIut ,. ~.t •• alllItal "ork.,..nlhtp. I . Gliaraatee iii wrftln ...

_I""t. t...... ' _

ID)1Ol~© 8:':~~ furnish soft water from the cia.ter!}. under constant 'pressure. j\lst like city water servtce. Entirely automatic-nothihg to attend to or watch, Water may be piped to batQroo~ and laundry• The Duro way is tho modern way. May be installed In either old or ~w homes-fat BUperlor to the old-.t ype. wa:atef!ll 1l'a~ Plotor.

z..t "'lin ,.011 •


Wayne8'fille,' Ohl~


122 ::Z:S. , Ir. 1.. A. Zlmmcrman lUll , )luu tiuy. L,·I,:\l1 n "j!'it", , 'l'\ll'. duy . :'11. n tl . t r. _ R , G. I'II"~ w('r in ',~ ''''!'cd. n(:lr \ in inllll!\, MondllY. - '. 'ill •'~,,'IIIJl( I, of Iliell)!,o . i. ~ r W, (), I nlwl' \I "" III IlII Y! "11. , i i l ' Ill'!" "I. 1t'1 , ' I r.. W. ii . A11<·n Til ~ d ny, 1"J·1i .an,ih·. " 1 1 M' E (' II ' , r. ,an t 18. .... n l"n. ' Wl~' t 'l • fl'. Hn y ~ .j,I~ l th 1 dnnsrh h' r~ ;11\,1 !'O l Il, In I 11)"1011, l\I QlIda~' ., I !I t, ". !I. i. "'" ~lr". t·:. \'. 1111. n· Mi Lnuell .T unney, whll hi1~ 1"""1 Im rt and :\1" l'l11ma Bll1'lH' tl. (I t' (' I\. ten('hinr in lh,' S(Ou l h. ""'i,,,,1 h" I'''', ! "WI "ti. .",'r ,' ~1l. , .liI)' gl",.t" ", ( ~1 1 . 'undll", ni g hl. I ~I I' I I '1 ' 11 "" • 1"', ,I. l' ,. ,. 1 ,'I'.

I"f I I

KRO G Beans

II. ('. "1'.




Campbell's Beans ~o::.ri;:~ ----

Catsup fl Hili


Coun try Club . p un . 8 oun ces.


bOil Ie

- ---


Counlry C lub . rich . pure. g'ou n ce bottle

lla wkL·. of l.!'tl l· .... t ~ o f l'll .. nllU MIt: .

) 11",

1. 111111.

" l' r \,

WUti 11


i ~ilor~

J nw lw. Hlld

L. Lee '" 11011<1"1'';011 Mr.


1"" "

25c 15c 12c


Speciall ems for ThisWeek La d ie .. ' Dl acl< l' at('lI t~, f a lll'Y cut-O llt

M., J ,"~p h 11,," k,· nllll ~ II" .• 1) £ ~H hi'u\, \"i s i ll~ d !'t,ln t i\-(-s h e n.? !

$2.95 and$3.95


1' :l IH ' O S (\ ) (I"; .

.\I i .. :-

~!(" l " )'

1 ·:t1~lI r

Il t 'l'i~

lI " ll dl' r sllll


u rday l'\ l' ninl!. !\I t,, 11 ' .I1,,:r l:h lill.J:.., alld fllll1il y and






:l1" lh('r' > {( oh,11'1 \\" '''<ltz IIn el ' p "11(

fHIII il~·.



Ealmore Oleo


lin d 1111's. J . 1':. J llll ney lind Loue lla J an ne y \'i sit ell relati\'"s II. "illglllllll , Tuc 'day.

~,~!,~~~~. ~,~~. 25c

I.. Cu rtwl ight is \'i"i t in),( hi s « \II li nd wife. Mr" and 1\1". ('. 111. ('nl'lwrig ht, at Evall ston . Ill.


Lino" ~ um ,




We furnish Repairs for all kinds of Stoves and Furnaces

'Is farm Implemen

"Good Equipment Makes aGood Farm Better" Good Crops Depend upon the Good Preparation of the Soil. ProperTillage andCultivation can be done only with Good Implements. Right now we ha ve a complete stock of New Idea and Black Hawk Manure Spreaders, Oliver Plows, Oliver Disc Harrows, Black Hawk and Superior Corn Planters, Buckeye and Oliver Cultivators, both single and .two row. Weare offering Double Disc Harrows at the special price of...

$85 •00

We also-have sqme Used Corn Planters and Cultivators, and one Oliver Sulky Plow These are all in good runni~g condition.

FRED M·. COLE ardwar:e. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

I I~~.lJl;ICr:.~~~n~~~~I~I:IO ~~1 ~~~ :~ed h~~~. andDona ld , IIged '9 m ont hs, son of Mr. Mrs. Chester White, died at their and ~ I r~. Wa-Iler McGlure e nt Cl'tain ed at dinner. SUllduy. MI'. J . S. r.l cClure. Mrs. lela K ~ I ,c y. Mr. and ~Ir s. Carl McClure and daugh t er . of Dayton, Ilnd Mr. uncI Mrs. J. E. Mc Clure. A live. or six I'eel tilm. " Julius Cucsfl r." will be sh uwn al t h p Gym Thursday pYf.' ning. May I <t. Thi " is an edu eati unal fi lm well w orth seeing. No charge .,.,111 be made for children fro m the 6th grad e up t hr ough the lIi g h ~e ho o l, hut on admission fee of len cents wi ll be asked of others. Mr. and MI S. E. A . Earnhart and ,nn , (I{ Cellt c r\'iIl e. Mr. and Mrs. E. ' F , Earnl1l.lrt and fam il y, Mr. a nd Mrs. A. II. Earnhart anc! family, Mr. an d MrR. H. n. Enrnhart. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Balo" and ~o n. celebrated Mothc r' s Day at the home of t heir parents, Mr. ancl Mrs. Burton Earnhart. Mr. J. O. Cartwright WIIS in DnyIon Saturday night to atte nd the sixty-fifth a nlliversary bllnQuet of the. Miam i-Jacobs Business con oge, which Wit S held at t he Miami hotel in honr'r of A. D. Wilt, who for f ifty: three yeurs was principal of the col .. leg'o. More t han 300 g raduatell wero prese nt.

Mr. und Mrs. Andy FUngesson, MI'. a nd MrR. Jnm es Goo d a nd son, from Detroit, Mic h. , Mr. a nd Mrs. John Cusl enbordcr, Mr. and MI'lI. E d Bahl, Mr. ao d Mrs. Herbert Bahl a nd 80n Mr. and Mrs. wiil Bahl and 80ne, nnd Mrs. Sam Schaffer, Mrs. Ella Woodall, . Mr. and Mra. S. Bardle y, · Dayton , and Mr. Fonest Bahl from Cincinnati, attended the funeral of ~s . William Goodill, held here, ' ln~t F:rlday afternoon.


ho me n!'/lr New Burlington, SlIturd llY, Mill' 1I. (r ho flln/mll was he ld Monduy mornin g. Interllll!nt WIUi mode in ~p r ingtie ld cemetery. Mrs. William Goodill died Tu esday, Mill' 5. J 9~G . at her hom e In Detroit, Mich. The body was brought to the ho me of her sisler, Mrs. Ruth A. Daughe l ty, f!'O m which place the funend was helq. Friday afte rnoo n. H~\'. L. A. Washburn c onducted t he .;e r vice and buria l Willi in Miami cem_ te ry . . . .


THIS WEEK'!I SHORT STORY Jaun t y J erOmE! drew his elegant eight up a longsid e the roadway, directly in front alf a pretentio.u8 inn'. ' L ooking te" derly 'into he:r eycs he said: "We shall dine." She said: "Hot dog I" So he drove d(lwn the road _ half mile to Fat's Fnlnkiurter stand."

Lwlil 's' Uni nlt Su its . good

~ .. l d",

5ge and 95e

gonod grad C' , SPECIAL

6Se per yard

M e ll 's Shirts, $2.00 va lue . rol l.. ,-fj atinch ed or d etac h cd,

Linoleum, 9 f et wici e, just r CI'ci l' d, ca n L e u!'ed a R a rLi g', Specia l Prices, at 0111' ne w Rug and Linol e um Dcpartment.

$1.19 Chi ldre n 's 3-4 Socks, roll tops, SPECIAL,


$7.45 Wool & Fibe,' Hug'S, Dx12. SPECIAL,

Me n 's Athletic Union Suits, SPECIAL,


59c and "9Se



Waynesville, Ohio


1. . . .






Late ClassHied Ads,


SR , PIANO, care of Miami GIl",27 zette office.

E state tl f EmiliOI' S. Baily , deFOR SA LE--Leaminc com, t ollted. ceased. FOR SALE Noticc iH hel'eby given that ElizJ . S. Vandervort. Waynelvillo, R. R. 2, Telephone 39-3. IIbdh B. Bllily hilS heen du ly app ointed an d Qualifi ed a s exec lltl'ix of the Fon SALE- Bargain in n good used -- - - - -.- - - cRtute of Emllwr S. Buil l', lute of p iano, cagh or lime puyments. Ad- Try the Guett. oftloe lor lob WorlL Wnrren co unty, Ohi o, deceased. Dated t hi s 12th day o f May. Ifl1l5. "'. Z. ROLL, Judge of the P robale Court, M. C. Dl'Ilke, Alt'y.

FOR OVER aOOYEARS haarlem oil has been '8 wor14wide remedy for kidney ,liv~r and' bladder disorders, rheumatism, ~~o and uric acid conditionS:


We handle the celebrated

Goodyear 'and Firestone

T IRES Because


iN Subacribe (or The Miami Gazette.


Highest Cash Price Paid for


Everett Early


~r~ The B


corftCtlntemal troubles,lItImulate vI~ orpna. Three: a1zcs. All drullllisb.lnaIft on the orl&iaal IICDuiae OOLD MItDAJ.o

There Is No Better Lubricant than

VEEDOL OIL Better Try It! LEE. _


Waynesville Motor Waynesville, Ohio

Phone 105

Lytle, OhIo c::

Alb ert Whetsel, a resident of Mun. cie, Ind. for th e. past thirty years, was born nellr Harveysburg, Warren co unty, Ohio, January 11, 1872 and di ed of pne umo'nia, April 27, i925, aged 53 years. • He was the ~Oll of John Finley and Emily Burge Whetsel. June 4, 190., he WBS married to Lucy Stu baker, who cat'ed for h im faithfully during t he nine years of his affliction with rheumatism. At the age of seventee n he united with the M, E . church. His interment was in the Muncie cem etery.


C"ex Ru g'S 9x12, SPECIAL,


Roofing and Spouting Lightning Rods Furnaces Installed ~nd Repaired

Prin ts, ya r d w ide, SPECIAL, per yard,

Rugs and Linoleum


and Tin Wor k


$3.45 and up to $5.95


Waynesville, Ohio

Shantung', I yard wide. in f nllt colors, a ll n ' W shades. yard,

~; ilk e n

~Ir " S .

Kemp & Jordan



lI i ~ h I';: kk s . S Unl11l('!',

$) .98and$2.45

~ II· .

~I i ,~


- - - -- - - Hen Food


all new

ho ('!:. wilh '['allc(; '.lIk ,:. (·:l1l ya,.; tops , proted(' Ii at a ll poi nt ,.; ot' 11' ("1 1' with leath,'I' , SPEC IA L,

~Ii l

37c _r._~_!_~_.~_~_i~_e_.n 17CIr.~o~~~~~,~". _"_~3c '1Oc Apples Fig Bars 12c

Pure I ri s h Linen. non-shrinkable, in




p la y (h; l'o rd,.;. wilh "' ill (l U[\\' l' ar two

I( ' a l h,,!, s (lk ~ , SPECIAL


:llld I ):\~


('ltildr (, I1' ~ ~;llld ;i1 s .


fu n \il~'

ormandy Voile ' , 1 yard wide, in 1111 new ,.; hades and patterns, SPECIAL,

(k ~ig- I1 "; .

I ,~1' 1', 1I HII",·l1 :tll h... '1'III' <<l IIY ·I'Y an d fn",il~· . I'l>l Fri.lay. I :'"li-hIl \1 .. , . II """, H.I' · dl\ u): hter. \I'<'I' ~ ) 1..,. C. 1\ . II in a''; . of C,' IIl(·I' \'il1,·. \ . " i ll \ 'I ... i t H I'~ . ~a 1 urdny. "' fil'lll TU l'~day \\ ilh hc.·r lII ulh"r, MI'!ol-. \ 1 ~t l~ .. ~l alY I luk,', of ll aytHl1. i:- . \ 1111 01 :--: hl't·hun . ""I'nd;lI~ :' lilt' \\ t ' I ' h, wi th hl' r .. i ~ t( · r . )11' •.10(' '1' hoOlI'""n. of I) n \'t (1 n. \'i <· ~l t' . !\h ' n' i ~ ;r nh a rn und fnm ily . il "<1 hi , n",l ht" , ~I I'" . Ki '.7. it' Th o mp. )11'. :lIId ~ I I" .1, 1-: , ;\( .. (,1,,1'<'. M, " "u ll . Sun d u),. \\' ,111 1'1' ~1l'l 'ltrrl' u" d \1 ,., . .1. '\'. E d . ~ II' . I\rnnet.h I\i ll)(l n. "f Dayto n, \\ :n d:-;. \\"(' 1'(' in )) ay t llll. T ll('~dHY. en llll' d u\\'n T UI·, d"y ni d ll fn\' tht' ~h·. ,lIn,.I,'. ~ lidH'Il('r "'" . ill l iti s· ~('n i "r cla>s play. h l JI"c- 4\\" ' 1' tlw \\l'l..'k l,tHl. th r gU l ' s t or ;11 1' . lind MI". ,I. W. Edwards IIn<1 ~ I r . All .! ~ I rs , " 'i lli"m ~l i chL' II1 ' I' , .. hildl'ell nn d MI'. O. J . F:t1wa\'(l~ w,'re ~h', lIlId :11 1" .1. \ ), I' lIrt\\,rid.t IIlld 'n Ll'lJll II U II, F r idll Y. W('rl' in

Dry Goods ·






~I'ar s

" lin d MI'. 1I, Id Mr.<. Mi 'R \lori s ulltl MII ~ tcr D<:' an 1I11wk" 1(, 1'1'), )1 0 ):1"'" IItt end Ni the funrrul or dau!!, h tt' 1' IIl1d so n o f MI'. nlld '1I1rR. nr. Will ~\('CI'IIY. ut ~ pring Valll,y. L l'1.' Il uwkl' , hlll\'C Io" "n vcry skk. ~undJlr· TIll' Bua rd uf Ilil'ecto :'S of t h.' pound Country Club. Ig. can M ... lind Mr ~ . ~'UIHIC' I ~ I crlu r e lind Frie nd. Uoa r ding 11 01l1c hilI''' pur . -------------------, family , of Cc ntH\·ill e . WI'r (' gurs t s .. hll,,·d II Ill'W Stud e baker Sedlln . of Mr. lind M". W ult .. r Me Cl ul'<' . LOS T-- Onc aOx3 \1, Giallt II .0. t ir e. Sun .!ay o fte rno on . Find cl' plense re turn t o Mello h' s Freoh. Ib Avondale, No 2 can S O\'e ytllir old enrp<'t s li nd rugs I{a ragc, Wuynl!svili e, Ohio. · m20 - - --- - -- - - ---lind g~ t ""'(,lI r\l'l' lI" nu!!," mlld (', Mr. J " hn I'llul B o lton will speak Se nd f"r price Ii >\. Franklin Ru g for Ohi o Stale u ni\'ersity fr om Sta_ Cn. , Franklin. Ohi " . l ion "{Io~A Il. 0 11 the evening of Mny Fre.h rendered , 2 lb. Mr. L('lIllrl<:' r rll l' c y nn d {llmily. of 2 1, at 8 p. m. , Eus tcrn tim e. n(,11 r J) odds. n nd Mr. and 1\1 ... J , M. T ayl"r "p ,'nt S,,"clIlY w il h Mrs. Flossie Cnl'('y nnd fllmily . __ lIfr. lind Mrs. Walt(' r E lzey. Mr. an d 1111'>. " c nnpth El ze y s pent the week -en d ,,-it h Mrs . N . A. King. ot Fancy Win e ..'p, Ib her hom e in Ind ia nap olis. Low price, pound 1111's. William Rutfield and Miss Emmn Buckles. of Xenia, and Mr. All food. no grit , The Eleventh Annuu l Field Meet He rb erl Wea ve" ond fnmlly, visited IOO-lb. bag. was held al lhe Le bano n Fair grounp s Mm. H ope S ti1e ~ , Saturday. M r. F . C. Harts ock , of Milford, Inst Friday, May 8. For thc firs t s pent a fe w hours in Waynesville, t ime in mllny yen..,. , o ld Sol came out Sund ay . IIIr •. Laura Mosher r etu rn ecl a nd helped make the meet a s uccess. to Milford with him, for a few w eeks. Mnny r ecords were bl()ken, du e lnrge Iy to the ideal weathe r, thereby havMr. and Mrs. George Smith entering n dry track. The events begun tllined Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Philip at 9 n. m., lind e nd ed at 7 p. m. Zepf and Mrs. Eloise Thompson. of Due lo the lu ck of practice and Cillcinn nt i, nnd Miss Emma H eighinteres t, W. H. S. failcd to make any way. s ho wing, We hnl'O alhletes us good At h er home o n Routc 4, Miss Ada liS any sc hoo l in the county, but Miche n er very pleasantly e ntertained along with , thE! phys ical bo<1y must the Freshmen and Faculty of the Cen- co me interest and pracic e and t e rville, High School. last FI'iday ev- the s piri~ to win . Le t' s get busy and cninJr. ge t oUl of the rut next year. Mr. Ppt('r BE' r!!,('r, of 1722 BnltiOu r Gl'Udes, howeve r, Illude a fllirI m co r e A I'C .. Cincinna t i. m otored to Iy good s howinlr in s pile of the wcath 1 o ne day lus t week, and mnd e el' 111/111 and the l os.~ of some of o ur I n vcry pl easn nt cnll on Mrs. Chas. E. grade athletes, who pnssed into Hig h \ \·em tz. .>choo!. The Grades p laced in every All . Kinds of Mrs. Edith II lIrli, r eturned h ome, e venl. bUl didn't gel eno ugh firs ts Sun day from Milford. She was ac- to win th e cup. H ig h Schou l--l st, Le b~non " 2nd conipllnl cd by Miss Mi ldred and Must e r CIllIrl es Hllrt6ock, who will ,pend' Franklin; 3rd, Milson; 4l h, S'pring~ uoro; lith . Otterbein; 6th. Wayne"the wee k h e r e. . "ille; 7th, Kings Mills. Mr. and JIll'S. W. N. ~ e are , Mrs. Grades - 1st, Lebanon and FrankRoy Ha lhaway, !lfr. lind Mrs. PelT}' K"nrick and daug hler, Mi s~ Bertha, lin, tied; 2nd, Otterbein; 31'd, Waynes ville ; 4th, Maeon; 5lh, Sp ri ngboattended tho fun eral of P. B. Th omp 1'0; 6th, Kings Mills. son , at Dayton, h"t Thursday. Rural--':' Ist, Carlisle; ~nd, GeenAgents for Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Branstpotc r, lown; :ll'd, Twenty-Mile Stand . Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Mrs. Ada Courtney anrl Mr•. Vern Armitall'e attendc.-I in"pcc lion of En. tern Star fit Clnrksvlllo. Inst 1-" rldny nIght. Mr. and !III'S. Witlinm Hnrtsock, of Springe ld , IIII'. nncl M rs. J essc Ha.t · sock, o f Cin cinnati, nnd Mr. Lee Buily H". Haye s, a former res ident Hart. ock, of Ch icag'o, cnll ell on their and business ll1~n of 'Vayn esville, unc le. Mr. Charles mall, Monday. died at hi s home in Cincinnati, Tuell,Mr. lind Mrs. Curl Frye ha ve mov- lIny. The buria l w'iIl be in M'iami ~~~~~~~~~""~~~"""""'~~.:>t.::~~~~::::;:::,,~~:;::: : o: : ;': : ;:lI: "'o: : : : : : : : , : ~, : : :;o; .:;..: :~~ ed in lo lh(,ir lately acqu ired prop- cemetery, Frid .. y afternoon at 1 el 1.)'. Mr. L. D. W o o ll ~ y and family, o'c lock.



Mund li.y. Mr. Itlld 11[1 , . . n. 'h' I' \\'(lud W ' I' ill DIl}·ton., w dllY. Mr. all d Mn<. Ralph Mi1J' ,. Wl'rc ill DII~·ton, Sa l;urdny. )lr . .J. ' ; Pr mill ~ PI'J\t th wee k(; 11<1 wi lh r!! lnti l'('R. in Dnylon. Mi F" Olh'c ninwiddi.. on d IIl rg. Hulh SI\\'II)!C '1\,\,I'l' in Illl )·t tln , T II~ s­ day. ) 1i~, M IlY W rh; ht \I'll" Ihe wt· c k· ...Id t: lIl'B t of !II rs. t:l1a Mich 'ncr lInli j fahlily. I


Co untr y Club , low . priced. 2 enn .

ill Dny-

." 1' . lIell Kibh'l' \I'll. Ih " wcek-cnd g'lI(1llt o f l'c)l\t l\' (' ~ in (,ovcllln d. Mr". 11 . I . BIHn h nr nll,1 MI'. Mlldi'on Enrnl1llrl w('~., ill L'lll-tOIl, Fri, ,Ia\'. . " 1 1' . T I { . Ii II , !'. '. J''' 'Pl', (I ,,,n nA' It' ( , wn F :l l l\lf'l:il lI 'fl~ "is\to J" in \Vnvllcs \~i ll c Il n,h\' . . :. .~ 1" 'k ' f • "II . nne! ~It .. 'n~ .1I n\l C' ,o n.I ),II" '. <pI'n I l ~lI l1dll)' With :lit'. lind Mrs.





0 _ _. _

The True Value ora Paint

!s ~ its l!"rabU~W Hanna', Green




'''Made-to-Wear Kind' . .' " ~ 'I[WoEBJ .






S"V"loI, .ceventh Year



.Events of the :=::·;::::··..I Cl9sing Wayne Township Schools' [!OCii&l


from the


State . Capital



umber 5G44

Flag Was Presented To l Grciae Scliool

.'W"I1.t:Jj\·""'~~'mU ' ~: • .~. j.: J ;J Quite Il g' o od·~izl·r clllnpany w," ~· I·an.;. a 11I1Ig-PI" ti nlll Hf <.; t - ' \"l ct' I h:\n )11'''. E. B. Murrell nllt! daughter. illl\' IIlh l 'I ' illd i\ ! .IIl:d 1.41\\ ~I b" B('I~licc, of i5p ring l1ill. wel'e presc nt on the Gl'l1d!' schOI) 1 ('amllll' ("thlIr;!tl l j{~(If l l l' d \I:il lt tlll r ... dlll,,] \ ;-:. l h · dilln('r J,:ues l.., . Tu esdoy, of Mr. all d last Fl"jdny, to wi tn cs~ the· prt 'S l' llt:t ~ li;l!.:' I" ';\i" h,·d it :-. pll ~Ji 'lIl . \ tIll ' 1I1 1' llI l w ' Scha~fTe r Mrs. Lestel' Go rdon. tioll of a flllg to till' "l'hoo l by ~1 illl111 , ( tlh' ~ d H ".] HI · d 1.1' lil" ' r d. I 10 illt d Va lley Coullci l No. 10:1. Jr. n. t '. 1\ . ill C' I\ i,,1 rJIl I ,; , ·d~, , · .. r -dl,·'· " :, ,,c" Adm ission free. --__ Uj...... r=u-..._ _ _ _ _...... ~ l d t " 1 I: ",; :d d ' 1I Hl'di ' :rtl , it M,,,tt' r rt ulwrt Duke ente r tain{·d ~l. Promptly at I h(' appoinft·d h",,1' th · childrell IIf t ho Buckey{· sc hu ul t he pup il8 n f the Rch",,1 Inard",d I II ~' r:II ' I , 11I 1 :-. ," ' 1' 1 II I l f 11. ""'1 1,,: \ " \ .11 III j p I' hi " 111;\ 1 , ~ ;\1 1 t! \ " ' t .... h" I :; I The Wayne Township High School commencement. ai hi:-; h o m e (IJ! !:i unu ny afternuun, t h(' ir p(1~itjons OJ! tht, ea~t !'- idl' of half COLUMBU S, OlJlO- Ohio "po rt s· lid I II I' .. tll '/ . , II .: ~ ;1 ,,,I 'I ' :--' 1;11 ~ I ay I ~, the una siull ul·inl:' hi s l ll h men have WOII Illluthel' COllvl!rt to will I)c beld Thursday cvellin~, May 21, at 8 ,o'clock, in the IJirlhllay. I he buildillg' f ul'illg' L he nug' ~ I alf. :--: I' ; r I I ': I" I I ~: 111 r 11'1 •• :- I I, I II t, ', . Jt ' I 1 . I)Ki '! Ii ULE AND CATF ISH the ir cause uf legislatioll thut will Hl'v. L. A. K ashhurn ""lId a l,nH' :\1 ,1' 11 \ :1\\ 1I 1: ld,· :1 ft ' \\' ;.r', 1 I n ,l' I' l ' t ' WH U U ' C ON J.::R S GETS RICH High School auditorium. C. W. Cooksoll will bc the Il lr-l, ... :,r ,d th ,' ( ,\ (-r l ' i , I '" I! \ \ ith pruvide [01' well·slocked .tI' CU IIlS of Hag-e o f ~c rip t l1re and uff e l'ed th e ~ I i s~ Edna lI ow land nnd ~ Ii "s Lulu tth ' ;-. i ll J.!il1l~ ti t" " . \ 'llI l'Il'a. I AI. ' L LC UNOMY the stute in Lie ut .. Govertlur Chorles speaker. No admission. invocatioll . u·ft.c r which . in a few well Fea ly ellte rtain ed MOllday e\'cnill~ , ,,\, li lt ' li t' t h, I . I ' I /'(':,\\ I ,' ,1/1 \ \ , \I L ' Cf~Y JAPANES E BABY H. Lewill, of Harpster, who r eturll ed lit Burtoll '" I' c,,~aul'Unt , the M is,es c h usen rema rk s , h e prl'~Cll tt.'d t he f O J'!.: t' l lilt , i llllIJ t · 1\ ' . 1 'I d I , i, i illl! I-:d ll ll 1\ <: 1",y . KuLlII'>'n Clark . Anne lIug on' lJl' hulf o f the "ruer. At "" :-:. i)',dll "f It , . , ~· .dIl H'" .... iud " t .. a ,1",\' I th" week after Beve l'l\l da ys' flShillg in The 42nd annual banquet of the High School Alumni Buch mall Ilnd Lou ise Smith. approp r iat e ptlillt in thl' pr<'!S('llta · HI,'d 1" •• 111 Illl ' il' <"1.1 :- .... /,1, 11 1.- lit tll l, i·r I Luke "ric. The fishing Lrip wa; ti on arldf'f"Rs . the flilg wat! rn isl'u t o pitH' t' S 1' /1 t l l ' \ ~ ' HI\lPll ':, (' :11", "1I1Id I,( 'ar clljoYl!d by Governur Lewis, Kep l'c, association will be beld in the Grade building, Friuay nell( 1\",·\',' I, .d 'l'\.: ( ' llV I .i tht.., n c w\!st th e t o p (If the staR' by the you ngest inJ.! a ~ 1I 1: dl I};q.! . :\H F' :lL' ;ltt l ,III' ~ pl ' l' T \,~, yt·ats U~(J Ole n se ntati ve • Harry Davidson. Emmons iog, May 22, at 7 : 30 o'clock. Un SIItll l'd ay , May l Gth . th e cills, pupil of th e "choo l, MU Hte r E"d WeR. lHl:l " !l f t'.It' h l'hild I,\ilh hi ... rl:q! nli ~ , · d I'\\ \1' oI1'"'ld"I tll (,Ity, ' l\' ,'atdll l1 ).!' u ft.\\ l'ut fi :-; h. and Wise and Senotor Will Pric e. " f ' ~ ·1 llIet Ilt the hom o of Mi s" 1-I ('lclI l('y Co n ne l'. th c young' "'oll of 1I1 r. and ill sa in t !" "hill' I I P":ttll l~~ 'h i' pl v d ~(1 , ' H \ \ Ii I:" a iJll tl 1l1 tliW ll , thllll k !{. to Tickets 00 sale at ~he Miami Gazette oOice. LJu h to c"I ~ I Jlll t e her I !J lh virthdllY ; l\ll~. r. al·l V. COline I'. who til'Ht saw p f a lhT iall( " , T h" jr :h'! i,l] ~~ 1,\,_ :"'I Ita ,1\ '" \\':1 1"111, 1.(, l ' I'( '!'Ol d,til (. f t he 1I0tore goillg into the Canadilln WM· t il(' light of day . Novc mh e l' :! G. I (J I H. ~I'(,h(' l'lI !('fl d I r ;,i :lll1L!" :lILoI n·nl'( " ~ 1I 1 ~1I th e fil·~t al:1l liv ~""ry o f thei r 018 Governor Lewis in spected the fish . . . , "h. , 11'.1 \ 11' I i 7J('. Whf. rhll hh 1l('W (,'jl I 1l1ll£'IlCl IlH'Ilt. Th(lo c\'(.'nlnJ:t wns )lm<tl'r Earl wu" assistl'd 1,\' M,' .l.:Tt'id lT I dlt 111' "11 1I1L -11' ', ·:11·11. ·1' ... . 1Il .. ~ l ", I I ;1IJ.'ht-a :,- •• 1I1 i l l r .. \\, I'allr";lt l a C I"CI!i S hu~~ hery at Sandusky, tlliked with SPCllt in ha ppy re m ini sn ' nses inter· M. L. Parsha ll. who ha, curt;,1 fOI: Ill' t h Vlll, I,y lhl' way, al' l ' .il ... !! a\UI11I i 1' 1"" 01 ,, I" I'alm III- 3th wilh " s tatio n the employees und promised his whole :-. pc r~ t· d with Ili1i Sic , -lnd J;nlnw~ . L a t e Ih" (; .... ue Iluildillg' fOI' thl! I'lls t ~ 'i f,f OU I' ~ l'hu ll l ~, .IL thl ~ poilll. III lhe l'Vt 'lI ill~ daill t y I' ef r es hm eli l" h"l1ru:d support to tho CIlU"" of Ohio :\,,'" J.ll kl· ()1,I'l'ch " I, Cl' y il' lds ail e \\' ,'1'(' SC I' V(lu . Those ] ) 1 ~ s f.!nl w -'n', Iisherrnen and legislution which th ey lu lllt H!! c!lIlI a l':-I Wld' th IIC cH tfi ~h a t h ~ t.lissc' lie 1<: II lJuk(', Lorrnine ~ "Ill' , IIW f, t (lr it. ~ hippcd tu Knu sus lavored. The party enjoyed splen· Bmlllluck. Klllhed ne )o'r"l11 m, ' Beryl ( Il \' Hnd ~ l . I.{,uis, where cutlish arc ISlInc Kell y was uOI'n nCar Morru\\" Cu •• k and 11 1: II:n RUllu u l1. The Messrs. did luck ill landing small mouth loll." "1' 1;)'(,CllIll' d "" Ih~y ~ huuld " '. Tuu rSeptcmu" I' 5, 18n . and di ed Ohio. !o:\'creU Ca rnuh a n. BUI'lIett I:l uttm" durin" thu Beverlll days' flshing, but l :-o t.. ' u ll1( ' IIlI Uklllg' by lht' lhlJu~u l1(ls May Hi , I U;!5 , IIged 92 yeurs, 8 n10. worth, Gl:urj!'e Il e nd er,,,n. Me lvyn Governor Lewis expreBSed the wish and \\' , ,J. CUllllers , who OWIl~ the Ilull ia. Rnymon HaW ' ld aud J ohn The Waynl'svillc Miamis jou r neyed 11 duy.. He wus th e only so n of l:ull'al" ('" u ri cr and most of th e lan d of every member of tho purty when ['uul .Bollull. HI '.,Ul t d lie le , is g'' rich er th un he said, "That all Ohio s\.rcams to l$cllbrouk lru;t Su nday aftern oo n, Samuel and A<: hsah Stuub!l Kelly. l'\' l: l' . should be well stocked with !ish of and met defellt by tho sco re 0 [ 4 lo ISlIac's father alld grulldfat her ca me A large congl'egulion was presen t all kinila so that ISpo~mlln would 1. This WIIS the first full gllme our from l:;outh Caro li llll with a culony A vcry pnjuy"b le su rp rise pu rty The Wa yn!' "'"w nshil' Fnrm~l' s YOII will be illteresteu ill l his lalnot have to travel to Canadian WII(,- lJoys huve played thi s yellr, und their of fri e nds who se ttled in Warren was given Sn turdny ni g ht in honor of at th e IUlccnlu ureu lc ~c rvic(' , which clu b ml't 011 Thursday . ~ l uy I , 1!l2ii, era to enjoy the great sport of caleh- work Illninly showed their lack of county in 180 0. Those FI·jcnds had Mr. Hllrold William ~ ()n at h is hom e . wus he ld in the 1\1 . E. ch urch Illst a t th e IJlt~ " 'HfIl {·" ulll ry ho n1l' o f Mr. l·, t bonm land ,,,'e n out o f seaso n. veen lauori ng eurnestly in tht! cause ing thom." A Th e ev~ ninJ! w n~ spe n t in various i5un dpy t!vcnillg'. allu JIll's . ~1. W. :-;i lv.",. T he dllY be· A Isu ill the pour young Semin ole Inboth batting and fielding practice. of righteou sness, leading II life of g'ames. "ftel' whi ch deli cious refr esh The g rad ullting class, headed by illg' pl CUsHlItly ,,'anll, lwo luulcs Wl're dia n wi f e Vll ded heside the 1'8ilroa d self·deni a l and pleading bot h publi· truck li nd U . I' . LUIllC!'SO Il, the (crryth e fac ult y, mlll'cheel 10 th .. fl' o nt of But don't worry, the material is there Few Ohioanll have any idea of th e cally and privlltcly for the liberation cents wer e se rved to th e f ollow ing ~ l he ehul'ch, whe l'e .('IILs hud b('cn re· !"p r eacl UIlLit'l ' the h ..'lIt in the yurd. ma n lell" ing' Florid a with hi s tOW so ns 1\1 isscs Kathryn Turn er, Fran ces where 1I1l·mLers nn el J,t ll l'slH en j oyed umount of revenue that· th ~ state will tor a crack·a · jack team, and er c long of the Klaves. ur I' Cu lun"Jia. ~(l uth Amer ica, boHC I'\'cd fo r th~lIl. the usua l I'J UHlpluIHI ~ dill ncr. l1erive from the collection of tw o the boys will have made us forget all H e . wu s the brother of three sis· H enkle . Rh('u Janet Cllrtw ri g ht, E l~uU " c lUlld I,,· ... · i, too dear. F our m('ntut·"~ of the ,) ulliur clIlBS. Hawk e . Lu c ile St J Ohll, Dorothy s ie The me~till~ wns lI nuHlIally well cellUi per gallon on gasoline. Thirty - aloOUl this rirst .e(,-back. tel'll, MUIl:uret, born July 27 ,1 831; Wh en YOII cOllie to F lul'ida tuke the Collier, I!:sther Henderson, Mary Mi".ell I!:ls ic Hawke. Esther Henel er· atte ll de d for the bu,y SctlSOIl, IInly Ii Vol ~LUtea bad g&ll taxes in effect i5 cal,olll'd A il' Line. save time an'd With two dOWII in the first, Char· Alllla, UIl I' II Murch 20, 1837, lind I1l1n· Margaret Un~lesby , and Lo ue lla Wil· Run . Dur i" IIt'IHle l'son lind Rhell Jan· tln'cl: fami li es veing' ausellt. laat yeur, according to governmcnt nah , burn March 16.1840, all of "ee the WeSlel'1I )lIIrt of. Florida as I't Cartwrigh t wer t! em cient ushers The tjuest ioll 8UV lllittl'd for sll lu· we ll as th e lIol'lh III1 U so uth and the reporUl, but tour of them with the ley Osuorn singled tu center, .but. whom departed this life previous to li ll mso n; and . the Mess rs. Churles li nd g'1'acdully hundled the la rge aud· Chapmon. Clark Salisbul':Y , Churl es t inn to euch memher, "What one hellvielt registration had none. These WWl le1't on base when l:;aLtertnwllite l auae 's death. Je n cc. ellst cuast. 'I'l a\' c l OV<!l' the hig h thing in you I' j udgment wou ld m ost ullck uone u [ the peni nsula, which tour states were Ohio, New York, 11- touled to third. In lIellbrook's half, H e came: from a home where Chris. Collier , William Thomus, Howard Hcv. L. A. Washuurn's Sl! rm on 1IIIoi8 apd Michigan. The income Uibbons hit u little roller between tilln id ~ll l " welle taught, lind where Cook, Ken neth ' St John, Adelbert WlI" inspir ill g an d ill structiyc . His belleflt co un t ry life'!" brou g ht f or th tl'llvelcl's usutdly lIli!!:!, with its wonlrom CAlI wes in the8e 36 atates was he wu~ instructed in the hospitality Mc Millon . J . Byron Cu.oper and Har- text, "Fo r as the Father holll liCe in numerous and varied T('p li es, uUl o ng uerflll lake rc,,\i oll. Also you suve whi ch was the sympa t hetic unu er· f7!1,7a4,490.00, most of which went first and second. t;ddie got the ball ot nature, its lllvi5h uppeal t o him in old Willillmson . himself, so huth he g ivl'll to the SOli stllllui ng of our ncigh uo r as be ing lIIany miles by the airline r oad and tor conlltruction of new highways. ou~ tussell a trillo wide and !'eck. color and (rllgrllllce, which often help to justify the. op tim istic courto hav e life in himself." wns tak e n most b e neficial. droPPlld the throw. l:;uckett singled The average mutoriat> pllid '10.aO. claim ed hi s attention. IIge o( Mr. Wur lie ld, who hus renCrom S l. John 6 :26. The l heme was Mr. C. C. Eulnss, p resident of the Ue r d lhe g reatest possible service Willia m Th oma s was host ' to 11 "Life. " The state of California which is to right and the run lien wOl'ked a One of the g r ellt pr opellin g factors Lebanon Nation,,1 vallI<. ad dl'e~"eel lU Ih is stll te. about the only ILlIte which can be doublll I!t~al. l!.:dllie made IjL wild in 11I~ life wa" the love a nu IIdmiru· "Kid Purty" at his ho me o n Thul'.· . The church WII S bellli lifully deco · heave when he tried to return the compared with Ohio, collected tion he hlld fO I1 fin e ho rses. His day e\'ening. The g uests were dl'l'ss, rat ed nn d specilll mu s ic was we ll reno t h e clu b. t ellin g many wny~ in which "'all to thl! plute, after Dlln Osborn th e balll< atlemp t"u t o aiel th e far· 911:l,l!22, motorillUi for a twojudg mellt cou lu 1I 0t be excelled, buy · cd a s true kidlli accompllnied by the d ered by the choir. J\l er chants und others ~ o mpl a ill Ill er, ~ent gas tax, the same as in Ohio. had thrown t o 5tJcond in an ers from muny of th e 1I11'ge r citit!s us ual loll y pop, ntlld spe nt a jolly ev. to l:;ackI!Ll, a nd, of cuurs", (.Jib_ "The Plac e of the Had iu i ll FIll'm thllL ~lr . 'oolidgc's preaching all d .! he amout ot r evcnua (ronl the 'g as we,'c g lut! und anxiou s to purchase ening in dancin g a nd ga mes, f ollowed Lifo" wa s the t opic abl,' d i ~ cu s"e d l'I'flcticing' uf ecunomy have hurt bUH_ tax in Ohio is oatimut ~ d IInywhere bons 8c01'ed, ::;"ckc tt taking thi! d. t hll horses l'I\i.ed nlld trained by Is· vy a d(' li cio us lunch . The " kids" by Messrs. l. yman ' il""I' fintl L.,e i lle~". 'rhey say , "U President Cool· from eig\tt to len mUII"ns of dollul'll \ caver walked and ::;licl<ett sLole unc. li e cC I·tuinly wa s a PlIst l\lo s t~r pre~nt inc luded Ihe Misses Kat lter· ElIl'nhut'L. The i,I '1I w,," I!:iven lhllt idge say s h" is hav ing his strllw hat annuall,." Therc isn 't I1S much pleas· h ome. Weaver tned tu stelll and in t he gruum ing and tra ining of illc Frvmnl, Lucille St J ohn. l·;d na th e rad io is fust b l'CO lllill g' U I\ccl' ~~ ily III I !J;!;! pressed on ce m ore, instelld 1I1 ullin, ~Jil d rc d H ole , Evelyn Ung les. . u"e ridIng in Ohio liS there is in Cal· was Qut, W)'song walked und l:;aekett horses. ul buyi,,!-\, 0 lle W one, Ilobou y else !'I.the r thun II luxur y. lira Missildine jlOrnia so of course the gl\Bolino tux stole hume. Wea~' el' tried t o s tea.! Isaa c possessed II kind ulld sympu- ul(, Uoru LJogge·tt, 'I he club adjoul'II <; d t o mcet next \\ all buy a new one," receipta in Ol)io won 't be WI much a nll WliS out, W)' su ng to J!.dcJlI!. LJ m· Ule tic natu're, always r elldy to e X' Kathryn l'W"TlOI' , Ed ith II1cKibban' Morning s ervice at U :30. Bible lUI in that state. Thad H. Brown, }lire Hook declared tllat John Cream· tend a f avo r to a fri end or Ileighbor, Elsie Hllwke, Dorot hy Collier, Hcle~ Lesson , "Cou rage for Se rvicc;' Act.s ""'llth wi lh Mr.•wel Mrs. J . T. Dcu r· socretarr of state, said in discussing er had IlcliberatCI), pllIlllell up thlee I enlizing that an un selfish interest G~u h a lll, Est he r Henderso n and the IX 20·31, full owed by t he co mmunion doff. Everyuo uy knows that prosperity p erfectly guod strik"s. Unqerwood tjle Ohio receipUi. our friends is always a co mm end a. MeSsr>l. Melvyn Banta, Carl Gray lind scnnon·lecture on "The Singer ro r all clusses depends on cirCUIIlwalked, lout Uu n and J!.ddi e took care in Thomas BUI·ton, Rllymond Brllc1dock' and His 80ng." All mem bers and ble virtue. H is mot to was " give all tlUII of lUUIlCy. If nature decided to of his attolllpt at larceny. a brotherly greeting, and if neces- Nelso n Watkins, Everett DonohOO' friends UI'gcd to bc present ut the "liVe up wutel' auu keep it a ll in tho Wysong's uouble In tho second- sary Coal for aU stato institutions will HaFold Smith. V'el1non Mainous , Ed~ morning- sc r vice. u he loing hand. • lH': C UIl, ins ofscnltc ring it around be -ordered ' trom tho Southern Ohio the only eXI-I'u b...o bit o. the gameThese idea ls of characte r alld lov· Will Ralllby, J oh n GOll d, J ohn Kersey in r,"n, crups wouldn't be good. Evening , 7 :30. Songs and d evomin,s "Jullt l1li soon l1li appropriations WliS a!Jsolu tely \vust ed, but tile Mi- ing i l iendship which he guve ex- llarold Willi amiso n, H oward Cook tional se r vice an d sH mon, "Th e Un~ll,"ey spc nt is to business whut rain for the next llsenl yellr are avail- umls cscaV"d th e whl~llwa sh pail in pression to in his deeds of kindness W illia m Thomas. finis hed T as k." All wclcome nt all . is tu CI·UpS. tbe founll. l,;hul~ey Usborn sin~"" ble. La8t yel'r IIbout 260,000 tons can never be f orgotten. services. oX Opio mined coal were used at lell to l'il:'ltt, s toic second and tbird, ~--Ulle all gl'Y tIl erc hllnt s uggests: these sam\! institutions. Mining that and 1'0110 home on Anthony's cITor. "To ~~ t 1111 example in ecollom y the . Sunday. May 3 1st. The LOYIII much coal metins considerllble 'work, .uellbrouk aUlled another to their to· Se\'('ral n1 el1lbrr~ of ~l. Mar y' s With two down, Lig ht Bearel's class will r end er' a pl·O. l!Cst plan i ~ lI ot to have an o ld st ra}Y jm4 when ordored during the aum- tal In tillS SLII II ZU. gru m ut the morning se rvice. 'l'his is co ngregati on atten d e(1 IIII' dinll.C r hat 1'cu lockcu u ll d advert ise that. It mer montha, wheil business is gen- lJarby»hu e gOt a liCe on Frust'S er· give n ior .Bishop T. I. I(,,<'se at the 1\ uuld ue u('Hcl' to lay' up th e May. Christia n Unity Duy. e~al!y sla~ in the mining distTlct.s, l'U r, went to second on u wild l>itcb Le uun oll hotel nnd t he s~rvicl! which fl uwel', tlw I' xpcllsi ve pleasure bout it mellns atil1 more for the worker. alHl rode home on ::)icJIlnstricker's followed at Grace church, Mun ,lay ~ lIc l! UH "Ieither Wa shingto n nor LinNot an ounce of coal mined outide 5111gle tu rig ht, Wllich slloUld have LaRt Wednesdn y eve ni ng the ' Al - ,,\'n ill g, about tw(·nty going' d own. The F'riend ship club of the M . E. cl ,11I e\ '1' huu, IInu sUVe e nougb on of OliiQ haa ' been used at uny state !Jeen caught. len fam il y g'ave U ~ II musiClI1 treat Fou r en n d idu.t CS W(\r(> pres(>)1 le d B "' ~in,:,inll May 20, 1925, the Sundlly·Sehool met at the home of l'v II I tv I,uy J UU,OUO lIeW straw hui.S." In the s ixth Creamer, seemingly institution during the term of Go ....· and Oll r ministel' delivel'ed a good by the 1'e('[o r, Rev. J .• 1. i5chaclr" r, tu Mr.s. Irene Hend erso n, MIlY 13th, for er'n or Vic Donnbey. And none will una ole to hit the baH with a bat, Miami Cazetll .. ",ill make .. I lecture. The' hOllse wa s we ll Ii li ed t he bi shop wh" Ildl1lillb tcrc u t he !'ite 1.5 regulllr mec tlll g , with an attendbl!, Ite sars, 80 Welfare Director J. lut the bali hit his leg, tie stole 1ance alld th o Il udie nc e ~ce m cd \\'(' 11 pl eas. of confi,·n,lltiu ll . cbarlle o( $1.00 for an Obituary 1' .. ""idl·lll Cuuli ' lge d oes not r ecof thirt y·six member s, two E. Harpcr has sont a r equest to all • cconll while Underwood ullderwent cd. Th e net I'tlC~ijJLS o r the ellte l·' A lll r)!,,, COII~I'l'g' lItioll \\IIS prest' lIt IIm tl lC I IJ t'tHJ1i r- 1t l't 1l0J1ij.', Lut. wise m!maging officers lIaking ' how much ~he humiliation of sUlklllg OUl, nud new mombcrs lin d several visitors . publi.b.,d in ita "olum:'., and an e xceed ed $25 0. Thllll ks ta illment Ltl hl' Ul' the BI .:. . h u l'", wh osl! \"bil ~ nl'C .. ·l:L'Htltlly. A~ fu r t ll€;! 1\laytl'ower During th e business session it was coal they will want for the year be- scored When Darbyshu'e s ingled to loukcd f urward lU wilh great intcl" Ill ... tlllll\tr~' j;.; ril'il " I H)U ~h to let the additional cha,'"'' of 60 " .. nla (or to nil who I~pe~ : :~u:.:. jP.nning 'Julr 1. As soon as he get.s right. Thus ended the scoring of the moved to give the 8unciny· chool $20 cst. l'n.: :-: i(iL:ll t t.."l1j " y thl! f l'L·s h uir and to' help buy new so ng books for the a Card of Thanh. Thi. i. in thla Information the coal orders are game • . A beallliful 'l lferlory sulo wnH well i. I!lud t" !-\,i\ L hllll whaleVC I' he can . .Ii the weather man is wiUing, the schoo l. to be placed and hundreds of Ohio rcnt! 'red uy ~l irs Esther W ulcott, SI)· conformity witb the other pa. After readi ngs by MI1i. Elsie " "". mlnera ' will be kept · bU8)' digging Miamis will op.m tho season at home loist of Gra ce church. .'t. Mary' s ,d ""\ 8ly I'e>!';>l'us s pell dit l~ , the wiso pera of tb" county. it out and getting it r eady fOI1 ahip- WIth :Sou til Lebllnon as the opposini Stro ud, Mrs. Mable Farr and Mrs. choir !l .~ i " l,' d with Lhe music. 1ll llll 'S plllll iti to uuy what he needs team next Sunday. Ma)' 24, and we McC lu re we adjourn ed to met with jnenl to the 24 sta~e insti utions. 1\ hen he need . .; it, rem embe ring that f eel sure thut there will be an entire Mrs. Pearl Rich in June. :l !-!,onc.i Hppl' :lI'UIll'l! is n ".riso investDuring the social hour da inty reA chanle will be made 'in th" 1)1 ditl'erent story to tell. • Ilie l) L, ulld l h ~H tl\l~ rc lli IH)lhiIlg morc fre shmeni.S were sC I'ved by the hos 'l'hll score: . Hornee C. While wa s a ward ed fir_t 'J.'rafll~ !'C~9.en4t Bre showing. an Cla .. ifi"d Ad. ' Rat"., tho new el)"lly thall f;t1 sc economy. tess, Mrs. Irene H e nderson, IIHsisted prize ( $25.00) ill a contest offered InCIlue that is arousing much alnrm, rate b"inl ODe "ent per word, by Mrs. Elsie Stroud, Mrs. Elsie EI. not only lit 't he city of Columbus, by the Dayton Art Institu te fnr an MIAfdIS per each ine'r'tion. lis, 1\11 s. Cora Rich and Mrs. Reba but tlifouchout the entire atate. ~ssay on "Al11erican La ndscape Paint· .) 111'11 11" I'ri lle\l Hcgell l, Hiro HiBraddock. AD R H PO A E lter!! III the capital city more logisl 1l1 g •" . Il·ll. the ""lpin' th:lt his wiCe exW ril tt' ll by .\I i s~ I\ athlee ll JI,·nd .,r · :t,> lation has been put into effect to pre· I··rost, as ... . .. .. .. .. .. 4 0 0 1 1 I ICl'L;-j 111\ he ir. 'l' hc P linc('s~ can ce ls SOil, 1',1t' "T ill' l;ltI HI1(! I' ," lht' St.·ni Hl' vent auto accidents than ever beiore, j,;. Burton, 2v . .... ,, 4 0 1 6 2 1 :111 , 'IIg'Ug'l.' meI1 Lti . Silt:: will dcvute n un llH..' !' r.f thl\ lI iJ,!h Sdulo ) pap I)', yet the number of fatalities so fllr C. Osborn, ab " . . " .4 1 2 1 J 0 ti l' /' ! ime. lJpf 0 11.! a nJ I:'~ r ll.· )' , li , thi.1t ;;; 111' i ~ t ill' clulIg; hter or ~I 1'. "lid ~ I r s . this YCllr is far ahead of any other '::;utterthwlLite, 1b,, 3 0 0 8 1 1 By A. B. CHAPIN THE ART CRITICS ;l l'W litt le " snll . ,,1' dall g- lItc l··-of ('. \\'. ll cnd~rsun. year. Five last week met death 1~. liurton, rf . .. .. " .a 0 0 0 0 0 lI"a yell." ulld will lh illk 1l('I'SI' IC wc ll through automobile accidents in Co- Wysong, p .. " ..... .. .3 0 1 0 7 0 I·,·w,u·d,·d for " II h el' ,II l! \\ h'lI lh ,' lumbua alone, while the total in the Gons, •If.. " .. " ... ..... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Th e UllY!; arc J! l'lIwinJ!' fl:wCI', ""by "!H ill'" lit hcl'. N o 011" will lit' r. I!Hl~ . for ~e week, counting those 0. Osborn, c .. " ".il Tha t w,· lillg'l'!' ill IlC'r halls. 0 0 8 3 0 s lI:tll tl he t' lhat "ill justice to yo ur III1W !n h08Pitais who are said to be 1'. lIurlon; cf.. .. .. .. 3 0 0 1 0 0 And SOU ll '1 wi II be alII' ('eho 0\\'11 hl'n Ith, atlll looks, Illy dear, y uu f!LtI!lly injUred, will reach apPIIOx!· That n'stlull(l~ within 111'1' Wl1l\ S . lIIust not th illk of nurs illl!: the ba· matel1 36: Ljghta have been installAnd th ~ day iH drawill~ nt'lIn'r by." A n d ~ h .. wun 'L Le s mnkinJ! ci ... Totals .... .... .... 30 1 4 24 16 3 11i1ll'T ~T A ed at all prominent street -corners, Of Oll l' I"''''illg' it I1Il1 st le l1 gll rdll" ill ue t! tIll ee days aftel' it is moto,.. 'policemen patrol the streeta Tha t. til <1('11 1' old Wa Yllesvi lle lIi g h bu rn, BELLBROOK and main travel throughfartes, and sc hoo l aU auto traftlc croasing the main high· We I11l1 st lJid a 'nd farewe ll. AD R H PO A E I II ."'pa ll. if you I'a i>c yOll1' hund waya are compelled to come to a Gibbons,lf .......... 3 1 0 0 0 O' I" " lilt le chi ld. r r" wllill~ alld th l'eu tdead atop befllN croaain", yct the Sackett, 3b .... ... .. .. .4 I 1 2. 0 0 And so \\' ' re ) e avin~, c la ss 1ltal(~s , clling-. th e child will laug-h, klluwing list of fatal accldentll continues to Weaver, 2b ... .... " .1l 0 0 0 1 0 Fur We lllu sL gO- fllld yr!. Illat yuu 1' l'ctclld. !\o on" there allOw. an Increase whic)l ill certain to Creamer, lb ...... ... /! 1 0 11 0 0 Wl' ha\'l' a lilli e wish , just Ihis, sl.l'it..\·s n child. Tha~'" olle r easo n reBult ·In leeisiation which wiU be lJ ndelwood, rf.... .. 2 0 0 0 0 0 That yonl will not f ol'~ct.. \\ hy Lh e Jllpan ese tig; ht so w(: lI , when Btate-widt 'in "Ope and drastic in f' u)' (luch mll st hi f' JHu,t iu J.! make Williamson, SfL .. . 2 0 0 0 0 0 tlwy d,. fi J,:ht. The .JIII',,"eSe spiri t dttaiL . A nd eac h mll st go h is way. Crowl, 118.... .......... 1 0 0 1 1 0 i, Il,> l bro ken ill ch ildh ood . Th""g'h \\ . • wou ld IUl'n hack t he years Darbyshire,cf....... . 2 1 I 0 0 0 I f w e c(,u ltl h avl! Ollr wny, $idenatricker, c .... 2 0 I 13 0 0 A peace platform, to be prelJen'ed The l·r,·<id ~ llt h"lles, amI is deterto the Prelbyterian general aaaem- Amthony, P.......... 3 0 0 0 8 1 lIIi lll·d . to cut $30U.OOO .uoo 1I1 01'e all T o yOLI . d eur Faculty , f"rewl'lI! bl, here May 21 to 28, and written Ihe IIIllion' s tax bill. That cu mfo ~ 'Tis sud, uut it mu st uo ; Totals ....... .. .. 25 4 3 27 10 I bl William Jennings Drr,an, is one t.he "loe tter elcntc llt." At present, F ul' li S you have found your work of the propoaala w\tlch WIU come ocou r very best ('le mont fee ls toward A s you ha ve, 80 mu s t we. fo", tbt bocIJ aceor«!lng to church Mia~is .... ... .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 the ta x ~lIlh!!l'er as the faithful dom_ YOllr kindn ess an d your plIticnce om4l"'II. Bl'1an will be one of the Hellbrook .... 2 O' 0 1 0 1 0 0 x-4 il1 ick hnn feels to wllrd the furmer, Make the du ys g one by seem , wcet lIolllmi!,llonera for the a~mbly. galh eri ng her eggs as f ust liS she lays A s YUII hclp ed us ill pre paring Jolm H. Clarke, former justice of the Twobase hit--WYBong. That W ~ mig ht Life's Pl'ublems meet. I I"'ll) , and g h'i ng' her & door knob U.; S. Supreme court, will make an w heH 8he wanG to set. Left on base_Miamis 2' Belleire. On "'The Chureh and World brook 3. . . ' And now we mu st go on learning, e"eeJ~ at a mUll meetinr (0 be Hi.t by pitcher-Dr Wysong, DarAnd to higher heights must climb. tid ·.aJ byBh!re, Creamer, Gibbons. . Though it is our fonde st wis h . WIld pitch-W)'IIOng. T'will not turn back the hands of Dases on balla-Off. Wysong 3. Time. Struck out.-By Wysong 8 ; by AnBut though wc reach the greatest .hony 11. . heights Time. of game-I hour 40 minutel. Mrs. SUl'uh ~:. Ma rtin died TuesW e will meet within her halls, Umplrea--Hook, and Scliuler. ' day night !It t he home . of hel' daugh_ .For g ladly will we answC'r ter ill Gcrnl il ntowl,. Funeral prlWhen our Alma Mater calls. "!ltc, tit th e Mc Clure parlors, Thursday afte rn oon at 2 o'clock.. Rev. L, t\. Wnshvllrn, . olflclates. Burial in Th~ farmelB of Warren' county have. advises that 'over 3000 pounds of this Millnti cemetery• . another OPPQrtunity .to aecure Pyro- ·same war explosive has been dellv. ~----to), a .urplu~ war explosive, aceOJ d- ere~ ~ about flfty fanners this I saac Kelly, t:esident of the FrIends ...Inc' to a . communication frQ.m the spnng, aU of whom report entire Home. died Saturday night at 9 .\gricultural Engineering 'De- aatiafacti~n. As tltlll will be the last Little Dobby BUTton was the vic- u'c)ock. He was 92 and 9 J!~ent, .jult. received bJ County opportumty for aeeurinc any of the tim in an accident; Tu csday-1!vening , months of age lind ha been in ill "~nt CJua. OnlJ 7000 pounda are surplus war explosive at bargain While riding hIS tricycl , liis shoehealt h for several yeaM. The funerMill ....J4i.ble for 011.10, and all or- pricee, every one intere8t11d Ihould string was caught in SO mD manner, al was held at the Home Monday atdeJII, toretber with cheek for 10e per IC!H 1\0 time In .rettinr their ollder ttY causing him to to be thrown of!. Ria teTnoon at 2 t:fl). BuriN In tIae JlC!u4 mUlt· be In the' County Agent'. ~oUDtJ ,\pnt or Farm., Bureau ofFrlenda grave,ard. _ __ _ left elbow was broken. b, ' Th1inda1. KaJ 18. Olua liCe. ' .


Prepared by Columbus Reporter

Warren County N ormal will be i held The this evening, May 20, at 8 o'clock, in the Higb cllool I auclitorium. Rev . John]. will make th e address. comil1~ncelI1ent











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= Th. Miami lwei ~ . ,n. til





h, ItllI"h: tm l·ty Sn ~ u n J un . t ho mp so n. d ecense d, wns uPI I·uV~ .t . IIIHI I·unfil'lllcd . l" "cn·rln,~. ll \ til(' mnt te r of Ihe ~t ate of Hor · ,,1' '· 'h··. IllI;\ !.!..d.

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li lt ".In.c' ,.f J.:t lller ,,,.• Q . Unllllhc l', tleC QII Red \ tml of p .l'~:l· . P I'l·"vr.t lI n'\ ."n ,,1 l'I(\l'll' I'I Y uL prh'ule suI "'01; No tice is h er eby g ive n t hat t ho '.111hilI' Tocd. , ,n' l II Friends BOl\r ding H o m!! of tho I ndi. Ib l' l y 13 . Thomp son. adminiRtrato l' ,... : lh" J:lr lfl d .!I,' d ',d unn Ycnrly lIt ' l,ti ng of th e R il li g iou ~ I'" 1.1 l' '.1, ' f )'. Y IIf III,' ,';'tat l' III Snsull JtIlW T hompSocil'ty of Friends. n corporatiun of T' , t i! fl , l ' ,1"1'\ l·'1. i ,tln J "'1 11 0 . ""n li lc-" h i~ tirsl nnd finnl Cl·ount. Beim ont Oounty will 800n be r eady Wa y nos \·iIIc. Ohio. l\1\ d the Mia mi I " lh t' m Ilc'r " f the ,'s tflll' ur Roy 1 f · \ 1" : 1 t 11 "l In bl' rl!COl11l11 l'lHI.. d us n mo d ified Mont hl y Mee ti ng of Fri end s, 1\1\ u ll inP RO BATE PROCEED INCS ,.. • t \ \ t I" I ,.1 I · \' 1'~ \1. lI~II· lwr . d L' t'(,:'\!'C'ti, a<illlll1i!i\trntor n <Tedited nren, und r t ho Arell corporutcd re li~d o u s soci ety o r Wny; . ,.,. .\ . I tlf \\!I ' "lIl h" .. izt·,l ln ~ .. lll\lI to mtlb lcs b ~­ In the mnttllr of th e l'~tnt of ~ I :l' Plall of Bovi ne Tnh ercu losis er ndi - n e~vi lle. Ohio. hlll'e fil l' d t1u'il' pt'liI ,\ I ~ '· lon . 11 1 • ttl till ' ('~ t all... tho A. R OOfiR, cit' Cl'HM d. 1'1 Ho f 1' 1' I, 1 • I I r L. :-. I '. I'h d\i Jl~ . a dmilli strat o r of l he "nti on . Thi - m e(ln ~ th nt this drl'lId tiol! in the 'olllmc II Plena Coo url (I f 'I ,. I , , lp " pubB rll tiol1 of nOlir(' (I f " !,p"illl ,,.,' . l ~ , .... "L C', d I (·s\.i lt· " f .\ n n I'h ilh ps. d ~C l' 1I 8Cd . fi led di~l'IIs!' will hn"~ bee n r cdu ccr! to WII1'I'cn CounlY. Ohi,>. beinl! elise ) I \ 11 f , ,. I· 111 J , \ 1 ,I tr'l of W IlIi"m Huffor I. ' " ,,,1111111 1, 1, ,,1"1 • ' " l • • ' , "I I I(·.s l hun one-hu lf o f one }ler ccnt. No. 1 :1:!5~ , prnyi nl! fo r lIu l hority 10 ' d . ";.. . d H' II , di .. tnl 'lI lin· :\cC \· IJIlt. \VII S fi led. II, Ih l' 11I ulI,·I· .. f IAJld ",· Weller, nd- '[ hi. county wus t he fi rs t in t he stilt sell Ih e fo ll owing d('scrib('d r(' ul <'B Fit'Rt allli Jillnl neeollllt Ji l,·d 10, . • ,I It I) : .. I .lill Ill ll l btl l tl'ix , . f ttH' t.·~ u llt." o f J . T. tu o rl! nn i ~. ~ and ncc('pt Ihe co utyn tu t e; Will iam Hufford. IIllmi "i.trn l.· .. "f h, ~itull tc III the oUllty of Warrell , !'- :,1. fi r ,\1 d • • I \ . . l.llIh' '-IIII . \\,\.·11,- 1, .t\'l't·:\:- t' d, \ ~, l.oUi Sl · \ Vl, llt.' l'. nr ',. pl .. 11 o f crn dirntion in CO-OPl' ru tntc of Mnrthll A. Hu",.". d" l" "" " r1 , l io n wit h Ihe Stule and F' r nl Dcund Stille of Ohio. b"i ll g pl~r t tl f Su r I •• II , I • ,. . .1: 1 1 ~ I l I ' 1' - I'l .11 .. (hl' ,',,\ l1' t npP l'u\'l,d UfH.J co n In lIll' mllll e!' "f t hl' ""I at,· ,,' ,I:! . )III I'I 1111'11 Is " f Agri('u it urc. T hl .. otel' vcy No. 7!l1 of Viq;: in ia Mi li lury ry .T , Pllrkhill, , I ,'(·(·n~ , · ,!. i. "",. "r I " . " .. II ~h. I 1.1' , • I . \ lIIW ;\1. Iii I," d I 'pu n pt' salt' , 'I'Ll' L!"nl:-:~ \'a l ut' of th C' t·~tatl· of W1\ :-o fl Uldc' l.l1 A \l g- \J ~ t I, I !. ~a , nnd lun d. H ~ J:!i t1ltillg' nl sa ~ lo ne lo w t'r dared th nt n ce rti lipd e"p y d"I" l'm in ' e : •. 11'1 lit . 111Ilu \' d l', \1 III l' 1: 1- oi l : \ ' ." ' \ i" ", ill lt ' d ad ~I:II'\ II. \' 1111' , dl "n -H!'- \ -(l, WI\ :-; fou nd t hl' work in lh b "" " n ly hns hcen CO I'lI er o f l he \\'hc,l" surve y 0 11 l he jng inheritallce lax I" hI' 1'1I.t! I.,' " .,. IllU ,·kc.d uy ~plcndld co-o poruti on und Ellst "all k o f t h,' l.iLllp Minmi !'iI' ,," , 1I 1i" i.' atlll' IIf tht.' ,· "tall· " I' ih nialllill 111 1.;, ":~: ' . Ol"ll i.~ n. t illed \l'ithout d (' l u ~ . 1" . I. . II dl. ;ltlmil Li:'ll'at o r llf till' ,';"'1. " willilll!'lIc~" t o undrlgo t he te. t wh'r e II fll l'kl' d Box 1': ld"r 16 illch t·, Wil Y M 11 nry , ~lIlIl'dinn tlf Hall'l, " , II I r\ \" d l l l ., ,,, ,,1. 1: , I' d ~ I\'O , ·,t I .Ill I lv ' 1 ' H " ,I ;II' 11111\ I'd ad latl' pf .I"illl :-:.. \\' ri p·hl . d l·c,·a :-tt·d . tilt· n lI11 d ns" i,t il1 pl' o vitlin~ o pcrnt ing in d illme le r b~II I'" ,. l 7 l~ d"gr ee s W. Burdette Mc ll enry, minlH'. liI"<I hi, "X P" "SC" 0 11 ·th ,. purt of h(,rd "\\'11- G2 links, II ll d II black wulnllt 22 int'l. 11 111 '1 II'a tp)' of I! \ . ' ~ , .. t ,! . ,If Fr: " H:\ ' ~ III' 11I\ (' llli l r y lind np p rn b (' m en t. fil'llt nlld finnl IICr OUII!. A. 1-:. l hll kl,' y, \\ w.; uppuill l l'd H, l- "1' . . Tl'1l : LuI" and I ~e d (' rn l vC leri- es in d iame ter S. 60 ", ,11'1!1·"es W . The gross vn llle (I f lh~ l"I"I~ ,,[ I ~, L Illi 1. dt.\l·I'a~jI,1. Bon d $f~ OO . T }l(' \\"111 u f .1 a01 C'!; ~h.· ll "\r!'\lltt, dt..'· 11 111 , I l dl .. r ,.1' tilt · l'!'otll tt' o f J oh n S. n'II'i"n" lin' 1I0W lit \\,lIl" milking t he 129 links. Th (, lIc c:;. :11\1-:' d"gn'l!s Willa A le xnnd er. dcrclIst' ,I, \I'll " ,· '.a . . ..d. \ '. a~ a dll1 t l\, ' t! 1" p n l hat~·. 1;01\\,'1' d"l"':L~I '1 1. HtlfHl $5 ,00 0, O. "",'olld " ,t(' st of all III<' Clli tlU til th Is W. 00.75 cha ill s t o II st olle in Il r ouII. f ound to bc $S764. 3G. lUllwr il11! U'A rey \la, u!,!, ,, illt,·" S . lI 'I!I!II, ", J-:d S . C(lnklin IIl1d T. E. counly. a('co nlin g to. Stat o Dlrllctor S. W . corner "f thl! Wh ll l" SU I'V"'·. In th e mattn of Ch n l'l ~ " )la dd clI. of Agritlulu r e, e h" •. V. Truax . Be- T hen ce N. 6 2 '/, dl'){ I'{'CS E, 17.RI ns administrntor of thc ""tat I ' .. f I'Xt'l' l llrix t.l f lh" (':-;.1 n i l ' nl' .' ; lllll· ~ ~t(' . h" 'I\:-' w,'I',' app ll llltl '( t u pt'I·lli :,:. pr~ , I'. :-; . Il al'huul!il 1111" upp ointed 11 ,1- " id,.~ g- uurnntce lng a suf e mi lk s uI'- chll ins tn u ~lone wh~re n Belic h 20 E lizabeth Scott. dcc,'ased, \.,.. He .TY 11"1'111 1111 . t1 l' ce u>< "1. :--111 1. 1111.1 J'(·quil Love et 01., it \\' /I ~ o.odcreel t hnl \11 \· ~d, E, C. J lll l1hnm. ~\l. ('l"\·ig h to [\ and 1I1i1 l i "'Ir/\1 01' of lht' l'S lat(· o f Cnl ht'r· p i )' t hi s Clf,dica lio " Pl'Ol!rIlnl IHl ~ ul-. I:lc hc:i In .'~ "Im etl'r he ....s N. 2 dl·· known heirs I\n d nex t \I f ki ll o f z· ~t. " "un d! wl ' re lQ'll(lifltt' d HPl' l' ui !h' I':-O, illl' ~l. ll llrilJLu ),!'h, d t'Cf' H ~c d , HomJ .. eady T,,·o,'cn ils wo .. t h throug h th e ~ rces '~ . 2d h l\k~ , tl nd II Belich 10 Th,· " ill IIf ~"I" ' I ' I" Sl,",,,·II . <1,'- "'.il l)O. ~I ",,·, 1!t·,,1. .J oh n ~(· i)!fricd profit uceru inK 1 0 H ~ ll11 o n t clI lIl e In r h e~ III Q lIun,~,t n N. 5 1 .", dC~ "N's I he nce N. .87 d e~ r~ c " \·~ · ;i :-' ,d. \\a~ adIHi:tl·d 1" pndJ at,," an d .I o hll HUll "en' appuillll' d npPlui- o wnel'" in find in g 1\ !'l' !lIly mu rk"l fllr W. 28 I ln~B . theil ' s ur plus stoc k. E d e cou nlj' i" W, 11 6 eha ln S t o the sl\llI ~l1 l1 m l RIver" 1': 111111:1 1. HlI :- " ,,·l: \\;1 . .; lIl'p, . illl l ' d t.."x- :O>l'r .... "Iso in till<' f o r ac(' r" di t ulil'lI .I nre th(' nce dOW n ,8111d MlUnll HI\'" r wllh If You Con Ans wer 33 (JU ell i!' 118 . , "ai, "I Ih ,' ", t,.I ,· ,.f :-;,·,',' 1'1 01 S lan l' ili"I'''' ~a l i l>lIa l iJlInk and Trust "'co nd r,'l e, i~ n"'~t ~""I\ . l cL('(\ th£, m l!a!H l er "lg~ th (, .. c ur. 1st W es t ~, I : . ,I" e u.- ,t1 I h, . .. I,·, 1, \ ,·. .1. ,.,I;" il'i - ral .. ,. <I,. I". nis IlIIIl wilh th" In .Geo jl r aphy nncl H is t o r y 1.6 0 chaIns, 2nd, N. (;0 Ii<'gre('s W . 5 h"re . (' a ' t\\rif.,dl t ar.t\.J. Ii 1't.'lH'll"\\· t · 1·t.. up- t ht, wil l H IIIH ' X t' d . (If th~ ' t·:--talc e. f chnln g. :1 rd . S. 3 1 d eg r ees. Wcst 4 .1)() 1,.. 11II1'd "1 '1, ,'''1''' '' ' I:'l'cl. d,,·,·,,",''', Jil,',j fi rs! unci chni ns. ,lt h . :15 e1l.~ r ee8, E . 5 . 7 ~ OUI rt I I t I r f1 QUU TI.~ will .. I' .I , .!II' :-; . II",,,, .. d ,·c~ a. ) ' 11 .. 1 arc"1I1l 1 .. r C;rac~ I(~' e d , ex ceu At n J OI I1 mcr linl! he ld Il t th,' 0 01- chnin •. fi l h, S. G ~ delfr eo.. W . 6 h..! fn ~1u:~~~)~i ~!'nt~ :' O~~'I\ :-!.., t' \' l,r y- l,d , \\1. .... aoln: l tt l d t' l !' I'L,I IHll'" . - ll'i~ ill ~aid \}I1i ('l'. Chllill'. 6th S. 3 3 degree., W. 8 ~J,an}' ..h.",. 8eUlI .t. IlID lor II. ' ol"u.... 'I' h,· r" I"1t1 ,.r Ila .. ry Il . Th" I11!, Il1lh,' II,alt('l' (I f th e c·"tllte of Jlhll'y c ~s flf th e Ohio l1epll rtment of Ag r i- chllins. 7l h, S. 80 d egrees. W. 4 d Uli ns LloUl, ruJ M and circular . AdllreL"~ S !lO l nCIJd Mill, Hdll1in:- t l'Hltl r III thp ('~lntc of .J. I'addlill. d "Cl' H:-1 l, d , ndmini sl1'Ht o r ,·"ltllr,· 11I~t week. t he fo r cllI (' n nnd ' evIAbO,..",rl ... DOl"· I . Aurorn. 11 11"01.. l \\' a~ aUlh o r izl',1 to s~ 1I utJlIlls lit pri . pal"rhll !'n cn gogl'd in Ill rl!" work on con ta ini ng Oll c Hu ndred n nd Ih,' wutClf' undrr the Bourd o f Pu bli c enty a nd fou r ~e ll th < ( 170.4 ) ncre s \ u h ' :-:U ll II Hl l'y l \' ill ~ \\'a ~ IIppoillt (> d n timill- W o rk~ und the gum(' prol ccl ol'S of be th e sam e more or les". Oh'i"ion of Fi"h und ti nme, Sa vin g a nd exccplin~ h" we vcr fro m i ~tn l ll , r of thl' nlt.' uf J,ale Rums· t h" T ho ubove dc@cribed lm ct T wenty-T wo t l'r . ,"' e,·a,,',!. lle,,,d $ 1.0(1 0. L. S. p l l'd~cd, c1 0!<CI' U - O P ~llll l o h . :-; ha \\ h nI1 , (;ro\'('I' Yo ung and F J'unk m c t-t ing- wnlt u ddfl-. ~~t)d by Gover nor lin d F ift y-Seven llu ndrcths ( 22 ,{)7 ) Vie Oono hey an ti Direc to r of A ~I!' ucree. her ctofore sold nil dconveyed Ilral'" We re npJloi "t~ d l1p pral s('r3. ('ullun' , Chas. V. Tr u nx, who l "o k by An nn alld IIlln nn h Ke ll y to Clarup Ihe r ecent (:omplaint thl\ t wuter enc e H,'t· . as . how n by decd r ec\\'n~ h('in g lower ed in sever a l lakes to or ds of Wll rren Co unt y. Ohio . Dee d COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS thl' de tr ime nt o f spa wnin g fi sh. It R, co ru s, \ d . !l8. puge 67 . F or t hc r~ a£ons set for th In said It I;('in ll fo und thnt the eslate Wll ~ rl'q uest cd that lake s be llTlIincI>uld 110t be divid ed with o ut inj ury llli ned a t their customary level if at petition Rf., 1 tha t lho matter of sni d t o th e \' Hiu r' , th e (~ :-;tatl' \\In s orde red nil p o~s i h l c to d Q so. At St. Mn ry's aa' e aa prayed fOf in "1I1d p eli t lon will ,." It! at pu blie·lIueli,.n. in Ihe mutto r Inke, U declIye d uqu educt hal made it be f or her-,: In&' In th e Commo n Pleas .. C I\lIt e ' tcwllr t v~. St"II" J . Boo t h nl!ces!m ry to all ow th e wnter t o re- Coun ot Warren Co u nty, Ohi o. o n el al. . mn in lit t we n ty-lwo in ches bc lo w or after the lst day at JUne, 1926, The Friend~ Boarding H ome of In th l! mall,' r ll f the Embu lmers nor ml\!. Speedy re p ai r~ we re prom· the Indiana Yearly Meeting of Supply Cll., vs. C. C. ~fiIl er , li nd So n, ised in thi s In! Ullllce. Prot ection to the pu blic lIS we ll ns the Religioue Society of Fri ends. it wus co nside .. ed thnt plal ntifl' r ecovCI' f r om defe llelu n ts t he Sl1m of $116.· q u ic k e ~ enforcement of the fis hing By WALTER A. S WAIN. Vice-Prell. r,3 . laws of the statE! wi1\ be the outcome GEORGIA ME NDENHALL, See'y. Ru lp h II. a l' ey WlIB ap poInted guar of t his c onfcrcn(ee between these two SAMUEL BU TTERWORTH dian Ilt li tem f or mi nor de fe ndant, important etate departments. J. MILTON KEYS Other news 0:( interest in the De- DANIEL H. HOCKETT Vio ln J ane Zell in th e matte r of Chas, F. Phi lli ps vs. S. C. Phillips et al. partmen t of AlI!'ri r,ulture regarding As Trus t ees of the Miami MonthLci,ve t o file answe r and cross peti- fish and game afl'ail'll includ ~ the esly Me eting of Friends. tnb lishme nt of ruffed grouse and lion WlI S g r anted d ef en da nt. Shawhan & Brown. Attorneys. Hungarian partridges at the WellingI n the matte r of Ne lli c Ha ynie V B. Rcbl!ccn 'Hintt, et al .. judg ment and to n Gllme fnrm, as an experime nt con BLO NDE B E SS OPINES decrecs herl!lo for e enter ed in t he case ce rnin g the adupta bility of thoee uDad . • R7' th e only r".aon birds to Ohio_ Meigs, Athens. W nyn e on Fe bruary 16t h wer e modifi ed. waat to learn t o awim i. ao Tn t he Illutte r of Will ia m E . Hof. nnd lI olm es counti es are the lat est can .et Cl ut aro un d the buo)' • . " f er vs. Willi ll m Edw urd Blu ir. the rec ipi ents o f brooders f rom th e stl\te cou rt sustained 7 o f th e 10 m oti ons fi sh cnr, Buckeye. fil cd uy ucfen da nt I\ nd ovcrrule d 12. Plninti tT exce pts findin gs an d judgme nts o f s ustn in ed m oti ons anel is The State Depl\rtment of Agriculgranted lenve to file ame nded peti- t ure is undertakin g Il war on rll ts in : t ion s within sixty day s. fcsting bu ildings where food is beDistribution of proceeds nrising out ing manufnct ured or stored. The f o t he co w: A pe rfectly hal.lll.-t:,I, 1',.1":,,\ ,:,, I. ·1o ( th e sa le of premises on th e Illutter loss th rou gh t hese pests is ratedd a t of Chnrles E. Kesling VB. John W . $2 00.000.0 00 elich year and their rich ill mineral sal ts, sug ar :tlld l' ron:ill ill , h,c lII o ,n '·.!SThi ~ puz zle is de sij::lled uy W illia m Kesli ng, et ul. , w as ordered. number a pproxi mntcs humun popu · Shcrri ll fo r th u.e wh" have C O! rectly ily d i !1.' l l'" ::11.1 f1"i, ~.!y n,s illl ilatnl In t hl! matter of Henry A. Marks , lution. BeM idcs th e economic side of fo rm. T HE TUX.EDO t r ustee vs. Cha rles C. Hou ser, Emma this proble m th er c is alwnys the dan- so Ive d II doze 11 0.' nllll'" C l'O: s-wo r d UNEO F FEEDS C. H o user and B. A. Brown Sr .• it wa s ge r of epidemic s of diffe r ent disea s- pU7.zl" s. an d l'Olw('qU cnt ly fr e l t hnt T o rh.; cl ai,' . man: J It:.dtl .i n , h appie r C e-ro-o-lln SWt,)et A ordCTed thu t a nswer as her e tofore es whel'e ra ts 11b ound . The u se of t hc y nrc pretty good. Th ere i. noth'r uae.Jo O ,-l Ir)' c o \\' s w il l, I lJ ll ge r p~r:'''I ~: (ILtct~t l o n. fil ed by said defendants be wi t hdrawn poison is deem ed inadvisable in some "l" ulred o C hOll 1ncr~a ~ "d rn)duct i"i\ of ri che r m ilL u nd p er mi ssion was granted them to cllses in dcstro yin&' r oden ts , trnpTU IndO Hoa RMlo o g u uran teed . Tr y T u xfi le a nother plellding within ten days. ping lind r u m i~:atio n bc4ng preferaTU Jlcdo Phlecn F eod edo Dai r y fo r four wt:l!ks Sa le and pr oceedin gs of sheriff ble methods o f extermination. Tu a t:do Eg" MQah wer e ap prove d n nd confirm ed in the The best mCllns of r educing the rat T u aec10 St:,.., t c h at o ur r isk. matter of Emmerso n-Brnntingham population 10 t:he minimum. accordTuxedo Chick co. \·s. Mllx Bostick. ing to offirial s in charge of thi s work Tu Kedo Butt o.r-m\lk Sta rte r .n d GTowl n i Divorce wns g r anted in th e matter is to construct these buildings so t hllt M ll,b EVERETT EARLY of Hu lph Lc wi ~ vs. Ge r trudc Le\~;s . they are ro t-proof. TU lleciO D ev e loper Custody a nd .. d ucntion of child of par LYTLE, OHIO ties entrusted t o pillinliff. TF:t=~~~~: In the mlltte r of J enn ie M. Mille r SMART SAM SAYS VB •. Prnn k C. nlill ~ ri it was f o und thnt pllll ntltT wus entlt ed to have partitio n und it wus furth er ordcr e <\ thut " If all the Becond hand automow!'i t of part it io n be issued to sher- biles ad vertised f or sale in th e U. itT. S. were placed (md to end they would In t he malte" of Georgc E. Fry. rai.e nattles enough to supply th e ue rgc r , exec uto r of the cstate of Ma- baby crop for tille next billion years." ry E. Yo un g . d ~ cea s ed, vs. Earl Hutchi nso n ct III., it W IIS ordered that e xec utor proceed t o I\dvortise and HOW THE FIGHT STARTED s ell re ul estu l e up on the pre mises at p u bli c a uc t ion . Sis--"Whnt are you writing?" Brother-"Some jokes." NEW SUITS Sis--"Wel\-;--give my regards to H owllrd B. S herwood has entered n il of them." ~ u i t nguin st Ed ith Edwnrds et aI., ACROSS for part itio n ' nn d cquitnb le r elicf. SOUNDS LOGICAL 1 Seaweed. Mi chae l B. Stro u p has ente r ed suit 6 To encoufllge wrong-doing. u1-:a ins t HurlW Brunk fo r mon cy o nly. A mo u nt c laim cd, $2 65.50 I\nd Little Child-- "Dnddy! Why do 9 Incurring pun ishm cnt . ill t er cs t. t hey cnll th e English language "The 10 Stou t nnel r osy wi t h health 12 A city of Chal dcll . T he F ull er A lIlonl(Jltil e Co. , hns Mother tongu e . .. (,lItel'cd RlIi l IlJ.:Uill ~t 1m Dunll for Wi se Dud- ' 'Because father nev- 13 A hranch. 15 Europeun ri ver. lIl o ncy O! i1 y. Am ount claimc d $2!J 6._ e r gets a cha n(:e to usc it." IG Correlll tive t o no t. 00 an d IIl lc r es t. 1S A trap. F lo r('n 'e A t kin son h a~ e nte rcd su it I !J A sig n of the Zodiac, ftor divorce IIga inst CIl/ll les Atki n~Iln nn l he g roun ds of gr oss n('g leet. uno n Lumbell' Co., lumber. $62.78 ; 20 To have nnd retai n in one 's posE llie Ncwl11 nn hits en tel'l'" su it T he Kilpatri ck -French Mot orcar Co., scsion. u 1-:a i ll ~ t Will ialll Newllll1 n f or di vor ce Inhor on cu r, $12 .65 ; Hersch ell F . 22 Chnhgc directi on, a lilllo ny a nd inju ncti on. Ja mcs, rep niring trucks, $87.29; Jno . 23 Havin g th e f orm o f 1I touth. Lu w and Son, gas und oil, $14 . 10; 24 A H ebrew mo nth. W . H. Madde n. guard r oil material . 26 Ea gerly e xpectan t. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS $8G .10; Bla ir and Le Roy. cem ent. <!!J Dull bl l()wn; swarlhy co mple xi o n ~I'II ~7 95 W B 30 British Nati onal Re serve (a br.). Geo. Larrick, ser viccs us janitor. ~A " " H Smllll part of the head. ~2() . 00; Mo nrlle & J uhn son . r ep airs. c·~ ·lii~~. r~;Xhti~g' ~~i~, " $4'.7~; Wm: ;;2 $S. 0 5; Wes t!' r" S l ur . sup plies fol' Mullott, I'echarge and rentlll of bat- 33 I am (contrnc l ion). tery,$1.50; A. B. Kaufman, trowel 34 A ma ss of visible vnpor floating Vii r io " s nfli ccs , $2 1.40 ; Div. St.u te t hru the nil' at vllrious hei g ht s. Chal it ieE, support !l nr! instru ctio h lid tickin g, $1.47; Mo nroe lind John.. f Th e lma f( ClI I'Il S, $58.69; Bnng hllm so n, 2 100 8taKoe,. $94.50; J. W. Lin. 3G Pug ilisti c kno ckout. F orbid ; exclude. ~ I IIl01' Co. , muteria ls, $60.:10 ; Ce n- gn Belw. Co ., su pplies. $14 .91; $130.- :37 I I'Il I Ga rLlg~ . I!US an d lubor o n truck. 73 ; O regoniu Bridge Co .• blue prin ts 39 Olg ani c ml\tter of the Boil. Not quick, :S;J~ . t I ; Gr\)~S n nd n aso r e, ceme nt and re plliring bridge , $183.96; P enn. 41 $-1 .00 ; S. C. A lexander, s uppli es f o; R. Il. Co .• o ne cnr crushed stone. 4<! Spnc c for occupancy ellclosed all al\ sides, P. u nd B. r ep nir, $2 .8 5; W. P. Mc - $68 .45; V. W. Tompkins, payroll; ---Ca IT"" , su pp li es and gus . $3 0.82; $ 212.75; F . M. Collins, same, $200,JIIa s"n Lumbe r Co., gUOI'd r a il mn - 17; Eden Ten:y, same . $375 .7S: T. DOWN • Il·ria l. $2~ . :1 2; Zimm Urto n, fum - C. Coughlin, Il ame, $12.20; A. T. Island possession of Denmllrk. I ish ing and piling s to ne, $103.50; Rett!g ,snme. $205,05; Cliff Hough, A lunzo Cu .. te r, d ragg in g, $4 .00 ; Com same-. $183.25; Harlan Whitacre, 2 Legal llOte (lIbhl·.) . S A fish. ,.resEed Wood I're~erve Co ., 7880 ft. sume, 97.40; 'W. S. Graham, same, Ye ll ow P inc.$ '172.8U; L. W, Nesbit $166,90; S. E. Cutler, same, $68.80; 4 A man's name. 6 To border upon. Co .. gu ard rail und nails, $20.06; Chas. Spencer, eame, $2!J3,02; F. M_ 6 A vehicle. O l'c~o ni ll Dlidge Co .. grinding grader Collins, same, $2.26; Vulley Phone 7 Prefix meaning out: "Ioci e, $2.1 5; W elch and Dakin, sup. Co., Aplal pholle rent, .$47,60; tolls Pith helmet 'Worn in tropics. plies f or R. and B. repair, $9.62 '; C. for March. $24.56: tolls for April, 9 Species o( fungus . C. Bea m, stone, $264.00: ThQ Leb • $29.60. ,,'H


r '.


• I





"1 " I




A Washable Flat Wall Finish If you want walls that are a pleasure to "lIve with," have them finished with

HANNA'S LIQUID SATINOID They will not only be beautiful and artistic but and sanitary al well.

It is easy to keep the up-to-date home 8plck and apaD If it is decol1lted with Satlnold. For both beauty and cleanliness Satinold far aurpasse3 woll paper. It II

(\'1 ( ....


You May WIN$1000 in Cash

durable and economical.

Wh t

O!_ley-P ac~

O....q Co.,

l li! ~



"' I ' t'

('n Il

:oi "lllI'


wil l

:"':'i~t t'l'

bl ,,,h . " Ilhbl,'" wlll' rt,

Red Top Steel Posts The Best Ever, are Cheaper

Wire Fence

at Less Than Car-oad Prices


Madde~~~n~~~~j~r Yard

I • i :



l h':lt


t h i~

d .,y


"f :1 m:ddc' , ' .

ill d ·,;

.lI ll l

It'll - hu t

It,-.' wi ll

I h I ~­



f il l '

' ,0\ ,

W "I· ~ .

Duga n

" W,·II . I p .C< ' 1 "ill I"

~( , t my ha il' l 'Ut. " \\'halt' nll "H'g-(l ~ h. it i ~ !'4i fl g" t1 la r ,

down and hm ' t il? "


Poultry Want.ed! We are paying2 4c for OIdStock 28c for Springe!'1



A. B. SWank Miami~htlrg. 0ll :.. Bell Phone 2021/11 P hona COl1lmunlcatlon. pa id b, ••.

ED PURDY'S PHILOS Hc·. " high-powere d 9-c,lindcr n~A , ' -e i l!' ht i n hi . n e w c:a and one in hi. OWn bead ·"

hlg tricky ubou t it. EI'C I'y d r fi nilion 1lI,,""S ~xac tl y wlllli it ga ys. nnd th e W,'. d. I hCIl: ~ e l ... , ~ al'(' not ext r enll'l), dimc"ll. 1I0wuv"I', if y vu )! et a fall out lI C l his lin e yo u will kn ow you hllve hud a tu ssle.

Dr. lohn W. I\t iller




: • :••










1'Ucn' t'Pi til! PIE!> 'TH'


eE~& '



GLASSlflfO' ~ns, MONEY LOANED . ;lONEY LOA NED ON LIVE ST OCK. chuU"I. , also ti.cond mor 1'11.,1'. Not en hllu/thl. John Harbin •• "'1If1~ Buildilll:, Xellw. Ohio.

Farmers, Attention! Farmer. of Warren and adjolnln, countiu may obtain mon.y I.. , tim. 10Iln., at pit eent Int.rell Coat of eeeurln, the .am. I. Vlr7 r.a· 101lllbio ,throulZh Th. Federal I.In4 Bank. For further InformaUon .all on or nddreu M. C. DR.,.KE, Treaa- . urer. phon. 3l6-X, Lebanon, Ohio.



----_ ..----



om~ o


q ',

tin d nny hlu sl,,'''; ,Il \I'Y i, UII': "

-- ..- - --

----_ ..----

One Dozen Farm Gates

at 28 cents each


f e:-::sol' ha :-: P(" fl't' b" ! a Il' nt'i! i l !l' ' h !t'


500 Locust Fence Posts


Try tho Gn7.0tte


----- - ..----

at $3.50 each


This Week's Cross-Word Puzzie



Comes in many ~



- - --


WANTED CASH-For Dentel Gold, Platinum, Silver, Diamonds, polnta, flli se t eeth. jewelry. anr nluabl ••• Mnil today. Cash by return man, Hoke S. &. R. Co., Otaego, Mich. LOST


Tract of Innd on whi ch tI, ' g il me is prese rved for sh ooting. 14 Offspring of II Spnl1 inr d or Cre ole a nd lin Americal1 Indian. 17 Fo rtitlcut io n . 19 A strolUIll. 2 1 By. 22 By the r outco f . 24 A mi ne entrance. 20 I"re ne h nu ve li Ht. 27 l ;IIL\, i' LCd l o pe. uscd fo r t uull:illgo th e sca ms of u shi ~. a plu n ks. 28 S trong, thi ck kind of silk. ;; 0 To tJ10S50 1ll . 3 1 Gc rmu ll tC ITit o r y occ ::,.f " by Alli es lifte r W orl d wal'. 34 Note o f t hc do ve. 35 Song in lwo IWl'tl' . J 8 Busin,,"" League ( abu r.). 4 0 A Stllte .

---=--=== =

Ans"". to La.t W""k·. Puzzl ,

LO ST, STRAYED OR STOLENG,' rman P olice dog, answ(' TS to the nll me Mnjo r . Is mostly blllc k with " lill Ie bit of brown on him, Find· ,'" plens e ca ll Cllrl n . .JOI1<' ''_ Now ' ~ II I' ill ), to n , Mu t ual Phone l S0 . and '.' \'(" 3" message . *m20 FOR SALE ~' A L E

. S·., rc t. p ot.ato "Innt.,. of Jam cs Kerrick, Wuynes' ja illl, '..1 1\1 0 . ('"

[ "'Illi/' c

I" OR SA LF.- Bu l'lm i:! in n t: t\ "~1 II 51' d. piu no. cash or time puymente. Addres" , PIANO, ca vo ot Millmi G,,· ~ e tt e oflico. m27 ,··U" S AL E- Lcami :'.,;. c,,,". t t" ~ l ' .J . J. :.>. VlI ll de rvlII't. WIlYl. c8villc. It. rt. ~ , Tc lop itune :!3 -3. LOST - Chi cken coop, between to,,,n nnd College Hill. ' Retu'll to Zim. me rmau 's Grocery. and t·(·ccive re-h·(Ird. ·m27 F OR SALE- Mi xed Clovel' and Timot hy Hay. in blll1'lI. MR. Medl Warn er. on thl' Delln "8hall1[011 farm. between Oregonlll and Harveyebu .l'. . M20 . r OR SAL E- GOO. or 700 'h'utidred bushols of corn. See D. R. Sali~; I)ury, Wa YlIesville, Ohio. . "mllO t; F'OR SALE;-300 .I!1rl:e Itraln Ellr., ~ Ibh WIll!! l.Iel:hn: n Pullet.,' 600 a pound , )fntchin~ " on"', ta I)" 100. Fred Richarda, R. P.. .,' ph OiIl. a7-1~, WaYJlesville, O. • mZ'p FOR RENT-;-Houafl "of seven. room. Ill:d cella": n~wly pal,.led and f'" po,e~ . See ti, H. W,lIkenon, Wi ';'neevalle, Ohio. .' tt ,1 FOR SALE-Sweet ,potato and IIU kinds. of Irf\rdetl ·,.Ianb!. A few bushel. of .aced jlotatoes, 75e l,er buehel. Stro uee Bros., R. R. fi. ellt'. n4!r of tytl~ and W.,.nOllvllle road.



FOR SALE-Fin'll, ,hlrh-rrad. pbon· ograph tllken baek for non pa~ mentl. Can be p·u reha.ed by rella .. , ble party for ,balanee due at U.OO per week, Addl'ft8 P. Box UI, Dayton, Ohio.



'FOll 8AIJI..-Tb. 1InI_ of 'tile · P.... beroD StaUioa. 80,.& Wi.,..,. Thia la the ~a ~. ea. ....... and 'wW make til......11 at 817 ...... O. A. StraWllo B. lL 4, W.,....w..



) -..,. i


... J HE lVi IA M I r


GAZETtE ....·


) D


snCH bhfi '[





t:nt~ired lit the P os to ffic e a t \Va y nesv Ill c , 0., ti s Se con d CI/ISR Mail Ma tter D._ ,... CRANE. E ditor and

Publilb e r, Wayn e.., iIIe. Obio.

J . W. _ I~" k i~ .JJIl·t' i"fl,,- wit h flu . ..Lu 'J' ltll'i,a v, ~, (~f .'(lul I! [.rha lloll. Ml's. J . E. hU Il1 ,\ke r is q uite ill. SllI 'lIt SUllciIlS' wilh hi s futher an d


HA L I. 'S ,ll' n,nn lED) INB 00". ltlAtltot f,r n,n Olll l Hh:nt whi c h Quickly Huh e\ ca by local npplfc1\tlon. and the

ST. MARY' Ci'l U RCH Muy 2'1, Sundlty 11ft l' Asc ns ion. hurc h Sc ho ol nt !l :30 u. m. II1 0rn -

J ohn Syfc l·tl is vis iti ng r e latives /ll otht'l', hl' t·C'. in Du yton. . Ed V I1ll y , Jlil's. Knle nnt! Mi ~1.l " nn d ;; I'mo n ul I I :0 0. ' u lr~cril' tio ll l' l'i ce. $1.6 0 per year. ,J. l-l. B og-till is im p r o" inll h i" 1\1'0 [1 - 110 !lila II ,J ,, rr I" " IV"!'\! ;; IlO!,PIIIJ.: III i, w, • PI'!I""r , lllty with a cuat o f Jlu in l. Lch all l1 ll II ~ n t n lll"y iI Cll'l' lI l) !II. 1£\'c l'yIJIJlJy c oruia lly illvilc:d to t hese I ''' ''' 1, II ALh' ~ t l l-UIII: f( " lIr~ '. "' \ ·f\ tl vc n 1I ft,1 . N ~. . Gennett of L O ll Br:\I1 W I !1 'HIU \ , 11'" \\(' 1"1 SlIrt - "'il ' r'vic l '~. ' I U=,,\ \1 "· Rh ,,~I 'It C ,*., ~ A ' S ( ,( ,,\I ION \.vil!~,~;g-~)~l \\~~~ JiI ~.l' u· ' T h urs u uY . In;.· a.fll ~ JH1U II .l't(lJ(.r~ II 1\1 \"\1 l\i I1l111 (· .It ~.; .. 1 J . :::ichaCIl'N , Re,· ti l' • , '11 'I,trld J.lllllly. o[ Ill'al ' I lln·l· y.; burll. l\l i ;;~ I ol'ot hy DIl\'is an d IUI'ju"ic ('I I . ' '' II r'I ' :; tUllItl Ilre \' i < il i ll~ lJaytu u re la t Ive" . t' l 1' ,,1:'.1" " 1' ' " 'IS, u ~ I '\11" Y'!' I',! "<'ar Wf;I>NESOAY, MAY 20 . 1925 • • I a h S 1 I' , : jll' JI", • l:H\ . "~ a l ' 1"I1t "lf l JI l l'. II lI d JIll' S. 111. J:;, !:ih en'ood " !'C ... iLh S h U'II, ;, 1I h' ll' )' '''1 01 I."H,l v. MCT II O[)I S T CHURCH tJllt el'l a illillg lWII OJ' thl'il' g'l'Ullddll lI" II t ' I f '1 . J: d ~\I :-h HI' :..,1 11"" ;l llf a ll li y , (I . 'abl.ath ~khuLl l , ~: 15 11 , Ill. , preuch . r e ll, \\'a ~H .....-\dh.'. \\' t: 1t· c.. ,d lvn. tit! J.\ar-J I L Co noid e l'i ll): lh e Ii!l ies of th e fi e ld HOW WALL STR EET DOES IT '1 '1 w lIl I"~o t unary ~" Cll' . t y me t WIll ' I I k a Lllvl ltg,' " lid lI'il " S unday evulI- UP' til IU, :. :\) ".' 11 \. 1':P\\u l'l\ eagu c 0 Mrs. Han na h E . l'l'c , well, F!'iday'. (i :.l ii p. Ill. I' rcal'llillg" at 7 ::l U p . Ill. , tu il nut neith e r do they s pin, whi ch 'V erc it no t se ri o ll !'o' , lh ere would i ~ now l'cgllnl e d ns r od pt'opllgnndu. t l.! l'IlUU IJ , i\ I i:--s L ULih, FL'IT I :-' pa s:-;"d ill t \\'u \Vt'dll (!~d:IY t.' \ " : ll illg" j l rHye l" meetin g', be s(jlnethin~. ulllus in): in t hc IlIt c ~ t Ln lo ol' unre s t llIu s t be checke t! lit 1111 Ho rn - T o MI' . n n d Mrs . I3ru c ~ t:' l'lId ~s a L til>' ~ "hu ' " Ir "re till >' In"t '::lO. E"~l'ey lJ"dy in vite d to the >" CUI·r, Mondu)" .Mu y II, J!} ~ 5 , n s un, It.' r Jl1. \Vl' ar(' very prl1ud ur L uci ]o's ~"" J'\"itt! s. I'up orts pul. li she,\ in t he C(\''''' J'\'uliv e ho zur cb. ' a l'I'o ll JCllkin s. - \l'Tl'~S. ilc\' . L. A. \\'lIs huu I'll , I'lI s1ul'. pr" S8 of Ne w York r('l uti ve t o LlIl' I\ lr~, Alin a V' l ,iIJ url'l1 j!-\ SI H!tlu ing J , \\' , TII O Il IP~ d l! , wifl' :a n d g' l'alld ~ Y o u (' 1111 Sce huw ellrefu ll y lhe pu rpl"~p C C ts f or t h· c·" l lon c ro p. We u fe w days II iLh her c h ild t'cn, ~ I r. un d daug h tl',·. ( ;I,,,., :\ lI a''!'is, II (, ,',. Tirul's YOU KNOW WHAT HE ME AN S ,,~· c to ld lht!r<- i ~ ('u g-r o wi nJ! CU Tlvi ('- t)' pilltf(l rlll " HI'C " e ill go cuniet! oul Mrs. F l allk Cu r l. day a f t.('rnlllil goU t l:-. to I" the ,Jut'" ) )111 ~- otl ~' t ' l t.h" :-; ,, kllod.~ !llIt pf '.Ion thllt t be ne '~' el'<ll' hu s Ill ll de II IJY IIUI' fa ithfu l In\\,mnk e l·s. You re_ Miss El' ul y n T uck" I' was II \"('ck- dUll run,i l),. C H R I STI A N CH UHCH y flt Jl' \'a r '?" ~ lI~l ll '.tnr!, 1\1111 lhal w ith n il i n t r('ns l ' llle nd' I'l' whu l the platfo l'lll s cun1.ain - ell U g'u l! s l v f til l' .1\1 i ~gl's (i rahulll , lil J )OIL J la , (:"( ,<."Ii: , - wi C,." a lll i r1 au ~ht L' r , "Y" I' " II h il t I h,· ,,'I(' ill Ihl' 1,'1(, 1, 1 ' li "I I ' ll i l l~ III th t! ( ' J\l'i :-- Li i l !t t - hur l -f l ,,'aL. " UH'ir c u un l r y hom e. \ 1I J1 1. 11 IJ i:-'l' ,Id' lit ':' 11' \\' iil1ll1l g tull, III /I CI·Cll j.:C, n p l(, I,tifll l li S,' "f f,'I'- t'd ,uf l'OllnH.! ! 1'1 1.. u ri 1\ 11':-'. \\' ill 1\kl't.' '-'\'l' l' a lld ', " " n ' ~LJllday Hfll: I ' III ) II/I t ':IIJ~ ' I;-, "I I till ' ~ III H.lllr, ill"y 17 , al Ill :: :U .. . III. M, . t ll izl' l" . a ll d " dl,j l' r m in al iLL 11 UI1 UlI' I!(' ki tllll is lo oll, !in" hL'(' IIt1 H' () f he r f umily \\"l'l'l! ~ lIl H J as g Uc..':il S uf the i r I H rd ;!1l j';ullil y , Eklll n d .iIlHI h i:-; I l all i ,· \\ i ll ~i ll l--~' HI: purt o f the rll ' "lel s t o S" CUI'" a lill pH I eilt s , 1\11" all d l\ll' ;O;, 1\'1, ( 'v l l iel' ll nd l' lr!-' . li n ~ l l: I\~t,\' i ~ ill ( ;I'l' L'II~ I,n l .(). l hl'l'e. e ' ~tI yie ld . th e re is I'l'u>' l' ec t fu r U II - I'l'conl ill J.!o ill J! f o r rH()J' (, than thirty- f llmily. ,,\ , ( '" :'I l ' llt 11l "I't,; il l'\ a lit i l 'L' iltt' (1'11111 ~--------------------~ uth ~ r hll ):O l'l'Op, " All " I' whi,· h " Iii',· " ")'H wi lh ou t " e"IJilid. .I t's lc n C UI'1 Andl' r s oll , 1)[ JJay tv ll , sJJ<! ll t I h" Ff'il'l l d :-. \\ ' OIl_lt' ll 1'-' of "I i.: 'I _\l1S~ I III I' t o o lit' W I.' t' oul d gop ' f il l' t hirt y'-tlv c t.h e wcek -c ll d \\i l h his p ut '('lI t s, 1\11'. :tl'y :-' lll' Jt 'l~ IIf \ \' ,IJldflJ.:·t ,oll \ ( ';Irly n und"j Ollt !u i mpl'l 'ss Ll I'O Il th e ~ II'I ' d" . I·IIe· r, or th e Jo: II "t id,'" Ihll t Y l' Hl"ti \\ illH! ul H ( \)]l K l' l'!"S u nd n ot alld Mrs , G ai l \V, Gord un a n d bl u r · .\ I t·l,t inK T r i l'lIlli a i (''' 11 (" !"I' 1I 1' t.'. The Eye Sight g'Hl'cL Ann e. ' T h l' t ; I IS P. ,) l('alll "t' \\ t1 0 JII Ig'1"1l thc fu !'t ll e!' hu s 11I· "~ t> e rit y in K i ~ h '. \\t 'l'ry \,t·: y ll1 ul' h . MI'. !l/ll.l MI·s. W. C. W,, !hl', or r,oI l" ' l' \\ ,II h" hl ,II, "II d.,y '"' " Iill j.: A8 n fllct if thl' far lller cl oc' s p ro d l" 'o Nu \\' th e,\' huvt.' f UJl u J a mi r ro r, n Da yton, sp e nt t IH.~ wl! l' k · cll d wit h al tht, l'ili l l <"1 1 b t·t',· ' It'~ t ~IUld;I~'1 .'\la y I \\ ill .. 11' ' r til Jlul.Iic Sil lt , a l th e a bumpe t· crop , he will get Ii i tic "I' I' alli l), (:"S" , " lid U lip "t ick UHl'd by lh e ir plut:Jl l~ , Mr. all o hlrs . A , L . ~ I. J Jlltl ll r \\ 111 11" ='" \ ' J \t ' li : d tbl' I;II il)' h"',I<·,l l',,<I, "II th e Ik ll lJl 'ook l nolhing for it. li e will work lwi n K e nn e d y und famil y. d ll lr ch at. IIt l(lll. 1, \IIVIOI'd \' b i l l . Lebanon, Ohio ' " Il l(' ll 'lJ'I"' r :W O y,'ars 13. C . T his Mi SS f.HI \Vililli f l"cd iln tl II l~ I <.' n S t a r r \ ' IIl, d t v t:tJ l l l t.' a n t! 1'1'11 ~~: t tk'·" dlll l1 l'r Ho ,It!, :11. tlw l,dgl.' ilL ti lt' . . or pu rati on 1If. ha rtl, pruduce us mud\ lind r: ·t k ill" of fri voli ty has gune 0 11 long unc..l ",.ot. he l's, L C:; l ~I , 1: lu l'l{ all d \'l' l". Hnd ~pt.' "d lhv d: I ,\', ,~p " "I III' a lld r. r Wa) 11l·" ,"il"' , uh i(l, 011 III uj;h less cus h. ,' noll ).d 1- L,·! ·s UIlI l' lld th o con"titu - n O ll, t·a ll .... d 0 11 !I ll·. and l\ II' K. Chad e:.: h,t':--, ~\J ;11141 h ~ ,; tI ' t h. ~i' I '{' lal JlltI ~ i<:, Th{ln ill ol:der t o stmddl e th e isTHURSDAY, MAY 28, 1 ~ 25, t iu n . Uray a lill flllll ily, Vl'i dHY l'l' e nblj.: . ~I ," ,. . \Ii d .. (;,.,,'0 " I .. I. " h , I' 8 : (lH n. 111. 10 ., 1' . II I llU~ , lifter the man ll ('r o f u ll wl'll (', " , ll lllll' ln' ~ :I t )0-(111 :t . 11 1. , :.1 11 {I f .I\lI'H. Idll Iluwe allli 1I l1I'I'Y lIu we , d l ll .. 1 HI \\\,lllllil'; II" I \· ...' l 1" ,· ,1." . prtl ere,l W"II Str ee t nCWSp"pe I'S, We callt!d , Th lll Kdny , UII (;('u J"'~t: E d . .\1.! .\ ~~ . \\ it h al l :d ,-d:l , ' -111.' 1, li l Y l.anllO,,: .. qll I 1111 11.' !I t el f!!i to n Is, HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED loam "thut Pll the wes tern half of w u nJ H, wh u il'i \'t'''Y III tit. t hl ' Ih ) llH' JII I ' lll. t\ Ii, III 1111'\'1 1.1 ti ! . ' 1" 1, '1 H\!l1 :" 1',,111,\\". 1': ll'Il \ IIl~'. I lI iI 1 l lwn t. g . of his !"i !!. l CI', ~ ll's, F I'Hn l\. IJa n '(·y . I1 ca r «fld, o r loll r ~l', dl ll !.,I '!' :,1 , ,, .. ,t! , ' I III,' ~'t :11 1" " ; ~ 111\\ IL }-" \\ i lt';d 1 ,1 ,II g'u7:"d th\l I (' It, lUI /l rc~ ult of the protruc -.r cl L e lH1JlOII. "ftl'l'III!I JJl \\i/l l it, t. 1~', t II up \\!l11 III" dl'ought. the cro p \s not 80 w e ll lid , t;lI! t'I ,:,-!· i\ tl d IJul( I HI !,! I!}. I'" d s t 5 . . . ,dl'f1dHJ pl'dJ..: I ·.il lll \ \ i. ,~ i ' l ' J.a~ P I, T h e I\t. E , Ai d m e l ill th e A id !J il t' · p:II"l' d f i ll' t il(.' (I\-I-~t .. l lIll, I,\I' !"\" II,,: ', vancell." This lays th e grPlIn<jwol'k h t ' lld " f !I\I.' ~11 t " .. :1I,l H )l1 1 alld olh t: r lors T h u l~::;da y u f t c l · lI U U Il. At t ht! III \ili..' 1 til 1. '~.I1 "' . IIl'il l~ .\',11' d·'loIl . ' J:. tor higher prices of cotton protluc l" 1,,1\1 t II III j.lIP' : c!otie uf th e l)\l ~ illl' > s 'C," iolll U" 'y \\' el'c all d >1"'11.1 t ill' da y . .' 11 " '1 '., )' 11. [ll vor cd with ruc iaatiull ti liy ~I i ~stor the people. The furmel' will lo u :" (t· brl_'t ' I.IJ ,; r ill" tl 11! ,.~ , us Loruttu " lid VC l'a Law so lI, Il tead paid a low price for a poo re r qualit y .\1 I:S . •. :l 1~11I1: ~. I; .\I LY ing lo y Mrti. Mu l'Y Gmy Il I,U II evll of cotton, because thc farmer m~ :l t The 11I'OS Ill'c t f o l' will tel' app les in t.est uf hidd ell cities wu s i lJ"ul~cu ill be IrYpcd whichever way the cat Oh io seem \'cry g'ood at thi < lim e , l>y all. It \l'll S dec ided t o l' ll'an t he Hau line of .. 11 kind . ; .. lao will buy jumps , and t he impotent and apathet- /lCI·lI t·dillJ.: to ~tu ti sticinn Wr s t, of t hc r oom Thurtidll Y !ll undng'. ,\ lu nd. your old papen, ragl .. nd junk. 01 ic c (TUUm, s tnl\\ lH ': rr it·:-. , whn l ' ic public will pay the r cst of the bill . S tatc Fcdel'lll C r up Rel-H! r t in g se rvice . cake !lnd colfee \l' CI'e ser Vl'" uy th" 1' 1UI !('l't y at putdic atH·lItH} III my re ~L rheac financial jugglers, th ese The SUmm e r app le CI'OP is spotte d h0 8 t esH e ~ . ~ I I' . .1 010 11 I." ,·i 1111 , i d l'IH.:c at \\ hat. i:; knH\\ I I a s the H e n· IIpolllllating harpiell who livo on with It ful! cr op indi cuted in th e CO UII ... ,il'k li st. WAYNESV ILL E , OHIO I Y ( ' r~\\ fll l'I11 , t !1lil~ "lid /I half fro lll the sweut of men who work , passing til'S a lo ng Lak e Eri e und a p uor crop l\lt.·s~ rs. (' Iiff Sm it h a ll d t:tiH'r:-;' \ 11 :,;,.\\, 1\ 1I .. I, "g·(,,,, nlld I Il1il,' rrl1ll1 1{0 Kput t h jlir propaganda without govern along lh e Ohio ri veI'. The pellch o u t ( Ji ll '\('I"l' i ll D a ytu !l , ~ l \ qlfl:t y, o il um:i. hllnH . o n ill l 'HH. Illpntalpl' priVAte protest. are sowing look is 10 0'10 a lung th e lake lo ut ve ry tho 8ceds o f diKcon tcnt that unless puu r ill tho i::)o uthc t'll pa'i. uf the W cd ne.d ny , Ma y 27, 1925, . . \'. It -!'''~ rs Arc h ' (d r lll~tn lind :\11.11",. ,\DR. HATHA WAY (' rt'w !-IH·'J l SUl\ d :IY (' \'clJ iJlC' w ilh ¢ere be Bo mc chang e before long i::)l.alc. Th e l e was pl'uc tic ully no ( ' ,,",n,~nr-il'g' at 1 tr ::10, th " f oll ow111". H"",,"ca I)ill. will producc a bumpcr crop that m uy danUlg~ fro m willIe I' ki lling uf b ud s Mrs. Anna Ande l'son is ill , s uffer DENTIST ing': F uu I' hor scs , 5U h UJ!:s , H I head Jl[II; . I~ llle l'so n H il! SPl' IIt l ire week IIhake .the teeth o ut of t hc nalion. in lh e North uut th e pour s howillg' in ing from li ver trouble . of J"l' s~y Ca t ll e, fun n ing' im ple ments And X-O-OI'~APHISl' Severlll fro lll herc ultentl cd t he en d ill X (·n ia . Ihe j.:lIl·s l 0 r Mr . Illld The farmer is tire d of contillu ou B ex- peuches · ill the South iij lurg e ly due f('ed, ha rn css, e lc. DistJ iet me cting of t.h e 111. I':. c hur ch Mr. . ll l'lI l'y T oms. ploitation. Wayne8vllle, 1.0 freezing. Ohle, ~lL'ss r' . 1': I\' is lIlichu (· I, P.:",I' lllon u in Xenia, Tu~ sd a y . See big- bills fo l' t erm s. In Lawre nce und other c ounties Telephone 114. Mr. und 111 1'S. J ess e J ensen nlld Luca. " ", I I-; '11'11 l's t F I'l'l' lllan SpC llt AUDRE Y CREW. . PatrIots w ho uro r('u dy to dio f or along the Ohio ri\' cr , the condi tions daugh te r, of Dayton, wer e j!u eSlH of . 'u llda), in Hithml)nu, Ind . ,'tun lcy & Marti n, !\urts . ~h ejr country are be ing urged to OFFICE: I-iA TH AWA Y BLDG, ~Ir. 1I,' r"" r t ~ la l'l" l t is \Ill\\' ahle illdicate a winte r app le crop of fr om Mrs . Anna J u nse n, S unduy . 1111), moons hine inBtcad of bootleg to Ll' Ollt :lg"niIl 1 a fl el' 11:\\ illg" Lc..:e n ON MA IN STRE!1;l' Mrs. Hc hcccn i'unras , o f ncal' W ay 75 % t o 00 % a nd 1I s um m"r app le \ IInfirll'd tl' his hHme f ut' !icvcra l 1i(I IIPr, pr oductio n f t'o m 20 % ill Lawrenc e ne s vill e, Sl'un l (J U rt o f las t \\' eek \\'il.h till)" with , ic kness. I wil l se ll at p ubli c SlIlo ut the late her CO ll S ; II , ~ l l's. J. N . ~ I oul'e . Hpre Is n llIun in Wi no is who on co unty to 80 % or bettcr in Wushingr s iden cc o f D . Lel(uy E a rnhart, doGoodwi ll lIa ), \\,11 . o bserH· ,1 HI thl' the advic e o f h is d uel,,!' hud hill teeth to n county : In the Lake counties FrielllJ ~ church I" s t. S und ay. Willi , c eased , on lhe corne r o f Fifth and WI SE YO UT H p ulled to CIII'\! I'he ulll u t ir; Il1, No w he the es tilllate run s from 7&% t o a full Hurn ~ I ' , o f \\'il lll lllg't.oll cottcg c, g'ave .Chllpmnn str 'c t s. WaYll c!;; villc, Ohio. t he ud dress. crop fO I' a)lapplcs. /lues the d udur b c c u u ~o hI! 'has tle 0 11 Mr. 11l1d l\lrs. Will . HccI'Cs an d so n , Pears and c herries a re milking Yil lopcd ind ig es tion. 1<1 ll uclll l'"1 ' ntl " I', u",,1 ,.fte l' 0 SA T URDAY. MAY 23. 1925. Ilbout a 4 0 % showing in So ulhern and lIIr. un d 1111'S. J uhn Hee yes u no yo u lUll'" '-" l'"dual "ti Ihl: !'l'ul fig ht is chlldrc n, wCl'e Su nday j.:ucsts u f lII r . BCll inning at 1 o 'cloc k, the f ollow1",\" h:\\'0 t..o hettIe Ohio an d th e irldicntiolls are for a und 1111'5. U. Hee v(:", of J Hrne~tU\\,II. unly ~l :'ll"til1g , d "Wll , h a Ul! 'lIUt. ~i til" ~h·n~ ll! ~lI : d ing pr operty. One horse. 2 cows. full c ro p in the Northerll half of the Th e cpidelllic uf slIIallpux s l.ill " , )1\- IJ UltU up a p J"a c l h·IJ,·· aUlolIl,, "ile, f ec d, tools and househ old · tule. ti nues t o hold s wuy with : e vem l ne\\' - - - _4 _ ...____ li rudll :CL ,·- "I ""' peCL n 1:'''0 <1 p racca ses. S u far it has bc en in a vc ry t ice I'igh l fmlll Ihe "IHl'l--'-:' t'lI\ go ing' goo d". F or term s seo loig bill s. light form. o nly one 0 1' tw o bcing to pu t n1>- olli.-" I ig-b t nex t to 'a C fJA S. T. E LL IS. Admr. STRAIGHT AWAY sick to IIny extcnt. I!l'udu crostiinn·," W. N. Sea rs, Auct. There will be pre ach illg oc rvice llt the Me thodi st church ll ext i::)undllY I ~~ F irst Motol'is t-"Saw you with the evening_ Thero hu s l> ce n no e venblondc last night." in g se rvi cc in Our village f OI' so me EYES EXAMINED Sccond Motorist--" Yehl (proudly) time. and peo pl e nre a pprec iating Gl..ASSES FITTED these services very mu ch. What did yo u t h ink of herT' PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Mr. nnd 1111'S. B. 111. Sp itl cr cnt er l "irs t Motol'illt"-"O h- not so much. tain cd IIbuut thirty g ucst s !It dinn e r , Not II dungel' curve on her." Sa t urday eveni ng, in h Ollo r of t he ir Every Wedne8day twcnty-fifth weddinll' ann ive rsury. The h ouse wns beautlfu lIy decorntcd Ma y be b rou ll ht again.t you for p enon .. 1 injIJry Or 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. in wh ite thl'o ug hout, an d a very picas SOME SHIEK damage to properly of ol her., throu g h .. n automobile unt cvenin g was passed. acdde nl. I

'1,1.'" (;\'1.\1 j l i l ~Ull l)ICll'Il!l II"" b . n h ll Ol. t 'tl tully Ju t htl Lr-.: a.Lln eUc. o f



lill erntd Med k fnc. n. 1'on lc. whhJh aota ! hrnuKh the D Juort u n tho ltofuCOUlt Sur ..

rn <.~.

!>"Id F. J

th ua r"dllc ln!; th& Infl~mm ..lIon • . (]ruICKI.te. Che,w v &. CO_. Tolec!n. Oh ln.

1.>, ' nit



. Walter MeCI ure ~U ~ ERAL


Waynesville, Ohio foully Equipped for Good


~c rvice.

I...arge l~ i s pl a y l~oom :\ IJ1 btl la n ce Serv ice


TI.I.l .I·II')t-; I; 7



!.._ _..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _•

------------- l --------~===

Pu blie Sales



DR. E. M. RUDOLPH ; . T. Martin Spcciali~t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop



I Oat"

Every Tuesday


your ... Ieo with m

• "II ...

latl.factioD or char ... _.



Phone. N o.2




Ml HOllY


W m. Robinson ~

- ...----









Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. Ph ODe 8



Will. Drawn


e.tat.. Settled

Waynesville, Ohio National Bank

Be Loyal to Your


A Big Damage:~Suit

----_ ....----


Re.tRoom in GrangeBldg

There is a man in our town. And ho is wondrous wise. - He always picks his girl frie nds With Yes-Yes in t heir cycs.

Wayne.ville, Ohio

Main Office:

... .

92fy' South Brown Street, OYer Sicma Th •• t.r

Dayton, Ohio




Of courle, you .. r e Q carc fu l drive r - we .. II are-but acc:ide nla happe n jUlt tho '"me.

"Is my f acc flu s hed --or is it my im agination 1"

There i. only on e Ido tbin e to do, and tha t i. to c"rr y Publ ic Lia hili ty anil Prope rty Dam .. g" In.urance. W •• are .. hie to quo to you very low ratel on thil cI.... of eoverage.

" Wc ll- l don't know-but your fac e is not flu s hed."

---_. - ...----



All Kinds of Insurance

Ecc nu · Mccnll Mi nah MoF u rewc ll to my dea r r ad io Wife SU~'S one o f us lllu~t go Th e sun will s h ine f or mc 11 0 mo '.

Phone-61- 2

Waynesville, Ohio. ",




The bug-a·bQO of every


man', ur. La c1ith-waihlor. With hard water It I• • dlu"eeabl,

cUac.oura2inr taak that redden. the handl~ wearl.. the and Iht1~ uaually end. wJth all ,.....y &1m over everything. Soft water I, the houaewlfe'. greatelt bocm. In It I08p lath.... freely. hanh waab.lIl2 compound. are unneceuart. anCl the dlah.. dry .aUy and qlllcJr1J! wlda • polI,b that pI......













F 6'AS





MAAK weLL TMIS 1)ATE ON ~s; ~ OF &lOOM ,





Water' Snte... from the '1:11-

fumlah iofe water tern, under co,IataIlt ~~ like city water....... BD8hI:r .utoDiati~otblac to au.cs to CIt' watch. Water ma,. bt plpe4 ~ bathroom and ..~. . . The Duro I. the mo4tftl ~. Ma,. be lQltallld ~ e1t1ltr 014 or DeW hom. far ~ to the o~ ....rul . ._


. ..


"'."'7011":: Sfaa

w. BURTON, Agent - Wajn••viU.; Ohio

The Miami Gazette Vi aynesviUe, Ohio

Tho Mlainl 7

U22__ -


c..ett.. :


Mr. Robert Mosher, of Cardington. Mr. nn d Mr:<. Frllnk Elbon were In Is here on b~ sine ss. IllIyl,,1l !Utlll Y. M I·~. Grncp L.

mit.h waS ill ()1I~' t(l", !:laturdn),. ~Ir. .

I ny




nnd dllug hters , lO!'e

1. .. \'nl1lll1 \'i~lt or~ . :lIt urdu y.

Mr. Orange Elliley, qf LeboJ\on, Is visiting re latives her,e. Mi~~ (ri ~ lId s

!\fny Wright WtlS the guest of ill Lebon oll , Monuay.



Upwards of 150 peoplc ntt end ed Mr. Itlrk SnlisbulIY, of leve land, the Dniry m('ctill ~s h('lli at Main . "isite" r elntlves here this wc('k. ~!r< , r. ' •. n,ll n !>",!. "r Ch,c;n . , ia . I)hi .. , tnlll)'. (\11 ilU. illel'S. viii' Ilnd Luballon. Tu esday and ron m modern houI .. , well built . i" n:,", ,i'!o'lt(l~l fru:rtu .; 1("'(' hl~t F·t , Wcdn esdllY ev\!ninl!lI of IIIHt week . ,h \ . ;\11'. (;"11 ~"I lI l'1u..i('rson made l\ hu sM(·ssrs. L. A. Zimm('\,mlln and M. Inl':,,: tnp lo ,t'inl'inIHlti, M(Hlduy. , ood r epair. L .. rae 101 a nd I:llrdcn , O. Bnird w ~ r e in Columbus , Tuesdny. "These w('rc Ih most· wo r t hwhil(' duiry meetings I hav o "Itcnded ," sui d I . .\ld·I ' II·I' al ~ll· . .a"d .\It s. ,I ,ood barn a nd chicken houle. It, t1d ,,' d t h e J lh'l'~ at I. l'\li~\ ilh·. K y .. ~I ',. t ·. \\' . 1 1(· I"ll·r~lO l1 ulld so n, llr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward lind U. K Dunham , at th " il' elus" . Wed- I ;luryv. \\ l ' I'L' It t IJayluJlt Thursday. M, •. II. B. Eurnha rt were ill Dayton IlC~dIlY even ing. " Mr Al'lIold show. i Allo, farm of 99 .65 Rc r ea o f g ood 1:1 (I \\ \!pk. I".t Thur. dny . ~d lh" illlporlunc e of study ing pro· I Icyel land, with go od buildin R" in , I, "",\ ~Ir' . I. Hi" . k. ,.f !-'p' illl!' ~I r . IIlId ~I, ·<. Fred 1!~lIdel""" alld du ctioll in vthCI' co ullt ric~ bC8id c~ ' \ ',,!I,). ~1' l' lll SlI lIdll)' \\;Ih ~I r. ,I),l'r 111'" . .1. II. l 'p ll' ",all "'l'n' ill !Jaylon, ~Ii ~s RUlh Nc wflnl!, of Oxford colCle.rc r eo k Town.hip, nel\r Ly tle . h'~l' , . pCII I Ihe week·cnd at l he hom(' .,Ul' own. ill orde r t o und erstand price 1 II) l1lall alld rall1ily . . chllllge s. anri pro bu ble olltlook f ur .. f ,\1 1. IV . II. Allen 111111 fa mily. \.,I ':T On(' :(0,,:1 1 " Gi""t ll .n. lirc ' 'I I 1'1<'.1 \1 (, ,, 1(0 nlld fumily spent Ihl' future." (·xp l"illc d llllnhlltn. Fi lllicl' pl ' n~ ~ r,· turll to i\ll,lIlth 'H l :-.ou·1I 11:·\v \\tl'h ' rt.' l:\liv\\:o' til Bru wn ~Il" "r". Kelll' r H oke un d Fred Brad . R. Arn old, Ruml t collo mics )!Hrn~(". \\· a ~· nL'~ vili t'. Oh iu. • Ill:!U I l' \ l lIl l l.\' , "",·k ult ended on Amcricnn Legion "pccilliist of Ohi o AJ,:l'icullUrul col- ' Administrator m .. l·li ng ill Leb nn on . TUl'~do y ni!"!ht. lpgI' , pOin(' d out I hut s ince 111 20 ' ~Ir::.. ~t Clnir Fif(' IIl1tl. dlilth,",". 1 ~II' . 1\"I111,,\ h " ill .. ,,, 'Ill'nt thc wCI' k dlliry products furni ~ h (' d 1he begt rI~I1II1S::I,'n , ' 1'1' 111 \\ ~'fln~•.~~IIIY 1,:"<1 . <lllh ~I I'. l· . \\'. II l'lIdl'!'""" IIl1d M r~ . \\,ill Nl.'w ln nd laft Sunday foJ' .J ut let for fnrnl growll f ec d ~ . With of Lltti . Acco u nt. ,"th ;\11. nnt! Mrs. II . II. \\ tl k , ' ''''". 1I1,"i1;.. her hOlllo ill Chit'a!!". after 0 plen.u nl 'I illluillted Il !' olluct~ through Ill · \ To ..... Ish III of lltll~ IIc('Ounl; to 111('yj,h with Mr. W . II . Alll'lI and fnm · " r,'ased number lIt CIIW •• ","1 ,,1'0 bet eel'd ynu muM enmelltly c'Icslre; and M, s . Anna lnclw"lI"d ~r 1111.1 ~Ii " ~Ir. GCMI!C ily. 11' 1' f..cllillg of Il is fi ~,\II·es ~Ii ";; Kathllol 'l> alld thIs d~Nlre must shortell thy Blcep.- Cl n,n Lil t' ",<,re .ti nl1cr gll!'"t", :-;UI1 · I lvntil ' r :'Hln \\' 1' 1'\ ' L t.'lin.lloll \'L itlll'1-' , >IHlwed on Incrense u f 1,7 \H) ,OOO h<,a d tiny. o f rcl nth'CS 111'1\1' Xl'n ia. o f dairy cattle in the United Slal ~ , ~lIlUJd:I.\'. 1\I i,,(" Louise Gille sJlic lind Lui'll O,·ld. 1I0y ..... uf nay ton , clIlI ed on Miss during I !l21 -2 4, which was co nsi de r 1\11' h- :w,-' Lil1coln. of nllyl.l' l> . .\l lIrj!lI rct J~ dwnrd s: Sal ur<l uy IIfter- nLJly more t hnn the 1I" el'aj!~ rille . II i. di,c ussioll s cen te r ed chil'fly on ' 1"'111 ~ulld"y with .\11'. IIlId Mrs. J . IIlIu ll. I he pri ce of IHllte l'fnt ; he ~how('d I II. ~ ,",1 II. Mr. alld Mrs. Ern<"l S hul L~ IIlId l hat the pl'il'e o f who le milk nlllH's t falll ily. \If Hou te 2. mu\'cd, TUI'Hdny. :n"urill bl), <'II/Ingl'd uccllr(\i nj(' t ,l \Jut . I .\\ r. lIlI,1 ~I 1". GII'1I11 Buru C'1I I.. <luklc' ,' Ohio, wher- Mr. Shults "' I' fal pr ice8. I\n d .wt"u that we tlH' \\ l'\ ' h-l'lI d \ \ il l! J'(.' l ll ti\,(I ~ ill <h" uld not CliJlilct whole milk prien hll ~ scru r l' cI n good pm,ili o n. 1.,1 .. I'l~' . Olli". It) " ' nllti n t ou hlg h ve r y lu n". The cosl o f produ ci ng milk un d ~Ir . lI"d ~ll·". L. II . Gllrd on nnd ~·Ir. nn, 1 Mr~. C. M. Il ouJ.:h und ' ioulll' !' flit in Wn r ron county wns 1 )1 1" .\Iilrlhn O·;o.;cnl\ W('r" in Dnyt ull ~I,·. li nd Mrd . K. N. Il o u~h "pen! til( ured Ou l und shuwn t o be con sid· Country Cl ub a nd Golden B Dn t '"n, ~"ndI\Y wilh nT·. un d i\{,,~ . •1. W. ,.rnu ly hi g her Ihlln in other count11""l Tllul·, dny. Ward. o f Ill'll l' HIII'\,c ysuurg. 2 · pound c.n _ries . practica lly Dl'n mllrk olld New Zea lalld. :'>11' . II IId ~ I r'. 11'11 Rich II nri Mrs. tb t o t.he future. Mr. Arn old I 1\ 111 hllv llll( " . nll' 011 ull hlll ~ rl'l' d ll ," du nck WeI'" Wllrninl(t on fn l' ilecurlllio ll. E\'I' I'y thilw murked <trc""tlel the Impor tun c\' of lndu stri ul ..: h (l l' p(' ,,~. l\I(") IHln y . Avondale, med. h e a v y ayrup. d"wn. Hc,tI I Is lit 1'('111 pl'icl'~. proslll'I'ity wi th ~ t ('./Idy cmpl oyme nt CaD 1 ~ll· "' r,. llonnld II (' /111CI'l'O n und CUIlI(, . whill' the Iwrl(nills IIIIe I!'"od. ;llld I!OllU \\'II1!C g liS II flln<lnmcnlHl I CI',,-,ity fur a !"!tl(\rl market of dairy I r.'"· "/·~l IIn r lllll \\'('1'(' in Dll ytl' n, Wed G!'uce I. i ncu III Sill it h. pr( du cts. Th e lal'~eI' ncrcngc of 1l\'H.l ay , 011 bu~i l u.':-,~. COl 1 nuo ( ' at~, if g i ven u fnvornb l(· M"r(, fond nnirn,li. wero slnughWi.eon.i n pack, ~ : S O li, IlI l1 )' brin!"! abo ut low(' r f e(,d ~Ii,~ Edlin lI ow lllnd WII~ in Middl e- t ' r~tl in the Unit(,d States last yen r pr ln -'s. wh it Ie may in t urn , s tim ul utc a tt'WII o\'er th l' \\'l'ek.l'nd , th e g u es~ o f tl",,, (,"('1' berorf'. Tho toull wa ~ \!:rl ..ltrr prr · l lIc ~ i on. E.\1cc!all y wlt.h 2-pound can I I !1. U8 0. 5 00, or nbout 1. 1 (or eve ry ~1 is. III ullil- I.l uwlnnd. "",n . woman and child in th e coun- a dlOl'taJ,:e of hogs, r ONI wou ld be 11\, t·(,· " xl ,,' Jive ly mlll'keted throll$h Mr. II 'Ill r.lrs. II . C. Coleman, of try. dn iry products. K('ener conlpetitmn .... ~--FreDch Ble nd, 4c r " ducti on , :"UI·WU 'JU. 'P l!lIt IIl ~t Friday with Mr. l1\uy also be e xpected from the ab ove ulI\ l Mrs. J . II. Co lcllI nn. ntlmed European countries, Canada NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Pound ... . . and Russia. The conclusion seemed to be clear MI'. IIl1d Mrs. Ha rry Stokes, Mrs. E.tate of EDlmor S. Belly, do· lhot th" world-price of butt(Or and Clnre nce Menriell hnll alld so n, Earl, other dairy prouu clS i. VI' I'y sensi we re in l)uyton, Tu esday. cellsed. Notice Is hereby given that Eliz- tive to the Inw of 8upply li nd de· Avon dale , low . price . IIlr. and Mrs. H oward Archdeacon abeth B. Baily hSI8 bee n duly a ppoint- mllnd. spe nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J o- ed ond Qualified os exec uttix of the seph Mill er, lit Springboro. estate of Emmor S. Boily, lato of c.n ............. ... Country Club, Ii. can lIIr. and 1\1,..... Karl Babb and son, Wllrren county, Ohio, deceosed. Doted this 12th day of May, 1926. Dean, spent Sunday with lIIr. and - - . -- W. Z. ROLL, \Ilrs. Charicil Babb, of Xooia. Judge of 'the Probate Court, Mr. Vern Hough and fomily ! pent M. C. Drake, Atl'y . Cali fOl'1li., DO Cril, C.D 1 5 c Country Club. 8 oz. bol Sund uy Ileal' Centerville, the guests uf Mr. nnd Mrs. Chorles Co rne ll. It will be of gr~nt In t ('re~t to all resigning pool memb ers of the Miami Mr. Sheridon Ileighway, of Mur· phy, N. C.• was a guest of hi s cousin, Valley T obacc o Gr owel '!!' associa· Country Club, 4 amaH c . 1 5 c Freah reDdered, 2 Ibl Mi s~ Emmn Heighway, last Saturday. tion to know that on Wedncsday, May 27t h, lit the Brookvil le High MI S. Leste r Gordon and Miss MllrSchlw l nuditorium, at 1 o'clock p. m .. thn O'Neall entertain ed tho Clover eo,".lry Club, pound .....4 4 c shnrp, lhere will be 0 ma gs mce ting Le a f club lust Wednesday afternoon. that will profil evcry pe rMon lll:\t has Messrs. Wm. Orndorl. Earl Ornsig ned to chllnge th e by.laws o f this dor! and Wilbur StansbelTY spcn~ orgoin zntion. Van 'Camp, 2 canl the wee k· end at the Lewis town It eRWe urge evcry membel' thllt has sig ned thi s amendnicnt. to be prescrvoir. SATURIlIAY. MAY 23 ent for the ir own good, legally. as LOST- An autom obile crank for Two milel N .E. of Xenia, .t tbe our attorneys will be presen t . The meeting is for re signing members un Overlund car, between Waynes- I.te hOIDe of G,.or,e Devilbila. .....·........ Frelh, Ib .... ... ........ . ville und Harveysb ul'g . Finder please Houoebold ,~,odl .nd antiquel of only. If you a, 'e not onc of these I<'u "e ut this ollice. all kindl, Itock, feed and farm of 30 mem bel'S now you will profit by doacrea, well imll'ro...ed. Mr. Home· ing so. ar e solicited take odvan tage Re latives f rom Cincinnati, Xenia, buyer, thil will ·be a wonderful op- of lfit you to the chairmlln, E. P. Landis, Wilmington lind New Burlington at· portunity to bul' your home .t auc· Brookville , Ohio, and be one of 11 tende d the burial of Builey H. Hayes tioD t c1o.e to a lood town. happy bunch in majority. Spec illl in Miumi cemetery, last Friday.' --(0)-music furni shed. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 By committee, Messrs. Kenneth Thomas, Ralph Smith, Harry Pr ater , J esse Thomus, E. P. Landis. Audrey Crew, 1 mile E . of ROilF rank Thomos lind Carl Ser vis spent ana: Charles St.ick, the week-end at St. Mary's reservoir. Phil Knopke. L.rll" f.rm 1 .. le, 19 be.d of Jeney L. A. Norris, cattle, 50 bead of bO,I, horae. and I. G. Baker, Save your old carpets and rugs farm equipmeDlta No rman T eaford, lind get ','Wellrwell" Rugs made. --(0)-L. C. Ditmars, Send f or price list. Franklin Rug Levi \Vllrner, THURS['AY. MAY 28 Robert Friend, Co. , Frnnklin, Ohio. Mra. Emmor Baily, on Bellbrook Wal te r A. Clar k, Road, rillbt at ·t he corporatio D line Osca r Byrd, Mr. MOITls Cornell hus been nllm- of Waynu .. ille: I. J. Myers, cd chnirman of t he transportation Houlehold trooda, atoek, and farm Charles Heistand. committee f or Mcmoriul Dny , in pillce equipment••1.0 antique •. - - - - ~. --of Mr. Frank Zell, liS ann ounced last --(0)-week. home. of the I"t ., D .

E .... h.rt, in W.yn "oville.

_________ 5£ _ _ _.

)11' . EnH·.l 11 ,,1'1>111 wn~ III ~a rdi .

An eighl '




Chas. T. Ellis

n:. \\


, KROGE S Corn



Why Waste Time Shopping Around'!




c i 20c i IOc 45c

You en n 't R t n b e tte r t i re th :'\ n "' Goodyt"lIr



Peas Coffee



10C - - --.--

T hese arc (acla w e can p rove to y o ur .at i~ fftction 'With ' n fiv o mi~ • .

C ome in Rnd grt llcq uainte d wi th th e re:ll tire b a r._ in .., { ~b:' y ft Ar- a genu in e Goodyear ~t you r own pric.e, aDd our . ~ mnd. rd

Goodyear Ser"ice to back it up.

Here Are Our Prices For Genuine Goodyear Cords In A Few Popular Sizes

- ...

30,,3 Y.t CI:ncher 32" 4 Str .. i ll bt Side





~~!,~!~~. ~.~~ . 25c

Tomato Soup

. 15c


Eatmore Oleo

.~ 20c


$3..15 30,,3 ~ Clinche r Fabric


Waynesville Motor Co.


• Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio


Kemp & Jordan

PublicSale Dates


.. $11.85 33114 Slr.ia b Side .... $19.S0 $18·70 32,,4 ~ Str.irht Side ..... $24.55

lOur Special Offering on Clincher Tirea .~n 30113~ ' Clinc her Cor d


29c 10c 37c

t:. l onl'Y

ut e • .



ft. any pric e.

You CAn Ret n Gaody!!u r Tire from U B f nr til e I :U"O or Ie .. th a n you w i!1 be .n&k~ d t o p~y for uncc-rtain qunlity .

'Waynesville, Ohio

Plumbing and Tin Work All Kind. of

Roofing and Spouting Lightning Rods Furnaces Installed and Repaired

Spring Valley's

Agents for

Greatest Selling Event




May 22nd

Promptly at 9 o'clock, a. m.

If ,.ou .re tConliderlntr b ...i"tr •

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller and Pub lie S.le of .n" kind, lee UI for so n, of Dayton, wel'e guests of Mr. your d.tu . anti Mrs. Hownrd Arch deacon. Sntur. WE GUARANTEE TO SATISFY lillY. Mr. Miller is a brother to Mrs. YOU OR CHAIRGE NOTHING. Archdeacon,

This Is

Hyman &Bloch's Greatest Sale You Must Not Miss It



The Tri·State Price May 14th to 19th


Per Pound for Butter-Fat

Onc hund red pounds of 4 % milk ~\' iIl give yo u $1.76 if marketed a s cream at this price. One hundred pounds "f ~k im milk hos a feed value cqulII to one-ha lf bushel of corn f or pigs, calvcs and Ilnd poultry. ream is erurier to keep, require s much less of yo ur Lime nnd care , i IIbout . one-seventh II~ costly t o haul, unci is no t subj ected to heavy BuT'pLu9 cuts. OX'r 05.000 dairy farmers ship DIRECT to the TRI STATE


rum and

n8' gUIll'iml.etl oguin t lo~ · . F ree tria l cans furnisb ed n l'eQU t.


Your I. Ie wi!1I be ,inn immedi.te C.1l1 or write eitber of UI.

Mr. and Mrs. Gle nn Fl'infrock and son, Mrs. Calh erine Daughter s. Mr. attention. Fr d Dl1ughter s. of Dayton, wer e ~ L1nd!l Y g ues ls o f Mrs. Catherine Duug htCl's, of. Corwin.

Annie Blotch, a most serious disease affecting Northwestern Green. ings, Starke, Smith Cider, Dutchess. Maiden Blush, Missouri Pippill, Whit" Pippin, Mann, and n few other varieties, has been controlled in a number of demonstration orchards of Centerville, Ohio, Phone 2 Warren county during the past six years, and suggestions are now being mailed by County Agent Class to t he lead ing fruit gl'owers of tho county concerning the usc of 3-9 ·5 0 BorNew Burlln"on, 0., Phone 320 deaux mixture this season. In addition to the above v8ltieties, Ben Davis and Gano are IIlso very sever ely affeeted with apple blotch, which va I'ieties are also russeted by the cooper sulphate s prays, so a 1-40 liquid lime solutio n is recommended for these. In addition to the necllIIsity for spraying promptly two weeks after the petals fall and al so four weeks on very badly disease d trees, the exten· sion recommendations also emphasize thoroughness as a prime necessity. "Every portion and all sides of th e C~ut young appl es, new lea ves and s hoot . Ing twigs must be thoroughly covWe ,,1.0 give ered with the spr/lY materiol, so as to protect those tender tissu es from Scalp Treat~ent. the new crgp of blotch spores, which are about to be spread from the can· kers on the old diseased trees," says Claa. Full infor-mation and suggestions Wayne,ville, O. Main St. concerning the contro. of this diseallfl ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"'!"'....JI 'will be gladly furnillbed tQ anyone calling at Far:m Burell. office.


Mrs. Jesse BUl'ton a nd Mn ster Bobby Burton went to -Middletown, Friday, to vi sit re]ntivclI. Bobby retu, \It'd Sun dllY night but Mrs. Burton rcmnlneu for a longer visit. IIII'. und Mrs. D. R .Smilh atten d· cd the comm e nccment at Wilmington , last Thursdny. Miss Vera Pri ce \\'ho is we ll known hare, and n sister of Ml's. S mith, was one of t he gradu nte~.

MrR. Mary Harris an d Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bran stratef', of Clarksville, were Sun day gu eslll of Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bran stratcr. In t he afle rn oo n Mr. alld Mr •. Bran.trater a nd guests visited friends In Lebanon, The Happy Hour .club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Jennie Brl1dclock with Mra. Elsie Hockett, nss isting. A nice entertainment was given IIn-d enjo yed, after which a dainty and deliciouil lunch was served. The Young Friends meeting will be held at the McMillan home, Sunday evening, May 24th, at 7 :80 p. m. Lesson subject, "Polities." All members are urged to be present. as we have a good deal of buslnes. to attend to.

..Mrs. Anna sheehan, and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Eamhart and family, of Waynesville" and ..Mr. and· Mrs. Earl . - '11holrlal and 80n. Mr. and Mra. Chu. Sheehan and daughte1:, ·and Mr. and Mrs, C. K, Himes we" SIIada" gueata of ·Mr. and Mrs. MUton _ahan, of



I farm ImpIe. •


F. T. Martin

"Good Equipment Makes aGood Farm Better"

Jesse Stanley

Good Crops Depend upon the Good . Preparation of the Soil.

Marceling Manicuring Shampooing Hair

SOc SOc SOc 3Sc



Mr. and Mt1S. Myer Hyman, Mr. a nd Mrs. L . A. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer, Mr. and MTII. E. L. Thomas, Miss Marye Thomaa and Mrs. Sarah Zimmel1J\1an attended Eastern Star inspection at New Bur.ling'ton. ·Tuesday evenhig. ,

We furnish Repairs for all kind. of Stoves and' Furnaces

Highes1t Cash Price Pi.~d


W'O'OL See

Everett Early Lytle, Ohio


]NNUAL MEETING The an~ual meeting of Miami Cemetery Association wiil be 'held at the Chapel, Monday, June 1. 1926, at 1:8Q.p. m. . L. M. HENDERSON, Clerk.


Sa". Sam:-There'• .no tax on


ProperTillage andCultivation can be done only with Good Implements. Right now we have a complete stock of New Idea and Black Hawk Manure Spreaders, Oliver Plow's, Oliver Disc Harrows, Black · Hawk and Superior Com Planters, Buckeye 'and Oliver Cultivators, both single and two row. Weare offering .Double Di.c · Hflrrows at the .pecial price of...

·$85 00 •

We allo ha ve ~o~e UI_ed - Com .Planten Ilnd Cultivators, and one Oliver Sulky Plow Th~le are all ip' goocJ running cond.ition.

CO'LE~ Hardware•. Harne..·· and' Farm MaChinerY


.. . . Wayne.ViIle, Ohio

.-::~" - =:=:


.... 0










seventy-Sevelllh Year

Closing Exerci~es of the Wayne Town$hip Schools The Normal School Commencement The Wurre n ounty Nonnal cn m· mon t e ment wall held W c dn~ s duy ('veiling In the High Schnnl auditoriulll . At S he uppuinwd huur the cll rta in a scended di sc losing u vel y attructi ve seenC'. i~hc fltn~e, UI) which w(",rc scuted the thirt ee n gra,l uutes. 1\1,," E dna H ow land. Non nll l direct.ur. Itov. J. J . SchuetTer. Rev. Nalhnn JuhnHo n und Supt. £0'. B. HUl'l lis. was up)lroprillte ly decorated. lind th e clll"s mottO. "Kec- to the Right," wus KU8_ p onded above. The opening numb er of the program was u se lection uy th e Senior Supel'-Six. after which Ilev. J ohnso n gave the invocution . The program WBll interspe rsed with IIOngs by M. Clem do lIruin, who roceived hearty upplause 'n fter euc h numbel'. Mr. de Druin was oClCompanicd by Mrs. Kathryn Henderson Turner. Mi8s Howland, in presenting the ClllS8 gave a brief history of the Normal in Waynesville, and at the 8ume time thanked the people of this communit.y and the local schools for their co-operation in the Normal work. The response W8~ very ably given by Mi88 Edith McKibban. Rev. John J. Schaeffer, of Dayton. made the addre1lB to the cluss. His theme was "Child Training." in which he atreaaed the point that example haa much t.o do with Ii teachcl" s au ece88 in the wotic. Rev. Schaffer's addresa wal not lengthy, but was very much appreciated by the large audience. . Supt. Harril followed with. a n eat little BJlee'c b after which Mi ~s Howland Drell6llted certifleatea to U1e following : Lorraine Brannock, Dora D()ggett. Kathel1ine Fromm, Helen Graham, Mildred Ivins, Hester James. Louella Longacre, Edith McKibban, _ Kathryn Turner, Deborah Walton, Herbert Ault, Levi Coates, and Melvyn Banta. Tbe benediction by Rev. 'Johnso n and a selcetion by the Senior Super_ Six cJosed another succeBBmul Norm al commencement.



i··.....····~·····.....••• STOCK EXHIBITION



State . Capital


Prepared by Columbus Reporter




Friday. Junl' " th. ~ h,," ld be a duy off f ol' every Clltt Ip alltl hog fec,lci' of Warren county, til lunk ove r th e 65 head of cattl e lind :! t10 hOK!; from Ohio Experim ellt sta ti on. On ex hi bi tion at Dayton ,tllc k yn rds. and to h ear the discu"sions by t he sta tion investigato rs, college specialists and practical expe l icnce d f"eders. These salli e cattle and h ugs wi ll pr e ,' i ou~ l y be exhibited at F ()~ toria, June I and tit Wll ghill ~ton C'. II.. June 3. where similar educationu l me etings will be held . Lus t YCllr about 75 fu rmel' ~ from WUTl'en c(.u Il L.... went to Wash in gton C. H . wh cl c',;ho ut 6000 people were present. S" til cut down th e crowds thl' Day t, ' n meet ing is bein j! arranged this ycar . The stock will ii" ~ h ll W Il in sevcrnl pen s ea ch labeled wit h lurge poste l's or bon ners stuLi ng IJlidly the rations fed /l nd ~nin s 11I·"tl ucl'd. "Seeing is b(l li eving:' ·suid MI' . Gerlllu g h in eOIllIll"nlillg on thiH I",;t week. "The clltll,' 111111 hogs wi ll t e ll their own sl.or y. Cnnl(,lllen clln look ove r lhe vari ous lilts of st ee rs nnd sec th e r elati ve I!I l' ri t~ of CoLLon sced. oil menl, silage. etc., in cu tti ng cl()WI1 their costs; wh ilp ho)!' feed l'r" cal! note the valu e of tl1nkage, sny b 'uns. oil meal, skim milk. etc .• a s show n by the animuls f ed on thcse diffcrcnt ration ~. Th e im poruln ce nnd proper usc of min ernls will r ecei ve fu ll attention," Gerlaugh concluded. At the close of the Illeetin&{ ill Dayton the caLLIe lind hngs will be auctioned off to tbe highe, l hiddl'l·.

TOWN NOT CLOSED lIl any peop le have an idea that thc delour sign a t th e up per part o[ II1l1ill stll'ee~ means that Waynesville is Ibl ocke~. This is not t he case. THe r oad is blocked at the prese n t time only .a portion of th e way. Lat I'. when th e l'~a'l is blocked the (, lItire di RUllllce, Way ne"v ille ]11'op('r will n ot. be bloeked . 8S th e new r oad w ill only lw bui lt to th e so uth corpora t ion li ne. Wayn esville wi ll not be bl ocke d this Rum mer.


Whole Number 5645

Interesting Descriptive Letter from Honolulu ==================================-

This Week


( The f .. lI owing is a le·lte!' writlen hy Mr. 1" "'lIl ir{' T inl1 PY to hi ~ moth-

(' I'. da tA.'d Ma y :.. :-: . :-:. Nt'\\'

l! ' ~ f"

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huunl U .

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() \\'in~ t" til" un,,,·oidu!.lr· a 'c ident \\'hil' h ('au ~ l"d tI ~ lu Jll't .!tlflJ.!' nUl" ~ luy in tht.· nuv" vun l. \\t' hUVt· il,i :i~c d

Lh c\ IHI'j!('sl ' W;lI' IH'oull' IU Il l' lIlodcl"tl LIlli e. U II ~'·'lIU'·lIt1y . uUI' ''I'ld"~ be-

Mrs. Robert eroS" vcr y pleasa ntly entertained th(' Nt'w ('e lltu ry club on Friday ailern no n. ]\fay seco nd. This WB S HeB lth nny in the club. and in answ er to roll cn ll so me very pr actica l a s well a " HOme ver y amusing ho me rem edies were g ive n. Mrs. Witham beill )!' unable to be present. h er pre]>ared paper on "Diet find H ealth," was rend by Mrs. EIA splendid acco llnt oC "Dr. bon. Lorc",z and His \\' ul'k ." was ~iven by Mrs . \Vurd. Thi , wus followed by a we ll prepared I'''pe l' on "Home Econom ics." by Mr • . !l ut haway. Th (l program W it:.: ildt' r~ per8C(r with st'ver .. 1 fine selecti,, "" nn the Vi, t r ola. At th is time tl1l' ,oflin' l's fur the ('ominl(" year w~r c ,·Ic,·ted .wit h the f ull uwing result : PI·.. , ident- MI·' . Wort! . Vic e- President - ~I r ~. Thomas. SCCl'etury- M i ~ " .\ IIIY Wright.

t w!;en Scuttle ulld lI o n.. lulu \I' ,, ~ \,oi .1 v f a ll IlIUIlCU\'CI'S uf \I'll" . Wc urc no\\' :lll <:h nrt'd "rf "Diamo nd I-It·lId ." ul.Hl ut :! llIi l,," fr om Lh e cily (If Il 'Jllll lulu . Th e dty is ,;itllllt(' d at the f Ollt o f n l o n~ chain ,.f moulItain r nnges. in the f Ol'm (,f u hal[ circle. The lI uLi\' ''~ t (· \[ u. thaL at 0110 t.ime mo st o f the rll oun Hill cha ins r Clllnill inJ,:: ut'u unu lI f)() llluiu Wt. re n eth 'c ,·ol ~a n oe ~. In vicw uf thi =-- f fWl, t.hc l'c is lI ll e t.hat s1nnils alollc fr om Lhe res t, Leing (,RP 'cin ll y lI"ticcuhln a part fr om tht' I.:: I' 0 UI'. II I" r",· m(·.l ill the "hu pp of 1\ pcr ft·ct 1)(,\\, 1. ul1 d i< cnlled "The P Uli ch n,,,, \. " A"null,1


ACCURSED DISTRIBUTION CO LUMBUS. OAlO- Thel'e is con Rid erab lc disc ussio n ut present III poSAMUEL RUBEL, HE SAVED li LiclII circ les rcgllrdi ng th e f u t ure. of THEY PRAYED, IT RAINED Govell1 ur Vic Dunahey, IIl1d OJlllllon is about equally di vided a8 to whc t~ e r WE EAT TOO MUCH he will be u condidate for a thIrd l h e- ba ~ ~ \\'\.' f'lun d fu s~ il l'(' main ~ an d term or. will oppuse Senutor Frunk hU l"del1 {l d la va form utioJl, wh il'h h w~ B. Willis, who will ue up for re-c lec_ Paul Gcrlnugh, livestock s pecialist I't'mnilll'd th"re for h und '·t·ds of tion. One thin g is ce rtain an d t hut I L costs more to corry II sack oC yellrs. Aftcl' n thU l ('UKh (·xami ll a <I f Oh io Ag ricultural college. and J . i ~ no candidacies will be ullnouncell pot atoeH f rom the trni,~ to U Rtore in tiull of tlw IJI\ ~ e w e sr.:.I",1 l hl.! si des r . Walker. sec lretary Ohio Wool un t il nrter heh l\S dec ided upon hi s New Yo r k ity thun it d ocs to ship up to the rim , wh (ll'c we \\' U I'(J nh lc Growers associntion,Ir..-! Co lumbu ~, a sOWn politi r/ll tu tUl c. . the sack J ,I 00 mil es by railroad. "ist"d lucu l Farm l:lureaU officials to Ka zc d own in to tile crate r f or If Vi c Donah ey wants a third term The fa rmer raises th e calf. wcalls hun dred s of feet. Alth ll ugh it sti ll a nd Cou llty Agent Class in ,li SC ll S" i l1~ a s Kove rnor he will hav e n o ollpo siit. fce ds it. f eeds and milks tho l<loks dll ngero Us , t he nat ivcs suy th at shce r and wool growers problems on t ion for the IInminRtion, and if hc grown cow. lind gets for the milk a iL is inactive ·o nd have long given it Tuesday allli We dn esduy o[ lust wants to be the party candidate for qua rter of t he mon ey paid by lhe up itS dead. ",eek. Fol' the conveni ence o f the Tre as urcr~- Mr ". ~I "g h er . U. S. Senator he wont have uny oppoperson that dl'i nks th ~ milk. fa !'lller. uuring the busy sellson. four s ition. In otller wo rds. party leadYou can bring freight ucro"s the A de li cious two ,cou rse lun ch eon ll le,·tings 'nrc h eld eac h day . we ll Visit "Punch Bowl" OIS have agreed t ha t he can ha,,~ any., 'utte re d u \, c r the county, one be ing was se rved by th l' llO" t",". a ssisted by At la nti c or Pacific ocea n for less thlln thing h e wan ts. Vic Donahey IS recII I D. \'. 'm ilh· . su uth u f WaYlies vilie Mrs. Bordan, JII iss Somerm ier, Miss it C08U; to tllke it across the North Aftel' lenvi nil' the rim our purLy og ni zed as t~e lea,der of the . Demoand the oLher a t A. B. Talmadge 's, Stelll! [lau gherty and 111 iss Mllrye rivel' in New York City. a ssembl ed in ou r wuiting bus 1I11d eratic purty In OhIO, and dUTlng the The curse of business is the hig h direct ed t he driver t.o drive us to t he Thnmn •. nca r Orcg-oniu.. trying d nys of the gen era l assem~ly, Frolll iiftcen tu tbi l(y shcep ownNineteen mcm!)(! r" and the f " lIow- cost of distribution. Production we top of th e peak. Whereup on he 1" 0and his Iree veto of extra t.rollng und ersta nd. in di stribution we ure tested an d suid thnt it wo ul d be ime rs wcre gathered a~ each place. In ill)!' Kuests wer' pr ese nt Mrs. F. R. bills nothing haH occurred to preint rndut'illg' the lull! s peake!'s, COUll_ Mllomaw. Mrs. An' l' lill Willi ams. Mrs. liS buckw ar d liS Fiji Islanders. possible to go all the way up. Hc vent' the rapid expan sion of his growty Age nt Class exp lRillPri l hat th' Luu II nr lan . Mr.; . .I. n. Murla tt, Mrs . thcn ex plain ed t hllt t he wi nd bl('w ing popularity. If h e h8s made any ::; .. : I1h Murruy. Mrs.,J. T. Ellis. Mrs. E. ~C1 fien:Q u t. t.he t op i hu l j ' IJe l'xtcnsioll se r vice unu Farm Bureau Sam ue l Rube l came from Ru ,siu a illl posHiblc to driv e u Cal' otlidnl mistukes members of his own "'liS l'n d[luvu rillg to mak e tlw shee p V. Darnhart. 1011'<. Borden , Mrs. Jam ell at purty and thousand s of independents ilHillstry nl O ' e pl'ofitabl e by eii lllinllL- MeClur\, . lII is Maryc Thornus . Mi ss few years ngo. He hlld'nt a doll lll'. height. We did lIu l b~lieve hill. at th e have flliled to find t1iem . He hus not ing losses frum s lomach worm s and Stell" Da ug he rty, Mrs. Schwartz. of but he did ha ve u di stinct idea Lhut t ime , but cv(' ryoll (l is cv n vincud n ow bee n away from his office since his paras ites. dock in g, castra t in g a nd Co lumbus . a nd Miss Mary Somermi er th e on ly way t o have Illony dollars thut he wa< righ t. After get ting second illaugurntion, an d no exccu. is to suve lhe first. A little while within 600 feet of th e top. it WIIS betw r handling of the lambs; and ulso of 'incinnati. ago he was peddling coal for a living, nl'cl'ssury to wa lk up the m uulltoin t h 'c in Ohio hus givoo closen atlen- WERE FISHING AT INDIAN LAKE by more efficient and economical mur ·t oday he is head of his oWn $60.000. - side aided by a wire cab le . After tion to official duties. keling of wool. 000 icc and coal co ncem. It's a unique position he holds. po Mr. Gerlaugh showed how t o use climbing to t he to p we we re sto pped MI'. and Mrs. George Hartsock, Young gentlemen, il PllYS to save uy th e g ui de whe r e t.he muu lltui n Iitically speaking, a nd when he d enicotin e sulphato to erudicate sto maccord ing to the quality of his ceives eve n a litLle. cides wh ethe r he will IIsk u third tel'm Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HBltsock and ach worms in t hll sheep, using both a see med to drop off. H e cllu t io ned UH wool. He said when wool has to go family spent the wee k-c nd lit l ndian 0 1' seek a seat in the U. ' . Senate, aiJout wlltching ou r ste p, nnd we ca u_ syringc and a modified oil can. lie throu gh three or f ou r different hands then other ,,,,ndidaci es will be born Lake. explaincd th e life history of the par- or d cnlels. each must have his mnrgin The prices o f autom obile tires have ti"u sly tipto"d ove r tll th e ~i rl e Ullel wi th u rap id ity th ut wi ll be r eally asites and th e pl'acti('ul impos ibility or ("(1 n1m issinn , while W f1 gunru ntee gone u p from 10 t o J 2 pel' cent in peered dow n thr oug h fI,'" th'"1<!1ll d The Hi,h School ofr 'shin g nnd will be am ple p" oof of eon Lr olling them on our averUl,fe to get the Wllo l direct w the manu - London . T hey lire going up her e. fe et of s pace. II , 1'.' lh l! )!, rl'at ,'"t Commencement rthat 1921l i~ going to be II hill' o ll e fncturcr at only 2 % cents per pound, If you n eed t ires . go li nd buy the m. iJatt le fo ught (JII thc i ~ lalltl Lu"). pbcl! . t he penitentiary by priso ners. Th e farm by rotations of pasture. in Ohio politics as usual. J. F. Walk el~ exhibi ted samp les of The atte ndance nt the fitty -third They will be mu ch dearer befo re t hey Her e, t he l1at i,',,, lel l li S . is lhe ex;.ct Friends of Claude Mecker. Colum- first orde r placed fo r these tags by wo ol to illustrate t he various g rad es . which covers insurance, storage, are spot where u powe rful ki n~ r' om cheap ell'. annual commencement of the Wnyne bus financier, arc sa id to be rcady Secretary Brown was 1,000.000 pair. fl eig ht. commission . g~ra ntee of acan d explain ed the bllsis for ulass- counts nlld a ll other expenses and he thc island f" rth er so uth cum" an d Township High School held in the to start a boom for him for the sendrove two t huusa nd blll ck suldil!rS ification . Additional fl eeces wel'e felt that Wool price~ have stru c.k the new Auditorium, last Thursday eve- atorship in the eve nt Governor DonThe United States governm ent in- over the precipice 10 th eir del1th beIlecord-brenking attendance is exalso examin ed a nd graded at some ning May 21, at 8 o'clock, was olle ahey see ks a t hird te rm ns govcrnor. bottom. nnd thnt many farmers are vestigates what happened to wheat. pected for the fifth ann ual summ er of the p luces. He men tioned t h e diC- now se llin ~ t oo cheap, for according low. At times I th o u~ht thn t 1 could of t he large'lt In thc history of th e wh en the price suddell ly droppe d Senntol' Willis will, without muc h Rchoob At least 600 were in attond_ doubt, will th e nomination fo r th e Hchoo l for town lind co untry pasto rs ficulties and hardships of the sheep to their bids last week, he believed Crom $2 to $1.40. maki ng miliion e sec sku lls . but I1S [ had listened tn th e slory before hand, I was in clined to be conducted on Ohio tate un i- men bef ore they were orgRnize d, a nd most o f Warren county's fleeces ance, it \\'us estimated. . in profi ts f or " s horts." The y are Republican 'sellatorship, although r eTlje stage was beautifully de!\Orat- ports from Wllshington recently are \'cr&ity campus. June 16 to July 2. he rev.iewed thE! acoomplishments o f would b,;ng from 49 to 47 cenu p er gentle men that n even dug in the t o th ink it WIIS my imag ina tion, From thi s p sition t he city oC Ho ned in the class colors, and with bas- to the ~ffeet that Congressman Jim untler the auspices uf th e cullege of the Ohiu W uo l Gl'O wers a"soci ati on pound thro ugh theil' association. ground . rnn II harveste r · or a tractor. agriculture and the Ohio Counci l of during the. wa r and t he yenrs Collow'fit mark ptil1 )!' agreements were but tha t kn ow en ou!!h to rig tb e mar- olulu looks s mall, indeed. and even kets of flowers. Begg is think illg sel iously of oppos- Churches. Not only will Prote tant ing. W e combin ed neet. of Lh o Unile, 1 The invocation ;was given by Rev. ing Willi s for the nomination , in expluined and prnctically all of tho se !;tates appeur u s minute pnrticles. " The marketing of wool has uhvays prese nt s ig ned up to ship their wool. ket. L . A. Washbuln, of tl)e M. E. church. whi ch e ve nt t here will be som e mighty de nominations . ma in taini ng hundreds The governmen t may in vestiga te. oC rural and snwJl wwn churches been a ml1t.ter of specula tion ," said Wool bnj!s were a lso furni shed. The . The music for the occaaion was fur- interesting deve lopm ents. but it won't do mu ch to protec t the "Waikiki Beach" through out the state, co-opernte, bu t Wolker. " Until t he co-o perative nished by Pro!. Alfred Watkin s, who On the Republican side for the the Meth odist Episcopa l sch ool form- warehouse wo s opened at Columb us. 100 bags wcr'e almost exhau .ted, but farm ers fr om cu tthroat mUll ipulation delighted the larg» lIudie'nce with gubematoTinl no millution the names a f ew more are avai lable at the Farm until it imitates the French governAfter picking our way bllck to the several violin 80108. Miss Rhea Janet most freq uently heard al'e those of erly conducted at 'Ohio W eslyan un - The adva ntu ge of county s hipments Bureau office. Additional bags are ment. ear we motored down th e mountuin iversity will merge with the inter- were f ull y exp:tuined whereby eoch Oartwright was his accompanist. That na tio n passed a law to pun- side, down into Lhe city. He re we Thad H. Brown, secretatly of state. denominational s chool in ColumbUS. fl eece is graded. an d every man re- being ordered for distribution among the townShip leaders. The speaker of the evening was and Chus. H. Lewis, Lieut.-Governor. ish with imprisonment with hard labor di slllissed the dd ver and w('n t ovcr Prof. C. W. Cookson, of. Urbana. .Neither of these will openly discuss for life cer-tain kinds of g rain gamb- and vis ited th e aquarium, where they "Tr'aiDing the Child" waa Mr. Cook- .t heir candidacies, but it ill a pretty ling . have the most uni que collection of 10n'II aubject which he treated very safe bet thut they will not oppose fi shes of nny place ill thc wo dd. In alrllfully. He emph!lsized the fact each other. They a re very close A THOUGHT FOR MEMORIAL DA.y-JIG", Kept Failhl that tho coming generation must be fliends und if Secretary Bl'own ~oes Last week, led by t he Rota ry club. the afternoon we stroll ed out to thc prepared for good citizenship. This after tho nomination Lieut. -Govern or t he busi ness men of De nver. stunding "Waikiki Beac h," that is so intercan be done by teaching them to live Lewis will not, but if Brown does not in silence for tw o minutes, pTflyed nat ionally Camous with th e to ul'ists. pure live.. He inferred that as much friends oC Lewis will insist upon for rain, and th e next night, in al- Its compositi'on mukos it a Leuch, care should be used l'ealing children him en tering the contest . most ~ve ry part of the stille, rain fell in a clnss all of its OWI1. The bed is a8 in promoting pure -bred cottle He in l of't'ents, nn d the weather bureau made up of wbite coral; the wutel's arc of a durk Llue and the s UI·f. are related several an ecdotes, all of announces more. uetter thun nny other plllcc in the which were uSl\d te forco ~i s points. Seoretul'Y of State Thad H . Brown world. A I'OW of vining trees a lnng Supt. F, R. MO'o maw WIth a .few this week dopo sited $376 ,308.62 in Nothing could be morc edifying, the water front afford s lin exce llen t impressive remarks, presented dlplo- the stnte t reasullY, r eprese nting mon_ but f armers in Colorudo nre puzzled. protection fr om tile boiling sun a nti mall to ' Kenneth St John, Dorothy e y collections On 1926 auto tags, They cannot und el'sumd why Provi- the Moana hotel direc tly on t he Wille r Rye Kathleen Henderson, Carl Gray, which brings tho sum to more than denc e should answer t he prayers of front is ultra-mod ern. anti co n si dcl' ~ (l Fra~ces Watkins John Kersey, How- $11,000,000. The total amount debu sin ess men t hat only dcnl in crops one of t he best. Many or th e lo urard Cook, Haroid Williamson , Evn posited for 1024 tags by the secrea fter ig noring the pl'llye r and heavy ists can be see n durin g lhe dllylime McMillan, Lois · Dakin, Th'llma Grn- tary of state's office was $11,685.000. losses o f the farm er that raise the out in Lhe sUI' f tryi ng to get the ham Ola Hllrtsock. Irma Shutts, Secretary of State Brown declared c rop. Howeve r, the ways of P.rovi- knack of the thill g'. and rou ca n just Margaret Marlatt, Mildred Hole, Ray- that the 1026 total is expected to run dence are beyond human und er stand- look at the natives awny out in the mond Braddock, William Thomas. close to $13,000.01)0. Work on making. and farmers oug ht to know it. hea viest of th e sllrf with Ilppu rc ntly Kathryn Turner, 'Thomas Burton. ing next y ear's tags is well under no ill COllcerll. For 11 bej!illne!' on a Mul'l'ay_ Hopkins, Edith McKiban, way. They will be brown and whit~ ~urf board it is n go od motto to exEdna Mullin and Herbert Ault. and-.4l'o...bcing made at_the shops . It is possible to be u criminal and pect the bumps the n yuu will 1I 0t bo The response from the claas was not be a complete fo ol. Harry Val- disappointed. As fo r min t' , if I ha d ably given by Miss Irma Shutts. kes, of Pit.t.sburg, ma kes and ~ells the choice. I would rn t hl'T ride u wild MiBB Irma Shutts was awarded first bootleg whisky. He tells t.he Judge : mul e . honors for high scholllrship, and reMr. C. E. Bratten, a former superAll th e palm trees lind h",,"nn "It is all rig ht t.o sell, but to drink ceived a scholarship from W,lmington intendent, gave a remini.s oont talk m~'self. n othing doing. Only fools trees and practically ull vpg"elll t inn college, which was very entertaining. that lines the s trc('L, . nrc gree n t lte drink now; wise ones sell." John Kettley was given honorable Mrs. Eleanor Earnhart Babb '10, year around. ,\'ho people Rr E' very mention for riot having missed a day read a selection, "Remember Me," as sensitive as to the app earallce of their for 12 ;-ears, and having never been a memoir for the three members de Business on a big scale is g1'owing homes. IIIost o f th ~ir houses n:re law In that length of time, in big things and little t hings . One ceased during the past year, Lizzie painted ,to match, e ,'e n in cludi ng the clll\in of g rocery stor es do es a busi- roulling, whi ch is point ed I!rcen . Sides Everly, Mollie Bispham and Ella Beach McComas, all from tho neBS of more than $362.000.000 a The street cars hore hI! v" no doors year. Alumni Had Very class of '76 • . or wind ows. Jus t get on a nywhere. One fiv e and ten cent SWlIe chnin If t he cars lire crowd ed (they certain_ r -_ Au II e Mrs. Leona McGinnis Hall '19 gave . £Ar,e en anc a well prepared talk on "Friendship," a little while ago announ ced as its ly nre now) l\nd you nre fin anci'llIy ambitio:1 a business of $60.000, 000 a embal'llssed . just loo k innol·,' nt when The !ony-eecond annual banquet concluding with Edgar Guest's beauyeu r . It does now more than $260.- the conducto r com es aroulld . of the Waynesville High School U1ul poem, "FirRt Name Friends." 000.000 a year. AlUMni -usociation w .. held Friday A sh'ort and veq interesting talk In retail business there is unlim evening, May 22, In the Grade School waa given by Supt. F. R. Moomaw, Grass Dresses ited prosperity for the man that unauditorium. More than 200 places his subject being "Fellowship." derstand s the meaning nnd use of the In the Un ited Stotes there is m uch were tabn, making the attendance Mr. S. S. Stilwell and Cot,mty Suthree magic wOMs-"Organize, Dep- comment on the g il11s wearing gruss aim oat .. large all that of last year, perin ten dent Harris each made • utize. Supervise." dresses in this coun try. The extent when 207 places were sold. few remarks, exxpre88ing much of my visi on ha ve found but few ·who Followilllr the usual custom, the gratification in being privileged to indulge in thnt pastim p. unle ss they memblll'll and guests convened in the be present. Professor Max Rubner. of Berlin. are professional dan cers of the hula lower-hall, whe~ a pleasant hal! hour The officers ' for next yeaJ1 well'e says Americans eat more on the BV· hula. . t I xchan..ln" greetings named as follows: President. Mi88 crn ge-3.308 calories dnily - than ~.. apen n old ee '" Oll've Allen', Vi,.;.,-Prc8., Mr. Charles A group of maids of th e s unburnt and renewlll,f friendships. . ,~ any other' nation. England comes variety, callie abo urd ton i)!'ht a ed Preeededby the class of '26 118 Moore; Secretary, 'Miss Kathryn next, wi t h 2,997 calories. rendered scveral .0nA' R r <l dr. ' gueats of bonor, and those taking Clark; Tlcnaurer, Mr. . Charles MichIt is certnin that this country eah numbels, which mad e a hi g hi t , .. lit part in the program', the aasemblage eneI'. t.oo much. and wastes about as much the gong. One wh .. wu , D"P"I" ' Iy marched to the banquet room and Good music WAS ~ndered throughas it eatB. Hnlf we eat keeps us alive. looking for faill e, v,l lu lltee red to took thei!' place. at long tables which out the evening by the Gaskell Trio, One quarter keeps the doctors ·alive, give us an exhibition of the '''hulll entirely ftlled the target room. Mucb of Dayton. and one quartell' aupports the under- huln. " and she certainly could shnke. credlt Ia due the deeoratlnr commitThe following out-of-town memtakers and cemetery owners, Eat We have agreed that she knows her tee for the channllllr appearance of bers answered .to roll call: ' Howard half, leave the table for ten minutes, "oats," and is deserving of praise. room .nd tablei" GUlltin, Kenneth Kilbon, Rue Dinwid_ and once digestion Btarts you'll know So much for Honolulu. 'l'liursday ~r the Invocation by Rev. L. A. die, Antha ' Dinwiddie, .Helen DinFlower_Mn. H . E. Hathawa,. aDd M.... Edith Herrl. you've eaten enough. America-BaDd aDd Audi •• ~ •• we leave Honolulu for an extensive WuhbUl'll, aU joined : In singing the widdie O'Dell, Ethel Baines Pierson, aircraft man euver with the combined ~ hleh echool IOna', "Orange lind Bai'bara FileII' ·Hartsock, Ethel WIl.T ra•• portatioD---M. A. Cornell. Rey Wa.hbum '- . fleet·, and whe n we anchor again it .Blac:le." . . Hamson Cooper, Raymond Davia, Pra,er Speabr'. Ce.t, Mu.ic-BaDd will be nt Lahainia Roads. about 100 _ • Follow1ne the banquet, wblch was Grace Oarman Davis, Mary Hawke, miles frOID here, It is planned 811d .· served • by . the Wayne Township Louisa Stoke8 Lemmon. Glee He88 Deco....tI •• ,CanDoa-Mra. Walter ·Caot. •• R.,,_ Br•• har ... , D.,tOD, 0 according to informntion lit hand We id nt Mra Minerva Orford Ellzabeth Mart, Ruth Hall't- Addre •• th Parlu".-F~aDk ElboD .nd Wilb;', Clark. . • KeDDet" Retalli.,k will comJilete anti-aircraft battlo prnc &n::"' Ho:et~i6,ega;'e her addre88, 80ck Walton, Clifford Winston, lIar. Reellatlo. t ice, prior to ou r sniling f or Svd "y, ·in . whl~ sbe we1comed the incoming ry Tur~er. all of Dayton; Margaret Decor.tioa-Ia · char•• of Mi.. Oli... AIle., ... lIt~ Ma.ic-B.nd ~ O,OOO clliaa and ·gunts. ··Then- came roll Cook, E. V. ·Barnhart, Lou Barnett b,. th. ·followin. littl • • irla;De Cook, R.ath Last Friday the Seniors and invit- Austrnlia, . ApproxiT)'l nt el ' " Decoration at the Calilloll call and: reading of minutes by 'the ,Barnhart, Mary Baily Chapman, Leah Hock.H, Bett,. Harhock, Doroth,. Oradorf, ~Ir,aa ed friends, journeyed to Clifton to mel, are tal'; ig l': t r' ill t ese ula n.1HiCt:8tari,'l Hiu ,Jlden Hawke "H, . Smith Zepf, of ' Cinciimatl j Ethel Ellil, FraDee, ·Em., Dori. SaU.l.... ,., Ruth Sah.b,...,. enjoy, tbeir last Senior picnic togeth- (luvers, excludi ng n twspaper rejlor ,t . ers, senators, etc. The welcome to the. ~ of '26/ StOkes Dunham aod Ethan enlne, of WiDifrecl ' Ar.I ....; on... Scott, Marjori. E ........... er. ' PRENTICE TINNEY IPlvep by )In. M~ G-.:a)l Earnhart Lebanon; Anna Vandervoort, WiI. It b 'a lonly place to have a plcnle lnaa S...... . Ma,ic h, W.J1I....1i. P"~I.r 8 ..01 fOB ' and the ''Beeponae'' by MUJ;l'ay mington j Mildred Smith !lengle, of ad aevera! went to enjoy it. A del .:.Bopldia, were vtm' pleUine In$h,:!ir . Motnwi Jabn l>aul Bolton, O. S, U~ licious lunch waa spread belo", us, The JUlliOl'.~ with the ballol, willJr>" from tit ; nlor h.U:to: th. ee~.te"" paraol. ~JI , - of wblCh we were all ready and will. . renderIDe. - ' • . Bery COo1l:, Wilmingtori c:ollegeLCar! Mr. and-Mrs. Theodore Ori8~ and . Mr. aDd )(n. B. B. ~ MI88 ton Cook.' Miami univeraity; Helen promptl,. at 1 o'clock p. m. Mr. Lloyd ' ParkinS; ot ){IlWI1. ' Ind" ' . . ..... . d Iii baakata i~partake. II~ Olark and Mr. Xenneth , iIll. Randall, lIarieyabur1r: Eva .Janne)' TIle dternoon w.. spent in oUmb_ ,spent Iast . Thursday. with Mr. anQ' Th. committee In ch.r•• t~ 80-' ,will ... at the Town.hlp hou.. to ne.I". _wen an. . , c:o~rIMcl a quartet f~m the Long: COlambU~ymOnd William- BrIn. them Frid.,. mornln., anol all ,.ou can .~. Th••~clMa will .....n promptlF at 1,,. 0 olock at tIM iue hllla ad taking pic:Wre" n Mrs. EamHt· ilarnlWt ....ct lin. ,... • 'ftfJ pleaun\ trip. . , ~da"". · e1 - - of'll, -na" we. well neelv- 'IOn', Cleveland; r Corwin Aren, _~. ""'.~bGclF com. and &palld the att.m.- .. _ ...orr 01 oW' bra.,. ~dI. . 01 aU wan. . ' . ..-_ ftIiIQDded WaD . . . . liorrow. ' -

---_0 _ .0____




---_.--- .....:----







x... .



Th. Miami (latett.


Thomp~ on , ~xecu~

r ,,( th. esu\t~ of Mllry J , FOl'll1nn, dl'crtIH"\ , filed Ills fir~1 :lnd Ii 1111 I nc eo"n\' 'Varmnt ( 0 1' r " n'·".'· lIn~" "r W rn . dell Lnnen ttl luti'J I1 f\lJ' Ft ,.Id . Minded You lh w,, ~ j ,,~ul! d t u :\ 11'1 '" .1 Bran t , sheriff. Proo f ,If lIubli cuLi. >" ill till' m il l tcr of the ~ s t ll t c o f AItoXlllld " I' 1~1lI' Icy d CC('II~('d, WIl H tiil- d . hl\rJ (' ~ Gu,l A'cu n \\'II~ "" " nil:I"d guardian of Tlw lm n GlId~I" '" ' m in ,,,· Bond $100 0. In til(' mnUl'l' "I' till' will o f ('''I' olyn' ~ I nit h f dl'CCll Sl,d. It \\"11 ~ Ill'dt ' r l·d that u ro mm i~~ioll l with \\ill HI1IH''= '·Ii. be I s~"erl t" O ' Bri<'1I O'J)" ,,,,,, t1 . t n be dul y ~xc<",t ,·;j, Charl es T. ElI i ~ , ntlmini~lrntor I>f the C~Ultc of D. Le Roy I':nruhnl'l. <", . cease,l, fih'd hi s ill\'l' nl ,'ry IIl1d "I" praisemcnt. Emma 1. Ru ssl' II, ex('cn lri x of lhe estnte " f Sen' ptn Stnnsc ll, d('("e ll"('d, filed his in vl' ntory and n "pl'!\i" ~ m ~ nt. In the mnUer (I f thl' es tute of John A. ll itl'slIlnn, dcc,,"~ed, i-'l"ll nk and Willis Hitc RlIlan til e d th eir i ll, vent ory uno npprai se mellt. In t he mutter of the eslate of Eliz·

~u llie B. twd harles \ , Got'. uch l'tl t,. l al; Ult.tN' tho will. t:o I sa ac Treon, uboul au "cr\.!, in 1·;lhmu th ., Buily " -liS lI1'point Il'ur'Cr Ilk 'l'p, , 1. _ . l'lwcull'i x of the "stull' "f Il:mlll or S. Kute, Williunl M., Bry n " ., lind Unily, dccell811rl. .J."I\II l' lll~k, Willin", !,;, Gru hnm nnd L.i llcol nKilljl' .1c"~ (l ' Prend l' 1'g118t III I~ dwj ll nnd Illd i' M, W ilkl' l' ~o n, loi s in Or\.!lto' ; '';\ l'N, . · · · t l i ( t h ,. I)!t' t' l l of ... l· r(. ; \ ppoif1teclHl ) p · ni~l·s. . " :. 'It., < le<\"\~ ,',1. ]1' ,dlf'1 ~1. l-i'('lI y I':\~ 'I ct d 'to tuk" nin, $l. Muddi ... J~und ~ r~ llIith to C llylol'll and _ Tht' ('(w,'l nl'I ''''''''('d, nl1" \\ ~I l U llo! n n,kl' th~ lI'iil o f hlll'lc~ K lI y, deFhlfcn 'e HII~' ''t'~, nbo u t 100 ac l'l'~ ill 011 " , '" d thC' l h il'd a ,Il 'h " d ,,!' collnl Ct''' ' I'L!. , '"I' ~ I ' " fl"d <'I ' lfn l',! ,' mill!, "tll\\;I>' (; 1'11"1:(' y , ,chWRl'tz and R ob ~ rL C'l ellrcl'cl'k 1'\, .. $1. .... 1. 11(11 <.: (tf t h('l ... t:t~t. u f Frll l h ~I\\ i \h ~ 1 \1~,\h nl1 \\ll f t' npp oin t e d nd'mil\i ~· , I k-'U " l"t d . I nd,q'!,! of tl w l ' ~tnt l..l o f F l' rll J . COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES 111 Ih(" tl wtt ('~ ,l lh t' (':-t nh' .. f .T "I :; I 'h\~ I'l7. Bn nd ~l ii oO. l\1 (lT1'i~ Os. nUrI·I'LL HI',,'., "" "plies fo,. ('Jt.l'k '1 ' , .\ fil le l . " \I~. ld. tilt' \" Iolt 'll \\n~,: •. Frank G ~ll1H h 1 H il t! I h\\' ld ,,', "' f ("'"I·t ., l;i -l .:IO; Ol h'pl' Urlun, rllre r" '('(I. a11 o\\ .d alld {,'l HfiJ'hlC' ,l th<' BC ', I I \ ... 1 nll W t l' l' :\llp,)in!(' d np J1l:a l ~ Cnt. 111111 tl'r allllN II of r hilt!re n IImict('d ,., .. , t o f \ '" I I . ~l i jl( , ·. I ' "ii ,· I.. \\ lib "", lI"P UlldNI n(l· wiLh ,.nuie~, ,I ~x,OU; .Inhn LIlI\' n It! T Ja1 aCc, 'tll . 1)1' l., ' l. i:-;. E. ~ h l.'p lll'rd . I'd ,,·t ln t ll\ .d' 111 ,· .. M a lt' (l r ('alh .u, h li ... t) .. Hd' 1I( d \(· t.' ~ l a tt· tlf 1·; 1f\:\ . t'l l l \\' dl", tll ' · ' · :1 ~ , · d . nuntl $:)()O. SO li. " ul>pli ~s , ~K. 7f, ; ,\ . n , KUIl 1'111 un , su Ill ... , $.1 .:l7; F . ~l. CUlIllilldl1lll\, 01 .,:~ 'I J' J1. Fo ~ t. I', dl.'4,' t:a t' (·d , .. . l ~ .q 1'1 11\' \ ; II" 1 , .1.ln \4.. ~ ('Olll' :( a n ti C tdl!b fl'II'" of I \,," "f" l'd I',' r vi., ,50.<1 0; I" 11 1ll," "t.d : 111.1 (' 11l1t1 rtl1C'd 1". I .. -h "t' I' .' :a P I"\in l t ' d III'Jlrabw r $. T h •. :U~ \" ' ) lI flt III • , ' hn I I C ~l\,dt II L ' .\ hi , .... nd lll l l1i,tI'HI!l 1' pf t hll W. II. SllIlllIg .. ('u. , SlI l'l'l iL's fur II IHI· it(,,.. $ 1.01); 1l " hl,,· M"ITill ell .. u" "\;' I-: u n rdinn of ,1 (J h n .\ , an d \\ , .\ . ( ' n, ,':-t:,1 L' t' 1\,l ll' Hil l! , tl· l' . d( '\.'\.':lH" 1. iiI· f",. (""m . I' I~ r" Court , $:1:1 . 50 ; ['la yto n H Lt. l1tin Ol':-. w a ' :l PP J'()\' (·'l. all,.\n'd t d I L:" 11I \1'lltll r~' Hu d Hppl'ni ~ l' ml'nl.

nb,th Nunl, d1!~eu~d, thl'i1CCOUlit ,f \\ iIlinn1 \\(. ' enl , Ilfl11lini IrlllOl', W I\~ IIPP " (1vl' ~l, Illlo\\'cd :Ind collrrrll d, ' 'I'h, l1 tl't npl'r VI' and onfi l'med . ,1e , 1'S, ' If l'oU'> 1 of !'ltC'ph l!ll IT,


,lItl l " CH llI ' lIlt.' .!.

t ill, IH:IIU ' I" 4' t'

,11( '

l';t att· n f


" f l'hnJ'l i':- l: llol ;h' f" , d" "4 ,,, .. t.,d, lh~ l't) ur t a ut hlll'" , 111n"'kfll l'd, ::til11i ll 1:,tI'H 1.o r of t lh' 1,' I,d u tiItHlli .. t rat " r til :'1.' 11 1'(llId un d l' ~ lul(' ld' , h\llll'~ t'.. il a rH(I~, dN·t' n ~ , ' d, tt' I.'H~lI l'" l' I ' r tdi l'uL(' ~ at pl h 'ah' f;u ll!. \' ~H; appl'ovud Hnd \"'o nfi rm (' d. I" t h', Pla tt" ,. n f t h t, l':-..tutt ' J) f ~ Ia· In II", ma lll'l' (,r til(' l', l ol" o r n ' Ii. I'i ll l' , <I,' rl' a ~ e ' i, lim,' Cu r filing ~\l n niu C Ui"sid\' , dl'l' L'asL'd, t h(l' c(l url u· l'ollllt al ld :"- I'ltl l'Il11 nt \ \ ' (\ 0{ t'xll'ndIIPl' l' O Yl.. d, H ll o ~\, l'd and l,'until'nH' d tlw (' d I S IIlt >l 11 11 :-:.. 1\ COllnt of II. IJ. ~1 (, \' 1 \~', C'x~cnt'll. 1:" " 111 ,.11 " II. \\, il<' !f, I l lIstl'I' lI11 dH O. L. BlIl>I\'II, ' ~ lIar,lian o f lI ar ry th l' ,; ill " t' ~IHl'ill ll II . \\' il< oll' de· llro w n, min o r . IiJtod hi, "t'vl' nth lie · (,('IISl'd, lilt-ii hi" Ihi rd 'H'C"llll l. ji',r-: t :tnd IlI l1 d HC"C'Pu n t



("('un t .

T h() (',' lI" 1 o rol l'rt'd th llt L ~ h anon "a t ionll l Ball d li nd Trust ('''m pHIlY, n~ :ulnlinislru l o J' uf the ('!o"lutc Hf R , Van Tre ss,

dl' Cl ' U M' ti,


l '\"' r ·

t uill contmcL wilh A. alld W . C. I'id,· ens,

NEW SU ITS l'i ll'atri<'1< )o" ','1 I('h M" lofear (,,,., B, H ut l'lIl' l' Hlld '1'11 01111\ .... (' , ('hc j ... t i l' , ril l' flI HIl \,.' Y tl n ly . AIlluun t

\ ' S,

.JI.·!-!'o l'

t"l: tiItLl' ,J

$: no .oo

:l ll tl illtel'l ':·d. I. udl ll lll h,'" Pll t ~ I'!'d

Yon May WIN $1000 in Cash 11.,

" ,, ~


One Dozen Farm Gates at $3.50 each


500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Beat Ever, are Cheaper



Madden's Lumber Yard

. .. ..

W,ayneavile, Ohio ~~~~

James Herington t o C, L. and Ethel Duke, 3 lots in Union Tp., $1. Charles R. and Jeannett James to Edward and En) John son, tract in Union Tp" $1. Kate RousLer . to Harry L: Ivin s, about 16 1-4 acres in Turtlecreek Tp., $l. Chester T. Archdeacon to E lla A. Frybllrger, lot in Franklin, $1. Frank Hollingsworth to Roy D, and Earl Kirk, trllct in Unio n Tp .• $1. Walso n WIIIl<er to Sa ll ie M. a nd Hattie M. Tho mas, lot in Franklin , $ 1. A, J. and Viva Antrob us to Cora V. Scar " ~ a lots in Franklin, $1. Sa lli e /:S, und Charles W, Gorsuch, ub ou t ao uews in Clenrereek Tp" $1



rima aDd nut., ant SI5 DUI

A fI price. I. o . b, Detroi,

~ tl' llt'il \V o rlc !"I lippli\, ~ ( 0 1' p ,'ol m t p (" , 111'1. S'j.~ tJ ; .1 . K . S)lI'IH:I"', Illml", l', $;! U0.: I !l ; ,J. D. Adallls, alld Co. , ""ud

IlInll ltll illcr . S;HHl. OO; r. H. Ilu nlPlll . hu ulinl!: glnV('\, Sfi, ·IU; M orl' ''w l, Il m('0.,

hl\ r

matl' I' inl,


The Ford car ;s universally known to be Reliable, Economical, Convenient-Easy to Buy

$1 :1 ,7 ' :

Ph ilip II t:'i$lCI, I'"yro li, $1'0. \1 5; "cli pe nce I' , rC'Jlllir~ , $~ .r,U.

I :,,~ ·

For Ford economy is not only a matter of low pri.:e and upkeep; it is a quesdon of the saving you will enjoy in time, energy and health.


Satisfaction is increased by reliab ility 01 the Ford Dealer organization in every neighborhood where you may drive. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer-Ask him about the Ford W eekly Purchase Plan, or wri te us lor particulars.

S u)!ar i" sPlling ilL u IO\\'- r pc I,rd


baarlem ,on baa· been ( 8 ' worldwide remedy for kidney ,liver and bladder dilOrdera, rheumatism, lumbaao and uric: acid c:onditionL

~!~ II .., J'


U L l






J Beama. Ans\es, Obannele. PIRtH, 8oltt.. or..,., Pip", Jrtuee, Waab

WAYl'\ E~\'lLLE

MOTeR (,("



BLONDE BESS OPINES "The only .ilver lining for th e BO il"

wife's reRection i. on tlte

back of the looking gloa •. "


THE SHOW Entire change

Of Ptotram evert Sund,aY"JUld Thursday. Continuous perform·, &Me ~ 1 &30 to 11 :80 P. M. Afternoon prices 20e and 3Ge.

~~~Q 8TKBL ' . 11"'1 tnlm Our WaNbowa

REFINEMENT Pu- "Thnt old muid noxt door hilS

Cl ASSlflEO ~ns,

fl\L' fl e w kin d o f t1 ()w er~ in her Scen e r v by !\I other Natur~ fiO ynrd ,!t - us a c;'cdiL linl' in Ye Modl' I'ne Ma- "Whut doee she cRII them?" Mo\·ic . P O_ II UUlchmun's Knickers,"

Thi. W£ek'8 Cros8-Word Puz~le I

You oW t:' thi s w c;,e k's enj oyment to casy word s, Ilnd you sh ould be ab le Leo Canfi e ld ,who dc sig-ned Ihis cross to' co mpl Cl,e it in tW( 'lIty minutes. word puzz le. We dO . n'l know what tHOWeVCl , If y<' u do,,' t, ~' o u needn't to tell ou ab ou i . , feel 100 budly IIb oUl it, Yo u'lI proby t t exc ept thuL rt IS /lbly huve lots of company in your short und s nappy. contains simp le, defea t.

.~!8Idnl@_ t~~ aDd ~Oc.


T. . Larg.....


Farmers, Attention! F.rmers of W.nen .nd .djolnln. countle. m.y obtaIn nloney In 1011. time lonn. , at Ii ~ pu .. Ill In"r..t , Cosl of socurlnr the ..m. I•• e1'1 " •. .onllblu ,throurh Th. F.d.ral Lan' Bank. For further Inform.tlon ..II on or addn.. 11. C. DRAKE. Tn_ urcr, phone 816-X, Lebanon, OhIo.

Only 2 oent. p.r hour tAl pump lIour water, Atta~h to Inll IIgM locket. '

M. STf !NEfi 6J. CO.

Ov.r U.OOOA_ata


Shoes 8()Qrt \Veor Ooods 8ew Money .t

THE ARMY STORE Dayton, Ohio,

M.a'. Furnilhinp aDd Work Clothe.

l ...


~d RMlrtnJefllc of ....81c1cl.. hl\d~'e .H ARP.NBD

. f. M£TERS

alOe De,ton, Ohto . • No"-.-MUll It.


iI4 W. FIfth IlL

D.yton. Ohio.

Wetdlng, Cylinder Regrinding, Va1ve. Ground, Carbon removed from Cylln. derl, Pilton RI naa "tted to Platona a nd Connlotlng Rod ..

HARRY A. GR088 CO. 41·43 8. 8t. Clair 8t. Cayton, Oh\o.

a.rileld 183

HAS 6ON~ F~O~ eAD "1b .~ AN' I NE1:0' MOo-lEV

6ADUt' •



~oe 1t)' 0A-.J




D. . . . . O....

HAT CLEANING I G.nt. Hat. ot•• ned In,

Lldl .. and


Our Sp.olalty-Panam.,. 4a 8. Jeff ....on 8treet. (up.t.'n)


Garfteld 4881 Oaytonj Ohio, Oppe,l" aell T.lephone Co.

SLY SILAS SAYS "As a beuuty doctol', Uncle Sam is quite some success. Look at the way he is reducing men's hips, these days,"

FOR SALE--One new 60 .gallon hog wutercr, price $10.00. Kl'mp It Jor. dan's Tin and .Plumbinr Shop.

NO WELL TOO DEEP ,. eteIn., g,.,..drlvefl .I"trlo pump wIth eIIol~"d ,.If-ollln,


0 - ............... _ _..

FOR ALE-Fresh cow, culf by side. Also, pair bedsleadA, nl,l -fashloncd, at Friends Rome, oJe3 FOR SA LF..-600 bushel " of good ,'orn . J. O. Sale, Waynesville, Ohio. "jsn


Reeource. $18,800.000.00 · Burplu. $870,887.32



LOANS on Chattels,Stocks, Securities and Second Mortcagel'l. Nott:'B bo ujl'ht, Juhn llarbine Jr" Xenia, Ohio. ·m30-'26



fdW LOOATION """''''' hml)' .t. 8mlth O.r Qo. GaM .. W.rehGU"1 1811

t7 W. 'Irth at.


CASH-For Dental Gold, Platinum" , i\\'er, Diamond., m.peto ,olnt.,. fals e teeth, jewelrY, any Mnil today, Cash by retnrn m.Il .. Hoke S, It R . Co., Ot.ero, Mich.

~l Submitted



ha. been du S! up in Arizona."



"n.a.,bal1 I. • much ol.... r Imm .. than thin!.. A 3,000 yeor old . ku ll, on. I"ch thlc!.,

h e lu ke much intc~ cst in his b us iness." "Doc~ h Sny, he's a pllwn brok· e)'." "J)OPR

I(enulne OOLD .Mm.u.



• RIa Vaud,vlDe Acta aDd Feature Photoplays.

UM PotII.8, Val"... IUld





Work Clothes


~~ :::;/AI,ot:cp'G.L~ (is Detr~it: --7 --- - - ~

WI·II; R(; TO D~AL IN DAYTO N a.e ...



correetlntunal trouble., trtimulate vital 0I'Iana. Three .u.,.. All drug&ilta. IDIbt ClD the


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tl'i ('H


Now Option.1 00 All Ford Can At

Ford Motor Company, Dept. N-6, Detroit, Michigan

yil' lcl i< 1·<t illlatl',1 mild, 1,(' lul\' t h Hut :0; , 1 1lI: 111)' O IlH'I' , 'll{ l lI -


.lll~ Ulpmen Full Size (l9)(4.40)

Plca.o l'I1allrnc full particular. regard tn" your ""7 plan 'orown!n. an automobile.

u V(· l'a).!'<"


!~EqLL~ QNt

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • ••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,

piil.:(· fo r the Yl'ar, UOWII to $-1 .:!; ( ' I I' rH \\' I' nroln Ri cHl und $ft. GO (t)f fi ll l' J.,!l'lIflu l a t t' d , 1'h(' II lIwaiian cro p i~ l:stimal(,d ul 2 :\000 t"n~ .dlO\' l' b -,t Yl' a l"~ y lolu. I l r\'uk i fl ~ all I' f' ~l l' tb: . 11 1'a"Y l'I\i n ~ h""I' inl!' rf!''''''' wi t h till' Cuhan hll n' ll ~ t , I ll dinn SlI;,!'H I'



at Lesl Than .C ar-oad Prices


F. rd. , SHan • 6110 On al)4'ft can de:mouohb1e

nrc' l ' f'u d tll' in g' 1I1\ \I't.- SlIJ!lt !' , h \' th b t'C'l nnd (:nlH', l hut th .., t o tal c r ill-' l!'l »f C illCillllllti, ulld Mi ~s Anna :'IIRl'ie c .s lim u t ed wl' ll u bo" c In:-ot Y l'Hl"M

Mnry E. H opping to Decatur and Emma Thompson, 2 lob, in Le banon

. S:lIlO • III1I! • 630

Co,. Cou". . _

T •• rl,.,

Kill)! , Ll'le pho ll e uperntu r, of MII"on, yield . 'I'll" po,ili o n (If th e slIgo r mal'keL to riay ilIust ru t", the wiMlom of n r"l\REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 80 nllb l,' La. lff which prel' ' nts th e nn ,J. .', lII orri s 10 .Julill G. Morris, nih ila ti on of the Am ~ ric an beeL s uo IIb vut :1 acres u ml 52 l ul..~ in TurUt:'- ~tlr indu ~ try and sa ves to the furm creck 1'1'., $ 1. er. lind wor'km cn milli o ns nnd m ilGeorge IInrl ,J l's.ic Krnl!er t o J, li uns o f dollars in wages which wo uld 1\I"I'I'ill lind Mnl y A. Bu nc. about 7 otherwise bl" wiped OUL. This is of ucr ~" ' in Le ban o n. $ 1. much !!reIlLCIC u(I\'unlJlge to Lhe AmerW. F , G"ahllm to J o hn \V, Bean, iClln public I.hun n few dollars which f>! ,2;{ aCl'es' in Wuyne Tp" $ l. might be savcd tempol'nri ly due lo Wu lL 'r f:. and Myrt a Biggs, to low fo reign suga r prices. As Lhis We lton L. and Emmu Rella Hizar, 1 phllse of thE! tariIT qu estion is m or e acro in 'I'ul'L!e cr ce k 1'p., $1. gener'ally undustood it wi ll !!radua lJohn Long t o Adam and Mary Eliz Iy be e liminated 1rom pOlit ics, nbeLh Kocseh, lot in Franklin, $1. Huyes Da lto n to Gertie Cook, l ot in l"ranklin, $ 1. CAIRE IN SPEECH Jam es ano Curoline Binkley to Blair ano LeR oy, lot in Franklin, $1. Mother- "Curiosity killed the cat, Ge ol'~c W, Ertle to Ralph L. Ertle ( nbo ut 9 nr cs in Harlan '1'1>., $1. you know," Teener-uSo direct and tactl essly Mnl y B. Eldridge to Freo O. lind Har ri et B, Meeker, tracts in Frank- put, mother. Yo u should say; 'Such inlerest mndie urphans o ut of se ve rnl lin , $1. John W. lind Lottie H. Frost, to kittens,' " J oseph Hines, 2 lots in Deerfi eld Tp. ,

Wire Fence



Jt ...obour .

t; I' Or,C'l' \ \' . •1u lh.' R. nl1tn Ol(' ('hunic,

$ 1.




11: "' h, I su il Cash cnle w u:( () u ll'l'l' d in t he tH attel' of lhe e~tu tc of J ohn A. lI itl'" a ~ Hi ma O:-- t..' Hr E , (i l'i~nll~ r C't H1.. f or IIll ll h ')' . ..\ llI Hunt "Iaimed g ;i200 ano tHlln, dC'c('n ~t"(1. up o n uPJl li~ ali,," of It You Con Answer 33 QueStions exec utor s t o se ll bon ds Ulld Cl' I't iii· irlt( ' I 'l' ~ t , cat"s lit pl'ivutc "al l'. In Geollraphy and History The UCCOlll1t o f Ida B, lI ml'l' , I'! lIar· MARRIAGE LICENSES din n of HurJ'Y H owe, min ol', "'/I S np · WIlIi '"11 F . YOllnl: , piall O sllle'",lI lI , prov ed and e OI1f1nn e ti , O'ber prttOl AmouDtlng 10 a "'La! 01 12. 000 of Sp! inl'fi~ ld . and MT'. Beatrice C. Th e wili of Em mo l' S. nuily, de · Y4lu r .~ , Franklln. 11 ~D tD Kdue.I'onal CO[)WC.. open to ever)', aU7where. Send .'amp tor of queg. I':dwar d M . J Ol'dnn , lind Mi" NctlIou, rut.. aDd clrcular. A<ld.--8uemeld ccu. c d, waR ndmit t"d 10 I'ro bate. LaboraSOrt8l, Dep •. J, .A uror., llUDola, j3 Elizabeth S, Bui ly, witi ow, was e l,' c L· tit:' F. WIl J'\\kk. h"lh of Lebanon.


Val.u e For' The tMoney

W. make Ind ..II Ellctrlo "I.tur.., wl"Ought Iron work Ind mount lampI, WI ocpy. but do not handll an·

tlqu ... WILLY H. LAU Mlln _

II!8 N, Lu dlow It.

Deyton, Oh ....

ED PURDY'S PHILOS "S.". ,.,hile ),ou arl )'oua, ...d when ),ou are old 'ou will lIIone), enou,h to do .11 of ththin •• ,<)U will nO loallr I .. JO)'."


. 'L.L,


OIfEQ ~' Io4U"'loQ. HI~ A~ A el'1'

DOWN 1 A conjun ction . 2 ileli nit.e IIrliclc, 3 Not fal se. 4 \Vater (French). 6 Co ntrolling power; autlwrity. 6 F o r what rea~orl. 7 W.-iglcy's pI oduct. 11 H('peatedly. 13 S iu mber, 14 111 ssenger [l'Om God. 16 If you have OIl C , it is ju ~L under Lh e roof. 23 Food ( s lan ~ ), 26A fl ock of birds. 26 Aged. 27 Fin ish, 29 A play' on words of the Rllmo sound but with diffe r ent mCRnings, 30 A tnvl'rn . 3 1 O"gan of healing. ACROSS 1 Skill. 3 Belonging to them , 6 A covering or ral~e hair. 8 Pronoun. 9 Exe\amution of disgust. 10 Fem ale deer. 12 Custo mary. 16 Ar edible tuber. 17 Kmd of fish. 18 A covering for the hair (ladies), 19 Possessive pl1Onoun (neute r).


MANV +-4A"E ~ . CAU6HT' ib-D,AI./:

20 ~I

22 24 :':1; :!Il ;l tl

: :~





H en frui t, FOR SA LE--Corn crib, I G it. long, One of u tr ibo (IndianR) . 7 ft. high and 4 ft. wido. A fairly Turn to the l'igliL ; II co il used in Il'oorl one. Louisa J eS80p, Harv,cyslil'i villll' II nimn ls. bllljl', Ohi o. m~7 ')' n 1"'CNIl' li S the t iele, A 11 limiteI', FOR SALE- Two fresh J erRO cows, It go~~ with ~auc(' . with "ulves. A. T. Clark, RQute C" Il g('o INI WlltCI'. II, Wuyncsville, Ohio. • j ~:1 . Nil ionlll aubr.). FOR SALE-Cow, 7 years old, givA large conveynnec. ing four gallons of milk a day AlI'nsl lense of 00. Pc : t !lin inA' tn co mpl exion; a so. a male hOll:, Poland-Chino See .John Beach. R. R , 2, Wllynesville, ye llowish-reel. Ohio. m27 COI'l't:' lativc conjunction ,

-=- : .,-= -=::.

_._: - = - '

Anawer to La .. V: eek'a Punl.


FO R SALE- About 700 hu. of good so und corn. Inquire o f Perry Thomas, 4 miles north of Waynt!8villo an Wayn esville and Benbrook pike. ·je3 rOR SALE- Orders taken for Wear PlU8 Hosiery lind Underwear by Mrs. Grace L, Smith, Waynesville, or Mrs. Nellie Snyder, Leb'a non, l'epresental ive for Warren County. ·eow FOR SALE-Sweet potato plant., Inquire of James Kerrick, Wayne.· ville, Ohio. • ja FOR SALE-Bargain In a good uled: plano, cRlh or time payment.. Ad, drr.s, PIANO, care 01 Miami aa, zetie office. . mll7 FOR SALE-Leamin, eorn, teated. J. S. VandervQJ1, WaynesYille, R. R. 2, Telephone 811~8. LoST- Chleken coop, between ~..,. and College Hill. Returtl tii ' Zimmerman', Grocery, . • nd receiv. reward. ' tmn FOR RENT-Houl. Of' MV•• roo•• .and cellanL newliJlafnted ud IlL pered. See n . 'H. Wllkel'loll, Wa,.. nesville, O~o. , :,' " tt FOR SALE.-S~, pOtato and aU ldnd. of ..-rd.n ,Janta. A f • ." bu.hela of IHCl Potato'.., ,'lIe per bUlhel. BwoUII Bro.., R. R. II, .or. ner .of. Lytle ud Wapllrill, roaL


\ 1.

POR IALa-Tile . ,. . . ., '


P.enIIeroa 1taUI.....,.. W. . . .. TblIIa tile ~........ 0....... • ~d 1!i1l1Ub:. tu .........~.... O.A. 8tIa. . . . . . . . . ........... OllIe. ' ....


..., : -


...•T H E


IS, UED EV,ERY WEDNE DAY at the P08tOtncc Ilt WaYlTesv llle, 0" us

1>. L. CRANF., Editor and

ecof1d CI/l8s Mnil Matter


Gail Gordan wns n hUBines., vis itor in Ouyton, Wedn esdny, Jllck flnrvc r, of Troy, is visiting R, E, M(1M'isun at th Hill Top Inn. l~lIInk L , Harris hilS tr 'uted the extori or of his sto re to fr ~ h Jlaint, lIfrs . W. T . Jordan en t('rtain ed the Prisc ilill c lub, W ed n es~oy aftc rnoon .

PubJi.h.r. W.yn •• ville, Ohi'D,

Su hscl'iption Price, $1.50 per year,


A LE1TU "1

colds .nd

Slowly but surely the sleep inl! I!i ant of Asiu Chinn, is g ivillj! ev idencc of her a wu lwn ing. C;cnt' rnU l"ellg Yu-H siang Inllk eR th e Int c.l IH"UOIl Indicative oC the changing con dillon. General Feng, Chl'i Atilln :11111 mil· Itliry commnndel', BI' CIll" 10 hll Y!' gruspen the fundlllllc n ta is Jl r nllti "nlll st rl'ngth 0 1' /It h'Il Rt 10 1111 1'(' " (' 11 ,,,11 Bome of the rellsons 1',,1' nutiol1ul He h u~ ubo lhdu'd op ium


in his army; he IUls wiped out thl' usc of Intoxicutin H' Jill ll nr; li nd IIU'" hI' haB SI·t his soldier's to u'l,rul work. All arounel thl' lII'my CIIIll'PR cu m. mnnd('n by Gell t'r,,1 PI'I1 H', III'" row , of factol'ie ~ in which the soldier s I,,· bor, Gencral FellI! works with Ihem. This wise Chilll,"c b£' Ji cvcs "" urlll v cnn be Illude productive in t im e o'r ppace just as it is made destructi vc In time of war. Mor'eover he sees \.hat the peace work or (II ' army is u. Importllnt ns its wnr work. One oC thes" dnys lite "advanced civillznti on " of Europe und of Amer. Ica mny come to ngree with the slant eyed gentlcnllln from the East.

(lX PC' ,,1 mttrJ t.

tied 411 t.his timo· h ad I III " round il Gill «Ii.~~ .nd a . recomrncndcd.'t Geo. CL .id.,

Mi llS Lucill(· T ucke r 6UtIJIt Illst week In Lcbnno n with hec g?'Bndllloth cl' 111 1'S, Lottie · outh. '

A number from her-e atte nd eu co m. me ncement (.xe rciHes nt Wa Yll esville

. ,Now w e have nn C'os tt! l"n mun who Thurs day

(lV ening. HnwlIl:d Cook thl'ol' tim"" whil e being mar. w,,, one o f th ' grnd uutes, 1' 1(><1. Whllt will he do wh 'n he IdssMrs . A l11unda Ecton, IIged l'olol'('d t'. goodily t v his sa lary check, I'""ident of this villuge , die d at th e hOI1l,! l,f her s on. Willilll11, ncnr New We IU'e tolll that one hnlf t he Burlington , Thul'sduy mornin g. wodci is hnlf cl'U~y, but we orc not Mrs. Ella Drool;s li nd HO ng. IUJlp h u.dvI ~ed wh e th er th" other half is en - lind Haymund. att end ed t ill' fUlwl'lI 1 tire ly I'<Izy 0 1' man'hing in ste p, of her g i R t~r, Mrs. SU I'ah ~ I artin at Wuyn esville', Thul~d a y IIftern uu ~. Sinco the Anlcri cllns have told us 1111'. l Ind Mr~ . T. F. McGuinn ~Ir tha t I< ell y tires, let th e rotter~ te ll UH what docs Portll1nd cement. Brit lind Mrs, W. T. J OI'd nn, li nd ' 1111< W . A. Hu ines spr nt PltidllY in L" bu. Ish goque, non , sh(lppinl! und visiting relutives. , It th e Indillllu bootl egger delivers Miss Nita Keste r, wh o has tr ec n hIS goods on . hunk's ponies he can employed a t th e Hill T op Inn, hns get thll'ty dllYs to six months :: if he gone to th e home of her pare nts in trlln spo rts it by vehicle he is goOd New Vienna, for a vll caLion and rest. for olle to two yeOrR. Undoubtedly Mi ss Lula Fenly hus comple ted u wulklng shou ld be encouruged. successfUl yeur in the grnd cs of th e Waynesvill e Centralized schools, and hilS r eturned to her home here. She hilS benn r e-employed for another tel'm. Mrs. Charles Smith , nee Helen Du. Bard, was tnke n to St. Elizubcth's hospital, Columbus, Saturday, suffer_ Thllt 21,000,000 letters we nt to ing with appendicitis. So fur s he hos th e Dead L<>tter office las t yea l'? been t oo weuk and ill to und ergo an That 803,000 parcels clid likewise? opera tion, but she is s lowly improvThat 100,000 letters go into the ing and it is thought . he can sLand the mail yearly in perfectly blunk envel. operation early this week. opes? '. Mrs. Berda Jordan , of HarveysThat *65,000.00 in cash is removed annu nlly fro m misdirected envel- burg, 8lI8is ted, by her doughter, Mrs. opes? Violu Hartsock, en tertained the That $1~.OO.o,OO in postnge stamps Beech Grove Priscilla club, Wednesday of last week, Those present is found In SImIlar f a shio n '! Thllt S3,000 ,OOO,OO in checks were: Miss Hannah Jordan, presidrafts and ot hel' money orders nev: dent; 1111'S. J essie Kennon, secretary; cr reach intended owners? Mesdames Catherine J ordun, Ella That ':Jnclo Sam collec ts 3(12 .000.00 Perris, Addie Deatherage, Lena Bart· a y;ear 111 postage f or the retu rn of sock. Cora Thompso n. J ennie Gramall se~t to the Dend Letter offi ce ? hllm, Annn Ferris, Viola Hartsock, That It costs Uncle .:a m :H,7.tO,OOO and Mrs, Clin e. Vi. itors present y~arly to loo k UJl oddrc~scs on mis- were: Mrs. Mary Hai nes, Mrs. Anna directed moil? Handall , Mrs. Roslllie Gordon, nnd That 200,000,000 le tte rs a re given Mrs, Daugherty, of Kings lIlills ; also, t hi s service, and little folks including, Mary Carolyn That it costs in one city alone Lukens, Mnrgnret Anne Gordon, Sl\r. $500,00 daily? ' nh Cllthcrin and Anne Louise nnd And dn you knowJ!lseJlh Hnrtsock . All er joyed a so· Thnt thi s vust s um could be saved clal hour after which II delicious ~nd the ~('ud Letter office abolished luncheon WIlS se rved by th e hostess if each piece of mail carried are. The guests departed at a Inte houl'\ turn add r.ess, and if each paree l were thankinG' Mrs. Jordan for II pleasnnt _ _ _.-4.. _ _ __ wrapped I,n stout papefll and tied with afternoon. a strong cord? Moral:-Every mon knows his own address rf not that of his correspondent. Put it in the uppOr left hand corner,


THE CHILD'S SPENDING MONEY It will be interesting to watch if the principals of thrift, liS impulted by the elder Rockefeller to his so n and by the son to his children, among them his daughter, Abbey, now Mrs. Milton, will extend ta the third gen. eration, If It does, the former Miss RockeleUer will not find the raising of a family any great financial bur. den. J~hn Ro~kefeller J~., recently gave as hiS recipe for the IOculcation of 8l\ving. "When my children 1Ieached the age of seven I gave them an allowance of 30 cents n week. They were t.o spend 10 cents out of this, they were to save 10 <lenta, and they were to gh'e ten cents to the ·church . I au<1i ted th c ~ e accounts every week. These ae.

00 YOU KNOW··..



Every Wedneaday 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.


R••tRoom in GrangeBldg


Wayneaville, Ohio

Main Office:

Mrs. W , B. Warner i ~ spending this week with her hom e f olk s. . '24~ South Brown Street, "Since workin, in thi. r_1 Wayland Jordlln and family. of O ..r 51_rna - e~tat.. office I'".. ' earned on .. Hyd e Park, were the week· end guests thln,-peopl ... ati.lied with tbeir Dayton. Ohio' of their hom e fo lk ~ , here. lot u.ualJy huild • hou.e on it." II1IH. Kate Jorda n and daughter, _ 3 __ ·Hallnah, Sd and AI( J ordan, spent SUllday with relatives and friends in Frnnklill, 1111', and lIfrs. De rryberry, of Dayton. Hoss HUl'tsoc k and family, of Wa ynesville, wellC Sunday guests of Karl Deatherage and family. The clos ing events of this term of Wilmington college begins this week and will continue throu gh next week. Sevel'lll from t his place will nttend, In spite of the incle ment wcather the Gospel Team of Wilmington col- t-'"'!>"'--'-"lUUlI!...J==--",,,-,,,unday and held their all-day mceting" as nnn ounce d la~t week. In the mOI'ning Miss Es· th er Underwood gave a tnlk followed by Miss Fa rquh ar, a returlled missiollllry from Cuba, ·und now II t Cllcher of Spa nish in the WilmingtOn co llege. guve U ~ 1\ talk on Cubn lind so ng a song in Sponish. In lhe IIftel'l1oon the younlf' men had chllrgl', cOIIRist· ing of WIllis Hllrn er. Hllrry George, ArthUI' Renms, Robert Hunnicutt nnd Miles Peele, Eoeh one I!ove us n splendid talk, so ngs and in strumenta l music. MI'. HunniclIl used n violin which was mode by his father, who is the im'entor of the corn grader. lind who live~ in Wilmington, Have you ever sufrerl'd fr~~ hard water "itch"? Have Those who cllme from a distonce your hands become dry and bard-your skin chapped-from to hear t he m were Rev, Ed Bo~nn, wife, and 1111"", Milson, of Spdng Valusing bard water? ley, Zinni Haines and wife, of New Burlington, Mr. and 1I11·s. Denn, of Then you can appreciate bands that are never roughened Sprin gfield, Mr, and MI's. GCUI'ge D. nor reddened-baby's tender skin that is nevel' left cracked 111 ills. of W uynesville, the Havilnnd Sisters, whose home is in Maryland, and "itchy"-a shave that is quic:k ,and clean. and ore now attending college at Wilmingtoll, Rev. Amos Cook and Eftly home NOW can have soft watel'-Without coat ~ wife, of HatlVeysburg, W. R. Kersey, ciatern and double plumbing, of Turtlecreek, Ii. B, Farqhuar, wile and daughter and the Underwood Sis. ters, of Wilmington" Beech ' Grove, of Clinton county, also was weli represented by Rev. Millard Jones, their Jlastor, Harry Clark and sister, Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Briggs. . BLONPE BESS OPINES




_ .,



. Water Softener ~ R"'-U~ F'-








~:. ~



bu , ~any


valla.- over older typN-there Ie DO ~ ' of

minerU-,ao red .tain or i. a Ibnple 'fl'CCperlormed, requ1rtq mlft'iitee u compared with houn IfoIr ',nIIt. '




other f7pes. '


....... than Fill7

Said Evorywb...

"What i8 the cause of 011 the excitement down , at the zoo?" "1 can't tc-H you. The editor ot this paper would never publish it. It would be free advertising/' "What do you mean by free adtieing?" ' , ' "Well, one of the camels ,got loose lfnd the keeper 'had to walk a mile to get _______ it." ________ . ~ .





, LIIullH.,.........



FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sun dll Y, Mny 3 1st wi ll be obse rv· cd as Chri~ Li a n Un ity Duy, The LOYIII Light Beurers' class will fur· II ish a pl'ogl'llln. This will be an in · tcresti nl! service and WI! h ope for a good attendance. Nathan Johnson, Minister


~ . •,

__ •.~, __ ' -








Th e Ly tle sc hoo l cl OHCU Fl'iduy. Mr. nnd 111I'll, Sim Brow n sJlent las t w ~e k with re la t iv e ~ in Doyt on, 8I'v.'rlll I' le mber s fr om here attend. (' d t he Alumni at Wayn esville, Fri day eve ni ng. lI1i ~s Flnrence Wond is conflned to Ii '. Clarenc e Sm it h r eturn ed t o his her home by illncss. work th is we ek. o f tel' a co upl e o f Oxley-Pace Drug Co., O. Mi,," Mary Co ll ett is ut hom e f lom wee ks' illne"". he r sc hool work in Bcme nt. III • . M i,. The lma Gruhalll, o f this pl nce, The Co ll ege Gospel team col11l uct· wu . .. ne of th e Wllyn " 'fil wn Rhip grad cd servic es ILt th e FI'iends church, lI ates, this yenr. S UluJu y. Mesdume" Mory E, Cn rm ony lind Clara Th ompRo n wer e Day ton shopA pllrty of young pcople enjoyed pers, Wedn esday. II weiner roast nenr Canbytow n, Fri· Mr. and Ml's . H er mnn Sayl or ore day cvcning. now making' th eir home with lIlr. and Mi ss Eleanor Haydock is the g uest Mrs, William Long. o f Professo r and lIfrs. Levi Lukens, MilS. 01'81 Surfare and Mrs, Rob - of Ncw Vienna, this week. ert Burnett and little 50 11 , spent Fri Mrs, Elizabeth Fletcher suffered a day in the Gem City. sever henrt attack, Fridny" from We write FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMOBILE, PUBLIC LIABILIA number from here attended the which she is slowly rec ove ring. TY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, COLLISION, LIFE and ACCIDENT. sule o f MrR. Roy Eamhart , at Way· The co ndition of Churles McKay, nes\'ille, Sat urday. afternoon. who has been Buffering fr om concer Mrs. Ada McEwen , of Springhoro, o( th e liver, for several weeks, Public Sal ... conducted at the loweot pouible terma for efficieat ... rspent Bevel'8l day s IDRt week with shows no improve ment. her cousin, Mrs, May Kenty and so ns. vice. Sati.fied patron. bell reference . Ge orge HCI!ler, north of town, was MI'. an d Mrs, 11. M. Clark were operated on f or goiter in Dayton, viMit.ors at the home of Prof. and saturday . A Ithough suffering from Mrs. George Clark, in Cincinnati, lost extreme weakness, hie condition is week, encouragi ng. ' Miss Wila Beckett, of Cincinnati, Memorial scrvices will bc held here and Mrs ..J e rry Roge rs. of Utica, were week·end guests of Miss Hester Saturday afternoon. Judge Cleven_ James, at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. ge r, of Wilmington, will deliver thl! address, Music will be furni%hed by Frank Roger s. Phone 6f-2 Waynesville, Ohio. t he band and the 111. E. Sunday,school Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emrick enter· orchestra. Lained to S undny dinner, Mr. and Mrs, Amnnda Ecton, mother of Mrs. William Bergdall, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J ones, Mr. and Mrs. Walte r John MKnight and Wm, Ecton, of Kenrick, Miss Glndys Bergdnll and t his neighborhood, died at the home Try the Gazette office tor Job Work. I"Irtt '" O\)e" P ••alli. of her 80n, Walter McKnight, near Therle Jon es. , Ai Parr)', the BI1t1sb <!xplore( wns the _cnia, Thursday, Fun eral services Mr. and Mrs, J, R. Johns und Mr. wer e held in HarveYMburg, Sunday llrat to no,otlate tlte open plIssng' and Mrs. Edd Longnc r e spent Tues· afternoon ,"" Ol'M'llland nnd th e 1\PI'lnl! oea. FOR·OVER 40 YEARS day and Wednesduy in Blunchester, attending II district conference of the BALL'S OA.TARRU IIlBDJCINE h .... b •• n uMd lucc ••ItUlly In tho treatment of Hillsboro district. =atarrh . Mr, and Mrs, Frank Kent.y and HALL" OA.TARRB l\I'flDJCINE consons, Jose ph and Bnrtley, left Monslolll of .. n Olnun ent whIch QUickly Relieves b)' locnl nppllcatton, nnd tho day for t heir home near ' Marengo, \Dentist fnurn&1 MedICine. a. ToniC, whlph aclll niter spending the winter here. Mrs. through tho Blood on the Mucoua SurKenty taul:ht in the Lytle school the Wayn ••vllle Nationll 81nk Bldg facel. thUI r(!(\u clnK tho Infinmmatton. past year. Sold by aU drugglots. F. :1. Chen.v & Co.. Toledo. Ohln. Mr, and Mrs. Harry McGinnis returned home Monday e \·ening, after Practically every country in the U. visiting DI', and Mrs. Hnll and fam· S. hos many miles of good rock maily in Wayn esville, and Mrs. Nellie cadam highwaYR which have outlived Soward and Oliver Watson, nt Bell- their usefulness from the standpoint IJruo k. of carrying mod ern motor vehidl! The Eye Sl ~ht SjX.'Clalist Mi ~s Lou ella Longacr e, Miss Hester traffic. Thou sands of dollars a mile ,1 II Illes and Melvyn Banta WCI'e grad- have bee n spent in building and main· FUNERAL DIRE~TOR ullteR 0 Hhe Normal clu s~ ot Wayn es- . wining these old rOllds, To snve ville last Wedn esday cveni ng. Mr. this investment of t he taxpayers is Waynesville, Ohio Lebanon. Ohio Banta h ilS been ploced at the Lytl e a duty which devolves upon county sr hool nnd Miss James at the Rid ge· commissioners und boards of super· v ill e ~c ho o l. viso rs, Ins tead of teoring up these roads, FuUy Equipped for Good it has bce n s ucce3s fully de monstrat8:00 a, m, to " p. Ill. Service. ed in many stu tes thot they can be used ns a buse for II waterproof asLarge D sp lay ({oom Jlhnltic concrete sUI'fllce at a saving of Ambulance Service from $6.000 to $10,000 a mile. Exten sion of this type of road pavTELEI'HON E 7 IIA Y OR NIG HT Mr. and Mrs. Reed had callers from ing is saving taxpayers over the country millions of dollars and buildpringtield, Sunduy afternoon. ing hundreds of miles of hard surMr. and Mrs. Herbert Marlatt and fa ced highways which could not othson Ellmo n, spent S unday with Mr. erwise be poved, :lnd Mrs, Elvis Michael. ~.~--1111'. and 1111'S, Willinm Jackson, of Xenia, SP(!I1t tho week·end with Mr. HauliD' of all Idada, alao will buy David LuclI~ lind family. your old paper., and juak. 1I1rs. Henry Toms, of Xenia, is Rpcnding II few da ys with her son and daughte\\', Mr, and Mrs. Emer· I will offer at public sale at the son Dill. Dat. your .ale. with rn r Baily homestead, on the Bellbrook • " I ... WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Quite 1\ fcw from here attended Road, nt the edge of th~ corporation ..tlefactioD or ehar._ _. ::zs thc commencement exercise~ of the of Waynesville, Ohio, on WayneH ville High Hchool, last Thurs· CENTERVILLE, OHIO THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1925, dllY nig ht. PLon •• No. 2 Mrs. iohn Rye has returned home Commencinl! at 10:00 11. m" all ot after spending a few days in Colum· my farming equipment and tools, bus, the ,g uest of her brother, Mr. us fo llows : Farming implements, Otto Marlatt and family. Mr. B. A. Dill, of Clayton, spent 26 acres growing wheat lot of good y las t Tuesday with his mother, Mrs. carpenter and butchering tools., 5 Rebecca Dill , it being Mrs. Dill' s 78th hend of live stock, antique a1ld olher WE GET THEM QUICKLY AND DENTIST birthday. Mr. Dill presented his household goods. FREE OF CHARGE mother wit.h many pretty and use ful And X-O-ORAPHIST , See large bills for terms. gifts. CALL US ANY TIME AT OUR MRS, EMMOR S. BAILY Mrs. Rebecca Dill WII S I!ivcn a comWaynesville, Ohio. EXPENSE Martin & Stanley. Aucts. plete surprise last Tuesday night, Telephone 114, whell n few of her fri ends came in to remind h1!r of her 78th hirthday. OFFICE; HATHAWAY BLDG. Mrs.· Dill was presented with many Phana a HARVEYSBURG, O. ON MAIN STREEr pretty' gifts. Later in the evening clainty refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Edword ArnoldI Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toms, M·r. and Mra. Raymond Osborn, all of Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill, Miu Clara Daughters, aed MIS. Rebecca Dill. They all de Tb. hom. of th. la,e D. LeRoy pnrted I'lte that evening, wishing Mrs, Dill many more happy birthdays. Earahart, ia Wa)'n .... iJI., An .i,L,




..Insurance and Sales..

SEARS & CARTWRIGHT All Kinds of Insurance


Dr. John W. Miller



Walter McClure

At Cary's Jewelry Shop

- - _..----


Every Tuesday





Public Sales


- .- -

Wm. Robinson


F.T. Martin Auctioneer


HI"eysburg Fertilizer Co.


,--_. - ..----

,ood repair . .. .. Lar'. lot aad ,ard.a,

Estate of 'Emmor S. Baily, de- ,ood bara aad ehiek.a laou ••. AI.a; farm of 99.85 aer •• of ,ood ceand. Notice Is hereby aiven that Eliz- 1....1 laad, with ,oad. L.i1dl~,. I. abeth B. Baily hu been duly appointed 'and QlualUied al executrix of \.he CI.arerNIe TowD.laip, LJtI •• e8tate of Emmor S. Baily, late ot Warre,1i ,countj, Ohio, deceued. Dated thi!l l~th ilay ot May; 1926. . ' W.Z. ROLL, Admlnlatrator Judge of the Probate Court, M•. C. .Drake, ~tt'y. .

Chas. T. Ellis





The Tri-State Price May 26th

room modern hou •• , well built, ia

. Bilkens--"l've n evo.r met that teL , SAYETH SOLOMON low Durket. W-hat kind ot chap Ii ''1;Jew.~e. IO~, ot ,bjl that talc· he 7" eth an fn tIlY-. neck-wear: ita - Stewart-"Oh---he', one ot ijton cut; or the way thy shirts birds who wiD always grab the .tool are mended-tor already, -It there Ja a pluo to be ..carried IOD, abe bath. eommittea


Until You've.Mie.d it, you have no idea how a coat or two of Hanna's Green S eal Paint will beautify and preserve your property. It makes everything . look bright and new. It spreads smoothly, covers all surface defects and dries with a glossy finish that wears through all kinds of weather. It has given good resul ts for 35 yea rs.




II ... ~tnt .~ of the ~ld·. 1Aqelt _uf'~ of residence _tee ayItemI. ' It. II illl1ple-.-compact.practiCal. "ay be Inltalled In. either old new ~_wiU give a life time . of 1er'fke' 'iIt vert ,amalI coat.

Mk l..



Paint-Up With "Green

METHODIST CHURCH Sabbath School, 9 :15 a. m., preach· ing ut 10 :30 a. m. Epworth Lengue 6 :45 p . m. Preaching at 7 :30 p. m" Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, 7 :30. Evereybody invited to these se rvices. Rev. L . A. Washburn, Pnstor.

P ... r\.I. n.a b •• hee" Us con,tul ua In th. Am.,... Ia.a romilr r""

Enrl S tnl'l'. of Churl eston, Mi.Mou. II, rlliltod Ilt lh c hOlll e hf his co usin s, 1111' , lind M TS. Charl"s Gray and fum . ily. W edn esday. .


Including building, calle, r opnirs and furnishings, the Whito House hos cut $8,000,000 to date. No won. der the president ia sinl!ing " It uin't Gwine to Cost No Mo'I" The Iron horae will not be put out to pasturo this Burruner,. posiTIVly.


1111'S. Wilbur Huwke has r ecovered from her rece nt iUnes , Ilnd th e qUaI" a ntin e hilS I.ICe n lifted. Mr. and 1111" . 111. E. Sherw ood hllve go ne to Co lumbu s f OI' a .few wee ks' vi git wi lh tht' il' so n lind flllllily , I<i"k .l elrt' l'i s is s lwniling th e week· "lid in Wi lmillg toll with hi ~ g rand. pare nts . Mr. li nd MI·~ . Pr",toll J e f. fr l'is,


th roa t

t nlub1e. I wouli.1 ' n ot M9'C COf'ILln·

Harolll Harris, of Lebanon , vis ited his Jl llre nts, Mr. and MI's. Fra nk L.

cn unt s never wore mor e thun a dol. a r 01' two each w 'ek until the age of fift uell. Wealth hurts childrcn when LlIl'Y (:ct too IllU , h o f it, Just bec 'usc II IIllln ca n utl'ol'd t n hire people to w(lit on his children is no reason why he should. I d"n't." It t unnut be sHid Mr, Roc keTeller's uUitud (' towtll'ds his chiJd r'cn hns bClm Ih ut of II graspillg man , becuuse hp Hnd hi" fath (' r hav(\ given away ~n I he lll'ighhnrhnod "r nOO,OOO.O ()O. In tlwS(' dll Y' of OUPI' CI'I; and tinni e hopp,'r, the' uVHllge hoy and gir l would Ihink th e mselves much ubu sed if they '1'1' 1'(' cOll1pclleu tn g(>t n long with t hirly Ct' nts U wee k. It might not bp tl bnrl idea fur muny of our pn l'cnts nf lIl ode. t Inellns to tr·y the


hA .e

r!:nr;'r:r ::'~ 7<"" for """lib..

I1 nt"ds, S n t 1lrl 01'


ST. MARY' CHURCH May 31st, Church Seho!) I' lit !J: l (j II. m. Holy CommUlli on and sel1non at t 1 :00 II . m. A II nrc cOl'dill lly inviled to attend these · scrvices. Rev. J . J . Schaeffer, Rector.


L.M.HENDERSON NOTAitY PUBUD W"" OraWn ella. Settled • WayneavUle, Oblo. , N. . . . . . . .

Per Pound for Butter-Fat .,

One hundred pounds of 4% milk will give you $1.72 if marketed cream at thl! price. One hun dred pounds ot skim miik has a feed value eqllal to one-half bushel of cor~ for pigs, calves and and poultry. Cream ill euler to keep, requires much les8 of YOIJT thne and care, is about ,one-seventh as costly to haul, and is not subjected. to heavy lIurpl'!s cuts. Oxer 76,000 dairy farmers ship 'D IRECT to the ' TRISTA~E • lUI


Cream and











HI.hest Cash Price . Paid for


Everett Early Lytle, Ohio

Mrs. O. M. UidgewllS in Du~' ton , today.

MINISTERS TO CET RICH w('ok rrof. Arthur 11, H olmes told the tI~~l'1l1b l d Bapli st mini~to,.s~ !It r. Howard Archdeacon. wus in o f I'hila d ·Iphia 10 ~ct t'ich Llnd t h(' reDuyton. Monday'. by i,,~1't' "s t: ~h.Ij " \}. flUCll C ·. . The ill"" 0 p t'\·"ft:i<so.·· tell llll!' 1\ PI' IIch I ' Mr. Fred Sroup WIlS in DlIyton on or 1111 d i ll'"~ In ~ L,t'l'ich r~(,I\Il . 111\ .. 1;\ husinc sa, Monduy. ' ing lll t hut wrll'; k d ully (' XI)l'~ ~ I'H :llr ~. Val'! Ot'ndorf has been on the such u rlltU\1I1S f.ll lmiuntion: lTe \\ l" lll II bo ok on h.. ", \(l l1;!'t Ii h "ic" li st. Mr. Myer Hyman and family we r e It r NIlly WII ~ II tlrker. in incinnati, t oday. X('st cloy I III I him <In th e Htrc cl )l i~. ,\ rldi(' B. Keys was a Dayton Au! h(' .. touc1wl Ill(' (,"' II quarter." \ i!"i h,t't l od·u y. !\II'. Murray n opkin s was In Dayte n on bu sine88, Thursday. • nys nm : The t.rllth i ~ stl':ltlj!(" i'11' . I u""e ll Salisbury was in Cinthlln fic ti on. but a goud I1IIIIIY PCl'p!1' cinn uti, lo'l'idllY. Miss Edna Howland left f or her till sti ck t o Ii 'tion. hume ill West Union, SUlldIlY. ~II· .. lind Mrs. A. B. Shaner spe nl till' " ~ "k ·c nd ill Norwood . . Mr. J . O. Cartwright ulld fumily ~ Ilcnt. Sunday 'i n Hichmllll d, Illd. ~I ... II . I'. lI urL.ock. (I f Cin cinnati. vi ~i t,' cl rcluti\'l's here . Sun day. Bl'st cou l oil st ve on th e mnrkel. See stov e at J. C. l\nwke's Il a l dlVurc ~I .. . A ll t' ll Kibl e r spcnt the week- Sture. elld "it h re illtives in Spring Valley. Mrs. Ruth Dnuihe rty and dl\u~h · E,lwllrd J. Burton wi ll Irrllduate l<>r ,Mi8s Stella. were Vayton visitor s 1' ''1' 111 Wilmingtoll college, Jun e [jth. last Thursday. I./(~t


farms for Salel

Hia Bride--·The .Richest in the Wo,ld

12 acre •• lood hou. ", barn and ,arale. on main pike .. : ...... .. .... 3,000 40 lIer" •• nea rly new buildin,. .. $4750

94 ac re.. fair buildin,., rair la"eI, p e r ac r e ................ .. ....... . $40.00


~I i "~ Rulh F.nrnhurt i. spendi ng Mrs. Alice F er guson . of Jamesth b I\'ee k wi t.h r elutivcs in SpTing- tOWlI, spent R f ew day ~ last wCl·k with btlr". 1111' S. Belle Din widd ie.


7 acre., r ood buildin g. ....

. $2S00

FARMS from one aCT" up, at price. you can afford to p ay; I am· •• lI in r farm , for people who really want to ,ell and who are willinl to .a". m.arket value.

w. • Dllvtd M. Milton. young la wyer of mo,!erate means In New York, an,! his bride who was Mis Abbey Rockefeller , conceeded t o be ti,e World's r1ch;st bride.- 1I8 they s ailed for EuroPl! on their hone ymoon l a~t week. She Is the c!nugh ter of Mr. an,! Mrs. J oh n D. Rockt'feller, Jr. The werltllng was a simple one und IIttenl!ed by only memo bers of the fami lic.. Grandpa Rockefell er wa~ thHe.


Office . Ama n Bid,.

Phone 61-2

WAYNESVILLE, OHIO (Establishe d 1012)

Mr. nnd Mrs. Walte·r· McClure and

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton F oster, of MI • . Wultel' Efl~V~V;;;-;; llI;;l' ill;::- -'- --".-Col umbu s, were week-e nd gue. LB of today. Dr. lind Mrs. 1~loyd Hall ; in wus in Dnyt on. Brst co nI oil stove on the market. Mr . E. L. Sherwood spent Sunday ~l'{) ~ to\'u at J . C. Ha wk o's Hardware ufierTloon with hi ~ cousins, Mr. alld tod"y. t o huve her tO Il.ils r e muved. .."lore. Mrs. Charles Shnwood. l>ut· h I : aill alld rlcar·::"" )"lI wenth Mr . H. L. Gettcl', of D" yl ull. wn s l'l' lu ... 1 ;-':ulldH~' Uftt'I"I H I,' t hO' I" ts Mr. Frank Zell has returned to the Mrs. Harvey . acke tt, Mrs. Fred a busin es5 visitor in Wnyn csvi ll(', t .. - linll g'1I1l1l' It,'lw ue n th e Wayn cs ville . McC lelland ho,p ita l, a t Xenia, for Henderson a nd Mrs. HatTY Turn er day. ~li"l lI i" lind till' Snulh L l'lJUnu ll ten ln treatmen t . s pent Tuesday in Dayton. ~l.' hl'l hdl'd fUI I' il inip!'ll l1Urk, WtlS p os t · FOR SA LE-- Hn r k t o Fo rd truck ' 11 pont ·d . Mrs. Stnn ley Sellers, of Lebanon , 1\1.1I.a)!,' 1' I' I'I'n d"I'j:asl h!\~ lo oo kc d Mr. and Mrs . Nathan Burch. and Cheap. See S"t.h Cook. W ayne~vl c, spent severn l duy s I.u st we<.'k with rei · fllmi ly, of Dayt on . spent Sunday Ohio. I Ihe Colun 'd r; in llt ", 1\ f ::. l co lo: cd utiv es he re. t e u lIl f l" lIl11 Cl, d al'\ illt· , 1 \ play he!'t with Mr. Fred M. Cole find fam ily. 111 1' . Hnro ld W i llillm ~ rl\\ !l'ft to.l uy IIl'~1 SIIIIIlay . Th ~ Cia nt" l' bycc! We al.o give MI·s. Fronk L. Tilylor, of San Fran Miss Ella Meredit h hns returned for (" Ie\'c land, whc l (' i, will spe nd th e ht'n' t WII til' lh n't' Yl':ll' !oI. H\.,!O. U ldJ will Scalp Treatment. cisco, Ca l., is visiting her mother, to lhe Frien ds ll ome , after spendin g, .sulIIllI er. b.. 1'l' ll'lt'lIll H' i (·eI n~ H f U!'lt . ~ nnpp y Mr". Edit h Hllrris. tl'u m . . ""era l weeks with r elatives in DIlY. \ \ ' v!'-nn)! Ilud Dan O!'- lHl n lc wi ll do ton . 1111'. and JIIr". N,llwton I\ldl" r, of De land, Fla., s pe nt rUeSl!IlY w,th MI' t h,. 'J.. ltlrrv wo r k f o l' ttl(' l\l ia lui ~ . Mr . and Mm. C. H. Sherwood atH"'lu ' l' " tll1l~' d O\\' 11 and ~e (~ tk(' rUIl . t 'nd ed the District Conference at Mrs. Robert S. Wal to n, of Dayton, and ~h·s. J . E . .Junney. Blanchest er . Wednesday. Wayne.uille, O. Main St. s pent several days last week with her Subscri b" for Th e Miami Ga zette. Mll i" R tr~ct is again beill)! sctlrifi ed pare nt.~ , Mr. and MI S. J. L. Hart, arid grnded. Messr s, J ohn Squ i' "" lI1i ss lIfary Some rmier. of Cincin - sock. • "lid j.ll lph ~mith are doing th e wli r k na t i, spent Friday und Saturday with Mr. a nd lIIrs. R. G. Cross. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schwartz and Mr. Lawrenc e Braner Hnd fRlIIily ~ .. .. ~~.;. ... ~~~~t da ughter, Miss Grace , of Columbus, II1rs. Hann uh Antram, who spent wel 'e here !Ieveral days, visiting oC Daylon. were Salllrduy )!lwsts ,'f \, last wee k with r elutives in Spring- friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fn'd M. Cole and film· boro, IIrrived home Saturday. ily. Save your old carpets and ruga Mrs. Harry Turne r. of Dayton, is and get "WearweU" Rugs made. Mr. Murrtl y Hopkins. II val ue d m(,1ll spe ndin g th e week with relatives bel' of t he Gazette furce. hilS gum Send for pric:e Irst. Franklin Rug to Dayto n wh er e he will take a C O li : se here. Co., Franklin. Ohio. at Millmi _Jacobs bus iness college. Mr. and Mrs. J os. SQhuster and Mr. and MIlS. Harry McGinnis, of daughter, of West Union. Ohio. were week-end guests of Rev. and Mrs. L. Lytle. spent Friday with Ur. and Mrs. A. \.('nshburn. Lloyd Ball. wtio took them to Bellbrook for a short visit. Misses Margaret Edwards, Frances ~ Watkins , Messrs. Levi Coates and Miss Alice and Mr. Will Beckett, Last fnll tb e N ormul class had a ~, Herbert Edwards spent ev· of Norwood. were guests, Saturday , ton ybroo k \ ening with ·f ri ends near Oregonia. and Sunday of Misses Edna and Ada get-together purty at farm. Aft er fo rming tl\(' pleasant ~ and MlllIter Horace Shan er . fr iendship of ou r cl a~s11late " , th e Messrs. Lester Surface, Earl Orn~{ dorf, Wilbur Stansbury. Wm. OrnMessrs. Arthur and Edward Bos- school year fairly flew lind Thursda Y dorf, Everett Thomas and Ralph tick, Stanle y W elch and Roy Dodd, t he e!nss journeyed to F'ol'l Allcie n t Smith arrived home from the Reser- of near Clarkisville, cl'lled on Mn and to enjoy a nClther dny tOKe the r be ;\ \ voir last Wednesday eve ning. Sev- Mrs. C. H. SI~erwoo d. Sunday IIfter- fore leavin g sclLuol. The elnss Idt Wa yne ~ vill e aboll l I eral of their crowd arrived home ear- noon. 10 o'clock . and by the Lime w e rea ch- ( lier, but t he above stayed 8JI long 88 cd th e F'urt, We were f {'e ltll~ j lls t ) they could. There was quite a rivaL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moshe r. of rig hl for a reu l picn ic din llc l'. and ) ry amonll the fishermen as to who Cinci nnati. wh o have just late ly r ewou ld get t he larges t fish. and it fell turned from their European trip , that is what we had. AHer dinn er WI) sturted arolnd to the lot of Lester Surface to get were guests of MI'8. Edith Harris and the Fort, sevllral guve up befo r e )!othe best one 6 pounds; and Everett family, today. ing a ll t he wa y around; but fe w finThomas caught t he smallest one, 2 ished the trip. ounces. The boys had loads of fun, Mr. and Mra. J ohn son, of Fel'l"Y. Every i'ne cnm e back t o Wuyneshowever. are attending" th e annual con- villI! tired, bu t report ed >l \'cry e nvention of the Ohio Christian Mis- joyable duy. . . sionary sodel;y, in sessi on at Newark, 9bio, this week. I' l l'S . .I umes McC lure wer e in Dayton,


MIAMIS WILL l RYAGAIN ,....-------,


Marceling Manicuring Shampooing Hair Cut

SOc SOc 35c



The Whole Truth About Tire Bargains W.·".....a

ia tb. tl ..." .. a Ion , time. W. loa.. r . .eI _aa,. "amaaia," offera·

--- -_ ..----

Aa" o.r •• i. tbat the on e .ure-6re. depe ndable, hi,h'qualit,. aael lire bar,ain OD th e market today i. a Goodyear TiN,


Get ••r price.. aDd ,.ou will tbink




NORMAL CLASS PI'GNIC J "Good Equipment Makes aGood Fann Better" .


Good Crops Depend upon the Good Preparation of ·the Soil.

a Few Examples of the Bargains

We are Offering in Genuine Goodyear Tires


30tS ~ ClIDeber Tire. from ........ ... .... .. ....... .. $8.35 to ·.80' 3h4 .... Stm,bt Side Corel from .. . . ...... $16.40 to '18.70 nllt. Strailbt Side Corel from .. ... .. ......... . .. ....... $16.90 to $19.30 S2d ~ Cord .... ........ .... ... .$23.00 33x$ Cord.. ......... ......... ... $32.20

ProperTillage andCultivation can be dop.e only with Good Implements.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105


,Waynesville, Ohio

Right now we h, ve a complete .tock of New Idea and Black Hawk Manure · Spreaders, Oliver Plows, Oliver Disc Harrows, Bladt Hawk and Superior Corn Planters, Buckeye and Oliver Cultivators, both single and two row.

I fSI: 00



Mrs. Mary L. Adams returned·home Friday from Otleensboro N. C.• where she attend ed a Friends Missionary conferenc e. MI'!!. Adams visited sevMrs. Ann n Vllu t! llII, of th F r<iends eral points .of interest while in North Carolina. Home , who s uffer ed n . trllkl' of par alysis last week, di ed this morning Mrs. Anna Cadwallader, Mrs. Jas. at 12 :25. Th fu nerlll "i ll DC he ld McClure, Mi ss Clara Lile and Miss at th e H Olli e t omorr ow. Thu rsda y, Ka therine Prendergast attended the at 1 :ao . . B urinl nt' Richm o nd, Ind. annual meetillg of the W oman's Auxiliary of the Southern Ohio Diocese, at Glel1dale, Tuesday. . Mrs. Am a ndll Ecton. co lor ed, died lit the hom (' of ht,,, "on n~ar New Bur_ Messrs. W. ' B. Squires and J esse linglon, Thll l'sdi.y e\' enin g. The fu Thomas were at the Vandalia Shoot- neral wa s he ld in the Baptis t chu-rch ing cl ub last Thursday. Mr. Squires at Ha l·veysburg. Sunday aftemoon broke llO out of 100. MJ\ Thomas Bu r iul in H ar veysburg . would not give us his score, 80 he mu st have been off for that day.

We are offering Double Disc Harrows at the special price of••• ~

We also have lome Used Com Planters and Cultivators, and one Oliver Sulky Plow These are all in good running condition.

~ I

FRED M. COLE Hardware. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

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At th~ present time is is estimated t hllt more thun twe nty-one pupils will attend t\le Normal schoo l eluring the coming year. That many have been By a vote of th e Council , all memsigned up, and several more have sig_ bers of the Junior Order are requestnifie d their intention of attending. ed to meet 'at the hall nt 12-:30 p. m., Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Washburn. Saturday, May 30th, und be prepured Mr. and Mrs . J. E. Janney. Dr. and to march in the Memorial Day par. r Mrs. H. E. Halthaway. Mr. and Mm. ade, pl'omptly at 1 o'clock. LYMAN DAY, Coun sellor . F. M. Cole and Miss Helen Hawke attended a district; meeting of the RpY PIGOTT. R. S. M. E. churc h at Blanchester. last ... Wednesday. BREAD,

KROGER'S BREAD ~;:u~~P~:f.. . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . 7c

- ...- --



11-2 po'und Loa'.... ...................... ,...... .................. .. lOe


WHEN yOU · say, "Loaf of bread, please," you expect to get a 'loaf of bread that is everything it should be. Our bread is everything it should be---and more. The finest ingredients are used, and the very best care taken in baking. It come8 out of our ovens a crisp, golden brown, and will tempt the appetite of every member of the family. Small and large loaves---Fresh Daily. At our bakery or at your grocery. Pies, cakes and pastries.

Dr.' Ellis J. Smith is vlliting his pllrents. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Smith. of Route 1. Dr. Smith just recently receive d his degree and has been appointed resident interne at St. Mary' s W e wish to thllnk Rev. Washburn Mercy hispital. of Gary. Ind., for for his comforting wOl'ds, Mr. Mcco ming year. Clure and son for their kindness and services ' nnd all whQ in a ny WilY a sMr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham. Mr. sisted us in our sad bereave ment. and Mrs. W. B. Squires and Mr. and MARTIN SISTERS. Mrs. W. O. Raper are spending this week at the Lewiston reservolr. enjoying a week of fishing. W. B. Squires got cold feet and cqme home Tu esday. He says the weMher W8JI fierce at the lake. I

------ - ....- - -

Mr. L. A. Zimmerman left Sunday morning to join the ShrineI'!! from Dayton. and will go witb them toO Los Angeles. Cal.. to at\end the national meeting of that order. Mr. Zimmerman intends toO visit with his brother. Mr. .Roy >2:immennan and family while In California. .


Waynesville, O.hio '.


"c R eduction.


.. ............. ........ ......................... '5c

FR E NCH, pound

WILL SEND PHEASANTS BANANAS!.~~d·20c: !:!!!~~~~~~~... . 20c !!f~Delereli. 37 C 30 size, each ... ....... .. .....t7,%c . A shipment of pheasants will arrive In Waynesville ·some time thi s week. Anyone wanting them will please notify C. M. Robitzer; of the Waynesville Mills. who will see to their distribution.



- ..---

A happy family reunion was enjoyed during commencement week at the bome of Mt1. H. H. Wl11lameon and family. Mrs. Lee Cooper and 8(1) coming from Dayton. Mr. and Mrs Rllymond Williamson. from Cleveland The heavy 'f rost of Sunday night Mrs. Frank Long. from CQlumbus, played havoc with the gard ens in t his Mrs. John Cafferty. Mial Edith Cat- vir,inity, beans and potatoes being se_ ettty and M:r. Josiah Cafferty. from riously da maged. No serious- ,damFranklin. . age to the fruit crop has been repo rttime. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Sherwood en- ed up to- this - -. tertained the . following guests at their pleasal1t home .on Third street last Sunday'; Mr, and Mn. E. C. Jeffery. Mi88es Mildred • . Virginia. Esther and Muter Robert Jefl'er.t. of near Oregonia. 'Misses Ruth, Alice 'TliI- annual meeting of Miami Cemand Dorothy. of Dayton. Mr. and Mn. Raymond Conner and children. etery Auoelatlon will be held at the Ruth and Leo. Ml!. and Mn. ·C. E. Chapel. Monda~, JUDe 1. ' 1926, at Edwards. Mias. M;arraret and Mary 1:80 p. m. Ellen Edwards, )leurs. Herbert EdL. K. HENDERSON, Clerk. warda and Levi Coatel.


-:-Thompson's Bakery-:.


-.- ----


2 Ib . .. ..


15c .2!c:2. ..2Qc ~!~ro....~... . . . . . 28c .~~~~,'!:~~~~~~. 24c ~aI!~ ~~ . ~. .~·. . 1Dc' ~n~e!.e: 25c ~~2~. !'!!~~. .25c" . 2.?~2~~~. . . . :... .,. . tOc' ~:O~t.~.~~.~.. . ..19c·· v..Cap Soap" , .. !~!!~~b~at. 45c ~ 29c Ib.: ..... .. .....

\ .







Ib ....


, . ................ .... ..

, I


seventy·Seventh Year

This Week





Oh iu ,r \)!ll clIltllru l l'ullt '1!"j', alld (' tll lli . t y A),.!l'nl ( 'I: l S~. III !"t ~l l1n da\· . ii',

h o nl<' ~

I n II hCllr inl(' ret"' ntly In olumbu s th" te. lill1 nny Hhuw" d the ",' ed or , "ch II 1'('11 11' UllcI it WU H inn icul!,d Ihnl Ih ,' "(l111l11ix" i"" W01l1f1 "I'lInt Ih" "t'rlifkllll' , hul "willg 10 I he dl'tuur hnving to tw mudf' hl'l we(--! Il WHy'H~~. \'ill l' an d Lehtlnoll. it is tho light Ihat it will nol bl' furthcominl?: until ILltl'r, In th~ Iwn ri ng it WaH I~pented l y ontphll.izcrl thul WlI ync8vi lle i. nl coH t completely cui off from Lebanon "l(c~pt by priv1lte tr1ln , portution CUI'il ities , or lonl?: detour. by rnilroad nnd tnxi conn('ctinn s, Mayo sh nwcd thnt Iherl! would Iw no competition with I he bu~ IiIIP no\\' (1pell1lti ng betw ee n Dn yton IIno Lebanon over the Dnyto n and Lc bun on pike, bcc8u Nc 11 differe nt te rritor y would be s~ r vt'd nnn pns~ellg('rs muking t he complete ldp from Dnyton to I.ebllfl on over the now ly propo"od rOllte, would hnve to plly II Inrj!'n fur(' lhall th e o nt' in o peralion uver th l' prc~e nt Dill' tonLc hllllon rllult·, The main i<l1' 1I of th e IICW rllu Ie, i, \VIIS th l'lI hruug'hl Ollt , is 10 Re i'\,' Way ne.ville nnd vicinity.

This is Ute only country that has any supply of henum gas worth while We get it after it has !\laked up through the earth and In pools of naLural gas: According to Dr. ElInd, chief of the Bureau of Mines, "It takes 20,000,000 years lor helium to leak {rom minerals lind rocks and tome within our reach," Many things happen in science that couldn't happen if this earth were onlY a,ooo yenrs old, 'as was once believed: 'It took millions of years for evolution to change a creature as big 8S a fox, 'With soven toes, into *~ hors~ of tod~r'


lIlId"rw", ," ~ hrllhh t·t' y


lJll rl wll d hUilll'

In · Pennsylvania, William Cavalier, ftfteen years old, and a murderer, hlUl been sentenced to die .n the electric chair. The sentence wound up With "And may the Lord have mercy on your aoul." The feporteJ'1l l.hought the boy winced a little at Utat, and at the words about "Death - electrici current - pBlllled thro\lltl body-until dead." ,The boy smiled u he left the court, nnd a few inlnut~ later, In his cell, he was playin, a popular lOng, UKaterina," ,on Iala phonograph,





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lllJll1cd d~)\\


nPI'0rt un it y hi ~f! (,'

th l'

plunling s at li ttl,·

t'XPl"B !'C.




I)L \ ' ~II\1 'S,

1I111I1 - -\"' oI'r <oJ' th o in IJld"i c lif' e lhi ~ m ont h ; ,1 ,' (; o\prlltl" \ ' j(' lJ'lIi11 I H.' \' , S l'lI!ll " r 1"',Hlk It \\,illi ' , L i, '"t.- (;"~" (,hll~, II. 1.,,\\ i. T llII d II. BI")\\' n, ,.',·r('t ll ry II I' ~l lltt·. ,\ 11 an.' ""IHu l ~p l·uk (l rH. nlltt ~ :( thl ' rl(' >:L r,-,w Wt'~'k~ wi ll !ol{'(' tholl~ ulld :-; of YUllllK folks g r adualt, fru ln lh,,' public UIlU Jl I:l\al(' :-'t: h(JIII ~ of Ohio, tlH' Y an' bl'illK :-: PlI j.!'ht H~ CO Inrl1 l" 1«: ~m ell l da y unl I)r ~ . Sp nato r Will is hn' 'Hccpl{'d U sellr 01' morll illViLuLiolls UtlU Li, 'utL-'ll:lnl ( ; "\1 1" C' r I,lhll' :-. t

The annunl lII eeting of tho Woman's Auxiliary wus held fit Christ church, Glendale, Ohio, May 26 and 27, 1925. At the opening service Tuesday, at 10 :30 a. m" there was a celebration of the Holy Communion, with Bishop Reese 8S the celebnant. Over three hundred and fifty were prelL ent. . The United Thank Offering which smounted to $6,649.78, WBS present,. ed at this service. Rev. Stanley M, Clevelllnd delivered an unusually fino sermon. At tho conclusion of this service lunche~n was served In the Christ church Parish house. Following the luncheon was the first business session from 1,45 to 5 :00 p, m : Reports of the vnrious officers were rend and plans presented for the 50th Anni versary Celebration o f the Woman's Auxiliary in thi ~ diocese in H/26, a nd pillns for the Trien niul in Octobcr in NeW' Orlenns. Dayton Convocation mad e the m ost progress In the church, work in the p~st year, and St, Mary's Waynesvllle was one of t ho five parishl'8 gaining 20 per cent, The delegates Lh en visited Bethany hom e, and sow the plnll ~ fOl' lhe ne\v buildin!!' to be erected th reo Supp er was ~erve d to th e visitors on the porches Bnd lawn by thc Associal(>s o f th e Sistet'hood , ' K , p,

11 1t ' U


Lewis is lI e'l'l'till j!' all tl ,al h,' c:l ll tlnd till1,· tn fill , GO\' l 'rn,,' )),,, ,a l... y i: a c cepting- vl' ry f ( I \ \ ' whil<· th e hl' lw duit' o f ::;~crl.'tury Drown I" prl'tty 1\' ( '1\


~ .. ' nutu r Sim eon n. Y·'CF:-> i!'1 ll l!" u llIuch "(Jught uftcr, loUl he is lak illl!' U lI edcrl ,'C'st l his summ" r at his hOlllo in Yell,,\\, Sp rin gs, nnd will d u VI" y lilli", uf :lny, public spC'ukinj!'. SI: II-

alu r Will is Dnd Secr etnry Brown nrc buth well known as comnl ncemrntduy Ol'ut ors , but Lieut-Gov. Lewis is llIuking his initiu l appearan ce in I1IUny sections but ranks right up wilh the beH or'ators among slate ollicials. While the production of coal in Ohio fell off 26 per cent dur i '1g t he year 1924, a still grenter r ·" t" . i ' n ,. ~ is expected this year os {". ," nre In operation today til ... " u. C were nt th e sa me time last year. This is the su bstance of a specinl report of the department of industrial r elutions just given out. Ohio is the hordest hit cool producin$!' sta te in the Union, and figUl es for the present year indicate that the 'Iecreased production this year \,·m reach app!1oxim ately 60 '7'0 over the usuul uveruge, The 1lI0st successful yenr In the hi story of Ohio cnol min es was in J 923, when the production reached a hi ~h record. The fu t ure of the coal minin g indu stry of Ohio is one of its most serious problems. For the past four years nothing but Ohio mined coal has been used lit any stllte institution, The order of Governor Vic Donahey, issued shortly after his first inaugu ratio n, to the effect that only Ohi1l mined coal be used, hIlS been carried out to Ihe letter, and the state has been the Ilirgest ~ingl e purchaser of Hock ing Valley mines.

Twenty d eaf and eleven blind youths who have been stUdents at tho two stale institutions which prepnre them for baWing the ir way through life, will fini sh thei r school work !l ur ing the noxt ten t!uYij nnd be $!'i\'cn diplomas. At th l' Alate sc hoo l ( CO l' -t he denf the gra du atio n exel'cises will be held on 'fhurnd uy of this wuek while at the sc hou l fo'r the blin d clev: e ll you ng pm'soils will · gi'odua'tcoll Tuesdny, JUlie !I , In spi te of "tho fact lhat the . ehild r,(:n at !.he school for ' the blind nre -Iiviit'g in ' a~ \vorlu o ( darkncss, th ey wilJ offer a fin e 111 Usical program, and at t he schoo! f Ol' lho deuf, where the children hellr JI O sound, ' t hey hav e organt~\!d -ali 0 1', c~e8tra which ranks ;high In mUllieal CIrcles, The graduation exercises at uoth institutions will continue for l\ \\'eek, '1'he 3.1 g raduates lit the two "r. hools Come from as many counties of the state, while every county is ropresented in the regular elll'olhnent of th o two in stituti ons, - : - - -,1 Members of .the lridu8tdal commission are prepnring to put into effect . c,a plpaign fo r preven ti on of both Lnst 'fhur~ day nig ht lhieves made nIIccl di sc a~ c to Ohio worka raid on th e chick-e n house of Mr. me n,d e n t~Unand der!l In\\' sponsored by Charl es Watkin s, on the Up!ler Governor Donahey bac kcd by the Splnngbnro pike, and took n lot of nlllnu!uclurers IIDd and· employers of t he Lll\'ht Brahmaa, To make ~ ure thal tute a ~mall pltrsl' n~ige_of .the mon ey they would llot be followed, the ~tllkc state insurance is to thieves took some oC the portR off of be uns ~ dInforforthis campaign , It shull Wu tkins' lIulolnobile, not exceed ,!lnOO,OOO annu a ll y, but w.'11 be s uffiCi ent to huild lIJl (\ sple ndId or!:,unization o[ experts who will d evole their entire tim e and nllention to the importunt work, '1'. J. Dufl'ey, one of th e mcmb er s of the commission, who was ab CJ ut to 'sub mit his re signllti ol1, decided to reln uin Beginning nc)( t W, dne. dny even- until the work of accident prevention ing June lOth, th" Wuyne<villo Pre- wa" well unde!" way. TillS will remi er bund will give II concert every quire at luust six months time he said Wed nesdny evening for four weeks, this week, and nfter th nt it would not These concerts are dtAnuted by be surpriSing to see him resign to Chal'les Amon, of Dayton. enter the practice of law. Ho hos b,ccn a 'mcmbE'r ' of ' the commission Slnt'c his organization about 16 yean ago, Industl'inl accident.s, which generally indicato industrial IIctivities throughout the state, ~how a decid~d incrense d.uring the past two months nccording to statistics of the state industriol commission : During the ~onth of Apri~, 94 worknwl\ , were kIlled and tile hst- of .fatal af~dents ~or, May, _whUe not.. fnllJl _c.DtnJliled, mdlcate that the number will almost be as great. In addition to the fatal acrident.9 in April, 32,761 other workers were injured, while during R. H. Smith and B. B , Vance, meet in cornfillids and bal1nyards, t,h e month of May the n\lUlbe~ .~m state oxaminers, who have been ex- which fact was admitted' by one of reach 8p'proxima~ely 3l2.,Q.O.0: Tliis entInlng the different offices of the the trusteell under oath, and Ipend Increase In indu~trial acCfdiiiTfMnaicounty for some time past, sent the $3600 0 f the taxpayers' money with- cate that the resumption of busine!18 following report Into the State Bu- out any record of the proceedings, has been I1xtended to p,ractienlly e.vreau of Accounting. They said rei. can not be criticized too severely." ery branch of the maliuf~cturing inative to Wayne township: Then the)' addt'ld: "Thi8 practice dustry. ,_ J • • ,Ii The Wayne Township trustees, ac- of public officials meeting in secludcording to the _report, bought two ed places and being induced by silstone crushers, one for $3200 and tho, ver-tongued agent8' to make purchas· other for $3600. Concerning the es of any kind" regardless of the purchase of the higher-priced one, the amount, win not be tolerated." examiners say there is no record of Several ·other townships in the the ' purchase except a check for county came in for their share of on it. , All critlcl.m In the same repol't. T'h Lad $ 1200 as firstforp'ayment proceedingsli the ' purchue are ' One of the trustees informed us e ies Auxi,liary !Vl d the Amer: held to be illegal and the Good aoallt that the trultee. had ar;eed to buy a ,lean ,LtyCi'ioi n i¥.~ tll:rxangi~g for a cO,n·~ehi nery C0.,' 0 f ...... L; " Iar anon munt top 011 8 H~un park .Lob........-buq, i I re- . • &..,ne pru.h e1' a t one 0 ' & Wle~r regu celebr&1e FI D 'J .M qued to retul'll the money. U at.. meetlnp and l"hen tb.,e agent ~e 14, ' . zw ay, une tempt. is .mad8-to paT the ...maiDiIlK to see them they. _nt down in the A 100d program i bem ' d $2400, the examilleJ'1l sa" Utey wl1 bottoms to. lee another ortl! of Ute )luuc will be fu.rnished r,:pw:v: iQetruct the proeecuttq attorney to melnbera. Thil ezp1alne wb7 the neaville Premift , blmd. A "e"'ctl,l'l hring injunction PrOceedlnp to pre- report wu pnt ill that the trultees L-..Ita:.... .• .. vent It. COmmen$lnc upon thjI traDe met in cOl'llfteld.. He a1eo added that ...... won .. eDeulied. action ~e e~" ~,: the 'toW1llbip did not bave Wet ~ ..,......,...--

----_ ..- - --


. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . _


Wa)'TIesville, Ohio, May 30, 1925 . Dear FricndWhile paying tribu te today to the m e mory of your falien comrades In our great internal striie, Miami Valley ·Council No. 103, Junior Order of United American Mechanica, wishes to acknowledge ita debt of gratitude t o you for your gallant part in the preservntlon of our Union, and to express its thanks for the great Sacrifices you so nobly made that our country might attain its high plnce among the peoplea of the earth. We arc truly glad that you have been apared to be with UB on this another Memorial OilY. Moy God grant that your remail; in$!' days In tltis world may be happ y and peaceful, and, when 'faps s hall have finally Bounded f or yuu, IIIUY youl'- repose be calm

Prepared by Columbus Reporter

• :




----_ ..----


- ---


Memorial Day 'W as ANNUAL MEETING Of • Fittingly Obs~rvf:d by Corn Fields CEMETERY ASS'N. Meet In Veterans ,a nd Citizens and in Secret Places State Examiners Say


cemetery was the largeitt In yean.

The speake"'s stand and cilnnon .Buulal' "eotnmunlcatlon . of Wayne ayllfe,;l.oda'e No. 18 Fo'. A. M.,-Tues- were. appropriately decorated with day evening, Juno 9. All oftlcen and buntmg and flags. . The Jr. O. U. A. M., preceded by the uam -or., urged ~ " lIe " preSoht.

br;ethren and vl8lto~ cor_ the Premier- band, formed the parade "rid marched from 'the Junior's hall . to the cpmetery, where the> n:erciscs ) , ~egan a~ 1 :30 o'cIO:ck •.', ." , The ' ftJ'1lt numbel" on the pro,\P'atn was the' ·slllg'ing (if Am'eldea by the audlenC1" accompanied by th~ band. The In'location by Rev. Wdhbum ·1 Willi followed by a band ..lection: Jh'. j and Mn: Gale 'Rutlllutn and An able- addretlll by Rev. Brasbarel, chDdren, Ml'a. Will Ruaaum, MiM III Dayton received the rapt attention JUre &l88mbly. ' !IarPn' J1aMaIm III', aid lin. Gao, of &.UteIJ1l1indld rendition ot Lincoln'. Q. _~ all of D~n. were din~b~ Ac1clree1 WU liven by ner pnq of 1In._ ~ Ed,.arda Kenn.tIl. ~Jllct. Af.tAIr IIIIdthft


" .~ Mila TrilIena a~d 111M bancI .......... ~0Il"'" ~ IIaa4IaII. . . , 7--.. .3. I



from the

State · Capital

----- ...----

The hOl1le oir Mr, and Mrs, Nevin Jordnn and Willia~ T. Keml', local linners and plmmbel'll, recently locate d in Waynesville was the , scene, on Sunday last, of a delightful !"eunion of former students of lhe Ohio Soldi ers und Sailors' ,Orphan's home, at Xenia, Among tho se present were Mr, A, W, Hud so n, Dllyton; Mr. Ray Suman lInd children, of Da~n, Mr Suman is a son-Tn-law of \il'. Hudson; Mr, and Mrs. Isane Tht e bel' of Nowport, Ky, ;Mr, and lMrs, HRrry Wllketleld, oC Covinl,:1:on, iKy,; Mr. und Mrs, Fz'ed iJuvis und children, Mr, lind Mrs. Ed W, HUl!'itcs, of Columbus, Mr. Thrash er is an e xecutive of t he Methodist unci sw eet. ~ Book Conc ern of Cincinnati; Mr, By order of the Council. Wakefie ld is Silcretary of the CincinLYlIlAN DAY, Counsellor, nnti TYPo$l'Tu phicnl Union. Mr, DaROY PIGOTT, R, Sec'y. vis is connected with lhe shoe i ndu~­ try in Columbus, Mr, Hughes is The nb uve meRSal<e wus received State Pllrlillmenta ri nn nnd Parlin- by each veleran of Wayne and Masmnetariun oC the Ohio Gene ral As- sie town shipH on Mem orial Dny. The sembly , n sketch o f whose life WIIS cards wel'e SP lit ou t by the Jr, 0 , U. published in t he Gazette in its issuc A. M, nnd the veteruns wi sh lo exof Janunry 2 '1, I !l l! 5, Mr, Hu ghcs, press their uppreciation Clf the fine wus fomlerly in the neWs pllpe l' The County ' American Legion !;lIme at Blnllchestcl' lind received spit it shown by the order , began a drive· Itlst week [or Warren his education at the Home , Although County's quota of the American Le- partially paralyzed, he is seldom abgion Endowlllent fund, This is a nu- sent from his desk in Columbus'. MI'. tion-wid e drIv e, The 10cHI Legion Hudson is 8. eommerciu l printt'r, committee in Wayne township is RO ~B operating the· Chambcl"s Press, In Hart.~ock find Gco-rge Wnterhouse, Dayton. Kem.p and Hudso n were Any contributi ons will be thankfu lly among the nrllt to be re ceived at the received hy these two mell, ' ,Xen il\ home, bein g ndmitled in 1870. The pur"o ~e of this $5,000,000 Hug hes cnme o long a f ew years later, fund for which the Legion is su·jving or in 1872, Mr, Thrashcr, Mr, ,.forIs to Cll r!) for orphans IIlId d epend - du n and Mr•. Davi s coming in latel' cnt.~ of d ecclI~e d WOl ld War ve t~l' ­ ycurs, nnd being in the some class, On Wedn eRday, May 27 the ans , lind to R".iKI the governmen t in Every ;'I'fll" in the first week of rnembcr~ o[ tho i"lat i"ork Sundaythe r ehubililnti oll of the living dis- ,July th"I'e is n rClIni on of all the stu- Schoo l journcyed to Fort Ancient abled vcteTlln ~ and their depcmlcnl s. ull nl s lit thl' Hom e in :Xenia, lilt', for a )licnic. By noon n hundred Local L~ g i on men nnd Illcmbers nf Kemp s ny~ 'the,o family reunions had gathere d nnd a sumptuous dinthe Ladies' A uxiliary ar~ ,ee king the continue throug h th e yea r II I vll ri oll" ner was served, cafeterin The comco-operation oC Warren count y citi· )llacrs througlhou l Ohin, Indiann lind mitl.e e in churge hud curefully Inid zenR who nrc being r e mi n.lcn I.hlll it is, their plun s and two captains were . their duty to contri bute to this wor· The close ti e" Ihu t bind th" ch ilLi , na med as leaders of Reds I1nd Blues, thy cllml'lIign, b e the donution e\'cr so rcn of the Xenia .Jl o me lind t heir they in turn choosing their sides, Th e sports consisted or pot uto and smnli. tCllchers WII S fully .Iemonstm te d by these vi sitors last Sunday, when they corn rnces, 20 and 100 YUI'd dash; went in a bod.y to Oll l' beautiful ceni- the tug of war nnd two baH $!'ames. The Blut's were the winner~ by II Too True, ctery nnd de corated the grnve o f Almost e,'err dny II mnn Is com· Jud ge J oseph W. O'Neuli who was for HllllIll ml1rgin, nnd the prizc wos three dl'licieus cake•• pell~d 10 Ruhmlt I .. SIlIII" InJII~tice Ihnt IIIllny ycurs a trus\.ee of the Hom e. As we started 101' home from the It also dev elop ed thnt lIIr, Hud· he (IDC'e ,Iel'lnrecl I,,· wOlll d n"ver .Iand so n's grandfllthel' \I' Il ~ the first per- Fort, benuliiul rcmllins of antiquity for. 80 n to be buried in that beAutiful bur- On the NOI'\.h Am criclln continent, lhe thought returned, who · built theso ial ground, mound. and whither havo they gone? Anti why huvc, they loft no tradition? ANONYMOUS.

'Fred Lennie, warden In charge of Ute 'yoUIII crilninal, laid, ''Listen to that mulic. He doelll\'t know what it!s an about." You may truly sav As has been the custom fot: many Ute' latne of a aYlltem· of "juRticeT, that sentencee to death a feeble- years, Memorial Day wa.~ fittingly celebrated in Waynesville. This year , lD,n~ .bor 'o f MteeII. the arrangements and program were !~ ..~---in char~e of the Commer~ia! clull" a~d , ~Qrll 8\1cecast1111ly O!n:!ed uot, tile day was Ideal and tlie teneral ' Ion iB t h at t h Co assemblage at the . opm


IHl lI ~( '

III (h(..1

W :l '~ dp '\t t' tl "

The fll),111 hou.", pCrlllfi"l'nt trec~, wulks , ,iI·i\'c, alld oth ,')' buildigs nt nth e htllllC of MC"SI'S, (,,,ok, ~~ l1i " lind JI1l\lr~1I Wl're cllrdu lly gn ne over u nd ou tlined dl'l\w in,:,"!! made o f th e ~ am~ whi ch wcre tllk~n to Cnlumbll " lIy Mr. Hedrick wh u wi li com pl eLe hl\l~ prints thi " 'Ul1l mel' II l'OIlY of which will be furni shed l<J Mc h o f th o o\\'n~rs lind Co unty Age llt Ins", Sl\g!!,,,~till l( the ki nd lind numbel' uf <h ruh" 1.0 he plllnted nnn t he gl'oup, ing lind Inc llti nn of snme, Th e pln nt. ings will pr obably be mud e lhis [nil, uflf·r lh e UII SY fa rm work is over, Mr , II l'd l'kk i~ cxpecting 10 bl:' pre ~ ­ "lit durin!:, tile plantings, in order to answer qlH'MtiortR anti give suggesti o n ~ to othl'l's \l'ho moy be inte·reRted ill improv ng th eir homes, Class 8tate ~ thut this RHvicc cannot be elrl.cnd ed to (.verybody interested, becnuse of th e lack oC time; however, they hope to hnve nt lea~ l one or two places in the townships as demonstratio nA wh ere othel8 may go to study t he plllntings for their own homes,

Don't mi~s it! Join now! The third meL"!:lng of the "Kan RIte Kluh" wa~ held at the Grange hall, Wednesday, May 21, 1925. Three new members were taken in. making a me mbership of ten. They are all eagerly looking forth to a sucees.~ful year's work under tho leadership of Mrs. Vern Artrnltage. Tho meeting was opened by the Marshall Bentley and Con~tnble. president. Roll WUll caUed, to which Joy went to Corwin SaturdllY afterall responded wit.h the exception of noon lind confiscated LI lot of moonone. The minutes of the laAt meel· ing were read by lhe secretary. shine in the old livery burn . There Demonstrations and a delightful pro_ had been sevelal people visiting the gram follow ed, barn all morning, und SOllIe of the All girls between the ages of ten ·residents ove r there notified the ofand eighteen are heartily welcome to flcerB, who made the sell rch and join the club. Anyone desiring to Cound the liquor, join, please notify any of the memIt was IIl1eged thut EI Gray had bers, who a~e : th e liquor on sale, and the offcer~ arMrs, Arntltage, leader; Faith Tom- r eslpd him, At II hearin$!' befor e linson, LilJiun Watkins , Louise Fra-j Squire Hat hnway Monday morning, ze r, Evelyn Ungleeby, Ada Shaner. there wns no evidence forthcoming Margaret Cook. Rulh Cook, Myra j that he was guilty of' offense, exPence, Jr nn Moredilh. , , cept thnl sOllle bo ys sui t! he hud it The next m.e eting will be held at on sale. The cLlse was continued the Grall~e hall, Thursday, June 11, until next week. at 2 o'clock, All m mbert! and p1'os_ The barn belongs to n lIIun l1ampective IIICll1lJ~rs are urged to 011 ed HudRo n, who li ves in Xenia, there nnd on lilll j!. and at the preserrt tirne is not occu, - - -- - -. pied.

Dean Inge, ",ho does n't Ii Ice ~o be palled ",loOOlf," i~' in London, pe ~crtbing ' Amllrl\ll\. He says our "rushing energy is mostly p08e" and the language we .peak is something liko the English language. On the whole the dean is friendly, , [n one of hla essays he tells you that when St. Paul thought he was inspired he wlls really suffering an attack of epilepsy. If St. Paul could stand that, we ought to be ablll! to lltand criticism of our Yankee language,



po,"i1,illy . for illll'l'fw ing Ihe fllim


May 11, 1925, ,W{l arc lyin g r6ght clo~e to a benutiful mountain wilh big valleys in between. There nrc sugar plantatlonll at the base, and fOT several hundreds of feet up the lower slopes, where the nature 9f the soil permit , A II i hroug h the day clouds are hovering neur ano over the penka of this moun tn in. At night it presents a sight that is printed on one's mind, as the beauliful Hawaiian moon, is seen rl~ing as though right out of the valley between the mountains and the benutiful blue waters sporklinl?: ns so many diamonds, 8S it casts its rays down over the hillside, During the two days of maneuverin$!' enroute to this island, we successfully evonded t.he Destroyer nttnck s lind technicL'ly captured this island and destroyed all fortifications, and killed or took prisoners all of the opposing forces, 80 now we aT\! lying at unchor until the eighttellnth inst, PRENTICE TINNEY.

Wh l'!1


MI' . i1 "lIkl" 'pllllll ed yf ' BI'~ a~ t1. l l1 lt

1\1)' . lJlld"r\I'()( ' LI' ~ pl lt lltill~ \\'11' rOll 11,1 1(J he rnukin~ !-Ip i('IHlid g r ow lh. and will :-:,t, , "\ g-iv(" Olli n l'!-t fir Ih" nl'i~ h ·

- - ---

Extract from n Ictter rec eived by Mrs, Tin ne:" from hl'l' son, Prentice: , Luhuina Ronds , Mnlll T. H.

IIlI d 1 \\11

lull t' l' pl,l\' \' Il\(,:-; l o f


A New YorlJ lady ran 0 buby fnrm , The' liables died rapidly, e"pecially if thelf board bills were not paid. On poor infant Qug up after burial h"d a fractured skull. The rate of mor_ ~Q1 was horrible. . It .anybodY kept Ruch a farm for baby dogs ot cats, the "Cruelty AnImals Society" would probably supcrviae , and' regulate it. ' How does it happen 't hat the Bo-called Sooiety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children knew nothing about the baby ~ann or i~ deat~s1



ve ni e n ce.

South J\frlcA, land that produces i-old, returns to the gold standard, Imitating old Mother England, Down there, below the equlltor, under th e hot sun, tens of thousands ru sh to a new gold field. About ten times as many bJacb. aa white, aile in the rush. But, needle811 to say, when the dust aettleil the whites will have the ..old d.UBt. What would happen to the gold standlll'd anel to thll world'S finance if this new gold field should suddenly mUltifly by two, IIr ten or twen\y tile wprlli 8 gold IIP-PPl>'? Thllt, however, wili BUr1!!y not lu\ppen All through t\1e ages, whilll men have cut eaj:l! other's t~rollt.8 to get Utem, gold and silver have maintained their value, based on scarcity, with alight fluctualionll.. Providence 8eems to have arranged that for its mYIIterlou~ reasons.



The Lund "cllp •. for Ihe o f S, I), i1 l'lIklc, \\' ''I'I IC lp\\l1 ship; ('harl,, " C,,,,k, I), B, \ ,'n li"rwo "d and \y , L. 1·: IIi . , ~11I ,·iC' 1 "\\'II~hi p , lind Eo 1.1 , :'>Iu l'lell . \\' II""i ll(l')1I t ow nship, wel't! l'owddl " 'l' d hv :\1 , . ~ . I .. Il pd . rll'k , IIIII<I -CIII'(' '.-t(·,,,ion 'lIl, duli <t,

Mr, Woodhridge, now helld of the Advertising Clubs of the World, soys newspape r.. arc "pre·eminent advcrti Ring medium for Bell,i ng merchundiije quickly," To the real business mun It is more thsn that, It ia the only advert~g force that can build up \l name, RepiUlion i. Reputation, And only newspnpers can givl.' II reputation the Nlpitltlon thot crelltt·s value, Dollars put into brick, mortar, steel and glnas will tenr dOWlI, Money invested in advertising. buildini up a name worthy to be "n vI'I'tised, will outlast all your luctolles,


:···..Interesting ···......~·········i· Items


Thl'llugh tllI to'lll ub ile bu s trun8por_ lali<JII b~t ween I)" vton and I.e banon by WilY of \\ nyne';' ille is in prospect 11 K 1\ rl.' sult o f the upplicnti on IIInde by Jo'l/\1Ik ,I. MIlYo, n ny ton, naking the Puhlic Ut ilitie. cOlllmi s.ion to ~rant il 1\ ce rtifi cate of nece s ity and con-



\ hole Num b r r,6·\6

were held at the cannon porticipated In by the following little girls direct,. ed by Miu Olive Allen: Catherine Cook, Ruth Hockett, Betty HarblOck, Dorothy Orndor,f Mirinm Ellis, Fr.anC8S Ellis, Doris Salisbury, Ruth SIIIlabury, Winifred Armitllge, Olive Seott, ¥arjoJ'te Earnhart and Inna Sears, Taps concluded the program, The

weather conditions being perfect, a more beantiful scene cann ot be Imaglned .than that of th~ gl'Cen graves covered with a profUSion of flowers, br9ught in hOllor of the nlemory of veteranB nnd othe.r loved ones. The Burviving veterans of Wayne township are: S. K.- Haines, S· L, Caltwright, '1. H. Coleman, Abijah Collier, Th!)mas Pt.'enderga!.l.! Ell Dean, (W._ J. Sherwood, mahlon !lidge, Eugene William Bi~gs, llent.:f. Burge, Wm. ' ~. Smith and I. N, .Killer, of HUrv~Y8burg. ' Of W : R. Hool Post G. A. R., only three are. living: ' S. •L. ~a~ht, I. H. C01eman and Abljah Collier. The Commercial. club ~ishes to thank the committees and all otheJ'1l who aulsteel In making the dq a ~ ~ \ 1.........

The IInlluol meeting of the Miami Cemetery aSliociation, was held nt the ' Chapel, Monday. R!)utine business was attended to, and the Il\muul election took plpce, ' J. M. Jeeys, whose time had expit'eq, wos ie-elected for threo years, and lhe rcelgnatlon of Frank Zell, WIIS accepted. No pne WIIS elected to take the place of Mr. Zl.\lI, The board will , probably appoint some., one te take his plac when they meet to orgunize, _._L. M. Henderson was re-el\lcted lUI secretar.ytreBlsurer. ' A full report of the financial condition of the aSsociation will be. found in anl)ther column.

. -.



COUNCil." "ORDER-ED ,'OIL ,', '

At a mu1fu1g of tlie vlllue cOUncll MondllY IIvenlngJ 1'outineDualneils WIlS attended to anG bills allowed an,d ordered paid. The. big event of the evening was the" ordering of the oll to be put on tJle. .tret., an~ aecord11\1f to several of the councilmen the oU R put on in the Jlut clafll. weather conditio... ,,~;






to enahqUme.







The Miami Gazette



Help the President Collect NEWS GLEANED America's Just Debts fROM COURT HOUSE .the Foreign Nations I

COMMON PLEA!i PROCEEDINGS III th e nlllLter o f Mnrcell us 1.:. P'.ll' .. ~" 11 \, R. nlli ~ y L. Peterso n, It wn ~ o l'd,'rNI thllt plnintirt' pay .to def('ntiulIl thl' sum of $250.00, III full of "I imun\' p"I,dl'n le lile . III thl' ;',nlter of the itiz"n" ·!! Hand IInl l Tru,t Co., of"" \'•. (,h .. r1,' ~ Hurl(·y .'t aI., Luther \ 'un Wi nk le Wu s mlld e (Iarty ,Ie fe nd unt in thl" I..' H S l' . The ('ns(' o f the Stllt e o f Ohio VS. L"" ~t('\\'nl'l \l'U S continued to J uly 'th.

Be Loyal to Your Newspaper

NEW SUITS \' cst u ,Tl\n c Kirkpntrid has e nwI'"cI ~ uiL Illrain"t Hllruld Owen Kirk Sh" cha rges pntl'i('k f or <li\·ur{'('. grn s:, neglect.

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS 'l'lw report of J . Frank Gnllllher,

ndmilliRt rutor uf th e t' ~ llItc o f Hurne .. Q. Gulluher, d(,cl' a ~ "11, \ViiS IIP 1))'0 \' ( ' <1 un.! ,·onfirlllcll. Mllr).:lIcl·1 W('j ~ "nb c rlrcr, guardiun lIf Rnymond 'tllnlcy W eisenbe rg" r, t' t nl., tlIl'd hl' r th il'd Ilccount. E,ther W. ~nULh!!n t ", II ~ exec utrix o f L1w "stlltl' of ("hur les F. Southgule , deceu"cd, filed her inventory nnd upp r aisemt!l1l. CRlh ri ne [l' Arcy, executrix of the est.ute o f .Tames McDe rm ott, de e8,,,d filed her inventory and appraisement. Permi ssion waB given J. Frank GlIlIlIhcr, udministrator of the estate of Horace Q. Gnllllher, d eceased, to 81' 11 sec uri ties ut private sule. Frank Gollaher, admini strat or de bonis non of th e estate of Eun ice J. Ridgc, deceased, filed his first lind final account. Proof of publication of notice of appointment of administrators or executrixes of following estates were filed: Bert Reed, dcceased ; John A. Hi tesman, dec~ascd: lIfortin A. Jllmeson, deceased; D. J.eRoy Earnhart, decellscd; und Chllrl es F. Southgate,








The will o f Margaret Bayne, deceased, was ud mitted to probate. Mllry Mount was uppointed ellecutl'ix of the estate of Margaret Boyne, decea sed. .No bond required. William W . Shurts, Clyde S. Colllns Ilnd Lewis Droko we re appointed 8P_ prai sers. The gross vlllue of the estate of James McDermott, deceased, was found to be $3,474 .71. P . S. Harbllugh, administrator of the estat e of Catherine M. Harbaugh, deceased, filed his inventory and appraiseme nt. The will of W. S. Settlemire, deceased, was admitted to probate. Lucy Settlemire, widow, was elected to take under the will. Lucy Settlemire was appointed executrix of the estate of W. S. Settlemi l'e, deceased. No bond required. Frank Harvey, Harry Settlemire and Willium Hastings were appointed liPpraisers. . The will of Mary 'po lley, deceased, was admitted to probate. . In the mattcI' of the estate of 11111_ ry Polley, dec eased, Geo. E . HIIII was appointed executor. Bond $1000 .. 00. A. C. Vail, Georll'e Moyer and C. E. Moore were apPOinted appraisers. O. S. Higgins, guardian of Mal'garet Sabin, imbecile , filed his first account. The will of Madeline M. Staler, deceased was admitted to probate. W. Chester Maple was appointed executor of the estate of l\fadeline M. Sluter, decensed. Bond $7500. L. S. Shllwhun, Will R. Lewis and Ed S. Conklin were appointed appraisers



The Miami Gazette Waynesville, Ohio

Tell the 'Advertlser that You Read His Ad. In

THE MIAMI GAZETTE J4~~~~~~~N4""""""""""""""""":

One Dozen 'Farm Gates at $3.50 each

500 Locust 'Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Beat Ever, are Cheaper


Wire Fence at Lell Than Car-oad Pricel

MARRIAGE LICENSES George L. Sheldon, painter of Cincinnati, and Miss Dorthea 1.... Yetter, domesti of Franklin.


Madden's Lumber Yard .• Oh· W ayneivi e,

REAL ESTATE TRANSfERS Sumh L. Davis to Charles A. anll Alice D. Hopkins, lot in South Lebunon, $1. A. C. Vail to Hayes Dalton, lot In Franklin, $ 1. Jessic Clarence PCll\vel\ to Luelous Mounts, about 60 acres in TurUecreek Tp., $1. Anna W. Hohner to Edgar Jordan, lot in Franklin, $1. C. C. Frazee and Philip Wood to Edgnr Jor.dan, 2 trac ts in Franklin, $1. Jesse S. and Laura A. Gross to Harold V. and Ruth M. Mal'lz, lot in Franklin, $1. Hermun F. and Vaulcie Lewis to Laura V, Kooser, two tracts in Dcerfield Tp., $1. Austin C. and Cora B, Roberts to Henry Nuby and Ednu Mile Smjt/l, lot in Morrow, $1. Max Youngerman to Robert E. Beneker, 3 parcels of Innd In. Cozaddalc, $1. Dr• . Wm. E. Oglesbee to Minnie Oglesbee, about 63 acres in Ma"sle TV., $1. Jumes ' and Martha Hopkins to George .H. Francis, lot in Fran kliu, $1. . B. P. Blair to Jesse and Laura A. Grosll lot in Frllnklin, $1. B. BJair to George E. Hall, lot in Franklin, $ 1. Adam and Mary i::/izillieth Roesch to Charles and Mabel Jone., lot in Franklin, $1.

COMMISSIONERS ALLOWANCES Barrett Bros. , stlpplioB for Clerk o f Courts, $4,30; Columbus Blank Book Mfg. Co., same, $3.50; H. E. ,~i1at u s~ , coro ner, inquest of Fll9.nk F•. DaVIS, $3.76; The Western StaF, proof of publlclltion, notice to. con-

..................................................... I .



}:vcry. American. regardleu of polItics, origi n or religion. will .tand firmly ul the bnrk of Presid e nt Coo lidge unci 'eclI!llIry Mellon jn t heir effo rt to compel Frunce, and othe r filll lllci lllly ubiI' foreilrn IIl1tions tn Pill' th~ir de bt to the nlted Sllltc~ with something Iik... 'l'ot\so nuble pr(Jl1lplnl!s~ .

A 1'0 evcry A III c "kllll with r d hl""d will r o'e nt the utt" "U IlCO o f





Croll-Word P-uzzle

To mil k .. thi M\lu7.~ l l' II little cusier Lor you, we UI'C ,::oing 1 0 tell- you Lhat it Wa~ al'llIlll;cd by Mrs. Bert Len t, uf ' Timpijll ll. 'I'~)(Il S, und I hilt uh .. for the very so il III which the Amer- hus included h er hOl1le tu wn ill th" iClI.lI Li e ud W('re laid to ('est. I"rune(· Jlu 1.Z I ~. We belie"e this on e muy thank",1 GOII fo.' Am ,ien wht'll h er back wns to th~ WILlI. No", it uegjns to look IlS if MI l ' thi nk fi she doc. nnt need t o pay even hel' hlH,C"t debt s ; nnd when Lrh\'c lin!! Lord-wurshiping i\mcl'icllns have the imperLinence to "1I11ulog-ize" fol' "ur l'I'es id'c llt b(" CRIl"e he tukes u xtund f OI' hi ~ own people it i. Limo tn I(,t t he wOI'I,1 lllld

Amcri('nn jucku:iscs, to h·t

who, fUWllillg lit th" feet of r oyalty , see k decurutions unt! "ociul r ecog nilion ut tlw hands of foreign gove r nnwnt" and ~tan d relldy to deliver the pocketbooks of Ameria n taxpaye. ~ to be picked by diplomutic I1l1gcl'~ to Hc hi eve their end". 'rhl' President lind St'cretllry Mc lInn hnve mude Ihei r pus iti(lll s perfectly clear. Fr"nce 111011(' owes It S betwet'n four nn d bi llionR of dol 1I'lll, every cell t (If which wus tuken fr om the pocket, of Americnn tax payer" . Milli on, of thi. debt wus Ie lit tu Francc lifter the war w,,, U\·,' I·. The President and 111 r . Mellon Wllllt thiM Illom,y repll i<i. It uppt>urs, however, that n h,,1f doz,'n "I' more of o ur "leading citi zens" n r~ nut in sYlllpllthy with the Presidc nt, und "jlc nl y seek io COIlVI.' Y the oolief to Europe thut the Pr l'~ ident sPl'"ks 011Iy fur u hund fu l of jl OIlLic illn ~ unci lIot fur the peopl" uf Amcl'lclI, when he cu ll s the French rep ublic to ac count. .Janles W . Gculrcl, runnt!f A mhnssnc!nr to Berlin , alHI Geurge W. Wi ckcl'slmlll IIr(' th~ Illtest report ed a s hav in,:r mllde " "xp illn at ion"" and to ha vo put th ei r feet on the so ft !,eda l. Otto II . Kllhn. the intern nti ona l bank,' r, is Mui rl to huve ""polO!!iZI'd " in u spcec h in PU'is, for the ste ps t"k en by thc State ))e pnrtment h'oki ng to an und er"tllnd ing for th o co lledion ot ou r d .. bt. Not long ago Jam es M. Beck in sisted we enncel the French debt. Bec k is tin offic er of the French Legion of Hono r; he is a Com mander of Ihe Order of the Crown, by grace of the King 0:( Belgilln s, and he is allied with -the French Societe Gens de Lettre, so his sym plithetiC' Ilttitude towards the French re public mllY tie





wlu.' rc

AnlCl'icnn N ~t.H Hd.

On ly n Nh ul"t time


w[\s tilled wit h slHu :-ihin K

lill\ pr~ ss ~ tu r iC'!-i

all ·

nouncin!\, thu t i·· rlL" ~1' had filially II.,· ddcd t o puy her uc bt to Am cl'il'U.

A C I{O;;;; I


10 1:!


T(lwll r: h i p ,aldll'.).

I I'

"\,,, l,el·"ld. (,1()~l'


.\ I" 't I1l1 n,,· (11101)1'. ) . Durill).:.

ST.MARY' CHURCH June 7, Tojni ty Sundny. Church School at 9: I 5 n. m. Hol y Communion and se.mon lit 11 :0 0 a. m . All are cordially invi te d to attend th ese services. Rev. J. J. Schaeffer. Rector. understood, Others, perhap, 1001< with envious c'les on these mllrks of foreign favor: Your Englishman who dourly lov,es a is almost in METHODIST CHURCH the Socialist class compared to the travelling American synchophants Sabbath School, ! :16 a. m., preuchwho seek the royal smi le, who want their daughter:s presented at coltrt ing nt 10:30 a. m . Ep~orth League or who seek to have their breasts 6:45 p. m. Preaching at 7:30 p. m., decorated with 8 red ribbon and some Wednesday evening Prayer meeting, tinl'ot cross thllt provides an open 7 :30. Evereybody InVited to these sesame to circles of the elite. UndoubtedlY President Coolidge services. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Postor. and Sc<·rel.ary Mellon ale disgusted with this brand of Americllnism. France has not paid one cent of ber debt of bilJiions to America. FERRY CHURCH OF CHR-IST F ranr.e has ' IriOt paid even the interest on the mooVy, . S unday, June 7, the sermo n will Either Fntnc:e must pay thIS d e bt or the Americv,o taxpayer must pay be On "Constancy," nt the morning it. . service, preceded by the Bible School It Is absurd 1:0 talk poverty In con- h ou r. The evening se rvice will be nection with out sister republic. She at 7 :30, with so ng service and serseems ta have enough money to main tllin the greatest m.i 1itary machine mon, on "The Ynrd Stick." All ur e evel' known ill the history of the welcome.. world, a mllchine that stands today Nathan Johnso n, Minister aK a menace to the peace of Europe. The fact is that France is fattening on the spoils of war- moce than four hundred thousand miles of awurded territory, Alsace-Lorraine, lind the untol<l wealth of the Saar Valley Coal Fields, evel1y cent of which WIIS WOn for h er by American blood /lnd the outpouring . of AmeriClin tl'ellKur.e, While Amerlean bO)ls Ilied til save Frllnce, the Frenchmen col\acte!\ toll


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·11 ~3






IIIIIg'lIlI).:l' .

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T il r u s h out. A lnt· II f N4Irlh .\ l1ll'nt':l.



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1\ J! il' l'~ llUlll l' . ,1 \ (' II\' ity ill III<' J!rf\ \ll HI.



- ...----


Ili~' hllllld


There \\'U" g~ne ra l I'ejo icing t hl'oug h OUL the land . It t ook only II few \V~eks . how""cr, t o finn thnt Ihi, wns pa ll'lIb ll' Plopnga ndu uml put uut trom the olh('r si de to prl'pure th e Americn n mi nd to form anoLh,'r (Intu ti on of stili another h u).:c French bond i s~ uc . Whl'n th e r C1I1 A mcri cn ns \\'h o rend this lt e W Mp ll p ~ r come to se ll '~ the IIctulll fuctfi .ill connect io n with th' deb t Rituat;" n. and wh en th ey with t he oLh er twentv millions o f Amcrican s wh o will 'r Nul thi s article in nth"l nO'wspnl'er. write tu t he presi denl ('xp .. e~' i,, !! thei r vie ws. it mi ght be well for th em to open ly protest a),ra inst IIny American buying /I .ill),rIc bond i ~S ll d by any foreign 1111ti on t hat OWe" us money until suc h time nM "orne ry ar rll n g~­ ment has been mllrl e for the lepnyi ll!! o f the debt.- By J ohn H. Perry, of the Autocoste r Service.

Adrlitionul l\I'i ti ll).:S t"I.] , .. ).

t :1

I :,

- - -...

lu ,

Al ~ tI. ,.\ tOWI! ill

£0 PURDY'S PIUl.OS "Liule cbildren no loneer hllDI' to mother'• • id.,ta. TI,ey e.:An't

~ t'vli dH.

reAch 'em . "

l'Hticati\'l' n:t tl ' \ll'. A \'ola tile Iiqlli,1 ,·omp"tllll \. Ih tilt' \\ 1I 1i (11101, '.l . T~\' u III" 111;'rc IWl'sl'~.


.-. 11l; n ·· l": l g c .

To till (·redCl'. lI11 d mak,' tight. I'Url "f tho h"IHI. A j"rtitie ,1 "llIc,' (n hhr. ). A cur t ruck g:dill g' (:lhld. l . A wriU"K (111)1>.·. ). A rid iclol e 1I1 1(h ' r co\'~r of prlli"" or "o mpliment. To cn ll upon. PU S$U bl('. A ki nd n f fi~h . A rivel in Egypt. Noted bull play,'!·.

COllsluhl "


sto pped th e show

III th e ,,!,e.·u hou~e Thurstiuy lIi"hl .

chur).:ing' Ill. illdl'cent pHformlu,e u. III un·,·~tl'll b"th the \' el1lriloqui~t u nd hi " <Iumnty.- Frolll . ·.. Il,nt, IIIl1s •. (;n l.l'tte. BACK IN A MINUTE CtlRtl'mer- "l'd like t o M'e something . heull III a ~ tlll\lI1er sulL" Clerk- "Su:l'Y, sir; but th e tllOor walker i8 out to IUl1ch just now."

51 02

A ~ nlOrriu,:t' l! ceremuny.


Knight s of thl! Thl Nt lc (ulohr).

----------- -_ ...-

DOWN A vexatiou. pc,"" n. To slrik e. H eb ...,w Lawbo(\k . Mounted olliel')'. (Illobl.). Timid . . Street (nbbr.), A g ray hcuded pnrrot. At sell. A forty dllY fast- before Easter Lord J.ieute llllnt (ablo :·.). n e fo rm ~d Pre"bytcrillll (abbr.) . T o brenk nt once in many pi~ces T o n'llk e mor e belo\'"d. A fl yi ng 1Il1l1ll1ll1l\. A melll\. A meadow.



2 il

·1 5

tJ 7 8 II II 1-1

J8 I !J




27 28 20

34 36 38 39 41 42 44

~~ 4!l



(",,, . An ' w"" as Q ' "'~t1""" in (iel>I( "I'I ., .1'rI HI - ' ·', ' :


You May WIN $1000 in Cash .".'r,·

OlhHr I,rbllf' .IUUUlltt' IW' '0 • 'l ,hl (If 12 . 'IUU liven II ~1"1t'."jot. It II ·.. D'.. t. open to hod, . • n\' wllll,~r... ~ull .'amp for HI' n' uu ...

" ' '''• . rul. . . lId .Ir,·ut... Add ....- -IIh.lIlol,·1 I.. bo ...",t ... r"'I" I Aurora. IlIIuuta. 13


flume .

Nothing. A tree. A small fis h. Shedding ten rs. A clo8ed hand . A system n f wl' ig ht lI1ea~Il" 1O used by j e welers. White fluid . Let it stand. A bunco A riv er in Southern China. A man's name. An Enstelln Is land aouth or Con necticut (abbr.).

LOANS on Chnttels,Stockl, Seeurltics and Second Mortjrace.. Note. bought. John Hnrbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. °mSO-'2S

Farmers, Attention! Farmen of Warren and a4Jel_bl, countle. ma)l obtain mone, ," I••• time 101ln., at &'" per •• na In ....." Co.t ot •• ourln. the .am.e II 'I." "e" lonable ,throu.h The F.d.ral JA•• Dank, For fllrther Informatto_ AI on or addr... W. C, DRA.Ie •• urer, phon. SlS-X, Lebanon. OhIo.


An.wer to La.t Week'a Puul.

WANTED CASH-For Dental Gold, Platlnu1ll. Silver, Diamond., maplto pointe, fIllae teeth. jewelry, ar,y ",Iuabl... Mail today. Calh by return mall. Hoke S. 6< R. Co., OUeao, Mich. FOR JALE

ONE TEST "Tom Tithers and his bride are back from their honeymopn." "Yes - und '( heir honeymoon I» end ed." "Not necessarily-just because the the wedding trip is over." "Oh, yes; but it is. He has told her to buy her stockings and lingerie fr om a mllil order house."




,1",lki n" "lllIn. I IH'III' YllU'I'" gone fur t'ui:-: ing (' llIUL l'i .'H '! " l'll.IIU Iln ll " Willi, I hOJlI' "".

I'hi lltl\d a \, hule pOlilid IIf .,'&uwry soed IH ~ t \\' l!" Ji . t.


tructors, $16.00; printing financial report, $124.43; Lebanon 'Patriot, samc, $124.43; L. E. Kratzer, printing picLures, $1..26; Burroughs Adding Machine Co ., repairs, $4.60; F. J. Lewis, c lerk, t!x,press, 38c: Lewis and Drake, coal, $4&.46; Penn Morten salary liS janitOlr, $70.00; James Follell, same, $16.00; Oregonia Bridge Co., bolts, rod,~ and repair work, $24,16; J . C. Hawke, nails, $4.00; Central Gllrage, gas, $23.78; W. P. McCurren, gall and 'Iltorage, $34.12; V . W, Tompkins, payroll, $369.$$; F. M. Collins, same, $302.4 0; Eden Terry, same, $387.05; A. T. Rettig, same $230.70; Cliff Hough, same, $189.20; P. B. MlIncc, same, $26.24; Chas. Spencer, sume, $426.19; W. S. Grah am, snme, $107 ,75; Harlan Whitacre, same, $254.75; A. A. Burroughs, saml!, $15,60; Harlan Whitacre, material, l~117.90; International Harve8ter Co., 2 /lPfl~~o,"eter~ '!nd skid chains, $94.00,

tuke 1I longor lillllt, lwcllu"" it ho , a Cow mote wO"uH- uUhough tla~y s houldn't prov\! very e1i a:' cu lt. Wl" I'~ !!IIil!" to le t You lillie Yl.iur~ l· lr UII this. but we be lieve we could wUl'k il in t" cnly-fiv<! minlltes. CUll YhU bl'ut u"·~

PLA YER PIANO- Has been used but a ~ horL time. Will Hell cheap lor cush, or buyer mlly finish payments due on it. Will take used piano 01' phonograph in trade. Leave adtlrees at Miami Gazette office. ° Je 17 FOR SALE-Yellow Jersey Sweet Potato Plants. D. E. Standilord. ·Je17 FOR SALE-Letz 10-ineh Feed Grinder in good condition. MOlris Brown, Sl'rjpg Va!!ey~ ~, R. 1. Ohio. " Jp3 FOR SALE-Two fresh younc Jersey cows. J. B. Jonn. R. R. ·5., ~ynesvi\le. Oblo, -Je3' FOR SALE-Frellh cow, call by,.lde, Also, pail' bedsteadl. old-fasbloned, at Friends Home. -Jell FOR SALE-1'iOO bUlh,ls of cood corn. J. C. Sale. Wayne.vtlle. Ohio. -J13 .

Blivens--"Bill Harpan is going to build a new home. Says he is going FOR SALE-One new 60-lI'allon hot to hll ve a den on the second floor." waterer, price $10.00. Kemp II: JorMrs. B.-"Well, he needs it. He's IllwllYS growling about something." dan's Tin and Plum,blnl' Shop,


.. -._----


Mrs. Gush-"I suppose you ar!! quite excited and all ready to help Mrs. Becker-"AII is harmony in your wife c~lebrllte her thirtieth our hOll1e." birthday tomorrow." Mrs. Buckner- "Not 110 at our Mr. Man-"No; but i Wll8 the first house. We pave ~ ra~io." twei or three time8."

FOR SALE-Two fresh Jeney eOWI, with oalves. . A, T, Clark. Routl 3, WaynCllvllle. Ohio. -j13 FOR SALE-About 700 bu. of IOo~ Bound corn, Inquire of 'Perr,. Thoma., • mile. north of Wayneavill. an WayneSVille and Bellbrook pike. . . . -j13



FOR . SALE-;;Sweet ' pb_~tQ ;,Iaou, Inquire of Kerrick, Va)lne.ville, Ohio. - j3 FOR SALE-lAamln&' eorn, ta.ted. J. S. Vandervort. Wayne.'I'IIII, R, R. 2, 'fe lephonl 118-S, ..


Vln to",

FOJ\ RENT-Hou.. or .. and cellan; n.wly Pllinted an Ita_ pered, See H. H. WIlItef80n, '''_ nesville, Ohio_ • . U FOR $A.LE-Sweet Jlotato .nd aU 'dnds of pmen A: f •• bUlhet. of Hed potatO... . 'lIe ... bushel. Strou.. BrOI" R, R. 5. eor. ner of L)ltle and Wa,..lIYtllo rO.a.


, .. 11

FOR &ALa-TIle - " ' _ ., .... PeNhl..oa 8alUoa, Ilopl- Won . . . Tbll .. til. 11:'111" P.".. Ceo ..... • adwtUmab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

O. A, 8n...... R. .. W.,......




The MIami Gazette


•..• TI-IE MIA M I



.r the Po. t omee ilt W a yncav ille, 0 .,


L. CRANE, Edito r and


Second C1 u s Mail M.Uar

Publi.her, Wa"oe",iII., Ohi~.

Pig Club to Show Motion .Pictures A round the County



MrM. J . F . Stump ie i n very POOl' health. hur les S hiduk e r , of Daylon, W88 u S unda y g uest of M r . und Mr s. Frnnk Shiduker. M,·. and Mrs. R oy Clllr k nrc en· tel' tuillin[: he ,' mother, 1111'". Groo ms! of Ad um. counly. Geol'j:('c lI urr is is qu ile il l. M r. Hllni s is \)4 yeu l's old and allY ill ness . ,' iluJ:.c..lL s criou li. Ethe l Harris ha s r e turn ed lo he r hOllle ufler Buve ru I da ys' vis il with Jlli ss i::velyn 1'e n ll),. MI ', and Mrs, Wiluu ,' H awke und fam il y cl1t e rl.Uil1l!d her futh e r, Mr. J enks, of Vayton, o n :S unday, Mi l'S MUUl'1 Starr h us fini shed u s U ~ "l'ss flll yell " in t he 1\cniu school s, UI1 J hUH r et urned t o her home here. Wil l. \.l oga n fe ll , W ed nesday , und u ~tiL'k pierce d t he fl es h und e,' h is l'igh t ,' ye, T he in ju ry is not cun·


ad ult f " rme rs a s well R3 tn boys a nd An edu cational trip t h rough tec l mills, a r ec r ciltiooal feat ure of Subsc rilltio n P r ice, $ 1. 60 per year. club work wi ll also be s how n. t:'urnituf'iJ In lIudition t o the piClll''CS, anum· F"rtth.. " AdY c'- II "lnl( R cl' ..· .... " IUI !\'C L 1 11l••\ ~I I ItIL,\NP ltl :!,'M.'.1 " \ 11 0 ,, bel' o f other nwtlc rM of int er~ s l to fur lll lJl's o f WUl'I'en C'; Ullty, c hiefly Here is the clean inA and beautilyina t he Co unty . Wi de (·'urllleI'M Pic nic . otl aAent universal--t hr F o urt h of Ju ly; .Mnl'kelK ulld WP. DNESDAY. MAY 27. 1925 Mnrketil1 g of W ool. )nll'y P r od ucts , ptc. . Ev e l'Y h"y lind j:(',rl fl'Olll 10 to I (l years o f Itl'{ " is e li gi ble fo r I'i g Th/' P re " hyt t' I ' i ll n ~ ~ce l1l d t'tc r . IMPORTAN T Clu b w o rk, ~u ull . ill ter es t l'u Hhou ld m ill e d to 1 t..· ~.. i:( lat...· t h e co rl'c cl w u y attend . the l1l Cetlllg, or sec Mr Th ough Am el·;"un a vial in" lugged o f r~' nc hi llg' ht.' ;l Vl-' JI. P fJs:.- ilJJy h ow Cl'IIbh e, I O~ ll l I'!g Club I ~ /Hl e r , ut in th ~ WUII t he rt-° i M ~at b fH(~ tioll ill (' \ ' ( '1" i n ('ll!"" u f a ll l' ITur th er e mu y " Ollc e, Market l" g H IIrc br ll1 f: url!'cc.1 "Made to Walk on" l he knowh ,t!!-:(, that \\'" lW" L' ;11 l" . t IH I a n UI'I'\'U!. Ity County Ag~nl Class thi S ,y t' ar, lIlad c u sturt toward C0IJ1111l'ITiH I nir Everybody, everyWhere has some need or whr l'chy a bllY ClIn (uke 1111 orrli ll ary 8crvict! . T he NutiotJ n l "il' TJ'H IU; port g l'ude (I ,' c ",ss· b,·ed pig fr om hi. Inc., o rgn niZtHJ in Chit'HJ! (I , g' iv ~ s other for Hanna'5 Lunro-FirUsh, and best fa l her' 6 Iwr" without ll,ny llt'(ua l t' ~ , s h promiHe of a 11(','elollll"'"1 lhat wi ll lIutluy . Al ld it io llu l Pr1 Z ('\~ a1't' bpql~ of all everybody can use it. Child, man or Wlite itsel f pe ,'mll ll ellll ), ill t il<' his· plllnJ\(·d (01' c luh wurk t h is year . in t o ry o f t lw Wt)!' ld '~ uchit> v l1Il,.' nl:\. T h l' woman, all alike, can soon th e n utul'e of t"ips ; ex t lll uPllropl'in . me n be hi nd th o movement Ill'l! so und s iJ (· red lU' dous. t ill ns thruugh t h e fuil' bOll l'U, hy ,' 011 ' of judg me nt, They mllke no ca ll f(l r how to apply this learn M ,', Chu rl es E llis, of t hi s pluce, p r lJpe l' rations fO l' g' 1 'o\\'ill~ HIl(1 fa l - t.r ilJuli ullR f r o m Funn BU t"l'UU, gTHlI).!. go v.' ,'nnu,nt Ru bs id y ,tho ugh tlwy t elling, an d s pee illl f .. alu l'e" fill' hog. (". fIlI'II""'" cluhs, IlIHehunt.' li nd superior finish to things might cxcusa bly do "0, Rig htfull y, un d f>li ,," Lu um Cul dwell , o( W il . mingtulI, wc re u nitl· u in ma r rillbc g-illJ..:' d o wn cur n . It is inll' r p!o' t.il1 ),{ to ull !ot in(' ~ s IHIII ~t' !3. lh ey ind icate 1\ wish fo r 1\ n ,uL' "f /lvi · about the houle 'and make ution luw nnd l'eJ.n lluto r y n WH ~ lIr(l S a t 'ru t.' sdn), t!v l! u i ll g . the, hlllld s of gove rn me nt , Th ey them beautiful and new. Mr. und Mrs, Le vi Lukens , und b'lng t n th c lIuti on not o nl y II new ~Ir, und M I'", Frll il k K"u ler were Me · Aga in wo sntff tho vemal nu~ un s o f cu mm cl'l' iul t rau f; purLalion . 1II 0ria i !Juy gues t" uf their brulher, breezes ; ~, L':1lin we frisk bebut II now code uf bu. i",·"" "t.h ies, W ill iam Lukc 'M an d fa m ily , neath the tl ul; altain forsake Unqu estiunabl y g reat Bums o r our ra ucu ~ en ....n ..- Ilfaln tor· mon e y mus t he in v l'~ lt.· d b(! r Ul'e Jul · Ca pta in und M r Ho Cha r lcs Gu rn er get We hud Lhe "flu.' ' Again equllte r eturllll cun be ex po(lt e,l. Nu t UIIJ so n, ur Col umb us, a ll d J osep h Mr, anti Mr", Willi a m Bmw il w ~ re W9 don our klddo bre«hea; Th e n~n "O ll ~ , nf I)IIy l o n, "Ilt'nt Sill· to co nside r uq ui pn1l! nt , n 'nl CKtllt e H ei se y an d g run dsons , of Duyto n ugaln _ • .,ek the \'eI7"t sward: valu es Ill ollt' will 11I'ovide u .e ve,'c t ux we r e Mellluria l Vay g uest.!< of M,'H, unlay a lld !Sunday at tlll'ir h0111e Ilay t() l1 vi, itors, Friday. again the ('~ ral tom·tIt preaches; he "c , in lhe llIut t.c r of t er minu ls, No r clln Mury J , Frick un d Hube rt Gurnel'. Mrs, Lyd ia Cole ma n ," th e p OSS ~6· again the Apr1nl'· ..c.n, (hrUle the expen dit ures inc id e nt lo ex peri me nt ,e ve r ul fr om t his plnce Ilt.t en lled ~b l' o ( Il n ew F ord !:je d,," . I'd I', un d 1\I I'S, Wilbu ,' Muthi as und barcl. Agld n ... ~t the bluebe ove rl ooked. Abo it mu sl be r eo Oxley-Pace Drug Company' •• Mi~s Mur[:urc t Star r, o f 1)Uyt OIl, deco"l1 t ion at Wuy nc"vi ll e., o n Sal· MI'. nnd Mrs, Albert Stacy enl e r· graal 1I\C!c'.J er -t oraJdle torth membe r ed thu t th e n e w se r vice mu st urd llY after noo n , "I"", t Melll uri ul Oil Y wi t li ~lrH. Amun· lui ned a t II fu mily di nn e r, S u nda y. on pleaw .'(l beIIt, 'W'. trl to do a ,tand the acid t cst of un emo li onul d ll Sturr li nd Miss Mab le. On Su n· K. E. T hom pso n !I II d wifc , LOll doubll>-hcadc. and rultl, where commel"Ce, It will be j udged nnd A la r ge numbe r f ro m he r e helped d ll Y t hey all lIIo t o rcd to Hla nc hes t e r Br un non an d wifo s ll' nl Slltu rd uy U,e pd18\. went. lIJ1prov ed only us it m eu. uro" t o "C· SWl'11 t he crowd at Miam i cemetery und s pent th e day w ith r elatives, Again the oiTlu·gloom repela evcning ill Way nesville, compli. hment. It muy not loo k to Deco l'ation Day, Try tb, Gazette offi co t or J ob WorlL BLONDE BESS OPINES UBi alrllin .tern duty _rna a Hentiment; It will n ot be bol.tCl'ed Mr s. Ed Frohl eige l' nnd Mrs. Wm. J , C. Ru sh and f l1mily . o f Bell· Mr, nnc1 111 rs, Charles C la r k alld bore; altain Qur lnnard natu,r ' up by patriotis m. BU 8 in ~8' is h ellrt· Kr iedler , of , Cinci nn ati , We r e g ue" ts mo nt , we re S Ulld uy aft ~ rnoo n cnll el's i •• Mr, un d Mrs, H , M, Clark huve ne w telle us to got ouhi,la an' lock lell In ile de m ands ; it mll kes no ex· "There i. eol" OD8 knocker of the ir sis t Ct', 'JIll's. H . E. Hulto n , on K. E. Thllm pson and w ife, close d ca" s, CUIIe for youth , but meusure. e ve r y the door. When 8udulrs , chauthat ollr bOil pay. ao" aUeDtloD thi s week, The ludies me t with Ull ,J. L('c T ulm "J!:e and w ife cum e up ne w bidde r for its fuv or by ex isting nel·cats an' croPI, ies monop~ to--That·. OpportuDit"." FOR OVER 40 YEARS uutomo lli le uccid l!llt on t he ir wuy u p Mr. Wult e r Ke nr ick r eceived wo rd standurds. Tho writin g is on th e lize II teller's dreums/ old Flani ro m th e city, bu t f Ol't Ulllltely ne it he r f rom Sou th Lebnnon to s pend S unday M onduy , of t he dealh of his br othor, IlALL'8 OATARRH MIIlIJlCI NEl hn . boon w i t h t hl'i r h o rn e ro l k ~ , h e r~. ders Field wit h all It. poppIes wall. In the days t o c omo th c rt' wi ll uaed a ucc, •• tully in Uu.! t r ·ll t m .... lIl of wu. hurt sc ri ou81y . Chlll' les K e n ,~ck , Ilt Duyto n. O..~rrb ~ perhaps arise monum c nt,; t(l t h06e can't kee p us t rom our ft ~hin' J, p , CUllImi ns. eX'IIRsl ma ster of T he Buptisl JllisBionury airele met III,·, und Mrs , Gu y Ro utza hn and HALL" OATARllH 1I1EDlCIN Iil con· courageous soule wh o have hud t hc stream s. 0, hand me down my Wa ynes\, ill (', gave us II sho rt bu t daug htc,', Ge nc va lilac, we r e Sund a y on Wedn esduy wi th Mrs. H , L . Hilt· tla Ul o t an Oln trnen t Whi c h Qllll-k l y vision to see lind t he plu ck t o c1 nrc bow and quiver trus ty Rello vos by local app lication. and lb . pl,' usant ,cnll on ' unday e \'e ning. t un, It t Ple" 8a nt View fn rm , Thc U('Ht s of re lnLive" III Thl pecanoe g for commercial air se rvl " in A mer! ,'a . niblick and my so x '\I overInternal !"'4(ctoe. 11. Ton ic. w hic h no ta M, E. Missio na ry soci e ty lind th e Lon Bl'Ilnil on nnn wife h ml for City, through lh. B(ood on the Mucou s Surcome this crazy Ii""r by apeedln' Sharon Missio n u l' Y socie ty were ra.... thu. reductng the (nflamma t(on. t heir ~ un d uy !(ucsL. , nob('rt Lewis Five aeroplan e,s sO llr in th c clouds several country blocks I MI'!l . Louise W i l ~ on , of Dayton, gues ts , T he meeting wa s " ddressed 8014 b" all drunteta. und fUllI ily, of nenr Harveys burg. watchin g a m otor s peed boa t heat ~ p en t. S Ullduy with he r ch il d re n at by Mrs. llurdmllll, of Xellia, wh o gllve F. :I. Ch.ney ... Co.. Toltdo, Ohln. the New 'York Central 's f a mous t l'll i" thl' hOlllc of Mr. li nd Mrs . CIllrenco .racllh Mc Kay. wif e, dllught('r a very intc re8ti llg a nd helpful ta lk. The Cen tury Limi ted in a ruee (ro m Th e Gruha m Sisl e rs furni s hed the ulld so n. JIIa ynurd, of Wilmington, S mit h. EYES EXAMINED Albany t o New York. Eagll's wa u ·h· mu sic, MI s, A, S , Co llett gave an in_ utt ond('cl church here Sun day m orn· 1\1" . und Mr H, C I ~' de Moun ts and inl\' the (unny has te of an ts. in g. CLASSES FinED t e res ting r ead ing, Dur ing lhe socia l f amily, o f Dayto n, w ere Sund llY vi sit · lfo ur th e hostess ser ved 'a de licio us J oseph I'hel .n a nd w ife , of Da~'· ors al t he ho mc of Mr. und Mrs. AI. PROMPT REPAIR 'SERVICE Harr,. Thaw is ba ~ k on Broad way sulud cou l'se , f o llo wed by icc cream , t Oll, P u ul Brow n nnd wife and so n, len E mr ick, with a Shimm y dan cer . Perhu ps he s t ra wbe r ries, cuke und colfee. Ri c hn ,'d , of ncar Waynesville, wer e lee Is S 8 if he ' haA paid th e pi pe r alld Mr. Iln d lilTS, Gl e nn B r ock a n d Ev.ry S Ulld ay g uests o f ~hc J o rda n family. daug hte r , Betty June , of I nd ia napois nQw entitled to a two st ep. FUNERAL DIRECTOR 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Th e dOj:('R mad c a mi d on A. B. li s, were week·cn d gucsts of Dr . and Waynesville, Ohio Tull1lage' s Ilnd Milton Eakins ' Kheep Mrs , L, G . Br ock, la st week. T his m nkes t he second M,'. nnd Mrs. Fran k Roge r. and R •• tRoom in GrangeBldg time recentl y t'hut th e worthl ess c urs j:('uest.!< spent S unday ut t he co untry Waynelville, Ohio ha ve J!:otte n in t heir w or k on t hi s home of M,·. un d Mrs. Cln r ence Ber · Fully Equipped for Good drove ()f s heep .. It pa,,1 you w.,11 to do "our owo marke tine DI RECT to the cur Wuynesville. r yhill , n Mr. Ha ro ld a nd Miss Ruth Ke llis Servlee, TRI STATE: .should you, after doloe ,,11 the bard work, lIive T he P.· T . co mmit t e ' is a rran gi ng s pe n t S und ay in Co lumbus . Mr . lin d Mrs. Ralph J ohns en tel'> Main Office: Large Display Room f or II mu sicH I pr ogram t o be held away ODe aalloD out every teo lIallool of "our creAm? Mrs. Rebeccli Dill hnd culle rs ( ro m ul th e church i n Oli ve Bra nc h 800 n. tui ll ed to Sunduy di nner , Mrs. Dora .24X · South Brown Street, Ambulance Service McKi l'by ull d c hildren , of Dayton, B" lm o nt , Sun day aft ernoo n. The mus ic w ill be furni she d by the and Miss V clmu S mith . 0.8r Sl,ma Th e Mt. Ho lly ba ll t eu m losl a Sp ringfie ld Murch or ch est l'a. Al so nAY OR NIOHT TELlIJPHONS 7 Dayton, OhIo lIlr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark and tight g um e to 1\1ol1l'oe, 6 t o 3 , last sever a l good spea kers wi ll be pres cnt. family und Mrs. Mary Carmony spent Sund llY, - - --.unda y with 1111'. alld Mrs. Coulous Miss Lulu Kellis spc nt the week· Younce, a t Way nesville. e nd with he r Jlare n ts, bir . Frank Kel· Mr. and Mrs. K esle r Graham and lis a nd famil y. dou g h te l', Be rni ce, e njoyed II fllmily Mi ss Doroth y Rye is spe ndin g u few gnthe ring, S unday, a t the home of da ys wi t h her siSl e r , Mrs . Ello n Evthe latter's pure nts, Mr. and Mra. ShlppiD, I. tl.. e .. ie.t work on the farm and pa". th., mo.t. uns lind family. M r ~, Ann a An derso n is a ble t o be Carl Al buug h, near Springboro. \ Mr. Otto Mll rl a t t and fnmily, of abo ut he r hOlll e uga in . If you are DOt .hippina DIRECT to the TRI STATE-atart now Jlfr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and Columbus , s pe nt S a t urd ay with Mr. Dr, W. M, Hartinger is 'in hi s of· dauJ!:hte r s, E Vil n nd Mariam, and Mrs. and make ONE DOLLAR MORE On every $10.00 worth of cream ,John Rye und. fa mily. fi ce again , af t l!r havi ng ha d scnrle t Lee G" euthouse were week·end .old. On S und ay , Jun e 7, Mt. H olly fe ver . g ues ts of relatives at Hillsboro, and , ,' II., Data "ollr .al.. wltb m tMr. and lIlr~'. 1If. C. Barley were visited the family cemetery there, will pluy Tre~ e in s, with Milburn , our ALL CREAM AND CANS GUARANTEED AGAINST LOSS aatlefaaUo", or char.. _. crac k piLcher, doing the hurling. week-en d gues t s of Mr. alld Mrs. E. Sunday. FREE TiuAL CANS GLADLY FURNISHED ON REQUEST The r egular meeting o f lhe Ladies N, Barley. Mrs. Angie H eckathorn, of MiamisCENTERVILLE, OHIO Aid will be he ld Thursduy, Jun e 4, Mrs, Flor en ce Lind cr , o f Dayton, bu rg , William Smith and family and at th e home o( Mrs . O. B. Murlatt. spe nt Friday and Saturduy wi t h Mrs. Alpha Smith, wife and daughter, ot • Plio ... No, a Dayton, visite d Mr. and Mrs. Ralph An na J e nse n . , ,"?J, .. MI'. a nd' Mrs, Ri c hurd Mo or e , Mrs. J ohns nnd MI'. Frank Smith, Satur\I1rs. Roy Irons, of Clyde, Ohio, da CINCINNATI, OHIO John :limme rl11 nn a nd WlIlldu Lee y, and also visited Miami cemetery. 'IT ,lIi lll11s spe nt F .'iduy with Mr •. Re · hilS bee n visiting hel' m other, Mrs. Eva Wys on g . Mr. alld lItrs. F rank R ogers had for beccli Diil. HATHAWAY Mrs. F loru Mnso n visited a pal't of their wee k·e nd g uests, t he formers Mr, Hans ford J ackso n and fa mily couRin s , Mr. and Mrs. Enos Callihan Ins t wee k with her so n, E rwin and and Mr. und Mr s, Elvis Mich ue l DENTIST a n d three c hildren , Mr~ , Julia Gregg are all to the gcod s pe nt SundllY with Mr. H e rbe rt Mnr· f amil y, of Dnyton , a nd two child re n , fro m 1)etroit, also The Mc moriul Da y exe rcises ut M,·. E nos n og e r s a nd 1111'S. She nnan la t t und family. And X-O-ORAPHI'T~ when applied to the th e cem etery we re currie d o ut a8 us· Rogers, of F erry. Mr, und Mrs, En d lIlllria t l and uul a nd we re v ery pr etty. Wayneavllle, Ohio. right column. You Mi ss Mildred Morgun , of Da yto n, n e v. and Mrs. Mcintos h, Mr. Wi!· Telephone 114, Mrs. Roscpe Mc Corkle and little spen t th e week·end with Mr. and Ii&m Th omp son and Mrs. Maud Reddaug htel', of Fort Wayne, lnd ., arc dick, of Cincinnati, were weck·end Mrs, L. M. Steph e ns. can s~11 yout goods OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG, vis iting her m ot he r, Mrs. B elle Reed. guests of Mr. and Mrs. H . M. Clark. Mr. J onas H ~lcy atte nded the fu· ON MAIN STR~Elr Mrs. Ru sse ll Hi a tt and children nrc T hey also e ntertain ed to Sunday din· quickly by inserting neral se rviccs of hi s s is t e r, Mrs. Ru t h spending this w eek in Wilmington, c r , Mrs. Harlan Mr. and II.__,;---~~~!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~ Ann N e wlund, which we r o held last att ending th e College comm ence· nMrs. H . Il.ViEola urnhnrt, of and Wayn esville. Sn t u rd llY nt Leesburg,Ohio. ment, Mr. and Mrs. S . H . Haines and IIfr. Timothy 1I1 a rlatt has lIcturned Mllny form e r' r esid e nts wer e back so n, James, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kento his home afte r s pe nding a f e w for Deco l'uti on Duy, and t o care for rick w e re Saturday guests of lIlr, monthM wilh his son , Mr. Otto Mnr· their frie nds' g rovcs in the eeme· and Mrs. Walter Cust, at Miami cem· latt and fllmil y, of Columbu s. l e r y. etery, a nd uttended the Decoration ... Mr. Martin Bngf() rd, Mr. Cla r e n ce se rvice in the' afternoon. Mr. Haines Mr. and IIfrs. L. C. Craig, lIlr. and Mrs. Ruymo nd Osbo rn e , Mrs. lI e lll'Y Bug fortl and Mnster Carl Bagford is olle of the four remaining soldie rs Toms lind Floyd nnd Dori s JII cCo y Il lte nd ed the fun e ral of Mr. John of the Civil war. spent Sunday nfte rn oo n with Mr. lind Buglord, ut Tro y, Monday morning. WE GET THEM QUICKLY .fojD A birthday dinner was riven Sun· JIll'S. Emerson Dill. PREE OF CHARall There arc still several cases of day in honor of Mr. Clarence King" s mallpo x hcre , but hope is felt that at his home east of Lytle. The CALL U5 ANY TIMB AT OUR the worst is ove r , th e"e havillg been gu ests eamll with well·fllled baskets OH-OHEXPENSE nca rly filty Case s in und n ear town. and Il very enjoyable day was spent. Thos present were : Mr. and Mrs. Mos t cuses hav(! hee n very lig ht. David King, of Springboro, lIlr. and Sonny- tlDad th" n ew boy n e xt Mrs, Arthur Lightcap and daughter, door said I looked like you ." Plio•• II HARVEYSBURG, 0. of Trotwood , Miss Mildred Mund. Fath e r~"Wel1 - did you thank DORkATWORK , henk and Mr. and Mrs. Harry King, him?" Mr. Dubb-"Do you serve lobster .. aufFer'ld fr~t!'I hard water "Itch""rave H of Dayton, Mr. and Mrm. Carroll Have JOu ever Sonny-tlNaw. 1 didn't say nny· hcre? t' thing. You see he is a lot bigger, be sented. We King lind son and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. hands become dry and hard-your skin c:bappecl-from than me." do not discriminale against anyone." Smith.


T he last cnll fo r P ig Clu b enroll· mont.!< is bei ng made by Co un t y Aj:('en t loss and loenl le aders, in which n il bOY!1 und gi r ls who c x pect to 0 111' .. 11 t h is yenl' a ,'c urged to ge t thei r en r ollrne'n t ill lit once. As 1111 pigs m u st be n ot ove r 84 days old WhCll w eighed.. , club me mh er s mus t act Pl'01ll11tiy in ord e r t() be uble ttl u"e th e pigs ('I f suflici el1t age to deV(' lop Pl'oJlcrl y, And t o sJJrcad the ilillu c ll ct' of i'ig Cl ub wo r k, two mo· lion p i cture ~ w ill be s hown nt a se· ri cs or mce tin[:s o\'er th e county, as fo ll nw ", I"riday evcllinj:(', JUli O 6, Wayncs· vill e H igh Sc h",, 1 gYl1ln;"iUllI , : nt u l'lluy eYc ll ill g , Junt' G. Muso n, It c ilw ld ', hul l. MII,"IIlY, ,June 8, But lel'\'i llc c hu rch Wednl'sd uy, eve ning, J Uli e 1U, al Lt:! lmnon I,'u n n li ul'cn u tl llie e. '1'\\, (, l'(~ l' l s uf moti o l1 p i clu r m~ , "Gi\'e th e Pig" n S(Jull r e DellI. " will "how th e tin e I, o ints ill >!" lccting pigs,

I 'irls.

Hanna's Lustro-Finish






Will F. Young Optometrist

Walter McClure

------.--MT. HOLLY

The' Tri-State Price June 1 and 2

4 I 'Per Pound


Lf Lf C B~::'Fat



F.T. Martin Auctioneer




DR. H.E.




- - - -_.---

Miami Gazette Harveysburg Fertilizer Co.





UBiag bard water?

Then you can appreciate handa that are never roughened not reddened-baby's tender akin that is never left cracked and "ltchy"-a Pave that is quick and· clean. Evtry home NOW can have 80ft watet'-Without coat 01 datent aad double plumbing,



--;;C;::h=a=m=p=~=.i=tc=h='H=i=k::;er~1 1::;;~T;:.ra=,:in=ed=":;]o;::h=ft=L'='='~J


Haull •• of all klad., aloo will bll,. plpen, rail aD. Ja.1r..

"our ot.

Wm. Robinson



'fater ~ofteDer


• .,u R.u-U,..n F_ "

III _ 1_

IateIt prodiJct of ,the world'. aiaDqfaetlUU of re.tdence WlI-




Lebanon, Oh

sent" at very Irnall COlt.

!fhe'.'D\IrO Softener baa many ad· vmtq_ ov~ oldeJ' ~ere II 110 JlllCIdiiI" Of inIneral-ilo red Italn or ,!rOA ruat.-. Repnentioo I• . • Ilmple • ~'II 'quic~ performed, ·requinnc. a few mtftutea ..., compared with hoUrI .. _ _. other tJ1M:a. ' ., IM -. . ""~'.' "".." .

Je W. Burton


At ,Cary's Jewelry Shop

O:-~.~ "1 1t 1II ' ''ple-eompa~

:Udc4. Jiij '!i1t' inItaIled to either 0Icl oi De~ boni~ live a Ufo tlmo of

Eye Sight

Every Tuesday 8:00 a. ~. to ' ,p. m.


MiMhllnt~ · with gONls to ~ei1 rnlght profit by ~tu,lying thil' featun!. Thlb fellow i~ In position to be natJonally known If he would take advantllge of his opportunl, liell. , He III "nob Roy" the White " Ho"l01 co\lle-.-who "craah!!d" Into a picture ""ith Prell. Coolld,. the ather dIl)' - the ftrat time In mallthl. thlll with "Laddie Ba,," Pres. HardlnCl A.h. then wu a .. ~I:

....... Do,.-






Nellie Amter, 1'1, Uv.. In New York City andl studies 'lIuate .t th.. Clev.eland! (0.). Mu"c Inetf~t.. She h .. fUndI! for atudy bqt 110M (or travel-eo four tlm.. now 1Ih. hall "hitch-hiked" hqme tar a "IIIL She pve two rules for lilt "hJ&th. hikei'll." an, "1>oD't 1ft ... • crowded "Doa'l .....






_v.... "'ole .,

All the .... IlUI Wm.. Muldooa, who trained ;John L. Illlllva.. ~ hi




hu proved "'" . .,1luI .....

It .

• . - .... .!'8I ... tIIIatJ ....



Willi Onwa



IIfafIII .......

W.YDe.vllle. 0Il10 NM:Ionit .. ....

Dr. John' W. MiU .





'a"" wI'aml ea••He , .



\. =.


~h'!l. Fr('d M : ul and daughte r ·were in Dayton, toduy.

Miss Inra Lllo ill visiting relatlvc~ in \ ushjng~n ._.H. .


Bats .947

1\1I'. E. lIf. Oxxley was in WilmingMr. MurrllY Hopkin, of Dnyton, ton, '!uos day nfl:lorlloon. was hom 101' the week-e nd.



;\lr. " . :\. ::;\ ur~ wos ill Doylo n, Thill still: . Kro,e. Store," wil l clol" ('V l ' r y W . \ . • d~y nl~et"oon durin, the monthl of .Iu ne. J " I • nu Au gul t .

.\11". L. A. Zimmermnn wn s in Day·

1:00 p. m. ' 11nl1' ~11111day.


Gingerale ----------------~-----~;I:~Drl~~t~l: .tOc

~ l l's. LILliI'II ~I "sl" 'r rel urlll'd ~l ilr.1I't 1. SIIl lIrd,, ),.

Butter SUGAR

ountry Club , rre.h c hurned.

4Sc $ 1.58



No. 2 Standard pack,



Pint mftkC'. a gA lion, per p i nt


25·lb. colton luk Sack . .

calOe Be


. 25c

- - - --

- - - - - -- -






. 33e

New. 5 poundl

Old, IS·lb, peck

Salad Dressing C. C. pint bailie

. . 10c

Oleo E.tmore, pound .


White Naptha,. 10 bara

20e .29c

TeO the Advertiser you read his Ad..~ the Miami Gazette



lII iss (;l'llce Dc,'. of Dnyton. is JIl ,. alld ~ II'~. Sl' lh TI",n",". II f Day· ~Jl" lI diIlK t he wel'k wiLh Mr. lind Mr~. tUII. , pcll t SlInc!ny wit h h"m(, f olh. F. H. Mou mllw. ~Ir . II l1 d i\l1'S. I I\,wIII'<I Ar chdeR~o n lIll's. Lycliu Cout... o f Ludlow Fall s, vi"iled Xcnill ...· l lItivc~ S unday a ftt'l' nO{ln . Uh i". wns the guest I" , t "" .,.k o f M .. . II"d MI". N . P. J Ol'dnll. :'II is., MIII'Y LOlli-(· Ziml1lcrmnn I ~ Mr,. Grncc Md'IIII('. "f Um n. ' Iwut mnk inl! nn ('xt('ntil' d \'i :.:. it to rl,llltivc ~ '(><'(, 1 a l .Iay " lust WI' •.k with Iwr ill Clew'lnnd. nHl lh ., I', Mrs. Evu MilicI'. !Ii ,,,t Cl' Wnrnl' l' Il IlY. "on of 1\11'. l\tl'l'l-' r S, Edwurd Burtoll nnd n. L. and Mr.,:.. ~ l ar\"in lI ny, i~ q uarHl1t iu l d f o t" ~(,H rl(ll (l',"(' r, C rIlI H' mud c' n hu , in(" " tri p t" Wil. mi nKI,)n. TUl's dny live ning. Jlli", Edith McRi bbnn was the week 1\ll'ti. EDt n Pri.nt z and sO n. Joe. of (' nd glll'"t of Mi,s lI e l ~n Grnhom, of Duyl ,, ". ' I)(' nl Memul'illl Day \l'i th 11('111' II nn·l'Y""III·!!. MI'. an d !'II I'S. J. 111 . Tlly lor. Jl1I-~ . P. ll. ThnmJl ~o n. o f Pnytoll. ~Ii ," Bulh Newlund, "f ()xf.. rd. "pc' nt th .. w('c k·e nd with Mr. Pe rry "PI'II! th,. wCf' k .. e lld III the hl11))1' o f I\ cn";ck 1I11 t! fllln iJy. M,'. W . II . Allen IIl1d fll111 il y. JIll'S. Mary McK iblJUII anti dll ugh MI·. alld MI l". C;I,' rln Bu rd " ll :-. pent ter, Jl li Rs F:dith "i oited t (' lnliv,," nellr SUlld u;' in Mcnitlsto n, guests of Springbor o, Inst " ·,·,,k . Mr. lind Mr •. J ,'sl'l' h Mlln): " ... IIII'. Hay Smith nncl family and Mr. Ilnd ~I ..s. Luth er Se ll ers . o f Dayton, ' !I'". Fi ol ellce J uhll so n, u f S pri ngW4!re he re, Mem orial Dny. fi e ld. Wll " II gu~"t of Mr. und Mrs . W. '. Grllhlll1l, :ntunlny lind Sun·t. lIInr~" s Guild will meet with dllY· JIll' S. F . D. H e nd ~r~o n on Thllrs dny nftemoo n. Jun e ·Ith, ut 2 o' clock. Miss Mnry F:lizllbe th Hawl ey lind Mr. L'"n \r n lte r, 1' ( LelJun o n. wc re Mr. and Mrs. K V. Barnhart. of Waynes ville visit orll Tuesduy utter· Cincinnnti . w(' re Kuests o f Mr. and noon. Mrs . J . W. Edwllrcls and fllmi ly. Sun· Mr. lin d !\Irs. H. H. Wilkerso n a nd dllY. Mrs. Lesle r' Gnrd e ll spent TuesdllY with Mr. StClai r Fife Hnd family, ut Mr. IIl1d Mrs. Ca rl l\IcClu re and dllughl e' r . of Dayton, spent t he wee k. Wilmington. end w ith Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Mc. Clure. The conditi on of JIll'. Frllnk Ze ll, who is aL McC leUnnd's hospital ut Mrs. J. D. Morllltt, Mrs. Sarah Xe nia, is ubout the same us for the Mu r ruy, Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and last few dnys. daughter, Mi ss Beatrice, were in DayMiss E lizab e th Darnett, of neal' to n, Mon day. Dayton , spent t he week'l'lId with her DI\ and Mrs. T. L Way, of Cincin· gr llndfather and aUllt. MI'. J . S. Mcnati, were guests lit the home of Mrs. Clure lind Mrs. Idn Ke lsey. Mary Edwards and daughters, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Mame Ha t field, Messrs. Ra ymon and WalkeI' Hutfield· were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bergan and guests of Mr. ant! JIll's. Ernest But· Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Jones , of Detroit, terworth and son , Our nett, last Fri. Mich., visited Mrs. Julia Bergan on d.,y evening. Decoration Day. Mr. and Mrs. Clilford Himes, of IIfCSBI1I, Adam MeUoh, M. D . .Baird, Center.vllle, Mrs. A IInu Sheehun and Th omas pierce and E. L. Thomas Mrs. E. L . Thomas attte nded the fu· attended the auto ra ces at Indian- nernl of a brothl'r of Mrs . Sh eehan and Mrs. Thomus at Sl eubenville , apolis, Saturday. last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. L . Frllzer are Mrs. Rebecca Ptendergast, Mi s.~es spending their vacation at Lookout Mounta in, Chattllnooga , Tenn, and Kath erine Prendel'j!; ust and Miss Lucy Emley nnd' MI'. J eMe Prendergast in West Virgini». were pleasan tlly entertained Memo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lefferson and rial Day ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. daughter. of Cincinnati, spent tho Bryon Prendergast. week.lend with ~~1S ; Mary Water· Mr. and Mrll. lL H. Wilkerson enh ouse und fam ily. terluin ed on S unday, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Will Copsey, Mrs. Martin Ayler, Mil. and Mrs. Leslie Marne Knee an d daughter, of Spring Ayl er and son, of Cincinnati, Mr. and Valley, attended the Memorial Day Mrs. T. M. Wilkerson, Mrs. Charles Hu ff man and lions, of Oregonia. Mr. servi ces here Saturday. lind Mrs. StC!lIili Fife lind family, of Dr. and Mrs. C. H . Tate , of Day· WilmIngton , Miss Martpa O~ Neal' ",nd ton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evcrly. of Mr. und Mrs. L. H. Gordon. Mt. V~rnon, Ohio, were IImong t he visitors h ere, Memorial Day. Mr. F. C. Hartsock and fam ily, of Milford, spent Sunday h er e with relatives, and M1'II. Hartsock and childr en r emllined over f ol' A week's visit.

Don't Be Confused About Tires Wllh Icorel of differenl brand. On Ibe markel, each lookin, pretl,. mueh like Ihe olher_with everyone claim in, the be.l-witb Ihi. and lhat ".peeial offer-it'. no wonder car owner. are cODfUled. But the .afe, .aDe, .enlible, limelayin, tbin, to do il to bu,. a ,Dod lire at tbe riabt price from a ,Dod dependable dealer. IoDt' tbat tbe wa, ,.ou buy aearl,. ever,thina elle? All. our price on Good,eara in your lize.

Here are Our Prices for Genuine Goodyear Corda in a Few Popular Sizes !0a3~

Clinch.r .. .. .. ... ... $14.00 3ax4 &bai.lot . 8ide ....... ,.$21.Z!I 32x4 .. Str.i,ht Side .. ... $20·55 32,,4 ~ Strai,ht Side ...... $27·00

Our Special Offering on Clincher Tires 30d ~ C1lncb.,r Cord W. F . .. ... . 30.3~ Clincber Fabric A. W " T .. ..

$10.50 $11 .00

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

iWayneaville, Ohio

Sears & Cartwright .'

Insurance and Public Sales Same Place Same Service S';me Terms to Everybody Sati~fied Patrons. Our Best Reference

-..,AiuaBlq.. WaYM'ViIle, Ohio

Phone 61~2

~Irs. 1\Inud Clennl' nnd dnughtl'rR spt'nl . I"nllll'ini I.Iny in Bethcl. Ohio.


in la uee, can


Mr . Fred M. ,lIe und fu mily spent lh e wo ek.e nd nt WlIshington C. H.

l3e ~ t COlli oil slove on the mnrket. Sec "to\, o at J. C. Hllwke'll Hurdwur!' ~ I I". IInllllllh Antral1l is "i "iling Slu l'e. H, luli\"t's iu Xl'llia , :.hi .. \Vl' t~ k. .\Irs. Verna Kelly , o f Springfield, :\I r. 1111),nll'"O Il"\'i ~ IIlId fllmil l' , u f WlI8 n gues t o f MIS. Mary Caskey, I h\ ylt' tI, \\"{' r',' Iwn- ~l4'l1lorin l DllY. 111 . t \l'l'e k.


Pure Fru i t Syr up.


fr " "1

bollie to r eturn.

Za-Rex --'--- -

:'.11'. W. N. Sellrs lind fumily . Dayton vis it rs, SundllY.


Shephl=~ Face. On Mu~r Charge·

Mr. lind II1r~ . Fred B. H enderso n and daughter, Louise, an cl Mr. und M1'5. D. L. Crane wero in SIJring fi c ld . Sunday . calle d ther e by the death of a fri end, Mr. C. I. MilicI'.


Mr. lind M'8. l ru II l1rl,"ck, (I f Dll ytoll . "pellt t. he wee k·elld with 1'.' 1· IIth'es in Wllynesville IIl1d vicinity. MI'. lllld 1\11 8. Fred H. Homm. o f Co lli "' bu". MI'. lind Mrs. Mllck M 1\ 1'~ un .•,, ( Ly ndun, O hi o. were w(1ck ~e nd j( llC'ts of M,'. and MI"S. F. H. Moomaw.

Mr.Wilbul' Senr. nnd fAmi ly lind Musl>' r Boyd Henderson IIttc lld ed connn c ncem e nt e xercises ut the N. C. R. ~ chool house , OilY t on, Tu esday aftern oo n.

Mrs. Mallie Hatfield and 80n , RIlY' mon , were guests of Miss Vestll Stibbs, lust Sunday evening at her home in Lebanon., when she enter· tained th e Ladies Auxiliary of the Pntrillcr Militants. I ce cream and cake were served. Bill, the old gray horse so familiar to th e citizens of Waynesville, is destined to have a good long . rest. His owner, Mr. Wm. P. Hay has purchased iii Ford, and will give the old nng a chance to rest. We will miss him. .



~h.pherd, accused


Will.. M~C1Ip.tpek hi' "mll-

. "' , or.IIJl"· W»rt.! wJ*" tyo ~d ,.mll, II bf cobrt.

the trilll now la pro,,~ at . Chicq-o. Th. State 11 worldnr for bUllfln,. Below, Jl(1'I. Shepherd, wh(' W• I eharpd wttb bebw equa). I}' au!ltI ttut was freed wllen til. ~ ~u(1 ..... to JDdII& ....

Johtl Lenih ll n of Chi c ~ \:, n 11Iu Just set II reeohl In 1ti \:,1 I School I':cscbll ll hy LaLlin,; o"t lri 'li to J III\!o. in 1 ~1 tllne :o; "t bh\ r· •• a ~!4tun '" ; ' \' ( ' rn,~(~ of .!'4-:' H, tdt &. " "\r Ico. 12 Lwo baso jllt ~ mod one' lOme TUn..

40 A., Crops, Tools, $5500 Thi. farm hal nearl y con.i.tinr





t,oll \·II .

coltar, well, tiltend Cill ern. tare .. ~ilh


nina wale r, fairly well fenc e d, on a



hutT and wblt&



Auctioneer and Real

I '

Everett Early


Wayneaville, Ohio

Lytle, Ohio



2 ..


Hot Weather Necessities

Chllrlcs Kenrick, a formllr ~s i<1 e nt of this community , lind a brolhe l' of Walter Kenrick. died lit lhe Millmi Valley hospil.!ll, Monday, IIged 76 yell·rs. F uneral ut th e hOllle of his daughter, Mr•. E lme r Montgomery, 20 Lawnvie w, Dnyton, W ednesda y / aft ern oo n. Intc l)ncnl in Millmi ce metery.

, .. .

Save Your Food with a

The body of W . G . Sha m baugh, w~ o died in Chicago. will be brought to Miami cemetery for hUl'inl. Thl' service will be he ld in lhe Chapel. Saturdny aftern oo n, lit 2 o'clock . .

.Glacier Refrigerator Quarter Sawed Oak Finish .-'; Whjte Enamel F ~od Cabinet

Rev. J ohn H. Burke, of PlellSan l Ridge, Ohio, formerly of Lebun on, died at the Good Samuritll n hnsp itnl Illst Sundny evening, following un operntion for app e ndicitis. T h" fu neral sel'Vices will be held ul the Church o f the Nutivily, Pleasa nt Rid ge, where he was pastor, Thu rsday mor.ning, June 4. In terme nt will be in Leli~non cemetery.

-L- .

------------------.--------------~.~--,~~.~.~~. ~--

Relieve the. intense heat iR your kitchen with a good Coal Oil or Gasoline Sto~e~ We have a complete 'dock· of. · . -

Florence, Quick Meal,. Ne~. Perfection, Red Star Stove,


from $7.00 up

~:~~l::n~.. re.n.t ~..a.n.4..tol':~ ::.:


Plante ... .......... ... .... ... .. Attorney fees .... .. .... ... .... .. Inhe~itance tax on beque~9 Hauhng ........ .... ..,. ... ..... .... .. ~ent /lafety 4eposj~ bpx..... . Sundry expl!nse! ....... .... .. ...

44 .1l 60 .0 0 35.00 63 .0Q 2.00


Total. .... ... :. , ... ..... .. ......... fl9900.71 L. M. HENDERSON, . Secreta~-Tr'8IIurer



Highest Cash Price Paid for

!!,ood pike clole to Ichool. 14 mile. from D.ayton. Tbe Itock includ eo

w. N.


t ill'

(,nur cont Ma4 .-t

build · hOUle,

ba rn and .hed combi ned , 30 acree

tillable , b. lanc e p.alurc,

\vir.!~r [1I.lIluns Nntl1r jo ~1 :I~. I ·~ h't!o

two lood youna horael. 3 CO Wl , 2

Excess of dllb"raemrmtl over ec:elpta .. .... .. .. .......... fl896.11l Cash on hand May 31, '24 .. 1908.90 Cash on hand May 81, '26.. 612.71 Accounts outstanding .. .. .. .. .. $ 861.00 Loans ... " ....... ,................... $17027.00 Mutual Home " Say. acct.. 2000.00 Cash ....... .. ... ,.:.: .... " .. " ...... . 512.71

- WPI. O.


SUVC your old carpets a nd ru gs 10WI and a full line of implemenh; and get "Wellrwell" Rugs mnde. .ome (.,ed. Send for price lis t. Frnnklin Rug Co., Frallklill, Ohio. •

0plIf.$inW lIl!pente! .. .... .... $2844 .1tt Loallil macfO . .. ... :.. .. $aOOO.gO ' · '. .. Acct, witb MutUAl Home 41: Sav, Aae'n, DaytonJ Ohio.......... 2000.00 LQurepurchaaed.. 129.73 .671!9.78 Total dlebursements ... .... ... ,8673.81l

Mast-.r Frank Hawke celebrated his eighth btr'hda'y on Monday af· ternoon by entertaining twenty-flve of his 1it,1le friends at his delightful co untry. nome. Dainty refreshments wer e served about 4 o'clock and a royal good time was had by the lit. lIe tolk~ .


Naturo ,.. a.lllon Note .

iDI' .

Tt;>tal receipts .... .... ..... ... .. . $7 177.70 Di.bura.ment. Labor ...... .. ..... .. $ 6tl2.92 Supplies .... ... . ... .. ... ......... .. 31l8.n Superintendent ...... ........... 1300.00 Clerk .. ..... .... ........ .. .... 60.00 Prin t ing.... ... .. ........ ...... . 10.16 Muslin and carpet............. . 129.26 State dues .. ...... .... 3.00 Oil for avenues ... 64.56 Freight and express.. 3.41 Insurance .. ....... ... .. . 89.00

Mr. ami ~r~. Harry Cooper and family, Miss Evelyn Warner f "om Columbus, Mrs. Esther Robin son lind son, Frnnk, and Mr. und Mrs. Eel Woollard and family pic niced at Fort Ancient, S unday. , .

da t1).!" htt' r- in ~

U l tt'

Ebl'i!,(hL IIl1d Mr. J ,,~ e J1h Illw. Ilo b" M. lI 11ines. ~hl' wn!"' a 111"'111 1)(' 1" (I f the Prlll1itivl' ~b r ig h l, o f lJuytUll, vi ,itl'd Wnync s. ll11ll ti A dall'eh lor fiH )'I'III'S . hm'illg ville rclativ~s, SUllday ... f1.crn oo ll . :"i ll"<1 at ~'lidd ll ' Hlln ill I R'ii. Thl' fllnem l WII6 COlldllcted 1;,. Eltie ' 11 ,11', ~1 i'$ Trillcnu IIncl Mi ss Marg-ul'l'l I,' !..' \ ' } I UII(..' k , \\h .. l'l"i d "hl' l" lifp a n d EdwHI"lJ:'I visit l·d rl'iatj v e~ ill Blall· lung' III l'1l ,IH' I'; hin it· l'hur L' h i~ h(\ l · ch.·ste r, lust Frid ll Y lind Suttlrtl llY. ow n fllll ('rn i 5,'1'111011." E. E. II. Mi s~


The new

Kitche.n-Kook Pressure Gasoline Stove IS

giving wonderful satisfaction. A demonstration will prove it.


Hardware. Harness and F ann Machinery Waynesyille, Ohio -

Operating receipts ...... $407;.70 Perpetunl care . $1000.00 Loans paid in ... 2100.00 3100.00

Mr. a lld Mrs. 1\1 . G. Schatzmun , Mr. and r;rrs. W. W. Schutzma n and fumily, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Laws, of CincinnRti, were S unday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Raper.


of Cro s s\"ill (' , :\ Ill.,

Following is the annual . report of the treasure r of the Miami Cemetc ry assoeilltion for the year ending May :11, 1925: Receiph Burials ... ..... ......... .. ... ..... ...... $1592.00 Foundations .. 286.60 Vases ........ ....... . 129.00 Intl'rest on loans . . ... .... ..... ... 878.20 Grave rights . 180.00 Lots sold .. ...... .. .... .... ... 970.00 Removals .. 15.00 Urns sold .... .... .. .. .. . .. 26.00 Sundries .. .. .... ... 2.00

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brownfield and family, of Huntington, W. Vn .• were g uests over Sunday of Dr. an d Mrs. Lloyd H a ll. Mrs. Brownfield is u siawr of Dr. H a ll.




Mr. and Mrs . .James Roskelly, of Chicago, Miss Mal')' Collett and Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Collett, of Dayton, attended the Memorial Dny services Saturday.

Mr: and Ml'8. Rtl 88ell Camllbell and two children, of Springfield, Mrs. Charles Hende!'lon and children, MI'!!. l./nnie Elmore, Mr. and MfA. Paul H.a ines and children; Mellllrs. Elmore Binekley, Wilbur and JoSeph Haines, of Ci.n cinnati, Mr. and Mrs. Ch.rles , . Monison, of Covington; Xy., Hr. and Mrs. George Thompson, of Loveland, Mr. JOI. Thompson, of Dayton, MI'. lind Jl(1'II. Milton Thompson spent Satimlay IhId Sunda1 with Mra. Kiz.

Out vf thl' d ep~ llc tolle d forth Dr. W. E . Frost of nnrvcysburg, lho firmRm ent unt! Ullto th o del'll it Wu~ II lJusin css cadel' 10 town, Mon - ~hl\lI 1'01uI'll. OilY. R"lh Ann IIl1 irl<'~, n ee )lllrt."l('k, Dest conI oi l s lov o on th o m orket. \\'11 " born lien!' Woynrsvilll', Ohill, ill ec " tove n J . C. lJawke 's 1I0l'(J\\'II I'I' I ~ '11 . 111) ,1 \\'11 " 111111'1'1(' <1 t (t Th ulllI'" .I,:tf,·"o n lInin,·~. in I. r.:l. " Th ~ nr St.o re. \)rt l~' S tlli. t; t'U I' l!' (' \ " Jl nin('s-. Wl\!=l he) 1 n !IIi ~. Gllld y" I Inrilln, of \)1I)1 on. il~ I. lOa . III 1,!'t O Ihl' family n\llv('(1 " pent Su nday wi th her mot hl''', Mrs . III 1Il1 l1l svillo, Aln .. \\'11l'1'~ Ihe y n'LOll II II"'U II . nlllilll'U 1I111 i1 <"l'lIl'11l "d ulld I'c uldled I", th e han d o( d"lI lh. Fnlh I' and !IIes"r.. Donu ld H end el' on . and dit'd in I!) 1H. T h,' 11I0tlH'1' dieo Earnes t !lnrl"n IIl'e sp<'ndi ng a we"k ~I "y :\0. I !)25 . ul Ih " H!;C of Ril ;-'I·/lrs. :-, hl' WH~ lJlJ r i('d by tilt' SHt c o f h ~ l' III Gu l".b lll'l{, III. hll" lolllll l ill M "I'I~ lI ill c,·mcll·ry. Ilt Sunday,·,· ·lIin)!, . lit r. III ... IIlIrI')' 1I 11mphl'cys. of Mid,lI l'- 111I1I1,,·ill,·. to \l'II. WII ~ II Jllca ~llnt call e I' lit the GII - ,,·c lock . ~l:\y :1 1, I!I:! !".. Thlls th· " I II"ill~ \' hupli ' l'~ of he l' life were ze ll u olli "u. Saturoay. rn el.·d. For l"''' lIl onth" "he hlld I; ('e ll 1I1l· 1\1 i ~, I3dle 1Il1rn el', of Duytu ll. is spc lldi ng a two wee ks' vacn lioll with ;tldl.' to ri ~e from IIPt, oe d nne! dl'alh \\ a~ hour ly l'X llt..·rt cd fr om l\1uy ~4 lh hn pUI ents on Route 2. h\' ph y~iri nn !) 1111t1 fril'lHis whl) watc h .. th e b,·d"i<l,·.'s Louise lind Hulh F .... 1.l·,· ";1 ~ilL hI' i ~ ~ lIl' v h' l' d hy 1wo hrot.h· ure spe llding their IIUCll ti,," with ttll'i r 1'1'". S. Y . " " I'I ~o" k pi Sl'dll!! , '" lIl·Y. nlllll, ill Wl'st Virg ini a. all d J. L. 1I 11 1' 1~' '''I (, I,i WflY Ill'",·ilk . 'I'hl',,(, !!l'Iln dchild,·,·II . 1':"1111 (' . 1I :linl" M r'. lind Ml's. Philip Ze p f. or Cin - II !" Il unl s \' ille. Ala, I·: nlt':-.t I·:. Huiltl'M. cilillUli, \\'c re wCl)k ~(1I1( 1 J,{lll' t' l H o f l\ 1r. I I( Cr(l!'\!'i \,illl', Ala .. Hll d .J ,· ff ('''~1I 1\ Me) · IIl1d Mr,. George Sm ith. Il'ttl' 1t 1l i !1t'~ . of Fort HI ' lI ll ill).! . U u. V" llr j:\'1<'1I1 -l<rllIldchi ldl' <'II . ~lal ')' HIILh Mr. Anth ony Wa ldr on. of Dnytoll . 1I0ill~ " . HUIIII"k." ..\Ill .• Ih,,,;,, II l1il1c~ ~ pelll thc week ·end vi siting in W ilY ' IIl1d Evan C. II IIi II " ". J .... Il l' 1I111l1l'· vill e. AlII ., an d I"by .lellllll dLe Iluillcs nC"' ille lind Harvey tilJurg.


CHECK W,RITER We have made arrangement. with the


Todd Company to 8upply our cuatQmer, • very good small CHEC~ WRITER for

$15.00 Come In

and See It





E2 ~

_ _ _ ._


Auctioneer. Dateyau, ..... Wlthu.. w.~.. ~_

. Centenille, Ohio ....... Noo2

• CtI8t8e Not....



N.w B.,lIn"D; Ow. • ......... _

, •


Seventy- 'evellth Vear _

\\ hole Numh er 5(i47 )




Prepared by Columb~s Repol'ter




(TIl<' fo\l ll win g p"rm was rend nl th e fun ol'al o r Anll n I. Vllughun, one of Lh we ll I>l·lol'l'u Fl'i cn uf< who re ce nt· 1.1' fJa s~ "11 "WilY II I t im 1·l omc . nnd is

On Friduy evelling. J une 5. 1925. at the homc of th r bl'i d n ~a r Ll' b· ano n. th e lIIa r ria ge of Mr. Van B. He· tllllkk " li d M i ~s Mi , ium ~I ull lnnk plnc e. At 7 :ao o'c1oc k [" the ~ I mi n. lOf lIw wl:ddi ng marl'll . Lhr ['Iluplc ~n ­

WE'LL,'(OV"'<"'l A.N -

I'LL. LIT You OFF ~ ,.'M!!

pri l1l~d IJ,Y r~(llI (,~t. )

IV'\A'AAlt l 'o'OV TO seRue THI!' PORCH AND

Co m ..' n t., l \\ tU' n I havl' laid 111(' d own



.......................... =


l!VT .<\PTE1R """5 WHEN' 161-1-

ll'J't'd th e par lu r , whcl'C' thf'

('L£"" T .. e HliN HOUSE . lOON', WANT VOU TO (!K) 6 ... A""N · OF 'lb THI! CR'CO( - ,


hl' '' 1' III·il: ht. n. )WC I' S "b",'" me Wh l' I'I' I ,,11'1'''; I ~ h u ll nol rel· 1 thl' ltloS:'oms 1111 Ill y

'I' ll

COLIlMBUS. 01110 - An . unll "lInl fo,' Rtntc ill ~ lit,,~i("" R i. Lhlll which is schedulud rur til(> Girl' _ In· dU MLria.1 "chool II cal' De lawlIl'e , " n .June 17, wh e n n"' l' c thlln 65 of Ihe inmlltei! will grnuuntc f" om the scl",ol nnd be prese nted wi Lh diplomtlH. These g irls hllve not only won by thcir study, but by their con du tl theHe diplomas which arc always che riMhed throughout their lives. The presentation of the dip lomas will be made by John E. Hllrper, director of public welfare, nnd the entire commencement program will be conduct· cd along the same lines liS those in tho public schools of the Stnte. The dny will be 0. holiday for nil the gi rl s of the Institution. One feature whi ch always attract attention is th" dl'css('s of the girls of the graduating class. This yenr Mrs. Mo.rgaret Elton, chi"f matron of the school, hll" utTtlrod a prize for the best dressed girl in the ClllSB, the only condition being that she make the dreas herself from the milterlllla furnllhed by the State. Ev· ery gbi In the class will make her own graduQting dress and rare talent Is general\y displayed In the designs lind care luI workmanship.

w"",nll, Ih e duu!!Chl " l' o f ~I r . Illll! ~ l l's. Wa ld" Mull. "f \.,'''"nO I1 . S he is n )!1'1lr! Ull lt· "f the WUl'ren Cou nty or· ",al . und hn s lIl al1Y frie l1ds in Way-

lIut. thil1ki l1 )! kindl y. L(, lIdel'ly o f nl<'. (;" f""lh to ('h," 1' IInu ( Ilrnf .. rt ,·,II·lh·, II I'" ptlir ; Find "" 111(, flool' uchinl{- hellr L and LCI1 c1 .. r1v - I.ay 'your )!n r lunds i here. J! .... sscs


will g row green IIbove

hr( ' n ~ l:

Th" hird ~ wi ll sing the so ngs I loved of " Id; No wO l'tl S, n o de e ds, no fl owe r s cnn make m y I' C~ t ~\Vcet .


~ il ent

more peac(' ful in the

m o ld:

But, oh. th e beating henrts ihai II che und pine For love so fondly lav ished on the .Iead! Think not to he lp Lhi ~ pul"e le •• he a r t



So "hnll I Ii\"e with you in kindly dl>eds Pl'rfol'me ci in ~ wct't rt'membrunce of me ;



County, township and town clerks, as well all all dealera in sl'orting goods are expeated to have the new angler's license on sule before the close of the week. The IiceDse cards have been printed and are being distributed as far U8 pOIISiQle by Dent O. Thompson, atate fish und game commissioner. The license only apply to those who usc rod and reel and not to the rural residents who nre satisfied with a straight bamboo pole or a hickory limb. Neither does it apply to boys un den 18 years of uge who can fish to their delight with any_ thing that happens to suit their fancy. But to all otbers the fee wiil be $1.00 {ler year, and the money will be used to restock the streams of tile ptaw, . . , '.

Intelligence tests have been given In 1111 the grade school of Ashtabula. In its account of the tests, the Ash· tabuln Star-Bellcon says: "The t('sts cover nil the groun d necessary f or the purpose of s~hool or pupil meas· urement. The work has been dono III1'i:el~' under the direction of Mi s~ Honriettn McKin sey, primllry s up ervi 90)·. and the principals of the vari· out gude buildings, who have spared no effOl-t to nlllke the testing uniform und nuthentic." M iss McKinsey goes bllck to Ashbula for another yeur, with an incrense in salary.

In e.tlmatln¥ the revenue that the state would derive from the uutomebile tax of two cents per gallon, no one has yet made an estimate of how much residents foreign to the state will contribute towards maintaining the highways. With seasonable weatlu!r the main thoroughfo.rell of the .tate are filled with tourists and they come from every state in he Union. It Is pretty hard to travel the atate without puylng glUloline and as a re.ult a good many thousalld~ of dollars will reach the state trl~o.S­ Jlr'y through this source of revenue. Along the Ohio river counties, almost as many machines from West Vir lrinia and Kentucky as they are from llhio are leen daily, while on the eastern border the Pennsylvania tags aM as tamillar as the Ohio tags, wbile on the West and North the Indiana and Michigan tags are exceptinal,,. tBnlUipf to a1f . who travel tb~liti · rOa~ • It .... .,een lI.tjmated tAAt forelen uayeler, will ton tribute Plilre ~ ..n '1I10,O\,0 towar\l8 the Plllin~ininr of IIt\1te ro,,4i1 through paf.lllent \If th~ J .a lolhle q.x and and ia .only p01II\11i11i 'through such a tax to l\ave them' help malnWn the "1J~wm w'blch tltll, ,njoy 110 mueb.


. -.-

lOUAl CONVENTION 'l'be llxtJ_cond annual conventloh 'of tbe Warren Count)' Council . of ReUglous Education, will be heHI In the. Main Stfllet Presbyterian cbuich at Lebanon, Taeada", June 18, ltanclard time. An Inter'eltlnr pr,orram hal been prepU'l!d. Supt. of Education, Rev, FrankUn MaElfresb of Columbus, win at aU th11le ..ilion.. and other =~;~ of the countJ ~





=== = ==C:_==-=-=-=-==-=-======

A large and apprecilltive audience F .C. Hartsock a ncl children, was present at the M.. E. church last conducted by N. L. Bunnell & Son, of M ilford, "p~ nt ~cvernl da ys last Sunday night when the annual Chilin II small plot ncar the Tom Corwin week at the pleasnnt country home dre n's Day llrogrllm wo.s given. The platform was tastefu lly decunninl:' fllcl ory, and IIlso by Mr. of MI'. ROl1a ld Hu wke nlHI fnmi ly. or ate d in Il ornl IIrches and boquets. Albert Grny, on his furm ncur Dodds, The Jlrogrllm consisted of inst.rumenwith sced furni sh .. d through the cota l anti vocal music. One specio.l opc rati on of Coullty Agent lass and lIIiss Knthryn Clark entertained piece \VIIS r endered by Manor Rich Crops Impro vemen t s pec,ialist of t he the alumn i cha pte r (If Si,::ma Kappn on the SnXal)hone, accompanied by State university. Mr. Eurl Blirnes, at h er home "II . 'utun lny, June ii, . Mi~s H ele n eawke. . The recitll tions, dialogue and the representing the universi t y, brought Gu cS t~ w (, l'l' prescnt from Piqua, Troy. Ti ppecanoe City, Blanchester, drills, given by the children, were down nbout one-hllif pound each of and Duy to n. very entertaining. A generous oftwo spccilll selections of sweet corn fering for nn educational fund WM and outlined the pr<ljcd. The corn made, n fl('r nn IIppeal by Master Har>MI'. F. C. Hartsock and fomily, of old Stroud. is known a s th e "F I " generation . Milford. and M,·. lllJd Mrs. J. L. Hurt· The p,'''l<rlll1l closed with a beauwhich wa~ grown in CO llncc ti cut by sock were c·ntcl·tuinc d S unday at cross f e r tili zilll! two varieties which the fll eu~lIl1t co unt ry homo of Mr. !-ifu l r eadi ng by Miss l3eqtric(! Robhlld previously g"own separately and anu Nil". He ,·t Hurtsock and daugh· Itzer. If f t ' I' d f fi The committee in charge showed se - er I Ize 0 1' vc y"n rs so liS t o t el', of !toute 1. wonderfu l skill In trai nin g the chilelminate nil undesira ble chnnlcteristies. dren. The mnin object in loral tests this Mr. ano Mr6. E lwood Andrews, yoa r is t o demonstrate the unif ormity JIlt.. und Mrs. \ouy Andrews, of Clnrks of this seed over the C0111m OIl li pId sr l eetiOIl ~. Thcl "perin I investigators vi llc, Mr. a nd 1I'1,·s. I ra Andrllws, son from severn I o f the sta te agricultura l and dllughtcr, of Ly nchburg, Mr. and colleges and tho U. S. Uepurtmen t of JlII:\. HUITY Ki lc hcn, dau g hter und A"..... iculture, ha ve bee n working on >o n, o f !layton, Jll ,·. J ohn Sl:>Jnsberry Th e fh t bUild co nc ert will he givthis p lan of com impl·o\·emont. and nnd famil y a nti ]\Jiss Frances Gulln- ell toni)!ht. be)!illning ut 8 o·clock. day we re S unday ~ u csts of Mr. and <leclnre it to bc lhe most effective F ollowing is the progrum: lind practical system developcr! in Mrs. Fl'lInk ~lan ~ berry. Mn"ch "Spirit of Min strelsy" t his co untry. rfowcve r. t he corn on Waltz . "Silver Glades" the t est pIcots thi yenr, will bc use"Troubndour" A birthday dinner was I:ivon Mrs. Overture less fo r s pcd . bee nu,e of the mllny "Love's Token" l'J'cnllde varinblc .c hnractl!risti( s wh ich mny Rache l Crew on IIlay 28, .that being Mnrch " "Cico" Mrs. C rew's 80th birthday. 'l' hose reappear In the ~e.c oll d ge nemtion . INTERMI SSION ' prese nt wer e Mr. and Mrs. Robe rt Montg omery Post "ew, Mrs . Hi chard Brown and March . American Patrol claughteJ·, Mi ss Mary, Mrs. Lon Bec k- Dcscl'ipth·e . !IOc can Waves" I.:tt LInd duug hte''S, Missos Vashti lind Waltz "Spirit of Progress" g lll ogene, ·Mrs ..Ios. Tinney and so n Overt.ure .. HRndio Pioneer" Mrs. T. S . . Ha n nn u childrcn; Mrs: !lfarch ..----Leo l1 ard l'inll ~y ancl chil,h'en, IIlrs. The Ladies Auxili ary lind t hc Am er· )"ur" W,·r nL? u nd dau g hter, Lcadu, ]\!l" . Roucl't Fur nas an ti childre n, Mr. ie~n Legion urI' Ilrrullj:!' in l: f co l' a com· F rnnk Cl'e\\". A \"cry enj,'yubll' d ay muni ty I irnk lit lI nnnnn pa,';, Leb- WUg .sp ent.. anon, to ceil'bral e FI liI{ I luy ••Iull e 14. A !!Coo cl prOj:"I"11Ill i ~ hcilll!' pI'cpar d. There will be a spec ial communi. MU!li n will he f urni . hed h y Ihe Waycelebrate he r 12th birt hda y, nesvll1 c PI'e mi t' " hand. A g(' neral whIch (ell on .Ju lle 2, Miss Evelyn ention of Waynesville Lod ge No. 163 F. and A. M., On F r iday evening, invitlltinn i ~ eXl on d,·!1 . CarLwril!ht invited in a f ew fri e,ids c 12th. beginning promptly at 3 on the IIftl~IJ:IOOn or that dllte. Vn- .Jun o'clock , stnnda l'd time. A special d Oli . gllmes pl'ovi d<'d entcrtainment of f our cllndidlltes will be in· lind at the close of the deli ghtful af- clnss in the Muster !IIason d egree. ternoon, ice crcam, cake und punch itiated Lunch will be served lifte r tbe conclu \~cl'e sorvcd. . The guests we re, Miof th e first section. A'II sojournnam Earnhalll.. Bcut rice Robit:>;er ~ion brethren und visitors arc corIrma SCllrs, Lena Earnhart, Mnry mg Lea h EdwlIl'ds, Mury Jo Miller, My- dilllly welcome. G. .T. WATERHOUSE W . M. , ~ PCllce, Virginia Hardin, lrmn I·. B. HENDERSON, Sec'y. RICh , Thelma St.Joh n, Louise Cmne N ~ lIie Watkin s, Lola Sears , Ruth .•• Cnok and Louise Henderso n. Special Sweet Co rn tests ure being

M ·~ .

A jolly meeling of the Good Cut Clothing club wns held in th e buse· men t of the M. E . l·hur ch. June 4, I ()25. All of the fourteen members ans wer ed to ,'o il call, as foll ows: F.mogene Beckett, Velma Armitage, Eli zab eth Brllnstrator. Gladl's Bergdull, Margaret Coo k. Cntherine Dranstrnto~, Alice \vin ston, Ada Shaner. Myrll Pence, J ean Me redith. Irma Ri ch. Edna Shan er, Va ~h ' i Bl'ckett and Gruce H ockett. The officers are 118 follow .: Pres iden t , Il'ma Ri ch ; Vice-President, E li zabeth Bl'IInstrstor; secret.llry, Vashti Bee kett ; treasurer. Emogene Beckett; Reporte l', Cutherine Brllnstrlltor. Our lend er is Mrs. Kenn eth Hough, wh o corded the club on very 8ucce8sfuly during the pnst year. The meeting W/IB opened with the roll cnll, followed by the minutes of th e lasl meeting; rep ort of commitLess, old business and new busin ess. The constitution Rnd by-laws were then voted on and IIccepte d. Our leader th en tlltpla ined th e work for the coming yeuT, which consists of filling out cur r ecord books and making the articles required. After the busin es" session we all enjoyed several amusing and interesting games prepllred by a commIttee appointed at the last mee tilll!'. Tile next meeting w\1l be held June 18 th lit the 111. E . church. at 1 :80 p, m. All membl'rs arc urged to come lind sp end anoth e r enjoYllblc and in structive afterno on .



---_. -



Miamis Were Defeated Sunday by Their Old Time Rivals, the Bellbrook Ball 1 earn

The Bellbrook ball team came to playf', nnd show helter f orm. WaYllesville Sunday and ga;ve the Th " "CH"C: Miamis a work"()ut. It was simply RELLBROOK a pmctice gunlo for both teams, for the errOl'S were so · plentiful on both AB R H PO A E sides that the SCOl'e book was ashamCrowl. S8 6 1 1 2 0 2 ed to chronicle them. The Miamis 'Sackett, 3b 6 1 0 1 0 0 got 16 hits but were unable to hit Weaver, 2b ... .. . 3 2 2 3 3 0 the ball at critical times. They Darbyshire, cf ... 4 2 2 0 0 0 should have won the' game without Kramer, c ........ ,6 2 4 13 1 0 Unslerw;opd, rf ... 4 o i 1 0 0 a stt,u ggle, for their ~its wll.!'C morE! Gibbon!!, If ,:, ...... 2 1 0 1 0 0 o 0 (l 2 0 opportulI~ thl\n tppse of OJ\! ~ppolllni Siden.• ~iillker,lb .. 8 McMlchaels; p .... .. 6 o 2 0 2 1 team, Although 'Bellbrook got tewer hits Jobnaton, If...... 2 o 0 0 0 0 they took ad¥antage of the Miamis Totlll .. .. .... ......40 !J 12 27 8 8 bad ball pluying and ran up a Bcore that could not be' overcome. . Lee Lemmon at.rted · the ball for MIAMIS the Miami., but after a few tnninp he gO.t real downright tiloed and could AB R H PO A E not locate the p\o.tter. He hurriedly gave way t9 Harold 'O raburn; who Frost, ss ............ 6 1 1 1 3 2 held the hits of his opponents' pretty E. Burton, 2b .... .. 6 0 3 2 2 ' 2 well scattered. •. E. Osborne, 8b ... ... 6 2 ' 2 0 'S McMlchaels, a pitc!hell from CUn- So.tterthwo.lte, 1b.6 1 I 2 10 1 ton county, pitched a rather good H. Burton, c ..... ... 6 1 3 11 1 game, whim he ' was tlot hit badly; but Gons, If ... ... ..... ..: 6 0 2 1 0 was up in the .alr 'ivhen hit frequently. T. Burton, cf..... ... 4, 0 O· 1 0 The . Miamis ahowed their 'lack of Hopkins, rf ............ 3 0 2 0 O' practice. There \a no use talldn« Prendergast, rf ... .2 0 0 0 0 the bo:y1l cannot play consistent J:jati Lemmons, p .. _ .... 4 · 0 0 0 0 without praclle&-not before the H. Orsburn, p ...... 2 (; 0 0 1 game, but of evenings throllBb ·the , - - - - - week. The team, as It atandt--ml. Total... _ ....... 45 6 15 27 18 6 nUl a good pitcbe~s 1OP4. and if '.. the bop CIOuld· pt tc,.tber on~. or . 1 2 8 4 I; 6 7 8 9 twice tIIrOUIh the "'&!1d,~ae, IIeIlbllOOk ••.,,,1 0 0 1 8 0 0 8 o-e 1be,~ IDOft . . . JD ................l O. 0 0 0 1 I) ......





---- ..----


Th(· g room. who is II tenche r in the publi<' sc hou ls a l Norw ood. is we ll kll"W I1 in WaYJl(,s\,ille . a grnuuu l,e of th,· Hi)!h schOOl u s well us t he War· ren County NOI·mu\. Mr. Retullick hilS ma de good in hiR chosen profess' on a s Lca~hc r . and hns bren ad· vanced for th e comin)! ycur to prill · ipal o f tIll' Norw on d Vi cw school. ut a vcry ~u\.) ~tll n li a l in crease in snl· ur y. Mr. nnd Mrs . Retullick will b" al IWl11e t'o a ll fri ends nfter Se pte mbe r 1st at NOI·\\' oud. Ohio.

Help U'O"e wh o li ve in stead.




I1C~vi ll l'.

o f minl',

Such immtll·tulity my sp irit pI 'lids ; S uch tender. ~wc t memorials from thee. Thinking o f me, go comfort those who weep; Bind up their wounds and soothe the ir hitLer paill; In he lpful. loving dec1ds my mem ory k ee p, And I've not lived in vain. The 8elUlon for catching bass in Ohio, which has been closed ~ince May 1, opens agllin next Tuesdny, and the baac Waltons may be expected to be out in full force, as the fish i. llUid to have becn see n "jumping in a good many stl'tlama where it has not bcen a familiar sight for yeara." Streams of thl!! State are splendidly atqcked with fi sh of all kinds noW. During the pnst six weeks close watch hus been kept of The Womun's Foreign Missionury all streams where bass were Likely to spawn, Qnd but very few violators society met in regulul' session Wedhave been found. Fishermen reali"'e nesduy ailernoon , nt 2 o'clock, at the value of the closed season o.nd the homo of Mrs. Anna WilIinmso n. through their co-operation with the with an attendan~ of about thirt y State Fish and Gllme division, and members. tho various sportsmens' l1&Iocilltions, the~ has belln little violation of t he The meetin g was opened with pray· State law. er by Rev. Wasbhurn, f ollowed by n Thad H. Brown, secretary of state, has b~tln made cho.irman of the spec- Beillction on the Victrola. The m~· ial legislative committee which will utes of the last meeting were rend consider a levUion of tho state elec- nnd stood approved 0.8 rend. tion laws. Abolition of the primary A metion W/IB made and carried, system may be recommended according to, sevel'al members of the com- that the socie ty make up a missionmission, who claim thnt the cost of IIry Christmas box. The fo\lowing progrom ""liS then ,800,000 for primaries is an unnec- enjoyed: ell8&ry evil, and s hould be abolished. VoclIl Solo .. Dorolhy Orndorf The committee will spend ns much "M issionary Bell" time as may be found nocessllry to · .., 1\1rs. Janney complete investigations which will R ea d IIII:' . ' .. .Mrs. Harold Eurnhart give them full details of election Inws Vocul ~olo ... !lm. Kenn eth Hough in other states, and it is expected Reudin~ _ . . Goldie Borden that their recommendations to the Hending We ad journed to me et the first neit legislatul'e will carry much Wednesdny in July.. Vuring the soweight and probably be adopted in full. ' Appoil't11lent of the comm\s- cial hour delicious refrcsh';lent~ wete Aipn wjut 'mad'e on ' the recomm'e nqa- served, conei.ting of Ico crennl, (lIIKO tioD lind at ~he requesrof Col. Drown, nud p unch. Ml's. JOlIN WHITAKER, Sec'y. who is chief e lection officer of Ohio, and who feela that a considerable - -- ...... - - - - Baving may be made to taxpayers through modifico.tion of tile present law.. .

...:_=== ii

ru n ll l lt·~ or lh t, youn g coup l£' nlld u f e w Pl'fSO IW I fl'i ('nd~ wt.\r(' presl·l l t. Mrs. R. l'tu ll ic k is n c h a l' m i n go ytlllll ~

kt' t,1' :


(' (' T t' 1l1 0n y

pl'l'fn nllrd by 1he I(<,v. A IIn bau gh. (>f S pl'ingh"I'''. llw illJ.: t n Lhe rCl"' nt d"uth of ~Ir . R"t ~ lIi ("k ' ~ fat he ,'. nnly the imnH'oIiol l. Wa s

b ,'pa:-:l : I ~ h a ll kll"'" thr "o rrow in)! day" Y"" P" OI(""/I",

This Week

----- ----

WAS fOUND GUILTY Elon Gray was found A'uilty in Squire Hathaway's court, Tuesday evening, on a charge of possessing intoxicating liquor, and was fined $100 lind costs. This Is the result of the oase against him, which wall postponed from lost week.

Feuernl incomc tig-atin~

oin ci" l. ill "cs-

II bookl11alier who U eJ1"~' L~ hetwct' n S l(i.oo o.noo IIlId $1 (1 .000.0 00 a ycar in Cincinn ati Lu nks. A bookmakl' r can d eJ1o~iL ollly whnt t he Ji ll ie betling fools I,,"e. Let t he m th in k it O\·cr. A zoo log ical gurden for insects on ly, un d (O ccupying acr cs, wi ll furn ish a n a tional obj ect lesso n. It ".i11 s how th e good done bv some in H~ cts the harm done by others. Wit hout insccts, for insta nce, t here woulc be 11 0 blackberries. W, t hout bumble bees, as the Aus tr"I;I, I1 S discovered, with amnzement, you cannot have clover for your sh ee p. It would be easy to destroy 1111 the insects in nn orrha rd, but if you did that you would ruin th e fruit crop. W ' th Insects. a s with other fI ".lm a l ~ . the dangerous kind ar,J i n a millotity. But the d!l" g er()us on e;t a r ,) \'l'l)' U1l ~\:cro u s . ". he insect zo ological garden ill mu ch mco re imp ortant to bUllllln h,' · in'~ th"n t he c, ld·fns hio ne cl kin ,l. Man's dungerous

I1 l!lI1ies

a re

110 101 ' 1;,'..

(Or the wolves, lion s, cutamounts d,"1 snakes. Whe re wolves at th eir wors t I ~i)!ht kill 600 peop le in a yea r , uno "ttl., demon o f n microscopic life, thR colon bacilluR, currying with it A"iati cholera will dest ro y millions o! li ve&. . Germ~n scie ntists, fi J!;hting con tagIOus dl sea~ l'B . adop t thi" motto : "D on't Ipt YOUI' child ren be' kissed uy Ktrnngcl s. " A better moU" wou ld be : "Don 't let you r chilclren u" kisscli by unyb oUy." Kissing children thn t do not belong to rOll is Off en sive lind dan ge r?US stUPidIty, and thllt a pplies to polIt lcmns o.nd all othel·s. You n<'.ed not be tlis.cn3ed to be II cnrrl er of di ~l'a se. Your ow n system may res ist ge l'llls that weuld be fatui plnnted on the delicate membrane of n child. The autom ob ile industry Is now in the United States. totalhng m.ore thun $3,163,000,000. '!'he s teel Industry com es second IIbout $1 ~O,OOO.OOO behind the aut~mohile . Th~rd come" t~., \.)usin ess of slaughterIng lind se lhnu animo Is, moro than $600,000,000 behind stee l. Wo hllvo reach ed the IIgo of billions our Ii" st ten indus tries being ab ove thtl billion mark. "'his is to be II gr cat lIutomobile ye,,, . . April produccd 42 0,373 curs. Muy IS exp ec ted to go 20,000 higher. ~reatest

On Thursday , Jun e 4th. the Jolly Dozen S\!wing club was royally entertained at t he home of Mrs. John McRnight, ncar New Budington, O. At the noon hour a bountiful din ner wa ~ served, which was greatly enjoyed by the ladies , afLer a mo.rning spe nt in the se wing room . A If you be lieve thut Iwe,-y mnn's fishing eontest was held, 1111'S. Nora death is Ilxed in nd vance, this in le rHurd being the wInn er of a linen ests you. ~Vi1liam I~ ri e , workin g untowel. In Mi,souri , might havo rrQn;~pL..!l..k....!l.,,!L~!i:.fI.,.uliL.lIlJ~J.W4_i4-.lJ>M,_#lt-ftH--i-h! II i".ld, " nt.IRe .', wns a mine at least kept YO ll !I·l rs. ' ~: \J mp ~ on. safe fr om Ii)!htnin,::-. Bu t lig htnin g er wOS r llflcated in con c<'rt, after stru ck t ho stt'Ulll boiler nt t he to]> of which th e r oll wa~ culled. All the the mine shaft, kn ock ing ove r noy members were pl'esent. , but I v Fe nix, f ollowed n slelllll pip · I fl O f eet Mrs. Loui se Brown and 1\11'11 . Gen- into the g round ul1d kill ed Fric. eva White fuv ored us with a duet. "Some Glad SWl' eL Day." RemllJ'k s "No 111nl1 ('an es cap e hi ~ rnte, " says by Mrs. Nora Hn n. o f Piqua, and Mrs . A Izo rll Ecl " lI. :-; o n ~~ , "Saved, 11 Gcrrnnn proverb . Hlt tl s upl'l' ~ tilion which has frequ ntly stimula te d cour: Saved;" pruyer. the bU8ill r~~ w:\" t mnsacted age, hus carried on the l.heo,'Y. Th e anci en t gc ntle man. warned we a djo urn ed to 1I"('Cl with Mrs. by the oracle that ho would be killed DaiSY Nash, on Ju ne 11 Lh by a hou se fallin g on him. dit! not ------~ save himself by slccpill)! out of doors. A flying engle drop ped 11 hug e t urtle, cru shing the man's head. The turlIe's sh ell was its he use.



Vern Houyh' is taking lin e nforced vaca tion . · A ftl'r del ive rlnl:' some goods at Mt. 1101ly . he had stopped In front of l't t'VOII'" )! 1'OCCry lid just stepped out 0 r the nIb of his truck, wh en the driv er of II machine, which was in front of the truck, backed his maohine Into Hough. The back wheel . waS forced against him in s\Jch a mann er tbo.t It rested agninst his leg, badly injuring it. He is able to get about on crutches.


Mi. s Rose Marclln, in pl'i"nte lifo IIfrs. Gcrber, nnd a gmnrlmothel' sixty·six yellrs old. recoverinl:' from a long iIIncss, return s to bllTc back and trapeze work in th e circ lls . A woman shou ld be healthier at sixty·six than at IIny younger age, says this determined grandmother, and she is right. Women one advantage, 'Wtth all the hard.s hips that have followed them since the episode of the o.pple and the snake. Once they paSB fifty their chance of long life is much better tho.n that of n man rast fifty. For this there are severa reasons the most Imp ortant t hat they behave themselves lind thus give themselves a chance to live. Many old men don't .do that.

A former Wayn~sville Boy ' d Ch'Ie f Engrneer · Advance to In Bell Telephone Company .



Harry I. Dodson, Ii fonner Wayne8VilIe boy, ~a just been 'lnade chief, . enldneer' of the Northwestern Bell 'Telephone Compait1, at Omaha, Neb. This company operates tn"'X ebraaka, Iowa, MinnelOta. North and South Dakota. Hla telephone cU'l!er BtUted In W_apeaville while he a~ tendin« IIICh 1dI001 here. Tbil poaIsltlon came out of a luae1tlon bi. the Warnarine . postmamir to · Mr. DodIOn I mother that the Job of answer. ing nirh~ calla woulcl be • "'Dice Job tor Ham."

\.;I X

"hntl d iJ ookmnk l' r .... Ji s\.nvc r

. •.


that he stayed out of college, he . worked for the Central Union TeleThe Y~ung " Friends' Group will phone Company , now the Indiana at the A. C. Temlin,\on homo, Bell Telepone Oompany, a.t Indian- 'meot eveoing, June 14. Lesson a"polis~ ~nd. He was graduated from Sunday ~e Oroo University coUege <If 'engl- subjeci:"World Relati'on ehill." lead~ el:, . J esse M«Ddpnhnl1: Dev t iona! !leeriaIr. Lawre,nce FUrM! . Htt took . outBIde telephone , plant leader '~ lalltmeetinl{. w!-li h "'till "f'ork with the New .York TeJt!Pbone a~ the reJidence of Joaeph . )lcCompany at 1Jrook1l1llmmecl,iatel,. on bUllln_ peralned to Y. 1". hi. grailuatlon. Later be "... made M~ng activitleli. . M dlvUlon engmeer for the l&Dle comet!nqtleted, tIaia labi r, pany at Bu.alo, N. Y. In .1920 h' ap came to o-ha to join the NonhMr•. DirdIon II • Jrradute of Ohio weet.rn Bell com~y &1\ encineir of 1bIlYenlt7 at OOlulll.... Du- OIl!!¥.! which PMitloIl lie a.14 r . . . . . . . . ~ - . :. . . . . . . . . ...





The Miami Gazette ___ 221._



PARTY LEADERS MAY BE THE SAME THIS YEAR Indicntio ns t h nt tw o me n wh o f,Hlght f,t r t he offi ce of Govern or o f Ohin Ih l'cc Y l':lr~ ago, will agnin op. I'0~P ~lIdl othe r next yell I' is becolll' in~ lllO rt' evitll'nl with r e ports from I'lI l'fll ItI·",·inrls of t hc stllte nS I\' ' II. II" fr om PUI'IY Illn ti e l''ll in bo lh of th e two I "u d in~ po li l iC1l1 pnrl ies.


v iilll Hichlc ha" entcl cd suit ngai llst HQI"'l"t E\'alls fOI" ,I a III llgCS. Am ull nt ClllillWcI, ;:I(IUO.OU. J . Ll'e Thu m ps"n . "" II dm i lli ~ trll to r of Huy ;\1. li al"pe l'. d l'('l' II"" d, hll" cn · t ,\' d "uit n~ll i ll"t Fl"ancl'" E. li nr · per . J. C'''I"I Il llipel' alld 1-:\'c l'('lt 1\1. Cllnf~ J' L' l\ C R h nvc UCt!T1 he ld TeJa ck, 1'''1' cqlliWLle r ~lid. ('l'ntly Ity Rl'p u hli cu n k nders IInti HC(lut, hll \' e sco ured lhe S tll te ill Iln ,'Irul'l I .. ""IJ IHI Mit th e '·OL'.'I·K, und PROI3A TE ('R OCEED IN CS I it i, ~Hi rl Ihat Ihl" '" iH n di . lin t un d (;"0 1'):'" Y. Sch \\'lI l'l z lind Ro l,er L J . u r~.' n l ,lI' ,nau d thut a ('o ndl du l e II '

Be Loyal to Your Newspaper

~ hn\\'hall ,

1t dlHi lli ~t r a t o~

(If the ps,- l1 umill u ll' ll who i ~ not Ulig' ll l'd with

tute If Fenl J . SChWa l' tl.. d CCl. ,~ ,' d, Hlly facli u n all d wh ose I'U !:lt t.: lH,,·iccs file d Iheir invenlury and uPI'mise· to the party hll \'e b<'l'n ,u lliuiellt


, .


The Miami Gazette W ayn~ville, Ohio

, Tell U.e Advertiser that You Read His Ad. In


In the IlIIIlLer nf ,Joseph Ma rio n Gurrisun , it W 'I~ o rd",,('(1 t hat appl i· ca ti on fo r lIc\mi.sio n be scnt t o tht' DuyLon ~lut(' h u~pit al . J a r1l l'S ll. Da\'is 1\'113 a pPlli nt,,<1 ud· minisirulllr of th c (' "WLe uf F rn nkli n 1'. Oll \'i,. u~cellst'd. Dun d $ 15,000. l .. S. ~ ha w ha n, C. C. E ul ,,", >lll d Me ll BlI1'ds nll \\'C.' I'l' np (l(lilltcd up pm i'e"s, Th e g r oss va lu e (\ f I hl' ,,~ tll L~ ,' f Th ll lll HS S mi l h, decellsed. \\' 11" fn und lu be $1 tl,fi 0 7 .Hl!. In Ihe mutll' " of t.h" ,,"utle of F l' rd J . Sc h\\' a r tz, decl'Il",·d. a dmi'a tors we r,' ol'd (' red t o p/l.cel'd t o sl' lI pe r· sonu l I'l' upe l'l y aL p ri \'lIte sul e. Proof uf pu ulica t ion u f n Olices of app oilllllH'nt of II d mini ~ tntt \}rs o r ex. ec utors \\'~I c fil"d ill t he fu llowing es tll Les : ]l(II I'Y I~. Caffe rt y, de cc llsed, Frances IJu ll nc ll . dcc ":lsed ; J ames McO crm IL, dccc ased : Ue njllllli n Pe l· ticrcw, dl'Cl'Hsc d; ,sarcptu . t a nsell, deccased. und Ca the rine M. li a r· ullug h, Ueccased. In the mulle l' of l he est.ute of Geo. E. Whurt () Il, presumed decedent, it was ordc r .. d thut n otice be puulis hed r eq uiring IH'cs umcd dc ce dent, if IIlive, t o pr oduce evide nce of co ntinuan co of life. P e rmission to se ll st oc k be longing t o th e cstat e of J ohn W . A pgal', d eccast'd, WIIS granted E. C. Dunham, e xecut or of th e estute. In the IlI l1 ller of the estate of W. S. Se tll e mire, deceused , Howard Rh olldes and LCl! McCormick were appo illted appruisers in s tead of Hurry Settlem ir e und Frllnk Hanvey, who li re unllbl c to attend to their duties as p uch. . Lucy Se tll em ire , us exee ulrix of the c ·tate of W. S . Settlemire, deceused, .fi led her inv e ntory . and appraiseme nt. The co ur t allowed, approved nnd confirm ed the Il cco unt of Cha8. L. Beck, g uardilln of Curtis Ilnd Helen Beck, minors. In the mut ter of the es tate of Mary E. Watkins, deceased, c o urt up proved, all owed and confirmed the rep ol't of Chris toph er J. Wa tkin s, admini s trutor. The lIcco unt of William C. Phillips , administrutor of thc estute of Clar a H . Phillips, decell ~e d, was approved, all owed Illld confirmcd. Th e COUl t approved, Il llowed lind confirmed th e acc ount o f Edith W. Moun Ls, Ildminis tmtrix o f t he estllte o f Kute M. Woodwnrd, deceased. The acco unt of John N. and Harry D. HufTmlln, execu t o rs o f tho estute of F'rullk P . llufflllun , deceased., was approv Cld, all owed und con tinued . The Ilcco unt of Ina M. P e rrine a nd Chlls. Hoppillg , e xecutor s o f t he estate of J ose ph P er lin c , deuccu sed, was Il pproved , all owed lind confirmed. Th e court approved, II110wed Iln u co nfi rm ed the Il cc ount of Mm'gar et Lon g , guu l'd iull o f Clark Brunk, feeble· minded. The cOUlt, a p proved, allowed Ilnd confirmed t he uccoun of Willillm Chnncey, administrutor of the estllte of Thomas Jo ne s, deccllsed. The c ourt approved, all owed und 'c onlhmed the IIccount of Wi ll inm H uR'ol'd, udminis tl'uLor of th e es tate of 1I1urthn A . Hovsn , decea sed. The re port of Wiley McHenry, g u urd ia n of Hlliph Burdette Mc Hen. ry, minor, wa s approved, a llowed and confi rmed. , The will of Martha A. Dyn cs, deceased, was admitted to probate. In the matter of t he estate of Mar· tha A. Dynes, deceased, Charl es A. Dynes wus appointed executoe. Bond $1500. C. E . Harner, A.. J. Sche uI" er lind L. A , Smith were appoi nted appraisers. Citize ns Nationlll Bank and Trust Co., W8S appointed trus t ee of a t r us t created by wi ll of Nll tlcy J . Hopkins, decellsed . The gross vlllue of th e estute of J o h n A. HilesllIan, dece used, wa s found t o ue $l!6,0 7 1.63. Cathe rin e F . Wager was uppointed ndmi nisll'utrix 1>1' t he cs tutc of E lIlI T nn sey, de(·cused . Bond $1000. T h08. Pe nders. Ge o r~ e Anderso n nnd Hoy Bl'Ilnt we re II ppOiltled apprai se rs. . Oscar 1\1. Cuin wa s Ilppo in tl'd guar dIan of Anna M. Grandin, imb ecil e. Bond $5·100. Geo. C. J Olles was lip pointed guar. d ian of S ue lS pcllce, nn incompe tcnt. .13ond $2500. :r~e re opn of J erry Purkhill, Ild. nllntstl'llto, of the estnte of Ma ry J. Parkh ill, dec ease d, Wlls appr'O vcd Ilnd confirmed . SHruh M. Jam eson us ex ecutor of • ]\furtin A. J unte"on, decea l!~ d, guar. dian her ein of Anna M. Grundin, im. beclle , filed t he l:1lh IIl1d finalacc ounl of said g Ullrdian.


One Dozen Farm Gates at $3.50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Best Ever, are Cheaper

Wire Fence at Le.. Than Car-oad Prices AT

. i


Madden's Lumber Yard

MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert L. SUlli nger, stllte offic er, of London und Miss Nelli e Genevieve Conover, ieucher of CozAddllle.

to WHIT llnt un \' nllce m cnt

o r r nt ht'r

a reLurn to ollicc fro m 11Ii\'llt<' lif,' . Su fllr ha lf


d oze n Rep u blicull

h ll\' P hl ' l'tl ~ l1J.:"KT'Stl) d

fo r thp IHl lllifl t\ .. t. ion, hut durill).:' th(l PH~ t f'(! \ \' \\'c.!c ks lh~ T'l' hll. he en indi llutlun" t hll t th e

liHt h ilS h ~en na rro w ed ,Iown Lo o n o 01' pII~ s i l>ly two cu ndidnl l·'. 011 0 of th,'sc rII t' 1I i" ClIl'lni A . Th nml" nn. o f CI,'\"' hllltl, und a ll ~ fl'o l t ~ t o gl' t 'DOl e wor d fro m dir ec t hllvc prO\'(' n IIll n. \·nilill~. It is we ll kn own th nl h o ~ t.lllld" hi llh in L he ra nks of th e IIU ' liullnl ndOli ni"trnt io n 1\." I\'c ll n~ S tllte puliti cs , and Lh uL if th er e is II VII .

(' 0 1'11 V. Scars 10 A . ,I. un d Vi\'ll A Ii Lruu ug. lo t ill F m nkli ll , $1. A. J. and Vi"u A ntruhus 10 U CII No rris, lut in Frllnklin, ~ I. DOll Norri " to A . J . Ilnd Vi vll A n· tro hu s, Int in P I'ankHn l $ t. S al'a h .1. Luthro )l to fo:lm r r Wurd , ab out 3'>2 Hcr es in Maineville , $ 1; IIlso lot in "lime \'illnge, $ 1. S tu n Icy C. Wilhlllghh y t o Hurry ancl Loui se Wilh a m, 2 lots in So uth Lehano n, $ 1. f: nll nu C. F or a ke r to Gle n C. F or · ak e r, about 88 acre s in Warl'C n Ilnd Clinton counties ,$ 1. Edwurd M. and Des.' ic Joh nst o n to Gcorge and J essie Krage r, lot in Leban on, $ 1. Jam es 1'. Tllylor t o E. C. and Lu lu McCurd y , tracL 'in T ur tl ocre ek T p. , $1. F. A. 11 1l1'bock e t Ill. t o Clifford nnd Edith liim es, 8mo1l tmcl in Ma8· sic T p., $1. Arlhu.' J. Wills to Fl. S . Con ove r, lot ill Morrow, $1. Ado lp h lind Lily 111. J,.evy t o Ella Crowe , about 198 ue res in Wnshin gtOn Tp., $1. Mllx Yo unge rman to Robert E . Be neke I', 3 tracts in Cozaddll le, $1. Dr. Wm. E . Ogl,!sbee to Minnie Oglesbee, abo ut 53 acres in l\IlIssie Tp., $ 1.

COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES D . J. Morri s, am'~ unt paid Lebllnon Lumuer Co ., for mate rial used at Mem ol 'ia l ' l1' uc ture, $1.1l0; Franklin Chro ni cle , proo f o f publication, $1 '''· :1 7; H. E. Dil a!.ush, corone r, inqu('st Rosn Il o rnsby und Charl otte D e ni ~e , $ 10.00; Alfr ed Brant, sheriff , stamps , $ 1.00: F . J. Lew is, c ler k, sa me, $2.00 : Scofi c ld' s Gr occlY, s upplies f o r jail. $7.00; Wnd e Brown, same, $14.80; Lowi H & Drake , scw ers and ce ment, $53 8.72: E. B. Simpson , I'epllirs Oil survcyo r's Cllr, $6.00; Cowan, ditchin~, $17.25; J . E. Remley, sam e, $ 13.5 0; W. A. Scott , bridge r t'np il', $ 13. 75; Ed Me\o y, SHill", $7.00; W. S . Gruhunt pnyHlent on co ntract No. B10 $379; E. S. Donne ll, slime on No. 812, $296.8:1; Pe nn R. R Co., freight , $ 1.6(1 : C. C. Beam, crushed sto ne, $320; Le bllnon Lum bel' Co., m ateria l , $ 16.6 1 ; OregonilL Bridge Co., same, $22. ;l(); Hellry Bish o p, puy roll, $54.· 55 ; W . S . (jrahall1, sam e, $87.25: Miss F:. A. S nider, ugent Lowe Bros. Paint Co., p"int, $6 3.25 ; Chester Bockett, lu l>o r, $30 .00; Emerso n Walker, snme !$2li.OO


can ey in th e ca bin!!t nnel it c('mes I,' Ohio, it wi ll be ofl'el'ed ('"lll n('1 Th om pson. ,n u l PlI l'l y kn ct (' rs a nd (, Kp('(' inl" I'uml \·"tel's h m·,· ill di cllt('d t hat lh;. "" I'\' k,,~ of Coh' "'1 T ho mps,,, , IIl'e j ust II" \' UIUllbll' ill Ohi u n" Lhl'Y an' in th l' Nu l i,," . "ltd f OI' t ha t 1';'11""" nrc o l"~llni zi n ~ ill "It cll'o r t tn d ra fl hi m i lllu tl a· li ~ h l " " xl Yl'U I". Cr O\"llJ l l1n'

tllill , will

f) ollll lwy, it

S C('III :-S,

C(, "

~,' ('k :I

lhi l'd 1" 1'111 . 1111 01 il I i~ poiJlt l' d llllt, t hn t if Lhe' J!'O \ ' ( ' I' I I IH" CIlII ""k Il Ih"',1 [(' 1'111 S,Hlle <If Ih,' uthel' slull' (,flil'e'" m i ~h L fnll ll '" 111<' SIIIIlI! l'xIl lll plc. t::ve n fri c' nds o f ul. T.h o m p~v\1 J't·fusc t o .discu ss th c (·:tn- I dHlacy d<'.' lIal'\ n ~ It IS too ('II , ly ),"1 for a d('C IS'lJlI , but the f ncL /'l' l\I uin , Ihllt pe lt dinl!' pllrty d ifllcllli i," und d i ff<' r(' nc ~~ will he largc ly o r cn ti n .l\' e limin n!,',1 lo y hi s U Cce l'tnn c~ of " ' ;, otlll' r nomlnuli on lind /l ~~ lI ntin~ I he l e ud ~ rs hip "r t he [("pu o li c/l lI ~ in th e stu tl'.

watel' "itch"? Haveand hard-your skin chapped-from

H a ve you eve r slIffored frOm hard '0~l r ha nds bl'Lome dry . '"i Il g' h anl W<l t e r?

YO II call nppr('ciate hands that are never roughened Il·drl cnccl-b" hy·s tender skin that is never left cracked 1l'Id ' i l chy" -ll 'ha ve that is quick and clean.

T h,.n

On e Ihilll!' is c"rl ll ln, n nt! th llt i. th"t if C,)/. TI H1 l11 p~() n d d d,· s til 1'\' _ ,'n le r Oh l" po lili c~ he will rio II II" II "'prl" en tIlLi\'(' of Ih c e nll l'" HeplI "l i. ca n purt y and ntl t any


F; '; ery b o me NOW can have soft water-without cost n and do ubl e plumbing.

l' liq ll(\ , fU l" ti (l ll

o r bloL


~'l> ! " 1

SIGN IN A HARDWARE WINDOW Buy All. Ye nr·Round Screcninr I Ford HIl. Lll un ched Hi. Air Plane Fle et



n apid 1'"I,·-· l lpward FkJw

Ev('rYLh inj!' mO \' l'S ill (·ycles. It Y(' U don' t h('l ie\' c it. r e nd : Ev ely n \\'Il' II b~l1uti ful buby girl

- with

lll"t lWn


Imnw di ull, ly- prout! fULh er IInri mo th<'1 h ou~ h ~ ho r- - Il wOIlc\ l,' rful bnby c n rri !l~e . When ~ h ~ wus old (,lIollgh t o ~ t ll r l to. Rchoo l, th ey h u u ~ ht for he r- (I trtcycle. DUl'ing hi ~ h schoo l d ny&--u ' bir v. cle. And wht'n sh .. went AW UY t o co l. ll'Jre- n nift y Ii t Ll e ~ po r t m ode \. The n E ve ly n lO'nl'l'icd- a'ld at h er wedding- liS n gif t fl ollt Dnd a ll d Mo m- a cozy Sedan. Now- Evel yn is blle k t o the bab,"

in the b t rsl prcxlu ·t of the world's I ~r~ t'\ m anufact ure r of T(·sidence water ! jzte ll s . It is SiI1 1\J)t'-co mpactI :actica l. May b" Inst all ed in eith"r oh.l i l l' new hon~ t·.____ \" jl: h ive a li fe time o f :;cr Jice at

V I~l )"

The Duro

!;mJ II

c o~t.

S o !t ell ~"

has ma ny ad· older 1)I?<'s--there is no packlllg of Tui ncral- no r ~ d ~t a in or iron rus t. Rt~'~(" nl:1 .H i on; 6 n si mple .·~" t"I\CS o v~ r

pr ocesS---Yl lit.:kiy pl rf..,r nlt.."<l, I cq uir ing a { C \V min u te::; [IS rotll pared with hours in sOlne otht'f t YPC5 .

J. W. Burton

c a rriuJ,!'e e r n u~a in. .. Pop nnd !\l orn h ll\'e t old hel' tlwy

will buy it fo r h(' r. FI N IS

BLONDE BESS OPINES "I luppoae it'. perfectl y nat ..

ural for Tom to be .11 Wrap ped up in hi. work down at the

blAnket f ac tor y!U


_J . ~

P ERFECTLY NATURAL 11001 <"'-town Vi !'" itor- " Sll\": what heco m e nf rl l· 11. C r ow t'cy?H

('\' C l'

Nn U\,('-- "lll' W(,l1t int o th.l "onp hu "in css nn <l c1 NlIl ed up."


0\:.~ .: I" "

~ ~..

"Widower Brown who •• wll.

been de.d I....



H.', He know ... ap.

mODthl, i. marry in, _,aiD .

pine .. can't J•• t ,"

This Week's Cross-Word pttzzle




• w' .e o!d bird.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We be li eve Lh e c ross· wor d pu zzles we hnv e bee n pu b li shin g l'l'cen tly a !'c mu ch t oo mu;y. Ne xt tim e, we nloe going t o l1'y to fi nd a hard e r one. 1I0we:re r, we kn nw yo u will ge t u lut 0(. en)oym c n.t out o f thi s on e. We Hunk you \\,111 g et th e mnRt fun Ollt


ur it /'y ma ki ng u " peed contes t out o f it. Tht·n· is n' t u hnrd wo rd in it. 1J0 yo u thinle yo u 'cu n U() it in 17 min. MONEY LOANED ute. ? If YO ll Cll n, you are doing bet. t H t hall th e a l'n l l1j!er , MI'. Wm . Scher LOANS fin C hntlels,Stock~, Securl. cl'll. Ihink. ; '{\ II cn n. He giv<'s you ties an d ~",c o nd Mortga ges. Note. ~ ~ m i l1u l c~, All f! t h in b YOIl are goo~ It !' ul:'h L. .r o hn Harbine Jr., Xe nia, It Y" U l'IUI co m llh:1A' it in t hat time. Ohio. · m30·'Z6



f'nrm c rs ot Warren and adjoinin. counties mny obtain money on Ion. time Ion liS , at 5'>i1 por cent inter..l . Cost or securing tb e same is very Na· sOIH,lJle ,through The Federal Land Bunk . F'ol' further information on or add re"8 M. C. DRAKE, Tre ..· urcr, ph o nc :ltG ·X, Lebanon, Ohio,




-- =- =.-=:=""'-.-=-- "= -. - - - WANTED CASH-For De ntal Gold, Platinum , Silver. Diumo nd s, magneto poin ts, fili se teeth, jewolry, nny vllluables. lIt ull toduy . Cllsh by return mnil. Hoke S. & R. Co., Otsego, Mieh,

BACKW ARD, turn backward,

o time In fOur flJght-brlnS me

an oldtashloned ,s upper tonight I ButtennJlk blscudte and black· berry Jam, - Good country buttur and sugar-(lU red ham. I would have doulirhnute lib Ma used to mak~; -- Paas me the Rteuk, Brother -- pasa me the steak I Once I ate hominy-finer than silk; now, It's ground cor ncobs and racket·store milk stuff that was never 'nslde of a cow- made out of whitewash, the devil knows howl DillY, fainthearted and weak In .the leg. ~1 Pase me the egga brotbel', pass mE' the eggsl t have grown weal')' of "taUIngs" and "shorts" aRId Ilo cure Janders an' ring-worm an' warts. Weary to death of their synthetic flake~pyrlght wat. ers and patented cakes. Weary of "health-food" that leads men to kill, Bring me my btll, waiter-brln8 me my bill)


Adam alld Mary Elizllbeth Roesch to Cha rl es and Mabel J ones lot in ,fo'runklin, $ 1. ' Victo!' V'!n Riper to Willia m A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scott, trac t In Union Tp., $1.

Wayneavile, Ohio



~H' LOVA ~~~


t-IOT ~~AHcm~' 'T~ER6 I-IKE





LOST AC RO Ss4It l' A ridin g costum e. 4. Wutel' strong ly impregnated with sa lt, as t he sen. 8 Iron cross (abbr,), !i Indefinite a rticl e. 10 Hese ntm ent. 13 Picture. 15 Kind of automobile. 16 Con sume. 18 S m all horse. 19 Preposition . 2 1 A point of the compass. 22 New Eng land State. 23 An exclam ntion. 25 Exist. 27 Additionnl writing (abbr. ). 30 Sick :12 Towllrds the s tern . S4 English Standing Army (nbbr.) . aG Meltg. . 38 S ygtem. 40 College Degree (abbr.). 42 For example (abblq . 43 Exhausted. DOWN 1 The central organ of the body. 2 An intolerant person. S Congealed water. 5 Male sheep. (I Silly. 7 A Plaintive P9 !!fII. 11 Point of the compllss . 12 . Prefix denoting repetition, 1:1 A pronoun. 1-4 A Southern State.

17 P l epos iti ~ n . 2 U Unt· cfill l!d · metai. 2 1 Un dermin e . l!4 Te " Ill\l(! thing \'ep eated . Z5 To fin d fnult wilh. 20 On tp" co rrdition, 28 C" ".I'SC t.: 1'II"" Il I'o w in g in sWllmJl~. lW W ~ I l!' ht for we ig hin g p l'cciou~ s ton es. 3 1 I'ositio ll on II fool ball t eum (lib). 32 Whllc . 3 3 ~,oling motion toward. 3 5 Same a s 2 1 across . 37 Form of th e verb "to be." 3H A Corded dress fub ric.

An.wer to La.t Week'. Puzzl.

LOST , STRA YF.D OR STOLEN·- A you ng full · bloo d Colli e dog, LICC II SI! No. colinI' 296 1. Notify J. H. CUl'tis, Harveysbul'g. ·Je IO

FOR SALE 'FOR' SA T r.; - Plunt.~ - Sweet Man· go, Yellow Mllngo, Long Pimento Boltlc Pepper. Will Lippincott. ·Je17 ROYAL PLAYE R PIANO- To be sold fllr "Illull bnlance due on lie· coultL- likc n ew. 'The Kre ll Piano Factory, Ci ncinnali, Ohio. j e tO FOR SA LF.- A bo ut .1 00 bushols of good so und corn. Iltquil'e of B. V. Smith, R. R. 4, Waynesville, Ohio. Jel0 FOR SA 1.E- 25 English Strain, White Leghorn chickens. 1 year old, $ 1 enc h. Fred Richards, R. R, 4, Wnyn cs ville, Ohio, Phone 37-1 '>iI. ·Jel0



FOR SALE- Orders taken for Wear Plus Hosiery lind Underwear by Mn, Grace L. S mith, Waynesville, or Mn, Nelli e Snyder,' Lebnnon: ~epre.entalive fpr Warnm County. .\lPW 11L/\ YER PlI\NO-Has b eC)n usee! but ft short J lme. Will Bell cheap for cash, or buyer may finish Pllyment. due on It. Will take used plano or phonograph in tradt'. Leave addre.1 !it Miami Gazette offiee. • Je 17 FOR SALE- Yellow Jersey Sweet Potato PJal\ta. D, E, Standiford.

·Je17 FOR RENT-.House of seven rooml and cellArs; ne Wly_painted anet p-. pered. Sce H. H. Wilkerson. Way. nearllle, Ohio. . tf FOR SALE--Sweet potl\to aDd all kindll of prden plants. A few bushols of Beod potatoes, 760 per bushel. Strouse Broa.. R,· R, 6, ~00r. ner of Lytle and WaynelVllle road,

..13 FOR SALE-The' of


Percberon Stallion. RoW Wonder. Th~ la t he Klnr'. Powder Co. bone. and will make the aea&On at . , tara. O. A, Strawn, R. R. 4. WaJll...w..


. ....


:1 I

n.. Miami C.zeHe

••.• THE






1J:ntA1'ed at the P ostofll c(! III W nynesv ill , 0. , (IS Second C",ss 1I1nll Matter

C. ~. TUl'ker, o ur ru rnl carrier, is Mr. und MIls. Charle8 J oh n s were e njoyi ng hi H ullnuu l vacuti on . L Ion lion vis itor s , Monday. II' L CRAN l!, Edit or "lid PuLIi I" "r, Wayn elville, Ohio. lI1i!;R EValYIl Tu c kel' is vi s iUn): ?IIi,s Mi"" Mil,h·ec.l C lnrl, WRS u \\'ee k-end Nt·IIi" Grahu111 . in th · cou ntry. ~ u ('~t of t'I'i'·nc.l s in Ccntt'l'vill e. S uu scription Pri ce. ~· 1.5 0 l'e I' y eur . 1IIi"s lI e le n Ran dtl ll is nt h0111e, uf_ h i1t1rcn' ~ Day sc r vk ... \\'ill be at tCl' u tH111 tit Wil mingtr", college . L y tllJ chnrch Il('xt Sund ay even ing, th e \ ·I th. . Ho rn T o Mr. anrl MI'". Kll d O~bnrn . "n ~I on day, ~Iay ~5, II <I"ugh. The f. n <l il" ~ II it! m ot at th e h om!' .--=-:,,- -------- --1 tl'r . o f ~ !i ss V,· lm ll Smilh un \\' (,. hH'sdny DNI ' !lAY J UN'" - - - -- I-;a>ltp rll o ol1 . \'''~ ,I!.. ~. , ..; 10, Hl 2ii MI'. 011(1 Mrs. Wilb lll' Hawk,. e n tl' l'ta ille d H Illlmh e r o f r eblivl·.. . S unMI'. Hil t! ~ II' ~ . K" llie r Gm ha m and d dllllg'htc l', 'Be rnict'. sp ellt SU ll duy with "y. relutives in Dll yton. MADE IN THE U. S. A E ve rythin g- i.: S li t 1'11 1' the N ew Mi ss Etta Arm, I<I , o f Dilyton, is YOl'k ~tlll(' C'l' t H u s, Til t· IH' OIC f o ll\ t he I"," "e v; ne "t of Mrs. Emmu E llis Mr. Di c k Mu so n of Bl' lIhM o k , sp e nt ThursdllY at the hom e of hi s Manufac lu r-(lfS or Hulo rll olJi lt,s , ~ lIf ­ ha\'l' h~t'n hru:,,' hi ll J.! li p u n p rc varic u .. li nd s is lers. sis t"r, 1111'S. C hll rles C la rk . lering Il R tl1l'Y di d f lo m O\'{' I' pro, · tiull 101' HHll l' thall it 1110llt h no w. Jl li ~, .IIlIIl't Murphy lin d 1111'S . Flo ri\ l l·. unci ~I I·". H. M . Clurk. Mrs. tlucti on las t Yl'II I·. m'p 1l 0 W ucv;inlli ll)'( I f Ih .. ~ Ia te" <I .,II·t. \\'u nt the F e d - l'nee CHIT w e re Friday vi siLu r'R in i\l lIrv Carlllo ny and Mr. C har les to renp th e rt"'! wHnl of a Ill o r e th ullJ.!'h t· (' I'ul g'1l\l' l'flUH'lIt I tl t 'olltl~) I. l e t lh(> Willll ing t oll. Clurk wc r\! Dtlyto n vi s itors, 'l'hursMI'. and ~ 1 1· s . E\'c r ('Lt Vi llars . o f d ay. ful buiness poli (·y. They sharp!)' :.;l. ll l' ~ ('/lIlt 1'0 1 th "Ill }tI' '''l'l!-\ . HHY!'I PresiP:lyton, \" i ~i t l! d relath' (I~ h r r c o vc r d""t (,,,,, Iid l:'e. T hat :lJlI'Ii~ " n lso t o curtaile d production f or th e fi l.t 1\[1'. Il !l'd ~I rs. Frank R og(' rs \\' e r e illdl\"id ual:o;, lI ig- h fiIl H I U'il' I 'l'3 Jll· J.: h t. the WI' ' k.elld. t hree Ill o nths of thi , yeur 111111 awui t - tn kc no til:c . SUll duy Kue SL~ at t.he countr y home of ;\I b~ 1.11 111'1\ nnd .Tohn WlIl'd spe nt ed the call fr om th e puhlic. Th e "all MI'. Hill! ~ h". Fre d M<.' hllll, Il ca r Five lh,' lall,' r "ilrt of Ih .. w(' <,k \\' ilh Da y- J' u iltt ~, is now !'hHI'P unci 10\1(1. s o luud i ll ru(' l ArJ! t' ll tilln i!'\ I n P I' t' ~l'lIl ':1 nod" (I f to n I'plat i V (H': , that th (, mu nlh u f Apri l hU M H I'l' i,,' tI"d pu ln pO ll i (': · t o thl' I' f inn ' uf \\' u!( '~ ~ II ·. ( '. U , Z .. II 1'l'S, o f Du yt(ln, ~ I r :\, I\1:II'Y \V nl'd. aJ.~c d ('o h q'.' d )'c s- H p (} I\ ~.. HI thl' <:hul' .... h h,q-" , S unday , I'. 'I':: I ""t"i id " lIt "I' I his \'illlll:" ' , di ed at he r ('\'tIllin g', ill ttH' intt' l'(;:;t IIf t 1](· A uti · hOl lil', ::) ull d ay ln Ul ' llillK . per cent in ('xce BH 01' th e pl'odll c l iOIl " d ,' III !\ Ill(' 1'11'1 (' ~ ulo u ll h· uJ.!' uc, I" April o nl) yeur U!{O . - -- -- - - - -'I'h ,· ... · \I ill (,hi ldr e n' ~ Day p '~ ~" i "cs I\'ll's. I-:I,i " Il l\wk. , s pent T u<!sd uy III th,' ,I,,"ah's HUll chufl'h S unday IJ f Ill s t W N· k with f ricnds ill lI u I'v cy"1Il , ' nliJl~, Jun e 1,1, at II o'clqc k, b \ll'~ IlIILl ut.ten.kd Eust c rn S tur tance (If lhl:i uCllvlty hU M 1111 11111'01'~ I r ". 11. . Z. lIart"oc k alld d oi lc.lre n, me c lillJ.!' in th e evelli ng . taut b" llli ng on th e nllli on', t r ud l' Sf ( l il t Thllr~ d uy uftc rn oo n wi t h h e r /';e,"o n Wnlkin s , who has bee n pa rent". MI'. Hnd Mrs. W . T . ,) u rdnn. quite ill with pn eumon ia nt hi s h ome liable co ns um e rs in hug e volumc u f U 1>11-. ulld JIll's. II. S. T U"k " r a nd so uth of toWII . is illl provin g under ateel products, of cop pe l'. o f leu d, o f f"'!lil y ~ntertn in c o hi s bro t h, ·r an d th e cure o f Dr. L. C. Brock. zin c. of Icathe r , or g luss und or rub family, fl'o m i\clltucky, ov er S unday . JIll'. tl nd i\lrs. Allen Em rick and b oI'. It is absolutely tb e c1 0minnnt dauJ.!ht c l't G lauys, w er e ~ nlcrtuin c d lactor in the consumption of oil proThe EURtcrn Stur he ld tllI' ir an- Lu II fundl y dinll"I·. S u nday , tit t he MI'. B. P. lI ess fr om thu A),(ri cultu _ duct./l, ml io:ngin cL' I'i lll:' l.J e p al·tl11 ~ nt o f th e nU 1I1 ill s pc,otio n Tu csday e ve ning. A Unqu cKtionably the market f or Ohi o State ullive rnity. Was in W," '- n umhn fr01l1 othn places w cl'" pres- hOllle <If Mr. and M I·S . A. S. Co rne ll. MI'. a nd Mr •. S. II . lIaines . Ru lph cars h us been stimuluted by the ex- r~1I Co unt y Tu esdu y UI<d Wedn c~ d uy c nt. Joh ns und MI'. and Mrs. WalLer K e ntension of the tim e payment plan, o f lus t wCt.!k. Hcc urill g' ill fuf'mul iull Mr. and MrR. A . L . Kenn c dy and rick u tte nded the f u n era l o f Charl es which is h ealth y enough providin g f r om U Ilumtll't' u f fal'm ~ :-;Ui!'Kc~tc d it be n ot overdone. But more impor. loy ('Ollllt y A)'(ellt C la s" w lw rc t'l ct- fa mi ly ~lIte r1.uin e d on Sunday, Mr. Ke n lic k in Dayton, W ecJnesdtlY o f tant 18 t h e evident growth of OUI' 1l 11 - Il'ieily is bl' ill ),( U""'! f.,1' Ii~hlill): UIIO tllld ~Ir". Wilmcr . Walk e r . of Day- las t week. wmobile exports. Only u few y e u ... fur lIp t!n Lt ill~ ut lWl' t '.tSll'l1 !-l i v(' puw e l' ton . Sc vend f' c l" " " ~ f"om he l'e ntt('{ld baclt the ~ tandard of automobile nH!I' 1.'11' li ld n t' l1t. Th (l Sl ll lt ' lin d N atio n al MrS. R. II. J e ffer is and ~" II. Kirk, eel the b uri n I u f Geurge Bradc.lock, it In thi ~ country was the for e ign CIII·. I·: Ih'l't ri c I.ig- ht It ~~ o t.::i al iOll s an' (.: uat l\Hnmi ce m e t e r y , ("r iday m o rning . Toduy Europe has como t o see th" OII( '1'IIting with thp llllin' r"ity 10 lind " pc nt S Ullduy Wilh A. L. 1\ irk lind He WllH II broth e l' o f Mrs. C la re nce lII arlL of t ho Am ericlln pro c.l,~ ct, und Ullt how e x ten . ively lol" cl ridty is 11,,- wir .. in Wilmin~t.on, th ey ha l·ing a l'illli th, ()f thi s p lac e. 10rtunu t.ely the Amelir nn p(' opl ' in)( u""d f .,1' li )( htill l<' . 1111<1 for th e fllllli ly dinner. Mrs. MIl!'y Car mu ny ('lItertained to bav e shown faith in th o home prod- () pt~rHt.ion of laoo l' B a\'in ~ dl"\' i , '.c~ o n MisR Iiarl'i l' tt Tucke r hilS I·('tul'n ec.l uct. The nation would be buttel' niT (urm H. h Olllu from l" pc nding f o ur w ...·(l }..s with S unduy dinn e r, Mrs. Ue nlla Lufferty und dllu~hte r. P utl'iC"ia, of New YOlk In man y other lines of trud9'" if th" MI'. lI e"s se cuI'c d !'l·P" I·t s from lh e M... Hlld Mrs. V. O. Toll u an d "on , at Cily, Mr. an d Mrs. H e nry Dearth, of Americtln people would mllke the fllrm s o f lIt orri " S ih'e l" Way ne t own- Sl'encu r ville, Ohio. S pri ngbo l·o . EvercLt C lark . of Dny_ word, "Home Made ," the s tllndBrd s hip ; M... r ri . Mi ll" r nlld (,huries Bl'ck, of q ua lity and execellen ce ins telld o f of CII"(ll'c l'!'e k towII . h i,,; J-: v(! r ett Ru n M ... Cec il Kirk nn d daugh t!' I', Kir- to n. MI'. und Mrs. W. F. C lark , Miss buying without question wh e nev e r yall, TUI t lec r ce k t owns hip; Alb c rt llIuth, of T o lpdo, vi site d in II a rveys- Kathryn Clark . _ _ . ••_ _ __ the maJdc word "Imported" is tackcd Bond an d G" ur!:,c Cro ll , Frankl in burl! O\'c r Mc mor ia l Day. Mi ~ s Kirlo tho gooda.. Township ; lI1(, SHS . Mill e r n nd flu nr"n llI uth remained for II months' ,· is it. arc u s in~ Il" iro li v;hli ng Ryg t"Ill S, I ll'. and Mrs . C. G. Randall allrl Mi ss Truck driven h avin g bee n foil e d while th e oth ers hm' , hi ),(h-tcn 8io n (' Ill' In a plot to kidnap Ma ry Pi ckford, r e llt s up pli!!tI fro ll1 Day t Oil [Ind Mi ll- 11 ,, 1 n und Mr. a n d Mrs. E. 1:1. Dakin • hiuld find solaco in On e ffort to kicl- dlcto wn. Bl'~ id~ g \\' al)'e ll CO Ullt\, . Mal'tc d 1\I 0nduy mor ning on a motor nap Houdini. That wou Id b c llll IIC- H e"" ul "o gl'c nI'P<l r e port " rrom .";1- ni p t o Iowa. t o vi s it rela ti v,'s anc.l Mr. and Mrs. Emcrson Dill were complis hment worth whil e. illlr nu mh... .. (If rllrm " in Gree n!', fl'i e nd s. in Xe nia , MondlLy, on b us iness. (,h ampni),(11 11 11 .1 fi\'c ul 11l'1' cl'lllllies ~ I r~. R .11. .rrlTe ris e nt l' r tained Alas the poor n ews p"p(l" mUll . T h" ill l he ce ntral I1l1d nol'lh l"'1I pllrt ~f tll'l·h'e lillie I!irls , Wc dnc s dny afterMI'. and Mf8. E a rl Marlutt, of DBY. Amorie:!1l cor respon dl'"l x r c pJ rt " Il h io. n" " n. h'''''' I'i nl! th e b il'thda y ~ .if Kif- ton, are no w r esident s of this pla ce. Th e "bjr,·t i ~ to fi nd nu t hnw ('x- IlII( L lind Opa l Kirk. train ho lc.l -uII in i\h·x iL-... H"su:t Iic, ' CI'CUIll, i\h ·. George S mith ,of Xenia, spent the go\' c rnmont propus". In (" pel tf' ll!'i\'C' ly fal'I I1('~ H l 'l' aide t o u ~e l'"kl' IIl1d I'ullch were served I,y t h e II few days with hi s mother, Mrs. Kate r h' clririty f o r prllnomil'.d PJl (~ l' ati (, n lHll'ro ll'!"!'!I, t.hom becll ll se th e st u I')' " ut d (l1l'1I II,,· S mith. It i:-; f ll u nd paascn g c r Ji st o n ~"xc Ll J' :'1 illn t rai n s . n f 1:lh Cf), ~ n\'i n t.!' d p\, it',·..;, Ih at ne xt 1(1 li l:' h l ill~ 1111' hlll l<" al1,l l ;l,.,r)!l' II n.ris. lI urveys b uq.!:'s old · MI'. Guy C hen owe th lind family Poll " I' 1,000.000 I ·,·' taurn nt~ I'lIt- (llh<'r fnrlll huiltlill l:'s. l·ll" t ,'il'ily i" (':-.1 n.'~ id ' ''It. pll ~s ed uwuy ut hi!'i hume s pc nt S u nday wit h Mr. David Lu (' a s rons in N 1\V York ~ lH I\\' ~ . w(' aI'\.' t n lci , UX(1 d f,I,' wa~ h iflJ! , iJ' nn in~". s\\'«'('pinr: hl'l'l' , ~ L.ll1 d ay e\' ening . H e Il'l\ V(OS to anti family . . that cOI'l1ed boef and rllbhn):o i3 t he nnu pu mpi nj;f wut t" r , Th e (·nJ.dnr('l· int~ Il I\IUJ'll tlH:i r l o ~s u wife, a SU Il , thre e Mrs. Willi u m D odd , of Dayton , fll\'orit.~ ·dis h. Pe lhapK pI'ice I'Ilth el' 'I " "i,di , t < lind th e e ln ·t riC' li),(ht I.'ao- ),(1""·oI (')lilol ...· 11 und a sist e r . F unerCI'S f" l'I thut we ure lI\er!'I~' beA'illillA' a j aJ' n l l1J.!t'm~ ' nl :; hurl not lH','n c o m- SpCllt Sunuay aft e rnoon wilh Ml' s. th"n tns te govented the l'esult. Rc Uecc u Dill. pl el,'" al t hL' tim e of this \\ ri t ing. Mr. un ci Mrs. Walter l-Ial ey and Mr. Edward H il ley, of Xcnia, s pen t ~unday here. to uPPI'(' cillte th e nclvuntugcs f l1l d pOSThe lilt. H o ll y chul'eh \\' ill hold o n , ihiliti cs "f' bri n" in),( cheN, comfort ic(' cream Boc inl on the church Il1wn, ('I', fe pl tha t we f1 1'(! m e re ly bC),( inning " li d lahul' s u\'lng dev ices to th . furm Thurs du y nil:'ht. Jun e J 1. t h l'ough 111111'(' (>x t cns i vc u se of elcctriT h e JIlt. H o lly ball t en m w on lhe cu I e nergy. Th e co.t of th e e lec- gume fr o m Trebe in 'R lust S unday tricul e'lu iplllr nt and uevjecs. th e ir by the sCO re of 2~ to 13. rCPtl irs nnd mainte nan ce were ulso inLittle Betty and .Tack Marlatt, of cluu ed in the inves tigatio ns , a c opy Co lumbus, urI' s p end in g Jl r ew days TIoe ""'....... of Mr, ]. O. Saton. R. F. . D. III whic h will p robably be publis hed wi t h Mr. John Ry e and family. l<!", " O'.IIY C"",It, North Cornli"" . II. SUIIl!! time n cx L fall, f or th e I:'encl'al 'I ba ... e u...1 Pe·ru-h. fen Ole lut two 1I1r. Murt in Murlalt und family, of ~ and reu; ved. lreat benefit. It i. finc in fnrmntion of the farmers of th e for collis, rrip And Bu. 1 un Ak ron, nr e s pcn d in g a few w eeks S tutl'. rttf)l1tn,end Pe·.... mo.t wi t h 1\11'. J\lurlatt's pUl'ents , Mr. un d hi,hly." JlIl's. GCOl'ge l\Iarlatt. J ust • fur do..el of Pe-ru · na

ST. MARY' CHURCH TIll' F rie lld"' And St. i\lary'g con g l'ega ! iOM \\' ill ti ll ite ill 1\ N~ I"icl! fll the Whi te 11l'i ,'1c 1II ce tin g -h olls e, S UII _ day Ill /,rlli ng'. JUII(' ) ·1, tI~ II o' c1ol'k , Rev . J ohll J . , c111WO'('J' will speu k.



':hl~hC\~Ii~: 'ift~l~tI;;:~;~l' l'~!;~ I~,af~' :·. ~I,~·.I.',~

no~hb~nl,I,'~(;~:,'~~~~~,~[u~~iS l~r~li~'ili~'II;'::,II" :


'i '~~:;''' ' ':I''

r;;·:·. " ,' .I~'; .'.~" ,' ~~;:;:~:'.h I: ~:' ;:





"fine for OLDS, GRIP and FLU"

- -- -

\. ,.. "!,,

----- ..----

sc rvices .

Rev. L . A . Washburn. Pusto r.


",'!'vi c.·, 1" ·l·,·,· oI".1 uy Ih c Bib!!' 8 "'10,,1 h u ur, Th f' ( ' , «l llin )! :-\ t'1'vi t l' will lH! ut 7 ::W , wit h ~ () Il )( s/' r \'ice Ulltl Her-

ability of chassis and engine, are matched with an attractive, sturdy and' unusually well-designed body. It has many conveniences that only Ford economy methods of produc~ could make possible at the price.

The Tudor is a practical family car-which anyone can drive, and which will give you pleasing and satisftictory service for years. Ask a dealer to give you a demonstration. He will gladly do 60 at your convenience.



Rana60ut Toaring Car Coa". - - Fortior 5.rlan

- '~60 290 520 660

,..0 ........... ~ 121 ex.... On 0"",, <f" d""oUIII.hl. olIN .... _ ... tIS _en. All ,.ric•• f. o. 6 . D.trolt

Hanna's Green Seal

11 11 nre m on , () Il "The Ya rd S li c k ." welcom e. Nalha n J ohn so n, Minister

- ---- ... - - SPOONING

is the right paint, To dda y the matter will not mean genuine economy.

Ca llcl'- " H ow do yo u find your n cw hir ed gil'1 '! " Farmer's Wi fe - "O h- I look for the hired !llan ."

SOW BY Oxley-Pace Drug Co., Waynesville, O.

ANNUAL REPORT Follow in A' is th e annual repo rt of Uw 1.1·I·u _urer of t il<' Minmi Ce m ctery a"""ciati u n f o r th e yunr elidin g May 3 1. l n 5: Receipu

$ 15 n .00 281;'50 1 2U .OO 878.2 0 180,00 970 .00 16.00 26 .00 2 .00

Burinl 8 F(,unu atio n s \' nsp~

In terest on 101l1l " Gruve I iJ{hts Luts so ld Re mo \'"ls Urn s so ld Sundri es

Op!'ratin" ree e ip ls $4077.70 P erp e tuul care $ 1000.0 0 L Olln~ p Aic.l in 2100 .00 3 t 00.00 Total r eceipts . , .... $7177.70 O i.b urlementa Labo r ... $ 662.92 , ' uppli cs .......... 388.9 7 S uperin1,(·Ilc.lent .. 1 300 .0 0 Clerk 60.00 Pr int in g 10.16 lIIu _lin und curp et 129.26 S tate clue" 3.00 64.66 Oil for a ve nues F'1'e hr ht und ex press 8.41 In s urunc e 39,00 T e lep ho nc r e llts IIn ri t u lls 49 .20 Itc pairs . 27.70 PlAnts 44.14 Attorney f ees 60,00 I nheritance tax on bequests 36,00 Hauling .. 63.00 Rent saf ety c.lepos it b o x 2.00 !:lundry expenses 11.8 5

F. T. Martin Auctioneer

Phone No.2

A FAIR QUESTION }1omeguard - " See that man coming out of the tcl pph nno booth~ He's just 102 years ol d. " Visitor-"So! H ow old w as he when h e went in '? "


uaed aucc••• fully



tho treaunent of

HALL'I OA.TAnn n MEDICINE conlilts or an Ot n( m ~ nt whic h Qulddy

RestRoom in GrangeBldg Waynesville, Ohio


Dumb Dall (from bllck row) - "A chiropodist in Ku lamazoo."

OH. WHAT A PAL T ete John son and hi s wile are Buch a lovi ll g couple." " Yes, i nd eed. Th ey now sllav-.· each other's n ocks."


Every Wednesday 9 a. m. t05 p. m.

0 1HEse-

. ARe GR EiM MA('~HINES feR, SoWIN I WILD Olq'o;;, .'

Fully Equipped for Good Service . Large D;splay Room Ambulance Service TELEPHONE '1

l hy



Wills Drawn

Classified Ads.

Estates Settled

Waynesville, Ohio


National Bank


And X-O-ORAPHlST Ohio.


are all to the gcod when applied to tl,e

right column,


can sell your goods quickly by insc'rl ing aD

ad, in the

Main. Office:


Harveysburg Fertilizer' Co. Pho ... 8


Dayton, Ohio

FOR OVER aooYEARS haartem1 oil - baa" been c"a1wor1cf, wide remedy for Iddney; liver and bladder disorders, ~hewnatiamt lumbqoand uric acid conditl~


BY1f.IE LeO ~~

Waynesville, Ohio


924Y. South Brown Street, ·0-;;;-Sig;;;;-Th"";. ter .....:..

,~~ HEADl-I NE~- AIiiOM OGlt..E.':>


Co.. Tole do. Ohl",





Lectur er- " Wh o was John

Walter McClure

Bol4 by all druCKI.t•• F. J . C han.v

Will F. Young


yn~ 1"

Phone No. 320

WayneSVille, Telephone 114,

Mrs. A, N .Vandeman is vis iting he r pare n ts neal' Hills uoro. 1\11'. nnd Mrs. Max Barnard are visiting I c latives nnur Liberty. Ind. Rev. un d Mrs. W. E. Bogan took dilln (' r , S undtly, with re lntives IWII" W uYll e"v illc. ' Dr. ant.! 1\1 rs. W. M. Hartinge r we re gu(' s ts, the first of the wuck, of I'cluti vus in Pomeroy. Nn cw Clli;es of SlllUUpOX hllok d!!vclopcd for marc thllll a week, and hup" is fc lt that th e epidemic is over, The Spring Vulley memhants wi ll cl ose e very Wednesdny evening at 6 ]1. m., commencing .June 16th and co,ntinuing thro ug h Juno, July and Augu s t . THE SP RING V ALLE )f MERCHANTS ASS'N.


Centerville, O. NewBurlington, O.

Relieves b)' local nppll cllUon, and t he [ntemal Medi cine. (), TonIc, which act. tbrouch th e Blood on the Mucou. Bur$2844. IG rac... thu. nduc lng the InftnmmaUon.

Op c rating expe nses .. Loan s mnd e $ :3600.00 Acct. with Mut uul Hom e & Sav. Ass'n, Day t.un , Ohi o .. 2000 .00 Lots r e purchased , . 129.73 672D.73

J~sse Stanley

Date your lalel with UI. We::'guarantee aati.faction or charge nothing.


Mrs. E lla Babb is visiting h er niece ill Was hington C, 1:1,

In the Tudor Sedan, Ford depend-


S undn y , .1ul1f' 7, the ~ I 'nll o n will be (In " ("on ~ tan cy.!I Itt th e mornillJ!'


Try tb e Miami Gazelle for Job Work

Tbe Moat Popular Cloaed Car Ever Built

The Habit of keeping a house nicely painted really means ' more than simply making it look attractive. It means that it is being protected against deteriomtion and decay and this house will continue to look well long after neighhoring homes begin to appear run down." If your house should need painting, Now is the right time to paint it, and

Sabbath S('h oo l, fj: 15 u. Ill. , preachillg tit 10 :3 0 n. Ill. Epworth L e ugu e G:4 5 p. m . I' reuchin)( nt 7 :ao p . m., W ed lles duy cve ning , I'rnyer mecting, 7 :3 0. Ev('re invit <I t o these

._-- --.--

eoon aher u:posure or fin t Il, .. niff'ltation of trouhlo will 1JJu.a.lI,. break • cold or di.,l. pate a p<' t5i!l t~nt coullb . Two i"C!neratioDI haft known Jlto· ru · na in it. :1.tonitbina mJAlatr.stion to uturb~ dieuaea.



T ota l disbursements .. .. $8673,89 Exc('ss of di sb ursements over receipts $ t 396. 19 Cash on hand May 3 1, '24 .. 1908.9 0 Cush on hand May HI , '25 . 612.71 A cc ts o utsta nu in g H61.00 HOW ABOUT YOU ? 17027.00 !If I'. Alb e r t Marlatt lInri family, of Lnans Dn yt un, spe nt Su nc.lay with 1\11'., Mar- Mutual HOllle ' und " lI ow d n y ou ~ tan" OIl thi H "vo lu· lu!.t's pa re nts, MI'. O. B. JI1llrilltl tln d Savings Rccount , 2000.00 liull flU l'!i tinn '! ' Cus h 612.71 fnmity, of n en)' h el't~ . "W e ll - I' vo llIanlll:'cd t o s tallr! . 01 1 .,- -- t\\'~ rpH , .l l · ~ l of tiJ(' t im e sin ',' I T o tu l $ 1()(lO a . 71 III J 4 m onths old. " L . M. HENDERS ON, Scel'<!tary-Treasurer




I ' ·, l



I "

~lntemal troub_ltImulate·Y1t.1


c q _ Three All ckuulab. IIUIUt OQ the ~ lenulne GoLD M-.u.

Miami Gazette

WANTED H •• linl of all kind.; .100 will buy Jour old paper., ral. aDd JUDk.



Sight Spuclallst

At Cary's Jewelr-J ·Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Highest C,ash Price Paid for


Everett Early .. ..,..., Ohio

Every I ue d 8 :00 a,


to 4 p.

Hl. '


Dr. Jobn W.'MiDer

.... "lam! a.zette I

Beach Pajamas the Latest


Mrs. Kate Rielt! visited relutives in Dayton , today. Mr. mI d Jllt·s. Rny ~fiU ~ und dnughtel' ~l)Cl\t Tuesdny in Onyton. J.

Pure 'Muniln Buy FOl'k Hope, nt . IlI1", k.,'s I! llrdwlIl'e ~lol'e .

Mr. E:dward J, Burton J,rrat!ualt'c! at Wilminl.'1.ol1 coll('Kc . 11I ~ 1 l '·I, dllY .

Bananas Potatoes SUGAR

. 6!e 33e -- ---$1.58

15 pound . (or



12 pound lack .,. --~----------~


Rice Blu" Ro.". pound


.15c 15c 28c

Yellow, 4 pound.

Prunes Bulk, pound 20




24 , pound lack


her par~nts , Mr. I1nd Mr" J. E. Janney. - ]o'nr Snl e - McCormick mo \\' illl! mudlinc Kood as new. 2 s itkl<,,, . Will "{'II 01' trudc. W. B. WIlI'nt'I', I'hol'e I 0· 4 ~ . Hllr vey s bur~ , Ohi .... ".1" I 0


Crea m, pound

~o~l~enSantosC~ffee Oleo

37 e


Eat mo re, pound

Mr. lint.! M,'S, n. H. UnKI,',hy "isited 1111'. 1\, r . Hl ntt. nll d LlllliI\' , lit 1\l o nr,,(' ,

2ge ----------------------

Van Campa, 10 bar.


Fr... h reDdered, Z lb • .


!~~~~~!I !?wn~!!~8pound

25c 1Dc

Tell the Advertiser that You Read His Ad. in

________ __



Sears & Cartwright Insurance and Public Sales Same Place Same Service Same Terms to Everybody Satisfied Patrons, Our Best Reference

Office, Aman Bldg.

Phone 61-2

Waynesville, Ohio

C .... r&.-lIn Sweeu Tuxedo Dairy T" ...doChop Tuaado Hoi RaUon

Ta:K'edo PIl:eon Feed Tuxedo E&:e Ma. h Tuxedo Sent e h Tu •• do Chlok TQaedo Buu.rml1k Startor and Orowln& Ma.h Tuaedo o...looe, Tu ae40 Poult r'T Pattmer, .te ,

A heavy load. A steep hill. Muscles bllnched and ready. One hoof up and 'planted quarely, surely-then, the other, up-up -up--power, strength, endur~ ance. And the load's over the top. That's what Tuxedo Chop does for horses and mules. And it eosts less in the 101lE! nm.

pt\lifOOA'TC§ I "No more sun-burned knees~ 1M given as the reason for the newesl style-whic h brings earth (he ueach paJa mt\S. The flllr blither In thc center I. wearing them-or to be exact-hair or thern-t.he lower hnlf.

You will appreciate tbi. little ad . more aft:er you ba,.e laken your Cream 10 Ibe

Blue Ribbon Cream!PJ"StatioD at Corwin. ,

POSlmllSlcr Illlrl sock Is t.ak lng a Mrs. Rebecca Pre ndergast, who va (·Jltion. has been ill, Is muClh better. Mr. (,harlc" Dun ham . of Dayton, Mrs. Stanley SeUers, of LeblUlon, was in WIl Y'lI'svill c, Snturday . is spe nding a few da)'!! with Miss Clnra Keys, Messrs E. lit. Oxley an d Ea rnest liarlan were in Cincinnati .. Tuesday, Mr. 811d Mr.!" Harvey Gustin, of Dayton, visiled rellltivos here Thurs_ Mr. Eur nest Ha rlun passed the day evening. Bar elCumil1lllion at Columbus. last Mr.!. W. H. Allen and Miss O\lve week. Allen attended the Rose show in Co Miss Virginia Lackey , of Bell- lumbus, Sunday. brook, is visi ting Miss Evelyn CartMr. and Mrs. J . C. Hawke visited wTight. ' their daughtc u and family in PleusOur sc hoo l teachers ent.ered sum- Bat Plain, Sundltly. mer schoo l a l Wilmington college, Mrs. J. V. Hllrtsock and daughter, Tu esday. o! Akron, arc ,nsiting MI'. and 1111'S. Mr. IIn'd Mrs. Glenn Borden attend- Charles Sherwood, ed K. of P. Decoration at Springboro, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J . F.~mm ; of Dayton, 8pent Saturday with Mr. J ohn Miss Ruth Earnhart will spend the Fromm and family. summer in Wilmington with Mr. and Mrs. Alice McKin se y and Miss Mrs. St. Clair Fife. Henrlelta, ha\te r et ul:ned home from All kJnds of repair.! on Dearing Ashtabula for th e summer. and McCormick ma~hin!!s . Sell m!l. Mr. and Mrs. Coulous Younce atJ . C. Hawke,Hardware, tended B family ~eunion at th e. home All kinds of repairs on f)eftring of Mr'. Ylluncc's P3rents, in Dayton. an d McCormick machines. See me. last WCllk, J . C. Hawke, Hardware. Misses. Katht~l:tn ll D ~\Igl:!tc r§ and Pr. and Mr.!. L. P. Vandervoort, Rachel Davi s, Mossrs. ]ra S'tansllerty 8nd Homer P yles spent Sunday In of Porlsmoulh, Ohio. were in WayCincinnllti. neH\'IJIc /I shorl time, MondllY.

relative ~, her~.

Mr. fi nd Mrs. N. P. Clyburn, of. BOI'n- To Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ht1~t­ sock, at the Blair hospital, Lebanon. Wushington C. H. I'nrt Mil\s Clara Lile Kedn esdllY, June 4, twin duughte rs, who is visiting them, wtil!e In Waynesville a ShOlt thn.!!, Sunday. Mist! J ean UIIU Jall e, Lile has recently purchased a new Misses E<lsie Hawke a nti Kathl~cn Chevrolet car. H e nderso n, Messrs John KerR2Y nnd Save your old carpets lind rUgl Carl Noble spent Sun day at the Soldier.!' Home, at Dayton . and get "Wea rwell" Rugs made. Send for price list. Franltlln Rug Mr. C. P. Ellis and family, Mr. Co ., Franklin, ()hio. G. H. Ellis. Mrs. Rosa Hurd and childre n spent Su nday with M, S. West 011<1 fpmity, at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs, Coulous Younce entertuined, Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. J lllllley , Misses Mr. and Mrs. Larkin J. Younce and Trillen u and Mal'ga"et EtiwlIl'ds and son, of Richmo nd, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Cornell called on the !leliA ~ C. W. Younce. MIl. and Mrs. Herbert McClelland g hospital, Monday. Gel1 e r, pf Parton.





«.'\,t'ni ll'-!'. r".iUTt. l"(·tlll'lll' d \\ ith

Hl alt

them for a viKil.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mosher and 1111'. Howard Archdeacon took his brother, of near Harvc YHb ull; , t o tile Mrs. Bergan, of Cincinnati, were gUf:"ts of Mrs. Edith Harris and famhospital at Columbus. Monday. ily Illat ThursdllY. Mr. lind Mrs. Waller McClure and Misse~ Mildr'ed Clark and Mary Mrs. Vi ola Carey left Illst week for Agnes Harper, of Spring Valley, were a mon t h's outing at Indian Lake. week-end gueslts of MI'. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Black and Miss Emory BradstrE!ct, of Centervil\e. Myrtle Burns. of Franklin. spent Mrs. Lida Smith, who haa for sevSunday wih Mr. a nd lift'S. Cnl Burns. cl'al year s madE! her home with MI8lI Clam Keys, has ' gone to her sister, 1\1\ss Susie Corwin, of near MQr- in Clarksville for an Indefinite visit. row, and Mr. Mllrahnll Haines were entertained at the Elzey hom e, SunMrs. Margare t Everhart, of Miamday. b!lT)!, Mfs. Mary Cannony, M1'8. W!Ibur O\arl{, Mis~Qs Kathryn and MilMr. and lIfrs. L. V. Bransttator dred Clark, 01 Lytle, W!!l'l~ guests toattended the funeral of Mr.. George day of Mrs. Cou{ous Younet, Harris, TuesdllY IIfternoon, at Harveysburg . , A '1' f St The Woman s. u?t l lary o. " Mary's church WIll m~et on Mrs. F. C. Hartsock and children afternoon, June 12, Wlt}l Mr.!. J. W. return ed ta their home in Milford, li:dwards and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Sunday, aft:& Bpending a week with at the horne of Mrs. Edwards.

M@re HorsePower Per Sack!

'J' ul's tlny

' Hl" p l y n

8e !!~~~.~."..... . ". 45.c

Navy Beans ---------------------Soap

Pound .... ....


\'i s itill~

28c 32c

Brick, pound

L " I' ~ I\ II ulII<.' Y ,,"11 bnhy of (;t' fl l' J.:'l' ~ (·h(ltll. rH . , Nt'\.'

i\1 : B.

uU'ILdlh.· l'.


Country Club. S-pound sack


I... !larol, I ' Zimmf'rm'H1, o f rhlllT. 'rcxn :-t , is. v i sitill~ hi~ hl'lIUlL' r, . II'. Ch a rlr·s Z i rnOIl'nllJl I1 Hn u fUlIIll y.


5 pound, (or


Dr. IJ nti

~. L. dinner g' uc ~ t s t,f A. 1', ' Wl'il!ht l a~ l

W(' H '



25 pound ."ck


Dr. Gil,so n Fun- lind MI'. Curt\\Ti g-ht

Mr. Myel' Hyman and family atWe are in receipt of a Cal',4 from L. tend ed the celebration of the twenty_ A. Zimmerman, who I. tn 1,01 Anfifth wedding an nive rsary of lIfr. and geles, Cal., which saY8: "I am ,havMrs. Lou Hyman, at Xcnill, Sunday. in(f a fine visit. Have aeen aerea and acres juat like this. 'Never saw anyAfter a pleasant winter with rela- thing like it.'1 'fhe car.d pictures tives in Troy, Miss Lillie Nedry ro- orllngo' groves In Southern CaJifortUI'ned, Saturday, to spend th e 8um- nla. . mer with Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daughter. The 'fqnnlest To~y, the IIweetest Eva, the w1ttlelSt lawyer Marka, thll The talk everywhere Is of Har- moat faithful Uncle Tom, ;and the mount's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Show meanest Simon · Legree all ' C!dd to that will be in Waynesville, under a make lIarmount'l Uncle Tom'a Cabin big tent, on Wednesday evening, show the world's largelt an'd beat, June 17. and it will be tn WayneSVille under a big tent, Wednesday evening, Mrs. D. O. Adams, of Dayton, 'Mr. June 17. and M~ . Pierce, of Miami, Fla., Miss ,Jean Mc'E]bee, 01 New 'Vienna, splint Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lulu Da vis, of Cbrwln. Sunda, ' ,guests of · Mr. and M~. W., O. Raper were: Mrs: John' Werner MI'. John Werner Jr.,.of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smitn and M",. Mahala Ames, of BelJbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Luken.. of Paducah, Ky., were vilitin, polnta of Interest to them In WaynenlJle, Tuesday. Ifr .Lakenl . . . Itep.lOIl of the late Ben DOWM, wtw. IIveral

yean qo, Jive" on a farm near Waynesville lin. BdOl'd ...... ter of Kr. Labu. .•

Old' you know that you can' ,et

"Early. Golden Sweet Potato' Plants

DEATHS Th e remains or Gco rg-o Braddock , who eliI' d al the . tnle h""pitlli . lit Gll llipolis, were inl e' ~· et.! i n Millllli ceme te ry las t Fritlny 1110rll!n ~, Georgo "I a ni s died at his home in HIJl'\'cys burg, Sunday even ing. lit 5 o·c lock. T hl' f un eral aelvice WII S hcld III the home of his son. 1,' I'Il " k .Tuc8day morn ing lit 10 o'clock, Th e body was brought to Millllli eCOletel y. for buria l.

How Much Do You Want to Pay? ~xac tly

That', Tire. No

what we uk you when you com e In (or a

w h .. ther you WAnt II n out and out or the &Dn bi g now halloon lire or a relular aiu.

matt e r

ed qu a Hty tire-

We h,we a Goody " .. r (or you. at Mrs. Mary Ward, Irolor ecl. diNI Sunduy mOIV1ing at her home in Harveysburg. The funr e,,1 ws h ~ ld on Tu ~s duy lI£lemon al 2 o·clock. nnd buriul was in lhe co lurt'd ct'melcrv li t Harveysburg. .

. -...-----

Uncle Tom's Cabin CODling Harmoun t's I3ig Uncle T om's nbin show is coming to Wa ynesville on Wednesday evening . JUlie 17, under a big te nt. This co mpany is co nsi de red to be onp of the largest and hest trnv~ lin g orgal.izalio ns of iL< ki d on the ron d loday, ca n·yillf.! H company of 35 p ~op l e: 11 \1 new lind sp~c­ ial scener~' for eltc h li nd eve ry act. Co ncelot ba nd and orc he.tru. bloodhounds. seaL~ for 1,500 nn " in fllct everythin g thllt IIdds l mAke a rca l Unc le T om's Cabin show . Show gTounds opposite th e old Elecl ri Lig ht plant.

NOTICE TO PUBLIC ·The Pu blic Utilities Commi s.~ i o n of Ohio has r e\'oked J ohn H. Zinsz' certificate to operllte a motor transpor· tation lin e and has g ranted F . J. Mayo the rjglrt to operute a bus line betwee n DllyLon r Way nesville und Lebanon , on a two- hour suhedule for convenience of the traveling public. There will be adequate service at a r ea on able and just rale and a lso r ound-trip tickels on 8nle by the driver of these bus&es. Signed, f. J. MAYO, Owner lind Operator.

--- .. -.'---

You 'ee, low.

Goodyear line i. complete a nd Goodyear prica.....

Here Are a Few Examples of the Bargain. We Are Offering in Genuine Goodyear Tire. 30.3 ~ Clincher Tire.

.. .. ...... $8.35 19 t11 .00 Straight Side Cord from ... .... "" .............. . 'UI .~O 10 $18.70 33x4 SIr3 ig hl Si de Cord (rom , , $16.90 10 $111.30 32)( ,1 ¥.a COl'd $23 .00 to $2!UiO 33x5 Cord ... ", $32.20 to $37.60 32x4

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville; Ohio


Uncle Tom's Cabin Shown Under Big Tent

Wednesday Evening

IJune 17, '25 35 1500 .

LODGES Will DECORATE The Jr. O. U. A. M., 1. O. O. F. and K. of P. lodges will join in a Memorial Day service, Sunqay, June 14. Rev. L. A. Washburn will be the speaker and m'u sic will be furni shed by II male ·quaTtet. Members are requested to meet at the I. O. O. F. hall at 1 :30 p. m., and be ready to march at 2 o'clock. Decoration will take plnce nfter the selIVice. • _ •


tbe price you ar. willia, to pay.




Band and Orchestra All Special Scenery


Tell the


you read his Ad. in the Miami Gazette

LIKES AND DISLIKES ARE ONlYPREJUOICES Our likes and dislikes of certain foods are nothing more than mental prejudice~. Ovel'Coming these prejudices, nutrition specialists at the Ohio State university point out would make life easier for the housewife, who prepares, more than 1100 meals every year. From "Food Fallacies," a sel!ies of comments on food whims written by these specialists, the following Is quoted: "About 1100 meals are prepared on each farm every year. This does not allow for any extras such as we know are necessalW in many homes where all members of the family cannot come fllT mlla!JI at the same time. "Add to· tblll the task whi~1l mllny women alllume, namely, providing foods prepared to please. This often means preparing one· food in as many ways there arc mom bel's of the tamily"or preparing an entirely dift'erlm~ food. lor tholle who '!fo not like' It. J'oio e~m'ple: Fat~er likes potetoes Jrled; Jerry won't elJt ·them unless"they are mulled; Fanny wants her potatoes ueame!\; the baby must have 'balced potatoel, ami the hired man woo't eat pota~oes at alJ, so rice must be cookecUQr ilim. T\lis js true in many homeB. . . "Could not the task of preparlne ' meala be materially reduccd Il membe", of the 'family had IIOmc consideration for the till~ lIf preparil)g 1100 meals a tear ·· There II no real . reason why , ant o·n.e cannot ellt practically ever:y lood •., OU1' 'likes' an<d 'dislikes' are mental sets 01' .preju.dicell, whlcb are groundlelll. These prejudices, Il Indulged, become rullnr fanors, making the taSk of preparlnr m~~ unne~ly dlfBcu]t."




Chu....... 1ft Me.loo City; There an 800 dlurms 01 10114 ItOIi8 1IIUOIlrJ. equln1ent to ODe

ehurdl for ...., 800 lDbAbltaDtll, Ill' ~ .ou,.

Hot We~ther Necessities Sa ve Your Food with a

Glacier Refrigerator Quarter Sa wed Oak Finish White Enamel Food Cabinet ~eUeve the intense heat in your· kitchen with a goo4 Co~1 9iI or Galolilie Stove. We have a complete Itock of "

Florence, .~ic~, 'M~~ :-New Perfection, Red S~r. $to,e, from '7.~ ~p



, Then~lf

Kitchen-Kook Pressure. GaM" Stove .~

il irving wonclertul eatiefaell.,... ·., Ii ....onstratioD wUl prove .it.


Hardware. Ham. . and ' Farm M.:ch1n87




Miami Valley Tobacco Growers

'Twas Fine Game If We Did Lose

Mr. lind Mr. Will StJohn were in Dnyton, T u~~ulI;. Messrs. Walter lind Chllrlos Burnett were ill Lebllnoll, Tuesday. Mrs. J ohn Whitaker and Bon, Marion, were in Dayton, Tuesday. Mr. und Mrs. J. E .Janney are spending II few uays at Kingman. Mi ss Roso Wilkerso n, of Columbus, is th e guest of Mr. lind Mrs. Le ~ t e r Gordon.

Whole J- umber 5G4'"


seventy·Seventh Year

1I 0PIII~ to con tribute a closing eh.,, ' I'" to ..crail s u f th e "Miami Val-

One of the prettiest ball games ever Rren on tho local lot. was pulled off Sund ay, with Fhe MiamiS taking the short end. The Millmis had the Dayton Racers , on e of the besl nrnato ur teams of thnt city. b eaten by n score o r 3 to 1. when two hi ts, a wobble or two, an umpire's decis ion, an olher wobblo gave tho game to Duyton. H aro ld Orsburn pitch ed t he entire game, and he certainly had good control and kent t h e hellvy slugger s of the Racel·. enting out of hiS hnnd all through t he ga me. It wns a neat bit of pitchin g on his part. Three e lTors for euch Ride, nnd the Mialms mnkln lr the most hits, ought to hllve wan t he game . I n the ninth, Frose let Strinlrley's grounder go through him. Con le y hit, an d Shadley, who hnd ulrendy llIud,. a homer, anti a lmost II three bagger, hIt. Prc ndergust mi ~J ud ged I ~ nnd th e ball wellt thl'ough lhe gate. Shadley tri ed for hom o but t he ball was thrown to Burton, and Shad ley ran in to the diam ond to esCllpe being tugged, ancl the umpi re railed him sufe. AnothN wobble, an d fiv e runs hlld come ove r the plat-



T " I IiI (' ('O

GIOWl'! 13'

A S~{lciuti on"

nnd \\ rlf .· tini. tr' lin era whi ch th~y 1I ~',' rf 1111" hl"'LI~h t th e m fonll'll 'inl call1lllily. ill' UI J::l' nt I1Il' lll bcrg of the """I plllll tt) h .. lcI u dl'!1Ionstra tio n (On Ih,· Parl.(· rOlllll.y F a il' I! I·OUllrlS. al (<ll'I Il \III,·. UhlO .. Iune 20. be~lII­ l1ill~ a t III o ·clock. centra l time. Bl'llIg your fll nHly "I"ng 1\ .>11(' - im(' hope n f bettellng th e IllUIg'ln flf pn)tit on th l'U" cr op s hy .·I"l1Il1"tlll~ tl1(> nud,lIe mall. thro ug h olw ra linll \,f u jOint m'al"k (! llO g o r· J!":tll l iWlItin. 110 ' ''' iH tl !H\)!fh' l lng- hl'U P ". a -h ,.~. Tlwv 111'1' ove r 2;' 00 stro ng "nd "tlh [, I' ; ontr ol h n!l' the o r~ lln ­ IZILLioll t he' clay" lOf Ihc poo l Will he nU Il1Lcr(·c! Wh en a fpw me mbel'S o f Lhe pIOo l put t hell' hen d. l ug cth(,I' ulld


i I


Interesting Items from the


State . Capital Prepared by Columbus Reporter



:~ _

.......................... - ------ --- cnLl MH US,

Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mary's Church Tl w

ro.,"o clHilll~ Rh'li. fur compen sa i.m ,



~II SS ~: "zllh('th Ch nn ,ll .. r. o f Grr enfit,l d, \\11 1.: h ome ove r Sund ny

~11 1111 \ ry Sack , 1I '" cI ,.It·lIt :-;ulld:l; III Gl eell\ l1le P UII I


1)1 IIJ..." I atH " f l ' I' ddIl 1:':" ill t", -I'd \\ It t. " Il't I ol . ~ ' C.,ll ' ('"l l un'" \\ l !t



II B\' Fnrk

Jhl\\h, '.: I t

j\ ] ',

r IIdll ell

f o r Ildju sh' ,j \.:II Ill PL"I1 S.1 11nll b~r \\ .r ld ) 11I :-:i 1(.: wa I \ <·t ('I ans rn u ... l la p fi \(." With th e liPId l of ,\ Rt.,le dt' IUlI t rl\l'lll n f nrl.IIH:t I'd CHill · }l Cltl sat i on lJY S\'.' ptl'ml\\' 1 1, tlll '- ye ar


fam ily

no pe, nt

11 d\\t.1 IP ~ 1 ~l re.


~ Jlt 'l

t'lalnl "

"" xII "" ;


rud, \ , dl .lf i l' "h .. l ' t .t d I ;1111 ) "h ,1 / II (· OlldUd., d tl1(' , tl\ \1 11 111 d ~ l' t \' It"\ ' :---l" ' lptlllul qUl 1lll'lId l"l \ \ ( ' 1'(\ ~l\" 'n 111 I .. .... p .. l1 ~f ' tl) r "ll·t ull l\r th.· dll "'" " f n ... hll il hU .... 1I1t .... !ot .. ~;.; .. l .. n tilt f p l· h,\\

Ornn -- AII


d,u! I.: h Ill ... t 1111 "'''''11\' nftl'r n""". J UII\' Il . \\illl 'I ,., .1. \\'. Ed\\·"d . IIIIt! ;l1c ~ H"Jo tdd 1lll\\ kr, a t th . . hll m ..! IIf ~Jr!-\ 1':ch\, lI'd ot. \1. I d II\" :\1 , ' 1 h. "W '." 11 1 ~r " I l\ j.

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:.1, .... ,1 1II" , Dnno\"un .

OtH ' lll ~Ih... B l 1L 11.1Il ", wi< ~1 I . a nd" 1<. ,.' B Hen derso n and CU II ,: ' ,Cl·r t.' tl. ,M U ., h .'- - 1<~liIlUl' l ill G" H. ,t" thoVll\ dallS!htt!I , 1,qU I :-o\ , were in I luyt o n . I ~,244 Cla ll1l ", to tlllin'~ ::!R .- l!c" Jlllg - "1\ Wc'ek ",mlln!; lhe 111 l lHjllY· Vernon West, of Springfield, is Thl' 7 78.7(; I R4 . havc hee n pnld . tI"",," . 1>lr,. W. 11. AI un visi ting his un cle, MI'. C. P. ElIiR t(ILtI 11Llmhcr u f t l u tl rl~ II I('d I-J I..t~t1 4.· r rrom n All s ... i v n ~ lr~ 111 P C)! to wrong With bu slnl'ss co ndit WlI s 11 11(1 \\ith the UdV HII CIIlg' munlh s, n nd ::!2:1. ~H~rJ by V('lc rlUI ~ , and un ad o l· 1I1r ~' r '. r "r1 nukin "nu Elloworth and fumily . Hil U" ~It·s. kdiLh lI a rris HfI ,'d, n, o f J. C bU IIUII , \\L' l" , i ll ll)Wl1, th e somct hm g is La cJ< of CO llthi pnce wh ich ~t)o n Will I('a d t o (·[) m:pl el e tlO nal fi,li 7G iJy hell'S to f for m~ 1 "c r~ I \I>' " "Open thl' Gat ~s ui I he "t he llbn urnlul, lI n n ~ ce ~sury a ud lib ' rlllI OIl (of th e "dow n trodd en t o- \~ ic c m Ull , '1 ueH cluy. Mra. Harry' Chidlaw, of Los Angel T c·mpl!:. Ti mid, ill pU lsed men tal attitud e of hncco g rowel1l. ea, Cal., is visiting her siste r, Mrs . muna gel'1l includi ng ourselves." A fLe r adjournme nt a drl ig htful so1111' and Mr s E E . "II I"', of DayTh e rcv olutlOn, an d such it may be Walter M(·Clut o. Ohi o must he marl e Slife for its ter nll'd, It a~ not been wilh lJ ut i t..~ youth .. nn d lIn nC CI? ~f" aly h; lII US t em l huul \\ as spe nt dUring whi ch tOil, WI'I'O ~1 ,, "c1 ItY J\' uc,l' lot' Mr Hll d Thut's a s sound liS a ~tee l Ingot. lh lllh ng mom e nts. The re WM the d('l lc luu, r e rn'ahments WUI' 0 SCI vt't1 1\lrs. 1':1\ In Firl!s. The Jolly Dozen Sowing club spent Our tr.o u bles a r c m ent/ll P llt a g l (·"t 1'>1 lIy at BrookVille n ot 10111" be el Imi nat e'!. This IS the clcri - ion hy th" h OBt." ~r" . utisisled by Miss last ThursdllY With MI'I4. Bell Na flh, t e t. plank SIX Inc hes Wille (,11 th O' glIO un U, Hgo , \\ h"I! in:"i.urg'e nt!\ frunl f ar nnn o f GU\ ern or \ ic Don a hey, \\ h,) hitS Mur y Leah Edwards . IIIr nnd IIIrs. B F. Mill_ nn d ,luughnellr New Burlington. The Miamis could not get more UI~d o f n hu ndred pe op le , eVe l Y olle \\ 1.1 .. ,,""· mlol,·,j fn plnn the· fin Al had , uvl'rll l ex per ie nces durinA' !'CThe roll owing guests were prP Bt'nt: thull one 111 the nlllth , and the g ame Will wal k th e le nJrth o f It without Id ow Thll :-:l' I'romin(lnt among them ce nt Wel' ks t o help h im In reachi ng Mrs . LlIl n n e\·ltt. ~ I I'S. A. T Wn ~h t t('r, ~li ss C/ll'r i~, "pent . ' und ay ",th relatives in Dayton. deciSIOn t o th e " ff ec t that u good All kind s of repolrs on Dee ring WllS oVer. The Miami. play the fast fear of fu lling I' ut th' ~ ame plank d P l 1 vtlred t i nt phu tic pronuu nce mcn ts IImnlly :lcc ld('nt s to ambl t l oLl~ YOlllh ~ MI·~. '\111 C,"nell. ~fi'8 Tril lellll (,;J: and McCormick machinllR_ Sec me. Wilmington Night H Rw ks ne xt S un- fitly fe l't III th" UII, a nd tll'O 111 II "li d 111<' lr " ol"lls ' ro ng Ihl'ough t he hc 11 \ o lu ecl . FII.,.t t he governor wards, l\lt .s May WI ight, MISS Mll rMr. IIl yer Hyman IIIllI f amily, lilt •. J. C. Hawke, Hnrdware. d ay nfternoon at Phlltps park. hundred, p erh" p~, wi ll Le a ble to Wll lk c r(1 wel,'rI halb as lIugun es (\ f II new may wo ulu h1l Ve so me precuu t lollS take n gllrl'l Hus" um an .1 t h(' li ttle rolk s L. A . Zim nlt:lrman anu son, were DIlYFo llowing i8 the suu talc : it. Pu~ your pl unk up t wo hu ndre d epuch There it wus unnou nc ed the .. round p ubl ic swimming pools t bat BetLy Hart..'"ck, Pa u l Zimmerma l; ta n vlsitOI'S, S undny. feet, IIncl n o~ one III u th ousun d Wi ll gool of 5 1 'I' \,YIIB JU Kt III th l! lO ffing. Master Louie StreiQher is spendDA YTON RAC E RS the youn g bathe rs wou ld 1I0t l'ndon- IInu Frull k HII\\'ke. ing the week with hiR uncle anll nunt, A.B R Ib P.OE try to cross it. Almost half of the memb ers had gel' th eir lives every tIm e they wlint Messrs. Solomon Fred and H. V. Yet, leavi ng out fear (it 1 8 as ea., y Mr. and Mrs. Adam Melloh. 600 2 0 bec n "on over to the CIIll Re nnd the Brown, 8b W alte r, 'of L ebano n, wor e Wayneswal.k ~ u ch a plank a th ousan d fect cou p d 'etat w os II not far distan t to tnke a little dip. Spee d nnd cllre4 0 0 6 1 to Eckert, a8 lessness in automobile dtivin'~ is also \' llIe Visitors, Tu esday. Oiling of Waynesville streets was Stringy, If certainty . Prior t o the r a lly at .. 4 1 1 o 0 up a8 It IS flat on the ground. h lltllrd that must be checkl'd, the height of ~ur nati ollal prosper- BI'ookvi ll e WitS the "Buttle of Gel' ag overn flnL!hed today, and Jie lie f from dust Con ley, 2b . 4 1 1 3 1 ItyThe or says, nn d in h is n oxt Illesmakes some Citizens di zzy. Mr. Loren Hadley, of George lllunlow lI." T hat wns in the early .Ige to th e gen cral ass c OIhlr he w ill will be enjoyed l or some time. 423 1 1 S hadley, l'f School, Pa., joined his fllmily here dnj's . whe n th ~ ranks of the ins ur- ma ke some r ecommendatlOlls whI ch 311 7 1 Dadisman , Ib last W edn esday evening. 4 1 1 1 0 Thi s is a new age, and the things gellts were thll\. The " battle" aro se may resu lt ill hi". which will ali ve Mr. and Mrs. Durward Vice, of Shoemaker, cf The Wnyn e Township Farmers ' 4 0 0 1 0 we do would ha vt! surprised not on ly d u 1'1 ng n protest meettng. There ma ny ll ves. Dayton were week-end guests of Mr. Myers, p cluL hc lcJ It~ r eg ular monthl y lIIeet\'lI r IOU 8 cn s unltl c~ of min or Mi RS Margnre t Ru ssum, of Dayton, 4 0 1 6 0 o ur grandfa.therR, but oUnlc lvcs ~ \\'(' 1" Will Stroud and family of Route 4. Nelson, c 109 o n T hu l'sdu y, Jun e 11 th o I1 f t he few years bock. co nsequonce nnd swellring Oll't of Chan ge in th e time of c l~­ home of 1\11'. and Mrs. J . T. Dear- \\ nR lh ~ guest of Mr. J. Wilso n E dwnr rants lllld inRtltution of damage wunls lind fllml ly, last week. 36 6 8 27 3 Total Mr, Ralph Frazer and family hnve Y01:'ng gentlemen studying at An- ;; lIlt S \\('re tbe ufterm ath. T hu8, tion a ,,~ t he OhiO [Icni le ntiuri will doff, ne ar Le han on. Seven ralllili es l'ctumed hom e otter a pll!asant vacnMIAMIS napO lis, 01 e told that he r(,lI f te r an t" ,o ugh t1 ... llItc wi nter munths spl'in g be rifcctive on ,July l. unrl will nbol- fnil ~ d to IInt;\\ er to 1'011 cl1 l1. 1p<" R. AIhel·t Cleuver nntl Geo rl!'e Lion spe nt in Tennessee and West VirMl'mhet," unci n number o f J::1I~ Ht~ A.B R Ib r.o E ofhc er lind n gc ntl l'man IlIU st, know allel l h ~ l':lI ly ,;lImmer, tho I'ebellious ish 11 cu sto m liS olu n ~ t he in stit u tion ginia. itsel f. In the 1111 t . cxcclltion H have pnt1 ')IiI, f th e kple ndid c1i n ll r, 1I,'n de"" n 31 e III Rip ley. OhIO , work 4 1 3 1 1 how tu fl y. Frost , 8 8 ~1"l\"' I' S hme fo u~ ht lhel " bi tte r fi g ht been he ld nt cxnctl y lit one I" in ute Ing for the Bell T e ll>ph one C,). H[J l'eatl upo n [he porch nn d in t he E. DUlton, 2b 4 0 2 1 1 And out in the Pac ific Ocenn. .md n(' \\ they alt: l'ell u y t o cap the 4 0 2 2 0 II mong th e corn I IlIlIes, ncar Oil! G,o! ~ lil11 . l x . )o;IIICC t he hu~e BI' oilv ille aft~r nlldn.i ~ ht. a~ t he old la" r ead Yllid. Mr. and Mm. Frank Reeves, of Gons, J( !IIr. Lee Hawke, Mj •• es F.1sie a nd All electio n of officcr s res ul te d in 4 1 1 2 0 apa,::ns 1"lnnd. sC l o nti ~ t~ . \\' It h <lI V- mt~l'llnJ! , ;';t' \o e )'ul utte mpts hu vc bee n "belwee n t.he hours of midnig ht on u Dayton, ~pent the week-end wilh the Sattterthwaitl!, 1 b 1 tnl!' he.lmctH on t hell' hend- . th .. 1t 111.,de b) an other RI'u UI' wh o wllnt Bunrisp" The change will h" mnde I'etllining th~ present co rps for the 0 01 is lln d ~las ter Do nald Hawko 4 0 0 \ MIIIH.,8 Ehzllbcth and Josephtn o C. O ~ borne, :lb One new member. \\ ere in Pleu ~n nt Plain, Sunday. <1 1 3 16 0 1O.t her\\,se Ilak~d hodles well ollell. arc I cr, l gnnlZlllio n to get the in Burge nt pOSSIble by the enactment of " I.Iw ens u ing yunr. H . Burton. c Reeves. 3 1 0 3 0 ~Iltln g und er t he wate r , stuJying the conllnl ttec to luy down With pl'o mise of th e post legisla ture , permittl ng 1111'. Ern esL Bu tte rworth, was nddl'd Heinl e. cf 3 0 0 1 0 Itsh that com e, Wide-eyed, to study o f getling positIOns in the new I'e- the waru e n of the peniten t iary to to th e executive committee: Mr. and IIfrs. N . A. King, of InThe stor e of ftf. B. Hyman & Son, Schuler, rf h" ld electroc ution s at any time durA du ct by MISS Helen Hawke and cli nnu poli. , Ind., "erc guests of Mr_ 3 0 0 1 0 the men. was burglariz('d eal'ly Saturdny II. rn, Jl o r~" n l 7.e u bunc h. This committee i I{ t he day. Whi le Walide 'l Thomu" Mr~ . ,Josephin e Elcrnhn.11t WIlS tbe Wa Eltcy IInti fumily ovor Sun· mornin g, nnd clothing vnlue d at ovc'r "i t h lI~arly ~5 00 fo llowers ~ t ou d finn Totitls SS 4 11 27 3 For the fi l'St tim e in his se ve r:! 1 a lHI r fu sed to r e-o r..:aniz e a prop- hns mnd c no p ositive deci sio!1 i n the first numb er e nj oye u by th e clull. dllY. $500 waB taken. matter It is expccted that under t he Mrs. Mln e rvn H oug h n ex t e nter l8lnhundred t h ousalul vell rs o f exist. oSlllon Ihnt has cost tob1lcco raisers 1 234 5 6 789 Jlew law execution s will occu r cd wl lh II hum orou s readlllg "When ence on thi s planet, mlln ,'lIn t r ul y Mr. und M1 8. Chu r les Sherwood IIl1d uu sincs ill th Miami Valley close o 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 5- 6 SIIY th e cal·th IS his nnd Ih e fulln css Mr. nnd Mrs. OmBr Baird nnd son, Racers sh ortly ufter 5 o'clo ck in t he after- Father P loye d Base Dall." ' left Sat u ruay fo r South Dakota and t o Oil!! lind ullc hnlf Im ll io n do lla l's. noo n or aCt" 1 a ll other prisoners have U 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1- 4 Claronce-, of Indinnapoli.. spent t he Miamis J udge R. J . S hnwhan addressed th e reo f. He gOl'5 up II1tO t he clul II, L p",l~rs or t he p01l1 c lallll th ey ar c we"k-end with Mrs. Julia Donovan hn d their supper a nd arc loclled up th!! cl ub, ~ i ving many interesti ng other points oC in te res t thl'ough the and down Into the ocean. gO lllg to hold t he percentage left and l or ti l<' t.igh! in tb~ir c c ll ~. West. and Mr. Mert Baird. ~ ltlllp ses of hIS r ece nt trip throug h 'Yith such \\ ond c," happellIng "0 hll ve II be t ter p ool than ever. Ca rds W e~t Indi('R , Pa nama nn d Northt he rapidly, who knuws but lI1('n nu y su r! - \\ e l c scn t out Mondny, to 0very poo l lilt·. G. n. JI1i11~, re presentntive of Mrfl. Elizabeth Baily attended the d~n Iy find n " ay to Ii\'e (I n thi. e,ll'th memb er g iving all who \\ nllts out on e There have been more positive ca· ern :0111 h Ame rica. the G4th DistricL o f Ohiu, 1. O. O. F., graduation of her grandson, Charles IIdJourned to mee t next T he club ~Ithout cu tt ing cac h ot he r. ' t h oa ts mure chan o~ . Those wh o have sign- ses of rabies In OhiO durill g t he fir st Chapman, from East High Bchool, \\ Ith Mr. a nd Mrs. Lee EUI'll- IS atten din g Grand Lod!;c at lllarion; 111 \\ar. ed off please ma rk lind se nd back five nnd a balf months of the pres- month Ohio, t1118 week. Cincinnati, last Friday. hort. imm ediately to County Chairman , ent year than during nil of 1 9~ 4 Frnn k 7,('11. one or Waynesville's President Coo lldgl'. It is "/l Id, wtll wh ose nam e is On I'everse side of t he nccordinl!' l(, the ~ Inte h ea lth depart: , MI'. a nd Mrs . Th omlls P. Fetter, M1'8. G. D. Mills, who has b ee n most prUllIl1I 'n l IInu highly esteemed cut twenty-five 11111111111< II \ I'm. fra I'l p'tlstn l. A nd I hose who wish to sign m e nt, \, hlch has Iss u ed a warnlll g o f t he Obio Masonic Home. Springquite. ill the past two weeks, is with clti t en~ . UI l'd nt the Mc lelland hOll- the cost of thl' UIII Il·d ~tllt;' ~ 111111\' - uff ran d o Sn 11y see tn g W. C. Berg- t o d og " " III'r s to be on th e IOIll k- I>u pital, Xenia . S u nduy mor nin g. ut 6 fie ld, ure visiting MI'. a nd Mrs. her Sister, Mrs. A. C. Dee m, in Spring a good idea . Su ldl 'rs IJIllrching ci\'~1 dllll , Robert FI Il'n d, Wa ltel Clllrk, for sil: ,. f the dl o II e in th ell' pet~ . o'cluc k, following li n operation. George Smith. field, during her uonvalescence. gro u nd in [UtUI" Wll r f rOIll lil ~ ha lles Hyl' 01 LlIlcoln Kill).\' You The I'CCC'lIt h il t ",·" th :'I· II:" d on(, He had been in th e ho, pital for treat athe Messrs. W. N. Sears and A. A. ment f., r Rome tim e. bu t his condi- ir will be nbu ut li S use f ul as ~ , will a lso, if you wi ~ h, hnve a cbance much tu Il1c r C J\ ~c lh t n u m he r of 4., Bs e.:. Rev. and Ml'1I. John J. Schaeft'er tion becunllng 80 much worse a n op- many ra bb it s when cagl('s attu c•• to "Ig n ulr at Gree n ville n ex t Slit- of rubl e. , II " d wh ile t hcle hnK bee Ji MoNeil wer e in Wilmington and them. )Irs. Ida Schaeffer, and Mrs. NEW SUITS but f ew fam l caseR, d octo rs whu au · u rday. Xe nia, Friday, a rrang ing for a sale wmrdeemect-nccessnry as a :rhe PreSident's eco nomy will be ------Weller were guests of Dr. Gi ) on last minister SCI urn report th e gTeatl'st MI·~ ..l nn~ 1'(' w(' l1 hns (' n te r~ rl s uit or lIntique fur niture . tWIce ns va luabl e if he Wl il Uri ung' Farr at the Frionds home, Sund,,_. delllund ill UI(' II' professiona l h isto ry. In the d eath of Fronk Zell the comlIgtlin ~ t George F. 'l'c\\{· 11 for dl\·orce . spe nd t he twellty· th e mdli "I1 ~ ~u t The mid-year meeting of the W. 0 1'. J ose ph P ric e , who lldministel ~ ~h" chllrg es g r oss neglect. mu nity suffers a sovere los8. De to from t he army on the builuing of C. T. U .• or W nr r· n cOllnt~', ' Ill the treatment in Columbus , reports Mrs. Israel Satterthwaite, formerly wus a member of the Water and C hnl g lllg ahse nce, Pearl Trenl bas WayneSVill e loses one of her g reat- a lmost a score of cuses during the mect in Lh o M. B. ch u rcJl lit Wayof this place, who Bome t ime ago fell Light board and fall a number of more flyin g ~llac h ine" . uit I ol' ui vorce ngllinst John cn l('"cd s .Hen~y FUld "ill use Un ite d tates ,,5t \\'0 1 kers til t he PIISSIII g' of Fronk }Just three mo nths, but ul1 of th e "IClH's villc. UII W edn esday, Ju ne 24. and suffered /I broken leg, is now years was II va lued m ember of the Trent. An ill\ itntion is exten ded to nil. quite a sufferer from heart trouble. bonrd of di rectors of t h e Millmi Cem- ships. If h e gets th e m to tok e (' ~rs Zell , s~cond ch ild an d old est so n of tl ms re covered after treatmen t . The Jacob nnd Mal'y Ann Zell. H e wos etery associatio n . H e nlso bolonged S outh and around into the Gul f of horn Jun e 2 1, 1855, souLh of Way- ~t.ute hea lth department has issue,1 J fI "It ·~ Clea,'eI', E. C. Mannon un d Mexi co and brin g fruit nnd v(' 'c, PROBATE PROCE EDINGS a speclnl bull etlll on t he subject Miss Clarll Keys was the guest of to the Wayne T ownship Farmers' ta bles buck to t he n OI· th fum ily, of \\'cll mo n , Mr •. Ida Mann esville, on t he farm where his par- which will be mai led fre c to all in: . Mrs. Stanley Sellars, of Lebllnon, last club. J. Lee Thompson, IIdrntn istrator of nn ", Mi. , Eth I Mllnllo n, of TIJl pe. program would I;e wclco r ed ents th en r esided. Wh en a young te rested. He was a man of sterling qualiti es, by Thnt week. During the week MI l!. Sellers the estate of Hoy M. Harpel', d e- CUri O I Ci lY , Lnu is F'II'es und fnn lily milli ons . It \\' ou ld he ll) 10 sel ve man the family moved to a f arm I,1lwaya with the welfare of his friends and Miss Clara visited CinCinnati and ceased, filed hiR fil'Bt account. nne! Fl u",I,' Firl'. u f Route 1, spent m of dIS tribution und de- so uth of Spri ng Valley. H ere h e While the extrem e hot and dry and the community at heart. In their onelopproble Dayton. In t he III nttcl of t he estate of Ma- i;ull uay \dth !\I r. und Mrs. Elvin the g r eat produclnJ\' regions of li ved until his marliage, Novembe r w eulher of the pust f ~w weeks hus sorrows he waB aTllong the first to ve the South, us they should be devel- :r!7, 1878, to La ura J ones, only dllll gh- 1I0t prove n condu cive to pl ospect s ry 1':. Cafferly. deceused Lucyll ormel Fires u~ alimll1 "t rat.· ix , filed her inve ntory Mr. John Whitaker is In Columbus, give sympathy and aid. Truly he will oped. t e l oC Nnt han lind lIlary Jane J ones. be missed. \Ill'. nn d Mrs. J ohn Selll'S Mr. and attending a three·days dem onstration ThiS young coup le bl'ga n th ei!' ~f la l'ge Crops f or the Ohio fll rnll!~ . un d nppraiSl'Il1,,"t. It has prO \'e n val ullbl e to the ~t l , tt· He is survived by his widow, one Jum!'. B. Dads, fl S ud rnillistrll tor of MI s. A IVI1 Som's un d daughter, lind school of th e Estate Stove Co., manumurried li fe on th e fnr m wh ere highway de pa rt ment, wh ere unus unl ?llessrs. F nll, Donllhey a nd inclair lhe es tale .. f Fmnklll1 P. DIIVis, de- Mr. H ''''rI9011 Scars , of Durke county, facturers of the Heatrola and Estate sister and two brothers. th ey were marr ied, bu t after on e year The funeral service was held at have bee.n r e-indic ted for consp iracy spent hel'(" lh~, y bought a fur:m a bout pr og ress h as bee n ma dc In the con- cen sed , tileu his IIlv" nto l'y aud ap- wei e g IJ e.ts of MI. W. N. Sears and Oak, and other stoves. by a Gra nd Jury In th e D,strict of family lust wee k. On Wednesday his lale home Tuesday afternoon at Colum bia . If yo u find anyb ody nnx. o ne mil e west of BelJbro(lk. H el'e truct ion of n ew roads . Wi t h a su r - pl'l1 i ~ e rn e nt. The Will of Mlmu E. Ree d, de- th ey all ulten ded lhe funera l of B Mr. and Mrs. FlI8nk Sandera, of 2 u'oloeJt, Rev. L. A. Washburn, of I.OUS to bet . th ut Mr. Fall w ill go to wus born Lheir du ug hter, Clara. who plus of labor in a lm os t evcr'y COU :Ity and wl!lIthu conu ltiollS ideul for ceased, wn ~ ndnlltted to proiJate . r e lll tiv e at Blunchcstcr. Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Will Reeves the M.~~~ ~ciati!lg. Jail f or sc lhng th e peoplc 's od lands liv"d until ~h e reac he d youn g womnn- rond construction, the con t m('l(' r T he gr oss vulue of th e ('<tute of and family, of New Burlington, were and taking sec r et payment for th e hood . wh en she was called by tho lire working a f ull force of men MfllI1C Hat fi eld nnel sons, wont Mm y K Cull'e l ty. de" ense d, Wus \\; tl\Ir_. Sunday guests of Misses Elizabeth sale, Tak~ the- ~et . . We dOIl't ja il Mustel'. h th,' I'lItrlarc h J\ohli tn nt and AllxIllore than 10,000 be ing en ,pl .. ved foun d 10 be :j: 15.:'!4 0.0U and JOlephlne Reeves. lG. 18n3, both Mr . an d Mrs. ,\ pl.1I th.e real b.lg cnnllnn 18 '" t his cou ntry. .It thi s work in the vn rio' 11 c(llll , i lt,~ lIurr y Sett lemyre ,' nmuul Cnrlc· Ililll'Y, of Lrb a non, t o Hllmilton, SU IILIttle crrminals, yes. It's a dUII- 6 ('11 ulllted Wi t h th e MeLhodlsb Prot- of t he statl!J at th e present tl'lle . ncd" y, to attend t he Mem ol'hl services Mr. Edward Burton, who took the t on anti Wilham Spe il!'lit were nll- of es t'lIIt c hurch at Bellbrook, und er gerous country for them, If th ey're th e 01 der. I1 e f or e gO ing to th e High School examination for teachers The Kan Rite Food Klub, of Way- caught. th e pastorate of R ev. M. . R. Stover, cordlll g to data or on e la rge contrac- pOl llted apprlli sel's o f l he estllt e of ('crlll' I,'ry the 1'\ l'sts ,,"er e g iven a on June 6, just rece ived word that nesville, held their fourth duo-weeklind becume use ful lind IIctive mem- tOI·. Se\'cra l large contrncts w,' l be GIiIJ~rt Fe l'lI s, ue <:c nsed. cumplet ed mu ch beiote UI<., ori·'tll ul the grades r eceived entitles him to ly meeting nt the Grllnge hall, ThursI n the matte l' .. f thl' estate of fine chicke n Ui llnel' a t· t he OddfclIt has been raimng in the corn bers of Lhat orgunlzllt io n. clu t e se t If th e good con " t r u~lio n Mal tha A. Dyn es. der('osed . Ben C 1 0 \V ~' hall . F ollow ing till' services, three one year High School certifl- day. June 11, 1925. The meeting belt A bOUl eighteen yellrs ago, Mr. Ze ll and that has cheered the lann. befo l'c leaving f or home . th ey were cates. was called to order at 2 o'clock by ers. The corn s uffered for lack or r etl1 ~d fr om active farm hfe and well thor continues much long" ... B ut J\ elley \\ a~ apPolllteu app nllser in- se r v('(1 with icc crcam li n d cake. ~\' hlle t)1e advantage o f goo<\ \\'(!stl .er s ~cnd o f C. E H urnH , who \\,11. un · the president. Rol) call WIIS ~ken min. cUlll e to 1I\"0 in Waynes\' ilIe. where More than 200 \\' ere presont. Mias Stella Lemmon and Mr. Eu- by tho secret arty to which all mem o ubl e to attend to his duti es a s such. h e at o nce b ('c:a ll1 ~ one of her leuding !S provll1g a boon to road cunll'l~~I\' " Immediately the price of corn fell gene Dewitt, of Cincinnati, spent the bers with the exoeption of one reIt is p luy tn g havoc Wi t h the prO d lh!~b I n t ho matte r uf the "stat(' of Co mplim enting MI s He nri etta !\fcweek-end with Mrs. Mary Lemmon. spon ded. The joining of a new more thnn 5 cents a bushel. Dece m- cI LI Z(' nS a nd c'o ntll1IJed to be s uch of. the OhIO farrners for bump er crops Mmy E. Cll ffe rty. dl'cc usecl, It WII S li e never held any pohticol omce, K l n s ~y , wh o rl' cently I'e l u talc d ti' ber com dropplllg !l81,1. t o 93 cent..~ . Mias Lemmon is connected with a me mber enlarged the iilcmbershlp of thiS yeal·. or de red that a celti fie d copy of the her I.omc h ere fro m Ashlllbula , Mr. The weather docs somethlll!; to chee r but filled Inu ny POSiti ons of trust, wholesale house, designers of cloth- our club to ellwen. e ntry determinin g t he in herita nce an d IIlrs. J . Wilso n EJwlIrds enterup the farmer, and then the gra in working with SimpliCity and quiet ing and inillinel'Y, in Cincinnati. tax to be pUld be cer tified without t nine d n few fri ends with "/I rds Inst The business part of the meeting speculators to cheer. him Down again. di g nit y. His wort h, his sterling de lllY. ability, his tireless and abundant enSal urdny e\·cning. Th os" invited Mr. and Mrs. Dula ney Carter en· was held and both old and new busiBy the decision E lizabeth B. Bally, exec utrix of \\ (' 1 (' Mr. lind :'<11'5. J. U Chop"",n , tfl~.ta!ne!1 thl! Jolly Dozen and their ness were di~cu sse d. At Yucllipa, Calirornia. all mem- e rg y were l'ecogn iz('d by all who the esfllte of Emmor 1';" Bolly, dcof the members popcorn and otheD Mr. and Jl II·s . E . V. HIlI'nhnrt, of tiulbj!nde, lfhu1jl!dBY evening, to a bers or the First Meth odi st ch urch k new hllll. He di scharged every r eaMed, fil e d hen IIIvcnfll lY lind 1l1) - Cincinn a ti. \1[1' . Ilnd ?>rl' ~ . Ro nnld fa!,~we\l p,a!'ty for their son, Forest, eatables will be sold at. ttw.. band con- wrtnessed the end of u Bible-rea<llllg dilly lind met eve ry respon sibility I' nti",(·m e nt. certs, which begin at 8 o'clock. lI a wk<> . ~l l· . I\IIU l'IlI 5. }-'I'CU B. H en Wllh a rugl!'(' d VI lli. He saw an opwhp If!~~ S!ltur~ay morning to make Satisfactory arrangements were marathon . ST. MARY' CHURCH III tIl(' mattcr of the " stute o f I) . ,h·I·,, " '. !'III' and Mr •. ){alph ~fill ~r . llis hPjII8 with hi~ grandfjLther, in It was a noble reani ng a ll out port ulllt y f or kllldlless a nd render ed made for th o above bURlneliS propo- loud, every word di ~ tinctl y prUIl OUIIC- IL wllh a n III~clltge llc c thnt mad e him Jun e 2 J. Seoond Sunday after l.e RtJY Eur nhart, d ecl' a~" c1 . permis- Ml II nci MI'. . hades M. nobit ~e J', I-Iham\lrl!, 01'1· Rition. Any donations 01 POPCOl"ll cd. The pastor. the Rev. R O. RII- loved. Trinity. Church Sch ool at 9 : ~ O a. ~ \ I) n wus gi v en a dmini str ator , C hur le~ MI' a ll d Mrs .• Iuh n O. Cu rtwt w ht, T. E ll i" to sel l cel tain ~tock beloll g- lIll' lI lrl Ml'I<. J llm('s McClure. Mr~ . 'The SundA), gueJts of Mr. and Mrs. will be gladly reoeive d by any mem- ley stayed awake and r ead or listIntelt "ity, energy, hone sty and inAdalll Mellob and family, Were Mr. bers of the food club. d efll t ig"ble ~,ervI Ce \\ ere leading m. Morning Prayer and sermon at illl!' to th e e~tn te. L. A ZimOl f rlll: t' 1. :M j~ 9 I\ lart~R I·~t ened thro ugh the 611 '>j, h OUl8 11 o·cl ock. At thi S service the Cullie L. W!l ls. nd min i. t ro li x of Hu~ ,,,n lind MI'. ,I B. Pen Ol' A fter the business part of the lin d Mra. Charles Kauft'u n.r, Mr. and More de liberate r eading, espccially chalacteristics of his hfe. nth r rln c Wills. uc· MH. Charle. Hinkle, Mr. and Mrs. meeting WIlS over, demonstrations of Job and Isa iah would be prcf~ru­ For such mc n as t his wo may well F ri end " will ml'et with us fllr wor shp. th e: c .tl1t~ of ceascd, fli ed h ' r rn\'~ n tot'y nnd upEdward Stl'llicher. Mr. 1118 Melloh and a delightful program followed ble. But any Bible reading is bet- thunk God und strive to continue su ch All ar e we lco me . prHl selll ell t . Lou is and Richard Streicher; all of after the meeting adjourned: servic(' ns he I'en dered familr., 11l"gh· thau none. R ev. J ohn J . Schaeffer, Rector. I n th e mn t(' l' of the estntc of Any VIsitors who might wish to Hamilton, Ohio. and Mr. and Mrs. b ors, friend s an d 1111 humallity. HIS Chnrlcb F. S,)lIthga te, , le c.~ 1I8ed , the attend the meetings of the olub Edward Gloeckler, of Springboro. In T hibet you can give a few cop- pliBsing will leave a. big gnp in the gross \'nlu e of the es tate wa s foulld whic~ are held every two weeks, ar~ pers to a pagan priest with his prayer fi elds which huve had his enthu8ia~tlc The Happy Hour club met at the heartily welcome. to be 2R,981.00. devotion. METHODIST CHURCH mill. You go your way comforted home ()f MI'II. Hamett Wl1aon, with He is survived by his wife , two The I . O. O. F ., Jr. O. U . A. M. and he gl'indB out 10,000 praye .... for yo~ Sabbath School, I) :15 a, m ., prea chMl'1I. E dith Gonl asslltlng. A good MARRIAGE LICENSES K. of P . lodges of Wayne ~v ill e , held on his little mill. Those proyers nre brothers, J . P. Zell, of Yellow ing at 10 :SO a. m. Epworth League pl'ogram wa. enjoyed. Ruth HockSpringR, and T. H. Zell, of Xenia, beheved to do good, although verVlln B. R!'tallick, teach er of Or- t he annual Memori nl service Sunday ett, Jeanette WillIOn and Mary Sat· bal praying from the heart may be and olle siste r, Mrs. Nellie Evans, of 6:4~ p. m. Preaching at 7 :80 p. m., egonia, !lnd Miss Mirillm Muil, tench- "fte lnlOo n. hunoring their deceased terthw.lte each gave a reading,. and Portland, Orep':on, together with many Wednesday evening Prayer me eting, better. me mbers. Mary Catherine Wilson furnished other relatives and an unlimited cir. 7 :1I0. Evereybody im-ited to these er, of Lebanon. l\!elll bel's of th e (lifferent ord ers George Clinton Harris, ,lion of Wil· Willion! AI'chdcacon, cemen t conthe mUllc A dainty lunch was served. cle of friend s and admirers. liam and Abigal Stewart Harris was tr llctor. lind Mr". M,II·th .. A. Bruco, mel I' 1. O. 0 F hll l1 nnd proccl'ded services. teo lite cell wte l Y. whe re hoy IllU1el11The joint service at the White horn in Warren County, Ohio • Janco"k. bo th of j;>l'lUlklln Rey. L, A . Washburn , Pnstor. Brick Meeting house last SundllY wu uary 27! 1888j died at hiB hoine in Rolly II . Munge r, fllllne r , nnd MI'" . biNi nt lim Muu tid. A purnde WIIS Hnrveysburg. une 7, 1925, aged 92 fo rm ed /Inu the g l'ttVOS weill decomost helpful and in spiring. The F: m ma D. Becke tt, housekcoper, both The office oC {he OhiO' Council oC I'Ilted. Following t hiS ceremony B J.o'rienda' congregation will attend years, 4 months and 11 days. of Wuynes ville . Religious Education has issued Cre· Tho Friend ship clllss of the M. E. ~ I"'rt 1'1'0,"1' 1m wus I'(' nliel ,d. He W88 united In mal'l'iage to Is. dentials and RlIll rolld Certificlltes for S unduy-school, met We dnesday afterservice at st. MarY'S chul'eh next FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST 'rhe \llvor" icn w v~ t!i\'cn hy Rev. Sunday morning, Jtmc 21, at II abell~ Owens, September 11, 1867, the 66th State Sunday- chool con- noon, JlIn e 111, at the homo of Mrs. RE AL ESTATE TRA N SFERS and IS sul':Vived by his Widow, one EWIllJ!. }l/ls to r l\C tIle h rint inn church o'clock. Evel'Ybody welcome. Service begins /It 9 :30. Be prom pt ventlo'h, to be heJd at ElYl'ia, June P earl J:lch. Mrll. Wushbur n ope ned Anni e Ilnd Au g ust Bor kenhul!en to at Lebanon . A nlectinn WM 1:el1son, Fronk L., and three grandchildt he meetmg · by reading the 107th Bibie Lesson , "Deliver ed." Acts 12, l'Ificllael Dennull, IIbout 110 acres in dered hy /1 III Ie (]ual!tct omJ1ri ~ed Xl'. and ' Mrs. Ira Hamock, of Day, nm, Mrs. Paul Petel'llon, of Spring 30, July .1, 2 and a, 1926. A great array of talent has been Psulm, followed by prayer. After ton, Xl'll. Elizabeth Hartsock, of the Valley, Geol'ge Harold, o.f Lebanon 5 -17. Sel'mon, "The Phar1see and Washing ton Tp., $1. of Hev. I!;" III\:" Messl's. i\iotrill D,\vi ~, and a program of , compel. the business session the program Ohio Malonic f(ome} Springfleld. Ml'. and Owen Garland, of Columbus Eva M. Earnhart et nl., to W. F. Carl'o]) Hathaway nnd Wn lterJ DavIs. Publican." Evening, 7 :30. Song In1: .... ' n ~l and great strength · is committee took charge. Two saxa· E. A. Hartsock ana family; of neal' and 'a hoat ' of friend ..· " Clark lot in Waynesville, $1. Rev. L. A. Washburn, of the local PUt on. Schools classes and phone lIolos by Maynard Rich w.ere servie~ -and ' sel'll'lon oti "Some Things I'pring VaHey. Mr: Fred B. Hende.-. Mar:garet .and Charles T. Cross to M. E. churcb made the addre", He Uved on hone", uprleJ!t Ufe, townships or distrdcts should elect greatly enjoyed, and readings by that We Know." Please be PI'Csent. /Ion and family, welle Sun~ay gueete trusting that :bls felloWJnen weft lUI Jos4!ph A. and Roxie May SChllllllg, Rev. Washbur~ spoke of the seeming Nathan Johnsbn, Minilltel' of Ml'. and MI'II. F. A . Hartsock, of honest u hlmlelf. In hI, lut· daya delegates and secure Credentials and Eleanor Babb and Reba Braddock .. lo t tn Lebanon, $1. lack of patriotilml in time of pellce Certifieat!l8 entitling the hold~ to· We then adjolll'ned with Ml'II. Fred W. Wadswo!'t h.-to Alfred V. and the cause ,for'll ' t he lal6dLy ot Route 3,_ ' , reJleateaTy UPon Ills Ifeav ' ' r'' -• one ud one-half fare for the l'ound l\1yrtle Edwar'ds in REAb Ii QI~K.LiXE nook, apout 7l acres III TttrtIeoreek ellio'rcemenl arid t'!1o remedy. -and hi, peaceful death During the Say. ,our . old Gal'JIeta and rugs I.BllBu-r ea ua hi. pna,er had been trip from the Secrl1tary of the Coun· Tp::. $1. T he addr.ellll was followed by ~o ty Co"ncil of ReligioUs E ducation. t;yrus W . YOUl\ce to the WII"nes- selectlonll by 'the quartet au tile proand . .t "WearweU" , RUD rna'!e. alllWered. "1'nlBt th ' average vocabulary ville MRS. J. Co WILSON; Ellichange Co., about 1.5 ACl'8II grIIm wall concluded with tile benedlc• Se~d for price lilt. Franklin Rue needa.~' aald the speakel', "1&-'/ Lebanon, Ohio, Route 4, phone in Wayne '('p., $1, tiOD pronounced bJ Rev. ~b1lno tiReat," "oic:e from back row. Co" ftaakUn, 0Il10, Phone Huon '16-8%, ========== ~~==

pl otlfl d Ull in s u ! r Cl1:.1n n, SUni l' ti me n~ lI , I hev ~ l a rL\!tl n mClvem c nt wh ich Judge Gnry says t he r e ie sf) mething \\ a ... (h ·~t tll ud to g'Bt he,' mu c h forc e

u fhl r

I n a ll


hal da 1c wi ll UC



Wayne Township Farmers' CI ub



--- - " .---Prominent Citizen Taken By Death

---_. - ..----

News Gleaned from the Court

.. -- .-------

Framk Zell

Kan Rite Food Club





Memorial Service Sunday Afternoon

George Clinton Harris


---- ..---Credentia ls Ready

Friend ship Club




IZE- - ACT ""A J "'1 These Sensafon .~ )0 , 1g ut Sacrifices go on sale 'Friday, promptlY at D a. m., and while they last


!~;io~~.e ;~O~~~il ~~~~!t~~~ I _



$ 1.75 Me ns' 220-wC'ight P en im (h l' l'a ils will go In t his sa le , wh ile they Inst, at. ...

$1.2 49

Boys' Underwear 75e Boy~' At hlt'tk Un ion Suit.'I wil l goo on sa le Friday , a nd wh ile they last, at. . . . . . . .. .... .




- - . - - --_._----


Ladies' Knit Vests


n .nr !"prda l lot I.ndil's' K ni t Y ['st,.;. a r<'~lIl:l l' 2;1{' ,·alll ".



J!() n Jl ,.; ;ti(' prnmpt I ~' at !l n. m .. F'r ii :IY. while th e ~' las!



Men's Handkerchiefs




Tell Your Neighbors and Phone Your Friends

fIn o d"Zl' ll ('1:t rkL" ~ O. :'>1. T . Th r ead , Idark an d whit e, all 11\1111I" r:<. ~ o on s a l ~ promptly ;11 :1 IL . m .. ' F r itla y-~ ix I" ;1 (·ustnm l' l': nnn > ~() Id ___ \ t \l (.IJi ldl'('lI. n t . ,

Men's Danim Overalls I


1 11 <: :\lpJI's 1l"1i and nlul' 11;ll1dk,' r rhirf}', in lar),!'!! ~i,:t', w hil e ! hey la ,.:1, ~o Jl t . .... . . .... , .. ... .

Ginghams On e lot 18c 27 -i nc h Apron Ging hams will positively go on sal e Fria dy, 9 a. m., a nd while t hey last. at ..



Clark' I O. N. T. Thread


ing \o,:i ll go 011 sil l!" Dro. 1yr at !l a . m. , Frid ll Y, a nd whil r It lnsOi,a t ...... . .

Like all other M ve r Hyman Sales the Crow(/s _Are


Unbleached Muslin

12C 9

Curtain Scrim All r egular 15e Curtai n Scrim, good a sso rtm ent. will go on sal e pro mptl y at 9 8 . m ., Friday, and while t h ey last, at. .... . . .



."jOO yani H J 5(' l ' ll b lea c h ed Mus lin. ~~6 inc hes wio e, "'hil,' it insts. go !I t ..

Dresses U p to '2.50 Lad ies' & Chi ld ren 's Percale and Ginghnmfl for a q uirk c lea n-u p . go at _







Hundred. of peopl. are .ure to come on Friday.-Buying will be be.t for many hornell are in need of just .ueb merehand :se na th. thi. i. a .al. of iDten.ive value giving. The merchandi.e ill .11 of the bette r grad el', style. the most modern and approved. Ther. ability of the entire atore force i. beh ind this tremendou. effort. T he gi gantic prepal'alions wO\lld wllrrant manr pal~a with pwt~• . ed confidence of the public which we .erv e. V.'e believe when w e ~ay our e ntire stock involved at the most .ulutanhal prIce relIU~I'I'Il'n cee preceding each item in this adverti aem eDt are based Oft our origina l or former .el Eng price and are figured on an ab!:olutely Honett


r a Store Open Every Evening During This Sale

5 95 2 45 $'2 45

9x12 Crex Rugs


Children". "



,S.50 Boys' Shoes black and brown,

:~I.~e. ~~~~ .l~~~,. ~~


Ladies' Shoe. and Oxfords

One lot of Ladles' Shoes and Oxfords, In black

::;/:~:'~i1:at~:; last, win positively go at ..•.. ,.,

Ladies' Regular $1.50 Thread Silk Hose, in all the n ew shades, go, while they last, at . . _ . . . .... _ .......... .


Ladies, Oxford. and Straps

$2.95 ~:!~P~:.v'IY $11.95 7'7 ·s1 98

One lot of Ladies' reg. $5 Pat. browfl and Black Oxfo~ds, and Straps go a t. .

9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs












One lot ot Misses K nit Union Suits, a n ast ou n din If ba~ain In this sale. a t

One lot of Children'. Keds, In all alze. mostl, .... hlte. will go In this I14le at

All Regular 10. Paekage Pins, for qui c k action. while the,. laat, will J& at

All rell'uiar Hio Calico will positively be closed out. while It laaU. at

600 Cblldrwn 's % and \S H oso g " a t In t h is

$1.5 0 Ladle ' . Bunga low A p-

Ladies' Felt Slippers

lwad1et1' Regular $1.25 Felt Slippe rs, all colors


.lId all ii~es,b a an utollndlng rgain, while they last, at •..• _ .....

Will-Snap Fa.teners


.A 11 Reg ula r 10c Will-Snap Dress Faste ners ~ o in this great dale , wh ile they Inst, nt


10c Safety Pins A II Regular l Oc Assorted Size Safety Pin ~ , white th ey lost, go a t

4~ 10c Hair Neb

San Silk 10 d oze n Spools of Sun Silk will positi vely be closed out in t h is sale, ILt

Dress Ginghams 35 c 32-inch grILde of Dress C i n!r h l\l1\~ wi ll posith' e ly go in t hi s g r eat sal e, whIle th ~y last, ut '

, Boya' Athletic Shoes Boys' R eg ular p .!18 .~nc c Athleti c S hoe. WItt posltlv e_ Iy go in th is sale, at

$1.49 36-in_ Percales Our entlro st ock of !Ill r egula!' 250, li S-Inch Percnles wh ile the y IIL8t. go ILt

Children'l Shoes and Oxfords One lot of Children's Shoes

:::::~;~t$3.60' wi !~y. ~~~t, ..... _. .




All Regular $27 .50 9x1 2 Bl'us!'le ll : Rugf1, wil l .

Ladies' Felt Slipper. On e Lot of Lndica' Regular $ 1.69 Betler Quality House Sli ppers, while thoy laat, go at


Room Size Brulsels Rugs



$1.29 bleached Muslin O'ne ' lot of 20e S6-lnch blenche d M usHn. will positively go on sale. whU, it lasts, at


Reg. 20e 27-ln . Outing Flannel, at14c Reg. 10e 24-lneh Calico. at . .. . .. IOe Reg. 22c a6-in. Comfort Challi cs .. 15e Reg. 20e 36-in. P ereale8, at . . .• . . 18e Reg. 20c a6-in. Muslin, at .. .•. . I 4e Reg. 25e 36-in. Hope Muslin, at .. 17e Reg . 35c a6-in. Lonsdale Camhrlc . 20c Reg. 15e 36-ln. Curtain Scrim , ... ge Reg. 20e 86-in. Curtain Scrim ... . 14e Reg. 25c 36-in. Curtain Marqvisettes, at .. .. . ..... .. . .. , . . .. 1ge Reg. 75c 9-4 Bleached S,heeting .. . fi9c Reg . 25c 36-in. Silkolene, at . . . ... 19c Reg. 3ge 36-in, Cretonnes, at . . ... 24e Reg. 65e 36-in. Dotted Voiles, at . . 49c Heg. 5ge 32-in. Tiasue Ginghams . . 2ge Reg. 22c Amoskeg Apron Ginghams at . , . .. ....... .. . .... 15c Reg. 3{je 32-in. Zephyr Gingh a mR. 23c Reg. 35e 27-in. Rippelette , at. . . 25c Reg. $1.25 36-in, White Skirting . . 49c Reg. 75e 40-in. Organdies, all eolorR, at. . . ... . .. , .. , ; . ... 39c Reg. 50c 36-in. Merc. Satin, at .. , .37e Reg. 98e 36-in . Serge, at ... .. , .. 6ge Reg. $l.50 36-in . Serg4~ . at .... $1.15 Reg. 25 c 36-in Everitt Shirting . . . . 19c Reg . 75 e 11 el'. Ta ble Damask, at .. 5ge Reg. 98e Mer. Tabe D;amask, at .. 7ge Reg. 20e I8-in. Crash Toweling .. 14e $1.25 Dl'eSR Lin ell . at. . . . . : . . .. . 7ge 75c Satiney... . . . . . . . . . .. . . ,. 4ge 20e Ap ron Gingham .. . , . ..... . . 12e 35c Underw ear Crepe. at . . ... . . . 24c $1.25 Tub Silks. at. . . .. , . . ... . . 8ge 35e Cretonnetl, at.., •... , .... . . 24e 25e Cretonnes .at .. , . ... ... .... 19c 20e Crash, at ... .. . .. . , . . . . .... 19c 59c Voiles, at. .. . .. . .. ,. , . .. . . 47c $1.50 Ruffled Curtaiml. at . . ... . . 95e 65e Shantung Linen, lit. _ ... . .• _48c 45e Pillow Tubing, .2-ln, at ..... 34c 10e Curtain Rodll, at ; ... , . . . . . .. ge 25e 'Curtain Rods. at ......... . .. 14e 5ge Over Drapery, at . . ... . . . ... age IAdie.' High


Ono Lot ot LIIdjea' S/lO!,8, vnluDI! up to ,~ , oo, all from , well-known ltandard branda •. , whiM they Iut, go .,

rons. a ll Kize. li nd color ... go ot

Chlldrgn ·. Cotto n

I Oc Men', White Co mt.: i c 11ond · kurc hi c r.. IllURt 11'0 at

!<i ll 11 05' , f Ol'nle rly sul d at 20c , .... ill pc" itive ly go in tbi~ !Crea l . a le U

YARD GOODS-Contlnu.d ·Reg. 30(' 18-ln . Steve ns Cr as h . . . . 23c Reg. 30c 36-ln . Ou t inll F la nnel .. . . 22e Reg. 40c 4 8-ln. Tabl e Oil lot h . .. 2ge Reg . $2.50 36-ln. Silk T affeta . . $1.59 Reg. $2.50 36-in. M ess aline, a t. . $I .59 Reg. $2.50 36-in. Canton Cr cpe . . $ 1.59 LADlES' SHOES and OXFORDS Ladies' Reg. $1.39 Felt Slippers .. 77e Ladies' Reg. $3.50 Oxfords and Straps, at . . . . . . . .. , . . , . . . . n .95 Ladies' Reg. $4.00 Oxford s nnd Straps, at , .. . .. . ... .. .. . . , $2 .45 Ladies' Reg. '0.00 Oxfords and Straps, at . .. , . . . . . , .. : .. . $3 .4 5 Ladies' Reg. ' ~6 . 00 Oxfords and Straps. at . . ; ... ... .. .. .. . $3.95 La di es' Reg. $7 .50 Oxfonill a nd Straps, at . .. ... , . , . .... . , $4.45



A 11 ReA'. 1 Oc Handkerchief~ .. .. . . A 11 Reg. I5c Han,dkerchi et!! . .. .. . All Reg. !2flc Hundkerchl e fs . .. . 1

8g e


U6.50 9x12 Wool and Fiber Rugs, while th ey last, for quick actio- .

~ t~~~ ~.~.~~~ s~~~.$

15c Quality

Union Suits

Our entire Stock of all Re~_ ul or I5c Single and Double Mesh Ha ir Nets, will go al

Ladie.' Silk Hose

p 08 i t ively while they last,



All regular $10.00 9x12 Rugs, will go in this great sale, while they last, at..



MEN'S TIES 75c 1I11'n 's T ics. "11k 0 1' c : 0chct , will ~o in this 8111e, whil e l hey lust, lit


LADIES' SWEATERS Ladics' Reg. ,3.P5 Silk Slip-Over Swellte ri'!, I\t . . .... . ... ..... . $1.9 I.adi cll: R e~ . $6 ,00 Rl'u!lhed Wool Sweate l'R, at ...... . ..... . .

Bathing Suits

n .oo M OIl' R li nd Lad ies' Bathing S uits, in colors, while t he y luot . g o a'


CHILDREN'S GINGHAM Children's $2 .00 G ing.


Dre!!~e!l .

", '

Children's $2.50 Ging . Drestlel'l .. U ...... dlll

Tinue Cincha ... s All R c~u lar oOe ~6 -lnch T issue Gi ng ham, will go, whilG th ey IIls t, ut

MEN'S UNION SUITS 75c Men's Athl etic U. S.. a . t, . . . $1.25 Men 'lI Athl et ic U. S., at . . . . $1.25 Me n's Balbriggan U. S., Ilt . . $2.00. Men'8 Balbriggan U. 5 . . $

39c Bed Ticking All Regula r S9c Bed Tick· ing, for qui ck pction, will go. white it Insts, at

LADIES' MIDDIES Ladies' Reg. $ 2.00 Midct;e!! .. "

LADIES' HQSIERY La di eR' Reg. 20e Cotton Hose ... . 14c La di eil ' Reg . 35e Lislo Hose .... . . 2/k Ladi es' Reg . 50c Li~I e Hose .. . .. . 37c Ladi es' Reg. 75e Fibre Silk Hoso . . 49c Ladies' Reg. $1.50 Silk Hose . . . . . 89c Ladi es' Reg. $2.50 Silk HOR e .... $1.1)9 Ladies'Reg. $3.50 Silk Hose, .. $2.48


Ladie.' Bra.. ieret Lll d i ('~' HC~ 1I1n! ' up t o $1.00

Vulul' BrnlHHicrs. for n quick close-o ut, will go at

All Reg. All Reg . All Reg. All -Reg .

15c Hu ck Tow els, Ht . ... 10c ' 35e Turkish Towels. at .. 19~· 45c Turkis h Towels. I\t . . 24c , 75 Turkish Towels. nt .. 45e

iadie.' Gowns MEN'S STRAW HATS $1.75 $2. 50 $3 .00 $3.50

Men's Men's Men'a Men's

Dress Dress Dress Dress

Straw Straw Straw Straw

Hats . . $1.1 5 Hats . . $1.69 Hats .. $1.95 Hats, , $2.45

BATHLNG SUITS $1.50 $2.00 $4.00 $0.00 $6 to

Men's and Boys' Suits. at . . 98e Men's and Boys' Suits, at . . $1.29 Men's and Boys' Suits, at . . 2.95 Men's and Boys' Suits, at .. $3.45 ~6 . 50 Men 's & Boys' Suits.$3.98

Men's Work Shirts

Ladie5' 75 Union Suits

$ 1.26 Work Shirtf\, Roomy, Richard and Big Yllnk milke, while, they last, will Ir0 In ~hls 'liIlle at

One .Iot of Lac}ics' Regular 75c Knit U nitn Suits, ,will p ositively be closed oU,t in this Hlilo. lit ;' I


Ono lot of Lnd leo' Crepe and Nu lnsoo k Gown_, ull r egu lILr 89c v "tuo ~ , will ~o ut

PiUow Ca.M All Regular 40c Pillow Ca8CS will go In this 81l1 e , whlla they last, at

ROOM' SIZE RUGS All Rf:g. $10.00 9x12 Crex Rugs . $5.95 ' All Reg. $16 .50 9x12 Wool and Fiber RUgl'I, at, .... .... .... $11.95 , All Reg. '27 ,50 9x12 Brus.,elll Rugs ..... . , . . ..... . .. . . ,18.95 : All Reg. $80.00 and $S5.00 Brus, ~ sels Rugs in 9x12, at ... .. , . '22.95 $40,00 Smith Axminate'r, 9x12 in new at .. , .... .'. . :. $29 .95. All Reg.- $1-8:00 9x12 Congoleum R\lglI, go at. , .......... .. . $14.96


80-90 Bed Sheet. One lot of Regular $1.50 81-90 Seamles! Bed Sheets in this great Bale, at '

$1 ..11

Bed Blanket~

Ladies' Corseta

Our EntirQ Stock ' of Reg. ular $2.98 Double Bed SIze Blankets, while they ' lut, go lit·


One Lot ·of Ladies' Corsets l61d by us up t~ ' $2.00, will poaltlvely go in thls !IIle, at f 0 1 mcrly

!iLl:::.::;" ::' tmI~~

. Ladiea' ,51.<


Ladies' ReK'ul ,een Plineeu : il vely go In t they IlIIt. at

·, $2.a9, .'


~ ",'"






- -'i. ,'>~

,.:.. . ...,~

..wAD ·



REAL 2E-- -·


These Sensational C!osing Out Sacrifice;.:' go t'~ S" J.: . Friday, promptly at 9 a . m., and wh~~e tl e" I sf

Earlv 'S tart on Friday Mo'rning,




========================~~~ --= -= -=~~ =-~~--' ~


Men's Suspenders

-STORE CLOSED-AIJ day Thursday, Jun e 18th, to mark down prices and arrange store and stock for this veat sae. Phon e your fri ends and make every preparatioIl to be here waiting with the crowds when the doors open.



50c val ues will go 'on .ale promptly at 9 a . m., F rid a y, a-n~­ while they last . . . . .



Boys' Un' onalls $1 .00 13 0:;,; ' C n ioni.lI ~ kahk L..ol' blue, while they last, wi ll go ill

Men's Belts




Men's Shoes fo r

quit:k action. go Hl .

fiO c r.T "n'~ . n (> l t~ .

: II

~i /.r· ;; .

l a~t



th c ~'

", Itile


!.! o ai .... . ... .... .

- - - -- - - -- - -- -

Men's Sho (>s l1nrl O x ford s. \"nlll(, up t o $8 .00. bla c k lind hro wn WalliQ \'e r , E. and J ., IInel I'C! t e rs make,



at .. ... .. .

---------- - - - -

Men's Dress Socks One lot of Men's Regu lar ] 9c Dress Socks, whil e they b !'t, w ill go 011 sale Friday at 9 <l . m ., " t .

~a l e


Men's $1 W " rk S r .irts O lll' Ll, t uf :\!t' II' ~ H.l'){lilar $ 1.(jtJ W o rk 3 hirtH. :In a ~ tuu n "il1 g


bargain. O il :-;ale 0 11 Friday !l :1 . m., and whil e th ey l a!'t , at. .


(33 C

T ennis Slippers Up to $1.50 va lues, Men'H, B0YS' a nfl Girls' ']" 1.. 1<1 ::" ';Iir pl!r~ , .rll l , ~h l Y last

REALIZATION THAT THE SEASON'S MOST IMPORTANT EVENT THEM off...... You know from . .p ...._e. that a HYMAN . . . . . . .. prt1calarlt ,ood time to aelect yoar .prinlf ..and .ummer need., for a woad.rlul aaaort to "leet fra. a.411 ••.,.."1., ca. Ita "ael for • •da .... th. . ordiaarily •.... The enthu.ia.m and alao We believe _ r pa.t 12 yean of .trai,ht.forward mercla •• dl.t., •• d hoa ••t,. of atatinlf faetl have won for u. the unbound. will believe ua, will h..ea,er to come and quick to take alkantap of thi. ,reat money·.avinlf opportunity. NOTICE--The pri.

Men's Dress Shirts Up to $1.50 valu es , Men's Dress . Shirts, .collar attac hed , and detached, go at .. . .




Men's Canvas Gloves


Men's Can vas Glo ves a ll regular 20c \·aI., go on sale Frid ay at 9 R . m., at . ....... ,


an Df does not permit and come early. " MEN'S SOCKS ...... ,.... 13c Drel!8 Sock... • . . .. Ie 20c D.reM Socks ..... . 14c '-'M .. ,rr 25c Dre811 Socks .. .. .. 19c 85c Dre88 Soekll .. . . . 23c 50c DreM Sockll ..... Sge Reg. 76c Silk Socks .. . . .. 55c "_,l l..,., $1.00 Pure Silk . ..... 73c

odds and ends .. 3ge .25 ,Caps, at . .... . .. 89c


Men'. Broad.

Boy.' $1.25

Men'. Ore..

Men'. Leather

H uck

Bar efoot


Cloth Shirt.



Palm Glove.



Boy'. Regular U .211 Overalls, wi II positively go in this great sale, at

All Men's Regulllr 20c DrcHs Socks will positively go in this sale, while they last, at

One Lot of Men's Lea the r Palm 3lovea,alI reg u lar 60c values, while they last, go at

16c Huck Tow. els, good Bize. will go while they 111.8t, at

Barefoot $1.75 Sandals. in all sizes, u p to 2, comp osition sole, while they last, go at



Batbia, .. U.OO Bo~ and GlrJa' thing Satta. COod col01'11, I. at

U.U B o T" Walat., ID an colon an d .1.. eel 1 0 a. In thl. Me,


79 e $2.19

Ladiel' Cape Bloomen One Lot of Ladles' Crepe Bloomen and Stel'-ins, all raiul.r 7110 nlue., will POIiU",I, CO .\

4ge Ladi. .' Kid Glove. Ladles' Rel"ulal' 12.(;0 Kid Glove., tor quiCK action, will go .\

,1.60 Caps, at ........ 95c $2.00 CaplJ", at ...... H.39 '2.60 Caps, at. ' .' .. . U.59 FROM ALL DEPART'S Sunfaat Mattings .... ,. 5ge 00 TraveUn&' Bags ..... $3.25 n,25 Tennis Shoes .. . 63e . $1.25 Sateen BloomStep·ins, at ......... . 89c Reg, U.OO Silk G1ons . .. 79c Pencil Tablets, at ...... 'Bc Reg. ,1.50 SYeatel'l'l .... S5c "~"'iI•• ' Reg. $2.60 Sweaters ... '1~5· ........m's Reg. 750 !ateen Bloom· t . dren'8 Reg. .. tll.em ~ain· pes, at ..•...•••••...... . $1.96 ren'lI Reg. 35e Socks, at .... 22c Reg. 50e Suspen~ers, at .. • 8e Reg. $1.00 Fil'l'lt-Step es, at ................... 59c Reg. U.95 House Slippers .. 95c Reg. 75e Balbriggan Shirts Drawers, at .. , . . ......... 53c $3 50 Dozen Linen Nap· 'at .•.... , ... .. ..... .. $2.59 Reg. ' $1.75 IS·button Silk ,1.28 Rei. 'llSc ltnlt Union Suits. 4ge Re,. ,Uli ltni. Unioll Suita, at .... '.' •.... •.•.••..•..•.. S9c

'Ii;;: 'i~ B~;';;;~: ~~: ::~ ,

'8.110 llfen,' Engli~h Br'Oad Cloth Shirts, all styles and coloTtl, go at

Men's Reg. $4.00 Dress Shoes . . $2.95 Men's Reg. $6.00 Dress Shoes .. $3.95 Men's Reg. $7.50 Dress Shoes, .. $<1.45

Men's Reg. $20.00 Worsted Suits at . .. .. . _ . .. . ...... . ... $13 .85 Men's Reg. $25i.00 Worsted Su its~ ' at ... .. . . ~ .... .... .. . . . $16.85 Men's Reg. $301.00 Tailol'ed Suits, at .. . . ....... . . .. . .. . . . $19 .85 Men's Reg. $35.00 Ta il ored Suits, at .. . . .... ,. .. . . . . .. . . .. . $23.85

WORK-SHOES Men's Men's Men's Men's

Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg.

$3 .00 '3.50 $4.00 $5.00



Shoes .. $1.95 Shoes .. $2.45 Shoes .. $2 .9'5 Shoes .. $3.45

Men's Men's Men's Men's Men's

Boys' Reg. $3.00 Dresa Shoes .. $1.95 Boys' Reg. $3.50 Dress Shoes . . $2.45 Boys' Reg. $4.00 Dress Shoes . . $2.9 5

Bo,..' Co••raU. 11.00 BOJII' Co.etall lit Kahkl and BlUM, .bM 2 to 8, whil. they lut will 10 in thIo &al• •t

~ Oil Cloa. All' Regul... "Oe "Unch 011 Cloth In thl. rreat ..I~, while it lastB, at

Children's R~~u~ar ~2.50 Dress Shoes, at .. ; •....... . ...... $1.45 Children's Regular $3'.00 Dress Shoe., at •. e .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1.95 Chlldr•• 's R •• ular $4.00 Dress Shoes, at •••..... : ~ . . ..••.• 2.49

35c Underwear Crepe


All ~I"ul.r 85e Underwear Crap.;' in all colora, will at

Men's Men's Men's Men's Men'.

Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg.


$1.50 Dress Shirts ... 79c $1.75 DreM Shirts .. $1.19 '2.00 DreM Shirts .. $1.29 '2.50 DreM Shim .. $1.49 ,.8.50 Dress Shirts .. $1.95 ,'" .. ..'. .~, !: ";".!" . ~ . ~ .

Sllirta a.d Dra.en



71. II•• '. Balbrln'a. IIItrta .... DRwer&. ,.1111. lut, 'W'iI1 II ••

·53c Mea', W-a.: H...

Kahki Pants $2.00 . Grade Kahki Pan ts. in all sizes, while th t!y lust, will go ut

$1.49 Union Suitll All Men's Regular 76e At hletic Union Suits, while they last, will go at


All 715e N alneook Union Suits .... Me Ken'e Re,. '1.26 Nainsoo't Union Suitt, at e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 89c lien'. '1.60 Balbrinan Union Sultl, at .•........ ,. • .. , •. , 95c lien's Re~. '2.00 Balbriggan Union' Sulbl, at .............. . .. . $1.39


M.a'a . Tailored

Reg. $7.50 School Suits ... $4.95 Reg. $9 .00 School Suits .. $5.95 Reg. $10.00 2-Pants· Suits . . ..... ... .. .... ...... $6.95 Reg. $1~.50 2-Pants Suits, .. .... . . . . .. .......... $8.95


Dresll Shoes

All Regular Jap Matting, will go in this great sale, while it lasts, at

Brasieres 76c Brnsiercs, in nll sizes, while they last, will go nt


uioundlng bargain ·in this put ..I~ a\


l~, ~.

Knee .P.ut.









_. _ /

-- -. ----- --


.:........ -- ----. ~

Walkovet Shoes One Lot of Men' s ReR'lllar high-grade $ .r.0 Walkover Shoes and Oidords, air lIiz. ea, while they last, ut


3ge _._._- -

. _. .

'$5.95 ---' .. _.- -


Men's Work Pants

One lot of Men's Reg ul ar Overalls will positi ve ly go in t his sale, whil e th ey last, at .. .. . : . . . .




15 $2 .00-2 20


Men's Suits

;:i~~Pt~~~tisva~~ whIle the~


last, at. .. . .

516 85 •


2 45.. ----.....;;;; $6 .5. ,

Men's regular $3.25 Worsted Dress Pants, a large assortment for a good selection, will go, while they last, in this great sale, at ..... . . .


g .

Boys' Two-Pants Suits One lot of Boys' 2-pa llts Suits, values, for q uick .a ction,..While. they last, WlIl go at . • ...... . .._, .. '.

rell ular $10.00

.. . "


_ "



Men's Dress Pants

.D re.. Shirt. One Lot 6f Men's Dre~ Shirts, values up t o $1.50, while they last, will positively go at

$1.50- Boys' Knee Paints , will go in. this BIlle, while the last, at .'


Our entire s tOCh. of Men's Reg uk. · $25.00 W orsteds Tailore-l Suits , for qu ick act ion,



lItn'. Rer. ,35.00 Fine Tailorad Suita, in all models, an

One lot of Boys' School Suits, all regu\ar u p to $7. 50 values, whil e t hey last, will positively go in this sale at .. .. . . ... . .. .

Men's Over alls


All ReruJar axe Tan aDd GraeD, FIn' QUalIt, "'ba· clow Shad.., .0, willi. . . ,

Boys' Suits

Dre.s Pa"b


5Oc: Jap M.ttiDIr



Men's Regular $6.00 Wool Dress Pants, will positively g o, while they last in this great sale, a t

One lot of Men's Walk-Over, Peters, En dicott - J ohnson Shoes and Oxfords will PO"itively go in this gren t sale, at

~~:. \ ~ :




Men's Reg. ,3.50 Felt Hats ... $2.25 Men's Reg. '4,.00 4\nd $5.00 Felt Hats, at __ . .•••.. , ~ ..•.. _ .. $2.9!l Men's Reg. $7.00 Stetson Hats . . $3.95

$3.00 1\1 n 'R Work Sho eil, whi le they last, will go in this ; sal e at . . . ... . . . .. !:,~

Men's Reg ul ar $2.50 Work Pa nts, in a ll sizes, good assortment of patte rn s, will positively go in this sale wh il e t hey last, at .


BoYS' Reg. $1 .50 Paints, at ...... 89c BoYS' Reg. $2.00 Pants, at . . .. $1.39 Boys' Reg. $2 .50 Pants, at ..... $1.79


tOe: Men's Work HOlle, a roOd value, will 10 In thl. ..Ie at


MEN'S DRESS .. PANTS Reg. $3.25 Dress Pants . . $2.45 Reg. $4.50 Dress "Pants . . $2.95 Reg. $5.00 Dress Pants . . $3.45 Reg. $6 .00 Dress Pants . . $3.95 \ Reg. $8 .00 Dress PlJ.nts . . $4.9 5



A II Men's TIeg ul a r $20.00 W orHteu Su ils, all go od mod els, for quick action, will positively go in this sale, whil e tI e y last, at .... ..

Men's Work Shoes

BOYII' Suits-:-2.panb Doys' RCJ::"u lar $12.50 2Punts Suits. for u ,)ui ck el080-0 . , will go, while they Inst, nt

BOYS' SUITS BoYS' Boys' Boys' at BoYS' at

Men's Suits


Men's Reg. $2 .00 Khaki Pants .. $1.49 Men's Reg. $2 .50 Work Pants .. $1.79


$1 .19

Men' s Garters One Lot of lIIen 'Ii Gar1. e r~, r egular 25c \'a lu ~ in th is s:\7ellt sale, while \.···ey Inst, at



Wiadow 56ade.


Work Work Work Work






Boy. W ••h Suite Bo,.' Regular $2.00 Suite, while th., last, will go In tbll &aI" a\ .




8' ............,.....

LINOL&UIIS • Reg. 'lISe Llftoleuma~ ,~ ' ••,55e Reg. $1.%6 LlnoleuDUl, ~~rla'p Back, at ........... '.. . ..... 95e

95 e

This Sale WiJl Continue For 15 Days nly.





. .

----- ~


w. ,

drel\ ' ~ Sundll~ . ~\.


• ,' n'\r





1I1:r. tina M,·. AIl'1I F!tl\'dy, of Duyt on. w r wl'I' k.I' nd p:ue",lS of the la ti.e ,·'" lIIoth ' I" MI~. All n L, Rmith. 1\ ,·tI.. .Iyd l· .ox r<llurned ~und"y en nlng. ,. t r It \' 1 it wilh h~ r Iml'" 11.1. , '. l) . Sho llp,:lt

J. 1!\,'m:lI'.

!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~-"-~~~~~~~~~>~~~"'!-~!!!.~"!!-~~~ ~-------------------------

Mr. on" 1IIrt'. hnrl(>~ E. Johus were SUl,dRY dlnne\' p;ueRts lit the homo "f 11-11'. lind Mrs. Gllln n J~)hn~ in Ony1.,11 . MI'. Willinlll I'olloe. of Spring. bOI'O, WI1~ Lh Sundt y gucllt >It the hom' of 1Ifr. nlld Mrs. ,Willter Ken.' I' i ,I;. . :-:ev nty-fiv Llr III re r e lntiv 8 atl nd'd th Linder l' ullio n Sunday. Ilt til(> h me or l\Ir. mid lIlrs . Joshua Chl' lI ' )\\ c h. Mr. J l,hll Puu l Dulton. who is l",nlO fr ('l lll tJ1C . , f or hi s summer vlleatio ll , wa~ visiting Ly tle f r icndR S untl HY uIt.crnoo n . Mr . and lIIr s. P . B. Hawke an d childrell . Mrs . EII"n Copsey ntte nd ed Ihe funern l of the f ernll'r's uncle. i\I r . Frnnk Zell, ill Wnyncsvill • 011 TU l'sdny nfternoon . 711i ~s Hl'I"n Duke, of the Miami \ '11 11<:,>, h (\~ pi t n l, is spl' nding a couple 1) 1' w,'<, k . VIIC Ulil'" with hOlll e folk s, alld 'ill Thursday IIHe rn oo n cnlled 0 11 se\' cru l Lyt le fl'il'n ds. :II ". Murgol'l't E ve rhllrt. of Miull1i~hu l'~. sp e nl Iusl week nt t he h ome of Mr. lind Mrs. Wilbu r< Clark, and is th is week Yisitinlr her neph ews , M cSSI·~ . II. M. and ehB". Clark . A ili o n!!, the ) nyl nll visitors Thursda y , we re: MI'. li nd Mrg. C. W. ("I) " M.. . lind MI·H . C lyd e Cox. 1\1 r. lin d ~I r" . WilliulII ilr(, wn, Mesda mes ~~V:l (; I'Il I UI II I , C lam Tholllpson , Net· Ii " Jo: III";ck lIlId L('lilill Klln r kk . 1\1 ... lind Mrs. Gu y I·: "ut zu hll entl'l'tUl ll t~d on ~ atlJnl l1Y I Jr•. )It' ll'!' Boit,"'tt. Il l' l,!u ill l l'r. I\ an .. Mr. and Mrs. J ",iulr H" illl,,1 t. ~I iSH,,, D.,lIi e Jllek-



I{ln. (lhi". InoLher of lh groom. The ~\'.r 'mollY WU>I prrfo nll cd b y n v. --W. H . Cop(,r, \i ft lot fi r the :M. E. W. B. Worner s() nt a h 'uck-I ad a~ c burcl\, oi AI CLlllu m. '1'h bride ~or& cnhtie to tho IItock·ya r ds vel"Y dlly l :. ~1l1 1t l frtJck or thl\vdcl'-blu e ~ hlffol'l Inllt wtook. ,I\'l!r U MUll " r u s hc ~ 0 f l'O)HtH , and cnr· Tho la nnon tllmily spent Sund ay r i ~ d U Rhnwcl' IUHll1 l or Ilin k l")~es, IIftcJt'1I Llon with tho 1"irI18' rumily , of T he brid gmllid W,' ll' u frock of ashes Wayne \ ill,'. f ros(Js lind \'I r e II C I'Sll!;(J of lilli es JM!!p h F'i"hbnugh. wire IIn<1 "UII . ('I f " I' th,' vulley. MI'. No ule is /I ~o n Middhnu wn , ,pe nt Sunda y w it h llll' o f Mr. lind Mr, . Ed Nob l(', of OrogO llin. Thcir mUIIY fric lld ~ nnd fl·l. ,Jonllln fam ily. Don 'l furl'd ' hild ,·,' n'~ DlIY at th e IIliv s l>:Ll'lI d III Ih!!m he~l wi sh"s. church hero lI "xL ~undllY IIrt c rll oo n - - --'It 2 :30 ., 'cloc k. EveryboJy come. Mr •. Kalo J Ol'll ull and dau g hl ~l'. Miss 1l lIlIlIah. lind ~" ". <' If. spellt t;und >l Y wil h Ril-hlll'll HI'O Wn lind Mr. 1111d lIIl'~. ,I . R . J .. n ()~, "I' L yl l ~. family, of II Cllr Uell br ook. Miss Lu cile F err is hu s returned t o ~p l'n t St ll lc.1 ny ltt't~nH.l ( lJl with Mrs . h r home he r e, ufter' N(lelldin" ' l I{CUl'l'C II l1i ll. TIll' Ml. Hull y lon ll t,'u m \\'ill IHlIt! pleasan l \\' ~" k \\'i l h h ~,· co ugin Ilt C lurk Hv ill ~ . Miss A nlla Frances Pyle . Hit i Cl' Clt 'H lll s lH'i n l ht.'rL' Snlu I'tl ny Lo n Brlllll1 0 n anti wif,' hnd flJ,. .. i).!' hL JUIl" :W. TIoL' ~ I t. 1t .'( ly hllil 11' :1111 1,,"1 Ihe lh ~ ir g ues lx, Su,uln y. Will. M. 'l'h uIllI," ulI 'IInJ dn u).!' ht.· ,'. 111 i,s All· g an", la _l :-;111,,111), I II i\l .. nl'o~ . by the d rullI etla , of Dayton, 1\ . K Thompson ,c on' of I II lu (i . Mi ~~ LIII .. K"ll is, o i X"lIi n, s pl'nt >lud wife lind Mrs. ~ I IIbc l T"tTy, of SUlldav wll h h ~,· pUrl'nt •. MI'. lind thi s place. Ther e will be preaching at the Mrs. )0' 1'11 111-.. K e lli ~ lind family. M ' ·H" r~. (,lilt ,,!!1 ~l\Iilh IIIIlI Kurl church he re n ext S unday t' venin g. Wm. l\f. Thompson alld .daughter. Daki n ntt Plldt,d n h oxi,,~ { olll eS l in Mi ss And r ol11 <! da. of Dayto n. w~re llay tlln, la St \\ .• 'd ll e",I"l' lIi).!'ht. Q ui te H ll' W f r i"," d ~ un .! n · ln tivl'~ Ihe g U" SlS of K. I';. Thompso n and .. f ill,''' ' 1' l' hl'~ I ' " (l ilt , I.... ",g hl IIlI'i r wi fe, lust wCI' k. 1'1", marriu~e of Miss L ucille dinll t 'r~ ;l lId 1'1H' 1l · I . I~ I ~ l1l1 d ; ir \~ Il h Nurth , dnu ~ h ter of MI'. lind Mrs. h c r. 'flh.' ' 5 l' I'n.·~ I · I Jt \\l' l ': . 11', \n d 1·lar ry NOlilh, No. •1001 Wesl So ut h ~ll's . .101," lI " dg-". 1\11',. 1( \z7. i(· 4''' ''I!'r, St.• Arcunum , Oh io. tu Mr. Hnro ld an d ""I. 'l" II11111Y , ill I'. LU'TY Ohrd. lit M: Noble, of Oregun ill, Ohi o, took I:) pri ll ~li(' hl, Mr. II lld ~ I '~. J " hll Zilll' pillce at the hOJllo of thl' ori de 's par- n' Ol'mnll. ii iI'. lI lI d r.1I.,;. Hi ehar" ,\1' '' '''(' ;0.1.. :< . Frl'd TU"n l'l', Mr. "lid "nts Satuldny cV(ln ing tit G:ao o'clock ;111'. The uridny co u ple wu s ntkfHled M ......1111 .''; Willin11l s Jlnn n nllgh l (,l', by lI1iss Horis Wyso llg, of ElIlon, AliC' l' .I all" and " ' u nda L<'c und Floyd Ohio, and Mr. Milton Nob le. or Uny- :::im l1l I'mll", of ))"ytu n, MI'. IIl1 d Mrs. Walte r Moore, of e w Le banon. Mr. nnd MI t'. t::mcr80n Dil l, Miss 111m Dau j:t'htc_rs Dnd M .... He hprr fl nil!. L __ _ _ _ ' _ _

Beech Grove

Th ' Civic League l1I et SatUl'dny ufo tel'lloo n with M'1'8. hnrlca oak . Mi~~ Gertrude Rit s p nt the w uk!!nrl ~\i th Mr. and M,r s, Jo!)n III'te r . Mr. a nd I\r1'5. Dym o nd, of X II'IU. cllil d on Mi. a 1nbe l t.81'1'. undllY . Mr . nnd Mrs, Ev r ett Vill ars . of Dayt o n, were week-e nd g u ests ['lItrs. Luuru hidllk l'r. H. 11. J ctl'el'is ~ ufT 'red 0 . evcn heart attuck Thursda), niKh t. li e continu es vury ill. Miss Uelen Smith. of Oltklnnd, is s pundinlf t he week-e nd with r. li ~~c~ Len a an d Nancy Smilh. lIIr. an d Mrs. J . C. Grny were S un· day d in n er gUI!sts of Mr. lind Mrs. Chal'les GI'11Y a nd falll ily. Re\·. Crosby, o f Til)I)(>~nll"(' City, wi ll preuch ut tlw ,) O llll h ' ~ Run church S unday llIorni ng , .Jull e \! I. Miss Ni<ta Kest<l r ha, ...·turneJ to the 1Ii11 T up Inn , nl'll'r " rcw week s sp<' nt at he r h ome lit ~l!W Vi e nnn. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ogden I'll' t urn ed hOllie, W eJ n e s d a~. from a pleasant visit with r e latives Ilt Owens· ville. Mrs. Carrie My ers, o f 0lumbu8, IVa. here (or the fun crul o f Gco r ~e I[lIrris, IIl1d remai necl n fe w days wit h MIll. Ilurr is. Jl.I,·. alld Mrs. J o hn Curter. Ger. t rud e Rite LIn d O" ville Hife s pent Sun.I IlY with R. W. We bb lin d fllmily. lIelir Xen ia. Mr. lind Ml'lI. Preston .Jefferis and Miss Wandll Moo n o f Wilmington. SOil and i\1;lry H. dtn lltl ftlH..! Mr. a rc a l th e home of Mr. IIlId Mrs. Cd"t HIli!n " ll. of T ip l' t>cullo~ City. H. H. J ei1'eris. Mr. lin d ~ I ," ...\ It,,·r! Stlll' V nnd hlr". C lara lIIenitt hus returned h ome dJlul!'ht c,', ~ I i "s CI,·... cntHtlli,; c,1 to a ft er s pending several d,\yS visiting din Jll' r "" Sunduy , Mr. nnd 1II 1s. t::d· wi t h her dllllghter, Mrs. Emma wnrd Wlll ial1ls. of Lebnnon. ~ Ir _ nnd lin e , in Dayton . !\I rs. Will :-';ull, o f Springbo ro. Mr. The children li nd gnll\dchildren nnd Mrx. ) .. " .. Ih S hc,· hull. of Fi ve of l\I'l!. Chlls . Elli s, gnther ll J lit his Notice to Contractors I'oin l. M... lIlId M'>l. Ru ;"c ll Burne tt co untry home Inst Sunday Ilnd wit h a Ulld ~ hildn'll n nd ~Ir . W. C. Corne ll. family dinn er ''ielcomed hi s bride. Mrs. Nel lie Beal hilS dis posed of Seuled proposa ls will bo reoeived her g-rocHY stoc k und is condu ct ing' by t he Board o f Co unty Cummi s~ i<'I\­ a bOll rding hOUM in OSUO l'll. Sh e will ers o f W a r rell Co unty. Ohio, at th eir mov e 'from he re in t he nellr fut ul'e. office in th e Co url HOllse in Le bnnoll, 1I1 ,·s. Amand~1 Starr nnd Miss Ma· Ohiu, u p unti l E levclI O'c luck in the 1I 1 i~ s Gl nd rs Osuu rn e is vi siting r el- bel cullod 011 :Mr, "nd Mm . W . A. fOlcnootr Qf I\! o nd ay , Ju ly 13, HUo , atives in Lc unnon. Starr, n ellr ttforrow. Sunday IIfter - anrl contract awar ded f or furni shing 11'•. 0 . S. Huds on is visiting her noo n. Mrs. Starr Is crlti cllily ill. the mate rial alld perfo rming the lllbor dnu!-rhtcrs in Cincinna ti. The M. E. Aid met Thursday af- noccssnry for r e pai ring Bridge No. LI ttl II Vanitll Raeves is vi siting ternoon. The Gruham sisters f ur- 24.4 3 ncar J . A. Murtln Furm in bel' grandparents at Clarksville. nishe-d pICII""nt mu s ic; a co nte>t wus Bnrlan Town~ hip, Wa lTe n Courtty, Rev, and ]\frs. W . E. Boga n s pent held und deliuio ull refreshments w ' I'C Ohio , in accu rdnnce with the pions , 'unday wi t h his m oth er at W ellman. S(lTVeq. cstimates Ull d speci fi catiuns horetoMiss lItury Elam is r ecoverin!!, from The Comm unity club met Wednes· for c appro\'ed unci adupted th er efor an o pcrntion at t he ?[cClellnn hOB- day evening and enjoyed a "ICllsll nt lind on file ill the ofli ce of th o A ud· pital. . eve ning. n ev. N. E . Ben netl a nd itor of Wtu t'\jn County. Ohio, at Mrs. Mary Crites attended the Howurd Collett, of Wilming ton , we re Leba non, Ohi o. Bidders must slutc twu -day meeting ut Midd le Run. this prCflent. and Hev. Benne tt gAve a .e I Ul'ntel ~· t he Ilmount bid f o r ma· w~ek-e nd. very instructive tIilk on "Inve nti II ~ . " l e ' :. I un d th e al1l 0ullt bid fer Ill· Mrs. Charles Oglesbee's Sunday- takin~ up t he- Bubj ect ill Bible t im es ue ,' . Bicl d"r" mny 01 Ikc proposa ls sc hool class plcniced at Clifton. last and co ntinuing on down t hrough t he fo: f urn ishin" u1l th e muteri nl IIl1d Thu rsday. . ages to the pre!;('n t day. A delL'iu us pl'. fOl' mi nr Ill. tbe la b J' or S:«' ll I :trl Humor says t here is another case su PP I' \VIIS se r ve d. l h cor H ~ t h ~'~" el l'em I / r opC l ', E u('h of smallpox. It i ~ hoped thi s will Mi ~s Evalyn Tucke r enl erw in ed n hi,. 11 "U_ h" "' ~ C " llIpU Il cd hy U bond be the last. numh er of li ttle girls FridllY 11 fle r- in the s um of Une Hundred Dolhll'S Rev. H. O .• Collin .' Su ndayschoo l noon in h o nor uf h er ~ i ~ tcr, Vi viun ' s, (100 .00) or a ce rtified check 0 11 a class e njoyed a pl"nle lit the Collins eiKh t h bir lhdtlY . Tl1c litll" folk_ e n- su lvent Bank in the Stu l e of Ohio, home, W ednesday. joyed an afternoon "f ga me s and de· for a like Ilmoun t. pDyable to the or· Mi6Scs Luura Copsey and Helen lic ious r e f rC~ l1 mcnts o f icc cream nn d ri el' o f ll1e B'IIIrd o f Cuunty o l\ll\li~· J( yne a nd Mr. P hillip Copaey enjoyed cake were se rvoed. An aaclt\ e nt hap· sio ners of Warren ounty, Ohi o. as a the DlIhlCnl11p bell tJlip last week. pened which mllrred th e perrce! io n guumnlee that If sold bid i. aCCepted. Mr. an d Mrs. J esse J ense n a nd of t he aftern oo n. wh en littl e- A Ji ,·c COli tract will b e e nlerE' d Into nlll! i l~ daughter, of Dayton, have come to Bogan fell and broke her a r m. perfo rmance legally a ssUI e d. s pend the 8Umm l!r with hi s mother. The Sunday dinn er g ucsts o f Mr. Co nt ract to be award ed t o th e :u\\'Mrs. Anna Jenson .• Mr. and Mr . nnd Mrs. George Smith nnd fllm il y est lind best b idder. Clur encl! Bag foz:d lind son, who have were. Miss Harriett Tucker, 1\11'. The Board of ommlsslOn c ri r cbee n . with her for ove r a year, IIro Claren ce Smith. Mr. un !l Mrs. H erb ert sel 'e th ~ rig ht t o- r eject uny 811,1 a ll r eturn ing to th ell1 own home. Mart. of Wilmi ngto n , T.: l'ij. F lora Co n· bids. Bids should he sl'aled, e n·A seri es of accide nts occ urred to ger nnd ghilpt:en. of ( Ilkla nd Mr. dorsed with the num e of the bicld er our people lnat week. Mrs, Thomq William Smitll and ,;u\lghter, Mra. and add r c~s(' d to th e BOllrd o r County Kyne f e ll In ba),ton, breaking her hlp Rach el Shumak er an d chi ldren, of Co mmi ss i o n ~rs . Lebano n. WUITe n and arm . Mrs. Anna Jensen fell In Springfield. John and a " y Sm ith. 01 County, Ohi o. her yurd Injulin" her )rip t he exte nt. Beech Grove . !lnd Mi. ~ Huze l S mith, By order of the Board of Go unty of which has not been determined. who is spen ding t he sumlner with Mr. Comm b.ioncls of Wune n oun l y. Mr, A. C. MendenlullJ fell a~ Jttr and M r~. Earl S hank, near Wilming- Oh io . hom e severely sprai ning or breaking ton. SA M D. H EN KLE, h er allkle. Mrs, Rose Haines caught Owen Harris. of Columbus . Mr. E. J. B EEDLE. hel' ann in the wringer, causing a and Mrs. Harolld Harl~8, of Lobanon, W . D. CORWIN. great d eal of pain. a nd Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Peterao n. of Commis.ionl'l's of 'Vllrre n --....:......:.; . .... Spring Valle>, were here early In C. S. MOUNTS County. Ohio t he week. OWIII,g to t he death of thell' AudiLo r-C lerk. j8- 4t grandfath er, Oeorp:e Harris. WhOHe Dated , Jun e 17, 1925. fun eral o~p url' ed TuesdllY mOJ'ning at 1(1 o·\!lo\,l~. MI'. and 1\11 11. W. M. Mathias and Miss Grnce Johnson is spending a part of her vacation with her parente. Mis, Mllrillret Starr m oto r ed down at the parsonage. fro m Da)'ton and ~pent Monday even Children 's Day comes soon on our ing with MI'II. Amanda StaTr and Mias cnlendar. Better attend the Sunday- Mabel. school and be ready for It. MONEY LOANED . Miss Wlnnifr'ed Deugilltl!. of Indianapolis. visited her aunt, Mrs. John8on , at the panonage. lut SunLOANS on Chattels.Stooks. Securiday. ties and Second Mortgages. Not es ~r. U . B. Morgan and family, of houg ht. John Hllrblne Jr" Xenia. Sabina. were r ecent guest. of Mr. and Ohio. °11130·'26 .Mrs. Johnson . Mra. Morgan I. Mra, John son's niece.

Mt. Holly

,, "e1

.. -

--..---Spring Valley

Answering The Big Question Eyerybody .... to to


"An Balloo.. tire. durabl" 7" w•••,.. uYe."_


IF THEY' RE GOODYEARS I Goodye.r B.lloon TirOl .re made with SUP E R T W IJ S T -the eatra..I•• ti". eatr• • trODII' coni fabric thll pull durability into h.lloo .. tire comfort. . AacI ONLY Goodye.r B~l\ooD Tire. ar made with SUPERTWIST Let •••how you tbe •• tire. aDd o ur low price •.

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio J

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer



kin!" an d

S HIl ,

l le ll l'Y , we:c on guurd,

arm oo witll s hot~un s , 'lIml fir!.!,1 n ~ t he thie ves, Who, in th"ir Imst e' lo l!'ct aWlIy. dI'OPI''''' t he batter y which they had take n fr olll the aut om obile. Noth ing e l ~ e wa 9 tnke n, it is !\/li d.

Optometrist '

----- ........---

Insurance' and Public Sales


AD.wer to L •• t Week'. fuaale

Same Place Same Service Same Terms to Everybody

~~!Y..A.~~d~!.d~Yi~_ _ 9 a. m'.:,to.5 p. m.

Re.tRoom in GrangeBldg

Satisfied Patrons, Our Best Reference

Wayn4aaville, Ohio

" Majority ru l.. I. DO I" ....r holdin g ~ .."d in the U. S.- I •• w it d ,,", I• • t week down AI th e gr"de-ero •• ing b etween a

locomotive .nd a flock of Aiv· vor• • "

, DUMB DAN-AGAIN II " think. is

Farmers, Attention!

Farmer. of Warrlln and adJ olnina countie~ may obtain money on lona time 101ln8, at 5 ~ per oant hi terest. Cost 01 sccurin, the orne is VBry rea· sonable .through The Federal Land Bank. Fo r further Information call on or addres8 M. C. DRAKE. Treas· urer . phone BlG-X. ·r;.!l·bRnon. Ohio.



the Lexington bridge

~L'UllC .

1\ , .. in l it. :\ 11 lh , t is n ecel.A ry to c ony i , ~l! ,-.loU ".a t tlt U beat rnaI'Il •• fo r yo ur c r eolO i . th e

Blue Ribbon Creamery Station at Corwin .

Say!. Die! you know that you can ret

larly foldtn Sweet Potato Plants and a lmoat any other plant at


... . .


~...v~,..;,..:::;:;:::::;;:~~-<:$'~.. ~..":,....(

Hot Weather Necessities



!XI!KZZ-ZLzy.../V>~/J!.zrLiTLZX:/J'>.z~)(iC/"../ ..I/iI)ffI'-..n!«JtlWy~LfMi'~WWl'wtT


Sa ve Your Food wifh a

Glacier Refrigerator Quarter Sawed Oak Finish White Enamel Food Cabinet Relieve the intense heat in your kitchen with a good Coal Oil or Gasoline Stove. We ha ve a complete stock of

Florence, Quick Meal, New Perfection, Red Star Stoves from $7.00 up The new

Kitchen-Kook Pressure Gasoline Stove · is giving wonderful satisfaction. 'A demonstration will prov~ it.

Will lr. Young

Sears & Cartwright


11I11d,· 111<1 Fr id ay nig ht III lh,· (' ' II ... •• • Wn lkill' "bcl' o n !t ou le·1. iii I'. W"t·


Phone No. 320

Phone No.2

---_. _.

, Ant 1lh c I' nttt' nlpt ut nddH ry \\' ~:s


Centerville, O. NewBurlington, O.


Shot at Thieves

- ----

Date your _lea with us. We rgu~rantee _tiafaction or charge nothing.

Public Sale All ' I 11m e nwelled to quit fur",ing. I wjll offer Blp,ublic' pale a~ my )rome . 4 miltl8 nort hcllat of Waynes ville l! miles north of Hu\,\,eYij· burg , Oll . FRlDAY. JUNE 19. 1925, Bcginning lit 10 o'cloc k , iny stock nnd o th <l J' chutte l plo perty, 118 f ollows F 'll' J' horses. :.I C()WS. I .. g u"d h og R, f Ul'mill" im ploll" "ts, hUI'I. os8. h ~ II ". CUi'll alld h"u ~eh" ld gOlldH. . T rm ~ ",ude k nuw n 011 dny of snlc. JOliN BRA H Mnl'Un nncl SWII I"y, Au ots.


Hardware. Harness and Fann Machinery Wayneaville, Ohio


Office, Aman Bldg.

Phone 61-2

Main Office: 924 ,Y. South Brown Street,

Waynesville, Ohio

'- - · OY.;rS.lim.the. ~_-. payto~,


CASH-For Dental Gold , Platinum , Silver . Diamonds, magneto points, -fal. e teeth. jewelry, any va lunbles. l\Iuil today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. & R. Co .• Otsego, Mich.




......... I11III11 . - ....rIft.9, fit . . . . . . I- uJIT._~r:~a .~::=N.O , •





,---------------------------------------------~~. ~~------------~

w. f.all .....MEYERS .,.

.... J _ _ Itt .

. Dayton. 01110.

Wort aothee ~t .We8r ,, ., AtwQ.



~' ~


" W,

- --..

Plftll .-.


..,800,000.00 •• ............. . ... .--......... ........ . --=-. r-'/


at ,


Dayton. Ohio.


I·p . . . . .7~_ .

. . . . . "11 ••

PH1LO.svs:-FACT '. _ "Cheer up) T9m- it's an ill wind




Squire PeTldn. was a staunch antithat b~OW8 l1ubody good, you know." evolutionist u ntil down at ~ the swim"Well- thi8 wind that ' depl;'eJlscs ming bIlle last week - he saw his own lIIe--i~ the wind in a saxapboUe; 8On, home for vacation. p lcldng up _ _ _ _-JDex& door." his aoeka with Ilia bare toeL ".

W. make &!Id ..II # I""rlo "Ixtur••, wroUGht lren _ric *nd mount lamp •• We . ooP,. but do not handle an· tlqu_ WILLY". LAU Mil'" MIl . Luflow M. . . DeytO", 'Oh,Io.

. LOST- Umbrella . with horn handle. Missing f or . evernl "wEieks . Fi nder please leave at this office. ;e24 W A NT ED- Secon d-hanp cream separato r. P hon e No. '73-;6, Oent,er· ville. All en H ole. WllynesvHle. "jelO

FOR SALE- A tw o-row Buckeye Cultiva tor. with Trllotor Hitch and Steering Device. Used tllree Qays. chellp. Repairs foj· fr\'owel'8 and Binders. Just r eceived a big splpment. FRED M. COLE . FOR SALE-fJ·r~om housll. ~lth stol!e r oom. NO. 1 corner for any kind of business. Opp. Corwin depot. WHI Bell cheap. If 80 ld 800n. Mrs. Chall. E . Werntz, FOR SALE-Icc ohest and a show· case. Inquire ot Mal')' Gustin. WayneaviJle. Ohio. "Je24 FOR SALE - Plants - Sweet Mango. Yellow Mango, Lon g Pimento Bottle Pepper, Will Lippincott . · J e 17 PLA YER PIANO-Has been ulled 'but l\ short time. wnr sell cheap ' for cRsh, or bUYer mny . fini ~ h paymertts due on it. W ill take u ~c d piano or . ph on.ogr!lph ·in. trade. Lc VI' addrer. ' at Miami Gazette office. .' .Je 1'7 /." F OR SALE-Yellow Jersey Sweet . Potato P lants. "D. E. Standiford,

. .



"To pro... th.,a' t w .. In he.,ty aecord with lh. ,ltollle-bulldlni call1puln, I W.nt dow.....d lot d palDtad."


. ·,re!'7

FOR SAL~The services of · , '" Percheron-staUlon, Royal Woniler. Thill is .t he King'. Powder Co •. lioJu, and will make the lea80n at my fam. O. A. Strawn, R. R, 4, Waynesville,



PEAS ,FLOUR 12 M pouDd ••


~.:::~:~~~b~... . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .



2 ..

New Potetoes


~ ·po ....d ••!~ ...... , ... .·.. $i.2 5;"ound~ ,

(or ... ..... ,...... ........ ..


~~,~B;~un~ ·. ~ .'.32c 2!~? '0~D~ . ......

2, O C $1.58 ell· H . . ' ale ams22 , .: 41 C c~r~d.'" '~J. Butter . 47c . . 4Bc

.. :..

. . ; ...

t .......

25-pound aack. •


Jewell. po¥nd .......... French Pound .... ....... ..... ......


. ..... . '

CouDtry Cluh,



~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~.~'. . . 19c ~~~~~.~. ~ :~25c·. 2





foi.~~~~~.~ .~:...:;15c 36S,ae, ·.. ch ... ... ........ ; . ....... .. \




- ------.--Seventy·Seventh Year




COLUMBUS. OHIO-Onll week more, or Wed nesday. July 1, the second cut in the price of automobile tags goe" into effect, and a price wiII prevail then which is just about the Kame as will prevail after the e nd of the present year. The slash from the original cost on July 1 will be just one-half, and Thad ll. Brown, secretary - of state, whose deport ment has the control and sa le of these license plates, does not look Cor a general rush, as salea 80 far t his year have been larger than ever before in the history of the departme nt. Be cause it is the last year under the present lleale of prices, the re ceipts of the department, Colonel Brown says, will be the greatest In its his tory. Ablolutely no tags will be sold at the reduced price until the morn ing of 'July 1, and the price which becomes elfeetlve then will prevail until October 1, when another 25 pe rcent of the oria'inal cost will be Iwhed off. The new eeale of prices for the tap doell not become effective until January 1, 1926. The money received from the !lBte of these tags is being distrubuted as fast as paid Into the state treasury to the participating political sub-divisions of the' .tate by Colonel Brown. Thlrty.llve hundred state inetitutlonal employees will receive inreased pay after July 1, and /lrc the only lltate employcs who art! given any increase In their pay. There has never been ' an. adjustment of salaries of these Institutional employes Bin...e they carne under the control of the former board of admlnisttlation and the present welfare department. Many of them have been receiving the I18me pay as when they entered s~te work 30, 40 and in some cues 60 years ago. Many have sacrificed all hope of becoming independent in their old age fot lo.yalty to the lltate and its unfortunate warda. A survey was made by Governor Vic Donahey al\d the only salary increase which he favored was for these underpaid Institutional wor~rs, and members oC the general allSembly for once agreed with him and made an appropriation that wllI suffice to gl1lnt every employe a slight increase. It won't be such, but in the aggregate for 80 many employes means considerable annually. John E. Harper, welfare director, alon g with the managing officers of all state in8t1tutiona has been woUking for some time on t be new schedule of pay, and wlll bave hill work completed within a rew days so that th e increase M~ y' become efl'ec~ve July 1, the ear .I"st POlllible date.

The State ot Ohio III e~pected to come Into actual ownership of the much cUlled ' ~nd dlac.usaed brick pJant at Roseville, Musldn{tum coun· ty, within another two or three week! and then anoth4fl' agency for the reo Uet of the ' crowded penitentiary will be opened. For almost two years . Governor Vic Donahey . haa been filrbtlng to eecure another brick plant where stron" and able bodied prisonen could be profitably employed. The btlek trust haa sutcelllfully fought off oreanlzation of its employes, and I~ Ia one 0 fthe larre8~ manufactur~ IlJduatries which Is not organized.

m:~~r n;,i:nbb/ih:~r::~rn.n~ri~~

Whole Num ber 5649


Friends In Am erica will shortly have 1111 ppparlunity to welcome Carl Heath, th e secreta ry of th e Friend s' Co uncil for latcl'nstional Service, of London and Dublin Yearly Meetings, Mrs. Cynthia Evans entertained Friends working r elal!vcs from Cincinnati. Sunday evening.

---_. - ..---Fatal Accident Simeon C. Brown, of Lytle, died Saturday morning from injurtie8 sustained when he was 8truck by lin automobile, driven by John Boan, of near Lebanon, last Friday evening. The accident occurred in front of hls home. just after he had atepped from a truck in which he had corne from his work, and if said to bave been unavoidable. He Is survived by the widow, two daughters, one son and two brothers, Harry Brown, of Centerville and Edwart! Brown, of Franklin. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the residence. Ilnd burinl was in Miami cemetery. ------_• _______ .-_~4.

Morris--Satterthwaite Miss Anna E . Satterthwaite, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrll. Henry Satterthwaite, of Route 2. and Mr. James Morrie, of Sabina, were married Saturday, June 20, 1925, at 12 o'clock, noon. The ceremony was performed by Rev. JellSe Hawkins, at his residence in New Burlington. Following the ceremony a sumptlfous wedding dinner was given at the horne of the bride's parents. Only members of th e immediate famili es were present. Since her graduation from Wayne TowlIs.h ip High school and the Warre n County Normal, the bride has taught school. The bridegioom is a prosperous farmer. A fh'T a short wedding trip the young' e(' llpl c wiH go to housekeeping on t il i.. fClI m nl!ar Sabina.

Lack of pr'actice and team work Mr. and Mrs. Fre{] Brnddodk were Sunday dinner g ues ts of Mr. an d Mrs. cost our Miamis another defeat in Glenn Borden . their game wi'th the Wilmington Nite Hawks, at Phillips park last Sunday afternoon. They went into the ninth l llr. Mye ~ Hymnn and family, and inning with tille 8C01'C standing 7 to MISS Le na Earllhart wel'e e ntertained 4 in their favor, and em erged thereSUlldny lit the home of Mr. Richard from with a 7 to 8 defeat tag atBruwn and fumily , of ncar Ce nter- tached to their anatomies. The visville. itors were able to soore four runs in thiB session, because our infielders Mrs. Amelia Williams entertained didn't seem to know what to do with at Ca,!!p Linger Longe r, Sunday. the the ball when they got it. All the f.olIowII1g guests: Mrs. D. P. WiI- hi ts in the fillsco were puny afl'airs hams , of Cynlhinna, Ky., Mrs. J. D. nnd were cleanly gat hered in plenty Marlatt. Mrs. Cynlhia Evans, Mr. of time to muke a put out if they !llId II1I·s. C. M. Hobi tzer Misses Be- had Iieen thro.wn to the right place, a t l·.ice RolJitz er and E~e lyn Cart- and if the guardian of that station \\ light and Mr. L . N. Prinz. had been in his proper place. Practice and a "yst.em of team play would Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke en- remedy this defect. Eddie Burton started the pitching ~ertalned Saturday evening, June 20, In honor o f Miss Henrietta McKin- but was as wild as the proverbial He y, thl! foll OWing guests: Mr. and March hare, hIIo foul catches by Mrs. Quincy Gons; Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Brother Howard saving bis bacon in Ba.r nhart. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cart- the first. With two runs scored, one wTlght, IIIr. nnd Mrs. Bert Hartsock batter out and. the bases filIed, in the M.r. and Mrs. Wilso n Edwards, Mr: second, Peck Satterthwaite assumed and Mrs. ~'. B. Henderson, Mr. and the white man's burden, pitooed one Mrl!. Ralph Miller, Mrs. L. A. Zim- ball and 8tarU~d the only double play merman, MIllS Alice GonR, Miss Hen- of the game. Peck proceeded to pitch rietta McKinsey and Mr. John Pence. splendid ball lind it was no fault of hill that the game was eventually boogered away. In honor of her 7th birthday, little The strong Franklin Merchantll, Bar'bara Gray entertained several of of Franklin, wi\) be the attraction for her friends Monday afteJ'hoon. The the coming Sunday. ~hildren enjoyed games after whi~h The score tella part of the Itory: Ice cream and cake were served. WILMINGTON Those present were Marjorie Earnhart, Margaret Jean Whetsel, Louise AB R H PO A E Hough , Edna May Staup, Anna Lee H. Garrison, l:f... .4 0 1 2 0 0 Crane, Mary Ellen Edwards, Ro~e­ Carman, If ....... .. . 6 1 3 3 0 0 mary Bentley, Olive Scott, Eileen Asher. 2b .. .. .... .... 3 1 0 1 6 3 Hall, Charles Earnhart, Paul Zim- Shadley" lIS . . .. ... 5 1 2 0 2 0 merman, Paul Hough, Earl Conner, Kelly, 1b ..... :...... 5 1 11 0 2 Charlcs and Harold Anderson. Swing, c ... :.......... 5 0 0 10 0 0 Cline, 3b ....... .. 3' 3 ·2 0 1 0 Mr. and Mrs. William Vogel, Mr. R. Morri son, 1rf.... 4 2 4 0 0 .0 and Mrs. Leonard Vogel and so n, Snow, p .. .. .......... 4 0 1 0 4 0 Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Charles VoTotais ............. 88 8 14 27 12 6 gel and 80ns; Bobby and Richard, Mr. Ralph Vogel and 80ns, Raymond and Billy, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tsvenner MIAMIS and son, Charles, all of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan and dau ghAB R H PO A E ter, of Springboro, and the Messrs. Frost, lIS .. . , ........ . . 5 112 o Wilbur HMnah, of Waynesville, and E. Burton, p, ~~b ... .5 222 1 Carl Ridinger, of Spring Valley, Gons, 3b .... ... ..... ..4 032 o were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Satterthwaite, p .... 4 123 Dan Morgan and family. Mr. Ilnd Heink, cf ..... ... ... . ..4 000 Mrs. Earl Vogel, of Dayton. and fday H. Burrton, c .. ..... 4 1 12 5 2 Hollingsworth, of Oregonia , were the C. Osborne, If ... ... .4 200 o afte rnoon and evening callers. Frye, rf ..... ....... ..3 000 o o Orsborn, 2b, }b... .4 1, 7



.- .

Special Meeting

The locol Juniors are expecting a vi sit from the Deputy State Counsellor for this district, next Friday evening. The deputy will probably be accompanied by quite a large party fro.m the f,{iddletown Council, and a rousing good meeting is antlcipat~d. Tbe local oommittee is prepllr. Ing for a lal'ge attendance, and, of course, they will cat_ All me mbers of the Junior order are urged to be present. These Midd letown brothers aM live wires and are sure to give tin! locals 80metbing to think sbout.

Mr. F. A. Caekey, of Washington D. C., spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother and grandmother. Mrs. James Curtis and granddaughter, Elizabeth, of Harveysburg, Miss Esther Curtis, of Chillicothe, apd Lester Curtis, Df Cleveland, called on Mr. C. P. Ellis and family last Friday afternoon.

Elected New Director

At a meeting of the Waynell¥ille National bank directors, Tuesday af. ternoon, J. Q. Gons was elected a director of the bank in place of Fran.k Zell, deceased. MI'. Gons is a sucMiss Elizabeth Reeves, teacher of cellSful farmer, and is about the Horne Economics at Tacoma, Wash., youngest man ever elected to thia po- is in Waynesville to spend the sumsition. . mel' with her sj~ten, Misses Jennie -------.~~~.~----and Josephine Reevell. · She was accompanied by MillS Grace Parrish, of AFTER ABSENCE OF 40 YEARS Yakima, Wash., who wi\1 also spend a part ot the 8ummer at the Reeves Mr. Alfred Dakin, of Hannibal, home. Miss Ruth Reeves, of New Mo., a SOn of the late Dr. and Mrs. Burlington, a niece of the Misses E. F. Dakin, arrived · here Sunday Reeves" is spending the week with n.ight for a visit with r.e lativea. them.

Ch·ICk P rO}ects ,· P rove L ucratl·v·e to SCh00I B

word ot opposition to the employment of p~n.en and the plan of Govern· or DonAhey baa ever been made by an,. won orranlaation. The only · oppoaltlon haa been made by the .briet t.ruat whlah seell a cutting of their PJOflta ...nd cheaper brick .tor Many have been Interested in .the tl\e ~"'h~ap' of tl\e .tate If the ROBe- chick projects t~at bavebeen carried 'lille ~laJlt "o~rated. The board on by 80me of the boya of the "Smith of eontrol has ,76,000, whieh ill ac-' Hughee" department. . ce..lble July 1, and very shortly af. The Better Poultry Co., offered to



,g 2!1 14


3 4 5 6 7 8 9


.. - .


Totals .... ... ..... 37

W. N. H... .. ... O 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 4-& Mr. John Bench, of R. R. 2, was in Miamis .. .. 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0-7 Cincinnati, Monday . 2-buse hits--H. Burton, C. OsMr. and Mrs. Fre>d Slllup and borne. S-base hit.--Shadley. daught!'r spent Sun duy at lhe Res· 'acrifice hi·tr-Gons. ervoir. Left on blllses-Nite HawkS, 6; Miss Es thcr Henderson spent the Miamis, 6. week-en d with Miss Lucille St John, Double plall-Satterthwaite to H. of Route 4. Burton to Gonll. ~ Wild pitches-Snow. Misses Henriretta McKinsey and on balls-Off Snow, 2; off Olive Allen are atte nding summer E. Bases Burton, 4. school at Miami university. Struck out--By Snow, 8; by E. IItr. and Mrs. Char les Chambers, Burton, 1; by Satterthwaite, 7. Hits--Off Snow, 8; off' EI Burton, of Dayton, were Su nday guesls of 4; off Satterthwaite, 10. Mr. John Fromm and family. Umpires-Thompson and Burden. Time-l hour and . 50 minutes. W. N. Sears WIlS in Lebanon, Sat------~ .... urday afternoon, conducting the Brown sale of household goods.

• JuniO f 3


Personal Happening.

The second letting of road improve ment contracts ·was made today by the lltate highway department, and covered approximately 51 miles of surface treatment in th e folloWing counties: Ashtabula, Auglai:&e, Darke, Holmes, Lucas , Pickaway, Preble, Stark, Defiance, ' Paulding and Van WeTt. On last Friday the first letting of the month included road improvement in Adams,. Allen, Geauin. Lawnlnee, Mercer, Medina, Miami, Portage and Tuscarawas counties. This Is the ftrst time in many years that there haa been two lottings in one month, but every possible eft'ort is being made to meet demands for as much highway improvement as possible during the prelent yean Plans of the department are for actual work w start on every contract that " award,d thill 'week before July 1. It aleo meanl employment to leveral hundred workmen at good wagel.



OI"S .,

ftnlehed, however, at the end ot twelve weeks with 404, whl~ he sold tor forty centa pel' pound, nettinc $2U.92, after selling exlqJenlel were deducted. One half of this he llent


0" Thursdn y, .rune- 1M . it! B!llt i. mor t'. M;u·yl" " d. Mi." 11 ,· 1 n I.:, ni ~ h " l'. of Newtown. 1'" .. :\IIrl Mr. A I. fr cd J . Wl'ldll \ \'(' 1'(' 'lLl ictIy ma l'ril' ti. Th t' c<'r(' mll ny w ,, ~ J1<' r fllrtn NI hy th e Twelve of t he lendin g formers of n"v. W m . \\·a: . of th l· El'i <co pul Warren county, l-.,preR(!Iltilll; t he va- chun ·h. i\l l' ''\. \\" 'i,l!hl i:-i H l' harm ine' YO U I\).! rious Town ship Furm orgnnizations, in conference with Coun ty Agent ~\·(.l l1 lHn., lit' t lH: hrunt tt l ' t ype . • 'hf' Hi n ul e o f G t'Hq,,!" fl ~'c h o n l l\ nti Class at the Farm Bureau office, last YCli r atlel1 d in ~ 11 ",)(1 (' o ll e~(' Thursday o" oning, admitted that f(,1' Y" Ult t.: "'"mcn a t "'r(,,, prick . 111 ,1. probably more than }udf of t he fllr111 ,. II' r it.:hl. t he \·Idc l' """ (, f III'. '.'.,/JI me l'S of Wanetl county would !lced .. " t.! ~Ir' . A. T. W,·it.:ht. of Il li < place. I!" o n j '). I· IlJp,lary YOtlH;": lIIa n. 'h, i:; n t.o buy see d whCllt next fa ll. so a thorough whea t survey was planned. J,:'t'auu ; l l l ' of t ;'·fl J' '"t· !", h f'l . I, Pu ., iJ l l d MEN T O RU L E E ARTH'S FORCES When l; in the nortbern towm. hips o r th e l ·ll inl':<ity " I ~ li'·hi t.: ll n. nnd GRA NDMA'S YOUNCER FACE seems to ha ve improved during the last WN' I, n'cf'i vl'ri his J\ . ~l. de~r ce recent w eeks , but reports from the f~ ·ultl th . t:lt "' N~ity u f 1·"I I,," yl,'unia. FREE? HOW CAN WE TELL? Ho uthern part of the county were Bor th e paRt lwo yCll1'S hl' hns be ell THOS E LIBERTY BONDS a succ ss eul teach e r in George school very discouraging. .Mr. and Mrs. \\'1'i"hL ur rived in Th e t owns hip leaders decl ared that th c!'(! is an occagional field 0 f wh eat Waynesvil le Saturduy lIit.:hL and are which loo ks ve ry good, so an efTort r eep i vin g cO l1 g " ll tulllti nn ~ fro m reinThe scil'ntific perSOlt , uys "the reis being made to have all such fi eld s li ves I1l1d fricTlIls Rt I.he homo of Dr. ce nt le rl'iflic heat comeR from spots reporte{], examined and used for alld 1I1t·s. Wrig ht. where thev will on I·hc Bun, unusual ly fierc e." seed. A letter is being mailcd to s pend a part of t he summer. • Anolh er says "the haUL travela practically every farmer in the coun · not\ h from tropirnl j un g les, thanks ty with a return postal enc losed, on to ntm os pheric conditions." which good fields are to be reported. Accidental condit ions !If the nir The letter says In part: lanes se nd us heat from the Equator. "About 60,000 bushel8 of good H o w soo n shull we learn to do, fo r wheat will be needed for seed In our8olves, what na Lurc does fitfu lly Warren county next fall. Thousands Miss Florence Wood was remind- an d at the wrong ti llle? of acres of improved wheat which ed,. Sunday, of her birthday, when we had counted on using for seed, qUite n number of her friends and Do you doubt thnt fully civilized was aband oned last spring, or seed- r elatives guthe l'ed at her home ill ed in oats. So if you have n field New Burlington with well-filled bas- mcn will trullsfer surplus heat from of Trumbull, Fulhio or Gladen wheat koets later going along Anderso n's t he Equator to the NOT'th Pole? ' That from which you can furnish good Fork for a picnic dinn e r. Miss Wood will scem a modest accomplishment surplus seed, kindly fill in the card, received some beautiful gifts. Those Bome centuries hence. It seems difficult to us. But supBO that a local representative can present to help enjoy the day were you had predicted two hundred inspect it before harvest. Mr, and Mr\!. Elmer Shall'er and chi~ pose years ago that the lightning :-lashing "Field inspection will consist of dilen, Helen Jane. Bobby and Joan III the sky, occasionally killing men, careful examination for mixture of Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Muterspaw and varieties, cheat, cockle or other nox- children, Raymond, Howard, Mildred would be harnened one day and made ioull weeds. The work will atart in and Junior, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hal'- to run a washing machine, a fan or the Southern townships and go for- ver Mrs. Ora Warden. Perry Shafl'er a carpet sweeper. Men will manage and direct the ward a few days before harvest. In- MI88 Myrtle Harvey, Miss Cora War: spection can be made of wheat al- den and Clarence Shaw, all of Xenia earth's heat os easily as tbey now direct heat from the furnace. ready cut. Miss Marie Warden and Will War~ "Every field from which pure seed dtl'n, oC New Antioch, Mr. and Mrs. of above varieties can be se cured. Hoy Hil rvey and Miss Wood. Coningsby Dawson, writer, mourns should be inspected, harvested and becau se women are set aside "shelvthreshed wlth extreme care, as hun· ed," at an age when their 'brothen dreds of farmers will need seed wheat and husbands begin to be interesting. next fall." . He says a woma n is, 01' ought to be Farmers who will probably need "at the height of her churm after to buy seed wheat are urged to refurty.'. port on die postal, 110 that the wheat Murray Hopkins, formerly of the cc mmittee will know the exact sit- G~zette torce, but now a student at t hings work against womuation, and can advise thoae needing Mlami-Jacoba, Dayton, joined the en Various and prevent their having ardent seed 811 to where same can be se- Metropolitan ball team of that city young as Ninon de 'IEncloa cured. With prompt co-operation recently. In a game last Sunday at had at admirers, the age of seventy. The chilby the farmen, the committee hopes Forest park, between hia team and dren corne too close together, in mato greatly exJ;end the use of the the Shilohs, both strong teams, Mur- ny casea, and that wears women out. Tr.umbull and Fulhio wbeat. Farm- ray w~n ~he gam,: fq1 them by a home ers needing good seed wheat can run bit In the eighth, bringing In a Then ,huabands are dull, and after profit by gettin~ some of these vari- run ahead of him, when his team was eties at thres bing time, rather than two runs behind. Murray was for- a. day's work their talk is frightfully tl~esome. No food for the wife'll have it sl)ipped out and a little later merly a membe!' of the local Miamis. buy inferior seed. mmd. Also, wom en have lived on the earth for 600,000 years as drudg-----~.---As soybeans and Fulghum oats are es, with a small percentage kept lIa also rapidly gaining in popularity, toys. They literally have not had growers of these crops are also rea chance. quested to report same. And the farmers owning radio receiving sets are also r ('q uested to report the type But times and conditions are SOCIAL of ap pnt'al us a ccording to l1equests changing. Women vote, families are Plnce, Lytle from lhe Sta te a nd Nati ona l OffiCCR. smaller, you cannot teU a woman Time, ,rune 27 "Radio is nTrendy n vi tol f actor in fro m her granddaughter ,when their Good 1':ot8 the ct;Otlo mic and home life · of the backs are turned. And ofte n when B\'cry on (' welc ome farm or. a nd tho Jlart it wi ll exer t in they face you , one is about as' young the fu tu re is ' beyond ca lcu lation," Prucoed" tu belwfl t Lytic M. E. as the otber, and the R'randmother Church says the communication to Mr. Cl ass, has, spiritually, the younger fac e. which also states that as the number of farm ers owned radio sets incr.easTom Lee, negro boatman on the es, more and better programs will Mississippi, li ved long before the be prepared oC special interest to world heard of him.The stenmer f armers. Charles C. Green Norman sank and he saveri thhty Last Wedncsoay evening County li ves. Th!! " f olks " collecte d money Agent Class and a numb er of farmto buy 11I1lI n house, much to his el'!; of Warre n county, listened to a surr.u·ise. !:lis performance seemed s Dccial eig ht-In inute tIIlk on Wool to him cumm onplace. "I ~eJl.t g oing l\Iurke ts a nd the Market Outlook," Iiy an d comin!!," said h ~h " until 1 saved J. F; Wulker, Secretary Ohio W ool evcrybo d~· 1 su w in t 0 river. Then Growers' Co·Op et4ative associat ion, I wc.nt lo th e sa nd ba r and built ' n .. through Station WEAO at Ohi o State fi r e." university. The world Cl.:i sts and life Is made' ... j.lossible, thanks to t he workers that " jus t keell g. ing a nd coming."

Birthday SUJfprise

Made Home Run Hit

Stop! Look! Listen!


..:.---. - ----

Clothing Club

Mr. and Mrs. Fenton B. King announce the marJiage of their daughter, Corinne Dwina, . to Mr. Lee Milton Eyer on Wednes~lay. June Seventeenth nineteen hundred andd twenty-five D,ayton, Ohio MilS. Laura A. Sides, who is the grandmother of Mr. E),er, attended the wedding iI~ Dayton', June 17. Mrs. Sides ~'resented the bride With a beautiful bo,uquet of blue delphenians and whit.~ lillies, which adorned the bride's tail>le.

An enjoyable and profitable afternoon was spent by the members of the Good Cut Clothing club, June 18, 1925. All of .the members were present, thus making a very large, sociable group. In the business part of t he meeting it was decided that the club would hold a market on July 3rd. Demonstration s on drnlti ng pattcr:n s mitering corners and alterinli, pattcrns were then given by various members of the club. Samples of different kinds of stitches were also brought by the first year membel'!!. ______ The work to be finished by the next meeting waa then explained and discUlISed. We had a very delightful social hour. occupied by playing c,harades. The next meeting will be held JuThe bookll for the Ohio' State ly 1, at the horne of our leader, Mrs. Teachers' Reading Circle on Kenneth Hough, .at 1 :30 p. m. the shelves of the public libral'\Y thill week. This will give teachen a chance to read them during the vacation period! thla year. Following is the seledion : Progrelllive MethodB of T~achlng, St~:r~~~nc Lanraqe; Drigra• • The Learnt!r .ntl BII Attitude, M Y.FU8 • F t ty ' aUolll1 ~enih vane. -------.4.~.

Reading Circle Book.

A tew y.ars ago, Charles C. Green waa working on the small local home-town newspaper al K:ent, Ohio. Last week he was elected ·presldent of the New York Advertising Club-the largellt or. ganlzatlon ot ita kind In the world. Mr. Green wu . put iJl nomination by .petltlon of the memben and ealily defeated the nominating eommittees' nominee. He Ie at tho head · of the Chart. 0. Green AcI_rtlllq ApDcy.

Warren , County Picnic At Fair Grounds the 4th

r '

A muil writes in his last hour ' "Burn me up, Bcatte!" my ashe~ around t he Statue of Liberty in New Yark ha rbor. Deat h h!\8 set me . f reo." How does he KNOW t i.a't death has set him free? Nnture, of which deatb f' a part, hlls 'a habit of using the sU llie Illllterial over alld over again. Tbe tree of generatioD supplies mould til the tree that takell its place. ';' A man burned up today .may go Lra voling, hi" spirit to continue his work and struggling in some other fur ot!' s phm·e. . Everybody knows what a depressed working man said ~o his dog' "You're lucky. When yo u're dead' tbat's the end of it. Rut When I di~ they're not through with me yet; I ~ave to go to hell tPGII." However weak this nation may be in tne fnct 01 a spirited article writ: ten by obscure Socialists, it is 81 strong nation, financiaUy. U.. S. Government bonds went . higher than eveI" last week. ThOBe lIBSured by this writer- during the bond selling campaignll that bonds would go above par will please note that Treasury "four and a quarters" sold last week at 107.10.

It takes every man ftfty years to learn how to live . . "At fifty a man " is either a fool or 'a .p hysicianit' Bu' e a rom nen p neg a county" Invited to be the gueat of if a man .a t fifty will :cjo, ~\.alf: he ren County picnic to be held at Leb- these farm and civic organlzatlonll knows he OUGHT w do he "may' eaalin on Fairgrounds, July 4th. The in Lebanon, July 4th. i1y live tiny years longer_ Waynesville band has ' been secured Act!vities will begin at 9.~0 with To KNOW ·is one thing, to DO 18:' to fumlllii the music throughout the a~hllebt1c evendtll anitd thttre ent~lre tdhaaYt ano,the~. ---_. ______ day and the Waynesville Miamis will WI I e crow ·c d w h a ae Ions pia) South Lebanon in the. 'a fte\'- will interest all. The committee by noon in. one '. of· 0111 three baseball arranged for three base ' ball garnes, .yim~. game's to be . played. , three. good harness races, ho.rseshoe The celebration is to Include every pitehmg tournaments, athletic field man Wollman and. child in Warren meet;' tug of war and many other coun'ty; alid is being IIponsored by the special ~tun~8 ~.nd rae.c8. Several Warrt:n Counlf Farm Bueau, Coun· bands wll1 furnISh musIc throughout ty Grange orranizatillns, . ~banon tJle day, and speeches will be made Chamber of ·Commerce ana t~. Ralph. by ~ree prominent Warren CounSnook Post, American ~on.. Ae- tians. - .' . ., . cording w "'nnounce~nta· of the Everyone la Ullred to linng a wellcommlttee;>:!)n whlc~l Wa7Jle tio~ Ailed baaketand at the noon hour a " N~ilted by Kenneth.B01lJ'li 'a nd l'!!al old..tuhlonecl· county picnic ~n• G,a rl ' Duke: plana '.a re beln·t made' to ner wUi be atace9. :. entertain OlIe- ot ·the 1ai1rtiiat. q'Owda ADnounceblUl.,Jaaa been ma4e by evet' catharid .16. Warren aoutt fort'the colfitntttee \lIaf a "~~mplete pro,. iluCh ,an' neat. ' ... ' 8NIII oUbe ~t'. actlnu.. Will lOOn WhUe the _10nmeritf.waa IItartecl be" olr the ),NI! ana will. be. 'dlltrlbo b,. th". F.ann BurW\I iIle commit,tee. Uted thrOqhout. the countY tleair.. 10 imjlrea it- 'upon -cltisenl of week. . \ t.h~ . ~Unt)r Blat the ae18bratioD In Plan to ..WInd tbe· Wamn Gollllt7 ~~n. lulJ' '4 th II it cOJWDunitv Pil:IIio, at .e Lebanon FaIqroWldl~ !L'l

!':,,*!.~~ ~:~~:~ ~~e ::l,if~Odt!~ ~:a::~I!df:: b~I~:eP~~c~.~~:ed!~ ~::s!!e:!~rf~:l~l~~i:~d !i:a~~~; ~~:~n:n e'~'Moral~Gro~~N::: ta;a~esvi:le :n:nc~m:u~ wwi~1 f;:~ a~der!!~;g 0~~1 i~e tt~sO!~~i~~

the ReI..Ville plant, and ailloon as partment. Two boys, Clark Starr tlila. '-. done ~!l0 prisoners, ,now In , Jl\, and William Long, avaUed themthe penitentiary idle houlle will ' be lIelves of the opportunity. , The Bettranlfel'1'ed to ' Roseville and will be tel' POUI~ Co. IIccordln&, to conconttnuoual; and profitably employed . .tract, fum IIbed 600 pure·bred White .J \ ': ' Leghorn baby chicka and a Newtown '. Evert drug stor~ In Ohio in whl~h brooder delivered to 'each boy. ' The .. ·p~rme~lst, registered by the lltate, boy fumlahed tuel, feed, broodell, ill em'p loyed, .hould have a targ'e meto. house and ·performed all labor, takin" al elen o.n display bearln//: absolute control of the m'1l1ag8Jllent tile wo as, "ReRletered , Pharmacy" of feeding a!ld care 01 tb~ chick".· ~th the !ymbol /:R.." The lIigna .wei-e .Wilen thc_ehlc~ were twelve "eeke I!re~ . 1:00 and dletributed by ~he Ohio old, they w:el'e marlettd ..,nd. the' pro:state Pliannaceutie&18118oelatlon' and ceeds~dlviaed equally between tlie l1loat Qt· tl)em ' 'Ii~ye aJz:eady \,;en' bo, In charge and the' Better PoultrY shipped from the main ,headquarters Co. . c " ' '. in tlile IJIty• . All drugt\ata nave been Clark f!taJ:T • .Ie ·the' only p~je.ct Hqueated . td·'glve j)rominent display bOOk . completecl lince William" Lon. to tl\e new ' .I~s 'that patro~e · may ~¥ .~n fit w . take • second .600 . know. whether. or not a ........ lar 1'8... ~1i1.111U1 on the eame plan fol' a . con.... "'1-'" I · tinuatlon project. . Iat8red pharmacid Ia emp oye4, .' 6', Olark .1 10'. ' . ,". - • '- ' 18~~Ved ~ eh1~ on Feb. t . ,I '.. ... r.ual')' ~-; and ,at th. · ~u of, tour

brooder house waa $(9.20, after deducting thlll from hill IIhare of $112.411, he had a proftt of $63.26 tor hi, twelve weekll' work while at. tending 8chool. Thl, Is the first of a series of projeets that We hope' to be able to report upon during the next year. . A project involving actual expeexpe:r:lence in farm practice is required ot each boy carrying on agrlcul.tu~ subject in High school. The obJect of tbis ·w\)rk is to give the boy tra, bUllinellS method~ and a chanee .to apply the 8C1~ntifie p~ncl. 'plell he II~ l,eatrted In cl8811. In .t he projeeta ·jus~ ,!omplete·d the ,boY' rearea 80 per cen~ ,of. tbe . c'blcka. .to lQarketable qe. Considering the un~aaon~ble time durill&' t~e · change. bl the· I rI d the a .1!.!~ .r ~4}~ar.v, lp nc,. . . tact ,,-t neither boy had . evet' atte~pted r a _ cblcke ~ &tore, , we SP,"T IN·rr·WIUIAM they done had a lItreali: of "bad luek" due to Olark Starr learned, ~o, that had • Mr. F'ra1Ik (Braddoc~ and family' ov:enlght 011 hla p~ and loat '5' by he finanCed hia own project he would IIP8Ilt Sandu wltb Mr. and lin. B. chiUlng1 10 that at the elld of eJaIi' ha.. Il~ ,9G.'12, 'baltead of onlj


...anr.u..-* Pm WIUIaID.

:'hi:: ':er::l,~~I":1e.:":I~ '1::: tT;lw~~ weeb •• had •

UI 1WIIrc• .-11.







_ _ _ _ _._

.. . ,


nil' E ' ' . uve .ea ntertaJD ? •

! _".~

. The local Jruvenl~ Grange membel'S entertalilOO the membe~ of tbe Farmers Gran,g e during. the lecture hour on Satul'day night, with an excellent prorrllm ot l'ecitations and music. Following thle the children were treated t'D ice c\,eam by· the Pat. • r0'Tsiie next 'r.aCUlar Grall&'e meetlnr hu been pOII;poned fHIn lu.,.·.4 to July 11, at .wlblch 'tlme' tlu; ftnt &lid lIecond derreell will be· exemplified to a la1'lJe,clau of "uq peoplet" . __ . _ "_ ' _' . ' .. SPENT SUICDAY AT· CLlnON .. ' . 'lIDIIeI '




-Rain Came··· in



daIr, lDelu~ rwq July.tIl.



. .,




baarlerD1oil -hns

rh. Miami C.. lb. A. H. Bu;ns Jl' .• l\1\d AlIct' E. Burnfl to Loul ~e lerritt, lot in Frnnklin, , 1.

fROM COURT HOUSE beencB ' wo'rld-

wide remedy for kidney ,liver Bnd bllldder dllorders. rheumatism,


lumbllco and uric acid conditlona.

Huy C. ~tnvJ'Il\"1\ hH ~ cut r e d s uit lIA'nin Sl /lrI L. ~li ll . · l' fOl nWlley


ani\'. Am ounl clainw ol Sln.OOll. .~ bijuh tlX hu s en t.'I'(' ,-l :o uit aJ.:'Hitl~t Snroh e ta:.

d ivor"t '. rhn1"llit\~ f.!r ns~




.T ennie A . i'h ~ "ur h a ~ f"nt('rl' d S Ull

L / \I-SlJL £ S

IIguinst Francis .\. LeSclir f.H· .Ii \' orce She chnrges nc!.riccl. Mnry K Wood hus CIOl,'red "\li.t ngainst J. A . WheellLn and ~l ul'Y I'" Wh eela n for money only . A.m uu nt c1aime.l $~ 27 .&0 with int er eSl. E li zabeth and Myrtle Lihecal1 hav,' enlered suit aA'nin st AmltrnHc "lid A.1II 11 rshcy to det e rmine! Uti I', ('t e.


. . . .lDtwD.1 troubleo, . tlmulate vital aqmL Thftc tl.e.. All dru~&I.t.. loa.. GIl dIa arifinaJ ccnuJno GOLD M m.u..


hav e g'otLcn

Ene my wnr ntntcrinl, cuptured by U. S. II l'med for'ces Ilurinll' the lilt conflict, will SOOI~ Iidorn Ilarks, t own sitos and other plnces o f van tllge in Oh' .. I" II 10 IlIUnlClpa lta es, Il ~ we a. mll ~ cum8. histo r ical collec tions and nl('morinl buildin!!,s. nC.e ordinl( t o pllln ~ Rnnounced by Adjutunt . clll'l'nl Frnnk E. Hcnd e r~on . whu hu" he en nBmed by G"ver'n or DOlluhey to RU pcrviso t he dis t ribut;') n of the , l,\lc '~ shllre of W .. rI. t Wllr tro phi c~ 1I_ 111'0\'i d~d by Act fl f (" onS! r e~s. ShiplllulIl .. r till' trophies, fOl' which th e Ohi., G"II ~ I·,,1 A ss~mbly up oprollrin tcd $10,000 to d e frav cost of transp" .. lution fr om th e r edel'lL l wurch .HlslJ to Columuu •. wil.l b()J(in III some eudy dute after Ju l~' I , when the money h e~ome" a \,lIi lu bl~ . In ordH lhn.t eve r y ci li 'l~n o f Ohio nUIY hllve 11.11 upportunity tn view a ll the

I'ailll Prtld tu:t ('u., pui nt, $ 7.60; I.., w,· ill'''' .. , II nit·. $ 157.50 ; Morro w !.ullll... .. C... . .. ~n"l lll , lime, et c. , ':':,, 4(1 ; l.,'" Walill e,', r" pHirs on r<llltl, $f, .~ h:

. Ads.

1t \






Thi. Week'. Cro••-Word Puzzle


'M iami GazeHe


MARRIAGE LICENSES George Louis Goodp nst er , Inborer, of Maineville and Miss Irene McIntosh, of Morrow. H erbert Leslie Mo rriBon, rural carrier , of F oster s. a nd Miss Bonnie Bla nche Baysore, of Maso n. 1 Samuel N. Upton, railroad clerk. 6 nnd Miss Della F rances Ma rsha ll. both 11 of Lebanon. 12


To mllk c a deduction. Ancient priests. Unpleasing to the eye. Perso nal pronoun. 14 Su pport. 15 T o speak. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' 16 Minera l f uel (plural f orm) . Annie Gray t o J ohn S . and Saruh I S A measure of length now rarely Richardson, lot in F ranklin , $ 1. used. William L. Suemening to Iva Har- 19 Limi te d (behead the abbr.). rison , lot In Lebanon. $1. 2 0 Eve ning meals. Walter Fitts to Willic M. Jervis. 2 2 Musical not e. lot in Franklin. $1. 23 Greek letter. Lloyd and Calla Mary We aver to 24 '1'0 explore by secret methods. Josepb L. and Ella Rosell, lot in 26 To di spense in small quantit ies. Franklin. $1. 28 Affirmative. 3 0 To perform with violent haste. 32 Poetic name of the second largost cont inent. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 33 Dapple. 34 T he membranous external covering 0 f the body. 85 Make lace by hand. 37 S OUl'. 89 A crazy or irrespons ible person (slang) . 4 1 F e minine nome. 42 Pr epOSition. 44 Li ttl e bi ts of f ood. 47 Company ( a bbr.) . 48 The woody spike corn grows around. 50 P e rta ining to the kidn eys. 5 1 A pistol. &2 Tied so thn t it will not slip. &4 Contruclion of ever. 5& Center or Innermos t part. 50 Gazed intently. 57 Fi bres cBrrying force and steadiness.

40 41 43 45

46 47

49 61 53 55

wl'o nl!


ill1prC ~fl i () n

' (,t~ I\ ~ . H'j~' l'H t' ll' idg'{' ras (·~.

20 p i~(' I'~ hnd\' :lnn,I!': : 7 I ti lwlll1t'ts. 7(; Llll Inn h"\l't!~; 1 ~1 :l IH Hqhi llt' goUI1S'; :i,7:J I rif\('s ; ~ (r R ~ 1I1> (' ,·. I1l1 d ~ w ' '' 'd s , I O:! ()f

J.:l'cllad\~ tht nw(' l'~ Ilnd 8n n ~st) l·tnH!"t maps, t. n,·n c h m UT"tnr~, nnd J,fH l-l I11n ~ k:"l Thl1 bi)! ).~UI1S fHI1)!'O

of gTC IH.ull' !'i,

f"'H" the 7\;

lIl .m .

to lhe 2f> O

Ill . m.

minn o "w ~ lfl'r nnd incill( ll' nls u lI n t i. g'un~ . h O \l,·· il1.l· r~ Hn el n\l)l'tnr ~.

nirc r nfl

Notice to Contractors H ave ~C Il I ('d

111"'1'081118 will be l'cr" i v~" by th e Elo lL l'd of ('ounly CU IIl ,"i s"i",, · Cl'" of WUl'l'e n ('o un t y. Ohill. Ilt Ihc it· C1 Utt H O \l ~ t' in L(' unnun,

uffice in t he

Ohio, up until 1~ l even O'c lllck in tlw fOI en oo n o f Munuay, J ul y t;l , 1!1:!5 , nnd COl1trnr t


are .n to the gcod when applied to the right column, You can sell your goods quickly by inserting aD ad. in tb.


t hat <ii. ll'ibutin n will b(' I'r " ll1i ~ c: u n uM : nis tribution in Ohio will b" Ill lllk c'n th" b",is of IIppli~lItion s on ly, linn n" uophies will he i ~~lIl'(1 01' ~o l" lo ill dh·innaI8 . Ohi,,', "lIu lnw nt incl ud". b~~i dc " ih (' 1l ·1 fli ~ " e" o f "rtil l ' l'Y. H, ·17f> hay\llIct ~ . pln ill IIlld ~ !\wt(Oo th ; ; fl llO Cllll ·

!.,·llll ll .. r, Gnl'llge nnd We ldi nJ( C .... ... ·\11111·'. f, Oc: l'e .. r y unri Wi lso n 1'; ' IU il'nlt'nt r .... """, e. $796. 05 : "\"ron VI'1l1.i" .. . fllllli,hi r.!!: und pilinl( . lure. P ROBAT E PROCEEDINGS $~(U,~: 1'. O . Monfort, s ur"ey or, exThe will of Ca r olyn S mil h. d cn ' .. , - 1)(' IISl·S . $ .'.7 1'; O. B. Cllin, bridge lu m ~ d was admitted ttl pl·obale . ),, '1' , :I H.UU: II. S. U1H.vcr . muteriul l-("op h' c.s. Guvernll r f} yn u he y h n~ di · in the matter of the "stute o f Eu - f. ,r ('III:iIlC, $~ I . ~!I ; Jn u. K. !';pence,', red, d t hlll the !lIluteriul be di ~p lllyl'(1 phemia Crumley Wil Ku n, ,lucctl",,,I, brill!!:,' lum he l·. $l!tIS. 7!1: ,'hurtle lind II I th o Stute fai r!('o unti< d urinl( th .. it was ordered t hat exec utri x di<trib· B,·vi. M.. ..t,inc Co. , re pllirill!!, grade r, Stale fnir, Aug us t ~ I to SeptembH ute stocks an d bonds nmong di strib · $1 1.;] 0: Frallkl ill Icc und 01L 1 Co.. 5 . . . . utees. fuu l for (, Ill(ille. $;UUlO: Blair a nd . API!I'OXlmulely . ~(10 crtle., town s Charles F. Dyn~g. executor of the LeRoy, J:!'l'Hve l for street., $186 .25 ; I",!d "ri lnges a r e ilstNlamo nl(' t he ap· elJl.ate of Martha A Dynes, deccu,ed, S . ~:. Cutl e r, pllyroll , $54.H5; W. E. pil cnnts fo r the t1·opllles. About three fi led hia inven tory al1d apprui ,c l1lt!l1t. Gra hlllll , snm e , $ 185.60; Walle r fou rth. of l he co u nt ies of the stnte I. GiJpcn T rimble, trustee of the Varner, sHllle, $ 101 .00; J ohn Ur ton , ha ve. "pp li ed . T here a re. al ~o n.Hl ny estate of Sarah G. Trimb le, deceased , ~Il me, $26 .50; " :Irian Whitnere, uppli eaw ns from state mst ltutlons. ti led his twelfth acco unt. $ I fi6.22; 1.. '. Wnlker, esti mHte on public schools. s~te preserves a nd The court "pproved. nllowed a nd l'o ntrnct : 8 13, $21)8 .00 . pnrk s o~ fi! c . . I t IS. n n nou nced thnt confirmed the nccount of Harr y B. a ll ll)l pllClLtlOlIS I'ecc lvcd by ;July 16 T hompso n , admin istrator of the esw ill he give n considerntion fi rst. A tate of Susan J ane Thompson. deprior ity Ii ~ t will be ma de up and in OLD· FASHIONED GENT ceased. cl ud e a ll ap plica n ts wh o re qu est t roT he acco unt of th e Citizens Nation ph ies by th at tim e. Those wh o a pply II I Ba nk nn d T ru st eompuny. admin- T ouch nc.t 11 hlli r on yo n gra y hoad; la te r will be g ive n cons iderat ion in istrllto r d e bon is no n of th e estllte of Sh.'. In'wife, /llld shn n't be bobbed, the best possible manner . Bert Reed , deceased , was a pproved, he suid. A considerabl e n um be r of citize ns allowed and confirmed. The account of .Clyde Thompso n. execu t or of th e eatate of Mary J . F orman, deceased, was appr ovcd, allowed and confirm ed. The account at O. L. Brown g ual'dian o f Harry Brown. minor, was L.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~-------_-------.J approved. a llowed a nd d. The cour t a ppr oved. a llowed a nd confirnlc d the account of Raymo nd If you like m e ntal exer cise. that 's menta l stimulation. T here a r e 80 me H. Wikoff. trustee of the ~stuta of what yo u'll ge t "nothing else but" unu sual words in it that you mig ht in th i~ c r 08~wOlId puzzle. It was add to yo ur vocabulary t o a n a d vanMarilla H. Wik off. deccaued. The accou nt ot Mar garet Weise n- arranged by E lizabeth Embree, and talre. We' ll give you t hinty minutes berger, g uardian of Raym ond Stan- we are su re you will get plenty of for thiR one. ley W eisberger. was a pproved, a llowedn and confir med . E . B. Hill, a dmin istrator o f the estate of J ohn S. Wrig h t, deceased, filed his sale bill. J . L .Mend enhall was up poi nted administrator of the a stllte o f Ca rolyn Smith, deceased. Bond $1000. Samuel Butterworth, Ross H . Ha rtsoc k and J . Milton Keys we l·e a ppoin te d ap pra isers. J essie A ., Mount, as one of t he executon! of tb'e estote of Mima E. Reed. deceased. file d his in ve ntory a nd appraise ment. Carl R. Bradstreet was designated as a so n an d heiT-at-Ia w of E lmore D. Grahnm . · Elizabeth Church WM a ppolnted a dministratrix of th e e . of G. Cecil Church, deceased. Bond $700.



Enemy' 1W ar Material to Be ·1 Distributed Over the State

COMM ISS IO NE RS' A LLOWANCES Th... Ruok Shop, sUll pli e~, :1.6 0; W. II . Slnnna~c 0 .. slime. $21.50; lIhh) LIIW Re purte r n., la w bulletin, $ii. O(J; RlI~s"li T . pencl' r , r epuirs o n l'lUli ... $ l. f,O: F. J . Lewis, "Iel·k. ex. I' . ,. ~, .. n I"'l' kll~e , Il .:; O. . lI iggi nl , ~~ .. n 't ury ""Idi"' l'~' Relief, $80.00; "'l"knlln l f~. Co ... u pplies , $ 15.00; (; . 1. •.01"""111 11, <a I1H' , $:l.f,6; S. Fred Co ...alll'·, $ :lO.II:I : .Ia", Ltlw lind , 011 >UI1"', " f, O.27; Eu ,lie,' Snyder, n!{c nt, ~n nlU. $); .:18 ; Ell1t!I'M Hl Walker, pllill t Il l).' . ~ ~I'.IIO: \, ,,11')1 Phonc Co .. re nt i . , 1 "ml'," 111\.1 lollK , $6fl.l! 6; WaHl;!1 n S'>I ... uPl'li"s , $ir..6 1 : ,J"hn Slin Wu t-"" C' .... In,.. ks. $ 106.7 fi ; F.ldridgc


fOI' fU l'n i:-: hi ng-

t he mate l'inl and pc rf" I'!1I inl( t he lal,,' r nl'ccMsnr y for repHiring Br idA''' Nil. 2·1-43 ncnr J. A. JI'I urtin Furm in Harlan T own hi p, W .. nen Cou nt y, Ohio, in acc orullnce with the phil", est i lIlut es and spccificat io ns h(\retofo,'" approved and adopted theref,'r und on fil e in the office of th e Aud ito r uf Wlll h!l1 Co unty, Ohio, III Leban on. Ohio. ' Bid del's must . t nte . 8epal·at.. I ~· the Illll ounl bid fo r Ill ll teria l a lld the a mo u nt hid for 11Ibor. Bidde rs may make proposals fo r f u rn ishin g a ll t he llIuteria l un d perfo r ming a ll the Illbor 01' .""h rarl th er eo f 8S t hey d ee lll prope r . Each bid must be uccollIpani ed by II bon.1 in the S UIll of One Hundred Dollars ( 100.00) or n certified check on d so lvent Bank in the Stute of Ohio , for a like nlll oun t , pu ynb lc to the order of t he Board o f ounty Comm i~­ sio ners of Warren Co unty, Ohi o, liS II g ua' nn tee thut if . /lid bid is ucce pte' I, co n tract w ill be ('literI'd in to an d it~ performllllc(O le!!:all y assull'd . . ('1ntrac t 10 be a\\,lI rded to the : OW est 11 nd he.t biddel·. Thl' Bonnl tof omnllSSloner, I' .e'l\ e the ri, ht to r ej ec : lIny IIn rt nil hi d ~. Bids shoulcl be sea lE-d , elld ol' eel \\'il h lh,' n/lm e C t he h iddel' and uJd/'cssed t u the Hoar d of ('" unty Co mmissiQners, Le banon, Warren Cou n ty. Ohi o. By order o f the Bonrd of County C.. mmissioll el s of Warren Coun ty, Ohio. S A M D. H ENKI.;E, E. J. BEED LE. W . n. ORWI t\,


C (J m m i~s i o ne rs


YO ll

h a n ds

ev ~r sult'et€d

b ".:llI1 It:

fram hard water "itch"? Have

dry and hard-your skin chapped-from

llsing hard wa te r ? T he n YOII can appreciate hands that are never roughened nor recldened-baby's tender skin that is never left cracked " n d " itchy"-a shave that is quick and clean. Every home NOW can have solt water-withoqt coat ~ istern

DUR.O Water Softener Rapid Nur. - U"",,,,d P/Q", is the tMest product of the world'.

l a r&,e ~ t m anufact urer of residence water systems. It is simple--complctprnctical. May be installed in cit.h er old or new homes-will give a Ufe time of service at very small cost. The D!,II'o . Softener has man,. advonlages over older ~thtr. I. DO packing of mincral-no red aWn or iron rust. Re generation ia a limpl. proces~uickly performed. rcqulnnl a few minutes as compared with houn In some other types.



o f \Vnr r cn

Winnie- HO id yo u !alive t.h! book Penmick- "I have been watching C. S. MOUNTS Coun l y, Ohio rcbnunt1?" you now tor leveral duy aDd I O() Aud itor-Cle rk . j8--1t Bi ll- " Di nn" hllve t o. It's uThe lice you don't ~I!em very bUIY. \·ou Dnted. J une 17, 1!J25. St ory of ll u bber." hnve spent at leal t thrl'e houra a dllY ' sitting On that soap ball." Whlske tB--U [ &,uelll\ that II abollt ~------------------------------------ ----- rieht. Persniek- u Aren 't you a shamed t o waste time that way ! Time I. valuable you know. Now.. If you wcre working at a common la borer'. waJii; you would have earn ed at le •• t $9 in th e time [ have been watehlne A roc ky pi n nacle. you." I The whole. Whiske r&--ul gueu. that's about A f ountain. ri g ht." . 7 Date your sales with us. We guarantee Grass like plant g rowi ng in wet PerHnick- "How long hM thl. belin iatisfaction or charge nothing. places. goi ng on?" Merit. Whlskcl "Oh. say 20 yea ...... Restor e to health . Pcrsnick- "Twenty l ManLarge S. A. snake. man, See that buildin g over there? Chiet execu t ive in state. You c ould own that bulldinr today Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 Former pretlident (initia l). with money earned in waIted tinle.r•c Creditor (albbr.). Whis kers--uDo you OWn that building?" Pers niek- uNo--" Whiskers-"I do."

F. T. Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Centerville, O. New Burlington,


DRA1r 'fit.,.. 90tt , t~



"""'* ura. __ Q• • '"

1IE.. ~-WMT~-H1S-WA_ ,

~"t.. It!J1O ....N'? MOIUr _

II£'s AJ.WAVS ~..a-





LIId! AS NOT I tfe'S hleAICetI OF):: FI8IllJol5- -

1\..1. WARM tUM &000 \UfleW I LAV H~""l>S ON HI'" -



.. Where are you tolng On ),ollr vaca tion r" " " I can'l d ecide- but It Is going (0 be lome place whel'll I am entirely cut off from the world." ,. "Why worry ? Any telephone booth will do."

Madden's Lumber Yard

................. ................................... Waynelvile, Ohio


'fH 15



60MI 51\'15

Farmers, Atte'ntioif! ,.

DOWN 1 Corroded. 2 Exclamution of 5urp118e. 3 Surname of n nursery hcroine. 4 Always. 5 A Greek fabulist. o Erase, 7 Toward the top. 8 Anger. !l Little girl's toy. 10 To dash or spattel' about. 13 Perbaps. 16 Venezuelan town on Tuy river. 17 Those o'f prior age (abbr.). 20 Breast bone. 21 Scatters. 23 Sprite. 25 A lil Y' like plant of the southern Unite d States. 27 Tree. 28 Perform. 2!J A s mall lizard. 31 A runner attnched °to the foot. used in sliding over now or ice. 34 Disgusts. ' 36 River In France. 88 Bees that gather no boney.

Fannen! of Warren .nd· IIdJolnl~ counties may obtain money on Ion. time loans. at 5"fr per cent Intereal Cost of aecuring the •• me Is ver)' ..... sonable .througb TJie Federai Lal.d Bank. For further Information ~I on or addre.. M. C.' DRAKE. TnIII'~rer, phone 31~-X, Leb.a non, Oh11 _



~OR SALE- I00 extra 'ni~ yearUne


FeU..i!S2 DoWN I).HiRE ~ COMES 'F~M

MONKE\(\ - WAL- I . DoN',

kNow - I'D HAFTA






:?: ~

. r



hena, English .traln, $J,20 eac·h. . Choice of 200 Aplll cockerela. English strain, $1 each. 1 . gentle pony sa~e for children; ru bbertir '8 'I'una: hllllt, harfle.. and saddle, . Ga. ell.a ine. 2 ."fr~hone · power ' vacuum pow. ,cr washlrlg mallhine, line ahatt, belts and pulleys: al80 po~ec: cider prell. .t. V, Blnllstrlltor, phone UII-2, Waynellvllle. Ohio. , -Jna. ,L Fo.R. SALE-Two hrgh-grade ' .feneY helfeni . . , Will be ,reab In Jan,jAty. by a grandson of Oxfo1'd You'll 1Jo. H. O. Cornell, R. R. I, WaJll4llvllle. Ohio. .JI1.

bom ....dl••

LOST-Umbrella, with IrIluln. for ""eral 6r pleue lvave thla olllle.




".eb. .',..4 I'tnd.


Oultlvil~.with 'lnator

Blaellep Blteb ud

ateerlll&' Devin. Vied tIInt ..,.., ~ for Mowen ... Blnd.n. .t........ & .........






CASH-For' Dental . Gold. Platlllllm. Sliver. Diamond., ' magneto '«lIbts. false teeth. Jewelry, .'an)' valuables. Mall today. Cuh by return mall. Hoke S. & R. Co .• Otsego. Mich.


T6N"'c 5 see HAS Ca~INL." CAcJ5l1v A ,"or Oil' OtScU!>&I,...· TH' PAPafi!9 AR9 FUL.L 0):: 11'.


LOA.NS 0'1 Chatt~ls.Stoek8. Seeu~lties an<,\ Second Mortgaglla, Notes bought. John Harblne Jr., Xenia. Oblo. "m80-'20:,





at 28 cents each

at Lell Than Car-oad Prices


. --- . . CLASSifiED' ADS.

500 Locust Fence Posts

Wire Fence



at $3.50 'each

The Beat Ever, are Cheaper


and double plumbing.

One Dozen O Farm Gates

Red Top Steel Posts


kz 11




1\e Mtami Gazette

..•. TH E MIAM I I


GAZE TTE...• •


I •



- - .. f

. !!ntA"d at t}le Postoffice lit Wayneav iIIe, 0., as : co nd e lMs Mall Matter

M rs. hl1 rles , mit h is out agllin, nlle r /I scr ill u9 i\l nc~s . " L_ CRANE, EditDr and P", hli . he r. ·Wayno.vllle, OIllo, S. J. Kibl el', o f New WONhing t on, \VEIN a busin ess visitor here, Mondny. Subscription P tice, $l.G O per year. J ohn Smi lh, of Dayton , caned on r olut ivc8 a nd Crie,,,]. her , Tuesday. ,-- F o re l.t n Adve tl l.ln¥Rt'prfultmtnllvp 1 _ T ~II :. ,\ MEHI C A~ PHESSASSOCII\ n ol' Mr. olld Mr" . Hurry Tucker und fumily e llt~ I'lui" e d com pnny, S und ny. MI'. nnd Mrs. W. lI. Ogel" n enterWI..:DNESDAY. J UNE 24, 192(i tni,,!' " II numb er of 1'1' IlIti v('s, Sun dil l'. lI'liRS Wnl,,11I Mool·e. or WilmingUn fo rlulI lJ tul y MI'. Kn ox fo ll ows lOn , is ~IWlld i ll~ Iht' week in lI ur veysWHERE WHOLE TH EORY OF burg . l'I'ctty llI uc h ill t hl! heRte n palh o f CHARITY IS WRONG II" intinl:' t,) f\ll ('v ii without po inting 1111'. nnd Mr M. A. G. Rey nold s, of The pl·esl' n\. po licy IIf Anll' J'icnn in· VHY dcn d y t o its possi ble cure. Clcvl' lallll, UI'I' Visit ing III th" lIill .. I'IlCI'I' III u>!t be injocted ill t o o ur Top Inn . dustry of h('lpin l:' ullll' llI )'ee8 wi th th eir pe rsulIll l I'rub lem. iMha"" d UI' ,,11 illdu _tl'ill 1 poli 'y 1\11 ndditional ~o­ MJ'~ . (' h '\J' l l'~ Ilullduck un <l l\{i ~s th" IIss um ptio n t hut "vell lu ull y the), nomic ('1L·me nt ." NUY" MI'. KII OX , " o ne will Burely "go broke." ncco rdi nr:: to of mut ua l benefit nod permane nt llEl rri et Tu cker \\' 'J'(! s hopping iu William G. Knu x. Pres ident o f th e VI\ I\(( . I I) hll th lullor and capital , con- Dnytr' n. 1Ilonduy. American Bank c r ~ '''Mociution. To ~ cl'n('(1 not IIlun!! with the 11111 11l1 nt II f BOJ' n 1'" ~11' . IIlI d MI',. Roy Clark, correct this clIlIrlili .. n. 1\11'. Kn ox W I-' K(! ~ lh ut a rt:! l! ItI' IIl'd, uu l with h,!\V ull TUI '~ fla~'! .J IJ lit ' II;, I :I:!f) , It da ug h th eso el1 rnin gs . ha ll be use d." 8aY8, we provitll- old "I!(' p\! 11. IOII S and te r, 1I1"1'I.[III'I·l EII ,'n . Mr, K" ux ""Y8 h,· nrf u c~ fo r till' other torms of chll ritublc co mpellsulI1i 8" J UIl,·t I\l ul'ph)·. wit h n pll rty e limin ntiun of W U Ktt' n rl( for un i l .tlon, which hl' cunt l'II ds is comn1l'1Idable, but cOlltTUr y til the purpose of dust rinl savin )!H policy ' Jtls(>d ti l"'" uf lJuylU Il fl' i""<1,, . i" "pend ing this democracy. Of cu urse the whole th e principle of ind epe nd ence, a 1)01- week lit IlJdili n Lllkl·. theory at charit y is wrong. A 1 best icy thEl t will }:,i"I! til t' II VI' I'I1)!C Amel' ~I I · . IIncl MI ~ . ~1. I·:. Shel'woud are it Is a palliative exi.ling pu n'ly be- iCll n ·n 1!J'(!II tel' inct'n t iv,' tn hell' hil"- hu me fl·.. m a plt'I"",,1 \'i~ i t with th eir .. If. AII .. r Ihi " "11('11 < lhe elimi nu- " 111 IIlI d fUllI ily. ill ('.. Iumbus. caUse it pr ov ide. the b('s t >!tup gU I' ~t ilill /I f I Itl' 1 11I(· : u~rl(., d in l! rl' m ~nt untJ we know until JUHt il' .. i. I'slllb li shcl . ~ II·. und 1\1 I·S. II U I ry Shidfioker and Ot late th er ll huv!! beu n enco ul'lll!IJw till' lilln nd :.l l)lInu ~ g'ulhe J'i n).,t' mic! evltlences thut a bult!'T ord(>1' .. f d lf'ma ll o r t hl' WU S ll mu s l co nti nu e, fU lldly huve moved I'" ck from Cedarthlnrs is on th(' WilY , not th e iL lI., t \\ hic h luok like I1n uncia l Hari-Kuri. vi II" ~o the P. U. ClugelL home. of whIch is n l' ~ n r cognition by ban klII iss ?\ita Kestul' hus returned to era that 80me change ill o ur ('cono mic SOlnl! folk, 11Ii ~ tukl' lI esire for nln- her hOIll (, in New Vienn a. after a system must bl' provid ed th at will hili " n. O ne i, th,' Illlitulic o f t he wO('k-en d al lhe lIill Top Inn . pel'lt1it of Inrlepe nde nce to th ORC Whl' lunf(· I·. th o oth('r th e attitude of t he 1\1 1'. lIf. E Vll n ~ ull d da uj{hters, Helhave. work e,ll i/l d\lslriously IIc(' lI rd - w(lr kc r . I! 11 und " /tUII nl!. of Germa ntown, inlr to tbelr abiltt ies durin g the )"'ur3 CII II,'d Oil fd l!n ds hl!re , Monda y. ot . nonnal labor. As SU01l u ~ II ma ll leaves the city fIJI' the co untl 'Y he procee dg LO try 'har les Mu dden has been called to make the country like the city. to C.inci lllll1t i for Feder al Gmn d Jury servIce. He left Mond uy eve ning. Th en he pays the bill. Mrs. Annu Stinso n is ut home for H the R uss ill n governme nt is onto th!) Humm er, after a year's leaching its jo b it hilS plenty of Illeans of pr o- in God's Bib le school. Cin c,lnnati. vidi1lg exci t l'ment fo r t hat fourt ee n Mr. and 1111'8. He rber t Carr, Mi sses year o ld gi rl who kill ed her mot her Kat.hlee n Graham a nd Harriet Tuckbecause s he waB a ti resome bore." e r attended Keith·s. lit Dayton, Tuesday evcn ing . Mr. and M1'8. Presio n J eft'eris, ot Wilmington, a re spen di ng the weekwi t h Mr, and 1I1rs. Ru sse ll Jefferis and Hon, Kirk. The Weather Mr. an d Mrs. He rbert Fite and No More Guessing buby, of Washington C. H., were wcelo-end g uests of Mr. und Mrs. Fronk Wilso n. Arthur ~ oland, so n of Mr. and Mrs. J asper Freeland, di ed Sunday eve nin g of lockjaw, caused by a boil b coming infected . The Civic Leagu c will give a f esti\'nl on th p Scho ol gro unds, Saturday (' \'cning, J une 27 tb. Ice cream, cake a nd lemo nad e. F.verybod y is welcome. H erb ert Poore has been home for a l ew da ys, huving graduated fTom WillJ el'force college, Jun e 18. He leaves Monday for Cleveland, where he has accep ted a position .

In tbIs day ot aotemo»ilw lWd

I1.IrplanIlll the girls refuR til \rlther

walk or mm when they gq tc> the water for a oooltng dip, · NI)w It ·Is


the ''Bubble Boat" - a ha.mbou frame on th-ree lnfla~ balI&-tln<t equiped with .. Is a quite popular et'4fi at th e thfa ,sl.lmmer, .Belli hDw it

Good Paint The Habit of keeping a house nicely painted really means more than simply making it look attractive, It means that it is being pcotected against d eterioration and deca y and this house will continue to look well long after n eighboring homes begin to appear "run down."

• CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE Sigh tse er (not knOwing he is talkinlf to the president of the company) - 'I have heard that thousands are employed h(>re. I wonder how many men rea ll y wO I'k here." President.--"About Olle in every fif t y, mis ter."

Will-F. Young . Optometri8t



Every Wednesday 9 a. m • .to 5

A NEW ONE Meyer- "Dave was late to work this morning. I wo nd er what was the cause7" Eddie--" His wife gave him a waffle for brenkfast and he thought it WIIS a 'cross-word puzzle so missed his t ntin try ing to work it. "


----- ..---

R.estRoom in GrangeBldg Waynesville, Ohio


Main Office: 924Y. South Brown Street, O';er Sl,ma Theatu Dayt~n,

Ohio .

H. H. Clayton of CnDton, MalIS., for years at Blue Hili Observatory, hlllltf a _ and Belend"., method for predicting weather acrordlng to variations In the sun'lt heat.' lIe bas never failed in tests at Canton.

Men' •• ho.,. which remind. a Ireat deal .ilk .tockinl. w.arinl. It'. tha.. countt.

are hard to 611me lhat tliey ar., like the'" new the women are what ia in them

.,. ' atlo'a Da-. More than 8,900 Ford can from every .y ,. . C.. .., secdon of the country vWted the Yellow.. I


v'!t ") ".;. ' j ... ) .' .~




" , ~ ..

. -, , ' c

atone Nadonal Park during the open aeuon of 93 days in 19U-evidence that for long toun ." wen .. ahort tripe, the Ford Ia the favorite-~vety wh~ Fo~ popularity Ia bued upon anall fint ~ and 'l ow operating expellee. YbU can buy a Ford on euy paT"

menta and tak~ a "eal vaCation thia lI,mmH .gp with thewhole famUV to the mOWltalne,or __horeJ vUitthe Yosemite Vallev, the Grand'Canvon.G~ Nadonal

etc. Wherever you drive you will And.Ford DeaIen ~eadv to ~rve and to direCt you ~tbe way.



is the right time to paint it, and

Hanna's Green Seal is the right paint. To dday the matter will not mean genuine economy.




If your house should need painting, Now



Wm. Harlan has returned from Mrs. Rebecca Dill hod caller s from his school work at Mad eria, Ohio. Day to n, Sunday aftern oo n. The M. E. S unda y·School held Mr. a nd MJ's . J. P. Reed ha d caUth eir pi cnic on Thursda y, in Jos. Keiers Cro m Spri ngfi eld, Sunday aftertel'S' woo ds. noon. Miss Mildred Noggle, of nea r XenThe Mt. Holly ball team lost e ia, was the guest last wee k of Miss Myra Hllydock. game t o Trebein'8 last Su nday, y th e 8cor e of 12 to 11 . Miss Ru by Smith l'etu rned, WedMD. Earl Marlatt is now working nesday, Crom a pleasant visit with in Cincinnat i, and Mr . I srael Scot t relativcs in Columbus. in Xenia. The M. E. S unday-Scho ol cel,,Quite a few from here a t tended brate d Children's Day with a very the show of Uncle Tom's Cabin at good progra m, Sunday. Wa.y n es ville, last W edn esday night_ F. M. Hadley' and James L. ConMr. and Mrs. J ohn Rye and daughard and their f'a milies are enjoying ter, Miss Dor othy, attend ed the Rye an outing at Russell's P oint. reunion at Schantz' park, last SunThe Friends' Sunday-School held day. their Ilnnual pi cnic las t Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Dill, Mr. and in Neff park, near Yellow Sprin&s. Mrs. Charles Dill and da ughter, FranMiss Mabel Stanley is taking care ces, of Clayton , spent t he week-end 01 the t elephone exchange during with Mrs . Re becca Dill. t he absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hadley. Li ttle Betty Marlatt, of Columbus, The first festival of the season was who has been spending a f ew days held on the School grounds Wednes- with her uncle and aunt , Mr. and day evening. There was a large at- Mrs. John Rye, has gone to Dayton, t endunce. to spend a f ew days with her grandJumes MorriS, of Sabina, and Miss mother. Anna SatterthWaite, of near Waynesville, were married by Rev. Jesse Hawkins, at his residence, Saturday, at noon. Mrs. W .H. Reeves entertained on Saturday, Misses Jennie and Josephine Reeves, o·f Waynesville, Mi88 Mrs. Ella Babb is very ill. Mary E. Reeves and friend, of TacoMR. Sarah Anabee is suffering ma, Wash. The dinner was in honor of Miss Ruth Heeves' birthday anni- from appendicitis. versary. Mrs. E. C. Van Winkle, of CinInvitations hlllve been issued for cinnati, visited the first of th e week the wedding of W. D. Larkin, of with her brother, J. '1'. Walton and Greenfield, and Mi58 Eleanor Hay- family. dock, which will take place in the Rev. and MR. Reed, of Columbus, Friends church here, June 80th, at wer e week·end g uests of l\t)'fl. Belle 2:30 p. m. Reed. Re v. Reed preached at the l\{l"II. Jesse Hill enterta ined with Friends ehurch Sunday morning. --an aftern oon lea in honor of Miss Elellllor Haydock, Tuesday. On Saturday Miss Haydoc k was the r ecipient of many useful g ifts at the beautiful home of Mrs. Mary Hi11 and daugh ters, Misses Hazel and Helen.


Oxley-Pace Drug Co., Waynesville, o.





0 --r'HESt'

HE"OLlNE'5,- Alif'OMoGiLE.'i ARe GRCJrr MAC.HINES fER, 5QWIN' Wlt..D ~.'



FOR OVER 40 YEARS IlALUI OATARlUlll£DlClNlII hu been uoed Bucc ••• tully In th. treatment of

: atarrh.

DALJ.'S CATA RRU JlJ I'lD IOIXlll oon'lit. of an OlnlmenL wh ich QuIckl y

Relieve. by loca l nppllcal lon. n nd t he (ntemal MedicIn e. II. To nic. whl h act. through L 0 m"",J on tho Mu cous S ur!aces, thu. reduc ing the InnammatioD. Bol4 by all drua-gl.t •. F, 1. Cheney &. Co .. Tol edo, Ohtn.

The a verage . corn yield for Ohio last year \VIIS 26 bushels an acre, or the lowest in 81 years. As a general rule westerl) counties have walked away with t he laurels in yields, but In 1924 th e five hlf h count ies included only o n,· ,:ounty from the western part of the state, rural economists at Ohio State uni. "ersity re port. . "According to the 1925 edition of th e state federal crop report ing servise which has just r eached' this office, the ave rag , corn yield for the state during 1924 was 26· bu shels an acre," says C. R. Arn old, one of the economists. "This is t he lowest yield for the State for 31 years. "In 1898 the avel'ng e yield was only 28.8 bushels an acre, but lince that time yields have run as high as 43.4 bu shels an a cr e. That was in 1920. In 1023 the a verage yield for the state was 41 bushels an acre, and the leading counties with the yields per acre were as foJlowl: Henry, 62; Pickaway, 60; Defiance, 60; Williams, 49; and Van Wert, 48. These five counties are all in the western part of the State where corn is the main crop. "lJut year the counties with the highest yields to the acre were in the ea stern part of the state with one lingle exeeption. That eounty is Clinton and 'ltands fourth on the Jist. The five leading counties in 1924 were 8S followl: Athens, 84; Washington, 84; Hocldng, 82; Clinton, 32; and Harrison, 32. "I1'1'egulllr laiid where surface water was easily disposed of was the probable cause of the eqstern advnn. tag,e ·in 1924."

Fully Equipped for Good Service. La rge Display Room Ambulance Service


gllls8 in that wlnd-'shiel.d ,.. ," I Auto Sale.mlm....." ..Not "only all of that, ·but 1t .willi allo maguify a nail in the road, X.ray tlie h"rtlof' tl'tJlc eopa, and , wi~8tand Ute ..venn jolt of eataPult!n!.~~" .



...II METHODIST CHURCH • •• , Sabbath Scbool, 9:16 ' .. m .. l!re~h-, 10 :80 .. m. Epworth Leacue m.'. Preaohing at '7 :80 p. m., v.:;rn:I-~8~~~e:~iv~e:~n~lng Prayer m..tinc, '1 invited to u.ue Hrvicet. . ~


L. A. Wuhbum, Putor. J\ey, L. A. WuhInIm, Pator.



Harveysburg Fertilizer, Co. Pbone 8


DIRECTOR Wayne~vllle, Ohio FUNE~AL




DR. E. M. RUDOLPH The Eye Sight Speclall.t

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon. Ohio

Every Tuesday 8:00 a, m. to 4 p. m.

Dr. .John W. Miller


Dentist WayneSVille National

Bank Bldg


Calion u. fer your Job Printintr. ,.:..



Rev. Joh~ , ~. Schaeffer, Rector.



Walter McClure '


19215 MODEL

Oh io,




National Bank

Telephone 114,



Waynesville, Ohio 1


---_.- ...

H. F. McKay Ilpcnt Sunda y in Wilmington. There will be Children's Day services at the Olive ' Branch M. E. church next Sunda y evening . Ev.. el1Ybody welcome. . Mrs. Katherin e Jordan and da ug ht e r, Miss llanna h, and sons, Ed and Geo rge, sp e n~ Sunday e venin g with J . W. ThompsOIl a n d wife . Don 's forget to come to church next Sunday e vel11ing .and henr J ones, the young: eVllngeli.t. He will tell you somethiing tha t w ill do you good. ' . . Dllvid W inne u', .w ife and SOll, Elwood nnd dau,.hter , May, Almon, F erris and wife,. were Sunday guests of Sherman Ferris a nd family. Mrs. Katherin e Jordon IIJld family eJltertained o·n Sunday, Dbn Hartsock and family, W_ T. J ordan and wife, Mrs. Ella Barlow_a nd Miss Margare t Phelon. We noticed among the many from II distance who attended Children'. Day here la8t Sunday afternoon, were Ml'll. Johnson and daughter, Miss Rosa, from Spriillg' Valley, Bud Frazier and wite, ?/IT~. Jennie HayWorth and daughter, :MIllS Elizabeth, ~illS Gladys West, MillS Nora Jones, )liss Helen Floyd and MillS Georgie Daugherty, of Wilmington, .C linton c.ounty, Mrs. Ida Mannon and daughter, Mias Ethel, of l'ippecanoe City. Yes, we had lGhildren's Day services here last Sunday afternoon. A very lalge and nppredative aUdienl!e was present. The piat{prm was tall.tefully decora ted with ferna ..and .flowers. The pro~~aril conallted' of in. iltr.umental and vocal music. . One . \~ ----~~~.-----special piece 'was rende~d . by Winston Clfhe" on' bts ' violin, aild the "Old' Rugged Clro.. " was pJaY4ld ' ~d . aung by·the Mla1l!ll Gladys W~'t; 'Nora Jonel, Helen Floyd and · Geo~.t Daugherty, of Wllmfilcton. Of c:o'llI'I~ ST. MARY' CHURCH our home chJJdreD did Ine and Iqueli .praise II due the committee .j!, JJine 28, The Third Sunday atter Mabel TeTty, Man' Mannon, Da 140, Trinity. Church School at 9:80 a. Kay, Anna Brannon and AUda Gz:ay, m. Morning Prayer and sennon at 11 o'dock. All are welcome to these






DR. H.E. BA.TH.A. W A. Y


---_0 _,...0____

Will. Drawn



C..r .... U. I'WtMtl Tll •• 40 n.lry

or...ocIo Cbop Tu ..40 ~ a.~IOA PlcIO" l'_

Mo.b Tuxedo Buttermilk Starter, Tuxedo Tu En Scralch Chick and Tuxedo Developer. These'a re . Tu.edo or.....s.;Cbl.k the three Tuxedo chIck feeds that will TlUedo Butt.rmIlk keep your chicks ' sli'ong and .healthY si,u... r::.~~ ... and "!Use them into money-quick. Tax.1> · . 'h pIe.n ty 0 { !' I'otoltrT Tuxedo chick leeds {urn1s ••t •• body building !Datenal-the prope~ . amount of 'protelO-andkeep chICks free lrol!1 bowd_ trouble, Tuxedo Feeds "ontain no t"nkase· \,





fit Sal.e Now

yman's Great ·. Goi~g ·· On

New Potatoes' Banana~ . ~a:::~;!P.


Ii poundl,

fr u it ,




.. $1.58

.No. 2 W ilcon. in S Id. Pac k .



Bologna Pound



F1'elb reDd .....d . 2 Ib l

l7c . 37c

Graham Wafers

.15e 7e tOc

P ound


Country Club, I -lb. Loa f I

~ - Ib

loa f

Dolly Brown Cake Eac h

35e ~!!!~ c~~~s 22e Navy Beans .8e Beans .8e Rice ge !~?!~!?~~ call e Canteloupes lOe ~~~B~~~~Ssoda_ l4c Peaches . . lOe P oun d

Country Club. Can


Blue ROle, Ib


Imp" ria l V a lle y, e ac h


BlueRlbbon CashCreamStation



25-pound Sack.....

. · ~':'~Hi!fi~Fi~I~L.~~fIIf~Lft"'!;iL:

F: E. Van Oftlen's



Geor.i • • Ib

:'III'. a nd MI'" .. lnlll1 ~ mith \\'l'r(' ill Dayt on. MO II IIII Y· A kr nn wi ll r l'lchl'u tc it ~ l llll th nnni ,,('n;nry, .11I1 y 1!)·2:l. l\I r~ . G. n. Mill s r('lurned home, Moodu y. f rom ~Jlringt1old . MI' . and IIIt·s. Walte r nst visited relll li\'\!s in "bina. SUllu ay. l\I i: -cs Trill nil 111111 Margaret Edwnr d ~ spent Mun day in Dnytnn, 1I1 r. Mnrt Lew is. o f [)nylon, s p~nt l he wI·t: k-clul e nel at his homo. h reo Mr. L. V. nrnn ~l ratur nnu fn mil~1 SPl·" t S unday wi t h re latives in Clarks villI! .

MI'. and Mrs. Eugi' ne Fo ~ tcr . of B utte rwo r t h StlltiCl II. vi~ ilcd r cla tiv{'s here. unday. Mr. and Mrs. James Zell. of Yel· low ~p rin gs . ~pen t Lhe week~nd with Mrs. I.aura Zoll. . Mrs. Lucindll SLatt's, of Clarksviii ,is s pending the wee k with Mr. and IrK. Wal ter Cost. Dr. a nd 1111'S W. E. OglesbcL" or lcvclu nd,


vis iting r e latives in

Har veys burg- lind vicinity. Ir . (lnd Mrs. W. A. J ordlln. MC"$rs. Ke lllp :e nd J ord an, motored to ./a mc"to ll'n. Sundny eveni ng . Mrs. D. P. Willinms a nd so n. of Cynthianll, Ky.. ure visiting their l'Cluth'e. Mrs. Amelia Williams. IIIrs. StC lnir FiCe 'a nd childre n. and Miss Ru t h Ea rn hnrt . of Wilmington. spent FI'iday wit h rela tives her e. Mr. and Mrs. Raymo nd Da vis and Mrs . Frank Carman , of Dayton. visited in Wa ynesville, Friday evening. Miss Ka thleen Henderson and Mr. Carl Noble attended a wedding reception at Arcanum. Saturday evening. Mrs. Bell e Dinwiddie and daughter. Miss Olive. spent Sunday with Mr. F loyd Savage a nd family. o~ Lytle. Mr. E. N. Hug hes. of Columbull. Mr. a nd Mrs. A. Hudson. of Dayton. sp nt Sunda y at the home of Mr. and Mr s. Wm. Jordan. Mr. a nd Mm. Charles Tobias. Mrs. Tobias Sr .• and Mm. Harriet Staley. of Dayton. were guem. Sunday of Mr. a nd Mrs. J . H. Coleman. Mr. L. A. Zimmerman returned, Sunda y. from Los Angeles, Cal •• wher,e he s pent a month with hill brother and family. He reports a tine time. On Ilcco unt of the bad detour. F. J . Ma yo, the bus man. has di lleont in ued service f rom Waynesville to Le banon un t il the new road is open. a nd has resumed hi, f ormer ~hedul e between Dayton and Waynesville.

Co lumtJin . Batte rIes $I 1.95. nt A. F. Mellnh's garage.

Master Ralph Brnnstrator is visiling r elatives in Clarksv1l1e. For Sa!t' -To uring car in go od co ndition. See D. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adorn Melloh a nd fam il y spent Sunday in Ci ncinnati. Mr. J. D. Ma rla tt spent Sunday with Mr. und Mrs. Sheehan. nell r S,JlrinA' Voll ey. Mr. anu Mrs. Nothnn Hawes. of Spr ing Valley . were Wnynesville visitors. Fridu,v. I\1I1~lcr Dean Ha wke , younge r son of Mr. an d MI'II. Lee Hawke, is out ngll in·. a fter a long Illne88. Chnlmer Sherwood. 80n of the late F . B. Sherwood, g r ndu ate d f rom Ge'>fI:\'e School, Pn .• t hi s moflth . Mrs. Loltie H ughes. who has been vi siting Mft!. Ju lio Donovnn . left T ues dny. fo r her home in Indianapo lis. Mrs. Gen eva E llingto n. of Dayton. spe nt Saturd a y night a nd Su nday wit h her pal"Cn ts. Mr. and Mrs. J ames Curtis. The perso n who took t he red light from the band stand Tuesday nig ht. is r equ ested to ret urn it , a nd avo id trouble.


Fair Grounds, Lebanon 3-HORSE RACES-3 TROTTI NG AND PACING •

3-BASE BALL GAMES-3 MO~NING - Two picked teams from the Sunday School League. AFrERNO,ON- Wayneaville va. South Lebanon; Morrow vs. M-ason.


Rev and Mrll. J. E. Shrive r. of Go rdon. Darke county. was a guest of Rev. and Mrs. L. A. Was hburn. Monday and Tu e~ day. Save your old oarpeta and r~ and get "Wearwell" Ru gs mnde. Se nd for price list. Franklin Rug Co., Franklin. Ohio. Messlll. J ohn Fromm . Charles Lewill. Cha.r les SSltterthwaite and J esse Burton are in Pleaant Plain. where they ' are doinlO' con tr act work on a new home f ol' Dr. nn d Mil!. Ra lph Va nce. There was II large atten dance at th e union service at St. Mnry's ch ur ch last Sunday morn ing. Ml'S. Mllry L. Adams, Mr. Loren Hau le y and Dr. FIIIT . of the Friends' Meet ing. assisted in the ser vice. Mr. Leroy H urd an d Mrs. CUI Tie Medley, of P iqua . motored down an d spent Sunda y with Mr. C. P . Ellis and family. Mrs. Hurd. who has been making her fal~he r an extended visit. returned home with them. Orville Rigg:s. of Da yto n. who was injured in a railro ad accidon t at Eaton last De'cember , is a ble t o b e about on crutches a nd is spendi ng several days at the hOlllo of his uncle. Mr. F. A.Wright. of Ro ute 1. He will be glad t o have all hiJ old friends come and see him.

... _ ••................. ........ . •• •• · • :1


• Just ,T hree Words About Tire Values



:1 :1 • 1


'. ~ •

:1 ••



BAND CONCERT ALL DAY Bring your Dinner and Spend an Enjoyable and Profitable Day Amona Friends


F R E E!

Given Under the Auspices of




'. \ •• "l

:. ~


Arrange to attend the Big Chautauqua Fourth of July Nllht



• •• •• •





Mr. Lete r Curtis. of Icveland. mot ored t o Wilbt' rforcc T hursd ay, to the commencement. and s pcnt unti l Monday wi th h is pal'ents. Mr. a nl l Mrs . Jnmes Curtis. Miss ~~ sthe r Curtis retur ned to Cle ve la nd with him for a few da ys' visit.


May happ~n to you' at any time. Your only protection' is Public Liabilit y and Property Dam• age Insurance. We are able to quote you 'very low rates for full coverage against Fire1Theft Wind Storm, Public LIability and Property Damage. .



Therle J ones a nd Me lvin Ba ntll are now working in Dayton. Mr. Everett Early a nd chidre n Qu~lity~Goodyeara! ~ made a busincss trip to Hamilton. Friduy .. I• b YOU1 praalt bauI:zv ~ lip c:L Several of the boys f r om here att e nded the ball game a t Cincinnati. I ••••. let us by diagnose the trouble. llepdr. lDIaQc OQ .:.1 Sunday. . makes apert battery mecbaniq. Offl.~~, Aman Building Miss Mildred Clnrk left Sundny for Phone 61-2 When you need a battety 01 ~ eavfce. .".. Oxford. wher e she wi!1 attend summer school. • dfer' the greatest replacement value on the IDiIht. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Longacre. of • Genlri1¥ Preat.()-J.ju: Batteria. Uf. • Dayton. were week-end guests of home folks. . " • .S Misses Eva and Ethel Reeder. of Route 4. are now atte'!lQing summer ( school at Wilmington. . Mt'. apd' Mrs. Harry Johns and two so ns. of Da yton. w ere Sunday dlnner g uests of Mr. and Mrs. J: R. Johns. Mr. D,nd Mrs. Gus Sheets. of Spring- I boro. wel'e Sunday vlBito~ at the ) home of Mr. and Mrs. Edd LOlJgaCre. ! : BATI'ERY SERVICB • Mrs. Minnie Floyd and ~on. Rob_Phone lOS ~Wayne8ville, Ohio ert. ot Cincinnati. are visiti'n" her ~ ~ father, Mr. George Scott and family. . Mrs. Hllrry Graham returned home ~ ~'~~AW~~~~~~~ 't~1. ....1. .~...~.'_ I.' I.I . .. .. . . . . . . ... from Canfield. Tuesday, after sev- ) eral days' visit with her ·sister ant! f nmily. Melvin and Malcom Woolley, of Da yton. arc making an extended visit with their grandparents, Mr. and ' .Mrs. WilIlilm Brown . . Mrs. Viola Grassi and daughter, Norma, and Mrs. Eva Harl'is. of Day- < ., . ton. spent Tuesday of last week at the home of Mr. lind Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Mr_ and Mrs. Frank Woolley. Vance Shaw. Mi88es Louise Woolley and Minnie Record. of Dayton. were . Monday evening guests of Mr. and ·Stov~·· Mrs. William Bllown. . The C. I. C. clll88 of Lytle M::J E . Sunday-Sahool wiIJ give an ice cream social in Longacre's yard on Satllrday night. June 27th.Ben,eftt of ttre . • church. ·Every ' one come. M\:_ and Mrs, Guy Routzahn .nrd daugnter: 'G~neva; attended the tenth ........ anti Retiring Of .'CYC'" . . efttl Olllld ..",_ Vahlel... wedding "iu'live,iary of' le ' jatt4!r's 6 Bfa' Vaudeville Ads and Feat1l1"e Photepl4ys. hUn diu.. LAWN ·MOWa"• • HARPaHaD brother "tid wif~, Mj'.. ~ng rs. Wind"I PI'Oi'nuQ. eYer,' SWldaY 'and Tbunday. Coatiauou ,.rloraW. F. MEYERS (ried Rpu tzlIljn ; ·!l-t Cl!r i' ian~i!urg. Main UOII anee from 1:30 10 11 :80 P. M. AftemooD JOe . . lOt. SundaY . D_)'tO". Ohio. • No ............ at. Simeo,) Brpwn. , 69 yeat'll. a ret~Ten~_~_~d ~~ spected arid life-long r esident of Lytie . was s truck by a n au to mobile F ridllY {'vening liS he was returning frolll ,Work Clothes Shoes w. _"411 .... Ivork. The car was driven ,by. John- ' THE MUTUAL HOME Uld SAVINGS wroUllIt lIOn wOl'k _,,411 mou"t lampe. Wear Goods . nie Bean. of near ' Lebanon. The W. fIOPT. but do not h_"d'_ an· truck in .which he wa8 1~ ding belonged ' _ ~ eaw Money ·at T"'~.""""" tllI_ . to Horace and Ernest Foulks. Ju", ~ $1-.,aoo,ooo.oo ............. .' WILL.V H, .LAU ARMY .STORE' liS he .w as allght,tJ)g In front of' i ~ . \ r '. ~ 11 ' . ' home the car hit him, .rolling hIm " ~. FIfth ,at. Dayton, Oh l,o. He ~ ... 01)1011. OhiO, ~................... several f eet and the ' rear wheel \:In over his head · and '~houldelJ. .He lJIVr cr · regilined conscIousness. and llied SlltUl'day ··~ornlng. HiS untimely· . ,I death _ 18 l'10urned by th~ ' eD- . .. .fA.R QUEsTION_ NOT 50. bUMB SATIRICAL SAM F.~ Oustomer-!'J want somethlng to Offi~ Dumbell-"Oh my,' on my I'I hear Featherbrain went down tire Clomrnllnjty. Funeral ' servide I certainly hate to see this May go.,1 and pleked ou* a nlee collin for him- wna held at hill late residence in Lyfleas On a dag." , tle ·Tul!llday aftemoon, eonducted by Cler~-"Well --er--er-ean BOIIII--:-"Do you like 'the month'" ..If Jut week," ~tlst what Il~~ to be o. D.-"Yes. tbere were ftve Bator. "AU the IIAme I lI'II_1 heard It Rev. J. C. Stitzel. Interment iD MIami e8Jlletery. II , _ _...._ _- ',... WIth the fleas? day pay days... . was an automobne." II


Highelt Low Price-Goodyears! Real Service-Goodyears!

Buy Goodyears Now!




. Sears &


. :~~:

Waynesville Motor Co.


Waynesyille, Ohio



See Us for Prices on Balloon riles

..1 ••

A. F. Mellohls Garage


Hot Weather Necessities· .. ...

: ~-~ = -i ••......•.......... .......•.•.....• ,, ~

Sa ve Your Food with a

Glacier Refrigerator

WJ.I r; RG :TOOEAl .


Quarter Sawed ·Oak Finish .White Enamel Food Cabinet



~~Iieve the intense heat' in' your ' kltchen. WIth a good Coal Oil or Gasoline We have a complete stock of

•• I




Florence, Quick Meal, ' ,New Perfection, Red Star Stove.


. f"Oql $7.00 \lp




The new'





•..-!l.... .

-I .-



' ' ' j- .

Kitchen~Kook Pressure 'Gasoline StOle


Me," ...


h" .

A'd ......

is~giving . wond~rful satilflletion. onat.r ation will prove. it.


.- Hardware. .


Harne.. and




Waynesville, Ohio ' . -'

2 ".


• •


Seven ty· evenlh Year


····::·t::::·;::::"·· URGED TO PlA~ i

Description of Uncle San1's Fleet in the Pacific MISCELLANEOUSas Told ' by a For mer Waynesville Boy ' EMERGENCY CROPS

I Capital

from the




01 '

Prepa red by Colum bus Repo rter

Immedi nt" plll nt ing of soyhNln s ~udan J.:'t· a ~~ U ~ u m ('un'" of ove r ·

t'o m i nJ,{


...... ...... ...... ...... ..


poo r

pa ~ lu l'C

unci pro:-;pe c -

li,'" shurt hay cr op brou..:ht nbo ut by th" h nt nnd protract ed dry \Vellth-

er in nl ll ny sections is urgod upon Ohio f;1I mer. by tho Blue Vull" y

C l'va nwry in sti t ute.

Lnte cRt.imn.t c.~

of th e ' Intc'" hllY crop this yea r is that it will be one lind one-half milCO LUMBU S, OHIO - Prospec tive lion tons und er thut of la st yenr, und con dition is 1:l POI' cenl helow nuto owners who oxpect II twenty· flv e lits pcr ce nt reducti on In the price of t~ e he len· yeur IIverage f or thiH season 1926 license tugs, are du e f or a diS- of the year. appoint ment. There isn't going to be any further reductio n in the price On furms in the stlLte where th e of IIUto license tags until .January hay crop shows t he effects of the dry t, 11126 when the price will be just Rnd hot weather fllrlll ers s hould lose one halt what it is today. In fact. no time in ren e wing )ll'Ovisions for tngs n'ow cost 25 Iler cent more tha n forage for the summer and fa ll, IICthey did between April 1 and Ayril co rding to the Ins titute. The season 17, when the new gas tax went Into is too fur advance d f or the planting ecect. Thnd H. Brown, Becretar 'y of of early em c r ~e ncy crops, and soyetate, hlUl receiv.e d many letters about beans or s udan gl'llS8 or a combinawhen the reduetlD n Df Hcenae, plates tion of both arc II bo ut the most pmcgoes int-o eft'ect. To each and 1111 tlcuble 10r immedi ate use. They they get a Drompt reply to the effect have been planted successf ully as late that If anyone desires a 1926 license as July 1, but the county agent or tag they might as well buy It because state agricult ural college should be there will be absolute ly nD furth er consulte d on the purticul ar varieti es reductiD n In price this year. They best suited to local soils and condiwill coat jUlt .. much In J>ece.mb er tions. _ as tbey did In January . 'But after January I, the price Ia cut right Soybean s have been oun-d parsquare in the middle and the new ticullirly valuable on poor tsoil or soils brown and white tag. ~u eDit just low in lime where Dther legumes fail one hall what the Yl'lIojr and black ed tocatch without fertilize r or lime, tags coat and they will be bettar says the Institut e, and yields have built tart, too. average d from one to three tonll per acre, varying with rainfall and tem· The prevalen ca of cdme In Ohio peratur e. Furtherm ol'e, soy beans today Is worldnl l to the benefit of a improve the soil, fit into the crop rD· number of priltOner. In the pen lten. tati on system, stand heat and drought tiary In that the populat ion of t he well, grow well on a great variety big penal Inatltuti on II so <rreat that or soils, and the hay Ii particul arly unuJlual liberalit y i8 being shown by well adapted ae a Bubstitu te for elov. the clemenc y board In conaide ring er and alfalfa, whe re these may have parole cases. The populati on of the bee n winter killed. Because of its penitentlaTW' Ie around 3.000, belides hilh protein ocntent and palatibi lity, almost 1,000 who are working outside it Is concede d to rank in f eeding VIII· the prison walls. There i8 little room ue almost Ill! high 88 alfalfa. left for more !!len. Someth ing has to be done, and In the absence of Dvailabl e appropr iations with which to increa8e the housing CAllacity, the clemenc y board is advanCi ng parole cases 0 ( trustwo rthy prisoner s and giving them their freedom . Band concert tonight. Beginni n g The question ' of housing crimina ls is one next week the concert s will be given of the the most seriou8 that con· on Thursda y evening of each week, fronts Ohio todllY, and while a smull Instead of :Wednes day evening , appropr iation is availabl e tor the London prison farm tho money Ia to be used in establia hing indlllltrl es Last year a bU8hei of wheat cost which will f\lrnish profitab le work for the avet'age farmer '1.22, and a bUlh· the 600 men housed there, rather el of corn, 32 cents. than for any enlarge ment of the pris· oners quarters .

--- -

Band Conc erti



Govern or Donahe y is now Wljoyin g hill ftJ'IIt v8I:ation in two yean. And it Is not a continuo u8 vacatIon , elth· er. HlI Ie spendin g three days of e8l:h week at work and the same at play. Three day. each week he ap8mla in hi• . office going over state matte" ' and tbe other three days he it either ' fulhlni', r esting or riding limonA' the good and prosper ous far· mers of westeln Ohio. He h88 reo cently purchas ed a cotlago at Indian lake and being a real fisherma n, h e spends part of each l]Iorning trying to land afew bO BS, r$ds the papers, goes ~er importa nt state ma ttClS and In vaclltlOn regalia enjoys a stroll pnd visits with friends nnd acqunin t/lnces. This program will continu e during the first t.wo weeks in July w hen he will again he back in his of· fice. At all times, even during va· cation.!. he is in constan t touch with hit omce ~"rough mem llelll of his ~ta" and 18 kept post.ed on importa nt Platters ,


Whole Numu er 5G50

U S S WEST VIRGlN lA. 11 ,, " nlulu . T. H., Mlly 29, 1 H2o. Dr- Aft MOTlIl·:R·A fl er H month .o t alte rnaling at IInc hor rind th·n und erway Cor tech. nienl ItIHU es lI fT the enllsL of La· hl\illll Road ", neur the islu nd of Mnui, we are nl(ui n huck in Pearl ha rllO r, anc h ur~ d off the famous Di umon d Hend. During the pust few wceks we have hee n eng ngcd in on e of the most difftcult wllr Ilr"b lcms that hus ever bee n ntLcm ptcd. Th e main body, compri sing Lhe battle fleeL, which is all th e lJllttl c~ hip s und their auxiliarles. dest, oye r ~ 4uadrons , air squadruns, cruisel' ui vision s, and submari nc di visions, approxi mntely one hund erd and eigt\ly v C lIScI ~ . too k part in these mane uv ers. The most spectula r of all WII S the wllr beLween the " Green and whitc" Heets. The "while" , /l eet was made up of de. . troyer division s and cruisers , the spcI'dicat vessels of the fle et. The "1( .. "en8" were th e battlesh ips, with their uirplane tenders. The "white" fl ee t had fallen out of our formatio n and hud, due to th eir excessive speed in compari son to OUNl, disappe ared over the horizon, and were to attack· U8 when the opportu nity permitte d, so as to ge t th e best r esults. At about 11 o'clock the first cruiser was

. ig htcd, bcuring down O il us from the po rt sirl \:. We immedi ately wen t to ""l' I.,ntt'!e .Lo Linn . nll d prepar ed as tho u..:h it we l'U octuul but tl c. Imme· {1i 8t~ l y in the wuke of thi s cruiser could nu w be disce rn".1 several , inns of dest j·oyers. The cr uiser divibud In"ge vo l um(l~ of bluck smokc pourin..: from her fun llcls all " the destroyers wcre Boo n fo llowing her in Inying a hu ge smoke "cr een. Th ey kepL th(' it' dis tllnce a nd IJroceedcd ill nn ('""te rly " oursc, leavin g" a mou ntnin "moke ' scree n thut WIIS nonp enc l~ab l c with t he eyc. Th is picture loo ked like a hu ge jun g le . Soon afterwa rrl des troy ers were hid behind th e sc ree n and fr om that position proceed ed t o Inunch torpc does at the battlesh ips, whi ch had calapllu lted their plnnes to ward off th e <I estroye r aUack. Wc suc cess fulIy evaded th e m all until-o ne WIIS fteen ben ring down on our port beam. The ndmirul II hifled co urse to miss it hut, ju st a5 we shifted our course, the t orpedo changed its cou rse according ly, and hit us amids hips A torpedo of this type du ring the war wou ld seem v\. ry use ful, but its course was n ot natural , probabl y du e to damage d propcllo r on the to r p edo, ~au se d when It waH launche d from the destroy ers. Thi. battle is believed will bring out the urgent need of more scout cruisers and air. craft to work in conjunc tion with


Plea lantl y Ente rtain

The charmin g home of Mni. J . W. Ward WS8 the scene of a .pleasan t gatherin g on last Friday afternoo n, when the New Century Club met for the final me eting of the year. The main the me of the program was far m li fe. Mrs. T homas in a well prepa red pape r to ld of "The Twentieth e ntury Farmer, " and compare d th e farm li fe of todny with that of the last century . I\1rs. Hough spoke on the subject of "A Wife's Share On the Farm." This was followed by a book review "A Chinese Quaker, " given by Milia May Wright, who held the closest attentio n of her listeners aa ahe brought the scenes and charact ers of the story in vivid alTay before them. At the close of the program , the r etiring presiden t, Mrs. Elbon, in a few well chose n rem arks, presente d th e gavel to Mrs. Wurd, the incomin g presiden t, who grnc e fully r eceived it, and IlSsumed the duties of t he office. After adjou lnm"n t dni nty refresh· ments were servod by the hostess. The guests were MI·s. Th omns Fett er, of Springfi eld, Mrs. Otis Le May, of Alabamll. nnd Mrs. E . V. Barnhar t, of Cincinn ati.

---,-- ..- - --

Mr. and Mrl!. Kellar Hoke and Mrs. Rebecca Furnas delightf ully enter· tained Sunday eveninll'. June 28, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morris as guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Satter· thwaite and son, of Frankli n; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Tolle, of Washin gton D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Warren E spy, of Ce nterville , Miiss Margu erite Rieske, 1II r. Russell Satterth waite, Mr. Fred Furnas, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. H enry Satterth waIte, Mr. and Mrs. Fred SLa up and daughte r, Edna Mae Mr. a nd M rs. Elills Oglesbe e, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gons and children , Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bunnell and Miss Monimi a Bunnel. Deliciou s refreshm en'ts, set'V· ed by the host,esse s added very much to the pleasur" of4_______ the occasion . ____ --- .

Annu al Visit The local Junior had quite a flne time at their regular mee ting Il18t Friday evening . The district de puty, Bro. Gerrard , of Middlet own, made his annula visi·tatio n to Miami Valley Council, and wla s pceomp anied by sev· eral of the Middlet own brethren. Visitor s were als o present rfom Lebanon , Spring Vnlley and other co uncils. Severa l fine and ins piring talks were givE'n by the visiLo ra, lind II general good t ime WIlS enjoyed. Refresh · ments were ser:ved.

---_.- -

W alter- --Ha wley Ann ouncem ents Iw ve been rece ive d by r clativ('~ lIncl friends, of the ma rrillge of Miss Mnry E li zlIbl't h H 'l Wley a nd Mrs. Chnrlcs Danie l Wul te r, of Leban()n. last Wed nesdu y, J line l!4, lit the Methodi st parso nage in Cov ingloll , Ky., the Rev. Tague I' er· fo rming the coremon y. The bride is a very pretty and lit· tractive young woman, t he daughte r of Mr. an dMrs. H. M. Hawley. Mr. Walter is the son of Mr. lind Mrs. H. V. Walter, and is well known and pop ular in Wayn esvi ll e, wh e l'e he has been a frequen t visitor all his life. His mother WDS formerl y Miss Mattie Woolley , of this pla ce. The young couple will reside in Lebanon , wher e lIfr. Wal ter is emJlloyed at the Lebanon confecti one ry.

Sime on C. Brow n Simeon C. Brown, son of ' J ohn lind Rache l ,Brown" was born nt Lytle Warl ~n Coun t:y, Ohio, August 31, 18 50, Iln<l spent his e ntire life in th e vicinity w here he was born . He wa8 of R family o:f five children , three sons and two da ughters, lind of these two are living; Harry. of Centerv ille, and Edward . of Franklin . On October 24, 1881, he was marri ed to Miss Ida Atkinso n, and to the m were born four children ; Erne"t Frunk, Mrs. Glenna Emswile r and lIfrs. Lelill Silrler. He leaves six grandch ildren. The son, Frank, lind two grandch ildl'en, Lester Brown and Kei th Sigl e r. precede d him in death. In 189 3 he joined the Lytle M. E. church, under t he pastora te of Rev. J. W. Gaddis. He was a devoted husband and futher'; his first thought was of his home and the welfare and happiness of his family. He was an hon. est a nd ·industr ious citizen and won mllny friends by his jovial dispos itior. and seemed to r,a diate sunshin e where ever he went. Among his felh" workme.n, whateve r the task allotted to him, he did it cheerfu ly and well. As he was returnin g from hill last day's work, which ended In the d~ plorable acciden t, he made the reo mark when the convers ation lead t'J our leaving this world, tbat "he was ready to go at any time." And friends said he seemed more happy than usual whill! at worlt that day. He never regained conscio usnes! lind aiter a lenl!~ nbrht of terrible I\U· guish and also 11\ night of loving vigil nn'd anxiety, ithe soul of Simeon Brown took ita flight to the Great Be· yond, on the morning of June 20, 1926, at the a~:e of 68 years, nina monthl and ninlltee n daya.


th e bnttlc /leet. With th " e xcepti on of nirera ft "x('r ci sl' ~ . which li re not in clud ud in th e major mancuv ers. th e ba ltic fleeL~ t ac ti cs of war ore C)V ~ J' . From now u ntil uur rCLurn to San Pedr o. in S~ p ­ t emb cr, most of t hc ti m wi ll IJI' oevot ed to machin ery ove rhaul, r"cr cIIt io n. Ii he rt.y lind trav el. Frolll here we go to Hila. f ur a few days. t hen we r etul'll to Honolul u. On or ab out the first of July the fl eet slI ils for Ne w Zealand st opping lit Pa..:o Pago , Snmou. From Pago Pog o to New ZeululIll, t hen to Au stralia. I" A ugust We r et urn to thi s port , then for the sll etch bac k t o Californ ia. 1 was never so tanned as I am now. But I hope to be recogni zcd behind t his clIm ouflage when I return to the Un itcd Stat es. Erd oyinR' myself immensely and f eeli ng tin e, trying to get th e best ou t of th is HlIwa iian at· mospher e. Have had no occasion to see what eff ect these Hawaiia n moon· light nights have on a per son, for liberty a t night is n ot permiLL"d, for there are so many men in t he fleet that IU!co mm odations for overnig ht liberty cou ld not be f ound. Bcsides . I t.h in k that it would take a Ii ttl o more than moonlig ht to mllke one of those black babies adorable . Of COUI'I!C, they are not all black. With love to all, "Aloha, " PPREN TICE TINNEY.

MI'~ . \\' a r l" ' 11 r: ~I' ~' , tr f ('!'u l"I'\'ill c, M I"S . H a r r y S:tlt ('rt hwuilt ' , Yrnnkl in , n.nd .\l l~. Fnod ,l",,! t i.lUp L:n~' , · n n li scd lnn eo u:-= ~ h O W {'l' H t ti ll" l. 'l n l l' of ~Ir. nnd MI' ~ . 1I l' 1lt' )' ~atl {' rtl )\\a ilc. "n Houle ~, fo r t lw i)' .~ i ~ I ' · " , .'lr' s. A n n u r lhw j-d lt> .'l H ITj ... . \ \ h .. \\ I ~ r ece n t ly mnn'i NI to ~lr . .)a m(~~ :\ fp r'/ j!i I..lf t neur :uLi nu. Each ~llt:~ L h rn.t ll~ h t "p ~' 1,1' hl'r hl lH l rc dl) l~S. whi t'h hh p pl\ ' H · nll·d wi th h(' r b C'Rt \'·.'i sh(,s t il the b,' ,d" , T he hfJ U!"I c \\ a ~ l ... a u l irlll l \· U I' l'q nl l~,1 in pink lind \\' h i t~ :IJj·". ~I .... ri, WlIS hands o mel y allired ill h~r \\'uel -


Delici o us ref res hme nts o f ic t ('r"a rn , cllke lind fr Uit pundt W('re served to the followin g g ues ts: ~II·. lin d II lrs. J amcs Mor ris Ilnd Miss Elhe l 111 0 1'ri s, of Sabina; Mrs. Mari on Smith un d daugh te r. Le na, Mrs. Flora j\'f llSon, Mrs. Wm . Alexa nder and Mrs. Max Compt on, of pring Vall ey' Miss Margue rite Ries ke, of Dayton; ' Mrs. Ralph T olle •. of Washin gton, D. C.; Mrs. Quincy Gons, Miss Alice Gons, Mrs. Fred Gons, Mrs. Frank Braddock, Mrs. Raymon d Wilson, Mrs. C. R. Bunnell , Mrs. Earl Hockett Mi ss Alice Sheeh an , Miss Mary Cook' Mrs. Harold Earnha rt, Mr. and Mrs: Henry Satterth waite and family. Mr8. Morris was the recipi ent of many beautifu l and useful presents .



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This is a frightfu ll l' rich ntltion. Thc countTie s of E urope owe us tcn th ousa nd milli ons lind will pay us in cl udi ng interest , THlRTY THOU: S AND MILLIO NS in the next 01 yeurs. 'Europcim debts due to private A merican purchas ers of E urop e'" obIi gntions a mount to eight t housa nd millio n dollars. Th ese securit ies, !lVcl"a..:ing- hig h i nter~st rate" will co m· p 'l Europe to pay our citizens $500 ,000,000 a year-w ith the principa l when <Iue.

Old Rome, with her coneuIa pouring in mon ey and slaves from conqucr ed t errito ry, was not nearly IlS "well fixed" 118 Uncle Sam. No wonder some of our friend! in Europe worry, and ask, "Did we fight each Mrs. Elizabe th Mason died last other only to make Uncle Sam rich 1" Wednes day morning , June 24th, at Our answer is, "We didn't ask you the home of b el' daughte r, Mrs. F. M. to fight. Be wiser nen time." Hamilto n, of Hyde Park. Cincinn ati. The fun e ral was held FridltJ' morning at her late home. The body ' was The Ab,erica n society for the control brought to Waynes ville for interme nt of cancer is chee rful. It reports eitin Miami cemeter y. Mrs. Mason WII8 cellent progress. ThoUJIand8 of lives now ne edlessly sacrifice d, would be 1\ daughte r of the late Mrs. Michael saved , if people were informe d and Liddy, of thi8 palce. would keep away from quack8. The s ociety denies .the stateme nt recently J esse Wright. 88, brothcr of Dr. A. made at a .conven tioh of doctors that T. Wright, di ed at his home in Spring "nobody really kn o\v8 anythin g aboui boro, Sunday nig ht at 12 o·c1ock. cnnc~r." . The funeral service will be held at "Cancer is not contaltlo us or In. the reaidl'nc e Wednes day afternoo n herited, " says the America n society. at 2 o'clock. Burial In Springb oro Take the cancer in the beginni ng cemeter y. when it is only local (


ANNUAL, MEETING OF ALUMNI The graduat ing classes of 1909. 10-11, of the Oregoni a s chools, have met eac h year since that date f or a dinn er on the 28th of J\'"e. The meeting this year was held at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Vern Armi· tage.. About fifty-two guests were present, and at noon a large table was set in the yard, and everyth ing that could be thought of to eat, WB!! on that table. Followi ng are tholle present : Mr. and Mrs. Harmol l Mootle and tamll1, of Ridgevi lle; Mr. and Mn. John Sber wood and family; Mr. and 14n. Will Potterf and famny, Mr. and Mn. Zain Armitag e and family, MI'. and Mrs. Lile Roberts on and family, all of Oregon ia; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hartso ck and family, Mr. and Mri!I. Clarence Edward s and family. of Waynes · ville; Mr. an d Mrs. Stanley Watkins and family , of Lebanon i Mr. and Mrs. John Strawn and fa mily, of Sunbury , Ohio; Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Gilbert and famil y, of Clnrlu;v ille. The aete l'noon WlIS pleasan tly spent with mus ic ond convers a t ion.

F amiIy Dinn er A veh pleasan t affair wn s the fum. i1y dinn er, Sunda)', lit the h omc of Mr'. G. E. Ril 0Y and daughte rs, near Ridgeville. Th e wcather was ideal a nd long tab les wor e set on t he lawn. Those prese nt were, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Silve r nnd fa mily, Mrs. J. P. Anderson . Mi ~s Mary Anderso n of Winton Place, Cincinn ati; Miss Adellu Tibballs , Mi ss Flora Tibball s, Mr . Howard Coll ett, Henriet ta and Wallace Collett. of Wilm ington; Mrs. C. H. Eulass, Dr. lind Mrs. R. H. Blllir, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bolmer, Mr. and MrlS. B. H. Stokes. Jame and Adda Stokes, of Lebano n; Mr. an'd Mr s. Morris Silver and Mr. Lyrna nSilver.

Mn. Kate McComaa, widow of the late Aquilla McCom as, died June 4th, at the home of her niece, Mrs. N. Wil· lard, In Arlingto n, MIL88. Burial WB!! made in Arlingto n cemeter y. For many years Mr. and Mrs. McComas were resident s of Waynes · ville, Mr. McCom as ope rating a blnclc· smith shop on the s ite wher e the tele· phone exchang e now stunds. Mrs. McComn.B was u tlllented musicia n, and a plano tcacher of great ability, man y of her pupil ~ ranking high in mus iclIl circles. Shc wus a fll it hful worke r in St. Mar y's church, wh ere she was organ. ist lind choir directur , and was a memo ber of the local chapter of the 'Eastern Star lodge.

Carol ina Mine Hero e


- ..----

Will Nam e Asse ssors

. David Cowan, a young Canadia n. won $5,000 for the best essay predicting the develop ments in electrical industry between 1920 and 19;) 0. At the end of 1930, the America n Superpo wer Corpora tion will give $ 10,000 to the essa y writer whose predicti ons come nearest to the truth. You ng Cowan knew nothing about; electric ity, when Bonbrig ht & Co. offered th e prize. He used his bra ins studi ed the history of electric ity in industry , let his imagina tion work. and WON. The Modera tion League repo'ljta t hat drinking "in t he South" haa incrrascd 120 per cent in thlrty·f our cities, und er prohibit ion. Why pick out the South? There is no more drinkin g there than else'where. In any part of th e United Stntcs you clln drink as mu ch liS you like . Th e on Iy troub le is that what yo u drink in t he way of whisky is a litllc WOI SC poison than it usod t o be.

""Thy ," usks n n ~w9pnper mnn, "do you 'oy it wo uld be less' dangcr ous for t he Shenand oah t o go to Spitsbe r. gen und hunt ( 01' Amundse n than to go from Lakehu rst to Minneap olis lind back ?" ANSW ER--Be c!\u se ut this time of year crossinft the AlI nnt ic with the prcvaili ng Winds he lping , go in~ on to Spi tzbel'ge n from Engla nd, With the Patokll waiting there as a base, and explorin g th D Arctic Ocean a few h un dred miles north would be simple. It would only mean flying the big - - 1-1 Shcn andoah in t he m idsumm er clima te of the At'ctic, lit no great distance from her basc. A trip from New York to lIIinnesota and r'cturn through the zone of mi dsum mer thundcr storms will be sufficien tly sflfc, u. helium docs not cxplod e or burn . But it would be more dan gerous thlln II trip to Spitz,. bergen and on North Ilt" this sellSon. Careful inquiry in rcstaurl lntll show8 t hat corned beef and cabbage is the favorite f ood of the America ll people. Four thousan d five hundred Gnd tWll lve votes' behind came the vegtable dinner. Neverth eless , corned beef, excellen t for those that live by their muscles , is not good for thinkers. Any prucess that mak es DECAY difficult , also mukes DIGEST ION DIFFIC ULT. While your stomach is struggli njt with corned beef, or aalt pork, your brain cannot do ita best.

Gig anti c War ren County Picnic At Fair Gro~nds the Fou rth

One lad y, tired of life, killed herself in New York and left all ber mone y to her first husband whom she had divorced . She cut off her'l'eal husband without a penny,. her lllllt letter 8aying how kind the first bUIIband had been to her. Wamin g to wivea l1li theil1 eyes turn toward divorce. Sometim es you are ve~\well off1. and do 'not realize it. . __ ......


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d i n g gow n,

'Fo;me r Governo r James M. Cox Mrs. Bruce BuckUn 18 an " vilt' not be a candida te fo the Demtrical wizard. Union Wlege at 'o,cralie nominll tlon for United States ---~ Schenec tady, N. Y. conferred an senator next year. This announc eearned degree, the first to a woman ment qas been made b), close friend s in ·J29 ye",.. She took a poll-of the former governo r .and presiden . lfJ'Iduat e course wbfle working in tlal candida te who has lPven the ma~ Persona l property assessQl's in the ter coniidellllble thought at the aug· the General 88 counties of Ohio will hereaft er Iii 51 ., gullon of hIs politica l and persona l . ~ :::? ' l ~ ~~ ;.\.u _ take' office through appoint ment in· Subscrib e for the Miami Gazette . friends Whethe r or not Governo r stead of election , as the result of ac· Cox has hill eye again on the l.resi. tion of the last State Legislat ure. dential nominat ion Is not state , but A fter the ruling become s effective , In view of *he fact that he carried a July 16, no appoint ments will be swong delegati on with him 10 long made in these offices 'until April. 1926 two ),eVII 1110, would indica~!! that Howard Butl", ".' Comr>oek, N. Under the new appointi ve plan, 8S· h' . mli), be eonllde ring. national . Bessors will hold their jobs for one C. single· handed millie a vain efrllth.r tban st.te pol!tICIJ. ' · Ellmina . asselllling seaaon onl)" unless r&-ap. fort to save 60 fellow ....orkmen In tlon of 90vtJJllI~ Cox from th, sen· a mine the~ .... hen three terrific ex. pointe·d . atorial nee , nO;ll:~ )'ear ~d that of 'ploaillnS wJ:aClced the worb. fonner Senator Alle\! PDmere ne haa beeD baUed with grtat delight by Great exe.item ent prevails among FRANK LIN FraDkU n Cllvnt)' DemoCl'ILt/I, who are our ba8eball enthusi asts,-ou r Miamis AB R H PO A E llIIIatent UJlon tn. Domlnl tion of Claud. )I••ler, ",,,\1 known financie r, have won a tame. Yea, beloved , it is Miller, If ... ... .. .. .... 4 0 0 1 0 o .. til. opponln t 01 th. p,e"!ln~ Re. really true. They took Manage r Joe Minge, Ib .... ....... . 4 0 1 9 0 o pubUea n Mnator , Fr.ank B. Willis, Priest's Frankli n ~eam in~o camp Taylor, cf .... ...... .. 4 O' 0 2 1 by o . who II certain to be tbe choice of a 12 to 1 ~eoJ'e lit Frazier' lI (form· Cle.venger, rf .. ....3 0 0' 2 0 1 Obfo Republl cane WithDUt o""oaitj on. Sullivan , 88 .. , .. . .. 3 0 0 2 3 o So far ,YeR .Mr. Meeker 'has refused erly Phllllpe ) park last Sund.y af· Morgan , 2b .. ......3 1 0 3 But tree more days remllin until operatio n among the various to Jjv. ~1 Indicati on 01 whether - he ternoon . There were phmty of reo GrollS, c ... .. .. ....... ..3 0 'i 6 , 02 2 organ· woulll inter the COlltllJt, Of course, liable witneaa es whet will lIWear to Pl'lest, 3b ..... ....... 2 0 0 0 1 1 the First Annual" Warren County Pic- izations and intcrest s in Warren g , .bould Govern or Vic Donahe y enter the veracity county. Christm an, p ... ...3 0 0 0 Ii Cimmitt eeB have been gen· of tbe fO'regolng .tate· nlc at the Fairgro unds, at Lebanon , erously giving the 'COatelt he wlJul" have no oppoli- menta. their timo and best efand the commit tees and the tkla wlUlln bls ·partJ. Even Mr. officers forts to arrange a program whirh will Our good old friend, Dale (Babe) ·TotaJs ... ..... .... 29 1 3 24 12 4 now announc e that all is in readi· b~ of Interest to every If,wf' J friendl ·realbe this for the Adame, pitcbed a spl.ndld man, woman Friendsh ip, indul!try and kindn. ., three-h it MIAMI S nels .O-~li",or and Mr. Meta.. are warlP, game, to elltertal n one of the larg. and cliild in th e county. Just as sucAt your door were a.h,aYII found, AB R H PO A. E Truth ,moM ) .. weU ai ' politica l friends greatlyand the wbO'le teain pl.,ed • cessful commun ity develop ment de· and honestl W\lnl blended , Improve d rame behind eat crowd. ever ratbere d togeth' " In pends upon Fro t and. 'ofWn H'1l tOpthe r. 2 !! 0 0 \I 0 Love your the harmon ious and unl· . the kind thev are capable of.'hl~ The very e.,ort& crowned . a , l1li . .. . .. .. .... .. the eount)'. celebrat ion Ia free fled acUon of all groups, 80 will the only . enon "'made w;ere .xtreme l)' E. BurtOn, 2b.... ..... 1 1 1 1 0 . to . everybo dy. bad breaks and wen bl:fhlv ' .xc_ Gona, 8b .. ... ........ .4 succellll O'f this eelebrat ion Wbile almol" every eit)' 'ilt the Rate bl Blelled ill t"o aleep that bolds you, 1 1 0 Th ~-I Ia ha Sponser lng the celebrat ion are Bev· upon the cheerfu l and sincere' depend h t (... Ir H. Burton, 0 .... .. .. .. Ii 1 1 10 21 00 Iri the arma ha. law. whlcb preYent the ..Ie of of, e. ' Jesus,, e .II. am eral ve ...e true Satte~~, Ib .. 6 2 . and cIvic eratlon of represen tatives from ftre works, vilIagea and ~wnships atrit!e now, we may, eupect the Hebile, cf ........ .. ..4 1 3 12 1 0 A:ngel voices waft )'OU onwardl , the Warren parts Df the ·c ounty. have been lax In paulnl such law8, vlctorie . to an~ be much more nqmerol lll Oaborne , l! .... ... ...3 3 22 12 00 0 To the realms 8>~ bright and Clear. Du.r e•• u, County Gungc One half of the net receipt. from 1 and 011 almost ev81'1' crollll1'oad in the than ~the defeats In the fqture. Aalde Adama, p . . ...... .... 2 0 2 1 B 0 I ~::::~~o:~. Chambe r of lunch and .refresh ment stands will go itate, a"many gueDne filllng atatlo"a from But the voke Ia hUlbed forever, ' . 1.1 the pltehln .. there were no lenHopkin ADlerlcan Legion towards defrayin g the expense s of the ., rf .. .. .. .. .. 9 1 0 0 0 1 IO'ft drink- aDd lunch atands 'aloq aational ,plafl ln thl,a And we listen all in vain, __ - - - IJ~~~~, -sl~ri(ttio ".I\tulrCtOta-OoPf· celebrat Ion and the WlIlTen Oounty main traveled fhor'ou ,hfare.: 1Ire- player dId h s ·part. andpme, b~t each Pol' ",e never more alian heat· It, . ,w '~?.;it. " did it weU. V • T ta~ 1.' WOI'D. are being lold thia year. fAil ' At a buain~1III meetiq 82 12 12 27 10 ' 2 Till the Savlll1' Farm Bareau, Lebano n Chambe r of comCII again. of the play- · 0 .. .. .... . ... :. 8 a result of thili evulon of the law ers before the game, Comme rce and Pomona Grange will 1 2 8 4 6 6·7 make up any deficit incurred . or rather the lack oflaW8 dI8cUB8io~ Was chosen as playing William Shuler 9 The funeral service was held at manage r; wblle Frankli n .... 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 .0.ill Officen and special commit tees at the pre.lmt lime ;"'hlc~ leads l"!8. Pren~erga8t re~na the latc re81denc o Tuesday bulne.. ·Mlamis .. .... 0 4 0 1 1 0 2 4 --12 plannin g the ce\cbrat ion ' sr!! as 101. one to prophes y that when lhe gen. managemen~! The MW conduct ejl by R,cv. J. C. Stitzel, asman. lows : D. E. Dunhllm , preSide nt; C. au.mblY returns III law will be qet cerlalnl y ' got oft pla)'lnr siated by Rev. A,llabau gh, both ~o "a of ftying 2-base hlt&;-S atte.rthw Glte, Adams. F " Claas, secretar y; W . N. Thomps on, enal:ted :yt"ic~ willi prohibit the I!Ille.ta rt. lJO. The .pall be,aren \Vere , Congrat ulations ~~c;rl1\ce hlta-Pr lest, FI:Ollt, Gons, Springbo music; C. Donald Dilatulh , baseball ; ~ A ~ ' i Ohi . ··D _ the good work rolnl. ;. BIU, ~eep Adams, Allen ElrlriC!1 WIllIam .Crelgh ton, H. 'Hopkin s; 0 .. ·...,.."pr... , !lny PJlCe It F .. V. Churcbl ll . and D. E. Dunham , . ~, 'hU an Th e ... ~I'~~ wIII "I Il~ from· O'f fire worn •• '''' .Stolen baser.-- M. in"e' ' .. a ythe .S 0..... 2, M. Clark, willl~m Leng, OI.reilC~e ' atllleUc a aDd stunta·; ·C. O. Eulass and ... " E Bu"on been ~a .fo~, and cltreoun' Lebanon tea ,. the Falr ,rounda Smith Geoll'ge Qraham . Inte(- i~~~i~~~~i~ lL ~urton,: ell bu" P.1UiI8d a • ' eIIt taft probib- next Saturda r iafternO'OIl, .. a I'm; «;J0nl, ment inand Miami eemeter D. ' E. Dunham speaker s; Gardne r y... . ~ . Earned runa-:-:1 4lamill, 6. ,T0WD8l e1, pubilclb '; C. D. Corwin, Ittn. aaJe. ce til. ., aw,a Of Lebano n's ble Independ.n~ Le~ no ~_~ldba. '8; ~. faillo~"bllr: Nf'nihm enu; BOwat:4 Fulltert h, park ~me eirecttYe there ha.e been!., ,- ~lebratlon. l1li111 ·Of ~Q ~ aDd ~~ baVid Blaholl, ~c· eli Fourth· of .Jul1 iq. .' l. WIUI r :a-~. th~ ~ut. aaJ. beill&' conduct ed~ccI4ellt &~, p~v enp on .tJa~ outalda1 l !t (b"-;'. . ' ,"'-'-"" ' of aU ' ctttes about' tbe 0111)' ~ Ib ....... _.;;.. OtJaers __ ) ftiOa dIllatin , organize .ae. ~f Il, 0 ban been aDI!1 "~1i tiO'na ~ 1 ............ ....... • '. on conuaIt tftt are .. folloWII: 11...... ~o.liI "'e 1011 O'f" JIl'Of. foY the ~ twO' I .... wlI1 be ~nd pltdlel.: -Ch:rlab Dan 8. O4:I'.III1Z- ,Farm Bur_ _D; E. DUhall ;'-~tb~ olt,. ~u . 4 .taS attracti . l, Z. O. on for Deft SUDcIaj Buu Oil baJ1a--:'.Olr Cbrlatman, Worley and W~ter Dav.Uli,LebaDoll ::!r::~:0:" th. Cliambe r of CoJllJl le~lIU'1ea J. Ad=~L"'t-B' CbrIatmUI. 4; b,

Mia mis W~n The ir Firs t Game Sun day Afte rnoo n at Par k


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Child F aU. From Swin g• Falling thirty·fi ve feet from the top of the bam, where playmat es bad pulied the automob ile tire awing In which she was seated; flve·ye~ld Martha Lott, daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Cnmpto n Lott, of Stono road, Xenia, wa! seriousl 1 injured about the head. The cbild regaine d coa:' adouBnellll several Hours but the exte'!t of . had< not; l)MIl .de-, temune d

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to · Th01lllo1 :1l1 A. G . . B.anC.and ·Jlntel· W.,.on U'. B..Kautl'in W. N.I'I=~~

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'the Miami Oalett e B

1\ ' JOB


Jvdkin _UWh llt ~ lh multer wilh 014 P rkJn.' Il,' l(>uks Ilk u wh iJl-11 d dog." . Implonl... 'OIlIIl'L you h ur? 111. wit diqT,,"ed hi"1 lit the opern h (\UNe tile otllor night. When till! ,'oo k INt mad at the mi st l'w ~8 lind quit in Lh., lecond nct, l\[ rn. I' rkin jumped up and ea!d . he'd h!rt· h r:'

Mia mi Vall ey Chautauquj" NEWS GLEANED BASKET PICNIC Pro gram for the Yea r 192 5 FROM COHRT ~OUSE BECOMfNG 'RARE

Thr mnnng<,m"nt of the Miam i \' nll t, ~, Challt,:,u CjIllI i~ ntr"" illf! it.~ patNEW SU ITS \'I)n ~ r"r till' ll~sl' ll1hl y whil'h ,'pl'nll E!mel' E . C.. llis hll~ I'nlel'cd ~ u i \ I'.' Frid a\' .• Jul\' :l 1. nnil l'l n8(1~ ~ un­ nl!"ill ~ t EliznlJt'th T emplin ,t "I. t o dn)·. ,.\ "It' ,, ' t 1G'. whlll iN ull d.,ubten ly quid litl' . \ 'Ilt' o f til(' Jlr(\).! l nnl ~ in ,,\Ii tht, SHERLO CK MOVES IN Suit f or divo rcl' IlIls been (Ont('1 cd hh: t ~l l' \" il l' t111l'~l thi)o; fHllI OU f.l i":::t itutin n. h~' ~1:tI'l:ar ct H . Hud so n flgnin "1 • ,H onl\" Hrt. 1hl'n' ;1 I1tltntH ' r of big Now NeJgh bor- "1 dldn 'l kn ow Chtlrles J . Huns(t n. ~ he chat"l?c~ uttnH· til~ tl FO till till' pn~)!n"n. l, ut t he you had thrce dnllghte rs." dl'ul1 kpnJH ' ~"" . ,' v(~llin)( .. ' nt\.'I' BIlltlnl- "No ?" 11. p . Mi tl'lwJl hilS enlered suit hll\' t\ h,'C l'" :- t'tni n llh'lIl :- und c I n(' t)r t ~ '''dt,t! \\ilh H "h',\" to New Ne!ghbor- "No--n ot 'til you nl!'nin ~ t t he Indu" triu! omm!ss ion )f U1 1' pupulnr t H:,lt.' . \\" h('11 you look put up those thr~ porch ewings last Oh ln f,)r lIM i,'" (I f nppea l. on" ti ll' week," A nnu ~d ll ' ll' \' l'r hus cn t el~ c.I s uit cln ~ Hudlisl . )''''' will li"d "" h hiJ.;'h,"xl' ' 1l r:l\'P taklll a:- Th rl '" rI,,'orc,' f ,·,, ", A I!,' n E . ~chricve r :-;inl~.!'in,l! 1I 11 $s(lr~ , i'l arimlla :-;{' xtl'ttc,




AmonI(' lh e big attractio n s anhounc at! f or l he 1112,5 a. ~~mbly ure Albert , pnidilll(' . the wol'ld 'g Areatl's t v!oltnist: th e Armco band of sixty ·thr ee pi ""8; 01'..Jllm PA M o nt~o m l' ry , Cha pInin O( Ihe II.,use of Reprcse ntlltive,, : Govcrn or Edward Jllck, on, of I ndilinn; 11r . .f.lhn Thompso n, pas tor of I he Ml'l h"di.t Tl'mplc 0 f ChiclIg'o: thc R" ddlCu ver- Aslwl' Pnrty ; WiIIitllll F o rk ~l1. 1I 11~ of th e great lecturers of lIll' hour; l:Il'ill'l.I d iel'· Ge nerlll Wm . G. F. vl·rson , who led troo ps in Franc e und Au st' iu: ~ .. 'u Smull, the fum ous ~tl uth ~ "n "v"nJl:cli ~ l; and Mrs. Dc·

lin ,' hal'g'{'s () f (' rtl c hy, " ·y.-i(k Conce rt l ' llI l l l JHIIY, Allll'l'i e un 1HHI'chu s Br, )wn, \' cd" M. 0, ndorf hn~ l'nlt' rcd SU ll O,H'l"a Olll pn llY. t il l' :\ ,. \'l·l t y o n ' lit, s· \\' U(I"'" it'd ul'''''s r>ll' til- ol'ce lI J,!'nin ~ t En rl IT. Orn<1ol'f . , Tumh ul'it zH ' \ 'llI lhlIlY, liul'lIc r I n udditi on 10 ~h ,' Chlll'!; I' ~ crucl lY un d nc"dcct. J u bi (1 \ \' ~ln Jt( ·:~ . ( ' h i(· f t ' ap"l il'u fl , Sig. thin!;" lh" usu:ul


B ~l! i IlO,


PPROB ATE PROCE EDING S pro .. r IIf publicat ion o f notice of nPl'oi nlmcnt of(>xec utor was fil .. d ill 1h" Ill Alte r (I f the estat e of Pranklin I' . DIl\cis, dec 115ed. In the matte r uf Mndelin c 1II . • tat· l'l' . de cease.l . pro nf of publiclll ion WflS


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on tho pillt f,,,·m. nil of t hese I(u o d prOfit ab le morllinl!' houl's will IIt lt'ncl th., s tu.!e llt. Dr, M. 11 ,'-i<hliter. pu"tur of Wlishillll'l l, n Gludden church. olu mlJu R. will de · Ii v.. 1' u series fir I e etu" e~ o n " The Min i,try of lIetlIing ," Ill' , Churles GIlIt .... "f hicllgo, will de!ivc!' lee tlll us "'1 "H I'Iig-ioll tl nd Life ." These flre hu t tI few o f the fcutu ..." thut wil! uUrnet people t o th e Miami VlIl!ey C huutauq ua this , ~lIm­ m .. r . The recreati onal departm en ts, th" g rowing city of cottnge rs, good fel! owship and the renl ChllutaUqllfl sp i! it ul! comb in e to mflke a vacalion nt this plllc!! worth while.

T he pllss il1jt of ll1(\ oill-fu hi oned basket picni,' i. vlpwcd h y old· t imer: wi th r eg' r t ." ~HW 1\ "'I'il,·I' in the .1 111) numl",,· of tI,;, Ollld o,'1'~ Pi' Milll (Wn N hill~I "!l). "Till'" WU ~ wil\'li Ih, ·

lli<'ni~ " ' ,Ui t }w f u\' o r, ttl nH' HI1~ n f \" t ebrlllin):, f:II\1i!~· I'euniull s alld 01' (11' (1-



the c lu o

\1l. 1ill ): f,"' lhu 1) llIe" f(l'Te,

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tll h .... r

1tt'J!nniz nt illn

with which 11\11 ' "'" ~ aflilialc d. TIlt' III1I1UIII S ll nd"y ·~c h oo i picnH' W II ~ . of course, in e\'itn ui e. lI ~ w(\rt' in nnnH'r·

hi nthcr pi (' l\ic ~ fur' ~ p"('inl ()(·l' lI · sion . . Th ... pi cn i<' wns th p "gl't·l n -

gCth01" nll'l' li l1 g' par cxxrelh~ IH" (~ o f two decndl' .. HflO . "Hut t hl' hH~ke t pit.-nie..' i ~ h l'c o mi l1~ ns rHre llS t h t, h ur~ l' alld huj.!'~y 1\11 lonJ.! c l" t l ) he found ,·Xl't'pt. in n lrul

di ~t l'icL, - u nJ I" 'CII t hc l'<' wit h 11';;s and less fl'cqllCIll'Y, "Y l'l th .. wH nin):, JlllplIllll'iIY IIf Ih i~

mod,· o f ~ nt er'tnilln1l..'l1t is nut r (\t:!u r d ~ cd U ~ un unmil igu t f'd cn lami ty hy t hl' mol her wn ll ~ 1"'1I1 Ihe P'·I' c·l·tii n!! tillY in till' ki lc hc lI . Th e un to ld q ua nl i· t iC's tlf sOlldw ic,'ht' s or ~ n l nd w h kh

Have you <!ver s utTcn!d ~lr<1m hard water ...Itch"? H ave h a nd ~ b,·<.otl1c dry and hard-y our skin chappe d--£rol ll


p n :> · U!,ing hard water? SClIl " T p"I" and "Thll' I' .. illl,·" of lil,',I . 11.-11 '"," lW" sll'l' d .. :1111115, "The shr made u ~ ulllly lu rnN! fl Ut to be in . L . D. Sund ers. I!ua rdinn of Har· Cind" I'e llll 111 Then YOll can apprec iate hands that are never rougbe ned ndeCjlllll1! r nl' th e u npl'clli ctu uly 1(l 1'J,!'1' ley T en.dale, min or, filed his fourth hy a <.:um pH ,,". " will .. I", I,,· ~iv e n gl,lherin g un n cau~pd whi s p~rs alllflll f! II)' \I f f'rn fp . .. inn nl p lay .... r s nor redd ened-b aby's tender skin that is never left "aeked nnd fina l account . anci nH)\'i(' t he neighbo r wa rn e" Il~ 10 hr,' ~ tin l(i · hu\ \' u n 0pp OI t u· a nd "itchy" -a shave that is quick and clean. A. E. Binck!e y. as udminis trator of nily t (, :-;c(:f:l1l:- \\ iiiIJIIII'\'(·1,, ness. Or hel' ('stimule would pru"(' 115 pit' lure, the estal of John S. Bowers , deceus· "TIl\' lI u" dl\'that to be too n" k I!'reat of :0.: "1 and ,·,, !lall. the food would e." Every home NOW can have aoft wat~without coat 01 ed. filed his invento ry lind npprnis eeither bl! wasted with mnny t wingl!s ment. o r the thrifty hOUllcw ifc's conscien ce cistern and double plumbi ng. Reduc tion of bond of William Hufl'. or would be brought home t o be con · wa~ r educed to ,500 on applicat ion s umed. Then no one ever wantc·1I r-lul' Y , d('c ,' aSl.'lL hyex('c u tor of W. EG.rahu m ,Marsha l of Frank- to AI1I" . YOUflJ!' lo louk at an other snnuwic h or pill te lIillki<·y l' t II I. III l in PII' aslin . of salad us tong as he lived . . In th e mutter of the estate of Mllr- lin t l'l"i", $ 1. are all to the gcod " The once pop ulur saying . 'm ore tha A . Dynes, decease d. proof of pubtun th"n a picnic.' was ne'V e r origCO MMIS S IONER S' ALLOW ANCES lication was filed. inated by th e woman who s pent when applied to the T it,· W"S!""II .. ar, pro u f of publiProof of publicat ion of noLice of a hot s ummer morning tending an appoint ment of admi nistratr ix of th e 'cali on. $;,.U[I; ~ t81i u ' ''' ry for treas· oven full of cakes which didn ' t t nrn urer. right column. You $ ~4, ;; ; Ill', Hubt. Btuir, serviestate of Ella Tansey. decease d, was ces. Sl![" U(I: out as well as t hose of Mrs. B.. who. R"pjd Nal, - Up_,ll H.", Lebnnon Lunlbe r Co., Althoug h th e exaxct atate of road after tiled. 1111. is 8upp08e d to hnve brou ght mal l'!'in!" an d I'cp:d,~ , $:18.90 ; CUI aeU your good. H. E. improve ment In i. the Iat.s t product of the world'_ the United States at fried chicken . Mo In the matter of the estate of Mi· Dilutush ther usuully start· . t orolll·r. inqu est, J ose ph the preaent tim.! ia not known, ma E. Reed, decelllled , proof of pub· Binklt.y laq;cst man ufacture r oE residenc e wait Is ed 0 nth e outing ex hau st ed. There . $6.45; J , D. Adams 'and Co ., estimate d by th" ter Departm systellls . It is almple- compa ctIication of notice of appoint men t of r ep nir" for quickly b, iDserting ent of Agwas difficult y in getting the cr owd to grader, $6.1)2; Orego ni a ricultur e that th.~ total mileage of practicaL May be installed in either executo rs was filed. sur agroe on t he ideal BriuJ,!'c picnic 0 .. repa irs, $2.47 ; 2nd eatl- faced roadl at spot lind old or .new hom~will give a life tim, the end of 1924 was always some misunde Frank A. Dilatush wna nppointe d mute 11 COlltl'uc .. ad, in tho rslandin a s to l No . 8 14, $1.000.0 0; between 460,000 and 476,000 oE IIci-vicc at very small c.olt. adminis trator of the estate of Wil· Omar 0Ho miles. how to get there in which purtjt of llingswu the rth. tellm and labor, Indicati ona are that approxi mately Ham H. McCain , deceuse d. crowd tI'rh'ed just 'in tillle for the Bond $J8 .60; S hllrtle and BeVIS Mac hin~ 40,000 The Dl,U'o Soft~ner baa many admiles of Isurtace d roads of va:.. ice crelllll. ,1000. Harry E. Dl1ntu ~ h, C. L. Bo!· Co .. Icpllirs, No picnic was comulet e vant.age s over older type_th ere iI no $40.16; Caspari s Ohio r ion stypel have been built during mer and Heber M. Dill were eppoint- Quarrie without n few m11l0r casualti P'lcking of minern l-no red _tain or s Co., stone, $330.00 ; W. C. each year lince 192 1. Exact s uch ed appraise rs. figures as los t childrr n, a fall in thees.creek. ' iron rust. Regene ntion i. a .implo Turton, sewer pipe, $4.45; Western a. to how this mileage Everett W. Ertel was app ointed a!i- Ohio Gravel haa been di- c:hl ~f; ers . Sn ll P'llet! s ilk stoc proces~uicldy perform ed, requirin g kin gs und mlnistra tor of the estate of George Opio Cor. Co., pea grave!, $26.40: vided by types or .tates are not avail- gl:.l'ss stain. Then, there was a few lJ\inutes al compare d with houra Cu lvert Co., 3 cor. scw- Ible lin un· A conside rable part of the be 'evable am ount W. Ertel, decease d. Bond, $7,000. ers. in some other types. of litter to be : L. M. Prince Co., sup- work, moreove r, has consiste d of John ' Ledford , E. B. Hill and Alvin plies,92.10 r e- clured up by the con scientio us. And $10.81 : W. A. Scott, bridge re- surtacin g. It, t,hel'efo re , Brant were appoint ed apP l1lisers_ cannot be on the wily home most of t he pa l ty $6.00; Morrow Feed and Sup- assumed that tilt' n et mileage The court determi ned s uccessio ns pairs, of sur- 8u f ' ~ rcd fn 111 ~ cute indigest pyl Co ., lumber and cement, f17.82; faced roads haa been ion. to be exe mpt from inh eritance tnx WilliAm increase d dur··Sti ll. with all its imper·fec.tions , spo rt Wire ROPe Co., 260 feet ing the last threle years by the in the matter of the settleme nt of wire cable, total che picl Ie had its points, chief of .$34 .38; Frankli n SelMce amount of the nI!W construc tion. the estate of Mary Young, deceuse d. Gnrage, The which WIIS t hat I!'ot people out of The report of Robe rt J. Shawha n , R R C gasf n!1d !lI&Ior, '29.96; Penn. last complet e 8ulrvey of tile rOlld im- doors. Tr ue. th eit accompa n~' ing bt'd. ht, $8 67 S S Ste provem ent situatio n was m'a de in lam as one of the udminis trutors of th e . . 0 _, rClg, . ; . . le ft little w 1921 of lhe when peace denr to th e the total sur:fllced mileage same, $8 .00; W . H, Myers an d estate of Ferd J. Schwllr tz. decease d, art, N true nature love r. Son , bridge lumber, $168.76 ; W. S. waa roek.o ned at 387,760 , was approve d and confirm ed. ml.les. . ew "The 1l10d l' l'll suc cessol' Graham , in full on contrac t ·No. 809, contruc tlon and. resurfac th e old· lIIg since fashione d pic.nic embodie s to . - , . - ~!'!!'$337 .00: H. W .Trovill o, pell H. p.' 1921 have pr«?ce,ed ed a ll the l\dat a ,:ate which vantage s with practica ll Grupevi y none ne of the lat' estimate contrac t No. Is believed to lJlstify the ~stl m8te that ED PURDY 'S PHILOS MARRI AGE LICENS ES disHdva ntuges. The family simply Notic e to Contr actora 80 7, $300.00 ; L. ·S. Welker, ,1st' aod 'he net g~I'l 81DC'e tllen 18 weI! ab ove decides at any time N. H. Orndorf , canl.rac tor of Leb- final Mtimat e of .No. 817. $265101> lo take its sup"If f armen ; c,an 60,000 pul miles. bell. oa , ' anon, and Miss Mabel E. Van Rip er, E. S. Donnell , pe~ · W. G. ThomPl on, per of doors and , without Ilny their cow. I can _eta bo ..e •• o. In announc lllg these , facts, the d~­ greatout Seated propou la will be reeeived to do or ve ry spec illl prepllrll oi' South Lebano n. at and ffnal eStiinate ot! No. 821 partmel )t draws why our n . ppor. c .....ol pat attentio n by the Board of County Comml •• lonto certalD Clifford L eroy Walker, machine $283.00 ; Oregoni a Bridle Co., 2nd lion , pil es wh atever would ol'd!IlLlri! y bell. on their cal"e. . .. en of Warren Count,., Ohlo at tbelr shop employe e, of Lovelan d, and Miss and final estimate -tln NOl. 818, 819, wronl!' Ideaa that are cUlTent about have bee n S I'ved at hom e into u bas· !oad Improve ment. Ir: ,proved rouds, ~et Hn d office in the Court HOUM In tLebanon , Florllnc e Mildred Hill, factory work- $632.00 ; F. M. CoItins, payroll, $222.pihJ9 itself inlo l he flivver It says, are not luxur.c Ohio, up until Eleven O'clock In the :1., For the and belukcs itse lf into er. of Lovelan d. 25; Eden Terry Burne, $122. 10; $287- moveme nt .of every. lieu rest REPLY vcLlcle o,:,e r .a pllrk or st retch of ope n cothe fOJ en oon of Monday , July 18, 1925, James Mornis, fa rmer of ' Sabina, 25 : Cliff Hough, same, $1255 untry. No , Rats--k ,25; iboshp. banunn 011 and bunk nnd c(\ntrac Iwarded for fumll hlnr and M iss Anna E lizn Satterth - B. Monee, same. $61.73; S. E. Cutier, rond. there 18 a ce~1n c_st, whIch !s extra work, no waste. no indigest ion, She' U Il'el hob bell when r eady, we th e materia l tand !ess It the. !be Impr ved than If no nco fusion." perform ing tlie Inbor waite, teacher of Wnynesvi!1e . same $6340' Philip Heise! same Il be left IIIroad SU\v her uwunk." a sUite of nature. Log· necessll ry tor repnirin g Bridge No. George Edward Myers, dentist, of $59.]'5 ; V. ·W: Tomp kin s, sum'e, $67.: icaHy, therefo re, the only that 24·43 near J . A. Mllrtln Fnrm In Franklin , and Miss Sar ah Corwin 30 : $49 0.3 6; A. T. Rettig, same, shoul~ be placed expe nd Iture fo r Hnrlnn Townsh ip, WOl ren Co untv, Vail, stcnogrllp h el~ of Franklin . $180.25 r J 08. Davis, same. $383.51 ; r oad Im plovem ent.o.n IS ~he amount t~at Ohi o, tn accorda nce with the W. '. Graham , sa me, $265.06 ;; Penn cnn be su,:,ed in vehicula r operatin g esthnalc s and specillclltions hllretl'Mor ten, jan ito;' service, '$70; J am e8 costs. ThIS amount , R EAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS of course,. defore IIPprove d and ' adopted therefo r Follon. same, $ 15.00. pe.nds u pon the n~mbe~ of vehicles un d on file in the offiee of the AudAgnes Vail nnd J. W. Vail to ChtlS. _ _ __ • _ _ ____ uSlDg t he road. It IS pOinted out tllat Itor E. Ellis, lot in Lebanon , $1. of Wan-en Counh, ' Ohio, ot . the co un try loses more, in increase d J ames M. Jau ncy to Mary E. SBlgLe banon, Ohio. Bidden nlu6t ltate TERRIB LE LIFE cost of ope.r nting vehicles , ,by 'not imseJlnrate fried ,about one Acro in Springb oro, ly tho amount bid f.)r cross-w ord puzzle was arrang- every on should complet e it in proving roads t han it costs to imp rove ed This that terial nnd the nmount btd for maby $ 1. Mrs Katheri ' Ian e E, Schober . We time. . It Coy i~ renlly Thing (aigh ing-"L ii'e is a them, In other words, it pa-ys for Im- hope on e of the easleRt bor. Bidders Ocar and Emma Howard to VICmake propou'lI proved 1'Dllds whethe r i~ ~ them or vorce we \yeren't the cause of n di - pu y.7. les w o hove ""C'r publIshed, al- for furnillh ing may tor and Grace Compto n, small tract gamble. " a U th e materia l and in th e family, and tha t Mrs. though you will fUlll sevel'lll rather Bachelo r- "Yes ; yes, indeed. T ako not, and it pays less by, liaving them perform i ng a lt t he labor or ': ,\'h rart ' in Turtlec neek Tp., $ 1Schobel ' didn't burn the ninn el'. At catch words. All the defin!tl ons ur~ th Cecil P. and Ruth I. Merritt, to me, for instance , I n ever kn ow where tha n b ynot havinlt,,:tl).ein. or"of as they deem proper. Elich any , t he pu zzle is good for a t cl ear, though, nnd we ru:o Sllre you Another common' error, says t he de leust rate Louise C. Merritt, three lots in Frank- the next kiss is coming f r om." bid must be accomp amud by " bOlld twenty Ill!n ulc!' pleasur e -mId will find it very Intereal pllrtmen ing. t, is that all roads should be in the s um of One Hundre d Dollnrl lin, $1. _ _ _ ___ . hall:! su rfaced. Hard surfacin g with ( 100.00) or a certified check on a Amalia L. Argu8 by Sherifi' t o ....., ._. ;!"'f concrete , brick, asphalt, stone or Cheater A. Campbe ll, about 267 acre8 solvent Bank In the State! ot Ohio, wood blocks is an expensi ve process. [or a like Ilmount, r.,.abl. ~ the or, in Harlan Tp., ldarket TodaV! . \ When its cost is greater [_ • The. de r of the BOllrtj 0 Oounty Oomml ~­ than the sav_ . ing accruin g from t he impr.()v I ement, sio ner s of Warren Counb', 01110, III A hard surfacin g is not advisab le. It t'uall8nt ee thllt If IIIIJd bid I, aCl~cptert, is possible to mllke great improve . con tract will be entered Into and Itl ments in roads without hard surfacperform ance legally 8IIsulled . inlf, them and these improve ments are Contrac t to be nwardod to the low. cst and best bidd er. iii~;~~~~~~~~ qU effective in reducin g the cost of Ite travel. The Board of Comm!I~loner~ ,aWhen vehicles usi ng a road arc sel e th e right to rl),jeet Iln)' anrt all compara tively feW', an unsurfa ced bu t bids. Bids should ba l ealed, en ~ graded nnd drained road can be made dorse d wit h the nam e of the bldeter and maintai ned in satisfac tory condiand liddressf ci to t he Board of Count)' tio n by draggin g ELt very low cost. If C.ommil!sionera, Leba'no n, Warren the traffic is 80 great that an unsurCounty, Ohio. " . facl'd road cannot be maintai ned in , By order of t he/ Board ot Countv conUnu ous good conditio n, surfacin g Comm issionel , of Warren County, with stone, sand-Cla y or gravel, alOhio. . l hough more .c ostly than simple grndSAM- D. HENIM ;E, lng, will general ly be compen sateil by E. J . BEEDL E, the grealer saving in tile cost of opW: D. CORWI N, e rating vehicles over it . Similat ly, Commi!l8loneTS of Warren when the traffic is greater than n C. R MOUNT S ; C.ounty, Ohio grave l road will carry, a bitumin ous Auditor -Clerk.' " J8-4t macada m surface ean be econom icnl· Dated, June 17, 1126. ACROS S Iy applied. It is not necessa ry to use 15 A grllin. 17 T o grow old. one of the hard surface d types un t il 1 Possessi ve pronoun . 4 Politica l party (abbr.)_ 20 Used to keeJl cool. t he traffic become!, very dense. ' 7 Used in ' eating. 21 A stair. All roads should be improve d, says 22 frozen vnpor. the departm ent, t(I the maximu m de- 10 Negativ e. 12 Before. 23 Because : grec that the traffic on them justifles , 26 Opp osite of 01T. but no road should be Improve d be- 13 Therefo re. ' 14 Walked . 28 R ive r in Souther n China. yond its earning capacity . When this MONEY' LOANE ., D principl e is observe d the require d an- 16 A rock materia l fin er t han gravel 29 Egytian su n god. 18 College degree . nua! expendi ture f'~r any type.or road LOANS on Cllattela ,Stoeks, Securiis within the year ly savings in the ..t 9 Depart_ An.wer to L •• t Week'. Puule ties aud Second Mortgal re.. Notel coat of operatin g the vehicles it has 20 Convuls ions; spasms. to carry. In othel1 words, the return 22 Slave' or servant_ bought. John Ha'rbl n ~ J,r., Xel)la, to tile public in the form .of econom ic 24 Preposi tion. Ohio. 0m30-'2t1' transpo rtation II t1he sole measure - of 26 M,asur' e of we ight_ ' the worth of road improve ment. T 0 27 Toward . ' M 28 ister (Spanish). say that aU I'oad. should be bard ~urfaced, tbl! 4(!Jl~rtment point. out, SO Border of the mouth, 31 Pale. Farm.n of Warr~n and adJolail II IS merely anot/Jer W81 p1 urging ex. countlu may obtaiit' mQne, on loft, penditw ee In exeeu ,,', JJl9Vfm1, DOWN , ~Ime loan., at II',.. per, "nf in~L 2 'Exist.. Colt of ,ecurJq the um. ,11 ••.., ..... . 8 "un led . ' ' THE TEST eonablt ,through Th. 'F ederal Lan. " 11 .F!lmaJe animal( plu~oj). Bank. F.or furth.r Informa tion tall Ii SI!~X tp fOTI'! pJu~al. . Son (just homt' ti~m ClOUeIr4l' ~ ~ An Insellt. pn or addraa M. C. DRAKE , TrNa. "Publ city I, a Irl'eat thing, daa. It 8 Conjuno tlon. urer. phon. alII-X, Lebano n; Oblo. can accompl lah an:ythln r." 9 To bow hepd Farmer Brown -"Well , let'a .ee It 11 Cavity containqulckl~. Ing t})e IIY\!. ~~~ ~~~~~ make thoM hene lay more egpl'. 111 To .force air tbrough '"lIOMe. LOST I LOST- Small pocketk nife, with As'" n.a on hand]'e, near Po_toffiee, Fri; " day. Finder please retum to W/llj. ~ I LAND "'f}.tAT MI&~~ ~UMM Seare and .e~ rewaJ:"~ 'IQU 1"1'''''0 iN l :r08 DowN AT CHOOS. OLD MAoN 0IJ'T$1t>1i ~IN' ..... ' Q(::,3S ~ A POSITI ON GuMf'J I PoND CDMPA N'r' 15: ~. WO",', ,- , INSANE , HAD ENOUo f-' OF J' COMe' OUT HeA.8 . $ ...O&('U ::s , THAT 8u&H..x ..1se "'to ~u"" IN&1'e Al:) '! ~ASH~or ~ D.nt!\1 0014. ~."'. LAST. .Me A LI A!l1MS Silver, Dlamon dl, maan.j(O'~ '"' __ , ~T liaise , teeth, jewsbTl an, ~uabl"', ~ Mall toda" . Cub - by ,..tUPD BialL A?P Boke S. ," R. Co•• QtMIOj' Mleh,


~uR O Wat er Sof tene r

J. W. Bur ton

Mia mi Gaz ette



..... --



This Wee k's Cross-W ord Puzz le

n.· .




• II

On e Do zen Far m Gat es at $3.50 each

500 Loc ust Fen ce Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Ste el Posts

ClASS ....... IAEO 'ADS. '

The Belt Ever , are Chea per


Wire Fen ce

at Le.. Than ·C ar·oa d Price s

Farmers, Attention!


Madden's Lumber Ya rd

---- -.. - ...-----


WaY le, Ohio

...... ..

...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .





<XICiec.oo 'so MIl





. '

j ,

r r

The Miami QazeU e

•... TH E


F. T. Ma rtin Jes se Stanley Au ctio nee r Au ctio nee r

Enlllied a, the P08LOfficu at WU YlI CSY i1l e, 0 ., U~ Second Class Mail Matte~ ~

L. CRAN E, Editor and

Publi.b" r, W a ynenill ., Ohio.

SlIbacI'i pliulI Price, ~ I.GO pe r year.

Date your lIale s with u s . \V e ·g\l "rllnte e s ati sfacti on or charg e not hin g .

-- . ~

Cen terv ille, O. New Burl ington,O .

WIW Nb.:SllAV. J U LY I , HI ~r, - ~==~~====~=========

== LET STRICK EN DEER GO W EEP ,nll,!ufuct uJ'crg wh o fe ci th e pinch of PUYIlIg thl' livin g wage, "let th e s trick Analysi s o r t he I' ~sult s o f ynu r <:n cJcer go weep !" new immigro Lion poli,·y tlt'm"II . t .'111". the flleL Lhot no Icgislll Lioll enll I .., is quile e vid el1t thnt T c n ~~Hee emp loyed AS n curc ·,,11. It III ' peOI'S wilItl nllt slund for uny monkey .shine that lubor I",;.. hilS bC('n h ' II\, Y undel' Lu :; il1 l' ~ !'t. th e qu olll pill n, MUI'c ""\I'ke rs lefL the United States durin g the first t en ~ I ll l e pll~e nt8 through out Lhe Innd lllonths under the e.xcillaio n law th nn cnTll~ intu the co untl y, A L Lh ~ sa me wi ll lJe 1: lnd to len rn that Sunduy , time th e InrluHtrlnl CO nfCl'l'llCC boul'll Jun e l! I, wa s Muitl to be Falh" .. 's Dny, lilldd that labor h ul'Ul'r ofT thun it was uL the peuk of Lhe IlIlY level. G ' O"gu Bernard Sha w says he iR From July, W24 , t" Jlpl'il, l!l~Ii. l'l'lIZY, IIntl hc hilS g onerally bee n ac· cepted " s an lIulhoril y. 27,Il08 un akillcd laL urllrs were ndJIIittcd, a~ain " t U7 ,886 durin g the ~ame period befure- Lut ill b('. A Lyons mun IlILmed his two trucks twoen July, I 1l 14, Ilnd A pril, 1!l 1Ii , William /lnd hllrl cs Bryan, figuring 4-1,760 laborers left the counLI'y. that ut Icast onl' uf ' them wou ld be lellYirllr II deficit of 16 ,-1 82 fol' th e rutlning ILt /ln y tim e, - ~Ylln s , Kiln., ~en lI'onths. News. , ' There is some sntisfucti on f ound in the tact that of th~ laborers ent~ring Two. Brookly n policem en find a the countr), 13, 8 52 we re Inrm lubor. mo n 's clothing and shoes in an old era, and thllt of this ClUBS only 12 :12 wug on . Snilli ng n s uicide they get left the country , two bloodho unds Lo lead t hem to the We learn, too, tha t Lhe culling Ill ys tery. The bloodho unds tak e th e down of OU II immigra tion tone Ilflll cops to u swomp in which they sink pi ita , fermer figure hn.' res ul te tl ill to their nccl,s, and that WILS thnt. Btablllzing the, lncreaae In pop ulul.ion Evel &. dog hus his day. and In the creation of the hi j!he r waie. Money wagea ure cited us ny_ While New York wo men ore trying erailni 116 per cont above what they to app ellr thin, bootl egger likes to were before the war, Tfle cast of appear lat. He ncarries JivinS haa climbed at COU l'6e, but th· ""om und er hi ~ wa ist a rubber bur. Board advises that evell Ie, the wage dl'ical cartridg es filled coat. Cylinwith highball s .arner il about thirty per cent beLter are slipped to N. baseball fans. It off than he uled to be; 110 aBYs, the In- is amazing how Y. many drinks some borlni man, whon ho notcs' In the men can carry under their belts and public prints tho ' tean ctr out 'I\ilnn- Rtill remain aober enough to ' rake in clal weeping w1llQW8, and ,t\lose grcllt .~~ m~neY. " .

Phone No.2


FINIS Constab le (til Illun in mill pondl -





Jlore th~n r'~f~ ' "commur iitles ' in Ohio· bave ;laehecJ their quoW!' ln the ~m.rlean ....kioh Endowm ent Fund eamJiaI p ~r ,war, o~plians , !l1\4 d,ls, abl.a vete~~... #\,;W~ anluiuni !ed' at hItMlqlla~n 'ofUe _ .tat& endowm tlnt 6!ncl , e,om~ttAA'11 " d L " .. ' ,., ·,Ilan,. other c t el an wwn8 naVe • ~o.t reachiid',"tlie r'0'8l"Ret' for ' them ~cJ in stili othe),. grellt progrcs s hall ~n lIIade'l ' , . N9 :e'tlm~i · w.. avall~ble al! to the p~r4entago JOfl 0 lltate's quota which had been 011 e& b'lleiuse' of the doIty 'of a n"mber ,If cities 'In ~enqlng ~OHliI8!lMeP,I!I!t.\I~.~ . • " . Jlotb ilo . .r, .,w..rner"CO..mlJland~r:. ttl!! hlQ Dllparli nent of the tilIdon, and Govern p1' Vic Donilhey, cha\mta n cif the endliwmen1: f/Und committ ee, urged that eft'oT~ bo re. doubleB In evory locality so that more , than asked might be glv.en. While ' conftdent of the sliceellllf"l bot""~ere n " ,. outcome of tho campaig n, they urged that tlJere might -'be no receuto n- of activity until the goal \a de8ni~11I


balialt b)' 'disable d ~eteranl who ,claim t he right uf Post-wa r readjus tment. I' 'know they believe In fair pl~ fqr tne cou~try'. 36,000 war or\lmml, ' Who ahaU: say that a clii1~ d8priv~d of paterna l care beeause itil father, w~, k,l1Ied In war, or, perhap. ; died afterwa rd as a resolt of war'. eft'ects, is not entitled to the ¥mi' chance to etnrt out In life 'as the chj\ whose father survived whole t\..1l health!u l? ' , ..,. "Thl~ endowm ent fUDl~ meanl only one thing, an4 ' that' Ie " SAUare doal for those willi ~l1entlY and unoompl!lil)ingh' lIe~t'ing the greatea t ~hare of ~~e ~ar'~ awful eoat." ,

lubKrlb e tts quota but do more t~ that. I IIhould like to see 01110 ex· ceed the .mount bas be~ asked a margin, "

"I bow


cO lllmit t lng"

In t f:r'uu l

!ll ed l, ',',

n T oniC'.

w hic h

act s

· I.r\l l. ~ h tl.t' I " " fl f' 0" til l ' l\i UCOH8 SU t .. :a\!l"~ . 111\, 9 rt'JU i ll ~ lh .. In flammati on.

So ld b y all drug Hl.lG • F. J Che nev & Co .. T olec1o. Oh ln.




- - -... ....- - -

YEP-W ELL ""TCH ED Wllddln g

ua.no1l un· ana Second llirliA..... bL ~ wkIcnrO::';~~h~~~:i;~tl.~~;r~i;;~~


Wayne lVille, Ohio


Main Office: 924Y. South Brown Street , Ov.r Slama Th.ata r

Dayto n, Ohio METHO..DIST CHURC H Sabbath School, 9 :16 a. m" preachit'g at 10:30 a. m. Epworth I.earue 6 :46 p. m. Preachi ng at 7 :30 p . m., Wednell day evenin&' Prayer meetiq , 7 '30. Everybo dy invited to thelll sctvlct!l , ' , Rev. L A. Washbu rn, Pastor.

Wal ter McC lure FUNe~AL



Harveysburg Fertilizer. Co.

Pia... •


Fully 'Bqulpped for Good


Service. Large Display Room . Ambulance Service

----- ...- --



The Eye Sight SpeclaU lt

At Cary's Jewelry Shop



DiggiD~"Did you sec those two young gitls in town las t week who ~ were walking from New York to San Francis co?" Denti st Samuel son-"Y es. I was down to the depot when they got off Lhe train." Way.,es vllle Nationa l Bank Blda



8:00 a. m, to 4 p. m.



~------------------~,, ~





Fa ir Grounds, tel Ja no n 3-H OR SE RA CES -3 TROT TING AND PACING



MOR NING -Two picke d teama from the Sund ay Schoo e. AFTE RNOO N-Wa yneav ille va. South Leban on i Morro w lVII.Leagu Maso n.

Bragg- "There is alw~ 80\111ething new- the first time' ,for everything." Stnid- "Thal's whllt the cook said when she tossed veal into tho chicken salad."


....- - -

BLOND E BESS OPINES "There' . only one m.~ ~ that c.aa make me' ,lye baclr.- aD ea.lalema at rial. That'. the ID-


.taUmeD t maD."

------.. -..-- --Admini~tr~tor'. Sil. of R~"I ' Eat.t,e.



Wayn••vllle, Ohio FERRY ' CHURC H OF CHalST Service at 9 :30 a. m . Bible Lcsson, Commu nio!l and sermon. AU memlier a of the congreg ation are requeated to be present. All are welcome. Come, all come at 9 :30 and at 7:30 p, m.

---_.- ...- - -


Oh io,

Telepbo ne 114,


ST. MARY' CHURC H July 6, Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Church School at 9 :30 a. m., sermon and Holy Commu nion at 11. Rev., John J. Schaeft' er, Rector.




Thc Ladies' Aid will mcet Jul y 2, at the home of Mrs. Frank KeUis. Miss Lula Kellis, of Xenia, is spending a week at the bome of her parents. lIfr. Frank Lucas and family, of Xenia, spent Sunday with Mr. David Lucas and family. lIlr. and Mrs. rsrael Scott and children spent Sunday with Mrs.. Scott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomne Lacey. Me88rs . Clift'ord Smith and Karl Dakin atte nd ed the O'Dowd boxing match contes t a t Dayton , Monday night. Mr. and Mrs . Elvis Michael and Ml·S. Herbert Marla't t and son, Edmon, spent Sunday with Mr. Frank Dakin and family. The Mt Holly ball team won the game from Lytle laat Sunday by the score of 10 to 9, They play Springbo r" next Sunday at Mt. Holly. Mr. and Mrs. John Levi and son, Welling ton, Mr. Audrey Crew and little Wayne Dakin, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Ellswor th Smith and family, of Dayton.



IDr .' John W•.M!l1 er Every Tue sday r




Every Wedn esday 9 a. m,"to S RestR oom in Grang eBldg


Mrs. Ella Babb Is recover ing nicely, Mrs. Nathan Hawes ill on the aick list. Mrs. Mary Critell is ill with heart trouble. Mrs. M. W. Menden hall is III with t,' xe mia, Miss Lucy Hol,land is visiting relativ es in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Anderso n, of Xenia, cnlled on Mrs. Anna Anderson, Sunday. Mr: and Ml'8. J. M. Johnson , of Yellow Springs , were Sunday guelts of Mrs. Alice Johnson and daughte r. Mrs. W. E. Bogan's Sunday· school class of the Friends church, enjoyed a picnic at Snyder park, Springfi eld, Wed nesday. lItrs. Sarah Anabee , wbo haa been ill with appendi citis, i ~ somewh at improved with that trou»le, but serio,\s heart trouble is botherin g her now. Childre n's Day se'r vices were held at the M. E. church Sunday evening . An excellen t progtram WBll given. the children being exceptio nally well trained .

----... _'..---FERRY

- - -......- - - to

hH ·hu--th ut';. a



( ,./ ,




10 lUited

buic idc,"


ti n

Opto metr ist

Tb. Forry Bible School gave the ,Chfidre n'. Day program lut Sunday evenl~. The house was well filled and the exercise s were of a high or· dcI', and a' liberal oft'erlng was made for Foreign Mitalonll. • •- • ' A number from ,the FerrY church attende d the Hiram College FellowTHE ONLY WAY ship dinner at ' Central · Church of ' Chriat. ln DaYton, ' last, evenYOU7t~ Tbl"g-" Doctor , wiD vou ing. n w~ a veryMonday enthusla.atic I .tn th I te at f Ohrl ti vacc r At-- ~e ' lOme p I ace where •the e n re 0 , II an sear won't sbow'" .' J ." DodoI' (noting an preeent cia, IItylell worn)- "WeD. I pea we'll have 'to, gtvt It to )'OU in' a ·ca~lule."

~:hOUld(ilke to see Ohio not bnly "

~ I

.it kl.'

Will F. Youo g


Ame nca n ,Legion Fund Quota . Is Alm ost'. Rea ched in Ohio ,.

has b een




~ 1 J;lUIC I N~

J pd- " Wcll, :ant ; y vu, k PI'l'tty prIlSIH' rou.. 1 I: ue s~ ther(' nrl' nu wol\'e" hu ngin); llround you r dool' u).> th ere in the city." NOTAR Y PUBLIC Sam- UNo, inde('{1. I Iiv(l in a'i ,apartm ent out on the boul(! vu rd - "nd W11Is Drawn Beta«.. Settleti they IlJlow 110 Bnimnls in the bui ld · ing." Wayn esvill e, Ohlo ~ Nationa l Bank



~n: a L

;' b';',i':II ~' ( I I ;.

C Ull '

T Ilt' ~1 ~1l - - "ll ,, - llU

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The followin g Ilrtic1e. taken from purtook of the dainties , 01' rested on the Waynes ville NOWB of 1886, tellJl the seatH oonvenl placed, to IIsthow they celebrat ed the Fourth of en to tne strllineently of muslo made , at July : ," intl'rVlla by the band. But the fire· - - - . , . '. ,,' workl\ 'were ' the 'lIIoat brilliant , • ,,, ' they were 'the culnilna ting feature as of Everyo ne saya the town was nover the occasion , and made a .fitting close before 80 full of people, except on a th ' t f t h cI circus day, a8 It WIIS. lallt Saturila y. 0 enJoym en 0 e aYI People in all .Quartel'll began to dress ..... S Tocl liP ea rly in thjJ morniag and to come _. , ..a , a.a.. a,. · 80rt oe~ t h',"g conto town, un d • t h IS There la, we believ., • law forbidtinued throU!h out the oay. You ding tho uae of and obscene would have thoul/:'ht a gram! jubilee languag o; yet profane number seem ignowas taking place within our borders . rant of that facta and al ike deaf to the bot there ww not. True. the bun. prompti ngs of and decency , nerB were fiung to the b'i0llze in ma ny to say nothingmorality of that highe r law places and fire ' cracl..,rs ·wote poPPI'n" whieh should be ever present in the put th~t was ~11. .' r,-" . ' 'mind ·tolrcst raln or 'to rebuke. We The atrean'i of ' veHicl:s ' whIch' PIISs.. are led to this thought ed th noug!\ toOwn after noon, bound made to us the other dayby complai nt ·Dr. and Mrs. C, G, Randall and fpr Juatic!a EdwlO'llB! ' ,,"0;110, WI\! al. in ent r eBid I1t of Mllin by a pl'om. most enlllcss, and there, we learn, glln! to the conduet street In re o Miss" Helen, r eturned uturday fr om was a very enjeyab le dance. without boys and youn men onof numero us ,a delightf ul motor trip to Iowa. Sunday a,f . anythin g occumn g 'tft",1I1' ~he entire' ternoon s. Theg offend~,1 Mr. and Mrs, Ed Brown are spendharmon y of the .oc.caai.on . .Dtis brought groups a t !lny convem 'Il gather In ing this week in Duyton. th e guest ent pluce on an Immen se crowd, but it did not the shudy Slri O of tho stroe.t, and, re- of Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Varvall ' nnd take all out of town. We saw at gardlcss oC who he~rs D!1d IS shocked , family. least a thoull#lnd 'pe6ple we neve I; 8llW ?r . whese peace 1,8 dl!lturbe d, and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Campbe ll and beforo and ; nevcr expect t o 'See Indlfl'~I:~ t liS ~ t~elr again, gracing our streets wi th their they mn ulge ,10 l'Ibaldo,!,n good name, SOil, Willillm, nnd Miss Huzel Smith Jests and n~o· Bpent Lhe week·end with Mr, decorou s preserice, nil well dressed, fane express Ions ,~{) the a nd Mrs. des.tructlOn Clint Wur~ nnd family, cheoriul aad debonui r; apd we wish of that Sabbath Ilti at Ashville. llneBB wlm~1\ W II. to say, most emphati cally, that we l'Casona ble extc!'t thQ law gUl1fanteel Mr, and Mrs, Rnlph n. Toll e, of ~IlW nil clrunko'nne~p or unseem ly con , eVQn on l\ publiC t\'l(lrough.tal't:, We Washing t on D, C" pn.sed through aU(lt, noith!!r Qan we learn, Ily dili. do not know-o ur compl~mant does here Saturd ay, cm oute to the home gept lnqulr)' of qny havIng occurre d, not knpw-w ho these VlolaWrB \ ot of Mrs. Tollc's parents, Mr. and Mr s. tbe ~port Irl II Lebl1npn paper to the pence and . de ~ono)' ~pn#"IY notwith stnnding . The reo maKes no dlfferun ce. are, but ~t Henry Snttcr thwai te, and cal led on ppl1 e r mUllt hllvu Jirawn on his Imagi- bred gentJem ent would No th~rough­ triends here, be thus guUt)' nl\,fon. Wo"are bad enough, we nd. and thos~ who The Bnpti sl Mi88ionn ry Circle met \letray their laek put with due humility , and so is any of breedm g nn~aro, PIlV~l1f of thei\' at th e homc of I\ir., Howard Graham place which i~ net absolute ly perfect morals; !lnd I ~ t\'le ex~re\fle me"surt:~ Wedn esday ufternoo n. A good ly (find whcl'e ~an you pOlnt u s to beco\fle ne~essal'Y .tll eft'\lct a Iilhange, nunlber were present nnd an inLerspcll a place) ; IlUy t here is no. neces· ~t!e pr(l!lllf ajuthol1 ty sl\oulq not \'Ie., esting meettng was held , Delicious IIlty ' of exagger ating our faults away ltat!) tQ e\flp (ly 't~~m, refre~hl1lent.s of chicken sandwic hes from homll, pr of accusing U8 of sins , pickle, Iced tea .orange ice and an gel Wll don't I;ommit .We spored a mighty cake we re served, Ot!>,r Not •• rellpllcta\l\e IIverage ot goodnes s on Lytle \lon~mplaW8 organiz ing a Judge and Mr9. Walter Harlan, the Fourth, /lnd let ~ha t be regarde d drum corps, under' Frank Oarman ', Mr. a nd Ml's. John Hurilln lind daugh~. true hlstor),. in ~tru~tion ,!lnd wiU 1I00n be rea"y ' ter, nnd Mi ss Josie H" rllln , a ll of Abo\lt 6 p'clock wo leltllr up street, ~o lead al\ kinds ot'pl'oce ll8iona. Tho Hamilton, call ed at the home of Mr. And wJlllt Is ~ht.our eyes behold? It tnBtrumEoI ta wiUlle drums and . fifes. and Mrs, Chal'l ,. ~he Ollrnllt blind 8~rtlng on It4 cs Madden . Sun duy Miss Zllna Steele, of Xenill, was afterno on. Mi ~9 .Tooi . nrlan taught ,rand c"rade arounel the streets ' a~ the gUelt of-KfA. William- Rogers, so 00 lCl~ ma ny yellrs &gO, when • rem nder: of their fete, Roxy the fi1'lt ot tho week, they were using th e old building . (Tuell) Tllylor, In gorgeou l hablllMr. Georgo Ball)" Qf Clnclnn at!, menta lead. the ' proce•• lon, and they aPent the FO\lrth at ttitl old homlate ad Mrs, Amunda Stan and lIli ~s Maare a goodly sight, The atmoaph ere In this plaee, bel, enterta ined with a family dinner qulvon with their melodY; they blow Mr. George Mannin gton, a Way. Sunday, honorin g the birthday 01 out aome of their' pretties t tunes: nesvllle boy, for the lut year Mias Margnr et Statr, of D nyton. they maroh and gounter ·ma,oh, tney been located has In Dayton, ' Nevada , Those present wera !\Iiss Margare t ob...... and go through aU manner where he il helping hia uncle, Mr. G. Starr Dnd Mr. and !\Irs. M, Ma· . of sinnoul .vQlutio n., led by tho bat. Likinll, another Waynes ville boy, thlas, of Dayton , Mr. and W. Mm. Chus, on of tbelr 'fanoltu l drum-m lljor, and In the'man agemen t of a qua\ltz mill, Gra)' and children, Robert, Alice, then an I. ClaIm, all pellc:e, until Their numero us frlenad bere will be Kathlee n and Wayne. the time arrlvel for the' people to ~appy to learn that the)' lire proaper . either, at the fete Ifl'ound . Inlt nicely. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs, ' 01' tbe dan Mr, J , E. Is e,njoying a A. R, Penny and Mr. and Mrs . .John Mr.· S. S. Haln,,' , baa ullful lawn Bhort sojournJanney with hil parents and Sharck entertai ned with a neighbo r· wu Iralb'. i\lulI)llUlted 1rChl nese sistel'll In Pendlet on, Ind. George hood party at the home of the f orlantem.; and Ule peopltl: " . d about Schnebl y and Harry Bushon g are mer, honorin g the 14th birthday s of In happy !poo,d .~~ng e boptha, rushing the busineas in Ed's IIbsence. MillS Evelyn Penny and William Shrack. The evening passed pleasantly with music, games and conver· aation, nnd deliciou s r efreshm ents of candy, ice cream. cake and lemonad e were served. Evelyn and William each received 8 number of nice gifts from their friends in memory of the day.



II." ,I)!; CATA Rnu

lI~ I ' ,J

Hu cc~!'I:'!(ully in t he lrunlm o nt u f v o u rend?" J) q n ' t .. ';nuu r h. you HC C lhut sign ~ 11 0 s\\'immi n ~ a l" AI,L'S CATAII Rn (' I:VE conlowed ? I om lioin l: t o nrre st yuu ~I B I Q o r an lJlnun..: nt ~IEDI whlett t,Julckly wh en you com~ o u t." fh'li,, \'es hy JOIIlI a ppttca lion. Clod t he

°H e re. he), e;

Mrs, R. H. J efferis is sufferin g with tonsilitis. ' Miss Chira Hatton , ot Cincinn ati, is home fo\'( a few daYII. Miss Lu cille Tucker is enjoyin g the Midland Grocer y com pany's annual outing. Dr. and Mrs, Will Oglesbe e, of Clevelsn d. arc spendin g some time in this vicinity. Mr. a nd Mrs. p, V. Reason, of Dayt on, ,isited their mothe r, Mrs, Sadie Renso n, Sunday. The M. E. Sunday· School held their annual picnic at Harmon park, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brown entertai ned Mr. and Mrs. Grooms and family, from Peebles , Sliturda y. Mrs. Karl Shidake r and children are visitin a her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerlon Frazer. in Dayton.


Phone ' No. 320

' I.' ~ '



Tn Pllrtllan ce of all1 order .. _pl~ the Probate Court of Warren Oountt. Ohio, 1 will oft'er for w" · at ~lIbW: auction on the '8rd 'lay': Of 'A:U:tulit, 1926, at 10 ,o'clock a. m., OIl tliia premise a in the Vmage Clf O~. Warren County", Ohio. the follOWing deseltibed real estate, altuate In the County of Warren , In the State 'o f Ohio, Being Lot No. Two, (2) as designa ted qn the origlnil lplat of the Town of Cotwin, in thn County aforesaid. The No. ,of the house tli.rec5n is - -, fnciJig Main Street. · Tbe nearest street on the ,South is Jo. Stl'ect; and tho nearel.t streei on tile north ia the W ~l1lea'rI1la and 1IJIt. veysbur g Road. Thu'II \a nil on the east. \ , Said real. estate hal: been .ppralla d In the lum of Elne. Hu~*M Dol. lan, and will Dot be 'lOlcJ for 1•• U*Il two thirds of laid' aPllnlMcl ftIue. , Terms of we are Clllih ta hiuiil on day of IIlle.



BAND CONCERT ALL DAY >:our. Dinne r and" Spend , an Enjoy able and Profit able Day Frien ds ,





F ,R EE '

'Given Unde r the Auspices of

W'M.ltEN .c.iointrv FARM ", LEBANON CHAMBER:· OF ,

"..: ' SUR!A1j'




Arran.. to atte~d the 8., C"'~uqua Fourt h of

Iu-, Nlaht

MillS Bernjce Hyman is visiting in Xenia. -

l\Ir~. lllrencc Mendenhall was a Daylon lsilor-, Th ursday.

c ...e~.I:'.,~s .......... :c: ......




at er

A groat- d ul of complaint 1111 ' b(l II by citizons of thi ~ town i..nrogard t o cut-out. ' Cln U\uchin's ill th ' A11·s. Lidll mith is visiting (riends city Iill1itR. N1illuncc Nt . 10 7 IIUSBill Wuynesville lind vicinity. unci!, n April i, cd hy till.! ity l!l21i, whi ch rcmls ns fo l1 ow~ . will ~ W. N.• curs \vu: in Lebanon, on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Puce. uf Co- h c rcaft~r b ' Rtricliy ohsen ·od.: hu ~in '!'~ . ' 'J'hul' ~ r\IlY . lu mb u.., visited friends here last week S eti on I- All cut ' OUII .h.1I be l'nl~ed


Mis Emma oo k, of Dllyton, is the Mr. O. W. Hlk milLon, of Duyton , ill dO led with in th e corporation limita g uest of Dr. lIlnry Qvk. v i ~ it illir his sist er, Mrs. Amanda Muf- of W.yneovillc, Ohio . litt. Section 2- Any penon viol. ting ~fl' . lind MI't'. Glcn n Bord en spent thi. ordft..ance Iha ll be fin ed in Sun,lay nt th e Soldiers Homo, Doy ton . MIS. Luella F'cmce spent n part of IU8t I week in n wit h her son, any l um not exceedin, Twenty -/iv" ($25 .00) Dollara and the COlt of the Mrs, ~ t C l ai r FiCe, ne(> Lillilln WiI· FI'cd. kl'l'>;tOn , of Wilming'tun. is ol'riously prole cution . ill. Mi ~8 ' urnh l\1iosil dine is at Indilln THIS ORDINAN CE WILL BE ' 1'lIk ~ , th e g Ul's l uf lJr. AlcxllIIder lind · POSITIVELY ENFORCED AFT ER MI'. Gc I'~C OI! I l'~b('p . of Onyt on, fanll ly. . \' i ~ i l f'( 1 rdllti\'Cs in Way nesvi lle, Tues DATE OF THIS ISSUE, JULY 1. .IllY. Miss Hazel Griffy . of ,p ring Val- 1925. T. K HOGI::H . ~III Y lll· . ley WU K the week-end g u c ~ t uf Miss L. A. ZimmCI'IIIIIII. ('\cl'k. ~I rs. Eliznbeth IJ pB chey. 0 f Leu a- Luuise Crune. nnn. is now d"ll1icil~d nt thc Friend. Home. Mrs. C. W. Hende r"ttu, Miss Kathlee n lind Mr. Georg''' Henderso n were Mr. nnd Mrs. Adnm 1I1 clloh lind shopping in DUl/ton, Friduy. childrl'n, W!! rO in II l1mi lton, Sund uy n fll·m oon. Mr. lind Mrs. C. C. Watkins, of ChilMr. und 1\11". Edt! LoII )!IIC It· lind licothe, are vil!iting MrH. Watkins' fll nlii y spnn l. Sunda y in Cincinnll t. i. 1IIi"" Knthryn Inrk Icft. Sun dllY, mo th,' r, Mrs. Mame Hatfield . for A reun. Wisconsi n, to visit a colBorn- To Mr. lind Mrs. Clill' BurI c ~c fri en d. Misses JenniE!, Joscphine nnd Eliz- nett. Sund uy , JUli e 2il, a dllug hter. abet h Reeves and Miss Grace Parrish Evcrcll li:arly ond so n, Robcrt a nd Mrs. MYl' r Hyman nnd so n, Bobby, spl!nt today in Wilmington. Eli Russell, were Xe nia visitors , Monnrc 'pe nd ing n f~w dny. with r elatives day. in Lebanon. Misses Mary Thomas and Esther The fine rains the Plls t week wel'e Hendelson were guests ot Mrs. Harry welcomed by the farm t' rs in this scc1111'. Harold Zimmerman. of Pharr, Turner, of Dayton, lut Thursdny. Texas, spent last week with Mr. and ti on. Mrs. W. S. Graham. Mrs. Charles J ohns hns bcen Hick Mra. Harry Williamson is touring Yel\owstone PSlrk. in company with th e pnst week. but is improved nt \I1 es~rs . Kenneth Kilhon and Rue Dr. Lee Cooper and family, of Day- this time. Dlnwidrlie, of Daytn n, wet'c Waynes- ton. . Mr. ant.! lIfrs Charles l\IidtUC'Ln n, vilie visiLors, S un dny. of Duyton , visited the Intter 's sister. Mr. and MI'II. H. V. Walter and Mr. Mrs. Emma Fou lk s, Sunt.!ny. Mi ss Frances Janney, who has been andMI'II. Dan 'Walter, of Lebanon, attending school at Trenton, N. J., Ipent Tuesday IBvening with relatives Mrs. Liz zie Smith return ed to hel' arrived home, Sunday. home In Dayton, TuesrlllY, a fter vishere. iting her sist er , Mrs. Charles Joh ns. Mr. nnd Ml'!!. George Larrick, of IIIrs. Susan Sayl or and sons, of Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Jordan and Mr. Leban on, wer e guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kemp a!le attending the reun- Spring Valley , wer e Sunday dinner J. C. Hawke. last week. ion at te O. S . • S. O. hODle. Xenia, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham. this week. Mr. EarneRt Rogers' lof Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles P~nnewit und spent the week-end with his parents. Minee Winifl'ed and Beatrice Crad. children, of ncar Sp l ' in~ Valley, were Mr. and IIlrs. Elmer Rogers. dock and Elizabeth Snyder. of Day- Sunday dinn er g ucsts or Mr. and Mrs. ton, visited Mr. and Mra. L. D. Chilee Frank Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney. who Iallt week. Dr. H. II. Hcrman cntertained a spent the past two weeks at Kingman. number of Dr.yton fri cads, Satlll tillY, r eturned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 'Charlel Middleton. to a 6-0'cll'c k dinncr at Ruth-Mcrillm Mr. and MI'II. Earl Middleton and t Born-To Mr. and MrIL Cliff Bur- daughter, of Dayton, were guests of farm. south of here. nett, of Route 5. Sunday, Jun. 28. Mr. Walter Elzey and family, Sunday. The Qua tedy Meeti ng of Spring1925, a daughter, Elizabeth Sue. bo 0 nnd Lytl,: eha l'l\" S WII S held at Lightning struck a sycamore tree Springboro, Su nday even ing. SerMr. and Mrs. Clllr ·LeFevre. of during the storm early Monday morn- mll n by Dr. Roberts, th e t.!istrict suWest Carrolton, were guests of Mr. fng. near the h()me of Mr. and Mrs. perintendent. . and 11m. George Hartlock, Sunday. J. E. Fruier. shaking them up qui te Mr. nnd Mrs. Kesler Grahllm and " bit. dnughter, Bernice, in company with Mr. and MJ'a. J. M. Keys. MR. HacMr. lind Mrs. Carl Albright. wer e Sun gie Burnet and MillS Addle B. Keya Rev. and M!'18. Crampton, of ?ttL dny dinn er guests of Mr: and Mrs. were Dayton vlsitol'll. last Thunday. SterUnc. were week-end guests of J ohn Myers, at Belmont. Mra. Marne HaUield and sons. On Mr. lind Mrs. H. M. Clark enterMillS Mary Louise Zimmerman r . Sunday they aIR attended an aU-dny turned home. FrIday. after a vWt ot meeting and basket dinner at Beth- tained to 6-0'clock dinner. Sunday, Mr. Earl Clnrk' and lady friend, Mr. sever!ll weeb with nlatlvea. In Clev ... any church, near Lebanon. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Morrell Whalen and daughter. Margaret. Mrs .G. D. Mills, who h.. been very ill for several week •• returned trom Mr: and Mrs. Clyde Wharton and the Blair hospital at Lebanon, laat Eva and Meriam, and Those ancient peopl es who, it is daughters. Friday. _ Miss Velma Smith were entertai ned thought built Fort Ancient and other to dinner, Sunday, at the home of Mr. Two students from Hiram college; earthworks throughout Ohio long be- and Mrs. Lee Gr('Qthouse, in Dayto n, spoke at the Christian church, Sun- lore the American Indian inhnbited the occasion being I'n honor of Mrs. ~ day .morning, In the interest of the these regions, were subject to the Wharton 's birthd ay. !> same ills as. the peoples of todny, it college. seems. Dr. Hugh Means. of ColumMr. and Mrs. H. M .Clnrk nt'e en, bus, after an investigation of more Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Janney, and than 500 skele\;ons of these ancient tertllining th e latter's so n and wife, Mr. ant.! Mrs. J. C. Hawke attended tribes. most of them the property of Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Whulen nnd th e Engle reunion at Wichester, Ind .• the Ohio State Archaelogical and dllughter, Margnret. of Chicago. Mr. Whalen will soon leave for the East Sunday. , lIistorical Museum. says they had in- and Mrs. Whalen ' and dnughtcr will fected teeth, which in turn gave them remain here for II couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Coleman, of rheumatism and other diseases; that Norwood. were guests Thursday night they were afflicted with rickets and and Friday. of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. with tuberculosis and other ailments. Coleman. He finds in his investigation with the aid of the X-ray that these people Dr. J. T. Ellis, Mr. Frank Shidaker often set broken bones with a fair and Masters Roy and Irwin Ellis, left degree of accUJrBcy and with considMonday, on 8 camping trip through erable succe88. the East.

Sa ve Your Food with a

Glacier Refrigerator /

Quarter Sa wed Oak Finish White Enamel Food Cabinet Relieve the intense heat ' in your kitchen with a good Coal Oil or Gasoline Stove. We ha ve a complete stock of


Who says "We Stand Back of This Tire?" Next time you hear a tire dealer say that, ask yourself; "II he responsible?" We are. "II he in permanent business here?" We are. "J:?oel he give real service?" We do. (CHal he ,ot a genuine quality tire to stand back of1' ...., We have-Goodyears. . . .. ~.~

Get Our, Prices I

Waynesville Motor Co. Phone 105

Waynesville, Ohio

Sears & Cartwright Insurance and Public Sales



'We Specialize on Good Service Property insured with ua is placed in the very Strongest Companies, at the &arne rates charged by weak ones. Property aold by us at Auction is sure t~ bring ita value, and the amount. of Dollara and Cents is what counts.

Office, Aman Bldg. . 'Phone 61··2 Waynelville, Ohio



Florence, Quick Meal, New, Perfection, Red Star Stoves from $7.00 up The new

Kitchen-Kook Pressure Gasoline Stove IS

giving wonderful satisfaction. A demonstration will prove it.


Hardware. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

: .....................................



,.............. L

, f


---_.- ..---

Ancients AfHicted


lOXley-paCe Drug Co.

I Phone .113 Waynesville, Ohio , ..._... ..........._............ ........._....







--_... ..---

THAT'S 1rHt COUNTRY Mr. F. Weisbrodt and son, of Sardinia, Mrs. J.D. M~18tt and Mrs. "Ah- in the East--in tha 'wide Sarah Murray spent today at Camp open' places where men are menLinger Longer. dlSnking bootleg-sind the women D;" and Mrs. W. E. Oglesbee. who ·also have their necks shaved." are ca mping near Harveysburg, were supper guests of Mr. lind Mrs. George ARE YOU A COMEDIAN? Hartsock, Sunday.

• IN RAILROADING ~ananas ~,,:::~;:pe fr~it.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 c The completion of the new Chicago

Union station marks a notcwoxthy ac_ compli shment in the history of important engineel;ng undertaking~ , from which travelers from all parts of the United States will deri\'e pleas• ure and benefit. The station is without doubt one Bulk 5 pound . .....: .. .. " .................... of the tlnest ant.! most! cfficiently dell.8 signed railroad terminals in the world. SaCk ..............'''.'''' ......... ".............. ".. ".....~ .......... It forms a vital link in the realizaThree smiles one grin; Mrs. S. J. Burgan and Mr. and Mrs. tion of the " Chicago City Beauti'ful Three grins one laugh; B. C. Poole. of Cincinnllti, were SunPlun." Simplicity .accessibility and day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cart- Three laughs, one fat movie contract. con\'enhl[!Ce for the traveling p ublic wright and family. are the essential virtues pf the new terminal. Rest and recreation rooms SHORTS A.ND MIDDLINGS Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton visticket offices, barber shop, dining ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews, In rooms, storos of various kinds, and Says SamIt; never rains but what Wnpakoneta last week, returning to used a second time. When folded almost e\'ery convenience known to their home. Sunday. travelers, ate to be found on the one The Home of the Blue Ribbon Creamery a good rubber will not crack. level, no steps to climb. The main station is a low monuSave your old oarpets and rugs Fewer hogs than in 16 yeai'll are and .get Rugs made. ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' 'Send for "Wearwelt" price list. Franklin Rug now fed by Ohio farmers according mental type of building with a row 'of massive columns of classic design to the State Fed eral crop report. along the entire east front. Once inCo .• Franklin. Ohio. A continued June drop and frolt t~e tr~~eler tlnds himself in a Mra. Mary Hugg and two daugh- damage promise a ahort apple crop for glgantt~ walttng roo~ .more th~~ 100 ters, of Detroit. spent last week w th farmers in centr'a l and northern Ohio. , feet hIgh, and ~rllhant1y lighted l.i•. ____ through skylights In the gl'Cqt arch her aunt, Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall, Red clover ill setting seed in the ceiling. Colonnades inclose the room, returning home Friday evening. first erop because of the recent long' the walls of which are patterned after Miss Selma Gross. of South Bend dry spell say farm experts at Ohio the .ar~hitect!lre of ancient Rome. .. ""..;f........................ Ind.. and Miss. Bertha Hyman. of ·State university. Bordering thIS' room are . the ult~~Freah rendered, lb . .. .. " 2 I Xenia. were guests of Mr. and Mrs ' , e~mplete passenger t;erml'!al faclhMyer Hyman and family. last week. • 'Says Sam-It never hins but what t1l!s. An mnoyation In ralIway. ter. It pours, but a promise of com In the JIImal desig~ 18 a conference ro?m .. :" ...... ....... " .. crib !a worth more than proapective accommod~nl!'. 125 peo1lle. which Freacla ., ,, .......·,, ................. .. ... . S Me88rs. ~. ~ . r~Neil and W. N. coma anywhere In tact the1'e !a no' Is available, Without charge, to patCoal prices are advancing, July lst, but in or· cars were In 1 ml!lgton. Tuesday. c mpari80n ' . t{)ns of the Union Station lines for the auctIOn sale of an- o . conferences and other meetings. der to clean out our present stock of coal, to make c~nducting. tlqu~ fUlnlture tor Albert Starbuck.: , To give soml' .ide{l of the .immenslty of the new stati9n. it may be staroom fo .. shipments coming, we will make the ... Mr;" Leslie Compton. of Camden: ted that the m~in building covers an area of about three acres with a con_ (ollowin" ~. and Mrs. Leslie Bam.s ana • course coverin.,. 60,000 ftquare feet. daughter. of Eaton. Mrs. F. J. EpI . and lon, Paul. of Sprlnc Valle" vii- ~. . The entire terminal facilities cover lted Mrs. G. D. MillS. Sunday. more than 35 acre~ and will expedite the proJllpt and satisfactory handling sp••••ttl 'or 'Needl... , : .. of 60,000 passengers. 400 tons of Mi88 Emma Heighway entertained : baggage ' and 800 trains dally with a t6 o'cloclc dinner on Thursday ev- , • room fon future expansion. Fifteen ening, Mr. and MI'II. E. V. Bamhan, • Pocahontas Run of M.lne, only acrea of glass. were used in tlie variMrs. Emma Bamett, and Mn. Frank ous coyerings over the train sheds. L. Taylor. of San Francisc:o. Cal. which extend marl,! thaq 1200 feet $4.75 Kentucky Lump • er., to cDnIt, • beyond the main structure. A ' toA beautiful teature ot the ..rvlea at : _ ' car. Wbtn yoJr .: tal of ·17.000 tons of litructural steel. $4.50 ~t. M'!ry's . e hun!h:·last Sunday mOfJlKentuckyE" ~""'T u..ILI 175.000 cubic feet of Indiana lime. • mg was a flute . solo by Mr. Thomu • F~tter. of Springfield. Mr. Fetter ,, ' battery ........ , stone andused 10.000 cubic 'f eet .buil~ing of gran$5.00 . Island Creek Lu~p • • J'OUt tdepbaoe . , : jte we~e ih J,he station wtlI ren er u 8010 again~ext Sunday. • • I In concourse. . The foundatIOn conAll ' prices at our yard-delivery 7Sc: per ton extra We"llltDd , man arourd I siats of 449 cylindtical concrete piers . M~8 . . Edith ' Harllie MI'II. Laura I with a .. .·batJaY CO : :from four to ten feet in diameter. Mosher. Mr. Harria Mosher. Muter • III ..tWI 'y oun» •. reaching to a .depth of more than 60 Hawke, and Mn. Frank 'I.. : . ;i:!!lo'~ the l~vel ~f the , Chlcag~ ' ot Fra~o, CU., ,...n. : . IlelncncbaiFl ~ I' ~tl,nalay of Mf. P. C•.HUtaoek ut. on all ., . Those who have{ had the privUege Mlltord. . ~pXct. of inspecting the new station pro- . i' . . , nounce It a marvel In terminal con. -~ Meal'll. E. M. Oxley. N. P. Jorde, I FOR MLE 'BILLS :AND' GUu.U. struction-and lire u~ng their friends Ro¥, M. B. Hay. Lon Carter I I" to see it on thelr··next vlalt to ChiPRII'<JTINQ. CALL THE GADn&. ' Wilbur Maftltt and Thomu Pierce. cago. the local Jr. O•. U A. M. attendld The lltation III used jointly by ' the lodge at Spring Vaney lut Thunday . •. Pennsylvania ~Ilroad; Ollic:alo. MilCLASSIFIED ADS. PAYS THE AD. evemnlr. Five· candidate. were hi!. 1lA.'I"I".:Y. " waukee" St. Paul ny.; Chicago..!. Burtiated. A decree statr from Dayton _ ...Iington .. Qulnq R7., and the ublc:a. VERnsn 1100 THAll A IIUJI put on the ~ork.

is just around the corner. It will not be cOlJlplete without Fireworks. We have them and, usual, our. price. are reason·able. We have a good line of

New otatoes SUGAR

. _.


. . . .. . . . _ 20c 30c $1.s4


Fireworks and Fire Crackers

F. E.




£~!!!~ e!:!~~~. .23c ~!:~~~u,•. LaaL. 5C .




••...•.•.•..•... j.....·-', '.

Bargain Prices Good Until July 8th

or Until Our Present Stock is Exhausted $4.25


J. '



a ,




J.W~I; 1~~


DoHy . . Cake

cit .. .






aYaeSviIIe.faDners'fxcliange Co.

'j .- :.l!!'1 ..

Mello""s' .G arage

:· &61 ' . 0 ...





J c!ii •


- ,3d:.

;:;.;;.:;:. ~ lit " '


Yf;aur ord'e r in at once, .,: our lupply is limited . .' . '. ... .


"Altoa RJ.






... Seventy·Seventh Year

By Artl....


The A~jcultuJ'al department lIhows that in 11124 the farmers averaged .. profit of 21 cents a bushel on wheat and 28 cents a bushel on corn. Many loat money on every bUBhel, others made more thlln the Ilvearge. I · Fanners that raised potatoes on tbe average actually AlIt money, and would been beWr off -U they hadn't planted a potato. . A rood wheat 'peculator, knowing that the pl"OllperouI claM wanted Ln Follette badly beaten, and was 110 lure to put up the Porice of whe.t, A!ould oalily buy a million bushell of ",beat early ill the eampaign. and sell It at a profit of one thouaand dollan.

lifo man can rueu ... hit power ~ .peak well over tbfl' radio may mean )lUI'll to come. . The odler niehl bridCe. p.rtles 1.ld down tUb' cardl, women on fa~B .topped the late cleaning up of dishes their h~banb came In from evenin~ cborea ot thousands lis~ ened to th~ Pre.ident·s clear, Incisive matter of faot voice, dlsculSing in pIaln lohlon the importanqe of na·tiooltal eeonomiu and la),iIIg down, to the aatJafaUlon of every hearer, the Ilmple truth that th~ jlt!ople'. money belonga to the PEOPLE.



It waa ..... innovation wlaea WDU6-


Wilson, so perfectly drellle.4, droy. t.o the Capitol and talked di· rect tD Nnaton, repreaentatives, the SUD~ CDllrl .nd others. r·WDn.derl'UJ .udlence," the world all Bui It WAI IW .lIdlcnce at compand tD Ute v..~ multitude that ....,., PMJdeD~ CeQlili.e talk direct to t.Iu p ' p'e 01 tU, VnJteJl .states.


Proof th.t tbe complete .oet,,~.e pf. .. IN!dernwoman, including 4reu, itocl9nP• .shoes and underwear, may w8~b at little as 24 OUnces causea t.he vlrtuo.... "' ,I1'leve. But, evC!n as WDIMD in be, ebanglng moodl cuts 1)1 !J.r d~ lli tDp ."d bottom, there may be com ton. Tb.e Jow-necke4 dtia js partially ju.UIIM P)' ~hls fact toO lWbii!b . YO,u r doctor will t,.tiIy: C.tnur Jlt;tAcp women more ' plten tba.Q Jll4!Il, .Bud ,can,cer of the· b~..t, dre.B.<ltlllly frequ~t in .ciVillaeci coun. t.r i til, II quit,e unkribwn aniong female .... V.lJ'il1l ~ lII'jlar no cJothillg above dae waist. SuJlllbinjl seems tp "'eep • tAnc?r ••.,.. • 1


Is 'I/.• It ~,... "almost to CIt" Pofe," and it the 'Ive.s .and can ~. "tJ\~ money, Jte \v!\l . tart agaip. HJ,t ~itibI\ Js to lie . the only loman t~t IlVeT ~too.a "on both tops o~ tbe ~d8eD


' III English eo~J mjnes, IDCchani~ totters and corrlj!J'S of COlli are dnv-

, lair Pllt men by tlJe tho~and8. "'The tr)lth shall let you tree," says the Bible. Science IS t1Ill trutl!, .nd . 70U reaUze what acience hall done to 1Ii¢ humans free when you look a~ jliq;urell D1. women that used to work' ill English eoaJ mines, crawling on~jr ban~ and IInI!8I1 through tbe DArrOW 'plUlllag~, a.Q it'pn chain· arDlind tJlelr nec\ul, P.lltllin,g Jlnger' their bodlit and taat4!lIed /l ~mall CD.l ear. Turn trpm tJlat ple~. of • WDmman PIIWnlr coal on bIn hinds IU)d b _ tp a modllrn mllel!.nllai ~oal earrier, Jnl)ved by e\&!cpicity,


Election of officers was the outstand'ing event of tho second , dny '~ s ~ss i o n of th e three·day r~ ul1l o n of till' A ~soc iuti n n of Ex-Purll. o f t h(, Ohio Soldiers' und Soilors' O rph e n ~ home. Xenia. la st week. . MrR. Anna Noble Garver. chief matron of the home. was elected preside nt of th e associution. O t h e~ .. ffle ers elected were Harry! of Fremont first vice-president; Wilham Ke mp df Waynesville, second vlcepre~id'ent · Grace Shroades Snyder , "f Co lumbu~. secretury; Alice McN~bb Ohecn ot Dayton. corres pondl!lg secre ~ry. a nd Oliver Devore. of LClpsic, treas urer . The executive committee elect.;d is composed of William Thrashe~, ~III cinnat! . Dr. George Lnmpe, Cincinnati; M~. Mable Ryan Ki1patri~, of Columbus, and Mae Houck, of MUlmisburg. Six of the ten persons known to be living who were among the flr~t children adrpitted to the home. In 1869. were present at the yeunwn. Mr. Wm. Kemp. of Wayne Ville, WDB one of the six.

---... - ..- - -

GAVE SHOWER fOR FRIEND MillIS Dulaney Carter, Mrs. Joh~ McKnight and Mrs. Wm. Ecton, til New Burlington, gave a miscellam:ous shower at the. home of Mrs. Mc(Cnlght Tuesday afternoon, June 29th, from 1 to 6, for Miss Gladys Scott. the ac· complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, of Xenia , who will be· come the bride of Mr. Ira D. Reid, of New York City, in early October. The house was very pretty ...ith pink and white decorations. · A dl']jeious three-course lunch was lIerved to the following guests : MillIS Gladys Scott, Mrs. Charles Sj:ott, Mrs. Minnie NeD, Mrs. Clarence Calomon, MTlI. Lester LaneJ.. all ot Xenia; )ll'!l. DaiBY N8l!h, Hn ucneva White, ot New Burlingtoq; Mrs. Ben Jameson, of Wilmington; and Mrs. Ethel Ellla, ot Wa~". Mias Scott was the reQiplent ot many beautiful and useful presents.

-----_ --...

Feature Program The varieties and culture of grapes will have a large place in the pro· gram. for the annual Orcb~ Day at tbe Ohio Agricultural Experiment S~tion at Wooster, Flliday, August 21. F . E, GJodwin, of t~e New York Experiment Station, WlII speak on cultural facts of grape growing, and the Station vineynrd of 80me 1 25 varieties will pe .at its best for inspectipn. Professor Gladwin's Ilddress will be baaed on yeaI'!! of personal observa. tion and experimentation. He Is a frequent contributol' to fann journals and is tile author of several bulletins on sn-ape culture. Station authorrjties have cholen him lUI the chief speaker b~eause they believe he is thoroughly qualifled to discuBB the whole subject of grape growing. T.he Station vin eyard of 125 varieties wlll oaer an excellent opportunity to ~tudy varieties and cultural methods. Other features of the meeting will be a talk on peach culture. and a study of the e:lperiments on pruning, spraying, .0 rCbard ·. culture, polliniza. tion, ringing and other work of the Station.


---- ...--.,.--

Good. Y,°eld of Wheat J. C. Hawke bad the honor of be. ing the first man to tht:esh' in this vicinjty. He bad out about three acres at his home, and it yielded about 67 % bushels ~o tlie ,,~e, •


First and Exclusive Pictures of California Earthquake

up • lot 01 1Il0001l1toea' old' awimmin' hOI.. 'W:::~d , other breedllag 01 ..

Here .rs two remarkable pIetww, MIlt ' by telelfl'llllh. ., the rutla III Santa Darbara, CalJ!.. calWllll by the earthquake. At the len, the photo .how. the rulna of the tamoGl ArlIDct- Hotel, alJDHt - " pletely wrecked. AJ the n,ht-. .... 01 State Stnet-priDdpal buineea . &ho~ it &ooad ... . hour tM qualra.



' ~. . of the mODe~tha~ President Coo~ aDd Been _Mellon are IVUtC $0 ave IIIlaht w be spent ~

Larkin•. Haydock

j,, '~a.&- d...... d.e118 a.Qd DA U~ s.m'; rreat farm,

as . . .

---_._ ..- - -

Ford Truck Week The conti nj:: wee k has been designated as Noti onn l Ford Tru ck week. a nd the Wayn e vill e Moto r Co., locn l 8 U ' thorzied den Iers, huvc arr anged . b keep their' sho\\' rooms oprn evcry eyening du r ing the wcek RO that nil IlIUY have . on OIlP r~un it y t o talk t rucks. The business ma n or Carm er wh o is inter eRted ill reducing hauling costs, will hove the op portun ity this week of beao ltlin g fully acquain te d with those Ford built truck·bodi es 'which, because of t.b e economies oC Ford qunntity production, nrc offer. ed at low prices.


Il .....



rteOIl. °is

':, ltb~' that t to ~ Dn:-=I~e Br1tt":"h iJi~:~raeci

· , . .,

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aJl~ 'fb"

~Brr~"'d the Ilglo ~::a.!«'HI~=:um'fo~:h lrCI:~ UtJ.' ~T1fb the . United 'durin. tile ,,".k Satarday

fUJt,put,. su&;~"'Thilt .. Pod; But' w~y are ~fter:oon u.~y :relit ~ the Warren A ..· ... . . . . :ea.latetl "''IA HAt over to ·epunty ' fall~unda and ' he!pld~ to

~i aa;,,"antet

make the celebration ot the Q~rlou., {Fourth ·'u:._ . Sou 40'" jCltD!e back 01'1 SUbD IY a rn oon . • . Ito &eat the Dayton ~,. col ore d . ". •. '~.m, 8 to 6 at Fl:asler I parle. -elllbe- of ~"e M. E. SundayOwjq to .the .~nanh ot; the oppo· · • •• '.,ent S t Urei·th lI'ifle j,&IIatartthe School board I very pleuant· sltlon. the a v.nina' .t th. 1I0me 'ot Ifr ·and Mrs better of.tbe two. th tag th BOUCh 'at tbe ,ed game' under fa erafter .. ou _nDe=tl~.. 81 n cI CI inlf·tpfs condItion.. Shortly noqn,III°An n' .ul aty·r:aaooplanned to . a h.rd rain ftbode!l the. dJamond. aDd . - ......>: pen c t' .• ~ • -, ,three of the b0711 conclualn, that · ~\. beld ~t ~~!l~, ,there would be no iame. CiaDIe,



~ ~.


." -'~ .s. S-\'8 oarei'. tt~e Eatert.i"..

I .


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.ea:. Ii b~eu ..

H PO A E AB ~ 0 0 0 0 Pendergast, ct ......2 1 0 1 1 Weller, cl ............2 2 1 2 Q E. Burton, ......... .6 0 Gons. Sb .... ......... .4 1 ~ ~ 0 H. Burton. 0 .. ....... . 6 0 0 satterthwaite, Ib .. 6 0 1 1S 1 1 Kln.woMh, 2b ... ... 6 1 2 6 0 Shuler I'f .. .. .......... 11 9 1 0 0 'A d.m" p ..... ......... 4 1 4 1 0 H. Orsborn, If.... _ Total ' . 41 6 16 27 10 Il ..... ... .... .. SOUTH LEBANON AD 'R H PO A E Reddick, It .......... 3 0 0 :Wilson, I' .... .. .... .... 4 0 0 2 0 Roll, 2b ..... ... .. .. ..4 O . 1 0 0 Cox, cf .............. .. ..4 1 0 ~ Girton, lb ....... .. . ..4 0 1 9 0 0 Decker, 18 ....... ..... 2 0 0 2 8 1 Whtflcre, rf ........ 8 0 1 0 02 00 South, c .... ............ 8 0 0 6 2 1 Arnold, 8b ........ .... 0 -1 -1 - . - 8 -..: . Totale ........... ... 30 1 4 27 12 2 . . . , .' . . 1 '2 8 4 6 6 7 . 8 .9-



~~~~ ~ !


ly the exact time of the real damag. ing upheaval. St. Frllncis hospital walls split, tottered and fell just as "Burry" Rod· riquez was being born. Doctors and nurses stayed with the mother. The room in which they were was spared. Mother and child are doing weU. naquel, a dtay laborer, was restle.. and could not sleep. He arose early - leaving his .dobe home at 6 :90 •. m. Fifteen. IlIllnutes later hi. houtlle was as lIat as a smooth dime-the bed crushed. . The Santl,l Barbara jail crumbled &II so much paper. One of the prisoners was thrown out of his cell--and to freedom. He ' searched until he found tbe Shlerift'-and turned bimself back in. Vundalia CBlIter, of BurlfligtDn, Iowa, maid to Ml'II, Chl1.l'lee E .. Per· kins of the same place. was rung for by her mistress just as the qu"ke cam e. As she started to open the door- ihe swuying walls slammed it it in her face. She kicked it open just as the outside walls f ell, the 800r breaking off la foot from where she stood---and she saw Mrs. Perkins, bed and all, dashed downward . She says she knelt and prayed. Mrs. Perkins was killed. John Desbrow, nig ht watchman at the Arlington hotel (pictured above) expressed in five words the reason for DB few C8llualties, considering the extent of prolperty damages when he said, after being asked what happened: "I ran like everythlng- outside. " One r oom was left on th e third Roor of a MElin Street building. It stuck up likel a church spire. The only occupant was n small black and \\'hite Scotch terrier pup. He attracted Ilttention by hie howls for help--and he kept it up until rescued.

---- ----:.;---


That alfalfa or clover hay fed with corn to dairy heifers produces good j!'rowth and favor's early matUrity, was shown by rece nt feeding tests at the Ohio AI~rioultural Experiment Station. In the tetlts continued through two wlnten, aifalfa hay and corn were ted to ono lot of Holstein Jersey heifers and clover hay corn to a .imillar lot" Witho\lt otller f"eil both Iota m.a de more than averag. normal growth. Alfalfa h.y . did ilof prove greatly Ruperlor to clover ha,y_ tor growth when fed liberally witli corn but it did prove superior to clover bay for fattening. or gain In weight. The teata ehowea that efther alfalfa or 'clover h.y fed with corn fomfshea sUf.Hctent protein and other euentlal materials to produce an excellent growth. In these .nd other

g g ~~r~~!~)'~tnb~~e~tatfon.

\ tholdlng the' oppolllUpD to -foll1' hi... Earned' ~~~Mi"miamla,,_4'8' S uth three of 'whleb were rather .1Iulcy Left on _I--JII W, . , 0 • and wo~d ' h&. . had .. rictilJ-:d.lierv:d lLebanon, II. .t 'Chrlatlu T.-.iIer: Ihut-ou~ but for on.' untortua~te . Double plaJ-Roll to GlftD~ the 'horne wobble 1D.:lIIJ 'l'IiIa Oll• 11ft. Bobert qrou .t Ta:: l. . . OJ. JII'J and at baL tbae. lO1IIe Strlic1c' 0&-1Iy WIlaoD, 6, b)' Ad· pHted L D.lIILL8. South Lebanon .. woald t --"':'1 ho1U' and 80 ' ball for what ......... fo b.... -u8 . 0._ • . ul P mina . , . au.OalcUg ht. ... witb.,~* II a ___ I . .




.u: . :I:!~!~~h:u.~~II\Jiia!, 2~~

2tJ:.. !t~ t::ilr:::- -: ro:e.rtr.'A:rd A ....., l!w~r! :,~ ::'urt. C., Sec',_ .

.. 'lftlJ_ • .u_.

~ 'hIt..!l!e~. 1Ilaml:........ ~t~th'~ o~W ~.... U.~ltIl=;.:0r-

... -.....


T ehWoman's Foreign Missionary society niet at · the hom e of Mr s. Charles Gra y. on Wedn esday afterThe meeting noon, J uly I, 1925. was opened by a beauti f ul select ion on t ite Victrola. Mrs . Lillian Milia had cbarge of the devotionals, and read a pnrt of the 10th Chapter of John, followed by prayer. The minute~ of the last meeting were read and approved as read. A number of packages for the Mission. ary Christmas box' were received. Ml'lt Vandervoort. Mrs, Anna Mooma~ and Mrs. Amelia Whit!) were appointed to look atter pncklng and sending the box. Mrs. Charles 1\1. Hough, Mrs. Burton Earnhart and MillS Rachel Pettit wero named as a nominating committee Cor election of officers to be held at t he August meeting. MI'II. Moomaw gllve a very interesting reading. A motion was DIode and carried that the aoclety send suffi. cient money with the Christmas box to bear expense of duty on the hox. The Queen Es ther girls then gave a very interes tin g playle t, entitled, "Christm as a t II Misslonllry Station, in China." We thell adjourned to meet the first Wednesday in Aug ust with Mrs. Madden, and di spense with the program and have a "covered dish sup. per." with the husbands, as guests. During the soci al hour delicious reo freshmen ts, consisting of ice cream, cake and pu nch \ve re served by the hostess and her a ss istants. MRS. JOaN WHITAKER, Sec'y. -.


MASONIC NOTICE Reg ular co mmunication of Way. n esville Lodge No. 163 F . &. A. M., Tuesday cvening , .July 14. Sojourning bre thre n und visitors ar e cordially we lcome. G. ,T. WATERHO USE, W. M. F. B . H E NDERSON, Sce'y.

Th e Good Cut Clothing club met July I, at t he ho mc of t ho leader. Mrs. Ken neth Hough. . ix of the melllh cl'B were abse nt, b ut the g roup W it" l'1I1lt rgvd by three visitors. Duri ng the 'busin ess se~ sion the clu b decide d t hnt each me mber would earn fl fly cent-s to p ut in the treasury f or necessary expenses. A permanent socinl commi ttee was also appoin ~d by th e lead er. Some letters fro m l\liss Kizer r egardin g a club bann er . club yells a nd t he composing of a new fo ur-H club so ng. were read and di sellssed. The lead er inspected the articles being ma de. Delicious ,refl' e's hments were served by the host ess. Mrs. H. B. Earnhart then sang several pretty selections. Th e nex t meeting will be held July 16, at the M. E. chur ch.

- - -...

- ---....

DEATHS Mrs. Mnry J. Sollers, 88, died at her home, 42 Hess street, Dayton, Sunday evcnin g. She had been in fa iling heal th f or several years. For a ti me prior to mov ing t o Dayton she Jived in Spring Vllll ey. Funeral ser. vices wer e held a t th e r es idence at 2 o'clock Wednesday .afternoon, in charge of the Re v. C. H. Larue, pastor of Raper church. The body was takan to Spr ing Valley for burial immediately thereafter.

S tate. Capital •


Prepared by Colu m bus Report er



OLU,\II:I US. OHIO - The u ~ ual tulk of lin cxtl'O session of the legiMlnLure ha s been starte d this year nnd hns hnt! "hout liS mu ch r enl valu.e li S it gener·all y hus, and not a bit ITIMe. The only di tl'e r encc between th e talk lhis yen !" a nd othe r yea r s is thAt it 1 1Il ~ been sta rted rath er ,·arlicr Th l' rc arc alwuys in terests ~v hic h 'fuv nT the ret urn o f the legisItltur(' . If lhey r etur n t hey must com e of Lheir (lwn acco rd ". no ndjo ul'nnr cnt was taken, but both bra nches are merely in recc~s . Gove rn or Donuhey might be a ble t o cull the m, but if he did he would take all the respo nsibility f or any thi ng that occ urred during th e session, and he has the r eputation 0 f moving to o cautiously f or anything like that. There are a gr eat many complications in the law regarding tho t snle of license tags for 1926. Auto owners won't r eali ze this until the" try to secure the new brown and white tags and then they are going to' say many things that won't look !food in print. But even so they don t need to worry about the General Assembly returning to make it even more difficult to get the j;ap. Of course, tho new law make. It barder for the one or two hundred folks who ateal machinell or make a living bootlegging, to get a license plate, but at the same time it makes it equally a8 hard for the million or more others to secure them. • Auto owners wiU do well to carefully have at hand their bill of sale for their automobile for this will be one of tbe pap.e rs demanded of all registrars when the taga are issued next yesr. In anticipation of an even greater demand for automobile license tags for 1926, Thlld H. Brown. secretary of State, has placed an order foJ' 3.000,000 of th e new tags, which will bo brown and white in color. This is 1,600,000 pair and the largest order ever placed for BUto license tags. They are being made at the penitentiary, and already the work has started so the re will be no delay in delivery. Because of the new method of selling the tags next year. it Is going t o be a difficult proposition tor mllny uuto owners to get some apecial license number as they have in the ' past. Requests for favorite numbers of the 1926 tags are already being received by Colonel Brown, and will be given his personal attention in due time. but under the revised methods of selling tags next year, starting January 1, it wi\l not be such an eusy-mlltter to grant all requests. Eaeh year these requests for favorite numbers run into the thoulIBnds and much extra work hasc been required to grant th e'm nil.

Reappointment last week of Judge J. D. Clark. of Dayton, as a member of ,the State Industrial commission for a term of six years by Governor Donahey, means that the work of the tiaiety campaign wiD be started with t he least possible delay. The commission hud available $1ot,OOO for t he campaign of accident p~vention. a nd as the luw becomes effective this wee k, II hend of the new division is expectecl. T. D. Kearns , who is now chief boiler inspector a nd who has been id enti fied with t ho department . An ic o cream social is to be held of industrial r elatio ns f or almost ten at Lytle Saturday ni ght, July 11, years, is sluted to be at the head ot 1926, in Wharton's yard. this new division, which will start to Come Good eats I work just IlS early as possible. T. J . Duffy, ch ai l'mlln of the industrial commiss ion, Judge Clurk and Rose Moriarity will have complete charge of the safety division, as wen DB the making of all appointmenta, which, und er the law, are exempt from the classified service.

Mrs. Sarah Elb on, 88, mother of Mr. Frank Elbon, died Tuesday morn ing Ilt the home of he~ daughter, Mrs. Charles Youn g, of Lebanon. The body will be brought to the Chapel Thursday morning. where the funeral service will be held at 10 o'clock. Burial in Miami cemetery.

- --


... ...._--


ALFALfA AND CLOVER Warren County Community Picnic .. fOROAIRY HEifERS ",as a Success at Lebanon


.the liberal of legume earl" maturlt:, of helfen., , 1 says, pennits ear y n:eu ntr consequent '!LYing In t~!!Ie and eaat. carry moreand 'cAlCium, or The lime;lell'umes than ihe grauel, good altalfa, clover or other legume hay, is therefore better t thanwtbtimothy or' other graaa hay or Jrl'O . • . • _ ••_ _~ , .


_. - an~u~1!.m,:;t·III....t.~


GOOD CUT CLOTHING WOMAN'S fOREIGN Virtually aU of the clocks along Main street in Santa "9arbara stopped MISSIONARY SOCIETY CLUB HELD MEETING at a quarter to seven a. m. Evident-

on~,:~ -~C!lal ho~r' del.iHou'. ir!!v!:!tt.~e atet:tl~!u~:~~:: f.,~~biUi~n::~ ~ ~. g:: ~ ~ :=1.Young~f:rieDCJ. Me!tint "~IQI!i_,,!,ere ,HI'V~. and. ~JJ two player came to their reI 1 and tile 2 b . ·h l • .....:.cCl.~walte 'Arnold " • ' .~ _." 1';.,;' ," ~"will want .., eo -~w. . . . • .manaatel'l.ttook to. tIM outllelil. ... -... . ~ d' d·I." D' Ie .' The" Youna . e _ov~ . "Bab.e " AI1.m.' RltC!ll~ a n" game. , Sacrlft~ Iiltl-.lU! ..... ec er. ,meet .~t t.... '. t 1b'I 1. !'...eetlna ,I, .

bu nt Octo ber 20. lR:37. He was mu rri(ld in 1867 to Jun e 1"1Irt'. 11 ,. was a co nsi.tell t membe r of the Soci. ety of F'ri en d~ und us u citize n h e took on in te ll ige nt inlerest in 100'al und na ti onlll " fTail·.. lI e was aRe. pub li ca n lin d "'a" lInt· uf the original abolis hi nists in this A('c tiOIl of the co untry. prior t o the Civ il war. Mr. Wrig ht and Ira Thomas co ndu ctpd th e woo len mills Ilt Sp rin g boro f or several Yl'ars, but with its discon t in. uation he r etired Crom busincss, li v· ing a quiet life in th e village until his recent death. Surviving are Ill S wife . one son, Charles E. Wrig ht, of Dcques ne, Pa., a brother, Dr. A . T. Wrig ht, of Waynesville, and four sisters, Miss Lydia, Miss Mary and Dr. Emily Wright, of Springboro . and Mrs. Dudley Keever. of Centerville.


A wedding of unusual intereBt oc. curred in the Friends church, New Burlington, June 20th. when Eleanor oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor C. Haydock, became the bride of W. D. Lat1cin, of Greenfield. The bridal party arrived at the church at 2 :30. Mrs. Jesse Hill played a8 a prelude "Gavotte," by Hoffner Millll 1'>lary Lewis then sang "At Dawn ing' , and "I Love You Truly." To the strains of " To a Wild Rosc," the party entered the cburch. which was rrolu sely decorated with ferns and Shas ta dai8ies. Victor Ander . son, of Greenfield, Wm. Anderson, of Wabash, Ind., Wm. Harlan and Vernon Stiles .of this place, were ushers. Alan Mendenhall, of Xenia, was groomsman, and Richard Larkin, a brother of the groom. was best man. Miss Frances Lnrkin and Miss Alma Mendenhall were bridesmaids. The bride entered with her father, who gave her in marriage. The impres~ sive single ring ceremony was pro. nounced by Rev. B. E. Wright. of Highland, Ohio. He was assisted by Rev. Jesse Hawkins, grandfather of the bride, and Rev. Elizabeth Lnrkln, grandmother of the groom. More than one hundred guests were persent at the reception, bes towing their cong ra ullltion s nnd best wishes upon th e happy pair. The bride 's gown was of violet-flat crepe with rose bull trimmings, and she wore the bridal veil of her pate r. nal grnndmother. Miss Larkin wore green silk and Miss Mendenhall yellow figured Georget te . During the reception the bride and groom were spirited away by a friend of the family, escaring th Q usual donation of rice, old shocs and tin cans . They are enjoyin g a motor trip t ., the Lakes.





Mlam'-.. ...... ... .. ............................. Q South Lebanon............ ......... ....... . I . ~ '. to .Great and .trange tl)lnp are "aptileD. In the 10cal .b ... ...o.rldour Miami. have Won two more pm_ .maklnc a'd ~t. We to . you .~t • ,. over a ' DsW '-.,

PIONEER CITIZEN :·~·::::::::;::·;;:~:·"i fr om the ! LAID TO REST i

Be was til(' (' Id('st ~" Ii "f ,I os iah and Emi ly (Th olll us ) Wright. und wns

ejtl~ of Indiana coun· Miamis Celebrate Fourth by trlbl~~PO to r.reaerve J.mell . ~ S outh L e banon WJa NJ:tJ" 'Ole Swimmln' · 'W innina TrOm

Ho'.... ~'. wPrtJa while; .eDtlment bMu~ n.. , The 9W.-:un t- °llJbt tb .~nd a ,.. thO . d ~JII. ,12,600 to fill

Whole Number 5051

FUl1 prol s('r\' ices were h ~ l d last Wpdn e,day afternoon . J uly 1. fOI' Jl'S~(' Wrig-ht, 88. whn cli ed Mondll Y lit hiM hume in Springbo ro, where h ' hud bCP II " lifelong' rc,i dent. II ~ w,, ~ w('11 know n t h .. "ught t he e ntire cnunty nne! "'n ~ pr\l ha bly OnP of tIl(' old est citize ns in the village of Spring bur,' .







'hou'se, Sund&l'. e~bi.., ~uly 12th. at 7:90 o'clock. ' .'~ Devotion,&l Leadert. . •1Plo~ond Reed: Le.oD Luder..1-!'&ltla 1ll0mHnSODi Tople, -lSaCe 1111£'e soata1 ho1U' wU1 be ·..,-& In 80IIle n .... 811..... 00.. aiul Join u. In .IIII'N.







Tho Wllrren County Community celebratIon at Leba non on th e Fourth was a decided success. Early in the morning the crpwds began to gather on the grounds, and by noon there was a great' showing 0'[ people, as many took their dinners and ate in the grove. Tbe fun began at 0 :16. when two ball teams form Lebanon battled to win the game. Several stunts were pulled oft' after the game, then came the dinner hour. Shortly after noon a heavy cloud c:am, out of the west. and in a very

The State of Ohio has bCJl:un an at the London prison farm short time there was a heavy shower. find out whethe .. or not the hahtq After the showcr was over, the beall, on e of the most popular brands d I k d LU\/U~. " ', of the bean f amily in China, can be and the ball groun S 00 e as success fully grown in this state. John the affair was over. but by mUIl"m".tion of the ball ·grounds they were E. Harper" director of public welfare, put in a good condition. has secured Il small amount of this Waynesville and South Lebanon haMo seed, about five pounds, and played the · first game, and the Mi- is to be planted at London and amis won, 6 to 1. The second game given th e best of care. This bean~ was between a picked nine from Lob- of th e Soy family resembles th& anon and the Mason team. Mason smnll Lima bean , greenish in color.. won by a score Of 6 to 4. and is said to be 'good not only for The program scheduled for the af- beans 'and as a drled winter fodder. ternoon was carried out, and proved but as a green. The pods and beans very entertaining. The Premier band are said to have a fiavor al1 their OWII. played the en tire day. One of the g l'e llte~t proble~s of the: State Welfare department is the. feeding of 26,000 or more unfortunate wards, and if a new food of suf. nourishing value can bt tQund Harper, he will not on,y !!Bve 8~te thousands of dollal'll annu. but will in this' cas' • tie able to enough to supply the entire demand ••nd Incidentally furnish more work for the nimates which will prov~ just as profitable. Sat~fp.ctory and profitable employment for not "ollly prisoners in the penal institutio~ but men in the hospital for the InBllne who seck outside work in tbe field. and sunshil1e, Is a ~roblepl tb.t faces the welfare 4epartmeqt an~ ill b~c. given much attention by Mr. Harper.

- --...


Paper Serric~"

11le Mlllini Casett.

SecunOty. Peace Pact' Between "Now t Am Well England, f rance, B~lgium, Germany ,and the Mother

the el\to ~ of G'. Cecil Church, Pace.ccu,ed. tilcd hel' first and fina l co un t. Fronk L. Horrl,s WlIS aPPointed adlllini·,traItH· of the e~tat o r Gelll'l!e . I hr ri d 'C 'tl~e rl . . Bonr! ~26 ,000 . W. W. WI!II'II. Wuit<'r .fnrcl ull ond A. T. Moj~r were IIPI'() int d. II PI.rnis. EveTY. proPllnent oj' \\' rid J1ell~ in th" [{jo'"". nnd I.hi s will l!loke the r s. IlI t. d Stllte~ dOllb tleKS bet' ,'h uel Ll nbln !,.lin~ " f it 1\ 11 l h,· 11 " ,1" dilncLl lt: th n el c~Jl sig h of th ll n!(r"l "c~. II'hen the I i Crl'al l3,;t;1'11\ 1I .~U',"" II... 1,1e t MARRIAGE LIC E NSES ' :tord

The Tourist Camps lavlte Youl Thousands of them, hospitable And friendly, play:t bl~ part in the varntion joys of thousands of famllles every year. Take advantage now of this InterestiDIl, economical way to travel! Get Into your Ford Bnd go-far away from the every-day haunts and the

working grind I All the family will enjoy the outing; everyone will be healthlel'l happier and better for B change of scene and life In the open.

REA L ESTAT iE TRANSFERS \\' . G. Mac klin 1:0 Lu cile W . Mockle I'. 1-:1 of 3 lots in Spr in g-hOl·u. $1. Thomas C. Welc h to Esther W . Su uth!:"att', troet in Sa lem Tp., $1.

No other car requires 80 small an Investment as the Ford; none offers you such value for your money.

I). Clllrk Van Cnmp to Etta M. 1I 0use, lot in Franklin, $ 1. William A. Burger alld Emelie M. '. Burger, to GeorgQ W. NUM and David H. Nuss, Pllrt of 3 lots in South Leban on, $1. Lillinn Gillman to Orville L. GilmOil trllct in Union Tp., $1. Ellen M. Null to William Jackson, lot ill Springboro, $1. SUIII and Dave Finkelman to Otis nnd AVII Young, truct in Franklin Tp. $1.

. ......... -_.........................


Pordor Sedan.



. . . . t.a _


bow I cao



Pord Car 00 --1 p&1IIMIIlca.



. ~o.&"'"

Notice to Contractor'. Sealed proposals will be received b, the Board qf County Commiuionen of Warren. County. Ohio~ lit their dee 1n the Court Hou.e in Lebanon. Ohio, up until Eleven O'clock in the toreaoon 01 Monda" Jul, IS. 1926, and contract awarded for furnishing the IDllterial and performing the labor nec:ell&U)' for lIepairing Bridge No. 2'-43 near J. A. Martin Farm in Harlan Townahip. · Wal1l'en County, Obto, In acoo;rdanee with , the plans, eatimatl!. and specifications bentotore I\Pproved ' and adopted therefor and On 8le in the omce of the AudItor ,of Warren CountY, Ohio, at Ohio. Bidders must state IeJIAft the amount bid for matI8il&1 an the amoun\; bid for labor. Bidden may make proposals for f\UllllIbitur aU th& material and performill&' all the labor or a:.chpart thereof as they deem proper. Each bid must be aCcOmpamed by a bond in the IIl1m of One Hundred Dollars (1(10.00) 0t a certified eheck on a Iiolvent ,"k in the State of Ohio, for a ~ amount, payable to the order of, tlIe' Board of County Coromi'!lion.n of Warren County. Ohio, as a euazantee that if aaid bid is accepted, eontiaet Will be entered into and its parformanea legally U/lulled. Ccmtiaet to tie awarded to the low. . and bMt 'bidder. t ' . ,

Tho Board of Commi ss i one r~ reseltve the right to reject allY antI all bids. Bids should be sealed, e ndorsed with the nomc of the bidder and addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, Lebanon, Warren County. Ohio. By order of the Boord of County Commissioners of Warren County, Ohio. SAM D. HENKLE, E. J. BEEDLE, W. D. CORWIN, Commissioners 01 Warren C. S. MOUNTS County, Ohio j8-4t Auditor-Clerk. Dated, June 17. 1926.




NEW SUITS Thomas J. Porker has entered suit agllinst J ohn Clark and Sadie Clark for mon'ey only. Amount claimed, $183.20, with interest. Murgaret H. Hudson has entered suit for divorce against Charles J. Hudson, chvaging extreme cruelty.

First Flopper- uDid you hear about the, terrible accident Freddie had 1" Second Flapper-UNo! What happened?" First Flapper-fiRe was out to the zoo and one oftne baby elephants ran up inside his trouser leg."

---_. - ..----


ED PURDY'S PHILOS AD o;timi.t i. a b.ldhead"d fellow who .Ioah o."r how low hi. barber bill. are.

....................................................., .



One Dozen' Farm Gates at $3.50 each

500 Locust Fence Posts at 28 cents each

Red Top Steel Posts The Beat Ever, are Cheaper

Wire Fence at Leal Than Car-oad Prices


Madden's Lumber Yard

PROBATE PROCEEDINGS In the matter of the estate of Martha A. Dynes. deceased, proof of pu blication of. notice of appointment of Churles A. Dynes a8 executor. was filed. Proof of publication of notice of appointment of Catherine F. Wagner, liS IIdministratrix of the estate of Ella Tansey, deceased, was filed. Proof of publication of notice of appointment of Jesse .and Roy A. :r.$ount a8 executors of the estate of Mima E. Reed, deceased. was filed. III the mlltter of the will of Chas. F. Southgate, deceased, Esther W. Southgate, widow, was elected to take und er the wili. Esther W. Southgate, executrix of the estate of Charles W. Southgate, deceased, filed her first and final account. 111 t he matter of Sidney Lunnen it was ordered that applicatioll for admission to Dayton' State hospital be made. The gross vaiue of the estate 9£ George W. Byars, deceased. was found to be $10,098.60. The will of Frank Zell, deceased, was tiled and application to admit same to probote will be heard before the court July 2,1025. George E. Hull, executor of the estate of. Mary Polly, deceased. filed his inventory and appraisement. Firman E. Weir and William Weir, were appointed administrators of the estate 0 f Martha A. Denlinger, deceased. Bond, $2500. A. C. Vail. Clift' Unglesby and Will Andenon were apPoillted appraisers. In the matter of E. B. H11I, administrator of the estate of John S. Wright. deceased, and EverettWrlght et al., it was ordered that administra· tor sell real estate belonging to the estate at private sale. ·,Leo F. Wojclnaky, adminiltrator of the estate of Ella M. C. Wojcinlky, deceased, filed his first and final account. · Sam 1;>. Henkie, executor of the estate of George W. Henkle •. dec ..... ed, filed his supplementary account. In the matter of the e.tate of Mary H. Pine. deceased. the court f'lluid the priee of certain lltocks and bondl to be sold for the purpose of mak· ing distribution of aasets. Elizabeth Church. administrator of

.... .... .... .. .. ............................... Waynesvile, Ohio






COMMISSIONERS' ALLOWANCES Blind Pension for quarter, $767.60; McGetchin'l PlI'lIrmacy, supplies, $2.05: Barrett Brothen,, $14.05 ;A. H. Turner, tax rofund on build Ing burned. $7.60: Stablto Mfg. Co., supplies for surveror. $14.30: Cook and Sweeney, haulmg gravel, $1012-_ .25; E, D. Thomps(Ir\, repairing Silver Btreet arc, $16.00; Harlan E. Simpson, garage rent, $18.00: W. P. McCarr,en, &,as, oil and storage. US.01; W. C. Roberts, coal for engine, $7.30; C. C. Beam, crushed stone, $880.00; Perry and Wllson Equipment Co., tractor rellalrs. $99.60; D. W. Bishop, galvanized funnel, $1.00; Harlan Whltecre, payroll. $261.35; Walter Varner. aame. $HI.OO; E. D. Thompson, supplies arid labor. $1"8.57 ; Harker Mfg. Co., fire hose, $105.35; Baldwin Law Pub. Co ., \101 3, Ohio laws for Prosecut ing Attorney, $5; Ed D. Thompson, labor and s upplies, $126.98; Dr. H. L. Ro~e n c. rans, de ntal services at jail, $3.&0.

COMMON PLEAS PROCEEDINGS The matter of Charles Bowles VI. Ruth Bowles wal dismissed without l'Ccord. J . J. Anderson aa administrator of the estate of. Alma 1<. Adams, edceased. was made party defendant in the case of Oren Koeble vs. Alma K. Adams, et al.



(ro m

EUI() l)1.."!


Bc rnnrd M . Fol e y. fDrm ~ r . and Mi ~s thnt u security pud ';VII K \lh"" t I , be Gl' l't l'ude Lllli al! lIi1.:" ·. hU l h of Ll' b- compl l'ted f OI' En!rlnn,I, fl'llll C" , Gertunny and U(1)giu nl . IUl u n . Wil bu r Illlvi d ('ro. I,·y, tea cher, It i ~ ud v is uhlt.!. h n w ('ve r , n il t tu get Nishland. North [)uk ota , nnd Miss too ex cited li S yt'l ub out chnllccs <If Alice I.. Ju ck"on. t eache r of Pleus- rel egating th ~ god or \I'll I' to 1\ permll llen t back seot as fu r li S Europeunt Plai n. an uffa irs IIrc. concernL'd. lI ~ nl )! l.udingto n. t r uc k dri\·H. lind In th E.' I\r~t place, th e negotiations Mi, " Lurt' n~ W . A 11"11. bo th of Lebar(' yet in 11 rather unc el tllin form. nnon . Arlhur ~ l cFn l' I Hn d Russ. groce r, of anli mllny 'bridKes huve tn he crossed ~ f1rin g-ulI"o, und l i ~s V iu iu Frul\ces befo re ony pnet is fin a lly ad opt(' d, :-;i lllp ~\'n . IUII)kkl' epf> r. o f F ranklin . From whllt we, in Amcrica learn. Clifford H . •la ck.'''I! , line mull of the proJlo~e cl pact is UII in gcllious de( ' a",1' I)<""~''' II . /In..! M i., Ada F. vice whe reby Grl'at Britain, holdin gthe b:tlllncc of puwer, will jump nil Burt" n. " f t-; in~_ ~Iill •. Enrl (;", kin.. Illb nrcr, nnd Mi ss over Fl'unce if s hl.' in va d eR G e rmany Huby 'I'.'a rl Conover. amm unition alld will jump a ll over Germany if WI1"kCI' , b n th o f IVlorru w . s he invades Bclidum 01' Frnnt'e. Hny A ll e n lI e'IHl c r !-'o l\, !o\a lt'R mnll, This h,oks ve ry simple on thc face an d l\1i ~:.i It dl' l\ Lo ui HC !'-i l... tt le mirl·. o f it, but is not so . implc us it looks. hll"kkl' eIH~ r. bo th o f L ebn n o ll. The heginning of nil wurs ore cloud-


un 'f) iJ'C.!, :HH I dt'~' id l!:; tH I' ht' I '~l'lr \\'hu tlo, ' 1I ~i!" " ~"' '', ~hL' lI'ill d "l!h t1es~

': o tlH',l"


III I, ,, thlll dt'ci"hlll in lim' with lo CI' t l \\' n i n tl'l't'!"; t s, Hnct \" I ' r~' Pl"ol}t·,'ly t:! o

if w e Inuk at

it from

t he

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liriti sh

"tll ndp"ill t. 1'h "r~ is 'orne ta lk thllt Ihe job of Llmpillllg !u1l)' b" turn l'd (wc r I II tIll' I.C' II!!, II I' uf Nuti.ons. IF this i, d un{·. th ~ "Kgr~ 8s ur IUltiun wi ll he th .. ,"I" which (aib to <'" ntr ol t h,' muj •• rity vute in thc' 1"IlKUO. Th " most significant t hing a bout lh e pr0l'n_c d "~c ul'ity pnrt is li n t the t erms o r th,· pact it~e l r. l)llt tl,,' r:, ' t , 1hat 1" '/ln~c and Ct,,.,,,,,ny scom willing- l" n"K" t ill te, If lhe I;', n ull.1 the

' he . ~oodne8S


PE· RU-NA \ t r~ . ; \ r. fI 3 Linctt" r , ~ it, ! ' ,: ~. : "L X 44 . ~) ' \ ~""' L "', ~ :.' -.. ' .:: C ( l lJIH)". : -1I1. . W ,.jlC~ .. : "p u r t" G ) I" "S i " :l'rC',1 wi , h that l ,'rr dJ!': .j:!,·: i.l sc . 1'!'"ol1 ic c.u a rrh . Furt." ~" ly I

Lamb I"t~ H ll y w na t t o l ie d ow n Pl"HC('·

rull y [.'Kcther, so me WHy wi ll found t o

an'H Il Ke

it Roone r

Il l'



In the m"anti n1\' 1' ncle Su m mny b ~ th a nkru l lhut he will n"t I." c"", · p(' lh' d til ar l a. Llmp il'l' nn,1 In "I'

od wi t h s muke s crc c n M o f dipl o macy

f o re l' Hny d (·eis i l) n ~ in Euro p("lIn ))01-

until it is oft en very ditIi cuit, for the mOI!l('nt to t ell just whi ch of the comlJlltan ts hilS first jumped onto the othe r r{' lIow. Like th e two figh ting school bu ys who arc sudd e nly cnught up by the t eache r, it is the disposi. tion of eoch to sny of the othel' "he donc it first." The next war will probably start in Eastern Europe rather than along

ilics. Thll t is 1\ j ob that hl' ,. ' " ,.e ll nfTonl t tl turn on l' to Grelll Brit.ain. the LC'ng-lle "r Nntions, or anyb ody wh" ,·<'tlil y wunts it. Whntcl'er the' United Rtul~8 can do to help koep the pel\ce, when th(' tim e o r peril cnmes, will be done fr eeIy. an d wi thnu t any homporing CUInlllitm ~ l1ts in ndvance.- The Nntiollnl ' Tribune.

Two Children"


yo ur ;uh ,·rll .. (,II : :11 '(I'1' i 1.'lL }.: ~f ' \\' J ~lIl1 ·... di :1 : .1 tl:~

",Y I

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"Iil"r .. f t woJ chillirr 'l



V. I' ·

. llJ ! \ :' I p ~ It", 1 wo\, 1r', " ~ I h t· :l h o ~! tk,\ ~".ill ftlhrJy for

iI, <os 1 for I am ~ w~1I ;ntl now. cannot 6 pe~k 111 IIlO .!,.i"h "tertrul of lis value al a Uledl,

·.\"ic ~


I ': COUll' 1::1l1 t:.

For more than half a c~n!ury Dr. b rllnan's P~ , ~u · na h,u t·,·." pcr· ,rmillg just ~uch wondcr."rlt al ! . is, f'c 'r1,-na is ~old everywhere in ' ",th ." ble! and liquid forl1l . In· I"':~ ~ t:p" n h:1\·tll&, ~t: lJ u :! C' rl.! ' I· U- l lt~:

Income Tax Returns "The t otal number of Federul Income Tux Re t urns filed through the United States of individuals in 1924, showing income received during the calendar year, 1923, was 7,698,321," says ChWl. M. Dean, collector of illterna! reven ue. "The aggregate net income reported these t'eturns was $26,336,337.843, and the tax $703 .9 62, 166, which represents the greatest number of returns filed und the largest oggregate net income re ported for any year. "For the State of Ohio, the number filed WIIS 403,017, which showed net in. ollie am ..unting to $1,660,493,362, lin d tax $::6, 880,603. The number of returns und net inc (·me being the lunrcst for IIny year. "As cco m;,al'ed with the pl'eceding ye : 1', the fil! UI'I'S fo r th e United States sho w an incnlllsc 0 f 9 10,840, or 13.42 pel' ce nt in the number of reo turns 1Jled. an increase in the totnl nl,t incll me re po rted amounting to


$5.000.12/;,313 Or 23.43 fle r cellt - .~ but 11 dencasc of $157 .0 C) 5 ,143. 01" ] 8.2 4 per cent in th e tot!!y tmL "F"r th e Rt.nte or Ohio the ill , Admidistralor'8 Sale of crf' aSp in t he nUll1bt! l" n f r(ttllJ'n ~ wa ~ Keal ~J8 . 0 2!1. or 211. 85 per ce nt. th e in cl"ense in the tota l 11c t inconH' am ou n1('d to $430.558,638 . or :17.80 In pUl'1IUunce of lin order of the per c('nt, and the decreus,· in th e tux Probllto Court ot Wat'l'ull County, was S3,423,90:l,_0~~~7~cent. Ohio, I will olfer for sale at I'ubli~ auction on tho :lrd day of /\'ugul , iu2b, at 10 o'clock II. III., on llie BLONDE BESS OPINES premises ill Lhe Village oi Corwin. W rrell C.. unt' · Ohio, th" to,!owi'\Jl "The boal lay. tbe price of ..III! '. ibed 1'(:0 1 eSlate, situate in tho l,;ounty ot Wal'r<!n, III the :i lute •.11 beef i. bound 10 drop one of 0 hio. i.:eillg Lot No. Two (A!) al thele day. bee.ule be never law .0 many 'calve,' before in hi. dcsignllted on the ori"j " al pint of the life. tt fown of Corwiu, in the County aforesa id. The No. of Ule h<luBC thereon Onf,. th" F "d"ral Offic" .. are is - -, fllcing Moin Stl·eet. The now .oakinl' for bott!ceiera. nearest street 011 the South IB John £.erybody "f •• ba. found thein. Street; and the nearest street on the north is the Wayn ellville and Harveysburg Road. The.r e is no at: eet DUMB DAN on the east. Said real estate hal been appraiHd - like a fox "I ' m going to Cuba in the wlde- in the aunl of Eleven Hundred Uollarll. and will not be lold for leRi than ollen. places to spend my vaention." tw,) thirdll of said appraised value . • Term. of sale are cash in hand on day ot aale. . WALTER CAREY. Adndnlatl'ator of the eatata of Aleulldel' Emley, d.ceaaed. M. C. Drake, ,A tt,.

- .


This Week's Cress-Word Puzzle

NEWSPAPERS GREATEST This cross-word fm l.::!':, urrangcd but you enjoy cross-word puzdes by Fred S. Crawford , i5 Inrge,' than you won't mind that, and when it is any r ecently published. However, it correctly finish ed we are sure you SECULAR INflUENCE is not ns dIfficult " , will think it well worth the time you ns It looks, so don t s pont on it. We'll be good to you if

The greatest s(!cuI8r influcnce in a man's 'life today is the newspllpel' he reads, according to Edward McKarnon, superintendent a fthe Eastern Division or the Associated Press. "The average man may not realize thia, but it is so," Mr. McKernon deelared in a recent Ilddreas. "Consciously or' unconsciously, he receives his impressi ons of affairs as he reads, and his daily talk and conversation reflect to a great extent what he halO read. It is no disparagement of anyone to Bay that the average citizen does not know whJlt he thinks until he has seen his daily paper. "Accordingly, I cannot conceive of anything of greater importance to you than that YOIl should determine the integrity of the sources from which you receive what purports to be a representation of what is going on in this day and generation. " The apparent indifference of many intelligent persons to the fid ll'lity of news reports is to me appalling. Except in emergenaies, you would not employ a physician until you hod heard something of his ~kill. You would not entrust your busi ness aCfairs to a lawyer of whosll' pl'Obitv you were not sure. You would not patronize a shoeml~ker until you were satisfied he would 11m cripple you for life. "But you might better take chances with your body and in business aI· fairs than to have your mind poisoned by a misrepresentation of things .. as they ara. "This was never so important as now, when we hav,e reached the stage of instantaneous tJ'8nsmission of news and when modern Ifacilities have made possible an enormous Increase in the volume of news matter presented. Relatively few business and profes• ional men, occupied with their manifold personal re:sponsibiJities, have the time' thoroughly to rllad and digest the facts made known and determine their accuracy, and 10 they are more and mo:re dependent upon the newspaper for the correct Information that aids straight thinking."

.. . ~

ALMOST RICHT Wife-flI undtlrstand that new ' man acroll the street Ia a great. PhY-' Ilclan." Hubby-"Whatliaya mean: phy.i. lianl" Wife-uH.'s a hlp apecialist." Hubby-flyou win-he'l a pllOhibition ollleer." .

let the . ize if it frighten you. It this time, and allow you thirty minwill take a longer time to work it, ut es to work it.


I :y", -1( 111 Sjkocl:tlj.,

At Cary's Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio

Every 8:00 a.

I uesday In.






1 6 11

12 14 16 17 19 20 22 24

26 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 37 39 40 42 44



ACROSS ,13 Money or property given for the permanent use 'of nn institution A girl's name. or pel son or object. Rose out of. 16 Stiff _cloth, After the manner of. 1 Past pllrticiple of trend, To' walk or step. 19 Grated . Fish. 21 Imprisoned. Exist. 23 Equal parts (Latin). Insect. 24 A large recently px1;nct hird Move swiftly. ' of Ne w Zealand . Curve; part of a cirde . 25 To work steadily. Verse to the hero ic. 27 Be\·clagc. A swab used for cleaning the 29 F ootgear. floor, etc. 32 Ovcrflow. Grain. :16 GJ'ain. Recognize; lldmit; accept. 37 Greek word meaing air. One who foretells the future. 38 Yelp; bark. Girl's name. 89 Part of the foot. Unable to hear. 41 Each (abbr. ), Father. 42 Myself. Boy's name. 43 Musical note. Conjunction. 44 Book (abbr.). Some of a number, class or total Preposition. AiI,w"r to L .. I Week'. Pu""le Organ of sight. Heavy, malleable substance. A vocal sound mode to frighten. A person who hunts seals. A term used regarding outomobUn when they are left standIng at the curb. etc. DOWN

1 A strong rope or chaIn.

2 A bevQrage. S EgyPtian Sun ' god. 4 Pronoun, tfIird penon. 5 Period of time. 6 Consume . • 7 Doctor of Medicine (abbr.). 8 Red Croll (abbr. ). 9 The Supreme Being. TRY THE CAZETTE'S JOB WORK 10 Borders.; rims.



Harveysburg Fertilizer:. Co. Pho. .



I »it . H . E. " .\'" II .\

\\. .\ \ .

DENTIST · And X-O-O~APHIS ' r Ohio.

WarneRville. Telephone 114.



CLASSIFIED ADS• .... · f t



MONEY LOANED LOANS on C·hattela.Stocka, Seourities and Second Mortgagel. Notes bought. John Harbine Jr., Xenia. OM!!. .m30-'~8

Farmers, Attention!

Farmen of Warren and .4JQlal~. countlel may obtain mon" Oil Ion. time loanl. at &% per .ent Inte_ COlt of leeurln, the ..m. II val', ,... son able ,through Th. Fed.ral Land Bank. For further inform.tIODl'.an on or addrell )I. 0, DRAKE, 'tte~ urer, phone 81S-X, Lebanon, Oblo. WA~TED



I'M CStOIN OIJT L.INCN - JU$T DoWN To ."... c:OclNllA TO SEE; "flot' eCW$ -.1\J$1" A LITTLB Wlottl.&' •


CASH-For Dental Gold, Platinum, Silver, Dlamondl, pol,,", fal~e teeth, Jewelry, any valuaI!lea. Mall today. Cash by return lIIall, Hoke S. II: R. Co •• OtIie,o. Mich.

F.oR SALE FOR SALE-Hand~ IOrted ':yellow corn. W. H. Janney, R: a; 15. Wa,- ' nesviUe, Ohio. ' .Jll5 . LOB,T- Umbrella, ,with bom bandle. . !of IIln, for I'VatU w••u. .<FInd. er ple":.' leave at thfa olllee. Jet' ~ 'FOR SALE OR TRAD£:-Blabcrade almolt play. piano, Ipleadi,," condition, wW conllclar for a ' ~o.d automobUe. AddreM Boi: It~,·


o~i ::~J.-: ct.~tl..~· ~,.


....•THE MIAM I · GA Z E TTE .•••,


· I SSl.'ED F.\, E r."l WED. ESI:A ~

'- CR. A N ~ , :: flitur '\r,d


Sd... c: i.. ~:o~, r:'ica.

~ ! .~ O

pc r year.

WEDNESDAY. JULY 8.1925 Itt. 1925 JUDGtSHIP What can the world be cumin g t o when a 'justlco of a Sta' c Supru m~ CIl UI·t a nnou nces from lhe be nch Lhllt he sees nu div u r ,~ evidenco in cocktllil purli e~- if th e doo r bc I'CpL open'! Such a stateme nt COpI OS fl'o :n the lips of Justice J ohn Ford, th e perpelual advocate of bouk censor. hip and co·wol1kl)r with lead ul's in Th" Lord's Day AlJiancc? •Ju stice Ford, l!1'csidinK at the 1I illl of thc se'n lln tionnl Symingtclll divor~e cusc in Ne w York, made lhe slaLe· ment without equivocation. "WI,y, "ven my own dllughle,' gues to cuc ktail purties," ho suid. This served ~n arouse e ven his daughter, now Mrs. Wuit, for it uopeared to imply thut Hhe who read the book that cllused the fu llS that rnised the mU HS in th e i>rownstone front that Jack built, pllrtook of tlelil;ate libations, whil .. Ult Ii fllct, she 81lYS she fav ors prohibition. "That Is," Haid Mrs. Wllh, "I mean It would be II. good thing if it could be enforced: But WI it clln't, I have nothing against a drink or two when I go to bri<ige parli"8, 01' lo giving my friends a Manhattan or a Bronx when they come to dine with me." Of cO,u rae the booze that spikes the cocktailll hllnded out by the j udgc's daughter to her friend s Wit S all bou,ht prior to prohibition, hence there ~n be no t.chnical violation of the law 'In !.hIs case. but what does the juitlce lilY of the moral issue? If the lIterRture of the day be BO injuJ'loli' to society, what of the boozIng bOLJ~ tbl\t add sparkle to the home. ot thOle who can safely violate U1e spirit of law and wink the other • ye1 On. can aee that groat and good man Clmon Cha.e, who ha. fought for


Tlio Miami GazeUe


pu ri t y sid e by side with Fard,stnnd ing up ri ght ill the ofling gazing slldly at his freind ;hear th em su y : .. Et tu Br ut c 'l "


, MI$K J VIl lIarris is the g uest of Miss Ka lhl 'en Gl'llhUlp. Rohert Shidakcr fe ll, while a t play, Friday, a nd broke his arm, ~tl·. and M rM. W. B. Si lvors Spenl Slltul'duy even ing in Clar ksville. MI'. ulld M r~. f~na(! Cobb, o( Lebanon, cu llecl o n Ilh. and Mrs. J. C. Gcny, Sund ay. Mr. and Mrs. Gui l Cordon and fa mil y clIler tu in ce.! a num ber of fri e nd8, 'u IId uy. MrM. R, H . •Icfferis a nd so n Kirk uttc ndc'd th e 1I iott r cuni on ~t Mt: Plcasll n t, _' ·und ay. M,'. a nd Mrll. l,uUl'enec Lpl\lar r eo t urlll·d Satu rday fmln II few y~ llr8 ' soj oul'n in ClI li furniu . Misses Ruth Hunks a nd Lenll Smi th Rp~ nt t he week·e nd wit h Miss Hazel

- -------

A J ersey · school ten chor (accs dismillM I becu uRe Mho ill a II moker. She ca n r., lain her j ob by Hoying she won' t smoke, und becom ing a Ji ll r. Sn li til , n Car ' Vilming-tun. A schoolboy advisos us thuL th e Mrs. J . W. Stewart IIn de rwl' nt a tlrst thin g the pupils do in his school sU I:ioliS l,,~c r u~ i u n al II nle hospi ta l, is to " swear at the flng." Thu8 is Frre.!uy. :-;hc IS c1 0ing nrce ly. patrioti"m implllnted firmly in ,the M ... a nd M r~ : Eve rett Villars of hwna n breast. Dny t o n , wert" J,(' u cs ts


f J'e lat iv es he r e

Pact ory payr ollM in lh e stute of on ~ h e Fo urth und Satu rd ay. New ¥ol'k l ooted up $35,000,000 in Dr. und Mrs. Cam pbc!lJ, of Colorad o Muy. This is high er than in April, WCI'e undllY g uesl..'l o f Dr, and Mrs. when 15,000 f ewer men wore e m- C. G, Run clall an d JII iss Helcn. ployed. Alas the poor working man. A n umbur of relat ives ca me in Cha ries Muller, who shot Ilnd killed W ~d nl)sdu y a ne.! helped Mr •. A nn~ VanUorcn ccle urat c her 70lh birtha society mun has been expelled duy. from Sing Sing prison all an undeslrllble. He has been Rent to Danne- . Ow.en, of Columbus, is spend mora. Vulgarity must be frowned, mil' hIS vacation with his pllrents, Mr. on in our prisons if the inmates are and Mrs. h ank L. lIarris, and other relatIves. to retain their social Htanding. Mr. and Mrs. Bnxter Beatty of Frank Sullivan, writing in the New York World, Hays: ' "It is one thing Springfield , we re gu ests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Be rn Cllrr and family, on the to swim the English channel, but h o ~' Pou rth li nd Sunda y. wili Gertrude EderJe keep her puss. port dry?" Unfortunately, like othMr. and MrR. Willes Smart and er columnist!, Mr. Sullivan publishell 80ns, of Chicago , and little Miss the question, but falls to supply the Smart, 01 Cincinnati, are "uests of answer. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Haines. Rama Carter, of Detroit, and Mr. Blanche Cabitt, an Oklahoma City specialist in perfume. has insured her and Mrs. W. C. Walker, of Dayton, olefactory nerves f or $60,000, her job spent the Fourth and Sunday with depending on her ability to detect the Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kenn edy and fambase of any perfume. As a IIIlte- ily. Il nd Mrs. Eliza Carte r. guard agllinst the bootlegger, she Mr". Frank Wilson, Mrs. Laura Shi • would lie invaluable, da ke r, Mrs. W. P. McCarren and daughters, Rh ea and Evelyn, motored to WlIshington C. H.; Thursduy, and spent the day with !tlrs. Herbert Fite and Ellen Jane.

FERRY (Tak.n from tb. 61 •• of Th. Miami the late Queen's body nctual1y lies above ground, the son can retarn the Ga.. tt. of July, 1878) pOlltlon of King; but when she is buried in Woodland. Ilnothct! Queen B.. HUDtin, in Ullca must be chosen to reign ovcr the The businelll of bee hoating is en· tribe. groasing the mlbds of Borne of our villtlgers and" nlUgbbora, and, too, Not Built Y.t wi~ no BtUe,. PfPfit, 's ometimes, to those who get UIO sweet, at any rate. Won't some wide·awake, influenOn Monday last, an audible report tial citizen' start the movement of cam.e vibrating t%ur eara, thnt spoke building a town hall that shaJl be a the famng" of a bee tree near by. crenit to our town lind township. The Through a little Yimkee curiosity to money appropriated bv the township learn something, and perhaps a little will not build a creditable edifice. inward gnawing for the honey.comb, But if the men of means unite and I wended my 'way to Banta's woods subscr ibe oc tuke s tock in the enter· one m"e west of here, where the tree prisco 1\ house might be secured which Willi felled. On arriving a t close would be an ornament architecturnl1y prOldmity to the eventful spot, the and bo' made of great advantage to l!oraes and vehicles promiscu'Ously us all os an aid to our gonoral ad' oi ted around at fll'!lt recast the ap· vancement. earance of a wood's picnic, and the oiiiterous clllmor Of the men t ended Robben W ••• k> . ppi-ti-ai a mighty conftict with The burglnrs who robbed T . T. IIOfJllltPlng' pf a vile nature; but upon fUrU\er jn§p ectjon, tIle affalr discl osed Dodson's and E. R. Printz' s tores latenothin~ m'Oru oJ' lellS than {ho cap. ly, were captured in Wilmington, af· tufln~ ot th beet lind hontly from a ter having robbed Marble's jewelry red oak tree. The predomInant per- store thel-e. Mr. Dodson went over sonages presont were Marshall Earn- and identified aome of hia clothing, hart and Geo1'J.e Keever, frem Ridge. but did not care to nclalm It; air the ville, the capltanl in the column, garments had pallSed through rather Dave Hathaway, Lon Earnhart, Hilm- too rough an experience for further er Wtlla, John Boger George Pence, U8e. The names of the culprits Ilre Jay Evans and myse lf not excluded, Dayton. KeameB, Carnes, and they were stationed in the rear rllnks liS languish in Wilmington jail. reserve In the neighborhood of a hundred yards f rom the imnlcdiat e sccne Other Notel of conflict. Banta received the The Wayne and Mlssie Township honey, which WIlS immense for the sacrifice of the tree; and I'll vouch Dcteutlve and . Protective company for the faot that we all had to dr ink meets on the Third Saturday in cach milk freely after returning home, to month, at 2 ' o'clock p. m, L. Hartsock, president; J. O. Falkinburg, evade uny unwellness. Comet. secrotary. <;el.brated tbe Fourtlr Mr. and Mrs. Elbur W. Eastman, The 102nd anniversary of tho no- the recently eloped couple. have retion'lI birthday pllssed off quietly turned home from Canada and beWhether and without any very great popular sought parental pardon. demonstration arousing the people's they hllv!! forgiven themselves is anenthusiaam. The weather waa hot, other mntteI;. bf course, '· and a great many wisely Now. and'., then you rub Ilgainst ooncluded the best plan waa to stay at home anI! take their free and easy. Indivlduahi who take on such high and . A few fiags flollted to the breeze; airs that it . ia hard to refrain from ~ IIw firecrackers were shot off. and mighty beseeching them to inform ",w~!!it noon the band proceeded to you as to fhat I!ranch of the royal dJ# JrFP¥(l1 we!lere their picnic waa to family they belong. to Ii@ II!! d~ "A ~l'mber of citizens If any mail offers to sell us anothtollowel!, anli !J ye~y pl~~nt time er peck of those cotton-ball Early wu enjoyed, " Dr. 11alno. d~!v"'r(llt 1111 ~!Nrcll:lt Rl!d appl1!8, ' there will be a Budden . appropriate to the OIlG~lIl1jn: the lIand f!ltlt!!'at, !lur~. "· dlacoul'lled lome Inspll'lng lDu.lg; Ille cream, I.monade, croqu.t, swings{ etc. , Spting ohi~~l!n8 Are gaip ~o bl! dy, were liberally Indulged In unti the Ing rapldly 'ln' this neighborhood, The caule Is generally a hatchet. . dewy shadel of even becan to fall. The band did quite as well Ill! It Morella cherries are plentiful, of anticipated IInanela11y. the net profit tine quality, and only 6 cents a quart. belne ao~~th~,!g .~ver. ,ZO •.

Evcm'tt Clark is installing a liM rudio ouLfit. _



f l'. and Mrs. Frank SnydelO made a

busincHR lrip to Uaytun , F'riday. Me ~c l amell Clara T hompso n and Mury Carmo ny we r e Uuytou vi Hitors, T hursdllY. Mr. nnd ~ Trs . J ess E mRwil er, of Day ton, wer e week-end g uests of IOclal ive here. Ever ett Earl y spe nt th o wee k-end al t he Hescrvoir, in compllny with Dnyton f ri ends . Th e annunl Home- Comin g of the Lyti c M. E, church will bo held on Sun day, J uly 1 Dth .. Bo r n- To Mr. and Mrs. Har r y Brown , of Ce nto rville Station , Wedncsday , J uly I , UJ2 5, 11 so n. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Sigler !lnd son, HUI'vltl, ure now stny ing wilh the latter's moth er, Mrs. Ida Brown. 'om lll un ion !!e rvi ce w ill be held nt Lytle church nexL S und ny mCJ rning, II I the pl'caching hour, nine thirty. 1I1r. a nd Mrs .. Cha rles J ohns wer e visitol's at th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Gl en n J ohn s, in Daylon, Sunday. Mr. and Mrll. Roy Williams, of \' oungsLo wn. urc visiting at th e home of Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Thompson . Mr. a nel Mrs. Ha rry McGinnis spent purl of l a~t wC!lk with Dr, and Mrs. L. B, Hall and family, at Waynesville. Mestlames Adda Bu r nett, Nettie Emrick, J essie Long acre and Ma rtha Graham wer e Da yton shoppers, Mon· day. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. J ones had for their Sunday dinner guests, Mrs. Leola Brickle and children, and Mr. William Smith , of Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. P B, Hawke entertained the former's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James HaWke, of Lima, seve ral days last. week. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenriek attended the fun eral of Mr. J\lSS8 Wright, at Springboro, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wharton enter· tained to SUl)da~' dinner, Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Whllrton, lIfr. and Mra. Frank Shumard and sons, Eldridge and Ropc rt, of Crown. Point, Dayton. Come to the ice cream social next Saturday evening, July 11, on the lawn at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whllrton, ig iven by the girls of Mrs. Hunt'a Sunday-school class. Among those who attended the Community pic n ic Ilt Lebanon the Fourth were: Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cox, Mrs. Mary Carmony. Clyde Cox, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and Wm Woolley, J . B. Jones and family, Ralph Johns and family.


BASEBALL ( Continued fro~ page T he Dayt on BIll's came to I"razier's pn,rk Sunday a flernoo n. but they wer not UIO Hars ur uld, sl ill th .y put up a pr et ty good gU Ul\! at that. " j{ bbit" Felily pitched 'Cor the Miamis, a nd did good lTeclive wOl'k, ultho ugh I'uthu wil tl. lIis NunporL W II R A'nnd whoen li hnd to· tw , hut not "I' to the ~ tancl ard of lhe Sat urday gu me. AI. though out hit. 12 hits t o 8, the Mia mis mnde nil of th ei r hils couut in the suering. Runs, not hit.!, arc 0" wha t wi n bull games. T ho Mia mi s ex pect to start a sorics of threc gllm es ,,-ith the Bellbrook t cam ncxt SundllY. Co mc on . boys, let 's ge t 'em- you cll n . if yo u will. The sco re of th e third strnig ht victory: DA YTON BA RS A U R H PO A E Field" c 1 2 :1 n I '\ ~ I il.c h,·". c f 1\ 1 0 1 0 0


E urn pst,







:mith, rf 5 1 2 2 0 A. VnnTress, 3b .. 4 I 1 2 L W . VllnT ress, If a 0 1 2 1 1I1agcl', I I> 5 0 2 U 0 Smo ker, I' 5 0 0 0 5 Gree n. 2b ... :I 1 0 3 3 - - - T uta ls :.18 G 12 24 11

Sears & Cartw




Insurance and, Public Sales We Specialize 'on Good Se rvice Property insured with us is p laced in the very Strongest Companies, at the same rates charged by weak ones. Proper ty sold by u s a t Au ction is sure to brin g its va lu e , and the amoun t of Dollars and C en t s is what co unts.


Office, Am a n Bldg.

6 1 ~~2

WaynesvilJ e, Ohi')

:; 1 Il 0 1 1


MIAMIS AB R H PO A E FroHl , as . 3 0 0 1\ 4 1 E. Burton , 2b 6 1 1 7 2 0 Gons, :lb :I 2 0 3 3 0 H . Burto n, c .. 4 1 2 1\ a 1 Sa tte r t hwa ite, Ib .. 3 2 2 7 0 1 Heinle, cf .. .. 2 0 0 2 0 1 C. ' Osb orn e, rl .. 4 1 1 0 0 0 Barton , If ', 4 1 2 0 0 0 F ealy, p .. .. . 4 0 0 0 3 0

F. T. Martin J esse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your IInl e s with us. We~guarantee satisfaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O.

Phone No . 2


32 8 8 27 15 4 MONEY IN THE GAME 1 2 3 4 567 8 9 Fixed up this way to look like a Bars ...0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3- 6 ad:" Miamis . 0 0 0 6 0 0 3 0 x- 8 "personal "College widow with alx children 2-baae hits--Fieldil, Satterthwaite. would like to meet old·grad with five Sacrifice hita--Frost, Satterthwaite Object, football team. Sa~rifice fly- Heinle. Earned runs- Miamis, S. Left on bllses- Bars, 9; Miamis, 7. Passed ball-Fields, 2. Double plaY8-~ons to Satterth· waite: Smith, unassisted. Hit by pitcher- HeinI e (Smoker), W. VanTress (by F ealy). Wild pitch- Smoker. Buses on ' bolls- Off Smoker, 3; off Fealy. 4. ' haarlem')oil-has"been'~lworJd, St ruck o'ut--By Smoker 3 ; by Fealy wide remedy for kidney; liver.and 4. . bladder disorden, rheumatism; T ime of game-l hour and 62 minutes. lwnba&o and uric add cooditione! Ump ires- Thompson and Galbraith


..- ..----



Phone No. 320 ---~

AIN'T IT TH E TRU'!'H? "The Americull wome n a re all right," Silid th e spellker. "Bvery day Lhey ar e showi ng moro and more_ JJ "Backbune." Hui ll a voice f rom a rear seat.

FOR OVER 40 YEARS 1lAIoIo'.,OAT.ARRB IIUlIDl :;IN£ hOB boen Il8e4 IlIcc... tully In the treatmont ot ~atan-b.

BALL" CATARRH ME DICINE con. ,101<0 ot ILD Olll l m un l w!l lc h Quickly RelleveI' by loca l :l.ppilCl,U<> n. and tho Intenut.J Mudlclne. a TonIc, ",hlob aol<o Ibrourb the 81004 on Ule MUCOUI Sur. face •• thus rec1uc1nr tho Innll.OlmaUon.

SoUl by a\l drunl.t& Chen e v & C o .. ToI .~o. Ohl....

r. :s.


. .~ .


The Berean QUllrterly Social wiJJ be h ' Id lit the church ncxt Silturday evening at 7 :30. c.: AP~UL E. S NOTARY PUBLIO Brother and Sister J ohnson visited Will. Drawn Esta tes Sottled ..-.ctlntenral troubles, stlmulate'vltaI the Illtter's aunt, Miss Madden, at Three 800. All dru"lsts. IDIiatt North Lewisburl'. Ohio, last Tuesday, ST. MARY' CHURCH Waynesville, Ohio 011 the orl&lnal cenulDe OOLD M&DAI. You should s urely co me to church, Fifth Sunday after Trinity, July National Bank it is not so ve ry fnr. Ten miles is 12. Church School at 9 :80 a. m., less th an tw o wer e befor e you had Mornign Prayer and sermon at 11 Miss Dorothy nye atte nded a picnic a. m. J • a Cllr. So roll out in good time, . you are welcome, very, very; the at Lebanon last Saturday. Rev. John J. Schaeffer, Rector. fare is good, the seats ure fr ee, and Mrs. Emma Crew, who is working ro onl t o "park" at Ferry. in Dayton, spent the week·end at her METHODIST CHURCH horne, here. Sabbllth School, 9 :16 a. m .• preachFUNERAL DIReCTOR The Mt. Holly bali team won the Igume from Trebein's Sunday, by the ing at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League 6 :46 p. m. Preaching nt 7 :3 0 p. m., EYES EXAMINED score of 13 to 6. WayneSVille, O hio Wednesday evening Prll yer meeting, GLASSES FITTED Mr. Otto Marlatt Ilnd family, of 7 :30. Everybody Invited to these Columbus, spent; Sunday with Mr. services. PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE Miss Et.hel Munn oll hilS r etuml!d, John Rye and family. • Fully EquIpped for Good Rev. L . A. Wllshburn, Pastor. after a vis it in Kentu cky. Mias Lula Kellis , haa returned to Service. Every Wednesday W. B. Wa rn e r made a bU!lincss tri p her work in Xenia, after spending a L arge Display Room t o Dayton, M(lnday moncin{.:. FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST wec k wi th her pElren ts. 9 a. m. ~to 5 p.rn. Ambulance :Service We are sorry to report little Mearle Bi ble Scho ol, 9 :30. Boost hard Little Virg'inill Scott Is spending Wa rner sick, in this vicinity. a fClW days with her uncle and aunt, and down "Ole Slimmer Slump." Had RestRoom in GrangeBldg TELEPItONE 7 OR NIGHT a good in crease last Lord's Day. The . Mrs. Ruth Murray ar.d nephCJW, Mr. and l'4r8. K.arl Wudlow. scrmon wilJ be by Bro. John WallenWaynesville, Ohio Murray F cc and wife s pel1 ~ the 4th Mr. Harry Shumaker, of Xenia, is burg, of Cincinnati. Be sure to hear in the !lit)', spcnding 11 few days with his uncle him. Service at 7:30 p. m. Sermon and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mar- on "Seven Sure Things." Corne I Ben Traylor and wife, of Oregonia, Main Office: were Sun da y g uests of James Troy. latt nnd f llmily. 924Y. South Brown Street, lor and {nmily. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dill and Over Sigma Theater Mrs. Re becca Dill spent the weekRalph Terry, wife and mother, o( Dentist Dayton, Ohio Dayto n, were the week·end guests of end with Mr. B. A. DiU and family, of Clayton, Ohio. the Terry family. Waynesvlllo National Bank Bldg ; DanReroul Corvel to Little Jack Ma,rlatt haa returned to Be Elimin.ted J . H. Bogan a nd family, the leading COLUMBUS _ The way will be grocer of HlIrveysburg, were Sl'rn on his home in Columbus, after spending 11 fe w weeks with his uncle and , open July 10, when the Hopley Bill our stree ts Sunday evellllli:. II1r. and lIirs. John Rye and goes into effect, for the state highMrs. Edith McKay is' spending this aunt, fillnily. _ _ _ _ . _ • wily deportm ent to condemn land wee k wi t h her broth er und f a mily, in for straightening hig hways already Wilmingto n, Everett Starburk. constructed and abolishing bidding Miss Margaret Haley and brother, bonds on state work. According t:> Alber'!:, of Wilmingt on, w"r~ last the Ohio Good Roads Federation, week guests of the J ordan (amily. there arc a number of dangerous Mrs Clara Conner and daughter, . Mr~. Warne!, M:arris continues quite curves on highways built several Ethel, and sons, of Harveysburg, were III WIth but htUe hope of her recov- years Ilgo and the high~_4epart­ ment has been without authority t 0 Sunday guests at the Burge tt camp, ery, condemn Illnd needed In the elimat the Creek, near the Blain bridge. Phillip Hcrmllll and family spent ination of these curves in mnlnteWilmington college last year, in all the Fourth with ' r elatives in Pike nance work. The new low also prosessions, enrolled 985 resident stu- county. videa, tqa federation BOYS, that biddents. and 301 extension s tudent.~, a ders at state highway lettings must Mrs. Abbie Spray and son, Lester grand net total for the year of 1286 of Wilshington D. C" were gucsts of file certified checks with their bids. students. relatives her~ last week. Cu.b R. J. MUTray, wife and sister had Mr. and Mrs. Harley Smith enter- Alcoholic Salel for their Sunday evening cllllc;rs, Mu . Druggists at the convention of the Nellie Strlltton and daughtcl', Noouli, tained a Pllrt.v of relatives from Co~ Ohio State Pharmaceutical Associaof Ogden, an~ ~rs. Lizzi~ Ferris, pf lumbup, over the week-end. near Or~' , nl!\ , . lol. 9· Phillips and family. of Cin· tion, to be held at Cedar Point, July are guest!! of Mr. and Mrs. 20.26, will be asked, in an effort to Zimrl Haines apd wife, ot New Bur- cmnati.l. better safeguard public health and lingtop, Mary Antrnm, of Wilming- G. A. t'hillips, fOI~ the summer. the fair name of pharmacy," to keep ton, were Monday evening callers on !" , M. Harlan and lon, Jamel, of a record of the nllme and address of R. J. Marray, wife and sisters, at Miamisburg, wero guests of Mrs. Itt.. every person purchasing alcoholic Long View Stock farm. H. Harlan and family, over tbe week. preparation a that have been known to be used for beverage purposes or The many friends of Mrs. Idn C. end. Have you ever sufferec1 (ram bard water "itch"l Have Mannon will bo Borry to h~ .. r that sl,o Russel Lumpkin, of 1hilI place, and aa whisky substitutes. These include The Frllnklln Chronicle oll'el'll to is not gettipg along as well' as we. aU Miss Win,nle Howard; . .of near Wil. even hair tonics and flavoring ex.f til. Gyp.i.. D ..d , your hands become drY and hard-your skin chapped-from send us some of its "white heat." We wish her to. We hope by th·) time m\1;tgtQn, 'were nilaniect on 'l'hursday, tracts. "The promiscuous sale of The Q)leen of, thll GJPslel, Matil. would rathe~ have an Iceberg or a this appears iii print that she will be Ju'f 2. ' : proprietary preparations high In alusiog hard water? . da St..nley, h.. not yet been buried. fan. now. content and low In medicinal much bettor. The fune~al of the little dau.rhter coholic Then you can appreciate bands that are II8geI:' roughened Her ubea ItIII ·lIti Ill' the vault Iii value should not be encouraged," the W~ A. Starbuck and wife, fonnot:lIr. and Mra. J . G. McNell, of Xen.Woodland cemetery, Dayton, awaitThe lana . Is fairly ftowinr with' .report to be 8ubmitt!!d to the associnor reddened-baby's tendes: akin that is DeW( lett ~ed ~IIK the tim. when her lon, now Klnlr fruit and vegetable. and milk and erly of Wilmington, who went to ia,"' was held In the FrIends churob, ation BaYI, and "itchy"__ shave that is quick and c1eaa. 'lhal !fell"l~ed, ~ shift the J'oyal honeYi ana yet the chronic growl la Whittier, Cal., a couple of years ago, Friday. Burlal,was made ' in the cem Packer. of K.aut ~hono... ,f rom, hlA Ihoulders to thole of st\U heud In choru~ICThele bard for the benefit , of Mra. Starbuck's etery east of tOWIl. E~ry hOt;Ile NOW can have 10ft watel' .~ ~ 11.1 health, arrived here a few days ago, Mrs. B. H. MiUer and Mrs. Samu.l 'To Grad. Product ',it newtY :cho.ell :queen. All long III times." · to make a Ihort villit with the", chil~ Boyd were hostellBes at a puaeJ. Ihow. There wiU be • normal acreage of cistem and double plumb in,. dren here and at WllmillKtc!.n. er for Mr. and Mrs. Raymont! Dun. cabbage thl! year., according 'to reChu. Owells and ,,"fe, Joh.1I Mur. lap, Tuesday evening. The;, received porta re<!elved by the Ohio , Canners lose tha~ if I went to work. So you phy and slater, . Elizabeth,. of 'Frank· many beautiful gifts., . Asaoclation. Because of the Increased lIBe It amounta to working for ,,4.1,0 a lin. Albert Herrea and family, of Day. The 1IIIa,e. Oatherlne No-Ie demand for sauerkraut and the pro"eek, and Ireful"" , ton, J. W. Thompson and wife, ot Ruby Smith, Ruthanna Ourrey·:nd gnsa made In tta, manutactulOe withGeneral Sir Ian Hamilton Ia quoted near Waynesville, A. B. Talmaare and Myra Hayd(lck were members of a In ~he last few yeat;a. packers have Ill! saying that Britain will not lhake wife. ' of this place",·were Sunday af· house p'arty at tbo' home of Mill8 ' MU. deCided to grade It, as hili been done off for a century the 'moral rot re·· ternoon callers at the Jordan home. dred Nig' ogle last week' . "Ith peas, corn, tomatoes and other suIting from the dole system. George ' . . canned foods. There .ue now a hun· Lansbury, the socialist. dllclares that J. W. Bdwards IUld· wife had tor ••!-.. dred ot! more ways of preparing R~ RtI/W-UIfHtTl F'-' In Great Brita\1l there ~re at pres- the ,country Is living on cinemas and their Sunday guests their .daughters TOUCHRNC POEM kraut, the diahes ranging from salad i8 die latelt product of the world'. · ent 1,200,000, people Iivln/f on /lOV' dolllS, and add", 'ftll, land .il going with their hUlba~dl and c:htldren, Ed to pie, whUe It I, reported that lIluer· 1arcest manufacturer of reeideDCe wa· 'n ' the mlnln" ah4 to ruin and tile m~1I1I of mankind Hammon and wife, of South Solop, -' -kraut Juice mUD appetlzlnc and I t d . ter ~ It ia llimple--compacternmen 0 c!'. • .. .. to I' '~II - d II" Harmon Moore and family, of Rldge- 0 h f . k . th h' It' h I 1.6.11 industrial rl!trJ~n/l tll. P!lop\e o;t t"r", ru n, men ... yan mora y. . . ill J h 'Sb od d f '1 f ne , toue 0 nature rna III e whole 6& U !lOCa_. . • pnCdca1. Yay be Inetalled m either wh 1 , , ~I arl!. dolfl" noth.lnr at What Is worea, there seem. to be v 0, 0 n , erwo an ami y, °d world kln, ' . okl or new homea will &lve a life tim, • AI e '8re .ms~ 'Iutrllrin.r ·to · allY no onll in " authority wltb courage' Oreronla, . and Lyle ~obin80n an One touch of humor makes the whoi. Operatorl of ·Ii•••• of ~. at very IIDall COlt. ';ian~ ,~tlJe calle of • miner the enough to put a atop to the wboleaa&e family, of tIIl.s, place. . , . world arln" <. . . . ,To ·Eat."d Senl.. . TIle Duro hu mBD1 addol. lUi\I--\infdn bcneftta, coupled wJih demoralization dellCnl>e!l. 1h. Labor. Dr. H. B. Starbuck and f~mlly, one One touch of patliroa':makes til. ,wbol' _ 'The Ohio Hotor Bu• . Ownen' Allniltqs _ older- typea..o-therw 18 DO , . . , ,. .. IOeiatfon announcea that W. 1. Wil. 'wageB ' for three daY!i, equal $11.50, leaders aay .that rio .. will fol\ow If of ,the I.ading ph)'l!lcl&nl of Whittier, world bt:l e , .; ;rhereaa It he works four daYI he 'acta .the dole lyatem '\I' clone away with. . 'Cal" are apend~g ;'the doctor'• .vaca- One touch for mc~ne1 lees UI all OD . . . wb" operatea a bu. 'Une ~m 'PIIddna of ~o red It3Ia or · ,10'60 and no dole. It Is ,plain that It would be ~~eaper for the cpv- tion -\YIth their relatives and friends the run. . .If." ~D ' to ~"" Straitllvllle 1roIl,'riiIt" 1l~ ill a' ~ . nd~r luch " a 'cpnditlon he prefera emment ·t o ~a Ita dependallta to here and-at WI~lnaton. The dqctor • _. YIa Shawnee; hu been autlaorllecl ~ proce•• 'qulcldy ~ reqlliriq . l i'~e dole arfd tnree. days' work, to the ·colonles· or dominions, and {~the and hili family motored< through In THEN SHOT HIM ~d, the' line ·frolD ~a_ to at ~ed with bout8 . III lIOIIIe other typea. '\ f ur daya; work> and no dole. end such a coJil'ae would solve the their machinea.· lIuilcin, thelr trip of t' ~ • Hemlock anil Dnlkea. ~A m ~ed to labor lor a ftxed une:nployment,problem, but there i8 8000. miles or more in' tWelve days" --_ . '. ~ ••' B'~ whl) operate. 'a bus " Cl \!~lvFJctit tn about $16 .a wC!~1c no e,<:cmC!~s . tlr lIueh an adventure dolnr: aU their drlvlJur in the daytime, "He makea .bis money f.o farther froaMUtoD to LIIIla"hu made appU· . LI' .. "." ,.. .~ ."..,. W!lgv':,nd!gnnht. <Ii "~Ull1V ~ \Vor~ for on fhe 'Pa rt (If th.,,! e wJ>.1) '0:- ~01"fect- 'llUId Btopl!l~. otr a' clay at, th" Gmaa than Ilny man I e /'et: lpJew.' etion~~~'jo a eertiftcate, to eld:eDd It to ~00 " 'Wflelt," he .aiel.. .. .i'I cUd net l~ eOflteut to f;C, on lIVing ~.i\·ea of C~)'01)I. , . "Welli lome people an 110111 t'bat the IDditna state Une by' ftl' of 'Del;t0U ~ do 1.h,,~ >/ W. . til" l~pl¥. thilCl:l CBlJ made.t:~le tbI'ouglurovI • "Y.,... ' . phOle and Villi Wert. lie hopes to ~lIo8'encl PII .U." ~Y... J Iato!,. el'lllD.nt ~D Olll.--N." Yom "'.ft a...:.. I . L a.._ ... _ 'Yei; he wu Slbeda; aD~ obtaiD a certUlate- in IndfllJla to CDn· but 1 ..' fl0.10 • a 401e aU .o1llG Commercial. . _ ! ~ ~. even week lui m'qIlq ~ . . . ' ~to I'oR W.,...

.- ..----




Will F. Young

----_ ..----

W alter :iVlcClure





----. -_.-.-.-----News From The Capitol

Dr. John W. Miller !



l '




Water S~fteDer


0 nliY





J. W. Burton

, k'











• fit'"

.,.a. ...... C.• .aw -Mig Louella W illiamson wu in 1I1u LUlie Nedry ill visiting frlenJ a Mr. Clnrk Salisbury, of Cleveland, Dllyton, today. nellr Lebanon. . ill visiting relatives here.

,... ..... Thl ....

wbo 4:qallnu'Jl hI, rep." tnJ' rQU, aft I' JQu hllve ~uC~" \'ded tal ,ond blmMlt. III 1h.. rt'al ,-hln,.

Mi!\ll Rut)! Earn hKl·t has returned lib'. lind Mrs. J. Ii. Smith were home trom Wilmilw LolI. Dnyton visitoJ'8. MondllY.

••••••••••••• ~.o •••• •


• ••


I, •• :• 8

."",_-: 8

••• •

••• •• •• • •:•

cxdu. A.DAM .



PbODI 47



~.: MTl'BIlY SIDlVICB ................!.

.... :



::: ---.---""===-"'-=nand '


e rt Th~r!!'d IlY night.


l\fis~ Irma Shutt.~ is visiting in Cin·




are all to the good when applied to the right column. You can sell your


quickly b, ioaerting aD ad. in the

Miami Gazette

Too Much? if youra hav~ ~n cOlting you too much it wUl


you to come in and see us. -If you want abaolute aaaurance of 8atisfaction before you buy-if you want fair, square, courteou8 treatment-if you want the fine8t tires built (Goodyean) at a range of prices to 8uit any pocketbook.....w. can give you all this. . Aak .anyone who ever bought a tire or anything ebe here what they think of our merchandise, our pricel and our service.



. \1

Get. Our Prices

Waynesville Motor COl




Mesll'll. R. B. Crane. P. J. Crane, of Middletown. and Mi.. Lucille Berry, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with MI'. James Van«lervoort anll family. Mr. and Mn. Raymond Baird, of Indiallapolll, 'Mr.. IUld 14,.. StanleY Wa)'lle and Ill'. Geor,e Morrle, of LewllvUle Ind •• 'llfere Sunda,. p .... of Mra. Julia Donovan and Mr. •. D. Baird.



Dr. Lee Coop... and family

Mra. H. H. Wllliamioll, wbo bave been tourlnW the Welt, arrived in Dayton thII momin... Mh. WDIlamlOll ...turned to her home bere · thll afteJ'noon.



. Mr. and Mra. II. S. Howell, of Port William, and M:r, and Mra. Dean Howell, of Ch'lcago, 'topped in Waynel\ville a alltort time Saturday moming. They were en route to Lebanon, to attend the Warren County picnie. Mr. B. S. Howell BIIsiste«1 In the Premier band.


EveQ' loaf of Thompaon' s bread is filled with Iif~-liYinl nourishment.

Milk. and Pure ~rd Su,ar and Salt Beat of Flour

OUf{ MOTTO: "Quality and ·C,leanlin.~~8" . Ask Your Grocer ' for

Mr. nnd Mrg. H e rb~rt Edwllrd ~ . , J)C'n\"(l r. Co l.. art' \' i ~ iti n K ,'clnti vcs here'. Miss El$ie lI awke spent the weeken d with Miss Lu ci ll e St J ohn, of H. R. 4.

Mr. F . C. HIII'\..ock lind family . of Milford, spe nt SundllY with reln tivcs he re. Mr. Fra,;k Sta ns berry lint! fllmily s~ent Sunday with r elntives in Cla rks VIIII'.

Mrs. Lester Gordon is visiting her sister, Mrs. SeCl"il' F iCe, of Wil mington.

Mr. and Mr!!. Lore.n Hadley and little daughter are visiting relativos Mr. lind 1111'S. Clarenee Edwards, neur Wilmington. of Route I, werc Co lu mbus visitors, Sunday. Miss Virginia Anderson, of Dayton, Is visiting heIr aunt, Mrs. ClarlI1i8S Martha Nichols, of Route 4, ence Mendenhall. is spending a few days with Miss Ruth Earnhart. Miaa Eleanor H.amm, of Columbu,., i. s pending tbe w'e ek with her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charl es Sherwood Mrs. F. R. Moomllw. have returned home after a visit in the West. Mr. and Ji[ra. 'C wence Allen, of Dayton, _pent the week.end witb Little Bernard Mclloh was tvery Waynesville relatives. sick last \veek. threatened with appendicitis. Mr. Charlel FiIIher and family, o( Cincinnati, .pent Sunday witth Mr. Miss Ruth Miller, of LimR, spent W. H. Allen and :famlly. . • the Fourth with her moth er, 111,!. Eva Miller . MI'. J. D. Marlatt Is visiting hl~ son-In-law and ~Iaughter, Mr. and Miss Edna Mullin left Monday to Mrs. Merle Keml, of Columbus. spend the week with relatives in Mu ncie . Ind. FOR SALE-Gt)od, aound Learning Com. J. S. Vandervoort, Phone lIIi R~e, El ~ ie Hawke a nd Do ris Henderso n Wl'l' e Dayton visitors, last 83-3, R. D. 2, Wllynellville, Ohio. Wednesdn,'. M,.. M.S. Wellt and children, and Mra. Joe Rlchard.lOn .pent Monday Mr. Stanley Pence. of Dayton . srent with Mr. C. P . Ellia and family. the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Luella Pence. Mr. CbaJ'les Chapman, of Cincinnati, Is a guellt lit the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams and grandmother, Mra.. Elizabeth Bally. Mrs. Minnie Wash spent the Fourth in Springfield. Mrll. Charles Lefl'erson and little daughter are ape'n ding the week at Miss Lottie Taylor, of West Lafayette, Ohio, is the guest of Dr. and Miami Valley Chautauqua grounds. Mrs. L. . B. Hall. . :p,. J. T. EDis and party arrived home the first of the week, after a Mr. Forrest Ridge, of Buffalo. N. trip of , much interest t hrough the Y., is visiting his parents, lilT. and .East. Mrs. O. M. Ridge.

Miss Elizabeth Thompson, who hBl been vi.iting at the home of her nephew, Mr. F. W. Moomaw, hu returned to her home at Kingston, ~.

Thompson'8 Bread ia made with Finest and Best Fleischman's Yeast -,

Mi ss Mary Alcx nnder , of Dnyt II, is t he guust of Miss Benlrice R u~'· it-zero

Mr. ana Mrs. C. E. McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Moomaw and son, of Ashland. iKy .• were week.end Mr. H. J. Hamm attended the Hamm guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Van- reunion in Chillicothe, Sunday. dervoort, of Route 2. Mrs. Alfred Clark and two gmndRobert Curtis, of Wilmin'g ton, and children, of Franklin, Ind" arc vlsWinifred and RU8sell Curtis. of Wil- iting Mr. and Mrs. Rarry Stokes and bertoi'ce, spent last week with Mr. other relatives. and Mrs. James Curtis. Rev. and Mrs. John J . Schaeffer, St. Mary's congregation with Rev. have been enjoying a visit with their Mr. Schaeffer and family, enjoyed a son Ilnd famUy, until recently of Calsocial time and picnic dinner on the ifornia, LIeut. Val Schaffer; who ie an officer in ~he navy, has been transschool campus, S·unday. ferred from California to r. ~tution Mr. . and Mrs. 1rhomas Fetter have in Virginia, and he and bls charming returned to the Masonic Home, in ..... ;r(.o and Iit~le dnul!ihter ar~ Cl.route Springfield, after' a three weekI' via- by auto ;0 th,:ir new home. \. It with MI'. and Mrs. George Smith.


Waynesville, Ohio




Misses lIIarjorie and Barbara Mor- I Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard gan, of Lyndon, Ohio, are visiting at Law80n, of Corwin, Sunday, July 6, the home of their aunt, Mra. F. R. 1926, a daughter. Moomaw. . Mr. O. J. Alexander and fa rilly, Mrs. Stanley SE!lIers and Mrs. Will of Dayto,n are spending the weck at Stubbs, of Leba.non, were dinner Camp Linger Longer. guests of Miss May .Wright, last Thursday. Miss Mildred Hartsock, of MilCQl'd. is spending a few days with Mrs. • Save your old carpets and rugs Edith Harris and family. and get "WearweU" Rugs made, Send for price list. Franklin Rug Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Vance, of Co., F'l'ankIin, Ohio. Pleasant Plain, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mr. Lemley Curtis and Mrs. M. E . Robinson, of Detroit, spent part of Mr. Archer Hartsock, of Dayton, lnst week with their parents, Mr. and was the guest of his parents, Mr. and MI'II. James CUptiel,. Mrs. J, L. Hartsock, Sunday.



Bread· With


MI'. J . R.· ulemll WitS tak e n qnile M (!s~NI. Lee H awke and Earl OrnMr. Charles DUnh Am, oC Troy, vi~­ SundllY niJ;llt . but i~ better ogain dorf wer e ' in Dayton, Monday. . ited with relati ves here' 0 \ '1'1' th \ c k cnd. l lJ l'~lIc" ~J nd~nhall and Miss Esther Curtis hns accepted a Jessrs. Pau l tokC'ly \\'l' r" III Cincinnati, 1I10n - position in Sandusky. Ohi o. Mis:! Emily JII""\);, vI' i\Ji dtl lct"wn ' l \ \$ia'd JIli tis Emnltl lI cig-:I\\,uy. ::)111'1 day. . LitU!) Doris Salisbury is v;sitlllg dny. Mrs. W. W. Sm Ith hilS r eturn ed to her grnndpll rents in Clevelund . he r home in Ind iun :I IJolis, after a few Misses Hcnriett.. Mt' Kin sey and dnys' visit with her sister! Mrs. Han· 1I Olive Allen \\'"re hOllle uver the wuek nah Rogers, lind olher re atiues. Irs. Mary McKibban visited rol a- e nd . tives in prmgfield lust week. ,


Phone 105


~i ck

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S hutt.~ and family entertained on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J ohn McClure and daughter. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ernest Shutt;s of Cincinllllti. lind lI1iss Phoebe 1111Mr. J . B. Crabbe and family spent Mrs. Emma Farr Dakin visited the rllnda. Masonic home lit Spl'ingfleld, Wed· the week.cnd in Crawfordsville. Ind. nesday of last W"t' k. S he found Mr. Albert Hllin ~s conftn cd to his bed. Born- T u Mr . .Ilnd Mrs. Lon arte r , of HOllte I, l\1onduy , July 6, 1926, IT CAN 'T BE DONE Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Fires enter- U SO ll. tai ned nt dinn er, unda y, Mr. and " li t! is th., kind uf nUln who will Mrs. Julius TlLylor, Mr. and Mr ~. Miss Gladys Harlan, of Dllyton , hi nCt h hind a \\lImnn's ~ kil't . " Harold Tn ylor I~nd da ughters, Mil . vi:;ilcd h('r molhel', JIll's. Lo u 1I111'Inn, how thin and short that fe l- dred and GenevIeve, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. . low must be." ~wis Fires and children. Miss Floss ie Fires, Messl'!! Clydo and Leslie TILY' VI,., Seldom. Dr. nnd Mrs. Bnlley Cnmpbe lJ , o r lor. Colornd o, arc visiting friends in this No doubt men lire just IlS foollala vicinity. AS wom .. n. but you seldom hear of a man SlIlu, a woman tor breach III Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter McClure nnd pro mise. I\IrH. Nettle Chi dlaw spent l'tlonday ...- - in Springfield . . Fair-HaIred Olrl. Qulok ..t. Fn lr·hull'pd I;lrl. make th. best wallMrs. Russel Benson. nee Mabel re9SCS. n"""rdlllg to one utlert. lUI tber . Salisbury, of Delawnre, is visiting are Q II1r~l' r In movement. relativcs here.

Do Tires Cost

Cash or Trade for Eggs Ka te Ricks s pent t he wo~knd with relatives in Dayto n.

•• J

Mr. and Mrs. Geo~e H. Hess. of Springfield, Ohio, Miu 'Mary Lefl'erson l 0 f Middletown; Mr. F. C: L. Welebrodt and lon, RlchaJ'd, and Miu Eleanor Wall, of Sardinia; Mis! Henrietta MoKinlley, Mr. J. B. Pence, Mr. C. 14. Robltzer and famfly, Mr. I, O. Cartwrikht-and famlly ,spent tHe week-end at Camp Linger Longer. The :following w~~e vieitol'll ~i the bome of Mr. and MnI. C. P. Ellie Tbunda, af~moon: Mni. Jame~ Curtia and crariddaugbter, of 8a1'veYlburr:. ,Mra. Wattle Robinson and Mr. Lemley 'Curtis, of Mich. : JrIr~ Robert Curtla, Ru. .l and Winifred

berlorce' Mr.

~~~""",,,,,,,,,,,~~,,,,~~~,,,,~~,,,,~~,,~~,,,,,,,,,,u~,oftima; !! HD. BeDtJl1.


tor Dayton

U. S. No.1 20c POTATOES New 5 pounds for •• 1 WATERMELONS G.EORGIA per lb. • • 2 2 c - -Free-stones 2Sc PEACHES Georgia 4 pounds for ••••


Large Ripe Fruit 3 pounds for ••••


~~~~~. . . . . . . . $1158 ~~~~~a~~.e~~.~ ............32c ~~~i!z~.~.~~...$l s15 ~!~~~ Quarto .... .. ...... ........ .. .. ........ 84c Pinta ............ .. ... .... ............. .. 7 4c .

S~!!!! c~~~s 24c Lard Freah rendered. lb .

LoaC. each .. .... ..




Jewell. Ib

.. ........ 47c


19~c ~~~y BroWII. .~~e . 350

~!~!~rbo~~~ . . . l Dc


Ereah, lb .........

20c ~~~~6

bm ...... ...... ....

25~ .. ,

Millinery Clearance Sale Our remaining collection of Women's aud Children's Hats in. variety of shapes and colors. Regardless of cos~:

Early Fall Modes Just Received Kid hats in white and black and whit~ . Felt Hats in white and variety of colors. Summer Velours rn Satld and 'Green Silk Hats in large size, "bite and black.

Oste rly Milline ry Xenia, Ohio

37 Green Street,


Hot Weather Necessities. Save Your Food with a '

" ~.

Glacier Refrigerator ,

Quarter 'Sa wed Oak Finish White Enamel Food CabiDet



Relieve the intense heat i"n your kitchen'." with a good Coal Oil or. Gasolinf: Stov~. . We have a complete stock of

Flor.ence, Quick Meal, . N~W:': Perfection, Red Star Stoves ' from $7.00 up The 'new

Kitc~en-Kook Pr~ure

c.solii Stote'

il giving w:onde~flils~tisfactio~ ' '~ ·cI~•. onltratloQ ·will prove It• .. ' ",. . 1


H.rdware., H~rn~1 and Farm Mac:h1ae17 . Wayneaville, Ohio '.

Seven ty-Seven t h Y l;a r


.............-......~....... TWO VICTIMS OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT

i Inte;::n:h~tem. I State




Prepared by Colum~u. R~porter



Whole Nu mber 5652



'I'he body of t he mlln who. with A IhC'l·t Hi ll he r t. of Ccntl'l·vilie. wa R kill ed Jl'rirluy mor ning when the Ford to uring car in whi ch thcy we r e r idi ng overtu r ned on t he Lrlmn on ri kc 1\ qua rter of a mile so ut h of Stro p ro ud .hlls 1)I'I'n irlcn tified as Rnyml' nd Bickel. 40. of Ncwp ort. Ky .. an d for· merly of Th omaHv ille. Ala. The id enti ty of the dead ma n was established when two me n ~fro m a cOllstruction camp on th e C. L. a nd N. railroad. south of Leha non . visited the under ta king esta bliRhmen t of Bradford & Routsong. Dayto n. Sun da y morning. • ... The men said that they had r ead of t he accident in a n e wspap er. but did not associate Bickel with it un t il he fail ed to return to camp. He had left th er& Friday morning. and wns not expected to return un t il Sutur· day. He had only owned fo r four days the machine in whinh he was • killed. A sist er. Mrs. A. W. Kerridge. of Thomasville. Ala., was notified of Bicke"s death, and the body will be sent t o that city for tunornl servic es and burial. Tlfr. H ibbort hlld hailed the passing a utolst and asked for a ride to Dayton . 1'hey hall proceeded about 3 miles when the machine s uddenly swerved of!' the paving und headed dlrecUy toward a pole. Judging from the skid marks in the gravel. the dri· vcr evidently tl~ed to wre nch the car back onto the r oad before it made contuct with the pole. but th e s peed WIIS t oo - reut te be overcome and the car turned over three t imes. Mr. and Mrs. Hibbert and daughte r )Were the g uests of Mr. Wm. SherwDPd §n.d fami ly on Thursday. Mr. Hibben Plturn ed to his home thllt e vening, !inA. Mrs. Hibbert had re· malned {Pr II- ~o"ger visit. which was interrupted by ~ n l1'Y!l a! the terrible Ilccldent. lind 6~ ~8§ taken at onct' to ber home. Funeral Nrvicl!' for Mr, JJipb r~ welle held at 1 :30 p. m" ) at the residence north ot CI"wrville, and at 2 o'clock at David Roformell church. Burial wall ·In David eem. etery. Mr. Hibbert is s urvived by a widow Mrs. Elizabeth Hibbert, two daughtel s. Mrs. Goldl& Himes and Mrs. On Saturday afternoon. July 11. Maud GeMner, both of Centerville, ~rs . Ellis McClure, of Spring boro. two brothers. P erry Hibbert, Detroit, and Taylor Hibbert, Chicago. a sis· entertained a group of fri ends at her t er , Mrs. Lettie Marshall, of Bell· home 'in honor of her sister. Miss Alice Sheehnn. of Waynesville, who brook, and sevell grandchildren. will become th e bride of Mr. Carl Cr oll. of Franklin. Ohio. Th e Radio was used to reveal the secret of the e nj!age d couple. Caras containing each one's n!lme. and " hear th e news." were nttnched t o yellow a nd white ribbons. A t the oth er end of th ' ribbo ns, ds wer e concealed insicl ' the horn of t he Radio. which contnin!'d thcse wo rds: E lectricity a nd t he t eleph one have Oli n Cupid been the two ~relltest labor savers ann oun c s th e wedd ing of and conveniences ever given to manAlice Sh!'chan kind. . and . 'Bp r now comes the electric rerrigCarl Croll. erato}' f,oJ: ~he small home and fann. July 30, 1926 It W0!lli.~es t.o be the savior of man kind fro.m .tl).a~y ilia and losses, with Dainty refreshm ents. consisting of which he /)1\& ~~eno .a ffilcted because of yellow a nd whiLe icc cream, cnke and food either 8poile~ or improperly fruit punch. wer e served to the fol· lowing gUI·,t·; : cared f or Plicvj O)JS t.o eating . The !l le~ trlo r efr igerator adds the Mi sses Alice ~ h (!e han, MUIY Cr<l ll. fin,!l t.oucb t.o )1loder n housekeeping Marye Th omas. [rOla Ri ch. Dona whIch makes f ood storage practical Rich. Rosella Ph illips. Mazic Weiser. al1 d safe, and as satisfactory as the Elm u McGlu re. Clara Cloo Crockett: gas or electric rang e. Mesdam es Ward Shults. Walter Shee· E loctric rcf ri gemtion will r evolu· han, Dcorth Sht! ·hnn. Chester Crock· ti onizo the qu estion of fo od and pro- e tt. I:: I III cr 'hccllll n an d Ellis Mc· duce storage on the farm. Clure.

The bAlance in the State treasury to the cr.edlt of the workmen's com,Pensation fund 'h as reached the enorI mous total of S47,611.392113 on July l.Jt, ilnd is gr.owing every dilY. On the same day oJ]e year ago the bal.ance was $46,99.8,J)67 so that the fund has increased almost $2.000,000 withj n the past twe)vp months. On July lst 01 the total balance the industrial .commission, which has charge of the :lund, had $47 .. 037.957 invested in JltIIt.e, county muniCipal and government bonds and the interest of this laru Jlmount means a handsome rev~nue tD the department each year. In Jlddition t o 'thlll bond lnvestment the .corruniaaioJl had $66,000 In state .banks dralr'iDg interest at good rates. .Receipts of the department for the 'past y.eAl' were ~Imost $10.000,000, .a new record tOI" an}' one year. The Jarge balance indieates that there is 1lD uuae for wo~ry aDlOJ1$ Ohio workmen, protected by thi8 !ltate ins ur.ance, that they will wPJJ ~ared lor lZIcaae Ilf accidellt.


----_ ..- - -


'1 CAreful .tJJ.dllnte of poljtics are ~ ;w,bat Thad H. Brown, secretary 10- au, MnJ; w.b.eil aaill in a recent Interview that he ",oul~ ' net pe a candidate for a third term and added with his famou s smile, that "Before I ",ould run for third term IiIJ sec.retary of state, I would retire tb private life,'~ and then with a aUlI b ri>Ader smile and a dogree of confidenee added, "But I do not · expect to retire." There has been a lot of tfilk about Colonel Brown being a ~didatc for the RepUblican nominati on for governor of Obio noxt year, and this is about liS clollo as he has come to saying that he . would enter the field. liut he don·t say so and .friends are 'irawing 'their own condUJlons. U Colonel Brown hllsn't JlI plul tor returning to private Ufe, J,,~ee XC apd II»'~ .woing. to IUIk a third term as Ue ctar, pt state, he lure doell have (. ~. ,~, pJaM for r/Ilm" other office, and W.hue e~les b18 "u.~ .tat;ment comea about all elgee at OD. eMlld ask these 'hot days ~ m..ldJrc an O\lt-an~-out . declaration An exchange of courtesiell between ~amOn gRt us. T. he rector. ri sing from 1)1. tn••B~n~3' ~ t : :·esb th~ ~hY tQe St. Mary's Episcopal church an4 his sellt by th ' head of th e ~ e eting ollfl , ~. fl"""-prbo,a,, .. e Ikn e Mjamj Friends Meeting that may 1__ deliver ed a sermo n !,!,ost fi tting and ,llyentontU,P ..."t e ore ..o !lows . " .,., . suitable to th e occasIon. and a t the Itt ¥ b.e h .. a big following of fnenda .teT~II~ J"Flen~Uy r~~del'/l. o~cun-ed rj!- fend o[ th e hour invited Friends t o 1IfJJIO ~ l'IIIad)' -rfgllt now to , ~lUIt their centl.y at Wn),ne!,vtlle, O)}Io. worship nt SI. .Mal·y·s t ho nex t Sab. l,lOl\t~al l.o~ wlijt ~bn In almost any ror a co.n t)lry an!!. a 9u1P~r Friend, bath. -'. al~. Jle 'I""nt,l! to move. . have maintaine4 public 'woosh1p }:Ieje And so on lhllt. day. after th e uninterruptedly. . Sinc& 1811 the cloae of the Bi hle School. Friends WIdJ flu 1.Pj,4 In~relUlli of nilroad White Brick Mej!ting house has look- moved down the h ill to th e EpiscQpal irrad4I £11DI\Idpg \aW1"~n~ t.hls year, eel down from its coigne of vantalre church in Lh o nex b squur c. in III eepalleuNll.on ot bow b.e:et to eliminate on tbe hill. and "stilC it waiehell O'!ll' tance of l.h<1 pl'offered co u rtesy. All theN " . .pn '- ril#l 'IIJIIPng ~j;e ot- the town." Friends of both branches joined t ogeth er in wo r~ hip . th ough llelala wJw ar. Inter,..te4 In the sav- have fOT seyera! mO'ntlls b!t!ln the vested choir lind crucifer may In. of human lit.. St,stiatiCII Ihow vening l!armpnlously in' one ' Bible have scemed t o some lin unwonted that there .re· ~66,get irna4e cross- seboo). I'n4 ~f!eri~g for worship, aniJ accompaniment of divin e ~e rvi ce. and o roll~ the approuc!l t o the DeIty through lnl'll nl ' tae United States. '1'0 eUm- wit}) Int~ea.llm~ mt!!rellt angl lute all would ,~t the enormoll.l St. Mllr)' s ,hurcb was bullde Ql!r. prayer book ",nd ritual stl'llngjJ and IINm 01 nlnetem billion dollars. Grade ing ~be lIeventielJ cif t~e last !)entur),. tormnl to those familiar only with C!I'IlAIDD do npt produce any revenue and 1t4 IIIClm!;lllJ'1l, teV( in I)umber thllll. our simple and direct way III a ocess. aNi die uP.P would add many mil· have neVllr become Il Jl\lmllroul bod)'. The New Testament lesson appolnt110'" tD the .o.t. FlndiNr' The moat frjendly felaijoJlJhip b.. eel faT the day was read by a young eUmlnation hnp080llble bl!,a~ of the lone existed betwllen tlll1 *wg conlrl'e- Frlendr a toache~ who, during his t.remea4ol» COIIt, Governor Vic Don.:' gatlona ot Frlen4a and ~JlilC9'palian.. student daYI, ,wall an 119t!ve in ember . , . I. 8t4J1q. tD It tJ\at all IP"IId~ the begionlnge of l"lIieb lila), !;III plac'- of the Oollege Gospel team. He reael .ro. . . . '.... prlJuI!te4 by eigns, slg- ed lorpewbat Illllre than tom years from Weymouth's iToanslation, and -n al. an.. pavem,nt mar~lngs. and In &&:0 wb,en a mll",ber of *he Montbly followed the reading with help(ul man, . . . . private watehmen. Where Meeting .lIpped ·awa7 t<t aD ;Ep!Jeopal comment and brief 'exposltlon Bnlt orOAlpp remain 'at grade they will Divl~'lt)' achoo~. took' holy ordel'l, and to th,. prayera read born Prayer be 'f urtbar protected by ci earlni the retu~lng later became rector of the Book wu added that of a Friend In vlclnltY. ot,the croaatng' of ~l obstruc- local church, a poei~lon which he held the body of worahlppera who. In ~lenl' tlon. Interfering with a clear view till hi' death; all,o ther elitente cor. tonell and with well-ohoBen words from ' " ..,eat a distance from the . diale ",as Iho'll'n to a II\8rk.d derre. made her petition quite in harmony traeb .. ,po..lble. There ·Ia ' being by rec~nt, occurrences. with the langusge and dovotlonal a ' aradual and progrellilh1e elimination One of the -oldel'. l"r!elldl recently .plrlt of the Prayer Book. of an danproull gt'ade croaalngll in attended aemco. at the at. Mary'" The Reotor prefatory to hi. ser· Ohio just .. ·.fast al furids are avail· cbure~, and exprell1led to the rector, mon, .poaJdng with lIuppreaaoo emoable and In this work" the Fe'd erjll whon .ermott had pleased and prof- tlon and from a full heart. lIuft'uaed gov~rnment haA ·glven lvaluable tlnan- ited )11111 greatly, the wlllh that all ·th& all eyes all he extended a .Incere welclal 8Balstanee, while' the railroads. Frlendll at the Meeting HouBe, could ,come to the Friends who \'fere worhardly' wlth'o ut exception, have co- have heard his addreas. The mlnls- ahlpplng with them that day; and in operatea with ·the state and borne ter replied. tHat It was quite pOll1llble hili eXp'0lltion of the text. "Ln My their ihare o~ expense without ob. for· tl)em to do .0, and exptiell1llng hi. Father s house are many mansion a." jection ." ' . '. . '. great . WiU\ngn~1I to attend the he departed somewhat from the con• • . ,at \ . Friend. Jt{eetlng, he added: ' "I wUl vOJ\tlo'nal interpretation, and found I gladly 'come lIom,e day and bring 'my room· for the Society of FrIends In _L am. congregation with me." . the Christ Kingdom at here and now. I... . , u . ,.. .A~coJ:dlngly the next Sabbat" ·The . brief silence that pr~eded the . . m~rnlng, June 14, on ~peelal invita- Reoelllionni . was ~roken by the voice .' ~- Aboui' 10 0'00 amall-m,( Iuthed oalla tlon~ they. came: ' and the ' c\lnpega- Of ~e venerable head of 'the Friends were emptied: In~ the,Miami river: and tlon eOdvent,.J1': With the revere~~ I\\i.h .meetlni; who In a few wordll exat different points of Oaeearl • Cueek, and alle~ce Inq,ooduelnJ an un-pro- preued Ills' deep aense of the blell1llng .JUt week. The haas were all IImall gr:ammed meettrig held. OD a buill of that thla hour'ol wonhlp had brought. from three to -8ve Inchea l~ni and alIenee enteJ:ed upon tI hour of wor- the' feeling 01 unity ~h"t pJ!e'vaUed came from, ihe' hatche~i.. at New~ ship and deyotton, ADd. whli~ 8lIeel. IUld ~1Ul1cII .for and appreC!iatloJ] of town, near Cillcll\nati_ lent non~onformillta o,ur villiton the Ilncere welcome accorded' 1JI'. Tbe ·;vater· has nol heen very. fa- mad!!! Pl'SJel' and brief ~hortattoD The ezchange. of cou Illes, coming "orable aloDethe .Jaw came In. JU'(le by a number of Prieruf. fonow~. At about without premeditation, seemed !&th. and the IbQl an glen have not an oppOrtune time a- mllmber of tbe to be a ~turaI Jlart of good order. ao~e much ftahlng. The,.. IU'e look- t'I1\olr of a~U7':u.ehunh ...... an ap IIIId In the ternal flbJeaa of tblnp.

C'l...urcla and n .

t"tng E








D·· · lVlne"" ors·h lp


W aynelville Rooters Name of Pig Club Las t Friday · night. July 10, 1926, the Pig Club boys of Waynesville Iietd t heir meelting in th~ Grange h&:ll at Wayn esvill,~ . They elected their officer§. as follows : Howard Pence. president : Erwin Ellis. vice· president : Emest Gree n. secretary, and Donald Linder. publicity officer. They also named t heir club the Waynesville Ro oters. They also tlilked about a oamping trip and other miscellaneous business. There were a few absent. .Our next me!eting will be held July 20. 1926. at t he Grange hall. All members are urged to be prese nt.

- -- ---e;.- ••- - -

Friendshiip CI)lb Held a .Meeting The Friends hip club mct Wednes· day afternoon. July 8th. at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Edwards. During the mee ting the picnic committee repo r ted the annual picnic to be held t h e 12th of July at St ony Broo k fa rm. On accou nt of vacations and hot wcather no program was gi ven. but th e afternoon was spent in conversation. During the social hour about f orty g uests wer e served ice cream. ca kt's a nd punch by o ur hostl'ss. Myrtl e Edwards. assisted by Viola Lawson , P 81'1 Shultz. Lena Mer edith and Winnifred Whitaker.

Taken to Hoapita' . Mrs. Smith T ~kep III Mrs. Laura Sides was taken to pay· ton, Sunday. and underwent an operation at Miami Valley ~ospital Tuesday morning. At the time of going to press we had received no information as to her condition. Mrs. Lidn Smith. who has been taking care of M~s . Sidcs' home during he u absence. WIIS overcome ' with dizziness and fell on the street. Tuesday evening. Aitho ugh she was not se· riously injured her friends thought it not best that she be left alone and she is now at tille home of F.-, hanle Braddock. on 1l0\lt~ g,


- --...

M. E. Quarterly O\t


M. E. ohurch Sunday

mornltlg, MIJa Anna Dwlnnell, dea. (lonne,. of Chrhlt hoapltlli. Cincinnati, will addre,' thl! congregation at the regular 10 :30 service, 1 n the evening at .'7 :80., Rev, J . C, R<>berts. district superintend. eJlt will 'preach. This Is the Fourth Quarttrly meet'lng of the year. Everybody Is cordially Invitee;! to attend these .ervleu.

- ----

... ...

Vesper MeetiJlg The Young Friends Meeting will be held July 19th. instead lit the regular! time, July 26th. because of the Earlham Conference . being at that time. . The meeting i. to be ' a "ellper meeting on son~e hill. All are to meet at · the ' church at 6 :00 p •. in, Let'. h~vo 'a lar1:e attendance.

Put In't .... Stre '

0 ~ . It

:.c.:;~~ =~er, to IO~~ 10



.:D~U= "

Home-Coming The a~cond annu" Home-Comll\&' of L'ytle will be held on Sunday, July 19, at the Metbodlat eburch. I Sabbath 'School at 9:80 a, m., with preaching \ -aerviicell at 10 :80 .. m.. central stand~Cl ~e. Basket diD. nero Good mullic, Ilp~aldq aad rood 80cial time gener:aU,.. · ~d1 cordlally mritea. :FOrmer NikIeD~ ...

Ia " -a:::.:.:.~.~DIa, OJiiIJ, ~.


ENDOW MENT FUND The drive Is on in Wayneaville thla week. George J. Waterhouae and· RoBS Hartsock are in charge of the drive in this locality, and are very anxious to raise their quota In the next few days. Their report Is very favorable so far as all those they have seen have responded very nobly. There will be many who cannot be !feen pel'8onally, and if they will kindly ldndly see one or the other of the boys and hand them their little bit, it will be appreciated. They will take donations large or small, and If all r espond. Waynesville will IIgain go over t he tUIl fo r a good cause.



This Week



OLUMBU S. OHIO - Work hilS been slurted on u Hu rv ey " f · Ohi <l ' ~ p ellal in stituti ons by 01'. F.. A. Uoll. .of tho department of pijychology of Ohio State univ ersit y. und er Llw a us· 'pic cs ot th o spccilll legislative com· :l1littee appointed during the last ses· :sian of the Ge neral Assembly. This .committoe is tl'.ying to find out why {)hio has an idle house. and to find relief from the present crowded can· dition. Dr. Doll conferred with J ohn E. Harpor. director of publl,·. wei· -lare. Immediately aftor his appoint.ment and was told that tbe greatest problem con fronting the welfare department was the continuous and profitable employme nt of pri ~ on ers. Never in all the history of Ohio hilS the penitenltarv had such II large population. Arid every day this pop· ulation Is being added to. The normal capacltJ of the prison is 1800, yet more than 3000 are being taken care of there. Hundreds are In the Idle house witb nothing to do but brood over tbelr confinement: a condition which helps to m.a ke enemies of the men who lire able to survive mentally and physically tho hundicap of being compelled to sit In . !Jence with only the (our walls of the build· Ing to look at from morning unt il niJ:ht. Solving the proble m at put.ting these strong and able· bodied men. to wor'll is hla greatest wOrry: DodO? flarper said. and if the ' legislature (Wfllmlttee can olfer a workable ~lu­ ~IOIB It will have done one of the big. gee .things In many years. .

. p.



Ohio 's t 925 State fair ma rks the Diallion d J uuilee of thc esta blish. me nt of wha t is today recogni zed as t he largest a nd most comple te ex po. . ili"" of its kind in the co un try. Churs. V. Truax . dir ec tor of agri cu l. Ch l~S . V. Tl'uax, dil'ilcto l' of ngric ul. hlb l L~ made lit t~e fi rst Ohio State flllr to loe us·d in a Rpcciai' displ ay a t the Colum bus eXllusition August 3 1 to Sept embe r 8. . In Uece mber. 11148 . the Ohio State Boa rd of Agri culture decided to hold the first State fa ir at Cincin. nuti in Sept ember . 1849 . Owin~ t" nn outbrcn k of chol rII t here durin .: that s um me r. the fa ir W 8S delayed fo r a year. Next. th e dnt e was set for Septem be r 11 . 13. 185 0 but a n. other epidemic of "holera ~ ecesB i ta. ted postponement to October of that year. The first Ohio State fair was held at Camp Washington. near Cincinnati. For several years thereafter the St a te fa ir wes without pellmanent home. In 1874, however. it was 10' cated in Columbus a nd occupied what is now Franklin park. Not until 1886 WIUI it permanently located at the r.rcsen t State Fair grOundB. o rector Truax and State Fair Manager G. R. Lewis. are concerning themselves just now with the problem of observing properly the seventy fifth annivelury of the founding of the State fair. It is for thl. reuon that they have undertaken the search for displays Ie en at Cincinnati in 1850 for a IIpeclal presentation at the 1926 fair. The premium lI.t tor the first fair discloses an interesting aerlell of exhibits. In addition to the livestock and horticultural departments, specilll displays were made of: Tallow candles. door latches, gate fastenings. horse·shoe nalls, earpet bags and IIpeciments of "furriery." The pre_ident of the Ohio Board of Agricultur e In 1860 wa. M. L. Sullivant of Columbua. To the J.'I.lbllc ~,he board made this announcement: Rooml bave been enga~d at the Burnet houN where the 01110. of the board will be held, -and In whloh members of the board will be happy to meet gentlemen who may be lnattendanoe trom ou of the atate, and where the invited l'Uests will be received and welcomed by the board and every attention giVen In their power to gentlemen present-"

----- ..--Notice


California earthquake repo rts dlV ind.le dow n. as was pnedicted. jo' ive lt mes as ma ny deaths in a small section Of. a big Eas tern city, du e to some d,sease outbreak, would attract no attention. ThoRe wh o know Californi a know that thi s misf orLune of a mom ~nt will be wiped away, mllde up and soon f orgotten. It will not che ck California's growth by as much 118 an bour. • The Italian earthquake In 1916 killed 19.9 73, and in 1008 earthquakes in Italy kJlled 76,482. Italy has volcanoes in addition to earthquakes. yet nobody lays. "I shall not gOi to Italy. II A dozen killed In California . and "vicious . p.!lblici~" makes of the event a GIGANTIC DISASTER. Some Wall Street gentlemen or• ganized a little panic based on Santa Barbara'. earthquake and now wish they hadn ·t. They sold short California stocks. oils. rails, etc. But real finance knows that, compared to the total weillth of California, the property delltrution in Santa. Barbara is like losing one nail in a nall taotory. The stocks "snapped" back again, nnd the panic promoton had their fingers pinched. The New Yor.k Timea devote. part of 1st front page to "a third tenn for Coolidge." There can't be a ny Coolidge third term discu ssion until after the Pmident shall ha ve been re-elected lD 1918. He has been elected only on ce thus far. If. as is probabl•• h e should be r e·elected in 1928, that would be his SECOND TERM aad hI" right tim e to begin talking of • THIRD te rm.

Owing to preu of business, Mr.

\~1iI F. Young. optometrist, will, be-

ginning July 23, be at the same place ~he Rest room In the Grange builll~ lng, at the same hours every Thureday instead of Wednesday. 8S form. erly. Ii

Won First Game of Series-Batting AVerages

Wh e.n Washing ton was President; and an aggressive editor. was accu~ Ing him of royal ambition. a desire to be king, the people worried about too long tenure of office. Having got rid of un English king they didn't want an American king . Wa shington answered that when h. refused to be olected more than twice

Third term talk now should be postponed by sensible people ulltil about 1930. Meanwhile, there Ia plenty of worJc for th& people to do without worrying about distant Is.sues. If the President carried the 8 9 6 2-15 nation successfully through his first 2 0- 9 elected term, without serioDs ml.tsta kes or setbacks, he will have rendered a great servi ce to the United Sta tes, a nd the pepple of his party, no t be ing idi ot s. w ill !lsk him to take 6; Bell· charge fo r fo ur years mar c:

Our Millmis traveled to BellbroQk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 last Sunda y afternoon, a nd realized Miamis ." ..... 3 0 1 2 0 0 1 one of t he a mbitions of their young Bellbrook . 2 0 1 0 <1 0 0 lives ; namely. defeated that team IIy a score oC 15 to 9. The game wa~ 2·bast' hi t--H. Burton. a n old·fa shioned slugging mntch, re:r· bnse hi ts--Oarbys hire. plete wi t h hi t~. e rr ors and rag '\lhewHome run- Gibbon s. ing. Bellbrook is always in the Earn ed run_Miamis, I!onw to win nnd whe n t he Miamis brook. 4. do occasionlilly come badk at them Left on bases-Mi amis, 6; Bellin kind there is a battle royal-this brook. 12. was one of lhose occasions. SylPaB.~ed balls-H. Burton, 1: Sidenvester An thony, who pitched f or Bell· stricker, 1. brook.had never been beaten by a Bases o.n baU_Off Adams. 2, Waynesville team, and entertained Struck out--By Adama, 11; by Anthe idea that th e f ea.t could n ot be thony,8. IIccomplished. He is now a IIIIddef Time of game-2 bours and 20 and wiser young mall. minutes. The Miamis got away to a three-run Umpire_Willis!! and Britain. lead. bu t allowed thei" opponentl to get two of them back In the latter ha lf of the lnnlng. Each team acorell BaUln, A_ra.". one In the third, and lhe Miamis addSince our Miamis have struck their e d two more in the fourth. Then the Mia mi balloon asocnded In the winning stride, a study of the dope fifth nnd Bellbrook took the lead by shows that they have made a little the simple process of soaring four better use oJ their hits than have runs. Contrary to the us ual cu.tom their opponents. Their 89 hits have against Bellbroo k, the Miamis &gllln scored 68 runs, or one run for aptied the 8core in the lucky seventh, prOXimately every 1.63 hits, while and the Bellbrook team ascended out their opponents hsve scored 44 runs of sight In the eighth. When they on 72 hits, or approximately 1. run returned to terra firma. the Miamis for every 1.4 hits. In other Words, had leored six tallies. but they added It has taken .11 less hits to score a two more In the ninth to make the run for the Miamis. In the last four vlotory more impressive. Bellbrook gamel our boys hll~e had 27 runners was allowed to score two consolation Jeft on bases. whIle 29 opponents tallies In the eighth.. have bee,! stranded.. . This is the Miamis fourth straight Our Mla!,!,is are gettlllg theIr eye8 victory, and brings their winning per. ,on. the ball In pretty good sha\>e, and eentage to the .600 mark. The boys t~ls largely explains why theIr wlnhave a good start now and are going ntn~ · percentage haa Ihown strong. Next Sunday they will pIal')' hea thy growth lately. In the , the first game of a leries with the gamel the)' have played to date, Lebanon team, at Lebanon. Then, bOYII have .ecured 89 hits In there will probably be several good times at bat for a team av,er&lIre games at home. We are lIure of one 308. Of course, "Babe" game each with Bellbrook and Leb- splendid pit<;hlng hlUl been a anon but hi. big bat with Itl .727 aVI!rure The fourth stra1aht vietory: h.. been a wonderful help, too. Individual Heord. of the 21 pl.fen MIAMIS who ha,,!! participated In the "'riOIl.l games, folio",: AB R H PO A E ' GAB HAve Frost, 811 . ........... : .•. 8 0 0 0 1 2 Adamll p a 11 8 72'7 realy, 11 .. .. ... ..... .. .. 8 0 0 1 1 1 Weller' or· · .... .. ·.. · .... .... 1 2 1 '600 ~. Bu~~n, 2b .. .. ... : ~ ~ ~ ~rton: of .. .. . ............ .. 1 4 2 :600 onll, ....... ....... 2 12 " 1 E: Burton, If, p ........... .8 38 17 .447 H. Burton, 0 .... .. .. 8 2 3 7 0 1 Klnawortby, if... ... ..... ... l 15 2 .400 Satterthwaite, Ib .. 5 0 H B t f g~ ~g ::~~ Heinle, cf ........ ...... 2 0 00 0 00 10 s.tte':t~~I~. H •. Orsborn! d ...... 2 1 .. 00 1 0 H.o pkln•• of.................... 2 6 2 .333· T .Burton, f ........ 6 a 2" 0 • 0 W)'tOng, p ..... ............... 1 S 1 .833 Adams, p .............. 11 3 • C Osborne If of 7 29 9 810 C. Oaborne, rI.", ...6 2 0 I 1 1 G~na, If, oL . ~ ............. ... 81 9 :290 T tal 4i 16 18 17 13 T. lhart,on. of.... ......... ... 2 8 2 .260 Fro.. if ............ ......... ...'7 2,6 6 , 192





° ..............

BELLBROOK AB R B PO A E . . Wrirbt, Ib .. ........ 5 1 11 1 0 Sackett, 8b........... ,6 0 1 1 0 1 Underwood, rI .... 6 1 . 0 0 1 B Darblllhlre, cf ....A 2 1 1 0 1 Gibbon., lb. '" .:" ,,6 8 8 8' B 1 Crowl. . ......... ;.....6 1 8 1 1 0 ~an~mpl.Jf ...... ,. 5 . 0 0 0 0 0 Sld8utrfu:er. c •.•., 1 8 9 1 I Anthoay; p.....' ..... 0 1 1 8 ' 1


w .


Totala..... "~,;G


Heinl., 01 ..... .. ......... ....8 19 SeJtIlIer. of .................. ..1 8

H,. Onbom, p, If,of...... ' 11 D. OalIo~e, c ................1 8 , 'PITa. 01 ............ .......... ..1 8

lA~oa. p , .....,.,........ .,. 1

Prindequt, of ...... ~ .... 2 Feal" p, if.,..... ........ .. ".3

• _ .•




"- .

The man responSible for the .uc--' ceas of the coal miners' union knowa that this is not the best time for and he will avoid this strike in any just way it can be done. Insurance authorities, that oucht to kn ow. deny flatly that cancer III hereditary. Natut18 protect. the Ullborn child. Study of thousands of cases proves that the disease is not inherited, also It III not conta&'lOUII_ Unlike consumptio.n and other dla-ellses, you cannot "catcb" cance.. .from its victim. It is important to have this known. Missionaries to Africa take a tam. including o,biekens, PiA A, they tranl. the observe how tbes. all r.pnlent evaWhite Leihom.. lIIIel Red! come from jUll:' ric fowl. COW! are improved alste~ at the ~uroch, the buf!'alo, or the zebu.lhe pigs hnve their rela«vee aeattered from the tapirs in South America to the fierce, big-toothed wart hog of the jungle, or the .hlp.' PDI'.otamus. • Everything prove! that constant change. or evolution, exists in the animal kingdom. Only the blind do not lIee it.

------..~--."-----Policeman Shot Down

While attempting ' to arreat Rob-, ert Lee. of Cedarville, for all~ed evasion ot a board bill, Officer Chu. Simms, colored, of the Xenia Pollee department, was shot to death In that city, Friday afternoon. a .lIi8 Lee waa arreated leveNi houra la1 .126 ter, and ill bein, held In the l1Ount7, ,.' " 1 .099 jaU. 0 .000 0 .000 0 .000 0 ,000 0 .000 .

lin. Sarah WhitQer, who baa beea viaI~ tlr. J. O. Whftakir ~d .fBJDiJy, for the put two mo~ ~ tumed to her home In DQto.. S....

- - - • l ' 1'1 U • .dq.

A ~reat coal strike threatens bere, all a similar 6 t1' j),C threatens England. Mr. Lewis. lende r of coal miners, and owners of mines should think it over carefully. To force a stl';ike. when the peoplei Bre willing to pay a fair price for COllI bused on fair wages, is folly and the intelligence of orgal1ized mone" should fmd a way to prevent it.




. 3_ _ _, NEW SUITS MIlY Bl'own has entered suit for ,Iiv.. r·e agn inst . Jl\Ines Brown. She C'"lt'lt:·~ grl! neglect . )lillni(. hlll(nr(l t Ju cltson hilS en: t"I'I,'" s uit f",' ,Ii vorce ugai nst Cil-nn . JM\;~(\n . She hnrg"s >."tremo Cl'Udt~' . . Thl! \\Iial1li Vulll'Y Buil(Ii~~ and Lon " A ~$ n. "s. Ma ry B lie ~heel~y, C'l , I., fo r 11I 011l·Y. Amount ciolilll uu *~ '. ::·1. li 5 a",1 In lerest. . W . UlIgl'Mby h!IS entered suit nKain ~ t A. H. Drow n for moncy only.

_ t • • .. ..



PROBA TE P ROC EED INGS We. C'hnnl'Y . l'xeCII\(1l' of the e9ta te of Snrn h Crnig, deceuse d . fII l'd hi" fir~t .. ml fonnl ,\I·Ct'unt . J. Elm..,r Bercnw fill'c l hi, npp li cnLion for the nppoint mcn t o f n g lla.r d· inn fo r Snru h M . Ber caw, 'u, nlleged incu nllwt l'nl. \\'. Fra nk R .. ~ ~ II . nllno r .. with the • \\ ill a11l"" ,I .,1' th e l'~t"t,· (I f ~1nry : .\ . .. Ik h~nl· " . u. C\·.I>l·'1. fil ed his li:l>l l

Ma dd en' s'Lu mb er Ya rd

: • •


W ayne svile , . Ohio

tt,".1m I' . tit,·

11 C" UIll.

"'HU e I' ., f Walt e r Ga rey . the ..: ~ IH,' uf A I(>-..::and 1..\ l' E m Il' \' , d \ ·c.:t'~ I ·.a · d. \":,", ;\ia ry Ca n' .,. , cl III


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ta orten ca used by an IIttlamed cond tUon


-mUCOUI lInlIllJ of the EuotAcht&n Whon tbla tube Ia Inftam04 you have a rumbltn . BOund or Imperfec Hearin.. Unlllllll the Inll.&mmaUon C&Dt be re4ue04. your heartnlr may be d • •


~L~re~fT.uum xlmlOJJI I1D wlU do ft&t we cln.lm for It-TId your ., of c&wrh or DoAfDOE caUM4 by


COMMO N PLEAS PROCE EDING S Divorce was granted in the matter of Laverne Hurtt vs. Willia m Hurtt, after finding defenda nt guilty of ,) ,;::! ,. ~~~==;=::===~ gross negleec t 0 fhis marital d~tie.. Charles B. Dechan t was appoint ed guat'dia n ad li tem for minor defen dant, Mary E. Messick , Jr .• in .the matNOTARY PUBLIC tel' of Lillie E . Canby vs. Mary E . Measic.k, et al. Wtl~ Drawn (!state. Settled It wus ordered that plaintiff recov~ f rom def endants the sum of Wayn esvill e, Ohio $789.50 , al)d costs of the case in the matter of the Kilpatri ck.Fren ch MoNationa l Hank to renr Co., vs. Jesse B. Huffner and -=~==~~~~~~~=~~~' Th<1mll8. C., Ohritfe. .. In the matter of BenJam m F . Perrine VII. George G. Perrine et a I., it was ordered that eaeh and aU of said objectio ns fil ed by said defenda nts nloresaid be and the same h ereby are s ustained . •. fUNER AL DIREC TOR Finding the defenda nt guilty of f ~ .. . ' ,I' wilfu l absence divorce was granted - [ I ' ~.~~e.Yllle. OhlC! in the matter of Stella Tiffany vs. Harry Tifl'an¥. . After find ll1g defenda nt g Uilty of extreme ernelt" divorce wns grnnted PuDy Hqulp,Ped for Good in the matter of Raymon d H all V8. ~r;viQe~ Laura E. Hall. on of bond WIUI gra nte d in D.isplay Room '. theReducti matter of the Stnte of Ohio, ex AmbulaDce Service rill., vs .. Wilmer e Horris, bound over to grand jury on charges of cutting · T..aoaONB7 1>A1' OR NIGHT with intent to maim. In -the matte r of Jennie M. Miller . ,I,· Frank C. Miller, the court approved and confirm ed the report of Tr ' the Commis sioners on Wrnt of Par·A.TH "WA ." 'tition. •B• •• A ~ I ' Defend ant being fo und guilty of , " neglect of' duty divorce was granted DBN'FIST in the matter of Florenc e Atkinso n r '. vs. Charles Atkinson. And X:..6-0RAPHIST\ Motion of defenda nt for security ,~ r. for costs \Vas sustaine d in the matW.,... ..m., Ohio. tel' of Michaol B. Stroup, vs. Harry Telephone 114, Brunk. .'. Defto iant grant<>d leave t o file her OFFICE; .HATH AWAY BLDG. answer And cross petition in the matC""T ter of Charles F . P hillips vs. S. C. ON MAiN STR "'Ill Phillips et al. Catan-b. 8014 by a\l drumlta fOl' o"er 40 Yean. . F . 3 Ch~.Y '" Co., Toledo. OhIo. .

'1 "





Wal ter McClure






.,r tlte eSlate of

"ppuint ed "d llln.

~Iltx Ill v~ l't. d~ OlH1 d $~(I.lIliu. E . C :\1 .. 1'ri:-:'llll, ) ,Uk l' Hl'n:o:.(Hl anci Chtll1cs ltll !5!)

• ( t..·,a !'H'tl.


uppoitllt :'d npprais (' rs.


--- --. ---

----_ ..----

This Wee k's Cross· Wor d Puzz le



6 7




13 15

17 22 24 25

27 ~I!



DETROI T 48 E ..t 2nd at.

EXTRAC T CO. DAVTON 710 e ..t &th St.

Wort Clothos Shoes 8gort Wear Good8

n.. .......



Saw Money at

THE ARMY STORE ,ifth at. Dayton, Ohio.



40 41 46 48 49 51 52 53 54


r " ....... ..... o.."con

ROMu re•• $18,6 00,00 0.00





First Cakeeat cr- "How did yo u Mal" . . . ~ like thnt Fre nch gi rl ?" J _ _ at. Dayton, Ohio. Sec ond Cakeca t()r-"Too franc."


WILLY H. LAU M.I", ...

•• 1\1. LIIdI_ ...



1 5 9

- ' ~A GOLD DJCGER , Eft?

- --

We m.... .... NI' .leOtr4o I...... _ IUICII _unt la",,.. w. -r, "'" 60 "" II....... II1II.



Surp.... $87o ._7.a 2




0 _ ....... ..___ .......


30 34


6 Big Vaudev ille Ads and Featur e Photop lays. Entire change 01 progra m every SundaY 'and Thursd ay. Contin uous perform . ance from llJO to 11 P. M. Aftern oon prices ZOe and 3Oc. _-"~f!lB!_~Q.~ 1ffiC! ~Q~

M .A~T


"I may be dumb- but I am not .0 dumb a. Dan who. thi .. k.

.. fal.ehoo d I. a wi,."


cp o




Prof-" Name 'three thin~s that 12 contain sugar." Studen t--"Sac k, jar and bow!." 14

DOWN A male child. County (abbr. ) . Like. Felice pickets. An illiber al IIdhe rent of a creed. College dej!Tec. In cllse that. To overcom e; fr ig hte n. Section of a n army. Perso nal pronou n- third perso n Cold . A vessel in which oil is, bum t thro ugh u wi ck. A sing-Ie voic e or musical instl ument. Lawfu l. Two or more llll'la is mixed. To forc e ni l' nois ily thro ug h the nosc. A period l lf timl'. Bashful . DeCAY · Employ . Devil. All fll' t ificia l b:l~ in ro r vcssels. To c ut irr egu la rl y irito small pieces. Gnrm ent wom by J cwis h Jlrie 8t~ of ancient tim es. A flower. To run away with a lover. Algonki an trib e of Indian s. A diphth on g. A sr.eck. A rver in Italy. Call to attract attenion . Seni or (abbr.). ComJTlon Council 4abbll.).

16 18 1!l

2C ~J

23 25

20 29 31 32

33 34

36 3U

40 42 43 44 45

Lik e.

47 ·W 50 52

54 55 56

A part of the body. Pluml of 1. A step. Mu sical instrum ent. Plu m l (nbbr.). Past t ense of ait_ A river in Souther n Ch in a. To soak through . A curved contOur or surface . Depurt. A g reeling. T her efo re. Yellowis h red complex ion. At. thnt place. A ma n's ni ckname. AffirmAtive. Tow nsh ip (abbr. ). DeedR. T o be in wa nt or need of. Also . Pl·r(n rm. Doze . A gr eat numbCl' or quantity . A fish.

II U !). To r en r or set up . us n building.

W on. ~lill " , w<!ll . knuwn IIl1ctiull el'r , dil' d al hi ~ }UdlU' h 11'" , 'l' .lCSUUY l'vl: l1ing- . F U ll l' I'a l :.\ \In i t:C~ Wl' " l held al hi :; l.lll! n.!~1 Jl' II L:L· , T hurl'\duy mo rn 1IIg',

Th(~ •• 11 0

itl \' l 'llli (' 1I :"II "


th ..·


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the r('Jl\ovIII " r till' u,·n'·,!. :\

PI't.I:'" 11 dl· ..·l·\I ' p l1\' ·n IIf ru~hinn.

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Uu.' rn p idiy J,:. I'U".' "I;'~ IIll ml>(' 1' ()t' W,! 11l . l' n with '!' I'.H \ ' h :11I ' whu al'c c" lorlu t.:' it. It is' ,,~I v ' ,·c,· nlly. within til\" IH~t th" ('I(1 II I' rU BI' :V t'u r s, Mll e. ){uc r u pf) inl~ nllt. . Ihl't

1 "1'~ Io.I.C ;'"

lIp~)n Ih. 1:,' I I ·r .

,,·, . l \l,· h~

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1-1 I ;cct tlf

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I'Ylnmc ll n f ew

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u very f l" )' ,.:\ .:; '.:"j .. . j!,. s ui d, " h nd to ,hOl Kl' bl ' l\\ (,." "," OK ~!' I ·!l y o r

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Kilnstly . And thp cnlnri n)!," tlwn

W('f C

verv l'f'\uh ·. AI) " ' ::: I i ...'v llviIlCit g, :hnt tiH' Y p"rf"l'cc chusc j.:l'uy n c~s. Ul t is n ow, o f CUI. r 8C. qultt.! d iffe r · .1

ent. '1'he hair tint. a new p uC "8S of color ing hair. especially de8igned for humlln hair. hns been evolved ; it 1, Il0WS IIny woma n to rhn ,,,'p ' he' hu e of her hair ba rk to thnt of her youth wiLhin the short spu ,e of fif · te on or twenty minut cs: a nd 50 cun nin l" ly is the preparll tion co mpouno · ed thnt Its elYeets ar e quit,· in di. · eel n ible B ~ artificia l. "But not only hns 'science achi e\,ed n I)nt uTal colo' inl" but a S:l r ~ one. Back' in the bustle era, hn ir dy e. - : ontainin g" a Bub.tan ee entitled parapft enylen e diamine - were about as SAfe to bring in proximi ty to the scalp as t he ope n razor wus t o thp thl ont. Chemist s have e limilluh'd this ingr edie nt and with it the chi!'f grou nd. for many women ', prejudice aga inst colorinv th e ir hn ir." "The comhll!' of bobb(od hllir. th" !!,oin ~ of the I!lItam('d whisk/'r a l'·d the almost universo l cUltom of coloring hair- all theee are the prod",' t of the work f the cnr-inee·. or th echemist . The drcr.sma ker. the hai ruresses and other such f olil R8 r " mmonly arc supposed to be the origInntors of styles are reall y but carrying out th e orders of necessit iclI-new n~ e(,l<Slti e8 broulfht about bl' new mechan clal and chemical inventlOns.' L

Dr. lohn W. Milter Oenti~t w avnnvl lie ~1I"nnltl

Rltnk Rldp

DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Eve ry 8:00

(I .

lues day ~n.







Harveysburg Fertilizer·, Co.



Answer to Las t W e.k'. Punl.

CLASSifiED ADS. MONEY L'OANE D 'LOANS on Chattels ,Stocks. Securities and S!!cond Mortgag ell: Nptee .bo ught. John Harblne Jr. , Xe nia, Ohio. ~m80-'26

ACROS S Fragme nt. Pertaini ng to or like the base. The note of the dove. Title used in India by natives in speakin g of a Europe an .g en· tleman. Hazy oonditio n of the atmos~ 'i phere. Upon.


' ,... ?-.. , • ,

I( ccVl'S, :-1nt.u I'day Ut'tl' l'fl OVIl .

Lebanon. Ohio



lust wcek. Mr. und Mrs. OU Mo on wore week ~ n d guests in the home of W . C. Smith nnd fllmi, y. Mr. nnd Mrs. T . C. lI uydoe k and Mrs. Kell y i\ll'nden h ull "pen t Swndu), with 1"llIti\',· . in Frllllkli n. Tlw Suns hi ne suciety wus pleas uII II \' ClIl,·r l.a in l'd IJ~' ~lr 'L I (,,~'

At Cary's Jewelry Shop :3 4


r.. f'i~ kill li nd ~ o l. f n a yl o n, were J;ue!i t~ of l' cl o ti "~s he r e,

The Eye Slaht Spec;lll bt



); c n ia, M,·s . •J.

~ul L.... n i n g the vea , .1 ":ltllrall y 1· "lllov~·d th e huzard :-l t.tI m:ll'\('tlll ,ll' I'Ull·hl'lt ud c - anti with Lill' r p l11l )\'a t pf th(l ha znrds cam e


court hou s(\ S 16.20;


l\ri . G rill. !-lupin!: 1' , of Dnytori, spen lust week wi h hor mot h,er,; here. 'l V Ilrnon ' Stil c~ hns accelll,e o n po"ilion with the "'Krogel' compan y, at

iW I'.

:lIId ~ II ", :; Upp1i t'H f (l r prbHl IH' r :-: , ~ 1. 10 L eoulHll! le e & Cu nl Co .• i t' l' fur

FERRY CHUR'C H OF CHRIST Morning service, 9 :S O-An every member service. Try to make it 100 per cent. Bible ).csso n on "The Gospel in LY8tra." Sermon on "'1'he Suprem e Need of the Church. " Evening se rvice, 7 :30-So ng service and sermon, on "'The Bible and the Pen Knife." All are welcom e.


.• . •... ,

C. llrtlnt. she l'ilf, oOlll'd llnd \\'a"hi n!! fill' priH,nC l's. $:J.IR. 2!J; M. R. 1I )'IIl a n ,

Dlair und Lp · In thl' mutter "f the Hutlleme nt of roy, ~ru\'(' I , S 19S1.!l O; Ohio C'"T. ('u lllll' est:lt ., of (;e " r~c w . 8 )1<'1' . <le- \~1'l C.... I sewer, Sa,I.I O; L. N. :\i5' Cl':ISCd, il \\ as orde red that n cc rli - uet Cu .. lu mber, S 1·1.40 fl ed cnpy of entry determi ning thl' Fu n lle .., Exchulll!l' Co., ; \\' IlY1l l''''ille inhE'ritllnce t/iX t o be pni d be ce rt ified 10; Slunda rd Oil u., Ct' lllellt, $:'0.gas. $ Ir>1.l n ; with out dclay. COIUII>I' "5 Co., gn ' 1I1l<l oi l. $i 2.Thc account uf Fllmk Gallahe r, 11: Gold ~ Oil l e La l Co .• I dru m oil. ;::1;. IIdm r. o f the estate of E unice J . 6 X ; Li ngn l-Inrdwa Hirlgl', d pcca"~ o , WIIS npllrov Ni . a I- jail, $1j. :lO; nunnldre J.('0 .. "upp lil'. ru r Illl.til·ld . /lss t. 10\\" '0 an d confirmed. S UI· \' ''~·o r . (' XIJ~ IIS'C . $tI.a:!; A. C. I(o bThl'. accoun t o r o. S'."[!in. , ;('rtsoll , furni shin g lin n pilill!: sto",'. j!un rdlan o ( Murgnr et Sabin. Insane, $0 1.00; Spenc pr ano w,," ap proved, nil owed and confirm- nish ing lind hlluling A"mitag e , furgravel, $13.2 0 ; cd. J . K. Scpncer lu mber, $ 234.27; The cou rt npproH d. a llowed and W. A. Scott, bridge bridge confirm ed the account of Sarah M. Ed Maloy ~ m., ,8.50r epair, $13.55; ; Monroe and t houg ht. Philosop hy has Jameson , ns executri x of MaTtin A. John,on , bridge play- couturil' rs un d cu iffures of P nrig." materia l and pAi nt, eu any g r eat pu rt in the never Jameson , dcceaae d t guardia n ot An- $1S1.00 ; Bell Pr(,u, duy·to -day Thc sa me thin g, g to Mll e. supplies fo r surlife of women . New ideas lIIay have Ru" , ". hus t"ken uccordin na Ill. Grandin , im occl\e. place in m e n '~ veyor, '15.00; E . S. Donnell , per W. chnnged the fortune s of na tions, but stvl es. A n otllhle ins tun'cC' is the The account of J. Lee Thomps on, G. Thomps on, hi eetimnte on con- ha ve had little effect upon th e wny now n("lI'll' admr. of the estate of Roy M. Har- t l'llct No. 815. 'SO~O O ol"oleu> whiskl' r. Our ; J. T. Gregg, women wore the ir cl othes. per, decease d, was allowed , approved payroll, g ran df :lth ~ l·s. suid the F1-C'nch a,,· '75.50. "So it cann ot but appear that con- thlll·ity. un d hers. too. fo r thnt mut· nnd confirm ed. ven ience and n ecess ity have f ar more ter, wore the IWII1·,ls. chiefly The 'acc ount of R. A_ Cro88. goarbeCAuse to do with it. Thnt is the general shu vi n~ it off wi th lin open razor dian of May G. Cross, incompe tent, ED PURDY '! PHILQS reaso n given f or the croppin g up of son p that nll w is co nsi dl'l'ed t.QO and was approve d, allowed and confirm ed. croppeo hair. But back of the rea- for luu nd c rill~. was t oo mu ch harsh The matter of L. M. Henders on as lin orsonwhich most certnin ly is sound deA l. A mAn let IInlure and the admr. of th e estate of James A llen "I told Ed Billow. if b. w&. fn-is th e fnc t deceaso d, vs. Mary F. Scott, et aI., thnt certain einl new fl OI'II take its course, rat her han invc n.oi... up to th. city to ••• lb. tioJls in th wus dis1n isscd witho ut record. W Olllct hu \'c made risk .i,hlo to he .ur. and call on my conhi M thrOAt to th .. ungu llrded ruThe 'gross vlaue of the estate of maideD a UDt." Geo, W. Byers, decease d, was found to be $ 115,726.G2. ----~-------, ----------------------------------------Anna Janney Hiller, admrx. of the ANSWE R, PLEAS E estate of Minerva Crist, decease d, filed her fina l and distribu tive account She--"I t is the women who payAt .the ,reqUesI<.9f J. Elmer Bercaw, npplican t, the matter of tbe g uard. and-an d pay- you know." He- "Then te ll me- why is it thllt iansbip .of Sarab M. Berca"r an aI- the men are always Credit for this week's clOss-wo rd th em. . You should be getting broke?" . I~ge d Incompe tent, was dUlmiue used d puzzle goes to Wald o E. Frohll rut. t o the la rl1;('r cross-wo rd puzzles by without recol'd. th is tilllC, so we nre going to allow Hilda A. Weber, guardian of Carl It contai ns mostl y very s imp le \Vorde W. Weber, minor, filed her first ac- and the ones th at nren't simple nr c yn u ollly twenty- five minutes for workin '! this one. Of course , we l<ecouF t. words thRt you shou ld know . nny- uliz(' thnt th e lime we Hilda A. Weber, g uardian of AI'give youwny-so if you don't know (hem, this IInu the time thur F. Weber, insane, rued her first yuu take-.n e two difis an excelle nt opportu nity to lea rn f erent things. nnd final account. ST. MARY' CHURC H Alice E. Gustin, admrx. of the e8tate 0 fHantln h Adams,. deeeaae d, filSixth Sunday after Trinity, July ed her first and final account . . '. 19. Church School at H :30 a .m., Martha E. Trovillo was appoint ed Momign Prayer and sermon at 11 adminis tratrix of the estate of Elijab a. m. Trovillo , decease d. Bond $2.000. Da. Rev. John J. S chaeffer, Rector. vid W. Bishop, J_ M. Earnha rt Ilnd W. J. Pflanzer were appoint ed appraisers . METHO D liST CHURC H . George E. Fryberg er, executo r of Sabbatb School" 9 :1 6 a. m., preachthe estate of M.ary Yo ung, decease d, ing a t 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League fil ed bis fi rst and final account . Laura A. Zell wqa nppoiq' ted exec- 6 :4 5 p. m. Preac:hi ng at 7:30 p. m ., utrix of the estate of Franlc Zell, d~ Wednes day evening Prayer meeting , eeaaed. No bond required . LeI! M. 7 :80. Everybo d)f invited to these Henders on, Charle$ T. Hawke and services . ~v. L. A. Washbu rn, Pastor. Alvin Fire. were appoint ed appraisen.

REAL ESTAT E TRANS FERS Samuel M. Snook to Jennie Snook, about 11 acres in Union Tp., $1. Also, lot in So. Lebanon . Edna L. Barkalo w to Houston and Hannah MoConn ell, about 3 aerel in Frankli n Tp., Brice and Ethel E. Smith to Lee


I've (,IjT A OAT£ ....


I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!~~!!"!!~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~ Catar rhal Deafn ess

Machine Shops and Laboratorie s Mak e Change s in Styl es for Women

u ; 1':J d S. ,Co nklin. p nn nium IJ fl insurali al. . ~U ll' o f ' c :\l t·\.~!\ t t' fo l' .rl(,~' less l .tdlll ll,' n Lund Jl.: l'l;C p ~di , i ( ' :o', $~ II UO: Cu Ihan t\\', · tlt"'ds !If th(' aPP I'UI .• ·!1 vlll- ","li·o r. ~ ~, :;) ; F l'l\n.. h lll'klltUll d fu r \;li n l'hr " , ,, '· I~ . Ut' WII !$ IIl'd,'n-d . f1 u li l' C 10 taxpaye l' s. S-I .UO; A tf red All ie '" I\' crt \\"II~ I \r


and Ora B. LovelY, about 21 Bcrc~ in Clenrcrc ck Tp., $1. Laura B. Routilh to J. F. lind Evelyn RUSlIe ll, oh'lut 102 (lr rcs ilt' IMrel'c k '1'p. , 1. . . C I'll V. ears to Eva M. Allen , 3 lots in Fr nnklill, $1. - - - - ' - - '-. - Suruh M. Bercnw to Nllomi B. Gild WOI\\cn' s fll s hi o l\ ~-:\ n,1 "1 'Il'S . ( {I,l . \'('11it.-nce tl nll)re \, ital muttur. (lrl E. BercGw, 10 t in Muson . 1. 'I' homos lind Emili \ Glnncy tu Hu r- lhut Illnltl!f- II I'c Cl'CI\lt'O in .'IInchi lu J .lI IJI.o ·d Illlil·. fU I' instlln ". hilS 'ome ry ~1. Holalld, traeL in Lebanon , $ 1. s hopR llllli eh 'llI icnl IH bll'"to r i~~. 111 fit ;I\)o ut the Ka rt\ e "ute u ~ ha. This is the Cllnte ntl"" " I' J('lInn' l Il W~ f11· i('(.·tll )If'l u''.l' .d ly Hvu i ab}" a uthe t o· Ruef u beButY' :ip' ·clnli .... l. \\ h Ut dUI' II1 l! ",,,ulk, RicHn\! II (lut,)m, bik· ~ I1S MARRI AGE LIC E NS ES the last tow Y"'lIr ~ has lrull " r ~ I·l'crl It",· even: o Ue kllu'ws . iM d c:-;tt'uc tivc. of l\1ark A. Le ig ht, clerk. of Middle- acti'Jiti(l R frlllll Pari ~ ttl Ne w Y(lI'lL :ony 'cni f\'lIn' at nil claborll te ly Hr ar· Bcinl,r I'ut'lsillh . ~ l lI r. Hllcl'e appal" tilicilllly u'Tungcd. to wn , ull d Miss Christin e C. Scholl. willu si mply ently $hou ld kno", whnt :lh(' i8 tllikill!: WIISU'fi nil the tin\('T he of Franklin . that hilS been about. for nil thut it her cto for (' h/l ~ ~pe nt. So thiR huppcn cd , peo ple be(' n the ge neral npi ni un thut . the r"und t hnt th l' v wou ld lu the l' rid e in COMMI SSIONE RS PROCE EDING S modes lIf wolllen. in pArtir/tl ale HuhHn:, bilcs t ha n n ot r ide; and so H. E. Dilatush. coroner . inquest the r"su lt 'of thl' whim (I f ~o mear.crcath('Y l, t ti nd n I1\cnns of fixing th e Simcon Brown. $ 6.8u: G('o. II. An- to r uf ~UWH!i ti T c,niff ur cs in t h(· hai r Htnllt rnt· t i\'(~l y. yt· t in a 8t ~' l t ' wQ"Lc h derson , burial indigen t s. ol d ier, $100.- French "op it Il l. willi id with :.;t llll d t1i (' bn'c'l.c s. 00; Dept. Public Welfll rl" Div. ~t ate '''H oh l,,,d hiliI'. for ,' xIIm ple." Rui .1 "That '!-i what I Illl nn by ~ny i n J.r Cha ril ies. ~up port '1'hl' lmn Kea rn s MIl (' . RU('1' e """l'n tl y t., a repl'Cfil' n- I hn t fIl H hi " n~ ('onw fr"'" I Ill' 11111 Jli n,· und II n",·1 King, $7 8.l!6 ; W. II . ~tn n - tUliv(' o f thl' p l·l'~S. "i ~ tt , my mind ~ 11I \p~ . liKe Cu .• "u\lplies (or ,,,"lillll', $1. ::f, ; not the I' <ult (I f /I nl'W t rend "I' I'il lhl' r t h i' chC'lllic'n l l : d ,c)f·atfl l'if ·~: . than from the su l u lI ~ o f thl' Col um bu, Blllld; B" " k ~I 1')(. Co .. " 11)pli,., r" ,' 1',."I,,,t,· (·uu rt. $IK .lIt1 : A . 'GRfM I ~"'H YOU B. Kllu lTmlln, sup pli es r,,1' C. II . .i .lIlPiIlFE<T IT BE ~ e it,ll '. $ 1.&:1 ; Mill er Hn rdware ,'" .• OINNER TOtCIGHT;> S H 111 ('. $3.~

Farmer . of Warren and" adJolnl n, countle l mal' obtain monel' on 10nl time 101l11S, at 6 ~ per ,cent Intareat . Cost of securin r the same ill Vet, N&lonable ,throurh The Fed.ral ...nd Bank. For further Inforina tion call on or addre.. M. C. DRAKE . Tr.... urer, phone SlG-X, Lebano n, ~hlo.




CASH- For Delllal Gold, PI,ijnum , Silver, Dlamondll, mqneto \~Inta, false teeth, jewelr1. t an,. valuable •• Mail todal'. Caab .: Dt return ' 'mail. Itoke S. A R. Co., Otlel'o, Klelh.

A"'-c I



-FOR SALE- Have tl'aded for , tin. hlrll-gr ad. Phonor raob .o t · bat 'jstandar d' malee, just' Uk. II.". Will sell to respon.t ble ·.d art, at' 'hla' bar. gain, on ' term. . . low at ,1.00 p ... week. Fo!' fuU putlcu lan addreaa '

P. O. BOll 1.8, DaJtoIl, Ohio.


. Jag

Bud- IOrtad ,.Dow

COl'll. W. B'. '...... ..... . 1.31'. Il...m. , 0Id0. . -,DO 4'O'~ ....

•.•• T H E MIAM I



E n tbr ed at t he Po tofficll u t WUYJlCsville, 0 ., \Ill _Second D.


luss Ma il Mutter

CRA NE, Ed itor a nd P ublilhe r, Wa yno. " illo, Obio

I ..·tlf~\(n ,\ (.1\

t! f

1' .tn IJ lh:P hU

" l t~ I I " t'"



- -- ..


WEDNESDAY. JULY 15, 1925 <:OOLIDGE' BUSINESS ME N CABThe Rov, ChurlcH Hill ma n F oun IN ET tai n, oJ' r la infield. N, J " ad vocates a I'csto r ut ion o f the whipping post, S urvey of P re. ident Co o l i d;:e' ~ ~v id e n Lly us a n nm e ndm cn t t o t reatcau ine t explode. t he populllr fu llllcy ment affo l'ded th e Lhief on Lhe CI'Oss. lIwt t he u n ited S tul eH necti. 1I100'C bu s iJ.l~ "S llIl' n lind f ewer politicillns Amc ri cu n sca nten nre m ak i ng n in churge of Lhe nll t ion's ul!'.';r. . In- tlght f ot' a n inc l'ease in pay of omcers deed it provides on ly proo f of pu bli c un Am erican vessels. If th ey will ilho nsisLency , und oemonstratcs that unly · bc a li tll e pa tient th e .. " won't t he " ouw" of u ny clll ~s a lwllYs st und ue uny A me r icu'n _hi ps , a nd then a ll r ea dy to crit ici ze l he "i nK." their t l'o u ule will ue over. The Coolidgu cub ill el is the richCMt ca binet in lh e wo rld. und 'eve r y 'flie poor li ttle "c lass one" ruil dullul' r epr esented has !.Jccn crented I'onds i n Muy s howed n £a in of $ 11 ,us u re. ul t of bu sillCtiM nc ull)u n. T he 111 1.2 00 g ro8s ea l'U illlt's ove r May of fo rtu ne nf Sec rctu ry Me ll on hll. hce n lu~t yellr. HCllll y, the unforLunute vllriouBly eslilll lllcd lit f rom $:100,00 0 littie t hings nced udditi ollal ~ I} ee i a l ' 000 to $600,0 00,000 tlllld e in ba n k- pl'Ul.eclive legisla ti on. ing . T hen wo have !;ccrdar y Huo ver, with a f ortun e of approximute ly $ 10,Clippinll 000,000, mao e in mining und in in- [ vcs tm e nt. Scc rct.ury Ke ll ogg iR wO I·th ~\li.OOO , OOO . ac cru ed in Lho pra elke T he Shenund oa h. a n.d lho L o ~ Anof law , Secretary Wee ks has mll de go' le8 a r c lJ n ul\! Su!n s tw o blg'~cg l his milli ong U8 a n uUo nl ey, Sc'c rc!- us bugs. bu t they Will neve r g'el In Lo wry Wor k, a lso a milli onllirc, 1I'0n pulilic8.- Phiwdelphia Record. his t ohu ne in the pructice of medIt proved lo be noth ing morc sc r iicine lind in investmen ts. and Secr eta ry Dllvis, atter 8larting life a s un OUR th an infl uenza, !.Ju t it WII S at first iron puddler, made his millions in t hought Mr, D' Annun zio W IUI co min g the banking bU 8iness lind in organ- down with a nother poe ll,).- lJelroit News. Ild ng th e Lo yal Order u f M008e. The "poor" members of th e ca bWe Ree no t rouble in fu l ur e f or inet, or th ose not starving to deaLh but not in the millionail'C c11lll8, Sec- our ag r icult ural intefl>Sts. All t he retaries JlU'dine and Wilbur, At lor- fu rm s will 800n be go lf lin ks.- Cleveney ·General Sarge nt and Postm llllt cr land Ti mes-Commercial. General Newall aro men who have We don't know who co ntri buted m et remarkable 8UCC e811 In tho wo rld tb e $280.000 that wiped out th e of Quainl8. Puttinlr partisanship a llide, it would Democrat ic nation commi t t ee's d ebt. seem tho country has not much to but' we f ancy that three fou r,t h s of worry about wben it still h1ls men the money waR co ntribu ted by men of such as tounding wealtb r eady t o whom Mr. Bryan hllll r oundly dedevote their doclining years to th e nounc ed.- Houston P os t-Dispatch. aorvice of the public for tho ho nor So ,little has been heurd late ly of auch service conlers rather than for ..Iariea that do not begin to pay th eir Tu t -ankh-amen one would alm ost imag ine h e were defeated last Nove mincome tax es. The income tax of Secretary Me lion, $1,0 00, 0 00, would ber .- Detroit News. -pay hi8 salary fo r so mewhere ne lU' The United Sta tes g over nment has J.e seventy yea r8. disco \'e r ed a fiealess dog. It now re'Jlwre arc 6 00,000 Americans in ma ins necessary t o discove r a 0105EnlJJ\lfld, and 800,000 in Paris. Tha t q uilOless 8Ummer.-New York Herald an d .Tribune. ,is th.t IIYJlY t o pay the F l'enoo debt. Two dDgs we re bit ten by 'boys last -wee k-one in Ind iana, one in New York. The Indiana dog object ed. , Wlllie is in t he hospital. Th is is nol Jl.D a rgumnnt fo r evolution. I Now it i8 'pr oposed t o adm it i mllIigra nts • . not by quola, but upon their mora l, ment al and 80cia l fitn ess for . ~iti;tpn shi p . Why not first t ny this system on our judiciary!

(T.... from the 610. of the Miami "_tt., 43 Yoar. A,o). S.rab Ta,lor We undnJt4IJld that the legal effect of sendiDr Sara h Taylol1 to the naylum is not to discharge her from the jurisdiction 01 tbe Court of Comnwn PleBl! of this eoun~y. The verdict p/ guilty on the indic t ment for the burglary of Mr. Randall's house, still "lands in full force. If at any time ther eafte r the woman should be diJcharged f rom the asylum, as ne ver having been insan e, or Ill! being cured of illJlOnit y, she could th en be brought back to co urt f or sentence on the verdict ot g uilty. The in terests of the community seem to be fully Jlrotected as t.he ma~ tll r now stands. I.ter•• lh., S.nic•• J.att Sabbath the servi008 at the M. E. church were of .an unusually . inter~ting and imp reSSIve' chnrac ~r. The sared e dlfiClol was well filled WIth devout worshippers, the pulpit tastefully decorated with choice 1\owers , music by the choir was animated and lIoul inspiring, and the sermon by the pastor, Rev•.,E. L. Burdaall, practical anI inlltructlve. But the most imJlrelSlve feature of the occlIsion was the adminiJtration of the olldinance of baptism to thef allowing pel'l!ons: &11'11- G. J. Grahaml lIU8IICS Etta Keys, Mary Hough, Anna Sellers, Rhoda. JiaiDea, Anna Sides, Emma Fetter and Alice Hawke ; MellSrs. John Collett, Wallace and Wilbur Sides, 01'anie Raper, James Waterhouse, John Hawke, Qeorge Larrick and Clifford WiUiamJon. ", Robbed a Store at Clio , The grocery and notion stOl'e . of E K, Smltb, at Clio, lome four mllell · n~Gh~e.f of this place, in the corner of Greene county:.. was broken in• ;~ . d robbed on 1"l'iday night of , week, Admittance . was gained , bjl tterinr, the door. open with an • ~ 1.)e" Iliat tried to pry the bar olr tii~ IlJilittel'll with a fence ra il, but · "liecJliIIl .onIY in bCUlding It. The Ie Jlrlta ,took all the cutlery and' clUle" "ou~ And. . e, w:ere tracked &II far al the old . BJ'ewe17 in Waynesville. Tbe track


J" Ij.. .







and Mrs: F ; an k: Kellis 'and' lam, l1y ~pent Sunday witb relatives · in Belmont. . Mr· and Mrs. Clarence Carson and MI'Il. Wl11lam .Needles, · of Cincinnati, re': _. apent Sunday " , , Mr. , al)d . M~ ~7JI1ond i 08b~me, of XenIa; apent Sunilay with Mr. anll Mrs. ' Emerson Dill. Th., ~t. HoUy balL team won .t hll • -*lI'Ie from the Xenia p!depenjlente, , byy ta. of 2~..) to 2. .. ,aeore I ~'e r Mr. and MI'Il, Herbert 1brlatt and .ao.n, Edrn.on. lJIent .the week-epd with. JIt,"ad Mrs; Elvill Michael. ' 'Ki': and Mrs. John R,e daugh· ter. Milia 'Dorothy. BUDda, din-




~ ~f .Mt. Eltoll ~_:d

The M. E. Aid ternoon.

OF Registered and Grade Cows, Hog s, Implements, Etc.

Mr~ .

J. C. Gra y has becR ill, but E lecl ion of T wo Widow. to Next e lect ed to Cong ress since the ina ug uralio n o f eq ua l r ight, n ot onc hilS in Con.rre .. Indica te. New O rder , Sabin ]lfa cDonald 8ufi'l' fed u snukc any way distin;:uished herself. Howfor Wo me n io Poli tic. bit.c, Salu nl a y afte rn oon. ever, WOllllln has s hown herseJr a n ilpt p up il nnd r ece nt e leelions ind iThe ·il'ic L C" ;: lI ~ h Id t heir unnua l Thl'ee wome n will s it iu the next 'itt I.' t hal ~ h e h ilS a r r ived- to ma ke picnic on th~ Fri enus' chu rch luwn go od. Congress, T hursday eve ning . Two of the m ' ure "political wi dThe bevc n wOlUe n e lected to ConGu y Curl'. of Brooklyn. N . Y. is ows," elected to se r vo ou t t he l,Invisiting h is pnrcnts, M r. and Mt's, Will expired Lt:rms o f l heir late husba nds. g r ess : Ali c ' I ober t.son- Okluhoma, regCurt', a nd other r elatives, Howeve r , sl,otiment h us d ied in ul a rl y e l ' ete d. . politics -a nd t he womlln elected to }h s, R. 11 , ,lefferiR. Mrs. Cla r a J eann e tte Ra nkin, Monta na, r egCo ngress now--goes there on h er ul a rl y ' Iecled, Ruddi<:k und Miss n CRS Shid a kcr were me rit. Such in the poli t ical evide nce , hop pi n;: in Wilmi ngton , T ll eRday. Wi ni fl'crl Mason H uck, Iliinois, of 1!!2&. r n lh cr'~ t er m. Mi ~ s Mullel Stan "pent s 'vc ral davs One o f t he wid ows is fr om Massa ~l ll e No la n, Culiforni a, husba nd's lhis WL.., k in /Juy t on. wiLh ~ lr . and ch u R e tt ~ . Lho fi rst ever to be se nt L~ I' nl. Mrs. W. M. Mulhius and Miss Mill·ga . fl 'o m the New EnKla nd stutes. S he Ma ry T . No rt on, Now J erse y, r e t S la rl'. is MrR. Ed iLh Nou r se Roge rs. of the ula l'iy elcclecl . Flo re nce I'ra" Ka hn , Ca li fornia, Mr, and MIs. Kll rl ::i hidu ke r an d Fifth d islI'i ct. T ho other is Mrs. fum il y, a lld ~ I r. li nd Mrs . .J. H. BOKan FIOI'c llce Prag Kah n , of San Fra n- hus bun c.l ' !'\ It..' rlll. Edi l h NOll .., e ROl;'ers , Mussuchu und cl Hug- htc l' Wcrp Wilmi nKl', n shup- cisco. e lected f r um th e Fu ur th Culiforn in di slr ict. pel's, T h ursdu y. sctt" h usba nd's term. Mr. lin d ~11-~. II. S . T uc ke r and fund ly wer!! .. Oll1 ".1 La Kenlu ci<v eal'ly in I h" w{'" k IJY th" d 'nL h 'o f 111 1'. Two Widows in Next Congress TUl'kc. r·s mother.


1\1),11, ·hur l ·s S. Tucker a nd sons. Hnrry Hlld I I" rold , ( visite d a few days lhis w{'ek wit h her moth er Mrs. 1..1I t li e SO lllh, in Lc uan on. ' Capt. und .' l rR. e has . Gurn er a nd :Ion, uf Cu luml, lIs. spell l th e IlLl te r parl of the \\'l'ck wilh th e ir mol he r, MrK. Mury J . FIn ch and Robc r t Gar-




Con sistin ~ of 42 Go.od Milk COWl - Holst eins. Gu ernseys and J erseys, sever!Ll of willeh ure r eg iste re d nnd n n umbe r of them e lig ible to r egister. T hiS 18 8 fi ne Melcct lot .o f C"w: , So lli e lat('ly iI'('sh and the re ma inder being past u re bred to a Regl st e l' ~d Bull . and du e t o calf in A ugus t, Septem ber a nd October, 12 g" od y e ur hn~ lI elfe rs , 2 7 C.d V"M, seve r ul ' eligible to r egIsler , one ~ - YI'"r-old Holste in R<'g l "t "I' ~ d BII II and one R~ g' i ste re d Jersey Bull. A wonde rful oppor t unity to LilY a g ood , well-bred produ cing cow from a carefull y se lected hcrd.





NOTICE- This 6ale II being made by order of the Probate Court of ~ontgomery County, Ohio, and sells free of appraisement to t he hlghe,t bIdders. . TERMS All aum. of $25.00 and "odor, Cuh. OYer tbat amouDt • ~redlt of . tbr•• to .Ix moatb. will be linD by pu.cha .. n li";DI a .ot. bear. IDI' 6% IDter•• t fro .. data of •• 10 witb two appro"ed .ocuriti... Or p"r. "b..... lIla~ pa, all _.b. WILLIAM F. liYERS, R.cel".r for CHar aad Lea. Farm CHARLES W. FOLKERTH aad FRANCIS C. CANNY, Attoro.,.. for Roc.I", ••

Two widows., both eluted . on merit, wID sit in the next aenlon

01 Congress, to serve out the unexpired terms of their husbands.

R. C. HAINES & W. L. SMITH, Auctioneer.

At left. Mrs. Edith N. Rogers, who defeated fonner Governor FoBS at Mus., neluly 3 to 1. At right, Mrs. Florence P. Kahn ~10 will represent the fourth California dJ.strlct. T he t hird member iR not a widow , th erefore had to go out in an intonsive cumpaig n and battle he r wa y t o victory. She is Mrs, Mary T . N or to n, of New J rcscy-whose husba nd is a live an d in the coope rage busi ness at J ersey City. Whil e se n time nt_ i prompted the ca nd idacy of both Mrs. Rogers and Mr s. Kahn a t thfl dea t hs of their husba nds, bot h enco un tered strong opposit ion to the ir e leot io ns whic h made the cam paigns whirl wind a ffa irs and gave to bot h t he op port unit y to prove t hat they were qualifie d fo r sea ta in Co ngr ess. Mrs. Rogers' 'vic to ry at the r ecent election was mOllt notable. She first we nt into a t hree-cor n ered fig ht at the primaries f or' th e Re pUblican nom inatlon. She oVllrwh elmingly defe a ted two stron g m en ca ndidates. The n into th e fight f ell' elect ion against a De mocrat ic oppone nt. Noble 10'0 s , th ree ti mes govern or of Massac husetts. She d efeated hi m. nea rly 3 votes te) 1. Mrs Kahn 's supp orter s are qu it03 firm in th e beli e f that lihe will be !I " r eal" congr essm an. She was fo rced to ma ke a r eal fi ght fo r elec,tion. She made many poli tical speeches and surprised aU by her grasp of natlonul qu estions nnd the working s of congress. e nt iment was f orgo tten and she roll ed up votes on merit-enoulfh to win ha ndso mely, . It IS true that of the seven women

.. _....---


2-3 D ...I.. Bld,.


LEFT-HAND CaMP Board er-"Great boy you have ther e. Mrs. Simpkin ll." Mrs. Slmpldns--''< Oh--do you think SO,"!"

. Bearder--" Yes, indeed. Why that boy rinp the bell everv time for; breakf ast, dinner and luppen."

Sears & Cartwright Insurance and Public Sales We Specialize on Good Service


NO. 1181T R~PORT Of condition of the aarveJlbure Nati Q,Dal Bank at HarveYllburlr, In the State of Ohio, at th. cloM of buslnsli8, on June SO, 1925. RSIOURcaa Lo .... UleS DlocOlll"... , U.575.1G

Onrd..rle. UDaecu:ed • . • •• . • • , . U .a, Go ••rom.nt 8ecurlU.. oWDOd


Depoll\e<l'" MCu .. clrculaUoll CV, B. bolld. par 'l'Ilu.) . .. . .. DO'" All oLber UlliWId 8'ae. Go • ....,mea' 'MCur" ...... . . . .. II OJ.. t5 Otber boD<1a, .1ocII..... W'IUea,.k:. B.nklng Bu..... . . . . . , . . 0.814.68 FumJtura.lUld tlxluraa . . a.812.11 Reat .. ta~ o.. ned o'ber chua baoklDl hOIlM .. .. ... .. ,....


Property inaured with ua ia placed in the very Strongeat Companiea" at the aame ratea charged by weak ones. Property aold by us at Auction iasure to bring ita value, and the amount of Dollars and Centa ia what counts.



n. 25

Office, Aman Bldg. Phone 61 •• 2 Waynesville, Ohio


11.811.11 10'.00


La~~~ T.'.s:~. ~~ ..~.~~ .~


trom caUooot bonb •• • ,... • . • • . TOlol.oU_ t . 10. II, 1• • lUld U

. . &81. TO

Oub IB null ..,d &aI01IJI' dIM



. . .. . .... . .. , .. .... . . ' . &83. fO To~ . .

.. . . .. . . . ..... .. .. . . 1108:0".0



OOpllU dock poJd lB ••• ' " • • • . _. 120.001.00 Bu.plu. fuod . . . . . . . .. ... .. . . . . '.500.00 UlldlvI4ed prollla ••. •• •' • • ' 8aO.01 ~ curreo' er_ _ , I B _• • .od ,ax.. paid . • . . .•... (llone) etO. OI Jlldl vlduu dopoalla .ublec1 to ehack ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..

TO.nO. 'o

TO~:'':,V 1I~III'i"rr.~·8: .ii: 'iri: i i


OerlUlcak>l 0' depoeU due In 1_ lhan ao do,. COlb.. Ibao tor

aod 12 . . , . ... .. .. . .. 70885 . 40

OerWlca' es (It depoe " (olher 'hall tor money borrowe<i ). , . . • . . . • Tou l at <I me dopo.lh lubJ..,t CO Hem. II, It, aod

II.......... 55 aD . . •• • • , • • . . •• ••• , •• B.GO n.Oo

1, 000, 00

Dllla poyoblll (Iocludlog 011 oblJ.

~~':ed ncftbe.-;D'~fD


coua," , .. .. ... ....... .. .. .. . To~ ....


or OHIO.

I. B. 8,

Hard Water


1.000 . 00

.. . .. . . ...... . .... 1l0l.06D.'~ W~RRBlf Tutker, O~

nUlled blUlll. do ealemol, abo . . .l.&emeo," tru. to

1uao.. lecSp Uld belle. H.


(JOUNTY ... ,


tb. obov. ....... Ibot .he tbo beat 0' m,

T UOKBR.Oubierl._

Bubecrtbed ODd ...orn co before m. IWI July, 1820.

Ulh 40, 01

Oon.'" AU .."


No...,. Public.

0 . 11:. LEVlOY

O. D. OOOK '1'. 11'. McGUINN Dlnlcton


Every Thuraday 9 a, m. to 5 p, m. ReatRoom in GrangeBldg Wayneaville, Qhio

Main Offic;e t 924Y. South Brown St....t. Oyer Sllfm~ Th.ater Day to!,. Ohio

F. T. Martin,:" Jesse Stanley · .Auctlo-n eer Auctioneer' JI.. . W.,.uarantee .O! ..... nothiq. ,\


Begi nn ing at 10 a. m " ( Cc n r';11 Stn" ,lun l T Im. ). the fo llowing property:

Full line of I!" plements, including F ordson Tract or and equipment, Jaege r Conc rete Mixe r, 3", -ton Jumbo Truc k with Cattle Racks.

.- .

a. ....

Wednesday, July 22, '25


?lfr a nd Mrs, Clar ence Smith wer e Gl!m City visitors, T hu rsday. Mr. Clyd e Whorton oomm ence d th re shin g in t his ne ighb orhood with a new outfit, last week. The g irls cleared a neut su m at the made by one of the parties waa very social ' a t urday even ing. It was an peculiar and not iceable ; the inst ep idea l nig ht for ice cr eam . neve.r touched the mud, showing that Mr. and Mrs. Henry F oulks spe nt t he man may have been lame with a s hoe made to suit, or perhaps hiB 8hoe last wee k wi th Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fo ulks, near Waynesville. was quite new with a very atiff 801e. Mr. and 'Mrs. F rank Sn yder attendThe burglars took a few pair of socks took a ehair and a new grain. sack ed the Ber ean Cluss meeting at Ferry out, and changed their Bocks , leaving church, Saturds y evenin g . MrH, Ina Longacre, of Dayt on, is t he ir old ones at the front of the spending this week with he r pure:lt s , store. Mr. an d Mrs. Stephen Burnett. Otho. Notet Willia m Be rgdu ll is assisting S. LITTLE GEORGE WASH D. H enkle survey t he Hard ing Paper Miss Trillie Edwards ..visited in Mill prop erty, n or l h of F ra nklin . Ridgeville last week. Mr. a nd Mrs, Charles Clark were Thing-- " That horrid (old Mrs. B. H . Hllyes and Miss Flom Sunday dinn er g ucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Mr.Young Dl'cxel just :sa id t ha t billing an d Woolley visited in Lebanon on las t SylVeste r Thac ka r uy, al Springbor o. cooing ends \\;'th t he hon eym oon. Thu rsday. Mr. Mary Ha wes, of near WayMrs. J oel E vans 'has been visiting n e~v ill e, spe nt severa l days Inst wee k Did you find it s o ?" Me re Ma n- "Only th e cooi ng." relati ves in New Richmond, Ohio. wi t h Mr. a nd M r s. S. H. Hai nes un d Miss Susie Mayers, of Dayt on, was fam ily. the g uest of her cousin, Miss Trillie and Mrs. E li Russell atlende d t he fu THE BOY WAS RIGHT Edwurds, yas t week. ncral of Mr. Al bert Hibber t, a t Mrs. Phoebe Ca dwallader and Miss Da vid 's chu rch. on t he Dayto n pike, Mary Leah Cadwallader , of Harveys- Monday a ft cr noQn. Mrs. Fiske- " My, my- such wouburg. vis ited relatives her e, Friday. Mr. and MIS. W. F . I!lrk, Mrs. rf ul clothes that taU woman over William Jones has eomme nced work Mary Curm any a nd E ve rett Cla r k de th ere is Wea ring. I wond er wl" re on the , basement of his n_ house attended tho Ca rlllo ny reun ion at she lives? " on the corner lot adjoining the home Triang le Park, Dayton, Sunduy. Mr, Cynie- " My g uess would be he sold to Clnrk~on Gauze. As Mr. M... a nd Mrs. Gu y Roulza hn and " just beyond , her husbund 's inco me: ' Jon es' stable was on the corner lot, daughte r , attended a surprise parly Mr_ Gauze had to build one, and is a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Ke rr now ready to com'm ence life in town. Routzahn, near Ce nter ville, T uesduy TRY THE GAZETTE'S JOB WORK 1111'. AI, Steele has sold out and even ing , of la st week. closed the Cornell House. He moved A number of mcmbcl's of th e Laon his father's farm near · Xenia, last dies Aid enj oyed th e all-day meeting Administrator's Sale of Thursday. , and basket dinne r , Wedn eRday, at Miss Eliza Bunting has had a beau- th e home of Mr, und Mrs. Carl Pick. Real Estate. tiful monument erected to the mem- erin g, ncar Center d lle. ory of her mother in Miami cemeMrs. Morri s Miller and children tery. It is an exquisite piece of are spendin g a coupl e of wee ks ut III pursuunce of an order of the workmanship and was designed and Catawba Island, in company with he r Probate Court of Warre n Co unty, execute d by Mr. A. E. MeBSerly, of broth!!r-in -Iaw and sisler , Mr. and Ohio, I will offer f or sale a t public aucti on on t he 3rd day of Aug ust, Greenville. , MI'lI. W. G. Pickrel. of Da yton. DouglaBS Berryhill, who has been Mr. and- ·Mrs. Steve Burnett. Mr. 192 5 , at 10 o'clock a. m., on the attending the High school here thia and lIlrs. Geol'l!'e Graham, Mrs, Ida pre mises in th e Village of .Corwin, win~el', has left school to commence Day were Sunday dinn er g uests at Warr en County Ohio, the f ollowing work on the farm. Dougla8 Bustain· the counU-y hom e of Mr. and Mrs. descllibed reul os·tate, situato in the ed himself well at school, and we Mack Pickering, near Georgetown, O. Coun t)' of Warron, in tlie State of have n odoubt he will make a successMr. and' Mrs. Guy Routzahn and Oh io. Being Lot , No, Two (2) as ful farmer. daughter, Geneva Mae, attended a designated on the orig inal plat of the lIfr. John Collett, who had lately family gathering of the latter, at the To wn of Corwin, in the County aforebought a farm ne ar Spring ~atl&y, country home 01· Mr. and Mns. Wil- said. The No. of the house thereon haij ~ome V'orkme n employed lD r~ 'lard Warner near Christiansburg; is - -, faCing llfain . Street. The palrin'g it preparatory to movins Into' Sunday. ' nearest street on fhe South is John it Oile night last week lome parties Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Haines and Mr. Stree t ; and the nearest street on tbe discovered . the houlle to be on fire and MI'Il. Walter Kenrick were enter- north is the Wa;ynesville and Harand went 10 and roulled the sleeping tained to dinner at the home of Mr. veysburg Road. There J.s no street' enUre destructio!l, Lo811 said to be· and MI'Il. Joaeph Gra88i. in Day.ton, on the east. workmen.ln time to save them from on Thul'Ilday of last week, and in the Said real eSlatii blUl been appraised in the sum of EI,e ven Hundred Dol. ,300. evening picnlced at Island park. lars, and will not be sold .f or 1e811 than Mr. and MI'Il. S. H. Haines and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick, in company -two thirds of said ~p)lral!,ed v~ue. Terms of sale are cUh in hand on with Mr. and MIi!. Walter Cast and The fun eral services for William Mr. and Mrs, Charles Zimmerman and day of sale. ' Dill, who W8JI born and raised here, children and Mias MlU'ganlt Rogers, WALTER CAREY. were held at ,his home near Spring picniced at Stony Brook, Sunday. Administrator of the estate Vulley, Saturday ' afternoon at 2 p. m. , of Alexander Emley, decelUled. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fleming , of M. C. Drake, Atty. . " Mr. and MI'Il. Jac,o b Marlatt and Indianapolis; Ind., were Thursday little daughter, of Cincinnati, are after.noon callers at the hom e of Mr. Mrs. spending afew weeks with Mr. Mar. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. Marlatt's parenta, MI:. and Mrs. Geo,' Fleming was formerly lIIiss Adda Higgin~, who taught school here sevMarlatt. I, eml years ago. -' Don't forgot the Home-Coming at , Mr. adn Mrs. Martin Marlatt have r.etumed to their home In A~on, af! the church ne~ Sunday. The follow. 't er .. spending a few 'IIays . irith, Mr. ing invitations ' are being .lient out : - L~tl. Hom •• ComIDI, SailCla~ . latt's .pare·nw , ~r. ~nd Mrs. eGorre J"t, t •• 1825. All th. folb ~o" Marla~t. .' • :. • • a .... t .. bow at L~tl. loal aro, . " will .... ~a1t1., tber. to 7O~ at th. .01. to.. "limp, to REASON FOR IT Date your ,,1.. with • • ....t 7011. . . . .me . . . QIO• • a.~ . ..ti.faction ~ .....r I. . . . towa w ...... 70a F.ather-",E Uly ' In lit" m1 lon, .Il04l to -•••y.-B.....t ,eliaa.r, adopt lb.e ~e~lf bird' poUct !ind, you ' .... .. .alc, .".aId•• . . will sueceed... · . aoaIaI lim. ..•• rally: E".'78onn.J-'(I don't think I better.. I.Yite.l, r_e.r . nllil•• taL . . . . . . . ..,.. dad. Ouly,.~ ~ cia11ta ·. . . . . . . . . . . 0Iuk .... ·• • ~

"Y. ... ...u.a.,

On t he ~re er nnd Lcn l f a rm (form erl y kll own us the St. lair farm ), locate d 14 mi lCH SuuLh o f Dn ylo n, Ii mil os !'lu uLh wcHt of Contervill o. 3 mi lell Northeust of. Springboro , 6 mi les Enst of Fru nklin, 9 miles North of Lebun on, one- ha lf mile Sout h of Ihe Five Poin t chool houRc on the Sheehan Rond (which is th e ti rRl I'O UO West o f l he DIl'{t on a nd L ~ban o n Pike I'U',lIi n~ purall e l with the Dayto n a nd L cul1 l1 on I 'ike ) . on

Co nsist ing of 13 Brood Sows, nin e h uvi ng litte r'S by side on dny of sal e, 80 Shoat s, rang ing in weight fro m 8 0 to 140 po u nds, 8 Gil ts, 2 0 P igs 2 BoarK a nd 1 Stag. '

111.', a nd ~l rs. Cha •. 11 . Gray a nd funVl y cnlel'llllned t o Sund ay d in ne r , Mr. nnd 1I11 'A . W. M. Mat hi as and Miss l\1a rgare~ St urr, uf Dayto n. a nd Mr s, Am a nda Stu n ' li nd Miss Mubel. The B. E. W. class o f lhe M. E. Sundlly ·Schoo l. with their t eac he r, 1I1 rs. W. H. Ogden. hi ked t o th e co un Lr~ home of Mario Paul, Tuesda y evening, f or the ir r eg ular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elli. , Mr. and Mrs. Cec il Hoover a nd Mr. and Mrs. F run k Ti etm yer and .ons, Eldred, EImer und Euge n(', att e nd ed a sUI'prise on Mrs. Cha!. HBgermier, near WIlYnesv ille, Sund ay.

-----. - ..---LYTLE



n ct.

Mr. a nd Mrs. J . E . McClure, of Waynesville, and Mr. Alfred Dakin, o f Ha nni bal. Mo., spent Sunday aft ernoo n calling on fri ends. her e. Mr. DaiU n has bee n a way from Ha rveysburg for a bout 45 years, and this is his first visit here since he left. Mr. a nd 1I1rs. Homer Ki nby and son, Durwa rd , of Ft. T homas , Ky" were week-e nd g uests of Mr. und Mrs. Howard Graha m and da ughters , MISS Helen Gra ha m accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Kirby home fo r a visit a nd It mus t be plletty nearly tim e f or DUl'wurd Kir by re mai ned at Gra hthe Prince of Wales to r eturn home am 's. fo r th e p urpose of planning a noth er Dr. a nd Mrs. C. G, Randa.ll an d trip.- Pi ttsburg Go.zette-T imes, Miss Helen, e ntertained l"ri day a nd Time was when people tri ed to over night, Mr . a nd Mrs. Sawdon show that their allcestors came over an d child ren. of Tiffan v. N, Y. Mr. a nd Mrs. Her bert F ite nnd E lin th e 1Ilayflower. Now the opposit ion is tryin g to show that the an- len J a ne. of Wushingto n C. H., wer e Sun day g uests of Mr. a nd ~h·s. Frank c('st ors came over with the circus.Wilso n. S" le m, MalIS., Ne \Ys.

•• pooc."


is improved .

Subacri ption Price; $ 1.5 0 per year. ~

IElection of Two Women to Next . Congress IridicatesNew Order met Thursday af-



New Burlingtt;)D, O. Pho... No• •

Have you ever sufFma fr~tn bard water "itdl"l Have your handa become dry and bard-your akin ~ped-from using hard water? Tben you can appreciate banda tbd are _ _ roagben«S nor'a tender akin that fa DeftC Ieb cracked and "itchy"__ shave tbat-il quick add deaD. Enry home NOW c:ao bave aoh ~ ciltenl and double plumbin,.

lQURO Water _~ftaer __ V~n..



lui AlIt ..


-·.... ~...... Cuette

Band PI ays In . Le banon

Hall I•• u .... e. on TobueCl! .... lIfr. nnd Mrs. l\fyer Hltmnn wore H.II I.our•• c., 0 . Tobu"o .nd Mi:. and Mrs. Frank LeMay nnd Grain. Searo an" CartwrilM. Lebanon vi, ilor • l"ridoy. Grain..' a.,d C.rtwrilht. 1I0tl, Charles, we re m Doyton, Tu c~duy. Tim hUllr'! Ii furmer works may MJ~B nuth ~n1"nhl\1"\' l'pcnt un day Mrs. l\1nggie Burnet IIttond d a IIIrs. idncy hundler ill very lliel:. h<: WflYllcsvil lo PI'e mi or ' uand lin" nn ctrod 011 hiN income., accord· - " 'il h friO! ,18 l1(1nr ft. Ulllon. birlhday dinner .at ' Springboro, Ul l · McsRrs. J. O. urtwl'ight nnd D. fu "nishes th{, :llru 't one rt at Leb· ill1\' t.'l the r ecords of Grcen county dny. L: I'uue \vcr in ' Lllbn non r Friday , 11'<. hIl1"l",\ : 11.-r\\,(\ tI i Oil the fUl"IlIC 1':l 11M ullnlyz ' d by rurnl eeo an ' II. ton ight. 'M I'. UII. s II n naoo, of alnwure, morning. sick 1i t. \.:on CL'l' t Ht'\ u Sllal hore to nlO \'l'O W, Iln lll il'lM a t th e Ohi o :State un ivc riuilll'n h is ' \\' i f~ hore th flr ~t o f the 1\11'. and :\trs: Alired J . Wright ure Tl , Ir~ dl y IIIl1;hl. il y. \,i6it ing I'elatives and fr ielldB in hlMr. lind Mr s. ,J . O. \\ hltnk e r lind Mr. Lc(' Hnw k' lind fami ly we . weck. cn);o. s on , Mari llll , spe nt ' umlllY with relIn Lebanon, Tu ~ .d ~y. Hall Ino ..,all". on Tobac:c:CI\ and ' ~ ------ ~ Mr. I II :\II' ~ . Lt'&Lel' Gord,.n and utivcs in DaYl ulI. C ...III. S_ra a.d C.rtwrilht. ~.;:t. ~.................- ..... ...........,::. ~...-...::.:-. ~ ~) I\1r. ami 1111'S. Howard Ar~hdeaco ll Mi,;s l\[urlhl\ 'Nenll w ro in Daylon, Mr. J. T. F luck · lef t Mondoy ev. unillg for u two weeks' visit in North ",,,I e. ill 'ill II l11n l i, Montluy. tlldllY. A. A. MrNe il , th e anli'luu fu rn itur e MI'. Myel' Hyman and fam ily .pl'hl ' Dakula. dealer lIf Cc nlcl'vill", was in WaySunday In Cincinnat i. Born- To Mr. /ln d M1"~. J. lIIilton Mr. Lee Huwkc and fami ly IV!'re Thompson, Tuesdny J uly 1~ , a so n. Sunday dinner g uests uf Mr. und Mrs. Mr. Kcndall Taylor, o f ' Dayton. is Mr. nrid Mrs. Russ 11 Youn ce. nf J . . Hawke. visiting nt the h()UIe of Dr. and Mrs. Newark, and MH, • W. Younce i'"., J . T. E llis. Eu ph{' min Hough is visiting r ot Dayton, spent IU8t Thur day Wi t h Mr.MI'S. Guy I(ihl nr li nd fllmil y, o f Day· Mr. F o rresl Hidge hilS r lU I'lIed tn nuti. is s uffer ing a ll ulto ck of tOlls i. MI'. Gnd Mre. oulous Younce. t on. Buft'lIlo, afte r se vt'ru l (\IIYS' visit with As soo n Us he recovc rs he wil l W. N. ears i~1 ussisting A. A. Mc- litis. ry'YY/'f(//./;t///.I'/////~///////.</~/'7///'·/L/,f/////.r/'//// /'</h?": I·.'W/'~j!""A,'P.~Jo0C relatives h('re. . Nei l ill a IUl'g" :fllrm sa l ~ n ~lIr Da y- hove h is tOluiilt. nom o vc d . M. s. Waite,' McClu re , Mr~ . Nellie , lun, loduy . !.itlle Louise H ough has returned Chidlaw. Mrs. ,'am 0 ~ E. McClurt, ulld :,\ 1I1rs. Nellie Chidlaw und Mrs. Walhome uflcr u Yis it with r(' la t i\'cs in SPRAY ler Me luro w('re guests lIf re lati ves fl ll yton. Rorn- T o Mr. nnd 1\Irs. K(l lIn N h IrR. Cha rl es Ry!' lefl Tuc:<du y Illurll - \ ill U!'llbro ok. Friday. Wuu llllrd. of Houte 2, Su nd llY , July ing fO I' a trip lo NiaJ.!:lJ"n Fa ll g 1I11d ~~ ulh er inlercstin J.! p,lint " in Cunutlll. ~? 12, n duughter . Mr. a nd Mr" . .Jo hn Bnkel·. of lIIid .11.' [(1 \\"11_ \\"" 1'" \\"l' l'k-t' nd I!'llt~sls uf Mr, Messrs, Orvill e Grn)" Georg!' lI en10~'i,'; lind Mrs. C'hnrlcs Gruy. ders un lind Ca rl onner were in LehMrs. Roberl S. Wullon, of Ouyton, an o n, Sunday ulternoon. Annn Fishe r. of Ri ll ll() CuI., \\'r il l'~ i~ vi.iling he r piIlT't'nl.. . , Mr. nnd Mr.<. HAVE YOUR HOUSE, BARN OR J L . ilnrlsoc k_ us f" "Wltill' wo have I" "'n OUTBUILDINCS PAINTED BY III 1". nncl lIIrs. Stephen Ilurn"t~ ond IIW UY from lh e "" w ll " Id Oh iu . 1111.,· THE SPRAY SYSTEM MI'". G ~urj/'e Grnhnm, of Lr ll c • visitMr. and Mrs. Hoy Mills nnd dau gh(J~~ LlI re latives ut Geurgetown, Su nd ay _ tel', Lena, spent S undllY ,!vcning with Miss 1-11111, o f Cillcinnuli, is spentl - 18 yenrs. wc s ti ll fec i lItl intl're. 1 in relalives in Spring Valley. ing Ihe summ er III the home' o f Miss it und wish ~o kCl' l) in touch wilh lhc fri ends s lili liv ing. We thillk Emlllil Hcighwnlf. Mrs. F'rnnk L. Toylor, who has been California II J.!r~at old _tnt" , in spile Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Lewis, of Day can u. for pri.,.., .tc. W • • uar.nt e~ \'isiting her moth er. Mrs. Edith Ha r- ton, spent Sundav with Mr. Forrest (If th e ,'arlh'luukes, which w e fOllr o .. r Work Mr. Wilbur Haines . of Cincinn nti. I'i ~ and family, left f or Cincinnuti on Graham and family, of Route 6. le'9s lhan the Eusle rn storllls. " is ass is ling at the Thompso n bakery SlIndny morning, and nfter a short - -for a week or two visit lhere, will leave for her home Mr. Forrest Crane and daughter, ill SlIn Frnncisco. Cal. WAYNESVILLE, OH10 Marjorie, uf Cincinnati. spent Sun Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Raymond day with Mrs. Maud Crane and fam - Conn er, Sundny. July 12, 1926, a ily. daughter, Sarah Edith. Th e Civic League of Hurv('.ysburg gave its annuill picn ic RUppel' Thurs. Miss Dola Schatzman anJ Mr. Mr. O. W. Hamilton, who has been duy even ing, July 9. The tobles Frank Tomlinson. of Sardin:.. . Ohio, visiting his sister, Mrs. Amanda Maf· WC!'e set under th e beoutiful trees of C o ~ c r.j ~ .)J were week-end guests of Mr. and fitt, has retume·d to Dayton. thl' Quaker chul'( h yurd . Quite a Mrs. W. 0 Raper. number of the members and their Mrs. J. D. Marlatt spent the week- families we re present. All served Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Faust .nd end with Mr. O. J. Alexander and the mselves q ui le informally from the bountiful vnriety of fo od s pread be· mother, of near Dayton, Bpent Sun- family at Camp Linger Longer. for e them. day afternoon with Mr. Walter McA very plt'llSanl soc iul time WILS ellClure and family. FOR SALE-Good, sound Learning Com. J . S. Vandervoort, Phone joyed befo.-e the shades of even illg warn "d ull tu d epurt for their hom es, Save your old Qarpets and ruC!! 33-3, R. D. 2, WaynesvlUe. Ohio. We were g lad l:?, ~v~ been there. and get "WearweU" Rup milde. Send for price list. Franklin Rug Mrs. Ella Alexander, of Dayton, Co., Franklin, Ohio. and Miss Laura Hen!'y, of Toledo. are guests of Mrs. Amanda Matllt. Mrs. Jesse Seare and children and Springboro Grongc will hoid its lIfr. and MM! . Clarence Menden· Mre. Joaeph Hawke, of Sabin., and Open Air Meeting in Spring. Mrs. Laura Ze1.l were dinner cuests hall .nd little son, Earl, were guests annual bol'O sc hool YUld, Friday evening, Juof Mr. and Ml'II. J. C. Hawke, Tues- of rel.tives at Middleboro, Sunday. ly 17, 1926. day. A good program, including un ud. Misses Joaep,hine and Dorothy by Hon . Robert Shawhan. of Heighway, of Murphy, N .. C., are dr,,"s Mrs. Max Kohlhagen, of Lebanon, guest. Leban on . . u!ld mu sic by the Springof their cousin, Miss Emma and Mr. nnd Mrs. Il8dore Fabe and Heighway. boro School orchpslrn. wi ll bo given. Everyb ody welcome. son, of Cincinnati, were Monday and Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mn. Myer Mr. Omar Bsrnett and family, of Hyman and family. near Dayton. werc Sunday guests of Mrs. Ida Kelsey and father, Mr. Jas_ S. McClure. I will se ll at public auction nt my MIss Mary Prater, who has been at residence on Hig h street, WaynesOtterbein home caring for her sister, ville, Ohio, on Mrs. Elizabeth Clevenger, has returnSATU RDAY, JULY 25.1925, ed to her home here. Beginning at 12 :30 p. 111 ., the fol · lowing property: Tools of nil kin ds. Mre. D. E. Sttanditord was called garden too ls. lad ders harness, pulleys, to Lena, Ohio, Monday, to ca re fOI hoes ,forks, etc. , a nd a f ull lin e of her aunt, Mrs. Rebeccn Wolcott, wh o carpenler tools, and so me hOUS!NlO ld was seriously in;iured by a fall, Sun- goods. Terms cash. Men have always advertised-firat themlclvee GEO. A. ZELL. day. Sears & McN!i~A.ucts. and their deeds; then their religion today, the~r Mr. and Mrs. Harry Turner, of product. and business. Dayton, and MI'. Ha.'Vl' Y Suckett and family spent Sunday a t the hom e of With Goodyear Tires on your car-you know you The f!Joat effective today i. through Mr. Sam Ba,r nett and i umily, near have the be.t. .Cen terville . the printed word-and right there ia where we Mrs. Jnmes Smith is very scri ously ill. Your friends know it. are qualified to $erve you. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Osborn, of R. Mrs, Mary Crites is still confined AllY auV or repair to JOaI' 4, e ntertained to Sunday dinn el1, Mr. Every printed page should be a pleaaing picture and Mrs. F. 1\1. Os born and daughter, to he r bed. car, eada .. new beerInp. The whole worldlknows it. Glenna, Mrs. Carl Osborn and daugl!Mrs. Eva Wyso ng has not been so wUl CIIIM at le&et $30. of type, paper, ink and illustrations, We ters, Mnry and Laura, all of Hnr- well again. 1 , Everyone know. Goodyear is the standard ' of Proper lubricatioD, bowvcyllburg, Mrs. Howard Surface and can make it so for you, if you'll let ue help plan _ , wiI1l11veenglDenpaim. comparison. Mrs. Mary Evans is still in a very son .Edwin, ot Waynesville, and Miss your printing job. Annn Patterson; of New Burlington. "ritical condition. Tbe dUrenIIcI In coat 111And now you 'c an get these famous quality tires ~IrH Mary Spitler , who was jlJ last tweeD the beet lubrbDt CD for no more than you pay for so-called Ubargain" Mr. James Stoops, of Van Wert, week, is much improved. NO EXTRA CHARGE-ONLY AN Che marbtaocS tile ~ spe nt last Wednesday night at the Litrle Betti e Venable enterlained tire•• EXTRA GOOD JOB ' dl JOG aID buy .. mWl. It home of his sister. Mrs. J . E. With- at a biTthday party Thursday ufteram, and left Thursday morning for noon. ~" to buy r'MllubricatloD. an automobile trip in company u Sunoco Motor Mrs_ Mary Sollers, of Dayton, was with Or. B. Campbell, of DayOD. Let us .bow JOG wbat ton, who is making a business trip buried in th e cemetery here, Wednesday. ~ It baa 6c:te41or to Miami, Fla. Mrs. Campbell will GOOD PRINTING remain with the Withnms. Thl' funeral of William Dill wos otMn aocS caD e6ec:t for,.,. held at th e hom e SaturdllY afternoon. Burinl here. ADAM F. MELLOH Mr. Willium \'v1ills, of New BurlingPbon. 47 ton , a well· kn own lIuctioneer, wu_ bUlied in Spring Valley cemetery Phone 105 Waynesville, Ohio ThuT~day. ' "Count Your Many Blessings," is a beautiful religious song which doubtless has led many of u s t o a No. 2220 more humble appreciation of our indebtedness to the Source of all our blessings. .. But counting one's debts is not Of the CondItion of the Waynesusually sueh a cheerful tusk, and .the ville National Bank, at Waynesmore debts we have, and , the bigger ville in t he State of Ohio. at the they are, the less cheerful Is the close. of business. June 30. 1925 job of counting them. RSEOUlIOES. If we could payoff our debts, or the most gizablo of them, simply by Loaoa and dJacounto. Including redJacounto, accepCaocCII 01 Mying "Thank you," the counting ocb ... banke. &ad lorelgD bill. of them would be a pleasanter un01 oxcltan.. or drat",. oIOld "Itb Indoroem.n& 61 &ht. baok dertaking and this is exactly what ...... .. . _...... UeO.UI _16 280,663.16 we. can do, if the "Thank you" is In Oven1ralta, UbMCUN<! . ..... . .. Uti., 7 the 'rlght spirit. o. a. UOVlI'Ilment secur"l.. o"nod : DeDPolted to _ore ' circulation Here is how we ought to stalt: U.S.banda par nlue)6D.DOO.OU Large, Ripe Fruit, "Thank you,. Chrietopher Colum- AI otber Unl'-' Stateo 60vern4 pounds for •..•. . A . W moo' kurt'I ....... .. (noue) 50.000.00 b ue, f 01' di scovermg menea. e O&bertIC'Dd ...toeka,Mcurltl.... \c 116.188,15 I' . are indebted to you for more than Banklol Bo""" ... . , .. IB,OUO vo doubling the 8ize of the wealth of 'IInIUure and JI'Ix&u....... . 800.00 8.800.00 Number! 5 pounds for •• the world." La~ran'i:~.~~~~~~.~~: l8, m.11 "Thank you, Mr. Watt, for in- Oub 10 1I&ul' and amount due venting the Bteam engine. We ...~::S:''i:~DaJo':.t baj,b. n,008.Dl Carnation or Wilson · owe )'ou tor adding unmeasured and ,ruat compea'" per can. • • . • • • • • • • • ~ wealth and COlli fort to the world." 10 Ibe Ualted 11.878.0' "Thank you, MI'. Edison, for the 1'0'" ot I . . . . . . 10. 11.12 and Co_u_n_tryClub, 3 cana 27c VanCamp., 3 cans.. . II ......... .... ... 'U. '86,D5 electl'io light. By It you have Oheeka .nd drana Oil heaIr.. (Inmade our cities, our faetoriel, our' ~-:a~~'':~.?, roade, our homel and our IIvea saf~PC>nlDl bank •••• . .,,031.2' .•••••• er and bria'hter." • Mtac.I._uaGuh ..010.11 -" "Thank ),ou, MI'. B!areonl, for ~D fuDd ..ltb U, 8. 1.10' 00 FRENCH BRAND · CO,,-EE, per pound • • • • the radio. You have spread knowlr ... .. .. ... ........ _ _ _ _ edge and entettainment and joy To........... . ........... to every out-of-the-way nook and . LIA.BILITIE8 cornel' of thll earth, and made ~ IIIook poAld ID. •••••••• • 8100.000.00 thele bJeBllnl'l1 alinollt as unlver- 1m ua fuDd........... . . . ... 00.000.00 B.nt.m, " lIal and as free, all the air." I "Thank you, Abraham Lincoln, ucl tu. paid .•.•. 11.181." fOJ' the lIupreme leuon of oouran OInNIa\\J!tlIlO&eie OUla"nd , • n.'oo,oo and serVIce a lnd devotion, to the Oertlfted Amounldue to N..'lonai ba ••• 10.000.00 trJ' CI ... chacb outnandlnl.. .. U.oo with PDI-ill and S••c., S . . cause of justice and Uberty and OuIllw·. cheella outa'andln, .. 2.18028 ri&'ht.'" Total of 1 _ 12,. II. U . 25 and 28 ........... _12,186. '8 So we might go on with a multitude IDdlYlduai cUpoella aubJecl to ~a7.888.8e Every loaf of Thom.,.on's bread i. filled ~lth life-giving for .......... of the great benefactonl of the race, o.:~tM iir"de~I' dueiQ 'leN 013.00 nourishment. to all of whom we owe a debt which ,han 10 da,o ... '......... .. .. Sack, 25 pOuDd ..................... $1.S8 2.018. 00 we cannot repay. bhldeDdo unpaid ... . . . ... .. .. . To..1 of demand deposU. (other But the nice part of it al1 i8, that · than bank depoalta) .ub~ct to Tho~pson's Breac:J i. ma~e with Milk and Pure Lard the more thankful we are for the Re.oerv• . Item. 27. 28. 18, 10. Finest and Sugar and Salt work which these men have done tor Olher II .... d 12 .. . ... .. '10,16.,68 time depooll •• -. . . '... . 10. 61.1.04 US, ri ch and poor alike, and the more To,al of \lmo depoell.• SUbl""! to Fleiachman' s Ye~t . ,. '. Best ~f Flou~ Dolloy Brown, ••ch................ 35c we appreciat4! the debts we owe them ~~":~: .'~~o, ~l, ':Bo3m~~t the ric.her we teel In everything that LI ..blUtlea other tban tho...t ..addll ,to human lIafety, comfort and ted ..I?O"..... .. .. .... ;.... 80.05 happiness: ,"". Ana. 't oo', ·the- more we appreciate ToW .... , . . . . . . . • . . . . . .• • •• ,.oo~.•• Country Club Pound .... .. Indebt<edneBl to them, the leu '8ta~ of Ohio. County 01 WIU'l'IID g: I. 1.. Jot. aendw.>n, (luIJler 01 the .bo.... are -we to feel that the '-world lWIIed hUlk. do aolemDly .".... that th••bOft owell UI a Jiving. If each of ou11 ac- . - , \a uue to she bed 01 my laIo,,~ F~.h rend.r.... Ib_., counts were balanced, we would all and belief. . L. ·K . aBNDBRSON. OUIIIII'• . find that we o'll'e to 1I0ciety and to its . 8u~ "..d ,"Ol'll to belore •• tbJa creat men m,o re than we 'can ever IIh day 01 Ju17 Ital. . . Mah'OD R'''~. pay. 'The only way that we. can pay Not." I'IlbJlc. even a IImaU part of our debt is-to , 0IIIftIC\ Att.ell\l W. a ..... r..LaN Lar. fDr: .......... work. thankfUl for our many bJe88:3. W. WHITa V ••Camp'., 10 bar. for .......... 2.c Inga, and ·tha~uJ tor the opportun-, &LIAI OGLII8BKK

No Effect on Income

.. .

---- ---




'"::'''~~:'::'':h' ' ' ' ' ' . CI. d.· ~ S p Eld-cuml~Aer L S 10 % Off on all

Flynets and H orse Covers


Off on all

Porch Swings


Lasts Longer-Looks Better

Off on aH

C a l Oi: Sbves a nd O ve ns

- ---- ..


Paris Green

Civic League Picnic

38c .' - -- --- - - - ---- --

Chi-Namel Pure House Paint Outside White $3.25 Outside Only a few gallcns left - - - -- .-- - -


Hardware. Harness and Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

Open Air Meeting


Public Sales

How to Advertise

Pride· in Ownership


How much would JUII . pay to ave $307


See Us for Prices

Waynesville Motor Co.

The Miami Gazette


Bring your Eggs to Kroger


~--------------------.~------~-~ ~----~








a...... ........ I...........


:=am":.;_, ·':'le'.!!," ':C0De)

Bread With a "Kick" Beat", . -


1 OA

COFFEE Je;.,e!~~':tdd








"Qu(ility .~o.4~ tleanli~e,s'" 'AIIt ·' Your' GroC~r fo~ '



ity to







c.... 19c !.~~!~~. . . . . . 11~c ' Beansco••



32c 25,c -4'7C' 20c 25c




Seventy-Sev enth Year

This Week i


England dislikes Preside nt ' Coolidge'A Fourth of July address and says th ere is nothing In it to " show that the Presid en t has tri ed to maste r the facts concel~n illg E urope. " Tha t,h owever, isn' t what inte rests the United Stutes. The Preside nt hus mustere d fucts c o n c~ rning this country . He has mllst ered the fuct that when you lend money you expect to get It back. And he see ms to havo mast ered the fact that the bu.ineS ! of the United States and ,of the Preside nt is t o attend to the United States and keep out of foreign complic ations. Tilat luill the United Statel.

A little Itlrl of seven 8et fire to six houses and was sent to an industrial home for correcti on. Not' long ago this child would have been punlBhed with death, perhaps by burning , flnt being encoura ged to denounc e the "witch" whose evil spirits had compell ed her to set the fires. The world 18 not BO bad as it was once, even If it seems les8 re ligioull, ' The governm ent will sell great ocean liners that don't pay, includi n tho Leviath an_ Suppose the richest country In the world would run its ships without extrava gant l rllls, br8llll bands, ete., and allow 8chool tes.cher s, hig h school and college students to go to Eu.r ope and back . cost, or, better stili, FREE of cost. , How much would it be worth to this nation to have 25,000 teaehen and young student s sec and study Europe " every year? B'ut nothing 01 that kind could be done. It would be ~ ".J'aternallsm."- ---

•• s:

A. rich man named Brow~ing aeeks

pretty relined girl lourtee n yelU'll old, for adoptio n." He hWi one Ildopted dau,hte r and. wants another to Iulep her compan )', He will ,Ive the adopted girl evet1y opportunity, educatio n, travel, kindne8ll, care, .o~e." Of course, he will, all perhaps , except, Oppor~unltr- Opportu nity to eat ,dreas, trave and live free of w"d: Is not Opportu nity.

What would Rosa Bonhou r have amount ed to had a rich man adopted 'bel'. Her girl friend painted fruit boxe. to huy food for two, Rosa Bonheu r painted pictures made her famouR, and undoub tedly gave -her self-sac rificing lrlend a place In Heaven . Who would have known Rosa Bonheu r 'bad Ii rich man adopted her?


With lights shining along the road, (Jncle Sam's fi)ring mail ships go by Jligbt between New York and Chic a~. That ill progres s. And, because Jt sean I develop ment of the flying 'h~dt'1lleans safety for the nation. ,C Po.tmas ter New. and CDolidge.


lohn D, Rockefe ller ia e4ghty-s ix He plays hla usual 'round ot golf, weather permitti ng, quite .conte,n t with 43 for 9 holes, and with hi. m~ and seltzer, toast and per;t.ap. tw.o Dunces of meat. It i. Wd for Bome to realize that ;goll, elter" that anybedy can take ~itb a .tick and a round pebble, not more than 20 cents worth of food • da)' and a bed to Bleep ID are all that Mr. Rockefe ller gets from hi. ,roat fortune . )I...... old.

--- What will hilltory say of John D.

. Rockefe ller, whose work and lucceSI better than that of any other man, with the pOSlllble exceptio n of Henry Ford, t~lfte. this industri al age? , lie wlU be praised because he haa Dever ..t a bad example of ostentation IIId extrava gance to embitte r the poor_ All eltcept his contrib\ ltionl to knowled ge will be forgotte 'n In 600 yean. But 1,000 years hence, hlBtori.. wlU catT7 the · plcture of John D. RockefeU'1; and wlll say of him: "This is ,.t he ,man who proved competition ~ be wastefu l and unnecel -


Mia mis Too k Gam e at Lebanon Bell broo k-M iam i Seri es Sun day Our Miamis added a noth er victory to lheir st ring when they went to the 'Warren Cuu nty Fair g rounds and dfeuted th e Lebano n lcam by a score of 15 to 4, las t Sunday aCternoon Thi s wns su ppose d t o have been ' th" fi rst of a scries of ' Lh ree gllmes but the ' Lebanon team (however, 'not the old bunch whom the Miumis expected to meet), proved t oo easy, a nd th e manu!fe ment can cell ed th e r cst of the serlCS, T he gume should ~ave. bee n a shut out victo ry for the I\1Ulmls, and would have been one if t hey had n ot grow n over confiden t and a lit~le carelesO lth ey can and do play good ball when they have to. Althoug h sufferin g with a badly mas hed finger, Howard Burton went behind the bat for s ix inn ings unt il the vi ctory was on ice, t he n our old fri end, "Chi ef" Harvey , relieved him and did so me niCe work. When th e catchers chunged, Ada ms and Satterthw a ite also exchang ed places, and euch did good work. "Peck" not only blanked his opponen ts In th e ru n column, but t he sttngy ras cal would not aUow them a hit. Good work, boyl The Bellbroo k team is coming to Frnzier' s park for the second game of t hat series nllx t Sunday . You probabl y r emembe r that our boys won the first gam e of that seri es and, with Bllbe Adllms pitching in his best lotm: they conflden tly e xpect to win the sec:<lnd. The fitth slraight victory: MIAMI S AB R H PO A E Frost, ss 4 2 1 3 I ) E. Burton , 2b ,. 6 3 3 2 1 1 Gons, 3b ,., , , 3 1 1 0 .1 1 H. Burton, c ...... , 6 2 2 8 1 2 Harvey, c . .., .... 1 0 1 4 0 0 Satlerth waHe, 1b,, 4 ). 1 5 ~ 0 Heinle, cf ' .,,"" 6 1 o 0 1 0 T. Butron, If,.' " .. I> 3 1 ) 0 1 Adams, p, 1b, , '" 4 1 3 3 2 0 C. Osborne , rf"",, 4 1 2 1 0 ) TQtals .. "",,,,,, 41 16 15 27 ]0



Stud ent At the Hosp ital




Vllnd ~rL rin ck,

~eh n ~itll'J' ,

IronR, r( Ailstock, c D. Roll, p Smit h, p T OLuls







0 ~


1 U



a I u"










0 6

:.I 0 15 ;J I

1 2 410 ~


0 1 00

0 3

0 0


0 0 0

2 0 1







:1 6

8 27 17 13 I ., :l .J 5 G 7 tI tI U a 1 ~ 1 2 4 2 U-- l l>

Miu mis Leba no ll U 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0-- 4 2-basc hit- E. BurLon. 3-base hit- f llosl. ~ I\ cril\ cc hiLs- Gun " 2, Sutt ~rt h ­ wu ile, Heinie, C. Os bol'lI e, Sacrifice fly - J ones, Le ft on bw!Cs-- M ialllis, !l ; Lebanon, 8. P ussed bull- H. Burto n, Ailstock . Duuble play- L(jbr to Vand er brinc k, Hit IJUls m en - Fl' o~t 2, by Rull. Wild pI Lch-Sm ith . Bases on bullS-OtT Sutten hwllit e, 1 ; ojf Rull, 2; oIT Smith, 1. Struek ou t.--By AdlllllS, 9 ; by Satterthwll lle, 4; by Roll, 2; by Smith,! . HIts- Oil' Aclllms, 8 in G innings; olf Roll, tI in 6 inllings ; 011' Sm ith

again !

The e rrnnt ieet of Rev. Walter W. Culp , elop er oC n ote, have strayed ugain from the path of ma ritul Ihitolity. This lime th e pulpitle ss p I" ac her's destinut i on, his desert ed fum il y sa ys, is New Mexico, iI his $90 all Lhe fnmi ly f und s. holds out lo ng ~n"ul:h, MUYH a South Bend, Ind ., p ape r. Cul p le ft on lhe la t est of his n; ~ hts fr om Iri s wife lI'nd n ine child re n , J uly 8 , a f ew dars aft e r celeb ra t ing t he FOU1'l h Wil h tlw m, His dep arture ClIllI e Lhe dnv "Et cI' Mrs. Dorothy 'u lp, lif l' a lli,:uH'e, h is brothe r's wi Ce, wilh whllm he .. loped t o Ch icago Illst "pring, vi ~ it e d th eir I>ome he re. Mrs_ Cu lp's wher cah o uts lire no t k nown, She is not here , no r is she in NapJlun e,

Th e f orl!iving wife of the ~rring husband has tiJ'l:d of his action s an d hilS ub lained a wurr un t for his arrest, churgin g non-sup port . The warrunt , huwever , is on li le ut the police s tati on un ti l suc h t ime as he mig ht relurn l u Sout h Bend . "W e have tlO way of getling hilb; no fund s with wh ich to brin g him bock ," th e poli(:e captuin remllrk ed as he fil ed th e warran t away wh e n it was giv en to him by Mrs. Cu lp_ Cu lp's heart first l eaped wh e n he WIIS the past or of a church in Sprin g Vall ey. He ser ved time soon u[tet6 in :1 in nin gs. ' he u nd a choir "irl we re arrested in Umpirc .-Irons lind Thumps o n. Michiga n . Th", girl reforme d and Tim e- 2 hours and )0 minu tes , is studyin g to become a mission ary. HiS' next tri lling was with his siste r -in-Inw, a love at first sight, but afte r a fow days in Chicago th ey caught a tmi n und ret urn ed h ome beca use of Lhe publicit y, He said then he was " ugh." He had said An inte resli ng mee ting of the thul before . Woman 's Chris tian Te mper a n e Un- - -- , ion was helc.l at the homo (}f Mrs. R. G. Cr oss, 'l'uesday , .Jul y j.Jth,

Approx imately 1,1. 000 hush" ls of im pro\'e d see d wheat , I!row n b)l six ty fllrmc r s in Wurren cou nt y, will be f or see d thiM foil as u r e ~ ult o f s urvey of fi ' Id iJ1 s p~cti on carried out by Cou nty Ag ent C I Il H~ and the , ~c d l mp r u\'c nlcnt leaders t1ul'i "l! the lagL f ew \ 'r c ks. Just pre\'iou s to wheat cult inl! , farm ers wh " had promi"e of a fui r CI'OP of Trumbu ll , Fu lhio 0 1' Gladden we re Ilsked Lo r eport sa me, after which a careful fi el d exa minati on of fr om 500 to 1000 plant s wos made at three differen t places in oach netJ , I n every co unt, the n umbe!" of h e lltl ~ of mixed vari eti es, chellt, cock le, or oth er im purities WIIS noted, u" d the percen tage of pur ily dete rmine Li . These men are being f urth e r in structed to avoid mixing their wh cat with oth er val'ieti es du r ing th "c_h ing and reclea nin g. Practica lly all of th e men growing improve d whea t will hold it f or sale at se ed ing tim " t bis fu ll. Trumbu ll and Fu lhio. the two lea ders in Warren "ou nty, hnve yi elded from two to fi ve ' bu :.;hl'ls pel' acre more thlln the ot hC10 C(, I11Jllon vari eti es.

Repor ts f r om thr(,Nherm en and Co unty Agent rt uss inLl icate that although the crop in WOrTen county i ~ co ns iderabl e below the av era,e, yet Illany far mers ar e thres hin g more tha n th ey expecte d. Yi elds from the vari ous parts of the county are ru nni ng fr om eight to twen ty -five bu shels per acre_ Quulity likewise, va ries conside rably , howeve r, alter re-c1eaning, m ost of the wheat will grade No, 2. Many of th e farme!'s are optimist ic about th e wheat market outlook, so a re n ot selling their groin lit t hrellhing Lime, but stored for futur e sales. AIl fu rther informn t ion co ncernin g th e wh eat situution Co unty Agent ChiS" s ubmits herewit h li n a!;r icu ltu1'01 r eport ju~t received from the Rura l Econom ics depar tm en t of our Ofti C~ l'g fo r the enijuin g y eu r were St.ate Agricul t ural co ll e ~c , ,which elected Hnd we adjo u rned to meet gives the latest and most r eliab le Inwith ~I rs. Emma Huper the second format io n a vailllble co ncerning the week in August. factors makin g up price trend s. L. C. MlLLS, Sec'y, Cu nrent r eports indicate that wheat product ion in the norther n h emisphe re th!.s year is fairly evenly Friends in Americ a will shortly halance d with last year. Tho sprinr huve un upporLu nity to welcom e Carl H e ta,h thebm bm hm mb mb m m Hea t h, lhe secret llry of the Friend s' Th e Dorclls socie ty of Lhe M . E . Coun cil for Inte l'na ional Service , of ch ul'c h met last Wednes du y aftor- Lond on and Du blin tYearly n.oon ut the chu rch. A r e-organ iza- with which the America Meeting s, The H appy Hour club met at the n Friends tl on was affected a nd the society was Ser vice commit tee has been working homp of Mrs. Walter Cust , with Mrs. named " Th e Ladies Aid." Meeting s for the last eig ht years, Ha rry Smith a nli Mrs. Reba BradwiII be held th e th il'd Tuesduy of evCarl Heath ar'rived in this coun- dock assisti ng. The afternoo n was e ry month. All member s of the try on June 16 t.h, just in time to pleflSa nt\y spent. Mu sic and games SundaY -School lind congreg ation lire take up hi s duti es as a leteu.rer at were furni shed by th e program comurged to be pre8en~ lhe Swarthm ore Summ er scho ol, mittee, after whi(\h dai nty refresh' whieh is be ing held in Swarthm ore, ments were 'Served. Po. Followi ng that, he will have about four weeks' with us_ It will be impossi ble f or Ca rl Heath to get Rule Ch'icago t o the many places where he hWi been ~ew Dry Drive invited. Cllrl Heath wa s edu cated in part at a n English public school, and in par t in Paris and Brussel s. He was a teacher fo r mo,ny ye a rs, He left teaching about fifteen yeara ago, in order to work for the cause of internationa l peace. Carl Heath will be a t the Friends White Brick Meet inghous e, on Mondar evening , July 27th at 8 o'nJock_ Al are cordiall y inviteQ to come and hear him.

W. C. T. U. Meeting



Society Reor ganiz ed

Happ y Hour Club


Big Day An all-day reUlnion for all Normalites especial ly, and their friends, will be held at the Unlvcl'1Iity hall, at Lebano n, on Wednes day, July 29, 1926. The pl'<:lgram for the day will be: 8 :30 a. m,-Old -fashio ned Gen . Ex., led by ' claS! of '86_ 3:00 p_ m.- General meeting , 8 :00 p. m. -Old-fa shi\lned reunion and a general good time, The ge neral commit tee wishes that all the Normali tcs in this section of the country will be sure to be there_


~ !/f,~


'made :JIlab ftadtlll thioaPO\l~ the year. ·ftncla Ta. work very intertlllt in" s. .......",....__



\. o n ~


Clothing Club Met

~ DUke' h~

Maxfi~ld ,

Loh'r , 2b



==== === === === ==

m~D The Good Cut



Apgllr, 3b J o n S, d

----------~ Whole lim ber 56,1) 3

22, 1925

Imp rove d S eed "' hea t Gro wn THIRD ELOPEMENT ::····.. ············ ·~··· ···i Int eresti n g I tems fr o nl the fOR PREACHER CUlP Gro wn by Wa rren Cou nty Far mer s

L F: BA !\,O!\'

D. E. Dunham , presiden t County Parm hureau lind John Shultz, Pomona Grange Master, appoint ed a joint re-appra iscment committ ee consisti ng of M. C. Drake, Lebano n; S. S_ Ellis, Waynes ville; Everett Jones, Ma80n; Chester Crocket t, Springb oro; Ed Knocke nhauer, Mainevi lle; Walter Ellis, Harvey sburg; Z. O. Worley, Morr ow; J _ L . Me ndenhal l, Way nesvlUe , lind Carl J, Miller, Franklin . This ' commit tee met in the Fann Bureau office, Leban on, Friday evening, July 17th, to discullS plans f or the re-appra isement of real estute, which is authoriz ed to take place late thia summer throu ghout Ohio, under the directio n of the County Audito r" The county commit tee will work In accorda nce with plans rece ived .from the Ohio Far m Federation, whereby public tax payel'1l' meetin gs will be held In each township; to explain the situatio,n and appoint townshi p commit tees. M. C. Drake, chairma n of the county commit tee, was also inatTllct ed to get a complet e list of real estate transact ions from the court house records, togethet ' " ' Ith the approxima te money conllde rations during 1923, 1924 and 1926. Harriet Steward , Farm Bureau stenogMrs_ Johanna Gregg, member of rapher, is aSllistlng in compilin g the Chlc&i o School Board, thinks the dats, which will be referred to town- . •eflond city needs a municipal ship commit tees for bringing about a houseke eper to "clean..up." She fair and equalize d appraise ment on ha~ the party support and Is out all property , These matters will he rnr the Republican nominat ion as fully discuSlled and commit ees ap- mUllO(_ A rapid flTe campaig n I_ pointed at the followin g sorles of ... ~:". !'1~e~_ meeting s : Friday evening , July 24, Mason, Relbold 's hall. . Saturda y evenln g July 26, Waynesville , Grange hal l. Monday evening , July 27, MaineBREAKING INTO THE ville School hall. ' Tuesday evening , July 28, Morrow , MasoniQ hall . Wednes day evening , July 29, HarFIR~ TIME' veysbur g Town hall, Thursda y evening , July 30, Spring ~E TOOK MER' boro, High school. TO TKIi MOVIES FrIday evening , July 81, Silver Grove school, Washin gton Tp. Saturda y evening , Auguat I, Frank lin, Masonic hall. , Every tax-pay er in Warren count)' is Invited, wllether member s or not of any farm organiz ation. Propert y owners in the citiea and villages will he equall)' interest ed and are likewlae Invited.

man, proving that one .could .bCcealf un), manage and own ~ tndUlltry~ laid the foundat ion of ownertl hlp II,. the people. They at Jeet dllcover ed that what one man ~~Id d.o the ~ople could do for A delightf ul meetlD of the Good ~eDIHlvea. 0 Cut Clothln r club waa held Jul)' 16, ,., 1926. All of tb, member s respond ed to roll caU, The next' meeting being a picnic, ~oDor It was decided that It should be beld at Schantz ' park. The finished work brought for In8pQ(ltlon was examine d by the leader. Most of the member s Friend. lit Mlp Helen Duke will had one a!'ticle , and were be Ifstereat ed to hear that ahe waa ready to begin on.finished the honol! Itudent in the finala of her the work of which second a~lcle, wal explaln,e d,\ cl... at Miami ' Valle), hOlpl~I" Day- Son:'e rules to be observe d In giving too. 'Her' Bacterio logy chart was • . demons tration, were Qbol8n ' from ;forb~tbtee JIIubn'lltted, ~d b), the member read and dils. . _ and lint . on to MiDJIeapoUI to The meeUnc wu adjourn ed, hop-I, the ' lieCent convent ion . of Hoaplta l . that ~ would be present to eft.upe~ra. Tilis · jor the ~oOd time at the picnic.. I "lne month. i ,. ..




Brig.• Gen. L. C. Andrew ., AIof the Treasur y, who August 1st puts into effect a new ~ y st e m of prohibit ion enforceOlent. DI,rega rding state lines, : the oation wtll be r'ivided into 22 <Ii8trict ~ und dlv!s! )nal h.ead ~ gh" e n dUp . ome authorl\ ", to stop ,trlnk "L t the , ouret ," ~tstant- :'ec'y


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d :ITl' rt"nt ~ itu ati on n~ t o he \I 1·i,·\, ,;L \l'hi. II he will s{' 11 his wh eat tha .. n Yl·ar Il ~('. L u"t year t he re st "f th,' \\ .. rill, l':lrti ru lurly Ca nudll.

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l'!lnt ra l'Y. Cnn a ull nnd Eurup e par t ic-

' 0 1.1 :'!BllS, OI-flO- Wh ilo varluus c, lilll ul es are being made of t he f re\'cnue being derived til the pr"'e nl (l tlll')IO k will be shnrt rro th otwo cr ll l a per ~R ll o n gaso2:; pe r ren t o r ,, \',' r :WO mi lli ':' n bush· l i n elll tax, fil.! ur fl 'i (I n ' l ,nred from esticis , bcloVl' la st. yr ar' s yield. mn t ~ s un d Lh,' flun ,hcr of register ed " I n mak inl! fl luns fur t he future co ncern s, i",lica t c lhat it is go ing th e f o ll uwing' 1,(Jillt!i may he wort hy tf) be pl·,' Lty clos p to $1,000,0 00 per of conside r atiun : "'n nth cluri , ):; t ill' summ er mont hs at HI. \\' hu t is a worl d (' nJHlllod il Y '~ lell"l. is kn \\'n that tlu r ia;.: lhe Ther efore, loc ul crnp condit io n" ntU ~t mo nth ohf Ma not ,be given tau mu ch we ight in co n- this I'nnrmn y Lhe rece ip ls exceede d us fig ure, lind thnt early side rin g probuble pr ice. r ('[l I, rls tc that hotA June an d "Thl! price of w heat IHlI'nlllll y .July willintiicll go e v~ n nh ead of May. It drops abu ut fi ve per r ent durinl! Jul y is the travel se ll ~o n of the yell r fo r un d August from th e Jun e uveruge , au tomobil a nd in ad dit ion to the as a res ult of lhe new cro p c() mi llg 1,·100,000 es, regigter ed in Ohio, many to market. Th e onl y t imes in over Lhousand s of out-of-s tnte owned mathirty yeurs th a t t he July price has chin cs are Ohio gasoline and been above normal as Itt prescnt, contribu ti ngusing wo s the three yeare of 19]6, 19 19 Of co urse it t o the muinten ance fund is not expecte d that this and ) 920 ,during the wor, and the grea t sum will be mainta ined during post-wa r bo om. t he yen r. But with the tax produc"3 Recent months have 'seen t he ing a revenue in excess of $1,000,heavies t specula tion in wh eat in 000 the summer months, the years, which would lead to t he cO'n- wi nteduring r sale will not fall off to such an clusion that the market hos dis- ex tent as to the yearly average counted to a great degr ee the present much below bring this flgure_ When the crop conditio n, gasoline tax bill was passed estimate s "4 The buying public for wheat of from $7,500,0 00 to $15,000 ,000 outisde of th e United Slates is, us a annuall y were made hy friends and whole, \loor. This would lead to the opponen ts of the bill. Aiter more conclU SIon that with a prospec tive than two m ont hs Ilctual expe.rie nce good crop of rye there would ap t to about th e safest guess as to the tobe conside ruble substitu tion of other tal revenue for the fil1!t year is befoods for wheat with the result that tween $10,000 ,000 and $12,000 ,000, wh eat. might not go as high in price nil of whicb, under the law, must be as supply ligures would indicate . expende d for mainten ance of present "5 The price of wh eat is now cons tr ucted highway s. Govern or Vic and hilS for so me mon t hs bee n IIbove Donahey has received unexpec ted the level of most other product s. Th e su pport to h is s uggestion that part of presc nt price, of Ohio wheut is 74 t his gas lax fund may be used for per cent above the av erage price for t he construc tion of roads where no th is tim e of the year, for the five other funds are IIvaUable. years prior to the war. Wheat now has a pUl'chns ing power of 110 per Conslde1'llble Interost Is manifes tcent if 100 is consider ed as normal, ed in the appoint ment of the new director of hig hways. The appoint Ine nt will be made soon as L. A,. Boulay, who has been highway director since the fi rst election of GQvern or Vic Donahe y, steps out of office ID August. The torm wUl be for two years and the appoint ee will serve thllt long, unlens he resigns or is removed tllr cause, lUI the office II cons titutiona l onll with a term of two Who is the s lale's most bellutifu l yeul's provid~d. Several names have girl? been suggest ed for the place but so State Fair manage ment intends to fur Govern or Donahe y has given have this question answer,e d on the no Inlorma tion upon which evenout a opening day of the 1926 Fair, Aug- fall' guess, as to who will get U8t 31, when the selectio n will _be the place, can be made, It carries made from among 11 young women, a salary of ,6,600 a )'ear_ Mr. Bouwho will represen t th e pick of as lay has decided definite ly that he will many, state districts . ' resign August 1, or rather Chas. V. Truax , directo r of agri- fuse to accept another term,will recult ure, lind G. R. Lewis, stute fair thing that it is hardly probabl lomee will manage r, hll ve just a nnounce d delails be offered him In view of the re()(lnt of a beauty contest that will result tilt with tho gov<1rnor. in the selectio n of an Ohio State Fair queen . Local contest s will be staged Automo bile clubs, which opposed by new81!ap ers over the s lale and t he 11 distrIct winners will be brought the present gasoline t\lx, ) ll'e not going to devote as much ~l)1.e and exto Columb us for the final selec,tion. The winner will be giVen the title pense to \mock out the ' praent law of "Miss Ohio" and early in Sep- as they will to ptevent lin increase tember she wili go to Atlantic Citr, in this tax. This is the latest word with her chapero n &, to compete an from those close to officers of the vathe Nationa l beauty contest tbat is rious automob ile associat ions. Fear staged there every year. Hers will i8 already expressed that ,n attempt be the chance of then heing desig- will be made to increase this tax to nated as the "most beautifu l girl in three or even foun cents two years hen·ce. In other states where the America ." "MISlI Ohio" will bo feted, dined tax has been put on, the increase has and honored throu ghout State Fall' been made and not near the objecweek here- Auguas t 31 to Se,Ptem- tion follows the increase as when bel' 5. The other ~en partiCip ants the tax is first imposed . The auto in the flnal elimina tion will act as club., howeve r, desire to prevent escort to the State Fair queen. The the election , if possible , of len&tor& Quee n and her court will have prom- lind represen tatives who fav "r any inent parts in the Diamon d Jubilee gas tax interest s ,and are already spectacl e, the big show that wiII be lllying their plans aecor'.din!fly. They staged evelly evening during the fair_ will not only oppose candida tes for In going to Atlantic Ci ty, t he Buck- the general assembl y who will favor eye beauty will carry with her a ward IIny gas tax increase , but may CItrobe that will be com plete to the tend their aid or oppositi on to other minutes t detail. This will be assem- s tate c .. ndidates i:lcludin g the governorship. bled without cost to her.

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----- -


--- -

- ..------



'l'he capacio us store room and flllt on Main street, the propert y of B. S. Howell, of Port William , was purchased IlUIt wcek by Myer Hyman, who has occupie d the building for several years. Mr. Hyman storted in busineSll in Waynes ville, April 15, 1~14, in the room owned by Mrs. Laura Sides, and now occupie d by Orville Gray, barber. Later in June 20, 1917, Mr. B. S. Howell, who operate d a dry goods store, wishing to retire from business , sold his atock and leased the buildinll' to Mr. Hyman, M.r. Hyman '. ~usineSll career In Waynes ville hIlA been a lucceaa as was proven by the transact ion of last week, '



Atte nded Club Cam p Frida y Night

About )0 0 perso ns from Middletown an d Waynes ville visite d the Y_ M. C. A. camp near Prender gast's last Frid ay evemn g . This camp has bee n establi shed for t he past threo years. and th er e is ta lk of making it perman ent. MI'. Go"sa l'd, secr etary of the Y. at Middlet own, mllde a few remarks relative to the work, afte r which a camp lire WII S sturted. The boys I;athere d around th e fir e lind sa ng t hClr eampftre so nl!s. The Premier ba nd added inuch to th e oCI:usion , and, the boys pulled va ri ous stunts during the evening to the deligllt of their visitors. After pray er by Rev. Washbu rn, the guests depar,ted. _ _ _ ___ a -

••- - - - -

Radi o Social

The C. I. C. cla! s of LJt!e Sun-, day-Sch ool will hold a laWq fete Ih Longscr e's yard on next SatWl4a y Prior to the holding of a Club night, July 26. Come and hear mucamp in Warren county, · Miss Kize r, sic by radio from anywhe re In the Warren County Honte Agent, Miss United States. Marie Benham , of Lebano n, and Miss ----~~.~ Mary Beam, of Frankli n, attended the Club- camp held by the State ~ede~C)rated univenit y,L July 18 to ·18, ' 'a t Camp Nelson . ,vodd, Brln~ven , Ohio. Approx imately 200 ~ty , The "Qrk o~ iledecoraOg the Bl8h ' Bome Agents Club I.. Sebool 'bulldln c. is .bolll "colDl'leWd~ '. er club member s, fl'()m l~ over The ell,cleno r ed the d~ With ' State, Were. In .tten,d~ce. which the work baa been do••,1iIieaIia -----~~ welPfo r Mr. JI. S. OrlllaaiD ell' hia -.".-~modern appllaD e...






ft. MIami a..ette

• ...~....... ............................ , ~~~~


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AT 'THE CHURCHES How To Eat The Delectable

Co rned Beef and



ST. MA'R Y' C" UflCH ,.. . eventh ' un d/IY n f t~r 'I'rin ily, July ~ 26. hu rc h chool lit O~3 0 n. m. itt r ul hin~ ill II Ill'nce herx 1\ hy !lhn\\ inll the :fulks Co 1 suw U ""'lOY PLE AS P ROCEE DINGS Mo rnin g Prayer " nd sermon a t 11:00. I ostuu rllnt lodny. Nul .fill' II' '01 uho ut he r th nt sh knew the use llf COM Ma SOl'vicc8 will be d iscontinued t hr'1 ug h wh J' " r wn~ \'\k~iu!! ~ ur n yflUf1J:,:' h rly n knife !A t t l,,· t>lLle. Finding defendnnt I:'ullty of gross A ugU&t " nd I' slI lll ed the first Sun"Th is p~ /l c"ck 'l1ri ,lc a nd ' lultiIlf munirc~L cu lt ur e und I't'lill 'n...,nl. frutti \lunity IIIIS .. 1\\,uYl\ be ' n di ~gu R l­ nOl'lc t of duty, Lhe ·., un grn nt(!d Ilay in Septe mber. uivurcll in till' ca~c of V iola N. C u~­ \!:vidently. sho had u ~~t of jllll ll .. d ~ illl:' t o me, I' 0]1 1 atLe mp lilig tv b.· Rev. J oh n J , Schoeff er, Rector. tin VH, Vaughn K. Custin . Lhut de mand·d roal g ru b ; her selec- what 1.lll'Y 11 1'(' not. "I' ~h ow i n jt lin inl' ~ tit ion d ism i s.~e d a t th e cosla of t ion wus 'clI rn <,d h ·e f. bail et! cnbbage slIne fe ll' tha t sOllie thor pr ude lh pluintiff in the mutt e r o f J . C. and corn br('lul.' I COUldn 't help but migh t adve rsely Hit in j),lt!g me nt on METHomST CHURCH Hill vs. Frank J . Mardis. mi r e hl,r de lll ocrat ic tllste, but th e thcir cu lture. Sabbath School, 9: 16 a. m., pr each- ad [n the mRtter of AlvlI H ill , admr . " Tho proper wny fn r a mun to ent pilifu l fnet nbo ut hur wn ~ her (1l(of the (lstato of A nni e K. Spence, de- ing at 10 :30 a . m. Epworth Leag ue t reme atl emllt ut bri ng dain t y lind cor ned beef unci cnbbnge, if he is nt ceased, \'s. All iso n L . Spen ce. de- 6 :45 p. m. P rclaehing at 7 :30 p. m., conf o rming to the rules of tub lc ('t- ""me: (tHld if his wif will let h im ) d('cll'rd tha t pla inti ff CIlUBe real es- Wed nesday cye:nl ng Praye r mee ting, iq ue Ue, is to pull off hi ~ C Ollt , luy hi . galtat e to ue al lllr O\'cd at cash vnlu e fr ee 7 :30. Everybody invited to these T houjth . he hud the ""petite of " hI 8.e~ " ff hi ~ . hou ili e rs lind let lh c m services, of dowe r inte res ts. farm hlllld. s he ute with the de licacy pcnduill tc d"wn lJy l he siele o f lhe Rev. L. A. WrishllU rn , Pastor . I n the mu ttc r of Lilli e C" Cunby II nci fin esRe of a canllr y bird. If I chnir. tholl . knife in t he r ight ha nd vs. Ma ry E, Messic k. et a I. , it wns hud known her I would huvc j!one Ilnd fork in th e le ft hund, uU llck the ord er ed tha t r cnl estate be sold a t ove r tu where s he .,al an d ~ huwn he r enemy fur a ll it is worth. A ft er th e FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST prh'll te sale. exactly how Lo OK t. The sup l'e llt e put h- dish hilS be"1l cunqu cn ·d iL sho uld FindinJI de fcnd a nt gu ilty of gl'OSS ~ I o rn inll: se n ' ice , !l :30 a. m ., "Wh ole 05 (If th e occn~iul\ cnmu \\ 1"'11 s h e IJ.· top pcd ••/r with Il , liberal purt io n ncjtlccl an u extreme cr uelty di \' orc e Fam ily Day ," Prize to la r ges t fam- lll" klt· '( a hll nk ', f c.,,·ltc·cI b.·e! . of Iwmc-chu rnet! buttc rm il k- nbout "'n.o I!'r Hin tc ci in the ense uf Lina E, il y, a ll p r e~e n t. Se nnon nn "Th e Th oug h she \\' t1~ e'luipp\:'(1 with u 11 QlIl1rl, 1 :hnu ld sny. I Hem ler "5. H ntTY B. Heml er , Gn ' Blest Ilf All Fumilics.' · Eve ning knif e and f" l·k. ~hc could not . CU ll " Cu d dclivcr lIIe fl'o m lI11'se P l':t Oh',)l'ce W II S g r an ted in the casu of scn 'icc, 7 :30 p, Ill , Song se n ' ic .. nnd .ta li >..· he l"St·lf by t oo fre el y ubing the corks wh o IIr c evcrlast ing ly ufra id I • • Murce ll us Pete rso n vs. Daisy L. Pet- ' .. r rn on on " T he Wout.l etf ul Wor u." knife , Slw had u n uwfu l st ruggle t hut thei r sta l u. in 'th e 'Gcb l rcu lm I t ryi ng' to nlU~ h off bit s o f t he' c o rned i~ Ii ,l·I.· to su ff!! t thr oug h the come rso n. You Cl re in vited tu II ttcnu. Dh' orcc Hnd alim ony were g l'unte d beef wit h th e edge of her fork. She missio n o f so me trh"iul ' fn ux pus.' " in lhe .casc of J llyce J ohnson v. pt " fe lTed to do thi s ra llll'r tha ll liis- - Dllllas (Te l(. ) Pitchfor k, T homo.s .1. J ohnson . In t he mlltte r of th e First Nationa l ban k o f Mut....)w vs. lichne l Dun ne ll et III.. is was on l .. r ed lhat pluln t iff r ecover from Michael Du n nell $5~, 3 6 a nd fr om lIlichael Dun ne ll . Ild mr. ot t he astute ot Fr a nci ~ ca l\f .Dunn ell , By TED OLSON deceased, buth j ointly a nt! severally $3 13.90, Lutvia, the n'eW r epublic bo rn af- One with ledger, in k a nd pen ; olle Divo r re \\' 115 gr anted in the ma tter with sledge 1111(1 8tOIl I'; of Effie Newnllln vs. Willi a m D. New- ter th e Wo rld Waf , is the latest nati on to open nClfotilitions towllrd the Yet we ure to il ers, build er s bo th , lind ma n, Plnn . to m ise $30 0,000 t o SUVI' the funding of its SIX million dollo.r debt neither toils ulone . fa mous fri g-ut e " Co nst it u t io n," UI · One lit desk and swivel-chnir; one "Old Ironsi des, " liS sh,· is be tl"\' to the United States. NEW SUITS in the fl om ing mill ; , T he negotiati ons wene op enod when kn uw.,. h" ve hcc n "n llou n ~(I uy J ohn F ir t ' Nntiona l ba nk of Mo rrow 'harles L. Seya , th e newly a ppointed An d :;0 OU I' w o rld r() ar~ o n , an d nHl n Pr icc. of Cll l u l lI[, U ~ , Ohi" . t: .. and r.xworks out his c o n'!u rin g will. has enter ed suit for cognov it aglli nst minister, ca lled on Secretary of the a lte d Rul e r of the [I:c\(opcnd 'n t and Treasur,Y, Mellon , nnd expresse d t he Michae l Dun null et 0.1. P : otccli vc Or rie r of Elks. T he pla ll des ire on be ha llf of his country that Pbdt!ing hoofs ane! gll'u ming s hore Michae l Dunn e ll has entered s ui t IT'S A FACT will he forwn!O ll' d or the Elk , a nd th o Catarrhal Deafness th at clcuves the fragrant loam, or partition of equi table r eli ef nego tiations be opened, 80 that some omelll'S of th e lodl{c expec t to raise Ie oileD b.uMd by an In!l&med condltloll First Shie k- "H'ow's your sweetie ,fagai definite concluai,on could be r eached Until t he rip ening wheat fi eld blaze the mono,' from lhe 1,000,000 memnst An no. Borkenhagen et al. of tJIo IIIU0011ll Unln.J of t he Euatac:hl&n th ese dnys?" TUlle. ,.~. . thla tube ta Inllamed you in fi oo ds of limber f oum ; Lola Black has e ntered suit for concerning the debt of his co un try ber s 'of the ord e r an d from t he sc hool Second hiek- "Not so good, not di vorce against Wa lter Black. . . . • rumblln~ 8OU\>d or Imperfect to thill nation. For as t he stars that stu r dy t oil seems chil d ren of America. It is stat ed Beuta.. OD1_ the InftarnmaUoa Cf,n s o good. She's developed an awful Thia action on the part of Latvia from our city's t owers, Allie Purvis has entered sui t for be n<rIlNd, TOllr IIeal'lM may be de- ca! e of th e hoof nnd mo u th di sense, that tho pluns ho ve t he a pPI'ovlll of d ivor ce from Hansf ord Harry Pur- means that 12 out of 20 of Am erica's And yet ou r work is one wit h that, Secr etory of the Navy Wilbur. -~T.uuui ~ICIlIfJD will All she wan ts to ' d o is t o d ine a nd vis, charging gross n eglect. debt on, owing thill countr y over a nd it is part of ours. It is plunn ed to have a speaker do . claim tor, It.-:-rid YOllr .,..1&111 dan ce." Co bin Cr eek Consolidated Coal Co. twelve billions of dollBrS, have eithvisit eve ry sc hool r oo m in Am eri ca et Catania or DeafD.- e&1IH4 b7 er complet ed arrnngements f or paythe ha nd that bllres th e 0 1'C 0 1' Here has ; ~nte re d suit for mon ey only, Calaift. r ' to tell the slol 'y of " Old Ironsides" f ells the tower ing pin e ; -lola ' ~4rllnllc. tor onr 40 y _ agni nst A. F. Meeker, amount claim- me nt or have opened negotiati ons ag ain a nd to e nlist th e sympathy and o ~.-..l...o,_ "..- Co.. 'l'oledo. Ohio. . looking toward t he payment of their There th e brain that molds the whole efforts of the childre n in s lIving her ed $2 78.30 a nd interes t. . ill Oll~ close-knit desigll ; H. M. Clark hll.8 l'ntered s uit for debts, HATHA W A T from d issoluti on, No co ntribuUo n This spirit on the part of the peo- One the thr ottle's wi sc control ; one of mor e tha n t en cent s f rom IIny one partiti on ond accounting akain.t Alple of Latvia is to be commended he speed ing gear ; t bert Stacey et aL child w ill be accepted. DENTIST when it 18 taken into considera t ion And w ho sa n name the m, g r eat or T he history of " Old Ironsid es" is that in the t e rritolV occupied by the s ma ll , s ince both are needod hen'? of course , well kn own to every school And X-O-ORAPHIST' PROBATE PROCEEDINGS new country the loll'! in population buy. She WIlS launched in O(" tober, HOTARY PUBLIC Mill or offic e, fi eld or mine, hill ' h tl~h 1707, a nd from t hat time on her r ecLucy Ross was appointed adminis- was 40 per cent. OhIo. Waynesville. The people of the Un ited States or city dill, ratrix of the estate of Mary Elizut ord was a me moruble one. H er cxeata tel Sottled . T e le phone 114, WUII'Drawo beth Ross, deceased. Bond $1200. must not. however . ge t tho idoa th ll t ESClh in hi s se parate way we go, yet pla its ill th e wnr of 18 12 a nd again st eac h to th e other kin ; J ames W. Coates, James Follen and any of the natl~' n s that have a g r eed th l) pir ateJI of T ripoli w ill neve r be OFFICE: HATHAWAY BLDG. O. Waynesvill~t Ohio S. Higgins were appointed apprais- to pay their delbts are going to be WOl'kel-ll a ll ? \\;th a comm on prize to fo rgo tten. abl, : to compleul the pa ym ents in a f hare at t he se t of s un ers: ON MAIN STREET National Bank The toug h planks wh ich won for F'rJIn k L. Harris, liS admr. of the few yean, because to do so would A drenm of the goodly world we build, her the na me of "Old Ironsides" be financial suldde. The. payments and the j oy of a task well done! est ato of George C. Harris, deceaaed, Came from th e forests ot Geor g ia and fil ed his inven to ry and appraisement. wUl extend ,over a period of years hcr mas ts were of Ne w England pine. J. L. Mend enhall, as admr. of the and ,of cOUl'lle, :in te rest will be paid Faul Revere. on a governm ent co non ~e deferred paymen ts. BLONDE BESS OPIN ES estate 01 Carolyn Smith, dee. Uid, t ract. f urnished th e brass and metal fil ed hi s inventory and appraisement. work w hi ch went into her. "My bo .. will Ii.te n to anyS. Co was appointed an ___.;.;..________:-______________ appEdraiser of nklin th e estate of William In 1836 the Navy department orbody'. trouble-if they hllve the dered her scr oppe d. But Oliver Wen ca.h. He'. a lawyer." H . McCain, de ceased, instead of Har- and Ella F. E8linger, a bo ut 80 acres de ll Holmes, the young poet. pe nned honor thI:J 'week ,goell to- W. J . it mor e thrilling. Mr. Davis has g iv- ry E. Dilatush, who was unable to in Hamilton Tp., $l. his famo us Ii ncs wh ich s tirred th e Caroline M. Oatley to Lynn and en yo u II thief- under another name a t te nd te his duties. coun try ' a nd hur " l.utlol'cd ens ign" Davia. Thla cro....word puzzle ought - to cnlch. LeJ s see what kind of In th e matter of the estate of Car- Nettle Brunk, lots in Mason, $l. waR kept wavin!!. to ciTe eVf!rI fan a g ood half-hour 0. det ect ive you are. Ca n yo u cnt ch olyn Smith, deceased, proof of IlubllC. C. Burnsidel to Thomas and Em The s hip sCl've{i as a tro ining ship ma Glancy tract in Le banon, $l. of pleasure-maybe more. To make a croo k? icat io n of n otice of appointment of for the ~a va l ncndc my for many ., , Arnall Brnckley et al., to Margaret a dministrater was filed. ' y e nr~ and fin lllly. in 1897, s he W Il.8 It was ol'der cd that a certified copy Maie Conwell, lot in Plensant Plain. t owed into Bost on harbo r where she of cnrt y determining tax be cfrtlfied U. now ro. ks icil y nt h I' moorings, her to a odi tor in the matte r of the setst out (l llln kin g \Vat ~ rl o ggc d and her tle ment of the estate of Mary H. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS masts an d r iggi ng long va nished. EYES EXAMINED Pine. decellsed. Pla n. for hor pr eserva t ion include Ohio Law Reporter Co., year's 8ubFIOUlk A. DUlltush as admr. of tbe th ~ build ing of a ne w hull and fitGLASSES FITTED scription to Ohlll Law Bulletin, $6; estate of Wm. H. McCain, deceased, li ng her out as n Plltriotic s hrine forfil ed his inventory and appraisement. Geo. W. Larrick, janitor service, PROMPT REPAIR SERVI£E the co ming ge ner ation. Harry L. Darmody, guardian of $20.00; Trustee. Public Atraln, light ... Cather ine Gray, minor, filed his first and 'ga8, $132.71; Dean. E. Stanley , rent of office, $1!6.00 ; Jno Law and Every Thursday account. Son, 8upplies, $28.68; P. A_ Stamps, The will of Je8ge WrigHt, deceaaed repalrlng ' shoes f or prisoners, $2.26; 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. was admitted to probate. Jane Wright, was appointed exec- Judge J. W. Wright, poatage, $3.00; Author Unknown utrix of the estate of Jesse Wright, Lebanon National bank and Trust RestRoom in GrangeBldg deceased. Elmer Graham, Thomas Co., rent of safety depollit box, $6.00; Waynesville, Ohio How do you like the job you're at Miller and Charles W Fitts were ap- Katherine Whitacere, error on listing penenal proper t y, $29.12; J_ K. Throu ghout your workin g duy; pointed appraisCl'8. Spencer, wood for C. H., $9.76; The Wh cn t he whistle blows and you 're In the matter of PhUip Whitacre, Western Star, supplies fbI' recorder. Main Office: ready to qui t, as admr. with the wlU annexed of Do yo u th ink you've earned your the estate of Anne E. Roach, deceas- $13 .26; Lewis and Drake, coal, $7.06; 924 Y. South Brown Street, Oregonia Bridge Co. , blue prints, reed, VB. Clary Willon et aI., it was , pa~" ! OYer Sicma Theater ordered that admr. proceed and ad- pairs, Def. bars, bridge material and bridge re pairs, $4 91. 76; Erwin Blinn, Dayton, Ohio ) Do yo u think you hllve given the vertise f or public sale said real esditching, $62.00 ; Howard Shupert, best you' ve got tate. To the job that is yours to do ; In the matter of the estate of A. dragging, $3.00; Perry and WilBon, If you had to sit down and balall.'e D. E uston, deceased, the claim of Equip. Co: , balance due on aceount, 13 A place of abode· or shelter. ACROSS accounts, Charles C. Eas ton, against the estate $9.7(;; W. C. Turton, cement, $3.30 ; 16 A narrow path. , 1 In,ueatiOI!.' W hat credit i8 coming to you? was allowed. Claim of Perry Easton Jno. Law and Scm, supplies and re18 Bills r ece iva ble (abbr, ). pairs, $42.19; Waynesville Corp., ~ SJiWl: dog. also IIl10wed. 21 Adve rb of place. e " A plot: Proof of publication of notice of road oil, $672.18; J . C. Hawke, supAN! you putt ing your shoulder hehin.1 24 ' A stnt,e (abbr.). 10 A girl's name. t he wheel, appoi ntment of executors or admin- plies, '6.76; Kilpatrick-Fren ch Co., 25 Little devil. same, $4.60; Har:ry Hill, gll.8, $1 8. 64; 11 katate .(abbr. ) . And pu shing with all your he·l .t? istrat ors of the f ollowing estates 2'1 A t orn or old piece of cloth. P. B. Monce, gU \lrd rail posts, $9,90; 12 Interjection. Or nre you just layi n' down on the job filed :,Emor S. Baily, deceased; EI2!J A boy's ni ckna me. 14. Natural , substance conta in ing 30 A n'y slender support. Lettin' some one else do your part ? me r Kelsey, decea sed; George W. Er- Bit d Powell, furnishing and piling baarlem' oil ' bas 'been.a·world,,; stone, $76.60; Herschel James, re~ miher:ala. tle, deceased; and William H. M" 3 1 U ncl oses. pair on truck, :~18 . 25; The Frank 16 I!- plant of the onion family. wide remedy for kidney •liver and Do you thinks of the fellow beside Cain , deceased. 32 Hast il y f ormed idea or desi,·e. 17 A thi~f. you, The r eport of J. B. T urner, admr. Sherwood Co., supplies, U 1.60; Will bladder disorders. rheumatism. 33 An old time beU, still in use in Malott, r epairs on county ear, $3.00; 19 A riajDc ground. of the estate of Margaret Turner, The one who will cont est your crown 80me localities, Morrow Lumber Co., cement and lum20 Certain. Iumba&o ~~ uric acid con~itiODIIo deceased, was approved and conHe may look to you for example34 A willow.' bcr, $52 .27 ; S. C. Alexander, sup22 Born. firmed. Are you helpin' him liP or down ? 35 Artific illlly formed_ $6 ,16; W. P. McCarren, gaS' plies, 23 Old E1lg1Wl School. 36 A statc <abbr.). and oil, $49. 63; Hobert Ross, repair26 Attentive; earneat. J There's only one way you can answer 39 Back. of the neck. MARRIAGE LICENSES ing tools., $6.50 ; Franklin Service 26 Any delicious beverage. Kee p plul!'l!in'- your pulses will HAAR~.~ 40 A stu bborn animal. 28 AD, individual. Frank Stewllrt BooDler, tool mak- Garage, gas and oil l $36.39; lJIair &: throb ( ," ~ S l L l . S ,12 A whirpoo l of wa~ er. 38 ·ApprOaching. er, Muncie, Ind., and Katie T. Lee, Leroy, gravel and cement, $13.76; Whe n yo u find you 're on top of the 43 Walked. 37 Townthlp officen (abbr.). Alonzo Carter, dragging, $7.60; L. Monds, of South Le banon. ladder 45 Boy. 38 A Federal Republic of Nor th William Henry Caudill, press op- w.. Nesbit Co ., cement and lumber, eornctllltenW trdubtea, atlmulate'vtuI 'f!.rollk'h s tickin' right cl ose to the 47 E vangelical Union Extr.nsio n erator, America. _ arpD&. ~ a-. All drua&bta. ~ ceHamilton and Jeannette A. $24 .76 ' D. C. McMillen &: j ob. (abb~.) . ClQ the ori&iDaI cenulno 00':D Maw. .20; Dewey Broa., 40 To come together. Burel, factory worker, Franklin. Garage and .. , ..... ,-41 To be caft'ied. AD.wer to Laot We"k'. Puszle 44 Graduatel of a college. tools and ,In·aaer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 46 That which feeds. J[.umber Co. 48 A rood friend. Lawrenc~ Hammer and Nancy Ham rail material, $10 1.94; Ivin8-Jame.on 49 Adverb. mer to A. J . Hughes, tract in Frank- Drug Co., paint, :,6.76: 'Waites G~­ 60 Suftlx. age, repai1'8, $15.40; J. W, Lingo, lin Tp ... $1. 61 Double. Carolyn D. Trebel Russell to Ertle Hdy Co., supplie:&, $86.02; Gallon 62 Paradise. nnd Ora D. Knapp, lot in Franklin, Iron Works and Mfg. Co., 63 Cll'lIely watched. e;rll, $70 .00 ; Casp:ari~-Ohio $1. Isa uelle Harris to Frank L, Harris, Co.• crushed stone, '806.00; V. Tomplims, payroll, 5463.61' Jos. lot in Harveysburg, $1. DOWN Granville S. Pottorf to Daniel Ma- via, same,' $1645.87; A. Oat. your ..I.s with ua. Welluarante. 1 A wise maD. ierne, fl06.60 I Cliff same. son, tract in Washington Tp" $1. 2 A alrl'. Ilame. ,r08C. C. and Rosa Paugh to Dora ,1890.9(); P. B. Mon!;e, aatiafadion or char.- nothinl' 3 Style of apPaHL Lu cas, Ilbout 10 acres in Turtlecreek 60; S. Ef. CIIUer, ; Philpackage or pareel. 4 A Tp., $1. Ip HelJel ,18m., 6 A miuister. Margaret and Je8lle Mentz to Mary Spencer, orne $11 , 7 A protuberance of the ear. Ellis Fitts, lot in Franklin ,l. acre, same, ,246.7~! 8 To be; to exillt (abbr;). S. Bruce P ollard to Elsie Buffing- same, '6~. ~O; F. JIl. rho~. NOt ~~Q , Phone No. Z 9 A limlt~d period of tim1!. ton, 2 lots in Franklin, $1. $321 .16; )I; E . ROil, ' '11 A fabric.. Louis W . Luedke to Nichola. F. stamps, '6 ~OO.

PE·'R U·NA Good 1-'or Colds and Stomad'. rtoabl.


Madden's Lumber Yard

I •

Waynesvile, Ohio



Workers, All






I~!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mn. C. Gat.aa. Me.lck, MlcJa.

H er lettcr r ead.: ul have usedl Pc-ru -no for se ycral years and It has helped me in mnny way.. It, i. good for colds, stomach trouble and to impro ve th e appetite w h e~: take n three tillles a day. I am 711, ' Used intelli gently for catarrh and .Ji<c3 se. of a ~a larrhal nature,l P~-ru -na seldom fails of 'he de-I ~ ircd results. Cou.:hs. col d~ . !)nsat ,·a la rrll. st omach a nd bowel d150rIters art ~m o nlf the co:nmoncr rli5~3Sc5 for ' which Pe-ru-na hu' pHl\'cd it s va lue. Ca reful housewives and mothe r~ l1~n k e a praetle. of keep ing a bottle of Pe-ru-no in the hOOle for cmergencles.

SGlcl Evel'TWh... 'tabl~t !!!-

-- -

Waiter McC iu. e FUNl:~ '''. UIt( I :~ ' I l il

Wayne8Yllle. Ohio

DR. B. E.



Tb _i. W eek' a CrOls- W ord PUZZIe



--- ------

Fully Equipped for ~Ut)LI :)erv iet: . Large D splay I{oolll

, Ambulance Service T ELEPHONfl 7



Dr . .John W. Miller' \\ 8vnelIVlIIe


Will F. Young Optometrist

----_ - -- -


DR. E. M. RUDOLPH Th. Fye !OlKht !ip..'ClaUtil

At Cary'5 Jewelry Shop Lebanon, Ohio




Harveysburg Fertilizer·,Co; r




New 'Burlington, O.

H~RVF.YS8URG. , ,0 ""

Phon. II

- - _ , ______ _ _ .. "",,, __ h_



r;PlPMbL.. ..

F. T. Martin Jesse Stan'ey Auctioneer Auctioneer

I ueaday

8:0() •• 111. to • p.

Your Job


nank lII11r



MONEY LOANED LOAN1'l on Chnttels,Stocks, Securities ~lO d Second Mortgages. Not, . houg ht. J ohn Harbine Jr., Xenia, Ohio. °m30-'26 ~

F arm~rs, Attention! Farmers of Warren and adjlilnla. counties may obtain money on 1011' time 101lns, at 6 ~ per cent' Intera~l Cost of secuting the lame 18 very sonable ,through The Fed.ral Land Bank, For further Information on or nddre!lll M. C. DRAXE. ~. urkr, phone 81ft-X; Lebanon, Ohlo.··~

r,.. eJIJ

, f

CASH-For Dehtal Gold, Plabn'~'.' Silver, Diamond., ma., 'Ppt \1, false teeth, jewelry, an'y ' YlIh,..lell: Mail today. Cash bll 'Tetum "JOlt. HC/ke S. II: R. Co., Otal!co, Mich.

FOR SAa.g .J '



At.IOT~EQ eulL!!







SALESMAN ~,AN'l'EI>-iJ'o tell anos "Direct from .Krell Plano Factory" at Factory Pric••" - all part of , the time. In IIrllt letter give full particulars aa to raterenc,,', ' pas t experience" etc. THE KREU PIANO COMPANY, 9th &: lJ~et " Sts., Ci.nclnnatl, Ohl!!.· " j~,9 ·TRUMBULL · EED WHEAT., 19U crop. Inllpecte·d. ' Purity. teat, 98 8:' ' Jil, A. H~ock, R. 'R. ,'8,1 •


- ';



FOR SAIlE-"Ford 'ton tliuck, _~dIDg gear, aood tlrea. Clheap. Geol'Ke', ~endeNQn, WajiulaVWeJ~ O. ' ". " . ' • • j!a FOR , S~L~Hav. &nided for 8ne higb-grade . Plivn~llh of belt a~~dard maker Jult ~1Ib lIew., WID Be to reepolWble partJ at .,IK ~ ra , on termlI ~ low at

lL;t ..

w.l. · 'o't~~

P. Io.


~ f'


, ,~ .



Entered at the

===rThe Miami Gazette HARVEYS8URG ·



ro~toffic~ at Wuync~ville, 0., as Second Class Mail Mat~er

Dr. J. C. Mucy is confl'n d t o his Mr. and Mr.s. Claude Lewis have ucd ' witll illn esS'. 11 n eW $tllr to uring ear. D, L. CRANE, Editor and Publi. hc r, Wayno. vill", Ohio Mias Rhea Mc un on is vi-siting Mr. un r! Mrs. E li RusBell att ended Dny;toll relul ivE's this week. t hc f uneral of the form er's bro ther S ubscrip tio n Price, ~ l. liO pur year. T h" E u ~tc rn Stllr held th eir Memo- ut Middletown, Monday. ;illl ~e r vi r l: io'ri dll Y c\·cning. 1\1iss Eva Wharton is ~ I' cn d i ng th is Dr. IIl1d ?llrs. H . E. Hut ton a rll en . we ek ill Daytu ll. \Ii t h h ~ r gr a ndpurte l·tuill ing- Mrs. CtIIllJ> liell, of Pitts- C ll t~ . Mr. and 1Il,·s. Lee Ol·ellthouse. . uurg. Mr. nnri Mrs. Clar!lnce S mith, LeWEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1925 Mrs. Guil Gord on attended t he fu - orll a nd Ru e ' ... ilson, motored t o Wilmington anu Yellow Springs last ner al ,,' II relo tive in Spri ng fi eld, Saturu llY. Wedn esday. 'CANCER SUFFERERS - LET US F rom what enn be learned, Dr. . ~hs. Henry Murphy. of Lebanon, Dr. R. S. Michel, of Ch Icago, forHOPE Gye's discovery I ~ s ts on the basis of VI Sltcu IIl' r mot her, Mrs. Fl orl.:! nce m.. rly o f Springboro called on his old ex perim cnt conduc ted by Dr. Perton Curl', Wc'/n csdu y. fr i(' nd s, Mr. a nd Mrs. Samuel Ha in es , It Is too ('urly to get a proper pcr- R o u ~ of t he Rocekefcll er Institute 1\1 ndny aft er no()n. IV! I' ~ . W. A . IIain('s was in Ci ncincnl Hcaenr (' h. Interesting, for Medi ~p ect ivo of th e unnoun cement fr om Mesunmes Harriet McGinnis. Olnuti lhis week t o atte nd the fu neral thllt Dr. Gye's distoo, is the fact London thut Dr. Wm. Ewart Gye, of lie Routza hn and da ughter, Ge nel'a , covery w us Illude poss ible only by the uf Robert Fra nken . the Nutional Institutc of Medical Re- ho[,by uf a hilt ml1nufuctur~r who uud MIl I'.:u r et J ohns were Day lon Mr. '" Ili Mrs. F runk Wilson we re shoppers, Th ursd!lY. search, has di ~ cov c re d the organism, spent half his time making money in Sunu ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurhit herto invisible, that is known t o his businoss und the ot her hult in ry Wilso n, in !Juyton. Mr. and MrR. E. J. Carmony nnd be t4e cause of cancer. The impor - spending hi B money und time in th e children. of S pringfi eld, Mr. a nd Mrs. tance of th e ann ouncement from tiuch study of microsco pes. How stran ge, . Mrs . Everett Villars. of Dayto n, W. F . Clark "isited their mothe r , Mrs. II reliable so urce cannot be overes- how mystifying, the workings of the IS spcndl nl( her vacati on with her Ma ry CHl'IlIony, S un day. timated, but those who und erstand human llIind. How wond erful the mother, un d sist ers, here. Mrs. F rank Ca r lll un, of Dayton, und r eally love their fellow mun must ends at ta ined. God and Science seem eve n yet udvise cuuti on ruther than mther t o be onll than to be divid ed. Dr. a nd Mrs. Will Ogles bee, of W U H a week·end Kuest o( lIfrs. Allen k Hn d fa mily, a nd a nd aUended Emrk Clevelan d, Il l'~ s pendin g th e summ er a burst of sudd en hup" tu "prin g into the hearis uf the unfortunate. TllI're muy be doubt nbout th e in th e C lltt"~c un Pleasant View farm th ... H ',lllc-C min.1t S unday. Though the cancer germ has proba· tulkcd-of coul strike, but there is litlIfrs. E\'a Hnin C1!, IIIrll. J oscph Mr. nnd ?It'rs. Chas. Swindler and bly been iRolnted, cure of the diseusc tle doubt ab out the prices going up Grassi nnd da ug ht er, Norm a , spent ill still IInother bridge that must be now that the gruundwork has been dllug htC' r, of !lnyton, culled on Mr. Saturday evenin g and Sunday at th e and Mr, . J . C. Crll Y, Sunday afterlaid. . . crossed. home uf II1r. unll Mrs. Walter Kennoo n. Kuch discovered the tubercle bacilr ick . lU8 in 1882 ,but the wurld Is still A Jersey traffic cop swung his sig n Mrs. Cla ra l\1 1'rritt, Mrs. Emma ElMrs. Merrell Whal en und daughuwaitlng discuvery 'of a serum that to stop, leaving on e automobile bewill cure the great white plngu ~ . tween two railrond trac~. When lis. Miss Lli urn Ward anu F. L. Hllr- t er, !I1urguret, left last Thursdny for in Uayton, rec ently, on lodge ris were th eir home in Chicago, after a two Nevertheless, Iii making pu blic bis the motorist ignored the signal and business. weeks' visit wit h Mr. and Mrs . H. M. discovery Dr. Gye will open th ~ dour drove his family out of danger, he for the entire world of science to was fin ed $3.50 for diso beying tra fMr. an d M rs. Wilbur Hawk e and Clark. find 80me element that will destruy fie !lules. Seemingly horse sense is children, and Mr. !lnd Mrs. Ka rl ShiMrs. Leo n Salisbury and children, the newly discovered organism. Uith- just as blind us justice. dak er fi nd f a mil y . were vi sitors of Mer ia m and Wendall, of Clevel'V'd, erto C/lncer, alter u certain stagc. 'l'lS Dayton r(' l a ti \' c~. S unday. a lT i v~d her e lust week f or an extendbeen incurnble even with the kn if". When Gerald Larrabee, of Syraed visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nuw we know that cure is only a cuse, N. Y., in his motor car was rU .l Mrs. Wilbur Hawke !Ind children, Allen Emrick. matter of time plus the persistent down by a train, ' he just jumped on Mary Eleanor an d Bobby, are spendMr. Frank Smith rec eived word of exercise of human skU I. May the day to the engin e and rode along leaving ing this week in Cincinnati, the come soon. With all its terror and the car to get the damage. Wond er guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Boerst.: th e death of his BOn -in-law, Mr. Frank Heckathorn , at Miami Valley ler. consequent sufl'ering the ravages even we never thought of that be (or.!. hospital, Saturday evening. Funeral .,f the great world war sin k to small The M. E. c./lurch held their annual Wednesday a fterno on at his residence propoltion as compared with the dev'The sequel to "Eight Hours in the AStating blight of cancer, the di eense Oil Fields," is to be called .. Wh ut all-day mee ting, Sunday. There were near Millmisburg. Sunday-School services in the mornthat haJI east it" harrowing shadow 1"1 ice Gasoline 1" Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns had Ing. A bountiful basket dinner was ~'er tbe numan racjC. The world will for th cir Sunda.y evening guests, .sigb in huppy relief to know thllt at Marraige· may be an institution 'III er ved in the Town Hall at noon, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn J ohns and chilat lalll the grent obstacle to cancer right but it is evident they don 't Iiltc Re v. Roberts , of Hillsboro, the dren, lIfrs. Frank Carmon, of, Daydistri ct superintendant, gave an able institutional life in Newport . .cure seemingly bas been removed. t on, Mrs. Leon Salisbury and chiladdress in the aftern oon. dren, of Cleveland, Miss Mal')' Cook Miss Lutie Vand e ~voort e ~tertain ­ an d Parry Cook. of Waynesville, Mr. ed to dinner at The Springs, Tues- and Mrs. Allen Emrick and daughter, day. Dr. and Mrs. Will Oglesbee, of Gladys. Cleveland , Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatton A large cr'owd attended the Lytle and th eir house guest, Mrs. Camp- Home-Coming SU[lday, at the church. bell, of Pittsburg, and Mr. Freeman, The very able ser mon in the mornof Cleveland. ing by Rev. Scal'l!', of Spring Val-0 Th e Community club had a Father ley, and the duet by the MIsses Reed, er, were much enjoyed. The afterFrom Our Fil •• of 1891 of this place, died at his home in In- and Daughter meeting Wednesday noon service pro v,~ d very interesting. evening. Th ere were a number pres diana Illst Saturday, Ther\! will be ent t o enj oy the occasion. Those A piano solo by Miss Mildred 1I0le, no service in this cnurch today and 111\ orig inal poem by Mrs. Lucy Fite The Bond. of H,meD members not being f ortunate enough a nd r eminiscent talks by pastors, Our highly-esteemed fellow-citizen tomorroW. ghters, borrowed the tn to have duu A rellg iouB meeting was opened friends and forme;r residents. Mr. F TJlIlk Barnhart, was married In here from their more fortunate brothers. last night by Elders J. G. Wood Lebanon, on Juesday evening, Ju,ne and C. H. Keslake In a large tent, Judge Robt. Shawhan and C. H .. 2, 180;1tl ~ ~lrs.. Llda White, nee well Ughted and ple8llllntiy locatea Young, of Lebanon, were present. lroM, the ~v. Mr. Orr performing opposite the residence Hon. S. S. Judge Shawhan gave a pleasing acthe ceremo~y, Mr. and Mrs. Barn- Haines, In the vacant lotofsouth the count of his recent trip to the West hart arrived nt their ho~ in this M. E_ church. They will hold ofserIndies and South America. and Mr. place on Thlii:sday. We extend our vice each night at 8 o'clock, also on Young making a few well-chosen rehearty congratulatwnJ to the happy Sundays at 3 :30 p. m. They prom- marks. Watgelon and cake were Mr. Karl Dakin , of near here, bride and groDm, and hope that a ise to show through different lin es served, ( 0 which all did ample jus- spent Sunday in Cincinnati. Uce. long life of connublJ1l bliaa Ie in I!~ore of propbcc\y the Pllrlod of this world's Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reid had calJers for them. history In which we live. Mrs. J. C. Gray and Mrs. Chas. from Springfield, nast Friday. GrJlY entertained with a party at the At the hot;llil of Mr. Jilt. A. WoolMl'. Harold Adams, of Dayton, is home of the fonn er, Friday afterOlloer Not•• Jo)" on Tb~ay evo~inlf' .lune 4, visiting his brothel~, Mr. John Adams, noon, honoring the 7th birthdny of Mr. Frank SUinsberry and MiBlI Ella Messrs. Lee Henderson, J. O. Cartand family. M. Byrn were m.arried, Justice J. G. wright and Lewis Chandler. and Miss- Alice Gray. The afternoon passed Miss Mildred Morgan, of Dayton, Keys pei10rming ~hll ceremony. es Mnry McKinsey, Rae Elliott, Mag- plea santly with gam es and delicious ~e excellent couple bave our best gie Edwards and Pearl Moore nttend- r efreshmen ts of watermelon, pink nnd spent the week-end with her mother, wiabllll fo~ a long Jlnd prospcfoUjl voy- ed commencement at Lebanon, Thurs white cake, cnndy and lemonade were Mrs. Earl Marlutt. served to th e f ollowing: Misses Imoage over the DlatrimllniJ1l ~c.. day night. The Mt. Rolly ball team lost the Gray, Mab ~ 1 Starr, Alice, KathJohn Edwards bas llJed his olaim jean game last Sunday to Lytle, by the It ia rumored that Mr. G. ,n. Thorpe as an heir to the million dollar estate le en and Ruth Gray, Mary Eliza- score of 15 to 12. Ia about to be married to • J1augh~r of old Robert Edwards! ot New York. beth Blackford, Vivian Tucker, VirMiss Clara Dnug hters spent Monof Mr. WUllam PalT)', a prominent Mr. Edwards is a reBiaell~ of Wayne ginia Davis, Marjorie Shumaker, Helcitium ot Ri&hmond, Ind. township, and went down to Louis- en Osborne, Nanoy and Helen Smith, day afternoon with Mrs. George VetLura and Martha Ashley, Martha ters, of Spring Valley. ville, K)'., to Ilttend " meeting of tlJe Jane Foley, Anna MacDonald. Louise Rw110r alJo JIIIys tbat Prof; J. Ad- heil1J last week-loebanon Star. Mrs. Rebecca Dill has returned Alicl! Bogan, Edith Mae dison Brown will loon be mafrie,' to 'fhe farmerl! who have belln ~o long Roberts, to her home after spending a few Brooks Mil'iam Stump, Dorothy and a ctumnillg young lady of Yc!llow The 'tarmel1l who have been so Ruth Freeland, Mary Elizabeth and weeks with relatives in DaYton. Sprlnp. lon, waiting tor the money for Evel yn McCarren. The guests reMrs. 0 .B. Marlntt and daughter, \ theIr · hogs that were Bold 801110 years ago to .. gen ~ for Il Xenia firm, have sented Alice with a number of gifts. Miss Margaret, spent last Monday , MI.... i c./D"t"" afternoon in Xenia, on busin!!ss. The annual meeting of lot owne.r s at last be pn paid; an agent of the 'l'he 38 th annual reunion of the 1\[1'. and Mrs. Haymond Osborne, tor liearing' 1'eporta and electing of- firm was in Corwin on Friday, and 60th O. V. I., met at the home of ficers willi ' held in the Corwin IIchool paid th em all off, with 8 per (lent G. B. Davill on Wednesday. The day of Xenia and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson IIIterest. house laat Monday alternoon, and was ideal, and the veterans enjoyed Dill spent the week-end in Cincinnati. Our little friend, Sue Wright, Is it thoroughly, PIISsing the time in waa one of the largest ever known Mr. lind Mrs. Richard Moore and in the hi8t~.., of the. ~ciatlon. The the happy I!olisessor of a handsome conversation interSPersed with mus- little Alice Jane Williams, of Dayton, cause, probably( of the large attend- pony from the A. P. O'Neall :faJ'ln . ie. Rev. Amos Cook gave a talk in spent the week-end ,vith Mrs. RebecThe penc·h prchard ot Mr. T. H. the aftel'noon. A bountiful dinner ca Dill. ance, waa the tAcit undC1l1tanding that tjle reBult ofi the election would Harris gIV\!B ~very Indioa~on of an was partaken cof at noon. Those immense yleld thl8 yellr, . Little Virginia Scott has returned either vindicate 01' condemn the acpresent IYere : Mr&. Llbbie Mason, MTL O. Sherwood and family More.nei, lIIich.; G. H. Wa!berry, to her home aftel~ spending a few don of the board hi regard to the and l\{r. and Mrs. Nur Brown were weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. HamIlton, Ind .; Geo. J. Ehlll, Milwater supply and the c1o~i\l1l of the plece of r.oad which had befotll c~t delightfully 'entertalned on last Sun- ledgeville, Ind . ; Theodore Promiro, and Mrs. Karl Wardlow. the cemetel')' In two. After PresI- day at the borne of Mr. John D. New Havon, Ind. ; T. T. Armstl'o ng, dent S .S .Halnes and Clerk Samuel Clement". and Etfa Armstrolll\', Hicksville, Ohio, Teachers are reported ' employed Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Coopel', Lorllin , McCune had read their repOrta the itS ' follow!!: Dlltdot No. 10-Miss candidates were nominated. \Wihiain Ohio; Mrs . EIi7.n11Ieth Bellnnp and J. Collett ' lInd J, C. McKay wel"'e IIP- Alice Young; District No.7-Miss Misa Margery, Wauscon, Ohio ; Wm. pointed Judges; SamueJ McCune and Marianna Chandler; No.6-Mias Jen Fritz .. Dayton, Ohio; Joshu-a Ellis, Mrs. Mary CI~te B is regaining her Wilion Harvey rJerks, and voting be- nle Dinwiddie; ·No. I-MIas Brown; Nora Linkhardt, Victoria E. LinkNo. 8":"-Mr. George Carroll; No. 4- hardt, Port William, Ohio ; Lincoln health nicely. gan~ The result W88 as follow:' Trultees--S. S. Haines, 161; A. Miss Minnie Satterthwaite; No. 12- Malone, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Moon, The little child of Mr. nnd Mrs. P. ,O'Neall, 146; Davia Furnaa, 28; Miss Hadley, of Clarksville. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Watson, Miss JenOur bright and manly little friend nie Baker, Cora M. Baker, Ella Ba- Lawrence Soward is very sick. Dr. S. J. Way, 21. Harry Walter Cleaver, caught a three ker, T. G. Rannclls and John Crouse, Treasurer-Jacob ' Randall, 160. Miss Laura Copsey spent last week pound bass, all by himself, on. Wed- Wilmington; Abijah ColliC1', Joseph in Xenia, attending the Chau~uqua. Clerk-Samuel McCune, 150. nesday. Pretty good, wasn't it, for Bognn, G. B. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Philip Copsey returned home, a little ten-year-old bor? HarI8~. Mrs. Wlliter Gr!ly, Amos Sunday, after spending a week in Th. Church". . Mr. Gordon J. WrIght offers to Fred Cook, JessIe and Vesta Elhs, M. E. Pittsburg The Rev. Louis S. Osborne go sell his excellent family horse. He Sherwood, Emma Ellis, Lulu Miller I • to Scotland to spend the summer. ' will not have much trouble to dispose and Clara Merritt, of Hnrveysburg. Mrs. Ross Planck was the guest, . Elder Weaver so long the faithful of him, and the person who wants Sunday, of her bl'Other, Mr. Bert - - -.... pasto'~ of the V~lley Baptist. church, . him had better apply Boon. G.rifl'y and family. , Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Peterson and .. " son were guests, Sunday, of Mr. and any ~mmumty IS the man who looks Mrs. A. J. Lumpkin. . . .... after .hin own family. The beet naThe funeral of Mrs. James Smith f -" tlon is the one whioh; founded upon Howard Lane and family. of Or- wus held at the home Sabbuth after1 The Roolevelt auociation, right principles, vindicates them by noon, condurted by Rev. Walle¥. looking after its own inter~sts and land, are guests of relatives here. lJlerman Hagedol'Jl, the dire'Ctor ?the oraanilation, haa made we[!are in 80 far as theae do not inMisses Hazel and Helen Hill spent Mr. and Mrs. claric~ B.agtllrq an(\ the rights and just interent" of the week-end with Miss Mary Rhodes, 80n, and Mrs. JCI -.that the .Ite for the Roosevelt Jen~n ' wQre ' morlal In Waahlngton will be OftO,.""YA.I.... , nations. Talk about a nation of Hillsboro. guests, Monda¥, IIf .. iljll ~Illina VII)" of t.... White House, and not primarily for lIervic:e to of Jamelltown. ,fromT the Lincoln memorial. as a whole is maudlin and . Ad. Reinman has sold his proflMrs. fliary. li!VII,,1 il! .tlll In " very ',will intensify the . . The Constitution of the euty and gone to make ~is qome wl ~ cr!tical l!ondjthlll, lIolllothnu seem,feet alrelldy '. tates deelaretr thllt tbe pur- a nephew In Timn. .vI.tIl,' from the ot oui government ia to proviAe The little !lOll !If ~r. anef Mrs. Ing a 1i~1t~ b\lt\el' tor II few days, . ' tol, irhlchtllkee the liberty, the welfare and flie Grant P~OIip8, Whp ;WIIS ~erioualll thlln Walle !lgMn. 'the WuhlngtoD security of the Amedcan Ileop~e. ill '~t wo~lt. is tIl\PJI1V'I1¥. ' elXcltement was CaU8imetnllrlal and 'A nd it 18 the Conltitution of t e ed in Spring Valley.sunday evening, /' r U 'ted Stat d t th Co t· t· Prof, "lid fw!m. E. f. i'rOupdJ where Dl ell an no e ns I 9- and daugptj!i', (If FremPl1t, Ohio, are when the ft~e bell rlq. The fire was 'nea." the Unknown tutlon . of the Third In~rn~tlpnRle guests in tile 11.0me Mr. and Mrs. a barn on the Ed E~".I place, on the !fhe~·em9"a1 . jlBBo'ci:atlop- seek.n to we are still living under.'" " . C PI, Centerville pike] at tJi e tenant house lPllrpe uatll ~QI!8IlVP.!. ideal~ ,lJl. a • - • ~ , Non II, oc~upled by ~Imer · Ti~d. Part of \lillY . at Is IftOS~ u'llque. A motIon . M~ W. KelQb was called to the barn was saved, but a Chevrolet pi~tu're Ijbrary, tile ftf8t of Its kfnd, . A CLE~N RtCQRD Chicago lalt , week by the lUnees: of machine belonging .to MI'. Tidd was of 2& 000 feet of Roosevelt scenes her husband. She found him m_u ch burned..:..~_ _..._ . ••~. _ __ fand. ~'rlntsl h\lfl. been collected. It Mrs. Smart (as motor cop speed, up Improved, and has returned to th alQngllide after chasing h.e r at 4'0 ' home ·of her mother. / . 'wl\1 e' used I" , publlc IIchool ...., t'b' f f ' h our f or 10 mUes)-"Oh, MOVED-T(]I ·.POETRY 'thUS f8llQ Inatj ng e . an Col"... ..O... 'hul.lI"l ml es an Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Moore enter" ,hood with a hllJ'O w~o, officer, .w pat tini~ is itt }, .am so 'tained on . Sunday: . Mil. and Mrs. ~ .,' .'IlOwlIoy, 'big lI;am,e' hun~r' afJ;aid I. will be late. I've been mar- Jallles Giffin, _of Hamilton'; Mr. and Of all the dl~ty. triQU I ' bow. ' dent "of the United S.Alteill".....J{,lti~i"..111!ied tell' 7eara<'an!l , never' ttet have I Mri. cluis. Frazier of Mhlmblsurgj There'. nothing to ep-"~, kept my husbanll w~~nl1.' " . Mr, and Mra. Ben, Rllt.nd Mr. and With -fitting, grand~~;1;~ • , ~ubllc. f nJ ., I h Ir th lan' . :;.r-;, Oftlce~( alii) ''lI~ed man);:....· MrS. Carl II t "It's ,now JO :20. so you 'better step UI Q e.. ,o ' n "C a at t l' ~ , on it:~ (;Oodby. a~d pod Juek." Mra.. S. W .. Stellhans and 'the Sew- . • - ...- '! ...t--• - • Ing cluJ; are among those of Greene , couty camiiing at ~n' Farfu this: UTHER BRUTAL ; week. JM)lIa and Mar oiie .BaydQek! ___' ~ . Ru",. Smith. H4\Jeb etcher, OPal ,, ' . , , ... . ' ' . Turner, MUdied and Katherine ~Oglllgoist--o Ah, the ~olJt beautlftal , Wif..-,"Ba. my ~d~, NQ foi1qal ,le, Dorothy Conard. VloJa arid· Ruth- iltranJe young lad r j~ smUed at :tinner Iii eomplete WttlioUt nuta Qf ana CuftJ'. '. me... · IOQle kind;" .. . . .. • .. • ' She "Bow co1lllderate of hIIr-~


011 The Beaten The real charm of touring lies in leaving the maln-travelleu bighway~ and exploring thethou sanusuf all ur . Ing side-paths. These dirt roa ds ' nd . trails lead to spots of rare b ea u ty unvisited by the throll !1.-wh e r c better camp-sites may be founufiner fishing and lovelier s cenery. In a Ford car. you can enjoy the thrill

Ru .... bout Coupe -




The.Roosevelt Shrine



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It will c;l rry t he wh ole fa mily and the savln ~ i n cost o ften pays fOf the entire vaca tio n .

7iufor s.4Gn • "ordor s.4G.. -





Touring Car









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Sea & Cartwright nsurance and Public Sales

While murder, lut ery hlUr got WI b,. the optimistic frlend butts in 8e% the~'. nothin' there. The 'gloomy pro.peck brightenl avery time he takes a looJc.....4m' he wants to call the docto1' it we think we lee a apook. 4 Thore ain't no durabillCy to optimistic paInt, when It makee " rotten structure look like .omethln' that It ain't. And there's nothln' more dilijfU8tlnl than the optimistic guess which would tum a dismal failure into un-achieved success I I don't deny the optlmiat Ja nJce to have along, _on a voyap where the undert.ow Is tuggln' at us strong-end 1 don't COIlsider optlmlam a very grievous tauIt,..-only when it atarta to \yin'-theD it's time to call a halt, S()-we reckon that the opo tbnJst may help to banish dread -regardiess of the dairy-fat that'g ntored Inside his head. But, until the rule is altered that, a m~ is hom to die, you can't funeral with

We S ecialize on Good Service Property insured with ua i. placed in the very Strongest Companies, at the same r ates charged by weak one•• Property sold by us at Auction is sure to bring its value, and the amount of Do . s d Cent is wha~ ounts.

Office, Aman Bldg. Phone 61 .•2 Waynesville, Ohio




---... ....----

.4_ . . ___



tl f c ':1l1o ra ion lI lId di C OY('f ' . It Is h e 1- 1, (, ::' I ls f le w. y II , ·<.I n s oi t ruvel f J ' !: '· ... e l1 arr . w r , ).llb - ll~l l t _ yet )'0 p owerful har It w' ll ur: ng you t Iro ul:h -ca ,y t o hUll d ie- sturdy :1111.l ~c o no m k ·, 1.

care doolouotablo~. and .tart.. are $8.5 e.aua. f'uU-et .. balIooQ tU. . m ....... AU I'M.,.. f • .... Dctroll. OD

.-dmtb-, ~JiOoJOnrtiHiX ,


- - $260 - !20



Greasy .

Jollying Jess Aftc.r . Jessie had been I\t the boarding school a few weeks she began signing her letters home .. J easica: ' Brother Tom thought he would gi'·c her a little di~ ubout it. so he wro:e: "Dear Jesslca- DodicR and Mon,ioa have gone to visit Aunt Lizzira. Uncle Samica is talking of buying a new machinca, but de doesn't know whether to get n Fordica or a. Chevica. The old cowica has had coHen. I was going to name it Nellica, bu t I changed it to Jimica, because it wa ~ a bullica. Your affectionate broth er, Tomica."-Boston Transcript.

The bug-a·boo o' ~ 'I'lO'" man', Ufe is dllh-wuhlng. Wltti hard water it 1•• dl18greeabllr. dlsc,ouraglng talk. that ncldeu the handS, weut.. the '='~ and uaually end. wltIi All bt1Jt areaay film ont ~ Soft ",atel' Is the hoaMwlfe'. greatest boon. In't soap lathel1l freel,.. harsh ~ CClqM)wa an unneceaary. ana,the dim. dry eaaU,. and q,ulc:kJ.Jl with.paItab that pt....


NEWEST BOOKS Customer-'ll would like. to see some Billle!\," Clt\rl(- I<Yell, ~r; 1:ight here, sir. Thi-s IB a llige one." CUBtomer-"New Testament?" Olerk-"I dunno. Did they get ('ut a new one recently?"


---... ..---

Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Warren County, Ohio, I will offer tor sale at public auction on the 8rd day of August, 19t6, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the premises in lithe. Village of Cor;win, Warren Count)/' Ohio, the following descltibed real estate, situate in the Co'unty of ,Warren, In the State of Ohio. Being Lot No. Two (2) as designated on. tile original plat 'of the Town of Corwin, in tbe County afores~id . . ThQ No. of ~e ho.use thereon is. - -I faqil11r ', Mlijn Street. · !,rbe nearest , str8!!t on ~li4t . Soutli Is John Street;·and the neare.t 'IIU:eet on tbe nortl\ ~ the W~ri8lyll,le ' IiarveYllblll'lf ROad. 'There II 110 street pn' iheleMt- '. .' ~ ,'. utat9 has been aPprallecf in the "um of Elevea. BIiDdnid Do1lan., and WiU Dot be lold for Ie. than two- thirds ot aaId appralteci value. . TtlI'DIII 01 ul. are euh ill hand' aD day pf sale.

- ---



like cit)' .\&tOD1atlo-notliiDcto . . . . . ." or watch. Water mq be »'PI4." batbrool1l .• n4la~. ...._

Th. ·!)aro . .,


01 . . ,

tadieS!' ,

hom. ,.,.


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WALTER OARBY. ~ii!~r of ,th. IItate . . ~_Em1w.d•••"" ~ , ...



tem. Uftdercoftl~t · "

~. lIa,' b.~" "




fumIIb 10ft water froaa _



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1II1as Bern ice Hlym a n visited relnMr. a nti Mrs. Os r Smith toured lives in Xcnin, Ins't week. [ndiann over the week-~nd .



~1I·. Dan Su rfac e was a Xenia visiLur, S:lturday.

Mrs. Ha rvey Sackett lind children v1sill'd in Bellbrook, Tu esday. ~ Ir~.

. W . Younce vi sited in Ox f ord a couple of daY8 last week.

...z \

Mi s Ka thryn la rk ~pcn t Sunduy with fdt'nds ut Mi nmi university . 0)(r rd.


Mill!! MaTY ratie is !\ gll(,8t in tho lIliss Dorothy Hanby, 01 nen!" UIIYhome of lIir. . Luther P erkin s .JlTHl tu n, is \'.isiling . ti ~s lIlm·thn nny. tiullily, near Uayt" n. lIfiSllCS Ednn und Ado !:ihllllcr ura FO R SALE-G(lod, so u nd Leaming "isH ing r clutlvcs in Norwood thi.s Corn . J , S. Vandervoort, P hone we ek. 33-3, It. D. 2. Wa,yn csville , Oh io. Masler I{"bert Iliat t. Ilf Kokomn , Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zepf, of Ci n- In d .. is thl' ~lIl's t of ~I ... an,1 JlI IS ' cinnati, were ui n ller j;1uesl.s of Mr. O " CIII" !::il1li lh. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman, SundllY eveni ng. Mr. nn,1 Mrs. Wa lter Elzey an d Mr. IInu Mr •. K"IIIll'th t:lzey Werl! in Suve your old carpets and rUg s I)aytull. ::;ullc.iay. a nd ge t " Wearwe ll" Rugs mude. . Send f or ~rice list. Fran klin Rug Mr. D. L. (' ranI' ntt ellded Ma so nic Co., Frankli n, OhIO . lodge at SI/I·in)('lit>id. Sllturduy lIi~ht . u nd ns~istt.'u in t hc wurk.

Messr s. D. L. Cra n e and Edward BUI'lnn were in L<!ba n on, Friday evelling.





U ,·S. Hay !lli ll ~ und dllU)('htl'l'. l.pnu. spent Ml'vt'rnl day" luSL WCl'k with , relutiv es in Sprill)('bu ro.

$7'5 0

Mi ss Doris H uwke is spending the Fo. 4· room hOU le, with one· h. lf .cre M r. and Mrs. W . 11 . lI ull. uf W",t week wi t h 1l'liss Lillian W Ulkin •. of of IIround, in 110001 location. LufHYl'ttl', Ohio, ~f1 (lnt lu ~ t w (lck wit.h Roul e 4 . Dr . lind Mr •. I.l uyd Hall. M rs. Le na' Clarke. of Oregon ia. called on Mrs. C. D. Mills. MondllY Ilfternoon .

MI'. und Mr ~. Alt'n'd J. W l'iKh t 1',·turlll·t! t he first of til<' wl·c k. Ilfll'l" u t CII ·dllYS \'isit in Chicuj.(o.


Profs. S. A. lillwcll an d FI ('tc h ~r Mr. und Mrs. Cur l Hawke. of nllYu 1" . Per acre f o r~ f ar m n. \\,Te re husi n ess t on. spent Su nday wi l h "'\ r. IlIH I .,, d of II90 acre.; I'a" , 'k", " o f L"'·uno ~U J . C" Huwke. tbuildi • • de.n••• n", I. n : wi accept .ome visitors ill W ayne~\'i ll e, today. Mr. and Mrs. Eugen e Fo ~ t c r. at Butterworth Stution. viai led reln tiv es he re. Sunday. AIN 'T IT T H E TRU TH


Do You Want· a Goodyear at a Bargain Price?

Mr. J . N. Inwoocl . form",",y 0f Spring VIlII!'y. but no w o f Mi(ltll ctow n. wns here on business. toduy .

lIfr. alld Mrs. C. D. Mills spent the Miss Wnn na Hurtsm·k. of ('ulumwee k·e nd with r e lutives Ilt Eaton a nd AUCTION EE R a nd R EAL ES T AT E bus. i. t.uking- h ~r "lIClI tion Rn d \\'i ll TRY THE CAZETTE'S JOB W ORK So nn y-"Mo ther. what lire rela- Camden, Ohio. Office Ama a BI,I,., Phone 6 1-2 , Iell' e Foid"y for n "isit in Cedllr Hupt ives 7" WAYNESVI ILLE . OHIO id ~ , low". . Mo t her- "Relatives, my so n, ar ~ M rs. Linn Devitt a nd M rs. Eli zapeople who come to visit whe n the beth Bnily visit ed relatives in Spring!III'. nnd Mrs. EmmaI' Buily nnd weather is too hot fo r them to J o boro las t week. children. of Ll·bnn on. "pcn t Sun da y th eir own cooking." SPRAY wi th ~l rs. E:liznlJelh llllil v and lIt rs . - -..---Linn Du vi It. . Mrs. Euphemia Hough. returne d SO IT IS home, Sundny. after II two-wee ks' visit in Dayton. lIIr. nnd lItrs. J os~ ph !IIiller. of Tedkins -" Sam Shi rley drove G50 Sp rinl!boro . li nd Mr. lind Mr,. lI o\\,· miles in one day in his Willys- lIiiss Kathleen Hazelwood , of FrankIIt'd A r cl"lell . on spe nt ::;umlay with HAVE YOUR HOUSE, BARN OR Knight." I·elllth·c. ne ur lI urvcysu urg. lin, was the week-e nd guest of Mi811 OUTBUILDINCS PAINTED BY Smaeker-uB'gosh; a place to park Lucille St John. THE SPRAY SYSTEM is getting harder a nd harder t o find." Mr. Charles Anderson and famil y wilh their j;1uests. Mr. Ben Sm ith !l nd Messrs. W . B. a nd W ilford Sqnirel WHAT WOM E N TALK ABOUT family. o f near Dayton. spen t ~u n ­ and Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm were day with lIlr. lI arry Shllw und famin Dayton. Monday. Call .. a for W. , u.u.nt • • First Cllt--"Where is Mr . Peck. .1I y. Work I hnven't see n h!r.' all eve ning?" Mr. Fr ank Stansberry a nd f amily Seeond Cat--' I don't know- but [ were g uests at a .fam ily dinn er a t D/,. and Mrs. W. E. g lesbee and s uspeet he is lost in one of t he folds Clarksville, Sunday. Mr. Ed Freemo n. of Cleve lan d . \\'h 0 of his ,vi fe's second uhin." WAYNESVILLE. OHIO · hnvC' been canlpilt~ n C'ur Hur vcysburg, expcct t o stnrt f or P ortland. 1\1 iss Hazel an d Mr . Clark Sa lisOr ;.ro n t o day. bury, of Cleveland , spent t he weekWaynllville Phone 29 . .~~~~........... .................................. end here with rElatives. Centerville Phone 829 Mrs. LOll II ndan nnd dnuj!'hlcr. Miss Cit, Iys. wel'c n m o n ~ s('vel'lll relMessrs. J. 0 W hitaker and L. A. nth·e. who s pent Sun nay with lItr. Zimmerman were in L ebanon, Monand Mrs. HlIrr y Sh idll ke r. Ilt their ~_ day,' on ~ffici al b uslneM. plrllsnnt home on th e Ha"'eysburg pike. Master Irvin Hyman. of X enia, Is spending t he week at the home of his uncle, Mr. Myer Hyman. WILL P"LA Y DA YTON BA~S

You know what th e liam e Good year on a tire means. It mea ns TH I:: BEST. We can g ive you this fa m ous quality at a bargain p r ice- a bigger b a rgain than you ever got by sh o ppin g a round _



Just investigate our prices on genuine Goodyear Tires -

For Cash Plan of seiling Coal, Feed, Grain and Fertilizer.

lasts Longer-Looks Better

Regular types and si ~e8, cord or fabric; balloon tires to fit present rims or the new amall-diameter rims.

Call and 'G et Our Cash F'rlces



Get Our Prices

Everett Early . Lytle, Ohio

Waynesville Motor ·Co.


Rubber Price Going Up Like a Sky Rocket

Tire anil Tube Prices Must Follow Suit-Buy Giant Tires and Tubes Before August 1st. ·

• ••••••••• • :.,•


Raw rubber i. ';'o-. bo ...erin • •bo .... the doll. r m.rk. The ot~er de,. il cloaed .1 $1 _11. Ca" ,.ou ima,ine ouch a n e xorbit.nt prlee aa tIoal f Y.t II la a f.ct and, ."cor din, to· .11 iadic.tion., It i. yet far from .... top. Tire pricea mu.t up . ccordia lll,.. I . taIki... to • nllmber of indi ... idu.11 it .e~ ml l.he people did "ot .... lbe .... til l.teJz. juat- wbat lbe rubber .. tu a hon meant. Tbe,. !ratla• • bad the Idea pricea would . dvance a little a ad in • ahort tim. back to norm.I. Now they ace plain),. tb.t hi,her tire and lube pric. . . . . in effect .Dd th.t much hi.her prie" • • re . ppro.cbIn, al an alarm!." , apeed.




Pbo•• 47


Mrs. Kate Ricks and M1'1I. D. L. Cran e spe n t 'lThursday in Lebanon, the guest of Mrs. H. V. Walter . 1I ~,t ·



Mrs.' Nelson Thorne and two daughters, of Seven Mile, Oh io, spent last week with Mrll. Ida Kelsey. Mr . Ben Smith and famil y, of near 'Dayton, were week-end guests of Mr. CharlO!! Anderso n and f amily.

!i ~!r: ~:.



=i I., •

..••• ~

All. IhIaaIh dw ,.., Itt ~ .... ,.,...l.tcu, mane .... ~ ~put rqUa _ _ Lowac pdcca.

Ml-s. B. Hartsock a nd daughter, Miss-"'Justin a , of Cincinnati, were g uest s of Mrs. Matilda Hosier and f amily, Sunday.

ADAM F. Pholle 47

Mr. a nd Mrs. Harr y T obias. Mrs. Chal1es Tobias a nd Mr s. Ha rrie t t St a ley. of Dayton . wor e guest. o f Mr . a nd Mrs. J . H. Colema n, Thu rsday,

u. S.

Number 1 5 pounds for .•

POTATOES 24c Ripe Fruit, BANANAS Large, 25c 4 pounds for Brand 41 C COFFEE Jewell per pound. . . French, a lb. . . • • 47c I Golden Santos, lb . . 34c 29C MILK VanCatnp's 3 cans for. . • •

Carnation or Wilson. a can. _l0"":'ic....;,I...;.C..;.;;ou...;.;...:..;.;.Clu;;.;,b.;.,..3;;..c..;,;a.;;,;;ns....;;;.;,.r..;,.._25c_


25c 25e ~~~!!~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6c Navy Beans Be ea cb ....... ... Dolly Brown, ....... ..... :....... 35c

8eanSCoun tr,. -Club with Pork a ad S . .. ce, 3 .

1 ~ -Ib . Loaf.. ........... ......... ... .. .. .. .9c

P ..................... .......... ...... .





ba r. ... ... ..... V. nC;amp'., 10 b .... (01'... .. " ... 2'•

. Peas

. .·.47c

. .D ....... ~ .•••

. ~~!!!~ c!!~~~.·. 24e Oleo' Ib .... .....


Mr . a nd Mr s. H. C. Colema n, of Norwood, Mrs. Ethan Co lemal1 and threl! daug¥ers, of Toledo, s pent F riday with Mr. and 1'111'8. J. H. Colema n.


can sell you r goods

Nearly one-Iourth of a ll t he members of the Ohio State legislature are far m ers, according to the compiling of figu res of farmer representation in t ho state legislatures an d ' in Congress. Of t he 36 se nators in the state legislature, 4 are farmers, and 41 out of t he 130 member s of the lower 'ho use list themselves a~ricu l t ur ali sts . A few divide their time be twee n farming a nd banking, farming and insurance, or sl>1no othe r profcssion or occ upation in addition to their farm in ter ests. ' Iowa, with a finn popu lntion of 46 per cent, has 99 farmers in Its legislatu re membership of 158, t he h ig hest p roportion of any of the states studied. Pen nsy lvani a w ith its 11 per cent farm popula ti on, has only 16 fa r mers in its leg islature out of a total of 2 58 members. Mrs. ber 01 t he N ebra sku lower house, is Mab e l A. {jll\cspie. of Cretna. a me mber of the Nebraska lower house, is t he onl y fa r mr's wife on record holding a legislative job. Th e ratio of r epresentation of {ur mers in Congress is lower t han th e average fo u nd in fhe stllte legislatures. With a nntiona l farm populat ion of 30 pe r cen t, the G9th Cong ress finds only five Cann e l'S in the Senllt!! and 2 1 in the H ouse of Rpr esentatives.

quickly by inserting


Classified Ads.

Mr. Rober t Wa lton. of Dayton, j oin ed his wi fe here f or a wee k- end visit with Mr. a nd Mrs. J. L. HartM ck. MI'. and Mrs. Walton returned home SUllday evening. Mrs. Mame Hatfi eld s pe nt several days last we~ k in Lebanon, th e g uest of her so n, Mr. Ea rl Dill. She a lso at te nd ed t he convent ion of t he Patriarch I1filita nt and Auxiliary at Middletown.

are all to the gLod when applied to the right column. You

on ad . in the

J. T. Ta)'lor, of Lebailoa.


10% Off on all


Flynets and Horae Cover.


10% Off on all Porch Swinga


5% Off on all Coal Oil Stoves and Ovena ,

Paris Green

Chi-Namel Pure House Paint Outside White $3.25 , Outside Colora . • • • $3.00 Only a few gallon. left . i

FRED l\4;--COL-E- -: )

~ ~ ~

H·ardware. Harneaa and F.• rm Machinei; Waynesville, Ohid ~:~= " i it tt l; ,



----- -



Miami Gazette

A public hearin g' on t he Budget for Wayne T own ship RUral School District for th e fiscal year , 1926, will be held at the r egular meeting of the Board of Education, in the Bank building, Wayn esville, Ohio, at 7 :30 p. m., on Monday, Au g ust 3, 1926. L. 111. HENDERSON, Clerk.

.... ,


To the T •• Pa' .r. of H.r.... ,..bur. Viii.,. School Dlltrlct: The hea~ 'on the Budg et of School Fund for 1926 will be held Montlay, Aug at 3; 192 6,· at 7 :3 0 . m., in the dire tOrs room at ·the ban &. Harveysbbrg, Ohio. . . MARY S YFERD, Clerk . I





. ""


To tb. ,T . . Pit,..ra of tb. V~ l\a,. of . Corwin. Oblo. ·· .. \ ' . At the' r eifularTlICulcin of C.onncll, on Tuesday {jvening/! AuguBt 4. 1926, at Il :80 p_ m_, public hearlnf on the B,udget. for ,the year: 1 926,<wiJ be irtv. · en. . .. :if. ·R. MILa..S, Mayor. 'LAURA ·McKINSEY, Glerk. . .


.. .•------


~~~ .

Sayl Sam--If ,ob meu ure the Itu lOU Witha.dinJ a dirt1.biak. aticli,

it- lis IUlel:v to


• 38c

To the T.x P. ye ra of the ViII. ,e of Wa,.nenille ,Ohio ! A t th e reg ular session of Council on Monda y evenin g, Aug ust 3, 1925 , a t 7 :30 p. m., a publie h earing on t he Budge t f or the year 1926. wl11 be gi ven. . T. E. ROGERS, Mayor. L. A. ZI MMERMAN, e lerk. ....... . .....

Mr . and Mrs. Geo rge H a rtso ck are entel'taining t his week, Mrs. Ma rgar r t Th omas. lIfr •. J oe Ma)(, of New Madison , Oh io, Mrs. J am es Griffith, a nd son . J ames Th omas, of Creenville. and Miss Charlotte Antra m, of Washington, D. C. Mr. Daniel Morga n and f amily had as their Sun c.iay g uests. the f ollowing : Mr. an d Mr s. Fred Molltan and daughters. Ed na, Leo na, Margaret a nd Dorot hy,"and so n, Earl, lIfr. and Mrs. F runk Morgan and daughter, Velma and so ns, J oe, Donald and Rob ert, a nd Charl es . Tlnnerman, all of Dayton ; ~r. al!d Mrs. Quinn Decket t a nd 'Mlss Ste lla Happeny, of Wilmingto n ; Mr. and MI1I. Claude Gray and daughter, Imojean. Hr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray and daughten, Olaudia and Josephine, of Wellman l Mr . a na Mrs. Georg e Bnrson, Mr_ ana . Mra. Russell Morgan and dauehter, Be'rned a, " of Sprinll'iloro.; Mr. and IIfrs. Ray Miller Ii.n d l on, Marion, of Cen terville ; MIM Madeline Glbl on 01 Bellbrook; and the Meu r a. Richard Debold, of Milford; Carl Ridinger. of Spr ing VaUey; ' Chul.. Voun. of Harvepburg; Stanley Hatfield and


Mrs. Walter I1IcC)'ure, Mrs. Nett ie Chidlaw, Mrs. Charles Rye and Mr!!. J . E. McClure returned Sunday evening f rom Niag ara F alls. Mrs. Harry Kitchen and daughter, Bettie, and Miss Mary Britain , of Dayton, are visiting at t he home of Mr. Prank Stansberry and fa mily.

. ' :I=::==::~~ t · .. ~- ) c



Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brydon. Miss Mary Esther a nd Master Robert Brrdon, of Spr ingfie ld, visite d f ri ends In Wayn esville, Sunday.

Bring your Eggs to Kroger



Mhs Kath ryn Clark r eturned home Monday frp m II visit with f rien dll a t : BATrERY ~RVICB : Toledo, Chicago, a nd Arena. Wiscon. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . sin. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Moomaw, of Bournev ille. Ohio, spent a day at the home of thei r co usin, Mr. F . R. Moomaw.


Tell the Advertiser you read his Ad. in the ,Miami Gazette

The Lytle ba ll teum wi li cr oss bats with th e fast Dayton Bars. the colore d team 'thich playe d with th(' Miamis. recently, Sunc.iay. the ball par k at that place. T his w ill be a i~.:w;.~ ..* ..*...*· I fast game. Come.


:.:. .,.JIeK-. ,.

Waynesville, Ohio



Mrs. E. N_ Oxley and t wo lions, of Troy, are spendin g a f e w weeks at the borne of Mrs. Mary Cukey.

Phone 105

How to Advertisa Men have al~ay. ~dverti.ed--fitlt th. . . .U.. and their deech; then their reli,ion tocla,. til. ... product. and ba.ine... Th~ Diolt effeeti~e adYertiain, tocla, .. tS~.". the pri';ted worcl_nd ri,hl there i. wh.l w. are qualified to aerve y.... Every printed pa,e Ihould he .a pl• • in' ,ICture of typ., paper, ink an'd ' iIIultratlcnul,... W. caD 10 for you,. if you'II ·I.t. ~ help';laa f~ur ~riiltin, job.



p,-, 1I....-~JI!II--


I1!1• • ••






'This Week


Whole Number 5659


roool~~_h_e~G_r_e_at~C_o_~ __~ ~~o_n_e_r_G_o_n_e~I ~~m~c~IT~ • : :

About twenty-five farmers from Warren county a ttended the field me oting at the Clermont county experim ent farm near Boston or Owe nsville, Wednesday, July 22, announcements of which were sent out by I County Agent ClaM. Farmers from Clermont and other adjoining counties also gathered tor the occas ion, which Is an annual event, conducted by officials of the Experiment Sta· tlon. Durlnlr the for enoon the vis· i ROCKS Itora walked over the farm, and noticed the di·f ferent fertilir;er and vuLUTHER. CALVIN. BRYAN riety testa. An out. tanding result of SAFETY IN THE AIR the corn root rot work showed thut the plot receiving reinforced manure NOT T~ WORRY was very uniform and approltimately four feet high, while the adjoining '1 , check "plot which received no treat! $ Tile BeYa~l\d Dr. Sa-ltOil wants ment searcely knee high. The tlie IaW~ ' . It ,t eaeilm. evolution in- Station· inve.ticators pointed out thnt trodtle '. York .tate. ' lo-ealled com root rot trouble seem· Hie, . .~ ...., pussle other ,d to be largely a matter of soil fer. Fundamen wb.n be Ia,' he tan tlUty. The variety and fertilizer prove the • .,olutlonleta an .ronc, testa with eoybeane were equally S 8 becaun "Triualc Roek" a1ltedllll!u Intere.teine .. those with corn. by mlllloni of yean the time of man'. The uac of ammonium aulphate and evolutlo. u dlKribed by Darwin. nitrate of aoda on the orchards show. If the world Ie only .ix thousand ed very atrlkln,ly the value of these ytar1l old. bow ca" there bl rocka ,materia la, for tbe twelve·year-old unmillion of oldT 1. their de- fertillied tree'. were of a pale green lire" to dlHr:tlt Darwba. the eood ,fOlor, were very much underalsed and Fululamln\alla .laoul. 1I0t torelt bla did 1I0i contain very many apples, OWil "facti' _ Aa1ll'te." . while the fertill.ed tre.a of the lame .... next adjolnl~. were very thrifty reu.toVl mea often make and bore endence of producine ex.deDC.. Mr. WatioD tellent cropL In tbe afternoon loll fertility probo-ria menUoy two lNtaDe... Mar- rema were diacuued by M. A. Bactell, dn Luthel' Clondemne41 Ia.,agel, "an &I&t'olo,er whQ' IWO... te ahow that and orchard work by F, A. Ballou, of tbe worW ,e"lv... Dot the heaven. the Ohio Eltperiment ltatlon; farm or tlIe lInnamant. the lun and the oreanisatioll and economic problems m!,~Il. Thle fool wiah.. to revene 111'&1 handled b, A. S. Thomas. Dewly til, en~ .'.nce of aatronomy," elected treuurer of the Ohio Farm b\lrHu. Additional Ihort talka were ~¥t ~d., aot GaUl" Ie the fooL made b)1 Mr. P. O. Wlleoll, manager • Calvin. quotlll, the p..1m which of the CiDclnnati Comml..ion t1rm, HOD. J .Lowry IllUler, senator Ia)'ll !!the world alao Ie .etabllehed, thll dletriet. th~t It cannot · be moved," added : ~.~.... "who will venture to ' place the authority of Cope:rnleue above that of tbe Hoi, Splrltf" ;Alld ~. CO~ John We.le, tho~ht the new ScI.. liI uUOIlomy ehowed a fnnd Inedellty. Tho.e Pro'te.tanta; the, all worried a oui GaUl eo, u B1')'an wol'ried about Darwin. But ttlia'lon haa eurlived. .thelJ' f:, I WblT)'. _ _ __ Co. t amounting to $163 Incurred ,eara ago when Officer J. E. ·Ie .ftyiq. danlreroue' If the" pllo't three u ... common eenee, It II leu dan,er- Watta made a trip to Oklahoma in leareh of him were added to the $5 OUI tban, a crowded Itreet. In twenty-Ibre JIIontha pllotl trom flne elven ClIJford Baker by Judge C. Wright, of Xenia, when Baker Mltehell field have ftown 1,827,000 S. pleaded guilty of a charge of nonmUe., In 31 SU'separate III,hu. .Only, THREE bave been killed, ai- .upport of hll three minor ehildre n, probate court, Saturday. thouih pllotl ..bave turned endl... in Baker gave ,800 bond to Insure lome",ulu and eommltted mucb payment of the fine and cOlta and ot other fooUehll ... In the air_ Slltty yean laence eauUou. old la. $8 per' week Into probate court tor diu will refuee to ride In automobllee the IUP~rt of his three children who or earth tralllL Tbey will lay, "At are With their grandmother. Mra. Mary A. Rockafield. of Xenia, He my . .e they .re too danlreroua. I eleaped from the Xenia ' workhouse only fly, and at a aafe bel,bt." lix years ago and had been II fUIr' , Thle "humoJ'Ou," par...... ph II Itilve from jultice until hie arrest at the home of hill father at Waynelpu,bllehed: . A ....t~ _ltM, 10..1., .arkH ville lal t Thuraday ·night. ...... 1_ ...Irt,, ntu..i wilio • • .....oot ... He ••

Mr. Wa l'rrn fl l'!1I1d ol'l< nnd

Fred Rr:.u ld .,,· k, ut' t hi,

t,' st. H ('I' f' I'Ji l1~ t o IIn n o UrH ' ,' nl(' ll f!,(lnl Co u rll Y A }.!(·l1 l ( 'Iulis. Thl C:; (' nn b 'st i..,

, tntl' wi d ·, rll l ·, (If II'hidl al'C Il rr. . b.l' II,.. [ ' rnp llllllro"C nI,'nt """ _ ••••••••_ ••• _ ••••••••• _ d at io n "r Ohio S t a t l" u n in:rsi l v. T hl' Ul! It'e l j ~ t o 1"'~ ' l' w h ll Can J!n; w I utI

bus hels o r



1I,,' n r ll l'ldl ,· d in \\' a rr ~1I County lIIc1ud c Ott r, I. A u;:sperg-cr, M i ddl~ ­ t o\\'n; H. Au<perKt·r. ~ l id u l "l"\l'Il' FI'u nk B urg-c r , L,·I"uio n; B. H. 1" ,iI: Mason; r.:. A. Gil" ,'rl 1'l!lI'k",ill," W. S . Me lunl llY, 1." I "l~ (' n; 1t. II' i ~ l; L. Poppe , M uso n; and Hull' h ll . WilKon. Midd lct(, wn . Ann oun cemcnt fr om th e Colu mbus offi ce sta tes I hut thirtee n coun ti cA hu ve alr'cady quoli fie d fo r a contest, and 8 great er number will probu bly be add ed in thc very near fu ture. E·n. rn ll ment is hig hest since thc proje ct Wos started in 1917. Montgomery c?unty leads with twenty farmers sIgned up; Huron county with fifte en, Darke, four tee n; Logan, twelve. Provided five or more men finish the co nt cst in each county, the grower ef the highest yield will receive a coun ty champion ship medal. All who produce 100 bush els or more will receive a stat e championship bronze medal together with s pecial achievement certifi cllte, enrolling him in the state-wide 100-bushel club.

----- ..


THE GOOD CUT William ,ennings Bryan. the "Great Commoner." . died at his hotel at Dayton. CLOTHING CLUB Tenn., aft~r havmg completed a terrifflc fight for Fundamentalism in the Scopes trial, [lnd William Jenning. Bryan

A called m'eeting of the Good Cut aft~ makmg several speeches at different points in that State during the week· end. Clothing club was held July 25, 1926,

"I n~ver felt be Lter ~ my life." ~e said, and. after partaking of a hearty dinner, retired PLEADS GUlLTV to hiS room, where, m a short time, he expired_ Death was due to apoplexy accompanied by a cerebral hemorrhage. ' Mr. Bry~n for years bas.been before the public gaze,. having made three attempts TO NON·SUPPORT to become PreSident of the tJDlted States, and later becomtng a publisher and a Chautau-

)IIaS.... ..


, "I .Urll.... .,. alollll, •• nllra wi'" $10,900 ......: facl ,"at I ••rl<_ "e~ ....... _ . . ..,.... HI')' C•••a •••e ........... of. a ••• cl • .• left The death of Mra, Warner Morris oceurred at her home in New Bur~"' ...... IO. . lington. Friday morninlr, She had Ten thou land country edltora eould been In failing health . for several tesUfy that. there ia more truth than months. Funeral services were held bumor In that anecdote. The mOlt at tile home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. lIeeful, unQelllald and eameat body Morrll was a bighly respected resiof men in the nation are the edlton dent of the community and leaves a of country newspapers. hoat of frient to mourn their 108s. . The pathetic fact Ie that the1 would .1!.e blt"'y prospero.ul men If buline.. ·ilnd advertisers realized the truth that ~e eountry newspaper,/.In Drojlortlon to .itll:lrl"Ulat\.on, 18 TnE BEST MEDIUM IN TH'E COUNTRY.


qua lecturer. His silver tongue has been admiredl and sought after by all the people of his cou~try. He wa~ called by death ab?ut 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, July 26. 1he funeral Will be held at WashmgtoD, D. C.• Thursday and according to his wishes. his body will be buried in Arlington cemetery. .,

Bryan's War GaveShowel for Friend On Evolution The Misses Dena Rich and Marye Thomas gave a miscellaneous shower at t he home of the formcr. Saturday afternoon. Jul y 25, for 1\1 iss Alicc Sheehan, wh o will 'become the bride of Mr. Carl Croll, of F ranklin, Ohio, July 30th. After several con l ests a delicious lunch was served. The invited guests ware, Mesdames Glenn Borden, Edw. Thomas, Elmer Sheehan, Alvin Earn· hart, Kenn eth Elzey, Warren Espy. Coulous Younce, Clarence Rye, Lloyd Hall. Walter Underwood, Dearth Sheehan, Sid Ellis, Haro ld Earnhart, James Morris, Ellis Me· Clure, F red Braddock, Wa\Jer Sheehan, and [ra Rich; Misses A"lice Sheohan, Alice Gons, Cleo Stacy. Frances and Luella Janney, Mildred Clark, Maryc Thomas, Irm a and De na Rich. Miss Sheehan was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents.

",in Series from Bellbrook---Two Straight

An Incnaae in the prlee of rubber drivel manllfacturen to flan fOf Imaller il..... Some man 0 IntelU; Aug. 2-At Xenia, RClervel. ,enc• . wJB and a way to aubstltute In the be.t ,ame plaJed on the Aug. Il--Open date, probably the 1&H1 .prlDp for rubber aDei prodllCe localfteld since "Charley Stanabera "re b,e~ . than a rubber tin.. Wonden" were In their prime, Racen ,of Dayton. Aug. i-Home; Middletown Gus & ten or twelve yean ago, our Eillctrica. Mr. .ad Mra. Howard .~~~ U ~~b;.:~~~~; Miamle defeated the A.u" 23-Home; the Dayton Shamha"e nb,e children, cave a b, a Kor. of " to 3, tbo.. cblldNIl and th.w O.lmPl,n._ The BeU· rocks. How the elxth .traight victory was One' hlin~ and 'ona cama had loaded up with paKJ- . It .• nrJl>oc17 did u and eeater won: BELLBROOK the mlDloDi h. Oblaa raieed tl.elJ'. the loadl.,. did them no to reUeve th.m of lome t ~f a::"ftood~ I~. and lurplua cub. Tbe Miami. A.B R H PO A E thllll. how 100. would the real bueball from tile lint to Crowl, u .... .... ....... 0 0 2 2 1 over-peopled! th laIt, aDkd eBvel')' tlmk~ the, do thle Saokett, Sb .......... 4 0 0 0 1 0 ...._ _ _ Vb ean ta e ;"Ub::O a measure. Creamer, Ib .. .... .. 4 0 0 14 0 0 Tllat . fa tile thlDJ NOT to 1....1· r am~" e main, wan a Glbboll., 11 .... .... .. ..4 1 2 0 0 0 .kat. . . Po ..... nl' d u .. between our ,ood old Zimmerman, 2b .. .. 4 1 1 1 6 0 t-n:. LoN ' trrIIftI'.. It 10 'Babe' and Herman. with the infant Underwood. rf ... .3 0 1 0 0 0 .,.,. ...... 'ut II'OJIF dom. the better work. Not a run- Hea, cf .... .... .. .. .. .. 4 1 1 0 0 0 ......, Aa4 H. IIaa uli,d oll"edIIJ n.r c oi anJ farthel' than third until Siden.tricker, c ... 4 0 1 7 0 0 ..... -.1 ... ."d .... laventh, then Glbbou got a 8uke Herman p 3 0 1 0 4 0 -~ .1> 10 _ . ..... to rilrh . t alld Zlmmerm-- , w·_' • ........ ~ _. _ _ _ _ brM4 mon "opl. than can j\ . )IOJ't. Air the worlel. rrow. older at rat wQen "Duteh" threw Tote.1a.. .............. 34 3 7 24 ' 12 1 ItI! II-ow .ore·" wild to !rat. . Underwood -None out wben winning run sco red. .. f ... .i._ LIV"" at Adam. three tim •• .... '0 ; ..... 0..... •• a d01lble to I. ft c••ter . " " . '...." • ." tM ran••n. Sideutl'lckel' to A...... at R.ftUIl ecored MIAMIS wlda • ...... to . .lat anel the kiDeI-her:1 CrOwl AdM the "OIlJ



:lnl=h::';~Ia thiJ'cl ~ult upon

the Prolt, .. .. .........~.~

. Til. Mlamla ·taUld .to db aD~ In th.lJ' halt of the Innlnr, and the majority ~f the fana eonceded the victory to th. ""Iton, but til. . Mlam" don't do ibinp ,thai way. "Babe" ltartad the eia'bth with. .harp a1R11. to and Chuley 0... borne walked. Then with on. down, tJ\~e Itralght a1n,l.. by Eddie, Gonl and Brothel' Howard. tied the ecore. Bellbrook waa retired In ' one-two thtee . In the ninth. Then three .ingl.. eent Tom Burton the pl"te ~th the •K~~~~ruoover and pand,moniUIII broke

p ~ 1" He r e , fr onL


••PI.,I,. . m.tak..


nHd' . ' l,f' l'I JI ' f1

«()J.l1MBU S, OH IO- There cer· t t' ll -Hc re p in :-, \\hid') (' a t1 he t ho i,cs t portl " n of nn y larg-c r , il.l·u Ii,·It! . Olh- tHi nly i: a lut vr talk about proape c-


ill,.. ·21"

Prepared by, Columbus Re porter



------..... ---


State . Capital


r u nl l llll llity.

arc two ll f l('n (Il r lll Crg in Wurn·" Co unt y 0111·,,11,, <1 in th e tr rr ·ncr e ,'C ll'l\




. Interest ing Items from the

~ ~

P? ~


H. Orabom, ........ 1 0 0 0 0 0 E. Bartoli, lIb ...... 4 1 1 2 1 0 Gon., 8b .............. 4 0 1 0 5 0 H, Burton, c ........ ..4 0 1 10 1 1 Satterthwalte, lb .. 4 0 0 7 0 0 H.lnle, cf .. ." ." .... 4 0 1 3 0 0 T. Burton. If........ 4 1 2 1 0 0 Adame, p .............. 4 1 3 3 2 0 O. plbome, rf ...... 8 1 2 0 0 0 - - - - - Totala .......... ...... 34 · 4 11 27 9 2

1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9

Bellbrook .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0-3 Mamie .. ... .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 3 1-4 "

Willium J e nni ngs Brya n mad e his first public aUack on t he teaching of evolu tio n in the p ublil~ school.s and colleges at the Mia mi 'Yalley chautau qull, ncar Fra nkli n. fi ve years ago. The great co mmone r had already made the address f or which he was scheduled when he ask ,~ d the audience of 5,000 to bea.r with him while he spoke to them fo r a few minutes on a subject which had bee n near to his heart for years. . }1t made an earnest appeal to chau. tauqua people t o do away wilh any fOI"nl of instruction in t he sl)hools of t he country whi ch might lead young peopl e to beli eve that the st ory of creati on as r elated in Genesis was not true in all details a nd he dwelt at some ~ e ngt h on the perils of higher learnin gl Throughout this part or the address young people of college age left the uuditol·ium an d Jiollowing the lecture t her e was indig'nant disc ussian ' upon the part of those who believed in evolu tion. Six m onths Inter eu:stern publicatiolls ann ounced to the country at large t hat Mr. Bryan was waging Wllr again st the force!! of higher Icarning.

- -

- .-----



at which twelve of the members were present. Durinlr the meeting the leader appointed two of the membera to cive a demonstration at the elimination contest to be held at Lebanon. A lett~r ffrom Misa. Kizer explaining various details which were in ques· tion WIUI read. The articles brought for inspection were examined, after which the meeting adjourned.

.. --..--....


t il't ('all uillat es fo r j('o\,orllu r of Oh io " " x l yea r.. T hl) Ii ~ t gl'OWS dai ly in '·o ll1IlH·I.t hut h!lsn' t evtn BUll' ltd in rt·.t1 it y. F .. r up t,l the pre ~c nt time thc'r<' hasn' t bee ll a s ingle cand ida te Yo hu has ann ou IH.:ed h is in t ~ nl i( nti o f g'u in )! uft(·r t h l: l1 o m in nLio n 1 ('Xt yea r. 1

l)urlTlK th e ).last t wo we(' k s th ree IIr f fJ lIl' 1 )'1o m ~


Bus Goes Into Ditch Killed By a Train Throwi~ g himself under the wheela of Baltimore and Ohio train No. 176, going into Winton P lace from Hamilton, Saturd a y, Ral ph Mason, 38, a World War veterun, emp loyed in the yards of the Cincinnati Car company, end " his life . The locumotive and lhree coaches passed ovc r him. The t rain sLopped 20 yards fro m the body . . Fellow employees of Maso n in th e Cincinnati Cal' Co .. said thut he had been gassed seve 1'111 times during the World War, and had been acting peeu Ha rly during th e last several weeks Maso n's futh er is postmaster of Orego nia. The funera l was held at the home in Oregonia T uesday aftern oon, and burinl was in :Mia mi cemetery.


Unanimous Call The Rev. V. F. Brown, of Xooia, who was at one time pastor of the M. E. chureh here, has been given a unanimous c.ali to return to the pasto r ute of Trinity M. E. cburch by the congregation. Dr. Brown is completing his sixtb year as pastor of the local church. He has been promi. nen t in r eligious and social service activities in the cit y, an d his pasto rale has been very popular. He is g rand chaplain of the Masonic Gra nd Lodge of Ohio, and is a memo ber of the Ge neral Book committee of the Methodist Episcopal church.


Passenger s on a Duyton-Cincin nati. bus were badly shaken up and brUised when the cllr in which they were riding was forced off a culvert into the ditch on t he detou,r on the Wayne Town ship line, Sunday, at 11 a. m. Some of the more seriou sly injured were taken to Dr. Blair's hospital, at Lebanon, Where t hey were given medioal atte ntion, l eavin~ later for t heil' homes.

Will Not Hold Reunion The commit tee which haB had charge of the Five Points reunion of District No. 9, C l e nrcr~ek towns hi", Warren County, Ohio, r eg r ets to announce t hat there will be no meeting of the orgunization this year, owing to sickness and deaths among the members . It will probably be discontinued entirel y. Rowena Munger Gregg . Sec'y.


---.. ..----

Notice to Juniors All members of Miami Valley Council No. 103 Jr. O. U. A. M., arc urgentlv r eq uestcd to attend the rcglar ryteeting of th e Council, Friday cvenml!', July 3 1, at 8 o',·lock . Bu siness of the ut mos t im po rtullce de munds your attention. LYII1AN DAY, Co un . ROY PIGOTT, R. S.

----- ..- - -

The funeral of Mrs. Will Starr, who died at her home ncar Mor row Mr, Edward J. Burton, wh o has Miss Ida Weller, of Bellbrook, was Sunday night, was held in the Chupel taug ht in the Wnynt~ Township thc week-end gueet of Mr. and Mrs. this afternoon a nd t he body was inschools for the past three years, has Walter McClure. terred in Miami cemetery. resigned to accept a position as head of th e Junior High school. in the Monr oe High school. II1r. Burton will not only r eceive a very substantial increui!e' in sala. r Y blJ.t will be advanced to hig h schoo I wOrk. Mr. Burton deserves this promotion f or he has com)Jleled his two years of. Normal lind college work, has passed the high school exam inaAn equally interesting and valua- Farm Bureau office in Lebanon by tion and been approved by the State Department of Educ.atlO ll for Junior ble tour I, being planned by Coun ty 8 :3 0 a. ' m., Tuosday morning, or at Agent Class, w'herein ewlne breed- Palmer &. Gil'ton'H store, Mason, by hig h school teuching. The Wayne Township schools will er s and feedera will J'oin with tbose 9 a. m., central Standard time, miss Ed. for he has n ot only done of Butler county an other adJoingood work in the class room, but haa ing counties on Tueaday, August 4th wish to go in the Warren County delgiven splendid scrneO' in coaching to visit half a dozen farm. in Butler egation , are invited to meet at the county, where epaclal planl have An automobile truck equipped with our athl etic teams. The school officials, his fellow beell carried out to prevent 108lel due the latest and mOlt up-to-date aoU to worms and other swine parasites. t esting appltratus and manned by Boil te achers and _the entire community join in wishing him BuccllsS In his Dr. Raffensperger, apedal investiga- f ertility specialista .of Oblo Aar\cul· tor on round worms of the U. S. Bu- tural college, will be used at ten fer· new work. reuu of Industry; Mr. Roblnlon, In tilizer and limeltone meetings to be charge of swine feeding and exper· held in Warren eount, Auguat 6 t o " imenta at Ohio Experiment atatlon, 12, under the dircetion of Count)· and Mr. Paul Gerlaugll, animal hUB- Agent Cla88. The schedule below bandry extenllon spectalist of our will make it convenient and elUlY for Mr. F. D. Dakin, of Kingfisher, Ok· State Agricultural college, are sched- every farmer of Warren eounty to lahoma, hll8 purehased the iDsurance uled to discu88 the various phasel of atetnd one or more meetings; whicb busin ess of Sears & Cartwright, lind silllitution, . feedinjl', breeding and ea!, . be carried out, even though it /lIsa the Sears home on North street. other problems of awine manage- rains: The ·new owner will not charge ment. Thursday, August 6, 1 :30 p, m.un t il September lilt. 1111 the mepnThe county agenta and leading hog Morrow School hll; time Sears & Cartwrlg:bi wll~ give mon of Butler and adjoining eounFriday, Augu.t 71 8:80 a. ' m.yoU tho Rome Berviee aB beretofore. ties, will ·abo bring out· a number of Maineville School hatl. . The Sears family will' not', leave poin~ thJ'Ough their. quaUonl and Frid"" Auclllt 7, 1 :30 p. m,,WaYJ'l csville. . Mr, 'SeatS Willi devote di.cuaaionL . Blltler count, ollclala" ButlerVI!le Chureb yard. '. his entire time to the ;reId estate aDd and Mr. G.rla~h authorlles Coullty Saturday. A.uguat 8. 8 :30 L m.auctioneering busil'e8!I" .': Alrent- CIaU to extelld • ~1aI inVi- alaa9n, Relbold'. ball '. ------~-.~---, tation to . all f~m o(WarnD and Monday Augult lQ,. 8 iSO L m.c lIear .tIarvenblinr. o~~er ' adJoiu~118 countln to Jo~ in Walter Ellie', ,UiIS tour. , . ' ", Iton~.l' A~ 19.,_ 1 130 p. ID.-:This 'lI~m of IwJue 'm~meDt Silver Grove Khool, .Waahh!a'\oD-Tp• Tueada~, AUJrUIt 11,. 8:80 .. _ ........ -_._,...- 'officially mown u "Thil< MoLean County Systom" baa bftn vUy aa~ ~an~avilJ. Grailae hall.. . 011 . \.sf.ctory In iiililoia. and. prom.... to' . Tqeilday, AU8UIt ~11. 1 :80 p. ID.-of be l'apJdl, ad'QIIW liy a great m... ~~boro · .Gl'aJI,IIe IUW. __ JI·_'._ j urlty .o f the. com-belt flirm.ra. ', A\1iU1t 18, 8:30 .. in. 7~~1~~:!~, Detailed IIlana far the triP _ be -Lebanull G~ hidL bl IllCPlrect o~ Co~ . . . . WIdneacIaJ, A " t 1"1:80',, ..

Two . Interestin'g Auto Tours Through Warren County


Business Change


... ..,. ...... --. .•


. ~ kIIoof.ll



have ul!en started by va-

·ri ouR IIgenics who hnve some object in vicw, or rrie n d~ of th e cn nuidateA are t rying to sound out lhe voters of .ee if the re is un y real response to th e rum ors. At last th ree active An. ti .S aloon Leag ue workers a re i'n the fi eld, according to the prt!~s , but as n mutter of fact not one has said perso nally they ex pect to seek the Republica n nom ination . As for the Dtmlocrats not a word has come. It seems to be ge nerally fix ed in the minds of Ohio votors that Vic Donah ey will f oll ow the s uggestion of his many friends and ask fo r a third term. pnd t he Republican nom inee, whoever he is, will know he has been in a fight when he geta through with Governor Vic. There Bcems at this time to be just two things r easo nGbly certain in Ohio polltic~ next year. One is that Prank B. .Willis will ask a second term lUI United States senator, and that Vic Donahey, may accept a third term nomination for the governorship. All other political comment i8 talk just to find out how popular their prospective candidates are. And it is n't telling tales out of school to say that some of these have been bitterly disappointed with the returns whieh followed the pre.mature announcements. As the Bummer days come and go and the leaves turn gold wit b fall weather, one can eX'p ect many mor e "according to fri ends, etc., allnouiu:ementa of prospective. candidacies for almost every offiee to be filled by the Ohio voten from district aB!eSSOr to the governor and senatorship. That prohibition and t he automobile has been lhe caUSe of much' crime a nd in a way r espo ns ible for tlio large increase in the prison population is reflected in the IInllual r eport of the pri~on now in the hands of John E. Harper, director of public welfare. This report shows that during the fiscal year ending June 30, 78 men were r eceived at the penitentiary for violation of the liquor laws, and 80 others for stealing automobiles. In ad diti on t o those sent in for stealing autoB a number of others were committed for crim es directly connceted with automobiles. During the year the prison popUlation was added' to with 66 premanent residents. That many having been Bent in to serve life sentences. Of these 14 were for first-degre e murder, 29 for aecond· deg ree murder a nd 10 for rapo and three for burglury. Central Oh io Democrats are a peace-loving peo ple. This was dem· onstrated when t housands of them gatherctl ut 11 local park an d saw 0 71 8 prospective candidnte fo r the nonai· nntion for th e United States senato rship n ext year crown a rival can dida te for th e same office, as Queen of th e Day. The Ind y selected fo r Queen of Central ohlo Democrats was Mrs. Maude Murray Miller. It happens that the na me of Mrs. Miller, who is the mother of two 80ns who won honor and disti nction in the world war. is men tione d very f re· quently in conn('clio n wi l h the n emut'rntic nom inati on for t he senator. hip next year. When the Democrats elected hur Queen they also elected rnu de Meeke r, locul financier, to do the hon ol's 0 fcrowning her. I t BO happe ns that Mr. Meeker is mentioned just as fr equently f or the senatorshi p next yoar. Mr. Meeker did n ot send two sons to war, because he had only one, but that one .finally ·died after s utfering for several years from aI, ailme nt th ut was contract.ed in the sume worl d war, an d the pl'ice of his servi ce was his life. The thousands of Dcmocruts who gathered to r'see t he crowning wel'et lI:elighted with the harmony that prevailed even among rival ca ndidates for such an im portant office, and if the sland taken by these two prospective can. didates ne"t year is an indieation of the position of other candidates, Ohio Democrats certainly are all t hat is 8uggetitcd in the first sentence-a pea ce-loving people. Residents of Monroe county are the best behaved in a ll Ohio. That is if one should judge fr om the rep. resentutives of the pe nitentiary_ Monroe is the only county in tbe 88 ~f the atate that hasn't a prisoner In the penitentiary. Nine countiel have only one r epresentative in the big prison. These other "good counties" are Brown, Hocking, Logan. Medina, Morrow, Paulding, V;nton, Wyandot and Morrow. They have one prisoner each while Coshoeton, Geauga, Henry, Fulton, Seneca anll Warren have two prisoners each. Cuyuholra, as usual, led the llet ,ot co mniittinents during the year endllll' July 1, by /lending 271. or bringillg in a bout 22 everY month, Countietl whi~h fai led to' send in any prilOnCl'll durmg the past year were Knox, Monr~e, M.organ, Preble • .and Wyandot. FlftY·SIX men were. received dur~ the year to serve life se~tenCe8i .'~ ot this , nuinber lieiDlr .for murder either ill the ~t. O! lecond d~. . - ~.

" . C lett. 'ttl, MI'lml

our happine" are complicated. The way to perform a dlmcul~ and com plicated task is to do .It and do It JlOW. To think of what we sHould huve done yesterday, i8 a total 1088 of mental ener gy. To resolve to do tomorro w what we know we should • do today is a step' in the form ation of a costly prn('tic e--Pl"Qcru~ tl nution . CO ..IMO N PLEAS PROCEEDtNGS Succ ssfu l people nrc those who me t t heir problems of lifo h a l f-wn~ . Juli g W ' ight hus h'en fr'Nlom to And therei n li es t ho reason for their fl u:.' I 'car under t he pa rolc system. ~ U (· ce8S. To them there is vu lue in R(,~ n J orda n, plintiff, wa.~ granttOlluy. They live und act in the pres· ('d iu dg nw nt in thl' c.n~e of RoslI ent, profiting by yesterday's experJ onlnn vs. Hnrry Hawley, A mandn ienc's and plu nn ing the ' morrow to Howl y. Tho lllllS C. Chris tie, IInrlan be of se rvice to thlNll. Ti me, present Fudjtl'. hestcr A. a,"pbe ll nnd The ti me, Is of service to them - they liN Farm srs Trust o. not its .el"vnnl.ll. In the matter of hnrles F. Phillips Traffic ex perts In all pnrts of tho t he world' s fa~test nu tomobile driver. vcr can hllnrl\c his cnr on a dcc(' nt I f we hllve work to do, NOW b vs. S. . Phillips et III. . it Was d,'nitNI ~tnt cs arc \'il·tunl\y nl!' r eed for rncL~ about hun d ling n car. a nd truck - f"'en if ho doc. havo n blow- the time to do it. If we want to creed that premises be Bold nnd th ' )ll ,'C<'e us ot th o snl<, th e . um of that 11 "Nntion111 Cnd .... of driving ~ ugf,(' s tion s f ('r tbe s illll, lest find b('st out. At 1:10 1.0 1:15 mil,," an hou r snve 11 port of our earnings, NOW is the time to begin. If we wllnt to h u's a lmust he lplcRs.1' $41:!7.:.!0 with it\l "r"~l be paid t . iKoal . must h(' ndoptt'd nnd sohooled Rif,(nlli. f nr g" ",)rnl (h·ivin!\" . " I n gc n(' rul driving it isn't spced brenk n bud habit, the time to start "('lIrclc ss n( '~" kills, not s peed ," sny ~ S. C. Phillips: Violn B. Zell be en - into driv er. of <llI tolllobilcs. T he reus"n fo. r this is thnt the Milton. wh l! is in fu ll accor d with su mu ch us reck les.; nI'Rs, tha t ki lls. is NOW. do wed of one third of o n< ~ onc- hunTh" benuty of Jiving In t he prescnt dred nn d I wenly-six th )lnrt of pre m· snle of aulumobi lcs ench vca r is far the idea th at n nati nlll code should Whe n A Ill ll ricll, t he fir<t nOLl on th1lt t"" k to the wheels. leurn" the 'i nside is found in the satis fuctio n of hav ing is ..:s; Clnn': IH"l! J l o h:l.!r~t v tt he e:Hlo w- o utstripping tb e develll pmimt of new be Ild ople d. "f dri vi ng, we will 11 11 know as an done those thi ngs · we fee l are the cd tb,' SlIlIle. C hu rle~ Huwke. Oscnr ruad s; the cu nge.stio n is bccnnling ax iom th 'lt it is not neccssuri ly th e thinKS we should do. Our mind8 are Ed.Wlll0s 111.(1 ;\I" hl" n Hid):,· wcre worse Hnd worse; and th e incrcHse in fust dri" e r, but the selfish. reckless nt pence with ourselves. the number of ncc idents is growing We live n ~ , II ,d CO lllnl is~itln l'rs . with 1\ consciousness tha t ou r clrorl.!< (I I" ignurant drivel'. thl«. ki lls." Ves la' Jlln ~ l\irk l'Hl rick \1'1\ " given II I un ulnrming rate. Tlli>!, ll'o, d,, Tlh'n Mi ll n sU/':f,(e.ted und dem on- a l't! di l'ccted tow31'(18 d,' l\nlte objecdec e " f t1h'ul"(' (' fl'01l1 IInrolli Owen r.pill' the facl thHt lhe nultllllobil(' i~ Tu rn i ng left cor n e r - in pl e n~ s l ""ll'd four si mIle dr iving sig nals, t ; ,·('~ . And os time p: .S8 (·R, Ih" dr KlrkpaLrick and wa ~ r~~tn rl'{1 he r hecI 'l1i ng g il comm on th at virtually ty of t ime thru s t out your arm (! vc r;; driv(>l'is n f,(O(I<i driver. sire uilli will to do t he duti es of lifo " , s ill usl1: L' d herc. nw iden nam ~ , \ ' ('s tll Jun e Spurling. with index finger f'll t e nc.l e d "Si~na l in plellty uf time ," says \\'ill become n purt of ourselves. OnIn some citien and somo states Alo n,o ny wns grantl'd. and point to I ~ft. ~li II O ll. "Don't nul' o uL a luzy hnnd ly th llO UKh meetin g our problems, In th e mntter of Roy D. Rinck nnd specd limits huve bee n rai sed in thl' lit ttll' 135t mumcnt. Re member, you h ea d ~ up lind ready. can we attuln G. F . Cro ud er , parlners. v ~. Jesse '. e tfol·!. to "get tral'll o out of the ,,"oy," T urn ing rig ht corne r- raise arc tryin g to tell "ome one behind Lhe rc~ ull" ea .h of u.s Is cnpable of Gr os.~ . the cns,' waS co mpr o mi ~ ('d and This s(' ~ m s to be prnctica l. l!nd would your (orearm from the e lbow you thn t there is danf,(cr ahead. Your Ilttaining. he morc so were a ll d rivers o»('rutinf,( Bellkd o ut or cou rt and di smissed. 'and pl ai nly p oi nt the i ndelt 8i)!,nnl is just as illlllol'tnllL I1 nd jUHt The grl'nt"~t day in our life is toWll1i nm ~. A <1>1lll 8 , ('tc .• ,·S. David thei r curs under a nati onal code of fin r er to ri ght . ll" Ii fe.sav ing ns u mi h'oud se ma- dny. T}trou/.:h th o U8" of the npporP'ltrkk "t al.. the cn8(, was di ~ mi sse d sij:nu ls--so ttha t ni l drive l'll wou ld phore signal. 011 yo ur Illzy-minded tunities prllsllnted lind successful exkn ow at a ll tim es just whut olher withou t f('cOl d. "Pal' me-'-thruat out ha nd dll~' when your hl'ai n , your arms e uti .. n of ou r day 's duties, we cun . In th e cas" of Iva N. Bowling vs. drivers we re goi ng to do. motion. Be l ure to lound and hand fee l floppy nnd flub by- ·rise to heights boyond nur expectaT he re Is now a movcment on to .J ohn W. BowlinK, the cnse was disho rn wh e n pa,. ina from rear. DON'T DRIVE . The li n,e will come tion . t his end. Co lli er's, the Nntionnl missed for want of proeecution. 1 hat Inzy-minded a nd n";)l'y-nrllll tI ~e to " ~y~ __ • _ _ ._ In th e cnse of Llewellyn Hopkins Weekly, hus taken thp lend in the S io ppinr or back inrIhru.t sigonal"rs will ha ve their Ii cC'nse and nnd Gordon F.SmiLh vs. J ohn I!. movement and in its issue of this out han d with palm f o rward perhal" th ei r cnrs tnken awny from Sheley ct nl.. the ca'e was dismissed week, presents and recom wn ds four and hold Iha t w ay. Look th em." simp ie signals- which, if adoptE'd, for want of prosecution. around b e fore backing . The Collier' s Motoring Si<!'I1IlI. , iInutionallyand used by dr ivers evV. A. Smith wns granted decree of lus trnted with photogrnphs, hllve been erywhere, wou ld insure compn rative di vorce from Mnry Sm ith . mad e inlo Inq.(6 posters for displllY ••••••••• o••••••••••••••••••• •••••• .... ······~······ The case of Veda M. Orn dorf vs. safety a nd permi1. drivers to operate Of course, thore is n limit to in j.(uragl's <la u fillin g stations. There Enrl H, Orndorf wns settled and dis- thei r cars with '11 fee li ng of contlMr. and ·Mrs. J. P . Reid 'hlld cal1~ . . ' speed," continues Milt" n , ""nd t.his arc s m~lIl e l' prin ts to be cnrritld In dence. missed without record. . The edito r of Collier's has go ne to app li es to racing , IlS well. At) 00 the pI' cket or pnsted on the wind- ers from Dnyton last SUnnny . .. In the case of Ruch el Ludlum vs. Catarrhal Deafness . Mrs. Reb ecca Dill had cRUers.from .. Oscnr E. Grismer et nl., judgment of no les8 person than T om my Milto n, to 1.10 mJles a n hour II ny racing dri- s hi e ld. .. otttll 4 \\81)4 by ;'11 ~o n(l'Uon Springfield Inst SUlld a,y . li f .lim bon. $3200 Ilnd interest was decreed. of tile IIIOOOU8 ltnlojr of tb. Eultachlan TIllie. Wh_ . UWo tube .. III!lamed you In the case of Ro chel Ludlum V8 . Messrs: John . A~ams . ahd Ismel ba,.. " nm.bJI.n. lOund or lmperfeet Oscar E. Grismer ct al., oncross peti- 60; A. D. Grapevine, tll'St nnd 'final NOW is Lhe lime t o do the things Scott ate now worldn, in Daylon, ' and HeuInt, 111\1... the , Inftamma.Uon can tion the court granted Oscar Grismer estimate on cont.r act, $500; W. S. we \\"unt to do a nd know we ought F,:arl Marlaft: In .MlclilgtlJ\: be 1'e4UCW;. 70ur b_rlo, may be de.tro714 ton ...". • , , . and Grace N. Grismer r ecove ry of Graham, tlrst and finnl estimate on to do. ....Ipp , qAT.AIUUI JIIIID~ClDnD will $1600 from Alfred A. Graham and contract, 729; Ohio Corr. Culvert Co. I.i fe is Inrgely n matter of deci- party on 'M iss Lois. »nki n, . 0.08 ,plll'h.t , Go what clalDl raz: It-r id ,.our There certainly h as never been a Amllnda Graham . sio n. The success or Ca il Ul e of our last week. at the. honlr pf M,. ; ond'· 11 sewers, $401.30; The Oregonia of C&turh or Deafft.. (Suloed b:r CataJTb. ~ I ,I) time when the averarte A merican In the caso of th e Citizens Savings Bridge Co. , repairs 9n bridge, $46.82, life is wholly dependent upon how Mr s. Gordon, of . Wllyn ?svill~ ... , " '. . 11014 1I:r:.ID ~ for ovwtO Yean. could look forward with more confi Bank and Trust Co., of Hllmilton, va. Western Ohio Grav.e l Co., gravel, these deci sions nre mnde and when . !lt r. Harold Kellis and siltet, Mi. , . . ~...!....~_, .. eo.. Tol• • Oblo. dence to the future of his country Charles Hurley, Nettie Hurley, Wi!- $3.64; Frank Wilson, payroll, $107.- , they ure curried out. It is mu, h Lula, of Xenia, spent Sund ay with By V. E. Cribbs than the present. Iiam Millard and William M. Hurley, 40; Jno. T. Gl<egg, payroll, $37.76; more difficult to think lind act in tire their 'parents, Mr. Frank ·Kellia - Illict; America is steadily forg ing ahead. the court granted the plaintiff judg- Ed en Terry, payi'oll, $178.2 0 ; Eden present thun to f ollow the pllth of hmb. . The country is prosperous a nd is ment in the amount of $4086.00_ Nothing is easy Terry, payroll, $230 .76 ; J os. W. DaOne of tllc tnlKed ies of human li Ce least resistance. Mrs. Ha)l8fprd . Jack ~ ol1 . and , dau!!,h- • bet'lOmlng incrensingly so. The fed tn the case of Julia Baker, vs. Ja- vis, payroll, $690.96; S. S. Walker, is t !l '~ Cailm ' r f individt:als to recog- but slumping. ,eral income tax rates have been stea- cob Baker, the court resorved deci- pnyroll, $92.16. Most of th e problems that uffect ter, Ele411'o r, of Xenia, a~e 8pendlnr ni ze the iml ortance of the prese nt. a few dnys with her uncle _nd 8U'\t, dily reduced doring t he pnst four s ion un t il August 31, 1925, a nd orNOTARY PUBLIC Mr. a nd Mn. Herb~ M.,lal\ ~4, ,aon •. years and further reductions are del'cd Jacob Baker to pay $30 a Edmon_ in sight. The government just c1os- month for upkeep of children in the WI1IJDrawn , t!.I~tes . Settled ed its fiscal year with an unexpect Orphnns borne . . Miss Edna Hendenon Ia lIPendlng In t he case of .Nanc.y Dcwhurst vs. edly large surplus and the nationa a fe w days ' with her ·un.cte arkl aUllt,Waynesville, Ohio debt is being steadily whittled down Jnmos V. DeWhurst, the co urt grantMr. IUld Ml'lI. Arthur Hendlll'llOn, 'i)(.. . I I The for ecast of the Department of cd divorce to the plaintiff and a lso National BaDk near Lebanon. Agriculturc in dicated that the farm- the custody of the two children and '. l Mre. Herbert Marlatt and son, Ed · Drs of the Un ited States will be bless- ordered defendant to pay $30 a mon, Mr. and Mrs. ' EJvil Michael ancl\ ed with bumper crops this year month for support of children. . ' This cross-wor d puzzle was a rrang- cause Mr, Lunsford hall incl uded sevThe United Stlltes has become in- ed by Hnrry Lunsford. We nrC sure eral Lntin words- a nd the y will give Mrs. Hansford Jackson lind dnughter, Wh eat and oats are m ore than com Pearl Trent was gr.anted a decree HATHA W A T ing up to expectations and the corn of divorce f rom John Trent, and cus- comparably the r ichest nlltion in the you will (' njoy it, because it contains you the key to the othe n . If you 'Eleanor, of Xenia, attend.e-d a l urpl'il" world, according to the July nu mber some ve ry interesting information. don't kn ow nny Latin, yo u will know crop pr omises to be one of the big- tody of the three children. DENTlST cst if not t he great~lIt in our hi story Bertha Sears was granted divorce of the National Repu blic, and thill Ii you know IIny Lntin words, you 11 few words, nn yway, by the time Prices of fRlm products promise to f r om Alvin Sears and was ... iven cus- has come a bout n ot thr( ug h exploita- shou ld find this puzzle very ('nay, be- Yl'U hn" e rOnl plcted this puzzle. THEM'S THE MILES , Aad X-O-ORAPHIST' be satisfacto ry and the farmer seems tody of the ch ildren. Defendant tion or injury to other nations, but P ro'u d Motorillt,-"I ' ret ' ....ellti" Ohio. to be emerging from t he valley of was ordered to pay $1 0 a week for by reason of American resources, WQMiYl....· • energy, en terprise and industry. depr ession into which he was hurled support of children. two mile! out of' every glillol) of· cas . Telepbone . 114, Continuing the article snys: by the deflation fo llowing the war. ollne I pour into my CIII'," "Statistics collected from official We are informed hy the busineas KilUo)' -- "Huh, that:r nothl"!,,." NEW SUIITS OmCE: HAl'BAWAY BLDG, interests thnt they look forward so urces by the National Industrinl Clem Glover, went from here to th• to fall busineBS with ren ewed confi Daniel Dawson haa entered suit Confere nce board show that th e Un i. , ON MAIN STREET penitentiary on a half-pint of1> den ce. Favol'1lble June statistics and against ROM Dawson, seeking di- ted Stntes has, as . compared wi th the entire world ; brisk trade in seosonal goods have in- vorce on grounds of grQBS n eglect. Jane Van Tress has entered Buit 6.2 per cent of its population. 'creased th is confi dence. PANSY POSTCARDS :--~~\-----------., .. The Federal Reserve board in its against the Leban onl National Bank 6.7 per cent of jt~ area. preliminary report states that the lind Trust Co., seeking money In t he 37.9 per cent of Its installed wnter powel'. From the' Farmiride Inn department lItore sales in June were amount of $2000. 4.6 pe r cent ahead of June 1924, and Chas. Doughman has entel1!d Buit 67.8 per cent of Its telephone and "You Mid there was no nlrht lif' telegraph wire in use. the nlail order and chain stores in. a~ain st William Doughman, seeking up her e. Ain't there, though? ' M ~ 33.9 of its railwa y mileage. creased their business 14.12 per cent money in th e, amount of $800. qultoe., bed btUrs. ~o....lng COCH, . 82.7 of its automobiles and motor over the yenr previous. Car load etc." truck•. EvEs EXAMINED in!!, f or ~ix months have been five , ~~ ~ PROBATE JROCEEDINGS 48,5 of its eoal prod uction. per cent larger. GLASSES FITIED These ligures indicnte that the LeRoy and Robert Shaffer, exec· 71.9 of its petroleum production. DO THEY M~N Mt~T~LLY1 ," PROMPT REPAIR SERVICE business of the country is on the up utors of the estate of Webster Shaf· 62.7 of its copper smelter production. grade, and t he promise of good crops fer, dece8Bed, tiled the tint account. W ANTIi=D-Bicycle for a boy not "'J and prosp eluty in the farming com 10 the matter of the estate of 46.1 of its lead smelter production. geared too high- From Dexter (Ala.) . Every Thuraday munities ~ive promise of even better Mima E. Reed dece8Bed, executors 21.8 of its cereal production other Chronicle. than wh eat. durmg the coming ycar. were authorized to Bell Liberty bonds 9 a • .m. to 5 p. m. times per ' cent of its cotton producAnd America is in good shape men belonging to the estate at private 62 tion. tally as well as economically. Con sale. ReatRoom in GrangeBldg structive ideas of governm ent were George G. Perrine and George E. 62.6 of its lumber production. never in greater favor in the United Young, executors of .the estate of 60.2 of its pig iron production. 20 Meddles. DOWN Watne.vUle. Ohio 1 States than at presen t. The Consti- Sylvester Perrine, deceased, fil ed 69.8 per cent of its steel ingot and 22 A state (abbr.) . Changes. castinlf production. . t ution of the United States is appre- the ir sale bill. 23 . Limb. 2 Tidy. ciated as never before, and th e for ces Allie Calvert, administratrix of 70.999 of Its rublber consumption . 2~ A snappish bark. A tin container. Main Office': MONEY LOANED "The complain~t that the Un ited 3 of socialism and decadence have, for the estate of Sylvester Perrine, de· 26 Perceive wit h the eyes. High noo n (nbbr.) . States prospen at the expenSe of the 4 the mome nt at least, been halted. ceased, filed th ei:t; sale bill. 28 Unit. 924~ South ·Brown Street, wander. T o 6 The difference between Americn GeOlge E. Young, as executor of rest of the world i.s made in igno30 A taille." j umping amphibilln, LQAN~ . on Chattelll,S~ocka, Securi: 'ONr SI,m. Th.ater 6 Nickname Cor Irene. and Europe is still pronounced and the estate of Thaddeus D. Morris, rance. It prospers because it pror ese mbling the frog. tics and Secpnd MOf'tgages. Note. duces a ll out of 'proportion to pop. 7 A bbr . for our President. Qa}rt"on. Ohio every patriotic citizen of Yankeeland deceaeed, filed his flrat account. 32 F lexible stem of a palm. bought. John H.iblne Jr., · Xeni ... 8 Wh oli! quantity. should take enoug h time off every Application to admit the will of ulation and area. Other portions of 33 Grain ~o be. ground . Ohio. -m30.'26 '. 9 Scttling of liquor; dregs. '34 A girl's name. day to Tender thun ks to Providence Susa nah Whetsel, deceased, to pro· the world of equal area are almolt . Laden. as rich in resources_ America has 10 that he is an American.-The Na bato will be heard July 24, 1926. 36 A child's · ga me. To mllke ripe. prospered becamle she produces, 13 tiona l Tribune. 37, At se n, earns. Her production is based, on 16 A loose or ragged edge. 39 Stand (Latin). To cndeav· o r. MARRIAGE LlCENES the highest labor costs in the world. ~~ To mnke II will . 41 Devoured. Farmen . Warren and ,' adJolnln, ED PURDY'S PHILOS Raymond Van Hall, Franklin, me- Most of it is consumed within the 21 To f ully satisfy. 42 Bachelor of Lawa (abbr.). counties ma, obtain mon., on . lonl borders of the United Staes," 23 Bends for su pport. chanit-, a nd Alma Doris Cook, Frank44 Fit to be eaten. ""m not .a,.in, that Pete time 101ln, at. i; '" per cent jntereaL lin. 47 Abbr, of famous president. FOR SALE BILLS AND GENERAL Dex ler i. a fool--but if b. i.n' t 25 A sqad of mono l 48 To move or pass over with fric· Coat of seeurlng the,uuid. vetJ r;ee. ; tben be' • • darned ,ood •• rd.n 27 Befo r e (poetical). PRINTI~C. CALL THE GAZETTE. t ion and pressure. COMMISSIONERS REPORT 1I0nable ,through Tbe,: : ~n. \ tbe way be keep. thou,hta locked 28 Smallest of lhe five GJ'n a~ Lakes He asks (Latin ) : up in h i. brain cell • . " (abbr.) . ~~ Epoch. 'Bank. For further Information CliUf. Staknlta Mfg. Co., boo k for Pro\ T p urge. C~SIFIED ADS. PAYS THE ADbate Court, $43.50 ; The Columbus on"or "dd~e.. 1II. ~ C. DRAXWo Tre_: It is predicted that America will ~~ 62 A single person or thing. Blan k Boo k Mfg. Co., supp lies for be t he first natio n to out law smo ke, 34 Devou red THE BOY IS RIGHT urer, phone 316·X, Le~n9nr Ohio. .'t Relative (abbr.) . VERTISER MORE THAN A HUN French painter who fou nd ed f lr54 Probntc Court, $10.00 ; The W. B. .. mous French school. 66 He will be (Latin) . Diggers-"Bill Simpkins is sure Carpe'hter' Co ., su pplies for Common soot and ashes by using gall fuel inDRED PER CENT. TRY US, WAN'rtD , 56 A manufacturing city of Jupl'n. Iy putting th e people of this town to Plens COUl t , $3.66; L. E. Kratzer, stead of solid fuel for heating pro- 36 An nncient proverb. Otl-~ses in shops and factories. It 38 To charge with gas or air. 5:1 Last name ot a president . . . t he acid test. " photograph of prisoner [ or iden tifiea- will be fir st to have its homes heated 40 Used for rowing. The Goat- "Row So?" tion, $1.00; Weste rn Stur, proof of =;:==============:± f 'UA.;:illl-'l'·o,r gas, thermostlltically controlled. 41 Al titude (abbr.) . . . . IJ11lm'~n dl., Diggers--" Hc's now a bootlegger,' publication, $15.00 ; Miami Gazette ,' by The increasipg use of gas Is an Goddess of the moon ' lInd nlonths An.war to La.t W ••k'. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::' proof of publication, $11.90 ; Valley inevitable lesult of modem demands fl3 Telephone Co., phone rent, $4 7.2 5; Cor comfort lind e fficiency, to which 46 Mosaic Law (Hebrew). Valley T e lephone Co., phone toll, must bo added the growing convic- 46 A aoothing application. $23.60- Alfred C. Brant, office post- tion that human life and property are 47 A set of three. age, $ 1; Mamie Retallick, dragging ~ ulferin g in rBlcula ble damllge from 49 Large. 51 To go astray. r oad, $4 .50; Ed Daley. 12 yard build- the smoke evil, 58 Preposition . ing sto ne, $4.2 0 ; Morrow Hardware The progreBS 01: fuel conservation 66 Half an em. store. bo lts, scrlews, etc. , $3.06; Ray depends upon the progreu of ~as AIII.IIaI · . Gaskill, 17 gal. oil for tractor, U. 70; utilization. The pu blic is beginnmg ·A;y.l ar'.Ht&>' ..... . .r"~ " .' ACROSS A. F. Mee ker, 1000 lb. coal , $3.60; to Bee this truth and act accordingly. W. C. Turton, cement, $1 0.76 ; Mor- The gas indu8try has grown because 1 Implement used to hold ship , in one place. " row Garage, repair on truck, $6.00 ; It haa saved coal, labor and money Date your ..I•• with u.. : W.lguarantee 6 To ·reQO llect. Spencer and Armitage, furnishing for the public...__ .0_____ • ati.faction or charge nothing. 11 Not f at. and hauling gravel, $76.00; Roy 12 A nllllve mineral. Glosser, repair on road, $68.26; The BLONDE BE:SS OPINES 14 A girl's name. Bar rett Co., 6 barrels tarvia, $61.71; 1& A eolor , "M, Lo .. pia,.. for bi, ....k. The Barrett Co., 10 barrels tarvia, 16 To spoil. -be Hirt. .0m.tbiD. t .....ibl. $128. 13; J . D. Adams Co., grader Phone No.2 Phone No. 320 18 Meadow. witb th. ..Itr.... ·at Ioi. Dooa· blad es, $27.2 0 ; A. D. Grapevine, first 19 And (Llltin). d.,. caE . ... a nd flnal estimate on contract, $576.·


Madden's Lumber Yard Waynesvile, Ohio

Illustrated Above


2 3



w. <0




:-_----- --_.-








This Week's Cross-Word Puzzle

DB. H.E.


---'- . - ••--=--


Will F~ Young , Optometrist

..- ---.-


CLASSIHEO ADS. ...........




Farmers, Attention!



Smokelens Nation


F~ T. Martin ,Jesse Stanley




Centerville, O.

New Burlington,O.

I'M T~'




GoHNA. 5NI! ....


Po" AN'

sea t-4dw -nt' LO..,61ZS


TwO er&TnN'





The MIami tlllleUe .


'1t •••


GA Z ~ TTE.I' ••







. T~m(\.!!_9111iam and wife, of Harveysburg, were Sunday guesU! of the Jacobs family. Harold ?!~ cKay and fami ly were Sunday guests of the McKay !amily, in Wilmington. Rev. Croshy, (I f Tippecllnoe Bnptist church, was a call er at the Mannon home Sunduy e ve nin g , Dr. Lee Cha pma n and family, of Lancaster, Ohio, s pe nt Thu l'HclllY with F. S. JIar t.." ock lind wi fe. Ge orge P otts, of Woost er, Ohio, culled on R. ,). Mun'uy lu ~ t wee k in the in te re~t of th e B ell Bros. Mrs. II a nn nh Bogun and 50n, Bert, were Sunday guests (I f Chnu ncey Bunn ell and famil y, ncar WnynCS\'iI\ e Mrs. Kathe ri ne .JIll·dan find f nmily fl ttc.nd cll th e fun eral of MiRS .Josephin e t:;u ll iv un, ut Spring field , Ohi o, last Sut urday. K. E. Thompso n atte nd ed u hog meeting and bnnquet of the oHic er" in Dayt on on 'ru<, gduy "v(·ning. Jul y 14, and repo rt s Ih <- r(' will be less cor ing of individual and more co mparative judg ing of hogs this year. Howa rd McKay and family, Mrs. W. A. Starb uck, Mrs. Milo Hunt, " f Whi t ti er, Cia ., a nd Mary E. Bailey , of Wilmington, Wel'l! Sunday guests of Miss Muy Hurl a n, at he r beauti!u'l country hom e ncar H ickoryville. Mrs. Edith Sheeha n Him es, of Centorvill e, a t tended Sunduy-Schoo l here Sunday morning. It will be rem embered thnt Edith attended Sund aySchoo l here when just a small child. Mrs. George Leibert and children, of Chicago, al~ spending severa l days with the J ordan family. Thirty o ut of the 60 Y. M. · C. A. boys, of Middletown, who are camping at the river near Prendergast's, where th"y have seve ral large t ent8 fj've large sleepi ng tents, one2 0x40, dining tent 36x 18, rainy-day tent, three officers' t ents, one t oilet tent, hik ed to F lat Fork last W ednesday with their butterfly n eU!. They captured quite a num ber of butterftys on their way, also finding in Flat Fork some pieces of rare brycoan, which are so scarce that they have only been found in one layer of the earth crust at the Upper Whitewater, each tiny piece about the size of a small beauty pin, and worth from five to fifteen dollars, to geologists.


Mrs. Emma E llis and sisters 'e nter -

at the postomeo at Waynosville, 0., as Se'c:ond Class Mail Matter tained a number of ' relatives, S~n day .

-:so .




Sears & Cartwright

lIIr. nnd Mrs. C. E . J ohns spe nt Wed nesdu y in Dayt on. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Everett Villars, of D. L. CRANE, Editor and P"blilhor, W.yno",illo, Ohio Mr. un ci Mrs. Cltnr lcs Clark were Dayton, were week-cnd g uests of relDuyl on visitors, Friday. atives, here. Subscription Price, $1.50 per year. MI'. Gu y Rout zahn mude a l:.u 6ine s~ Mrs. Anna VUI1Dol'cn is ~ Ilending a few days wi th her da ug hter, Mrs. tr ip to lJuytl1 n, W" d nesduy. Frank Curl. Mrs. Cly ti e Co x wns 011 over -SunPropert)' insured with us is placed Mrs. R. H. J efferi s is driving a new day g uest of r elati ves at Ingol\lnr. Ford Sedan, a birthday gift from Th e r ~ will ue no preru:hing services in the-veI"Y S t rongest Companies, at WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1925 her husband. during ChuutlluqUia an d Sundaythe same rates charged by weak ones . Dr. und Mrs. C. G. Rund a ll and school will be at 9 :30. Property sold by us at Auction IS sure . Miss Helen, were shopping in LebalIIiss Il een Hall , of Waynesville, DRIV~ A«aINST DEATH to bring its value, and the amount ers against the certainty of etrnal non, Thursday. spent lusl wee k at the home of Mr . • . _ PEPtALTY punishment. a nd 1111'S. Harry McGinnis. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Varvall a nd fam of Dollars and Cents is what counts. To kill or not to kill will be a ques- i1y, of Dayton, W(! r c week-end g uest s The LyLle hnse ball team defented Cl8~ence Darrow, rcgardpd by Wil- tion that will arousc more than aver- of Mr. a nd Mrs. Ell Brown. th e fast Da yton Bnrs las t Sundny, liam Jenninp Bryan as the jfrcatest age interest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson have as the sCll rc bl' ing 12 t o 2. agnostic In the United States, backed by Dudley Field Malone, another arch New Yor k haa now introduced the th eir hUlIse ~'ues t , 1III·s. Wilson's Mr. lin d Mrs. A. O. Williams and enemy of the Fundamentalists, Uni· jazz funeral, hymns being syncopated cousin, 1111'S. Wright, of Logan. Mrs. Melvina Stucy, of Dayton, visted State S,~~tor Royal Copeland to fox trot t empo in one of the select Mi. s Leo nn J ohn son , of Ci ncinna ti, ilcd Mrs. Chloe Sides, S unday. ". - - -::::::::=:= and a numbttr of prominent rrimi- Broadway funeral chapels. At least is s pending some t ime with Miss LuMr. an d JIll's. Ro bert Durnett und nologl.ta, Pl1ehologists, psychiatrist8, this shouJd make us feel that conSOli mov ~ d to Dnytoll last week. Mr. surgeoll' and prbon officials, are now gratulations were in order for . the tic Vun<lc rvo ol·t, ~t The Springs. Mrs. W. H. Ogden with hill' Sun- Burn eLL has e mploy me nt th ere. to lead amoyement to abolish capital stal' of the ceremony. day-Schoo l chI'" of g irls an d boys, Miss Bl'rnic c Gmhll Ol spent lust punishment In livery Ktate of the UnAfrican natives were disappo inted pic niccd at Schantz' park, Thtlrsday. wee k nt th e co ulltry home of Mr. a nd ton. It i. plannlld to open the attack on "Iegallz ~d murder" In the because the Prince of Wales would i Mrs. Id a Howe and son, Harry, arc Mrs. Chu1'lcs /-1 01'111 <: 11 , ncar Ridgestate of New York_ Eight states al- not allow th em to continue dancing entertaining her mother, II1rs.' Mary vi lle. I FUNERAL DIRECTOR ready have · abolished state killing. for him until one of the numb er Alie n, and other r elativcs of LebaDr. and Mrs. L. B. lI ull and chilS~MARY'CHURCH . Four ·l Itat..el- Oregon, Washington, dropped dead, according to c us tom . non. dren, of W II yn c8viH e, were Sunday Th e regular Church :-;"h o,,1 a nd Waynesville, Oh io Arizona and Missouri , re-established They wouldn't make such objection if uests of 1111'. and 1\1rs. Hurry McMr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier, nee gGinni Morning. e n ·ice will 1"' 1 !Iv hd t! a l capital runlahment in 1918, but this a few Kin\r8 started to dance.· s. Nellie CumpLell, uf Spring Va lley arc thi s church dur i n~ the ",nnl h " f Au " ' action I II believed came as a re.ult Mrs. Marga re t You nce , of WaySome of the Ohio girls who r oll announcing the birth of 1\ te n-pound of hysteria during tbe war. u~ F ully E q uipped for Good . nesvill e, and Miss Kuthryn Clark . Pilnolotlstl ,pretty generally, re- their own ure now painting th e ir dllu~hter . Rev. J ohn J . Schaeffa, Rec tor. Service. spcnt Thursday with their grand moth p:ard oaprtal jlUnllhment as a relic of knees, so that the scen ery in th e Mrs. Emma Clin e a nd son, Mott, barbarism ,and they produce amaas street cara muy be more attractive. Ellrl lin d J ame s, of O"yton, visited c r, Mrs . Mary Cal·mony. Large Display Ro om METHODIST CHURCH of .tatla\lol\ to prove that the penalty Art students are increasing in num- Mrs. Clar u Morritt and othe r r elaThe J ohn Robin son show train of Ambulance Service falla ehieft.y. on the poor and the help- ber. tives over the week-end. forty cars and three engilles passed Sabbath School, 9: 16 a . m., preachIe... The religiou8 8Ipect will not be ____ J ____________________~ thro u ~h here early We dnesday morn ing at 10 :30 a. m. Epworth League ~TELEPHONE 7 D AY OR NIGHT Mrs. W. L. Harvey has gone to ing, enroutc to !Juyton. A visiting Prince tells U8 that man ofticlally Introducted into the argu6 :46 p. m. Preaching at 7 :3 0 p. m., ment, .thou&,b It is ell petoted , if oppo- may have come from monkey but spend so me time wiLh her sister, Mrs. Wednesday evening Prayer meetin g , Quite a number (If mell from he re &ltlon de.velops among the ranka of American women certainly came Henry Murphy, near Le banon. Mrs. 7 :80. Everybody invited to these the chu~b1l'0ers, they will find them- from Heaven, and, of course, there Harvey has been in poor healt h f or attend~d the Carl Lentz sa le near services. some tim e. Five Point s, Wed nesday. Albert cannot be any dispute about that. aelve. on tbe horns of a dilemma. Rev. L. A. Washburn, Pastor. Ol!lcially, of course, the, governmen~ Mr. and Mrs. W. P . McCarren and Stacy bought n number of cattle. A Brooklyn man is suing because Evalyn, spen t Sunday in Duyton, with ba. no religion. Unofticially, howMr. und .l\Irs. Ralph .Johns, Mr. e.ver, ~h. AD\erlcan people are record- his wife won't cook. Over in Eng- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCarren. Rhea Frank Smith, Mr. a nd Mrs. F'm nk FERRY CHURCH OF CHRIST ed asl a' Chili.i ian people, and It is land a man Is suing beeauN bl" wife BC<lompanied them home, after a two Rogers atte nd ed the funeral of Mr. Dentist Morning Service 9 :30 a. m. . Bible ,poInted out th'at Christianity and cap- docs cook, thus presenting to the ju- weeks' visit. Frank Hecath orn, at Miamisburg, last School, Commun ion and serm on. EvItal p~nbhment cannot stand on the diciary a gastronomic poser. Wednesdny. ening Service 7 :30 p. m. Song Ser- Waynesville National Bank Bid, Dr. and Mrs. Will Oglesbee and . . . . 'J ,hltform.. It ill held that even vice and sermon. AI1 are cordially Messr s. Cliff Morris and family Mr. Darrow thinks Mr. Bryan i. Mr. Freeman , of Cl eveland, wh o have JJaoucfa man.! may have the right to invited. ellTY hill judpent Into the next the leading eXJlone nt, of monkey been summ ering in the cottage on and Frank M(I)'1'is and fam ily, of \laywOl'ld, that' It ia impossible, ' by judi- bUline81 and Mr. Bry.,n thinks Mr. Pleasant View farm, started, Wed- ton, were Wednesday afternoon cullelal ruliDg to fil[ the hour of possible Darrow is properly a Zoo-ologist, so nesday, on a motor trip to Portland, ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WiIOur Bible. School is steadily ga in !ium Cox. Oregon. ing and the " Summer Slump" is not I'epen*an~e , ~",d so safcg'uard offend- take your pick. in evidence. The average attendance Mr. and Mrs. Cll/de Wha rton had The Missionary Circle of the Bapfor July was 40 per cent better than tist churh, met with Mrs. C. H. Death- for their Sunday dinn er g uests, Mr. June, and 70 per cent above the avThe Eye Sight Specialist erage, of Beech Grove, W ednesday ant! Mrs. Arthur Grcathou e and two erage for May. Now another boos t afternoon. The meeting was well at- children and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grcatfor Augu st. All together I tended. Mrs. W. C. Raines having house, of Dayton. rl\arge of the lesson read two interSeveral of our fammes brought Mrs. All e n Emri ck and daughter, esting stories of the lives of immi- Gl a dy~, an d th e ir gu ests, Mrs. Leo n Mr. James Smith is moving back their visiting friends and relatives gra:lt girls in Amrica. The hostes- Sulis bul'Y a nd ch ildren. we re dillner to his own home this week. with them to our services last Lord's ses, Mrs. Deat.h erage, Mrs. N. E. Ben- guost . nt th e home or Mr. and MI'S. Day. A very commenda ble thing to Mrs. Marguerite McMichael is the do. Thanks -come again! nett served delicious sandwiches, Cha rl es I\ uug h, on Wednesday. guest of ,Mrs. B. M. Spitler. pickl es, cakes, coffee and mints. F /'II PI1 .. of iuly, 1895 Mia ...;. D.f.a' Pen... R. R_ 8:00 a. m . to' p. m. Plans are laid for an evangelistic Mr. a ud Mrs. Seth Furnas, of SoMrs. Amanda Smith, of ChiCago, meeting to begin August 16. Full The game, Saturday afternoon, Mrs. W. T. Jordan entertained in cin] Row, arc enterta ining the latis the guest of Mrs. Mary Spitler. with the Penna' "R. R. club', was one honor of Mr. Jordan 's birthday, Sun- ter's parents, Mr. IUld Mrs. J . T. Bill announcem ent later. WWat Cro. II Silort of the belt of the season, and was day, Mrs. Catherine Jordan , Mis8 of Richm ond, Ind.; a lso Frederick ,Mrs. Warner Morris, of New Bur- . The new s ign tells the tourist8 that It II noY( prett, .well established clo.. enough all through to be in- ~annBh Jordan, Mess rs. Edwin, and Chas. Richard Grel!'g, of Indian- lington, was brought here for burial, they are now pussing by the Ferry Sunday. that the .h4lll~ crop ' will not exceed tere'Bting. The visitors wen t to bal Frank, Bernie" George and Alfred apolis. . Church of Christ. first and sco'r ed one, With three J ordan, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owens, half that of 184~ )lear, anq . the .. ~oE' men on b8les Keuter made a thre e- of Franklin, Mrs. Nellie Liebert and The body 'of Mrs. McIntire, wh) The Lord 's House, on the Lord's Mr. a nd Mrs. Andrew Cox and un.u.' ot opinion amonl farme ... and, balM! hit In the first and the Miamis chlldreh, Kat herine, June and Juni or grandson, of South Lebanon, spent died in Oregon, was buried here, Day, ls the place to flOd the Lord'. tbJ'f.bermcQ Is that the asme .number Icored five whieh gave them a lead of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. A. Z. Hart- Thursday with the former's cousin Monday. 'people. of acres f~ ~~~erably. below that the Penna bOYI could not over- ~ock and children, Kenneth, Sarah Mr. William Brow n and wife, and i~ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McKee spent - - - - . - ...- - ---50 per cent of .the crop threahed in come. After the first inning th ere Catherine, Anne Louise and Joseph the afternoon called on Mr. and Mrs. a few days this week with Mrs. Fan18114. nit tbere are .ome very,ood wele few errors made "nd the game Walter, Harold Jordan, of Redding, Joshua Chenoweth. Administrator's Sale of nie McKee. piec" ot'wbeat' h'ereaboutl, and ~e.. aeWed down to nip and tuck fight and Mary ClU'olyn Lukens. Callers Mr. and Mrs. James Johns in comReal Estate. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnson, of a~. in tile !vaney eut of town. ,. to win. The umpire came with the in the afternoon were, Mr. and Mn. pany with Mrs, Charles Rye and Miss Cedarville, were Sunday guests of couple of weeu ago we noted the visitors and h seemed disposed to do David Winner, !IIr. Elsworth and Miss Mildred Hole and Mr. and Mrs. Ed yield ot 28 buahela per acre on a the proper thing though, of course, Mae Winne r and friend, of Dayton, Longacre and daug:hters, will move Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Peterson. W E CET THE Y QU:CK L~- A.ND In purs uan ce of nn order of the 17-aere plee ... of corn ground on the 'there was some kicking. The fielding and P. B. Cleaver. All de'parted at to Chautauqua Thursday, where they MTII. Sarah North, of Springfield, FREE OF CHARGE farm of Newt .Bunnell. 'fie are now of Harry Huffman in center, and the a latc' hour wish ing Mr. Jordan many will camp during t he session. was a recent guest o.f her ~rand­ Probate Court of Warren County, Ohio, 1 will offer for sale at public CALL IJS ANY TIME AT OUR authorized to report a Yield of 80.4 work of Spencer at Bhort were fea- happy returns of the day. daughter, Mrs. Arch Copsey. auction on the 3rd day of August, Mr. a nd Mrs. AUen Emrick enterbuabela per' aero from!" field of te~ tures of the game. ~core, 10 to 8 in EXPENSE Mrs. Alice Johnson and daughter 1925, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the aer_ on. t.he farm of Mdt KellS. T~1Il favor of the Miamis. tained on Sunduy, Mrs. Leon Saliswere Sunday guests of Mr. and ,Mn premises in the Village of Corwin, WII IOW1\ on tobacco ground, tha~ Ill, bury and children, o f Cleveland, Mr. UNDER A NEW LABEL Warren...COllllty Ohio, the following ground tlJ!at WII In tobacco lut year, and Mrs. Mark Wi Is-on and three chil- George E. McKaig, of Springfield. Died in Rich",ond, lad. HARVEYSBURC, O. and . WII aJao bottom land, Mr. dren, of near Be llbr oo k, and Mr. and Miss Sarah Harner is home on a descltibcd reu l estate, situute in the PhoD. 8 Key.' erop of 35 acrH averaged 14 .... Woodrow Warner an aged Mother-UF'r heavens sake, m-dear Mrs. J. B. Thomas, of Centerville. vacation before takin~ training for a County of Warren, in the State of Ohio. Being Lot No. Two (2) as 23 buahela. .It.1I of &he Poole va- lady wbo with her buaband, formerly - why does that young man, Joe The Misses Herman, ' of Dayton nurse at Christ hospital, Cincinnati. designated on the orig inal plat of the riety, from Ned pown on Caelar'. lived In Wayne,ville, died at her home Brown, wear such a wide belt? " entertained friends Ilt a S-o 'cloc k din~ Mr. and Mrs. Arch Copsey and Town of Corwin, in the County aforeereeK bottomL On the other hand In Richmond, Ind., Monday, and was Oaughter-"l don't know, mother; 5 P RAY · Sunday, at the Ruth -Meriam children were g uests, Sund~y, of Mr. said. The No. of the house thereon we heard • farmer lay be knew of burled in Miami cemeteJ1y on Wed- but I think the same reason that ner farm near here, e'er their departllre and Mrs. George Reed, of Spring- is - - , facing Main Street. The a fann where 600 bu.heb were har- nesday' lIervlce. belnr beld at the President Roosevelt wore red, white for Europe, with th,eir father, Dr. H. field. nearest street on the South is J ohn v.ted lilt year . aud with the sam. cemetery. The funeral ""as one of and blue suspenders." N. Herman, on Tuesday of this week . . acre~ 'IOWD -thl. year, there was the largest ever held .from the ataP. S._ uTo keep his pants up."The funeral of Mrs. Florence Hum- Street; and the nearest street on the tion, .ixty · or more vehicles being Editor's note. not ••heat cut. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routzahn and ble was held at the Priends church, north is the WayncsvllJe and Harin the proce8llion, Clarkaville, Wild~u ghter, . Geneva May, in company Thursday afternoon, conducted by veysburg Road. There is no stleet HAVE YOUR HOUSE, BARN OR mington, HarveY8burg and other plaWith r elatives from TIppecanoe City, Rev. W . E. Bogan. on the east. OUTBUILDINGS PAINTED BY ,. ~.~ ~al!'rl.. Out were largely represented. The motored to Ashley, Ind.; Saturday Said real estate has been appraised THE SPRAY SYSTEM AU alonr the Little Mlami river cea A numbe r of the people here atin the sum of Eleven Hundred DOl.nelghbo ... of Mrs_ Warner Mr. and Mrs. Howell Peirce, for- and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs' from till. place, but etlpeclally from 191mer tended the county Sunday-School Perry Clinger and fam ily, the latte; la rs, and will not be sold for less than Mor w down, the bankl are dotted bear teltlmony to the excellent qual- merly from here, but now of Spring- being conve ntion, held a t Yellow Springs, two thirds of said appraised value. a sister of Mrs. Routzahn. of the deceased 811 wife and field, were among th~ attendance at with the white tenta of tile cam pel'll ities Thursday and Friday. neighbor • . She had been an invalid Terms of sale arB cash in hand on Can 01 for pricel, etc. W. ,uarante" the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Warnwbo have come in 80me CUM Bfteen for the put seven months. Frances Johns, the little daughter our Work . er, and were entertained by Mrs. Sal- of Mr. ' and Mrs. Ualph Johns has ,Mrs. Wm. Humble is caring for day of sale. or t""enty miles to apend a feW' days WALTER CAREY. lie' Murray. and IIlgh.. along the beautiful Miami, ~ee~ quite. sick thE! past week: but her da ughter-in-law, Mrs. Chester Administrator of the estate Humble, of the Be llbrook pike, who is aDd tempt the wary b811 with their Ollau Not •• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roberts, of IS shghtly Improved at t his time. of Alexander Emley, deceased weU baited hooka, or elae have come Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kirby, . Mr. and Mrs. C_ R. Binegar of very ill with tuberculosis. M. C. Drake, Atty. Park Leak ls In . Waynesville fpr WAYNESVILLE, OHIO from Cincinnati to get a tute of the lummer. Jamestown, Miss · Minnie Record: of of Franklin, Mrs. Brelsford and so n, -------..--~-----lNIIa air and a glimpae 6f cOllntry Timothy, of Centerville, were guests Dayton, were Su nday guests at the .~. There I. no reu'ob ' \1(b, the Mias Winnie Wise circulated among of Mn and Mrs. Horace Murray, the h~me of Mr. and Mrs. Walter K enriM. tle Mhlml ahould not ~ a pOpular Xenia friends on Sunday. first of tbe weel;. • . ~ with camJlffa. Sparkling Mr. and" Mrs. W. C. Barnett and party composed of Misses Lizzie A , of eool Qlea~tlr ate foul\d Lo,u returned from their New Borden, Lucy Rogers and Julia KiI. 1 onll the bank;. tJle )\:enery 'b MilS Mrs. Cu rless is enjoying a visit bon, and Messl B. W. J. Kilbon, Allie I PauiI and the wat'1' at ,the .tream York vialt on Wedneeday. (rom h~r mo ther and brother, of nea r an pure, not beiri, JI~ftled with. tbe .14181 Ella S. Ebrlllht 1'etur;ned home Haines and Carl Henderso n spent Cincinnati. of any ditl'" \11' the refUM lait, Saturday,. after a pl~t vaca~ Thursday at the Soldiers' home, eatin&, peanuts and riding on the merryA Mr. Pennington died at his home Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith, of Co· factoR'1 ..,bUe the, flab- tlon of several da)'l In Dayton_ go-round and the roller conster. in Ore~onia Monda~' afternoon . lumbu s, were the week-e nd guests of .iI1l4l~ than intmo.~ On account 8f 10 manYl ahootin-g Itream" ~ ·wllq . live~ l near acrapea the people of Hal'VeYllburg John O. Cartwright has been spend- . Ed Jordon Is at Hyde Park, visiting relatives here . 7"-~ '..------_._ do np~ apprecia ita are thln~ of ,movilllr the town ov- Ing this week at home assisting his hIS brother, Wayland, lind family. Members of Lho Mill er and Nogadvan~ei, but 0 ers father in threshing out the crops and , IInding p',m out. Tbere ~ Into Kentucky. Robel/t Davis and little Nelso n gle families atten ded their a nnu a l making plana for fall work. It is picnic at the home of W. C. Mill er why In .• ' ClomParatl~~ly ., Membel'll of the Old S~hool a8l0ci- remarkable how John takes to fann- Gillian is on our s ic I< list this week. on the Wilmington-X enia pike, Su nmore the Littl. -:MIaml riv- atlon will please meet at the Town- ing. The young ladies are perfectly J. Lee Talmage , of South Lebanon day. • p""'oulld not, be almoat ·. Rhine or 'a ship houle S':tur'day evening, July delighted to think he is devoting his spent Sunday evening with his hom~ The bUJ-a-boo of evlfJ' ~ Raymond Carr, Carl and Dorothy 27. BUlan W, Hainee, See'y. attention to agriculture. folks, here. man's life IS dlsh-wasblng. Wltll Conard and Marj orie Hayd ock are atbard water it is a ellsagreeabl-. tending the Young F riends' conference at Richmond, Ind. dillcoura~ng task that nc1dene the bands, wearles the body, IUicf Resid ents of So uth Burlington have bee n noticing frequent appearusually ends with an unIl,btly: S.... R ...o.. ances of frost in that neighborhood. £retlsy film over everytb1ng. .It seems to . be limited to a very W~DMr.u" Soft water Is the boua8wife'. small area, however. .. lr.ttll1re-p .." pNlu.. .agreatest boon. In It soap lathera ••tI. 1...lteL Wm. and Maude Harlan were .. w_ ...... freely, harsh washing c:ompounds gU\!sts a part of last week of Mr. . .. . . wit..... utra ......... are unnecessary. and the ·ell. . . and Mrs. J. C. Piekin, of Dayton. .. meOcrleallF ........ ..att .. taJl'" The Picklns' sailed for England on dry easUy and quh:kl1. with ~ .. iloilo, .~ Saturday f or a visit with Mr. Picklab that pleases. ins' mother and other relatives. .. A ........ ...rt..tItL





Insurance and Public Sales We Specialize on Good


Phone 61--2 Office, Aman Bldg. Waynesville, Ohio


---- .~


Walter McClure


....=...;- - -


0 ... John W. Miller




At Cary's Jewelry .Shop Lebanon, Ohio






Harveysburg Fertilizer· Co.


Lasts Longer Looks Better






_re a. ,_







-------... She Misunderstood ~ ----




.. . .VaacleYm..:Aeta ... P_t~ aM""" Eatlre mange ...,..,.. .yer, "Sudu'and TlnandaT. Contbiuous performtro.ldO to 11:30 P. M. AltenOO1l prlcea 20c uul SOc. ...

It is frequently the case that country newspapers make favorable men tion of Individuals and their business. There is one editor in a country town rio more, perhaps, as who will do long as he is in the newspaper work • He had occasion to speak of an estimable ludy whe was engaged in the millinery business, writing that, "he Wits gratified to sec her stocking up." She met him on the street, and to bis great surprise struck him in the face with 'a n umbrella, calh:d him a liar anfl said she would tell bi~ wife. He read the item over a hundred timea to see if there W8I anything spiteful or wrong in it. Hla locals are all " itten and paid fol' by hll cu.tomera ., n~w.--':'Exchange. .




wrought 1I'0Il





• N.

-fie ...d mount lamp..

but do "

not ' handla .

. WILLV " •• ~U . Mel" 1411 Ludlo~




Daytofl, 0111..

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THE INDI,CATIONS 'Guest-'~Qulte 10m. boy you havtl ICind 'of a mau I am lookiDC fol'." ~ere, Bill. What do you think he Voice from reaI'"'-"l'm the 1111; I will do when ~e grows up'" can dri v~ a truck." Bm-"I -datu h' II lr9inl to be a

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lUre city water service. En~ _ automadc-nothiDc ' to au.4 .IQ . , or wateb. Water may be pJpe4 .. bathroom and laUDdiy. Tho Duro wa, II the ~

WBT. KaT be IUtaW til'..... old ot new bom. ,.,. ~. . . :::

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~ Ir~ lin d Mrs. Ch "r1 ~s Anderso n II r., vis it ing in Co lu m bu ~.

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~Ilcnl ~lIn.t ay (,H nill g with r('I Jll i\" (' ~

in lI am iito n ,O h io.

ton of coal- free. And that'. just the beginning of the good thing. coming your way. For with the Heatrola you have furnace comfort all winter long-and lave money on fuel. Tw 0 dollars makes you a member of the Club-you can pay for the Heatrola in easy, convenient installments. Corne in and let us tell you all about it.


FRED M. COLE Hardware, Harness, Farm Machinery Waynesville, Ohio

Sale Starts Saturday, August 1, 1926 THE STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY, TO GET READY FOR THE SALE BELOW WE. GIVE A FEW OF THE ITEMS TO SHOW YOU'. THAT WE MEAN BUSINESS IN THIS CLOSING OUT SALE Hov'G~r:'tl,j~ t~.i~.:~.~~ ..~.~:.~.~:........ . ........ ........7 5c

T.~~e i!u:;:~!e;:ie ...... ... .. ...... ... .. .............. .. .. .... .. 30c

HoG~·i.?~r:e.·~I!~~~..:.~~~.. ~~:~.~:........ .. .... .. :. $1.25

Th~no ~:b;i.i~u.~I~I.~.~~: ........... ........ ........ :...... ...... 60c

o.G:·l~'J.~:~i:.~~.~.~ :~~:. ...... . ..... .;. ..... . . .. $1.40

ChG~oli:tel;i~t:·a::.~.~ ..~~~.~.. ~~:~~: .

$1.3 2

T·C~ii~ l~::i~.~.~.~.~.~ .~~::. ~~:~.. :~~~ . ~.~.~:.... ..... 15c

$1.50 P"c:1i~utt~f.n:~I~h~~.. ~.~.~~ ..~~~:., .... .. .... ,..... . .. ... .... ...... 5c

to 25c Silk H~.i·rr· 42c Co tbl' ••1..... " .. .................... .............. .. .... .. O. to; ~. ~:c~:~.~~~e.~~: . . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 c S·C~I~~ thi • ••1." .......... ...........·..... ..................... ..... 5c In

..... .. .... ... .

PeG~ i~ut~i.n:a:~.~~.. ~.~.~~ ..~~: ........ ..... ...... .. .. .... .. .. ... 2 i 1 :\ iGo i~i:i.i~h;a::~..~i~~:

Hop~~r~~:~~.~.~~,~ .........................l Oc

B UH rd o f S('h ~lI' l

POTATOES u.s. No.1 Cobblers 22c 5 pounds for ....

- --- - -- - - - -- ---_.


Pinh, dO Ee n . ... . .. ..... .. .... .. . .. .. ,74c

Quarh. do&e n ........ .. ... ....... .... 8 4c

u,, ',


................ .................... ".. 12c

Onco~~ut'j,\:r .~:e.~~.~I.~ ..~!.~.~.i.~~~ ..~~~~:.... .. .. .... .. "

---.- -----

Misses Annie and Mame Brown, of Columbus. Mrs. Rilla :Brown and Mrs, Va ughn, of Centervi1l4!. called on Mrs. Anna Cadwallader. Monday · atternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hadley are moving this week to Berlin Heights. near Sandusky, where Mr. Hadley has bee n elected superintendent of t he schools. JIb-. a nd Mrs. Ray Mills a nd daught er. Lena. and Mr. Ilnd Mrs. B. H. Mills spent Sunda y in Spring Valley. t h e g ue sts of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walton.

Mr. and Mrs. tain\ltl at dinner Mr. and Mrs. E. 80ns, Morris and ry Caskey.

Ray Mills enterThursday evening, N, Oxley and two Paul. and Mrs. Ma-

Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Staup entertail1ed at dinner Sl1nday evening-; Mrs, Frank Rieske, Mi88 Marguerite Rieske. Messrs. RUissell Satterthwaite and Jesse Thomas. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. I. W_ Mlller and Mrs. Kate Mi11er. of Dark,e county. spe nt Sunday with W. N. S4!ars and family, of NOrth Street. John Sears returned hom'e with them for a two weeks' visit. Miss Marian Elwell. Missea Elizabeth and Margaret Frazer. of Aurora. Ind .• who· have been visiting at the home of Mr. R. L. Frazer and family. returned to their home. Sunday.

5c PaG~· i~~hi~e~=ie~.~~~...~.~~: ..............................~ .........5c Mrs. Eva Janel. of Mishawaka. AI~:ui~ ~:t:!ie . . . . . . . . . ......... ... . .........". ........... 7c Ind., formerly of 'Waynesville. has had a delightful visit, in St. Joseph, All our Fine Jewelry. H If P . where ahe was the guest of Mr. Co in thi •• ale .. .... .... .. .. .. .... ".. ...... a rIce .Mo., and Mrs. O. C. Milb. also former

This Is Only a Sample of the Prices That You Will Find Here

All Our Fixtures Will Go In This Sale Show Cases, CO:Unters, 3-lh. Toledo Computing Scale, 2-lb. . . Common Scale, Cash Register, Check Pro. · 'l ector, She~ving, Etc., Etc. . .

Wayne.ville, Ohio

Mr. Thomas Hardin. Mi88es Roma and Virginia and Masters Ronald and 'l'ressl!!r Hardin were in . Cincinnati. Tuesday of last week. MIBS Roma and Muter Ronald we'l it on to Kentucky, where they will Ipend a few weeka visiting relatives. . . Bernard Melloh entertained- a lew little friends at his home Tuesday evening in celebration of hla 7th birthday. Games and other amuaementl were .enjoyed and at a late hour IllOeh to the followin,: Bobby Paul Zlmm.rlD&JI. Bobti, lIaUoh


the holt,


c an ... .... .

1~ ·Ib. Lo .. f.. ........ .... .. ; ........ ...... ,••

Sl.nd.rd. can .

3 cen . ......

--- - - - - --

•. .. ... ... :.. .. S 25 pound . .. ......... .. ..... .. $1.59

Country C:~ub Pou;'ci :......


2 1. .......

Eatmor". Er•• b. Ib.. .. .....


•• Ib .. .........

p· •• 10 han ' '~ ....H;. It. ~



•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• : •• •• •• •• :• " ••• •III. •• ••• • , •• ADAM F. MELLOH ••• Pho•• 47 ~----------------~-------


.~~~ • • • • ~ •• mo~ •• mc ·

• II

' :1 • • • • •.




Everett .Early LYtle, Ohio W.,....vill. Phone 29 Centetville Phone'SU


Tell t~e Advertiser yo~ read his ,A4·.m·the ~ ~e :' . ,.

For Cash Plan of 'selling Coal, Feed, Grain" 'and Fe·rtilizer. .

Call and Get Our ,Cash Price.


r •






.. , .


.' ..

.. "





An en ormous Treasure Chest--it may be built a half bloc k long 60 f eet. h.ig~-In which will be displ~ yed an· Ilhnlltable a rray of articl es w ill be one of the a t tractions for th~ Dia m ond Jubilee anniver sa ry --or-tJie Ohio Sta te f a ir, .Aug ust 31 to Sept emb er 5. To the pc rsQn s attending the fnir who ' s ubmi t th e m ost acc eptable slogan s for use In promoting t he 19 26 S lat e fair, will be given the Treasure Chest content s. The slogan for th e 1925 State fair is : "No Stllte so Fair- No Jo'air So Great." Manufac/turers from Ohio and adjOining statcs are each contributing ono unit of their product for the Treas ure Chest wea lth. This IIrray will include. it is expected. eve ' (Ything from an automobile to a paper of pins. including ' cl othing, kitchen utens ils. hardwan.'. fo od products and an itemized list of products. Charles V . Truax, director of Agriculture, and G. R. Lewis , State (air manager, are having the Treasure Chest constructed. It will be placed in an advantageous place on the State Fair grounds and the products contributed by the manufacturers will be displayed within the chest throughout fair week. Opportunity to' contribute a 1926 State Fair slogan will be given to everyone attending this year's fair. The best slogan to be selected from among those Bubmltted by the more than SOO,OOO peollle~~ho wl11 attend the fair, will earn for the contestant the privilege of r088esaing the Treasure Chest capita prize. ; Other prizes will be distributed during fair week •


.,•. '.' ·...:'







residents of WaynesvllJe.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hartsock and 80n, Harold. of Spring Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rye, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rye and daughter! and Mrs. ROT I Earnhart were entertaIned Sunday at the home of Mr. (Ind Mrs. Clarence Rye. .

~!~~~~rrS~d~. Ib.. :. l4c

J 5c ~~~~~. .:.~.~~~.~ . ~.: .~ 1·Ge Peas l1c ~~~~~ . ~~~.~~.~~.~~~~:;6c .: '4" :g ·'c ~!:~~C~Ub. 25c Butter ~~.~c:~ound 65c ~e~~d.r.d. 40C··· Oleo . . 2'O'c~' ' £~~~~to 34c bar. ,.............·25· c· ~!~~O~.~!,~. .~~~.~~. .12~c ~~~I! v ••e.... . ..


Mr. a nd Mrs. CllI'l McClure a nd duug ht e r. of I)ny t on. \·is itl·d t he ir 1'11JIl l's . Wa ller 1Ih·Clur l' . Mr• . Ch idre nt s over S und uy. law nn d Mi, s Idn Wl· ll cl' v i,itl,d th e Soldi ers' home, Dny l on, MO,"lilY ,

Mll.t!lorence Graham, nee WoolTh~rsty1 Go to Gray's new store. lard, ~ little daughter, Juanita, and All kmds of Soft Drinks. Mrs. ara Woollard, of Norwood, lITO visiting frl.ends and relatives here. •

Country Club 3 tall ca ns for

Mason Jars w~t~b~:~. 8<

cXHJ'u ill l ' ''!ii.

Mr . a nd JIIr,. J . C. Haw ke li re visMrs. Eurl l\!c~ r aknll ll.lld Ii ltle ~Il n . .tin).!' n ·l" t i\'e. in Pl eu ~u n t I'I" in a nd IIf Ill·t,·u it. n,'e \'i ,:iLin.: ~ h·s. ~ l c Mak ­ ..'" I,ina. lhi ~ week. Ill llth er. Mrs. Vi" l" Cllrey.

Messrs. W. E. Cornell and M. A . Mr. Earl Orndorf Ipent Sunday Cornell left Tuesdeiy evening f or 111 1'. and lIll·s. J ohn Hain es of evening wllh his wife and daughtEr, Pittsburg, Pa. They will r eturn S p ring fi e ld, Mr. a nd Mrs. R~ b ert at the home of Mrs. E. C. Spray. wust lome time this week. Haines, of Day ton, Mrs. George Da kof Lebanon. in and Mrs . Matt Parsha1\ we re S unMr. Myer Hyman and family an d da y g uests of Mr. Lee Hawke and Mrl. Effie Smith. Mrs. Flossie Ca- Mr. L. A. Zimmerman a nd famil y family. r ey and Mias Lucy Emley spent Sun· atte nded n Shrine p icn ic at Ch es ter day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al- park, Cincinnati, last F riday. Mr. a nd lII r s, Ron a ld H nwke 'and bert Drake, of Route S. s on . Fra nk. molore d to Milford SatMr. and Mrs. E . N . Oxley and two urday, where Mrs . Hawke a nd \\ ank Mis8 Myra Baird. who has been sona, and ~rs . Mary Caskey were are ha ving a . de lig htful wis it with li ving in California the paat eleven dinner guests of Mr. and lIfrs. L. A. Mr. F . C. Harts ock Dnd fa mily. Mr. H~wke r eturn ed home Saturday evyenrs. arrived here last Wednesday Zimmerman. Wednesday evening . e nmg . a nd wlll spend l wo months with Miss May Wri!l'ht. MIS!! Baird came t o Messrs. Be rnie Dakin and Carl Ohio seve ral weeks ag o. and h as been Mr ~~d JIll •• • Henry Satt er t hwai te visiting he r neph ews in Grcene Co. Dukin. of Leba non. an d Mr. Fra n k ootcrtmned Sunda y, t ho following Dakin and daughtelr. of Missouri, ~ u t!s~s : lVI r. lind ~lrs . H arry Salte r wer e Waynesville visitors . Monday._ thwm ce . a nd so n. of Fmn k li n; JIIr. a!1 d Mrs. Wa rren E spy. o f CenterMr. and Mrs. Jaco b F . Miller and vl1\ e ; Mr. and Mrs. Jalll es Morri s o f son, Junior. spent two we eks with Sabina; Mrs, Frank Rieske ~Iiss th eir uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Marg uarlte Rieske. Mr . Ru ss~1l SatEd Wright and family, near Well- terthwait e. of Dayton: Mr. and Mrs. man. F;. D. Staup a nd daughter.

Everything in Our Store to Go in This Sale-The . Goods are Priced Regardless of CostJust So They Move

.. .. ..

BANANAS Large, Rip~ Fruit, 25c 4 poundll for ..••.

Mr. J os, Thompson , o f Oa yton, Mr. Wu r ren Mills, of King m nll. Npc nt th e wee k-e nd wit h his moth er, Mr . u nd JIl rs. C. W. Gur do n and Mrs. Kinie Thom pso n. was R guest at the h ome of lIIi.s da ug hl ·r . Eve lyn. aT!' al lh e ::it. MaLi zzie Joy. SundRY, r y's reservo ir for II few days. Mr , F r ed M, Cole a nd family le ft last wee k for Beloit . Wis,. f or a two M iss Emil y Jacobs . at Middletown. we eks visit with r elal ives, spo nt severo I dRYS last week wit h her Mr, P aul St J oh n. o f Da yt on. is nunt, 1.1i88 Emma Heighway, spend ing u few day s at t he home of his f ath er. Mr. Will St J ohn. Mr. Harry Coop er a nd famil y, of Columbu8. spent t he week-end with Miss Ste ll. Lemmon, of ClnclnMr. Ed Woollard and f amily. nati. spent the week-end with her Miss Zola Baker . of H a mmon. is mot her, Mrs. Mary Lemmon. spending t he wee k with he r u ncle a nd a unt. Mr. an d Mrs. A. MeHoh. Mrs. Dakin Howard and daughter. Mr. Omar Barnett and family. of Margaret. of Springfi eld . are guests Miss Be atri ce Robitzer is visit in ll' near Dayton. were Sunday guests of of Mr. and Mrs. N . P . J ordan. Mr. J . S. McClure and Mrs. Ida K el- h er uncl e a nd a unl. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. Merle Kc l'll s, "f Columbu s. Ohio. sey. Mrs. Ruth Daug herty was th e week-end g uest of Mr. Frank MiltenMrs. A. F. Williams and Mrs. MellI-Irs. Rach el Zell. roJ is. Emma Cart- · berger and family. of n ear Lytle. vina Stacy. of Dayton ,. s pent the we ek wril; ht a nd lIl iss Ma r t ha Burn ett end with Mr. and Mnl. W. F. Graha m spe nt Sund oy wilh Mr s. lIIab el Din - . Mr. Ra lph Fraze r and faTllily spent of Route 6, wid<li e a nd fa mily. of Dayton . S unda y in Aurora . Ind. Misses Louise a nd Ru t h r~main e d for a visit. lIIrs. D. E . 'tand iiord ret urned Save your old carpets and rugs and get "Wearwell" Ru gs ma de. fr o lll Le na . Ohio . Friday 1lI0rni n!!,. Mr. Howard Case and daughter. of Send for price list. Franklin Rug S he r ep or ts the Clo nd ilio n of her Lebanon, we re g u ests of Miss Emma Co .• Franklin, Ohio. au nt . 1111'S. Wolco t t. slightl y imHe.ighway, last W ednesday evening. proved.


oYc~·:~lt:i~·!t:~~.~..~.~:.~.~: .. .......... .... .. ...


Se . .. & C a rtwr ig ht .

~I r . lin d ~"." . ("a rl lI a \\' k~. "f nny · lo n , n r~ ~pt' lI dil1J.! tlwi r Vll l' H l iu li i ll

every member of our To Heatrota Club we offer a


II' 11th 's VUCUlj l lll.

Work Il f t ~nri n g /l u t lh .. bri dge hilS hl'g UII lin d t hi < l'nl l o f th e Ti,u,1 tu L eiJ un ')n is C I (l~I·I l. ~ li <" M ilth'c d (;rohRI11 . IIf I{ ullle 5. Mr. alld 1\l r • . MYI'r lI Yll llon IIIllI i, Yi sili ng rcilltives in II :lylo n thi s e m >"" C i ~ll r . lll re for n il ki nd . week. S O- I we n ' X enia \· i .:o lt l lr~. z-\und:I). of Ci~ n t' !:ol, t'ig-H rel tl'S nnd T obaccu . H o rn - 1'" Mr . nnd Mrs. Nur ma n A ll Kin,t., ,)f T ,)ilt'l Ar liel," '" Mr. a ll d ;\1 1'8. F II l'rl'sL ('!'H il l' . Ill' G I'a:/ s ,:ul'hc r :-;hop Ulhl CiJ,,:ur' SlU r L',. (·., atl'". S un lln y . Ju ly :!li. 1 ~' :1 5. U Cin ei ll " "i . " pelll Su nd ay wi l h ~[r ,. 01 "" dll cr. Ma ud ('nll il' II "d fa noi ly. ~ l r". \\' :o ltl r Elzl'Y Hl1 d ~ Ir •. I\ (' n ~ I r ~. I\'a n Dull . of Colum" u5. SP I' l1 t IH ' !! I l·:14t.' Y \\ \ ' 1"(' Io' h ' '11! in),!" In il .. Ly tnn. Muste r Milto n (;ral""" rl'tur m·i1 hc' \. ec'k ·c nd wit h MI'. un d Mrs. J . MIl Il"ny. honH'. Tu(·sduy . IIf l er n ph'U"fllll vis": . ~ :\' Clun· . it wit h rl'i llti \' ('s ill I)a yt.o n. Litt lo 1\l i," lIal'l':O"II e my i, " Ilkr iI[ r s. Lida S mi t h is in a "' ri " us l'o n t n ini n g- hl' r fri C' nd. !-ill:';. \ ) , IHl Durn f Clf't l, dili ll ll a t t he hOl11 e u f Mr. Frll ilk Brud Mi "l\ L llilra ~1 .. Kin"ey J"," li l'l'" t)1 l.l' bnnun. ,I"l·k. on Ha ute 2 . g r unlc d II lifl' n ' rlinell)l' hy th .. ::;tat (· H Ail

C r" in .

II • "'"_;

Ind ,_ . _

Sun d uy in

;\\ 1'.


on Tobacco

S ea .. & Car tw r ia:ll t.




M ,:ter Chl's t' l' "'"y spe nt the week·en d In l ayton .

MI·s. Ed il opk ins SI}enl II few <IllY' . of lus t II' 'ek 1Il I lI yt\) n. fo r

C l' n t l l'vi l lc.>.

\\, ( , 11

prc vnl ~nL


llu r wn wn$ in Onyto n,

'f ,. ,.tH l:t y ~I ...

umm or gr illpe

.i More



.. Seventy-Seventh Year


............ ~ ............. "MOTHER MINE" GIVEN Int·;::=:h~tem. BY YOUNG FRIENDS





i Cap'ital "

Prepared by Columbu8 Reporter

.......................... CO LUMB US, OIlIO- Those who visit t he State fllir thiR Yl':l r nrc ,,0, ing to get a n ('yo· fu ll lI r wild uni mllis . Venl O. Thompson, chief of the fi sh a nd ga me division, doesn't luy cluim to be one of the best fishermen in Ohio, neither docs he claim any medals for bagging game with the gun. but he realizes whnt the fi shermen and hunters of the State wnnt for r01l1 sport and astonishing progress hILS bee n made in developing the gnme and fish reso urc es of th e State durin g the 1>ast two year!!. Tbere will be pens of various kinds of fur-bearing animals at tbe State fair, other pens for. pheasants, quail and birds of .all kind while an aquarium filled wllh eve"; kind of fish that live in· Ohio streaml wlll prove of unusual in terest. Such an exhibit will not only prove interesting to huntel'!! and the Isaac Waltona. but will be one of un usual interelt for the school children of the Stste, and will probably make their studiea of these subjects cosier when they return to school work ne xt fall. The exhibit of the State fish and game division this year at the State fair will be more than twice the size of last year, and will occupy more space than ever beCore in the hi8tory of Ohio's great exhibition. All ex hibits, except thut of fish, will be mnde in pens erecte~ in the big field just west 0 f the main art hall, or near the Fifth avenue e ntrance to the ground•• The sudd en nnd un ex pected death of Willium Jennings Bryan, last week was not only the 1088 of a long time ~e~~onal friend of John J. Lentz but mnk es a disappo intme nt in his plans for the dedieat\o.n of the American Insurance Union temple, now in coune of construction in, this city. This building. whiQh will be one of h e four 'hig hest in the world, ~nd of equal height of the groot y.' ashlllgt.on monument. is to be dedIcated ~lth ce1;CJnonies lIu.itable to the occasIO n. and Mr. Lentz, who is presiden t of the A.. I. U., had expected abovo a ll other things to hnve his perso nal friend, Mr. Bryon, present, and take an important part. Other famous men in the world of politics II,S well .sa IIteraturp and science. will be pruent, according to present )llans. hut the death of. Mr. Bryan WIll be .felt personally by Mr. Lentz probably more than any other famoull American today. Hundreds of mC.n .are working on the A. I. U. b~ildin~. which is climbing into the rur as If by magic. Work on the new brown and wbi te 1926 automobile license tugs Ilt the Ohio penitentiary is going forward at such a rate that the first of th e tags will soon be r eady for deJive ry to Thorl H. Brown, secretary of state. B ecause of complications in connection with the issuance of Lags under the new la.. Col. Brown will have !.be tap d~rlbuted earlier than usual towards Ute close of the present year The . first order for the tags upo~ which a number ot prisoners are profitably ' employed, WIUI 3,000,000 or 1,600,000 pair. In addition to ihis big order prisoners arc also DUlliiog the trailer and other special license tags. •

- ----

The plan of Governor Vic Donahey to ereci white cr08sea plong Stute hlrh'waya wh~re f~tal ae.cidents hB,!,e occurred. is meetmg W1th favor 1n other s~tes. and report.. at the State IJlghway department are to tbe ~ffect that In at least two statea. Aniona and Georgia, the Ohio plan will be copied, Several letter8 of inquiry have been received by Governor Donalley from higbway officia!s of other atates aa well as officeI'!! 1D automobile cluhl. who want to know how the Ohio .,lan is working out. DistrIbution and erection of the silent danger warnings haa been going on IIetadlly but it will be several. weeks before ~l can poaaibly be delivered.




A play of cou ntry life, "Mother Mill '," will bl! l!'i VN' at the S"llOol (;YIlI Tue. day l'vcnillJ.(, August II , at 8 ;0 0' o'cluck. Evcry ono is im'ited . No "rlm i ,,-~i on will be charged, hut the best sents are rCRe rv ed 1'ur t~ClKC wh o nrc in nttendance at the Indllln n Yellrly Mecting. T he Y. F. M. hUB planned a pro· g ram of sucinl interust . for yo unl!' peop le a nd all , duronjr t hiS week . . It is g iven below and we hopo It wi ll be interesting . August 8- Seventh Day evenmgOpening socia l. . August U, First Day evemngVeKper service and reg ular Y. F. M. MHti~ . AUj!'ust 10. Second Ouy mommgHike " nd b r cll kfu ~t . . Au g ust 11 Third Doy evenmgY. J~. M pluy: "Mother Mine." August 12, Fourth Day nfternoon - Treas ure Hunt. August l a, Fifth qlLy---;-P icnic to some in teresting or historical plnce. Tuesday, Augu st 11, is given over to the Young Friends Movem ent. We s hould be very g lad to ha ve young peop le fro m other churches attl'nd this . Meeting.








Council Meets The city council met in regular session Monday evening, and 'a {!rist of uu s i'lI!~s \VII S atten ded to. Tbe budg l't wus Ipude out, but th ere were nl . Visitors 'll I.l'a r it r eu-i. T he following appointments wer e made: Howa rd E. Hathuwuy, police Judge; R. L, Frazer, to fill the uloce .of Frank Zell, deceased, on t he Board ot Public Affairs; Mrs. Catlt'erine Coleman, ot fill the place of J . H. Coleman, deceased, as village trenaIlrllr.


- - --...

Factory Will Open The Waynesville Canning Co. ill working bnrd to g~t the factory into shnpe for the coming canning sen50n. Th e company has the largest acreage In its history, a nd the corn is of the finest qua lity this yea r. The factory will start operat io ns about the middlll ot this month, and as the corn crop ill ·heavy. wiJi PI'ol, ably run late int~ September.


UROWNED TUESDAY Isaac L. Broclcmann, a young man f rom Kentuck y, who was the guest of the M. H. LUlnb family , so uth of tow n, was drowned in Caesar s Cree k, Tuesday IIftern oo n.. The young man, uccolllpunicd by two of the younger Lamu boys, went to th e creek, and the you njr ilion , who could not SWim, waded into the water, stepped off n ledge into de ep wate.r , nnd was drow ned. Th e boys gave th e alarm and among those who responded 'Was Will Prendergast, who rescued the body from the Will e,'. l\f('a ns of rec ussitalion were una,·ailin g". :llld the b0dy was lllkcn to the Lumb r,·.iucncc. The young WUI1 Ico\'cs a yo un g wife No fun eral arra ngements have been made up t o the tillle of going to press.

. _.

School Board Meets The Wayne TowlI ship School board met in r egulnr session Monllay evening. A lot of routine busincss was transucted, the bud/{et for the co ming )'ear wus adopted, and other bu siness matters atten derl to. Mr. Ernest Harl nn was elected t o till the vaca ncy of Mr. Edward Burt on, resil!'l1ed. Th e bus d ri vers hud t heir salnrie" raised for the co ming year. The changes on t he old school evbuild ilig nre ubout com pleted. e ral ro oms hav e been Iltlded, by taking out the slua;e, a nd tho improvemenlj; mllde will be vcq benefici al.

Miamis -Take a Game from the Mighty Xenia Reserves



A~ ~ ~ P~





III"(: h and Intt icp w o rii, 11ank

l:U with fer n" li nd b", kl·ts ', f i;,rJ.(" whitC" d il i:- h:;oS und Yl·lI nw IIU \ \ l f :- . .\ ~ m a ll " U'Il PUIIY uf fricn (b a" d rda. ti \'cs , numhering abuut fif ty , W <'r l ' PI'Ch,' nt at thl' c" rmOl ony, whieh \\' a. pr rf ormed by Rc·v. L. A. Wa~ hb u rn, uf tl1l' M. I~ . d lurch. Pr eced ing the ceft' mony 1I1rs. li ar. old [': u,' nh urt sunK liThe Sw cl'\ t est "tory I-:\' er T .. ld;' anti " I L",' c Yuu Truly." IIcc (lm pu nied at the pi ann by i\JitiK ~l lI ry Crvll , sis ler uf the gr" om. A K th e H train ~ of th e wedding ,,,u" ch wer e pluyed, little Cla ra Clen Cro ckett, cou sin of the brid e. who was cun ning in a little fr ock of org-andie and lace, entered, carrying u miniature bllsket daintily tr im med with wh ite /lnd yellow ribbon s, in which r e~te d the ring. The bridegr uom cume next with Mr. E llis McClure, acting as best man. The bride, enter ing with her aiater, Mrs. McClure, as mutron of hon or, was lovelr in a gu wn of white sa tin crepe trimmed with go ld net lace and wore a wedd ing veil of silk ne t. She carried a shower bou· quet _of white roses, while her sister, a recent bride, wore her wedding gown of white fiat crepe and carried a bouquet of yellow rose8. F ollowing the service a buffet luncheon was served to the g uests. The happ y couple left immedi ately f or Dayto n and later started on an extended tour to Yellowstone Park and other points of Interest in the West, after which they will be at home to their many frie'ld s at their newly furni sbed home near Franklin, Ohi o, where Mr. Croll Is associated with his 'father in the dairy business.



State Official Here Mr. W. Devere, from the office of the State Board of Health. waa here this week looking over the lituatlon regarding a sewerage system, There has been a great deal of complaint Miss Letitia McKay has been 'll1 lte late ly In regard to tbe poor ('ondltlon s ick. of the sewers, and the official declare!! that so me means of prevention If ~I our Rlato r oo f needs repai rin g should be ta ken. see Kcmp & J orda n.

. ..-------



Ferry Church of Christ

The Ferry Church of Christ has secured the services of J ohn Wa ll enbul'&' and wife to lead th em in n Gospel meeting to begin August 16th. Ilrother WalJenburg is a devout Dutchman with IIpecial preparation for the work in which he engages, and his wife is an earnest worke r. There will be servi ces every eve ning at 7 :30. Special f eatures of the meeting will be the song services, special songs, solos, quartets, etc., and earneat Gospel preaching. All There will be no preaching s ervices are Invited to attend. ,. at the M. E. church fo r t he next two Sundays. The Sunday-School and Epw(lrt h League will have their YOUNC MAN MADE AUTO TRIP re"ul n!' SCI·virl·. III the r eg ular time. Re \,. und ~1 rs. "ashhurn Ie-ave on Mr. Ke nneth ~l John is visiting Thurs uu)' t" 51'l'" d a courlc o f weeks Mr. !Inrold WIlIi unlsoll, at Elyria. ot Lul; e ~i " c , Ohi" . Ohio, having made lhe tr ip by auto . .


Mr. George Weller, of Centerville, cullcd on F. K Thomas. Mond ay. Miss E lsie Hawke spent last week with Miss Lucile St J ohn , of R. R. 4. Now i ~ t he lime to hllV'O Kemp & J or llun look uCt er your furnace. Mr. nnd l\Irs. Ke nn eth E:lzey spent S unday with lIirs. E lzey' s purents, near Xenia . Several from here a ttend ed t he HiUsboro District M. E. picnic at Ft. Ancient, Tu esd uy. lItr. ond Mrs. B. S. How,~ ll, of P ort Willinm , s pent Thursday wilh II1r. an d Mrs. Robert Crew.

M. E. Church Notice



n:."~: '~~nl~lIun '


Death Calls John H. Coleman; Funeral Held Tuesday Afternoon

After an illness of more than two The GUth IInnual Collett-McKoy pic- a nd one-hll if years. J ohn H. CI)leman I I lIic will be held lit t he u sun p aoo, (lLls"ed I1wny' at his home on North street at a :au o'clock Sunday morn' on Saturday, August 8. ing. August 2, 1925 , al t he nge of Mr. ond Mrs. Maurice Nixon, or 79 years. 1\11-. Colc1l111n Wfl S one of W nynesFranklin , s pent Fridny enning wiLh ville's oldest anu highly esteemed citL. St John and fumily, of HouL e 4. iz ns ann until fnilill g houlth force d him Lo r'Lire, was a I"'uminent busiMrs. Lell or Surface ",nd so n, lI er - 11 ~s mlln. mon , 811d Mrs. F. E. 'l'holllo ~ und so n, He WUft a me mbor of WaynesvllJe l~ o Lert, were Dayton HhoPp cra, Mon- Lodge No. 1(33 F. & A. M., nnd for da>" severn I veaTS served as trensurer of that ol'g;'nlzalion : of W. R. Hoe l Post Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllll nm Haines, of G. A. R, of which he he ld the offi ll ,John stown, PII" are \'i s l lill~ Mr. (I f qual'leronlls tl' r f or mo,'e t hll n forty I·lain es. poreills , Mr. li nd Mr~ . J. C. YC ll rA. Up to the tim e of h i ~ denth Haines. he hnd been cor porllti nn c lerk for (l numh er of succrssive veurs. A comBnrn- T o M,'. lind Mrs. Verne municant and the .fu ni nr Worden of BrItto n, nt St. J osepl\ hospital, Mlsh- St. Mary's Episcopal church, he was aWll ka, Jnd., July 17, 1925 , a son , a fa ithful atte ndan t at a ll the se rvices us long as his health permitted. Herbert Wafn!!. He is ~u rvi,'ed by his wid ow, two Miss Gladys H arlu n, of Dllyton, is sons, H. Clyde Colemnn . (,f Norwood, ~ p c nding her vacation lit the home of Ethan S. Coleman, of Tol edo, and a Mr. and MI'K. Hnrr'y Shida ker, of the step·dllughter, MrA. F .... d B. H end erRon, nf Wnynesvill,.. wh ose devollon ll R rvey~burg pike . to husband an d fath er was beautiful to witn(>ss. The Misses Ruth Cook and Mildred The fun e rnl service was held in Grnhnm ~pe nt the wrek·end with the St. Mar~" s ch ur Gh Tu e~ (l ay nfternoon latter's grandparents, Mr" and Mrs. nnn wa'" co ndu ct. ed hy lhe Rev. J ohn Shermun j)yke, of Dayton .. J . Schll r fTl'r. A choir of e ig ht women "c nd er ed belluli ful music and a tribMr. George Waterhous e, in com· ute to hi" rl crrasC'rI comrade. was pony with Messrs. Will Ho:'id a nd relld by Mr. S. L. Cllrtwrig ht. F;thnn C"lIne, of Lebano n, enjoyed II Th e ser vice was concluded at th e motor trip to Canllda last week. g rave in Mill !)}i cemetery and was in charge of th e Masons. Mi s~ Mnry Louise Zirnm ermon is spending a few da ys wi th Miss Belltrice Rob itzer, at the home of Mr. AD Appreciation of My Comrade, John H. Coleman and Mrs. Merle Kerna. in Columbus.

• Izer M ee' ."d


wi th

The Greatest Things The g reatest sin- - fear. The best day- today. Tho biggest fool - the g irl or boy who will not go to school. The greatest d ece ive r~ne who dece ives ·bimself. The most beautiful woman- lhe one you love. The greatest mistake--giving up. The most expenllve ind ul gencehate. The cheapest, stupid cst and e8lliest thing to do- finding fault. The greatest trouble-maker- talk ing too much. The worst bankl'upt--the eoul that has lost its enthusiasm. The cl~ere9 t man~ n e who always d oes what he thinks is right. The best teac her~ne who makes you want to learn. . The best part of anyone's r.elig ion ---I!'entleness and cheerfulness. The mean est feeling--Jealousy. The most important trainingtraining in democracy. The greatest need-comm on se nsc. The best gift-forgiveness. Dr. Frank Crune.

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of Fra nklin , Ol1 i" . '1'111' IH, me W aS prf'ltily d('c" rat ,"




theil' youlI J{ s l da ug hler, Ali c ', lll litp d ill nu u 'rillJ!'

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--- ---


l'h p IHl Il'I" "I' MI' . a, "1 ,\lrk. EI III(' r ld' " · h Vll t·:w ilh.' . \\ 1:1~ t ht. ~(' l'l1l: o f a \'l"' Y 'pretty w" d J i l\~ 1111 Thur:<da )" e\' ~ "in JJ , .l \l l~' ~IO. \\'11 .. "


'It)U WILL BE G-LAO To PRINT1T'6 SflQAT, N OT CNERo " CO LVMN AN · ... ~LF. ~ HAS Ao.I ELEC.TRO T O GO .... 'TH 'T ITS A PlPP'N AlIt> "!OuR QI:ADEAS ""ll !;.ott IT uP! ITS ALL ABOUT 11IC E~\ST pop-"CO OF TH&" WMITE HOU SE i'lND WE' "'ERe (JoO,.x; TI) H/t>Ie


umber 5GCO


As mOllt oLour baaeball fans know, they will no Ilk" il dl!'ht vI ctories our Waynesville Miamis are equipped in a row . Th ei r oppone nts will be with uriiforms whioh formerly be- some good st" ong t eam, possibly longed to the Clndnnatj Re~8, ~o tile Bellbroo¥. boys feel Impelled to follow the !lne Seven stra ight lind goi ng strullg : exumple the Reds havtl 1!een "etting for th e PlUlt few days. They traveleq ~HAMIS to Xenia last Sunday afternoon, and defeatedthe Reserves--Xcmia', be ~t team- by a score of 10 to 3 for their AB R H PO A E seventh straight vil;tory. The Xenia Satterthwaite. lb. 5 1 0 (l 1 0 park was wet and heavy, but the MI- E. Burton, 2b 5 2 3 1 1 0 amhi proceeded to show the Xenia Gon6, 3b .. , 5 1 2 il 1 :l fanll who had expected the Reservell H. Burton, q ... . . 5 1 I 8 0 0 to "walk all over tho.e Wa)'lleavl\!e Adams, p 3 2 1 I 2 (I clod-hoppers," who did the wa",ing. T. Burton, If ;. . .. 4 2 3 4 2 I Two Xenia. errors and Eddie Bur- Frost, cf .. .... 4 1 2 3 0 0 That the workmen's wmpenaation ton'lI fll'!!t linrle lent Satterthwaite, C. Ollborn e, rf ..... .4 0 2 0 0 1 fund is In tile ItTongeat financial con- the first batter up, over the plate With Fealy. sa ...... .. .... ..4 0 0 1 2 2 dltion ' that it ever haa been, ill indl- the first run of. the fame. but two eated by tlte report for the laat filcal Miami errors anil a atql. b, Early Totala ...... .. ..... 80 10 14 27 9 7 yup which ahowl thet the lltatutory, allowed the Reaervel to tie It up In catUtrophe aurplul hu reached the the same limine, The ReHl'Ve. took enonnoua total of ,2.170,808. which Mr. J. B. Crabbe and fa, lily are 1I·' an increase of ".035 made during a temporary lead In the third on alnapendlnp: the week In Columbus, the year. Premlum'recelpts tor 1924 gle8 by J . Fuller and Oyphera and XENIA RESERVES where Mr. Crabbe is atte nding the were flO,797,699. and the ·balance of another Miami Wobble. bull their joy conference of Smith-Hu!rhes teachreceipta over .distribution for the year was. IIhort lived. e totaled 12.602,002. There are very J Fuller 2b ers. TflJ!h few n.bUity Inluranee eompanies In Mrs. L. E. Hockett and daughter. the world that ·hoI' a stronger finan- Frolt and O.borne fOllowed with sin- Caln, Ib · , .... .::: ::::: 5 0 · 0 8 0 0 . elal position than ·that of the State gles; these hits. mixed with three Cyphers. lib .. ... ... 6 1 2 1 0 0 Ruth. have returned hom'e aCter two of Ohio, and Its lIoundness is r~~ected Acnia misplaYII, gave our ,boys three Early, 88 ..... .... .. .4 1 2 3 1 0 weeks spent In vis iting Irelatives in d f d t in the large balance wbleh eX18U1, as more runs and tbe permal\ent ~ead. P. Fuller cf .... .... 4 0 1 8 O l d J d Ellrly's ~oubl~ .and f1n!ey'lI sl~gle Finley. rl. .......... _.4 0 1 0 1 2 ~:~~Tt Lick ;prf;gs. a ow ays a well aa the low C08t at which the en- gave Xem!l d,elr last run LD the Sixth. Friend, c ........... .4 0 0 7 0 3 tire ' department is being operated. Adams started tbe seventh with a .Milburn. If .. .. ...... a 0 1 1 2 1 Reductions were "IIIade in 196 differ- walk, anq Tom, "Doc" and Charley Glasa"P 4 0 0 1 1 0 Mr. ·-nnd lIir:s: H. C. Coleman. of ent claaaes o.f employment · for the repeateq their fifth-inning stuff,. ' : ....... .. ... .::..,. _ _ _ _ _ pHlent year. Norwood, and Mr. Ethnn S. Coleman, Babe and Tom scoring. , Totals ... .... .. .....38 3 9 27 8 8 " Eddie opened ' the eighth ,by mak- . of caIJ-!d hereand last death week of the iUneB!! on Toledo', accolili t)vere ing a fine run to beat out a hit to . , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Oc their fat her, J. H . Colllman. 't"IDI third .and Qona 1IC0red a "yo. i B .••••• 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 "0.1 - 10 ~'i" i "." double to ritrht. 'Then him . thewith Hon,_.a!" 8 . '. " . Howard F~ Burton arcae in Jila mlgbt Xenta .. ,...•... 1 0 1 '0 0 1 0 0 0-Mrs,' W. H. Allim F. Olau a,soll .pecbillat from and smote the ball clear out . of. the ' " ' , , lightfu lly at dinner on ..,... pnlYe...... . ' -.~ _J 'I b 2-bue hi.~Adatnll, Gon . 8. 1 Early. or ll'y~ Btili~, ot ~e Ohio ~tate· • wu e ~t l0 t f or a h 0 m e. run . ' (YeI, he tOuched ' .....Oal.of ltfi8ll 'I'l.e Truest. were all ' ' GrAn.rA hall , ' Inil)'lle1vl)le, all ijte bue, this time.) SinKlel by Home riJ'I~". Bu~on. ' M' ";' I d h til !t1da'r. mommf. Eddie anil GQni ana twp re'?C,!nja rul'l&-Mlamli4 't 0y! .. I:,. :'Blt~~ 'Ib~ 1 Question!! of .!Ioil fertii- errors eav.e-tbe Miamis ~o~er-c;ol!!ILt!f~n bue_~flal1\ I Xenta 8. co;;' , . . . ritjl"'l~nt~ \v' aDd lIine aftij' fertlliser will be ~i~ ter in t~e ninth. , Basea on .baJls-.:.Off dams, 1 i otp MIlS ,t!...;,. . .. ,. host and 'l'om.. Bu~on did the G~ 1. ". $o:'ral PfDPlell. tif ~011 will be an- speC!ta~u)~ :work in the .fleI", ..aon Struck out-By Adami, 0; by ~n~ alrsed for limit and phospitol'llll eon- ma)dng.· lI8veral fine catcl1ea at }uat Gl..... 4. . H ' ._ lIa for bttereBted pl\J'tiea. Come the ~ht time to lave a lot ot troubl.. Time ot r8IDe--l hour ed 46 min- ' arr..., rs, .... brina an)" queationa )'OU mQ The lIlamia will play at Fiulv'a ute&. " .... ncUdIDa ~ park uD B1&DcIq. uel Of co-. .V~t dII 810-.



Gatbered to his Father's at a mature age , when sunset light was IhlninJr about him, the death of John H. Coleman comes ra ther a s a matter of reverence than of sorrow. No doubt the perspeetion of eternity ~uld show us that there are no premature deatbs, and that th e Divine orderln« is over the death of the youngest as well as the eldest, but from our Iimited point of view, one who haa lived a long life well, has retained montal vigor to th e last, and pa8ses qwetlw to the Father's bands, at. tains ~pr&'emlnently the com~letJon of his natill-al life, Wh" are we ,here? To "oaor a name; honor comp. · that: IIoil0r Mould be recoplsed. W1l7 II It ioOd tor ua to· be here! . '1'o ·NftN aIld tre8llare ' our- much-Iond elead. Th. conslatent lite of ' John H. ~le1naft make!! It for the ~ 01' wrItel' to pa,. 'tribute. _ .' In the S0ilur out of oW' irienel, W.,..l nesVlllehulolt one of It. beat loved citizenS. lie ·-was one.' of the moa! con¥cientioua, ca...tal ana constant I:>u!\ mm of my acquaintance. Be neve r w.. a man of lal'lrli bu,* wbtevv 1Ie untlVtook he JIU" fonned well. . . DftV 1IIIIIeP~ a

J. ea.,.


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A I"t ~mr


.............--~ FARM E R SHOULD LEARN ONE. KILLED, IT PAYS THE BEATE R I S BEATEN TO THE LAST MAN 1( '11;1,," 1" ju mp ed .to 80 C~ llts. That made I':\'c rybod y gasp. Then it went to $ 1. Now it hilS rcached $1. 12. Thll t iH benluse His ~laj cst y' . Llri ti, h hub jec t", who conl r!)1 the rubbe r murIlel, know how to ma nage prices. American farmers sec cr ops pric" S g, >lnd t h ~y ure a lways uncertni n. That is becau se Ca rm el'!! who COULD control the price of food ha vc no efficient organizulio n. The y have sometbing to learn from tbe Ru bbl1r Trust, an d a few other trusts.

At J ohas H op kins univefllity. Baltimore's magnificent seat of learning , the able sc ientists report. p"ogress in the pr eparalion of insulin. the remedy for diabetes discovered by young docto rs in Canada. . ,The insulin diminishes the amount of sugur in tbe blood, thus curing diabetes. From insulin. as used hitherto, Johns Hopkins scientists have eliminated various chemical elements. One ' remaining is called "fraction LZ." This highly concentrated insulin. injected into the blood of a rabbit, r educ ed the sugar in ita blood from 113 millimetel'!! per cUble centimeter to 39 within one hour_ The se n tim entalist who thinks it a shame to experiment with Jive rabbits would change his mind If he had a fathor or motber dying or diab etes. Robert Shroyer, twenty-eight, bea t hi 8 wife in F'rcderick co unty, Maryland. Sh roy er waM tied to the whip. ping post, t,m lushes were app lied to his back, "wit h a reg ullltion blacksnake whip." The wife-beater deserved the ten Inshes and ten thousand. But it is the first time in a long time that a wbite man has been officially whipped in Maryland. Did it renlly do any good? The man, fo r so me reason. decides to bent hiB wifo and docs 80. The people of a gr eat Stnte, fur so me reason. decide to beat the mall and they do so. What's the differonce? Why not. make the mun work for his wife ubout. six months, in stead of letting a great. State imitate a wife-beuter? Bricklaye rs fight maso ns. union uni on. There oug ht to bo IU'b itratlon, for the snke of working people. The brickl llye l's lind plastercr8 might as k lilt'fl1selves this qU\Jstion: " SUppuse presid "n l~ of r ailroads "ua"n' li ng umo ng th~mse1ves, shou ld shut down their rnilroads nnd refuse to cony pus8un gt!l"s. How long wou ld the puhl ic ;tund for if!" Railro ad preside ntH ure too intelligent f or thu ourt of non~en8e. If they were fi.:h li ng :,lInu ng themsdves. they would ke 'P it. to themselves. That is wh y they are railroud preai.dents. ngain ~ t

plnee of trust t hat he neglcoted; he held responsible pos itions continuous· Iy unt il healt h fuil ed him. He served many yenrs as corporation treasurer, leaving a cl eur and cl ... nn rec ord . W. R. Hoel Post elected him qual' 'r · master. nn importunt lind resJlons i· ble position, which be held for mor e thlln forty yenrs to the entire snt · isfactio n both to the local post and depnrtment head quarters. Ahout l)De year ago, he became so feeb lo Lhu! he turned the books and accounts · over to my kecpinJ.(. Tn mak ing my report to headquart ers of the chung!!, Thi rty -fo ur !Iii lin 'so ta "olul1teers his long nad faithful ser yice- eli!'jt!'!1 extravagant pruise and cOlllmcnd a- ill til " Ci .... 1 Wa r Iormud Il "Last I1lun ' ~ Club." 'I'l' e clul, hus just held Lion . Four Possibly lhe most promin e nt and its forti eth nnnu ul reuni on. conscientious peri od of my comrad c's arc lidng , one too ill to attend. One li fe was in hi s early tee ns, when, like of th e Lhl'ee pr escn t wus unable to so lhey dran k to the last man. a rocket fro III the skies, the ne ws sLnnu" came over the wires th a t Sumpter sitting . had fallen . The locs in of war wus oun ded . The Colem an f amily, con- . One of these days there aetually sisting of fath er nnd three so ns, no- will be on this earth some last man. bly respond ed to the ca ll in r esc ue womo n or lust child. Por in tiUte this of their country's pHil. J ohn under wodd mu st di e. Science a nd the Bimilitary a ge and sma ll ill stature, ti]c lcuch it. was re f used. The love of the old flag and country was a ll aglow in What kind of a creature will that the boy's heart as the war progress- Ins t hu man be? What shape, wbat ed. He was eager to voluntcer, and laagu age '! How much will he or she after the third effort he was muster 'd know? into service, going imm edintely to the fr ont, where he proved to be the Will the hum an ra ce, having movhero of many gallant deeds. up to the highest possible point. The dear old smile, so wu rm and ed tro back to bllrbnrism at bright with the good chee r, has d ied gradually the end, as the individual in extreme away. Th e hands that J. loved to old age goes back to childhood? clasp are fold ed now, a ll heedlcss of the emptiness of min u. There may Will the last man know how to not be great shafts of bronze or marble over his body, but hi. life will talk to the ot her pilinets, a nd will he leave lin infiuenc~ that will nevcr know just What ill going to hatmen perish. These fiowers, so bright and to him aftar be dies, or will he be fragrant. will not be the eame tomor- like ourselvea, still wonderlng, witb row. they will fade, Ut. fr~rance ta- only faith to comfort him, and aave ken up in wide eZJlanse--but the life bim from pninful t houg ht and specof John H. Coleman will never grow ulation? - -.. :. .dim or perish, but will go on and on througb eternity forever and forever. Now a requiem to my comrade in Mu~ter arms. Reveille has again broken up our e.a mp. arms are etaoked, tentl! The fo llowing letter hall been re.. are struck, tbe shrill netes of the bugle and roll call ~ not calling us received by G. J. Waterhoull8, whiell to horse and . the dash 0 f arm s, the which is self-explanatory: drumbeats up .lId down the line bave Dcor Comrade-You hnve been t\esignated to call ceased. the ' subdued. notes of the fife and mumed drum are leading in a a meeting of all the members of the dlrce to a soldier's grave, we fire our 37th Division Veterans ....oclMltion. IIat ulate, reCOVer arms and march d in in your 10cILlity on Muster .Day', Augquick atep to our quartefll. we r ess ust 5, 191 7, the day ·on which we Qur llD. for roD tliat once fa- were ind ueteq into Federal lIeritc.. The obj,e ctive this m,l Iettq Ia 10IllWar voiCe no loqer heard. Tattoo anel tapi are . Bounded. lights are out. inform all th 9 comrades o! thq comour I'~yers IIBld, the. coqnteJ'!llgn g!v- ing convention ab Cincillnatl. ,Ohio,. en, the aenUnel paued to ' enter tbat on September ~ 6. 'r and Labor Day.. ' T,here will 'be spell.ehes made: oV!!\. POrt ~ make the ~at, voyap from the radio ):Iy ofH'cers. of ...the 37th W ·whence 110 travel!lll' returns. . And. my friends, we are well 0lI- visIon -Vete rans ass()dl~tioll, from su.;. sured that when John H. Col~m!ln tion WKRC, Cincinnat~ at 8:80 ' ~ 'approached the shore and asked' PR;9s- em Stllndard time. oll this clay, ancr l'ort over, the ferFJm lln 'V{o~ld gIve it will b'e weH for as lriany membeN him a b;ee pall8Blre, foUla hoUle was aa pOlal1)le to rather at one~lDt U the Wio and liateA ~>-tor UdII ,... alwap ms.°~~V· ..... D'T-.s-r"IlT rram. . . ...... ......." _ • . BALPB Do OQI~(.~.,

----_. - ..






. 1'Iie Miami Casette -

......•.__• .......•: NEWS GLEANED .1



fROM .COURT HOUSE NEW SUIT;; :\Ine II nrt s"c' k vs. Ed ward G. Hart-

The Remedy You

. (H''', di \ vr~l'.

Madden's Lumber Yard Waynesvile, Ohio


PROBATE PROCEEDINGS In t he mllller of the estate of Aman da 1. i\l onICN. \V . G. Thompson. lid ministrll tor file d his first nnd final llcc uunt. In th e mnttcr of t he cstate of Elijah Trovillo. Martha E. Trov i\lo fi led in\' IIlur y lind appra ise ment. The will o f tho late A ngeline Spence w u s ndmit tcl! t il probute. La uru Gl'Oe ly ",us appointed !.'xecutrix, L. W . SllIith. Geo rge H . And erso n and A. J . ch<'u re r wcre npp oi ntNi ap-

the Year Round in Your Home

prais f'rs.

In th e mattcr i, f th e cslute of Geo . W. Byel'll. th (' c,Hl rt ord ered privute sa le u r I U2 .sho l· s f Frllnk Smith Pnp!.'r 0. , PilI' vulue , 10 0 ot $87 nnd : 50 shu res of l\lc ntl Pulp and Puper : Co .•pllr vulue $ 10U at $\.10 per shnre. L ucy Ross ii II'd in ve ntory nnd ap: prllise ment in th e mlltter of the es! tllt l' (I f Mury E li1.llbe th Ross. • Eve rett Ertel, mod inve nto ry und o ppraisement in th e eslute of Geo rge W. Ert,,!. The co urt apprond the report of E. C. Dunham. executo r of the estate of J ohn W. Apgar. In th e motter o f the cstote of William Ellery'Curroll, the court distributed certain stot'ks and bonds to the e x('cu trix, Rehecca S. Carroll. In t he mn Lte r of the eslute of Mary E. Bi spljam, the court distributed the property, after debt s ond costs were paid to F. M. Bisphu m, brother., In the matLer of the eslute of Amundu 1. Monge r. the distributed property, after settlements are made. SINISTER to Flor ence M. Thompson, daughter of deceased. In t he eslute of Sarah G. Trimble, First Bootlegger (reading from th e coart approved the account 01 n ewspaper- Ult says here, Pete, that J. G.Trimble, trustee_ with the develop m nt of science the L_ D. Sunders, guardian of Harley span of life w ill soon be 150 years. II Teusdale, had account approved. Second Bootlegger- "Not if I know The account of Esther W_ South· anything about it,'/ gate, executrix of the ealate of C. F . Southgate, was approvcd_ The final accoun of Sam D. Hen • lwlOTHER'S LITERAL kle, exec utor of. the eetate of George W. Henkle, was approved. The first and final account of Leo Mother- "What does that Mr. Wojcinski administrator 01 the esWatkins do?" lute of EI ia M. C. Wojcinski, wos apDaughte r- "He is a cubist artist/' proved. Mothcr- "What? A daughter of The first and linal account of Eli:r.mine running arou nd with a crap nbeth Ch urch, administratrix of the shoote1'1" estate of G. Cecil Church, was ap. proved by the court_ The first and final account of William Chaney, executor of the ealate of Sarah Craig, was approved by the court. In Leonard's ~ Hoeli In t he matter of the estate of Mary A. Michener l • the final account of W. Frank Roseu, administrator, wu approved. Walter Tibbala, guardian of Vera Lucile Tibbals, filed ftn~ .ccount. Laura 'J . Zell, execu.trix of the el· lute of Frank Zell, filed inventory and appraisement_ The will of Nettie Hasting wu ad· mitted to probate_ William Huting WIIS . nam ed executor by the court, :Ross Grismer, Lee McCormick and A. C. Jones were named apprailers. Thomas C. Christie , exec utor, filed first and fin nl account in the etltate of Willinm M .Thompson. J. B. Turner, administrator, filed first and fin lll ac count in the eatate of Margnret Turner. [n the estllte of Max Ca lvert, WIl· son Calvert and Eva May Brewer filed exceptions to t he inventory. In the cstllte of Winnie Aunker, William Aunker, guardian, filed hi' seventh account. In the case of Jennie Conrey, the court approved a guardian to care for the property. In the matter of Grace Hechtbthe court ordered her sent to the ayt on Slute hospitnl for treatment. In the estate of Marion E. Great· house, the settlement was made_ Pearl Parker, Earl Urton, Martha H. Grimes and Lottie Hulse were heirs. In the matter of Dr. Herschel Fish er, Nellie MeL. Fisher, executrix, filed first and fin al accoilnt.

FOR r r : l l! T !'-

USF OIl!'!


'\~S IF1 r n






.. otten caW/eel by an Inflamed condition of the lIlucoua lining ot the Euat.achl&n TUt... Wben thla lube Ia Innamed ')lou itaYa a rumbll n, lound or Imputed HeutD,. Unle.. the Inftalllmation C&n be no!Iuee4, your be&rln. may be de. IlJ'oTa4 fora..er_ IU.LV. <lATAB.RII IIIDDIOnnD will do ,.bat •• claJm for It.-rId your .".tem of Cat&ITh or Deaflle.. c&uMd by



1014 bY' aU 4nImata tor OYV 40 Y ...r& 00.. 'l'oledo. Ohio.

. ~._ ~~.,. 6;


Willi Drawn

' e.tatet Settled


Waynesville. Ohio National Bank












Every Thursday . .' 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.

ReatRoom in CrangeBldg Wayne.ville, Ohio

Main Office: '24~

South Brown Street,


MARRIAGE LICENSES Arthur J _ Brenner, Franklin, and Mary Louise Gessendorf, Franklin. J ohn Cole, South Le banon, a nd Gr ce Lyttle, South Lebanon_ Sher man Russell , Dayton, and Ef· fie H. Hamrock, Lebanon. Stephen A. Velde, Middletown, and Mary M. Clevenge r, Franklin.

Slama Th.ater

Dayton, Ohio



Jloll)'lY Goodrich, Buffalo, an un~ .. own newsboy one year IIIJ-I!

he new lightweight champion ' of . he world-If Benny uonard Rays In reli rement. Goodridl wan the 'ill~ by knocking out Stan Loay&a r Chile In the finals of the world Iruey.

F. T~ Martin Jesse Stanley Auctioneer Auctioneer Date your .ales with us. We~guarantee ..tiafaction or charge nothing.

Centerville, ·0.

New Burlington, O~

Phone No.2



Phone No. 320


WHAT Do '"'00


"11:) AS..... IM

IN TH' L to.!< S' THIS A FTERNOo..,


. REAL EST ATE TRANSF'E'R'S" Margaret W. Edwards to Oscar J. Edwurds, P81'ts of lots in Waynesville $ 1. . TriJIena Edwards to Oscar J _ Edwards, parts of lots in Waynesville, $1. . Oscar J. Edwards to Margaret W_ Edwnrds and Trillena Edwards, parts of lots in WuynesvilJe, $1. Vesta Jan e Spurling to Harold 0_ Kirkpntrick, share 111 71,7? Il\!r!!s by order of j:o urL_ J oh n W. Fryer and EIIJ!. .L. Fryer, to S. C. Dogglns, lots in MaS!)n, $J. Weller and Elsie ,M. Ay!!rs to p. McVey lot in Mason, $" H _D. l\lcVuy lind Gra~e MeV,,}, to Ivy Combs, lut in Mason $1, Geo_ T . Sp urgeon, to Perry E. and Mary .1 Wade, about 13 acres in Cleal'creek Tp. $1. Philip F. McNaney to Whey F. Ak. ers, 24 acres in Cleercreek Tp., $1. Anna and L. S. Arthur to John Mayer, lot 'in Franklin, $1 • Mary L_ and Clement V. Maxton to Mary Littel, lot in South Lebanon, $1, J_ O. Mitchell to Frank L. and Jul. ia C. Mackey, lot in Lebanon, $1. Edward F. Wood to Dora C. Wood, lots in Lebanon, $1.


Lafayette R. Graham to Aeria An- I A FAIR QUESTION POOR FELLOW "And n lHllit. tH ';' h us 'h, nd'f" na Graham, lot In Ridgeville, $l. " . Oaear and Emma Howard to Carl Lecutre r- e IS no loss in "W oll - hc'M philan thropi cnlly illBangham lot ill Cold Sprin~ Tur- thi s lIie. When one thing is dr op- clin 0[ ," ' ped - something else a lways takes Uecree k Tp., $1. " Heavens- whv <I ''II1' t s he rUNh him Philip CondoDI to 'Nellle G_ MelBm- its plac e." to u hi g h, ~I_ry a:~r~ s ~hcre '!JJ py, about 2 acrels In Deerfield 1'1", $1. Voice from r ear- "How ab out petTHEN HE SHOT HER Lawrence L. Oatley to Carolme M .. ticoats. brother}~ ..._ __ Oatle y, interest in 4 acres in Deer 1-1 "I "'ns up , ther e ill th e counfield Tp_, U. ED PURDY'S PHILOS try-·und t he shades of night were Benjamin S. Howell to Myer and fall ill)r f ll "L - " Je8llie, Hyman, I.o t in Wayn esville, $ 1 "P et e Ra llton l ot Mame 'Dun:-illl' - "O.h, Tom; you' re not a winl, in to mad Ihe olher nigh I ohe L. Herndon und Pea rl Atkins, t o O OW pl' l' per, ure you? " Viola B. Atki.ns, 120 acres in Deercr ied- on hi. ahoulder." field Tp., $1. '"'"'!!!~~~~~~~~~~~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ __ Y C. and M. Willoug h- = - _-_--byStanif' to Charles B- Stella and Rosa Maupin, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,. lot in Sout h Le banon, $IS. C. and Eli:tabeth C_ Doggins, to Anlley S. and Rose M. Canon, lot in Muon, Francll M. Henderson to Flora E. Henderson, lot i.n Corwin, $1. John So- Wri~rht, by administrator to James Shilts , 94 acres ill Harlan Tp., $1. Homer 0 _ Hu.dso n to Vida Sparks , 1-2 acre in Corwin, $1. Henry and Laura Uhl to Joh n D. and Emma F. Myers, 10 acres in Turt lecreek Tp., $ IDavid Muon to Granville S. Pottor! parcel in W uhington Tp. , $1. clUford Smith to James T. New to n lot in Franklin, $1.

baarlem oil bas been a worldwide remedy for kidney. liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbaco and uric acid c:oaditlool.

~!9tt; (..


This Week's Cross· Word Puz.zJe This crosl<-wor d pu zzle W!lS 111' rang ed by M rs . L. E- Wul tcr . Ther e orc some migh ty interes ti ng things obout this one. but we are going to let you filld the m you rself . There isn't a hard word in it . !Inc! all th e definition s nrc clea r- n one of them a r e misleading. One reader wr ites


------4> ....______BROKE NOW

Sharper-USlay, Stranger, Would you like to buy the Brooklyn bridge -at only $10001" Sight.seer-"Nope-I ain't got any money. I JUlt; boulfbt the Statue of Liberty or $600.'

---------- ". Dr . .fohn W. Miller




Wavnesville Nalilln .l l

us t ha t w e hn\'ev beon allowing too mu ch time for our pU7.z1c--she worked on\! of the tw enty-m in ute ones in seven minu tes. Huw's that f or a record? We Il ;- ~oi n g to let you set your own lim it nil t hi s one- but if ~-O ll d o it ill i e~s thnn tlftc en minutes ~ YO ll lire pretty )rOOt!'

nan', Ilief t'

Walter McC iure FUN~~

,H . UI ~ 1: , Il)W

Waynesville, Ohio

1 2 8


6 7 9

n spluv

' ·' 011111

Amhllla llce Sf'rvicl"


ACROSS A veh.lc1e. A part o{ t he )'ear. A pr epoB.i tlon. A ri ver in Southern China. A personal prono un. A conjunction. From that place. Baronet (a bbr. ). An expl osive powder . A volcano in icily. A stillg inl? insect . A pussessl\'e pron oun . A point of the co mpass (abbr.). Covering for th e head. To be inde bted. A nd so forth. A smu ll boy. A large weste rn city (abbr.). A hig h priest und judge . Port of 11 f !lmiliu r school yell. Par usitic insects that suck t he blood of mllmmnl$. . A part of the body. Port oJ tho ver b, "to be." A flav oring oxtrnct- also n nut. A par ent. Steam ship ( abbr.). Paid (ubbr.). An adverb of plnce. To run awny from home with a lov.c r. 'A ' ki nd of gas formed by pasi$ag'e pf el ectricity through the Ilir_ POWN 10 expend thoughtlc/lsly. To depart, Smallest of th!! fiv!! Grellt I,akes (abbr. ). Same as 27 lIerO/lI\. North East (abbr.), An 'inn. To put In place.

- -" -- -~-...,...--~--,

ER CQ\./IN' OUT' ••0l..I0 -EJ.oeANOQ • WI-lA,T',s ~ 'IQ(,) GO'T" ON ~

4 .

~t~ rvkc .




Fully Equipped ror l ~I"ld

COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Mary Hopping, office rent for school luperintendent, $30; Jas. Follen, slllary, $15; Pen .Morton, salary, $70; Hewitt P. Mullford, flowe rs for the court house yard, $18; G. Lederman, supplies for prosec;uting attorney, $6.50; Wade S. Brown, supplies for jail, $4.10; Lebanon Cemetery association burial of Thomas Hockett, $20; H. E. Dila tush, jnquest, $3.75; Public Affairs, light, gBII and water, $39.40; Oregoni.a Bridge Co., r epairs at jail, $31.02; Oregonia Bridge Co., bridge r epair, $1 0 1.15; Western StIlT supplies for IIUr1leyor, $15; P. M. McCarren, gu, oil and Ijtor/lge, $37 .26; . Compressed Wood Preserving Co_, creosoted lumbE!r, $135,68 i Casparjs Ohio Quarries Crushed Stone, $99; Ohio Corruga ted Culvert Co., sewers, $.86_90; P~orrow Lumber Co., guard railing, $ 17.30; Gharlcs Sulli-. 1 van, bridge rep~lir, $5.95; Horry 'findol, same $3.50 ; W. A. Scott, samc, 4 $9.50; Ed Meloy, same, $7.00; Victor 8 Van Riper, nails, 85c; Carl Black- 9 ford, bolts, $7; Harlan Whitacre, 11 lum ber, $83 .46 ; C_ B. Vandervoort, 12 stone, $8.25; J . K_ Spencer, corr ec- 14 tion in payroll settlement, $I L 7:l ; 17 Jas. A. Bell , bridge repair, $8.80; Ed 18 Grad y, same, $.18; The Barrett Co., 20 tarvia, $ 1527. 60 ; Columbus Oil Co., 2 1 gas a nd oil, $l!03.34; Franklin Ser- 22 vice Garage, gas and repairs , $24.68; 24 East End Garage, suppli es and lob- 26 or, $3_90. • 27 Payro ll to followin g: V_ W. Tom- 29 pkin s, $1418; V. W. T ompkins, $28.- 30 25; F . M. Collins, $17 .58; F. M. Col- 32 lins, $280.50; Jos. Davis, $39.50; A. ;H T. Rettig, $169.05; A•. T. Retti g, 36 $12,60; Cliff Hough, $52.70; Cliff 38 Hough, $811.04; Harlan Whitacr e, $18 3.50; P. B. Monce, $114.76; Jno 431 Urton, $104.25; W. S. Graham, $25.- 4 50; J. T _ . Greg~r, $16.75. 44 46 ------~~ 47 48 49 .51

"PINP .iTh'· "..1. fo ...r I! ",,,,J, ,..o~! tba.. c:a" b. ."iat. of b"thia.


cqana. Three abet. All druglata. ~ _ tbe odciAalllenulne GoLD Mu.u.


tjlud. of ai",.."wb,icl! i.

~ ,

crJn'eCtlntmlal troublea, atlmuIatIJ YlbII



I '

lOA house f or lodging_ 13 . A preposition. J 5 A possessive prono\ln . I (l A tin rec eptncle. 17 An intrnnllltive verb. 19 A covering of straw. l! 1 To mourn for.


H~~~:~!£d::~noun. 28 31 33 34

35 37 39 40

42 44 45 47 50



A--bt>y';I nie·1tn1~er_-----:___:_I-...;ogo;""""""""................"""'.............;;;;y;.....M r-

A g irl's name. S ick. Contl'llctioll of even. A min erAl. The fo ren oon (abbr.). A li ttle devil. A kind of lish _ . Epi stle (ab br.) . A smnll serpe nt. A washin g powder . An adverb. A river in !tnly.

Anawer to La,t Week', Puul.



I.OANl'1 on Chattels,Stocb, Securl. tics ~nd Second Mortgagel. Not" boug ht. ,John Harblne Jr., Xenia, Ohio. 0mIlO.'26

Farmers, Attention! Farmers of Warren and adjolnlna coun ties may obtain money on Ion. time 10llna, at 6'>it per cent Interell Cost of securing the lame Is verl rea. sonuble ,through The Federal Lan'd Bank. For turther information c,,11 on or address M. C. DRAKE, Treal. urer, phone Sl6·X, Lebanon, Ohio. WANTED


CASH-For Dental Gold, Platinum, Silver, Oiainbn!i~, ,"apeW" I ' false teeth, jewelry, "nt ' i!v ' ~ ; Moil today. CasJJ ~y ~tu " . : Hoke S. &; R. ORa O~er ' _ le~~.::' .

)fA:. '~mJ', 8.11& U

FOR REN'l'-a.!lrag~. William., 4tll .\ T~'1!1' ~ni, '


~CAVEN 5 £ &TS

~V:S' ~~ ftAMTS MA "'''ST

FOR SALE-Jersey cow, 1\ years old: . Shetland pony, 9 years old: 7 coloonies of bees. See ·W. N. SearJ, \V ayneaville, Ohio. ' FOR SALE- Plenty of cood , W.blte Peachea. . See W. H. Orndorf, . R. R. 3, Waynesville, Ohio. 0at2 KRELL PLAYER 'J~lANOtO be 'lOld tor amall · biUance. dill! aC!count. ,210 already Raid; 'terml e"l. ~l. menta. KREI:jV PIANO .FACTORY, 9th and HamBtvSta., CI,cIllDati. O. ~ a6


"a" p.

W ANT£D....:!:.To . SALESMAN anol "Direct f I'" Factory" at·

r'aJrrf ~I("'::; .


·iJlve .,art tull of the tim.. 1AiW'1" . , particulan a& !HIIIIt


put experioee etc.




1\ BaiIW


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